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D. PHILADELPHIA: Published by the F. A. Davis Co.. for the Estate of Constantine Hering. 1897. W B K "Separate, Wtl Cimtfritttfr." Copyright, 1896, W. E. Herinq. In Mmwvwm OF €*m*fanfto Sfmng, THE MORE THAN FATHER, FRIEND, ADVISER, TEACHER, IX RECOGNITION OF HIS UNTIRING EFFORTS TO INSPIRE HIS FELLOW MEN WITH A HIGHER KNOWLEDGE OF HOMOEOPATHY AND A DEEPER REVERENCE FOR THE GENIUS OF Jlafjnemamt, • THIS BOOK IS AFFECTIONATELY AND REVERENTLY DEDICATED™ PREFACE. FHE order of arrangement, or method of classification, followed in the compilation of this repertory is the one inaugurated by Hahnemann, developed, perfected and used by Hering throughout his entire Materia Medica work, viz.: the anatomical, or regional division into forty-eight chapters. It is the only alphabetic arrangement possible that will not scatter and separate what should be collective and contiguous. Each chapter is alphabetically divided into sections and rubrics sufficient to allow full scope for analysis of the matter contained therein without destroying consistency as a whole. Like to a fugue, a musical compo- sition in which the lesser parts repeat the motive of the entire composition, repetition is progress by evolution or development, or, as expressed by Hering in the introduction to his Analytical Therapeutics, "the comprehension of general principles, ruling the whole in every part, enables the mind to find the way through thickets of endless varying symptoms." The division of the page into double columns is deemed most convenient for the eye and is most advantageous to economy of space. The section word is repeated down the column in preference to the customary ----, which, like all marks of abbreviation, ciphers, signs, etc., are apt to become confusing and are not as space-saving as might be supposed. The words right and left, better and worse, etc., etc., to avoid possible error, are printed out in full. The rubric word, or heading to each paragraph, printed in somewhat bolder and blacker type and followed by a : (colon), applies to each symptom in the para- graph, that is, the black-letter word is to be mentally repeated for every sentence rounded with a semicolon. It will be observed that the symptoms under each rubric follow in alphabetic order. The four marks of distinction, 1, 11,1,11, have the same significance as set down in Guiding Symptoms: I, the lowest, a single light line, designating an occasionally con- firmed symptom; II, a double light line, a symptom more frequently confirmed, or,if but once confirmed, strictly in character with the genius of the remedy; I, a single heavy line, symptom verified by cures; II, a double heavy line, symptom repeatedly verified. These degree marks tally in the main with the four styles of type used by Bcenninghausen in his Repertory. I have also made use of them in giving promi- nence to the relative values of remedies occurring in groups, under a general rubric, like dysmenorrhcea, restlessness, rheumatism, etc. d. the Greek "theta," standing between the cured symptom and the patho- logical condition, or the physiological general state, throughout the Guiding (H) 12 PREFACE. Symptoms, is dispensed with here, mainly for the purpose of economizing space, by enclosing the pathological or physiological term in parentheses; it is to be remem- bered that the presence of the term by no means shuts out the usefulness of the symptom in other forms of disease. The prescriber has to deal with both objective and subjective facts, but should always bear in mind that individualization is the life of therapeutics. ], the perpendicular dotted line, marks observations taken from the Old School, such as harmonize with our law of cure. t, toxicological extracts. 71, symptoms observed on the sick only. 8®*, the hand directs in cross-reference to related symptoms, diseases and con- ditions. As no rule of classification is without exceptions, and no single term can be made to cover all shades of related meaning, the synonymic feature of this work should commend itself to the busy practitioner. In tracing these synonyms, which like search-lights are intended to throw light upon the case from all directions, the author has spent much time and labor, but he thinks it time and labor well spent. The repertory is supplemented by a complete index of localities and terms. As in the Guiding Symptoms, so in the repertory, original readings, the words of the prover and the clinician are preserved to the letter, it being thought preferable to retain the most delicate shades of meaning, occasionally even different wordings of the same symptom, by taking refuge in an extra rubric or cross-reference, sooner than amalgamate, fuse or commingle in vague generalization at the sacrifice of individuality. Although the repertory is a faithful reproduction of the Guiding Symptoms, its contents classified and indexed, as a matter of course, in no way can it take the place of the larger work. In a repertory we have separation by analysis for the purpose of classification and ready reference; in Materia Medica, combination by synthesis to enable us to study drug-effects in their grand unity and relationship. Grateful acknowledgment from the author is due to all who in the last four years have helped him bring the work to completion; to Dr. Joseph C. Guernsey, for valuable assistance with the proofs ; to Dr. W. H. Phillips, Messrs. Douty, Ziegler and Field, his son Bayard and others of his family, for clerical assistance; and last but not least, to his brother-in-law, Walter E. Hering, under whose experienced and skil- ful management, aided by his old and reliable foreman, Wm. Baetzel, the unusually difficult composition and presswork have taken shape. In a work of this kind the author can lay but small claim to originality. We have only given the precious stones their setting. They have come from many mines. They have received the polish of years of clinical verification at the hands of our practitioners. Some shine with more brilliancy than others, all reflect the light of wisdom by which we are guided in healing the sick. CALVIN B. KNERR N. E. Cor. Spruce and Twelfth Sts., Philadelphia. ABBREVIATIONS. Abies, Abies nigra. Abrot., Abrotanum. Absin., Absinthium. Acal., Acalypha indica. Acet. ac., Aceticum acidum. Aeon., Aconitum Stcerkianum. Act. rac, Actsea racemosa. Act. sp., Actsea spicata. Msc. g., JSsculus glabra. iEsc. n., ^sculus hippocastanum. jEthus., . • Confusion, after wine, afternoon : ICepa. fl^T* Comprehension. CONSCIENCE, anxiety of: ICoce; feels she has committed the unpardonable sin and will be eternally lost, IChel. Conscience, compunction : about trifles, ISil.; beseeching that she may be delivered from the hell of it (melancholia), I IPlat. Conscience, overconscientious: I llgn., IVer. Conscience, pangs of: I ICoff., I IPlat., I IStram.; about religion and women, 11 Puis. Conscience, scruples : after eating, afternoon, llgn. J8@~ Anxiety, Crime, Fear, Religion. CONSCIOUSNESS, blunted : in apoplexy, IHyos. IPlumb. Consciousness, very clear: I I Ign.; during chill but cannot talk, forgets words, Pod.; in chorea, Asaf; with convulsions, IKali e; in delirium tremens, IINux v.; in opisthotonos and em- prosthotonos, IINux v.; in puerperal eclamp- sia, IPhos.; in typhoid, ILaur. Consciousness, not clear: Alum.; in old age, IBar. e Consciousness, confusion of: with jaundice, IPhos. Consciousness, head : rush of blood from nape of neck over vertex towards forehead, during motion, Mang. Consciousness, double : Cann. i. Consciousness, almost extinct: Cycl. Consciousness, as if he would lose : IICup. m., I ISul.; in megrim, ICale; in postpartum hem- orrhage, ICann. s. Consciousness, motion: cannot move, in puer- peral eclampsia, Coccul.; unable to act upon her limbs, Spong.; can move but not speak (hysteria), I ISep.; sensation as if paralyzed, while lying on her back, I I Sang.; on recover- ing, very weak (hysteria), ICie Consciousness, regains for a moment when roughly spoken to (typhoid): I INux v. Consciousness,returns suddenly, she remembers nothing of what has occurred (periodic ec- stasy) : 11 Ced. Consciousness, semi-consciousness : Coccul. ILaur., IStram., Tarax., I IVer.; on awaking, IKali br.; after excitementand during confine- ment, Ver. v.; appeared to be dying (typhus), IBapt; hydrocephalus, IIBry.; in hysteria, llgn.; in scarlatina, IIAilant; in spinal irri- tation, IChin. s.; in beginning of spotted fever, I Amm. c; with vertigo, morning on awaking, as if head were moving up and down, with a similar floating of images of his fancy, IZinc; in veta, I Coca. fig?" Apathy, Coma, Lethargy, Stupor, Un- consciousness. CONSOLATION, aggravates: sad and weep- ingmood, IINatr.m.;hysteralgia: worse,Cact; in uterine dementia, ILil. tig. Consolation, seeks: IPuls. flgp" Comforted. CONTEMPT: HCie, I IPlat.; for relations, See; for herself, lAgnus; for everything, llpee, IPlat. 8®" Haughty, Pride. CONTENT: I ICaps., ICie; after stool, IBor. «®* Calm, Cheerful. CONTENTIOUS. B^° Quarrelsome. CONTRADICTION (opposition), ailments from: I Aur. met. Contradiction, cannot bear: Aur. met, Bry. ICoccul., Con., IHelon., IILyc, I INux v., Oleand., I IOp., I IStram. Contradiction, headache from : ICoff. Contradiction, shudders: blood boils with prick- ling, Elaps. CONTRADICTORY : Anac 11 Apis, ICanth., Ictod., Ruta, Sep.; disposed to be contrary, Tromb.; in chorea, ICup. m. 8@*" Antagonism, Quarrelsome. CONTRARY, figg" Antagonism. COUNTING: at one time in French, at an- other in English, at another in both(insanity), IHyos.; money, acts as if she were, Bell.; can- not, after childbirth, I IThuya. COVETOUSNESS : IPuls. COWARDICE: Anac, Ang., Bar. e, Bell., Calc. sul., Cinch, bol., IIGels., ILye, I IPlat, ISil., IVer. Cowardice, with anger: sudden ebullition, Bar. c. Cowardice, with sadness: ISulph. Cowardice, with weakness: must keep her bed , (pregnancy), 11 Stann. $ir* Anxiety, Discouraged, Fears. CRAZY, with distress: IStram. Crazy, fear of becoming, Amb. fi@T" Deranged. Crazy, feeling: IKali br., Spong. Crazy, as if going: I Alum., lEup. per., ICale, llgn., Iod., IKali br., ILac e; if she did not hold tightly upon herself, Lil. tig.; unless she got out of her body, Lac c; with hammering over left eye, IHam.; with vertex headache, Calc; with itching, Ailant. Crazy, from headache: I Bell. Crazy, intolerable pain drives him: HAcon. Crazy, person behaves like: Kali ars. Crazy, sensation, as if: 01. jee Crazy, thinks is going: IIAct. rac, Merc. sol. $£&" Mania and Delusions. CREEPING: about in shirt, Bell.; into cor- ners, howls, cries (child), Camph.; into him- self, sensation as if he could not sufficiently crouch together, ICimex. CRIES, ggp Screams, and Weeping. CRIME, as if he had committed: 11 Alum, Carbo an., IJ Kali bi., I Merc, sol., Zinc; with remorse, after menses, llgn. fifsj*£?° C^onsciGiic© CRITICISING:' HCaust: faults of others, Ars.; in mania puerperalis, INux v. CROSS: .Esc. h., Ars. s. r., HCham., ICina, ICinch., ICrotal., Diose, Ictod., Ind., Iod., IHep., Lyss., Menyanth., Sinap., IStaph., IStram., Tarant, lUran. n. Cross, in asthma : 11 Phos. Cross, on awaking: IILyc. Cross, in brain affections in children : ICup. m., ICup. ac. Cross, in bronchitis : HCina. Cross, child, before convulsions: Zinc. Cross, through day : I Med. Cross, in diarrhoea : after suppression of erup- tions, ILye 30 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Cross, evening, towards: IZinc; and next fore- noon, Kalm. Cross, chronic spasms of eyes: lAgar. Cross, in headache ; ILac e, Lyss. Cross, periodical neuralgia in head : I ISyph. Cross, in chronic intestinal catarrh : lArs. Cross, child in marasmus: lAbrot. Cross, in tubercular meningitis : I ITubere Cross, child wants to be nursed in arms: Benz. ac, Cham. Cross, children in scarlatina : ICale, ICina. Cross, spells: with depression (Addison's dis- ease), I INatr. m. Cross, when spoken to (child), INatr. m. Cross, with worms: HCina, I Filix. figg3* Anger, Irritable, Vexation. CROWED : like a cock, before every spell of somnambulism, Lyss. CRUEL : Anac; with religiousness : IPlat. CRYING. S^° Weeping. CRYING OUT. g@~ Screaming. CURSES : Bell., HAnac, I ILac c, Lyss., ILil. tig.; strong and violent expressions, Pall ad. Curses, blasphemes: I INatr. m., traumatic neuralgia, ICanth., Cinch, bol. Curses, in mania : IHyos. Curses, his mother: throws food or medicine across room, (marasmus), IHydras. Curses, all night: IVer. Curses, in rage : INitr. ac, Ver.; after, lArn. Curses, at pains : Coral. Curses, threatening destruction and death: Tarant. DANCING: Bell., ICroe, I IPlat. Dancing, after amenorrhosa, mental derange- ment): Coccul. Dancing, in chorea: every seven days, Croc. Dancing, grotesque steps: I ICie Dancing, inclined to: Aeon. Dancing, with merry disposition : I INatr. m. Dancing, in puerperal mania : I IPlat. DAZED, as in a bilious attack: Ptel. Dazed, for days: IPhos. Dazed, a far-off sensation: as though things done to-day occurred a week ago, I Med. Dazed, head: worse moving and walking, Bell.; muddled feeling, Ptel. 8®° Confused. DEATH, anticipation of: I lAnthrae, 11 Apis, IChel,, IGraph., Lyss., IMed., INitr. ae; al- ternates with rage, Stram.; with anguish, Raph.; after childbirth, I IThuya; rejoices and gives directions about funeral, Stram.; awak- ing in night with gastralgia, ICamph.; in hemiplegia, ICaust.; no fear (rheumatism of heart), ICact; in vomiting, Ars. h., I IMed.; sudden, in peritonitis, lApis. Death, contempt of (mental derangement): IOp. Death, conviction of: Ars h., Bell., ICanth., I ICoff, ICup. ae, IPhyt, I IPsor, IThuya; in angina pectoris, I lOxal. ae; became blind thrice, Aeon.; clairvoyance, Arn.; in dyspnoea, IMosch., 7rLach.; in epistaxis, I Croc; in ery- sipelas, facial, I IPlat.; with illusions of fancy, Merc, sol.; in puerperal fever, 11 Puis.; in typhus fever, IBapt; after typhoid fever, better from nosebleed, IPsor.; in gastralgia, ICamph.; in headache (agalactia), I Agnus; in organic dis- ease of heart, lApis; in jaundice, IPhos ; in labor, ICoff. t; in metrorrhagia, ICoff.; in neu- ralgia, lArn.; after bee-sting, Apis. Death, feels as if dying: Aeon., Lyss., ISep., ISil., TTTherid., Vespa. Death, fear of: HAcon., lAgnus, Anac, lApis, HArs., Ars. s. r., Asaf, Caps., ICaust, I IHell., I IMosch., IPhos.,Polyg., IRheum,IRob,Sec«, I I Ver., when alone, on going to bed, HArs.; in amenorrhoea, 11 Xan., awakens, I Ars.; fears to go to bed, ILach.; in cerebral congestion,Ver. v..; in cholera Asiatica, IIVer.; in diarrhoea, IHam.; in dyspepsia, with heart attack, lAng.; with distress in epigastrium, Amm. br., with paleness of face, IMosch., in gastritis, ICoccul.; with heart symptoms, Asaf, I IDig.; instant death (with cardiac distress at night), lArn., in megrim, lArs.; at night in bed, Act. sp.; drops into heavy sleep with loud breath- ing, before sentence is completed, Variol.; with cold sweat on forehead, IIVer.; with suicidal tendency, I IPlat, IINux v.; in uterine neural- gia, I I Con. improved,Tarant. cured; yet weary of life,IKali ph.,IRhus; after vexation (cholera Asiatica), HArs. Death, longing for: Ars. m., Aur. met, Bell., IGlon., IHydras., IKreo., IMere, 11 Rob., ISul.; in bronchial asthma, Sinap.; in cysto- blennorrhoea, I lUva urs.; in delirium tremens, I IStram.; in hysteria, I Aur. met.; in intermit- tent, IDiad., INatr. m., during pains, I IRatan.; during intervals from rage, Bell.; in mastitis, IPhyt.; without sadness, with disgust of life, I Rhus; prolapsus or induration of uterus(preg- nancy), IIAur. met.; in violent vomiting of clotted blood and slime, I IPhyt. Death, predicts time: in childbed, HAcon.; with pressure around heart, ILac. def; in hy- pochondriasis, lArg. nit.; in hysteria, lAloe. Death, talks only of approaching: IMosch. Death, thoughts of: Ars. h., ICham., ICon., ICrotal., IIGraph., ILach., IPsor., IPuls., IStram.; in aphonia, IFerr.; calm, IZinc; give him joy, Aur. met, 8©°Despair, Recovery. DEBAUCHERY, inclined to: Act. sp. DEFIANT: lArn., ILye S^° Antagonism. DEJECTED Bgr» Depressed. DELIRIUM: Acet ae, Agnus, Ananth., Am., Ante, Ars., Astac, Atrop. s., IIBell., ICamph., Canth., Caulo., Cham., Chloral., ICie, Coff., ICon., Crotal., ICup. ac, IGels., I IHell., IIHy- os., Hyper, llgn, IKali iod. Kali n, ILaur., I ILye, I ILyss, I IMere, IMere cor, I IMillef, Mosch, iMur. ac, Mygale, IINitr. ac, INux m, INux v., HPetrol, IPhos, I IPhyt, Pod, I IPuls, Samb., HStram, ISulph, Ver. v, Vespa. Delirium, after being harshly accused of theft: IHyos. Delirium, action violent: Agar, IBell, IOp. Delirium, alternating with: colic, IPlumb.; intervals of consciousness, IPhos.; sopor, con- stant desire to escape (abortion), IColoe; stupor in childbed fever, IColoe; stupor (re- percussion of measles), ILach.; stupor, 11 Atrop. s ; muttering, m cancer of mamma, I Apis. Delirium, animals: sees and plays with (nerv- ous fever), ICale Delirium, angry: encephalitis, ICoccul Delirium, preceded by anxiety: Sane ' Delirium, could be aroused to answer questions• traumatic meningitis, IHyper. Delirium, in asphyxia: I Ant t. Delirium, asthenic: IHyos. 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 31 Delirium, on awaking: Bell, IBry.; at night, I ICact. Delirium, continued while awake : IIHyos. Delirium, with barking: ICanth. Delirium, bed: attempts to get out of, IZinc; in typhus, Agar, Zinc.; distressed because of some one she imagines in bed with her, and must breathe for two (ague), ISamb.; jumps out of, I IChin. s.; tendency to throw herself out (facial erysipelas), I IStram. ' Delirium, bellows like a calf: ICup. m. Delirium, bewilderment: in measles, Xan. Delirium, disposed to bite: IIBell, ICanth, Lyss. Delirium, of business : worse after 3 a.m., Bry. Delirium, calls for parents who are present trying to console, HStram. Delirium, carotids pulsating: IBell. Delirium, in cerebro-spinal meningitis: IHell, IVer, Ver. v. Delirium, chattering: HStram. Delirium, in cholera Asiatica: ICup. m. Delirium, after catching cold: 11 Op. Delirium, with collapse: Cup. m. Delirium, in congestion: 11 Apis, IBell. Delirium, conscious of her condition: HStram. Delirium, with convulsions: Aeon, liEthus, Amyg, IBell, TrCamph., IDig, I IKali m.; in lead colic, 11 Op. Delirium, crying out: ICanth, ICina; staring look (inflammation of brain), 11 Aeon. Delirium, crazy: I ICie; in disappointed love, IPhos. Delirium, in dark: ICale a.; ICup. m. Delirium, at daybreak: IBry. Delirium, day and night: after pneumonia, I IOp.; without sleep or rest (vesicular ery- sipelas), IStram. Delirium, with deafness: in diphtheria, IIBapt Delirium, death : talks about (childbed), I Aeon.; of people long dead, Canth. Delirium, with delusions : IKali bi.; pleasant, IBell. Delirium, after depletion : HCinch. Delirium, in diarrhoea: IHam.; chronic, lApis. Delirium, in diphtheria: I Apis. ILach. Delirium, as if dogs swarmed about him: IBell. Delirium, wanted to be dressed and go out between 1 and 2 a.m., (typhoid pneumonia), Lachn. Delirium, with dysentery: IIBufo. Delirium, erotic : puerperal mania, IKali br. Delirium, in erysipelas erratica: IHydras. Deliririum, tries to escape: ICup. m. Delirium, in evening: ICup. m.; in dark (ty- phoid with albuminuria), ICale a.; 4 p.m. to midnight, 11 Stram. Delirium, exalted: IVer. Delirium, with exhaustion: Agar. Delirium, with pleasant expression : bronchial catarrh, 11 Ant. t. Delirium, eyes: as soon as closed, Bapt, in- jected, IBell.; glistening, IBell, IOp.; wide open, ICrotal, HStram.; protruding IBell, Dory • pupils dilated, Aeon, Act. rac, IBell. Delirium, face : bloated, red, eyes protruding, Dory.; distorted, IPlumb.; livid, IBell.; muscles constantly in play, IStram.; red, glis- tening eyes and great physical activity, IOp. Delirium, from overfatigue: ILach. Delirium, full of fear: HStram.; m diph- theria, llgn.; as if a dog were attacking her, HStram.; of everyone who approached him, shrinking from them, ICup. m.; of imag- inary things; IBell.; of men, IPlat.; in pleu- ritis with plastic exudation, IHep.; in scar- latina, ILac e Delirium, ferocious : puerperal mania, IKali br. Delirium, fever : during, Act sp. Agar, Anag, Ant. t, I lAnthrac, ICrotal, Dory, Var, Merc. iod. rub.; with chill, I^Ethus, Astac, ISul.; during heat, Aeon, lApis, IBell, IChin. s, IDulc, IHep, Ign,INatr. m.,11 Sec, ISpong, Stram.; in evening, IPsor; at night, ICoff.; in intermittent, IArs,ISabad.;inapyrexia, INatr. m.;in puerperal, ICoff. ;in typhoid, lAnthrac, I Apis, I Ars, 11 Arum t, HCale, ILach, I lOxal. ac, ISinap.; in typhus, I Acet ae, IIAgar, IIBapt, ICale, ICamph, ICaps., : Chloral, 11 Petrol, ITereb.; in typhus abdo- minalis, IINux v.; in yellow fever, I Ars, ICaps, ICrotal, IMere Delirium, fierce: in typhus, IBapt. Delirium, flighty: not conscious of being, Ars. > as soon as eyes are closed, Bell.; at night, ICale, Carbo v. Delirium, with forgetfulness: of all he had said, IPod. Delirium, frightful figures and images before eyes : Bar. c, IBell. Delirium, from loss of fluids : ILach. Delirium, foolish: HStram. Delirium, with pain in forehead: lAgar. Delirium, frenzied: ICanth.; in paralysis, lApis. Delirium, furious: IIBell, ICamph, ICanth, l(Enan,l IStram.; in phlegmonous erysipelas, I IVer. v.; in fever, Act. sp.; with rush of blood to head, IStram.; with mucous rales, IHyos.; at night, IBell, 11 Chin, s, 11 Plumb.; in orchitis, I Clem. Delirium, gay: in typhus, lAur. m. Delirium, with grimaces : IBell. Delirium, after gonorrhoea: ICamph. Delirium, hands : picking motion in air, as if they came in contact with real objects,Atrop. s. Delirium, with hot head : IBell, Bufo. Delirium, from headache : Atrop.; I Aur. met. ; congestive, Aur. mur.; with headache, IColchic, IMelil, INux v, Crotal; in men- ingitis, IVer.; in mental derangement, IStram; in puerperal fever, Act. rac.; in ty- phoid scarlatina, lAilant. Delirium, in heart disease: pain in cardiac region, 11 Op. Delirium, in hepatic disease : ILept. Delirium, wants to go home : measles, ICup. ae Delirium, hysteric: IHyos. Delirium, in hydrocephalus : Art. vulg, ILye Delirium, incoherent: HStram. Delirium, indignant: in encephalitis, ICoccul. Delirium, in influenza: lAntt, IChel. Delirium, as from intoxication : Chin. s. Delirium, from jealousy: IIHyos. Delirium, joyful: HStram. Delirium, does not know his relatives, throws wine and medicine at nurse (typhus): Agar. Delirium, with languor: ICrotal. Delirium, with laughter: IIBell.; spasmodic laughter, II Stram. Delirium, legs: cramps in, IVer. Delirium, limbs: contortion of, or violent mo- tion, IBell. Delirium, lively active, vivid, alternates in 32 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. short periods with horrified fright, seeming to dread approach of some monster, appeal- ing for help, Stram. Delirium, loquacious: Cup. m, ILach, HStram.; desire to escape, ICrotal, IStram. Delirium, low : and mild, thinks he is roaming over fields, or hard at work, IRhus ; with prostration (Morbus Brightii), I IPhos. ae; ty- phus, I Apis, IIBapt. Delirium, in measles: ICrotal, peculiar, IStram. Delirium, in meningitis infantum : lApis. Delirium, in metritis : IVer. Delirium, after midnight: in typhus, lApis. Delirium, mild: HStram, I IVariol.; in pneu- monia, 11 Puis.; with excitement and trem- bling (typhoid), 11 Val. Delirium, mirthful, changes to frenzy: IBell. Delirium, sees monsters : IBell. Delirium, with moaning : Bell, ICrotal. Delirium, motion: moved constantly from place to place, I ICEnan.; convulsive, in mye- litis, 11 Aeon.; queer, HStram. Pelirium, murmuring: HStram.; in pneu- monia, IPhos.; in typhus, lArn, Calad, ILye; with desire to leave bed (typhus), I IZinc. Delirium, hears music : I I Plumb. Delirium, muttering: IIAmyg, IHep, llris, ILach, IMere v, IOp.; in diphtheria, ILach.; in eruptive diseases, lApis; in measles, lApis, repercussion, ILach.; in pneumonia, IPhos.; at night (dissecting wound), ILach.; when asleep or half awake (scarlatina), IGels.; during sleep,I IBry.; with stupid sleep (pneu- monia), I Ant. t; lies in a stupid state (ty- phoid), I ISul.; typhoid scarlatina, EAilant.; in typhus, lApis, lArn, ICrotal, ITarax, ITe- reb, ILye Delirium, with nausea and retching : Act. rac. Delirium, with drawing back of neck and spasms of back (spinal meningitis): INatr. s. Delirium, nightly: IBry, ICrotal, Hippoz, IILach, Lyss, Sep, 11 Ver.; of business of day, Bry, in typhus, IBry.; inflammation of brain, I IPuls.; in diphtheria, IChin. a, IMere cor., ■Mere cy.; in slow fever, ICamph.; furious, Atrop.; in neuralgic headache, ISyph.; with dry heat, 11 Coff.; while lying quietly on back (typhus), 11 Chin, s.; in myelitis, IDulc; with pain during fever-heat, I IDulc; in pleurisy, IKali c.; in pyaemia, HArs.; raves, springs out of bed, HAcon,; in scarlatina, IKali m.; in typhus, I Apis, I Bapt, IBry, IHydr, I IPuls.; ceases on awaking, Cact; in yellow fever, IILach. Delirium, noisy: with hallucination, HStram. Delirium, with otitis : IPuls. Delirium, from pain : IIHyos.; driving him to madness, 11 Ver. Delirium, in paroxysms: twice a day (cerebro- spinal meningitis), Naja. Delirium, partial: in diphtheria, IGels.; in tonsillitis, IGels. Delirium, in pneumonia: Hod, IChel, ILach, ILye Delirium, during pregnancy : from itching of genitals, ICollin. Delirium, followed by prostration : IBell. Delirium, quarrelsome: cerebral congestion, Ver. v.; in meningitis, IChrom ac. Delirium, quiet: Chlorof, See; alternates with restlessness and desire to run away (typhus), IChlor.; in dysentery, 11 Kali ph.; in erysipelas, of face and scalp, ICinch.; in nervous fever, ICamph.; worse at night, HChel.; in pneu- monia, I IKali ph.; in typhus, ICarbo v.; with stupefaction and dulness of head, IPhos. ac. Delirium, raging: lArg. met, IIBell. Delirium, rambling: IBell. Delirium, raving': HStram.; in typhus, HAgar.; and getting out of bed (typhus), IINitr. ac. Delirium, reourring : in spasms, IBell. Delirium, religious: IVer. Delirium, with restlessness : IIHyos, IVer.; at night, Mere sul. Delirium, in acute articular rheumatism : Hod. Delirium, in scarlatina : lAilant, lApis, Arum t, IDulc, IMere iod. rub.; anginosa, IPhyt; after suppressed eruption, lAilant, lApis. Delirium, with screaming: Chin, s.; precedes sopor (hydrocephalus acutus), ICup. ac. Delirium, worse as senses diminish: I IPlumb. Delirium, with sexual excitement: HStram. Delirium, with shrieking or convulsions: Crotal. Delirium, shy, hides himself: HStram. Delirium, with hot skin: Con, Sang. Delirium, during sleep: lAcon, 11 Apis; IBar. e; in erysipelas, HApis; in typhoid, INitr. sp. d.; as soon as he falls asleep, Gels., Spong.; when falling asleep, with chills, ISpong.; in half sleep with incoherent talk, IGels. Delirium, sleepless: in typhus, IBapt. Delirium, with somnolency: IOp.; in typhoid, ICrotal. Delirium, with sopor: IOp, IVer.; followed by exhaustion after attack of vertigo, IKali c. Delirium, before black stool: IStram. Delirium, makes speeches: Lyss. Delirium, with starting: picking at bedclothes, wandering and muttering, INatr. m. Delirium, with pain in stomach: Camph. Delirium, disposed to strike: IIBell. Delirium, from excessive study: ILach. Delirium, stupid: IStram. Delirium, stupor: in typhus, IBapt. Delirium, changes rapidly from one subject to another: talks, whistles, sings (diphtheria), ILach. Delirium, swallow : cannot, IBell. Delirium, with cold sweat: IVer. Delirium, talking: IOp.; worse night, IBry.; of business, Dory, IIHyos.; in diarrhoea, IIBry.; constant, Lyss.; as soon as he shuts eyes, worse noon till midnight, ILach.; in erysipelas of scalp, ILach.; about horses (in pneumonia), I IStram.; of imaginary wrongs, IIHyos.; in- cessantly, absurdly, laughs, claps hands and opens eyes, HStram.; during which falls asleep (meningitis), HSulph. Delirium, gnashes teeth: IIBell. Delirium, with thirst: Camph, IVer. Delirium, threatening: in prosopalgia, IKalm. Delirium, threw himself from a height: IBell. Delirium, with heat in throat: Camph. Delirium, with tingling: IVer. Delirium, transient: in pleuro-pneumonia bili- osa, I IRhus. Delirium, traumatic : ILach. Delirium tremens, figg" Delirium Tremens. Delirium, on disappearance of tumor • IIBell Delirium, ulcers: in fauces and tonsils Merc. iod. rub. Delirium, urine: clear as water, after Stram 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 33 Delirium, in urticaria: ICop. Delirium, constantly varying: Aeon. Delirium, vertigo: with, Coloc, IOp.; after, Ja- troph. Delirium, from vexation : IIHyos. Delirium, violent: IIBell, Chlorof, HStram.; in potter's colic, lAlum.; especially after sleeping (typhoid), ILach.: in typhus, lAur. met. Delirium, vivid: HStram. Delirium, with vomiting: Dory. Delirium and wakefulness: alternating at night (tubercular meningitis), MTubere Delirium, wandering : INatr. m. Sec, I ISulph. Delirium, from watching: ILach. Delirium, with weeping : before noon, ILye Delirium, thinks she is well: I Ars. Delirium, wild: I IVar.; in burns, ICalend.; changing to busy (delirium tremens), 11 Chlo- ral.; incoherent (cerebro-spinal fevers), IGels.; attempts to stab and bite, HStram. Delirium, window: jumps out of, I^Ethus. gg^* Delusion and Mania. DELIRIUM TREMENS: HAgar, I Ant. t, HArn, HArs, IIBell, IBism, HCann. i, I IChlor, ICoff, ICrotal, IDig, Ferr. ph., IGlon, IHyos, llgn, IKali br, 11 Kali ph., ILach, IMere v, 11 Natr. m, IINux m, INux v, I IPhos, IIRan. b, I IZinc. Delirium tremens, in afternoon or after sleep : IILach. Delirium tremens, angry : rather than anxious, subjects not greatly exhausted, IGraph. Delirium tremens, delusions: hears clock talk and argues with it, saw door open where there was none; on looking at objects a little way off; expects with anxiety the flash of light- ning which is to kill him; spoke of lizards, and worms being on his clothes, and in air before him; people seem to appear before him ; takes offensive in imaginary quarrels and attacks aggressor, which, especially at night, puts patient in wildest restlessness, is chased about as if crazy; runs against supposed object to attack it; makes mistakes about time, speaks of all sorts of affairs which have happened at his office; heard continually on right side of occiput a loud voice scolding, vituperating and accusing him of ungodliness; personifies voices ; motions unsteady, hasty, HStram. Delirium tremens, preceded by epileptiform fits: IHyos, I IOp. Delirium tremens, face: red and distended, IBell, ICrotal. Delirium tremens, had to be held: IHyos. Delirium tremens, mild attacks: I ICypr. Delirium tremens, in old emaciated persons; "old sinners," whose long lives of excess have destroyed constitution: I IOp. Delirium tremens, in pneumonia: INux v. Delirium tremens, with oversensitiveness, nervous excitability, and malicious vehe- mence: IINux v. Delirium tremens, repeatedly, a small quantity of liquor throws them into delirium: HOp. Delirium tremens, dulness of senses, sopor, with snoring: HOp. Delirium tremens, comes on slowly with in- creasing pain in pit of stomach, continuous nausea, thirst, palpitation, headache, vomit- ing, paleness of face: IDig. Delirium tremens, talkative mania: ILach, 11 Ran. b.; talks about fire, rats, mice, and murder (mania), Calc. 8^° Talking. Delirium tremens, trembling of body : ICed. Delirium tremens, voices: heard continually on right side of occiput a loud voice, scold- ing, vituperating and accusing him of un- godliness, and also personifies voices, HStram. 8®° Delirium, Delusion, and Mania. DELUSION (illusions, hallucinations): liEthus, Art. v, IBell, ICup. m, IHyos, Lyss, 11 Magn. p, ICEnan., Rhus, Sec. Delusion, of abundance: destroys clothing, ISulph. Delusion, that she can only obtain peace and safety through absolution from a priest of Papal Church,although a zealous Protestant: I IPlumb. Delusion of being abused : Lyss. Delusion, that he has lost affection of friends : lAur. met. Delusion of hovering in air: when walking out- doors, lAsar. Delusion, of being alone: in world, IPlat.; de- serted, ■ ('■vol.; in a wilderness, IStram.; a cast- away, I ICalab. Delusion, of animals: coming towards him, HOp.; asif in abdomen, alive, IThuya; jump out of ground, Stram.; cats, dogs and rabbits, IStram.; of cats and dogs (delirium), I^Ethus.; of crabs in large numbers being driven into room, IHyos.; he is a bird, runs about, chirp- ing and twittering, until he faints, Lyss.; of dogs crowding around him, ICale; he is a dog, growls and barks, Bell, Lyss.; that dog that bit her is near, fought as if to drive it away, Lyss.; that others are dogs, barks at them to be understood, I IStram.; complains that a dog is biting and tearing flesh off his chest, IStram.; surrounded by hideous, ICrotal.; of rats and strangs objects (delirium tremens), lAct. rac; rats and cats, in room and on walls (erysipelas of head and face), I IStram.; rats run across room, I.Ethus, IMed.; animals lying near her which she fears she mav hurt (typhoid fever), 11 Val. Delusion, apparitions : prevent sleep, Bell.; on closing eyes, with sleeplessness, IThuya ; ter- rifying, in twilight, Berb. Delusion, that he is going to have an apoplec- tic stroke: Arg. met, Delusion, that his life is in danger from assas- sination or poison: I I Plumb. Delusion, when awake: in typhoid, Phos. ac. Delusion, baby: of another in bed, which re- quires attention, when in dark room, at night (two weeks after confinement), IPetrol.; says babv looks odious (puerperal fever), 11 Puis. Delusion, of possession of beautiful things, even rags seem beautiful: HSwlph. Delusion, bed: a strange boy prevents sleep, Apis; is full of creases, IStram.; strange ob- jects, rats, sheep, etc. (delirium tremens), Act. rac; declares he is not alone in bed I IOp, IPetrol.; looks for it in yard (preg- nancy), I IPuls.; headboard was swaying (pa- renchymatous metritis), 11 Lace jg^double, legs, lying, man, masks. Delusion, behind: imagines some one, Brom, Med. Delusion, of bells ringing sweetly : ICann. i. Delusion, of birds in room : Kali e 34 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Delusion, of black objects and people : Stram. Delusion, blood does not circulate: I I Atrop. s. Delusion, of being blown at by persons, some of whom are not present: Lyss. Delusion, of body: becoming larger, ICann. i.; parts very large, IOp.; head felt larger, ^Kali ars.; chin getting longer, Glon.; scattered about bed, cannot get parts together, IIBapt.; could not get fragments adjusted, IPhos.; one half cut off, IStram.; erroneous impressions as to state of, ISabad.; thin and delicate, as if continuity would be dissolved, or made of glass and will break (chronic hysteria), IThu- ya; that parts are shrunken : I ISabad. Delusion, cautions people not to inhale his ex- haled breath, that it is spoiled like rotten eggs, worse than cholera: Lyss. g^" mouth. Delusion, of bugs, and cockroaches: Stram. Delusion, some one calls him: ICann. i. Delusion, catches at imaginary appearance: IIHyos. Delusion, chair, something hanging over back : a person sitting there, Calc. Delusion, changed, things and persons around, seem to be: Stram. Delusion, thinks himself a young child: ICie Delusion, cloud: as if a heavy black had set- tled over her, weighing like lead on her heart, lAct. rac. Delusion, compass: fixing himself to corre- spond with points of (insanity), IHyos. Delusion, converses: with absent individuals as if present, addressing inanimate objects, as chessmen, by names of such persons, but ob- serves no one standing by him, Stram.; with dead sister in churchyard, Bell.; with dead sister at bedside, IHyos. Delusion, corners: saw people coming out of, I IStram. Delusion, of being called before court: on ac- count of wicked actions (during climaxis), I IZinc. Delusion, full of creeping things: Stram. Delusion, frightful at night (in pregnant women during latter months), imagine they have committed or are about to commit some great crime or cruelty: I IKali bi. Delusion, damned: says she is (melancholia), IKali ph., I IPlat.; soul cannot be saved, cries much, and rages, llgn. g^~ doomed, lost. Delusion, of dancing: in a churchyard, IStram. Delusion, dark: HStram. Delusion, dead: thinks she is nearly dead and wishes somebody would help her off, ILach.; that preparations are made for funeral, ILach.; visions of the dead, IHep, I IZinc; thinks her child is dead, IKali bi.; believed death near at hand, IPlat.; thinks she is going into a decline, I IXan. ggp~ die, grave, killed. Delusion, defend themselves: against attacks and insults, which are products of their own fancy, Lyss. Delusion, during delirium: Kali bi.; at night, I IPlumb.; with noisy delirium, HStram.; and after delirium tremens, 11 Kali br. Delusion, demon: thinks himself a, lAnae; thinks all persons are, IPlat, I IPlumb.; a demon sits on his neck and tells him offensive things, I Anac. Delusion, devil: is after her (during climaxis), I IZinc; sees him coming to take her (religious mania), IPuls.; in erotic mania, I lOrig.; imagines devil speaking in one ear, angel in the other, prompting to murder, or acts of be- nevolence, lAnae; whispers blasphemous words, I Anac; fear of being taken by, I Mane; imagines she is one, Kali br.; calling out that she saw one (delirium), IHyos. Delusion, die: he imagines is going to, IPod, I IPuls.; in epileptic anguish, ILye; suddenly, when walking, makes him walk faster (hypo- chondriasis), I Arg. nit; in tetanus, I Magn. p.; there is but little time to make his will (cough), IPetrol.; a beloved friend is dying, Bar. c; all her friends will die, she must go to a convent (fainting spells), ILac def.; in heart trouble, with rheumatism, ICact. Jg@* dead. Delusion, dirty, imagines to be: ILac. e Delusion, disease: imagines he has every, lAur. mur, I IStram.; softening of brain or some other incurable, I Arg. nit; a horrible throat disease, which will end fatally, I ISabad.; he will give his imaginary disease (syphilis) to others, Chloral.; every time a symptom appears that it is not attributable to drug but some settled disease, Lac. e; that he will have yellow fever, a boy, set. 13, Camph. gg&° heart, ill and sick. Delusion, disgrace: says she has brought on her family (melancholia), I IPlat.; considers herself disgraced (melancholia), I ISulph. Delusion, distinguished: thinks himself, squanders money, proud of his position, I IVer.; affects being a person of high rank, 11 Stram. Delusion, images distorted: lAmb. Delusion, doomed: to expiate her sins and those of her family (uterine dementia), ILil. tig. fig^"* damned, lost, religion. Delusion, double : thinks he is, lAnae; thinks she is, IStram.; things one limb is, IPetrol. Delusion, a train of cars in his ear: IStram. Delusion, enemies: surrounded by (incipient stage of senile dementia), ICrotal.; persecuted by, ICinch. off; pursued by, ILach. Delusion, in epilepsy : I Ast. r. Delusion, desire to escape : in typhoid, IHyos. Delusion, of executioner standing before him, laughed and joked: Stram. Delusion, eyes: flickerings before, ISulph.; hallucinations in mania, IStram.; hallucina- tions preceding brain and paralytic symp- toms, Kali br.; looks about with apparent hallucination, Sal. ac. Delusion, eyes closed, visions: IBell, ILach., I ISpong.; of faces, Arg. nit, in typhus, HCale; of frightful images, Caust; tierce animals with horns and bushy beads, IBell.; horrid (men- tal aberration), HCale; sees children sitting on low benches in rows as in a school-room, IBell.; room seems full of strange men, whe snatch at her as they pass, IBell.; persons, I ICinch., in typhus, HCale; expects to see something around floor or when turning around, in evening, Brom.; of all kinds of fig- ures and grimaces, especially evenings going to bed, ICup. ae Delusion faces: hideous, IIBell.; worse in dark, the face that haunts most is one she has really seen, 11 Lac e; diabolical, crowd on him lAmb.; when eyes are closed (typhus) HCale; peep at her from behind bed and fur- niture Med.; said doctor was making faces at fever) MrMls. ^ ""* (PUerPml 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 35 Delusion, fail: thinks all her undertakings must (melancholia), lArg. nit.; that he will lose his fortune, I IStaph. Delusion, fall: thinks she is going to, clings and asks to be held, Stram. Delusion, family: as if she did not belong to her own, IPlat, Delusion, fantastic : Cie, ISulph. Delusion, causes fear: Absin, IINux v, HStram. Delusion, often leaves his chair to rush at people whom he thought he saw fighting : Stram. Delusion, figures: sees old repulsive persons, which fill her with fear (hysteria), IKali c; hurls hot water bottle at imaginary ones at foot of bed, Chlor. Delusion, he will have a fit: Avhen walking, makes him walk faster (hypochondriasis), I Arg. nit. Delusion, fire: visions of, IHep.; sees the world on fire during night (religious mania), IPuls.; complains that a fire has been lighted and that the stove is smoking, Lyss. Delusion, ran into forge to catch fish which he saw swimming there: Stram. Delusion, that strange forms accompany him, one on his right, the other on his left: I Anac. Delusion, frightful: I IHep.; of figures coming to seize him (insanity), IHyos.; in pregnant women, usually caused by engorged condition of brain, IKali br.; sees objects, HOp.; cause fright, HStram. Delusion, surrounded by friends: shaking hands, and calling them by name as they ap- pear before her (hysteria), IHydr. ac. Delusion, of ghosts: I Atrop. s, IIBell, I Cupr. ac. Hyper, IOp, IStram.; in bright daylight (during recovery from typhus), Ars. m.; before headache, IPsor. ggp" images, visions. Delusion, of gliding through air : when walk- ing, Asar. Delusion, God: declares he is, then that he is devil,I IStram.; receives communicatipnsfrom, I IStram.; is talking with, I IVer. Delusion, when holding head down, as if she had a large goitre which she could not see over: Zinc. Delusion, he is in his grave: I IStram. Delusion, caused by grief and anger (climaxis): I IZinc. Delusion, uses a stick for a gun : Bell. Delusion, a delicate hand smoothing her head from front to back: IMed. Delusion, sees a man who has hanged himself beckoning him to cut him loose: Ars. Delusion, of hearing: Atrop. s.; some one approaching his bed, Carbo v.; chides father for taking part in revolution, thinks she hears drum which proclaims his execution, I IVer.; in mania, IStram.; all kinds of operatic airs, when closing eyes, in puerperal fever, I IPuls.; apparitions talk, ICup. ac; some one talk- ing, 11 Elaps.; two persons talk, but does not know who they are, IStram; voices, 11 Chloral, I IPlumb.; to which he replies, (epilepsy) lAst. r.; voices of absent persons, at night cannot sleep, ICham.; hears voices of sister or mother, who are far away, Anac; as if near right mastoid process a voice were scolding her, worse night, voice seems some- times to be under bed, I IStram.; voices includ- ing her own seem to come from a distance, as if someone else were speaking (post-partum hemorrhage) ICann. s.; voices from within him speaking in abusive and filthy language, I IZinc; whispering, Med. figT music, noise. Delusion, heart: she will have heart disease and die, ILac. e; he has heart disease, INatr. e; sips a bowl of warm sugar water declaring it will form her a new heart (mania puerper- alis), INux v.; stitches in heart will kill him if they do not cease, 11 Psor.; heart or breathing is going to stop, or otherwise frightens herself causing heart to beat violently, I ILac c; heart stops beating when sitting (hypochondriasis), lArg. nit.; spoke of the imperfection of medical knowledge, as soon as she saw the physician, and declared it an error that one could not live without a heart, inasmuch as she felt very well without one, it having come away with the afterbirth to which it had . grown fast, the nurse having separated the two before her eyes, (mania puerperalis), INux v. Delusion, imagines herself in heaven : talking with God, (mania), I IVer. Delusion, hell: believes herself in chains, (erotomania), I lOrig.; suffers torments of, with sobs, Lyss. Delusion, of hens: bound with chains (in- sanity), IHyos. Delusion, hogs: men appear as, IIHyos. Delusion, he is not at home : Op.; delirium tremens, ICoff. Delusion, honest: thinks he is not, I IStram. Delusion, horrid : delirium tremens, first stage, IKali bi. Delusion, he is driving a horse : in malignant scarlatina, I IStram. Delusion, house : believes he is not in his own, I IOp, Ver.; houses, as if they would approach and crush him, 11 Arg. nit.; house is sur- rounded by carts, Jews and geese, driving him into a rage, I IStram. Delusion, people want to hurt him, execute him: 11 Op. Delusion, her husband is not her husband, and her child not her child (mania): I Anac. Delusion, he is very ill: II Psor. Delusion, images: beautiful, present them- selves to her as if by charm, Bell.; complex confused farrago of (fever), IHyos.; sees differ- ent, IINux. v.; sees while dozing during day, Lachn.; dreams, INux m.; sees when closing eyes, Samb.; fanciful, INux m.; fantastic, IBell.; frightful, I IStram.; with jealousy, ILach.; endeavors to grasp, or avoid, 11 Kali ph.; horrifying, worse at his side than in front of him, IStram.; incoherent, IBell.; prevent sleep, lArg. nit. B^T" figuresand visions. Delusion, disease incurable : ICact.; she has some organic disease nobody understands, ILil. tig. Delusion, innumerable : ICann. i. Delusion, sees insects : IIBell. Delusion, that he is killed, roasted and being eaten: IStram. Delusion, walks on his knees : IBar. c. or m. Delusion, men are laughing at her, criticising to disadvantage, makes her timid, and she dare not look up while wTalking in street, Bar. c Delusion, sees persons connected with the lav/ who will seize him, causing great anxiety, cries like child: ICup. ac. Delusion, legs : are holding a conversation, also 36 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. toe with thumb (gout), IBapt.; one of his legs is cut off (pneumonia), I IStram.; she had a third leg which would not remain quiet, (since confinement two weeks ago, when in bed in dark room at night), I IPetrol.; one limb is double, IIPetrol. Delusion, that all she says is a lie : ILac c. Delusion, of living: in a locality three hours distant from his house, IOp.; not in his usual condition, Cie Delusion, locality : seems transformed, Bar. m.; loses his way in familiar streets, the houses seem strange, IGlon. figf place. Delusion, she is looked down upon by every- one, that she is of no importance in life: I ILac c Delusion, imagines himself lost: lAur. met, I IPlumb.; and despised (erotomania), I lOrig. Delusion, wife has lovers concealed behind stove: I IStram. Delusion, of lying crosswise : IStram. Delusion, man : sees coming toward her a huge drunken man who lies down beside her, she begs him to retire, falls into convulsions and turns over on her abdomen, Cie; fancies a naked man is wrapped in her bedclothes, I IPuls.; sees men and hears them talk in foreign tongues, I IStram.; a man is in his room who intends to perforate his throat with a gimlet, while in bed, Mere iod. flav. Delusion, laughing masks: thinks she sees, at night in bed, IBell. Delusion, melancholic: IIKali br. Delusion, about military: Arg. met. Delusion, of a mouse running from under chair: I Act. rac. Delusion, mouth: a stinking odor from (insan- ity), IHyos.; cannot open, lower jaw stiff and painful, Lyss. ®§P~ breath. Delusion, they are murderers or criminals to be executed : HOp. Delusion, hears music : ICann. i. 8®° hearing. Delusion, calls things by wrong names: his boots logs of wood, his bed-room the stable, without knowing it, Stram. Delusion, too narrow : everything seems, IPlat. Delusion, he is neglected: in hysteria, HPallad.; and despised by his family, lArg. nit. Delusion, he is neglectful, and deserves re- proach : Aur. met. Delusion, things as if new : even friends as if he had never seen them, after waking, Stram. Delusion, especially at night: Canth, ICale; causes mental suffering, ILach.; sees figures, animals, men, etc, I Val; in tubercular men- ingitis, I ITubere Delusion, noises : declares that he hears (insan- ity), IHyos. 8^"* hearing. Delusion, nose : imagines he wears some one else's (diphtheria), I ILac e Delusion, objects: sees immaterial in room, ICup. ac, Lyss. Delusion, accused herself of most obscene ac- tions of which she never was guilty: IPhos. Delusion, obstacles in his way, occasioned partly by contrary fate, partly by himself: Aur. met. Delusion, that he is riding on an ox : Bell. Delusion, painful: with depression, IKali br. Delusion, people: sees a number of strange, and tries to seize them, Strain.; about her, con- stantly speaks to them, I IVer.; carry on all sorts of pranks, or ply him with questions he thinks he must answer, IINux v.; room full of, crowding in when there was no longer room, each apparition personating some one in particular and keeping her company for hours, sees and converses with forms, and could not always distinguish semblance from reality, I IVer.; saw large people in room at night, IMed.; threateningher.screamshornbly, during recovery from typhus, Ars. m.; on clos- ing eyes, I ICinch.; come in, look at her, whis- per and say '• come," Med.; sees people, who are not and have not been present, IHyos.; as if strange persons were at his side, IThuya. Delusion, persecuted: in delirium tremens, IHyos.; by everyone, ICycl, and tormented by a frightful scene of some mournful event of the past, Spong. Delusion, phantasms : throng upon him, IPsor., Verbas; in slumber, Berb. Delusion, of pigeons : flying in room which he tries to catch (erysipelas bullosum capitis, suppressed by salve), IKali e Delusion, she swallowed pins: in hysteria, I ISil. Delusion, concluded from look of everyone, that he is pitied: on account of his misfortune and he wept: INatr. m. Delusion, place : thought she had none in the world, IPlat.; imagines himself in two places at same time, I ISil.; thinks he is in wrong, but does not want to go home (typhoid fever), IHyos. g@f locality. Delusion, pleasant: in delirium, IBell. Delusion, poisoned : thinks she has been, Act. rac; fear of being, Plumb, fi^" Fear. Delusion, position : thinks she is not fitted for her, Stram. Delusion, has power : over all disease, 11 Stram Delusion, pregnant: after menses, llgn.; when she is only swollen with flatus, HSabad.; that she is.about to give birth to a blue-eyed baby (hysterical mania), IVer. Delusion, prostration: cannot endure such utter, in epilepsy, 11 Chin. a. Delusion, rage : puts him into, I IStram. Delusion, railroad : imagines she is in a car, begs others to hold her, 11 Sang. Delusion, she is in a terrible rain storm com- plaining of being so cold, and that carriage has turned over and hurt her head (cerebro- spinal meningitis): Naja. Delusion, reality: as if things perceived had none, as if in a dream (melancholy, mania), I Anac. Delusion, reason : thinks she will lose, IChel. figT" Deranged. Delusion, religious: about redemption and devil, I Anac; with melancholic depression (melancholia), IKali br.; imagines he is singled out as an object of divine wrath, Kali br.;asif he had committed the unpardonable sin and was going to hell, Med. fg&* Religion. Delusion, rich : makes useless pun-liases (insan- ity), 11 Nux v. v Delusion, of robbers: wants to jump out of window ILach.; she orders hOUse to be searched, I INatr. m.; runs about at night look- ingfor them, Ars.; sees them in room, ICup. ac Delusion, feels scattered. #i^> bodv Delusion, screams : says it is something within him that screams, Ars. ng Wltm 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 37 Delusion, of a second self: in typhus, IBapt. Delusion, of senses : in typhoid, Phos. ac. Delusion, sensual: Verbas. fi@" Erotic, Las- civious. Delusion, sepulchre : of lying in his (mania*, I IStram. Delusion, sexual organs : that external female genitals feel wet, lEup. pur. Delusion, sick : of being, I ISabad.; complains of her husband, says he wishes to convince her she is sick, although she is able to dance and sing (mania puerperalis), INux v. Delusion, of sight. gi^Eyes closed, Images, and Visions. Delusion, sitting on a sofa, fancied she was falling off, kept holding on to everything: ^Strain. Delusion, disturbs sleep : IPlumb. Delusion, objects smaller: I IStram.; on enter- ing house after walking an hour everything very small, and all persons mentally and physically inferior, she herself physically large and superior, 11 Plat. Delusion, smothered: she will be (pneumonia), 11 Stram. Delusion, snakes: pointing to, which she sees and fancies are in bed approaching her, (delirium tremens), IHyos.; under and about her, suddenly woke at night, I IStram.; as if surrounded by snakes, some running up and down inside of skin, some inside feel long and thin, fears to put feet to floor lest she should tread on them and make them squirm up legs, afraid to shut eyes on going to bed for fear a large snake would bite her in face, Lac c Delusion, someone else : as if she were (post- partum hemorrhage), ICann. s.; lies alongside I IPetrol, moves to edge of bed to make room, (typhoid fever), 11 Val.; by his side does all he is doing (diabetes mellitus), lArs.; walks beside her, ICale; behind, Brom, Med.; the same man after him that walks before him, Euphor.; thinks she is someone else and in the hands of a stronger power, ILach. Delusion, of space : a few rods seem an im- mense distance, HCann. i. Delusion, sees spiders : in diphtheria, ILac c. Delusion, spirits: holds conversation with, says she is under influence of, I IStram.; sees evil ones at night, IHell.; ran around room, cried out that evil spirits were pursuing, Stram. Delusion, as if soul and body were separated : lAnae, Thuya. Delusion, has to step over elevation : Euphor. Delusion, starvation: he and his family will die of, Ars.; must starve (insanity), IKali m. Delusion, stove: is a tree and wants to climb it, IIHvos. Delusion," strange: and horrible, everything seems, IPlat. Delusion, street: timid when walking, imagines people are looking at her, Bar. c; fearful when persons approached, and when they had passed said he had stabbed them, Bell. Delusion, he can never succeed: is unfit for this world, I Aur. met. . .... Delusion the sun travels around earth : 11 Ver. Delusion, thinks she is under superhuman control : ILach. Delusion, of superiority : IPlat. Delusion, of being under influence of a superior power: IThuya. Delusion, surroundings : changed, INux m. Delusion, cannot swallow : Lyss. Delusion, he is swelling : ICann. i. Delusion, as if all around her talked rapidly: 11 Sang. Delusion, is tall: and surrounding objects small, HPlat, IStram.; as if he had grown taller when walking on street, in evening, Pallad. Delusion, of tetanus: must die, with pain in right leg, IMagn. p. Delusion, she cannot think : IChel. Delusion, he has an ulcer in stomach: Acet. ac. Delusion, that he is unhappy : ICinch. Delusion, of various things : Camph, Eup. pur, 11 Kali br. Delusion, vermin: sees on his bed, throws handfuls away and tries to escape, Ars. Delusion, visions: Calc. a, Rhus; fantastic while lying awake, Arn.; attempts to leave room, as if frightened by visions behind him (fistula), ILach.; in cardiac anxiety, ICale; in cerebro-spinal meningitis, Naja: children wake in evening, HCina ; in the dark, strikes at them and holds up the cross, I IPuls.; frightful when falling into a doze (typhus), llgn.; frightful in mania, Stram.; on closing eyes, B®" eyes closed; of faces, figg" faces; of creeping things (diphtheria), I ILac e; fan- tastic, 11 Chloral.; in puerperal fever, I IPuls.; in typhus, IBry.; morning, and through day, of all kinds of fancied things (pregnancy), I IStram.; frightful, INux v., IOp.; of big eyes (diphtheria), 11 Lac c, I IPuls, with coma vigil before midnight, IOp.; after dark, Carbo v.; wishes to hide, Bell.; in typhoid, IPuls.; hideous, buries face in pillow, (delirium), Camph.; horrible, worse at night, Camph.; feels afraid they will take objective form, ILac c; seem real, ILach.; in sleep, I IN,atr. in, in typhoid, HPhos. ac; with rest- less sleep, IStram.; of strangers, IStram.; at night, after re vaccination, I IThuya ; every night since six weeks, causing fear, had to leave bed (an old woman), I IStram.; of great sublimity follow those of quiet relaxing and recreating nature, ICann. i.; eyes anxiously fixed sideways on one point where she imagines she sees a terrible hostile figure, I IStram.; when looking at an object believes he sees cats, dogs, rats, mice and all sorts of in- sects in continual motion, IStram.; look at one point with staring eyes and despair in their faces, move slowly and shyly back- ward or run away with violent, fearful scream (inflammatory condition of brain), IStram. Delusion, voices: figf hearing, Ghosts, Im- ages. Delusion, thinks herself well: in metritis, IIKreo. Delusion, says he is a wheelwright and begins to bore holes : Stram. Delusion, wild: vivid (puerperal fever), I IPlat Delusion, directed a window to be closed that was not open : Lyss. Delusion, witches : denies having anything to do with them (delirium after being accused of theft), IHyos. Delusion, his wife will run away from him: mental disturbance, I IStaph. 3.S 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Delusion, carries home wood to manufacture brandy: Stram. Delusion, world: he is lost to beyond hope (hypochondriasis), I Arg. nit.; thinks she is not fit for (prolapsus or induration of uterus, preg- nancy), IIAur. met. Delusion, he does everything wrong: Aur. met. DEPRESSED (dejected, despondent): Abrot, liEsc. h, lAgnus, Amm. c, Anag, Aug, I Ant. c, I I Ant. t, I I Apis, I Alum, Arg. met, Arn, Ars. m. Arum d. Arum m, Asaf, HAur. met. Bell, Bry, Cact, HCale, Calc. fl, Camph, Carbol. ac, ICarbo v., ICaust. ICup. ac, IChel, Chin, a, IChin. s. Chloral, ICie, Coca, Coccus, ICoff, Coloc, ICon, Cop, ICornus, ICroe, Crot. t, Cycl, IDaph, IDig, IDiosc, IDulc, I I Elaps, Elat, Eryng, Eup. perf. I IFerr., Ferr. mur, Gamb, I IGels, IIGraph, I IGrat, Guarana, IHam, IHelon, IHep, IHydras, Hydr. ae, IHyos, IIod,Ind. met, Jugl, IKali br, IKali iod. Kali n, IKali ph., I ILac c, ILachn. t, Laur, ILobel. c, Lo- bel. i, ILye, Lye vir, I ILil. tig, Lyss, Magn. s, IMang, IMere, IMere cor, I IMere iod. flav, I IMez, IMygale, I IMyr. cerif, I INatr. c, 11 Natr. m, I INatr. ph., INatr. s, INux v, Oleand, IPetrol, Plant, IPlat, I IPlumb, Polyp, IPtel, HPsor, IIPuls, IIRob, Sec, Stilling, ISulph, ITabac,Tell, IThuya, lUran. n, I IUstil.,Xan, Verbas, Ver, IVer. v, Vib, I IZinc. Depressed, alternately: buoyant, INux v.; irrit- able (icterus), lArs.; quarrelsome liveliness (mania), ICon. Depressed, with whistling and singing: Merc. iod. flav. Depressed, in open air: better on entering house, IKali c Depressed, when alone : I IBov.; dyspnoea, ILye Depressed, in amenorrhcea: Cypr. Depressed, in angina: I Apis. Depressed, with anguish: ICale Depressed, with want of appetite : IDig. Depressed, in aphonia: IFerr. Depressed, appearance: Viol. Depressed, with apprehension: Lyss. Depressed, in ascites: I IFluor.ac. Depressed, with atrophy: Coca. Depressed, on awaking: in morning, ISep, Xan. Depressed, body: heavy (intermittent), ICed. Depressed, sudden congestion to brain : Ver. v. Depressed, in cancer: of mammae, IBrorn. Depressed, feels it in chest: lAur. met; aching in chest, ILye Depressed, after childbirth: in consequence of being told of slight laceration, I IThuya. Depressed, in chorea: Agar. Depressed, in climaxis: with chronic abdomi- nal order, IPsor. Depressed, in colic: IPlumb. Depressed, in consumption: IGuaiae Depressed, in cholera: fourth day, I IPhos. ae Depressed, better by conversation: ILac. def. Depressed, whooping cough: I Anac, ICaust. Depressed, crying: with palpitation (fainting spells), ILac. def. Depressed, all day: Lyss.; cold after scarlet fever, IHell. Depressed, with debility : faintness and aching in left iliac region, ICrotal. Depressed, with painful delusions : sleepless- ness and dread of impending destruction of all near her, IKali br. Depressed, to despair : 11 Sars. Depressed, in chronic diarrhoea: IGamb. Depressed, about disease: ISulph.; sure he ia going to die in twenty-four hours, Lac. def; sure she would not recover (bronchial asthma), I I Sinap.; does not think will ever get better (syphilitic sore mouth), I ISyph. Depressed, in face of difficulties: ICoccul. Depressed, in dropsy: I Aur. mur, IColch. Depressed, with drowsiness: Sil.; and deep- seated pain in head, ICornus. Depressed, in dyspepsia : IPhos, Kali ph.; and palpitation, ITabae. Depressed, in dyspnoea : ILye Depressed, ear: dull aching deep in right, wak- ing during night, 11 Tell. Depressed, after eating: IPod.; after dinner, I Natr. c. Depressed, after seminal emissions: 11 Cypr., IDiosc, lEryng, Ham, 11 Kali br, IINux v, 11 Phos. ac,'IPuls, HUstil. Depressed, in epilepsy: day before attack, at night, Art. v. Depressed, in eruption: on dorsum of hand, which appeared over night, 11 Psor; suppressed., IPsor, ISulph.; eczema, iCup. ac. Depressed, in evening: IINitr. ac. Ran. sc. Zinc. Depressed, in nervous excitability: I ICalab.; after excitement, Ced. Depressed, follows exhilaration : twelve hours, Ziz. Depressed, before eructation : ILye Depressed, before fainting : Ver. Depressed, with fatigue : IPhos. Depressed, with fear and anxiety (climaxis): IKali br. Depressed, fever: during, I Eup. perf; during apyrexia (tertian ague), Ilpec; with ehillinesn running up "back, Merc, sul.; with debility and chill, I lAnthrac; with heat, in evening (ague), Hpec; in intermittent, IDiad, INatr. in., 11 Polyp, ISamb, relapse of, lArs.; in ter- tian, IDig.; after typhoid nervous affection, IMane; in yellow, IMere Depressed, in forenoon : ICann. s. Depressed, about future : IBry. Depressed, in gastralgia : lAbrot. Depressed, in gastric affections : IPod. Depressed, in chronic gastritis : IMez. Depressed, in gonorrhoea: IMere, IHydras, IThuya. Depressed, with grieving : Alum, llgn, ILye. Depressed, from a word of seeming harshness: Med. e Depressed, with headache: I Aur. met, ICrotal, ILachn, Lig. tig, Sep, Therid.; in evening whi e walking, Therid.; dull, Codein, in forehead, Ptel, Sarrae; chronic, IDulc, IPlumb.; dull, stupid, ISep.; nervous, ITereb.; causes sick headache, HGuarana; temporo- frontal spinal pam and palpitation, I Naja Depressed, with head symptoms: Benz. ae Depressed, from belief that he has an incurable disease of heart which makes him reckless' I IPhos.; cardiac rheumatism, ICact eCKleSS Depressed, from heat: IGels. Depressed, with canine hunger: INatr m Depressed, with hiccough : Ruta. ' Depressed, in hysteria : IMosch.' 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 39 Depressed, at beginning of hysteromania: I ITarant. Depressed, with fixed idea : Hell. Depressed, impotence : ICalad, IGels, ISpong. Depressed, with insanity : from anaemia, 11 Kali br, I ITarant. Depressed, in chronic intestinal catarrh : I Ars. Depressed, intestinal hemorrhage : ICrotal. Depressed, irritability : dyspepsia, 11 Sal. ac.; and crossness (Addison's disease), I INatr. m, Polyg. Depressed, with deathly feeling in kidneys : similar to effects of cold settling in renal re- gion (abscess of liver), I IMed.; desquamative nephritis, 11 Plumb. Depressed, lachrymose : worse from being spoken to, INatr. m. Depressed, with lassitude : not relieved by food or stimulants, IGels. Depressed, with heaviness in legs : Calc. Depressed, when leucorrhcea is better, IMurex. Depressed, with disgust of life : particularly in company (hysteria), ILye; followed by great exhilaration and desire for conversation, Ziz. Depressed, with weakness and weariness in all limbs: Sabina. Depressed, in liver troubles : IChel, ILept, IPod.; and constipation, Stilling.; with dropsy, IFluor. ac. Depressed, dull pain in lumbar region : after emissions, I ITJstil. Depressed, in marasmus : lAbrot. Depressed, in tubercular meningitis : I ITubere. Depressed, menses: after, ICinch, IFerr.; be- fore, ICon, Vespa; delayed, IIKali ph. Depressed, because conscious of unnatural state of mind: Tarant. Depressed, in morning : IPuls.; with dyspepsia, IFerr. ph. Depressed, with nausea : 11 Agar, I IDig. Depressed, in nervous debility: ICurar. Depressed, in neuralgia: lArn.; after sup- pressed,' lAct. rac. Depressed, disagreeable news : IPallad., IPuls. Depressed, from imaginary obstacles: Aur. met. Depressed, in old age: lAur. met. Depressed, onanists: IGels, IPlat. Depressed, by pains: Sars. Depressed, with palpitation : IDig, IPhos. ac. Depressed, by persecutions of others: I IDros. Depressed, in peritonitis: ILye Depressed, with prostration: IRhus. Depressed, religious delusions and feeling of moral deficiency (melancholia): IKali br. Depressed, in rheumatism: worse in rain,IPhyt. Depressed, after scarlatina: IHell. Depressed, in scurvy : lArs. Depressed, yet enduring mood with sensitive feeling: 11 Pic. ac. Depressed, with sleepiness : Eup. pur. Depresssed, in sleeplessness : Ign, IThuya. Depressed, in smallpox : I IChin. s. Depressed, from sneezing (hay fever): 11 Nux v. Depressed, with stretching : ICamph. Depressed, stools: black, llris ; hard, ICale p. Depressed, thoughts of suicide : IHep.; checked neuralgia, lAct. rac; cerebro-spinal irritation, 11 Ran. b. Depressed, in syphilis : ILye, IPhyt. Depressed, before severe symptoms : Lil. tig. Depressed, in toothache : IMez. Depressed, from traumatic causes: I Hyper. Depressed and tremulous : Bell. Depressed, with spasmodic twitching of muscles, especially of face (paralysis agitans), I ISyph. Depressed, uterus : ulcerated cervix, IMere Depressed, after vexation : Calc. p, 11 Puis. Depressed, with vomiting: 11 Med. Depressed, during weakness : Merc; fainting spells, ILac. def. Depressed, by overwork and excesses : I Coca. Depressed, with yawning: ICamph. 8^" Despair, Melancholy, Sadness. DEPRAVITY: Anac. DERANGED. See Crazy, Delusions, Mania. DESIRES, (longing), full of anxious : in hys- teria, I Castor. Desires company. g^° Company. Desires impatiently and vehemently many things, and cries, dislikes its favorite play- things: IIRheum. Desires, inexpressible : full of, 11 Ipec. Desires, light. g^» Light. Desires, now this now that: even with good humor (child), IPuls.; when offered, things are refused or pushed away, HCham, ICina, IDulc; in afternoon, All. sat. Desire, greater than her need: Ars. DESPAIR: Amb, Ars, lAur. met. Bell, Calc, I ICoff, Crotal, ICup. ac, ICup. m, Eup. perf, INatr. in, INitr.ac, I IPlumb, IPsor, I IPuls, IVer, Strain. Despair, awakes: in intermittent, 11 Ant. t. Despair, with fear of death: HCale Despair, unwilling to die (haemoptysis): lAcal. Despair, in fever: bilious, IVer.; puerperal, ICoff. Despair, from pain in head : ICoff. Despair, in hypochondriasis: I Arg. nit. Despair, with excessive itching: HPsor. Despair, during labor : ICoff. Despair, with pain in right leg: Magn. p. Despair, follows disappointed love : IHyos. Despair, in melancholia: 11 Plat. Despair, in menorrhagia: ICoccul. Despair, in onanism: I IOp. Despair, pain drives to : HCham.; in headache, I Ars. Despair, in paralysis : ICaust. Despair, bordering on rage: 11 Agar. Despair, of recovery: Chloral, HCale, IHell, I IPsor, ISep, I IZinc; in ague, I ITarant.; with debility after typhus, I IPsor.; in mania, I IVer.; in pertussis, IBry.; in pneumonia, lAnt.t.; in spermatorrhcea, I IPhos. ae; especi- ally after typhus, better from nosebleed, IPsor. Despair, on account of sad thoughts: Rhus. Despair, of salvation: ICamph, IMez, I IPlumb, IStram.; constant prayer, I IPuls.; with sup- pressed menses, I IVer. Despair, produced by importunate sexual crav- ing: Ast. r. Despair, shrieks: before and after, as well as during paroxysm, or inarticulate sounds ex- pressive of, Lyss. Despair, about his position in society: IVer. Despair, cramp in stomach: ICochl. Despair, in stricture: IClem. Despair, of self and others: Aur. met, lArg. nit. Despair, suicidal: resolved to drown himself. Ant. e Despair, in ulcer of os uteri: ICurar. figp Desperation, Despondency, Discouraged, Melancholy, Sad. 40 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. DESPERATION : colic drives him to, Coff. Desperation, did not care whether he went to heaven or hell: Med. Desperation, as of incipient insanity : IMed. Desperation, in ophthalmia: syphilis, IGraph. Desperation, from pain in prolapsus or indura- tion of uterus in pregnancy: 11 Aur. met. Desperation, in syphilitic neuralgia : I ISyph. DESPISES, flis^- Contempt. DESTROYS things : in nymphomania,! I Ver.; everything in room, I IPhos.; she could lay hands upon, I IPhos.; in puerperal mania, I IPlat. Destroys, can scarcely resist temptation to throw lamp out of window: Merc. iod. flav. DISAGREEABLE: Pal lad, IPsor, ITJran. n. j Disagreeable occurrences: tries to recollect, for the purpose of indulging the grief which it causes, INatr. m. DISCONTENT (dissatisfied): Ang, Ant. t, Ars., Aur. mur, Bism, Calc, Cann. s, ICham, ICina, Clem., IColch, Con., ICrot. t, Fluor, ac, IHep., Ilndig, ILed, ILye, Lyss, I INux v, IPlat, IPuls, Ruta, Sinap, Spong, Tarant, IThuya. Discontent, everything another does is wrong: ICham. Discontent, aft<>r coition : ICale Discontent, when constipated: or suffering pain, Aloe. Discontent, in evening : Rhus. Discontent, in chronic inflammation of eyes: with otorrhcea, after vaccination, I IThuya. Discontent, in melancholy: Kali ars. Discontent, in exostosis of skull: 11 Arg. met. Discontent, with weeping: INitr. ac, Ziz. DISCOURAGED, 11 Ang, lArs., Ars. h. Con, Iris, INatr. m, I IPetrol, IPsor. Discouraged, in angina: lApis. Discouraged, after short cough: from irritation and tickling behind upper half of sternum, IRhus. Discouraged, in chronic diarrhoea: ICoccul. Discouraged, easily: IPuls. Discouraged, in evening: Rhus. Discouraged, about future : I IDros. Discouraged, don't care whether she lives or dies: in amenorrhoea, I IXan. Discouraged, in pregnancy : I ILact ac. Discouraged, with swollen testicle : Brom. B^° Despair, Despondency, Sad, Melancholv. DISGUST : awoke at daylight feeling she was a loathsome, horrible mass of diseases (while the breasts were affected); could not bear to look at any part of body, as it intensified dis- gust and horror, could not bear to have one part of body touch another, keeps fingers apart, Lac c. Disgust, to nausea about any effluvia arising from her own body, HSul. Disgust, with everything : IPuls.; conscious of an unnatural state of mind, Tarant. Disgust, with himself: had not courage to live, (melancholia!, IMere DISOBEDIENCE: IDig, 11 Viol.; in chil- dren, ICinch. 8^* Antagonism, Contradictory, Quarrelsome. DISPUTATIVE: Ferr, Camph, ILye DISTANCE : no correct estimation, reaches hands to catch hold of objects across room and runs against things which appear to him distant, Stram. DISTRACTION : ICanth, 11 Caust, ICoccul., IHell., Sul, Verbas.; relieves, Lach., IHell. Distraction, unable to dwell long upon any subject: IMez. Distraction, while talking : INatr. m. Distraction, from toothache : ICoff. 8^°Beside oneself, Frantic. DISTRESS: I IBov, Crotal, Lyss, IStilling, I ISyph. Distress, on awaking: in morning, IILach.; in parenchymatous metritis, 11 Lac c. Distress, in children : ICina. Distress, with inquietude : Bell. Distress, by most joyful things: IPlat. Distress, caused by thought of how horrible it would be if a sharp pain like a knife should go through her: Lac c. Distress, in melancholia : lArg. nit., Crotal. Distress, ceases as soon as menses begin to flow: Stann. Distress, with nausea : ILac def. Distress, after nursing: ICham. Distress, at approach of thunderstorm: IGels. DISSATISFIED. g@° Discontent. DISUNION with himself: Aur. met. DOGMATICAL: Camph. DOMINEERING: Con. DOUBT, flgr Mistrust, Suspicion. DREAD of being alone, with dislike to society (hysteria), ICon.; in dark, Camph. figtp* Company, desire for. Dread, of dogs and other animals, at night, I ICinch. Dread, of appearing in public : I IGels. Dread, of business; ILil. tig, IGraph. Dread, constant; 11 Puis.; in diphtheria, 11 Lace. Dread, as if something were creeping out of every corner: IPhos. Dread, of dying. fi@" Death. Dread, of downward motion: IIBor. Dread, of impending destruction to all near her, with depression, IKali br. Dread, in evening : IPhos.; as soon as evening comes on, HCale; late as if a horrible face were looking out of every corner, IPhos. Dread, of oncoming fit in epilepsy: lAmyl. Dread, lest she stagger or fall (during preg- nancy), I Aeon. Dread, of future : IBry., IPhos. ac. Dread, of ghosts : Dros. Dread, indescribable haunts him (epilepsy): lAmyl. Dread, in valvular heart disease : lAur. met. Dread, that he would be very ill, when waking in morning, with dull throbbing headache, (bilious remittent fever), I IPod. Dread, of irritability: IILyc. Dread, of insanity : Lil. tig. a@» Crazy. Dread, of melancholy: IILyc Dread of men: Aur. met. Bar. m, IILyc. &&* Company, aversion to. Dread, of movement: IGels Dread nervous: I IKali phi; in singers and speakers, IIGels. Dread, of people : IPuls. Dread shakes all over at thought of her piano (melancholia): IKali br. DrKacd'i,0f/alinS.t^eJWrong thin« when she has headache: IMed. Dread, sleepless from: I IPuls. Dread, brought on symptoms : Lyss Dread, indefinable, with trembling: Iber 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 41 Dread, of every trifle: especially of things coming near him, llgn. Dread, of being touched : (colic), I INux v. Dread, of being drawn upwards : Camph. gle&~ Anxiety, Apprehension, Fear, Foreboding. DREAM, everything appears as if in a (mel ancholia): I Anac. Dream, as in a: Ver.; in post-partum hem- orrhages, ICann. s. Dream, as if going into a beautiful: Absin. Dream, one chases another, with eyes open, constantly returns however to one idea, which seems droll to her, " What will be- come of my condition : " 11 Sang. Dream, delicious: ICann.i. Dream, eyes : open (typhus), I IStram.; closed, Nux m. Dream, of future : IStaph. Dream, as if all life was : IMed. Dream, mood : dreamy, Ziz. DREAMY: in epilepsy, Amyl. Dreamy, in acute Bright's disease : lApis. Dreamy, with drowsiness and falling of eye- lids : typhoid fever, INux m. Dreamy, with singing in ears : Cann. i. Dreamy, could not read: HCann. i. Dreamy, as after a sleepless .night: with shivering and cold creepings, Zinc. DRESSING : averse to, in melancholia, I ICon. DRUNKENNESS. fi@- Intoxicated. DULNESS: Abrot, Absin, Acet. ac, lAcon, Act. rac, I^Ese h, Ambra, Anac, Ananth, Ant. t. Apis, Arg. nit, Ars. m, Arund, Ascl. s, Ascl. t, Aur. met, Badiag, Bism, Bov, Calc. a, Calc. p., Camph, Caps, ICaust, HCham, Chin, a., IChin. s, Chrom. ac, IColch, ICon, Crotal, Cycl, Eucal, Ferr. iod, IGels, IHelon, I liber, I llgn. Iris, Jacea, I IKali br., IKali c, Laur, Lyss, Mar. v, IMere iod. rub, IMez, Myr. cer, Natr. a, Natr. p,Natr. s, INitr. ac, I IPhos, 11 Ptel, I IPuls, Rhus v., Sars, Sarrac, Selen, ISep, Spong, IStann, Stilling, IISul. Dulness, alternating with hilarity: Jab. Dulness, in afternoon : I IPuls. Dulness, in asthma : a boy, Phos. Dulness, in short attacks : I IHep. Dulness, on awaking as after debauch : Psor. Dulness, children : in brain affections, ICup. m. Dulness, in colic : 11 Ant, c; bilious, llris. Dulness, does not comprehend conversation and is unable to relate properly : Niccol. Dulness, in chorea : 11 Agar. Dulness, delirium: typhoid,Sul.;tremens, I IOp. Dulness, in diabetes: IHelon, I IOp, Sul. ac. Dulness, in diarrhoea : IDulc. Dulness, with drowsiness : yet cannot sleep, ICham.; in inflammation of brain, I IHell.; effort required to move about, Eup. pur. Dulness, as if drunken: IBell, IOp. Dulness, with seminal emissions: IIKali br. Dulness, in epilepsy : ICale Dulness, especially in evening : Millet. Dulness, from exertion: ICale p. Dulness, with pious fanaticism : I IThuya. Dulness, in fever: IBapt., IHyos.; chilliness, Agar.; typhoid symptoms in remittent, ISul. Dulness, all forenoon: Psor. Dulness, in gastric disturbance: 11 Ver Dulness head: as if enlarged, with ill humor and nausea, Meph.; with heat Osm.; worse moving and walking, Bell.; muddled, Plant. Dulness, with headache: Ascl. s, ICale p., ILye vir, IMagn. p.; as if it would return, llgn.; dull aching through sinciput, ILye vir. Dulness, in hydrocephaloid : IMere Dulness, to imbecility : ILye Dulness, with indifference to all external im- pressions, after typhoid, IHell. Dulness, with insensibility to surroundings: Selen. Dulness, measles: Xan. Dulness, from mental occupation : ICale p. Dulness, in morning : clearer evening and in warmth, ISum. Dulness, over root of nose : Spong. Dulness, at night: Eryng. Dulness, after onanism, HStaph. Dulness, in paralysis: 11 Sec. Dulness, before a rash: IStram. Dulness, says nothing: IHell. Dulness, after scarlatina: I ITereb. Dulness, sleep: after, Berb.; with great in- clination to (typhoid fever), IMere Dulness, in sore throat: 11 Ferr. Dulness, in spinal disease : I Alum. Dulness, better after urination: IGels, ITereb. Dulness, with vertigo: Myr. cer, Ptel.; and lassitude, ITereb. Dulness, with weakness: typhus, ILach. Dulness, better from cold washing : ICale p. Dulness, with inability to find right words: Lil. tig. 8gT Apathy, Indifference, Torpor. EATS his own feces: Ver. figT" Food. ECSTASY: Aeon, Agar, I Ant c, Cham, Lyss, Phos, Stram, Val. Ecstasy, in cholera morbus: I Jatroph. Ecstasy, in chorea : ICup. ac. Cup. m. Ecstasy, periodical: ICie; twice a day, seems to be dying, ICie Ecstasy, with sensitiveness of female sexual organs: Coff. jgg^ Excitement, Exhilaration. EGOTISM: (selfishness, self-esteem, self-satis- faction), Act. sp, Ananth, ILach, Med, IPlat, ISul. Egotism, ailments from: ICale, I I Merc, Sil. Egotism, in nymphomania: I I Agar. figT Haughty, Pride. EARNESTNESS: Amm. m, Euphor. Earnestness, in hemorrhage: IMere Earnestness, easily offended: ICina. figr1 Reserved, Serious. EMBARRASSED, g^" Bashful. EMBRACE: inclination to, everybody, Plat.; every thing, even inanimate objects (religious or nymphomania), IVer. g£g~ Amative, Erotic. EMOTION: ailments from IIGels, llgn, Kreo, I IPhos. ac, Psor, ISep.; sudden, pleasant, I ICoff. Emotion, causes amblyopia (during pregnancy): 11 Ant. t Emotion, causes amenorrhoea: I Act. rac. Emotion, causes throbbing in back: Bar. e Emotion, causes red cheeks: HCaps. Emotion, sudden, hastens onset of chill: IGels. Emotion, causes chlorosis • Ign. Emotion, sudden, causes chorea : ICaust. Emotion, causes convulsions: HOp. Emotion, causes diarrhoea: IGels, HIpee;with colicky pains, in hysterical females and young girls, IHyos. 12 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Emotion, causes drowsiness: HPhos. ac. Emotion, causes dyspnoea : IPuls. Emotion, causes emaciation : ISamb. Emotion, causes enteralgia: Castor. Emotion, in epilepsy : paroxysms excited espe- cially by contradiction, lAst. r. Emotion, causes epistaxis : ICarbo v. Emotion, causes fainting : ICaust, IPhos. ac. Emotion, causes fever : HCaps. Emotion, unpleasant, cause flatulence: INuxm. Emotion, causes gastralgia: ILye Emotion, causes haemoptysis: lAcon., ITereb. Emotion, causes headache: lArn, Benz. ac, Lyss.; with headache, and weak memory, Viol. Emotion,intermittent action of heart: iKali p. Emotion, nervous or muscular energy of heart is weakened : IMosch.; functional disorder of heart, ICact.; worse from slightest (irritation of cardiac nerves), ICollin.; worse (neuralgia cordis), ICale. Emotion, suppression of lochia: lAct. rac. Emotion, sudden cessation of menses: ILach. Emotion, causes nausea : IKali e Emotion, causes nervous attacks: I IKali ph. Emotion, causes palpitation: Arg. nit, I Aur. met.; from pleasurable, Badiag, Calc a, IDig., IINux v., ISep.; in hyperaemiaof brain, I IPhos.; climaxis, MCalab. Emotion, causes paralysis: lllgn, IStann.jagi- tans, 11 Tarent. Emotion, causes prosopalgia: llgn, INitr. sp. d. Emotion, causes cold shivers: Asar. Emotion, causes sleeplessness : ICaps. Emotion, sudden, depressing, causes yellow fecal stools, with colic and flatus: IGels. Emotion, depressing, causes indurated swollen uterus: ICarbo a. ENCHANTED : like one, and beside himself, Stram. B^* Ecstasy. ENEMY: considers everybody (mania), I IMere. ENERGY: loss of. fl®~ Laziness. ENNUI: lAlum, Cainca, IManc, INux v, Tarant, Zinc. Ennui, during menses: Berb. fig^* Apathy, Dull, Laziness, Torpor. ENVY: IPuls, IStaph. EROTIC: with indications of great excitement of sexual system, IPhos.; fancies, lUstil.; mel- ancholy, IPhos.; thoughts, ICon. B^° Amative, Amorous, Kissing, Lascivious, Obscene. ESCAPE, desire to: All. sat. Arum t, Ars. met. Bar. c. Bell, ICoccul, Cup. m, IDig, IGlon, IIHyos., IINux v, HOp, I ISulph, Ver. Escape, wants to go abroad : 11 Merc. Escape, with anxiety and apprehension: at night, 11 Merc. Escape, from bed: loquacious delirium, ICrotal.: cerebro-spinal meningitis, IVer. Escape, from his children : ILye Escape, as if she had committed some crime : with fear, in hysteria, IMere Escape, with delirium: in abortion, IColoe Escape, in fever: puerperal, IColoe; typhus, IChlor, IHell.; typhoid, IOp. Escape, from men: by whom he imagines him- self surrounded, and who are trying to capture him (delirium tremens), IHyos. Escape, after pneumonia: Op. Escape, wants to get out of house : 11 Ver.; dur- ing pregnancy, IBar. c. Escape, in mania puerperalis : I IStram. Escape, tries to throwhimself into river: I IHell. Escape, with shrieks (mental derangement): Strain, Escape, into street (mania): IHyos.; in their shirts gesticulating, dancing, etc, IBell. Escape, in uterine dementia: ILil. tig- Escape, avoids vigilance of friends: IChlor. ggg" Run. EXACTING: Lact. ae EXALTATION: Ars. h, Asar, ICann.i. Cub., Cycl, Iodof, IILach, IOp, I ITarant, Val. Exaltation, alternating with melancholy: 11 Stram.; in myelitis, IStram. Exaltation, chorea: ICup. ae, ICup. m.; with depression, I ISumb. Exaltation, before fit in epilepsy: ICann. i. Exaltation, evening: towards, Ascl. t; with great loquacity, Mar. v. Exaltation, with gayety: I ICann. i. Exaltation, withenthusiasticlanguage: ICann.i. Exaltation, with disposition to laugh at merest trifles, I ICann. i. Exaltation, in merry mania : IStram. Exaltation, after metrorrhagia: I ISep. Exaltation, causes palpitation: ICoff. Exaltation, with scarlet eruption: IBell. gisP" Ecstasy, Excitable, Excitement, Exhil- aration. EXASPERATED. fi@~ Anger, Chagrin, In- dignation, Vexation. EXCITABLE: Aeon, IIAsaf, IIBell., Bry, HCham, ICamph, Carbo v, I ICoff, Fluor. ac, Guarana, IHyos, Hod., IKreo, Mar. v, Natr. c, IINux v. Plant, IPhos, ISenecio, ISulph., Sulph. ac. Tell, Tereb. Excitable, with inclination to anger and to scold: IPetrol. Excitable, in convulsions: children, Cypr, Coff.; puerperal, ICoff. Excitable, with delirium tremens: IINux v. Excitable, in epilepsy: day before attack, Art. v. Excitable, with eruptions: ICoff. Excitable, with headache: IKreo. Excitable, with measles : ICoff. Excitable, during menses: in dvsmenorrhoea. I IPuls. Excitable, after abuse of mercury: IINitr. ac. Excitable, in nervous affections: Mar. v. Excitable, at night: in paralysis, lArn. Excitable, reflex : IKali br. Excitable, prevents sleep: I ICoff, Lyss, Plat. Excitable, with burning in urethra: Mosch. Excitable, in prolapsus uteri: lAcon. B@* Emotion, Excitement, Irritability. EXCITEMENT : Aeon, Alum, Amb, I Anac, Anthrae, Ant. t, HApis, I Arg. nit, HArn, IIAsaf, Calad, ICie, ICochl, Con, IGlon, !£ah brA Kreo-' ,Lyc-> MaSn. m. Mar. v., IMere Myr. cerif, IINatr. m, INux v, Sal. ac, Sul., ITarant, IThuya. Excitement, ailments from: I ICoccul, HCoff., IGlon. Excitement in afternoon : and evening (in- sanity), I INux v. Excitement, aggravates: Spong Excitement, alternating with : chilliness Mvr cerif; gloom | IPlumb.; somnolence (diph- theria), IKali br. v ^ Excitement, anxiety: in irritable heart Asaf Excitement, causes aphonia: with hysterical and maniacal symptoms : IStram 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 43 Excitement, in apoplexy: I ICoff. Excitement, causes hysteric asthma: Ars. Excitement, awakens at night: Berb. Excitement, bones feel scraped after: IParis. Excitement, brain: congestion, Chloral.; tense feeling, also of eyes and skin, IParis. Excitement, stuck to chair during attacks: lArg. nit. Excitement, as after champagne : followed by sudden insensibility, Amyg. Excitement, with chilliness : "Cean. Excitement, in cholera infantum : IK*ali br. Excitement, in company : ISep.; also walking aggravates troubles in right ovary and groin ; particularly worse after a musical evening or party, setting great store by people's opinion, IPallad. Excitement, causes convulsions: in labor, I Act. rac; of teething children, cold limbs, grinding teeth, ICoff. Excitement, cough: during, I Aeon, I ICodein.; worse from, HSpong. Excitement, curses his mother, throws food or medicine across room (general marasmus): IHydras. Excitement, with wild delirium: in typhoid, 11 Val. Excitement, in delirium tremens: Chlorof, I IZinc. Excitement, causes physical and mental depres- sion: ICon. Excitement, dreadful: in ciliary neuralgia, followed by depression, ICinch. Excitement, causes diarrhoea: Cochl, IGels, HSep.; with colicky pains, in hysterical females and young girls, IHyos. Excitement, causes dysmenorrhoea: HCale Excitement, easy: Ferr, I IGraph, 11 Naja, 11 Sum.; could have beaten anyone without provocation, IPlat.; in parenchymatous me- tritis, 11 Lac e Excitement, in epilepsy: before attack, llndig.; causes attacks at any hour, day or night, after fright, Hgn. Excitement, in evening: with distended veins, Carbo v. Excitement, eyes: weak sight worse, Paris. Excitement, face; heat of, Aloe ; with cold sweat, Iber. Excitement, fever: during, Anthrac; inflam- matory in children, ICoff. t; puerperal, ICham, Coff, ILach.; typhoid, IVal.; yellow, lArs. h. Excitement, frantic: 7rAtrop. s, Camph, IKali iod.; in hypochondriasis, I Arg. nit. Excitement, gay: Strain. Excitement, causes spasmus glottidis: IChlor. Excitement, causes haemoptysis: HAcon. Excitement, with heat of head: Meph. Excitement, headache: from, 11 Acet. ac, Codein, IPie ae; aggravates constrictive pressure in temples and forehead, IParis.; in megrim with muscular atrophy, iCale Excitement, prolapsis ani: worse from, lArn. Excitement, heart: action of increased, Asaf, worse from, 11 Collin. Excitement, internal: Silica. Excitement, with neuralgia of intestines: IGels. . _ , T. ,. Excitement, as of intoxication : Camph, Kali Excitement, causes jaundice : IPhos. Excitement, in labor: ICoff. Excitement, lascivious: with painful noctur- nal erections, IMere Excitement, causes mania: with spasms, IZinc. Excitement, in puerperal mania: Camph, Nux v. Excitement, in mastitis : IVer. v. Excitement, menses: before, IKreo, Thuya; during, IMagn. m.; brings return of, HCale Excitement, causes metrorrhagia: HCale Excitement, motions: quick, brusque, per- formed with uncontrollable zeal, Aurant. Excitement, caused by music : one hour after copious and general sweat, Tarant. Excitement, with nausea : Alum. Excitement, in nervous affections: Val. Excitement, at night: Ars. s. f, I ITarant.; with diarrhoea in dentition, Chloral.; sudden in intestinal catarrh, I IChel.; in typhus, lArg. nit.; in urticaria, ICop. Excitement, from slightest opposition : IFerr. Excitement, in palpitation: Alum., ICact, ILil. tig, INitr. ae; with anxiety, ICoce, and weeping, IPlat. Excitement, after singing : sad, ICon. Excitement, with sensitiveness of female sexual organs: Coff. Excitement, feels like shouting : Abrot. Excitement, sleepless from: Aur. mur. Coca, HCoff, I IKali ph., Lyss, IPhos. Excitement, with sneezing : Benz. ac. Excitement, subsiding into stupefaction: Chlorof. Excitement, sudden: in intestinal catarrh, Chel. Excitement, increases suffering: ICist, Kob. Excitement, with constant talking and motion of* head and hands : in heart disease, I IOp. Excitement, at theatre: brings on mental symptoms, she becomes sleepless, IPhos. Excitement, too great to allow examination of throat: I I Lac c. Excitement, trembling: HCoccul.; inward, Petrol.; of bowels and nerves, IINux v. Excitement, over trifles: Lachn.; aphonia, IFerr. Excitement, causes unconsciousness: INuxm. Excitement, causes vertigo: especially short time before morning, I INux m. Excitement, with weakness : I IPhos. Excitement, wild: Variol. Excitement, from every word : Camph. g^*Emotions, Excitable, Exhilaration, Irrit- able. EXHAUSTION : ggg~ Mental Exhaustion. EXHILARATION: Anag, Camph, Carbol. ac, Cinnab, Codein, Eucal, IKali br, Kob, Med, lOxal. ac. Exhilaration, feels better on conversing: Lyss. Exhilaration, lasting twelve hours, then de- pression for several days, Ziz.; succeeded by depression and pressure about head, Myr. cer. Exhilaration, bordering on drunkenness: Carb. s, Ziz. Exhilaration, after headache : Coca ; after pain in vertex had abated, Form. Exhilaration, at night: IMed. Exhilaration, followed by desire to sleep: Ziz. 8^° Excitable, Excitement, Emotion, Gay, Jov, Laughing, Merry. EXISTENCES: sense of having two, Cann.L Delusion, double. 44 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. EXPLAINING constantly : in mania puer- peralis, INux v. EXTRAVAGANT ideas: Croc. EYES, closed, g^ Delusion, eyes. Eyes, walks with downcast: Cham. Eyes, evades look of other persons: IStram. FACES, makes : figg* Grimaces. Faces, sees, figr Delusion, eyes, visions. FANCIES : Bry. Fancies, extreme excitement of fancy: Anac Fancies, frightful: IStram. Fancies, lively: ICoff. Fancies, morbid: he cannot prevent, Viol. Fancies, sudden transition: ICann. i. Fancies, unpleasant, even awake: Rumex. Fancies, vivid with headache: ICinch. 8^° Delusion, images, visions. FAR AWAY FEELING, with apathy and indifference to future: Syph. FAULTFINDING disposition: Cycl, IHe- lon, Lact. ae, INux v, IPlat, ISul. Faultfinding, with leucorrhcea: Calc. p. 8®"* Censorious, Criticising. FEAR (alarm, tearfulness, fright, timidity, terror): Absin, Agnus, Alum., Anac, HArs, Ars. h. Arum m. Art. v, Berb, IBry, I I Caps, Caust, Chloral, Cie, HCoca, ICoccul, ICon, Croc, ICup. m. Daphne, lElaps, I Form, IIGels, Glon, IGraph, Hydr.ae, Iber., llgn., I IKali br, IKali c, I IKali ph., ILye, ILyss, I IMosch, I INatr. c, INatr. m, INatr. s, HOp, IPetrol, IPhyt, I IPsor, IPuls, I Rheum, ISpong., ISul, IVer. Fear, ailments from (including fright): HAcon, Act. sp., lApis, Arn, lAur. met, IIGels, IIGlon, IGraph, IHyos., IHyper, llgn, ILach, ILye, Lyss, INatr. m, HOp.. I IPhos. ac, IPuls, ISep, IVer. Fear, with soreness in abdomen : after menses, IPallad. Fear, causes threatened abortion: I Act. rac, MSabina; in latter part of pregnancy, IOp. Fear, expressed in actions : Aeon. Fear, of fresh air: ICoff. Fear, of being alone : Ant t, ICale, ICamph., IClem, IIHyos., IKali e, Lyss, I IMere, I INux v, IStram, with paroxysm of anguish, also in stormy weather, IPhos.; in dyspnoea, ILye; during menses, Con.; exalted state of senses, smell, taste, touch, Lyss.; in typhoid, ILye &&* Company, desire for. Fear, causes amenorrhoea: IOp. Fear, of animals: Bufo.; of malicious black dogs or wild animals (mania), I IStram. Fear, causes anorexia: llgn. Fear, causes aphonia: IOp. Fear, of apoplexy : I Arg. met, HCoff, Elaps, IFerr, Fluor, ac, Tereb. Fear, of apparitions : Bell. Fear, sudden, that she has broken her child's arm, by lifting him: in gastro-enteritis dur- ing pregnancy, ILye Fear, on awaking: INatr. m, ISpong, IStram.; children before midnight, ICina; in cholera infantum, IStram.; in cholera morbus, IZinc, as if dreaming, IILyc; in hydrocephalus, IZinc* in intermittent, ICina; knows no one (child), IStram.; from night terrors (children), I IKali ph.; as if some one were in the room (mania a potu, typhus), INux v. Fear, with paralytic pain in small of back : ICoccul. Fear, bed : to go alone, ICamph, ICaust.;causes jumping out of, IIBell.; drives him out of, with violent pain at point in left breast which could not be defined (neuralgia in left phrenic nerve), I IStann.; drives him out of, to hide in a closet, Ars. Fear, of being betrayed : IIHyos. Fear, of bird, which he thought a mouse : Lyss. Fear, of being bitten : IIHyos. Fear, in hemorrhage of bladder: ICanth. Fear, she will go blind : I ISulph. Fear, brain : of inflammation of, from dulness in head, better by nosebleed, Psor.; irritation of (dentition), ICup. ae; of softening of, Asaf. Fear, takes breath away : IVer. Fear, he will fail in business : IPsor. Fear, in catalepsy: Art. v. Fear, of censure : Caps. Fearj causing cerebro-spinal meningitis: acted like a blow, stunning whole nervous system, IOp. Fear, chest: spasmodic constriction of, ICup.m. Fear, causes nervous chills : IIGels. Fear, of being choked: in inflammation of throat, IHep. Fear, of cholera: IINitr. ac; as though cramps in calves would set in, I Jatroph.; causes cramps in calves, ILach.; causes diarrhoea, IPhos. ac. Fear, causes chorea: ICale, I ICaust, llgn, IKali br., ILaur., INatr. in, IStram, IZinc. Fear, chronic: IHyos. Fear, with sensation of stoppage of circulation: at night, in angina pectoris, ILye Fear, coition: at thought of, IKreo.; during, causing inpotence, I ISinap.; during, causes long-lasting incontinence of urine, ILye Fear, causes coldness: IVer. Fear, of concussion: as if he might run against something, Arg. met. Fear, of conscience : ailments from, Cycl. Fear, she will lose consciousness: in sunstroke, I IThuya. Fear, during confinement: Cup. m. Fear, constant: Natr. e Fear, causes constipation: IOp. Fear of consumption: ICale Fear, of a convulsion : Cann. i. Fear, causes convulsions: IICup. m., IBufo., ICaust, Hlgn, IIKali br, ILaur, HOp, I ISec, IStram.; in childbed, Art. v.; face pallid, 11 Kali ph.; hot head with twitching about mouth, IOp.; from nursing after fright of mother, HOp.; with sudden starts, Lyss. Fear, as if something were creeping out "of every corner: IPhos. Fear, cough : makes worse, lAcon. Fear, with whooping cough: ISpong. Fear, of becoming crazy: lAct rac, Amb., HCale, ICann. i., Chlor, Cup. m, ILil. tig., ILyss, IMere sol, INux v, Stram, Syph.; in chorea, Sum.; with crying, IPuls.; with headache in vertex, I Act. rac; at night, IMere.; in tertian intermittent, IDig.; after typhoid fever (nervous affections), IMane; with verti- go, and nervous excitability, 11 Calab.; with restlessness and heat, I IChel.; after fright, llgn, IStram. 8@» Crazy. 6 Fear, as if he had committed a crime (cerjha- lalgia): 11 Alum. v F Fear, excited bv reports of cruelties • ICale FeMpXSeS °ryine durin^8leeP (Pneumonia): 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 45 Fear, she will be damned: ILach. fl®*Religion. Fear, of unknown dangers: ICoccul. Fear, in dark: lAcon, Camph, HCann. i, Carbo a, IMed. Fear, of death: HAcon, IIAct. rac, lAgnus, All. sat, HArs, IBry, Bufo, ICact, ICale, Camph, Caps, ICoccul, ICup. m, ICycl, IFluor. ac, IIGels, IKali c, ILye, I IMed, Mygale, IINitr. ac. Op, IPhos, IPsor, I IPuls, Rhus, Sec, Squilla; in abortion, Coff.; with alternate laughing and weeping, after anger, IPlat; in amenorrhcea, IPlat.; in angina pec- toris, I Aeon.; with cancer of rectum, although examination reveals nothing abnormal, I IPlat.; in cholera, I ICup. ac, ICup. m.; in whooping cough (pertussis), lAnae; that those in house will kill him (delirium tre- mens), lAct. rac.; saw wires encaging him (delirium tremens), lAct. rac; with distress in epigastrium, Amm. br.; in epistaxis, ICroe; face anxious, Lac e; in tertian intermittent fever, IDig.; in haemoptysis, HAcon.; with anxiety of heart and mind, IPsor.; with pains along heart, extending to nape of neck, left shoulder and arm, INaja; inhysteralgia, Cact; during labor pains, HAcon, I ICoff.; with sa- tiety of life, INitr. ac, IPlat.; with loquacity, and anxiety in region of heart, HAcon.; with melancholy, I IPlat.; menses irregular, IDig.; in metrorrhagia, ICoff.; in paralysis, ICaust.; with anxiety about pr8ecordia,HAcon, IPlat.; during pregnancy, HAcon.; with prolapsus uteri, HAcon.; in uterine hemorrhage, HPlat; with sadness*Vinca; after scarlatina, IHell.; in smallpox, IPhos. ae; with pain in root of tongue and throat, before going to sleep, I IKali iod. Fear, with longing for death: hyperemia of brain, lAur. met. Fear, almost delirium: caused by violent beat- ing of carotid and temporal* arteries, 11 Aur. mur. Fear, in delirium: HStram. Fear, in diabetes: INatr. s. Fear, causes diarrhoea: Arg. nit, IIGels, Ign, I IKali ph., HOp.; after fright, IVer.; with cut- ting, griping, lAcon.; with internal heat and external coldness of body, IPuls. Fear, of approaching disaster : Elat Fear, of disease: lArg. nit, Bufo, Eup. pur.; of impending, evening in bed, Carbol. ac; of a long spell of sickness before dying, in old men, ICie; that symptoms indicate internal organic (in both sexes), ILil. tig.; of approach- ing illness, Iris ; that he would be very ill when waking in morning, with dull throb- bing headache (bilious remittent fever), I IPod. Fear, she will become distracted : from pain in suppurating fingers, ICepa. Fear, of dogs: attacking him, in delirium, HStram.; in hydrocephaloid, Tuberc; of black dogs, IBell, IStram. Fear, of dreams: fantastic, ICale; terrible IINux v, ISulph. Fear, drug : thought of having taken, brings on faintness, Asaf. Fear, of drunkards : I I Kali ph. Fear, she will become unable to perform her duties: 11 Lac. e Fear, causes spasmodic dyspnoea: ICup. m. Fear, easily frightened: Ang., Ant. t, IIArg. [ nit, lArn., Bar. c, ICale, Calend., ICarbo a, ICarbo v., IKali c, IKali ph., INitr. ac, IOp, 11 Puis., Sabad, Samb, ISep.; especially on falling asleep (hysteria), lAur. met.; often wakes (enlargement of heart), ICact.; affection of liver, IMagn. in.; in menorrhagia, I INux v.; starts up, ILye; in spermatorrhoea, IPhos.; in typhoid, IVer. Fear, about going into a new enterprise : ISil. Fear, with sudden jerks in epigastrium : Calc. Fear, causes epilepsy: lAgar, Art. v, Bufo, ICale, ICaust, llgn, llndig, IStram.; in childbed, Art. v.; during menses, lArg. nit.; in child, if nursing mother has fright, IBufo.; after attack timid, llndig.; frightened during intervals, Cup. m. Fear, with desire to escape : as if she had com- mitted some crime (hysteria), IMere Eear, of every one : fI Puis.; who approaches him, shrinking (scarlatina), ICup. ae; and everything about her, Acet. ae; even.at ring- ing of door bell, ILye Fear, in evening : Ant. t, ICale, IPhos.; late, as if a horrible face were looking out of every corner, IPhos.; in dark, Val.; and night, IMere Fear, eyes: timidly withdraws to farthest cor- ner of room, with eyes cast down, upon en- trance of physician, I INux v.; timid look, Mane; of everything it sees (child, inflamma- tion of brain), ICale; fears she will lose her sight, INux v. Fear, face expresses: during pregnancy, HAcon.; causes red spots, Amm. e Fear, causes fainting : Ver.; on going from one room to another, full of company, 11 Plumb. Fear, of falling: ICup. m, Stram.; forward on rising, ICurar.; child starts, grasps nurse or crib, screams out, IIGels.; in meningitis, IGels.; worse in a close, warm room, better in fresh air, though he is then chilly, Lil. tig.; holds on to nurse (scarlatina), ICup. ae; dur- ing sleep, Coff; down stairs, Lac e; headlong with vertigo, as if he would have apoplexy, IZinc; when walking (veta),Coca; everything is falling on her, Stram. Fear, with fatigue : IPhos. Fear, after fright: HOp, IVer. Fear, feeling of: Xan.; after, Calc. p.; not men- tal but bodily, IGlon. Fear, bedclothes or house would catch fire (scar- latina) : ICup. ac. Fear, attacks pass from feet over body, ICale; cries out when touched on feet, IKali e Fear, fever: from, Chen, a, with typhoid, Cham.; yellow, IMere, ISul. Fear, of gallows: IBell. Fear, in gastralgia: ICham, ILye Fear, of ghosts: Aeon, Ran. b.; with precor- dial anguish, IPlat; when evening comes with dread, IPuls.; in evening, with anguish, ILye Fear, followed by grief: llgn. ! Fear, caused by hallucinations : HStram. Fear, someting will happen: sad or terrible, ICale; dreadful, cannot sit still, Amyl.; to his relatives, evening in bed, Ars.; on awaking, Lyss.; as if something had happened, Med.; evil, Niccol.; in uterine hemorrhage, HPlat.; before he got home, 11 Zing.; all day, better after going to bed, Magn. e 8^" Apprehen- sion, Dread. Fear, haunted by : IINux v. Fear, head : causes chronic congestion, IPhos. 46 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. ac; at throbbing of, Amyl.; causes heavy feel- ing in forehead, 11 Rhus. Fear,of heart disease: ILil. tig.; causes trem- bling of heart and sadness, INux m.; with heart disease, ISpong.; with pain at heart, IDaphne, 10 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m., Sinap.; after endocarditis, Coccul. Fear, with heat: ISpong. Fear, hides in corners: IHyos. Fear, of hydrophobia: after being bitten, Lyss. Fear, causes hysteria : Sabad, IStram, I I Tar- ant, Val. Fear, about imaginary evils: Laur, Hod.; wants to run away, IBell. Fear, of being injured: IIHyos.; would not stay in bed (scarlatina), ICup. ae; in trau- matic shock, IGels. Fear, introspective, after: llgn. Fear, with irritability: fungus hsematodes, I IPhos. Fear, causes jaundice : HAcon. Fear, she is jostling against everyone she meets (during pregnancy), lAcon. Fear, of knives or the like, lest she should kill herself or others, I INux v.; thinks how hor- rible it would be if a sharp pain like a knife should go through her, on lying down (lys- sophobia), causing mental distress, Lac e Fear, in labor pains : lAcon, IOp. Fear, causes leucorrhoea: in young girls before menses are fairly established, I IPuls. Fear, with satiety of life, particularly in com- pany (hysteria): ILye Fear, limbs: painful rigidity of, Bry.; starts in all his limbs on hearing an anxious cry, IBor.; trembling of, HOp. Fear, his lips will grow together: Stram. Fear, liver: of inflammation of Cainca; in affections of liver, IMagn. m. Fear, not to have wherewithal to live: IIBry.; he cannot make a living, Chlor. Fear, of not being able to bear any kind of medicine: All. sat. Fear, with melancholy: ICrotal, IPlumb.; causes melancholy, IStram. Fear, causes loss of memory: lAnae Fear, of men: Aloe; with delirium, IPlat. Fear, menses: after, IPhos.; during, ICoff; scanty or suppressed from, IINux m.; if inter- fered with, worse during menses (convulsions) IIGZnan.; suppressed, Act sp, ICale, ILye, IOp.; with melancholia, I IRhus. Fear, timorous: IBell. Fear, in mania: with fear, Cup. m.; after fright, Htm, IPlat, IStram.; imagined he was to be killed, struck friends who came to help him (malignant scarlatina), I IStram. Fear, of mirrors: Camph. Fear, of misfortunes: ICale, IClem. B@T" happen. Fear, approach of some monster : appeals for help alternate in short periods with lively, active, vivid, delirium, Stram.; sits and looks under chairs, tables, sofa, expecting yet dread- ing to see some monster creep forth, and feel- ing that if it does it will drive her raving mad, only in the light, Lac c Fear, in morning: IGraph. Fear, of bad news -. afterwards weak, Calc. p. Fear, at night: IBell, IMere; of children, ■Chloral.; of children with screaming, fol- lowed by squinting, I IKali br.; of ghosts (worm affections), ICarbo v.; with grief, IMere; with intestinal spasms, I IOp.; in tubercular meningitis, I ITubere. Fear, of noise: ICoff, IINux v.; at door makes him anxious, Aur. met.; in left ear starts, Millef; after nocturnal emission, Aloe. Fear, at noon: better in evening, Zinc. Fear, that people will observe her confusion of mind: HCale Fear, causes hot risings in oesophagus: I I Hyper. Fear, with palpitation: IMere; especially at night (Basedow's disease), I ISpong.; causes palpitation, IPuls, IOp.; in angina pectoris, I Aur. mur. Fear, in diseased pancreas : lAtrop. s. Fear, of paralysis: lAnae, I Arn, Asaf. Fear, during paroxysm, puerperal eclampsia: ICoccul. Fear, people : to go where there are many, or excitement, 11 Aeon.; to see people (mental derangement), IKali br. Fear, as if persecuted : by men or the devil on account of crimes which he had never com- mitted (delirium tremens), I IZinc. Fear, in incipient phthisis: I ITubere Fear, by presence of physician (after typhoid): I IStram. Fear, especially at piano : I I Phos. Fear, as if he was in a strange place : Cie Fear, in pleuritis: with plastic exudation, IHep. Fear, of pointed things: pins, etc., ISpig. Fear, of being poisoned: All. sat, Ars. m, IIHyos, IKali bi, IRhus; with spirits of camphor (nymphomania), I Apis; in puerperal mania, 11 Ver. v.; fears she has been, Glon.; fears medicine is poison, ILach. Fear, worse from, during pregnancy : INuxm. Fear, of being punished : (child), Camph. Fear, of rain: W Elaps. Fear, of losing reason : 8®" crazy. Fear, causes restlessness : llgn. Fear, she will come to ruin : I ISul. Fear, with running about: IVer. Fear, with sadness: (climaxis), IKali br.; sad thoughts, Rhus. Fear, scarlet fever: Calad. Fear, of shadows from candlelight (child), ICale Fear, of cutting himself while shaving: Calad. Fear, with wild shrieks : IVer. Fear, shrinks back: on awaking, IStram.; on (hysterical convulsions), seeing anyone HStram. Fear, of sickness. Fear, with sighing 8€§°" disease. IRhus. Fear, sleep: afraid to go to, INux m, for fear he will die before he awakes, ILach.; after nightmare, lest she die, ILed. Fear, on slumbering: I IHep.; during sleep, I IHep.; causes sleepless nights, I IPuls.; dis- turbs sleep at 3 a.m., HArs.; causes insomnia, llgn. Fear, of smallpox : IVacc. Fear, of society: Cie Fear, of being sold: IIHyos Fear, she will lose her soul. 86^ Religion Fear, of evil spirits : I Mane Fear, of being spoken to: (mental derange- ment), IKali br. b Fear, with starting: IOp, IVer.; easily Bar c • ny, aversion. 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 47 at approach of others, IBell.; on falling asleep, INitr. ae; in sleep, Calc. p.; from sleep, IIHyos.; child in croup, IPhos.; incipient basilar meningitis, IKali br. Fear, to starve : IBry, ISep. Fear, stool: involuntary, I IPhos.; also urine, especially at night, HPhos.; green gushing, exhausting, I IVer. Fear, before strangers: HStram.; while teeth- ing, ICup. m. Fear, street: if passing a certain corner or building he will drop down(hypochondriasis), lArg. nit. Fear, of being struck by those coming towards him: gout, HArn. Fear, of suffocation: ILobel. i, Stram.; she will die of, HSpong.; with asthma, IPhos.; on motion, with dyspnoea, I ISpig.; drives out of bed at night (emansio mensum), IDig.; with palpitation, awakens after midnight, HSpong.; causes suffocative attacks, with bloated bluish face, ISamb. Fear, causes inclination to suicide: lArs.; fear that she might commit, with continuous cry- ing, IPuls. Fear, of surgeon : ICoff. Fear, from pleasant surprises: I ICoff. Fear, with sweat: ISpong. Fear, taciturn after: llgn. Fear, to talk with anyone : Pseonia. Fear, causes tetanus : llgn. Fear, of thieves on waking after midnight, llgn. Fear, torticollis after: INux v. Fear, of touching parts l arthritic pain): Phos, ae; of possibility of being touched (gout), HArn.; in sensitive places, Tell. Fear, trembling : and clonic spasms, IPlat.; of, limbs with oppression of respiration, worse evening after eating, change of temperature, especially heat to cold, Ran. b. Fear, worse in twilight: IRhus. Fear, causes retention of urine : IOp. Fear, causes prolapsus uteri: IOp.; fear of everything dropping through, ILil. tig. Fear, vague : cephalalgia, Alum. Fear, causes vertigo: Crotal., IOp. Fear, with vexation, ailments from: Coff., IPetrol. Fear, caused by visions of old repulsive persons (hysteria), IKali c. Fear, voice husky: Bar m.; weak, Bar. m. Fear, cannot be persuaded to work : ICon. Fear, she may commit some wrong and kill herself: IMere. 8^Anxiety, Apprehension, Dread, Solicitude. FICKLE: Apis, Asaf, INux m. 8®° Changeable, Fitful. FIDGETY. 8^" Chap. 36. FILTH: wallows in his own (mania), ICamph. FISTS: doubling as if in furious anger, ICale; makes (spasms after fright), llgn. FIRE: attempts to set house on (scabies), IHep.; thinks and talks of, ICale FITFUL: Cinch., ICypr., Magn. m., INux m.; in chronic headache, Hod. 8@" Changeable, Fickle FLATTERED, wants to be: IPallad. FLIES, tries to catch: I IStram. FLIGHTY. 8®" Delirium. FOOD refuses: I I Viol.; saving one who does not work should not eat, but driven by hunger he tried to procure it secretly (melancholia), I Arg. nit.; aversion to (affection of brain), IGlon.; must be forcibly administered (melan- cholia religiosa), IKali ph. FOOLISH (silly): IIHyos., Paris, IPhos.; things does (intermittent), ICinch.; behaves like mad, IHyos.; like a fool, Stram. FOREBODINGS, with brain fag : INatr. m. Forebodings, constant: Natr. c Forebodings, dark: takes dark views of things, I IKali ph. Forebodings, about his disease in regard to future: ISep. Forebodings, of impending disaster: IPuls. Forebodings, in dysmenorrhoea : INatr. m. Forebodings, evenings lying in bed: Ars. Forebodings, evil: I IPsor. Forebodings, fearful: with cold sweat, wakes in night (parenchymatous metritis), 11 Lace Forebodings, gloomy : Stilling. Forebodings, of attack interrupted playing: (chorea), ICaust. 8®~ Anxiety, Apprehension, Dread, Fear, Uneasiness. FORGETFUL: Act. rac, IIAgnus, Amm. c, Arum t, Bar. e, IBell., Calad, ICale, ICale p., Cain., ICanth., Caps., "Carbol. ac, Cin- nab., HCinnam., HColch., ICon., Cornus, Form, IGraph, Gymn., ILac e, Lil. tig., IMillef, I IMere, Natr. a, I INux m., I IOp., I IPetrol., IPhos., HPlat, I IPsor., 11 Ptel., IRhus, Rhus v, Sal. ac, Sarrae, Stront, Tabac, Tell., Thuya, IZinc, 11 Zing. Forgetful, loses appetite (melancholy) : Anac. Forgetful, in business: Fluor, ac.; crept into a corner and said he must sleep, could not sleep but still remained lying down, Jamb.; remem- bers all he had forgotten, during slumber, Selen. Forgetful, of dates: ICon., Fluor, ac. Forgetful, of what she is going to do: in post- partum hemorrhage, ICann. s., HCarbol. ac.; what he has just intended to do, ICard. m.; what she wants to do or has done, IChel.; from one moment to next what she wishes to do, IManc; what he has done a short time ago, ICale p. Forgetful, of everything except dreams: melan- choly after mortification), llgn. Forgetful, in evening: Fluor, ae, IForm. Forgetful, of almost everything: Fluor, ac. Forgetful, friends and relatives : Lyss. Forgetful, during fever: IGuarsea ; after heat, Pod.; words during chill, Pod.; in typhus, HArn., ICoccul.; in headache, 11 Alum.; after attacks, IMagn. p. Forgetful, of figures, names and places (incipi- ent stage of senile dementia): ICrotal. Forgetful, in hysteria: I Anac. Forgetful, of everything immediately: IDig. Forgetful, after meals : ISulph. Forgetful, in morning : on awaking, unable to go on with her dressing, constantly requires reminding, Thuya. Forgetful, makes him morose (melancholy after typhus): I Anac. Forgetful, especially of names: HCrotal, IIGnaiae; later of words and initial letters, IMed. Forgetful, after nosebleed: I IKreo. Forgetful, on making notes: he mistakes right for left, Fluor, ac. 48 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Forgetful, in ozaena: lAur. met. Forgetful, in old people : ILye Forgetful, of what she has read: even previous line, IMed. Forgetful, cannot remember what he is reading or talking about: IHydras. Forgetful, in religious mania: during lucid moments, IPuls. Forgetful, of what he is about to say: 11 Hyper., Lil. tig., Mez., Rhod.; after commencing sen- tence, ffAtrop. s.; in pneumonia, ISulph.; in post-partum hemorrhage, ICann. s. Forgetful, of everything he has seen: lAnae Forgetful, as if he had forgotten something, and does not know what: Hod. Forgetful, of syllables and entire words when writing: Colch. Forgetful, how to talk : IKali br. Forgetful, of what he has just thought: ICoccul. Forgetful, of connection of consecutive thoughts: after consciousness is restored (apoplexy), IOp. Forgetful, of words: IMed.; when talking, IHam.; just spoken, Carbo a.; of last, I ICann. i.; fail him in middle of speech, Bar. c 8^° Memory. FRANTIC, almost: in her appeals, ^ Atrop s.; coryza after mercury, I IKali iod. Frantic, attacks make her (colic) : lAloe. Frantic, during chill: changes position (ague), 11 Rhus. Frantic, in headache: IGlon.; from pain in meningitis, IGels. Frantic, from least noise : I I Zinc. Frantic, in toothache : Coff. 8®" Frenzy, Rage. FRENZY: Agar., Agnus, IStram. Frenzy, in fever: Anag. Frenzy, headache: from intolerable pain, lArs. Frenzy, causing to injure himself: Agar. Frenzy, in mania: after melancholy, IGels. Frenzy, maniacal: hair dishevelled, IGels.; with loss of consciousness. Camph. Frenzy, menacing: Agar. Frenzy, in meningitis: IStram. Frenzy, mischievous: Agar. Frenzy, in peritonitis: lAtrop. Frenzy, after pneumonia: I IOp. 8@°" Frantic, Rage. FRETFUL: Ascl. t, Berb., IBell., Camph., Calend., ICaulo, I ICaust, HCham., I IChel., Cie, ICina, Cinnab., Coccus, Coff, Guaiae, IGraph., Helon., Hydr. ac, IKali bi., IKali br., I IKali ph., IMang., INatr. m., Niccol., 01. an., lOleand., HPlat, IPuls., IRhus, ISamb., I ISpong., Sulph. ac, I IThuya, Verbas. Fretful, in abscess : after vaccination, lApis. Fretful, on awaking: will not be pacified, in- termittent, ICina. Fretful, in bronchitis: dentition, IKreos. Fretful, child must be carried: HCham. Fretful, cough excites : ICina. Fretful, in whooping cough: ICup. ac. Fretful, in evening: Lyss., Zinc. Fretful, fever: during (diarrhoea), I ISulph.; in intermittent, Ipec. Fretful, in headache : lArs. Fretful, in melancholia: IKali c. Fretful, in tubercular meningitis: I ITubere Fretful, in mind affections: Hep. Fretful, in miscarriage: ICaulo. Fretful, in morning: Amm. m.; and sleepy, Calad. Fretful, at night: sick babies, IPsor.: with frightful visions, Camph. Fretful, from pain: tonsillitis, IMere iod. flav. Fretful, passionate: affection of mind, IHep. Fretful, peevish : with ill humor, IStaph. Fretful, in pityriasis versicolor : IMez. Fretful, quietly (child): ICoff. Fretful, in rachitis : iCale Fretful, rigid from (child): IPuls. Fretful, in scarlatina : iCale Fretful, with dirty yellow, greasy skin: IPsor. Fretful, after sleep (chronic inflammation of eyes and otorrhcea after vaccination): 11 Thuya. Fretful, before stool: IBor. • Fretful, cries when touched: child (diarrhoea, colic), 11 Ant. e Fretful, at trifles : Aspar., I I Ptel. 8^* Cross, Irritable, Peevish. FRIGHT. 8^" Fear. FRIVOLOUS: Arn. FROLICSOME behavior: changing to sor- row, INux m. FUN, full of: llCann. i.; in chronic diarrhcea, ICale. gS^" Cheerful, Happy, Hilarity, Gay, Joy, Laughing, Merry. FURY: I IPhos., lAnae,- I IMelil. Fury, in cerebro-spinal meningitis: Canth. Fury, as if drunk : GZnan.; in typhoid, IOp. Fury, when something to eat was offered : Ars. Fury, epileptic, before attack : Hnd. Fury, had to be held: IBell. Fury, in insanity : I ITarant. Fury, lascivious : IHyos. silT" Anger, Frenzy, Rage, Violence. FUTURE, fear of. ggg~ Anxiety, Apprehen- sion, Dread, Foreboding. GAY: Aeon., Ananth., Ant. t, Croc, I IFluor. ac, Guarana, Hydrocot, IOp., Tarant. Gay, alternately with depression: Agar., INux in.; in whooping cough, ICupr. m. 8^*" Changeable mood. Gay, in afternoon : Ast. r. Gay, ineffectual desireto be: withnausea, IManc. Gay, thoughtless : Arn. 8^° Cheerful, Happy, Hilarity, Joy, Laugh- ing, Merry. GESTURES: I IPlat. Gestures, angry: in night walking, Meph. Gestures, in delirium: pneumonia, IPhos. Gestures, disgusting, immodest: IHyos., in imbecility, IMere.' 8®" Obscene. Gestures, foolish : Bell., I I Ver.; mimicry, ICup. m.; grotesque, puerperal mania, INux v. Gestures, with thoughtlessness: I IMosch. Gestures, frightful: on awaking (scabies) IHep. Gestures, lively : IHyos. Gestures, ludicrous: Bell, Cie, Strain.; in chorea, ICup. in. Gestures, in mental derangement: afteramen- orrhoea, ICoccul. Gestures, ridiculous: like a clown, IIHyos. Gestures, strange: Camph., INux m.; as if possessed, Strain. Gestures, wild: Camph. egg5* Active, Antics, Tricks GLOOMY : Abrot., I.Esc h., Arg. nit., Amm. e Asar., ICale, IDig., 11 Hani, IHelon, Magn. e IPhos., IPhyt, I IPlumb., Polv-, Polyp., I IPuls., Rhus v., II Sars. Isil Gloomy, alternating with: cheerfulness Cinch Med.; frantic delirium, I IPlumb • with ex- citement, ICon, 11 Plumb.; serenity Cinch bol • 1. MIND AND DTSPOSITION. 4J Gloomy, with apprehension and fretful mood- HPlat. Gloomy, for days, then excited: ICon. Gloomy, in diabetes : IHelon. Gloomy, yet unwilling to die: in haemoptysis, lAcal. Gloomy, with drowsiness: Calc. p. Gloomy, with fainting : ILach. Gloomy, in ague: I I Polyp. Gloomy, forebodings: HPhos. 8@"" Appre- hension, Dread, Foreboding. Gloomy, as from internal grief: Amm. m. Gloomy, as headache gets worse: parenchyma- tous metritis, 11 Lac c. Gloomy, with heavy expression: Collin. Gloomy, in hepatic derangements: ILept. Gloomy, mania: Lyss. Gloomy, after mortification: I IPuls. Gloomy, threatening paralysis: of legs, 11 Ang. Gloomy, weighted down, with suicidal mood: I 11 Aur. met, ISpig.; better by tears, Med. Gloomy, walking in air, and in evening : ISep. 8ST" Depression, Grief, Hypochondriasis, Melancholy, Sadness. GRASPING, at one's clothing : in frightened manner, (convulsions, child), ICie; which she puts into her mouth, ICale Grasping, flocks. flgT" Picking at flocks. Grasping, greedily: with both hands, anything offered him, IHyos. Grasping, with hands: ICale p. Grasping, everything within reach and thrusts into mouth: child, ISul. Grasping, others: ICamph. Grasping, quickly: thinks he has seized a thing before touching it, if he holds the object does not feel that he has hold of it, Stram. Grasping, wrong things : Lyss. GREEDY : ILye, ISep. GRAVE. 8€sT Serious. GRIEF: causes pain in abdomen : hsemate- mesis, I INatr. m. Grief, causes agalactia : ICaust. Grief, ailments from: I I Amm. m., Anac. or.; Ante, HAur. met, ICale p., IClem., HCoc- cul, Colch., Con., Cycl., Lobel. e, IGels., IGraph., Illgn, I IPhos. ae, Tarant; from long-lasting chronic headache, face and tooth- ache, chorea, I ICaust.; particularly with drowsiness, IOp., HPhos. ac. Grief, from dissapointed love causes apoplexy: I IPhos. Grief, causes smarting pain in back : INaja. Grief, when thinking of his business in morn- ing : IPuls. Grief, causes cerebro-spinal meningitis: IOp. Grief, causes chorea: llgn. Grief, causes colic in pregnancy : lArs. Grief, causes chronic complaints long lasting : IILach. Grief, about consequences: HStaph. Grief, constitution undermined by : IPhos. Grief, causes convulsions: HOp.; clonic, in face and limbs, I Ars. Grief, causes delusions (climaxis) : 11 Zinc. Grief, causes dyspepsia : Cypr. j Grief, causes epilepsy: IHyos. Grief, with fear at night: IMere. Grief, from wounded feelings: ICham., llgn. Grief, fever: in childbed, IColoe; typhoid, Cham., IPhos. ac. Grief, fits of: Asaf. I. Grief, after fright: llgn. Grief, hair falls off: IPhos. ac. Grief, causes headache: I Aur. met, IPhos.; occipital, and in nape of neck, HPhos. ae; chronic congestion, IPhos. ac.; vertex burn- ing, HCale, hot, IPhos.; pain on top of head as if brain were crushed, ll'hos. ae Grief, intermittent action of heart: IKali ph. Grief, aggravates hydrophobia: Lyss. Grief, with jealousy: IHyos. Grief, over insults (convulsions) : I IOp. Grief, causes jaundice : Phos. ae. Grief, from unhappy love. 8@" Love. Grief, causes mental disturbances : IPlat. Grief, causes palpitation: IOp. Grief, causes paresis of legs: INatr. m. Grief, about past events : IPlat. Grief, after losing persons or objects : Illgn. Grief, causes dragging and anxiety in prae- cordia; IXaja. Grief, quiet: following anger, llgn. Grief, roars involuntarily after : I Ars. Grief, sensitiveness to : ICoccul. Grief, with sighing; HAct rac. (Mef, silent: Cycl, Illgn.; with indignation, IColoe; with unhappy love, Illgn.; with submissiveness, I IPuls. Grief, causes sleeplessness : llgn., INatr. m. Grief, suppressed causes epilepsy: llgn. Grief, over trifles : Bar. c. Grief, •weakness from : Guarana, IPhos. ac. 8®*" Depression, Gloomy, Hypochondriasis, Melancholv, Sadness. GRIMACES*: I IPlat, Stram, I IVer. v. GROANING: Camph, ICham., ICoccul, Crotal, llpec, IIKali br, 11 Mur. ae, IVer. Groaning, during breathing: in pericarditis, IColch. Groaning, in cholera: ICup. ac. Groaning, constant: Mang., Merc. Groaning, at beginning and ending of puerperal convulsions: llgn. Groaning, in whooping cough: ICup. ac. Groaning, in epilepsy: 11 Sil. Groaning, fever, during heat: IIPuls. Groaning, in headache : Act. rac. ; periosteal, IMez. Groaning, effect of wounded honor : I INux. v. Groaning, in hysteria : occasional, IHydr. ae Groaning, loud: Strain. Groaning, during menses : I Ars. Groaning, with nausea: ILac def. (rroaning, in old age : IBar. e Groaning, in scarlatina: IKali e Groaning, during sleep,: Coff, llpec, ILye, IOp, HPuls, ISulph.; in cholera, IMur. ae: incipient basilar meningitis : IKali br. Groaning, with sleeplessness: Crotal. Groaning, stretch out in a stiff, rigid manner, difficult breathing: Coff. Groaning, with thirst: during fever, I IPod. Groaning and grasping at throat: HStram. 8®°" Moaning. GRUDGE, inclined to have a secret: Zinc. GRUMBLE disposed to: with headache. lAur met. 8@?~ Complaining, Discontent. HAPPY: ICie, IFluor. ae, Iod, ISul. Happy, alternating with gloom. 8®° Gloomy. Happy, jumps out of bed: 11 Cie Happy, foolish: HSul. Happy, can appear, but looks down when rCarbol. ac, HCham, Coloc, IDulc, IHyos, Illgn, llpec, ILach, ILye, IMed., IINux v., IPsor, 11 Sars, Sul, Vace, I IZinc. Impatience, before apoplexy : Ast. r.; with dull, stupid feeling in brain, IPlant. Impatience, in chlorosis: I INatr. m. Impatience, at slightest contradiction: Nuph. Impatience, in convulsions: before attack, IMosch. Impatience, with coryza: IINux v. Impatience, with fever : ICham. Impatience, fretful with numb sensation in forehead, as if constricted, in a warm crowded room, soon increasing to violent dull burrow- ing compression, I IPlat. Impatience, headache: from severe, all morning, Lyss, Mane, Pallad. Impatience, in organic disease of heart: lApis. Impatience, with heat in evening (ague): llpec. Impatience, with itching: Osm.; child, I ISars. Impatience, caused by heat and titillation in larynx before cough (consumption): IKali bi. Impatience, in melancholy: IKali c. Impatience, at herself and others during pain: IMurex. Impatience, in rheumatism: I I Act, sp. Impatience, runs about, never sits, or sleeps at night: Hod. Impatience, when sitting: like an uneasiness in bones, Sep. Impatience, everything goes too slowly: ICham. Impatience, when spoken to: (menorrhagia), IINux v. Impatience, in strangury : IDulc. Impatience, on hearing others talk much : Zinc. Impatience, throws himself about: lAcon. Impatience, tossing about: lAcon. 8^*" Hasty, Restless. IMPERTINENT. 8®"" Impudent. IMPETUOUS : Ictod, Stront. 8®" Hasty, Impulsive. IMPRESSIBILITY: Ant c; in atrophy of children, IPhos.; unpleasantly impressed by everything, ICon. 8@~ Senses, Sensitive. IMPUDENT (impertinent, insolent): ICanth, Pallad.; in childbed, IVer. Impudent, in cough after pertussis: IGraph. IMPULSIVE: HArg. nit,; in hysteria, I Aur. met, 8@~ Hasty, Impetuous. INATTENTIVE': I ICaust, Ictod, ISep. Inattentive, children, weak memory: IBar.c. Inattentive, when studying: children, Bar. m. 8gf Dulness. INCOHERENCY: Crotal, INux m.; in men- tal disturbance during climacteric period, j ICvcl. INCONSOLABLE: IPuls, ISpong, Stram. Inconsolable, from anxiety about his family, which he left behind while going on a short journey: IPetrol. Inconsolable, would rather die on the spot, with heat: Spong. Inconsolable, over a fancied misfortune: runs about howling and screaming, or sits brooding, wailing and weeping, worse in evening, IVer. Inconsolable, in scirrhus mammae : Brom. Inconsolable, even to suicide: HCinch. 8®" Hypochondriasis, Sadness, Weeping. INCONSTANCY : Act. sp, Illgn. INDECISION: IGraph, Lac. def, ILye, Lyss, INux m, Pallad, IPsor, Tarax. Indecision, cannot accomplish or finish any- thing, pupils contracted : ICoccul. Indecision, in yellow fever: ISul. Indecision, in morning: Pallad. Indecision, in nervous debility : ICurar. Indecision, in typhus: wants to get up, and yet does not want to, IBapt. Indecision, resolve altered by trifles : Ars. 8®" Irresolute. INDIFFERENT: lAgar, Amm. m, I Anac; HApis, Ant. t, 11 Ast. r, Bapt, Bell, Berb, Calc. p, HCarbov, Cham, HCinch, Clem, ICoccul, Cornus, Crotal, 11 Cypr, Ferr., Guara^a, IGraph, Gymn, IIHell, Jacea, IILyc, Lyss, I IMelil, IMere, IMez., IINatr. c, INatr. in, INitr. ac, IOp, HPhos. ac, IPic. ac, IPlat, I IPsor, IPuls, Sec, ISep, Sil, Stram, Verbas, Xan, Zinc. Indifferent, with griping in abdomen on awak- ing in morning, continues during day : Xan. i Indifferent, in chronic alcholism ; even towards dearest friends, IPhos. Indifferent, alternating with great joy: Men- yanth. Indifferent, after least annoyance with dis- tress in stomach, IKali bi. Indifferent, brain affection: (children), ICup. m. Indifferent, in concussion of brain: ICie Indifferent, even to his own children: HPhos. Indifferent, in cholera Asiatica: IISul, I IVer. Indifferent, mental disturbance, climacteric period : ICycl. Indifferent, after concussion: HArn. Indifferent, in croup: HSpong. Indifferent, did not know what to do: night, IMere Indifferent, about anything being done for her: I ILil. tig. Indifferent, in dropsy: lArs. Indifferent, with drowsiness: Cornus. Indifferent, to duties: 11 Ptel.; household (men- tal disorder), I Act. rac; doing anything, ICale Indifferent, especially if there is emaciation and debility: I IPhos. ac. Indifferent, in epilepsy : ICrotal, I IOp. Indifferent, to exposure of her person: I IPhyt. Indifferent, with mournful expression of face: (hydrocephaloid), IMere Indifferent, fever: in typhus, BArn, I IChin. s.; yellow, I Ars. Indifferent, to future : far away feeling, Syph. Indifferent, in hypochondriasis: ICon. Indifferent, with ill humor: afternoon from 5 to 6, ICon. j Indifferent, feels no interest in anything (in- sanity) : I INux v. 54 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Indifferent, with irritability : Ziz. Indifferent, to joy and suffering (mental de- rangement): IOp. Indifferent, with lachrymose mood: I IPlat. Indifferent, with lamentations about difficulty of breathing and headache: Plumb. Indifferent, to life: IPhyt, ISep.; to affairs of, HPhos. ae; particularly in company (hysteria), ILye, Indifferent, about lot of others: IISul. Indifferent, towards those he loves best, ani- mated to strangers: IFluor. ac. Indifferent, in melancholy: IKali ars, IKali br, I IPlat. Indifferent, indesquamative nephritis: I I Plumb. Indifferent, to important news: Ars. h. Indifferent, with obstinacy: ICrotal. Indifferent, after onanism: HStaph. Indifferent, to pain: Arund, Jatroph.; in typhoid, ICinch. Indifferent, pulse retarded: Ant. t. Indifferent, quiet: Crotal. Indifferent, while reading or listening: IMez. Indifferent, tosorrow: mental derangement, I Op. Indifferent, stoical to wdiat happens : Ailant. Indifferent, to her surroundings: Rumex; with dulness, Selen.; in sore throat, 11 Phyt. Indifferent, when walking in open air (hypo- chondriasis) : ICon. Indifferent, to getting well: ICale Indifferent, with aversion to work: Camph, Rhod. 8^" Apathy, Dulness, Torpor. INDIGNATION: ailments from: IColoe, HStaph. Indignation, causes cardialgia: HStaph. Indignation, causes colic: IColoe, HStaph. Indignation, causes convulsions : with loss of consciousness, retraction of thumbs and foam- ing at mouth, I IStaph. Indignation, causes cough: IStaph. Indignation, causes puerperal fever: IColoe Indignation, with silent grief: Coloc. Indignation, causes suppression of menses: IColoe, Staph. Indignation, causes metritis: IColoe Indignation, causes tight cramplike pain in left inguinal and iliac regions, worse after ex- ternal pressure, better for a while after cup of coffee: IColoe 8®° Anger, Chagrin, Fury, Rage, Vexation. INERTNESS. ggg- Apathy, Dulness, Indif- ference, Torpor. INDOLENCE. BST Laziness. INHUMANITY: Abrot, Anac. INSOLENT. 8^T Impudent. INSULTING: ICham, IHyos, Lyss.; from jealousy, with unchaste expressions, I INux v.; with crying mood, IStram. 8^*Abusive. INSULTS, ailments from: llgn, IIMerc, HStaph. Insults, cause hypochondriasis: IStaph. Insults, feels she is looked down upon by everyone: I ILac e Insults, recalls old: INatr. m. Insults, sensitive to: ICoccul. Insults, too dignified to fight, subdued wrath, went home sick, trembling, exhausted: HStaph. 8^° Anger, Chagrin, Indignation, Sensitive, Vexation. INTELLECT, 8ST Mental conditions. INTOXICATED feeling: Act. sp., Arg. met, Amvg, Amyl, Aurant, 11 Bapt.,. Benz. ac., Cup. ars, IHydras, IIHyos, IKali c, Millef., INux m, Psor., Tereb. Intoxicated, with absence of mind: l>ux m. Intoxicated, appearance: 11 Atrop. s. Intoxicated person, behaves like: Stram. Intoxicated, with fulness in brain ; Ailant. Intoxicated, with diarrhcea: IIGels. Intoxicated, after dinner: Bufo. Intoxicated, with drowsiness: INux m. , Intoxicated, head; with congestion to, 11 Kali e Intoxicated, hypochondriacal: Aur. met. Intoxicated, in morning with dulness: Rhus. Intoxicated, with stupor as if from smoke in brain: I IOp. Intoxicated, in typhus : IChlor. Intoxicated, while undressing: I I Sec. Intoxicated, with vertigo : Hvdr. ac, IHyos. INTOXIC ATION (drunkenness). 8@"Chap.2. INTROSPECTIVE (introverted) : ICham. Ilndigo, IMur. ac, I ISep. ; after fright, llgn. 8€g" Reflective, Thoughtful. IRASCIBLE. 8®" Anger, Quarrelsome. IRRESOLUTE: Act sp., Bar. e, ICham, Cochl., IDig., Grat, Hyos., I llgn., IMez, INux m., IPetrol., IPuls, II Sul. 8@* In- decision. IRRITABLE: Abrot, lAilant, JEse h, Amb., Anac, Ananth, I Aug., I Arg. nit, Arn, Ars., Arum t, Asar., Ast. r., Aur. met., Aur. mur., IBell., Brach., IIBry, Cadm. s., ICale, Calend., Camph.,Caps, Carbo a., ICarbol. ae, ICarbo v., HCaust, 11 Cham., I IChel., ICina, Cinnab., IClem., ICinch, Coca, ICoccul., ICoff., IColoe, ICrotal, Cupr. s, Cycl., Diose, Dros., IDulc, IFerr, Fluor, ac, iGamb., IIGels., I IHam., IHell, IHelon., IHep., IHydras., Hyper., Hod, llpec, IKali c, 11 Kali ph., IILyc, ILye. vir., Lyss., Magn. sul., Mar. v., Med., IMelil, IIMere, IMez., IMurex, IMur.ae, IIMyr. cer., INatr. c, INatr. m., Natr. ph., INatr. s., INitr. ac, IINux v., IOp., IPetrol, IPhos., I IPhos. ae, IPhyt., IPlant, Polyp, IPsor, 11 Ptel, Rumex, Sang, Sars, ISil., Sinap, ISpig, IStaph,, Strain, 11 Sum, ISul, Sul. ac, Tarant, Thuya, I lUstil, Vacc, Val, HVib, Ziz. Irritable, in abdominal complaints : I Acet ac. Irritable, in threatened abortion ; ICham. Irritable, with activity (melancholia) : I IPlat. Irritable, with after-pains : INux v. Irritable, wishes to be alone : Bry. Irritable, alternates with: loquacious delirium (mental disturbance), ILach.; with despond- ency (icterus), I Ars.; with indifference, ISep. Irritable, with anxiety; IINux v. Irritable, in aphonia nervosa : I IPuls. Irritable, in asthma; 11 Phos. Irritable, in atrophy of infants : I IPetrol. Irritable, on awaking: IBell, ICycl, IILyc. Irritable, brain ; in aimemia of, ICon.; in brain affections of children, ICup. m.; in cerebro- spinal meningitis, HApis, IChloral.; tuber- cular meningitis, I ITubere. Irritable, in bronchitis during dentition- IKreo. Irritable in children : Bor.; child must be car- ried, HCham. Irritable, with chilliness: Plat. Irritable, chorea: before, IStram • during ICup. m. Sl 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 55 Irritable, in false conception: ICaulo. i Irritable, at slightest contradiction : Illgn. Irritable, from conversation: Amb. Irritable, in dentition: HCham, IIRheum. Irritable, with depression : Addison's disease, I INatr. m. Irritable, with despondency: Ziz.; in dyspep- sia, 11 Sal. ae Irritable, in diabetes: IHelon.; unless spoken to very softly, ILye vir. Irritable, in diarrhcea: IGnaphal.; child, ILye Irritable, with drowsiness : Ind. Irritable, eating: during, and after, Chlor, after dinner, IHydras.; at and after dinner, with pressure in forehead, Mar. v.; particu- larly after dinner (indigestion), INatr. c Irritable, after emission: Coff, ILil. tig, IINux v, HStaph.; with dull pain in lumbar region, I lUstil. Irritable, before epilepsy: lArt. v, ILach. Irritable, in evening; Pallad, 11 Zing. Irritable, in fungus haematodes: I IPhos. Irritable, in fever: relapsing intermittent, TJstil.; after intermittent, ICina; during, Diad. Irritable, in gastrodynia: IGraph. Irritable, from grief: IKali br. Irritable, in hay catarrh: 11 Sticta. Irritable, in headache: 11 Ant. c, Calc, IChin. a, Ind, IKreo, ILace, Lyss, IMagn.p, INux v, Pallad.; in liver complaint, I Acet. ae; periodical neuralgia, HSyph.; periosteal, IMez. Irritable, with heat; Chim. m. Irritable, with hemorrhoids: I Apis, IINux v. Irritable, hysterical: llgn. Irritable, hystero-mania : I ITarant. Irritable, and indifferent (caries) : I Asaf, Ziz. Irritable, in indigestion : IRob. Irritable, in leucorrhcea; ICale; as soon as "white of egg " discharge ceases, IHydras. Irritable, in liver trouble: IBry, ICham, IINux v, I IPod. Irritable, in malarial ataxy: I Arg. nit. Irritable, in marasmus: Hod. Irritable, melancholia: Asar, I IKali iod, I I Sul. Irritable, in menorrhagia: ICann. i. Irritable, menses: before, INatr. m.; during, ISul, Zing. Irritable, in morning: Amm. m. Castor, I liber, INatr. s. Irritable, cannot give music lessons (melan- cholia): IKali br. Irritable, with drawing back of neck (spinal meningitis): INatr. s. Irritable, traumatic neuralgia : ICaust. Irritable, at night: Anthrae Irritable, little noises, such as the crackling of newspaper, drives him to despair: IFerr. Irritable, at noon : better evening, Zinc. Irritable, after onanism : IHyos. Irritable, in progressive spinal paralysis: IPhos. Irritable, in paroxysms : Calc, IHep. Irritable, easily and quickly penitent: ISul. Irritable, in phthisis florida : I IMere cor. Irritable, in sciatica : probably hysterical and due to retrolateral version of uterus, I INux m. I Irritable, with inclination to colds : IPetrol. Irritable, from excitement of female sexual organs, sexual dreams and orgasm : INux v. Irritable, with sexual weakness : 11 Pic ac. Irritable, with sleeplessness : Bell, IKali br, INatr. m. Irritable, in spermatorrhoea : IPhos. Irritable, does not wish to be spoken to: 11 Gels.; when spoken to (child), INatr. m. Irritable, with sour stomach and anxiety : Sa- bina. Irritable, after stool: INitr. ac. Irritable, in strangury : IDulc. Irritable, excited by loud talking, or least in- crease in temperature: Coccul. Irritable, from toothache : lArs. Irritable, from trifles : I Act. rac, IHep, IMed. Irritable, in urticaria ; IBov. Irritable, in prolapsus uteri: ILil. tig. Irritable, in chronic vomiting of food : I IPuls. Irritable, when he hears water poured out, or hears it run, or sees it: I ILyss. Irritable, with weakness : HCinch, IKali p. Irritable, in whooping cough: IBry. Irritable, with worms : ICina, Filix. 8^*" Anger, Chagrin, Cross, 111 humor, Indig- nation, Rage, Vexation. JEALOUSY: Ananth., IIHyos, I I Ign, ILach.; desires that others shall not value or appreciate anything, 11 Ipec Jealousy, ailments from: I Apis, IHyos, llgn., ILach. Jealousy, in dysmenorrhoea: ILach. Jealousy, causes epilepsy: ILach. Jealousy, with erotic mania : IHyos. J ealousy, accuses wife of being faithless (mania): HStram. Jealousy, with frightful images : tendency to mock, satire and ridiculous ideas, ILach. Jealousy, with melancholy: IKali ars. Jealousy, with attempts to murder: IIHyos. Jealousy, accuses husband of neglect: 11 Stram. Jealousy, quarrels, reproaches, scolds: 11 Nux v. Jealousy, with rage : IIHyos. Jealousy, reproaches, unchaste expressions: I INux v. Jealousy, in ■women (mania): lApis. 8^* Envy, Love disappointed. JOKING: Arg. met, I ICaps, Coccul, IKali iod, Tarant. g^° Fun, Merry. JOY: Therid. Joy, ailments from : I ICoff, I IOp, IPuls. Joy, alternating with irritability : Cycl. Joy, when thinking of death; Aur. met. Joy, diarrhcea, from sudden : ICoff, HOp. Joy, fits of: with laughter (hysteria), IIAsaf. Joy, headache from excessive : ICoff'. Joy, indifference to : mental derangement IOp. Joy, excessive with laughter; Verbas. Joy, causes palpitation; ICoff, IPuls. Joy, sleepless from : ICoff. Joy, with trembling: Cycl.; mirthful, playful, clear intellect, lAct. rac. Joy, disturbing thoughts wdiile listening: Anag. Joy, causes weeping (after parturition): ICoff 8@T Cheerful, Exhilaration, Gay, Hilarity, Laughing, Merry, News. JUMPING: lArg. met, ICroe Jumping, out of bed: Chloral, Lyss, HOp.; on awaking, IStram.; in delirium, I IChin. s.; in a happy, childish state, IICie; is compelled to, HCinch.; fell, knees gave out, IGlon.; in mania after labor, ICup. ae; naked, with clothes hanging over her head (puerperal ma- nia), I IPuls. Jumping, desire to, from height: prolapsus or induration of uterus, pregnancy, II Aur. met. Jumping, children in evening; HCina; upon chairs, tables and stove, IBell. 56 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Jumping, wild leaps: in mania puerperal, INuxv. Jumping, desire to, into river: almost irresist- ible on crossing bridge (hypochondriasis), I Arg. nit. Jumping, from window: attempts to, in head- ache, IGlon.; desire to, IVer.; or dash her- self down (parturition), Aur met.; after par- turition, I IThuya. Jumping up: and turns over washstand, worse during menses (spasms): I IGSnan. KICKING on awaking: IILyc. Kicking, during sleep: IBell. Kicking, in worm affections: ICarbo v. KILL, wishes to be killed : Bell, I IStram.; in labor, ICoff. t; in sore throat, I IPhyt. Kill, desire to, the person contradicting her : IMere Kill, thoughts of, especially drunkards : lArs. Kill, desire, insane, her husband, whom she adores, when alone with him : INux v. Kill, attempts to, with jealousy : IIHyos. Kill, threatens to use knife (acute mania) : IStram. Kill, inclination to, with hysterical melan- cholia: IMere Kill, desire to, particularly during menses, her husband, of whom she is very fond ; implores him to hide his razor : IMere Kill, wants to, somebody: IHyos. Kill, disposition to when in street: Camph. Kill, thinks and talks of murder: ICale Kill, attempts to cut his customers' throats (a barber): I Ars. Kill, threatens to, wife and children: IHep. Kill, impulse to murder a woman almost irresistible (mania): Hod. KISS, wants to, everybody: ICroe; hotly, all who come near her, I IPhos.; in mania puer- peralis, IVer.; before menses, IVer.; wants to be kissed, I IStram. 8®° Amorous, Amative, Lascivious, Erotic. KLEPTOMANIA. g@» Stealing. LAMENTING: HAcon, Act sp, I IZinc Lamenting, on awaking: in morning, ICina. Lamenting, with cutting in abdomen: Jacea. Lamenting, anxious sighing breathing: Plumb. Lamenting, in colic: lArs. Lamenting, with heat: of whole body except hands, I IPuls. Lamenting, hoarse: Brom. Lamenting, in keratitis: sits up in bed, after midnight (child), IChin. a. Lamenting, during labor: ICoff. Lamenting, in melancholia: I IPuls. Lamenting, and moaning: I IHell. Lamenting, about pain : all the time, with hic- cough, 11 Magn. p.; with cramp, IIColoc Lamenting, with scarlet rash: ICoff. Lamenting, during sleep: ISul.; hydrocepha- lus, ICina. Lamenting, inability to relieve thirst: Lyss. Lamenting, over trifles: ICoff. 8@" Moaning, Groaning, Weeping. LASCIVIOUS: 11 Aeon, IPhos. Lascivious, as if she were animal clear through, mental power dormant: """Lach. Lascivious, after eating, with feeling of weak- ness in parts: Lyss. Lascivious, with violent emotions: Cop. Lascivious, followed by epilepsy: ILach. Lascivious, with erections in afternoon, Lyss.; without erections, Ign. Lascivious fancies: Codein, Cop, Dig, ISil., I IZinc; with craving for dainties, ICinch.; with erections during sleep and impotence after waking, I IOp.; during day with erec- tions, Sinap.; inclined to, Lyss.; with im- potence, I Selen. Lascivious, almost to insanity : Tarant. Lascivious, mania: Ver.; religious, IPlat. Lascivious, with painful urging in penis as after excessive coition: Lyss. Lascivious impulses produce anxiety on account of disinclination to religious duties in a mar- ried woman, mother of a family: 11 Orig. Lascivious, no rest: 11 Orig. Lascivious, with sexual desire: Ast. r, ICale Lascivious, uncovers sexual parts: I IHyos. Lascivious talk with mania: I IVer. Lascivious, with weakness in parts, but in- clined to emission after eating: Lyss. 8^T" Erotic, Obscene. LAUGHING: Ananth, 11 Apis, Arg. met, lAur. met. Bell, ICale, ICann. i. Con, ICroe, IFerr, I IKali p, IILach, IINatr. m, INux m, HPlat, ISep, HStram, Tarax, I ITarant, I IVer, I IZinc. Laughing, ailments from excessive: ICoff. Laughing, more in open air: at everything, IINux m. Laughing, alternates wdth: moaning, Ver.; sad- ness, IPhos.; weeping, I Aeon, I Aur. met., Bor, ICoff, ILye, IPhos, HSum, Ziz.; anguish and fear of death (after anger), IPlat.; before hysteria, IStram.; in neurosis cordis, ICale; ending in profuse sweat (after over- work and mental anxiety), ICup. m. Laughing, in asthma: Bov. Laughing, averse to: Amb. Laughing, seems beside herself: claps hands over head, after miscarriage, I I Sec. Laughing, with ill humor: Stram. Laughing, in delirium: Sal. ac. Laughing, children: Aloe ; child does not, IHep. Laughing, in chorea: ICaust, ICup. ac, ICup. m, I IThuya. Laughing, constant: in insanity, 11 Ver. v. Laughing, causes convulsions: in weakly ex- citable children, ICoff; after overwork and mental anxiety, ICup. m. Laughing, with convulsions: I Alum, IBell, TCamph, ICaust, ICup. m, llgn.; of chest and abdomen, rush of blood to head and brain, I IZinc; tonic and clonic, IPlat. Laughing, crazy: in children, Camph. Laughing, in delirium : IIBell, HStram. Laughing, with comic dreams: continues after waking, ISulph. Laughing, causes stitches in ears: IMang. Laughing,easily: Arund.JPuls.; epilepsy, IBufo. Laughing, after eating: hysterical, I IPuls. Laughing, at every word said : HCann. i. Laughing, with stupid expression : INux m. Laughing, fever: during violent shaking chill in evening, Agar. Laughing about things not funny : Cast eq Laughing, foolish: IIHyos. Laughing, idiotic : :rAtrop. s. Laughing, with excessive joy : Asaf, Verbas Laughing, follows disappointed love : IHyos Laughing, loud: Stram.; frequently, IHyos Laughing, with melancholy: IPhos Laughing, menses: before, loud uninterrupted IHyos.; during, worse in open air, IINux hu 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 57 Laughing, causes palpitation : lber. Laughing, with rage : IStram. Laughing, at reprimands (cough after per- tussis) : IGraph. Laughing, during sleep: I ICaust, I IKreo, ILye, ISil, IStram.; child with convulsions Cypr.; in typhoid, ILye Laughing, with sleepiness: INux m. Laughing, with speechlessness: Stram. Laughing, at his attempts to stand: Agar. Laughing, as if tickled (mania): I IStram. Laughing, at trifles: llCann. i, ILye, Zinc. Laughing, touches things around her: Bell. Laughing, with weeping : llgn, IPhos.; before chorea, IStram.; looked as though she had been weeping, INatr. m. 8^*" Cheerful, Exhilaration, Gay, Hilarity, Joy, Merry, also Hysteria, Chap. 36. LAZINESS : Abrot, lAilant, Amm. m, Arg. m, Ars. h, Ars. m, Asaf, Asar, Atrop. s., Aur. mur. Bar. c. Bell, Calc. p, Carb. s, HChel, Chin, a, HCinch, ICoca, Coccus, ICornus, 11 Grat, Helon, IHep, llgn. Jamb, ILac c, Lac def, IMar. v, I IMelil, IINatr. m, IINux v, Oleand, 01. an, IPuls, Rheum, Rhus, Seneg, ISep, ISpong, Stram, IISul. Laziness, in albuminuria : lApis, lAur. m. Laziness, in afternoon : with restlessness, IBor. Laziness, after anger: I INux v. Laziness, in face of difficulties: Coccul. Laziness, in catarrh of chest: lApis. Laziness, in cholera: IChin. s. Laziness, with content: Ziz. Laziness, in diabetes mellitus : ILact. ac. Laziness, caused by drowsiness: Sang. Laziness, after eating : desire to lie down, Ant. c; after dinner, HChel. Laziness, in imbecility: lAnae Laziness, heaviness of limbs: Merc. iod. flav. Laziness, with feeling of deep-seated inward trouble, making him melancholic: Sabina. Laziness, in morning: Ammoniac, Ran. se; in bed, iCarbo v.; cannot sleep again, Cinch, bol. Laziness, in nervous exhaustion : ICoca. Laziness, in chronic ovaritis: 11 Pallad. Laziness, with palpitation : in chlorosis, ICycl. Laziness, after rising : Verbas. Laziness, in spermatorrhoea: IDiosc. Laziness, before stool: IBor. Laziness, unsympathizing from : Con. Laziness, in vaginitis: ICurar. Laziness, worse from : Con. 8@" Apathy, Torpor. LECTROPHILIE and LECTROPHOBIA. 8^° Bed. LETHARGY. 8@~ Stupor. LIE, wants to, on bare floor: ICamph. Lie, desire to, in one place: Chin. a. LIE (falsehood). B@~ Lying. LIFE, WEARY OF: Amb, IIAnt. c. HAur. met, I Aur. mur, IBell, Berb., HCinch, Grat, Kali bi, ILac def, Merc, IINatr. m, Natr. s, INitr. ac, HPhos, IPuls, IRhus, Rhus v, ISulph, ITereb, IThuya, Zinc, Ziz. Life, weary of, particularly in company (hys- teria) : ILye Life, weary of, in catarrh : ICale Life, weary of, with desperation about trifles: Act sp. Life, weary of, but fear of death: IKah ph., INitr. ac, IRhus. Life, weary of, in drunkards : lArs. Life, weary of, in epilepsy : I Ind. Life, weary of, in evening: longs for death, HAur. met. Life, weary of, solicitude about future: ILach. Life, weary of, in headache: from bilious dis- order, Pod.; nervous, I ITereb. Life, weary of, with heat: ISpong. Life, weary of, in melancholia: IKali br. Life, weary of, during menses : Berb. Life, weary of, in morning : ILach, IILyc. Life, weary of, after mortification ; I I Puis. Life, weary of, in chronic orchitis: ISpong. Life, weary of, in spermatorrhoea : ISil. Life, weary of, in syphilis: ILye Life, weary of, taciturnity, fear, death: IPlat. 8^* Despair, Hypochondriasis, Sad, Melan- choly, Suicide. LIGHT, desire for: lAcon, Bell, Val,; lamp- light, Stram.; in dentition, Stram.; in men- ingitis, IStram.; in pneumonia, I IStram.; wants sunshine, Stram. LISTLESS: IKali bi, Lac def, Natr. a, IStaph, IISul. Listless, in diarrhoea: lApis.; in a child, ILye Listless, after fever: Chin. a. Listless, in hysteria: lAmm. c. Listless, in otitis (children): I ISulph. Listless, in paralysis: INux m. Listless, yet does not want to sit still: ILil. t. 8^*" Apathy, Laziness, Torpor. LIVELY: I Ang., Camph, Coccus, ICoff, Magn. s, Merc. iod. flav, Merc, v, I IOp. Lively, in afternoon : Ang, ICann. s.; and even- ing, changes to grief, Calc. s. Lively, in evening: I IFerr.; as soon as lights are lit, IILach.; low spirited at noon, or vice versa, IZinc; in sore throat, I IFerr.; towards evening, Verbas. Lively, and precipitate: IHyos. Lively, after stool: IBor, INatr. s. 8§lh Cheerful, Exhilarated, Gay, Merry. LONGING. 8®" Desires. LOOKING, about bed: as if to find some- thing, llgn. Looking, about shyly: puerperal mania, I IPuls. Looking, through window: for hours, without being conscious of objects around, IMez. SOgg" Eyes and Staring. LOOKED AT, will not be: children, Ant. c, I Ant. t, Ars, ICham, ICina; in melan- cholia, IKali br.; in scrofulosis, I ISul. 8@" Bashful, Sensitive. LOQUACIOUS: Abrot, Agar, Aloe, Amb, Ant. t. Apis, Bar. c. Bell, ICann. i. Coccus, Coff, Croc, ICoccul, Eup. pur, Ferr. mur, Ferr. ph., IIGamb, IGels, I IGlon, IHyos, Jamb, IKali iod, IILach, Magn. c. Mar. v., Merc. iod. flav, IOp, I IParis, IPhos, Sec, Tabae, Therid, Tromb, IVer, Zinc. Loquacious, in afternoon : I INux v. Loquacious, after amenorrhosa: ICoccul. Loquacious, in cancerous inoculation : 11 Ars. Loquacious, carelessly (headache): Hod. Loquacious, in delirium: IILach. ; in typhoid pneumonia: I ILachn.; with desire to escape from bed, ICrotal.; in typhus, I Aur. met; with delirium tremens, 11 Ran. b. Loquacious, as if drunk: Meph. Loquacious, in evening: IILach, IINux v.; when excited, Selen.; with heat and exalta- tion, Mar. v. Loquacious, fever : IGels.; during chill, IPod.; 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. during heat, ILach, Pod.; in typhoid, Phos. ac. Loquacious, jumps from subject to subject: IILach. Loquacious, only kept in check by hoarseness (diphtheria) : ILach. Loquacious, during pregnancy : IBar. c. Loquacious, talking is impeded : Stram. Loquacious, would not listen : IHep. Loquacious, mania: I Apis, IHyos., I IParis, HStaph. Loquacious, in measles : Viol. Loquacious, during menses: IStram.; in young, girls, IBar. c Loquacious, in nymphomania: 11 Ver. Loquacious, with exalted opinion of her own ideas and powers (insanity): I I Ver. v. Loquacious, on religious subjects : IVer. Loquacious, awake and sleeping: Ars. Loquacious, with sleeplessness, especially be- fore midnight: ILach. Loquacious, speech hurried : Aeon. Loquacious, then stupid and irritable: Lachn. Loquacious, with vivacity: 11 Paris. 8^* Exhilarated, Lively, Merry, Talking. LOVE DISAPPOINTED, ailments from : Ant. c, HAur. met, ICale p, Coff, Illgn, ILach, IINatr. m.; drowsiness; HPhos. ac. Love disappointed, causes amenorrhcea : IHell. Love disappointed, causes dry hacking cough (cardiac weakness) : I IPhos. ac. Love disappointed, causes despair: IHyos. Lovedisappointed,difncultbreathing: I IPhos.ae Love disappointed, emaciation: I IPhos. ac. Love disappointed, causes epilepsy: IHyos. Love disappointed, causes silent grief: Illgn. Love disappointed, heartbeat: feeble, quick (cardiac weakness), I IPhos. ac. Love disappointed, with jealousy: IHyos. Love disappointed, inclination to laugh: IHyos. Love disappointed, limbs cold: 11 Phos. ac. Love disappointed, mind: disturbed by, I Act. rac.; obtuse, brooding over her sorrow (car- diac weakness): 11 Phos. ac. Love disappointed, causes melancholy: I Aur. met, IHyos., I llgn, INatr. m. Love disappointed, pulse : almost imperceptible (cardiac weakness), I IPhos. ac. Love disappointed, causes rage: IHyos. Love disappointed, causes suicidal mood: with weeping, I Aur. met.; propensity to drown himself, IHyos. 8@f Amative, Amorous, Erotic. LOVE, exalted: I Ant. e LOW SPIRITED. 8®~ Depression, Sadness. LYING: Op, I IVer.; describes some symp- toms truly, misrepresents others, ICup. ae; deny obstinately that they have been bitten, Lyss.; makes wrong statements to herself, be- cause she does not know what to say next, begins all right but does not know how to finish, IMed. MALICE: Aeon, Amm. m, Anac, Ars, ILach, ILye, I IMosch, Natr. c, IINux v. Malice, after convulsions; ICup. m. Malice, in delirium tremens: IINux v. Malice, as if he could murder some one : IHep. Malice, savage: Cup. m. 8^" Kill. MANIA (dementia, insanity, mental aberra- tion, alienation or derangement, madness): Absin., lAnae or, lAct. rac, Ailant, Anag, i, lApis, lArg. met, HArs ,A™in,t-' net, IIBell, iBrom, ICalad, ICanth, ral, IChel, I ICie, ICon, ICycl, IHep, Ananth. I Aur. met., 11 Chloral, -v IHyos, llgn. Hod, I IKali br, IKali m, ILach, IManc, HMere, INux m, "Nux y, CEnan, IOp,IOxal.ac, IPsor, I IPuls,Sabad, IStram, ISul, HTarant, I ITereb., HVer, IVer. v, I IZinc. Mania, must be constantly in action: in some laborious occupation, llod. Mania, acute: ICanth, IStram.; with fulness of bloodvessels of brain, I IKali br. Mania, with albuminuria: I I Phyt. .Alania, caused by amenorrhcea: ICoccul. Mania, with anxiety: IStram. Mania, with aphonia: mental excitement, IStram. Mania, places two axes across each other in order to split wood: Stram. Mania, with biting : Bell, ICup. m, IHyos., ILach, Lyss, Sec, IStram, I IVer. 8QTBites. Mania, boisterous : I IChlor. Mania, brain: from exhausted or depressed condition of brain or nerve cells; 11 Kali ph. from sudden congestion, Ferr. ph., Ver. v.: with irritation and congestion, IKali br. pressure and irritation, Melil. Mania, burrows in ground with his mouth, like a pig: Stram. Mania, after business: failure, lAct. rac; dis- couragements, ILil tig. Mania, with chills: at night (albuminuria), I IPhyt.; suppressed, lElat. Mania, comical : IIHyos. Mania, desire for light and company : HStram. Mania, with constipation : IVer. Mania, with convulsions: clonic, Cup. m.; attacks every half hour, HStram.; after pregnancy, I Ver. v.; mental excitement, IZinc. Mania, with desire to cut and tear everything, especially clothes, I IVer. 8@T* Tearing. Mania, delirious: Anac. Mania, demoniac: IHell. 8®" Fury, Rage. Mania, sudden foxlike destructive efforts, re- quiring utmost vigilance, followed by laughter and apologies: I ITarant. Mania, with despondency (anaemia): 11 Kali br. Mania, after domestic calamity: ILach. Mania, drinking : acts as if she were, Bell.; brought on by, Chlorof. (olfaction); IHyos., IMere Mania, as if drunk: CEnan. Mania, hallucinations of hearing : IStram. Mania, epileptic : Dig.; after fit, j Curar.; before attack, ILach, I INux v.; sudden furious at- tack, I I GCnan. Mania, erotic: IHyos, II Orig, I IVer.; in a hysterical girl, I IPlat.; with jealousy, IHyos.; after menses, I Kali br. Mania, eruptions: after disappearance of old, IZinc.; following suppression, ICaust, IHep. Mania, eyes : hallucinations of sight, IStram.; immovable, IBell.; inflamed, ICup. ae; open staring, IBell.; wild look, ICupr. s. Mania, excitement: in gesture or speech, ; Hydr. ac. Mania, face: erysipelas, I IStram.; pale, eata nothing, cannot sleep, while muscles of face are in constant twitchingmotion, I IStram Mania, fantastical: with frightful visions IOp. 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 59 Mania, drags feet in walking, direction of steps towards left: ILach. Mania, fever: Kali ph.; intermittent, lArs, ICinch.; puerperal, I IKali ph. Mania, after fright: IPlat. Mania, furibund: IBell. Mania, for grandeur; I IVer.; and riches (chronic alcoholism), IPhos. Mania, after grief: IPlat. Mania, in a young man of loose habits: IStram. Mania, clasps hands: IStram. Mania, with headache : ISil.; violent, runs about, IStram. Mania, heart: pain in region of, Ars. m.; af- fected, ICup. m. Mania, wants to be held : in intermittent, I Ars. Mania, hysterical; IHell, HStram, IVer.; abuses every one, tears clothing, sings, laughs, I ITarant; congestion and irritation of brain, Croc; attacks daily at same hour, beginning with nervous irritability, despondency and quarrelsome mood, sudden transition to state of great exaltation, violent if restrained, I ITarant.; weeping and wailing, runs about day and night wringing hands, despair of sal- vation : IHell. Mania, indecent: IOp. Mania, with liver complaint: I I Merc. Mania, after masturbation : Ananth.; of eight or ten years' duration, I IPlumb. Mania, menses : profuse, ISep.; during, IBell.; suppressed, I IPuls. Mania, at one time merry, again would spit and bite at those around him: IBell. Mania, worse about midnight; I IStaph. Mania, monomania: ISul.; for doing same thing and going to same places, Ananth. B@T* Ideas, fixed. Mania, after nervousness of twelve years stand- ing, made worse by grief, commenced while riding in a boat, ICoccul. Mania, following disappearance of neuralgia : IIAct. rac Mania, from pain: paroxysms, IHyper; with de- lirium, I IVer.; in evening, IColch. Mania, with paralysis: I ICalab,, Crotal., INatr. m, INux v, IPhos, Sec. Mania, in paroxysms ; Cie, INatr. m, Tarant.; with headache, IKali iod.; after becoming wet, 11 Natr. m.; with rage, delirium, indiges- tion and melancholy, then headache, IDig. Mania, periodical: alternating type, ICon.; every four years, for sixteen years, begins fourth of January, lasts two months, I IStaph.; with melancholy, INatr. s. Mania, pleasant: pale and headache with, Croc. Mania, during pregnancy: IBell, IStram. Mania, puerperal: HAct rac, lAur. met, IBell. ICamph, 11 Chloral, ICup. ac, IHyos, IKali bi, 11 Kali c, IStram, IVer.; with ferocious or erotic delirium, IKali br.; eyes conver- gent, sparkling, staring, ICamph.; from ex- citement, sleeplessness and prostration, INux v.; pale face, cool forehead, ICamph.; wants to kiss everybody, IVer.; in course of peri- tonitis, IStram.; will not see her physician, he seems to terrify her, 11 Ver. v.; fears being poisoned, I IVer. v.; scolds in abusive lan- guage, ICamph.; silent, I IVer. v.; sitting up, talking incessantly in one strain for fifteen minutes, with great vehemence, I IStram.; dry skin, ICamph.; sleepless,can hardly be kept in bedroom, I IVer. v.; timid in childbirth, 11 Stram.; of a violent type, 11 Plat. Mania, pulse : full, rapid, hard, ICup. ac. Mania, better from quiet and meditation : Hod. Mania, rises frequently with great effort and awkwardness, body when standing bends to- wards left, must be supported: ILach. Mania, senile : incipient stage of, ICrotal. Mania, sexual: in women, HApis ; from abuse, Lil. tig, IPhos.; increased desire, IIBar. m.; strips himself, IPhos. Mania, sleep: with sleeplessness, ICoccul, 11 Stram.; coming on during, 11 Phos. Mania, with spasmodic sensation : Stram. Mania, attacks of suffocation and spasms of respiratory muscles, as well as muscles of face, neck and rest of body: Lyss. Mania, attacks end in sweat: I ICup. m. Mania, in syphilis : \ Anag. Mania, with thirst: IStram. Mania, from toothache : Ars. Mania, with burning heat in throat: ICEnan. Mania, with uterine disease: chronic cough, Plat. Mania, uterine dementia: ILil. tig. Mania, with vertigo : ICoccul. Mania, after vexation : IPlat. Mania, in zymotic diseases and when con- nected with puerperal or ovarian, uterine dis- ease : Crotal. 8^° Delusions, Rage. MARRIAGE; busied himself prematurely with thoughts of (onanism), IHyos. MARRY, aversion to, in women: ILach. 8®" Aversion. MATTER, says there is nothing with him (putrid fever): HArn. 8ST" Apathy, Torpor. MEDICINE, refuses: evades all stratagems to give it (mania), IHyos.; in insanity, 11 Ver. v.; in religious melancholy, IKali ph. Medicine, feigned he would take: often poured it out (malignant scarlatina), I IStram. MEDITATION, 8®~ Reflection, Thoughtful, MELANCHOLY: lAlumin, lAmb, lAmyl, I Anac. oc, I Arg. nit., Arum m, Astae, HAur. met. Bell, Berb, Brom, HCale, ICann. s, ICaps, HCaust, Cham, IChloral, IClem, ICoccul, ICochl, ICon, ICroe, ICycl, I IDiad, IDig, IIGels, IGrat, Hell, IHelon, Hep, IHydras, Hyper, Indig, Hod, IKali br, IKali c, IIKali iod, ILach, ILye, IIMerc, I IMillef, INaja, INitr. ac, IPhyt, HPlat, IPlumb, I IPsor, I IPuls, Sal. ac, Sarrae, Sec, ISil, IISul, Tabae, I IThuya, Val, IZinc. Melancholy, from deep-seated abdominal irrita- tion: Sabad. Melancholy, in albuminuria: IMere cor. Melancholy, alternating with: cerebral excite- ment, Ast. r.; exalted states, I IStram.; in my- elitis, IStram.; gayety, Agar.; mirth, Croc. Melancholy, in amenorrhcea; lAnae, ICaust. Melancholy, in anaemia; IKali br. Melancholy, with anguish: Crotal, I IHell. Melancholy, in ascites: lAur. met. Melancholy, will not leave bed: Diad. Melancholy, after concussion of brain: ICie. Melancholy, in cardialgia; IKali c. Melancholy, averse to seeing her children: I ICon.; children to whom he is devotedly at- tached become burdensome, IIKali iod. Melancholy, in chorea: ICup. ae; periodical, ICup. m. Melancholy, at climaxis : Arg. nit 60 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Melancholy, after confinement: ILach. Melancholy, cannot be consoled: Ars. Melancholy, with constipation: lOleand. Melancholy, in coryza: ICepa. Melancholy, in cough: ICaust, IPetrol. Melancholy, with fear of death: I I Plat. Melancholy, in diabetes: IHelon. Melancholy, with distress: Crotal. Melancholy, in dropsy: lAur. mur. Melancholy, in dysmenorrhoea: I IDiad, ILaur. Melancholy, in dyspepsia: ICycl. Melancholy, aftereating: dinner, I Ars.; a hearty meal, especially liquids, lArg. nit. Melancholy, after emissions: Natr. ph., IPhos. ac, ISep. Melancholy, with epilepsy: I ISul. Melancholy, eruptions following suppressions : of exanthems, IHep.; itch, IPsor, ISul. Melancholy, from nervous exhaustion: ICoca. Melancholy, with stinging over left eye: when walking in sun, or from strong odors, Selen. Melancholy, in fever; tertian intermittent, IDig.; after typhus, I Anac. or, IHell. Melancholy, after fright: IStram. Melancholy, from grief; Amm. m, lAur. met, llgn, INatr. m, IPhos. ac. Melancholy, with headache: lAgnus, IKali c, Merc, per, Natr. c Melancholy, in house: better open air, walk- ing, IRhus. Melancholy, in hypochondriasis: lArg. nit. Melancholy, in hysteria: IBell, ICastor.; with inclination to murder, IMere Melancholy, with impotence: lAur met, IIKali br. Melancholy, with indifference: I IPlat Melancholy, intolerable: HNatr.e Melancholy, with jealousy; IKali ars. Melancholy, with involuntary laughter: IPhos. Melancholy, after losses: financial, Ars.; posi- tion, I INux v. Melancholy, disappointed love: IHyos, Illgn. Melancholy, mania: ICamph, IDig, IIMane; acute, IGels.; after a fit of passion, IHyos.; psychical conditions occupying place between, Hell.; with fixed ideas, I IHell.; periodic at- tacks, INatr. s. Melancholy, in tubercular meningitis: I ITubere Melancholy, menses: before, ICaust, Cycl, ILye, IPuls, IStram.; better during, HCycl.; before menstruation is established, IHell.; if menses have appeared, then failed to return, IHell.; after suppression, llgn, by fright or sorrow, 11 Rhus. Melancholy ,in menorrhagia: olderwomen, IPlat. Melancholy, suppressed mental suffering with much sighing: llgn. Melancholy, from deranged mental functions, caused by overstraining mind, or from ex- hausting drains affecting nerve centres of spinal cord: IKali ph. Melancholy, after mental overexertion: lArs. Melancholy, after abuse of mercury; 11 Aur. met Melancholy, in chronic metritis: I Ant. t. Melancholy, in mild persons: ILye, IPuls. Melancholy, in morning; Arg. met. Melancholy, after mortification; llgn. Melancholy, with spasmodic twitching of mus- cles: especially of face (paralysis agitans), IISyph. Melancholy, worse from music : IDig. Melancholy, at night: lArs. Melancholy, in nymphomania: I IVer. Melancholy, in chronic ovaritis and leucor- rhcea : 11 Plat. Melancholy, in ozaena syphilitica: I Aur. mur. Melancholy, periodical attacks: at twilight, lArs.; during day, lasting a few minutes, wishes to die, Sul.; every third day, Kali arg. Melancholy, during pregnancy: INatr. m.; with occasional uterine hemorrhages and cramps, IPlat.; after childbed, lAnae Melancholy, after quarrel with husband: I Anac. Melancholy, religious: IKali ph.; must be held, IKali ph.; of four month's standing, IMelil.; gave away everything she could lay her hands upon, in order to do penance, HPlat.; has doubts about her salvation, ILye. Melancholy, silent: I IHell, llgn. Melancholy, sits in corner and does not want to have anything to do with the world : IHippom. Melancholy, with sleeplessness: I Act. rac, Ars. Melancholy, stomach: spasmodic pain in, IDiad. Melancholy, suicidal: 8^* Suicide. Melancholy, in tetter: I Ars. Melancholy, timidity: ICrotal.; restlessness, IPlumb. Melancholy, after extraction of tooth : 11 Nux v. Melancholy, walks about, wringing his hands, moaning and groaning: Ars.; crying and la- menting, I IStram. Melancholy, with weeping: Act. sp, lAmb, IPhos, IPuls. Melancholy, over supposed wrongs; 11 Naja. 8@" Depression, Despair, Despondency, Dis- couraged, Gloomy, Grief, Hypochondriasis, Sad.' MEMORY, active: Aeon, Aur. met, IBell, ICoff., 11 Senecio; haunted by visions of past, and longing after them, I IKali ph.; alternates with weak, Cycl.; in afternoon, Anac; in morning, Fluor, ac. Memory, confused: IStram. Memory, could not dismiss what occurred day previous, at night: Asim. Memory, difficult: particularly of dates, ICon. Memory, forgotten events: remembered as be- longing to some one else, or as matter read, Ailant.; cannot recall on account of thoughts crowding on brain, HCann. i. Memory, exertion; inclined to make fruitless, IBar. e; causes pain in occiput and faintlike weakness, IParis. Memory, fickle: (threatened cerebral softening), INux v. Memory, loss of: Acet. ac, Ailant, I Alum, IIAnac, Ananth, lApis, Ars. h, kAtrop. s, lAur. met, Bov, ICale, ICale p, Camph, Carbo a, Carbol. ac, Carbo v, Chlorof, Coc- cul, ICon, Cub, Fluor, ac, I Form, IHell, IHyos, I liber, IIKali br, IKali ph,HLach, IILact ac, Lac def, Laur, Lyss, IMed, IMelil, IMez, INatr. m, IINux m. Polyp., IPuls, IRhus, USars, ISep, ISil, IStaph, IStram, ISul, Syph, Tarant, Tromb, IVer., IZinc.; onawakingfrom trancelike state, I INux m.; in catalepsy, Camph.; in cerebral hypera* mia, Ver. v.; while eating dinner, Calc. p.; sud- den after eating luncheon, Calc. s.; in periodic ecstasy, I ICie; after epileptic spasms, Absin, 11 Zinc; with heavy weight between eyes, IStaph.; in febns nervosa stupida, Melil • in yellow fever, Ars.; with headache, I ISarrac; MArsr. nit : headaehe comes from danciiu 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 61 on at noon (cessation of menses eight years ago), INaja; for location of house in street, IGlon.; in imbecility, I Anac; with impotence, IIKali br.; in mania, IStram.; after menin- gitis, 11 Anac; at time for return of menses (climaxis), 1I Calab.; after mental disturbances, ICamph.; for names, I Anac, Chlor, Lith, IMed, ISul, Syph.; remembers names of objects but not their use, without investigating their nature, Camph.; cannot remember per- sons when seeing their names, Chlor.; effects of overstudy, INatr. e; after general paralysis (apoplexy), IIAnae; in paroxysms, I IHep, IStram.; periodical, Carbo v.; after reading, IStaph.; in scarlatina, ICup. m.; with sen- sorial disturbances, ICamph.; from sexual ex- cesses, ICale, IPhos, HStaph.; in sperma- torrhoea, IPhos.; sudden, I IMosch.; with in- ward uneasiness, Strain.; on attempting to write, ICroe; for words (aphasia),IGlon, ILyss. Memory, ■weak: Aeon, Act sp. All. sat, Amb, IIAnae, lAnae oc, lApis, Ars. h, IBar. e, IBell, Berb, IBov, Bry, ICale p, I I Carb. s, Carbo v, TTCarbol ac. Chloral,IClem, Coccul, HColch, Coloc, ICrotal, Cub, Cup. ac. Cup. m, IDig, Euph, IGraph, I IGuaiac, Guaraea, IHell, IHelon, I IHep., llgn. Kali bi, IKali ph., IILach, ILye, Murex, IMed, IIMerc, I IMillef, INatr. m, Natr. ph, IINux m, IINux v, Iffinan, lOleand, IPhos, 11 Ptel, IPuls, I ISep, ISpig, Verb, Zing.; better in afternoon, Anac; after apoplexy, IPlumb.; after getting out of bed, IStram.; in brain fag, IPhos. ae; in chorea, ICaust.; after exhaust- ing coition, ISec; after fright, ICup. m.; after convulsions puerperal, IBufo, 11 Ver. v.; for dates, Aeon.; in diabetes, I IOp.; in epilepsy, ICale; in yellow fever, IMere; did not know what to do with things she held in her hands, Carb. s.; in gonorrhoea, Med.; with head- ache, ICale; with stinging pain in head, IZinc; in post-partum hemorrhage, ICann. s.; suppressed hemorrhoidal flow, ICale; at loss to know how to make several letters, Chrom. ae; cannot remember meaning of single let- ters, ILye; in mania, IIMerc; in puerperal mania (neuralgia of face), lAur. met; with melancholy, I Arg. nit.; with aversion to mental exertion, INitr. ae; in miscarriage, ICaulo.; after waking in morning, Berb.; better in morning, Fluor, ac; after nosebleed, IIKreo.; after onanism, IDig, IGels, IPhos.; paralysis, caused by softening of brain, INux v.; in prosopalgia, I Apis, IMez.; in nervous prostration, ISil.; in retaining what he has read, Ars. m.; when he reaches a period in reading, he has forgotten the beginning of the sentence, Viol.; does not know his own room, Psor.; after smallpox, lAnae; in spermator- rhoea, IDiosc.; in sexual debility, IDig.; child cannot be taught, IBar. e; with vertigo, ICon, IKali br.; frequently has to think for right word, Cup. m, IPlumb.; makes mistakes in writing, IILach. 8®° Dulness, Forgetful, Mental Concentration and Exhaustion. MENTAL ABERRATION, derangement, or disturbance. B@° Delusion, Mania. MENTAL ACTIVITY, alternating with lassitude: Aloe. Mental activity, desire for: Aur. met. Mental activity, in evening : Lye vir. Mental activity, in spite of headache : IBadiag. Mental activity, impaired: Ars.h, Ptel, ISep.; from pain in head, Med.; in hysteria, ILye Mental activity, increased excessively: Anag, Ang, Ant. c, Ars. s. r, IBell, Calab, Carbol. ac, Canth., Chlor, ICinnab, HCoff, ICoff. t. Hyper, IOp, IPhos, Zing. Mental activity, with irritable melancholy (cerebro-spinal meningitis): ILye Mental activity, with weak memory and head- ache: Viol. Mental activity, almost prophetical concep- tion, IILach. Mental activity, no sleep on this account HCoff. Mental activity, while at work, followed by anxiety: Benz. ac. 8®** Dulness, Mental Exhaustion. MENTAL CONCENTRATION, difficult or impossible : Apis.lBapt, I Cann. i, Carbol. ac, Canth, Chloral, Coca, Cod, Cornus, IDulc, Iber, Ind. m, ILac c, INatr. c, Lil. tig, Med, I IMelil, Natr. a, IOp, Sars, 11 Senecio, Sulph, Syph, Tabae, Val, Ver, Vib.; in afternoon, Arg. met.; in anasarca, IHell.; after emission, ILil. tig.; in mental derangement, IKali br.; causes full, heavy pain in head, Eryng.; in chronic headache, IDulc; in puerperal mania, I IKali e; on studies, Iris ; after unconscious- ness, ITereb. g@f Attention. MENTAL DULNESS. 8®" Dulness. MENTAL EMOTIONS. 8®~ Emotions. MENTAL EXERTION, ailments from: lAnae, IINux v. Mental exertion, causes alternate laughing and crying, ending in profuse sweat: ICupr. m. Mental exertion, aversion to: Agar, Aloe, Am- moniac, Bar. c. Bell, Cain., ICale p,lICinch, Cinnab,IColch, ICon,IHep,IHydr. ac, IKali bi, Kob, Lac def, ILil. tig, Med, INatr. m, IINux v, Paris, HPhos, IPhos. ac, IPhyt, IPic. ac, IPuls, Rumex, Squilla, IStaph, Sulph, Thuya; in amenorrhcea, I ICoccul.; after anger, IINux v.; on awaking in morning, IPhyt.; in backache, Case; in colic, I I Ant. c; in cynanche cellularis, lAnthrac; in bilious diarrhoea, I Apis ; in dyspepsia, HChel.; with indifference, Rhod.; after meals, Ars. s. r.; in morning, Ran. se; in stricture of oesophagus, IIBapt.; to reading, Carbol. ae; with desire for rest, with constriction in ciliary region (iritis) IColch.; in smallpox, HVar.; worse in damp weather, HSang.; with weak and dull feeling, Kob. 8^* Apathy, Laziness, Torpor. Mental exertion, better from: IFerr, IHelon.; headache better (chorea), Calc. Mental exertion, brain: pressing deep in cere- bellum, IColch.; cerebro-spinal exhaustion, HPhos. ac; brain fag, IPhos.; in bookkeepers, ISep, from business, IPod.; throbbing, Psor.; a sense of helplessness from weakness, IGels. Mental exertion, causes rapid breathing and feeling of anxiety: I Plant. Mental exertion, causes chorea: HCale Mental exertion, constitution undermined by: IPhos. Mental exertion, convulsive trembling or shaking, does not extend below waist: ICup. m. Mental exertion, desire for: Brom, Carbol. ac, Therid.; hard and long, Arn. 8®" Mental activity. Mental exertion, causes diarrhoea: INux v. 62 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Mental exertion, difficult: Berb, ISil, IZinc. Mental exertion, causes dyspepsia: Cypr. Mental exertion, ears; tinnitus, ICaust. Mental exertion, eyes: letters run together, I Arg. nit. Mental exertion, flushed face: ICup. m.; pro- sopalgia, llgn. Mental exertion, causes fainting: INux v. Mental exertion, fatigues: Abrot, lAcon, HAur. met, Coccul, I ICon, IGraph, I llgn, I I Pic. ac, ISelen.; also conversation, Abrot.; affects head, IPuls. Mental exertion, gastric complaints: INux m. Mental exertion, causes headache; Cain, INux v., IIAur. met, Crotal., ILach., IINatr. c, INatr. m, INux m, Psor, Ptel, IIPuls, ISil.; frontal, Calc, chronic, cannot bear to hear running water, ILyss.; with weakness and strained feeling in eyes, IPhos.; dull frontal, occipital, burning down spine, Pic. ac.; boring, Colch.; congestive, HCale, HPhos.; with drowsiness, Sabad.; dull, Magn. e; fron- tal, Calc; forehead hot (smallpox), I IVariol.; fulness, Cinnab.; head hot, ICup. m.; migraine, ICoff; neuralgic, I Naja; in occiput after a blow, I IParis ; in occiput with faintness (irri- tation of cerebro-spinal nerves), IParis; in occiput with tinnitus, I Coccus ; in left temple, Psor.; pressing, IICalab, IMagn. c; (small- pox) , 11 Variol.; pressing above cerebellum in small spots, I IColch.; pressing better from pressure, I Arg. nit.; pulsating, IPuls.; throb- bing worse at base of* brain with congestion of spine, increase of sexual excitement and violent erections, IPie ac. Mental exertion, heart; causes weakness of nervous or muscular energy, IMosch. Mental exertion, flushes of heat: Oleand. Mental exertion, hurry: Amb.; especially in morning, llgn.; feeling as of imperative duties and utter inability to perform them, ILil. tig. Mental exertion, causes hysteria: INux m. Mental exertion, incapacity for: IGels, Lyss, IINatr. c, IPhos, Selen, HStaph.; with dul- ness, and stupefaction, Cyclam.; in epistaxis, ICroe; from injurious effect of gaslight, ICaust; from headache, Amm.; with dull feeling in head, _ IStaph.; chronic headache, INaja; from roaring and buzzing in head and ears (ozeena), INatr. m.; from vertigo and nausea (veta), Coca. Mental exertion, causes inertia and weakness: in gonorrhoea, II Tarant. Mental exertion, intestinal canal: nervous irritation of, INux m. Mental exertion, liver : irritable, INatr. s. Mental exertion, mania: a boy set 14, ICamph. Mental exertion, melancholy: lArs, IKali ph. Mental exertion, weakness of memory: INitr.ac. Mental exertion, menses : scanty or suppressed from, IINux m. Mental exertion, causes nervousness : ICale Mental overexertion, from nursing : IINitr. ac. Mental exertion, aggravates pain: Colch.; in hemorrhoids, ICaust. Mental exertion, palpitation : IPod., IStaph. Mental exertion, causes paralysis: INux v. Mental exertion, causes paroxysms: excited by laughing, talking or emotions, ICup. m. Mental exertion, causes sensitiveness: ILach. Mental exertion, causes sleeplessness: ICoff, IIHyos, Ign, Kali br, INux v. Mental exertion, makes him stupid : Petrol. Mental exertion, causes sweat: IHep-, Sinap. Mental exertion, throat: torn feeling: Caust. Mental exertion, trembling spells: HCale. Mental exertion, vertigo: INatr. c, IINux v. Mental evertion, walks and stands unsteadily, especially when unobserved: I Arg. nit. Mental exertion, worse from: Aur. met, Carbo v, ICinch, Colch, ILach, Magn. c 8®° Mental Concentration, Study and Work. MENTAL EXHAUSTION: (prostration), Abrot, Aeon, Ailant, Alet, Anac, IIBapt, IBry, ICup. ac, Cycl, IHell, IHipp, IHyos, llgn, Ind, Kali ph., ILobel, IILyc, Laur, Lyss, IIMerc. cor, IIMerc. v, INatr. c. INatr. s, IINitr. ac, Pallad, IPlant, IPlumb.', 11 Puis., ISep, IStann, Sum.; in ascites, I I Fluor ae; in brain fag, IPhos. ac; from con- vulsions, I IStaph. Mental exhaustion on awaking : dread of night (spring cough), I ISyph. Mental exhaustion, dropsical effusion: Seneg. Mental exhaustion, in diabetes: INatr. s. Mental exhaustion, with drowsiness: ICornus. Mental exhaustion, with emissions : I Jacea. Mental exhaustion, in epilepsy: lArt. v. Mental exhaustion, from overexertion : I ICup. m.; or after long talking, IINatr. m. Mental exhaustion, with heat in face: IBry.; facial neuralgia, ICup. ac. Mental exhaustion, as if he would faint: worse standing, IBry. Mental exhaustion, fever: after severe fevers, smallpox, etc, lAnae; in typhus, IBapt, INitr. sp. d. Mental exhaustion, from long grief: Illgn. Mental exhaustion, with headache: Arg nit, IKali iod, llris; in back of head, I IKali ph. Mental exhaustion, in affections of liver : with dropsy, IFluor. ac. Mental exhaustion, in mania • IKali br, ILach IIMerc. Mental exhaustion, with meningitis : Crotal. Mental exhaustion, after menses: Alum. Mental exhaustion, after miscarriage : ICaulo. Mental exhaustion, in morning: IILach, IPhos. Mental exhaustion, in myelomalacia: Crotal. Mental exhaustion, after nursing; INitr. ac, I IZinc. Mental exhaustion, in old people : IIBar. c. Mental exhaustion, congestive paralysis, ap- proaching apoplexy: IKali br. Mental exhaustion, phlegmatic : I IStram. Mental exhaustion, loss of sleep ; IICup. m. Mental exhaustion, in spermatorrhoea: IGels. Mental exhaustion, with stupor: IStram. Mental exhaustion, disposed to weep: IStram. Mental exhaustion, with trembling : Cann. i. 8^° Mental Concentration and Exertion, also Brain exhaustion, Chapter 3. MENTAL STRAIN. g^> Mental Exertion and Exhaustion. MENTAL SYMPTOMS appear and phvri- n,™^1^?1118 dlsaPPear, and vice versa: I Plat. ■n^Tn ,Ana?-, Arit t. Apis, Asar, lAtrop.s, ICoff, ICroe, I IKali ph., ILye,Tabae, Tarax. Merry, in afternoon: Arg met Merry, alternating with: melancholy, lAur. whining?CoffeeViShneSS and 8C°lding' SP°n^ Merry inclination to laugh, sing and dance: I I Natr. m. 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 63 Merry, in evening: hypochondriac mood through the day, ISul. Merry, quarrelsome during mirth : IBell. Merry, silly: Agar., Bell. 8@H Cheerful, Exhilaration, Gay, Hilarity, Joy, Laughing. MESMERIC: rapport with his physicians, Lyss.; condition after sleep (convulsions), IPhos.; desire to be mesmerized, HPhos. 8®*" Clairvoyance, also Catalepsy, Chapter 36. METAPHYSICAL SUBTLETIES: racks brain about, ISul. MIRRORS, afraid of: lest he should see him- self, Camph. MISANTHROPIC : Aeon, Kali bi, ILye 8^° Company, Hypochondriasis, Moody. MISCHIEVOUSNESS: Arn, ICale, I ICann. i, I ITarant; in imbecility, IMere. MILD : Ars, I IPuls. Mild, alternating with obstinacy (chorea): ICup. m. Mild, bears suffering, even outrage, without complaining (leucorrhoea) : llgn. Mild, in epilepsy : after attack, llndig. Mild, in strabismus: ICale B^T" Yielding. MISERLY, figg- Avarice. MISTRUST: Cham, HCic, IDros., IMere, IPuls. 8®" Suspicion. MOANING: Ant. t, IIBell, llCann. i, ICamph, ICarbol. ac, ICham, Chlorof, HCic, ICin, ICoccul, Coff, Crotal., lEup. pur, llgn, Laur, Mang, Merc, IMur. ac, I I Psor, Sec, Sul, I IVer. Moaning, abdomen: cramping pain, I IColoe Moaning, alternates with: laughing, Ver. Moaning, anxious: with lamentation, HAcon.; with broken stupor (child with gastritis mu- cosa), I Ars. Moaning, breathing: at every breath, Bell, ICoff.; anxious sighing, Plumb.; frequent, deep, Selen.; gentle (meningitis), I IRhus. Moaning, especially children: IPod. Moaning, chest: with cramps (hysteria), ICoce; knifelike stitches in right (pneumonia), ICon. Moaning, in convulsions: ISil, I ITubere Moaning, delirium: Bell, ICrotal.; traumatic, ILach. Moaning, in dentition : HCham, IPod. Moaning, in diarrhoea, IA pis. Moaning, in diphtheria : IPhyt. Moaning, with frightful dreams: (aphonia nervosa) I IPuls. Moaning, in epilepy, after fall on head: Cup. m. Moaning, in nervous excitability : I IPhysos. Moaning, face : prosopalgia, evening until mid- night, IMez. Moaning, with fever: during cold stage, lEup. perf; during heat, IIPuls.; intermittent,IIpec; typhoid, IIMur. ac; with thirst, I IPod. Moaning, involuntary: ICham. Moaning, inflammation of liver: IMere Moaning, menses : during, Ars, ICoccul.; after, IStram. Moaning, with restless motions : in inflamma- tory condition of brain, IStram. Moaning, during night: dull, I IZinc; with melancholy, I IPlat; child in difficult denti- tion, IPhyt. . Moaning, for trifling offence which happened long ago: ICham. „„.,.„ , Moaning, from pain : ICoff; aching, lEup. perf. Moaning, piercing, pitiful: Ars. Moaning, piteous : of child because he cannot have what he wanted, I ICham. Moaning, plaintive : in measles, ILach. Moaning, and occasional outcries from pain: IHydras. Moaning, with occasional shrieks: could only be pacified by holding chest pressed close to mother's breast, Stram. Moaning in sleep: Ars. hyd, IBell., Cinch, llpec, IIKali ph., ILye, Stann, Ver.; in ague, ISamb.; brain affections of children, IISul.; in cholera, IMur. ac; in mania-a-potu and typhoid, INux v.; eyelids half closed, rolling of head, IPod, ISamb.; in typhus, lArs, in ranula, I IThuya. Moaning, with sleeplessness : Crotal. Moaning, with grinding of teeth: during sleep, IKali br. Moaning, restless tossing: at night, IDulc. Moaning, with weeping : in aphthae, IHell. B@~ Groaning. MOCKS: aged people (hysteromania), I ITa- rant; with jealousy, ILach. MOODY: I IMere iod. flav. Plumb. Moody, in evening: Fluor, ac. Moody, in morning : INitr. ac. 8^° Hypochondriasis, Misanthropic, Morose. MORAL FEELING, want of: Anac; with melancholy, IKali br. MOROSE : Aeon, Alum, Anac, lArn, Bell, Bism, IBry, Carbol. ac, Carb. s, 11 Clem, IColoe, ICon, ICrot. t, ICycl, IDig, Form, llpec, Kreos, ILed, ILye, IMere, IMez, IINux v, IPhos. ac, IPlant, IPlat, IPlumb, IPuls, Rheum, Sul, Thuya, I ITJran. n, Val, Verbas, Zinc. Morose, on awaking: Lyss. Morose, during chill: Calend. Morose, in cholera : IChin. s. Morose, in chorea: lArt. v. Morose, better on conversing: Lyss. Morose, in epilepsy: I Art. v, I Atrop. s. Morose, in erotomania: I I Orig, I IPlat. Morose, in fever: intermittent, IDiad. Morose, from forgetfulness: in melancholy after typhus, I Anac. Morose, with fretfulness: ICham. Morose, head: with heat in, ./Ethus.; heavy feeling in forehead, iEthus. Morose, in hypochondriasis: IIPuls. Morose, in melancholy: IKali ars. Morose, in tubercular meningitis: 11 Tuberc. Morose, menses: just before, ILye Morose, with nausea; Sang. Morose, in nystagmus : Agar. Morose, on hearing others talk much: Zinc. Morose, with toothache: IMez. Morose, in urticaria: I IBov. Morose, with uterine pain: ISul. Morose, with inclination to work: Sars. 8@T Hypochondriasis, Misanthropic, Moody. MORTIFICATION. B@* Chagrin, Shame. MOUTH: lays finger on, alternately with stretching hands to fullest extent, I IStram. MOTION, disinclined to: lAloe, Chel, IHel- on, IINatr. m, HSyph, I IZinc; in angina pectoris, I IPhyt.; in suppressed menses, ICycl. Motion, constant: cannot remain in one place (hysteria), Tarant. Motion, irresistible desire for: Eucal. Motion, made with great force: IStram. Motion, hurried: IStram. 64 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Motion, like that of a passionate person: after j metrorrhagia, 11 Sep. j Motion, quick: IHyos. Motion, unconsciously slides to and fro on bench: IISul. 8^° Apathy, Laziness, Restlessness, Torpor. MUDDLED: Carbol. ac, INatr. s. Muddled, with poor appetite: I Ptel. Muddled, as if intoxicated: IINux m. Muddled, in headache: Asar. B@" Confused. MURDER. 8®" Kill. MURMURING, in delirium: I Arn.; pneu- monia, IPhos. Murmuring, at night: in typhus, I Arg. nit. Murmuring, in old people: IBar. c. Murmuring, during sleep: in brain affections of children, IISul.; in typhoid INitr. sp.d. Murmuring, in stupor: in encephalitis, ICoccul. B®~ Groaning, Moaning, Muttering. MUSIC, aversion to: HAcon, Bufo, Cham, Sabina; to joyous, but immediately affected by saddest, Mang.; especially to violin, Viol. Music, causes palpitation: IStaph. Music, makes her weep; IIGraph. flgT Sound, also Hearing, Chap. 6. MUTE. 8@~ Taciturn. NAKED, will not be covered: IHyos, IPhos. Naked, constantly bares breast: in puerperal mania, ICamph. Naked, lifts up her clothes: I IPhos. Naked, tries to jump out of window: Camph. Naked, in sexual mania: IPhos. Naked, in hyperesthesia of nerves: IHyos. Naked, sits up half uncovered, then lies down again (mania puerperalis): INux v. NEWS, bad, ailments from: I Apis, IIGels, llgn.; abortion, IGels.; pinching in abdomen, Pfeonia; diarrhoea, llGels. News, joyful: feels as if he had received, ILyss. News, mortifying: affects him very much, Lyss. News, surprising: causes palpitation and sleep- lessness, ICoff. News, unpleasant: feels as after, Alum.; causes numbness, brings him beside himself, sweat breaks out, Calc. p.; nervous tremors, Alum. NOSE; inclination when walking, to take peo- ple by (mania), I IMere NYMPHOMANIA. 8@~ Chap. 23. OBSTINATE (headstrong, self-willed, stub- born): Act. sp, Ars, Bry, HCale, Camph, ICaps, Carbo v, HCham, ICina, Coca, Cycl, Dros, Guaiac, IHep, ILycop,Kreo, INitr.ac, IINux v, ISil, I IStram, ISul. Obstinate, tries to appear amiable : IPallad. Obstinate, annoys those about him : a boy with eruption, I IPsor. Obstinate, in bronchitis: ICina. Obstinate, with red cheeks: I Aeon. Obstinate, children: ICham, ICina, ICinch, Thuya; inclined to grow fat, HCale Obstinate, in whooping cough: ISpong. Obstinate, chronic spasms of eyes; lAgar. Obstinate, insane: IDig, INux v. Obstinate, in menorrhagia: I INux v. Obstinate, in rachitis; ICale Obstinate, in scarlatina: ILye Obstinate, tosses about impatiently: I Aeon. Obstinate, resists wishes of others: IINux v. 8®=° Selfwill. OBSCENE. 8€g~ Lascivious. OBTUSE. 8@~ Dull, Stupid. OBJECTIONS, queerest against whatever was proposed (melancholia): I Arg. nit. 8ST* Con- tradictor}', Contrary. OFFENDED, easily: Agar, Ang, Ars, Aur. met, ICale, Camph, Caps, ICina, IColoe, ICycl, IGraph, Lyss, INatr. m, IINux v, IPetrol, ISep, ISpig.; in caries, lAng.; menses absent two and one-half months, ICycl.; in syphilitic neuralgia, I ISyph.; with weeping mood, IStram. Offended, long forgotten offences come back to him: Glon. 8^** Anger, Chagrin, Grief, 111 humor, Indig- nation, Insults, Mortification, Sensitive, Vexation. OPPOSITION. 8®° Antagonism, Contradic- tion. OPPRESSION: Amb, IIGraph, Hydr. ac, Iber, ILye OVERBEARING. 8®° Abusive, Arbitrary, Arrogant, Egotism, Insulting, Pride, Quar- relsome. O VERESTIMATION of self. 8®" Egotism, Haughty, Pride. PARSIMONY. B@P* Avarice. PASSIONATE: lAnae, Bry, Con, Hep, IKali c, IIKali iod, IPsor, ISep, Sul, IThuya. 8®" Anger, Rage, Vehemence. PASSIVE, inclined to be: Hgn.; no power to resist being led anywhere, in evening, INux m. 8^" Apathy, Listless, Lazy, Torpid, Yielding. PEACE, heavenly sense of: Arg. met. 8®" Ecstasy, Heaven, Joy, Mild, Resigned, Serenity. * PEEVISH (petulant): lAcon, Alum., IIAnt. t, I Arn, Ascl. t, Bism, IIBry., HCale, ICaps., ^Carbol. ac. Castor, I ICaust, HCham, HCina, Clem, ICon, Coral., ICor- nus, Crot. t. Daphne, Dig, Ferr, IHep, Ign., llpec. Kali n., Kreo, Mang, IMur. ae, INitr. ac, INux v, lOleand, Phell, IPlat, IPsor, IPuls, ISep, ISil, Spong, IStram, Sul, Sul. ac, I IThuya. Peevish, alternating with: cheerfulness, I Aur. met. Peevish, on awaking: IILyc. Peevish, children: lAnt. t, HCham, ICina, IPuls.; cry when touched (diarrhoea, colic), IIAnt. e Peevish, in chlorosis: I I Ant. c. Peevish, in chorea: I Art. v. Peevish, in whooping cough: IBry. Peevish, cruel: Abrot Peevish, in diarrhoea: IBry, Ferr.; after sup- pression of skin eruptions, ILye Peevish, in dentition: HCham. Peevish, with dyspnoea: HCham. Peevish, with hot ear lobes: I Alum. Peevish, in intervals of epilepsy: ICale. Peevish, in nervous excitement: chorea, ICale. Peevish, in headache : lAnae; with pressure in forehead, evening, while walking, 11 Kali c; periodical neuralgia, I ISul. Peevish, in cardiac rheumatism : 11 Phos. Peevish, with hiccough: Agnus. Peevish, in hypochondriasis: Grat, IPuls. Peevish, in laryngo-tracheitis : I I Ant. t, Peevish, in melancholy: IKali e Peevish, menses: during,Zinc;suppressed,Cycl. Peevish, at noon, better in evening : Zinc. Peevish, in pneumonia: I INux v. Peevish, querulous: I IZinc; inabortion, Coff. Peevish, followed by repentance : Vinca. 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION (55 Peevish, disturbed by trifles : Aspar. Peevish, in veta: ICoca. Peevish, in worm affections : ICarbo v. fi®~ Cross, Fretful, 111 humor, Irritable, PENSIVE. 8@"~ Introspective, Reflective, Thoughtful. PENT UP, no chance for thoughts to flow out, as if hidebound : Crot. t. PERCEPTION, diminished: IBar. c; Calc. p, Crotal.; in typhus; myelitis acute, IColch. Perception, quick: Lyss. Perception, slow: I IKali br.,IOleand., IPlumb, Tabae; in typhoid, IHell. 8®*" Comprehension and Dulness. PERSEVERANCE, want of: undertakes many things, perseveres in nothing, ILach. 8®" Indecision, Irresolute, Laziness, Procras- tination. PETULENT, 8^Peevish. PHANTOMS. 8®~ Delusions. PHLEGMATIC. B@~ Apathy, Torpor, also Temperament, Chap. 47. PICKS.air: I IHyos.; for objects (typhus), IPsor. Picks, bedclothes: Am., lArs., Colch., IIHyos, Hod., IOp., Zinc; with delirium, INatr. m.; in hydrocephalus, 11 Art. v.; as if looking for something lost, Bell.; in typhoid, I Ars, ILye, IPsor., IVer. v. Picks, at flocks : IHyos, ILye, IPhos, IPhos. ac, Stram.; in typhoid, Hod, ILye; at one spot (typhoid), Arum t; at imaginary object, I Iffinan.; at nose and lips, I Arum t, ICina. 8@° Grasping. PINS, breaks into pieces, half a day at a time (mania): IIBell. PITIFUL: HPlat PLACID. 8®°" Mild, Peace, Yielding. PLANS, insists upon carrying out: Dros. Plans, full of especially evening and night: HCinch. Plans, fantastic (insanity): I INux v. Plans, for the future: ICoff. Plans, reflects upon their execution: ICinch. PLAY, ailments from excessive, even con- vulsions: ICoff. Play, fever: will not during apyrexia (tertian ague): llpec. Play, desire, children have none for: ICina, IHep, IIRheum; sit in corner, Bar. c,Bar.m. Play, desire to : I ICon, Tarant; at night, IMed. Play, with fingers : IHyos. Play, at hide and seek : Bell. Play, upon piano : for hours (puerperal mania), I IPlat.; a short time causes painful anxiety of chest, trembling of body and weariness, must lie down: INatr. e Play, tenpins, inclined to, which he never liked: Arg. met. Play, likes childish toys : I ICie. POCKETS, fills with anything: Stram. POINTING to things to express wishes: Stram. POSITIONS, queer: in bed, IPlumb.; sits down, rises, kneels, IStram. PRAYING: I IStram, IVer.; begged them to pray for him and not to leave him alone, Lyss.; seeks relief in constant, IIPuls.; aloud, in melancholy, 11 Plat. Praying, in delirium tremens: HStram. Praying) face, erysipelas, slight, wanted people to join her in prayer: I IPlat. Praying, kneels in supplication, lifts hands: Ars. Praying, in mania : temporary attacks, says his prayers at the tail of his horse, Euph.; and confessing, wants to be killed, I IStram.; re- ligious, lAur. met. Praying, menses, during: IStram. Praying, quietly, for her soul: Arn. Praying, timidly, during sleep : Stann. Praying, constantly during paroxysm of vomit- ing: Med. PRIDE : ICaust, HPlat, IStaph, HSulph. Pride, likes to wear his best clothes: I ICon. Pride, self-contented look: I Ferr. Pride, mania: IGraph, ILach, HPlat, I IVer, I IVer. v.; and affectation, IStram, proud bearing, Cupr. m. Pride, overbearing: ILye Pride, scornful : llpec. Pride, stiff and pretentious: ILye Pride, wounded, wishes to be flattered (hys- teria): HPallad. PROCRASTINATE, desires to, because busi- ness seemed so longlasting, or as if it never could be accomplished (gonorrhoea) : I IMed. Bilf3 Perseverance. PROPHESIES : Agar, I IStram. PROPOSES absurd things: Camph. PURCHASES, makes useless : I ICon. PUSH THINGS, impelled to: Coff. PUSILLANIMITY. 8®° Cowardice. QUAKING : Vespa. QUARRELSOME: Aeon, IIAnt. t, Arn., I Aur. met, I IChel, ICham, Con, IDulc, Ferr, IHyos, Illgn, I IKali iod, IMere, INatr. m. Ran. b. Rheum, Ruta, Sep, IThuya. Quarrelsome, liveliness, alternating with silent depression (mania): ICon. Quarrelsome, in delirium; IChrom.ae Quarrelsome, when displeased (prolapsus uteri, amenorrhcea): Aur. met. Quarrelsome, if disturbed: IINux v. Qurrelsome, in yellow fever: I ILach. Quarrelsome, in hemorrhoids : I Ars. Quarrelsome, at beginning of hystero mania: I ITarant. Quarrelsome, incoherently : n-Atrop. s. Quarrelsome, jealousy, unchaste expressions: I I Nux v. Quarrelsome, in mania : IHyos. Quarrelsome, in melancholia : IKali ars. Quarrelsome, on appearance of menses: ICham. Quarrelsome, during exuberant mirth: IBell. Quarrelsome, noon to 2 p.m.: Ast. r. Quarrelsome, followed by repentance : Vinca. Quarrelsome, senseless: Stram. Quarrelsome, in sleep : Ars, IBell. Quarrelsome, in urticaria : IBov. Quarrelsome, with tearful vexation : I IMosch. QUIET: ICie, Euph, IHyos, llgn, ILach, IMur.ac,l IPetrol, HPhos.ac,IPlumb, I ISep. Quiet, changes to gay merry mood, in which trills and sings ditties: IBell. Quiet, after childbirth : I IThuya. Quiet, desires to be: IBry, IIGels, Sal. ac. Quiet, in diarrhoea of infants: IJalap. Q'liet, in dysentery : IMere cor. Quiet, with febrile conditions: IGels. Quiet, in ague : IKali e Quiet, in grief: IGels. Quiet, in hyponchondriasis : Val. Quiet, introspective (dropsy): ILye Quiet, in melancholy : IKali ars. Quiet, in onanism : IHyos. | Quiet, resigned (spinal disease): lAlum. 5 66 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Quiet, in strabismus : ICale Quiet, with much apparent suffering and sad- ness : Ziz. B^F* Taciturn. RAGE: lAnae or., IIBell, I IMosch. Rage, ailments from, lApis, lArn. Rage, alternates with : convulsions, HStram.; anti cipation of death, Stram.; tenderness, Croc. Rage, scratches, spits, bites (puerperal mania): ICamph. Rage, had to be chained ; Ars. Rage, chill, commencing with: ICimex. Rage, when being comforted : INatr. m. Rage, if contradicted: Oleand. Rage, convulsive in paroxysms: IBell. Rage, with curses and maledictions: INitr. ac. Rage, eating during and after: Chlor. Rage, eyes : renewed by sight of bright objects, ICanth.; pupils wide, IStram. Rage, fever: intermittent, ICimex Rage, grasping with hands : IStram. Rage, quieted by washing head in cold water : Sabad. Rage, from hallucination : I IStram. Rage, in hydrophobia: IStram. Rage, indomitable: IHyos. Rage, becomes insensible : IStram. Rage, with jealousy: IIHyos. Rage, with laughing, IStram. Rage, when lips were moistened: IStram. Rage, after disappointed love : IHyos. Rage, wants to kill: IStram. Rage, in mania; IIHyos, IStram, with cries and convulsions, IPlumb.; puerperal, ICamph, I Nux. v. Rage, foaming mouth : ICamph. Rage, at night (typhus): lApis. Rage, in paroxysms: Cinch, bol., ICup. m, IPuls, IStram, IVer.; in cerebro-spinal men- ingitis, Canth.; in children, lAcon.; in mania, IStram.; puerperal, ICamph. Rage, persistent, with heat on body: IVer. Rage, by reading and writing: Med. Rage, followed by continuous deep sleep: Sec. Rage, unable to stand: IStram. Rage, with swearing: Ver. Rage, tears clothes (puerperal mania): ICamph. Rage, from toothache : Ars. Rage, tossed about in bed, made innumerable signs not understood: Stram. Rage, attacks at slightest provocation : I ILac e Rage, turns about in bed: IBell. Rage, uncontrollable, can scarcely be re- strained: Stram. Rage, unmanageable: IStram. Rage, in worm affections: ICarbo v. 8®" Anger, Frenzy, Furv, Raving. RAMBLING manner: IKali br. RANCOR : Mang. Rancor, caused by morbid ideas : Sulph, 8gT Malice. RASHNESS in hysteria: lAur. met. 8^*" Hasty, Impulsive. RATS, thinks and talks of: ICale RAVING: Amyg., IGlon, IHyos, I IVer. Raving, alternates with: sleep, Ars. Raving, conscious of his condition : Arn. Raving, delirious, with coldness of body, and inclination to fall : Nitr. ac. Raving, about dog that had bitten her : Lyss. Raving, fever: typhus, IChlor. Raving, in headache : Act. rac. Raving, in puerperal mania: Camph. ! Raving, with meningitis: IStram. Raving, at night: 11 Bar. c. Raving, during sleep : Ant. e Raving, in sleep (keratitis): ICale 8®~ Delirium, Frenzy, Fury, Rage. READING, averse : Brom., Lact ae, IINux v. Reading, brain feels muddled, cannot read un- derstandingly : ICoca. Reading, difficult, has to read twice: lAgn.; with vertigo, ICoccul. Reading, causes drowsiness: Brom. Reading, fatigues: ISil. Reading, as if some one were reading after her and she must read faster and faster: Magn.m. Reading, head: causes heat in head and fore- head (smallpox), 11 Variol.; numbness in, Car- bol. ae; heaviness in forehead worse, ICale; megrim worse, early morning, I Arn.; pressing in forehead, Am.; pressure in occiput, Car- bol. ac. Reading, frontal headache, is obliged to stop, does not know where he is: HCale Reading, inability: a letter just written, Lye; in headache, 11 Sep.; with roaring and buzzing in head and ears (ozsena), INatr. m.; mean- ing of certain letters is not clear (indigestion), I ILye; after mental exertion, liEthus. Reading, lettersrun together(amblyopia): IDros. Reading, makes nervous and enrages her: Med. Reading, cannot retain: Carbol. ac. Reading, cannot dwell long on one subject, must change to something else: 11 Dros. Reading, symptoms worse: Asaf, Carbol. ac. Reading, does not understand : I Amb., IColch., Cornus. Reading, words: thinks they look queer and are spelled wrong, Med.; interpolates im- proper words and sentences, IHyos.; uses wrong expressions, omits words and syllables, IThuya. 8®° Mental Exertion, Study. REAL, things as if not (post-partum hemor- rhage): ICann. s. 8^° Strange. RECKLESS: Ailant.; feels impelled to do reckless things; such as throwing child which he carries in his arms, out of window, Lyss. 8§TRiotous, Wasteful. RECOGNIZE, inability: any one, IGlon, IHyos., I IVer.; his own family, ICup.m.; friends, Kali br.; in muttering delirium in- sensible (scarlatina), IIAilant.; in typhoid, 11 Nux v.; the one to whom he is speaking, Stram.; in acute hydrocephalus, ICarbol. ac; in palsy, I Anac; surroundings, religious mel- ancholy, IKali ph.; his wife who is standing by his side, imagines he sees her under a distant bed (delirium tremens), IHyos. 8®°" Delirium, Unconsciousness. REFLECTING; Berb., ICarbo a., Euphor, Jamb., Lyss., Menyanth, 01. an., IPhos. Reflecting, answers slowly : ICoccul. Reflecting deep, in melancholy: I IPlat. Reflceting, difficult: in typhoid fever, I IRhus t. Reflecting, causes feeling of apprehension at epigastrium: IPhos. Reflection, causes headache: with dyspnoea, IPhos.; megrim worse, lArn.; pressing in forehead, Arn.; weak feeling in head, IPhos. Reflecting, in melancholy: ICoccul. Reflecting, inabiUty to: Aeon., Aur. met; in I old age, I Amb.; effects of overstudy, INatr. c. 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 67 Reflecting, causes palpitation : llgn. Reflecting, upon important things, her thoughts vanish: INitr. ac. Reflecting causes vertigo : IPhos. ac. 8^~ Introverted, Thoughtful, Mental Con- centration. 55?5SE;TTJ,®*Grief' Remorse, Repentent. RELIGIOUS : eternal bliss, believes herself, unworthy of, because she is unable to perform her duties, Stram. Religious, exhorted her husband to join the church (facial erysipelas): I IPlat, Religious, despair fwith suicidal tendency, Ver. Religious, excitement: eauses convulsions, IVer. Religious, fanaticism: pious, with mental dul- ness, I IThuya. Religious, pious looks; in religious mania, IStram. Religious, mania; ILach, IStram, I IVer, IPlat, IPuls. ; prays all the time, lAur. met.; takes passages of scripture literally and acts accord- ingly, I ISul. Religious, at night; torturing ideas,Camph. Religious, wished to live and do penance in order to mitigate her eternal punishment (melancholia): 11 Plat. Religious, felt happy to join her Redeemer (facial erysipelas): I IPlat. Religious, salvation despairs of, ICale. ; doubts (uterine dementia), ILil. tig.; tormented about (uterine complaints), I ILil. tig. Religious speculations: mind dwells on, IISul. Religious, with taciturnity, haughtiness, vol- uptuousness and cruelty: IPlat. Religious, talking on subjects: insanity, IHyos. Religious, want of: ungodliness, Anac 8^° Delusions. REMORSE : in tuberculosis, INatr. REPENTENT; Cinch, bol; suddenly, of hav- ing injured others, ICroe ; after attacks of fury, makes earnest apologies, Lyss. REPRIMANDED, on being, pupils dilate: IStram. REPROACHFUL, of others; HAcon, HCinch, IHyos, ILye, INux v. Reproachful, of self; IDig.; because he has not accomplished enough, Ars. REPULSIVE mood: IHep. REROPHOBIA: Lyss. RESERVED ; Arg. nit, ICale, Mang, IPlat, IPuls. 8^*" Bashful. RESIGNED ; Cinch, bol, ILye REST ; desire for, Bell, IColch, Vespa. RESTLESSNESS (mental): Ant. t, I IDros. Restlessness, agony: internal anxiety, lAcon. Restlessness, anxious: ICaust, I IThuya; end- ing in rage, ICanth. Restlessness, in angina pectoris : lAur. mur. Restlessness, stupid feeling in brain : IPlant. Restlessness, constant, with clinging to per- sons: ICarbo v. Restlessness, of conscience: IChel. Restlessness, driven incessantly about, without definite aim: Lyss. Restlessnesses if he had not done his duty: IPuls. Restlessness, after eating: Amm. m. Reslessness, with pressing in upper part of head, worse stooping or moving head, while read- ing and reflecting: Lyss. Restlessness, impatient: must walk, soon tires, I I A of YSiC Restlessness^ but too lifeless to move : IBapt. Restlessness, approaching mania : GSnan. Restlessness, yet mild : Sal. ac. Restlessness, as if some misfortune were ap- proaching: ICup. m, Natr. Restlessness, with sadness: IPlat. 8£i~ Restlessness, Chap. 36. RETICENT : 8@~ Bashful, Reserved. REVERIE, absorbed in: Grat., 01. an.; sad, indulges in, ICocul. 8®" Introverted, Re- flecting, Thoughtful. RIOTOUS, in mental derangement: IOp. B@* Reckless. ROARING. B@~ Screaming. ROLLS on ground: ICale RUDE, inclination to treat others with con- tempt: Paris. Rude, in diarrhcea: ILyss. 8®° Insulting. RUINS things: I ICon. 8®° Breaks, Destroys, Tears. RUN about: in intermittent, ICinch; she would like to, up and down, ICale Run as if in fright: I I Zinc. Run about room: without apparent object, at night (melancholia), HPlat.; wildly (head- ache), ICoff. Run about in shirt: Bell. Run about streets at night (insanity): I I Puis. Run about unsteady (delirium tremens): ICoff. 8®* Escape. SAD (dejected, downcast, lowspirited): lAbies, jEsc. h, I i iEthus, lAct. rac. Act. sp. Act. ae, lAgnus, Amb, Amm, Anac, I I Ant. c. Ant. t, Apis, Arg. nit, Ars., lArn, Ars. m, Ars. s. r. Arum t, Asaf, Ascl. t, Ast. r, lAur. met, Aur. mur. Bar. c. Bar. m, Benz. ac, Brom., Bry, Bell, Bov, ICact, ICale, Calc. fl, ICamph, ICann. s, ICanth, HCham, I ICie, Cinch, bol, HCinch, ICarbo a. Card, m, HCaust, IClem, Coca, ICoccul, ICoff, Coloc, Cond, ICon, ICroe, ICrotal, ICup. m, Cycl, IDiad, IDig, Eryng, 11 Eup. perf, Gamb, IIGraph, IHep, IIHell, Hydrocot, Iber, Illgn, llndig, llod, I llpec. Iris, Kali f, I IKali p, Kob, IKreo, ILac c, Lobel. c, IILyc, Lvss, Magn. e, Magn. m, Magn. s, IMang, Mere. iod. rub., Menyanth, I IMillef., IMur. ac, IMygale, IINatr. c, IINatr. m, INatr. s, 11 Naja, Niccol, INitr. ac, 01. an, IPetrol, Phell, IPhos, IPhos. ac, IPlat, IPlumb, Polyp, I IPsor, Ptel, IIPuls, Rhus v, Ruta, Sec, ISil, IStaph., IStram, IISul, Sul. ac, I IXTstil, Val, Vespa, Viol, I IZinc. Sad, when alone: All. sat, I liEthus, I IBov. Sad, in albuminuria: desquamative stage, IHelon. Sad, alternating with: cheerful mood, INux m, INatr. m, IPhos.; amenorrhcea, 11 Senecio ; riotous hilarity and buffoonery (mental de- rangement), IOp. Sad, anxious : Asaf, Ruta; cancer uteri, IGraph. Sad, with apathy : after typhoid, IHell. Sad, with apprehension of impending evil : I Aur. mur, IIKali iod. Sad, during apyrexia: Ipee Sad, on awaking : Alum, ILach, IPhos. ac. Sad, brain : concussion, ICie; fag, INatr. m. Sad, in bronchial catarrh : lAilant. Sad, with chilliness, in evening : Kali m.; and yawning, Merc. sul. Sad, in chlorosis: lAmm. e Sad, in cholera: IChin. Sad, during climacteric period : ITabae 68 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Sad, conscience, as if he had committed a bad action, or not done his duty : Cycl. Sad, with constipation: IINux v. Sad, in consumption: IGuaiae Sad, without courage: IGels., ISul. Sad, in cysto blennorrhcea : I ITJran. n. Sad, death : thoughts of, IIGraph, Vinca. Sad, with debility, faintness and aching in left iliac region : ICrotal. Sad, despairing: I Agnus, I IHell. Sad, in diabetes: INatr. s., HOp. Sad, in diarrhcea : I IMere. sol.; child, ILye; chronic, lApis, ICoccul. Sad, desires to be diverted from thoughts of self: I Aur. met, Camph. Sad, about domestic affairs: Jacea, ISep. Sad, in dropsy : ascites, IApoe;anasarca, IHell. Sad, inclination to dwell constantly on her con- dition (inflammation of liver) : 11 Sul. Sad, in dysmenorrhoea: lAnae, INatr. m. Sad, with dyspnoea: ICarbo a. Sad, in epilepsy: lAtrop. s, llndig., IISul., Tarant. Sad, in evening : Carbo v., IPlat, Ran. sc, Sul. Sad, faces: in presence of cheerful, I IHell.; serious expression, Rumex. Sad, with fainting: ILach. Sad, with fancies : Lactu. v. Sad, bemoaning fate : IKali br. Sad, thoughts cause fear and despair : Rhus. Sad, fever, relapse of: I Ars.; intermittent, I Ant. c, lElat. Sad, aversion to food: I IPlat. Sad, thinks himself forsaken : Lyss. Sad, imagines he has lost affection of friends : I Aur. met. Sad, after fright: INux m. Sad, about future, her recovery, or fears loss of reason : lAcon. Sad, after grief: llgn., IPhos. ae, INatr. m. Sad, headache, chronic: ICaust.; gastric, ICaust.; right side, worse in rest, better in constant motion, llris; after a fall, I ISul. ae; heavy with vertigo, Stann. Sad, about health: Aeon., Staph.; and domestic affairs, ISep. Sad, heart: oppression, ICaust.; symptoms, Asaf; palpitation, IOp. Sad, in hemorrhoids: IHam. Sad, as when homesick : 11 Aur. mur. Sad, in house, better in open air : IPlat. Sad, hypochondriacal: Mez. Sad, in hysteralgia : Cact, I ICoccul. Sad, in indigestion : IRob. Sad, in intestinal hemorrhage: ICrotal- Sad, with irritability: Ziz. Sad, in jaundice : IPhos. Sad, with languor : Erig. Sad, with lassitude : ISep. Sad, weary of life : ISul. Sad, in liver troubles: IChel.; trifling things appeared insurmountable, 11 Alum. Sad, scirrhous mamma? : ICarbo a. Sad, in puerperal mania: I Aur. met. Sad, with aversion to men : Stann. Sad, menses: amenorrhcea, ICaust., ICycl.; before, Brom, ILye, IMurex, INatr. m., INitr. ac, ISep.; during, Amm. c, ICaust, INatr. m, IPetrol, IPuls., ISep., ITabae;dur- ing, in parenchymatous metritis, 11 Lac e; menorrhagia, ICaust.; inclined to be late, ILye; suppression, ICycl., 11 Rhus. Sad, after excessive mirth: ISpong. Sad, in morning: Alum.; in dyspepsia, ILach Sad, morose: Hyos. Sad, after mortification: 11 Puis. Sad, caused by music : HAcon.; lively, INatr.s. Sad, from disagreeable news : IPuls. Sad, during night: ICaust. Sad, at noon : lively in evening, or vice versa, IZinc Sad, after onanism : HStaph. Sad, in chronic ovaritis: leucorrhcaa, I IPlat. Sad, with every slight pain : Sad, with palpitation : INatr. m. Sad, in paroxysms every fourteen days : ICon. Sad, in pneumonia: I INux v. Sad, preoccupied: IClem. Sad, in prolapsus uteri: HAur. met, ILil. tig. Sad, restless: I Plat. Sad, with pain about and under (not below) short ribs in back and left side: ILobel e Sad, after rigor (valvular disease) : HChel. Sad, in scrofulosis: I I Sul. Sad, sensitive (dropsy) : ILye Sad, better, sighing: ILach. Sad, would like to sleep never to awaken: Ars. m. Sad, causes sleeplessness : Ign. Sad, seeks solitude (after wound on head): ILed. Sad, in spermatorrhoea: ICypr., HPhos. ac, IIITstil. Sad, in chronic splenitis : ICean. Sad, with distress in stomach: IKali bi. Sad, no stool several days (fissure ani): IHam. Sad, with suffering and quiet behavior: Ziz. Sad, suicidal mood : IPsor., Rumex. Sad, in secondary syphilis: I IStilling. Sad, disinclined to talk : Stann, Magn. c. Sad, with swollen testicle : Brom. Sad, in sore throat: I I Phyt. Sad, at twilight (nervous exhaustion) : IPhos. Sad, feels unfortunate : ISep, IVer. Sad while walking in open air, must stand still or sit down : ICup. m. Sad during wet weather : I Elaps. Sad, weakness from : IPhos. ac. Sad, weeping : Ananth, Asar.; if one attempts to console her, Sul.; relieves, Med. B^P" Depression, Despair, Despondency, Dis- couraged, Gloomy, Grief, Hypochondriasis. SALACITY : I Apis, I IPhos. g&g* Erotic, Lascivious, Obscene. SALVATION. 8@~ Religion. SARCASTIC, SATIRICAL: Ars, Lact. ac. Sec; with jealousy, ILach. SCRATCHES, every one interfering with him: IHyos, IStram. SCOLDING: ICham., Con., IDulc, IHyos, Jacea, Lyss, INux v., IPetrol., ISep., Spong, I IStram. Scolding, on awaking: IILyc. Scolding, keeps it up till her lips turn blue, eyes stare, and she falls down fainting : IMosch. Scolding, in fever, intermittent: IFerr. Scolding, if opposed in least, rheumatism of heart: I IPhos. Scolding, at imaginary persons : ILye Scolding in indecent language (puerperal mania); ICamph. Scolding, calling names, if irritated: II Ver Scolding, from jealousy, mingled with unchaste expressions : 11 Nux v. Scolding, with labor pains: HCham 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 69 Scolding, mania: IStram.; violent outburst, abuses her child, puerperal mania : ICamph. Scolding, in melancholy : IKali ars. Scolding, at pain : Coral. Scolding, runs behind table : I I Ver. Scolding, in strangury : Dulc. 8€iP Abusive, Insulting. SCORNFUL. 8®°- Haughty, Pride. SCREAMING (crying out, howling, shriek- ing): Arum t, lAur. met, lAur. mur., I ICale p., Camph., Carbo v., ICed, ICham., HCic, Coff, Eup. pur., IGlon., IHyos, llpec, I ISep, ISul., I ITubere, I ITarant, I IVer. Screaming, with pain in abdomen : I Jatroph, 11 Magn p.; ovarian cyst, I Coloe Screaming, in angina: IHydr. ac. Screaming, when any one approaches bed (chorea): llgn. Screaming, on awaking: llgn., ILye; in cholera infantum, IKali br.; nervous dyspep- sia, IHydr. ac.; intermittent, ICina; menin- gitis, ISul.; night terrors, children, ICham, •Chloral., I IKali ph. Screaming, brain : crie cerebrale (encephalitis), lApis, iGlon.; cerebro-spinal meningitis, from stabbing pain, I Apis; in hydrocephalus, HApis, IDig, Kali, iod, Merc v.; in meningitis, HApis, lArn., IDig., IHell., ISul. Screaming, cannot, but wants to : I IStram. Screaming, in traumatic cardialgia : 11 Nux v. Screaming, during cheerful mood, without ap- parent cause: ICinch. Screaming, incessant, in children : colds, diar- rhoea, llpec; with colic, ICham., I INux v.; worse by comforting, Bell.; fever, IIAnae; in evening, I ICina, Cinnam. Screaming, in chorea : IStram. Screaming, convulsions : before attack, ICupr. m., IZinc; during, lAmyl., lApis, I Art v., "Camph., ICina, Crotal., ICup. m., HOp, I IStram. ; epileptiform, Ipec ; epileptic, IBufo., HCic, IKali bi, ILye, Iffinan., I ISil.; puerperal, IIHyos., ILach.; tetanic, alternating with catalepsy, IPlat.; following injury from splinter, ICie. Screaming, with cough: IKali br, I lOsm. Screaming, sudden, in cyanosis: Sec. Screaming, in delirium: I IChin. s, ICina ; in typhus, Ars. m. Screaming, in dentition, drawing up limbs, or stiffening body, during stool: IRheum. Screaming, desire to : ICale Screaming, expression of despair: before, dur- ing and after paroxysm, Lyss.; and irritation alternates with stupefaction of brain (proso- palgia), ICoccul. Screaming, in diarrhcea: lApis, HPod, IValer. Screaming, with anxious dreams (palpitation) : I Arg. met. Screaming, in earache (ozsena): lAur met; otitis in children : IISul. Screaming, phlegmonous erysipelas: I I Ver. v. Screaming, with sudden fainting on going from one room to another full of company: I IPlumb.; screams"loudly, "I shall not faint, if I do I will have fits," Camph. Screaming, with fear: IVerat Screaming, with fright: awakes, Sep.; clings to those near, IStram.; in chorea, IZinc; in dentition, Tereb. Screaming, furious: IBell. Screaming, with headache : I Ars.; in children, IGlon.; occipital, I IPetrol.; neuralgic pain between temporal region and ciliary arch and maxilla, IKali c. Screaming, feels that he would unless he held on to something : I ISep. Screaming, for help: ICamph., ILaur.; in hy- steria, llgn. Screaming, stitching tearing from hip to knee, worse from motion (ischias): BColoc Screaming, hoarse: Bell, Strain. Screaming, a sort of howl, leaped from bed ap- parently in great agony, and desperate: Camph. Screaming, terrible, in hydrophobia: IStram. Screaming, in hysteria: IStram.; sudden shriek- ing, IKali c Screaming, about imaginary appearances: IKali e Screaming, legs: sudden, with clonic spasms of legs on lying down (third stage of cholera), ICup. m.; with convulsions of legs and cold feet (puerperal convulsions), ILach.; pain in thigh, knee joint, and leg, while lying down, IKali iod. Screaming, in puerperal mania: ICamph. Screaming, in melancholia: I IPlat. Screaming, menses: during, ICoccul.; with convulsions, 11 ffinan.; ovarian tumor, IColoe Screaming, in metritis: Canth. Screaming, during increase of moon (somnam- bulism): I ISil. Screaming, at night: child, ICham., Psor.; bronchial attack after whooping cough, IKali bi.; bronchitis during dentition, IKreo.; all the time, especially night, will not be pacified (child), I ILac c; in whooping cough, I ICaust; diarrhoea of infants, I Jalap. Screaming, in paroxysms: occasional, ILye; every afternoon at five, causes scrotal hernia (infant), ICale; in afternoon, in colic, ILye; in dysentery of infants, and marasmus, lApis; shrill, ICup. m. Screaming, peculiar: suffering, IIEup. pur. Screaming, from pain in peritonitis : IColoe Screaming, cannot on account of phlegm: I IStram. Screaming, piercing: lAmyl., lApis, I Art. v., ICarbol. ac, ICham.; on awaking, llgn.; in chorea, ICup. ae; in hysterical spasms, ICie Screaming, position : outcries and moanings on attempting to change, IHell.; occiput drawn far back (meningitis), ISulph. Screaming, in rage, as if calling : I Anac. Screaming, ran through house like mad, after apathy : Bufo. Screaming, in cardiac rheumatism: ICact Screaming, in scarlatina: in altered voice, shrill (threatening paralysis of brain), IZinc Screaming, from undue sensitiveness in chil- dren : IKali ph. Screaming, short (meningitis); IVer. Screaming, shrill: HApis, ICup. m., IGlon., Stram., IZinc. 8@° piercing. Screaming, sleep: when falling asleep (hydro- cephaloid), ICina; during sleep, children, HApis, llgn., Inul., ILye, IIPuls., IISul, I ITubere, IZinc; in cholera morbus, IZinc; in chorea, Chloral.; in convulsions, IZinc; in dentition lApis; in diphtheria, ILac e; in dys- entery, IMere; in hydrocephalus, HApis, ICina, IZinc; meningitis infantum, lArn., 70 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 11 Hell.; in scarlatina, I Apis; singultus, IStram.; in typhoid, ILye Screaming, during stool: children, IKreo., 11 Rheum; with tenesmus (dysentery), IKali m. Screaming, teeth: grinding in sleep, iKali br. Screaming, as in mortal terror: Chloral.; from dry spasmodic cough, in weak nervous chil- dren, IKali br. Screaming, when touched: IMere; at slightest with pains, lAcon. Screaming, with trembling: llgn., I IZinc. Screaming, with unconsciousness: I ITubere Screaming, in retention of urine: IBell. Screaming, with twitching in uterus: IPlat. Screaming, wild, with disposition to bite and tear: IVer. SCRUPULOUS, about small things (hysteral- gia): IThuya. SECRETIVE, inclined to be: llgn. SELF-CONTROL, want of: JrLach., Sil. SELF-DECEPTION: Act. sp. SELF-DEPRECIATION: Kob.; feels infe- rior to everybody, I ISul. 8®° Bashful, Reserved. SELFISHNESS. 8®" Egotism. SELF-WILL. BST Obstinacy. SENSATIONAL: INux v. SENSES, too acute: Anac, lArn., Bar. e, IBell., ICinch., ICoff, Illgn., IINux v. Senses, cannot collect: on awaking, Cinch.; in endocarditis rheumatica, IHyos.; morning on rising, HPhos.; with anxiety and appre- hension, IMere sol. Senses, confusion of: I IGlon. Senses, do not correspond with objects : IBell. Senses dull: I Anac, Ced, Chin, s., Con., ICycl, I IDulc, Hydr. ac, Mang., INux m., Ran. b., Secal.; in cholera, IHyos.; in typhoid, IHell.; asphyctic form of uraemia, IHydr. ac. Senses, perversion: in iritis, lArg. nit. Senses, vanish, even touch : ICamph. 8€^* Impressibility, Sensitive, also Nerves, Chap. 36. SENSITIVE: All. sat, Apis, lArn., Ars, IIAsaf, lAur. met, Bell, ICale, I ICamph, ICaust, ICina, I ICinch., ICoccul., ICoff, ICrotal., IIGels., Illgn., Hod., Jacea, ILye, Mar. ver., IINux v., IPlat, ISil, ISul., I IVer. Sensitive, takes everything amiss: Bov. Sensitive, in chorea; ICup. m, IMygale. Sensitive, in delirium tremens: IINux v. Sensitive, during digestion : Hod. Sensitive, in hypochondriasis: worse after eat- ing, IINux v. Sensitive, to impressions: Ars, Castor, IINuxv. Sensitive, to jokes: I Aeon, Angust; least word that seems wrong hurts very much, IStaph. Sensitive, profuse lochia: Coff. Sensitive, cannot give her music lessons (melan- cholia): IKali br. Sensitive, after mental exertion: ILach. Sensitive, after metrorrhagia : 11 Sep. Sensitive, in nymphomania : IStaph. Sensitive, to slights : ICoccul. Sensitive, in urticaria: IBov. Sensitive, in prolapsus uteri: lArn. Sensitive, weeps easily: during climaxis I IZinc; even when thanked, IILyc. 8@f Senses and Impressibility. SENTIMENTAL: IPsor., ISul.; in diarrhoea, I Ant. cr.; with ecstasy, ICoff; in moonlight, ecstatic love, IIAnt. cr. SERENITY (tranquillity): Arg. met, Aspar, Chlor, IFluor ac. Serenity, in forenoon: : II^Eethus. Serenity, in hemorrhages ; IHam. Serenity, with melancholy : lArs. 8®" Heaven, Joy, Mild, Peace, Quiet, Sub- dued. SERIOUS : Bell, Con., Grat, llgn. SST* Earnestness. SEXUAL EXCITEMENT: 8®" Amative, Amorous, Erotic, Kissing, Lascivious, Obscene, . Salacitas, also Chapters 22 and 23. SHAME, ailments from: llgn, HOp. Shame, devoid of: I IPhyt.: nymphomania, I I Ver. 8@^" Chagrin, Mortification. ! SHOCK, causes exhaustion: feels so tired, wants to lie down and sleep, IPie. ac. j Shock, causes diabetes mellitus : I I Op. I 8^** Fear, News, Grief and Joy. SHOUTING. B€sT Screaming" SHRIEKING. 8^ Screaming. | SHRINKING. 8@~ Bashful, Cowardice, Fear, Reserved, Sensitive. SHY. 8@~ Bashful. SIGHING: 11 Agar, lAilant, Apoc., Atrop. s, Calab, Calc. p., ICamph, Ced, ICornus, IIEupat pur, IHell, Iber, Illgn., Kob, Lyss., IMur. ac, I IPlumb, I IRhus t, IStram., Sul., Therid. Sighing, in apoplexy : lArn. Sighing, breathing: oppressive, Lyss.;frequent deep inspiration (erysipelas), I IRhus t. Sigbing, with cramps, hysteric,in chest: ICoccul. Sighing, in cholera : IPhos. ac. Sighing, as if he were climbing a high and steep mountain: IPrun. Sighing, precedes coma (epilepsy): IBufo. Sighing, convulsions : puerperal pass off with, ICoccul. Sighing, and ejaculations (mental disorder): I Act. rac. Sighing, before epilepsy: IPlumb. Sighing, with fear : IRhus t. Sighing, with fever (intermittent): llpec; dur- ing heat, Ign. Sighing, in gastralgia: ILye Sighing, heart: anxiety, IPlumb.; pain, 11 Lyss. Sighing, effect of wounded honor: INux v. Sighing, in hydrocephalus : IGrat Sighing, in hysteria: IHydr. ae, Illgn.; weak women, cannot take a full breath, IPlat. Sighing, in leucorrhcea : Calab. Sighing, relieves melancholy : IDig. Sighing, with muscular prostration: 11 Calab. Sighing, in paroxysms ; Ant. cr. Sighing, in typhoid pneumonia ; IPhos. Sighing, worse on rising : IOp. Sighing, in shock from injuries: ILach. Sighing, in sleep: Camph, I IKali ph.,ISul. Sighing, with grasping at throat: HStram. Sighing, continues long after weeping : llgn. SILENT. OS- Taciturn. SILLY. 8®" Foolish. SINGING: Aeon, Agar, Ananth., I ICaps, I ICie, IHyose, Lyss, Mar. v., IPlat, ISpong, Tabae, Therid, I IVer. Singing, with cheerfulness and merry disposi- tion: I INatr. m. Singing, with chorea, every seven days • Croc. Singing, after depression ; Merc, iod flav Singing, in diphtheria: ILach. Singing, periodic ecstasy; ICie 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 71 Singing, in vesicular erysipelas; I IStram. Singing, fever : trilling during heat, Stram.; in typhoid, IOp. Singing, until hoarse and exhausted : Tarant. Singing, Latin paternosters: I IStram. Singing, in mania: ICoccul, INux m.; puer- peral, 11 Plat. Singing, monotonous : heart disease, I IOp. Singing, amorous and obscene: IHyos.; in nymphomania, IStram. Singing, during sleep: IBell, ICroe Singing, involuntarily, on hearing a single note sung; ICroe Singing, she touches things constantly: Bell. Singing, followed by weeping and screaming : IHyper. SITTING, in bed : quietly brooding (after typhoid): IHell. Sitting in corner; buried in thought, Coccul. Sitting by fire : would scarcely move from for days, morbid grief: llgn. Sitting, silent : with eyes on ground, in con- templation, Stram.; moody (chorea), IMagn. p.; for hours, generally in morning (insanity), I INux v.; in one place, Chin. a. SLINKS, about like a ghost (ague): INatr. m. SLUGGISH. B^° Apathy, Laziness, Torpor. SMILING: Atrop s, IIHyos, I IVer. Smiling, with happy disposition, in chorea: Sumb. 8ST" Laughing. SNAPPISH. 8^° Cross. SOLICITUDE. 8§T>Anxiety, Apprehension. SOMNAMBULISM. 8^* Chapter 37. SOPOR. 8ST Stupor. SOUNDS : wild, on hearing any sound, as striking of clock, etc, dances about, must be held : Ver. B@*Music, also Noise, Chapter (5. SPEECH. B@~ Talking. SPELLING, makes mistakes in: Crotal.; wonders how the word "how " is spelled, Med. 8@T* Reading, Writing. SPITS : I IVer, Ver. v.; at those around him, Bell.; in all directions, Lyss. Spits in face of attendants: I IStram, I IPhos. SPITEFUL: IHydras, IINux v.; in melan- cholia, IIKali iod. 8^* Malicious. SPECULATION, mind dwells on philo- sophic: IISul. 8^" Methaphysics, Theo- rizing. STARING, in one direction, without saying anything: Brom. Staring at hands with vacant look: Carb. s. Staring at husband (puerperal fever): I IPuls. Staring, at persons who talk to him, does not understand them: IMere cor. Staring at one point:' Ran. b. Staring at physician (typhoid): IHell. Staring at one questioning her, or at one spot, or at her surroundings, in a strange, stupid manner (melancholy after typhoid): IHell. Staring, thoughtless: IIHell.;morning IGuaiae Staring, rises in bed and gazes vacantly (hys- teria): IHydr. ac. 8@° Eyes, Chapter 5. STARTLED. 8®" Starting, Chapter 36. STEAL, inclination to: by boy with epilepsy, I Art. v.; goes about house in search of some- thing, not knowing what, but if attracted by any object puts it in his pocket, or hides it in coat (mental disturbance), I IStaph. Steals, m mania: IStram. ^^ STOLID : IMere iod. rub. 8@~ Apathy. STORY, desires to relate, but cannot connect a sentence, cannot find right words, and be- comes displeased at this interruption, Stram. Story, friends had to relate stories in a quick way (after metrorrhagia): I ISep. B^T Talking. STRANGE, everything seems : Sep.; almost terrible, Cie ; as if not real (postpartum hem- orrhage), ICann. s. Strange, street: did not know she was on, IPetrol.; well-known, seem strange, loses his way, I IGlon. STRIKES those about him: I Arg. met, Bell, I ICina, IIHyosc, Lyss, IPlumb, Stront, Tarant, IVer. Strikes attendant and grows angry : ILye Strikes, in inflammation of brain : I IHell. Strikes, after convulsions: Cup. m.; puerperal, IGlon. Strikes, in diarrhcea : ILyss. Strikes, in phlegmonous erysipelas : 11 Ver. v. Srikes himself on chest, then fainting: Camp. Strikes, tells his wife he will tiy not to kill anyone (mental disturbance): I IStaph. Strikes, in prosopalgia : I I Plat. Strikes at everybody who wishes to restrain him: Stram. Strikes, with uterine irritation: ILil. tig. Strikes, in worm affections : I Carbo v. STUBBORN. 8^~ Obstinate. STUDY, aversion to: Carbol. ac, IFerr, IGels, IHam., IPhos.; with headache, Natr. a. Study, causes brain symptoms: IPic ac. Study, crazed almost when attempting to study, with headache: Ind. Study causes debility : ICinch. Study, desire for: Kob. Study causes headache : Ars. i., ICalcp, IPhos., IIPuls., ISil., ISul. Study causes heaviness in head and limbs: HPhos. ac. Study, inability to: Abies, ICale, IChin. s, Gymn., I IMelil., ISumb., Vib.;with headache I ISep. Study causes irritable liver: INatr. s. Study causes palpitation: IINux v. Study causes burning along spine, with weak- ness of legs and back, and soreness of muscles and joints: IPic. ae Study, reading aggravates all symptoms, espe- cially pressing in occiput: Carbol. ac. Study causes vertigo: IINatr. m. 8^° Mental concentration and exertion, also Work. STUNNED. 8®" Stupor. STUPID (stupefaction, lighter than stupor): Msc. h., 11 Ant. t, I Apis, Ars., Arum t, Ascl. s.,Aur. met, Cact, Calc. p., Camph., Chrom. ae, Cochl., Crotal., I IHam, IHep., IHyos, Ind., IKali c, Lyss., I IMelil., Merc, per. Millet, Myr. cer, INitr. ac, IOp., IPhos, IPhos. ac, Psor, 11 Ptel., Rhus v., Sec, ISul., Tabae, 11 Ver. Stupid in afternoon: 11 Puis.; and evening with dull pain in forehead, Lyss. Stupid from alcohol: IINux v., Ver. Stupid with anxiety : Anac. Stupid on awaking: IOp., IPsor.; after night- mare, Ind.;as if she could not tell where she was, or what to do, Vib. Stupid, lying in bed with a friendly expression (effects of wounded honor): 11 Nux v. 72 !. MIND AND Stupid, in catarrh of bladder : I I Uva ursi. Stupid, brain: feels compressed, IHyper. ; irri- tation of, ILach. Stupid, in cholera : IPhos. ac. Stupid, in climacteric period (mental dis- turbance) : I Cycl. Stupid, bilious colic : llris. Stupid during day: tubercular meningitis, in- cipient hydrocephalus, pannus, lApis; oc- cipital headache, chronic, I IZinc. Stupid, as after a debauch, on waking: Psor. I Stupid after delirium: IStram. Stupid, in dropsy: I I Eup. pur. Stupid, as if drunk: IOp. Stupid, in intervals of epilepsy: ICale Stupid, eyes closed: Aeon ; staring, wild look (typhus): INitr. ac. Stupid, falling, dread of, forward: lAlum.; as if she were falling from a height, Mosch. Stupid, fever: during chill, IStram, at6 p.m., ILye; intermittent, Eup. perf, ISul.; bilious remittent, I IPod.; typhus, Arn., ILye Stupid, in spasms of glottis : IChlor. Stupid, with headache : Amyl., Ascl.s., IGels, Psor.; at night, IVer. Stupid, cannot collect ideas (delirium): Sal. ac. Stupid, in chronic hepatitis: lAur. met. Stupid, in menses (exophthalmus): ILye vir. Stupid, mental labor impossible: Cycl. Stupid, from every mental exertion: Petrol. Stupid at night, with restlessness: Lyss. Stupid in pneumonia : IFerr. Stupid, with ptyalism at night: IVer. Stupid, sleep: as if just falling asleep, Asar.; with desire to, Con.; in midday sleep, with confused dreams, Jamb. Stupid, while standing, with rush of blood from nape of neck over vertex towards forehead, during motion : Mang. Stupid, with vertigo: Merc, Mosch., IOp., HPhos., Sabad. Stupid, in veta: ICoca. 8£5F° Apathy, Coma, Dulness, Stupor, Torpor, Unconsciousness. STUPOR (lethargy, sopor): Absin., Aeon., ^Ethus., Ailanth, Alet, Amyg, IIAmyl., lAnae, Ant. t, lApis, Arg. met., lArn., Ars., Ars. h., Astac, IBar. e, Bell, Bism, IBry., Bufo., ICamph., Carbo a, ICarbo v., ICie, Coccul, Cornus, Crotal., IDig, IGels., IHam., IHell., IHelon, Hydr. ac, IHyos., IKali iod, I IMelil, IMere cot, IMur. ac, IINatr. m, INitr. sp. d, I INux m, IINux v., IOp, IPhos, HPhos. ae, IPlumb., Sal. ac, Sang., See, IStram, ISul., Ver. v., I IZinc. Stupor, in albuminuria: IChel. Stupor, alcoholic: IGlon., IKali br. Stupor, alternating : with delirium, 7rAtrop. s.; with desire to escape (abortion), IColoe, in childbed fever, IColoe, in cancer of mam- mae, I Apis, in repercussion of measles, ILach.; restlessness (brain fever), lAcon. Stupor, with angina: IChim. m. Stupor, answers questions properly, but stupor immediately returns: IHyos. Stupor, in apoplexy: ICrotal., ILach. Stupor, often awakes, but only for a short time (typhus): lArs. Stupor, brain affections (scarlatina): ISul.; con- cussion of, 11 Arn.; caused by sudden conges- tion, IBell., Ver. v. Stupor, in cholera: ICie, IPhos. ac; infantum, IOp. DISPOSITION. Stupor, with cold surface : ICanth. Stupor, with congestion : IBell. Stupor, with constipation : IStram. Stupor, convulsions: liEthus., ICup. m., IStram.; in dentition, ICham.; puerperal, I Atrop. s., IBell., 11 Ver. v.; after convulsions, I Art. v., IBell., IGlon.; after epileptic, lArs, I I Plumb.; in scarlatina, IZinc. Stupor, with delirium: ICrotal., IOp., IPhos. ac; followed by exhaustion after attack of vertigo, IKali c; following delirium, during day, HChel. Stupor, in epidemic diarrhcea: IINitr. sp. d.; summer complaint, Anac. Stupor, in diphtheria: INatr. m., I ISul. ac. Stupor, with drowsiness (otitis media): IGels. Stupor, a kind of drunkenness: IGels.; as from smoke in brain, IOp.; resembling highest state of excitement from alcohol, IStram. Stupor, ears : hearing vanishes : IStram. Stupor, with a feeling of emptiness : IPlat. Stupor, in erotomania: 11 Orig. Stupor, in eruptive diseases : lApis. Stupor, in evening : I Ars.; and night, worse in rest, better in motion and washing head, Ant. t; in a warm room, with chilliness, Puis. Stupor, with exhaustion (puerperal fever): IKali c Stupor, eyes : cannot open (cholera infantum), ISul.; looks about strangely (typhus), I Apis; sight vanishing, IStram.; staring (typhus), I IZinc. Stupor, face : expressive of pain, ILach.; ery- sipelas, I Apis, IGraph, IISul. Stupor, like fainting : Camph. Stupor, with cold feet: lAcon. Stupor, with fever: Dory.; of children, IGels.: chill, latter part of night, IOp.; in eruptive fevers, IGels.; during heat (ague), INatr. m, ISamb.; quotidian, I IRhus; nervous, Cie; in typhus or typhoid, lApis, HArn., lArs, IIBapt, ICamph, IChlor, IClem., Crotal, IGels, llris, ILye, INitr. sp. d, HPhos. ac, ITereb. Stupor, head: burning, hot (pneumonia), IPhos.; as if he received a blow, Sarrac; convulsive movements of, IStram.; tingling, with pains in limbs, better from motion, IRhus. Stupor, with headache : IHam. Stupor, in valvular disease of heart: I IChel. Stupor, in hydrocephalus: HApis, lApoc, I IClem, EHell., IHyos, ILye, INatr. m. Supor, in hysteria: I!Amm. c, ICinnam. Stupor, bordering on insensibility : IIHell. Stupor, weakened intellect: IStram. Stupor, in jaundice, all day : HChel. Stupor, with languor and prostration : IGels. Stupor, twitching and jerking of limbs: IBell, ICanth, ICup. in, DIHvos, HStram. Stupor, in meningitis: I I Ant. t, I Apis, IGlon, IHell, I IMere v, ISul.. I IVer.; cerebro-spinal, I Apis. Stupor, menses, suppressed from fright: IOp. Stupor, broken by anxious moaning (child with gastritis mucosa) : I Ars. Stupor, in morning: Ars. m.. I IChin. s.; after mental shock three years ago, 11 Nux v. Stupor, with murmuring (encephalitis): ICoccul. Stupor, with muttering: Dory, HPhos. Stupor, depression of nervous centres: IOp. Stupor, with nettlerash on scalp : lAgar. Stupor, in old age : IBar. e 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 73 Stupor, short paroxysms ; I I Hep. Stupor, in pneumonia: IChel, IPhos. Stupor, with mucous rales: I Ant. t, IHyos. Stupor, with restlessness: Tereb. Stupor, in scarlatina: lAilant, lApis, lAmm.c, ICup. ac, IGels, ILye, IMur. ac, ISul.; when kidneys are involved, I ITereb.; suppressed eruption, lAilant. Stupor, interrupted by screaming: lApis, 11 Rheum. Stupor, in persons of sedentary habits, espe- cially in hot weather: IGels. Stupor, blunting of general sensibility : IIHell. Stupor, excitement of sexual parts : IStram. Stupor, in smallpox: INatr. m. Stupor, with snoring (apoplexy) : IHvos, HOp, HStram. Stupor, with somnolence : IPlumb. Stupor, inability to speak : Bufo. Stupor, starts up in a wild manner, opened eyes, but could not keep them open : IStram. Stupor, stool: after, INatr. m.; involuntary (typhus), lArn, IZinc. Stupor, with delirious talk (typhus): I Acet. ac. Stupor, with dry tongue, loss of speech, and hearing (scarlatina): IPhos. Stupor, in uraemia, fainting : ITereb. Stupor, with vertigo: Chlor, IKali br. Sec; after attack, IKali c; in typhoid, ICie Stupor, with vomiting: Ailant, Dory.; between attacks, Ars. h.; after (scarlet fever), IDulc. Stupor, but the will is active: Chlor. Stupor, with yawning and nausea: Jatroph. Jjgg* Apathy, Coma, Stupid, Unconsciousness. SUBDUED/ B^f Mild, Peace, Quiet, Serene. SUICIDE, anxiety: driving her to, IMere Suicide, attempted: I IPlumb.; in mania, I IVer. Suicide, desire for: I Act. rac, Asaf, HAur. mur., ICale, IHvos., I Lach, 11 Orig., I IPlumb., IPuls., Rumex, * I IStram., I IZinc; when see- ing blood on a knife, I Alum.; but lacks cour- age, HCinch., IINux v.; from despair, during spell of asthma, IIRumex; despair about his miserable existence, ISep.; with dread of death and dislike to conversation pertaining thereto (melancholia), I IPlat; caused by fright, I Ars.; with chronic headache caused by suppression of foot sweat, IMere.; in mania, I Ars.; during menses, IMere; gets up in the night and takes his pistol, Med.; with relig- ious despair, Ver.; with stomachache, IBry.; prolapsus or induration of uterus (pregnancy), HAur. met,; whenever he sees an open win- dow, or a cutting instrument (after suppressed foot sweat), IMere 8®" thoughts. Suicide, drown: herself, desire to, IBell., ISil.; from disappointed love, IHyos.; seeks to escape, after menses, llgn.; thinks with pleas- ure of drowning, IPuls.; himself, wants to, ILach, IRhus; in mania, Sec.; or precipitate herself from window (melancholia and epi- lepsy), IISul. Suicide, hang: attempts to, Ars., Tereb. Suicide, haunted by : ICaps. Suicide, mania: I Ars.; to kill himself with a sharp weapon, Alum., with sexual symptoms, I Aur. met; got one leg over window to kill himself, ^Bell.; with melancholia, 11 Naja ; during pregnancy, Aur. met. Suicide mind constantly turns toward (head- ache,' prolapsus uteri, childbed, amenorrhcea, chrome hepatitis): I Aur. met Suicide, determined to commit, but cannot make up her mind how : I ISul. Suicide, tried to end sufferings by eating phos- phorus from matches, after business embar- rassment : Ign. Suicide, asks questions as to quietest and most certain way: ILac. def. Suicide, to cut his throat with razor: I IStram. Suicide, wants to kill himself with sharp weap- on : Alum. Suicide, inclined to by shooting: at night, obliged to get out of bed because he cannot put off the idea, lAnt. c; must use all self-con- trol, INatr. s. Suicide, stab himself: wants to, ICale Suicide, thoughts of: llgn., IMere, HPsor., IRhus; in cholera, I Arg. nit; with dread of death, Alum.; especially in evening (hypopi- on), IHep.; during heat, Stram.; in sperma- torrhoea from onanism, I IGels. 8@" desire. 8^* Depression, Despair, Hypochondriasis, Life, weary of, Melancholy, Moody, Morose, Sad. SULKY: Ant. c, IPlat, Spong. Sulky, in tubercular meningitis : I I Tuberc. SULLEN: Carb. s, ICoccul, IColch, Lyss., IINux v, Stann.; during day (child), ICina; with headache, Bism. Sullen, in mania: I INux v. B^T" Anger. SUPERSTITIOUS: ICon.; beliefs trouble him, 11 Zinc. SURLY. 8@~ Sullen. SURPRISE. B@~ News. SUSPICIOUS: Ananth, Aur. met, Bar. e, ICaust, Crotal, Dig, IHyos, I IKali br., Kali ph, IIPuls, Sul. Suspicious, in diarrhcea: I Ant. c. Suspicious, in dyspepsia: chronic hepatic con- gestion, excess of" lithic gravel, ILye Suspicious, considering everybody his enemy: I IPuls.; in melancholia, iMere Suspicious, in mania: ILach.; puerperal, 11 Ver.v. Suspicious, will not take medicine: lAct. rac. Suspicious, and reserved (pregnancy): I IPuls. Suspicious, of being watched by members of his family with whom he had a misunder- standing : clothed himself differently every day, to avoid being recognized by them, and seldom left the house (insanity), IHyos. BgT* Mistrust. SWEARING. BgrCursing. SYMPATHY: excessive, for others, Caust, Nuph. Sympathy, dislikes (typhus): I Arn. Sympathy, want of: Anac; indolence, Con. Sympathy, felt same pain his brother com- plained of (lyssophobia): ILyss. Sympathy, vexed by want of: Camph. SYPHILOPHOBIA : IHyos. TACITURN (silent): Abrot, I Act. rac, Arg. nit. Arum m., I Aur. met, Bry., Cact, ICaps, ICaust, HCinch, IClem., Cycl, Euph, Grat, IHell, llgn., Ipec, Kali b, ILye, ILye v., Mane, Mang, I IMere, Menyanth, IMur. ac. INatr. m., INatr. s., INitr.ac, 01. an, HPhos, HPhos. ac, I IPlumb, IIPuls, Rheum, Spong, Stront, Tarant, I IVer. Taciturn, alternating with delirium : I IPlumb. Taciturn, as if she would die: IMur. ae Taciturn, after eating: Arum. m. Taciturn, in epilepsy: stupid state, llgn. 74 1. MINI) AND DISPOSITION. Taciturn, fever, intermittent: HTarant.; ty- phus, I Am.; typhoid, INux in. Taciturn, after fright: llgn. Taciturn, acute hydrocephalus, utters no artic- ulate sound for two weeks: I IHell. Taciturn, in hysteria : IHydr. ac. Taciturn, with satiety of life : IPlat. Taciturn, in melancholy: II Arg. nit, IIPuls. Taciturn, in tubercular meningitis: IITuberc. Taciturn, did not move : Stram. Taciturn, during pregnancy: IVer. Taciturn, in puerperal mania: I IVer. Taciturn, unless questioned (typhus): I IColch. Taciturn, with religiousness : IPlat. Taciturn, with sad mood : Magn. c. Taciturn, from sexual excesses: HStaph. Taciturn, sits speechless: IHep. Taciturn, with dry tongue: ICale Taciturn, with weeping : IPlat. 8^" Quiet and Talking. TALKING, alternately with singing (acute mania after melancholia) : IGels. Talking, as if angry : Zinc; in sleep, Castor. Talking, animatedly: IIHyos. Talking, answering. 8®" Answers. Talking, causes anxiety: Amb. Talking, much in apoplexy: HCoff. Talking, argues with facility: Arg. met. Talking, averse to: Aeon, Amb, Amm. ni., Apoe, I I Arg. m, Ars. s. r. Bell, Berb, Camph., I Carbo a. Castor, HCham, Coff., IColoe, IDig, Diosc, IFerr, IIGels., IIGlon, llpec, Jacea, ILac def, Magn. m, Mez, INatr. c, IPhos, IPlumb, I IPuls, Spong, Stann., ISul, Viol.; on awaking, Thuya ; in bilious attacks, ILach.; in dyspepsia, HChel.; febrile condition, IGels.; in headache, I Anac, ICoff. t., Natr. a, Oxal. ac.; irritable, Calc; a foreign language which at other times he speaks fluently, Pallad.; with aching in lung, Asim.; in general marasmus, IHydras.; in melancholia, 11 Arg. nit, I IPuls.; after mortification; llgn.; about sickness or injuries, (spasmodic stricture of oesophagus), IIBapt; exostosis of skull, 11 Arg. met; dur- ing sweat, I IOp.; tabesmesenterica, I ITubere 8^** Answers, Taciturn. Talking, awkward in : INatr. c Talking, babbling (typhus): IStram. Talking, as if brain would be paralyzed : Calc. Talking, about business : Bry. Talking, chattering : Aeon.; typhus, IStram. Talking, causes oppression of chest: Amb. Talking, childish (hypochondriasis): I Arg. nit. Talking, about unpleasant things, causes chilli- ness : Mar. v. Talking, with air of command: ILye, I IPhos. Talking, confused : ICann. s, INatr. m.; men- tal derangement, IOp.; with cold skin, rapid pulse, Crotal.; in typhoid, I IMur ac. Talking, in convulsions : 7rCamph. Talking, of impending death(heartdisease): 11 Op. Talking, delirious : IRlieum ; inflammation of brain, IMere v.; worse in evening, I IStram.; like that of dementia (typhus), IStram. Talking, desire to: Arg. met, Tarax.; about anything, does not care whether anyone lis- tens, 11 Sticta ; about his condition, with anx- ious reflections, IINux v.; wakes wife and child (in hypochrondriasis), I Arg. nit.; men- tal disturbances, INux m. Talking, disconnectedly, pointed to masked people who seemed to approach him : 11 Op. Talking, distorted : Cupr. s. Talking, of domestic affairs : Hyos. Talking, dull (cerebro-spinal meningitis): IGels. Talking, stitches in ears when : I Mang. Talking, echo speech, patient repeats in a monotonous singing way words and sentences of those about him, without being conscious of it: I IZinc. Talking of others, cannot endure: Amm. c, IHelon, IIHyos, IINux v., Rhus; of those passing him, inclined to seize hold of them and abuse them, ICon.; agitates, brings on convulsions, Lyss. Talking, fatigues: Abrot, IStann. Talking, about others' faults: I IVer. Talking, foolish: Bell., Tabae; in headache, ILach.; in intermittent, ICinch.; in typhus, I Stram. Talking, forgets what he intends to say: cannot finish sentence, HCann. L; and looks around for help (hypochondriasis), I Arg. nit. Talking, garrulity: Bell. Talking, hot hands from: IIGraph. Talking, hasty: IBell, ICamph, 11 Hep, I IThu- ya; with quick gestures (after metrorrhagia), HSep., and rapid, IIMerc. sol. Talking, causes heaviness of head: Amb. Talking, to herself constantly (chorea): IMagn.p. Talking, to himself (acute mania, induced by severe mental excitement): IChloral. Talking, with imaginary beings (acute mania induced by mental excitement): IChloral. Talking, inability: Crotal, IKali br., Stram.; because of anxiety, llgn.; in epileptiform spasms, IChin. a.; in hydrothorax, lApoc; with spasmodic laughter, clapping of hands, Stram.; in puerperal mania, 11 Kali c; rapidly, with anxious behavior, makes mistakes, llgn.; in scarlatina, IZinc; with stupor, Bufo. Talking, inarticulate : like a beast more than a human being : I I Ver.; confused sounds, IBell.; in facial neuralgia, 11 Verbas.; in typhoid,IZinc. Talking, incessant: ICup. ac, I IPlat, I IStram, I IVer.; with delirium, Lyss, I IGDnan.; de- lirium tremens, 11 Act. rac; mostly devout (dysmenorrhoea), IStram.; and discontentedly (delirium), Sal. ac; in one strain with dis- tressed face (typhus), IStram.; in fevers, IILach.; in typhus, IStram.; yellow fever, I Ars. h.; about one thing, pays no attention to what is said to her (insanity) 11 Ver. v.; cerebro- spinal meningitis, Naja ; at time for return of menses (climaxis), I I Calab.; with mental ex- citement (heart disease), I IOp.; at night, Lyss.; at night (delirium tremens), IHyos.; in puer- peral mania, Camph, I IPlat.; during sleep, IIGraph. Talking, incoherent: 11 Amy g., I Anac; 11 Atrop. s., ICamph, ICann. i, ICham., Cup. m, IGels, INux m, I IPhos, I IRhus, Stram.; during fit of anxiety (erysipelas), 11 Chel.; in bronchitis, I Apis ; delirious, ICup. ae; from disappointed ambition, IINux v.; in typhus, IIBapt, Stram.; with a kind of half-smiling garrulity (typhus), I IZinc; with burning heat and chills, Curar.; in hysteria, IKali c; as it were in a strange language (mental disorder\ ILach.; in mania, ICup. ae; merry, Agar.; during sleep, IKali bi, IStram.; passes rapidly from one subject to another, Agar • ending with sweat, ICup. ac; in a high screaming voice, Stram. ° 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 75 Talking, cannot endure being interrupted, espe- cially after rising from sleep: HCham. Talking, irrational: Camph.: when he awakes as if a man were present, IHyos. Talking, inspired: in religious mania, IStram. Talking, does not know what she is saying: 11 Ver. Talking, language: in a foreign, or in different tongues (typhus), I IStram.; in Jewish jargon (mania), HStram.; entertained himself in different languages with departing people (vesicular erysipelas), I IStram. Talking, loquacious. gf§g* Loquacity. Talking, loud: INux m.; in typhoid, IOp.; during sleep, IBell. Talking in a low soft voice: 11 Viol.; of things which have occurred previous day (quotidian ague), UpeC; thick, as if tired, llCann. i. Talking like a maniac, eyes staring: IBell. Talking about misfortune (mania): 11 Ver. Talking, makes mistakes: Amm. e, Lil. tig, INatr. m, INux v. Thuya. Talking in monosyllables: IThuya. Talking, mumbling (apoplexy, typhoid): ICoc- cul. Talking, murmurs: 11 Ver. Talking, muttering: Ars, Atrop. s, Cham, Cie, IILach., IPhos. ac; absurd things, IIHyos, 11 Stann, I IVer.; in apoplexy, I Arn, ICoccul., ICrotal.; confused, Bell.; in delirium, INatr. m.; in delirium of typhus, ICrotal.; in delirium with vertigo (typhoid), ICie; in chronic diarrhoea, lApis; in intermittent, I Apis; in typhus, lArn, ICoccul., ILach, I ITarax.; gastro-enteritis, lApis; incoherent, disturbing sleep (bronchitis, gastro-enteritis), I Apis; low (typhus), IBapt; in puerperal convulsions, I IOp.; during sleep, Camph, IIHyos., IRhus; sleepless, IIHyos., in scarlatina, I IZinc; with stupor, 11 Phos.; with unconsciousness during heat, lApis; unintel- ligible (paralysis and imbecility), I Anac. oe; unintelligible, alternating with sensorial apathy and staring at one spot (melancholia after typhoid), IHell.; unintelligible, in ty- phoid, I INux v.; on half waking, IGels. Talking, calls things by wrong names: IDiosc. Talking, causes nervousness : Amb. Talking nonsense, by day, at intervals (tuber- cular meningitis): I ITubere Talking, obscene : IBell., IHyos, I I Nux v, IPlat, I IStram. 8^° Lascivious. Talking, obstreperous: Cham. Talking, pathetic: Lyss. Talking, can hardly speak pleasantly : ICham. Talking, prattling: IIHyos. Talking, repeats questions over and over in a singing tone until interrupted by another, which he repeats like the first (after typhoid fever): 11 Zinc. Talking, rapid: IBell, IIHyos, IVer.; confused, following rush of blood to head (hysteria), IMosch.; in fevers, IILach. 8@~ hasty. Talking, rambling: I Atrop. s., I IKali ph. Talking, refuses to: ICham.; after typhoid, IHell.; motions with his hands (mania), I IVer. Talking, reiterating: do, do, do, in plaintive voice: IGlon.; same sentence, Camph.; same thing'over and over (headache),ILach. Talking, relieves: yEthus.; spells of exhilaration and moroseness, Lyss. Talking, rhymesam I verse(intermittent):IAnt.e Talking, wants to say annoying and vexing things, is soon sorry for it: IMez. Talking, about secret (mania): I IVer. Talking, senseless: IBell. Talking,delivers sermonsemphatically: I IStram. Talking, commences every sentence anew, without ability to finish, in spite of every effort of memory : Thuya. Talking sharply : Cham, Hyper. Talking, short: Lyss, Tarant.; snappish, 11 Cham. Talking, in sleep: Ars, IKali e, I IMur. ac, IINatr. m, IINux v., Puis.; in diphtheria, ILac c; with heat, Stram.; loudly, I Arn, ISil, Spong, ISul.; nonsense, 4 a.m.,IHyper.; in pneumonia, IMere; senseless twaddle after a grievance, I Anac; in tabes mesen- terica, 11 Tuberc. Talking, causes sleeplessness: Amb. Talking, slow; IILach, IThuya; has to drag out words to express ideas, forgets the chief points, ISep.; as if hunting for words, IThuya; in learning how to talk and walk (nystagmus), IA gar. Talking, makes speeches: during delirium, Lyss.; strange, Camph. Talking, jumping from subject to subject: mere- ly for the sake of talking, 11 Paris: in after- noon and especially evening (insanity), I INux v. Talking, substitutes name of object seen for object thought of: ILac e Talking, about suffering (hypochondriasis): I Arg nit. Talking, causes sweat: Amb. Talking, syllables, drops them: IKali br.; uses wrong, ILye Talking,d.oes not correspond with thought: I Bell. Talking, constantly loses thread: IMed. Talking, of nothing but carious tooth that has been extracted : 11 Nux v. Talking a torrent of words: llgn. Talking, causes tremor; Amb. Talking, unintelligible: IHyos, IPhos. ae, I IStram.; with open eyes (typhoid fever), IVer. v.; rising up in bed, with short tremu- lous respiration, evening after lying down, Zinc. Talking, vivacious, hammering headache: ISul. Talking, in a whisper, if long continued it causes a dry, straining cough with a feeling of compression in chest(aphonia nervosa): I IPuls. Talking, wildly: Ars, Camph, I IVer. v. Talking, words; at times well chosen, at others uses high-sounding phrases (mania puerper- alis\ INux v.; curtailed, Stram.; difficult to find fitting ones, ILye; difficulty in finding and keeping the right one, although right idea is present to mind (anaemia of frontal lobe of brain), IIKali br.; difficulty in connecting, Murex; difficult to find the right one (typhoid), IIPuls, in aphasia, I ISyph.; drops them (chorea), I IVer. v.; uses words not intended, Alum.; misapplies, Bov, ICale, HCinch, Osm, in delirium tremens, HStram, in talk- ing or writing, ISul.; omits, ICham, one, often leads into midst of another story, IILach.; unable to find right, Act. rac, Carb. s, Dulc, IPhos. ae, with indigestion, ILye, in neu- ralgia of scalp, 11 Staph., worse from exertion and sleepless nights, Agar. ; are forgotten, IKali br.; slow to find, ICoca, HStram.; are swallowed, Thuya; utters single broken words in higher voice, Strain.; uses wrong ones, 76 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. I ICaust, HCinch, ILye, Lyss., INux v., I I Stram, IThuya, after emission, I Lil. tig, in headache, INux m., in typhoid, ICoccul., ILye, in typhus, I Arn. Talking, worse, from : Magn. c. 8^° Speech, Chapter 11. TEARS, things around him : Bell, Hyos, Ver. Tears, bed covers and clothing : in melancholia religiosa, IKali ph. Tears, or cuts buttons off her dress, worse during menses (fits): I IGiman. Tears clothes: llgn, I IStram.; in insanity from drinking, IHyos. Tears, desire to : everything to pieces, Iod.; in intermittent: ICimex. Tears hair: children, IBell.; with unconscious- ness, Tuberc; uterine dementia, 11 Lil. tig. Tears, in mania: ICup. m. Tears, night dress and bedclothes : IBell. TEMPER, bad: HCham, lUran. n.; phthisi- cal habit, I ITubere Temper, capricious: ISul. ac. Temper, irritable (diabetes): INux v. Temper, better during menses : Cycl. Temper, quick : ISul. Temper, savage: Lyss. Temper, unhappy: IRhus. 8^" Anger, etc. TENDER, disposition : Illgn. Tender, alternate with rage : Croc. 8^* Mild, Sensitive, Yielding. THEORIZING, constantly : llCann. i. 8^" Metaphysics, Speculation. THOUGHTS (thinking), absorbed in : Aeon, ICon, Cycl, I llgn, Ipec; with closed eyes, ICann. i.; yet thinks of nothing (typhus), I Arn. Thoughts, of accidents having happened : Osm. Thoughts, arrested by thrills caused by imag- ining something unpleasant: Asar. Thoughts, anxious: Sul. Thoughts, averse to: Act. sp., lAilant, 11 Ast, r., IIBapt, IBry., Caps, Case, ICinch, Ferr, Lact. ac, 11 Petrol, ISil.; in evening and after dinner, Lyss.; nervous debility, ICurar.; after a walk in open air, Arn. Thoughts, on awakening, terrible (nervous ex- citability) : 11 Calab. Thoughts cause pain or soreness in brain: Daphne. Thoughts, of business of day prevent sleep for an hour: ICoccul. Thoughts, chasing through brain : Ptel. Thoughts, of coffee causes nausea : Lil. tig. Thoughts, by collecting, could recall things read many years ago: Ptel. Thoughts, cannot collect: Cochl, IFerr., ILac c, I IPic. ac, Ptel.; during apyrexia, Ipec; in brain fag, IPhos. ac; during chill, Caps.; to reply to question, drops what he is holding in his hands, INitr. ac; while listening to ser- mon, on account of joyful feeling without cause, Anag.; for an hour in morning on awaking, Thuya; must rouse himself forcibly, INux m. Thoughts, about complaint: when left alone, Ars, in angina pectoris, I Aur. mur.; fissure of anus, IHam.; better from, I ICamph, Coccul, IHell.; of incurability (cancerous inoculation), Ars.; brings on attack (catalepsy), I Art. v.; brings on chilly waves, Chin, a.; cough worse, 11 Bar. c; one-sided heat of face worse, Spong.; hemorrhoids and hysteria worse, ICaust.; causes palpitation, Alum.; worse from, IBar. c, ICale p., IGels. 8®° Pain- Thoughts, cannot concentrate: ICanth., Med.; in malarial ataxy, Arg. nit. Thoughts, confused. 8®" Confusion. Thoughts, loses continuity : I I Syph. Thoughts, do not correspond to sense : IBell. Thoughts, crowd; different trains, Verbas.; cause sleeplessness, IFluor. ac; is too weak to keep them off* or to hold one idea, Ars.; a mass of subjects, some scientific, cross each other on closing eyes, Spong. Thoughts, desultory: Aloe. Thoughts, cause diarrhoea: Arg. nit, Thoughts, difficult: Alum, I Anac. oc. Apis, Ascl. t, HCale, Camph., Carb. s, ICarbo v, IChel, Cinch, IClem, ICoccul, Cochl, IDig, Eryng., IHyos, Hod, Lactu. v., IMez, INatr. m, 11 Ptel, I IRhus, See, ISep, IStram, ISul, IZinc; in diabetes, INatr. s.; in evening, ICochl.; in headache, Diad.; from sensation as if head were enlarged and distended, 11 Ran. b.; from heaviness in head, IOp.; sometimes impossible, Lyss.; in morning (old people), lAmb.; after vertigo, ICoccul.; in vesical humor, ICanth. B®° Mental Exertion, and Concentration. Thoughts, disconnected: Viol. Thoughts, distracted: I INux v.; with vertigo, IMere Thoughts, reappear in his dreams : Psor. Thoughts, too much exertion: Ars. m. Thoughts, eyes: cause dimness of vision, Arg. nit Thoughts, face : heat with soreness of left cheek from, Lyss.; cause pain, Amm. e Thoughts, fatigue: ICoccul. Thoughts, fixed, immovable : Iod. Thoughts, great flow, difficult to arrange, IPhos. Thoughts, about food he has eaten makes him sick : I I Sars. Thoughts about future : Cinch, bol, Cycl. Thoughts, headache, from: Arg. nit, ICoff, Lyss, IParis, Sabad, ISpig.; but cannot stop thinking, Calab.; drawing in right side of forehead, worse, Calc; dulness, Natr. m.; pressing, ILyss. Thoughts, heavy flow : ISep. Thoughts, of himself, desire to be diverted: Camph. Thoughts, as though one cannot think outside of himself: Crot t Thoughts, hurried: Calc. Thoughts, inability to think : Abies, Abrot, Anac, lArg.met, Arn, Ars., IIBapt, ICanth, IGels, Gymn, Hydr.ac, IHyos,Kreo., IINatr. c, I I Natr. s, IPhos, IStaph, IThuya, I IZinc; after getting out of bed, IStram.; caused by tightness in brain, Med.; as after excessive coition, IPhos. ac; confusion, I /Ethus.; in convulsions, I IStaph.; with drowsiness, Calc. p.; in evening, I I Ign.; injurious effect of gas- light, ICaust.; in headache, lAlum, I ISep.; in nervous headache, ITereb.; with roaring and buzzing in head and ears (ozsena), INatr. m.; by least interruption, Berb.; in morning, IPhos. ac; in pneumonia, ISul.; with stupe- faction, dizziness and vacancy in head Kreo • sudden after luncheon, Cales.; when reading! Stann.; with vertigo, IINux v. Thoughts, increased, power of: ICoff. Thoughts, of doing injury to others : Osm 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 77 Thoughts, muddled: INux m. Thoughts, cause pain in nose : Lyss. Thoughts, obscene: ILil. tig. B^aT" Lascivious. Thoughts, pain: aggravates Bapt, IHell.; and makes her want to urinate, IMere v.; causes it to return, HOxal. ac; undefined, disagreeable sensation, 11 Agar. 8^" complaint. Thoughts, cause palpitation: llgn. Thoughts, about past troubles: IINitr. ac. Thoughts, profusion of: causes confusion in writing, llgn. Thoughts, rapid: Aeon, lOxal. ac, Kob. Thoughts, inability to recall: on account of dif- ferent thoughts crowding on brain, HCann. i. Thoughts, retarded: slow, Cup. ac, Chlorof, IGraph.; in apoplexy, I Arn. Thoughts, same project, and nothing else : Ang.; with sleeplessness, ICale; unpleasant subject, ICoccul. Thoughts, serious: are terrifying, IPlat. Thoughts, prevent sleep: ICale, IGraph., INux v, ISep., ISul.; after midnight, I IHep.; after awaking at 2 a.m., Sil. Thoughts, seem to stand still: ICann. s. Thoughts, terrible: take possession of him (mania), Hod. Thoughts, in attempting to think of one thing another thought intrudes: Aeon. Thoughts, it seems to her as if two entirely dif- ferent trains of, influenced her at the same time: Lyss. Thoughts, painful vacant feeling on attempting to think (yellow fever): IGels. Thoughts, vanishing: Ars. s. f, ICale, Kali bi, Kreo, ILye, INux m, 01. an.; with blackness before eyes, in paroxysms, ILach.; with faint- ing, seeming to her of a half hour's duration, but really only momentary, INux m.; gradual as when falling asleep, Asar.; while reading, ends in falling asleep, INux m.; before men- ses, IINux m.; momentary, Viol.; after over- lifting, Psor.; when reflecting, INitr.ac, Ran. b.; when he attempts to express them they van- ish, strange thoughts take their place, he could not recall the former ones, Viol.; sudden, IManc; before she can give them utterance (after sunstroke), IStram.; while talking, read- ing or writing, I INux m.; with vertigo, ICham.; with sickness of stomach, as soon as she closes eyes, Therid. Thoughts, cause vertigo (brainfag): IPhos. ac. Thoughts, wandering: IPuls.; and dwell on images and fancies, Arn. Thoughts, weakened power of correctly ex- pressing: ICon. Thoughts, wild: Strain. Thoughts, thinking makes her wretched (preg- nancy) : I I Stann. 8^°"Delusion, Mental activity, exertion and concention, also Reflection, Study. THOUGHTFUL. 8@~Reflective. THOUGHTLESS : Thuya ; with foolish gest- ures and complaint of pain, I IMosch. THROWS things in air: with crazy laughter (children), Camph. Throws away: everything given it (child),ICina, ICoff; a lacemaker threw about her bobbins in- cessantly, and every th ing into con fusion, Stram. Throws, things into fire regardless of value (mental disturbance): I IStaph. Throws, herself forcibly about: ICale; upon floor, 'and rolls about, 11 Sul. Throws, things out of window : I IStram. TIME, mistakes days: Badiag. Time, seems long: I Alum., Arg. n, I IMed, ■Mere, INux m, INux v, Pallad.; in post- partum hemorrhage, ICann. s.; way home too long, IIGlon.; seconds seem ages, llCann. i. Time, passes too quickly: I ICoccul., Therid. Time, if set: worries day before, and is ready before time (chronic diarrhcea, epilepsy), I Arg. nit. TIMIDITY. 8@~ Cowardice, Fear. TORMENTS those about him day and night: HCale TORPOR: Ammoniac, lApis, Berb., ICie, ICrotal, IGels, IIKali br, IINux m, HOp, IPlumb, Sang, IStram., Uran. n. Torpor, in Addison's disease : Hod. Torpor, in apoplexy: IPlumb. Torpor, in constipation : IINatr. m. Torpor, after convulsions: Cup. m. Torpor, in indigestion: IMere cor. Torpor, with intercurrent erethism: 11 Puis. Torpor, in fever: IHyos. Torpor, caused by a dull depressing pain through whole head (under pressure of great weariness or excitement): Polyg. Torpor, with sleepiness during day : IMagn. m. Torpor, with weakness: ILye Torpor, worse in damp weather: I ISang. 8®*" Apathy, Dulness, Indifference. TRANQUIL. 8@~ Peace, Quiet, Serene, Sub- dued. TOUCHED, aversion to being: I Ant. c, 11 Ant t, HCham.; in headache, I IZinc; in- sane women will not be touched or approached, IThuya. Touched, not conscious of being (typhoid): INitr. sp. d. Touched, everything within reach : Bell.; feels of those around her, Bell. Touched, does not know whether objects seen are really there, or whether she only imagines them, until she has touched them: Sul. TRANCE: IILach. Trance, alternates with : spasmodic symptoms. every Summer, I IStram. Trance, after convulsions: I IStram. Trance, eyes: closed, answers no questions, lifts arm at every stroke of town clock, plays on piano with closed eyes, writes letters in an acquired language more correctly than in wak- ing state, occupies himself for hours with the number 6 (priapism, spasms), ICamph. Trance, unconscious, or wrapt in imagination: thinks himself in grave, IGels. Trance, everything seems unreal to her: Amyl. 8^° Clairvoyance, Ecstasy. TRAVEL, desire to, far away, almost uncon- trollable : 11 Merc. 8®" Escape, Run away. TRICKS: insane, spiteful, ICup. m. 8^** Actions, Antics, Malice, Spiteful. UNCERTAINTY, feeling of: 11 Amyl. UGLINESS, of disposition : ILac e UNCONSCIOUS: Act. sp, /Esc. g., ^Ethus., I lAmyg., I lAnthrac, Antchl., Ante, I Ant. t, I Apis, lArg.nit, I Arn, Ars, lArum t, Ars. h, 11 Ast. r, IBell, Bism, Bov, Calad, Calc, s, Carbol. ac, 11 Ced, ICham, HCic, ICina, Citrus, Coff. t, Colch, ICon, ICup. ac, Cupr. s, Cycl, IDig, Filix, IGels, IGlon, I IHell, IHydr. ac, IHyos, llpec, IKali br, ILach, Lauroc, ILye, Lyss, IIMerc, IMosch, 78 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. INatr. m, Nitr. ac, IINux m, CEnan, Ole- and, I IParis, I IPetrol, IPhos. ac, I IPlumb, HOp, Sabad, Sec, ISul, IStram, ITabae, Vespa, IZinc. Unconscious, abdomen: lancinating, pinching, and sensation as if he must go to stool, Spig. Unconscious, in albuminuria: ICoccus. Unconscious, alternately with delirium: IPhos. Unconscious, in angina pectoris: I Act. rac, 11 Arn. Unconscious, answers correctly when spoken to: I Arn. ; periodic ecstasy, ICie Unconscious, in apoplexy: ILach, I IGEnan, I IPhos, I IPuls.; as if dying, speechless, Aeon.; nervous form, ICup. ac. Cup. m.; in drunk- ards or old people, HOp. Unconscious, apparently (hysteria): IHydras. Unconscious, almost, at night when he awakes: 11 Ast. r.; complains, in diphtheria, IKali bi. Unconscious, feeling as though she would be- come (diphtheria): I ILac c. Unconscious, brain: from pressure on anterior lobe (epilepsy), Ast. r.; brain troubles of children (cholera infantum), IMagn. p.; in meningitis, I Apis, I IRhus, IVer, cerebro- spinal, IHell, IHydr. ac. Unconscious, breathing: apoplectic, HOp. Unconscious, in burns: ICalend. Unconscious, in catalepsy : Camph. Unconscious, with chill. 8^° fever. Unconscious, in cholera Asiatica: IBry. Unconscious, in cholera infantum: ICadm. s. Unconscious, with colic : Asaf. Unconscious, with collapse: Anthrac Unconscious, convulsions: during, Absin., I Aeon, Agar, Ant. t, I Ast. r, Camph, HCic, ICoccul, ICup. m, IGlon.; after, ICie, I ICEnan.;afterbeingunjustlyaccused, I IStaph.; after fright, ICup. m.; worse during menses, I I CEnan.; in trismus,; 11 CEnan.; in epilepti- form, IChin. a.; epileptic, ICale a, ICale p., ILye; periodical, in typhoid, IMosch.; puer- peral, lAtrop. s, IChin. s, ICie, I ICoccul, IGlon., I INux v, IOp, IPuls, in quick suc- cession during seventh month of pregnancy in a woman with dropsy, albuminuria, head- ache, etc, 11 CEnan.; tetanic, ICie; after fright, ICup.m.; worse during menses, I I CEnan. Unconscious, coughing: before attack, I ICina; during attack, Ipec.; from arrest of breathing, better cold water, llpec; in whooping cough, ICina. Unconscious, in croup: ICarbo v. Unconscious, lies as if dead : lArn, ICarbo v. Unconscious, with muttering delirium: picking at bedclothes (typhoid), ILye Unconscious, in delirium tremens: IINux v. Unconscious, in diphtheria: IMere sol. Unconscious, in dysmenorrhoea: ICycl. Unconscious, from earache: Curar.; deafness after Quinine, IGels. Unconscious, in epilepsy: Art. v, lAst. r, HCale, ICaust, ICrotal, ICup. m, Curar., IGlon, ICEnan, IStann, I ISumb. Unconscious, in eruptive diseases: lApis. Unconscious, after excitement: INux m. Unconscious, eyes: open (periodic ecstasy), ICie; protruding, I IVer.; pupils dilated, eyes staring (child), JEthus. Unconscious, face : deep red or purple, IGlon.; red (dentition), ICanth.; swollen, I IVer.; prosopalgia, IGlon. Unconscious, falling: Acet.ac, I IBufo, ICann.i. Carbo v, ICoccul, IGlon, IPlumb.; m apo- plexy, I Aeon, I IPhos.; body cold and stiff like a piece of wood, IIHyos.; in delirium tremens, IINux v.; turns red suddenly, and falls (teething child), 11 Aeon.; with howling cries, Camph.; with nausea, ICoccul.; in syn- cope, IINux v.; sensation as if he would, Calc. Unconscious, fever: during chill, ICamph, IHep, ISpong, IStram.; with chill in puer- peral peritonitis, ILach.; in cold stage of intermittent, I Ars.; during heat, Mane, IPhos. ac, IStram.; during sweat, IStram.; in bilious, ICrotal.; intermittent, lApis, llpec; febris nervosastupida, Melil.; during sweat, IStram.; in typhoid, lAgar, IBapt, ICalad, IColch, IMur. ac, INitr. sp. d, INux m, IPhos, IStram, IZinc; yellow fever, HCanth. Unconscious, with frantic spells: Aloe. Unconscious, with maniacal frenzy: Camph. Unconscious, with headache: IGlon, Nux v., ISil.; from, IBell.; after epileptic attacks, IKali bi.; with vertigo as if he would fall, worse morning on rising, ISpig.; from stitches or pressing in one side of head, INux v.; after headache, llgn. Unconscious, head: congestion to, IGlon,IHyos, I ISul, during pregnancy, I IGlon.; drawn to right shoulder, Camph.; from stitches or press- ing in one side, INux v.; when turning, Rhus. Unconscious, heart: irregularity of action,ISang.; heart disease, lArs, lAur. met.; hypertrophy of, IDig. Unconscious, in hemorrhage : after labor, 11 Sa- bina, ICann. s.; uterine, ICinch. Unconscious, in hydrocephalus: Art. v., IGrat. Unconscious, in hydrothorax : following metri- tis, 11 Citrus. Unconscious,.in hysteria: ICed, I ICinnam, I INux v. Unconscious, after tumult of ideas: Camph. Unconscious, in kidney disease: IChel. Unconscious, in premature labor: 11 Sec; after labor, IChin. s. Unconscious,with immobility of left leg: INux m. Unconscious, lies stretched out: lyEthus. Unconscious, loses himself every few moments: ICann. i. Unconscious, before menses: INux m. Unconscious, in metritis: Canth. Unconscious, after a clear mind: Tereb. Unconscious, momentary: Chim. m. Unconscious, motions, during: child stands up in bed, ICroe Unconscious, as if struck by apoplexy, with agonizing attacks of neuralgic pain, between temporal region and ciliary arch and maxilla: IKali cy. Unconscious, with opisthotonus: ILach,Ver.v. Unconscious, with palpitation : Cact, 11 Nux m. Unconscious, paralysis with imbecility: I Anac. oc Unconscious, paroxysms while sewing or talk- ing, attacks daily for a month: I ITubere; once or twice a week for nine hours, ILaur. Unconscious, on assuming upright position: IColch. Unconscious, with rage : IStram. Unconscious, worse on rising: IOp. Unconscious, sat up in bed : Stram. Unconscious, in scarlatina: lApis, Zinc.; after suppressed eruption, lAilant. Unconscious, with screaming : tearing her hair, 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 79 beating head with fists, or against the wall or floor, I ITubere Unconscious, in shock from iniury: I Arn, Chlorof. Unconscious, attacks while sitting (amemia): ICaust. Unconscious, with heavy sleep preceded by tingling in head and limbs: Sec. Unconscious, loss of speech and motion: Laur. Unconscious, after painful tension in spine and headache: INatr. m. Unconscious, is aroused when spoken to (deli- rium) : IIHyos. Unconscious, after stool: 11 Ver. Unconscious, sudden: ICoccul, IHydr. ac, IKali c, ILaur, CEnan.; following excite- ment as after champagne, Amyg.; especially at night, llgn. Unconscious, in sunstroke : IGlon.; with teta- nus, IBell. 8^° Sunstroke, Chap. 3. Unconscious, of surrounding objects, evening while conversing: Sinap. Unconscious, with inability to swallow (convul- sions in a child): lAmyl.; after, IKali e, Jatroph. Unconscious, vertigo: during, IBov, ICanth, Crotal., IKali br, IKali e. Mane, IINuxv, Ran.se, ISep; in chronic alcoholism, IPhos.; in typhoid, ICie Unconscious, with vomiting: Calend.; of about a pound of black coagulated blood (hsemate- mesis), I INux v. Unconscious, with flesh wounds: ICalend. Unconscious, with ■worms : ICina. B^T" Coma, Stupor. UNEASY: All sat, 11 Apis, Aur. met, ICaust, INitr. ac, 11 Ptel, I ITarant, IThuya, Zinc. Uneasy, apparently from abdomen : Ant. t. Uneasy, as if he had committed a crime (ceph- alalgia) : 11 Alum. Uneasy, to fainting : ICale Uneasy, fever; intermittent, lApis. Uneasy, for future : IIBry. Uneasy, when reading or thinking, with press- ing in forehead and top of head, returning at 4 p.m. seventh day : Lyss. Uneasy, in scarlatina : lApis. Uneasy, before thunderstorm, terrific screams after heavy thunderbolt: IGels. 8§T* Anxiety, also Chapter 36. UNOBSERVANT, children, in otitis: IISul. BgT" Apathy, Dulness, Indifference, Torpor. UNPLEASANT THINGS, inclined to dwell on: IBenz. ac, Kreo, INatr. m. UNSTEADY : Asaf, Bism, IIKali br, IThuya, Zinc. 8®°" Changeable, Fickle, Fit- ful, Indecision, Irresolute. VACILLATING. 8@" Indecision, Unsteady, etc. VACUITY, feelmg of: Benz. ac. VEHBMBNCB^ur. met, Carb. s, Ferr, I IKali. iod, ILed, INatr. m., IPhos, ISep. Vehemence, ailments from: lAur. met, Coff. Vehemence, atrophy of infants: 11 Petrol, IPhos. Vehemence, in delirium tremens: IINux v. Vehemence,' in intermittent: ICimex. Vehemence, after arrest of hemorrhage : llgn. 8^- Anger, Fury, Rage, Raving. VERSES, makes: Agar, IStram. VEXATION: HArs, Ars. h, Ars. m., IBry, HCham., Hydr. ac, IIKali iod, IIKali ph. Magn. o, IMez, IINux v, M Petrol, ISep, Spong, Zinc. Vexation, ailments from: lAcon, Ant. t, ■ Apis, HArs, lAur. met, Cadm. s, I Cochl., I llpec, IILyc, INatr. m, HStaph.; with re- served displeasure, llgn.; with fright, Coff, IPetrol. Vexation, causes catalepsy : Art. v. Vexation, causes chorea: ICaust. Vexation, causes colic : IIColoc Vexation, causes convulsions: I ICup. m. Vexation, causes cough: lAcon, IStaph, Ver. Vexation, causes depression : Calc. p. Vexation, causes diarrhcea : Calc. p., ICham. Vexation, causes dyspnoea : Ars, iCup. m. Vexation, easily: Bell, IGraph, Iris; in aphonia, IFerr.; in chorea, ICale; from least contradiction, Niccol.; at trifles, lAcon, lArs., I IChel, Mang, Natr. ph, INitr. ac, IPlat Vexation, causes epilepsy: Art. v, HCale Vexation, causes red spots in face: Amm. c Vexation, sees faces when closing eyes : IBry. Vexation, cannot forget: Sars. Vexation, causes gastralgia: ICham. Vexation, causes headache : ICoff". Vexation, causes hemicrania: ICham. Vexation, head, stinging in, after: ICham.; tearing in, after, ICham.; painful to slightest touch, after, IIMez. Vexation, after arrest of hemorrhage : llgn. Vexation, with herself: ISul. Vexation, with himself: IBell. Vexation, causes hysteria: I IRhus. Vexation, causes jaundice : lAur. met, lAur. mur. nat, INatr. s. Vexation, with bursts of laughter : ICroe Vexation, liver: stinging in, after, ICham.; hepitatis, after, ICham. Vexation, suppression of menses from : IColoe Vexation, causes mental depression : 11 Puis. Vexation, causes mental derangement: ILach, IPlat. Vexation of mother, child vomits milk: Cochl. Vexation, inclined to vex others: HCinch. Vexation, causes palpitation: I Aur. mur. Vexation, felt as if paralyzed: I Cist. Vexation, past vexations arise from most indif- ferent thoughts and from every occurrence in life, unite with new vexations, cannot free herself from them : Sul. Vexation, causes pain in right shoulder blade as if bruised: 11 Coloe Vexation, causes frequent spitting : ICale Vexation, could tear himself to pieces: Sul. Vexation, at trifles: ICon. gJQT easily. Vexation, causes vertigo : Calc. Vexation, causes vomiting : ICham. Vexation, weeping, with violent quarrelling, even to extreme malice and rage: 11 Mosch. Vexation, walks as if lame, after: Calc. p. Vexation, cannot work, after: Calc. p. 8^*" Anger, Cross, Irritable, 111 humor, Tem- per, Peevish and AVorry. VIGILANCE, morbid : I ILye. vir.; in hysteria, IHyos. 8@ir Jealous, Mistrust, Suspicion. VINDICTIVE : INatr. m, INitr. ac. ggjg* Compare Harsh, Hateful, Malice, Rancor, Spiteful. VIOLENT: Abrot, Absin., IIAnt t, ICale, HCic, IIHyos, IINux v, IPetrol, I IPhos, Sul, Tarant. 80 1. MIND AND Violent, with bodily activity : 11 Plat. Violent, ailments, from : IBry. Violent, chases family out of house : 11 Ver. Violent, when crossed (megrim): 11 Sil.; worse during menses (convulsions), 11 CEnan. Violent, in delirium: IPhos.; tremens, Chlorof. Violent, as if drunk (lead colic): lAlum. Violent, in acute mania: IStram.; can be kept in bed with difficulty, ILach. Violent, in menorrhagia: I INux v. Violent, in nymphomania: I IVer. Violent, suddenly sprang away from attendants and swept everything from mantelpiece, said she was sorry, but could not help it: 11 Tarant. Violent, breaks window (mania): Hyos. Violent, in whooping cough: IBry. a^jr Anger, Antagonism, Biting, Brawling, Breaking, Curses, Defiant, Delirium, De- stroys, Frantic, Frenzy, Fury, Mania, Quarrelsome, Rage, Raving, Scratching, Striking, Tearing. VISIONS. 8^° Delusion. VIVACITY: Kob. Vivacity, in heart disease: ICact. Vivacity, with love of prattling: 11 Paris. 8®°" Lively. VOICES, personifies (delirium tremens): I IStram. 8@~ Delusions, of hearing. VOLUPTUOUS. 8^° Amorous, Erotic, Las- civious. WALE, aversion to: cannot or will not, 11 Zinc. Walk, desire to: as soon as she sets out, desire gone, Calc. s.; restless, Chlor. Walk, floor, day and night (uterine dementia) : ILil. tig. Walk hither and thither : Asaf. Walk, hurriedly: IIArg. nit.; up and down room (acute mania, induced by severe mental excitement), IChloral. Walk, about room : cannot make up his mind to do anything, IIKali br, I IStram.; in a circle, I IThuya. Bi^ Escape, Restless, Run away, Wander. WANDERS, about as if half asleep: Con. Wanders, about house : 11 Val. Wanders away and hides: IChloral. 8^*"Hide. Wanders at night: ICale; from home, and ranges in woods (intermittent): lElat; up and down room (insanity from drinking), IHyos. Wanders, restlessly about: could only be re- strained by force, from running out into street, j I I Stram. Wanders about streets: mad, furious (after suppression of tinea capitis), I ISul.; uncon- sciously, by day or night (congestive head- ache), IMelil. Bgf"* Escape, Restless, Run, Walk. "WASHING, acts as if she were : Bell. Washing, dread of being washed : in children, IISul. WASPISH: lArn. 8®" HI humor, Irritable, etc. WASTEFUL: I ICon. 8^° Extravagant WATER, cannot bear to hear running (nerv- ousness, diarrhoea): ILyss. Water, sight of, renews idea of pain : ILyss. Water, irritated by thinking of, as if he would have to vomit: Ars. h. WAVERING. 8^" Indecision. WEEPING (crying, lachrymose disposition): DISPOSITION. I Aeon, I Act. rac. Alum, Amyg., Amm. m, I Ant. c, I Ant. t, Apoc, HApis, Ars , Ast r. I Aur. met., I Aur. mur. Bar. e, Bell, Berb, Bry, ICale, Cann.i, Card.m, I ICaust, HChel, Chlorof, HCic, ICina, ICinnam, ICoccul, ICoff, Coloc, ICon, ICrotal,ICycl,IDig, Eup. pur, IFerr, IIGraph., IHydras, Ind. met. Hod, IKali bi, IKali e, Kali f, IKreo, IILactu. v, I ILil. tig, Lobel. c, Magn. m, Magn. s., IMang, IMelil, IMere, Merc. iod. rub, Menyanth, IINatr. m, INatr.s, Niccol, INitr. ac, IINux v, IPetrol, IPhos. ac, IPlat, I IPsor, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, I ISpig, ISpong, IStram, ISul, Sul.ac, Syph, I lUstil, Vacc, Vinca, I Viol, 11 Zinc. Weeping, when admonished: ICale Weeping, every afternoon: ISil. Weeping, when alone: INatr. m.; with dysp- noea, ILye; in nervous affection, after ty- phoid, IMancin. Weeping, alternates with laughter: lAcon., Bor, ICoff, IHyos, llgn, I IMosch, IPhos, IStram, I ISumb, Ziz.; precedes chorea, IStram.; in silliest manner (mental disorder) ILach.; in sciatica, due to retrolateral version of uterus, IINux m.; in mania during lacta- tion, IHyoB. Weeping, in anaemia: IFerr. Weeping, at answering a question: IIPuls. Weeping, with anxiety: Amm. c. Weeping, in aphonia nervosa: IIPuls. Weeping, with apprehension: IIGraph, IIKali iod. Weeping, with pain in anus and rectum after stool: IColch. Weeping, in asthma, after spell: 11 Rumex. Weeping, inclined to on awaking : IBell. • Weeping, on being awakened: concussion of brain, ICie Weeping, with pain in back: ILil. tig. Weeping, before going to bed: Lyss. Weeping, better from, melancholy : IDig.; op- pression of chest, I Anac, in suppression of menses, ICycl. Weeping, on attempting to take breast (child) : Ant. t Weeping, on taking a deep breath (infantile pneumonia) : 11 Phos. Weeping, broken, often no sound (diphtheria): Lac c Weeping, bronchitis: ICina. Weeping, when interrupted in business : IPuls. Weeping, children : IBell,Bor, HCham.; new- born when taken hold of or carried, ICina. Weeping, like a child: Arsen., I ICup. ac; about illness, with senseless prattling, I ICalad. Weeping, in cholera: 11 Ver. Weeping, in chorea: lArt. v, ICaust, ICup. m. Weeping, after catching cold: 11 Op. Weeping, in colic : ICina, (jtoff, Jacea. Weeping, before coma: Bvpb. Weeping, worse from consolation: Bell, I ICact, IINatr. m. Weeping, convulsions: causes, Bell.; during, ■Alum, I ICamph., llgn, IMere, INux v.; epileptic, IICup. m, llndig, ILach. Weeping, cough: before paroxysms, HArn, IBell.; during, lAnt. t, IBadiag, ICain, IHep, HOsm., Ver.; after, Hep.; with suffo- cative, ISamb.; in whooping cough, I Arn, I Ant t, ICaust. Weeping, in croup: IHep, I ISpong. 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 81 Weeping, during day: ICaust, IILyc, IStram. Weeping, from uncontrollable delight (after parturition): ICoff. Weeping, with delirium, before menses: ILye Weeping, with depression (fainting): ILac def. Weeping, desire to: Amm. m, Ast. r, ICact, Cinch, bol.; after coldness, ICoff.; buteyesare i dry, ICamph. Weeping, in despair: ICup. ac. Weeping, in diarrhcea: ICoccul, IFerr, Mar. v. Weeping, discontent with himself: INitr. ac. Weeping, discouraged (tonsillitis, angina) : I Apis. Weeping, in dreams: ISil, ISpong.; frightful or sad, IPuls. 8®" night, sleep. Weeping, easily: Arg. met, Ast. r, IBell, ICale, HCaust, IKali br, INatr. m, IIPuls, Rhus; in epilepsy, IBufo.; in erotomania, I IPlat; in rheumatism, I IPuls. 8®* inces- santly. Weeping, as soon as child eats: Staph.; until child gets something to eat (hydrocephaloid children), Bell. Weeping, in periodic ecstasy: ICie Weeping, with eruptions: ICoff. Weeping, in evening: Amm. c, IPlat.; with oppression of chest, IRan. b.; with desire for solitude, IRhus. Weeping, face: in prosopalgia HPlat.; jactita- tion, lAcon.; numb feeling in malar bones, as if parts were between screws (neuralgia), IPlat.; neuralgia, ICup. ac. Weeping, fever: Vace; during heat, ISpong.; in infants, 11 Anac; in intermittent, 11 Ant. c; with sweat, ISpong.; typhoid, ILye, IVer. Weeping, with headache: ICoff, IKali c, Lyss. Weeping, in heart disease: lAur. met, I IOp. Weeping, in hemiopia: lAur. met. Weeping, from hiccough: Bell, ICie Weeping, hoarse: Brom.; in measles, Coff. Weeping, with homesickness: IPhos. ac. Weeping, in hydrocephaloid: I ICina. Weeping, in hypochondriasis : I Arg. nit, Mez. 8gp°" melancholia. Weeping, hysterical: Ars, Cact, ICoff, 11 Kali ph, INatr. m, I ITarant, 11 Ver. v.; after spasms, ICaust.; from pain in right breast, along course of lactiferous tubes after nursing, IPhell.; with feeling of ball in throat, and oppression of chest after sunset, Natr. s. Weeping, inability: Ars. m. with grief, IGels. Weeping, incessantly: IFerr,IMurex, IStram, II Thuya; cannot calm herself, worse from 4 j to 8 p.m., ILye; catarrh of chest, IKali e; child, intestinal spasms, 11 Op.; croup, I ISamb.; in dysentery, IMere cor.; after a fall upon head", I ISul. ae; in hysteria, ICamph.; insan- ity, I IPuls.; in stomatitis, IMere; and vio- lently, llpec. B£aT easily. Weeping, inconsolable, especially when spo- ken to: IPlat. Weeping, with indifference : I IPlat. Weeping, in jaundice : I INux v. Weeping, at things joyful, or sad : I IPuls. Weeping, with drawing up of knees as if in pain (child): I IPsor. Weeping during labor: ICoff, ILye; because she is not delivered, IPuls, Weeping, lamenting. 8®* Lamentation. Weeping, with hysterical laughter: IPhos. Weeping in affection of liver: I Magn. m. Weeping, about his lonesome condition : ILith. Weeping, caused by any observation, or steady look (chorea): I ITarant. Weeping, loudly: IHep, I INux v., IStram.;in conjunctivitis, HSep. Weeping, with unrequited love: llgn. Weeping, with measles: Coff. Weeping, in mastitis: I IPhos. Weeping, in melancholia: lAlum, I Aur. met, IPhos.; fear of losing reason, or that she might commit suicide, IPuls. 8@~ hypochondria- sis. Weeping, menses: before, Con, ILye, IPhos.; during, lArs., ICoccul., ICoff, IPetrol, IPuls, IPhyt, IStram, Zinc; suppressed, IChen. Weeping, about her weak mind (after sun- stroke) : IStram. Weeping, about being moved (nervous affec- tion) : IMagn. e Weeping, in muscular atrophy: ICale Weeping, from music: IIGraph, IKreo.; with trembling of feet, Thuya. Weeping, nausea and pain in back: IILil. tig. Weeping, at night: IStram.; children, Arund, IBor, I ILac c, IPsor, IRheum ; difficult den- tition, IPhyt. Weeping, at every nursing: IIPuls.; at every attempt to nurse (diphtheria), ILac e Weeping, with inclination to give offence, and to feel offended: IStram. Weeping, with pain: ICoff, I IGlon, IPlat.; in cephalalgia periostitica, IMez.; better after green slimy stool (bilious colic), IMere sol. Weeping, with palpitation, after mental excite- ment: IPlat. AVeeping, in paralysis: ICaust. Weeping, paroxysms: uncontrollable, IIKali br.; in headache, ILachn.; two or three times a day (parenchymatous keratitis), I ILac e; at night, worse if child approaches fire, rub- bing head quiets it, 11 Sul. Weeping, when meeting people : I Aur. met. Weeping, periodical every four weeks: ICon. Weeping, in praecordial anxiety: ICamph. Weeping, during pregnancy: IMagn.c, INatr. m.; makes her worse, I I Stann. Weeping, rage: after, lArn.; as from, children, Bell.; with maniacal rage, 11 Plumb. Weeping, on reading : ICrotal. Weeping, in religiosa melancholia:IKali ph. Weeping, after being mildly reproached: IPlat. Weeping, with restlessness: Rheum; in chil- dren,with retention of urine from cold, 11 Aeon. Weeping, with sadness: ILobel. c. Weeping, in scarlatina: HApis. Weeping, in scrofulosis : IISul. Weeping, with self-dissatisfaction: Ziz. Weeping, from undue sensitiveness in chil- dren: IKali ph. Weeping, in silence : IPlat, Weepins, sleep: because she could not, IPuls.; with sleepiness, Cham.; during sleep, I ICaust, IKali c, I INux v, IRheum, in intermittent, ISamb, with anxious dreams, I INatr. m, in spasms of glottis, I IVer, unconscious of it, I IKali iod, in catarrh of chest, IKali c. 8gf° night, dreams. Weeping, sobbing: HCic, ICoccul, llgn, Lyss, I IMagn. p., Lobel. i.; continues long after crying; llgn.; aloud when alone, ICon, after menses, nymphomania, IStram.- during sleep, I Aur. met, IHyos, IOp, INitr. ac; during pain (cephalalgia periostitica), SMez. 82 1. MIND AND DISPOSITION. with pressive pain on top of head, I IZinc; spinal irritation, IChin. s. Weeping, spasmodic : in asthma, Bov.; in pro- sopalgia, I IStaph.; during menses, Thuya. Weeping, cannot speak without: IMed. Weeping, in spermatorrhoea: HUstil. Weeping, in spinal irritation : IChin. s. Weeping, kindly spoken to: ISil, IIThuya. Weeping, during stool: IJilthus.; with liquid slimy stool, as if fermented, IRheum. Weeping, sudden, with clutching of hair, or nurse's face (cerebro-spinal meningitis): IDig. Weeping, while stating her symptoms; IKali c, , IIPuls. Weeping, if not talked to constantly (puerperal convulsions): IGels. Weeping, in tetanus : IChloral. Weeping much is very timid: I ILil. tig. Weeping, with toothache: Therid.; especially at night and after eating, ICoff. Weeping, with tossing from pain : IPuls. Weeping, if touched (children): I Ant tart. Weeping, unconsciously: Stram. Weeping, prolapsus uteri: HAur. met, ILil. tig, HPallad. Weeping, vehemently (child): IIRheum. Weeping, walking in open air, and in evening, with sadness: ISep Weeping, following weakness (fainting spells): ILac. def. Weeping, whispered sound (diphtheria): ILace Weeping, does not know "why : ICamph. Weeping, when will is not done (child, bron- chitis): II Cina. Weeping, with unintelligible words; ILye 8®~ Grief, Howling, Lamenting, Sadness, Whimpering, Whining. WHIMPERING: I Ars, IKreo. Whimpering, in catarrh: ICale Whimpering, before coma; Bufo. Whimpering, with headache, left side : Chel. Whimpering, peculiar (gastromalacia): IMered. Whimpering, during sleep: I Arn.; in mania-a- potu, typhoid, INux v. Whimpering, when spoken to : I ITubere 8®*" Weeping. WHINING: Ars, IBar. c, ICanth, Coff, IIKali iod, 11 Kali ph, Lachn, IPod.; chil- dren, ICina, IPod. Whining, constant: Mang.; in gastromalacia, IKreo. Whining, with hot ear lobes: lAlum. Whining, feeble (gastromalacia): IKreo. Whining, in headache: Coff. Whining, fever: typhoid, IVer. Whining, in hydrocephaloid: I ITubere Whining, when lifted diphtheria : I ISul. ac. Whining, after menses (nymphomania): IStram. Whining, in morning (child): IBor.. Whining, at night: Pod. Whining, in obesity : Aur. met. Whining, with pain : Lachn.; rheumatic, IColo. Whining, piteous: lAcon. Whining, restless : I ICham. Whining, in scrofulosis: 11 Sulph. Whining, during sleep: Cinch, IIPuls., ISil.; in brain affections of children, IISul. Whining, sudden : before eclampsia, Art. v. Whining, summer complaint: before and dur- ing attacks (infantile catarrh), I Ant t. Whining, tremulous manner : ICup. m. Whining, does not know why: IHyos. 8@~ Lamenting, Querulous, Weeping, Whim- pering. WHISTLING : Bell, ICroe, IPlat.; after great depression, Merc. iod. flav.; in diphtheria, ILach.; in vesicular erysipelas, HStram. WICKED: Anac; in mental derangement fol- lowing amenorrhoea, ICoccul. WILDNESS: Lyss, I IOp, IMed., I Lobel c WILL, active: during stupefaction, Chlor.; slightest seems to have powerful effect, Agar. Will, and mind, contradiction of: Ant t; in headache and whooping cough, lAnae Will, instability of (mental derangement): IOp. Will, loss of power: Coca, ICon, IHell, I IMere v., INatr. m, IPic. ac, 11 Ptel.; after apoplexy, I Anac; melancholia, I Arg. nit; paralysis with imbecility, lAnae oc,Nitr. ac. Will, precipitancy (emotional chorea): llgn. Will, seems unable to give an exact voluntary statement: 11 Natr. e Will, strong: but difficulty in way of carrying out its purpose (multiple sclerosis), 11 Calab. Will, as if he had two: one commanding, one forbidding, IIAnae WINDOW, impulse to jump out: ICamph, IVer. WITTY: Coccul, Croc; but indecent, I IStram. WORK, aversion to : JEse h., Aloe, Amm. c, Anac, Ars, Ars. h, Ascl. t, 11 Ast. r, I Aur. mur, Brom, Cadm. s, ICale, ICale p., Camph, Caps, HChel., I ICaust, HCinch, I ICon, ICrot, IGuaiae, IGraph., IHam, Ind. m, I Hod, IKali c, IManc, IINux v, Pallad, Petrol, IPhos. ac, IPlumb., IPsor, IPuls, Rumex, ISep., ISpig, IISul, I IThuya, Verbas, 11 Zinc; to business or profession, Asar, Brom, I ILach,Lact ac, I ISep, Therid.; to physical, Bar. c, Carbol. ac, IKali b, Kob., ILil. tig, comes from abdomen, Ant. t, in Addison's disease, ICale, in asthma, Arg. nit, in caries, I Asaf; with chill, Diad.; in cholera season, IChin. s.; in coryza, ICale; in bilious diarrhoea, I Apis; after dinner, Agar, I IChel.; he thinks it will do him harm (hypochondriasis), I Arg. nit.; in headache,especially to any thingserious, 11 Alum.; in hypochondriasis, llpec; wants to leave everything as soon as it is commenced, ILac c; in melancholia, lArg. nit.; suppres- sion of menses, ICycl.; and motion (melancho- lia), ILach.; after onanism, IDig.; with incli- nation to stretch, 11 Meph.; in prolapsus uteri, Agar.; with weakness, ICycl.; but works well after beginning, Tarax. Work, feels awkward about: Spong, Sul. Work, desire for: Verbas.; with anxiety, Calc; though incapable, Act. sp.; insane passion for, IHyos.; with moroseness, Sars. Work, causes twitching in fingers, into hands, arms and body to diaphragm : ICup. m. Work, impatient of (hypchrondriasis): llpec Work, inability to perform: Arn.; after long- continued convulsions, I Amyl.; after a fall on head, IISul. ac; in dyspepsia, ICycl.; the most simple, even dressing, I IThuya; in ma- larial ataxy, lArg. nit.; with dull headache in vertex, IHyper.; after meals, Cinch.; from overstudy, INatr. e Work, does everything wrong (disappointed ambition): 11 Nux v. 8®" Mental activity and exhaustion, Study, also Physical activity, Chapter 36. WORLD, has no existence for her: I INux m.; 2. SENSORIUM. 83 as if he moved in his own little world, in which things are clear, outside uncertain, Camph. WORRY : ICale, ICaust, IPsor., Vacc. Worry, if he does not eat: ICoccul, lllod. Worry, in ecthyma: IJugl. Worry causes fever : and prostration after child- bearing: ILach.; typhoid, ICale Worry, with headache : ILach. Worry, in mental derangement: IKali br. Worry, yet mild: Sal. ac. Worry, with nervous trembling: Med. Worry, at night (sick babies): IPsor. Worry, by noise or interruption in business (gravel): ILye Worry, quietly (child): ICoff. Worry, causes sleeplessness: I IKali ph. Worry, in uterine displacement: I ISul. BgT* Anxietv, Apprehension, Grief, Uneasy. WRITING, expression: difficulty in finding right one, in writing symptoms, Cact; uses wrong ones and omits words and syllables, Thuya; writes down right arm or leg, mean- ing left, IDiosc; omits final letter or letters of words, ILac c, 11 Hyper, 11 Melil, wrote in different alphabets against his will, changing from one subject to another, INux m.; has to think what letters to use (fever), HStram.; uses too many words or not the right one, ILace; misapplies words, Bov, ICale, Sep.; misspells words, ILye; mixes up letters or omits parts of words, ILye; omits words, Benz. ac, ICham, I IMelil, Rhod.; after post- partum hemorrhage, ICann. s, ICale p.; to doctor, '' I am waiting with impatience that you give me and my young ones something to eat," Lyss. Writing, fatigues : ISil. Writing,in fever, though he cannot form letters : HStram. Writing, hands tremble, worse if anyone no- tices it: llgn. Writing, aggravates heaviness in head : ICale Writing, inability, makes unintelligible charac- ters: Ars., Lye Writing, all sorts of mean and contemptible things to her friends: ILac e Writing, makes mistakes : ICann. s, I IHyper, Lil. tig, ILye, Thuya; incipient stage of senile dementia, ICrotal.; in spelling, Cepa. Writing, makes nervous, enrages her: Med. Writing, unable to as rapidly as he wishes, anx- ious behavior, makes mistakes: llgn. Writing, worse from: Asaf. YIELDING disposition: IIPuls., ISil. S^° Mild, Resigned, and Chapter 47. ZOOMAGNETIC rendition: Phos. 2. SENSORIUM. Confusion. Dizziness. Falling. Giddiness. Intoxication. LigMness. Reeling. Staggering. Swaying. Vertigo. CONFUSION, as in bilious attack : Ptel. Confusion, with headache: Calc. p. Confusion, as after intoxication : Niccol. Confusion, staggering in old people: IBar. c Confusion, after stooping: IGlon. DIZZINESS: Amyl, lAnthrac, Anthrok, I Apis, Apoc, Arg. nit. Bell, IBerb, 11 Calab, ICale a, Caulo, HChrom. ac, Cinnab, Coca, Coccus, ICoff, ICon, ICycl, Diosc, Fen-, ph, IGlon., Helon., Hyper, I IKali br, Kob, Mar. v, INitr. ac, Polyg, Ptel, 11 Ran. b, Squilla, II Therid, 11 Zing. Dizziness, with cramps in abdomen : 11 Lyss. Dizziness, worse in open air, with drowsiness, nausea, pale complexion, exhaustion, and diarrhoea: iCrot. t. Dizziness, in angina: IDig. Dizziness, on being aroused: (encephalitis) ICoccul. Dizziness, on awaking: Ant. t; in morning, IKali c, afterwards three similar attacks (paralysis of nervous abducens), IKali iod. Dizziness, as if falling out of bed: II Arg. met. Dizziness, benumbing, when pressing head on pillow: Ang. Dizziness, brain: hyperemia of, I IPhos.; fol- lows feeling of looseness or quivering on shak- ing head: Xan. Dizziness, when carried: child seizes hold ft nurse, fearing it will fall, IIGels. Dizziness, in inflammation of chest: ICornus. Dizziness, as if something were drawing around in a circle, and as if she could not hold her head straight: Lyss. Dizziness, with convulsions: TrCamph.; epi- lepsy, at beginning of, llndig.;before, 11 Tarant.; after, ICale, I ITarant. Dizziness, with cough: Ant. t. Dizziness, in a crowd: INux v. Dizziness, with diarrhcea: IKalm.; better by return of, I ILyss. Dizziness, when going down stairs: IIBor, I ISul. Dizziness, with dull and stupid feeling: IMere Dizziness, in dysentery: ILept Dizziness, eating: worse during, Amm. e; after a little, I IPetrol. Dizziness, cannot keep erect: ^Ethus. Dizziness, in evening: Jamb.; towards, in upper part of head as if she would fall while walk- ing, 11 Lyss. Dizziness, on active exertion (chronic head- ache) : Hod. Dizziness, eyes; dimness of sight, Gymn.; blur- ring of sight, gradually worse, IIGels.; while walking and sitting, I ILyss.; in fixing eyes on any spot on wall (diphtheria), ILach.; on 84 2. SENSORIUM. looking steadily at object (conjunctivitis and leucoma), IKali c; on looking at running water, IFerr.; from sight of high houses, 11 Arg. nit.; on attempting to move, is obliged to turn whole head to see, ISpig. Dizziness, face hot, cannot sit up (scarlatina): I lAilant. Dizziness, with faintness: IMere iod. flav.; andmuscse volitantes on moving, 1 p.m., Calab. Dizziness, with falling. 8®" Falling. Dizziness, fever: with high, I Kali c; in inter- mittent, ICoccul.; in typhoid, ICoccul. Dizziness, in forenoon : Badiag, Hyper. Dizziness, with gastric and hemorrhoidal trou- bles : Collin. Dizziness, with haemoptysis: ICinch. Dizziness, head : bad feeling in, Abies; as if blood were mounting, I IVer.; as from com- pression, HCaust; with congestion, ICycl.; with dulness during a walk in open air, Tarax.; with enlarged feeling, Chin, s.: fore- head feels empty when stooping, Act. sp.; with heaviness, Ang., ISul, and shooting pains better from motion, Como.; from light- ness, Tromb.; as if lying with it too low, I IPhos.; with pain in occiput, Ailant.; after scratching (epilepsy), ICale; on shaking, Spig.; with tension when moving, it seems as if it were filled with water, Samb.; with throb- bing, Stilling.; on turning, Bry, ICund. Dizziness, with headache: ^Ethus.; I lAnthrac, IChlorof, Xan.; lasting all day, Lyss.; severe frontal, Xan.; occipital, ICrotal., IINux v.; right-sided, better in open air and during sweat, I Natr. m. Dizziness, in heart disease : IDig. Dizziness, with pain in left hypochondrium on awaking in morning: Merc. iod. flav. Dizziness, with languor and weakness of lower limbs: Amm m. Dizziness, with lassitude : Zing. Dizziness, with pain in liver, right to left: Merc. iod. flav. Dizziness, after lying down: and closing eyes, prevents sleep, Calad.; as if head would fall out of bed, before midnight, with convulsive starting, 11 Arg. met.; like a shock in upper brain, with inclination to fall to right when stooping, I ILyss.; obliges her to lie down (chronic cephalalgia), I IPsor. Dizziness, menses : after, Agar.; better as men- strual flow becomes established, All. sat. Dizziness, in morning : IBry, ICinnab, I ISul.; early, in bed or in open air, when stooping, 01. an.; after breakfast, ICale; after restless night, Bism.; when rising, Asar, Magn. e; as from loss of sleep, Zinc. Dizziness, when moving: Ferr. iod.; in gonor- rhoea, 11 Tarant. Dizziness, with nausea : Hnd. met, ILac c, I ILyss.; in chlorotic cephalalgia, I IZinc; worse, eyes closed, Amyl.; followed by heat of surface, Ver. v.; and vomiting, Dory.; and weakness on remaining up late in evening, as after smoking, Zinc. Dizziness, at noon: Zinc: Dizziness, with palpitation : ICoccul. Dizziness, in pneumonia: ICornus. Dizziness, when reading: Ang, Merc. iod. flav. Dizziness, on rising: lArn, IGuaiae, IPuls.; from a chair, Merc. iod. flav.; from bed (in in- termittent), ICina, ICoccul.; in morning, with pain over eyes (mental disease), lAct. rac; cannot walk straight, 11 Lyss.; in typhoid scarlatina, Ailant.; on being raised (scarla- tina), Arum t. Dizziness, on entering room : 11 Arg. met. Dizziness, sitting: I ILyss.; prevents sitting erect (heart disease), IHydras.; when trying to sit up (diphtheria), I IPhyt. Dizziness, caused by sneezing . Seneg. Dizziness, from standing: I I Phyt. Dizziness, with severe throbbing in solar plexus, extends to head: 11 Lac e Dizziness, stools: after, Petrol, in cholerine, Crot. t. with constipation, Calc. fl, Kob. Dizziness when stooping: Alet, Bapt,IIBell, IBry, ICinnab, ISul; in conjunctivitis and leucoma, IKali e; in nasal catarrh, IKali hi.; in uterine affection, 11 Vib. Dizziness, while studying in school: Camph. Dizziness, everything swims: Ferr. ph. Dizziness, worse by teaching spelling, or being obliged to notice letters: 11 Lyss. Dizziness, with loss of thought, sight and hear- ing: Kreo. Dizziness, throat: dry, lAilant.; sore, I IPhyt. Dizziness, frequent and transient: I ILyss.; while walking in open air, Tereb. Dizziness, feels dizzy, cannot turn quickly without fear of falling: Sang. Dizziness, on going up stairs: ICale; in nasal catarrh, IKali bi. Dizziness, walking: while,Calc. s, IKali e; goes to right, Diosc; and sitting, Lyss.; after, Calad.; in open air, like a wave from occiput to sin- ciput, 11 Senecio. Dizziness, whirling : morning on rising, as if head were turning in circle, IBry. Dizziness, after work (mental disorder) : ILach.; constant, from overwork at desk, I Agar. DRUNKENNESS. 8@~ Intoxication. FAINTING. 8^° Chapter 3.6. FALLING: ICed, Chin, s, Crotal, Hydr. ac. Falling backward: inclined to, Dios, Stram, IISul.; in apoplexy, IINux v.; suddenly, IQEnan.; in vertigo, ICarbo a.; tendency to, in vertigo, Ananth, Brom, HCale, ICaust, ISil, ISpong.; on rising, Cinch.; with vertigo, Phell. Falling, with full consciousness : bent back- ward,'so that heels touch occiput, suddenly snaps forward, I IStram.; in vertigo, Tarant, I IZinc. Falling, in convulsions : during morning, while at work, IKali br. Falling, during cough: Ipec. Falling, in dark: can walk well in light, IStram. Falling, as if drunk (hypertrophy of heart): I ISpig. Falling, with dizziness : Psor.; walking in open air, Am.; inclination to fall forward, IGraph. Falling, in epilepsy: lAst. r, ICaust, IHydr. ac, llndig. Falling, eyes: on closing, feels as if he would fall, lArs. Falling, forward: with fits, Samb.; in sore throat, ICale; with vertigo, Agar, ICau3t, ICie, IINux v.; on descending, IIFerr.; ten- dency to in vertigo, Elaps, IGraph, Mang, IINatr. m, Phell, IPod, ISil.; on suddenly rising from seat, ISul.; while walking (incipient paralysis), ILach.; walking, 10 a.m., ICamph. Falling, headache : congestive, IMelil.; depriv- ing him of senses, vertigo in morning, ISpig. 2. .SENSORIUM. 85 Falling, to left: IBor, lEup. perf, Stram,Zinc; in vertigo, lAur. m, IBor, Merc, per, ILach, ISul, Yib.; while surrounding objects seem to fall to right, Sal. ac Falling, as if paralyzed : I IZinc. Falling, sensation of: Caust.; in intermittent, IGels, Merc, per, from a height with stupefac- tion, Mosch.; with dim sight, Dory. Falling, sideways: Amm. m, Arg. nit, Bov, Cann. s, Caust, ICon, IINux v.; fear of, in afternoon, Benz. ac; while walking, IICoccul.; in vertigo, HCale; particularly to side to which one turns in room, Phell.; tendency to fall to affected side, while objects seem to fall to opposite side (Meniere's disease), ISal. ac. Falling, sudden: epilepsy, I Ast. r. ; with livid face, Ast. r.; with consciousness, when stand- ing or walking, Magn. e; with a shriek, IHyos. Falling, with raving, as if delirious: Nitr. ac. Falling, to right: after running for a while in a circle (epilepsy), ICaust.; in vertigo, Camph, I Eup. pur, ISil. Falling, on stooping: after injuries to head, with vertigo, Cie; worse, vertigo (mental derangement), IKali br. Falling, on turning quickly : vertigo, IKreo. Falling, unconscious: without warning (epi- lepsy), I ITarant; striking on back of head, I ISul.; in syncope, IINux v.; with palpitation, Coff. t; vertigo, as though one would fall un- conscious, HCale, ITabae Falling, with vertigo: Crotal, IGlon, IGels, QSnan, ITereb.; on rising, ICarbo a.; in tertian ague, HSep.; tendency to, Berb, Euph, ISpong.; dreads, Carbol. ae, IKali s, ILye, IMed.; had to hold on, ICarbo v, could scarcely stand, Sarrac, ISul, IZinc; with lassitude, ICale, going from room into open air, IRan. b. GIDDINESS : Amm. m, Amyl, Ant. t, 11 Arum t, Astac, n Atrop. s, Anrant, I IBor, Brach, Calab, Cast, TrChin. s, Chlorof, Coca, Coccul, I ICup. m. Form, I IGoss, I IHyos, IKali c, Lachn, IINatr. ph, IPod, 11 Ptel., I ISul, Uran. n, Ziz. Giddiness, in open air : ICaust. Giddiness, in angina pectoris: I Amyl. Giddiness, in prolapsus ani: lArn. Giddiness, with anxiety : when moving: Aloe. Giddiness, on awaking : IKali iod. Giddiness, blood seems to leave extremities, with inability to speak : Mez. Giddiness, brain: 11 Acet. ac; congestion, IVer. v.; looseness, on stooping, Bry. Giddiness, chest: heat, boiling bubbling around heart, Lach.; with violent shootings two or ; three times a day from side along lower por- tion of left mamma (chronic ovaritis and leucorrhoea), HPlat Giddiness, at beginning of colic : I IColoe Giddiness, confused, with lack of muscular co-ordination: IIGels. Giddiness in convulsions (epileptiform, hys- teria): I Ced. Giddiness, with delirium and deafness : Coloe Giddiness, with diarrhcea: IKalm. Giddiness, after dinner, with headache: Coca. Giddiness, on going down stairs: IIBor, Chrom. ac. Giddiness, with dyspnoea when lying on back at night: IPuls. Giddiness, with singing in ears : IStram. Giddiness, after eating : IPetrol, IRhus. Giddiness, generally in evening: felt as if she would fall if she did not hold on to something, glad to get into the open air, I ISabad. Giddiness, eyes : when closing, Sabad.; on look- ing down, Oleand.; as if falling forward, Alum.; with contracted pupils, Mez.; with dimness of vision, ISul.; with double vision, I IPhyt.; with loss of vision, lOxal. ae, (yellow fever), IGels.; with chilliness and accelerated pulse, IIGels.; with weakness and dazzling of eyes, with debility, especially arms and legs, on walking, staggered as if drunk, HCon. Giddiness, with fainting : Croc, INux v. Giddiness, with falling. 8®" Falling. Giddiness, with fever : 11 Agar, Caps, IKali bi.; and rigors, ISul.; in intermittent, ICoccul. 1 Giddiness, caused by gaping: Agar. Giddiness, with grippe : IMere iod. rub. Giddiness in headache : Castor, IGels, Hip- pom, IHydr. ac, Indig., INatr. s.; in alcohol- ism, IKali br.; burning, I IKali bi.;hemicrania, ILach.; and nausea, IKalm.; periodic neural- gia, IChin. s.; strong plethoric adults, INux v. Giddiness, head: with confusion in,^Eeseh, ISul., with infrascapular pain, HChen. a, heaviness, Bufo.; pressing heaviness, most in forehead, INux m.; icy coldness of fore- head, Lach. t; pricking across forehead for two months, worse stooping, cannot sleep un- til 1 or 2 a.m. (after checked diarrhcea), I ISul.; on lifting or moving, Clem.; when raising, after lying down at night, Croc. Giddiness, heart: suffocative feeling, Merc iod. flav. Giddiness, with heat: worse lying, ICinch. Giddiness, when hurried (sore throat): ICale Giddiness, wants to lie down (periodical cervi- cal neuralgia): IChin. s. Giddiness, with deranged liver : ILep. Giddiness, in melancholy: lAur. met. Giddiness, at menopause : ICrotal. Giddiness, momentary attacks when walking in open air or writing : ISep. Giddiness, in morning (indigestion): Chel.; long attacks, with nausea and visual disturbance, I ISabad ; reading or sitting, better walking, Amm. c. Giddiness, on moving about: IGlon.; from quick movement, Calc. a. Giddiness, with nausea: Ailant, Alum, IChel, Gels, IKali b, Lyss.; in typhus, IBapt. Giddiness, as from sitting up at night: I ICinch. Giddiness, nosebleed after headache : Ant. c. Giddiness, oscillation : Ars. h. Giddiness, internal pain causing insensibility (effects of overstudy): ICup. ac. Giddiness, reeling. g^g*- Reeling. Giddiness, with restlessness: fitfulness of mo- tion, IKali br. Giddiness, when riding in a carriage or shak- ing head: Hep. Giddiness, on rising: IIBry, Como., ILach.; in pneumonia, I ISul.; on attempting to rise, Form.; after rising, Gnaphal. Giddiness, while sitting, and staggering, while walking, following nausea from back of fauces, better by eructation, Lye vir.; as if sitting too high (after dinner), Aloe.; sitting up(Meniere's disease): ISal. ae Giddiness, with starting : Aloe. Giddiness, while standing: after headache, Merc, sul.; could not stand, ILach. 86 2. SENSORIUM. Giddiness, with ulcer of stomach : IKali bi. Giddiness, with bloody stools: I Mane Giddiness, when stooping : Chin. s. Giddiness, stupefying: Bov. Giddiness, sudden: I Arg. met, Curar. Giddiness, with sweat: Oxal. ac. Giddiness, with choking in throat: I ILach. Giddiness, transient: everything seems whirl- ing around, whole house seems falling on her, falls unless she takes hold of something, fol- lowed by weak tired feeling, I ISabad. Giddiness, as if surroundings were turning with him in a circle, in morning after rising,worse evening and night, moving head: Amm. c. Giddiness, followed by unconsciousness and delirium: Jatroph. Giddiness, on going up stairs: HCale. Giddiness, with vomiting: Crotal, INatr. s.; bilious, IChel. Giddiness, when walking: sore throat, ICale; with fear of falling (post-partum hemorrhage), ICann. s.; nausea and vomiting are better, 11 Ptel.; could not walk, fell against wall, Lach.; cannot walk with pulsations in head, Sec. Giddiness, on looking at running water: I Arg. met. INTOXICATION (drunkenness) : Absin, Ananth, ICarb. s, Stram. Intoxication, ailments from: IINux v, IOp. Intoxication, from a glass of wine or beer: Kali m. Zinc. Intoxication, after smoking a little: Ascl. t. Intoxication, makes him talkative, but indo- lent: Jamb. 8®* Delirium tremens, and Intoxicated feel- ing, Chapter 1 ; also Chapter 15. LIGHTNESS : Ars., IKali br. ; does not seem to touch bed, I ILac e; feels as if dancing up and down, when walking, Ars. s. f. ; as if floating in air, INux m.; after awaking, 11 Sticta; as if floating in a boat, Bell.; as if flying in air, I Val.; as if he could fly, ICamph.; sensation as if feet did not touch ground, Calc. a.; when running, ICamph., Ars. m.; as if being lifted high into air, tormented by anxiety that slightest touch or motion would make her fall from this height, IHyper.; seems to walk on air, 11 Lac e; as if gliding through air, Asar. REELING : IGlon., Hydr. ac, Stram. Reeling, air: in open, Act. sp. Reeling, in dark (locomotor ataxia) : I Arg. nit. Reeling, as if drunk: Bell.; when walking, 11 Ptel, IStram. Reeling, eyes: on seeing objects in confusion, 11 Guara^a. Reeling, after eating ; Kali iod, IINux v. Reeling, with dulness of head during walk in open air: Tarax. Reeling, after heat: wdth falling, Vespa. Reeling, in morning: lArg. met.; after dinner, IINux v, Niccol. Reeling, at every motion : Pseonia. Reeling, tired on coming into room: Pallad. Reeling, on seeing water: Ferr. 8®° Staggering, Swaying. STAGGERING: Ananth, Ars. s. f, Crotal, ICinch, Hydr. ac, Phyt, IStram. Staggering, in apoplexy: IIBell. Staggering, in imperfect co-ordination : IPhos. Staggering, after cough: 11 Led. Staggering, in dark : has to .seize hold of things, I Arg. nit, Stram. Staggering, as if drunk: IBell, Carbol. ae, IGels, IIKali br, Vespa; in hypertrophy of heart, I ISpig.; when trying to move, worse from smoking, IIGels.; must hold on to some- thing, with vertigo, mornings in open air, IKreo. gtgg" Vertigo, as if intoxicated. Staggering, eyes : from sight of high houses, 11 Arg. nit. Staggering, falling. 8^° Falling. Staggering, when raising head after lying down at night: Croc. Staggering, in headache : Psor. Staggering, with languor : Magn. s. Staggering, yet limbs obey will so readily, that he feels as if he had none: Strain. Staggering, to and fro,better lying down :ICina, Staggering, in morning, on rising: ICham. Staggering, in paralysis: ^Atrop. s. Staggering, on rising from a chair: 11 Lyss. Staggering, on stooping while walking: I Arg. nit.; in syphilis, ILye Staggering, with vertigo: Aspar,Calab, Canth, ICarbo a, IIKali n, INux m, IINux v, IPhyt, ISep, IStram.; forward, Lil. tig.; on every motion,Pseonia; reeling, .Esc. g.; to right, i I Aeon, Lye vir.; in walking, ICamph, IKali e; after apoplexy, ISep.; as if intoxicated, Ferr, HPhos.; gait uncertain, Camph.; vac- illating, with sensation as if he received a knock on head, Sarrae; unable to walk ex- cept with eyes open, and in daytime (locomo- tor ataxia), lAilant.; in street, did not know whether he was going to right or left, Staph.; while walking, and giddiness whilesitting.fol- lowing nausea from back of fauces, better by eructations, Lye vir.; stumbles against door before going through room, Stram. SWAYING, to and fro: Bry.; motion of body constant, I IVer. VERTIGO: Acet. ac, IIAcon, Alet, Aloe, Amb, I Ant. c, I Ars, Ars. h., Ars. m. Arum. m, Asaf, Ascl. s, Ast. r, IBerb, Bufo, Cist.c, ICaust, ICed, Cinn., ICoccul, iCoff. t, IColoe, ICon, Crotal, Cup. ars, Daph, Eryng, Eucal, I I Ferr, IGels, IGlon, IGraph, IHydrocot, IIHyos, Illgn, Hod, Ipom, IKali n, IILyc, Magn. s, IMere cor., Mez, Morph. s, IMygale, Myr. cer, IINatr. m, INux v., IOp, Peeonia, IRhus, Stram, Uran. n, Variol, Vespa, 11 Zing. Vertigo, abdomen : digestive disturbance, flat- ulence, constipation, portal stasis, IINux v.; distension, IGraph.; fulness, better evening and in open air, Indig. Vertigo, in Addison's disease : HCale Vertigo, in afternoon : Aspar.; with sticking in forehead, Stront. Vertigo, trembling agitation : Lobel. i. Vertigo, in open air: passes off in room, Kali e Vertigo, standing or walking, Euphor.; better in open air, ICamph., ICaust, IGrat, Plumb, ITabae; with headache, IMagn. m.; walking, fast, Carbol. ae; worse in open air, IGlon, Laur.; walking, Ruta. Vertigo, in albuminuria : lArs. Vertigo, alternating with drowsiness : Ant. t. Vertigo, anaemic : better resting head, Crotal. Vertigo, in angina pectoris: IDig. Vertigo, with anxiety: ICact, ICaust.; and de~ 2. SENSORIUM. 87 lirium, IOp.; as though faintness would occur, while standing or leaning against chair, IDig. Vertigo, in apoplexy : Ipec, IINux v, I ISang, ICup. m.; threatened, ILaur.; with anxiety andfear of falling headlong, IZinc; as before, ILach, I ISang. Vertigo, with loss of appetite : IChel, ITereb. Vertigo, arms; when lifting up, Bar.; left para- lyzed (hypochondriasis), I Arg nit. Vertigo, arthritic : of auditory nerve, IColch. Vertigo, on ascending : (goingup stairs), Cain, HCale, Carbol. ae, Pie ac; when climbing into high places, HCale; staggering against sides of stairs, Ars. h. Vertigo, in asthma : lArg. nit. Vertigo, auditory : Crotal. Vertigo, on awaking: ICale, Cinch, IILach, IMed.; threatening cerebral softening, I Nux v.; at 11 p.m., Therid. Vertigo, back: lying on, Alum.; ascending into head, ISil.; with weakness in back and legs, Ananth. Vertigo, backward : as if he were turned, and around, Ang.; tendency to run, IBry. Vertigo, in bed: ICarbo v., ICon.; in old people suffering with eruptions, Con.; as if bouncing up and down when in act of lying down, IBell.; as if feet were going up, IPhos. ac; with nausea, ICham.; on getting up, Arund., ICale p., HChel, ICinch., Coccul, IGlon, IStram., with weakness of legs, IPhos, in afternoon, ISep.; cannot sit up in bed, IBry, ICup. m.; as if bed were not large enough to hold him, ISul.; rocks within him as in a ship at night, Bar. e; as if sinking deep down, IIBry.; when turning, ICact, ICon., Meph, IISul. Vertigo, with belching : IHep, Tarant. Vertigo, brain: as if anterior half were turn- ing in a circle, Bism.; congestion, Ananth.; precedes congestion, Hydr. ac; commencing in cerebellum, ISil.; inflammation, I IPuls.; in whole brain, especially in occiput, as if he would fall over, IZinc; with severe pain in cerebellum, Tarant.; pulsation in, ICact.; with softening HPhos.; as though brain were turn- ing around, IBry, in a circle, I INux v.; waver- ing when walking, 11 Calab. Vertigo, breathing: worse from deep, ICact.; difficulty, I IChin. s.; oppressed, Cinnam. Vertigo, if he sets foot on a bridge; Brom. Vertigo, before catalepsy: IStram. Vertigo, chest: stitches in right, as from a knife, Cornus; throbbing, from stooping or lifting (aneurism), I ISpig. Vertigo, in cholera: IHell. Vertigo, in cholerine: lAsar. Vertigo, in chorea: IMygale. Vertigo,chronic: withirntatingdischarges,ISul. Vertigo, as if things turned in a circle : IBell., ICon., Helon.;in paralysis of bladder, ICic;in morning, has to sit or would fall, with head- ache, I Arg. nit.; as if one had turned, a long time, with nausea, IIPuls. Vertigo, during climaxis: I Agar., IGlon, ISang.; too frequent and profuse menses, ITJstil. Vertigo,after coffee: ICham., 11 Natr .m, IINux v. Vertigo, from cold, after scarlet fever: IHell. Vertigo, with colic: Stram.; and diarrhoea, IStram.; flatulent, ILye Vertigo, in confinement: first week could not move'head to turn in bed, ICon. Vertigo, with confusion: Coccul.,Croc, IGlon.; as if drunk (headache), I Ant. c; worse sitting or lying, more than walking, lApis. Vertigo, from congestion: ICact. Vertigo, congestive: forerunner of apoplexy, IGlon.; from suppressed hemorrhoidal flow, IINatr. m.; as in sun, I Aeon. Vertigo, constant: lArg. nit. Vertigo, with convulsions: OZnan. Vertigo, cough: during, ICoff, IKali bi.; spasmodic (pertussis), IMosch. Vertigo, in daytime ■ with palpitation, Plat. Vertigo, wdth debility : TJran. n. Vertigo, on descending: IIBor, 11 Calab, Carbol. ac, ICon., Merc. per. Vertigo, in delirium tremens; IDig. Vertigo, in diarrhcea: IFerr. s., IHell, I I Mane Vertigo, with torpid digestion; ICaps. Vertigo, drinking: while, ILye, ISep.; after alcoholic liquors, HColoe, IINatr. m, IINux v, Ver.; cold water, when overheated, IKali e; smallest quantity of spirituous liquors, ICon.; tea, IINatr. m, HSep.; tea or coffee, IINux v.; wine, INatr. c; as from wine, Stront. Vertigo, with drunkenness : IHyos.; B^P as if intoxicated. Vertigo, with dulness: Nitr. sp. d.; after eating, I Led.; before epilepsy, IGels.; and drowsiness, Myr. cer.; languor, rumbling about navel, • Ptel. Vertigo, ears: buzzing, Bell, I IChin. s.; in typhoid, ICie; with deafness after eating heavy food, mostly after fat, ISinap.; deafness when stooping, IMere cor.; deafness in ty- phoid, ICie; ringing, Myr. cer.; roaring, IOp, I IPsor.; roaring on rising, HPhos.; singing, ICamph, ISang. Vertigo, eating: while and immediately after, IINux v.; after, ICham, ICoccul, IIGrat, IKali e, ILach, IPhos, IIPuls, ISul.; a too copious meal, Arn.; after breakfast, Alum.; before breakfast, 11 Alum.; better after break- fast, and from wiping eyes, 11 Alum.; worse after breakfast, and after dinner, Selen.; after breakfast, with bad taste in mouth, Tarant.; after dinner, INatr. s, ISul, IZinc; better after dinner, and from wine, worse from coffee, lArg. n.; during dinner, 11 Calc. p, IHep, IMagn. m.; as if she would fall forward, espe- cially when raising eyes, IPetrol.; after meala (stomacace), IKali b. Vertigo, as if in an earthquake : 11 Fluor, ac. Vertigo, with emissions: ISars. Vertigo, with a feeling of emptiness: IPlat. Vertigo, with stitches in epigastrium: I ICalad. Vertigo, epileptic: Art. v, Crotal, Illgn. Plumb., ISil., I IThuya; before attack, lArs, IIHyos, ILach, IPlumb, IISul.; during in- tervals, HCale; menstrual, ICed. Vertigo, with nervous erethism: ICinch. Vertigo, from receded or suppressed cutaneous eruption: ISulph. Vertigo, in erysipelas: I Apis ; if suppressed, ILach. Vertigo, from smell of etheric oils : IINux v. Vertigo, in evening: IGraph, IKali c, ILach, Magn. c,Rhus v.; in bed, IPhos.; lying down during climaxis, INitr. ac; with nausea, IHep.; with weariness, Stront.; while stand- ing or walking, IPhos. ac; worse toward even- ing, in open air, IPhos. Vertigo, from exercise: Bism, ICact.; with 8b 2. SENSORIUM. congestion to head, Kali in.; in chlorosis, 11 Sa- bina ; with nausea, lber. Vertigo, with sense of exhaustion: IPhos. Vertigo, eyes: blackness before, Anac, Coff., I IFerr., Lactu. v, IMere, Sabina, with scn>e of fainting, Sabad, when shaking head, lAcon, from motion,Grat;black spots, ICon, IGlon.; blindness, IMere, IVer, caused by pain in eyes, I I Therid.; burning, Crot t; as it comes on, immense green circles which ap- pear to be around candle, turn to red, Ver. v.; when closing, 11 Alum, Ant. t, HArn, Grat, IHep, ILach, IPhos. ac, ISil., ITherid,Vib.; better opening them, Apis, Thuya,- better on closing eyes and resting head, Ver. v.; caused by colored window-glass, Art v.; with com- plaints of eyes, ICale p.; with contraction and digging in inner canthi, extending to brain, Ananth.; darkness before, Act. sp, Dule, IOp.; before menses (acute pulmonary catarrh), IIPuls.; with sweat, Oxal. ae; preceded by sense of drawing together, as if by a cord, IZinc; from optical defects, IMagn. p.; from overexertion, with muscse volitantes, I IPhos.; with sense of a film before, with vision of a small, dark object, like a mouse, or a bird, coming up to left, 11 Lac c; flickering, IBell., IStram.; in rheumatism, lAnt. t; with sensation of fulness over, IPod.; appearance of fog, Canth.; gauze, and feeling as though)* some displacement in head had taken place, INatr. in.; with hallucination of sight, IStram.; as if starting from left, with pain in head, Lo- bel. i.; when lifting, IIPuls.; when looking around, ICon.; when looking down or turning, ISpig.; on looking long and steadily, All. sat.; looking fixedly at an object, ICaust, ILach, with headache,Tarant.;lookingfi xedly or dow n while standing, Oleand.; better while fixed upon one object, and while patient is thinking of one subject, I ISabad.; when looking at ob- jects in rapid motion, ISul.; desire to hold on to something, because objects seem to ap- proach and then recede,ICic; on lookingside- ways,Thuya; on looking up, ICale, ICup. m, IGraph, ILach., Plumb., ITabae, Thuya;on looking upward, as if he would fall, or as if he were dancing, IIPuls.; on looking up, seems to be caused by heat, Syph.; on looking up or down, I IPhos.; when looking out of window, Oxal. ae; worse moving, IMur. ac. Plat.; on opening, I Alum.; opening, while lying, worse raisingup, objects appear to move from left to right, at other times moving as if tossed up in every direction from below, Lac def; with dilated pupils, IBell., Crotal.; sparks before, ICamph.; with staring eyes and sort of spasm of mouth, preventing'speech, though he sees and hears everything, Mosch.; from straining eyes, IINatr. m, ISil.; as ; though a veil were before eyes, ICup. m.; with dim sight, ^Esc. g. Agar, Amyg, lAnae, Bell, ICamph, ICup. m, Cupr. s, HCycl., I IGels, Ictod., IKali bi,IPhyt,Raph,in fever, appears like one intoxicated, IIGels.; dimness when sitting up in bed, ICham.; before vomit- , ing., ISang.; impaired sight, Act. raejobscured sight, -Coff. t, INitr. ac, Sabina, IStram.; dimness with staggering, IINux v.; dimness on stooping (neuralgic headache after cerebro- spinal meningitis), IGels.; seeing white stars, ; 11 Alum.; vanishing sight, IBell., ISul., IINux v.; in hemicrania, I Chen, a.; with weakness, IDiad, IPhos.; on moving lids, better in open air, Mosch.; paralysis of eyelids, Bapt. Vertigo, face, aching (neuralgia), IKalm.; one cheek hot, other cold, IKali c; on pressing left cheek while supporting head,Verbas.; dark color, ICarbo v.; flushed, Ananth, IBell., Coccul, IKalm.; pale,Crotal., ILach, IPuls, ITabae; red, bloated, ICact, IStram. Vertigo, with fainting: 11 Alet. far., Canth., ICarbo v, ICham, ICinch, 11 Coff. t, IILach, Mosch, 03nan, HPhos, IVer.; in morning, when standing, better sitting down, I I Kali n.; in evening, iHep; when attempting to rise from bed, HOp. Vertigo, with faintness: 11 Alum, 11 Calab, ICinch,Crotal,IGlon,Jugl, IBry, IINatr.m, Magn. e, ICoccul, IZinc; at stomach, Diose Vertigo, with falling. 8®" Falling. Vertigo, fever: with chill, ICale, ICaps, IGlon, Lyss, IMere cor, IINux v., ITereb, Uran. n.; running through body with a sudden shock, Ant. t.; in cholera, lAcon.; With pressure be- hind eyes, IRhus; after chill, Berb.; before chill, lArs, IBry.; in intermittent, IFerr., IGels, IHyos.; miasmatic, Eucal.; prevailing, lAmm.m.; during apyrexia, llgn.; in typhoid, IGels.; in latter stage of typhus, ITereb.; in typhus, falls when sitting up, IPhos. ac; after typhoid, IINux v., IOp.; in yellow fever, ICadm. s. Vertigo, with incarcerated flatus: ICale, ICarbo v.; with great discharge of flatus, better even- ing, and in open air, Ind. Vertigo, after loss of fluids : ICinch, HPhos., ISep. Vertigo, as if flying or hovering : IOp, Val. Vertigo, in forenoon (11 a.m.) : ICaust, ILye, ISul., IZinc. ; while walking everything turned around her, HPhos. Vertigo, from fright: I Aeon., Crotal., IOp. Vertigo, with gagging; Tarant. Vertigo, from gaslight: ICaust. Vertigo, in gastralgia: ILye Vertigo, gastric: IBry, I INatr. ph, IINux v, IPod., IPuls. Vertigo, in gonorrhoea: IMere Vertigo, as if ground gave away: IKali br. Vertigo, followed by trembling of hands; IZinc. Vertigo, head: Pseonia; as if he had to balance head all afternoon, ^Esc h.; with confused feeling, ILach.; confusion and drowsiness, Amyl.; confusion, heat, drowsiness and stupor, IKali br.; confusion and heaviness (rheuma- tism), ILye; confusion on slightest motion, IBry.; confusion spreading from occiput over whole head, IIGels.; with migraine, ILach.; congestion,HBell,IFerr.ph,Mosch, Myr. cer, HPhos., Sabina, ISpong.; congestion on stoop- ing, Elaps; feels as if drawn backward, with sleepiness, IStram.; with drowsiness and con- traction in spinal column, Sarrac; with dul- ness, IClem, INatr. s, IRhus; as after intoxica- tion and as if ears were stopped up, with nausea, IKali e; dulness and stupefaction, IOp.; emptiness, HPhos, INux m.; falling now to left now to right, Tarax.; after fall on head, IGlon.; forehead, Aspar., Croc; as if a board were before forehead, falling to left or backward, Bell.; confusion in forehead IPsor • digging in forehead, I IPsor.; drawing in fore- head, I IPsor.; in forehead, walking,or raising 2. SENSORIUM. 89 and moving head (angina pectoris), 11 Arn.; pain in forehead (chronic catarrh), ICarbo v.; pains in forehead, with heat and redness, IINux v.; pain in forehead, could not sit up, worse from raising head, Pic. ac; pressing in forehead, as of a stone, also in vertex, IKali e; in forehead, with staggering of legs, as if too weak, Oleand.; stitching in root of nose and eyes before he falls, IKali e; in forehead, also in temples and vertex, I INatr. e; surging in forehead, I IPsor.; cold sweat on forehead, IVer.; tearing and throbbing in forehead, also in temples and vertex, IINatr. c; with heat in head, ^Ethus., I IDiosc, Grat, Merc per.; heaviness, Euph., Lactu. v, Magn. s, Phell, I IPhos., IIPuls, Sec, ITabae; heaviness with beating, worse standing, Rheum; heaviness, feels too big and too light, IGels.; dull, like lead in occiput (typhoid), ILach.; heavy, and full, . especially when head lies low, IPetrol.; faint- ness and cold sweat, Ailant, Tabae; head- ■ ache, followed by spasmodic vomiting, ISang.; on looking out of window, ICarbo v.; long continued, with debility and headache, ISang.; unfit for mental work (veta), Coca; 1 a.m., worse lying on right side or back, IMur. ae; in morning, Stront.; while gazing long at one object, Sars.; after retiring, Ind.; as in seasick- ness, IStaph.; on stooping, Millet; and dif- ficulty of swallowing, INatr. s.; with unsteadi- ness, Rob.; With inclination to vomit, IKali b, Niccol, IIPuls.; with vomiting, ILach, Therid.; better in evening in open air, Indig.; when walking, Ferr. Vertigo, neck: pain in nape of, I I Alum.; com- plains of, ICale p.; cramps spreading to fore- head, Sarrae Vertigo, in nephritis : IChel. Vertigo, nervous: 1101. caje, I IKali ph.; from abuse of narcotics, coffee, etc., HPhos.; in neurasthenia. ISil. Vertigo, at night: Sarrae; when awaking, with nausea, ISpong.; awaking him, IINux v.; in bed, ICaust.; with diarrhoea, Therid.; on lying down, ISang.; lying on side, I IStram.; on turn- ing in bed, or getting up in morning, IIBell.; between 3 and 4 a.m., worse turning and rising, cannot sit up, Ind.; with urging to urinate, IHyper.; with vomiting of bile and food (gastric fever), I ISep.; from watching, IINux v. Vertigo, from every noise or sound: Therid. Vertigo, worse at noon: ICaust.; with pressive headache on left side, Stront. Vertigo, nose: better after catarrh sets in, Aloe; preceded by sharp pressure at root of, IZinc; with nosebleed, I Aeon.. Ant. c, ICar- bo a, Crotal, in morning, afterwards sore to touch, ISul. 8®" odors. Vertigo, seems to go all over him, making him feel numb and stiff: IPetrol. Vertigo, objects: seem to approach and recede (injuries to head), Cie; turn around, Bar. m, IBry., ILye, IINatr. m, in open air, IMur. ae, when rising from a seat, Sabad., in a circle, I Alum, IICycl, on closing eyes on sitting up, HChel.; turn around each other, I ISa- bad.; seem to go around with him, IPsor, with her, ICale; seem too far off, Stann.; thought he was unable to grasp, IIPuls.; seem to be enveloped in a yellow mist, better from 2. SENSORIUM. 91 warm soup, Kali bi.; caused by objects in mo- tion before eyes, Con.; seem to move from side to side (injuries to head), Cie; seem to move to and fro with reeling of body, IForm.; seem to move around him, IINux v, around her, I ICycl, IMere iod. rub.; seem to be mov- ing as in a confused dance, Oleand.; whirl from right to left, 7rCoccul.; room whirls, IINux v.; make a see-saw motion, I ICycl.; about him seem to move slowly, Hydr. ac; sway to and fro, IBell.; as if surroundings or j self were tottering. Anac; go up, down, and sideways, 11 Hekla; vibrate, ICarbo v.; whirl, Agar.; when standing, IBry.; going up stairs, | or turning quickly, Aloe; with buzzing in head in morning, IZinc. Vertigo, from odors: smell of flowers, gas, etc, IHyos., IINux v, HPhos. Vertigo, of old people: Bar. c, ICup. m, IRhus, ISinap. Vertigo, from onanism : Diose, IPhos. Vertigo, from opium: IINatr. m, IINux v, IVer. Vertigo, soft palate : formication, Tarant. Vertigo, with palpitation : ^Ethus, Agar, Bov, Cact, ICoccul, ICycl.; nausea and uncon- sciousness, IKali br. Vertigo,with paralysis: I Arn, ICaust,I IGraph.; for a long time before, lOleand.; follows con- gestive paralysis, approaching apoplexy,IKali br.; caused by apoplexy or cerebral softening, INux v.; paresis of third pair, ICon. Vertigo, with incomplete erection of penis: Tarant. Vertigo, periodical: Agar, Ang., lArg., llgn, IINatr. m., HPhos., ITabae; daily (climaxis), has to lie down, 11 Ustil.; several times a day, IKali c; frequent, short, ICamph.; in quick succession, in evening, when standing, as if he would lose his senses, Plat.; every two weeks, lasting several days, ICoccul. Vertigo, in pneumonia: lAnt. t; after chill, HChel, IMere Vertigo, during pregnancy : IGels, IINatr. m. Vertigo, with prostration : fl6T" weakness. Vertigo, pulse : accelerated, Tell.; slow, IDig, Therid. Vertigo, in purpura hemorrhagica: 11 Led. Vertigo, with rachitis : ISil. Vertigo, on reaching up : ILach. Vertigo, when reading: Arg. met, 11 Calab, Grat.; aloud or when sitting, with difficult speech and dim eyes, Paris ; with loss of thought, Stann. Vertigo, reeling: ICup. m, Hydr. ae; back- wards, Bry.; as after turning in a circle, Thuya ; as if drunk, IStram.; after injuries to head, Cie; after meals, Kali iod.; with nausea and vomiting, Calc; rotary, with pain in forehead to root of nose, IIPuls.; from side to side, ICaps.; inability to stand erect, Sec; when walking, lArs., ISul.; in open air, INux m. 8@= whirling. Vertigo, rest: better, with heat (post-diphther- itic affection), I I Mane; worse, must exercise in open air, INatr. c Vertigo, after reflection : IPhos ac. Vertigo, after retching: ICamph. Vertigo, when riding: ISil.; in a carriage, IHep. Vertigo, on rising: Absin, Ailant, All. sat, 11 Amyl, IIBry, ICale, ICaust, Cepa, Colch, IHam, ILac def., IINatr. m., IOp, Selen, ITa- bae; in angina, IMere; in heart trouble, IDig.; in apoplexy, lArn.; on attempting to rise in bed, 11 Eup. perf, HPhos.; from bed, Cie, Oleand, ISul, feels faint, I IPhyt.; from bed in morning, IINatr. m.; better, I Aur. met; with stunning pain in back part of head, then falls, Cann. i.; as if he would fall forward, Vib.; even to falling, IBar. e; in gastric disorders, IKali bi.; from recumbent position, ICact, I ICoc- cul, IDiad, ISil, with heat in face when lying, IPetrol.; pallor, falls over, fears to rise, 11 Acon.;caused by rush of blood tohead, Jamb.; in morning, had to lie down, Iber.;in occiput, IPetrol; preventing, IGlon, ITabae; from sitting, ICale p., ICham, I ICon, IDig, Grat, Ind, ILye, Oxal. ac, HPhos., IIPuls, Surnb, Thuya; from seat or bed or raising head, IINux v.; after stooping, ICarbo a, ISang.; as if turning to left, lAnae; in evening, Niccol.; suddenly, I IFerr.; produces faintness, Hod. Vertigo, as if being rocked: Bell.; when lying down and closing eyes, Calad. Vertigo, in room: Croc; going off in open air, ISul. ae; as if stupefied, particularly when sit- ting, better by walking about, IStaph.; in hot room, ILye; especially in warm room (sper- matorrhoea), 11 Sars.; room and bed seem to spin around (yellow fever), ICadm. s. Vertigo, after scarlatina: from cold, IHell. Vertigo, with multiple sclerosis: INux v. Vertigo, like seasickness: IPetrol. Vertigo, feels a want of security: Sumb. Vertigo, from sedentary habits : IINux v. Vertigo, after shaving : ICarbo a. Vertigo, with shivering: upper part, HChel Vertigo, while sitting: ICamph, Carbo a., ICham, Colch, Meph, Phell, IIPuls., Ruta, 11 Rhus, Viol.; upper part of body sways to and fro, Nitr.sp. d.; as if chair were rising and he were looking down, HPhos.; is obliged to sit down, ISil.; then heaviness and dragging of left foot, Cypr.; as if head would fall to one side,with feeling of heat in head, I Spong. ;when sitting up, ICarbo a, IDiad., Tell.; in bed, HChel, ICoccul.; as if bed were constantly swaying back and forth, IZinc; after sleep, ICarbo v.; or standing, Mang., ISul., or walk- ing, better while lying, Spig.; while sitting and standing, disappears on walking, IZinc; when sitting and stooping slightly, Ind.; while sit- ting and walking, head inclined to drop for- ward, Sars.; worse sitting down, Carbol. ac, ICarbo v, IIPuls.; worse sitting than walk- ing, Sabad. Vertigo, sleep: after, Amb., with heat, ISpong.; during, ISang, ISil.; when going to, Tell.; as if going into a state of, Camph. Vertigo, with sleepiness: ISil.; all day from debility, INitr.ac; cannot raise head, liEthus. Vestigo,with sleeplessness: Lact.ac,IMerc cor. Vertigo, from smoking: fig^* tobacco. Vertigo, followed by sopor, with delirium and exhaustion: IKali c Vertigo, with thick speech : ^Esc. g. Vertigo, with enlargement of spleen: IFerr. mur. Vertigo, in Spring: after least effort, Apis. Verfigo, with staggering: 8@~ Staggering. Vertigo, cannot stand erect, or even sit up in bed, for fear of falling: IMere Vertigo, while standing: Cann. s., ICoccul., Sabina ; in open air, IPod.; and looking about, ICale; worse stooping, Iber.; as if everything 92 2. SENSORIUM. were turning around, Magn. e; going off when lying, with eructations, yawning, want of appetite, pressure in abdomen and slow pulse, Petrol. Vertigo, stomach: bloated, Tarant.; burning, Coff; deranged, lAnt. c; dull heavy feeling, as if caused by some hard substance there, ISang.; dyspepsia, in nervous subjects, better in motion, I ICycl.; as if proceeding from, IKali e; with qualmishness, ITabae Vertigo, stool: before, ffinan.; during, ICaust, ICoccul., Colch.; after, ICaust., INatr. m.; better after, ICup. m.; bloody, IManc; costive- nessof old people, ICale p. Vertigo, on stooping : lAcon, Act. rac, Ailant, IIAlum., lAnae, Bar. c, ICamph, ICaust., ICarbo v., ICham., Coff., IGlon, I IGuarsea, IHam, Inul, Hod, IKali e, ILach., Lact ae, Med., Meph., IMere, IINux v., IPetrol., Plumb., IIPuls., IStaph., ISul, Sumb, Thuya, Val.; as if turning in a circle, lAur. met.; or j looking up, must clutch something to keep from falling, IINux v.; or rising after stooping, IIBell.; during and after stooping, IGraph.; all day while stooping at work, ISil.; while stooping and looking down, IKalm.; ceasing when becoming erect, IHell.; with headache, IBell., IKali bi, as if she did not know where she was, IMere per.; is obliged to stoop, with pale face and nausea, IPetrol.; better on stoop- ing and rising, Berb.; going off on rising, Mosch.; worse stooping, ICact, Helon, Picae, dark before eyes, ICale, did not dare to stoop or look down, ISul, in hysteria, I ISil, or moving, IGlon., Therid., in uterine disorder, ICon. Vertigo, with stumbling, as if to fall forwards: HChel. Vertigo, with stupor: Agar, Chlor, ICup. ac, ICup. m, IKali c, ILach, Lauroe, Mane, Mosch, Sabad, Sec; and sensation of falling (neurosis cordis), 11 Calc; as if he would fall forward, HPhos.; and burning in vertex, Agar. Vertigo, sudden: ISul.; in epilepsy, HCale; with obscuration of sight, ITereb.; like an electric shock, IINux v.; while sitting, Carb. s.; standing, IBov. Vertigo, sun: from strong light of, Agar.; from sunstroke, Crotal, IGlon, INatr. e Vertigo, as if suspended in air, with uncon- sciousness: ISep. Vertigo, with cold sweat: IMere cor, ITabae, Therid.; on forehead, IVer. Vertigo, as if in a swing: IMere, ISul. Vertigo, sympathetic, accompanying disease of prsecordial organs, suppressed hemorrhoids, menses, heart affection, etc.: IOp. Vertigo, in syphilis: I lAur. met. Vertigo, when talking : ICham. Vertigo, with thirst: Oxal. ac. Vertigo, thoughts: confusion of, IStram.; dis- tracted, IMere; vanishing, ICham. Vertigo, with throbbing all over body: Hod. Vertigo, with tired feeling: Bell, ICup. m. Vertigo, from tobacco: IINatr. m. IVer.; smoking, Brom, I INux v, ITabae Vertigo, tongue numb : 11 Agar. Vertigo, after toothache: ICoccion. Vertigo, as if torn and pulled into threads, especially on sitting down or going up stairs: Plat. Vertigo, transitory: lAst. r, I IHep.; on closing eyes, ILach.; on rising from a seat, IKali bi. Vertigo, with trembling: ICamph., Carbol. ac, Crotal, IDig, IGlon. Vertigo, after suppression of ulcers : ICaust Vertigo, with unconsciousness: IKali c, Mane, IINux v., Ran. sc; in chronic alcohol- ism, IPhos.; transient attacks, Caust. Vertigo, in uterine hemorrhage at climacteric period: I Trill. Vertigo, with venous stagnation and degraded blood: Crotal, IGraph, ISul.; especially after debauch, ICarbo v. Vertigo, in veta: ICoca. Vertigo, from vexation : Calc. Vertigo, with vomiting: vEse g. Bell, ICamph, IKali e, OZnan., IIVer.; better after, ITabae; of bile, IPetrol.; and pain in liver, HChel.; with desire to vomit, Cain.; of blood, Tell., Tarant.; on least motion, Therid.; as soon as he rises, IVer. v.; watery, IHell. Vertigo, on walking: Anac, Ant. t, IIBell, 11 Calab., ICarbo v., ICon, Dulc, IKali c, Uacea, Lil. tig, Merc, per, Millef, IMur. ac, IINatr. m, INuxm, IINux v, IPetrol,Pic.ac. Tell, 11 Tarax.; after walking, ICale, Colch.; on walking in open air, ICale p, Caust, ICup. ac, HCycl, Oleand, Phell, Stann.; at climaxis, ILach, tendency to fall to left, IDiosc, with mental disturbance, I IStaph, reeling as if drunk, Agar, could not step firmly, ISul, as if he would tumble, HCale; better by walking and in open air, IIPuls.; as if he were walking in air, Aur. mur.; cannot walk, IPhyt.; in the dark, IStram.; with eyes closed, lArg. nit, IStram.; with danger of falling, I IPhos.; with heart trouble, IDig.; must lie down, INitr. ac; wdth insensi- bility of lower limbs, lAst r.; as if every object were in motion, ISep.; in ophthalmia, ICie; over an open space, I Ars.; with stagger- ing gait, Agar, IKali br, IMur. ae; straight, could not, ICinch.; stepping quickly, involun- tarily (veta), Coca; and when turning, llpec; unsteady gait, Sec; walks zigzag, IMed. Vertigo, water: as if balancing to and fro, IIFerr.; fromsightof running,Brom.; onboard a vessel, Therid.; when walking over or cross- ing a bridge, Ang, IIFerr, ISul, Sumb. Vertigo,with weakness: ^Ethus,Bapt, Crotal, Cup. s, IIFerr, INux m, Oleand.; in after- noon, IHyper.; in nervous prostration, ISil. Vertigo,' weather: in cold, ISang.; in damp, Brom.; in windy, ICale p. Vertigo, whirling: in dropsy, I Ars.; with flick- ering before eyes, Vinca; in head, Viol. Weg- objects and reeling. Vertigo, when standing near a window: IINatr. m.; suddenly falls back unconscious, throat swollen, sour eructations, Sars. Vertigo, immediately after work : 11 Pic. ac. Vertigo, worse when writing: Ptel. Vertigo, with zymotic or septic diseases: Crotal. INNER HEAD. 93 3. INNER HEAD. Apoplexy. Brain. Forehead. Head. Headache. Occiput. Parietal. Temples. Vertex. APOPLEXY: IIAcon, IIAnae or., HArn., lArs, I Ast. r, IIBar. c, IIBell, IIBry, Cadm. s, ICamph, ICoccul, ICrotal, IIForm, IGels, IIGlon, IHyos., Iod, llpec, IILach, ILaur, IMere, IMillef, INux m, IINux v, IIQSnan, HOp., IPhos., IPlumb, I IPuls, Sinap., IStram, Tabae, IVer. v. Apoplexy, chest: with congestion to, ICupr. m.; oppression in, ICrotal. Apoplexy, constipation precedes: I Ast. r. Apoplexy, constitution hemorrhagic or broken down (inebriates): ICrotal. Apoplexy, drinking : abuse of liquor or coffee, IINux v. Apoplexy, in drunkards: ICrotal, ILach, IINux v, IOp. Apoplexy, after eating: a hearty dinner, IINux v. Apoplexy, eyelids closed, twitch : ICup. m. Apoplexy, fear of: Apis, Arg. nit. Zinc; on awaking, 11 Ast. r.; followed by fever, Ast. r. Apoplexy, in fever: intermittent, IChin. s.; during sweat, Stram. Apoplexy,after grief,disappointed love: I IPhos. Apoplexy, head: burning, before, lAst. r.; grasps at, IPhos.; sudden attacks of vertigo- like shocks in, before, lAst. r.; deep-seated stitches in right parietal region and dull,heavy, crampy pain in arms, before, ISil. Apoplexy, with headache: IBell, Cinnam, IIGlon.; in terrific shocks, ISep. Apoplexy, left-sided: especially after mental emotions or abuse of alcohol, ILach. Apoplexy, in men addicted to drinking and sexual excesses, with disposition to gout and hemorrhoids: ISep. Apoplexy, neonatorum: I Arn. Apoplexy, nervous form: ;Amb, I Ant. t, ICup. ae, ICup. m. Dig, Ign, llpec, Sinap.; in an old woman weakened by bleeding, I IPhos.; with convulsions, Cup. m.; wTith distortions of face, Cup. m.; spasmodic hic- cough, 1101. caje.; with somnolency, IHyos.; with palsy of speech, Cup. m. Apoplexy, in old persons: lApis, IIBar. c, IOp. Apoplexy, palpitation, after: iCup. m. Apoplexy, paralysis: follows, IBar. c, ICaust, ICoccul, IGels, IILach, ILaur, IPlumb, IStram.; with rapid atrophy and loss of sen- sation of affected part, I IPlumb.; general (rarely useful in hemiplegia or paraplegia), IGels.; of legs, IINux v.; of limbs, IStram.; particularly in old people, Con.; particularly in right side, Crotal.; with ptyalism, IINux v. Apoplexy, pulse: compressed, frequent, before, Ast. r.; slow, weak, small, after, ICup. m. Apoplexy, sanguineous form: lApis, HArn, HAst. r., HCact, Ferr.; with vertigo, vomit- ing, burning in stomach, distension of tem- poral veins, I ISang. Apoplexy, serous form: I Ant. t., I Apis, Ars, 11 Ars. s. f, IBar. c, IBry, Dig, IHell, llpec; with threadlike, very quick pulse, IGlon. Apoplexy, with stupor: fl^aT" Coma, Stupor, Unconsciousness, Chapter 1. Apoplexy, subjects: predisposed to passive cerebral congestion, with somnolence after eating, IOp.; lymphatic or leuco-phlegmatic, ill nourished (prophylactic), IMere Apoplexy, threatened: lAst r, IBell, HCoff, IFluor. ac, Ign, ILaur.; with cholera Asiatica, IOp.; with congestion to head, IBell, Coff, IGlon, IStront. Apoplexy, with unconsciousness : g£g~ Un- consciousness, Chap. 1. Apoplexy, with uterine polypi: ICon. Apoplexy, venous: ISep. Apoplexy, with vertigo: in walking, ISep. Apoplexy, from vexation: I Aeon. Apoplexy in women from affections of repro- ductive system : ISep. Apoplexy, with wrist drop, alternating with colic: 11 Plumb. BRAIN, abscesses: scattered through sub- stance, Hippoz.; thinks an abscess is forming, pain will set her crazy (catarrh of frontal sinuses), ICup. m.; purulent collections be- tween bones of skull and dura mater, Hippoz. Brain, aching: one continued, IChin. s.; at base of, with swelling of cords of neck, Med.; dull, heavy, at base of, Merc. iod. flav.; near eyes, Aspar.; in exostosis, I Arg. met.; stupefy- ing, Stann. Brain, active : 8@°* Chap. 1, Mental activity. Brain, affections: lAct. rac, IIBry, ICroe, ICup. m, IGels, IGlon, IHell, Kali br, IINux v, I!Ziz.; with aphasia, IStram.; of children, HApis, IBell, HCale, ICale p, IKali c, IHell, IISul.; child rubs face and eyes, especially eyes, as if to relieve itching, Squilla; in children with catarrhal fever, difficult dentition, or exanthematic diseases, cannot hold head up, ICup. m.; in cholera infantum, HOp.; with unconsciousness and convulsive symptoms, IMagn. p.; cause chorea, IStram.; after suppressed eruptions, Cie, ISul.; in diarrhoea and dysentery, lArn.; diarrhcea, stools smell like carrion, IIKali ph.; of drunkards, IMere, INux v, IOp.; ex- acerbations, evenings, Cup. m.; exanthemata suppressed by cold, IPhos. ae; during orafter vesicular erysipelas, IStram.; with distortion of eyes (scarlatina), ISul.; with iritis, lArg. nit.; in relapsing fever, Ustil.; with glycosuria, IPhos.; from continued grief, IPhos. ae; in- cipient, when child is sleepless, laughs and plays at night, I ICypr.; from intestinal irrita- tion, Cina; with jaundice, IPhos.; from over- exertion, IPhos. ae; nervous, I INux m.; writh pneumonia, IHyos.; in scarlatina, lApis, ILach, ISul, IZinc; from sexual excesses or drain on system, IPhos. ae; in smallpox, 94 3. INNER HEAD. IBell.; cause strabismus, IStram, ITabae; \ with summer complaint, ICup. ac; after typhoid, IPhos. ac; with profuse or scanty urine, Squilla; from want of vigor, Kali ph.; with vomiting, IVer. v.; from gettingwet, I Bry. Brain, as if agitated by boiling water: IIAcon. Brain, symptoms appeared and ceased coinci- dently with the appearance and cessation of albuminuria: I IPlumb. Brain, anaemia of: ICon, IDig, IIKali ph.; brain fag, IZinc; from loss of fluids, I IKali br.; causes insomnia, IMagn. p. 8®°" atrophy, exhaustion, paralysis, scle- rosis, softening, Brain, atrophy: acute, with uraemia, IPhos.; tendency to, in old age, IPhos. Brain, arachnoid : air bubbles below, ^Ars. h.; adherent to pia mater, Crotal.; a little in- jected, fArs. h.; inflamed, I Apis; opaque, ^Ant. t; opaque, thickened, tough, Crotal. Brain, pains like steel arrows, piercing from forehead to nape of neck: Ananth. Brain, as if asleep : 8€^° numbness. Brain, atrophy: Fluor, ac, Iod.; acute, with uraemia, IPhos.; preceded by overexcitement, causing paralysis, HPhos.; tendency to in old age, HPhos. Bfif anaemia, exhaustion, paralysis, sclerosis, softening. Brain, sensation as if balancing to and fro: IIAph. ch.; striking against skull, painful, Cinch. Brain, sensation as if a small, leaden ball were rolling about: Lyss. Brain, as if laid bare, and cold air passed over it: Ananth. Brain, beating : deep in right side, Sars.; worse rising in bed, motion, better by cold washing, walking in open air, lArs.; in waves against skull, HCinch.; as if beating against skull, painful on nodding head, ISul.; on slightest movement, Tell. Bg^** congestion, throbbing. Brain, as if boiling over and lifting cranium like lid of tea-kettle: Cann. i. Brain, boring: deep in, Ant. t, llgn.; as if being bored out (sick headache), IITabac 8@" nail. Brain, feels bound up: I^Ethus. ggjg*' con- stricted. Brain, bruised : feeling, lArn, ICup. m, 11 Gels, INux v.; as if beaten, INux v.; worse on mov- ing, even opening eyes, HCinch.; generally one-sided (right), better lying on painless side, IINux v.; when stepping from a high step to ground, IPhyt.; in vertex, better cold air, Ind. met. 8®" crushed, dashed. Brain, burning: Canth., IPhos., Ver.; with chills, IGlon.; over eyebrows in evening, Carbol. ac; worse from light, IGlon.; night and morning, worse motion, better rest, Arn.; with vertigo in morning, IGlon. 8@~ congestion, heat, meningitis. Brain, bursting feeling: Ars. m.; especially at temple, begins on rising in morning, generally better lying down, ILach. 8®° distended, pressing. Brain, buzzing : IFerr.; feeling as if it were fall- ing forward, Guarsea. Brain, cerebellum; aching with subjective tenderness of spine to kidneys, Med.; as of blows (headache), Curar.; boring from within, ISpig.;burning glow, Med.; chilliness, every evening, IDulc; cold, 7rCamph., with still- ness in brain, IPhos.; congestion, IGels.; in chorea, IChel.; cortex reduced to a soft pulpy mass, dark brown, loaded with shining greasy particles, ^Pie ac; heavy, crushing cutting across base, Syph.; dull pain, IMed,Sal. ac; as if enlarged, worse, cold damp weather, until 2 p.m., better lying down, IDulc; ex- hausted feeling, with subjective tenderness of spine, from cerebellum to kidneys, Med.; dulness and beating, Bry.; headache begins in morning, spreads over left side of head, causing violent and pulsating pain in left temple and over left eye, periodical, ISpig.; heaviness in forenoon, in cold air, better after dinner, ICarbo a.; irritation from sexual over- excitement, I IPic. ac; painful jerks through left, leaving dull pressure, worse during rest, better from motion, IStann.; stitches in right lower, I llris; pain, IBenz. ae, ISpig., with congestion to head (pertussis), I Anac; pain in right side, Elaps.; pain with vertigo, Ta- rant. ; pressing, Petrol.; pressing pain in small spots, occurring on slightest mental exertion, or from nightwatching, IColch.; stinging, Petrol.; strange feeling in right side, Meph.; throbbing, beginning morning, lasts till noon or evening, worse from motion, turning eyes, lying on back, better lying on side, closing eyes, at rest and dark room, ISep.; throbbing, better standing, most with such as were de- prived of sexual intercourse, 11 Camph.; un- pleasant sensation, extends from occipital pro- tuberance to left ear, seems as if it were hollow, yet there is a dull ache, a feeling as if brain were not large enough to fill space, worse when he hurts testicle, I IStaph. Brain, chills: creeping along convolutions, with prickling, Abrot.; shuddering passes down spine, with headache, I ITubere; cold sensation at middle of forehead, Bell. Brain, cloudiness (cholera) : ILaur. Brain, collapse: impending, IPhos. Brain, compressed feeling: ICham, llgn, IHyper.; when conscious of pain it disap- peared, Camph.; with hammering in fore- head, IKali iod. BS^ constrictive, pressing. Brain,compression: lArn.;nofracture(fungus), Calend. Brain, concussion: HArn., Calend, HCic, IHell., IHyos., IKali ph„ IMar. v.; worse from 3 to 6 p.m. (after Arn. failed), IHell.; function of cells depressed, I IKali ph.; inflammation after a fall, I IZinc; deafness, Chin, s.; pupils di- lated, Cie; painful, from snaking head, from walking, Coccul., with aching in head and in epigastrium, Mang.; at each step, IRhus; a misstep causes sensation of, I Led. Brain, confused: I IKali br. 8®° dull.stupid. Brain, congestion : Absin, Amyg, 11 Ant. t, lArg. nit, lArt. v., IIBell., HCact, Chloral, Cie, IFerr. ph, IGels, I IHell, Hydr. ac, IKali c, IKali br, IParis, IPuls., Stram, ISul., Ustil.; from alcoholic stimulants, IVer. v.; in angina pectoris, lAct. rac; precursor of apoplexy, 11 Ast. r.; intense throbbing of arteries, IVer. v.; resulting in paralysis of brain (typhoid) IOp.; with buzzing, roaring, etc., IVer. v.; preceded by chill, IGels.; with constipation, lAst r.; with convulsions, IBell., IGlon.; after attack resembling epilepsy in children, llgn.; intense, with sudden spasms, I Ver. v.; convulsions, particularly in children 3. INNER HEAD. 95 (irritative fever), IVer. v.; in puerperal con- vulsions, IVer.; in diphtheria, I ITarant; in- tense, from suppressed discharges, IVer. v.; in delirium tremens, I IChloral.; epileptiform attacks, I I Calab.; causes or attends epilepsy with vascular fulness of retina, IKali br.; with excitement, Eucal.; at base of brain, with dim or double vision, IVer. v.; in fevers from unusual exertion or exposure to sun, IBell., IGlon, IGels.; congested feeling in front, worse from exerting intellect, Crotal.; intense, with giddiness, IBell, I Ver. v.; causing headache, Amm. br, IBell, IGlon, IVer. v.; caused by periodical involuntary laughing fits, 11 Zinc; with convulsive movements of limbs and muscles of face, I ICup. m.; with convulsive movements of limbs (menin- gitis, cerebrospinal), ICup. ae; with mania, IKali br.; causing hysterical mania (congestion of womb and metrorrhagia), Croc; violent, with puerperal mania and convulsions, IVer.; with suppressed menses, IIVer. v. ;in plethoric constitutions, IIGlon.; with mental excite- ment, Chloral.; in migraine, IKali br.; intense, with nausea, IVer. v.; from suppression of long-standing nasal discharge, IKali iod.; re- lieved by nosebleed, IPsor.; following nervous depression, I IChloral.; resulting in paralysis of brain (typhoid), IOp.; passive,with somnolence after eating, predisposed to apoplexy, IOp.; intense, from plethora, IVer. v.; in pneumo- nia, IKali iod.; symptoms of, disguise pul- monary inflammation, IOp.; first stage of scarlatina, IVer. v.; causes sleeplessness, IBell, IKali br.jwith increased sensitiveness to sounds, IVer. v.; with stupefaction, IVer. v.; sudden, Hydr. ae; causes coma, fear of death, insanity, puerperal convulsions, quarrelsome delirium, stupor,Ver. v.; from exposure to sun's rays, IBell., Cact, IGlon, IVer. v.; comes when sweat fails (intermittent), ICact.; in- tense, caused by teething, IVer. v.; tendency to in otitis, IISul.; intense, from vascular irritation, IVer. v.; with vertigo, Ananth.; in- tense, with vomiting, IVer. v.; with zymotic or septic diseases, Crotal. 8gp™ beating, fulness, heat, hyperaemia, meningitis, throbbing. Brain, alteration in connective tissue causes paralysis or spasms: ISil. Brain, constrictive sensation: ICham.; with feeling of anaesthesia, IKali br.; as if by a ligature, Coccul. 8®° bound, compressed, contracted, pressing, tense. Brain, as if contracted: Grat; pain at base, Camph.; cerebellum as if laced together, with coldness, I ICamph.; followed by numbness of head and externally on vertex, worse in evening and while sitting, better from motion and in open air, IPlat; painful, ILaur. Brain, contusive pain : fliT* bruised. Brain, cracking sensation: must hold head during motion to prevent threatened rupture of cranium, IGlon. Brain, crampy feeling : while walking, Calad. Brain, crawling: Apis. Brain, crazy feeling, hard to describe : Variol. Brainj pain at base of, as if crushed in a vise, or something gnawing there : I INatr. s. Brain, dull cutting in, begins above right orbit and extends to occiput: Bism Brain as if dashed to pieces : ^Ethus, INux v. Brain, cerebral depression: (chlorosis), I IZinc; in diabetes, ICup. m.; melancholy, IZinc. Brain, as if detached and loose : Guaiae Brain, digging: IDulc; in right hemisphere, I Arg. nit.; worse moving upper eyelid, IColoe Brain, as if dissolving, with headache in ver- tex : ICale Brain,as if distended: Coccion.; forcibly, Bell.; at centre, Indig. 8®" bursting, pressing. Brain, drawing, worse moving eyebrows: Coloe Brain, racked by dreams: Kalm. Brain, dropsy: TrAmyg.,IKali iod, Lyss., IZinc; post-scarlatinal acute or chronic, mostly in scrofulous subjects, IHell. 8ST" Apoplexy serous, and hydrocephalus. Brain, drunken feeling, with fulness : Ailant. Brain, dull feeling : in anterior lobes, afternoon, Bapt; with constipation, I ISul.; in front of, worse from exerting intellect, Crotal.; heavy, clouded, Syph.; heavy pain, iEsc h.; in frontal portion, Eryng.; when measles recede, IGels.; in middle of where it surges, Lyss.; stupid, impatient, restless, IPlant.; undulat- ing pain, in middle, IGlon. 8®° confused, stupid. Brain dura mater; tubercles, Hippoz.; idiopathic fungus, ICale p.; gorged, Amyg. Brain effusion. 8§T" dropsy, hydrocepha- lus, also Apoplexy. Brain, electric thrill: to extremities, Ailant. Brain, embarrassment of: brain fag, INatr. m. Brain, embolism of middle cerebral artery, causes aphasia: IKali br. Brain, encephaloid : I ICoccul, IPhos. Brain, as if enlarged. 8@?° large. Brain erethism : with nervousness, palpitation of heart (cardiac hyperesthesia), ICoff. Brain exaltation: in paroxysms, IBell.; fol- lowed by prostration, Atrop. s. Brain exertion. 8®° Mental exertion, Chap. 1. Brain excitement: alternating with melan- choly, Ast. r.; such as precedes delirium, IBapt.; in typhoid fever, ISumb.; after tea, I IHyper. Brain, exhaustion: I I Apis, ICale p., IKali br, INux v, IPhos. ac, IPic. ac, IZinc; causes coma after disappearance of old erup- tions, IZinc; after debauch, Cann. i.; heart does not stimulate sufficiently, vertigo, IDig.; with genital weakness, HStaph.; with grief and anxiety, IIKali br.; headache, ICale; head congested, I IPhos.; of literary or business people, IPic. ae; from mental overwork and constant strain on eyes, IPhos.; of a school- teacher, 11 Pic. ae; with vertigo and disposition to fall down, better in cool air, IPhos.; with sleeplessness, INatr. m.; overwork, IKali ph. 8@" anasmia, atrophy,paralysis, softening, also Mental exertion, Chap. 1. Brain, seems to expand and press against frontal bone: Cup. ars. B^T" bursting, dis- tended, enlarged. Brain, symptoms seem to indicate that it was being pressed upon either by extravasation or an exostosis (syphilis): IMez. Brain, exudation : 8€S°* hydrocephalus and Apoplexy. Brain, as if it would fall forward: ICarbo a.; with stoppage of nose, Grat.; as if it fell to and fro toward side where he stoops, some- times stinging, Amm. e Brain, fever: g@° meningitis. 96 3. INNER HEAD. Brain, fluid: as if it were, Curar.; as if head were filled with, ICoff. B^T" liquid, loose, splashing, swashing, waving, also Head ■water. Brain, as if wrapped in a fog; 11 Petrol. Brain, as though a foreign substance were in- side, worse from fatigue, I Iod. Brain, fulness of: Asaf, IBry, ICaps.; with amenorrhcea, IHam.; at base of, yEsc. h\; as if head would burst, IMere; with tendency to sleep, Cornus. gfg&- bursting, congestion, heaviness, hyperaemia. Brain, grinding in right half, walking: Clem. Brain, heat: feels burning (typhoid), ICale; with pressing in occiput in morning, momen- tarily better by pressure of hands, IINux v. 8^° burning, congestion, Brain, heaviness: in middle, Arn, Pallad.; heavy pain at base, Bapt; in front of, worse from exerting intellect, Crotal.; and as if too large, Form, IGlon. 8^° congestion, fulness, hyperaemia. Brain, hemorrhage: of embolic origin (after death from anthrax), Anthrae; causes paral- ysis of feet, IZinc. 8@" exudation, also Apoplexy. Brain, hydrocephaloid: ICarbol. ac, ICina, Cinch, Crotal., Ign, llpec, IMere, IPhos, IIPuls, I ITubere, IVer.; acute, in cholera infantum, ICale p, ICrot t, IKali br, ISul.; after cholera infantum, I IPod, with con- vulsions, IZinc; in cholera morbus, IZinc; chronic (cholera infantum), ICale p.; in- cipient, ICinch, IKreo.; from exhaustion in summer complaint, IPhos.; in scarlatina, I Apis; with softening of stomach in children, I IVer.; condition after summer complaint of children, Apis; indications of, IMere v. Brain, hydrocephalus: HApis, lApoe, I Art. v., IIBry, HCale, ICale p., ICarbol. ac, ICina, ICup. m, IDig, IGlon, IGratiol., IIHell, I IKalibr, IKali iod, 11 Kali ph, ILye, IMere, INatr. m, IIPuls, -Sal. ac, ISil, IStram, IZinc; acute, HApis, lApoe, lAtrop. s, ICar- bol. ac, Cie, ICup. ac, IDig, IHell, IPhos.; •Tereb.; acute in cholera infantum, ICale p.; in early and late stages, IOp.; before stage of exudation, HApis; with strabismus, labored respiration,convulsions,IKali iod.jboringhead into pillows, IBell.;with paralysis of right side, IKali iod.; after scarlet fever, IMere. v.; acute of scrofulous children, Hod.; second stage, I Art. v.; chronic, I Ars, HCale, IOp, ITereb.; chronic in cholera infantum, ICale p.; con- genital, ICale p.; with convulsions, Art. v, IINatr. m.; during dentition, IPod.; after exanthema, IHell.; developing slowly after psoric eruptions, ISul.; after suppressed eruption, HApis; blindness, with dilated pupils, staring watery eyes, IKali iod.; when fever has abated, difficult breathing, IHell.; metastasis during attack of catarrhal or exanthematic fever, stage of exudation, ICup. ae; with open fontanelles and anaemia, IFerr.; following gastro-enteritis, IZinc; in- cipient, lApis, IBism, ICale p., ICham.; likes to lie with head low, ISul.; pains worse when awaking, after eating, in open air, better by external pressure, lying down, and closing eyes, ICon.; coldness of skin, yet will not be covered, iCamph.; sopor, IHyos, INatr. m, IOp.; subacute and chronic in scrofulous [ children where effusion has not progressed too far, ISul.; threatening, IVer. v.; with scanty urine, IDig.; with vomiting, IGlon. gtS^* exudation. Brain, hyperaemia: Art. v., I Aur. met, IIBell, ICale, IGels, IHyos., HPhos, Ver. v.; after abuse of Belladonna, ICoff.; caused by influence of cold or heat, IGlon.; from whooping cough, IVer.; with extravasation and exudation, GCnan., ITabae 8^*" congestion and fulness. Brain, inflammation. g^~ meningitis. Brain, injuries: 8®" concussion. Brain, irritation: ICup. ac, I IParis, IVer. v.; in children, convulsions, Cypr.; during cholera infantum, IKali br., I IVer.; due to dentition, ICup. ac, I ICypr, Tereb.; after lesions of head, INatr. s.: gastric symptoms, Tabae; in insanity, IKali br., Melil.; chronic leucorrhcea, Ziz.; causing hysterical mania, congestion of womb and metrorrhagia, Croc; causes rigid- ity of muscles, ICalab.; after suppression of otorrhcea, IPuls.; reflex, from disorders of bowels, IPod.; reflex in children during teeth- ing, cholera infantum, or scarlet fever, IKali br. 8S?F* meningitis, sensitive. Brain, jarring : IRhus ; from motion, Mang. Brain, jerking: in left hemisphere, extending toward parietal bone and occiput, soon after eating, INux v.; sharp pains in anterior lobe above orbit, Stann. ; painful thrust through right hemisphere, on motion, I IPrun. Brain, as if knives went tearing around (in headache): I IThuya. 8^° lancinating, nail, stitches. Brain, as if lacerated soon after waking: IPuls. 8gg* tearing. Brain, lancinating : in base, yEsc h.; deep in, llgn.; in forepart, worse moving eyes, better supporting head on hands, IDros.; deep, especially in occiput (cerebro-spinal menin- gitis), ICanth.; worse right side, especially forehead and vertex, HSang. 8^° knives, nail, stitches. Brain, feels too large : I Act. rac, Ars. m, Coccion, Hell.; in congestive headache, IGlon.; pressing outward, HAct. rac; in right half, as of a foreign body, ICon.; passive hyper- trophy, IDig. B^aT* bursting, congestion, distended, expand, fulness, hyperaemia. Brain, as of a liquid fluctuating, in chronic cephalalgia: lArn. $g^" loose, splashing, swashing, Brain, frontal lobes : deep-seated pain, Arund.; headache in left, at under surface, Crotal.; feel light, yEsc h. Brain, feels loose: Dig., IIHyos, Lactu. v, Mur. ac, INux m.; better lying in bed and from warmth, wrorse during motion, after eat- ing, and in cold, and from warmth, ICarbo a.; as if it fell to side toward which he leaned, Amm. e; as if falling into forehead when stooping, without pain, ILaur.; when moving head, ICaust, Croc; when moving head or walking, better during cold weather, and when sitting still, worse during hot weather, INux m.; on shaking head, followed by dizzi- ness, Xan.; worse every jar, step or straining at stool, suddenly turning head, Spig.; when stepping or shaking head, IIRhus; on stoop- ing, Bry.; as if it fell to left temple, INatr. s. 8®*" motion, oscillation, shaking, waving. 3. INNER HE\D. 97 Brain, lump: sensation of a large, heavy in, Con.; as if rolled into, Arn. Brain, medulla: aching with subjective tender- ness of spine from cerebellum to kidneys, Med.; acute atrophy with uraemia, IPhos.; rapid and direct depressing influence on, Crotal.; exhausted feeling of, with subjective tenderness of spine from cerebellum to kid- neys, Med.; fulness and pain in region of, also before spasms, IGels.; heat in, for a week, Med.; hyperaemia, Art. v.; inflammation from exposure to sun, after having haircut, IIBell.; lesions, urine contains sugar, Lyss.; sharp pain on motion, Med.; paralyzed, Eucal.; reduced to a soft, pulpy mass, dark brown in color and loaded with shining greasy par- ticles,:rPic. ac; paralytic affection with general anaemia and venous stasis, ILach. Brain, membranes: increased adherence to convolutions, Lyss.; affected, I Atrop. s. 8^" arachnoid. Brain, meningitis : • yEsc. g, 11 Aeon, I Act. rac, IIAnae or, lAnt. t, HApis, lArg.nit, lArn, HBell,ilBry, IBufo, Cadm.s, ICale, ICanth, ICarbol. ac,IChrom.ae,ICina,Cinch,ICoccul., Crotal, ICup. ac. Dory., IIFerr. ph, IGels, IIGlon, IGrat, IIHell, Hippoz, IIHyos, IKali br, I ILach, IMere, I INux v, HOx.ac, IPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISil, HStram, ISul, IVer, IVer. v.; albuminuric, or alcoholic, Crotal.;basilar, ICarbol. ae, HCic, I ITubere, IVer. v.; of children (infantum), IIAcon, HApis, I lApoe, I Arn, ICon, Gels.; child calls for parents who are present, IStram.; changes color frequently, ISul.; chronic, HPhos, IPlumb, I ISep.; chronic with effusion of serum into cavity of arachnoid, HApis; chronic, paralyzed parts soon fall away in flesh, IPlumb.; bright light and glistening things cause convulsions, IStram.; with de- lirium, IStram.; during dentition, ICale; with fevers, IVer. v.; dysphagia, IStram.; from ex- tension of ear disease,Crotal. complicated with otitis, IISul.; eyes inflamed,wild,staring,pupils dilated, shrinking look as if from fear, IStram.; after suppressed eruption, HApis, IStram.; as if external portion were inflamed and beating painfully against skull, Daph.; one-sided, with facial erysipelas, spasmodic symptoms alternate with paralytic, IStram.; exanthemat- ous fevers, IIRhus; in yellow fever, IGlon, especially in children, Coral.; incipient, IKali br.; inclination to vomit, lArn.; with convul- sive movements of head, IStram.; hooplike feeling in head, worse at night, better after rid- ing, IMere; frequently lifts head from pillow, IStram.; pain in head, IStram.; thrusts head forward, IStram-; from heat, insolation, or when child has slept near hot stove, IOp.; with irritability, IStram.; after suppression ofleu- corrhoea "by cold, IIPuls.; with desire for light, IStram.; with mental deficiency, Crotal.; after abuse of mercury, IKali iod.; from metas- tasis of erysipelas, IVer. v.; from metastasis of miasmatic or exanthematous diseases, IBry.; with dryness of mouth, IStram.; with nausea, IStram.; with paralytic symptoms, Crotal.; pleading for help," IStram.; with raving, IStram.; rheumatic, children under seven years of age, epidemic during winter, IStram.; in scarlatina, Crotal.; with screaming, IStram ; in scrofulous subjects (dentition), ICale, ISpong.; of serous membranes, IBry., IKali m.; involving bony structures of spine, ICale p.; with stammering, IStram.; striking with hands and feet, IStram.; with stupor, 11 Ant. t, I Apis, IGlon., IHell, IIMerc, ISul, I IVer.; with sopor, (child), 7rBor.; from exposure to sun after having hair cut, IIBell.; children of sycotic or syphilitic taint, rather lean than fat, prone to eruptions which on healing leave purple spots, IThuya; with intense strabis- mus, 11 Tuberc; after sunstroke, ICamph.; first stage, IBell, IGels, IGlon, IVer. v, IZinc; second stage, after fully developed effusion, I Apis; exudation is completed, reaction almost nil, paralysis more or less complete, IHell, threatens (incipient measles), Euphor.; torpid condition, ISep.; toxaemic, Crotal.; traumatic, HArn, IHyper, IOp.; traumatic, in infants and children, IHep.; with trembling and con- vulsive movements of limbs, IStram.; tuber- cular, 11 Apis, I Atrop. s, ICale, ICale p.; ILye, ISpong., ITubere; frequent torsions of trunk, IStram.; suppressed urine, IStram.; violent disposition to strike, bite, or injure others, IStram.; frightful visions, IStram.; after getting wet, IIRhus. 8®° congestion, hyperaemia. Brain, metastasis; from other organs, threaten- ing paralysis or dropsy, ICup. m.; of erysipelas (meningitis), IVer. v.; of miasmatic or ex- anthematous disease, IBry.; of milk (epi- lepsy), I Agar.; variola, during suppuration, ISuf. Brain, sensation in front part, like inability to fix mind on any subject: Con. Brain, symptoms come on in morning, go off during day, and come on again in evening: Ast. r. Brain, motion : as if moved or raised, Aeon.; as if moving within cranium, or, as if in motion when leaning against something, ICycl.; as if it moved and beat against skull, during mo- tion, Ars.; seems to move to and fro, as if loose when moving body, Bar. e; as if it moved wrhen standing, Rheum ; as if moving in waves, IGlon.; as if rising and falling, in forehead, at every step, better from pressure, IBell.; painful when stepping, Dros. 8@^° loose, oscillation, shaking, waving. Brain, feels muddled; Sil.; in neuralgia of scalp, I IStaph. 8€^° confused, dull. Brain, pain as of nail driven into: Asaf; worse morning on rising, Ptel.; pressure, I IHep. 8^" boring, knives, lancinating, needles, plug, stitches. Brain, needles: pain as if a needle wrere pushed through into, comes on 9 a.m., stops at 2 p.m., worse noise, washing hands in cold water, dropping head forward, stepping heavily, bet- ter from soft pressure, lying on back and heat, llgn.; said they were running needles into it, Lyss. 8®° prickling, sticking, stitches. Brain, nerves: acute irritation (laryngo trache- itis), IGlon.; neuroses, with convulsions, IKali br. Brain, neuralgia: as if cats were tearing it to pieces (cancerous inoculation), lArs.; worse at menstrual period, must lie with head hang- ing over side of bed, body prone, I IZinc; nau- sea and vomiting, llris. g^° tearing. Brain, noise : affected painfully by, especially male voices, Bar. c; sensitive to, Con. * 98 3. INNER HEAD. Brain, numb: 11 Kali br., IPlat.; as if asleep, HApis, ICon.; before attacks of apoplexy, IBufo.; with leucorrhcaa, llgn.; pain with stu- pefied feelingfromabove eyes across base,Cact. Brain, oedema: I IPhos. Brain, oppression: as if intoxicated by carbonic acid, or by degraded or non-oxygenated blood Crotal.; followed by pain an inch below and to outer side of left nipple, Lye vir.; in scar- latina, Crotal. Brain, oscillations: painful, Curar.; when walking, going up stairs, or rising from stoop- ing, IILyc 8@F* loose, motion, shaking, waving. Brain, pain (undefined): IHyos.; in base, IGels. Variol.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, Canth.; extending through base to occiput, IINux v.; in centre, Med.; deep in, Atrop.; to eyes (iritis)/ I Arg. nit; intense, causing continual rubbing of head on pillow, rolling from side to side, Med.; almost driving one mad, followed by excessive vomiting of bile and trembling, Zinc; severe continued, deep into in right frontal region, worse stooping, exercise, better application of cold, Ars. s. r.; deep, shaking is without influence, IGlon.; on shaking head, Spig.; deep, must sit or walk, cannot lie, Therid.; caused by effort of thinking, Daph.; transient, HChel.; severe and obstinate with uterine cancer, intermitting, I IZinc. Brain, paralysis : Cup. m, INux m, IOp.; be- ginning (typhoid), ILye; with symptoms of collapse, ICup. m.; from cerebral congestion, with typhoid fever, IOp, impending, ILye, IPhos, in cerebrospinal meningitis, IILyc, in typhoid, IHyos, IZinc, in scarlatina, HAmm. e, IPhos, IZinc; general symptoms of, IOp.; as if it would be paralyzed from effort of talking, Calc; diseases of a paralytic nature, ISil.; paralytic feeling in arms caused by brain trouble, IZinc. 8^° anaemia, atrophy, exhaustion, scle- rosis, softening. Brain, peculiar feeling : Bapt. Brain, pia mater : distended with serum, Crotal. Brain, pain as of plug driven into: Asaf, I IHep. Brain, poisoned by unexcreted urea (inaction of kidneys): ITereb. Brain, pressure: ICarbo a, I IChel, Chlorof, 11 Oleand.; on anterior lobes, extending below eyes (so severe that she fell forward and remained unconscious for several minutes (epilepsy), Art. v.; at base, compared to the bruised headache of Ipec, Ptel.; as if attempt- ing to burst skull, IIGlon.; in centre, after vertigo, HPhos.; with vertigo, INitr. ac; deep in, ICie, on awaking, Arg. nit, worse opening eyes widely, Cochl.; during delivery causes traumatic convulsions, IHep.; dull, gloomy, Caust.; as if forcing itself out front (congest- ive headache), IGlon.; as if it would force through forehead, with heaviness and press- ure in various parts of head, IKreo.; as if forced forward, Bry, ISil.; pain in forepart, worse walking, IClem.; as if pressed to fore- head, better bending head backward, Bell.; as if pressed against skull (fungus of crani- um), ICale p.; in insanity, Melil.; in left half, lAgar.; jerking in left half, Verbas.; painful in left from 6 to 8 p.m., Merc. iod. rub.; as from a load, worse rising in bed, motion, better cold washing, walking in open air, I Ars.; severe (parenchymatous metritis), ~Lac c;as if forcing itself out just above nose, I Amm. e; painful in one half, as from a plug or nail, I IHep.; along sagittal suture, Aur. mur.; heavy, forcing him to stoop, Cann. i.; tearing in right half, Verbas.; toward temples, IBell.; sensation of, together, Agar.; worse evening and night, at rest, better moving, or washing head, I Ant. t; upon top, Ziz.; violent, but transient pain extending from within out- ward in right half, gradually diminishing, Verbas.; under vertex, toward occiput on waking, IIBar. e; outward, Asar.; outward with headache, IBry. g$gg~ bursting, distending, heaviness. Brain, prickling: IFerr. Brain, pulsation : g^" beating, throbbing. Brain, feeling of quivering on shaking head, followed by dizziness : Xan. Brain, as if revolving : rapidly on axis, INux v.; especially when lying, Rob. 8€jp> oscillating, rolled, vertigo, Brain, as when riding: in wagon with closed eyes, Cycl. gg&~ vertigo. Brain, roaring: IFerr.; when stepping hard, or knocking foot, Sil. Brain, rolled around : sensation as if, Cinch.; up, as if, or compressed into small bulk, ICoccul. Brain, rushing : through, like lightning and down right side of neck into arm (epileptiform spasms), IChin. a. Brain, sclerosis: wrist-drop, alternating with colic and constipation, I IPlumb.; spasms from, IPlumb.; symptoms suggest, Bar. e gg&~ anaemia, atrophy, exhaustion, par- alysis, softening. Brain, screwed in : sensation, with toothache, Euphor. 8€^ pressure. Brain, sensitive : Crotal.; in megrim, lArn.; to motion and walking, INux v.; in phrenitis, IChrom. ac. 8®" irritation, tender. Brain, as if shaken : in skull, Bell.; as if being, Pallad.; painfully, by slight noise or conversa- tion, Con.; with nausea, cannot keep quiet, Elaps.; by electric shocks at night, 11 Ast. r.; in urticaria, IBell.; when walking or running in open air, INux v.; worse moving head, or stepping hard, ISpig. 8@T* loose, motion, oscillating, waving. Brain, shattering: when stepping hard or knocking foot, Sil.; when walking, INux v. Brain, shock: in upper part, after lying down in bed, 11 Lyss.; from behind forward, Clem.; on regaining consciousness, Cann. L; as from electricity, passes through, then spasms (puerperal convulsions) IHell.; momentary, with giddiness, Ferr.; synchronous with pulsation of arteries, IGlon.; painful, bruised, in right anterior side, in walking, Nuph.; sudden (cerebrospinal meningitis), INux v. B®* concussion. Brain, shooting: deep in, Ant. t; with transient flushes of heat, Cornus. Brain, as if gone to sleep : 8@°" numb. Brain, softening: ;Amb, Amm. e, IBufo, HCale, ICaust, Crotal, INux m, HPhos.; early stage, IIKali ph.; in epilepsy, ICaust; preceded by overexcitement, causing par- alysis, HPhos.; causes paralysis of feet, IZinc; blood to head, IGlon.; wearied, tired feeling, headache, slow at answering questions ver- 3. INNER HEAD. 99 tigo, feet drag, formication, numbness in limbs, I IPhos.; incipient, IKali br.; threatened, from overwork, ILye, from sedentary habits, mental effort, intemperance, disease, especially in persons who have been living too high, INux v. 8@°" anaemia, atrophy, exhaustion, para- lysis, also Mental exhaustion, Chapter 1. Brain, sound : as if striking a piece of silver, early in morning, on waking, gradually going off, Phell. Brain, soreness : I Arn, Camph., Canth.; as if bruised, particularly walking in wind, or making mental effort, ICinch.; deep in, IPhyt; extending to inner ear, with heat and heavy pressure on top of head, IISul.; worse on shaking head, IGlon.; from least jar when walking, Raph. Brain, sense of splashing: in left hemisphere when walking fast, ICarbo a. 8@~ liquid, loose, swashing. Brain, squeezed and relaxed alternately: ICale Brain, as if pin were sticking in it: INux v. Brain, stiffness: with sensation of coldness in cerebellum, IPhos. Brain, felt as if stirred with a spoon, must keep in motion day and night: Hod. Brain, stitches: Alum.,lEuph,IHyper.; in base Atrop. s.; commences in centre, passes through centre of left eye, Thuya; when coughing, IBry.; in pertussis, lAnae; as if extending through, after dinner, until going to sleep in evening, with shivering attacks of faintness, I IPuls.; in left side, extending toward vertex, I IMenyanth.; dull, in left, extending toward parietal bone and occiput soon after eating, INux v.; with nausea, Alum.; pressing, long- drawn, from behind forward through left, 11 Verbas.; sharp, IIGuaiae; single, in right half, Camph. Brain, stupid feeling: with leucorrhcea, llgn.; in prosopalgia, ICoccul. Brain, surging: is felt deep, Lyss. Brain, swashing : I Ars, Asaf, IBell, IHep, IHyos, IRhus; when walking, feels every step, Spig. 8@" fluid, liquid, loose, splashing. Brain, syphilitic affections : IMez. Brain, tearing: lArs, IHyper, Zinc; fine burning, Spig.; deep in, Ant. t, better in air, 11 Aur. met; dull, Calc; in left half, I Agar.; in upper half, Amb.; morning on rising, worse motion, better rest and warmth, IStaph, worse from motion, Agnus; worse moving eye, IRhus ; worse moving eyelid, IColoe; worse after rising, Amm. m. ©ST neuralgia, Brain, tender: I Arn., Med.; from least jar when walking, Raph. 8^° irritation, sensitive. Brain, tense: Asaf,Cham, IGels., Paris; centre of each hemisphere and cerebellum, as if large cords were drawn to each from every part of lobes and cerebellum, causing a dispo- sition to run wildly through streets, tearing hair, seemed as if tensive pains would break, when suddenly they relaxed to a bubbling sen- sation passed from centre to circumference, when reached the tensive pains began again, causes momentary loss of thought, Med.; as if head were tightly bound, Spig.; in membranes, feeling in region of eye, as if skin were thick and could not be drawn into wrinkles, Paris ; worse from motion, excitement, or using eyes, I Paris; pain in forepart, worse walking than sitting, IClem. Brain, feels thick : Sil. Brain, throbbing : of arteries, IIBell., IIGlon.; in base, ICale; from behind and toward sides, ends on surface in shootings, I IBell.; deep in right side, Sars.; on leaning head back- ward, during day, IILyc; from mental labor, Psor.; in middle, every morning, continuing all day, ICale; worse right side, especially forehead and vertex, I ISang.; stinging, worse stooping, IPuls.; transient attacks in one half, HCham.; with vertigo, ICact. g^ beating. Brain, tingling : 11 Apis. Brain tired sensation : IMed.; with physical and nervous prostration, ICon.; restless, in upper, with mental exertion, like limbs after muscular exertion, Ast. r.; as from a power- ful, all-pervading disease, 11 Ptel. Brain, traumatic: gtSg" concussion, wounds, Brain, tubercles: I ICaust.; in plexus choro- ides, Hyper. 8®" meningitis tubercular. Brain, tumor: spasms from, IPlumb.; blood to head, IGlon.; syphilitic, IMere cor, IMere iod. rub. Brain, tumult: restless, distressed, Ast. r. Brain, twitches: when blowing nose during first half of night, Ast. r. Brain, undulating : as if from throbbing in arteries, Hyos. 8€s?° oscillating. Brain, vacillating : 8®° oscillating. Brain, vertigo: deep in, as if it would cave in, or would lose consciousness, Brom.; especially in occiput, as if he would fall, IZinc. 8pT" oscillating, revolving, riding. Brain, sound of one's voice resounds like a bell. ISpig. Brain, wabbling: lArs.; as of water, IHep.; while walking, ICycl. 8^* liquid, loose, splashing, swashing. Brain, increased quantity of water ; in acute dis- eases (typhus, scarlet fever, smallpox), mani- fested by sopor, convulsions etc., INatr. m. g^- exudation, hydrocephalus. Brain, wavering : when walking, with vertigo, I I Calab. 8®" wabbling, waving. Brain, waving sensation: Act. rac, IGlon. g£^° fluid, liquid, loose, splashing, swash- ing. Brain, weakness: Chlorof, IIForm, IPhos.; all excitement forbidden, ILobel. c; heart does not stimulate sufficiently, vertigo, IDig.; left side, Abrot. 8€^ exhaustion. Brain, weary: g^" tired, Brain, weight: gQ^*- heaviness. Brain, whirling : around in, attack early in morning, lEup. pert; seems to go round and round (giddiness), I ISabad. 8®?° revolving, vertigo. Brain, ' wounds: lacerated, or punctured, ICalend, IHyper. 8@" concussion. g@T Cerebrospinal, Forehead, Head, Head- ache, Occiput, Temples, Parietal, Vertex. CEREBROSPINAL affections: Ced., I IPa- ris. Cerebrospinal congestion : Art. v., I IChloral, Pic. ac, IVer. v. Cerebrospinal depression: IPhos. Cerebrospinal disease : cries out on attempt to move him, I IVer. v.; comes on suddenly and severely, IHydr. ac. Cerebrospinal exhaustion (typhoid): IPhos. 100 3. INNER HEAD. Cerebrospinal irritability: indisposition to stand or walk for any length of time, 11 Ran. b.; in epilepsy from convulsions, I IVer. v.; gait staggering, Cup. ars. Cerebrospinal meningitis: lApis, ICale, ICale a, HCamph, ICanth, ICed, ICie, ICrotal., ICup. ac, ICup. m, IDig, IGlon, IHell, IKali iod, IILyc, IMere, Naja, IOp, IPlumb, IRhus, I ISil, I ITarant, I Ver.; rapid alternation of symptoms, Ign.; with temporary blindness, IGlon.; with intense pain in cervical occipital region, IGlon.; with delirium, IVer.; inflammation of labyrinth of ear as sequel, ISil.; early stage, I Apis, IGels.; after violent emotions, which act like a blow, IOp.; ex- plosive form, shock starting suddenly from one portion of body to brain, attended by numbness and paralytic drawing of limbs, INux v.; epidemic, I IZinc; pain in eyes, IGlon.; tingling in fingers, IGlon.; hysterical symptoms or complications, Ign.; with con- fusion and loss of memory, IGlon.; tightening around neck, IGlon.; with nervous irritability, IChloral.; with early paralysis, IPlumb.; irreg- ular pulse, IGlon.; with soreness and aching all over, 11 Eup. perf; sudden and desperate cases, IHydr. ae; tetanic stage, ICalab.; with vomiting, IChloral. Cerebrospinal sclerosis: muscular atrophy from, I IPlumb. 8®* Brain sclerosis. FOREHEAD, aching: yEsc. h., Ammoniac, Ante, Asar, Atrop. s., Calc. s., ICamph, Cann. ind, Coccul, Eup. perf, Ind. m., llpec, ILach, I IPetrol, ISars, ISul.; with anguish and restlessness, obliging one to leave bed, IColoe; better pressing with cold hand, Car- bol. ae; with cough, I Apis, IForm.; dull, Apis, Como., 1101. jec, IRumex, Sep.; better by pressure, Act. rac; on awaking, severe during day, Natr. a.; giddy, Acet. ae; from bad odor (typhus), I Apis; in ozaena, Elaps; worse by motion, better lying down, I Ascl. t; with depression and sour stomach, Ptel.; worse from motion, causing eyes to be closed, Bell.; in outer head, especially forehead, Euph.; after eating, Con, Kali bi.; followed by rend- ing in bones of right or left side of face, IKalm.; intermittent, I Ant. c; sometimes coming up from back of head, better in morning, worse towards evening (indigestion), IIPuls.; in- creasing, with pain in sides (remittent neural- gia of chest), IISul.; through temples to occi- put, commencing in morning, worse afternoon, Arn.; worse bending forward, IColoe; worse from motion, Arn, Chloral.; worse by cold and pressure (headache after a blow on head), IMere per. 8^* dull pain, heavy pain. Forehead, sensation of a round ball: sitting firmly even when shaking head, IStaph.; of pain in morning, ILac. def. Forehead, as of a band: Ant.t, Bapt, HCarbol. ac, ICarbo v.; below eyebrows, worse from exercise, with throbbing of temporal arteries, Sang.; hot band drawn across, from temple to temple, directly over eyes, Chloral.; worse leaning head forward, IMed.; in acute rheuma- tism, IChel.; as if bound by a tight cord, IMere iod. rub.; about an inch wide, from temple to temple, Helon. B^T* constriction, tension. Forehead, beating: INux m.; better in open air, I IKali iod.; better after rising, Eup. perf; as if it would burst, worse after eating, walking in open air, better pressure, in warm room, I Amm. e; after dinner, lAmm. e; in evenings, worse before and after eating, also when riding, especially in cold air, from talking, better indoors, Coccul.; as from hammers, with sputum in morning, of yellow or blood-stained mucus, INatr. m.; with hunger, after fever (ague), I IPuls.; from left side of head, IKreo.; towards nose, Gamb.; when pressing upon it, with compressive sensation in head, from both sides, with a hot feeling, IMagn. m., with vio- lent glowing, from upper part to vertex, as if head would burst from inward blows, worse from noise, daily paroxysms, Stann.; painful, Bapt, Lyss.; in one side of, Aur. met. 8^* hammering, knocking, pounding, throbbing. Forehead, blinding pain: worse evening, into back of head and down neck, Lil. tig. Forehead, blow ; pain as from severe, in right side, lAcon.; as from a heavy, awakes him in morning, Psor. Forehead, as of a board strapped across: IRhus; with rush of blood to head and flushing of face (typhoid fever), IIRhus; boring, I Arg. nit.; in left side, Aur. met. Forehead, bone : periodical paroxysms of ach- ing under, Laur.; burning with swelling, IIKali i.; burning in left side, Spig.; drawing in right side, ICaps.; drawing during rest and motion, IBell.; drawing toward root of nose, Agar.;as if it would fall out, Colch.; gurgling behind upper part of, Asaf; headache below, Cup. m.; pressing in left, better from pressure, tight bandaging, worsefromexhaustive mental labor, I Arg. nit; pressure on upper part, Camph.; violent benumbing, pressing inward in left side, Verbas.; drawing pressure, Zing.; shooting over left eye, Chel.; sticking drawing extends to temporal bone, 11 Ruta; stitches in left while reading, Ruta; tearing, left side in evening, I IPuls.; in right, ICaps. Forehead, boring: Apis, Calad, Cycl, Dros, Nitr. sp. d.; acute, in one side generally left, or passing from left to right, with nausea, Iris; with digging in brain worse from motion, even talking, IDulc; dull over left brow 10 a.m., Act. rac; momentary numbness (affection of sympathetic nervous system), I IPhos.; in right side, IColoe, I IPuls.; in or out, morning and evening, worse in open air, from pressure and stooping, better by touch, Calc; from within, ISpig.; within outward, worse before midnight and lying quiet, I IDulc; from with- in, worse afternoon, and after eating, better from motion, cold drinks and bathing, Bism.; as if loose and falling from side to side, worse walking in open air, better sitting quiet in room, Sul. ac g^~ burrowing. Forehead, as if broad and high: Cund. Forehead, bruised sensation : IIPuls.; midnight till morning, IHep.; better by rubbing, I Ars. Forehead, as of a bubble bursting: running around left side of head, Form. Forehead, burning : Aur. mur, Bry, I ICaust. ICham, Lyss., Menyanth, lOxal.ac, Stront, 11 Zinc; on awaking and after eating, IINux v.; as of a ball of fire, ICaust; headache worse right side, Ananth.; better from pressure of cold hand, Carbol. ac; with digging in brain, IDulc.; during heat (intermittent), lArs.; in jaundice, 11 Aeon ; with nausea better in air, 3. INNER HEAD. 101 Stann.; lasts twenty-four hours, if very severe ends in vomiting, worse from overexcitement or walking (bilious headache), I IPod.; burn- ing in right side, IColoe, in right side (eye), ISpig.; with hot sweat, HCinch.; stinging, with feeling of rubber band stretched over it, with confusion of mind, Lil. tig.; tearing shooting, from left side to temple, especially left supra- orbital ridLje, with ptosis of upper lid, I I Spig.; when walking, Rhus; worse at night, better afer riding, IMere 8ST heat. Forehead, burrowing: Coccus; worse from motion, loud noise, speaking loud, opening mouth, better lying down, Spig.; as if an ab- scess were forming, 11 Hep. 8@~ boring. Forehead, bursting pain : 11 Amm. c, Calad, IGraph., IIPuls, Spong., Ustil.; as if accumu- lated blood were pressing out, ISpong.; better bandaging head tightly, worse light and noise, with blindness (hemicrania), ILac def; when coughing, IINatr. m.; with sputum of yellow or blood-stained mucus in morning, INatr. m.; to bridge of nose, 11 Dulc; in catarrh of frontal sinus, Ant. c; with chill and burning in stomach, ISang.; and temples to occiput and nape of neck, I Ars. 8^* pressure outward, splitting. Forehead, beclouded feeling: IGraph. Forehead, cold sensation : in a small spot, as from a cold thumb, lArn.; changing to heat worse from shock, motion, etc., Arn.; as if touched by an icy band, afternoon, Hyper.; on right protuberance, Anag.; right side, Agar.; in a warm room, Cist.; as from a draft of air, ILaur.; as if a cold wind were blowing on it from neck to back, worse in room, better in open air, Laur. Forehead, bump of concentrativeness: dull pains with corresponding symptoms of mind, IBar. c Forehead, confusion: Ailant, Amm., IBry, Nitr. sp. d.; in region of eyebrows and root of nose, ICon.; with pinching in epigastrium, IColoe; with pressure in orbits, IColoe; with vertigo, IPsor. 8^* dulness, stupefaction. Forehead, congestion: IFluor. ac, ISil.; on awaking, worse stooping, Tell.; causes prick- ling, 11 Viol.; feeling of, HCinnab. 8^° ful- ness, heaviness, pressure, throbbing. Forehead, constriction (contraction) : Ascl. s, llCarb. s, ICycl, ICham., IGrat, Iris; dull, heavy across (chronic headache), INaja; head- ache in upper part, Hyos.; painful, Plat; bet- ter from strong pressure, Anac; pain, as if spot size of a dime was daily contracting and getting smaller, thinks he will be crazy as soon as it is drawn together (hypochondriasis), lArg. nit.; with alternate distension, Bism.; pain worse afternoon, better sitting and washing, Asar.; as if muscles were contracted, Bell.; of skin, I LEse h, Arn, Caulo, in middle, Gels. 8@" band, pressing, tension. Forehead, crackling: Aeon. Forehead, cramping pain: IPlat; as if screwed in, IPlat. Forehead, crawling : during supper, Zinc. Forehead, creeping: IColch. Forehead, as if being crushed: with nausea, llpec; as if brain were crushed, Sep. Forhead, cutting: Calc, Cinnab.; in bones, lArg. nit; when coughing, Ziz.; in epilepsy, ICaust; with discharge of yellow matter from I nose (catarrh), ISep.; in right side to ears, remittent pain, worse by pressure, Diosc. Forehead, darting: Con, Cycl.; especially moving eyes, Cinch.; in left side, Mang.; momentary, obliging one to shut eyes, Pod.; from right to left, followed by flying pains in epigastrium, yEsc h.; from upper part down to centre of head, as if knives were thrust into brow, worse in motion ILach.; worse from motion, shocks, etc.. Arn. ggg* flying, lancinating, shooting, etc. Forehead, feeling of deadness: 11 Mur. ac. Forehead, digging: 11 Psor. Forehead, disagreeable pain: Apis. Forehead, dragging: INatr. m. Forehead, drawing: Atrop, Aur. mur, Guaiae, IGraph, IINux v,IITereb, Zinc; especially over eyes, Cann. i.; with oppressive heat, Zinc; extending to eyes toward end of chill, worse on opening eyes and motion (inter- mittent) lArs.; intermittent neuralgic pains, ILye; in forenoon and at midnight, 11 Kali e; extends to hips (haematuria), Tereb.; on left half, Asaf, Clem.; intermittent, in left side, Thuya; in middle, Ars. s. f; extends down one half of nose and to middle of vertex, morning, worse till afternoon then better till evening, llgn.; especially over root of nose at 6 a.m., Zing.; in periosteum, wakened from sleep in morning, Amm. e; pressing more on left side at noon, Zing.; in two lines from protuber- ances to glabella, where it draws outward as from a magnet, Ictod.; in right side, I Ars, IColoe; from thinking, Calc; as if skin were drawn into folds, IGraph.; as of something lightly drawn over, Bar. c; tensive above orbits, worse raising eyes, IPuls.; with vertigo, IPsor.; seems to be external, to occiput, Sep. Forehead, dulness: Act. sp., I Arg. met. Arg. nit, Bapt, Cain, ICham, Cund, IGels, INux m.; behind, Ascl. t; as of a board, ICoccul.; as if a weight were lying in brain, each expiration accompanied by sensation as if this load were pushed from direction of occi- put to forehead, Pallad.; with chilliness, Aloe; as after inhaling chloroform, Cepa ; with sink- ing in epigastrium, Natr. a.; with headache, Paris;dull sensation in left,Coccul.; in middle, Staph.; in a small spot as large as tip of finger, in morning, 11 Oxal. ac; muddled, 11 Carb. s.; precedes nosebleed, Sabina; more to right side, Lyss. ggg~ confusion. Forehead, dull pain: .Esc h, lAur. mur, Canth, IChel, Chim. m. Chin, a. Coccus, Crotal, 11 Dios.,Eucal, Euphor, I Euph, Form, IHam, llnd. met, IILyc, Merc, sul, IMy- gale, lOxal. ac, IPhyt, Ptel, IVib, Zinc; in abortion, 11 Ustil.; in angina faucium, ILach.; on awaking, Ant. c, ICale, Erig, 11 Myr. cer.; as if a rubber band were stretched tightly from temple to temple, HCarbol. ac; stupefy- ing, better walking in open air, I Ant. e; better at sunset, followed by mental exhilaration, Coca; with bruised feeling better, worse mo- tion, Rumex ; in centre, 11 Carbol. ac; with chilliness, Carbol.ac; forehead cold, better by heat, ICinnab.; confusing, extends to temporal regions, as after night watching or loss of sleep, Vib.; confused (nervous cephalalgia), 11 Acet. ac; in conjunctivitis, I ISep.; with constipa- tion, IIBry.; with coryza, yEsc. h, HCepa, 11 Sinap.; in dyspepsia, ILye; in dysentery, 102 3. INNER HEAD. I Arn.; worse over left eye or alternating from side to side, ILil. tig.; into eyes, Lact. ae; commencing at outer angle of each eye, worse around edges of orbits and across bridge of nose, Sinap.; with soreness of entire face, espe- cially of bones, IMere iod. flav.; pain with fever, 11 Polyp.; causing head to move to and fro and close eyes, Agar.; followed by semi- fluent coryza, Fluor, ac; with heaviness of feet, Pie ae; in premature labor, 11 See; with lassitude and desire to sleep (hemorrhoids), ■Collin.; with soreness, with heaviness of limbs, IMere iod. flav.; on left side with stupefaction, pain morning and evening, Lyss.; in morning, acute neuralgia, ILac e; worse from motion, Chloral.; with neuralgic pains in tem- ples, Rob.; from within outward in right, Castor.; with nausea, with cool sweat on fore- head and feeling of weakness, IPhyt.; with pain at root of nose, IMere iod. flav.; and upper lids, with vertigo, worse turning head or any violent motion, better in open air, IPhos.; to occiput, Carbol. ae; pressing, Astac; in right half, involving eye, llgn.; right to left, I yEsc h.; worse in right temple, Cup. ars.; in one side, generally left, or passing from left to right with nausea, llris; may extend down spine, worse from slightest attempt at using mind, Pic. ac; with stupid feeling from morning to evening, Lyss.; with warm sweat, IGlon.; with sweat and anxiety, better in open air, Ant. c; with neuralgic pain in right tem- ple, close to eye, Ver. v.; worse in temples, with aching in umbilicus, ILept; becomes dull and throbbing, settles right side and over temporal bone, Cup. ars.; near right temple, shifting to other side and then disappearing, Jacar.; becoming sharp, throbbing and shoot- ing in right extends to occiput, worse motion and stooping, Ars. s. r.; in upper part, Ferr. s.; worse ascending stairs, I Ant. c; worse de- scending stairs, Iodof. 8®° aching, stupefying pain. Forehead, frontal eminences (protuberances): aching, left to right, worse left, Lye vir.; dull aching, Acet. ae; intermittent beating, near left, Verbas.; in left, as if extravasation of blood had taken place, Am.; boring in left, 01. an, worse night, warm bed, Arg. nit.; boring under right, early, soon after waking, IBell.; clawing in left, I Arg. nit.; crampy pain extends to zygo- ma and lower jaw, Bell.; digging in left, I Arg. nit.; drawing in head, Viol.; benumbing drawing in left in a draft of air, Verbas.; draw- ing from left to root of nose, causes confusion of head, ICina; formication over right, Coc- cul.; gnawing, Bell.; slow hammering in left, Verbas.; headache in left, deep, ILach.; head- ache over right, Coccul.; headache over, ILye vir.: headache in region of left after dinner, Zinc; headache in right, Kali br.; headache with ulceration of frontal sinuses when dis- charge stops, IKali bi.; lancinating pain over right, Coccul.; sensation in right as if a nail were driven in, disappears on pressure, IThuya; pain in left, Chim. umb.; pain in left to left lower occiput, HNatr.e; pressure below, deep through brain to occiput, Cann. s.; dull press- ure, Asaf; pressing (jaundice before attack), I Arg. nit.; intermittent pressure near left, Ver- bas.; pressing pain in right, ICaust.; pressing in right, Zinc; from within outward,worse sitting, on entering warm room after walking in open air, and looking at anything sharply, better lying in horizontal position, especially on back, ISpong.; pressure after rising or dressing in morning, after quarter of an hour over whole forehead to vertex and becoming worse after twenty minutes,pressive pain from within out- ward, IFerr.; violent stupefying pressure deep in right, on going into cold from warmth, Ver- bas.; pressive pain worse going down stairs, better pressing palm against, and in open air, IFerr.; screwing pain, lArg. nit,; lancinating shocks in left,Cain.; shooting in left to left lower occiput, 11 Natr. c; shooting in right, worse bending forward, better by pressure, IBell.; sharp sticking behind and above, ISpig.; dull boring stitch above right, Zinc; pulsating stitches, ISpig.; rapid stitches in left, Arn.; sud- den deep penetrating stitches under left, like shocks followed by sensitiveness, Asafjand pa- rietal eminence dee p, sharp intermittent stitches between left side, Verbas.; violent, slowly ap- pearing and disappearing stitch from within outward in left, Verbas.; subacute pain, first in left then right,in right molar,then right temple, then left temple, again to right molar, then to loins, with frontal oppression, Lye vir.; tear- ing in right, Amb, in left, Sep.; pressing tearing after dinner, Zinc; tension on going into open air, and in a draft, I I Verbas.; throbbing, lArg. nit, over right, Coccul.; throbbing on either side, worse evening, and after exertion, llris; sudden broad thrust above left, extending deep into brain, ICroe Forehead, empty : when stooping Act. sp.; as of space between forehead and brain, worse in evening and cold, better from warmth, ICaust. Forehead, expansion : INux m. Forehead, over eyes: 8@F*Supraorbital, Chap- ter 5. Forehead, as if it would fall out: IThuya ; as if a piece would fall out, on stooping, "l I Nux v.; as if lump were falling forward while sitting or turning in bed, ICham.; as if something would fall forward on stooping, Magn. s. Forehead, sharp flying pains: Ustil. Forehead, formication: Arund. gta^~ numb- ness. Forehead, frontal sinuses: 8®° Nose,Chap.7. Forehead, fulness : lApis, Bapt, IBell, IIBry, Cain., Chrom. ac. Coca, Hell, Meph., Nitr. sp. d., Sep.; as if brain were too large, Lact. ac; as if brain were shaken, Pallad.; crowd- ing, IHam.; with throbbing in vertex, Natr.; dull heavy pain, .Esc h.; in evening, IBry.; better on closing eyes and from pressure, IBry.; with red, bloated face, IBry, and grip- ing alternate in various parts, seeming to come from stomach, Con.; with bleeding of nose, IBry.; oppressive, HAmm. e; with outward pressure, as if contents would be forced through every aperture, Lil. tig.; and pressure, worse or renewed when thinking thereof, IHelon.; pressing, as from vapor of coal, Amm. c; on right side, extends to root of nose, with almost incessant sneezing (coryza), I I Sticta; throb- bing heat, lAct. rac; with pressing in root of tongue, IHam.; worse raising head, after sleep, after talking, better sitting or lying with head high, ISul.; worse on moving eyes IBry. 8gT" congestion, heaviness, pressure weight. INNER HEAD. 103 Forehead, glabella (over root of nose, between eyes): boring extending down nose, worse af- ternoon and after eating, better from cold drinks, motion and bathing, Bism.; contrac- tion, as if laced together, with coldness, I ICamph.; headache, Ascl. s.; heavy weight, with want of memory, IStaph.; pain, Arn.; headache begins, IGlon.; dull headache, IICup. m.; dull pain, Xan.; like a pressing band, Therid.; pressing pain in morning (coryza), ICale; throbbing, Calab.; with pain over eyes, Xan.; throbbing in ozaena, lArs. Forehead, gnawing : in scalp, better from rub- bing, iDros.; as from worms, Zinc. Forehead, grinding pain : worse from motion, awakens 5 a.m., gradually increases and di- minishes, I I Stann. Forehead, hammering: IKali iod.; fears apo- plexy, worse right side formerly, now on left (dyspepsia), IFerr. ph.; in centre, ILye: with sensation as if brain were compressed from both sides, IIKali iod.; in coryza, after mercury, IIKali iod.; on one side, generally left, or passing from left to right, with nausea, Rhus v.; as if head wrere enlarged to three times its size, IKali iod. gg&~ beating, knock- ing, pounding, throbbing. Forehead, passes hand across : Lyss. Forehead, headache: Amyl, Apoc,IArs, I Ars. i, Asar, Bapt, Bell, ICarbol. ac, ICham, • Chen, a. Chin, a. Chin, s., ICurar, ICycl, ■Elaps, I IGuaiac, IGels, Gymn, 11 Hydras, llris,ILac c,ILyevir,Lyss, IMere cor, INatr. m, HOp, Petrol, IPlumb, 11 Ptel, IIPuls, IIRob, ISang, Sep, I ISil, Sinap, Stann, USticta, IISul., ISyph, 11 Tell., I ITubere, Uran n, Vace, Variol, Ver. v.; worse in anterior half, llris; with tearing in arms and hands, ICale p.; on awaking, going off after getting up and washing, ISul.;better infreshair, Tarant; of businessmen, lArg. met.; in catarrh, IILyc; with pain in chest and nausea, Asim.; in chorea, IMygale; chronic, worse sitting, study- ing, sewing, better standing, working, could not attend school, llris; during climaxis, Sars.; coma and delirium, difficult deglutition, nau- sea and bilious vomiting, Crotal.; with chill, lEup. pur.; worse in large company, IPlumb.; in coryza, I Aur. met; fluent coryza, IMed.; caused by cough (phthisis), ICale; w^orse coughing, 11 Sticta; causes depression of spirits, Sarrae; with dizziness, Xan.; and dimness of vision (dysmenorrhoea), ILaur.; with desire for cold, acid drinks, Eup. pur.; with stinging in left ear, changing at times to right, Bor.; af- ter eating, Ars. h, with heat, Calend.; worse after dinner and in evening, Calc. s.; with sour eructations, Pic. ae; when he exerts himself, Zing.; heaviness in eyes and nausea, IIAloe; with pain back of eyes, Kob.; pressure, as if eyes would be forced out, IMed.; dull, heavy pressure behind eyes, ITherid.; worse turning eyes upward, I ILac c; must close eyes, Calc; especially over eyes, worse laughing, talking, or stooping, Zing.; with flushed face, sore throat (diphtheria in alternation with Bell.), IKaol.; preceded by hot flushes, I IMelil.; ex- tending into cheek bones, I ISang.; with sting- ing, darting, Stilling.; all day, with cold feet, IFerr. mur.; in hepatic typhus, IChel.; flying pains, yEsc. h.; with weakness in forehead, Psor.; chronic, worse in forenoon (suppressed itch), ICale; slight, in forenoon, V.ib.; in- volves gradually whole head, worse from vomiting, 11 Selen.; through head, worse vertex, afterward head felt bruised, ILac def; increasing, with feeling of heaviness, as if head would fall forward, INatr. m.; when suddenly turning head, INatr. e; with heat, in intermittent, IIPuls.; in in- fluenza, lEuphor.; with lassitude, better in open air, Carbol. ae; worse from light, 11 Ca- lab.; left side, Asar.; left side worse, lAnt c; from left to right, Carbol. ac; worse lying on back, Calc; during menses, Amm. c; with profuse menses, Crotal.; chronic, worse from mental exertion, Plumb.; in suppressed itch, ICale; before midnight, with pain in chest, as from an internal ulcer in sternum, IPuls.; after midnight (typhoid pneumonia), 11 Lac c; in morning, Ars. i, ISul, Zing.; on awaking, worse after rising, Lyss.; begins on awaking, increases as day advances, better by sleep at night, extending gradually to vertex and in- volving entire cerebrum, with constant ver- tigo, worse from motion, mental exertion, espe- cially school-work and going up stairs (brain fag), I IPic. ae; in morning on rising, I liber.; worse from motion, Elaps.; with nausea, Aloe, IGlon, IMed.; and loss of appetite, I liber.; worse while nausea remains, Petrol.; in acute desquamative nephritis, ICoccus; followed,and better by nosebleed, IFerr. ph.; violent, when nasal discharge suddenly dries up, ILach.; with thick plugs of nasal secretion, IMere iod. flav.; extends to nose, ICale p., IMed.; to occiput, Camph, Chloral, I ISul.; with ozaena (scrofula, mercurio syphilis), 11 Aur. met; in paralysis, Curar.; chronic, periodic, IKreo.; violent, periodic, ISil.; in pneumonia, IChel.; better by pressure, Clem, Tarant.; better by strong pressure (albuminuria), ILye vir.; m right half, during apyrexia (tertian ague) IPuls.; in right side, with sensation as if eyes would be forced out of head, worse in right eye, with menses, I ISang.; on rising, Calc, Eryng.; worse in rest, Cie; in sick headache, IPhyt.; better by smoking, Diad.; in spermatorrhoea, IPhos.; in affection of spine, ILach.; with fulness in stomach and belching, IChim. m.; shooting at intervals in right temple, IIKali bi.; during stool, Apis; worse from stooping, IBry., ICale, Elaps.; during sweat (ague), I ISep.; wrorse in temples, extends to back of left eyeball, worse on moving eyes, Badiag.; in ulcerated throat, ILye; in tonsil- litis, lApis; with toothache and earache, Bor.; continued to vertex and occiput, Diad.; with vertigo, Carbo v., IPlumb.; on rising from sit- ting, Sang.; almost incapacitates for study, fre- quent and profuse urine, Vib.; with vomiting, Ver. v.; worse on walking, Ustil, in open air, Calc; worse in warmth, Calc Forehead, heat; Alum, Arund, Badiag, Croc, I IChel, Diad, Elat, IGels, INux m.; after- noon, Niccol.; burning, ISpong.; as of a hot body having descended into it when stooping, ?rKali e; congestive, IPuls.; with burning in chest, ICrotal.; with chill over whole body, 11 Natr. m.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICup. m.; between attacks in epilepsy, ILach.; in headache, IDiad.; tensive, before vertigo, IINux v.; in infraorbital neuralgia caused by mental work (smallpox), Variol.; worse from 104 3. INNER HEAD. motion, ICrotal.; during night, IIAngust; when reading (smallpox), I IVar.; standing or sitting, better in open air, Alum.; worse walk- ing, Camph. 8@-burning. Forehead, heaviness: yEsc. h, yEthus, Amyg, I Amyl, I Ant. c, lArs, I Ars. s. r, Aspar, Bapt, Bism, IIBry, ICarbo a, ICham, ICie, IColoe, Gamb, Hep, IKali iod., lOxal. ac, Niccol, Nitr. sp. d.; in ague, llpec; afternoon, Niccol.; as if brain would fall forward, with stoppage of nose, Grat; confused, Arn.; with constipation, INux v.; no stool for several days (fissure ani), IHam.; with coryza, Jacar, IINux v.; after dinner, lAmm. e; can hardly open eyes, All. sat; worse over eyes, worse moving or lying down, slightly better in open air, Chloral.; with dull sensation over eyes, and continual throbbing most marked on each side of head (fainting spells), ILac def; as if something heavy fell into forehead if he holds head down, INux v.; after fright, I IRhus t; in left half, Cund.; during menses, with feeling as if eyelid would be drawn back, in evening, Zinc; in morning, after rising, and during day, Amm. m.; in morning, as if she had not slept sufficiently, Niccol.; with mo- roseness, yEthus.; neuralgia, ICoccion.; with nosebleed, IKreo.; pressing, INux m.; as if everything would push out, IIAcon.; on stoop- ing, ICarbo a.; in heat of sun, Brom.; in up- per part, Ferr. s.; worse raising head, after sleep, after talking, better sitting, or lying with head high, ISul.; worse reading and writing, ICale; worse walking, Camph. 8gT* dulness, weight. Forehead, heavy pain: Canth, Chim. m, IPhyt, Puis.; alternating with throbbing and jerking, Lyss.; extending to back, sometimes all over head, comes on any time of day, ILach.; severe across forehead, lAmyl.; over eyes, worse moving and lying down, slightly better in open air, Chloral.; dull, lUran. n.; in morning (acute neuralgia), ILac e; worse in motion, Chloral.; dull, with nausea, llris; first in right side, extends more and more toward left side, Sabad.; from reading or writing, worse stooping Eryng.; passing around from temple to temple, just above eyebrows, ILobel. i.; worse walk- ing and stooping, Rhus v.; like waves, 11 Ant.t. 8@°aching, dull pain. Forehead, as if left half were higher than right half: Cund. Forehead, itching: Anac, Alum, Aur. mur, Pallad.; evening in bed, Zinc; severe, IISul.; better pinching skin, Ars. m.; in tertian inter- mittent, HSep.; scraping, Bell. Forehead, jerking: cutting, to middle of brain, in short intervals, after lying down, Camph.; especially after eating, ICham,; in left, in evening, Alum.; in left, half an hour after ris- ing, IColoe; painful, through left, leaving dull pressure, worse during rest, better from motion, IStann.; pressure in middle of; renewed by suddenly turning around, stooping or talking, Sil.; shooting backward, HPrun.; single, un- dulating, violent jerks of pressing headache, Sep.; in right side, towards interior and back part of head, Cann. i. 8^* darting, lacerat- ing, neuralgic, tearing. Forehead, knocking: with congestion to head, ISpong. BgT" throbbing. Forehead, lacerating: Bov, Guaiae; when leaning head against something or when lying on back, IINux v.; excited or made worse by feeling heart or stooping, Ipec. Forehead, lancinating: Ast. r., ICup. ac. Cup. m, Ferr.; worse in right side, Ananth.; worse stooping. Forehead, feels as large again : INux m. Forehead, as if top of head were lifted up : Diose Forehead, lightness across : on stooping, worse in morning, IKali bi. Forehead, sensation like an inability to fix mind on any subject: Con. Forehead, motion; as of something moving, Lyss.; to and fro, almost as if head were moving to and fro, Phell. Forehead, muscles ; painful sensation, compels him to wrinkle, Viol. Forehead, as if a nail were being driven in: llgn. Forehead, neuralgic pain: yEsc. h., IChel, IPlat, Thuya; intermittent (prosopalgia), I IVer.; in left, over eye, Uamb.; paroxysms, returning every eight, twelve, fourteen, or twenty-one days, ICoccion.; periodic, over either eyebrow, commences 9 a.m., worse till noon, when it declines and passes off at 3 p.m., returns morning at 9, IStram.; worse stooping, Iod. 8^ jerking, tearing. Forhead, numbness: IFluor. ac, I IMur. ac; as if constricted, in a warm, crowded room, soon increasing to violent, dull, burrowing compres- sion, with fretful impatience and heat in upper part of body, especially in head, as if anxious sweat would break out, 11 Plat.; to root of nose, Bar. c; tensive, as after a blow, extend- ing to nasal bone, I IPlat.; worse in morning when awaking and when lying, better from exercising in open air and wrapping up head, IMagn. m. Forehead, fronto-occipital : headache (morbus Brightii), ILye vir. Forehead, oppressive pain: with delirium, lAgar.; stupefying, reeling, Sabad. 8^" dull, heavy. Forehead, pain (undefined) : Ailant, Ant. a. Ant. t, Ars. h., Ars. s. r, Arund, Bor, Brach, Calad, Card, m, ICepa, Chim. m., Cupr. s, Elaps, Erig, Form, IGels., IGlon., llpec, IKali iod, Lyss, INux v., ISpong.; above, I Chim. m.; better from motion in open air, IMagn. m.; awaking with, Myr. cer.; ex- tending back, IPhyt; better lying quietly on back (emansio mensium), IDig.; contracts brows (aphonia\ ICaust.; like a boil, midnight till morning, IHep.; pinching in bowels, INatr. s.; with catarrh, ICepa, chronic nasophar- yngeal, INatr. a.; in centre, ICrotal.; with chill, Ars. h, 11 Lact. ac; constant pain, ILac def; in coryza, ISabad.; from coughing, lAscl. t; in bronchitis, Hod.; in delirium tremens, I IStram.; diffused in upper part, worse on right side, extends to base of brain with soreness, Xan.; extends to right ear, Tereb.; with ringing in ears, Cact; after eating, IKali e; in epileptiform eclampsia, ICed.; with copious thick expectoration, chilliness, vomiting, loss of appetite, loose stools, sleep- lessness and restlessness (influenza) IPuls.; in evening by candlelight, with burning and pressure in eyes, Croc; towards evening with vertigo, ICycl.; extends to eyes, sharp violent, better by warmth, scalp tender where pain is worst, IISul.; must close eyes, or if looking, 3. INNER HEAD. 105 make aperture of lids small, 11 Aloe; causes dimness of sight Eryng.; dark spots before eyes, Cact; eyelids swollen in morning (cili- ary neuralgia), ICrotal.; worse over left eye (catarrh of frontal sinuses), ICup. m.; excor- iating, on awaking, 2 a.m., lAct. rac; with stitches in left side of face, ISang.; at 10 a.m., Lact. ac; frequent, IIPuls.; worse when shak- ing head, IGlon.; chronic, must hold head and eyes down, lApis ; with rush of blood to head, IIMerc. cor.; with heat after eating, Calend.; with flying heat and sweat in morning, Oxal. ac; with general heat, alternating with crampy pain in chest, Lachn.; in hysteria, ICed.; in- creasing, till evening, Ammoniac; increasing for fifteen minutes, then decreasing, I IPuls.; with indigestion (suppression of itch), ICale; in iritis, ICinch.; with lassitude, worse in morn- ing (suppression of itch), ICale; cause lachry- mation (acute neuralgia), ILac c; in left side, I Ant. c, Calc. s, IKali bi.; extending deep into brain, in paroxysms, Plant.; deep in left, back of inner corner of eye and higher than eyebrow, extends down toward left and deeper in like a curve or drawn bowrstring, Ars. s. f; in left, with melancholy, I Aur. met.; with disordered liver, IMere; is more severe in left eye and ear, extending through occiput, worse by pressure with hand, IMenyanth.; in un- developed measles, lAmm.e; during menses, Brom.; in morning, Aur. mur. nat; worse lying on left side and back, better and going off when turning on right side, and after ris- ing, ICinnab.; on awaking, extends to back of head, IKali bi.; when awaking, worse after rising, Kalm.; lying in bed, worse drinking wine, worse in wet cold weather, better rising and moving, Rhod.; in morning in ophthalmia, lApoe; worse from motion, I IPhos. ac, or exertion (cerebrospinal pains), lOxal ac.; with nausea, Kob.; after a light breakfast (headache), ILac def; better from nausea, I ILye vir.; seems to meet and go down nose, Cup. ars.; to root of nose, worse in morning On rising, Ptel.; to root of nose, with rotary vertigo, IIPuls.; at noon, Chin, s.; with nose- bleed, ICina; extends to occiput, Arum m.; involving whole occiput in evening, I I Paris; extends to occiput,intense distracting, unbear- able (sick headache), ILac def.; with numbness in occiput, ILach.; worse when pain in occiput is better, I Amyl.; with pallor (suppression of itch), ICale; in paroxysms, with stuffing up of nose, IMar. v.; with photophobia, IChel.; with photophobia, blepharitis, astigmatism, ILil. tig.; flies to, with photophobia, Tarant.; with pressure from within out, Bry.; better by strong pressure, IBell.; in right, Ars. h.; worse in right (diarrhoea), lApis; in right (inter- mittent), ICarbo v.; in right during morning, IMere sul.; severe, principally in anterior part and eyes, worse stooping and walking, better from pressure (dysmenorrhoea), 11 Sabina; ' shooting, into eyes (right), IPhos.; when sit- ting, Cinch.; after sleep (epileptic), I IOp.; makes him stand still while walking, better pressing strongly on parts, IBell.; with un- easiness in stomach, Kob.; extending to temples and occiput, worse toward evening (chronic cephalagia), lArn.; with dry slimy tongue, ICale; worse stooping, Kob.; tender to touch, worse in evening, Bufo.; worse from | touch (iritis), IMere; in left side, became throbbing, particularly when working, caused tears to flow, IKali e; changes to throbbing in vertex on assuming upright position (diph- theria), ILach.; goes to vertex, then to occi- put, then settled on top of head, seemed intol- erable, better by squeezing both hands upon side of head, I IZinc; with vertigo, IINux v.; with vertigo and nausea, could not sit up, worse from raising head, Pic. ac.; better by sponging with cold water, IISul.; better by force of will, Lil. tig. Forehead, penetrating pain : down to nose, ?rAur. mur. Forehead, periodic pain: as if head would burst, with efforts to vomit and rarely vomit- ing (headache), ILac. def; with stuffed nose, IMar. v.; in right side, I INatr. s.; from eight to ten days, lElaps.; every six weeks, worse from motion and in fresh air, better from strong pressure and wrapping up head (cephalalgia), IIMagn. m. Forehead, piercing pain: IKreo.; from within outward to wardsmiddle,more upward, I IGlon. Forehead, pinching: in a small spot, deep, Jamb. Forehead, pounding up into head (chronic co- ryza) and with inflammation of frontal sinuses (chronic catarrh): I ISil. 8®" beating, knocking, throbbing. Forehead, pressure (painful): Aeon., lAloe, Amb, Ammoniac, Ant t, lArg. met, Ars. h. Arum. t. Aspar, Aur., IBar. c, IBell, Berb, Benz. ae, Bism, Bor, Brach, Cain, Camph, 11 Carb. s, ICarbo v., Cast, eq., Castor,ICham, Chin, a. Cinch., ICinnab, Coccus, Cycl, Euph, Inul, Lyss, IMagn. c, Merc, sol, INatr. m, INitr.ac, I IPhyt, 11 Rhod, Sang, ISpong, Verbas, Zing.;aching, Lactu.v.; from current of air, Anag.; as if pressed asunder, with pressure on eyeballs, and sleepiness, better evening and entering a room from cold air or vice versa, IRan. b.; awakens 5 a.m., 11 Stann.; backward, Anac; benumbing, Calc; as of a board against, I IDulc, Plat, ISul.; as if bones were lifted up, IBell.; as if front half of brain would come through forehead, IMed.; in middle as if brain would fall out while straining at stool, Ratan.; as if brain had not enough room when rising in morning, a forcing outward, better after washing and eating, Psor.; as if brain would be pressed out just above orbits, obliges him to lie down, IBell.; feeling of a heavy substance pressing upon brain becomes sharp and darting, almost unendurable, Stilling.; as if it would burst, IFerr.; particularly after eating, INatr. s.; with catarrh in frontal sinus, ICale; as if it would burst, worse after eating, walking in open air, better from pressure and in warm room, lAmm. e; during chill (inter- mittent), lArs.; in choroiditis, ICed.; com- pressed behind and above, yEthus.; dull, com- pressed feeling, Ailant.; compression in left, Coccul.; compression from margins of orbits to temples, Cann. s.; as if compressed, in a warm room, Aeon.; compressive sensation, with anguish and restlessness, obliging one to leave bed, IColoe; compressed, as if screwed together, ISul.; constrictive, worse from mo- tion, excitement or rising eyes, IParis ; and contracting pain, Aeon.; as if coryza would appear, Coloe; in coryza, IIMerc; as if parts were crushed by a violent concussion, extends • 106 3. INNER HEAD. over forehead and cheekbone, lArn.; deep in, IGraph.; after dinner, Agar.; worse after dinner (chlorotic cephalalgia), I IZinc; dull, I IZinc; with confusion, INatr. m.; with feeling of fulness, Ustil.; dull, with nausea, yEsc h.; dull, makes thought difficult, Zinc; in dysmenorrhoea, ICycl.; with stitches passing inward, in both ears, Lyss.; causes eyes to be drawn shut while walking, j better sitting, lying down, worse rising or going into open air, Bell.; extends into eyes, Asar, IKali e ; extending into eyes and root of nose, IKali c; as if eyes would be pressed out, IPhos.; above eyes, Cist.; in eyeballs, lids can only be raised with exertion and pain, could no longer read, INatr. m.; into eyes, with pressure in stomach to liver, left ribs and back, IKali c; as if it would push out, worse morning when rising, better in fresh air, I ISabina ; she cannot keep eyes open, better walking in open air, I Coral.; extending into eyes, with heat in face and head (sick headache, blepharitis, catarrhal fever), SKali e; extends to eves toward end of chill, worse opening eyes and from motion, I Ars.; extend- ing to orbits, sore moving eyes, IChel.; as from stupefying constriction, drawing in orbits, worse evening at rest and in open air, better movement, in room and from changing position, Val.; commencing over eyes, spread- ing upward to coronal suture, I Arg. nit.; with pressing eyes outward, Lye vir.; worse over eyes, iCard. m.; with pam in eyes, in fore- noon, Zinc; toward eyes, Aspar.; as from a heavy weight over eyes, Sil.; weighing down eyelids, ICarbo v.; worse moving eyebrows, Coloc; with hot face, Ang.; as if some- thing would fall out, Cinch.; during fever, IKali e; in puerperal fever, worse from mo- tion, I IPlat; worse from weight of hat, ICarbo v.; with heat and prostration, Lyss.; with heatat 9 a.m., increases till midday, disap- pears 4 p.m., of several months' duration (head- ache), H Sul.; in typhoid fever, I Apis, HPhos.; during heat (intermittent), lArs.; in intermit- tent, IFerr.; as if flattened, Coral.; right side, with giddiness and chill after dinner, better toward evening, Coca ; followed in a few minutes by sticking in forehead, and especially over orbits, soon sticking changes into pressure, and so on in constant alterna- tion, sticking is like a darting, tearing, as if it would pierce eye from within outward, I Val.; as from a tight hat, Alum.; with heat in head and flashes of heat, IKali e; extending over whole head, particularly in vertex and occiput, with constant roaring in ears, with confusion and heaviness of head (rheumatism), ILye; with confusion of head, ISul.; with congestion to head, especially when smoking, IMagn. e; with congestion to head, ISpong.; with dul- ness in head, Zinc. ; like a heavy load on forepart, I IStram.; dull, heavy, lAilant, increasing during day, Sticta ; heavy, with belching and nausea, Calc; heavy, especially on stooping, IParis ; as if it would be pressed in, worse motion, Bapt; from without in- ward, ILach., Zinc; gradually increasing and decreasing, I IPlat, I I Stann.; without inwards, worse riding in a wagon, reading and thinking, from eating, drinking and sleeping, better during rest indoors, ICoccul.; as if pressed in at night and morning, worse on exposing head to cold air, IINux v.; pain as if everything would issue on stooping, IBell.; with irritable mood during and after dinner, Mar. v.; in jerks, from without, over head, Anac; in left side, Brach.; worse in left, Lye vir, ISars.;especially leftside, worse open air, after dinner, Seneg.; in left side, changing to shooting, IHyos.; with stitches in left side, ISars.; on lying down, Calend, Chim. m.; on back, IColoe; maddening, outward pressing, presses head against wall, ILyss.; in measles, lEuph.; menses absent two and a half months, ICycl.; before menses, ISil.; before and during menses (dysmenorrhoea), 11 Nux v.; during menses, ISul.; during menses, with dis- charge of offensive,hardened matter from nose, Sep.; in emansio mensium, IDig.; from mental exertion, Anac, IDig.; returns 4 p.m., seventh day, with uneasiness of mind when reading or thinking, Lyss.; in morning, Ant. t, INux v., IPhos. ac. Zinc; in morning on awaking, and in evening, Anac; morning after rising, and afternoon, during menses, ISul.; morningwith drawing in eyes as if strabismus would follow, Pod.; with morning headache, Psor.; worse from motion, Agnus, 11 Aph.ch, Arn, 11 Stann, with restlessness, ISul.; with nausea, Carb.s, and belching, ICale; pain, accompanied by slight nausea, with cold sweat, and feeling of weakness, IPhyt; worse at night, Ars. h.; in neuralgia, ICoccion.; until noon, wdth dul- ness in head in morning, ISul.; into nose, ICale; before nosebleed, ICroe, Sabina; with discharge of plugs from nose during menses, ISep, ISil.; pain above root of nose, must bend head forward, followed by qualmish- ness, llgn.; toward root of nose, worse after rising, Amm. in.; with stoppage of nose, ICaust.; caused momentary numbness (affec- tion of sympathetic nervous system), I IPhos.; as if brain were pressed out, I Bry.; as though pressure from occiput would force brain out, ICaps.; outward, Alum, lAmyl, Amm. e, I Asaf, Benz. ac, IBry, ICamph, I IChel, I IDros, INux m, Oleand, Stann, Verbas.; obliging him to move head from one side to other, better for a short time by almost com- plete uncovering of burning hot body, Coral.; outward, first left, then right, ICimex ; out- ward, worse stooping, Bry.; outward, as if all would prolapse, Benz. ae; as of a plug on right side, Jacar.; with photophobia, IKali e; better from pressure with hand, I ISpig.; pulsative pain, Ruta ; pushing outward, 11 Amm. c; in right, lArs.; I IChel, Colch, Hydr. ac, Lith, I IStaph.; increasing and decreasing in right half, ICham.; first in right then in left, Colch.; extends into right eye, llgn.; in right, above eyebrow, llgn.; in right, sometimes extending to occiput, Coccus ; on rising, IStram.; sharp, in upper part of left side, I Hod.; upon a small spot in middle, in evening, Zinc; sharp, morn- ing on awaking, afterward becomes a simple pressure in temples, Zinc; as if skull were toofull, with nausea, or sour, slimy vomiting, IINatr. ph.; with sleepiness, Zinc; after smoking, Calad.; as if it would split, I/Ethus.; in a small spot, deep in, Jamb.; in small spots, worse m leftside, Psor.;afterstitch,Lachn.;as from a stone, better by laying head down and stooping, ill humor, whining, IBell.; as from. • INNER HEAD. 107 a stone, with hot head, worse evening, ICham.; as from a stone every morning, with vertigo, IKali c; when stooping, or moving head, in afternoon, Lyss.; worse from stooping,IColoe, Spig.; can scarcely stoop, IBry.; with stupe- faction, Calad, ICinch.; with nausea, Dros.; stupefying, with confusion of senses and dul- nessof whole head, while reading,alsoinchronic coryza, 11 Calc; stupefying, worse in room, I INatr.c;after beinginsun, Actsp.; aftersun- set, with heat on top of head, better by press- ure, during quiet and while lying down, worse when thinking, INatr. s.; tension, Bell., in right side, IBell.; with thirst, mostly in morn- ing, INatr. s.; throbbing, every morning (epi- lepsy), I ISul.; extends to vertex and jaw, Lyss.; with vertigo, ICoccul, Grat.; in influ- enza, I Ant. t; on walking, ascending stairs, reading, or reflecting, Arn.; while walking in afternoon, with peevishness, I IKali c; worse near a warm stove, Arn.; wavelike, in left half, Asaf; with weeping and vexation, Bell.; like a weight, worse bending head down, better from pressure, INatr. m. 8@?~ constrictive, dull, heavy, tensive. Forehead, pricking: Arund., Lil. tig.; from rush of blood, 11 Viol.; with giddiness, worse stooping, in evening, cannot sleep until 1 or 2 a.m. (after checked diarrhcea), I ISul.; as of pins, Aur. met, ICepa; in skin, I ILil. tig. 8§r stinging. Forehead, protuberance : 8€iT* eminence. Forehead, racking pain : with heat of face and head, and great desire to hurry business, Ptel. Forehead, raging pain: IMere sol. Forehead, rending. Bgjf tearing. Forehead, rheumatic pain : of right, with nau- sea, pain worse in morning, IPhyt. Forehead, roughness : sensation of, Pallad. Forehead, sensitive : Zinc; to dry cold air, ICarbo a. Forehead, sharp pain : above eye, worse above right, Natr. a.; when riding in sharp cold wind, 1 p.m., Ars.i.; beginning in right side, shooting like lightning through brain coming out at occiput, IPrun.; worse stooping, Iodof. Forehead, pain as if shattered: Stann. Forehead, shocks: painful, worse forenoon and evening, Sul. ae; with sputum in morn- ing of yellow or blood-stained mucus, INatr. m.; sudden, Crocus. Forehead, shooting: yEsc. h. Apis, Berb, Cinnab, Eryng, ISpig.; before falling with vertigo, IKali c; with fever lasting for an hour (ague), IIPuls.; in hectic fever, HPhos.; in left only by day, till last night, when it prevented sleep, shooting goes obliquely down- ward and sometimes backward, IMere per.; on one side, generally left, or passing from left to right, with nausea, llris ; from out in, IColoe; pressing (coryza), I Aeon.; in right side, worse toward evening, rest, cold air, coughing, better from moderate motion, lllris; under skin, Chel.; sudden, extends to eyes, Berb. 8®" darting, lancinating. Forehead, shuddering: Castor. Forehead, frontal sinuses : as if air forced it- self into, Zinc; catarrh, Berb, Bry.j ICale, ICup. m, IKali m, chronic, IKali iod.; ca- tarrhal affection in coryza, IIMerc; chronic coryza, I ISil.; coryza, with hot,burning, pro- fuse lachrymation, IVerb.; dull pain, Cochl.; in right, afternoon, Bapt.; continual dull pain across, with extreme sensibility of cartilages of ear and nose, Zinc; fulness, Cochl.; dull, heavy feeling over, IIPuls, in morning, Ars. met.; inflammation with catarrhal head- ache, IKali iod.; inflamed with pounding and throbbing in forehead (chronic ca- tarrh), HSil.; severe pain with dry cough and pain in chest, ISang.; pain in right, after catch- ing cold during attack of coryza, worse in morning, near fire, IINux v.; pressure, Ars. h, ICimex; dull pressure, Hod.; pressure like with the point of little finger in right, later in left, Ars. h.; sore, Cochl.; sticking in left, Verb.; jerking stitches, I IKali iod.; stuffed feeling (hay catarrh), 11 Sticta; tearing, Kali iod.; tightness over, I ICarbol. ae; ulcerations, Hippoz.; involved by ulceration of inner nose, IKali iod.; uneasy feeling, Cochl. Forehead, smarting in skin of: Jalap. Forehead, soreness; daily 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Cina; better temporarily by rubbing, I Ars.; small spots, IParis; as if in brain, worse stoop- ing, Bapt.; in frontal bone, Sarrae Forehead, spasmodic pain: to vertex after tak- ing cold, Calc. Forehead, splitting pain: Ant. c, 11 Oleand.; as if it were split, wakes at night, 11 Vace; on going into cold wind, ILac c; with cough, ISticta; as if it would split in two in median line, from root of nose to top of head, Vace 8@f bursting, pressure. Forehead, small, painful spot: Bry. Forehead, squeezing pain: Plat.; above root of nose, as if she would lose reason, worse in open air, I Aeon. Forehead, stabbing: felt as if, with knives (headache), I IThuya; forehead to occiput, three violent stabs, IBell.; from upper part down to centre of head, as if knives were be- ing thrust into brow, worse motion (headache), ILach. Forehead, sticking : lArn, Camph, Coccion, Crot t, Sil.,Zinc;evening, in bed, Zinc; espe- cially over orbits, like a darting tearing, as if it would pierce eyes from within outward, changes in pressure and so on in constant alternation, I Val.; and drawing to occiput (amaurosis), I Elaps; pressive, in left side, extends to right, worse opening eyes, Sil.; as of needles stuck in, Caula.; sudden, toward nose, IColoe; with a tearing as if head would burst, or sharp tearing in skin of left, above eyebrow, Zinc; with ver- tigo in afternoon, Stront. 8^"* pricking, stinging. Forehead, stinging ; ICycl.; with and continu- ing after shaking chill, Mang.; extending to eyes, towards end of chill, worse opening eyes and on motion (intermittent), lArs.; fine, llpec; in typhus, I Apis ; during heat (inter- mittent) I Ars.; with dry, thirstless heat all night, ICamph.; in middle, Ars. s. f.; from within outward,Ign. 8^°pricking, sticking. Forehead, stitches: yEsc. h., Arn, Berb, Cycl, IElaps,Ipec,IMerecor, ILach, I IPuls.; above, Berb.; in inflammation of brain, I IPuls.; with chilliness on nape of neck and back, Sil.; with cough, Arn.;dull,iEsc h.; frequent dull, or like electric sparks, ICham.; into ear, Cepa ; into left eyeK Ant. t; into eyes,IKali e; distort face, extend into left eye and ear, every five min- utes, day and night, I ISep.; during puerperal 108 3. INNER HEAD. fever, IColoe, Kali c; fine but violent, Zingib.; better from heat, and raising head, IKali e; in hysteria, better lying down and by pressure, ILye; in jaundice, I ISep.; into upper jaw, Cepa ; as from a knife, Tereb.; pressing boring in left half in morning from within outward, woke him twice, lasts a minute, Staph.; over entire left, externally, Cepa; intermittent, fine, needlelike, in left side, Verbas.; in left, better from pressure and in open air, 11 Puis.; in left, daily, half an hour after rising, IColoe; worse from moving head, eyes or jaws, IKali c; with nausea, better lying down, Sep.; as of needles, Cepa; in left, Mangan.; external, needlelike, in right, Ars. s. f; into nose, especially after drinking something cold, Dig.; frequent, one-sided, I ISep.; from without in, IColoe, continuous, in left, from within out, Lachn.; flying, from within out, mornings or at noon, Con.; from within out, worse eat- ing or stooping, better pressing head or mov- ing about, ISul.; from within out, worse evening and on touching hair (syphilis),IMere cor.; fine prickling, when becoming warm, Sabad.; sharp, from within out, Senecio; in ovaritis, IPlat.; with paroxysmal burning in ovaries, 11 Plat.; as if with pins in skin, Calad.; in right, Ars. s. f, Calc. a, Coccul, IGlon, Squilla, as if in bone, 11 Nux v.; sensitive across, every few minutes, Atrop.; sharp, externally in left,Tarax.; when stooping, Cycl.; worse stoop- ing IKali c; to teeth of same side, Cepa ; ex- tend into teeth, 11 Puis.; from temples, ISpong.; with vertigo, melancholy and prostration, 11 Natr. e; with vertigo, before he falls, IKali c. 8®" lancinating, sticking. Forehead, stupefaction : IColoe, Hep. g)gg~ dulness, confusion. Forehead, stupefying pain: Bov, Euphor.; pressing, with obstruction of nose, I IDulc; pressing, while reading, ICale; with somno- lency, IPhos. ae; in upper part, Hyos.; worse at rest, Cie 8®° dull pain. Forehead, surging: with vertigo, I IPsor.; like waves of pain, rolling up and beating against frontal bone, with headache, Sep. Forehead, swashing sensation: when shaking head, Cina. Forehead, as if ice cold sweat were on, which is not there: IGlon. Forehead, feeling as if swollen: above eyes (headache), 11 Tuberc. Forehead, tearing pain : Act. sp, Amb, Ant. c, IBerb, Bry, ICale p., Camph, ICham, Coc- cion. Coccus, Con, ?rCup. m, IGraph., llgn., ILach, IINatr. e, Sil., ISpig, ISul.; above, Berb ; better in open air, 11 Aur. met.; inflam- mation of brain, IIPuls.; burning, day and night, ILye; in coryza, IIMerc; as if coryza would appear, Coloe; drawing, extending into eyes and root of nose, IKali e; after eating, Inul.; during supper, Zinc; particularly around eyes and nose, affected parts sensitive to touch, as if a blister had been applied (headache), IISul.; outward; during heat (intermittent), lArs.; in hysteria, better lying down and by pressure, ILye; in left, IColoe; daily, half an hour after rising, IColoe; left to right, Lachn.; before and during menses, ICinnab.; from mental exertion, Anac; in middle, Cain.; from middle toward left side, Lyss.; as if forehead would be torn out at night, I IHep.; nightly, IPlumb.; worse at night, Thuya; worse even- ing and night, IMere; from within outward, worse eating or stooping, better pressing head or moving about, ISul.; in recurrent parox- ysms, ICham.; pressure, Stann.; in right half at intervals, Stann.; in right, Arum t; as if in bones, I INux v.; in upper right, Osm, Sep.; sticking into cheek, ICham.; sticking, with violent ineffectual inclination to sneeze, Zinc; stitchlike in right, near temporal region, I IMenyanth.; excited by stooping, Asar.; in small spot, near temple, ICarbo v.; tensive, especially beneath frontal eminence, extends toward orbits, Spig.; thrustlike, worse in right frontal eminence, causing involuntary fixing of eyes on object at which he is looking while standing and sitting, Spig.; uninterrupted twitching, at times sawing in right side as if nerves were being torn out by a fine instru- ment, extends over eye and into malar bone, I ISpig.; with vertigo, melancholy and prostra- tion , 11 Natr. c. Forehead, tension (tightness) : Apis, I IKalic, INatr. m, Paris, I ISep, Zinc; across, like a band, I ICarbol. ae; over, as from a rubber band, Coca; as if bandaged, or in a hoop, worse at night in bed, better after rising, or when laying hand on it, IIMerc.; with coryza, ISul. ae; with vibratory, shaking sensation, when stepping hard, ISil.; in scalp, ICale p., ICarbo a, Jacea; as if skin were drawn tight, Brach, Cann. i, INitr. ae; of skin, as if be- numbed, Berb.; skin tight, closing eyes or wrinkling brows, worse left side, Anag.; skin as if too tight, frequently only on one side, worse from change of temperature and while eating,better after eating, with anxiety,IPhos.; with wrinkles in skin, Grat; as from a vise, IPuls.; with weakness of body, Sil. Forehead, tensive pain : Benz. ac, Coloe, IINux v, IPlat; as of a band above eyes (acute rheumatism), IChel.; as if brain were in one lump, worse after eating and sitting bent, better sitting up, lying high with head and in cold, Ant. t; in coryza, IIMerc; as if skin had grown fast,with tension in eyes, Sa- bina. 8@^° band, constriction, pressing. Forehead, throbbing (beating, pulsating) : Ars, Brach, Canth, IIGlon, ILvc,IMagn.c,IMere iod.flav,INatr.m, I IPuls, ISil, ISpong, I I The- rid, Zinc; awakes with (epileptoid), I ITarant; with rush of blood, Grat.; of bloodvessels, IBell.; in catarrh,Gymn.; with chilliness, Sil.; during cough, Hep.; dull in right,worse toward evening, rest, cold air, coughing, better from moderate motion, I llris ; after eating, Inul.; with fever (ague), llpec; with heatand brown redness of face, IKreo.; in typhoid, I Apis, I IPhos.; before heat( quartan fever), IIRhus; during heat (intermittent), I Ars.; after heat (quartan fever), I IRhus; in forenoon, 9 a.m., Diosc; with inflammation of frontal sinuses (chronic catarrh), HSil.; up into head (chronic coryza), I ISil.;withcongestiontohead,ISpong.; from left side of head, IKreo.; with hunger, after fever (ague), I IPuls.; inleft,IAcon, lArg. nit. ;better by pressure, worse wal ki ng, I yEthus.; in left, better from pressure and in open air, IIPuls.; during menses, Calc. p.; in emansio mensium, IDig.; in morning, ICanth ■ on awaking, with heat in face, I IKreo.; extends to neck, Lyss.: all night, with dry, thirstless 3. INNER HEAD. 109 heat, ICamph.; with nosebleed, IKreo.; over root of nose, with heat, Camph.; to occiput, followed by spasms in epigastrium, extending from right to left, also to back in paroxysms, ICon.; extends into occiput, with frontal headache, I ITherid.; to occiput, sticking, jerking, "Pry.; generally in left, or pass- ing from left to right, with nausea, llris ; in right, Ars. s. f; in right, worse evening, sitting bent, warmth, better sitting up, and in cold, lAnt. t.; with vertigo, melancholy, and pros- tration, I I Natr. c; worse at night, better after riding, IMere;painful, ICale, Cann. i, ICaps., IDig, IGlon, IKalm, IStram.;extends to eye- balls, worse on mental exertion, by moving about, Vib.; with nausea, I INatr. m.; painful, extending into occiput, I ITherid.; painful, pre- ceded by great prostration, I IMelil.; espe- cially in anaemic women, HLac def; painful in bones, with swelling, IIKali iod.; painful in right side, beginning at inner end of right eyebrow, and running around eye, 8 every morning, worse until 10.30, better, disappears at 1 p.m., must lie down, llgn.; painful, worse in right side, Ananth.; painful, by stooping, Asar.; painful to vertex, IGlon.; pain, worse from light and motion, during menses (dys- menorrhoea), IITarant; worse going upstairs, orstepping,Alum. 8^° beating, hammering. Forehead, thrusts: as if it would burst, with headache, lAnim. e; over right eye, Bapt. Forehead, tickling ; on, Aur. mur. Forehead, tightness: 8®" tension. Forehead, tingling: as if pins and needles were in, I IStram. Forehead, touch: sensitive to, Mar. v., Spong. Forehead, twitching; pain in, Bor.; on middle, Arum t; painful quivering of muscles, Ars. h. Forehead, uncomfortable feeling: Aur. met; with heat, fulness and pulsations, Form. Forehead, undulation : in left, Coccul.; painful, Arund. Forehead, vertigo: Aspar., Croc; above, to right, Ars. h.; with infrascapular pain, IChen. a.; staggering of legs as if too weak, ()leand.; on walking or raising and moving head (angina pectoris), 11 Arn. Forehead, sensation as of water in : IPlat. Forehead, weakness : with frontal headache, Psor.; extending into nose, after typhoid (nervous affection), IManc. Forehead, weariness: with coryza, Jacar. Forehead, weight: lApis, Bism", Elaps.; crush- ing, IGlon.; especially in moving eyes, Cinch.; as if it were falling out (liver com- plaint), IChel.; when stooping (amenorrhcea), Symph.; with stuffed feeling in nose, better in open air, IPhos.; in typhus, IBapt. 8@°* heaviness. Forehead, wringing : above, Berb. HEAD, acute sensations, 8§f Headache. Head, air: as if there were in, Benz. ac; feels full of compressed, especially towards nape of neck, Aur. met.; as if a current were rushing through, if not kept warm, Aur. met. Head, as if everything were alive: Petrol. Head, anxious feeling: Apis. Head, bad feeling: with dizziness, Abies. Head'as if balls moved about in: worse at night and lving on right side, Ananth. Head, as of a band around: 8^° constriction, pressure, also Headache, band. Head, bearing down: Agar. Head, beating: with fists or against wall or floor, with unconsciousness, I ITubere Head, benumbed: Ars. h.; with cold state (intermittent), I Ars. Head, bewildered: Bell. Head, biting : l< ale; with chilliness, I I Lye; as from lice, Caps.; upper right side, on bone, from behind forward, worse in evening, Agnus; better by scratching Thuya; mostly on temples and behind ears, followed by swelling and eruption, IPuls.; worse on vertex, IMez. Head, blood: as if it had left brain, Oxal. ac; as if coursing upward and outward, Oxal. ae; as if flowing to, before eating, Uran. n.; as if trickling down from front to back part, at 8 p.m., Lact. ac. Head, bloodvessels: beating of arteries, in morning on awaking, IBell.; distended, IFerr.; during menstrual period, with headache, pre- venting sleep, ICroe; enlarged veins, IGlon, in haemoptysis, IDig.; fulness of veins, writh pressure, Xan.; arteries full and pulsating, Syph.; arteries palpitating (mania), IBell.; as if all were pulsating, INux m.; pulsation of arteries with fever, in afternoon, Tromb.; slight throbbing, Millef g^jr congestion, throbbing. Head, as of a blow : leaving a sort of stupefac- tion, diminution of power of thought for sev- eral days, Guaraea. Head, feels blown up : Spong. 8®" air. Head, bursting: 8®" distended. Head, bubbling: Benz. ac.; at night, IPuls. Head, buzzing: with dulness, Calc; in hyper- aemia of brain, 11 Phos.; in chronic catarrh of bladder, I I Pareira; worse in forenoon, and walking, Cochl.; in chronic headache after epileptic attack, I Caust.; before, during and after menses, IKreo.; in morning, with ver- tigo, as if everything were whirling around after stooping, IZinc; with fulness and slight pain, Ver. v.; with inability to work, read, or think (ozaena), INatr. m. Head, chill; g^° coldness. Head, feels choked up; with heaviness in head, and danger of suffocation (croup), 11 Cub. Head, cloudiness: IClem, Coccul, Samb, Squilla; with anxiety (typhoid), HPhos. ae; especially on awaking, Phos. ae; as after in- toxication, Sabad. Head, coldness (chilliness): Agnus, Ananth, I Arn, Ars. m, Asaf, Benz. ac, Brach, ICale, Caps, Chlor, IFerr, IIGraph, Grat, Iris, ILye, ISil, ISul.; cold creeps before stool, Carbo a.; in facial neuralgia, ICup. ae; in fore- head (spinal irritation), IHep.; in headache, I ISul.; especially after overheating and sweat- ing, ICarbo v.; with heat in face, Lactu. v.; hor- ' ripilations, Nitr. sp. d.; in hysterical subjects, Val.; as if sharp ice touched, or cold needles pierced, IA gar.; as though posterior half lay in ice, Cast, eq.; like a piece of ice on, IVer.; icy cold feeling, Ars.; in whole, or parts (me- grim), ICale; worse night, and in cold air, IStront; with pain, IGels.; in acute rheuma- tism,IColch.; in right side, which quickly rises to vertex, making hair on vertex feel as if it stood on end, IISul.; crawling, after coming into room from open air, Amm. e; with shivering, spreading from over bodv, Mosch • f 110 3. INNER HEAD. over shoulder blades, Stront; with shudder- ing, Seneg.; running over one side of, Ruta ; one side of, with numbness, ICon.; at small spot left side, above ear, Asar.; on one spot as when nerve of tooth is touched, then clammy sweat, Carbol. ae; after stool, Plat; with thirst, Stann.; as if cold water were poured on, ICup. m.; like cool water in, I IVer.; as of a cold breeze blowing on, Petrol, IMen- yanth.; as if wind were blowing through when moving head quickly or shaking it, ICoral.; internal, running to toes, I IVer. Head, cold, sensitive to: IBar. c, ICarbo v, IGraph, Grat, I IHep, IMere, INatr. m, IPhos, I ISil.; from getting wet, IRhus; to take cold from dry cold wind or getting head wet, ISep.; from getting wet or cold bathing, worse evening and on overheating, better in open air and when at rest, I Ant c; feels as though she had a bad cold, 11 Eup. "pur.; unpleasant feeling, like a cold, Ars. i.; from a draught, after being heated, causing head- ache or toothache, IKali c; especially from dry cold air, I IHyos. ggjg" wrapped up. Head, confusion: lyEthus., 11 Agar, Amb, Am- moniac , Amm. c, I Anac, Antt, I Apis, lArn, lArs, Aspar, ttAtrop. s, Benz. ac, Bism, Brach, IBry, Camph, ICanth, ICarbo a, Carbo v., Case, HCham, IChloral., Coccus, ICoccul, Codein, ICoff, IColch, IColoe, ICon, ICrot t, I ICup. acCycl, IDig, Diosc, IDulc, Euph, Euphor, IFerr, Ferr. s, IGels, Hydr. ae, IHyos., Jamb., IIKali bi, ILac c, Lactu. v., Lith, Murex, IMur. ac, HPhos, Ptel, IIPuls, IRhus, Seneg, I ISep, Verbas, Zinc, Zing.; with painful sensitiveness and rumbling in abdomen, See; with anxiety (typhoid), HPhos. ac.; with loss of appe- tite, IChel.; on awaking, Ant. sul. aur., Phos. ac, ISul.; as if bruised, with fluent cor- yza, Hell.; in cancer, ICarbo a.; with peculiar sensation in cervical muscles, Kali in.; in chills, Astac, Brom.; in cholerine, IPhos., after coition, Bov.; in colic, I IOp.; after congestion, Amyl.; in constipation, IDiosc; puerperal con- vulsions, HVer. v.; in coryza and whooping cough, 11 Cepa; with hacking cough (spas- modic croup), IKali br.; with debility, Seneg.; after dinner, ISul.; in diphtheria, IChin. a.; ' as after dissipation, in morning, Bry., ICinch., IINux v, IPuls, 11 Ran. b., ISul.; dull (after long continued convulsions), I Amyl.; dull, especially over eyes, HApis; dull in forenoon, Chrom. ac; with dulness, ISul.; after eating, Diad., I IPetrol.; worse by eating and drink- ing, ICoccul.; in evening, ISul.; in evening, when studying, with pressive pains, as if on bones on right temple, Diad.; especially over eyes, worse moving, Sinap.; with dim- ness of sight in open air, I ICycl., Thuya; fol- lowed by eczema erythematosum on forehead, I IPhos.; in fever, I lAnthrac, ISul.; as if headache would ensue, Cimex ; with head- ache, ICarb. s.; with inclination to bend head backward, Cham.; in valvular disease of heart, IChel.; with heat, INitr. ac; with dry heat (angina),I Merc.; with heaviness, Lil.tig, ISul.; with a hollow feeling IPuls.; in indigestion (gastralgia), I Arg. nit.; as if inflated,Merc. per.; in laryngitis, IChel.; in left side of, with pressing burning in left orbit, temple and nose, on dorsum nasi and in upper teeth, IColoe; as from a heavy load, Calad.; long continued, ISul.; with pressive pain in fore- head and temples, better from pressure of hand, better in evening, after eating, Diad.; in hysteromania, I ITarant; after mental operations (threatened abortion from fright), IGels.; disinclined for mental work, Cham ; in morning, ICanth., Clem., IMere sul.; with nausea and sour vomiting, I IGraph.; as from loss of sleep, Zinc; worse from motion, Bell.; after midday nap, Bry.; with nausea, 11 Calad., Iod.; in evening, Inul.; constant nausea, dis- appeared on drinking water, IPhos.; during interval of nervous attacks, ILa*ur.; with press- ive feeling in orbits, near root of nose, Coloe; most in occiput, See; and aching in occiput, as if a band were tightly tied around forehead ISul.; spreading from occiput to forehead, IGels.; drawing in occiput into neck before sleep, Bry.; with pain, ILith., ISul.; dull pain, IGels.; peculiar in headache,Amyl.;peculiar,in heart disease, ILobel. i.; in pneumonia, IMere; and pressing on forehead,ISul.; with pressure, in paroxysms, during afternoon.particularly on waking, Cham.; with pressure on top of head running to ears, ICrotal.; worse by reading, ICoce; frequently recurring, ISul.; with reel- ing on motion from side to side, Gamb.; while resting head in hand, Diad.; after rising, IBry.; after sleeping, as from insufficient sleep, ISul.; better smoking and going into open air, Diad.; spasmodic pain in storm, IDiad.; dur- ing stool, Kali bi.; with boring and sticking, especially right temple, Cham.; with thirst; most in morning, INatr. s.; uneasy,Hydr. ac; with vertigo, HChel, Croc, IKali br, ILach, ISul.; and drowsiness, Amyl.; with vertigo and pressing pain in forehead, extending over whole head, particularly in vertex and occiput with constant roaring in ears (rheumatism), ILye ; with vertigo, caused by motion, IPuls.; when walking, Asar.; and weight, after sleep- ing, ISul. 8@H dull, heavy, stupid. Head, congestion: (determination of blood): I Act. rac, yEsc h., Alum., Amyl, Ant. a, lAnt c, 11 Arg. met, I Arg. nit, I I Asaf, Ast. r., Atrop, Bar. c, IIBell., IIBry, Bufo, ICale, Camph., Carbol. ac,ICarbo a., Carbo v, Chel., I IChlor., I Cinch, I Coca, Cornus, ICroe, ICycl, Dory, IDulc, lErig., Euphor, Ferr, Form, Gamb., IIGlon, IGrat, Hyper., lln- dig, IKali bi. Kali br, IKali c, IKali iod, I lLact.ae,ILaur,IMagn. e, I IMelil., IIMerc, Mosch., INatr. m., Natr. s., INux v., IOp., IPhos., I IPuls., IRan. b., Sal. ac, See, ISep, ISil., IStram., ISul. ac, I I Syph, I ITarant, Ver. v.; from alcoholic stimulants, IGlon,HLach.; worse from alcoholic drinks, I ICale; alter- nating with congestion to heart, IGlon.; after anger, HCham.; with bleeding from anus, ICale; with anxiety, I Aur. met, Cycl.; after menses, llgn.; forcing him to get up, with anxiety after going to sleep, D Puis.; apoplectic, IKali iod.; with anxiety, face hot and red, or pale, carotids pulsate strongly, pulse full and strong, or small and quick, IIAcon.; some- times before apoplexy, IGlon.; threatening of apoplexy, Coff, IStront.; on awaking, HCale; awakens at night, Berb.; cannot lean back' (nightmare), ISul.; as if all blood were rushing to, Amyl., ICale, IFerr. s.; as of blood rushing 3. INNER HEAD. Ill across, I Eur. perf; as if there were a great rush of blood, and as if whole bead were crowded with blood, IGlon.; as if all blood as- cended, Millet; with pain in cerebellum (per- tussis), I Anac; with stinging pulsation in brain, especially when stooping, IPuls.; with burning, INux v.; causes burning in scalp, Ustil.; as ifblood would burst out at forehead, Lact. ae; with catarrhal sensation and heat of face, ICon.; arising from chest with throb- bing, ISul.; from chest upward, with tooth- ache, ILyss.; follows excruciating pain in chest, caused by food sticking awhile when swallowing, IKali c.; with oppression of chest, HCham.; with stitches in chest, HCham.; with chill, ICed.; with chilliness, IMere; in cholera Asiatica, IOp.; chronic, caused by fright or grief, IPhos. ae; at climacteric period, IKali br, IILach.; after coffee, Millet; in flatu- lent colic, ILye; causing coldness, in an old woman, IGlon.; with othercomplaints, ILach.; with confusion, ICycl.; with spasmodic con- striction, ICarbo v.; in convulsions, ICinch.; with convulsions during dentition, IMelil.; with constipation, ICrotal., IINux v.; from cough (aphonia), IFerr.; during spasmodic cough, Amb.; with dry, spasmodic cough, simu- lating early stage of whooping cough, Rumex ; in whooping cough, ICaust.; with feeling of coryza, ICarbo v.; frequent attacks during day, worse morning moving, IGlon.; in nervous de- bility, ICurar.; with delirium, Acet. ac, Aur. mur., IBell., IStram.; in dentition, IRheum, IVer. v.; after dinner, I IPsor.; in drunkards, Dig.; with intoxication arising from it, IIKali e; causing loud noises in ears, I Arn.; with roaring in ears, IOp., ISul.; in young people, I IGraph.; with ringing in ears, ISang.; after eating, Calc; in epilepsy, -Art. v., I IFerr. ph., IIGlon, before attack, ICale a.; with ebulli- tions and heat, ICale; in evening, with red face and ears, Tromb.; from exertion, HPhos., IStront.; with sensation of expansion (cerebro- spinal meningitis), IGlon.; conjunctiva in- jected, cannot see well, like a mist before eyes, IGlon.; with flickering and jerking in right eye, ILach.; with pressure over eyes, ICarbo v.; a pressure out at eyes, ISul.; with heat in face, HCham., ISul, and epistaxis, ICroe, IGraph.; heat, redness and puffiness of face, ICale; heat and redness of face, with cerebral disturbance, ICroe; with pale face, IFerr., IGlon.; in pregnant women, IGlon.; turns very red in face, then pale, IGlon.; with red, puffed face, 11 Calc.; burning redness of face in a woman approaching climaxis, IMez.; with cold sweat on face, IGlon.; causes faint- ness and nausea, with vomiting (American sick headache), I ISang.; with fainting, I Aur. met.; with hot feet, IGlon.; with fever, ICact, ICroe; in intermittent, IFerr.; in puerperal fever, HPlat.; with fever, sweat, and full face (ague), I IPod.; in typhus, IIBell.; caus- ing flushes, Cann. s.; with fulness, Ziz.; with cold hands and feet, then debility, IFerr.; with headache, as of a board strapped to fore- head (typhoid fever), IIRhus; with knocking in forehead, ISpong.; particularly in forehead, I ICinnab.; pressive frontal headache, especially when smoking, IMagn. e; with pain in fore- head and temples, I IMere e; with throbbing and pressure in forehead, ISpong.; with head- ache, ILach.; nervous headache, 11 Sars.; caused by bending head forward or lying down (acute neuralgia), ILac e; causing heat, Cann. s.; with feeling ofheat,IGraph.;withheat in head, IILach., and beating, IPlumb.; with heat and stupefying headache, HCale; with heavi- ness, better external pressure, ICamph.; with humming, formication and throbbing in head, IRhus ; with pressure in head, while lying down, I ICham.; with pressing tense headache in morning, after restless sleep, full of dreams, lasting during day (cardialgia and headache), I Kali e; with stitches in head, HCham.; with tearing in head (arthritic ophthalmia),! IColoe; with throbbing pains in head, IFerr, Glon, IOp.; with throbbing in head and humming, IKali e; with throbbing in head, after meals, I ISul.; hraffections of the heart, I Aeon, ISep.; in irritable heart, lAsaf.; with irregularity of heart's action, Sarrae; with hypertrophy of left ventricle, IPhos.; from overheated room, ICarbo v.; with hemorrhoids, IINux v.; with jaundice, IIMerc; caused by periodical in- voluntary laughing fits, I IZinc; from high living, IVer. v.; while lying down, ILyss.; in spinal meningitis, INatr. s.; in amenorrhcea, lApis, ICoccul, IGraph.; after menses, INatr. m.; before menses, Mane,IMere; with delayed menses, IGraph, ILac def; during menses Calc. p., ICinch, Glon, ISul.; in dysmenor- rhoea, IGels, in feeble, torpid subjects, I ISang.; with irregular menses, IILach.; in monor- rhagia, HCale, ICoccus; after nonappearance of menses for seven weeks (menorrhagia), ICoccus; albuminuria during pregnancy, 11 Apis; with suppressed menses, IGraph, IILach.; from mental exertion, ICale, brain fag, HPhos.; worse after midnight and towards morning, periodical, better external pressure, IFerr.; worse morning when awaking, ICale; especially morning when raising himself in bed, ILye; worse motion, IGlon.; from music, Amb.; with nausea, Alum, ICarbo v.; painless, with strong pulsation of vessels of neck, Lact. ac; blood mounts from neck, throat, or chest, IGlon.; at night, Amm. c, HCale,"ISul.; with nosebleed, I Ant c, ICarbo v., ICroe, INux v. Pic. ac, and expectoration of bloody mucus, IMillef; with heat and burning of nose, sneez- ing slight, Calab.; chronic, with stinging in occiput and pulsations, there and in head, HPhos.; with opisthotonos and trismus, IStram.; violent orgasm, 11 Bufo.; with orgasm of blood, Sep.; orgasm of warm blood, from epi- gastrium, Calc; painful, after moving, turning around or stooping, Lyss.; with palpitation, lAm. met; with pulsative, vibrative pains and loss of consciousness, Curar.; passive, Ham.; intense passive, with nervous exhaustion, IGels.; passive, in hemicrania, ISep.; peri- odical, with pale face, ICycl.; periodical, every three or four weeks, never menstruated, I Cycl.; from portal obstruction, Millet, INux v.; dur- ing pregnancy, Fluor, ac, IIGlon, ILyss.; pulse from 72 and weak to 84 and full, Zing.; when rising, ILyss.; after rising from lying, causes vertigo, Jamb.; has to sit up, lAloe; prevents sleep, ICarbo v.; with sleeplessness, Inul.; after 12 p.m., IPsor.; in smallpox, 11 Variol.; with violent sneezing, IINatr. e; seeming to come up spine, I IPhos.; from being spoken to harshly, Ign.; from abuse of stimu- 112 3. INNER HEAD. lants, IVer. v.; followed by weakness, faint- ness in stomach, Tell.; caused by suffocating weight in stomach, after eating (catarrhal ophthalmia), I ISul.; during stool, Aloe, INux v., ISul.; during and after stool, ISul.; when stooping, Amm. c, ICoral, Elaps., IVer.; in evening, Millet; when stooping, with ver- tigo and pain at root of nose, Elaps.; worse stooping, ISul.; with stupefaction, IBell.; sud- den, IGlon, Tell.; with staring eyes, closed, set jaws, followed by rapid, confused talk- ing, deathly paleness of face, profuse sweat about head (hysteria), IMosch.; surging of blood, I Amyl.; especially after pleasant sur- prise, ICoff.; with sweat, Thuya ; with cold sweat, IGlon.; followed by sweat over body (pterygium), I IZinc; from talking, ICoff, ISul.; with throbbing of carotids, IIBell., IMelil.; with toothache, IIAcon., I Aur. met, I IGels, IISul.; in decayed teeth, ILach.; espe- cially in temples, Zing.; with throbbing in temporal arteries, better from hard pressure, I IPuls.; tendency to, ICinch.; in tuberculosis, HCale; with loss of consciousness, IGlon., IHyosc, I ISul.; with painful undulation and whizzing as of boiling water on side upon which one rests, IMagn. m.; with uterine complaints, IINux m.; after uterine hemor- rhage, 11 Aur. met; in uterine polypus, I IThuya; with swelling of veins of head and slight flushes of heat, IFerr.; venous stagnation, Ham.; on vertex, HCham.; worse aftereating, I ICinnab.; with vertigo, IBell., IIFerr. ph., Hod., IPhos., Sabina, ISpong.; better in open air, Mosch.; with vertigo after violent exercise, Kali m.; with vertigo, on stooping, Myr. cer.; from vexation, with fear, IIAcon.;as if warm water were running up- ward from nape of neck, IGlon. 8@° bloodvessels, fulness, throbbing. Head, constriction; as if bound with cord, especially on right side of forehead and occi- put, worse by walking, Cinch.; in myelitis, ICalab. 8€|T* band, pressure. Head, contraction: in whole side: Caust. B@°" constrictive. Head, cracking: Merc. iod. flav.; awakes from sleep with fright and starts, ICon.; as from metal plates, IMere; during midday nap, with frightened starting up, IDig.; frightens, ends in a sound in ears like blowing a horn, IKalm.; felt as if it cracked when he coughed (quotidian), I IPuls. Head, crackling: one side, synchronous with pulse, particularly in morning and air, ICoff. Head, crashing: sudden on falling asleep, awakened in fright as if brain were of fine glass and shattered at a blow, IDig. Head, crawling (creeping) : IIAlum, Calab., Calc. p., Cann. s., Ran. b.; as from ants in spots, Bar. e; with cough, Agar.; as if drunk, IIArg. met; in eczema, IKali bi.; in left side, as in whole side, ILach.; then pressure, Apis ; with pricking and smarting, I IPsor.; induces scratching, Coccus; better by scratching, worse getting into a warm sweat while walking, Sabad.; in scalp of vertex, INatr. s.; as from vermin, Arg. nit. 8®" itching, formication, Head, dazed feeling: in chronic hepatitis, I Aur. met. 8®" Dazed, Chap. 1. Head, when shaking, pain from brow to occi- put, as if something had becomedetached: Con. Head, digging: Coccul.; painless, in whole, I ICaust.; in right side, better eating, lying in bed and about falling asleep, worse in motion, IIAnae Head, disagreeable feeling about: I IPsor. Head, feeling as though some displacement had taken place : INatr. m. Head, as if distended (expanded) : Amyl, HArn, Lactu. v., INux m, Sul.; in cerebral congestion, IVer.; as if too large, Paris; with nausea, I I Meph.; during pregnancy, IIArg. | nit; as if temples and eyes were pressed out, Paris; making it diificuft to think, IIRan.b. 8®" larger. Head, distress: ILil. tig.; after injury, ILac def; terrible, with flushing of face (dyspepsia), lyEthus. Head, as if something were tightly drawn over: with coldness in face, Bar. e Head, dull dragging down sensation in anterior part: Sinap. Head, drawing: feels drawn to shoulders, Lyss. Head, drowsiness: in morning, when rising, Asar.; with vertigo, Sarrae Head, drunken feeling: INux m.; beer rises to, IFerr.; better after meals, and by work, IMez, ICoccul.; as if he had been intoxi- cated day previous, Iod.; as after debauch, Calend. ; as if ears were stopped up, with nausea and vertigo, IKali e; heavy, Acet. ae; heaviness, bending head forward, IGlon.; in morning, Rhus; sitting, dizziness, seemed as if going to fall forward and backward on ris- ing, Rhus. Head, dull: Alum., Amm. c, 11 Anthrac, I Ant. c. Ant. t, lArg. nit, Ars, Ars. s. r., Aspar, I lAstac, 7rAtrop. s., IBapt., Benz. ae, Berb, Cain.,Cann. i., Carb. s., Caulo., Caust,ICepa, HCinch, Cinnab., ICimex, IClem., Cochl, ICrot. t, Cub., Cup. ars., Diosc, IDros.,IDulc, Euph., Ferr, Fluor, ae, 11 Form., IGamb., IGraph, Ictod, Hod, Jamb., IKalm, ILil. tig., ILye, Lyss.,Merc, per., Natr.a., INatr.c, INiccol., IINux v., IOp., Paeonia, HPhos, I IPlant, IIPuls, Ran. so., Rhod, IRhus, Sabad, Sal. ac, 11 Sarrae, Strain, Tereb, Verbas., Xan.; from pressure in lower part of abdomen, Calc; in albuminuria, lAur. mur.; with anxiety, ICup. m.; as if he did not know where he was, Cham.; with apathy andforgetfulness, ICrotal.;inapyrexia, I INux v.; on awaking, Merc. iod. rub., Zinc; worse in morning when awaking and when lying, better from exercising in open air and wrap- ping up head, I Magn.m.; on awaking at night, j ISul.; with backache, Calc; as if bandaged or screwed in, Magn. s.; after breakfast, Calad.; in catarrh, ICaust; wdth chilliness, Calc; dur- ing chill, Caps.; after inhaling chloroform, Cepa; after excessive coition, IPhos. ac; be- ginning of colic, I IColoe; as from rush of blood, especially ascending steps, ISul.; in convulsions from fright after operation, ICup. in.; as from coryza, Aph. ch, Benz. ae; better walking in open air, IIMerc. iod. flav.; as if coryza would develop, with stoppage of nose, 11 Phos.; in coryza, ICale, I ICepa, I IMagn. m, HPhos.; with fluent coryza (influenza), IPhos.; with cough, Rumex; with hacking cough (spasmodiccroup), IKali br.; in whoop- ing cough, I ICepa; with quiet delirium, IPhos. ae; with diarrhoea, dark, and bilious or wa- 3. INNER HEAD. 113 tery and mucous, ICornus; as from drunken- ness, with increased mental activity, IDig.; commencing both sides behind ears, going up- ward, Chen, v.; stinging in leftear, Bor.; after j eating, Diad, Ferr., Zinc; better after eating, Chen, v, IMez., before epilepsy, IGels.; in evening, ISul.; with aching eyes, IIPuls.; with flickering before eyes, IINatr. m.; with pressure in eyes and obscuration of sight, ISeneg, with slow pressure toward eyes and dimness of eyes, worse by stooping when writ- ing, Vinca; in turning eyes, Rhus ; with drawing, tearing, jerking, left side of face, IIPuls.; especially of forehead, INux m, Sa- bina; pressive, I IPuls.; mostly in front,left side into middle of brain, Fluor, ac; especially in forehead,pressing below mastoid process,Bapt; from a board across forehead, IKreo.; 9a.m., Ascl. t; as if too full, Calc; in headache, Amyl.; .after attack of headache, IMagn. p, with feel- ing as of a board before head, Calc; and confu- sion in head, ISul.; and fulness in head all day, Ham.; and fulness in head, apt to sleep while sitting reading, IFerr.; and heaviness in head, Cain, IHell, IINatr. m, in delirium tremens, HStram.; heaviness, like after a spree, Act. rac; better on leaning or pillowing head, Diad.; in whatever position head is placed, Rob.; with tightness in head, Diad.; during heat, Val.; with flushes of heat, IKali iod.; in hoarseness, IMere; in influenza, lAnt. t, Sabad.; with disinclination for literary work, j Rhus; in lung affections, IKali nit; in mania, I Anac, I IMere; as if his memory failed IIPuls.; in tubercular meningitis, lApis ; after menses, INatr. m.; from mental exertion, Magn. c, IStaph, Plant.; in morning, IIAnt t, Ars. i, 11 Arum, t, Carbo a, I ICup. ars, Tromb, IINatr. m., Natr. s.; in chronic coryza, ICale; in morning, better in evening, Aur. mur. nat.;in morning,with pressure in forehead until noon, ISul.; on rising, in morning, dis- appearing after an hour, IMagn. s.; in morning as from loss of sleep, Niccol.; as from narcotics, Anthrae; with stiffness of neck, ICale p.; with stinging in neck, Calc; before nosebleed, ICarbo a.; better by nosebleed, Psor.; more in upper part of occiput, Chen, v.; like a strong pressure, worse in forehead, Ant. t; worse by reading, obliged to pause to under- stand, ICoccul.; when at rest, INatr. c; after sleep, passing off on getting up, Jugl.; after siesta, ICale; with distension of stomach, better after stool, Cornus; with stools like hazelnuts, 11 Kob.; during evening studies, Diad.; stupefying, Ant. t, lArg. nit; when in sun, INatr. e; in sunstroke, lAcon.; particu- larly in temples, better by coffee, Cornus; with pressure over temporal bone, upper part of forehead, Diad.; with pressure on right temple, and just above and behind right orbit, Rhus; pressive, as of drunkenness (suppressed hemorrhoidal flow), ICale; with limited power of thinking, Dig.; after think- ing, IINatr. m.; worse from touch, TrCup. m.; with tormenting sensation of heat, most on vertex after sunstroke, I IStram.; with sharp darting pain through vertex, side of face and lower jaw, Sticta; with vertigo, Calc, IMere, INatr. s, Nitr. sp. d, IOp, IRhus; after walking in open'air, ISul.; during a walk in open air, with reeling and dizziness, Tarax.; returns in waves, worse in back part, Chen, v.; better from work, IMez. 8@T confused, heavy, stupid. Head, sensation of electric current shooting rapidly from one part to the other: I ISang. Head, emptiness: Calc, Caps., ICarbo v., ICoral, Hippom, Ign., Myr. cer., Plant., Oxal. ac. Zing.; worse in open air and after eating, better getting warm in bed, ICoccul.; with anguish, INatr. m.; desolated feeling, IGraph.; as after drunkenness, morning, Cinch.; as if there were no head, Coccul.; with shooting, Calc; with hunger, Carbo v.; every morning in quotidian intermittent, I Ars.; at night, on awaking, I I Ast. r.; pain- ful, ICoccul.; as if it were off shoulders, Puis.; in exostosis of skull, lArg. met.; almost des- troying power of thought (chlorosis), Spig.; with vertigo, INux m, I IPhos.; with in- clination to vomit, ICina. 8®*" hollow, lightness. Head, enlarged : 8®° large. Head, sensation like that produced by ether: Cain. Head, as if expanded. 8®° distended. Head, faint feeling: Oxal. ac, Plant. Head, fatigued : by mental exertion and think- ing, ICoccul. 8@?* Mental exertion, Chap. 1. Head, falling: as if out of body, Arg. met.; as if everything would fall out, when stoop- ing, IBry.; as if it would fall forward when walking, Hippom.; as if falling off, causes straining pains at back of head, as if head were hanging by a piece of skin at nape, Sil.; as if something fell forward on stooping, Dig. Head, fluctuation : worse moving head, Carb. 8.; when walking, Bapt. Head, feels as if filled with fluid : 8@~ Brain, fluid. Head, flushing: during climacteric period, IGlon.; in diarrhoea, ICrot. t; easily, with cold hands and feet, IFerr.; with headache, Atrop.; with redness, lAmyl, IBell.; with vomiting, ICoccul. g^° congestion, heat. Head, fluttering: IGlon. Head, seems befogged: after eating, I IPetr.; fearing to lose her reason, IKali s. Head, formication : yEsc h, lAnt. c. Bar. c, IFerr, IPic. ac; with rush of blood, IRhus; better by heat, Aeon.; on top, going to neck, Arund.; changing place when scratching, worse evenings at rest, better walking, ICycl.; with fulness in vertex, followed by heavy sleep, Psor.; with prickling and smarting, I I Psor. 8^° crawling, itching, numb. Head, fulness: Aeon, yEsc. h, Amm. m, HApis, Ars. m, Ars. s. r, I Arum t, Ast r, Bapt., Berb, ICale, ICale p, Canth, Carbo v., ICard. m., Cepa, Cham, "Chin, s, Chrom. ac, ICinnab, Clem, Coccus, Cornus, Cup. ars, ICycl., IDig., Eucal, IFluor. ac. Form, IGels, IGlon, Gymn, I IHam, Iber, Iris, I IKalibr, Lact. ac, ILac def, Natr. a, INitr. ac, INux m, Psor, IRan. b. Ran. sc, Syph, Ver. v., 11 Xan.; then spasmodic pains in abdomen, 11 Diosc; in angina pectoris, Amyl.; apoplectic, Ailant.; awakes with, Asaf; awaking at night (coryza), Ars. m.; of bloodvessels, Bapt.; changing gradually into aching and pressing, as if brain were compressed, Asaf; all over brain, with dull pains, Carbol. ac; as if brain were expanding, and moving in waves. Glon.; 114 3. INNER HEAD. to bursting, lAmyl, IDaph.; and buzzing, j Ver. v.; in catarrh, INatr. a.; as from catarrh, with dull, stupefying headache, 11 Senecio; with confused, half conscious feeling, TrLach.; congestion with peculiar biting burning in face and other parts, Grat.; congestion, as if all blood were collected in it, hands cold, Elaps.; congestion, as if all blood had mounted to head, disagreeable but painless, IGlon.; congestion, as if all blood were mounting to head, with vertigo, ISpong.; in whooping cough, ICepa; crowding, IHam.; when descending, IIBor.; as if it would be drawn backward by a weight in nape of neck, Phell.; dull, Calc; dull after waking, Agar.; extends to ears (cerebrospinal meningitis), IRhus; through, just above ears, Sarrae; before eating, XJrann.; in erysipelas, HApis; with heat of face and cold feet, IGels.; in sep- tic fever, ITereb.; in yellow fever, IGels.; with gastric derangement, Cornus ; in hereditary headache, ICale; with dull, pressive, frontal headache, Ustil.; with heat and throbbing, especially after being in open air, Myr. cer.; and heaviness, lyEsc g.; with slight pain and buzzing, Ver. v.; with occasional stitches, Merc, sul.; better supporting head with hands and at sunset, worse walking in open air, Lil. tig.; in hemorrhoids, ICale, ICollin, INux v., ISul.; feels too large (intermittent), lAct. rac; in left side (epistaxis), Asaf; in megrim, ICale; in melancholy, I Aur. met.; with amenorrhcea, ICanth.; before, during or at end of menses, or when they do not appear, IGlon.; before menses, Brom.; during men- ses, IIPuls.; in dysmenorrhoea, MXan.; in suppressed menses, HApis; from mental ap- plication, Cinnab, Psor.; caused by milk, I IPuls.; in morning, Tell.; worse in morning, ILach.; in morning chronic headache, I Arn.; on moving, Como.; with nausea and vomiting, IPod.; at night, Jugl.; extending into nose, (catarrh), 11 Merc; then nose bleeds (diseased submaxillary gland), IKali iod.; with running at nose, Vace; as though he had taken qui- nine, Grin.; after siesta, Millet; as if skull were lifted up (puerperal fever), I IPuls.; with distension of stomach better after stool, Cor- nus; with sweat on scalp, Lact. ae; more on vertex, worse from studying, Meph.; returns in waves, worse in back part, Chen. v. 8^° bloodvessels, congestion, dull, heavy, stupid. Head, feels gloomy; Caust, Ferr, Stram.; 9 a.m., Ascl. t Head, as if hanging down: IGlon. Head, feels as if it were lying on something hard : nervous affection, after typhoid fever, IManc. Head, hat: as if he had on, Calc. s.; presses like heavy weight, HCarbo v.;would notallow hat to touch head, IGlon. Head, heat: Acet ac, IIAcon, Agar, Alum, I Amyl. nit, Anac, Ant. t, HApis, Ars. s. r, Ast. r, IBell., Bism, IBry, Calad, ICale, ICale p, Camph., Canth, ICarbo v. Case, ICepa, Cham, IChel, Chin, s. Chloral, Coc- cion, ICoccul, Codein, IColoe, ICrot t, ICurar., ICycl, Daph, IDros, IGamb, IGels, IGlon., Grat, IHell., IHippom, IHyper, Iber, I llgn, llpec, IKalim, ILac def, IMez, INatr.a, INitr. ac, Nitr. sp. d, I INux m, Pae- onia, IPhos, IPhyt, Plant, I ISamb., I ISang, IITherid, 11 Verbas, IVer, I IZinc, Ziz.; in abortion, IColoe; in afternoon, Arum t, Berb, ICarbo a., IHyper.; as if surrounded by hot air, lAst. r.; in albuminuria, ICale a.; after anger, IIBry.; alternately hot and cold (acute mania after melancholia), IGels.; with anxiety and restlessness, I IPhos.; with apathy, Bufo.; in apoplexy, IINux v., IVer. v.; caused by urging, griping pains in anus during stool, I I Oxal. ae; on awaking, Cinch.; with chilliness in back, Jatroph.; and cold hand, Nitr. sp. d.; with rigor and formication over back in forenoon (chronic bronchial catarrh), IIPuls.; can bear none about head, IGlon.; precedes irritation of bladder in children, 11 Senecio ; with bloated feeling, Lil tig.; as if blood were rising, Millet; with coldness at same time, Ver.; wdth cold body, I Arn, IBufo., Magn. s, ISul., I IVer, towards evening, IHell.; with chilliness of body (typhoid), ICoccul.; with chilliness, gooseflesh all over, during menses, Kali iod.; with heat of whole body, IStram.; in inflam- mation of brain, IMere v.; burning, lAilant, Bry, Camph, IHell, Plant, Ver.; in pneu- monia, IPhos.; wdth flushed face (puerperal convulsions), IGels.; burning, with sensation as if it wrould split, Sarrae; of right side, but is cold to touch, I IBar. e; throbbing carotids, cold limbs (apoplexy), I Aeon.; with throb- bing o f cerebellum, Camph.; c h ild (con vulsions from cerebral irritation), ICie; during chill, Arn.; with chilliness, head hot,IBor, IIBry, IMere, Stram.; with shaking chill and contin- uing after, Mang.; in cholera infantum, IBell.; worse on becoming cold, IHyos.; then general coldness followed by heat with thirst, IStram.; with congestion, IGlon, ILach, in convul- sions with twitching about mouth, after fright with fear, IOp.; heaviness after attack (convul- sions), ICEnan.; in coryza, ICale, IINux v.; when coughing, lArs.; on going to sleep, Sul.; with crawls over body, ICamph.; in delirium tremens, I IZinc; in dentition, IPod.; in diar- rhoea, Bor, IGamb..; after dinner, Berb.; dur- ing dinner, with sweat on forehead,Sars.; dry, Anac.; dry with glowing face,morning on wak- ing IISul.; with dulness, IGraph, Osm.; after eating, IHyos., ILye; when eating, I INux v.; emaciation with, 101. jee; in epilepsy, I IOp.; in erysipelas, IChel.; in epilepsy, Bufo.; excited with, Meph.; from exertion, Berb.; unfitting for exertion, Chim. m.; towards evening, Cal- end.; in evening, hot face, ISep.; in irido- choroiditis,IRhus ; extending to face, Ananth.; with burning red face, better open air, 11 Kali iod.; with drawing, tearing jerking in leftside of face, I IPuls.; and pale face, IHell.; with redness of face alternating with pale- ness, IMagn. c.; with redness of face, nausea and vomiting, INatr. m.; with flushed cheeks, Abies; with feeling as if she were going to faint, I ISpong.; feet cold, Cinnam, IFerr, IPhos. ac, with anxiety, ISul.; in amenorrhcea, I IVer.; feet cold in'ophthalmia, lApis; before fever sets in (influenza), IGels.; at beginning of fever in morning, IKali e; during fever, ICina; with fever toward even- ing and night (difficult dentition), HSU.; in catarrhal fever, lEuph.; in puerperal fever, IColoe, IIPuls.; in typhoid,-ICoccul, Ver.; 3. INNER HEAD. 115 flushes, Bism, IGlon, IHep.; followed by sweat, Ziz.; flying toward head, Ars. h.; flying, rising from chest, IIGlon.; with racking frontal headache, Ptel.; with pressure in front of head and eyes, IKali c. ;,with cold hands and feet, Sep.; as if in a furnace, with coldness and chills, IKali br.; in men who work under gaslight steadily, IGlon.; with cold hands, I IHell.; with cold hands and feet, Aur. met, INatr. c; with headache, Diad,IGlon, IStram, on walking, IPhos.; in congestive headache, bending head forward and from heat, Hyos.; and heaviness, IHell.; in hydrocephaloid, HApis ; in infants, Bor.; in insanity, I INux v.; during labor, ICoff; in leftside, proceeding from ear, IChel.; in left side, with nausea before menses, ICrotal.; hands cool, albumi- nuria, Aur. mur.; after a meal, IHyos.; in mel- ancholy, I Aur. met; in meningitis, ICupr, IGels.; in incipient basilar meningitis, IKali br.; before menses, Thuya ; during menses, Apis, IBell., ICale; with dysmenorrhoea, Merc, p.; momentary, pungent, G^nan.; in morning, IBry., IKalm., I IPetrol., IPod.; in neuralgia, previous to paroxysms, ILach.; with moroseness, yEthus.; with orgasm of blood, ICale; with drawing in periosteum (osteo-myelitis), IMere cor.; with pimples, Aur. met.; in prosopalgia, IChel.; when read- ing (smallpox), I I Variol.; in rheumatism, I Ant. t; of right side, with violent pains in 6tomach, Caust; rises to, Anag., Canth, Rheum; rises, face red, giddy, yEthus.; rises with sweat, Gamb.; rises, with thirst, IMang.; from remaining in hot room, IPhos.; running up into, before neuralgia of trigeminus,ILach.; in scarlatina, ICina; prevents sleep, IISul.; before midnight, Amm. m.; sensation of, Stront.; with prickling, Vinca; in spermator- rhoea, ISil.; in spots on scalp and face, Aloe; with difficult stool, Bufo.; with profuse sweat, IOp.; from stove, cannot bear, IGlon.; with stupor (pneumonia), IPhos.; as if he had been in hot sun, IGlon.; with throbbing in temples (migraine),HLach.; in tetanus,!ICie; thirstless, Camph,; with throbbing, Cann. s, IGlon.; in neuralgia of teeth, I I Sil.; with sting- ing in decayed teeth, IPuls.; with burning, stitching in teeth, ISil.; runs to toes, ICale p.; with uneasiness, Caust.; inuterine hemorrhage, llpec; during and afterurinating, ISep.; in ver- tex, Daph.; most on vertex, with dulness after sunstroke, I IStram.; in vertigo, yEthus., ICoc- cul., Diose, IKali br., Merc, per.; with vertigo, Sab.; in flatulent colic, ILye; with vertigo, after eating, I Kali c; with vertigo, better when at rest (post-diphtheritic affection), I IManc; with vertigo, wdien sitting as if head would fall to one side, I Spong.; followed by vomiting, ICup. ac; better washing in cold water, Ind. met.; as after wine, not felt by hand, ISab.; after overwork and mental anxiety, ICup. m.; as if wrapped up in warm water, Cepa; with yawning and nausea, Jatroph. 8®° bloodvessels, congestion, flushing. Head, heaviness: yEsc. h. Agar, Alum, Am- moniac,Amm. m, I Amyl, Ananth, Anthrok., Ant. t, lArg.nit, Arn, Ars. h., Ars. i, Ars. m., Ars. s. r., Arum t, Ascl. t. Bar. m, I IBell., Berb., Bism, Bor, Brach,Bry,Cact, Calc. a.,Camph.,ICann. i., ICanth., I Carbo a., HCarbov, ICarbol.ac,ICard.m,Castor,Cepa, I Chloral.,Cinch.bol., HCinch.,Cinnab, Clem., Colch, ICon., ICornus, ICrot t, I ICup. ae, IDig., IDros., IDulc, lElaps, Ferr., Form, IGamb., IGels., Guaraea, IGlon, IGrat, IHell, IHyos., Hyper., Iber., Illgn., Iod, llpec, Ipom., Iris, Jatroph, IIKali bi, Magn. s., Mane, IMang, Med., IIMenyanth, IMere, I I Merc.cor.,Mosch.,Murex, Natr. a., INatr. m., Nitr. sp.d., INux v, Paeonia, HPhos., I IPhos. ac, Psor., IIPuls, Rheum, Rhus v., Sabad., Sarrae, Sars., ISep., ISil., I ISyph, Therid, Uran. n., Ver. v.; with distension of abdo- men, IGraph.; with agitation, Camph.; better in open air, Ars.; in albuminuria, Amm. ben.; with anxiety, Camph, ICup. m.; during apy- rexia, Ign.; on awaking, Ant. sul. aur, ICale, Uran. n.; and big (influenza), IGels.; as if blood were mounting, with vertigo, ISpong.; as if brain would fall forward, Benz. ac; as if brain would press out of forehead, in catarrh of frontal sinuses, ICup. m, IKreo.; especially in cerebellum, IPlumb.; with bruised sensa- tion, Cham.; in chronic catarrh, llpec; before catalepsy, I IStram.; with weakness of cervical muscles, IICocul.; in periodic cervical neural- gia, IChin. s.; after chilliness, I IDros.; before chill, Calc; with sensation as if choked up (croup), 11 Cub.; as from a cold (cholera), IChin. s.; confused, Lil. tig, ISul.; from conversation, Amb.; in convulsions from fright, ICup. m.; after convulsions, CEnan.; in coryza, BCalc; with debility Seneg.; with morning diarrhoea, Lil. tig.; in diphtheria, IMere cy.; dizzy, ICamph, in toothache, IKali e; as if it would be drawn backward by a weight in nape of neck, Phell.; in dropsy, lArs.; with dulness, Cham, in forehead, Lil. tig.; dull, confused (emansio mensium), IDig.; aftereating, Carb. s.; before attack in epilepsy, ILach.; with nerv- ous erethism (megrim), ICale; evenings, Apoc; during rest and motion, IStann.; with brilliant eyes, Camph.; on turning eyes, Rhus; with dim vision, 11 Carbo a.; with watery eyes, I ICarbo a.; with flushed face, persons of sed- entary habits, after eating, Guarana; with red face, Camph.; as if it would fall forward, Agnus; increasing with headache across fore- head, INatr. m.; in fever, hot stage, Ced.; in intermittent, ICoccul, during sweat, HArs, I Eup. pert; after typhoid (nervous affection), IManc; in typhus, I Apis, IMere, Ver.; espe- cially in front, I Benz. ac, I IGlon.; over eyes, Coff; especially in forehead, worse pressing below mastoid process, Bapt.; with heat in forehead, lElat; in hereditary headache, ICale; with drawing forward of head, Cham.; slightly better by shaking head, bet- ter after profuse micturition, IIGels.; bet- ter resting head upon hand, HStaph.; she was obliged to hold head upright in order to relieve weight pressing forward into fore- head, Rhus ; cannot hold bead up, ISil.; with sensation of heat, IMere per.; in hydro- cephalus, Art. v., IMere; insupportable, lEup. pert; with lameness of legs, worse morning, Sil.; in morning, as after long illness, Calend.; in lung affections, IKali n.; during lying-in time, Cup.m.; when head is in a low position, IIRhus; better lying down, 11 Oleand.; as if he had been lying at night with head too low, 11 Phos.; in megrim, ICale; in melancholy after mortification, llgn.; in meningitis basi- 116 3. INNER HEAD. laris, Cie; during menses, Magn. s.; with mental dulness, dim sight and vertigo, Gels.; in morning, Arum d, 11 Arum t, Clem., Natr. s, I IPetrol, Tell.; 5 a.m., better after rising, IIKali iod.; in morning, in dysuria, IMere; early in morning when rising, going off after a walk, Magn. c; in morning (noc- turnal epilepsy), Art. v.; worse in morning, ILach.; in morning, with headache, Petrol.; on moving it, Art. v.; every motion is dis- agreeable, ISul.; with nausea, Cornus; after eating, INatr. m.; alternates with pains in nape of neck, Hyos.; with nosebleed, ICoff'., IINatr. s. ; and" obtuseness (hydrocephalus acutus) ILye; especially in occiput, 11 Carbo a., ISul.; in paralysis, 11 Sil.; in paronychia, INatr. s.; cannot lay it on pillow, IGlon.; as if he could not lift it from pillow, Iodof; in rais- ing it from pillow, with pain as if head were between screws, IIPuls.; with digging press- ure in direction of forehead, Bry.; in pro- sopalgia, IChel.; when raising, disappears by stooping, Jacea; in rash after confinement, ICup. m.; reeling as if one would fall, IMagn. m.; with sadness and vertigo, Stann.; with shooting, better from motion, Como.; tend- ency to fall to right side, Lac def; as if he could not sit up, worse noise, IBapt.; worse sitting up during heat (intermittent), iCoccul.; while sitting, ISul.; with disposition to sleep, better by coffee, Cornus; as from loss of sleep, in morning, Zinc; on stooping, ICarbo a., IIPuls., ISul.; from least attempt to study, HPhos. ac.; with pain in temples, Cham.; thick feeling, Ailant.; making thought and writing difficult, IOp.; with mucus in throat, All. sat.; with throbbing, Ast. r.: better after profuse watery urine, IGels.; as from a heavy load on vertex, on stooping, Indig.; with ver- tigo, All. sat, Angust, Bufo, IIBell, Lactu. v., Magn. s., INux v., Phell., Sec, ISul., ITabae; with vertigo and blindness, iGels.; with ver- tigo, roaring in ears and darkness before eyes, I I Phos.; writh vertigo, and pressing stitching in forehead, extending over whole head, par- ticularly in vertex and occiput, with constant roaring in ears (rheumatism), ILye; with vertigo in typhoid, ILach.; as if pressed down by a weight, Mere per. ; like a weight (liver complaint), IChel. gf*g~ fulness, position, weight. Head, hissing: in chronic headache after epi- leptic attack, ICaust. Head, holds: with both hands, IIGlon.; in brain affection, IHell.; grasping at, I I Puis.; grasping at with left hand (apoplexy), IINux v. Head, hollowness: ICoral., ICup. m.; in exos- tosis of skull, I Arg. met.; with deep frontal headache and faintness (malarial intermittent) Polyp.; after typhoid (nervous affection), IManc; with inclination to vomit, ICina. 8^° empty, light. Head, humming: IFerr., Puis.; with congestion, IKali c, IRhus; with running chills, worse when lying or sitting quietly and in the cold, IPuls.; almost causing delirium, Aur.mur. nat.; with headache, IISul.; as if intoxicated, in evening in warm room, IPhos. ac; surging, Calc. 8®" Chap. 6, Hearing. Head, hyperaemia. 8®~ congestion, fulness. Head, as if piece of ice were lying against it, pale, puffed face, HCale. 8ST" coldness. Head, itching: Abrot, I Amm. m, Anac, I Ant. c, lApis, Ars, Badiag, IBar. c, ICale, Caps, ICarbol. ac, Carb. s, Caust, IClem, ICrotal, Cup. a, Eup. pur, IFerr, IFluor ac, I Form, IGels, IIGraph, Grat., Ipom,Lace, I ILach, ILaur, Mane, IMed., IMere iod. flav, Mercs., IIMez., IINatr. m, IPetrol, IPhos, I IPhos.ac, Sep.,ISil., ISpong, IStaph, IISul, Tell, Therid, Zing.; in locality of acquisi- tiveness, Lyss.; biting, I I Puis, Ran. se; espec- ially in evening, Rhod.; biting, worse from rubbing, Staph.: biting, as from vermin, worse on back part of head and behind ears, better when first scratching it, followed by burning and soreness which gives place to biting- itching, worse in evening, when undressing, lOleand.; biting, especially on vertex, pro- vokes scratching, Vinca ; in chronij catarrh of bladder, 11 Pareira ; burning, most on front of head and behind ears, spreading over whole body, after scratching, tickling and stinging, Sabad.; with chilliness,. IILyc; corrosive, IDiosc, Ruta; corrosive with shooting, better by movement, Como.; corrosive, with ir- resistible desire to scratch, Vinca; crawling, Arg. met.; worse from scratching, ICale; with dandruff, Badiag; deep in right half, morning, Sars.; eczema, IKali bi.; in even- ing, when undressing and growing cold, Ars.; worse in evening and falling asleep, Agnus; worse in evening and on getting warm, IStaph, in bed, Bov, ICarbo v., ISil. ; extending to face, Ananth.; on forepart, bet- ter rubbing, IDros.; with stupefying head- ache, worse in forenoon, ISabad.; inside, one- sided, IDig.; intolerable, especially on vertex and occiput, 7 a.m., Tromb.;asfromliee,Caps, Sabad.; in morning, after rising, after abuse of mercury, IHep.; morning and evening, (brain diseases of children), IKali e; par- ticularly on occiput, Amm. c.; worse scratch- ing, causing soreness and burning, worse undressing evening, and getting warm in bed, Sil.; worse on occiput, especially in even- ing, changes place after scratching, Berb.; on different parts, Arund.; pimples, Aur. met; fine pricking, with warmth, begins in another place on scratching, Sars.; in rainy weather, IMagn. e; worse on scratching or rubbing, Cornus; worse from scratching, bet- ter at time but worse after, HPhos.; better by scratching, Thuya; burning when scratched, Kob.; on sides of, Pallad.; makes sleepless, IGels.; spots, painful as if sore, after scratch- ing, HSil.; in a small spot on middle, Zinc; mostly on temples and behind ears, followed by swelling and eruptions, IPuls.; tingling, as from lice, Sabad.; tingling in evening, ooz- ing after scratching, ISelen.; as from vermin, Arg. nit.; worse on vertex, scratching changes locality but increases itching, IMez.; on get- ting warm in bed must scratch until it bleeds, but is not better, Bov.; on getting warm from exercise, IILyc 8®* crawling" Head, injury: chronic effects, lArn, ICie, IHyper, INatr. m.; causes distress, ILac def; mental troubles from, Natr. s.; headache especially at base of brain and back of neck, also irritation of brain, INatr. s.; vertigo from, IOp. 8€sT" Brain, concussion. Head, feels insensible : Aur. mur. BST" dull, stupid. 3. INNER HEAD. 117 Head, feels large: I IApis,IIArg. nit,IIArn.. Ars. i., IBapt, IBell., IIBov, ICaps.,IDulc, IGels, IGlon., Lact ae,Lith, IMang.,INatr.c, INatr. m, IINux m, IPlat, Ran. b. Ran. se, ISil, ISpig, Sul, Zing. ; big, heavy, IGels.; seemed bulky, INux m.; big as a bushel, IGels.; and as if the walls were thin, Paris; as if immensely larger than his body, as large as a church, IINux v.; with dizziness, Chin, s.; with hum- ming in ears and heat in face, "Zing.; as if growing externally, I ILac def; as if it would be drawn backward by a weight in nape of neck, Phell.; as if suddenly elongated, with vertigo, IHyper.; with numb and dull sensa- tion, with ill humor and nausea, Meph.; and as if split open with a wedge from without, Lachn.; as if it would be enlarged, making it difficult to think, I I Ran. b.; three times nat- ural size, ICoral.; with terrible hammering in forepart of head, IKali iod.; after toothache, Como.; with vertigo, Lactu. v.; as if it were gradually swelling larger and larger, Bapt., IBerb., IMere; during stool, Kob. 8@~ congested, swollen, distended, full; actual enlargement, Chap. 4. Head, lax feeling of scalp: ICale Head, as if it were lifting off: 11 Ustil. Head, lightness: I I Amm. c., Arum t, ICamph.; like vertigo, Chrom. ac, Cinnab, IGels, Hipp, I ILyss., IMed, IPuls, Sarrae, Stram.; in open air, with nervousness and depres- sion, ICrotal.; causes dizziness, Tromb.; with dimness of vision, IGels.; with gonorrhoea, Cann. i.; with headache, IChim. in.; with deep, frontal headache, and faintness, in malarial intermittents, Polyp.; and large with vertigo, IGels.; during menses, IVib.; in morning, on rising from bed, IManc; worse in morning, disappearing at 12 o'clock, Eup. pur.; after nausea, I ILyss.; with sneez- ing, Benz. ae, particularly in occiput, with vertigo, See; with severe throbbing in solar plexus, extends to head, I ILac c; with throb- bing in temples, ILac def; with tingling on vertex, and slight sore throat after inhaling diphtheritic breath, I ILac c; with vertigo, INux m.; while walking, which inclined him continually to right side, Chrom. ac. 8^° empty, hollow. Head, lightning: sensation as if running up from body, jrForm. Head, as if teeming with live things, whirling around it: Sil. Head, sensation of something loose turning and twisting toward forehead: I IKali e Head, as if moving in all directions: Eup. purp.; quickly sight becomes obscure, Lachn.; nausea, with faintness when lifting, I ICoccul. Head, muddled: Bell., Ferr, HOsm.; in ty- phoid fever, IMere; with hurried manner, but dazed and confused, Ptel.; mind inactive, Plant; strange feeling, Lil. tig. Head, nausea felt in: ICoccul. Head, nervous sensation : ISil.; worse from reading, writing, or looking up, ICale Head, noises: on falling asleep, I I Ivafi ph.; in menopause, ICrotal.; constant, confusing, worse at night and at menses (parenchyma- tous metritis), I I Lace; like firing pistol, IDig.; sensitive to rattling of wagons over paved streets, or stepping hard, INitr. ac AST Hearing, Chap. 6. Head, numbness : Alum, Ant. t, IBapt, Fluor. ac, -Lach., IIPuls.; on awaking, Lyss.; in bones, as if asleep, ICepa; preceded by a sensation of contraction of brain and scalp, worse in evening and while sitting, better from motion and in open air, IPlat.; with drawing pain, generally on one side, IMez.; dull, tense, numb feeling in affected side during dav, intolerable during night, IKali iod.; in left side of, Calad., ILach, Lyss, 01. an., HStram., Tarax.; in amenorrhcea, IGraph.; in right side, IChel.; of outer part, as if made of wood, Petrol.; after reading, Carbol ac; in left side, on waking at 4 p.m., Lyss.; during paroxysm, neuralgia of right temple, I IPuls.; with weakness in sacral region, IPhos.; som- nolence. Ant. c.; as if made of wood, or as if bruised, Petrol.; worse writing (apoplexy), lAnae 8SP formication, paralytic. Head, as if it opened and pain shot down into abdomen, when swallowing : ILye Head oppressed : I I Amyl.nit, Calc. s., Hod., Therid., Zinc. Head, paralytic sensation : in left side of, 01. an.; on right side, after coition, with sore limbs, ISil. g^g* numbness. Head, peculiar feeling: during fever, IBapt. Head, pressure: 8®" sensitive. Head, prickling: Apis, Sil.; fine, rather pleas- urable, Eup. pur.; when becoming warm, Sabad. 8€?° formication. Head, pulse: distinctly hears beating, IPuls.; reverberates in, Ant. t, Bell.; in dilatation of heart, lAnt. t. Head, as if suddenly pushed forward, with danger of falling : Ferr. ph. 8®* swung. Head, redness: g^- congested, flushing, heat. Head, reeling: Seneg.; after coition, Bov. B^^Reeling and Vertigo, Chapter 2. Head, reverberation: during cough, Hep.; when speaking loud, Zinc. 8®*" Hearing, Chapter 6. Head, rheumatic affections: always chronic, ap- pearing on same side, Alum.; in hydrothorax, lAsaf. 8®" Headache, gouty, rheumatic. Head, roaring: lAmm. m, ICarbo v., Cup. s., IFerr, IKreo.; in inflammation of brain, IIPuls.; in cholera, fourth day, IPhos. ae; causes diminished hearing, ISil.; with flicker- ing of eyes, IPhos.; in chronic headache, after epileptic attack, ICaust.; in haematemesis, I Ars.; for an hour, worse lying on left side, better lying on right, with headache, I IPhos.; like the noises of a mill, I IPlat.; dull, trem- ulous, like a strong pulsation with a double stroke, in region of ear on which she lies in bed, and when turning on other ear, feels it on that side, Spong.; with inability to work, read or think (ozaena), INatr. m. 8^** Hearing, Chapter 6. Head, as if something rocked in a jerking man- ner in it: Bell. «. Head, feels like rubbing it: Carbol. ae Head, feels as if tossed on a rough sea: Lact. ae Head, semilateral affections: Alum. Head, as if separated from body: Daph. Head, sensitive: .Esc. h.,Ant t, lArs, IBov, Chin, s, ICrot t, Lith. c, INatr. m, ■■Sil., IStaph, IISul, I ISep., 11 Ver. v.; to air, I Ars., IHep.; as though compressed, especially in forehead and temples, IColoe; as if con- Us 3. INNER HEAD. tused all over, or in spots, IINitr. ae; better in dark, Bar. e; particularly on moving scalp, Spong.; worse at night, HCinch.; chronic ten- derness as with spinal irritation,Agar.; in spots Aloe, Amm. c, Badiag, Bov, Brom, IBry, IBell, ICale ; to touch, IBell, ICarbo a., Carbol ae,ICinn, ICinch, ICoff, Coloe, Eryng.,Eup. pur., IFerr., Fluor, ae; to touch and motion, chill, I IHell, llgn, IKreo, Lact. ae, ILach, Lachn, Lyss, INatr. s, IParis, IRhus, Sang, Sars, I ISil., ISpig, IISul.; to touch in in- flammation of bowels in dentition, lAcet. ac; to touch, in otitis in rickety children, IKali iod.; to touch, especially evening, Bufo.; to touch, right side, particularly above eye (head- ache), IColoe; painful to touch (catarrhal oph- thalmia), ISul.; cannot brush hair, IBell,IBry, Carbol. ac, ICina, ICoff. t, Eryng, IKreo, IRhus, I ISil, ISul.; with falling out of hair in lying-in women, ICale; in phthisis florida after pneumonia, IFerr.; even when pulling a single hair, Ars. met.; as if roots of hair were sore, ISep.; to pressure, Carbo v.; to pressure of hat, worse in evening, and on part lain on, IINitr. ac; to touch, especially upon which he lies, Bar. c ; worse on side not lain on, when growing warm in bed, from touch and comb- ing hair, IRhus ; to touch, after abuse of mer- cury, IHep.; fear of noise and talking, Con.; to touch, followed by numbness, worse morning and becoming heated, Petrol.; sore to touch (pregnancy), INux v.; better if rubbed, Thuya; in scarlatina, ICina; painful to touch, worse when scratching; which causes bleeding, IIMerc; soreness, in a draught of air, worse in cold, and lying down, better from hard pressure and external heat (nervous head- ache), Nux m.; small spot, painful to touch, lOxal. ac; to touch, after vexation, IIMez.; to touch, worse walking in open air and from draught, better from strong external pressure and scratching, HCinch.; to touch, or wind, better from being warmly covered, INux v.; indifferent to any one touching sore spots, IGraph. g§g° cold, coldness, pressing, water, wrapping. Head, as if it were separated from body : I IPsor. 8ST" empty. Head, shaking in: Benz. ae; on stepping hard, IILyc; vibratory, when stepping hard, with tension in forehead and eyes, ISil. Head, a shuddering without coldness, com- mences with cracking as if surcharged with electricity: IKalm. Head, simmering : does not know whether it is heard or felt, Med. 8®° Hearing, Chap. 6. Head, sleep : feeling as if he ought to, Ant. t; like that following sleep after excessive de- bauch, IOp. Head, feels small: ICoff; as if it grew smaller, Grat.; cranium feels too small, Chel.; during apyrexia, Ign. Head, smarting: Coloe, IDros.; worse evening and getting warm, IStaph. Head, wants it squeezed: typhoid fever, IGlon. Head, stiffness: to abdomen,internal, ICaust.; when aroused, ICie; in muscles on forehead, Jatroph.; right side as if it would become numb, Lyss. Head, feels strange: Coff. t; with fainting spells, ILac def; thick, as if another head, Therid.; in typhoid, IGels.; as felt after in- haling gas for extraction of teeth, I I Lac c; with loss of memory, Lyss. Head, skull feels as if stretched: Samb. 8@^ distended. Head, stuffed: she can hardly breathe, ILac e; dry feeling through whole front part, gradu- ally passing to fauces and chest (bronchial catarrh, hay asthma), ILach.; as of a cold in head, ILac c. Head, stupid: Asar, Bapt, IBry, Camph, Caps., Carbo a. Cinch., ICoccul., Form., IKreo, Plant, IPlumb, ISep, Strain, Thuya; in albuminuria, lAmm. ben.; with chills, Cie; with fulness of head as from catarrb, I ISenecio; long lasting, after attack (epilepsy), IPlumb.; if he holds it erect, INux v.; if he tries to exert himself, IINatr. e; with pressure in eyes, and obscuration of sight, ISeneg.; with obscured vision, I Cycl.; with pressure in forehead, ICinch.; in influenza, Ant. t; in mania, IIMerc; with menorrhagia, ICycl.; at noon, Zinc; with restless nights,Lyss.; increase during retching, Asar.; on rising in morning, Rhod.; could not sit up (haematuria), llpec; with loss of thought, sight and hearing, Kreo.; worse from touch, ^Cup. m.; with vertigo, must close eyes, when rising from stool. ggT'confused, dull, heavy, Head, sense of suggillation in scalp, worse scratching: Bar. c. Head, surging toward: Lyss. Head, swashing. 8gP" Brain. Head, as if something swayed in a jerking manner in it: IBell. Head, sweats. 8®°* Head, Chap. 4. Head, swimming: Ascl. t, Ars. h. Gels., Ziz, 8®~ Chap. 2. Head, feels swollen: Bapt, HCed, Diad, IMere; on awaking, Ars. m.; behind right, ear, Bapt.; as if he could not get his hat on, HArs. m.,; in headache, IDiad.; connected with heat, Med. 8®*" large. Head, as if swung from behind forward: Pall. g^~ pushed. Head, tenderness: 8gT" sensitive. Head, tension(tightness): Agnus, Alum., 11 Apis, I Arg. nit, Ars. m, Asar, Bapt, Brach., ICaust, Chin, s. Coccus, Gymn., 11 Kali br, Lact ac, Selen., ISpig., Xan, Ziz.; in angina, IMere; as if scalp were adherent to bones, Sinap.; as if skin were bloated, "Berb.; of skin, as if cov- ered with a cap, Berb.; as from a cobweb, Bar. e; scalp feels contracted, worse in evening, I IParis; extends at times to upper half of face, especially of nose, thence to forehead and temples as far as ears, alternating with similar sensation in occiput and cervical muscles, 11 Viol.; integuments, HApis; muscles felt as if bound, could scarcely move head, I ICaust.; over whole head, particularly in forehead, Lact. ac; with pain, worse over eyes, Xan.; scalp as though stretched over skull, Cann. i.; occasions feeling of stupefaction rather than pain, Oleand.; of skin as if swol- len, Berb.; causing vertigo, Med.; as if scalp were wrinkled, and kept tightening, and re- mained so (occipital headache), I IZinc. 8®°" band, constricted.contracted, press- ure. Head, thick feeling: Ailant, Daph. ; in morning, as from loss of sleep, Niccol.; as if it 3. INNER HEAD. 119 were another strange head, Therid.; worse when reading aloud, Ferr. iod.; heavy feeling m right side, Ailant. Head, thin feeling: like paper and transparent, as if it could be pressed through, IBell. Head, throbbing (pulsating) : lAmyl, Asaf, IIBell, Brach., Calc. a., Canth, Carbo v., HChin. s, Colch, ICornus, ICroe, ICrotal., Cupr. s, Cycl, F]uph., IGlon, Hod., llpec, ILith., INux in., IIPuls, I ISep.; in anannia, IPuls.; on awaking, better by cold washing, worse on stooping, sometimes lasting all day, IPhos.; after a waking, Bell.; of arteries of right side, Ars. s. r.; as if scalp were alive with irre- pressible pulsation, caused by blood coursing rapidly through distended arteries, I ISang.; extends over whole body, worse on contact, increasing in paroxysms, with nausea and vomiting of bile, "Kali c; in hyperaemia of brain, I IPhos.; and bursting, especially above ears and temples, IGlon.; in bronchial catarrh, HCale; with congestion, IIBell., IIGlon, IKali c, I IPhos, IRhus; in whooping cough ICaps.; with dizziness, Stilling.; with heavy dreams, Aur. mur.; in evening, IPuls.; worse in evening and when stooping (neuralgia), I IPuls.; with heat in face, IGlon.; with red face, iCaet; with heat or coldness, ILaur.; in puerperal fever, IIPuls.; in yellow fever, I Ars. ; especially in forehead, Coccul.; ex- tending under frontal bone to temple, IGlon.; with heavy feeling in forehead (fainting spells), ILac def; mostly in forehead, with nausea and vomiting, worse in morning and when moving, better lying with head high, better by sweat, INatr. m.; causes fright, Amyl.; in haematemesis, IINux v.; as from little hammers,worse from reading or talking, IINatr. m.; in hereditary headache,ICale; in hemorrhoids, Collin.; in left side, Cinch, bob; on left side, coming on gradually toward morning and going off about breakfast time, INitr. ae; in left, beginning at 1 a.m., last- ing until 11 p.m., ICinch.; in left side, with nausea before menses, iCrotal.; in meno- pause, ICrotal.; before menses, IPetrol.; during menses, Bor., ICroe; during menses, prevent- ing sleep, ICroe; in dysmenorrhoea, I IVer. v.; from mental exertion, IPuls.; in morning, ICale; as if something were moving, worse from motion, IGlon.; from least movement, ILach.; on motion of body, INatr. m.; at every movement (itch), ILach.; at every motion, worse in warm air, I Hod.; extending into nose (catarrh), I IMere; must get out of bed at night (hypochondriasis), lArg. nit;, felt with every pulse, every step, or jarring,lGlon.; as though he would be attacked by paralytic stroke,Carbo v.; during rest, Lactu.v.;in whole, especially right frontal region, morning till evening, after lying down, Zinc; in right side, better eating, lying in bed, and about falling asleep, worse from motion, IIAnae; in right side (neuralgia), I IPuls.; tendency to, in right side, IGels.; with weight on right side, day and night, makes him cry out, ICact.; period- ical, semilateral, worse after eating, morning, evening, night in bed, I Ars.; with sensation as if head would split, Sarrae; in sunstroke, IIGlon.; worse in left temple (glaucoma), HPhos.; everything turns around, Sil.; ascends from abdomen, Rheum; after going up stairs (chronic passive hemorrhage from kidneys), I ITereb.; with bitter vomiting, worse from motion, ISang.; when walking, Cinch.; like waves, worse in cold, after eating, better bend- ing head forward, heat, IHyos.; feels every pulsation, IGlon. 8@* bloodvessels, congestion. Head, ticking: Jamb. Head, tightness: 8®°° tension. Head, tingling: better scratching, Thuya. gfgg*' formication. Haad, tired feeling: as from night watching: Benz. ac. 8®*" weary. Head, titillation : I I Alum. Head, touch: gjg^r sensitive. Head, traumatic : g^" injuries. Head, trembling in: with headache, Cop.; dull tremor, with a waving, Sars. Head, tumult, with congestion : Aur. met Head, turning: as if something turned around inside, Ananth.; as if it would be turned inside out when she raised herself, Bar. c Head, troubles in typesetters: IGlon. Head, as from subcutaneous ulceration in scalp: Agar. Head, uncertain feeling : on left side, ILach. Head, uncomfortable feeling : 11 Anthrac; all day, Asim. Headache, undulating sensation: IIGlon.; through from behind forward, Indig. gg&* wavelike. Head, uncovering : ggg*- wrapped. Head, unsteadiness: with nausea, Cup. ars. Head, vacant feeling : IHyos.; cannot concen- trate mind, Natr.; with loss of thought, sight, and hearing, Kreo. 8^° empty, hollow. Head, vertigo: 8€S~ Chapter 2. Head, wabbling : on shaking, as if brain struck against sides, I INux m. Head, water: as if he had water in, worse walk- ing, Ananth.; as if drops of water were falling, Cann. s.; as if full of boiling, with steady head- ache, Rob.; as if gushing forward when stoop- ing, Ars. m.; as if waves were beating against, worse standing, talking, shaking head, bend- ing head backward, better lying down or bending head forward, Dig.; as if water were dropping within, after neuralgia under right eye, IChin. s.; having head washed, stool im- mediately, Tarant.; disposed to catch cold when washing, IBar. e; worse after washing, IGraph.; objects to washing, ISul.; with con- gestion, Aur. met. g@g~ Brain fluid, swashing. Head, wavelike sensation : IBell. 8^° undulating. Head, weakness: Ananth, Ant. c, Ars., Ars. s. f, Calc. s, ICaust, Rhus, Stram.; after coffee, ICham.; like a dulness, and as if there were a vibration in forehead, and a turning about in a circle, IMere sol.; with dyspnoa. when lying on back at night, IPuls.; especially in eyes, Zinc; faint feeling on walking in suri, INatr. m.; feeling of loss of power and sensa- tion in back, as if head would fall forward, Calab.; extends down to neck, IIGraph.; like numbness, same as in hands, IFluor. ae; she could not endure sound of piano, IPhos.: while reflecting, IPhos.; can scarely think, IGraph, with vertigo, I Amb, Caust., ICinch.; with vertigo, must lie down, IZinc; amounting to vertigo, with gushing of a stream of blood 120 3. INNER HEAD. from genitals (metrorrhagia), I I Sabina; with inclination to vomit, Cina. 8gT sensitive. Head, weary: Bell, INatr. m. 8§T tired. Head, weight in: Coccul.; on sinciput, Cain.; on waking, better by cold washing, worse on stooping, sometimes lasting all day, IPhos.; in cerebral congestion, IVer. v.; in irritation of brain, ILach.; following chill, Cain.; with pressure on upper lids, better by washing forehead with cold water, and in open air, I Phos.; as if he would fall, IBell.; with ten- dency to fall backward while seated, Cinch.; worse in forehead, Ars.; in forenoon (chorea), 11 Agar.; in chronic cephalalgia, Arn.; during menses, Crotal.; and pressure, IGels.; -after j. sleeping, Sul.; in temples, better by coffee, | Cornus; worse in left temple (glaucoma), HPhos. 8§T fill, heavy. Head, whirling : Con.; all day, ICarbo v.; as if drunk, IIArg. met; with menses, ICaust; J during menses, worse stooping, better after- noon, ICaust; like a mill-wheel, HChin. s.; with nausea, Calad.; while sitting, houses at a distance seem to turn bottom upward, Jamb.; with vertigo, Coff. 8®" Chapter 2. Head, as if whiskey fumes had gone to: Ars. m. $gj?° drunken. Head, whizzing in: with vertigo, or with shocks when waking, 11 Nux v. Head, wild feeling; iGels, ILil. tig.; as though she would be crazy with pain in right iliac region, and restless sleep, ILil. tig. Head, sensation as if without: Asar. Head, wounds: gg$° injuries. Head, wrapped up: wants it closely, I Ars, IIHep, ILach, IThuya; aversion to having it uncovered, wears a fur cap in hot weather, Psor.; better wrapping it up warmly, lArs.; likes to go about without any covering (dysp- noea), ILye; least covering intolerable, ILed.; disposition to take cold from uncovering, IIHep, HSil. HEADACHE (undefined): 11 Abies, Absin, I Acet. ac, I Aeon, I /Ethus, I Agar, I Agnus, Alum, IIAlumin, Amb, lAmin. c, I Amyl, IIAnae or., I lAnthrac, IIAnt. c, I Apis, lArg. met, lArg. nit, lArn, Ars. s. f, HArs, I Arum t, I Asar, lAsim, I Aur. met, I Badiag, IIBell, ICact, ICale, Calc. a, Calc. s., ICann. i, ICarbol. ac, ICarb. s, ICaust, ICham, 11 Chloral,Cinnam.,1 ICoccul, ICochl., IColoe, ICon, I ICornus, ICrotal, I ICurar, ICup. m, IDiad, IDulc, 11 Eup. pur, IFerr, IFerr. ph, Gamb., IIGels, IIGlon, IGraph., Gymn, IHekla, IHep, Hippom, IHydras, Hydr. ac, IHyos, Indig, lllris, Iod, Jab, Jalap, IKali bi, IKali c, IKreo, ILac def, ILach., ILachn, ILil. tig, ILye, ILye vir, ILyss, IIMagn. m, IManc, IIMelil, IMere 'iod. rub, IIMerc, IMere p, IIMez, Myr. cer, IINatr. m. IINitr. ac, INux m, IINux v, 1101. caje, IOp, Oxal. ac, IIPhell, Plant, IPlat, IPlumb, HPod, IIPuls, Sal. ac. Sec, HSep, HSil, IISul, ITell, ITherid, Thlaspi, lUran. n., Var, Ver. v, Vespa. Vinca, Xan. Headache, abdominal: IOp.; with pain in abdo- men, ICale p., Chim. m.; severe across umbili- cus, ILac def; with stitches, Gymn. 8@f°colic. Headache, relieved by abscesses: IChin. a. Headache, in Addison's disease: ICale Headache, in afternoon: IIBell, ILyss., I INatr. p, Sarrae; chronic, of four years' standing, generally begins 5 or 6 p.m., with nausea and anorexia, ceases as he falls asleep, I ISul.; chronic, into night, ICup. m.; chronic, coming on in evening, lasting through night, IVer.; 2 to 7 p.m., worse moving eyes (whooping cough, IBadiag.; principally over left eye, ILac c; with occasional fluttering of heart, Form.; 4 to 6 p.m. (coryza), IHell.; worse from 4 to 8 p.m., rising or lying down, ILye; begins about 3 p.m., worse at night, IIBell, Vib.; 5 to 10p.m., rheumatic, IPuls.; shooting worse, IFerr.; every afternoon, especially after wine, tea, or lemonade, Selen.; worse in afternoon, 11 Asaf, IKali bi, Pallad, and evening, IMere iod. rub.; worse in afternoon, noise, motion, light, Ananth.; worse toward evening, espe- cially shaking head, ISep.; worse toward evening (bone-pains), Brom. Headache, air: better from cold: 11 Dros., Lyss.; dread of cold, ICoff, worse in cold, Eup. pur, llris, ISil.; in damp, IIDulc; worse in a draught, Benz. ac, ICale, Caust., HCinch, IHep, IMere, ISil.; better in open, lAct. rac. Alum, I Arg. met, Berb, Chloral., Como, Con, IGlon, IHell, Kali bi, Lith, IILyc, Mosch, Niccol, IPic. ac, IIPuls., I I Seneg, Sinap., ITabae, Zinc; rheumatic, better in open air, IIKali s.; better from exercise in open air, looking up and bending head backward, pressing between hands, Apis; chronic, spells caused by draught, or scrub- bing, I ISil.; worse in open air, Arg. nit. Bar. c, IBell., Ced, Con., IIMerc, Mez, INux v., Sul.; on first going into open air (soreness), lEup.perf; sticking worse in open air, IMang.; better walking in open air, I Ant. c.; better walking slowly in open air, Eup. pur, IIPuls.; better from outdoor exercise, Coff.; worse walking in open air, IBell, IChin, ICina, llris, Sep. 8@~ cold, heat, motion, room, walking, weather. Headache, from alcohol: 8®"" drinking. Headache, alternates with: pain in abdomen, Cimex ; tumefaction of abdomen, Stram.; cut- ting in calves and upper arms (epidemic ty- phus), IChel.; oppression of chest, IIGlon.; diarrhoea, IPod.; hot flushes in face, Lyss.; gastralgia, Bism.; lumbago, Aloe; pain in neck and shoulders, Eryng.; pains in nape of neck, Hyos.; uterine pains, IGels. Headache, anaemic: IIEucal.; especially in patients whose blood has been saturated with iron, IZinc. Headache, from anger: Petrol, IPhos, or cha- grin, IPlat; vexation, ICham, ICoff. Headache, in angina : Bar. m. Headache, with anguish and restlessness: Coloe Headache, anus: from pains during stool, urging griping, I lOxal. ac; in prolapsus, lArn. 8^°constipation, diarrhcea, hemorrhoids, stool. Headache, in anthrax; I lAnthrac. Headache, with anxiety; I Aeon, lArs, IGels, Lyss.; worse lying down, I ISep.; cannot re- main in bed, Cact.; after anxiety, lyEthus. Headache, appetite: inordinate, before (chronic cephalalgia), I IPsor.; lack of, ICast. eq. ggg* gastric. Headache, arms ; aching in bones after, Med.; drawing, IVer.; with paralytic feeling, Hod. Headache, arthritic : 8ST" gouty, rheumatic. 3. INNER HEAD. 121 Headache, on ascending: ICale, ISul, IGlon. Headache, with asthma : IKali e Headache, from close attention : llgn. 86^* mental exertion, thinking. Headache, on awaking : yEsc h, Arg. nit, Arn, ICale, Carbo v, IChel, lEup. perf. Gels, Iodof, IKali c, ILye, INatr. m. Rheum, Rumex; awakens, Form, IKali bi, ISil.; at night, with sensation as if head were being pressed against wall, with heat in head, lasts all day, after cessation of chronic diarrhcea, worse in morning, I ISul.; imme- diately after awaking, lasting till towards noon, INatr. m.; child, IKali br.; preceded by a disagreeable dream, Rumex; every morn- ing, INaja, IINatr. m.; in indigestion, Chel.; continuing all day and night, Cinch, bob; on being awakened, toward morning, Tell.; from awaking early morning, cannot sleep after 3 a.m. (convalescence from yellow fever), ICale; from being aroused by night bell (chronic cephalalgia), I Arn.; as from too much sleep, Bov.; lasts until 10 a.m., when scalp begins to sweat and headache passes off (after blow on head), INatr. m, worse on awaking, Benz.ac, Millet, INux v, Sul. 8@"° morning, sleep. Headache, back: aching, IKali c; with weak- ness in sacral region, IPhos.; with pain in small of back, IBell, in diphtheria, 11 Lac c, in dysentery, IINux v., in menorrhagia, ICoccus, in ophthalmia, HArs.; with or fol- lowed by severe pain in small of back, ISil.; with sensation as if cold water were poured down back, Alum.; weak back, in morning, Pallad.; weakness in sacral region, IPhos. Headache, band: as if bound by, Arg. met, Carbo v, Cepa, Cinnab, ICoccul, ICycl, Diose, IGels, Gymn, IHep, Hod, Iris, Med, IINitr. ac, ISul, ITereb, Variol, Zing.; a circle of pain extending in a line through cerebellum, shifting, Zing.; around above ears, IIGels, Osm.; pressing hardest above ears, during day, Amm. br.; as if tightly bandaged around forbead, Indig.; after rising from bed, pain like a tight narrow band all around on level with upper forehead, Cupr. s.; contractive pain, with sensation as if flesh were loose, worse in wet cold weather and when at rest, better in motion (caries), ISul.; as if enclosed in a band, seemed to crush in head, ICarbol. ae; like a rope drawing tighter and tighter, IINatr. m.; as of a tense band reaching from nape of neck to ears, must lie down, Anac; as if surrounded by a tight band (dysmenor- rhoea), 11 Xan.; when stooping, ISpig. 8§£" constrictive, contractive, pressing, viselike, wrapping. Headache, from bathing : ggjg* water. Headache, beating : 8£aT" hammering, throb- bing. Headache, bed: drives him from, Calc. a. Thuya; worse from warmth, IPuls, stitches worse, Thuya. Headache, bending: double from,IColoe; worse bending head backward, Clem, Glon.; worse bending head forward, Carbol. ac, IColoe; worse sitting bent, Ant. t. 8^° position. Headache, benumbing: 8®" numb. Headache, with bewilderment: Euph. 8@°° confused. Headache, bilious: IBry, IColoe, IIGornus, Eup. perf, IHydras, llpec, ILept, IMere, INux v., HPod, IPtel., IPuls.; every few days,beginning behind left ear,passing around lower forehead as a pressing down on eyes, with nausea and vomiting (distortion of face), ICrotal.; in liver complaint, Berb.; in oculo- motor paresis, 11 Seneg. 8^° gastric. Headache, bladder: in cystitis, lEup. pur.; pre- cedes irritation of, in children, 11 Senecio. Headache, with small bloodboils on lower legs: IMagn. e Headache, bloodvessels dilated, ^con- gestive. Headache, as of a blow : Cann. i, INatr. m.; feels stunned, Dolich.; suddenly, as if struck by a hammer or club on right side, throws him to left when walking indoors or outdoors, I ITabae; with vertigo, vacillating gait and stupor, Sarrae 8^" concussive, stunning. Headache, bone pains: Act. sp, Ang, Ast. r, ICale, ICale p., IHyper, Lyss, Rhod, ISyph.; as if broken, worse lying down, I Aur. met; as if driven asunder, especially when walking, going up stairs or rising from sleeping, ILye; almost causes fainting (syphilis), IMez.; front and back, toward evening, in damp weather, Brom.; on lying down, affecting vital energy, Aur. met.; mornings, in bed, Aur. met.; pain worse from motion and in evening, IIMez.; at night, IHep, IIMerc, IMez, IINitr. ac, IPhyt, I IThuya; chiefly occipital, IIMerc iod. rub.; after rheumatism, Ver. v.; as if scraped, IPhos. ac.; as if bones separated, Arg. nit.; sensitive to cold and contact, worse from motion and in evening, IIMez.; each bone feels shattered and sore, Lyss.; soreness, HCale p., IIKali bi.; soreness of bones of leftside, Cup. ars.; syphilitic, lAur. met, IKali iod, IMere, INitr.ac, IMez, I ISyph., I IThu- ya; tenderness of affected side, I ISep.; worse by touch, IIMez, I IThuya; under bones, I IChel, INuxm. g^° periosteal, sutures, syphilitic. Headache, boring : Act. sp, lArg. nit, ICoccul, Cochl.; every evening, I IPuls.; especially over eyes, extending into dorsum of nose, Colch.; particularly above eyelids, Laur.; in left side, Eup. pur.; in left side, after dinner, Zinc. ; in left side, affecting eyes, flickering, appearing regularly at midnight, IChin. a.; in left side each morning, beginning 1 a.m., lasting until 1 p.m., ICinch.; left side from temple to occiput, extends into sides of neck and auditory meat- us, 11 Puis.; from mental labor or by entering room from open air, Colch. ; beginning in morning, better by evening, worse from men- tal exertion, light, noise, coffee and after eating, INux v.; from within, morning till evening, worse motion, stooping, better rest, closing eyes, external pressure and sleep, ISep.; worse from motion or stooping, IHep.; at night, Amm. e; onesided, begins on awak- ing, morning, Aur. met; onesided, extending into bones of face and parietal bone, IPhos.; pressive, as if frontal bone would fall out, Cochl.; in right side, IColoe, Zinc; in right side, morning on getting awake, Arum t; worse in right side and forehead, less in occiput, IBell.; at times extending to scapulae, I IPuls.; tearing and scraping externally during night, 11 Lye ; to teeth and neck, with stitches in ears, IMere; worse from touch, lAur. met. BST" burrowing, digging, nail. 122 3. INNER HEAD. Headache, as if bound. 8®" band. Headache, brain: affection of, IGlon.; as if clasped by a hand, twisted and torn, IMur. ae; as from commotion, when stepping or shak- ing head, better sitting up or slow exercise, Sep.; from concussion, Calc. s, IIKali br., Hyper.; with painful concussion from shak- ing head when walking, Mang.; dull in right side on coming into warm room, Spong.; as if dashed to pieces, worse from motion, noise or light, ICoff.; chronic, depending upon brain fag, ICale; in right hemisphere, with drawing' in back into neck (chronic catarrh), I ISang.; as if mashed, with nausea and vom- iting (chlorosis), llpec; middle, on waking in morning, felt even before opening eyes, IINux v, persistent, with softening, HPhos.; like a pressure of something hard on upper surface, in paroxysms, llgn.; as if torn to pieces, IVer.; as if in substance of left side, raging as if a nerve were being torn, lArg. met. Headache, feels as though head would break: with chill (quotidian), I IPuls. Headache, breathing: gasping for air, after IColoe; oppressed, ICale; pain worse breath- ing, talking or laughing, Mang.; worse from a deep inspiration, Cact. Headache, a breeze of pain: I ISul. Headache, bruised: I Arn, Benz. ae, Bov, Camph, Euph,IGels,IGraph,llgn, INux v, Rhod, I ISul, Tereb, Thuya, 11 Zinc; on awak- ing in morning, disappears on rising, renewed by thinking, llgn.; through all cranial bones into roots of teeth and tongue, with nausea, bet- ter outdoors, I llpec; or torn when coughing, ISul.; dull (typhus), IBapt; extends to pars (cerebrospinal meningitis), IRhus; in even- ing, with coryza, lEuph.; externally, I Ruta; particularly in forehead, worse from motion, better rest, Cup. ars.; in forehead and through head, worse on vertex, ILac def; after fever and sleep, Chin, a.; in intermittent, I Act. rac; in left side, Gymn.; especially during mental labor, or in early morning, lAur. met.; worse from mental exertion, ICinch.; in morning in bed, worse at rest, better after rising, 11 Aur. met; in early morning, Con.; especially in occiput and forehead, worse morning, better cold applications, I Euphor.; in periosteum, from temple to occiput, IRuta; on one side, INux v.; in side, worse by slightest motion, ICinch.; scalp sore, INux v.; in skull, worse moving head and walking, ICaps. 86^° soreness. Headache, burning: IIAcon, Agar, Amm. c, IIApis,IArg.nit,IArs,Arund,Aur.met,IBar. e, Berb, ICale, ICarbo v, ICoff. t, Coloe IDros, Lyss,HMez, IPetrol.JPhos, Psor, Ver. v.; better in open air, Mang.; in anterior part, IKreo.; precursor of apoplexy, Ast. r.; here and there, on body, in morning, Carbo v.; in- tense, worse in cerebellum, IMed.; with chilliness, ICaust.; from congestion, Ustil.; in whooping cough, IBry.; in croup, I ISamb.; erysipelatous, worse at night, I Ars.; in evening, when undressing and growing cold, Ars.; in eye complaints, Ant. sul. aur.; commencing at eyes, with lachrymation, Jamb.; comes from deep in, affecting left eye, folio wing left supraorbital nerve, morning at 4, worse each succeeding morning (suppressed intermittent), I ISpig.; from foramen infraor- bitale over right sioe to occiput and mandi- bula, I IZinc; in supraorbital neuralgia, IChel.; like fire, Lachn.; especially in forehead and temples, Jacea; with cold hands and feet, during apyrexia, Ign.; along edge of hair, Berb.; from inward heat, INux m.; stupefying (after getting wet while warm), IDulc; with pulsation and sweat of head, worse night, mental exertion, talking, better wrapping head up warmly, ISil.; in left side, Bapt, and down neck, woke in morning with, Lyss.; first left then right, Calc. a.; worse left side, lAur. mur.; in middle, after brain fever, better pressure, every excitement causes it, IGlon.; in morning, I INux v.; worse in morning and afternoon, ICanth.; worse from motion, stoop- ing, temporarily better pressing head firmly with hand, lApis; causing sense of sickness and nausea (itch), ILach.; with thirst, Ferr. s.; of scalp, worse in warm bed, Thuya; morning and evening (brain disease of children), IKali e; of scalp, morning, after rising, after abuse of mercury, IHep.; of scalp most of back of bead, worse scratching, causing soreness, worse undressing and getting warm in bed, Sil.; of scalp, better scratching, Caps.; in paroxysms (puerperal convulsions), 11 Ver. v.; pricking of scalp, Ran. b.; better scratching, worse getting into a warm sweat while walking, Sabad.; on awaking, right side, Arum t; in sides, up from neck, ICanth.; with soreness, ICanth.; while standing or sitting, ICanth, better in open air, Alum.; with stupor (pneumonia), IPhos.; stupefying, worse morning, ISabad.; down to teeth and neck, with stitches in ears, IMere; especially in left temple, worse at night lying in bed, better sitting up, IIMerc; worse on vertex, IMez.; with vertigo, ICanth, 11 Kali bi.; with vertigo, objects seem to be enveloped in a yellow mist. Kali bi. Headache, burrowing ; IHep.; especially in forehead and temples, ICham. 8gT* boring, digging, nail. Headache,bursting: IBell,Bov, IIBry, ICaps, HCinch., Dolich, Euphor, IIGlon, Ham, ILye, IINatr. m, INux m., ISep., ISil, ISpig.; in open air, IBell, IGlon.; on awak- ing from sleep, Cham, insupportable on bend- ing down, IHam.; with intense cerebral con- gestion, IBell, IIGlon, IMere, IVer. v.; as if forced asunder by levers, IBell.; from press- ure and fulness in brain (hemicrania), IPhos.; asif calvarium were being lifted, llCann. i., 1101. jee; during cough, IIBry, ICaps, INatr. m, INuxv, IPhos., IPhos. ac, Spong.; dis- tending, Bar. e; distending worse during night, Ced.; about ears, Asar.; in evening, better lying with head high, Caps.; with dazzling of eyes from sunlight, lEuph.; worse moving eyes, IPuls.; in fever, I LEse h.; in catarrhal fever, lEuph.; especially in forehead and when stoop- ing, Staph; in forehead and eveballs, worse at 10 a.m. when lying, I IGels.; fulness, press- ing out, with confused feeling, ILil. tig.; in nervous headache, I IVer.; in sick headache, I ITabae; as if head were swelling out, with discharge of blackish offensive water from va- gina, IRhus ; extends to jaw, worse moving head or body, ILachn.; in mania, I IMere • in meningitis, IBell, IGlon, IVer.; when menses ought to appear, IINux m.; in morning on waking, ICon.; in early morning, as if ft 3. INNER HEAD. 123 would fall to pieces, Con.; in morning, grad- ually worse until evening, IBry.; as if it would fly to pieces if she moved, ICoff; with nausea from gas, ICaust.; with pleuro-pneu- monia, IIBry.; in pregnancy, ILye, ILyss.; better from pressure, during cough, ISul.; going off when reading to himself, or writing, I llgn.; as if head were screwed asunder in ar- ticulation of malar bone and upper jaw, IThu- ya; especially in sinciput, chiefly in morning, worse stooping, better in open air, Berb.; in nocturnal sleep, ISul.; with sleeplessness, worse from motion or any jar, better in room, and when opening eyes, HCinch.; upward and asunder on drawing facial muscles, Spig.; with a vitiated discharge from vagina and shooting upwards in parts, IRhus; mostly on vertex, I IPetrol.; when walking, Cinch"; better walking in open air, worse in temples, especially in right, in afternoon, ISang.; feeling like water pipes bursting in head, Sil. 8gT" pressing, splitting, Headache, before cataleptic attacks: I IStram. Headache, catarrhal: Act. rac, ICale, HCepa, I IChlor., I Ferr, IHydras, Hod, IKali c, IKali iod, Kalm, ILach, IIMerc, IMere iod. rub, IINux v, IRumex, IStilling, ISul.; stoppage, ICinch., IIGraph, INux v., Samb, Sul.; with bronchitis,IMere; from chronic nasal catarrh, Alum, IFerr., lElaps ; suppressed catarrh, maddening, IIBell.; especially of children, ISamb.; with dry, hard cough, IKali c; pro- fuse watery discharge from eyes and nose, llCepa, IIEuph.; inflammation of mucous membranes of frontal sinuses,eyes, throat, and chest, IKali iod.; irritation of larynx and tra- chea, clavicular pain,and soreness behind ster- num, IRumex ; before nasal discharge sets in, ISticta; premonitory stages, Gymn.; worse in damp, cold weather, llDulc; from sudden change of weather, ICamph. 8§^ chest, cold, cough, fever, heat, pneu- nonia, weather. Headache, from slightest cause: ICoff. Headache, from least chagrin : IRhus. Headache, changing place: ggg~ locality. Headache, chest: complaints of, Ang.; con- striction, IColoe; dull aching in anterior por- tions of both lungs, day and night,Rumex; oppression, IBell, IMelil.; fever and acceler- ated pulse (apoplexy), ICrotal.: pain, Calc. s. Con. 8®" catarrhal, cough, pneumonia. Headache, in children; 11 Arum t, IGlon.; peevish, fretful, ICale p. Headache,with chorea: HAgar,ICalc,IMygale gj§[r convulsions. Headache, chlorotic : 8@T anaemic. Headache, chronic : I Arn., Caps, I ICaust., IIHekla, Hod, ILac def, INaja, IParis, I IPsor, ISil.; with constipation, 11 Lac def; after suppression of itch, ICale; in leuco- phlegmatic people, with relaxed muscles and general debility, ISul. ac. Headache, in a circle : 8^* band. Headache, clawing: Strain. Headache, during climaxis : Croc, ISang.; chronic paroxysmal, ISep.; continuous, worse at times, worse in right temple (mental dis- turbance) ICycl. Headache, coffee: from abuse of, Arg. nit, IBell, llgn, INux v, Pallad, IPuls.; aver- sion to, ICoff; better from, Anag.; worse from, Arum t, IBry, ICoccul, Form, Ign. Headache, cold: with coldness, as from cold poultice, Mosch.; a cold pain, Ars. s. r.; from taking cold, IIAnt. c, ICoff, IIGlon, I IPuls.; with chilliness, ICale; after catching cold, with colic ICoccul.; after catching cold (neuralgic rheumatism), IIPuls.; worse by taking cold, ICale; as from incipient cold, Aur. met.; as if she had taken cold, with tired feeling all over, Sinap.; better from cold water, externally, ILach.; from taking cold after having hair cut, IIBell.; worst' chilling head, ICarbo v.; better in cold, Ant. t, IKalm.; better from cold applications, HAloe, ICale; worse in cold, Bov, IIMez, IRhus, IStront, IStram.; worse in cold winds, llgn. 8^" air, catarrhal, fever, weather. Headache, with colic : Coccul, INatr. s,Tereb.; pains correspond to flatulent colic, and pinch- ing in abdomen, IRob.; with Potter's colic, Alum. 8@r* abdomen. Headache, concussive pain : in bronchial ca- tarrh, HCale 8®° blow, shocks,stunning. Headache, confused : Calc. p, Carb. s. Chin, a, IGels., Viol.; which she cannot describe, or make clear to herself, I ITherid.; particularly in forehead, ISep.; heaviness and pressure, especially in forehead, worse right side, warm room, smoking, reading, writing, motion, better in open air, sitting down, or standing in draught of air, Ferr. iod. gg&° bewilderment. Headache, in confinement: after puerperal rash, IHyper.; wdth after pains, IIFerr.; six weeks after (hydrogenoid constitution), INatr. s.; after instrumental delivery, with violent after pains, Hyper. Headache, congestive: Amm. br, Amm. e, lArn, IIAsaf, Asar., IIBry., ICarbo a., I ICarbol. ac, ICrotal., IFerr., IFluor. ac, I IGlon., IILach ,Lachn., ILye, ILye vir., INux m., IOp., IPhos, ISang., ISil, ISul., IVer. v.; as if bloodvessels were overfilled, to face and neck (neuralgia), IGuaiae; brain as if too large, forcing itself out front, IGlon.; chronic, with photophobia, and impossibility to open eyes on account of weight on upper lid, ISep.; at climaxis, Arg. nit.; with constipation in strong, plethoric adults, with giddiness and flushed face, IINux v.; with dry, hard cough, IKali c.; dull, in fevers, Eucal.; epigastrium sensitive to touch, IGlon.; in epilepsy, with flushed face, IBufo.; eyes inflamed, IGlon.; with retinal congestion, Sang.; face bluish, . with heavy, stupid expression, IGlon.; face and head very hot, IGlon.; in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; in forenoon, Calab.; begins in forehead and sides of head, slowly passing to vertex and occiput, becomes throbbing pain, IGlon.; holding head with both hands IGlon.; worse lying with head low and after sleeping, IGlon.; with hemorrhoids, IMur. ae, IINux v.; dependent upon organic disease of heart, I INaja ; hysterical, I Arg. nit.; frequent, inflammatory, Bism.;inflammatory, transient heat, throbbing, worse on motion and stoop- ing, extending upward from nape of neck with swollen veins in temples (syphilis) I ISang.; frequent, deep inspiration,IGlon.; lips swollen IGlon.; during menses, INuxm.; with monor- rhagia or metrorrhagia, lAcon, IMillef; from suppression of menses, almost apoplectic, with nausea and vomiting, IVer. v.; in morning, 124 3. INNER worse toward noon, gradually better toward evening, pains terrible, fears going mad, runs or presses head against wall, IStram.; worse on motion and least noise, IGlon.; in old people with dark hair and eyes, Hod., periodic every twelve or fifteen days for many years, IGlon.; better from external pressure, IGlon.; with cool skin, Ham.; from suppression of sweat or urine, Ascl. s.; frequent and profuse flow of pale urine, or urine highly colored with red- dish sediment and mucus of dirty, reddish- yellow tint,IGlon.; vertex burning hot,IGlon.; with vertigo, prevents rising, iGlon.; better from application of cold water, IGlon.; more frequent in hot weather, IMelil.; nervous,weak and trembling after, IMelil.; heat of face, with trembling in head, Cop.; vessels dilated, Ver. v.; with venous congestion, IHam. 8@° fulness, hammering, heat, throbbing. Headache, consciousness. 8®° unconscious. t Headache, with constipation : Alum, Anag, IIBry, ICale p., IHydras, 11 Lac def, IINux v., IVer.; at intervals of one, two or three days, IPuls.; and dizziness, Calc fl.; affecting forehead and eyes, llris ; from torpor and dry- ness of a portion of intestinal mucous tract, when tongue is clean or covered with bubbles of frothy saliva, INatr. m. B^T* stool. Headache, constrictive: ICarbo v., ICoccul, Crotal., Jamb.; as if brain were constricted on all sides, Tarax.; with drowsiness, Cub.; worse warm drinks, I IVer. v.; especially about fore- head, commencing slight, increasing till vio- lent and ending slight, IPlat.; before menses, Hep.; with nausea, Carbo v.; especially in occiput, lEuphor.; with facial erysipelas, IGraph.; of posterior and superior integu- ments (tinea favosa), Hydroeot; as if there were a wound on parietal bone which was being scratched, place feels hot (neuropathia), Kali ars.; in right side of, at noon, Pallad.; in scalp, worse talking and in open air, better sitting or lying, INatr. m.; with shooting in temples, generally right, llris; in whole upper part, increasing and decreasing slowly, Stann.; with vertigo, staggers, 11 Calab. g^° band, contractive, crampy, pressing, tension, viselike. Headache, contractive : as if too small, IIGlon.; and pinched feeling of scalp, Lyss.; of scalp, Carbo v., Selen.; scalp as if drawn together to one spot, Zinc; scalp as if clutched and drawn together to one point of a circle, ICinch.; in scalp, followed by numbness of head and ex- ternally on vertex, worse in evening and while sitting, better in motion and in open air, IPlat. 8®° band, constrictive, crampy, pressing, tension, viselike. Headache, contusive: 8®° bruised. Headache, conversation : gjgg* talking. Headache, with convulsions: of children, IHell.; causes sharp cries, IZinc; extends over entire head (puerperal), I IVer. v.; after spasms, Caust.; before spasms, Cannab. 8®° chorea, epileptic. Headache, with coryza: g@* catarrhal. Headache, with cough: Apis, I Arn., IBell, IIBry., ICale, HCaps, IColoe, Con, llpec, llris, IKali e, ILach, ILac def, Med, IINatr. m., INux v, IPuls, IPhos. ac, I IRumex, ISang, Sars, Sep., ISpig, HSquilla, Ver., Vib.; worse in open air, IChel.; in bronchitis, HEAD. IPhos.; continual, without expectoration (croup), I ISang.; dry, worse from least move- ment (jaundice), IPhos.; hard dry, day and night, ILye; dry, spasmodic, simulating early stage of whooping cough, Rumex; dry and tight, HXan.; tickling dry, disturbing sleep, ICon.; worse in forehead (influenza), I Ant. t; in epidemic influenza, ISabad.; at night, I I Eup. pert; in occiput, Ars. h.; stitch- ing (bronchial catarrh), ICale; in vertex, Ars. h. 8@^° catarrhal, bursting, splitting. Headache, crampy: Ananth, Rheum. Psor.; on left side, IPhos.; drawing, tearing, worse by study, or exertion, following fever and ague, IGels. 8^* band, constrictive, contrac- tive, tensive, viselike. Headache, as if crushed: Ananth.; intense, threatens to make him unconscious, I Amyl. 8gp shattering. Headache, cutting: in right side frontal to occipi- tal regions, settles in left parietal bone, IBell.; better by coffee, Cornus ; as if a knife were drawn through left, transversely, lArn.; as if part of right side were cut off, worse after rising or ascending, better from heat and after belching, ILach.; after menses, INatr. m.; in nerves of left, coming and going, preventing sleep, lAur. met.; neuralgia, with vomiting llris; from bridge of nose to occiput, Ferr. iod.; worse right side, in forehead and occiput, IBell.; in one side, better thinking of it, ICie; of short duration, changing often, I llris; passing from above right eye througb head to back of left ear, I ITubere 8@~ lancinating, stabbing, stitches. Headache, from dancing: IIArg. nit 8^~ heat, motion, walking. Headache, darting : IKali iod, Merc, sul.; upon exposure to any draught of air or before storm (ciliary neuralgia), ISil.; changing locality, Berb.; not confined to one locality (diphtheria), I IHydras.; after suppressed gonorrhoea, 11 Psor.; in left side, Polyg, Rumex; in left side from temporal to orbital region, Lact. ac.; like lightning, Carbo a.; in one side, IKali bi.; from one side to other, Carbol. ac-.; worse in rest, better walking, ICaps.; in right side, Brach.; tortuous running into head and prevent- ing sleep, IChin. a.; after vexation (1 to 10 p.m.), IMagn. e; worse walking, better sitting, Cinch. 8®~ shooting, neuralgic. Headache, all day : INiccol,; in irritation of brain, ILach. 8®" afternoon, morning, noon. Headache, deep seated ; I IBov, Cubeb.; with depression and drowsiness, ICornus. Headache, delirium : Colch.; in those readily becoming delirious in fever, or with pain, 11 Agar.; in typhoid scarlatina, lAilant.; al- most delirious, IMelil.; delirium tremens, IDig.; in meningitis, IVer.; in mental derange- ment, delirium, Stram. Headache, with delusions. 8®*" hallucina- tions. Headache, in dentition : ICale, ICham, Tereb. Headache, with depression : Lil. tig, Sep.; in legs, while walking, Therid. Headache, drives to despair; IVer.; runs wildly about room, ICoff, Headache, with diarrhcea: Cubeb, Stram., IVer.; bilious, INatr. s. 8^*" dysenteric. 3. INNER HEAD. 125 Headache, digging : Cadm. s.; left side, Calc. a.; nightly, I Caust. BS^-boring, burrowing, nail. Headache, in diphtheria: ICrotal, IMere s, IPhyt.; peculiar hard ache, IILach.; second day, IKali iod.; violent, IKali perm. 8®* throat. Headache, distending : 8§T" bursting. Headache, dizziness: yEthus, I lAnthrac, Apoe; lasting all day, Lyss.; when stooping, as if he would fall headlong, IGels. 8^ vertigo. Headache, from bite of dogs: 11 Lyss. Headache, dragging: Cadm. s, Cain. Headache, drawing: Agar, Aph.ch, I I Apis Castor., HCarbov, HCinch, Crotal, IKreo, Nitr. sp. d, IPlumb, Sinap, I ISpig, ISul.; in open air, better indoors, Mang.; in bones, I Aur. mur, IMere; cramplike, especially about fore- head, commencing slight, increasing violence, ending slight, IPlat; downward in right side, Spong.; from corners of eyes towards temples, Cie; dull, to and fro, I llpec; with swelling of face and eyelids, IRhus; especially in fore- head, Coccul.; heat, with chill, IGlon.; in hemicrania, ISep.; under right frontal bone, ICimex ; intermittent, in rheumatic, gouty or nervous diathesis, IColoe; into lower jaw, Diad.; in left side, I Aur. mur, IDros.; in left side, after dinner, Zinc; in left side,eyeball to occiput, 11 Colch.; in morning, I I Agar, IINux v.; worse by motion, Cinch.; in neuralgia, 11 Agar.; on one side extending into bones of face and parietal bone, IPhos.; in perioste- um, Rhod.; periosteum and bones, IIMerc; in periosteum, worse rest, damp stormy cold weather, better wrapping head up warm- ly, dry heat and exercise, I Rhus; from place to place INux m.; in several places, externally, worse to touch, IStaph.; pressive through day, concentrates about right eye in evening, ICale; pressing settles at last in right temple,Zing.; pressive towards forehead,Amb.; in rays, upward from neck, ISang.; in right side, Camph, IColoe; in right side, worse after eating, giddiness in back part of head, ICrotal.; in sides causes giddiness, Dig.; through side to clavicle, first right, next day left, Ind.; tearing, in left half, IIKali c; tearing, worse from study and exertion after fever and ague, 11 Gels.; spasmodic, with death - ly coldness, Camph.; in skull, ICale p.; as if temple would be drawn in (noon), better in open air, and when lying down, Asar.; as if drawn upward, short attacks, with crawls, Camph. 8®" rheumatic. Headache, after drinking; ICimex ; alcoholic liquors (intoxication), IIAnt. c, ICale, ICoff, llgn, IINux v, Rhus, Ruta, ISpong, ISul, ILobel, INux m., IPhos, ISelen, HZine; during and after chill, ICimex; after drinking milk, Brom.; thick, sour milk, Natr. ph.; overheated, IBry.; as from nightly revelling, IBry.; better from stimulants, llgn, IKreo.; better drinking cold water, A lum.; even a small sip of wine, IZinc. ; worse from wine, IGels, Oxal. ac. ; better from wine, Arg. nit. BgT" coffee, tea. Headache, in dropsy: anasarca, IHell.; ascites, 11 Apis. Headache, with drowsiness: 11.Esc h, Calc. p., Myr. cer., INux m, HOp.; all day, Stilling.; and confusion of ideas, ICornus. ggg* sleep. Headache, from abuse of drugs: I IBell, IHep, I INux v, IIPuls. Headache, dull: I Amyl, 11 Arg. met, lArg. nit, 11 Arum t, Bapt., Bell, Bov, Cann. i, Cain, HChel, Cochl, Ferr. s. Form, Iber, Indig, ILach, ILobel. i, Natr. ph, IPhos, 11 Polyp, ISang, Sinap, I IStram, ITereb., Viol., Zing.; in anasarca, IHell.; with tingling in left arm and hand, Ailant.; on awaking (melancholia), I INaja; on awaking in morning, IMere iod. flav.; with dread or fear that he would be very ill (bilious remittent), I IPod.; awakes in night, Ars. s. r.; after midnight, Ant. sul. aur.; extending deep into brain, worse when exercising, Merc, sul.; with oppression of bronchia, Ailant.; as after a carouse, IKreo.; with great oppression of chest, Ailant.; with colic, Tereb.; confused, from occiput over head, from heat, IGels.; in constipation, ICollin.; almost constant, INatr. m.; constant stupefy- ing and pressive, IIGels.; continual, chronic, IDulc; with acute coryza, IGels, ISenecio; with darting to and fro in left side, noon, Pallad.; depressing, causing a sensation of torpor and a strong desire to sleep, with inability to do so (under pressure of great weariness or excitement), Polyg.; with de- pression, Codein, and constipation, IPlumb.; with drowsiness, lassitude, nausea and sweat, ICornus; after eating, Menyanth.; in sinciput, right side, after waiting.for dinner, better after eating, worse toward evening and lasts all night, sudden piercing in eye, ICist; with ringing in right ear, Erig.; disappears after dinner, Phell.; worse after dinner, Diosc; with qualmishness at epigastrium, Sinap.; with pain behind eyes, IPod.; with burning in eyes, Ailant.; with drooping of lids, ISep.; with pain in left eye, Bapt.; with sharp pain in eyes, shooting into head (torpor retinae), I Jab.; with heat of face, Rumex ; with chilh- ness,Cornus; in catarrhal fever, I Euph.; before chill (tertian ague), INatr. m.; better during chill (tertian ague), INatr. m.; with heat in evening, Hippom.; in forehead, Paris; mostly in forehead, worse evening (spermatorrhoea), I ISars.; in hay catarrh, 11 Sticta; cannot lie a moment on back of head, forced to lie on side, ICoccul.; with tingling in head, I IPhos. ae; heavy aching, Amyl.; with slight obtu- sion of intellect, Lye vir.; left side, yEsc. h, Amyg, Asaf, Zinc; in left side, in softening of brain, IBufo.; in left side, worse shaking head and walking, 10 p.m., Tromb. ; light, dizzy, ex- tends over whole brain, Rheum ; with malarial symptoms, INatr. s.; after menses, ICinch.; in morning, 11 Agar.; pain, IGels, IHvper, Lactu. v.; in bed, better after rising, IHep.; returns morning, getting up, 11 Ast. r.; in morning, on awaking, better during day, Cinch, bol.; soon after getting up, worse on left side, lasting about two hours, ICodein ; in morning, with sensitiveness of eyes, ICina' ICinnab.; in morning, during sleep, Led.; waking in morning, lasting all day, worse from motion, stooping, studying, Ars. i ■ worse from motion and reading, 11 Rob.; with violent nosebleed (septic fever, scarlatina) ITereb.; now here, now there, Bism.; with numbness, Chin, s.; in occiput, after breakfast worse when moving and stooping, IGels.; with palpitation, Agar.; with palpitation and flashes 126 3. INNER HEAD. before eyes, Iber.; in acute exacerbations of phthisis, IKali nit; better from pressure, lApis ; in right side, yEsc. h, Arg. met, Ru- mex ; disappears towards noon, Ced.; in room, with difficult flow of ideas, better in open air, I IMenyanth.; in side, ICinnab.; moving from sinciput to occiput, settling in left temple, I ILil. tig.; with sleepiness and weakness dur- ing day, Cornus; with restless sleep, Lil. tig.; with stitches in region of spleen, Urt. ui\; con- verted into acute stabbing by any quick movement,ISpig.; with heavy feeling in sternal region, Ailant; worse by going up stairs and by walking, 11 Ptel.; with vertigo and im- pairment of vision, IPhyt; with vertigo and feverish chilliness, Iber. 8@" heavy. Headache, with dulness; Calc. p., Diad.; caus- ing dulness or stupefaction, I Led. Headache, in persons wdio are mentally and physically dwarfish: Bar. c Headache, dysenteric: IIBufo, ILept 8®° diarrhcea. Headache, dyspeptic. 8®* gastric. Headache, ears; with earache, ISang.; frequent pain, with diminution of hearing, I IPetrol.; ear inflamed, Anac; extends into ears, Calc. a.; with cracking in left ear, IForm.; with deaf- ness, Bar. in.; (in Meniere's disease), ISal. ac. ; worse from music, I ICoff, I IPod.; with noises in ear, after a cold drink, IKali c; noises in head, ICale; with otorrhoea, I IPsor.; extends behind ear into neck, Ziz.; with roaring (co- ryza), lAcon.; with roaring for an hour in head and right ear, worse lying on left, better lying on right, I IPhos.; with stitches in left, IKali bi. 8®° noises. Headache, eating: after meals, Ant. t, Bry, Calc, ICalcp,Carb. s,ICarbo v, Cham.,Chlor, Cinch, bob, ICoff, IHyos, Natr. s, INux v., IRhus, I IRumex, IZinc; better after eating, Arg. nit, Laur, Card, m, I IChel., IKali bi, Sep.,Sinap.; returning in three and a half hours and leaving at sunset,Coca; better while eating, ILith. e; worse while eating, Amm. c; before breakfast, ICale; after breakfast, Agar,Bufo, Carb.s, I IHyper, llris; with sleepiness, INux m.; better after breakfast, Act. rac, I I Arum t; after dinner, Amm. c, Ars. h, I IStram.; better afterdinner, 11 Arum t,Phell,Zing.; after slight- est error in diet, Calc. a.; from fats, I IPuls.; from ice cream, I Ars, IIPuls.; while masticating (sick headache), IPhos.; from meat(dyspepsia), 11 Ruta ; from eating too much, ICoff, IINux m.; from pastry, IIPuls.; from warm food, IISul.; from highly seasoned food, IINux v.; head aches if he does not eat, IILyc; if he does not eat frequently, ISul.; with aver- sion to food, IIAnt. c, ISep.; as if one had eaten too much, or as if stomach had been dis- ordered by being overloaded by too much fat meat, IIPuls. Headache, emissions (seminal): after, IHam., BKob, Viol. 8®" masturbation, sexual. Headache, epigastrium: goneness, I ISep. Headache, epileptic: lAtrop, IBufo, ICale, ILach.; after attack, I Caust, I Cup. m, I Kali br.; before attack ILach.; before and after attacks, ICina. gg&" convulsions. Headache, eructations: Camph.; do not re- lieve, Pallad.; and nausea, during morning, IGraph. g^° gastric, Headache, eruption : after suppressed, IIAnt. c. INux m., IPsor, ISul.; eczema, Mez.; itch, I ISul.; relieved by furuncles, IChin. a. Headache, in evening: Ant t.,Asaf.,IBell., Cycl, IKali bi, I IKali m, IKalm, I IParis, IIPuls, Stront; on going to bed, Alum.; in bed, with shivering and coldness over body, pain began on cervical vertebrae, extends to cerebellum and forhead, where it was worse, I ISil.; bone pains worse, IIMez.; better in evening, worse in morning, Illie; as in stopped catarrh, fol- lowed by dry heat in bed and a drunken sleep, I IPuls.; on lying down, Zinc; lasting until morning, Colch.; worse from noise, Bar. e; rheumatic, worse, I IKali p.; stinging, worse, ICycl.; until falling asleep, Ang.; stupefying, worse, I Ante; tearing, worse, ICoccul.; throb- bing, worse, ICoccul, INatr. m, Vib, Zinc; worse after 10 p.m., Ars. h. Headache, from excitement: lAcon, lArn, IBell, Benz. ac, ICact, ICoccul, Codein, ICoff, IGels., ILach, INux v, IOp, IPhos, IPic. ac. 8®°" hysteria, joy. Headache, from exercise and exertion : g^* dancing, heat, lifting, mental exertion, motion, straining, walking. Headache, explosive: walking in Sleep, I IPhos. 8^°shattering, shocks. Headache, eyes: amaurosis, IZinc, ISep.; chron- ic, with asthenopia and fulness in stomach, llris; behind eyes, I ITherid.; blinding, IIBell, ICaust, IGels, I llris, INatr. m.; makes blind, then unconscious, IBell.; blinding, with bear- ing down in uterus, IFerr. ph.; sudden blind- ness, followed by convulsions, Cup. m.; loss of sight and hearing, IStram.; buries eyes in her hands and presses them into pillow (sick head- ache), ILac def; burning, Diad.; burning com- ing out of eyes, Jamb.; caused by candlelight, Mane; light of candle seems to be dark and to flicker, Euph.; better closing eyes, IBell, Bry, ICale, Chin, s. Hell, IHyos, ISul.; worse on closing eyes, IOp.; as if something closed eyes forcibly, ICoccul.; con- gested, I Act. rac; with cramps in one eye, Viol.; better by looking crosseyed, lOleand.; before headache, objects dancing before eyes, IPsor.; from optical defects, IMagn. p.; in eye disease, lArg. nit,; extends to eyes, Ars. m, ICrotal.; extends to eyes, in evening, IPuls.; extend to eyes and lower jaw, I Arg. nit.; as if eyes would fall out, ISep.; when gaz- ing steadily, Cina, ISpong.; better while eyes are steadily fixed upon one object and while patient is thinking of one sub- ject, 11 Sabad.; with flickering before eyes, Caps, Chin, a., ILach, IPsor., Sars.; chronic, preceded by flickering before eyes and ver- tigo, must lie down, IDiad.; flickering in pecu- liar zigzag figures, Lach.; flickering, on rising in morning, I ICycl.; inflamed,I IBadiag., Med.; inflamed and wild, IBell, IGlon.; inflamed, watery, general soreness of muscles, as if he had taken cold, Stilling.; in scrofulous keratitis, ILach.; with lachrymation, Chin, a, IKali iod, IStram.; with lachrymation, especially of left eye, 11 Calab.; extends into left eye, llgn.; worse in left eye, in forenoon or from stooping, bet- ter while eating, lying down and after sleeping, I IPhos.; worse when moving upper lid, Coloe lids heavy, ICaust, IFerr, IIGels.; sensitive to light, Aeon., I Ars, I Apis, IIBell, Bufo, ICaulo,ICoccul,ICoff, IGels,IMed,INat .m., 3. INNER HEAD. 127 INatr. s., Nux v, IPhos, I IPlat, IPuls, I ISep, ISil., ISpig, Zing, Ziz.; looking at any- thing makes headache worse, Lith.; better looking up and bending head back, Bell.; worse looking up, ICale, llgn.; worse mov- ingeyes, I Act. rac. Bell., IColoe, IHep., IMur. ac, Ptel, ISep., ISil.; worse moving or open- ing eyes, IBry., INux v.; worse moving eyes or facial muscles, ISpig.; worse turning eyes, Sep.; worse turning eyes in pertussis, Badiag.; worse moving or turning up eyes, Bapt.; worse moving eyes, looking down and read- ing, Bell. ; from occiput to eyeball, espe- cially right, ISil. ; from behind forward (neuralgia), ISpig.; involves optic nerve, worse in morning, sight is blurred, gets better as headache gets worse, conies and goes with sun, with nausea, Kali bi.; begins on opening eyes in morning, lasts all day, IBry.; can hardly keep eyes open, Carbol. ac, Lith.; especially deep in orbits to occiput, must shut eyes, Ced.; chiefly in orbital region, with red face and eyes, IBell.; with tearing in orbit, IChin. s.; especially over eyes, ISep, Sinap.; especially over left eye, ILach, ISpig.; over left eye, commencing day before menses (dysmenorrhoea), 11 Xan.; linear pain over left eye, Tell. ; most marked over left eye and in temple, extending into eye, caus- ing profuse lachrymation, ILac def.; sting- ing, over left eye, Selen.; violent supraorbital ■ on either side, but only one side at a time, Iris; worse over eyes, with tightness of head, Xan.; severe in eyes, I Act. rac, ISpig., 11 Sticta ; with painfullness of eyes when moving them, Hippom.; pressing in eyes, after, Anag.; with pressure towards eyes, Astac; as if eyes would be pressed out, llgn.; with dull pressure in left eye, Zing.; with red eyes, ^Carbo a.; ex- tending into right eye, Lyss.; especially over right eye, 11 Sang., ISep.; with pulsations over right eye, Cinch, bob; with scintillations be- fore eyes, IPlat.; with sore eyes, after a fall, IHyper.; with stitches in eyes, Hippom.; stitches out at eyes, ISul.; from straining eyes, ICalab, ICale, ICina, IGels, IHam, IJab, INatr. m, IPhos. ac, IRhus, IRuta; with feel- ing of suffusion or fulness (intermittent), I INux v.; as if sunken, Calc. s.; as if being torn ICoccul.; with tensive pain from eyes to teeth out, and cheeks, worse night (anchylosis), I IStaph.; on straining, in want of accommo- dation, I Arg. nit.; as if a weight pressed down into eyes, IPhos.; with vision of a fiery trem- ulous half circle, Viol.; with dim vision, Aeon, Arg. nit, HCycl, Kali c, I IPhos. ac, IIPuls, IISul, IVer. v.; dim vision precedes headache, lllris, IKali bi., ILac def, IPsor., IPhos.; dim vision follows headache, ISil.; with double vision, INatr. m., I IPhyt.; with sparks before eyes, Aur. met, IBell., ICycl.; sees spectres, before headache, IPsor.; sees white specks, Ustil.; rings or black spots before eyes, IPsor.; worse on seeing water or hearing it run, Lyss.; with weakness of sight, Meph.; whirling be- fore eyes every day, from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m., since two years, 11 Psor. 8£g~ reading, writing, also Chapter 5, Cir- cumorbital, Orbital, Supraorbital. Headache, face: extends into, IGels.; to cheeks, jaws, teeth, and neck, IKreo.; extends to upper maxilla, Carbo v.; into zygoma or cheeks, IHyper ; distorts, INux m.; as though forehead were drawn to root of nose, then backward towards occiput, as if by a string, I IParis; flushed, IBell., INatr. m.; flushed and hot, IGlon.; hot, Aloe, IGlon., ISpong.; pale, ILach, IVer.; red, IBell, Cycl., IGlon.; red, bloated, ILach., Led.; red and hot, Indig.; red and hot, with vomiting of food, IFerr. ph.; red, with nausea and vomiting, before, dur- ing, and after menses, INatr. m.; causes purple redness, with bloodshot eyes, culminating in epistaxis which relieves, I IMelil.; with shoot- ing in upper, Lyss.; with sweat, IGlon.; yellow spots, Laur. Headache, with fainting: Castor, Hippoz, Stram, IVer.; faintness, Carbo v.; as if about to faint, ICale Headache, causes falling: IBell. Headache, from fatigue: Codein. 8®" motion, walking. Headache, feet: cold,IBell., Bufo,ICalc, 11 Chin. s., I ILac def, I IPlat; cold, especially even- ing and morning, HSep. ; fidgety, has to cross them to keep them quiet, I IZinc. ggg" limbs. Headache, fever ; in apyrexia: I Ant. t, I Arn, IFerr., IPolyp, I IPuls.; during chill, 11 Agar., Amm. e, I lAnthrac, ICale, ICoff, Coral, ICup. m., Elat, lEup. perf. Graph, Indig, IILact ac, I IMed, Mez, IINatr. m, IINux v, IPetrol, Sang, ISpong, Variol., Zinc, Zing.; following chill, Alum, IIAnt. c, ICi- mex, I Elat, I IPuls, Variol., Vib.; with chilli- ness in afternoon, Coca, slight, at 2 p.m., lEup. perf.; before chill, I Ars, IBry, lEup. pur.; be- tween paroxysms,Illgn.; with chilliness (catar- rhal fever), IKali c; with chill, from cold, Ars.; with chilliness, followed by fever, Ammo- niac; with chilliness intermingled with heat, IIPuls.; during chill intermittent, ICaps, I IPuls.; with chilliness and languor (bronchial attacks after whooping cough), IKali bi.; with chills and general malaise (nettlerash), ICop.; with chills, nausea and vomiting, Sarrae; with shaking chills (climacteric period), Therid.; with shaking chill, 9 p.m., Better in bed, succeeded thirst, Magn. s.; intense, preceded by shuddering chill passing from brain down spine, with a feeling as if head above eyes were swollen, I ITubere; with shuddering, ISang.; chilly, yet external warmth is unbearable, Sep.; worse during chill, Ars. h.; with fever, Anag.; with fever, 11 Astac; with fever heat, ICaps, I Eup. perf.; during heat, I Ant. t, 11 Apis, Carbo v.,ICoccul., Cornus, Diad,INatr. m.JEup. perf, Stram, Ver. alb.; with heat, ILach, I IMed, IIMerc. iod. rub, IINatr. m., IOp, Zing.; after fever, I Ars.; in bilious fever, lEup. pert, IPolyp.; in intermittent, I ICimex, HCinch, ICist, ICoccul., lElat, lEup. pert, IFerr, IGels, IKali e, IPolyp.; after intermittent, ICina, IIRhus, IISul.; with intense heat in evening (pneumonia), IISul.; with fever, worse at night with drowsiness,ICrotal.;during paroxysms of fever, IKali e; intense during paroxysm, moderate during apyrexia, extends to root of nose and throat (ague), llpec; worse during heat (intermittent), ICoccul.; hot flashes, 11 Sang.; preceding paroxysm (inter- mittent), 11 Elat.; after fever and sweat (quar- tan ague), IPhell.; after suppression of ague, IPuls.; at beginning of fever in morning, IKali c; in remittent fever, IPolyp.; during sweat 128 3. INNER HEAD. (ague), INatr. m.; in typhus, lApis, IBapt, ICoccul, IGlon, I Sang.; in yellow fever, 11 Car- bo v, I IMere 8®* cold, heat, sweat. Headache, with flatulence: better passing wind, ICann. i, yEthus, Cie 8ST" eructation, gastric. Headache, from loss of animal fluids; ICinch., ISul. 8^" emissions, masturbation, sex- ual, weakness. Headache, flying pains: IKali bi. 8®°dart- ing, neuralgic, and changing locality. Headache, in forehead: 8^° Forehead, head- ache. Headache, forenoon : 8§f morning. Headache, with formication in limbs : Camph. g^° numb, tingling. Headache, fulness: I Arg. nit., Calc. p., 11 Eup. pert; in dysmenorrhoea, IChloral., on blow- ing nose or coughing, 11 Eup. perf. 8®*" congestive, pressing, throbbing. Headache, from gaslight: ICaust.; from work- ing under gaslight, IGlon., INatr. c g^" heat, sun. Headache, gastric: All. sat, IIAnae, 11 Ante, I Arn, Arum m., lAscl. t, IIBry., ICale p, ICaust, ICoff. t,Cornus, ICycl., lEup. pert, Gamb., IHydras, ILobel. i, I IMagn. e, INux m., IINux v, IIPuls, I IRheum, ISang, ISep., ISil.; from acidity, ICast. eq., IHy- dras, IINux v., llris, IRob.; burning, in stomach, Camph.; chronic, ICale, Cornus; with gulping up some water, INatr. m.; habitual, to which delicate and literary men are subject, lArg. nit.; hemorrhoidal, with dizziness, ICollin., IINux v.; with nausea, as if at sea, ICoccul.; from overloading stomach, INuxm, IIPuls.; with pain in stomach, ICale p,IColoe; pressure in stomach, after midnight, ISul.; sensitiveness in region of stomach, Ant t. 8^* bilious, constipation, eating, eruc- tation, flatulence, hunger. Headache, with giddiness: g^" vertigo. Headache, with glandular swellings: ICale Headache, gnawing: with otalgia 11 Ran. sc; in arthritic ophthalmia, IColoe; especially in forehead from slightest cold or mental dis- turbance, worse from touch, with hot red face, IIPuls.; in scalp, Berb.; in temples and occiput, Led. 8^°burrowing, digging. Headache, gouty : lAscl. t, IColoe,, IGuaiac, ISul.; from abdominal plethora, ISep.; from menstrual derangement, ISep.; mostly half- sided, IBell.; particularly in delicate, sensitive women, ISep. gt^* rheumatic. Headache, from grief: IGels, llgn, INatr. m, IPhos. ac, IPhos. Headache, with grippe. g^° catarrhal. Headache, hair: hangs loosely, worse if it is put up, IBell.; from having hair cut, IIBell.; as if hairs were pulled, with nausea, Alum. Headache, with hallucinations : IHyos, ICup. ac. Headache, hammering : Amm. c, Cadm. s, ICale, IIGlon., IHep, IILach.; with mental confusion, Ferr.; in chronic catarrh of bladder, 11 Pareira; like blows through head, Psor, ISul.; in left side, Eup. pur.; in evening, when lying down, Clem.; in supraorbital neuralgia, IChel.; when waking in morning, worse9 a.m., affecting throat and neck, Tarant; on left side, coming on gradually toward morning and going off about breakfast time. INitr. ae; must lie down, or as if brain were rent asunder, Ferr.; in morning, ICale; extending to neck and teeth, worse at night, ICinch.; megrim, IFerr.; especially on stooping, IGlon.; from vi- vacious talking, ISul.; from within outward, Psor. gSsgg* congestive, throbbing. Headache, hands: clinched after, IColoe; cold, I ILac def. g^g* limbs. Headache, with hawking: of white mucus, Kali m. Headache, heart: fluttering, INaja; followed by labored action and cardiac depression, ILye vir.; pain, ICact, ILach, Lyss.; palpita- tion, Bufo.; palpitation in chlorosis, ICycl.; palpitation better and worse with headache, 11 Calc. a. Headache, heat: in head, IBell., Diad, IPod, IGlon, IStram.;in head, flushed face (cerebro- spinal meningitis), I Calab.; from inward heat, with burning, INux in.; distressing with burning febrile heat, IHep.; with external heat, I IMed.; with flushes of heat over body, Sep.; drawing hot pain, better by frequent sneezing, Lil. tig.; as if hot iron were bound around head, Aeon.; heat causes dull, confused headache, IGels.; worse from heat, 11 Aloe, Natr. a.; from overheating, IBell, Carbo v, ISil., IThuya; after overheating, with copious sweat, I IGlon.;betterfromhotcompresses,ISil.; better from warmth, Caust, ICinch, llgn, I IMagn. p, IRhus; better from heat, INux m, Stront.; better from dry heat, Rhod.; tear- ing better from heat, IStram.; better in warm room, Nux v., ISil.; worse from warmth, Arg. nit, Ars. h, IBell, ICarbo v., Como, I IDros, INatr. m., Ptel, IKalm.; worse in warm air, * Iod.; worse getting warm in bed, Ant. t. IILyc; worse in a warm room, 11 Apis, Colch, 11 Kali s, IPhos, Sinap, Sep, ISul, Zinc; worse from warmth of stove, Como, Mane; worse near warm stove, with rumbling in abdomen renewed by every motion and when taking a deep inspiration, IManc; cannot bear rays of sun, IGlon.; worse in sunshine, Nux v.; worse getting warm while walking, IILyc. 8§?" bed, congestive, fever, gaslight, room, sun, throbbing, wrapping. Headache, heavy; Cain, 11 Calab, Cann. i, Cochl., Natr. ph., Sinap, Spig.; at 1.30 p.m., IPhyt.; after breakfast, Carb. s.; with drow- .siness, lassitude, nausea and sweat, ICornus; dull, Cup. ars. Dory, Verbas.; dull, 3 p.m., ILyss.; dull in dyspepsia, I IFluor. ae; dull, in circles, above eyes to occiput, Zing.; dull, mostly over eyes, worse on left side, extends at times to vertex and occiput (principally when delayed menses should appear), worse sudden jar, or bending over, false step and movement, Vib.; dull, with profusion of tears, drowsiness and unrefreshing sleep, I INatr.m.; dull in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; dull in typhoid,IGels.; dull, worse in forehead, I I Eup. pur.; dull in left side of head, ILobel. i.; dull in morning, Arum d.; dull, mainly in occiput, mastoid or upper cervical region to shoulders, better when sitting or reclining head high on pillow, IGels.; dull, pain in right side, Stilling.; dull, with stitches, now and then, Zing.; with pain in eves, Calab.; worse on turn- ing eyes, Cinch.; especially in frontal emin- ence, ILith.; in left side, better from pressure, worse lying down, I IVer. v.; as from a load, 3. INNER HEAD. 129 Calad.; during menses, IKali c, IMagn. c; oppressive, for three days, IMelil. ; worse on motion, stooping, studying, waking in morn- ing, lasting all day, Ars. i.; pressing most in forehead, giddv, INux m.; with sweat, ICor- nus. gfgg* congestive, dull, pressing, weight. Headache, with hemorrhoids : IHydras,HNux v, IISul.; from suppressed hemorrhoidal dis- charge, I I Collin. Headache, caused by hiccough : IBry. Headache, from hunger: Caust, ISil.; if not at once satisfied, Elaps.; hungry during, Phos, I IPsor. 8^" eating, gastric. Headache, in hysteria : I Arund, IBell, IBry., ICamph, ICaps, IHelon, ILach, IPhos, Stann.; after attack, or several days before, IKali c; in young women,lArg. nit.; boring in clavus, with vomiting, INux v.; with fainting spasms and sense of constriction of chest, chilliness all over, inclination to involuntary stool and copious flow of colorless urine, IMosch.; sensation like globus hystericus, when pain is worse (meningitis), HSep.; in left side, I ISep.; in people of nervous or san- guine temperament, ICoff.; suddenly appear- ing and disappearing, llgn.; with weakness, fainting, tetanic spasms, INux m. 8®* chorea, excitement, intolerable, ner- vous, neuralgic. Headache, increases gradually: Calc; for three or four months, IGels.; with sudden abate- ment, llgn.; suddenly ceasing, Sul. ac; until very severe, then decreases as gradually, HPlat, IStann. 8®* suddenly. Headache, from indigestion ; ggg- gastric. Headache, indoors: 8@?° room, Headache, with influenza: gggr catarrhal. Headache, intolerable: ICoff; by coughing or sneezing, IKali c; makes her wish for death, ILil. tig.; with red face, Bell.; in syphilis, ILach.; in typhus, lApis; worse left side, from motion, better lying down (catarrh of frontal sinuses), ICup. m.; making patients tearful, ICoff. Headache, from intoxication: 86g°" drinking. Headache, from ironing: IIBry. Headache, with irritability: Ind, ILacc, Lyss, INux v, Pallad. Headache, with itching of whole body : Mez. Headache, jagging pain: worse from noise and light, Carbol. ac. Headache, jarring: head seems jarred on one side, INux v.; felt jarred after shock in head, I IPhos.; worse from jarring, IBell, ICon, IGlon, INitr. ac, Sil, ISpig.; worse from least jar of the bed, IIBell, Ziz. 8®° motion, shocks, stunning, walking. Headache, lower jaw: stiff and painful, Lyss.; with caries, Mez.; extending to jaws, 11 Kali in. Headache, jerking: Asaf, Bry, IKreo, INatr. m.; concussion of brain, ICie, ISul, Val.; in anterior part, IKreo.; from behind forward, better drinking cold water, IKali e; in ca- tarrh of chest, 11 Apis ; worse on motion and when walking, better lying, ICinch.; down from, Calc. a.; like electric shocks, worse in cold, better at rest and from warmth, ICie; scalp as if jerked forward from occiput to fore- head, I Amyl.; sudden, Samb.; on ascending steps, worse raising eyes, llgn.; upward, like electric shocks, Sep ; worse walking quickly or ascending stairs rapidly, IBell.; with jerk- ings through body, IGlon. 8®~ neuralgic, shocks, tearing. Headache, from excessive joy: ICoff. 8@^ excitement, hysterical, laughing. Headache, jumping: 8®° throbbing. Headache, lacerating: Alum, Ant c, Bov, Indig, IKali iod.; in bones, IMere; in even- ing in bed, Laur.; of wdiole left side, I IGuaiae; in morning till noon, llpec; sick headache, ■Sul. 8®°" neuralgic, rending, tearing. Headache, lancinating: Cadm. s, Colch, ICup ac, Ipec, Squilla, Variol.; especially in frontal region, Cinch.; in left side, 11 Rob.; left then right side, Elaps.; early in morning after rising, IMagn. e; especially in occiput and vertex, Dig.; especially in one side, Coccul.; in parox- ysms, crying out suddenly, better holding head firmly (post-scarlatinal dropsy), Tereb.; especially in vertex, ICon.; better walking in open air, IHep. 8®°" cutting, nail, pierc- ing, pricking,stabbing, stitches, sticking. Headache, worse laughing: yEsc. h, Ars. m, ICoccul. 8@° excitement, hysterical. Headache, leaning; inclination to lean head against something cold and hard, worse lean- ing forward, better bending backward, IIBell. 8®° position. Headache, leucorrhcea; with, IINatr. m, IPlat, HSep.; precedes it and irritation of bladder, ISenecio. g^° uterine. Headache, life; disgust for, Pod. ggg* suicidal. Headache, worse from lifting: ICale, IThuya. Headache, light: g^g** eyes. Headache, limbs: aching, IIAnt.e; pain, Carbo v.; tired feeling, IBell.; pain in shoulders, Calad.; pain in right shoulder joint, IILach.; slight quivers in wrists and hands, IGlon.; weakness of wrists, IGlon.; extends to tips of fingers, with trembling and uneasiness, ICamph ; thighs weak, knees knock together, IGlon. Headache, linear: constant pain, commencing on forehead, extending in parallel lines back- ward, before epileptic attack, I I Syph.; from or near one eye backward, ISyph.; violent in a small spot over left eye, short, sharp and de- fined, Tell. Headache, with liver complaint: gg£T bilious. Headache, changing locality : from side to side, ICinch.; in single places, Ictod.; going from place to place, forenoon, Alum.; commences on left side and going around to right, I ISul.; first one side then the other, better first going into air, ILac c; first occiput then forehead, over right side, ICepa ; wandering in right side of, occasionally (rheumatism), 11 Viol. Headache, loose sensation: when turning, of something, diagonally across top, IKalm.; when shaking head, Con. Headache, lying down: aggravates, Ant. t, 11 Asaf, IColoe, Con, IGlon, IRhus, Spong, Thuya ; as if he had been lying with it too low atnight.,1 I Phos, on back, stitches worse, Cycl.; better lying down, ICale, Calc. s, ICinch, Eryng, IGels, Glon, llgn, Lith, IILyc, IMenyanth., INatr.m, INitr. ac, Sinap.; quiet- ly in a dark room, Aeon, IIBell, I IPod, ISil, Ziz.; better lying with head high, Ant. t, lEup. pert; better lying low (iritis), lArn.; better lying on painful side, Hippom.; when 9 130 3. INNER HEAD. he lies down at night, after blow on head, INatr. m.; cannot lie on right side, IIMagn. m.; worse lying on side, IKreo.; must lie down, Phos. ac, IRhus; must lie down and stretch, Curar.; must lie down, with blindness, sight returns with increasing headache, aver- sion to light and noise, IKali bi.; wants to lie down and roll from side to side, Hell.; shocks in occiput worse, ICoca; soreness worse, Chloral. 8@f° position. Headache, with malaise: Crotal.; and chills (nettlerash), 11 Cop. Headache, malarial: ggg^fevei. Headache, in mania: IKali iod, ISil, IStram.; pleasant dementia, Croc; paroxysm, blas- phemes, after raging for a while, exhausted and had. to keep in bed from great debility, after becoming thoroughly wet, I INatr. m. Headache, after masturbation; IDig, INux v. 8@P° emissions, sexual. Headache, megrim: ggg~ nervous and sick- headache, also, Hemicrania. Headache, memory: weak, ICale, Sarrae Headache, menstrual: Amm. c, Berb., ILach.; after menses, I Asar, IFerr, IINatr. m, IPuls, HSep. ; after menses, in dysmenorrhoea, HVer. v.; in amenorrhoea, lApis, ICanth, Symph,l I Ver.v.; before menses, Alum,IAsar, Bufo, Calc. p, IHydras, IKali br, IIKreo, ILye, INatr. c, INatr. m, INux m, ISul, Thuya, Ver, I IVer. v.; before menses, in oc- ciput, passing over right side of head, locating in or over eyes, wrorse until attack of epilepsy, lAtrop. s.; between menses (menorrhagia), IFerr. s.; after checked menses, lyEthus.; with delayed menses, IGraph., Pallad.; during menses, Aloe, lArg. nit, Berb, Brom, ICale, Calc. s., ICarbo v., ICaust, ICoccul, Con, ICroe, Cycl, Glon, IHyos, IHydras,Hyper, IKali c, 11 Kali s, IIKreo., ILac def, IMagn. c, Med, IMurex, IINatr. m., INux m, INux v., Rhod, ISep., Ver, 11 Xan.; better during men- ses, IBell.; in dysmenorrhoea, IChloral, ICycl, Merc, per, I I Sabina; in menorrhagia, ICoccus, IFerr. s.; with menstrual irregularity, ICale, ILil. tig.; at time for return of menses (cli- maxis), 11 Calab.; returns at each catamenial period, ICoccul.; with menses too soon, IKali bi.; menses scanty or suppressed (chlorosis), HCycl.; from suppressed menses, ICycl, IIPuls., ISang, ISep.; better as menstrul flow becomes established, All. sat.; ever since menses first appeared, mostly on top of head, 11 Ustil.; has never menstruated, ICycl.; at beginning and end of menses, IPuls. 8@|~ uterine. Headache, from mental emotion; 8€^ ex- citement, hysterical. Headache, from mental exertion: Ammoniac, lAnae, HAur. met, ICale, ICrotal., IIGlon, ILach, ILye, IINatr. c, INux m, INuxv, HPhos, IPieae, Psor, IPuls., ISil.; from close attention, llgn, ISabad.; in threatened cere- bral softening, INux v., HPhos., HPie ae; better from mental occupation, ICale p., Sinap.; better, then worse, Calc. a.; with weak- ness and strained feeling of eyes, IPhos.; sets in while reflecting, IPhos.; ofstudents,IAct. rac, Ars. i, HCale p, IKali p, INux v, IPuls, ISil, ISul.; worse from study, yEsch. h., Ars. i.; in morning, from overstudy, I IZinc; crazed feeling when attempting to study, Ind.; worse from mental exertion, Arg. nit., IBry., Calab., ICale, Med., INatr. m, INux v., Ptel, IIPuls, ISil., Sub; from mental exhaustion, llris; with mental obtuseness, ILye vir.; with mental weakness, IKali iod. 8®" reading, talking, thinking, writing. Headache, mercurial: IIHep, IIKali br. Kali iod, IINitr. ac, IStilling. Headache, from abuse of metallic substances, hair washes, etc: ISul. Headache, metastasis : sudden to bowels, caus- ing her to scream out (neuralgia), I INux v.; pleuritis, after chronic headache suddenly vanished, I ISep. flgT" flying, locality, wandering. Headache, midnight; ggg*- night. j Headache, mind clear: in spite of, IBadiag. j Headache, in morning: Berb, Calc, ICale p., ICrot t.,11 Cast. eq.,Cup.s., lEup. pur.,Form., Pallad, I IPetrol, IPhos., IPhos. ae, I IPsor., Rhod., IRhus, ISabad., ISil, I IStram., ISpig, IThuya; beginning in morning, worse during afternoon and evening, Eup. pur.; in albumi- nuria, ICale; on awaking, IIAlum., IBry., I IGraph., I ILach., Merc, sul., INatr. m., I INux v., I IPlat, IPhos.; on awaking, better after rising, Murex, INitr. ac.; on awaking, as if brain were loose and shaking on walking, ICie; on awaking, generally going off while dressing, Crotal.; on awaking, with pressing pain, Squilla; with beating and sore aching, Kob.; in bed, Cham.; in bed, with nausea, worse in afternoon, Amm. c; better toward morning, IVer.; every morning, better by mic- turition, Fluor, ae; worse from every con- cussion, IHep.; with constipation, IHydras.; after dissipation, IINux v.; begins in morning, worse during day, with vomiting, ICact.; with bone pains, Aur. met.; with flushed face and heat in vertex, IPod.; early, or at 10 a.m. (after suppressed ague), INatr. m.; with heat in fore- head, IINux v.; with pressing in forehead, Psor.; makes him impatient,Lyss.; increasing from morning till noon, decreasing from noon till evening, IPhos.; alternate mornings, left side,into left cervical region (asthmatic cough), ICinch.; with nausea until noon, Sep.; com- mence on right side of occiput, extend over head to left eye, Ind.; in morning, with pal- pitation, INatr. m.; after a restless night, Bell.; on rising, Cycl.; after rising, IBry, Camph.; after rising, worse till noon. INiccol.; on rising, better eating, returns an hour afterwards and lasts till noon, Ind.; on rising early (myopia), I Arg. nit.; on rising,with weakness, he must lie down again, continued all day and night, bet- ter by warm foot bath, Ascl. t; worse towards 11 a.m., Atrop.; with sadness in morning, INatr. m.; sick headache worse in fore- noon, INatr. m.; as if he had not slept, INux v.; at sunrise, at its height at noon, gradually declines till sunset, Spig.; throbbing, I Asar., Kob., INatr. m, INux v, ISul.; in prolapsus uteri, IIArg. nit.; with vertigo, aching and stitches in occiput, only during motion, IKali e; with vertigo, (better by Tabae), Lvss.; with vomiting of bile, INiccol.; 3 a.m., Bov.; 5 a.m., better after rising, IIKali iod.; 9 a.m.till noon, I IMelil.; 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Ars. met;until 10 a.m., Lachn.; at 11.30 a.m., Ars. iod. egg" awaking, rising, sleep. Headache, motion: when he exerts himself 3. INNER HEAD. 131 I Val., Zing.; after romping, overheating, sweat and taking cold, IGlon.; after moving about and talking much, especially in temples and side of vertex, IMez.; on beginning to move, ITherid; better from motion, Ant. t, Como., Con, I I Dros, Hell, Indig, I I Kali ph., I IMere iod. fl., IMur. ac, INux m, Rhod, IIRhus, ISpig.; better moving in open air, IIAsaf.; looking upward and turning head back ward, IThuya; as if brain struck against head, Rob. ; better* from continued hard motion, ISep.; worse from dancing, I Arg. nit.; better moving head up and down, HCinch.; better from motion on pillow (pneu- monia), lArn.; pain momentarily disappears by change of position, llgn.; cannot raise head from pillow, better by external pressure, l ICinnab.; could not bear to have head raised frompillow,it caused deathly sickness, INuxm.; on rising, Kob.; better by shakinghead, Cina; worse from shaking, IGlon., IHep., INux m., ISep.; every motion jars, Natr.; worse from, lApis, Ars.i, IBell., IIBry., Cact, ICale p., ICaps, ICinch, ICoccul.,ICoff., Con, IGels., IIGlon., llris, IKreo., ILye, Merc, sul., I Mez. (bone pains), Mosch., INatr. m., INitr. ae, ISil., Spig., Sub, Zing.; worse moving arms . and legs (traumatic meningitis) IHyper.; worse from least motion (affection of brain), IGlon.; worse by slightest, of head or eye- balls (meningitis), I Act. rac; better from slow, Agar.; worse on raising head, Bov.; stitches worse, Sep.; stitches better, I I Caps.; turning head suddenly, llgn.; worse, with sen- sation as if top of head were lifted off and brains were coming out, ILac def.; great pain on moving from side to side, or backward, can move it forward without pain, 11 Kali s. 8®"" breathing, dancing, position, riding, rising, stooping, walking. Headache, music: sensitive to, ICoff, I IPod, IPhos. 8@^° noise, talking, also Hearing sensitive, Chap. 6. Headache, as if nail were driven into head: I ICoff, Ruta ; clavus hystericus, Illgn, ISep.; . in gastralgia, IGraph.; left side, INatr. m.; out through side, better lying on it, Illgn.; in temple, lArn. Headache, with nausea: yEthus, Ailant, Alum, Anag, 11 Ant. c, ICale, Calc. s, Carbo v, ICast. eq, ICaust, I IChin. s., Cinnab, HCoccul, Crotal, ICup. m, Ferr, Fluor, ac, IIGels, I IGlon, IGraph, IKali e, I Lact. ac, I I Lith, Lyss, IMere, I IPolyp, Ptel, ISal. ac, ISang, Stram, ISul, Tarax, IVer.; after nausea, ICale p.; especially in draught of air, Hippom.; on awaking, all morning, ILac c; better by a cup of green tea, Carbol. ac; faintish, Calc. fl.; and chilliness followed by flushes of heat, ex- tending from head to stomach, Sang.; and lightness of head, IGels.; and sore pain in head in afternoon, better in cold air, Lyss.; and languor from noon till 2 p.m., then fever and sweat, Kob.; compelling one to lie down, Mosch.; during menses, IGraph.; worse sitting up, ICoral., Form.; and sleepiness, I I Ran. b.; from bile in stomach, IPuls.; with loathing of food and drink, Coff; and trembling, 10 a.m., Bor.; and vomiting, Form, IGlon, INitr. ac, INux m, ISang.; with nausea and vomiting, beginning in morning, Jatroph.; and vomiting of mucus, Con.; and vomiting, like seasickness (climacteric period), ITherid ; and sour vomit- ing, ISars. ggl" gastric, sick headache, vomiting. Headache, neck: from nape through centre of head to forehead, Fluor, ac; commences in neck, suddenly spreads over head, or vice versa, IGels.; arisingfrrmnape, IIGels, IPuls.; going to neck, Lyss.; into neck and shoulders, I IPod.; pain and stiffness in nape, 11 Myr. cer.; shootingfrom nape to vertex (eczema capitis), ISil.; stiffness of nape, ISil.; stiffness, IBell, I ICale a, IVer.; awakens him at 4 a.m., Calc, a.; stiff on left side, Zing. Headache, nerves; as if drawn up, intermitting, Camph.; as if drawn up tightly, ICoccul.; gen- eral erethism, ISyph.; from exhaustion, ISil. Headache, nervous: 11 Acet ae, Agar, IIAnae, lApis, lAscl. s., ICarbo a, ICoca, ICoff. t, IColoc,Croc, Curar.,IEup. perf,IForm,Hyos, I IKali br., Lactu. v., IMagn.p, INaja, IINitr. ac, INuxm, IOp, IPhos, I IPlat, I ISars, ISil, ISul, _ ITereb, IVal, IVer, IZing.; with abdominal venous congestion, IPod.; from abdominal plethora, ISep.; from nervous exhaustion, Laur, ISil.; after anxiety and grief or mental worry, llgn.; gastric, almost constant, IHydras. ;in hypochondriasis,IAnae; hysterical, IIAsaf.; with amenorrhcea, IVer.; from menstrual derangement, ISep.; during menses, IKali ph.; with dysmenorrhoea (pro- lapsus uteri and left inguinal hernia), IMelil.; at every menstrual period, in girls and hys- terical women, IVer.; from menstrual irregu- larities in atonic women, lUstib; causes my- driasis, Bell., from narcotic stimulants, coffee, or alcohol, with chronic, gastric irritation, Acet ac; with nausea, as if at sea, I ICoccul.; nervous or sanguine temperament, ICoff.; and sensitive temperaments, llgn.; with extreme nervousness, IMelil.; excruciating, with great sensitiveness to noise, during menses, IKali ph.; periodical, IDiad.; periodical, on same hour and day weekly, lasts forty-eight hours, come and go at 11 a.m., pain extends to vertex, pressing and burning, at end of twelve hours, continue along occiput and eyes, llgn.; not exactly periodical, lEucal.; in remitting at- tacks, IThuya; of scrofulous people, IIAsaf; when she goes shopping, ISep.; worse from thinking, ISpig.; better from free micturition, Tereb.; with vomiting, from error in diet, or depression of mind, HGuarana; worse, if he hears water run out of a hydrant, ILyss. 8gT hysteric, neuralgic ; also Hemicrania, Headache, neuralgic; lAmm. m, lArs., IChen. a, ICup. m, IGels, IHep., I ILac c, Lachn, IPhyt.; every afternoon, lasts with great sever- ity through night, IKalm.; commencing about 4 p.m., worse at from 10 to 11 and ceasing at daylight, Syph.; in albuminuria, Atrop.; from anaemia, IPhos.; going from before backward, IThuya ; worse after being in bed a short tirne^ ISil.; better in cold, worse in heat, IKalm.; coming and going all day, Tereb.; causing delirium at night,ISyph.; different parts com- ing and going, yEsc h.; in dyspepsia, lArg. nit.; from overeating, INaja; worse as evening approached, causing him to jerk head to one side and scream, Sars.; comes from deep in, affecting left eye, following left supraorbital' nerve, morning at 4, worse each succeeding morning (suppressed intermittent), I ISpig.- 132 3. INNER HEAD. from scrofulous or tuberculous (non-syphilitic) exostoses, IPhos.; starting in front, and radi- ating to neck and face, Curar.; gradually in- creasing and decreasing, 11 Stann.; with indi- gestion, I Ver.; in integuments, IHydras.; shift- ing, intermittent or paroxysmal pains, most in young and strong persons, I IMagn. p.; in- termittent, at regular hours, I IChin. s.; in- termittent, left side, IPolyp.; intermittent, comes in morning, lasts four to six hours, I ISang.; intermittent, in rheumatic, gouty or nervous diathesis, IColoe; in left side, yEsc h, I IChel, Pallad.; in left side,every day at 6 p.m., last till 4 a.m., IGuaiac; in left side, developed from a heavy cold, involves eye, I ISpig.; of left side to neck, IGuaiac; first left, then right side, beginning in teeth and jaw, extending to ear, temples and vertex, worse from cur- rent of air, or taking anything cold or hot in- to mouth, better by external warmth, worse at night, during and after lactation, ICinch.; from one side to other, Carbol. ac; right or left side, then forehead, vertex, occiput, spread to face and shoulder, 11 Spig.; worse from mental or physical exertion, INaja ; in a literary man who had taken mercury and was debilitated, pain, worse from excitement, worry, mental work, pressure of hat and change of air, better quiet, solitude, rest, warm room, pain dull and stupefying, producing muddled feeling in brain, or as if a hard substance were pressing on skull, 11 Staph.; around middle part of head, with weight and pressure in vertex, I IMed.; preceded or followed by nausea or vomiting, INaja; in nasal polypus, lAlum.; paroxys- mal, IKalm.; with twitching and drawing in limbs and cords of neck which were like wires, after menses, I IMed.; periodic, affects great- er part of head, coming on about noon every day and lasts till evening, I ISul.; periodic, following the sun, Kali f.; pains go to right side, Tereb.; right side, worse at night, IIPuls.; worse when rising, better lying down, Ars. s. f; in sensitive persons, IPlat.; causing sleeplessness, ISyph.; beginning in upper cer- vical spine, IIGels.; with tenderness of* spinal column, 11 Ran. s.; from spinal troubles. Caulo.; sometimes in spots, IKalm.; particularly about temples, worse left side, better rubbing aching spots, Chin, a.; better from free urina- tion, Tereb.; from uterine troubles, Caulo.; par- ticularly in delicate, sensitive women, HSep.; better from external application of warmth, particularly in young and strong persons, IIMagn. p.; head has to be wrapped up night and day, worse in windy weather and in morning, IPhos. gg&~ nervous, rending, shooting, tearing, also Hemicrania. Headache, at night: Alum, Arg. nit, Ars. h., Arum t, Berb, Bov., Cham, IHep, IKali br, IKali iod, ILact. ae, IIMerc, IMere cor, I INitr.ac, ISul, ISyph, IThuya; beginning at night and continuing all day, mostly on right side of occiput, Ind.; like pressure in brain, from below upward, Guaiae; makes him crazy, has to run up and down, often falls, IBell., at midnight, partly insensible, ILach.; worse after midnight (nervous), IThuya; worse from least motion in bed, ISul.; with nausea and vomiting, ISil.; as if caused by a wrong position, ILye; pressing, 11 Calab.; rheumatic, ICale, Stram.; sick headache, ISul.; with sleeplessness, ICinch., ISul.; tear- ing, Ars. h, ICaust., HCinch., ICoccul.; tear- ing after midnight, IChin. a.; throbbing, ICinch., ISul.; with vertigo, Zinc. 8igf evening, morning. Headache, noise: aggravates, Aeon, lArs, IIBell, Bufo, I ICact, ICoccul, ICoff, llgn, ILach, ILac c, ILac def, INuxv, Ptel., ISil., ISpig, Zing, Ziz.; especially music, HCoff, 11 Pod. gg&° music, also Hearing sensitive, Chap. 6. Headache, noon: INaja ; disappears suddenly toward, then ideas clear, Ast. r.; forces her to cry, ICann. i.; worse low down in occiput, I INatr. c; worse till midnight, I Caulo.; toward noon, with increase of saliva, Lyss.; worse toward noon, giddiness, Lachn. 8^* day, morning. Headache, nose : bleeding, ICinnab.; better by bleeding, IHam, IMelil., Petrol.; bleeding in morning, HSep.; bleeding at night, Magn. s.; profuse bleeding, Melib; before nosebleed dur- ing sleep,INux v.; when blowing nose, worse in open air, IChel.; better from pressure on nasal bones and mental labor, Bapt.; from suppres- sion of nasal discharge, IKali bi.; with dry nose, ICact.; extends to nose, lAct. rac, I Glon, Guaiae, IILach, Lyss.; extends to right nos- tril, Brom.; extends to root of nose, IBism.; extends into root of nose, with nosebleed, or mucous discharge, II Agar.; writh stopped nose, "Carbo a.; with imaginary foul smells, or in- creasing sensitiveness to odors, IPhos. 8@" catarrhal, cold. Headache, numb: above and behind ears, Calc. a.; with sense as if left eye were being pulled backward and forward, awakes at 2 a.m., con- tinues through night and forenoon, I ISpig.; in sick headache, ISul.; and pithy, IIGraph.; tired pains (nervous debility), ICurar. 8^** formication, tingling. Headache, in occiput: 8g^*" Brain, cerebel- lum, Cerebrospinal, Occiput. Headache, odors : 8^T* nose. Headache, of childish old people: IBar. e Headache, opening and shutting sensation, when moving head or eyes : Act. rac. Headache, oppressive : Tromb.; with heaviness in forehead, and in open air, Gamb.; as from a load on head, HCinch.; with vertigo, IPhos. B^T" dull, heavy. Headache, with palpitation : 8€&r* heart. Headache, parotid: stitches in left, IKali bi. Headache, in paroxysms : 8®** periodical. Headache, periodical: yEthus, lApis, I Ars, Asaf, Benz. ac, IDiad, llgn, INux v., I INatr. s, I IPhos, ^Tuberc.; in afternoon, increasing until midnight, every third attack alternately more or less violent, ILobel. i.; in albumi- nuria, IKalm.; makes blind and delirious, comes suddenly, increases rapidly, Atrop.; with clocklike regularity, Ced.; daily, 11 Merc. iod. rub., INux m.; daily, compels her to lie down (splenitis), ICitrus ; daily, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., begins with soreness over left eye, then in eyeball and left half of nose, forehead and temple to back of head, 11 Mur. ae; at certain hours of day, INatr. e; dailv,at samehour,IActrac,IPolyp.;daily,comesat2 p.m., lasts till bedtime, 11 Sep.; daily, begins at 7 a.m., climax 11 a.m., decreases at 2 p.m., I Ars.; almost daily, generally worse in morning, 3. INNER HEAD. 133 Ascl. t; daily, worse in morning (hysteria), I ISil.; daily, attacks better from motion, par- ticularly in open air, IMagn. m.; daily, from. 12 m. to 10 p.m., worse stooping, better after combing hair, Form.; daily, paroxysmal, also at night, preceded by formication in nose, as if she would sneeze, short cough, yawning, followed by sweat, IISul.; from sunrise till sunset, worse at midday, INatr. m.; every other day, IPhos.; every third day, periodic, commencing forenoon, extends from right eye through back part of head, I ISang.; for two, three or four days, every two or three weeks, hammering, beating, pulsating pain, must lie down in bed, IIFerr.; every seventh day, ISang, ISil., ISul.; every eight days, ILac def; every eight to ten days, ILach.; with impairment of vision, as of a thick fog before eyes, pains worse as day advances, severe in evening (amblyopia), worse as pain increases, Zinc; every hour or half hour, IColoe; at regular hours, worse by speaking or when others speak, better by less smoking or going out into open air, Diad.; hysterical, HCoff. t, IIRhus; intermittent, HChin. s.; intermittent, seems to affect dif- ferent parts on different days, IMagn. ph.; intermittent, in right side, I ISul.; at distinct intervals, like paroxysms, ICup. ac; in parox- ysms, at distinct intervals, worse from slight- est pressure; Cup. m.; at irregular intervals, better from hard pressure, rest and darkness, particularly after childbirth, IMagn. ph.; in in- terval of neuralgic pain, IKali cy.; once a month (nervous), Atrop, llgn.; monthly, at time of menses, ICarbol. ac; in nervous, liter- ary men, worse morning on awaking, I INiccol.; from October until Spring, four years in suc- cession (mercurio-syphilis), Aur. mur.; espe- cially of a remittent or intermittent character, IGels.; with vertigo and nausea morning on awaking, also in evening, better pressure, open air, eating, IKali bi.; all week, Brom.; weekly, Calc. a, llgn.; weekly, lasting one to three days, worse at noon, IPhos.; every Saturday, better binding head up tightly, and after sleep, I ISep.; fortnightly, llgn.; every two weeks, better in open air, INiccol.; since two weeks, at 10 p.m., lasts all night, IMagn. ph.; every two or three weeks,lasting thirty-six to forty-eight hours, commences in nape of neck and base of brain, extends over whole head in paroxysms, I ISil.; attacks, every three or four weeks, IISul.; returning in winter season, IBism.; for three years, worse and worse until middle of September, then steadily decline, worse excitement, can- not remain long in a heated place, faints with pain, paroxysms every two or three days, last twenty-four hours, I I Sul. Headache, periosteal: IKali iod, IMez., IPhos. ac, IStaph. 8€aT" bone pains, syphilitic, Headache, picking: in morning, worse stoop- ing, when it seems as if a piece of forehead would fal 1 out, I I Nux v. Headache, piercing: lAilant, Curar, Millet, Paris; with buzzing in ears, ISul.; in left side, Rumex; in right side with stiffness, or as if part would become insensible, Lyss.; in side, Millet; through temples, Ptel. 8gT" cutting, lancinating, nail, pricking, stabbing, sticking, stitching. Headache, pinching: I INux v, i IPetrol. 8®°" constricting, pressing, squeezing, viselike. Headache, plug: as if thrust quickly by in- creasingly severe blows into head, Sul. ae; sharp, as if forced outward, I IPrun. Headache, with irritation of pneumogastric nerve: ILobel. i. Headache, in pneumonia: Ant. t, IMere, I I Nux v. 8€^° catarrhal, chest. Headache, position : cannot find easy, I ISep,; wants to incline head to either side, IBry.; sought to hide head in pillow or to change position, that it might relieve (sick headache), I ITabae; better when head is raised, INatr. m, IRhus, ISpig.; worse raising head, Squilla, IThuya; better by change of position, Coff; worse from change of position, llgn. 8®** lying, motion, rising, sitting, standing. Headache, during pregnancy: IGels, IGlon. 8®° confinement, uterine. Headache, pressing: yEsc. h, Ananth, Ant. sul. aur., IIArg. met, HArn, 11 Arum t, Bapt, IBell, IBenz. ac, Bov, Cain., ICaps., Cepa, Cochl, Crotal, ICinch, Con, IDig, IDros, Ferr, IIGlon, IGraph, IKali c, ILye vir, ILyss, Myr. cer., Nitr. sp. d, INuxm, IPlumb, I IPrun, ISep, Sinap., I ISpig, 11 Sul, 11 Ustil, Zing.; from 3 to 8 p.M.,Arn.; better in open air, Mang.; with weakness and pain in small of back mornings, Coloe; benumbing, left side, Verbas.;as of aboard, yEsc h., Calc; in bones, IStaph.; boring, Thuya; on surface of brain with something hard, ICoff; as if brain were pressed into a ball, ICinch.; as if brain were in lumps, Ant. t; as if brain were compressed mostly in forehead, with paroxysms of roaring in ears, which ceases sooner than headache, IStaph.; as if brain were to be pressed through skull, 11 Puis.; as if brain were pressed together from both sides and out at forehead, worse Walking in open air, ICinch.; in catarrh, I Coc- cus ; constant, extends over whole head (puer- peral convulsions), I IVer. v.; on inner surface of region of coronal suture, Card, m.; as in in- cipient coryza, Card, m.; coryza after mercury, IIKali iod.; during cough, lArn, IIBry., ICoccus; cramplike, inward with hot, red face, and roaring in head, IPlat; causing her to cry out, IColoe; as if in a cushion and some one pressing two fingers in it at occiput as if feeling for pins on side, worse in cold weather or draught, I ISil.; deep in over whole head, during or after walking in open air, IBell.; deep, on base of skull, Ascl. t; with distress, when head is covered, Led.; dizzy, IILach, Stann.; from above downward, ILach, 11 Meny- anth.; from above downward, over whole head, with itching at vulva, Sib; drawing, over left at 7 p.m., Zing.; in dropsy, IColch.; with drowsi- ness, Cub., dull, more in forehead and temples, with some pain in left eye, Zing.; dull, in in- fluenza, ICaust.; dull, in left side, with heat in face, and thirst in evening, Zing.; dull, passes offsuddenly,withasharp,radiatingflashofpain sometimes starting from occiput, and passing forward, at other times from before backward, 11 Calab.; better by quiet (brainfag), I IPic ae; with dulness, Zinc; as if a heavy weight were pressing it down on pillow, Mere. iod. flav.; after dulness, followed by vomiting and spas- 134 3. INNER HEAD. modic trembling, Agnus; after eating, ICarbo a, INux v.; with ringing in ears, Myr. cer.; with otalgia, 11 Ran. se; externally, Cycl, Vinca; conjunctivitis, Calend.; with lachry- mation, and heaviness of lids, Tarant.; with pressure on upper lids, better by washing face with cold water and in open air, IPhos.; press- ing eyes outward, Lachn.; with dilated pupils, latercontracted,Rheum;in rheumatic ophthal- mia, ILed.; in intermittent fever, lArs, after each paroxysm,IHyos.; inseptic fever, ITereb.; especially in forehead, IBell, ICham, I Jacea ; in forehead, in chlorosis, IFerr.; in forehead, in epidemic influenza, ISabad.; especially lower part of forehead, directly above nose, worse stooping or reading, Bell.; in lower part of forehead, just over eye, worse motion, in j house, better walking in open air, Sep.; in forehead, and root of nose, when stooping, Zing.; out at forehead, better only in getting head down and remaining perfectly quiet, Hell.; mostly involving forehead during rest and motion, I IMenyanth.; worse in forehead only during day (chronic cephalalgia), IMere; in forehead, and temples (hay fever), ISabad.; as if a fulness were pressing upward, 11 Meph.; with fulness of veins, Xan.; in region of right temporal bone, Staph.; bereditary, Lach, ICale; with heat all over head in morning, Zing.; better pillowing head, Diad.; as if from a heavy weight, IMosch.; dull, heavy, like a board pressing through at 11 a.m., Zing.; as if something heavy were sinking down, INux v.; heavy, pressing downward (hysteria), I ITherid.; worse from hat, ICale p.; from without inward, when walking in cold, damp i air, Zing.; after siesta, Calad.; in hydroceph- alus, Art. v.; heaviness (amenorrhcea), IGlon.; with heaviness, worse in occiput on waking, I IHell.; with heaviness and vertigo, dull sight, photophobia and fiery circles before eyes, IIPuls.; continual, from outside deeply in- ward, as if bones were being knocked to pieces, cries out, cannot lie on pillow, especially on left side, better bending head backward, by compressing head with hands, and re- maining motionless (syphilitic headache), I IThuya; intermitting, as from heavy weight pressed down on middle of vertex, pressure aggravates and renews pain, ICina ; pressing inward, Bov, ICoccul.; by jerks over left ear, Camph.; in left side, Calc. a, ISars, 11 Verbas.; in left side, like during a coryza, better walk- ing, I IMere iod. flav.; in left side, with cough, Agar.; left side, after dinner, Zinc; left side, 10 p.m., later extends to orbit, Lyss.; in left side, from within outward, lAsaf; in leftside, with vertigo at noon, Stront.; with stitches in left side, ISars.; in liver complaint, IChelid.; like from a load, during night, better toward morning, Ars. h.; in lower part, while sitting as if pressed like an elastic body, Benz.; in hystero-mania, I ITarant; before menses, INatr. m.; during menses, IGraph, Polyg.; in dys- menorrhoea, IChloral, HApis; from mental labor, I Arg nit, Colch., IMagn. c, INux v.; in morning, IBry, INux v.; in morn- ing, extends into eyes, with chill in after- noon, Sib; right side, as if a nail were thrust in, worse sitting quietly, better moving about slowly, Agar.; with nausea, Caps, 11 Dros, ILach.; and throbbing to back of neck, IGlon.; extends from nape of neck over side of head, and settling over left eye, with nausea and vomiting of food, bile and mucus, I ISang.; over whole skull, down nape of neck, worse on contact, increasing in paroxysms, with nausea and vomiting of bile, ^Kali c.; extending to neck and teeth, worse at night, ICinch.; at night, A nthrok , Sil.; especially over root of nose, Mosch.; at noon, Ced.; especially in occiput, from mental exertion or night watching, IColch.; especially in muscles of occiput, Carbo v.; externally, right of occiput, extending to nape,throat, and shoulder blades, IHep.; especially in occiput (smallpox1), 11 Va- riol.; extends to occiput, but worse in right temple and above ear, Astac; from within, All. sat, Ars. iod, Bov, Camph, ^Cup. m, IHell, ILye vir, INux m, I I Ptel, Sep.; from within outward, in only one part of head at a time, ICale; pressing outward, during menses, IKreo.; now over whole head, now on one part, Aurant; now here, now there, Bism.; now here, now there, each time occupies larger areas, IBell.; in various parts, with sensation as if brain would force through forehead, IKreo.; pecu- liar, with tremulousness and increased mictu- rition, Lil. tig; short, periodical attacks, from within outward, better lying (tertian ague), llgn.; in periosteum, IStaph.; in pneumonia, lAnt. t; pulsating, right side, Zinc; rhythmi- cal, 11 Ruta; right sided, I Am, 11 Arum t, Sars, Spig, Zinc; from right to left, Eup. pur.; especially rising from sitting or lying, 11 Apis; after rising from bed, ICale; as from a screw behind each ear, Oxal. ae; as if a hard sub- stance were pressing on skull (neuralgia of scalp), I IStaph.; pain from both sides, Gamb.; in side, like from a dull stick, better from touch, Asaf; from both sides, with a hot sen- sation and with beating in forehead when pressing upon it, IMagn. m.; in side leaned upon, ICinch.; especially on side on which one lies, Phos.ae; ononeside, IPsor.jone side, commencing early in morning, increasing until unconscious or half delirious, INux v.; semi- lateral, as from a plug, or dull nail, at night and when awaking in morning, worse moving eyes and stooping, better rising and binding head up tight, IHep.; sides as if pressed together, IIGlon.; especially in sinciput, chiefly in morning, worse stooping, better in open air, Berb.; sitting or standing, better in open air, Alum.; as if skull were pressed asun- der, IINux v.; as if skull would split, Mez.; on small spots, lOxal. ae; principally left supra- orbital ridge, I INux m.; on a small spot on right side, I IKalm.; on small spots, particularly in right temple, Astac; worse while being put in « erect position, IMur. ae; with weak stomach, I IMenyanth.; after stool, ILye; on stooping, IPuls.; stupefying, I IDros., Ruta; sudden, now in one place, now in another, llgn.; worse and better with sun, IKalm.; as after tea, Chlorof; principally in temporal bones, worse from pressure, touch, better in open air, I Arg. met; from one temple to the other, I Sub; mostly in right temple, worse stooping,motion, • noise, better at rest, and lying with head high, ISpig.; worse in left temple (glaucoma), HPhos.; tensive, Coccion.; tensive, as if con- stricted around skull, Card, m.; tense from oc- 3. INNER HEAD. 135 ciput to forehead, beginning in morning after restless sleep, full of dreams, continuing dur- ing day, with congestion to head (cardialgia and headache), IKali e; tensive, especially forehead and cervical muscles, Euphor.; pre- cedes urticaria, I ISep.; at a spot between ver- tex and occiput, inwardly, Oxal. ae; with ver- tigo and impairment of vision, IPhyt.; as if in a vise, Bar. c, INatr. m, Ratan.; with vomit- ing,Caps.; coming and going, with vomituritio, I ITereb.; walking in open air, Am.; from a weight, from above downward, IPhos. ac; as of a great weight, which is inclined to sink forward, Sars.; weight, as if caused by conges- tion to head, IDig.; worse writing (apoplexy), lAnae 8®** band, congestive, constrictive, con- tractive, dull, heavy, tensive, vise- like. Headache, pressure : better from, Act. rac, 11 Apis, lArg. nit, I Bell., ICale, Camph., Car- bol. ac, ICarbo a., Carbo v,Chim. m., IGlon, IGuaiac, Indig, IKali bi, IILach, ILye, IMenyanth, INux v, IIPuls, ISang, I ISil, ISpig.; better pressing back up against something hard, or pressing back of head, ISang.; worse from, lArg. met, Bov, Cimex, ICina, ICup. ac. Sub; worse from hat, ICarbo v.; scalp sensitive to pressure of pil- low, better if rubbed, Thuya; worse from touch of hat, ICaust, ICrot. t, Glon.; worse pressure or tight wrapping, caused by hard dry cough from lower part of chest (ague), ISamb. fl§T* touch, wrapping. Headache, pricking: during cough, lArn.; dull, in left side, to waist, Lyss.; in evening, Lachn.; along edge of hair, Berb.; in left side, with vertigo, Calc; as with nails, at same time in other rjarts, Ascl. t; as of thousands of needles into brain, Tarant.; in various parts, Hydr. ac; under skin, Bar. e; as from pins, ICepa; near warm stove, Bar. c.; in left side, Bapt. 8ST" sticking, stinging. Headache, puerperal: 8@° confinement. Headache, pulsating: 8®"" hammering, throbbing. Headache, racking : with hurried manner and red face, Ptel.; with raving, heat in head, red face, red, protruding eyes, wiry pulse of 92, IGlon. 8®~ intolerable, terrible. Headache, raising. 8^° motion, position, rising. Headache, when reading: Act. rac, Lyss, 11 Ptel.; in evening, Agnus ; made him feel hot and sweat, IINatr. s.; worse by reading, 11 Apis, Bov, ICalab., ICale, Diad., Glon, Ign, ILyss., IINatr. m. 8^° eyes, mental exertion, writing. Headache, rending: g@f lacerating, neural- gic, tearing. Headache, with affections of respiratory organs: Lactu. v. Headache, rest: better, Con, IHell., llgn, I IPic. ac, ISpig., INux m.; worse, Ant. t, 11 Asaf, Benz. ac, Indig, 11 Merc. iod. flav, Rhod., Sul. Headache, restless : pain makes, lArs., IBell, ISyph.; stinging worse, ICycl.; stitches worse, I ICaps.; compelling to move from place to place, Tarant.; throw themselves about, ICoff. Headache, rheumatic: Amm. m., |Ascl. s, Benz. ac, Berb., ICact, ICale p, IChin. a., Cycl, IIKali bi, IKalm, ILach., IIMerc, INitr. ac, IPhyt, IRan. b, ISang, ISil, I ISticta, ISul.; in children, ICale; with dul- ness, worse in vertex or forehead, worse evening and night, Stram.; in dysentery, ICham.; running up posterior auricular re- gion, ISang.; with disturbance of vision or hypochondriasis, Merc, per.; with stiffness in limbs and neck, ISang.; based upon torpidity of liver, IPod.; preventing motion, IColch.; causes nausea, HCaust, with nausea and acid vomiting, INux v.; worse at night ICale; on one side, to face, IGuaiac; worse on one side and from 5 to 10 p.m., craz- ing pains into face and teeth, IPuls.; from spinal troubles, Caulo.; in uterine troubles, Caulo.; better from external warmth, excru- ciating, in young and strong persons, I IMagn. p.; worse in warm room and evening, better in open air, IIKali s.; worse in damp, cold weather, I IDulc; in cold, raw, wet seasons, IIBry.; in delicate, sensitive women, ISep.; from motion of cars, ICoccul, Med. 8@~ gouty. Headache, from riding: in a carriage, HCoccul, IKali c, Meph, INuxm, ISep.; by railroad or water, HCoccul.; worse riding, I IZinc; worse riding a long time in carriage, Iod.; bet- ter riding in a carriage, INitr. ac. B^" motion, nausea, sick headache, ver- tigo, vomiting. Headache, on rising: Amyl, Arn, I IHam.; better when rising, 11 Asaf; on rising and in evening, worse left side, increases till patient vomits, then better, worse motion and open air (climaxis), ICycl.; better after rising in morning, except sick headache, Nux v.; when getting up from sitting, Kob.; especially rising from sitting or lying, worse in warm room, better from pressure of hands, 11 Apis; when he rises, staggers backward, ILach.; on rising, better after washing and break- fast, ISpong.; worse on rising, Calc. s., IMur. ac; worse on rising up in bed, IMur. ac. B^° morning, motion, position. Headache, as if a rocket had passed through head: I IKali ph. Headache, as if something were rolling in head, with burning heat coming out at eyes, with lachrymation, evening, lasts into night: Jamb. Headache, room: begins in, and is better in open air, or vice versa, Mang.; better, Zing.; soreness better, lEup. per.; viselike pain better, IIMerc; worse, 11 Asaf, Niccol., ITa- bae; after walking in open air, INiccol.; as from staying in a close room, better looking at one point, I Agnus. 8gT" air, cold, heat, sedentary. Headache, rooting: 8^* burrowing, digging, Headache, rubbing: better by, Indig.; against pillow, termini of nerves become so irritated that some kind of friction is resorted to to obtain relief (irritated spine), I ITarant. ggg~ pressure, touch. Headache, worse running: llgn. 8@f motion, walking. Headache, rushing: almost crazed feeling, like some fluid through head, generally from right to left, Lil. tig. Headache, with salivation : Amm. e IMere Headache, scalp: as if just beneath, as if heavy and tight in brain, IMere; small lumps 136 INNER HEAD. or nodules, ESil, sensitive, IVer.; with scalp symptoms, IHell. 8*8^° pressure, sensitive, touch. Headache, in scarlatina: intense, HArs, IIBell.; after, ILye; with rash, IIBell, IPhyt. Headache, of school children: ICale; of school girls, HCale p., INatr. m, II Phos. ac. Headache, pains so severe that she screams constantly, worse rising up, better in rest and horizontal position, paroxysms at night, about midnight, pain prevents eyes from clos- ing in sleep : I IThuya. Headache, screwing: as if screwed together, ICoccul., IColoe, Zinc; as if screwed to- gether, with chill, IGlon.; as if muscles were screwed together, IRhus; as if screwed to- gether, in right side, Millet; twisting in right side to temple, on returning to room after a walk, spreading over whole head after going to bed, returning daily, Sabad.; to- gether, from below upward, Daph.; as if screwed up, worse walking, worse toward 11 a.m., better toward evening, Atrop. B^fband, constrictive, contractive, press- ing, viselike. Headache, sedentary: after much sitting, IIGlon.; men of sedentary habits accustomed to mental exertion, INux v. 8@T" rest, sitting. Headache, sensitive: scalp, IVer.; touching makes head ache, Lyss.; to pressure of hat and contacc, 11 Carbo v., HSil.; sinciput, upper middle (ozaena), Aur. mur. 8^~ pressure, scalp, touch. Headache, sexual: depressed condition of or- gans, Nuph.; after excesses, ICale, IPhos, IPuls, IThuya; from repression, ICon, IPuls. g^° emissions, masturbation. Headache, shaking pain where frontal bone verges toward vertex: feels every step, IChin. s. 8®" jarring, motion. Headache, sharp pains : Carb. s.; all over, after- noon and evening, I Kali bi.; in hydrocephalus, Art. v.; in left side near eye, Amm. br.; mo- mentary, in left side, Daph. Headache, shattering: by spasmodic cough, IRhus ; by slight cough, whirring and pressing remain a long time, Lact ae; as if something had exploded in head, onfalling asleep, 11 Phos. Head, shocks: Bapt, IBell, INatr. m.; start - ingin first cervical articulation, causing biting of tongue, Agar.; with cough, ICale, Con, llpec, INatr. m.; electric, Carbo v., ICepa; in epilepsy, I IPhos.; from fatigue and worry, I IPhos.; like lightning, from foramen infra- orbitale over right side of head, to occiput and mandibula, I IZinc; with dulness in occiput, worse lying down, must lie on face, ICoca; a succession of, Caust.; sudden, ICie, IKali iod, I ILobel. i.; terrific, ISep.; violent, causing to jerk suddenly (tetanus), HCic. 8®°* blow, concussive, stunning. Headache, shooting: 11 Apis, I ICornus, Cro- tal, IFerr, Lyss, Mang., HOxal. ac, I ISpig, ITereb.;all over, worse afternoon and evening, IKali bi.; with darting pains in arms and legs (neuralgia), IINux v.; often changing its lo- cality, Berb.; from crown to poll, with rigor, I INux v.; making him cry out, IGlon.; at 9 p.m., Lyss.; through eye and corresponding side of head (glaucoma), Prun.; with heat, Berb.; with chill (intermittent), Diad.; to front with sensation as if something like a fringe were falling over eyes (uterine disorder), I ICon.; with giddiness (anasarca, after scarla- tina), IHelb; in hydrocephalus, Art. v.; in- ward and toward throat, IKalibi.; in left side, in afternoon, IFerr.; in left side, with increase of salivaand urine, ICinnab.; from left to right, I Eup. per.; from within out, especially over left eye, with vomiturition, ISep.; by spells, worselying, betterwhen headisraised,IRhus; in right side, near parietal eminence, 11 a.m., Tromb.; before rising in morning, 11 Ptel.; sharp, IGels.; in both sides, with nausea, Calc; when sitting up, ILye; in surface, after throbbing in brain, Bell.; downward into eye teeth, IKalm.; vehement, after menses, Berb.; to vertex and both sides of face, ISep.; vertigo, as if she would fall to left, after, IINatr. m.; in young and strong persons, I IMagn. p. 8@H darting, flying, lancinating, neural- gic, rending, tearing. Headache, sides: g^~ Headache locality, and Hemicrania. Headache, skull: flgT" bone pains. Headache,shoulders: pain extends to,IHydras. Headache, sick: yEsc h. Apis, Arg. nit, •Cann.i, IChel, IChlorof,ICoca, ICoff'., Eup. pur, IKali c, I IKali m, I ILac c, ILac def, ILyss, I IMelil, I INatr. p, I INux v, 11 Rob, I ISang, IVer. v.; from abdominal disturb- ance, llris; worse in cold air, and cough- ing, llris; American type, ILac def,I ISang.; with backache and bearing down, IPhyt.; with belching, Ailant.; in bilious subjects, tenderness in region of stomach and liver, llris; with chilliness, Cist, Zing.; with con- stipation, IPod.; diuresis forms a crisis, IVer.; whenever she eats rich food, 11 Natr. m.; with eructation and vomiting of acid secretions, IRob.; begins with blur before eyes, I llris; with burning in eyes, ICoff; in incipient cataract, I ISep.; pain over eyes (dysmenor- rhoea), IGraph.; with sudden obscuration of sight, ISep.; chronic, with weakness of sight, IZinc; with flushed face, ICoff.; pe- riodical, lasts one or two days, brought on generally by fatigue or overexcitement, 11 Ta- bae; with pulsations and burning, mostly in forehead, IPhos.; frequent, IGuarana; with heat and redness, ISang.; pains intolerable, I ISyph.; left side worse, I Amyl.; must lie down, worse light and noise, 11 Sticta; from organic lesion of liver, I IPolyp.; during men- ses, IPuls.; in dysmenorrhoea, IGels.; with pro- fuse or scanty menses, ICale; from suppres- sion of menses, or menstrual or gastric dis- order, IIPuls.; with mental depression,IGrat; caused by milk, ILac def; from morning until noon, INatr. m.; in early morning, in- tolerable by noon, ITabae; begins in morning, worse toward afternoon and night, worse from violent motion, better moderate exercise in open air, llris ; worse from music, while masticating, and in warm room, IPhos.; with nausea and vomiting from morning until noon, IPhos.; beginning in nape of neck, settling gradually in right or left forehead, frequently wakens, I ILac e; chronic, rising from nape to vertex, as if coming from spine, and locating in one eye, especially right, bet- ter by pressure, wrapping up warmly, I ISil.; with pain in occiput, umbilical colic and bil- 3. INNER HEAD. 137 ious vomiting, IPlumb.; with palpitation, Bov.; paroxysmal, becomes periodical, llris; periodic, every other day at 11 a.m., ICed.; periodic, every few days, worse at menstrual period, ILil. tig.; periodic, every eighth day, llris; periodic, two or three days before menses, with vomiting, diarrhoea and chilli- ness, IPuls.; periodic, every month, with chilliness along spine, I IPolyp.; periodical, begins in morning, increases during day,lasts until evening, better sleep, followed by chills, nausea, vomiting of food or bile, HSang.; periodic, weekly, IPhyt.; periodic, weekly, worse at night and damp, cold, weather, ISul.; periodic, every two weeks, I ISang.; periodic, every fortnight, worse in right forehead and temple, IChel.; from riding in a carriage, boat, train of cars, etc., I ICoccul.; feels deathly sick, like seasickness, IGlon.; in persons who have used tea and coffee to excess,! IGuarana; with shooting in temples, IForm.; with throbbing in temples, ICoff; principally in right temple, beginning in morning and in- creasing during day, worse from motion and light, better after lying down and better by sleep or vomiting, IGels.; with furred tongue, hepatic derangement, ILept; with gray coated tongue, IKali c; with inability to urinate, HCon.; with vertigo, ICoff, ILobel. i.; with vertigo, heat on top of head and general sweat, ICrotal.; with vertigo, better by change of position or from moderate outdoor exercise, Coff.; with vertigo and spinal irritation, ICoccul.; weakening, once a week, or every two weeks, ISul. 86T* gastric, nausea, periodic, vomiting. Also Hemicrania (megrim). Headache, sitting: compels patient to sit up, Ant. t, ICie, ICoccul, Lith.; in warm room, ISul.; syphilitic neuralgia, better, IIAsaf, Bov, Cochl, IGuaiac, Indig, IKreo, IRhus, Sul, I ISyph.; worse sitting bent forward, Asaf; worse sitting up in bed, IMur. ac. 8^" position, rest, room, sedentary. Headache, skin : pungent odor, Agn. e Headache, skull: B&° bones, sutures. Headache, sleep: after, Badiag, Calad, IMen- yanth, Pallad.; better after, IGels., IGlon.; continues during, Cham.; rouses out of, in morning, worse till 9 a.m., IKali e; on being roused (encephalitis), ICoccul.; after retiring when just losing herself, roused her with shattered sensation in head as if something had exploded, HPhos.; interrupted sleep, Ars. h.; with sleepiness, Ind, IKreo.; with sleepi- ness, but cannot sleep, IIBell.; sleepy feel- ing in morning, Xan.; with sleeplessness, Ammoniac, lArg. nit, Brach., 11 Calab, IChel, IChloral, Elaps, ILach, Magn. s, Pallad., I IPuls, ISyph.; from long watch- ing, ICoccul, INitr.ac, IIPuls. 8@^° awaking, bed, morning, stupor. Headache, in smallpox: I Ant. t Headache, smoke : as if passing through head, (anthrax, carbuncle), IIAnthrac; from inhal- ing smoke, llgn. gf^* tobacco. Headache, from sneezing: Astac, IKali e, INatr.m,HPhos,ISpig. 8gT,coughing,nose. Headache, soldered : bead, nose and teeth ap- pear to be, Lyss. Headache, sounding: deep in right side of brain, Sars. Headache, soreness: Bapt., Brach., ICale, ICale p, Eup. pur, IFerr, IFerr. ph, IIGels, llgn, IKreo,Lace,INuxm, IPetrol, 11 Sec, I ISyph.; on awaking, Amb, I ICup. ars.; as if beaten in right half, extending a little beyond middle line of vertex (rheumatic ophthalmia), I ISyph.; as if bruised or exposed to sun, Mane; like a boil, IRhus; cutting,ILye; worse in evening and when stooping (neur- algia), I IPuls.; in children, IKalim.; worse in evening and when undressing, also from get- ting warm in bed, IPuls.; after pain in right supraorbital ridge goes off (supraorbital neu- ralgia), IKali bi.; externally, ISpig.; in front when moving eyes or turning them upward, Bapt.; in scrofulous ophthalmia, lArs.; in bil- ious fever, lEup. perf.; in forehead, IBell; worse moving muscles of forehead, ICale; in gastric headache, ICaust.; is afraid to shake head, as if it would drop to pieces, IGlon.; inter- nal, as if sore brain collided with skull, I ISil.; as if sore inside, on motion, IGlon.; internal, better in house, worse first going into open air, better from conversation, lEup. perf.; during menses, Polyg.; inmorning, Amb, Kob.; from morning till noon, Lith.; when moving, Chlor, IGlon.; moving about. Merc, sub; with nausea, IVer.; after neuralgia, ICodein.; dur- ing severe pains, Ast. r.; periodical, as if from ulceration, with constipation, IINux v.; pulsat- ing, when moving head, IGlon.; rheumatic (granular conjunctivitis), IPhyt.; right side, when lying (rheumatic ophthalmia), I ISyph.; over right side (tonsillitis), IMere iod. flav.; worse right side, IPhyt; painful on scratching, as if ulcerated, IKali iod.; after scratching, IPetrol.; especially on side, Abrot.; of side rested on, yEsc. h.; of corresponding side of, with heat around eye (iritis), IMere; in a small spot on right side, Zinc; especially in temples, ISang.; in spots,especially in temporal region, Sang.; to touch, Cann. i. Zing.; when hair is touched, I Alum.; even to touch of hair (occipital headache), I IZinc; in outer parts as from subcutaneous ulceration, painful to touch, ISul. ac. 8^° pressure, sensitive, touch. Headache, pains spasmodic : especially over eyes. Colch.; if she attempts to raise her- self (hysterical spasms), ICie Headache, spermatorrhoea: 8®*" emissions, masturbation, sexual. Headache, spine: from affection, I Agar.; ex- tending down spine, ICoccul. 8@T* neck. Headache, splitting: Amm. m, Ast. r. Bar. c, IBry, Coccus; during cough, Caps., HCale, Calc. ars. Coccus, INux v., IPhos, ISticta; with purple face, Coccus; child holds head (whooping cough), INux v.; with nausea, IBry.; with pulsations and burning heat, Sarrae; skull, worse moving, walking, and coughing, I ICaps.; with pressure on vertex, Lyss. 8@°" bursting, pressing. Headache, in spots: IKali bi., lOxal. ac, ISang.; size of a fist, Pallad.; small, now here now there, Cochl. g^° linear, locality, soreness. Headache, squeezing: Diose, Stram.; as if squeezed flat, after typhoid (nervous affec- tion), IManc. 8^° constrictive, contractive, pinching, pressing, viselike. Headache, stabbing : Magn. s.; worse in after- 138 3. INNER HEAD. noon and evening, IKali bi.; as with a double- edged knife in evening, cannot lie on either side, IBell.; in dysmenorrhoea, lApis. 8@f cutting, lancinating, nail, pricking, sticking, stinging, stitching. , Headache, standing: throbbing worse,Guaiae, Rheum. 8^° position, rising. Headache, sticking : Crot. t, IHep, I IMagn. c. Zinc.; from all sides at once, Jamb.; in anterior part, IKreo.; boring, Thuya; in catarrh, ILach.; dull in morning, worse stooping, 11 Nux v.; here and there, Ratan.; contrac- tive, here and there, in whole forepart, espe- cially in temples, mostly in open air, iMang.; especially in forehead, Euph.; worse in house, better in fresh air, Niccol.; in left side, menses too early, 101. an.; in middle, IParis; in right side, Inul.; in right side, after dinner, Zinc; in right side, extending to eye, which she was obliged to press together, IMagn. in.; in one spot on side of, llgn.; tearing, on right side, worse in erect position and from motion, bet- ter during rest, ILith.; with throbbing, Ferr. 8^* cutting, darting, lancinating, nail, i pricking, stabbing, stinging, stitching. Headache, stinging: Caust, Crotal, IKali iod, I INux m.; in open air, better indoors, Mang.; in afternoon, at 5, Zing.; begins with stinging, Caust.; in bones, IMere, IStaph.; burning, mostly in left temple, at 3 p.m., and when lying on it, IStaph.; changing place when scratching, worse in evening, at rest, better by walking about, ICycl.; with drowsiness, llpec; dull, crooked, Pallad.; during chill, IDiad.; from forehead vertex, Goss.; in left side, from occiput to upper face, after vexation, ICham.; in left side, particularly in temple, in and around eye, ICham.; with weak memory, IZinc; after menses, INatr. m.; before menses, IFerr.; in nerves of left, coming and going, preventing sleep, I Aur. met; extends towards occiput, but worse in right temple and above ear, Astac; ^hort paroxysms, increases to aching, I llpec; in periosteum, IStaph.;better scratching, Thuya; in sides, extending to occiput and nape of neck (catarrh of bladder), ICinnab.; with sleeplessness, Elaps; more in i young and strong persons (neuralgic and rheu- matic headaches), 11 Magn. p. 8®* cutting, lancinating, nail, pricking, stabbing, sticking, stitching. Headache, stitching: yEthus, Amm.c,Ammon- iac, Asaf, Aur. met, I Bapt, Bell, Berb, Clem, IHyos, Iodof, ILaur, Magn. s, IMere,Millet, INatr. c, INatr. m, 11 Rhod, Stront, ISul.; afternoon and night(typhoid), ILye; in bones, (rheumatic headache), IIKali bi.; boring from without in, 10 p.m., Lyss.; with bronchial catarrh, HCale; changing place, worse stoop- ing, Niccol.; chronic, ICon.; from cold, after scarlet fever, IHell.; with coryza, worse stoop- ing, IIBry.; when coughing, lArs, IBry, ICarbo v., Con.; chiefly over left ear and occi- put, Anag.; extend to ears, root of nose and malar bone, with toothache, IRhus; comes from deep in, affecting left eye, following left supraorbital nerve, morning at 4, worse each succeeding morning (suppressed intermittent), I ISpig.; into eyes and root of nose, with catarrh, IKali e; out at eyes, ICale; out at left eye, ISpig.; in supraorbital neuralgia, IChel.; with heat, IKali e; with chilliness, ICale; with chill (intermittent), Diad.; fine through, INatr. in.; especially in forehead and temples, Jacea; especially in forehead, from slightest cold or mental disturbance, worse from touch, with hot, red face, IIPuls.; continuous in lower part of forehead, over eye, worse from motion, in house, better walking in open air, Sep.; from forehead to occiput, on stepping hard, IIBry.; worse in forehead only during day, chronic, IMere; worse in forehead, after paroxysm of cough (phthisis), 11 Stann.; flying, deep, commence like a blow, pass into long and painful stitch through whole head, often with loss of consciousness, IBell.; flying from within out, in sides, Asaf; in hemicrania, ISep.; worse in house, better in fresh air, Niccol.; as if knife were plunged in, I INuxm.; frequently returning, knifelike, in middle, Ammoniac.; in left side, Anac,Bor, Eup. pur.; in left side, above neck, towards temple and across forehead from right to left, Calc a.; in left side, from temple to occiput, into side of neck and auditory meatus, I IPuls.; must lie down, INatr. m., INitr. ac; after menses, Berb, ILye; to neck and chest, INatr. m.; like needles, Calad., ICham, ISep.; in neur- algia, I I Agar.; at night., Amm. e, ISul.; from hard palate to vertex, ICham.; worse in rest, better motion, I ICaps.; in right side, Gamb, Iodof; in right side, breast and thigh, simul- taneously, yEsc h.; frequently recurring in right side, during pregnancy, ISep.; to scapu- lae, I IPuls.; sharp, through, Merc. iod. flav.; sharp, with heat of scalp, Spong.; periodic shocks, Mur. ac; in side, Millet; in sides, after dinner, Bar. e; single, Paris; with sleepless- ness, Mane; disturbed sleep, INitr. ae; when stooping, Hep.; to teeth, ears and neck, IMere; wifh pulsation in temples, better by hard pressure, worse by movement, Cinch.; under scalp, Aeon.; disappear by touch, worse when lying on back or painful side, Cycl.; worse in warm bed, Thuya; in wrarm room, Bar. c. figg" cutting, lancinating, nail, pricking, stabbing, stinging. Headache, stomach : 8@f gastric. Headache, stool: after, Carb. s, llgn.; before, I lOxal.ae, IPuls.; better after. Agar., Lachn.; with black, llris; during, Ind, ILye, IPuls, ISul., ISil.jafter insufficient (abdominal pain), I Aloe; with large, difficult, IINux v.; caused by too small but frequent, with tenesmus, Con.; with ineffectual urging, Lil. tig. 8^* anus, constipation, diarrhcea. Headache, stooping: aggravates, yEsc. h, Arn, IIBell., Berb, ICale, Caulo, Como, Cornus, I IDros, IGlon, IHell, IHelon, llgn. Millet, Natr. a, INux m, Nux v, 11 Petrol, Ptel, IIPuls, ISep, ISil, ISpig, Sul, Zing.; worse in open air, IChel.; pressing pain worse, Ars. i, Berb, I ILach.; stitches, IBry, Niccol.; tearing, Con.; throbbing worse, lApis, IIBell., IGlon., Laur, INux v.; better by, Cina, Con., Mez.; as though contents would issue from forehead, IIBry. Headache, straining: especially in sinciput, chiefly in morning, worse in stooping, better in open air, Berb.; produced by muscular strain, ICale B^T" lifting. Headache, streaks: in two, from back to front, better thinking about it, Ars. h. 8*3T" linear, spots. 3. INNER HEAD. 139 Headache, strikes head against bedpost or wall: I IMillef. Headache, from study. 8©~ mental exertion, thinking. Headache, stunning: with cough, /Ethus.; with facial neuralgia, llris; after breakfast, llris; in morning, after eating, and in sun- shine, IINux v.; periodical, rests head on table, I Ars. ggjg* blow, concussive, stupe- fying, stupor, traumatic, unconscious. Headache, stupefying: Bapt, IDulc, Hydr. ac, ILaur, ILye, -IPhos.; with buzzing, IPuls, IRhus; as from coal gas, all morning, Zinc; compressing, mostly in forehead, with nausea in evening, worse when moving head and in room, better in open air, Mosch.; with con- gestion and pulsation, HPhos.; with coryza, from 4 to 8 p.m., IHell.; with coryza, itching and burning of scalp, general heat "of body, worse forenoon, ISabad.; dizzy, in short paroxysms, with blackness before eyes and general weak- ness, especially forenoon and evening, Zinc; by drinking, IINux v.; drowsy, Amyl.; dull, yEsc. h.; dull, with bloated eyes, Rheum; dull, in different parts, particularly above and behind ears, Calc. a.; by eating, Cina, IINux v.; worse in evening, smoking, better walking in open air, lAnt. c; in fever, IIBapt.; with heat (quotidian), llpec; involving forehead, I IMenyanth.; especially in forehead when walking in open air, ICina; first in forepart, later in back of head, with coryza, worse in open air, better by moving head and while stooping, Con.; sick headache, ISul.; in left half, in morning, Psor.; like from a load during night, better toward morning, lArs. h.; in mania, IBell.; in meningitis, IIAnt. t; with mental depression, ISep.; from mental labor, ICale, Cina, IINux v.; in morning, Arn., IINux v.; from 3 a.m. till afternoon, worse on rising, stooping, or exerting mind, better by closing eyes, ICale; after breakfast (neuralgia), llris; with nausea in throat, worse in evening, lAnt. c; down neck, weakness (cerebrospinal meningitis), ILye; at night, IVer.; worse in occiput, anasarca (after scarlet fever), IHell.; in outer head, Con.; pressive (puerperal fever), lAcon.; especially in fore- head, worse moving head, and while standing, IStaph.; pressing, especially affects both sides of forehead, in every position, Verbas.; press- ive (suppressed hemorrhoidal flow), ICale; worse from stooping, better in rest, in open air, IHell.; tensive, worse on left side, worse in afternoon and evening, worse sitting bent forward, worse after going to bed, better sit- ting up, Asaf. S^F" dull, stunning, stupor, unconscious. Headache, stupor: with, IHam., ILye; result- ing in, lasting twelve to thirty-six hours, could not rouse her (amenorrhcea), IHam.; after stupor, following convulsions (dysmenor- rhoea), ICollin. 8^° stupefying, unconscious. Headache, appearing suddenly: Val. ; and ceases suddenly, IIBell.; in evening, while conversing, Sinap.; with dimness of sight, or double vision, IGels.; with dim vision and light head, IChim. m.; in left side, Cain.; in right side, Ast. rub. 8®" increasing. Headache, with suicidal tendency, chronic, caused by suppression of foot sweat, IMere 8@~ life. Headache, sun: from heat of, IBell., Brom, ICale, ICoccul., I IGlon, llgn, HLach,IINatr. c, IStram, ISyph, Val.; in sun, with glimmer- ing of eyes (general breakdown after repeated attacks of pneumonia), ILach.; from riding through sand in hot sun, ICoccul.; worse in sun, 11 Sub; stupefying, INux v.; worse, walk- ing in sun, Hippom. Headache, sutures: coronal, Gamb.; heavy pain along coronal, extending backward and oc- cupying all of parietal portion at 10 a.m. until 4 p.m, Chrom. ae; pain along, HFluor. ae; as if torn open, IBell.; behind ears at 3 p.m., IFluor. ac. gSgg" bones, periosteal. Headache, swallowing difficult: IBell. 8@" throat. Headache, sweat: accompanied by, Ant. c, ICornus; better from,INatr. m.; from checked, I Ascl. s.; follows, in right side of head and face, with surging in forehead like waves of pain rolling up and beating against frontal bone, Sep.; with cold, IVer.; on head and body smelling like urine, Coloe; profuse, with diuresis, IIAcon.; worse from, Chin. s. 8gg°° fever, heat. Headache, sycotic : Thuya. Headache, sympathetic : from disturbances in ganglionic nervous system, INux v. 8®"" nervous. Headache, syphilitic: 11 Aur. met., IIKali iod, IIMerc, IMez, IINitr. ae, IPhyt, IStilling, ISul, I ISyph, I IThuya. BST" bones, periosteal, skull, sutures. Headache, talking: aversion to, Oxal. ae; better by, Eup. pert, ILac def; dread of saying the wrong thing, IMed.; induced by, IKreo.; caused by distant, Mur. ac; worse from, ICale, ICoccul, IDiad, ILac c, IINatr. m., ISil, ISul.; worse from loud talking unawares, INux m. gg&° music, noise. Also Chapter 6, Hearing sensitive. Headache, from tea: HSep., IThuya. Headache, tearing: Agnus, Ambra, Amm. c, Amm. m. Ant. t, Aph. eh, Bor., IBry, ICoc- cul, IColoe, IGuaiac, IKreo, ILye, Nitr. sp. d, 11 Rhod, ISul, Zinc; in afternoon and at night (typhoid), ILye; in anterior part, IKreo.; as if torn asunder, Cup. m, I I Nux v.; in sides, as if brain had gone to sleep, worse by contact, motion aftereating, lying or stooping, Con.; in bones, Aur. mur., ICale, IMere, Rhod., IStaph.; as if brain would be torn to pieces, IHyper.; deep in brain, better in open air, 11 Aur. met.; as if whole brain were torn and bruised, worse from motion, noise or light, ICoff; as if brain were torn or beaten to pieces, worse moving eyes or sitting up in bed, better from moderate exercise, IMur. ae; after tak- ing cold in a draught of air and becoming heat- ed, IKali e; clinching, ICale; contractive from forehead to neck, with chilliness, IIMerc; with cough, ICup. ac; cramplike, ICale; causing her to cry out, she must sit up, bends double, attacks every hour or half hour, IColoe; drawing in leftside, I ICaps., Zinc; from ear to ear (quartan ague), I ISep.; particularly in and behind right ear, from which there is a yellow watery discharge (after suppressed eruption of measles), I IPuls.; after eating, with heat in cheeks and chilly sensation over body, at least in bands, I INux 140 3. INNER HEAD. v.; after error in diet, ICham.; every evening, | 11 Puis.; externally, ICycl.; as if in bone above left eye, near root of nose and in other parts of bone, IMere e; in supraorbital neuralgia, IChel.; also in right eye, with dim vision ami sensation as if cold air were rushing through eye, Croc; in periosteum and bones of face, IIMerc; in fever, most in region of benevo- lence, I Elat; in intermittent, I Ars.; especially I occiput, Camph.; as if forehead would be torn asunder, Sib; especially left side of forehead, Camph.; in whole, especially right frontal region, morning till evening, after lying down, Zinc; with headache, ICale p.; worse in a warm bed, Thuya; with heaviness of head, worse about noon, ICham.; with heaviness and vertigo, dull sight, photophobia and fiery circles before eyes, IIPuls.; in hemicrania, ISep.; in whole head, now here now there, IBerb.; in integuments, Caust.; intermittent in those of rheumatic, gouty or nervous dia- thesis, IColoe; lambdoidal suture to temporal bone, Ferr.; in leftside, Ammoniac, Anacoc, I ISars, 11 Verbas.; worse evening and night (rheumatic ophthalmia), ICoccul.; in left side (conjunctivitis), 11 Sub; in left side, affecting eyes, appearing regularly at midnight, IChin. a.; in left side, eyeball to occiput, I IColch.; in left side,particularly in temples, in and around eye, ICham.; worse in left side (heart disease), 11 Aur. met; compelling one to lie down, INatr. m.; frequent, better lying down and by pressure (hysteria), ILye; after menses, Berb.; in morning, I INux v.; morning, soon after ris- ing, tearing, rooting up, worse motion, espe- cially walking in open air, when every step is attended with a violent jerk in head, but i especially worse lying down, better sitting still or walking about room a long time (chlo- rosis), I ISpig.; worse by motion and talking in evening, ICoccul.; worse on motion and when walking, better lying, ICinch.; with nausea, ICon.; around with nausea, rising from lying, better lying, Calc. s.; extending to neck and teeth, worse at night, HCinch.; extending to muscles of neck and throat, Anac; nightly, ICaust.; during night, better toward morning, Ars. h.; from occipital protuberance, upward and forward over both sides, ISil.; in parox- ysms, Niccol.; in pericranium, wandering pains, Colch.; in periosteum, worse at rest, in morning, during a thunderstorm, and wet, cold, stormy weather, better wrapping head up warmly, dry heat and exercise, Rhod.; in j periosteum, worse rest, damp, stormy, cold I weather, better wrapping head up warmly, dry heat and exercise, IRhus; in periosteum, j IStaph.; as if head would be torn to pieces, ILil. tig.; in pneumonia, I INux v.; better from j pressure, Camph.; worse from pressure and at night, ISil.; in right side, I ICarbo a, IPuls.; I in right side, after dinner,Zinc; in rightside, ! extending to eye, which she was obliged to press together, IMagn. m.; worse in right side (gonorrhoea), IMere; on right side, trans- versely across nose, extending into malar bone, teeth and across eye, worse morning and evening, Thuya; terrible, as if she would lose her reason, ILil. tig.; frequently recurring, pains in right side during pregnancy, ISep.; in right side (traumatic inflammation), ICon.; ' worse in rigbt side and forehead, IBell.; worse on rising, better lying down, ILye; as with a saw, ISul.; at times extending to scapulae, I IPuls.; semilateral, down to teeth and neck, with stitches in ears, IMere; periodic shocks, Mur. ac; onesided, ICham, ICie; in half of eyeball to occiput, Colch.; in side of to neck, ILye; onesided, with stitches through eyes and in cheek bones, ISil.;on small spots, particular- ly in occiput, IColch.; better sitting quietly in warm room, Carbo v.; sticking, Zinc; along sutures, ICale p.; swimming, as in seasickness, IGels.; to teeth and neck, with stitches in ears, IMere; principally in temporal bones, worse pressure, touch, better open air, lArg. met.; with toothache, Ailant, 11 Sib; in change of temperature, I ISep.; in vaginismus, I ISil.; after vexation, ICham.; worse vomiting, ILachn.; drives him from bed,obliges him to walk about, worse lying down, Thuya; from warmth, worse in cold and getting up in morning, IStram.; during hard labor, Anac. 8®" lacerating, neuralgic, rending. Headache, teeth: with toothache, Ailant, IKali c, IILach., Plant, Sib, Ver.; from cari- ous tooth, IHekla; for six months after having tooth drawn, llgn.; with grinding when asleep ILac def; in same side as grumbling tooth- ache, ISang.; extends into teeth, Lyss.; from derangment of dental nerves, IHekla. Headache, temperature : caused or aggravated by change of, I Ran. b. 8^* air, cold, heat, room, warmth, weather. Headache, tensive: Agar., Bapt, IBry, Caust, Cornus, IKali iod., Lyss, IIMerc, IMere per, IPlat, Ran. se, Sil, ISul.; in open air, better indoors, Mang.; over brain, IPuls.; during cough, ILach.; cause cramplike,of brain, worse from pressure of hat and overheating, ICar- bo v.; as if she would go crazy, Med.; dull, bound, giddy sensation (otitis media), IGels.; externally and internally, worse evening and from cold, better in warmth, especially heat of sun, Stront; extending to eyes, with nausea, IINitr. ac; worse when being put in erect posi- tion, IMur. ae; as if forehead would burst, INatr. c; with heat in forehead, before verti- go, IINux v, with heat,IMerc. per.; in integu- ments,particularly sides and behind ears,worse from draught and cold air, better in warm bed and damp weather, Caust.; in left side as far back as parietal eminence, and to middle of crown, Med.; especially on side on which one lies, Phos. ae; when moving, as if filled with w7ater, with dizziness, Samb.; awakens at night, Berb.; right side in occiput, IChel.; in right side, Calc; in sides extending to occiput and nape of neck (catarrh of bladder), ICin- nab.; with sweat on scalp, Lact. ac.; over left parietal bone, Card. m. flg^band, constrictive.contractive, press- ing, viselike. Headache, terrible : I ICrotal. B^T" intolerable, racking, tornado. Headache, thinking : caused by, Arg. nit., Ars. m., ICoff, Lyss., Sabad.; better thinking about it, Ars. h., iCie; disappear when fixing attention on it, Pallad.; better when mentally occupied, I IMere iod. flav.; almost deprived of power, ICimex; inability to stop, 11 Calab.; worse by thinking, I Arg. nit, ICale, ICale p, Eryng, IParis, Sinap., ISpig. gggf mental exertion. 3. INNER HEAD. 141 Headache, with thirst: yEthus,Camph, IStram, ITereb, IVer. g&g° drinking. Headache, throat: as if ball were rising into brain, IPlumb.; dryness, Coca, Stram.; sore, IBell, ILach, Lyss.; with follicular tonsil- litis, Merc, cy.; uvula elongated, ILac e Headache, throbbing (beating, pulsating): I lAgar, yEthus, Amyb, lAnae, IIBell.,Bry, Cann. i., HCham, IChel, dotal, Eup. perf, Form., IIGlon, Ign, Indig, ILach, Lith, INatr. m., Natr. s, I INitr. ac, IPuls, Rheum, Sep, I ISpig,ISul,Variol.;asofanabscess, with confusion, worse by cold air, particularly in morning or on right side only, Bov.; distress- ing aching, Ham.; with every throb of arter- ies, Ign.; arteries felt as if dissected out and on exhibition, Glon.; when ascending or walking, Ast. r.; begins on awaking, Aur. met; on awaking, with dread or fear that he would be very ill (bilious remittent), I IPod.; with pain in back, before menses, ILach.; on going to bed, on right side and upper part of forehead, also at back part on left side at junction of head and neck, Ferr. iod.; driving out of bed, Calc. a.; after loss of blood, HCinch.; in arteries of brain, IRuls.; in climacteric years, I Agar.; after catching cold, I IOp.; concussive, Calc; congestive, after ex- cessive use of liquor, IGuarana; after cough- ing, llpec, ILye; on whole cranium, ITereb.; commencing at crown as if internal and ex- ternal, Sib; with debility, Seneg.; not confined to one locality (diphtheria), I IHydras.; dull, worse from study or movement of eyes, better from rest, open air and binding head tightly, IPic. ac; dull, continues all evening and so severe on retiring that she felt sick all over, Vib.; in evening, Zinc; worse in evening, with sharp, piercing pain above right eye on looking down, INatr. m.; with sense of ex- pansion, IGlon.; particularly over eyes, Bell.; descends into cheeks,thence into neck in shape of tearing, -Spong.; with red face,IKalm.; with faintingfits (typhus),IStram.;withfever,Cann. s.; jumping, in intermittent, llpec; with heat, Cann. s.; during heat, Ign.; during chill and heat, lEup. perf.; in typhoid fever, IBell.; extending from front to back, Cornus; chiefly in forehead, I IPetrol.; mostly in forehead, with nausea and vomiting, worse in morning and when moving, better lying with head high, better by sweat, INatr. m.; in front of left side, better on stopping reading, worse on writing steadily, Meph.; from forehead to oc- ciput, left side, Eupat. pert; with giddiness, cannot walk, See; like a hammer,after fever, with vomiting of bile, Curar.; from heart (valvular insufficiency), ILith.; heavy from heart, ICact.; with heaviness and vertigo, dull sight, photophobia and fiery circles before eyes, 11 Phos.; worse in house, better in fresh air.Niccob; during inspiration,ICarbo v.; in left side, Calc a, Eup. pur.; in left side extending in- to eye, Croc.; in evening, ICoccul.; in a small spot left side, Bov.; lying, worse about ear on which she is lying, Spong.; in measles, lEuph.; in chronic meningitis, I ISep.; after menses, worse open air, ICarbo a.: with amenorrhcea, IIPuls.; during menses, ILach.; during menses, worse after, Calc. p.; with sup- pression of menses, IIPuls.; after severe men- tal effort, worse at base of brain, often with i congestion of spine, increase of sexual excite- ment and violent erections, IPic. ac.; in morn- ing, Kob, INux v, ISul.; morning when rising I Asar.; from motion, I Apis, IBry, ICoccul, IIGlon, ILye, INatr. m.; both sides, worse by quick motion, ICale p.; at night, ISul.; in syphilitic iritis from abuse of mercury, IIAsaf; commences at nape of neck, ICarbo v.; extend- ing to neck and teeth, worse at night, ICinch.; from occiput to front, as if it would crowd everything out at forehead, IGlon.; alternate pallor and flushes, Camph.; recurring like a slow pulsation, Jamb.; pressing, worse in fore- head (menorrhagia), IFerr. s.; pressive, with enlargement of cutaneous veins of head and face, IGlon.; pressing, with heat, IDros.; bet- ter from external pressure, I IPuls.; in outer parts, with stitches in temples, better by ex- ternal pressure and by walking, worse sitting and standing, IGuaiac; raging, Led.; when raising head, Squilla; in right side, HCact, Merc. iod. rub.; intermittent, in a small spot beneath scalp, Plant.; in sides, IGraph.; con- fined to small spots, principally left supra- orbital ridge, IINux m.; as of pulse, with slight sticking, IFerr.; worse stooping, I Apis, IBell, IGlon, Laur, I INux v.; with syncope, IGlon.; worse by talking, ICoccul.; especially in temples, could count beats, Glon.; most in temples, better by coffee, ICornus; in temporal arteries, with bitter vomiting, ISang.; worse in left temple, (glaucoma), HPhos.; mostly in right temple, worse by motion, noise, better at rest, lying with head high, Spig.; worse in right temple and above right eye, Lyss.; thumping in side, above right ear, lEup. perf; transitory, sudden throbs, left side, Brach.; in vaginis- mus, 11 Sib; especially in vertex, IHyper.; with heat, worse on vertex and right side, precedes a cold in head, with stiff neck, IILach.; with vertigo, Bell, Hod, INitr. ac; with vertigo and flushes of heat to face and head, IGlon.; with vertigo and heaviness, worse standing, Rheum ; visible and audible, IBell.; with vomiting of bile and mucus, IPuls.; worse from warm food, sun and warm room, I ISul.; better washing in cold water, Ind.; prevents writing, Mane 8@r* hammering. Headache, worse during a thunderstorm: Rhod. 8^° weather. Headache, tight feeling : 8®" tensive. Headache, tingling: Cadm. s.; worse becoming cold, after eating, better bending head forward and heat, Hyose; dull, I IPhos. ae; especially in occiput, IRhus ; when speaking loud, Zinc; with stupefaction, better in motion, IRhus; mostly on temples and behind ears, followed by swelling and eruption, IPuls.; precedes unconsciousness with heavy sleep, Sec; while walking, Verbas. SisT" numb. Headache from tobacco; smoking, lAnt. c, Calad, Calc,IGels,IIgn., Natr.a, Paris ; from smelling tobacco smoke, llgn. ; better smok- ing and going into open air, Diad.; better while smoking after tea, Carbol. ac. ; from abuse of snuff, llgn. Headache, as of a tornado in head : Carbo a, 8®" intolerable, racking, terrible. Headache, touch: pains cease or change from, Asaf; worse from, lArg. met, IBell, Con, 142 3. INNER HEAD. .llgn, 7rKali e, IKalm, IIMerc sol, IIMez, • 11 Plat, ISil, Tarant. 8^** pressure, sensitive, wrapping. Headache, traumatic: after mechanical in- juries, lArn., ICalend, IHyper, INatr. s. 8^" blow, concussive, stunning, stupefy- ing, stupor, unconscious. Headache, trembling: knees and legs, IGlon. Headache, twinging: Plant.; in rightside, Zinc Headache, twitching: darting, IGels.; on mov- ing head or ascending steps (intermittent), INatr. m.; shooting (neuralgia), IKalm. Headache, ulcerative pain : in scalp, with loss of hair (megrim), IFerr.; suppurative, on one side, Zinc. Headache, unbearable : 8®° intolerable. Headache, unconsciousness: IGlon, INux v., ISil.; before loss of consciousness, llgn, INatr. m.; in meningitis, IVer.; comes on at noon, since cessation of menses, eight years ago, INaja; with vertigo, as if he would fall, worse morning on rising, ISpig.; almost de- prives of senses, 11 Thuya; morning in bed, better after rising, Rhod. 8®° stupefying, stupor. Headache, worse uncovering : Benz. ac. 8@* wrapping. Headache, pain makes uneasy : IBell, Lyss. 8®* restless. Headache, with urinary affections: Berb. Headache, urination: copious, Ascl. s, IVer.; better from profuse, IGels, IKalm., Sib; co- pious, watery, during pains, Coloe ; copious, limpid, llgn, llris; frequent, IBell., ICup. m, IVer.; increased secretion, Aeon, Bov, IGlon.; scanty, Ascl. s.; scanty, fetid, between paroxysms, Coloe;suppressed, Calc. Headache, with urticaria: I Cop. Headache, uterine: with uterine complaints, ICale p., ICaulo, IHelon, IHydras, ILil. tig, IINatr. m, HSep.; hysterical, IPlat, IPuls., HSep.; hemorrhage, IBell., IBry, ICinch, IFerr., IIGlon., llpec; retroversion, ILil. tig.; stitching or cutting, IMelil. 8@f menstrual, pregnancy. Headache, after vaccination: HSil. Headache, in variola. ggg° smallpox. Headache, vertigo: accompanied by, yEthus, Ailant, HApis, Ascl. s, IIBell, HCale, ICale p, Camph, ICast. eq. Castor, ICaust, Cham, Chlorof, ICinnab, ICoccul, Crotal, ICup. m, IGlon, Hippom, Hydr. ac, Indig, Kali m, IKalm., ILach, Lil. tig, ILobel. i, IMere, INatr. s, INux m, IINux v, 11 Phos, IPsor, ISang, HSil, ITabae, IVer. v.; afterheadache, vertigo, IMere per.; after headache, giddiness while standing, Merc, sub; in alcoholism, IKali br.; in climaxis, ICycl.; headache fol- lows vertigo, Calc, Plat.; better in evening and open air, Indig.; while fixing sight on any object, Tarant.; long continued, ISang.; in morning, IZinc; after sleepless night, IKali e; folio wed. by spasmodic vomiting, ISang.; worse walking and looking upward, lyEthus. Headache, viselike: yEthus, IPuls.; as if it would burst, ICact.; from ear to ear, over vertex, IINitr. ae; with nausea, worse in open air, from sleeping, eating and drinking, worse in room, I IMere; with weight in vertex, Alum.; with vertigo and heaviness of head on raising . it from pillow, I IPuls. g^~ band, constric- tive, contractive, pressing, pinching, squeezing, tensive. Headache, vomiting ; Ant. t, Bar. m, IBell, ICale, Crotal, I IMed, INatr. m., INatr. s, Stram., 11 Xan.; after vomiting, Ascl. s.; better after, IGlon, 11 Mane; better after mucus and bile, ICale; on awaking, Form.; of bile, llpec, INatr.s.; frequent, of a little bilious fluid,IBry.; followed by aching in sacrum and down legs to feet, Med.; during vomiting, ISang.; getting worse gradually, INux v.; with vomiting, hawking up of milk-white mucus, I IKali m.; in morning, Caust.; of green mucus, IVer.; nausea, and pain in stomach, Cornus; of transparent phlegm, INatr. m.; precedes, llris; sweetish, llris; and violent pain in umbilical region, IPlumb. Headache, walking : after a walk, Sabad.; on walking, with heat in head, disinclination to rise or move about, IPhos.; in open air, espe- pecially in cold wind, IMur. ae; walks back- ward until he conies in contact with wall,bed, or table, takes hold of furniture and pulls himself forward with difficulty, ILach.; bet- ter walking, ICycl, IGuaiac, IHyose, IMur. ac; w^orse walking, Atrop, ICaps., ICinch, Ptel, I IZinc; worse walking in open air, ICale; from walking fast, Iod.; worse walking, stooping or shaking head, Cornus; every step painful, ISul.; with whizzing in head, I INux v. Bg^° air, dancing, motion. Headache, knocks head against wall: IGlon. Headache, wandering pains: Calc, ISang.; tearing in one-half of head, Colch. g^" flying, locality, metastasis. Headache, warmth: 8®° heat, sun. Headache, water: as if head were full of boil- ing, and wdien moving head, as if brain struck skull, Rob.; continuous, worse periodically, with sensation as if cold water were poured on head, ICup. m.; as if a large quantity of cold water were poured on head and body, better on pressure and rubbing head against pillow, Tarant.; after bathing or swimming, IIAnt. c; better by warm footbath, Ascl. t; from washing, ICanth.; from water, washing, or getting wet in cold weather, INux m.; after washing with cold water, Form.; after wash- ing with cold water when face was sweating, llBry.; better after washing head, Ant t; bet- ter from cold water applications, Aloe, Cycl.; better from holding cold water in mouth, ICinch.; better from cold washing, ICale p, ISpig, Zinc; worse from cold water, IMen- anth, even causing spasms, Glon.; cannot ear to hear running water, ILyss.; as if wrapped up, in warm water, Cepa; after get- ting wet, Led. 8®° weather. Headache, watching: 8®*" sleep. Headache, waves: as if beating from side, worse by lying down, blood rushes in bubbles and swashes, but is not hot, Dig, Headache, weakness: accompanied by, 11 Ant. c, I Ars, Cact, Calc. a, Carbo v., HCinch, IMere, IPic. ac, IVer.; caused by debility, llndig, ISul.; after, lAtrop. s, IGrat, IILyc. 8@* -weariness. Headache weariness: Bov,Diad.,Lyss. ; pain- ful (neuralgia), ILach. 8®" weakness. Headache, weather: from change, INux m.; worse in change, ICale p.; chronic, worse and brought on by change, even in middle 3. INNER HEAD. 143 of night she is awakened by pain, and knows there has been a change, I IPsor.; worse in cold, 11 Sib; in cold, raw, wet, IIBry.; on damp rainy days, IIGlon.; better in damp, Caust.; worse in damp, Glon, INatr. s, IRhus; worse in damp, cold (rheumatic), IIDulc, Nux m, ISul.; worse in damp, better in moderately warm, Polyg.; from dry, cold, ISpong.; better in dry, ICale; after exposure (influenza), I IRhus; worse in stormy, Nux v.; worse in warm, I IThuya; begins with warm, lasts all summer, worse or better with sun, IGlon.; worse in wet, ICale ; worse in stormy, wet, Brom, Rhod.; worse in windy, IPhos. 8@- air, cold, heat, sun, water. Headache, weeping: Bry, ICoff, Lyss, IPuls. Headache, -weight: INatr. m.; pressing upon top of brain, ISul.; desire to lie down, IBry. 8^" heaviness, pressing. Headache, from getting wet : 8^" water, ■weather. Headache, -window : attempted to spring from (chlorosis), IGlon. Headache, -worms: ICale, ICina, ISul.; as- carides, IFerr. mur. Headache, wrapping up: better, IBell., IBry, ICup. ac, IMagn. m, Nux v, IPhos, IPic. ac, Rhod, HSil, Stront; better bandaging tightly," I Arg. nit, ICale, IMagn. m.; worse from, Gels. 86^" air, cold, heat, pressure, touch. Headache, writing: aggravates, Act. rac, Ars. m., Bor., ICale, Diad, Glon, Ign, Lyss, Meph.; causes it to reappear, IFerr. 8€^° eyes, mental exertion, reading. Headache, with yawning: ICepa, IGlon.; and weakness, ICinch.; passes off with, IStaph. 8®** sleep. Headache, in zymotic or septic diseases: ICro- tal, ILach. HEMICRANIA (megrim, migraine, semilat- eral headache): LEthus., Agnus, 11 Ant. c, lApis, lArg. nit, lArn., lArs, Arum, m., Aur. met, I Asar, IBar. c. Bell, IBry., ICale, f Cann. i., ICaps, HCham, IChen. a, IChin. a, ICoca, Coff. t, ICornus, lEup. pert, IFerr, IGels, IGuaiac, IGuarana, IGraph, llndig., IKali bi, IKreo, ILach., ILac def, Millet, I IPetrol,IPhos, I IRhus, IRob, HSil.,Sinap, ISyph, Tarant, Ustil., IVer., IZing. Hemicrania, alternates with: colic or liver com- plaint, I Ars. Hemicrania, as if beaten : ISil. Hemicrania, with belching : in convalescence from yellow fever, ICale Hemicrania, as if brain would burst and fall out of head : IPuls. Hemicrania, gradually increasing, as if head had been bruised and as if a load were pressing down on it, worse by moving head towards affected side: Con. Hemicrania, from excessive use of coffee: Nux v. Hemicrania, after catching cold: ISep. Hemicrania, with coldness all over: llgn. Hemicrania, especially in region of combative- ness (indigestion): lElat Hemicrania, as from congestion or pressure, better sitting erect: ICie Hemicrania, deepseated : Arund. Hemicrania, drawing: HCham.; as from a draught of air, Valer.; in half of eyeball to occi- put, Colch.; tensive, from neck to eyes, ILach.; into shoulders, and onesided convulsive throwing about and rotation of arm of same side (tapeworm), I ISabad. Hemicrania, after eating ; Arn.; worse after dinner, IZinc; with empty eructations or in- clination to vomit, ICale Hemicrania, eyes: affects eye, eyebrow, or side of head, with general chilliness, llgn.; supra- orbital region, during cold, rainy weather, throbbing or tearing, stitching, with redness and lachrymation of eye of affected side, ISpig.; just above eyebrows, with sickness of stomach, IPhyt.; as if eyes would be forced out, worse right, with menses, I ISang.; dim ' or double vision preceded by great sensibility to noise, IGels. Hemicrania, face : flushed, throbbing temples, eyes injected, photophobia, congested brain, IKali br.; neuralgia, 11 Puis.; turgescent, mostly evening and morning, with frequent yawning and watery urine, IPhos. Hemicrania, forehead: pains extending par- ticularly toward, and leftside, with nausea and vomiting, attacks come towards evening, Coloe; in forepart, Coccion. j Hemicrania, hysterical : llgn, ISticta, ISep, IPlat. I Hemicrania, intermittent: in those of rheum- atic, gouty or nervous diathesis, IColoe ; with- out premonitory symptoms, ICoff. t. Hemicrania, left side : yEsc. h., • Amyl., 11 Apis, lArg. nit. Arum d., Asaf, Ascl. s., Brom, ICale, ICamph, ICarbo a, IChel, Chin, s, Clem., IFerr., IHydras, Hod, Lyss, Pallad, Sang., Sec, ISul, I IVer, Vib, Xan.; more in bones, Clem.; as if cut off at septum and middle forehead (prosopalgia), IChel.; with dulness, Ascl. s.; as of an electric current, Ailant.; ex- tending to ear, eye and nose, Ars. m.; violent in evening, 11 Chin, s, Ind. ; better in even- ing, in open air, worse shaking head, Sep.; extending to eyes (intermitting), Asaf.; af- fecting eye and neck, ICinch.; through eye into back of head, with nausea, IPhos.; in episcleritis, I ITereb.; worse over eye (mer- curio-syphilitic affections), Aur. mur. nat; earlier every day, IForm.; from fright, IChin. a.; in hypochondriasis, I Arg. nit.; cannot lean on left side, lArs.; wants to lie down, Chlor.; worse by light or noise, Ziz.; each morning, burning and pulsating, ICinch.; in morning (hypochondriasis), lArg. nit.; worse from motion, noise, talking, better evening (chlorosis), ICale; worse at night, IKali bi.; in puerperal eclampsia, 11 Coccul.; sickening, worse from pressure or movement, Sib; sting- ing from within, with nausea, vomiting and contraction of pupils, worse indoors and walk- ing fast, better open air and lying on painful side, ISep.; tearing, Tell, ILach.; passing up through vertex, Ferr. iod.; with vomiting, IGlon.; vomiting during menses, worse at noon, lasting till evening, I Amyl.; worse walk- ing in open air, Alum.; with whimpering, Chel. Hemicrania, menses; during, HSep.; when menses should have appeared,with severe pain in left side of forehead which became throb- bing, particularly when working, and caused tears to flow, IKali e; with suppression, 11 Puis. Hemicrania, from mental exertion : in persons who do not use coffee, ICoff; worse by mental and bodily excercise, IChin. a. 144 3. INNER HEAD. Hemicrania, morning: comes on, shortly after awaking and increases little by little, ICoff. t; lasts till 5 p.m., worse after 3, better walk- ing rapidly in open air, paroxysms every week, 11 Rhus; early in bed, with inclination to vomit, I IGraph. Hemicrania,motion: imagines he gets relief from moving head and limbs to and fro, lArs. Hemicrania, as from pressing a nail into head : Nux v.; worse in open air, HCoff. Hemicrania, with nausea: Con, IKali e; and vomiting, llpec, IIPuls. Hemicrania, along course of a few nerves ; IKali bi. Hemicrania, extends into bones of nose and or- bits: IBell. Hemicrania, as if there were painful nodes, with pulsating, pressing, boring and burning in one or the other temple, radiating to forehead, eyes and vertex: IPhos. Hemicrania, affected side pale : lAmyl. Hemicrania, excessive in paroxysms : Ars. Hemicrania, periodical: in amenorrhcea, IIGraph.; on small spots that could be cover- ed with point of finger, Kali bi.; in pityriasis versicolor, IMez. Hemicrania, pressing: I I Ver.; from pressure always day after a party, where she usually wore a heavy diadem, 1101. an. Hemicrania, rheumatic : with children, ICale Hemicrania, right side : Ars. h, I Aurant, Cann. i, I ICean, ICist, Euph, Iber., llris, ILachn, IMere iod. flav, IMez, IINitr. ac, 11 Oxal. ac, HPie ac, IIPuls, IISul, Ziz.; on boun- dary of brain, burning or cooling sensation, and pressure as from finger tips, Pallad.; in "cautiousness," a fluttering pain between a stinging and pressing, disappears when touch- ing or fixing mind upon it, Pallad.; after ex- posure to cold, with numbness or succeeded by numbness, IKalm.; with diarrhoea, Ind.; deep, as if a heavy board were lying there, Jamb.; with roaring in ears, IChen. a.; back of orbit, severe (after pains), lAct. rac; with profuse lachrymation, I IStram.; in myopia, I Arg. nit.; after using eyes (hy- peraemia of retina), IIPuls.; with dimness or loss of vision, iChen. a.; in intermittent, ICarbo v, I IPuls.; extends over jaw and to top of head, comes on evening, lasts all night, bettertowards evening, I ISul.; unable to lie on that side, IMere sob; lancinations from foramen infraorbitale to occiput and man- dibula I IZinc; in lower part, worse walk- ing, Card, in.; worse morning and even- ing, ISep.; to neck and shoulders, with ten- sion in muscles, ILach.; by nosebleed, Bufo.; oppressive down side of neck, worse during menses, ILach.; in ovarian tumor, lApis; periodical, I ICact.; at intervals of from one to five weeks, Chen.; worse in rest, better constant motion, with nausea, vomiting and low spirits, llris v.; tearing, Bry.; above temple, severe, yEsc h.; extending into throat, near larynx, toward evening, Ars. h.; throb- bing, extends down side of neck, worse during menses, ILach.; after vertigo, HPhos.; comes on at 10 a.m., with vertigo and dull, heavy pains, glimmering before eyes, fainting and sinking at epigastrium, slight fever and thirst, better in open air and during sweat, INatr. m. Hemicrania, as if screwed in: better in open air, IIKali iod. Hemicrania, sides: changing, 11 Lac e; ceases on one side, continues more violent on other, INatr. in.; now in one, then in other side of head, worse opening eyes wide, Cochl.; either right or left side, Colch.; from left to right, INux m.; from right to left, Inul.; in right side, creeps around to left until it goes around head (cephalalgia), ILach.; right in morning, left in evening, Bov. Hemicrania, in small spots : IKali bi. Hemicrania, stinging: IZinc. Hemicrania, stitching: Amm. m, Canth.; com- mencing early in morning and increasing in severity until patient becomes unconscious or half delirious, INux v.; generally in one temple or in back part, with vertigo, ringing in ears and vanishing of sight, IPuls. Hemicrania, stupefying: I Anac. Hemicrania, sycotic: worse soon after mid- night, IThuya. Hemicrania, with taenia: ISabad. Hemicrania, tearing: IGraph, IZinc; espe- cially in bones and left jaw, ICoccul.; worse over eye and in bulbus, IKalm.; must lie down, ICon. Hemicrania, throbbing: Ver. Hemicrania, trigeminus affected : Coloe Hemicrania, with vertigo: ILach.;j>ale face, general stiffness and pain in left side of ab- domen, ILach. Hemicrania, vomiting: of mucus with violent attacks, ICoff; better after mucus or bile, ICale; sour and eructations, INatr. m. Hemicrania, when walking: in open air, worse talking and reflecting, Ign.; shattered or con- cussed feeling at every step, ILye Hemicrania from excessive use of wine : IGlon. Hemicrania, -working early in morning brings on an attack: I Arn. Big^ Headache, nervous, neuralgic, sick. MASTOID PROCESS, tearing pain in ab- scess over right: Ang. Mastoid process, when pressed feels as after bruise or blow: ICina, IRuta. Mastoid process, caries: I ICaps., INitr.ac, HSil. Mastoid process, numb : as if head were screwed together, IPlat. Mastoid process, pain in region of right, Bapt. Mastoid process, periostitis : ICarbo a, IMere, I ISil. Mastoid process, stitches : in left, Agar.; dull, below, ICina; dull, in right, Cham.; sudden, in right, Tereb. Mastoid process, swelling: painful by contact, ICaps. Mastoid process, tearing: in right, as if bone would be torn out, ICanth. MASTOID REGION, painful: dull, drag- ging, IGels.; in left, on awaking at 7 a.m., Tromb.; severe pain in right, .Esc h. OCCIPUT, aching : lAct rac, .Esc. h. Arum d., Lyss., Med.,ISars., Sib; as far down as dor- sal region, worse sitting up, walking or shaking head, IKali br.; as if a band were tightly tied around forehead, with confusion of head, ISul.; in afternoon, Iod.; as if bruised, IINux v.; burning, from left side down neck, I ILyss.; dull, I ITJrt. ur.; dull, occasionally extending into os frontis, IGels.; dull, with fever in af- ternoon, Tromb.; after eating (stomacace), IKali bi.; to eyeball, mostly right, Sib; to forehead, worse stooping, yEsc h.; dull, 3. INNER HEAD. 145 heavy, Cup. ars.; dull, heavy, to nape of neck, walking, Amyl.; and in integuments, precedes nervous headache, pains commence at 4 p.m., culminate about midnight in delir- ium, cease at daylight, I ISyph.; indoors, worse in afternoon and evening, I Act. rac; only during motion, with morning headache, IKalic;worse by motion,Chloral.; toward nape of neck, better in open air, IKali e; worse at night,and better toward morning (cephalalgia periostitica), IMez.; persistent, with flying pain in muscles, worse on movement,Lyc vir.; pressive, from a current of air blowing, Anag.; in protuberances, ICale p, IRhus, Uran. n.; in one side, corresponding to eye which is worse (sclero-choroiditis ant.), I I Sib; stupefy- ing, ascending from nape, IDulc; when sitting in a warm room, with pressure in eyes, Seneg. g^° bruised, dull pain, headache, pain (undefined), soreness. Occiput, beaten: as if scalp had been beaten, I ISul.; worse morning, when lying, from heat, sitting, rest, better from motion and cooling head, Euphor. 8@T* blow, bruised, soreness. Occiput, bewildered: Xan. Occiput, blow: as from meningitis, I ICrotal, IHell.; spreads to front, with severe neuralgic pain in left eye, lasted all night, Med. Occiput, bone as if dead: Caust. Occiput, boring : Zinc; in bone, IMez.; in a small spot in right,.Stront. Occiput, bothered feeling: IHyper. Occiput, seems fastened to pillow, and broken off from rest of'skull (liver complaint), IChel. Occiput, bruised pain: IINux v. Zinc; dull, in diphtheria, IIBapt.; worse on stooping, IHell. 8§T* beaten, blow, soreness. Occiput, burning: /Esc h, I Apis, Aur. mur, Lyss., HPhos., ISpong.; dull, coming in fore- noon (brain affection), IGels.; in left protub- erance, down neck, along shoulder blade, producing orthopncea, IChin. a.; on outer muscles, Carbo v. gg&° heat. Occiput, burrowing : wrorse from motion, loud noise, speaking loudly, opening mouth, better lying down, Spig. 8^° gnawing. Occiput, bursting: as if pressed asunder, ILach, Zinc; to top of head, thinks head will burst, and that she will go crazy (megrim), HCale; driving asunder, worse by stepping into open air, in morning, and on stooping, better sit- ting and walking, with it tardy stool, dis- turbed sleep; with many dreams (sequel to varicella), I INux in. Occiput,circumscribed pain : worse on shaking head, IPetrol. Occiput, chilliness: Dulc; down to back, 1101. jee; rising from nape, worse moving, better during rest, I Chel.; down spine (disturbance of heart), ILil. tig.; crawls, ICale p. Occiput, clicking noise : on walking, especially in evening, when tired, ICon. Occiput, coldness: ICale p.; pain like that pro- duced by holding a piece of ice for a short time on protuberances, I IPod. Occiput, confusion: Amb.; and drawing, IBry.; with peculiar sensation in cervical muscles, Kali m.; behind ears, Cepa. agr* dulness, heaviness. Occiput, congestion: IIVer. v.; on entering room, 01. an.: as from, on awaking, ISul.; to eyes,IGlon.; like a pressure, as if he would lose his reason, IGlon. Sgfconstrictive, pressing, screwed. Occiput, constricted: pain as if, to nape of neck, IIGraph.; in skin, left, ICinch. ggg** contractive, pressing, sere-wed. Occiput, contractive pain : to side of head, as if screwed in, Amm. m. Occiput, cracking : painful, ISep Occiput, crawling: as of insects, I IThuya, Zinc; beneath skin, Brom. Occiput, crazy feeling: seems to run up, feels as if whole head would be torn to pieces, ILil. tig. Occiput, creeping : ICale p.; as if hairs were in motion, Carbo v. Occiput, crepitation: followed by warmth, rising through nape into head, worse early rising and at noon, after eating, better lying down, ICale Occiput, cutting : forward from, ICaps.; sharp, IGlon.; veins on temples distended, ICale; as if cutting off head, Calab. Occiput, darting : Ailant.; to eyes, with nausea (nervous headache), I ISars.; to forehead (pa- renchymatous metritis), I ILac e; to forehead, with vertigo, I IOp. g^~ jerking, lancinating, stitches. Occiput, digging : motion in left hemisphere to frontal protuberance, lArg. nit. Occiput, distress: painful, lyEthus, lEup.perf. Occiput, dragging: pain in right side, making him feel quite stupid, Diose; dull, Eryng, Gels.; indescribable, heavy, I IZinc. Occiput, drawing: lArg. met, HArn, IChel, Guaiae, IHyper, IINux v.; in aponeurotic covering, better bending head back, Cact.;asif chilly, IINux v.; after dinner, Agar.; into >head, Calad.; with confusion before sleep, Bry.; indefinite, Coccus; in influenza, HChel.; in leftside, ICarbo v., Zinc; to forehead, ICinch.; from left side to forehead, IChel.; into neck, confusion before sleep, IBry.; neuralgic, ILye; to nose, Cornus; in right side, Spig.; around lateral protuberances, ICale p.; in right side, Alum.; commences in right, extends to right temporal bone, tight, gradually increases in in- tensity, like drawing a rope on a windlass as tight as you can get, gradually subsides, I ISang.; and tension in right side as if head would be drawn back, IINatr. e; upward in rays, locating over right or left eye, with vomiting of bilious matter, I ISang.; in scalp Card.m. 8^*dragging, neuralgic, tearing, tension. Occiput, dreamy headache toward morning : Pallad. Occiput, dulness : Amb., Bapt, Carbo a. Zinc; worse in evening, ICepa, Pallad.; like lead, with vertigo (typhoid), ILach.; toward night, IFluor. ae; with pressure, Fluor, ae; with ver- tigo, worse lying down, often only position in bed is on face, ICoca; in waves, Chen. v. g^° confused, heaviness. Occiput, dull pain: Amyl, HCarbov, ICrotal.; in left,, Calab, Lyss, Rumex, Stram, Stront.; in angina, IMere; as if brain would become enlarged or distended, Coccion.; at first dull, gradually concentrating, ILach.; bruised feel- ing, yEsc h.; lasting all day, Ast. r.; for half an hour, came suddenly after breakfast and went suddenly, Ast. r.; toward evening, Millet; 10 146 3. INNER HEAD. continuous, with shooting in eyeballs, Gnaph- ab; due to astigmatism, returning in spite of glasses, I IPic. ae; worse on shaking head, Apis; in premature labor, I I Sec.; in hepatic disorder, 11 Sib; better from hot applications, I IGels.; in morning, lying on back, All. sat; dull, worse moving about and lying down, slightly better going into open air, Chloral.; and shooting down back of neck, I Act. rac; extending down muscles of neck, Ziz.; also at night, Anag.; as from pressure in morning, IINatr. c; in right, yEsc h.; into shoulders and back, Diose; down spine, worse from slightest attempt at using mind, Pie ac; in posterior spinal sclerosis, I IPic. ac; in prolap- sus uteri, I I yEsc h.; extends to vertex and forehead (migraine), IIRhus. B®° aching, bruised, headache, pain ^undefined). Occiput, ear to ear: twinges, Plant. Occiput, empty : Hell.; worse in open air and talking, better indoors, ISul.; as if hollow, IStaph. Occiput, eyes: headache extends to, ILach, 11 Zinc.; worse turning eyeballs upward, 11 Lac c; extends to forehead over eyes, Ptel.; spreads upward and settles over right eye, I ISang. Occiput, fall: as if it would, forward, Hell.; as if something fell forward on stooping, Ant.t Occiput, fever: headache, in intermittent, Eup. pert; during sweat (ague), I ISep. Occiput, fleeting pains : gradually increase, oc- cupy mostly occipital protuberances, with dis- gusting and often sour vomiting (headache), I IPod. Occiput, to forehead (occipito-frontalheadache): Amyl, I IGels, I ISang., I I Sub; settles especially above right eye, with nausea, vomiting and chilliness, ISang.; better by lying down, IPhos. ae; from abuse of mercury, Sars.; in desquamative nephritis, I IPlumb. g^neck. Occiput, fulness: Apis; in whooping cough, ICepa; worse in evening, in a warm room, better in open air, iCepa; with vertigo, worse lying down, iCoca; as if skull were too full, with nausea and sour, slimy vomiting, IINatr. ph. 8®* congestion, pressing. Occiput, gnawing : Led.; in right protuberance, like a mouse, Zinc; in upper part, Zinc. 8@" burrowing. Occiput, pain as if hair were pulled out: Arn. Occiput, hair: painful, INux v.; as if hair were rising on left side (eczema capitis), ICoccul. Occiput, hammering: Act. sp.; feeling for a moment as of an invisible hammer striking, (relieved by Tabae),Lyss.; as if struck by a hammer, extends to temples, Tarant; knock- ing pain, in left, Anag. 8^° blow, throbbing. Occiput, headache (undefined): Ars, Asar, Chin, a. Chloral., Coca, IFluor. ae, Form, IGels, IHelon., IKali br., IKali iod., I IKali m., IKreo, ILye vir., I INatr. s., I INux v., HPie ae, 11 Ptel.; with convulsions, I IPetrol, ISpong.; or with coryza, ICie; from dampness or draught, IRhus; in typhus, IIRhus; better bending head backward, IRhus; with hunger, ICrotal.; with influenza, ICepa, Euphor.; severe, passing over right side, located over eyes, and in balls, followed by epileptic at- tack, with unconsciousness, Atrop.; changing to vertex and forehead, Symph.; worse in evening, Cain.; worse from a misstep and loud noise, Anac; in morning, IHelon, ILach.; worse from motion and stooping, Elaps; pain came on when gas was lighted, and continued till he retired, worse from liquors, 11 Zinc; better reclining head and shoulders on a high pillow, IGels.; from exhausted nerve power or excessive grief, I IPhos. ac; in protuber- ances, Chin. a. 8@T" aching, dull pain, pain (undefined), sharp pain. Occiput, heat: INatr. m, Nitr. sp. d., I IVer.v.; burning, scorching (meningitis cerebro-spi- nalis), I ITarant.; with convulsions during dentition, IZinc; with burning hot ears, Jatroph.; with erratic pains, IPhos. ae; flashes, yEsc. h.; in labor, ILach.; forehead cool, IZinc; in scarlet fever, Zinc; hot spots, better in open air and by cold water, worse from excitement or overwork (uterine dis- order), ICon. 8^* burning, fever. Occiput, heaviness: yEsc.h. Apis, Bism., Cain, ICann. i, ICanth, HCarbov, IChel, ICie, ICrotal, IFerr., llgn, Nitr. sp. d. Zinc; on awaking in morning, Cham.; preceding cere- [ bral congestion, Hydr. ac; dull pains, ITJran. n.; drowsy, with rheumatic pains, Bar. e; in evening, in a warm room, better in open air, ICepa; draws eyes together, IINatr. m.; obscure sight, worse by effort to see, IMur. ac; before fever, ISpong.; on bending head forward, with vertigo, ICon.; like lead, I IPetrol.; like lead (apoplexy; cerebrospinal meningitis), IOp.; like lead on awaking, ILach.; like lead, can scarcely raise it from pillow in morning, with vertigo, ILach.; with pressure, Calc.a., Lact. v.; with pressure in lower part, after lying down, Tarax.; as if fingers were pressing on it, Meph.; with heaviness as from a load in stomach, IPlumb.; requires support, Ant. t; thick feeling, Ailant.; weight during move- ment and bending body backward, Colch.; with weakness and exhaustion, IIKali ph.; as of a weight at every step, IBell. 8@° confused, dulness, pressing. Occiput, pain as if hollow, when lying : I ISul. 8®* emptiness. Occiput, as if ice were lying on upper: ICale p. Occipito-intercostal neuralgia : IChin. a. Occiput, itching: Anag., IChel, Iodof, HSil.; burning in upper part, with sore pain, recurs in same place at same time in evening, IStaph.; on rightside, better from scratching, 1101. an. Occiput, jerking: Inul.; boring, Calc. a. Occiput, lacerating : 8®* tearing. Occiput, lancinating : Ast. rub, ICup.ac, Cup. m.; inclining head to fall backward (menin- gitis), IBufo.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICanth.; at night, I ISyph. 8®^ cutting, darting, stitches. Occiput, large: sensation, with vertigo, extend- ing to vertex, IMed.; as if brain were not large enough for the space, IStaph.; protuberances feel, Med. ! Occiput, lightness: precedes dragging in the spermatic cord, causing sensation as if testi- cles were drawn up to inguinal ring, Sec. Occiput, pain like a flash of lightning: ISang. Occiput, mental exertion : causes headache after chronic nasopharyngeal catarrh, I Elaps. 3. INNER HEAD. 147 Occiput, nail: pain as if pressed in, point pierc- ing brain, worse in room, better in fresh air, IMosch.; as of a nail or plug, IHep. g^° boring, stitches. Occiput, neck: headache from nape to vertex, IHell.; ascending from nape, IIGels., IGlon.; from nape to eyes, 11 Sub; from nape to parietal bones, 11 Puis; beginning in nape and base, worse lying down, I IVer. v.; from nape, with dilated pupils, IVer. v.; pain to back of neck after injuries, INatr. s.; of"spinal origin, arises from nape and produces a feeling as if head were immensely large, IParis ; pains shoot up to, 11 Oxal. ac.; pain, with stiff neck, Vib.; extends to nape, Bar. e; extends to ganglia, causing hardening of cords, attacks irregular, worse after excitement (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; tearing, to neck, Berb., IINux m, IINux v, tension, toward nape, Bar. c. 8^* Occiput, to forehead. Occiput, neuralgic pain: yEsc. h,I IGels.; to back of neck, Codein.; worse remaining long in one position, night in bed, morning on rising, better changing position, slight exertion (psoriasis), I ISep. 8@r" sharp pain, shooting, tearing. Occiput, numb: Ammoniac, ICale p., Cast. eq, Caust; after a blow, IMere per.; with pain in forehead, ILach.; in right in evening, Ars. m.; creeping down spine, especially between hips, Calab. Occiput, pain as if opening and shutting like a door: 11 Coccul. Occiput, oppression in lower part: Amb. Occiput, pain (undefined): Amyl,Bar.c,Arund, Calad.,Carbol. ac.,HCaust, Daph, lEup.perf, Hydrocot, Hod, llpec, Lyss, IMed, IMur. ac, MOxal. ac, I IPetrol., IPhyt, I IPlumb, Psor., See, ISpong, Variol, Xan.; worse by stepping from room into open air, still more in morning and mostly on stooping, better from sitting and walking, with a tardy stool, disturbed sleep with many dreams (sequel to varicella), IINux m.; in angina pectoris, HArs.; in left, after operation for fistula in ano (mental disorder), lLach.; on awaking, better rising or lying prone, Grat.; painful, with backache (hepatitis), IChel.; severe pain ex- tends as far down as dorsal region, worse sit- ting up, walking or shaking head, IKali br.; with bilious attacks, IINux v.; in left causality, since awaking, worse from heat of stove, IIPuls.; pain seems to ascend from chest and neck (cerebrospinal meningitis), IGlon.; commencing with chill and at- tended with pain in spleen, pain in some cases extends to front of head (ague), I IPetrol.; pain, worse from cold, snuffing or smelling tobacco, better external heat, better while eating, worse soon after, llgn.; when coughing, Anac, ICoca, IFerr, IFerr. mur.; with dizziness and ringing, Ailant.; externally, better from drinking coffee, ICinch.; to eyeball, mostly right, darting, Sib; with swollen eyelids in morning (ciliary neuralgia), ICrotal.; extending into eyes, sudden blindness, I ICinch.; extends to occi- put from over eyes, lAct. rac; going up to supraorbital notch or foramen, thence into eye, Pic. ae; flies to, with photophobia, Tarant.; fearful pain, IBenz.ae; during fever, ILye; before or after ague, Gels.; violent (typhoid fever), IVer. v.; yellow fever, IVer. v.; sudden flashes, spreading all over head, involving eyes, with sudden flashes of pain like lightning through head, betterfrom hard pressure, rest and darkness, IMagn. p.; to forehead, IKali. bi.; to forehead, with nausea, 1101. jee; spreads to front of head and as it reaches its climax occiput is free, I IPetrol.; in integuments, extends to fore- head, IPlumb.; violent, to front (spinal irrita- tion), IIRhus t; to forehead, with vertigo, cannot grasp idea,ICinnab.; excited by moving hand or grasping anything (irritation of cerebrospinal nerves), 11 Paris; worse bend- ing head backward, Anac; to forehead and eyes, with transitory blindness, IPetrol.; j extends over whole head from morning to afternoon, worse lying, must stand or walk, drives to madness, HCinch.; extends over right side of head, 8 a.m., leaves a bruised spot on vertex, Ind.; below philoprogeni- tiveness, extends around sides, sometimes dull, sometimes sharp, Ars. s. in. ; in sick headache, IPlumb.; worse from heat of room and writing, Amyl.; in helminthiasis, ICie; in hemorrhoids, IChel.; in hydro- cephalus, lApis; in left side, worse in wet weather, Lyss.; after lying, with sense of weight, must aid with hand in lifting head, lEup. perf; constant, worse lying, HSep.; by any exertion of memory or intellect (irritation of cerebrospinal nerves), I IParis; in cerebrospinal meningitis, I Apis, 11 Eup. pert, IGlon, INatr. s.; caused by exertion of mind or memory after a blow, IParis; worse from mental exertion (tinnitus), ICoccus; pain in middle of bone, Irid.; comes on 10 a.m. sometimes at 6, lasts an hour, I I Sub; worse by motion or exertion, lOxal. ac; after injuries to head, INatr. s.; in left on sneezing, Grat.; quickly passing from left to right, Squilla; better by pressure, INux m.; pain in right, Amyl, Ind.; worse in right, Iris, and when coughing, Ars. h.; in right protuberance (em- physema), IHep.; on sudden rising, with pain over eyes, Polyg.; to shoulders, lying on back, waking in morning, Bry.; pain above both sides after drinking beer, Ars. s. f.; so severe cannot speak (hysteria), IIRhus t. ; worse stooping, Kob.jinupper, IChel.; in upperpart, then unconscious (hydrocephalus), IILyc; with weariness and exhaustion, 11 Kali ph. 8€^~ aching, headache, sharp pain. Occiput, pinching : IPetrol.; in right side, I IChel. Occiput, bone as if pithy : Canst. Occiput, pressing: I Aloe, Ammoniac, Apis, I Arg. met., IBell., Bism.. Calend, I ICarbo v., I I Card, m., Cain., IChel, Colch., Coccus, IGraph., IKali c, Nitr. sp. d, HSec, Sil, Stront, ISul., Verbas. ; w7orse in open air, in morning, and on stooping, better sitting and walking (sequel to varicella), I INux in. ; beating in left, in evening, Zing. ; as if in bone, Sil. ; as if cerebellum would be forced out, Cinch.; to forehead, cutting left side, Camph.; deep, as of something firm, in forenoon, Cast, eq.; dull, Carbol. ac, ICie; dull, better holding head erect, Spong.; dull, or stabbing, Diose; dull, to nape, with drawing pain, at last extending to forehead, 11 Natr. c.; dull, from protuberances over body, 148 3. INNER HEAD. worse from motion, Bry.; between epileptic attacks, I Ars.; worse in evening, in a warm room, better in open air, ICepa ; as if com- pressed externally and internally, Staph.; as from external pressure behind left ear, Anag.; with heat and redness of face, ISep.; in typhoid fever, IIRhus; with giddiness and chill, after dinner, in rightside, better toward evening, Coca ; lets head drop to one side, Ananth.; heaviness in lower part, after lying down, Tarax.; in left side, Lyss, Zing.; in left side, to front, Hydr. ac.; in left side, worse night and from motion, ILobel. i.; long con- tinued, in right side, INatr. e; in right side, as if luxated, Psor.; on lying, Polyg.; from mental exertion, Anac, or night watching, IColch.; in morning, Ant. t, IPetrol, Sib; as if skull were forced asunder, with heat in brain, better by pressure, IINux v.; on mo- tion, IIAph. ch, IBry., IHyper.; on outer muscles, Carbo v.; to neck, Bry, Hydr. ae; at night, ISul.; outward, Benz. ae; outward, extending to back in spells, ICale; in right firotube ranee, Verbas.; in two places, right and eft, symmetrical, after beer, Ars. s. f.; from reading, Carbol. ac; in rightside, Anac; in right side, making it difficult to walk, Ast. r.; worse in right side, Hydr. ae; in both sides, IIFluor. ac. Sib, as from a photographer's head rest, Natr. a.; sticking, in morning, IPetrol.; dull, sticking, in a small spot, Zinc; like stitches, extending from left side to fore- head, IChel.; with vertigo, Coca ; for several hours after walking in open air, Zinc.; worse entering a warm room and after warm food, appearing- first on right then on left side (prosopalgia), IMez.; as if a wedge would be pressed in, Bov.; desire to press against pil- low, 11 Ver. 8@^* constrictive, contractive, dull pain, heaviness, tension. Occiput, pricking: in retinitis albuminuria, lArs. 8@" stinging. Occiput, rheumatic pain: Amm. m., IRhus. 8^" drawing, neuralgic. Occiput, as if screwed together: IRhus. 8®° constricted, contractive, pressure. Occiput, sexual: after excesses, onanism, or spermatorrhoea, ICale, HCinch., HPhos. Occiput, sharp pain: Bapt, Ced.; caused by hat, Sib; to front, on stooping, IFerr. ph.; as if filled with lead, IMur. ac.; in left protuber- ance, Bry.; on motion, Med.; left side, after breakfast, at other times dull, IHyper.; with liver disturbance, IJugl. 8€£P" neuralgic. Occiput, shocks: like severe electric, Arn.; in epilepsy, 11 Phos. 8@^ snapping. Occiput, shooting : I Act. rac; boring, in regu- lar measure and simultaneously sensation as of thread drawing in larynx, I ICale a.; dull, upward, I INaja; dull, up left, IHyper.; on turning eyes upward, in morning, Arum t.; from back to front, almost daily (affection of stomach), IKali bi.; to forehead, on stoop- ing or walking, I I Sars.; to front, with itching, after syphilis and mercury, I ISars.; forward, ICinnab.; 4n left side, IChel.; with liver dis- turbance, IJugl.; over, Arum t; down spine and arms, ICrotal.; to temples, ICann. i.; to vertex, ICann. i. 8gp* darting, lancinating, neuralgic, tear- ing. Occiput, soreness : IBry, IIEup. pert; dull ih right, worse from pressure, Cup. ars.; in hydro- cephaloid, llpec; better from moving and warmth, IRhus ; with burning itching on upper part, recurs in same place at same time in evening, IStaph.; in left side, like touching a pustule, Ascl. t; worse lying, Merc. iod. flav.; on pressure, worse on motion or sitting up in bed, ICrotal.; below protuber- ance, Bapt; in a spot, pressure of finger causes her to cry out, I IParis; to touch, IHell.; when touched, runs to left and down back, worse lying, IMere iod. flav, IMur. ac; worse from touch and wet weather, better scratching and rubbing, ICale 8^" aching, beaten, bruised. Occiput, snapping: as from electric sparks, ICale Occiput, spine : affection of, ILach.; irritation, pain begins in spine and neck, coming up oVer right temple, thence to left temple, I ISil. Occiput, pain as if sprained: Psor. Occiput, stabbing: ILil.tig. 8^° cutting, lancinating, stitches. Occiput, stiffness : IBell. 8^" neck. Occiput, stinging: Aur.mur,Indig.;inamative- ness, left side, Coff; as if in bones, worse after rising, Lyss.; commencing in, HPhos.; with chronic congestion, I IPhos.; to upper left jaw, ICham.; worseby stepping into open air, in morning, and on stooping, better from sit- ting and walking, with it a tardy stool, dis- turbed sleep, with many dreams (sequel to varicella), I INuxm. BiiH pricking. Occiput, stitches: yEsc. h, Canth, IHyper., Millet, INatr. m, ISpong.; during cough, IMere; with slight cough (angina), IMere; in evening, Carbo v.; on edge of hair, Ammo- niac; on turning head, ISpong.; aswrith knives in, INatr. m.; as of a knife with every pulse, ICon.; as if knife were thrust through to fore- head (hysteria from grief), IGels.; in left side, Verbas.; only during motion, with morning headache, IKali c; piercing, Millet; pressing from left side to forehead, Chel.; pulselike in lower portion, IIHep.; worse from motion and stepping, I Atrop.; in right side, 11 Chel.; induced scratching, Coccus. gSSg- boring, cutting, lancinating, nail. Occiput, stunning : pain, in back part, with vertigo, Cann. i.; feeling as if stunned, I IZinc. Occiput, stupefying pain : early morning and forenoon, ICarbo v.; from nape to vertex, worse stooping, changing to burning pain on rising to erect position, after scarlet fever, better lying quiet, with closed eyes, IHelb; when walking in open air, ICina. Occiput, talking : as if brain would be paralyzed by effort, Calc. Occiput, tearing pain: Anac, Anag, Amm. m, Colch, Form, Guaiae, IHyper, Inul, ISpig.; as if in bones, worse after rising, Lyss.; excru- ciating, to forehead as if it would tear it asun- der, caused by every movement and by every word spoken (pneumonia), I IZinc; in typhoid, ITarax.; fine, from right side, through brain to forehead, worse during motion, I Aur. met.; forward, with nausea, vomiting, pressure in eyes (headache), 11 Sub; in left'side, ICarbo v., Zinc; from mental exertion, Anac; in muscles, Carbo v.; towards nape of neck, IINux m.; into nape of neck, with anxious 3. INNER HEAD. 149 : sweat, IINux v.: pressing pains, I IZinc; : rending, from or to neck, Berb.;in right side, when laughing, Zinc; tensive, IIPuls.; wan- dering, Colch. 8®" neuralgic. Occiput, tension : IChel, 11 Ipec, Kali m.; with nausea, worse in evening, sitting in room, becoming cold, Mosch.; toward nape, Bar. e 8^* constrictive, contractive, pressing. Occiput, throbbing (beating, pulsating), I lAi- lant, Anac, Bor., ICale, ICann. i, IChel, ICrotal, IIEup. perf, IGlon, Indig, Lyss, HPhos.,INatr.m,Sep.; in back and top,Ham.; after chilliness, I IDros.; extends as far down as dorsal region, worse sitting up, walking. or shaking head, IKali br.; deep-seated, Cor- nus, IPetrol.; in left side, Eup. pur.; dull, in syphilitic iritis, I IPetrol.; to forehead (paren- chymatous metritis), I I Lac c; extends for- ward, with nausea, vomiting, pressure in eyes, I ISul.; with chronic congestion, HPhos.; in left side, changes to jerking every day as if head would burst, ISul.; worse from motion, lEup. pert; in one side asifanail were driven in, IPuls.; inphrenitis, IChrom. ae; in right side, Alum.; better after rising, lEup. perf.; worse pressing at stool, llgn.; then to sides, worse stooping or moving, IFerr.; as if to sup- purate, Bor. B@* hammering. Occiput, touch; acutely sensitive, Hydr.; sensi- tive a few months after violent jarring from being thrown from carriage, IGlon.; tender in phthisis, ICoca. 88F° soreness. Occiput, uneasy feeling: Camph. Occiput, to vertex: pain, IGlon, I INatr. c; pain, with vertigo, IIBry. Occiput, vertigo: IPlumb.; in evening while sitting and smoking, with desire for stool, as if he would fall to left, IZinc.; on rising, IPetrol.; when seated, iCinch.; in left side, like a whirling, IPetrol.; extending to vertex, with sensation of enlargementof occiput, IMed. Occiput, feeling of waves of water over vertex to forehead making her feel with each wave as if she would gradually lose her senses: I ISil. Occiput, -weight: 8®° heaviness. Occiput, pain in, as if a piece of wood were ly- ing accoss back of head from right to left: Psor. Occiput, B@" Brain cerebellum, Cerebrospinal, Head, Headache. PARIETAL, boring: Zinc; in right, with sensation of bursting, in evening, while stand- ing, Zinc. 8®" nail- Parietal, as if broken : with shivering, ICale Parietal, bursting; worse stooping, ICoral. Parietal, cold: sudden, on left, as if a drop of cold water had fallen on it, Croc. Parietal, darting: caused by cough, Mang.; de- scend along neck, better in evening, Cinch. Parietal, headache : below, Asar.; in front and above left ear, Calc. a.; worse over half an inch above left ear, in evening, Lyss.; in left, I Amyl.; from right to left, early on rising, Cact; from both sides, downward inward to- ward middle, ICepa; in spinal disease, I Alum. Parietal, as if a nail were driven into right: disappears on pressure, IThuya. BgT boring. Parietal, neuralgia: in left then in right, Med. Parietal, pain (undefined): in left, I I Card, m, Chen, v.; in left, when wind blows on it, Med.; in region of left, down neck and arms and chest, with spasmodic drawing, almost convulsions, ICup. m.; violent, on motion or making a misstep, toward evening, Spig.; better by pressure and fresh air, Tarant; in right, ILye; into right (toothache), IGlon.; in a spot in right, worse stooping, llgn. Parietal, as from a deep penetrating plug in right: Asaf. Parietal, pressing: on left as from convex button (rheumatic), IThuya; pain in left,rather external, Cact; as if with hand, IKali ars.; in left, posterior portion, Chen, v.; in left, with anxiety inchest, ICact; in right, Cact, IChel.; in right, while lying, Spong.; under, Atrop. s. Parietal, after blow on left, a sensitive spot: least touch causes trembling over whole body, • pains day and night, with twitching of limbs, INatr. m. Parietal, sharp pain: protuberance of right, Merc, sub; in left, penetrates into brain, worse from every cough, moving head and when bowels move, Vib. Parietal, shooting: periodical, in left, IChel.; in left, later in right, yEsc h.; in right, forward to temple or face, I ISars. Parietal, soreness: in right, Eup. perf; in a spot on left, only when touched, I IParis ; in a spot on left, as if periosteum were swollen, painful to touch, Ant. c. Parietal, sticking: behind left eminence, violent, intermittent, deep, Verbas.; jerking at posterior portion of, I I Prun. Parietal, stinging : in right, Urt ur. Parietal, stitches : precede cerebral apoplexy, ISil.; in left, on stooping, extend forward, Ant.t Parietal, tearing : ICale p.; drawing begin- ning at left, becoming pressing, throbbing in occiput, with nausea and vomiting, I ISep.; to frontal region, Ars. s. f, Bor.; in right, IMur. ae; sharp, in left, Zinc. Parietal, tenderness: in left, Chen. v. Parietal, tensive pain : Card. m. Parietal, throbbing: pain, Lyss.; deep seated, Cornus ; in right, Goss. Parietal, 8®° Head, Headache, Hemicrania. SUNSTROKE, I Aeon., I Amyl, Ant. c, Arn, I Ars, IBell, Bry, Cact, Camph, Carbo v., Citrus, IGels, IIGlon, ILach, INatr. m., IOp, Sil, IStram, Therid, I IThuya, I Ver. v. Sunstroke, no appetite: IGlon. Sunstroke, bad effects of: lArg. met. Sunstroke, breathing: blowing, Calend,ILach, HOp.; slow, IGlon.; difficult, Amyl, Cact, Camph, Ver. v.; oppressed, Glon.; short, panting, Arn.; sighing, Glon. Sunstroke, comatose: IBell, IGlon, IIOp. Sunstroke, congestion: 11 Amyl, Arn, IBell, Cact, IIGlon, ILach, IVer. v. Sunstroke, eyes: fixed, Glon.; black spots, Natr. e; glassy, half closed, Op.; dazzling flashes, Natr. e; glimmering before, Lach.; protruding, Amyl.; pupils contracted, Arn.^ Op.; pupils dilated, Bell, Gels, Glon, Ver. v.; red, Aeon, Amyl., IBell., IGlon.; sight dim, Cact, Gels, Glon, Natr. c. Op.; sight double, Ver. v.; turned up, IGlon. Sunstroke, face: bloated, ILach, IOp.; burning, hot, dry, I Aeon.; pale, I Ars., ICamph., IGels.^ Op.; pale and expressionless, IGlon.; red 150 3. INNER HEAD. lAcon, lAmyl, IBell., IGlon, ILach.;sunken, ILach.; cold sweat, ICamph, Ver. v.; yellow- ish red or livid, IGlon. Sunstroke, fever: IIAcon, lArs, IIBell, IVer. v. Sunstroke, headache : acute, Amyl, IIBell, Bry, Cact, Camph, IGels, IIGlon, ILach, ITherid, Ver. v.; chronic, Bar. c, IILach, IINatr. e, IStram. Sunstroke, jaws: firmly clenched, Aeon, Camph., IGlon, Lach, Op. Sunstroke, limbs; cold, Camph. ; relaxed and motionless, IGlon.; paralyzed, Ver. v. Sunstroke, memory; loss of, I Anac, ILach. Sunstroke, muscular tremor: Agar, Camph, IGlon, ILach.; of hands, Amyl, Natr. c Sunstroke, nausea and vomiting: Aeon, Ant. " c, I Ars, IBry, IGlon, Sil, ITherid, Ver. v. Sunstroke, with prostration: Agar, Amyl, Ant. e, I Arn., I Ars, ICamph, Cact, IGels, IGlon, Natr. c, IVer. v. Sunstroke, pulse accelerated: I Aeon, IBell, IVer. v.; feeble or full, slow, intermittent, IGlon.; variable, Lach. Sunstroke, especially from sleeping in sun's rays, IIAcon. Sunstroke, unconsciousness: IBell, Camph, IIGlon., Lach, HOp. Sunstroke, vertigo : lAcon, Agar, Arn, IBell, Bry., Cact, Crotal, IGels, iGlon., Lach, Sil, Therid. TEMPLES, aching: INux m.; on awak- ing, Natr. a.; dull in right, Uran. n.; deep dull, with dizziness in left, Eup. pur.; dull, hard, asthmatic breathing at night (hay fever), 11 Sinap.; dull, heavy, on awak- ing, 11 Myr. cer.; dull pressure, paroxysmal, Lib tig.; worse moving of eyes (whooping cough), IBadiag.; with pain like heavy weight, stone or lump of lead, on vertex (headache), I IPhelb; in left, I Act. rac, Asar, Aspar, Kali m.; over left eye, comes on at 4 a.m., gradually increasing until 11 a.m., and decreases from 3 p.m. until 6 p.m., when it is gone until 4 a.m., becomes sharp, cutting and boring, with fulness (solar neu- ralgia), HStann.; persistent, Zinc; in right, Dolich, IJugl.; above right, Dros.; worse in right, Cann. i.; sudden, in temporal ridge, while writing, Chin. s.; through, ISars. 8@^° headache, pain. Temples, like a band; around head, above ears, with hoarseness, Osm.; in right, as if a cord were frequently drawn and tightened, as if to cut head in two, IMosch. 8®** constricted, contractive, cramplike, pressing. Temples, beating : 8@° throbbing. Temples, bloodvessels, sensation of expansion, IFerr.; distension, Acet ae; distension of veins, Ferr., I IPsor.; veins distended and sen- sitive to touch, I ISang.; fulness of arteries (amenorrhcea), Ver. v. Temples, pain as if from a blow : Agnus. 8^** shocks, stunning. Temples, as if a bolt were passing from one to other, and tightly screwed: IHam. Temples, boring: Ant c, ICamph., Cycl, Nitr. sp. d. Thuya; in bones, lArg. nit.; in bone, abscess, irritating offensive discharge, IKali iod.; in eyes and forehead, going off on bending forward, returning on sitting up, or on bend- ing backward, Mang.; to forehead, eyes and vertex, with sensation as if there were nodes under scalp, painful to touch, IPhos.; in left, Calc, IClem, Rhod.; in left, at 12 o'clock, I Arg. nit.; in left, worse talking or mental exertion, follows suppressed lochia, Sib; be- fore menses, lAnt c; from within outward, worse before midnight and when lying quiet, I IDulc; better from pressure, Calad.; in right, Form.; in right, from without, IHep, Natr. a.; in right, very short, 5 a.m., every other day, but on fourth day in left, in morning when getting awake, Lyss.; sharp, 11 Mur. ae; in a small spot, lArs. 8^*burrowing, nail, stitches. Temples, bruised pain: in bones, as from a fall, in periosteum, extends to occiput, 11 Ruta ; in left, Brach. 8^° aching, soreness. Temples, burning: Calc; to forehead, eyes and vertex, as if there were nodes under scalp, painful to touch, IPhos.; with confusion in left side of head, IColoe ; with heavy weight on top, I IPhelb; in left, Verbas.; in left, in a spot as large as a silver dollar, evening, Inul.; in right, Carbol. ac.; worse in right side, Ananth.; in skin (pityriasis), IMez.; middle of frontal bone, first burning, then stinging, 11 Goss. 8§T" heat. Temples, burrowing pain : Agar. 8@P* boring, gnawing, nail. Temples, as if bursting: when coughing, ICina; worse evening to morning, and using eyes (syphilitic iritis), I IStaph.; better from press- ure (eczema), Brom.; in leucorrhoea, I IMere iod. flav.; worse from motion, pressure, stoop- ing, lying, ILach.; especially in temporal emi- nences, suddenly, disappears gradually, re- curs frequently, Sabina ; on supporting bead with hands, extends into right frontal emi- nence, IBell. 8®*" congestion, fulness, pressing. Temples, circumscribed pain in each : Sabina. Temples, coldness: in right, I Berb.; in left, as from wet cloth, Gamb. Temples, congestion : on awaking in morning, worse stooping, when there is a heavy, full feeling, Tell.; in affections of heart, ISep.; in right, as if blood could go no further (rheum- atic iritis), I ISyph. 8^* fulness, pressing. Temples, as if constricted: IPuls. ggj^band, con tractive, cramplike, pressing. Temples, contractive pain: Squilla; worse afternoon, better sitting and washing, Asar. ©SP^band, cramplike, constrictive, pressing. Temples, crackling: Aeon. Temples, cramplike pain : Agar.; above,Sabina; in left, beginning gently, increasing and de- creasing, IPlat.; in left, worse on opening mouth, Coccul.; in right, afternoon, IPlat. 8^" band, constrictive, contractive, pressing. Temples, crawling: on right, extending to lower jaw, with a feeling of coldness in it, Plat. Temples, crushing : like a pressing inward all day, Stann.; as if crushed together, Caul. 8@a pressing. Temples, cutting: I Arg. nit.; orbits and occiput, worse stooping and by motion, Cinch.; in left, IColoe, ICund.; worse over left, better pressing with hand, IHydras. 8^"* lanci- nating, stabbing, sticking, stitches. Temples, darting: 11 Ailant, Ang,Arum t, Cycl., 3. INNER HEAD. 151 Sticta ; at intervals, like lightning, to cheek, Astac.; in left, IIKali iod, Xan.; through, lEup. perf, I ILac c, IISul. 8@~ jerking, shooting, neuralgia. Temples, dragging: in metrorrhagia, lElaps. Temples, drawing: Agar., Ant. e, Atrop, Calc, Coccus, IINux v.; toward zygoma, IBry.; by day,l I Hep.; down,IBell.; in right,Case; even- ing, while walking, with feverish restlessness, and difficult} of breathing, I IRan. b.; in left, Ante; in left, at 5 p.m., Zing.; in left, with redness, ILach.; in left, while sitting, ceasing when walking and standing, Tarax.; as of something tightly drawn over, Bar. c; press- ure in right, HCale; pressing while walking in open air with head covered, better wrhen standing still, uncovering head and in a warm room, Zing.; in right, INitr. ac; in right, spreads over orbit to right cheek, worse from motion, Bell.; in right, vertical, ICina ; in right, extending to zygoma and upper jaw, Ant. t; in right, to molars and neck, Bry.; and tearing, to malar bone and lower jaw (prosopalgia, trismus), IBry. Temples, dull pain: yEsc h, IDiosc, llnd, Iodof, Kob. ; to orbits and occiput, worse stooping and motion, Cinch.; over frontal region, worse left side, 9.30 p.m., Tromb.; in indigestion, lElat; at intervals, I Atrop.; in left, ICinnab.; in right, yEsc h, Arg. met; toward, as if brain would become enlarged or distended, Coccion. 8@f aching, heavy, pressing. Temples, fluttering: Sil. Temples, flying, pains: yEsc. h. 8^p* darting, neuralgic, -wandering. Temples, formication: in front of, yEsc. h.; as of insects, I IThuya ; in right, to lower jaw, with sensation of coldness in that spot, worse evening and when at rest, better from rub- bing, IPlat.; sudden formicating pains through, Arund. Temples, fulness: I Act. rac, I Amyl, IBell, Gnaphal, Sep.; with nausea, 11 Lith.; first in right, later left, going to nape of neck, where it disappears, Jacar.; from overwork at desk, Agar. 8^" bursting, congestion, pressing. Temples, pain like a gathering in left: I INitr.ac. Temples, gnawing: Led.; in right, commenc- ing at 9 p.m., better warmth and lying on af- fected side, comes on gradually and leaves suddenly, IISul. ac; in a small spot on either, Ran. sc B^° burrowing. Temples, griping: as if he would become dizzy and lose consciousness, better on pressing head, in evening, after lying down, IMagn. m. Temples, hammering: Brom.; fears apoplectic stroke (dyspepsia), IFerr. ph.; boring, begin- ning mostly in left temple, IFerr.; has to lie. down, Benz. ac. B^P"" throbbing. Temples, headache (undefined): IIBell, ICham, Cup. ars, IGels, Lyss., Natr. ph, IINux m. Zing.; between, ICup. ars.; with nausea, Cup. ars.; in either, extending into or from eye, better from warmth, ISyph.; in intermittent, IFerr.; to forehead, with depres- sion of spirits, INaja; extends to jaw, Calc p.; in left, Arn, Asar, Cast, eq.; in left (angina), IMere; in left, with feeling as if he had taken cold, Uran. n.; in left, commencing at about 4 p.m., better by remaining out of school, IMelil.; in left, periodical, I Ars.; in left, back to occiput, earlier every day, IForm.; in left, on rising, involving eye, Asim.; in acute desquamative nephritis, ICoccus; in right, Lyss.; in right (nocturnal enuresis), I IMed.; in right, in morning, sharp on first rising and all day, when looking up, pains dart in straight line to top of head, leaving a sore feeling, Coca; worse in right, Plumb.; worse in right, vertigo, nausea and vomiting of bile, is obliged to lie down, Crotal.; sick headache, I IMelil, I ISang.; through temples, then vertically, like an inverted letter T, ISyph.; from one temporal region to the other, yEsc. h, Brach, Lyss, ISyph. 8®*" aching, dull pains, pain (un- defined), sharp pain. Temples, heat: Berb, ILye, Med. 8^** burning. Temples, heaviness: lAmyl, Nijtr. sp. d.; with confusion in left, I ICarbo a.; weight, Bism, Cain.; weight, in catarrh, ICinnab.; painful, Xan.; dull pain, I ICarbol. ae; dull, heavy pains in right, ITJran. n.; pains extend over frontal region, worse in left at 9.30 p.m., Tromb. 8§T* dull, fulness, pressing. Temples, jerking: Calc, ICinch.; cutting, to middle of brain, in short intervals, after lying down, Camph.; to upper jaw, ICinch.; through left, leaving dull pressure, worse during rest, better from motion, IStann.; sticking, first in left, then in right, Verbas. ggg" neuralgia, shocks, tearing. Temples, lancinating : Ast. r, ICup. ac. Cup. m, IHam, IIKali iod, HSenecio; in right, Cain.; in right from within out, Form.; in right with flickering before eyes and lassitude, Graph.; worse in right, Ananth.; spasmodic, to eyes, Anag. 8@f cutting, stabbing, stitches. Temples, as if a nail were driven in, near eye, Amm. br, IHep. 8@" boring, burning. Temples, neuralgia : yEsc. h, \ Chloral, Sticta, Tarant.; worse in afternoon, and night, from noise, light, and motion, 11 Ananth.; after catching cold, sometimes one side, sometimes the other, dull aching, worse at night, IISul.; cutting with vomiting, llris; agonizing at- tacks between temple and ciliary arch and maxilla, with screaming and apparent loss of sensibility, as if struck with apoplexy, IKali cy.; down over upper and lower max- illa and lips, drawing gnawing increases and decreases gradually (morning till evening), 11 Stann.; extending to ramus of inferior max- illa and to occiput, with epistaxis, I INux v.; with dull frontal headache, worse from mo- [ tion, Rob.; intermittent, left side, IPolyp.; to jaws, Sarrae; in left, Carbol. ac, IDulc; in left, as if a bee had stung her (during preg- nancy), I Apis; in left, over face and down ra- ! mus of jaw, I ISep.; in left, awakes after hav- I ing been asleep an hour, extends toward head, cheeks and teeth, worse from minute to min- ute, glowing, tearing, forcing to walk, 11 Rhus; in left every day, at 12 m., lasts till midnight, leaves gradually, feels it slightly in forenoon (intermittent neuralgia), 11 Polyp.; in left, stretching across forehead to right temple and around eye and malar bone of right side, at- tack begins at 9 a.m., goes off in afternoon, IKali bi.; with retarded menses, I ILobel. i.; first in left, then in right, Med.; in left, with weight and pressure in vertex, has lasted 152 3. INNE R HEAD. twenty-four hours, gradually worse, I IMed.; daily at 4, worse till 10, ceasing at 4 p.m., IKali cy.; worse from least change of posi- tion, Diose; in right, ICarbol. ac, IChel, Chin, a, IColoe, IFerr. mur, INux v.; in right, close to eye, with frontal headache, Ver. v.; in right, extending to back of head and side of neck and into ear, pain lancinat- ing, boring, worse at night, H Puis.; in right, then in left, Pallad.; in right, from getting wet, I ISang.; worse in right, extends to back of head, Iodof; shooting, IForm.; with throb- bing, ILach. 8®" darting, shooting, tear- ing, also Hemicrania. Temples, numbness: Calab, Bell, rrZing. 8^** formication. Temples, cedematous (albuminuria): ICale a. Temples, pain in right, as if opening and shut- ting (post-partum hemorrhage): ICann. s. Temples, pain (undefined): Amyl., ICepa, ICinch, Diose, Elat, Form., Gels, Hod., llpec, Merc. iod. rub, IIRan. b., IIRhus; in afternoon, with depression, Lact. ae; awakes, Amyl, Myr. cer.; on awaking, Ailant, Lact. ae; worse on leaning back, Cinch.; when lying in bed in morning, worse drinking wine and in wet, cold weather, better rising and moving, Rhod.; nearly every day, Carb. s.; in dyspepsia, ILac e; to back part of eyes, I Daph.; with burning of eyes, Calab.; worse from motion of eyelids, ICepa ; and over eyes, with vertigo, nausea, and vomiting, llris ; starting from (facial neuralgia), IGels.; down side of face to shoulder, from left, IGraph.; in ague, llpec; with congestion, I IMere cor.; must hold head and eyes down (chronic headache), I Apis ; to lower jaw and chin (prosopalgia), I I Rhod.; in left, ICund, Daph., IForm., Gamb., Gymn., Ipom, Lith., INaja; in left, after breakfast, Act. rac, Pallad.; in left, after operation for fistula in ano (mental disorder), ILach.; in left, appears daily, lasts till evening, caused by getting wret, better rapid motion, I IRhus; in left, day and night, I ITereb.; in left, after drowsiness, Pallad.; in left os petrosum,Osm.; left to side of face and shoulder, face distorted, IGraph.; starting in left, goes across forehead to vertex, to right side of occiput, begins in morning as soon as she puts foot to floor, lasts all day until 4 or 5 p.M.,affected parts remain sore, worse in wet weather (phlegmasia alba dolens), INatr. s.; in left, from mental labor, Psor.; in left to oc- ciput, Arum in.; in left, running across to right, Ptel.; commences in left, extends to right, over right eyeball to occiput, I ISul.; in left, tender to touch, Form.; in left, spreading over upper part of brain to right side of head, Cund.; worse in left, Cup. ars.; in morning, Pallad.; begins in morning, worse through day, with vomiting, ICact; relieved by nau- sea, I ILye vir.; worse at night (iritis), IMere cor.; at noon, Chin.s.; with outward pressure, Bry.; in right, I Amyl, Ars. i, Bapt, ILachn, ILye, Lyss, Mere iod. flav, Natr. a.; in right on waking, lasts all day (post-partum hem- orrhage), iCann. s.; in right caused by cough, Alum.; in right, near eye, at dinner, 1 p.m., Pallad.; in right, gradually growing more severe and into ear, thence to eye and side of head, parts affected alternately, finally settles in right wing of nose, paroxysms very severe (prosopalgia), IGels.; in right,at noon, walking, Pallad.; in right, five hours later in left, Fluor, ac; first in right, then in left, Ipom.; first in right, then left, then in shoulder, finally returning to temple, Pallad.; in right, with nausea, Ziz.; in right, dry nose, ICact.; at posterior edges of bones, Uran. n.; in right, must lie perfectly quiet, worse noise, light, exertion, ICact.; after rising, preceded by bellyache, Pallad.; in right, in spells, ICact.; in right, by spells, caused by wine, opera or getting dinner too late, ICact.; in small spot in right, Lith.; sudden, violent, IKali bi.; toothache, into right, IGlon.; in right, twisting in single fibres, Bry.; in right, to vertex, ICale; in right, to top of head, makes sleepy, Arund.; centres in right, going up to top of head, over eyebrow, below eye and down inferior maxilla, comes on about noon and lasts till evening, I I Sub; in right, at 8 a.m. or at noon after walking, Pallad.; worse in right, worse winking, ex- tends over forehead to left side, ICepa; one- sided, generally left, Cycl.; in affection of stomach, ILac e; sudden, in left, like an in- ward pressing pointed plug, I Asaf; from temple to temple, across eyes, ICed.; through (tobacco poisoning), Nux v.; in tonsillitis, I Apis ; from a decayed tooth, I Act. sp.; with toothache, IIBar. c; when touched, IMez.; worse from touch (iritis), IMere; if urine is retained,TrFluor. ac; with vertigo, IHyper.; from overwork at desk, IA gar. BST" dull pain, headache, sharp pain. Temples, piercing : INitr. ac, Sal. ac; benumb- ing, deep in right while eating, worse from pressure, extends after a few hours into upper teeth, like a tearing, 11 Verbas.; with nausea, Ptel.; in left, daily for several months, IGlon. B®° nail, pricking, stabbing, sticking, stitches. Temples, pinching: 11 Verbas.; in left, at inter- vals, I IKali c; from one to the other, ISul. 8@~ pressing. Temples, pressing : Aeon, Ant. a. Apis, Ars. h, IBell,Benz. ac, Berb. ,Calab,Camph, Cann. s, ICaps., ICarbol. ac, ICarbo v., Chin, a. Coc- cus, ICoccul., IColoe, Cycl., IDiad, IIGlon, Hippom, Inul, Iod, Kob, Lith. c, Nitr. sp. d, IOp., Samb, Vinca, 7rZing.; afternoon and evening, Zing.; better in open air, reappears on entering room, Jatroph.; in prolapsus ani, I Arn.; early on awaking, INux v.; disappears on awaking from sleep, Cast.eq.; with throb- bing of arteries on side of neck, Calab.; in bone of right, Diad.; as if compressed, Act, rac, I IForm.; compressive pain, IFluor. ac; compressive pain, with chronic ovaritis and leucorrhoea, I IPlat.; in constipation, IIBry.; constrictive, worse from motion, ex- citement, or using eye, IParis; dull, Lobel i.; on awaking, ICale; dull, cramplike, Zinc; by day, 11 Hep.; dull, in articular eminence of bone, just in front of left ear, 11 Verbas.; near ears, more left side, from within out- ward, Cast, eq.; after eating bread, Zing.; after breakfast, IHyper.; after dinner, Agar.; in evening, while walking, with feverish restless- ness and dyspnoea, I I Ran. b.; into eyes (ca- tarrhal fever), IKali c; into eyes, with heat in head and face, IKali c; toward eyes, Anac* to eyes and forehead, going off on bending 3. INNER HEAD. 153 forward, returning on sitting up, or on bend- ing head back, Mang.; as if about to faint, I Ang.; as from firm pressure of fingers, ICham.; of thumbs, Bapt, ICham.; frequently alternatingwith same sensation in right frontal eminence and in left temple, 11 Mar. v.; radiat- ing to forehead,eyes and vertex, as if there were nodes under scalp, painful to touch, IPhos.; in left, as if forehead would be pressed inward, increases anddiminishes,IStann.;like two iron hands, Bufo.; with confusion in left side, IColoe; furious, when lying on side, better lying on back, Ign.; as of something heavy, Iodof.; in jaundice, before attack, I Arg. nit.; in left, Arum in., Asar, Brom., IColoe, Lith., Merc, sob, IPuls, Zinc; in left, seemingly in surface of brain, Carbol. ac; inleft, externally, Aur. met.; in left, from behind forward, Ver- bas. ; in left, inward, Ant. e; in left from with- in outward, IMez.; in left, then right, yEsc h.; in left, worse on being touched, Aur. met.; inleft, worse walking, shaking bead, better sitting, I Asar.; on lying down, Calend.; must lie down, Calab.;from mental exertion,Anae; in migraine, 11 Verbas.; every morning,IPhos. ac; worse motion, Agnus, ILach.; now more in one, now more in other, Ictod.; outward, Aloe, lAmyl, Arn., Benz. ac, Calc, I IFluor. ae,Ign, 1I Lobel. i, Paris ;outward, extending from beneath right to frontal bone, worse from external pressure, IPrun.; outward, especially in right, Spig.; as though head was being screwed apart, Cast, eq.; outward, with vertigo, Stront.; in paroxysms, IDig.; persist- ent, Zinc; sharp, pinching, in left, Zinc; sen- sation as if articular eminences were violently pinched and crushed together, I I Verbas.; with constrictive feeling at prsecordium (an- gina pectoris), I IPhyt.; worse from pressure, Aspar.; in right, IBell., Ced., ICham., IChel, 11 Tarax., Verbas.; in right, better from press- ure of hand, IParis; in right, with dulness, Rhus; in right, later left, Ars. h.; in right, from within outward, Spong.; in right, sud- denly shooting inward, Zinc; as of blunt body forced slowly into right, Coccul.; sharp, externally, Spong.; shooting, IGels.; with deep sleep, Ign.; in small spots, worse left side, Psor.; as from a dull stick, better from touch, Asaf.; stupefying, in right, Calad.; sud- den, worse in right, 11 Ptel.; tearing, in right, Camph.; together, Therid.; undulating and raging throughout whole head, especially at last in region of sagittal suture, IGlon.; as if in a vise, ICoccul, Diose, INux m.; with vomiting in hysterical women, INux v. 8@~ band, constriction, contraction, cramplike, crushing, pinching, tension ; j also Headache viselike. Temples, pricking : in left, Ant. c, Arn,Arund.; Verbas.; in left, alternating with throbbing, jerking, and pinching, Lyss. 8^° sticking, stinging. Temples, raging: with a feeling as if he would become dizzy and lose consciousness, better on pressing head in evening after lying down, IMagn. m. Temples, rending: above, arising from neck or extending to it, Berb. 8®° lacerating, tearing. Temples, rheumatic pain : Amm. m. g®° drawing, tearing. Temples, screwing: in jaundice before attack, I Arg. nit.; as if screwed together, worse dur- ing menses, IILyc. 8®°" pressing, tension. Temples, sharp pains: IChel, Ham.; on awak- ing, 2 a.m., lAct. rac; in centre, I llris; in evening, commence and end suddenly, Med.; extend over frontal region, worse left side, 9.30 p.m., Tromb.; extreme, llgn.; with face- ache, 11 Rhod.; from right to angle of mouth, 11 Verbas.; in left, Cup. ars., Diose; worse from motion, Bapt.; in right, extends to occi- put,Iodof; by spells,Bapt; with vertigo, IPuls. 8®° acute pain,headache,pain (undefined). Temples, shocks: with cough, IILyc; like an electric, from right temple to left side of occi- put, llris; painful, worse forenoon and even- ing, Sul. ae; sudden, Croc; spasmodic, con- tractive, froin.right to left, followed by numb- ness as if too tightly bound, with tremulous- ness of both sides of head, IPlat. 8®" blow, stunning. Temples, shooting: Acet. ae, Agar., IGels, Lyss, Merc. iod. flav.; above, Berb.; across, IChel.; electric, from right temple to left side of occiput, llris ; at 9 p.m., Lyss.; close to eyes, on moving them or looking at any- thing, ISul.; to zygoma, IPhos.; inward at short intervals, left first affected, better press- ing with hands, Cup. s.; in left, I Act. rac, Chrom. ac, Como.; inleft, only by day till last night when it prevented him from sleep (headache), shooting goes obliquely down- ward and sometimes backward, IMere p.; in left, to ear and vertex, Gvmn.; dull, in left from within out, IBell.; in left, worse on com- ing indoors, shooting goes obliquely down- ward and sometimes backward, IMere p.; from left to right, worse stooping, better from pressure, ICale; to back of head, with thirst, Stram.; from within outward, Arn.; outward, better night, worse stooping (headache), IKali bi.; in right, IBell, Coca ; in right just above temporal region, 3 p.m., Tromb.; from right into head, in afternoon, Form.; in right, pass- ing to left, dull heavy sensation in whole front of head, Lib tig.; in right, with inhalation, Calc. p.; generally in right, with constricted feeling in scalp, llris ; sharp, 11 Apis ; sharp, right, 11 Phyt.; with sickness, better drinking cold water, Alum.; sudden, after operation for strabismus, extends to eyes, IBerb.; from one to the other, worse night, worse from light, better from sleep, Sang.; from one temple toother, at times flies through to occi- put, worse in front, HPhos.; with pain like heavy weight, stone or lump of lead on top of head (headache), I IPhelb 8€g~ darting,flying, lancinating,neuralgic. Temples, soreness: Dros.; in left, ISep.; to oc- ciput, daily, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Cina ; on press- ure, Daph.; of right when pressed against pil- low, Cup.ars.; in skin of right, 11 Dros.; as from subcutaneous ulceration in one or both, worse evenings at rest, in a warm room, better walk- ing in open air, IPuls. 8@P* aching, bruised, pressing. Temples, stabbing: 8 p.m. until he fell asleep at 11 p.m., Stram.; as with a knife from one to the other, IIBell.; sometimes, begins right side and sometimes left, always goes from one side to other, 11 Lac e 8^*" darting, lancinating, sticking, stitches. 154 3. INNER HEAD. Temples, sticking: lArn, Coccus, ISul.;dull in j left, Daph.; 8 p.m. until he fell asleep at 11 p.m., Stram. ; severe, on looking at a bright light, IINatr. m.; in left on waking in morn- ing, extending into ear and eye, better mov- ing in open air, I Atrop.; in left, extend- ing toward malar bone, Vinca ; in middle, IParis ; drawing, in left, worse from mastica- tion, better by contact, Thuya; outward, ICham.; better from pressure, Calad.; sharp in one spot, llgn. g@T cutting, lancinat- ing, pricking, stitches. Temples, stinging: Astac, ICycl, IIGraph, Kali bi.; awakes in middle of night, Vace; in catarrh of bladder, ICinnab.; in left, Ther- id.; periodical, IKali bi.; in right, Calad. 8^* pricking, sticking. Temples, stitches: yEsc. h., Arum t, Atrop. s, ICham., Coccul, ICup. in, Cycl, Gamb, I Glon, I Guaiae, Iodof, Mane, IPuls, Sabad, Sil, Spong.; above, Berb.; below left, Asar.; in bones, to forehead, Camph.; boring, better on touch, IColoe; in inflammation of brain, I IPuls.; deep, IMere; to eye,teeth and side of head, I IPhos.; dull, frequent, ICham.; dull in left, yEsc. h.; dull in right, Cann. i. Zinc; dull in right, as if bones would be pressed out, worse from touch, IStaph.; into ears (intermittent), ICist; with heat in ears, Calc; violent, fine, as from electric sparks, in left, Spig.; evening and night, Dig.; as if pointed irons were thrust in, producing craziness, worse afternoon, night, noise, light, motion, 11 Ananth.; evening and night, Dig.; into eyes, Anag.; into eyes (catarrhal fever), IKali c; through eye to inner canthus, on looking at anything white or red, or at sun, IGraph.; during chill (ague), I IPuls.; with long lasting fever, INux v.; in typhus, I Apis ; hot, Bapt; as from penknife, at 3 a.m., IFerr.; sharp, be- numbing, knifelike, just above right, Verbas.; in left, Ammoniac,Amm. m.; over left,ICalc; in left or both, INitr. ac; severe in left, ISpig, Thuya; in left, extends downward, ■Sep.; in left, on motion of lower jaw, ICale; from right to angle of mouth, Verbas.; as with needles, inleft, Zinc; sharp, burning, needlelike, in left, IStaph.; needlelike, in left, while sitting, ceasing when walking or standing, Tarax.; from within out, flying, Asaf; from within out, mostly in right, IILyc; from within out, worse eating or stooping, better pressing head or moving about, ISul.; as if a plug or nail were being driven in, IHep., near eye, Amm. b.; in right, changing to pressive pain, Cann. i.; occa- sional, in right, Lyss.; in right, Vace; in right, worse evenings (chronic headache), j ICaust; sensitive across, every few minutes, Atrop.; sharp, Merc. iod. flav.; as of a sharp instrument thrust from one toother, Ascl. t; sharp, externally, in left, extend to forehead, Spong.; worse sitting or reading (pertussis), ICaust.; worse at every step, lAloe; worse stooping, moving head, eyes or jaws, better raising head and from heat, IKali e; into teeth, I IPuls.; in left, into teeth (chlorosis), ICale; with teething, ICina ; from temple to temple, HCinch.; transient, in left, IGraph.; sudden, broad thrust in right extending deep into brain, causing him to start, ICroe; with sensitiveness of vertex, as if hair were raised by pulling, Magn. m.; with vertigo, melancholy and prostration, I INatr. e; with vertigo (irido-choroiditis), IRhus. 8^" boring, cutting, darting, lacerating, nail, pricking, stabbing, sticking. Temples, stunning: headache through, better from pressure, Pod. 8^T* blow, shocks. Temples, tearing : Amm. c, Amm. m. Ant. c, Arum t, IBerb, ICham, Chim. m, Lachn, INux m, ISpig.; better in open air, 11 Aur. met.; with irritating, offensive discharge, IKali iod.; in inflammation of brain, I IPuls.; with sensation as if brain had gone to sleep, worse by contact, motion, after eating, lying or stooping, Con.; cramplike, Zinc; drawing in right, Bry.; after dinner, with stitches in right ear, Zinc; with burning heat in epigastri- um, during heat, ILach.; fine, in right, Camph.; into cheeks, Lachn.; during heat (chest af- fection), ILach.; above left, Zinc; in left, Arn., Asar, IMere, Merc, per, Rhod.; in left, downward, ISep.; in left, to upper part of head, Sep.; from left over whole left side, at times to ear and lower jaw, worse at night in sudden changes of weather or storms, from external warmth, warmth of bed, better in cool open air, IIPuls.; in left, at intervals, 11 Kali e; driving to madness, worse in damp weather, right side, or left to right, especially in anaemic persons, IVer.; from mental exer- tion, Anac.; worse at night, Thuya; from within outward, ICham.; worse eating or stooping, better pressing head together, or moving about, ISul.; in right, 11 Arum t, Lyss, Zinc; worse in right, Amm. m.; in right, into ear, Lyss.; in right, over orbit to cheek, worse from motion, Bell.; in right, worse on motion, 11 Chel.; in right, worse on motion, shaking is intolerable (sick headache), I ISang.; from right to angle of mouth, I I Verbas.; sticking, Zinc; toward, HArn.; transient, Zinc; trans- ient in left, Gamb.; twitching in temple lain on, goes to other side when turning on to it, worse in evening and on raising eyes, IPuls.; uninterrupted twitching, at times sawing in right, as if nerves were being torn out by a fine instrument, extends over eye and into malar bone, I ISpig.; in left, to vertex, Amb.; with great sensitiveness of vertex, as if hair were raised by pulling, Magn. m.; with ver- tigo, melancholy and prostration, I INatr. e; with bitter vomiting (after catching cold after labor), I IPuls. 6@P" lacerating, neuralgia. Temples, tension: I Amyl., Benz. ac, Berb., 11 Chel, Cinnab, Zinc; in catarrh of bladder, ICinnab.; in articular elevation, on going into open air, or in a draught, 11 Verbas.; as if bound, with half vision, Lith.; as from a cobweb, Bar. c; as if compressed, after eating, Con.; cramplike, as if screwed in, IPlat; drawing, IIBry.; with drowsiness, Calad.; when open- ing jaws, Ang.; in right, Calc; stupefying, in right, better pressing on it, Alum. 8§T* band, constrictive, contractive, pressing. Temples, throbbing: (beating, pulsation),yEsc. h., All.sat., Amyl,Antt, ^Aur.mur. nat,Bar. e, IBell, Bor, Cadm. s, Calc, IChel, Chin, s, Coccul., IGels., IIGlon., IGrat., Gymn, Ictod, 11 Kali br, ILac def, Med., Merc. iod. flav., I ISpig., 11 Ver. v.; as if alive 3. INNER HEAD. 15-5 with, blood coursing rapidly through dis- tended arteries, 11 Sang.; better open air, 11 Kali iod.; arteries raised, felt like whipcords,IGlon.; between, IGlon.; awakens after midnight, IBenz. ae; audibly, Amyb; pulsations of palpitating heart felt in petrous portion of bone (mania), Hod.; in affections of brain, IGlon.; congestion, better from hard pressure (ague), 11 Puis.; before chill, Carbo v.; during cough, Hep.; dull, in left, IColoe; in dyspepsia, ILacc; with burning in eyes, (sick headache), ICoff.; in rheumatic ophthal- mia, lAcon, with severe pain over eyes, ILac def.; with fiery redness of face, worse speak - ing, chewing, eating fruit or anything sour, exeited by least touch, IKali m.; in fever, during apyrexia, Ign.; during sweat (ague), I ISep.; to forehead, Ced.; at 9 a.m., Diose; with heat ih head (migraine)? ILach.; with light head, ILac def; with sick headache, ICoff; hot, with pressure on top of head (climaxis), ILach.; before attack of jaundice, I Arg. nit.; in left, Brach, IPhos.; in left, ex- tends downward, ISep.; in left, particularly before menses, ILach.; in left, better press- ure, worse walking, lyEthus.; in left, after rising, better by cold water, Aur. mur.; in the one on which she is lying, IIRhus ; menses absent six weeks, IGlon.; with mi- graine, IKali br.; in morning, IPod.; in syph- ilitic neuralgia, I ISyph.; with pressure in left, Coloe; better by hard pressure, worse by movement, HCinch.; in right, yEsc h., Cup. ars, IHep.; in right, on waking,ICheb;in right, worse from motion, shaking is intolerable (sick headache), I ISang.; worse in right side, Ananth.; as if skull would burst, worse night, ICact.; from falling asleep, Benz. ac; slow in left, Ant. c; increased (spinal disease), lAlum.; sudden, after 1 p.m., Chin, a.; on small spots, particularly in right, Astac; in affection of stomach, ILac c; with toothache, HStaph.; with vertigo, Ang.; with vertigo,mel- ancholy and prostration, HNatr.e; violent, IBell, IGlon.; visible, Amyb; visible, of left, Arg. nit; visible in heart affections of old age, lAur. met.; with bitter vomiting, ISang.;when walking, IINatr. s.; worse walking, IGlon.; when getting up and walking (palpitation), IBar. e; painful, ICaps., ICoccul, ICornus, Daph, IPhos,IStann.; in prolapsus aniJArn.; in left, I IPolyg, Zing.; with chilliness, thirst, and tearing in limbs, I IRhus; in right, with diarrhoea,IStram.; in right (gastralgia),I IVer.; j with soreness when touched, IDaph. 8§T* congestion, hammering. Temples, ticking: like a watch in right, IChel. Temples, tickling: pain in left, coming and going while in bed, evening, rubbing removes it, Tereb. Temples, painful tingling: ISul. Temples, touch: sensitive, IChel., IINux m.; left, from vertex down, ILach.; integument of left, 11 Rob.; also when lying on them, worse in wet, cold weather, better from warmth, INux m.; sensitiveness of right, ^Form. Temples, transient pain: Card, m.; in left, Ammoniac. Temples, tremulous: worse least motion of arms, particularly raising them toward head, I ISpig. Temples, twinges : in right, extending back- ward, Plant.; in right, extending into ear and causing a kind of earache, 11 Prun. Temples, twitching pains: Act.sp.,Carbol.ac; from right to angle of mouth, 11 Verbas. Temples, as if in a vise : aST" pressing; also Headache viselike. Temples, wandering pains: ICham, Colch. 8®*" darting, flying, neuralgic. Temples, wringing above: Berb. Temples, 8®°" Head, Headache, Hemic-ania. VERTEX, aching: I Act rac, Amyl, Calc. s, Sarrae; dull, Iodof; dull,giddy, Acet.ac; dull, worse by motion, better lying down, I Ascl. t; aftereating, Con.; in evening, IHep.; wants to lie down, aching at 5 a.m., Chlor.; worse at night, and better toward morning (cephal- algia periostitica), IMez. 8®*" bruised, dull pain, headache, pain (undefined), soreness. Vertex, as if a ball had been driven from neck to, worse at every heart throb : I Act. rac. Vertex, as if blown off: 8ST" Ay off, bursting, pressing. Vertex, feeling of a foreign body under skull, after overstudy, better during reading, worse afternoon, worse ongoing to sleep, or from ex- citement, or thinking of pain, better by touch: ICon. Vertex, boring: Arg. nit., Caust, Cycl, ILach, Magn. s, I IPuls.; beneath, spot painful to touch, ISul.; from within, ISpig. BST" burrowing, nail. Vertex, bruised pain: Bry, IMagn. e; in fore- noon, better in open air, Gamb.; after pain in occiput, extending over right side of head, at 8 a.m., Ind.; small spot, only totouch,ICaust; on being touched, 11 Chel. ggg- aching, soreness. Vertex, burning: Agar., IBry, ICale, Car- bol. ac, Caust, Daph., IHyper, Merc, per, INatr. m, I INatr. s, IISul.; in prolapsus ani, I Arn.; on awaking, succeeded by cold feeling, ISul.; alternating with coldness like ice (pro- lapsus uteri), I ISep.; in chronic diarrhcea, IISul, after grief, HCale; with headache, dur- ing menses, INatr. m.; in right side, Uran n.; during menopause, ILach.; better from motion and mental exertion, Helon.; with throbbing, from neck to forehead, IPhos.; from within out- ward, ILach.; in phthisis, IKali e; pressing from within outward (after repeated attacks of pneumonia), ILach.; in scalp (pityriasis), IMez.; a corrosive point, Sabad.; a round spot, IIGraph.; running to toes, ICale p.; with ver- tigo, Agar.; lasts twenty-four hours, ends in vomiting, worse from excitement or walking (bilious headache), I IPod.; with inclination to yawn, Daph. 8@F" heat, scalding, scorching. Vertex, burrowing: in left side, worse from motion, loud noise, speaking loud, opening mouth, better lying down, Spig. egT" boring, gnawing, nail. Vertex, bursting: as if skull would break, Ast. r.; as if forced asunder, IKali iod., INux v.; as if skull would burst, Spong.; as from se- vere cold, or as if coming off (neuralgia syphi- litica), 11 Syph.; as if skull were pushed upward, IFerr.; as if top were coming off and brains were coming out, with headache, worse mo- tion, ILac def; as if top would come off at every jar, Kob.; as if top would come off, 156 3. INNER HEAD. worse laughing and stooping, better from cold wind, desire to be quiet, Cupr. s.; as if top were lifted off, Diose; as if pulled up with one-half of brain, Cund.; as if it were about to be taken off, Xan. 8^*"congestion, ful- ness, pressing, throbbing. Vertex, buzzing at night as if something were in brain: IHyper. Vertex, coldness: chills begin, Arum t; cool sensation, Aur. mur.; cold sensation, IBry, INatr. m., ISep.; a cold spot continually, ISul.; sense of a lump of ice, IIVer.; unbearable feeling as from ice, after breakfast, Arn.; shud- dering, Castor.; shuddering, to chest, 01. an.; about breadth of two fingers across, in a line with forepart of ears, Sib; icy, when pressing firmly with hand or covering it with hat, Val.; as if open and without covering, 11 Arum t; in rheumatism (uterine cancer), ICale; in a small spot, Mang.; painful, chang- ing to feeling of warmth when moving head, Grat.; as if cold wind were blowing on it through neck to back, worse in room, better in open air, Laur. Vertex, confused sensation: IHyper. Vertex, congestion: HCham, IISul.; with burning heat, IGlon.; in mental disturbance, I IStaph. 8®" bursting, fulness, heat, heaviness, throbbing. Vertex, as if he momentarily lost conscious- ness, but only in that place, causes a vacillat- ing motion of head, in evening, Lyss. Vertex, contraction : 11 Ustil.: cramplike,worse by slightest motion, ICinch.; in frequent par- oxysms, IKali bi. 8^** crushing, pressing. Vertex, feels and hears a cracking when sit- ting quietly : ICoff. Vertex, crawling: ICale p., Cann. i., ICup. m., ILil. tig.; dull, as if going to sleep, Cupr. s.; as of something moving, Cup. m. Vertex, crazy feeling: ILil. tig. Vertex, crushing feeling: with burning of eyes and lachrymation, Phell.; as if brain were crushed, after long-continued grief, IPhos. ac. ggg* contraction, pressing. Vertex, curling sensation: IHyper. Vertex, cutting: in bones, Arg. nit; with dis- tended veins on temples, ICale 8®* darting, lancinating, stitches. Vertex, darting: Con, Cycl.; from within out- ward to scalp, on right side, followed by iteh- ing, Lyss.; sharp, through, with dull head, Sticta. Vertex, deep seated pains: ICornus, Diose 8€aT" cutting, lancinating, shooting, stitches. Vertex, distress : 11 Calab, lEup. perf. Vertex, digging : worse from pressure, IBell. g^° burro-wing, nail. Vertex, dizzy pain: Ars. B^P" vertigo. Vertex, drawing: HArn, ICale p. Zinc; to nape, is forced to draw up shoulders, close eyes and tread lightly, IChel.; pressive, in right side, Spig.; in skin, Zinc. 8®°" neuralgia, tearing. Vertex, dulness: Act. rac, IGels, Lyss., Zinc; as if empty, Sinap. Vertex, dull pain: Caust, Millet, lOxal. ac. Stilling, ITereb, Zinc; increases as if whole brain would be pressed asunder, with inability to perform labor, IHyper.; congestive, yEsc. h.; in bump of firmness, with corresponding symptoms of mind, IBar. e; with pain in ure- thra, after urinating, Caust. 8@T* aching, bruised, headache, pain (undefined). Vertex, as if it would fly off, I Act. rac, Bapt. gjgg* bursting, pressing, out-ward. Vertex, fulness, Act. rac, yEsc. h. Apis ;pain- ful, IGlon.; as if brain would burst, with for- mication in head, followed by heavy sleep, Psor.; bursting, worse afternoon and into left eye, Lactac; constant, increasing all the time, as if something were pumped in, IGlon.; awakes 5 a.m., Chrom. ac.; and pressure worse or renewed when thinking thereof, IHelon. ggj^ bursting, congestion, pressing. Vertex,gnawing: externally, Menyanth,Spong.; as if in periosteum, I Ant. c; on a small spot, Ran. sc 8®" burrowing, digging. Vertex, hair: as if it were pulled, Aeon, IMagn. e; as if someone were pulling a lock,ICanth.; as if a bunch of hair were pulled from, Indig.; as if standing on end, during chill, ISpong.; great sensitiveness, as if hair were raised by pulling, with stitches and tearing in temples, Magn. m.; violent headache in evening, as if hair would be torn out, it bristles most on painful spots, ISul. 8^° Hair, Chap. 4. Vertex, hammering: Brom.; as if hit with a hammer, I ISars. B^sT" throbbing. Vertex, headache (undefined): ICurar, IMere iod. flav, Sep, Variol. ; on awaking, Natr. p.; deep into brain, ISyph.; thinks brain is dis- solving, she will go crazy (megrim), Calc.; deep, with palpitation, IIBrom.; dreamy, to- ward morning, Pallad.; across top from one ear to the other, IPallad.; began near vertex, descended to region of left side, then went gradually over vertex to right side of head, but remained worse on left, Nitr. ac; in epilepsy, ICaust.; about 5 p.m., I IVer.; in convalescence from yellow fever, ICale; extending to left side of forehead and nose (apoplexy), ICoccul.; lasted six weeks, begins in vertex, extends over right side of head and face, with prickling, as from needles, in limbs of right side, worse afternoon, ILach.; with dry heat, Graph.; commencing on top or in back of head, running down sterno-mastoid (more right side) which is tender to touch, Sal. ac; with nausea, IHyper.; all night, Jamb.; worse at night, after sleeping and in morning, particularly after breakfast, Badiag.; in paral- ysis, Curar.; in paroxysms every other day, commencing about 11 a.m., 11 Hydras.; violent periodic, ISil.; in pneumonia, IChel.; in pro- lapsus uteri, ILil. tig.; on rising, IIKali nit; more outside near vertex, better by gentle Scratching, or by rubbing, but must be done by hands of others, thus by a kind of mesmer- izing, Lyss.; semilateral, over vertex, TrCarbol. ae; down into shoulders, Diose g^° aching, dull pain, pain (undefined), sharp pain, Vertex, heat: Aur. met, Camph, IGlon, IHy- per, IMed, IMur. ac, IINatr. ph, INatr. s, INux m, IISul.; on back part, IDaph.; in hy- peraemia of brain, I IPhos.; with soreness of brain extending to inner ear, IISul.; burning (intermittent after quinine), 11 Sub; with dull pressure, as if skull were too full, IHelon.; dry, with headache, Graph.; with buzzing in ears, lEup. perf: in region of firm- 3. INNER HEAD. 157 ness, IBenz. ae; with pressure in forehead and coronal region, after sunset, better by pressure, during quiet and while lying down, worse while thinking, INatr. s.; hot flushes, Ptel.; with giddiness, I ISabad.; after grief, ICale, IPhos.; with sick headache, ICrotal.; at menopause, IILach.; during menses, Natr. s.; with morning headache, IPod.; in pneu- monia, ISul.; with pain, better from pressure, lEup. pert; in prolapsus uteri, during climax- is, IILach.; on a small place, sensation of (pro- sopalgia), IMez.; in region of reverence,IBenz. ac.;in rheumatism, I I Sub; in spots (prolapsus ani), I Am.; with slight pulsation, at 11 p.m., IMere iod. rub.; hot to touch, Aeon.; hot to touch, though he is generally chilly, and better from external warmth, IKali iod. 8ST" burning, congestion. Vertex, heaviness: Apis, Camph, Cepa, Hippom, lOxal.ac, Sinap, Xan, Zinc; with coryza, Jacar.; dull pain, yEsc h., Chim. m.; dull pain in left at 11 a.m., Zing.; dull pain during profuse menses, IFerr. ph.; from 6 a.m. till evening, ICrotal.; pressing, IBry, Calc. a, Lyss.; weight, Agar, lAloe, Alum., Amyg., Brach, Cact, ICale, IGlon, IILach, Lith., I IZinc; dull, first on left side, Lyss.; with cold feet and flushes of face, Naja ; seems to affect mind, IMed.; pain, like a weight, better pressing, worse sounds,hear- ing talking or from strong light, I ICact.; pain like a heavy weight, stone or lump of lead, I IPhelb; weight, in rheumatism, IISul.; weight, worse after sleep, Amb.; weight with neuralgic headache in left temple and around cranium, I IMed.; weight with vertigo, I Amb. 8@" confused, dulness, pressing. Vertex, humming ; singing, ICale Vertex, itching : Anag.; lasting several days, worse in morning, Ind. met. Vertex, lancinating: ICup.ac. BSP" cutting, darting, stitches. Vertex, large: feels enlarged and extended upwards, Lachn. Vertex, sensation of something loose when turning, diagonally across top, with external headache, IKalm. Vertex, nail: as if driven in, I IHell, INux v.; with a jerk, IThuya; from within out- ward. Thuya ; pressing, Form.; as if sticking in, Niccol. gg&~ boring, burrowing, piercing, stitches. Vertex, noise: clicking in left, on walking, and during stool, ICon.; like ticking of a watch, I IGraph. Vertex, numbness : Calab, Carb. s, IMez.; af- ter a blow, IMere per.; preceded by a sensa- tion of contraction of brain and scalp, worse in evening and while sitting, better from mo- tion in open air, IPlat.; on left, evening, Ars. m.;as if top were gone, IMez.; as if scalp would be contracted and as if a heavy weight were lying upon it, IPlat; on a small spot on right, rather anteriorly, as if in bone, Filix; in a streak backward, more to left, Ars. m.; Vertex, as if opening: HCann. i.; as if brain were open, ICarbo a.; and letting in cold air, (climaxis), I Act. rac; and shutting, HCann. i., ICann. s. Vertex, oppression: Amyg, I IGraph, Laur. B^'fulness, heaviness, pressing. Vertex, pain (undefined): Bor., Cadm. s, ICro- tal, Daph., IGels., IIGlon., ILach, Ptel., I IRheum, Ustil.; in afternoon, Elaps; worse in open air, ICon.; begins on awaking, lasts all day,worse noise (postpartum hemorrhage), ICann. s.; caused by cough, Alum.; down- ward (incipient paralysis), ILach.; nervous excitability, IICalab.; in hyperesthesia of retina, INux v.; shooting down" to zygoma, IPhos.; after a fall upon head, IISul. ac; in region of firmness, IBenz. ac.; toward fore- head, Daph.; in sick headache, Sang.; to left of, Pallad.; during profuse menses, Ferr. ph.; shifting from epigastrium, Form.; in morning, Bar. e , Carbol. ac, Pallad.; on awaking, ex- tends to occiput, IKali bi.; after awaking, worse lying on left side and back, better when turning on right side and after rising, ICinnab.; worse moving or stooping, bet- ter from pressure, Alum.; worse by movement or exertion, lOxal. ae; with nausea, IForm.; with palpitation (coryza), ICact.; and press- ure, with sensation as if heart were grasped coryza), ICact. ; and pressure after attack epilepsy), IBufo.; better from pressure and fresh air, Tarant.; in region of reverence, IBenz. ae; caused by running up stairs, Ferr. iod.; pain, with sore scalp, Bry, I IChel.; spot painful to touch, Lactu. v.; confined to one spot near middle line, inclining to left side, from cold, better temporarily by quinine, pain at its acme about 5 or 6 p.m., continues to be violent until 2 a.m., when it quits him in- stantaneously, worse in winter and whenever weather is unusually cold, pain appears to be in brain, drives him mad, 11 Sub; when stepping from a high step to ground, IPhyt.; under coronal suture, in morning on awaking, Merc, sub; with flying heat and sweat in morning, Oxal. ac; merging with pain in teeth, Lyss.; tender to touch, worse evening, Bufo.; if urine is retained, 7rFluor. ae; with vertigo and nausea, could not sit up, worse from raising head, Pic. ac. 8ST" headache. Vertex, piercing : Millet; awoke2a.m.,Diose; after midnight (typhoid pneumonia), I ILac e; transient, as if bone were repeatedly pierced with a needle near sagittal suture, Thuya ; as if pin points were inserted, yEsc h. SgT" boring, nail, pricking, stitches. Vertex, pressive pinching: Jamb. 8*§F° contraction, pressing. Vertex, as if pithy: Mez. 8^* numbness. Vertex, pressing: Aeon, Act. sp. Agar IIAlum, Amb, Ant. t, IBell., I I Calab.] ICale, ^Carbol. ae, ICarbo v, Ced, Chen. v, Cycl., Euph, IGraph, I IHyper, Hod, IILach., Med, INiccol, INux m., IIPuls I IRhod,Spong,ISyph,Thuya, IVer.,Verbas, Zinc; when cold air touched it, IFerr.; as if brain were enveloped in cloth, which would deprive him of his senses, ICycl.; as if com- pressed by a pitch cap, better in open air, Aeon.; as if a cast, which fitted top of head, were pressing it down, I ILyss.; on coughing and deep inspiration, lAnae; with dryness, I IPhyt.; dull, Camph, I IZinc; dull, outward from ears, 10.30 a.m., I IHydras.; dull, as from a plug, left side, lAnae; dull, extending through head, IChen. a.; dull, worse in sum- mer after cooling rains and after bodily exer- tion and walking, IHep.; running to ears with lightheadedness and confusion and i58 3. INNER HEAD. heat from head to foot, ICrotal.; worse after dinner, Zinc; morning and evening, as if eyes would be pressed down, ISul.; with weak and aching eyes, Phell.; as if pressed asunder, with pressure on eyeballs and sleepiness, better evening and entering a room from cold air or vice versa, I Ran. b.; with cold feet and flushed face, Naja ; in intermittent, ICimex ; to forehead, worse thinking of it, sudden stooping or mental exertion, ICham.; over forehead and temples, worse as soon as atten- tion is called to it, from sudden stooping or mental exertion, ICham.; toward forehead on both sides and to orbits, where it becomes fixed, Hydr. ac; compels wrinkling of fore- head and screwing up eyes, ISul.; as though lifting up from adjoining parts, Eup. pur.; hard, Staph.; extends through whole head, when standing in sun, IBar. c; when turning head, Hyos.; with soreness of brain extending to inner ear, I I Sub; inward, extending to occipital protuberance (liver complaint), IChel.; increasing and de- creasing slo wly, I ISars.; from without inward, Zinc; hard, jerklike, extends deep into brain in paroxysms lasting one or two minutes, Sib; painful, must lie down, Calab.; during menses, Natr. s.; before and during menses (dysmenorrhoea), I INux v.; worse after men- tal labor, ISep.; from fixed attention of mind, INux v.; returns at 4 p.m., seventh day, with uneasiness of mind, when reading or thinking, Lyss.; from 6 a.m. until evening, ICrotal.; painful, on moving,with fever and prostration, Lyss.; as from a nail, worse afternoon, and from3to4A.M,better inmotionand after sweat, Thuya ; producing numbness as from extreme heat or cold, at dinner, Pallad.; to occiput, 11 Ca- lab.; shifting to occiput, 01. an.; from within, Cham., ILach, I INatr. ph.; with ovarian neu- ralgia, Crotal.; with palpitation (coryza), ICact.;periodical, 11 Chel.; severe on right side, Camph.; in right side, as if a sharp corner were pressed against it, I IPrun.; sensitive, when touched, worse evening, from heat of bed, morning when awaking, smarting and burning after scratching, ISul.; extends into shoulders, IGels.; from both sides on ascending steps, I IMenyanth.; with sleepiness after din- ner and cold feet, ICale; to spine, Benz. ae; as of a stone every morning with vertigo, IKali e; during stool, Iod.; worse 4 to 8 p.m., from stooping,lying down, and exerting mind, IILyc; when stooping, or moving head, after- noon, Lyss.; worse stooping, walking, talking, better lying (hypertrophy of heart), 11 Spig.; worse stooping or moving head at 4 p.m., while reading and reflecting, with mental restless- ness, Lyss.; downward, stupefaction, Cupr. s.; increasing and decreasing slowly, Stann.; after sunset, with heat on top of head, better by pressure, during quiet and while lying down, worse when thinking, INatr. s.; with neuralgic headache in left temple and around cranium, has lasted twenty-four hours and is gradually worse, I IMed.; to temples, worse thinking of it, sudden stooping, or mental ex- ertion, ICham.; with hot throbbing of temples (climaxis), ILach.; tensive in left, Bell.; from within upward, worse looking steadily at fixed point, Helon.; with sobbing on account of vexation, without obvious reason, I IZinc; as from a weight, 11 Kali bi, INaja ; as if a tre- • mendous weight were falling on it when com- ing into dark, Sib; as of a weight in middle, llgn. g&g* contraction, dull pain, heaviness. Vertex, pricking: Arund.; in centre, for two hours, ICimex. $8^ numbness, stitches. Vertex, racking pain : to eyebrow, with de- spair, Act. sp. Vertex, reverberation: when coughing, ISul. Vertex, rheumatic pain : for several years, I IStram. 8@" tearing. Vertex, as of rushing upward: Amyl. Vertex, scalding feeling: I ISil. 8®" burning, heat. Vertex, scorching : better in open air, and by cold water, worse from excitement (uterine disorder), ICon. Vertex, sensitive : to cold air, noise, and jar, IFerr. ph.; to dry, cold air, ICarbo a.; painful in mornings, Squilla ; scalp, Thuya. 8gT" touch. Vertex, as if separated from rest of head, as if she could lift it off, felt she would like to re- move it: I ITherid. Vertex, sharp pain: Merc. iod. flav.; in back part, worse morning and in warm weather, I IThuya ; extends to eyes,better from warmth, scalp tender, 11 Sub; coming from nape of neck, then stretching across head forward, presses top of head in hands, 9 a,m. (acute neuralgia), ILac e; terrific, into eye, lArg. nit. 8®" neuralgia. Vertex, vertiginous shocks: Lyss. Vertex, shooting : lAct.rac, ITereb.; qn cough- ing, Alum.; to forehead, since midnight (dys- menorrhoea), INiccol.; pressing, Lyss. B@?*> cutting, darting, lancinating. Vertex, soreness: cannot comb her hair, when eyes are sore, Merc, sob; with headache, IFerr. ph.; irritation of meninges in cervical portion, 11 Paris ; left side sore, worse on touching, Zing.; of periosteum, with swelling, Ant. c; spreads over right side o f head and face, ILach.; as from ulceration, worse even- ing, in bed, and after eating, better after scratching, IZinc. 8®° aching, bruised, dull pain. Vertex, as of fine electric sparks, changing to prickling itching, better rubbing: Carbol. ac. Vertex, splitting pain: Natr. s.; as if skull were split, worse wet weather and night, ICarbo a. 8§?T* bursting, pressing outward. Vertex, sticking: ILach.; through whole head, when standing in sun, IBar. e; in left side, before or during early menses, 101. an. 8@f pricking, stinging. Vertex, stinging: in upper part, Caust; in right side, Lyss. 8©* pricking, sticking. Vertex, stitches: Bor, ICaust, ICon, Cycl, Ipec, I I Lith, Nitr. sp. d, Raph.; in inflam- mation of brain, IIPuls.; on coughing (epi- demic influenza), ISabad.; deep, Caps.; dull, deep, Ratan.; dull, from within, worse from touch and after washing, better while washing, ISpig.; jerking, towards evening, worse wash- ing and during wet weather, better in dry air, also from scratching and rubbing, ICale; fre- quent, better lying down and by pressure (hysteria), ILye; like a stitch from dull instru- ment, as from a pressing nail, Form.; fine, burning, in middle, Zinc; like needles, in 4. OUTER HEAD. 159 middle (intermittent), ICimex ; a fine burn- ing needle, externally, Staph.; periodical, I IChel.; on stooping, Amm. in.; thrusts, Millet; thrusts from within out, Calc; with vertigo, ICaust, I INatr. c. 8g^° boring, cutting, darting, lancinating, nail, pricking, stabbing, sticking. Vertex, stupefying pain: Bov, Lyss.; going to neck, Arund. Vertex, surging, burning : Lyss. Vertex, as if brains were swashing about: Carbol. ac. 8@" waves. Vertex, as if swollen : Cepa; bones, worse from warmth, better in cool open air, Ante Vertex, tearing: Anac, Ant. c, Benz. ac, ICanth, Con, Indig, Lachn, Zinc; better in open air, 11 Aur. met.; as if torn asunder, worse wet weather and night, ICarbo a.; as if brain were torn to pieces, ICarbo a.; in in- flammation of brain, IIPuls.; after eating, Inul.; fine, towards evening, ICale; worse evening and night, IMere; with feeling as if a hammer were beating from within outward, Vinca ; in left side, worse from motion, loud noise, speaking loud, opening mouth, better by lying down, Spig.; better lying down and by pressure (hysteria),ILye; at night, I ILaur.; worse at night, Thuya ; from within, ILach.; pressing, near right side, Zinc; worse from pressure, IBell.; in right, Bell.; throbbing, Zinc; with vertigo, Mur. ac; with vertigo, melancholy and prostration, I INatr. c. 8^° drawing, neuralgic, rheumatic. Vertex, tenderness. 8®° touch. Vertex, tension: Lyss.; painful, ICact, Zinc; to upper jaw, as if head were expanded from within, worse in evening, when lying with head low, slowly increasing and decreasing, better from heat, Stront.; of scalp, ICarbo a.; in left side, gradually becomes a sharp press- ure, better on sitting up, 11 Verbas. 8®° bursting, pressure. Vertex, throbbing (beating, pulsating) : Agar, Alum., Amyl., Anac, Bry,IGlon, Helon.,IHy- per.,ILyc.,Lyss.,I IPuls, IStram.,ITereb,ISub; DANDRUFF: All. sat, lAmm. m, lArs, I IBadiag, IBry, ICale, I ICanth, IGraph, Kalim., IMed, IINatr. m, lOleand., HPhos, ISep, IStaph, IISul, IThuya. Dandruff, alternating with catarrh or loss of smell: INatr. m. Dandruff, copious: falls out in clouds,!IPhos. Dandruff, enormous: ICanth. Dandruff, herpetic: IGraph.; in circles like ringworm, ISep. Dandruff, with headache : in pregnancy,ICale Dandruff, scaly ; ICanth, IIThuya; hair comes out, skin peels off with itching and smarting, IStaph. when awaking, Bry.; on awaking, with heat in face, I IKreo.; driving out of bed (gastral- gia), ICham.; worse after meal, or at night, ICham.; after eating, Inul.; worse by motion of eyes and touch of fingers, ICoccul.; with chilliness, ISil.; moves to cheeks and chin, where it changes to tingling, drawing pains, IHyper.; aching feeling, with flashes of throb- like pain, about upper part, as if top of head were about to be taken off, Xan.; with fulness, Bry.; with fulness in forehead, Natr. a.; intense pain, ILac def; painful (nocturnal headache), ISul.; intermittent, painful, Plant.; painful, proceeding from vertex (melancholia), I IPuls.; during menses, ILach.; from fixed attention of mind,INux v.; painful, every morning,I INatr. e; painful, morning, soon after rising, Sep.; with every movement, IBry., ILach.; painful, when moving suddenly, IFerr.; painful with nausea, I INatr. m.; down to neck, Lyss.; press- ing, Lyss.; must lie quiet, ICale; painfiil, right side, worse by rising, Zing.; in scarlatina, IChin. s.; strange, Lyss.; painful over right temple, early on awaking, Alum.; with ver- tigo, melancholy, and prostration, IINatr. e; worse from walking, ISars. 8^°* congestion, fulness, hammering. Vertex, tingling:' painful, ISul.; with light- headedness after inhaling diphtheritic breath, I ILac c; painful, menses omit, ICup. m. B^lf numbness, pricking. Vertex, touch: painful, Alum, IMez. ; sensi- tive, 7rCarbob ac, Paris; sore, Arum t, tender, Arg. nit.; in region of coronal suture, I ISil. 8®" pressing, sensitive. Verteg, twisting pain : worse by pressure, IBell. Vertex, vertigo: several times during day, with danger of falling, IMed. 8@" Vertigo head. Vertex and chin, as if in a vise: Daph. gg&* pressing. Vertex, pain increases and diminishes, like waves rise and fall: IGlon. Vertex, weariness: with coryza, Jacar. Vertex: B^T" Head, Headache. Dandruff, smells badly: ILye, IPsor. Dandruff, worse in change of weather: IDulc. Dandruff, white : IKali m., IINatr. m, IPhos, IIThuya; and dry, IMez.; in flakes, with itching, TrKali m. Dandruff, yellow: IKali s. Dandruff: 8@* Eruption crusty, pityriasis, scaly. ERUPTION (undefined): IBar. c, Cadm. s., ICarbo a., IClem, llpec, IJugl, Plant, IPsor. Eruption, acne: on forehead, Nux v.,ISil., ISul.; on forehead, as with drunkards, IKreo.; punc- tata, black dots on forehead, I Ars., IISul.; red, 4. OUTER HEAD. Dandruff. Eruption. Fontanelles. Forehead. Hair. Head. Scalp. Skull. Tumors. 160 4. OUTER HEAD. with black points, IHydras.; rosacea, in dis- persed groups, ICaust. 8^° papules, pimples, pustules ; also, Face eruption, Chapter 8. Eruption, biting : especially on occiput,l01eand. B^g" itching. Eruption, blisters : 8®*" vesicular. Eruption, blotches on forehead, worse at night, in warm room, and before menses, IMagn. m. Eruption, boils : particularly on scalp, I IPsor, ISul.; bloodboils, ICale; bloodboils, worse from pressure, motion, better from heat, itching as if in bones, IKali c; burning, bit- ing, sensitive to touch and pressure, I Ars.; sore pain from touching or scratching, Anac; lentil-sized, sore, worse at night and when lying down, IMez.; painful, small, on back of head, IKali bi.; almost painless, on occiput, I INatr. c; containing a large quantity of pus, IPsor.; recurring, lArn.; after scarlet fever, IHep.; sore to contact, IHep.; suppurating, I ICale; small, suppurating, often leave scars, IIKali iod. 8®" carbuncles, ulcers. Eruption, burning: lArs, Cie, IGraph, IISul, ISars. Eruption, carbuncles: lArs, IHep, ILach, ISil, ISul.; especially near ears, or temples, lAnthrac. 8®° boils. ' Eruption, coppercolored: ICarbo a, ILye, ISul. 8S^ syphilitic. Eruption, cracks: bleeding easily, IPetrol. Eruption, crusty: Astac, Petrol.; thick, black, on forehead, lArs.; thick brown, with reddish borders, on forehead and temples, IIDulc; in nursing children, HCale; extends from scalp to forehead, ears and neck, I Ars.; thick, greenish- yellow,IPetrob; between hair,Acet.ae;light,on back, along border of hair, irregular, resemble peach gum, INatr. m.; itching, IClem.; thick, moist, with ichorous, sanious offensive dis- charge, intolerable biting itching, on forepart, worse toward evening, in night, and from warmth, IIRhus; thick, loose, porous bottom, seems full of vermin, ILye; thick, causing hair to fall out, IDulc; thick, a sort of lepra, I Ars.; thick, expose red ra,w infiltrated patches upon removal (eczema), IHydras.; thick leatherlike, under which thick white pus collects, hair glued together, IMez.; thick, sebaceous, IHydras.; yellow, IIDulc, IIMerc. 8^* eczema, favus, impetigo, tinea capitis. Eruption, diarrhcea: frequent thin stools, IPsor. Eruption, dirty ; Psor, 11 Syph. Eruption, dry: IMere, HPsor.; thick,foul-smell- ing, commencing at back of head and ex- tending over whole head to beard, with crawl- ing and sore itching pains, better by scratch- ing, ICale; with intolerable itching as if head were in an ants nest (favus), IMez.; offensive, IMere, ISep.; offensive, easily bleeding, burn- ing begins on back of head, pains and cracks, better scratching, IISul.; offensive, stinging, itching and tingling, with cracks, sore when scratching, ISep. 8*gjp" herpes, pityriasis, scaly. Eruption, eating into surrounding parts, with itching at night: 11 Rhus. Eruption, ecchymosis; after injury, lArn, IHam. Eruption, eczema: HCale, ICoccul, IIGraph, IIHep, IILyc, IMez, HPetrol, HPsor, ISil, IISul.; with abscesses, affecting bone, HPsor.; chronic, spreading from ear, tine vesicles dry- ing down to branlike scales, Ars.; dirty, offen- sive smelling, IBrom, Psor.; patches of exfoli- ated thin dry furfuraceous scales, with itching, ISil.; behind ears, HCale; around margin of hair, from ear to ear, posteriorly, ISul.; ery- thematous, on forehead, following confusion of head, I IPhos.; between eyes, scrofulous oph- thalmia, IPsor.; impetiginoid, I ISul.; massive dirty crusts mat hair, IIGraph.; moist, acute or chronic, worse on occiput, IPetrol.; moist, itching, little raw tubercles on scalp, face and arms, IPhyt; moist or dry, offensive, scabby, burning, itching, discharging pus, on occiput, HSil.) thick, moist, greenish yellow crust covers nearly whole left side, suppurates, leaving a large scar, of four years' duration, I ISul.; with glandular swelling on neck, ICale; painful to touch, IIGraph.; red, raw, oozing a thin moisture, dries into yellow scabs down to eyebrows, IKali bi.; thick, hard scabs, from which pus exudes on pressure, IMez.; thick, yellow, eczemat- ous crusts, nearly cover head, IPetrol.; thick, yellowish scab, somewhat moist, covers whole scalp, 11 Sub; scalp smarting, IKali bi. 8^° impetigo, moist, pimples, pustules, scabs, suppurative, tinea, vesicular. Eruption, eczema Solaris: red, itching, pim- ples on forehead, every summer, IMur. ac. Eruption, efflorescence: on border of hairy parts, Berb. Eruption, erysipelas: HApis, lArs, ICinch, ICup. m. Dory, IIGraph, Ruta, Tereb.; sud- den sinking of swelling, becoming bluish, vio- lent brain symptoms, I ICup.m.; bluish red on occiput, IPhos. ac; digging, boring, gnawing then creeping and itching, lEuphor.; spread- ing to face, I Apis; spreading from face over head, sore to slightest touch, IChel.; inflam- mation, lEuphor.; inflammation of occiput, IPhos. ac; over left side, Samb.; phleg- monous, IVer. v.; purplish swelling, ILach.; sphacelous spots, lApis, ILach. ; swelling, lEuphor.; swelling, worse at night, lArs.; swelling, painful, IPhyt.; sensitive to touch, particularly in region of occiput, where there was pressing, I IRhus ; traumatic, periosteum affected, IPhos. ac, I Ruta; traumatic, scalp sensitive, I Apis ; vesicular, I IRhus v.; vesic- ular, going from left to right, IRhus ; large blisters cover right side, I IVer. v. 8^* vesicular. Eruption,exudative: gg§~ eczema, impetigo, moist, suppurative, tinea. Eruption, favus; HCale, Hydrocot, IMez, HPhos, IVinca; extends to nape or face, IHep. 8^* fistulous. Eruption, fetid: IMere, HPsor. Eruption, fistulous : forehead red, presenting a number of small orifices like worm holes, exuding serous fluid, margins of holes, which communicate with frontal bone, somewhat elevated, pain in forehead when in bed, was snbject to severe headache up to time when forehead was affected, I I Merc. v. J@" favus. Eruption, forehead: near hair, I ISep. Eruption, with glandular swelling: HCale, ILye, IMere, IPsor, HSil, ISul. Eruption, herpes (tetter): lAnanth, IMagn. e; with biting on forehead, ICaps.; circinatus, HCale, IDulc, IPhyt, ISep, I ITubere; a little 4. OUTER HEAD. 161 spot of circinatus, perpendicularly above ex- ternal canthus of right eye and about half an inch above brow, at first a cluster of globular vesicles on an inflamed base dry into thin scales and spread by circumference, itches and pricks slightly, elevated ring of vesicles, some larger than others, on an inflamed base en- closing a depressed area of red skin desqua- mate, furnishing successive crops of thin, white scales, Tell.; dry, extends to eyebrows, IIThuya; dry, IIRhus; fetid, on temples, IPsor.; with itching, ICaps.; itching intoler- ably, on temples, IPsor.; on forehead, IIBadiag.; on a small spot on forehead, on border, left side, Agar.; on occiput, I Arg. nit, IPetrol.; on temple, Cadm. s.; on temple, with leucorrhcea, I Alum.; tonsurans, scalp puffed up by accumulation in subjacent cellular tissue of bloody, offensive pus, discharging from time to time, ILye; zoster supraor- bitalis, bluish black vesicles, high fever and usual pains, 11 Ran. b. 8®° dandruff, dry, pityriasis, scaly, scurfy. Eruption, humid: 8®* moist. Eruption, impetigo: ICale p., ICaust, Con, Uacea, IIMerc, IIMerc. s, IPetrol, IRhus, I IRhus v., I ISil, ISul.; larvalis, IBar. c Eruption, itching: ICie, IGraph., IILed, IIMerc, lOleand, Sep., IISul. ; worse at night, IMere iod. flav.; worse nights in a warm room and before menses, IMagn. in. Eruption, itchlike: Bar. m. • 8®° Scabies, Chapter 46. Eruption, knotty: 8®" nodes. Eruption, miliary ; Lact. ac.; on forehead and temples, periodical (chlorosis), llpec 8@* rash. Eruption, moist: ICham, ICie, IIGraph, IMere, IPetrol, HPsor, ISep., IStaph., HSil.; large blotches, with scabby eruptions on face, IPsor.; brownish, excoriating (scrofulosis of children),IStilling.;inchildren,I IHyper.;cor- roding, worse touch, better rubbing, IThuya ; eats away hair, sensiti ve, sore places, I Merc. sol.; crusts, IIBar. e; thick incrustations, quantity of thick, yellow fluid, agglutinating hair, Ua- cea ; on forehead, along margin of hair, after taking cold, worse in warmth of room after having been in cold air, itching when warm, worse washing, IHydras.; causes inflammation of any part it touches, ISars.; itching, IMez.; itching, on temples, Zinc; itching, forms a dry scurf (scrofulous ophthalmia), I Ars.; burn- ing itching, corroding, large vesicles filled with clear serum, become turbid, burst and be- come confluent, 11 Rhus; itching, fetid, on occi- put, scratching changes place of itching and increases oozing, Staph.; itching, on rising in morning, IIHep.; stinging itching, extending down neck, worse when getting warm in bed, temporary relief by scratching, dries up in scabs, IClem.; on occiput, lOleand., I ISil.; offensive odor, IIHep.; fetid, hair falls off, IStaph.; chronic, offensive, HVinca; offen- sive, with thick pus, yellow crusts, bleeding and burning, I ISul.; discharging puslike fluid almost constantly, ISep.; scabs, Ruta, Sars.; scabby, itching, IPsor.; thick scabs, lAnanth.; scabs easily torn off, leaving a raw, bleeding surface, IIHep.; burning on scratching, I IHep.; moist if scratched (brain disease of children), IKalie; scurf, IHell.; feels sore on scratching, 11 IIHep.; large spots, 11 Psor.; moist, stinging, bleeding easily when scratched, and feeling very sore when lain on, INitr. ac; painful to touch, IIGraph.; with vermin, nightly itch- ing, burning after scratching, Vinca; thick, yellowish exudation, I Petrol. glgg* eczema, impetigo, suppurative, tinea. Eruption, nodes : IPhyt, HSil.; as large as a filbert, I Cinch.; hard, after abuse of mercury, IKali iod.; hard nodosity on right, Magn. c; immense (secondary syphilis], I IStilling.; lumpy patches on vertex, red and painful, IIGraph.; nodules (prosopalgia), ISil.; red, Thuya; red, knotty eruption above ears, INatr. s.; red nodules on forehead, apices tilled with pus, burning, 11 Rhus; sore to touch, Carb. s.; with headache, ISil.; small, round, soft (epilepsy), ICaust.; swellings of bones about vertex, soft as if containing water, pain worse at night, preventing sleep, worse from touch, Daph.; on occiput, tearing, painful to touch, I I Magn. m.; sore to touch, better cov- ering head warmly and from sweat, IHep.; painful when stroked, on forehead, ICoccul. 8^*" syphilitic, tubercles. Eruption, offensive smelling: 8^° fetid. Eruption, papular: ICale, ICycl, Hydras.; over frontal sinuses, Hippoz.; under skin of occiput, 01. an.; on scalp, at height of chronic head- ache, so sensitive cannot comb hair, I I Sib; on a red base, burning, itching, smarting, especially in wet, cold weather (affection of lungs), HSep.; itching, on temples, I ISep.; itching, burning, on scalp and forehead, 11 Rhus; small, some containing pus, a kind of acne, on scalp and forehead, INux v.; similar to varicella, on forehead, I ISil. 8®°" acne, boils, pimples, pustules. Eruption, patches: inflamed sore, like erysipe- las, on forehead, I Apis; red, on scalp, Acet. ac. 8^" blotches, spots. Eruption, pimples: Mez., Petrol, I IPhos.; on border, Ammoniac; region of anterior fonta- nelles, two red, Calc. s.; on forehead, Berb, Clem, Gels, Hyper, Kali m, Meph., Psor, Sabina; on forehead, in drunkards, 11 Led.; on forehead, with irregular menses, 11 Lac def; on forehead, itching, Ziz.; on forehead, worse at night in a warm room and before menses, IMagn. m.; on forehead, in onanists, IPhos. ae; sore, along edge of hair on occiput, Kob.; in hair, bleeding when scratched, Calc. s.; in- flamed, IISul.; itching, Bov, I IPhos, ISil, ISul, Zinc; itching,inflamed, painful to touch, IISul.; red, itching on forehead, forming scurf, itching when getting warm in bed, every sum- mer (eczema Solaris), IMur. ae; itching on right side, Amm. m.; a large one on scalp, Cund.; lentil-sized, red,burning, on forehead, become confluent, end in desquamation, Cie; on occiput, Berb.; painful, IHep, ISul.; painful, leaving yellow scab, Calc. s.; painful on left oc- cipital protuberance, Lact ae; intensely red, brownish, on temples, on anterior border of hair (syphilis), INitr.ac.;red, become largerand suppurate, Lachn.; large scarlet, on forehead, Zing.; on sinciput, changing to ulcer, having characteristics of sycotic ulcer of Celsus, TTAst r.; single, Berb.; single on temple, filling with pus, then drying up and disappearing, Coccul.; small, lAct. sp., Anac; small, when touched excruciating pain, I IPhos.; small, all over 162 3. OUTER HEAD. head, a vesicle at apex of each, exuded lymph which dried in a thick brown scab, which gradually fell off in a day or two, and in two weeks left skin perfectly clean, boy set. four months, I IPsor.; small red, ISep.; small red, on forehead, with black points (acne punctata), IHydras.; small white, Aur. met.; sore, dis- charge and form a scab painful when touched or combing hair, Lac e; suppurating, IISul.; suppurating, painful on forehead, feel as though pierced with a needle, skin red far around each pustule, Ind.; on temples, Berb.; tender, scabby, size of a pea, on two spots on vertex, Sub; sore to touch on left temple, Arg. met.; sore to touch, on eminence of forehead, Lyss. 8^° acne, boils, eczema, nodes, pustules. Eruption, pityriasis: IKali br, IMez, I INuph, IThuya; in spots, fairhaired strumous girls, ILye 8®" dandruff, dry, scaly. Eruption, porrigo: decalvans, IGraph.; favosa, since seven years, commenced with a few pus- tules, gradually spread over surface three times as large as a silver dollar, crusts thick, yellow, adherent, 11 Sub; in infants, left side, spots round and dry, slightly raised and red- dened at edges with branlike scales on centre, ISumb. Eruption, prurigo: I Ananth, Sarrae; on fore- head, pinkish lentil-shaped spots, Vespa. Eruption, psoriasis: head covered with inflam- matory, scaly eruption (child), lArs. i. 8^* Psoriasis, Chapter 46. Eruption, pustules: ICale, IHep, IMere, IPsor., ISul.; with red areola, suppurate from crusts (children), Arund.; burning, biting, sensitive to touch and pressure, lArs.; in children, llris; from behind ear up side, ac- rid sticky fluid, hair fell off, mealy dust on bare spot, IGraph.; on forehead, Amm. c, IHydras, ILyss,INatr. m,Psor.; between eye- brows, Cund.; under hair, Ammoniac; itch- ing, better wrapping up warmly, ISil.; itching on forehead (aneurism), I ISpig.; many large, 11 Vace; between eyebrows, small patches with greenish yellow scabs (impetigo), IMere; filled with pus, HArs.; containing large quantities of pus, itching causing child to scratch violently so that blood flows, thick dirty yellow scabs, leaving a raw surface from which yellow lymph exudes, IPsor.; small, I IMere iod. rub.; small, painful when touched, on left frontal eminence, later same on right, Lyss.; run together into one continuous sore, IMere sob; after vaccination (goitre), 11 Sub; variolalike on forehead and occiput, painful, suppurating, ISil.; twenty-six on vertex, some as large as a three-cent piece, I llris; numerous yellow, each containing a hair, llris. ggjg" acne, boils, eczema, pimples, papular. Eruption, rash: burning, itching on forehead, worse in evening, and from warmth, Mar. v.; miliary on forehead and temples, llpec; red, itching, IMez. 8©~ miliary. Eruption, red: fiery, places about an inch long over left eye, Ind.; on forehead, often peeling I Aur. met. Eruption, rhagades: 8®" cracks, moist. Eruption, ringworm : flgT* herpes circinatus. Eruption, scabies : 8®" Chap. 46. Eruption, scabs: HArs,HNatr.m.jlookchalky and extend to eyebrows, and nape of neck, IMez.; a solid mass dark and rough, adhering firmly, exuding a yellowish excoriating fluid, IClem.; dry or moist, ICale; with copious discharge, Ruta; elevated, white, chalklike, with ichor beneath, breeding vermin, IMez.; hard, elevated like rupia (after vaccination), IISul.; on forehead, IMur. ac.; extend to forehead, ears and neck, lArs, on each side of forehead below hair, a round slightly scabby patch, with red areola, itching, 11 Natr. m.; itching, ICale; moist, ISars, HCale; moist at base, of yellowish color, every four months, IHep.; on occiput with amaurosis, IPsor.; small, elevated, between hairs, IMere sob; small, itching, better by scratching, INatr. s.; on temples, I Mur. ac; thick,and bleeding when picked (eczema), ICale; thick, with yellow pus, spreading to face, ICale; painful when touched, IHep.; in crops (after vaccination), 11 Sub; yellow, ISpong. 8g^" crusty, eczema, moist, scaly, tinea, vesicular. Eruption, scald head: B^sT" tinea capitis. Eruption,scaly: Canth,ICic,IFluor.ac, I IPhyt.; on back part, lOleand.; on bald spots, IPhos.; bloody, ICale; dry to forehead, ears and neck, I Ars.; dry, red patches at roots of hair bring- ing out hair, itching at night (eruption and periostitis, probably syphilitic), IKali bi.; in large indurated masses, fall off freely, IKreo.; dry, white, itching, Alum.; causing distressing itching, becomes scurf, disappear- ing on washing, then humid, IIGraph.; copi- ous, moist and sticky, IKali s.; patches exfo- liate then dry, furfuraceous, ISil.; scurf like fish scales, Mez.; better in summer, worse at approach of winter, ISil.; white, IINatr. m.; white, peeling off, extends over forehead, temples, ears and neck, IThuya; yellowish white, ICale 8®° Dandruff, herpes, pityri- asis, psoriasis. Eruption, scurfy: Arund., IStaph.; spreading over whole body, IMere; unbearable burn- ing, worse at night, I Jacea; children, large yellow vesicles around and between scabs, IPsor.; dry, IBar. e; dry, tenacious, bran- like (keratitis), ICale; intolerable itching, Samb.; itching, black, ICale p.; moist, Bar. c, IGraph.; moist, itching, burning, ICale; moist, bleeding when scratched on temples, worse evening, at new and full moon, Alum.; on forehead, whole surface red, after vacci- nation, I IGraph, I I Sub; in spots, sore when touched, IIGraph.; scurf comes off like fish scales when scratched, IMez.; greenish pus discharges, itching under thick scurf, eats hair away, 11 Rhus ; white, alternating with catarrh and loss of smell, INatr. m. 8®° Dandruff, herpes, pityriasis, psoriasis, scaly. Eruption, serpiginous : IClem, IPsor.; in den- tition, I ICale; with widely-spread inflamma- matory affection of skin, in open air, crusts fall off and new skin cracks, ISars. 8®° herpes circinatus, psoriasis. Eruption, sore: large, on centre of forehead, covered with hard, black scab, tissue around hard, inflamed, IILach.; on occipital bone, one and a half inches in diameter, covered with thick, yellowish scabs, Syph.; very sore, worse in open air, Sul. ac.; single, burning, moist (syphilis), INitr. ac. 8ST" ulcers. 4. OUTER HEAD. 163 Eruption, spots : like flea-bites, afternoon, Pal- lad.; hard, purplish, on forehead, HApis; dark, purple, on temples, remain after spasms, unless rubbed (epilepsy), IKali br.; innumer- able, I Apis; a round spot on forehead (inter- trigo of anus), IMere; on forehead, faintly visible (incipient hydrocephalus), lApis; a spot on left forehead, commencing at edge of hair, and extending upward three-fourths of an inch, skin covering spot many shades whiter than surrounding skin, the lock of hair growing on it had turned white (a man, aet 28, dark complexion, dark brown hair), I IPsor.; yellowish on temples, Guarsea. gS§g° blotches, patches. Eruption, suppurating: Cie, HPsor. Eruption, syphilitic: bullae (infants), I ISyph.; coppery, on forehead, ICarbo a, ILye; copper- colored spots (mercurial syphilis), ISul.; rash on forehead, an abundance of fine scales peel off (secondary), I ISyph.; large prominent spot on centre of forehead, filled with fluid, as also are smaller patches (secondary), I ISyph.; tubercles, in skin of forehead, suppurating (infant), IFluor. ac. Bgp" coppercolored, nodes. Eruption, tetter: 8@° herpes. Eruption,tineacapitis(crustalactea,scaldhead): :Ant c, I Ant t, HArs, I Aram t, Astac, lAur. met, IBar. c, HCale, Caps, ICale s, ICarbol. ac, Chel, Chim. umb, ICie, I IClem., llCrot t, IIDulc, lEup. perf, IIGraph, I IHell, HJacea, Iod, llris, iKali ars, IKali m, IKreo, Lith, IILyc, IIMerc, IMer. iod. flav., IIMez, INatr. m, 01. jec, IPetrol, I IPhos, IPhyt, HPsor, IRhus, ISep., ISil, I ISul, II Sul. ac, TJstil.,1 Vinca; bleeding, when scratched, IIDulc; crusts thick, easily bleed- ing, oozing fetid moisture or having a mousy smell, worse at night, after scratching, and from warmth, ILye; burning, especially at night, viscid yellow pus, Uacea; in pot-bellied children, ICale, IStaph.; in children recently weaned, Uacea; chronic, HArs.; with violent cough, and excessive oppression, Uacea; crusts, spreading to other parts, I Agar.; copious discharge, IBar. e; dry, Cornus; dry and scabby, IGraph.; dry, chronic, I IStaph.; dry, after scarlatina, IBar. e; especially over either ear, exfoliating numerous scabs, or cracks and discharges yellow fetid humor, IPsor.; with scrofulous ophthalmia, I Jacea ; beginning with little pimples on face, itching, causing scratch- ing, ISars.; tinea favosa HCale, Hydrocot; two-thirds of scalp one filthy mass of inflam- mation, with loss of most of hair, watery serum constantly oozing from scalp (scald head), Ustil.; hair eaten off, IRhus; hair falls off, scabs dry, light cream color, I Jacea; itches intensely, with blepharitis from birth, IMez.; itching, especially at night, viscid yellow pus, Uacea; large and confluent eruption, color dark, IGraph.; malignant, IBrom.; moist, Cornus, IGraph.; moist, most on and behind rignt ear, ILye; moist, offensive eruption, filled with pus, drying up into honeylike scabs, I ISul.; moist, with yellow scabs, offensive (dentition), IStaph.; eruption sup- purating, moist, forming thick offensive crusts, itching worse at night, extends to shoulders, IRhus ; extending to sides and posterior por- tion of neck, IIBar. m.; on occiput, HCaust.; beginning on occiput, ILye; copious dis- charge of pus, IBar. m.; top one complete scab, yellow matter oozing from crust, has matted hair, llris ; oozing yellowish excoriat- ing, small vesicles where crusts have been removed burst and discharge yellowish cor- rosive fluid, HStaph.; on occiput, purulent, with sour stinking smell, pediculi capitis and itching prevent sleep, I IStaph.; thick heavy scabsonan inflamed base,with itching and rest- lessness, worse at night and on becoming too warm, IRhus; dry scaly, itches very much, makes bald, IFluor. ac.; dark scaly eruption, thickest at occiput, gradually thinning till it reaches line of hair on forehead, itching worse on occiput, scratching causes bleeding and discharge of non-glutinous fluid, drying quickly, accumulated scales quarter of an inch thick on a line with mastoid process, I IStaph.; in spine disease, Bar. e; spots oozing moisture matting hair (plica polonica), Vinca; with stringy, yellow stools, I ISul. ae; after sup- pression, furiously mad, walks about streets, I ISul.; syphilitic, Uacea; thick, fetid, bloody, IRhus; moist itching, little raw tubercles, IPhyt.; frequent involuntary urination, Uacea; worse washing eruption when warm, IPhyt.; worse in change of weather, IDulc; yellow scabs, ICale; eruption simulating crusta lactea, Variol.; oozing a fluid and breeding ver- min, I lOleand.; vertex, humid eruption, like tinea capitis, small, grainlike pustules, filled with pus, drying into honeylike scabs, ISul. 8®" crusty, eczema, impetigo, scabs. Eruption, tingling: ISep. Eruption, tubercles: on forehead, Oleand.; lentil-sized, flat, with crawling around them, painful to pressure, Ant. c.; red, on forehead, stinging when touched, ILed. 8^° nodes. Eruption, ulcers : lAnanth.; with bluish, dirty base, upturned edges, exuding dirty, offensive ichor,IArs.; implicating cranial bones, IPhos.; with copious discharge, Ruta ; phagadenic, on forehead, painful, pus offensive, ISil.; round on sagittal suture, a little over an inch in di- ameter, edges little elevated, but hard for the space of a centimetre, bottom covered with a dull, gray layer, which yielded a serous, fetid pus, sharp shooting pains, worse evening and during night, I IThuya ; scrofulous on vertex, ICale p.; with thick, offensive crust (scrofu- lous), IBar. m.; superficial, on mastoid pro- cess, extends to shoulder and breast, and across to right shoulder, has lardaceous ap- pearance, bleeds readily and discharges thin, fend pus, afterward neuralgia in left side of head and face, 11 Chel. B@" boils, sores. Eruption, urticaria: itching (climacteric), ■Agar.; biting itching, Rhus ; suddenly ap- pearing and determining internally, Urt. ur.; eruption with urticaria, IBor. Eruption, vesicular: on occiput, red spots, with fine blisters, on a slightly inflamed base, with itching, which dries up and falls off in little scales, most plentiful on occipital scalp, on nape and on borders of hair, and on posterior surface of auricles, Tell.; vesicles on forehead, burst and spread (children), IBor.; itching, suppurating, Bov.; tingling itching on occi- put, break, overflow, with tendency to ulcera- tion, Clem.; painful blister on temple, Bov.; circumscribed patches, commence at supra- 164 4. OUTER HEAD. orbital regions, a number of small vesicles crowded together, filled with transparent, vis- cid fluid, burst, and form thick, laminated crusts, of dirty gray color, itching, IKali bi.; vesicles filled with pus, HArs.; small, pustu- lar vesicles a little to left of vertex, ICarbol. ae; red spots, filled with serum, gone after sweat, Astac; reddish, itching, Bov.; reddish spots, containing either water, or thick, white curdy matter, on forehead, Sumb.; small vesi- cles quickly fill with a yellow lymph, painful to touch, like sores, drying up after a few days, Psor.; small vesicles, filled with limpid fluid, itch a great deal, and form yellow or brown crust on vertex, ISul.; with smooth, shining surface, and drops of serum standing out here and there (children), Oleand.; vesi- cles contain yellowish fluid, lEuphor. SS^" eczema, erysipelas, tinea. Eruptions wheals: iKreo. Eruption, yellow: band across forehead close to hair, I IMed.; blotches on forehead, ICaulo, INatr. c, ISep. FONTANELLES, burning, sore feeling on anterior, a place, size of a dollar: Calc. s. Fontanelles, close and reopen : HCale p. Fontanelles, depressed: anterior (cholera in- fantum), ICamph, Crot t. Fontanelles, slight dull pain: posterior, llris. Fontanelles, eruption: glutinous secretion, itching, worse before storm, posterior, IGraph. Fontanelles, open: large head, sweating, with hard, distended abdomen and sour-smell- ing diarrhoea or sweat, in leucophlegmatic, fat children, HCale; in cholera infantum ISul.; with jerking of head, pale, bloated face, stomacace, green diarrhoeic stool, ■Sep.; in incipient hydrocephalus, ICale p.; in hydrocephaloid, llpec; in hydrocephalus, anterior, I Mere; remain open too long, HCale, HCale p, I ISil, ISul. Fontanelles, pulsate: too strongly, IGels. Fontanelles, reopen: at six to ten months, lApis. FOREHEAD, bulging: in hydrocephalus, lApoe, IMere; in incipient phthisis, I ITu- bere Forehead, cancer: scirrhous, Carbo a. Forehead, old cicatrix became red : Stram. Forehead, cold: Act. rac, Anac, Ars. s. f, I IPlumb.; coldness of right frontal bone, Agar.; base of brain hot, IZinc; in traumatic delirium, ILach.; cheeks hot, ICham.; in puerperal mania, ICamph.; in shock from in- juries, ILach. Forehead, contracted: brows,with pain in head (aphonia), ICaust.; corrugated, HStram.; frowning, in brain disease, IStram.; in frontal headache (aphonia), ICaust.; drawing skin upward, worse left side, Lachn.; frowning, from frequent closure of eyes in pain, llgn.; wrinkled, in abdominal typhus, IStram.; wrinkled in brain affections, IHell.; muscles drawn together and wrinkled, Rheum; wrink- led, above nose, ICham. Forehead, painful distension of bone : ISil. Forehead, dry : Sinap. Forehead, portions of bone exfoliated (syph- ilis, with mercurialization): lAur. met. Forehead, greasy (seborrhceaoleosa): IHvdras, IPsor. Forehead, hot: Bapt., IGlon, IMez, ISabad, Sec, Senecio, Sinap, IStram., Variol, Viol.; body chilly, I Aeon.; with pain at base of brain, Camph.; in irritation of brain, ILach.; in dropsy, IColch.; after dinner, ICorab; with morning headache, IINux v.; flushed, Lil. tig. Forehead, purplish: in typhoid scarlatina, lAilant.; livid (sopor), lApis. Forehead, red; IKali c, IMez.; in seborrhcea oleosa, IHydras. Forehead, rigidity; of occipito-frontalis muscle during day, cataleptic state and obtuseness of brain, I IGlon. Forehead, rough : ISep.; itching, Alum. Forehead, compelled to rub; with a kind of insensibility (whooping cough), Ver. Forehead, sweat: Anag., Ang, Ant, t, Cann.s, Caps, Cinch, bob, Crot. t, lEup. perf, IGuaiac, IIKali bi, Lachn, IIMerc. cor, Ptel, Strain, IVer.; anxious, Ars, HPhos.; in inflammation of brain, ICale, I IHell, IMere v.; cold, Acet. ac, I Aeon, Ars, Asaf, Bry, Caps, HCarbo v, Cupr. s, IDros, llpec, IKali bi, IMere, Merc, cor, IOp, IPhyt, Sabad., IStaph, ITabae, HVer, IZinc; cold, with anguish, HVer.; cold, with chill and profuse watery diarrhoea, during menses, Vib.; cold, in cholera infantum or morbus, ICamph, HVer.; cold, clammy, I IPlumb, IZinc; cold, with cough, ICup. m, IDros, IVer.; cold, with fear of death, HVer.; cold, in diarrhcea, llpec, HVer.; cold in diphtheria, ILach, IMere cy.; cold, with epis- taxis, I ICroe ; cold, when eating even warm food, Sul. ac; cold, in bilious fever, ICrotal.; cold in typhoid fever, IBapt, IColch; cold, in haematemesis, I Ars.; cold, in hsematuria, ISec; cold, in neuralgic headache, IGels.; cold, in cardiac rheumatism, ICact.; cold, in menorrhagia, IVer.; cold, during stool, IVer.; cold, in phthisis, 11 Sub; cold in scarlatina, I IZinc; cold, with vertigo, Asaf, IVer.; dis- position to sweat, Jalap.; large drops, IBrom, HCale, ICie; with otalgia, ICham.; after meals, Card, m.; during dinner, Sars.; after dinner, with nausea, Ptel.; from least exer- tion, Led.; in evening, Senecio; in even- ing, in bed, Sars.; with heat, Ant. t; dur- ing evening with heat, I ISars.; with heat and vertigo on raising head, Magn. s.; hot, Camph, ICham., IOp., I I Vib.; hot, with burning, HCinch.; hot, clammy, sticky, ICham.; hot, profuse, in colic, IColoe; when coughing, Chlor.; hot, in otalgia, ICham.; in scarlatina, ICamph.; hot, becomes cold after stool, IMere; first hot, then cold and clammy, during stool (autumnal dysentery), IMere; in morning, Ang, IKali c, with nausea, worse aftereating, ICrot. t; profuse, with raising of sour fluid, Ptel.; in spots, Acet. ac; profuse, sticky,Cann.; after stool,Crot tig.; duringstool, Ptel.; with diarrhoeic stool, 11 Ptel. 8®° Head sweat. Forehead, swelling: HApis, Ars. m, INatr. a, Ruta, Sep.; in albuminuria during pregnancy, 8 Apis ; on bone, as large a hen'segg, IStilling.; hard, on eminence, resembling a nut, worse in evening, Ars.; touching swollen part causes excruciating pain (hemicrania), IPhos.; skin seems swollen, 11 Stann. 8®° Head swollen. Forehead, twitching: in muscles, Arg. met, 11 Millet; of skin above right eye, Agar. 4. OUTER HEAD. 165 Forehead, warts: small elevated pigmented spots, rough to touch, Nitr. ac Forehead white : in scarlatina, I IZinc. Forehead wrinkled : 8£T* contracted. HAIR, baldness: All. sat., lAnae, lApis, IFluor. ac; especially on crown, IIBar. c: circular patch (herpes tonsurans), ILye: large spots, IHep.; spots covered with short wooly hair, Vinca; circumscribed spot on front, covered with herpes, I IGraph.; spot as large as a silver dollar, left side (after gonor- rhoea), IKali s.;spotover right parietal, -Cupr. s.; premature, ISil.; spot as large as a twentv- five cent piece, on front part, glossy smooth- ness, hair around as if cut short at roots, place covered with dry crusty scales, soon after one on right side, soon after four spots, HSep.; spots smooth and shining, IGraph.; chronic tinea -Absin.; in young people, IBar. c, ISil. 8®" falling out. Hair, bristling: Acet ac,Ver.; when chilled, Calc; especially above left ear, IZinc. 8®" brushing, electric, on end, grasped, pulled, rises. Hair, brittle ; in brain disease of children, IKali <•.; in chronic keratitis, after vaccination, I IThuya. 8®° dry. Hair brushing : painful, Carb, s.; causes sneez- ing, I I Sib; wilbnot remain brushed, Med. 8^° bristling, combing, roots. Hair, disposition to change color: IKali iod. red hair turns to chestnut brown (Addison's disease), Hod. B^Sray; also Chapter 47. Hair, does not bear combing: lAsar; can't be combed smooth, I IBor.; coils of hair about two inches from head become kinky, could not comb it, I ISep.; causes sneezing. 8@~ brushing, roots, touch. Hair, crawling: Ver.; as though something were running in it, Cast, eq.; shivering in skin, under hair, IVer. Hair, crisp : I IKali ars, Med. Hair, cutting: complaints from, IIBell, IGlon, IPhos.; inflammation of medulla from expo- sure to sun, IIBell, IGlon. Hair, dishevelled: I IVer.; in puerperal mania, ICamph. Hair,dry: Aloe, IIAlum, Badiag., Hippom., IIKali ars, Med, IPsor., ISub, IIThuya; in brain diseases of children, IKali e; breaks off and falls out, IFluor. ac; in cholera, ICale; in chorea, I IThuya; it falls off, even in beard and eyebrows, IPlumb.; after nervous fevers, IKali e; in marasmus, ICale; seborrhcea sicca, IHydras.; like tow, enlargement of mes- enteric glands (cholera), ICale; in epileptic vertigo, I IThuya. 8@° brittle, lustreless, rough. Hair, electrical condition: Med.; as if a bunch on right side were electrified, Ver.; hair which had been electric, ceased to be so, Bell. g@f bristling. Hair, as if standing on end: lAcon., lArn., Carbo v, I IChel, IMur. ac; with chilliness, Bar. e; every evening, IDulc; with extreme irritation and increased dry exfoliation of scalp, Polyg.; worse on occiput,Lachn.; after coming into room from open air, Amm. c; with shivering (gastro-bilious fever), ICham. Hair, falling out: 11 Alum., I Amb, Amm. m., lAnt c, HApis, I Ars., Ascl. t, ?rAur. mur., Aur. mur. natr., IBar. c, Bov., Bufo.j ICale p., ICanth., ICarbo a., ICepa, IChel., I Colch, Con., IFerr, IFluor. ae, IForm, IIGraph., iHep, Hipp., Hell., Iod., -Jab., IKali iod., IKali s., IKreo., IMagn. e, IMere cor., IMere sob, IINatr. c, Osm, IPetrol., IPhos, Sars, Sec, ISelen., I ISil, ISul, Subac, Syph, IIThuya, Ustil., Vespa; after abdomi- nal diseases, IlLyc; in bunches, HPhos.; in children, 11 Arund.; in circular patches, which becomeroughanddirty,! Ars. ;after gonorrhoea, IKali s., IThuya; in handfuls, when combing, IISul.; after severe, acute disease, Mane; chronic eruption has eaten off hair,surface raw, as if scalped, INatr. m.; eczema, IGraph, IKali bi.; eczema, oozing a corroding fluid, INatr. m.; face puffed up (lying-in women), ICale.; aftertyphoid fever, I IFluor. ac.; on front part of head, I I Ars.; after grief and sorrow or after fevers, IPhos. ac; in handfuls (pityriasis capitis), IMez.; with many small warts on hands (lying-in women), ICale; after chronic headache, ISep.; with sensation of coldness of outer head (lying-in women),ICale; in hysteria, ILye; melancholy after mortification, llgn.; after disease or abuse of mercury, Carbo v.; fol- lowing mercurialism or chronic headache, IHep.; more on occiput, ICarbo v.; mostly on occiput and around ears, with humid, fetid eruption or dandruff in scales, IStaph.; after parturition, ICale, ICanth, ICarbo v., IILyc, INatr. m.; during pregnancy, IILach. ; scald head, Ustil.; from congestion to scalp, IINitr. ac, Ustil.; with pricking on scalp, worse on occiput, IHell.; with sensitiveness of scalp, yellowish white scales(lying-in women),ICale; with ulcerative pain in scalp, Ferr.; mostly on sides and temples, IIMerc. v. ; in spots, IIFluor. ae; in single spots and white hair grows (crusta lactea, favus, plica polonica), IVinca ; in a spot where pain was felt, Cinch. bob; in syphilis, HAur. met, IINitr. ae; in syphilis after abuse of mercury, IKali iod.; in secondary syphilis, IPetrol.; in tertiary syphilis, lArs. met; as result of toxaemia, scarlatina, typhus, variola, etc, Crotal.; mostly on temples and sides of head down to beard, ICale; worse on temples, eyebrows and beard, IKali e; chronic tinea, I IStaph.; if touched, mostly on forepart of head, temples and beard, INatr. m.; on vertex, IINitr. ac, IZinc; on vertex, in megrim, ICale; on vertex, causing complete baldness, with sensation of soreness on scalp, IZinc. 8®" baldness. Hair, frowsy; I I Bor. Hair, feeling as if grasped roughly : HCinch. 8®°" pulled. Hair, turns gray prematurely : Camph., IILyc, IPhos. ae, Sul. ac. 8££T" white. Hair, greasy : IPhos. ac; head cool, IBry.; oily, Lyss. Hair, growth, slow : short, BThuva ; poor crop, ICale p. Hair, heaviness and heat of it distract her: af- fection of brain, IGlon. Hair, lank and long: ISul. Hair, lustreless: Hippoz, Med, IPsor.; in seborrhcea sicca, IHydras. gtgg* dry. Hair, luxuriant: growth on parts not otherwise covered by hair, Thuya. Hair, moist: IHyper. ggg* plica, sticky. Hair, oily: g^° greasy. Hair, picked at continually: IILach. 166 4. OUTER HEAD. Hair, plica polonica: lAnt t, Fluor, ac, 11 Jacea, IILyc, ISars., IVer., IVinca; en- demic affection occasionally with trichoma, I ISars. 8®* sticky. Hair, pulls: in hydrocephalus, IDig. Hair, as if pulled ; I .Ethus, Caps.; with head- ache, Alum.; in hemicrania, IPhos.; or brist- ling on vertex, Aeon.; as if drawn upward, with vertigo, Mur. ac. g^° bristling, on end, grasped. Hair, rises: in night walking, Meph. 8^" bristling. Hair, roots: destroyed by eruption (tinea), lArs.; turn dry, and hair gray, HPhos.; pain- ful, Arund, Calc, IColoe; painful on comb- ing, INatr. s.; painful, when combed, as from ulceration, 11 Chel.; pain, when hair is moved, HCinch.; painful after scratching, Caps.; painful, especially to touch, ICinnab., ISul.; painful on top of head, Cinch, bob; feel as if pulled upward, Arg. nit.; sensitive to contact, worse evening, cold north winds, burningafter scratching, ISep.; smarting, ICale; soreness, Chin, s., IFerr., IZinc. 8@Q> brushing, combing, touch. Hair, rough: Bor. g&~ dry. Hair, splits: Bor., IThuya. Hair, sticks together: Bor.; must comb it con- tinually, IPsor.; matted by gluey discharge from humid eruption, I Natr. m.; glued together by exudation, crusts being entangled in hair and difficult to remove, IPetrol.; must comb frequently, it mats so at end, IFluor. ac. 8^° plica. Hair, tangles easily : I IBor, IPsor. Hair, constant attempt to tear: in children, IBell.; with unconsciousness,Tuberc; uterine dementi, I ILil. tig.; in puerperal convulsions, llgn. Hair, thin : IThuya ; in eczema of scalp, IKali bi.; with uterine neuralgia, 11 Nux v. 86^ falling out. Hair, touch: painful, HApis, HArs., I ICarbo v, IFerr. ph, IZinc; in a spot on right side, lAmb.; sensitive, ILach., ISep, IVer. 8^* brushing, combing, roots. Head, vermin: Apis, ICarbol. ac, IPsor. Hair, snowy white on deadened parts: Ars. h.; turned white (uterine neuralgia), I INux v. fi^ gray. HEAD, multiple abscesses: I ICale, IMere BgT" Eruption boils. Head, bloodvessels: distension of veins (puer- f>eral convulsions), IChin. s.; distended arteries ike whip cords, blood coursing through at a furious rate, giving sensation as if temples and scalp were alive with irrepressible pulsation, I ISang.; arteries become distinct, IGlon.; ful- ness of external vessels, Bapt.; veins enlarged (congestion), IFerr.; temporal arteries, dis- tension, Amyl, I ISpig.; temples, bloodvessels distended, Thuya; temporal artery, hard, Amyb; temporal arteries, visible pulsations, Ziz.; temporal veins, distension (sanguinous apoplexy), I ISang. Head, boils: 8®° Eruption boils. Head, boring into pillow : 8®°" motion. Head, liable to take cold: IDulc; in every flraught of air, especially uncovering hair, IIBell, IHep., IMere; worse when head gets wet, IPuls.; mostly from dry wind or draught of air, IINux v.; sensitive, Card, m, ISil.; sen- sitive to cold and changes of weather, Bor. [ Head, external coldness : I Agar, Ant. t,Sep.; with slight alternations of heat, rest of body fairly warm (cholera infantum), I IZinc; be- comes cold very easily, causes headache, with chilliness of body, ICale; with falling out of hair (lying-in women), ICale; cold to touch (headache), Calc. p.; whole side cold, with drawing pains (toothache), IMez.; of painful parts, better from external warmth, IKali iod.; coronal suture, icy coldness, after itching and scratching, 11 Agar. Head, convulsions: Caust; worse or renewed by contact (hydrocephalus), ICup. m.; begins in head and goes down (epilepsy), ICie; in hydrocephalus, ICup. m. 8gT" jerking, mo- tion involuntary, twitching. Head, appeared crooked (clonic spasms of eyes): IA gar. Head, dry (keratitis pustulosa): I I Sub; during labor, ICoff. t; and hot, lAcon, lApis, IPhos. Head, eruption : 8€^° Eruption. Head, flushed: 11 Amyl, Apis., Merc iod. rub.; in hydrops retinae, lApis. 8^° Scalp congested, red. Head, fontanelles: 8®*" Fontanelles. Head, glandular swellings: ICale, IMere, IPsor, ISil, ISul. Head, growth, left side retarded, left eye seems smaller: IFluor. ac. 8®" large. Head, hair : 8@°" Hair. Head, puts hands to: in hysteria, IKali c; in meningitis, lAcon.; in typhoid, Ver. Head, external heat: I Aeon, I Ant t, I Apis, IBell., IBry, Bufo., ICale, Camph., ICham., Chel, IKali iod, IOp., Sarrae, IStram, Ustil.; dry, lAcon, lApis ; dry, painful, compelling one to uncover head, better lying down, IPhos.; burning, in scarlatina, iArum t. Head, injuries: concussion, IIAcon., HArn., IHyper.; chronic effects from simple concus- sion, INatr. s.; contusions, lArn, IForm.; three months after wound, by falling on scissors, gradual altering of health, ILed.; lacerated wounds, HCalend.; laceration above left temple, several inches in length, sup- purated and became a troublesome sore, IHydras.; suppurating wounds, ISil. eST" Brain concussion, Chap. 3. Head,itching: g^- Head itching, Chap. 3. Head, jerking: g^ motion involuntary. Head, large : HCale, Hod., IPuls, ISul, I IVer. v.; rest of body emaciated, HSil.; fontanelles not closing (hydrocephalus, rachitis, maras- mus, eclampsia, cholera infantum), HCale; with bulging forehead (incipient phthisis), I ITubere; hydrocephalic, Apis, ICale, IMere, I ITubere; tubercular meningitis, I ITubere; right half higher and thicker, I Agar. Head, lice: 8^° Hair vermin. Head, misshapen : I IVer. v. Head, motion, voluntary: backward and for- ward, ICham.; constant, I Ars, I I Op.; difficult, IColch, Lyss.; difficult, in myelitis, IDulc; better from shaking, I ILach.; shaking causes blackness before eyes, IHep.; frequently raises and gazes about, IHyos.; frequently raises in hydrocephalus or meningitis, IStram.; hard to raise, Lact. ae; can scarcely raise from pillow on awaking, ILach.; raising causes vomiting, lAcon, lArs.; raises, fixes it upon chest, and finally tosses it back quickly upon pillow (epilepsy), I IOp.; causes reports in 4. OUTER HEAD. 167 ears, Staph.; tossing, lAcon., ICoccul., ICup. m., Ign.; tossing in evening, Phos. ae; tossing from side to side every evening about 11 o'clock after having slept fifteen minutes, (epilepsv), I IOp.; in typhoid fever, HStram.; if he turns cannot easily turn it back, HCic; twisting to and fro, Sec; causes vertigo, ICaust. . Head, motion, inability: in diphtheria, J Kali br.;'in dysentery, IColch, in morning on wak- ing, with extreme sensibility to contact over whole surface, Zinc; cannot hold erect, Abrot I^Ethus, HCale p, IGels, Zinc; cannot hold up after convulsions, Art. v, IChloral.; could not support during chill (intermittent), ICoc- cul.; hands have to assist in lifting it, with headache, lEup. pert; inability to hold up, in hydrocephalus and whooping cough, ICup. ae, ICup. in.; must raise with hand when sitting up (liver complaint), IChel.; inability to hold erect in meningitis, lApis, Cup. ac., IVer.; cannot turn, Angust; cannot turn to left and backward, Chrom. ac. Head, motion, involuntary: IMere v.; con- tinued agitation, Bufo.;automatic, IZinc; bor- ing into pillow, lApis, lArn, IIBell., IHell, IStram.;boring into pillow, in cholera infan- tum, ICrot. t; boring into pillow, in croup, I ISpong.; boring into pillow, in typhoid fever, IVer. v.; boring into pillow, in acute hydroce- phalus (meningitis, after erysipelatous erup- tion), I Apis; boring into pillow, in hydro- cephalus, I Apis, IBell., IDig, IHell, IStram.; boring into pillow, in meningitis, Cie, I IVer.; boring into pillow, as if scalp on occiput were pulled downright, 11 Hell.; chronic move- ments alternate with movements of right arm, ceasing in bed, I ITarant.; constantly, m chorea, I Agar., I I Chloral, Tarant; convulsive, ICale, I ITarant.; convulsive, in hydrocepha- lus acutus, ILye; convulsive, in meningitis, IStram.; convulsive, from side to side, during headache, INux m.; convulsive, with stupe- faction, IStram.; convulsive, backward and forward in such a manner that talking and swallowing are almost impossible, INux m.;in all directions, but mostly to side (epilepsy), 11 Sub; distortion (convulsion), I ISil.; as if drawn forcibly backward (influenza), *CheL; as if drawn down into cushion when lifting it, morning, Ars. met.; as if drawn backward, with sleepiness and vertigo, IStram.; as if drawn forward, Sang.; drawn backward, Bell, Curar, Med.; drawn back and from side to side (brain affection), IHell.; drawn backward during spasm, llgn.; drawn back- ward by epileptic convulsion, IINux v.; draw- ing backward, better after gaping, Angust.; drawn backward in headache, 11 Curar.; drawn back and rolling (hydrocephalus), lApis; drawn far backward when lying, on changing this position screaming and vomiting (men- ingitis), ISul.; drawn back, with rigidity of muscles of neck and back, ITabae; drawn back, if lying on side is straightened out upon back quick as lightning (spasm following in- jury to knee from splinter), HCic; drawn spasmodically backward in spotted fever, lEup. perf; drawn back in tetanus, ICup. m.; fixed and drawn backward (traumatic tetanus), IHydr. ae; drawn powerfully back (emotional trismus or opisthotonos), llgn.; drawn back- ward by spasmodic twitching, Art. v.; drawn backward (chorea), I ITarant.; repeatedly and rapidly drawn downward and backward, IMosch.; drawn down by swallowing IINitr. ae; drawing toward larynx, right side, Ars. h.; drawn to left side, IGels.; drawn to left side in torticollis, IILyc; drawn to left side during exacerbation of pain (prosopalgia), IChel.; drawn to left side after fright (spinal disease), INux v.; drawn to right side, bent backward, IILyc; drawing toward shoulder (pregnancy), lAgar.; drawn toward left shoulder at angle of forty-five degrees, better in morning, worse toward evening, INux v.; drawn down upon shoulders, (arach- nitis), IChlorof; drawn to right shoulder, body relaxed, unconscious, Camph.; drawn to one side, IStram.; drawn to one side (epilepsy), ICaust.; drawn to one side (hydrocephalus), ICup. m.; drawn to one side by swellings in neck, ICist; spasmodic drawing to either side, IStram.; at first drawn to one side, then back- wards before attack (epilepsy), IBufo.; drawn from one side to the other, INux m.; drawn upward and backward, TTArt v.; falls back- ward (hydrocephalus), ISul.; inclined to fall back, with lancinations in occiput (menin- gitis), IBufo.; almost inconceivable, during attacks, worse during full moon and when vexed (chorea), INatr. m.; jerking, Caust, ICie, INatr. m., ISep.; jerks, from before backward when talking, ICie; jerked back- ward, ICina; jerked backward in cholera, ICie; jerking backward, sometimes forward (typhoid fever), IVer. v.; jerking backward while lying on back, IHyper.; jerked back- ward during sleep, I Am.; suddenly jerks back- ward, Alum; jerking in chorea, IINatr. m.; constant jerking in chorea, Sumb, IVer. v.; jerking, during day, ISep.; jerks head down- ward, Spong.; jerks frequently from pillow i hydrocephalus, typhus), IStram.; jerking, fontanelles remaining open, ISep.; jerking backward and forward, especially forenoon and sitting, ISep.; jerked forward, INux m.; jerked forward, on falling asleep, Bell.; jerk- ing motions (insanity), IHyos.; jerking from left to right and slightly from above down- ward, after quarrel (hysteria), llgn.; jerking, in morning, IINux v.; jerks, in throwing it towards right side, INatr. s.; often jerked to one -side, usually to right, IMygale; spasmodic jerking, Phos. ac; lifting, Ant. t; must move (hemicrania), lArs.; involuntary nodding, IMosch., INatr. m, IVer. v.; in- voluntary nodding, when writing, Caust.; peculiar, with frequent deep respiration, presses chest forward and arches back (heart disease), I IOp.; from place to place, HCale p.; cannot keep it quiet, Ferr.; rolls, ICie, IHyos., IPod, USec, ISil, IStram, IVer., I IVer. v, IZinc; rolls almost uncontrollably, while sitting at table, INux m.; rolls anxiously from side to side (spasms), IZinc; rolls on awakening and while awake, IPod.; rolls, in concussion of brain, IHvos.; rolls, in cholera infantum, IBell.; rolls, in convulsions, I ITu- bere ; rolls in convulsions, from cerebral irri- tation, ICie, Kali br.; rolls, in dentition, IPod.; rolls, in diarrhcea, ISil.; rolls, in dys- entery, I IZinc; rolls,, in hydrocephaloid, ICina, ICup. m., llgn.; rolls, in menin- 168 4. OUTER HEAD. gitis, IVer. v.; rolls, after scarlatina, I ILyss.; rolls, night and day, moaning (hydrocephalus, typhoid), IHell.; rolls and moans (summer complaint), IFerr. ph.; rolls, with moaning in sleep, eyelids half closed, IPod.; rolls mostly to right, in spasms, IStram.; rolls to one side, after every spasmodic toss of body i spasm after pneumonia), IINux v.; rolls from side to side on awaking (cholera morbus, hydro- cephalus), IZinc.; rolls, with restless sleep, IPod.; constant rotary, even when lying on pillow, IMere v.; rubbed steadily on pillow (endocarditis rheumatica), IHyos.; shaking, Bell, Cann. i., Coccul, IHyos, llgn., IILyc, IMagn. p., Stram.; shaking, on sitting or lying, must rise and walk (after confinement), I ITa- rant, throwing from side to side, till exhaust- ion brought on sleep, ICaust.; spasmodic, ICamph, IStram.; spasmodic, most of hair was rubbed off (chorea), 11 Sep.; starting,worse mov- ing head, ICie; stretching (convulsion), I ISil.; sudden forwarl, better during sleep, worse during stool and by emotions (chorea), IMagn. p.; sudden backward (epilepsy), IILach.; thrown backward and forward with a jerk (chorea), IMygale ; violent, in different direc- tions (chorea), 11 Tarant.; throwing from side to side, with moaning (tubercular meningitis), ILye; thrust in all directions, IStram.; totters, HCale p.; trembling, Ananth., IChel., Cop., llgn., ULith, IMagn. p., IOp, IPlumb.; chronic trembling, worse after cough, Ant. t.; convulsive trembling from weakness of mus- cles of neck, worse in open air and after sleep, from coffee and tobacco, better in warm room, ICoccul.; trembling, with drowsiness, Ant. c; trembling, in epilepsy, ICaust.; trembling, worse moving head, ICie; trembling during rest, Lactu. v.; turned violently from side to side (chorea), I ITarant.; turned from side to side, with vacant amaurotic expression, Atrop. s.; turns from side to side (typhoid), 11 Nux v.; twisting (epileptic attacks), IKali bi.; twists it around to right side (chorea), IMygale; twitching, HAgar., IBell, Chel., ICie, IOp., ■Sep.; twitching, of right side (pregnancy), ■ Agar.; single twitches, during morning nap, Cham.; vacillating, in evening, caused by singular sensation in vertex, as if he moment- arily lost consciousness in that place, or as from something being loose there, Lyss. Bgg^convulsions, jerking, position, twitch- ing. Head, muscles: chorealike movements of tem- poral, Agar.; spasmodic twitching of temporal, Arg. met.; muscular fibres, fluttering, twitch- ing, Arum t. 8®" convulsions. Head, odor; flies alight, Calad. 8®" Eruption fetid. Head, position: desire to bend, Brach.; desire to bend backward, ICham.; bent back, Amyg, Camph, IHep, ILye, Samb., IStram.; bent back, in asthma, ICinch.; bent back, in convul- sions, IMosch, INux v, IOp.; bent back, in croup, IIAcon, Ant. t, IHep, IKali bi, ISpong.; bent back, in diphtheria, ICrotal.; bent back, in dysentery, I IZinc; bent back, in hydrocephalus, ICarbol. ac; bent back and sideward (hydrocephalic spasms), Art. v.; bent far back on pillow (laryngeal spasm), ICup. m.; bent back to left (puerperal convulsions), I IOp.; bent back, in cerebrospinal meningitis, Calab., HCic, IDig, IHell.; bending back, with tension in neck, meningitis, ISpong.; bent back in nervous affection, IMagn. c; bent far back and to right side (puerperal con- vulsions), IOp.; bent back, during sleep, IHep, Rheum; bent back spasmodically, HCic; bent back when walking (suppressed catarrh), I Ars.; bent down on chest (hysteria), "Tereb.; bent back, in spotted fever, HAct. rac.; bent forward when aroused, ICie; stiffly bent forward (concussion of brain), ICie; bent for- ward on breast, arms hang listless, Colch.; can only hold bent forward (diphtheritis), IMur. ac.; bent forward, has to sit up (induration of pancreas), IBar. m.; bent to right, later left, 11 Ang.; bent to one side (epilepsy), ICie; bent to one side and moved with difficulty, INux v.; carries forward or to right (after in- jury), lArn.; disinclination to change, Lyss.; heaviness, as if it would fall down, Zinc; falls backward, ILed.; falling back, with lancinat- ing in abdomen, Spig.; falls helplessly back (brain affection), IHell.; falls back with mouth wide open, IColch.; falls back with nausea at palate, and discomfort in abdomen and thorax, Spig.; falls back from weak neck (hydrocepha- lus), IDig.; falls back, as if a weight were at- tached to occiput, Agar.; falls back constantly, occiput feels heavy (apoplexy, cerebrospinal meningitis), I Op.; falls back on being raised (in- flammation of brain), I IHell.; falls back if she attempts to raise herself (hysterical spasms), ICie; as if it would fall in all directions (postpartum hemorrhage), ICann. s.; falls for- ward, Clem, Kali br, IVer., 11 Viol.; falls upon breast (cardialgia), 11 See; falls forward, resting on sternum, must be supported by hands (disease of cervical vertebrae), I ISil.; falls forward, worse on rising (fainting), IOp.; falls forward, in hydrocephalus, ICup. m, IMere; falls forward on looking at anything or sitting in apparent sleep, ICie; falls for- ward from weakness in nape of neck, I IPlat.; falls forward, difficult to keep it up (paralysis with imbecility), I I Anac. oc; falls forward if he raises himself, Hippom.; falls forward while sitting, INux m.; sensation of balanc- ing, requiring constant effort to keep it erect, it is inclined to fall forward as on going to sleep, 11 Glon.; falls forward in spinal dis- ease, ISil.; falls forward or backward, with vertigo, IPhos. ae; falls forward in walking, Carb. s.; heavy, falling to right side, Lac def; falls to left side when raised up (meningitis), HVer.; falls on shoulder (chorea), IMygale; falls to side, ICina, I IHyos.; falls first to one side then to the other, lAmyl.; hangs to one side, ICina; hangs, with reeling when walking (melancholia after typhoid), IHell.; better lying with it high, Aeon, Carbo v, IDig, ILach, Lact. ae; high, with dyspnoea, IIEup. pert; if placed ever so high she thinks it too low, ILach.; inclined backward, Glon, llgn.; inclines backward in migraine, Tarant; inclines back or to right during sleep, ICina; inclines forward, ("oca, llgn.; inclines at times to left, at others to right, with vertigo, Tarax.; inclines to right side, Ferr:; desire to lean on something, Gymn.; better by leaning it back, Coccul.; wants to lie low, Absin.; low while asleep, ISpong.; cannot rest it back (pneumonia), 4. OUTER HEAD. 169 ICale; could not bear to have it raised from pillow, I ISul.; rests it on hands, ILach.; desire to lay head upon one side, Chlorof; inclined to seek support, Hod.; supports with hands while bending or rising, after sun- stroke, IStram.; turns to right (chorea), ICaust.; twisted to left side on lying down at 2 p.m., found it comfortable and fell asleep, Lyss. 8@" motion involuntary. Head, rolling: 8®" motion involuntary. Head, scalp; 8SP" Scalp. Head, scratching: on waking, HCale; induces bleeding, IPetrol.; dizzy, after (epilepsy), ICale; painful, after, Caps. Head, skull. 8€g~ Skull. Head, sweat: yEsc h., lAgar, Amyl, I Ant t, Bufo, HCale, HCham, Cinch, bob, Cimex, lEup. pur, IGuaiac, IHep, Iodof, Lact ae, ILye, IIMerc, IMez., IPetrol, IIPuls., IRheum, HSib,IStram.; frequently alternating with transient coldness, IPhos.; cold, Ant. t, Benz. ac, Bry, ICale; cold (apoplexy), IOp.; cold, clammy, ICarbol. ae, IPhos.; cold, clammy, in bilious fever, ICrotal; clammy, rest of body hot and dry (croup), IHep.; clammy, with discharge of much turbid urine, I IPhos.; cold, with cough, I Ant. t; cold, with nausea, ILobel. b; profuse cold (neuralgia of left phrenic nerve), 11 Stann.; cold on one side, worse at night and towards morning, better after waking and rising, IPuls.; with cold skin, IPod.; in diarrhoea, ISil.; in drops, IBell.; in large drops, Ars. h.; easily, ICarbo v.; during epileptic attack, Cup. m.; in evening, Anac; from least exertion, Carbol. ac; in typhoid fever, Ver.; profuse, following rush of blood to head (hysteria), IMosch.; with heat, ICham.; with one (right) sided heat, mostly in forenoon, IMagn. c; hot, I Act. sp., IGlon., IPod.; hot, wetting hair, HCham.; hot in neur- algia, ICham.; hot, sticky, ICham.; copious, on occiput during recovery from hydrocephalus, Art. v.; wet from sweating in acute hydro- cephalus, after erysipelatous eruption, lApis; in ischias, IColoe; in morning,walking in open air, Calc; at night, HCale; profuse, at night (meningitis, hydrocephalus), ISil.; on occiput, HCale, ISul.; fetid, ICale; fetid on one half, with anxiety and dread of uncovering, INux v.; fetid on one side, worse at night and to- ward morning, better after waking and rising, IPuls.; fetid, sour smelling, oily, IMere; of musklike odor, in hydrocephalus, lApis ; odor of musk (in meningitis), ISul.; smelling sour, with faintish weakness, evening, before sleep, or morning, ISep.; profuse, sour, HSil.; only on head, IBell.; profuse, oily, Bufo.; sweat, better outdoors, Aeon.; in o/aena, IMagn. m.; in pneumonia, IMere; prickling , on bald vertex, after each meal, ICepa ; with j redness, burning and thirst, I IMagn. c; with restlessness at night (dentition), ICale; pro- fuse on right side, none on left, I ITereb.; on one side, IIPuls.; in sleep, ICie, ILye, IPod.; goes off with sleep (croup), I ISamb.; copious, directly on fallingasleep (constipation), I ISil.; sticky (bronchitis), IVer.; in syphilitic head- ache, I IThuya; about temples, ILye; viscid, Psor.; when walking in open air, HCinch, IGraph. 8gf Forehead sweat. Head, swollen: Amm. e, HApis, IKreo, I IMere e, IPetrol, Vespa; in anasarca, I Ars-; to double its size, redness of body, IBell.; in spasms, ICup. m.; with bloodshot eyes during attack (congestive headache), IMelil.; like a case of confluent smallpox, all the same color, brown (measles), I IZinc; with sharp, irri- tating fever, 11 Rhus v.; in heart disease, I Cact., enormous in Hodgkin's disease, I ISyph.; in- teguments feel swollen, HApis ; whitish, violently itching (paralysis), I Apis; occiput, touching part causes excruciating pain (hemi- crania), IPhos.; painful, Bell.; sore to touch, rending, periosteal, Ruta ; puffed and bloated, with dry heat all over body (asthma thymi- cum), ISamb.; purplish red, I ICup. m.; right side (erysipelas), I IVer. v.; suppurating, cari- ous, worse from pressure, INitr. ac.; sup- purating (caries), with putridsmelling sweat day and night, worse motion and contact, IStaph.; on one side, with itching, sensation of coldness and tearing in temple, worse touch- ing it, better lying on it or after rising from bed, Sep.; temples swelling, painful to touch, ICham.; hard, tender on edge of hair, bleed- ing when scratched, Calc. s.; thickening, sen- sitive to touch (periosteal headache), IMez.; touch causes pain, 11 Cup. m. Head, touch: ggg*> Chapter 3. Head, traumatic : 8€§~ injuries. Head, twitching: 8®" motion involuntary. Head, tumors: ggT" Tumors. Head, vermin : 8^P Hair. Head, wrapping: 8Sf* Chapter 3. SCALP, baldness: g^* Hair baldness, and falling out. Scalp, congestion: long lasting, IFluor. ac, Ustil.; causes complete loss of hair, Ustil. B^° red, also Head flushed. Scalp, has a dirty look : Psor. Scalp, dry: Ustil. Scalp, induration : scrofulous children, Carbo a. Scalp, inflammation : Astac. Scalp, itching ; 8^° Head, Chapter 3. Scalp, chorealike muscular movements: Agar. Scalp, moved with difficulty : Berb., IMere per. Scalp, offensive odor : I I Psor. ggjg* Eruption fetid. Scalp, red: IPetrol, Raph. 8@~ congested, also Head flushed. Scalp, rough and uneven: IBry. Scalp, painful to touch: ggg* Chapter 3,Head touch. SKULL, affections of bony structure : ICale fl, ICale p. Skull, caries : Arg. m, Asaf, HAur. met,Hekla, IHep, IINitr. ae, IPhos. ac, ISil, IStaph.; of mastoid process, 11 Aur. met., I Caps., Fluor, ae; bone exposed and a small piece exfoliated, after a blow, INatr. m. g^° necrosis. Skull, exostoses: Ananth, IIArg. met,HAur. met, ICale, I ICale fl, IKali iod, IMez, H IPhos. Skull, fracture: HArn, HCale p., ISymph.; bone splintered, IHyper.; compound, I Calend.; hernia after fractured skull, Calend.; non- union, particularly in the aged, HCale p. Skull, fungus: causing compression, Calend.; haematodes, IPhos.; idiopathic, of dura mater, or cranium, Calc. p. Skull, hypertrophied : ; Ferr. iod. 8@5tt> exostoses, swelling. Skull, bones lapped over during birth, parietals 170 5. EYES. over each other and over occiput (suckling of a few weeks): I IOp. Skull, necrosis: mostly frontal, I Aur. met, IFluor. ac, Hippoz, Kali bi, IPhos, ISil. 8@°* caries. Skull, perforated: by tumors, ILach, I ISil.; hernia cerebri, ICale p., ISil. Skull, periostitis: Hekla, IKali iod, IPhos, IPhos. ae, I Ruta; mercurial (syphilis), IKali iod, IStib; tubercles in periosteum, Hippoz. Skull, soft: ICale p. Skull, styloid process: pain as if swollen in angle in front of, worse from pressure, ILach. Skull, sutures: open (hydrocephalus), lApoe, IMere; pressed asunder, not a single border of a bone touches its neighbor (hydrocepha- lus), IMere Skull, swelling : IStilling.; bulbous, ISil.; flat on left side, osseous, containing fluid, ICale fl.; hard, of whole left side of upper portion, with numbness and shooting, IDaph.; inflamed, with sticking pain, and hammering, ending in suppuration, worse from damp cold air, better touching and rubbing, ICale; worse from motion and in evening, IIMez.; parietal, with newborn children, ICale fl.; parietal, near posterior fontanelle, resembling half a goose egg in form and size, fluctuating upon pressure and circumscribed by a ring of swol- len bone several days after birth, IMere; tumefaction in posterior portion, Hydrocot; small, extending through orbital sutures and foramina to dura and pia mater, Anthrac. Skull, cranio tabes; jCale p., -Calc s. Skull, thin : crackling like paper when pressed upon (cholera infantum), ICale p. TUMORS, bony: HCale fl., Kali m, ISil. Tumors, cephalastoma : ICale fl, IMere, ISil.; almost whole left parietal bone covered with large soft elastic swelling, 11 Sib; sanguineous, occipital, ICale p. Tumors, encephaloma: ICroe Tumors, enchondrosis: large hard swelling, but soft in some places, in child's head, begin- ing above ears, extends to larynx, I ISil. Tumors, growth as large as a dollar, on mid- dle of forehead, projecting about four lines, came and went spontaneously and suddenly: IMez. Tumors, hard ; from size of pea to that of a hazel or walnut, enlarge, break open and discharge viscous yellow-brownish ichor, Hip- poz. Tumors, keloid: in temporal region, I ISil. Tumors, lipoma: ICroe Tumors, malignant: Calc. Tumors, painful: I I Hep. Tumors, sanguineous: occipital, ICale p. Tumors, sebaceous: IIBar., IKali c; hairless, easily suppurating, every four weeks at full moon, painful, especially in open air, ICale; inflamed and ready to discharge, IHep.; smooth and shining, ISil.; suppurate and form ulcers, Ananth. Tumors, soft: on scalp, Petrol.; elastic, on parietal bone, as large as a ben's egg, visible pulsations, a sharp, rough, indented opening could be felt in underlying bone, tumor de- nuded of hair, I IPhos. Tumors, suppurating: and affecting skull, worse lying on well side, IPuls. Tumors, wens: 8@T" sebaceous. 5. EYES. Accommodation. Anterior chamber. Aqueous humor. Canthi. Chor- oid. Ciliary body. Circumorbital. Conjunctiva. Cornea. Eyes. Illusions. Iris. Lachrymal apparatus. Lachrymation. Lashes. Lens. Lids. Ophthalmia. Optic nerve. Orbit. Photophobia. Pupil. Retina. Scle- rotica. Sight. Supraorbital. Vitreous. ACCOMMODATION, disturbance: Ailant., IGels.; eyes involuntarily drawn together, is obliged to lie down and close eyes, II Merc. sob; with lachrymation, I Morph. sub; spasm of ciliary muscle, I Jab.; as if focus of right eye were suddenly displaced (hemicrania), IGlon. Accommodation, paralysis (want of): IIArg. nit, ICalab. IHydras.; after illness, mostly diphtheria, lArg. nit.; after diphtheria and in muscular asthenopia, I ICalab.; objects closer than 12 or 14 are indistinct, lArg. nit.; with impaired sensibility of right retina, sup- posed to be due to use of cosmetic, which probably contained carbonate of lead, I IOp. Accommodation, weakened: from overexert- ing eyes, INux v.; cannot accommodate quick- ly, Aur. mur, ICon.; weak, IGels. Accommodation. 8®" Sightasthenopic,astig- matic, hypermetropic, myopic, straining, weakness. ANTERIOR CHAMBER, contracted: lAur. met. Anterior chamber, hemorrhage: lArn., ILach.- after iridectomy, ILed. Anterior chamber, hypopion : I Apis, I IColch. 5. EYES. * 171 IHep, I ISil., I Sub, IThuya; suppurative cho- roiditi s in right eye after needle operation for cataract, 11 Phyt; in abscess of cornea or iritis, IMere cor.; with deep ulceration of centre of cornea, involving one-third its surface, 11 Sub; in iritis, IMere, IPlumb, ISil, Sub; in irido- choroiditis, IBry.; with kerato-iritis, IHep.; pain very severe at night, I.Mere; in syph- ilitic iritis, IIMerc.; in traumatic ophthalmia, ISul.; in scrofulous subjects, 11 Seneg.; with tumor, melanotic, black and red mixed, lAur. met.; with sloughing ulcer (syphilitic), I ISil.; right and left, anterior chamber shallow, I IMere iod. flav. B^T" Iris inflammation. AQUEOUS HUMOR, cloudy: lEuphor, IIKali iod. Aqueous humor, hazy: IGels, I ITereb.; hazy, in glaucoma, Prun.; hazy, in irido-choroiditis suppurativa traumatica, 11 Rhus ; hazy, in syphilitic iritis, IIMerc. Aqueous humor, hernia tunica?: IBar. m. Aqueous humor, slightly turbid, mixed with small specks from the soft and discolored iris (choroiditis): IColoe BROWS : 8^° Supraorbital, brows. CANTHI, agglutination : 11 Agar, Ars. s. f; on awaking, in right (rheumatic iritis), 11 Syph.; lachrymal fistula, 11 Agar.; in morning, by purulent mucus, IHep.; of inner, in morning, IPuls.; with a pressing sore feeling, IZinc; of outer, I IColch, INatr. in., Sep. Canthi, biting : with lachrymation, IColch.; in inner right, better rubbing, Zinc; in outer, Camph. Canthi, bloodvessels : running from.outer and inner to cornea(ophthalmia,after chill),lEuph.; veins in inner left injected, morning, Cinch. bob; inner, red, to cornea, I Arg. nit., Jamb. Canthi, bluish : inner, after abuse of mercury, Sars. Canthi, burning : Carbo v., Sub; on awaking, in inner, Therid.; in evening, by candlelight, Phos. ac; of inner, I Aur. met, ICaust., IClem, IGraph., IRhus; lachrymal fistula, in inner, 11 Agar.; in inner right, Cinnab, Coloe, Rhus; itching, I I Alum.; in ophthalmia, ICale; scald- ing, worse at night, IIBry.; frequently in small spots, Berb.; burning, with effusion of tears, llris; after washing, Amm. in. g§T heat, smarting. Canthi, contraction: in inner, I IParis; extend- ing to brain, with vertigo, Ananth.; cramplike pain in inner right, Cinch, bol. Canthi, cracked: INatr. m.; and bleed easily, IIGraph.; of outer (keratitis pustulosa), I ISul.; outer, in pterygium, I IZinc. Canthi, cutting : in outer, I IHep. Canthi, digging: in inner, extending to brain, with vertigo, Ananth. Canthi, discharge : from inner, IPetrol. Canthi, drawing : at inner, lAur. met; outer, in acute catarrhal conjunctivitis, ISep. Canthi, dryness : of inner, Berb.; in morning, IINux v. Canthi, eruption: red, papulous around left in- ner, I ISyph. Canthi, excoriation : Apis, Euphor.; of outer, HArs. Canthi, excrescence : on inner, ICale Canthi, as of a foreign body : in inner, Berb.; as of alump, in right outer, seems to move to inner canthus on closing eye, and to return on opening, I ISul. ae; as if a particle were in left outer, Ign.; as from sand, in left inner, Aeon.; pressure, as from grain of sand in outer, Con, Euph.; pressure as from grain of sand, in evening, Alum.; painful sensation as of a grain of sand at outer edge (ophthal- mia after chill), lEuph.; in right, in morn- ing, when walking, Sul. ac. Canthi, granulated: outer, Ant. t. 8®*" Lids granulated. Canthi, heat and dryness in left outer, as if it would inflame : Thuya. Canthi, inflammation: Cales.; of inner, IClem.; worse in morning, INux v. 8®* ulcerate. Canthi, itching : Ant. c, 11 Arn, Ascl. t, I ICale, Cast eq., Clem, Euph., IFluor. ac, ILye, IMur. ae, INatr. m, Stront, Sub; in blephar- itis, IIArg. met.; after breakfast, in left, Lo- bel. L; in evening, in outer, I IPuls.; in lachry- mal fistula, 11 Agar.; like flea-bites in left inner, with desire to rub, ICaust.; of inner, IIAlum, I Apis, I Aur. met. Bell, Cina, I Graph,Stront.; inleft inner, I IChel, Ipom., Syph.; inrightin- ner, Cinnab.; almost constant, in right inner (tarsal tumors), I IZinc; intolerable, in right inner, 9 p.m., Tromb.; in inner, with lachry- mation, ICon.; at inner angle and lower lid of right, ICinnab.; in outer, Arg. met; in outer, in ophthalmia, after chill, lEuph.; in retinitis, in inner, ISul.; smarting after rub- bing, in inner, Ruta; frequently in small spots, Berb.; of inner, with acrid, corrosive tears after rubbing, better in open air, IGamb.; like the healing of an ulcer, in inner, in evening after sundown, IPuls. Canthi, jerking: in inner, Ant. t; in outer, Cann. i. Canthi, mucocele: underneath inner, from obstruction of duct, IGraph. 8^* polypus. Canthi, mucus: Dig.; dry (brain affection), IHell.; gummy, in inner, HPsor.; hardened, IHep.; hardened, in outer, I llpec; in morn- ing, Ant. c.; copious purulent, during night, IDig.; purulent (ophthalmia), I INux v.; thick- ened, Bism.; thick masses, in inner, after injury, Euph.; tough, IHep.; tough, in inner, Lact. ac; white, worse in left, in morning (ophthalmia scrofulosa), lAmm. br.; yellow, in inner (typhoid), IVer. v. Canthi, pain: in right inner, as if blood went there and could go no farther (rheumatic iritis), I ISyph.; extending from inner, around eye, worse in morning, ICinnab.; inner to articulation of jaw, Iod.; in left inner, lAlum, Fluor, ac; in right inner, extends upward and outward in a semicircle above superciliary ridge, dull heavy pain prevents working, commences 9 a.m., goes off in afternoon (neu- ralgia), ILach. Canthi, polypus: as large as a pea.pedunculated, growing in right outer, ILye 8^* mucocele. Canthi, pressure: Carbo v.; in hemiplegia of face, ICaust.; in inner lower right, ICin- nab.; with lachrymation, IColch.; pain- ful, in inner, HEuph.; in outer angle of left, worse in evening, IMez.; painful, in outer Cinch.; painful in right inner, Stann.; with redness of conjunctiva, I IZinc; in right in- ner, with lachrymation, lEuph.; in left inner, as from a stye, with lachrymation, Stann. Canthi, pricking: in inner and lower lid of right, ICinnab.; in outer, ISul.; in right inner, Coloe 172 * 5. EYES. Canthi, pus : IGraph, IKali bi, INux v, IPhos. ac, I I Ran. b.; in inner, I IZinc; dried muco- pus, Cham.; muco-purulent matter in inner (typhoidfever), I IStram.; inmorning,ICham.; eyes muddy and lustreless (apoplexy), IINux v.; thick acrid in morning, Pic. ac. Canthi, red: Arg. nit, 11 Sib; in blepharitis, IKali e; as blood, lArg. nit.; in lachrymal fistula, 11 Agar.; from acrid lachrymation, INatr. m.; painful inflammation of inner, IGraph. Canthi, shooting: in inner, Ant. t; in inner, with lachrymation, ICon.; in inner of right, Cinnab. Canthi, smarting: Apis, Mar. v., IMur. ac, IRan. sc. Sub; in inner, with ciliary blephar- itis from conjunctivitis granulosa or from smallpox, IPetrol.; in evenings, Ant. t.; of inner, Calc. s.; of inner, with lachrymation, ICon.; in inner, morning in bed, IINux v.; in outer, IHep, ISub; in right outer, IRan. b.; in small spots, Berb. 8#° burning. Canthi,soreness: Apis, Arg. nit,ICham,INux v., Zinc; with burning in outer, IKali e; of inner, with entropion, I ISep.; with fissures, IIGraph.; from acrid lachrymation, INatr. m.; particularly outer, IIAnt. c; in outer, Sep.; in outer, in pterygium, I IZinc; in right outer, IRan. b, IZinc. Canthi, spots: small, humid, in external, pain- ful if sweat touches them, I Ant. c Canthi, sticking: in inner, with ciliary ble- pharitis from conjuntivitis granulosa or from smallpox, IPetrol.; in evening, IPuls.; in left inner, I IChel.; pressive, fine, in inner, after rubbing, IPuls.; in inner, with cloudiness of sight, IZinc 8@f pricking, stinging, stitches. Canthi, stiffness: in outer, in rheumatic in- flammation, IKali bi. Canthi, stinging: Asar.; in inner, Apis ; sudden drawing, in left outer, spreads around, above and below to inner, Spong.; tensive, in left outer, worse moving eyes, disappears on touch, Spong. 8®°* pricking, stitches. Canthi, stitches: ICale; violent, burrowing, presses upper lid down, Spig.; at inner, lAur. met., Bell, IGraph, Jamb.; sharp, fine, in inner, 11 Am.; in left inner, Clem. 8@~ pricking, stinging. Canthi, swelling: of inner, after abuse of mer- cury, Sars.; inflamed, as large as a pigeon's egg in inner, like incipient fistula, I IPetrol.; pustular of left, like a lachrymal fistula, Stann. Canthi, tearing: in left outer, Cinch. Canthi,. twitching: with increased sensitive- ness of face, IKali m.; in outer, Camph.; of left outer, I IPhos.; under left outer, Amyl. Canthi, ulcerate; lApis, IKali c. agf inflamed, pus, soreness. Canthi, 8®° Lachrymal apparatus. CHOROID, atrophic spots: commencing in left, IKali iod.; very marked, surrounded by areolae of active inflammation (chorio-retin- itis), I IPhos.; a single nodule just external to macula, nodule and tissue between it and macula have characteristic prominence and yellow red color, while small lines and dots of choroidal pigment give evidence of approach- ing atrophy in that tissue, I IVer. v. Choroid, congested : in chorio-retinitis, IKali m.; with or without serous effusion, IGels.; hyperaemia, IPhos.; hyperaemia, consequent upon hyperopia, 11 Puis. Choroid, hemorrhage: ILach. Choroid, inflammation (choroiditis): lArs., ICed, IColoe, IGels., llpec, IMere, IMere cor, I IPrun, I ISil, ISpig, ISub; alcoholic, INux v.; chronic, Ced.; circumscribed, I IVer. v.; disseminate, IBell, IGels.; disseminate, progressive, alternates with bronchial catarrh, Ars.; disseminate, especially if syphilitic, Kali iod.; posterior, with chorio-retinitis in myopic patients(hemorrhagic), IPrun.; chorio- retinitis, IKali in, ISub; chorio-retinitis, chronic, with fluid beneath retina causing de- tachment (hemiopia),IAur.met; chorio-retin- itis, ed^es irregular, pigmented (improved), I IKali in.; chorio-retinitis in myopic patients, with sclerectasia posterior, and fluidity of vitreous with floating opacities (hemorrhagic) IPrun.; chorio-retinitis, rapidly progressing, in a man who had been writing in a cellar by poor light for several months and using tobacco to excess, HPhos.; chorio-retinitis, disk a large irregular atrophic spot sur- rounded by several small ones, IKali m.; chorio-retinitis, with throbbing pain, espe- cially in left eye, worse in morning, worse lying down, INux v.; chorio-retinitis, choroid thick- ened, IKali m.; serous, IBry, IGels., Uab, I IPsor.; in a myopic eye, caused by straining eyes, 11 Ruta; subacute, subject to arthritis vaga, venous hyperaemia of capillaries, 11 Puis.; suppurative, in right eye (a child after needle operation for cataract), I IPhyt; syph- ilis, IMere, IKali iod. Choroid, papules: Hippoz. Choroid, thickened: chorio-retinitis, IKali m. CILIARY BODY, inflammation: IIHep, IMere cor, ISil. CIRCUMORBITAL, aching: IMez. Circumorbital, acute pains: about left, IKali bi. 8®" neuralgia. Circumorbital, bloodvessels: distended (eman- sio mensium), IDig. Circumorbital bruised feeling: lAur. met. Circumorbital, burning: Chloral, IGraph.; with lachrymation (Basedow's disease), I ISpong. 8®~ heat. Circumorbital, circles: ISep.; black, IVer.; black, frombruise,IHam.; blue, Ailant,Anac, Cadm. s, ICamph, ICanth, Chim. umb,ICina, HCinch, Coccul, Crotal, Cup. m, ICycl, IFerr., IGels, llgn, ILach, IILyc, Mane, INux m, INux v, I lOleand, IPhos, IPhyt, Rhus, Stram, IISul, IVer.; blue, in fis- tula ani, IIBerb.; broad, blue, Ars. h., Psor.; dull bluish, I IStram.; blue, in cholera, I IVer.; blue, in cholerine, IFerr.; blue, with pale face, Jatroph, IINatr. c, I lOleand.; blue, with pale face and palpitation, ICale a.; blue, in gastritis mucosa in a child, lArs.; blue, in headache, Bism.; blue, after menses, IPhos.; blue, in ophthalmia, ICie; blue, in chronic ovaritis and leucorrhcea, I IPlat.; blue, in sper- matorrhoea, IZinc; blue, with worms, ICina, IFilix; dark, ICina, INatr. c, I IPuls, I I Xan.; dark, in cholera, I Ant. t ,ICup.ac; dark,in dia- betes mellitus, 11 Uran. n.; dark, with earthy face, IPuls.; dark, in yellow fever, I Ars., INux v.: dark, in chronic headache, INaja; dark brown, in bilious remittent, ICrotal.; dark, in 5. EYES. 173 spermatorrhoea, IGels.; dark, with worms, ICale, ICina; green, IVer.; red, in paraplegia, I Ars.; red, about right. I IStram.; yellow, Col- lin., IINux v. BST" Eyes sunken, Infraorbital half-circles. Circumorbital, feeling of contraction: Cornus, IKali m. 8*3^° tension. Circumorbital, cutting : ICrotal. Circumorbital, disagreeable sensation, about left: Pallad. Circumorbital, drawing pain, worse at night and toward morning (scrofulous and syphilitic iritis): IISul. Circumorbital, ecchymosis: HPhos.; from blow, I Arn, IIErig, I IHam.; purpura from slight knock, ILach., IPhos, ISul. ac. 8g^° circles. Circumorbital, eruption : Ars.; of small blisters, Crotal.; of boils, ISil.; fine, looks red and puffy ,IEnph.;in keratitis pustulosa, IMere .sob; pimples, like small boils, IMere cor.; small, inflamed (blepharophthalmia), IHep.; pus- tular (keratitis pustulosa), I ISub; inflamed, pustular, after dogbite, ILyss. Circumorbital, headache: about left, Brach.; about right, in evening, ICale Circumorbital, heat: IGlon.; and correspond- ing soreness of side of head (iritis), IMere; in syphilitic iritis, IIThuya; in prosopalgia, I ISpig. BgjT" burning. Circumorbital, heaviness: Cornus. Circumorbital, inflammation : with burning sticking, INitr.ac; erysipelatous, Como.; ery- sipelatous, about left orbit and down left side of nose, I Apis. Circumorbital, itching : Berb, ICarbo v. Case, Pallad, Sars.; especially in inner canthi, Chrom. ac. Circumorbital, margins: 8€gQ" circles. Circumorbital, neuralgia: daily at same hour, with flushing of that side of face, IKali cy. 8§p acute pain, shooting, tearing. Circumorbital, numbness: IIAsaf. Circumorbital, pains (undefined): Amm. br, IChloral, llgn, INitr.-ac, IIPuls, I ISub; spreads to frontal sinuses and head, I ISpig.; extending from left eye beyond right eye- brow, while walking, at 10 a.m., Pallad.; worse from motion and in fresh air, better from strong pressure and wrapping up head (ceph- alalgia), 11 Ma mi. m.; worse at night,ICinnab.; in pneumonia, IMere; in retinitis, ISub; worse from touch (iritis), IMere, IMere cor. Circumorbital, pressing: I ICham.; painful, after taking cold, worse in open air (incipient cataract), HSep.; constant violent, painful all around, worse to a frightful degree on moving eyes or exposure to light (scrofulous ophthalmia), I ISul.; in afternoon, as if eyes were too large, 11 Phyt; pain about left, IMez. Circumorbital, rings : 8^° circles. Circumorbital, felt a shock in left orbital in- teguments (scarlatina): I IRhus. Circumorbital, shooting, with scalding lachry- mation, at 1 p.m., lasts an hour, decreases, ceasing at 3 p.m. (rheumatic iritis): I ISyph. B§T* neuralgia. Circumorbital, sickly look : I ICina. Circumorbital, skin: dry, scurfy, IPetrol.; glos- sy, INatr. m.; white about (scarlatina), 11 Zinc. Circumorbital, smarting: especially in inner canthi, Chrom. ac. ! Circumorbital, soreness : IPsor.; as if bruised, Brach. Circumorbital, sticking : worse at night, I Aeon. Circumorbital, stiffness: of muscles, IIKalm. Circumorbital, stinging: Spong.; in left orbit, .Esc. h. Circumorbital, stitches: ICham.;in upper, from pressure and toward evening, Aeon. Circumorbital, swelling: HApis, IFerr, IKali c, INatr. a., HPhos.; in albuminuria, lArs.; in asthma, IKali e; on awaking, Nitr. ac; closes eyes, IIRhus v.; erysipelatous, IRhus; ery- sipelatous, begins in left, extends over face, neck and scrotum, vesicles stain yellow, burn- ing and itching (scarlatina), I IRhus ; watery, erysipelatous, lApis; in intermittent, IFerr.; in irido-choroiditis, IRhus; in neuralgia of trigeminus, lArs.; about right, I IStram. Circumorbital, tearing : worse in evening and night, Coloe; constant, around right, passing backward from inner canthus to articulation of jaws, Hod.; on looking at light (scrofulous ophthalmia), lArs.; worse at night, lAcon.; especially in orbits, IMez.; in right, I IPaeonia. 8®*' neuralgia. Circumorbital, tenderness: ICalab, IColoe, INitr. ac. Circumorbital, tension : INux m. 8@r" contraction. Circumorbital, threadlike pain: from cheek towards eye, ICepa. Circumorbital, throbbing : lArs. Circumorbital, twitching: HCalab. CONJUNCTIVA, blennorrhcea: ICadm. s, IHep, IMere; gonorrhceal, IPuls.; with smarting, IKreo.; malignant, leuco-phleg- matic temperaments, IThuya; suppressed, causes prosopalgia, llgn. Conjunctiva, bloodshot: g^~ congestion. Conjunctiva, burning: Berb, IIKreo. 8^° heat, smarting. Conjunctiva, carcinoma: Thuya. Conjunctiva, catarrhal affection: ICham,Gamb. 8^° inflammation, Ophthalmia catarrhal. Conjunctiva, bloodvessels: bunches of injected, terminating in vesicles, IIMerc. cor.; full of dark, which lose themselves in cornea (oph- thalmia), lApis; distended (chronic syphi- litic ophthalmia),, IMere; enlarged, IBell, IClem., IHep, I IVer. v.; enlarged in right, lArs. met.; enlarged veins run nearly hori- zontally toward cornea, terminate in little blisters near edge of cornea, worse from cry- ing, IHep.; numerous (traumatic), I Euph.; covered with red, Bell.; strangulated, lArg. nit; suggillation, of right, IIKreo.; tortuous, HVer. v.; varicose, I Alum.; arthritic, with accumulation of white matter in canthi, ILye; with burning in edges of lids, worse afternoon (blepharoadenitis), ISang.; chronic, IHep.; with yellow secretion, IKali s. 8@?° congestion, inflammation ; also Oph- thalmia catarrhal. Conjuctiva,chemosis; IIAeon,HApis,!Arg. nit, ICon, IHep, llpec, IKali iod, ILach., INatr. m., IRhus, I ISil, Vespa; after cataract extrac- tion, IGuaraea; suppurative choroiditis in right eye after needle operation for cataract, I I Phyt.; in acute catarrhal conjunctivitis, I Apis, llpec; in croupous conjunctivitis, IKali bi.; in suppurative traumatic irido-choroiditis, I IRhus; in iritis, I Arg. nit; in pustular kerati- 174 5. EYES. tis, dark red, HApis; of left, Ars. s. r.; in ciliary neuralgia, with acute conjunctivitis, I ITereb.; in right eye (hereditary syphilis), I ISyph.; with acrid tears and coryza, lEuph.; pale, yellow (diphtheritic conjunctivitis), IMere iod. rub.; in zymosis, Crotal. 8€&P* swelling. Conjunctiva, congestion: bloodshot, IIAcon., yEthus., Aloe, Alum, Amm. c, Amyb, lApis, I Arg. nit, lArn, Bapt., IIBell, Canth,IChloral., IColch.,Dig, Dory, Eryng., IGlon, IHam, Iodof, IKali br, IIKali m, Lyss, Med., IMyr. cer, INatr. m., I INatr. p.; bloodshot, in apoplexy, IVer. v.; bloodshot, from cough, HArn., ICrotal.; bloodshot, in spasmodic croup, IBell.; bloodshot, at night, IKali br.; bloodshot, with swollen face (con- gestive headache), IMelil.; in intermittent, ICact.; bloodshot with headache, IBell, IGlon, I I Melib ; bloodshot, in hydroceph- alus, ICup. ac; bloodshot, in purpura haemor- rhagica, IPhos.; bloodshot, from exposure to sun, Cact.; congested, at time for return of menses (climaxis), I ICalab.; congested from least exposure to cold or wind, Natr.a.; con- gested from violence of concussion in whoop- ing cough, small vessels ruptured, IHam.; con- gested after debauchery or sitting up late at night to study, INux v.; congestion of left, in suppressed intermittent,I ISpig.; congested, in typhus, Crotal.; congested, in headache, lAct. rac, IBell, IGlon.; congestion, palpebral, IMere cor,Phelb; congestion, palpebral, of left eye, IChloral.; congestion, palpebral, pale red, shining (scrofulosis), ICon.; congestion, palpe- bral,lowerright, I I Vespa; congestion,palpebral (retinitis hemarolopica), ILye; congestion, with paralysis of right side, I IPrun.; passive congestion, I I Naja ; passive congestion, with soft granulation, I IPlumb.; congestion, with photophobia (dysmenorrhoea), HXan.; con- gestion in pneumonia, IBell.; with pulsation on stooping, Seneg.; injected, I Amyl, Ant. t, I Apis, Ars. h., Arum, d., Asar., Astac, IBell, ICamph, Cann. i., Ced., IChin. s., ICrot t, Ferr. m, IGraph, Grin, IHam, llpec, TrKali ars, IKali iod, IMere cor., IMere cy, IMorph. s, IINatr. m, INux v, IOp., I IPhos, Pod, I ISang., Sec, Sep., J ISil, Spig., IStram., IISul, Tereb.; in- jected, with mental anxiety, Lyss.; in in- flammation of brain, IMer. v.; injected, in cephalalgia, ILach.; injected, in sclero-cho- roiditis, I I Sib; injected, in suppurative cho- roiditis, in right eye after needle operation for cataract, I IPhyt; injected, especially right side, after catching cold (child), llpec; in conjunctivitis, IChloral, IKali c, INatr. a.; injected in leucoma, IKali c; injected, in conjunctivitis scrofulosa, IKali bi.; bundles of injected vessels converge toward cornea, IIPuls.; bunches of injected vessels run toward cornea, where they form little vesi- cles with turbid secretion, IHep, IIMerc. cor.; injected, in coryza, llCepa; injected, in convulsions before menses, IIPuls.; in- jected, in delirium, IBell.; injected, dirty red, especially near external can thus, left eye worse, IMez.; injected, in epilepsy, IBufo; injected, in typhoid, ILach, IVer. v.; injected, in yellow fever, INux v.; injected from inner canthus to margin of cornea (traumatic), ICon.; injected, in syphilitic iritis, I IThuya; injected, in keratitis pustulosa, IMere sol, IISul.; left, injected, Eryng, I ISub; outer half of left injected, ICinnab.; left, injected, painful, Chloral.; injected, as if vessels were filled with dirty liquid, IStram.; injected, in menin- gitis, IStram.; injected, with migraine, IKali br.; injected, cannot see well, like a mist be- fore eyes (congestive headache), IGlon.; in- jected, in neuralgia, IMagn. p.; injected, in ciliary neuralgia, I Amyb; injected, in ophthal- mia tarsi, IMere cor.; injection, in catarrhal ophthalmia, lEuph.; injected, in phlyctenu- lar ophthalmia, I I Merc. cor.; injected, in rheu- matic ophthalmia, IColoe; injected, in scro- fulous ophthalmia, lArs.; injected vessels from larger trunks run from conjunctiva bulbi over edge of cornea in a very slightly tortuous course and then divide into numer- ous branches without forming many anasto- moses, their disposition is arborescent (eri- thistic scrofulous ophthalmia), IMere cor.; injected, in chronic syphilitic ophthalmia, IMere.; injected, in ozaena, I ISyph.; with much pain, I ISub; with pain in and around eye, usually worse atnight, ICrot. t; injected, in prosopalgia, IMez.; left, injected, in proso- palgia, 11 Ver.; injected, in pterygium, I IZinc; injected, from reading, lAmmoniac, lApis; injected, worse from reading and candle- light, Bapt.; injected, in lyssophobia, ILvss.; right, injected, IISul, Vespa; injected,with soreness, Sang.; subconjunctival and pericor- neal tissue profusely injected with very fine vessels, through which was also distributed a large quantity of pigments, forming a zone as striking in appearance as the one occupying the corneal limbus, into which it impercepti- bly merged, IMere iod. flav.; injection, from overuse, especially by artificial light, pain in eyes during night, INux v.; injection variable, at no time commensurate with severity of pain, redness usually dark, especially during later stages, may be bright during height of inflammation, I ITereb.; injected, with ver- tigo, IBell, IGlon.; redness, lAnt. c, HApis, HArs, Ars. h, HArs. m, Ast. r., Bapt, Bar. c, Berb, Bism, Bufo, Calc, Calc. s., ICaps, Card, m., ICepa, Chin, s., Chloral, ICinnab, Coff., ICup. m, IDig, Elaps, Erig., IIEup. pur., IGraph., IHep, IHyos, Iber, llgn.,llpec, IKali bi, I IKali c, IIKreo, ILach, ILye, Lyss., Mar. v, IMeph, IIMerc. cor, IMere sol, INitr.ac, CEnan., IOp, IPlumb., IPsor., I IRan. b, I IRumex, Sep., Spig, Spong, Stram, ISul, I ISyph, Vace, Vespa, Viol, Ziz.; red, in amaurosis, I ISub; red, in apoplexy and old age, IBar. e; red, in asthma, ICup. m.; red, like blood, IThuya; red, traversed by large bloodvessels, Calc. p,lEuph., IKali bi.; bluish red, lArs, Ferr. iod.; red, with burning, IBry, IFerr.; red and smarting as from salt, in left, especially in upper part, I IZinc; red, with pressive buming,Cinch.; red, in cataract, I ISil.; red, in hay catarrh, ISabad, I ISticta; red and irritable, in serous choroiditis, IGels.; red, as from a cold, llris; red, eyes become distorted (spasms after fright), ICup. m.; red, in coryza, I Aeon, Ars. m, ICepa, IPhyt, Ver.; red, in coryza, at beginning of influenza, IPuls • red with cough, lAcon, IPhyt.; dark red, Cham ' 5. EYES. 175 IChel, ITereb.; red, during day, ISub; red, in delirium tremens, first stage, IBell, IKali bi.; red, with drawing, Con.; dull red, I ISep.; dull red, in scarlet fever, IMur. ac; red after exertion, especially in evening, I INiccol.; red in evenings, Ant. t; red, worse in evening, (cere- bral hyperaemia), IHyos.; red, with flushed hot face and palpitation, Iber.; face red on af- fected side, ITereb.; red, with swollen face, ICinnab.; red (tertian ague), INatr. m.;red, in intermittent, IFerr.; red, in rheumatic fever, lArn.; red, in yellow fever, IMere, ISub; red, with heat and rush of blood to forehead, IIPuls.; red, in headache, IBell., -Carbo a, IGlon.; red, with fulness in left eye, before, during and at end of menses, or when menses do not appear, IGlon.; red, in hydrocephaloid, HApis; red, glassy (hydrocephalus), IHell.; red,after using eyes, with heaviness of lids, IMere per.; indolent redness, after primary disease has been cured, INux v.; pale, in- flammatory redness, Coloe; red, with in- flammation and lachrymation, Sib; red, in injuries, IIAcon, I Am, lEuph, IHep, ■Sil.; red, in insanity, IINux v., HVer. v.; red, with lachrymation, IIAlum, -Camph, IGraph,!INatr.rn,ICrotal, IKali iod,ISpong, Gels.; red, with feeling as if balls were too large and compressed, IINatr. m.; redness of left, Ant. c, "Carbo a, IChloral, Eryng, 11 Uran. n.; red, with agglutination of lids, ICrotal; lower part red, 7rPsor.; red in mea- sles, IIAcon, lEuph.; redness of right after measles, I Arg. met.; redness of affected side, in supraorbital migraine, ISpig.; red in morn- ing, Apoe, IRhus; red in morning, left worse (ophthalmia scrofulosa), lAmm. br.; red, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Menyanth.; red, in neuralgia, IChel.; in periodical neuralgia, INatr. m.; red, worse in night and from warmth, Arn.; red, in phlyctenular ophthalmia, I IMere cor.; right, red vessels convergingtoward iris (rheu- matic ophthalmia), I ISyph.; red, in ophthal- mia scrofulosa, I Ars.; pale red, swollen (mela- notic tumor), Aur. met; persistent redness, especially at inner angle, worse evening and in open air, remaining after pustular keratitis (phlyctenular ophthalmia), I IZinc; red, with photophobia (meningitis), IBell, iGlon.; red, particularly left eye, with photophobia (scrof- ulous constitution), ICon.; pink, IIArg. nit, Berb.; red, in pneumonia, I Arn, IMelil.; red, at one point, IChloral.; red,with pressing, Niccol., Psor, ISil.; red, with pressure as from grain of sand, worse in morning, Con.; red, protrud- ing, Dory.; red, like pterygium, toward inner canthus, I Arg. nit, Tromb.; red in rheuma- tism, I Ant. t; redness of right, Chloral., INatr. m, I IRhus ; red, scarlet, IIArg. nit; red, in scarlatina, HAilant; red, after sexual excesses, HStaph.; red spots, Camph., I IPuls.; red, right, with external strabismus (head- ache), IColoe; red, after straining while sew- ing, worse in warm room, better in open air, IIArg. nit; red, with swelling, INux v.; red, with styes, I ISep.; red, in tarsal tumors, 11 Zinc.; red, swollen, Led.; red, right, in hereditary syphilis, I ISyph.; red, in veta, ICoca; red, with wild expression, IIGlon. 8^*" inflammation, also Ophthalmia. Conjunctiva, a number of small depressions: llpec Conjunctiva, discharge : mattery, Calab, I IMil- lef. ; mild profuse, 11 Sticta; mucous, frequently wipes as if to remove, INux v., IPuls.; mucous secretion increased, IPuls, Sarrae; mucous in morning, 11 Sib; mucous, in morning on awak- ing, Arg. nit; mucous, copious in pannus, lApis; mucous, with photophobia (scrofulous constitution), ICon.; mucous, with smarting, ILye; of bland mucus (trachoma), IPuls.; of white mucus, Lachn, 11 Petrol.; mucous, feeling as if tight skin came halfway down over right, preventing sight when blowing nose, removed by rubbing, I ICaust; copious muco-serous in parenchymatous iritis, I I Sib; purulent, 11 Sep.; thick yellow pus, morning, with burning, worse reading, Bapt. BgF" inflammation, also Ophthalmia. Conjunctiva, dryness:* IIAcon, IIAlum, Asaf, Asar,Atrop.s,Bar.e, IBell, Berb, ICaust,Ced., Chin.s,IClem, Crotal., Dros.,Euphor,IEuph., IMagn. c, Mang, IMere per., Natr. a, Natr. c, IOp.,Pie ac, IRhus, Sep., ISub, Thuya,Vinca, IZinc; in afternoon, from 4 p.m. till evening, Caust.; worse in afternoon to evening, INatr. s.; on awaking, Elaps, IStaph.; burning, Sang.; in hay catarrah, I ISticta ; in conjunctivitis, llgn., IHydras.; with sensation as if darkened by mucus, which ought to be wiped away, IIPuls.; in evening, ILye, Niccol.; in evening, in chronic catarrh, lAlum.; wyorse in evening (catarrhal ophthalmia), I IPuls.; dry feeling, ICaust., Lachn, I ILith, Mane, Pseonia, Ver., IZinc; dry feeling, with profuse discharge, Euphor.; dry feeling, in evening, Coloe; dry feeling, painful in evening, 11 Sil.; dryness, as if a foreign body were pressing in eye, in morning, IPuls.; in syphilitic iritis, 11 Zinc; follows lachrymation in morning, I ISub; soon succeeded by lachry- mation, better by pressure on both lids, ICroe; cannot close lids, IINux m.; in morn- ing, conjunctivitis, INatr. a.; in morning, then lachrymation, I ICaust.; especially moving eyeball (iritis), I Arg. nit; painful, as if dry, Rumex; painful, as if dry, with nightly ag- glutination, ILye; with pressure, IMez.; with sensation of pressure, in evening, IStaph.; in right, Chrom. ac.; with soreness, as if bruised in left, Natr. ph.; in trachoma, IPuls. Conjunctiva, ecchymosis: ILed.; from whoop- ing cough, or injuries, I Arn.; at outer corner of each (purpura), I ITereb.; from blow, I Arn, I lErig, IHam, ILed.; indistinctly defined spots, IKali m.; scattered here and there from straining, ILye; in diphtheritic conjunc- tivitis, IMere iod. rub.; suggillations, HArn.; tending toward trachoma, with discharge and pain, I ISang.; painless, circumscribed, red, like extravasations, INux v. 8®° spots. Conjunctiva, flaccid : in catarrhal ophthalmia, I IPuls.; palpebral, I IRhus. Conjunctiva, glassy: Kali ars. 8®1" glassy. Conjunctiva, granulated ; Eryng.; over entire bulbus of left, ICaust; in ophthalmia scrofu- losa, HArs. Conjunctiva, hemorrhage: ICale, ICham., *" ICrotal, IILach, IINux v., HPhos.; with burning (congestion to head,whooping cough), ICarbo v.; in whooping cough, INux v.; hem- orrhagic effusions undergoing degeneration, IIMerc. iod. flav.; especially in course of 176 5. EYES. zymotic disease, irregularities in menses and hemorrhagic states of body, ICrotal., ILach. Conjunctiva, herpes : I Hep. Conjunctiva, infiltrated: I Arg. nit, Ipec; presenting a firm fibrinous nature in diph- theritic conjunctivitis, IMere iod. rub. Conjunctiva, inflamed (conjunctivitis): Abrot, Acet. ac, yEthus, IIAgar, Ailant, IIAlum, Amm. c, IIAnt. a., lAnt. c. Ant. t, lApis, IIArg. nit, HArn., HArs., Asar., Ascl. t, Bapt, I Bar. e, 11 Bell., Benz.ac, Berb, HCale, ICale fl, ICaust, ICham., 1 IChin. s.,IChloral., Chrom. ac, IClem, Coccus, IColch, IColoe, Cop, ICroe ,Daph, Dory,Elaps,Erig,Euphor, lEup. pert, IIFerr. ph, IGlon, I Grin., IHep., Hippoz, IHydras, llgn., I IMere cor., IMere iod. rub, INatr*. m., I INatr. ph, Nitr. ac, Phyt, I IPlumb., Psor, IPuls, I IRatan, IIRhus, Sarrac,HSep,IStram,HSul,l ISyph.; acute, after first stage lax or ecchymosed tissue, watery mucus or milky secretions, lEuph.; subacute, IPhos.; in afternoon, first right then left, I IBadiag ; every afternoon at 4, lArs.; al- ternating with sore throat, I IParis; with feel- ing as if balls were too large and compressed, IINatr. m.- with burning, lArs, IPsor.; with pressing, burning, Phos.; burning sting- ing, I Apis, IFerr.; at canthi, Bor.; now in one then in other can thus, with stye on lid, I IPuls.; in cataract, I ISil.; catarrhal, IBell, ICepa, Cupr. s, IIEuph, I ISticta; catarrhal, with drawing in external canthus and smarting in eyes, better bathing in cold water, worse morning and evening, ISep.; catarrhal with chemosis, llpec; especially acute form, either from a cold, bathing or measles, IPuls.; catar- rhal, with profuse yellow discharge, llpec; catarrhal,with gastric bilious symptoms,IPuls.; catarrhal chronic, with inflammation of mei- bomian and ciliary glands, IStaph.; catarrhal chronic, granulations large, like warts or blis- sters, worse at night, IThuya; catarrhal, after inflammatory stage, IHep.; catarrhal, with great pain and hyperaemia, IHam.; catarrhal, chronic, tending toward trachoma, with red- ness and excoriation of lids and a dull feeling, with itching in eyes in evening, IMere cor.;with chemosis,small spots here and there like ecchy- moses (sequelae of iritis), IKali bi.; chronic, lAnt c, ICamph, IDig, I IRhus v.; chronic, with a fine rosy red injection around cornea, IMere viv.; chronic, with granular lids, green pus, INatr. s.; chronic, worse in morning, INatr. a.; from exposure to cold, ICham.; cornea hazy, IKaii s.; with coryza, ISub ae; fluent coryza, ICain., llCepa; with epidemic cough in chil- dren, I Jamb.; croupous, mild cases (a condition midway between purulent and general croup- ous inflammation), false membrane loosely adherent, easily detached, tendency to roll up and separate in shreds which come away in discharges of stringy appearance, IKali bi.; in damp atmosphere, ICham. ; in dentition, ICale p.; diphtheritic, IMere iod. rub. ; dis- charge worse in morning, ICinch.; discharge white, mucous, with acrid lachrymation, INatr. m.; discharge muco-purulent, in morn- ing, and dryness in evening, ISep.; sen- sation as if eyes were covered with mucous discharge which could be wiped away, IIPuls.; with dryness, Bar. c; with numer- ous ecchymoses, tending toward trachoma, with moderate discharge and pain, I ISang.; in eruptive diseases, I Apis, Crotal, IPuls.; after fever has subsided, case tends to become chronic, INatr.a.; follicular, ISep.; follicular, chronic, chiefly confined to oculo-palpebral folds, trachoma, INatr. m.; follicular, in sum- mer, worse in morning, INux v.; follicular and trachomatous, during summer, or worse hot weather, ISep.; granular, IIArg. nit, IMere, IPetrol.; granular, like small blisters, I I Natr. ph, INatr. s. Thuya ; granular, with circum- orbital pain, IPhyt.; granular, better from cold applications, I IPuls.; granular, worse in right eye, I I Rhus;granular, after suppressed gonor- rhoea, 11 Psor.; granular,ulcers, IMere iod. flav.; with headache, I IBadiag, IIBell, Calend, I IGlon,IKali iod,Med,Stilling.; worse by heat, IBry.; idiopathic, chronic, torpid, ICadm.s.;in infant, I Arg. nit, ICham.; in influenza, I Ars, IBell, ICepa, IPhos., I ISang.; from injuries, IIAcon., I Arn, ICalend, Cochl,lEuph,IFerr. ph,HHam, IHyper., I ISil.; from a bite in nose, ILyss.; with itching, in canthi, ILye; wuth lachrymation, lAtrop, ICepa, lEuph.; in left eye, Ars. s.r,Arumm.,Chloral,Euph, I IPuls, I ISpig.; inleft, acute (after syphilis), I ISyph.; with leucoma, IKali e; in measles, lEuph, IFerr. ph, IIPuls.; after measles, lArg. met, IGraph, IMere, INatr. ph.; in meningitis, IBell, IStram.; during menses, I IZinc; worse morning,! Apoc,INatr.a,INux v.;painful from presence of foreign body (after Aeon.), ISub; painful, of left, recurring frequently, characterized by a bundle of congested vessels extending from inner canthus toward cornea, ILach.; pains worse night, IZinc; periodical, with colic, IBry.; periodical, for three months, I ISub; every summer, worse morning and evening, I ISep.; phlyctenular, ISep.; recurrent phlyctenular, I ISibfwith photophobia, IBell, INatr. c, INatr. ph.; in pneumonia, lAnt. t; with pressure as from a grain of sand, worse morning, Con.; in prosopalgia, IChel.; pupils dilated, ILyss.; pustular, HClem., ICrot. t, lEuph, IGraph, llpec, IIPuls, 11 Sec, IITelb; pustular, with whitish discharge, IPuls.; pustular, with lachrymation, HSub; pustular, with eczema impitigenoides on lids, and purulent discharge from eyes, IITelb; pustular, with acute inflammation of lids, HPetrob; pustular,after measles,I IMere; pus- tular, with old ciliary blepharitis,after measles, IGraph.; recurrent pustular,chronic form,scro- fulous basis, IPsor.; pustular, at first better bathing, then worse, I ISub; looks like raw beef, Arn, HArs, ILye, I ISul.; of right eye, Canth, IChloral, ICinnab, IHekla, Jamb, Kali bi, IMere, I IPhos. ac, Psor, IISul, llVespa, I IZinc; on rising in morning, IMez.; scrofulous, IKali bi, ITelb; scrofulous, with induration of glands, Hod. ; with ab- scesses similar to styes on one lid of each eye, I I Puis.; scrofulous, with sharp pains, ISpig.; with stitching and pressure, ISep.; with violent pains in teeth and face, worse warmth, better cold, IBry.; sore to touch, IHep.; trachomatous, with pannus, IMere per.; trachomatous, with pannus from working in wet, ICale; with scrofulous ulcers, IIBar. m.; of upper part, as far as covered by lid, Ign.; after vaccination, I IThuya ; after vari- 5. EYES. 177 ola, 11 Vace; vernalis, INux v.; with vesicles containing clear fluid, ICale; from getting wet, IRhus ; from cold, dry winds, IIAcon. S^T" Ophthalmia. Conjunctiva, injected : 8@P congestion. Conjunctiva, irritability: IINatr. in.; from bulging of cornea and sclerotica, I Euph.; in hay fever, IINux v.; with throbbing in ear and right side of head, Calab. Conjunctiva, itching: 8@P~ Eyes and Lids. Conjunctiva, lax ; 8®" flaccid. Conjunctiva, nodule: over each external rec- tus, large and painful, INux m. Conjunctiva, painful: Natr. a.; left, IChloral. Conjunctiva, papillae, enlarged : I ISep. Conjunctiva, phlyctenules: 8®°" vesicles. Conjunctiva, polypi : IStaph, Thuya; large, from upper lid, IKali bi. Conjunctiva, protruding: g®*- chemosis, swelling. Conjunctiva, pterygium: lAmm. br, I Ars, Chim. umb, IForm., ILach., Psor, IRatan, Tell.; from inner canthus, lEuph.; from right inner canthus, over cornea, I ISpig.; from outer canthus, towards cornea, I Calc; over cornea, INux m.; pink, I Arg. nit.; in heredi- tary psora, ISub; covered one half of pupil, growing rapidly, discharges, especially by ar- tificial light, I IZinc; in right eye, I Ars. met; in right eye, just encroaching on cornea, in left, extending to pupil from internal can- thus, breadth of one and a half lines, thick and vascular, I I Zinc. Conjunctiva, puffy : BSF* chemosis. Conjunctiva, pustules : lAntt, IGraph,IMere, IMere iod. flav.; in a child, nose sore, excori- ated,prickly heat, IGraph.; with lachrymation, photophobia, pain worse noon and afternoon, I IGraph.; on lower part (catarrhal ophthal- mia), IISul.; two, near cornea of right, I IPuls.; constant feeling of sand, I IPuls.; with sharp stinging, great lachrymation and redness, I IPuls.; small, white, IKali bi. 8@r" inflammation pustular. Conjunctiva, red: ggg*- congestion. Conjunctiva, rough ;Eryng. 8@" inflammation granular, also Lids granulated. Conjunctiva, small rugae running over it (con- junctivitis) : INatr. a. Conjunctiva, sarcoma: Iod. Conjunctiva, smarting: as if soap were in eyes, morning, ISeneg.; sudden, I Amyl. 8@" biting, burning, heat, itching. Conjunctiva, spots: small, burning, IPhos.; chronic, congested, more often on temporal side, usually about one to three lines, about cornea, of dark red color, apparently embedded in sclera (syphilis), ISyph. 8®" ecchymosis. Conjunctiva, stinging: in acute catarrhal con- junctivitis, IA pis. Conjunctiva, swelling: I Arg. nit, Cham, INatr. m.,1 ISul.;afterblennorrhoea,ICadm. s.; in bay catarrh, I ISticta; especially right side, after catching cold (child), llpec; as far as cornea (whooping cough, hordeolum), IChel. ;dermoid, INatr. c, INatr. m. Thuya; of right (paren- chymatous iritis), I ISil.; ccdematous, of outer segment, I Ars.; like pterygium, toward inner canthus, lArg. nit; puffy, IKali bi., Syph.; red, puffed, about edge of cornea, IGraph.; saclike, with yellow purulent discharge,IRhus; semi-transparent,baggy,extends up over cornea in left lower half of right eye, comes over cornea on pressing it, 11 Vespa; tumefaction, IKali iod. 8®° chemosis. Conjunctiva, syndesmitis: exanthematica, espe- cially with crusta lactea, IGraph.; exanthe- matica, pustular form, IMere cor.; membra- nacea, IMere iod. flav. Conjunctiva, thickened : of lids, full of new bloodvessels, cannot perceive light, ragged (pannus), lApis. Conjunctiva, trachoma; 8€§"' Lids granulated. Conjunctiva, ulceration: IIAlum,Coloe, ICrot. t, Hippoz., IHydras, "Psor. Conjunctiva, ulcers: small on left, IChloral.; ulcers, especially if there is much photophobia, llpec; left, studded with ulcers (scrofulous ophthalmia), IIRhus. Conjunctiva, vascularity : 8®" bloodvessels, congestion. Conjunctiva, vesicles: large phlyctenules on outer side of cornea, I I Squilla; phlyctenules on right, at edge of cornea,IChloral.; phlycten- ules, near cornea, with coryza, pain in fore- head (catarrhal ophthalmia, IEuph.;phlycten- ules with ulcers on cornea. IPuls.; chronic cases of large phlyctenules, involving subcon- junctival tissue, IThuya; phlyctenules espe- cially if there is much photophobia, llpec; superfical phlyctenular, IIKali m. 8gg° inflammation phlyctenular. Conjunctiva,yellow: j Amm. m, Ars.h, Astac, Calc. s, ICanth., ICham, Chim. m, HCinch, Clem, Cornus,!ICrotal, Cupr.s., IDig, IGels, IMyr. cer, INatr. s., Pic. ac, IPlumb, IPod, IVer.; brownish (jaundice), IPhos.; brown points, IKali bi.; with chill, I I Eup. pur.; in biliary colic, ICinch.; deep, IChel.; dirty, IChel, Hod, Myr. cer, IKali bi.; dirty, in delirium tremens, HStram.; in intermittent fever, HCinch, IChin. s, 11 Elat ; in inter- mittent suppressed by Cinchona, INatr. m.; in tertian, I INux v.; in prevailing intermit- tent, ISang.; in yellow fever, IINux v, ISub; after gastralgia, I IPlumb.; dark greenish, IHydras.; in jaundice, ICinch, IChin. s, IDolich, lElat, IHydras, IILach.; jaun- dice of the newborn, 11 Elat; jaundiced, in enlargement of liver, IChel.; jaundiced' in fatty liver, IPhos.; jaundiced, in functional de- rangement of liver, I ISep.; in hepatitis,IMere ; yellow (lower part), IINux v.; yellowish red- ness of palpebrarum, Dig.; yellow spots, Phos. ac; yellow spots during pregnancy, Amm. c. CORNEA, abrasion of epithelial layer: ISyph. Cornea, abscess: with hypopion, IMere cor.; especially deep sloughing form, and with hy- popion, IHep. Cornea, bloodvessels : bunches of, coming to- wards and terminating in vesicles, I IMere cor.; fine, on edge (keratitis pustulosa), I ISub; traversed by dense mass, lAur. mur.; covered with red, ICaust.; varicose distension, obscur- ing sight, I IPlumb. 8®° congestion, inflammation. Cornea, bluish, with spots : ICale Cornea, bulging : g^- staphyloma. Cornea, chemosis: IHep. Cornea, cicatrices : 8®° macula?. Cornea, circle: Spring. Cornea, congestion : hyperaemia of epithelial layer (scrofulous ophthalmia b 11 Sib; injected, Thuya ; injected (herpes comeae), llgn.; peri- 12 178 5. EYES. corneal injection, deep bluish red, marked at corneal margin, and fading off to wards reflex- ial fold of conjunctiva, I IPlumb.; redness, IHep.; very red at edges (scrofulous ophthal- mia), IKali bi.; fine, rosy red injection around, with chronic conjunctivitis, IMere viv.; red- ness, with a zone around, Crotal.; vascularity, IGraph, llpec.; vascular eroded, I Arg. .nit.; interstitial vascularity, Aur. met. Cornea, conical: lEuph, IIPuls. 8§F° protruding, staphyloma. Cornea, degenerated (ophthalmia scrofulosa): lArs. Cornea, deposits : on lower posterior portion of left, pupil dilated, IGels.; lymph and pig: ment on posterior wall (sequel of iritis), iKali bi. S®3" opacity. Cornea, depressed in centre (traumatic in- flammation): ICon. Cornea, dim: 8^° maculae, opacity. Cornea, elevation: around (ophthalmia scrofu- losa), I Ars. ;of epithelium, on right, looking like swollen ends of nerve filaments, sensitive to touch and motion (serous choroiditis', IGels.; hard, bluish red at inner side, left eye (episcleritis), I ITereb. Cornea, epithelioma : I IHep. Cornea, fistula: ISil. Cornea, small flakes on: I ISil. Cornea, foreign bodies: particles from lead lotion, chips of steel, glass, etc, ISil. 8^° injuries. Cornea, fungus haematodes: IPhos, ISep. Cornea, herpes: llgn.; with chronic eczema, covering eyelids, IGraph.; painful, llgn. Cornea, hypertrophied: 8@T" thickened. Cornea, infiltrated: Aur. met, llpec; com- mencing at outer side and extending over whole, IKali m. Cornea, inflammation (keratitis): HApis, lAtrop, HCale, IChin. a, ICinnab., lEuph, IIGraph, IKali c, Lyss, Spig.; catarrhal or strumous, lEuph.; chronic, IBell., ISub, IIThuya; chronic, with acute aggravations, IKreo.; true descemetitis, IKali bi.; episcler- itis, IMere cor.; from injury, I Am, ICalend., Euph, IHam.; interstitial, Syph.; interstitial, even atonic cases, with infiltration, Aur. met.; kerato-iritis, lArg. met, HArs, lAsaf, IHep, IMere cor, ISil.; kerato-iritis, with burning, acute lachrymation, lArs.; kerato-iritis, with slight discharge, IHep.; kerato-iritis, with hypopion, pain very severe at night, IMere; kerato-iritis, after injuries and surgical opera- tions, lEuph.; kerato-iritis, with severe night pains, especially in inner angle of eye, I IZinc; kerato-iritis, especially if rheumatic, from cold damp atmosphere, IRhus; kerato-iritis, especially in syphilitic variety, ICinnab, IMere cy.; kerato-iritis, particularly ulcerative type, IClem.; kerato-iritis, to clear vision, Crotal.; inflammation of left, Chloral., IHep.; neuroparalytic, INux v.; parenchymatous, lArs., lAur. mur, Cann. s., IKali m., IKalm, IIMerc, HSiib; parenchymatous, with uterine trouble, ISep.; left, in a dark room, with photo- phobia (chronic keratitis after vaccination), IThuya; phlyctenular, especially chronic, recurrent, IILach., ISyph.; keratitis punc- tata, I Ars, ICon.; pustular, lEuph., llpec, ■Mere, HPsor, 11 Sep, ISul; pustular, children cry when light strikes eyes, IGraph.; pus- tular, large, fat, unhealthy child, IISul.; chronic pustular, IGraph.; pustular, from a cold, I ISub; pustular, persistent redness of conjunctiva, remained without discharge, worse toward evening and in cool air, I IZinc; pustular, with vascular cornea and pannus, IGraph.; pustular, from suppression of an eruption behind ear, I ISub; pustular, with eruption on face and lids, and photophobia, ICrot. t; pustular, with profuse lachrymation, IPuls, IISul.; pustular, with granular lids, INatr. m.; pustular, worse in morning, I ISub; pustular, worse at night, IMere sob; pustular, sharp pain at 2 p.m., also wakens early in morning, IISul.; pustular, with photophobia, ICham.; pustular, with lachrymation and photophobia, IPuls.; pustular, with photo- phobia and profuse purulent discharge, I lEuph.; pustular, after psoriasis, ISil.; pus- tular, recurrent, lEuph.; pustular, recurrent, chronic, scrofulous, IGraph, IPsor.; pustular, of seven years' duration, I ISub; scrofulous, with eruption on face, photophobia and pains in eyes and head, worse morning and after sleeping, ILach.: scrofulous, phlyctenular, IIKali m.; scrofulous, with sharp pains, ISpig.; to prevent staphyloma, INitr. ae; with staphyloma, ILye; superficial, involving epithelial layers, caused by injuries, colds or in scrofulous diathesis, ICon.; superficial, pustular, right eye, IGraph.; after vaccination, IThuya, Vace or Variol.; in variola, Vace or Variol.; after variola, ICale p. 8ST" pustules, vesicles. Cornea, injuries: to left eye, abrasion of cornea, some blood in anterior chamber, vitreous so dark that fundus could not be illuminated, IHam.; cornea inflamed, I Con.; foreign bodies, set up irritation or inflammation, IIAcon.; foreign particles remain embedded, ISil.; with hemorrhage" into eye and prolapse of iris, I ISub; incised wounds after operation for cataract, IStaph.; incised wound, iris pro- truding, Atrop. (Arn. internally); laceration, with prolapse of iris, I I Staph. Cornea, leucoma: g^* opacity. Cornea, maculae (spots): I Alum, ! Anag., Ant. sul. aur, lApis, lArs, lAur. met. Bell, HCale a, ICale fl, ICale p., ICann. s, ICaust, Cina, Cochl, IColch., I ICon, lEuph, IForm,, INitr.ac, I IPhos,IPuls.,Ruta, ISeneg,l ISep., ISil, Spong, ISub; small brownish (chronic inflammation of eyes, and otorrhcea after vac- cination), IIThuya; dark, smoky, nebulous (ophthalmia), HApis; gray, marked by net- work of enlarged bloodvessels, HAur" met.; spots of inflammation, ICup. m.; nebulous, IApis,IForm.; on right (strumous ophthalmia), IMere d.; scars, lApis, Cadm. s, ICon., ISil.; small white scars from old ulcers, I Ars.; scars from old ulcerations (episcleritis), IMere; opaque, lEuph., IIKali m.; large opaque, to which red vessels ran from injected conjunc- tiva across outer margin (catarrh o-strumous ophthalmia), IKali bi.; small points, in upper part, INatr. m.; punctate, I Ars.; small spot, IChel.; white, IColch.; grayish white, IMere; milky white, near middle of right, IKali e; yellow, marked by network of bloodvessels, HAur. met g^° opacity. Cornea, as if covered with mucus: obscures vision, must close and press lids together, 5. EYES. 179 lEuph.; a thin layer of mucus has become dry (meningitis), ' I Ver. Cornea, onyx: IHep, IMere, IIRhus. Cornea, opacity ; I Apis, IIArg. nit, I Aur. mur. Bar. c, HCale, ICale fl., Cann. s, ICaust.. IChel, Cinnab, IColch, ICrot t, IMagn. e, IMere iod. flav., I IPuls, I IRhus. Seneg, ISul.; ash-colored (iritis), lEuph.; after a bee sting, ICann. s.; causing blindness, lApis; chronic, I ITarant.; with discharge of thick mucus, I Ars, Hydras.; dim, I ICale, Cann. s. Chloral, ICinch, Cinnab, IColch, ICrot.tig, lEuph, ILye, INitr. ac, IISul, Zing.; dim, in con- junctivitis scrofulosa, IKali bi.; dim, as if cov- ered with dust, ICoccul, I ISub; dim, in hypo- pion,IHep.; dim, with smarting lachrymation, lEuph.; dim, in left, I IZinc; dim, partic- ularly left eye, with photophobia, scrofulous constitution, HCon.; dim/beginning formation of pus, IMere; dim, red, chemosed, IMere; dim, smoky, discolored, pupil cannot be seen (ophthalmia), IApis;dim, vascular (scrofulous keratitis), HApis; dull, lAur. met, IIRhus; dull (traumatic inflammation), ICon.; in fun- gus haematodes, I ICale; hazy, ILach.; hazy, with conjunctivitis, IKali s.; delicately hazy throughout, as if breathed upon so as to dim itsdustre,at inner lower quadrant a little dense, seemed as if it might develop into an ulcer, I IPlumb.; left, hazy, iris could hardly be seen, IHep.; hazy, in keratitis pustulosa, I ISub; hazy, particularly upper part and traversed by red vessels (keratitis after variola), ICale p.; hazy as though it wouloTslough, lArg. nit.; in hypopion, IHep.; with slow inflammation and blennorrhoea, llCadm. s.; in keratitis, lAtrop.; after keratitis, syphilitic or scrofulous cases, lAur. met.; in keratitis vasculosa, IMere sol.; leucoma (white), I Apis,Cann. s, IForm, 11 Kali m, I IPhos, I IRhus; leucoma after keratitis in syphilis or scrofula, 11 Aur. met.; leucoma, with pannus, I ISil.; long lasting, deep, IKali bi.; with scrofulous ophthalmia, IMagn. e; in trau- matic ophthalmia,ISub; cannot see pupil (oph- thalmia), lApis; with paralysis of right side, I IPrun.; slightly elevated sclero-corneal mar- gin, of little width and upon which was situated a chain of very minute vesicles, IMere iod. flav.; after smallpox, ISil.; smoky (hypopion), ICale s.; smoky (cerebrospinal meningitis), lApis; grayish, smoky (keratitis), HApis ; turbid (iritis), lEuph. 8^° maculae, pannus, thickening. Cornea, pannus: I Apis, IIArg. nit, lAur.met, IBar. e, ICale, lEuph, IGraph., IMere iod. rub, INitr.ac,I IRhus, I I Sib; pannus, especial- ly in acute aggravation, after first, or Aconite stage, has passed, IMere iod. flav.; pannus, acute aggravation tends toward ulceration, especially in mercurialized subjects, IHep.; pannus, anaemic conditions of malarial origin, Chin. m.; pannus, withblepharitis,IArg. nit.; pannus, with conjunctivitis trachomatosa, IMere per.; pannus crassum, ISub; pannus, worse after seminal emission, I IKali c; her- petic pannus, INitr. ac, ISub; pannus, old cases, IMere iod. rub.; pannus, excessive hy- peraemia, heat, dryness, from overheating, exercise, exposure to dry, cold air, lAcon.; pannus, intermittent pains, Chin, m.; pannus, in patients of strumous diathesis, ISub; pan- nus, with trachoma, especially when scrofu- lous, I IPetrol.; pannus of right, complete, partial of left, considerable discharge, better lying on face (trachoma), IKali bi.; pannus, dependent upon trichiasis, 11 Puis.; ulcers in course of pannus, with much pain in morning, ICinch. 8®" opacity. Cornea, phlyctenules : g^ vesicles. ' Cornea, looked projecting (rheumatic inflam- mation): IKali bi. 8®° conical. I Cornea, pustules: lyEthus., IGraph., IKali bi, IKali iod, ISep.; on border, with profuse I whitish yellow discharge, 11 Puis.; on border, in strumous ophthalmia, IMere d.; small, on border, IGraph.; on lower border, I IPuls.; on lower border of left (keratitis), IGraph.; on border of left (retinitis hemarolopica), ILye; above centre, bloodvessels running to it from above, ICale; on centre, and another on lower margin, IIPuls.; worse in evening, IIPuls.; small, white, granular, with pricking, 11 Kali i bi.; on left, with surrounding indolent in- flammation, IKali bi.; with lachrymation and photophobia, pain worse noon and afternoon, IGraph.; with lachrymation and photophobia, j worse by gaslight, in morning, and in change of weather, HCale; large, with redness,worse evening, ISep.; on left, I Apis ; on right (stru- mous ophthalmia), iMere d.; with photopho- bia, IMere sob, IRhus; reddish, with white halo, Graph.; suppurate, and leave longlast- ing maculae, HSep.; spread and ulcerate, ICale; terminate in ulcer, with pain in super- ciliary region and eruption on face, ICrot. t; vascular, I Euph.; in dentition, I Cham.; white, near cornea, Bar. e; white on outer segment of left, I IPhos.; white, centre, with red mar- gin, ICale fl@" inflammation pustular. Cornea, ring : arcus senilis, in heart affection, IMosch.; blue circle, IIAcon., Ars, Spig, I ISub; bluish white, Coloe; bluish white, in rheumatic ophthalmia, ICoccul.; pale, IKali bi.; pink, left, I IZinc; pinkish, with small vesicles at margin, I IMere cor.; bright red, IIPuls.; white, IMere Cornea, rough: I ISil. Cornea, sloughing: prolapsus of iris, ICalab. Cornea, spots: 8®° maculae. Cornea, staphyloma: lAlum, lAnt. sul. aur, lApis, -Calend, IChel, ILye, INitr. ae, IThuya; bluish, irregular, bulging (sclero- choroiditis ant), I I Sib; bulging (hypopion), IHep.; tendency to bulge, ICaust.; projection in right, lApis; spurium, on inner edge of left, IBar. m.; tending to (keratitis), lAur. mur.; conical tumor occupying place of former pupil, preventing use of glass eye, lApis. t±S?" Iris prolapsus. Cornea, broad red stripe extends to outer canthus: 11 Sars. Cornea, suppuration: especially when conse- quent upon cataract extraction, IRhus; worse from warm applications, I I See.; tending to suppurative choroiditis in right eye, after a needle operation for cataract, 11 Phyt Cornea, thickening: ; Asar, Bell, I I Sib; and covered with a felon (ophthalmia), I Apis; proliferation of lamellae, INitr. ac. 8®°" opacity. Cornea, not normally sensitive to touch: I IPlumb. Cornea, tumor : vascular, covering nearly two- thirds of inner surface, IIThuya. 180 5. EYES. Cornea, ulcers: lAgar, lArg. nit., IIAtrop., I Aur. met. Bar. e, Bell., ICale, ICale p,ICann. s, IChin. a. Chloral, Clem, lEuph., IForm., IGraph., IHep, IKali bi, ILach, IMere iod. flav, IINatr. c, INitr.ac, Pod, IPsor, ISil.; have a tendency to bore without spreading laterally, IKali bi.; after cauterizing with nitrate of silver, dread of light, child lies with head buried in pillow, INatr. m.; large, central, have been cauterized, INux v.; two, chipping, at upper margin of right, llgn.; chronic, IMere cor.; had cicatrized, now in full sup- puration again, become broader and deeper (scrofulous ophthalmia), I ISub; invaded by ulceration at three distinct points, larger and deeper of these being at centre, threatened to penetrate into anterior chamber (Arg. nit. was used externally, in diphtheritic conjuncti- vitis), IMere iod. rub.; crescentic, ISil.; deep, • Calc. s, ISil, ISub; deep, of centre, involv- ing one-third its centre (hypopion), I ISub; deep, discharge ichorous, acrid, making sur- rounding parts sore, IMere cor.; deep, even with hypopion,IGraph.; deep,on left,so nearly perforated that membrane of Descemet has begun to bulge (strumous ophthalmia), IMere d.; deep cut in centre, Chloral.; two, dirty looking, size of hemp seeds (scrofulous oph- thalmia), I IRhus ; rapidly affecting surround- ing parts, ichorous discharge (scrofulous chil- dren), IMer. cor.; stringy discharge, IKali bi.; ulcers thick white,or yellow, discharge bland, better in open air, IPuls. ; large, excavating, on upper portion, with several small ones on lower, IMer. iod. flav.; indolent, IKali bi.; in influenza, I Ars.; particularly if iris becomes involved, IChin. m, ICinch.; margin of right, size of a lentil, dirty fundus (scrofulous ophthalmia), lApis; of margin, leading to perforation, -Calab.; after menses, ICale; be- fore and during menses (ophthalmia), HArs.; with cracking of corners of" mouth, ICund.; in the newborn, IIArg. nit.; in ophthalmia, lApis, ISang.; in scrofulous ophthalmia, lArs, IBar. c, ICale, IHep, ISil.; pain- ful, with sores in mouth, ICund.; perforat- ing, ISil.; with photophobia, ICund, llpec.; photophobia and stinging pains, particularly in scrofulous children, INatr. c; and pustules, with photophobia, worse in morning, INux v.; red and puffy, lEuph.; round, small, IIKali e; small, round, with tendency to perforate near centre, ISil.; right to left, I ICon.; right, embedded, also left, but less, llpec; of right, with a deep, transparent base, threatening perforation (scrofulous ophthalmia), I I Sib; near sclerotic where there is great vascularity, ICon.; scrofulous, with photophobia, INatr. m.; small, scrof- ulous, surrounded by fasciculi of vessels, 11 Rhus; serpiginous, commencing at mar- gin and extending over whole cornea or a portion, especially upper part of it, in- volving only superficial layers, IMere iod. flav.; shallow (scrofulous ophthalmia), INitr. ac; sharp pains through eye into head, I Act. rac; onouterside, with elevated edges, HArs.; sloughing, ISil.; small, follows ablister, I IKali m.; small, on border (strumous ophthalmia), IMere d.; small, near centre, with phlycten- ules, IPuls.; small, phylectenular, IIMerc cor.; with smarting and burning, INatr. m.; superficial, IHep, INitr. ac, ISub; superficial, from phlyctenules, IPuls.; superficial, with photophobia, IRhus; superficial, with vary- ing amount of redness, ICund.; small, super- ficial, surrounding border, lEuph.; super- ficial, syphilitic, IIAsaf; of syphilitic origin, IThuya; torpid, there is a want of lachrymal secretion, IHep.;small, unclean, red at edge, with itching and burning, IIMerc. cor.; vas- cular, lApis, ICale; red, vascular, elevated at margin of cornea, IHep.; vascular, surrounded by grayish opacity, IMere; vascular eleva- tions, worse opening and closing eye, burn- ing in afternoon, lArs. Cornea, vesicles: Cann. s., lEuph, I IPsor.; discharging fluid (melanotic tumor in anterior chamber), lAur. met.; little blisters, lAgar.; blisterlike elevation as large as end of a knitting-needle in centre, forming base of an open ulcer (hypopion), IHep.; small, super- ficial blisters, I IKali in.; a little blister from which a bundle of small veins run on lower edge of left, IKali m.; blisters, white spots, INatr. in.; phlyctenulae, Bar. c, IIPuls.; phlyctenules, with photophobia and stinging, scrofulous children, INatr. c; phlyctenules discharge ichorous,acrid, making surrounding parts sore, IMere cor.; on margin, IKali bi, IMere sob; on and aboutin scrofulous ophthal- mia, IRhus; edge of left, in scrofulous ophthalmia, I I Rhus ; if there is much photo- phobia, llpec; become flat ulcers, INitr. ac; with small ulcers, IPuls.; filled with pus, ICale 8§P* inflammation phlyctenular. Cornea, warty; I ISil. EYES, aching : IIAcon, lAct. rac, Ailant, Apis, ICarbo v, ICornus, IGlon., IGraph, ILept, Lyss,IMed, Natr. a,I INitr. ac.JNux. v, IPhos, Pod, IRhus, IIRuta, ISul, Syph.; in open air, Ustil.; behind, IPod.; behind, as if squinting inward, 11 Coca ; behind, to occi- put, worse night and on motion (rheumatic iritis), IBry.; behind, worse moving eyes (whoopingcough), IBadiag.; constant, I IRhus v.; constant, worse in bright light, Thuya; with coryza, Act. rac; dull, .Esc. h.; dull, to back of head, with nausea, Thuya ; dull, con- stant, better by heat, Eryng.; dull, in right, Ustil.; dull, with loss of vision, as if a thick veil were before eyes, in evening, ISub; worse in evening and from light, Petrol.; constantly, worse evening, I IVer. v.; passing to back of head, TrCarbo v.; with dulness ofhead, IIPuls.; heavy, from strong light, Eryng.; dull, heavy, inleft, with tenderness of ball, IPlant.; from without inward, Bell.; in left, Agar, Arumm, Merc. iod. rub.; in lower part of left, Apis ; when looking intently (asthenopia), IINatr.' m.; on looking at near objects, must close them, worse when looking at a near light (asthenopia), IMang.; on looking up or mov- ing eyes, IChel.; in right, on lying down to sleep, ICon.; in morning, IPod.; on motion, IIBry.; at night, Kob, IMere iod. flav.- worse at night (episcleritis), IMere; after onanism, ICina; when reading, IIDulc, I Jab., IRuta- rheumatic, I Ant.t.; in right, after measles I Arg met.; at back of right, I ISep.; worse rubbing pressing lids together or pressing upon eve (conjunctivitis),! ISep.;likesleepiness,l IPhos •■ constant, sore, in and around, with sticking on motion (serous choroiditis), IGels. -steady 5. EYES. 181 in and behind eye, ILact. ae: in sunlight, ■Amyb; in upper part, Ammoniac.; especially when exerting them, I IMere; in right, when using it, 1101. jee; after using, with asthen- opia accommodativa, IIPuls.; in right, on using it (rheumatic iritis), I ISyph.; from fine work, ICarbo v.; from overwork, ICarbo v.; with pressure at vertex, Phell.; in and over, with blurring of vision after using eyes and straining them at fine work, 11 Rut a"; better in warmth, wants eye covered, worse in draught of air, IHep. g^° dull pain, pain. Eyes, as if being affected from below upward : Irid. Eyes, air; cold, is pleasant, Asar.; sensitive to draught, I I Sib; better in open, ILil. tig.; right sensitive on walking across room (rheumatic iritis), I I Syph.; worse in open air, Benz. ac; worse outdoors, worse moving eves, Berb. 8@* cold. Eyes, pain alternates with : pain in abdomen, I Euph.; pain in ovary, ISul. Eyes, feel as if a hard ball moved around when moving eye: 11 Rhus. Eyes, sensation of a narrow band across, caused by contracted feeling in edges of lids (head- ache), ILac def. 8®° constriction, tension. Eyes, beating: 8§Pr° throbbing. Eyes, biting: Berb, HCepa, IGraph, IKali e, Lactu. v., Mosch, IINitr. ac, I IRan. b, Rhus; especially in open air, IMere; espe- cially in canthi, Arg. nit.; every evening, Sub; eyes seem heavy, ICaust; with lachrymation, lEuphor, I I Puis, IISul.; inleft,betterrubbing, Zinc; sore, painful toward evening, especially right, I IZinc; with photophobia and water- ing, especially in evening, I IZinc; prickling in lower portion of left, Zine; as from pepper, suddenly, Jamb.; in right, I Arg. nit; in right, evening, with inclination to close lids, Sep.; as from rubbing with a woolen cloth, Stann.; as from salt, ICanth, as from salt, especially in external canthi, with lachrymation, INux v.; as from something sharp and acrid in right, Rhus. 8@° burning, itching, smarting. Eyes, bleared: Asar., I I Cochl., Elaps, IMere, Oxal. ac, IIPuls, IRhus, Stram.; with colic, Calc. s, Canth.; in tetanus, IPhyt 8@° dull. Eyes, blinking : INux v. 8@° Lids spasm, winking. Eyes, blisters: granulous, INatr. s.; form with intense burning throbbing pain, like a whit- low, break and discharge white gummy inat- ler, eye gets well next day, 11 Zinc. Eyes, bloodvessels: gfgr conjunctiva. Eyes, boring: in and around, Apis ; as if cut had been made around, worse morning and evening (ciliary neuralgia), ICrotal.; in left, Arg. nit, INux m.; worse at night or in damp weather (iritis), IMere; sticking in right, Thuya. Eyes,'brilliant: HEthns, IIAmvg., IBell., Camph, Cann. i, Idels, IIHyos., Millet, IStram., I IZinc; in typhus abdominalis, I INux v.; in afternoon, and especially even- ing (insanity), IINux v.; animated, IIBell.; convulsions, before menses, I IPuls.; in deliri- um, Amyg.; with delirium in typhoid pneu- monia, I ILachn.; in fever, IGels.: in pul- monary disease, ILye; glassy, 11 Amm. m. 11 Amyg, IBell., Bry., Coccul, Daph, Elaps, Kali ars, HOp, I IPhos. ac, IPlat, See, IStram.; glassy, in child in convulsions, | Amyb; glassy, in epilepsv, ICie; glassy, in typhoid, HPhos. ae; glassy, in spasmus glottidis, IChlor.; glassy, in measles, ILach.; gla.-sy, in mumps, ILach.; gla.-sy, in in- cipient phthisis, following amenorrhcea, I ISang.; glassy, in pulmonary disease, ILye; glassy, after working in sun, IGlon.; glassy, with vertigo, in typhoid, iCie; glistening, Bapt, Camph, Ced, IColoe, Cup. m, lEup. perf, Mosch, IOp.; glistening, with violent delirium, IOp.; glistening, in typhus, | lArs.; glistening, flushed, IFerr. ph.; glis- j tening during beat, lEup. pert; glistening, in lyssophobia, ILyss.; glistening, after met- rorrhagia, I ISep.; glittering, during labor, ICoff.; glittering, when reading or writing, aggravates headache, IDiad.; in cancer labii, ICamph.; with startled look (neuropathia), IIKali ars.; in onanism, IHyos.; in typhoid pneumonia, ILachn.; shining, Amyl, IBell, Coff, Strain.; shining (cerebral disturbance), ICroe; shining, in typhus, lApis; shining, in labor, ICoff.; shining, constantly in rnotion (gangrene of leg after injury), ILach.; shin- ing, in puerperal fever, ICoff.; shining, in puerperal mania, I IPuls.; sparkling, Bell., Bry.; sparkling, worse in evening (cerebral hyperaemia), IHyos.; sparkling, in puerperal mania, ICamph.; in thrombosis, lApis. Eyes, bruised feeling: I Arn, ICale p., IGels, IHep, ILye, Sep.; as from a blow, I Arn, Urt. ur.; pain, as if crushed (ciliary neural- gia), HPrun.; extending into head (hypo- pion), IHep.; at night, ICoccul.; in right, Iod.; in right eye, from front to back, better by pressure, worse from light, air, and hold- ing head down (neuralgia), IChel.; especially on touch, Ant. t, IHep. 8®" aching, crushing, foreign bodies, injury, squeezed. Eyes, burning: Agnus, Ailant, Amm. c, Ananth., 11 Apis, 11 Arn, Ars. i, lAsaf, Asar, Aur. mur, IBell, Berb., Bry, Cain, Calab, Calad, ICale ,Camph,ICanth,ICaps, I ICarbo v, I I Card, m, ICaust, Ced, llCepa, Cham, IChel, IChloral, HCon, ICrotal, ICrot. t, ICycl., IDig., Eryng, Eucal, Fluor, ac, 1 IGraph, IHydras., llgn, Iodof, IKali bi., I IKali e, I IKali iod, ILach, Lachn, Lyss., IMagn. e, Meph, IMere cor., IMere iod. rub., IMere sol, Natr. ph, I INiccol, I INitr. ac, IOp., Osm, Paeonia, IPetrol., Pic. ac, Polyg:, Psor, 11 Rhod, I ISep., ISpig, Tabae, Thuya, Vib, Viol, I IZinc; in affected parts (ophthalmia), IHep.; constant, in afternoon, IZinc; in afternoon, from 4 p.m. till evening, Caust; worse in afternoon, to evening, INatr. s.; especially in open air, IMere; in open air or on waking, by candlelight, 01. an.; in amauro- sis, IISul.; and aching, IGraph.; on awaking, Elaps; frequent biting, must wink, IIEuph!; in blepharitis (keratitis), HApis; bloodshot, morning, Calab.; in inflammation of brain, I IPuls.; especially by candlelight, Magn. s.; from candlelight, Coral.; especially in canthi, Arg. nit.; in catarrh, INatr. a.; like chilblains, I INatr. m.; heat as from coals, ICanth.; as of glowing coals in small spots, ICaust; contractive burning in right eye, Spig.; with 182 5. EVES. cough, Agar.; all day, Amm. e; during day, IMang.; deep in, with hot flushes, ICon.; periodical, dry, worse in bright daylight and looking intently, Rhod.; in evening, Ant. t, I Natr. m., II Psor.; in evening, especially when trying to sew or read, 11 Ruta; worse in even- ing, Aeon.; worse towards evening, Como.; on least exertion, as if dry, though lachry- mation is constant, IStaph.; with fever in afternoon, Cinch, bob; in yellow fever, ISub; sensation of fire in, Ruta; like balls of fire, Sep.; like balls of fire at night (asthenopia), 11 Ruta ; as if it were a ball of fire (kerato- iritis with hypopion), BMerc; as though fire came out of, evening and night, Jamb.; with pain in forehead by candlelight, Croc.; as of a foreign body (acute inflammation of eye), I Chel.; in glaucoma, I IPhos.; ex- tending into head (hypopion), IHep.; ex- tending into head and around eye, usually worse, in rest, at night, and on stooping, better by firm pressure and walking in warm room (iritis, glaucoma), IColoe; in headache, IDiad.; with dull headache, Ailant.; with sick head- ache, ICoff.; with crushing feeling on vertex, Phelb; with heat, HCinch.; in hordeolum, IChel.; inflamed, with burning in ear, vertigo and fainting, ICrot. t; and itching, I ILye; in syphilitic iritis, IIMerc. cor.; with lachryma- tion, ^Camph., I Euph, IKali iod.; with lachry- mation, worse in bright light, IKreo.; with pro- fuse lachrymation, better in open air, IPhyt.; with lachrymation in wind, I IPhos.; soon suc- ceeded by lachrymation, better by pressure on closed lids, ICroe; in left eye, Arund, iCarbo a, IColoe, llgn, Inul., Tarax., Viol.; inleft, about eyeball.Spong.; in left, worse evening and after using (asthenopia), I IMere per.; in left, from within outward, I Asaf; in left, in rheu- matism, I ILac c; worse in left, Arund.; espe- cially in margin of lids, Clem.; must close eyes frequently, Psor.; compelling one to close lids, worse in morning, better by cold water(trach- oma), I Aur. met.; cannot close lids, prevents sleep, in evening, Jamb.; if he looks atten- tively at anything, Bar. c; when looking into light, IMagn. m.; when looking at alight, darting upward above eyes, with pain in region of eyebrow on going to bed, INux v.; worse lying down, INux v.; during menses, Niccol, INitr. ac; in morning, IINatr. m, HSub; morning and evening, IZinc; morning and evening, in ophthalmia, I Alum.; worse morn- ings on awaking and towards evening, better after washing, 11 Niccol.; worse moving eyes, followed by sticking, with lachrymation, Stront.; with increased secretion of mucus, INatr. m.; in neuralgia, IChel.; especially at night, ICon., ICrot. t. Jamb.; on opening eyes, IKali bi.; intense, after operation, IZinc; in ophthalmia, I Apis, ICie; in catarrhal oph- thalmia, HPhos, IPhyt.; in rheumatic oph- thalmia, IColoe; in scrofulous ophthalmia, HArs.; periodic, Asaf; in pertussis, ICaps.; with photophobia, IMere; with photophobia, evening and afternoon, better from walk- ing in open air, but returning in morn- ing, IGamb.; with photophobia (irido-cho- roiditis), IRhus; with photophobia and lachrymation, especially in evening, I IZinc; in pneumonia, HCinch. bob; pressive, as if there were a hair in it, IPuls.; in right, could not bear touch (irido-choroiditis), IRhus; when reading, ICroe, Myr. cer., ISub; while reading by candlelight, ICale; after reading or writing, ILil. tig.; in right eye, Apis; of right, followed by coryza, Sang.; in right, about 1 o'clock, I ISil.; worse near fire, also morning and evening, INatr. s.; rising in morning, better in evening, Ars. met; when rubbing, ICon.; provokes rubbing and scratching, ICinch, IIPuls.; extending from left to right, in morning, better washing (muscular asthen- opia), IMur. ac; with sleepiness, Arund.; with sleepiness during day, Rhod.; smart- ing, Zing.; smarting from strong light, Eryng.; as from smoke, wants to rub them, llCepa ; with chronic sore eyes, I IBapt.; when spectacles are put on, Bor.; red spot, Hod.; after stool (constipation), INatr. e; with pain in temples, Calab.; with throbbing in temples (sickheadache),ICoff;tensive (conjunctivitis), I ISub; when touched, Caust.; in melanotic tumor, I Aur. met; at twilight, better after lighting lamp, Amm. in.; on using them, Jab.; after using, INatr. in. 8®*" biting, heat, smarting. Eyes, bursting : IGlon.; as if split, wakes him in middle of night, Vace; as if being ex- panded, especially in evening by candlelight, ISeneg.; worse from evening to morning, and using eyes (syphilitic iritis), HStaph.; as if pressed asunder (glaucoma), Prun.; as if they would burst out of head, worse turning head, Lact. ac.; in left, as if it would fly to pieces, worse stooping, in morning till noon, then suddenly disappearing, I ISpig.; as if pressed asunder (ciliary neuralgia), I IPrun.; as if pressed asunder when reading, Asar. 8gT" pressing outward. Eyes, circles or margins : eST" sunken, Cir- cumorbital circles and Infraorbital half- circles. Eyes, closing: aST* Lids closing, paralysis. Eyes, cold: feeling, I Arg. nit, Berb, ICale, ICale p, lEuph, IKali c, Lachn, ILye, IPlat, Spong.; cold feeling on inner surface of lids, Phos. ae; with drawing above right, down cheek as far as comer of mouth, I IRan. se; momentary coldness in inner half of right, in turning eye to left (rheumatic iritis), I ISyph.; cold feeling when walking in open air, Alum, Con.; as of cold water when in a cold wind (phlyctenule of conjunctiva), 11 Squilla; cold water causes redness, with ten- sion, Niccol.; like from a cool wind, Berb.; ah if fresh wind were blowing on eyes, IIFluor. ae; of cold air rushing through, with tearing in head and right eye and dim vision, Croc; as of a cold wind blowing under lids, even in warm room must tie them up and keep them warm IIFluor. ae; sensation of cold wind blowing in, especially inner canthi, IMed.; as if eyes were gone and a cold wind blew through sockets (asthenopia), I ISep, I ISub; as if lids were open and cold air blowing on exposed eye (rheumatic ophthalmia), I ISyph.; as if cold air rushed in and out every time he breathed, must cover them up warm (oph- thalmia),IThuya; pain from cold air, Kob.; sen- sitive to cold air, IClem.; lids sensitive, IIMerc. Eyes, color: Iris discolored; also Chapter 47. Eyes, congestion : 8®** Conjunctiva, cornea, Lids and Sclerotic. 5. EYES. 183 Eyes feel constricted: Chloral. gf£g~ band, contracted, cramping, tension. Eyes, contorted: IStram, IVer. v.; tetanic, 11 Aeon. 86sF" distorted, motion convulsive, strabis- mus. Eyes, contracted : as if muscles were, Bell.; contractive pain in a small spot above right inner canthus, Jamb.; feeling, when spectacles are put on, Bor. Eyes, convulsions: 8HP" distorted, motion convulsive, rolling, strabismus. Eyes, cramping pains in syphilitic iritis: I I Mere cor. B€iT* band, contracted, tension. Eyes, crawling : worse afternoon to evening, INatr. s. 8®° formication. Eyes,crushingpain: IIBry. 8®*" bruised. Eyes, cutting: Amm. c, HApis, Aur. met, Natr. p., Ver.; especially when exerting them, I IMere; extending into head and around eye, usually worse on rest at night and on stoop- ing, better by firm pressure and walking in a warm room (iritis, glaucoma), IColoe; as from knives in right, IColoe; like knives in left (keratitis pustulosa), I ISub; inleft, Cie, ICund.; across left, evening in bed, Chrom. ae; in left, with soreness in evening, Calc s.; worse at night or in damp weather (iritis), IMere; in rheumatic ophthalmia, IColoe; pressive, to frontal sinuses, lEuph.; when reading by candlelight, ICale; severe in right, Sub;like stab in left, Cinch, bol. 8@" darting, lancinating, piercing, shoot- ing, sticking, stitches. Eyes, dancing (tetanus) : DPhyt. fig^" brilliant, motion. Eyes, darting : Ang, I Apis; through left,Brom, I ISub; upon exposure to any draught of air, or before storm (ciliary neuralgia), ISil.; like arrows through from head, worse before a storm (asthenopia muscularis), 11 Rhod.; from behind forward, causing pulsating pain in left temple, and over left eye, Spig.; from tak- ing cold, IPhos.; from left, through head (irido-choroiditis), IBry.; extends from left, over side of head toward occiput, Sep.; from brightlight, Kob.; in morning, better evening, I Arg. nit; intense, through, as from needles, Eup. pert; into left, as if needles were run through cornea, worseclosing eyes,cannotsleep (neuralgia), lAct. rac; pain,worse at night, lEuph.; sharp, INux v.; sharp, from above right, down through eye, I ITereb.; in kerati- tis pustulosa, I ISub; sharp, in and over, in some cases extending to top of head, always worse in morning, INux v.; sharp, in and about left, extends to inner ear of same side, pains suddenly leave eye, and manifest them- selves in left ovary, 11 Sub; after rising, I IPuls.; to vertex (ciliary neuralgia), Act. rac; when writing, Kob. 8g^"cutting, lancinating, shooting, stitches. Eyes, dim: 8®" bleared, dull; also Sight dim. Eyes, disagreeable sensation: IBell. Eyes, discharges: @gP™ Conjunctiva, Cornea, Lachrymation, Lids, Ophthalmia. Eyes, distorted: ICham, ICie, Cinch,Crotal, IIHyos, I ILaur, IMere, IMosch, I IPlat, IVer.; in inflammation of brain, I IPuls.; with cerebral affections (scarlatina), ISul.; in cho- rea, ICup. ae; in periodical chorea, ICup. m.; in convulsions, IMosch., 11 Sib; convulsions in dentition, ICham.; in typhus, ILach.; in nystagmus, lAgar.; in pneumonia, IChel. 8^*" motion, rolling, strabismus. Eyes, distress, as from want of sleep: Benz. ac. Eyes, drawing: I ICalab, IGlon, Lyss.; feel drawn back into head, Aur. mur, Ast. r., Cham, ICrot. t, IGraph, IHep, ILach, IMez, IParis, IPuls, I IZinc; drawn back into head with strings, Sib; drawn back, in cholera, ICup. ac; as if drawn into head, in anaesthesia of retina, IHep.; through to cheek and jaw, I Chel.; with feeling of coldness above right, down cheek as far as corner of mouth, I IRan. se; after dinner, Agar.; with diminution of vision, Seneg.; in headache from gaslight, ICaust.; together, by heaviness in back part of head, IINatr. m.; hot pain, bet- ter by frequent sneezing, Lil. tig.; in left, asif drawn in, ISub; worse in lamplight (syphilitic neuralgia), I ISyph.; in muscles, on moving eyes, IIKalm.; together, with stitches outward over left, after rising in morning, continues till noon, somewhat better in open air, Sep.; with redness, Con.; in right, 11 Arn, I ICalab, Coccus; in left, as if pulled forward and back- ward, with numb pain through head, awaking at 2 a.m., I ISpig.; as if pulled out, IGlon.; as if pulling out of head to one side or other, Med.; worse by rubbing, or pressing lids together, or pressing upon eye (conjunctivitis), I ISep.; sharp, through and around,Zing.; spas- modic, Cann. s.; sticking in right, extends to vertex, ILach.; stiff sensation in muscles (as- thenopia), IINatr. m.; as if strabismus would follow, with pressing in forehead in morning, Pod.; as of a string pulling back into head, ICrot. t; as if a thread were drawn from back of eye to eye, ILach.; as if a thread were tightly drawn through to middle of head, very painful, I IParis; twitching, as if eyes were drawing into head (scrofulous ophthal- mia), I Ars. gg&~ rheumatic. Eyes, as if they would drop out: ggg~ falling. Eyes, dryness : ggg~ Conjunctiva, Lachrymal apparatus, Lids. Eyes, dull: feeling, on waking, Myr. cer.; feel- ing, with chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis, IMere cor.; pain in back of, Bell.; pain behind eye,with asthenopia,Led.;constantpain, 11 Rhus v.; constant pain (cataracta dura eminata et asthenopia), IJab.; pain deep in, after reading, IPhos.; pain, with feeling as if eyeballs were pressed on from above, better closing eyes and eating, Sinap.; pain in or about,to back of head, with serous choroiditis, better by hot applica- tion, not by cold, IGels.; pain in left and back of orbit, in evening after walking, for one hour, Pallad.; pain in left with gradual failure of vision, I IVer.; pressure in left with headache, Zing.; pain compelling one to close lids, worse morning, better by cold water (trachoma), lAur. met.; pains worse from motion, light or exercise IPhyt; pain after reading a short time (asthenopia), I IPhos. $g^* aching, expression. Eyes, encephaloma: ISil. Eyes, eruption: covered with reddish-brown, like smallpox pustules, without central depres- sion, makes him blind, tips of pimples fill with pus, worse in warmth of bed (secondary syphi- lis), Syph. 184 5. EYES. Eyes, exertion ; ggg* Sight, reading, strain- ing , writing. Eyes, expression: of anguish, Arn.; anxious (chronic diarrhoea),ICale; anxious,in climaxis, ■Trill.; suddenly changed, as if frightened, I IPlumb.; changed, as if she were going crazy, IPallad.; dim, in mania puerperalis, Nux v.; disturbed, IHyper., Lyss.; dis- turbed, in puerperal mania, ICamph.; dreary (melancholy), lAur. met.; drunken, Jamb"; dull, Ananth, lArs, Bapt, Bry, ICed, Coloe, Coccul, Eryng, I Ferr, I Glon, IKalic,IKalm, IKreo, INux m, IIRhus, I IStram, I ISub; dull, in albuminuria, ICale a.; dull, in apo- plexy (old age), IBar. e; dull, blurred, in strabismus, ICale; dull, in intestinal catarrh, IChel.; dull, in chorea, IA gar.; dull, cloudy ap- pearance, Berb.; dull, look dead, 11 Sub; dull, as after a debauch, Cornus; dull, dim, Alet,ISpig.; dull, in prosopalgia, 11 Verbas.; dull, in diph- theria, I ILac c; dull, in epilepsy, I IOp.; dull, in evening, Pallad.; dull, blue rings around eyes (chlorosis), lAbrot.; dull, with ill-defined feeling of contraction around eve (chorio- retinitis), IKali m.; dull, face pale grayish, IKali c; dull, faint, ISpig.; dull, in typhus fever, lArn, IBapt, ICarbo v. Cup. m, IGels, ILach, I IPhos.; dull, with "heavy feeling in forehead (fainting spells), ILac def; dull, in gastromalacia, IMere d.; dull, in spasmus glottidis, IChlor.; in hypochon- driasis, lArg. nit; in imbecility, I Anac; dull, in insanity, I INux v.; dull leaden hue (morning sickness), ICon.; dull, particularly in left (prosopalgia), 11 Verbas.; dull, appear lifeless (epilepsy), IBufo.; dull, with aversion to light (coryza, pertussis), llCepa; dull, especially when looking intently,Rheum ; dull,lustreless, 11 Ant. chl, Ars. h. Cup. m, Daph., IKali br, IPhos. ac, I IRumex, Stann, IVer.; dull, lustreless, in diphtheria, 11 Lace; dull, lustre- less, with blue rings around eyes, Sabina ; dull, lustreless, in erysipelas of face, I ISub; dull, lustreless, with purulent matter in canthi (apoplexy), IINux v.; dull, lustreless, after sexual excesses, I IStaph.; dull, in meningitis, IGels, I IPuls, I IVer.; dull, menses irregular, IGels.; dull, with neuralgia, llris; dull, in pneumonia, I Ant t; dull, when getting sleepy (coryza), ICepa; dull, after working in sun, IGlon.; dull, in spinal irritation, IChin. s.; dull, sunken, with blue rings (cerebrospinal meningitis), ICup. ae; dull, with spasmodic pains in stomach, IDiad.; dull, in infantile syphilis, Syph.; excited, Kali ph.; expression- less, 11 Amyg, Ananth.; expressionless, in in- flammation of brain, IIPuls.; expressionless, in chorea, 11 Act. rac.; expressionless, in gonor- rhoea, I ITarant; expressionless, in spasms after pneumonia and typhoid, IINux v.- expressionless, in typhoid malaria, ILye' vn1.;fatigued,Ascl. t;fiery, ICanth.;firm, Lyss.; frightful, in acute mania, ICanth.; glar- ing, in pneumonia, IIAcon, lAnt. t; hag- gard (nervous debility), ICup. ars.; heavy, Bapt,IGels, INux m.; heavy, sleepy, lEuph, Jamb.; heavy, sleepy, red, ICastor, Gels.- heavy, suffused, IGels.; idiotic (in headache),' ILach.;languid, Ascl. t; languid, in consump- tion, Hod.; languid, in mania puerperalis, INux v.; languid, unsteady, after typhoid, IHell.; languid, with sleepy, dreamy condi- tion (gastric fever), I IPuls.; large, in dyspep- sia, Kali m.; large, in mania, I I Nux v.; large, in puerperal mania, I INux v.; lifeless, Kreo.; listless, Ars. h.; peculiar, Ced.; penetrating, Lyss.; restless, Bell, Chin, s, Lyss, IStram, I IValer, IVer., restless, in mania, lArs, ICanth, IHyos, I IStram.; roving, puerperal mania, ICamph.; sinister, I IStram.; sleepy, all day, Bar. c; sparkling, ICanth.; staring, IKreo.; startled, when aroused (scarlatina), 11 Ailant.; stern, in delirium, after being ac- cused of theft, IHyos.; strange, in mania, lAnae; stupid, IHyos.; stupid, in typhoid, I IPhos. ae; stupid, in incipient hydro- cephalus, ICale p.; stupid, in imbecility, lAnae; swollen, as after intoxication, Spong.; threatening, IBell., Ver.; ugly, squinting, Bufo.; uncanny, in mania, I Anac; uncon- scious, Camph.; uneasy, Strain.; unsteady, Aloe, Bell, Ced, ILach, IIMorph. sub, Paris; unsteady, in pneumonia, lAnt t; unsteady, in typhoid, ILach.; vacant, Atrop. s, Kreo., Mez.; vacant, in hydrocephalus, IHell.; va- cant, in typhoid, IHell, HPhos. ae; va- cant, in syphilis, ILye; wandering, Ananth, IBell, Camph,Paris; wandering, pain worse in left, after iritis, IKali bi.; wandering, seems to dart from object to object, Ustil.; wandering from object to object, during con- versation, 11 Vab; watchful, in delirium after being accused of theft, IHyos.; weak, I IRan. b, IVer.;weary,ICycl.; wild, I Act.rac, Ailant, Amyg, Ananth, Ars., IIBell, I ICup. m, IGlon, IIHyos, Lyss, Sec, IStram., IVer.; wild, in typhoid, INitr. sp. d.; wild, in melan- cholia after typhoid, IHell.; wild, in menin- gitis, IStram.; wild, in mumps, ILach.; wild, in hysteria, Vab; wild, in puerperal mania, ICamph.; wild, in puerperal convulsions, I INux v.; wild, with spells of rage, I Alum.; wild, strange (exophthalmus), DLyc vir.; wild, with stupidity (typhus), INitr. ac. 8€jT" brilliant, fixed, staring, sunken. Eyes, as if falling out: IGlon.; on stooping (iritis, glaucoma),IColoe; on stooping, during menses, Brom. Eyes, fatigued : ggg*- straining, tired. Eyes, fine pains: Bell. Eyes, fixed; Amyg, Ars, ICamph, Cina, Cup. ac. Cup. m, IDolich., IHydr. ac, IHyper, TrKali ars, IKali br, ILaur, Mosch, 05nan, I IPlat, See, HStram, IVer.; in cerebral disturbance, ICroe; in cholera, ICup. ac; in cholera morbus or Asiatica, ICamph.; and drawn somewhat to right (hysteria), IHydr. ae; in eclampsia, llpec; in epilepsy, ICie; in typhus, I IZinc; involuntarily on object at which he is looking, caused by thnistlike tearing in forehead, especially in right frontal eminence, while standing or sitting, Spig.; in gastritis mucosa in a child, I lArs.; before him, ICale; in imbecility, I Anac; follow- ing an imaginary object or figure as if watch- ing its motions (hysteria), IHydr. ae; im- movable, IOp.; immovable (child in convul- sions), Amyb; immovable, during paroxysm of puerperal eclampsia, ICoccul.; immovable in mania, IBell.; insensible to light, IILyc; in melancholy, Kali ars.; wide open, 11 Eup! pert; with contracted pupils, I IVer.; in epi- lepsy, I ISub; after running pin into foot IHyper.; during pregnancy, seventh month' 5. EYES. 185 (albuminuria), I IGLnan.; on a particular spot on wall or on a picture (hysteria), IHydr. ae; and staring, I INaja; in sunstroke, IGlon.; in threatening apoplexy, IIBell.; during period of tranquillity in last stage of hydrophobia, Lyss.; with unconsciousness (anaemia), ICaust, 8^*" expression, staring. Eyes, foreign bodies: IIAcon, ICale, Hep, HSil.; feeling as of a foreign body, Bor, ICale s, Caulo., lEuph, IFluor. ac, INatr. m., Meph, ISub, Thuya; feeling as if a sub- stance too large were in eye, causing disten- sion, in evening, ICaust.; as of little grains, 11 Lith. e; as if hairs were in eye, with dim- ness, Sang.; as if a hair hung over and must be wiped away (keratitis), lEuph.; feeling of a hair in left, which pricked it, pricking made her rub it, worse walking (chronic opacity of cornea), I ITarant; pain as if a hard substance were lying beneath left upper lid,Staph.; as if there were a substance too large in it, causing heaviness in evening, ICaust.; in- flammatory conditions from, IIAcon.; senseof a foreign body, with lachrymation, HApis; as of lashes, Canth, Dios.; as of a round or large smooth substance, Dios.; as if something were moving in them in evening, ICaust.; as if something were passing around in eye, ICist; pressing pain as from, ICaps.; pressure in right when lids are closed, Psor.; pressure as from dust, Coccul, Lachn, ILye; pressure as from sand, Amb.,Bry, HCinch, IFerr, IHep., I INitr. ac, I IMere, I IRhus, Thuya; pressing as from acrid dust (hysteria), lAur. met; pressure in left, as from a grain of sand, Sars.; feeling of sand. Apis, HArs, Ascl. t. Bell, Berb, 11 Bry, Cann.s, ICarbo v, Chell, I Coral, IDig, Dios, IFuph.. IIFluor. ae, IHep., IIKali m, Kob, ILed., I IMed, Natr. ph., I IPetrol, Pic. ac, IIPuls, ISil, Spig, ISul, Thuya, Urt, ur. Zing.; feeling of sand or dust, with burning, I IOp.; sensation as of sand, in conjunctivitis, llgn.; dry, as if sand were in eyes, sm, Paeonia, IPetrol., IPuls, ISul, Vespa, IZinc; around back of (asthenopia), HSep.; especially in canthi, Arg. nit.; like chilblains, I INatr. m.; in evening (chronic catarrhal con- junctivitis),IMere cor.; toward evening, I ICup. in.; in evening, Aeon., IGamb,Meph.,Pallad, ISub; worse in evening and better in cool air or by cold applications (trachoma), IPuls.; in yellow fever, ISub; worse by gaslight (catarrhal ophthalmia), IPhyt.; violent, in- ternal, in evening, Jamb.; with lachrymation, I ISub; intolerable, in left, especially in lower part, I IZinc; in left, Arund., Chim. umb. Cinch, bol, Daph, Elaps; worse in left, Arund.; in morning, Meph.; in morning after rising, INatr. m.; especially of lids, disappears on rubbing, ICaust.; caused by light, Ananth.; in catarrhal ophthalmia, I IPhos.; on going out, frequent, winking and wiping, lachry- mation, worse in afternoon, I Euph.; pain, (conjunctivitis), I ISub; in right, I Arg. nit, Asaf; in right, after measles, I Arg. met.; from steam, from warm water, if she attempts to i wash (pityriasis capitis), IMez.; stinging under left, better by rubbing, Spong.; provokes rub- bing and scratching, IIPuls.; worse from rub- bing, I IKreo.; better from rubbing, INux v.; with dimness of vision, I IPuls.; in exerting vision, Rhus. g^g~ burning, smarting. Eyes, jactitation of right: I I Syph. aST" jerking. Eyes, jaundiced: 8ST* Conjunctiva yellow. Eyes, jerking : in muscular asthenopia, lAgar.; in left, Agar.; after operation, I Asar.; in right, with congestion to head, ILach.; sharp pains as from a knife, Vib.; sudden, in both,Chrom. ae 8^° twitching. Eyes, lancinating: lApis, IChel.; from within out, Cadm. s.; in upper part of left, 11 Senecio; from sunlight, I IGraph.; after surgical opera- tion, ICroe 8gT" cutting, darting, shooting, stitching. Eyes, large (sensation): IIAcon, Chloral, IComo, Daph, ILvc, IMez, INatr. m, IOp., HParis, IPhos, IPlumb, HSpig.; feel too large and compressed, with redness and in- flammation of whites, IINatr. m.; seemed so large that upper lid would not cover it, IChel.; seem distended, Calc. p.; in evening, Amm. br.; in hemorrhage from lungs, ICinch.; in incipient hydrocephalus, I Apis; in hysteria, ILye; inflamed, Calad.; of left, Rhus; difficult to get lids over, IPhos.; as if they had no room in orbit, in scrofulous ophthalmia, lArs.; as if they would be pressed out of head, Act. rac; right feeling larger than left, HComo.; worse from use or bright light, especially gaslight, I ISul. 8^*" expression, staring. Eyes, sensitive to light: ggg~ Photophobia. Eyes, looking: around, causes vertigo, Cale Con.; as if head were too light, especially mov- 5. EYES. 187 ing or looking at objects (cataracta dura im- matura et asthenopia), I Jab.; looking steadily at a distance causes pain (cataracta dura imma- ture, et asthenopia), I Jab.; looking dowmward causes vertigo (traumatic muscular paralysis), lArn.; upon ground, when walking (photo- phobia, Psor.; at a fixed point, relieves head- ache), Agnus ; sees objects plainly for a while if one eye only is used, Chloral.; sees objects only when looking at them sideways, IChin. s.; sight better looking intensely and steadily on an object, I Aur. met.; sight better looking out from under brows, I ISep.; pain renewed by looking steadily at an object, as in sewing (amenorrhcea), ICina; looks steadily at ob- jects,as if unable to make them out (myelitis), 11 Pic. ac; symptoms worse looking steadily, Cadm. s.; long at an object, in morning causes vertigo and nausea, Sars.; cannot look upward, Arund, Bell, I IStram.; cannot look up, in phlyctenular ophthalmia, IIMerc. cor.; look- ing up causes inclination to fall to left (ver- tigo), ICaust.; looking upward, head worse, yEthus.; pain in right eye on looking upward (paresis of right nervous abducens), I ISub; tired, in looking upward, Ast. r.; worse look- ing upward, Ars, Colch. 8^° expression, motion. Eyes, as if lying loose in sockets : ICarbo a Eyes, lying down : pain after, Carbo v. Eyes, melanosis : I Aur. met. Eyes, mobility : impaired. g#?T paralysis. Eyes, better by moonlight: lAur. met. Eyes, motion : in every direction without tak- ing notice (anaemia of brain), I I Kali br.; con- stant, IBelb, Hod, I IKali iod, IStram.; constant, from side to side (amaurosis), lArs., 11 Sul.; convulsive, Aeon,I Agar, IBell.,IBufo.; convulsive, with fainting, Ver.; convulsive, in hydrocephaloid, llgn.; convulsive, in light, better in a dark room, Bell.; convulsive, dur- ing labor, Chin, s.; convulsive, in summer complaint, I ICoff, IKali br.; difficult, in oph- thalmia, ICinch.; better after active muscular exercise, lAur. met; causes fulness and heavi- ness in forehead, IBry.; makes head worse, Nux v, Ptel.; of one, independent of the other, IPhyt; involuntary, ICale, Canth.; causes irritability of eye, l.lab.; causes nausea (ague), llpec; eyeballs move about when opening eyes (after apoplexy), ICup. m.; nystagmus, I Agar, ICalab, IMagn. p.; oscillations (typhoid, in a child), IGels.; eyeballs oscillate laterally when using them, IGels.; painful, 11 Agar, Arg. nit., Ars, Astac, IBry., ICarbo v, IKalm, INatr. m, I IParis, I IPhos, IIRhus; pain (brain fag), I IPic. ac.; painful, with headache, Hippom.; painful, in scrofulous and syphilitic iritis, I ISub; painful, as if too large for their orbits, ISpig.; painful, in gonorrhceal ophthalmia, 11 Corah; painful when moving quickly, I IRan. se; painful when revolved, Sib; painful in right, I Ars, ISpig.; painful when moved from side to side, I ICalab.; painful on turning sideways (head- ache), Sib; pain at each step, I IHep.; painful, feels tense, Spig.; painful to turn, ICrot t, I IKalm., Rhus ; pain when turning in certain directions, Meph.; pain on turning quickly, Eryng.; turning, causes vertigo, ISpig.; like pendulum, from side to side, ICup. m.; quick, Stram.; rotary, Ustil, I ITarant.; short, back and forward, with closed eyes, Osm.; spasmodic, IBell, Canth.; spas- modic, after least attempt to use eyes (hyper- aesthesia of retina), INux v.; stiff in muscles, I IKalm.; as from stitches, Carbo v.; vacillate, Cupr. s, IStram.; worse on moving, Como. g@h distorted, looking, rolling, strabis- mus. Eyes, muscles: pain when looking up, ICarbo v.; muscles feel stiff, Eryng.; ciliary muscles, spasm, ICalab, IJab.; tension while reading, ICale; muscular power weak, I I Seneg.; spas- modic action of internal rectus, IHyos. figg" paralysis, strabismus. Eyes, neuralgia: IBell, IChel, Chin, m, ICinch., ICinnab, ICrotal, IHam, llgn, IKalm, IMagn. p., INatr. in, Phell, ISib, I ISpig.; ciliary, worse afternoon and at night, on right, side, better lying down, lAct. rac; ciliary, from asthenopia and chronic iritis, IComo.; ciliary, with acute conjunctivitis, I ITereb.; worse after being in bed a short time, ISib; centres in, above or below, from cold, in damp, rainy weather, I ISpig.; cutting, with vomiting, llris ; upon exposure to any draught of air or before storm, ISib; when pressing lids together, worse when rolling eyes, IMed.; with glaucoma, IPhos.; extends to top of head (ciliary neuralgia), llgn.; indistinct par- oxysms, with contractions and twitchings of muscles on affected side, IGels.; particularly in rheumatic arthritic inflammation, ISpig.; intermittent, worse 10 a.m., from touch or motion, ICinch.; in iritis, I Arn.; dependent upon iritis, following malarial disease, ICinch.; in and above eye, with lachrymation, Chel.; in left eye, Aur. mur., ILach.; seemed to ex- tend from pupil of left to back of head, ICrot. t; in left eye, with severe pain in back of head, as though it had been struck, pain spreads to front, lasted all night, Med.; in left eye, increasing from 10 a.m. to noon, gradu- ally decreases, with lachrymation during pain, I I Stann.; worse from motion, better in rest, pains occasionally periodic in character, and may be worse at night, I IPrun.; worse at night, I IPlumb.; especially after operations on eye, IMez.; in scrofulous ophthalmia, lArs.; paroxysmal, with horizontal half sight, I Ars.; in paroxysms, daily at 5 p.m. (sclerotitis rheumatica), 11 Chin, m.; in par- oxysms,better walking in openair, worse lying down, "Carbo v.; periodic, every day at same hour, IGels.; periodic, in glaucoma, iritis, and choroiditis, ICed.; periodic, with flow of tears and reddened conjunctiva, INatr. m.; periodic, in and around, with chills, Chin. m.; periodic, in iritis, lEuph.; periodic,every other day, 8 to 9 a.m., eye becomes inflamed (ophthalmia rheumatica), ICinch.; periodic, in right (rheumatic ophthalmia),IColoe; with I prosopalgia, HSpig.; of right, ICarbol. ae; in and above, particularly right side, Chel.; from right to occiput, Coccus ; of right in tic dou- loureux, IColoe; in and over right, HSang.; in right, extends to forehead, commences in morning, worse till noon, then better, leaves atsunset (after Aeon, and Bell, failed),! Kalm.; sharp, in and about, lAtrop.; cutting, stitch- like, better by firm pressure and while walk- ing in warm room, worse by rest at night and when stooping, IColoe; worse before a m 5. EYES. storm, IIRhod.; appearing and disappearing, IBelb; worse at exit of supraorbital nerve, I ISib; from decayed teeth, IPlant; continu- ous, varies from a dull grumbling, aching, beating, sore pain to a severe, sharp darting, almost driving patient crazy, especially severe over and around eye, extending through to occiput on corresponding side, often followed course of supraorbital nerve, worse at night, frequently severe paroxysms, 1 to 3 a.m., I ITereb. 8®° sharp pain, shooting, tearing. Eyes, oscillate : 8®" motion. Eyes, odor: fetid, ulcerlike, Paris. Eyes, opening: g^S" Lids open. Eyes, pain (undefined): Absin, ^Ethus, lApis, Asar, Aspar., IBell, Berb, Bufo, ICalab, IChel, Chim. umb, Clem, IColch, IColoe, IComo, ICrot. t, ICup. ac, Daph., lEup. perf, Gamb, IGlon, Gymn, IHep, IHydras, Iodof, IKali c,lJab, ILach,Lyss, IMere cor, 11 Ptel, ISep.; afternoon and evening, worse after sewing, Ars. m.; in open air, Spig.; in muscular asthenopia,!Agar.; with sensation in and around, especially left, worse thinking of eyes, using them and" on awaking in morning (asthenopia), ILach.; back of eves, I ITherid.; back of eyes, in asthenopia," IISul. (after Sep.); back of eyes with dull headache, IPod.; back of eyes, with frontal headache, Kob.; worse bending forward, IColoe; causes blindness, with vertigo, I ITherid.; extends into anterior portion of brain from right, Chrom. ac; running directly back to brain, worse from moving eyes, Grin.; especially in right, with oppression of chest, IRan. b.; during chill, Lact. ac; constant, I Jab.; fol- lowed by coryza, Sang.; with cough, IIEup. perf, IKali iod.; deep in, Ars, Bell, IIKali c; deep in, with photophobia and lachryma- tion, IKali c; as from dryness, ISub; to back part of ear, Ars. m.; with ringing in ears, Cact.; before epilepsy, lAtrop. s.; in evening, Carbo v.; in evening on lying down, Zinc; worse in evening and by gaslight (keratitis), ICale; worse in evening and better in cool air or by cold applications (trachoma), IPuls.; in evening, with redness, IIKali m.; with great nervous excitement in evening, Daph.; in centre, sensation as of pain between eyeball and orbital plate of parietal bone, BAct rac; extends to orbit and head, worse at approach of storm, better when storm broke, with gradual failure of sight, 11 Rhod.; from facial bones, Ars. m.; during fever, IGuaraea ; extends to forehead and ver- tex, Pallad.; in headache, lAgar, IIBell, I ISticta; in chronic headache, lApis; with headache and heat in head and face Calab, into head, Amm. br, ILil. tig.; into I head and ears, on exertion of eye (choroidi- tis), I ISib; into head, one side, better from warmth (sclero-choroiditis ant), I ISib; into I ear corresponding side of head, worse at night, especially 2 or 3 a.m., painful to touch j (kerato-iritis), IHep.; during heat, Stram.; in intermittent, posterior portion of right, IBadiag.; at intervals,from posterior portion to occipital protuberance, Como.; and irrita- tion, IMed.; in keratitis, lAtrop.; in scrofu- lous keratitis, ILach.; with lachrymation, Act. rac; from lamplight, INatr. in.; in left, I Anac, IElaps,Ipom,' Gymn.; in left, in syph- ilitic conjunctivitis, I ISyph.; inleft, in puerpe- ral eclampsia, I ICoccul.; in left, in hemicrania, IChin. a.; in left, with melancholy, I Aur. met; in and around left, pressure relieves pain, 12 o'clock, daily, I I Chin, s.; in left, darting to right (sclero-choroiditis post; asthenopia), ICroe; in left, then in right, with dim vision, Sars.; in left, with muscae volitan- tes, Calab.; from left to vertex, in aline along the middle, Cinnam.; worse in left, dimness of sight, IGels.; mostly in left, with pain in temples, Gamb.; worse in left, in morning, or from stooping, better while eating,lying down and after sleeping, I I Pbos.; worse from light, Apis ; on looking, lApis ; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IGlon.; in morning, when awak- ing, better by washing, IForm.; worse in morning, in conjunctivitis, INatr. a.; violent, from 3 a.m. until 3 p.m., I ISpig.; worse mov- ing eyes, Apis, IBry.; through right, with nausea, Lact. ac; in neuralgia, IChen. a.; worse by any bright object (neuralgia), ICoc- cion.; all night, Vespa; during night, with conjunctival injection brought on by overuse, especially by artificial light, INux v.; intoler- able, every night at 12 o'clock, exhausting, IMere; worse at night, I Ars, IMere, I ISpig, I ISyph.; in and around eye, usually worse at night, with ciliary injection,ICrot t.;in right, worse at night, cannot read, Canth.; better blowing nose, Aur. met.; occasional, IKali m.; extending to occiput, Como, I IParis; with headache in occiput, IINux v.; to occiput, worse before storm (choroiditis), ICed.; through right, to occiput and nose (insanity), I ITarant.; through to occiput, with sensation of weight drawing head back, Syph.; on open- ing, IHydras.; precede full development of athritic ophthalmia, IColoe; from within out- ward, Ast. r.; with photophobia, IChel.; in left, then in right, pupils dilate,Grin.; severe in left, worse pressing on crown of head, with dull headache, Bapt.; on reading, Am, Aur. met, Bapt, I ILith., Phelb; in left, Grin.; in right and above it, Calc. a.; in right, Card.m., Chloral, HComo, ICrotal, Dolich., Erig, Ipom, IMed, IRan. b.; passes from over right, into head, Coccul.; worse in, in right, lying on right side (rheumatic ophthalmia), I ISyph.; in right, at 8 a.m., after walking, Pallad.; in right, particularly during motion, Ars.; in right, could not bear touch, I IRhus; from right to occiput, Diose; in right, worse touching lids, Anag.; worse right side (diar- rhoea), lApis; worse in right (ophthalmia after chill), lEuph.; leaves when sitting in stooping position, goes to neck and muscles of shoulders and beneath scapula, Eryng- disturbing sleep, ICrot t; violent, especially in right, as if it would start out of socket, Magn. s.; in left, succeeded immediately by sickness of stomach, Gamb.; during stool, ICrot. t; sudden, severe, in right, followed by blindness while walking through, fields covered with snow, IKali in.; in and over right, going off with sun, INatr. m.; supraor- bital neuralgia, IChel.; as if swimming in tears, Coral.; transient, Bell.; transient be- hind left, Ascl. t; on using (want of accom- modation), lArg. nit,; on least attempt to use eye, intense pain and spasmodic motion of 5. EYES. 189 ocular muscles (hyperesthesia of retina), INux v.; extending to vertex, ICroe, I IPhos.; in left, with diminished vision (iritis),lEuph.; with dark spots before vision, Cact,; with weakness of sight, Meph.; from walking in wind, Ars. met. Eyes, paralysis: impaired or lost mobility in cellulitis, IPhyt.; following diphtheria,I Kiels.; of ciliary muscle, I IParis, Seneg.; after long disease, | Calab.; from cold, I ICaust, Euph.; from rheumatism, exposure to cold or getting feet wet, IIRhus; of muscles, Caust, ICon, Crotal, IIGels.; partial, of external recti, Con.; of superior oblique, ISyph.; paresis, of superior oblique, ISeneg.; insufficiency of left superior oblique, lArn.; superior oblique muscle also acted in looking downward, causing slight rotation around visual axis, rather than a downward movement, Calab.; of oculo-mo- tors, HArn, lEuph.; paresis of left oculo-mo- tor, with paralysis of superior rectus, I ISeneg.; of oculo-motor and abducens (diplopia), IIGels.; of right external rectus, Chel.; in- sufficiency of external recti, I ICup. ae; paresis of internal recti, I Agar., ICalab, ICon, Uab, ILil. tig, IMere iod. flav, IIMorph. sul, IINatr. in, I IPhos, IRuta, I ISeneg.; of superior rectus and inferior oblique muscles, Calab.; of superior rectus, with paresis of left oculo-motor, I ISeneg.; in spermatorrhoea, sex- ual abuse, IPhos.; worse from stimulants or tobacco, IINux v.; traumatic, I Arn.; of nervus abducens of right, I ISub; of left nervus ab- ducens, syphilitic history, IKali iod.;of syphi- litic origin, IMere iod. flav.; of third nerve, Caust, lEuph, I INux v, I IPhos.; of all fibres of third pair of nerves of right eye, probably of syphilitic origin, IMere iod. flav.; affection of sixth pair of right (emissions), HPhos. 8€iT* motion, also Lids paralysis. Eyes, periodic pain: 8@°" neuralgia. Eyes, piercing : inward pressing, to root of nose and side of forehead, Millet; as with knives (prosopalgia), IChel.; in onanism, IHyos.; in right, with headache in sinciput, Cist,; worse rubbing or pressing upon eye (con- junctivitis), HSep.; obliged to remove spec- tacles in reading or wrriting (nearsighted woman), lApis. 8®" cutting, darting, lan- cinating, stitches. Eyes, pinching: in right inner half, better from motion in open air, Am.; in a small spot above right inner canthus, Jamb. Eyes, pressing: I Alum, Amm. c, Anag., Ananth, Ant. t, HApis, Benz. ac, Berb, IIBry, Cain, ICale, Carbo v, 11 Card, m, ICaust, 11 Chel., Colch, ICup. m,Dig, Euph, IGlon, IHep, Ind, IKali bi, 11 Kali c,ILach, IMere sol, Menyanth, Mosch, INitr. ac, IPhyt, IPsor., IPuls, IIRan. b, IRhus, Sec, I ISep., Spong, Ver, Viol, IZinc, ^Zing.; aching, even when not using (amblyopia), IMere; worse in open air, IClem.; alternates with burning, Sars.; as if pressed asunder, then out of orbit (rheumatic ophthalmia), ILed.; from before backward or above down- ward, Anac; from behind backward, and from below upward, Bism.; in right, behind (uterine derangement), ICaub; behind, with vertigo, IRhus; as if bruised (foreign body in j eye), IHep.; in conjunctivitis, in evening, IISul.; contracting, whilst walking in open air, Euph.; deep in, when she closes eyes, IBelb; deep in, worse looking fixedly upward and sideways, better looking downward, Bar. c; with dimness on exerting eyes, IPetrol.; from above downward, Coloe; from above downward, with aching, I Aur. met.; in right, from above and outside, in evening, worse wiping, Coloe; as from above, with tired feeling and dull pain in eyes, better closing eyes and eating, Sinap.; as from drowsiness, HCinch.; dry, as if sleepy, HEuph.; with dryness,in evening, IStaph.; in left, with dull pressing headache, worse in forehead and temples, Zing.; with dulness and stupe- faction in head, ISeneg.; constant in even- ing, Zinc; in left, in evening, Camph.; to- ward evening, Zinc; in evening, forces her to close eyes, IHep.; as if eyeballs were too large, Phos. ae; from exertion of eyes, Agar.; during fever, IKali e; with pain in forehead, by candlelight, Croc; with press- ing headache in forehead and vertex, as if pressed asunder, IRan. b.; extending into head (hypopion), IHep.; extending through whole head, in light, better in dark room, Bell.; with rush of blood to head, ISub; after headache, Anag.; as if head were firmly pressed, right side (sore throat), I IPhyt; as if there were heat in eyes, IPuls.; with heat and redness, Niccol.; with heat in head and flashes of heat, IKali c; heavy, also in left occiput, Zing.; hard, heavy, dull behind, ITherid.; dull, heavy, behind, with frontal headache, ITherid.; from without inward, Anac, Bapt, Bell., Zinc; inward, on reading, IKali e; in left, Agar, Calc. s. Coccus, ICo- loe, IPuls, Urt. ur. Zinc, Zing.; in left, with lachrymation, seems smaller and weaker, lEuph.; in left, with lachrymation, IIPuls.; on inner surface of left, with profuse lachry- mation, Ruta; in left, worse in lower part, Apis; in middle of left, Clem.; worse after lying down and during rest, from motion and touch, Bism.; with agglutination of lids, IMagn. e; when looking at light, lEuph.; worse from light (traumatic inflammation), ICon.; if he looks attentively at anything, Bar.c, INatr. m.; when looking up ward, Sabad.; as if compressed, worse on looking, I IPhos.; in lower part of left, Apis; in lower part, in hydrops retinae, I Apis; with headache dur- ing menstrual period, preventing sleep, ICroe; in middle of globe, Cain.; from middle, at every change of light, either going from dark into light, or suddenly from light to dark, Stram.; morning and evening, I IGraph.; on moving them, I I Agar.; only in morning on rising, Val.; in right inner half, wrorse from motion in open air, Arn.; worse from motion, awakens 5 a.m., gradually increases and dimin- ishes, I I Stann.; with muscae volitantes, Calab.; at night, Coccul.; with throbbing tearing, in occiput (headache1!, I ISub; if pressed against side of orbits, Card, m.; from within outward, lAur. met, IBry, Camph., Cann. s, Caulo, ICham, IComo, Daph., IFluor. ac, Guaraea, Gymn, I liber, llgn, IMere cor, IINux v., Paris, IPhyt, IPsor, IIPuls, ISil, ISpig, Thuya; outward, in morbus Basedowii, IPhos.; outward, especially in evening by candlelight, ISeneg.; outward, in glaucoma, with shooting, IIBry.; outward, in hay 190 5. EYES. asthma, ILach.; outward, with frontal head- ache, IMed.; outward, worse in right eye, with headache in forehead, I ISang.; outward, with pressure in front of head, Lye vir.; out- ward when she combs hair, INux v.; outward, in sick headache, I ISang.; outward, with heavy pain, Lac e; outward in left, Bry.; outward, with twitching of lids, IStram.; out- ward in neuralgia, I IStram.; outward, better by pressing them with fingers, but worse a few moments afterward, IHam.; outward, in right, Apoe, IFerr, I ISpig.; outward, better on stooping, lAcon.; in pannus, lApis; in outer half of left, Spong.; periodically, I IRan. se; as of a dull point, from within, especially below right eyelid, Asar.; better from external pressure (ophthalmia scrcfu- losa), ICaust.; when reading, writing or doing any fine work, Con.; when reading by candle- light, Mang.; while reading in evening, INatr. s.; worse reading,sewing, etc, llgn.; in right, Coccus, Urt. ur.; in right, evening, IKalm.; in right, then left, 11 Chel.; in upper part of right, Astac; after rubbing them causes one to see red and blue margins,Stront.; sensitive, pressing pain in left, Bry.; with aching in sinciput and occiput when sitting in a warm room, Seneg.; from smoking, Calad.; sore, in and around, Apis; sore, as if pressed out of head, IBry.; especially on stooping, IColoe; stupefying, Calad.; with swelling, INux v.; then stitching, bringing tears, IKali c; ten- sive, in right, like rheumatism, Zinc; in left, with sticking drawing along left tibia into ankle bones, IColoe; on top of balls, moving them downward and outward. IComo.; with painful sensitiveness to touch, Calad.; worse from touch, ICaust; toward eyes, IGlon.; to- ward eyes, with headache, Astac; transient, in afternoon, I ICham.; in melanotic tumor, Aur. met; worse on turning eye, ISpig.; on upper half, Lobel. b; painful, in upper part, I IPhyt.; on upoer surface, Stront.; on left, from below upward, Lachn.; in upper, as if squeezed, left worse, Chel.; after using them ever so little, INux v.; in and over to vertex, Gymn.; with diminution of vision, Seneg.; as if tightly compressed from all sides, with momentary obscuration of vision, ICham.; on walking in open air, Sub; violent, in right eye, while walking in open air, Zinc; as if she should press them in, ICale; sensitive to pressure (ophthalmia tarsi), IMere cor.; left tender to, Eryng. 8ggF"constricting,contracting, dull, heavy, tension. Eyes, pricking; Ananth, Aur. mur.; after reading, lApis; by candlelight, ISep.; left (sequelae of iritis), IKali bi.; worse in in- nerangleand in evening (pterygium),! IZinc; with lachrymation, I ICaust; in left, Sib; worse in left, Arund.; worse in right, caused by a cold, ISul. Eyes, prominent: ggg" protruding. Eyes, protruding: Acet. ac, lyEthus, Amyg, Arn., lArs, IBell, Brom, Calc. p, Cale s, ICanth,Caps,Chlor,ICoccul,IColch,IComo., Cup. m, Dros, Fluor, ac, IGlon, Hydr. ae, IIHyos, llgn, 7rKali ars., IKreo, ILach, Lact. ac, IOp, IPlat, IPuls, Spig, ISpong., IStram, IVer.; in asthma, ICup. m.; sud- denly awaking (spasmus glottidis), I ISub; in choroiditis, IColoe; in convulsions, ICup. m.; in tetanic convulsions, after measles, ICham.; with noisy, stomachy cough, IKali m.; in croup,IHep.; in whooping cough,ICaps.; in delirium, IBell, Dory.; in dyspepsia, I IKali m,; in puerperal eclampsia, "Atrop. s.; during epileptic attack, IIHyos.; in exoph- thalmus (morbus Basedowii), I I Amyb, Ars, Aur, Badiag, IBar. c. Bell., Cact, ICale, Chlorof., Con, Crotal, Dig, IIFerr, IFerr. iod, llgn, lllod, ILye vir, IPhos, INatr. m., -See, HSpong.; exophthalmus, with struma, ICale, Hod, 11 See; exophthalmus, consequent upon tumor behind eyeball (re- lieved), I IThuya ; sensation as if protruded, IBell, IGlon, Hod, IMed.; sensation, with foreign body in eye, IHep.; sensation, with headache, IIBell.; sensation, with feeling as if a thread were tightly drawn through eyeball and backward into middle of brain, I IParis; in bilious remittent fever, I IPod.; in headache (Basedow's disease), I Aur. met, IIGlon.; with tumultuous action of heart (morbus Basedowii), ILye vir.; in hydro- cephalus, IMere; in influenza, llpec; with staring look (child in convulsions), lAmyb; with startled look (neuropathia), 11 Kali ars.; in mania, IGlon.; red and ghastly (acute ma- nia after melancholia), IGels.; in monomania, ICamph.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IHydr. ae; after suppression of menses (exophthal- mus), IFerr. iod.; in neuralgia, IChel.; with wounded oesophagus, ICie, Fluor, ae; in pneumonia, I Ant. t; in incipient hydroceph- alus, IAp':s ; pupils dilated, IGels.; eyes red, IGlon.; of right eye, HArn.; right eye feels more prominent than left, llComo.; with suf- focating fits, IVer.; in syphilis, HClem.'; as if forced out, when throat is pressed, IILach.; with unconsciousness, I IVer. 8€gco fulness, pressing outward. Eyes, pulling: 8€g°° drawing. Eyes, pulsating : 8€§~ throbbing. Eyes, pustules: 8^° Conjunctiva, Cornea. Eyes, quivering : Apis, IGlon, IHyos.; of left, worse at night, I I Apis; when reading by candlelight, Berb.; in incipient tuberculosis. I ITubere ggg~ jerking, motion, twitching. Eyes, red: ggjg* Conjunctiva congested. Eyes, rending : 8®" tearing. Eyes, restless: 8@°" expression, motion. Eyes, rheumatic pain: Apis, Clem, I IKali c, IPhyt.; in left, Grin. 8ST" drawing. Eyes, rings: 8€§"~ Circumorbital circles, In- fraorbital half-circles. Eyes, rolling: IBelb, ICham., IHyos, Lyss, IStram, Tereb, Ustil, IVer, I IZinc; in cholera infantum, I IZinc; in chorea, I I See; in convulsions, IZinc; in convulsions (denti- tion), ICham.; in hysterical convulsions, ICie; in puerperal convulsions, Atrop. s., IGlon.; in tetanic convulsions after measles, ICham.; downward in arachnitis, IChlorof; down- ward, in convulsions, lyEthus, I Art. v.- in epilepsy, ICaust, ICup.m.; of half-closed eyes, HOZnan.; in typhus abdominalis, IINux v.; outward and upward (convulsions), IGlon' with closed lids, ICup. m.; with closed lids' pupils dilated (sudden unconsciousness) ICoc- cul.; revolve toward right and left, with'veloc- ity of half a second, all day (clonic spasms 5. EYES. 191 of eyes), I Agar.; in scarlatina, ICup. ac; from side to side, Amyg.; occasional, during sleep, 01. an.; during sleep, in hydrocephalus, lApis; in incipient tuberculosis, IITuberc; upward, I Aeon, Ananth, Amyg., Camph, Cina, Cup. m, ILaur., HPlat, Tereb, IVer.; upward, in congestion to brain, IICup. m.; upward, in catarrhal croup, 11 Ant. t; upward, in cerebrospinal disease, IHell, I IVer. v.; up- ward, in convulsions, Art. v., 7rCamph, ICup. m, IGlon.; upward, before convulsions, in a child, I Art. v.; upward, in convulsions, worse during menses, (Enan.; upward and to left before attack (epilepsy), IBufo.; upward, in epileptic convulsions, ILach.; upward, in hemiplegia, I IHydr. ac; upward, in hydro- cephalus, I Apis, I Art. v, IHell.; upward, after labor, IGlon.; upward, especially in left, Amyg.; upward, in meningitis, 11 Hell.; up- ward, in meningitis basilaris, on lifting lids, Cie; upward, in malignant scarlatina, ILach.; upward, with somnolence during day (in- flammation of brain), IIPuls.; upward, in sunstroke, IGlon.; upward, in incipient tuber- culosis, IITuber.; vacantly, ILach. 8@" distorted, expression, motion. Eyes, rubbing : better after, Caps., ICina; de- sire to, Carbol. ac. Cinch, bob, IKali bi.; desire to, in amenorrhcea, Symph.; desire to, after iritis, IKali bi.; desire to, it relieves pressure (cataract), ICaust,; desire to, in right, to remove dimness, I ISul.; causes itching sting- ing, IKalm.; child rubsas if to relieve itching (brain affection), Squilla; must rub, IGymn, IMez.; must rub when reading, Arn.; in ery- sipelatous ophthalmia, 11 Rhus ; tender, espe- cially left, IIKali bi.; as if against lids, ISub 8®"burning, dryness, itching, smarting. Eyes, scratching sensation: IDaph, I ISep.; in conjunctivitis siccus, IHydras. 8@" biting, irritation, itching. Eyes, sensitive: Cain, IGraph, INatr. m, INux v.; after exertion, especially in even- ing, I INiccol.; in morning, with headache, ICina; right eye, llgn. 8®" touch. Eyes, set: g@?~ fixed. Eyes, sharp pain: Chloral, IColch.; on awak- ing, 2 a.m., I Act rac; from before back- ward on turning or moving eyes, Ind.; through into head, Act. sp, Rhus; back into head or radiating, worse moving eyes or at night, I ISpig.; through into head, with ulcer- ated cornea, lAct rac; through to head, on touching, I Asaf; across left, at night in bed, Chrom. ac.; in left, worse while reading, with photophobia, direct light painful, Lact. ac; worse at night, better in warmth (syphilitic iritis), IIThuya; occasional (cataract with asthenopia), Jab.; from wTithin outward, in left, HSenecio; in right, I I Calab.; through, on reading or writing, IPhyt.; to temples, worse before a storm (choroiditis), ICed. 8®° neuralgia. Eyes, shooting: I Act. rac,Apis, Gnaphal., Lyss, IPuls.; into arms after operation for strabis- mus, IBerb.; backward, in right, increasing to boring (rheumatic ophthalmia), I ISyph.; worse in bed, and from warmth (ophthalmia), lArn.; violent, in right, Apis; through, into brain, after operation for strabismus, IBerb.; in choroiditis, llpec; from deep within, worse in evening and night, IMere; before falling, with vertigo, IKali e; in intermittent, IDiad.; in typhus, I Apis; through into head, Cinnab.; into head, at intervals, worse in evening and night (ophthalmia), iCaust.; through to back of head (iritis), IIRhus; in hordeolum, IChe- lid.; from without inward, IColoe; in kera- titis, HApis; in left, Chim. umb.; deep in left, Cain.; in left (ophthalmia), ICaust; in left, worse reading, ISub; first left then right, Chel.; from left to vertex, IPhos, I IPhyt; over left, Eryng.; from bright light, Kob.; worse at night (syphilitic iritis), IIMerc; into nose and head (hemeralopia), IHyos.; to occiput, IBelb; from within outward, IBell, Coccul, IKali hi.; outward, in right, with hot lachry- mation on staring or writing, I I Rhod.; in paroxysms, ISib; burning, pressing, worse on moving, IIAcon.; in right, I Arg. nit; shoot- ing, I ICalab.; occasional through right (conical cornea), I IPuls.; through right, going back in- to head, causing eye to fill with hot water, 11 Spig.; in right, after measles, lArg. met; sharp, IGels, Rhus, I I Senecio ; sharp, extend- ing through, back into brain (ciliary neural- gia), HPrun.; sharp, back into head, with dull ache of head (torpor retinae), IJab.; sharp, through eye and corresponding side of head (glaucoma), Prun.; inleft, sharp, I I yEsc. h.; sharp, to temples, vertex and occiput, ILach.; on falling asleep, at night (glaucoma), I IPhos.; sudden, to forehead and temples, Berb.; trans- ient, in glaucoma, I IPhos.; toward eye, in short attacks, early morning, ICamph. 8€&T* cutting, darting, lancinating, neur- algia. Eyes, sensation of skin before : Ratan. Eyes, smaller: lEuph, I IZinc; diminished, half size, with flickering dimness of vision (headache), IColoe; particularly left, in proso- palgia, Verbas.; left looks smaller, I IPhos., I ISep, Squilla; in epilepsy, IBufo.; and re- tracted, Bry. Eyes, smarting: Ailant, IIAlum, Amm. e, 11 Arum t. Bell, ICalab, ICanth, Ced, llCepa, IColoe, Dios.,Eucab, IHydras,Iodof, Hod, Ipom., IJab., Jacea, IKali c, ILept, IMez, Pic. ac. Pod, IIRan. b., Ran. sc, Sep, ISil, IISul., Syph.; on going into open air, Natr. a, Ustil.; biting, between eye- balls and lids, as if a hair were between them, Coccus ; in blepharitis ciliaris, Seneg.; espe- cially in outer canthus, with lachrymation, 11 Colch.; with catarrh, ICepa ; worse on clos- ing, IClem.; in blennorrhoea of conjunctiva, IKreo.; in coryza, I Ars. iod.; all day, Erig.; as from dust, Amb.; in evenings, Ant t.; worse in evening, Aeon.; as from excoriation, Hod.; in hay fever, IRan. b.; with heat in eyes, IGraph.; with lachrymation, lEuph, Gamb.; with profuse lachrymation, IPhyt, Sinap.; in left, Sil, Sinap.; especially in mar- gins of lids,Clem.; first in one, then in other, with lachrymation, HCinch.; in ophthalmia, I Apis; in catarrhal ophthalmia, IPhyt.; pressive, as if from salt, must rub them, ICinch.; as if raw, worse closing eyes, IClem.; when reading by candlelight, ICale; in right, has to wear a shade in evening, to read or write, Amm. br.; worse from rubbing, I IKreo.; with feeling as of sand, Myr. cer.; as if salt were in them, I ISub; as if filled with sharp salt, during fever (ague), INatr. m.; 192 5. EYES. like salt, worse in morning, INux v.; as from smoke, ICroe, Natr. a, Vab; after rising, INatr. m.; on being used, in cataract, with asthenopia, IJab.; worse by constant use and by lamplight, Pieae; as if worried (ophthal- mia), ICaust. 8^° biting, burning, heat, itching. Eyes, soreness (sensation): yEsc h, IBapt., I ICalab, Camph, Chrom. ac, Como, ICornus, Cochl., Colch, Dios, IIEup. perf, IGels, IGlon, IIHam, ILach., I ILith. c, Lyss, II Paris, Rumex, I ISang, Sarrae, Sil, Sinap, Urt. ur,Vib.; on going into cold air, better in warm room (pterygium), I IZinc; in muscular asthenopia, lAgar.; worse in inner canthus, and in evening (pterygium), I IZinc; with painful cramping and compression around or- bital region, particularly supraorbital, Plat,; in post-diphtheritic affection, ILach.; in even- ing, IGels.; as if excoriated, Arn.; in bilious fever, lEup. pert; in headache, Psor.; with headache after a fall, IHyper.; in rheum- atic iritis, IColch.; in left, ISep., I ITereb.; in left, better from cold applications (con- junctivitis pustulosa), I ISub; must close them frequently, Psor.; on closing lids, or turning eyeball, with burning in lids, I ISticta; in dysmenorrhoea, IZinc; in morning, Gymn.; on moving them, I IBapt, IBry, IGebs,INatr. m, HPhos.; on moving from side to side, Calab.; in upper half, when moved, I Aeon.; as from overwork, Dory.; when reading, Natr. ph.; after reading, ICroe; in right, Iodof; in right, worse on moving eye, iComo.; with flying specks, Calab.; with sore throat, Lyss.; to touch, worse in evening and better in cool air, or by cold applications (trachoma), IPuls.; when using them, Apis; with vertex so sore she cannot comb hair, Merc, sob; followed by vom- iting, Cup. ac. 8®" aching, bruised, dull pain. Eyes, spasms: 8€^*" convulsive, distorted, motion, rolling, strabismus. Eyes, stabbing : 8@T* cutting, darting, lan- cinating. Eyes, feel as though they had been taken out and squeezed and put back again, pains worse after sleep, wakens from sleep (supraorbital neuralgia): DLach. 8®" bruised, pressing. Eyes, staring: Arn, Asar, IBelb, ICamph., ICanth, Carb. s,Cham, IChlor, Cina, IColch, Clem, Cupr. ac, Cup. m. Dory, IIEup. pur, IGlon, IHydr. ae, IIHyos, IHyper., Lyss, IMere cy., INux m, HOp, HPhos. ac, IPhyt, Sec, ISquilla, 11 Val, IZinc; anxiously, on awaking (meningitis infan- tum), lArn.; in apoplexy, or asthma, lAcon.; blankly, without taking notice, child (clonic spasms of eyes), I Agar.; with blindness. from effusion of water on brain, IKali iod.; in consequence of stagnation of blood by swelling of neck, worse at night (scarlatina), I IPhos.; at ceiling, in hydrocephalus, Art, v.; in cholera Asiatica, ICup. m.; in chorea, Cina; in convulsions,Cup.m, Sib; in convul- sions, in dentition, ICham.; in convulsions, lasting from a quarter to half an hour, IMagn. p.; wildly, in convulsions, before menses, I IPuls.; in delirium, IIHyos.; in dentition, Tereb.; in epilepsy, ICie; in typhus, lArs.; in typhoid, INitr. sp. d, IIPhos. ac, IZinc.; fixed on objects, I ICup. in.; as if frightened, on awaking, IZinc; straight in front (puer- peral convulsions), IGlon.; in spasmus glotti- dis, I IVer.; with sudden rush of blood to head (hysteria), IMosch.; straight before him (ef- fects of wounded honor, I INux v.; in hydro- cephalus, Art. v, IKali iod.; straight forward in catalepsy, lArt. v.; impudently, after dog- bite, I IStram.; inclination to, Alum, I IKali e; with a peculiar intoxicated look, IStram.; in mania,IBelb, ICanth.; in melancholy,JAur. met; in religious melancholy, IKali ph.; in meningitis, IStram.; in cerebrospinal men- ingitis, IILyc; in desquamative nephritis, I IPlumb.; with wide open eyes, I Hod, I ILaur.; on awaking from sleep in evening, llpec; lies on back (apoplexy), IStram.; fixed pupils (convulsions), Amyg.; with open lids, in meningitis, ISpong.; in parotitis, Dory.; in pneumonia, lAnt. t.;at one point, Bov.; senseless, at one object, llgn.; at one spot, Mez.; in puerperal mania, ICamph, I IPuls.; with dilated pupils (lyssa), ILyss.; with large immovable pupils, IStram.; as if riveted in sockets (irritation of brain), ICup. ae; from scolding, IMosch.; senseless, Kali hi.; in spi- nal irritation, IChin.; spitefully (after dog- bite), HStram.; stupidly, Stram.; after work- ing in sun, IGlon.; with unconsciousness, yEthus.; vacant, in typhus, I IChin. s.; vacant, thoughtless (urticaria) IBov.; vacant, in puer- peral mania, ICup. ae; vaguely, IIThuya; with vertigo, Mosch.; feeling as if she stared, IMed. 8^° expression, fixed. Eyes, sticking: Crot. t, IGraph, ILith, IPetrol.; burning, in left toward external canthus, Tarax.; constant,in right, Spig.; fine, Caps.; frequent, IGamb.; back into head or radiating, worse moving eyes and at night, I ISpig.; extending into head and around eye, usually worse in rest, at night and on stoop- ing, better by firm pressure and walking in a warm room (iritis, glaucoma), IColoe; in left, Sep, Sinap.; in left, extends to brow, ILach.; worse in morning and evening (ciliary neuralgia), ICrotal.; night and morning, ISib; worse at night (syphilitic iritis), IIMerc; worse in night, better from warmth (syphi- litic iritis), I IThuya ; on opening eye, HArs, as of pins, when pressing, Sinap.; in right, Aeon, Calad, INatr.in.; sharp, worse moving eyes (conjunctivitispustulosa), I ISub; sharp, wrorse at night and toward morning (scrofu- lous and syphilitic iritis), I ISub; sharp, worse at night opposite gaslight (keratitis pustulosa), IMere sob; in trachoma, ISub; as of splinter in inner canthus of left, Elat.; with dimness of vision, eyes better in open air, I IPuls. 8€|r* cutting, darting, lancinating, pierc- ing, stinging. Eyes, stiffness : Camph., 11 Caust, Cupr. 8, HPhos.; on motion, Bell, I IPhos.; cannot move, Bar.; of muscles on movement (iritis), I ISpig. fi®" motion. Eyes, stinging: in and around, Apis, Bell, ICale, ICaust, ICepa, ICrot t, Goss, Iodof, Magn. 8., IINitr. ac, IPuls, Spong., Thuya; momentary biting, in right, changing its place, TrCheb; in blepharitis (keratitis), HApis; on closing, I ISars.; in evening and morning, Meph.; finally pressing, in evening, Spong.; especially when exerting eyes, I IMere; in left, extending to forehead, Lyss.; 5. EYES. 193 after heat (intermittent), I IDiad.; in and around left, Apis; in left, Chim. umb.; in left, after fever, Spong.; worse in left (sequelae of iritis), IKali bi.; sensitive to light, Zing.; worse in candlelight, IColch.; worse at night (scrofulosis), ICon.; in paroxysms, ISib; piercing, in left, Sib; in right, Apis, Calad.; in right, compels one to rub and press it, Urt. ur.; better in warmth, wants eye covered, better in draught of air, IHep.; better wash- ing in cold water (conjunctivitis pustulosa), I ISul. g@T" piercing, pricking, stitches. Eyes, stitches: Alum, Amm. c, Anag., Ananth, HArn, I I Asaf, Aspar, IBry., Cham, ICist, Clem, IDig, Dros, I Euph, IGlon, IHep, IIKali c, IKalm, ILach, IIMerc. sol, Natr. ph, I INitr. ac, Nitr. sp. d, Psor, Sec, I ISep.; burning, lEuph.; violent, burrowing, presses upper lid downward, Spig.; at external can- thus (keratitis), ICale; when coughing, in right (grippe), ISeneg.; deep, IMere; deep, going to occiput, nape and vertex, begins on rising in morning, at height4 p.m., passes off with night's rest, better from warmth, worse from sound, llgn.; and soreness evening when looking at light, IILyc; before he falls, with vertigo,IKali c; during fever, IKali e; in childbed fever, Ant. c, IColoe; fine, in right, Apoe; in left, to forehead and temple, 1 to 7 p.m. daily, followed by perspiration (intermittent), I IChin. s.; for- mication, ICycl.; in head, out at eye, ICale; with onesided tearing in head, ISil.; with headache, Hippom., I ISub; from without in- ward, IColoe; itching, in right, returns after rubbing, Spig.; knifelike, from head, ILach.; knifelike with headache, I IThuya; knifelike, in right, ISub; with lachrymation (Basedow's disease), I ISpong.; with flow of tears in sun, while reading, ICale; in left, Bor,Cist, I ISpig.; in left,upper, Bapt; from bright light, Euph, IPuls.; through middle, IIKali c, IParis; as from needles, 11 Meph.; as from needles, after dinner, Natr. c.; in left, as from needles, Bapt.; as of a needle or splinter (pustular in- flammation of cornea and conjunctiva), IISul.; as if needles were thrust into right, ISpig.; in and around, wrorse at night (arthritic oph- thalmia), lApis; in ophthalmia scrofulosa, ICale; from within outward, Coccul, IDros, IMur. ac, INatr. c; in pannus, lApis; with photophobia,worse during sultryweather,ISul.; cutting, pressing, in right, Zinc; in right, Bapt, IBell, Calad, I IChel, IHyper, 11 Lith, I IZinc; with inflammation of sclerotica, INux v.; sharp, while reading or looking at a bright light, IKali e; prevents sleep at night, 7rCarbo a.; stabbing, back into head, or radiating, worse moving eyes, or at night, HSpig.; stabbing, through and around, commencing in one point and radiating in every direction (choro- iditis), ISpig.; stabbing, in left, Chim. umb.; sudden, to forehead, Berb.; sudden, in front part of both, from right to left, fChim. umb.; with vertigo (irido-choroiditis), IRhus; with sudden feeling of warmth, in left, Sinap. gj@g° cutting, darting, lancinating, pierc- ing, stinging. Eyes, strabismus : Agar., Ant. t, IIBell, ICale,' *Carbo a, HCic, ICina, IGels., IHyos, I IKali ph, IMagn. p, I IPlumb, ISpig, IZinc; in brain affections, HApis, IIBell, IDig, IHell., IHyos,IKali iod,IMerev,IMere sol,IStram., ITabae, I ITubere; in cholera infantum, IStram.; in chorea, IStram.; convergent,Chel.; convergent in children, if periodic and of a spasmodic character, or caused by convulsions, I ICie; convergent, in puerperal convulsions, I IOp.; convergent, in helminthiasis, I ISpig.; convergent, in helminthiasis, convulsions and after fails, with diplopia, ICycl.; convergent, in left,ICalc,ICycl.; convergent, in right, I Alum.; convergent, periodic, IJab.; hypermetropic, double convergent (retinitis hemarolopica), ILye; convergent, strabismus paralytica, Syph.; convergent, in puerperal mania, ICamph.; after diphtheria, IGels, I IKali ph.; distortion, as if from pressure, Calc. p.; diver- gent, I I Alum, ICamph, I IPhos, Zinc; diver- gent, of both eyes, I IMorph. sul.; divergent, following inflammatory rheumatism, after Rhus, eyes parallel for one day, then squint, comes on from fatigue, more marked in hot weather and worse in wunter, INatr. m.; diver- gent, of about half a line, in right, 11 Sul.; di- vergent of right, writh redness and lachryma- tion (headache), IColoe; in eclampsia, IStram.; epileptic,IStram, I ITarant; in clonic spasms, of eyes, I Agar.; after a fall or blow, ICie; in ty- phoid, ILye, I Ver. v.; in intermittent, IChin. s.; feels as if she had a nervous sensation in head, ICale, IMere v.; eyes drawn to left, Amyg.; incline to turn to left, feel painful when turn- ing them to right, sees double or triple, Dig.; on exposure to strong light, Eryng.; after measles, ICycl.; from mental emotions, terror, fear, etc., IStram.; of recent date, not de- pending upon weakness of opposing muscle, IJab.; follows night terrors in children, IKali br.; paralytic, ISyph.; paralytid, with di- plopia, INux v.; periodic, worse from mental excitement, or caused by injury, INux v.; tendency to recurrence, after operation, IJab.; turned to right, in convulsions, TTCamph.; in shock from injury, IOp.; spasmodic, IMagn. p.; after cutting eye teeth, ICale; during period of tranquillity (in hydrophobia, last stage), Lyss.; with worms, ICina, ICycl, I INatr. ph., ISpig. 8®° distorted, motion convulsive, muscles, paralysis ; also Sight diplopia. Eyes,straining: sisT'tired; also Sight straining. Eyes, as if hanging by a string : Cepa. Eyes, sunken: lAnae, IIAnt. chl, Arg. nit, ■ 11 Arn, I Ars, Ars. h, Ast. r, Cadm. s, ICamph, ICanth, IColch, IColoe, Cornus, Crotal, Cup.ac, Cup.m, Cup.s, ICycl,IDros, IGlon,IGraph,IHell,IKali c,IMyos, Nitr.ac, I lOleand, IPhos., IPlat, I IPlumb, I ISep, ISpong,Stann.,l I Stram, 11 Sul, 11 Thuya.l Ver.; in fistula in ano, IIBerb.; in asthma, I IKali ph.; in irritation of brain, ICup. ac; with red spots on cheeks, HOp.; in cholera, I Ant. t; in cholera Asiatica, ICamph, ICup. m.; in cholera infantum, Coff t, I llpec, IKali br.; in cholera morbus, ICamph.; in biliary colic, ICinch.; during epileptic convulsion, I Bufo.; in puerperal convulsions, I IOp.; in cough,IPhos.; in nervous debility, I Curar.; in diabetes, 11 Uran. n.; with bloody mucopurulent diar- rhoea, IIKali br.; in dyspepsia, IVer.; with pale face, Ox. ac, IPuls, ISpong.; with livid and sunken face, IIKali ph.; in bilious remittent fever, ICrotal.; in typhus, ICarbo v.; in typhoid, IMere, HPhos. ac; in febris 13 194 5. EYES. nervosa putrida, I Ars.; in gonorrhoea, I ITa- rant; in headache, Calc. s.; in chronic head- ache, INaja; in hydrocephalus acutus, IDig, IMere; in insanity, IINux v.; left, in pro- sopalgia, IChel.; in meningitis, IGlon.; during menses, ICed.; in desquamative nephritis, 11 Plumb.; after night watching and mental disturbance during pregnancy, 11 Puis.; incip- ient phthisis following amenorrhcea, I ISang.; in ophthalmia, ICie; dull, yellowish, and filled with tears (phthisis florida after pneu- monia) IIFerr.; in pleuritis, with plastic exuda- tion, IHep.; in chronic rheumatism, 11 Sabina; with blue rings,Acet ac, Act.rae,IHelb,IIpec, llris, IKali iod., IKreo, ILye, IPhos. ac, Sec, IStaph.; with blue rings, in asphyxia of child after birth, lAnt t; with blue rings, as after excess, Staph.; with blue rings and pale face, ITabae; with blue rings, in stomatitis, IStaph.; with gray rings, Carb. s.; after sexual excesses, I IStaph.; in spermatorrhoea, IGels., llris; with pain in umbilical region to small of back, dull boring, worse in paroxyms, 11 Plat.; with weak- ness, 11 Dros. BSf Circumorbital circles, In- fraorbital half-circles. Eyes, swelling: I Apis, 11 Ars. m., I Ars, Bufo., Cochl, Crot. t, Erig, 11 Eup. pur., I IGuaiac, IHep, Hgn, IMagn. e, Mang, I IPlumb,, IIRhus, Vespa; with pain, as if an abscess would form in right, Ananth.; in morning, Elaps ; in coryza, ICepa; red, in cystitis, lEup. pur.; in diphtheritic conjunctivitis, IMere iod. rub.; with bloodshot appearance of eye, IHam.; feeling of, Bapt, Rhus, Sarrae, Thuya; feel- ing of, in morbus Basedowii, IPhos.; feeling of, in traumatic inflammation, ICon.; of left, Eryng.; of one eye, and half of nose, in morn- ing, after headache, Coccul.; in ophthalmia, 11 Apis; pufliness, Guaraea, IIKali e; puffi- ness, in albuminuria, during pregnancy, I Apis ; pufliness, in diphtheria, Apis; pufliness, in tertian intermittent, IFerr. B€lr Lids swelling. Eyes, syphilitic affections: I Aur. met, IIKali iod, IIMerc, IINitr. ac, IPhyt, I ISyph, Thuya. 8^* Conjunctiva, Cornea, Iris, Oph- thalmia, etc. Eyes, tearing: Ant.t, 11 Apis, Bell, Bor., Cadm.s, ICale, Cepa, IChel., ICoccul, IColch, Eryng., llpec, ILye, IPuls.; in amaurosis, 11 Sub; worse in bed and warmth (ophthalmia), lArn.; boring, over left, Eryng.; burning, near eye, worse morning and night, deprives of rest and sleep, I IRhus ; from taking cold, IPhos.; as if cut had been made around, worse in morning and evening (ciliary neuralgia), ICrotal.; worse in evening and night, Coloe; in left,after fever, Spong.; from left up into forehead, evenings, after lying down, Coccus; in left, Berb, IChel, Zinc; driving to madness, worse in damp weather, right side, or left to right, especially in anaemic persons, IVer.; in right, down to maxillary bone, 11 Arum t; nightly, IPlumb.; at night, awakening from sleep, INux v.; in arthritic ophthalmia, I INux v.; especially at night, in arthritic ophthalmia, Rhus ; worse at night and in damp weather (iritis), IMere; in parox- ysms, ISib; in left, in paroxysms, Niccol.; in right, IHyos.; in right, as if inner portion of eye would be torn out, IPrun.; in right, then in left, I IChel.; in right, with dimness of vision and sensation as if cold air were rushing through, Croc; sharp, in right, at night, I I Kali e; deprives one of sleep, worse in cold damp weather (rheumatic ophthalmia), Ver.; sticking, Zinc; extends to right temple and is worse from shaking head, coughing, looking at light and from touch (rheumatic ophthal- mia), IColoe; in left, extends to zygoma, teeth, forehead and temple, first better by pressure, soon cannot endure slightest touch, periodically evenings in bed (prosopalgia), IChel. B^° lacerating, neuralgia. Eyes, tears: gggT Lachrymation. Eyes, tension: Apis, I Aur. met, Camph., llpec, IIKali e; balls sore, IGels.; with weakness of body, Sib; in choroiditis, IColoe; deep in eye, Colch.; diminished, I IPlumb.; painful drawing on moving muscles of face, with stye on lid, 11 Puis.; transitory pain in forehead as if skin had grown fast, Sabina; feels harder, Coloe, IIPuls.; with vibratory shaking sensation in head when stepping hard, ISib; increased, I ICalab.; painful, in left, Spig.; worse from motion, using eyes, excitement, IParis; in tarsal ophthalmia, IMere cor.; on pressure, lAur. met; as if skin were thick and could not be drawn into wrinkles, with pain as if membranes of brain were tense, Paris; with swelling of eyes, INux v.; painful, to teeth and cheek, worse at night, with headache, sneezing, coryza, etc. (anchy- losis), I IStaph.; about left, near temple, Spong.; of skin, Apis; and contraction ex- tending from eyes in and meeting in brain, down whole length of spine, Med. 8^° constriction, contraction, drawing, pressing. Eyes, worse thinking about them: ISpig. Eyes, throbbing (beating, pulsating): I Ars, llBell.,Benz. ac,IChel,Clem, Lyss,Rheum; especially at internal canthus, awakes at 1 a.m., lasts an hour, 11 Tereb.; with chorio-retinitis, especially in left, worse in morning, worse lying down, INux v.; with conjunctival irrita- tion, photophobia, and lachrymation, I ICa- lab.; with drawing deep in and around right, I ILith.; in left, extending to forehead and temple, 1 to 7 p.m. daily, followed by respi- ration (intermittent), I IChin. s.; and shooting (iritis), IMere; as if eyes were jumping out of head (hysteria from grief), IGels.; in left, sore to touch, Chrom. ae; nightly, IMere iod. flav.; worse at night (syphilitic iritis), IIMerc; in paroxysms, ISib; pressive, like a small pulse in and around, as frequent as a hundred in a minute (ophthalmia), I Ars.; from reading, Ammoniac; stitch, at every pulsation, after midnight, Ars.; in right, IHyos.; in right, with sick stomach, particularly on rising from a reclining po- sition, like seasickness, I ITherid.; better in warmth, wants eye covered, worse in draught, IHep. Eyes, tickling: Ananth, Aspar, Aur. mur.; in right, as from dust, IZinc. B^" irritation, foreign body, tingling. Eyes, tightness: g^° tension. Eyes, tingling: Clem.; in catarrhal ophthal- mia, IPhyt.; worse by constant use, and by lamplight, Pic. ac. 8®* formication, pricking, smarting Eyes, tired: IGraph, Sep, I IStram.; easily, 5. EYES. 195 when reading, Myr. cer.; in evening, Psor.; with feeling as if balls were pressed on from above, better closing eyes and when eating, Sinap.; as if lids would close, Ant, t; after sleep, lArs.; soon tire, and pain when be reads or writes, Natr. a. g®™ expression, also Sight straining. Eyes, trembling; disagreeable, Diad.; when looking at an object intently or steadily, ISeneg.; worse at night, Apis ; as if eyes were trembling, Con.; weary, with coryza, Jacar. 8^° motion convulsive. Eyes, sensitive to touch: lArg. nit, lAur. met, IBry, Ced, IHep, INux v, IPuls, I ISil, Ustil, 11 Vace; in whooping coughj iBad.; in hysteria, I Hydr. ae; in iritis, lArg. nit, I ISpig.; left, worse, ICepa; in right, in neuralgia, Coc- cin.; in ciliary neuralgia, with acute conjunc- tivitis, I ITereb.; painful under slight press- ure, IHam. 8^° sensitive. Eyes, tumor: ICale, ISib; dermoid, ICale, INitr. ac. 8^*" fungus, swelling. Eyes, turning (involuntary): g&g* distorted, motion convulsive, rolling, strabismus. Eyes, twisting sensation: at 3 p.m., I ICalab.; drawing, ICalab.; in Basedow's disease, I ISpong.; and turning like one fighting with sleep, ILach. Eyes, twitching: IGlon., Hyos., Hod, Ustil, Vespa ; in chorea and muscular asthenopia, I Agar.; in choroiditis, I I Ruta; in epilepsy, IStann.; when they are fixed upon an object (cephalalgia), ILach.; violent, with lachry- mation and difficulty of vision, Niccol.; inleft, lAnae, Zinc; with neuralgia, Carbol. ae; in left, worse at night, 11 Apis ; peculiar, Lact. ae; worse reading, sewing, etc., llgn.; in right, I IRatan, I ITherid.; spasmodic, lAgar.; spasmodic, of left, Selen.; spasmodic, at outer angle of left, Ind. 8®* jerking, motion convulsive. Eyes, ulcers : gfg^ Conjunctiva, Cornea, Lids. Eyes, uneasiness: of left, frequently with great weakness in head, Zinc; in right, Chrom. ac. Eyes, unpleasant sensation: in left, at dinner, 1 o'clock, Pallad. Eyes, unsteady : B€^° expression, motion. Eyes, using: BST' Sight reading, straining, writing. Eyes, vacillating: g^* expression, motion. Eyes, wandering : 8®" expression, motion, restless. Eyes, water: better on being bathed, Alum.; dislikes having eyes washed, IClem, ISul. Eyes, watering: eSP" Lachrymation. Eyes, weariness : gg^ tired. Eyes, weakness : Ars. i, I Ars. m, Bapt, Lyss, INatr.a, IPhos, I IRan. sc, Sarrae, I ISang.; worse in evening, by candlelight, Bar. e; weak feeling, ICalab, ICarbo a, ILil. tig, Urt.ur.; with giddiness and debility, espe- cially of arms and legs, on walking, staggering as if drunk, 11 Con.; of left eye, ICornus ; stitches in upper lid of left eye, Bapt.; with agglutination of lids, ICrot.; feels as if lids must be closed to protect, Natr. a.; on looking up, Lyss.; during menses, ICinnab.; of right eye, chromopsia, fire, flashes. Illusion, flashes: of light, IIBell, Brom, HCalab., ICed., Coca, Iber., "Lach, IIMerc. iod. flav, HPhos.; colored, IPhos, Thuya; dazzling, on awaking, INatr. e; in evening, in darkness (glaucoma), I IPhos.; when closing eyes (asthenopia), I ISep, IISul.; and streaks before closed eyes at night, IINatr. e; frequent, with dilated pupils, IBelb, Vab; with dull headache and palpitation, Iber.; like lightning, Fluor, ac, IGlon, IKali c, Sil.; like lightning, in men- ingitis, IGlon.; like lightning, on falling asleep at night, HPhos.; with dark spots to side of line of vision, Vab; streaks, I INux v.; in right, I ICaust. (after Sub); like electric shocks, ICroe 8€§" beams, light, light- ning, rays, scintillations, sparks, streaks. Illusion, flickering: yEsc h., Aloe, I Ars, IIBell., Calab, ICale fl, Camph, ICarbo v, ICaust, Cepa, IChel, Clem, Coca, Con, ""Form., Med, Mez, INux v, IPsor, Sib, Stront, Thuya, Zinc.; of various colors, I ICycl.; during day, Anac; during day, in glau- coma, HPhos.; dimness in headache, IColoe; after dinner, before right eye, Bry.; with headache, Caps, IGraph, lLach., Sars.; before headache, Diad, IPsor.; with boring in left side of head, IChin. a.; with dulness of head, IINatr. m.; with roaring in head, IPhos.; in affection of heart, INatr. m.; as from swarm-of insects, ICaust.; before left, in hemicrania, IChin. a.; before left on rising, 5 a.m., Natr. ph.; on attempting to read, in evening in bed, ICycl.; when looking into light (whooping cough), ISep.; could not see where she was, when lying down, ICham.; after abuse of mercury, IHep.; in frequent paroxysms, even when closing eyes (hysteria). ITherid.; when reading, must wipe eyes, which aggravates, Seneg.; worse when read- ing or writing (headache), Arn.; in right, with congestion to head, ILach.; on rising in morning, HCycb; with pain in tem- ple, Graph.; like threads or rays of sun, ILach.; disturbed by, fears he may touch others, Aeon.; with vertigo, IBell, IGlon, IStram.; with vertigo, in rheumatism, lAnt. t.; with whirling vertigo, Vinca : white, ser- pentine, at one side of field of, llgn.; while writing, Agar., Am.; while writing in morn- ing, Bor.; in peculiar, angular, zigzag figures, with headache, Lach. g^~ Simmering, flut- tering, motion, trembling, vacillating, wavering. Illusion, flies: black, seem to float not far from eyes, ISub; of great numbers of white, on door which wa« white, for several nights, "Atrop. s. 8®" dots, muscae volitantes, points, spots. Illusion, flimmering: Agar, Hod. g^° flickering. Illusion, floating: wonderful forms, Camph.; images, Chlorof; objects, INux m.; as if some- thing were, obliging him to wipe constantly, with dim sight, IKreo.; things float to and fro, cannot write, Anag. gSSg*1 motion, muscae volitantes. Illusion, fluttering: Sil. 8^" motion, flickering. Illusion, fog: 8®° Sight dim. Illusion, as if something like fungi were fall- ing down, pain shooting to front of head (uterine disorder): ICon. Illusion, gauze: 8^*"Sight dim. Illusion, ghastly: people and things look, Ind. 8®" pale. Illusion, glaring: as from molten metal, Am- moniac. $§?" dazzling. Illusion, glimmering: Cann. i, ICup. ac, IKalm, IILach.; with rightsided headache, 10 a.m., INatr. m.; with headache in sun (after repeated attacks of pneumonia), ILach.; before left, by candlelight, Bar. c; when read- ing or writing (headache), IDiad.; especially on reading with the other eye (sclero-choroi- ditis anterior), IKalm.; sudden, Zing. 8§p chromopsia, flickering, flimmering. Illusion, glistening : with obscuration of sight, worse rubbing eyes, Seneg. 8^° dazzling, glittering. Illusion, glittering : just outside distinct field of vision, INux v.; before left, evening, by candlelight, Anag.; like needles, HCycb; after blowing nose, Alum.; of objects, black spots at same time, Camph.; with vertigo, ICale 8^" dazzling, glimmering, glistening. Illusion, gnats : I IVer. v. 8®" muscae volitantes. Illusion, gray: objects appear, Guaraea, IPhos.; black things seem, IStram.; black letters seem, and as if a second one of the same light gray color were placed alongside or above (a kind of diplopia), IStram.; like a board above axis (scotodia), lArs.; reddish gray border around white things, IStram. 8@?" dark, spots. Illusion, green: objects appear, HArs, HCina, ICycl, IDig, Merc, IPhos., Strain.; pea green, Amyl. 8®" chromopsia, spots. Illusion, hairs : Dig.; as if curled, before right eye, Cund.; as if hair or feathers were on lashes, worse wiping them, Spig. Illusion, sees everything half light and half dark: with sensation as if he must die (hemi- crania), IGlon. 8®° Sight hemiopic. Illusion, halo: around light, lAnae, Chim. umb, ICycl, Natr.ph, IPhos, ISars, IStaph.; blue and red, llpec; a bright circle, I IRan. b.; bright, in cortical cataract or glaucoma, ISub; colored, IHep.; brilliant colored, Am- moniac; dim in evening, IHep.; green, IPhos, Ruta, ISep., ISub; green before left (ptery- gium), I IZinc; irislike circles (ophthalmia), 198 5. EYES. ICie; particolored, red predominating, Bell.; rainbow circle, ICalad, Osm, Stann.; starry, 11 Puis.; left eye, from candle proceed rays of same color as flame, and outside a variegated halo, inner circle green, middle red, outer white, IBelb; yellow around candle, IIAlum.; brilliant yellow around gas flame, 11 Sarrae; everything appears with a red, ~Atrop. s. 8@f chromopsia, circles. Illusion, like two black horns, large balls on upper ends, mound of crystals between them, tops tapering off and tipped with black, Cund. Illusion, jumping: everything seemed to be, worse sitting up, or from talking a long time, or if she closes eyes (sunstroke), I IThuya. 8ST* motion. Illusion, larger: objects seem, yEthus, Apis, 7rAtrop. s, ICalab, Euphor, ILaur., INiccol, INux m, Verbas.; eyes of an attending lady appeared large, she could not avoid looking at them, during evening, ""Atrop. s.; espe- cially linear objects appear more distant,Oxal. ac.; twice as large as natural, in twilight, Berb. Illusion, objects appear to lean forward, about to fall on him (traumatic muscular paralysis): lArn. 8£sT" oblique. Illusion, letters move: 8^° Sight reading. Illusion, light: bright, IChin. s.; during day (glaucoma), I IPhos.; when coughing or sneez- ing, IIKali m.; in evening, in dark, Vab; everything illuminated (foreign body in eye), IHep.; luminous flutter of objects, Arund.; luminous objects, after operations, IZinc; luminous, especially red before, IPhos.; lumi- nous spots after each paroxysm (intermittent), IHyos.; luminous, undulating openings ap- pear, Arund.; luminous, with vertigo, ICale ; luminous vibrations, Stront.; seems broken into rays, Bell.; right eye seemed to throw out streams, TAtrop. s.; seems to vary, Euph. 8®"° fire, flames, flashes, lightning, zigzag. niusion, lightning: gjgg" flashes, zigzag. Illusion, objects elongated : Zinc. Illusion, mist: 8®° clouds, dark, smoke; also Sight dim. Illusion, of a small, dark object like a mouse, or a bird coming up to left, with sensation of a film over eyes, with vertigo, 11 Lac c B^T bird. Illusion, motes : 8®*" muscae volitantes. Illusion, motion : objects appear to move, Bapt; objects seem to run backward, IBelb; backward and forward, Carbol. ac, ICie; turn in a circle about her, or seem to leave their places and follow her (vertigo), Coff. t; seem to revolve, IBelb; figures on carpet ap- pear constantly and successively rising up to her face, rrAtrop. s.; to one side with a jerk, ICamph.; up and down, Spong.; up and down, on sitting up, ICoccul.; waver or tumble over one another, Jamb. 8^° flickering, flimmering, floating, fluttering, trembling, vacillate, wavering, whirling; also Sight reading. Illusion, objects multiplied and in different colors: IStram. Illusion, muscae volitantes (motes): lAgar, Ananth., Arn, Asaf, IBar. c, HCalab., ICarbo v, 11 Chel, HCinch, Coccul, ICrotal, Cup. ars.,ICycl, IDaph,Dig,IGels, IGlon,Lactu.v, ILye, Magn. c, Merc, Merc. iod.flav, IINatr. m, INitr. a, Nitr. sp. d, INuxm, I IParis, IPhos, IPsor, HSep, ISub; brown, lAgar.; clouds and streaks, Thuya; with diplopia, worse rising from bed or chair, Ver.; after disappearance of tearing pain in left side of forehead (amaurosis), I ISub; with headache, Agar.; with dilated heart, ITabae; with nau- sea, I ICoccul.; while reading or looking at a bright light, IKali e; before right, persistent, ISib; especially before right, in hypochon- driasis, I Arg. nit; with vertigo, from over- exertion of eyes, HPhos.; with blurred vision, ILil. tig.; while walking in open air, Tereb. 8§T* dots, flies, points, specks, spots. Illusion, objects near her become narrower; Carbo v. Illusion, a net seems to swim before, ICarbo a g^° cobweb, web; also Sight dim. Illusion, when looking at an object: appears to see just beyond or out of axis of vision a small object passing across field of sight, on adjusting eye it is gone, like a rat on floor, or a bird in air, I ILac c; sees imaginary objects, Med. Illusion, oblique : all objects appear, IStram. 8@~ lean. Illusion, pale : objects appear, IDig.; peopleand things, Ind.; faces, deadly, Dig. g^" white. Illusion, pearshaped obstruction before eye, with large end up, looking toward light it appeared red, looking from light, purple: Cund. Illusion, points : black, Ananth., ICaust, Merc, INux v., ISub; dotted black, Elaps; dark, Con, ISub; fiery, I Ammoniac; flying, Amm. m.; gray, INux v.; gray, before right, moving up and down with eye, Brom.; the point to which he looks seems to be a half point, becomes a tremulous light, constantly more fiery, at last looks like a half-circle, a zig- zag fiery appearance, following a serpentine course, at last becomes weaker and finally disappears, Viol.; as if eyes had but a small circle of vision and he wras only able to see a small point at once, IStram.; small, trans- parent (serous choroiditis), IGels. S^'dots, muscae volitantes, specks, spots. Illusion, quivering: before, Dros.; of objects Camph. 8®** flickering, trembling. Illusion, as if rays of light passed from eyes to flame: Cham.; beams proceeding from eyes, Ammoniac; light appears to have rays around it (conjunctivitis and leucoma), IKali e 8^° beams, streaks. Illusion, red : bar before wrhen opening eyes, Elaps ; covered with blood, after an operation, 11 Stront. ; cherry color in optic neuritis and other diseases of fundus, IPhos.; on closing eyes, Elaps ; everything (trachoma with pan- nus), IKali bi.; objects appear red, IIBell, HCon, IDig., IHep, IHyos,Iodof, INux m, IPhos.; objects seem red at night, Ced.; pinkish globules, especially after a brightlight (chorio-retinitis), I IPhos. g§f chromopsia, halo, spots. Illusion, people and things look saffron-col- ored : Ind. Illusions, scintillations: HCinch., Coff, IOp, ISul.;continuous,indelirium tremens, I IStram.; before headache, IPlat; especially at night, IStaph.; worse in rest, IIDulc; resembling dazzling, snow, Oleand. ; before syncope, INux v. 8§f chromopsia, sparks, stars. 5. EYES. 199 Illusion, like a shadow, obscuring one side of object, pupils dilated : ICale 8^° black, dark ; also Sight dim. Illusion, from shock: Dig. Illusion, black shreds: Syph. 8®" threads. Illusion, size: incorrect estimation of, IStram. 8@" large, small. Illusion, sleep: on falling asleep (glaucoma), HPhos. Illusion, small: candlelight, ^Cheb; objects ap- pear small, Med, Merc, cor, IPlat.; smaller and farther removed from focus of vision (apo- plexy), IPlumb.; smaller, in hemiopia, lAur. met.; small and indistinct (chronic syphilitic ophthalmia), IMere; near objects become smaller, Carbo v.; smaller, before right, Thuya. Illusion, smoke: HCycb; in cataract, I ISib; in hemiopia, HAur. met.; like flight of small birds, forms a large circle, most distinct at twenty paces, on a white ground, margins of circles gray, black on sudden motion (amblyo- pia after a blow), I I Ammoniac. 8®* cloud, dark, gray; also Sight dim. Illusion, snakes: I Arg. nit; before right, like black serpents jumping in all directions, Cund.; long snakes or worms, dark and light, Calab.; as of a snake, with pain over eyes, IGels. Illusion, snow; objects appear covered, on waking, Dig. Illusion, sparkling : when in light, I ITherid. 8®" dazzling. Illusion, sparks: Aeon., Ammoniac, IIBell, ICale fl, Camph, ICaust, IChin. s. Cup.ars, I IDulc,IGlon,Lyss,Picac,ISil,ISpig.; on fall- ing asleep at night (glaucoma), 11 Phos.; bright, IKali bi., IKali c; in amblyopia, IIThuya; brilliant, converging from circumference to centre, when standing in sun, INuph.; on closing eyes, IHydras.; dart from eyes during cough, Kali e; in the dark, ILye, IPhos.; pass downward, Thuya; before epileptic attack, IIHyos.; worse in evening, Am- moniac; fiery, Aur. met, ICycl, IMere, IPsor.; in dark, IIBar. e; fiery, on awaking, ICale.; fiery, after breakfast, Ferr. iod.; fiery when winking, even on a bright day, ICaust.; flashing, IGlon.; with headache (kidney dis- ease), IChel.; in neuralgic and rheumatic headaches, in young and strong persons, I IMagn. p.; in valvular heart disease and in nephritis, IChel.; before left, Ver.; worse from mental exertion (congestion), lAur. met; at night (headache), lAmm. c.; in incipient paralysis, ILach.; small, while sewing, Iod.; spasmodic, IMagn. p.; with vertigo, ICamph. 8£§r° chromopsia, scintillations, stars. Illusion, specks: bright, IGels.; bright, float- ing by gaslight, lAur. met.; white, come into view and blot all else, Ustil.; white, impede sight in evening by candlelight, with constant urgingto wipe eyes, better after wiping, Ratan. Bgp'dots, muscae volitantes, points, spots. Illusion, spots: IJab, Ver. v.; in amaurosis, I ISub; especially on awaking, HCycb; black, IBar. e, IIGlon., Magn. e, IINatr. m, INitr. ae, IPsor, HSep, ISib, Syph.; in amblyopia, IIThuya; in asthenopia, I IPhos.; during physical exertion, ICale; blackish gray, Chel.; black, during headache, especially when turning quickly, IGlon.; black, followed by headache, IPsor.; black, in sick headache, I IMelil.; black, in hemiopia, I Aur. met; large, black, after sewing, 11 Amm. e; black, larger as night advances (amblyopia after a blow), lAmmoniac; black, before left, Agar.; black, on closing lids, ICon.; black, in menin- gitis, IGlon.; black, size of pin's head, about eighteen inches from right, moving with eye, for some weeks, IChin. s.; black, after read- ing, Coccul.; black, worse from reading, pa- tient myopic(nervous debility), ICurar.; black, with vertigo, IGlon.; black, with vertigo, in dysentery, ICon.; black, while writing, INatr. c; blue or green, IKali e; like bottles of water moving, I IThuya ; bright, before left (cataract), I ILac c; brown, before left, when sun is bright (cataract), I ILac e; colored, when reading, Astac; dark, lAct. rac, Ascl. t. Chloral., Coca, ISub; dark, or cloud, when not using eyes (amblyopia), IMere; dark, broad, Ascl. t; dark, with pain in forehead and eyes, Cact; dark, with dim vision, I ISub; dark, in front of left eye, Carbol. ac; dark, though objects appear clearly, ICoccul.; dark, as large as a penny, diminish and disappear by keeping eyes still, Elaps ; dazzling, in cata- ract,ICheb; fiery,Coca; fiery, large,Elaps; fiery, in spinal disease, I Alum.; flying, 11 Amm. m.; green, in dark, Stront; green spot or band be- fore left, when looking in a mirror by gas- light after exerting eyes, band slanting down- ward from left to right cheek (glaucoma), I ILac c.; green, square or round, before left, when sun is bright (cataract), I ILac e; gray, I Arg. nit.; before headache, IPsor.; jumping up and down before, ICroe; light, on closing eyes, IHydras.; when looking steadily, Act. sp.; do not move with eye, last two or three seconds, Elaps; dirty red, half size of hand, Elaps ; first before right then left eye, ICaust; round, then jagged, ICaust; small, then large, ICaust.; with spasm of ciliary muscle, IJab.; white, Coca, ISub; white, then green, ICaust; yellow, Amm. m.; yellow, before left, Agar.; yellow, on looking at white objects, 11 Amm. e g®~ dots, muscae volitantes, points, specks, Illusion, stars: lAmmoniac, I IVer. v.; blue, in chronic cephalalgia, 11 Psor.; bright, to right, is induced to follow, recedes as fast as she turns eyes (chorea), ICale; in upper, dark section showers of bright, starlike bodies, lower half lighter, lAur. met; white, with vertigo, Alum. 8g^° scintillations, sparks. Illusion, when going down stairs, takes two steps for one, and is not aware of it until he falls: Stram. Illusion, streaks of light: IINatr. m.; bright, and rainbow colors, I IPuls.; worse in evening, Ammoniac; pass downward, seen to one side of eye when in dark, Thuya. 8ST* beams, rays, stripes. Illusion, stripes: HCon, ISep.; black, ISub; colored bands, Con. 8®° streaks. Illusion, swimming: Carbol. ac., Coloe, Inul.; in diarrhoea, IIAnt. t 8®" flickering, flut- tering, trembling, wavering. Illusion, of tapestry: in dark, Chloral. Illusion, tassellated: objects appear, Iodof. Illusion, objects appear thicker, or thinner, aa pulse beats, when closing eyes: ICamph. Illusion, thread : floating, Ars. h.; after severe 200 5. EYES. neuralgia in head, especially left side (amau- rosis), I ISul. 8SP shreds, snakes. Illusion, trembling: Cann. i, IPhos.; as if everything were in motion, even airin tremu- lous motion, Sabad.; of all objects inartificial light, IILyc: of objects for a few moments, then get dark, IPsor.; things appear wavering, Amyl. g^~ flickering, motion, quivering, swimming, twinkling, vacillate, waves, ■wavering. Illusion, twinkling : Cann. b; light, composed of red, green and yellow, Dig. 8®* motion. Illusion, objects appear upside down : IBell. Illusion, objects vacillate (ophthalmia): ICie 8^" flickering, motion, quivering, swim- ming, waves, ■wavering. Illusion, veil: 8®° mist; also Sight dim. Illusion, violet: I ICina. 8®° blue, red. Illusion, visions: Camph.; pass quick as light- ning, Cale a. 8@T> Visions, Chapter 1. Illusion, ■waves: bright, moving, now from right to left, again from above down, Bor.; objects tremulous, Calab. Illusion, wavering: everything appears green or yellow, I IDig.; of objects (neuralgia of face), I ISul. ae; something moves to and fro, while sewing, but always a little farther off the point she is looking at, Lyss. g^° flickering, motion, quivering, swim- ming, trembling, vacillate, -waves. Illusion, webs: flying, IBar. c; weblike forms in amaurosis, I ISul. 8ST* net. Illusion, whirling: 11 Apis, IGlon, Ustil.; in a circle (typhoid), Ver.; before right, as if it would become dark, Jamb.; eyes seem to move to and fro, as if they went round, if she shuts eyes? whirling goes in opposite direction, making her sick (giddiness), I ISabad.; of mist, can be perceived with closed eyes (head- ache), I IPod. B@° motion. Illusion, white: objects look, Chloral.; even at night, Elaps ; or bright colors, Amm. c.; even green objects, Grat. 8®*" pale. Illusion, yellow: HCina, ICycl.; dazzling, Coff. t; everything, ICrotal.; crescent-shaped bodies float obliquely upward, I Aur. met. ob- jects appear, Amyb, ICanth, IDig.; in liver complaint, Alum.; during day, Ced.; if eye is fixed on a spot, spot appears yellow, encir- cled by violet, undulating lines at edge, Amyl. 8@° chromopsia, spots. Illusion, zigzag: dazzling, like lightning, last- ing half an hour in morning (sick headache), IINatr. m.; fiery, around all objects, IINatr. m.; fiery, around outside field of vision in evening, with open eyes, IGraph.; fiery, vision impeded (whooping cough), ISep.; white, flickering at one side of field of vision, Hgn. 8®" lightning. IRIS, abscess: in upper part, size of a lentil, yellowish red (parenchymatous iritis), I ISib Iris, affected: IGels., IIPuls.; in malaria or anaemia, IChin. m. Iris, bruised: after cataract operation, I Arn. Iris, condylomata: syphilitic,ICinnab.,HMere; large, wartlike (syphilitic iritis), I IThuya. Iris, discolored: lEuph, IIKali iod, IIMerc. iod. flav., INatr. m, Spig.; in choroiditis, IColoe; in iritis, lEuph, IMere; in keratitis punctata, I Ars.; brown, IMere; brown, after- wards dim as if blotted out, Colch.; black- ish brown mixed with blood red (melanotic tumor), I Aur. met.; slight brown hue around right pupil (rheumatic ophthalmia), I ISyph.; greenish (blue in health), IMere; blue in health, now green, pupillary margin not well defined, 11 Rhus; lighter than sound eye, lEuph.; reddish, IISul. Iris, distorted: in opacity of cornea, I IRhus; crowded forward, by a swollen opaque lens, to capsule to which it is attached, pupil con- tracted, IIMerc. iod. flav.; left pupil drawn toward outer side, I Apis ; pupil cannot be distinctly seen, drawn laterally into oblong shape, I Apis; becomes shaped like that of ruminating animals, IMere Iris, dull: IIKali iod.; right, in rheumatic ophthalmia, 11 Syph.; in scrofulous ophthalmia, I ISub; muddy, in rheumatic iritis, IKali bi. Iris, immovable ; 8^~ paralysis, sluggish; also Pupils immovable. Iris, inflammation (iritis): lApis, lArg. nit, HArn, I Asaf, IBelb, ICed, IClem, IColch, IColoe, lEuph, IMere, IIMerc. cor, INatr. m, INitr. ac, ISeneg., I ISpig.; adhesions (8§ff synechiae) ; irido-choroiditis, lAsaf, IMere cor, I IPrun, IIRhus, ISib; acute, irido-choroiditis, IBry.; irido-choroiditis, especially scrofulous, IMere d.; iridochoroi- ditis, especially syphilitic, IKali iod.; iri- tis, ciliary body involved (traumatic), IIRhus; from loss of blood, after confinement, ICinch.; after syphilitic conjunctivitis, I ISyph.; irido- cyclitis, IMere cor.; irido-cyclitis, with anterior synechiae, I IPrun.; eye looks dead, lEuph.; in eruptive diseases, Crotal.; with exudation or pain, lAtrop. s.; gonorrhceal, ICinch.; gouty, I IColch, IIRhus; with dry, burning heat, in and about eye, IIPuls.; with hypopion, IHep., IMere cor., IPlumb, ISib; idiopathic, after exposure in damp weather, worse at night, also in cold air, better during motion, and from warmth, IDulc; of left, IHep.; old cases spoiled by mercury, INitr. ae; with neuralgic pains, Chin. m.; ciliary neuralgia, from chronic, IComo.; of left eye, especially towards inner border, in rheumatic ophthalmia, ICoccul.; pain around eye, deep in bone, worse by touch (mercuric-syphilis), lAur. met.; parenchyma- tous, I ISib; parenchymatous, with abscess in upper part, I ISil.;plastic,followinginflamma- tory rheumatism, agonizing nightly pains, temporarily better by hot applications, : Sal. ae; pupil tends to contract, notwith- standing instillations of strongest solutions of Atropine, IKali iod.; relapsing, INitr. ac; rheumatic, lArs., IBry, *| IColch., Coloe, IKali bi, IIRhus, I ISyph, ITereb.; rheum- atic, in early stage, IBelb; rheumatic, con- stant aching and occasional darting, worse at night, lEuph.; rheumatic, with soreness of eyeballs, IColch.; rheumatic, in left, with cil- iary neuralgia, I ISpig.; from metastasis of rheumatism, pain intense, fever high, IGrin.; rheumatic, worse at night, and in warmth, Am.; sequelae, IKali bi.; serous, IGels.; with shooting to back of head, IIRhus; pressing, stinging, as if an ulcer were being pressed, worse in change of tern perature, at night and on touching parts, INitr. ac; suppurative, IIRhus; suppurative, small abscesses with hypopion, IHep.; syphilitic, I Arg. nit, lArs., ■Asaf, IKali iod., IMere, IIMerc. cor. IMere 5. EYES. 201 iod. flav, lr\itr. ac, I I Petrol., IThuya, I IZinc; syphilitic, with moderate ciliary injection, photophobia, hot lachrymation, worse in morning, I INux v.; syphilitic, with bursting pain in eyeball, temple and side of face, worse at night and using eyes, HStaph.; syphilitic, intense pain steadily increasing night after night, worse from 2 to 5 a.m., com- ing almost to the minute and ceasing in same way (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; syphilitic, after abuse of mercury, IIKali iod.; syphilitic, worse at night, pain intermittent, ICinnab.; syphilitic, pain worse at night, IIKali iod, IMere cor.,11 Zinc; traumatic, IAm,ICalend, Calc, Ham., IIRhus; chronic, of traumatic origin, -Tereb.; traumatic, worse from cold, IGrin.; traumatic, with hemorrhages into iris, IHam.; from exposure to wet, IIRhus; after iridectomy, useful in improving vision and removing subjective symptoms, IPhos. Iris, irritation: ICrot. t. Iris, paralysis: HArn., I IParis, ^Stram. g^~ sluggish ; also Pupils immovable. Iris, prolapsus: Calab., IHep.; after cataract operation, I Alum.; with laceration of cornea, HStaph.; from sloughing of cornea, ICalab.; in wounds of cornea, lAtrop, I ISub; from wounds, when whole globe is vascular and irritated, sight impaired, ICalab. 8®" Cornea staphyloma. Iris, sluggish: in amaurosis, after sore throat, IGels.; in kerato-iritis, IHep.; in left eye, I ITereb.; in rheumatic iritis, IKali bi. g^" paralysis ; also Pupils immovable. Iris, soft: in choroiditis, IColoe Iris, spasmodic action: in brain affection, IHell.; tremulous, IBry.; tremulous, after every attempt to arouse patient from stupor, epecially motion of head (hydrocephalus), IHell. 8@" Pupil irregular. Iris, a white spot as large as a lentil at lower portion: IISul. Iris, synechia: anterior,from an injury,IHyper.; anterior, with irido-cyclitis, I IPrun.; pos- terior, IClem, IMere cor, INitr. ac, I ISib, I ISpig., ISul, ITereb.; after iritis, ISul. LACHRYMAL APPARATUS, bone : spot in right swollen, throbbing, IKali bb; inflam- matory swelling in region of, IMere Lachrymal caruncle: inflamed, Berb., Phelb; suppurating, IIBell.; red, in blepharitis, IKali e; scarlet, Phelb; swollen (blepharitis), IKali c; swelling of left, IIBell.; swollen, standing out like a lump of red flesh, I Arg. nit.; swollen and bright red (tarsal tumors), 11 Zinc Lachrymal duct: inflamed, when suppuration has commenced, 11 Petrol.; obstructed, ICale, ISib; obstruction, with lachrymation, worse after use of nitrate of silver, INatr. m.; ob- structed in ozaena, INatr. m.; shooting, in right, ICepa; catarrhal stenosis, in a baby, IINatr. m.; stricture, lArg. met, INatr. m, ISib; apparent stricture, with epiphora of long standing, IRhus; closed by an exuda- tive swelling, IHep. Lachrymal fistula: 11 Agar, I Apis, I Aur. mur, IBrom, HCale, I IChel, IIFluor. ac, ILye, IMillef, INatr. m, INitr. ac, HPetrol, I IPhyt, IPuls., HSil., ISub; with itching, humid eruptions, ICale; with long standing eruption on face, ILach.; on left side, of one year's duration, IIFluor. ae; discharging pus when pressed, IIPuls.; thick yellow pus in canthus, ICale; disorganized Walls of sac, denudation of internal bony wall and closure of nasal canal, I ISil. Lachrymal glands: increased activity, Lyss.; inflammation, I Ant. c, ICup. m.; scirrhus, ICarbo a.; swelling, Agar., Ananth, IGraph.; swelling in region of right, IBrom, ISib; secretion suppressed, Sec; ulceration, Ananth. Lachrymal sac: affections of, in children,. IIPuls.; affected every month before full moon, leaving a small hard tumor, I IStaph.; blennorrhcea, ICalend., ICon., IMere, INatr. m, HPetrol, ISib, ISul.; blennorrhcea,profuse yellow white discharge, 11 Stann.; catarrh of, with desire to bore into side of nose, lArum t; inflammation (dacryo-cystitis), Apis,. IGraph, IMere, IPetrol, IIPuls.; inflam- mation, after pus has formed, IHep.; pain on pressure in right, which feels swelled,. I ISib; swelling, IIPuls, HSil.; swelling and soreness, Amm. b. LACHRYMATION : Acet. ac,Act. rae.^Ese h., lAgar, All. sat. Aloe, Amb, Amm. c, 11 Amm. m, lAmyl, Ananth, Ant t, lApis, lArg. nit, lArn, Ars. met, Arund, lAsar, Astac, Aur.mur., Bell, Berb.,Bry. ,Cain,Calab, I ICale, 7:Camph, ICaps, I ICarbo a, ICarbo v., ICarbol. ac, Caulo, Ced, ICepa, ICham., IChel, TrChim. umb., Cinnab, Cochl., IColch, IComo, ICon, ICroe, ICrot. t, Cub, Daph, lElaps, lEup. perf, IIEup. pur, HEuph, IFluor. ac, IGraph, IHam, IHep., Hippoz, llgn. Jab, IKali bi, IKali br, I IKali e, I IKalm, Lachn, ILed, I ILil. tig, IMagn. c, I IMagn. p, Meph, IIMerc, IMere iod. rub., IMere per, I IMere sol, IMez., I IMillef, IINatr. m, INatr. s, INitr. ac, INux v., I lOleand, HOp,Osm.,I IPhelb, IPhos,Phos. ae, IPlat, I IPlumb, IPsor, IIPuls, I IRan. b, I IRan. sc, I IRhus v.,Ruta, I ISep, I ISil, ISpig, Stram, IISul, IITelb, Tromb, IVer., Vib, Xan., Zing, Ziz. 8®" profuse. Lachrymation, with disturbance of accommo- dation : Morph. s. Lachrymation, acrid : lArs.,ICale, Ced,Clem., IIEuph., IHam, ILye, IMere cor., Pic. ae, I IPuls, ISpig, I ISyph.; making canthi red and sore, INatr. m.; with conjunctivitis, INatr. m.; corroding (ophthalmia scrofulosa), 11 Ars, Ars. m, ICaust; during day, llgn.; in glaucoma,IColoc;excoriating,IEuph,HMerc, INatr. m.; excoriating, worse in open air (iritis), IColch.; excoriating, in hyperaesthe- sia of retina, INux v.; excoriating, in solar neuralgia, I IStann.;in iritis, IColoe, IMere, INitr. ae; after injury to eye, INitr.ac; in kerato-iritis, HArs.; from left eye (ophthal- mia), ICaust; making lower lids and cheeks sore,ILer* bluish, red. Lids, quivering: Agar., Carb. s, Crotal, 01. an., IPhos.; in typhoid, ICoccul.; in left up- per, Jatroph.; in left, with congestion of blood to head toward evening, ICroe; of right upper, Bell., Sars.; of right, while reading, Natr.ph.; in upper, ICale, Camph.; quivering in left upper, 11 Arum t 8^° jerking, spasm, twitching. Lids, raw : ggg° excoriated. Lids, red: lAcon, IIAnt. c, HApis, IIArg. nit, Arund., Bell., ICaust, IChin. s, Crot. t, IIMerc, IMere iod. flav, IMur. ac, Myr. cer., IINatr. m., I INux v, HPetrol., IPuls, IRhus, IISul, IITelb, Vinca; in blepharitis, lArg. met, IBelb; with burning, especially in evening, while reading, INatr. m.; m suppurative choroiditis in "S11* eye, after needle operation for cataract, 11 Phyt.; after catching cold (child), llpec; with chronic ca- tarrhal conjunctivitis, IMere cor.; in coryza, ISabad.; as from crying or rubbing, ICepa; dark, in blepharitis, I Apis; internal surface deep red, especially lower, IHep.; pink, worse in right lower, in diphtheria, I ILac e; in evening and night, IHep.; in facial neuralgia, I ISpig.; in hordeolum, ICheb; in epidemic influenza, ISabad.; with lachrymation and swelling of meibomian glands, Niccol.; espe- cially inner surface of lower, I IRan. b.; par- ticularly margins, I Arg. met, I Arg. nit, HArs, Ast. r, IChel, IColch., ICon, Ferr. mur, llpec, IKali bi, IKali e, ILil. tig, I IParis, Phos. ac, IPuls, Sabad, Stram.; margins red, as from crying, with hyper- metropia, IGels.; margins red, wdth crusts in lashes (epilepsy), IBufo.; margins red, with crusts and ulcers (scrofulous blepharitis), IMere cor.; margins red and dry, lEuph.; margins of lower bright red and indurated, I IZinc; margins red, with glutinous secre- tion from meibomian glands, IIEup. perf.; margins red, in arthritic ophthalmia, IColoe, IINux v.; margins, redness of lower tarsal edges, of outer half, I ISyph.; margins red, covered with scurf, IIGraph.; margins red, and swollen, itching, burning, watery secre- tion, IIEuph.; in scrofulous ophthalmia, IMere cor, I ISub; and sore, INatr. m.; and swollen, IFerr.; in mercurial syphilis, 11 Aur. met.; upper, Mar. v.; especially upper (irido- choroiditis), IRhus; upper, and swollen toward inner canthus, 11 Zinc. 8®" blue, congested, inflamed, purple. Lids, relaxed: ISpig.; with pufliness, and hot, flushed face, Rhus. BSF° paralysis, weakness. Lids, retracted: j@° open. Lids, rhagades: ISil. Lids, dark rings : ggjg* Circumorbital circles, Infraorbital half-circles. Lids, rough: g^*- granulated. Lids, rubbing: dryness on inner side follows smarting, after midnight, ISub; inclination to, ISub; painful as if rubbed sore, IVer. Lids, as of sand under: 8€sP°° Eyes foreign bodies. Lids, scurf; 8^° crusts, margins. Lids, sensitive : 8®° touch. Lids, shining: like erysipelas, worse in cold, better in warmth, IHep. Lids, shooting: I I Apis ; around, I IRhus. 8€aP" lancinating, neuralgia. Lids, smarting; HApis, Arum d, Camph, Chrom. ac, IHep., INitr. ac, Sil, 11 Sinap, Ziz.; smarting and burning, ILye; smarting, with ciliary blepharitis, especially in morn- ing, INux v.; with profuse lachrymation, better m open air, IPhyt.; of margins, Apis, Arum d, Chim. umb, Jatroph, IMed, IMere. cor.; of margins, after midnight, dryness on inner side, rubbing, ISub; of margins, worse from rubbing; I IKreo.; in ophthalmia, lApis, INux v.; frequently, in small spots, Berb.; of inner surface of upper, ICepa ; when using eyes, Kob. fi&" burning, heat, irritation, itching 5. EYES. 211 Lids, snapping : better during sleep, worse during stool and emotion (chorea), IMagn. p. Lids, inflammatory- softening of inner surface : IThuya. Lids, soreness: Bell, ICalab, Camph, Natr. ph. Sib; in blepharitis, lArg. met; burning, in right, IRan. b.; in internal surface, HArs.; of margins, ICanth, IMed., I ISep, Vab; of margins, near outer canthus, Bor.; of inner margins, in scrofulous ophthalmia, lArs.; on moving, Carb. s.; in pannus, IIArg. nit.; in prosopalgia, ICheb; in right upper, Ars. m., Zinc. Lids, spasms: lAtrop, Calc. p, IMagn. p., INatr. m.,INux v.; constant agitation, Camph.; in asthma, ICup. m.; clonic, ICale; in con- junctivitis, HSep.; cramplike, extend to malar region, especially left side, Viol.; with fainting, Ver.; in hysteria, Plat; in keratitis, IChin. a.; with lachrymation and photopho- bia, IPuls.; of lower, followed by lachryma- tion, Ruta ; nightly, Croc; worse at night (scrofulous inflammation), IMere cor.; with photophobia, lEuph.; slight, IKali bi. 8®" closing, constriction, contraction, jerking, open, quivering, twitching. Lids, spots: lead-colored, Bell.; red, on left, feels like mosquito bite, but swelling nearly closes eye, Berb. Lids, sticking: Camph.; with asthenopia when looking steadily at an object, I IKali e; in evening, IPuls.; fine, as with needles in left upper, Zinc; fine, as with needles in right lower, Zinc; above punctum lachrymale of upper, ICinnab.; pain inside of lower, I IChel. Agf" pricking, stinging, stitches. Lids, stickiness: Gamb.; dry, as if pressed down, IHell.; full of gum- during day, 11 Cale; feeling in morning, Berb.; when moving them, I ICale; feel sticky under, and as if rough, lElaps. 8^°° agglutinated. Lids, stiff: HApis, Arum d, Camph, IIKalm., INux m., IVer.; upper, feel immovable, ISpig.; or gummed, in morning, Diose; like a paralysis, IRhus ; as from tonic spasms, Menyahth. B@°* paralysis, weakness. Lids, stinging: Apis, Thuya ; worse in cold, better in warmth, IHep.; when trying to open (opthalmia scrofulosa), I Ars.; of mar- gins, in evening, Thuya ; in mercurio-syph- llis, 11 Aur. met. 8@H pricking, sticking, stitches. Lids, stitches: Nitr. sp. d.; aching, as from a splinter, with vanishing of sight, Sib; burn- ing (styes), Stann.; fine, inside lids, Zing.; formicating, ICycl.; in margins, like electric sparks, worse on touching, Niccol.; throbbing, in left upper, to brow and temple, worse from pressure, motion, stooping, better in rest, IBrom. B^r* pricking, sticking, stinging. Lids, styes: lApis, I Aur. met, IChel, IGraph, IPhos. ac, IIPuls., ISil, Stann, HStaph., IThuya, Vab; with ciliary blepharitis, IPuls.; in canthus, INatr. m.; in inner corner of left eye, Bar. c; and pustules, more towards inner canthi, IILyc; one after another, sometimes ulcerating, 1 IStaph.; with conjunctivitis, now7 in one then in the other canthus, with draw- ing, tensive pains in eyes on moving muscles of face, and with ulcerated nostrils, IIPuls.; if ear gets well (otorrhcea), I IPhos.; with I redness of eyes, HSep.; remains a hard no- dule, IStaph.; hardened with dry margins, (blepharitis), HStaph.; recur, become indu- rated, inflame, ICon.; leave indurations, ICale; on left, with lancination, Elaps; on lower, HPhos, IIPuls, Seneg, IRhus; on lower, with drawing pain, IGraph.; on lower left, IHyper.; on lower left, near inner canthus, IColch.; on lower right, Cypr.; irFerr. ph.; large, painful, on left, Hydras.; on left upper, severe pain, confined to dark room and usually to bed, better from application of cold water, I IStaph.; recurrence of successive crops, ■Graph, ISub; on right side, INatr. m.; stick- ing, as with needles in morning, Caust.; on upper,suppurating,with nightly agglutination,, Ferr.; old stye swells, Caust.;'tendency to, IPsor.; on upper, I IMere, IPhos. ac, IIPuls., IStaph.; on right upper, with tension, Amm. c. 8@" nodules, swollen, tarsi, tumors, warts. Lids, suppuration: ICale, Euph, IIKali m., Stram.; with itching and burning, IPhos.; in scrofulous ophthalmia, I I Sub; in rheuma- tism, I Ant. t; in mercurio-syphilis, HAur. met.; upper lid, nightly agglutination, IFerr. 8^° ulcerate. Lids, sweat: Cale p. Lids, swollen : lAcon, Amm. br, lArg. met, IIArg. nit, Arund, Bar. c, IBell, Calend, 11 Card, m, ICaust, IChin. s. Chloral, Crot. t, IDig, Euphor, lEuph, IGraph, IKali bi, IIMerc, IMere iod. flav, IMur. ac, IINatr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ac, INux v, I IOp, HPetrol, Phelb, IPhyt, IPsor, IPuls, IIRhus, I ITereb.; on affected side (trau- matic), ICon.; with nightly agglutination, ICale; and agglutinated, with photophobia, lEuph.; in albuminuria, I Amm. ben., HArs.; bladder-like appearance, closing lids, HApis, IIKali c, IRhus; in blepharitis, IKali e; bloated, IPsor.; bloated, in coryza, after mer- cury, IIKali iod.; bloated, with dull, stupe- fying headache, Rheum ; bloated, eighth month of pregnancy; I IRheum; in cellulitis, IPhyt.; of loose, cellular tissue, with eczema of face, IIRhus; enormously, in suppurative choroiditis in right eye, after needle opera- tion for cataract, I IPhyt.; chronic, IIKreo.; closed by, at night, IHep.; closed, with syph- ilitic ophthalmia, pus running out (infantile syphilis), 11 Syph.; upper left as large as half an English walnut, closing eye, deep red, not much pain, with oozing of purulent matter, I ISyph. ;after catching cold, child, llpee;with red streaks in conjunctiva and pressive, tensive pain, INux v.; in coryza, Ars. m, ICepa; with fluent coryza (blepharitis), lEuph.; in diphtheria, 11 Lac c; discharging copious quantities of pus when forcibly opened (scrofulous inflammation of eyes), IFerr. iod.; as if distended with air, HArs.; doughy (scrofulous), ICon.; in eruptive stage of variola, lApis; with bloodshot appear- ance, IHam.; in facial neuralgia, I ISpig.; feel swollen, ICroe, ICycl, Thuya; upper lid feels swollen, Ars. m.; feel swollen, with weari- ness and prostration, as from great physical exertion, in evening, better by literary occu- pation, ICroe; in intermittent fever, IFerr.; upper right swollen, hard pains, worse 5 to 7 p.m., IIRhus; throbbing pain, ICale; in hor- 212 5. EYES. deolum,ICheb; infiltrated, since abuse of calo- mel, twenty years ago (ophthalmia tarsi), IMerecor.; infiltrated,worse right side (erysip- elas), IJugl.; lower, inflammatory, near inner canthus, Bell.; internal surface,HArs.;insyph- ilitic iritis, I IThuya; with itching and burn- ing, IPhos.; in keratitis, lAtrop.; in kerato- iritis, IHep.; in keratitis parenchymatosa, IISul.; in pustular keratitis, HApis; with co- pious lachrymation (ectropion), INitr. ae; with lachrymation and swelling of meibo- mian glands", Niccol.; worse in left eye,IMere.; in left (prosopalgia), 11 Verbas.; left then right, cannot open, Cham.; lower,Vespa; lower, in ul- ceration of cornea, IHep.; margins, Ananth, Arumt, IChel, ICon, I I Kali c, IMerecor, - IPhos, Phos'. ae; chronic, of margins, IIKreo.; of margins of lower, with lachrymation, in morning, IPuls.; of margins of outer half, I ISyph.; of margins, painful in evening, and to touch, IHep.; of margins, in scrofulous oph- thalmia, I ISub; of margins, pale red, IDig., IGraph.; lower, margins full of little knots, like checked styes, I Apis; menses absent two and a half months, ICycl.; in morning, HCham.; in morning, with pains in forehead and occiput (ciliary neuralgia),ICrotal.; worse in morning, HSep.; night and evening,IHep.; cedematous, I Ars., ICrot. t, IGraph, Iod., IKali bi, IKali c, IMerecor., IPhos., IPhyt, IRhus, IITelb, Urt ur.; cedematous, with erysipelas of lids, HApis; cedematous, ery- sipelatous, with small, watery vesicles, and drawing incheek andhead,IRhus; cedematous, indented, Crot. t; cedematous, in iritis, lArg. nit, I Arn., I IColch.; cedematous, in sequelae of iritis, IKali bi.; cedematous, with lachry- mation, IKali iod.; cedematous, lower, Raph., Vespa, Zinc; cedematous of right lower, small, purulent point formed and absorbed, Cain.; cedematous, in meningitis, IIRhus; slightly cedematous, in dysmenorrhoea, ICycl.; oedem- atous, in desquamative nephritis, I IPlumb.; cedematous, with swelling of orbit extending to temple (periostitis of orbit), IKali iod.; cedematous, especially writh sticking, IIKali e; cedematous, suddenly from chill, Chloral.; oedema, upper, 11 Puis.; cedematous, especially upper (irido-choroiditis), IRhus ; cedematous, left upper, Cain.; cedematous, with scattered, watery vesicles, IRhus; in ophthalmia, lArs.; in acute catarrhal ophthalmia, IHydras.; un- derneath, much purulent matter, which pours out in quantities on opening eyes (purulent ophthalmia), IMere sob; in ophthalmia scrofulosa, lApis, IMere cor, ISub; painful, Vespa ; left side, ulceration on outer surface near external canthus, pain wrorse at night, I ITelb; in pannus, I Arg. nit.; part of left eye, with photophobia, scrofulons constitution, ICon.; pressive, Chel.; closely pressed to- gether, IPsor.; in prosopalgia, ICheb; puffy, Ars. m. Bell, IIBry, ICrot. t, IPhos, IRhus, Vespa ; puffed like an egg-shell in ' morning (dog-bite), ILyss.; puffing under lower (scarlatina), IHep.; outer half of left puffy, ICinnab.; lower puffed (scarlatinal dropsy), IDig.; puffy , left eye (catarrhal oph- thalmia), I ISub; puffy, upper, Mar. v.; right upper, puffy, Bry.; with redness, lEuph.; with redness of right, ILye; dark red, closes eye, extends around eyes and over cheek, Apis ; reddish blue, worse on leftside and in morn- ing, IPhyt; of right, with adhesion, II fhos.; better from rubbing, IPuls.; lower lids form little sacs, edges red and puffy (pannus), I Apis; upper lids hang like sacs upon face (erysipelas of lids), 11 Apis ; with- humid scurfs or crusts covering whole face, IPsor.; soft parts inflamed, Uacea; in spasms, before menses, IIPuls.; after sting, I Apis, Vespa; lower red, hard, like a stye, towards inner canthus, with pressing, Rhus ; with burning, thirst and heat (catarrhal fever), IKali e; with tingling,Seneg.;tumefied (chills), Astac; externally tumid (phylectenular ophthalmia), IIMerc. cor.; tumefaction (blepharitis, kera- titis), HApis; painless tumefaction, I ISib; tumefaction of right, wdth what seamed to be erysipelatous eruption, Vespa; with scrof- ulous ulcers, IBar. m.; of upper, 11 Calab, ICycl,IIgn,IMed,IPetrol,Squilla,ISyph.;of upper, in acute coryza, IKali iod.; of upper, in diphtheria, I ILac e; of upper, in influenza, I ISang.; especially upper,"inirido-choroiditis, IRhus ; left upper, Asar.; non-inflammatory and painless, first upper then lower, 11 Ars.; upper completely covers lower, extends above eyebrows, worse at night, scrofulous, ICon.; right upper, in variola, IIThuya; upper, sequel to scarlatina, lApis; worse in upper (pertussis), IBry.; in urticaria, ICop.; in dropsy of uterus, I I Lactu. v.; with blindness at night, Petroseb; causing blind- ness (variola), 11 Vace; could hardly see, Anac; could hardly see, in urticaria, HChlorab; pale, yellowish or greenish, half translucent, I lAnthrac. gSg~ congestion, erysipelas, inflamed; also Ophthalmia. Lids, tarsi (tarsal cartilages): inflammation, Aeon, I Arg. met.; pain as from a bruise, I I Ruta; blepharoadenitis, dependent on stric- ture of lachrymal duct, ISang.; red, Aeon.; redness, in chorea, lAgar.; sore, Aeon, All. sat.; tumors, Bar. c, ISep., ISil, IThuya, I IZinc; tumor, hard, indurated, as large as a pea, after repeated styes, hinders motion of lid, I ISep.; tumors, especially of recent origin, subject to inflammation, or when accompanied by catarrhal condition of eye, IPuls.; tumors, with dry margins of lids (blepharitis), HStaph. 8^* granulated, nodules, styes, tumors. Lids, tearing : Berb. 8€&T* neuralgia. Lids, tender : IKali bi. Lids, tension : lAcon, Camph., INuxm.; in morning, Sul. ac; on motion, ISub; when reading, I lOleand.; in lower, as if swollen, Amm t; as if too tight (conjunctivitis), I ISep.; upper tight and red, like a stye, IMere 8^ constricted, contraction, pressing, spasm. Lids, thickened: IIAlum, lArg. met, IIArg. nit, lEuph, IIMerc, IINatr. m, IPsor., IPuls, ISul, IITelb; since twenty years, after abuse of calomel (ophthalmia tarsi b IMere. cor.; in pannus, IIArg. nit.; and red, lEuph. 8®* indurated, swollen. Lids, throbbing : in lower, near inner canthus, Bell.; worse in cold, better in warmth IHep.1 contracting, IGlon. Lids, tickling : Aur. mur. 8€i~ irritation. Lids, touch: painful to, Mang, IIMerc.- sensi- 5. EYES. 213 five, worse in cold,better in warmth, IHep.; sensitive, in evening and night, IHep.; sen- sitive, in morning, ISub; sensitive to slightest (scrofulous), ICon.; margins sensitive, I INux v.; sensitive and swollen, I Euph. Lids, trachoma: 8ST" granulated. Lids, trembling: Agar, IIBell, HCic, Crotal., I Iod., I Phos., IVer.; of right upper, Bel 1.; spas- modic, IPlat; of upper, in conjunctivitis, I Ars. gigg" jerking, quivering.spasms,twitching. Lids, tumors: ICale, Caust, IHep, IINitr. ac, I ISib; resemble condyloma, IThuya; cystic, IGraph, IMere, ISib; dermoid, on edges, INatr. m.; epithelioma, Hydrocot; fibrous, inside of lower, one-third of an inch in diam- eter, preventing closing lids, IMar. v.; several small, in right upper, I IZinc; lower right, literally filled with small tumors, I IZinc; steatoma as large as a bean, in upper, I IStaph.; steatoma, in conjunctiva, IStaph.; wens, IGraph. B@" styes, tarsi. Lids, twitching: .Esc h., I Agar, Arund., Ast r, I ICalab, Calc. s., Camph, ICham, I IChel, HCic, Croc, ICrot, t, Indig, llpec, IJab, IMagn. p, I IMere, I IMillef, INux v., I IPhos, I ISil, ISul, IVer. v.; in cold air, I IDulc; in chorea (muscular asthenopia),I Agar.; of closed lids, Cup. s.; convulsive, I IRheum ; convul- sive, in inflammation of brain, I I Hell.; con- vulsive, when closed and when lying down, Polyg.; convulsive, ofupper, forhours, Amyg.; drawing together of left upper, painless, with heaviness, Bry.; with sensation as if eye were forced out, IStram.; with spasmodic rolling of eyeballs (epilepsy), ICup. m.; in typhoid, ICoccul.; frequent, of left (asthma), ICup. m.; frequent, of right, Cast, eq.; frequent, slight, lAgar.; in traumatic inflammation, ICon.; involuntary, I IPlat.; of right, I ISyph.; inleft, IBadiag, I IPuls.; of left, during day, I Aloe ; of levators, I Hell.; of left, with warmth of face (epistaxis), ICroe; of left lower, Zinc; involuntary of left, sometimes better by rub- bing, ICodein.; of left upper, IMez, Stront.; frequent, in left upper, II01. an.; ofupper, especially left eye, IMere. per.; of lower, Hod.; in lower, caused by aching and pinch- ing in small circumscribed spot below (infra- orbital neuralgia), I IColoe; before menses, INatr. m.; right, in constant motion, ILach.; in almost constant motion (chorea), I ITarant; convulsive motions (hydrocephaloid), llgn.; upper, move spasmodically, I IStram.; in my- opia, lAgar.; nictation, Bell., ICale, llgn.; when opening, IKali bi.; in scrofulous oph- thalmia, lApis; peculiar, across right upper, Lact. ae; persistent, Guarana; whenever he attempts to read or write, ICodein.; in upper right, Cinch, Coloe, Nitr. sp. d, IITans; with dazzling of sight, IPuls.; spasmodic, I Plat; spasmodic, ofupper,Ced.; spasmodic, of upper right, Form.; uncontrollable, I IKreo.; in upper, HCale, ICroe, Inul., IIRatan.; in upper, worse on closing, Lachn.; in upper, in hemiopia, lAur. met.; visible, I ICaust, g£&° jerking, quivering, spasm. Lids, ulcerated: Ananth, IA pis, IGraph., IHep, IKali bi, IMere, ISpig., ISub; espe- cially near canthi, Bufo ; on inner surface (ophthalmia scrofulosa), HArs.; lower, pain- ful as if ulcerated, Ascl. t; with red and raw margins (blepharitis scrofulosa), IMere cor.; in rachitis (atrophy of children), IStaph.; with redness, IILyc; base dingy, reddish color, dry, glazed, slight discharge, IHydras.; covered with small ulcerations, lEuph.; cov- ered with styes and nodosities, looking like a mass of corruption, Staph.; insyphilis,HClem.; in typhoid, IZinc. Lids, uneasy sensation: obliging him to rub eyes, HArs. Lids, vesicles: ggg~ eruption. Lids, warts : ICaust, IThuya; old, in ophthal- mia rheumatica, ICaust.; condylomata (syph- ilitic), ICinnab.; on right lower, a large con- dyloma, suppurating and bleeding easily when touched, it seemed to arise from a lens- shaped body on inner surface of lower lid, INitr. ae; on upper, small, INitr.ac; worse bathing eyes, ISul. Lids, w^eak: 8®°" paralysis. Lids, wens : 8®" tumors. Lids, winking : Ast. r,lIBelb; as if bewildered, on being aroused and looking up (during pregnancy), I INux m.; and closing lids, lAcon.; constant, Euph.; constant, in ophthal- mia, lApis; in epileptic attacks, IKali bi.; constant, with tearful suffusion of eyes,ICroe; frequently after reading, ICroe; inclination to, ISpig.; inclination to, or close, Mez.; fre- quent desire to, with blindness, I IPhos. ac; must wink while reading, ICale; eyes rolling (child, set. 2, after scarlatina), I ILyss.; with pain in temples, ICepa; must wink and wipe frequently, as though a film of mucus were over them, ICroe Lids, ■wounds: g€&~ Eyes injuries. Lids, yellowish, brown: ISep. OPHTHALMIA: lAlumin, HApis, lApoe, lArn., IIArg. nit, HArs, Berb., ICale, ICaust, Cham, ICheb, Chin, s, ICie, ICinch., ICon, ICrot. t, lEuph., IHam, IHep, I Hod, llpec, IKali bi, IMagn. m, IIMerc, IMere cor, IINatr. ph, IINux v., Phos, IPlumb, IIPuls, IIRhus, ITereb, I IThuya, 11 Xan. Ophthalmia, arthritic : 8^" rheumatic. Ophthalmia, caused by burns: HCanth.; by a drop of boiling sugar, IHam. 8@^traumatic. Ophthalmia, cancerous: lAur. mur. nat Ophthalmia, catarrhal: IIAcon, Act sp.JApis, lArund., lArs, IIBell, IBry, ICale, llCepa, ICham., Chel,IChloral, IComo, IDulc, I lEu- cab, lEuph, IGels, IHep., llgn, IIMerc, INux v, IPhos, IIPuls, IPhyt, I IRhus, ISang, ISub; acute, from resultof daily expo- sure to harsh, dry winds, I IHydras.; inflam- mation nearly extended to border of iris, IHydras.; after disappearance of coryza, IDig.; with coryza, or in whooping cough, ICepa ; in cross, peevish children, during dentition, ICham.; profuse discharge of matter, IHy- dras.; copious discharge,thin, muco-purulent, 11 Phos.; discharge scanty or stringy, worse in morning on awaking, IKali bi.; discharge thick, yellowish green, ILye; in first stage, IIAcon.; in first stage, especially in scrofulous children, HApis; particularly in flabby, lax- fibred persons, IGels.; with hawking, mucus trickling down posterior nares, in coryza, IIMerc; inveterate, I IPhos.; during jaundice, ILye; with lachrymation and mucous dis- charge, lEuph.; worse at night, I All. sat, IMere; characterized by pustules and ulcers, IGraph.; from suppressed secretions, 11 Senecio; 214 5. EYES. inflammation, when subjective symptoms are particularly marked, llgn.;tendency to, |Psor. Ophthalmia, after a chill; lAcon, I Euph. Ophthalmia, chronic: lAur. mur. nat,I IBapt., Bell, I Euphor, IFluor. ae, IIHep, IHydras., HPsor.; frequently useful in beginning, ISul. ae; with loss of sight, 11 Variol. Ophthalmia, better from cold applications: IIPuls. Ophthalmia, followed by ulceration of cornea : ISang. Ophthalmia, deep-seated: IIArg. nit; with ciliary pains (syphilitic), I Asaf. Ophthalmia, during dentition : ICale, ICham, IFerr. ph. Ophthalmia, discharge : acrid, ICham, IColoe; acrid, profuse, thick,lEuph.; acrid, tenacious, I ISub; acrid, thin, IGraph, I ISub; creamy, IINatr. ph.; flesh-colored, from right eye, I ICarbo v.; green, Kali m.; yellowish green, I IKali m.; offensive, from right, I ICarbo v.; of thick moisture, from right, 11 Carbo v.; mucous, I Arg. nit, I IBry,ICalc,Cann. i, Hip- poz, IKali s.; muco-purulent, IIArg. nit, Erig, IHep, ILith., INatr. m, ISub; muco- purulent, thin and acrid, IGraph, IIMerc; yellow, muco-purulent, I I Kali s.; yellowish mucus, IKali m.; right eye full of stringy mucus, Amm. br.; of mucus or pus, rarely pro- fuse, and intimately mixed with tears, Con.; large quantities of mucus, like tears or pus, flow constantly, IEuph.;thick, mucous, HHydras.; thick, mucous, in hordeolum, ICheb; thick, mucous, from left eye (hydrocephalus acutus), IDig.; muco-watery, Cepa; white, mucous, 11 Kali m.; profuse, thick, white, mucous, IHy- dras.; yellow, mucous (hordeolum),ICheb; pro- fuse, in measles, I Euph.; purulent, lArg. nit., "■Carbo a, Eryng, Euphor, IGraph, IKali iod. Kali m,ILach., I IPetrol, I ISep, Spong.; purulent, profuse, Arg. met, I Arg. nit, ILye; purulent, profuse, soils hair and ears, worse nights, after catching cold, child, llpec; pur- ulent, profuse, fetid, ILed.; purulent, foamy, gushing (dog-bite), ILyss.; purulent oozing in jets, lArg. met; purulent, sticky, left eye, Eryng.; purulent, thick, I Arg. nit, -Cales.; purulent, thin, yellow, ICon.;sticky, watery, IKali s.; watery, Eryng.; must wipe away mucus, I Arg. nit.; yellow, Kali m, IKali s.; golden yellow, I INatr. ph.; yellow, from left, causing adhesion of lids, afterward from right, but less discharge, chiefly in inner canthus, I ITJran. n.; yellowr, agglutinated in morning, IKali bi.;thick, yellow, bland, profuse, 11 Puis. 8®"* Conjunctiva discharge. Ophthalmia, Egyptian: 11 Apis. Ophthalmia, after eruptive diseases: 11 Apis. Ophthalmia, erysipelatous; I Apis, IGraph, IIRhus. Ophthalmia, exanthems : in measles, IBry, ICrotal, IIPuls; following suppression, IHep, ISul. Ophthalmia, gonorrhceal: lAcon, lAnt. t, 11 Coral, Cub., I lEucab, IMere, IINitr. ac, IThuya, ISub; nocturnal pains severe, extend to orbit, ISpig.; after suppression, IIPuls. Ophthalmia, granular: 8§P*Lids granulated. Ophthalmia, hydrophthalmia: with interocular compression, Seneg. Ophthalmia, malignant: lAur. mur. nat. Ophthalmia menstrualis: in patients of a san- guine temperament, subject to attacks of con- gestion and inclination to hysterical spasms, Croc.; in amenorrhcea, IPuls. Ophthalmia, after abuse of mercury: IMez, IINitr. ac. Ophthalmia, metastatic : Ant. c Ophthalmia, morning: worse in, INux v.; be- ginning at 5 a.m., increasing till noon, decreas- ing until 10 p.m., I Ars. Ophthalmia, neonatorum: lAcon., HApis, IIArg. nit, IBell, IBry., HCale, ICham, lEuph, IHep., llgn.,I IKali s, IMere, IINitr. ac, INux v, IPuls, IRhus, ISul, ISyph, IIThuya; often with constipation and chemo- sis of conjunctiva, IIDulc; with acrid dis- charges, caused by syphilitic or gonorrhceal leucorrhcea, IMere cor.; profuse, thick, yel- low discharge, I ISub; tendency to relapse, non-syphilitic, Sub; during suppurative stage, ILye; worse in night and evening, with slow fever, Calc. s. Ophthalmia, of old people (witches' sore eyes): IA pis. Ophthalmia, phlyctenular; IMere cor, IMere. d., I IZinc. 8®" Conjunctiva and Cornea inflammation. Ophthalmia, with photophobia: ggg~ Photo- phobia. Ophthalmia, from abuse of potash and mer- cury: IINitr. ac. Ophthalmia, purulent: lApis, IIArg. nit, IChlor, IGrin, IHep, IIMerc, INitr. ac, IPsor., IPuls, IRhus, I ISub; with copious discharge, IMere sob; of infants, I Alum.; of left eye, Eryng. Ophthalmia, pustular: g^- Conjunctiva and Cornea inflammation. Ophthalmia, rheumatic (arthritic): IIAcon, IIAnt. t, lApis, I Arund, I Bor, 11 Bry., I ICale, ICham, ICinch, ICoccul., ICochl, IColch, IColoe, Cubeb, Form., ILed, IMere, IMez., I INux v,l I Phyt, I Psor, IPuls,ISpig,l ISyph, IVer.; acute, ICact, IPhyt., IIRhus, HSep., Staph.; almost blinding him, lEuph.; makes him blind for weeks and months, I ISub; attacks seem to have originated from sitting at a window in a cold draught, right eye being next to window, 11 Syph.; at commence- ment, INux v.; with acrid discharge, IColoe; lefteye first affected, ILed.; withleucomatous opacity of cornea, which upon clearing up showed lens to have the color similar toabegin- ning cataracta glaumatosa, I I Phos.;nocturnal aggravation, ILed.; with contraction of pupils, ■Graph.; preceded by violent pain in eyes, IColoe; first stage, Cham.; and sequelae, IIForm.; pains extend to teeth, IStaph.; from working in water or getting wet, IRhus; per- ceives a horizontal band across right pupil hindering sight, better placing handkerchief on head and letting it hang over eyes, also by gentle pressure, though she cannot bear much, I ISyph.; of right eye, complete obscuration of cornea after attack of gout, I Euph. Ophthalmia, scrofulous: ^Ethus., lAmm. b, i Anac. oc, lApis, HArs, lArund, lAur. met, HAur. mur. nat, IBar. c, IBar. m, IBell, Cadm. s,HCalc, HCann. s,lICaust, ICham, ICinch., ICist, Cochl, Cornus, IDulc, IFerr. iod, IIGraph., IIHep, HHydras, IKali bi, ILye, IIMerc, INatr.ph, IINitr. ac INux v IIOLjec, HPetrol, HPsor, IRhus HSep 5. EYES. 215 HSil. ,1 ISul., I Tereb.; from every exposure to cold, IDulc.; with opacities of cornea, IMagn. e; with phlyctenule on edge of cornea of left eye, 11 Rhus; complicated with shallow ulcers on cornea, INitr. ae; with crusta lactea, HCale, Uacea; in cross, peevish children, dur- ing dentition, ICham.; erethistic, IMerecor.; erysipelatous, with great oedema, discharges thin, IMere cor.; mistiness before eyes, after scrofulous ophthalmia, IKali iod.; child liesall day with face resting on floor, I IRhus; when better, feet areswollen, I Ars.; inheadache,IBa- diag.; with keratitis, llpec; inleft eye, every eighth year of her life, in January, or Febru- ary, I ISub; left eye, I ISub; worse in left eye, morning, I Amm. br.; with hardness of meibo- mian glands, ILith.; worse after 1 a.m., IChin. a.; worse in morning, I IPod.; with catarrhal otorrhoea, IMere d.; pains worse at night, IRhus; especially in phlegmatic, .fat, large- bellied children with fine, wdiite skin, light hair, thick neck and swollen glands, subject to eruptions and ulcerations of skin, ICale, IHep.; with photophobia, HAur. met,INatr. s.; yellow pus gushes out when lids are forced apart, IRhus ; after abuse of nitrate of silver, INatr.m.; sluggish cases, not much in- jection, but great photophobia, ICon.; in scrofulous subjects, Cinch.; pale,flabby,scrof- ulous subjects, IMere d.; on attempting to open eyes hot tears gush from them, causing redness, rawness and pustular eruption on sur- rounding parts, IMere cor.; with or without ulceration, thick, mucous discharge,IHydras.; stitches as of needles, ICale Ophthalmia, strumous: 8@°* scrofulous. Ophthalmia, suddenly appearing: worse right eye, IBelb; violent in right, lApis. Ophthalmia, sun : from being on water fishing, IHam. Ophthalmia, syphilitic : lAsaf, I Aur., IClem, IGraph, IMere, IINitr. ac, IPhyt, I ISyph., IThuya; with circumorbital pains, IPhyt Ophthalmia, after checked tetter: Sars. Ophthalmia, traumatic: lArn, HCale, ICa- lend, 11 Cochl., IHam., IHep, IHyper., ISub, I ISymph. Ophthalmia: 8§F~ Conjunctiva and Cornea in- flammation. OPTIC NERVE, anaemia : from excessive tea drinking, with accommodative asthenopia, ISpig. Optic nerve, atrophy: INux v, HPhos. Optic nerve, congestion: IBry, IKali iod, I IPsor., IPuls.; causing amaurosis, IVer. v.; dependent upon cerebral congestion, IBelb; in retinitis, ISub; in retinitis hemarolopica, ILye Optic nerve, diseases : occurring in workers in foundries, IIMerc. Optic nerve, functional disturbance: HPhos. Optic nerve, inflammation: IBell, IPhos., IPuls., Plumb.; with cherry red color before vision, IPhos. Optic nerve, irritation: causing amaurosis, IVer. v. Optic nerve, paralysis. ICon, IIPuls.; in bilious intermittent, 11 Puis.; sudden, of left eve, causing many weeks of blindness, llSyph. Optic nerve, soreness: of right, just behind eyeball, Sarrae [ Optic nerve, torpid: IPhos. ae Optic nerve, ■weakness : dulness of vision from, 11 Magn. p. Optic nerve : 8@°* Retina optic disc. ORBIT, aching: irCarbo v, IPhos.; in left, Bry. Orbit, biting: sore, as if denuded on upper margin, 11 Plat. Orbit, boring : in left, worse talking and from mental exertion, follows suppressed lochia, Sib; from within, worse in afternoon and after eating, better from cold drinks, motion and bathing (headache),Bism. ()rbit, bruised pain: Zinc; on moving eyes, I IChel, ICup. m. Orbit, burning : inleft, with confusion in left side of head, IColoe; sudden, Arund.; in upper part at night (keratitis punctata), I Ars. Orbit, compression : or cramping pain around, particularly supraorbital, globe of eve some- times participating and feeling sore, I Plat. Orbit, sensation of contraction: Verbas. Orbit, cutting: Sarrae; like a knife thrust between orbit and ball, moved about in orbi- tal cavity (ciliary neuralgia), ICinch. Orbit, digging: pain deep in, like in sclerotitis, IColch.; along border of right, better eating, lying in bed and when about falling asleep, worse in motion, IIAnae Orbit, drawing; Stann.; deep in, like in sclero- titis, IColch.; down in right, IBelb; in ex- ternal wall of left, whence pain extends down beneath cheek bone, apparently along course of nerve, Coral.; in melanotic tumor, Aur. met. Orbit, dull pain: in left, while walking, in morning, Pallad. Orbit, fulness : deep in left, at4 p.m., Sep.; dull feeling, with aching, IGels. Orbit, inflammation: wdth formation of pus, IRhus; especially if pus has formed, sensitive- ness to touch, with throbbing, prevents for- mation of pus or accelerates its discharge, IHep.; follows operation for strabismus, ILach.; of periosteum and cellular tissue, ICup. m.; especially if syphilitic, pain intense or absent, IKali iod. Orbit, neuralgia: lAtrop. s, IPlat.; especially of infraorbital nerve, IIBell.; in left, IDulc; weak feeling in abdomen after, ILach.; under left, running back to ear, IBelb; in left side, rising of heat to face before attack, ILach.; in right, from getting wet, I ISang.; distributed about and within right, darted through from frontal to occipital region (facial neuralgia), I ISpig. Orbit, pain (undefined) : Agar, Ant. a, lApis, Card, in., I IPhos.; extends backward through base to cord, during menses, I IVer. v.; deep in (cephalalgia), ILach.; deep in socket, worse inleft (hysteria), I ITherid.; spreads to fore- head and skin of face, alternately, Bell.; around left, Osm.; severe, in left, extending to occiput, INaja; pain in left, during stool, 11 Vib.; worse in left, Oxal. ac.; deep, as if in muscles, worse right side, I Aloe; to touch, IMere sol. Orbit, penetrating pain : Sarrae Orbit,piercing:spasmodic, in middle of upp": rim of right, Cist. Orbits, pressing: Aloe, Bov., Cain, I IChel, 216 5. EYES. Coccus, Lyss, ISib; acute, at internal superior angle of right, with occasional darts inward and throbbing, I ISang.; worse in open air (incipient cataract), HSep.; deep in, Ruta; dull, at outer border, Coccul.; at outer border of left, Asaf; dull, as with aplug,-on right, ex- tending into brain, stupefaction, I Anac; with drawing from eyes to occiput, ILach.; with confusion in frontal region, IColoe; involving whole head, IPuls.; in left, along dorsum of nose, better sitting down, Coloe; in left, with confusion in left side of head, IColoe; espe- cially in left side, worse in open air, after din- ner, Seneg.; near root of nose, with confusion in head and chilliness, Coloe; in one spot at inner and upper border, extending to nose and sometimes into lid, closing it, and of in- termittent type, about 11 p.m. (scrofulous neu- ralgia), ICinch.; stupefying, in right from without in, ICheb; in upper part of right, Lyss. Orbit, pricking: when looking steadily, in vault of orbit, Arund. Orbit, sharp pains : in right, worse moving eye- ball, stooping or stepping, Ziz. Orbit, shooting: Ced., Ziz.; from right to occip- ital protuberance, in evening, Uran. n. Orbit, soreness: ISib; of right, on rising in morning, Merc. iod. flav. Orbit, stitch: slow, extending from upper mar- gin deep into brain, ICina. Orbit, swollen: Natr. a.;in ophthalmia, HApis ; infiltration into cellular tissue (ciliary neural- gia with acute conjunctivitis), I ITereb.; infil- tration of cellular tissue very pronounced, hard and unyielding to touch (cellulitis), IPhyt; oedema, especially of supraorbital, Natr. a.; extending to temple, with oedema of lids (periostitis), IKali iod. Orbit, tearing: Berb, Calc.; with headache, IChin. s.; about lower margin of right, ex- tending under right ear, involving bones of face, as if everything were torn out, IPhos.; bones tender, IMere cor.; sharp, in right, at night, I IKali e Orbits, tensive pain : IPlat. Orbits, throbbing; headache at bottom of, IDig.; along border of right, better eating, lying in bed, falling asleep, worse motion, IIAnae Orbit, pulsation: in left, Bry.; sharp, occasion- ally at outer border of right, apparently in periosteum, Syph. Orbit, tumor: fungous, IIThuya; large bony, on left, boring, aching, worse at night, I Aur. met; several, on upper border of left, firmly adherent to bone and appearing to extend into orbit, hard and encroached upon upper lids, especially inner corner, syphilitic his- tory, IKali iod. Orbit: 8®* Circumorbital, Infraorbital, Supra- orbital. PHOTOPHOBIA: Agar, lAgnus, lAilant., I Alum., Amm. c, Ammoniac, Anae,Ananth, Ant. c, lApis, lArn, I Ars, Amm t, Ast. r, lAur. met,lAur.mur,HBar. c, IIBell, Berb, Bor, ICale, ICale p., Camph, ICaust., Ced., Cham., IChin. s, IChloral, Chlorof, Cina, HCinch, Cinnab, IClem., Coca,Coloe, HCon, ICroe, ICrotal, IDig, Dros, Elaps, Eryng, lEup. perf, lEuphor., IEuph,IGels, IGlon, IGraph, IHam, IHelb, IHep., llgn. Iodof, llpec, IJab, IKali bi, I IKalie, IKali m, IIKali ph., ILac def, ILach, ILil. tig, ILith, IILyc, Lyss, IMagn. p, IMere, IMere cor,IMere iod. flav,Natr.a, INatr. m, INatr. s, I INitr. ac, INitr. sp. d., IINux v, HOp, Phell, IPhos, Phos. ac, IPhyt, I IPlumb., Psor., IPuls., IRhus, Samb., Sar- rae, Sec, Seneg., ISep, I ISpig, I I Stann, IStram, IISul, Tarax, I ITherid., Ustil., IIViob,Zine,Ziz. 8§^ artificial light, bright light, daylight, reflected light, sunlight. Photophobia, with want of accommodation: IIArg. nit. Photophobia, worse in open air: IClem.; walk- ing, IPsor. Photophobia, in apoplexy: lArn. Photophobia, in artificial light, IIBell., ICale. p., ICrotal, IILyc, INatr. m. Pic. ae; in can- dlelight, Dros, lEuph., I IGels, Hell, IMere, INatr. m, IPhos. ae; in candlelight (sick headache), ILac def; holding a lighted candle before eyes causes violent convulsions of limbs, particularly opisthotonic spasms, with rigidity, Stram.; worse in candlelight, Bor, llpec.; worse in candlelight in myopia, I Arg. nit; cannot bear fire light (amblyopia), ■Mere, looking into fire, cough worse, Ant. c; in gaslight, Ascl. t, ICale p., IGraph.; gaslight hurts more than sunlight (astheno- pia), ISub; in lamplight, INatr. m.; worse in lamplight, ICheb; in lamplight (ciliary neu- ralgia), I Crotal. Photophobia.in asthma: ICup. m. Photophobia, in bright light: Brom., IMere. iod. rub, IINatr. m.; may throw him into agitation or bring on convulsions, Lyss. 8ST" artificial light, reflected light, sun- light. Photophobia, in bronchitis: lEuph. Photophobia, chronic : .Ethus, ISib Photophobia, closing eyes : could not open, IGraph.; better closing eyes and resting head, Ver. v.; compelled to keep eyes closed most of the time, worse after rising, IIKali e; keeps them closed, light disagreeable, though not painful, IGlon.; sensitive to light and air, eye must be covered (iritis as- sociated with hypopion), IHep.; closes lids, sits in corners, bores face into pillow, ICale.; constantly, yet light does not affect them much, I I Kali iod.; with spasmodic closure of lids, INatr. m.; has to tie up eye, ICale s.; cannot bear eyes covered, Apis. Photophobia, after confinement: hydrogenoid constitutions, INatr. s. Photophobia, light causes confusion : Agar. Photophobia, in daylight: ICon, lEuph, IGamb, I IKali e, IMere, Sars. Photophobia, dazzled by light: IIAcon, IBar. c, Dros, IGraph, ILye, IMere, IPhos., ISil, IStram, ISub; in conjunctivitis, IISep.;by daylight, in room, Con.; easily, in toothache, IMagn. c; by glare of fire, Dros.; with twitch- ing of lids, I Puis.; on looking at bright objects, Phos. ac; by snow, I I Ars.; by water, ILvss. 8®*" bright light, reflected light. Photophobia, in delirium tremens : IHyos. Photophobia, after dog-bite: ICurar., ILyss. Photophobia, in epilepsy: prefers dark room, lAtrop. s. Photophobia, in evening : 6 to 8 p.m ICaust, Zing. BST artificial light. 5. EYES. 217 Photophobia, eyes: burning (irido-choroiditis), IRhus; congested (dysmenorrhoea), HXan.; inflamed, INatr. c; scrofulous inflammation, lies upon face, IMere; pain deep in, IKali e; chronic sore eyes, I IBapt; with stinging, Zing.; with stitches, IIPuls.; with throbbing, Calab. Photophobia, light fatigues : Ast. r. Photophobia, with fever; ^Esc h.; catarrhal, lEuph.; intermittent, IBry.; rheumatic, I Am.; typhus, lArg. nit.; yellow, IMere Photophobia, fitful but intense: llgn. Photophobia, in glaucoma: I IPhos. Photophobia, after suppressed gonorrhoea: I IPsor, IPuls. Photophobia, during headache: I I Apis, IIBell, ICact, ICale, I ICarbol. ac, ICoccul, IMed., INatr. in., INatr. s., I ISang, ISib, I IZinc, Zing.; pain in forehead (iritis), ICinch.; pain flying from forehead to occiput, Tarant.; pressure in forehead, IKali c; in megrim, ICale, IKali br.; in sick headache, ILac def. Photophobia, in iritis: IMere; rheumatic (scle- ro-iritis), IKali bi.; in iritis syphilitica, worse in morning, I INux v. Photophobia, in keratitis: I Apis, lAtrop, ICale, IIBell., IChin. a., HCon.; chronic, after vaccination, IIThuya; worse in even- ing, HCale; phlyctenular, ISyph.; pustu- lar, ICrot. t, IPuls, IMere sob; pustular, with superficial ulcers, INux v., IRhus; scro- fulous, IGraph, Lach., ISul;with ulcers, IKali bi, IMere iod. flav.; with scrofulous ulcers, child lies on its face, IBar.m.; with ulceration, after cauterizing with nitrate of silver, child lies with head buried in pillow, INatr. m.; with small ulcers, or phlyctenules, stinging pain, particularly in scrofulous children, INatr. e; with scrofulous ulcers, INatr. m.; punctata, ICon.; after variola, ICale p. Photophobia, during labor: ICon. Photophobia, with lachrymation: Magn. s.; better in open air, TPsor.; burning, corrosive, lEuph.; with yellowish discharge (keratitis pustulosa), IGraph.; with profuse lachryma- tion, when eyes are forcibly opened, pains worse at night and in any light, better in dark room and by pressure, HCon. Photophobia, left eye : in conjunctivitis, lEup. perf.; in coryza, ICepa ; exceedingly sensitive to light and water, Lyss. Photophobia, lids: inflamed, IPsor.; itching, ISub; spasms, lEuph, IMere. cor, IPuls.; swollen, agglutinated, lEuph. Photophobia, with aversion to life : Natr. s. Photophobia, in measles: IIAcon, IBry., HEuph, IFerr. ph, IPuls.; after measles, lArg. met. Photophobia, in melancholia; IIArg. nit. Photophobia, in meningitis: IIBell, IMere sob, ISub; bright light and glistening things cause convulsions, IStram. Photophobia, during menses; llgn. Photophobia, in morning: lAnt e ; with ob- scuration of vision, INux v.; worse after rising, ICale; worse in morning and evening (kera- titis pustulosa), I ISub; worse in morning (hyperaesthesia of retina), INux v. Photophobia, with neuralgia: IBell,ICoccion, IMagn. p.; ciliary, Act. rac, ICrot; facial, lArs, IBell, ICheb, Coccion., ICon., I ISpig.; supraorbital, Chin. s. Photophobia, after onanism : ICina. Photophobia, in ophthalmia: lApis, lArs., ICie, HPhos.; arthritic, lApis, ICoccul, ILed.; catarrhal, HArs.; after chill, lEuph.; chronic, IGraph.; scrofulous, HArs., ICale, ICham, ICon, IHyos., INatr. s, I INitr. ae, IISul, -Tereb.; tarsal, IMerecor. Photophobia, with dilated pupils: IIBell, IMere per. Photophobia, in reflected light: great sensi- tiveness, Lyss.; from ophthalmoscope, caused stinging in ball (tobacco amaurosis), INux v.; cannot bear brilliant objects, IBell, Bufo, Sep.; bright objects cause spasms (puerperal), ICanth.; throws him into agitation or con- vulsions, Lyss.; worse from glare of snow, Ant. e; worse when he sees running water (dysentery), ILyss.; sight of water causes spasms, IStram. 8@T" bright light, sunlight. Photophobia, retina: oversensitive, ISpig.; inflamed hemarolopia, ILye Photophobia, in rheumatism : I ILac e 8®° Ophthalmia arthritic. Photophobia, in right eye: ^Atrop. s, Cann. i, IISul. Photophobia, in sclerotitis : INux v, IThuya; rheumatic, I IChin. m.; with dimness of cor- nea, swelling and redness of lids, great in- crease of secretion, mucus and tears, scrofu- lous constitution, ICon. Photophobia, in scrofulous persons: 11 Ant. t. 8@~ Ophthalmia scrofulous. Photophobia, when getting sleepy: in coryza, ICepa. Photophobia, after straining eyes: at sewing, worse in a warm room, better in open air, IIArg. nit. 8@~ Sight straining. Photophobia, with stitches: worse during sultry weather, ISul. Photophobia, in sunlight: IIAcon, lArs., Asar, IIBell, Bry, ICie, HCinch, IClem., lEuph., IGels, ILith, IMere p., Phos. ac, ISub; in diphtheria, I ILac c; causes lachry- mation, IGraph, Jamb, Zinc; in sunlight,. ICamph, Merc. sul. 8®°* bright light, reflected light. Photophobia, with sweat: Stram, ISul. Photophobia, temper: light disturbs, IColch. Photophobia, from tobacco: IPhos. Photophobia, traumatic: for four months,, worse in evening, lEuph. Photophobia, variable: IKali iod. Photophobia, with vertigo : Agar., IGlon. PUPILS, altered: IHyos. Pupils, alternate contraction and dilatation: lAcon, lAnae, Cann. s., HCycb, Dros., IHell, HOSnan, Zinc; in typhoid fever, ILach.; in hydrocephalus, ICarbol. ac, IHelb; at intervals, Cie; in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICalab.; in quick succession, IBar. e Pupils, angular: in rheumatic ophthalmia, ICoccul. Pupils, contracted: Ant. t, lArn, HArs., Aur. met, IBell, ICale, ICamph, Caps, Carbol ae, IChel, IChin. s, ICrot. t, IDaph., lEuph, Ferr, IHell, IHyos, IJab, IIKali br, IIMagn. p., 11 Mang,'IMere cor, Mur. ac, INatr. m, Nitr. sp. d., HOp., Phos, I IPhyt, I IPlumb, IPuls, I ISib, Squilla, Stann, Strain, 11 Variol., Viol.; in amaurosis, ISep., IZinc.; in arachnitis,IChlorof; on awak- 218 5. EYES. ing (meningitis infantum), lArn.; in brain affections, IHell, IMere v., HOp.; with chill, lAcon.; closed (apoplexy), Ast. r.; with fixed eyes, I IVer.; with sensation of fulness in eyes, INux m.; in typhus, lAgar., ITereb.; covered by thin, bluish film, with great ten- dency to formation of adhesions to lens (iri- tis), IMere; with giddiness, Mez.; with spas- modic contraction of glottis, Ver.; in head- ache, Bell.; in hemicrania, ISep.; in insanity, I I Nux v. ,in plastic iritis, i Sal. ae; in scrofulous keratitis, 11 Apis; in left eye, lArg. met.; after lemonade, I IStram.; in acute mania, ICanth.; dependent on menstrual disorder in chlorosis, INatr. m.; in ciliary neuralgia, with acute con- junctivitis, I ITereb.; in chronic syphilitic oph- thalmia, IMere; in rheumatic ophthalmia, ICoccul.; size of apinhead, Amyg, Calab.; rap- idly, IKali m.; excessively sensitive to light, contracting not much, but very rapidly, I IColch.; right, ^Atrop. s.; right,in locomotor ataxy, I Arg. nit.; right, with sudden complete loss of qualitative vision, 11 Ver. v.; but round, lEuph.; during sleep, IOp.; slowly, yEsc. h.; sluggishly, 11 Kali br.; in spasmodic affections, Cie; with stupor, in pneumonia, IPhos.; in sunstroke, Arn, IGlon., Op.; during period of tranquillity, in last stage, Lyss.; vacillating mood, ICoccul.; after vinegar, HStram.; has to wink to distinguish objects, Ananth. Pupils, dilated: Acet. ac, yEsc h., 11 Agar, IAgnus,Alum,Amyl, 11 Ant. chl.,I Arn, 11 Ars, Arund, Astac, Bar. m, IIBell, Brom, Cain, HCale, Calend, ICamph.,Caps, ICed,IChin. s., Chlorof, ICina, ICinch, Coca, ICoccul., ICoff, ICon., ICroe, ICrot, I ICycl, IDig, Dory, I IGels, IGlon,I Guaiae, Guaraea,IHell, IHyos, IHyper, Hod, I llpec, IKali iod, 11 Lact. ac.,1 I Lactu. v, I Laur, I ILed., I IMang, IMosch, INatr. c, INitr. ac, INux v, IOp, IPhos, I IPhos. ac, Phyt, Pic. ac, I IPlumb, IPuls, I IRan. b, 11 Rhod, Sang, Sars, Sec, Staph, IStram,l ISub, Ver, 11 Vib.; with want of accommodation, IIArg. nit; in amaurosis, after sore throat, IGels.; in anasarca, Hell.; if mental anxiety is great, Lyss.; inapoplexv, IIBell, ICoccul, IICEnan, Plumb.; with blindness, IGels, Strain.; with blindness from effusion of water on brain, IKali iod.; in con- cussion of brain, Cie; in inflammation of brain, I IHelb; in irritation of brain, ILach.; in intestinal catarrh, IChel.; in cholera infan- tum, IKali br, ILaur.; in choroiditis, IColoe;* with collapse, Hippoz.; constantly, in apo- plexy, IPlumb.; dilatation of one, contraction of other, Cadm. s, Calab.; one pupil con- tracted, the other dilated, acting feebly and slowly to light (scarlet fever), I IZinc; left contracted, while right is dilated (typhoid), ] IColch.; of unequal size during period of tran- I quillity, in last stage, Lyss.; with convulsions. in scarlatina, IVer. v.; cornea turned outward (paralysis of internal rectus),Calab.; in whoop- ing cough, ICorab; in delirium, Aeon., lAct. rac, IIBell, IHyos, IStram.; with bloody muco-purulent diarrhoea, I IKali br.; in epi- leptiform eclampsia, ICed.; extremely,Amyg, I lAnthrac, IBelb, 11 Dulc, I IHyos.; with ful- ness in eyes, INux m.; with frequent flashes of light, Vab; when eyes were forced open (brain affection), IHelb; with inflamed, dim, watery staring eyes (lyssa), ILyss.; with farsighted ness, Carbo a.; in typhoid fever, IColch., IHelb; left five times increased in size, irAtrop. s.; with headache, from nape of neck, IVer.v; with pressing headache, later contracted, with inward restlessness, Rheum ; in congestion to head, IBelb; from heat, IGels.; in helmin- thiasis, ICina, ISpig.; in hydrocephalus, Art. v, IGrat, IMere; in hydrocephalus acutus, IDig.; in impending hydrocephalus, ICinch.; in hysteria, ICed.; irregularly, lAur. met.; irregularly, under Atropine, I IMere iod flav.; hardly respond to irritation,IStram.; left, I IMere iod. flav.; left, more than right (epi- lepsy), lArt. v.; left, dilated, not sensitive to strong light (foreign body in eye), IHep.; in basilar meningitis, HCic; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IGels, IHydr. ae; in meningitis infantum,! Apis; before menses,ILye; after ab- use of mercury, IHep.; traumatic, lArn, ICa- lab.; from exposure to cold and damp weather, IRhus; horizontal oval (parenchymatous iritis) I ISib; permanent, with loss of accommodation (traumatic), ICalab.; in pneumonia, ILachn.; with photophobia, IBell, IMere per.; with raving, Amyg.; letters move about when read- ing, IHyos.; on being reprimanded, IStram.; right, ILye, Tarant.; right dilated, in locomo- tor ataxy, lArg. nit; not very sensitive (am- blyopia), ICinch.; during sleep, 01. an.; right pupil slightly larger than left (syphilis),IMere. iod. flav.; slightly, IFerr, Lyss.; slightlyjn ser- ous choroiditis, IGels.; slightly, in typhoid, IColch.; slowly and incompletely, though regularly, IKali m.; left dilated and sluggish, IGels.; in cerebrospinal disease, 11 Ver. v.; from spinal irritation, INux v.; in sunstroke, Bell, Gels., IGlon, Ver. v.; in unconsciousness, ^Ethus.; in vertigo, IBell, Crotal.; with dim- ness of vision, Atrop., Lyss., IVer. v.; with mistiness or obscuration of vision, Thuya; with weak sight, IVer.; has to wink to dis- tinguish objects, Ananth.; sluggish, in scarla- tina, lAilant.; widely, with amaurosis (mul- tiple sclerosis), IPhos. Pupils, immovable: Amyg, 11 Ant. chl, Atrop. s. Bar. in., Bell, ICamph.,t.Carbol. ac,IChel, Cup. m., IDig., Hydr. ac, IIHyos., IKali br, IKali iod., I ILaur., IMere, IMerecor, HOp, IPlat, IIRhus, HStram, I ISub, Syph.; in apoplexy (old age), IBar. e; in congestion to brain, I ICup. m.; light makes as little impres- sion as speaking or calling (brain affection), IHelb; in choroiditis, IColoe; dilated, Bell, IDig.; before epileptic attack, IBufo.; with sensation of fulness in eyes, INux m.; in typhus, ICarbo v.; in typhoid, IColch, ILye, Zinc; in typhus, IStram.; in rheumatic glau- coma, ICoccul.; in hydrocephalus, IHelb; after injury, lArn.; left eye, lArg. met.; in basilar meningitis, HCic; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IHydr. ae; after abuse of mercury, IHep.; after scarlatina, Aur. mur.; in shock, Dig. 8®° sluggish ; also Iris paralysis. Pupils, irregular: IBar. e; drawn upward, in rheumatic ophthalmia, ICoccul. 8®" alternate, Pupils, linear: in chronic syphilitic ophthal- mia, IMere Pupils, right, horizontally oval (rheumatic ophthalmia): I ISyph. Pupils, sensitive to light: in locomotor ataxia, I Arg. nit; in lead colic, I IOp.; right sensitive 5. EYES. 219 to a light before left eye, but sluggish to light and shade before its own eye, I ISul. Pupils, sluggish: ICinch, IDig, I IOp, Phos, 11 Rhod.; in locomotor ataxy, I Arg. nit; after a blow upon inferior and outer part of left eyeball, ICalab.; in keratitis punctata, lArs.; during sleep, IOp. 8^** immovable. Pupils: B@~ Iris. RETINA, anaemic : IChin. s. 8€i~ atrophy. Retina, anaesthesia: field of vision much con- tracted, IHep.; sees a light spot in centre of field of vision surrounded by a dark ring, and again by a lighter ring, turning and changing into various colors, especially green, worse coming into room from sunlight, IHep. Retina, apoplexia retinae: IMere cor.; with suppressed menses, IBell. Retina, atrophy : with amaurosis,IPhos, ITabae Retina, bloodvessels: central portions strong- ly pulsating, I Aur. met.; relaxed, in whoop- ing cough, lArn.; large bloodvessels are indistinct, Arg. nit.; arteries, bloodless, after neuralgia, I IOp.; embolism of central artery after neuralgia, 11 Op.; enlarged arteries, IBelb, IKali br.; veins dilated, IBell, I IVer. v.; veins engorged after neuralgia, I IOp.; veins forming a dark network, IKali m.; veins pul- sating, 11 Rhod.; veins tortuous, I IVer. v.; varicosity of veins, I IPuls. Retina blurred: in chorio-retinitis, HPhos. B^sT" misty. Retina, congested: Arg. nit, Cund, ILach, I IPhos, I IPsor, IPuls, IISul, I ITarant; with flushed face and congestive headache, Sang.; hyperaemia, after suppression of acne, IIPuls.; injection of central vessels, IIPuls.; dependent upon cerebral congestion, IBelb; in glaucoma, Prun.; in left eye typical "con- gestion papille," papillary margins entirely obscured and presenting characteristic gray, wooly appearance, blood vessels large and tortuous, I IVer. v.; syphilitic, IMere iod. flav.; vascular fulness, with epilepsy, from cerebral congestion, IKali br. Retina, detached: I IDig.; with hemiopia in left, accumulation of fluid beneath, I Aur. met.; from myopia, with neuralgia, IGels.; from injury, diffusive haziness of vitreous and ser- ous inflammation of choroid and retina, IGels. Retina, dim: IKali m.; hazy, IBell, ILach.; hazy, in chorio-retinitis, I IPhos.; hazy, in sclero-choroiditis anterior, I ISil. 8€g~ blurred, misty. Retina, dropsy: I Apis. Retina, excitement: with red photo psia, Fluor, ae 8@~ Sight chromopsia. Retina, exudation: IKali m. Retina, as if covered with bluish gray film: IBell. Retina, disease occurring in workers in found- ries: IMere Retina, hemorrhage: ILach.; expedites absorp- tion of clots, HArn.; spontaneous, or during course of retinitis albuminuria, Crotal.; hem- orrhagic spots on disc, after severe attack of neuralgia, 11 Op. Retina, hyperaesthesia: IIAnt. t, IBell, Chloral, ICon, llgn, I Lact. ac, IINatr. m, INux v.; in debilitated, broken-down, strum- ous, hemorrhagic constitutions, Crotal.; with photophobia, IMere, ISpig. Retina, images retained too long: Ananth, INatr. m, Tabae; for several minutes (torpor retinae), IJab.; especially colors, ILac e; ob- ject last looked at is projected into next, ILac e Retina, inflammation (retinitis): I Ars, I Asaf, IBell, Calc, IGels, IPuls.; albuminuric, Crotal, IPhos., 11 Stann.; albuminuric, with tearing in eyebrows, IMere cor.; albu- minuric, during pregnancy, IKalm.; albumi- nuric, sudden dimness of vision, during preg- nancy, worse after delivery, Gels.; apoplectic, IChel, IPhos.; apoplectic, absorbs hemor- rhages, controls inflammatory symptoms and diminishes tendency to retinal extravasation, ILach.; in choroiditis, Arg.met, IGels.; dia- betic, See; from overuse of eyes, ISub; in con- gestive headache, IBelb; hemarolopic, ILye; hemorrhagia, IMere cor.; nephritic, during pregnancy, IMere cor.; with nyctalopia, IPhos.; syphilitic, Crotal, IMere. Retina, irritable : IKali m.. Retina, misty : Kali m. Retina, optic disc : anaemic, IChin. s.; ar- teries small veins enlarged and tortuous, Amyb; opaque, bluish white, Plumb.; ill de- fined, IBell, IPhos.; outline hazy, Plumb.; pigmentary deposit on lower outer edge of | left, lAur. met.; greenish hue, lAur. met.; red, somewhat swollen (chorio-retinitis), I IPhos.; deepened in tint, IBelb; outer part whiter than usual, Gels.; but little can be seen, a kind of mist being over it, spreading from vitreous humor over background of eye, IKali m.; white patches, extravasations of blood, Gels. g^° anaemic, bloodvessels, blurred, hem- orrhage, misty. Retina, scotomata: I Ars.; of right, after a fall, dimness of vision, constant flickering before eye and floating black specks, IMere Retina, swollen : cedematous, IBelb Retina, torpor: IJab.; after application to tine work, IJab.; impaired sensibility of right eye, with total paralysis of accommoda- tion and partial paralysis of accommodation of left eye, supposed to be due to use of cos- metic which probably contained carbonate of lead, I IOp. Retina, subretinal tumor covers macula lutea, vessels could be traced over it, and small hemorrhagic spots around it, size of tumor ten diameters of optic disc, elevation nine millimeters: IISul. SCLEROTICA, acts prominently on sclerotic coat: Thuya. Sclerotica, bluish: Bell. Sclerotica, slightly bulged: I IPuls. Sclerotica, burning: Arund., IMagn. m.; dur- ing apyrexia (tertian fever), I IRhus. Sclerotica, congestion: IMed,Thuya;develop- ment of numerous bloodvessels, IIRhus; ap- pears as one gore of blood (whooping cough), IBelb; injected, Bar. m, IBelb, ICrot. t, IIPuls.; in yellow fever, IMere; injected vessels, singly or in bundles (iritis), lEuph.; injection in syphilitic iritis, I IThuya; left eye injected, I ISub; injected, from inner corner, many loose fibres running toward cornea as if pterygium would be formed (scrofulous oph- thalmia), lApis; congested, especially be- tween insertion of recti muscles where sclera is slightly bulged, and thinner (episcleritis), IMere; injected, in sclero-choroiditis anteri- 220 5. EYES. or, I ISib; red, lAur. met,lAur. mur, I IHyos, IMagn. m, IMere, IIPuls, IIRhus, I ISub; bright rose-colored, I ISub; deep red (oph- thalmia), lArs.; redness, during apyrexia (tertian fever), IIRhus; redness, particularly in left eye, with photophobia, scrofulous con- stitution, ICon.; redness, in ophthalmia, ILith. e; pale reddish, especially in external canthi (glaucoma), HPhos.; traumatic red- ness, lEuph.; upper part bright red, INux v.; violet red ^ulceration of cornea), IHep.; ex- cessive, of superficial and deep vessels, with paralysis of right side, I IPrun.; in hereditary syphilis, I ISyph.; tunic, of conjunctival cover- ing, from childhood, IIThuya. Sclerotica, dim and dull, as if covered with dust (brain affection), IHelb Sclerotica, discolored: IPlumb. Sclerotica, ecchymosis: INux v. Sclerotica, episcleritis: IMere, INux m, IThuya; in left, with intense pain, I ITereb.; with much pain in and around eye at night, IMere cor.; circumscribed between superior and external recti muscles, highly myopic, IIPuls. Sclerotica, excrescence on : Arund.; burning heat, I Aur. mur. Sclerotica, inflammation: Eryng, I ISpig., IThuya ; affects choroid, IThuya ; in sclero- choroiditis anterior, IKalm.; sclero-choroiditis anterior, symptoms alternate from one eye to the other, I ISib; sclero-choroiditis posterior, ICroe; pains of sclero-choroiditis, ISpig.; incipient, I ISub; left eye most inflamed, in rheumatic ophthalmia, ICoccul.; rose-colored, inflamed circle, deeper in color next cornea, diminishing toward canthi, in rheumatic oph - thalmia, ICoccul.; inflammatory focus of deep red color, whence proceed fasciculi of vessels, running toward middle of cornea and con- verging at a deep ulcer, lEuph.; looks like raw beef (hypopion), IHep.; rheumatic, I IChin. m.; particulary in rheumatic subjects, IKalm.; with stitches and aversion to light of sun, INux v.; rheumatic sclero-iritis, ex- cessive pain and photophobia (syphilis), IKali bi. Sclerotica, irritation : ICrot. t. Sclerotica, pricking : I Aur. mur. Sclerotica, soft: in consequence of inflammation of cornea and iris (scleritis), IThuya. Sclerotica, sprinkled with blackish spots (mela- notic tumor in anterior chamber): I Aur. met. Sclerotica, swollen : IMere; left, puffy, I ISul. Sclerotica, yellow: Ananth, IBelb, I Eup. pert, IHep., llpec, ILach., IMagn. in.; dirty dingy Myr. cer.; with circumscribed redness of cheeks (pleuro-pneumonia biliosa), IIRhus; in enteritis, IIAcon.; in yellow fever, I Ars.; with icterus, I IPlumb., ISang.; in jaundice, lAur. mur.; yellowish red, lEup. perf; in typhoid fever, I I Rhus. SIGHT, amaurotic: Ananth., lArs, Aur. met, I Aur. mur, I Aur. mur. nat, IIBell, Bufo., IICaTe, Caps,l IChin., ICinch, HCon, lElaps, IFerr., Fluor, ac, 11 Kali iod, IMeny- anth, IMere, INatr. m., HPhos, IPlumb, IIPuls, Sep, ISil, IStram., IISul, llVib.; appeared and ceased coincidently with the appearance and cessation of albuminuria, 11 Plumb.; from anaemia, IVer. v.; after apo- plexy, IGels.; in beginning, I Ant. sul. aur.; in beginning could not distinguish large ob- jects, with paresis of legs, I I Rhus; from a cold, IBelb; congestive, IGels.; with or with- out diplopia, from suppressed eruption ISub; with scabby eruption on occiput and ears, IPsor.; after a sudden disappearance of an eruption on head, 11 Sub; from nervous fever, IBelb; after typhoid, ILye; gutta Se- rena, Aur. mur. nat.; gutta serena, early stage, IHell.; after violent headache, ISep.; during severe headache, passing away with head- ache, IZinc.; especially from hemorrhage, de- bility and exhaustion, Crotal.; incipient, espe- cially of left eye, IPhos.; of left eye, I Arg.. met.; from masturbation, IIGels.; from debili- tating nervous losses, IINatr. m.; from con- gestion or irritation of optic nerve, IVer. v.; with contracted pupils, ISep, IZinc; with widely dilated pupils (multiple sclerosis), IPhos.; from quinine, IBell, IGels.; from rheumatic troubles, ICheb; after suppression of ringworm, ICheb; after suppression of rash in scarlatina, IBelb; consequent upon sexual excess, especially if associated with fatty liver, HPhos.; first right, then left eye, with spinal irritation, ICinch.; with dilatation of pupils, IGels.; threatened, I Caust.; threatened, in scrofulous children, I IDulc; threatened, during confinement (want of milk), ICaust; from tobacco, INux v.; by debilitating losses, IPhos. ac.; transient, complicating motor palsy, I IPlumb.; of seven years duration, HPhos. 8@° amblyopic, blindness, dim, weak. Sight, amblyopic : lAmmoniac, iAnag, Atrop.,Caps., I IChin.s,HCinch.,IDros,Euph, IMere, INatr. m., IOp, HPhos, IPhos. ac, IStram.; after a blow on head, I I Arn.; in mor- bus Brightii, IPhos.; with deafness, IPuls.; after diphtheria, ISib; from suppression of any bloody discharge, IPuls.; in drunkards, ICinch., I ITereb.; following strong emotion (during pregnancy), IIAnt t; in epilepsy, IHyos.; after suppression of an eruption, HCycb; with or without diplopia, from sup- pressed eruption, ISub; from overexertion of eyes, IRuta ; hysterical, from onanism or ciliary neuralgia, llgn.; after loss of fluids, II Cinch,Crotal, HPhos.; from gastric derange- ment with heart disease, IPuls.; from metas- tasis of gout or rheumatism, IPuls.; caused by grief and overuse of eyes in sewing, ICrotal.; with heart affections, ILach.; in hemiplegia, ICaust.; from hemorrhage, Crotal.; in hydro- cephalus acutus,ILyc,IMere; with lung affec- tions, ILach.; after masturbation, ICinch, IPhos.; in meningitis, I I Ant t; caused by stoppage of menses, Bell.; headache and j vertigo at time menses should appear, has never menstruated, I I Cycl.; better in morn- ing (amblyopia), ICinch.; nervous, sensi- tive persons, ISib; dependent upon anomalies of refraction, IRuta; in retinitis apoplectica, j I ICheb; from abuse of stimulants, ISib; sud- den attacks, with severe pressure in vertex and forehead from without inward, worse afternoon and evening, amblyopia appeared as a thick cloud, worse until she became com- pletely, blind, and then disappeared with the pain, I IZinc; from checked foot sweat, ISib; consequent upon venereal excesses and intoxi- cation, ICinch.; with blurring of vision better 5. EYES. 221 by rubbing, I IThuya; mistiness of sight, with i complete obscuration at a distance, IRuta ; vision yVo, refraction normal, divergence of one and a half lines behind a screen, diplopia in distance, Tabae; better on a cloudy day, or when it begins to grow dark (tobacco poi- soning), I INux v.; with vomiting and coma (retinitis), I ICheb; in a weaver, IRuta. ggg" amaurosis, blindness, dim, -weak. Sight, asthenopic: I I Agar, lArn, Asar, ICinnab, ICon, ICroe, IHydras, IIKalm, ILach., I IMere per, I INiccol, HPhos, IISul, ITabae; accommodative, ISub; accommo- dative, with much aching in eye after using, I IPuls.; accommodative, with anaemia of optic nerve, from excessive tea drinking, with neu- ralgia or slight retinitis, ISpig.; diplopia, from muscular, INux v.; with exhaustion, dependent upon loss of semen, Sep.; with aching pains in eyes on looking at near objects, must close lids, worse when looking at a near light, IMang.; with dull pain behind eyeball as if it would be forced out, ILed.; headache over eyes, caused by using eyes, I ISul. (after Sep.) ; irritability of every tissue of eye, from overwork or using eyes on fine work, IIRuta; from straining eyes, lAcon.; in hysterical females, from onanism or ciliary neuralgia, llgn.; with chronic headache, llris; in hypermetropia, lArg. nit; weak, hysterical, I Lib tig.; sequel to measles, ICaust.; muscular, 11 Amm. c, ICinch, IMur. ac, IINatr. m, IIRhod, Sub; muscular, paresis of accommodation, I ICalab.; much more in- dicated in weakness of ciliary muscles than of internal recti, IRuta; muscular, inability to keep eyes fixed on reading, I Agar.; with in- sufficiency of external recti, IGels.; with in- sufficiency of internal recti, IIRhod.; mus- cular, from spinal anaemia, IIAgar.; from general muscular weakness, spinal irritation and overuse of eyes, or reflex irritation from uterus, IINatr. in.; muscular, from uterine disorders, 11 Agar.; causes ciliary neuralgia, Como.; worse from looking at any bright, shining object, better in twilight, HPhos.; from general prostration, IIPuls.; symptoms, so-called, probably dependent upon spasm of accommodation, ILil. tig.; symptoms not marked, but great irritability of eye from want of tone or energy of muscular structures, passive rather than active, IGels.; pale, flabby subjects inclined to grow fat, Calc; dependent upon reflex irritation from uterus (kopiopia hysterica), ISep.; muscular, focal distance un- equal, ICinch.; with black motes before eyes, ILith.; stitches in sewing run together, IINatr. m. Sight, astigmatic: ICalab, IGels., ILil. tig,- turns head to left when reading, trying to look with left eye out of right glass of spectacles, to see whole of letters b, p and d, ILil. tig.; from granular lids, I ISep.; returning in spite of glasses, causing dull pain in back of neck and head, I IPic. ac. Sight, blindness : I Apis, I Ars, IIBell, ICaust, I IChin. s, Crotal, IDig, IGels, IHep, Lyss, IINatr. m, IStram, IISul, I ITereb, Ver.; after sore throat, IGels.; in prolapsus ani, lArn.; in attacks, Mosch.; in attacks, during day, IHep.; in concussion of brain, IArn.;in attacks, in typhoid, IGels.; for a minute or two, after getting out of bed, Colch.; after catching cold, I Aeon.; from obscuration of cornea, lApis; amaurotic, for three days, Dig.; almost blind, Euph.; with dizziness, IGels.; in puerperal eclampsia, I ICoccul.; in epileptiform spasms, IChin. a.; light does not affect eyes (encephalitis), I ICoccul.; from eruption on eye, in secondary syphilis, I ISyph.; follows sudden severe pain before right eye, while walking through fields cov- ered with snow, IKali m.; caused by pain in eyes, with vertigo, I ITherid.; as if a thick veil were before eyes, with dull aching and feeling of weight in eyeballs, in evening, ISub; then fainting, ICale; with faintness and nausea, (headache), IGlon.; not able to see strongest gaslight, in ague, INatr. m.; after scarlet fever, IBell, IHep.; in typhus, IStram.; with pain in forehead, as if head would burst, better from bandaging head tightly, worse from light or noise (hemicrania), ILac def; in gastralgia, ICamph.; with headache, Atrop, IBell, ICaust, Cup. m, IFerr. ph., IGels, I llris, ILac def, I IMelil, INatr. m, ISep, IStram, IZinc; in hemicrania, IChen. a, IGels.; fol- lowed by headache, must lie down, sight re- turns with increasing headache, aversion to light and noise, IKali bi.; with acute hearing, Stram.; hemeralopia (night blindness), Anac, Cadm. s, HCinch, IHyos., IILyc, I IStram.; hemeralopia, with menstrual "dis- turbances, as if eyes were tightly bound, IPuls.; hemeralopia, must stop work at 4 p.m., ILye; hemeralopia, with nightly diarrhoea, IVer.; hemeralopia, in a myopic eye, IHyos.; hemeralopia, during pregnancy, I IRan. b.; sudden hemeralopia, I IRan. b, I ISub; sudden hemeralopia, with severe cutting pains, ILye; hemeralopia, sudden, six or eight days before menses, every afternoon, toward sundown, increases as night comes on, I IVer.; hemera- lopia, with swelling of eyes, Petroseb; in hem- orrhage, ICinch.; eyes open, but cannot see, in hepatitis, IBelb; in hydrocephalus, 11 Apis, lApoe, IDig, I IHell, IKali iod.; in hysteria, from grief, IGels.; of left eye, after suppressed itch, I ISub; can see but faint glimmer of light with left eye, IComo.; could not see from left eye, Cund.; complete, in left eye for three years, nearly so in right (amau- rosis), I Elaps; in left eye on awaking (epi- leptoid), I ITarant; in lyssa, ILyss.; could not see anything by day with left eye, while at night could distinguish a light (scrofulous inflammation),! ISub; occasional, with twitch- ing of lids, Cale s.; after lightning stroke, IPhos.; when lying quietly, Ver. v.; in men- ingitis, IGlon.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IGlon, IHydras.; in mental derangement, Stram.;momentary, I IHyos,INuxm,Oleand, HSil.; momentary, as from fainting, IPhos.; momentary, grasps head, it feels strangely, INux m.; momentary, in morning, in hypo- chondriasis, I Arg. nit,; momentary, in oph- thalmia, ICie; for a second, ILach.; momen- tary, with uterine affections, in pregnancy, ISib; momentary, with vertigo, IMere; from sudden motions, Ver. v.; from neuralgia (dys- pepsia), lArg. nit.; complete, in right eye during pain (supraorbital neuralgia), IKali hi.; nyctalopia (day blindness), IHelb; nyct- alopia, with sudden appearance of furuncles, 222 5. EYES. ISib; nyctalopia, in hysteria, IFerr.; nyctalo- pia, in paroxyms, IPhos.; in ophthalmia, I Apis; in chronic ophthalmia, 11 Var.; in scrofulous ophthalmia, ISub; in paralysis, IIGraph,Bell.; partial,IIAmmoniac, ICalab.; with ptosis,IGels.; with dilated pupils, IGels, Stram.; sudden complete loss of qualitative vision of right eye, with contracted pupil, HVer. v.; in inflammatory rheumatism, I IPuls.; of right eye, paralysis of optic nerve, IBov.; of right eye, all seemed smoke and mist, while walking through fields covered with snow, IKali m.; when using eyes, Ver. v.; on rising and standing after sitting bent over, IHep.; caused by snow, IKali m, IMere per.; on stooping, IFerr. ph.; can only distinguish light, with loss of strength (fainting spells), ILac def; with stupefaction, dizziness and vacancy in head, Kreo.; sudden, in childbed, Aur. mur.; sudden, at night, in lead colic, I IOp.; sudden, with violent pain in occiput to eyes, I ICinch.; sudden,complicating motor palsy, I IPlumb.; sudden, after photopsia, IBelb; sudden, after scarlet fever, Aur. mur.; sudden, in upper half of visual field, 11 Ver. v.; frequent, temporary, in amblyopia, IMere; temporary, in cerebrospinal meningitis, IGlon.; tobacco amaurosis, INux v.; transi- tory, with pain from occiput over head to forehead and eyes, IPetrol.; with vertigo, IKalm, IVer.; with vertigo in evening, IIPuls.; with vertigo in ophthalmia, ICie; with ver- tigo and dilated pupils, IGels.; brought on by walking, withfainting, IVer. v.; with frequent desire to wink, 11 Phos. ac. 8^° amblyopic, amaurotic, dim, weak. Sight, blurred: g^° confused, dim. Sight, clearer: Aspar, IBell, HCinch,IColch, Fluor, ae, IHyos., Viol.; in open air, Coff.; a luxurious enjoyment in looking at some things he sees daily, Fluor, ac.; reads fine print easier, HCoff; after rubbing eyes, ICina; over- sensitive, IBelb Sight, cloudy: 8®* dim. Sight, colorblindness: Chloral. Sight, confused: yEthus, Amyg, lAur. met, ICalab, IGels, IGlon, INatr. m., Pic. ac, IRhus; after anxiety, IPsor.; wth delirium, in diphtheria, IBapt.; distant objects look as if anterior lines were shaded with same colors (in inflammatory fever), IGels.; as if black dots filled visual field, worse after stimulants (amblyopia), Tabae; on looking down, ICamph.; in congestion to head, ICinch.; in hysteria, I ITherid, Vab; in dysmenor- rhoea, I IVer. v.; objects appear flowing into one another, at three to four inches distance, in strabismus, ICale; on looking at an object, sees only that part upon which eve is fixed, everything else seems to swim around that point, INux v.; on looking through window, everythingin street appears in tumult,Camph. Sight, darkness: 8@p» dim. Sight, dim: Absin., HAmmoniae, 11 Amm. m, I Amyl, Ananth, Asaf, Astac, Atrop. s, IIBell, Berb, Brach., Bry, Bufo, ICalab, Camph, Cann. i, Cann. s. Caps.,ICarbo a., I ICarb. s,HCaust, Ced, IChloral,Chlor,Cic, HCinch, IClem, ICoccul., IColch, IColoe, Cop, Crotal, Cup. m., Cupr. s, ICycl,Daph., Dig., IDulc, Eucal., I Form , 11 Gels., 11 Hydr .ae, llgn., IJab,IKali iod., Kob.,ILil.tig., IILyc, Lyss, IMagn. e, IMang, IMere, Mosch., INatr. s., INitr. ae, IPhyt, Pie ac, IPuls, Sarrae, ISpig, Spong, IStram., IStaph., Ver- bas, Viol.; in amblyopia potatorum, I ITereb.; in asthenopia, I IPhos.; on awaking, HCycb, IILach.;and blackness, Dory.; blackness when shaking head,IHep.; blackness/before and dur- ing menses, IGraph.; everything turns black, when stooping, IGraph.; as if looking through dark blue glass, Cycl.; blurred, Cact, ICalab, Cepa, IIGels, ILil. tig, IMar. v, Med, IINatr. m, IPsor, 11 Tereb.; blurred, in chronic cepha- lalgia, I I Psor.; blurred, as if body arose, which impeded sight, Amm. m.; blurred, after deaf- ness, IGlon.; blurred, after seminal emissions, ILil. tig.; blurring, with aching in and over eyes, after using eyes and straining them at fine work, 11 Ruta ; figures and letters blurred, Ailant.; blurred, at beginning of sick head- ache, Hlris; blurred, as from looking through a fog, Pie ae; blurring, caused by overheat- ing, INux v.; blurred, in paralysis of accom- modation, I Arg. nit.; blurred, when irritable, in anaemia of brain, ICon.; blurred, letters run together, in asthenopia, 11 Ruta; blurring, only noticed when looking to left (paralysis of left nervus abducens), IKali iod.; blurred, on holding eyes to left for some time (syphilis), IMere iod. flav.; blurred, with heat in lids and eyes, ILil. tig.; objects blur when he looks at them a short time, Natr. a; blurred, in parenchymatous metritis, 11 Lac c; blurred, in morning, IMere per.; blurred, with muscae volitantes, ILil. tig.; blurred, on reading, in tobacco amaurosis, INux v.; blurred, better by rubbing (amblyopia), IIThuya; blurred, ob- jects seem running together, Berb., ICale.; blurred, confused spots, HCon.; sudden blur, in headache, I IPod.; sudden blurring after reading (a woman aet. 21, asthenopia), I IPhos.; objects look as if one had been looking at sun for a moment, or the part at which the eyes are directed appears clearly and the rest blurred and indistinct . (headache), I IPod.; blurred, outlines of objects uneven, wavering, trembling (chorio retinitis), I IPhos.; blurred, in prolapsus uteri, ILil. tig.; blurred, better by winking, lEuph.; blurred, better by wiping, lEuph.; blurred, after fine work at night (posterior spinal sclerosis), I IPic. ac; blurred, after writing, with aching, better closing eyes and pressing tightly, Calc. fl.; in brain affections, IZinc; from congestion of blood to base of brain, IVer. v.; in inflammation of brain, IMere viv.; in Bright's disease, I IPhos.; in bulimia, ILye; by candlelight, lEuph, IHep.; by candle- light, necessitating constant wiping of eyes and accompanied by profuse discharge, which agglutinated lids at night and had to be wiped off in morning, I IPuls.; in catarrh, ICastor, Sec;m chronic catarrh, I Alum.; after suppres- sed catarrh, I Ars.; preceding paroxysms of cephalalgia, I IPhos.; with chilliness, Cham.; in cholera ICup.; ac.; of right eye, in chorio-retin- itis,! Kali m.; cloudy, ICycl, ILac def,IPlumb.; cloudy, in albuminuria, lArs.; cloudy bv candlelight, Cepa; cloudy, with itching'and sticking in inner canthi, IZinc; dark clouds pass, Lact. ae; as if a cloud were before eyes could not see in evening, better walking, worse sitting, Lachn.; like a cloud, then violent head- 5. EYES. 223 ache,then repeated vomiting, after which it grows better, IGlon.; cloud before left during day, Bar. e; cloudy, before menses, IBelb; cloudyon morning, Niccol.; cloudy, in myelitis, IStram.; cloudy before left eye, in twilight and cloudy weather, I Arg. nit.; cloud over outer half of field of vision of left eye, due to subretinal effusion, IGels.; dim and con- fused, before headache, IKali bi.; dim and confused, with vertigo, IKali bi.; from ob- scuration of cornea in morning, Ang.; as if cornea had lost its transparency, I ISub; in coryza, lAnae; with cough, Coff.; after sup- pression of acute cutaneous diseases (chorea), ICale; could not sew for a week, all being dark, TrEup. perf; darkness before eyes, Jamb, IPsor, I IPuls.; darkness before eyes on awaking, IDulc; darkness before eyes in evening, with aching pains and slight epis- taxis, Ferr.; with faintness, following press- ing in cardiac region and hard heart-beats (mental derangement), I IManc; dark before eyes, giddy, IFerr.; darkness before eyes, with head heaviness, I IPhos.; complained of dark- ness, wanted a light, IStram. ; darkness before eyes when looking sideways, lOleand ; darkness during menses, Cycl, IGraph.; dark before eyes in morning, on rising from bed, Como., IPuls.; darkness before eyes on attempting to rise, in paralysis of bladder, ICie; darkness, could not read or see thread when spinning, Stram.; darkness,on attempt- ing to fix thoughts (malarial ataxy), I Arg. nit.; darkness, with vertigo, Dulc, IOp, Oxal. ac; darkness, with vertigo, in hemiple- gia, lElaps; darkness, with vertigo before menses (acute pulmonary catarrh), IIPuls.; darkness, with vertigo, on stooping, ICale; darkness, worse on going into a warm room, before menses, IPuls.; in diabetes, Tarant.; in diarrhoea, IIAnt. t; in sequela to diphtheritis, •Calab.; with dizziness, while walking or sit- ting, I ILyss.; things seem as if dissolved, IStram.; cannot seeat a distance, ICact.; dim- ness of distant objects, followed by contraction of pupil, Calab.; inability to distinguish ob- jects at a short distance (delirium tremens), HStram.; things seem as if too distant, IStram, IISul.; as if black dots filled visual field, worse after stimulants (amblyopia), Tabae; in dropsy, lArs.; with frequent drowsiness, Magn. s.; dull, Bism, IIGels.; and dull, in diabetes, Sul. ac; and dull, from weakness of optic nerve, I IMagn. p.; and dull, with dilata- tion of pupils, Lyss.; and dull when writing, sees only one half of objects clearly, ISep.; aftereating, ICale, IKali e; better after din- ner and from wine, worse after coffee, Arg. nit.; when assuming erect position, with partial syncope, IVer. v.; after exertion, especially in evening, I INiccol.; in evening, worse in room, I INatr. c.; much black flick- ering before eyes, seems near, IILach.; with inflammation of eyes, IMagn. e; from circles of red light before eyes, Cact.; with itching, sticking in ball, better in open air, I IPuls.; with heat of face, Mosch.; in neural- gia of face, IISul. ae; objects fade away, TlCarb. s.; in fainting spells, ILac def; ob- jects far off appear dim, undefined, irCamph.; with feathery appearance, ICale, I Lye; from fever, Bell.; in typhoid, I IPhos.; figures are void of expression to him, seem enveloped in mist (effects of overstudy), INatr. e; as if caused by a film, I Amyl, ICalab.; frequent sense of film, with vertigo, with vision of a small dark object like a mouse or a bird com- ing up to her, I ILac e; worse near fire, also in morning and evening, INatr. s.; as if some- thing were floating before eyes, obliges him to wipe them constantly, IKreo.; after loss of vital fluids, IVer. v.; foggy, lAlum, ICamph, I ICaust, Cund, IKali iod, IILach, IIMerc. sol, IMorph.s,IPuls, IStram, I ISub; foggy, in afternoon, ICycl.; foggy, after 7.30 p.m., from February to July, each year (retinitis hemaro- lopica), ILye; foggy, when closing and pressing eyeballs, Bar. c; foggy, in typhus, Chin. s.; foggy, after typhoid,ILyc; foggy, in headache, ICycl.; foggy,in hemiopia, lAur. met; foggy, in iritis, lEuph.; foggy, in melancholy, after mortification, llgn.; foggy, in prosopalgia, I IVerbas.; foggy, while reading or walking, Vinca; foggy, while reading or looking at a bright light, IKali c; foggy, before right, I ISep.; foggy, before right, in conjunctivitis and leucoma, IKali e; foggy, with stupefac- tion, Bism.; foggy, in vertigo, Canth.; gas- light looks dim, ISub; as if looking through gauze, ICale, ICaust., IDros, IDulc, Hydr. ac, IKreo., INatr. m., ISep., ISub; gauzy, in apoplexy, IPlumb.; gauzy, when looking steadily or reading, better by wiping eyes, Cina; gauzy, of left eye, Sars.; gauzy, in morn- ing and after a meal, Bar. c; gauzy, with vertigo, INatr. m.; gauzy, white, HArs.; with giddiness, ISub; as if looking through a gray cover, Sib; with sensation as if hairs were in eyes, Sang.; hazy, IPhos.; bluish haze, in hy- peraemia of optic nerve and retina, IBry.; everything at a distance is hazy, IJab.; vision of left slightly hazy, I IVer. v.; vision good for fixed objects, but when put in motion be- fore eyes there is a haze and dull vision, pro- ducing vertigo, Con.; dim, in headache, IChim. m., HCycb, IISul. IVer. v.; before headache, ILac def, I IPsor.; dim in headache, during pregnancy,ICaust.;afterablowonhead, I lAm- moniac; after getting head cold, ICale; with lightness of head, worse by sudden movement of head and walking, IGels.; from pressure in head, ICaust.; with tearing in head and right eye, and sensation as if air were rushing through eye, Croc; from heat, Carbo v, IGels.; in hemicrania, IChen. a.; in hemi- plegia, lElaps ; hysterical, Euph.; indistinct, IIAnae, ICaust, IKali iod. Sib, Verbas.; dis- tant objects seem indistinct, riding or walking, IGels.; indistinct, with faintness, ICale; in- distinct, in yellow fever, IGels.; indistinct, with headache and nausea (veta), ICoca ; in- distinct, from straining body, mind or eyes, ICale; indistinct, in ophthalmia, 11 Apis; indistinct, in catarrhal ophthalmia, I IPhos.; indistinct, in prosopalgia, IChel.; indistinct, from dilated pupils, Amyg.; indistinct, in raving, Amyg.; indistinct, after reading, lApis; indistinct, after using eyes, ICamph.; indistinct, from weakness, ICale; with lach- rymation, in open air, IPuls.; with profuse lachrymation, Cup. ars.; as if one were looking through a fine lattice, ILye; with pain inleft then in right eye, Sars.; of left, a year after right affected, rapidly worse than left, 11 Merc. 224 5. EYES. iod. flav.; lessening, Anac; with heavy lids and invincible drowsiness, IKali br.; can scarcely distinguish light from dark, Elaps; can only see lights, not objects, ILac def.; green halo around light, ICaust.;shunned the light, I IRhus; saw things as if through coarse linen, only by pieces and as if cut through, of a face he saw only nose, etc., IStram.; without lustre, Bov.; sequel to measles, iCaust.; as though membrane were over eyes, Caust., IDaph.; in dysmenorrhoea, ILaur.; misty, ■Agar, Amb, Ammoniac, lArg. met., lArg. nit, Asaf, IBelb, Bism, Cain, ICaust,, Cycl, Form, IGels, IGlon, IGraph., Lactu. v, IPetrol, IRan. b., Sib, Spig, Thuya; misty, in amaurosis, or cataract, ICale p.; misty, obscuration at a distance, in amblyopia, IRuta; misty, in cataract, IChel, Sec; misty, at a distance, Millet, Phos.; misty, after injury to eye, lArn.; misty, or smoky, cannot read, worse after seminal emis- sions, ISars.; misty, in evening, Ind.; misty, whitish-gray, in staphyloma, lApis ; misty, especially after a bright light (chorio-retini- tis i, I IPhos.; misty, worse in a bright light, outdoors, better in room, Amm. m.; misty, when looking keenly at anything, or reading (pregnancy), ICale; misty, after looking long (post-partum hemorrhage), Cann. s.; misty, in morning, in asthenopia, IIMerc per.; misty, after abuse of mercury, IKali iod.; misty, in morning, after waking, Zinc.; ob- jects seemed enveloped in mbtand to move, then burning, Euph.; objects look dim, as if enveloped in a halo or mist, in ophthalmia tarsi, IMere cor.; misty, after scrofulous ophthalmia, IKali iod.; misty, when reading or writing, Grat.; misty, with attacks of vanishing of sight, IPhos.; thick mist, Diad.; misty, especially in afternoon, when writing, 01. an.; momentarily, Caust.; in morning, Chel.; in) morning after waking, Zinc; with nausea, Mygale; for near objects, Cepa ; for near and distant objects, I ISub; nebulous, I ICaust. (after Sub), IMillef; as from a net, in typhus, IChin. s.; in night, IStram.; after night watching and mental disturbance, IIPuls.; on blowing nose, ICaust.; obscured, Amm. c, Arn., Asar, ICact, Clem., Cochl, ColoeJCycl,Euph,Hep, llpec, ILaur,IMur. ae, Oleand, IOp,IRhus, Sib,Tereb.; obscured, with chilliness followed by sleepiness,Sabina ; obscured, during convalescence from diphthe- ria, I Nux v.; obscured, for distant objects while walking in open air, Euph.; dizzy obscuration, after sitting, on rising and beginning to walk about, 11 Puis.; obscured, worse by effort to see, with heaviness in back part of head, IMur. ac; obscured, in erysipelas, I Apis ; obscured, in evening, HAmmoniae; obscuration, with glistening before eyes, worse from rubbing, Seneg.; frequent obscuration, Sang.; fre- quent obscuration, especially when stoop- ing, walking, reading, writing, INatr. m.; obscured, with inflammation of eyes, IMagn. c ; obscured, worse after seminal emissions, ISars.; obscured, with headache, ICycl.; ob- scured, with congestion to head, ICycl.; ob- scured, with dulness and stupefaction in head, ISeneg.; obscured, dependent upon hepatic derangement, ISep.; obscured, objects seem indistinct, IHyo-.; obscured laterally when fixing it upon white object, Cham.; ob- scured, in left, Bor.; nearly obscured by turgid and infiltrated eyelids, worse in right side (erysipelas), IJugl.; obscured, as if one had looked too long and intently at an object, with pain like a pressure in right eye, Ruta; obscured, in megrim, ISib; obscured, in cere- brospinal meningitis, I Apis ; obscured, dur- ing menses, IPuls., ISep.; obscured for a few minutes, Cochl.; momentarily obscured by feeling of pressure on eyeball, HCham.; ob- scured when moving head quickly, Lachn.; obscured, with nausea, IMere; obscured, with palpitation,violentparoxyms,IPuls.; obscured with photophobia, in morning, INux v.; obscured, with dilated pupils, Thuya ; ob- scured, while reading, INitr. ae; sudden ob- scuration in sick headache, ISep.; sudden and momentary obscuration, better by winking, caused by pressure of opaque mucus upon surface of cornea, lEuph.; obscured, in syn- cope, INux v.; transient obscuration, IIPuls.; obscured, as from a white vapor, Bell.; ob- scured, with vertigo, • Coff, INitr. ac., HNux v., Sabina, IStram, ITereb.; obscured, with weaknessand drowsiness (vertigo), I IKalinit.; in outer portions of visual field, I IPuls.; can only distinguish outlines of distant objects, HCinch.; can only see rude outline of objects, after typhoid, ILye; outlines indistinct,Bell, Kali bi.; outlines, ill defined, in retinitis, ISub; in pneumonia, lAnt. t; during preg- nancy, IGels.; with dilated pupils, Atrop, ILyss, IVer. v.; when reading and writing, Rhod.; while reading, I ISub; when read- ing by candlelight in evening, IHep.; focal distance changes while reading, first longer then shorter, I I Agar.; cannot read, IBar. e; cannot read nor write, IGels, Sib; fails to recognize those near him or does so but slowly, IVer.; of right eye, Ars. h, I IPlumb, Vespa; on rising from stooping, 11 Lyss.; like a scale before eye, with shooting along left orbital arch to external angle of eye (ozaena), IKali bi.; with scotoma of right eye, after a fall (amblyopia), IMere; as if a shadow were flitting before eyes, Ruta; as if looking through a sieve, I IPuls.; with dulness of sinciput, Vinca ; as if a skin were drawn over eye, lApis ; when getting sleepy (cory- za), ICepa; when looking at small things, TrEup. pert; unable to discern small things, as point of a pin, Stram.; smoky, HCinch, IIGels, Lact. ac, IPhos.; could not see small objects and larger ones appeared as if envel- oped in smoke or mist (scrofulous ophthal- mia), I ISub; with fiery sparks, ICvcb; vibrat- ing spectra, Agar.; by spells, fl Tabae; by spells, constantly changing, becoming more or less dim every few moments, IJab.; after suppressed foot sweat, ISib; in syphilis, ILye; as from tears, while reading, llgn.; it seems thick before eyes, Viol.; from thinking Ar». nit.; with thirst, IStram.; in tobacco poison- ing, I I N ux v., I Phos.; in uterine derangement, ICaulo.; in uterine hemorrhage at climacteric period, ITrilb; as if looking through a veil J I Aeon. Ant. t., Arum t, Arund, Be"rb, Bufo.! Caust, ICroe, Crot.t, IHyos., n0), ILaur ILith, I.Natr. m, Natr. ph, IPetrol IPhrw IRhus,IStram,HSul, Thuva; veiled in^amau- rosis or cataract ICalcp.; veiled, in asthenopia 5. EYES. 22o I ISep.; veiled, after getting out of bed, IStram.; a dark veil passes from right to left every morn- ing at 10 a.m., INatr. m.; veiled in evening, lEuph, Tabae; veile*d,and flickering, after siesta, I bye; objects appear covered with a gray veil, Elaps, IPhos.; veiled, in hysteria, ILye, ITherid.; veiled, in rheumatic ophthal- mia, ICoccul.; as if a black veil were before right, Phos.; veiled, better from rubbing or wiping, IIPuls.; veiled, after scarlet fever, IHep.; in vertigo, yEsc. g. Agar, Amyg, lAnae, Bell, ICamph, Caulo, iCbam, Coff. t, Cupr. s., HCycb, IIGels., IGlon, Ictod, Raph.; dimness improves as vertigo gets worse, ICamph.; with vertigo, in typhoid, ICie; with vertigo, after loud reading or when sitting, Paris; with vertigo, when sit- ting up in bed, Cham.; with vomiting, IIKreo.; with inclination to vomit, face pale, IPuls.;especially on getting warm from exer- cise, IPuls.; like seeing through a glass of turbid water, 11 Agar, IStram.; could scarcely recognize an object a yard 'away, Verbas.; after fine work, I Cale; while writing, Aloe. 8®" amaurotic, amblyopic, con- fused, reading, 'weak. Sight, double (diplopia): yEthus., Amm. c, I Arg. nit. Art. v., Atrop, lAur. met. Bar. c, IBell, Cie, Clem, ICon., Crotal, IDaph, IDig., Euphor, IIGels, IHyos, Hod, Jamb, 1I Kali cy, IMagn. p., Med,IMere cor, 11 Natr. m., IINitr. ae, i INux v., I lOleand, I IParis, IPlumb., I I Puis, Sec, IStram, 11 Tereb.,Thuya, Ustil, Zinc; in amaurosis, I ISub; in apo- plexy, IPlumb.; in muscular asthenopia, BNux v.; by candlelight, I Alum.; candlelight ap- pears double, INiccol.; better after breakfast, ICamph.; half hour after dinner, IStram.; after injuring eye, Arn.; in yellow fever, IGels.; figures on carpet (giddiness), ^Atrop. s.; with giddiness and headache, I IPhyt.; with head- ache, IGels.; when inclining head towards shoulders or looking sideways, IGels.; after riding in railroad cars (paralysis of left ner- vus abducens), ICup. ac; with lachrymation, IMorph. sub; left eye more affected, Zinc; only noticed wdien looking to left, (paralysis of left nervus abducens), IKali iod.; on holding eyes to left(syphilis),IMere iod. flav.; inability to turn left eye upward, ICaust; in opacity of lens, ICheb; produced by aching pinching on small circumscribed spot, below lower eyelid (infraorbital neuralgia), I IColoe; when look- ing down, Oleand.; looking downward (trau- matic muscular paralysis), lArn.; one image seen lower than another, Syph.; better lying down, Spong.; after meningitis, I Apis; with black motes or specks before eyes, worse ris- ing from bed or chair, Ver.; slight, as if objects would be multiplied, Calab.; with spasm of various muscles throughout body, IGels.; causing fluttering nausea, I ITherid.; more in young and strong persons (neuralgic and rheumatic headaches), IIMagn. p.; followed by burning in occiput, better by pressure on vertex (brain affection), IGels.; in ophthal- mia, ICie; perpendicular, lAtrop. s.; sees point of pin double, I IKali hi.; during preg- nancy, IGels.; in hyperaemia of retina, I IPuls.; with right image obliquely above real one, I ISeneg.; images to right and downward (pare- sis of right nervus abducens), I ISub; before left sees a second dim representation of object on each side of it, IBelb; especially if dependent on convergent squint, fromhelminthiasis,con- vulsions, falls, etc.,ICycl.; decided strabismus, Zinc; in paralytic strabismus, INux v.; when walking toward setting sun, another small sun seemed to float beneath it, changed into a compressed oval on turning eyes outward, disappeared on bending head and closing eyes, Seneg.; in sunstroke, IVer. v.; in tobacco poisoning, I INux v.; after using eyes, ICamph.; controllable by force of will, IGels.; from overwork at desk, I Agar.; letters appear double, when writing, IGraph. Sight, exertion: 8@P" reading, straining, •writing. Sight, foggy : 8®*" dim Sight, gauzy : g&g*' dim. Sight, hazy : 8®°" dim. Sight, hemiopic (half-sight): lAur. met, Calc. s, Lobel i, IStram.; from straining eyes, HAur. met.; horizontal, HArs, lAur. met; of left eye, I Aur. met.; in hydrocephalus acu- tus, ILye; only left half is visible, I ICycl, ILye, ILith.; lower halfcovered with black veil, lAur. met; can see no trace of upper half, I Aur. met; perpendicular, Bov., IMur. ae, INatr. in.; entire vanishing of right half of what she looks at, if two short words occur in succession, the one on right is invisible, ■ ILith.; sees only half the object to right of the one looked at, though it would naturally fall within field of vision (chorea), ICale; sees only below axis, and not clear (scoto- ma), I Ars.; upper portion of large object not visible, ICamph.; as if upper part of field of vision were covered by dark cloud, evenings while walking, IDig.; can see only left half of line while reading or writing, ICoccul. Sight, hypermetropic (farsighted): Alum,IArg nit. Bell, ICale, Con, Diose,IHyos,ILil. tig., Spig.; with asthenopia, IJab.; in choroiditis, IColoe; distant objects appear more distant, ICon.; long lasting, Stram.; pupils dilated, Carbo a.; commencing in right eye, I ISub; reads fine print without glasses, Petrol. Sight, impaired: 8®°" weak. Sight, indistinct: 8®°" dim. Sight, misty: 8@~ dim. Sight, myopic (nearsighted): 11 Agar, lAnae, lAng, lArg. nit, HCalab, ICarbo v., ICon, Dig, IGels, IGraph, IHyos, IILach, Mang, IINitr. ac. Petrol, IPhos, Phos. ac. Pic. ac. Puis, Spong, Sub, Syph, Thuya, Viol.; with burning heat in face, Grat.; after typhus, with diarrhcea, ICinch.; in- creasing, IPhos.; objects seem too large, left eye, after a blow, ICalab.; with sleepy feeling, Eup. pur.; spasm of ciliary muscle, twitching of lids, I Agar.; from ciliary spasm, HCalab.; nose has to touch paper to read (strabismus), ICale; after ophthalmia, Puis, Sul. Sight, obscured : 8gT" dim. Sight, presbyopic: 8@^ hypermetropic. Sight, reading: inability from weak eyes, Asar, ICann. i, IKali e; inability by candle- light (excessive use of tobacco), IPhos.; causes darkening of sight, ICale; difficult, worse by candlelight 'hyperaemia of retina), IIPuls.; everything becomes black, Menyanth.; film over eyes from reading or looking closely, I ILac e; eyes give out, IINatr. in, §Phos.;"if 226 5. EYES. one eye is used longer than a minute, words and letters become blurred, Chloral.; fa- tigues, lAmmoniac, IJab, Sep., ISub; causes flickering, Kob.; causes glimmering and glit- tering (headache), Diad.; black seemed gray, I ISep.; cannot read with light, worse by bright light, I Asar.; cannot see letters on blackboard, Lact. ae; letters blend and dance (delirium tremens), HStram.; letters look blurred, Amyl, Cund, Kob., IIMeph., Oxal., I ISub; letters have colors of rain- bow around them, or disappear (ophthal- mia), ICie; letters disappear in evening by candlelight, paper white as if not printed on, Aur. mur.; must make exertion to distin- guish letters, ICarbo v.; cannot distinguish letters (opacity of lens), ICheb; large letters cannot be distinguished, seem only something black on white ground, I Aur. met.; letters ap- pear double, IGraph.; letters appear double after reading, ILyss.; letters fade and appear as a black line, IDaph.; letters look pale and blurred.Dros.; letters appear pale, I ISib; letters appear pale, surrounded by whiteborders (am- blyopia), ICinch.; letters change into little black points, ICale p.; letters look red, out- line undefined, IPhos.; letters look red on reading, although paper looked white and nat- ural cataract), HPhos.; letters looked red, especially by gaslight, flashing of lights before vision (chorio-retinitis), I IPhos.; letters run together,IArt.v, Bry, Cale a,ICamph.,Cann. i, Carbol. ac, Chel, Coca, ICon, IFerr, IGraph., ILye, IMere per., Ruta, Seneg, I ISib, Viol.; letters run together, in asthen- opia, IINatr. in.; letters run together, after diphtheria, 11 Lac c; letters run together (mental disturbance), HStaph.; letters run together, after mental labor, lArg. nit.; letters run together, look like black spots on white ground, ICinch.; could not seelelters, ILach.; letters appear smaller, IGlon, IKali m.; letters appear smaller,in coryza, ICepa ; letters change into small round gray spots, ICale p.; letters go up and down (ophthalmia), ICie; lines appear crooked, IBelb; page appeared covered with letters in great confusion, Bell.; page seems covered with pale spots of red, yellow, green and other colors, ILac e; cannot read much, eyes pain, Ars. met.; looking at piece of paper, pain in right eye, Calc. s.; eyes pain by candlelight, paper looks red, Sars.; paper looks red or rose color, Croc; paper shines on reading, Croc; print dances in a fog and van- ishes, Arn.; inability to read fine print, Cadm. s, Meph, INatr. e; printed matter is spelled out with difficulty, cannot take in the whole word at a glance, INux v.; objects seem to swim before sight, IINatr. m.; sight as if strained too much by reading, IRuta; sight weak, must wipe eyes which aggravates, Seneg.; black, sometimes brown spots dancing over her book, Med.; if he looks at a spot for some time it becomes quite dark, also if he reads any length of time, Lachn.; brings tears, Carb. s.; contractive pain above temples, Agnus; type seems to move, Agar.; could hardly see large type when held close to eyes during daylight, IPhos.; worse from," Asaf. g®° dim, straining, ■writing. Sight, straining: causes asthenopia, IINatr. m.; pain back of eyes on looking at near objects, lAmyl.; aggravates feeling as if bones were scraped, IParis; produces brain fag, HPhos.; aggravates tense feel- ing in brain, eyes and skin, IParis; dread of, Apis ; eyes feel strained, IMez., IRuta; eyes feel strained, with headache, from mental work, IPhos.; eyes feel strained, as if she had been locking through too sharp spectacles, ICroe; causes headache, I Arg. nit, ICalab, ICale, Cimex, ICina, IGels, IHam, IJab, INatr. m, IParis, IPhos. ac, IRhus, IRuta; causes intense headache over eyes (asthe- nopia) , 11 Sep.; causes headache in school children (asthenopia), IPhos. ac; eye worse from looking fixedly at an object, cannot thread a needle, Croc; after excessive use by insufficient light, loss of use of left eye, vision of right incomplete, ILith.; pain, as from over- exertion, Meph.; pain, as if strained (catarrhal fever), I IRuta; pain after using eyes, ICalab, IRuta; pain, with nausea (cataracta dura immatura et asthenopia), IJab.; pain, when trying to look at objects (choroiditis), I IRuta; pain, after using eyes by artificial light, Cina, ILith, 11 Sep.; causes weak sight, Bell, ICarbo v., HRuta ; sight worse from exerting vision, better in dark, INux m.; weak sight, is worse from using eyes, Paris; causes ver- tigo, All. sat., IGraph, IMagn. p., IINatr. m, HPhos., ISil.; vertigo from looking fixedly, ICaust, IKali c, ILach, Oleand., Tarant.; worse from, 11 Amm. c, Ars. 8@~ reading, writing; also Eyes looking. Sight, triplopia (triple sight): IBell, Sec. Sight, unsteady (wavering) : INatr. m, IVer. v, Polyg. Sight, vanishing : Ant. t, lArg. met, lArg. nit, Carb. s. Kali bi., ILaur, Lyss, INatr. m, INux m, ISep, Spig.; with epistaxis, 11 Oxal. ae; with misty appearance, IPhos.; in even- . ings (vertigo), Asaf; with giddiness and sweat, lOxal. ae; with stitches in one side of head, generally in one temple or in back part, IPuls.; in hemicrania (suppressed menses), IChen. a.; after intoxication on previous day, worse after dinner and in sun, IINux v.; with burning lachrymation, after dinner, and fre- quently when writing, Zinc; with aching and stitches as from a splinter in upper lid, Sib; with absence of mind, Zinc.; during menses, IGraph.; momentary, with profuse lachrymation, Crotal.; with nausea, worse aftereating, ICrot. t; with nosebleed, lOxal. ae; while reading, Crotal.; frequent, espe- cially when reading, Dros.; when sitting up in bed, Bell.; transient, with vertigo (hemicra- nia), IChen. a.; with vertigo, IBell, IINux v, ISul. 8®* amaurotic, amblyopic blind- ness, dim, reading. Sight, varies: from day to day, or from hour to hour, sometimes fever with thirstlessness, IGels. Sight, veiled : gf^> dim. Sight, of water: causes desire for stool, micturi- tion, etc, I ILyss. Sight, weak : lAgar, Ammoniac, Ant. t. Apis, I Arg. met, I Ars, Aurant, I Aur. met, Cact, ICalab., Cann.s, ICaps, Carbol. ac. Chloral, ICina, HCinch, iCinnam, IClem, Codein, HCon, ICrotal, IDaph, Diose, TrForm, IIGraph, IHam, IKali e, I IKalm Lyss, IIMereviv., IMorph. sul, INatr. s' IINic- 5. EYES. 227 cob, HOp, IPetrol, Sal. ac. Sib, Sinap, ISpig, Stann, Thuya, I I Vace, Zing.; after abortion, IIKali e; in old age, IBar. c; in alcoholism, IKali br, IINux v.; in apoplexy, I Anac; with burning and lachrymation, Seneg.; chronic, result of onanism,ICina; dur- ing climaxis, ITrilb; after coition, IChin, IIKali c, HPhos.; in coryza, lAnae: after diphtheria, IIGels, IILach, I ILac c, IPhyt,; weak, with twitching in eye, Niccol.; weak, with pressure above eyes, goes off after vom- iting, Raph.;diminished, Chrom.ae, IPlumb.; diminished in lyssa, ILyss.; diminished, with vertigo before vomiting, ISang.; worse from excitement and using eyes, Paris; with drawing and pressure in eyeballs, Seneg.; with contortion of facial muscles, IMillef; failing for one year (amblyopia), IMere; gradual failure, with dull pain in left eye, I IVer. v.; weak, gradual failure after fine work at night (posterior spinal sclerosis), I IPic. ac; failed for near objects (paralysis of accommodation), lArg. nit.; in catarrhal fever, IKali e; in typhus fever, ILach.; worse from gaslight, Ars. met, I I Natr. ph.; with diseased submaxillary gland, IKali iod.; in glaucoma, I I Osm.; gradual failure, with violent pains involving eye- ball, extend to orbit and head, worse at approach of storm, IIRhod.; after grief, llgn.; from continued grief, overexertion, sexual excesses, drain on system or remain- ing after typhus or typhoid, IPhos. ac; with headache, IGlon, I ISub; with headache and pain in eyes, Meph.; with headache from mental work, IPhos.; wuth dull,pressive head- ache, IPhyt.; with chronic sick headache, IZinc; from his condition of health, Natr. a.; with hoarseness, INiccol.; impaired, ^Atrop. s. Dory, I IMere, INux v., I IPlumb, Ver.; im- paired, in syphilitic conjunctivitis, I ISyph.; impaired, with torpor retinae, IJab.; impair- ment gradually developed, not characterized by sudden changes, IGels.; impairment gradual, can scarcely distinguish night from day (amaurosis), I ISub; impaired, in opthal- mia tarsi, IMere cor.; impaired, in scarla- tina, IGels.; impaired, with sweat, Stram.; imperfect, with tendency to stagger, IGels.; weak, with lachrymation, IFerr.; in left, in locomotor ataxy, I Arg. nit.; left, gradually weaker from month to month, IKali m.; could scarcely see with left, lAtrop. s.; with liver complaint, 11 Acet. ae; when looking carefully at small objects, Dros.; when looking intently at an object, Rheum ; cannot bear to look at one object for any length of time, Bar. e; nearly lost, in serous choroiditis, IGels.; after measles, lEuph., IIKali c, IPuls.; before menses, ICinnab.; in myelitis, IPhos.; from exhausted condition of optic nerve, 11 Kali ph, HPhos.; periodic, Cact; with dilated pupils, IVer.; in right eye, lAtrop. s, Euph.; after smoking, Ascl. t; as if eyes were strained, IRuta ; from sunstroke, IVer. v.; tire easily, I Apis; transient, (paralytic rheumatism), IPhos.; must look twice to be sure of seeing an object, Vib.; with vertigo, IDiad. 8^° amaurotic, amblyopic, blindness, cataract, dim, reading, straining, writ- ing. Sight, writing: an F, he went with pencil a second time over the same line, supposing to have drawn a second one, IStram.; letters become darker, Asaf; eyes give out, IINatr. m.; vanishing of sight, Zinc; glimmering and glittering before eyes (headache), Diad.; in- ability from weak sight, lArg. nit.; letters run together, Clem.; worse from, Asaf. 8®° reading, straining. SUPRAORBITAL, aching: ICarbo v, Hyos, Natr. a, ISeneg.; on awaking, Natr. a.; as if in bones, worse right side and stooping, Lyss.; in afternoon and evening, worse night, disturbing sleep, I IHyper.; about inner part of right eyebrow, as if in periosteum, 1101. jee; from internal to external canthus, or runs around eye, may extend into eye or head, ICinnab.; if he goes into bright day- light, Sep.; dull, I I Urt. ur.; dull, over left, Vib.; dull, over left, worse bending forward, Lact. ac; dull, while riding, Ang.; in right su- perciliary ridge, extending to back of head, Cinnab.; left, yEsc h. Arum 'Mere; left, in tonsillitis, ■Merc, iod flav.; cannot lie down on that side, otalgia, IMang.; of right, running into neck, ■S ' °-f ?g¥' ^Pt-Jin right, in tonsillitis, ife' 'cf flav-; with ulcers in ringhole, Ilm^' +lann^; ™nghole in left sore, and ch? Mg?htre5Me ,Cepa ; like head^cepa ^ fr°m deep within 6. EARS. 241 Ears, throat: auditory derangements depend- ing on swelling of tonsils, INitr. ac. 8ST" swallowing. Ears, throbbing : Amyl, IIBell, Berb, Brom, ICale, Cann. i, Cann. s, ^Carbol. ae, IGlon, IHep, ILach, IMur. ac, INatr. m., INitr. ac; as from a large artery behind, Ang.; with congestion of blood, Sang.; after break- fast, Zinc; under, at regular intervals, often only a couple of strokes, Sang.; dull, day and night, ITelb; in evening, Ind.; beating of heart reverberates (meningitis), IBufo.; synchron- ous with beats of heart Benz. ac; especially inleft, IColoe; in left (toothache), IBar. c; in left meatus, I ITelb; quick, deep in left, Ars. s. r.; in syphilitic neuralgia, I ISyph.; worse at night, IBar. e; worse at night on get- ting warm in bed (otitis), IMere; from occi- put to ears, IGlon.; pulsating, ICale, ICaust, Coloe, IMagn. m, IMed., INatr. m.; pulsation, as of abcesses, Ananth.; annoying pulsations in carotid aneurism, ILach.; pulsating in eve- ning, annoying while writing, Zinc; pulsa- tions of heart felt in ear, I I Rhod.; pulsation, especially in left ear, IMere cor.; pulsation, in meningitis, IGlon.; pulsating at night, IKali bb; pulsating at night, in otalgia, IIPuls, IRhus ; pulsations, in otitis, ICact.; pulsations, with sleeplessness, I ICact.; beat- ing of pulse very distinct, causes roaring in ear, Zinc; around right, to eyes, to neck, Brach.; in right, I ICact.; in right, sensation as of warm water flowing about it in a circle, Calad.; and formication around right, Calad.; sharp, from within outward, deep in left (scarlatina), Merc. iod. flav. B^P" congestion, inflammation. Ears, tickling : Amb, IKali bi, IPhos, Sabad.; in left, 11 Anag, Zinc; from middle into eustachian tube, Natr. p.; with heat from nape of neck up head, Lyss.; in right, eve- nings, Calad.; painful after rubbing, Lyss.; violent, 11 Kali c. Ears, tingling: Brach, Cain, Calc, ^Carbol. ac. Chin, s, ICinch, Con, 11 Laur., IMur. ac. Sub; after chill, Cain.; as after being frosted, ■Agar., IColch.; as if frost-bitten in upper half of left, Ars. s. r.; from ears up to top of head, I IMur. ac. 8^" formication, numbness. Ears, tissues appear as if changed to mucous membrane: IIKali bi. Ears, touch: sore to, Dios.; meatus, INux v.; j and surrounding parts sore (eczema, inter- trigo, etc.), IPetrol.; extreme sensibility, with pain across frontal sinuses, least friction or bending of ear or nasal cartilage causes acute pain, Zinc; external hurts lying on it, and is hot, ICinch.; external painful, in otalgia, IMang.; left tender to pressure, Eryng.; painful sensitiveness of external, Bry, ^Form. Ears, tumors: behind, ICon.;" behind, size of a hazelnut, Berb.; cystic, in lobes, I INitr. ac. B^T" swelling. Ears, twinging: IBar. c; spasmodic, deep in left, ICrot. t; with toothache, IPlant. 8gT jerking. Ears, twitching: internally in left, Cast, eq.; when blowing nose or sneezing, Act. sp.; in right, Agar, Rhod.; in right concha, in even- ing on lying down, better in bed, Ant. t. Ears, ulcers: in and around, I lOleand.; threat- ened, of auditory canal (otitis media), IPuls.; external, Bufo.; fistulous, in front, ICale; then granulation, then polypus, great stench, I ICale; internal, ICarbo v.; large, above and around, Calc. p.; large, superficial behind left, with reddish fetid discharge, Chel.; of external meatus, IISul, Tell.; of external meatus, far in and at drumhead, ISib; with furuncles on neck and arms, IPetrol.; of ear- ring hole, ILach, Stann.; small, ICale, ILye Ears, ulcerative pain: Mang.; during cough, Caps.; in outer, Ferr. Ears, undulating feeling as of water: ISul. Ears, urging: Berb. Ears, veins: distended, IDig.; inemansiomen- sium, IDig. Ears, water: as if rushing into them, Rhod.; as if water were in right, appears and dis- appears suddenly, Chrom. ac. 8®*" swashing. Ears, wax: accumulation, ICon, HCaust; ac- cumulation, with pain in liver, ICon.; accu- mulation offensive, HCaust.; accumulation looking blood red, or like decayed paper, with pus or mucus, I ICon.; took large ball from left, Cinch, bob; small balls drop out of right almost daily, Diose; black, Elaps; dark brown, from right, morning, Calc. s.; dry, hard, brown, red or dark, IMur. ae; dry, in left and partial deafness, ILach.; dry, peeling off in scales, IMur. ae; hardened, 11 All. sat, Elaps; hard, black, with deafness, IIPuls.; increased, Agar, Ananth, Ammoniac, IHep, ICale, Merc. iod. rub. Petrol, Polyg.; profuse but dry, lElaps; fluid, Amm. m, IHep.; yel- low liquid, IKali e; moist, ICham.; offensive, ICarbo v.; pale, IILach.; scanty, Carbo v.; scanty, then dryness, ICham.; discharge of reddish, IPsor.; a quantity of soft, thin, and many hairs, IPetrol.; meatus filled with thick, I IPetrol.; thin, Petrol.; increased secretion of thin, ISib; increased in left, thinner than usual, impedes hearing, Zinc; thin, runs from both, IMere sob; deficient, ICarbo v.; want of, IPetrol.; wrant of, in coryza, 11 Anac; want of, with deafness, ILach.; whitish, like chewed paper, IILach.; yellow, with dryness of ears, ICarbo v. g^" discharge, dryness. Ears, weather: symptoms worse in moist at- mosphere, Poly^. Ears, white: ggg* anaemic. Ears, wind: g^~ air. Ears, sensation as from a worm ; Rhod.; about an inch long, crawling in right, and as if it commenced boring in anterior wall of auditory canal, Med. EUSTACHIAN TUBES, aching: in open- ing, a large lump extends towards ear, ICepa. Eustachian tubes, affected: in otitis media, IIMerc. d.; causing whizzing, roaring, crack- • ing, with deafness, HPetrol. Eustachian tubes, as if air whistled through left: Tell. Eustachian tubes, catarrh : Eryng, Ferr. ph. Hod, IMere, ISang., ISil, ISub; chronic,with itching, I ISib; mucus in left, Arum d.; secre- tion of glassy mucus, Hod.; causing deafness, HCale, Kali m, IIKali s., IIPuls.; in scrofu- lous subjects, Hod.; with sticking pains and whizzing noises, IMang.; non-suppurating, INatr. m. 8^° stoppage, swelling ; also Hearing deaf- ness. 16 242 6. EARS. Eustachian tubes, sensation as if ear and throat were connected: commences in throat, can- not talk right, lAmm. m. Eustachian tubes, crawling : in pharyngeal ori- fice extending to tympanum, Arg. met. Eustachian tubes, cutting: sharp, and while chewing, extends toward parotid, Arg. met. Eustachian tubes, drawing: in right, after din- ner, Ant. c. Eustachian tubes, itching ; in chronic catarrh, HSil.; in pharyngeal orifice, extending to tympanum, Arg. met.; compels frequent swal- lowing, and disturbs rest at night, IINux v. Eustachian tubes, pain as from foreign body lodged there: before a shower, INux m. Eustachian tubes, sticking: in right side, into ear, Sal. ac. Eustachian tubes, stoppage : seem blocked up, IKali bb; closure, ILach.,IMere d.; obstructed, INitr. ae; occlusion, with enlarged tonsils, IMere; feel obstructed, IPhyt,; stricture, ILach. 8®" Catarrh; also Hearing deafness. Eustachian tubes, swelling : Sil.; causes deaf- ness, Kali m., IKali s. Eustachian tubes, tickling: in right (sore throat), ICale; pain passes up and out of both ears, with a tickling, Med. Eustachian tubes, twitching burning in region of right, near throat, Cepa. HEARING, acute (abnormally): Agar, Ang IBelb, Calend, Cann. i, Carbo v, HCinch' HCoff, Coff. t, IColch., Lyss, I IMur. ac,' HOp, IPhos.; with roaring (cerebrospinal meningitis), ILye; precedes deafness, IISul • then dull, Hod.; in typhoid fever, ILye- during menses, IHyper.; with loss of sight,' Stram.; with sleeplessness, clock striking and cocks crowing at a distance keep her awake HOp.; with singular sensation of deafness from one ear to the other, as if a tube went through head, Med. gj*jg° sensitive. Hearing, confused: HCarbo a.; listens atten- tively to conversation and at the end knows nothing about it, I IPlat; tones become com- mingled, I ICarbo a.; after chorea, Sec. Hearing, deafness: Agnus, I Amb, lAmm c lAnae, Ars, Asaf, IBar. m. Caps, Carbo v ' HCaust, ICepa, Chel, Chlorof, HCinch ' Crotal, ICrot. t, IFluor. ac, IForm., IGels' IGlon IIGraph, IHep, IHydras, IIHyos ' IKah bi., IKali br, Kreo., I ILaur, IILyc IMagn. c, Meph, IMere, IMere d, Mosch ' IMur. ac, INatr. m, 1101. caje., IPhos 11 Sarrae, Spong., IStram., ISul. ac, Thuya' Var, Zinc; with amblyopia, IPuls.; almost complete, during acute diseases, I ILachn.; worse in open air, Calc; in concussion of brain, lArn.; from concussion of brain especially in region of auditory nerve, Chin.' sub; brief, sudden attack, Sep.; catarrhal I Asar, Bell, ICaps, ICaust, IGels., IMerc| IIPuls, HSub; catarrhal, with marked cach- exia, ISyph.; catarrhal, in scrofulous subjects, Hod.; catarrhal, with pain from throat into middle ear,IGels.; from cold, after cutting hair ILed, IIPuls.; after chorea, Sec; from concus- sion, HArn.; from congestion, Cact.; in coryza, after changeable weather, IGels.; after sup- pression of coryza, or otorrhoea, ILed.; with cough, Chel.; almost complete, with delirium (diphtheria), 11 Bapt.; congestive, after typhoid in blonde subjects, or intellectual men with large heads and prominent mastoid processes I IPhos.; with discharge from ear, Amm rn' Bor, ICaust, IIHep., ILye, IMere, IIPuls: yellow green discharge, lElaps ; with profuse fetid discharge from right (since measles twenty-two years ago), IMere; with purulent fetid discharge (after scarlatina), 11 Tell.; with yellow, watery discharge, I Elaps; with dryness ICalc,ILach.; with fulnessand crackingwhen blowing nose or swallowing, IMang.; after eat- ing, HSub; with inflammation of left, IMere. sob; eustachian,with chronic disease of larynx IMang.; eustachian, catarrhal,IICalc, IKalis.', I IPuls.; eustachian,catarrhal, in scrofulous suk jects, Hod.; eustachian, with noises, HPetrol.; eustachian,fromswellingoftube and tympanic cavity, Kali m.; worse in evening, Ananth.; particularly after acute exanthema, ICarb. v.; caused by exanthemata suppressed by cold' IPhos. ac; in catarrhal fever, lEuph.; after suppression of intermittent by quinine, ICale; in febris nervosa stupida, Melib; in tvphus, I Apis, I Arg. nit, I Ars, IIBell., IChlor, Dig, INitr.ac, INitr.sp. d, INuxm.; aftertyphus, lArn.; in yellow fever, IVer.; with swelling of glands, Kali m.; with headache, Bar. m, IStram.; better bending head back, Fluor, ac; with congestion to head, ICinch.; from rheu- matic pain in head, Amm. m.; preceded by oversensitiveness of hearing, HSub; with hepatic disorder, ICheb; in acute hydrocepha- lus, 11 Hell.; increasing in typhus, lAgar.; gradually increasing, I ISyph.; increasing after arthritic affection of head, 11 Rhod.; in influenza, IGels.; in left, Arg. nit. Cinch. bob, 1101. jec, IIPuls, IISul, Thlaspi; catarrhal, in left, I All. sat.; in left, with buzzing in head (apoplexy), 11 Aeon.; inleft, on shaking head, singing and roaring, HCale; in left, with otorrhoea, I IPhos.; in lyssa, ILyss.; with dry, external meatus, IGraph.; after suppressed measles, IIPuls, ISub; in melancholy, after mortification, llgn.; in meningitis, IGlon.; in meningitis infantum, sequel, I Am.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICie, IHydr. ae; during menses, ICale; in mental derangement, Stram.; after abuse of mercury ICarbo v, INitr. ac; momentary, produced by sudden sound on tympanum, i'olyg.; on moving quickly, with faintness, Ver. v.; with loss of speech, from massive aoses of quinine, IGels.; nervous, Mosch, ^r01-' ,,P]at> SaL ac-> "SiL, Tabae;nervous, with marked cachexia, ISyph.; nervous, after typhoid IPhos. ae; from paralyzed auditory nerve, ICaust,, IGlon, IHyos., IKali ph, Ver TiV m weakness of auditory nerve fibres, Magn. p.; at night (intermittent), ICed.; with noise in head, ICoca ; better when in a ?™T V« ap.!Hwith noises in ears,Bor., IPe- ™h °r\' fSaV ac-: with noise in ear, disap- SS^Sg^ blowing nose and coughing, ISib; preceded by subjective noises, ipltroh; buzz nwgarn"l%\Cact^lth buzzin? in left/like a SS^ikm68*',Foff-;withhissine andhum" S 'SuL; Allows loud soundl andhum- mnrg'^?£-; ™lth nngin£ and roaring, I Aur. reshZ t Tmgmh Wh,ich wentoff when at rest but reappeared when she moved, INux roarinT W"8' ^.Welas, I IRhus ; with Sf '3e^a-' ".Phos-ae-; withering, singing, and othernoises, INux v.; withthun- 6. EARS. 243 derous roaring, IITelb; with rumbling in left, lElaps; with rushing, isochronous with pulse, IIPuls.; with rushing, as of water, ICoce; of both ears, with very little noise, had to use a trumpet, Med.; with cracking on blowing nose, Kali m.; worse after blowing nose, HSub; in old people, ICie, IMere d, IPetrol.; after otitis, IMere; complicating motor palsy, I IPlumb.; with paralysis, ISib; paralytic, in old people, or in arthritic sub- jects, IPetrol.; partial, or transitory, IMed.; partial, with dry wax in left ear, ILach.; periodical, ISpig.; in typhoid pneumonia, Lachn.; progressive, IPetrol.; rheumatism, with bumming, consequent upon a chill, IPetrol.; with rheumatism, IFluor. ac; better riding ina carriage or train, IIGraph, IINitr. ac, IIPuls.; in right, lArn., ICale, IKali s, ILed.; in right, catarrhal, I ISub; in right, as if a leaflet were lying before tympanum, Ant. c; in right, for seven or eight months, I INatr. c; in right, passes off by noon, IHam.; after scarlatina, ICrotal., IGraph, IHep, ILach., IILyc, IPuls, HSub; in multiple sclerosis, IPhos.; in scrofulous subjects, ICale, Hod., ISub; singular sensation of deafness from one ear to the other, as if a tube went through head, while yet there is an overacuteness of hearing, Med.; after painful sensitiveness of hearing, ICon.; in thoseaddicted to sexual ex- cess or drunkenness, IPetrol.; with sopor, in scarlatina, I Phos.; with loss of speech produced by massive doses of quinine, IGels.; as if stopped, ILach., IMang., IMere d., INatr. c, INitr.ac, IIPuls, Ver.; stopped, as if some- thing lay in front of membrana tympani, ICale; stopped, as if something were lying be- fore ear, IMagn. m.; stopped, as if a skin were drawn over, Bell.; asif stupefied,especially after apoplexy,IHyos.; with stupefaction, dizziness and vacancy in head, Kreo.; sudden, painless, at night, with constant roaring and cracking in ears, lElaps; sudden, of right, after taking cold, lElaps; sudden, IPlumb.; sudden, after a faint, ISib; sudden, with roaring and hum- ming, Niccol.; sudden, temporary, IGels.; better by sweating, Calc; from swellings (measles), IKali m.; syphilitic,IKreo, INitr. ae; from hereditary syphilis, I ILac e; in left, in a subject treated with large doses of mercury for syphilis, IPetrol.; with caries of left molars (chronic otitis media), INatr. c; caused by throat affections, ISang.; with enlarged tonsils, IKali bi., IMere, INitr.ac. ■Staph.; transient, caused by swelling of ton- silsand glands of the throat,extending into ears (bronchial catarrh), I IMed.; from swelling of tympanitic cavity with watery condition of tongue, I INatr. m.; with vertigo,IChin.s,ICic, Coloe, Colch, Crotal, ISal. ae, ISib; with vertigo, after heavy food, mostly after fat, ISinap.; with vertigo, when stooping, IMere cor.; with vertigo, in typhoid, ICie; with blurred vision, IGlon.; alternating with ab- normal vision, Cadm. s.; especially to human voice, HPhos, Rhus, Sil, HSub; voice sounds unnatural, especially in right ear, Tereb.; when walking, Chin, s.; better in a warm room and worse in cold,damp weather, IPuls.; worse from washing and changing linen, better by electricity, I ISib; caused by water filling ears, Oil of Verbas.; from hardening of rarwax, ICon., Selen.; with hard black cerumen, IIPuls.; worse in damp weather, with tinnitus, Ananth.; especially for words, Bufo.; for several years, 11 Rhod. 8®" impaired, Hearing, impaired: I IBov, ICycl, lElaps, IFerr., Symph, ITelb; in alcoholism, IKali br.; with cold sensation in abdomen, lAuib.; decreased, with hallucination, IHyos.; defi- cient, in Meniere's disease, ISal. ac; difficult, 11 Aur. met. Bar. e,ICale p., ICaust, IICup. m, IForm, HPhos, Sabad.; difficult, as if ears closed, as if something had fallen before ear, IVerbas.; difficult, with increased humming before ears, IDros.; difficult, with roaring in ears, ISal. ae; difficult, after overexertion, I ISib; difficult, in typhus,Cup.m.; difficult,in left ear, Bor.; difficult, before menses, IKreo.; during menses, Kreo.; human voices heard with difficulty, IFluor.ae; difficult, especially of human voice, also after typhus, with cold extremities, IPhos.; difficult, especially of human voice and during full moon, ISib; di- minished, Tell.; diminished, from roaring in head, ISib; diminished, in left, Asar, ICale; diminished, with frequent pain in head and toothache, I IPetrol.; rapid diminution, I IPhos.; disturbed, when given in large doses for rheu- matism, 7rSab ac.; dull, Agar, Amm. c, ICepa, Iber., Polyg.; dull, after severe acute disease, IPhos.ae; dull, with buzzing,lElaps ; dull, as if cotton were in ear, or something lying before right, ICycb; dull, after diph- theria, HPhyt; dull, after burning in ear, ICaps.; dull, better evenings, Merc. iod. rub.; dull, with swelling and catarrh of eustachian tubes and tympanitic cavity, ISib; dull, especially to distant sounds, from mental or bodily exhaustion, IPhos. ae; dull, worse getting feet wet, IDulc; dull, in catarrhal fever, IDulc; dull, in typhus, Arg. nit, IBapt; dull, better by blowing nose, worse during cold and rainy weather, IMang.; dull, in rheumatism, IKali e; dull, worse rightside, Ast. r.; dull, must be spoken to loudly, Iodof; caused by roaring and humming in ears, worse stooping, ICroe; dull, better getting warm by walking, IMere iod. rub.; from con- tinued grief, overexertion, sexual excesses, or drain on system, or remaining after typhoid or typhus, IPhos. ae;in hydrocephalus acutus, IDig.; indistinct, Amm. c, Chlorof; indistinct, misunderstands, Bov.; lessening, Anac; ob- tuse, IDulc; weak, HCarbo a.; at times weak, at times acute, lAnae 8®"" deafness. Hearing, impression of sounds last heard con- tinue for a long time: I I Ptel. Hearing, reverberation (re-echo): IBar. c, ILach, HPhos.; sounds, Cadm. s., ICaust, IKali br., Phos. ac; sounds re-echo in head, and make her shudder, Sec; of loud sounds, for a long time, Rhod.; of one's speech, Nitr. ae; of steps, HCaust; of every word and step, IGraph.; strong, INux v.; sounds vibrate, in pregnancy, Mere; of own voice, IPhos.; of words, HCaust, ISars.; of words and sounds, especially music, IPhos.; own words sound very loud (pregnancy), ICaust. 8^° Chapter 3, Head reverberates. Hearing, sensitive to noises and sounds: 11 Aeon, Apis, lArs, IIBell, Bry,Bufo, Chloral, ICie, Cinch, bol, ICinch., ICoccul,, ICoff, Crotal., 244 6. EARS. IFerr, Ferr. ph., IGels, llgn. Hod., llpec, IKali e, IIKali ph, IILach, ILachn, Lact. ac, ILye, Magn. c, 11 Med, 11 Mur. ac, INatr. c, INuxm, IINux v, HOp, 11 Ptel, Sec, ISep, ISib, UStann, ITherid, HZine; causes anx- iety, I ISib; cannot bear to hear others eat apples,hawk or blow their noses, Lyss.; church bells ringing makes him anxious and causes a sharp salty taste, with stitches in throat, Lyss.; brain sensitive, Con.; brain sensitive to loud or shrill noises (megrim ; toothache), ICale; brain sensitive,especiallyto male voices, Bar. e; during chill, Caps.; during day, Zing.; rumpling paper, fall of a doorlatch, etc. (diarrhoea), IBor.; in puerperal convulsions, IBell, IPhos.; noises or shock shorten attack of convulsions, IHelb; of crowded street causes faintness, Asaf; annoys and fatigues her, IMed.; in intermittent fever, ICaps.; headache, ICoff; aggravates headache, IBell, I ISep, ISib; in excruciating nervous headache during menses, IKali ph.; in neuralgic head- ache, ISpig.; fear of, on account of sensitiveness of head, Con.; with difficult hearing, Zinc; in spasmodic labor pains, Act. rac.; in left ear, with buzzing, lAur. mur.; scratching of linen or silk is insupportable, 11 Asar.; morbidly sensitive to sounds, with symptoms akin to early stages of meningitis, I I Atrop. s.; in amen- orrhoea, 11 Xan.; in dysmenorrhoea, I I Xan.; in morning, IFluor. ac; cannot endure music, IIAcon., ICham., ICoff, ILye, INatr. c, IINux v, I IPhos. ac, ISep.; cannot bear music during menses, INatr. e; music has a shrill sound, ICoff.; musical sounds and noises set her in a tremor (hysteria), 11 Aloe; music makes her weep, IGraph.; worse from music, Viol.; better from music, HAur. met.;noise ex- cites nausea, ICoccul.; to noise (supraorbital neuralgia), 11 Chin. s.; crackling of a newspa- per drives him to despair, Ferr.; noise causes palpitation, Agar.; painful, Amm. c, Arn, ICoff, Seneg, ISil, ISpig.; painful, noise startles, deafness follows, ICon.; painful, especially sudden sounds, ISang.; noise excites seasickness, ICoccul.; every shrill sound and reverberation penetrates her whole body, especially teeth, makes vertigo worse and causes nausea, ITherid.; cannot bear to hear others sing, Lyss.; hears every little noise in sleep, IIAlum.; on going to sleep, ICale; frightens from sleep, Apis; slightest startles him from sleep, in typhus, ICalad.; especially when wanting to sleep, ICalad.; with general sensation of soreness, 11 Magn. m.; causes starting, IIAcon, Ant. e, IIBell, ICon, Lyss, Sabad, HStram.; noise in left causes her to start with fright, Millet; dreads sudden noise, ICoccul.; in sunstroke, IVer. v.; to talking, Agar., Amm. c, Cact, ICoccul, ICoff., I ICon, llgn, 11 Zinc, ^disturbs temper, IColch.; causes trembling, in inter- mittent, ICoccul.; intolerance of human voice, IKali e, Mur. ac; to walking of per- sons over heavy carpet, ILachn.; running water aggravates dysentery and nervous head- ache, and causes return of convulsions, ILyss.; worse from least noise, IBell, ITherid. 8®" Chapter 1, Fear starting; also Chapter 36, Starting. Hearing, heard everything while seemingly in profound sleep, could not speak : Eup. perf. Hearing,vanishing: with intoxication,ordrunk- enness of previous day, worse after dinner, and in sun, IINux v.; with vertigo IINux v! Hearing, listening produces vomiting (head- ache) : Diad. ILLUSIONS OF HEARING: (undefined) ^Atrop. s., Carbo v, ICoff., Crotal., Elaps, Eup. pur, Merc, IStram, ISul. Illusion, boiling: like water, Cann. i, IDig.; like oil, Thuya. Illusion, bubble bursting: SNatr. e Illusion, buzzing : Amm.e, IIArg. nit, IBar.a, ICale, ICamph, Cann. i, TrCarbobac, ICarbo v., Castor, ICaust, Cepa, HChin. s, Chlorof, ICon, IDulc, lEup. perf, IForm, IHam, Hydr. ac, IHyos., Illic, Hod., IMagn. c, Merc, INatr. m, Nitr. ae, INux m, INux v, IOp., Plumb, Sabina ; in apoplexy, IINux v.; on awaking (after heat of intermittent), lArs.; like a bee, 11 Rhod.; in left, like a swarm of bees, with deafness, ICoff; in Bright's disease, lArs.; with chill, IGlon.; constant, IPhos, lElaps; in deafness, Amm, IKreo, IPsor.; after eating dinner, Agar.; in intermittent, I Ars.; in puerperal fever, 11 Act. rac; with headache, Diose; from rush of blood to head, Ferr. ph.; with piercing in head, ISub; in palpi- tation, I Arg. met.; in hysteria, lAur. met; in left, with sensitiveness, I Aur. mur.; with lameness of legs, worse in morning, Sib; as if a fly were enclosed, lElaps; in meningitis infantum, sequel, lArn.; worse at night, and when still, IIDulc; with obstruction of nose, ILach.; in otitis, ICact. ;as if outside, IIAlum.; in right ear, Lyss., I ISub; in right, with neu- ralgia, Sul. ae; in right, cannot sleep at night, lEuphor.; worse in right, IMur. ac; after stool, ICale p.; in sunstroke, IVer. v.; worse swallowing, Rhod.; with sweat, intermittent, HArs.; with vertigo, Bell, HChin. s, ICie, IGlon.; with vertigo in typhoid, ICie; in veta, iCoca; with inability to work, read or think (ozrena), INatr. m. Illusion, chirping : Bry, ICaust. Illusion, clucking : IBar. e, Cadm. s, lElaps, IGraph. Illusion, sure he hears people in conversation, but on carefully watching finds that sounds have reference to arterial pulsation, but where cannot discover: Med. Illusion, cracking: IGraph, ILach, HPetrol.; with deafness, IPsor.; with deafness caused by affection of eustachian tubes, HPetrol.; after eating breakfast, Zinc.; when eating in evening, IGraph.; in left, with headache, IForm.; on moving jaw, only in morning, while lying in bed, IGraph.; in left, IComo, IForm.; loud, during night, IMur.ae; when blowing nose, IHep.; painful, when masti- cating, INatr. m.; now and then, in right (conjunctivitis and leucoma), IKali e; when sneezing, IBar. e,IGraph.; when swallowing or walking fast, IBar. c; when swallowing, with earache, I IKali m. 8®°* crackling. Illusion, crackling: IBar. c, lElaps; like winding a watch, in left, Amb.; like burning of birch bark, very much worse upon swal- lowing, IIEup. pur.; worse in left, Bor, toccus ; in right, with sensation as if ex- ternal auditory passage were closed, Coccus.; on swallowing, I lElaps; on swallowing, or chewing, Alum. g®» cracking 6. EARS. 245 Illusion, a crash: as from breaking a pane of glass, on falling asleep, Zinc. Illusion, creaking : as from a wooden screw, at each attempt to swallow, Agar.; inleft, when swallowing saliva, Thuya. Illusion, croaking: when walking, Mang. Illusion, dancing: I IStram. Illusion, detonations: 8^* reports. Illusion, the sound is double when whistling, or when two persons whistle thirds, Med. Illusion, drumming: ICup. ac, IDros, ILach.; distant, in ear on which he lies, in morning, disappears on rising, ICup. m.; dull, in left, as if over subterranean vault, Bor. Illusion, as if he heard with ears not his own: Psor. Illusion, sounds seem far off: Cepa, I ILac e; as if tones came from another world, I ICarbo a. Illusion, noise as of the breaking of a finger nail at every step in walking : Con. Illusion, flapping : as of wings, Jacar. Illusion, fluttering: Berb.; before left, as from a large bird, Ant. t; in right, Magn. e Illusion, as if a battery of guns were discharged at night: Spong. Illusion, noise in left, as if coming from the heart: every evening while reading, some- times falling asleep, better during sleep, IGlon.; pulsating sound, Spong. Illusion, has the sounds of hell constantly in ears: 11 Plumb. Illusion, sound like blowing a horn after crack- ing in head, IKalm. Illusion, hissing: ICale, IGraph., INux v.; in deafness, IDig, IDros, HSub; when passing hand over ear, when talking, or forcing inspir- ing through nose, Mar. v.; synchronous with beats of heart, Benz. ae; seemingly in mas- toid cells, Med.; with nervous affections, Vab Illusion, humming : lAcon, Alum, Amm. c, Anac, IBelb, Bry, ICanth, 7rCarbob ac, ICaust, Chin, s, HCinch, ICon., ICycl, Daph, IDros, IFerr, IGraph, Jalap, IILyc, IMur. ac, INatr. m, Nitr. ac, INux v., IOp, I IPhos, Rhod, Sec, Ver. v.; better in open air, worse on entering room, I Ars.; in locomotor ataxia, I Arg. nit.; as of bees, inleft, Cinch, bob; with congestion, Sang.; with deafness, IPsor., I ISub; followed by deafness, ISep.; with rheumatic deafness, con- sequent upon a chill, IPetrol.; on moving head or body, IPuls.; causing impairment of hearing, worse stooping, ICroe; in hysteria, lAur. met; in left, Kob.; on lying down, Cepa; after meningitis infantum, I Am.; be- fore menses, IKreo.; in right, Amm. m.; like a sea chill, Tereb.; in valvular heart disease, I ICheb; in veta, ICoca. 8^° Chapter 3, Head humming. Illusion, sudden sounds as of a far-off land- slide : Cinch, bol. Illusion, sounds seem to come from left side when they really come from right: INatr. c. Illusion, loud sounds, followed by deafness: ISep. Illusion, murmuring : IBelb; after sleep, Act.sp. Illusion, hears music: ICann. i, Sal. ac, HStram.; with frightful delirium, I IPlumb.; as though a melody were ground upon an organ in head and after a few turns were snapped off, IMere. sol. 8)gg~ Chapter 1, Delusion hearing. Illusion, noises undefined: 8ST" tinnitus. Illusion, piping : worse in left, Bor. Illusion, rain: sounds as of a gentle, worse to- wards evening, Rhod.; noise as of, in vertigo, Coff. t. Illusion, reports: Ast. r, IBar. c, ICale, Eup. pur., Staph.; as of a cannon in right, ICinch. bob; as of a cannon in right, with discharge of a few drops of blood, Mosch.; in right, when swallowing, ICie; as of distant artillery, in afternoon and evening (pertussis), IBadiag.; in right, like distant thunder, Plat. Illusion, ringing: IIAcon., Agnus, Ant. c, lArs, Atrop. s, IBar. cJIBell, Bry., I ICact, ICale, ICamph., Cann. i, Cann. s., ICanth, Carb. s, ICarbo v, ICham, Chlorof, ICon, Cornus, ICycl, Euph, IFerr., IFluor. ac, ■Form, IGlon, IGraph, IHam., IHelb, llpec, IIKali e, I ILed., IMagn. c, Merc, INatr. m, INux m, INux v, I IPhos., IPlat, Polyg., IPsor., Ptel., IPuls, Rhod, Rumex, ISil, ISub, HVer., Viol., Zinc; in angina, IDig.; in anthrax, I lAnthrac; as of bells, Aurant, IClem., I ILed., INatr. s., HPetrol.; constant clear belllike sound, IPetrol.; sound as of large bells, Alum.; noise asof little bells, Arund.; as of bells, in left, Cinch, bob; as of bells, in spinal irritation, IChin. s.; noise like that following tolling of a bell, inter- rupted by cracking sound, 11 Rhod.; like bells whistling, or running of trains, first left, then right,worse by lying onright side, I IMere viv.; during chill, Chin.; and roaring, after coitus, IDig.; confused, in left, Eryng.; worse as day advances, so that he can scarcely hear in eve- ning, after catching cold, 11 Rhod.; with deaf- ness, I Aur. mur, I IChen. a, IPsor.; with deafness, in erysipelas, IIRhus; constant, disagreeable, IFluor. ae; distant, with sensa- tion as if ear were stopped, I ISpig.; dull, Spong.; after dinner and late in evening, Cinnab.; better after dinner and from wine, worse from coffee, Arg. nit; before epileptic at- tack, IIHyos.; in right, after using eyes (hy- peraemia of retina), IIPuls.; in typhoid, ICoccul.; fine, in right, when blowing nose, squeaking as if air were forced through mucus, Mar. v.; with pain in forehead and eyes, Cact.; with headache, Diose; with head- ache in temples, HCinch.; after arthritic affection of head, with deafness, IIRhod.; and roaring till he falls asleep (after a blow on head), INatr. m.;with congestion to head, ISang.; on moving head, Staph.; in nervous headache, INaja ; with stitches in one side of head, generally in one temple or in back part, IPuls.; hearing, hardness, with buzz- ing ; in heart disease, IDig.; in hemicrania, IChin. a.; in post-partum hemorrhage, ICham.; in left, Coccus, IGamb, Myr. cer., INux v, I IParis, Stann.; in left, when walk- ing, ICheb; worse in left, Bor, HChin. s.; low, with headache, Coca; in meningitis, I Arg. nit, IGlon.; before menses, IFerr.; during menses, IIFerr, Ver.; in menorrhagia, IFerr. s.; with nervous affections, Vab; when blowing nose, ICarbo a.; with palpitation, IPhos.; with paralysis, ISib; with pain in rectum during stool, ILye; went off when at rest, but reappeared when she moved, INux v.; in right, I^Ese h, Brom., I lOsm, Spong.; with dull headache, Erig.; in right, at night, 246 7. E ARS. Zinc; particularlv in right, IFerr, Xan.; followed bv sleep, Illic; caused by suffocating weight ih stomach after eating (catarrhal ophthalmia), I ISub; with toothache (gas- tritis),ICoccub;in vertigo, j Coff. t.; with slight vertigo, also pressure about head, Myr. cer.; with feeling of cold wind, especially in left ear, Vinca. Illusion, roaring: lAcon.,Agnus, Alum, Anac, Ant. c. Ant. t, IBell, Berb, Bry., Cam., ICamph, ICanth., ICaust, Cepa, Chlorof, HCinch., IColch., ICon, ICycb, Daph, IDros, lElaps, Euphor, IFerr. iod, IGels, IGraph, IHelb, Iber, IIKali e, ILaur., IILyc, Merc, INatr. m, Nitr. ae, INux v, IOp., IIPuls, IIRhod., ISib, ISul, Therid.; in afternoon, I Amb.; better in open air, ICie, Puis.; as if something alive were in them (chronic headache), I ISib; in catar- act, See; in cerebral congestion, lAur. met, Ferr. ph, IOp, ISul, IVer. v.; after chill, Cain.; in cholera, fourth day, IPhos. ae; after taking cold in a draught of air and becoming heated, IKali c; in flatulent colic, ILye; constant, IPetrol.; with coryza, IIAcon.; worse as day advances, so that he can scarcely hear, in evening, after catching cold, IIRhod.; in deafness, Ammoniac, lAur. mur., INux v, HPhos. ac; with deafness caused by affec- tion of eustachian tubes, HPetrol.; with sud- den deafness, Niccol.; after eating, ICinnab.; begins in evening, lasts through night and disturbs sleep, ICoccus ; with fainting spells (diabetes), 11 Uran. n.; with inclination to fall, ICale; in typhoid, ICoccul, ILye; constant, with pressing stitching pain in forehead ex- tendingover whole head,particularly invertex and occiput, with heaviness and confusion of head (rheumatism), ILye; frequent, during day, Calad.; after arthritic affection of head (dysecoia), 11 Rhod.; with congestion to head in young people, ^Graph.; with difficult hear- ing, ISal. ae; causing impairment of hearing, worse when stooping, ICroe; with heaviness of head, HPhos.; in hemicrania, IChen. a.; for an hour in right, worse lying on left side, better lying on right, with headache, I IPhos.; like water pouring over a dam, Bry.; in hys- teria, ILye, Coccus, INux v.; in left, as after severe cold, Cepa ; in left, with caries of left molar teeth (chronic otitis media), INatr. e; in left, on rising in afternoon, Lact. ac; worse in left, Bor.: especially in left, IColoe; as from machinery, IHydras.; after suppression of measles, ISub; in cerebrospinal menin- gitis, IHydr. ae; during menses, IPetrol.; at time for return of menses (climaxis), I ICalab.; with mental confusion, Bapt.; with nausea, ICale; nervous, IKali ph.; at night, Euphor, ■Graph.; at night, synchronous wuth pulse, IKali br.; with pain in right, in paroxysms, Stront..; with palpitation, iber.; in parox- ysms, with headache as if brain were com- pressed, mostly in forehead, IStaph.; with each paroxysm of pain, I Ars.; in pertussis, ICaust.; pulsating, Merc; pulsating, in ear upon which she lies, Spong.; in right, Amm. m.; in right, like the sea, at each inspira- tion, IBar. c; thunderous, with deafness, IITelb; in left, like distant tornado, Asar.; with vertigo, IBell, Carbo v., IOp., IPsor.: with vertigo, on rising, HPhos.; violent, Zinc; with bilious vomiting, ICrotal.; as from rush- ing water, HCham.; as of wind, HPetrol.; as of distant storm of wind,ICheb; with inability to work, read or think (ozaena), INatr. m. ggg" Chap. 3, Head roaring. Illusion, rolling: IGraph., IPlat. Illusion, rumbling: IPlat; with otalgia, IPlat.; like noise of cars or striking of clocks, Chlorof.; in left, as of thunder, with impairment of hearing, lElaps. Illusion,rushing: lArn, Coloe, IGels,IGraph, IHyos., ILach, Lil. tig, IILyc, Mang,Viol.; in hysteria, Aur. met.; before menses, Bor.; during menses, IKreo.; isochronous with pulse, with deafness, IIPuls. Illusion, rustling: as of straw, when jaws are moved, Carbo v.; like distant rustling, Brom. Illusion, shrieking noise wThen blowing nose: Stann. Illusion, shrill sound: singing like a bell ring- ing out of tune, Petrol.; on blowing nose, Phos. ac. Illusion, simmering: better resting head on table, Ferr. Illusion, singing: Act. rac, 11 Arg. met, I ICact, ICale, Calc. s, ICamph, ICaust, Chlorof, Chlor, ICon, IFluor. ac, IHyos, I IKali c, I IKali iod., See; on awaking (after heat of intermittent), I Ars.; with cracking sound in left, Eryng.; with deafness, INux v, IPsor.; with debility, HCinch.; with drowsi- ness, Calc. p.; with earache, ISang.; in intermittent fever, lArs.; with giddiness, IStram.; better resting head on table, Ferr.; and snapping in left, Lact. ae; after menses, ICinch, IFerr.; during menses, IPetrol.; nervous people, ICoff.; periodical, during dreamy spells, ceasing when coming to him- self, Cann. i.; in right, Asar., Calc. p, INatr. c; in right, when walking in open air, Lachn.; like a tea kettle, ILach.; like a tea kettle, in left (pruritus vulvae), I ITarant; with vertigo, ICamph, ISang.; as from boiling water, IILyc. Illusion, smacking, as if opened and closed while it contained a thick paste : Bor. Illusion, snapping: IHep.; after every eructa- tion, as if air penetrated eustachian tube, IGraph.; on turning head (deafness), ICaust; corresponds to pulsations of temporal artery, Ars. s. r.; as of sparks from an electric ma- chine, ICale Illusion, squeaking; Eup. pur. Illusion, surging: Sarrae; in right, worse from excitement, or moving, I ISul. Illusion, sensation as of striking of a clock: Tereb. Illusion, thundering: ICale, IGraph, ILach. Illusion, ticking as of a distant watch: ICinch. Illusion, tinkling: ICaust, Hippoz.; on moving head or body, IPuls. Illusion, tinnitus: IBell, Bism, ICaust, Ced, Cepa, ICinch, ICoccus, Hod, IIKali br, Lac e Mere sob, INatr. s, IPhos, Plat, IPlumb, IPuls.; from catarrh of inner ear, IHydras.; with deafness, Bor, IPetrol., ISal. ac;with deafness, disappearing on blowing nose and coughing, ISib; in menstrual epi- lepsy, ICed.; in hectic fever, 11 Phos.; in yellow lever, ISub; with headache, after a cold drink I Kali e; caused by rush of blood to head, lArn.; in dilated heart, ITabae; depen- 7. NOSE. 247 dent upon hyperaemia, ISal. ae; in Meniere's disease, 11 Kalm, ISal. ac.; with tumult of ideas, Camph.; from nervous exhaustion, IKali ph.; in the night, Lyss.; continuous dur- ing night, Zinc; worse in right, 11 Rhod.; when sitting up, synchronous with heart- beats, INux v.; when blowing nose or swal- lowing, ICale; in whooping cough, ICepa; with injection of vessels along handle of mal- leus, '"'Chin. s. Illusion, twittering: Calad. Illusion, sound as the blowing of a trumpet in left, at night: TCinch.bob Illusion, with vertigo: Eup. pur. Illusion, hears voices : I IPhos, IStram.; con- fused, worse swallowing, or walking in open air, Benz. ac; of absent persons, at night ICham. aSf Chapter 1, Delusion hearing. Illusion, -water : as if dropping from a height into a long, narrow vessel, while lying down, Natr. ph.; like running, Cact.; like rush- ing, Ast. r, I IPetrol.; like rushing of, with deafness, ICoccul.; like rushing, after 4 p.m., IPuls.; like rushing in left, Lyss.; as of mur- muring, with tearing pains at night, IPetrol.; like a waterfall, Therid. Illusion, whirring like a mill: INux v. Illusion, whispering: 8ST" Chapter 1, Delu- sion hearing. Illusion, whistling: Alum, Curar, Elaps, INux v.; in afternoon, I Amb.; in right, at night, Cinch, bob; with feeling of cold wind, especially in left ear, Vinca. Illusion, whizzing : ICaust., ICup. ac, IHep, IIKali c, HLed, IILyc, Mang., IMur. ac, ISub; with deafness caused by affection of eustachian tubes, IMang., HPetrol.; dull, Zinc; as from insects, ILach.; in left, Arg. nit.; in right, IMagn. c. Zinc. Illusions, wind : sound of, after 4 p.m., IPuls.; rushing, as from a strong wind or as from wings of a bird, Mosch.; noises as from a storm, I ILed. MEMBRANA TYMPANI, adhesions : IGraph., Hod.; after scarlet fever, IKali iod. Tympani, bulging: IHydras. Tympani, burning: in region of, Ang. Tympani, calcareous deposits: ICale fl. Tympani, congested: IFerr. ph.; distended capillaries on right, IGraph.; in mastoid periostitis, I ISil. Tympani depressed: Carbo a., Carbo v.; after scarlet fever, IKali iod. Tympani, dry: Carbo a.,Carbo v., IPhos. Tympani, inflamed : SSaT" Ears inflammation. Tympani, jumping of tensor tympani: sound- ing like a leather-covered metal valve, Agar. Tympani, opaque : Carbo a, Carbo v. Graph. Tympani, perforation: IHydras, IIKali bi, IKali ph, HSub; air passing through when snuffing or belching, ITelb; hissing sound, ISib; cavity filled with thick yellow pus(otitis), ICaps.; in scrofula, ICale; threatened, in otitis media, IIMerc, IPuls. 8®" ulceration. Tvmpani, phlyctenule (to prevent ulcera- tion) : IPuls, ITelb Tympani, quickly pressing with a blunt in- strument, at intervals as if some one were: Carb. s. Tympani, purplish: IHydras. Tympani, stitches: and tearing as if a nail were thrust through, Berb.; as from sting of an insect, Berb. Tympani, sudden sounds producing momen- tary cessation of hearing: Polyg. Tympani, thickened: IGraph.; of an opaque whiteness, slightly convex only by inflation, it is impossible to recognize bloodvessels (after suppressed eruption on head), 11 Mez. Tympani, thin, transparent: iGraph. Tympani, ulceration: ICale, IIMerc. d, IIMerc. sob, IPsor, ISib; with foul discharge, I Kali ph.; indolent, Hod.; with sharp stitches, IKali bi. 8@° perforation. Tympani, right whiter than left: I IPhos. Tympani, appear covered with "white coating (after scarlatina): IGraph. TYMPANIC CAVITY, catarrh : Sib; non- suppurating, INatr. m. Tympanic cavity, fluttering: Agar. Tympanic cavity, rattling: Agar. Tympanic cavity, swelling: Sib; causes deaf- nes, Kali m.; causes deafness, with watery condition of tongue, I INatr. m. Tympanic cavity, twitching : Agar. T. NOSE. Coryza. Nose. Smell. CORYZA, (undefined): lAcon, I lAilant, All. sat, HAmb, I lAmmoniac, lAmm. m., Anac, lAnae or., Ant. sul. aur., HApis, I Apoe, I Arg. nit., I Ars, I Ars. iod, I Ars. met, I Asar., Aspar, lAur. met, I Aur. mur., Bar. c, IBell, IBenz. ac, IBerb., ICact, ICale, ICaps, 7rCarbo a., ICarbol.ac, ICarbo v., Cast, eq., HCean., ICina, I ICinch. bol, ICinnab., I IClem, Coccus, IColch, Con., ICycl, Eucab, IFerr, Ferr. iod, IFerr. ph., IGels, IGraph, IHydras., IJab., IKali c, IKali iod, IKali m, ILach, IMagn. m., IMere, Merc. iod. rub., IMez., INatr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ac, IINux v.,Osm., IPetrol, I IPhos. ae, IPhyt, IPuls, I IRumex, I ISang., llSinap., ISpong, IStaph, I ISticta, HSub, Thuya. 8@" fluent. Coryza, acrid (excoriating): Apis, IIArum t, v IBrom, ICale, Ced, ICepa, IFerr., Gels., IHydras, Hippoz, IKali iod, IILyc, IMagn. m, IIMerc, IMere iod. flav., IINux v., IPhyt., ISib; burning, watery, from right nostril, IKali bb; with every fresh cold, ISib; repeated attacks from least cold, after much mercury, IIKali iod.; in whooping cough, ICepa; during day, profuse (hay catarrh), I ISticta; in diphtheria, lArum t; in in- flammation of eyes, ICon.; fluent, I Ars., 248 NOSE. 11 Arumt, IMur. ac, Cact.; fluent, in open air, Calc. s.; fluent, causes biting and stinging, Ars. met; fluent, in diphtheria, IMur. ac; fluent, dropping from tip of nose, ICepa ; fluid, with hoarseness, INitr. ac; fluent, ex- coriating nose and lip, IKali bi.; fluent, with red, swollen nose, IKali iod.; fluent, excori- ates nostrils and upper lip, ILac e; fluent, with copious watering of right eye, ISang.; fluent, mucous, I I Sinap.; fluent, makes inner nose sore and bloody (chronic), ISib; fluent, in ophthalmia, IGraph.; profuse, watery, Merc, sob; hot, IRhus ; hot, fluent, in solar neuralgia, 11 Stann.; profuse, hot, causing raw- ness and soreness of cheeks, borders of nose and upper lip (hay catarrh), I ISticta ; in influ- enza, I Ars, ICaust.; keratitis, ICale; with lach- rymation and irritation of eyelids, 11 Sinap.; from left, llCepa; corroding lip, IIAmm. m.; from right nostril, producing soreness of lips and side of face, I ISang.; making lip sore, in polypus, ILye; corroding upper lip, ICepa, ILye, IMagn. m.; having odor of old cheese, IIMerc. sob; in morning, ISquil- la ; corrodes nostrils and lips, ILach.; with hot and inflamed state of right side of nose, I IMere iod. rub.; nostrils painful, as if sore, ISquilla; corrodes nose and upper lip, in scarlatina, IPhyt.; soreness and ulceration of nostrils, ISub; red, burning nostrils, upper lip swollen, Phell. ;rawnessin nostrils, Ailant; sore, sensitive nostrils, IZinc; profuse, worse in warm room (pertussis), ICepa; profuse, after scrofula, ICham.; profuse, thin, watery, HSinap.; thin pus, excoriating parts, IMur. ac; purulent, causing vesication of sur- rounding parts (scarlet fever), Mur. ac; purulent, with sore nostrils, I Uran. n.; scanty, ISinap.; scanty, making skin red, Sinap.; scanty, mucous, causing burning of septum, IKali bb; in scarlatina, HArum t, ICale; sensation of acrid water, with many small burning pimples under septum, IINatr. m.; with sneezing, ISil. BgS" burning; also Nose burning, heat, soreness. Coryza, air: from least contact of cold, IDulc, Nitr. ac; from cold or warm, IIMerc; worse in coldand open,IGraph.; from least draught, lElaps; worse from least draught or change of clothing, INatr. c; in open air, stopped up indoors, Iod, Plat, Puis, ISub, Thuya; bet- ter in open air, lAcon., ICepa, IINux v, IPuls.; worse in open air, with irritation to cough, ICoff. 8®° chill, weather, wind. Coryza, albuminous: 8@° clear, glairy, glassy. Coryza, alternates: at onetime acrid fluid, again dry and stiff as parchment, ISub; dry and fluent, Apis, IIMagn. m, INatr. m, I IParis, IPhos., IIPuls, ISub ae Coryza, after spells of asthma: 11 Thuya. 8®* hay fever. Coryza, bloody: Act. sp, IIAilant., Ars. h.a Asar, Aur. mur. nat. Bell., Clem, ICoccul., ICon, ICroe, IFerr, IFerr. ph., IGraph, IHep., Hippoz, Ind. met, IKali bi, IKali c, IKali perm., IKaol, ILach, IMang., IMere, ■Mere iod. rub., IINitr. ac, INux v., I IParis, IPhos, I IPsor., IIPuls., Sarrae, ISub; when blowing, I ICalad, Carbol. ac, ISub; blown frequently from nose, in ozaena, lAmm. c.; thick blood in mucus on blowing, in morning, Chel.; when coughing (pertussis),ICaps.;dark, in chronic nasal catarrh, I Agar.; in dropsy, lAur. mur,- fetid, in ozaena, IGraph.; fetid', thick, white (scarlatina), I Apis; in influenza,' I Ars.; from left nostril, after a bath, Calc. s.' in morning, Arum t; in ozaena, IHydras.' purulent, 11 Lach.; purulent, as from bursting abscess, seems to come from frontal cavities (ozsena syphilitica), ILach.; purulent, sev- eral times daily, I ILac e; decomposed,green- ish-red blood, IIKali iod. 8®*" Nose bleeding. Coryza, bluish: in children, 11 Amm. m.; pieces of hardened mucus flow, after which mucous membrane feels raw, INatr. a. Coryza, breathing: every inhalation seems to bring cold air in contact with brain, Act. rac. fiiST" chest. Coryza, burning: ICepa, ISub; in influenza, HArs, ICaust; hot, Iod.; from right, lArs,- like hot water, Ars. m.; as if a stream of scald- ing water rushed through left, IGels.; water runs from nose, worse stooping, I Amm. c. 8^° acrid, heat; also Nose burning. Coryza, chest: with burning in, IZinc; with oppression, in bronchial catarrh, ICale; op- pressed, with wheezing after, ICarbo v.; com- mencing with feeling as if red pepper were throughout nostrils and air passages, followed by distressing cough (influenza), Seneg.; raw- ness, in hay asthma, ICarbo v.; tightness, IINux v. 8@°° breathing. Coryza, in children: IDulc; of newborn, IPuls.; with snuffles, IINux v, I ISamb. Coryza, with chills, or chilliness: lAcon, lArs, Calc. p, IIMerc, ISpong., ISub; after chilli- ness, iCepa; in cold, open air, Aloe; from being chilled while overheated and perspir- ing, HArs. 8®*" air, fever, weather, wind. Coryza, chronic: ICale, Canth,Colch, ICycl, ISil, Spig.; in bronchial asthma, ICale; form- ing hardened yellow pieces of mucus, with follicular enlargement of mucous membrane of pharynx, IKali bi.; with dulness of head, particularly in morning, ICale; in left side, IBerb.; worse only in morning (incipient tu- berculosis), I ITubere; with swelling of mu- cous membrane, ISib; in scrofulous ophthal- mia, lApis ; with polypus, IMar. v.; with loss of smell, ISang.; with loss of taste and smell, ISul. 8®" Nose catarrh, ozaana. Coryza, clear: Ced.; white discharge, so profuse that it was necessary to lay a towel under nose, INatr. m. 8®°" albuminous, white. Coryza, colic : after a cold, 11 Ver.; ceases when colic sets in (in children), ICale Coryza, with obstinate constipation : IPsor. Coryza, constant: 8®" chronic. Coryza with cough: Amm. c, Anac, Badiag, Calad Calc, ICepa, Cham, IColch., Cub, IEuph,Graph, Kali bi. Lye, Natr.m, Rumex, Sars, Seneg., Sib, Squilla, ISub; croupy, iv^ng'' dr7' hacking> ICham.; epidemic in children, I Jamb.; and expectoration in morn- ing, Euph.; violent, Kali m. Loryza, with croup: lAcon., lArs, Cub., IHep, ■iNitr. ac, ISpong.; after sudden disappear- ance, I ISamb. Coryza, diarrhoea : after coryza, I ISang, Selen.; followed by, and relieves, with cough, i ISang.; worse at night, ISang. 7. N' OSE. 249 Coryza, mucus discharged with difficulty: IPhyt 8®*" glutinous, tenacious; also Nose stoppage. Coryza, in diphtheria : Amm. e, I Ars, II Arum t, ICarbol. ac, Chlor., Crotal., llgn., IIKali bi, IKali perm, ILac e, ILach., ILye, Merc. cor.,IMere cy. Mere iod flav,Mur.ae, IINitr. ae; discharge of a skinny substance when sneezing, ILach.; mucous discharge, after, I ISul. g®° acrid, throat. Coryza, with dizziness: Bov. Coryza, dry : IIAcon., HAgar., All. sat, Ant. e, lArs, Asar., Ascl. t, Aspar, Bov., ICact, ICamph., ICarbo a., I ICaust, Cepa, Chel, HCinch, Coral., Dig., Illgn, Ipec, IKali c, IIKali m, Lact. ac, INatr. m., INitr. ac, IINux v, 1101. jec, I IOp, I IParis, HPhos., I IPsor, Ratan, Sabina, I ISamb, ISil, ISpig, ISpong., HSticta, ISul, Uran. n.; in open air, INux v.; becoming fluent in open air, Hod, Plat, Puis, Thuya; awaking one at night, IMagn. c.; chronic, lAnae; all day, with pain in back, especially while sitting, IZinc; mu- cus would dry like white of egg, needed to be forcibly removed (chronic catarrh), HPsor.; in evening, white mucus during day, Actrac; of infants, IINux v., I ISamb.; especially of left nostril,I Anac,ISep.; in morning, fluent in evening, Apis; better during motion, worse during rest, renewed by slightest exposure, worse in cold air,IDule; during night, Amm.c, Niccol, IINux v.; with nosebleed, IPuls.; one- sided, with soreness, redness, and swelling of nostril, Stann.; suddenly dries up, with violent pain in forehead, ILach.; with dryness of throat, INitr. ac.; unpleasant, mouth open at night, ICact.; with loss of voice, or hoarse- ness, IKali e; worse in wet, cold weather, IMang. ftsT" Nose scabs, stopped. Coryza, ears : roaring, IIAcon.; roaring, with closure of eustachian tube, IGels.; tendency to roaring, in otitis, I ISul. Coryza, takes cold easily: flgT" air, weather, wind. Coryza, aftereating dinner: IINux v.; worse while at dinner, Tromb. Coryza, epidemic : 86^ influenza. Coryza, excoriating: ggg" acrid. Coryza, worse in evening: Apis, ICepa, Chlor, I IKali c, IRumex, Therid, Tromb, IZinc. 8®* night. Coryza, eyes : affected, Euph.; red, Ars. met.; red, with lachrymation, IPhyt.; after burning and watering of right eye, which is painful to touch, Sang.; sore, ISul. ac; with catarrhal inflammation, llgn.; with inflammation of right eye, ICinnab.; with keratitis, Sub; with scrofulous ophthalmia, I ISep.; with lachry- mation, I Anac, ICarbo a, llCepa, Chlor, lEuph, IINux v, IPhyt, I IRan. sc, ISang, ISpig., IVerbas. B@~Chap. 5, Lachrymation catarrhal, cough. Coryza, with heat in face : Ars. m. Coryza, feeling as if coryza would appear: Ars. s. r.,ICham, Cinch, bol, Pallad,IPhyt.; on rising, better in evening, Ars. m. Coryza, fetid (offensive) : lAgar, Ananth., Ant sul. aur., Arund, Asaf, Asim, HAur. met, lAur. mur, Aur. mur. nat., IBar. e, Berb, ICale, HCarbob ac. Cop, lElaps, IGraph, IIHep, Hod., IKali bi, I IKali c. Kali iod, Kreos., ILach, ILye,Magn. m, Merc, INatr. c, INitr. ac. Petrol, IPuls, Rhus, Sarrae, ISil, Stram,ISul,Telb, ITherid. ;acrid,ILach, ■Mere c; mucous, IHep.; as in old-catarrh, IIPuls.; profuse, from overwork at desk, ■Agar.; in diphtheria, ICarbol. ac, ILach., ■Mere c, IMere. iod. flav.; empyreumatic smell and taste, I IBerb.; smelling like putrid herring pickle, lElaps; after mercury, in scrofula, IIAsaf; pungent, Berb.; smelling like pus, Gamb.; purulent, IGraph, IKali e, Thuya; muco-purulent, Hippoz.; dirty, pu- trid, sanious (malignant scarlatina), I IStram.; tenacious, IMyr. cer.; thick white, from left nostril, with pain every morning at 11 o'clock, along course of left infraorbital nerve, pain and discharge come at 4 p.m., better in open air, I IPuls.; thin, continual necessity to blow, IHep.; watery, irritating upper lip, lAur. mur.; thick, yellow-green (chronic nasal ca- tarrh, scrofulous ozaena), ITherid. 8®°° Nose catarrh, ozaena. Coryza, with fever: IIAcon., Bar. m, Calad, Hod, Jab, HPhos.; worse after sweat,INatr. c; tertian, Diad. BS^'chill, heat. Coryza, flaky, especially mdrnings : Asim. Coryza, fluent (thin, watery): 11 Agar, 11 Amm. m, Ananth., Ante, lAnt t, Aph.ch, I I Arg. met, HArs., Ars. sul. met, 11 Arund, Asaf, lAscl. t, IBar. e, Berb, Bor, IBov, IBrom, Bry, Cact, Calad, Calc. s, ICamph, ICarbo v, Ced.,HCepa,ICham.,Chel, Chin, a., Chlor, iCimex, Colch, Con, Elaps, lEup. pert, IIEup. pur, Euphor, lEuph., IFluor. ac, IGlon, Guaiae, Hippoz, IHydras, Illic, llgn, Ind, Jacar, Uacea, IKali bb, IKali c, IKali iod, Lyss, IMagn. m, Magn. s., IMang, Meph, IIMerc, IIMerc. cor., IMez., INatr. c, IINatr. m, INatr. s., I INux v, 01. jec, IIPuls, ISabad., I ISang, ISib, ISpig., ISpong., ISub, Tell., Uva ursi, Xan.; acrid, I Ars. i., IGels.; in open air, INitr. ae, IIPuls.; in open air, better indoors, returning in cold room (coryza), ICarbol. ac; in open air, dry in room, IColoe, Hod, Plat, Puis, Thuya, Zing.; worse from least current of air, IMere; in albuminuria, I Apis; alter- nates with dryness, especially in evening, IZinc; frequent alternation of fluent and dry, with nosebleed, IPuls.; alternates with dry, HArs, IINux v., I ISang.; alternates with thick, offensive discharge, worse in left nostril (ozaena), IKali s.; in angina syphili- tica, ILach.; in attacks, ISyph.; periodical attacks of short duration, with continual stoppage and breathing through mouth, ■Graph.; in blepharitis, ISib; in bronchitis, ■Mere; increases from day to day, runs freely and is blown into little crepitant bubbles (scarlatina), ISub; in catarrh, INatr. a, I I Ran. sc, ISub; in bronchial catarrh, 11 Ailant.; with pain in chest, HCaust.; in children, II Nux v.; with cold chills and loss of smell, Sarrae; clear, Asar.; a clear, continuous stream, Hod.; clear, from affected side (prosopalgia), IINux v.; followed by colic (nasal catarrh in children), ICale; constant, Chin, a, IKali bi., Med.; constant, with hunger even after eat- ing, ICast eq.; with cough, ICon, Meph.; with dry cough, Mere; copious, in whooping cough, ICepa; during day, dry during night, Niccol., IINux v.; during day, in pertussis, ICaust.; in diphtheria, HArs.; dropping, cor* 250 7. NOSE. roding nose and upper lip, ICepa ; dropping, in open air, 11 Lith.; dropping from left nos- tril, Chlor.; dropping, from posterior or fron- tal sinuses (nasal catarrh), IFerr.; sudden, running in drops of sharp, corroding fluid, Chlor.; dropping worse in evening when walking in street (coryza), ICepa ; in evening, especially while eating and in open air, Tromb.; violent in evening, with frequent sneezing and headache, rough voice, Kali c; toward evening, with pressure on right tonsil on swallowing and yawning, IZinc; wrorse in evening, Apis, Therid.; exhausting, with ex- ostosis on skull, HArg. met.; with redness of eyes and lachrymation, ILye; fetid, lAgar.; with fever, HSpong.; febrile, if it gets dry, especially with scrofulous and rachitic chil- dren, IHep.; in catarrhal fever, lEuph.; vio- lent, with evening fever, IKali e; in inter- mittent, lElat; in prevailing fever, lAmm. m.; frequent, Anag.; frequent, now from one, then from both nostrils, Tereb.; with hay fever, INatr. m.; with headache, ICale; with frontal headache, IMed.; with hard headache all day in frontal region, worse 10.30 a.m., Med.; with confusion of head, Hell.; with dul- nessof head and sleepiness (influenza), IPhos.; with full feeling in head, Vace; with herpes, after taking cold, Kali bb; with hoarseness, I IPetrol.; with hoarseness, in morning, Tell.; dropping clear hot water, I Aeon, Hod.; in hysteria, ILye; in influenza, ICepa, IGels, IPhos.; in influenza, with burning and smart- ing, I Euph.; with lachrymation, I Anac, ILye, I IRan. sc; wdth scalding lachrymation, lEuph.; with tickling in larynx,Osm.; from left nostril, Amm.br.; watery, from left nostril, Dios.; bland, watery discharge from left nos- tril, in clear drops (pruritus vulvae), ILil. tig.; thin, light-colored, from right nostril, Bry.; pain in limbs, HCaust; in morning, ICycb, IINux v., Sars, ISquilla; runs down poste- rior nares, causing choking (chronic catarrh), •Cop.; profuse dropping through posterior nares, obliging frequent hawking, HCorah; mostly at night, with oppressed breathing, Berb.; at noon, ICina ; with crawling in nose and frequent sneezing, IZinc; copious, ICup. m, ISabad.; profuse, of burning water, ISub; profuse, in pustular conjunctivitis, lEuph.; profuse, in hay fever, IDulc; profuse, in mea- sles, lEuph.; profuse in morning, with cough and expectoration, HEuph.; profuse, particu- larly in morning, Dros.; profuse, salty, I ICale; profuse, with lachrymation (constipation), lEuph.; in prosopalgia, I ISpig.; from right nostril, Card, m.; from right nostril during day, left dry, at night vice versa, Calc. s.; from right, with pain in eyes, Bapt; with rawness, TJva ursi; _ with redness and putrid smell, IKali bb; in a cold room, stopped in warm air and outdoors, ICale p.; right side worse, IBrom.; ropy, in scarlatina, ISub; profuse, in scarlatina, lEuph.; with loss of smell, ICarbo a, I INatr. m.; with sneezing, lAilant, I Anac, IBadiag., Chel, ICina, Form., Kob., Merc. sub, Oxal. ae; with sneezing and soreness of alse, ICale p.; begins with sneezing, with stitching headache when stooping, and hoarse- ness, IBry.; with sneezing, worse evening and night, IRumex ; frequent sneezing, worse in right side, ISang.; with sneezing in morning, I Aeon, Cale a, ISep.; with violent, rapid sneezing, five or six times in succession, after sudden, sharp tingling in schneiderian mem- brane, Rumex ; can hardly speak with pain- ful sneezing, iCarbo a.; sudden, after rising, IINux v.; after suppression of cough, I ISamb.; with loss of taste, INatr. m.; thin mucus, I lAph. ch.; thin, watery, Eucab; abundant, thin, watery, making nose sore and irritable, Eup. pert; thin, watery, with dull frontal headache, ./Esc. h.; thin, watery, increasing until nose became stopped (influenza), IPhyt.; thin, profuse, with gouty or rheumatic symp- toms, Rhod.; thin, watery, after sneezing, Seneg.; thin, white, from left nostril, Aspar.; with sore throat, Act. rac, ICarbo a., ICale. p., ILach, IINitr. ac, IINux v, HPhos.; like water trickling from nose, ISub; thin, watery, with internal ulceration, IKali bb; with rough voice and pain in chest, Magn. s.; with wake- fulness, restlessness, sweat and frequent sneez- ing, Calc. a.; becomes yellow and copious, INatr. s. 8€s?~coryza (undefined), influenza. Coryza, glairy mucus: with rawness and sore- ness of chest, caused by patient seeming to contract new colds daily (catarrhal com- plaints), IPetrol.; alternating with dryness, Cund. gs§g° albuminous, glassy. Coryza, glassy mucus: Ced, Hod. gigg*- albuminous, white. Coryza, glutinous: ISub; drying in posterior nares (ozaena), IMere cor. ggg~ tenacious. Coryza, gray: Hippoz.; dark, especially in morning, Asim.; white (chronic catarrh), I ISang. Coryza, greenish: Ananth., I IBerb., Bry,Hip- poz., Ind., IKali bi, IKali c, I ILac e, IMere, Natr. c, IPhos, IIPuls, Rhus, ISep, ISib, IThuya; black, foul, sickening smell, IIKali iod.; slightly bloody, Act. rac; on blow- ing nose, I IParis; of disorganized brown-look- ing fetid pieces of hardened mucus, Hydr. ae; in chronic catarrh, ■ Cop.; fetid, from left nos- tril (ozaena), HSep.; fluid mucus, IIArund.; masses (catarrh of both nostrils), IMar. v.; fetid pus, IIMerc, IRhus; pus from right nostril^ I IRhus; nostrils filled with mucus (scarlatina), IPhos.; pieces of mucus run from nose when sneezing, 11 Arund.; thick mucus, Bor.; copious, thick, acrid, excoriating, with scrofulous ophthalmia, IMere; thick mucus is blown from nose, INatr. e; blows out much thick mucus, mixed with blood and pus, .£ .-yu? mucus tough, ropy and bloody, IKali bi.; yellow, Sarrae, ISep.; yellow, pu- trid, worse in evening, Bufo. 8®* Nose ozaena. Coryza, in grippe: 8@~ influenza. Coryza, secretion hardens: 8§T dry, lumpy • also Nose clinkers, clots, scabs Coryza, in hay fever: Ailant, lArs, Ars. i. Arum t, IBrom., Cycl, Dulc, Euphor,IEuph. IGels, Kali bi. Kali iod,Mar. v., Natr. m, Psor, Ran. b, Rhus, ISabad., ISang, Sil. Mnap, Sticta; yearly, in August, worse in morning, with sneezing, HCepa; cut grass or newly mown hay cannot be near, IDulc; nlw fri-nl affe^ed °r alter™tely 'with the * lu lblnaPv Wlth rawness in chest, ICarbo v.;at the seaside, IDule;with morning sneez- ing IGels.; rose cold with asthma, sick and faint from odor of flowers, ISang.; very sensi 7. NOSE. 251 tive to odor of flowers and peaches, HCepa. 8€T" Nose, catarrh, sneezing; also Chap. 26, Hay asthma. Coryza, with headache: IIAcon, I Act. rac, HAgar., Ant. c, lArg. nit, lArs, Bell, IBry., ICale, llCepa, llChlor., ICinch, IFerr., Graph., IHydras, Hod., IKali bb, IKali c, IKali iod, Kalm., ILach, Lye, I IMere, IMere iod. rub, Merc, prot, Natr. a., IINux v, IRu- mex, Samb., ISang, Sub, ISpig, Sticta; and aching in eyes, sensitive to cold air, Act. rac; before discharge, ILach, ISticta; if checked (suppressed), I Aeon, IIBell., ICale; dull, with fever, IGels.; dull, worse in evening, better in open air, worse on entering a warm room, llCepa; heaviness in forehead, impatient mood, IINux v.; severe, in forehead, with red- ness of lids, ISabad.; pressing in forehead (measles), lEuph.; tension in forehead, ISul. ac; from suppressed, worse in open air or from exerting mind, ICinch.; stupefying, Con., ISabad.; heaviness in vertex, forehead and eyes, Jacar. 8@° Chap. 3, Headache catarrhal. Coryza, with anxiety about heart: ISpig. Coryza, with heat: 11 Agnus, Benz. ac, I lEup. pur, ISpig.; after flushes, in evening, ICepa; of head and face, IINux v.; after overheating, IBrom.; ineffectual efforts to sneeze, Guarsea; with thirst, llCepa. 8§p" burning, fever. Coryza, with hoarseness: 11 Ars., Arum m, IBenz. ac, IBry, Calab, Cale, HCarbo v., IICaust,Cham.,Dig,Dulc, lEup.pur., Kalm., IKali b., I IKali e, IIMang, IMere iod. rub, INatr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ac, I IRumex, ISpig., ISpong, IZinc; and bronchial catarrh, HPhos.; follows hoarseness, Viol.; and head- ache, ISpig. Bgr throat; also Chap. 25, Hoarseness coryza. Coryza, with hunger: ISub ac. Coryza, ichorous: BSF" purulent. Coryza, in influenza (grippe): HArs, Brom, IBry., ICamph., Caps, ICarbo v., ICaust., llCepa, HChel, ICoff, IDulc, lEuphor., IIEup. pert, IFerr, IGels, Hep, Hydras, Iod, llpec, Lach, Lye, IMere, INatr. m., INuxv,I IPhell,HPhos,Phyt,IPuls,l IRhus, ISabad., ISamb., I ISang., ISeneg., Spig, ISticta, IStilling, Stram.; better in open air, Calc. s, INux v., IPuls.; better from outdoor exercise, Seneg.; with pain in back and limbs, IBry., IIEup. perf, IRhus; with pain in bones, IIEup. perf.; catarrhal, followed by bronchitis, IRumex ; with irritation in chest, worse evening and night,ISticta ; in children, sudden and great prostration, I Ars.; at begin- ning of coryza, with redness of eyes and lach- rymation, IPuls.; with cough at night, ICon.; more during day and after meals, IPhos.; ex- cessive and painful dryness of mucous mem- brane, ISticta ; during epidemic of toothache, with fever, IMere; with ringing in ears,ISib; with difficulty of hearing, ISib; epidemic, lEup. pert, HPhos, ISabad.; with pain in stomach and liver, Card, m.; with fever, headache, giddiness, furred tongue and sweat in bed, IMere iod.rub.; withheadache,IMerc iod. rub.; of inebriates, IIEup. pert; after abuse of mercury, IKali iod.; feels well in morning, worse in afternoon, better in open air, I ISticta ; neglected cases, ISul.; with facial neuralgia, ISpig.; of old people, 11 Eup. perf.; in cold, weak,debilitated persons, IHydras.; soft palate felt like dry leather, making deg- lutition painful, ISticta ; with prostration and weak pulse, IIEup. perf; secretions rapidly dried and formed scabby concretions, requir- ing great effort to discharge them, ISticta; skin bathed in sweat, 11 Eup. pert; surface pale and morbidly sensitive, I I Eup. perf; with vertigo, IMere iod. rub.; followed by weakness and hectic fever, in children, I lAbrot. 8^° fluent, hay fever; also Nose sneezing ; also Chap. 27, Influenza. Coryza, jelly-like : Selen. 8^"lumpy, thick. Coryza lachrymation : 8SP" eyes. Coryza, from left nostril: Jugb, Thlaspi; in polypus, IMar. v.; with sore eye, I IZinc; from left to right, Cepa. Coryza, discharge quickly liquefies: Stram. Coryza, lumpy: ;Calc s.; adherent phlegm blown out in small lumps, Petrol.; clear mas- ses, IKali bb; hard masses or crusts, IGraph.; right nostril filled with hard masses, IKali bb; shining, I I Arund.; thick, 11 Arund.; copi- ous thick mucous masses during day, and ob- struction of nose at night, INatr. e; white masses, 11 Arund.; small, greater part tough and ropy, passes down posterior nares into throat, and is hawked up with difficulty and disgust (nasalcatarrh), IKalibi. S^'dry, purulent, thick ; also Nose clinkers, clots, ozaena. Coryza, in measles: Crotal, lEuph, IIGels, IKali bi, Lach., Merc,IPuls, Sabad, ISpong.; after measles, lArg. met. Coryza, menses: before, IMagn e; during, IGraph., IKali e Coryza, in morning: lArum t; on awaking, Ast. r.; early, Cornus; severe, Myr. cer.; worse, Ast. r, IBar. c, Berb., ICycl, IINux v, IPhos, Sars, ISquilla, Sumb.; worse toward morning, 3 a.m., Amm. e Coryza, with stiff neck: preceded by beating headache, worse in vertex and right side, with heat, Ars., IBelb, Dulc, IILach, I ILachn, ILye, INux v, IRhus, I ISul. Coryza, in nervous persons: IGels, llgn. Coryza, at night: IIMerc; accumulation of mu- cus, particularly at night, with salty expecto- ration in morning (posterior nasal catarrh), INatr. s.; worse at night, when nose is ob- structed, INatr. e 8®° evening. Coryza, obstruction: 8®" dry» also Nose stoppage. Coryza, very sensitive to odors : Bi^ hay fever. Coryza, offensive : figf* fetid. Coryza, periodic : on alternate days, INatr. e; often returning, ISib; yearly, IBrom. Coryza, plugs: 8®" Nose plugs. Coryza, profuse: Ananth, HArs, Bry, llCepa, Chin, a, Ferr. iod. Hod, IKali m, INatr. c, IINatr. m., I Nitr. ae, HPhos, IPuls., ISenecio, Ver.* v.; in chronic catarrh, -Cop.; causes coughing and suffocative fits on lying down, ISpig.; in diphtheria, IMere cor.; with in- flammation of right eye, ICinnab.; flowing into fauces, IPhos.; in ague, lElat; with smarting lachrymation and photophobia, Euph.; from left nostril (polypus), IMar. v.; worse in morning,Berb.; in scarlatina, ICepa ; so profuse as to be removed in long, tenacious shreds or pieces, Hydras.; sticky, tough, white mucus in mass, 11 Lac e; with raw throat,IZine 252 7. NOSE. Coryza, purulent: I Arg. nit., Aur. mur. nat., IBerb, ICale, ICale s, ICoccul, ICon, IFerr, IGraph, IIHep, IHippoz, IHydras, llpom., IKali bi, IKali iod, IKali s, ILye, IIMerc, INitr. ac, IPetrol., IPsor, IPuls, Sang, ISep, ISil, ISub; bloody, IHydras, Phos. ac, I IStic- ta; bloody, in chronic catarrh, ICale; brownish yellow, Hippoz.; thick, dark brown semi-fluid, from upper left nostril, fetid, once a week, IKali s.; profuse nocturnal, like gonorrhoea, staining greenish yellow, I ILac c; ichorous, oozes out, in second stage of scarlatina, ICepa ; ichorous, every forenoon, Ailant.; ichorous, begins in right nostril (scarlatina; diphtheria), ILye; ichorous, ^in scarlatina, 11 Arum t, INitr. ac; ichorous, when singing, in conva- lescence from scarlatina, ICepa; copious, thin, ichorous, without fetor, I lAilant.; ichorous, with swelling of glands of throat, in scarla- tina, IRhus; from left nostril, with cough, Uran. n.; muco-purulent, with excoriation of upper lip and alse nasi (scrofulosis of chil- dren), IStilling.; at first watery, then muco- purulent, with soreness of mucous membrane, followed by a small abscess on inside of right nostril, Stilling.; thick muco-purulent from one nostril, better in dry weather, worse at approach of rain, or in change of weather, after abuse of mercury, IHep.; in rheumatic ophthalmia, IColoe; from right nostril, IPuls.; fluid, in ozsena spyhilitica, I Aur. mur.; white, I Arg. nit.; whitish yellow (tuberculosis), ICale 8@"yellow; also Nose catarrh, ozaena. Coryza, from right nostril: after a bath, better outdoors, Calc. s.; worse on right side (oph- thalmia after chill), lEuph. Coryza, ropy : 8®" tenacious. Coryza, rose cold: 8©"° hay fever. Coryza, scales: 8®" Nose scales. Coryza, scanty: Astac, IKaob; in room, pro- fuse outdoors, IHydras. 8@° dry. Coryza, in scarlatina: I lAilant, I Amm. c, IIArumt,ICaps, ICepa, Mur. ac, INitr. ac, HPhos, 11 Phyt, IIRhus. 8®" acrid. Coryza, from one side only: Alum, Hippoz, HPhos, IPhyt. Coryza, with sleepiness: especially during day and after eating, IPhos. BSP yawning. Coryza, with sleeplessness: IIAcon. Bisr* night. Coryza, smell: increased sense of, IKalm.; loss of, Alum, Amm. m., Anac, Ant. sul. aur. Ant. t, Bry., ICale, ICham, Cycl, Gels, IIHep, Kali bb, Magn.m., Mez., INatr. c, IINatr. m, INux v., Psor, IIPuls, ISang., ISep, ISil, ISul, ISul. ac. Coryza, sneezing: 8®* Nose sneezing. Coryza, with snuffling: 8®° dry ; also Nose stoppage. Coryza, in spring: ICepa, IGels. Coryza, like boiled starch: I Arg. nit, INatr. m. Coryza, sticky: 8^° glutinous, tenacious. Coryza, stringy: mucus, ICroe, IHydras, Kali bi. 8§^"* tenacious, glutinous. Coryza, sudden: Thuya; at 4 p.m., Apis ; in evening, after lying down, IZinc; attacks of profuse, watery, bland, with frequent sneez- ing, IPlant.; yellowish water from right, Plant. Coryza, in summer: with violent sneezing in morning, IGels. Coryza, suppressed : complaints from, I Aeon, IILach.; asthma, as if there were dust in air worse after midnight, and from motion, I Ars, congestion of brain, IKali iod.; headache, lAcon, ICale, Cinch.; gasping for air (asth- ma), I Ars.; croup, I ISamb. Coryza, worse from talking: lAcon. Coryza taste: loss of, Alumu, Ant. t ICale, Cycl. IHep, Magn. m INatr. c IINatr. m, I INux v., IPsor, IIPuls, Rhod, ISep ISil, ISul, ISub ae; pungent, of mucus, Berb. Coryza tenacious: ICanth ICham Cinnam Colch, Hippoz, IHydras., IIKali bi, IIKali iod, INatr. a.; in croup, ISpong.; can only be discharged through posterior nares, II lumb.; feels like a plug in nose, it nauseates him, better when stooping, Psor. B®~ glutinous. Coryza, thick: Agar., Bapt, Calc. s, ICoccus, : Cop, IHep, IHippoz., IHydras, IKali bi, IKali br, Kreo, Sars, Selen, Ziz.; worse right side, I ISang.; in membranous croup, •ISpong.; during day, Arum t; like white of egg, lAur. met.; flying out of nostrils when coughing, IBadiag.; large masses of clear mu- cus, if it ceases, headache, IKali bb; most from posterior nares (chronic catarrh), INatr. s.; in ozsena, INatr. s.; puslike, in syphilis, IKali bi.;in scarlatina, ICaps.; with loss of smell and taste, IHep, INatr. m.; copious, tenacious mucus, 11 Agar.; mucus, afterwards thin water, Staph.; white mucus, HLac e 8§^° lumpy, purulent. Coryza, thin : 8®° fluent. Coryza, with thirst: IIAcon, lArs, Diad. Coryza, threatening : g®° feeling. Coryza, throat: mucus goes into, dryness, IJEsc, Asaf, Coral, Jamb, IPhos., Samb, Sib, ISticta; ichorous, with glandular swelling, in scarlatina, IRhus, IZinc; rawness, with roughness of throat, like a file, on breathing, INitr.ac; preceded for one or two days by soreness, rawness and scraping, ILach.; scrap- ing in evening and night, when swallowing, ICarbo a.; scraping in throat, with crawling and creeping in nose, and sneezing, II Nux v.; sore, Act. rac, ICale p.; with sore throat and cough, IINitr. ae; with sore throat and dulness of head, HPhos.; tonsillitis following, ISabad. B®° diphtheria. Coryza, tough : g^= tenacious. Coryza, transparent: flgralbuminous, clear, glairy, glassy, -white. Coryza, viscid; 8€^~ glutinous, tenacious. Coryza, after vomiting: Ars. Coryza, watery: BgT fluent. Coryza, water: produced by cold, Fluor, ae; better after bathing in cold, Calc. s.; worse by salt water bathing, Med. Coryza, weather: after changeable,!Gels.; with every atmospheric change, IMyr.; on getting cold, I IGraph.; from slightest cold, I ISticta; occurs readily from exposure to cold, and is renewed daily, Benz. ac; from dry cold, or sitting in a cold place, especially from sitting on cold steps, IINux v.; worse from damp, IIMerc. 8@f air, wind. Coryza, wheylike: IFerr. SOT" lumpy. Coryza, white: Ars. s. r, I IBerb, Elaps, IHy- dras, Kali m, IINatr. m. BST" albuminous, glairy, glassy. Coryza, wind: from cold, dry, IIAcon, ISpong.; after riding against a cold west wind (croup), IKali bb; after damp northeasterly winds, 7. NOSE. 2K HCepa; easily takes cold, is constantly obliged to wrap head up, if he allows it to be uncovered during day, has stoppage of nose at night, INatr. m. 8gT* air, weather. Coryza,withyawning:ICarboa.8ggcrsleepiness. Coryza, yellow: Alum, lArg. nit., Aur. mur, IBerb, ICale s. Chin, a, Cinnab, Chlor, ICie, ICoccus, ] Cop, Graph., IHydras, Ind, Hod, IKali bb, IKali e, IKali s, ILye, Mez, Mur. ac, INatr. a., INatr. c, INitr. ac, IPhos, IPuls, Rhus, I ISang, ISep, Se- len, ISib, Stram, ISul., IThuya; during day, and in diphtheria, lArum t; fetid, IKali c, IIKali iod, INatr. e; fluid, I IBerb.; fluid, with cutting in forehead (catarrh), ISep.; greenish, Aur. mur.; becomes green on expos- ure to light, INatr. s.; greenish, in morning, IIPuls.; dry, hard, greenish mucus, lAlum.; large lumps of greenish mucus, ISep.; thick, greenish, Ferr. iod.; offensive, thick, green- ish, I ISyph.; oozing of greenish, fetid matter (laryngo tracheitis), I IPuls.; thick, greenish, musty smelling, ceasing to flow after a meal, INatr. c; ichorous, with swollen cervical glands, IRhus; from left nostril, Calc. s.; first from left nostril (diphtheria), ILach.; occasional, concretes on left nostril, with ex- ternal excoriation and internal ulceration, IKali iod.; lumps of mucus discharged from posterior nares, ICinnab.; mucous, with dry cough, Anag.; profuse, sour-smelling mucus, lAlum.; mostly from posterior nares, INatr. s.; like saffron, watery, Plant.; slimy, Kali s.; sticky matter drops from nostril, IHep.; stringy mucus in throat, IHydras.; tenacious mucus, worse left nostril, Sum.; thick, I Alum, HArs, Ars. m, Asim, lAur. met, Bar..c, IMur. ac, IPuls, IRhus ; thick, offensive, al- ternates with watery, worse in left nostril (ozaena), IKali s.; nostrils filled with thick mucus on awaking in morning, Apoe; fre- quent, thick, fetid mucus, IGraph.; thick, with great lassitude, IKali e; worse from left nostril, in pertussis, IBadiag.; constant, thick matter from left nostril, mostly early in morn- ing, IKali bb; thick in morning, sometimes streaked with blood, offensive, lLach, thick, opaque mucus, as in old catarrh,is blown from nose in morning, IIPuls.; profuse, thick mu- cus, Eryng.; thick, profuse, fatty (nasal ca- tarrh), IILyc; thick, from right, on blowing nose (facial neuralgia), IIPuls.; thick, with swelling of glands of throat, in scarlatina, IRhus; thick, in sore throat, IMere cor.; thick, after variola, ICale; thin, at times bloody, causing soreness and burning, IMez.; whitish, IMere iod. rub. 8©° purulent. NOSE, abscess: ICale, IHep., IMere, ISib; at root, near inner canthus, as if a lachrymal fistula would form, IPuls.; angry gather- ing in and under left nostril, discharges mat- ter and blood, and scabbing over before dis- charge, shooting (sick headache), ILac e; small, on inside of right nostril, after catarrhal discharge, Stilling. B@~ inflammation. Nose, aching: above, IHep.; on going to bed, after writing her symptoms, Lyss.; in dorsum, as of a stone pressing, better from pressure, Agnus; dull, to forehead, lElaps; at root, with acrid discharge, IKali bi.; sharp, above root, Asar. 8^** pain undefined ; also Chapter 3, Forehead glabella, and sinuses. Nose, air: sensitive to, Osm.; cold causes feel- ing of corrosion, Bufo.; sensitive when inhal- ing, Psor.; sensitive to inhaled air (coryza), jEsc. h.; inspired air feels cold, HCorab; fine streaming like warm air on left side, Ars. met.; of room, when walking, seems cooler, Camph.; interior painful, sensitive to air and touch, IHep.; as if air were too sharp, Brach. 8^" Coryza air. Nose, biting : above, in hay asthma, ICarbo v.; in margins, particularly septum, 11 Aph. ch.; on skin, near, IMez. Nose, black nostrils: IColch.; in typhoid, IVer.; in pneumonia, I Ant. t. g@T smoky. Nose, bleeding (epistaxis): Acet. ac, lAcon, Agar., Aloe, 11 Alum, Amb., Amm. c, Anac, I Ant. e, Ant. sul. aur, 11 Ant. t, I Arg. met, HArn, lArs, Aur. met, IBapt, IBell, Benz. ae, IBerb., Bor., Bov, Brom., IBry, Bufo, HCact, Cadm. s, HCale, Calc. s., ICamph, Cann. s. Caps, Carbo a., ICarbo v., Card, m, ICepa, ICham., Chin, s., HCinch, Cinnam, ICon, ICop, ICroe, ICrotal, Diad, IDig., Dulc, Elaps, lErig, IFerr., IFerr.ph, IGlon, IGraph, I IHam, IHekla, IHydras., Ind, Hod., llpec, IKali bi, IKali c, IKali iod., Kali n, IKreos, IILach, Lachn, ILact ac, ILed., Lobel. i, ILye, Magn. e, IIMed, Melib,Meph,IMere, HMillef, IMosch, Natr. c, INatr. m., Natr. s, IINitr. ac, Nitrum, INux m, INux v, OSnan., HPhos, IPhos. ac, IPuls, Ratan, IRhus, IRumex, Sars, HSec, ISep,ISib, I ISpig., I ISticta, I IStram, Stront,ISul, ISul.ae, Tarant, IVer, Zinc; in afternoon, ICale p., Carbo a., ILye, INatr. s, Nitr.; at 3 p.m., ISub; at 4 p.m., return- ing at intervals, (diphtheria), I ILac e; in anaemia, ICarbo v.JICinch, IIFerr, IPuls, ISee; in anaemic patients, subsequent to ebul- litions, IFerr.; in bed, after waking, Aloe.; black, ICarbo v., I ICroe, IKreo., ILach, IMere,INitr. ac, I INux m, Stram, Tarant; black, thick, HCroc,IMerc,l INux v., I IPuls.; black, thin, ICrotal, IHam, ILach., INitr. ac, HSec, ISul. ae; black, flows in steady stream, copious, lElaps ; from blowing nose, Arg. met, HArn, Bov, Ind, Spong.; blowing blood from one nostril, Ascl. t; blood is blown from nose, lAur.mur., Bar. c,IGraph,HPhos, I ISep., Thuya, Zinc; blowing drops of blood, Bov.; as if blood would issue through nose when blowing it, better supporting head with hands and at sunset, worse walking in open air, Lil. tig.; blowing blood in mornings, ICaust, IILach, IPuls.; blowing of blood in purpura hemorrhagica, ICrotal, IILach, IPhos.; blow- ing bright red blood, Carbol ae; when blown violently (nasal catarrh), lElaps ; after a blow, II Am., lElaps, IHam, ISep.; in boys, lAbrot, Cop.; in inflammation of brain, I I Puis.; bright red (arterial), lAcon, Dulc, lElaps, IIErig, IFerr. ph, lllpec, IIKreo, IILach., Mez, IMillef, Natr. s.; bright red, from left nostril, then a dark clot, while sitting, writing, Diose; bright red, with salivation, IHyos.; as if blood would burst out on stooping, Lactae; in cachectic persons, ISul. ae; with oppression of chest, Act. sp.; followed by pain in chest, ICarbo v.; relieves symptoms, Brom.; in children, IFerr. ph.; in children who develop too rapidly or slowly, Croc; in children, passive venous, IHam.; after chill (tertian NOSE. intermittent), IHep.; in chorea, ILach.; dur- ing climaxis, Arg. nit, IILach, ISul.ac,ISub; blood coagulated, lArg. nit, ICham., IFerr, IFerr. mur. Lye, Lyss, IMere, I INatr. m., INitr. ac, IPuls, IRhus ; coagulating, hang- ing like black icicles, ICroe, Kali bi, IMere; coagulated, black, each drop sinking like a bullet, Tarant; worse from smelling coffee, ISub ae; after taking cold, ICon.; hem- orrhagic collections on mucous membrane, 11 Anthrac; feels congested, asif about to bleed, in coryza, Xan.; with conjunctivitis, IHam.; bloody froth, in convulsions, I IGman.; continually, for five days and nights, blood thin dark (purpura heemorrhagica), I ITe- reb.; in coryza, Ant. t, IIMerc, ISenecio ; with dry coryza or alternation of fluent and dry, IPuls.; during cough, Bell., Dros, IMere, INux v., IPuls, Sarrae, ISub; better by cough, Melib; with dry cough, In- dig.; when coughing at night, INatr. m.; in whooping cough, HArn, IBry, ICoral, ICochl, ICrotal, IDros, llpec, IMere, IMur. ac, INux v., Spong., IStram.; with coughing up of clear blood (pneumonia), IFerr. ph.; blood dark, Bism., ICina, I ICrotal, IHam., IILach, INuxm, INux v.,Selen.; dark, after blowing, Cinnab.; dark, coagulated, ICham, IPlat; dark, in lumps, Strain.; dark, runs continuously, with prostration, small, thread- like pulse, HSec; dark and putrid, in diph- theria, IMur. ac; dark, with headache, in typhoid, IIRhus; oozing of dark blood,IHam.; after debauch, ICarbo v.; from debility,!Car- bo v, HSec; in diphtheria, Ars, ICarbo v., ICinch, ICrotal, I IHydras, llgn, I I Kali m, ILach., IMere cy., INitr. ae; in diphtheria, following detachment of membrane from nose, IPhos.; a few drops of clear blood from left nostril, Berb.; several drops of thin blood, on blowing, in morning, lArn.; in drunkards, HSec; occurs easily, ICarbo v., ICon.; easily, in mental derangement,ICon.; aftereating din- ner, Amm. c, Arg. met.; for a short time, on blowing nose after dinner, followed by stupe- faction in forehead, as from a stroke of apo- plexy, with swimming of objects before eyes, Zinc; during dinner, Spong.; with frequent ebullitions, ICon.; during attack of epilepsy, I Caust; in evening, Ante, Bor., Coff,IColch., Diose,Dros,IFerr,l ILach,ILyc,IPhos,Sep, ISub, ISub ac; in evening, after rush of blood to head, and heat of face, IGraph.; relieved eye symptoms, Brom.; excited by emotions, ICarbo v.; copious,after every exertion, 11 Arn, IRhus; from exertion, especially straining at stool (purpura), I IPhos.; preceded by feeling of contraction above and between eyebrows soon after eating meat, Vace; with flushes of face, vertigo, or fainting, Crotal.; face pale after, ICarbo v., HCinch.; face pale before every attack, ICarbo v.; redness of face, IMelil.; when washing face, Amm. c, IKali e; after washing face, HArn.; before fainting, ICarbo v.; nearly producing fainting, Bufo., Sarrae; especially from a fall or blow, Acet. ac; dur- ing fever, one attack followed another once or twice in twenty-four hours, usually at night, loss of blood alarmingly great, every attack preceded by intense redness of face and throbbing of carotids, I IMelil.; in a strong man, with fever and miliary eruption, IHam.; after fever, ICarbo v.; in febris nervosa stu- pida, Melib; in typhus, HArn, IIBapt,IBry, IChin. s., Crotal, Chloral, Cup. in, IGels, I ILach, IPhos. ac, IRhus ; preceded by dul- ness and pressure in forehead, ICroe, Sabina; with fulness in forehead, IIBry.; with heavi- ness and throbbing in forehead, IKreo.; with crowding pressure in forehead between eyes, IIHam.; frequent, ICarbo v, HCinch., IKali c, Lyss, IMere cor,HNitr. ac,IPuls, IRhus, I ITelb, Vinca; frequent, principally in after- noon, ILye; frequent (retronasal catarrh), Bar. c; frequent, without cause, or after sud- den movement (purpura), IPhos.; frequent, in chorea, I ITarant; frequent, especially in florid, scrofulous people, Bar. e; frequent, in hydrocephaloid, llpec; frequent and copious, with scurvy, ISinap.; with benumbed sensa- tion over whole os frontis, IIHam.; as if it were going to bleed, with peculiar taste, at 2 and 8 p.m., Calab.; with headache, IIAcon, HAgar., ICinnab.; after headache, Melib; re- lieves headache, IHam, IMelil, Petrol.; with congestive headache, IBry.; with headache,in morning, HSepia ; with congestion to head, ICroe, IMillef, INux v. Pic. ae; after rash of blood to head, lAnt. c, ICarbo v.; relieves confusion of head, ICham.; when head feels full (diseased submaxillary gland),IKali iod.; with heaviness of head, 11 Natr. s.; with heavi- ness of head and ill humor, iCoff.; during heat,IArs.; when becomingoverheated,ISep.; in hemicrania, right side, Bufo.; with hemor- rhoids, ISep.; from suppressed hemorrhoidal flow, INux v.; hot, clear blood, IDulc; in in- fluenza, llpec, IPhos.; with every fresh cold, ISib; excited by jarring, ICarbo v.; left side, Amyb, Asaf, Caust, IHydras, Rhod., Tarax., Thlaspi; first left side, child weak from loss of blood, IHam.; bleeding from left, when washing hands and face in morning (undeveloped measles), 11 Amm. e; from left, preceded by itching, Amm. m.; from left, bright red, thick, after sneezing, Bapt.; lips dry, IHam.; from mechanical causes, HArn.; with amenorrhcea, Bry, Ham, IILach., IPhos., IIPuls, ISep.; with amenorrhcea, after catching cold, IRhus; before menses, IIBar. c. Hydras., IILach, INatr. s., ISul, Ver.; during menses, Amb., INatr. s, ISub; during menses, in young girls, ISep.; in place of menses, IBry, ILach.; with. suppressed menses, Bry, ICon, IGels., IPuls.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IRhus; in morning, Agnus, Amm. c. Bell, Berb, Bor, IBov., Bry, ICale, Canth, Caps, ICarbo a, Carbo v.,ICinch, Colch, Dros. ,Hep,Hippom, IKreo., ILact ac, ILach, Natr. c,IINitr. ac, INux v., IPhos, IRhus, ISep, IStann, ISul, Thuya ; every morning at 9, IKali e; in morning, on getting awake, Ast. r.; in morn- ing, on awaking, blood florid (vicarious menstruation, scarlatina), IBry.; in morning, in bed, ICaps.; in morning, with running co- ryza, IGraph.; in morning, with nasal catarrh, ICale; early in morning, lAmb., IPhos.; in morning, with tightness of bridge of nose, IIHam.; in morning, more from right side, IMagn. e; in morning, on rising, after blow- ing, HCinch.; in morning, after rising IBry ; in morning, on stooping, IFerr.; in morning and evening, Diose; hemorrhages from mu- 7. NOSE. 255 cous membrane, I ISul. ac; in chronic inflam- mation of naso-pharyngeal mucous membrane, lElaps ; with nausea, in typhus, ILach.; with neuralgia, commencing in temples and ex- tending down ramus of inferior maxilla and posteriorly to occiput, with chill every morn- ing, IINux v.; at night, IBell, ICarbo v., I IGraph, Kali m, Magn. m, Natr. m., Natr. s., INitr.ac, IRhus ; at night, with a stream from chest to head, like a gust of wind, Millet; at night, in children, IBelb; at night, with diminution of headache, Magn. s.; one nostril at a time, especially at night, Coral.- right- sided, at night in sleep, IVer.; with pressure at root of nose, Ruta; with swollen nose, IBry.; in old people, ICarbo v, HSec, ISul. ac.; in old people, relaxed bloodvessels, I Agar.; oozing, Anthrac; oozing, dark, thin, ISubac; oozing, dark, in typhus, IBapt.; in chronic otorrhcea and ozaena, lElaps ; with ulcerative ozaena, ISang.; pale, I IBar.,ICarbo a, Crotal., Dig, Dulc, Hyos,Kreo, Lachn.,Led, Sabad.; with palpitation, IGraph.; parenchymatous, IIAlum.; passive, in children, ITereb.; pas- sive, non-coagulable, IHam.; passive, fre- quent, Thlaspi; passive, profuse, ITrilb; peri- odic, several times daily for weeks, ICarbo v.; periodic, several times a day, often quite profuse, HPhos.; for seven days, ISub; peri- odic, every few minutes (pneumonia), IMelil.; at irregular intervals of from 6 to 24 hours, pale, enfeebled, IHam.; with polypus, IMar. v.;from predisposition, I IKali ph.; during preg- nancy, Cocc, ISep.; profuse, ICarbo v., I pHam, IPuls, Sabad.; profuse, soon ceasing, ICact.; profuse, in place of chill (intermittent), Natr. m.; profuse, toward morning (typhus), lApis ; profuse, in morning in bed (old lady), I Amb.; profuse, in diphtheria, IMerecy.; profuse and frequent, IIPuls.; profuse, frequent, almost to faintness, HCale; profuse and frequent, with general relief, I IMelil.; profuse, in morning, ICaust, INatr. m.; profuse, blood pale, Lachn.; profuse while walking, lElaps ; in tall slim girls, approaching puberty, IPhos.; with quick pulse, IHam.; with small intermittent pulse, ICarbo v.; with irregular, small, contracted pulse, IKali bb; with purpura hemorrhagica, ICrotal, IHam, ILach., HPhos.; repeated, in purpura, with bluish-red lentil-shaped spots over body, I IRhus ; with oppressed respira- tion, IHam.; from right, Kali m.; from right, for several days in succession, weakening (un- developed measles), 11 Amm. e; from right, with inflammation, after abuse of mercury, ICon.; fromright, in tuberculosis, ICale; from right to left, 11 Coca; from right, in morning, IKali bb; sometimes on right side only (pneu- monia), ICup. m.; in scarlatina, HArum t, ICrotal.; in scrofulous persons, subject to cold in head, ICale; with vanishing of sight, lOxal. ae; after singing, IHep.; with sleepiness, IKreo.; during sleep, IBry, IMere, Natr. s., INitr. ac. Puis, Sul, Ver.; during sleep, preceded by red cheeks and headache, INux v.; after sneezing, Bov., ICon.; when speaking, in diphtheria, I ILac e; with blood- spitting, Ferr. ph.; alternating with spitting of blood, IFerr.; severe, spontaneous, of small boys, Cop.; in spring, ICon.; as if blood would spout from nose, Lact. ac; after straining at stool. ICarbo v.; during straining at stool, ICoff., IPhos., IRhus ; when stooping, Diose, INatr. m., INux v, IRhus; when stooping, with amenorrhcea, 1101. jec; stops and returns often, INatr. s.; streak of pure blood, Asar, ICale p.; dark, stringy blood, ICroe, IMere; sudden, lElaps ; when swallowing, in diph- theria, I ILac e; on swallowing, as if tonsils were sore like a wound, with stinging through ears, IILach.; after profuse sweat, HPhos.; in syphilis, I Anag.; after extraction of tooth, IKreo.; tenacious, ICroe, IIMerc, I I Sec, IVer.; tenacious, thick black blood, every drop drawn into a thread, with cold sweat in large drops on forehead, I ICroe; tendency, Gamb.; tendency, in old or intemperate sub- jects, Crotal.; thick, dark red blood, IKali bb; thin blood, ICarbo v.; thin, bright red blood, IKreo.; with tickling, on blowing, IILach.; caused by slight touch, ICie; uncontrollable, Ant. t; aching in vagina after nosebleed, Calc. p.; of venous blood, several times a day (diphtheria), ILach.; with vertigo, lAnt. e, Brom.; after vertigo, ICarbo a.; with verti- go in morning, ISub; with vertigo, afterwards nose sore to touch, ISub; vicarious, Bry, IIHam, ILach, HPhos., IPuls.; violent, Sep.; violent, in albuminuria (typhus), ITe- reb.; violent, in endocarditis, I ISpig.; violent, with dull headache (septic fever, scarlatina), ITereb.; violent, after mercury, IIKali iod.; violent, in morning (typhoid), ILach.; violent, follows excessive continued sneezing, llndig.; violent, in young persons, IChin. s.; after vomiting, Ars.; on washing, Ant. sul. aur.; on washing face, Amm. c, HArn, IKali c; from weakness, 11 Kali ph.; when weeping, INitr. ac; worse after getting wet, IDulc, IPuls, IRhus ; in young persons, IChin. s.; in young women, HSec; from overwork at desk, lAgar.; with worm symptoms, ICina, IMere, I ISpig, Tereb.; at onset and course of zymotic and septic diseases, ICrotal. Nose, blowing: causes bleeding, Arg. met., HArn, Bov, Ind, Spong.; does not re- lieve, Ferr. iod.; aggravates pain deep in chest, Chel.; constant desire, IBor, IHydras.; constant desire, but no discharge, on account of dryness, I ISticta; effort caused sensation as if ear were closed, ICale; causes cracking in ears, IHep., Kali m.; worse pain in ears, Diose; causes darting to ear, ICale; relieves momentary obstruction in ears, IMere; often in evening, much mucus remains in choanae, I ILith.; affects eye, Caust,; frequent, lArn., Therid.; sensation of a hard substance, com- pelling to blow, but no discharge, IKali bb; irritation, Amm. m.; causes pain in kidney, ICale p.; masses of hard, dry mucus every morning, followed by quantities of offensive smelling pus (nasal catarrh), HSil.; must fre- quently blow thin mucus, Cepa; causes press- ure in perineum, Alum.; squeaking as if air were forced through mucus (nasal polypi), IMar. v.; causes involuntary emission of urine, IZinc; causes headache, worse in open air, IChel. 8@~ bleeding. Nose, bluish: Agar.; in cholera infantum, IVer.; in typhus, I Aur. met.; in quotidian fever, IIPuls.; in summer complaint, I Ars.; point, with swelling and coldness, in old inebriates, or in zymosis, ICrotal.; wings of nose, Ant. t, Hydr. ac. 8®" Chap. 8, Face bluish. 256 7. NOSE. Nose, boils: Cadm. s.; bloodboils, Alum.; on tip, Ananth.; small, Sars.; small, inside of tip, ICarbo a.; small pus-boils in right side, Sars.; small, in upper and forepart of left, towards tip, Bor. B®*" eruption pustules. Nose, bones : affections, I Aur. mur. nat.; sensa- tion of action in them, Med.; scrofulous affec- tions, I Aur. met.; syphilitic affections, I Aur. met, IHekla; boring (ozaena), lAur.met; bor- ing, gnawing, extending to forehead, IKali iod.; boring, left side, towards maxilla, I Aur. met.; as if bruised, Arg. nit.; burning, espe- cially at root and in malar region, 11 Natr. m.; burning, with swelling, IIKali iod.; caries, I Asaf, HAur. met, I Aur. mur, I Aur. mur. nat, Cadm. s, • Hippoz, IMere iod. rub.; syphilitic caries of septum, IKali bi.; as if com- pressed, Arg. met.; left, cramplike pain, ex- tends over eyeball, 11 Am.; fears destruction, I ILac e; inflammation, Ananth, Asaf, IStil- ling.; necrosis, IPhos, IStilling.; necrosis, discharge of bone as large as a pea from left, IHep.; numb feeling, Amyb; painful, lAur. met., Benz. ac, ICarbo a, Guaiae; pain in right, tEsc. h.; pressed asunder on left side (polypus), IMar. v, pressing pain, Cast, eq.; painful on both sides, as if nose would be forced asunder, IPuls.; pressure, with dry feeling in nose, IKali bb; pressive pain under left, extendsover eyeball, 11 Arn.; pain as from pressing asunder, above, Prun.; pressure in right, in evening, Sub; pressing pain over (coryza), ICycb; pricking, ICornus; pricking in left, extends over eyeball, HArn.; as if rent asunder, IColch.; sensitive, Aur. mur.; very sore, especially to pressure, Cup. ars.; soreness in left, JEsc. h.; sore on pressure, I ILac e; alternately boring, sticking, griping, lightning-like piercing, Thuya; stitches toward, HCale; creeping stitches in left, Spong.; swelling, HPhos.; swelling, painful when taken hold of, IMere; caries from sy- philis or scrofulosis, ISil.; tearing with nau- sea, IKalm.; painful to touch (caries), HAur. met.; painful to tonch,IHep.; throbbing, with swelling, IIKali iod.; turbinated bones swol- len, IHydras, IMere iod. rub. Nose, boring: with fingers, lArum t, HCina, Con, Phos. ac, Selen, Ver, IZinc; during delirium in typhoid, I Arum t; in right, fol- lowed by excessive sneezing, Psor.; desire to bore into side (catarrh of lachrymal sac), I Arum t. Nose, boring pain: in root, with headache every morning, IHep.; above root, Sul.; head- ache at root, extending down nose, from within, worse in afternoon and after eating, better from cold drinks, motion and bathing, Bism.; at root, caused momentary numbness (affection of sympathetic nervous system), I IPhos.; sudden, in right side, Camph. Nose, breathing : labored, ISabad.; loud, in tu- berculosis, HCale; snoring, ISabad.; breath first hot then cold, IMere per. g@F dryness, stoppage ; also Coryza dry ; Chap. 26, Breathing nose, and Chap. 37, Sleep snoring. Nose, brown : in typhoid, IPhos. B^'saddle. Nose feels bruised : Lyss., Act. sp.; as if beaten, Ars. m.; better temporarily by rubbing, I Ars.; when touching, Bell. Nose, burning: I Ars, I Aur. met, Aur. mur., Calab, Cina, ICist, Clem, IHep, IKali c, IMagn. m., Merc, per., I INatr. m., INatr. s., INitr. ae, Syph.; in ate, INitr. ae; in ate, in stricture of oesophagus, I IKali c; on blowing, with dry cough, Sars.; worse from deep breathing, sneezing, or touch, and in morn- ing IMagn. m.; corrosive, in a small spot, Calad.; in coryza, Aloe, iEsc. h, HArs.; followed by thin nasal discharge, which relieves, Psor.; in dorsum, with confusion in left side of head, IColoe; in edges (co- ryza), ICepa; as from horseradish, followed by running of water, in evening, Pallad.; in inner walls, Arund.; in chronic inflammation of mucous membrane, IKali bi.; of membrane, Arund.; in nostrils, Ananth, Apis, Aph. ch, Brach, Bufo, Card, m, ICrot. t; in nostrils, when breathing through them, Med.; in nostrils, in coryza, ISenecio; in edges of nostrils (coryza), ICepa; in edges of nostrils and septum, Aph. ch.; high up in nostrils (hay fever), I I Sinap.; beneath left nostril, so that breath seems to come out hot, Rhus; in left nostril, I ICist, IHydras.; in nostrils, in ptyriasis capitis, IMez.; in right nostril, Card. m.; as if nostrils were sore, ISub; in nostrils, with ozeena, after abuse of mercury, ICon.; with redness, and swelling at tip, Niccol.; more in right nostril, IHydras.; in right side of root, Lachn.; inside of root of nose, IKali bb; suddenly, as if scalded, Ars. m.; in sep- tum, Sub; caused by scanty acrid mucous dis- charge, IKali bb; sudden, in upper part, Calad.; in tip, Bell, Carb. s, 01. an.; in tip, flying up to forehead, Sib; in tip, worse dur- ing menses, ICarbo a.; as if raw, Carb. s.; in upper part, externally, Aur. mur. 8®°" heat; also Coryza acrid, burning. Nose, burrowing: from left side to root, IColoe Nose, as if it would burst: Asaf. Nose, cancer: I Alum, I Ars, lAur.met, ICale, IPhyt, ICarbo a.; epithelioma, ICarbol. ac; flat epithelial, size of bean, on leftside,ICund.; epithelial, on right ala, IKreo.; epithelioma size of half a dollar on right side, just under canthus, eye sympathetically affected, either through extension of disease or irritating dis- charge entrance of which was affected by slight destruction of edge of lower lid at can- thus, IKalis.; flat, on rightside,Euph.; lupus, lAlum., lAur. mur, ICaust, I IKali bb; lupus exedens, I ICist, I IThuya; lupus on left side, I IKreo.; "noli me tangere," IJugl, IPhyt. 8^** ozasna, tumors, ulceration. Nose, cartilages: affections, I Arg. met; blood- less, cold, Ictod.; exposed, necrosed, Hippoz.; at bridge, painful, especially on pressure,ICale Nose, catarrh: lAgar, lAlum., lAlumin, Amb, I Apis, Arg.nit, lAnt. sul. aur, 11 Ars,HArs.i, Asaf, HAur. met., lAur. mur, IBapt, IBar. m, Berb, IBrom, ICale, ICarbol. ac, ICastor, ICean, ICist, Cochl, Con, Cop., Coral, lElaps, lEup. pert, IFerr., IIFerr. iod, IFluor. ac, IForm, IGraph, IIHep, IHy- dras, Illic, Hod,IKali bi., IKali c, IKali iod, IKahm, IIKali s., ILach., Lobel. c, ILye, Magn. m, IMang, IMar. v, IMere iod. flav, IMere iod. rub, INatr. a, INatr. e, IINatr. m,l INatr.ph, INatr. s, INiccol., HNitr.ae, 01.jec, Osm, IPhos, Plumb., IPsor, IIPuls, ISang, Seneg, HSep, HSil, iSinap, 7. NOSE. 257 ISpig., ISul, ITherid, IThuya, Uran. n, Vace, Zinc; acrid discharge, makes upper lip sore, ILye; acrid, at night, IINitr. ac.; with rawness, of chest, ISub; in anaemic patients, IINatr. m.; with bland yellow discharge, chronic, I ISub; with difficult breathing, chronic, Ailant; with chilliness, ISub; with chilliness and nightly rheumatic pains, chronic, IKali iod.; from being chilled while overheated and perspiring, 11 Ars.; following a cold, with irritation of throat, and slight cough, I I Sang.; copious (osseous growth), ICale fl.; corroding, lllod, IINitr. ac; with costiveness, lEup. perf; with dry fatiguing cough (dentition), ICham.; with cough and expectoration of yellow green mucus, Psor.; with night cough, I INitr.ac; after diphtheria, I ISub; dry, ICarbo v., INatr.m, HSticta; dry chronic, ISpong, ISticta; with dry and painful fauces, chronic, I ISib; dry, in a dry atmosphere, IDulc; dry, in pertussis, IBry.; dry, with frequent sneezing, IKreo.; with dyspnoea, Amyb; from retrocession of an eruption, ISep.; with sore fauces, I Eup. perf; particulary in flabby lax-fibred persons, Gels.; fluent, Berb.; fluent, with sensation of fulness of upper part of nose, ILac e; fluent, with much sneezing, IIKreo.; frequent and con- stant attacks (rachitis, atrophy of children), IStaph.; frequent, scrofulosis, Iod.; with head- ache, heat in forehead, chilliness with much mucus in throat, IINux v.; with sticking headache, ILach.; with stitches in head to eyes and root of nose, IKali e; incipient, sneezing all day, especially children, ISabac; left side, chronic, ILach.; liable to, Acet. ac, ICale, IHippoz.; with swelling of upper lip, IINitr. ac; after measles, chronic, IThuya ; after mercury, IKali m.; mucus clear, like white of egg, IINatr. m.; mucus looking like melted tallow, leaving greasy looking spots on linen, ICorab; with copious thick yellow mucous discharge (leucorrhcea), fTLact. ac; obstinate, IHippoz.; obstinate, of left nostril, I IBerb.; of old people, chronic, I Alum, IKreo.; old, with yellowish viscous secretion, IKali s.; even when purulent and fetid, lEucab; worse on entering a room, and in evening, IIPuls.; with sanguinolent discharge, Crotal.; from excessive use of salt, INatr. m.; after scarlatina, chronic, IThuya ; with scar- latina or diphtheria, IINitr. ac; scrofulous, chronic, IKali iod.; scrofulous, chronic, in children, ICale p.; with ulceration of sep- tum, IFluor. ac; of frontal sinuses, Berb, Bry, ICale, ICup. m, IKali m, IKali iod., IILyc, IMere, HSil, I ISticta, INux v., I Verb.; with loss of smell, Aspar, IPuls, HSil.; with sneezing, Ziz.; with sneezing, fluent,pains in joints and burning on urinating, I IRan. sc.; stopped, with dry cough, INatr. e; stopped, with nausea and headache, IIGraph.; with stuffed condition and fulness at root of nose, IParis; sudden, HArs.; suppressed, HArs, 11 Senecio ; suppressed, maddening headache, IIBell.; syphilitic, chronic, IKali iod, IINitr. ac; with loss of taste, IPuls, ISib; with con- tinual running down throat, Med.; with sore throat (measles), ICarbo v.; thick (osseous growth), ICale ft; thin, lllod.; with hyper- trophied tonsils, after scarlet fever, IKali iod.; with inflammation of tonsils, chronic, HSil.; uvula swollen, chronic, HSil.; after variola, chronic, IThuya ; extends over tonsils, epi- glottis, glottis, and into tubes (angina tonsil- laris), IBar. m.; violent, with influenza, fol- lowed by bronchitis, IRumex; violent, of thin mucus, excoriating nose, especially day- time, Cain.; violent, with swelling of nose, ILye; watery, at night, IINitr. ac; from changes in weather, with headache, ICamph.; worse in cold, damp weather, INux m.; in rainy weather, ICepa ; from northeast wind, ICepa; of fifteen years' standing, I ISticta; yellow, IINitr. ae; greenish yellow (osseous growth), ICale fl.; yellow and thick, IILyc. g^° ozaena, posterior nares ; also Coryza. Nose, nostrils chapped 8@~ cracked. Nose, circles : red on root (paraplegia), lArs.; white around nose, IBell. Nose, cicatricial contraction of mucous mem- brane : Hippoz. Nose, clinkers: if allowed to remain a few days can be easily detached, but if pulled away causes soreness at root and intolerance of light, IIKali bb; from both nostrils in morning, I IPhyt. Nose, clots; hard, fetid, from nostrils, INatr. e Nose, sensation as of cobwebs : worse moving nose, and below nose, Brom. Nose, coldness: Ananth, I ICamph, Cann. i, I ICarbo v., Iod., Murex, IPlumb., Polyg, Polyp, ISil, ISpong, HStram, HVer, I IVer. v., Zinc; air feels cold in breathing, Ant. e, ICorab, Hippom, IHydras ; air pass- ing through seems icy cold, causes sneezing, Ananth.; in traumatic delirium, Lach.; in diphtheria, I ILac e; with white or yellowish discharge, Kali m.; gets cold in evening at 8 (quotidian ague), I I Tarax.; in intermittent, IPuls.; in typhus, ICamph.; in gastritis mu- cosa, in a child, lArs.; with hands cold and sweaty, INux v.; externally cold, internally hot, Arn.; in impending hydrocephaloid, ICinch.; icy, Ced, IVer.; feels cold internally, ICist.; icy, in gastralgia, ICamph.; with blue- ness and redness of tip (old inebriates; zymo- sis), ICrotal.; with heat of knees, llgn.; and pointed, in summer complaint and cholera, HCamph.; of tip, Aloe, ICale p, ICed, I ILo- bel. b, Med.; of tip, in evening, Apis ; of tip, in tertian ague, ILach.; of tip, in pneumonia, I Am.; as if touched by a metallic body, on a small space over root, ICinnab.; transient, Sub; must be wrapped in warm clothes, Ars.h. g^~ pinched, pointed, sweat; also Chap- ter 8, Face sunken. Nose, comedones: black pores, Graph, Sab, Selen, IISul. Nose, compressive pain: at root, Natr. a. 8^*" constriction, contractive, cramp, pinching, pressing. Nose, congestion: Alum, ICale, HSub; red- ness of Schneiderian membrane (hay fever), IKali bb; in scarlatina, I lAilant, I ICup. m.; feeling of congestion, Polyg. 8^°' heat, inflammation. Nose, constriction: IHelb; tensive constrict- ing sensation in nose, Spong. 8^"* compressive, contracting, cramp, pinching. Nose, contracting sensation : I IHep.; painful in coryza, Anac; painful in left, Caps.; alter- nate contraction and distension, inside, 17 258 7. NOSE. Bism.; alae nasi contracted, then expanded, IIHep., IMosch. 8®* compressive, constriction, cramps, dilated, pinching, tension. Nose, corrosive feeling in corners : Chlor.; as from something acrid, Plat. 8ST" excoriated. Nose, cracked (chapped): IMere s.; chronic, lAnthrok.; nostrils, I Ant e, I Aur. met, IPetrol.; tip, IIAlum, ICarbo a.; chronic fis- sures, lAnthrok.; in nostrils, deep, in chronic ozaena, I Aur. mur. Nose, crackling: Aeon. Nose, cramp : painful, Plat.; or pressure at root, I Aeon, Bapt, Bell.; at root, in dry coryza, IMang.; at root, with heat and red face, Plat. Bg^° compressive, contracting, pinching, pressing. Nose, crawling: lArg. met, Berb., I ICaps., ICham, IMar. v, Merc, per.; in cavities, as if coryza were breaking out, right to left, Aur. mur.; in cavities, with stuffed up nose (hay fever), IRan. b.; as in coryza, Sul.; in coryza, IINux v.; with fluent coryza, Bor., IZinc; until eye waters, ICham.; fine, on side,ICale; in left nostril, Arg. met.,ICarbo v.; violent, in right nostril, with lachrymation, IMar. v.; in right nostril, as before sneezing, Cepa ; in root, extending to eyebrows, Inul.; from root to tip, Camph.; causes sneezing, Ars. h.; with sneezing, IColch.; in tip, Mosch, Paeonia; squirming in nostrils, as from small worms, (hay asthma), INatr. m. 8®° irritation, itching, tickling, tingling. Nose, crowing: in nares, like vibrations of a string, Iod. Nose, crushing sensation at root: Ananth. Nose, crusts: g^" scabs. Nose, cutting: on inner margin of left ala, Zinc. Nose, darting: in root, from taking cold, IPhos. Nose, deadness: fi^*numbness. Nose, dented: infant, lAur. mur. Nose, digging : pain from left side to glabella, IColoe Nose, dilated nostrils: Calab.; during expira- tion, IFerr.; with each inspiration (diphthe- ria), IMere iod. flav.; open, in gastritis» mu- cosa in a child, I Ars.; wide open, HSpong.; in pneumonia, widely, I Ant. t B^T" motion. Nose, diphtheria: IHydras, IKali bb; mem- brane gray, IPetrol.; commenced, and ex- tended to right tonsil, then left, ILye; mem- brane in left, completely plugging it up (after apparent recovery), IHydras. Nose, discharge : glSp- Coryza. Nose, distending pain : Bar. e Nose, distorted: ISib; nostril, in apoplexy, ICoccul. Nose, drawing : Bapt,Caulo.; in bones, IColch.; passing into eyes, becoming smarting, IHep.; in left side, Camph.; in right nostril, after dinner, Zinc; in root, ICarbo v, ICale, Sil, IPhyt.; stupefying in root, extends to tip, where it tingles, Rheum; awakes at night with nose drawn to one side, ICrotal. Nose, drinking: 8®° fluids. Nose, dryness: Alum, lArs., Ars. h, Ars. b, Arund, Atrop. s, I lAur.met,Bar. c, Cann. s, ICham, IChel, Chlor, Cinch, bob, ICi- mex, Clem, Coccus, IColch., Con, ICycl, IDig, I IDios, Dros, lEuph., Hydr. ac, I IHyos, I IHyper, Hod, Ipom, Jugb, IKali bb, IKali c, IMang, I IMelil, Meph, INatr. s., Niccol., INitr. ac, IINux m, INux v, IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, IRumex, HSamb, Seneg, Sep, ISil, ISinap, ISpong, HSticta, ISul, Tell, Nan., Zinc; in acne rosacea, ICaust,; worse in afternoon and evening (hay fever), I I Sinap.; air passes through with great ease), IKali bb; as if too much air passed in, Therid.; alternately dry and fluent, ISib; an- noying, I IHyper.; of anterior nares, ICepa; on awaking, Ammoniac; of nostrils, which are dirty (inflammation of brain), I IHelb; with catarrh, ICale, INatr. a, I I Spig,l ISticta; as if he had taken cold, Ustil.; in coryza, As- par, ISenecio; before coryza, Chlor.; distress- ing, IMagn. m.; distressing, into frontal sin- uses, Vinca; in evening, Tromb.; in epistaxis, I IBerb.; excessive and painful, of mucous membrane (influenza), ISticta ; in prevailing fever, lAmm. m.; in typhoid, IPhos, I IPuls.; after checked foot sweat, ISib; extends to forehead and antrum, ISib; constant, with headache, ICact; with dull frontal headache, IBelb; with syphilitic headache, IIThuya; hot, IBelb; as if inflamed, ILith.; in influ- enza, ICheb; of left nostril, Kob.; worse in left nostril, Chel, ISinap.; long continued, Amb.; in morning, in bed, Aloe; with press- ure in nasal bones, IIKali bb; at night, moist during day, ICale; painful, IIGraph, IPhos, ISib; in pneumonia, IMere; with pressive sensation, as in commencement of stopped catarrh, extends to temples and affects head, IIKali bb; of nostrils, in pyaemia, I Ars.; of right nostril,Chrom. ac;in rheumatism,lAnt. t; of right nostril, I IGamb.; of right side, I IPetrol.; at root, Mane; in scarlatina, I Apis; secretion suppressed, Ailant; sensation of, Abac, IBell, Iodof, ILye, INatr. m. Petrol, Stram, Ver, Zing.; sensation of dryness, as if it would stick together, I IPhos.; of nostrils, skin desquamating, Carbo a.; with diminished senseof smell, IMez.; with sneezing, IIGraph.; with inclination to sneeze, Coccus; like snif- fles, Tromb.; in spinal disease, lAlum. met; with stoppage, Aeon, TrEup. pert, Ferr. iod, ILye; troublesome, Thuya. B@°" stoppage ; also Coryza dry. Nose, dull pain: at root, Arg. nit, Thlaspi; at roots, in catarrh, IBapt.; in side, with nervousness and depression, ICrotal. Nose, eruptions: Aur. met, Carb. s, I INatr. e, I ISyph.; acne, painful, Caps.; fever blisters, INatr. m, IRhus; burning, Apis; burning, with acne rosacea or eczema, ICaust.; chron- ic, Cadm. s.; coppery, ICarbo a.; in comers, IRhus; crusty, inside, ophthalmia, ICaust.; covered with crusts, I ISub; crusty, below, spread gradually through whiskers, and fi- nally to chin, nodous infiltrations and pus- tules without crusts, each pustule and node pierced by a hair which sits quite fast, roots ot riairs invested by microscopic fungus, tri- cophyton visible on pulling them out (men- tagra), 11 Sub; crusts, tetterlike, itching, burn- ing, smarting, ILed.; crusty on wingsriMere iod. rub.; eczema, ICist, ISep.; eczema im- petiginous, itching and burning, terribly swo en, presenting loathsome appearance, I ISub; eczema both sides, below, IIRhus HCheL fitf^T T &la? (intermittent) HChel., fine, Euph.; herpetic, ICale, ISpig.; 7. NOSE. 259 herpetic, on ate, INitr.ac, Sib; herpetic, at tip, 11 .Ethus.; herpetic, crusty, itching, burn- ing, IRhus ; herpetic, humid, Natr. c; her- petic, itching, on alas, INitr. ae; herpetic, like a saddle, Sub; humid, under, with stinging itching, Squilla; humid, on septum, discharg- ing moisture, which drying formed a light brown scab, skin dirty white, elevated with red areola, Vinca; itching, Apis; itching, un- der, as if caused by acrid discharge, Sars.; with chronic otorrhcea, lElaps; on left nostril, Sars.; painful on tip, ISep.; hard papulae on a red base, burning, itching, smarting, espe- cially in wet, cold weather (affection of lungs), I ISep.; papular, on lower portion of right nares, between ala and column, Chen, a.; red papules, Plant.; small pap- ules, yellowish, on mucous membrane, Hippoz.; pimples, IPhos.; pimples on ala?, Tarax.; a bad-looking pimple (pharyngeal catarrh), IMere; a pimple, with extensive in- flamed base, on top of, Fluor, ac; burning pimples on nostrils, Aph. ch.; little hard pim- ples on side, Agar.; pimples inside and. out, forming scurfs, Carbo a.; isolated pimples on sides, red, with circumscribed areola, de- pressed centre, became confluent where they were most dense, bleed when scabs come off, HSyph.; itching pimples, Pallad.; large pimples, surrounded by red swelling, Cann. s.; pimples on mucous membrane, I Kali c; oozing pimples, Oban.; painful pimple on tip, maturing slowly, after being squeezed it bleeds for a long time, Pallad.; red pimples on ate, Zing.; red pimples and pustules, worse as action of eye got better, and vice versa, IIRhus; large red pimples under right nos- tril, near septum, sore and smarting to touch, IMar. v.; many small, burning pimples under septum, with sensation as if acrid wrater flowed frcm nose, I INatr. m.; pimples, burn- ing and oozing, on septum, 01. an.; painful pimples on right side of septum, Calad.; pim- ples on side, Ast. r.; pimples on left side, Cund.; pimples in right side, Oxal. ae; single pimples, filling with pus, then drying up and disappearing, Coccul.; small pimples on root, ILed.; pimples, sore, acrid on end, ILye; sup- purating pimple on right, Sars.; pimple on tip, Asaf, HCaust, Cund.; pimples above tip, Pallad.; pimples under, Paris; pimples on wings, IINatr. m.; pimple on left wing, per- forated, and left opening as large as pea, IFluor. ae; pimples near wings, Pallad.; pocks become confluent, look turbid and filled with purulent liquid, and shrivelled, Vace; on point, Spong.; pustular, Ascl. t, Amm. c, j Bell, IPetrol, IPhos.; pustular, secreting a \ sanious irritating matter, llris; pustules on mucous membrane, terminating in erosion of perichondrium and perforation of septum and vomer, Hippoz.; a red pustule on right septum, sore when touched, Anac.; pustules on right side, Cund.; scurfy pustules under, Bov.; yellow pustules, size of a hemp seed, Hippoz.; red, sometimes dry, with thin crusts, sometimes oozing yellow drops, IHyper.; red, at times humid, IThuya; red, often peeling, I Aur. met; at root, under septum, when ear gets well (otorrhcea), I IPhos.; yellow saddle across bridge, ICarbo a, HSep.; scrofulous, in internal nose (ophthalmia), IIRhus; scurfy, I Aur. mur. nat, ICale, ILye, INatr. m.; scurfy, bleeding, IBrom.; scurfy, in coryza, IIMerc; scurfy, with some heat, Daph.; scurfy, in right nostril, I I Sars.; scurfy in right, half extends down on lip, with a deep fissure, sore and sensitive to touch, IHep.; scurfy sore, I Alum.; scurfy on tip, HCaust, INitr. ac, ISep.; scurfy under, IBar. e; scurfy, yel- low, ICie, IMagn. m.; small yellow scurf on each nostril, Hod.; on septum, plugging nos- tril, Crot. t; spots like flea bites on left nos- tril, in afternoon, Pallad.; spots like pimples, on upper right side, Euph.; stinging, Apis; tetter (after Calc), ISib; tetterlike, with jerk- ing and itching burning, Rhus ; tetter, oozing, Aur. mur. nat.; tubercles on alae, Hippoz.; tu- bercle on right ala, as large as a sixpence and covered with a thick crust, under which is yellowish matter mixed with blood (lupus exedens), IHydrocot; five tubercles, large as lentils, on both sides of root of nose (lupus exedens), IHydrocot.; vesicular, I IPlumb, ILach, IIRhus; vesicular, caused by colds, with wyatery contents, which burst and leave thin scurfs or crusts, INatr. m.; a group of vesicles on dorsum, itching, discharging pale, somewhat cloudy lymph, which forms a yel- lowish-brown acuminated scab, easily sepa- rated, but reappearing, scab attained size of small bean (rupia prominens), IMez.; vesicu- lar, with pressing pain, IMagn. e; vesicular, on right nostril, with malignant ulceration, ICarbo a.; vesicular, on ate nasi, forming scabs, 11 Chel.; vesicular on septum narium, Crotal.; a small vesicle on centre, ICarbol. ac; vesicular, on tip, INitr. ac; on wings, Thuya; on wings, worse in open air, Euph. 8®" abscesses, boils, erysipelas, scabs, spots. Nose, erysipelas: lApis, IGraph, Hippoz., Plumb, IRhus, Stram.; if he takes cold, I Aur. mur.; gangrenous, of external integuments, Hippoz.; erysipelatous looking, hard to touch, ICale; dark brown redness and swelling (poisoning by foul breath), lAnthrac; on right side, Stram. g^*Nose red. Nose, excoriated: Ars. h, Calc. s, IIGraph, IMere; ate, in hay fever, I ISinap.; ate, mith muco-purulent discharge (scrofulosis in children), IStilling.; constant, IMez.; corners, in diphtheria, IChin. a.; in coryza, Ars. met, IBrom.; excoriated feeling, IHydras.; inside, ISib; inside, in scarlatina, 11 Arum t; left nostril, with discharge of bloody mucus on blowing, I I Rhus ; left nostril, without, with occasional yellow discharge concreting on it, IKali iod.; nostrils, by constant watery discharge, ILac e; nostrils, in scrofula, I Ars.; with scrofulosis, Mez. BSiT'Coryza acrid. Nose, exfoliation of skin on dorsum: INatr. m. Nose, expansion: feeling as when walking out of doors, Carbol. ac. 8&° dilated. Nose, external: complaints on, I IBar. c. Nose, fissures. B^aT" cracked. Nose, fluids return on attempting to swallow: Ananth, IIArumt, Bell, IILach., IMere, IPhyt; in sequel of burn, ICanth.; in diph- theria, IKali perm, ILac c, ISul. ae; in sore throat, IMerecor, IILach.; in syphilis, I Kali bi. 8®° Chapter 13, Swallowing. Nose, food regurgitates on attempting to swal- low: IILyc, I IPhos. 260 7. NOSE. Nose, formication: /Esc. h.; painful at root, in left frontal sinus (polypus), IMar. v.; as if she would sneeze, precedes headache, I ISul. g®° numbness. Nose, freckles: I IPhos, IISul. Nose, frontal sinuses: B^T* Chap. 3, Forehead sinuses. Nose, tip easily frosted: IZinc; frostbitten, with itching, • Agar. 8^" Chapter 46, Chilblains. Nose, fulness: ICham, IIKali iod.; in coryza, ISenecio; in diphtheria, IIBapt.; membrane feels full, Iodof.; pressive, on bridge, Cund.; at root, Gels, Natr. ph.; especially high up in left nostril, with loose mucus, I IPhos.; of up- per part, with fluent catarrh from both nos- trils, ILac e; from inflammation in frontal sinuses, IKali bb; stuffed condition at root, IParis. 8^** congestion, heaviness, pressing. Nose, gangrene: of mucous membrane, after measles, I Ars.; of swollen root, Hippoz. Nose, gloominess over root: with dulness, Spong. Nose, gnawing: high up, HSil.; in nasal bones, with lancinating and boring to forehead, IKali iod. Nose, greasy : seborrhcea oleosa, IHydras. BST* shining. Nose, hammering pains: in bones, Ananth. Bg^* throbbing. Nose, hardness : IIKali e; of ate nasi, Thuya; of left ate, Alum.; of left ate, with tensive pain, Thuya; around corners (ozaena), Aur. mur. Nose, headache: above root, every evening, Ferr.; begins at root, IGlon.; extends to root, HAgar.; extends from root into forehead, as if everything would press asunder, IMez. 8^* Chap. 3, Forehead glabella. Nose, heat: lApis, HCinch., Clem, IGraph, IHep, Thuya; expired air feels hot, IIKali bb; burning, with sensation as if it would bleed, Calad.; sensitiveness, in bronchitis, lEuph.; constant, frequent premonition of coryza, INux v.; dry, IBell, ICham.; ema- nates, with thirst, Stront.; external, IKali bb; inflamed, right side, with coryza, IIMerc. iod. rub.; in left, with sore pain, especially on blowing nose, I INatr. m.; worse in afternoon and evening, in hay fever, I ISinap.; in fifth month of pregnancy, 11 Psor.; right side, IMere iod. rub.; of root, without being red, IKali bb; of tip, worse towards evening (per- tussis), ICaps.; of tip, particularly in warm weather, Bell.; in sides, with nervousness and depression, ICrotal.; extends into frontal sin- uses, Vinca. 8®** burning, congestion, inflammation. Nose, heaviness: Caust, ICham, IKali bb; dull pain over root, and stinging in nose, with coryza, ISang.; high up, Stann.; in sides, with nervousness and depression, ICrotal.; dull over root, with coryza, ISang.; in root, Therid.; pressive, in root, Bism.; deep in upper, Therid.; as if a heavy weight were hanging to it, IKali bb; weight over root (catarrh), ICinnab. Nose, indescribable sensation : Ars. h. Nose, induration: 8§T" hardness. Nose, inflammation (rhinitis): Bor, ICaust, ICrot. tig, IFluor. ac, Med., IMere iod. rub. ■Sep., HSub, Ustil.; of ate, INitr. ae, ISul.; painful, of ate, IHep.; of bones Ananth, Asaf, IStilling.; catarrhal, ICale, Chel.; catarrhal, in all its continuations, frontal sin- uses, Highmorian cavities and fauces, IKali iod.; chronic, lAgar.; croupy, of mucous membrane (sequel of scarlatina), IHep.; chronic, of membrane, with suppressed or oversensitive smell, IPhos.; in drunkards, lArs, IIBell, ICale, IIHep, ILach, IIMerc, IPuls, ISub; duct discharges large clots of blood, mixed with dry mucus of foul smell, IISib; of edges, Bar. e; erysipelatous, Cadm. s.; erysipelatous, passed from left side to ear, eye, scalp and face, IHydras.; erysipela- tous, mostly in ate, with redness, vesicles discharging thick pus when slightly pressed, 11 Plumb.; erysipelatous, of dorsum, thence to cheeks, ICanth.; of external, INatr. e; with eye complaints, Cochl.; from injury, lArn.; internal, INux v, Polyg.; internal, with sen- sation of dryness and slow bleeding, 11 Phos.; of left side, I ICist.; of left side, painful to touch, INatr. m.; from abuse of mercury, Asaf, lAur, IIBell, IHep, IILach, ISub; chronic, of mucous membrane, worse in warm, better in cool temperature, IKali bb; of nostrils, Bry.; of nostrils, with swollen sensation, Polyg.; of external margin of right nostril, IMez.; with pimples and blisters, ILach.; purulent, of mucous membrane, mis- taken for syphilis, 11 Kali bb; with redness and swelling, Alum, IBell, I IBry, ICale, IFluor. ac, IHep., IMere, I IPhos., IRhus, ISub; with bleeding from right side, after abuse of mercury, ICon.; scrofulous, Asaf, I Aur, IIBry, ICale, IHep, IILach, IMere, I IPhos, I IPuls, ISub; scrofulous, with plugs, IPhos.; of septum, with white suppurating pustules, HPsor.; of tip, Aur, ICarbo a, HCaust, Crotal, I ILach, INitr. ac, IRhus, ISep.; tip shining, nostrils dry, I IPhos. 8€^ burning, congestion, heat, swelling. Nose, influenza: 8^** Coryza influenza. Nose, irritation: Arum m.; as of smelling fumes of iodine, Iodof; of nostrils, Brach.; of nostrils, painful, IRumex; pungent, lArs. b; of root, with increased sensitiveness of face, IKali m.; of Schneiderian membrane, in croup, IHep.; as from sneezing, Amb. 8®*" itching. Nose, itching; 11 Apis, Arund, Ascl. t, I Aur. met., Aur. mur, Berb, Brach, Camph., Car- bol. ac. Caps, IChel, HCina, Como, I llgn, Ipec, IKali c, IMagn. m, Merc, sub, INitr. ac, INux v, Sabad, Selen.. ISpig, IISul, Therid, Tuberc, Uran. n, Urt. ur, Vinca; of ate, HCaust, Sub; of ate, first right, then left, Ver. v.; around ate (coryza),ICarbo v.;in pharyngeal catarrh, IMere; constant, Amm. m.; in convulsions, IMere; in coryza,IColch, HMere;all day, Lyss.; on edges, Selen.; while eating, Jatroph.; in epistaxis, Cinnab.; in even- ln& ,Puls-; extends to forehead and antrum, ISib; inside, Arund,HCaust, Sub; violent, in- ternal, in evening, Jamb.; of inner, with sensa- tion of dryness, extending into frontal cavities and antrum (prosopalgia), ISib; intense, inter- nally near point, had to rub it all the time, Med.; intolerable, Stram.; intolerable, notbet- ter by scratching, Zing.; of left nostril, IHy- dras ; on left side, Sars.; left side, inside ala, Syph.; worse, left nostril, Cheb; in lupus, 7. NOSE. 261 IKali bb; of mucous membrane, Cornus ; of nostrils, Brach, Ob an., ISyph.; partieularly around nostrils (coryza), ICarbo v.; high up (hay fever), I ISinap.; in left nostril, Camph., Kob.; on left nostril, followed by frequent sneezing,succeeded by profuse nosebleed,stop- ped by cold water,Zine;ofrightnostril,lCepa, Zinc; from irritation of Peyer's patches (ty- phoid), I IPhos. ac; in pityriasis capitis, IMez.; on small places, right to left, Aur. mur.; pains, ICale p.; on right sub', I IFluor. ac; causing rubbing and boring, HCina; in scarlatina, IIArum t; in front part of septum narium, Hod.; pains in septum narium,IKali bb; on skin near, IMez.; causes sneezing, IHep.; causes sneezing (coryza i, ICale; in an- terior nares, followed by sneezing, frequently repeated for forty-eight hours (hay catarrh), I ISticta; itching as if sore, ISub; with swell- ing, Coccus; of tip, ICaust, IChel, 01. an., IPetrol,ISep.; of tip and below, I ICaust.; of tip, 1 p.m., in evening more to left, Ars. met; at tip and inside, ICon.; intolerable, of tip, ISib; uneasy feeling, Ailant.; upper part, exter- nally, Aur. mur.; violent, must rub,lArg. nit; obliges constant rubbing in evening, Sib; voluptuous, if she attempts to wash anything, steam from warm water causes (pityriasis capitis), IMez.; of wings, ICaust.; in left wing, Badiag, Pallad.; right wing, Sars.; of wing, inducing rubbing, INatr. s.; with worms, Apoe, ICina, IFerr. mur., IFilix, ISul. 8®° irritation. Nose, jerking: pains in left side, Caps.; in root, from above, IHyos. Nose, lacerating: Cadm. s. Nose, lancinating : in bones, to forehead, with gnawing in nasal bones, IKali iod.; pain in upper nasal cavity, Mar. v.; in affected parts, making him cry out, (malignant ulceration of nose), IKali bi. B^sT" stitches. Nose, large: ISib; enormous, in smallpox, IHydras.; as if enlarged, obstructing vision, Cann. s.; wings, Hydr. ae 8®" erysipelas, swelling. Nose, lightness: feeling of, at root, ICepa. Nose, seems longer : IVer. Nose, lupus : BS^° cancer. Nose, metastasis : of nasal troubles, to abdo- men (in children), ICale Nose, motion: painful, of right ate,ICalc; active of ate, in membranous laryngitis, Hod.; con- stant, of ate, in congestion of lungs, lAmmon- iac; fanlike, of ate, IBrom, ICheb, IILyc, 11 Phos, I Spong.; fanlike, in diphtheria, I Lye, Merc. iod. flav.; fanlike,in pneumonia,I Antt, IKreo, IILyc, IPhos, I ISub; violent, of ate, in capillary bronchitis, or pneumonia, ICheb; well marked, of ala1, with a child (pertussis), 11 Ant. t; of ate, with rapid respiration, Subac Nose, membrane : portions of detached, leav- ing raw corrugated surface, lElaps; hard condition (nasal catarrh), Iod.; hypereemic (hay catarrh), I ISticta, Hod, IINatr. s.; ir- ritability, with fluid discharge, Cup. ars.; violent irritation of Schneiderian membrane, resembling a severe attack of coryza, lApoe; irritation of Schneiderian membrane (hay fever), I INux v.; red condition in nasal ca- tarrh, Hod.; reddened and swollen in hay catarrh, I ISticta; sensitive, Agar.; bloody suffusions, I lAnthrac. B^P"* diphtheria. Nose, muscles : levator, refused to act, I I Puis. Nose, nodules: broad, red inside of point,biting, tickling soreness, fine stitches when touched, Bar.m.; small, on wings, which become round ulcers with hard edges and lardaceous base, soon disappear from original place arid appear in another part, a distinct, deep induration can be felt surrounding them, IMere iod. rub. Nose, nostrils : painful action, Lyss.; agglutin- ated, 11 Aur. met; yellowness, with circum- scribed redness of cheek (pleuro-pneumonia biliosa), IIRhus. BgT" dilated, motion. Nose, numbness: Cadm. s, IINatr. m., Plat; deadness, Ars. h.; to forehead, Ars. m.; of tip, as if beaten and blood were pressing out, Viol.; down through, Calab.; goes to sleep, Med.; on one side, INatr. m. Bg^formication. Nose, offensive odor: 8ST" smell objective. Nose, ozaena: Alb sat,IAlum, lAmm. c,IArs., IIAsaf, HAur. met, I Aur. mur, I Aur. mur. nat, ICale, ICale ft, JChrom. ac, lElaps, IGraph, IIKali bi, IKali iod, IIKali ph, IKali s, IMagn. m, IMar. v, IMere cor., IMere iod flav, IMyr. cer., INatr. c, INatr. m, INatr. s, 1101. jec, IPetrol., I IPhos. ac, I IPhos, IPuls, ISang, HSep, ISticta, I ISyph., 11 Zing.; catarrhal, Alum, IIAmm. c, ilAur. met, ICale, IKali bi, IKali iod, IINux v, 11 Phos, IIPuls, ISang, ISticta; chronic, IHippoz.; discharge fetid, lAsaf, Carbol. ae, IGraph, IKreo., ILach, IMere, IMyr. cer, INitr. ac, I IPetrol, I IRhus, ITelb, ITherid.;fetid, worse during menses, iGraph.; fetid, offensive when seated in submucous connective tissue or in periosteum, HSib; especially left by exanthema or syphilis, dis- charge sanguinolent rather than offensive, ICrotal.; fetid, in syphilis, IKali bi.; with gout, IKali c; green casts, every morning, INitr. ae; after suppressed itch, HCale, ISub; malignant, I IHippoz.; with burning in nostrils and stitching in nasal septum, after abuse of mercury, ICon.; with fetid lumps of pus, of six years' standing, Curar.; with rheumatism, IKali c; scrofulous, Alum, lArs, lAsaf., IlAur. met, lAur. sul, HCale, Cale p., ICarbo a. Con., IGraph., IIHep, IHydras, IKali bi, INatr. m, Natr. s, Phos., IPuls, HSep, HSil, ISul, ITherid.; scrofulous, in poorly nourished subjects, IMere cor.; scrofu- lous, unbearable odor,IlAur. mur.; syphilitic, I Asaf., lAur. met, lAur. mur, IFluor. ac, IIKali bi, IIKali iod, ILach, IMere cor, IMere iod, IIMez, IPhyt, 11 Still, I ISyph.; syphilitic, with bloody, sanious discharge and disease of bones, IPhyt; syphiliric, beginning with ulcers in fauces, INatr. s.; syphilitic .in- volving upper lip, which is swollen and honeycombed with ulcers, INitr. ac; after abuse of mercury, with pain in shin bones, especially at night, IKali iod.; mercurio-syph- ilis, HAur. met, IHep, INitr. ae; with ulcers, INitr. ae; ulcerative, with epistaxis, ISang.; worse from wet weather, lElaps. g^° cancer, catarrh; also Coryza bloody, fetid, green, purulent. Nose, pain (undefined) : ICale, Hod, Lyss, I ISars.; when breathing, as from inhalation of cold air or acrid vapors, Ant. e; from right to left,acrossbridge,Euph.;from cheek bones,Ars. m.; deep, before menses, worse from panting 262 NOSE. or pressure, ICon.; downward, Psor.; in dys- pepsia, I Arg. nit.; edges, Bar. c; from above down, as after a violent fall on it, I I Arn.; rises to forehead as if a board were laid against it, ICale; from headache, Ars. in.; to High- morian cavity, IBerb.; internally, IIGraph.; internally, in catarrhal fever, lEuph.; in left ! side, Arum m.; in left side, in evening, Ars. m.; in left nostril, picks it, Natr. ph.; violent, in bony part, after abuse of mercury, better in dry weather, worse at approach of rain, or in changeable \veather,IHep.; nostrils, 11 Aur. met.; right nostril, on pressure,! IKali n.; ex- ternal margin of right nostril, IMez.; at root, Arund, Dig., Elaps, IGels, IGlon, I IPetrol.; severe in root, with dry cough, and pain in chest, ISang.; from root to ears, on swal- lowing (ozaena), lElaps; into root from above right eye, Cepa ; to root, in facial neuralgia, IPhos.; from root to forehead, with sniffles. lElaps ; at root, with dull frontal headache, IMere iod. flav.; in root, in ozaena, I Alum., INatr. s.; as if internally sore, Amb.; from thinking, Lyss.; in tip, Bar. c, ICist; of left wing, Zinc. Nose, pale : Ananth.; with circumscribed red- ness of cheeks, three or four hours each day, IColch.; around ate, Ver. Nose, picking: IIArum t, HCina, I ICon.; until it bleeds, IIArum t; and boring in left nostril until it is raw and bleeding (measles), ILach.; in brain affections of children, ICina, HSub; constantly, in mental derangement, ICon.; during dentition, Tereb.; constant de- sire, Lib tig., Rumex ; desire, in amenorrhcea, Symph.; with acidity and worms, I INatr. ph.; with worms, HCina, I INux v. Nose, pinched: ISpig, I IVer. v.; in cholera infantum, I IVer.; deathlike, Med.; in diph- theria, iKali bi.; in gastralgia, ICamph.; in hemiplegia, I IHydr. ac; in broncho-pneu- monia, ILye 8^° coldness, pointed; also Chap. 8, Face sunken. Nose, pinching pain: in bridge, worse from hard pressure (nasal catarrh), IKali bb; as if pain were pinching nostrils together, Lachn.; in root, IHyos.; in root, extending into eye, Zinc; in root, with facial neuralgia, I IPuls.; in root, with dulness in forehead, Zinc; in root, with stitches in jaws, Zinc. 8®" compressive, constriction, contrac- tive, cramp, pressing. Nose, plugs: of mucus, TrCale; discharge of elastic plugs (catarrh), ILye; fetid, so large had to be drawn back into mouth, causes vomiting (ozaena), HSep.; with pressure in forehead, during menses, ISep, ISil, IIKali bb; large green, HSep.; hard, IIKali bb; hard, of mucus (chronic nasal catarrh), I Lach.; in nares. hard to detach and leaving a raw sore, INitr. ae; thick, with severe frontal headache, some fever and prostration, espe- cially in old people and children, IMere iod. flav. B€^° clinkers, clots, scabs ; also Co- ryza dry, lumpy. Nose pointed: Ananth., IIAnt. t, I ICamph, ICarbo v.. Cocc, IMyos, Rhus' IStaph, HVer.; in angina syphilitica, ILach; in asphyxia, lAnt. t; in cholera Asiatica, lArs, I ICamph, ICup. m, IVer.; in gas- tritis mucosa, in a child, I Ars.; in quotidian, IIPuls.; in typhus, ICamph, HPhos. ae; sharp, forehead pale, with irritated pulse from disappointedambitition,I INux v.; looks sharper, in labor, IINux v.; orifices sooty (brain affection), IHell.; in summer complaint, I ICamph., IVer. 8®° coldness, pinched; also Chap. 8, Face sunken. Nose, polypus: Alum., I Apis, • Arum m, Aur. met,Bell.,HCale,ICepa,Con,Graph, IIMar. v, Merc, IMere iod. rub., Nitr. ac, IPhos, I ISang, ISil, Staph, ISub; first in antrum Highmorii, deforming face, forcing eyeball upward, everting lid, obstructing nostrils into mouth, so that breathing and mastica- tion were impeded, IHekla; bleeding easily, IPhos.; extended to ethmoid bone, into cho- anae and into antrum of Highmore, IMar. v.; in fossae, ISang.; large, after a severe, badly- treated cold, IMar. v.; in left side, I Alum.; mucous, of pale red color, on left side, and of large size, mostly in anterior nares, and in plain sight, IMar. v.; mucous, greenish white, attached to upper turbinated bone, and com- pletely filling nasal cavity and causing occlu- sion, after repeated attacks of coryza, IMar. v.; large, mucous, of right side, distending nose, IKali n.; with stoppage of nose,on side he lies, IMar. v.; large, pedunculated, HCale p.; for thirty years, removed every two or three years by operative means, IMar. v.; recent, or of long standing, IKali bb; in right nostril, growing more rapidly after each attack of headache, which was better by camphor, IKali n.; occupying entire right nostril, pro- jecting slightly, IMar. v.; with loss of smell, HCale; much discharge of mucus and water, IMar. v.; enlarges in wet weather, IMar. v.; especially among old and middle-aged women, IMar v.; of one year's duration, IMar. v. Nose, posterior nares (choaine): acrid, corrod- ing sensation, I Arum t; affection of, pharynx more irritable than larynx (sore throat), IMere iod. rub.; affection of, with raw sensa- tion, IMere iod. rub.; blood coming from, IPhos.; bright red blood comes from and is expectorated, Sabad.; burning, I^Ese h.; ac- tarrh, Aeon, iEsc h. Alum, IIAnt. sul. aur, I Arg. nit, lAur. met, I Aur. mur., IIBar. c, Bry, ICale, ICale s, HCaust, Cinnab., ICo- rab, Euph., IIFerr. ph, IIHep, IHydras, Hod, IIKali bi, IKali iod, IKali m., Kreo, ILye, Magn, Magn. s, Med, IMere, IMere iod. flav, IMere protiod., Mez, Natr. a, INatr. c, IINatr. m, INitr. ac, I IPetrol, I IPhyt, I I Phos, Plumb, HPsor, IRhus, I ISang, Selen, HSep,ISil,Spig, Staph,IThe- rid,Thuya ;catarrh, withepistaxis, Bar. c;ca- tarrh, worse left side, Chin, a.; closed, stopped up,Calc. s, IHydras, IMez, Zing.; closed,bet- ter by hawking thick, grayish mucus, Med.; crusts, Calc. a.; membranous deposit, in diph- theria,! ILac c, ILach.; lumps of dirty mucus, ICinnab.; acrid discharge, IKali bi.; discharge changeable incolorand consistency, I Cale; dis- charge thick, yellow, ropy, IKali bi.; dropping, awakens at night, I IPsor.; dryness, Aeon., I yEsc Alum, Calc. p, Carbol. ac. Coccus, ■■Cochl., IILyclRumex, ISep,ISil,l ISinap, dry feeling, with polvjms, ILye; drv, with hawking in morning, INatr. m.; drvness and irritation at night, ICinnab.; dryness with sneezing, followed by coryza, ^Esc h- dull pain to ears, lElaps ; a feeling as if enlarged 7. NOSE. 263 Elat; feel expanded during walk, IFluor. ae; as if an acrid, acid fluid were running through over palate, causes cough, IKali bb; food and drink rises in, 11 Mere; food enters when swallowing, Petrol, ISib; pieces of food are forced in during eating, producing a sickening sensation, are afterwards withdrawn covered with mucus, Nitr. ac.; inflammation catarrhal, ILobel. c; inflammation, in syphilis, I IPhyt.; irritation, causing hawking, swallowing and desire to scratch, in hay fever, IRan. b.; dis- charge of solid lumps, worse morning and forenoon, Lith.; raising easily yellowish or greenish lump in morning, IMang.; greenish colored masses of offensive odor pass through, having a disagreeable taste, IKali bb; thick- ening of membrane (nasal catarrh), IHydras.; mucous discharge, Carbol. ac. Cinch, bol, Euphor,I Hod,Lact. ac,0sm.; accumulation of mucus, with cough, 11 Rumex; accumula- tion of mucus with obstruction of nostrils and nasal speech, Zinc.; mucus mixed with blood, IHep.; discharge of large quantities of mucus, I ISpig.; tough, congealed mucus, on rising in morning, HCaps.; mucus discharged only from posterior nares,INitr. ae; mucus dropping Bufo, Bry, ICaust, IHydras, ILach, IMere iod. flav, Selen, I ISpig.; of mucus dropping after breakfast, Calc. a.; thick mucus dropping, in coryza (scarlatina), I ISub; yellow mucus dropping, worse at night, awakes him, must sit up and clear throat, INatr. ph.; tough mucus dropping (chronic naso-pharyngeal catarrh), INatr. a.; lumpy mucus is expector- ated, ICepa; mucus hanging in, Lyss.; hawking of mucus, Arum t, Caust, IKali m., I IMere iod. rub, INatr. m, I IPhyt.; hawking of mucus difficult, lArum t; hawking of thick, jelly-like mucus in lumps, Aloe ; mucus must be hawked into mouth to be discharged, ICanth.; hawking of tough, gelatinous grayish yellow mucus, Natr. a.; hawks dried, yellow- ish red phlegm, tasting salty, mornings, Tell.; as if a quantity of mucus lodged in, Lact. ae; lumps of mucus, in evening, having nauseous taste, ICepa ; large lumps of white mucus pass through into mouth without hawking, Zinc; small lumps of mucus easily loosened, Osm.; mucous discharge in morning, lAur. met; thick mucus, worsein morning,Petrol.; discharge of much mucus, with stoppage of nose, mostly of one nostril, Vinca; copious offensive mucus, causing choking at night, ISpig.; profuse discharge of mucus, with stop- page of anterior part of nose, Spig.; filled with purulent mucus, causing hawking, IPetrol.; mucus scanty, worse morning and evening, Calc. s.; mucus tastes and smells bad (nasal catarrh), I ISpig.; thick mucus dropping from, I Alum.; draws thick yellowish mucus into throat and spits it out, Ant. c; discharge of thin, clear mucus, IHydras.; tough mucus, IPlumb.; tough, ropy mucus passes into throat, IKali bi.; mucus trickles down into throat and causes hawking, with catarrhal inflammation of larynx, trachea, bronchi and eves (coryza), IIMerc; tough white mucus, clinging tightly to posterior wall of throat, resembling large patch of diphtheritic mem- brane, IPhyt.; yellow mucus, IRumex; tough yellow mucus, causing constant inclination to hawk and spit (ozaena), IMere iod. flav.; yel- lowish green mucus, Calc. s.; pain as from air pressing through with violence, when talking or coughing, Magn. s.; filled with polypi, ap- parently attached to spongy bones, of three years standing, IMar. v.; fleshy polypi, hang- ing from both, worse during damp weather, IMar. v.; pricking, brings tears to eyes, 11 Natr. p.; roughness and scraping, in a foggy atmosphere, Hyper.; formation of scabs, IBar. c; thick, tenacious secretion, smarting, IHydras.; soreness, Bapt.; soreness, extend- ing downward, I IParis; stinging, I^Ese h.; tearing in, more between acts of empty deg- lutition, or after eating, Zinc; ulcerated, I Arum t; small ulcers, Arg. nit. gj§T Chap. 13, Throat hawking. Nose, pressing: lAur.mur.;above, IDulc;sensa- tion as in commencement of stopped catarrh, extends to temples and affects head, with dry- ness of nose, IIKali bb; creeping about ossa nasi, lasting an hour, experienced by most persons on putting on heavy spectacles, if not accustomed to wear them, ICinnab.; on dor- sum nasi, with confusion in left side of head, IColoe; from above through right nostril, as if brain would be forced out, worse lying, IBor.; nostrils sensitive to, ISinap.; at root, Ananth, IBapt, Benz. ac, IHvos, I IKali bi. Mane, I IPteb, IPuls,Raph., Therid, Thuya; from above, in root, All. sat.; great pressure across root (pterygium), I IZinc; in root (na- sal catarrh), IKali bi, ILac def, ISep.; on root, with chilliness over whole body, INatr. m.; on root, with coryza, IKali bb; with cory- za, and tightness at root, worse in evening and open air, IKali bi.; above root, in morn- ing (coryza), ICale; in root, as if coryza would appear, Coloe; in root, IHyos.; from root to forehead (catarrh), Aspar.; at root, with headache, ICist; at root, as if it would be pressed into head, IZinc; dull, heavy, in root, increasing during day, Sticta; in root, with bleeding of nose, Ruta ; in root, with stuffed up nose (hay fever), IRan. b.; in root, with red, swollen nose, Sarrae; at root,caused momentary numbness (affection of sympa- thetic nervous system), I IPhos.; close above root, oppressive headache, Bar. e; at root, from within outward, Ign.; over root (catarrh frontal sinuses), ICup. m.; over, from within outward, better leaning forward,llgn.; in root, extends to side, Cinch.; in a small spot above root, Hod.; on root, stupefying as from a blunt point, Cann. s.; at upper part, Grat.; worse in root wing, as if bursting, Asaf. 8^" com- pressive, constrictive, contractive, cramp, pinching • also Forehead glabella. Nose, pricking: ICornus; in point, Berb.; in point, as from needles, Sars. Nose, protuberances: itching,Hod.; large,soft, covered with crusts on ate (syphilis), INitr. ac. Nose, quivering: in root to cheek, Calc. s. Nose, rawness: of inner surface of ate, IMagn. in.; with coryza, jEsc. h.; with fluent coryza, Uva ursi; of nostrils, in diphtheria, I Arum t; feeling, IHydras.; feeling, inside of, on blow- ing, IHep.; feeling, as from a sore, ILach.; of nostrils, IMere cor.; of nostrils, nasal catarrh, IHydras.; of nostrils, with coryza, Ailant.; of left nostril, IHydras.; in scarlatina, 11 Amm t; of surface of septum, IMagn. m.; around tip, TrCalc B®°redness ; also Corvza acrid. 264 7. NOSE. Nose, red: IIAlum, Anthrac, IBell, HCinch., Cycl, IHep., IMagn. m., IMere cor, HPhos, HSub, Thuya; in open cold air, Aloe ; of ate, IMagn. m.; dark, of one ala, IPhos.; of ate, in hay fever, IKali bb; of ate, with stricture of oesophagus, I IKali c; of skin around ate, painful to touch, Sabina; in angina syphilitica, ILach.; blood rushes into tip when stooping, lAmm. e; bluish red, ICale; with nasal catarrh, ICale; coppery, Ars, Cann. s.; of cor- ners, Benz. ac; in coryza, 'IIMerc; with coryza and hoarseness, Phelb; diffused, spread- ing over forehead and face, Hippoz.; with watery discharge, IKali bb; in drunkards, ILach.; in erysipelas, HApis, IRhus v.; ery- sipelatous, of left side, with small sore vesicles in morning, Lact. ac; of external, IKali e; remaining after freezing, IZinc; of nostrils, gastritis mucosa in a child, lArs.; and hot, IBry.; inflamed (influenza), Gels.; inflamma- tory, inside of (coryza), IIMerc; internal and external, Bell.; tip knobby, I Aur. met.; on left side, with sore pain, especially on blowing nose, I INatr. m.; lower part, IMagn. m.; of mucous membrane, with lachrymation (acute coryza), IKali iod.; of nostrils, Act. sp. Apis, ""Carbo a.; nostrils bloody every morning, IKali c; of nostrils, in coryza, IBar. c; of edges of nostrils, Coccus, IGels.; and adjacent parts, with severe pain, Hippoz.; with a swollen sensation, Polyg.; with pimples, vesi- cles and painful nodules, INatr. in.; Avith white pimples, INatr. e; with black pores, IGraph.; during fifth month of pregnancy, I IPsor.; with pressure and pulsation at root, Sarrae; of right half, extending to cheek (poi- soning from foul breath), lAnthrac; like a sad- dle, Ictod.; in scrofula, lArs.; seborrhcea oleosa, IHydras.; of septum, Bov.; with con- tinual secretion of a watery, colorless, acrid fluid and violent painful sneezing, IKali iod.; with swelling, Aur. mur.; swollen, in scrofula and after abuse of mercury, HAur. met.; with tension, Ran. b.; from right nostril to cheek, tetter from corner, Elaps; of tip, ICarbo a, Carb. s, Chel, ILach, INitr. ac, IRhus, Sib; of tip, on getting angry, Vinca ; at tip, with burning, Niccol.; of tip, knobby, lAur. met.; from tip to root, IIKali c; tip red and shining, IPhos.; tip shining, Bor.; of tip and wings, sore stinging, IKali c.; of tip while stooping, Amm. e; sudden, of tip. Bell.; of tip, with swelling and coldness (old inebriates, zymosis), ICrotal.; of tip, particularly in warm weather, IBelb; about wings (hoarse- ness), IMere; in young women, IBor. 8®* congestion, eruption, erysipelas, heat, inflammation, rawness; also Coryza acrid. Nose, root: 8®* bones, boring pain; also Chap. 3, Forehead glabella. Nose, rubbing: before attacks (epilepsy), IBufo.; frequent, ICina; frequent, in inflam- mation of brain, I IHelb; in helminthiasis, ICina ; in measles, ISquilla ; child, on pillow, shoulder of nurse or with hands (hydroceph- aloid), ICina. 8®° itching. Nose, yellow saddle across: ICarbo a, HSep. Nose, scabs: and scurfs, Bov, Caust., IFerr, IHep, I IHyper, IKaol, ILach., ILye,IMez, INatr. m., INitr. ac, Ratan, ISil, Sticta, ISub; ^Iried blood gathers, lAmb.; discharge of bloody crusts, Amm. m.; dark, bloody, blown from, Stront.; dry, bloody, in chronic naso- pharyngeal catarrh, INatr. a.; brown,IThuya; thick, gray-brown, Ailant.; brown on mucous membrane, IKali c; thick, brown on root, un- der which yellow matter formed, much itching, extends to upper lip (syphilitic eruption), IKali bb; filled with (mercurio-syphilitic cases, drunkards), ILach.; with coryza, I lArund, Guaraea, IIMerc, IPetrol, HPhos., ISticta ; deep in, with ulceration of nostrils, Staph.; dry, IBor.; dry, when removed, blood flows,INatr. a.;dry, with sore, cracked, ulcer- ated nostrils, IIGraph.; on edges of nostrils, Coccus ; scabby eruption, Sars.; in evening, Tromb.; greenish, with blood and offensive smell, INatr. s.; large, irregular pieces, green, leaving soreness, IMar. v.; yellow green, bloody, ISep.; hardened, ICon.; large, in ca- tarrh, IHydras.; covered with, in layers rising to a point, I ISyph.; and scars, indicat- ing sites of former sores (lupus), IKali bi.; on nostrils, lAnt. c, Bor., ICale, IGraph, Ran. b, I ISep.; bloody in, with soreness of nos- trils and membrane, I I Phos.; yellowish brown in nostrils, with burning, IKali e; in coryza, IBar.c, Brom, IKali e; dry on nostrils, form during sleep, I ISyph.; nostrils covered with foul, crustaceous deposits, Hippoz.; nostrils filled with a dry, hard crust, bloody at edges when discharged (catarrh), IKali bi.; inner nostril, scabbing chronic, I I Uran. n.; inleft nostril, Kob, Natr. ph.; in nostrils, in scrofu- lous ophthalmia, lApis; in nostrils, painful, Thuya; in right nostril, small, Hod, Uran. n.; smarting, painful, deep in right, Sib; scabs, which when torn away leave nostrils sore and bloody, until other scabs are formed, worse in cold weather, lArs.; thick crusts around nostrils, IKali bb; below septum, with sticking when touched, ISib; on septum, IKali bi.; surrounded by thick moist, IGraph.; thick, around ala (scrofulous ophthalmia), I IRhus; on tips, HCaust.; under, IRhus; whitish (nasal catarrh), IKali bi.; yellow, IKali br.; yellow, on septum, IKali bb; yel- low and gray, on alae (structure of oesopha- gus), I IKali c 8^*" clinkers, clots, ozaena, plugs, scales. Nose, scales : bloody, mucous, from right, Xan.; of dried, offensive pus (leucorrhcea), IIMerc. iod. flav.; of dry mucus from right, Xan. B®"1 scabs. Nose, scraping: I INux v.; tickling, as though he would suffocate, Ferr. iod. Nose, sensitiveness: g^° touch. Nose, shining: HPhos.; in coryza, IIMerc; tip, IBelb; tip, nostrils dry, IPhos. B@°" swelling. Nose, shooting : with pressure on bridge, IKali bi.; pressive in sinuses (fever), IGels.; at root, Merc iod. flav.; in root, along left orbital arch to external angle of eye, with dim sight like a, scale on eye, begins in morning, gets worse till noon, ceases toward evening, IKali bi.; at root, in left frontal sinus (polypus) IMar v.; in root, before falling with vertigo' IKali n;stramP' ylng t0 f0rehead' Sil-: i* winS» Nose, sinuses; 8^Chap.3, Forehead sinuses. Nose, smarting. I Aur. met, Berb.; painful in ate, with burning as if on fire (secondary 7. NOSE. 265 syphilis), I ISyph.; junction of ate and face, mostly left, All. sat.; in helminthiasis, I ISpig.; in nostrils, Ipom, IMere cor.; in nostrils, in nasal catarrh, IHydras.; in nostrils, from watery discharge, as if sore, HArs.; in left nostril, Grat.; in left half of nostril, way up, extending to malar bone (chronic inflammation of Schneiderian membrane), IKali bb; in nostril, as if a sore pimple existed below right, Gamb.; warm, Illic 8^* burning; also Coryza acrid. Nose, smell (objective), fetid : Anthrac, lArs, ICale, IFluor. ae, IHam., IKali bi, IPhos, Phos.ac, I IPlumb., IPuls.,Sarrae, ISep.;can- cerous, Cadm. s.; in nasal catarrh, ISib; in pharyngeal catarrh, IMere; after any fresh cold (chronic inflammation of Schneiderian membrane), IKali bb; as from an old cold, IIMerc; with coryza, I Agar.; as from a bilious fever or bilious dysentery, 11 Dios.; in tertian ague, IPuls.; in typhus, Dig.; as from burnt hair or sulphur vapors, IGraph.; in posterior nares, chiefly perceived during expiration, after breakfast and dinner,Chrom. ac; in rhinitis, Ustil.; as of manure (chronic coryza ; nasal catarrh), ICale; putrid, Bell.; putrid, when blowing nose, lAur. met.; pu- trid, with watery discharge, IKali bi.; ulcera- tive, Cadm. s. 8^* ozaena. Nose, smoky : IHyos.; in pneumonia, Ant. t; in typhus, IChlor. flgp" black. Nose, sneezing: Ant. t, HApis, I Arg. nit., Arum t, Ars. in, Ars. s. r, lAsar, lAscl. t, Bor, Brach., IIBry, Calab, ICale, ICina, Cochl, ICon., ICroe, IIEup. pert, Eup. pur, Euphor, 11 Hell, I IHydras, Ipom., Jacar,Kali m, ILac e, IMere iod. rub, INatr. s, INux m, IINux v., 1101. jec, I IPhos. ac, Ptel, Sec, Sep., Zing.; aggravates pain in abdomen, cramp or wind colic, Pallad.; from air pass- ing through nose, Ananth.; better in open air (influenza), Calc. s.; with soreness on edges of ate (coryza), ICale p.; ate remain stuck to septum,7rCarbo v.;causes pain in anus, ILach.; in hay asthma, I Ars., ICarbo v., IDulc, lEuph, ILach, INatr. s., I INux v, I ISinap, I ISticta ; asthma Millari, I Arum d.; on awak- ing in morning, Ast r, I ICinch. bob; follow- ing pain in back, Anag.; with belching,Astac; bowels sore, with ascites, lApis; causes con- cussive pain in brain, Bar. e; with jerking, shooting, near left side of breast bone, region of fourth or fifth ribs, Calc a.; after taking a long breath, ICepa; caused by inhalation, Brom.; in catarrh, Cycl., IPetrol, IIRan.se; in bronchial catarrh, I lAilant.; with fluent catarrh, IIKreo.; as if catarrh would arise, IBenz. ae, IBerb.; induced by tension and tensive drawing in cheeks, Kali m.; causes pain in chest (influenza), ICaust.; causes pains inchest (last left short rib), Meph.; with a stitch running through chest to back (hepa- titis), IMere; causes stitches in right side of chest, IBor.,IMercsob; causes stitch in anterior and upper portionofchest, extending through to back, it constricts chest, IIMerc. sob; makes pain in chest worse, Chel.; with chilliness, Oxal. ae; as from taking cold, lArum t; con- stant, I llris; constant, in hay fever, IDulc; constant, in pertussis, ICepa ; with sensation of spasmodic constriction, I IMere; with co- ryza, lAcon,, Act. rac, HAgar, lAnae, IBrom., Bufo, ICarbo a, ICie, Clem,, Euph, I lEup.pur, Hod, IKalm, Lact. ac, IMar. v., IIMerc. sob, INatr. c, INatr. m, IINux v., ■Senecio, I ISinap., ISul, I IZinc; at begin- ning of coryza, IIBry., I ICamph.; with dry coryza, ICale, HCinch.; with fluent coryza, IBadiag., Chel., I IKali e, Merc s, Oxal. ae; with fluent coryza, worse evening and night, IRumex ; frequent, with fluent coryza, IZinc; with fluent coryza in morning, Calc. a, ISep.; with cough, IBry.; after cough, Hep.; after violent cough, HAgar.; caused by cough, I IBadiag.; during cough, Hep, Iod.; during cough (measles), ISquilla; twice, when cough- ing, Bry.; with dry cough, Cina ; ends cough, I Agar, IBell, ISquilla, Seneg.; with cough and coryza, in morning before get- ting out of bed, lasts till 9 a.m., ISep.; in whooping cough, I Anac; all day, with incipi- ent catarrh, especially in children, ISal. ac; until depression ensues, preceded by irrita- tion of Schneiderian membrane, conjunctiva and face, latter being heated (hay fever), 11 Nux v.; with watery discharge, Kob.; watery, excoriating, burning discharge, I IHam.; with dryness, tickling, particularly in left nostril, IBelb; when looking at something bright, and from every little dust, Lyss.; with crack- ing in ear, IBar. e; with violent pressure in ears, Sub; with twitching pain in ears, Act. sp.; after eating, Cinch, bob; after dinner, Agar, I IZinc; excessive, IKali e; excessive and continued, followed by violent bleeding of nose, llndig.; in evening, Hod.; in evening on going to bed, Bufo.; in evening, in sleep, IIPuls.; most evenings and mornings, ICist; with a luminous appearance before eyes, IIKali m.; on opening eyes, IGraph.; with tensive pains from eye to teeth and cheeks, worse at night (anchylosis), HStaph.; with pains in fauces, Ictod.; with stinging in fauces, Amm. br.; in catarrhal fever, lEuph.; with fever in afternoon, Cinch, bob; frequent, Aeon., Alum, 11 Arg. met,l lArs, Aspar,IBell,Brom , Bry., ICepa, IMar. v, I IMur. ac, INitr.ac, Petrol, IPhos, I IStaph, Ver.; frequent, on going into open air, IKali bb; frequent, better in open air, with stoppage of nose, I IPhos.; frequent, with dry nasal catarrh, IKreo.; frequent, in coryza, Ammoniac, I Aur. met, ICepa, INatr. c, I ISinap, HSub; fre- quent, with fluent coryza, worse right side, ISang.; frequent, worse from sneezing,I IDros.; frequent, with sudden attacks of profuse, waterybland coryza, I Plant.; frequent, relieves burning headache and pain in eyes, Lib tig.; frequent, in morning, IKali bb; frequent, in morning, in bed, I I Agar.; frequent, particu- larly in morning, ICaust, IKreo.; frequent, mostly early in morning or late in evening, as if coryza would begin, Lyss.; frequent, with crawling in nose (hay asthma), ICarbo v.; fre- quent, with profuse coryza, ICycb; frequent, with stoppage, IKreo.; frequent, with tickling (hay asthma), ICarbo v.; frequent, in phthisis, lArs. i.; frequent, rouses from sleep, IIAmm. m.; frequent, after smelling tincture, 11 Aspar.; frequent, with rough and scraping sensation in throat, IKreo.; frequent, violent, from high up in nose, Gymn.; roused by brushing or combing hair, I ISib; with headache, IGels.; 266 7. NOSE. headache after sneezing, INatr. m.; causes headache, IKali e; during headache, INatr. m.; renders headache unbearable, IKali e; makes headache worse, ISpig.; for five minutes, causing heaviness and dizziness of head, afterwards discharge of thin watery fluid from nose, Seneg.; with lightness of head and excitement, Benz. ac; twenty or thirty times, with a slinging motion of head, I Arn.; with heat, Chin, s.; with hoarseness, Benz.ac, IMere; hoarseness ceases in morning, after sneezing, IKreo.; for an hour, at noon, ICi- mex ; almost incessant, with a feeling of ful- ness in right side of forehead, extending to root of nose (coryza), 11 Sticta; ineffectual, ^Ethus, I ICale, IMez, INitr. ac, Zing.; inef- fectual, with coryza, HCale fl.; ineffectual, with acrid coryza, ISib; ineffectual, with crawling in left nostril, ICarbo v.; irritation to, 11 Agar, I Amyl, Aspar, Berb, Coccus, Sab ac; irritation, with crawling, ICham.; ir- ritation, with cough, Anac; irritation, with- out cold or apparent cause, lEuph.; with bruised pain in knee and hip joint (coxalgia), IKali c; causes lachrymation, ISabad.; loos- ens phlegm in larynx, Osm.; with tickling in larynx, Osm.; from overlifting, Arn.; causes pain in one or other limb, ICaps.; produced by chilling, biting burning on inner side of right, upper lip, as if a corroding acid had touched spot, sensation passes up and back to right nasal cavity, Lyss.; aggravates pain in liver, fPsor.; after warm smarting, lllic; aggravates, stitching burning in whole convex portion of liver, extending to spine (inflam- mation of liver), IMere; stitches in loins, Arund.; long continuance of irritation, Calad.; causes soreness in lungs, Chel.; causes sting- ing in lungs, Chel.; causes soreness, like a wound, in left lung, I ICheb; in morning, Benz. ac, Chlor., ICimex, Sars.; in morning, in bed, IINux v., I IPuls.; in morning, before getting out of bed, lasts until 9 a.m., ISep.; in morning, with green discharge (catarrh), I ISticta ; worse in morning, and on lying down at night, but more or less all day (hay fever), I ISinap.; follows itching and ting- ling in anterior nares, frequently repeated for forty-eight hours (hay catarrh), I ISticta ; follows nausea, ISang.; in solar neuralgia, 11 Stann.; at night, Arum t; all night, follows sudden cessation of cough (influenza), I IRhus; at night, in ozaena, lElaps ; worse at night; IIArum t; causes nosebleed, Bov, ICin.; causes bleeding from left nostril, of bright red, thick blood, Bapt.; a tough, skinny substance is blown out (diphtheria), ILach.; with crawling in nose, Ars. h, IColch.; pre- ceded by cutting crawling, in morning and af- ternoon, I I Zinc; with very dry nose or run- ning coryza, IIGraph.; caused by itching in nose, IHep.; from itching in nose, in coryza, ICale; pain in nose runs upward and inward, as if head would be torn off (urticaria), IBelb; from prickling in nose (coryza), ICale; aggra- vates sore pain and burning in nose, IMagn. m.; with swelling of nose, Coccus; caused by tickling in nasal cavity, Lyss.; from tickling in right side of nose, Ars. h.; from tickling in tip of nose, Anag.; from sensation in right nostril as if stopped, IIMar. v.; relieves draw- ing pain in occiput, ICale; causes pains from oesophagus to stomach, Ictod.; with pains in palate, Ictod.; in paroxysms, frequent and violent, Therid.; in paroxysms for weeks (ca- tarrhal asthma affecting nostrils), Tabae.; expels a lump of viscid plegm, Anag.; in phthisis pituitosa, ILye; causes stitching in rectum and hemorrhoids, IILach.; causes stitches in renal region (morbus Bnghtii), I Ars.; repeated, stops on being interrupted, j Lvss.; immediately after rising, as if it would tear her to pieces, ICepa; in scarlatina, ICaps.; violent and rapid, five or six times in succes- sion, with watery discharge, Rumex ; severe, Chlor.; with exostoses on skull, IIArg. met.; in sleep, Bar. m, INitr. ae; as from snuff, Osm.; spasmodic, IRhus, Stram.; spasmodic, on going in open, air (influenza), ISabad.; spasmodic, with cough in children, Bell.; spas- modic, in hay fever and influenza, ISabad.; spasmodic, in measles, IGels.; spasmodic, worse in morning (influenza), IGels.; spas- modic, each morning, or ineffectual attempts, INatr. m.; causes pain in cardiac end of sto- mach, Ictod.; causes involuntary stool, ISquil- la; sudden, IGlon.; in sunshine, Mere sul.; pre- vents talking, in morning (influenza), I IRhus; following profuse flow of tears, lAmyl; with dryness of throat and posterior nares, JEsc. h.; after sneezing, a little, round lump loosens in throat, but has to be swallowed, Osm.; causes pain in throat or head, HPhos.; aggra- vates rawness of throat, Chin, a.; with foul smell from throat (bronchial catarrh), ICale; relieves stinging in throat, Amm. br.; aggravates sore throat, Chin. a.; leaves a raw sore feeling in throat, I IHyper.; withdraw- ing roughness and stinging in throat pit, Bor.; from tickling in nose, Calc. p.; causes stitch- ing in umbilical region, Aloe; worse on un- covering body (influenza\ IRhus ; causes in- voluntary " urination, HCaust, IINatr. m., 11 Sep., IZinc; causes stitching in affected parts (cancer of uterus), ILach.; violent, 11 Aph. ch, Asar, Brom, INatr. c, Niccol.; violent, with aphonia, IKali e; violent attacks, llnd.; violent, in catarrh, Aspar.; violent, chronic,in daytime only, IGamb.; with coryza, lAcon., lAilant, I Anac, IBadiag, IBry, Calc. a, Calc. p., TrCarbo a., Chel, ICina, Form, IIKali iod., Kob, Mere sul, Oxal. ac, IRu- mex, ISang, Seneg., ISep.; violent, with rush of blood to head, IINatr. e; violent, causes pain in head, Astac; violent, in influenza, lArs.; violent morning paroxysms, IGels.; violent, when rising in morning, with heat in face, Rhod.; violent, frequent, with discharge from nose after rising, INatr. m.; violent, painful, with red, swollen nose, IKali iod.; violent and rapid, five or six times in succes- sion, with watery discharge from nose, after sudden, sharp tingling in Schneiderian mem- i brane, Rumex; violent, from time to time, shaking abdomen, followed by lachrymation, Sabad.; with yawning, Astac. gfg&° Coryza hay fever. Nose, snoring: b@~ Chapter 37. I Noj^{footy: in typhoid, IZinc; in typhus, IChlor.; nostrils, Ant. t, IHyose; as if smoky (hydrocephalus), IHell. ggg* black. Nose, soreness: 11 Apis, Ars. h, IBrom, ICale, IGraph, IKali bb, IKali c, IMere, IMere cor., IMez., INatr. m, IPetrol Psor 7. NOSE. 267 Ran. b, Sars., IThuya ; on edges, with sneez- ing (coryza), ICale p.; under alae (amenor- rhcea), Symph.; inner edge of right ala, IHydras.; in angina syphilitica, ILach.; back of, as if nasal bones had been beaten, Sib; after nosebleed, Led.; with ciliary ble- pharitis associated with phlyctenular oph- thalmia, IMere d.; of bridge, IPetrol.; as if bruised, IHep.; cold sore (pneumonia), Hod.; in coryza, Amm. m.; pain on dorsum when touching it, IHep.; at edges (scarlatina), lAmm. m.; of end, ILith.; excoriated, IGraph.; feeling, on drawing air through (catarrh), ISep.; feeling, on blowing it, IIGraph.; with frontal headache, ICale; of inner, Euph, llgn, I INatr. m, INitr. ac, IRhus, IZinc; of inner, with every fresh cold, ISib; of inner, with otorrhcea, after abuse of mercury, I ISil.; of inner, commencing as watery pimples which suppurate and form scabs, Tuberc; of inner, in scarlatina, I Amm. m.; of inner, in mercurio-syphilitic cases or drunkards, ILach.; in keratitis pustulosa, I ISub; in left side, Agnus; in left side, daily 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Cina ; of mucous membrane, ■Graph.; of mucous membrane, with catarrhal discharge, at first watery then muco-purulent, Still.; of mucous membrane, with bloody scabs on margin of nostrils, I IPhos.; of nos- trils, lAlum, lAnt. c, Aph. ch, Cact., ICale, Chel., Jab., IILach., IMere cor., INatr. m, INitr. ac, IIPuls., I ISep.; of nostrils, from catarrh (rachitis; atrophy of children), ■Staph.; of nostrils, in chronic nasal catarrh, INatr. s.; of nostrils, with yearly cold, IBrom.; of nostrils, in coryza, IBar.c, IKali e, ISub; of nostrils, with cracking as from cold, ■ IGraph.; and crawling as of a centipede in left nostril, in morning, Med.; edges of nos- trils sore, Cale s.; of exterior nostrils, Brach.; nostrils feel sore, IKaob, IRhus; feeling of soreness high up in nostrils, I IZinc; nos- trils sore inside, Diose; of left nostril, Natr. ph.; of nostrils, worse left, IIArum t.; nostrils painful as if sore, with violent coryza, ISquilla; sore pain in both nostrils, even when touched, I IPhos.; sore pain in right nostril, Kali n.; of nostril, with redness and swelling, with dry coryza of one side, Stann.; of right nostril, IMere iod. flav, Ziz.; a feeling of soreness or ulceration in right nostril, worse on pressure, Thuya; of outer wing (inside) of left, Med.; and obstructed (scarlatina), HCale; pain as if soreover.better temporarily by rubbing,IArs.; worse from deep breathing, sneezing or touch, worse in morning, IMagn. m.; of nasal pass- ages, Ptel.; constant inclination to pick nose and get scab off, ILac e; with small pustules, 11 Pod.; at root, Niccol.; caused by pulling away clinkers too soon, IIKali bi.; of inner, with yellow or black scurf, Rhod.; of septum, Bov, IColch.; of cartilaginous septum, bleed- ing when touched, IHydras.; in septum, on right side, ILac e; of septum, right side, ■Merc. iod. flav.; of nostrils, with stinging pain, Mur. ae; at tip, and inside, ICon.; of tip, Merc, sub; around tip, ^Calc; especially when touched, lAur.met; of margins of nos- trils, as if ulcerated, on moving nose, in even- ings, INux v.; of nostrils, cracked, ulcerated, ■ ■Graph.; of wings (acute coryza), I ISinap.; surrounded by thick, moist scabs, IIGraph.; inside, itching, all the time picking nose, ■Hyper.; left side, inside and out, itching and. scabbing over (hereditary syphilis), I ISyph. 8®° Coryza acrid. Nose, as of fine electric sparks at left wing, wants to rub part repeatedly, Carbol. ac. Nose, spots: red, burning, Hod.; inflamed, on septum, I ISars.; on septum, left side, similar to eruption on vulva (pruritus vulvae), ILil. tig.; red, Berb.; brown red, I Aur. met; feel sore, IMere iod. flav.; inflamed, suppurating, soon destroy septum, I ISars.; red, itching, painfully sore to touch, in fissure of right wing, Thuya; yellow, Cadm. s. 8^" eruption. Nose, sensation in ate as if spread open: Hod. Nose, squeaking sensation: at root, I INatr. c. Nose, sticking: in root, extending to eyebrows, Inul.; in septum when touched, Zinc. ggg~ pricking, stinging, stitches. Nose, stenosis: B^T" stoppage. Nose, stiffness: sensation of, Eucab, IKali bi, Lyss.; of walls, IKali bi. 8®° tension. Nose, stinging : HApis, IKali e; in upper part of cavity, Hydr. ac. Mar. v.; in coryza, ISang.; as from a flea, Ascl. t; in inner, with irrita- tive swelling (chronic catarrh,) I ISang.; in left nostril, with watery discharge, Carbol. ae; as if sore, and about to ulcerate in anterior corner of nostrils, Camph.; from within out- ward, Ign.; on small places, right to left, Aur. mur.; in right side, to forehead, in middle line, on blowing, I ISub; in right nostril, fol- lowed by excessive sneezing, Psor.; at root, Niccol.; in root, extends to malar bones, with painful teeth, IRhus ; in front part of septum, ■Iod.; in tip and inside, ICon. Nose, stitches: Ananth, lAur met. Caps.; in right nostril, on taking a long inspiration, I IOp, Oxabae; in right side, of middle, Inul.; in root, before he falls, with vertigo, IKali e; violent, in right side, as if two loose bones were rubbed against each other, on blowing nose, IKali bb; in root, which is distended, especially on sneezing and coughing, INitr. ae; from root to tip, Camph.; in septum, with ozaena, after abuse of mercury, ICinnam.; as from a splinter on touch, INitr. ae; sharp, in tip, Illic. 8®*" pricking, stinging. Nose, stopped: Aeon, Ailant, Alum, Amb, Amm. br, lAmm. c, lAmm. m, Anac, lAnt. c, 11 Apis, I Arg. nit, Ars., IIArum t, Asar, IlAur. met, I IBadiag, Bov, Bry, ICale, I ICale s, Cact, Cann. s, HCaps, iCarbo a, ICarbo v, Caust, ICepa, iCham, Chlor, Coccus, Coral, ICup. m, IDig, Dros, IDulc, Fluor, ac, IGraph, Grat, IHep, IHydras., Hod., Ipec, Iris, IKali c, IKali iod, ILach, I ILaur, ILye, IMagn. m, IMang, IMere, I IMillef, IMur. ac, INatr. m., INatr. s, INitr. ac, IINux v, I IOp, IPhos, IPhyt, Plat, Psor., Puis, Raph, IRhus, IRumex, HSamb, Sep, ISil, ISpon, Stann, Sum, ISub, Sub ac, Syph, I IThuya, Verbas, Zinc, Zing.; above, worse morning and forenoon, I ILith.; making breathing through nose im- possible, better walking in open air, returns in room, IKali e; alternates with clear discharge, Amm. br.; alternates with fluent coryza, Ant. t, HArs., I ISang.; annoying, IHep.; of an- terior, with profuse discharge through poste- 268 7. NOSE. rior nares, Spig.; with apprehension and op- pression, IZinc; awakes at 3 a.m., 11 Phyt.; awaking one at night, IMagn. e; as of a large rough body in upper, Amm. m.; with a bloody substance (diphtheria), IChin. a.; making breathing difficult (coryza), INitr.ac; catar- rhal, Plat., INatr. a.; in chronic catarrh, llpec; in catarrh of frontal sinus, Ant. e; as from catarrh, in evening on going to bed, IIPuls.; with oppression and anxiety in chest, ICale; chronic, Fluor, ac, Sars., ISub; one nostril, ISub; as if he had taken a bad cold, Bapt.; with every fresh cold, ISib; completely, chronic, 11 Selen.; completely, in coryza, IKali c; completely, in diphtheria, IKali perm.; completely, with polypi, IMar. v.; completely, when riding, must breathe through mouth (coryza), IPhyt,; completely, could scarcely speak, Sep.; constant, worse at night and in morning, must breathe with mouth open at night, INatr. a.; with obstinate constipation, IPsor.; continual, after removal of polypi, IMar. v.; in coryza (8®*" Coryza dry); with dry cough, IINux v.; in whooping cough, ISpong.; with hard crusts (syphilitic ozaena), lAur. mur.; distressing, at bridge, HArs.; in diphtheria, Amm. c, IMere cy.; with feeling of dryness, Gels, Stram.; with buzzing in ears, ILach.; by eruption on sep- tum, Crot. t; in evening, ICina, IIPuls.; especially toward evening, with pressing at root and tingling and crawling in cavities (hay fever), IRan. b.; worse toward evening, ICarbo v.; especially in nursing infants, ISamb.; in infants at breast, or in measles, IINux v.; with inflammation of eye, IColoe; feeling as if stopped, lAur. mur, IlAur. met, ICham, Eucal, IHam, Kob, I ILaur, INatr. a,I INux v., Stram., IZinc, Zing.; feeling as if stopped, with aching weight in forehead, better in open air, IPhos.; feeling as if stopped, in chronic inflammation of mucous membrane, IKali bb; feeling as if stopped, in ozaena, INatr. s.; feel- ing as if stopped when reading aloud, Verbas.; feeling as if stopped, in influenza, I ISticta; feeling as if stopped while running, lArs., ICup.m,IMere cor. Sec.; with fever (coryza), I ISpong.; in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; with pain in forehead, I IDulc; with repeated attacks of pain in forehead, better by a thick, dirty yellow, offensive smelling discharge, IMar. v.; with headache, ICale, ^Carbo a.; with headache across eyebrows (chronic ca- tarrhal laryngitis), I ISang.; with syphilitic headache, I IThuya; with dulness of head, as if coryza would develop, I IPhos.; high up, so he cannot breathe, when riding in carriage, Asaf; of inner, ISub; from injections of iodine in water, IGraph.; first right, then left, with lachrymation, Bor.; sensation of a leaflet in root, obstructing smell, IIKali iod.; in left side, as with a solid plug, 11 See; of left half, near root, worse in morning, after rising, al- ternates with stoppage of right, during day, nose being never entirely stopped, better in open air, 11 Rhod.; worse in left side, in morn- ing, Arum t.;on side he lies on, with polypus, IMar. v.;of long standing, ICon.; long con- tinued, from hardened mucus, ISib; by false membranes, IMere cy. (complementary to Hepar and Phosphor); membrane tumefied, must breathe through mouth (scarlatina), ICarbol. ae; before menses, IMagn. e; in morning, ICale, ICarbo a, IHep, IKali bi., IPhos.; in morning, fluent during day, ISib; must breathe with mouth open, INux m., Tell.; with bloody mucus, having dried down, thoroughly impacting both nasal passages high up (malignant scarlatina), ILach.; by mucus, can breathe only with mouth open, Pic. ac; by mucus, especially in evening, Hod.; with glairy mucus, worse left side, IIAlum.; by nasal mucus, ISpong.; by thick mucus, iEthus.; with thick, tenacious mucus, ISamb.; by thick mucus, impeding respira- tion (chronic nasal catarrh), I Agar.; by puru- lent, thick, crusty mucus (colds of newborn children), IPuls.; with dryness of posterior nares, ILye; mostly of one nostril, with dis- charge of much mucus through posterior nares, Vinca; can hardly breathe, especially at night, ICale; every night (chronic catarrh), INatr. e; at night, with coryza, INatr. c, IILyc; at night, if he allows head to be uncovered during day, INatr. m.; at night, in pertussis, ICaust.; mostly at night, (scarlatina), HAmm. e; cannot breathe through it, worse at night, Niccol.; cannot breathe through it, worse a night, in croup, lArs.; nostrils stopped, HArs. i, Carbol. ac, Cinch, bob, lElaps, IMang, ISabad.; nostrils, worse in wet, cold weather, in dry coryza, IMang.; nostrils, with coryza, Mar. v.; nostrils, stuffed feeling high up, Stann.; nostrils, feel- ing as if, although discharge profuse, thin mucus, excoriating nose and lip (acute coryza), I ISinap.; nostrils filled up, preventing breath- ing (hay fever), IDulc; left nostril, Asar, 11 Sep., Uran. n.; left nostril, all day, ISinap.; left nostril, in delirium tremens, I IStram.; left nostril fills up lying on that side, Chin. a.; nostrils, particularly left, lying down, preventing breathing through nose, Chin. a.; nostril, every morning, with what looks like inspissated pus (polypus), ILye; nos- trils with lumps of dry mucus, Elaps; of one nostril, I llgn., IStaph.; partial, of nos- trils, and stuffiness high up (ozaena), lElaps; with hard, offensive pieces from nostril, INatr.e; right nostril, Bapt, IBor, IGels, Lil. tig,I ISars.,Ziz.; feeling in right nostrilas if it were partly stopped, is obliged to blow nose and sneeze, but could not thereby re- move obstruction, IIMar. v.; right nostril, in influenza, IGels.; right nostril, in facial neu- ralgia, I IPuls.; right nostril seems filled up, Xan.; right nostril stopped, sore, later left, Brom.; nostrils, when asleep, lArs.; nostrils, child sucks with difficulty, IKali bi., INux v, ISamb.; one side, Bell.; one side, the other free and discharging thin mucus at times and thin blood alternately, first one nostril stopped and other fluent and vice versa (diphtheria), I ILac e; in ophthalmia scrofulosa, ICale; of nasal passages, IHydras., I ISinap.; of nasal passages on rising, Tromb.; in smallpox, IHy- dras.; with purulent substance (diphtheria), IChin. a.; with yellow, foul-smelling, pus, ICale; both sides, on reading aloud, several times during day and especially in evening, IMar.v.; rightside, then running, Camph.; on rising in morning, better in evening, Ars. met; about root (chronic in flam mati on' naso- pharyngeal mucous membrane), lElaps- at NOSE. 269 root, as if mucous membrane were hypertro- phied, Med.; especially at root (diphtheria), ILye; with thick yellow scabs and mem- branes, worse right side (diphtheria), IMere iod. flav.; in scarlatina, HCaps, ICarbol. ac, HSub; stuffed up, nasal secretion drying so rapidly it cannot be discharged, I ISticta ; with gluey secretion, IMere cor.; with secretion of tough, badly-smelling mucus, IIGraph.; slight, All. sat.; with frequent sneezing, IKreo.; with frequent sneezing, better in open air, I IPhos.; snuffles of children, lAscl. t, lAur. mur, IINux v., I ISamb.; snuffles, child starts outof sleep rubbing its nose, IILyc; snuffling, with coryza, I Arund.; constant snuffling yet no discharge, Iod.; constant snuffling in warm damp weather, IKali bb; in spite of watery discharge (scarlatina), IIArum t; startsfrom sleep (child), I Amm. e; after stool, Hep.; worse stooping, HAgar.; after checked foot sweat, ISib; by swelling, Cadm. s.; with dry- ness and burning of throat in morning, IKali bb; especially upper part, difficulty of detach- ing thick mucus, which more readily passes by posterior nares, IIKali bi.; blows to no purpose, interfered with breathing and changed her voice, worse at night, deprives of sleep, 11 Sticta ; stenosis, j Arg. nit. 8gT Coryza dry. Nose, sweat: much across, in incipient tuber- culosis, I ITubere;cold, around, HCinch.; in morning during rest, Cimex; on dorsum, Ruta. B^T" Chap. 8, Face sweat. Nose, swelling: I Alum, Anthrac,HApis,I Arn., HArs., Ars. m, ICale, Cann. s, Carbo a, IGraph, IGuaiac, IHep, Hod., IKali e, IMagn. m, Med, Meph, IMerecor, HPhos, IIMerc. iod. rub, IRhus, IRhus v, ISep, ISil, IISul, Tuberc, Urt. ur.; of nasal bones, Ananth, Asaf; as far as nasal bones extend, Ictod.; with violent catarrh, IILyc.; in nasal catarrh, ICale; in children, HCale; cold, with itching and burning, IPhos. ac;" in coryza, IIBar. c, Coccus, IILyc, IIMerc, HPhos.; of dorsum, with red patches or pim- ples on tip of nose and throbbing, IPhos. ae; like erysipelas, I Aur. met; in erysipelas, HApis; diffuse, erysipelatous, in upper part, sensitive to touch, Hippoz.;. erythematous, Kali br.; external and internal, Bell, ICale; in evening, IPuls.; in scrofulous inflammation of eyes, IMere; feeling of, ICale, Sub; in hay fever, I ISinap.; inflammatory, painful like a boil, IIHep.; inflammatory, with tension, Ran. b.; internally, llgn, IMere sob; inter- nally, in coryza, Aspar.; of internal, in scrofu- lous ophthalmia, IIRhus; of inner, red, in coryza, I Aeon.; with itching, sneezing and increased secretion of mucus, Coccus; knotty, HArs.; knotty, on ridge, ICale; left side, I ICist.; left side (erysipelas erratica), IHydras.; left side, painful to touch, INatr. m.; left side, with sore pain, especially on blowing nose, IINatr. m.; mucous membrane, IKali e; mucous membrane, in chronic ca- tarrh, ICale; of mucous membrane in coryza, (hay asthma), IILach.; of mucous membrane, with chronic coryza, ISib; of mucous mem- brane in upper portion, with difficulty in breathing through nose, and speaking through nose (coryza), INatr. m.; of mucous mem- brane, with abundant secretion of water and later of muco-purulent substance, sneezing and some dyspnoea, lEuph.; in chronic in- flammation of mucous membrane of nose, IKali bi.; of nostrils, IMagn. m, HSep, Thuya; of left nostril, I Alum, ICale; of left nostril, with tensive pain,Thuya; external,of left nostril, Amm. m.; of one nostril, IPhos.; feeling in right nostril, I IKali n.; left nostril, worse, inflamed, Goss.; external margin of right nostril, IMez.; of mucous membrane, completely occluded nostrils, remaining after erysipelas of face, which extended to inner surface of nose, IMar. v.; of nostrils, in stric- ture of oesophagus, I IKali e; protruding, pain- less, of left nostril, after fever, headache, etc, had been removed (facial erysipelas), IMar. v.; of right nostril, IMere iod. flav.; one nostril seems smaller, Hippoz.; with sore nostrils (scrofulous children), ICale p.; tumor as large as a pea under right nostril, sensitive to touch, IHekla; oedematous, of affected parts, especially in choanae (diphtheria), IIBapt.; cedematous, in erysipelas, 11 Apis; of one half, in morning, after headache, Coccul.; of one side, with loss of smell, IZinc; pain- ful, in scarlatina, ISub; of whole or only tip, accompanied by pain and inflammation, fol- lowed by cancer, pus thin, ichorous and acrid, Merc; and adjacent parts wuth severe pain, Hippoz.; puffy, lApis, Caust., I IPlumb, IPuls, IRhus; appearance of pufliness, but hard to touch, like swelling from a blow or bee sting, ILach.; red, of left side, I Aur. mur.; of right side, IMere iod. rub. Zinc; especially on right side, red, sore, internally, shining crusts form in it, ILith.; in room, after walking in open air, Aur. met.; at root, IKali bb; especially at root,appearing .and disappearing, ICale; with pain at its root, IPetrol.; with pressure and pulsation at root, Sarrae; scrofulous, Caust.; scrofulous, tendency to bleeding, Phos. ac; scrofulous, with ulcers and crusts inside, IFerr. iod.; of septum narium, red, worse evenings, I Alum.; of right side of septum, IMere iod. flav.; shining, Bor.; hard, shining (scrofula), lAur. mur. nat; point shining, red, Sub; red, shining, of right side, beginning at tip and spreading, Oxal. ae; with continual secretion of watery, colorless acrid fluid and violent painful sneez- ing, IKali iod.; and soreness, ICale; and sore- ness, with nosebleed, Bry.; distension of right nostril by a highly vascular, spongy swell- ing, apparently growing upward and down- ward, and protruding externally, left nostril affected in same way, muco-purulent dis- charge (malignant ulceration of nose), IKali bi.; of tip, IBell, HCaust., Chel, Merc, sub, ISep.; of tip, with blueness and redness (old inebriates ; zymosis), ICrotal.; of tip, with burning, Niccol.; of tip, sore pain, Bor.; of tip, with sore, stinging pain, IKali e; of tip, feeling of ulceration on touch, Bry.; of wings, INitr. ac, Oxal. ac, ISub; interior of wings, INatr. m.; of left wing, Zinc; red, hard, painful, on left wing, painful to pressure, Zinc; of wings, with sore, stinging pain, IKali e B^T'congestion, erysipelas, inflamed. Nose, syphilitic affections of nares: IHydras. Nose, disposition to talk through : 8®° Chap. 25, Voice nasal. Nose, tearing: Lachn, Spcng.; as if in bone near 270 7. NOSE. root, IMere cor.; crampy, between root and eyebrow, Mang.; in dorsum, ICinch.; with faceache, ISep.; headache, down, above eyes, with nausea and gaping, ICale; in right nos- tril, after dinner, Zinc; fine, in right, exter- nally, Zinc; rheumatic, from root to forehead, INatr. m.; at root, Niccol.; in root, from tak- ing cold, IPhos.; in root, as if coryza would appear, Coloe; in root, with nausea, IKalm.; in wing, I IStram. 8@T neuralgia. Nose, tender: in coryza, Amm. m.; in coryza, after mercury, IIKali iod. B^T" touch. Nose, tension : Cadm. s.; above, IGlon., IHep.; across, better by nosebleed, IHam.; over bones, with numbness, Asaf; across bridge, as if pro- fuse epistaxis would occur, Eucab; across bridge, as if skin were drawn tight, after Tep- litz had removed spot in left cheek, I IPetrol.; in catarrh, ILac def; in root, with coryza, IKali bb; between eyes, I I Carbol. ac; numb,as from swelling, Samb.; with redness and inflam- matory swelling, Ran. b.; at root, Cadm. s, Cupr. s., Menyanth.; sensation as if it must burst (chronic inflammation of mucous mem- brane of nose), IKali bb; sensation of swell- ing, Bor.; sensation in tip, ICarbo a.; of skin, Arg. met.; skin of tip feels tight, ICarbo a.; stupefying, as from a band, in root, Ant. t; tightening in root (syphilis), IKali iod. 8@° swelling. Nose, thick: IKali c; inner edge of right ala, IHydras.; feels thick, Caust.; seemed thick, IKali bb; of membrane (catarrh), INatr. m.; membrane, can inhale, but difficult to ex- hale, Natr. a.; in scrofula, IFerr. iod.; red, in ophthalmia scrofulosa, ICale, IFerr. iod. B^p* congestion, erysipelas, swelling. Nose, throbbing: 11 Ars.; from left side to root, IColoe; in left nostril, Arg. met; over, llgn.; rhythmical with pulse, IKali bi.; in root, IKali bb; in root, with red swollen nose, Sarrae; and swelling, Bor. BSF" congestion, heat, inflammation, red. Nose, tickling: lArg. met, I ICaps, ISpig.; in hay asthma, ICarbo v.; in back of nose, as if lightly touched by hairs, or as if a gentle wind were blowing across it, I ISpig.; constant, IPuls.; in front, with coryza (relieved by Phos.), Lyss.; high up, in hay fever, I ISinap.; in nostrils, Polyg.; in nostril, as with a stiff feather, I IPhyt; as from a tight hair high up in left nostril, IKali bb; like a hair in right nostril, HHydras.; inleft nostril, Arg.met; in outer edges of nostrils, Card, m.; in right nostril, then left, with watery discharge, I I Card, m.; in point, with irritation to sneeze, Carb. s.; in right nasal cavity, caused by chilling, biting, burning sensation on inner side of right upper lip, passing to right nasal cavity, Lyss.; causing sneezing, Asar.,Calc. p, Lyss.; in right, causes sneezing, Ars. h.; as from fine snuff, followed by violent sneezing, IPuls.; in inner, with irritative swelling with or without discharge(chronic catarrh), 11 Sang.; unpleasant on tip, causes sneezing, Anag. B^T* crawling, tingling. Nose, tingling: Con, IGels, IMar. v.; before bleeding, HArn.; in coryza, IColch.; with hoarseness and coryza, ICaps.; bloody mu- cous discharge, IGels.; within cavities, with stuffed up nose (hay fever), IRan. b.; in right nostril, Ars. s. r., ICepa; in right side, with coryza, I ISticta ; in anterior nares, followed by sneezing frequently repeated, for forty- eight hours (hay catarrh), 11 Sticta. 8^° crawling, tickling. Nose, titillation ; agreeable,in ate, Sabad.; with hoarseness, in coryza, ICaps. Bgp crawling, tickling, tingling. Nose, touch: painful, HPhos.; painful, with coryza, ICale; dorsum painful, IKali bi, INatr. c.; painful, internally, INux v.; sep- tum narium painful, worse evenings, I Alum.; tip painful, ICarbo a.; sensitive, Benz. ac, ICie, 11 Kali iod.; extremely sensitive, Lyss.; extreme sensibility, with pain across frontal sinuses, Zinc.; inner, sensitive, llgn.; lower part sensitive, IMagn. m.; sensitive tip, IRhus; nostrils sore, worse in evening, lAlum.; nos- trils sore, with coryza, IZinc; nostrils sore, and worse in evening, IMang.; sore, worse in left side, Ictod.; sore, after nosebleed, with vertigo, ISub; stitches, like a splinter, INitr. ac.; nostril tender, Ziz. Nose, tremor : of tip, Chel. Nose, tumor: hard, bluish, on end, ICarbo a.; lipoma, lobulated, no subjective symptoms, old cases, ISul.; malignant, Cale; two reddish growths, as large as peas, stitching when touched (nasal polypi), I ISub; small, size of a pea, under nostril, sensitive to touch, IHekla; small, like wens on tip, Ananth.; inleft nos- tril, yellowish white, spongy, moist, extend- ing into orbit behind eyes, displacing it one- half its diameter to left external angular pro- cess of orbit, and protruding about one-third of an inch further than normal (nasal polyp), IMere iod. rub. B@" cancer, swelling. Nose, twinging: darting pain, Euph. Nose, twitching: Calab.; above, llgn.; slight, around, IMosch.; in tip, Bry., Chel.; visible, on root, IMez. Nose, ulceration: 11 Alum., Ang., IlAur. mur. nat, Coral, IFluor. ae, Jatroph, IINitr. ae; soft parts of ate involved, IKali bi.; on right ala, burning, stinging, forming a thick, hard crust, came off and left bleeding, mattery sur- face, soon followed by another crust (cancer), lArs.; in catarrh, IHippoz.; of inner, at times yellow, at times black crusts, ICale; deep in cavity, I Aur. mur.; deep ulcers, lardlike fun- dus, Hippoz.; with corroding, burning dis- charge (syphilis), IKali iod.; internally, with thin, watery discharge, IKali bb; dry ulcers, ISub; externally, Natr. e; high up, dis- charging fetid, bitter ichor, Ars.; high up, with sensitiveness to contact, HSil.; portion of left side eaten by an ulcer, with thick crust (lupus), Caust.; edges of ulcers pectinated, elevated, viscous secretion, in groups, at first size of a lentil,running together, Hippoz.; ma- lignant, IKali bb; on mucous membrane, ter- minating in erosion of perichondrium, and perforation of septum and vomer, Hippoz.; of Schneiderian membrane, with great fetor, Hod.; of nostrils,! Anthrok.,I Arn,II Aur. met. Bell, Bufo, Cadm. s, ICale, Coral, IKali bi, IKali c, IMere, IPetrol, I IPhos, HSep.; of nostrils, with catarrh, ICham.; of nostrils, with coryza, ISub; of nostrils, covered with herpetic crusts (ozaena), IGraph.; of edges of nostrils, picks affected parts (ozaena), IMagn. m.; of nostrils, in epistaxis, I lAnanth.; of nos- trils, in intermittent, ICoccul.; of nostrils 7. NOSE. 271 high up, INatr. e; of inflamed nostrils, Bry.; of left nostril within, with occasional yellow discharge concreting in it, IKali iod.; of nos- trils, with stye on lid, I IPuls.; painful ulcer in right nostril, and on inner side of wing, affecting nasal bones, with sensation as if they were pressed asunder, ICorab; of right nostril with burning, Camb.; of nostrils, with scabs deep in nose,Sta ph.; scurfy,of nostrils, IGraph , IINitr. ac; small ulcers on external borders, IKali bb; small ulcers on edge of right nos- tril, burning when touched, Kali bb; of nos- trils, spots covered with crusts, and sensitive to touch (chronic catarrh), ICale; inside, in ozaena, Hippoz.; painful dry ulcer on right side of bridge (amenorrhcea), 11 Euph.; pain- ful, in scarlatina, ISub; internal, with collec- tion of elastic plugs, pain on removal, and leave nose sore, IKali bi.; reddened ulcer beneath, Arund.; ulcer, base dingy, reddish color, dry glazed, slight discharge, IHydras.; half an inch within, where there is a scab, Thuya; of septum,IFluor. ac, Hippoz.,IKali bb; septum completely ulcerated away, 11 Kali bi.; cartilaginous part of septum destroyed, mistaken for syphilis, IIKali bb; causes slightly curved concavity down centre, IKali iod.; membrane of septum dotted with minute ulcerations, IKali bi.; of septum, in ozaena, IKali iod.; perforation of septum (ozaena), IMere cor.; small, round,perforating ulcer on septum, IKali bb; syphilitic ulcers deep, with hard edges on septum, IKali bb; septum threatened by ulceration (secondary syphilis), 11 Syph.; of inner, involving frontal sinuses and antrum, IKali iod.; small ulcers on nostrils (catarrh), ISep.; on tip, HCaust; tip eaten by ulcer, with thick crust (lupus), Caust.; pro- gress from below upward, Hippoz.; wings ex- ternally, IIPuls.; ulcerative pain in nostrils, IHep.; ulcerative pain in left, sensitive to touch Amm. m.; anterior angles of nostrils painful, as if ulcerated, and as if one were cutting into the wound, INux v. 8@°* cancer, ozsena. Nose, varicose : in heart disease and asthma, ICrotal. Nose, warts: HCaust, INitr.ac, IThuya; con- dyloma on nostrils and in nose, bleeding on slight touch, INitr. ac;lipoina-like, INitr.ac; old, HCaust Nose, whitish : IMyos.; ate nasi, Strain. Nose,yellow: around, IINux v.; saddle, ICarbo a, HSep. SMELL, too acute: 8®° sensitive. Smell, diminished (blunted, impaired): Alum, Anac, I Aur. met. Bell, Benz. ac, Calc, Caps, ICoccul., IHell, IHep, IIHyos, IKali bb, IKali br, Natr. a. Plumb, Rhod, Sep., Sil, I ISinap, Sub, Tabae; in catarrh or coryza (8£§°° loss of); obstructed by sensation of a leaflet at root of nose, I IKali iod.; in typhus, lArg. nit.; with headache, IColoe; with dry- . ness of nose, IMez.; with sore throat, IMere cor. B€J^° loss. Smell, hallucinations (subjective): Anac, Aur. met. Bell, Calc, I IChel, ICina, Graph, Kali bi, Kreo., I IMagn. p., Menyanth., Nitr. ac, Paris, IPuls, Sang, Sub; of animals, in back part of nose, Con.; of recently slaugh- tered animals (chronic coryza), I ISib; of sour beer, IBell, Thuya ; of blood, Psor.; of blood, in chronic coryza, I ISib; of brandy, momen- tary, with dyspnoea, Aur. met.; of cabbage, Benz. ac, of chalk or clay, Cale; bread smells like putrid meat, Paris; of brimstone, INux v.; of burnt substances, Anac, Aur. met. Graph, Nux v., Sub; of old catarrh, Ars, IGraph, IPuls., HSub; of old cheese, INux v.; of burnt corn, Sub; disagreeable on inhal- ing air, INitr.ac; as if she drew in sulphuret- ted hydrogen with each breath, Kali bb; drinks smell putrid, INux v.; of pigeon or chicken dung, especially on smelling clothes or body, Anac; of dust, Benz. ac, of rotten eggs, Bell, ICale, Kali bi, Nux v.; like rotten eggs, in room and outdoors, Menyanth.; bad smell in evening, Nitr. ac; fetid, ISep.; in syph- ilis, IKali bb; of fish brine, IBell, Thuya; foul, Paris, I IPhos.; foul, with headache, IPhos.; stench of gunpowder, ICale; of burnt hair, mixed with sulphur, Graph.; of herring, Agnus; of herring brine (coryza), IBell,; of decayed swamp leaves, Iod.; of lobsters, Lye; of manure, Anac, Bry, Ver.; bad, in morning, Puis.; indescribably bad, in morning on awak- ing, Kreo.; of musk, Agnus ; of old, offensive mucus, HSub; nauseating, of rotten eggs, Menyanth.; offensive, Benz. ac; offensive, in morning, Natr. ph.; of onions, Coral., IManc.; of roasted onions, in influenza, I ISang.; of shelled peas, Sub; of pitch, in back of nose, Con.; of pitch or tar, Ars, Con.; of pitch and sulphur, alternately, Ars.; of pus, Arg. nit, Seneg.; of fresh pus, on awaking in morn- ing, Cinch, bob; of pus, at night, Agnus; putrid, Kali bb, Kob, Mere, Seneg.; putrid, on blowing nose, Aur. met.; putrid, with loss of appetite, in morning on awaking, IIKreo.; sickish, Kob.; of saffron, Ars.; of smoke, Coral, Ver.; of pine smoke (after pneumonia), iBar. c; of burning soot, Graph.; sour, in morning, Alum.; sweet, Aur. met.; of sulphur, Anac, Ars, Calc, Graph, Nux v.; of tinder, INux v.; of burning tinder, in morning on rising, Anac; of tobacco, which seemed to be through all, I ITabae; of tobacco and coffee mixed, even in open air, Puis.; of a malignant ulcer, Sub; unpleasant, in eve- ning on lying down, INitr. ac. Smell, loss of: Ailant, lAmm. m, lAnae or, I Ant. c. Ant. t, Arund, I Aur. met., Bell., Bry., Bufo, Card, m, ICoccul, Codein, ICup. m, IHell, IIHep, IHyos, llgn. Hod, Ipec, IKali bi, IKali br, IIMagn. p., IIMerc. cor, Natr. a, IINatr. m., INux m, IOp, HPhos, 11 Plumb, IIRhus, ISang, I I Sarrae, ISep, HSil.; in catarrh, Aspar, IPuls, IINatr. in.; in catarrh of frontal sinuses, ICup. m.; in co- ryza, Amm. m, I Anac, Ant. sul. aur. Ant t, IBry, Bufo, ICarbo a, ICham, ICycl, IGraph, Kali bi, IIMagn. m, INatr. e, INatr. m., Psor, IIPuls., ISang, ISarrac, ISil, ISul, ISul. ac; with cough, I Anac; for several days, Med.; with purulent dis- charge, (chronic coryza), lAnae; in dropsj', I Ars.; in epilepsy, I IPlumb.; in laryngitis, I ISub; in chronic inflammation of nasal membrane, lElaps, IPhos.; with thick mu- cus (catarrh), INatr. m.; with dryness of nose, IGraph.; with swelling of one side of nose, IZinc; in ozaena, lElaps, IKali s.; with loss of taste, IHep, IHyos, INatr. m.; with im- paired vision, ICaust; of twenty years stand- ing, IMar. v. gfg^* diminished. ER FACE. 272 8. Smell, fetid (objective): 8®° Nose smell fetid. Smell, perverted : BSr'hallucinations. Smell, sensitive (too acute): IIAcon, Agar, Alum., Anac lAur., met. Bar. c, IBell, Cale, Carbol. ac, ICham,H Cinch, ICoccul., HCoff, IColch, ICon., IHam, IHep, IHy- per., Ipom., ILact ae, ILye, INux m, IINux v, HOp, IPhos, Phos. ac, IPlat., Plumb, ISep.; alternately acute and dull (coryza), IBelb; ailments caused by strong odors, Aur. met, ICoccul, Coff.; to odor of coffee, Sul. ac; strong odors make him beside himself, HColch.; broth causes nausea and faintness (dysentery), IColch.; smell of cook- ing nauseates, Eup. perf, ISep.; smell of cooking causes vomiting of water, Stann.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, ILye; with anx- iety and fear of being alone, Lyss.; with con- vulsions, Lyss.; in coryza, Anac, IKalm.; cough from strong odors, IPhos.; smell of eggs causes nausea and vomiting (dysentery), IColch.; strong odors cause fainting, IINuxv.; smell of fish causes nausea and faintness Eruption. ERUPTION, (undefined): IBar. c, Bov, I ICaust, IIDulc, Ign., llpec, IKali iod, INatr. m, Phos. ac, IPsor, I ISep, I ISyph, ISul. Eruption, acne: lArs, Ars. i, IBelb, ICale, ICarbo a, ICarbo v., ICaust, I IChel, ICon, IIHep, Uamb., IKreo, ILach, Led, IKali br, Med, INatr. m, INitr. ac, IINux v, IPhos. ac, Sabina, Selen., I ISib, ISub; with blepharitis, from indulgence in high living or fat food, IPuls.; centre of pustule depressed, leaves scars, IKali br.; with muddy complex- ion, HSub; like that of drunkards, I Ant. c, lArs, Bar. c, Carb. s, ICrotal, IKreo, ILach, ILed, INux v., Puis, ISub; in young, growing girls, IPuls.; with sick headache, HSub; indurata, I Ant. sul. aur., I Ars., Bell, Berb., I ICarbo a, ICarbo v., ICon., IHep, Kali br, IKali iod. Led, Nux v., Puis, ISil, ISub; with displacement of uterus, worse be- fore menses, HSep.; since menopause, I ITa- rant.; punctata (B^T" comedones) ; rosacea, lArs., I Aur. mur, ICale, Calc. p., Cann., Canth, Caps, ICarbo a, ICarbo v, Carbol. ac, ICaust, ICie, Clem, Guaraea, IHydr. ac, I Uamb, Kali br, IKreo, IILach, Led, IMez, IPetrol, Plumb, IPsor, IIRhus, IRuta, ISep, ISil, ISul, Sul. ae, IVer, I Viol.; rosacea, in dispersed groups, HCaust.;sebacea,Con, Iod, Natr. m, IPsor, ISub; after sexual abuse, ICale, ICrotal, Uamb, IKali br., IPhos. ac, Sub; in young, scrofulous persons, ICarbo a.; solare (dysmenorrhoea), IGraph.; after sup- pression, hyperaemia of retina, IIPuls.; in urinary troubles, ICop.; in young people, ICarbo v.; in young, fleshy people of gross habits, IKali br. BST" papular, pimples, pustules. (dysentery), IColch.; flowers, cannot tolerate, IIGraph, Lye; vertigo from smell of flowers, IINux v.; vertigo with fainting from smell of flowers, HPhos.; cannot bear smell of food, HArs, Vace; smell of food repulsive (head- ache), HSep.; smell of food excites nausea, IDig.; to garlic, Sabad.; gas causes vertigo, IINux v.; gas causes vertigo with fainting, HPhos.; headache worse from strong smells, IIAnae; with headache, IPhos.; fat meat causes nausea and faintness (dysentery), IColch.; with chronic inflammation of nasal membrane, IPhos.; hyperesthesia of some nervous branch of olfactory, lAtrop. s.; to offensive odors, Paris ; etheric oils cause ver- tigo, IINux v.; etheric oils cause vertigo and fainting, HPhos.; to smell of mice, Sabad.; oranges make her sick,Aurant; painful, partic- ularly unpleasant effluvia, Lyss.; with polypus, ILye; during pregnancy, I I Stann.; soot is in- tolerable, Bell.; to sour odors, Dros.; dislike to odor of syrup, Sang.; odors disturb temper, IColch.; tobacco is intolerable, IBelb, llgn, INux v.; vinegar is unbearable, Agar. i. Face. Faceache. Eruption, barber's itch: J®* herpes cir- cinatus. Eruption, blisters: 8§T* vesicles. Eruptions, blotches: Ant. t, Chloral., Med, I INatr. ph.; worse in afternoon, after washing and eating, IPhyt.; bleed upon slightest irrita- tion, lElaps; secondary eruption, dark, in scarlatina, IILyc; erythematous, Cund.; itch- ing also on other parts, IGraph.; large and mahogany colored, particulary of malar bone (insanity), I ITarant.; worse nights, in warm room, and before menses, IMagn. m.; red, with little blisters, IBenz. ac; red, size of pea on sides, bleeding, easily, IFluor. ac; red, ILed.; red, on bloated, Elaps.; with sperma- torrhoea, IPhos.; surrounded by swelling and redness, 11 Kali iod. 8®* patches, petechia?, spots. Eruption, boils: Ananth, lAnt.c, Bry, Coloe, IHep, • Kalia.,IMez.,ISub;bloodboils, Alum, ICale, ILed., ISib; small bloodboih Iris; on cheeks, Alum, Amm. e, lArn., Bar. e, IBell, Bry, ICale, Carbo v., Cinch., Led, Mez., Mur. ac, Natr. m., INitr. ac, ISib; small, sup- purating, often leave scars, IIKali iod.; small, and indurations emitting water and blood, Amm. e; small furuncles, Ars. m.; furuncles, with tinea, IHep.; painful to touch, IHep. 8^T* Face abscesses. Eruption, bullae: 8®°* vesicular. Eruption, burning: I Ars, HSub; cannot sleep without cold applications, Amm. m. Eruption, chloasma: 8®°° spots. Eruption, comedones (acne punctata, black pores): I Ars, Aur. met, IBell, IBry, ICale, ICarbo v, Dros, IIGraph., Grat, IHep, IHy- dras, Uamb, INatr. m, INitr. ac, Sabad, Sabina,Selen, ISep, ISil, Sumb.,I ISul.,Thuya; 8. UPPER FACE. 8. UPPER FACE. 273 with emaciation, lAbrot.; suppurate and ul- cerate, 11 Dig. Eruption, coppery: HCarbo a, ILye, IPsor.; in lupus exedens, IHydrocot.; in syphilis, ILye BS&T'acne rosacea ; also Face coppery. Eruption, crusty: Elaps ; greenish yellow (eczema), IPetrol., I IPsor.; hard, Con.;crusta lactea, HArs.; like milk crust, ISars.; crusta lactea, especially over either ear and cheek, exfoliating numerous scabs, or it cracks and discharges a yellow fetid humor, IPsor.; of- fensive smelling, extending over whole face, has completely closed eyes for three months, I IPsor.; crusta serpiginosa, with terrible itch- ing, child scratched herself raw (worse on cheeks and around eyes), I ISub; on cheeks, extending to temples, covering eyelids (crusta lactea), I Rhus; thick, on zygoma, ICist.; thick, covering both cheeks, like milk crust, ILith.; thick, expose red, raw, infiltrated patches upon removal (eczema), IHydras.; thick, moist, on right side, ichorous, sanious, offen- sive discharge, intolerable biting itching, worse toward evening,at night and in warmth, IIRhus; yellow brown, Phos. ac; yellow, with inflamed surroundings, worse after scratching (eczema), IMere sol.; yellow, on left cheek, painful to touch and easily de- tached, I Ant. c.; thick, brown yellow, I IDulc. BgT* eczema, impetigo, scabby, tinea. Eruption, eczema: lArs, IBor, HCale, ICie, Clem, I ICrot. t, Curar, Dulc, Fluor, ac, IIGraph, IIHep, llris, ILye, Merc, Mez, Mur. ac, IPetrol, IPsor, IRhus, Sep, Staph, ISul, Vinca, Viol.; bleeds easily and is cov- ered with thick crusts, with fetid secretion beneath, ILye; on chin, Bor, Cie, Graph., Rhus, Sep.; chronic, spreading from ear, fine vesicles drying down to branlike scales,lArs.; with serous exudation, IPetrol.; with scrofu- lous inflammation of eyes, IFerr. iod.; with oedema of loose cellular tissue about eyelids, IIRhus ; spreading from back of head, ILye, Sib; like dried honey, I Ant e, HCic; on bor- der of hair, HSub; caused by hot scalding, lachrymation (parenchymatous keratitis), lArs.; moist, IIGraph., IPetrol.; about mouth, Mur. ae, INatr. m.; on corners of mouth, lArund, IGraph, Hep, Lye, IRhus., Sib; honeylike crusts about mouth, IMez-; during pregnancy and nursing, ISep.; with acute red- ness, small .blisters, intense itching, I Anac; itching, scabby, singly or in clusters looking like herpes, ISyph.; squamosum fifteen years, IGraph.; vesicular, Ran. b.; about temples, Alumin. 8®°" crusty, impetigo, moist, pimples, pustules, scabs, suppurative, vesicular; also Chap. 46, Eruption eczema. Eruption, ephelides: 8®" spot3. Eruption, erysipelas: IIAnae oe, HApis, lAur.met, Bell, ICanth, ICarbo a, ICham, ICinch, Crot. t. Dory, lEuphor, IIGraph, Hep., Hippoz., Lach, Nitr. ac. Puis, IIRhus, Sep, I IStram., ISub, Thuya; with yellow blisters around ear, ICamph.; bullosum, spots spread over forepart of scalp, face covered with large blisters, with heat, swelling and intense pain, IIRhus; with burning and itch- ing, worse after siesta, IILach.; after alter- nate chills and heat, lEuphor.; preceded by chills and heat alternating, IGraph.; chronic, ISul, ITereb.; with opacity of cornea, 11 Rhus; disappears suddenly, ICup. m.; immovable eyelids, after Sec; extends over forehead into scalp, closes both eyes, ears, cheeks, lips, tumefied and pitted on pressure, disfiguring features, Rhus; digging, boring, gnawing pains, then creeping itching of parts,IEuphor.; erratic, Arn., Bell, Mang, IIPuls, Sabina, Sub; gangrenous, HArs, Camph, Carbo v. Cinch, IILach, Mur. ae, Rhus, I ISec, I ISib; following flushes of heat, IHydras.: from bites of insects, ILed.; on left cheek, spreading over face and head, Agnus ; starting on left cheek, spreading over face and head, ICham.; of left cheek, after mal-application of iodine for sore nose, I IGraph; usually on left side, insupport- ably painful when laughing,IBor.; of left cheek, after menses, IStram.; began close to nose, left side, in a red sore spot, extends up and down left side of face, extends up as far as left eye and is dusky, ILach.; from left to right, dark red with yellow vesicles, burning, itching and tingling with stinging, delirium and fever, IIRhus ; with mania, I IStram.; during men- ses, Anac. oe; after facial erysipelas which extended to inner surface of nose, mucous membrane remained swollen, completely oc- cluding nostrils, IMar. v.; cedematous, I Ars, HApis, Cinch, Hell, Lye, Merc, IRhus^ ISub, Thuya; one-sided, lApis ; one-sided, with meningitis, spasmodic symptoms alter- nate with paralytic, IStram.; one-sided, pre- ceded by cramp in stomach, INux v.; period- ical, Aurant; periodical, worse on right side, HApis; phlegmonous, lAcon, lArn., IBell, Bry., Bufo, Carbo a, Cham, ICrotal, IHep, IHippoz, IGraph., IILach, IMere, Phos, Puis, IRhus, Sep, ISib, ISub; during preg- nancy or while nursing, IBor.; with stinging, prickling pain, HApis, IPuls.; wanted a razor, I IStram.; recurring frequently, ICrotal.; red, hot and hard, IIBell.; eruption resembling erysipelas, itching, burning, forming yellow honey-colored crusts, ICie; on right side, Arund, Stram.; commencing on right side and going to left,HGraph.; worse on right side extending to ear, which is swollen twice its natural size, IJugl.; involves scalp, threatened metastasis to brain, ILach.; spreading over hairy scalp, sore to slightest touch, ICheb; smooth, I INatr. s., I IStram.; would take noth- ing out of a,spoon or cup, I IStram.; on both sides, with burning, stinging pain, IIGraph.; swollen,could not see,Chlorab; after toothache, ICham.; vesicular, Ars.,Bell., 11 Cist, lEuphor, IGraph, Lach., Puis, Ran, IRhus v., Sep, Sub; harsh to touch, bright red, shiny and covered with vesicles, IIRhus; of vesicular type, after being poisoned by blackberries, I IRhus ; from smell of wood, IIGraph. BgT" vesicular. Eruption, erythema: lAcon, lArs, IBelb, IGels., Jugl, Merc sob; small, red, rough, scaly patches, size of a pea, especially on left side, Plant Eruption, exanthema : large, rough, I ILed. B@* rash. Eruption, fissured: Calc, IMere, Nitr. ac, Petrol, ISil, ISub; with glutinous secretion, scabs cracking open, itching all the time, but worse before a storm, IGraph.; with much pain and bleeding (eczema), IPetrol.; run- 18 274 8. UPPER FACE. ning like radii toward corners of mouth, IGraph. B@* eczema; also Chap. 9, Lips cracked. Eruption, freckles: Amm.c, Ant. c, ICale, Cochl, IKali c, Med, INatr. c, Nitr. ac, Nux m., ISul, Thuya. 8^" blotches, patches, petechia?, spots. Eruption, herpes: Ars, IBar. c. Bell, Bov., Bry, ICale, ICale s. Caps, ICarbo v., Caust, Chel., Coloe, ICon., ICie, Crot. t, Dulc, IGraph, IHep, Kreo, IILach., Led, ILye, Merc, Natr. e, IINatr. m, Natr. s., Niccol., Nitr. ac, Petrol, Phos, Phos. ac, Rhus, HSep., Sil, ISub; circinatus (barber's itch), IClem, ICinnab, IKali m, ILith, IINatr. m, IIPuls, ISep, ITelb; circinatus,on right cheek, with disposition to break out on left, ILye; cracks, with oozing, ILach.; size of a dime on cheek, IKali iod.; dry, scaly, burn- ing in open air, HLed.; sore on left cheek, about size of an almond, base clear and raw, profuse clear watery fluid, hot, scalding dis- charge (herpes exedens or lupus), IKali bb; humid, IHep.; itching, IKali iod.; moist and spreading, ICon.; extending to side of neck, HPsor.; scabby, Coloe, HPhos.; scaly, lAnanth., IIKreo, Sarrae; white, scaly, near upper lip, Anac; scaly, furfuraceous, yellow at base and bleeding at corners of mouth, ILye; especially in scrofulous persons, after a cold, with dry, croupy cough, ISpong.; spots, IKali e; reappearance of suppressed, I ILach.; brown, after suppression of painless ulcer on inner surface of lower lid, edges hard, ser- rated, base lardaceous, I IPhos.; moist, itching tetter, thickest on nose and about eyes, ISub; tetter-like eruption on left cheek, produced through scratching with fingernails, Carb. s.; rough, partly reddish, partly whitish tettery spot on left cheek bone (psoriasis), IMere; branlike ring-shaped tetter, I I Anag.; tetters after washing, red and small, IBry.; in whiskers, ICale, INatr. m, INitr. ac. B^T" scaly, scurfy; also Chap. 46, Herpes. Eruption, hives: B®° urticaria. Eruption, humid: ggjg* moist. Eruption, impetigo: Ante, Ars, ICie, ICon., ICrot. t, IDulc, IGraph., IHep., Uacea, Kreo, ILye, IMere, INitr. ac, IRhus, Viol.; fat, moist, IMez.; pustules, frequently form watery pus, leave brownish scab, with itch- ing, IKali bi. Eruption, itching: INatr. m, I IStram.; in crusta lactea, and barber's itch, INatr. m.; painful, irresistible inclination to tear off crusts (ecthyma), IJugl.; in whiskers, ICale; itch- like, Psor, ISul. Eruption, leprous spots: coppery, annular, IGraph.; thick patches, Phos. Eruption, lichens: lAur.met, HStaph. B^T* spots; also Chap. 46, Lichen. Eruption, liver spots; 8®" spots. Eruption, lupoid: intolerance of touch, pain from breath of air, IHep. 8^° Face cancer. Eruption, in groove between nose and cheek, a cutaneous lump, size of split pea, which irri- tates, gets picked, scabs over and persists: Aur. met. Eruption, macula?: g^* blotches. Emption, measles : 8®" Chap. 46. Eruption, menses: worse nights, in warm room, and before, IMagn. m.; in women with menstrual troubles, particularly deficiency, Eruption, miliary: Ailant, Ananth., Tabae; with heat as if it were on fire, Sarrae; by spells (chlorosis), llpec; fine, in ophthalmia scrofulosa, lArs.; on both cheeks, extending upward to eye, and downward to corners of mouth, reddish, very closely packed, millet- seedlike, itching, dry pimples, with frequent loose stools (a child one and a half years old), I IPsor. Eruption, moist: ICham., IIDulc, Psor.; chronic, offensive smelling, 11 Vinca ; preceded by stinging, IClem.; suppurating, IILyc; watery, IMere sul. Eruption, nettlerash : B@" urticaria. Eruption, nodular: IChel, Kali ars. BSTacne. Eruption, papular: Aur. met, ICrotal., IGels, IHydrocot, IKali e, IKali iod., 01. an, I ISib; turn into small boils, Pic. ae; dotted with, filled with watery yellowish matter, mostly on edges of lids, I ISyph.; in eczema, IPetrol.; hard and red base, burning, itching, smart- ing, especially cold wet weather (affection of lungs), I ISep.; itching, I ISep.; copious red, itching, especially on chin, has existed for some months since menstruation has been delayed, ICrotal.; painful, ICale; red, Bor.; in affection of lungs, ISep.; roseolous, con- fluent, Cub.; small, some containing pus, a kind of acne, INux v.; and periostitis, prob- ably syphilitic, IKali bi. B@" acne, pustules. Eruption, patches: IKali bb; red circular spots below right malar bone, burning to touch, dyspepsia, 11 Lace; irregular, red, scaling, during congestions and during menses, INux m.; of irregular shape, not elevated above rest of skin, brilliant fiery red, Stram.; thick, in leprosy, Phos. B^° blotches, petechias, spots. Eruption, petechia?: I IStram. B^"Pa*ches. Eruption, pimples: I Ant. c,Ars. m, I I Arum t, ICale p., ICale s., ICarbo a., Coloe, Crotal, IGlon, Ind, Kali m, ILed., Meph, Meny- anth., INatr. c, INatr. m.,1 INatr.s, Nitr. ac, I IPhos, Sabina, Tarax.; sore, HJamb.; ma- turing slowly, bluish, Lyss.; accompanying tinea ciliaris, worse after supper and in warm room, and before menses, IMagn. m.; crusty, in young people, IHep.; in crustea lactea, ISub; acrid discharge, itching burning, worse night, in cold air, better from warmth, lArs.; . from dissipation, IINux v.; as in brandy drinkers, ILed.; dry, itchy, I IStaph.; in front of right ear, with stinging when touched, Verbas.; on upper portion of right cheek, ele- vated, with prominent centres, rough to touch, ICheb; fine tips filled with pus, Aur, met.; on forehead, Paris ; caused by disturbed action of follicular glands, IKali m.; with a bluish-red halo, I IMere; swollen hard, on left cheek, Cale s.; with heart paroxysms, IDig.; inflamed, worse on chin and cheeks (liver complaint), ICheb; itching, Ascl. t, ICon, 01. an, Pallad.; itching, becoming moist after scratching, IIGraph.; closely packed, itching, from eyes to corners of mouth, IPsor.; red, itching every summer (eczema Solaris), IMur. ac; like scabies, on lower portion of cheek, with burning itching and smarting after scratching, I IRhus; large, I IPhos. ac.; on left 8. UPPER FACE. 275 cheek, with itching, ICaust,; on left cheek near nose,a pimple with soreness around, Lyss.; over malar bone, Pallad.; with irregu- lar menses, 11 Lac def.; worse night, in a warm room, and before menses, IMagn. m.; painful for some distance around them (acne rosacea), I I Jamb.; pustulous, with yellow scabs, I I Kreo.; red, I IChel, INitr.ac; bright red, inflamed, ulcerated in centres, on cheeks and lips,Berb.; small, bright red, formed vesicles of a pearly look, with depressed tips and surrounded by red areolae, Vace; red,on upper portion of right cheek, with prominent centres,rough to touch, ICheb; dark red, come with burning pain, ICie; dark red, coalesce, ICie; cheek under eye dotted with red, IRhus ; two large, red, on left cheek, Zing.; red, filled with pus and covered with yellow crusts, I ISep.; large, scar- let red, Zing.; with redness and swelling, I IKali e; single, Berb.; single, red, with cir- cumscribed areola, depressed centre, became confluent where they were most dense, bleed when scabs come off, I ISyph.; small, Vace; small, with black heads, I IDiosc; small, on left side, Ictod.; small, red, especially on nose, chin, and middle of cheeks, Psor.; small, in tinea, IHep.; small, when touched excruciat- ing pain, I IPhos.; sore, acute, red, IGels.; stinging, lAnanth.; with prolapsus uteri,! Aur. met.; of various size, ISars.; small, pimply eruption, a vesicle at apex of each pimple, which exuded lymph and dried in a thick, brown scab, which fell off in a day or two, and in two weeks left skin perfectly clean (a boy, set. 4 months), I IPsor. 8®* acne, papular, pustules. Eruption, pityriasis : in spots, ICale 8®* herpes. Eruption, psoriasis: circular spots, from quar- ter to half an inch in diameter, at first bright red, later covered with white scurf, return to red again, I ISep. fl®*" eczema, herpes. Eruption, pustules: Amm.c, I Ante, IIAnt. t, Bell, ICale s, Ind.; on prominence of cheek bone, Cinch, bob; have black centres (variola), IIThuya; run together, ICie; one mass of confluent, 11 Variol.; deepseated on right cheek, near wing of nose, Pallad.; soon drying up, I IThuya; efflorescence, ichorous, I ISars.; cheeks covered, in scrofulous inflammation of eyes, IMere; itching excessively, Ascl. t; a few, like those of pocky itch (psora), 11 Sub; in pustular keratitis, I I Psor.; many large, 11 Vace; secreting sanious, irritating matter, llris; in incipient paralysis, ICund.; papular, IHydras.; red, itching (nasal catarrh), I Calc; on right side, Carbol. ac, Cund.; red, rosy (corona veneris), I Aur. met; covered with brownish scab, itching after washing, IKali bi.; forming thick, yellow scabs, ICie; leaving ugly, blue-red scars, I Ant. t; small, Kali n.; small and large, on right cheek (inflammation of eyes), ICon.; small, here and there with fine stitching, worse when touched, 11 Dros.; sore, Ind.; stinging, Ind.; suppurating, with broad, red circumference, forming crusts (syphilis), INitr. ae; tuberculous, after abuse of mercury (syphilis), IKali iod.; terminating in ulcers, ICrot. t; after vaccination, HSub; white, Act.rac; white, aphthous, on inside of cheeks, IHep. gfgg* acne, papular, pimples. Eruption, rash: I Aeon, Ammoniac, Ant. c, I Ars, I IBell, I Bry. Caust, ICham, Coff, Hep, Jabor, Lach.', Mere, Mez.,Natr. m, Nitr.ac, Phos, IPuls, IIRhus, ISul, Ver.; burning itching on upper part, worse in evening and from warmth, Mar. v.; moist, eczematous (deafness after scarlatina), IGraph.; epidemic, IGrind.; erysipelatoid, with maddening,burn- ing heat, worse at night, IHydras.; flushing, like scarlatina simplex, bright red, disappears on pressure, returns immediately after re- moval of pressure, Stram.; like insect bites, running together in large patches, only red when scratched,"Magn. p.; itching in warmth, red and burning when moistened, Euph.; lumpy, fiery, I ISyph.; papular, IIKali br.; red, ICham.; bright red, worse in afternoon, and after crying (constipation), Euph.; fiery red (ophthalmia scrofulosa), ICham.; large red, I ILed.; as if covered with scarlet rash, Vespa. g@T miliary. Eruption, red: sometimes dry, with thin crusts, sometimes oozing yellow drops, IHyper.; bright, fine, in scarlatina, ILac e; and pimply, in drunkards, ILed.; during fifth month of pregnancy, HPsor.; bright scarlet, Chloral.; bright scarlet, like scarlatina, ILac e; a red roughness of skin, Sep.; place of wasp sting bright, elevated, and a hard swelling formed, marked chilly cold sensation around red middle (after sting), Vespa. B@~ acne, rash. Eruption, rhagades : 8gP fissured. Eruption, Rhus poisoning :l I Anac, IBry, ICrot. t, Graph, IRhus, IRhus v, ISep, I I Sub; right first affected, then left, or it may go down- ward, involving scrotum, ICrot. t. 8^ Chap. 46. Eruption, ringworms : BSaP" herpes circinatus. Eruption, scabby: lAnanth, IMur.ac,Thuya; yellowish brown, covering hairy part, quarter of an inch thick, from cracks in which bloody lymph exuded, producing slight itching in edges, around edges a dark red moist areola (mentagra),IMez.; especially on cheeks, from ears, IPsor.; skin dry, IGraph.; pustular erup- tion, ICheb; yellow greenish on lower part, with cracking and moisture, IHyper.; spread- ing from head, ICale; with large humid blotches on head, IPsor.; covering cheeks, in layers rising to a point, I ISyph.; a solid mass, dark and rough, adhering firmly, exuding yellowish fluid when removed, which excori- ates parts with which it comes in contact (crusta serpiginosa), IClem.; on right side, I IMere iod. rub.; leaving spots on which fat pustules form, IMez.; painful when touched, IHep.; clear yellow, near inner angle, slight- ly red and painful to pressure, itches, grows moist, then heals, sometimes painful before it opens, IFluor. ae; yellow, cover diseased surface thickly, with fissures occasioning soreness and bleeding, with itching, I ISub; yellow, in tinea, ICale 8^" crusty, eczema, impetigo. Eruption, scaly: HArs, ICale, Nitr.ac, I Phyt.; peeling off in small scales, Ars. m.; infiltrated spots covered with dry scales, IGraph. B@°* herpes, scurfy. Eruption, scarlatina: 8@" Chap. 46. Eruption, scurfy: ISep.; dry, itching, IINux v.; fine, Rhus; humid, with swelling of lips and eyelids, and humid soreness behind ears, IPsor.; moist itching, burning, ICale; 276 s. UPPER FACE. painful to touch, IHep.; yellow, dirty, with fetid discharge, itching and bleeding when scratched, IMere 8^*crusty, scabs, scaly. Eruption, spots: I All. sat. Dory, IGuaiac, Kali m, INux m.; black and blue (purpura), I Arn, ICrotal, ILach, IPhos., IIRhus, ISul. ac, ITereb.; blue,Ars.; bluish red (purpura), 11 Led.; brown, I Carbo a, I Lye, INitr.ac, I ISep.; light brown, ICale, IKalic, INatr. c,Thuya ; in convulsion, I ISub; copper colored, IBenz. ae; red dots, Caps.; dry, shrivelled (hemor- j rhoids), Sul. ac; elevated, habitually, espe- cially left cheeck, I ISyph.; green, Ars.; hard, purplish, HApis; lentil-sized, on awaking in j morning, Chel.; light spaces, with dark sur- | roundings, ICale; painful, sensitive to touch (prosopalgia), I IVerbas.; pink, ICarbo a.; j dark purple, remain after spasms, unless rubbed (epilepsy), IKali br.; red, lAnanth, Berb., IBry, Ictod, INitr. ac,Sabad, ISamb, ISil, ISub; bright red, on awaking, Chel.; bright red, on cheeks, with fever fits (pulmo- nary diseases), ILye; red, burning like nettles, ICheb; red, burning when touched, Tabae; red, on cheeks, IFerr.; red, burning on cheeks, Samb.; circumscribed, red, on cheeks, IKali c, IPhos.; red, circumscribed, on right cheek, I ICheb; dark red, painful, on cheek, Berb.; red, elevated, on cheek, getting larger and darker, Chel.; red, on cheek, with J burning heat, ISib; red, on left cheek, Ihye; red, on one cheek, frequently changing sides (bronchial catarrh), Lach.; red, upon pale cheeks,IFerr. mur.; red, on cheeks, with pale, clay-colored, sunken countenance and eyes, HOp.; red, round, hot, on cheek, IBry.; red- dish on cheeks, containing either water or thick, white curdy matter, Sumb.; red, cir- cumscribed, burning, ICroe; red, after fright or vexation, Amm. c.; red, circular, below right malar bone, burning to touch (affec- tion of stomach), ILac e; pale red, size of a dime, previous use of mercury (constitu- tional rheumatism), I IPhyt; round, onawak- ing in morning, Chel.; red, after rubbing, after washing, JEse h.; red, small, ICaps, IILach.; red, after washing, .Esc h.; rose red, after washing in cold wrater, IKali e; colored, GSnan.; scarlet, Bell.; sphacelous (erysipelas), 11 Apis; as if covered with suggillations (purpura), 11 Rhus; ulcerating, INatr. c, I IStaph. ; warm, on right cheek, j ISil.; white, near nose, Inul.; white, ICale, ISib; yellow (chloasma, liver spots), lAnanth, Ant. c, Cadm. s., Caust, Colch., Con, Ferr., Hyos, ILaur, ILye, Natr. c, I Nitr. ac,Petrol, j Phos., HSep, ISub; yellow, in intermittent, IFerr.; yellow, with headache, Laur.; yellow, after parturition, ICrotal.; eruption, followed by bluish, Ferr, ILach.; brown, flat, probably syphilitic, IKali b.; eruption leaves livid spots, Thuya; dark, looking like petechte j (measles), Euph.; syphilitic neuralgia, 11 Syph.; red, ICarbo a.; annular, raised, IGraph.; j moist, suppurating in centre of tetter, en- larges, itches, burns, covered with thick crust, I Caust.; chronic,speckled (acne),lAilant. B^^blotches, freckles, patches, petechiae. Eruption, streaks: Ars. Eruption, sycotic : Cinnab, I IKali bi, IMed, INatr. s, IPetrol, Puis, Sars, Staph, IThuya.; moist, itches and burns, IStront. 8@°warts- Eruption, syphilitic: lAur. met., ICinnab, IHep, IKali bi, IIKali iod., Kreo, Lach, Lye, IMere, INitr.ac, I IPhyt, Sep, Sil, ISul, Syph.; spots and pustules, IMere sob; syphilides, in syphilitic neuralgia, I ISyph. Eruption, tinea:"with excoriation, IPsor., ISul. Eruption, tubercles: Asaf, IKali iod, Oleand.; moist, itching, little, raw (eczema capitis), IPhvt; ulcerate, INatr. e; with ulceration of apices (lupus), I ISib; large, before caries of lower jaw, I ISil. Eruption, phagedenic: ulcerative, spreading over left half of face and head, small pustules ulcerate, pus forming thick yellowish brown scab (gonorrhoea twelve years ago), I Apis. Eruption, urticaria: Ananth., lAntc, HApis, HArs.; particularly in fall, 11 Apis, ICale, Cepa, IChloral., ILed, Mez, INatr.m, IRhus, I ISal. ae, ISep, IISul, lUrt. ur. Eruption, variola: g^~ Chap. 46, Variola. Eruption, vesicular: IDulc, I INatr. s. Plant, 11 Plumb.; each vesicle is surrounded by a red areola, IMere; with blepharitis, Crot. t; num- erous bulte near mouth (pemphigus), I ISep.; infantile syphilitic bulte, I ISyph.; burning inside of cheeks, bleed easily from least con- tact, IMagn. e; as from a burn, smarts as if scalded, eruption in cluster (eczema), I IRan. b.; confluent, IMez.; confluent, in crusta lactea, IS.ub; in dentition, IMere sob; acrid discharge, itching, burning, worse night in cold air, better from warmth, I Ars.; exudat- ins, Dulc; filled with fluid (erysipelas of face and scalp), ICinch.; filled with a pellucid fluid, numerous and small, not larger than a pin's head, drying up, Strain.; with yellow fluid, lEuphor.; changes from hard to soft, surface irregular, Form.; itch excessively, Ascl. t, 01. an.; when rubbed, become raw, Ferr. iod.; small, Agar, IBenz. ac, Crot. t; small, on left side from forehead to neck, Indig.; size of a small pinhead, filled with yellow fluid, next day desquamation, Mane; small, quickly filling with yellow lymph, pain- ful like sores to touch, drying up after a few days, Psor.; with swelling,"itching and bum- ming (erysipelas), I IRhus v.; large, cover side (erysipelas), I IVer. v.; yellow, lEuphor.; white, with elevated red base, painful to touch, Vab; white, as if burnt by sun, Clem. 8@?° erysipelas. Eruption, warts : B^sT* Face warts. EXPRESSION, abashed : from sexual ex- cesses, HStaph. Expression, alarmed: during convulsive attack, Lyss. B^° anxious, fear, terrified. Expression, angry: in cholera, llris. 8@T" ill-humored, moody, surly, vexed. Expression of anguish: in coryza, after mer- cury, IIKali iod.; in spasmodic croup, IHep.; deathly, in cholera Asiatica, I IVer.; in drop- sy, I Apoe; in cardiac rheumatism, I ISpig.; with mental agony, lArs. 8^° anxious, fear, painful, suffering. Expression, animated : Ant. t. Bell.; in fever, Alum.; in paraplegia, I Ars. 8§T* bright, pleasant, vivacious. Expression, anxious: lAcon., Ant t ll\rs Camph, I ICarbol. ac, ICepa, ICheb, Crotal., Cup. ars., lEup. pert, Kali bi. Kali br Merc. sub, Mosch., IPhos. ac. Sec, HSpong, 'l ISul, Vespa; with pains in abdomen, Cepa; on 8. UPPER FACE. 277 awaking (spasms), IZinc; in flooding, ITrilb; with difficulty of breathing, Eup. perf; with difficult breathing, in pneumonia, ILye ; and changed (cholera Asiatica), ICup. m.; iii col- lapse of cholera, I Ars. h.; in bilious colic, Iris; during convulsive attack, Lyss.; with cough, IBapt; during cough, IPuls.; when raised from cradle (cholera infantum), ICale; in bronchial catarrh and pneumonia, I Ant. t; with fear of death, I Ars, I ILac e; in diar- rhoea, ICrot t; in chronic diarrhoea, IColoe; and drawn, I lyEthus.; in dropsy, after scar- latina, I Apis; in ascites and ovarian dropsy, lApis; and dull, with clay-colored skin (ulcer of os uteri), ICurar.; with red face, ISpong.; with sunken face, IVer.; after a fall, IHy- per.; in typhus, lArs.; in typho-malarial fever, twentieth day, IHam.; and frightened, IIAcon.; with giddiness, I ISabad.; in sick headache, 11 Tabae; in endocarditis,! Aur. met; in pericarditis, I IColch.; in cardiac rheuma- tism, ICact.; in rheumatism of heart, IKalm.; with shooting, stabbing, in region of heart; through to left scapula (rheumatism), IKalm.; with lassitude, nausea and prostration (acute rheumatism, cholera), IColch.; in congestion of lungs, lAmmoniac; in pneumonia, acute oedema of lungs, I Ant. t.; with numb feeling in malar bones, as if the parts were between screws, IPlat.; with melancholy, Kali ars.; menses irregular, IDig.; in mental disturb- ance, HStaph.; during downward motion (children), llBor.; pale (cardiac dropsy), IDig.; pale, after exercise out of doors, HSpong.; in pneumonia, IPhos.; with restless- ness, IlKaliiod.; in rheumatism, ISpig.; in spinal irritation, IChin. s.; suffering, llgn., IPlumb.; as if worn out by long suffering, ISub; with cold sweat, ICrotal.; with trem- bling, IIRan.se; mingled with terror, Lyss. 8®" anguish, fear, terrified. Expression, apathetic : Zinc; and anxious, in diphtheria, IMere cy.; in typhus, lApis. 8®* dull, stupid. Expression, besotted: Bapt, IBell, Crotal.; in diphtheria, ILach, INux m, IStram.; in typhus, ICrotal.; heavy, IGels.; in intermit- tent, ICoccul; in pneumonia, I IStram. B@° debauched. Expression, bewildered : t.Carb. s, IStram. Expression, bright: Ars. s. r. 8®* animated, pleasant, vivacious. Expression, careworn : in diphtheria, I ILace; in headache, ICann. i. B@° haggard, old, painful, suffering. Expression, changed: Ars, Bufo, ICamph., ICham,ICup. m,Ign., Lyss,Squilla,IStram.; in cholera, IHelb; as if she were going crazy, IPallad.; in yellow fever, I Ars. h.; every mo- ment, by constant play of muscles (chorea), 11 See; after stool (cholerine), Crot.t. 8®" peculiar. Expression, childish: INux m.; in palsy, lAnae Expression, cold : vEthus.; in quotidian, I IPuls Expression, debauched: INux m., HOp. 8®" besotted. Expression, as if demented : t Carb. s. 8@* wild. Expression, despairing: ICamph, ICanth.; with pain in abdomen, Cepa; on awaking, IStram. BgT" gloomy, melancholy, sad. [ Expression, displeased: morose (headache), yEthus. Expression, dissatisfied : Ars., ICaust. Expression, distrait: IIMerc. Expression, distressed: lArs, I Aspar, Iod., INux m.; in croup,ISpongia ; in intermittent, Hod.; with prostration, in typhoid scar- latina, IIAilant; talks in one strain (typhus), IStram. 8®" anxious. Expression, disturbed ; Ars.h,IChel, I IPhos, HStram, Zinc; look, with dyspnoea, Lyss.; in insanity, I INux v.; in morning, Camph.; during pregnancy, IIPuls. Expression, of doubt: ICepa. Expression, drowsy: Cann. b, IGels, INux m. 8€iP dull, stupid. Expression, dull: Ars. h, IGels, IHydras, Kali br, I ISub; in typhus, Crotal. BS^* drowsy, stupid, vacant. Expression, earnest: in insanity, I INux v. gsSg*' serious. Expression, epileptic: ILach. Expression, excited: Crotal, IHyos. Expression, exhausted : Cann. b, IMere cor.; before menses, Zing. Expression, fatigued: 8®" weary. Expression, fear: Coccul, IStram.; on awaking, (spasms), IZinc; in infantile convulsions, IMagn. p.; before and during puerperal convulsions, IStram.; in cough, IBapt.; in heart disease, I IOp.; in mania-a-potu, HOp.; with melancholy, IKali ars.; and terror, IStram. BgHfanguish, anxious, shrinking, terrified Expression, fixed: with constant scowl, I IPlumb. 8®" set- Expression, foolish: Absin., INux m. 8*3^° idiotic, imbecile, silly, stupid. Expression, frowning : ICaust, ICham, IHell, llgn. Rheum, IStram. BilP Chap. 4, Forehead contracted. Expression, gaunt: in chronic constipation, ISyph. Expression,,ghastly: IG5nan. Expression, gloomy : Alum, Cadm. s, ICaust, 11 Val. g@T" melancholy, sad. Expression, grimaces: 8®" Face grimaces. Expression, grinning : BSP" laughing ; also Face risus sardonicus. Expression, heavy: IGels., I ISub; dull, Gna- phal, Sal. ac; dull, drowsy, IGels.; dull, in yellow fever, IGels.; dull, in headache, IGels.; in typhus, Crotal. 8^° dull, stupid. Expression, hideous: in hysterical spasms, ICie; in puerperal convulsions, I IVer. v. Expression, hypochondriacal: I IPhos.ac. BQT'despairing, gloomy, melancholic, sad. Expression, idiotic: ILach, ILaur., IStram, I ITarant, IIThuya; in chorea, Sumb.; in clonic spasms of eyes (nystagmus), 11 Agar.; with mental disorder, ILach. Big^* foolish, imbecile, silly, stupid. Expression, ill-humored : Mez. B^° angry, moody, vexed. Expression, imbecile : Kali br.; in hypochon- driasis, lArg. nit. 8@" idiotic. Expression, important and solemn: after sleep- ing in daytime, Stram. Expression, of indifference : Crotal. Expression, as if intoxicated : B^aT* besotted. Expression, jaded: during menses, Berb. ggg* careworn, weary. * 278 8. UPPER FACE. Expression, of great joy : in delirium, Amyg. | 8@~ bright, laughing, pleasant. Expression, languid: Alum. Expression, laughing: with open eyes, Ver.; during sleep, IHyose g^~ pleasant, viva- cious ; also Face risus sardonicus. Expression, maniacal: IStram. 8ST" wild. Expression, meditating: Viol. Expression, melancholic : in epilepsy after fright, llgn. 6^° despairing, sad. Expression, miserable: IPlumb.; in nasal catarrh, I ISib; in secondary syphilis, 11 Still. BST* suffering, wretched. Expression, moody: with constant scowl, 11 Plumb. 8^1?° angry, ill-humored, vexed. Expression, morbid: with fistula in ano, IBerb.; in intermittent, I Ars. gjgg° suffering; also Face cachectic. Expression, obstinate: in typhus, lApis. Expression, old: lArs. h., IHydr. ae, Hod, ISamb.; in cancer mammae, I IBrom.; in children, lAur. mur, IKreo.; in cholera infan- tum, IIArg. nit, I IGuaiac; in diarrhoea of children,during dentition,! Ars.; dried up look, Hod.; in gastritis mucosa, I Ars.; in hydro- cephalus, Art v.; in marasmus, HCale, ISars.; in scrofulous and rickety children, ISub; in sucklings three or four weeks old, HOp.; and wrinkled, in cholera infantum and marasmus, HCale 8^* careworn, suffering. Expression, painful: lArs. h, Coccul.; with cough, in pneumonia, I I Puis.; and exhausted, Raph.; agonized, when recovering from a fainting fit, IINux m.; as if seeing some afflicting sight (mania), IGlon.; with sopor, ILach.; anguish, caused by bearing down in womb and rectum (uterine neuralgia), I INux v. 8®* anguish, suffering. Expression, parched: in congestion of lungs, lAmmoniac Expression, peculiar (strange): HZinc; after \ running pin into foot, IHyper.; in melancholy mania, lAnae 8^* changed. Expression, pitiful: in typhus, lApis. Expression, placid : 11 Amyg. Expression, pleasant: Apis; in delirium (bron- chial catarrh), I I Ant. t; in epilepsy, ICup. m.; with open eyes, Ver.; in typhus, lApis, IOp. 8§^* bright, laughing, vivacious. Expression, sad: Ant. c, Colch., Cup. m., Senecio, I ISeneg.; in Bright's disease, I Ars.; in chronic diarrhcea, IColoe; with giddiness, I ISabad.; in headache, ICann. b; in cerebro- spinal meningitis, ICup. ac; with somnolence and indifference (hydrocephaloid), IMere; with spasmodic pain in stomach, IDiad. BisT" despairing, gloomy, hypochondri- acal, melancholy. Expression, as if he wrere seeking something: IStram. #5^ anxious. Expression, serious: with low spirits, Rumex. B@" earnest, sad. Expression, set: I I Ant. chl. 8ST" fixed. Expression, shrinking: as from fear (menin- gitis), IStram.; as if afraid of the first thing she sees, on awaking (mania), IStram. g^° anxiety, fear, terrified. Expression, sickly: 8^" suffering ; also Face sickly. Expression, silly: ILye 8§T* foolish. Expression, startled: with protruding, bril- liant eyes, pale face and sunken cheeks (neur- opathia), 11 Kali ars. 8^» anxious, fear, shrinking, terrified. Expression, stunned: wild, Bell. BST" stupid. Expression, stupid: Ars. h., Ast. r, Cann. i, IFerr, IHvos, Kali br, Lyss., INux m, Phyt, IStram.; in convulsions, I IStaph.; in typhus, I Arn., I IChin. s, IHelb; in yellow fever, lArs.; with drunken gait, Calab.; half, IGels.; in hvpochondriasis, I Arg. nit.; with laughter, INux m.; in pneumonia, IFerr. 8g^" dull, idiotic, imbecile, vacant. Expression, suffering: HArs, ICanth, Chel., IChin. s, Colch, Cup. m, I IHelon, Hyper, IKreo, IMagn. m, I IMang, INux m, IPhos, IPhvt; "with sallow complexion (ovarian tu- mor), IColoe; and debilitated, ICornus; in dysenterv, ICub.; with emaciation, HSU.; in typhus, I Ars.; in infants, IBor.; in cerebrospi- nal meningitis, Canth.; with irregular menses, IDig.; without paleness (diseased pancreas), Atrop. s.; in pneumonia, I Ant. t; in stoma- cace, IKali m. B^** careworn, painful; also Face sickly. Expression, surly : I Ars. 8^~ angry, ill-hu- mored, moody, obstinate, vexed. Expression, suspicious: in infantile convul- sions, IMagn. p. Expression, terrified: ICanth, IStram.; in asthma, I ITabae; in typhus, I Apis ; in lysso- phobia, ILyss.; in shock from injury, I IVer. 8^" anxious, fear, shrinking. Expression, tired: 8®° weary. Expression, uneasy : in coryza, after mercury, IIKali iod. Expression, unquiet: I IPuls. Expression, vacant: ICamph., Cie, Coccul, IFerr, IKali br, IStram, Zinc; in typhoid malaria, ILye vir.; during menses (exoph- thalmus, ILye vir.; in palsy, I Anac; in pneu- monia, IFerr.; stupid, during menses, I ILye vir.; in sunstroke, IGlon. 8ST" dull, stupid, Expression, variable: Lyss. Expression, vexed: Cadm. s.; with cough at night, Spong.; with frequent night cough, in paroxysms of two minutes, ISpong. 8®" angry, ill-humored, moody. Expression, vivacious: Amyl. gfgg° animated, laughing, pleasant. Expression, wan : INatr. m, Natr. s. Sec. g^° suffering: also Face pale, sickly. Expression of weakness: HArs, ICarbo v., Cup. m, I IPhos, IVer. 8§T" weary ; also Face sunken. Expression, weary: Berb, Cann. i, IHydras, Kali br.; in hypochondriasis, I Arg. nit. 8§T* weakness. Expression, wild: Acet. ac, I Ars, IStram.; and fearful, in delirium tremens, I Act. rac; in typhus, I Apis; in mania, ICup. ac. 8@" maniacal. Expression, worried: 8^** anxious, care- worn, distressed, fear. Expression, wretched: Mez. 8®" miserable, suffering ; also Face sickly, sunken, etc. FACE, abscesses: Ananth, IBell, IIHep, IKali iod, IIMerc, ISib; of antrum, perioste- um more affected than bones, nightly burn- ing pains, IMez.; of parotid glands, Ars., Phos, IRhus, ISil. B^° Eruption boils. Face, anaemic : HCale, ICarbol. ac, ICarbo v, ICinch., IIFerr, IGraph, Helon, Hydras, 8. UPPER FACE. 279 IINatr. m, Nux v., HSep., I ISub; in amen- orrhcea, 11 Nan.; in Duchesne's pseudo-hy- pertrophic paralysis, IPhos. B^° pale ; also Chaps. 29, 44 and 46. Face, antrum of Highmore : abscess, IKali iod.; abscess, with nightly burning, IMez.; catarrh, Berb, IIMerc. Face, ashy: lArs, IPhos, IPlumb, Sec, I ISub; in diphtheria, IBrom.; in intermittent, I Ars.; in typhus, IChlor.; in typhoid, IPhos.; pale, IFerr.; pale, in convulsions, ICie; pale, of a waxy hue (cholera infantum), I IVer.; pale, with purplish lips, 11 Ver. v.; in pertussis, ■Bad. 8^" anaemic, earthy, pale. Face, beard: falling off, lAnanth., 7rAur. mur.; furfuraceous eruption, Kali ars.; growth noticeably slower, Pallad.; old reddish her- pes, with thick scurf, I ILach.; humid, sting- ing eruption, bleeding easily when scratched and feeling very sore when lain on, INitr. ac.; itching, Amb, Tromb., Zing.; itching burning when scratched,Kob.; nodes throughout, ICie; itching pimples, Amb.; itching pimples in left side, in evening, Pallad.; many tender pirn pies, discharge bloody or oily transparent matter, Calc. s.; hard pustules, with blackish centre (acne), ICaps, Carbo a., ICaust, IGraph, INatr. m., ISelen.; falls out profusely, in bar- ber's itch, INatr. m.; falls out, especially after grief, IPhos. ae; falls out, with many itching vesicles, with watery contents, INatr m.; shaving relieves cold sensation in larynx after breakfast, IBrom.; worse from shaving, ICarbo a. B^° Eruption herpes (barber's itch). Face, black: Camph, HCinch, lOZnan.; from nervous spasmodic cough, in children (tuberculosis), ICorab; in measles, ILach. B^T" blue, dark. Face, bloodvessels: distended, I ICinch, I Ferr, IOp.; distended, wuth redness, stiffness and soreness of veins to touch, Sang.; enlargement of cutaneous veins, IGlon.; fulness of external, Bapt.; fine network of capillaries, Thuya ; small red, shine through skin (syphilis), IILach.; slight throbbing in arteries, Millet; throbbing in right side, Ars. s. r.; covered with varicose veins, I I Sars. 8^" congestion, throbbing. Face, blue : Agar, Ant. t, I Arg. nit., I Ars, Asim, ICamph, Chlorof, IChlor, ICie, Con, ICrot, I ICup. m., IHydr. ac, IKali iod, Lachn, INatr. m, IINatr. ph., HOp, IPhyt., Psor., IPuls,ISamb,I ISpig, ISpong., Stram, ITabae, IVer., Ver. v., Vespa,Zinc; acne, ISub; when getting angry, IStaph.; in apoplexy, ILach.; in asthma, I ITabae; in asthma Millari, ICup.m.; on awaking sudden- ly (spasmus glottidis), I ISub; with difficult breathing, IStram.; with cramp in chest, I Asim.; with spasm of chest, Mosch.; in child, IMeph.; with chill (intermittent), ICact; in cholera Asiatica, IICup. m., 11 Ver.; in cholera infantum, ITabae; in chorea, ICoccul.; cold, in senile pneumonia, IDig.; extreme, from nervous congestion (gastromalacia), IKreo.; with convulsions, IICup. m.; during cough, Bell, IOp, Ver.; with violent cough (catarrh), lApis ; during violent spasmodic attacks of cough, recurring about ten times a day (whoop- ing cough),IMagn.p.; in whoopingcough, Ars, ICrotal, IDros, llpec; after whooping cough, with tardy return to natural color, ICrotal.; in croup, Brom, ICarbo v.; dark, ISamb.; in diarrhoea of infants, I Ualap.; in dyspnoea, IOp.; in epilepsy, ICie; under eyes, Agar.; with febrile attacks, I IStram.; in intermit- tent, I IPolyp.; in typhoid, IHyos., IVer.; especially forehead, in diphtheria, IKali bb; lips, and especially forehead, in diphtheria, IIRhus; with gagging, in whooping cough, INux v.; with gasping, ILaur.; with spasmus glottidis, IBelb, ICoff., IILach.; in throat dis- eases, with asthma, ICrotal.; in chronic car- ditis, ICact.; in cardiac rheumatism, ICact.; lead color, heart disease, I Apis ; of cheeks, in acute mania, ICanth.; in cerebrospinal menin- gitis, IHydr. ac; at end of menses, Ver.; espe- cially around mouth, nose and eyes, Bor.; of nose, I IVer. v.; around nose (pneumonia), lAnt. t; of one cheek, in neuralgia, ICham.; bluish, pale, t.Agar, Colch.;bluish, pale (chol- era Asiatica), ICup. m.; bluish pale, especially on temples, around nose and mouth, IKreo.; and pinch ed,Cam ph.; in pneumonia, ICup.m.; during pregnancy, IPhos.; in puerperal fever, I I Act. rac; in puerperal fever or convulsions, septic or zymotic influences, or in hemor- rhagic or broken-down constitutions, ICrotal.; bluish red, Apis, Bell, ICaust, ICed, I IDig.; bluish red cheeks, IDulc; of nose, HVer. v.; bluish red, in asthma, lAur. met; bluish red, with tetanic rigidity, llpec; bluish red, in cere- bral hyperaemia, IHyos.; bluish red, with difficult breathing, Bry.; bluish red, with suf- focative cough, IOp.; dark bluish red, IDig.; bluish red, in erysipelas, from a dissecting wound, ILach.; bluish red, in influenza,IIpee; bluish red, left side (prosopalgia), HVer.; blue, in scarlatina, ICamph., ILach.; in puer- peral fever, emphysema, ILach.; sickly, Ars.; under a pale skin, IDig.; with heavy, stupid expression, in congestive headache, IGlon.; with suffocative attacks, ICale p.; and swollen in epilepsy, I Agar.; when urinating (dropsy of chest), Aspar.; bluish white, Zinc; bluish white, in broncho-pneumonia, ILye; and yellow, IDig. BgT-cyanotic, dark; also Chap. 9, Lips blue. Face, blushing : B®" flushed. Face, bones: caries, IlAur. met.; caries in up- per jaw, after typhoid, 11 Aur. mur.; caries of mastoid process, ICaps.; as if dislocated, Ananth ; enlargement from injury, IHekla ; exostosis of right cheek bone, lAur. mur.; malar bone feels large, as if swollen, Natr. a.; necrosed, most in frontal, Hippoz.; necrosis of upper jaw, IMere cor.; periostitis of mastoid process, ICaps.; periostitis, IlAur. met,ICale c, IFluor. ac, IMere, IMez,IINitr. ac,IPhos. ac, IRuta, ISil, IStaph, IStilling, Symph.; affection of periosteum, with prosopalgia, ISil. glgg" Faceache malar bones. Face, brown: lllod.; when getting angry, ■Staph.; in cholera infantum, ICale p.; dark, Ars. h,IStram.; in apoplexy, IStram.; brown- ish red, in typhoid, IOp.; brownish yellow, in jaundice, IPhos. ggg* earthy, yellow. Face, sensation as if cheeks were bulged out by a bubble of air just below malar bone : Sinap. Face, burning: lAcon, Agar, 11 Amyb, Anac, Anac. oe, Ananth, lApis, Arg. met, lArn, I Ars., Aspar, Astac, Bapt, IBell, Berb, IBry, Camph, Caps.,ICaust,ICham, I ICheb, 280 8. UPPER FACE. Cist, IClem, ICornus, ICrot. t, lEuphor., Guaraea, I ILac c, IILyc, I IMere cor., Merc. sul,IMez,INitr. sp. d, Paeonia, Raph,IRhus, ISub; better bathing in cold water, worse in night, Ars. m.; in bones, Cist; in caries, 11 Aur. met; after chill, Merc, sub; with chilliness (headache), ICaust.; as of glowing coals in small spots, Caust.; from congestion, Ustil.; all day, Mane; dry, in diphtheria, ILace; of cheeks, to ears and hands, Daph.; of chest, in erysipelas, IGraph.; and red, like erysipelas, Niccol.; in evening, 4 to 9 p.m., Arum t.; worse toward evening, Como.; particularly about eyes, IComo.; with evening fever, ISabad.; violent, like fire, as if it were going deep into cheek (after sting), Vespa; with headache, ICarbohaejin congestion to head(pneumonia), IKali iod.; with heat in head, better in open air, I I Kali iod.; of cheeks, with heat rising from abdomen to head, ILye; with heat in afternoon and evening, IPhos.; with feverish heat in evening, Rhod.; of cheeks, with flushes of heat and cold feet, HCoccul.; with flushes of heat interrupted by chilliness, 11 Plat.; on left side, I I Arg. nit, Asar, Bapt.; on left side, extending to ear and head, from catching cold, pain worse from touch, patient cries with pain and is restless, I IColoe; especially in left cheek, IRhus v.; in left cheek, in erysipelas, IHydras.; left cheek, early in morning, Murex; about lower jaws, as if eruption would break out, Ars. in.; better lying quietly on face, worse from coffee, I ISpig.; in cheek bones, above eyebrows, left side, spreads over face (faceache), ISpig.; in left zygomatic region, leaving a dull sen- sation of swelling, Spig.; on a small spot on right cheek bone, necessitating rubbing, Pallad.; especially about mouth, ISub; as from red-hot needles, IIArs.; followed by red spots like nettles, ICheb; neuralgic pain, down left side, Lyss.; at night, ILach.; peculiar, leaving a livid bluish red color, lApis ; on various places, Pallad.; prickling, in chin below left eyelid, I IDros.; in prosopalgia, HPlat.; in right cheek, Arund, I IHam., IPuls.; of right cheek towards evening, Merc, cor.; of right cheek, extending up into eye and around to right ear, Amyb; on right side, extending to parietal bone and clavicle, worse at night, better from eating, worse from touch and lying down, ICinch.; on small spot on right side, in morning, Pallad.; in right cheek. which is swollen, with stitching in cheek from one side to the other, radiating to head, rsor.; worse on right side, Apis ; worse after shav- ing, cheeks dark red, 11 Aur. mur.; in cheeks, with flying shiverings in evening, ICham.; in skin of cheeks, Phos. ae; with swelling, Rhus ; worse from talking or exertion, better lying on affected side, IKreo.; tingling in malar bones, Grat; in toothache, IStaph.; transitory, Cast. eq. 8€iP,congestion, heat. Face, bursting: cheeks feel as if they would burst, Bov.; full sensation (Rhus poisoning), I ISub; in side, worse evening to morning and from using eyes (syphilitic iritis), I IStaph. Face, cachectic : Kali br., 1101. jec, IPlumb., Zinc; in abdominal troubles, ILach.; during apyrexia, Cinch.; with chancres, Bad.; with cough, ICoff; in diphtheria, IKalibb; in dys- entery, Colch.; with blue rings around eyes, i especially in morning (chlorosis with amen- orrhcea), 11 Sabina; in intermittent, I Ars.; in ovarian dropsy, \ Ferr. iod.; in puerperal mania, INux v.; in cancer of stomach, ICund.; in syphilis, ILvc; with cool sweat on body, ISib; with cystic tumor in abdominal walls, I ISub; with scirrhous tumor of left breast, IHydras.; with induration of uterus and pan- creas, ICarbo a. 8^- earthy, sickly, suffering. Face cadaverous: 8^*" sunken. Face, cancer: ICarbo a, ICon.; opening as large asa silver dollar,ILapis ; epithelioma on right, extendingfrom lower eyelid to ala nasi, ulcerating stage, indurated base, wall-like, hard, elevated edges (improved), I IKali s.; lupus, lArg. nit, HArs, Carbol. ac, I ICist; lupus, began on right earlobe, healing one side, corroding the other, advancing down- ward and leaving irregular cicatrix (after Bell.), I ISib; obstinate lupus (improved), Graph.; irregular sulcus, an inch and a half long (lupus), IKali bb; lupus, serrated ulcers, with grayish purulent surfaces, corroding threatens to perforate, ISib; lupus vorax, ICarbo v.; on right malar bone (relieved), Syph. BST" tumors, ulcers; also Chap. 7, Nose cancer, and Chap. 9, Lips cancer. Face, chalky: Crotal. Face, chapped: skin, Niccol.; skin cracks, ISib; as if skin on cheek would crack (peritonitis), ILach.; left, feels as from cold wind, lArum t.; in eczema, with tendency to bleed, IPetrol. BOP" Eruption fissured. Face, chilliness: Brach, Rhod.; and arms to back and breast, Berb.; extends dowm body, I IBar. c; in forenoon, Lil. tig.; followed by glow, Ars. h.; gooseflesh, after stool, Ang.; alternating with heat (coryza), ICale; in left cheek, near ear, to lower jaw, Lobel.; momentary, runs downward, in a hot room, Carbol. ae; shivering spreads from, HCaust; in cheek, succeeded by deep red spots, with heat in afternoon, Berb. B^T* cold. Face, chlorotic: 8^** anaemic. Face, chorea: 8®* contraction, convul- sions, distorted, twitching. Face, clay-colored: BST* earthy. Face, sensation as of a cloud over upper part: Nitr. sp. d. Face, as of cobweb lying on skin: Bor, Brom.; as if sticking here and there, Calad.; constant sensation of, IIGraph.; as if covered with, IRan. sc; with cold face, 11 Ran. sc.; on right side, near mouth, Bor.; tension as from, Bar. e B^" tension, titillation. j Face, cold: Abrot, I Ars, Bell, Berb, ICale, Camph, Cann. i, ICarbo v., ICham, ICie, ICina, ICup. m, IHyos, Iris, IMere, Merc. per., IPuls., I IRan. sc, llSabina, HStram, HVer, Ver. v., I IZinc; in albuminuria, Tereb.; in angina pectoris, ICup. m.; with i heat of body, Ang, Spong.; in concussion of brain, ICie; in chronic.bronchitis, ICact.; in fleshy children. Hod.; with chill, IDros, IPetrol.; in peritonitis, IColoe; in cholera, Ant.t, HCamph, ICup. ac, llris, HVer.; in cholera infantum, ICale; clammv, in hemor- rhage, IHam.; with sensation of a cobweb, I IRan. sc; in colic, pale, clammv, IHelb; cheeks corpse-like, I IRhus; as if cold drops 1 were spurted in when going into open air, 8. UPPER FACE. 281 Berb.; in dropsy after scarlatina, lApis; in dysentery, I IZinc; in enteritis, I ITereb.; in intermittent, HCina ; in yellow fever, ICarbo v.; especially forehead, in diphtheria of lips, I IRhus ; with hot hands and feet, Natr. c; with heat (meningitis), ISpong.; with heat all over, worse in hands and feet, Rheum; in hydrocephalus acutus, ILye; icy, Agar, lArg. nit, HCamph., ICup. m, IHell, HVer.; of left half, I IDros.; of left half, after midnight, with sticking pains, right half hot and dry, Dros.;of leftside, in paralysis, IIGraph.; in meningitis, IVer.; with palpitation, ICamph.; in chill, Dros.; in peritonitis, IColoe; in pneu- monia, I Ant. t; in prosopalgia, ICoccul, llgn.; in pulmonary affections, pneumonia, ISang.; with acceleration of pulse (pernicious inter- mittents and other diseases), ILye; pulse small and feeble, IMere cor.; of right side, IGels.; of right side, when pain is most severe in left, Polyg.; in scarlatina, ICamph, ICup. ae; sensation, Bar. e, Plat.; sensation, in whole right side, IPlat.; shivering begins, HCaust.; in spasm, following pneumonia and typhoid fever, I INux v.; covered with sweat (metrorrhagia), IMere; with clammy sweat at night, ILye; with cold sweat before stool (diarrhoea), HVer.; especially on temples around nose and mouth, IKreo. BQT* cadaverous, sunken, sweat. Face, collapsed : B^* cadaverous, sunken. Face, color: frequent change of: Ammoniac, lAmyl, Cinch, IIFerr, IPhos, Plat,Squilla; changing constantly, in croup, IHep.; changes frequently, with intertrigo of anus, IMere; changing, now pale, now red (epileptic at- tacks), IKali bb; changing, red or pale, in hy- drocephalus, ISub; discolored, See; discol- ored, in heart disease, ICact; discoloration in heart disease and asthma, I Crotal,; erysipela- tous, IHep.; faded, after disappointment in af- fections (cardiac weakness),I IPhos. ae; worse after ague, 11 Psor.; poor, IMurex ; unnatural, ILach.; wretched, IKreos.; wretched, in inter- mittent, ICoccul.; wretched, with worms, IFerr. B@* blue, cyanotic, pale, red, yellow. Face, congested: lAcon., HAmyl, Ananth, Ant t, Arg. nit,Bar. c, IIBell, IBry, ICale, Cornus, IIGlon, 11 Lact. ae, IPuls., HStram, I IThuya; in albuminuria, during pregnancy, HApis; almost,in an apoplectic fit (bee sting), ILach.; causes burning, Ustil.; irregular spots, capillary, as after a debauch, Ailant; dark, or dusky, IGels.; with fever (ague), I IStram.; with burning heat, dry, and hot to touch, lAcon, Eup. pur.; in hemicrania, IPhos.; if mental anxiety is great, Lyss.; with suppressed menses, HApis; in paraplegia, lArs.; during stool, Aloe; with toothache, IGels.; with uter- ine polypus, IIThuya; with hypertrophy of left ventricle, IPhos.; with vertigo, Hod.; with vomiting on stooping, IBell, Myr. cer. 8g^* flushed, fulness, heat, red. Face, contraction: muscles, IBell, Sec; com- plementary of Hepar and Phosphorus, IMere cy.; in chorea, I ITarant; of muscles, espe- cially around mouth, making speech difficult, IGels.; of muscles, with nausea and incessant vomiting, Zinc; of muscles, on one side, speech difficult, IGraph.; sudden, severe on right cheek, lEup. pert; spasmodic, Bar. m.; zygomatic muscles, draw cheeks and mouth from below upward, and from face backward to temples, I IStram.; as if contracted, Aeon.; sensation, in left side, Calab.; sensation, in leftside, w ith numbness, ICalab.; as though skin on middle were contracted, Gels.; drawn, Bar. c, ICie, Crotal.; pale, ITabae; drawn, in diphtheria of lips, I IRhus; muscles feel as if they would be drawn to one side, Cist.; sen- sation as if drawn to root of nose, then back- ward toward occiput, as if by a string, I I Paris; drawn to one side, Syph.; drawn awry in talk- ing, closes right or both eyes, opens mouth or closes it, ILach.; skin seems drawn tight over bones (cholera infantum), IVer. 8®" convulsions, distorted, tension. Face, convulsions: IIBell, Bism, ICham, HCic, IICup., IHyos, llgn., ILaur, IOp, I IRan. b., IStram, IZinc, Ziz.; in arachnitis, IChlorof.; before asthma, Bov.; begin in face, 11 Dulc.; especially if caused by dis- eased bones or teeth, IHep.; in congestion to brain, IIBell, IICup. m.; frequent in chol- era infantum, I IZinc; chorea-like muscular movements, Agar.; in chorea (risus sardoni- cus), ICaust; paroxysmal chorea on approach of a storm, IIRhod.; chorea, better during sleep, worse at stool and from emotions, IMagn. p.; clonic, after grief, lArs.; occasion- ing violent contortions and most horrid assemblage of features, Lyss.; during deliri- um, IStram.; epileptiform, IChin. a.; from trismus or faceache, Ananth.; sudden fainting on going from one room into another full of company, I IPlumb.; in typhus, lAur. met.; of one-half, IDig.; in hydrocephalus acutus, ILye; incessant, ICamph.; during labor, I IChin. s, IHyos.; on left side, I IDig.; worse on left side, Ananth.; of lips, Ran. b.; when masticating, Ver.; before menses, I IPuls.; in myelitis, IStram.; in neuralgia, I IStram.; oscillation with distortion (pros- opalgia), HStram.; in pneumonia, ICheb; in prosopalgia, llgn.; worse on right side, Agar.; while speaking (apoplexy), IPlumb.; on attempting to swallow, with great mental disturbance, Lyss.; caused by difficulty in swallowing, Atrop. s.; followed by partial relaxation, which was again succeeded by some tetanic condition (tetanus), IPhyt. 8®"" contraction, distorted. Face, coppery : Alum, Ars. h, Calc, ICale p.,. IKreo, IStram. Face, skin cracks: 8®° chapped. Face, crawling: Cadm. s, Lachn.; as of a fly, Calad.; as of flies, over right side, Gymn.; al- ternating with flushes (colic), Ast. r.; on low- er, ICale; in right malar bone, Lyss.; in malar bone, extending over nose to opposite cheek, Coccus ; in zygomatic arch, Lyss.; in cheek, after pain is better, lEuphor.; in whole right side, IPlat.; after stool, Ang. B*aT* creeping. Face, creeping in left cheek: Amyb; in right cheek, below malar bone, lAmyl.; painful, with coldness and numbness, especially in right side, worse at night and during rest (prosopalgia), I IPlat sisT* crawling. Face, cyanotic : Ananth, lArs, Lyss, IMere cy.,IINatr. m.; in asthma,IAur. met.; in chol- era, ICup. ac;appearance of cynanche,Vespa; in emphysema, HArs.; in chronic carditis,, ICact.; in tetanus, IHydr. ac. 282 8. UPPER FACE. Face, dark: Apis, Elaps, IINitr. ac, I IPlumb., ISub; with spasmodic cough in catarrh, IBadiag; in croup, I ISang.; in diphtheria, ICrotal.; dusky, lApis, IIBapt.; dusky, in scarlatina, Crotal.; in typhus, lApis; in typhoid, IOp.; in congestion of lungs, lAm- moniac; mahogany (suppressed scarlatina), lAilant.; after bee-sting, ILach.; with vertigo, ICarbo v. B@F~ black, blue, dingy, dirty looking. Face, deathly: BS^* cadaverous, sunken. Face, dingy: IPod.; after scarlet fever, ILach. B@P* dark, dirty looking. Face, dirty looking: IIArg. nit. Card, m, ICup. m., IILyc, IMagn. e; in typhoid fever, IMere; in hydrocephalus, IMere; muddy, I IMere; muddy, with occasional acne, I ISub; in patches (seborrhcea oleosa), IHydras.; in pneumonia, ICup. m.; in tobacco poisoning, I INux v. 8®° dark, dingy. Face, distorted : Amyg., lArs, IBell, IBufo., ICamph., ICham, ICie, Crotal, ICupr. ac, IGraph, IHell, IHydr. ac, IIHyos, Illgn, ILach, Lyss, ILaur,I IMillef, INux m.,INux v, HOp, I IPhyt, I IPlat, Sabad, Sec, ISil, HStram.; as if in apoplectic fit, Apis ; inapo- plexia nervosa,ICup. m.; in arachnitis,IChlo- rof; when awaking at night, ICrotal.; in brain affections, IHelb; in inflammation of brain, IMere viv.; in cholera, I Ant. t, ICamph.; in cholera morbus, I Cam ph.; in sporadic cholera, ITabae; worse during full moon and when vexed (chorea), INatr. m.; with colic, IColoe; constant, in chorea,IMygale; with convulsions, 11 Ant.t,Bufo,ICoccub; with convulsions (apo- plexia nervosa), ICup. ac; in convulsions, in dentition, ICham.; with delirium, IPlumb.; in every direction,Stram.; spasmodic, in epilepsy, ICup. m.; with weak eyes, IMillef; after fall- ing down stairs, 11 Rhus; also of flexor muscles (scarlatina), ICup. ae; during headache,INux m.; in endocarditis, Coccul.; either horrible or ridiculous, HCic; horrible, in chorea, ICup. m.; horrible, in prosopalgia, I I Plat; with ileus, in incarcerated hernia, IOp.; of left side, with painless convulsions, I IStram.; of left side, appears longer than right, INux v.; in most horrible and ludicrous contortions (chorea), HVer. v.; in mania, HVer.; in melancholy, after mortification, llgn.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IHydr. ac; worse in morning, on awaking, ISpig.; in morning (chorea), IMy- gale ; of corners of mouth, Hydr. ac; in neu- ralgia of face, I ISul. ae; by pain, ICham.; with pain,in brain affection, IHelb; painfully, as if from inward suffering, Ars. h.; painfully,with vomiting, HVer.; from pain and weakness (colic), IMagn. p.; peculiarly, in typhus, I Ars.; in prosopalgia, ICoccul.; in puerperal convul- sions, IOp.; often red, Cup. m.; with red cheeks, Squilla; and deep red (puerperal eclampsia), Atrop. s.; with rattling, difficult respiration (croup), I ISpong.; in scarlatina, IZinc.; in scrofulosis, 11 Sul.; on being aroused from sleep (concussion of brain), ICie; spas- modic, with irritation of brain, ICup. ae; spasmodic, with faintness on moving body, ICoccul.; spasmodic, in typhoid, IStram.; spasmodic, with froth from mouth, Camph.; when swallowing, IINitr. ae; by efforts to swallow, ISib; in tetanus, lArs.; with pain in umbilical region, extending to small of back, dull boring, worse in par- oxysms, HPlat. 8@r contraction, convulsions, motion. Face, dragging : in muscles (toothache),ICaust. Face, drawn: 8@" contracted. Face, dropsy: g^~ swelling. Face, dryness: HArs.; in cortical cataract, I ISub; of whole inner lining of cheek, IBelb; feels dry, 11 Lac c; rough place on right cheek, IBar. e; dried up look, Hod. Face, earthy: I Ars., Ars. h, Bism., Bor, ICale, ICale p, HCinch., Con, Coccul., Ferr. ph., IKali m, IKreo, IILyc, IMagn. e, IMagn. m., IMere, Mosch., Nux v, 01. an, HOp, IPhos, IPhos. ac, I IPsor., I IPuls, Sec, ISep., ISil, I ITereb.; in abdominal troubles, ILach.; in fistula in ano, I IBerb.; in chorea, ICina; clay-colored, llgn.; clay- colored, in diarrhoea, IBor.; with chronic constipation, I ISyph.; with dim, desponding look, I IPuls.; in diabetes mellitus, I Arg. met.; in diarrhoea, lArn.; in diarrhcea during preg- nancy, I ILye; in chronic epilepsy, I IPlumb.; with wandering expression, Zinc.; with dark rings around eyes, IPuls.; flushes easily, IFerr.; with headache, Bism.; in hydroceph- alus, IMere; as after a long illness, Zinc; in infant, IBor.; with leucorrhcea, INatr. m.; in i cancer mammae, Ast. r, I IBrom.; in ophthal- mia, ICie, IFerr.; pale, ICale; pale, in aphonia,IFerr.; pale, in cholera,lyEthus.;pale, in insanity, IHyos.; in phthisis, 11 Samb.; in pneumonia, lAnt. t, ICup. m.; during preg- nancy, IMagn. e; with imperceptible pulse (carbuncle), ISib; and swollen (dropsy), ILye; with induration of uterus and pancreas, ICarbo a. g^°ashy, cachectic, gray, sallow. Face, egg: skin feels tender, as if white had dried on it, Phos. ac, ISul. ac. 8^° brown, cachectic, yellow. Face, emaciated: Cupr. s., ILac def, Mez, INuxm., Selen., I ISub, Tabae; in abscess of left arm after dissecting wound, I ISil.; cheek bones prominent, in diabetes, 11 Uran. n.; in cholerine, IPhos.; in typhus,l IChin s.; in ab- dominal typhus, HStram.; in gonorrhoea, I ITarant.; in meningitis, I IVer.; in secondary syphilis, I IStilling. Face, flushed: I Aeon., II Amyl, I Apis, Arum d., Asaf, IIBapt, IIBell., Brach, IBry,l ICalad, ICanth, Carbol. ae, Chin, s., IChim. umb, Chrom. ae, ICrotal, Cubeb., IDulc, Eucab, lEup. pert, IFerr, Ferr. m., IGels, IIGlon, IGraph, Ham, IHyos., IHyper, Iber, IJab, Kali bi, IKali br, IKali cy, Lyss, Mygale, Myr. cer, INaja, IINatr. a, INatr. m., HOp, I IPolyp., IPuls, I I Rob, ISenecio, ISep, Stront, ISul, IVer. v, Vib, Zinc; alternates with chilliness, Lachn.; pale, alternately, IIAcon, Alum, lAmyb, Bell, Brom., ICamph., ICinch, ICroe, Cub, IIFerr., IGlon, IHelb, llgn, ILed, IMagn. c, CEnan, IPuls., IRhus, IVer, Zinc; in afternoon, evening or towards night (effects of grief), IPhos. ac.; excessive, from undue sen- sitiveness, IIKali ph.; extends over body, lAmyb; in concussion of brain, ICie; cen- tral, deep, in typhus, IBapt.; with burning cheeks, IFerr.; of one cheek, the other pale, I Aeon, ICham, Cina, llpec, IPuls, Rheum ISub, Ziz.; with chill, IGlon.; follows chilli- ness, Merc. iod. rub.; with chilliness and 8. UPPER FACE. 283 languor (bronchial attacks after whoopng- cough), IKali bb; with chills, in intermittent, IBry.; in cholera, ICup. ae; during climaxis, IGraph, IKali bi, IILach, ILye, IISul. ac, ITereb.; one to three hours after cold stage, lEup. pur.; with coma, ICinch.; with convul- sions, jrCamph.; in puerperal convulsions, IGels.; with cough, 11 Eup. perf; in whooping cough, I ICon.; crimson, in all positions (scar- latina), IGels.; crimson, of whole, in evening and morning, sometimes preceded by cold hands and feet (inflammatory fever), IGels.; in catarrhal croup, IIAnt t; in delirium tremens, first stage, IKali bi.; feeling, in diarrhoea, ICrot. t; in infantile diarrhoea, IPod, in diphtheria, IBapt, ILac c, I IPhyt.; easily, on least excitement or exertion, IIFerr.; easily, with cold hands and feet (con- stipation), IFerr.; easily, in sciatica, IFerr.; ebullitions of blood, Absinth.; in periodic ecstasy, ICie; from slightest emotion, lAmyl, IPhos.; with epistaxis, Crotal.; with wild expression, Camph.; with faintness and languor, 11 Ptel.; in fever, Bar. m, ICact, lEup. pert, lEup. pur.; with fever and headache in forehead, in alternation with Bell, (diph- theria), IKaob; in intermittent, ICinch, I INux m.; in tertian, INatr. in.; in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; in typhus, ITereb.; frequent- ly, ILye; frequently, wants to be in open air, Act. rac; effects of grief, IGels.; from roots of hair to ramus of lower jaw, neck and chest, including eyes, persistent under pressure, Chloral.; to roots of hair, after a little wine (asthma), ICarbo v.; with headache, Atrop, ICarbol. ac; with headache of strong ple- thoric adults, INux v.; with congestive headache, IBell, IGlon.; with congestive headache, in epilepsy, IBufo.; with headache, in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICalab.; with headache in morning, IPod.; with sick head- ache, ICoff.; with rush of blood to head and headache as of a board strapped to forehead (typhoid), IIRhus; with irritable heart, I Asaf; followed by throbbingof heart, Alum.; hectic, Bapt, Cale, I ISang, I I Iodof. (followed by Tu- berc), Stann, Sub; hot, ICham, lEup. perf., IGlon., 11 Lil. tig.; hot, especially about eyes and forehead, with headache, IGlon.; hot, followed by slight sweat (neuralgia vaga), ITereb.; hot to touch, IGels.; in insanity from drinking, IHyos.; in cancer of lips, ICamph.; in labor, I Am, IBell, ICoff, IFerr., IGels, IOp.; one side flushed, the other pale, during labor, ICham.; in acute phary ngo- laryngitis, INaja; on left cheek (dyspepsia), I ILac c; with cold legs, IOp.; when lying on left side (intermittent), ICale; in cerebro- spinal meningitis, IHelb; in menopause, ICrotal.; during menses, IIPuls.; in dysmen- orrhoea, HXan.; with migraine, IKali br.; momentary, IClem.; with itching in nape of neck, Astac; in neuralgia, IMagn. p.; of cor- responding side, in ciliary neuralgia with acute conjunctivitis, I I Tereb.; on correspond- ing side, with ovarian neuralgia, Crotal.; as supraorbital neuralgia, Hydr. ac; at night, Aram t; at commencement of pain at exit of supraorbital nerve, spreads over forehead, ILac def; pale, flushing easily, IIFerr.; then pale, followed by blueness, I IStram.; in peri- carditis, lArs.; in pneumonia, IBar. e, IBelb; pulse 154 (diphtheria), ILye; in retinal con- gestion, Sang.; particularly in right side. worse in evening (neuralgia), I IPuls.; color of a red rose, with swelling, ILac def; after rub- bing, yEseh.; a rush of blood, I Aeon, I Amyl, IIArg. met, Coccion, IFerr. s.; a rush of blood, with feeling of fulness, Ziz.; a rush of blood, with palpitation, Cinch.; of side, with neuralgic pain daily, at same hour, in orbital region and supramaxillary region, IKali cy.; one side flushed the other pale, lAcet. ac, I Aeon,HCham,HIpec,ILach, IMosch,INux v.; with dry, hot skin, lEup. pert; leaving white spots as large as a quarter of a dollar here and there, HVer. v.; when stooping, IBell, ICanth.; sudden, Ant. t, IMur. ac. Tell.; suddenly, on excitement, Sal. ac; suf- fused, Syph.; suffused, in ciliary neuralgia, I Amyb; from exposure to sun, I Aeon,11 Amyl, IBell, Cact, IIGlon, ILach.; surging of blood, lAmyb;swollen, Ast. r.; puffy,swollen,I IMere cor.; by every attempt to talk audibly, IMere; transitory, I ICoff.; transient, in men- ingitis, I I Ver.; in incipient tuberculosis, 11 Tuberc; interspersed with rose-colored spots (urticaria), ICop.; in dropsy of uterus, IFerr.; with weight and pressure in vertex, Naja; with vertigo, Ananth, IBell, ICact, ICoccul, IStram.; with vertigo, in neuralgia, IKalm.; after overwork and mental anxiety, ICup. m. B§T* congested, heat, red. Face, formication: Agnus, 11 Apis, Arund, HSec; as of insects crawling, Apis, ICrot. t; in skin, Urt ur.;in prosopalgia, llgn.; of right cheek, Elaps; under skin, Bar. c. 8@T* numbness, titillation. Face, as if frost-bitten : Agar. Face, fulness: 11 Apis, Cub, Oxal. ac, Syph, Ziz.; in antrum, Cochl.; in catarrh, INatr. a.; during climaxis (typhus), ITereb.; in dropsy, after scarlatina, IA pis ; over superior maxil- lary bone, Como. ggg*" congested, flushed. Face, feels to her like fur: in hemiplegia, ICaust. Face, with deep furrows: IILyc. 8^* sunken ; also Expression suffering. Face, gangrene : of cheeks, pains worse by hot or cold applications, IMere Face, giddy sensation in upper jaw : Ars. h. Face, glistening: IRhus. 8®° erysipelas. Face, gray: HArs, IBufo, Cadm. s., Chel., HCinch, ICup. m, Hydr. ac. Kali e; ashy, in intermittent fever, ILach.; especially nose color of bleached coal ashes (chronic asthma), IColch.; in diarrhcea, IVer.; dirty, in bleph- aritis, IKali e; dirty, with cough, ICheb; in dyspepsia, ILach.; earthy, IMez.; in gastroma- lacia, IMere d.; in chronic keratitis, after vac- cination, IIThuya; cancer mammae, IIBrom.; pale, Med.; grayish yellow, ICarbo v., Chel, IKali e, IKreo.; grayish yellow, in bulimia, ILye; grayish yellow, in relapse of intermit- tent, I Ars.; greenish yellow, in hepatic affec- tions and dyspepsia, I ICheb; pale, grayish- yellow, with dim, dull eyes and gray furred tongue, IKali e 8^*" ashy, cachectic, dark, earthy, lead color, pale, sallow. Face, felt as if flesh were off bones and edges separated and sticking out: ILac. def. Face, greasy (oily): INatr. m, IPlumb, IPsor, Selen.; in seborrhcea oleosa, ICon., IHydras, Hod., ISul.; soapy, ICarbol. ac. B^'shining. 284 s. UPPER FACE. Face, greenish: lArs, ICarbo v, IFerr., Iod, I IMere; circles about eyes, IVer.; with blue rings about eyes, Berb.; pale, with swelling of cervical glands, IKreo.; yellow, in quotid- ian ague, IPuls. Face, grimaces: ICamph, IHyos.; in chorea, ICup. ae; in periodical chorea, ICup. m.; in epileptiform convulsions,Absin.; while cough- ing (croup), I ISpong.; frequent, hideous (cho- rea), I ITarant.; like a savage, Pallad.; caused by difficulty in swallowing, Atrop. s.; terrible, IBelb B€g?° Expression foolish. Face, haggard: Camph, ICaps, IHydras., I IKali ph., ILach, INatr. m.; in angina pec- toris, 11 Oxal. ac; after attack (hemicrania), I Phos.; and jaundiced, camp diarrhoea, ILept; left side (headache), lAmyb; from loss of sleep, 11 Phos.; in meningitis,! Ver. v.; after injection of nitrate of silver, for gonorrhoea, I ITarant. Face, child constantly passes its hand over, as if trying to brush something away (brain dis- eases), I INux v. Face, hardness: BST" induration. Face, palpitation of heart is felt: IMur. ac. Face, heat: lAcon, Ailant, lAmyb, 11 Ang., I Ant. e, Apis, Ars. h., Ars. m, Ars. s. f, Ars. s. r, Asaf, Aspar, Astac, Aur. met, IBapt, IBelb, Bov., Brach, IIBry., Cain, I ICalad, ICanth., ICaps, Card, m, ICepa, HCham, ICheb, I Chim. umb. Chloral, Chrom. ac, HCina, Cinnam, Cinch, bol, Cistus, Cornus, ICroe, Cycl., I Dros., lElaps, IFerr. ph,IGels, IGraph, IGymn, Iber., llgn, Ind, Kali e, IKreo., ILach, I ILac c, Lactu. v., Lobel. i, ILye, Lyss, IMere, Merc, per, IMez., Mosch,I IMur. ac, Myr. cer, I INatr. a,INatr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ac, Nitr. sp. d, INux m, IINux v, Oleand.,lOxabac, Paeonia,IPetrob, IPhos., IPhyt,l I Plat., I IPolyp, HPuls.JRhus v, Sarrae, Sars, Seneg, Tarax, Vib, ^Zing.; with pains in abdomen, ICale; in afternoon, IIArum t, Berb, ICarbo a.; especially in open air, Vab; alternates with cold body, IStram.; alternating heat and redness, I I Zinc.; with anxiety, HCarbo v.; anxious, with nausea, IHep.; in apoplexy, Am.; heat, creeping shiverings over arms, IPuls.; worse on awaking, Alum.; with chilliness in back, Jatroph, ISub; with chilliness in back, and cold hands, Nitr. sp. d.; with shudders over back, Seneg.; extends over body, I Amyl, Berb.;with cold body,ICham,ICinch,IStram.; with cold body, alternates with anxiousness and thirst, I IStram.; lower part of body cold, ICale p.; with coldness of body after stool, 11 Tromb.; with pulsation over body, Rumex ; with shivering, ICale, IRhus; in bones, Cist.; burning,Antt,l IBelb,Benz. ae,ICham,Grat, INatr. c, Plant, Psor, I I Ptel, I ISpig, Thuya; burning, better in open air, Amm. m.; burn- ing, with anxiety (puerperal fever), I IPlat; burning in cheeks, I I Ptel.; burning, after chill, Merc, sub; burning, with internal chilliness and thirst, IKali bb; distressing burning in skin, Urt. ur.; burning, in diphtheria, IBapt; burning, and redness, with icy cold feet, Samb.; burning cheeks, in typhus, I Ars.; burning, face feels cold to hand, Grat.; burn- ing, with headache, IDiad.; burning on either cheek, generally left side, Euphor.; burning, in inflammation of liver, I ICoccul.; burning, with nausea, Stront.; burning of one side, Benz. ae; burning, with pimples, I IMosch; burning cheeks, in pulmonary affections and pneumonia, ISang.; burning, with glowing redness, I IPlat; burning,with violent thirst, worse toward evening, Plat; with catarrh, IINux v.; in cheeks, Ant. c. Cast, eq, ICepa, ICina, IClem, Coff, Colch, Elaps, ILed, IPhos, ISabad, ISil, HStram., Vinca ; with red cheeks, Amm. c, ICham.; with red cheeks, after eating, ICoff; with chill, ICale ph.; with coldness and chill, IColoe; after chilliness, I IDros.; with chilliness, Gels, IHelb, Inul., INux v.; after chill, Cain.; after chill, without sweat, Graph.; with chilliness, worse afternoon and evening, IRan. b.; dur- ing chill, Arn.; with chill in evening, Staph.; with internal chilliness, IIMerc; with chilli- ness (dysmenorrhoea), I INux v.; with chill, predominating especially on extremities, ISabad.; with chill and violent thirst, Ruta; after coffee, Lyss.; in colic, IColoe; with congestion, Con.; constantly wants to bathe it in cold water, Fluor, ac; in convulsions, ICoccul.; after convulsions, HOp.; in puer- peral convulsions, HVer. v.; with coryza, Ars. m., IINux v.; during cough, Bell.; with cough, ICham, IMur. ac; with cough and fever, IGuaiac; with cough, when going to sleep, Sub; during crawls, IDros.; in delirium tremens, I IZinc; in infantile diarrhoea, IPod.; after drinking, HCham.; dry, Coff.; dry, with red cheeks, ICoff.; with redness of cheeks, evening, Ran. b.; with soreness of left cheek from thinking, Lyss.; dry, with rushes of blood to cheeks, 01. an.; dry tongue, as far as behind ears, toward evening, Am.; great and dry, in influenza, I IChel.; dry, with cold nose, Arn.; dry, on right half, I IDros.; to ears and hands, Daph.; after eating, Amm. m, lAsaf, HCham., IPetrol.; after eating dinner, Amm. e,Asaf,Cale, Calend, ICorab, Ran. b.; during and after dinner, Amm. c; after eating, particularly in left cheek, ILye; after eating (pregnancy), lAnt.t; after supper, Ang.; after eating, after Teplitz had removed erysipelatous spot on left cheek, accom- panied by headache, I IPetrol.; as parox- ysms multiply (epilepsy), Bufo.; in evening, ICale p.; especially evenings, ICepa, IGuaiac; every evening, 5 to 9, ISub; when excited, Aloe ; during mental exertion, Amm. e; ex- ternal, with inward chills, ICoff; external and internal heat, with red cheeks and cold hands and feet, Ruta; feeling of, Stront, Ziz.; cheeks feel so, although they are not warm, Cinch.; feeling of,in middle of left cheek,Lyss.; feeling of, though cheeks were cold to touch, and pale, with chilliness and heat in even- ing, IRhus ; frequent feeling of flushes of heat, but with paleness, IIMar. v.; feeling, in sunstroke, 11 Thuya; with cold feet, Menyanth.; with evening fever, ICale, IKali n.; with evening fever (tertian), ICale; in in- termittent fever, IGels.; in bilious, remittent fever, I IPod.; in typhoid, I INux v.; in yellow fever, IGels.; flushes, ,Ese h, Amb, Aph.ch, ICist. c.,11 Coff, IGlon, I IGraph, Inul,I IKali m, ILach, IILyc, Med, I ITarant, Thuya; flushes, with drawing in upper abdomen, ex- tending to small of back, and pressing toward lumbar region, IKreo.; flushes, with anxiety, HSep.; flushes, with burning all over body, 8. UPPER FACE. 285 IMed.; flushes, over cheeks, Vab; flushes, with congestion to chest, and frequent pulse in afternoon, Seneg.; flushes, with chill, 11 Kreo.; flushes, with chilliness all over and coldness of hands and feet, Sabina; flushes, but cold all over, must be warmly covered, then sleeps and sweats, IMere per.; flushes, in climaxis, ■Graph., IKali bi, ILach, ILye, IISul. ac, Tereb.; flushes, from coughing, alternating with flashes of heat (catarrhal complaints), IPetrol.; flushing, in fever, IHep.; frequent flushes, with cold hands and feet, ISep.; flushed, folio wed by frontal headache, I IMelil.; flushes, in left side, ILac def; flushes, with relaxation of lids, Rhus ; flushes, in tubercu- lar meningitis, ILye; flushes, in mental af- fections, ICheb; flushes momentary, Bufo.; flushes, from any movement, better in open air, IStann.; flushes, with palpitation and red eyes, Iber.; flushes, with febrile shivering over whole body, HSub; flushes sudden, Mang.; flushes, with suffocation (intermittent), ICact; flushes, followed by sweat, Ziz.; flying, heat rising from chest, IIGlon.; flying, alternating with chills (prosopalgia), ICed.; flying, in croup, lAcon.; flying, after eating, Anac.; fly- ing, in left side, JEse h.; flying, wuth excite- ment of nerves, Spong.; especially in forehead, Ptel.; with pressure in forehead, Ang.; with pulsation in forehead and vertex, morning on awaking ,I IKreo.; with spasms of glottis, IBrom.; glowing cheeks, with dry heat over body,IStram.;glowing,withrednessfrequently only on one side, Tabae; glowing, in thrombo- sis, lApis ; in cheeks, with burning swelling in gums, IStaph.; with cold hands, Camph, IDros.; with cold hands and feet, Menyanth, HStram.; with cold sweat on hands, with vomiting of blood, IKali bb; in headache, Agar, Aloe, Calab, HChin. s. Cop, IDiad., Indig., ISpong.; with catarrhal headache, Gymn.; with congestive headache, IGlon.; with dull headache, Rumex; with dull, press- ing headache on left side, in evening, Zing.; with racking frontal headache, Ptel.; with stitching, gnawing headache, especially in forehead, from slightest cold or mental dis- turbance,worse from touch, 11 Puis.; in cheeks, with tearing headache, after eating, I INux v.; on bending head forward, ICorab; with con- gestion to head, IIAsaf, HCham, ICale, ISub; caused by congestion to head, on awak- ing, Amm. c; with congestion to head, and catarrhal sensation, ICon.; with congestion to head, in cerebral disturbance, ICroe; with congestion to head, toward evening, ICroe; with congestion to head, and twitching of left eyelid (epistaxis), ICroe; with heat, in head, in evening, ISep.; with feeling as if head were too large, ""Zing.; with cramplike pressing inward in head, IPlat.; with pressure in front of head and temples, extending into eyes (sick headache, blepharitis, catarrhal fever), IKali e; with pulsation in head, and palpitation, IGlon.; with trembling in head (cholerine), liEthus.; with stitching in region of heart, during an inspiration, Plumb.; with heat, following chill, IPuls.; during labor, ■Am, IBell, ICoff, IFerr, IGels, IOp.; of one side, during labor, ICham.; of left side, Alum., IIArg. nit., Inul, lOleand, Raph.; of left side, worse by cold or damp, Polyg.; of left side, after dinner, with red- ness of face, cold feet, eruption on left upper lip, I IPhyt.; of left side, at night, Alum.; of left side (prosopalgia), I IVer.; with chilliness and coldness of limbs, or chilliness running up back every ten minutes (epidemic influenza),ISabad.; with cold and moist limbs (congestive fever), I IStram.; with cold limbs, and severe tearing over right side of face, I IStram.; with trembling of lips, as if they were swollen,Lactu. v.; in evening, lying down, Asar.; when lying, with vomiting when rising, IPetrol.; of side on which he is not lying, Phos. ae; of side on which he is not lying, in evening, in bed, Jacea; in left malar bone, spreads over whole, Ind.; over superior max- illary bone, Como.; in meningitis, IHyper.; before menses, Alum.; caused by delayed menses, INatr. m.; in dysmenorrhoea, HXan.; with moaning, ICham.; in morning, with red- ness, at times very deep, Lyss.; in nephral- gia, I IOp.; with nervousness and depression, ICrotal.; in infraorbital neuralgia, I IColoe; especially at night, Coccion.; at night and morning on awaking, better forenoon, IHep.; with pressure in occiput, ISep.; one-sided, burning, llgn.; in one cheek, HArn, IStann.; one cheek hot and red, the other pale and cold, lAcon., lAcet ac, HCham, lllpec, ILach., IMosch, INux v.; of one cheek, the other cold, with vertigo, IKali e; of one cheek, after eating, Asaf; and redness of left, right pale, I ICham.; one cheek hot and red, with constant shivering, Coff.; one- sided, worse thinking of it, Spong.; one cheek, in vaginismus, llgn.; dull pains in right, worse in a draught of air, I IVerbas.; hot and pale, IGlon., IHelb; with pallor and sleepi- ness, IGlon.; with palpitation, Calc.a. Cinch.; periodic, Aloe ; in peritonitis, ILach.; in fifth month of pregnancy, I IPsor.; in prosopalgia, HPlat.; with prostration, Anac; with rash (scarlatinal, lAilant.; frequently recurring, in liver complaint, IChel.; hot and red, ^Atrop. s, IFerr, ILaur.; hot and red, with burning in single parts, as on malar bone, around eyes, nose, ears and mouth, ISub; hot and red, with chills, IBry.; hot and red, with general coldness, ILed.; hot and red, worse in even- ing, Rumex; hot and red (irritative fever), I IGraph.; hot and red, with body cold (con- gestion to head), Cinch.; hot and red, legs cold (meningitis infantum), lArn.; in right side, Lyss.; worse on right side, Lyss.; first right, then left cheek, Brom.; on right side, and particularly over eye, where it causes a tickling, returns after drinking coffee, Lyss.; strong in right side, followed by aching in front of upper part of head, after drinking coffee, Lyss.; in right side, followed by head- ache in vertex and forehead, Lyss.; with rigor and formication over back, in forenoon (chron- ic bronchial catarrh), IIPuls.; rising Mane; rising, before orbital neuralgia, left, ILach.; rising, after sleep, HCina ; in a cold room, ICoccul.; when entering room from open air, HCinch.; with shivering, Calc. p., I IDros, Mur. ae; around side, in syphilitic iritis, IIThuya; during siesta, with throbbing in cheeks and forehead and frequent urination, IKreo.; when sleeping, Menyanth.; with vio- lent sneezing when rising in* morning, Rhod.; 286 8. UPPER FACE. in spinal disease, lAlum. met; in spots, Aloe; during stool, Hep.; with stupor (pneumonia), IPhos.; sudden, with palpitation, I Arg. met.; with sweat, in large drops, IOp.; with scanty sweat, only during morning, 11 Kreo.; with sweating, Bor, ICinnab.; and swollen feeling, Lil. tig.; from talking, ISep.; worse from talking and eating, IPhos.; with tensive tear- ing pain, especially left side, worse from touch or motion, better in rest and from external application of warmth, IColoe; with pain in left temple, ICale; with toothache, Cepa, Ferr. ph, IGraph, I ISpig.; to touch, IIEup. pur.; transient flushes, with pressure in chest, Cop.; transient flushes, in amenorrhcea, ILach.; in spells (incipient tuberculosis), -Agar.; with twitching, IHelb; with vertigo, ICoccul, IINux v.; with vomiting, HVer.; wants to wash it, IFluor. ae; with weakness, Como.; feels as after wine (hay fever), ISabad.; symp- toms, better from external heat, pressure, friction, Benz. ac. g^g~ burning, congested, flushed. Face, heaviness: Niccol.; on left side,Arund.; over zygomata (catarrh), ICinnab. Face, hippocratic : 8®° sunken. Fase, illusion: thinks face is elongated (hyste- ria), IStram.; chin is elongating, Glon. Face, sensation, as if skin were immovable: Ars. met. Face, induration: Ars, Bry., Clem., IGraph, Jacea, IMere cor, Rhus, Sep., HSil.; of cellu- lar tissue, on one side, after parulis, I ISib; of one cheek (neuralgia),Cham.; red, hardlumps on right cheek, IKob.; scirrhous, on right cheek, size of a walnut, I IZinc; small, in prosopalgia, ISib; of skin, in cortical cataract, IISul. 8®° nodosities. Face, inflammation: of bones, IlAur. met, ICale, IFluor. ac, IMere, IMez, INitr. ac, IPhos. ac, IRuta, ISil, IStaph, IStilling, Symph.; erysipelatous, lEuphor.; of left half, Euph.; one side, from root of decayed tooth, I ISep.; toothache, lEuphor. Face, injuries: bruises, lArn.; lacerated wounds, ICalend.; wounds by scratching, IDolich. Face, irritation : Zinc; in hay fever, I INux v.; of superior maxilla, affects periosteum (ca- tarrh), IKali bi. Face, itching : Agar, All. sat, Anac. oe, Ant c, Arg. met, Arund, Ascl. t, Berb, Brach, Caps, Carbol. ac, ICaust, Con, IGels, IGraph, INatr. s, ISep., Sil, ISul, Urt. ur.; in acne,ISub; biting, with eruption of pimples, like nettlerash, Rbus; of cheeks, Ananth, Berb, lEuphor, Spong, Zing.; corrosive, must scratch cheeks, Agnus; in left cheek, Spong,Zinc; in cheek, after pain is better, lEu- phor.; of right cheek, Carbol. ae; in right cheek, reddens when rubbed, Ferr. iod.; of right cheek, after scratching, I I Stront.; in ec- zema, IPetrol.; with herpetic eruption,ICaps.; in erysipelas, IGraph.; like erysipelas, and red, Niccol.; in ethmoid bone (catarrh), IKali bb; especially in evening, changes place after scratching, Berb.; in evening, Zinc; first in left eye, zygoma, ala nasi, then in right side, extending close to eye, Pallad.; as from tick- ling of a feather, Aur. mur.; with headache, lAnae; in left side, Pallad.; especially in left cheek IRhus v.; lower half, about lower jaw, as if eruption would break out, Ars. m.; in cheek bones, Anag.; on right malar bone, ICist; especially in middle, Glon.; at night, Ailant, I IKalm, ILach.; worse at night, IMez.; painful all day, Mane; of various parts, Alum.; violent, especially when she gets wami (pityriasis capitis), IMez.; prick- ling, Dolich.; fine pricking, with feeling of warmth, begins in another place on scratch- ing, Sars.; so violent that he would like to scratch parts sore, Ars.; not better by scratch- ing, better by pressing and squeezing, Ars. m.; in smallpox, IHydras.; on a small spot, on right side, in morning, Pallad.; with sleep- lessness, IGels.; smarting, on right cheek, Gamb.; with swelling, Como.; with tetters around mouth, ISep.; if she attempts to wash anything, caused by steam from warm water (pityriasis capitis), IMez.; better bathing in cold water, worse at night, Ars. m.; child rubs as if to relieve (brain affection), Squilla. Face, jaundiced : g^~ yellow. Face, jerking: of muscles, in epilepsy, ICup. m.; of muscles, better moving shoulders up and down (irritability of cerebrospinal sys- tem), I IRan. b.; of muscles, during sleep, Rheum; spasmodic, of muscles, from tooth- ache, IHyos.;of muscles, when talking, I ISep. Face, large: cheek as if, Arg.met; malar bones feel as if swollen, Natr. a.; as if growing larger, lAcon.; chin as if growing larger, Glon. B€#° long. Face, lead color: IIArg. nit, Crotal, IKali iod, INatr. m, IPlumb, IVer.; during attack, Iffinan.; in erysipelas, from a dissecting wound, ILach.; in amenorrhcea, IVer.; with scirrhous tumors, Zinc; in puerperal eclamp- sia, ICoccul.; in pertussis, IBadiag. Face, livid: lAcon., Amyg, lArs, Ars. s. r, Bry, ICamph, ICarbo v., IChlor, HCinch, Citrus, ICroe, Crotal., IDros, IFerr, lllpec, IKali iod, IIKali ph, IKreo, IMere, I INaja, INatr. m, HOEnan, HOxal. ac, IPhos, 11 Ran. sc, ISpong, Vespa; in angina pec- toris, lAct. rac; in apoplexy, IIGman.; in cholera infantum, lArs. iod.; in cholera mor- bus and Asiatica, ICamph, IVer.; in collapse, I I Kali ph.; in convulsions, I IKali ph, OZnan.; in delirium, IBell.; in dropsy, after scarlatina, I Apis ; in epilepsy, I Ast. r.; with hollow eyes, 11 Kali ph.; with sensation of a cobweb on face, I IRan. sc; with sudden falling, Ast. r.; in typhoid* pneumonia, ISang.; in gastritis mu- cosa,IArs.; child, in spasm of glottis, IChlor.; gray, with humid tetter on ears, IKreo.; with cold hands and feet, Sub; with dilated heart, ITabae; in endocarditis, IKalm.; with heat, ILach.; with heat, chills during motion, IRhus; in jaundice, IFerr.; in laryngismus, I ISamb.; with jactitation in limbs (puer- peral convulsions), IOp.; with hemorrhage of lungs, llpec.'; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IGels.; in haemoptysis, IDig.; sometimes bloated, with blue margins around eyes, IFerr.; in pneumonia, I Ant. t, IPhos.; in puerperal fever, metritis and abdominal troubles, ILach.; with syncope, IGlon.; in sunstroke, I Ars, ICamph, IGels, IGlon., Op.; with cold sweat, IHelb; with grasping at throat (melancholia), I INaja; in cancer uteri, IGraph. 8®** anaemic, deathly, pale. Face, long: IStann.; chin feels, Glon.; in hys- 8. UPPER FACE. 287 teria, Stram.; and has an old look (gastroma- lacia), IMere d. g^" large. Face, lumps : B@~ induration. Face, motion: extraordinary mobility of mus- cles, especially left side, Bell.; when moving muscles sensation as if skull would burst, ISpig. B^° distorted. Face, mumps: B^sT* Chap. 9, Lower jaw, parotid gland. Face, nodosities: Bry.; hard, IMagn. c; pain- less, hard on cheek, where a pimple seemed to have appeared, if pricked or picked, a pain is felt in cheek even a distance from nodule, and here and there in upper part of jaw, gets bluish-red and soft, discharges lymph and blood, Lyss.; in prosopalgia, ISib; red on cheek bones, I IPuls.; red, apices filled with pus, burning, 11 Rhus. 8®" induration; also Eruption acne. Face, numbness : Bapt, Bell, Benz. ae, Plat; of bones, lAsaf; heavy feeling, Aeon.; of left side (paralysis), IIGraph.; in malar bones, IPlat; after prosopalgia, I IThuya ; painful, of malar bones, as if parts were between screws, with anxiety and weeping, and palpi- tation of heart (neuralgia), IPlat.; of side, as if asleep, ICaust; right side, IChel, IGels, IPlat.; in skin, Urt. ur. g^" formication. Face, oily : BST greasy. Face,pale: lAcon, Acet.ac, Act.rac. Agar, Ai- lant, All. sat. Alum, Amb, Amm. e, Ammo- niac, I Amm. m, Amyg., Amyb, Ananth, 11 Ant chl, Aph. ch,IArg. nit,HArs, Ars. h, Ars. s. r, Arund., lAspar, Atrop. s.,1 IBar. c. Bell, Borax, ICale,HCale p,ICamph, Cann. i, Cann. s, ICanth, Caps., 11 Carbol. ac, HCinch., HCarbo v., ICaust, ICham, IChel, Chin, a., Cinch.bol, I IClem., Coccul., Cochl., IColoe,Con, ICornus, Crotal., Cup. ac, ICup. m. Cup. s., ICycl, Diad, I IDig, IDros., IDulc, Eup. perf., IFerr, IFerr. mur., Ferr. ph., IFluor. ac, I IGels., IGlon, IHell, Hippom, IHydr. ac, IHydras., llgn, Iod, llpec. Kali bi,Kali br. Kali e, IKali iod, IIKali ph, IKalm, IKreo, ILac def, ILach, ILed., IILyc, Lyss, IMagn. c, IMagn. m. Mane, IIMang, Mar. v, I IMed, IMere, Merc, sul, IMez., Mosch, IMur. ac, IINatr. m., I INatr. ph.,Natr.s,INitr.ac,INuxm,INux v,01.an., HOp., I lOxal. ac, IPetrol., IPhos., IPhos, ac,IPhyt,Plat,IPlumb,Polyp, I IPsor,IPuls, Raph., IRheum, IIRob, Rhus, Sabad, Sa- bina,ISamb, Sec, Senecio,ISep.,ISil,IStann., IStram, Therid, IIThuya, I IVer, Vespa, Vinca, I IZinc, Ziz.; worse in damp air, INux m.; in albuminuria, lAnt. t, lApis, lArs, IMere cor., INatr. c, IPlumb., ITereb.; and cold, alternately with heat all over, llpec; alternately flushed, I Amyl, IBelb, Brom, ICamph, ICinch, IIFerr, IGlon.; al- ternate with flushes, in amenorrhcea, IZinc.; in angina pectoris, ITabae; in fistula in ano, I IBerb.; and anxious in cardiac dropsy, IDig.; with anxiety, after exercise out of doors, HSpong.; and anxious, with pinched features, I IMerecor.; and anxious, with cold sweat, ICrotal.; in asphyxia, IIAnt. t; in as- cites, I Apis ; in asthma, ICarbo v.; from loss of blood, ICale, ICarbo a, HCinch, IFerr, IHam., INatr. m, IPhos.; and blue, Colch.; bluish, in shock, Dig.; and whole body, Ver.; and body, after purpura, IHelb; with heat of body, Spong.; in concussion of brain, ICie; in inflammation of brain, ICup. ac., IMere viv.; in catarrh, IIAnt. t; in bronchial ca- tarrh, IIAnt. t; in nasal catarrh, 11 Eup. pert; as chalk (clairvoyant), Arn.; cheeks, with heat principally of head and face, ICroe; one cheek pale and hot, the other red and cold, Mosch.; cheeks, in ophthalmia, ICie; right cheek pale, Cann. s.; with circumscribed red cheeks, I IDulc, IILyc, I IPhos.; inchest affection, after abortion, INux m.; in new- born children, IOp, ICamph.; during chill, Ign, IRhus ; with chill, 4 p.m., lasting an hour, followed by heat (tertian ague), IPuls.; with chilliness, especially in open, damp cold air, INux m.; with chilliness and rigors, ISub; in cholera, IIAnt. t, I ICamph, ICup. m, IPhos. ac, HVer.; in chorea, INatr. m.; clay colored, with red spots on cheeks, HOp.; in colic, IColoe, IHelb; in convulsions, ICie, Cup. m., llpec, IKali iod, IIKali ph., Sib, Sub, IVer, IZinc; in coryza, INatr. e; with cough, IPhos.; after coughing, ICina; in whooping cough, IBadiag.; after whooping cough, with tardy return to natural color, ICrotal.; during paroxysm (spasmodic whoop- ing cough), ISub; with crawling, I ICamph.; in croup, Brom.; between attacks of croup, I Aeon.; with dread of death, IMosch.; death- ly, Act. rac. Alum, Bell., ICina, Crotal, Illgn, llpec, Lac def, IMere d, IPhos, ISul. ac, IVer.; deathlike, in cholera infan- tum, ITabae; deathly, in gastric disturbance, lAtrop. s.; deathly, in glaucoma, HPhos.; deathly, in haemetemesis, I Ars.; deathly, fol- lowing rush of blood to head (hysteria), IMosch.; deathlike, in cardiac rheumatism, ICact.; deathly, in post-partum hemorrhage, ICroe; deathly, in hepatization of right lung, Chel.; deathly, with bluish spots (chol- era), lAnt. t; deathly, with sweat, IVer.; deathly, with swoon (haematuria), llpec; deathly, in syncope, 11 Amyg.; deathly, with vertigo, ITabae; with delirium tremens, IDig.; with pleasant dementia, Croc; in diabetes mellitus, lArg. met, 11 Uran. n.; in diarrhoea, IIAnt. t, IBor, Stram.; without any increase of temperature (diarrhoea, dys- entery), IZinc; in chronic diarrhoea,IDule; in diphtheria, I ILac c, INatr.m., ISubae; dirty, I IPlumb.; and distorted, IMere e; and dis- tressed, in haematemesis, Nux v.; and dis- turbed, after typhoid, IHelb; doughy, in scrofulous children, IStilling.; but other- wise appeared as one drunk, with hallucina- tions, etc., Kali br.; earthy, ICale, IHelon.; earthy, in aphonia, IFerr.; earthy, in cholera, lyEthus; after eating, IIKali e; with emaciation, ICact, I IGraph, INatr. e; I ISib; and emaciated, in brain affection, IHelb; in chronic diseases, with much emaciation, Zinc; emaciated, deep set eyes, with dark rings (worms), ICale; emaciated, in spermator- rhoea,from onanism, IGels.; embonpoint nearly lost, lAur. mur. nat.; enteralgia, -Castor.; in enuresis, ICaust.; in epilepsy, lAst r.; be- fore epileptic attack, ILach.; with frequent flatulent eructations, I ISang.; with pustular eruption, ICheb; in repercussion of eruption, ICup.m.; on slightest excitement during preg- nancy, IINux m.; without expression, in typhoid, ICie; with altered expression (heart 288 8. UPPER FACE. affection), ICup. m.; especially around eyes, Ptel.; in blepharitis, IKali c; suppurative choroiditis in right eye, after a needle opera- tion for cataract, 11 Phyt.; with first closed then open, staring eyes, Camph.; rings around eyes (anaemia), ICycb; with blue rings around eyes, Jatroph., IINatr. c; blue rings under eyes, with palpitation, ICale a.; deep rings under eyes, after suppression of intermittent by opium, ICale ars.; sickly about eyes, HCina; with sunken eyes, Oxal. ac, IPuls, ISpong.; with fainting, IGlon, IILach, ILaur, INux v., Sib, IStram.; as in faintness (epi- lepsy), ICrotal.; with faintness and dizziness, worse in open air, ICrot. t; with drawn fea- tures, and deeply sunken eyes, surrounded by blue rings,ITabae; though temperature is high (delirium), IIHyos.; during apyrexia, Ign, Ipec; during apyrexia (quartanague), I ISep.; in intermittent, IChin. a, HCina, IFerr.; in irritative fever, IIGraph.; in spite of high fever (meningitis), IGlon.; in pre vailing fever, lAmm.m.; in yellow fever, HCarbov., IGels.; in flooding, lllpec, ITrilb; after flushes (spasms),TCamph.; with flushes (tuberculosis), ICale;sometimes flushed,IIFerr,IKalie;witli fontanelles remaining open, ISep.; after being frightened by a practical joke (shock), I Hyper.; in spasmus glottidis, IChlor.; after injection of nitrate of silver for gonorrhoea, I ITarant.; in haematemesis, IFerr.; and haggard, IGraph.; and haggard, in paralysis, IIGraph.; with cold hands and feet, Sub; in headache, Bism, llpec, ILach, IVer.; with frontal headache, ICale; in nervous headache, ISpig.; in sick headache, IIMelib; with congestion to head, ICycl, IFerr, IGlon.; with heat of head, IHelb; with palpitation, ICoccul.; in valvular disease of heart, I Aur met.; and hot, IGlon, IOp.; after heat, Squilla ; with heat and chill alter- nating, Sarrae; with heat (meningitis), ISpong.; in hemicrania, ILach, IPhos, ISep.; herpetic, Cycl.; with abscess of antrum of Highmore, IMez.; in hydrocephalus, Art. v.; in hydrocephalus acutus, IDig.; in albuminu- ria, ascites, incipient hydrocephalus, sopor, Bright's disease, I Apis; feels ill, Aur. met; infant, IBor.; instantaneously changed to redness, Bell.; and earthy at intervals, IFerr.; after attack (internal spasms), HOp.; after labor, IMez, 11 See; generally only on left side (scarlatina),ILye; with ulcer on lower leg, ISib; with purplish lips (cardiac rheumatism), ICact.; even lips look white (headache), ILac def; thin, livid, ICamph.; with dim, despond- ing look, 11 Puis.; with startled look (neuropa- thia), I IKali ars.; excessively, with fixed,stu- pid look, Camph.; with drawn, tired look, Polyg.; in mania, I Anac; in puerperal mania, ICamph.; in tubercular meningitis, ILye; in measles, ICamph.; in megrim, liEthus.; after menses, INatr. m.; menses absent two and a half months, ICycb; in amenorrhcea, HXan.; before menses, Amm. e; at com- mencement of menses, IMagn. c; during men- ses, Amm. c, ICed, IMagn. c, IMagn. m, IPuls.; in dysmenorrhoea, IIAmm. c, Apis, Ars, 11 Ferr, llpec, Magn. c, Magn. m, Stann, Ver.; menses irregular, IDig.; in menorrha- gia,ICoccub; in metrorrhagia, ICinch,I llpec; j with suppressed menses, ICycb; milky, Dulc., I INatr. e; and miserable, I^Ese h, ICup. m.; and miserable with diarrhcea, IFerr.; in morning, with blue rings around eyes, I lOle- and.; in morning, with paronychia, INatr. s.; in morning, on rising, Bov.; especially around mouth and nose, INux v.; with nausea,Alum, Amyg, IGlon, IHep, Lyss., ISpig.; with nau- sea, after diarrhoea, Lyss.; in nephritis albu- minosa, I Cochl.; in nervous affection, Mar. v.; after nosebleed, ICarbo v.; before nosebleed, ICarbo v.; with sharp-pointed nose, from dis- appointed ambition, IINux v.; in phthisis pituitosa, ILye; in phthisis pulmonum, I ITu- bere; and covered with small, red pimples, points contain pus, ILye; in pneumonia, IIAnt. t, ICarbo v, ICup. m, IFerr, IPhos.; during pregnancy, IPhos.; during pregnancy, with rush of blood to head, IIGlon.; becomes red or flushed on least emotion, pain, or exer- tion, IIFerr.; dark red (melaena), IHam.; in sciatica, IFerr.; with infrascapular pain in right side, HChen. a.; in scarlatina, Ant. t, lApis, ICale, ILye; in seasickness, ITabae; sickly, Euphor.; sickly,especially around eyes, Pteb; sickly, with nausea, IGels.; sickly, in workers in plaster, Calc. s.; with dimness of sight, IPuls.; from loss of sleep, I IPhos.; on rising from sleep, Bov.; in spermatorrhoea, IGels, llris, INuph, IZinc; in curvatureand caries of cervical spine, I ISyph.; in spinal ir- ritation, IChin. s.; on pressing spine, lAtrop. s.; in enlargement of spleen, IFerr. m.; with red spots, I Aur. mur.; with red spots on each cheek, IFerr.; with squeamishness and nau- sea, Lyss.; after sting, I Apis; before attack in stomacace, IDulc; writh spasmodic pains in stomach, IDiad.; after stool, Coloe, Crot. t; during stool, ICale, Crot. t, Ipec, IKali c, IRheum, IVer.; with liquid, slimy stools, as if fermented, IRheum ; streak down centreof face, in scarlatina, ICina ;and stretchy, lEup. pert; sudden, in epilepsy, ICup. m.; sudden, in evening, while sitting, Ustil.; sudden, in hydrocephaloid, llgn.; and suffering, in albuminuria, ICale a.; shows evidences of suffering (diarrhoea), IGamb.; and sunken cheeks, IMere; sunken, with dysmenor- rhoea, IDiad.; and sunken, with irregular menses, IDiad.;in sunstroke, lArs, ICamph, IGels, IGlon, Op.; with sweat, Mosch.; after sweating, IGlon.; and swollen, IGraph, IMere; swollen, in inflammation of brain, I IHelb; swollen, in irritation of brain, due to dentition, ICup. ae; swollen, after severe hemorrhage, IFerr.; swollen, in intertrigo of arms, IMere; swollen, in meningitis, ICup. ae; swollen, spotted red, lyEthus.; when out of temper (anaemia of brain), ICon.; thin, hec- tic, ISub; thin, air of suffering terror (after wound on head), I Led.; translucent (cholerine, dropsy),HApis; transient,withcoliclikepains in children, INux m.; while unconscious (epi- lepsy), lAst.r.; in uterine neuralgia,I INux v.; with vertigo, iCoff. t, Crotal, ILach., IPuls, ITabae; with vertigo, obliging him to stoop, IPetrol.; with vomiting, I Ant. t, I Ipec, IPuls, ITabac,HVer.; with bilious vomiting (chronic diarrhoea), I Fluor, ae; with chronic vomiting of food, IPuls.; with ineffectual attempts to vomit, INux-v.; and wan, IFerr.; wan, in headache, lAnae; watery complexion, IDulc; almost waxen, IPhos.; waxen, emaciated, (dropsy),IAcetac; waxen, in tvphoid,IPhos, 8. UPPER FACE. 289 IZinc; waxen, in oedema, HApis; waxen, with palpitation, ICale; with weakness, Kali e; with weakness, in whooping cough, IIFerr.; during cloudy weather, Aloe ; with worms, IFilix ; with flesh wounds, ICalend.; wretched looking (retroversion), ILil. tig.; with deep wrinkles (pneumonia), ILye; and yellow, IGraph.; yellowish, almost brown, Lyss. B^'anaemic, deathly, waxy, white. Face, paralysis: HCaust, ICoccul, ICurar.; entire left cheek feels as if, Form.; after catching cold, Ruta; of muscles, causing contortion or involuntary twisting of mouth, I IKali ph.; beginning with faceache, IKali m.; feeling, in left half, I ISeneg.; feeling, in arm and side of body corresponding to side affected, with prosopalgia, I Coccul.; in typhus fever, I Agar.; after typhus, ICaust.; following suppression of goitre, Hod.; right cheek hanging (apoplexy), I Arn.; of left half, ICepa, I ISpig., I ISyph.; corners of mouth drop, saliva runs out (typhus), lAgar.; especially when owing to constriction of nerve in canal of Fallopius, constriction being produced by inflammatory products, I IPetrol.; of one side, HCaust, ICoccul.; of one side (hemiplegia, chorea, otorrhoea, after cold), I ICaust.; on try- ing to move but one side responded, leaving the other expressionless, IIPuls.; disfigured (palsy), I Anac; partial,of muscles of leftside, 11 Sul.; peripheral, 11 Pub.; rheumatic, periph- eric, IGraph.; paralysis of right nerve, IKali m.; right side, I ISyph.; complete, of rightside (mastoid periostitis), I ISib; tender- ness on touch or pressure of affected side, IKali m. B®° distorted. Face, parotid: 8®* Chap. 9, Lower jawr, parotid gland. Face, peaked: IStaph.; in cholera infantum, I Ars. iod. 8^"Pinched, sunken. Face, peeling: Apis, IBelb; in facial erysipe- las, IPuls.; epidermis, leaving parts hot and rough, Rhus ; when washed, Thuya. Face, pinched: Coccul., ICup. m., Hod., See, ITabae, IVer, I IVer. v., Zinc; and shrivel- led appearance,inalbuminuria, IMerecor.; in cholera, 11 See; in cholera infantum, ITabae; in diaphragmitis, IDig.; in diphtheria of lips, 11 Rhus ; in dysentery, 11 Zinc; as if skin were pinched, pain came gradually and left suddenly, worse in bed and from excess of heat and cold, I ISul. ae; in summer com- plaint, IFerr. ph. 8^° peaked, sunken. Face, pointed: IKali e; pneumonia, IPhos. Face, prickling: 11 Apis ; burning, Sinap.; in cheeks, Cast, eq.; erratic, Cast, eq.; in left side, Bapt; transitory, Cast, eq.; cold water causes, Bufo. BSF" formication, numbness. Face, purple: Apis, Colch, Con, Crot, IGlon, IKali c, ILach, HOp, I IPrun,IStram.;after Aeon, if pulse remains imperceptible, IOp.; in apoplexy, IIPuls.; in cholera infantum, I Ars. b; in cholera morbus and cholera Asiat- ica, ICamph.; in colic, IColoe; with cough, Coccus; with cough, in croup, Brom.; with racking cough and splitting headache, Coc- cus ; from nervous, spasmodic cough, in children (tuberculosis), ICorab; in whooping cough, ICorab; in cyanosis neonatorum, I Op.; dark lines between alae nasi and cheeks, ISyph.; deep, dark hue, Vace; efflores- cence, in patches, Colch.; during epileptic at- 19 tack,IIHyos.; with bloodshot eyes (congestive headache), IMelil.; with laughter, ICann. h; with neuralgia, I INux v.; in puerperal con- vulsions, Ant. t; redness, I ICup.m.; redness, worse in evening, IHyos.; redness, caused by headache, I IMelil.; from impeded respira- tion (traumatic tetanus), INux v.; in scarla- tina, ILach.; in typhoid scarlatina, lAilant. BgT'black, blue. Face, quiet: clairvoyant, Arn. Face, quivering : Lyss.; in eczema, ICoccul. 8®*" convulsions. Face, rawness : in eczema, IPetrol. Face, red: Agar., Ailant, Amm. c, lAmyl, lAnt e, HApis, lArg. nit, lArs, lArs. h., Ars. in. Arum t, Ast. r.JIBell, Berb, Brom, Bry, ICanth, Caust, HCham., Chel, ICie, Cina, ICinch, Cinnam, Cund, ICroe, ICro- tal, ICrot. t, ICup, Cupr. s, Curar, IDros, lElaps, lErig, IIFerr., Ferr. iod., IGlon, IGrat, IGuaiac, IHell, Ind, Kali c, I ILach, ILye, Lyss., IMere cor, IMez., INatr. c, I INatr. ph, INux v.,I IOp, Oxal. ac, I IPhos, IPlant, Psor, IPuls., Raph., IRhus, ISamb., I ISang, Sarrae, ISep.,ISpig,IStram., Tarax., Vace, Var, 11 Verbas, Vespa, '"'Zing.; alter- nating with mottled appearance (scarlatina), ICaps.; alternating with paleness, IIAcon, Alum., I Amyl, Bell, Brom,ICamph,ICinch, ICroe, Cub, llgn., Iod., ILed, IMagn. e, IGman, IPuls, IRhus, IVer.; alternating with paleness, in brain affections and with vertigo, Zinc; alternating with paleness, in convulsions before menses, I IPuls.; alternat- ing with paleness, dark, I lOleand.; alternat- ing with paleness, with heat in head, IMagn. c; alternating with paleness, with heat alter- nating writh shuddering, Magn. s.; alternating with paleness, in meningitis, ISpong.; alter- nating with paleness, after night watching and mental disturbance, IIPuls.; after anger, IIBry.; in angina pectoris, I Aur. mur.; in scarlatinal angina, as in tipplers, ICaps.; ani- mated, intermittent fever, ICed.; with anx- ious mien, ISpong.; with anxiety and restless- ness,IKali iod.; in apoplexy, I Aeon,lArn, Ast. r.,IBell,ICact, Coccul,IGels, IGlon, ILach., INux v., Sang, Stront.; in asthma, ICaps, ICup. m.; in bed, becomes pale on rising, IVer.; and bloated, in apoplexy, IBelb,ICact, HOp, I IPuls.; in blotches, Kali bb; then blue, cold and moist (croup), HSpong.; bright, I ICoff; bright, with convulsions after labor, IGlon.; bright, with headache, IGels.; bright, in pneumonia, ICheb; brown, during siesta, with throbbing in cheeks and forehead, and frequent urination, IKreo.; burning, I IVer.; burning, after chill, Elaps; burning, fiery, lAcon.; burning, withi congestion to head (a woman approaching years of climaxis), IMez.; with burning and itching, like ery- sipelas, Niccol.; with throbbing of carotids, IBell, IMelil.; in catarrh, IBadiag.; with throbbing of cerebellum, Camph.; of cheeks, Amm. c, AnacJApis, Arg. met, IArn,Berb, I ICamph, ICarbo v., ICham, HCina,Cinch, IClem, Colch., Eup. perf, IFerr, IFerr. ph, I IHyper.JIgn, llpec, IKali e,IKreo.,IMere cor, Nitr. ac, Raph, ISang, Ziz.; in cheeks, from heat and anxiety, rising from abdomen' Stram.; in cheeks, in afternoon, 11 Senecio; of cheeks, especially in open air, Vab; cheeks, 290 8. UPPER FACE. alternating with paleness, in meningitis,ISub; in anger, IIBry.; cheeks, short breath, worse talking, ISpig.; cheeks, bright, I INux v.; cheeks, with chilliness, IIBry.; cheeks, cir- cumscribed, I Arg. nit, Ars. s. f, Benz. ae, Samb, IStram, ISub; cheeks, circumscribed, in albuminuria, Ars.; cheeks, circumscribed, burning, Thuya; cheeks, circumscribed, in catarrh, I Ant. t.; cheeks, circumscribed, with continued cough without expectoration (croup), I ISang.; cheeks, circumscribed, with tormenting cough, ISang.; cheeks, circum- scribed, dark (apoplexy, old age), IBar. e; cheeks, circumscribed, with pale face (masti- tis), HPhos.; cheeks, circumscribed, in inter- mittent, ILye; cheeks, circumscribed, in ner- vous fever, ICamph.; cheeks, circumscribed, in typhus, I Ars.; cheeks, circumscribed, with flushes of heat, IKreo, Lye; cheeks, circum- scribed, in morning, 1 to 2 a.m. (typhoid pneumonia), ILachn.; cheeks,circumscribed, pale about nose and mouth, three or four hours each day, IColch.; cheeks, circum- scribed, with yellowness of alse nasi, corners of mouth, and sclerotica (pleuro-pneumonia biliosa), 11 Rhus ; of one cheek, circum- scribed, Dolich.; of one or both cheeks, cir- cumscribed, Sang.; cheeks, circumscribed, in pneumonia, ILye; of right cheek, circum- scribed, in phthisis florida, after pneumonia, IFerr.; cheeks, circumscribed, worse right side, after heat, Lachn.; cheeks sharply cir- cumscribed, especially left, with febrile heat, especially toward evening (hectic), ISub; cheeks, circumscribed, with ulcer of sto- mach, IIMez.; cheeks, even when skin is cold, 01. an.; cheeks, turn cold, Ang.; cheeks, dark, Merc. per.; cheeks, dark, in pneumonia, ICheb; cheeks, dark, in prosopalgia, I ISpig.; cheeks, dark, in scarlet fever, IMur. ac; with fear of death (pregnancy), lAcon.; cheeks, with burning in ears, I ISang.; ery- sipelatous, I IHyper.; cheeks, evanescent, in neuralgia, IMere; cheeks, with distorted face, Squilla; cheeks, with hectic fever, I ICale; cheeks, in intermittent, IGels.;cheeks, in typhoid, IINux v.; cheeks, giowing, when walking, in open air, I IMur. ac;cheeks, with dry heat, Ran. b.; cheeks, with external and internal heat, Ruta ; in homesickness, HCaps.; cheeks, with hot face, ICham.; cheeks, hot, ■Mere; cheeks, with heat, alternating with chilliness, ILye; cheeks, not hot, alternating with paleness (scarlatina, intermittent), ■Caps.; left cheek, INatr. m.; left cheek, bright, with fever (croup), 11 Acet. ae; left cheek, not hot, Cann. s.; cheeks, before nose- bleed, during sleep, INux v.; one cheek, HArn.; one cheek, in hydrocephaloid, IVer.; one cheek, in paroxysms, with shiv- ering or internal heat (hemicrania), HCham.; one cheek (pneumonia), ICheb; one cheek, the other pale, I Aeon., ICham., Cina, llpec, IPuls, Rheum, Ziz.; one cheek, the other pale, in inflammation of bowels, in den- tition, I Acet. ac; one cheek, the other pale, with heat, IIPuls.; one cheek, the other pale, in meningitis, ISub; a patch, size of a florin, on left cheek, felt as if being pierced with red hot needles, Vespa ; cheeks, during fifth month of pregnancy, I IPsor.; cheeks, in prosopalgia, IChel.; of right cheek, Elaps of right cheek, without heat, with paleness of left, which feels hot, Mosch.; cheeks, in cold room, ICoccul.; cheeks, scurfy after vaccina- tion, IIGraph, I ISub; cheeks, in seborrhcea oleosa, IHydras.; cheeks, with internal shud- dering (tertian ague), llgn.; cheeks, with scanty sweat only during morning, IIKreo.; cheek, swelling, with many yellow vesicles, lEuphor.; cheek, with toothache, IIAcon.; with cramp in chest, preventing speaking, IKali e; in children, Ant. c, IIFerr.; with chill, IDig.; with chill and general coldness, Stram.; with external chill and internal heat simultaneously, ISub; with chilliness, in dys- menorrhoea, I INux v.; with shaking chill, in evening, Illgn., Oxal. ae; in chorea, ICup. m.; in colic, IColoe, I INux v.; with, constipa- tion, IDros.; in convulsions, IBufo., ICoccul., ICup. m, IGlon.; with convulsions after de- livery, IGlon.; with convulsions, after fright, ICup. m.; and cool to touch in apoplexy, HPhos.; with coryza, after mercury, IIKali iod.; during cough, Bell, 11 Thuya; with cough, Bry, Cadm. s, I ISang.; with cough- ing, in phthisis laryngea, IChrom. ac; in whooping cough, ICup. ac, IGraph.; in bron- chial croup, I Ant. t; dark, I Arn., Ars. h, IIBapt, Bar. c, IIBell, Berb, IIBry, IIGels, IIGlon, IHep, IHyos,ILach,lIOp,I ISpong, Vespa; dark, in abortion, iColoc; dark, in apoplexy, lAcon, lArn.; dark, in asphyxia, IIAnt. t; dark, in asthma, ICup.m.; dark, in hysterical asthma, Bov.; dark, merging into bluish, IDig.; dark, during cough, other- wise pale, Kali e; dark, in erysipelas, lApis; dark, in typhus, I Apis, IIBry.; dark, with heat of head, IIBry.; dark, in hepatitis, ■Mere; dark, in lyssophobia, ILyss.; dark, mahogany color, IGels.; dark, with delayed menses, IGraph.; dark, in pneumonia, ICheb; dark, in seventh month of pregnancy, in a woman with albuminuria, dropsy, headache, etc, I IGSnan.; dark, in prosopalgia, I IPlat; dark, in puerperal convulsions, Ant. t; dark, in puerperal fever, IColoe; dark, almost pur- ple (laryngeal spasm), ICup. in.; dark, dusky, IlAur. mur.; dark, during sleep (epilepsy), Aur. mur.; dark, during sleep (epileptic), 11 Op.; in scarlatina, lAilant.; dark, after shaving, 11 Op.; dark, covered with yellow vesicles (ery- sipelas), IRhus ;deep,afterconvulsions, HOp.; deep, in diabetes mellitus, 11 Uran. n.; deep, during dentition, IGels.; deep, in dysmenor- rhoea, IBelb, IGels.; deep, in acute desquam- ative nephritis, ICoccus; deep, right side, and swollen, 11 Sep.; in delirium, IBelb, Dory, IIHyos, IOp.;in delirium tremens,IBell,ICro- tal., in diarrhoea, IDulc, IGamb.; in diph- theria, ILac e; and drawn to right side, I IOp.; after drinking, especially warm drinks, I IPhos.; dull, lEup. pert; dull, in intermit- tent fever, lEup. perf.; after eating, cheeks, ICoff.; in eczema, IPetrol.; in epilepsy, HCic, ICaust.; erysipelatous, I Apis, ICamph, Chel, IGraph, IRhus; erysipelatous, of left cheek, Lact. ae; erysipelatous, of left cheek, caused by injections of iodine into nose and water, IGraph.; in erysipelas erratica, IHy- dras.; in evening, Ars. h. Bar. e, IIBell, IPuls.; with constricting, burning, stinging, over right eye, INux m.; with dry heat, lAcon., ICoff.; with spasmodic twitchings, 8. UPPER FACE. 291 IPlat.; after fainting, IStram.; falls down sud- denly, as if dead, after singing, Lyss.; with fever, IIAcon, 11 Astac, Bar. m., IIBell, HCinch.; in bilious fever, I Eup. perf.; in ty- phoid, lApis,I Arn.,IBell,IBry, ICale, IGels, INux v, IOp, Rhus; fiery, IIFerr., IHep, Hod.; fiery, of left side, with twitching and trembling in muscles,IKali m.; feeling as if he were sitting before hot fire, Nux v.; florid, ICale, ICard. m. Cub, IINatr. ph.; glowing, I Arg. nit, II Astac; glowing, with fine net- work of capillaries, ICale, Carbo v, ILye; glowing, with headache, lAur. met, IBell, IGlon.; glowing, with dry heat in head,in morning, when awaking, HSub; glowing, in left cheek, Inul.; glowing, in puerperal ma- nia, ICamph.; glowing, of one or other cheek, IPhos. ;glowing, in fever,ll Astac; glow- ing, writh shivering, Euphor.; glowing, with uterine hemorrhage, IFerr.; glowing, after sleep, HCina; with cold hands and feet, HStram.; in hay fever, ISabad.; in headache, Agar., IIBell, ICale, Cycl, IFerr. ph, I IGlon., Indig., IKalm., I IMelil., IIPuls., IIThuya; with headache, bloated, ILach, Led.; with headache, before, during and after menses, IGlon, INatr. m.; with congestion to head (cerebral disturbance), ICroe; with conges- tion to head, in evening, Tromb.; with heat in head, INatr. m.; with heat in head, better in open air, IIKali iod.; with cramplike pressing inward in head,IPlat.; with pulsation in head, ICact; with racking pain in head, Ptel.; with cutting pains, as with knives about heart, I ISul.; with stitch in region of heart during an inspiration, Plumb.; and hot, I Aeon, IIBell., ICon, Euph., IFerr, ILye, IINux v., IIPuls, Rhus; and hot in croup,IAcon,IBrom.; hot,withdyspnoea while walking, Stront; with dry, anxious heat, in bed at night, Jacea; with heat, evening and night, Plumb.; hot, fiery, in tonsillitis, I ITarant; with flashes of heat, IIKreo.; with flushes of heat, as if hot water were poured over one, Sep.; with heat and ver- tigo, on raising head in bed, Magn. s.; and hot, every time patient walks, IStront; in hemorrhage, I Aeon., IFerr, IMelil.; left side, .Esc h., Alum., Inul.; of left cheek (hemi- crania), lApis ; in inflammation of liver, I ICoccul.; mahogany color, .during heat, lEup. perf.; mahogany color, in typhoid, lArn.; in neuralgia, lAcon, ICham, HChel, Cinch., ICon, IFerr, IFerr. ph., Lach, Phos, I ISpig, IVer., Verbas.; in mania, I Anac; in melancholia, lAnae; in meningitis, lAcon, I lyEthus, I Apis,lArn, IIBell.,IGels,Hyper, Lachn, Merc, Nux v, IOp., IStram.; with dysmenorrhoea, I Ast. r, IIBell., IFerr. I IFerr. ph, IGels, ISang.; at time for return of menses (climaxis), I ICalab.; often exhibits reflection of mental or physical misery, of most horrible agony, Lyss.; from 9 to 3 p.m., I IMenyanth.; in morning, pale in evening, ISep.; on slightest motion, I IPhos.; mottled, IBell.; with mucus in mouth, black teeth, fetid odor, 11 Plumb.; with nausea, Cad. s.; especially at night, Coccion.; with crampy pain at root of nose, Plat.; with pressure in occiput, ISep.; followed by paleness, Bov, IGlon, I ILac e, Squilla; with palpitation, Agar, Cinch.; pink, in erysipelas, HApis; in pneumonia, lAnt. t, ILachn., IMelil.; in puerperal mania, ICamph.; in quinsy, IBar. e, IBelb; in rheumatism, IDulc; rightside, with sore throat, Niccol.; rose colored, Gman.; rose colored, during coughing (laryngeal phthisis), IChrom.ac; ruddy, in scrofula, I Aur. met.; scarlet, I Amyl, IBelb; scarlet, extending to whole body, Nux v.; scarlet, passing off, faint, weak, sick feeling, ISang.; scarlet, glow- ing, better in fresh, open air, worse in a warm room (menorrhagia), IFerr. s.; scarlet, in in- fluenza, IGels.; scarlet, swollen, Camph.; ex- tremely, in scarlatina, ICaps, IMere; shining, with fever (metrorrhagia), ICoff.; shining, with much fever (metrorrhagia), ICoff; with shivering over body, IRhus ; on affected side, with dark red eye, ITereb.; while sitting, Tell.; with dry skin, lAcon, lEup. pert; with exostosis on skull, I I Arg. met.; during sleep, I I Arum m, Jacea, Menyanth.; with heavy, stupid sleep, IOp.; with spinal disease, ■Alum.; with ineffectual efforts at stool, HCaust; with stupor (pneumonia), IPhos.; sudden, with coma (scarlatina), IMur. ae; sunken, yEthus.; in sunstroke, IIThuya; with sweat, Con.; cheeks covered with cold sweat, ICarbo v.; with swelling, Bor.; swollen with heat, particularly in warm room, and after bodily exertion, Amm. m.; with tearing, tensive pain, especially left side, worse from touch or motion, better from rest or external warmth, IColoe; with thirst, worse towards evening, Plat.; with thirst and heat, IINux v.; in thrombosis, lApis; with toothache, Ver.; with unconsciousness, IGlon.; with uncon- sciousness, in dentition, ICanth.; upper part, worse, Lachn.; especially upper part, with headache, IGlon.; in urticaria, I IChloral, ICop.; vermilion cheeks (syphilis), IILach.; with vertigo, Ananth, IBelb, ICact, Coccul, IGlon, IKalm, ILye, IINux v, IStram.; with vomiting, after eating, IKali e; with vomiting, I IVer. ggjg* color variable, con- gested, coppery, flushed, heat; also Erup- tion, acne, blotches, erysipelas, spots. Face, relaxation: flabby, spasms after pneu- monia and typhoid fever, 11 Nux v.; of muscles (typhoid), IZinc. Face, risus sardonicus : IIBell,ICaust,Colch., Med, I IOZnan.,1 IRan. b., Sec,IStram, IVer.; with spasms of chest, IHyos.; alternating with a cry now and then, ICed.; in chorea, ICup. ac; with periodical chorea, ICup.m.; in tetanus, after a burn, I Amyb; in traumatic tetanus, IHydr. ae; with typhoid fever, IStram. 8^*" convulsions, distorted. Face, rough: I IStaph., ISub; cheek, I IPetrol.; every summer, 11 Kalm.; in eczema, IPsor.} in keratitis pustulosa, I ISub; in nasal polypus, lAlum.; in scrofulous ophthalmia, Psor. Face, sallow: Alum., lArs, Ars. h, IBapt, Berb, ICale ph, ICarbol. ac, I ICarbo v, ICoccus, Coccul, Con, ICornus, lEup.perf, Ferr. ph., Hydr. ac, IHydras, Ind, Iod, Kali c,ILacdef,IMerc,INatr.m,INuxv, I IPlant, IPlumb, IPod, ISep., HSub; in asthma, IIKali ph.; with biliousness, Natr. s.; in Bright's disease,IKalm.; in cholera infantum, IArn.;in bilious diarrhoea, lApis ; in dyspep- sia, HChel.; with emaciation, ICale; in epis- taxis, ICroe; witheczematous eruption, ILac def; in fever (ague), I IPuls.; in intermittent 292 8. UPPER FACE. fever, IChin. a. Hod.; in hepatic affections, I ICheb; in hypochondriasis, lArg. nit.; jaun- diced, Ailant., IMyr. cer.; light, leather color (intermittent),IFerr.; in metrorrhagia, ICroe; with white lips and tongue (metrorrhagia), I ITrilb; in menorrhagia, ICarbol. ac; in ova- ritis caused by a kick, lArs.; in ovarian troubles, IPallad.; in phthisis, lArs. iod.; in scarlatina, ILach.; with expression of suffer- ing, IHelon.; with expression of suffering, in ovarian tumor, IColoe 8®** anaemic, deathly, pale. Face, sensitive: 8^* touch. Face, shining: IPlumb, Selen.; in erysipelas, HApis; as if greasy, INatr. m.; red, in gas- tralgia, ILye; as when using soap, Eup. pur. 8@=* greasy. Face, shivering: BST" chilliness. Face, shrivelled: Jatroph. Face, shrunken: Nux v.; in atrophy of chil- dren, Hod.; small, in cholera, ICup. m. Face, sickly : iEse h., Aloe, Alum., I Ars, Ars. h., I Arg. nit, Bism, Bor, Brach, ICaust, IChel, IClem, Con., IDig, Iber, Hod., Kali c, IIKali m, IKreo, IILyc, IMagn. m, IMere, Natr. s, Nux v., IPhos, IPhos. ac, Psor, Ptel, ISpig, ISub; in ascites, lApis ; with sunken cheeks, in stomatitis, IStaph.; in typhus, IBapt.; with nausea, ISpig.; in phthisis pulmonum, I ITubere; with polypus of rectum, IKali br.; sallow-, lEup. pert; with uterine polypus, IIThuya; with worms, ICina. 8^° cachectic; also Expression suffering. Face, skin : difficult to move, Berb. Face, smooth: Vespa. Face, spasms: ggg° convulsions. Face, stiff: IFerr.; tempero-maxillary joint, Vespa ; when talking or chewing, writh heat and stitches therein, Euph.; feeling of, in ma- lar bone, fromcervicalglands,ILach.; muscles, with headache (climacteric years), I Agar.; masseter muscles, INux v.; in pneumonia, IFerr. gtW skin, tension ; Chap. 9, Lower jaw, joint, trismus. Face, sunken (collapsed, hippocratic, hollow): Aloe, IIAnt. chl., I Arg. nit, HArs, Ars. h, HCamph, Canth,HCarbo v,ICham., IChel, Chlor, HCinch, Colch, IColoe, ICornus, ICub.,Cup. ars, ICup. m., Eup. pert, IFerr, IKali c, Illgn, llpec, ILach, ILye,I IMang, IMere, IMur. ac, INitr. ac, HOp, IPhos., Phos. ac, IPhyt, IPlatJRhus, Sabad,ISamb, ISee, I ISep, IStann, IStaph, ISul, ITabae, 11 Tereb., 11 Ver, I IZinc; with apathy, ICinch.; in ascites, I Apis; blue around eyes, Chel.; cadaverous, HArs, ICamph., HCarbo v., Chlor, Colch, Cup. ae, ICup. m., I IDig, I IPic. ac, IPlumb, I ISul, HVer, Zinc; ca- daverous, in asthma, Arn, ICarbo v., ICinch.; cadaverous, with colicky pains in bowels, IColoe; cadaverous, cholera-like, Eup. pert; cadaverous, in cholera infantum, lArs. b; ca- daverous, with tumorof eye, ICale; cadaver- ous, with fainting, I IDig.; cadaverous, in inter- mittent, ICoccul.; cadaverous, in typhus, ISul. ae; cadaverous and jaundiced, IFerr.; cadaverous, in meningitis, IIRhus, IVer.; cadaverous, in metrorrhagia, lElaps; cadav- erous, during and after pain, ICanth.; ca- daverous, in shock from injury, IPhos.; cheeks, IDros, IKali c, IMyos, IINux v. IPlumb.; cheeks, in fistula in ano, 11 Berb.; cheeks, in diphtheria, IBrom.; cheeks, with startled look (neuropathia), IIKali ars.; in cheek affections, after abortion, INux m.; in cholera, IIAnt. t, HCamph.,IICup. ac, IPhos. ac, HVer.; in cholera infantum, lArn.; in cholerine, IvEthus.; during cli- maxis, I IZinc; in colic, IColoe, IHelb; in biliary colic, ICinch.; livid, gray yellow complexion, ILaur.; with sickly complexion (stomatitis), IStaph.; in consumption,I IPhos.; in croup, IBrom.; with laryngeal croup, IPhos.; in diabetes, INatr. s.; after diarrhoea, IIAnt, Ascl. t, IVer.; in dysentery, IHam.; in dyspepsia, HChel.; earthy, in phthisis florida, after pneumonia, IFerr.; with anxious expression,I Ver.; with hollow eyes, 11 Kali ph.; in typhus fever, lArs, ICamph, ICarbo v, ILach, IMere, HPhos, IZinc; with sick headache, I ITabae; in haematemesis, I Ars.; in hepatic affections, I ICheb; in shock of in- jury, Chlorof; in laryngitis, ICheb; in acute mania, ICanth.; in melaena, llpec; with me- lancholy,-after mortification, llgn.; in morn- ing, with blue rings around eyes, I I Oleand.; in onanism, IHyos.; pale, IChel, IHell.; with peritonitis, ILye, IVer.; in phthisis, ICarbo v.; in phthisis pituitosa, ILye; in pneumonia, HCarbo a., IChel, IFerr, IKali iod, ILye, IPhos.; in acute rheumatism of joints, Ars.; in scarlatina, ICamph.; after sexual excesses, ■Agnus, ICon, IGels, INux v., IPhos. ac, ISelen, HStaph, IZinc; with red spots on cheeks, HOp.; after stool (cholerine), Crot. t; with syphilis, ILye; with weakness, I IDros.; wrinkled, in marasmus, ICale 8^"cachectic, sickly; also Expression suf- fering. Face, sweat: JEsc. h, Amyl, Bell, Cham, Cinch, bol. Dig., Fluor, ae, IGlon., llgn, Med, INatr. s, IPetrol, IIPuls, ISpig, ISul, Tell.; bathed in, during convulsions (epilepsy), IBufo.; bathed in, and running off in little streams, ICale; with heat of whole body, Spong.; cheeks covered, Colch.; on cheek on which he lies, I Aeon, Act sp.; with rattling inchest (scarlatina), IPhos.; in chorea, ICup. m.; clammy, IPuls.; clammy, in colic, IHelb; cold, lAnt t, I Ars, I I Aur. met, Benz. ac, ICale ph, HCamph., Carbol. ac, I ICarbo v., ICina, ICup. m, ICinch, IDig, IDros,Elaps, I IFerr,Hell, Hep,Iber, I llgn, llpec, IKali bi, I ILachn, ILach, ILye, IIMerc, I INuxv, Oxal. ac, IIPuls, I ISabad, ISamb., ISee, I ISep, HSpong, I IStaph, IStram, ITabae, I IVer, Ver. v.; covered with cold, in asthma, I Ars, IDig.; cold, with heat of body, IDig.; cold, with sweat of body, evening until morn- ing, ICoccul.; cold, on cheek, in diphtheria, IMere cy.; cold, in cholera, HCamph., ICup. m, HVer.; cold, clammy, I IPlumb.; cold, clammy, in typhoid, I IPhos.; with internal coldness,ICoff.;in drops (gastralgia), ICamph.; covered with cold, in emphysema, I Ars.; cold, in evening, ISpong.; cold, after falling down stairs, I IRhus; cold, particularly on forehead, II Ver.; cold, during congestion to head. IGlon.; cold, in morning, in bed, Ruta ; cold, with nau- sea, in yellow fever, ICadm. s.; cold, mostly around nose and mouth, IRheum; cold, in pro- sopalgia, I IStaph.; cold, with shivering', Berb.; cold, on one side, worse at night and* toward 8. UPPER FACE. 293 morning, better after waking and rising, IPuls.; cold, with stupor, ISub; cold, with suf- focation, I ICact.; cold, viscous, in heart disease, lArs.; cold, with vomiting, ICamph, ILobel. i, ITabae, HVer.; cold, with sour or bitter vomiting, ISub; with colic, lArs., ICarbo v, I ICoccul., I IHell, | INux v.; before cough, Amm. c.; in typhus,critical, IBapt.; after drink- ing, I ICham*.; in drops, in typhus, I Arg. nit; in large drops, Ars. h, HCale, Cup. s.; and drowsiness, Calc. p.; easily, ICarbo v.; after eating, HCham., Natr. s.; during eating, Ign, INatr. m.; in a small spot, when eating, llgn.; on touching epigastrium, with flushing, I ISpig.; fetid, cold, on one half, INux v.; fetid, on one side, worse at night and toward morning, bet- ter after waking and rising, IPuls.; with flushes, Lyss.; cold, on forehead, IOp.; fre- quent, Strain.; in gushes, with fever, followed by languor, Med.; with icy cold hands and moderate warmth of rest of body, Thuya; with headache, IGlon.; with heat, ICham, Dulc, HPsor, Vab; with sensation of heat, Lyss.; hot, ICheb; hot, with functional dis- turbance of heart, ILach.; hot, in asthma, ICup. m.; hot, in neuralgia, ICham.; hot, pro- fuse, IDros.; in hydrothorax, following me- tritis, 11 Citrus ; inclination to, from early in morning, Aph. ch.; especially on side on which he does not lie, Thuya; in morning, IIPuls.; when moving about, Psor.; on one side, I IPuls.; in ophthalmia, ICon.; in pneu- monia, of old people, ICamph.; profuse, IBufo, IDros, IIGlon.; profuse, gradually extending over body on waking, Samb.; profuse, oily, Bufo.; profuse, runs down, I IBufo.; profuse, during sleep, Med.; profuse, on falling asleep (constipation), I ISib; with rapid respiration, Agar.; running, HSil,; before sleep, Cale; on suffused, stands out in drops and is now cold now hot (convulsions), ICoccul.; after diar- rhoeic stool, Como.; trickling, with sudden heat over body IPsor.; with weakness, Como.; forced out, as from weakness, by internal heat, Lyss. Face, swelling; Anac. oe, HApis, HArs, Ars. s. r, IBell, ICanth., ICarbo v, ICham, Chel, Chlor, IColch, IComo, ICrotal, Crot. t, I IHelon, I ILac c, Lachn, IILyc, IMagn. c. Mane, IIMerc, IMez, INatr. m., INux m, INux v., HOp., IPhos, Plant, IPlat, IRhus, Sec, IStram, I ITereb, Vace, IVer.a, Vinca; in anasarca, I Ars., IRhus; in albumi- nuria, I Apis, I Ars, IMere cor, INatr. c, IIRhus; of cheeks, causing blindness (var- iola),! I Vace; bloated, Amm. e, I Apoe, Ars. m, lAspar, IBry., ICale, ICham, Coccul., Con, ICrotal, IDig, IDulc, Gnaphal, IHyper, IKali c, 11 Kali m, IKreo., ILach, ILaur, ILed, IMagn. c. Mane, Meph, IMere cor, IMere d., INux v, HOp, IPhos, IPlumb, I IPrun, I ISang, ISpong, IStram, Thuya, Var., IVer., Vespa, HXan.; bloated, with swelled abdomen,Bar. c, ICale; bloated, in al- buminuria, I Amm. ben.;bloated, in apoplexy, I IPuls.; bloated, with ascites, I I Rheum.;after bee sting, ILach, ILed.; in catarrh of bladder, ICinnab.; bluish, bloated, with suffocative attacks, after fright, ISamb.; bloated, in can- cer labii, ICamph.; bloated cheeks, IMer. cor.; bloated, from taking cold (weakness of blad- der) I I Uran. n.; bloated, during convulsions, IBufo.; bloated, in diphtheria, INatr. m.; bloated, in dropsy, I I Senecio, Thuya; bloated, like bulbous excrescences, Alum.; bloated, in ague, ILye; bloated, in intermittent, I Ars, IChin. a.; bloated, in typhus, Crotal.; bloated, ICina.; in typhoid,ILye. vir.; bloated, fontanel- les remaining open,ISep.; bloated, glossy,worse from mental exertion, I Aur. met.; bloated, with pulsation in head, ICact.; bloated, in heart disease, lApoe; bloated, icteric (diabetes mellitus), ICheb; bloated, with inflammation of liver, IMere; bloated, after lying down, better sitting up, Apoe; bloated, in lyssa- phobia, ILyss.; bloated, in meningitis, IHy- per.; bloated, in cerebrospinal meningitis, IHydr. ac; bloated, in morning, Kali c; bloated, in morning, in anaemia, I ISub; bloated, worse in morning on awaking, ISpig.; bloated, pale (anaemia) IFerr.; bloated, pale yellow, ILye; bloated, in pneumonia, lAnt t; bloated, red, ICinch, Led, Dory, ILach.; bloated, red, full of dark spots, covered with pustules, IILyc; bloated, unequally red, IIAcon.; bloated, in spasm of glottis, IChlor, ILach.; sudden bloating (threatened apo- plexy), ILaur.; bloated, worse talking and eat- ing, IPhos.; bloated, with vertigo, ICact.; and body, pitting upon pressure, after thirty-six hours (anasarca), IHelb; cheeks, with burn- ing, IBelb; with burning, Bufo ; subcutaneous cellular tissue forming small tumors like tu- bercles, IKali iod ; of cheeks, Amm.m., lApis, IArn.,Ars. m, I Aur. met, IIBell, Bor., ICale, HCham.,I IFerr, IGuaiac, I IKali m, IIMerc, INatr. c, INatr. m, INux v., Spong.; in chlo- rosis, IFerr.; in cholerine, HApis ; circum- scribed, painful, transient, changing place, stilus.; in convulsions, ICoccul, Gilnan.; in croup, I ISang.; in diphtheria, ICrotal.; dis- tended, 11 Vace; distended, in delirium tre- mens and fever, ICrotal.; dropsical, HApis, lArs, IPhos, Thuya ; halfway up cheek, be- ginning at ear (parotitis), I ICist.; enormous after washing in water, JEsc. h.; with erup- tion, Psor.; with papular eruption, Vinca; with spotted eruption, Sabad.; erysipelatous, Ananth, HApis, lEuphor, IGraph, IGymn, ILach, IRhus, Sarrae, I ISep.; erysipelatous, with toothache, ICaust.; erysipelatous, dark brown redness over cheeks (poisoning by foul breath), lAnthrac; erysipelatous of cheeks in morning, IHep.; erysipelatous from a dis- secting wound, ILach.; beginning at eyes, Anac; especially below eyes, Chloral.; with bloodshot eyes during attack (congestive headache), IMelil.; closing eyes, I IBry.; espe- cially of eyelids and ears, IRhus; particularly eyelids (erysipelas of face and scalp), ICinch.; especially eyelids, nose and lips, Gamb.; especially eyelids, skin transparent, puffy and etiolated, I I Vespa; especially below eyelids, HArs.; especially over eyes, IIKali c; un- der eyes, Calend.; beginning about right eye, extends downward and to left eye and left side of face (secondary erysipelas), IKali e; of cheek, with faceache, 11 Kali m, ISep.; of cheeks, after faceache, IBell, ICale, ICham., IMere; not a feature discernible (Rhus poisoning), I Anac. oe; feels as if swol- len, Ars. m., Bar. c, IDiad, IFerr., IGrat, IGymn, Niccol, Stram., ISul. ae; feeling of, in left cheek, with pricking as from electric 'PER FACE. 294 8. UP sparks, Nux m.; feeling in right malar bone, ICheb; feeling in cheek (prosopalgia, or tooth- ache), Cepa, IDiad, Staph.; at beginning of fever, in morning, IKali e; with sharp, irri- tating fever, IIRhus v.; and flushed, Ast r.; glandular, left side, hard, suppurating, IBad- iag.; with inflamed gums, IINatr. m.; hard, of cheek, Amm. c, Bor, IHep, IMere; in heart disease, ICact.; with heat and redness, Bor.; hot, worse above eyes, ICinnab.; in hydro- thorax, I Apoe; in hydrophobia, IStram.; icteric, (diabetes mellitus), ICheb; and in- flamed cheek, lEuphor.; and inflamed, ex- tending upward over head, Vespa; of cheek on affected side (traumatic inflammation), ICon.; with itching, Como.; on upper jaw, painful, Amb.; with pain in right upper jaw, as if from teeth, Syph.; with jerking, in cheeks, ICarbo v.; in labor, bloated, ICoff. t; left side, IIArg. nit, IComo, IKali c, ILyss, IZinc; left side, with small, pocklike blisters, lAnae; in left side, like erysipelas, painful, IPhyt; of left cheek, painful, in erysipelas, IHydras.; worse on left side, Thlaspi; of left cheek, with burning thirst and heat (catar- rhal fever), IKali c; of left cheek (toothache), Bar. c.; of left side, sensitive to touch, ILach.; left side, as far as below eye (gum boil), Bor.; most of lips, IDolich.; livid, Ferr. mur.; in malar bone, with pulsating pain, IMagn. c; during menses, in anaemia, I ISub; of cheeks, before menses, Bar. e, IGraph., IKali c, ■Mere; after mercury. IHep, IKali iod.; ' in morning (influenza), 11 Rhus; at night, ILach.; nodular, Alum, 7rCalc; to right side of nose, Elaps; cedematous, Ant. a, lArs, Ars. m., IColch, ICrotal, Cup. ars, IHam, IHell, IILyc, IMere cor, IPhos, Vespa, Ziz.; cedematous, in afternoon (Bright's dis- ease), lArs.; cedematous in chronic carditis, Cact.; cedematous cheeks, ^Ethus.; cedema- tous cheeks, suddenly, from chill, Chloral.; cedematous, with soapy complexion, after loss of blood, Carbol. ae; cedematous, with pustu- lar eruption, ICheb; cedematous, erysipela- tous, with small, watery vesicles, and draw- ing in cheek and head, IRhus ; cedematous, worse in evening, Ars. h.; cedematous, espe- cially eyelids, IFerr.; cedematous, in hydro- cephalus, IMere; cedematous, generally only on left side (scarlatina), ILye; cedematous, in amenorrhcea, 11 Xan.; cedematous, during pregnancy,; Jab.; cedematous,more in orbital region, worse in morning on awaking, INatr. a.; of one side, IBelb, IPlumb.; one cheek, with faceache and pain in cheek bone, INux v.; one cheek, drawing and tearing in jaws, I Aur. met.; one-sided, generally left, ICham.; one-sided, from root of decayed tooth, I ISep.; of infraorbital region, sensitive to touch, IGels.; painful, IGuaiac; with pain in cheeks, IIKali m.; painful, awakes him at night, worse by cold, Niccol.; painful, of left cheek, caused by carious, badly plugged tooth, ICham.; painful, of cheek, extending to nose, eyes and temple, IBar. e; painful, of cheeks, red, in streaks, especially over seat of abscess, on gum of right lower jaw,ISub; pale,IIMerc; pale, after scarlatina, IHelb; pale, after tooth- ache, Bov.; in peritonitis, ILach.; with prick- ing, in cheek, ISub; puffy, lAgar, Ananth, lApis, HArs, Calend, ICanth, Cham, Chel, Chlor, ICie, Coccul, ICrotal, Cupr. s,Dory, IDros, IGels, llpec, ILach., IMere, Merc. per, INuxm, IOp, IPhos, IPuls, IIRhus, ■Sep., IStram, Ziz.; puffy, in apoplexy, I Arn, llffinan.; puffy, in asthma, ICup. m., Hydr. ae; puffy, in inflammation of brain, Cup. ac, IPuls.; puffy, in children, HCale; puffy, in chorea, ICoccul.; puffy, in convulsions, ICup. m.; puffy, with violent cough (catarrh), lApis; puffy, in whooping cough, IBry,ICro- tab; puffy, in bronchial croup, lAnt. t; puffy, in cyanosis, ILach.; puffy, in diphtheria, lApis, ICrotal, INatr. m.; in acute dropsy, following parturition, ICinch.; puffy, in eclampsia, IGlon.; puffy, in epilepsy, I IOp.; puffy, erysipelatous, Ailant.; puffy, heavy ex- pression, IGels.; puffy, around eyes, IIFerr.; puffy, about eyes, glabella, and forehead, INatr. a.; puffy, worse about eyes (dropsy,after scarlatina), lApis; puffy, above eyes, IIKali e; puffy, especially below eyes, Chloral.; IPhos.; feels puffy, 11 Natr. a.; puffy, in typhus, I Apis ; puffy, with falling out of hair (lying- in women), ICale; puffy, during hot stage, IBelb; puffy, during labor, ICoff; puffy, left cheek (hemicrania), I Apis ; puffy, malar bone, during pain (supraorbital neuralgia), IKali bb;puffy, in mania, ILach.; puffy, pale,IArs, I IBar. c, IFerr.; puffy, pale yellow, IILyc; puffy, cheeks, especially if paralysis is a sequel or is caused by suppressed colic, with bloated abdomen, I IPlumb.; puffy cheeks, in pneu- monia, IKreo.; puffy, during pregnancy, IPhos.; puffy, and bright red, IIMerc. cor.; puffy, dark red, or cherry brown, IOp.; puffy, and red, with rush of blood to head, ICale; puffy, red, in measles, IStram.; puffy,in scar- let fever, I IZinc ; like a red rash, Ammoniac; red, Bufo.; bright red, spreads rapidly in all directions, over head and down neck, shoul- ders, back, and front of chest, writh pain and tenderness wherever it travels, Vespa ; red, in chills, Astac.; red, erysipelatous, Vespa ; red and hot, with tension and burning, right side covered with vesicles, some burst (ery- sipelas), I IRhus; red, of right cheek, Arn.; color of a red rose, generally morning, and during day and evening (headache), ILac def; red, of cheek (toothache), ICaust.; right cheek, Elaps; right side, IMagn. p., I IVer- bas.; rightside, in erysipelas, I IVer. v.; right side, especially under right eye, IRhus; right side, painful, Vespa; right side, pimples, ICale: on right cheek, after scratching a pustule, burning in centre, formed a black vesicle, which broke and discharged burning ichor, 11 Sib; right side tense and hot, 11 Zinc.; right side, with sore throat, Niccol.; in scarlatina, HApis,HAram.tr„ICalc,ILyc,IHell,!IZine; in smallpox, IHydras.; with sweat, ICale, ICham, ICinch, IIMerc; in syphilis,IMere, INitr. ac, IISul. ae; with tearing, espe- cially left side, worse from touch or motion, better from rest and external warmth, ICo- loe; of cheek, with toothache, lAnt c,ICalc, ICales, ICepa, HCham, I IColch, lEuphor, IKali o, IILach, IMagn. e, IIMerc, INux v., Samb, ISpig., Stront, IVer.; of cheek, at end of toothache, HSep.; of cheek, with tooth- ache, from contact with fresh, open air, at night, Petrol.; tumid, IBelb, ICed., Crotal.; tumid, in epileptiform eclampsia, ICed.; tu- 8. UPPER FACE. 295 mid, in hysteria, ICed.; tumefaction of in- ner surface of cheek, with salivation, Bism.; turgid, IBufo, IChlor, Iffinan.; turgid, dur- ing spasmodic attacks of cough, recurring about ten times a day (whooping cough), IMagn. p.; turgid, with spasmodic twitch- ing of facial muscles, "Plat.; turgid, in hydro- phobia, IStram.; turgid, with pain, mostly in evening and morning (hemicrania), IPhos.; turgid, in puerperal convulsions,ILach, I IVer. v.; with unconsciousness, I IVer.; in urticaria, IChloral, ICop.; before formation of vesicles (smallpox), I IStram.; better from cold water, worse at night, worse in right forehead,Ars.m. BgT" Chap. 10, Toothache swelling. Face, tenderness: 8^° touch. Face, tension : I Asaf, Merc, per., IRhus ; in cheeks, Alum., Hyper.; as if white of egg had dried on it, Alum, Bar. c, IMagn. e; below eyes, Viol.; in muscles, Ang, Cann. b, IMez, Mosch.; with nausea and diarrhoea, Bar. m.; above nose to temples, Viol.; in cheeks, Viol.; in cheeks, numb, as from swelling, Samb.; in one side, Benz. ae; after prosopal- gia, IIThuya; precedes prosopalgia, llgn.; of skin, Cann. i, Jacea, Rheum ; of skin, in angina, IMere; of skin, as if benumbed, or bloated, or covered by a cap, Berb.; of skin of cheeks (peritonitis), ILach.; of skin, as if tightly stretched over bone, Ars. m.; of skin, better bathing in cold water, Ars. m.; of cheeks, inducing desire to sneeze, and cramp in malar bone, Kali m.; as if it would become swollen, IPuls.; and tingling, I Grat.; zygo- mata, numb sensation as if head wrere screwed together, IPlat. ggg° cobweb, pressure. Face, thin : BST* emaciated. Face, throbbing: IFerr. ph.; in left upper jaw, Sabad.; in bones, in jaundice before attack, I Arg. nit.; in cheeks, Agar., Arn, ICale, Spong.; in cheeks, with heat and brown red- ness, IKreo.; in left side, extends to ear, Cinch, bob; in various portions, particularly left buccinator, Cann. s. Face, tickling: in left cheek, in morning, 6 a.m. , Lyss. Face, tingling: See;in cheeks, IHyper.; creep- ing, crawling, lAcon.; in malar bone, Lyss.; especially in nose and chin, Ran. b.; in skin, as if frosted, IColch.; in smallpox, IHydras. Face, titillation: as if flies or spiders were crawling over skin, ILaur. BgT-formication. Face, touch: feeling of, before attack (epi- lepsy), IBufo.; bones, painful, IHep.; bones of upper jaw, beneath orbit, IKali bb; upper jaw,adjoiningright nasal bone painful (caries), IlAur. met.; malar bone, painful before men- Bes, during which it is painful to move even muscles of face, Stann.; sensitive, Act sp.; left side sensitive, ILach, IPuls.; sensitive to weather (iritis), I IColch.; sensitive, after mercury, IHep, IKali m, INitr. ae; sensi- tive, in neuralgia, ICinch.; sensitive to towel, ICarbol. ae; malar bone, sore, IGlon.; left cheek sore, I IBadiag.; left malar bone, sore, IIBadiag.; over superior maxilla, IIMerc. cor.; skin painful, IPuls.; upper face sensitive with swelling, Atrop.; tenderness, over af- fected side, IMagn. p.; left side, tender, I ISub; right side, tender, IClem. Face, trembling: convulsive, Sabad.; in mus- cles, 7rBism, HIOp.; in muscles, with fiery redness of left side, worse speaking, chewing, eating fruit or anything sour, excited by least touch, IKali m. BitT* convulsions, twitching. Face, feeling of a triangle: base formed by malar bones, apex in vertex, • Irid. Face, tumors: cancerous, ICon.; of cheek, Thuya. Face, twitching: I Agar., Ant. c, I Ars, Bell, Camph, ICham, Cie, IHyos, Lyss, IMere, IMez., I IOp, ISelen.; of muscles, in threat- ened apoplexy, ILaur.; extending to whole body (epilepsy), IBufo.; spread all over body, increase to dancing and jumping, I ISee; before attacks of bulimia, 11 Ver.; in catalepsy, I Art. v.; of cheeks, Carbol. ac,IHelb, Ver.;in cheek, with threatened caries, IPhos.; in right cheek, Agar.; frequent, of right cheek, IMez.; followed by spasms in chest, arresting respiration, I IStram.; in chorea, I Agar.; constant, IMygale; convulsive, Aeon, Amb, Hod., llpec, IILyc, IMere cor.; convulsive, of cheek, Val, Ver. v.; convulsive, with cough, I Ant. t; convul- sive, with nausea and vomiting, Zinc; con- vulsive, in pneumonia, I ICheb; convulsive, with constant inclination to laugh, Zinc; con- vulsive, in tubercular meningitis, ILye; with cough, IIAnt. t; with convulsions, ILaur, IMosch.; in evening, on lying dowrn, INux v.; toward eyes, from cheeks, Sang.; in typhoid fever, ICoccul.; in left side, Brach, Tell.; left side, between eye and corner of mouth, with jerking, Cup. ars.; in constant motion (mania), HStram.; in facial neuralgia, Sabad.; IISul. ac; in hysterical neuralgia, 11 Vab; in pneu- monia, I IPuls.; during pregnancy, in cheeks, IHyos.; precedes prosopalgia, llgn.; with pu- erperal convulsions, I INux v.; rapid, convul- sive, IGSnan.; with fiery redness of left side of face, worse speaking, chewing, eating fruit or anything sour, excited by least touch, IKali m.; rightside, worse from talking, better from rest and sleep, patient is scrofulous and glands are swollen (affection of inferior laryngeal nerve), ICon.; better moving shoulders up and down (irritability of cerebrospinal system), I IRan. b.; after stool, Ipec; with stuttering (chorea), I ISep.; tearing, in r. malar bone, to temple, sore to touch, Bry.; and trembling, ILaur.; visible, especially right side, worse during rest, IMenyanth. B€§^ contraction, convulsions, distorted, risus sardonicus, trembling. Face, ulcers: lAnanth, Ars, ICon, IPhyt, IPsor.; antrum involved, from internal nose, IKali iod.; cancerous, between right eye and ear,IBrom.; cancerous, ill-conditioned, IPhyt.; cancerous, scabbing, burning, HArs.; cancer- ous, spreading, Con.; gnawing, ICon.; gray based, on cheeks, IIKali m.; with grayish bottom, elevated edges, shooting pains ex- tending to root of nose, and internal angle of eye, I IThuya; on left cheek, with bloody ichor, discolored fundus, and raised edges, IIBell.; serpiginous, excoriating, smarting, Caust.; serpiginous, with excruciating pain, I IStaph.; small and scattered, ILach.; on cheek, after a sting, Vespa ; suppurating, on left cheek, lllod.; wartlike, on cheek, HArs.; on right zygoma, I IPhos. 8^° cancer. Face, warts: ICale, HCaust, IIDulc, Kali e, INitr. ac,IThuya ; under eyes, Sub; flat,ISep.; ^ER FACE. 296 8. itching, ISep.; on cheek, large, hard, dark- colored, with a large base rapidly increasing in size, I IThuya; on chin, Lye ; on corners of mouth, Cund.; old, IKali e; seed wart, on left cheek, ICale; small, ISep.; twelve about mouth and chin, long, rough at top, peduncu- lated, returned after ligation, I ISep. Face, desire for washing with cold -water: Apis. Face, waxy: I Ars, I Aspar, 11 Phos, I IPhos. ac, ISib; with cough, IPhos.; in dropsy, lAcet ac, HApis; with palpitation, ICale; in typhoid, IPhos, IZinc; in typhus, Zinc; with irregular menses, IDig. g^° anaemic, pale. Face, white: ashy, suddenly faint, so weak, believed she was dying (puerperal fever), 11 Act. rac; in children, Dig.; dirty white, in cholera infantum, ICale p.; in typhus, Zinc; mottled, with red, IILach.; about nose or mouth, I INatr. ph. 8ST* anaemic, pale. Face, feeling similar to a cool, refreshing -wind when overheated: Gamb. Face, wounds : ggg~ injuries. Face, wants it -wrapped up warm : IThuya. Face, -wrinkled : ISars, Zinc; in abdominal typhus, I IStram.; in hydrocephalus, IHelb; a deep wrinkle down side of mouth toward chin, from each corner of nose (gastritis mu- cosa in a child, typhus abdominalis), lArs.; old, pale (marasmus), Abrot.; withered, in cholera, I,Ethus. 8®*" old. Face, yellow: Alum., Ananth, Aph. ch, IIArg. nit,IArs,Ars.h, Ascl. t,IBry,HCale, ICale p., ICanth, ICaust, Ced., ICham, HChel, ICina, HCinch, Con, ICornus, ICrotal, IDig., IFerr, IGels, IHelb, IHep, IHydras, Iod, llpec. Kali bi. Kali br. Kali c, ILach, Lachn., IILyc, IMagn. m., Mane, IIMerc, IMere cor, IMyr. cer, INatr. m., INitr.ac, INux v., IPetrol, IPhyt, IPlumb, Psor., Ptel, ISamb, ISars, ISep, ISil, ISub; in ascites and albuminuria, I Apis; bilious, IPhos.; bilious, with constipation, IHydras.; in scrofulous and lymphatic persons, yellow- ish brown (pleurisy, with croupous exuda- tion), IHep.; in cardialgia, I ISee; with catarrh, IILyc; cheeks, Ars. h.; cheeks, with traces of red vessels and circumscribed red- ness, ILach.; at beginning of chill, Ars. h.; dark, Ars. h, IMagn. c; dark about eyes, Nitr. ac; dark, in affection of liver, IMagn. m.; in diarrhoea biliosa, IMere; dirty, Chlor, I ISep.; dirty, in hemicrania, ISep.; dirty, pale (in bilious attacks), ILach.; with dry, hot skin, 11 Ptel.; dull, in ozaena, lElaps; with dyspepsia, ISep.; earthy color, in Addison's disease, INatr. m.; earthy, with small, red bloodvessels showing through skin (syphilis), ILach.; in epistaxis metrorrhagia, ICroe; around eyes, ISpig.; particularly around eyes, as if occurring from a bruise (greenish yellow), I IMed.; rings under eyes (toothache), ISpig.; with sunken eyes, IPuls.; in fever and ague, ICinch.; in intermittent, IFerr.; during apy- rexia (intermittent), I Arn.; in tertian, IDig.; in typhoid, ILyc,IMere;in typhus, IBapt, Zinc; in yellow fever, IGels, ISub, IVer.; in gastric derangement, INatr. s.; in young girls, IBar. e; yellowish gray, Coccul, I ILye; and yet feel hot, with constant chilliness, IPuls.; in icteroid (paraplegia), I IPlumb.; jaundice, Amb, IBell, HChel, IDiosc, IGels., Iod, IIMerc, IMyr. cer, Natr. s., INitr.ac, IINux v, I I03nan, IPhos.; dark brown, I Arg. nit, Hod.; jaundiced, cadaverous, IFerr.; jaun- diced, in biliary colic, ICinch.; jaundiced, in intermittent, IChin. s, I ITarant; jaundice, in insanity, I INux v.; in leucorrhoea, INatr. in.; in affection of liver, ICard. m, IMagn. m.; in enlargement of liver, ICheb; in hepatitis, IMere; during menses, ICaust.; with irregu- lar menses, IDig.; especially around mouth and nose, INux v.; in intercostal neuralgia, I IStann.; and old looking, ISars, Bry.; pale, ashy, in dyspepsia, ILye; pale, soon changes to brown, Iod.; pale, in dyspepsia, ILach.; pale, sickly, Lachn.; usual redness of cheeks has a mixture of dark yellow, HChel.; with red flush, IINux v.; yellowish red, in sun- stroke, IGlon.; with continual pain under right ribs and in epigastrium (bronchitis), ILye; saddle across upper part of cheeks and nose, HSep.; sickly, IPhos.; in spots, IFerr.; straw color,lArg.met.; straw color down to lips (scirrhus of os uteri), I Arg. met.; straw color, with mucus in mouth, black teeth, fetid odor, I IPlumb.; in syphilis, IILach.; tawny, in ty- phoid malaria, I Lye vir.; particularly temples, ICaust.; with obstinate, even malignant ul- cers, ICrotal.; yellow white, IHydras. 8@° brown, cachectic, earthy, spots. FACEACHE (prosopalgia): lAcon, I Anac. or., Ananth, lApis, lArg. nit, mAtrop. s, lAur. met, IIBell, IBism, HCale, ICaps, ICarbo a. Case, HCaust, I ICed, IChel, ICinch, ICoccul., IColoe, IFerr. ph., IIGels, IKalm, ILith, IMagn. m, IIMagn. p., IMerecor., IMez, INux v, IPlat, IPuls, IRhus, ISep, HSpig., HStaph, HStram, HVer, I IVerbas., Vespa. Faceache, in afternoon: regularly, ICoccul.; commences at 4 p.m., continues all night, I IMerC cor. 8®" neuralgic. Faceache, from exposure to cold air: ICale B^*5 cold, weather. Faceache, arthritic: ICaust, IColch, IColoe, llgn, ILith, IMere, Nux v., IRhus, ISpig. 8^° drawing, rheumatic. Faceache, with asthma: after disappearance of tetters in face, IDulc 8®° heat. Faceache, back : from mechanical irritation of spinal nerves, as in musical virtuosi, llgn. Faceache, bed: worse after being in a short time, ISib; worse in heat of, IGlon. Faceache, benumbing: in malar region,worse opening jaw, Coccul.; intermittent in upper margin of left malar bone, I IVerbas.; whole left side, Verbas.; as if gone to sleep, Benz. ac. Faceache, biting: Berb.; burning, with con- gestion in head, Grat.; in cheeks (epilepsy), ICarbo a.; pricking in left cheek, below eye, Zinc; sensation as if she had been bitten, in left side near mouth, Lyss. Faceache, in bones (undefined): Agar., Aur. mur., INitr. ac; in chronic naso-pharyngeal catarrh, IINatr. c; at night, IPhyt.; with tearing, lancinating toothache, IKali e B^T boring, bruised, crushing, digging, gnawing, malar bones, pressing, screw- ing. Faceache, boring : in cheeks, ICale; in bones, Arg. nit, Nitr. sp. d.; in cheek bones, IMez, Ziz.; worse during night, I ISib; in caries, HAur. met; cramplike (neuralgia), 11 Plat; 8. UPPER FACE. 297 in malar bones, IPlat.; in left malar bone, better from touch, Thuya; nightly, in malar bone, insupportable during rest, and driving one from place to place, IMagn. c; in right cheek bone, Stront.; in prosopalgia, llgn, HPlat.; in right side, near canthus of eye, ex- tending along nasal branch of trifacial nerve, attack generally at night, IPlat.; in right zy- goma, Camph.; in right zygomatic process, when walking, I Aur. met. Faceache, with stertorous breathing : IGlon. Faceache, bruised: I ISub; aching, in right side, Plant; in bones, Zinc; in cheek bones, when chewing, INatr. m.; in region of malar bone, during menses, Stann.; dull, in right malar bone, radiating into forehead and right head, a small spot pulsates, and burns like fire, Mere iod. flav.; violent about in- ferior orbital edges, on awaking in morning, on pressing them, Sars.; in periosteum, Ruta ; before prosopalgia, llgn.; in left zygoma, worse when touched, Coral. g^° soreness. Faceache, burning : ggg" Face burning. Faceache, with oppression of chest: Aur. met. Faceache, chewing: causes aching in muscles, Osm.; better from, ICup. ac. Faceache, with chill: ICaust.; after suppressed chills, by quinine, I IStann. Faceache, after abuse of coffee, liquor or qui- nine: IINux v. Faceache, cold: after exposure on damp day, IGels.; after catching, during stormy weather, both sides affected, attacks more frequent during winter and spring, INitr. sp. d.; after taking, pain down sides of, face, iGraph.; from being in a cellar while he sweated, 11 Rhus. B^T air, weather. Faceache, worse from concussion: lArn, IBell, ISpig. Faceache, congestive : ggg* inflammatory. Faceache, with frequent epileptic-like convul- sions of face: Aurant. Faceache, with constipation: IINatr. m. Faceache, constriction: in left malar bone, extending into left eye, IColoe; constrictive, from temple and eyes to whole side, worse by noise, movement and touch, ICinch. B^° cramplike, pinching, tensive. Faceache, cramplike: IMagn. p.; severe, in bones, IMagn. m.; in left cheek, 01. an.; in ma- lar bones, Hyos, IPlat; dull, in malar bone (abscess of antrum), IMez.; in malar region, worse on opening mouth, Coccul.; beginning in left zygoma, and spreading towards eye, temple, ear, and down neck to shoulder, worse on entering a warm room and after warm food, first on right, then on left side (prosopalgia), IMez.; numbness in left malar bone, IPlat.; in malar bone, with tension and tensive draw- ing in cheeks, inducing desire to sneeze, Kali m. gfgg* constriction, pinching, tensive. Faceache, crushing, in bones: Ananth.; in neuralgia, like a crashing with tongs, often occurs twice a day, Verbas. Faceache, cutting : in bones, Arg. nit.; worse in left side, IBelb; in toothache, IStaph. Bgjr lancinating, stabbing. Faceache, darting: IMagn. p.; in cheekbones, with threatened caries, IPhos.; with frontal headache, Stilling.; in inferior maxillary branch of trifacial nerve, IPlant.; in hysteri- cal neuralgia, I IValer.; worse by noise, move- ment and touch, ICinch.; in different parts, beginning in uncertain places, attacks brought on by speaking, eating or slightest touch, IPhos.; in right side, Lyss.; sharp, through side, with dulness in head, Sticta; stinging in left cheek, with coryza, after abuse of mer- cury, IKali iod.; stinging in left half, under left eye to cheek bone, when they were worse, and toward left side of nose, radiating, not so painful, to teeth of upper jaw, better from heat, I ISpig. BgT'hghtning-iike, neuralgic. Faceache, during day: morning till sunset, worse at noon, I ISpig. Faceache, digging: Aur. mur.; in neuralgia, I ISep.; in malar bone, nightly, insupportable during rest and driving from place to place, IMagn. c. Faceache, drawing: Alum, IHyper., IKali c, IIRhod, IRhus, ISep, Stann.; in bones, IColch.; extending into cheek, ICaust; cramplike, extending to articulation of jaws, after abuse of mercury, I IKali in.; cramplike, extending to articulation of jaw, with sting- ing in jaw and teeth, I IKali m.; dull, in pros- opalgia, llgn.; extending into ear, ICaust.; at 9 p.m., Zing.; worse in evening, Cist.; in cheek, with cedematous swelling of face and eyelids, IRhus; here and there, HArs.; in upper jaw, lAur. met, I ICarbo v., Rhus v.; in upper left jaw to temple, Zing.; in upper jaw, in smallpox, I IVar.; in left side, from chin to temple, after severe pain, Polyg.; in left side, with sensation of heat and dulness in head, I IPuls.; from left cheek into interior of left eye, better cold air, Cepa; in malar bone, Iodof, Rhus, Stann.; in left malar bone, Camph.; in left malar bone, lying down, Chel.; in right malar bone, Arg. met. Sib; in right malar bone, toward temple, Am- moniac; cramp in muscles, region of left mas- toid process, must incline head to right side, Mang.; in upper maxilla, Abrot.; in maxilla, from left to eye and ear, I ICheb; in malar bone, to temple, Viol.; in muscles, Ang, Bar. m.; in masseter muscles, INux v.; in cheeks, from music, HPhos. ac; in neuralgia, IVer.; in facial nerve, ICarbo v.; painful, in paral- ysis of face, ICadm. s.; in right cheek, I Agar, ICaust; in right, I ITereb.; spasmodic, in cheek bones, Vab; in toothache, IStaph.; tensive, in cheeks, inducing desire to sneeze, and cramp in malar bone, Kali m.; twitching in maxillary bones, IBry.; transitory, in left side, from cheek bone toward nose, as if in muscles, in evening, Lyss.; often attended with a sensation as if part were being drawn tighter and tighter, and then suddenly let loose, as if cutting a tight string, I IPuls. B^gf arthritic, neuralgic, rheumatic. Faceache, drinking: from excesses, I Ars., llgn., IINux v. Faceache, dull pain: in evening, worse at night, disturbing sleep, I IHyper.; in malar bones, I Iodof.; in left malar bone, in morning, Ars. b; in right malar bone, I IHelb; sensation of pressure in left malar bone, Coccul. Faceache, in dyspepsia: lArg. nit Faceache, extends through ear: especially left, ILach, ISep. B^° noise. Faceache, eating : attacks mostly after, between 5 and 7 p.m., lasts one to three hours, patient 298 8. UPPER FACE. could not bear least touch of head and screamed j from severity of pain, I IZinc; caused by miss- ing dinner at usual hour, ICact Faceache, eruption : after suppression of ecze- I matous, on ear, during day paroxysms of pain I every five to six minutes, intense but of short duration, less often at night, pain begins about lips and gums, spreads thence over whole right side of face, IIThuya; small lumps and nod- I ules,HSil.; after disappearance of tetter in face, IDulc; after zoster, IKalm., IMez. Faceache, evening : worse, 11 Rhus ; drawing, 9 p.m., Cist, Zing.; until midnight, with moan- ing, IMez.; neuralgia worse, I ISep, Zinc; pressing pain worse, ICaps.; tearing, Cist., ICoce, IPuls, Thuya. BSP"" night. Faceache, excitement: ^"mental. Faceache, exertion: ggjg" motion. Faceache, eyes: with inflammation, IBry.; with lachrymation, I ISpig.; with ciliary neuralgia, I ISpig.; spreads to forehead, teeth, ears, changing features, Rob.; from suppressed blennorrhcea, llgn. Faceache, with fever; typhoid and miliary,IIgn. Faceache, fierce : through left side, into teeth and ear (hysterical neuralgia), Val. Faceache, finger points: radiating to, ICoccul. Faceache, gnawing: Aur. mur, Berb.; in right malar bone, Lyss.; worse in temples, espe- cially right, Aurant.; in right malar bone, into | teeth, cheeks swollen, cannot chew, ILye Faceache, during prolonged course of gonor- rhoea: llgn. Faceache, grumbling: IKali iod.; or shooting pains, especially with malaise, I I Gels. Faceache, with hawking: of white mucus, Kali m. Faceache, with headache: Brach.; violent, stunning, llris ; extending over head, even to hairy scalp (periodical toothache), ICoccion.; on right frontal protuberance to right occi- pital region, of forty-five years standing (headache), I ITubere 8®" temples. Faceache, with dilated heart: ITabae Faceache, heat: worse from, and in bed, jerk- ing better, IPhos., Rhod.; tearing better, Rhod.; in pregnancy better in a warm room, I ISep.; worse in warm room, evenings better in cool or open air, IKali s.; worse in a warm room, in bed and from hot food, in evening till midnight, lying with head low, on left side or on side not affected, IIPuls.; better wrapping up head, IHep, IMez, ISib 8^" bed, fever, inflammatory. Faceache, with hemorrhoids: ISil.; from sup- pressed fluxes, llgn. Faceache, in Highmorian cavity: ggj&~ malar bone. Faceache, with canine hunger: worse or excited by slightest exposure to cold, better by ex- ternal warmth, IDulc. Faceache, increases and decreases gradually : HStann. Faceache, inflammatory : I Aeon, Arn., IBar. c, IBelb, IBry, Cact., IFerr. ph., Glon., ILach, IMere, Phos, Plat, Thuya, Ver. g^° heat. Faceache, infraorbital: Arg. nit,IBell, Cinch, Iris, Nux v. Plat, Verbas, Zinc; left side, commences near foramen, extends into eye, j temple, ear, nose and teeth, jerking and tear- ing, increased temperature of parts, which are sensitive to touch, afternoon till midnight, I drives out of bed, better toward morning, I ISpig. Faceache, with influenza: ISpig. Faceache, intermittent: beginning with shak- ing severe chill, Sabad.; chronic, ICed.; with congestion of eyes and head, ISep.; in upper jaw, Cup. ars.; in a man who used liquor, coming on every spring, attack ap- peared 9 a.m., and ceased 2 p.m., INux v.; worse in infraorbital branch of trifacial, worse in morning, better lying in bed, INux v. 8®° periodic. Faceache, jaw: 8®° malar bone ; also Chap. 9, Lower jaw neuralgia. Faceache, jerking: IIRhod.; cooling, in left upper, Asim.; in left upper, Sabad.; in left side, with sensation of heat and dulness in head, I IPuls.; in right malar bone, ICarbo v., ICheb; violent in pes anserinum, ICoccul.; in left cheek, extending to forehead, right temple, worse taking anything cold into mouth, or in cold or wet weather, better from warmth, IPhos.; like electric shocks upward, Sep.; worse from wind and changes in weather, better eating and from warmth, Rhod. B^P" neuralgic, tearing, twitching. Faceache, joints : worse in evening, Cist; in tempero-maxillary, Vespa. 8®° Chap. 9, Lower jaw joint. Faceache, lacerating: from cold or caries, in teeth, IIMerc; in right half, Con. 8§T* tearing. Faceache, laming pain: in right side, extend- ing to parietal bone, worse in right clavicle, better from eating, worse from touch and lying down, ICinch. Faceache, lancinating: ICinch.; in malar bone, Alum.; usually left side, sometimes right, occasionally both, every morning from 7 to 12, better by pressure, Chin. s.; in right cheek, ■Agar, Brach. 8^° cutting, stabbing. Faceache, left side: Arund., Brach., IChel, IDulc, IGlon., I ISep.; worse in damp, cold air, I ISpig.; bruised, Coral.; in cheek, Dios., Merc. iod. rub., I IStaph.; worse in cheek, in evening after lying down, close to ear, seizing temporal and zygomatic region, with sensa- tion as if bones were sawed through, radiat- ing to os petrosum, with sensation at a small place as if there were a hole in bone, which feels at touch as if brain were touched, I IStram.; in cheek, followed by a hard pain- less swelling, size of a pea, Lyss.; parts ten- der, cannot chew, IHelb, I ISpig.; worse by cold or damp, Polyg.; developed from a heavy cold, involves eye, coming and going suddenly, I ISpig.; constriction, IColoe; continuous, 11 Ver.; cramplike, IMez, IPlat.; as if cut off at septum and middle of forehead (prosopal- gia), ICheb; every day at 6 p.m., lasts till 4 a.m., IGuaiac; downward, IHelb; drawing, Cepa, I ICheb, IMang, Polyg, IIPuls.; began over eye, with severe stitches in ear, passed over left cheek to ala nasi, stitching tearing, I IStram.; with tearing, burning, shooting into eye, malar bone and teeth, I ISpig.; commenc- ing in foramen mentale and extending into ear, I IPuls.; better wrapping up head, I ISpig.; severe, darting to temples,remits during day, worse 9 p.m., 11 Merc. cor.; on a level with zygo- matic process and malar bone, almost constant, I IThuya ; affecting lower maxillary bone', 8. UPPER FACE. 299 also frontal, involving left side of head, to nape of neck, pain maddening, IMagn. p.; from jaw to ear, Plant.; jerking, Osm., IPhos, IIPuls, Sabad.; lancinating, Chin, s.; with retarded menses I ILobel. b; to neck, IGuaiac.; needlelike, ICinch.; neuralgia of trigeminus, IIAcon, INatr. m.; chronic otitis media, INatr. c; from parotid to eye, IColoe; periodic, in morning, worse by noise, movement and touch, ICinch.; piercing, I ISpig.; pressing, I IVerbas, IColoe; pressing, tearing, Lachn, Spig.; better from rest, 11 Spig.; better rubbing with cloth dipped in cold water, ICaust.; scorched feel- ing, I ISpig.; shooting, IColoe, IKali bi, IMagn. c, IPlant, 11 Vab; soreness, Cup. ars, I ILac e, Lyss, I ISub; stabbing, I ISub; from arcus superciliaris downward, IMez.; stinging, Apis, Asar, 11 Coloe, Ind., Merc. iod. flav, Spong.; stitches, jEsc h, Camph, ICon., I INatr. m, Paris,ISang, Staph.; worse at exit of supraorbital nerve, tearing, cut- ting pain from thence to forehead, zygoma and check, affects right side, attacks 9 a.m., height about noon, then gradually diminish until 4 p.m. and disappear, worse from least motion, I IVerbas.; from supraorbital region to teeth, ear and nape of neck, worse in a warm room, warmth of bed, lying with head low, chilliness, IIPuls.; tearing, Ars, ICarbo v, ICaust, IColoe, Graph., Magn. s., IMez, Plant, I ISars., I ISars., Spong., I IStaph., Zinc; tensive pain, IColoe, ISpig., I IVerbas.; tendemessof affected parts,l Coloe; from abuse of tobacco, I ISep.; involving supra-maxillary portion of trigeminus, lancinating, crampy darting and shooting, extorting cries, IMagn. p.; extends upward, wrorse in cold air, better by warmth, walking about, worse in evening, Sub; cannot lean on left side, I Ars. Faceache, light: strong, ICact; worse from, I Ars, IBelb, IChel, Coccion., ICon, Magn. p, I ISpig. Faceache, lightning-like : attacks of pain, grad- ually growing more frequent, IKali in.; shoots over right side in talking, sneezing, biting hard, or touching teeth with tongue, attacks in morning, last ten minutes to an hour, I IVerbas. gg&*° darting, neuralgic. Faceache, lying: tolerable only when still in bed, ICact.; worse on affected side, Spig.; worse lying down, better sitting up (neural- gia), IFerr. Faceache, in malar bones: lAgar, Calc s, ICaust, ICup. ac, IHyos., Iod, llris, IKali iod. Sub, 11 Verbas., Viol.; below, I IMerecor.; with swelling in one cheek, INux v.; worse when chewing, INatr. m.; dull, in left, worse from exertion, I ILace; in left High- morian cavity (coryza), IBerb.; near left ear, as if sawing bone, on a small spot, as if a hole were there and when touched, hor- rible sensation as if brain were touched, at first better by warmth, worse evening and night, Stram.; shoots in right eye, nose and below ear when touched, Ars. met.; pain under, extends transversely across face, Stil- ling.; in left, I ICheb, Ipom.; about left, in evening, IChin. s.; originating on left, near ear, extending through teeth to nose, through eyes to temples into head, painful spots burn like fire, sensitive to rays of sun, Thuya; in left, extending into eye, IColoe; begins on left, extends down face to neck, only left side, pains shooting downward, with burn- ing and throbbing parts, feels swollen 11.15 a.m. till 3.30 p.m., when she sleeps, worse lying, better standing, hard pressure, cold or warm applications, I ISpig.; left, painful when touched, Paris ; pain, when free from pain in limbs, IKali bb; during menses, IStann.; goes off at night, reappears next day, lAct. rac; in morning, on awaking, severe at night, none in day, spreads over lower and upper maxil- lae, radiates to vertex, occiput, neck, arms and fingers, ISep.; commences over, and ex- tends backward over side of head, worse at night, commences gradually 9 p.m., worse until 3 am, when it gradually subsides, comes on at breakfast and lasts till 4 p.m., I ISub; to nose, eye, ear, neck and side of head, shooting and burning, better kneeling down and holding head tight to floor, I ISang.; ex- tends to infra and supraorbital nerves, and up sideof head, comes on afternoon,lasts three hours, returns again late at night, continues till 1 a.m., comes on again in morning, disap- pears before afternoon, I ISub; to root of nose and temples, IPhos.; in right, ICheb, Dolich, Iodof, Irid, I IVerbas.; in right towards ear, I IPsor.; in right, in morning, Arum d.; in right at night on awaking, I ICheb; in right, extending to supraorbital region during night, Anag.; in right, extending to head, causing sleeplessness, I IMed.; in right, worse openingjaw, Coccul.; in right, as if from teeth, with swollen face, Syph.; from right to left, ICale p.; under right, better by pressure, Bry.; both sides, intermittent, Gnaphab; in orbital plate of right superior, better press- ure, Bapt.; in maxillary sinuses, with copious thick expectoration, chilliness, vomiting, loss of appetite, loose stools, sleeplessness and rest- lessness (influenza), IPuls.; steady, IPlat.; seems to start, before paroxysm, parts becom- ing cold, IDulc; torturing neuralgic pains daily at same hour, with flushing of that side of face, IKali cy.; worse from touch and in evening (faceache), ICaps.; worse from touch, extending to ears and temples, worse in fresh air, better wrapping up face,IHep.; transient, I ICheb; from within out, I IDros.; in region of os zygomaticum, IGraph.; below right zygoma, IBell. 8@"hones, boring, bruised, crushing, digging, gnawing. Faceache, from malarial influences, Ced, ICinch, I IChin. s,IEup. perf, Ipec,INatr. m. Faceache, menses: with scanty, ICaust.JMez.; worse at menstrual period, must lie with head over side of bed, body prone, I IZinc. Faceache, mental: after emotions, ICoccul, ICup.ac, llgn., I ISep.; after excessive mental work, llgn.; from thinking, Amm. e Faceache, after mercury: lAur.met, I ICarbo v. Cinch., IIHep, INitr.ac, ISub Faceache, in morning: lancinating, 7 to 12, Chin, s.; lightninglike, 11 Verbas.; tearing, IMez, Thuya. Faceache, about centre of cheek, as if bitten by mosquito: Carbol. ac. Faceache, motion: worse from I ISpig.; worse by opening mouth, especially if there be con- gestion of blood to head, I IPhos.; worse open- ing mouth, Coccul.; darting worse, ICinch.; neuralgia worse, INux v, IIBell.; pressing 300 8. UPPER FACE. pain worse, ICinch.; pressing pain, better running about, I Bism.; obliged to run from room to room all night, to hold painful side and constantly wag head, as soon as she re- mained quiet pains returned, IMagn. c; shoot- ing worse, IBelb; worse from exertion, ICact, I ILac e Faceache, music: caused by, ICact; from ex- cesses in musical performances (spinal irrita- tion), llgn. Faceache, as if nails were driven into jaws: IPhos. Faceache, with nausea: and vomiting, llris. glgg* vomiting. Faceache, neuralgic: lAcon, lArs, IBelb, ICham., ICaps, ICarbo v., Cup. m, IGels., Hyos., Hgn., ILach., ILye, IIMagn. p, INux v. Plat, HSpig, IVer.; spreads over all branches, from foramen stylo mastoideum to ala nasi, tearing produces oscillation of facial muscles with distortion,! IStram.; chronic, ex- tending to temple, ear, alae nasi and upper lip, worse in open air, better wrapping up warmly, IHep.; chronic, almost constant for two years, I I Verbas.; from derangement of dental nerves, IHekla; dental, in inferior branch of fifth, IChloral.; numbness of lips from paralysis of trifacial nerve, INatr. m.; of fifth pair, lAmyb; flying from one branch to another, IIGels.; as if a hot iron were thrust through ramification of fifth pair (hemicrania), I Ars.; of fifth pair, par- ticularly when pain is traceable along one of its three divisions at a time, IGels.; pain in all three divisions of fifth pair, left side, on exposure to cold draught of air, worry or anxiety, begins 6 p.m., lasts three or four days with little intermission, sharp dart- ing, every few moments, I ISub; in fifth pair, worse from touch and in evening, Zinc.; in infraorbital and maxillary branches of fifth pair, ISpig.; affecting pes anserinus,paroxysms in forenoon, HPlat.; affecting pes anserinus, severe pains like tic douloureux when region supplied by it is touched (tertian ague), IPuls.; affecting pes anserinus, worse from touch, I IStaph.; involving supra and infraorbital regions,IMagn.p.; in inferior maxillary branch of trifacial, IPlant.; in left upper jaw, daily at 4, increasing until 10, ceasing at 4 p.m., IKali cy.; of trigeminus, lArs, Hydrocot, IVer.; of trigeminus, from taking cold, IMere; of trigeminus, after suppressed gonorrhoea, or eczema of ears, IThuya ; of trigeminus, heat running up in head before attack, weak nervous feeling in abdomen during interval, ILach.; of trigeminus, left side, face red, hot, restless, anguish, IIAcon.; of trigeminus, early in morning, worse from standing and motion, INux v.; of trigeminus, oph- thalmic branch on left side, regularly at 7 a.m., increasing till noon, then decreas- ing, INatr. m.; of trigeminus, especially supraorbital branch (Bright's disease), ICheb; of trigeminus, causing toothache and hemi- crania, Coloe; in smaller twigs, llgn. 8@° darting, jerking, lightning-like, tearing. Faceache, night: comes on 11 or 12 p.m., I ISub; boring, IMagn. e; bursting, HStaph.; chill, no thirst, ICaust; digging, IMagn. e; neuralgia worse, IISul, I ISib; pressing, I ICheb; singing, ICon.; stitches, Spong.; tearing, IMagn. c, ICon. BgT evening. Faceache, noise: worse from, HSpig.; worse from odors of cooking, worse evening, better by sleep, 11 Sep. Faceache, due to prolonged nursing: llgn. Faceache, painful: above root of nose, ICaps. Faceache, with palpitation: 11 Spig. Faceache, with paralytic symptoms: ICaust, IGels, IINatr. m.; at beginning, IKali m. Faceache, periodic: ICinch, IGlon, HSpig.; clocklike, Ced.; at 10 a.m., 3 p.m. and 10 p.m., I IChin. s.; every day, at 6 p. m, lasts until 4 a.m.,IGuaiac; recurs, especially after checked ague, IINatr. m.; affecting different parts on different days, IMagn. p.; in jerks, Vab; from left to right, mostly in infraorbital and maxillary branches, ICinch.; from torpid liver, 11 Polyp.; in paroxysms, with an hour's interval, for two months, followed by soreness, side of face sore and throb- bing when lying upon it, pains extend all over right side of head, and when violent shoot to opposite side, worse in a cold or very warm room, does not venture into a draught (neuralgic alveolar periostitis), 11 Thuya. 8^° intermittent. Faceache, affection of periosteum: ISil. 8ST" bones, boring, malar bones. Face, piercing: as if muscles of left side, from forehead to neck and left axilla, were pierced with red hot needles, affects muscles of cheek and around eye spasmodically, I ISpig.; fine, in nerves, tormenting on falling asleep, ICaps.; worse in right side, Apis. B^aT* stabbing. Faceache, pinching: in malar bone, IHyos.; in malar bone (migraine), 11 Verbas.; in pros- opalgia, HPlat; in right cheek, Arn.; on small circumscribed spot below lower eyelid, producing twitching in lower lid, dazzling be- fore eyes, and diplopia (infraorbital neural- gia), I IColoe 8®?" constriction, cramplike, tensive. Faceache,duringpregnancy:IIgn,ISep,IStram. Faceache, pressing : IFerr. ph.; in bones, Arg. met, Nitr. sp. d.; in bones (jaundice before attack), lArg. nit; better from warm room, lying quiet, I ISep.; as if with pincers, in ma- lar bones, worse from pressure, ICina. Faceache, pressure: better from external, ICup. ae; worse from, or contact, IDros. Faceache, pricking : Arund, ICale, INitr. ae; in erysipelas, I I Apis; in right malar bone, Indig.; passing transversely across upper jaw, Spong.; in skin, Sib; under skin, Bar. 8®** sticking, stinging. Faceache, after quinine : IHep., INux, IPuls., IINatr. m. Faceache, radiates: from orbit to forehead and from over skin of face (prosopalgia), IIBell.; lower face to nose, face ,temples and neck,ISpig. Faceache, rest: digging, worse, IMagn. e; bet- ter by lying quiet, I ISep.; tearing and throb- bing, better lying quietly on face, 11 Spig. Faceache, rheumatic : lAcon, lAct. rac, Ars., IIBry, HCaust; Gels, IHep, IKalm, Lach, Magn, Merc, Mez, Nux v., Phos, IPhyt, IPuls., IRhod, ISpig, Ver.; worse at night, ICale p, in decayed tooth, I Act. sp. B^sT" arthritic, drawing. Faceache, right side: ICaust.. ICinch, ICo- 8. UPPER FACE. 301 loe, ICurar, IFerr. m., Lib tig, ILye, IMez., I ISub; agonizing, IKalm.; awakened, llris; boring, lAur. met, Camph, IPlat, Stront; bruised, Merc. iod. flav.; changing location frequently, returning every two or three hours, rushes about like lightning, IMagn. p.; in cheek, Arund, HSub; in cheek, with alkaline taste in mouth, IKalm.; chronic, ICact.; after exposure to cold, with numbness, or succeeded by numbness (neuralgia),IKalm.; for three weeks almost constant, affecting chiefly upper and lower jaw,extending forward to middle line, pain worse from 4 till 10 p.m., IIMerc. cor.; cutting, IBelb; darting, Lyss, IKali iod, I ISpig.; drawing, I Agar, Arg. met, ICaust, Lyss, I ITereb.; daily, 7 a.m. until noon, with fever and lachrymation of right eye, suffering parts become moist,Chin.s.; after checking eruption on ear, leaving numb feel- ing, Thuya ; commencing over right eye and extending in a few moments over whole right side of face, must get out of bed, towards ten o'clock pain ceases, IMagn. p.; between eye and nose, 11 Kalm.; extends over jaw of that side and to top of head, comes on evening, lasts all night, better toward morning, I ISub; jerking, ICarbo v., ICheb; laming, ICinch, IChin. s.; lancinating, I Agar, Brach.; light- ning-like, 11 Verb.; pains when she lies down, HSpig.; wras unable to lie on that side, IMere sob; neuralgia, worse, IIBell, ICed, IMagn. p.; worse at night, I IPuls.; in paraly- sis, ICurar.; pinching, Am.; pressing, I IChel, Irid, I IKalm, HPsor, Spong, Verbas.; pricking, Indig.; better from smoking, worse lying on painful side,IClem.;shooting,Aurant, IBell., ICist., IClem, Eryng.. IHam, 11 Ver- bas.; shooting tearing, I IPhos.; soreness, IMere iod. flav.; stinging, Asar.; stitches, I Guaiae, I Sep, Spong, I IZine;tearing,IAgar, Anag. Amm.m, Anac, Anag., Arg.met,IBell, ICarbo v., I IChel, ICinch, IKalm, IMagn. c, IPlat, Psor., Spig., Spong, I IStram, ISul, Thuya; right, then leftside, stitches, IMez.; spreading over from teeth and gums, radiates over mouth, eyes and ears, 11 Rhod.; stupefy- ing, IKalm.; proceeding from hollow teeth, better by cold application, IKali ph.; from temples to canine teeth, aching and jerking pain, I ISul. ac. Faceache, scalding sensation: of cheeks, I I Sib; bones (ophthalmia), Bell. Faceache, in one side, in a patient recovering from sciatica: pains periodic, three or four times a day, each attack lasting an hour, IColoe Faceache, left side fe^ls as if it had been scorched: during day, better after eating (neuralgia), I ISpig. Faceache, scraping: before menses, INatr. m. Faceache, screwing: in bones (jaundice be- fore attack), I Arg. nit.; zygomata screwed in, with toothache, Euphor. Faceache, from sexual excesses : llgn. Faceache, worse from shaking: stooping and all motion, IFerr. ph. Faceache, sharp: in left malar bone, 11 Plat. Faceache, gives a shock : Ananth, llgn. Faceache, shooting : 11 Apis, IGels, IMagn. p., Natr. ph.; dartlike, llgn.; inward, in left ma- lar bone, with pressure, IKali bi.; in upper jaw, Cup. ars.; in left side, 11 Vab; up leftside to temples and ears, with red face, IPlant.; in left side, like lightning, worse from touch, draught, changes of temperature, cannot stay in bed, must wralk floor, IMagn. e; in malar bone, ICarbo a, Lyss.; from malar bone into ear, IBelb; intense, below malar bone and zy- gomatic arch, darts along gums and down neck from ear, 11 Merc. cor.; in left upper maxillary bone, toward ear, IKali bb; occa- sional pains along right superior maxil- lary bone, IHam.; from right into right eye, I IVerbas.; in right side, from eyes to teeth, in. morning, Eryng.; from right side to temple, ear and nape of neck, worse from touch and motion, better from pressure, IBelb; right cheek, tearing up into head, I IPhos.; worse in temples, especially right, Aurant.; in left side, between temple, ear and jaw, with nausea and empty violent retching, de- priving her of sleep, IColoe; in upper, with headache, Lyss.; upward, in right side, to ear and eye and temple, IClem.; on right zygoma, ICist 8®"" darting, neuralgic. Faceache, sleep: prevents, Brach.; disturbing, IMez.; arouses from, I IVer. Faceache, smarting: Alb sat.; along cheek, course of lymphatics, down into neck, Vespa. Faceache, soreness: IRhus; in bones, ICarbo v., Cup. ars.; in bones of left side, Cup. ars.; in left superior maxillary, I ILac e; of bones and limbs, IMere iod. flav.; of left cheek, with heat of face from thinking, Lyss.; along course of lymphatics, down to neck, Vespa ; in middle of left cheek, Lyss.; especially of bones, with dull frontal headache, IMere iod. flav.; in bones of upper and lower jaw, ICarbo v.; left side, I ISub; in maxillary bones, ICarbo v.; of right side (sore throat), IMere iod. flav.; of skin, after severe neuralgia, ICod.; of muscles, IHam.; near zygomatic process, Brach. ggg*> bruised. Faceache, in small, circumscribed spot below lower eyelid, which produces twitching in lower lid, dazzling before eyes, and diplopia (infraorbital neuralgia): 11 Coloe Faceache, stabbing: in inferior maxillary branch of trifacial nerve, IPlant; sharpie- low left zygoma, darting to side of head, at times implicating gums and dental nerves, pains come and go suddenly, I ISul. 8^° cutting, lancinating. Faceache, sticking : sensation as if something were, deep in cheek, like a harpoon, and were drawn out frequently (after sting), Vespa; with suppression of menses, IIPuls.; intermit- tent, frightful, in malar bone, Verbas.; dull, sticking, in left malar bone, 11 Verbas; dull sticking, in left malar bone, I IVerbas. ggg" pricking. Faceache, stinging : 11 Caust, 11 Dros.; in bones, as if from a blow, extends to temples, Berb.; in cheeks, Arn, lEuphor., IKali e, Spong.; in catarrh of bladder, ICinnab.; burning, in cheeks, suddenly awakens at4 a.m., Vespa; fine, in right cheek, Asar.; hi left cheek.Asar, Merc. iod. flav, Spong.; in left cheek, after fever, Spong.; before moist eruption, IClem.; in erysipelas, lApis, IGraph.; with frontal headache, Stilling.; here and there, HArs.; in upper jaw, as if from a blow, Berb.; in left cheek, needlelike, ICinch.; in left side, ex- tending to ear and head, from catching cold, 302 8. UPPER FACE. pain worse from touch, patient cries from I pain and is restless, I IColoe; in left ma- ] lar bone, Apis, llnd.; as from red hot needles, HArs.; with neuralgia, IFerr. ph.; at night, ICon.; one side, All. sat. 8@° pricking, stitches. Faceache, stitches: Aur. mur., Berb, Caps, IKali e, Natr. ph.; in caries, IlAur. met.; in cheek, Berb.; biting, burning, as with needles, in cheeks, Calad.; sharp, burning, in left cheek, provoke scratching, Staph.; in cheek bones, with one-sided tearing in head, ISib; lancinating, painful, in right cheek, IGuaiac; in left cheek,Camph.; all day, Mane; followed by fine pricking itching, Agnus ; jerking, fine, from posterior portion of right upper jaw, into right internal ear, at night, in bed, Spong.; from upper maxilla to vertex, Spig.; jerklike, as from needles, Zinc; in left side, with pains in forehead, ISang.; in malar bones, ICarbo a.; in left malar bone, JEsc. h.; hot, in left malar bone, Paris; lancinating, painful, in right malar bone, IGuaiac; in bony tumors, of malar bones, IMez.; neuralgic, shooting, Natr. ph.; after suppressed facial neuralgia, tearing, from left upper region of cheek to shoulder joint, IINatr. m.; sharp, Merc. iod. flav.; single, through left upper jaw (amenor- rhcea), ICham.; sudden, worse entering a warm room, and after warm food, first right, then left, IMez.; with toothache, IStaph.; in zygoma, sudden pressing from right to upper margin of orbit, deep in bone, followed by sensitiveness of spot, in evening, I IZinc; like an ulcer, in left zygoma, ISep. 8®"darting, lancinating, stabbing, sting- ing. Faceache, worse during stool: ISpig. Faceache, worse stooping: ISpig. Faceache, sudden : llgn., Val. Faceache, supraorbital: g®*> Chap. 5, Supra- orbital neuralgia. Faceache, sweat: with cold (yellow fever), ICadm. s.; causes hot, and extorts screams, ICham.; from suppressed, llgn. Faceache, syphilitic : IPhyt. 8@* mercury. Faceache, from drinking tea: ISpig. Faceache, tearing pain : Agar, ILye, IPhos, IRhod, IRhus, ISep.; in antrum, I ICheb; in bones, Arg. met.; violent, in bones, in evening, Tabae; in bones, especially malar and lower maxillary, Amm. m.; in bones, worse during night, I ISib; in right facial bones, Magn. s.; in caries, IlAur. met.; in cheek, Berb, ICo- loe; in cheek (coryza), IIMerc; in cheek, alternates with tearing in sides of neck, Amm- m.; in cheek, with swelling, ICale; constant, in morning, IMez.; in erysipelas, IRhus; worse in evening, Cist; in eyebrows, worse evenings and night (rheumatic ophthalmia), ICoccul.; constant, fine, in left side, IMez.; in headache, lAnae; with heat, swelling and redness, especially of left side, worse from touch and motion, better in perfect rest and from external application of warmth, IColoe; in upper jaw, lightninglike twitches, with pal- pitation and fluttering of heart, after menses, I ISpig.; in upper jaw, beginning in a carious tooth of left, extends through all upper teeth of that side (prosopalgia), I IStaph.; jerklike in left zygoma, ICarbo v.; jerking paroxysms every evening at 6 o'clock,, which increased till midnight, worse lying down and from heat, better rising up and from cold, IPuls.; jerking, in right zygoma, Spig.; in left half, lArs., ICarbo v.; in left cheek, Zinc; in left cheek toward eye, Lachn.; in left cheek, after fever, Spong.; in left side, extending to ear and head from catching cold, pain, worse from touch, patient cries with pain and is restless, HColoe; in left side, with sensation of heat and dulness in head, IIPuls.; in left side, extending from jaw to ear, Plant.; in left half, ICaust.; as if left were being torn from right side", IColoe; better lying quietlyon face, worse from coffee, 11 Spig.; in cheeks, driving to madness, worse damp weather, right side, or left to right, especially in anaemic persons, IVer.; in malar bones, iEthus.,Alum,lAur.met,Bor,ILach.,I ILye, INitr. ac, Rhus, Vinca ; in malar bones, with threatened caries, IPhos.; in malar bone, extending into upper jaw, I IZinc; in left malar bone, Magn. s.; in malar bone, nightly, insupportable during rest and driving once from place to place, IMagn. e; in right malar bone, Anag.; in malar bone, as if parts would be torn out, ISub; in right malar bone, with bruised pain on pressure, Zinc; in right maxilla, I ICheb; in right upper maxilla, ICarbo v.; in right upper jaw, extending into ear, Lyss.; in sinusmaxillaris, extending into ear, IIPuls.; after abuse of mercury, in upper jaw, 11 Kali m.; in muscles, moving from one location to another, IColch.; from cheek to neck, Spong.; at night, ICon.; bones feel as if being rent asunder, IColch.; in bones, as if from a blow, rending extends to temples,6erb.; rending in bone, of right or left side, follows aching in forehead, IKalm.; rending in upper jaw, as if from a blow, Berb.; rending, in left side, I ISars.; rending, in left side, between temple, ear and jaw, with nausea and empty, violent retching, depriving her of sleep, IColoe; rending, in malar bone, burning pain with throbbing toothache, ISpig.; rheumatic, in side, sometimes extending to head and neck, IPuls.; in right side, I Agar, Amm. m, I Anac, IKalm, ISub; in right side, down- ward, IBelb; mostly right side, IBelb; rend- ing in bones, ICale; in right side, near canthus of eye and extending along nasal branch of trifacial nerve, attack generally at night, IPlat.; over right side, at 9 a.m., with cold limbs and warm face, HStram.; in right side, extending to parietal bone and down to clavicle, worse at night, better from eating, worse from touch and lying down, ICinch.; through right side, extend- ing to region of temple, with severe bor- ing, in right side of lower jaw, IMagn. e; in right side, transversely across nose, ex- tending into malar bone, teeth and across eye, worse morning and evening, Thuya ; in whole side, even head and neck on that side (rheu- matic toothache), IIAnt t; rhythmical with pulse, extending from right upper to lobule of ear, Coccin.; to temples, Millet; with toothache, Ailant.; from cold or caries in in teeth, IIMerc; in trigeminus, infraorbital and middle branch,after abuse of coffee,liquors or quinine, IINux v.; in upper part, particu- larly near right ala nasi, Amb.; worse in wind and from changes of weather, better by eating 9. LOWER FACE. 303 and warmth, Rhod.; in zygoma, extending into ear, IILach.; painful in left zygoma, cried out, evening in bed, IGraph.; in right zygoma, Arg. met, ICheb; in right zygomatic arch, Spong. BS^" lacerating, neuralgic. Faceache, temples: begins in, extends to lower jaw and chin, 11 Rhod.; in right, over orbit to right cheek, worse slightest motion, IIBell.; zygoma, tearing behind right, IBelb; espe- cially in right, Aurant. BST* headache. Faceache, tensive: with heat, swelling and redness, especially of left side, worse from touch or motion, better in perfect rest and from external application of warmth, IColoe; in malar bones, with threatened caries, IPhos.; in left malar bone, on going into open air, and in a draught of air, I IVerbas.; in cheeks, in catarrh of bladder, ICinnab.; in cheeks, in coryza, IIMerc; in cheek bones, above eyebrows, left side, spreads over face, ISpig.; in muscles, moving from one location to another, IColch.; in right zygoma, toward ear, Psor. B@f* constriction, cramplike, drawing. Faceache, threadlike pains : in maxilla, Cepa; in pertussis, Cepa. Faceache, throbbing: in neuralgia, I ISep.; better lying quietly on face, worse from coffee, I ISpig.; in upper jaw, Cup. ars.; in right side, worse in evening (neuralgia), I IPuls.; in side, with toothache, IIAcon. BST" bloodvessels, congestion, inflam- matory. Faceache, from abuse of tobacco: I ISep. Faceache, with toothache: I Agar, HCaust; from carious tooth, Chloral, I IColch, Hekla; from carious teeth, not in habit of taking coffee, ICoff. t; caused by filling teeth with gold, ICie; involves teeth of upper jaw,IKalm.; extending to molar teeth, right side, ICoff; and pains in ear, pains are sharp, twinging, running, IPlant.; with tender teeth, IKalm. Faceache, touch : worse from, and in evening, ICaps.; darting, worse, iCinch.; faceache, worse in pregnancy, better by pressure, ICup. ac, I ISep.; faceache worse by pressure or con- tact, I IDiosc; lancinating worse by pressure, Chin, s.; neuralgia worse, Cinch, Zinc; press- ing pain better by pressure, Bry.; pressing worse, ICaps, ICina; shooting worse, IBell. CHIN, burning: Anac, Apis ; as if from hot coal on right side, Ant. t.; as from a hot spark, Ant. e B^T heat. Chin, carbuncle : painful, causing trismus, I Lye Chin, feels cold: ^Ethus, I IStram. Chin, comedones : black pores, I IDros. Chin, crawling: Stram. 8§T formication, Chin' drawing: IHyper. Chin drawn : firmly to breast by spasm, nota- bly of sterno-mastoid, Med.; closely to sternum by convulsive action of muscles of face and ; Faceache, transient: in right cheek, ICaust. Faceache, twanging: like wires, in left, fol- lowed by burning, as if losing her reason, IKali bi. Faceache, twinging. in inferior maxillary branch of trifacial nerve, IPlant. > Faceache, twisting pain: in prosopalgia, llgn. ; Faceache, twitching pain: I IStram.; in upper jaw, from above downward in a straight line, Ars. h.; with spasmodic laughing, HStram.; followed by spasms in chest, arresting respi- ration, I IStram.; sharp darting, IGels.; tearing I in right malar bone, to temple, sore to touch, i Bry.; muscles twitch even in unconsciousness, IGlon. BSsP^Jerking, neuralgic, tearing. > Faceache, during pain has to urinate every ten ; minutes: ICale; after diuresis, llgn. ; Faceache, with vomiting : IKalm.; and nausea, , llris; clear phlegm or water, IINatr. m.; if , pain is confined to right side it is less severe, but vomiting is worse, often thirteen times in twenty-four hours, if pain is on left it is very severe and vomiting is worse, INitr. sp. d. Faceache, warmth : g^* heat. ; Faceache, water : worse from holding cold wa- ter in mouth, I Bism.; after cold washing and ; overheating, IFerr. , Faceache, weakness after attack: I IKali ph. , Faceache, weather: faceache after exposure to , cold, IKalm.; jerking worse in cold or wet, IPhos.; jerking worse from wind and changes, Rhod.; tearing worse in damp, IVer.; tearing worse in change, IRhod.; from northeasterly winds, damp and excitement, I ISep.; at every ; stormy change (anaemia), ICaust. 8^** air- ; Faceache, wind: brought on by riding in, ^ I ISep.; worse from, and change of weather, i better by warmth and entirely relieved by ; eating, 11 Rhod. ; Faceache, caused by wine; ICact. , B€§°> drinking. Faceache, women : in nervous, IGels.; in deli- , cate, nervous, sensitive, especially when uter- , ine functions are disturbed, ISep.; delicate, soft-fibred, anaemic, melancholic, or melan- cholic-sanguine, llgn.; more in rightside, in , regular paroxysms, ICed. Faceache, wrapping up: 8®* heat. * Faceache, while writing : above left zygoma, IChin. s. neck (tetanus), IPhyt.; to right side (diseased submaxillary gland), IKali iod.; directly, or from side to side, toward chest (irritability of cerebrospinal system), I IRan. b. Chin, eruptions : covered with, IGraph,INatr. m.; small red elevations, with black points, acne punctata, IHydras.; acne rosacea, Uacea; large water blister, Crot t; small blisters, discharging liquid, Anac; white blisters, IIHep.; bloodboils, 11 Nitr. ae; large painful boils, Kob.; boils painful to touch, IHep.; 9. LOWER FACE. Chin. Lips. Lower Jaw. Outer Mouth. 304 9. LOWER FACE. boil, stinging when touched, Sib; small boils and indurations emitting water and blood, Amm. e; syphilitic bullae, under, (infant), I ISyph.; thick, brown or yellow crusts, with reddish borders, IIDulc; disfiguring, eczema- tous conditions, I IPhos.; eczema rubrum, IMere iod. rub.; erysipelatous discharge forms large yellow crusts (scarlatina), 11 Rhus; exanthema, IRhus; small honey-colored granules, sore when touched, I Ant. e; herpes, Phos. ae, ISib; herpes circinatus, patch size of adollar, increasing, Jugb; spots like hives, Apis ; impetiginous, had been torn and bro- ken, producing hard crusts, IJugl.; gradually increasing, extending to both sides, into beard, red, shining, swollen, burning, itching, beard matted, with yellowish-white crust, mostly dry, preceded by vesicles,! Cie; itching,Zinc; itching, humid, angry looking, INatr. m.; miliary, burning-stitching, IIPuls.; painful, HSub; hard papulae on a red base, burning, itching, smarting, especially in wet cold weather (affection of lungs), I ISep.; papular, itching, IILyc, I ISep.; papular, red, Bor.; pimples, Ast. r, I IHydras, Paris, IRhus, Thuya; pimples, burn when touched, INatr. s.; pimples, itching, IHep, ISep.; pimples, itching, the larger surrounded by redness, I INux v.; large pimples, Phos. ac; pustulous pimples with yellow scabs, I IKreo.; pimples, suppurative, IClem.; circular spots under, from quarter to half an inch in diameter, at first bright red, later covered with white scurf, return to red again (psoriasis), I ISep.; pustules, Amm. c, Psor.; a small pustule in beard, left side, IMez.; pustules, with broad, red borders, 11 Nux m.; pustules, itching (aneurism), I ISpig.; pustules, large, Hyos.; papulo-pustules, IHydras.; pustules, on side, painful when touched, as from pressure of a sharp edge, persistent burning, Rhus ; pus- tules red, painful when shaving, broke and formed a scab, IMez.; pustules, covered with brownish scab, itching after washing, IKali bb; pustules, small, discharging water, I IKali iod.; pustules, thick, yellow, friable, some transparent, incrustation, Uacea ; syphilitic rash, an abundance of fine scales peeling off, (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; red, sometimes dry, with thin crusts, sometimes oozing yel- low drops,IHyper.; scabby, IGraph.; covered with elevated white scabs, IMez.; scaly, moist,ISep.; scurf, thick, honey-colored, burn- ing, oozing, sore (ophthalmia), ICie; sores, itching and scabbing over, I ISyph.; sycosis menti, Sib; tetter, Arg. nit.; tetter, old, dark, with red pimples, IManc; vesicular, IINatr. s.; vesicles, a large number of small, desqua- mate, Mane; vesicles, red, filled with fluid, INatr. e; vesicles exude fluid and form scabs, ICie 8^° Chap. 8, Face eruption. Chin, formication: Berb. g^~ crawling. Chin, heat: Spong. 8®" burning. Chin, induration: like a cartilage beneath, an- teriorly by the symphysis, as large as a hazel nut, as if glands were swollen, with hard pressive pain when swallowing or when touched, or when rubbed by neckband, Staph. Chin, itching ; Benz. ac, Carbo a., I IKali c, HSub, Zinc; burning when scratched, Kob.; like minute insects or hairs, coming on to- wards morning, IChloral.; smarting, on right, Gamb.; in spots, Tromb. Chin, long : as if elongated to knees, Glon. Chin, nodes: ICie; lumps, HCund. Chin, numbness: ISpong.; painful, as if parts were between screws, with anxiety, weeping and palpitation (neuralgia), I IPlat. Chin, pain: I lAnanth.; left side to angle of mouth painful to touch, as if ulcerated, Spong. Chin, frequent sensation as if skin were pinched, pain came gradually and left sud- denly, worse in bed and from excess of heat and cold: I ISul. ac. Chin, pressure : numb, Asaf; in left side, affect- ing teeth, Cann. s. Chin, pricking: as from needles, Agar.; on point, Arund. Chin, purple: netlike appearance, Plat. Chin, red: Zinc; bright, Ailant. Chin, shivering sensation : Stram. Chin, sore : (pneumonia),Hod.; from salivation, in diphtheria, I ILac c, IMere iod. flav. Chin, spasmodic sensation extends to superior maxillary bones, followed by contusive head- ache over eyes, ITereb. Chin, spot: leprous, rough, dark, size of a half dollar, ICale; red, Berb.; red,under, burning like nettles, ICheb; red, single, spreading to nose and adjacent parts, ICaust.; reddish, containing either water, or thick, white, curdy matter, Sumb. Chin, stinging: as from a hot spark, Ant. c Chin, stitching : Camph.; in left side, extend- ing into articulation of jaw, Stront.; tearing, stitches pass into one another, Zinc. Chin, swelling: below, I ILed.; below size of a hazelnut, worse morning (neuralgia of ton- gue), I ISpig.; below, between chin and hyoid bone, Vespa. Chin, tension : in integuments, I I Verbas.; skin as if tight, Cann. i. Chin, tingling: IHyper. Chin, ulcers: INatr. m.; bleeding, I ICund.; on right side, perforating to gums, liquids ran out through openings, HCund.; caused by acrid salivation, INitr. ac. Chin, warts: IIThuya ; small, white, peduncu- lated, appearing over night, ILye Chin, skin white : about (scarlatina), I IZinc. LIPS, abscess -. on upper, Bell. Lips, involuntary biting: lower, at dinner, Benz. ac. Lips, black; lAcon., lArs, ICarbo v. Cinch., IMere, IMere cor, Merc, sul, IPsor, Squilla, Ver.; with constipation (scarlatina), ILach.; in typhus, IChlor, IHyos.; in yellow fever, lArs.; lower, Bry.; in measles, IPhos.; in scarlatina, Carbol.ac, ILach.; in scarlet fever, during desquamative stage, IKali c. 8^° cracked, eruption. Lips, bleeding: IIArum t, ICham, llgn.; in abdominal typhus, I IStram.; in whooping cough, IBrom.; in diphtheria and fevers, ILach.; of lower, Amm. e; with peeling, Kob.; in scarlatina, IIArum t; covered with dry blood, Chloral. BpT'cracked, picking. Lips, bloodvessels: distended, IDig.; veins about distended (emansio mensium), IDig.; varicosis, in heart disease and asthma, ICrotal. Lips, blowing : difficult, Syph. Lips, blue : lAcon, Agar, Alum, Amm. e, I Amyg, Ant t, I Apis, I Ars, IChin. s., 9. LOWER FACE. 305 I IChloral, IColch, Cup. a., IICup. m, IDig, IHep., IIHydr. ac. Hod, Lachn., IILyc, IPhos, Sec, Stram, Ver.; in angina pectoris, ICup. m.; around, in whooping cough, ICup. ac; about, in typhus, I Aur. met.; in asphyxia, IIAnt. t; during chill, llpec; in cholera, second stage, ICup. m.; in cholera infantum, ICamph, I IVer.; at corners and internal edges, Cupr. s.; in whooping cough, IDros.; in cyanosis, ICup. m, IDig, I IPsor.; cyanotic, in scrofula, lArs.; cyanotic, in pericarditis, I ISpig.; deep, in coma, ICinch.; with pain- ful diarrhoea, I Ars.; in endocarditis, I Aur. met.; in emphysema, ILach.; in fever, Curar.; in intermittent, I Ars, Eup. pur., INatr. m.; in tertian, IDig.;on inside, Berb.; lead color, in heart disease, I Apoe; in measles, IPhos.; dur- ing menses, ICed.; with desire for cold, acid drink, Eup. pur.; in bilateral, croupous pneu- monia, IKali iod.; in pregnancy, I llpec, IPhos.; dark, in puerperal convulsions, I INux v.; in scarlatina, ICup. ac; from scolding, IMosch.; in strychnine poisoning, IINux v.; with threatened suffocation, I ISamb.; in tuberculosis, IChin. a.; in veta, Coca. Lips, brown : Ars. h, ICarbo v., IPsor.; in ty- phus, IChlor.; in typhoid, INitr. sp. d, IPhos.; in yellow fever, I Ars, I Ver.; in catarrhal pneu- monia, IHyos. 8@T" cracked, eruption. Lips, burning: lAcon, HApis, IIArg. nit. Am, Arum m, IIArum t, Aur. mur, IBell, Berb, Calend, ICarbo a, Carbol. ac, Carb. s., Chelid, Chlorof, ICie, Cinch, Con.JCrot t, IHam., ILach, Mez, IMur. ac, INux m, IPsor., Rhod, ISub; chilling, biting, on in- ner side of right upper, as if a corroding acid had touched spot, sensation passes up and back in a lesser degree to right nasal cavity, where it produces tickling and sneezing, Lyss.; in coryza, ICepa ; in diarrhoea (scarla- tina), ICaps.; in evening, with dryness, Magn. s.; like fire, Amm. m.;lower,Amm. c, IClem, Coloe, IMur. ac. Sang.; in epithelioma, of lower, ISep.; in inner surface, of lower, Illie; like pepper, Aur. mur, I INatr. s.; outer bor- ders, like pepper, Anac; as if scalded,Sabad.; in various small places, IGlon.; as if quite sore,IMez.;transient, in lower (evening),Bor.; of upper, ICale p., IMez.; as from red hot , needles, in upper, Ars.; beneath left nostril, in morning, Bor.; in right side ofupper, even to touch, Spig.; upper, with swelling, I IBar. e B^°heat, inflamed. Lips, cancer: IArs,IAur. met, Camph,Caust, ICie, ICist, HCon, HCund, IIKali m. Kali s, Kreo, Lach, ILye, IPhyt, ISep., ISib; open, bleeding, on lower, ICist.; with burning, and emaciation, HCund.; size of walnut, stony hard, tendency to reappear every spring, I ISep.; unclean, sinuous, size of a dime, with hardness and swelling, I ICund.; epithelial, IHydras, ISep.; epithelial, had been excised, HSep.; epithelium thrown off in scabs, IKali m.; of lower, lAnt. chl, iCamph, ISib; of lower, after having picked lip, I ISib; from pressure of pipe, ICon.; scir- rhous, ICarbo a.; of lower, in syphilis, IClem. 8^° tumors, ulcerated; also Chap. 8, Face cancer. Lips, chapped : 8^* cracked. Lips, closed : compressed, in arachnitis, IChlo- rof; compressed, with burning, stinging pain 20 over right eye, INux m.; lower jaw locked, Stram.; spasmodically, with every attempt to cough, harassing cough between paroxysms, closely resembling a sneeze (traumatic teta- nus), INux v. Lips, coating: black, sticky, in typhus, lArs.; brown, dry, in hepatic typhus, ICheb; thick, brownish,*IColch.; dark, mucous,IGels.; viscid mucus, in morning, 11 Kali iod.; thick, viscid humor, without odor or taste, Zinc; grayish- white, IMere cy. Lips, cold; Apis ; during menses, ICed. Lips, cold sores: B®° eruption, fever blisters. Lips, colorless: 8itP°" pale. Lips, contracted: Ananth, IMere cor.; of one side, upper, especially on falling asleep, Ars. Big0* everted, inverted. Lips, as if contused: Apis. Lips, corroded : 8®* inflamed; also Chap. 7, Coryza acrid. Lips, cracked: Ailant, Aloe, Amm. m, Arn, I Ars, IIArum t, IIBry, •HCale, Caps, ICarbo a, ICarbo v, ICham, Cinch, ICroe, IIGraph., IIHam, llgn, I llris, IMere, IMere cor, INatr. m, IIPuls, IRhus, Spig, Squilla, HSub, Ver.; as if bitten, lower, Act. rac; bleeding, in albuminuria, Tereb.; bleed- ing, in yellow fever, IILach.; chapped, Act. sp, -Agar, Alum., Arn, lArum t, Bov, HCale, Chel, IColch, ICorab, IGraph, Guareea,IKali bi, IKali c, I I Kali iod, IMagn. m, 01. an.; as if they would chap, in coryza, Apis; chapped, with catarrh, ICham.; chapped, with gastric catarrh, lApis ; chapped from cold, IKali m.; disposed to chap, Chrom. ac; during apyrexia, Ign.; chapped, at night, Ant. t.; chapped, in veta, Coca ; chapped, as from cold wind, 11 Arum t; corners (8€3^" Outer mouth cracks); when coughing (cirrhotic kidney), I IPlumb.; in diarrhoea during typhus, llBry.; in diarrhoea, ICaps.; in diphtheria, ILach.; deep, of lower, IPhos.; easily, IKreo.; in fevers, ILach.; during apyrexia of intermittent, lArs.; in typhus, I Ars, IBapt; in bilious typhoid, I IStram.; in yellow fever, IVer.; fissured, Agar, IGraph, IMere, I IZinc; fissures, deep, pain- ful, in middle of upper, INatr. m.; constant licking, lArs.; of lower, INitr. ae; in herpes, lower, I ISep.; in middle of lower, Amm. c, I IDros, IHep, Natr. m.; on inside of middle line, Lyss.; painful, Jatroph.; rhagades, ISib; rhagades, bleeding, in upper, IKali e; rhaga- des, burning on lower, INatr. e; rhagades, in gastralgia, IKali e; rhagades, in middle of lower, ICham.; with rhagades or bleeding scabs, INatr. m.; in scarlatina, ICaps, Carbol. ac; with dry skin, 11 Kalm.; with yellowish ulceration, IZinc; upper, IHelb, Tarax.; in middle, especially upper, Bell.; in urticaria, Bov. 8@f black, brown, chapped. Lips, cramp: in lower, Amb. Lips, crawling: Berb.; as of a bug on lower, 4 a.m., Bor.; like insects, Bor.; duringmenses, ■Graph.; in upper, Paxmia. Lips, crusty: ggg~ eruption. Lips, cutting: through lower, IClem. Lips, cyanotic: 8SP°" blue. Lips, diphtheria: 8®* membrane. Lips, discolored : ggg*' black, bluish, pale. Lips, distorted : ISib; spasmodic, Sec Lips, drawn: tightly across teeth (after run- 306 9. LOWER FACE. ning pin into foot), IHyper.; upper,up,in pneu- monia,IAnt t; upper, exposing teeth (cholera morbus, cholera Asiatica), ICamph.; upper, closer to teeth, Illie; upger, up, in child, with gastritis mucosa, I Ars. Lips, dry: lAcon, Act. rac. All. sat. Aloe, Alum., lAmyl, Ananth, Ang., Ant. c, Ant. t, I Apis, 11 Apoe, Ars. met, Arg. nit, IBelb, Berb., IIBry., Brach, Cann. i, Cann. s, Carb. s. Card, m., Chel, Cinch, Chrom. ac, Codein., Con-, Cub, IDig, I IDiosc, IGels, I IHam., IHelon, IHydras, IHyos, I IHyper, llgn, Iodof, I llris, Jalap, I IKali iod., IKalm., IKreo., ILac c, ILye, Mang, IMere, IMere cor., Mere iod. flav, Mez, INatr. m, IINux m., INux v., IPhos, Phos. ae, I IPhyt, IPsor, Ptel., IPuls, Rhod, IIRhus, Ruta, Sabad, Senecio, ISep, ISil, Sinap., Spig, IISul, Stram, Ver., Ver. v, Vib, Vinca, I IZinc; worse in open air, Mang.; in albuminuria, ICale a.; on awaking, Amb.; especially on awaking, Coca; bleed a little on opening mouth (diphtheria), IMere cy.; in inflamma- tion of brain,IMerc viv.; with constant burn- ing, they crack, IGraph.; in cholera infantum, ICrot. t; with sooty coating, IPhos.; with sooty coating (pneumonia, stage of hepatiza- tion), I IPhos.; constantly obliged to lick, as if caused by heat of breath, INatr. c; with constipation, IBry, IMur. ac; and cracked, brain affection, IHelb; in diabetes, lArs.; in diarrhoea, typhus, IIBry.; in chronic diarrhoea, ICale; in diphtheria ILach.; better by cool- ing drinks, ^Carbol. ae; must drink much water, I IHam.; not better by drinking, Bar. c; in encephalitis, 11 Coccul.; in epistaxis, IHam.; feel dry, Sang.; during apyrexia, Ign.; during heat (quotidian ague), IIRhus ; in typhus, lApis, IIBry., INitr. sp. d, IIRhus ; in yellow fever, IVer.; with sick headache, IKali c; inner side of lower, Asar.; constantly lick- ing, I Ars.; in inflammation of liver, IMere; look dry, Merc. sul.; lower, IBry, INitr.ac; must be moistened, with heat, I Kali bi.; wants to moisten, without being thirsty, IKreo.; in morning, Zing.; especially in morning, Aph. ch.; morning on awaking, Amb.; in morning(cirrhotic kidney), I I Plumb.; with dry mouth, IStram.; become, at night, Cham.; worse night (headache), lAnt. c; pale (inter- mittent), IFerr.; parched, as from fever, Ziz.; parched, lArs, Atrop. s.,Bell, Codein., IDig., IGels, IHydras., ILac c, IPhos, Sarrae, ISil, Ver.; parched, in cholera infantum, ICrot. t, I IVer.; parched,withheadache,Bry.; parched, with dry, hot fever, shortly after going to bed, Syph.; parched, in encephalitis, HCoccul.; parched, in typhus, IRhus; parched, likes to moisten them, 11 Bry.; parched, with shrivelled skin, Mang.; parched, with thirst, Merc, per.; upper, skin peels off, INatr. s.; picking at (ty- phoid ), I Arum t; of outer borders, like pepper, Anac.; in puerperal convulsions, I INux v.; in pyaemia, I Ars.; with rhagades, or bleeding scabs,INatr. m.; in scarlatina, Carbol.ae; after sleep,Apoc; and little taste, I Dros.; with thirst, IIBry.; with thirst in evening, Cast, eq.; with thirst, awakes at night, Calad.; without thirst, ICanth., Cycl.; with sore throat, Jugb;must moisten with tongue, -Amm. m.; of upper, Illie; better from cold water, IKali bi. 8®" black, brown, cracked, shrivelled. Lips, loss of epithelium : (dysentery), ICanth. Lips, eruption: I Ars, ICale, ICon, IIMerc, Spong.; acne, Cadm.s.,Caps., IHydras.; aph- thae on margin, Ipec; aphthae, with thick, yellowish white scab, very painful forming ulcers (diphtheria), IMere cy.; aphthae, in stomatitis, I ISub; covered with aphthae and surrounded by vesicles which burn, IIMerc. cor.; blotches, hard, pale, on vermilion border, sore to touch, Arg. met.; blotches, yellow, INatr. c; boils, furuncular formation, pain and erysipelatous areolae (malignant pustule), ILach.; boils, painful to touch, IHep.; on vermilion border, Cann. s.; covered with a crust, 11 Vab; covered with black crusts, ICon.; covered with a brown crust (typhus), lApis; large, hard, brownish crusts, espe- cially about corners of mouth, ISib; covered with reddish brown crusts (typhus), IRhus ; mucus in brown crusts (stomacace), I Ars.; thick brown crusts, extending to chin, IMere; of mouth, on lower, near corner, yellow brown, crustlike, Phos. ae; crusts burn and stick, INux v.; encrusted with a dry secretion, IMere cor.; crusty, during apyrexia (intermit tent), lArs.; crusty, in typhoid, HPhos. ac; encrusted, Bry.; crusts, with otorrhcea, after abuse of mercury, HSil.; crusty, in urticaria, Bov.; covered with yellow crusts, Squilla; ecchymosis which bleed, angles of (purpura haemorrhagica), ITereb.; eczema, impetigi- noides, itching and burning, swollen, present- ing a loathsome appearance, HSub; in inter- mittent fever, llgn.; after fever, ISpong.; fever blisters, Ars., Canth, ICrot. t, IGraph, I ILac c, INatr. m., IIRhus ; set with fever blisters, looking like pearls, I INatr. m.; fever blisters, itching, Urt. ur.; fever blisters, rather small, ICale ft; fever blisters, on upper lip, Brom.; fever blisters near corner of right upper, small but sore, Med.; enormous fever sore on lower, near left commissure, Med.; fever blisters, in intermittent, IINatr. m, IRhus; spots like flea bites about, right side, afternoon, Pallad.; herpes, I Ars, INatr. e, Niccol, IParis, HSep, Sib; herpes, in apyrexia, Ipec; herpetic, in intermittent, I ICheb; humid herpes, Natr. e; herpes, on upper, Agar, Sars.; humid, spreading on upper, Squilla; impetigo, around, I ITarant.; itching, Amm. c; itching, on lower, Cinch. bob; on lower, IIKreo.; patches, white, oval (syphilis), I ISyph.; upon and above, 11 Nux v.; painful, on upper, ICarbo v.; cov- ered with phlyctenules constantly renewed, Ananth.;pimples,Guaraea,I IKali m, INatr. c, Ruta, Thuya ; pimples on vermilion borders, ICarbo v, Phos. ae; pimples, burning on left upper lip, Aph. ch.; pimples, burning, with yellow crusts, IMere; pimples, between and chin, Kali m.; pimples, small, hard, on side, Agar.; a group of pimples on lower, dry, hard, painful, Ast. r.; pimples, on lower, Pali.; pimples, on under side of lower, Niccol.; pimples,bright red, inflamed,ulcerated in centres, Berb.; pimples, scabs and chaps on lip and commissures, Guaraea; pimples, scurfy, on border of lower, ICale; pimples, forming scurfs, itching when getting warm in bed, IMur. ae; pimples, sore, smarting, on ver- milion border of, IHep.; pimples, red, pain- fully deep, suppurating, on external surface, 9. LOWER FACE. 307 Berb.; pimply, on upper, Amm. m.,Am,Bufo.; pimples, moist, at margin of vermilion border, of upper, Sep.; pimples, painful, on upper IGraph.; pustules, Aur. mur.; pustules, white, aphthous, on inside, I Hep.; pustules, on lower, leave before fully formed, Cinch, bob; pustules on upper, immediately under nose, ICinnab.; pustules, at borders, smarting, Bell.; pustules, red, itching, on upper (nasal catarrh), ICale; small, sore pustules, inside of (canker sores), Med.; pustules, tender to touch, about, Clem.; pustules, on upper, Bell.; pustules, watery, size of a pea, on internal surface, Berb.; pus- tular, on upper, thick, yellow, friable, semi- transparent incrustation, Uacea; scabby, Chel, Guaraea; scabby condition, in diph- theria, IMur. ac; sore, itching, scabbing over, I ISyph.; scabby, smarting, ISib; thin scabs, Berb.; scabs, on upper, immediately un- der nose,ICinn.; scaly, Aloe, Con, Mez.; scaly, dry, on lower, Plant.; scaly, moist, on red : parts, ISep.; scurfy, Ant. t, Phos. ae; scurfs, with burning, Staph.; scurf thick, honey-col- ored, on upper, burning, sore, oozing (oph- thalmia), ICie; scurf, thin, brown, on edges, Berb.; scurf, on upper, IIKali c; smarting, INatr. m.; smarting, on margin, Ipec; covered with sordes, Chloral.; sordes, brown, (hy- drocephalus acutus), IDig.; sordes, in ty- phus, IIBapt.; sore, cancerous, on left upper, I Ars.; sore, cancerous, on upper (application of leaf and root), j Phyt.; sore,on red partof lower as large as hickory nut, dry and covered with dry scab, hard as horn, several large scales had been removed, and as soon as one sepa- rated a new one formed, painful, IMere iod. flav.; sores, hard, herpetic, from colds, ICale : fl.;spot, elevated, red, violently itching, on upper, Thuya; spot, on right lower, makes appearance externally as a conical pimple, became black, wrinkled, and as large as a good-sized hazelnut, I ISil.; spot, red, itching, below lower, becoming covered with many yel- low blisters, changing to a scurf,IHep.; small, white spots on lower, soon coalescing, form- ing continuous white patch, ILach.; on left upper, with heat in face after dinner, I IPhyt.; vesicles, Ascl. t, Bov,ICarbo a,IClem,ICon, I ILac c, INitr. ae; vesicles, burning, on up- per,Seneg.; vesicles, burning, bleed from least contact, IMagn. e; vesicles, burning, on upper, near vermilion border, Cie; studded with vesicles, with red base, ILact. ac; vesi- cles, clear, on upper, Mang.; vesicles, covered with colorless (intermittent), Chin, s.; vesi- cles,^ whooping cough, I IKali s.; vesicles, on under, dry up and form crusts which drop off, Sang.; vesicles, covered with herpetic, Ascl. t; vesicles, inflamed, on lower, Ailant.; vesicles, itching, Ant. t; vesicles, itching, on upper, near vermilion border, Cie; vesicles, large, on margin of vermilion border of lower, burning, itching, IMagn. m.; vesicle, on lower, Como, I INatr. s, Paris ; vesicles, on margins, I ISib; vesicles, pea-shaped, on lower, Berb.; vesicles, forming scabs, 11 Chel.; vesicles, small (intermittent), Ant. t; vesicles, small, on left corner, Calend.; vesicles, blisterlike sores on right lower to corner of chin, Calc. s.; vesicles, blisterlike sores on right lower, ooze bloody matter, Calc. s.; vesicles, small, on upper, below septum of nose, bum.become confluent and covered with a scab, which falls oft'after several days, and leaves a red spot lasting two weeks, INatr. m.; vesicles, small, on upper, Alum, Amm. in.; vesicles, blisterlike sores, on right lower, ulcerate, Calc. s.; vesicles, white, I IHep.; vesicles, white, on upper, with elevated red base, painful to touch, Vab; vesicles, white, on swollen, IHell. 8®" Outer mouth eruption. Lips, everted: Ananth, HApis, I IPhyt; as in bleeding, t.Camph.; and firm, in tetanus, IPhyt.; swollen, IIMerc. cor.; in gastralgia, upper, ICamph.; lower, Bry. BSTcontracted. Lips, excoriated : Anac. oc. Ant. t; in coryza, IBrom., IPhyt.; by discharge from nose, I Lach.; by constant watery nasal discharge^ ILace; as from salivation from mercury, Ant. t; with muco-purulent discharge from nose (scrofulous, of children), Stilling.; by running from nose, causing a scurf (coryza), lArs.; by copious thick green acrid discharge from nose (scrofulous inflammation of eyes), IMere; in scarlatina. IIArum t. 8®° raw ; also Chap. 7, Coryza acrid Lips, fatty : Ananth. Lips, fetid: during desquamative stage (scarlet fever), IKali e Lips, feverish: Senecio. 8111°° burning, dry. Lips, fever blisters: gfgg*' eruption. Lips, flabby: in spasms, after pneumonia and typhoid fever, 11 Nux v. ggg~ hanging. Lips, formication: during menses, IIGraph.; in upper, Berb. Lips, froth: BST* Outer mouth foam. Lips, gangrene : pain worse by hot or cold ap- plication, IMere 8®" Chap. 10, Inner mouth gangrene. Lips as if glued together: Cann. i. 8^* sticky, viscid. Lips, hanging: I lApis, Ver.; in apoplexia ner- vosa et serosa, llpec; lower, Mane, IOp.; lower, in coma and typhus, ILach.; could not be firmly held on right side of face, could not puff out cheeks, IKali m. g£&~ flabby. Lips, heavy feeling: in lower, IGraph., IMur. ac; in upper, Caust. Lips, heat: lAcon, ^Esc h, Amb, Ang, Ars. m, I IHyper, IKali m, INitr. ac, ISabad.; burning, Arn.; burning, dry, IHyper.; in in- flammation of liver, IMere; in upper, lApis, ICarbo v.; in upper, in chronic inflammation of mucous membrane of nose, IKali bi. 8@" burning, inflamed. Lips, hydroa: B€§°° eruption, fever blisters. Lips, indurated: Aur. mur, IBell, Cinch.; in ozaena, I Aur. mur.; lymphatics, after contu- sion, ICon.; upper, ICale p. Lips, inflamed: lAcon, Ananth., Ars. s. r. Arum m., Ascl. t, IBelb, IMere, IMere d. Big" Chap. 7, Coryza acrid; also Chap. 12, Inner mouth aphthae, stomatitis. Lips, inverted: 11 Cund. Lips, itching: Ascl. t, Aur. mur, Berb, INitr. ac, 01. an., Tuberc; lower, Anag.; lower, sometimes burning, on a circumscribed spot, succeeded by intolerable shooting, I ISib; as from red hot needles, upper, I Ars.; in scarla- tina, IIArum t.; of upper, Cale a. Zinc; of upper, provokes scratching, Vinca ; of upper, right, Pallad.; smarting, on upper, Gamb. Lips, jerking : of one side of upper, especially on falling asleep, Ars.; sensation, near corner 308 9. LOWER FACE. of mouth, Thuya ; right side of lower, lacer- ated from kick of horse, ICalend. Lips, large: Ananth, ISil. Lips, licks during heat: IIPuls. Lips livid : 8ST" pale. Lips, membrane: in diphtheria, 11 Rhus ; on excoriated (diphtheria), lAmm.e; thick,gray (diphtheria), ILach.; thick, yellow, in diph- theria, I ISul. ac. Lips, moist: Aloe ; covered with shining moist- ure, Stram.; wants to, without being thirsty, IKreo. Lips, motion: backward and forward, Stram.; convulsed, Strain.; convulsive shaking, Agar.; spasmodic, of upper, Cadm. s.; cannot open, or taste food, IMere; as of one smoking, ac- companied by a slight sound, I IPlumb.; mo- tionless, left side, during breathing (apo- plexy), lAcon. 8ST" quivering, smacking. Lips, mucus: covered with bloody (infantile syphilis), I ISyph.; tough, stringy, sticks to, with cough, IKali bi. Lips, neuralgia: lApis ; upper, around right side of head, severe in forenoon, JEsc. h.; raging, extends to gums, head, finally to whole body, 11 Apis. Lips, nodules : painful, externally on upper, I Ars.; small, become round ulcers, with hard edges, and lardaceous base, soon disappear from original place and appear in another part, a deep induration can be felt surrounding them, IMere iod. rub.; lumps in upper, -Cale Lips, numb : lAcon., ICrotal., INatr. in.; on awaking, Amb.; morning, on awaking, Amb.; in lower, IGlon.; from paralysis of trifacial nerve, INatr. m.; as if asleep, Illie; ofupper, I lOleand.; upper, or as if indurated, Cycl. 8®° formication, tingling. Lips, pain (undefined): 11 Ananth, ICie, ICorab, IPsor.; left half of lower, from 4 p.m. till mid- night, I IMur. ac.; as if cracked, upper, Amm. e; in evening, Mez.; inexpressible, on touch- ing fork or spoon to lips (prosopalgia), I IStaph.; lower, inner edge hurts, Ars. in.; mucous membrane (stomatitis), IMur. ae; with sali- vation, Plumb.; in scarlatina, Carbol. ae; during desquamative stage of scarlet fever, IKali e; worse pressure with teeth, Arum m.; when touched, IMere; upper, ICale p. Lips, pale: Amyg, Ant. t. Coca, IFerr., IIHydr. ac. Kali c, Kali f, Mane, Phos. ac. Sec, Senecio, Spig, Thuya, Ver, Ver. v.; in chlorosis, IFerr.; at corners and internal edges, Cup. s.; in intermittent, IFerr.; during apyrexia (intermittent), I Ars.; bloodless, menses irregular, IDiad.; colorless, Ars. h, llpec, 11 Xan.; colorless, in tertian intermit tent, IFerr.; colorless, with dysmenorrhoea, IDiad.; with hemorrhage, from bowels, IKali bb; livid, Ant. t, Apis, Carbol. ae, IColch., IOp, Spong.; livid, in asphyxia, lAntt.; livid, in cardiac dropsy, IDig.; livid, in dropsy, after scarlatina, I Apis; livid, in shock of injury, Chlorof, IOp.; in suppressed menses, ICycl.; in dysmenorrhoea,ICycl, I I Ferr.; in menorrha- gia, ICycb; with chill, 4 p.m., lasting an hour, followed by heat (tertian ague), IPuls.; phthisis florida, after pneumonia, IFerr.; with spas- modic pain in stomach, IDiad.; white, Aloe, IMere cor.; in anaemia, HSub; and cold, ICale; in constipation, ILac def; deathlike, I IPic. ae; with sallow face (metrorrhagia), I ITrilb; during hemorrhage, llpec; with nausea, Val. I Lips, semi-paralysis of buccinator muscles ma- nifested by violent snoring (apoplexy): IPlumb. I Lips, peeling off: I Aeon, Berb., Hod, IKali c, ! IKali m, IKreo, ILac c, Mosch., I IPlumb, Sul. ac. Thuya; in diphtheria, I Arum t; in abdominal typhus, HStram.; inside, after smoking, Agar. Lips, picking: until they bleed (scarlatina), IIArum t; peeling, lower, INitr. ae; painful, after excesses, INux v.; with soreness and bleeding, Kob.; children pick, IIBry.; con- stant, also clothes, IHell. 8®* bleeding, cracked. Lips, pinched: Ananth. Lips, pressure : above, Con. Lips, pricking: pain. Mane g®° stinging. Lips, prickling : Apis; as from a splinter of wood (epithelioma of lip), ISep. Lips, pulls at: IZinc. fl®" picking. Lips, purple: Bar. e, Colch., 11 Prun.; during hoarse, suffocating cough (croup), I I Sumb.; whooping cough, ICrotal.; deep, dry, peel off in flakes, IIAcet ae; in diphtheria, ILach.; with ashy pale face, I IVer. v.; in cardiac rheumatism, ICact. g&~ blue. j Lips, quivering: Berb, Crotal.; in cirrhosis of liver, ISub; lower, Chrom ae; of upper, ICarbo v.; of upper, of one side, especially on I falling asleep, Ars. ! Lips, raw: Chloral.; margins, IMur. ae; pain as if in inner surface of lower, llgn.; in scar- latina, IIArum t 8®° excoriated. Lips, too red: Aloe, IBell, Chloral, ILach, Lachn, HSub, Stram, I IVer.; bluish,I IPuls.; in brain affections of children, HSub; with short breath, worse talking, ISpig.; bright, particularly in children, HSub; bright, in typhoid fever, ISub; dark, Bar. e, Bell.; deep, in angina pectoris, I Aur. mur.; in gastritis, ISang.;lower, Carbo v.; and swollen, in con- junctivitis, Bell.; with dry tongue and mouth, Aloe; upper, I Apis, Cepa; upper, and hot, i IBry. B&*" inflamed. Lips, rough: HSub; sensation on inner side of upper when touching it with tongue, IMagn. in.; especially upper, Apis. Lips, as if scalded : in morning, IIArum t. j Lips, shining: Cub. Lips, shooting: Con.; in border of upper, fol- lowed by yellow spots, discharging a yellow fluid, Brom. Lips, shrivelled: Amm. m. Cinch. 8®* dry. Lips, shiny: on awaking, IIMerc. iod. rub.; covered with brown slime (typhus), I Ars. 8®" eruption crusty. Lips, smacking -. as if tasting, lAmyl. 8®* motion. Lips, smarting: Sinap.; burning, lower, on in- ner surface, Zinc; in diarrhcea (scarlatina), ICaps.; near left angle, as from herpetic eruption, All. sat.; tensive, painful, lower, Zinc. 8§T" burning. Lips, sooty (typhus): IChlor.; in typhoid fever, I IStram. 8®" black, brown. Lips, sore: HArs., IIHam, IHell, IILach, Mang., Mez, Thlaspi; borders, Aloe ; in diph- theria, I Arum t, IMur. ac; and cracking, as from cold, IIGraph.; epithelioma of lower lip, ISep.; in bilious typhoid, HStram.; lower, ' INitr. ae; inside, hurts when touched, left 9. LOWER FACE. 309 lower, Ars. m.; lip, pain as if in inner sur- face, llgn.; with peeling, Kob.; in pneumonia, Hod.; on lower, forming scab, Calc s.; from acrid saliva, IINitr.ae; upper, Ars.h., Cochl, IMez.; spot, elevated, red, violently itching, on upper, Thuya. B®°inflamed, ulcerated. Lips, sticky: Con, Merc iod. flav, Ruta; on awaking, IIMerc. iod. rub.; with drv mouth, IStram.; stick together, IHelon, IMere iod. rub, Mez, INux in.; stick to- gether, fears they will grow together, Stram.: stick together, at night, Cham. BSP viscid! Lips, stiff: lAmyb, HApis, IKalm.; cold, upper, feeling as if she had a moustache of ice, preceded by frequent catalepsy, ILach.; skin as if, Sinap.; upper, as if made of wood, lEuph. Lids, stinging: Calend, Chlorof, Iodof; in mucous membrane, Arum m.; as from red hot needles, in upper, Ars.; as if blood in upper would press out, better by touch, Illie; in upper, IGraph. 8®*" pricking. Lips, stitches: as from a needle or splinter, Bov.; as from splinter in upper when touched, INitr.ac; fine, in upper, Zinc; fine, beneath lower, Spong.; tickling, lower, Anag.; upper, a transient, Zinc Lips, streak: black, in red portion, Apis; brown, through vermilion border, as if burnt, lower, HArs.; yellow, on vermilion border, as in malignant fevers, Stram. Lips, sweat: on upper, I IKali bi, Med. Lips, swollen: I Aeon., 11 Arg. nit,Arn, IIArum t, Aur. mur., IIBell, Brach,Cadm. s.,Calad., ICarbo a, ICarbo v. Cinch.,ICorab, ICrotal, IKali c, IKalm., Lachn., IMere, IMere cor. Meres., INatr. e, INitr. ae, INux m, |Paris, IPsor,IIPuls,ISil,Stram,Thuya,Tubere,Urt. ur,Zinc; as if swollen, Lactu. v.; as if swollen, lower, IGlon.; burning, upper, I IBar. c; burn- ing, lower, awakes him at night, INatr. m.; burning, lower,followed by large vesicle, next day scab, desquamated, IINatr. in.; with na- sal catarrh, upper, IINitr. ac; in coryza, upper, IIBar. e; with coryza and hoarseness, Phelb; with a deep crack in middle lower, I IPuls.; in diarrhoea, IIBry., ICaps.; in diph- theria of lips, I IRhus ; enormously, ILach.; enormously, upper, appearance of puffiness, but hard to feel, like swelling from a blow or bee sting, ILach.; lower, in epithelioma, I IKali s.; with eruption, lower, ISub; toward evening, Sang.; with biting, burning erup- tion (scrofula), IIBry.; with ciliary blephari- tis, upper (phlyctenular ophthalmia), IMere d.; in scrofulous inflammation of eyes,IMere; with humid scurfs or crusts covering face, IPsor.; during apyrexia (intermittent), I Ars.; congested, IGlon., Lach.; in typhus, Bry.; with herpes, epithelioma, lower, I ISep.; for twelve hours, Gamb.;indurated,lower, Sang.; with indurations on inside ofupper, and dis- coloration on skin (after scabies), IMez.; a place size of a bean, lower left, inflamed, dark red, raised papillae, bleeding from slightest cause,burning, stinging and drawing (cancer), IA rs.; red, inflamed,on lower, as large as a pear, burning soreness when touched,Bor.; internal- ly, upper, IMere sob; with jerking pains, upper,ICarbov.;lower,HAsaf,I ICale,ICaust, Como, IKali bi, ILye, IMere cor, IMur. ac ISep., Sib, Stram.; lower, left, IKali c; af- ter mercury, I IKali m ; in morning (cirrhotic kidney), I IPlumb.; in morning, upper (ca- tarrh ,epilepsy,keratitis,ophthalmia scrofulosa, scrofula), ICale; every morning for weeks, upper, disappearing after a few hours, Grat; with burning in mouth, ILach.; close under nose, Arg. met; cedematous, lApis, IPhos.; painless, Ars. met.; pale, upper (after tooth- ache, IBov.; puffed, Cub.JMerc; puffed, lower worse, Asaf; puffed, ; >re when touched, Ai- | lant; much, and quickly, Ant. t; and pushed, out, upper, 11 Staph.; external third of right lower, and congested, with induration size of an ajiricot stone in centre of swelling, on red border superficial ulceration, with grayish base (cancer), I ISib; soft, red, upper IMere; in scarlatina, ICaps.; scrofulous, with ten- dency to bleed, Phos. ae; covered with scurfs, IPsor.; sensitive to touch, upper, IGels.; on inside, prevents speaking, lower, Carbo v.; in syphilis,lower, IClem.; tense, pain- ful to touch, upper, IIHep.; thick, in scrofula, upper,IBelb; with burning, thirst and heat, left upper (catarrhal fever),IKali e; with swollen, pale yellow, protruding tongue, IMere cor.; with nightly pressing toothache, lower,INatr. c; tumefaction, IBelb; and turning up, dark red, upper, IMere cor.; honeycombed with ulcers, with ozaena, upper, INitr. ac; upper, HApis, Ars, IBell, IBry, HCale, ICale p. Graph, Guaraea, ILye,IMere iod. flav., INatr. c, IINatr. m, ISul,Vinca; particularly in chil- dren, upper, II Calc, I Psor.; in urticaria, ICop.; of superficial veins, Hod.; in veta, Coca. 8@~ inflamed, thick. Lips, tender: 8®" touch. Lips, tension : Lachn.; burning, upper, during rest, Spig.; especially upper, Apis. Lips, thick : Ananth., ISib; upper, in scrofula, IBelb; upper, feels, Caust.; upper, with a tumor in parenchyma, size of a pea, enlarged when taking cold (chronic inflammation of eyes and otorrhoea after vaccination), 11 Thuya. Lips, tingling: lAcon, INatr. m, IPieae gS^° formication, numb. Lips, touch: brings oh vomiting, in yellow fever, ICadm. s.; lower, sensitive, Bry.; tender, HApis, IMere cor.; tender, in diphtheria of lips, I IRhus ; upper, I IKali iod. Thuya. Bgjf swollen. Lips, trembling: Bell, Benz. ac, Crot, Lactu. v, IStram, ISub; lower, in typhus, lArn.; in typhus, when he spoke, lArg. nit.; tremu- lous sensation in lower, precedes vomiting without inclination to vomit, I IRan sc: of upper, Bell.; vibration, Agar. Bgg~ motion, quivering, twitching Lips, tumors: cancerous ICon.; a tubercle as large as a bean, cartilaginous appearance, bleeding,looking like scirrhus, I ISep.; lower, size of a pea, with acrid watery ichor, making surrounding parts sore, I I Kreo.; in centre of lower, size of walnut, surrounded at base by a bluish areola of veins and covered by a black crust which broke into fissures at least touch, discharging pus and blood, tumor felt hard and was as large as a bean, lacerating pains in interior of tumor, with burning and itching outside of it, I IPhos. 8gg~ cancer, swollen. Lips, twitching: ICham, Lactu. v., Squilla, j ISub; in cold air, I IDulc; convulsive, llpec; 310 9. LOWER FACE. in convulsion, I ISib; in dentition, I IRheum ; in typhoid, IBelb; at intervals, upper, Niccol.; lower, Hippom, Thuya ; in middle of left upper, Nitr. sp. d.;of upper,ICarbo v, IGraph, IZinc. 8®* motion, quivering, trembling. Lips, ulcerated : Ananth, IBry, ICon., IKali c, IMere,Natr. e, INatr. m, INitr.ac, Phos. ac, IPhyt., IPsor.; bleeding, on lower,ICaust.; burning, Staph.; burning, in lower, ICaust.; burning and sticking, INux v.; cancerous, I Aur. mur.; at commissure, Bell., Coca ; deeply, lower, in syphilis, IClem.; discolored, ulcer size of a bean, with raised edges, upper, lArs.; dotted with ulcers, IMagn. e; in ab- dominal typhus, HStram.; gray base, I IKali m.; on lower, grayish, superficial, excruciat- ingly painful, HSib; with lardaceous centre (stomatitis), I Caps.; large, on vermilion border of lower (cancer), I ILye; malignant, I IPhyt.; particularly at corners of mouth, 11 Psor.; upper extending to nose, IMez.; painful, ICie; pha- gedenic, Ars.; caused by acrid salivation, INitr. ae; scabby, with burning pain on mar- gin of lower, Sul.; sore, ulcerated, in middle ofupper, Zinc; in mercurial syphilis,IPhos.ae Lips, uneasiness in muscles, after dinner,Agar. Lips, upper: complaints predominate, Aeon, Ars, Bell. Lips, viscid : Arg. nit, Berb. Lips, warts: ICaust.; painful to touch, on up- per,! INitr. ac; grew upon a pedicle, and split, when allowed to grow, into three or four horny,hard portions, upper,I IThuya; smarts, and bleeds on washing, upper, IINitr. ac. Lips, wet: 8ST" moist. Lips, white : 8®"* pale. Lips, wrinkled: Ver. Lips, yellow: bluish, Ananth. LOWER JAW, abscess: of lower gum, right side, hard round swelling from which pus and blood ooze through small opening at side of a carious tooth, ISub; in a scrofu- lous girl, after injury, followed by immense enlargement, IHekla. B^F'caries, periostitis. Lower jaw, aching : in lower, Lyss., Sib; dull, increasing to heavy pain, like something pressing heavily, Iodof; dull, in left, IGuaiac; headache extends to jaw, Lyss.; worse read- lr ing or writing, Lyss. 8^* dull pain, pain undefined. Lower jaw, arthritic pains : ICaust. 8@P* rheumatic. Lower jaw, boring: in angles, Nitr. sp. d.; in bones, ILach.; in region of mental foramen, as if a hole were being bored, pain at one time on right side, then on left or both sides, irregular, coming day or night, lasting several minutes, runs along course of inframaxillary nerve, motion of jaw impeded (prosopalgia), IMez.; in prosopalgia, ICoccul.; in right, Brom.; severe, in right, with tearing through face, extending to temple, IMagn. c Lower jaw, break: sensation as if going to, Phos. ac; pain as if broken, Sars.; sensation of fracture, left side, Rob.; severe pain as if it would, better by pressure, warm food and drinks, with dull, aching, cramplike pain in articulation of right lower, IRhus. Lower jaw, feels as if bruised: ICaust. 8®** crushed. Lower jaw, burning: on edges, frequently with f small, easily bleeding (miliary) eruption, Paris. Lower jaw, caries: ICist, ICon, IMere, IPhos, ISib; with drawing (after mercury), Asaf; with headache, Mez.; preceded by hives on face and body, and succeeded by vesicles, with fever, I ISib; of left, I ISib; following os- teitis, brought on by injury to jaw during extraction of carious tooth, I IStaph.; after scarlatina, lAur. mur.; syphilitic, lAur., IIFluor. ae, IKali iod, IMere, INitr. ac, IPhyt; in mercurio-syphilis, lAur. mur. nat. flg^" necrosis, periostitis, swelling. Lower jaw, " chattering: in typhoid fever, I Agar. flST" quivering, trembling. Lower jaw, chew : cannot, Arum t. Zinc; can- not, in stomacace, IKali bb; cannot, in secondary syphilis, I ISyph.; cannot, too weak, IBar. c; cannot, in prosopalgia, HStaph.; bites cheek and tongue, Illgn.; difficult, IMere viv, INux v, Syph.; difficult, at times impossible, 11 Sub; molars pain, Spong.; painful, ILach.; paralytic state of mas- ticating organs, IGels. 8@P" motion. Lower jaw, coldness: feeling of, with crawl- ing, like formication, extending from right temple, Plat.; with formication in right tem- ple, extending to that spot, worse in evening and when at rest, better from rubbing, I Plat.; painful, starts belowr in "bones and passes up- ward, Lyss. Lower jaw, constricting pain : in left articula- tion, with fine pains in epigastrium, Pallad. 8@T" tension, trismus. Lower jaw, contracted: feeling, ICaust; feel- ing, in muscles, Carb. s. tg^tension, trismus. Lower,jaw, cracking: fl^*joint. Lower jaw, cramp: after eating, I I Ang., Mang.; drawn, Spong. B^iT" contracted, trismus. Lower jaw, crushed: as if, llgn.; painful, in prosopalgia, ICoccul. 8€if** bruised. Lower jaw, cutting : in articulation, Asar. Lower jaw, darting: in threatened caries, IPhos.; from taking cold, IPhos.; to inner mouth, Ammoniac; in right side, at angle, Natr. ph.; sharp, with dull sensation in head, Sticta. 8^° jerking. Lower jaw, digging: in rami, IKali bi.; pul- sating through whole right, worse toward evening and at rest, followed by numb- ness, pains come and go gradually, IPlat. Lower jaw, dislocation: easy, fig?* joint. Lower jaw, drawing: Alum, lAur.met, I ICale, I ICarbo v., I INatr. m, INux v, Rhus v.; in angle of right lower, Camph.; in articulation, as if dislocated, Spong.; in bones, ILach.; as if backward. Bell.; extending to ears and head, ICon.; in glands, behind left ramus, on mov- ing head, Calend.; in glenoid cavity, ICaust.; in left, I ILye, Zing.; in left, alternating with boring in several teeth, and stitches extending to zygoma (toothache), IMez.; in right, Carbol. ae; with rigidity, near angle, first, and long- est, in left, then in right, Oxal. ac. 8^* rheumatic. Lower jaw, dropping: I Arn, I Ars, ICarbo v, IHelb,IKali iod,HLach ,ILyc, HOp,IStram, 11 Variol, I Zinc; in apoplexy,IINux v.,HOp.; in inflammation of brain, I IHelb; in laryn- geal croup, IPhos.; lies on back,in diphtheria, IMere cy.; in exhaustive fevers, Lye; in ty- 9. LOWER FACE. 311 phus, 11 Act. rac, lArs., IBapt., ICarbo v, IHyos, ILach., ILye, IMur. ac, HOp, IVer. v, HZinc; in influenza, ICheb; in labor, IILyc; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IILyc; during sleep, ILye, INux v.; during sleep, with trembling when aroused, Variol.; with stupor, ILye, HOp, ISub B€^ Chap. 8, Face sunken. Lower jaw, dull pain : Ziz.; in left, 11 Xan. 8®" aching. Lower jaw, exostoses : IIAng., HCale fl. Lower jaw, fungous growth: with necrosis, IHep.; location, that of first molar teeth, left, purplish, bled easily, pedunculated, worse in damp weather, I IThuya ; fungus of left, pur- plish, and easily bleeding, pedunculated, more angry in damp weather, I IThuya. Lower jaw, furuncle : large, in region of left, IKob. Lower jaw, giddy sensation : Ars. h. Lower jaw, gnawing: in both sides, 11 Kali iod.; in ramus, commencing at 9 p.m, better from warmth, and lying on affected side, comes on gradually and leaves suddenly, IISul. ae Lower jaw, puts hands to, during dentition: I IHyos. Lower jaw, heaviness : Cham. Lower jaw, inflammation : 8®" caries, peri- ostitis. Lower jaw, jerking : violent, painful, in lower, Lyss.; drawing, in left, ISub; in forenoon, All. sat.; snapping, IBelb 8®° darting. Lower jaw, joint: aching in upper part, worse from pressure and motion, Acet. ae; pain as if jaw would break, IRhus ; bruised, pain on motion, early in morning, in right, Arn.; cracking, Thuya; cracking, when chewing, left, Brom.; cracking, when eating, IINitr. ae; cracking, when eating, in dyspepsia, ILac c; cracking, in left, 01. an.; cracking, on opening mouth, ILach.; cracking, on opening mouth wide, Sabad.; cracking, with luxatio spon- tanea, IMez.; cracking, when moving it, 11 Rhus; cramp, Asar.; cramplike dull aching in right, at rest and in motion, with crackling sound and severe pain as if jaw would break, better from pressure, warm food and drinks, IRhus ; cramplike pain in left, to cheek, evenings while eating, or walking in open air, Spong.; easy dislocation, Petrol, IIRhus, Staph.; cramplike pain in masticator muscles, espe- cially at rest, better opening or closing jaws, Ang.; cramplike pain, with arthritic tooth- ache, IColch.; dislocation, spontaneous, with cracking in joints, IMez.; pain, as if dislocated, Spong.; pain, as if dislocated, with drawing in jaw, Spong.; pain, as if dislocated, precedes paroxysm of quotidian ague, I IRhus; pain,as if dislocated, with spasmodic yawning, llgn.; pain,asif dislocated, with spasmodic yawning and stitching, IIRhus ; sensation as if dislo- cated with neuralgia, left side, IRob.; pain, Gamb, Glon.; pain, when closing (sore throat), IBar. c; pain, in typhus, IBapt; pain, in left, close to ear, Alum.; pain from gaping and sneez- ing, Agar.; pain and cracking, when masticat- ing, Menyanth.; pain, could scarcely open mouth, Agar.; pain, when first opening mouth, when pressed with finger, and when putting tongue out, Ars.h.; paralytic sensation (arthri- tic toothache), IColch.; dull pressure, in left, involves whole cheek, on pressure becomes a benumbing tension, I IVerbas.; pressure in right articular cavity, wrorse on motion, Bry.; rheumatism, IRhus; rigidity, Daph.; sensi- tive, as if swollen, on opening mouth, ILach.; shooting, extending to ear, when chewing, Bell.; pain, in left, as if sprained, Arum t; pain, in left, as if sprained, on dropping jaw far downward, biting or yawning, Coral.; sticking pain, in articulation, beneath and in front of left ear, on moving jaw backward and biting strongly, and on pressing finger upon joint, Zinc; stiffness, Badiag, Daph, Glon, Sang, Sars.; stiffness, in chronic syph- ilitic ophthalmia, IMere; stitches, Bell.; stitches, in right, into upper back, ICham.; swelling of left, Brom.; swelling in region, with burning in skin, Daph.; sensation of swell- ing, Daph.; tensive pain, on chewing or open- ing mouth, Alum, Amm. m, ICale; tension, Bell., Daph, Sars.; tension, in left, when walking in open air, Spong.; tension, on open- ing mouth, IMere sol. B^" trismus. Lower jaw, lacerating : IILyc. BSi^rieuralgia. Lower jaw, lame: if cold air or water chills him, IDulc; pain, as if in condyle, I IPsor.; notable to eat much for weeks (bronchitis), ICaust. $^* stiffness. Lower jaw, lancinating : in inferior maxillary, with cancerous diathesis, I ISib; in prosopal- gia, ICoccul.; sharp, in inside of left, I I Sene- cio. B€^*" darting. Lower jaw, locked: 8^** trismus. Lower jaw, hard lump: from angle of right to larynx and trachea, IKali iod. Lower jaw, motion : as if chewing, Bry, IHelb; as if chewing, in brain affections of children, IIBry.; constant, as in chewing (meningi- tis), lAcon.; munching, depressed and ele- vated, as if chewing, I Amyb; chewing, during sleep (children), llgn.; chewing, during sleep (hepatic affections), I ICale; chorea-like, mus- cular, Agar.; constant, in chorea, I IVer.; con- vulsive, Amyg, Atrop. s., Stram.; convulsive, with colic, Bufo.; convulsive, in epilepsy, I Ast. r.; convulsive, violent, caused by breath of air, or by a person passing (tetanus), I ICalab.; involuntary gnashing and grinding of teeth, Lyss.; violent, loud, 11 Plumb.; grind- ing, in meningitis, ISub; convulsive shak- ing, Agar.; thrust forward (spasms after fright), llgn.; pushes forward, gnashes against upper, t.Carb. s. Lower jaw, masseter muscles: special action, IGlon.; benumbing pain, region of, worse opening jaw, Coccul.; contraction, ITabae; of right side, spasmodically contracted, Sars.; rigid convulsion, I03nan.; as if painfully cramped, ICham.; tonic cramps (cholera), I IVer.; cramplike pain, region of, worse open- ing jaw, Coccul.; drawing in right, Sars.; gnawing, IGlon.; hard, in traumatic tetanus, IHydr. ac.; pain, Arund.; pressive pain, region of, worse opening jaw, Coccul.; slight pain, worse motion and bending forward, Iodof; rigid, I IStram.; stiff, Iodof, Natr. a, IVer.; stinging in right, Sars.; tearing in right, Sars.; tensive pain, Camph.; tension in integ- uments, I IVerbas.; tired feeling, I IKalm.; pain, as if tired by chewing much, Ang.; twitching, IKali in.; feeling of weakness, with inclination to hold mouth open, Cham. 312 9. LOWER FACE. Lower jaw, necrosis: HPhos. ISib; of left, | IPhos. B®° caries, periostitis, swelling. Lower jaw, neuralgia: IMez, IPhos.; after catching cold, sometimes one side, sometimes the other, dull aching, worse at night, I ISub; in left, IDulc; in right, Pallad.; severe along right maxillary nerve, lArs, in direction of right, with tickling in stomach, Tarant,; teeth decayed, Chloral.; extending to temples, I IMed. B^T" tearing. Lower jaw, nodules: painful, IGraph. Lower jaw, pain : undefined, ICaust, Merc. iod. rub.; violent, in angle, Zinc; in back part of left, near articulation, Pallad.; so severe as to think he is going crazy, Tarant; ex- tends to ear and temple (prosopalgia, right side), HSpig.; with headache, Lyss.; vio- lent, horrible, in bone of right, Arg. met.; in left, Ipom.; starting from left side, run- ning along left eyebrow, Arund.; painful to move, Natr. a.; masticating solid food, worse evenings or morning when waking, Aloe; in masticating, solid food could not be borne (after scarlet fever), ILach.; be- gan in carious bicuspid of right, spread over all branches of facial nerve on that side, tearing, HStram.; nightly, teeth become black and denuded of gum, IIMerc. viv.; on opening, as if masseter muscles were pain- fully cramped, into teeth, Cham.; right, pain- ful to pressure, ICaust; when reading or writ- ing, Lyss.; in right, Pallad.; in right, even- ings half an hour before going to bed, con- tinues until she fallsasleep,IIgn.; pain in right, to teeth and neck, Ars. met.; short, intense, in one or the other, "Atrop. s.; all over, ex- tends to shoulders and supra and infraorbital nerves on both sides, and over whole head, pain commences in evening and lasts all night, keeping her awake, HSub; in right socket, Xan.; more than teeth, I ISib; with toothache, IMillef; pains as if teeth were going to fall out, Tarant.; with inclination to yawn, Lyss. 8^° aching, dull pain, neuralgia. Lower jaw, paralysis: in apoplexy, INux v.; cannot close, as if paralyzed, 11 Nux m. 8®** dropping, relaxed. Lower jaw, parotid glands: abscesses, pain- ful to touch, discharge bloody, serous pus, j with stinging and gnawing, IRhus; abscess i threatened (typhoid), ILach.; as if contused, I Aur. met.; attacked first, disease extends I to other glands of neck (diphtheria), I ILac ! e; drawing, lArg. met.; drawing, in left, Agnus; enlarged, IKali bi, Rhus; enlarge- ment of left, even impending suppuration (scarlatina), IRhus; enlarged greatly, right (ulcer on tongue), IINitr. ac; enlarged, sen- sitive (scarlatina), lAilant; indurated, Amm. c, IBar. m, Calc, ICarbo a, IClem., ICon, iKali c, HSil.; indurated, in diphtheria, IPhyt.; indurated, especially right, IKali c; indurated, right, in angina, llgn.; indu- rated, in scarlatina, IMere iod. flav., IRhus ; pain, in angina, IMere; pain, into ear, Lact. ae; pain, slight in left, Bapt.; painful to touch, I Aur. met; parotitis (mumps), HCarbov, I ICist, Coccus, ICrotal, IDory, Hippoz., IPhyt.; parotitis, without fever, IIKali m.; parotitis gangrenosa, after scar- latina, -Anthrac; parotitis, left side, IRhus ; parotitis, particularly left side, enormously swollen, sensitive to touch, pressure causes pain, ILach.; parotitis, with metastasis to mammae, IIPuls.; parotitis, with metasta- sis to testicles, I Ars, ICarbo v, IJab., IIPuls.; parotitis, with metastasis to right testicle, I IRhus ; parotitis, right side, IKali bb, IIMerc.; parotitis, particularly right side, ICale, IKali e; parotitis of right, threatened suppuration, IHep.; parotitis, with profuse flow of saliva, IMere, INatr. m.; parotitis, in young scrofulous subjects, IIMerc; sensa- tion as if she would have mumps, Lyss.; paro- titis, in scarlatina, IPhos.; parotitis, after scar- latina, IIBar. c, IHep.; in malignant scarla- tina, IIAmm. c; parotitis, in malignant scar- latina, discharge ichorous, HCale; parotitis, suppression, testicles aching, INatr. m.; paro- titis, suppuration threatens, IIMerc; paroti- tis, suppurative, of left side, in scarlatina, IIRhus; parotitis, suppurative, IPhos.; paro- titis, suppurative, after typhus, INatr. m.; parotitis, after catching cold, suppuration feared around incision made, inflammation and swelling occurred if exposed to north and east winds, Rhus; pain, lancinating, ICarbo a.; as if pressed, I Aur. met.; pinching pressure, shifting to right side, up and down, Diad.; redness, erysipelatous, bright, of right, IIBell.; left most often affected (after scar- latina), I IBrom.; affections after scarlet fever (otitis media), ILye; shooting in right, IIBell.; sore, aching, in region, Calc. p.; sore- nessof left, lArum t; soreness of left to touch, in scarlatina, Arum t.; soreness of right, better walking in open air, Calc. s.; steatoma over right, ICale; stiff feeling, Lact. ac; stitches, IDulc; stitches in left, with headache, IKali bb; stitches in region of right, ILye; suppu- ration, after typhus, I INatr. m.; suppuration, neighboring glands indurated, ICale; suppu- ration of left, with diabetes, Con.; suppura- tion of left, edges of opening smooth, dis- charge watery, excoriating, swelling remains hard (after scarlatina), I IBrom.; suppuration of left, with profuse sweat, disturbing sleep (diabetes), ICon.; suppurating, in scarlatina, HArs.; suppuration, especially if slow, pain- less, ISib; suppuration threatened, IBry.; swollen, Amm. e, I Aur. met, IBar. m, ICarbo a., HCham, Chloral, Cist, ICoccul, ICon, ICrotal, IDulc, IKali bi, ILach, Merc, s., IPhyt, IRhus, Sarrae, HSil.; swelling, in catarrh of bladder, ICinnab.; swelling, in diphtheria, IChin. a, IMere cy, IRhus ; swollen, in typhus, IMang.; swollen, including,neighboring glands, Merc. iod.rub.; swollen, hard, Amm.e, HSil.; swollen, hard, in diphtheria, IMere sob, I ISul. ae; swollen, hard, left, warm to touch, sequel to scarla- tina, IIBrom.; swollen, hard, pain extends to lower axilla, IBar. m.; swelling, hard, right, in scarlatina, 11 Amm. e; inflammatory swell- ings, IIBell.; swelling, painful, inflammatory, ICale; swelling, of left, with diabetes, Con.; swelling, of left, in malignant scarlatina, ILach.; swelling, of left, with sore throat and loss of appetite, I I Lac e; swelling, malignant, in scarlet fever, I Ars.; swelling, in measles, I Arn.; swelling, during menses, IKali e; swelling, painful, I IDig.; swelling, large, painful, of left, ISul. ae; swelling, painful, Bry.; swelling, painful, red, of one side, or 9. LOWER FACE. 313 both (measles), IFerr. ph.; swelling, of right J side, IBar. m, IIBell.; swelling, especially of right, IKali c; swelling, of right, in angina, llgn.; swelling, passes more often from left to right, I ILac e; swelling, of right side (scar- let fever), IKali c; swelling, especially of right, in scarlatina, IBar. m, I IStram.; swell- ing, with salivation, after diphtheria, llris ; swelling, in scarlatina, IIArum t, IMere, IMere iod. rub, IPhos.; swelling, after scar- latina, IHep.; swelling, scrofulous, ISib; swelling, scrofulous, of left, in a child, IHip- poz.; swelling, with violent stitches, Sub; swelling, with stitches, tensive pain on turn- ing head, ISep.; swelling, with loose teeth and bleeding gums, after abuse of mercury, IINitr. ac; swelling, tender, in scarlatina or diphtheritis, IBar. e; throbbing, IHyos.; large ulcers, in region of, Calc. p. Lower jaw, periostitis: IMere, IPhos. ae, IRuta; with gumboils, IPhos.; hard, red swelling, I ISymph. 8§F~ caries, "necrosis, swelling. Lower jaw, pinching: pressing, in side, IVer- bas. Lower jaw, pressure: back of, Arum d. Arum m.; in forenoon, All. sat.; in ramus of left, seems pressed against upper jaw, Verbas.; on lower inner edge of right lower, on hand- ling, and bending head back, Sars.; a great disposition to press hand against, Lyss.; pressed forward (hydrocephalus), Art, v. Lower jaw, pricking: with cancerous diathesis, I ISil. Lower jaw, quivering : in intermittent, ICoccul. Lower jaw, relaxed: B^f dropping, paralysis. Lower jaw, rheumatic pains : ICaust.; extend to temple, Sib BST" arthritic, rheumatic. Lower jaw, shooting: IGels.; in direction of ears, IBelb; sensation in right, in bone as it were, shoots into root of decayed tooth, Lyss. Lower jaw, seems shortened : Alum. Lower jaw, snapping : biting, with convulsions, Lyss.; spasmodic, I I Apis ; involuntary, spas- modic, during fits, Lyss. Lower jaw, soreness: Lyss, IMere cor.; at angle, left side, Diose; in right, at angle, Natr. ph.; of right side, around ear, could not open wide enough to admit fingers, Psor.; in right, with a little swelling in morning, Zing.; cannot wear false teeth, I ILac c. Lower jaw, as if splinters had been run into : Agar. Lower jaw, squeezing : asif from a blow, Berb. Lower jaw, stiffness: Diose, IGels, ILach, IMerccor,Mere iod. flav, IMere viv.,IIRhus, Sars.; when biting, Ars. met.; in bronchitis, ICaust.; apparently caused by inflammation and gangrenous sloughing of buccal mucous membrane, I ISub; in cynanche cellularis, lAnthrac; with headache, Lyss.; difficulty in opening mouth, IGels.; difficulty in open- ing mouth (angina faucium), ILach.; unable toopen, I IMed.; with inability to open mouth, in tonsillitis, IMere iod. flav.; in prosopalgia, IMez.; feeling, at night, (toothache), IChim. umb.; of muscles, with difficult swallowing, ten days after cut on right side of forehead (traumatictetanus), INux v.; sensation,Lyss.; tendency to, I IMed.; with inclination to yawn, Lyss. 8^° joint. Lower jaw, stinging: I IKalm.; as if from a l blow, Berb.; drawing from left to first in- cisor at 10 p.m., and in night, IZing.; with cramplike drawing, 11 Kali m.; on lower inner edge of right,on handling, and bending head back, Sars.; shooting, in red scar, Sul. ac. Lower jaw, stitches : Berb, ICarbo a, IKalm.; in angle of right lower (hemiplegia), ICaust; drawing, to upper, from left forehead, Cepa ; extends to ear, could not sleep, had to tie cloth over it, during day, I ISep.; in left, into neck, Zinc; with pinching in root of nose, Zinc; in prosopalgia, ICoccul.; single stitches into inner ear, ICham.; thrusts, Aeon.; trans- ient, in upper, frequently recurring, IColoe; twitching, from lower to temples when laugh- ing, IIMang. Lower jaw, excessive, spasmodic straining with yawning: I IMagn. p. • Lower jaw, submaxillary glands : abscesses, open externally, Hippoz.; abscess threat- ened, ILach.; as if affected (faceache), Brach.; burning (scirrhus), ICarbo v.; digging, Rhus; diseased, IKali iod.; drawing, lArg. met.; en- gorged, IMere cy. (complementary of Hep. and Phos.); engorged painfully, IMere iod. rub.; enlarged, Asim, IIKali iod, IMere cor, IMere iod. flav, Rhus ; enlarged, in diph- theritis, ILach.; enlarged, in diphtheria, IIRhus; enlarged, grayish, or dark, blackish red, Anthrac.; enlarged, with purulent infil- tration around, IKali iod.; enlarged, with swelling of lower jaw, and loose teeth, IKali c; enlarged, in scrofulous ophthalmia, I ISib; enlarged,in otorrhoea, IIBar. m.; enlarged, in scarlatina,! IRhus; enlarged,after scarlet fever,, IHep.;enlarged,insyphilis,IKalibi.;enlarged,. tender to touch, painful on swallowing, skin covering it slightly red, HSub; enlarged, in variola, IIRhus; indurated, ICon, IMere iod. flav.; indurated, in otorrhoea, IIBar. m.; indurated, painful when stroked, ICoccul.; induration (scirrhus), ICarbo v.; induration, after scarlatina, IIBar. e; scrofulous indura- tion,IRhus ; infiltrated, hyperaemic, Anthrac; inflammation, Bell, IIMerc, IPhyt, Sul. ac; inflamed, in diphtheria, scarlatina, and vari- ola, IIRhus ; painful, ICrot. t. Strain.; pain, as from contusion, lArs.; dull pain,I Aur .met.; lymphatic (with a sub-inflammatory condi- tion), painful at every turn of head, IDulc; painful, during mastication, Act. sp.; painful, when moving neck, llgn.; painful, in otor- rhcea, IIBar. m.; painful, during swallowing, HCinch.; pain, with difficult swallowing, IStram.; pain, with or without swelling, ISil, Staph.; pain extends to teeth, Indig.; tensive pain on moving head, Calend.; pain extends to tongue, Sul. ae; painful to touch, ISil, Sub; painful, on touch, as if swollen and about to suppurate, Calend.; pressive pain, lAur.met, Rhus; involved, in scarlatina, IPhos.; sensi- tive, in diphtheria, lArs, IMere cy.; sensi- tive, in noma, lArs.; sensitive, with increased secretion of saliva, ILye; sore to touch, Psor.; stinging, in right, IKali iod.; needle-like stitches, Sub; suppuration, IIKali iod.; tend to suppurate, lAnanth.; swollen, lAnanth, lArg. met, lArs, IBar. m. Bell., Bov., ICarbo a. Chloral., HCinch, ICon, ICro- tal., ICrot. t, Hippoz, Ictod, Hod, I Kali iod., IILyc, Med, IMere d, INatr. c, INatr. m., INitr. ac, INux v, IPetrol., IPhyt., 314 9. LOWER FACE. IPlumb., IPsor, ISep, ISib, ISul, ISul. ac. Zinc; painless swelling in chronic catarrh, ■ ■Sil.; swollen hard, left, IKali c; swollen, in diphtheria, lArs, IChin. a,I ILac c, IILach., ■Mere cy, Natr. m.; swollen, in diphtheria of lips, I IRhus; swollen, on alternate sides, in diphtheria, ILac e; swollen, drawing pain, 11 Amm. m.; swollen, as large as a pigeon egg, in diphtheritis, IMur. ae; swollen to size of pigeon's egg, two like hen's eggs, hard, pain- ful on pressure (swelling of parotid), iBar.m.; swollen, with fever, Calad.; swollen, with red and tender gums, IMere cor.; swollen, hard, IKali e; swollen hard, in diphtheria, IMere sob; swollen hard, in scrofulous in- flammation of eyes, IFerr. iod.;swollen hard, in left, I ISyph.; swrollen, hard, painful, HCale, IGraph.; swollen hard, in scrofula, IFerr. iod.; large swelling of right, not tender to touch, painful when turning head, from getting feet wet, ICale; swelling, of left, 11 Arum t; swelling of left, worse swallowing or bending head, ICorab; swollen, size of a small hen's egg, left, IBrom.; swollen, region of left, size of goose egg, whiskers over tumor came out, softened in centre, at times sharp shooting pains, when opened discharged large quantity of thin bloody pus, the aperture formed raised embankment-like edges, pus burrowed until arrested by clavicle, where it formed an enormous swelling (better after Thuya 3m.), the tumor left fistulous openings long in healing (retronasal catarrh benefited), 7rMed.; swollen, in noma, lArs.; swollen, in ophthalmia, iCie; painful, swollen, lAur. met, Aur. mur, I ISil, IMere iod. rub.; pain- ful swelling of right, ISub; swollen and pain- ful, especially right side (diphtheria), IKali br.; swollen, painful, after scarlatina, IIBar. e; swollen, painful, when stroked, ICoccul.; swelling in rachitis, with atrophy of children, lArg. met., IStaph.; swelling of right, I IVer.; right, swelling begins in (cynanche cellularis), lAnthrac; swollen, right, in quotidian ague, 11 Sep.; swollen, right, hinders motion of neck, painful to touch, Spong.; swollen, espe- cially right, in malignant scarlatina,I IStram.; swelling, right worse, IJugl.; swollen, like a distinct ball or sausage firmly attached to maxilla, burning at times, uneven, tubercu- lated, rugged, Hippoz.; swollen, in scarlatina, IIArum t, IMere; swollen, after scarlatina, IHep.; swollen, with soreness, irCale p.; swollen, sore to touch, Acet. ac; swollen, with stinging on swallowing, INux v.; swol- len, beating, stitching, I Amm. in.; stony, hard swelling, neighboring glands involved, IIBrom.; near lower, swollen, seems to cause toothache, Camph.; swollen, in teething, with convulsions, HCham.; swollen, in toothache, with facial erysipelas, ICham.; swollen, teeth feel long and loose, IZinc; swollen, with loose teeth and bleeding gums, after abuse of mercury, IINitr. ac; swollen and tender, left, Vespa; swollen, tender, in scarlatina and diphtheritis, IBar. c; swollen, with tension, ISpong.; swollen, with inflammation of throat and threat- ened suffocation, Cop.; swollen, wuth sore throat, stinging, HSep.; swollen, pulsat- ing, throbbing, Amm. m.; swollen, in ton- sillitis, I ILac e; swollen, with hard little tubercles, tight as if they would ulcerate, painful when touched and exciting toothache, I IClem.; swollen, in variola, I IChin. s.; ten- der, IMere cor.; tensive pain, Calend.; press- ure in throat, on swallowing, Calend.; throb- bing, Amm. m, Bov. Lower jaw, sunken: 8^° dropping. Lower jaw, swelling: Aeon, IPhos, ISib; bony, size of half a walnut, I ISib; size of a pigeon's egg, ICale fl.; externally, on left, op- posite to decayed wisdom tooth, painful to touch and on stooping (abscess at root of tooth), I IPetrol.; and sore pain in gums, on inner side, Sars.; hard, ICale fl.; from inner edge of left, across whole (cynanche cellula- ris), lAnthrac; painful under chin (poisoning by foul breath),lAnthrac; painful, with form- ation of an external fistulous opening in left, after extraction of several teeth, I IPhos.; with severe pain and throbbing toothache, ISib; puffinessat angles, ICrotal.; on ramus, as large as a hen's egg, I ISub; of right lower, ICale, IFluor. ac; extending backward over angle of right, and up to near ear (cynanche cellu- laris), lAnthrac; sensitive to touch, ILach.; small,on left, about lower and middle part of buccinator, Calc. s.; large, stony, hard, pale around right, nearly painless (cynanche cel- lularis),I Anthrac; intoothache,ICale; cannot wear false teeth, I ILac e; with looseness of teeth, and enlarged submaxillary glands, IKali c 8^" caries, periostitis. Lower jaw, tearing: Agar., I Aur. met, Bell, Berb, Calc. a, IColch., IKalm., ILach, INux v.; with threatened caries, IPhos.; from tak- ing cold, IPhos.; cramplike, here and there, especially in chin, Zinc; drawing, from temple, IBry.; into ear, in right, Lyss.; ante- rior, to ears, Bov.; to ears, in left, Viol.; to ear, and about it as far as nape of neck, he could not move head without pain, Spig.; towards evening,IMere sob;in evening,worse lying down, better moving jaw, IPhos.; on inner surface of angle of left, in and behind left tonsil, worse swallowing, IBelb; one- sided, ICham.; as if parts would be torn out, ISub; in ramus of right, Agnus; rending, as if from a blow, Berb.; rending, under alveoli of right, Agnus; in right, Agar, lAnthrac, Stront.; just below, in right, I IZinc; from right, into ear, then teeth, Millet; in diseased root of left, ICaust.; better by rubbing, I IPlumb.; stitching, in left, as if in perios- teum, IDros.; to temple, Lyss.; as if it would be torn out of its joint, right, Spig. Lower jaw, painful tenderness over an inch below root of ear: Ziz. Lower jaw, tension: Alum, Aur. met, ICaust, Stram.; with threatened caries, IPhos.; in di- rection of ears, IBelb; extends as far as hyoides, Bar. e; in muscles, Sars. 8^** contracted, constricted, trismus. Lower jaw, touch: painful, I INatr. m, Spong. Lower jaw, throbbing: ILach.; intermittent pain in right half, Cup. ars.; in left upper, worse at night, IMere viv. Lower jaw, trembling: lAgar., TAur. mur, Cadm. s.; in headache, /Ethus.; when trying to speak, worse when roused from sleep, 11 Variol.; with yawning, Oleand. BgT" chattering, quivering. Lower jaw, trismus (lockjaw): Absin, lAcon, 9. LOWER FACE. 315 ^Ethus, Agar, 11 Alum., lAmyg, I Ang, I lAn- thrac, Ant. t, I Arg. nit. Art. v, I Ast. r,Bapt, IBell, IBry., ICalab., Cast, eq, ICamph, ICaust.Chin. s, I IChloral, Chlorof, 11 Chrom. ac. Con., ICup.m, I Gels, IHyos, llgn, llpec., ■ Kob, ILach, ILaur, IMagn. p, IMere, INux m, IINux v, Iffinan, HOp, I IPlat, IPlumb, IPod, IPhos, Sec, Sil, HStram, I ISul, : Tereb, IVer.; in apoplexy, ICrotal.; in arachnitis, IChlorof; in concussion of brain, HCic; only slightly opened, with a groaning breath, I ISpong.; with stertorous breathing, Plumb.; in carbuncle, on chest, ILye; in cholera, ICup. m., IHydr. ac; in cholera, fourth day, IPhos. ac; with coldness, brownish look of eruption, during partial re- percussion (scarlatina), ICamph.; fully con- scious, IHyos.; fully conscious, in tetanus, INux v.; with convulsions, ICup. ac, GSnan, IVer. v.; after convulsions, IStram.; in hyster- ical convulsions, ICie; in rigid spasm, Amyg, IHydr. ae; in cynanche cellularis, lAnthrac; after cynanche cellularis, I Aur. mur. nat; in epilepsy, HCic; as in epilepsy, IMere; with constricting, burning, stinging, over right eye, INux m.; with fainting, Ver.; fear of, I ISep.; in typhus, I Aur. met.; from glan- dular swellings, with stinging pains, IMere; with congestion to head, IStram.; with sud- den rush of blood to head (hysteria), IMosch.; in hydrocephalus acutus, ICup. ae; in hyste- ria, ICed, ICup. m, IHydr. ae; with closed lips, Stram.; in acute mania, ICanth.; during menses, IHyos.; in morning on awaking, sometimes at other times of day, Therid.; in mumps, IIMerc; neonatorum, ; Amb, ICamph, I IChloral, IIHep.; neonatorum, where too much mercury had been given, lAng.; in pneumonia, with stupor, IPhos.; pressing together, like lockjaw (dentition, teta- nus), ICie; in prosopalgia, llgn, I IPlat.; could not be depressed sufficiently to examine (quin- sy), IBar. e; in mercurial salivation, IHydras.; in scarlatina, IHep.; spasmodic closing, I lAnanth, IBell, Diose, IGels, ISib, IStram.; spasmodic, in epilepsy, after fright, llgn.; spasmodic, set tongue, lacerated (puerperal convulsions), ILach.; in sunstroke, IGlon.; after injury to testicle by a fall, IIPuls.; in tetanus, ICamph, ICaust, IChloral, ILach, IINux v.; in tetanus, after a burn, lAmyb; tetanic closure on attempting to pour down liquids, IBelb; tetanus, muscles become rigid, worse right side, IHyper.; in traumatic teta- nus, IHyper, INux v.; threatened, ^Aur. mur.; with constriction at throat, pulls and tears at throat, ILach.; sequel of toxaemia, or in broken-down constitutions, ICrotal.; while unconscious (epilepsy), lAst. r.; with loss of consciousness, Cup. m.; followed by uncon- sciousness, I IGUnan.; from wounds in soles, fingers or palms, IHyper. 8ST* contracted, cramp, joint, stiffness, tension; also Chap. 10, Teeth biting, clenching. Lower jaw, tumor : soft commissure, left side of mouth, behind last molar, an ulcerated tu- mor, Benz.ae Lower jaw, twitching in muscles: Kali m.; with threatened caries, IPhos.; convulsive, IBelb; in left, Ars. m.; tearing, lightning-like, with palpitation and fluttering of heart, after menses, HSpig.; painful from above down- ward, in a straight line, Ars. h.; like painful quivering of muscles, Ars. h.; involuntary, spasmodic (hemorrhage of bowels), IIAlum. Big" jerking, quivering, trembling. Lower jaw, ulcers: lAur. mur. nat; deep, ro- dent, surrounded by smaller ones, I I Phos.; a running sore under ramus, bleeding profusely if scab is removed (diseased submaxillary gland), IKali iod. Lower jaw, uneasiness in muscles, after dinner: Agar. Lower jaw, wagging : sideways, has no control over it, in meningitis, IGels. OUTER MOUTH, biting sensation about: IPuls. Outer mouth, blue around: HCina, I IStram., Ver.; in whooping cough, ICup. ae; in epi- lepsy, I ISub; in intermittent fever, ICina; in summer complaint, lArs. Outer mouth, small boils: in corners, emitting water and blood, Amm. c. Outer mouth, burning: at night, in corner, I I Natr. s.; protracted, violent, under right an- gle, near chin, as if eruption were to appear, worse stretching skin, Spong.; in right corner, I IDros. Outer mouth, cancer: lupus exedens, 11 Cist. Outer mouth, chapped: corners, Cinnab. Outer mouth, closed: 8®° Lower jaw trismus. Outer mouth, cold: corners feel, Jfethus. Outer mouth, contraction: slight, of right corner (eclampsia), llpec. Outer mouth, convulsed: IBufo.; in chorea, llgn.; preventing speech, with vertigo, Mosch. BiaT' distorted, drawn, jerking, motion, twitching. Outer mouth, cracked: in corners, Ant. c, ICund., Eup. perf, IIGraph, Ind, Natr. a, INatr.m., ISep.; in blepharitis, ISib; painful, Amb.; painful, in right, ICund.; with yel- lowish ulceration, IZinc; in scarlatina, IIArum t. 8@~ Lips cracked. Outer mouth, distorted: IBell, ICon, IDulc, IOp.; in apoplexy, ICoccul, ICup. m, IINux v.; in threatened apoplexy, ILaur.;in chorea, ICup. ac; in periodical chorea, ICup. m.; drawn to one side, I IStram.; in gastro- malacia, IMere d.; left corner drawn inward and down ward,IGraph.; of one side, in paraly- sis of face, Cadm. s.; one or both corners drop (typhus), Agar.; spasmodic, See; in spasms before menses, 11 Puis. 8^*" convulsed, dra-wn, jerking, motion, twitching. Outer mouth, drawn: awry, IINux m.; back and forth, in teething (convulsions), ICham.; in diphtheria, IKali bb; downward (child, gastritis mucosa), I Ars.; down, at one corner, Ver. v.; left corner, downward and inward, IGraph.; down, and to one side, in puerperal convulsions, IOp.; down, open, with idiotic expression (marasmus), ICale; to left side, in apoplexy, lArn, IPhos.; down, on left side, in typhoid fever, IVer. v.; to left side, after suppressed eruption and abuse of mercury, IHep.; to left side, in epilepsy, lArt. v.; ob- lique, in laughing or speaking, IKali m.; spasmodically, I INux v.; to one side, IDulc; to one side, in apoplexy, IBar. e, ICup. ae; to one side, awakes at night with, ICrotal.; to one side, in hemiplegia, ICaust.; to right side ICurar, INux v.; to right side, in convulsions, 11 Aeon.; now to right, again to left, Stram.; to 316 9. LOWER FACE. right side, in paralysis, ICurar.; from side to side, in teething (convulsion), ICham.; invol- untary twist (paralysis), I IKali ph.; twists to one side every time he attempts to speak or smile, Cub.; left corner upward, when talking, Tell.; right corner upward, I ISep. 8^*" convulsed, distorted, jerking, motion, twitching. Outer mouth, eruption : around, Ant, t, ICale, Crotal, IIDulc, I ILauroc, ILye, IINatr. c; aphthae, influenza, lAnt. t, IHyper.; herpes, intermittent, I Ars.; chronic, Cadm. s.; cold sore, begins at left comer, Calc fl.; blotches on corners, IIKali iod.; in corners, Mang.; in corners (intermittent), llgn.; in corners, painful when touched, Bell.; in corners, in pneumonia, IMere; tetterlike crusts, itching, burning, smarting, ILed.; in comers, forming yellow, horny-colored crusts,ICie; incomers, resembling erysipelas, itching and burning, ICie; exanthema, IRhus ; fever blisters,IHep, IINatr. m, IIRhus ; fever blisters, during apyrexia, IHep.; with heat, IHep.; herpetic, Amm. c, Bor., IINatr. m, IParis, HSep.; her- pes, in corners, ISub; herpetic crusts, itching, burning, IRhus ; herpetic, lower part, I IMagn. e;herpes,scaly, I IKreo.;herpesyellowish,from sea bathing, Zinc; papular, incomer, I IPetrol.; pimples, I IDulc, I IHydras., IMur.ac,IRhus; pimples, on corners, Tarax.; pimples red, itch- ing, every summer (eczema Solaris), IMur. ac; pimples, on right corner, IKali m.; sup- purating pimple on right corner, Tarax.; pustular, IIAnt. t; pustule below right angle, with tensive pain when touched, ICoccul.; rash, generally dry, occasionally slight moisture exuded, IHep.; of rheumatic origin (tertian), lAnt. t; rhagadic places, run- ning like radii towards corners, IGraph.; scabby around, IGraph., IINitr. ac; scabs at corners (Rhus tox. poisoning),IRhusv.; honey- like scabs, IMez.; thick scabs in angles (scrof- ulous ophthalmia), IIRhus; scrofulous, in ophthalmia, ICie'; scurfs, IPetrol.; yellow scurfs on left corner, discharging yellow cor- rosive fluid, spreads over lip, chin and cheek, ICie; tetter, with itching of face, ISep.; tetter- like, at times with jerking and itching burn- ing in it, Rhus ; vesicular, IINatr. s.; vesicles burst and spread (children), IBor.; vesicles like aphthae, IHell.; vesicles look like pearls, IINatr. m.; small vesicles, on right side, Ca- lend.; small vesicles, forming a kind of letter, INatr. m. Outer mouth, puts fingers in : I IStram. Outer mouth, sticks fist into: llpec Outer mouth, foaming: Acet ac, lArs, Bell, ICamph, ICarbol. ac, ICup. m., IGlon, I IHydr. ac, IIHyos., I INaja, IOp., IStram, Tabae, Ver, Zing.; in arachnitis, IChlorof; during attack, ICed.; bloody, llgn, OSnan.; bloody, in hydrophobia, IStram.; bloody, in puerperal eclampsia, lAtrop. s.; in cholera, ICamph.; in chorea, IVer. v.; in convulsions, Bell, HCaust, ICup. m., IGlon.; in convul- sions, from cerebral irritation, ICie; in con- vulsions, epileptiform, Absin.; in spasms of cheek, Mosch.; convulsions during dentition, ICham.; in convulsions, after being unjustly accused, HStaph.; in convulsions, after labor, IGlon.; in epilepsy, lAgar, lAst. r, IBufo, I ICaust, ICie, Hnd., ILach., I IOp, I ISil, I I ISub; with distorted face, Camph.; with jac- titation in limbs (puerperal convulsions),IOp.; in strychnia poisoning,! I Nux v.; white,IStram. Outer mouth, formication around : Berb. Outer mouth, frothing: flgP°° foam. Outer mouth, heat around: Benz. ac. Outer mouth, indurated corners: Natr. a.; from left corner to a portion of cheek, I ISil. Outer mouth, itching around: Anac, IHep, Zinc.; with eruption of pimples like nettle- rash, Rhus ; on left corner, Anag. Outer mouth, jerkings : in air, during windy cold weather, better in warm room, HSub; lateral and downward, better during sleep, worse during stool and by emotions (chorea), IMagn. p. 8®** convulsed, distorted,drawn, twitching. Outer mouth, motion : chewing, IStram.; chew- ing, before attack, in epilepsy, ICale; chew- ing, in brain affection, IHelb; chewing, in hydrocephalus, IMere viv.; chewing, con- stantly, frothy slime (chorea), Asaf; on con- trol, could not speak (chorea), HCic; opens and shuts, in rapid succession (chorea), IMy- gale ; of muscles, with unconsciousness (anae- mia), ICaust; peculiar, I IOp. Outer mouth, immovable: feels, I ICarbo a. Outer mouth, mucus : corners filled with tough (intermittent), lArs. Outer mouth, nodosities: in corners,! I Magn. c Outer mouth, open: I ICamph., ILauroc, IPhos, Squilla, Stram.; lies on back (ma- lignant scarlatina), ILach.; for breathing, in scarlatina, IIArum t; cannot open wide, ILach.; can hardly open, in diphtheria, IMere cor.; cannot open wide, difficulty of moving tongue, IILach.; cannot open fully, when gaping (intermittent), IIAnt t; desire to keep open lest she should choke, I I Lac c; with difficulty, in hydrocephalus, Art, v.; with difficulty, jaws stiff, ICaust; with difficulty, in abscess of gum of right lower jaw, ISub; with difficulty, in malignant scarlatina, I I Stram.; with difficulty, from pains in joints and muscles, with sore throat, Sabad.; in a gaping manner (disease of cervi- cal vertebrae), HSil.; in spasmus glottidis, I IVer.; in spasm during parturition, ICup. m, IOp.; half open. Bell, ICup. m.; half open in sleep (asthma Millari), Samb.; half open, with heat, IOp.; froth before, IGlon.; half open, in coma (typhus), Calad.; half open, in mania,IGlon.; inability, with stiff jaws (ton- sillitis, IMere iod. flav.; opening to take food or drink produces spasm of glottis, Chlor.; during respiration, Cham.; with moaning respiration, Squilla; during sleep, Rhus; in spasms, IMosch.; only far enough to put point of tongue out (cynanche cellularis), lAnthrac; wide, before attack of epilepsy, IBufo.; remained so, after gaping, in inter- mittent, lAnt. t; to widest extent, in typhus, 11 Colch, IHyos.; in pneumonia, I Ant. t.; with snoring, IOp.; must hold open on ac- count of heat in throat and lungs, when walk- ing, Amm. br.; could not be closed on account of large tense swelling of throat (quinsy), I ILac c. 8^* Lower jaw trismus. Outer mouth, painful: right corner, Pallad. Outer mouth, paleness about, with circum- scribed redness of cheeks, three or four hours each day, IColch. 10. TEETH AND GUMS. 317 Outer mouth, purple : 8ST* blue. Outer mouth, raw feeling: at corners, Bell. Outer mouth, red : around, I llpec, Sinap.; corners, in scrofula, lArs. Outer mouth, rough, scaly skin around : crawl- ing, itching, Anac. Outer mouth, smarting : about, IPuls. Outer mouth, sore : corners, Brach, ICund, Dios, IHell, Ind., ILye, I IPsor.; corners, broken out, Bov.; corners, chronic, patient eats much salt, INitr. sp. d.; corners, in in- termittent, ICoccul.; right corner, Pallad.; corners, in scarlatina, IIArum t; painful, IIMerc sob; pain, in commissures, ISub Outer mouth, stitches : tickling in left corner, Anag. Outer mouth, sweat: cold around, HCinch. Outer mouth, swelling, of corners, Vinca ; can scarcely open his lips, IA pis. Outer mouth, trembling : speech difficult on account of, IIMerc; sensation in corners, precedes vomiting, wdthout any inclination to vomit, I IRan. sc. Outer mouth, twitching: Calab, Guaraea,HOp.; slight, around, IMosch.; about, with convul- sions, or a hot head, after fright,with fear,IOp.; convulsive, of corners, IMagn. p.; in corners, Bry., llgn, IOp, I IPlat.; of corners, in den- tition,IRheum; of corners,in intestinal catarrh, IChel.; in left corner, 4 a.m., Cochl.; begins at corners, like smiling, then affects muscles of face, forehead, eyes, eyeballs (spasms resem- bling epilepsy in children),! Ign.; in sleep, Anac. 8gjT"convulsed, distorted, drawn, jerking. Outer mouth, ulcers around: Natr. c.; of corners, lAmm. m, HCinch. bol, IHep., I llgn, Mang, IMere, INatr. m, IINitr. ac, I I Phos, IPsor, IIRhus ; of corners, seat of eruption, IGraph.; of corners, painful of, IIMerc. sol, Sil.; of corners, in rachitis and atrophy of children, IStaph.; of right corner, Aur. mur. nat.; of corners, in scarlatina,ISub; of corners, corroding, 11 Nux v.; white, flat, on corners, Thuya ; with itching, scabs, Sib; small, deep, ragged, near angle, Ailant.; syphilitic, on corners, lAnanth. Outer mouth, warts: rCale p.; on edges, ICund.; sycotic, IPsor. Outer mouth, whistling: difficult, IKali m. Outer mouth, white: HCina; circle around (diar- rhcea of children, hysterical mania),HStram.; circle around, in scarlatina, IBell, ICarbol. ac, circle around, after a fall, IHyper. Outer mouth, yellow : around, Act. sp, IINux v, HSep.; corner, with circumscribed redness of cheeks (pleuro-pneumonia biliosa), I IRhus 10. TEETH AND GUMS. Dentition. Gums. Teeth. Toothache. DENTITION (complaintsundefined): IIAcon, lyEthus., I Ant. c, lAnt. t, lApis, lArn, HArs., IBelb, I Bism., IIBor.,I Bry, I ICalab, HCale, ICale p., ICanth, I ICaust, HCham, I IChloral, CieJCina, ICoff, 11 Colch, IColoe, ICup. m, IDolich, IDulc, IFerr., IFerr. ph, IGels, IGraph, IHell, IHep, I IHyos, llgn, IIpec,IKreo,ILach,ILyc,IMagn. c,IIMagn. m, IMagn. p., I IMelil, IMere, IINux m, IINux v, I IPhyt, IPod, IPsor, IIRheum, IRhus, ISep, HSil, Stann, HStaph,Stram., ISub, Sub ac, IVer, IZinc. Dentition, abdomen: irritation, I IColch., Te- reb.; bloated, pot-bellied, Ars., IBar. c, HCale, ICaust, ICina, I IClem, ICon.JFerr, Graph, Hod, IILyc, IIMagn. m, Merc, IINatr. ph, IINatr. s., Petrol, IPhos. ac, IStaph, ISub, Ver.; inflammation of bones, lAcet. ac. B^T colic, diarrhcea. Dentition, brain : congestion, IBelb, IFerr.ph, IGels, IPuls, IVer. v.; inflammation, I Aeon, HApis, Apoe, I Arg. nit, I Arn, Art. v., I IBell, IBry., Canth, ICie, ICina, ICupr. s. Dig, IGels, IGlon., IHell, IKali iod., ILach, ILye, IOp., IStram., ISub, ISpong, I ITu- bere, IZinc; irritation, ICup. ac, I ICypr, IKali br, Tereb.; hydrocephaloid, lApis, HCale, ICale p., llpec, IMere, IPhos., Sib, I ITubere, IZinc; hydrocephalus, HApis, IBry, I IHell, IPod, IZinc. Dentition, bronchia : catarrh, I Ant. t, ICale; irritation, IKreo. Dentition, carried: children want to be, Ante, HCham. Dentition, colic : ICarbol. ac, HCham, ICina, ICinch, IIColoc, ICup. m, llpec,IMagn. p., INux v, IPuls, IRheum. Dentition, constipation: Aeon, lAnt. c, IBry., ICale, ICaust, ICham., IDolich, Giiaraea, IGraph, I IHell, IKreo.; of infants, IMagn. m., INatr. m, IINux v, ISep, HSil. Dentition, convulsions: IIAcon, liEthus, Arum t, IBelb, ICale, ICale p, I ICaust, ICie, I IColch., ICup. ac, IICup. m, I ICypr, IHyos, llgn, IIKali br., Kreo, ILach., IMagn. p, Melib,Merc, sob, I IMillef, Sinap, IStram, IVer. v.; in pale children, IZinc; with cries as if from sight of hideous objects, Stram.; epileptiform, I IStann.; with cutting of every tooth, IStann.; with cutting of eye teeth,I IChlor.; gnaws fist, frets,cries,IIAeon.; with congestion to head, IBelb, IMelil.; from reflex irritation, IPod.; with grinding of teeth and coldness of limbs, after overexcitement, ICoff; urine suppressed, Tereb. Dentition, cough: lAnt t, Kreo.; catarrhal, IPod.; dry, short, Tereb.; spasmodic, Cina. Dentition, crying: I Aeon, HCham, llgn, IPuls.; from least pain, IStaph.; starts sud- denly out of sleep, IBelb; fever, with restless- ness, I Aeon, 11 Coff.; crying one moment, laughing the next, ICoff.; winces and shrinks at every look or harsh word, IStaph.; day and night, IPsor. Dentition, teeth decay as soon as they are cut: IKreo, IStaph.; deficient in enamel, ICale fl. Dentition, diarrhcea: lAcon, lyEthus, I Ars, Bell, IBor, ICale p., HCham, ICina, Coff., 11 Colch,IColoe, ICup.m, IIFerr. met, IGels, IHep, Illgn, lllpec, IIKreo, IMagn. c. 318 10. TEETH AND GUMS. IIMagn. p., IMere, INux m, IPhos. ac, I IPhyt, HPod, IPsor, IIRheum, I ISep, ISub, IISul. ae; in children who have not cut any teeth, IRheum; with much flatulence, (cholera infantum), ICale p.; in morning, IPod.; in nursing infants, IKreo.; during summer, IRheum. Dentition, difficult: IBelb, IBor., HCale, HCale p, I I Kali br, IMagn. c, IMagn. m, IPhyt, IIRheum, I ISee, Zinc; with cough, ICale p.; feet smell bad, I ISib; fever toward, evening and all night, with heat in head, fon- tanelles large, grows sensitive, blistered, child grasps at gums, protruding gum seems blis- tered and is sensitive,head larger in proportion to rest of body, profuse sour-smelling sweat on head, I ISib; in rachitis, scrofulous chil- dren, IHekla; in scrofulous children, having worms, with profuse salivation, I ISil. 8@° slow. Dentition, with fever: lAcon, IBell, Ferr. ph, IGels, ISib; with irritation of brain, spasms, or tendency to them, IVer. v.; with coma, I Agar.; at night, Sil. Dentition, fingers: clenches,Tereb.; moving in sleep, as if searching for something, Stram. Dentition, fontanelles: 8@^* Chap. 4. Dentition, gums: aching, Bry.; aphthous, IIBor, IMere, I ISul. ae; bleed when rubbed, IGraph.; inflamed, I Aeon, ICham.; itching, IDolich.; sore, Berb.; sore, burning, Tereb.; pressing together, I IHyos.; pale, tender to touch, IStaph.; purple, ILach.; swollen, Bell, IBry, ICale, ICham, IGels, IGraph, IMere;swollen,suppurating, ICaust.; protrud- ing, sensitive, blistered, ISib; has the appear- ance of a sac containing water, lApis, lArs, Kreo.; ulcerated, tender, painful, IHep.; red, IBelb, HCham.; swollen, lArn., ILach, ISil. Dentition, jaw: irregular formation, in scroful- ous children, with mesenteric disease, IPhos. Dentition, nervousness: lAcon, IBell, I ICa- lab, ICoca, HCoff., ICypr, IDolich, IIGels, IStaph. Dentition, nose : picking, ICina, Tereb. Dentition, saliva: dribbling, IMere sol, INatr. m.; stains pillow bloody while sleeping, Nux v. Dentition, screaming : as if frightened, Tereb.; in sleep, I Apis ; with drawing up of limbs or stiffening of body, IRheum. Dentition, sleeplessness: IIBell, HCham, ICoca, HCoff, ICypr, IGels., Kreo, IPsor., ISub, Tereb.; worse after sleep, ILach, ILye Dentition, slow: ICale, HCale p., IFerr, IFluor. ac, IMagn. c, IPhyt, IZinc. BST" difficult. Dentition, vomiting : lyEthus, lAnt. c, lAnt. t, IBry., HCale, lllpec, IPhyt, IVer. GUMS, abscesses: frequently recurring, IBar. c, Calc, HCaust, IHep, Lye, INux v., ISib; of right lower jaw, oozes pus and blood through small opening at side of carious teeth, ISub; from decayed teeth, IHekla; gumboils, 11 Agnus, Ananth, Carb. a, ICarbo v., Hekla, IKali iod., I ILac c, ILye, IMere, I IMillef. INatr. m, Natr. p, INux v, IPetrol, IPhos, HSil.; in lower jaw, IPhos.; boils, before suppuration, IKali m.; boils, with toothache, in decayed teeth, IPhos. B^T" discharge, heat, inflamed, swollen. Gums, aching: HStaph.; worse from warm drinks, in yellow fever, ILach.; swollen, on right side, ILyss.; in teething children, IBry.; when touched, IStaph. Gums, air: cold, causes pain, but relieves burn- ing, in syphilitic sore throat, IMez. Gums, alveolar processes: absorption, I Hod, IKreo.; feel distended, ICham.; inflammation, Agar.; neuralgic periostitis, IThuya. BgT" injuries. Gums, anaemic : 8SP* pale, white. Gums, biting : on inner surface, Zinc. Gums, black: Merc, s.; sooty, Hippoz. Gums, bleeding : I Agar., 11 Alum, Amb., Amm. c. Arum m,IArs, Arund, Bar. c,IBell, IBov, ICale, HCarbo v., I ICaust, IChel, I ICist, IHam, Hod, IILach, IIMerc, IMyr. cer, IINatr. m., IINitr. ac, INux m, Oxal ac, Petrol, IPhos, IPhos. ac, Plant, IPsor, ISang, Sec, ISil, ISinap, IStaph, ISul, I ITrilb; in albuminuria, ITereb.; while brush- ing teeth, Calc. s, ICarbo v,ITereb.; at times, worse chewing, especially cheese, I ISub; in diabetes mellitus, 11 Kali br.; easily, Alum, Amm.c, lAnt c. Apis, I Arg. nit, 11 Aur. met, I IBerb, ICarbo a,ICist, Con, IHam., IIHep, Hippoz, Hod, IKali m, I IKali ph, IIKreo, IILach, IMagn. m, IMere, IIMerc. cor, IMere iod. flav., IINatr. m, IPhos, IPhos. ac. Plant, Rob, Ruta, ISep, ISul. ac. Tell.; on chewing, especially cheese, I ISub; easily, in fistula dentalis, HCaust.; easily, in gonor- rhoea, IMere; easily, in purpura haemor- rhagica, I IPhos.; easily and repeatedly, Ascl. t; easily, on slightest touch, Zinc; easily, in urticaria, IBov.; in typhoid fever, ISub; in yellow fever, ILach.; in gastric disturbance, Tarant.; during menses, ICed.; after sup- pressed menses, ICale; with sore mouth, IKali m.; even at night, ICale; caused by defective nutrition and exposure, I ILac c; and painful, from slightest touch, ISep.; with swelling of parotid and submaxillary glands, after abuse of mercury, IINitr. ac; passive, dark, IHam.; profuse, IIErig,Tell.; profuse, obstinate, I IPhos.; profuse, when touched or cleaning teeth, ILye; when pressed upon and when cleaning teeth, IStaph.; in purpura, IIRhus; on slight rubbing, Anac, IGraph.; saltish, Alum.; in scurvy, Ant. t, HArs, HCarbo a., IMur. ac, Natr. m., INux v, ISub; and soreness around remaining root of upper incisor, I Ars. h.; sour, on sucking, Ratan.; on slightest sucking of teeth, ICarbo v, INitr. ae; on sucking hollow molar, Zinc; sudden, at 3 p.m., Ferr. iod.; in syphilis, ILye; when cleaning teeth, ICarbo v.; after extrac- tion of teeth, I Arn, IPhos.; on slightest motion of tongue, speaking, drinking, or blow- ing nose, ISul. ae; in typhoid, ISul. Gums, blisters: 8^° eruption vesicles. Gums, bluish: Aur. mur., IIKreo, HPlumb, Sabad.; dark, Merc, s.; in yellow fever, ILach.; a distinct lead-colored line along mar- gin, HPlumb.; bluish red, Con.; bluish white, Oleand. Gums, boils: ggp> abscesses. 8^" retracted, scorbutic. Gums, boring : ICale; into ear, lEuphor. Gums, brown: HPlumb. Gums, burning: IMere, Stront., Therid.; dur- ing eating, IINatr. m.; like fire, INatr. s.; every morning, ITereb.; painful, as if burned, 10. TEETH AND GUMS. 319 ICimex, ISep.; as if scalded, Ars. m.; in sto- matitis, ICaps.; swollen, ICham. g&° heat, smarting. Gums, coating: gray, dirty (stomatitis), lAl- um.; lardaceous, in syphilis, ILye; false membrane, IIMerc. cor.; covered with thin white patches, easily removed from a non- ulcerated surface, IMere v.; lined with sub- stance like smearkase (post-scarlatinal diph- theria), I ILac e; black or brown slime, in ty- phus, lArs.; black, sooty, Hippoz.; viscid, thready slime, in typhus, IPhos.; with a white, adherent layer, under which is found a violet border, Merc, cy.; thin white, Spong.; sordes, in typhoid, llris. Gums, cool feeling of upper: Sib Gums, pressure upon swollen causes crackling : as if collection of air had formed there, Daph. Gums, digging: into ear, lEuphor. Gums, discharge of offensive matter: ISib; mass of stinking brown ichor on making an incision near second molar (cynanche cellula- ris), lAnthrac; of pus, IKali m. Gums, distension : interstitial, in dentition, Tereb. Gums, drawing: Con.; most in front, Lyss. Gums, dryness: IIRhus, Bar. e; in enteritis, I IRhus ; look dry, Merc. sul. Gums, dull pain: with hard stool, 11 Anag. Gums, epulis: 8@" abscesses. Gums, eruption: aphthae, Cub., IINatr. m.; aphthae, with burning and impeded speech, INatr. m.; aphthae, small, IHep.; aphthae, in stomatitis ulcerosa, thrush, ISub ac; no- dosities, IStaph.; nodules, small, white, Berb.; white pellicles, Zinc; pustules, ICarbo a, ICarbo v.; pustule, near diseased tooth, Aloe ; spot painful, red, size of pin's head, over ca- rious root of upper incisor, discharges pus when pressed, Canth.; vesicle, pain as if burnt, Bell.; vesicles burning, bleed from least contact, IMagn. e; small vesicles, Hod.; small vesicles, in dentition, IMere sob; vesi- cles, in difficult dentition, I ISib; inside feels as if full of vesicles, Thlaspi; small vesicles, feel sore, with much saliva, Zing.; on gums of up- per incisors, red, vesicular, IIRhus v.; vesi- cles, upper, suppurating, then drying up, I INatr. s.; vesicles below one of front teeth, Bell.; covered with white vesicles, IMere Gums, fetid: HCarbo v, IGraph, IKali m.; like decayed meat (diphtheria), IKali bi.; putrid, ICist., IINatr. m. Gums, fistula: lAur. mur., |Bar. c, ICale, ICaust, Cochl, IIFluor. ac, ILye, INatr. m. Petrol., HSil., IStaph., ISub; at root of tooth, IFluor. ae; tedious suppuration, HCaust. Gums, flabby: IBapt. 8^~ retracted. Gums, formication: I ISee B^T numb, tingling. Gums, fungoid condition: ISang.; excrescences, IStaph.; easily bleeding, growth looking like raw meat, recurring after excision, seeming to spring from cavities remaining after extrac- tion of teeth, and growing to about same height as teeth, I ISul. Gums gangrenous: ILach, IIMerc. cor.; pain worse by hot or cold application, IMere; fall- ing off in pieces (syphilis), 11 Sub ac. «^° fetid, scurvy, ulcerated; also Chap. 12, Inner mouth gangrene. Gums, gnawing into ear: lEuphor.; fine, sticking, especially towards evening, worse from warmth of bed, better from uncovering and from draught of cold air, IPuls. Gums, child grasps at: as if painful, in menin- gitis or hydrocephalus, ISib; plays with, ICham.; rubs, IDolich. Gums, as if covered with a greasy substance (salivation): llris. Gums, greenish tint along free borders: Cupr. s. Gums, heat: Ananth, IKreo.; burning, in rheu- matism, IDulc; during dentition, lAcon, IBell, ICham.; in stomatitis, ICaps. 8^" inflamed. Gums, indented: ICarbo v. Gums, indurated: Brom. Gums, inflamed : Arg. nit, Aur. mur, Hippoz, Hod, IKali m, IIKreo, INux v, HSil, Thuya; with swelling of cheek, IINatr. m.; during dentition, lAcon, ICham.; intense and deep seated, of mucous membrane, with smarting on swallowing, Lyss.; lower, Como, IPhos.; long-lasting, severe, in scarla- tina, IMur. ae; with mercurial ptyalism, IPhyt; in stomatitis, lAlum., ICaps.; about hollow teeth, Jamb.; with constant discharge of clear water, IMere cor.; with loose teeth, IPhos. 8®*" abscess, heat, red. Gums, injuries : bruised, lArn.; bleeding, after extraction, IHam.; lacerated, after extrac- tion, ICalend.; painful, after extraction, IIHyos., IHyper, INux v.; erysipelatous swelling, after extraction, I ISib; to alveolar processes, IHekla; after extraction, bleeding from cavity, I ITrilb; after extraction, persist- ent oozing of dark, slightly coagulated blood, checked by alum, hemorrhage reappeared at times, at first only from teeth, later from nose, causing debility, IKreo.; after extrac- tion, dark, blackish blood squirts out, lArs.; after extraction, headache for six months, llgn.; after extraction of wisdom tooth, pain in wound, various localities in head and face, cannot eat or sleep, IHekla; after extraction of sore tooth, enlargement of lower jaw near cavity, as large as hickory nut, causing cheek to bulge, IHekla; after extraction of molar, pain in upper jaw, sore, swollen, painful to touch, IHekla; laceration, ICalend.; after ex- traction of molar, continuous slight discharge of bad-tasting pus, at times contains small particles of soft, gritty substance, IHekla; after extraction of molar from right maxilla, two years ago, tissues have not healed, IHam. Gums, irritation: chronic, I Arg. nit.; wants them continually rubbed, in dentition, IDolich. Biir itching. Gums, itching: IDolich, IMere, INitr.ac; on inner surface, Zinc; on inner side, upper jaw, Cimex; with pain in throat, Bell. 8^° irritation. Gums, enlarged: between teeth, INitr. ac. Gums, lead color: 8@~ bluish. Gums, loose: g^° retracted. Gums, mercurial affections : ICarbo v. Cinch., IHep., Hydras., IMere, INitr.ac, I IPhyt, I IStaph.; mercurio-syphilitic, IIHep. Gums, chewing motion : 8®°" Chap. 9, Lower jaw motion. Gums, neuralgia : I Apis ; particularly in front, Lyss.; worse at night, IDolich. fi^T" tearing. Gums, numb: I Aeon, lApis. B^° formication, tingling. 320 10. TEETH AND GUMS. Gums, pain (undefined): HAgar, ICrotal., IHam, IHep, Ruta, Zinc; could not chew, I ICaust, Spong.; in constipation, Staph.; can scarcely eat or drink, IDolich.; while eating, Zinc; extends into head, Apis ; in morning, Brom.; after 9 p.m., IIMerc; from pressure, Sib; in scurvy, ICarbo a.; preventing sleep half the night, IDolich.; in spots, Aur. mur, Oxal. ac; with swelling, while chewing, Spong.; about hollow teeth, Jamb.; intense, after extraction of tooth, I IHyos.; when touched, IBar. e, IIHep, Hod, ITereb.; to touch, with fetid odor from mouth, IIMerc; to touch, in scurvy, HArs.; with hard tu- bercles, HPlumb. 8®" neuralgia. Gums, pale: Coca, IFerr, Kali f, I IMed, IIMerc. cor, HPlumb, Senecio, IStaph.; in intestinal catarrh, ICheb; in intermittent, IFerr.; livid,Camph.; livid, in diabetes, I IRa- tan.; in dysmenorrhoea or suppressed menses, ICycb; almost yellow, Ascl. t. 8®° white. Gums, periostitis: 8®" Chapter 9, Lower jaw periostitis. Gums, pressing together : great desire to, HPod.; during dentition, IIHyos. Gums, purple : IBapt, IIMerc. cor, HPlumb.; dark, in dentition, ILach. g^~ bluish. Gums, putrid : BSsT" fetid, gangrenous. Gums, receding : BgsT" retracted. Gums, too red : I Aeon, Ant. t, I Apis, Arund, IBell, IDolich, IFerr. ph., Hod, IIKreo, ILach, IMere viv., INatr. s, INitr.ac; bright, IKali m, INatr. s.; borders, ICrotal.; bright border, I IKali ph., IIMerc. viv.; dark, I I Aur. met, IBapt, Hydras, ISep.; dark, in streaks, Thuya; dark, in tonsillitis, ILach.; dark, in typhus, IBapt; during dentition, IBell, I ICham.; dingy, edges, Berb.; with swelling of glands beneath jaw, IMere cor.; and hot, Eup. pur.; lower portion, beneath roots of teeth, along lower jaw, Bor.; with dryness of mouth, Natr. s.; pale red, dark red border, Bar. e; in scarlet fever, IDulc; in scurvy, ICarbo a.; and detached from teeth, IIMerc. cor.; with teeth all lost, except incisors, at least crowns of teeth, IMere viv.; above roots of teeth in front of upper jaw, IBor. 8^° inflamed. Gums, retracted : lAnt. c, IBapt, ICamph, HCarbo v, ICist, Hod, IKali iod, IIKali ph,IMere, IPhos, IPhos. ac, IStaph,IZinc; in diabetes, INatr. s.; exposed bone covered with callous membrane, ICale; from lower incisors, ICarbo v.; in shape of indentations, Arg. nit.; caused by defective nutrition and exposure, I ILac e; with fetid odor, IIMerc; in scorbutus, ISul.; and spongy, IDulc; in stomatitis, Caps.; teeth loose, I Aur. mur. nat. gg&° Teeth loose. Gums, rhagades; Plat. Gums scorbutic (scurvy): Abies, All. sat, lAmm. c, lAnanth., Ant t, 11 Ars., Arum m, IIAstac, Canth, ICarbo a., HCarbo v., •Cetrar, • Chrom.ac, ICist, ICochl,IHep, Hydras, Ictod,IIKalim, I IKali ph,llKreo , IIMerc, IMur. ac, IINatr. m, IINitr. ac, INux m, INux v., Phos, Phyt, Sep, Staph, ISub, ISul. ae; from anaemic conditions, ICoca; blood, coagulated, is spit out, INux v.; chronic, IIKali m.; from cold, IDulc; crusta lactea, i IMere; with haematuria, ITereb.; after abuse of mercury, IIKali m, IPhos. ae; with nose- bleed, ISinap.; of salt eaters, Cochl.; with ter- tian fever, IStaph.; in urticaria, IBov. 8@T" sore, spongy, swollen. Gums, sensitive: Arund, HCarbov, Gamb, IKali m.; in difficult dentition, HSil.; in diph- theria, IMere iod. rub.; painfully, when chewing, ICarbo v.; painfully, on taking cold water into mouth, Sib; painfully, without pain in teeth, ICaust.; exceedingly, but not sore, IDolich.; both sides, instomacace,IKali bb; in stomatitis, ICaps.; to touch, IlAur. met, IGlon.;to warm and cold things, IINatr. m. 8®" tender. Gums, shooting: Camph, IPuls. Gums, sickly color: during menses, IMere Gums, smarting: Asar.; during eating, IINatr. m. B€^ burning. Gums, softening : Hod, IIKreo.; teeth all lost except incisors, at least crowns of teeth, leav- ing only roots, IMere viv. Gums, sore : Ars. met, Asaf, I I Bry., ICarbo v, IDolich, IHam, INitr. ae, Ptel, IRhod, HSil, Therid, Thlaspi, Zinc; on pressing with finger blood oozes out, IBapt.; with boring, sometimes passing into numbness in teeth, worse by cold, heat and chewing, IPhos.; burning, in dentition, Tereb.; of soft parts between cheeks and gums, Hyos.; in dentition, Arn, Berb.; when eating, I I Aur. met, Sinap.; feel excoriated, left side, Cinch. bob; feeling, ran to tonsil, leftside,Vespa ; be- hind incisors, in gastric fever, I ISep.; inside, •Cale s, I INitr. ac; of left molars, painful, worse when eating, IClem.; extending to mouth, Diose; painful, IPuls.; painful, on in- ner side, IGraph, Zinc; painful, if slightest food remains in cavities of teeth, after eating, Staph.; painful, first between left lower and second molars, which had recently been filled, gum between in contact with the metal, became sore and painful, inflammation ex- tended to third molar, which was painfully loose, and also to upper jaw and auditory meatus, I IPicac; when touched, with ptya- lism, 11 Aur. met, IDig. 8§F" inflamed, scorbutic, sensitive, spon- gy, swollen. Gums,spongy: ICarbo v,Chlorab,IDulc,IHam, IIKali ph., IIKreo, IILach., IIMerc, IIMerc. cor, IMyr. cer, Rob, ISang., IStaph, ITereb.; in diabetes, I IKali br.; in suppurative metri- tis, ICanth.; with sore mouth, IKali m.; as in scurvy, Ajit. t; in stomatitis, I Alum, ICaps. B^T" scorbutic, swollen. Gums, stabbing: right side, passing to left without ceasing in right, worse from hot, better from cold applications, IGlon. Gums, stinging: .Ethus,Sars.;inside,I INitr.ae Gums, stitching: ICale, Con, Stront.; lower left side, to left temple, Amm. m. Gums, swelling: I Agar, All. sat, Alum, Amm. e, Anac, lApis, Ars. m, Arund, I lAur.met, Brom, ICale, Castor, HCinch, ICist., Coc- cion., Con,ICrotal, IDolich., IGlon, IGraph, IHam, Hydras, Hod., IILach,ILye, IMere, IIMerc. cor, Merc, cy, IMere iod. flav, IIMerc. iod. rub, Merc, sub, IMere viv, IINatr. m, INitr. ae, IPhos. ac, HPlumb, 11 Puis,Sabad, ISep., ISinap, IStaph, Stront, ISul. ac. Thuya, Zinc; worse in cold air, 11 Kob.; with bleeding, I IFerr.; a bluish red, 10. TEETH AND GUMS. 321 of a spongy nature, between lower incisors, commencing on left side, extending to right, bleed often, blood has saltish taste, INatr. m.; with boring, sometimes passing into numb- ness in teeth, worse by cold, hot and chew- ing, IPhos.; burning, with heat in cheek, IStaph.; with stinging, burning pain, Petrol.; seem about to burst, I INux v.; in dentition, lArn, ILach, ISib; in diabetes, I IRatan.; in diphtheria, IIMerc. iod. rub.; dropsical, HApis; erysipelatous, after extraction of teeth, I ISil.; with faceache, I IKali m.; feeling, Camph, IDiad.; feeling, about some back teeth, ICham.; in fistula dentalis, HCaust.; in gonorrhoea, IMere; large, inflamed, on outer side (gumboil), Bor.; inner portion, Amb.; inside, jCale s.; on inner side of front upper teeth, Diose; lower left side, Amm. m.; between gums and malar bone, with swelling of cheek, ILyc;beforemenses,Bar.c,IKalie; during menses, INitr. ac; in suppurative met- ritis, ICanth.; with burning in mouth, ILach.; with fetid odor from mouth, IIMerc; every night, IMere sob; caused by defective nutri- tion and exposure, 11 Lac e; painful, IBry., 11 Kali in, IMagn. m.; painful, right side, Bell.; pain when touched, as if sore, first right, then left, Ars. m.; painful, taking in whole left half of upper (scarlet fever), I IParis; pale, IBar. e; of periosteum, ISib; with pressure and itching, ICamph.; protruding, during den- tition, ILach.; protruding, blistered, sensi- tive, difficult, in dentition, I ISib; protruding, from a set of bad teeth, IKali m.; puffed, Hod.; in purpura haemorrhagica, I IPhos.; dark red, IMere viv., I ISub; in scurvy, HArs., ICarbo a., IMur. ac, INux v.; sensitive to touch, IGels.; of right lower jaw (stomacace), IKali bb; in stomatitis, I Alum, ICaps, IMur. ac; about old stumps, ISub; with throbbing pain, ISub; in toothache, ICale, IGlon, I IKali m, IMagn. c, IIMerc, IIMerc. cor, IIRhod.; at end of toothache, I ISep.; around broken teeth, Sabina; with nightly pressing tooth- ache, INatr. e; above left eye tooth, Osm.; above front teeth, ILye; around hollow tooth, Anag., Bar. c.; with loose teeth, IMagn. c; of left, with salivation, Bism.; left upper, Arn.; better from warmth, worse in cold, evening, and 4 to 5 a.m., IKali iod. Gums, tearing : ^Ethus, Berb, IColch, IHyos, Sars.; of right lower incisors, IMar. v. 8^° neuralgia. Gums, tender: I Arg. nit., 7rAur. mur. Cup. ars., IHep, IMyr. cer, Polyg.; worse in cold air, 11 Kob.; could not chew solid food, INitr. ac; during dentition, I ICham.; with swelling of glands beneath jaw, IIMerc. cor.; painful, ICale; to touch (dentition), IStaph.; to touch, can hardly eat food, Sinap.; to touch, right lower jaw (stomacace), IKali bi.; even in teething children, IDolich. ggg~ sensitive. Gums, tensive pain: Therid. Gums, throbbing : Amb, I Arn., ICale, Daph.; during menses, HSep.; as if beginning to suppurate, Sep. 8^" abscess. Gums, tingling : in toothache, lArn. ggg~ formication, numb. Gums, touch: 8@~ sensitive. Gums, tumor: painless, movable, on lower, I I Natr. s.; vascular, size of a hazelnut, of upper jaw, before and behind two cen- tral incisors, I IStaph.; size of a walnut, INitr. ac. Gums, ulcers: Agnus, Alum, Aur.mur., I IBell, ICale, ICarbo v., I ICaust., Cornus, ICup. m, IHep, Hippoz,IIKreo, ILach, ILye, IMere, IIMerc. cor., I IMillef, IINatr. m., Niccol., INuxv, IPhos, IPsor, IStaph, ISib,Zinc; as if ulcerated, worse in cold air, 11 Kob.; with carbuncles, in scorbutic individuals, Mur. ae; in cystitis, ILye; deep, in consequence of large doses of mercury (syphilis),I IPhyt.; fis- tulous-looking, IStaph.; base resembling lard, IHep.; large, gradually increasing in size, dirty edges and foul discharge (syphilis), IKali bi.; large, on protruding gums (denti- tion), IMere sob; of margins, 11 Kali m, Merc. sub; as after mercury, IKali iod.; caused by de- fective nutrition and exposure, I I Lac e; oval, nearly an inch in length, with irregular edges, IMere; pain, as if ulcerated, Bell, IKali iod.; painful, night and day, INatr. m.; phagedenic, with fetid breath, IMere cor.; on protruding gums (dentition), IMere sob; putrid, ulcerated patches, INatr. m.; with salivation, IMere viv.; sensation of an ulcer at root of tooth, Amm. c; inscorbutis, IMur.ae; small, Oxal. ae; small, painful, ash-colored, .Hod.; sore, Sang, Sep.; suppurating, above incisors and molars, Berb.; in mercurial syph- ilis, IPhos. ae; with loose teeth, IPhos.; painful, whitish (stomatitisulcerosa, thrush), ISul. ac; yellow, flat, elevated gray edges on red swollen bases (aphthae), IHelb; yel- lowish, painful (stomatitis ulcerosa, thrush), ISul. 8®~ inflamed, scorbutic. Gums, vesicles: 8®° eruption. Gums, white : 11 Acet ac, Aur. mur., ICrotal, IFerr, INitr.ac, IPhos. ac, IStaph, Zinc; of right lower jaw, dirty white (stomacace), IKali bb: wrhitish edges, with fetid odor from mouth, IIMerc; in scorbutis, INux v. B€sT' pale. Gums, yellow edges : ICarbo v.; pale, almost yellow, Ascl. t. TEETH, abscesses at roots : 8®° Gums, ab- scesses. Teeth, feel as if injured by acids: Chlor. Teeth, alveolar processes : Big" Gums. Teeth, as if asleep : g^~ numb. Teeth, biting : champing, in chorea, IVer. v.; did not dare, for fear they would fall out, INitr. ae; disposition to, I IPhyt.; tumbler, when drinking, lArs.; involuntary, sudden, I Apis ; causes pain near roots, in third mo- lars, opposite each other, Hell. Bij^" clenching ; also Chapter 9, Lower jaw trismus, and Chapter 1, Bites. Teeth, black: IIMerc. viv, INitr. ac, I IPuls, HStaph.; face red or strawcolored, I IPlumb.; in typhus, I Arg. nit., IChlor.; in meningitis, IThuya. 8®°" coating, Teeth bleeding: as though blood would crowd into, ICaust.; coagulated blood in morning on awaking, Canth. Teeth, feel blunt: 8@~ dull. Teeth, brown: in typhus,Chlor. BST*coating. Teeth, burning: Therid. Teeth, buzzing: Hyos. Teeth, caries (decaying): Ananth, IIAnt, c, Aurant., Bell., Bry, ICale, ICarbo v., Caust, ICham, Cinch, Coff, Ferr. ph, IHep, IHvos, ILach., IKali iod, IIMerc, INitr. ac, Nux 21 322 10. TEETH AND GUMS.. m, Nux v, Phos., Phos. ae, IPlumb., IPuls, IRhus, ISib, HStaph, Sub; sensititve to air, Bry.; begins as soon as they appear, IIKreo, IStaph.; in chlorosis, HSep.; crusty, IRhus; easily decay, Med.; at edge of gum, break- ing off, Syph.; exfoliate, IStaph.; exfoliation of molar, Aspar.; exfoliates, from posterior surface, Staph.; hollow, feel too long, IHep, IPlumb.; at gums (meningitis), IThuya ; irri- tation, causing frequent gumboils, IPhos.; feel loose, INatr. m.; lower, Magn. c; after mercury, ICarbo v, IGlon, INitr. ac, IStaph.; after mercury, in consumption, IKali bb; of left molar, with deafness and roaring in left ear (chronic otitis media), INatr. c; right lower molar, Cale s.; painless cavity, Aspar.; premature, in children, ICale, ICale p, ICale fl, Coff,IFluor. ac.,1 IKreo, IStaph.; prevented by, ICoca; rapid, Amm. c, ICale, ICarbo v, IIFluor. ac, IPhos., HSep.; at roots, I IMez.; at roots, as in sycosis, crown remaining sound, IThuya; in scorbutic subjects, IPhos. ac; sen- sitive, Ptel.; sensitive to cold water, Brom.; snags, IIRhod.; sudden on side above gums, crown remains intact, I IMez.; after exposure to sun, IGlon.; in tuberculous disease of knee, I ITubere Teeth, chalky : ICale fl, Med. 8®° crumbling. Teeth, chattering: lAcon, Bar. c, IGels, IIKali ph, IPuls, I ITarant; with chills, 11 Cact, IHep., ILaur, Med., I IThuya; with chills up back, INatr. s.; caused by chills run- ning down back like streams of cold water at commencement of fever, Var.; with chill, in intermittent, llpec; in colic, Bov.; from cold, during menses, Inul.; as from convulsions of masseter muscles, with slight chill, Stann.; worse in evening, from warmth, Ant.t.; with chilliness on face and arms, I llgn.; in neu- ralgia of face, I ISul. ae; as if he had a par- oxysm of ague, Vespa ; between pains, start- ing from anterior portion of right thigh where there is also a sensation of shivering, IPuls.; on attempting to speak (intermittent), ICoccul.; in rigor, I ICamph. Teeth, clenched: Amyg, IHyos,ILye, I INux v., I IPhyt, I IStram.; in epileptic fits, IMagn. p.; great force could not open them, IBelb; ground together, Ferr. m.; firmly and immov- ably (spasms resembling epilepsy, in chil- dren), llgn.; inclination to, Ananth. 8^°biting; also Chap. 9, Lower jaw trismus. Teeth, cannot close at night (toothache): I Chim. umb. Teeth, on left side, feel as if too close to one another: ICorab Teeth , coating: black, ICinch, ICon.; brown, IKali ph.; brown, dry, in hepatic typhus, IChel. ;brownish,thick,IColch.; of mucus,Ant. t, Cham, Selen.; of mucus, black or brown, in typhoid, I Ars.; mucus, bloody, in infantile sy- philis, I I Syph.; mucus, brown, in cholera infan- tum, IHyos.; mucus, dark, in typhus, IFluor. ae; mucus, pasty,in afternoon, Cain.; mucus, sticky, dark, HVer.; mucus, thick, Act. rac; mucus, thick, brown, 11 Variol.; mucus, tough, white, going off after rinsing mouth, I IMagn. c; mucus, viscid, thready,in typhoid, IPhos.; mucus, yellow, IPlumb.; mucus, yellow, in typhus, I Apis; thick, with tenacious, foul mucus, deeply imprinting cheeks and edges of tongue (stomacace), IDulc; yellow, Ascl. t; yellow, thick membrane (diphtheria), I ISul. ac; sordes, Alum,ICarbobac, IIHyos,IGels, IMere cor, IIRhus, I ISub; brown sordes, in typhus, lApis; thick, brown sordes, in low fever, ICact.; brown sordes, in hydrocephalus acutus, IDig.; dark sordes, ICinch.;sordes, in diphtheria, IMur. ac; sordes, in typhus, IIBapt, llris, HPhos. ae; sordes, in bilious typhoid, IStram.; sordes, in toothache, I Ant. c; sordes, in measles, ILach.; sordes, in scar- latina, ICarbol. ac. ggg" dirty, fetid. Teeth, cold feeling: Anag, Ananth., Astac, ICarbo v., Coccion, INitr. ac. Petrol.; in in- cisors, Aeon, IDros.; in incisors, upper, as from cold breath, Asar.; as if cold touched them, on inspiration, ^Ced.; in right lower incisors, IDiad.; in points of incisors, IGamb.; in upper incisors, after pain, IDiad.; rushed out of molars, with feeling of elongation, Ratan.; painful, with accumulation of saliva, Rheum ; in prosopalgia, ICoccul.; in roots of molars,Phos. ac.; in toothache, IMez.; when touched, I ISpig.; when touched by finger, Coccion. Teeth, crawling: in amenorrhcea, ICham.; in upper jaw, ICham.; in root, as of a worm, with bloody saliva, smelling like onions,IKali iod. Teeth, crumbling : Ananth, ICale, ICale fl, ICale p., lEuphor, IFluor. ac, IPlumb, Staph, IThuya; in rachitis, atrophy of chil- dren, IStaph.; in toothache, lEuphor. Teeth, converge: incisors, at their tips (inher- ited syphilis), Syph. Teeth, cupped: in children, Syph. Teeth decay : B@* caries. Teeth, dentine: inflamed, IIMerc. Teeth, dirty: ICepa; in typhus, ICamph.; in stomatitis, Caps.; in mercurio-syphilis, I Aur. mur. nat.; in tuberculous disease of knee, I ITubere; in suppression of urine, ICamph. 8^** caries, coated, fetid. Teeth, dry: Tarant.; in typhus, suppression of urine, ICamph. Teeth, dull: Amm. c, IIKali m, I ILith. e, INatr. m. Sub ac.; feel dull, Berb, Caps, IIMez, Phos. ae, ISep, Tarax.; when masti- cating, Spong.; as if they were soft and be- came bent on chewing, Cochl.; suddenly, in one of upper molars, when chewing, I Aur. met.; blunt, Asaf, IDulc, IIMez.; blunt, after chewing meat, Caust.; blunt, in toothache, IILach.; blunted more easily than usual by vegetable acids, Hod. g^° on edge. Teeth, dwarfed: incisors, in inherited syph- ilis, Syph. Teeth, feel on edge': Bell, Cain, Cinch, bol, Lyss, Sul. ae, Zinc; as from acids, when chewing food, Tarax.; front, Stront.; on left side, ICorab; during menses, IMere; by sour mucus hawked up, Tarax. g^° dull. Teeth, enamel: deficient, ICale fl. Teeth, extraction: fl®" Gums injuries. Teeth, fall out: Amm. c, Bufo, IMere, IMere cor.; feel as if they would, Aeon, INitr. ae; feel as if they would, from calomel, ILye; feel as if they would, in masticating, IHyos.; all lost except incisors, at least crown of teeth, leaving only roots, with very red and soft gums, IMere viv. BST" loose. Teeth, fetid: odor, ICale, IKali c, IPlumb.; 10. TEETH AND GUMS. 323 odor, from decayed, IIKreo.; odor, in impetigo capitis, ICaust.; taste, acrid, foul, IFluor. ac. Teeth, fistula : BST" Gums fistula. Teeth, sensation as if fixed in a mass of pap : IMere Teeth, fluttering : painless, occasionaly, as of something alive, cannot detect which tooth it is, Syph. Teeth,as if forced out of socket: Arn., Bell, Berb, I IZinc. Teeth, sensation as of a foreign body in them : ICaust. Teeth, foul: g^° caries, coated, dirty, fetid. Teeth, fulness: Chlor.; in alveoli of first and second back teeth of both sides of upper jaw, ICham. Teeth, gnashing: I Aeon., I Ars, ICina, Con.; in convulsions, ICaust, IZinc; in delirium, HBelb;inhydrocephalus,IGrat.;inclined to, as in a chill, ICale; and grinding, Lyss. ;in menin- gitis, IGrat; in puerperal convulsions, lAtrop. s.; during sleep.lKali c. Bg^biting, grinding. Teeth, grating: 8§F* grinding. Teeth, greenish: (phthisical habit), I ITubere Teeth, dirty gray: IIMerc Teeth, grinding: lAcon, lAsaf., IIBell., ICale. ICaust, Coff, IColch, IHell, IIHyos, Lyss, IMere, Merc. iod. flav,IPlumb,See, I ISyph, Ver, IZinc; with pain in abdomen, ICham.; awakens at night, ICrotal.; in brain affec- tions, ICup. m, IHelb; convulsive, in apo- plexy, or convulsions of teething children, after excitement, ICoff.; in puerperal convul- sions, I INux v.; in dentition, IBell, ICie, ISep, Stram.; with painful diarrhoea, HPod.; produced by pain in bitten thumb, Lyss.; in epilepsy, IBufo, IIHyos, I ITarant; as in epilepsy, IMere; before epileptic attack, I ISub; at beginning of faint, ILaur.; in scarlet fever, Zinc; in typhus, lArs, ICanth, ILye; in hydrocephalus, I Apis, I Art. v., ICarbol. ac, ICup. ac, IStram.; measles, I Aeon., lApis, IBelb, ICanth., IHell, IHyos.; in meningitis, ISub; at end of menses, Ver.; at night, IMy- gale, I IPlant, IPod.; atnight, in tabes mesen- terica, incipient phthisis, I ITubere; in scar- latina, IZinc; with shuddering over whole body, Stram.; in sleep, I Ars, IIBell, HCann. i, HCina, IHyos, llgn., Plant, I INatr. ph.; in sleep, in chorea, IMygale ; disturbs sleep (incipient basilar meningitis), IKali br.; breaks half slumber, in typhus, I Ars.; in sleep, molar broken, ICrotal.; in sleep, with moans and cries, IKali br.; with restless sleep, IPod.; in sleep, with pain in stomach and head, with vomiting, ILac def.; during heavy stupor (diphtheria), ILye; during tetanus, ICie; with worms, ICina. Teeth, heat: Spong. Teeth, heaviness: IFluor. ac.; in alveoli of first and second back teeth of both sides of upper jaw, ICham.; in right molars and bicuspids (some decayed), 8 p.m. and 2 and3 a.m., sensa- tion comes and goes gradually, ICinnab.; as if filled with zinc, Ver. B@" fulness. Teeth, feel hollow: on lower side, Asar.; sensa- tion in back teeth as if they were hollow and air were forced into them, Coccion. BST'caries. Teeth, injuries: to dental nerves, IHyper.; sen- sitive after filling, HArn, IINux v. ggg*- sensitive; Gums injuries, and Tooth- ache traumatic. Teeth, itching : about lower, Spong.; in amen- orrhcea, ICham. Teeth, as if too large : Berb, ISib; right molars and bicuspids (some decayed), 8 p.m. and 2 and 3 a.m., sensation comes and goes gradu- ally, ICinnab. g^T long. Teeth, feel too long : Agar, 11 Alum, Amm. c, Arn, Ars, I Aur. met. Bell, Berb,IBry., Calc, ICamph., Caps, ICarbo v., Caulo, HCaust., Cepa, HCham., Coccul, IColch, IGlon, Hyos, Iodof, IKali iod, ILach,ILye, IMagn. c, IMere, IIMez, INatr. m., INitr. ac, INux v, IPhyt, Ptel, IRhus, ISil, Stann, ISub; worse in cold air, 11 Kob.; when biting,ILach.; when chewing, IHyos.; cannot eat, ICaust, IMere iod. flav.; with swelling of submaxil- lary glands, IZinc; when hollow, ILach.; incisors, Gamb.; upper incisors, IIMagn. m, Pallad.; in left upper incisor, shooting, pulsat- ing, painful to touch, worse lying down, must ride and walk, Ratan.; with jerking and shooting in lower jaw, INux v.; on left side, IPlant.; molars worse on bringing them to- gether, Merc. iod. flav.; molars, with sen- sation as if coldness rushed out of them, Ratan.; in pregnancy, IMere; in prosopal- gia, I ISpig.; on right side, Chrom. ac; right eye tooth, IMez.; in toothache, Bor., IGlon, IILach.; toothache in carious molar, ISep.; after corrosive sour vomit, Calad. B@r large. Teeth, loose: lAlum, lAmm. c, 11 Arn., Ars., Aur. mur., Bar. m, IBry, ICarbo a, HCarbo v,ICaust, Cham, Cinch, Coccul.,Con,IHep, IIHyos., Ign., IKali e, IIMerc, IMere cor., IMur. ae, INatr. m, INitr.ac,Nuxm,INux v., IPhos, IPhos. ac. Puis, Rob, IRhus, ISee, ISep, ISil, IStaph, ISul, I IZinc; can- not bite on them, I ILith.; when chewing, ICinch.; at last drop out, IMere viv.; in facial neuralgia, I IRhus ; fears they may fall out, worse from touch, especially front teeth, I IPsor.; feel loose, Ars, Bry., ICon, IHyos, Lachn, IIMerc sob,INuxm, INux v., IRhus, I ISpig, Stann.; feeling, in cystitis, ILye; feeling, with swelling of submaxillary glands, IZinc; feeling, during mastication, ICon, Spong.; feeling, better pressing teeth together and pressing throat with hands (syphilitic neu- ralgia), I ISyph.; front, or as if too long, ILye ; with swelling of parotid and submaxillary glands, after abuse of mercury, IINitr. ac; recede, in mercurio-syphilis, lAur. mur. nat; gums swollen, IMagn. c; gums ul- cerated, inflamed, IPhos.; incisors, lower, cannot bite upon, Rhus ; with swelling of lower jaw, IKali e; in consequence of large dose of mercury, in syphilis, I IPhyt; molars, IHep, IIMerc viv.; molars, on right, Como.; caused by defective nutrition and exposure, I ILac e; painful, Camph, I ICaust, IPuls.; in periostitis, IMere; in pregnancy, IMere; right side, in stomacace, IKali bi.; with sali- vation, Sang.; sound in succession, IIMerc; in syphilis, ILye; in toothache,ISub,IIRhod.; in toothache, when chewing, lAlum, Ars. s. f 8®=" fall out, long. Teeth, mercury: injured by, ICarbo v, IGlon, IKali bb, INitr. ac, IStaph. Teeth, covered with mucus: 8@°* coating. Teeth, nerve exposed: lArs. Teeth, notched : BS^" serrated. 324 10. TEETH AND GUMS. Teeth, numb: Ars, I ILith, Petrol.; as if asleep, IDulc, IRhus. Teeth, feel as if covered with oil: ^Ese h. Teeth, periostitis: IPhos. 8®° Chap. 9, Lower jaw periostitis. Teeth, picks until they bleed : Selen. Teeth, feeling as if they had gotten out of place : Syph. Teeth, pressure : as if blood were forced into, ICinch.; outward, as if by blood rushing to- ward them, worse touch, Arn.; as if shred of meat were between, Caust.; left side, as if a tenacious body were lodged between, ICorab; in upper, with confusion in left side of head, IColoe; wants to, Merc. iod. flav. Teeth, quivering: as if on a vibrating board, 4 p.m, Calab. Teeth, roughness : of lower incisor, Fluor, ac; from tartar, IMez. Teeth, scraping: Berb. Teeth, sensitive: IFluor. ac, ILye, Lyss., IMagn. p., IMere, 11 Senecio, ISub; to air, Berb, IINatr. m.; to cold air, Aeon, Cina ; to cold air, right lower molar, Calc. s.; right lower incisors, especially drawing in air, re- turns each day at same hour, IDiad.; espe- cially those that have been filled, sensitive to cold air, Sinap.; sensitive to cold drinks, Staph.; sensitive to cold things, I Arg. nit.; cannot bear anything cold to touch eye tooth, better sweating, ICarbo a.; cool water affects teeth as if too cold, I ITherid.; while chewing, Agar, ICale p., ICarbo a.; to least cold, ICarbo a., Coccus; incisors, Aur. mur.; in- cisors, upper, ISars, IIMagn. m.; incisor, left upper and outer, and feels like foreign body, Pallad.; worse left side upper, Gymn.; especially lower, Natr. e; to pressure, Agar, lArs.; to pressure, right side (stomacace), IKali bb; right upper cuspid, to slight press- ure on crown, IHekla; when pressed together, as in biting, IColch.; cannot be plugged, IFluor. ae; to shrill sounds, ITherid.; to touch, Agar, Berb, Coccus, IINatr. m, ILye, Staph.; to touch, especially hollow, Aloe, Caps, Card, m, ICham, IStaph.; to cold water, I Ars, Cina; right lower molar, to water, Cale s.; to warm drinks, those that have been plugged, Sinap.; cool water feels too cold, IITherid. 8®" tender. Teeth, serrated: upper incisors, first central, Syph.; edges, Med.; incisors, notched in in- cipient phthisis, I ITubere Teeth, set: 8®*" clenched. Teeth, soft: feeling, Med., INitr. ae; right mo- lars, and bicuspids (some decayed), 8 p.m. and 2 and 3 a.m., comes and goes gradually, ICin- nab.; spongy, INitr. ac. S&" spongy. Teeth, sordes: B^sT" coating. Teeth show dark specks : IIKreo. Teeth, sticky: Sang.; with yellow phlegm,Hod.; stick together as if glued, Arg.met; stick to- gether as if glued by tough mucus in mouth, of a foul, nauseous taste, Psor. 8®°coating. Teeth show dark streaks: HStaph. Teeth, tartar: rough from, IMez. Teeth, tender: I I Senecio ; with neuralgia of face, IKalm.; exquisitely, and loose in its socket, IGels.; worse between meals, llgn.; right lower, Calc. s. 8®* sensitive. Teeth, tension: in right, Bar. e; painful, Therid. Teeth, throbbing: painless, in roots, lArs. Teeth, tickling : sensation, in lower, All. sat. Teeth, touch : inclined to, with tongue, ICale 8^" sensitive. Teeth, tumor: size of a walnut, in place of two bicuspids, I ISil. Teeth, warm feeling: left, upper, IFluor. ac. Teeth, water: sensitive to, gg&~ sensitive. Teeth, wedge-shaped : IKreo. Teeth, feel as if wedged: in post-diphtheritic affection, ILach. 8^° pressure. Teeth, wisdom teeth : ailments from cutting, ICale, IMagn. e, ISib; come late, IFluor. ac. Teeth, felt like a worm in,could not tell which: I ISyph. Teeth, worn off: Aurant. Teeth, yellow: ICepa, Hod, ILye, Med.. INitr. ac, Phos. ac, IThuya. TOOTHACHE (undefined): I Acet. ac, I Agar., I Ant. c, I Arg. nit, I Ars, I Aspar, x Atrop. s, Aur. mur, IBar. c, IBenz. ac, IBufo, ICale, ICarbol. ac, HCham, IChel, IChim. umb, IChrom. ac, Cinnam, ICoccion, Como, IDiad, lEuphor, IGlon, IHell, Hod, IKalic, IKali iod, IMere cor, I IMere iod.rub, IMez, INitr. ac, INux m, IPhos, IPhyt., IPlant, IPuls, HSep, HStaph, ; Tereb, Vinca. Toothache, in afternoon: Ananth, Arum t, Cale, Caust, Form, IMagn. e, Merc, INux v, Phos., IPuls, Sul, Therid. Toothache, air: worse in open, cold, I Alum, Ananth., IBell, ICale, Camph, Carbo v, HCham, ICinch., ICaust, Hyos, Magn. s, Merc, INux m, INux v., IPhos, IPuls, IRhus, I ISabad, Sil, IStaph, I ISub; better in open, IIAnt. c, Bry, Cepa, Clem, Hep, IKali s, INatr. s, INux v., Sars.; from exposure to cold air when sweating, ICham.; from taking cold in raw air, IA con.; worse from cold air and water, ISpig, ISub; damp or night air, Diad., IMere, INux m.; from slightest draught, Bell, HCale, ICinch, Gymn, IMagn. c, HSub; from draught, with otalgia, ICham.; better drawing cold air into mouth, IClem, Nux v, IPuls.; worse by drawing into mouth, Aeon, Ant. c, Arn, lAur. met., IBell, Brv, Calc, Caust, IHep, Hyos, 11 Kob, IMere, IMez, INatr. m, INatr. s., Nux m, Nux v, Phos, Puis, Sil, IStaph, ISub; at night, with swelling of cheek, Petrol.; not influenced by cold or warm air, IIGlon. 8^** weather, wind. Toothache, with anger: BST" irritability. Toothache, with anguish: Aeon, ICoff. 8^° anxiety, despair, excitement. Toothache, anxiety: with disturbed sleep, IMere cor. Toothache, arthritic : gfgg* rheumatic. Toothache, in autumn: Bry, Cinch, Merc, Nux m, Nux v., Rhus. Toothache, on awaking: 8®** morning. Toothache, in back teeth: 8®° molars. Toothache, bed: IIAnt c, lAph. ch. Bell, Bry, ICham., IClem, IKali c, IMagn. c, IMagn. p., IMere, Nux v, I lOleand, Phos, Phos. ac, IPuls, Rhus, 11 Sabina, IISul, ISul. ac.; during day sleep, with night workers, ICarbo a. Toothache, beer: better drinking, Camph.; worse from malt liquor, Nux v, IRhus. Toothache, biting : when biting on teeth, Ars, Bell, IBry, Calc, Carbo v, Caust, Cinch, 10. TEETH AND GUMS. 325 Coff, IGuaiac, IHep, Hyos, Lach, IMere, IIMez, Nux v., Petrol, Phos, Phos. ac. Pe- trol, Puis., Rhus, HSep, Sil, IStaph,Sub; sec- ond right upper, carious, feels as if it would fly to pieces, Cinnab.; as if teeth were being bitten out, Arn.; relieves, Ars, Bry., ICinch, Coff. 8^° pressing ; also Teeth biting. Toothache, boring: IIBell, Cale, ICycl, lEu- phor, llgn, ILach, I IMere, INatr.m, INux v., HPhos., HPhos. ac, ISil, ISub; in lower molars, to eye and nose, ICaust.; from every cold, Cinch.; in decayed teeth, INux v.; with stitches in left ear, Calad.; aftei eating, as if something got into tooth, IKali e; especially during or after eating sweetmeats or fruit, INatr. e; gnawing in molars, Camph.; when touched by anything hot or cold, INitr. ac; worse from heat, ISub; as with a hot iron, ISub; extends to malar bones and temples, IMez.; passing into numbness, worse by cold, heat and chewing, with soreness and swelling of gums, IPhos.; at night, Calc. p.; at roots, ICham.; on one side, INux v.; constant, in single tooth, IIRhod.; in sound, worse from contact and extremes of heat and cold,IPlant.; tedious, worse at night, spreading over cheek and into bones of face, ISil. Toothache, breathing : worse from deep, Nux v. BST' air. Toothache, bruised : I Arn, Ars., Bell, IBry, ICale, Carbo v., Caust.. llgn, Natr. m., INux v, IPhos, IPuls, IRhus. Toothache, worse brushing teeth : IBry. Toothache, burning : Cham, Merc, INatr. m, INuxv, Phos, Puis, Rhus, Sil, I ISpig, Sub; in carious, spreading to cheeks, eyes and temples, worse at night or when coming in contact with food, especially cold or spiced food, Rob.; in carious, when eating or drink- ing, ICaust; in carious, when touched by hot food or drink, leftside, I IBar. e: with twitch- ing in fingers and feet, IMagn. e; in front, during night, IPhos. ae; with biting on lower surface of tongue, Zinc; in left upper molars, Spong.; in nerves, as if wrenched out, with stitches which affect whole body, particularly on inspiration, INux v.; with confusion in left side of head, in upper, IColoe; every day for a week at 12 m, in upper left, lasts till mid- night, when it gradually passes off, feels it slightly through forenoon (intermittent neu- ralgia), I IPolyp. ggjg* smarting. Toothache, burrowing : in alveoli of some molars, makes him peevish, ICham.; in a hollow, extending to head if air enters mouth, INux v.; at roots, ICham. BgT" digging, gnawing. Toothache, sensation as if tooth would burst: HSab. , Toothache, in carious (decayed) teeth : Anag., | lAnt. c, Ars, Arum t, Ascl. s., Bell., Bry, ! ICale, Cann. s., Caps, Carbo v. Cast, eq, j Caust, ICham, Cinch., Coff., Hep, IHyos, I llodof, I llpec, I IKali m, I IKob, IIKreo, ILach., ILye, I I Meph, IIMerc, IMez,INitr. ac Nux m, Nux v.. Phos.. Phos. ac, IPlant, IPuls, I I Rhod, IRhus, HSep, Sib, HStaph, Sub; better in air and warmth, worse in even- ing, Bov.; awaking from sleep, ICarbo a.; applied to cavity, 1101. caje; after taking cold, IBar. c; excruciating, IChloral.; causes pain and swelling in face, I IColch.; when food gets in, IPhos. ac, ISang, HStaph.; ac- companied by gumboils, IPhos.; in all, during rush of blood to head, IGlon, ILach.; on left side, after falling asleep, IGlon.; be- fore menses, IIBar. e; in molars, Calc. a, Oxal. ac; from molars into ears, Calc. a.; in last molar of left side, Arg. met, IForm.; in second molar, right side, 4.30 to 5 p.m., at time shoots down in line with larynx, leav- ing sore track, worse in bed, better from external warmth and pressure, IComo.; in root of molar, Lyss.; worse at night, Inul.; worse at night and on inhaling cold air, Sib; severe at night, better lying on affected side and keeping quiet, Hyper.; rapid decay,I ISep.; in scurvy, ICochb; to temples, Act. sp. Toothache, frpm chamomile tea : IPuls. Toothache, changing locality : flying,Camph, Rhod.; frequently, returning every two or three hours, rushes about like lightning, IMagn. p. Toothache, cheeks : BSaT'faceache, swelling. Toothache, when chewing: BST" eating. Toothache, in children: Aeon., IIAnt. e, IBell, ICale, HCham, HCoff, Ign,IMere, Nux m, IPuls, ISib Toothache, with chilliness: Puis., Rhus ; and sweat, Daph.; during chill, I IHelb; with chilliness, heat and thirst, Lach.; espe- cially after, begins with pricking in teeth of one side, gradually increases to drawing tearing over face and temples, worse by warmth, especially warmth of bed, 11 Rhod.; starts in right back teeth and passes upward, Lyss. 8®°" air, taking cold. Toothache, chronic : ICaust. Toothache, clawing: violent, Stront. Toothache, from cleaning teeth : IILach. 8®" touch. Toothache,clucking: Carbov. BST'throbbing. Toothache, after coffee : Ananth, IBell, Carbo v, Camph, Coccul., llgn, Merc, INux v., IPuls, Rhus, Sib Toothache, coitus: after, Daph.; relieves, Camph. Toothache, cold : from taking ICham., IGels, IMere; from taking cold, after having been overheated (suppressed sweat), ICham, IGlon.,IRhus ; or cooling temperature, Polyg.; as from cold, worse by touch, Anag.; better from cold in general, Bell, Bry, Cham, Cinch, Mere, Nux v, Phos, IPuls, Staph, Sub; better from cold, momentarily, Amb, 11 Lac c; worse from cold in general, I Ars, IIAnt. c, Calc, Carbo v., Grat, IMagn c, IMere, INatr. m, INux m, Nux v., IPuls, IPhos. ac, IPsor, IRhus, Sil, Staph. Sub; worse from cold and warm things, IColch.; from cold, especially with diarrhcea, IDulc; painful coldness shooting from lower posterior upward, Lyss.; better from holding cold water in mouth, .Esc. h, IBism., Cepa, HCoff,IClem,HCoff.,IFerr..lMagn. c, INatr. s. Sub; better from cold drinks, Bell, Bry, Camph, ICaust, ICepa, Cham., IIMerc, INatr. s, Nux v, Phos, Puis., Rhus, Sub; worse from cold drinks, Ananth., IIAnt. c, lArs., Bry, Calc, Carbo v, Caust, ICham., IChim. umb., Chrom. ae. Gymn, IHep, ILach, IMere, Natr. m, Nux m, INuxv, IPlant, IPuls, I ISabad, Sib, HStaph, Sul.; 326 10. TEETH A: either worse from cold drinks, or better until cold water becomes warm in mouth, IFluor. ac; better when cold water taken into mouth becomes warm, Carb. s, IPuls.; better dipping finger into cold water and holding it to tooth, ICham.; from having hands in cold water, IPhos.; better from cold hand, Rhus; better holding ice or ice- cold water in mouth, I ICoff.; better from ice to cheek, tearing in sound teeth (men- orrhagia), IFerr. sub; worse from cold or hot things in mouth, Carbo v., Lach, Magn. s., INitr. ae, ISep.; wrorse from eat- ing cold things, Ananth, Bry, Cale, Calc. p, Cham, Nux v., Puis., Rhus, Rob, Staph, Sub; worse from cold touch, INit. ac, IPlant.; worse from washing, Antr. c, Bry, ICale,Cham, IMere, INuxm., Nux v., Puis., IRhus, Sil, Staph, HSub; better from washing, Bell, Bry, Cham, Puis. Bisp air, chill, water. Toothache, from concussion : lArn, INux m. Toothache, constant: 11 Aurant, Bell, Calc, Caust, Natr. m. Sib, Sub; in all teeth, Sib; in badly decayed wisdom tooth, in left lower jaw, after ride across ferry in sharp wind, 11 Plant.; with sudden spasmodic exacerba- tions, IGlon.; in upper, extending into right eye, Chim. umb. Toothache, with constipation: IBry, I IMere, IINux v, IStaph. Toothache, constricting : Carbo v. B^" pressing, tensive. Toothache, with coryza: better when catarrh is worse, worse when catarrh ceases, ICepa ; dry, HCinch. gfgg" cold. Toothache, during cough: Bry. Toothache, crushed: as if molars were, from cold, llgn. Toothache, cutting: ILach.; radiating to ear, worse in warmth or inhaling fresh air, Arn.; in nerves, coming and going, preventing sleep, lAur.met.; seems to originate from swelling of submaxillary gland, ICamph.; before thun- derstorm, or cloudy, windy weather, IRhod. egr-darting, lancinating, neuralgic, shoot- ing. Toothache, in cystitis : ILye Toothache, in damp air or weather: Cepa, Dulc, IIMerc, INatr. s, INux m, IRhus. Toothache, darting: Bry, IGels.; worse from eating and drinking, Con.; in two carious teeth, llris. g®~ cutting, lancinating, neuralgic, shooting. Toothache, by day : Bell, Calc. e,ICoccin, Nux v.; ceasing at night, followed by sweat and pains, return in morning in paroxysms of longer or shorter intervals, alternating with giddiness or tearing in limbs, IMere 8®** carious. Toothache, drives to despair: in sensitive, nervous, excitable persons, ICoff, IHyos. gS8?° anguish, despair, excitement. Toothache, with diarrhoea: ICham, I ICoff, IDulc, IIRhus. Toothache, digging: Ananth, Ant. e, Bell, Bry, Calc, ICham., Cinch, Ign.; in carious, Spig.; as if becoming carious, Arg. nit.; in carious, with drawing to eye, IPuls.; in lower back teeth to ears, ICaust.; worse nights, carious, preventing sleep, worse from cof- fee, ICham.; worse walking in cold air, ND GUMS. and by contact, Plant. 8®* burrowing, gnawing. Toothache, distracted from: ICoff., IHyos. 8^" despair. Toothache, drawing : All. sat, Ananth, lAnt. c. Bar. c, IBell, Bry, ICale, Caps, Carbo v., Cepa, ICham., Cinch, Clem, IColoe, ICon, IGlon, IIGraph., Hyos, ILach, IMere, Merc. iod. flav., Nitr. sp. d., Nux v., Phos. ac, Rhus, IStaph, ISul, Tabae, I ITereb.; better in air, Clem.; at 5 p.m., Zing.; along alveolar border, extending to ears and temples, worse in evening on entering warm room, better in open air, I IPuls.; as soon as she gets in bed evenings, IKali e; in borders (prosopalgia), ICoccul.; in bed, in smallpox, llVar.; in carious, I Ant. c, Bov, Card, m, IMere, INux v, IStaph.; in carious molar, extends into teeth of right side, ear, temples and malar bone, worse in bed, Aph. ch.; from every cold, Cinch.; worse from cold and men- tal exertion, INux v.; worse if anything hot or cold is taken into mouth, HSep.; in carious, back teeth, Badiag.; in carious, with tearing, Abrot.; dull, in upper right, all night, Bell.; to ear, INatr. m.; to inner ear and temples, IIKreo.; right ear, while sitting, in upper back teeth, Coccion.; after eating, ICham, IHep.; when eating cold things, or from cold drinks, in carious, ICon.; with twitch- ing in fingers and feet, IMagn. e; ex- tends into forehead, IHyos.; in roots of upper front, Zinc; in lowrer incisors, Asaf; in middle and lower incisors, I ICheb; in upper incisors,Camph, I IChel.; in left upper incisors, Zinc; in carious upper incisors, while walking, Camph.; at intervals, Astac; in jaw, Cham.; sharp, jerklike, suddenly in all incisors, Zinc.; in jerks, as if tooth would be drawn out with a hook, Coccin.; jumping, when eating, I IBry.; extending to larynx, neck or shoulder (during pregnancy), I Alum.; left lower, especially incisor, Zinc; in left low- er teeth, has a decayed tooth in that side, at 7 p.m., returns after being in air, Zing.; cannot locate it, ICham.; caused by masticating, Sa- bina; during menses, better eating, worse from warm fluids, Amm. e; worse before mid- night, better after eating, ICham.; in molars, ICarbo v.; from second molar to first incisor, Zing.; in left molars, above downward, Calad.; lower back molar, evening in bed, Bov.; in lower carious molars, Camph.; in molars, when lying down, with anxiety, nausea and frequent urination, Oleand.; in two molars, Zing.; in upper molars, HSep.; from music, HPhos. ae; in dental nerves, during remis- sion of paroxysms (prosopalgia), ICoccul.; in nerves as if tooth were wrenched out, with , violent stitches affecting whole body, parti- cularly on inspiration, INux v.; now in one now in another, worse from warmth, better for a moment only by cold, passes off after a meal, Amb.; with otalgia, I IRan. sc; as if out of socket, Como.; as if being drawn out, at intervals, Astac; piercing, in carious, and on corresponding one on other side, in morning, Staph.; pressing in right lowrer back, Zinc; in an upper and lower, as if being gently pulled, Chim. umb.; now in right, then in left side, Zinc; in roots, Zing.; in upper front, in roots, and at same time in 10. TEETH AND GUMS. 327 harynx, extending into cervical muscles, inc.; rhythmical, in both rows, while eating, Coccion.; better after eating salty things, ICarbo a.; first upper teeth, left side, sen- sitive from root to crown, Cepa; in sound teeth, in cold air, HCaust.; in sound teeth, when walking in open air, Con.; with stitches in an indefinite tooth, or in one row, espe- cially on inhaling in air or just after eat- ing, at night, or in evening, INux v.; sudden, Coccus; before approach of thunder storm, or cloudy, windy weather, IRhod.; in upper, better by cold finger, Ang.; in first upper right, from root to crown, Cepa; in molars while walking in wind, IGraph. B®" pulling, rheumatic. Toothache, after drinking: g®* cold, coffee, heat, liquors, tea, wine. Toothache, dull: worse from eating, ILye; con- centrating in right eye tooth, hurts when eat- ing and on pressure, ISul. ae; in carious, Anag., Cinch.; in carious, with gumboil, Bor.; in carious, better by cold water and sucking it, IClem.; at intervals, Astac; left side, in carious, brought on during evening while reading aloud, prevented sleep, worse lying down, eating, talking and cold air, better tak- ing warm drink, into mouth (Staph, relieved), Tromb.; in upper molars, Anag, constant in first and second upper carious molar, Ustil.; in right, Dolich.; troublesome, in carious, pain with sore throat, Sabad.; in upper back, ex- tending toward right ear, while sitting, Coccion. Toothache, ears: extends to,lAmmoniac, Arn, Ars, Bry, ICale, Calc ars, ICham, IChrom. ac. Hep, IIKreo, ILach, IIMerc, INatr. in, IPlant, I IRan. sc, IIRhod., HSep, Staph, Sub; right side, Brach, Coccion.; stitches, IISul.; stitches, in left, Calad.; tearing, twing- ing, sharp, IPlant.; with deafness, I IPetrol. Toothache,eating: wrorseafter, Ananth, IIAnt. c.Ant.t, Arn, IBell, IBry, Calc, ICarbo v., ICham, IChim. umb. Cinch, Coff, Ferr.ph, llgn., IKali c, Lach, Lachn, ILye, IMere, INatr. m, INux m., INux v, Rhus, HStaph, ISub; some minutes after, IBelb; better after, Amb, Amm.c, Arn, Cale, Carbo v.,ICham, I llpec, Phos. ac, Rhus, Sib; better when eat- ing, Bell, Bry, Cham., Cinch, Coff, Phos. ae, Sib; better while eating and lying down, ISpig.; started by a crumb of bread, Clem.; worse, from soft food, Coccul, Ver.; worse, if soft crust touches, Camph.; better after salty things, ICarbo a.; worse after salty things, Carbo v.; worse from a crumb of bread, Nux v., Staph.; worse, during (chewing), Ant c, Arg. nit, Arn, Ars, Bell, I Bry, Cale, in Carbo v, ICaust, HCham, IChin. m, ICinch, ICoccul, ICoff, lEuphor, IHyos, llgn, IKali c, Lach., ILye, IMagn. m., IMere, IINatr. m, INuxm., INux v., Oleand, Phos, IPhos. ac, IPuls, Rhus, Rob, ISang, Sib, Spong, IStaph, Sul, ISul. ac, I ISyph. 8^" biting, cold, heat, pressure, touch. Toothache, with erections : Daph. Toothache, with erysipelas: ICham. Toothache, in evening: I Alum, Amm. e, I Ant. c. Bell, Brv, Calad, ICale, Caust, Hep, IHvos, Ign,IKali iod., IMere, Nux m.,INux v, IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, IStaph, Sul, ISul. ac, Tabae, Therid.; after dark, iCale s.; first in carious, which became elongated and loose, then in other teeth, partly sticking, partly crawling, Rhus; after lying down, llgn.; toward evening, IKali s, IPuls.; before mid- night, Bry, ICham, Cinch, Natr. m., Rhus, Sub B^° bed. Toothache, excitement: with nervous, lAcon, Bell, ICham., ICoff, IGels., IHyos.; when it ceases in morning, uneasiness keeps her awake, ILye; better from, I IThuya. Toothache, eye: extends into, ICale ph,Caust, Cham., Mere, Puis, Rob, Staph, Sub; worse on beginning to use, Cale; burning, Bell.; with inflammation, IBry. Toothache, eye teeth: Aeon, Calc, ICarbo a, Hyos., IRhus, Staph.; at root of right, with discharge of pus, IFluor. ae; in right, daily, worse from pressure on crown and outside of root, IMez. Toothache, face: Hyos, IKali e, Lach, Merc,Nux v, IIRhod, Rhus, Sub; aching, IIAcon, IAgar,lAilant; aching, especially in left cheek, worse at night, ICheb; pain ex- tends to cheeks, Bry, Caust, Cham, Merc, Sib, Staph, Sub; flushed cheeks, I Aeon, Arn, IBell, ICham, Merc, Nux m, Phos, Puis, Rhus, Sub; pale, Aeon., Ars, Ign, Puis, Staph, Sub; pain extending to whole right side, having waves of spontaneous exacerba- tion, without being influenced by anything in particular, IGlon.; swollen cheek, Arn, Ars, IBell, Bry, ICale, Caps, llCepa, IILach, ILye, IIMerc, Natr. m, Nux v. Petrol, Phos., Phos. ac, IPuls., Staph, Sub; swollen, pale, after toothache, Bov.; cheek swollen, suppuration threatens, Calc. s.; swelling of jaw, IHekla ; swollen, red, Ver. 8^° Chap. 8, Face swelling. Toothache, fever: during epidemic of influenza, IMere; after suppression of ague, IPuls. Toothache, filling : ggg° traumatic. Toothache, flushing pain : Bry. Toothache, flying : gi^f changing locality. Toothache, as if teeth would be forced out: IPuls.; in forenoon, Carbo v., Caust, Natr. m, Nuxv, Puis., Staph, Sul. g^" pulling. Toothache, drives frantic or frenzied: ICham, ICoff. 8@" anguish, despair, excitement. Toothache, in front teeth: B^sT" incisors. Toothache, glands: swollen, on neck, IMere iod. rub.; seemed to be caused by swollen sub- maxillary, Camph.; from swelling of sub- maxillary, hard little tubercles, as if they would ulcerate, painful when touched,! IClem. Toothache, gnawing: Berb, ICham., Daph, IKali iod, Nux v, Rhus, IStaph.; and jumping in left upper bicuspid,worse if tooth is touched, especially by hot things, worse out of doors or drawing cold air into mouth and at night, 11 Staph. ;in second left lower bicuspid,decayed close to gum, excitement removed pain, better by pressure of hand, worse in bed, extended over left forehead and into left side of neck, IIThuya; paroxysmal in left, upper carious, temporarily better by cold application (sick headache), 11 Lac e; wrorse in cold, carious, IRhus.; in carious, after meal, IIAnt. c; worse in evening, I ICale; in right lower molar, Nic- col.; in upper molars, ICale.; on one side,INux v.; preventing sleep, carious, worse at night, worse from coffee, ICham. 8@" burning, digging. 328 10. TEETH AND GUMS. Toothache, gouty pain : g®° rheumatic. Toothache, griping: in carious, IMez.; in wet weather, carious, Bor. Toothache, grumbling: IKali iod, ILach.; during afternoon, from draught, IForm.; in molars, Coccion.; as if becoming carious, Arg. nit; during day, in carious, Bar. c; in eye tooth, ICarbo a.; with pain in side of head, ISang.; in jaw, Cham.; in upper jaw, ICham.; in first four anterior molars, now upper now lower jaw, now right now left side, Rhod. Toothache, in gums: caused by abscesses,IHekla; with bleeding, foul odor, ICale; painful, Ant e, Am, IBell, Bry, ICale, ICarbo v., Cham, Cinch, IHep, Hyos, Lach, IMere, INatr.m, Nux m, INux v, Phos, IPhos. ac, IPuls, IRhus,ISil,IStaph, Sub; with swelling, Aeon., Bell, Calc ICarbo v., Caust, ICham, Cinch., Hep., ILach, IMagn. e, IIMerc. c, INatr. m, Nux v, Phos, Puis, Rhus, IIRhod, Sub; swollen, red, inflamed, then pain in jaw, ICale; with swelling of gums and salivary glands, IIMerc; with swelling and flow of saliva, I IKali m. B®° Gums aching, etc. Toothache, penetrates into head: Act. sp, IIAnt. c, HApis, lArs., ICham, IHyos, IKreo, Merc, Nux v., IPhos. ac, Rhus, Rob, ISang, Staph.; into forehead, Chrom. ac, ICoccion, IHyos.; into leftside and neck, I IThuya; with congestion, I Aur. met, IBelb, HCale, ICinch, IHyos, ILach., IPuls.; with rush of blood, from chest upw-ard, ILyss.; from a single tooth, IGlon.; with rush of blood, from taking cold, worse at night, from noise, warmth orcold (duringpregnancy),ICale;into anterior portion of brain, Chrom.ac; head feels large, after, Como.; heat in head, Aeon,Hyos, Puis.; to temples, IGels, IMagn. c; to temples and left side of face, IKreo.; commencing in a molar, slowly extends to temple, getting gradually violent, ceases suddenly, attacks every few minutes, IMere B^T" headache. Toothache, with headache: Apis, IGlon, IKali e, IILach, Ver.; and ringing in ears (gastritis), ICoccul.; pain between head, left shoulder-blade and shoulder, better during toothache, Chrom. ae; stitches to ears, root of nose and malar bone, IRhus ; with throbbing in temples, I IStaph.; leaves teeth and goes quickly to temples, Iodof. Toothache, heat: from things taken into mouth, Agnus, Anac, Bell, ICale, HCham, IMillef, Phos ac., IPuls, Tromb.; better from warmth, ILye. IPsor, IRhod, ISul. ac; worse on getting warm in bed, Bell., Bry., HCham, Chel, Clem, IMagn. c, IIMerc, Nux v, Phos., Phos. ac, IIPuls, Rhus ; better by heat of bed, Bry, ILye, Nux v.; worse from hot drinks, ibsc. h, Amm. c, IBry, ICepa, HCham, Coff, Lach, Lachn, IIMerc, Natr. s, Nux m, Nux v., Puis, Rhus, Sabad, I ISib; better by hot drinks, ILye, IMagn. p, Nux m, Nux v., Puis, Rhus, Sul, worse from warm food, Anac, Bry,Calc,ICarb. s, Cham, INatr. m., INuxv, Phos, Puis, I ISabad,Sib; when taking anything hot or cold (syphilitic neuralgia), I ISyph.; better from warm food, IArs,Bry,Nux m, Nux v., Rhus, Sub; worse in a warm room, Bry., ICepa, HCham, IHep, I llris, IKali s, Nux v, Phos. ac, IIPuls.; better in a warm room, I Ars, Nux v., Phos, Sub; better from heat of stove, 11 Ars.; worse from warmth in general, Amb, Arn., Ars. h., I IBry, ICale,Calc. ph, Carbo v, Cham, Coff., Ferr. ph. Hep., Lach, IIMerc, Natr. m, Nux m.,Nuxv, IPhos,Phos. ae, IPlant, IIPuls., Rhus, Sib, Staph., ISub; left lower molar, worse from warmth and in bed, better from cold water, Chel.; from having hands in hot water, IPhos.; better from warmth in general, lArs, Bell., Calc, ICham.,Cinch,Hyos,Lach., IMere, Nux m., INux v., IPuls., IRhus, Staph, Sul. Toothache, in hollow teeth: B€£T carious. Toothache, in incisors: Bell, Carbo v., Caust., Cham, Cinch, Coff, Dios., Ign., IMere, INatr. m, INux m, INux v, Phos, Phos. ac, IRhus, Sil, Staph, ISub; incisor, lower, by contact with tongue and open air, Anac; iii upper, Coccul.; in upper,gradually increas- ing and decreasing, I IStann. g^f eye teeth, lower teeth, stomach teeth, upper teeth. Toothache, increases: slowly, ceases suddenly when reaching highest point, ISul. ae; grad- ually, and decreases in same way, I IStann. Toothache, injuries: g®° traumatic. Toothache, intermittent: Astac, IBelb, Bry, Calc, ICinch, ICham, ICoff, I IMere, I INux v, IPuls, I IRhus, I ISib, IStaph, ISub; over whole side of face, worse from hot or cold food or drink, walking in cold air, even with closed mouth, I ISabad.; worse at night, from cold drinks, especially from inhalation of cold air, better from external heat, IIRhod.; in first right upper molar, Ars. iod.; rheumatic, IIAnt.t. ggg~ periodic. Toothache, with irritability: lAcon., I Ars, IBell.,1 ICham. ,ICinch,HCoff, IHyos, I I Nux m, INux v.; after vexation, IRhus, IStaph. Toothache, jaw: B^T'Chap. 9, Lower jaw ach- ing, etc.; also Chap. 8, Faceache malar bone. Toothache, jerking: lAnt.c, Apis, Ars., Aur. mur. Bar. c, Bry, IBell, ICale, Caust, Cepa, I ICham, Coccion, ICoff., ICon, Hep, IHyos, ILach., IMere, INux \, IPhos,IPuls,I IRan. sc, IRhus, ISul, Zinc; in carious, I Ant. e;in carious, relieved by tobacco smoke, Spig.; in cavities, with bleeding, after extraction, I IPhos.; from every cold, Cinch.; cooling, in front, Osm.; drawing, in left upper back, iBry.; drawing, as if a nerve stretched and then let loose, IPuls.; on drinking cold water, Agar.; dull, especially at night, in arthritic patients, ICycb; into ear, ICham.; after eating, Stann.; in evening, in bed, changes place upon press- ure, IBry.; in eye tooth, ICarbo a.; into fore- head, IHyos.; in left, from time to time, Zinc, in left, extending to forehead and right temple, worse taking anything cold into mouth or in cold, wet weather, better from warmth, IPhos.; in jaw, teeth seem too long, INux v.; lower, in roots of, through upper jaw to ear, periodic after waking, soon after eating, from wrarm and cold food, IILach.; in molars, HApis; in last molars, Cepa; in last lower molars, Zinc; in right lower molars, in evening after lying down, Zinc; in right, upper molar, forenoon, All. sat,; especially in morning, IPuls.; especially at night, IIMerc; at night, about 10 p.m., extends into head, better by application of cold hands, Rhus ; pulselike, in back molars, Coccion.; from lower jaw into ears, with painfulness of gums from 9 p.m. on, IIMerc; pulselike, worse after 10. TEETH AND GUMS. 329 midnight, after sleep; must sit up in bed, Bar. m.; single, IBar. c; when smoking, IBry.; sudden, in roots, Meph.; and tearing, as if tooth would start from jaw, IPuls.; to temple, better sitting up in bed and strok- ing head, lArs. 8®* jumping, neuralgic, twitching. Toothache,jumping: in carious, pain extends to upper and lower jaw or ear, ISub; in left upper molars, Apis; as if teeth were being torn out, IRhus. 8^" jerking, throbbing, twitching. Toothache, lacerating: IIMerc, worse in even- ing, Bell.; tearing, in face, from cold, IIMerc; renewed by cold water, INux v. B@T" neuralgic, tearing. Toothache, lancinating : Ananth.; in carious, spreading to cheeks, eyes and temples, worse at night or when coming in contact with food, especially cold or spiced food, Rob.; with pains in facial bones, IKali c; worse at night, ICham.; sharp, along molar to malar bone, IHam. 8^" cutting, darting, neuralgic, shooting. Toothache, in left side: Aeon., Apis, Arn, Carbo v., Caust, Cinch, ICham, Hyos, Merc, INux in, IPhos, Rhus, Sil, I ISub; in second upper bicuspid, worse at nigbt, better on getting out of bed, lOleand.; in last left molar, Arg. met, IForm.; in lower molar row, Castor.; occasionaljn upper, Syph.; carious, must pick them ; Cast, eq.; in lower, carious, Arum t; or going from right to left, IIAcon.;from left to right, Cepa; from left to right molars, Gamb.; in upper jaw, after warm food, ICham.; in lower after rinsing mouth with cold water in morning, Chrom. ac. Toothache, as if tooth were being lifted out of socket: B@~ pulled. Toothache, limbs: uneasiness after, obliged to get up and walk about, Chrom. ac. Toothache, worse from spirituous liquors: Camph. 8®" wine. Toothache, as if teeth were too long : g@t Teeth long. Toothache, in lower teeth: Anac, I Am., IBell, Bry, Carbo v, ICaust, ICham, Cinch, Hyos, Ign, ILach, Merc, INatr. c, Nux v, Phos, Puis, IRhus, Ruta, ISil, IStaph. Toothache, lying down: worse, Ars, Bell, Bry, ICham, I IHyos, Ign, I IMere, Nux v, Phos, IIPuls, IRhus, Staph, Sub; bet- ter, IBry., IMere, INux v.; right side, when laying head upon pillow at night, better sit- ting up or walking, I ISpig.; better on painful side, Bry, Hyper, Ign., Puis.; worse on pain- ful side, Ars., Nux v.; worse on painless side, IBry, Cham., Ign., Puis.; better on painless side, Nux v. BST bed. Toothache, menses: after, Bry, Calc, Cham., Phos., Thuya; before, lAnt. c, Ars, Bar. c, INatr. m, ISub, Thuya; worse at beginning, INatr. m.; at beginning and at end, IPuls.; during, Amm. c, lArs., ICale, ICham, ICoff, IKali e, IILach, INitr. ac, IPuls, I ISep., HStaph.; during, worse in proportion to dimi- nution of flow, IILach.; in menorrhagia, IFerr. s. Toothache, mental emotion: 8^° anguish, despair, excitement, irritability, weeping. Toothache, worse from mental exertion : Bell, Ign., Nux v. BST thinking, reading. Toothache, after abuse of mercury : 11 Bell, ICarbo v., ICham, IIHep, IILach, IPhyt, IStaph. Toothache, metastasis: from toe, in gout, 11 Sabina. gS@f changing locality. Toothache, with moaning: ICham. Toothache, in morning: Ant, t, Ars, Bell., Bry, Carbo v., Caust, Cinch, IFerr., IHyos, llgn,Merc, Natr. m, Phos., Phos. ac. Puis, IIRhod, IRhus, IStaph., Sub; on awaking, Bell, Carbo v., ILach, Nux v.; wakes from sleep, Calad. B^° night, sleep. Toothache, motion: worse from, ICinch., Hy- per, IMez.; better from, IPuls, IRhus; from exercise, INux v., 11 Sabina; better walking about, Ratan, I ISub; better walking in open air, IIPuls. 8^*" restlessness. Toothache, in molars: Arn, Bell, IBry, Calc, ICarbo v., Caust, Cham., Cinch, Coff, Hyos., Ign, Merc, Nux m, Nux v., IPhos, Phos. ac. Puis., Rhus, Sib, IStaph, Sul. Toothache, extends into neck: toward right ear and temple, she could not locate pain, I ISpig.; while eating, IBry. Toothache, in nervous persons: I Aeon, I Ars., IBell, I ICham, I ICoff, IGels., IMagn. p, IPuls.; in highly delicate, pale, sensitive per- sons, I IKali ph. B@" mental emotion. Toothache, neuralgic: Bor, ICarb. s, ICham, IChel, llris, IIMagn. p., IPhyt, Thlaspi ; worse after being in bed a short time, ISib; in cavities from which teeth have been extracted, IHekla; ciliary, from carious teeth, IPlant; in lower, as if nerves were compressed or stretched, IColoe; running around edges, IGels.; from exposed nerve, lAcon., Bry. (BggT' air); facial, from carious teeth, not in habit of taking coffee, ICoff. t; with heat and tearing in head, I ISib; of right side of face, proceeds from carious teeth, cold applications, IKali ph.; of inferior dental nerves, IPlant.; in inferior and superior dental nerves, IIRhod.; in molar, left lower, Ast. r.; with nervous affection, IMagn. p.; paroxysms, Stilling.; piercing, in left upper molar, I I Prun,- in prosopalgia, IIBell.; in rheumatic patients, Act. rac; as if a nerve were shattered and crushed, on rising in morning, llgn.; sudden, in carious teeth, concentrating in temple, IGlon.; in superior dental nerves, IIRhod.; better by holding cold water in mouth, HCoff.; in hysterical women, during menses, INux m. gtg&° tearing, shooting, etc. Toothache, at night: only, IBelb, Calc. p, ILye, Phos.; awakens her, IGlon.; in heart disease, IlAur. met.; as soon as she lies down, sudden pain in all, lasting one hour, I IDiad.; every night during menses, ICed.; before and after midnight, INatr. m.; compelling one to rise and walk about, IMagn. c.; worse, Aeon, Ananth, I Ant. e, Ars, IBell, Bry, ICarbo v, HCham, Cinch, Clem., Coff, IColch., IHep, Hyos, IMere, IMez, INatr. m, Nux m, INux v, lOleand, Phos, IPhos. ac, IPsor, IPuls, IRhus, IRhod, Rob., I ISabad., ISil, ISpig, IStaph, HSub; worse at night, in carious, Hyper, Inul, Sib; worse at night, with heat in face, IGraph.; at night, with swollen cheek, Petrol.; worse after midnight, lArs, Bell, Bry, Carbo v., Cham, Cinch., IMere, Natr. m, Phos. ae, Puis., Rhus, IStaph., Sul. 8^°-bed. 330 10. TEETH AND GUMS. Toothache, worse from noise : Cale; shrill sounds, ITherid. Toothache, at noon : Coccul, Rhus; every day, burning, lasts until midnight, I IPolyp. Toothache, with stinging at root of nose: ex- tending to malar bones, IRhus. Toothache, numb: Cinch.; in left lower, in morning, after rising, I IPlat. Toothache, of nursing mothers : Aeon., I I Ars, Bell., ICale, Dulc, Merc, Nux v., I IPhos, Staph., Sul. Toothache, one-sided: Aeon, Bell, Cham, Merc, Nux v. Puis. g@g* !eft. right. Toothache, after operation, plugging, etc.: 8§^* traumatic ; also Teeth injuries. Toothache, paroxysmal: Alb sat.; from root of upper eye to cheek, ICham.; short attacks, shooting, Camph., Chrom. ac. , 8€sT* intermittent, periodic. Toothache, periodic: ICoccion.; in carious, left, lower molar, ICham.; each day, at noon, in third inferior molar, extending over face, even to hairy scalp, ICoccin.; every other day, ICham, INatr. m.; every seventh day, Ars,Phos, Sul. 8®*intermittent, periodic. Toothache, picking teeth: caused by, IPuls, ISang.; better from, Bell, ICepa, Phos. ac. Toothache, piercing: Aeon, Ant. c, Bell, IBry, Calc,, Caust, ICham, ICinch, ILach, IMere, Nux m, Nux v., Phos, Phos. ac, IPuls, Rhus, Sil, Staph. BgaT* boring, prick- ing, stinging, stitches. Toothache, in young, plethoric, sedentary per- sons : IIAcon. B^° inflammatory. Toothache, during pregnancy: lAcon, Apis, IBell, Bry, Calc, ICham., IHyos, IILyss, IMagn. c, Merc, Nux m,Nux v, IPuls, Rhus, IStaph, ITabae; with internal ebullition of blood from chest to head, ILyss.; with short breath, worse in cold air, on touching teeth and talking, HSep.; terrible, in early months, must get up at night and walk (pregnancy), IRatan. Toothache, pressing pain: Aeon, I Arn, Bry., Carbo v, Caust, ICepa, Cinch, I IChel,Hyos., Ign, INatr. m, Nux m, Nux v., Phos, IRhus, Sib, IStaph, ISub; compressive, corrosive, Guaraea ; asunder, Phos. ae; as from conges- tion, or as if teeth were too close, Aeon, Arn, Bell, Calc, Cham, Cinch, ICoff, Hep,Hyos, INux v., IPuls.; asunder, as if something had got jammed between, in evening, Ananth, ICorab, Spong.; after dinner, as if something got into tooth, IKali e; dull, in last left molar, Lobel. b; in decayed tooth, extends to eve, worse by pressure or contact of a metallic substance, better by heavy pressure, IStaph.; late in evening, in molars, IKalm.; extends into, from head, ICale; after eating, in carious incisor, worse in open air, gradually ceased in house, Staph.; upper, in right molars, in fore- noon, All. sat.; nightly, with swelling of lower lips and gums, INatr. c; inward, Rhus,Staph.; outward, IPhos.; outward, teeth feel cold, ISpig.; pinching, in upper incisors, regularly from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., sensitive to air, IDiad.; in right, back, on going into warm room, Cepa ; in roots, Zing.; in root of last, back, carious, in evening, IKali c.; in root of left eye tooth, disturbing sleep, Cepa; worse from touch, or biting, I Graph.; in upper row, ICale; in upper, in coryza, IIMerc. Toothache, pressure: worse from, Caust, Cinch, I IHekla, Hyos, INatr. m., Staph, Sub; better from, Bell., Bry., Cinch, Como, Ign, Natr. m, Phos, IPuls, Rhus ; better by heavy, IStaph.; better pressing teeth together, ICinch.; pressing together, sends a shock through head, ears and nose, Amm. e; better from pressure and pricking gums until blood comes, Bell. flgT'eating, picking, touch. Toothache, pricking: ICale; in lower, back, to ears, ICaust.; extending into jaws and temples, IRhus ; in molars, worse masticat- ing or touching carious teeth with tongue, Amm. c; in molars, evening and night, can bear neither heat nor cold, I IHelb; stinging, worse in open air and from warm food, IPhos. 8®* stinging. Toothache, as if teeth would be pulled out: Ananth, Arn, Astac, Bell, Berb, Caust, Chim. umb, Como, IMez, Nux m, Nux v, Phos. ac, IRhus, I IZinc. g^° drawing. Toothache, pulsating : 8®* throbbing. Toothache, from abuse of quinine: IHep., IIPuls. Toothache, reading : worse from, Ign, INux v., I IThuya. gtSf mental exertion. Toothache, rending: Tabae; to temples,ICup. m. Toothache, rest: better, Bry, Nux v., Staph. Toothache, with restlessness: obliged to change position, Chrom. ae; tosses, lAcon, ICham, ICoff. Toothache, rheumatic: I Act. rac, IIAnt. t, •Cales, ICochl, Ind., IMagn. c, IMagn. p, IPhyt, I I Rhod.; worse in bed, at night, IClem.; particularly in women,especially when pregnant, Bell.; gouty, IIRhod.; after gouty pain in great toe was suppressed, 11 Sabina; with diseased gums, Millet; particularly one side, worse at night, ICham.; intermittent, IIAnt. t; worse at night, IColch, IRhod.; with pricking, INux v.; radiates from right lower jaw to teeth, I IRhod.; in carious teeth to temple, Sil. Toothache, while riding in a carriage, worse in cold: IMagn. e Toothache, in right side: IBell, Bry., Calc, Cann. s, Coff, Lach, Natr. m, Nux v, Phos. ac, Staph.; soon after going to bed, 10 p.m., Chrom. ac; cannot be located, nausea and coldness in abdomen,-""Cale; in lower jaw, Astac; in molars, Cast, eq.; in lower molars, A.scb t. Lye vir.; in second molar, IComo.; in lower molars, then subacute pain, first in left, then in right frontal eminence, in right molar, then left molar, then left temple again to right molar, then to loins, Lye vir.; in upper jaw, ICarbol.ac; in upper right molar, a filled tooth, as if bare nerve were touched, Diose; worse in, ICycb; a kind of aching dul- ness, Lyss.; in upper and lower jaw, worse from cold water, IMagn. c. Toothache, on rising: worse, Ign, Merc, Plat.; better, Nux v., Phos. 8^"*morning, motion. Toothache, in room: Ant. e, Apis, ICham., Hep, Nux v, IPuls., Sub; on entering from cold air, worse by contact of food, cold and warm things, Magn. s. B^sT" air, heat. Toothache, in roots : HStaph.; in carious, better by pressure,Amm. m.; from upper eye tooth to nose, ICham.; from upper eye tooth to temple, ICham.; of left canine tooth, upper jaw, IGels.; of right tooth that has been sawn off, 10. TEETH AND GUMS. 331 extending to temple (prosopalgia), I ILith.; in all stumps, ICaust. Toothache, rooting: ICale; in one upper and one lower molar, right side, carious, IGlon. Toothache, in a whole row of teeth : ICham., IMere, IRhus, HStaph. Toothache, better from rubbing cheeks: IIMerc. Toothache, from salty things: Carbo v. Toothache, with salivation : Bell., ICham, Daph, IDulc, IIMerc. Toothache, one-sided, in a patient recovering from sciatica: periodic, three or four times a day, each attack lasting an hour, IColoe Toothache, scraping : 8^°diSSin6- gnawing. Toothache, as if sere-wed in : in carious, with jerking as if it would be torn out, HEuphor, ■Bry. Toothache, teeth sensitive : ;B@" touch, air, cold, heat. Toothache, teeth feel as if forcibly separated: 8®* pressing. Toothache, shooting: IIBry., Cale, IMagn. p.; back and forth to eyes and ears, worse drink- ing cold water, Cham.; inward, in cavities, left side,Cast. eq.; in carious, extending all over bones of face and head, IPhos.; as from cari- ous, come and go suddenly, sometimes shoot into ear, attempts to read or think bring on pain (neuralgic alveolar periostitis), I IThuya ; into ear, HStaph.; in right eye tooth, pre- ceded by burning, passing down oesophagus, Lyss.; into face and ears, Lyss., IIMerc; in lower jaw, teeth seem too long, INux v.; in lower teeth, to head, I Agar.; in molars, Calc. p.; in lower molars, later in right only,^Eseh.; in upper molars, on left side into superior maxillary bone, Cup. ars.; from one to an- other, I IPrun.; in carious roots. Coccus ; as if teeth were being torn out, IRhus; when touched by anything wrarm or cold, INitr. ac.; towards, in snort attacks, early morning, ICamph.B^°cutting, darting, lancinating, Toothache, worse sitting : IIAnt. c, IIMerc, IPuls, IRhus ; better when sitting up in bed, lArs., Merc, Rhus ; from sedentary habits, Aeon, INux v. Toothache, sleep: during, iCale s. Mere; on going,Ant. c, Ars.,Mere, Sub; preventing, at night, ICoccion,IHam.; during and after siesta, ICaust.; worse after, Bar. m.; on awaking, Bell, Bry, Cale, Carbo v, Lach., Nux v., IPhos., Sil, ISub; better after, Nux v., Puis.; * with yawning, Staph. 8®" morning, night. Toothache, smarting: insupportable when anything cold touches tooth, Mang.; in roots of upper front, Zinc. 8^° burning. Toothache, sore feeling: 11 Alum, Apis, Bell, I IBry, ICarbo v, Caulo, Cina, Iodof, INux v, Psor, IRhod,IZinc.; on chewing, especially left side, Cinch, bob; going to ear on pressing jaws together, with furunculoid sw-elling, as from lymphatic extension on lower wall of auditory meatus, I IPic. ae; even in sound, while eating, Plant.; particularly in eye teeth, Med.; on closing jaw, Thlaspi; left side, worse from contact and extremes of heat and cold, IPlant; worse between meals, llgn.; in preg- nancy, IMere Toothache, in sound teeth : IIAcon., ICham, IMagn. e; of right lower jaw, better by cold water, ICoff. t. Toothache, in spring : Aeon, Bell, IBry., Calc, Carbo v, IDulc, IILach, INatr. m, Nux v, IPuls, Rhus, Sil, Sub; during prevalence of a sharp east wind, lasts several weeks, I IRhod. Toothache, as if teeth were sprained: Arn. Toothache, sticking: HCaust, Con, HSep.; in roots of left upper canine and adjacent incisors, Zinc; dull, in roots of lower, through upper jaw to ear, periodic after waking, soon after eating,from warm and cold food,IILach.; extending into ear, ISub; fine, I IPrun.; biting in roots of incisors, I IZinc; in left lower molars, constantly, in evening, Zinc.; violent in last lower back tooth, when she touched it with tongue, Zinc; with suppression of menses, IIPuls.; in upper left molar, carious, Cist.; tickling of right back teeth, Staph. 8®" piercing, pricking, stinging. Toothache, stinging : lApis, Bell.,Coff., I IRan. sc, Spong., Vab; with sensation of swelling of cheek, Samb.; decayed, INatr. m, INux v, IPuls,; in decayed, with heat in head and chilly over whole body, IPuls.; after cold drinks, IGraph.; with cramplike drawing ex- tending to articulation of jaw, IIKali m.; while eating, Psor.; after eating, IMagn. c; in evening in bed and all night, after abuse of mercury, INitr. ac; stinging in roots of upper front, Zinc; in front, during pregnancy, worse during cold, damp weather, from wash- ing, from touch or sucking teeth, better from warmth, INux m.; intermitting, worse left lower decayed molar, evening, Bor.; extends to malar bones and temples, IMez.; in root of last right inferior molar, Sars.; persistent, in dysmenorrhoea, IGraph.; prevents sleep, ISil. B^° piercing, pricking, stitching. Toothache, stitching: Bar. m, Berb, ICale, HCaust, ICham, Con, ICycl, lEuphor, IMere, IMez, HSep.; when drawing air into mouth, Ant. e; along alveolar border, up to ears and temples, worse in evening on enter- ing room, better in open air, I IPuls.; burning in carious, when touched by warm food, left side, IIBar. e; burning in several, worse at night from cold air in mouth, with heat in head and burning in chest, ISib; in cavities, with bleeding (after extraction of several teeth), HPhos.; in two carious teeth, llris; with swelling of cheek, IKali e; drawing, from left forehead, Cepa; from every cold drink, ISul.; dull, in lower back teeth, downward, ICaust.; dull, in upper back teeth, upward, ICaust;toear,INatr. m.,1 IRhod.; to ear,could not sleep, had to tie a cloth over it during day, HSep.; while eating, to muscles of neck, IBry.; to eye, Camph.; follow each other in close suc- cession in ca'rious,ceasing after getting warm in bed, ILye; in upper incisors, Amm. m.; jerking in left lower molar, also in evening after fall- ing asleep, suddenly awaking, Zinc; in left row, extending into neck, Zinc; in lower, ICarbo a.; in new molar, into temple, front of head and eye, IKali e; in molars, when biting, can only use incisors, Amm. c; in mornings, after warm drink, IDros.; extending to occiput, Coccin.; from one side to other, radiating to head, with burning in right cheek, which is swollen, Psor.; tearing, I IZinc; tearing in molar, into forehead, eyes and temples, IKali e; of carious, when touched by warm food, iBar.; like in an ulcer, ISep. 8@T* piercing, pricking, stinging. 332 10. TEETH AND GUMS. Toothache, with pain in stomach: ICale p, Coloe; alternates with pressing in stomach, llpec. Toothache, in stomach teeth: Aeon, Cale, Hyos, IRhus, Staph. BST" lower teeth. Toothache, worse from stooping : ISpig. Toothache, strumming: Meph. Toothache, in stumps : 8®° roots. Toothache, sucking teeth: worse from, Bell, Carbo v., Nux m, Nux v. Sib; better from, Caust, Cepa. Toothache, sudden : starting from lower cari- ous molar, concentrates in temple, Glon.; attacking a sound tooth, in hysterical sub- jects, llgn.; in sound tooth, left side, espe- cially in lower jaw, in afternoon, Chrom. ae; at night, immediately after lying down, IDiad.; going from one place to another and into ears, Mang.; in left upper molars, 7rCed.; in upper, then in lower, 11 Stram. Toothache, in summer: Ant. e, Bell, Bry, Calc, Carbo v., Cham, Lach., INatr. m, Nux v. Puis. Toothache, sweat: during, HCinch, Daph.; during, better towards morning, Cepa; from suppressed, ICham., Rhus ; after suppressed foot sweat, HSil.; with tendency, Daph.; with warm sweat, Hyos.; better from warm sweat, lAph. ch. 8^° bed, heat. Toothache, sweet things : worse from, INatr. e Toothache, with swelling: ggg* face. Toothache, syphilitic: IPhyt.; when mercu- rialized, Clem. 8^" mercury. Toothache, talking: worse, Ars, IIBry, ICham, INux m. Toothache, from drinking tea: ICinch, Coff, Ferr., Ign, Lach, ISel, ISep, Thuya. Toothache, with involuntary flow of tears or salivation: I INatr. m. BSP weeping. Toothache, tearing: Ant. c. Bell, Bry., Cale, Calc. p, Carbo v., HCaust., Cepa, ICham., Cinch, Coccion, ICycb, Daph,Glon,IGraph., Hyos, ILach., ILye, IIMerc, I IMere per., INitr. ac, Nitr. sp. d., Nux v., Phos. ac, IPuls, Rhus, IStaph, ISub; from coldairand cold drink, ISars.; along alveolar border, ex- tending to ears and temples, worse in even- ing on entering warm room, better in open air, IIPuls.; in carious teeth, ISpig.; extend- ing from carious teeth over bones of face and head, IPhos.; in carious molar, throbbing, after getting wet, worse in bed, Aeon.; extends to cheeks and along lower jaw, IHyos.; with sensation of swelling of cheek, Samb.; from every cold, Cinch.; worse from cold and men- tal exertion, INux v.; drawing in molars, worse in cloudy, stormy, rainy weather, worse in rest, intermits, generally appears in morn- ing, I IRhod.; into ear, ICham.; to ears and throat, after eating and at night, INatr. m.; out through left ear, during and after eating, HSep.; radiating to ear, worse from warmth or inhaling fresh air, Am.; in right ear, Niccol.; while eating, to muscles of neck, IBry.; violent, in evening, Tabae; with pains in facial bones, IKali e; constant, fine, after morning walk, IMez.; causes spasmodic jerks of fingers, hands, arm and facial muscles, IHyos.; with twitching in fingers and feet, IMagn. e; from hot, cold or salt food, worse when touched with tongue, ICarbo v.; in front, during pregnancy, worse during cold, damp weather, from washing, from touch or sucking teeth, better from warmth, INux m.; gnawing, HStaph.; in headache, IColoe; to head and through bones of face, INux v.; affects heart, IlAur. met.; better by hot appli- cations, Rhus; better from warmth of bed, Vinca; worse from heat, renewed by going to bed, Graph.; worse when warm in bed, IPhos. ae; generally from "a hollow, passing through head and into face and affected eye, IMagn. c; in incisor, Carbo v.; in roots of right lower incisor, IIMar. v.; intermittent, in small molars, left lower,Verbas.; into jaws and temples, IRhus; jerking, Stront; jerking in roots, Stront; in left side, Anac, ISub; in left side, to forehead and temple, worse tak- ing anything cold into mouth or in cold, wet weather, better from warmth, IPhos.; worse in left side (heart disease), 11 Aur. met.; in left lower, especially incisors, Zinc; in lower, Agar.; in lower, in evening, Cain.; in right lower, Viol.; in molars, Anag, Aph. ch, ICarbo v.; in first four anterior molars, now upper, now lower jaw, now right, now left side, Rhod.; in molar, carious, worse on pressure, Zinc.; in left last molars, above and below, then in cheek, extending to temple and forehead, Zinc; in lower molars, worse cold air, Agar.; violent, in last lower molars, Zinc; in last lower left molar, in evening, Zinc; in root of last right inferior molar, Sars.; in new molar, into temple, front of head and eye, IKali e; in large molars of right lower jaw, Verbas.; in all right molars, IGamb.; in roots of molars, Sabina; in upper molar, from taking cold in a draught of air, Cinch.; in upper left molar, Berb, Zinc; nightly, I INux m.; on one side, INux v.; in last lower, back, as if tooth would be torn out, I IPrun.; as if roots were being torn out, ICale; in roots, after eating (leftside posteriorly), Ant, t; in roots of lower, through upper jaw to ear, periodic after waking, soon after eating, from warm and cold drinks, IILach.; in roots of right, Zinc; from root of right upper, toward temple, in evening, after lying down, Zinc; in right upper and lower, worse toward evening, lying with head low, lying on sound side, from warm food or drink, IIPuls.; in both rows of right, to zygoma, ICaust.; in sound, better from cold or application of ice upon cheek (menorrhagia), IFerr. s.; stitching, in carious, worse at night, IMere; ending with stitches, IGuaiac; tedious, worse at night, spreading over whole cheek and into bones of face, ISib; on change of temperature, I ISep.; in upper (coryza), IIMerc. 8®° lacerating, neuralgic. Toothache, in loose teeth: 8®" Teeth loose. Toothache, tensive: as if tension were made upon nerves and skin and suddenly relaxed, pains extend over one side of face to ear, IColoe; in upper (coryza), IIMerc. 8^° constricting, pressing. Toothache, thinking; returns when thinking about it, ISpig.; worse from, INux v., I IThuya; worse thinking about it, better when mind is diverted, Bar. e 8^° mental exertion ; also Chap. 1, Thoughts complaint. Toothache, throbbing (beating, pulsating): lAcon, Apis, Arn, Ars, Bar. c, IIBell, 10. TEETH AND GUMS. DO) ICale, HCaust, ICepa, Cham., Cinch, ICoff, lEuphor, IGlon., IHyos., ILach, Merc, INatr. m., Phos, IPuls, Rhus, I ISep, ISil, IStaph, ISub; of corresponding artery, on side, Chrom. ac.; worse wrhen cold air strikes carious IPhos.: in back molars, Coc- cion.; alternately, with drawing of right and left sides, Zinc; as if blood were entering, worse after eating, in warm room, at night, IHep.; to cheeks and along lower jaw, IHyos.; better by cold water, I ISep.; from cold drinks, IMur. ae; chronic, ISep.; after taking cold, no fever, HCaust.; constant, ILye; in de- cayed, INatr. m, ISpig.; in decayed, left side, Cinch, bob; worse after eating, IMagn. c. Zinc; in carious, extends to eye, worse by pressure or contact of a metallic substance, better by heavy pressure, IStaph.; only when eating, worse if touched by anything cold or warm, IKali c; after suppressed eruptions, ISub; in evening. Carb. s.; toward evening, and at night, worse after eating and from warmth of bed, I I Sabina; with drawing in carious, extending to eye, also with otalgia, IPuls.; inleft eye tooth, lAgnus; as if some teeth would fall out, Strain.; veins in forehead and hands distended, HCinch.; with illness from grief and jealousy, IHyos.; with head- ache, IColoe, IGlon.; better by external heat, ICinch.; worse from heat, ISub; after becom- ing heated and getting cold, carious, Zinc; into jaws and temples, IRhus ; causes spas- modic jerks of fingers, hands, arms and facial muscles, IHyos.; lower jaw swells where pain is more severe, ISib; left side, first in one, then in another, IColoe; with rending. burning,in malar bone, ISpig.; drives to mad- ness, in nervous, excitable persons, IVer.; worse after midnight, after sleep, must sit up in bed, Bar. m.; in molars, Apis ; in last upper left molar, all night, Carb. s.; evening, in bed, and all night, after abuse of mer- cury, INitr. ae; in carious molar next to last, upper, extends to neighboring teeth and ear, worse from cold, better from warmth, INux m.; in morning, due to a cold, IHyos.; at night insupportable in warmth of bed, ICham.; worse at night (gumboil), IMere; during pregnancy, IBelb; pulse is felt in all sound teeth, IGlon.; in roots, Daph.; with restlessness, worse from warm drink, INatr. s.; shooting, in left upper incisor, with sensa- tion of elongation, painful to touch, worse ly- ing down, compelling to rise and walk, Ra- tan.; with occasional stitches, IMagn. e Toothache, thunderstorm: worse before, IRhod. Toothache, tobacco : worse chewing or smok- ing, IBry.; from smoking, IIBry, ICham, HCinch, llgn, IIMerc, I INux v, ISpig.; better by smoking, Diad, IMere, INatr. c, INatr. s.; worse by smoking, Bry, ICaust, Clem, llgn. Toothache, as if tongue would be raised: I IPrun. Toothache, touch: worse from, Ant. c, Arn., Ars, IBelb, IBry, Cale, ICarbo v., Caust, ICinch., Coff, lEuphor, IHep, Ign, ILye, IMere c, IMez, INatr. m, INux m, INux v., Phos, IPuls, IRhus, IIRhod, IStaph., ISub; better from, Bry, Nux v.; better from rubbing, Merc, Phos.; when touched by tongue, IIAnt. c, Carbo v. Cinch, Ign, IMere, IMez., Phos., Rhus; softly, IBell, Ign, Nux v., Staph. B@°* biting, eating, picking, pressing. Toothache, transient: Camph, I ICheb; in single, recurring, especially in damp weather and before a storm, IRhod. 8^" intermittent. Toothache, traumatic: from pressure, I Am., Nux v.; after filling, IMere iod. flav., INux v.; caused by gold filling, ICie; from pressure of filling, unbearable, worse lying down, 11 Chloral. 8@°* Teeth injuries. Toothache, when travelling: Ars, IBry, ICham, Puis, I IRhus, Staph, Sul. Toothache, with trembling: Coff; and weak- ness, IGels. Toothache, twitching : Ant. e, Apis, Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Caust, Cepa, Cham, Coff, Coloe, Hep, Hyos, ILach, IMere, IMez, INux v, IPhos, IPuls., IRhus, I ISpig, ISub; with twitching of fingers and feet, IMagn. c; in left lower back molars, Cup. ars.; in right upper molar, from taking cold in a draught, Cinch.; in left upper, 11 Apis; in left upper molar, carious, Cist; in several of right side, better in warmth of bed, worse from draught of air, better sitting quiet with eyes closed, 11 Spig. 8gr° jerking. Toothache, in upper teeth : IBelb, Bry, ICale, ICarbo v, ICinch, Iod, I IKali m, INatr. m, Phos. Toothache, walking: g^~ restive, restless- ness. Toothache, warmth: BgT" bed, heat. Toothache, water: worse from having hands in hot or cold, washerwomen, IPhos.; better from washing in cold, Bell., Bry, ICepa, Cham, Puis.; worse washing in cold, IISul. Toothache, worse in change of weather: Ananth.; better from warmth and eating, IIRhod.; cold, damp, Cepa, Nux m, Rhus worse in cloudy, windy, IRhod. BitT" air, cold, wind. Toothache, with weeping: ICham., ICoff, IPuls, Therid. gg&° tears. Toothache, from getting wet: IILach.; from getting wet or working in damp places, Calc, IDulc, IRhus. Toothache, after wine : lAcon, Ananth, Ign, INux v. Toothache, wind: IIAcon., Puis, Rhus, Sib; better, Cale; keen, cutting, I Aeon, Sib; damp, in molars, ICepa; while walking, IGraph. 8^° air, cold, weather. Toothache, in winter: Aeon, Ars., Bell, Bry, Calc, Carbo v, Caust, Cham, Dulc, Hep, Hyos, Ign, Merc, Nux m., INux v, Phos, Phos. ac. Puis., IRhus, Sib, Sul. Toothache, particularly in women: Aeon, Apis, Bell, Calc, Cham., Cinch, Coff, Hyos, Ign, Nux m. Puis. Toothache, wrenching : in several back molars, when anything warm is taken into mouth, I IPrun. ep. Toothache, wrapping up head: better, Nux v, Phos, Sib; better when uncovering, IPuls. 8§P* cold, heat. 11. TASTE AND TONGUE. Speech. Taste. Tongue. SPEECH, aphasia (speechlessness): Act. rac, Ant. chl., Ant t, lArg. nit, lArs., Arum m., IBar. c, ICale, Colch, Con, Crotal., Cup. m., IGlon., Hyos, IKali br, IKali m, I IKali ph., ILach, Laur., I ILye, IMagn. c, IMere viv, IINitr. ac, INux m., INux v., G^nan, Oleand, Stram, 11 Syph, Tabae, Zinc; amne- sic, IIKali br.; want of power of expression, even of simplest ideas, absurd words being chosen in place of right ones (headache), IIPodo.;in angina pectoris, IDiosc; in apo- plexy, IBar. c, ICrotal, llpec, IINux v., 11 CEnan.; in apoplexia nervosa, ICup. m, llpec; after apoplectic condition, with great prostration, BArs.; in threatened apoplexy, ILaur.; when aroused, ICamph.; from embol- ism of middle cerebral artery, IKali br.; blood seems to leave extremities, makes her weak and giddy, Mez.; in brain disease, IStram.; in cholera, for days, I IStram.; in chorea, lAgar, I ICie, ICup. ae, IMorph. sul, IStram.; with convulsions, Agar, I IDulc, I IPlat; in convulsion, after fright, ICup. m.; continues after consciousness is restored, after hysterical, epileptic, or other convulsions, Cup. m.; for many days, IPhos.; with deaf- ness, IILyc; in diphtheria, IMere cy.; in epilepsy, ICale a.; has to exert himself along time before he can utter a word, HStram.; in typhoid, Melib; in typhus, I Apis, IIBell, IOp.; with headache, I IPod.; in chronic car- ditis, Cact.; with palpitation, Amm. c ; in hys- teria, I ISep.; in melancholia, cannot find right word, I Arg. nit.; in cerebrospinal men- ingitis, IHydr. ae; mouth drawn to left side (child), IGlon.; with open mouth, I IOp.; in spasm of mouth, with vertigo, Mosch.; from paralysis, lAnae, HCaust., IGels.; in post- diphtheritic paralysis, I ISee; in paralysis, with imbecility, I Anac. oe; in puerperal con- vulsions, IStram.; repeats first syllable of a word three or four times (helminthiasis), I ISpig.; in scarlet fever, Zinc; with sopor, in scarlatina, IPhos.; after working in sun, IGlon.; inability to articulate words of more than two syllables (failure in expiration), Bar. e; single syllables omitted, or cannot be combined (apoplexy), IPlumb.; feels as if something closed in throat, Natr. ph.; as from trismus (typhoid), lAgar.; makes uncon- nected sound, HStram.; apparently uncon- scious,Ferr.m.; unconscious (cholera Asiatica), IBry.; in uterine displacement, INitr. ac; after vaccination, I IThuya. 8@° difficult, embarrassed, impeded ; also Chap. 1, Talking inability. Speech, broken : 8®* aphasia, impeded. Speech, biting, when talking : cheek, Illgn.; tongue, IHyos. Speech, chattering: ttAtrop. s. Speech, like that of a child : t.Carb. s. Speech, difficult: Ananth, Ant. t, ^Atrop. s, Aur. mur, IBapt, Camph., Cann. s., Chel., Chlor, ICie, ICon., IDig, Hippoz., IKali br, IKali m, IILach, IMere viv., INatr. c, INux m., INux v, HOp., IPhos,Sec,ISpong, HStram, Tabae; firmer and surer in after- noon than in morning, Anac.; in softening of brain, Amm. e; by choking sensation coming up into throat, IManc; in cholera, IMur. ac, IPhos. ac; in chorea (8@° impeded); cannot talk correctly, lAmm. m.; clumsy, ICale; after eating, Amm. e; in typhoid apoplexy, ICoccul.; from want of elasticity of parts, Sul. ae; muscles on one side of face contracted, IGraph.; in facial paraly- sis, ICadm. s.; from accumulation of exudation of fauces (diphtheria), ISul. ae; in typhus, I Ars.; with heat in head, ICheb; in car- diac dropsy, IDig.; labored, Lyss; dur- ing menses, ICed.; on account of trembling of mouth and tongue, IIMerc; in myelomalacia, Crotal.; with phlegm in back part of nose, lArumt; with slight redness of palate, ILyss.; cannot pronounce some words, ILach.; cannot pronounce names, Chin, s.; much saliva in mouth, Ast. r.; in stricture of throat, I ILyss.; in quinsy, IHep, IBar. c.; at times, as from weakness of parts, also from pain, Amm. c; from dryness of tongue, Atrop. (8^° Tongue dry); embarrassed, IHyos.; embarassed, awk- ward, INatr. e; dislike to speak, embar- rassment of tongue, Ast. r.; embarrassed, in multiple sclerosis, IPhos.; embarrassed, in urticaria, ICop.; with heavy tongue, ICarbo v.; with spasm of tongue, Ruta; from stiff- ness of tongue, I INiccol.; with vertigo, ICoc- cul.; with vertigo, after loud reading or when sitting, Paris; as if organs of speech were weak, INatr. m.; from weakness, particularly in chest, HStann. 8®° aphasia, impeded. Speech, on attempting, motion of eyes as from stitches: Carbo v. Speech, fatiguing: menses irregular, IDig.; from weakness of throat, HStann. Speech, hasty: Aeon, 7rAtrop. s,IBell,ICamph, ICoccul, IIHep., IMere, HPhos. ac, Stram., I IThuya; in rheumatism of heart,ILach.; with quick gestures (after metrorrhagia), I ISep. g@f stammering. Speech, impeded: Ars. h. Bar. c, ICamph, ICup. m., IMere viv, IOp, IPlumb.; by con- striction in chest, Cact.; in chorea, I Agar, Art. v, I Asaf, IBufo, HCaust, I ICie, ICup. ac, ICup. m, IMagn. p, IMorph, IStram., I ISep., I ITarant; in choreic convulsions with chills and fever, I ITarant; interrupted, Chel.; by viscid saliva in mouth, Arg. met.; by sore spots in mouth (stomacace), IDulc. ; slow, JCthus.; by dryness of throat, Seneg.; by hoarseness and roughness of throat, IPhos. ac.; would begin a sentence with difficulty after several fruitless attempts, some palatal vowels he could not pronounce, others but incorrectly (spasm of throat), ILye; by scrap- ing sore throat, IHep.; by quinsy, IHep., (334) 11. TASTE AND TONGUE. 335 IBar. e; by swelling of throat internally and externally, I ISub; by wounded oesopha- gus (cerebrospinal meningitis), ICie; by aphthae on tongue, gums and cheek, INatr. m.; as if difficult to move (in scarlatina), INux m.; tongue heavy, as if swollen (apo- plexy), I Anac.; by lameness and stiffness of tongue, Euph.; by semi-transparent, jellylike tumor, bluish, size of a small walnut on left side of tongue (ranula), I IThuya; by sensa- tion of weakness, with constriction in throat, ascending from stomache, caused by accumu- lation of air, Mane BST" aphasia, difficult, indistinct. Speech, imperfect: BgT" impeded. Speech, incessant: with swollen tongue, IIDulc. B^P" Chapter 1, Loquacious, Talk- ing incessant. Speech, incoherent: 8^ Chapter 1, Talking incoherent. Speech, indistinct: ?r Atrop. s., ICoccul, I INitr. ae, See, I IVer.; gets angry when not under- stood, ILaur.; in chorea, HCaust; in diph- theria, ILye, IISul. ae; in typhoid, ILach.; in hydrocephalus acutus, ILye ; muffled, IPe- trol.; could only mumble, Vespa; as if tongue were paralyzed, Sec.; unintelligible (secondary syphilis), IFluor. ac; by spasm of tongue, projecting it between teeth, Sec. B^° impeded, unintelligible. Speech, learning with difficulty: in clonic spasms of eyes, lAgar. Speech, lisping: Carb. s, INux v.; in apo- plexy, I'Acon.; in typhoid, IVer.; as though tongue were heavy (typhus), I Ars. Speech, loss of: 8®" aphasia. Speech, nasal: IPetrol.; in coryza, INatr. c; in typhoid, ILach. 8®" Chap. 7, Coryza stopped. Speech, short: Lyss., Tarant; snappish, HCham. Speech, slow: IILach, IPhos, Plumb, Sec, ISep., IThuya; after awaking, IKali br.; dragging, with slight frothing at mouth while talking, I IPlumb.; drawling, I ICarbo a.; in erysipelas, IIRhus; becoming inarticulate, IIKali ph.; sluggish heaviness (aphasia), I ISyph.; impeded, ^Ethus.; in learning how to talk, I Agar., Phos. Speech, as if he had to swallow the word, as in hiccough: ICie Speech, stammering (stuttering): Aeon, Anac, Ananth, IIBell., Bov., Bufo., Cann. b, Cann. s, Carb. s., ICaust, ICup. m, lEuph, IKali br, I ILac c, ILach, IMagn. p., IMere, Natr. e,IINux v,IPhos., IPlat, Plumb., See, Selen, Sep., Spig, IStram., ISub; with abdominal ail- ments, Spig.; from childhood, Caust; in chorea (B€lF impeded}; after coitus in a woman (chronic attack), ICed.; disposition to, in dentition, Stram.; in diphtheria, ISee; in typhus, lArg. nit.; in typhoid, ILye, IVer.; in goitre, I ISub; answers with inter- rupted articulation, I IOp.; an effort to talk is made and words are jerked out, IMygale; on second or third word and on letters P, V and A, I ILach.;on letters S, B, T and W, ILach.; in meningitis, Stram.; in puerperal convul- sions, IStram.; when conversing with strangers and becoming embarassed (prostatictroubles), IDig.; her voice sounds as if she had some- thing in her mouth, as if posterior organs of speech were covered and clumsy, Plat; rough, Plumb.; sudden, IMagn. c; frequent, sudden, IMagn. e; uses syllables of words in wrong connection, pronouncing some words incor- rectly, Selen.; temporary, with trembling, I Aeon.; on account of heaviness of tongue, INatr. c; as though tongue were heavy, in typhus, I Ars.; with tremors, IMere viv. Speech, thick: IGels, IINux v., I ISyph.; in congestive apoplexy, IVer. v.; thick, in diph- theria, 11 Sub ac.; as if drunk (congestion to base of brain), iGels.; altered, as if speaking with a full mouth, INux v.; in incipient tuber- culosis, I ITubere; with vertigo, iEse g. Speech, timorous: ICanth. Speech, tongue : biting, IHyos.; painful, IFluor. ac. Speech, tremulous : IMere v. Speech, uncertain: ICamph. Speech, unintelligible: IBell, Chel, IHyos., IPhos. ac, I IRhus, I IStram, Tabae, I IVer, Zinc; in chorea, Art. v., I Asaf; after sup- pressed eruption, and abuse of mercury, IHep.; in facial neuralgia, I IVerbas.; in typhus, lArn, I Ars., IBapt, ICie, ICoccul, ICrotal, IIHyos., ILach, IMur.ac, 11 Nux v., IITarax, Zinc; in typhoid, with open eyes, IVer.; on account of dryness of tongue (men- ingitis), IMere viv.; every word accompanied by quick and continuous rattle along tongue (diphtheria), 11 Lac c; from swollen tongue, talks incessantly, I IDulc. B^sP" Chap. 1, Talk- ing confused, incoherent, muttering. Speech, weak: ICamph, ICanth, IPhos, Sec, HStann.; after typhoid (nervous affection t IManc; listless (liver affection with dropsy), IFluor. ac; low, ICanth.; paralytic, IIBell.; cannot speak loud, IHep.; as if a resistance were to be overcome, Sec; when reading, I IZinc; in mercurial salivation, IHydras.; reduced to a whisper (post-diphtheric paral- ysis), HSec 8®*" difficult, fatiguing; also Chap. 25, Voice aphonia. Speech, BSP Chap. 1, Talking. TASTE, acid: BSP" sour. Taste, acrid : IIAlum., Cact, Hydr. ac, IKali m, Osm.; burning, Cepa, ILobel. b; with nausea, Lact. ae; sharp, disagreeable, espe- cially at tip and in back of throat, 11 Lobel. h; sharp, with salivation, Ver. Taste, too acute: IBelb, ICamph, HCinch, HCoff, ILye; with anxiety and fear of being alone (convulsions), Lyss. Taste, better in fresh air: IPsor. Taste, alkaline: Calc. a.; neuralgia in right cheek, IKalm. g@T soapy. Taste, astringent: lAlum, Arg. nit. Bar. e Taste, aromatic : Glon. BisP' herby. Taste, bad: (disagreeable, disgusting, nasty, un- pleasant), Act. rac, Agar, All. sat., lAng, Ant. t, Anthrok., lArs, Asaf, Aur. mur., Bar. c. Bell, IBry, Calc, Caust., ICepa, Chel, Cinch, ICoccus, ICrot t, Diosc,IGels, Gnaph, Ign., IKali bi. Kali m, Kalm, Med., IMere, IMere iod. flav, Natr. m., INatr. s, INux v, 11 Op, Petrol, IPhyt, IPuls, Sep, Stann, Sul. ac, Tarant., Vib.;aftertaste, Alum.; on awaking, Merc. iod. rub, Myr. cer, I INatr. ph.; on awaking, worse hawking, ICale ph.; on awaking, in post-partum hemor- rhage, ICann. s.; with belching in morning, Kob.; in cholerine, IIAsar.; bread, Conn.; 336 11. TASTE AND TONGUE. after confinement (hydrogenoid constitution), I INatr. s.; in constipation, IHydras, Staph.; with cough, ICale; (8@P Chap. 27, Cough taste); in dysmenorrhoea, I ITarant.; in diph- theria, ILach.; preventing eating, caused by slimy, glutinous, frothy mucus in pharynx, IMyr. cer.; after dinner, Agar.; after eating, in postpartum hemorrhage, ICann. s.; soon after eating,ILye; in evening, Badiag.; with pustules on eyes, IMere iod. flav.; with white tongue, in morning, IIPuls.; with vomiting, Bism.; giddiness, I ISabad.; on hawking,especially in morning, ICale ph, IIPuls.; with hemor- rhoids, I ISub; in jaundice, IIMerc; menses irregular, IDig.; after milk, Diad.; in morn- ing, Arum d, I IMed., IMere, Merc sul, INatr. m, IINux v., IIPuls, ISep.; in morn- ing, as after having been tipsy, Nux m.; with nausea, in morning, ICamph.; in pan- creatic disease, lAtrop. s.; as if she had been sick, Calc. ph.; with fulness and oppression of stomach, Cornus ; with thickly coated tongue, in morning, Med.; slight, at root of tongue, Agar.; with white tongue, IKali e; with vertigo after breakfast, Tarant.; with vomiting in morning, ICamph.; with vomiting, Curar.; to water, Chin, a, ISib; to water, in ague, INatr. m.; worse drinking cold water, IFerr.; to a swallow of diluted Madeira wine, Chrom. ac B@T* foul. Taste, bilious: ICham.; especially after eating and smoking, IIPuls.; constant, in gastric de- rangement, INatr. s.; after sick headache, Ziz. BOP bitter. Taste, bitter: IIAcon, .Ethus, 11 Agar, Agnus, Ailant, Aloe, Alum,Amm. m,Anac,Ananth., Ang, Ant. e, Ant. t, lArg. nit., lArn, Ars, Ars. h, Ars. s. f, Bapt, Bar. c. Bell, Benz. ac, Berb, Bor, Bov, Brom, IIBry, ICale, Calc. s, ICanth, Carbo a, Carb. s, I ICarbo « v., ICard. m, ICaust, HCetrar, ICham, Chel., HCinch, Coccul, Collin, IColoe, Cornus, ICrotal, Cup. ars. Cup. m, Cupr.s., Cyclam., IDig., Diose, Dros, IDulc, lElat, lEup. pert, Ferr., Ferr.iod, I IGamb,Graph, Grat, Helon,IHelb, Hep,Hippom, Hydras, Ign, Ipec, Iris, Jacea, Jamb, IKali c, IKali iod., Kalm, Lach, 11 Led,ILept,ILye,IMagn. c, Magn. m, IManc, IIMerc, IMere cor, Mosch, IMur. ae, IMyr. cer, INatr. c, INatr. m, IINatr.s, Nitr."ac,INux m, IINux v, I IOp, IParis, IPhos, I IPic. ac, IPlumb, IPod., Polyg, IPolyp, Ptel, IIPuls., IRaph, IRheum, Rhus, Sab., Sal. ac, ISep, ISil, Spong, Staph, IStram., ISul, IVer.; with loss of appetite, IJab.; with loss of appetite (induration of uterus), ICarbo a.; on awak- ing, Amb, Ars. s. r, Arund, I IDiosc, IKali iod, Lyss., ISub, Zinc; on awaking at 5 a.m., every morning,IHelon.; more than com- mon, after beer, I Ign, Stann.; after beer, in evening, continuing even when smoking, IIPuls.; bread, Cina, Dig, Phos. ac, IRhus, Squilla, Thuya; particularly wheat bread, ICale p.; bread, on swallowing, ICinch.; in Bright's disease, I Ars.; in cardialgia biliosa, ILobel. i.; in cephalalgia, IIMagn. m.; with chilliness, Dios.; with chill, ISpong.; after chill (tertian intermittent), IHep.; before chill, Cina ; with desire for citric acid, I IPuls.; after coffee, ICham.; in colic, IMagn. p.; in bilious diarrhcea, lApis ; in chronic diar- rhoea, HColoe; after drinking, lArs.; fluids, llgn.; with sensation of dryness in mouth, I Aur. met.; with sensation of dryness in mouth, frequently awoke at night, IRhus; in dysentery, IColch.; after eating, lArs, ICarbo v., Nitr. ac, IPhos, IIPuls, ISub; going off after breakfast, IKali iod.; after dinner, from smoking, Aug.; for a quarter of an hour after eating, with good appetite, IIPuls.; after eating, in apyrexia of intermit- tent, lArs.; before eating, ICarbo v., ITarax.; before dinner, Agar.; after eating and drink- ing, lArs., IBry., IPuls.; goes off wdien eating or drinking, IPsor.; with gripingin epigastric region, 11 Ptel.; with eructation, Case; with sour eructation, IGraph.; with fever, Bry.; during apyrexia, I Arn., IPolyp.; in intermit- tent, I I Ant. c, I Ars, I IFerr.; before morning fever, returning twice a day, IIHep.; in ter- tian intermittent, lAnt.c, IDig.; food, Bor, IBry, ICamph, ICinch, Coloe, Ferr., Hep., llgn., Illie, I IKreo, INatr. m, IIPuls., Rheum, Rhus, Sars, Staph, IStram, Sub; food, especially bread, Squilla, IRhus ; food, in ague, INatr. m.; food and drink, in head- ache and dysentery, IColoe; food, not per- ceived until just as it is being swallowed, I IKreo.; in acute gastritis, after taking cold, IColoe; after sick headache, Ziz.; with heart- burn, Merc. per.; owing to heat, in summer, Ant. c; with indigestion, I I Elat.; after in- juries, HArn.; in hepatitis, IChel, IMere; in jaundice, IDig.; in liver affection, ICarbo a, ICard. m.; at beginning of menses, ICale p.; in morning, Amb, Amm. c, Arn, ICarbo a., HCham, Cinch, bol, Cinnab, Kali bi, Nic- col., IIPuls, Rumex, ISep., Stront, Zinc; in morning, with headache,ICale p.; in morning, with thick mucus in throat, ISil.; with dry mouth, 11 Ptel, IIPuls, ISpong.; with nausea, ICornus, Cupr. ars., Glon, Merc, per.; with nausea, better after eating, I IKalm.; with nausea, on awaking, Carb s.; especially at night (dyspepsia), I Ant. t; in palate and fauces, Amyg.; in posterior palate, after din- ner, IBry.; pappy, with chill, I Eup. pur.; rising from pharynx, ITarax.; of phlegm, in throat,ICalend.; resembling wild plums, Cain.; in pregnancy,! Ant. t,; in rhinitis,Ustib; rough, when smoking, Case; saliva, Bor.; sharp, Agar.; after sleep, Mane; slimy, IGels.; in bronchitis, Iod.; sugar, Sang.; sweet things, followed by burning in fauces, Sang.; after- wards sweetish, JEsc. h.; with thirst, Con, 11 Pic. ae; in throat, Ammoniac, ICale, ICinch, Lactu. v., ISpong.; especially in throat, IKreo.; in throat, after eating, Dros.; with tired feeling, in morning (spermatorrhoea), I ISars.; tobacco, ICamph.; tobacco, while smoking, HCinch.; tobacco, after smoking, Anac; better by smoking, Diad.; tobacco, bit- ter, scratchy, ISpong.; tongue clean (typhus), Chin, s.; tongue coated, Aur. mur, Diad.; tongue, bilious coating, IXatr. s.; tongue yel- low, IPsor.; tongue yellow, along centre or at base, Collin.; with feeling of coldness on tongue, removed after breakfast and dinner, IIKali m.; tongue dry, ISpong.; at root of tongue, ICoccul.; water, ('bin., a.; everything but water, IStann.; every- thing, even cold water, IHep.; with clean tongue, in old women, ICarbo v, INatr. m., with induration of uterus, ICarbo a. Bgp bilious. 11. TASTE AND TONGUE. 337 Taste, bloody : Alum, Amm. c, Ananth, 11 Ars, Ascl. t, Benz. ac, Berb, Dolich, Ferr, Hyper, llpec, Kalm, INatr. c, Rhus, Sabina, I ISil, I ISul, Zinc; in congestion to chest, I ILil. tig.; children complain of it, IFerr.; with cough, Bell., Dolich, IRhus; before cough, Elaps; during cough, Bell, IKali bb; with feeling of dryness in throat, Zinc; before haemoptysis, Elaps ; in hemor- rhage from lungs,llpec; in morning,ISib; dur- ing pregnancy, IZinc; with saliva, in morning, Jatroph.; worse after sleep, IManc; with sensation of soreness rising from chest, Zinc; with sweetish rising into throat, IZinc. Taste, brackish: BSP flat. Taste, beef broth, tastes too strong: ICamph. Taste, burning : BSP acrid. Taste, burnt (empyreumatic): Cycl, Nux v., IIPuls, Ran. b, Sal.ac, Squilla, ISul. Taste, chalky: INux m.; flat, Ign. B§P clayey, earthy. Taste, cheesy : Stilus, ILye; of bad cheese, in forepart of mouth,disappears on swallowing, to which he is impelled on account of mucus in throat, Zinc. Taste, clammy: IIDiosc, IIPuls, Zinc; in cholera morbus, I IPuls.; and feverish during sweat, Gels.; with coated tongue, Plant. B€aP pappy, sticky. Taste, clayey: Cann., ICinch, IHep., Ign, Phos., IPuls, Stann.; food, in headache, Sil. Bg^ earthy. Taste, cloverlike: Osm. B€lP herby. Taste, delicate: Bar. c, ICoff. 8®° acute. Taste, disagreeable : BOP" bad. Taste, dry : 11 Ars, Stront; bread, Ferr., Thuya; food, woody, insipid, IFerr. BiiP flat. Taste, earthy: IFerr., Ipec, INux m., Tell.; during apyrexia (tertian),llpec BSPclayey. Taste, like rotten eggs : g^° foul. Taste, empyreumatic : 8^° burnt. Taste, fatty : 8^** greasy. Taste, fetid: g^° foul. Taste, fecal: IIMerc, IPlumb. J®* manure. Taste, fishy: Aeon.;followed by nausea, spread- ing through chest, Astac; in roof of mouth, after smelling tincture, Astac. Taste, flabby : ggg- flat. Taste, flat: Aeon, Agar., Ammoniac, IIAnae, Ananth, Ang., Ant. c, Arn, Ars., Aspar, Aur. mur, Bapt, Bell, Bor., IBry, Cain, Calad, ICaps., Chel., ICinch, Cornus, Cycl, Dig, Diose, Dulc, Eup. perf, Ferr. iod, Gnaphal, Ham,Hydras,Hyper,Ign,l llpec. Iris, IKali c, I IKali s, Kalm, Kob., I IKreo., Lye, Magn. m, IIMerc, Merc, sul, Natr.c, Natr. m. Petrol, Phos., Phos. ac, IPsor, IPuls, 11 Ratan, IIRheum, IIRhus, Ruta, Stann, IStaph., I ISub, Vab, Ver, Vinca, Zinc; in bronchial catarrh, 11 Ailant.; like chalk, Ign.; in dysentery, IColch.; after eating breakfast, Euphor.; for some time after eating dinner, Verbas.; flabby, iCale 8.; flabby, in poisoning from foul breath, lAnthrac; flabby, with clear tongue, in hys- teria, I Aur. met.; in intermittent, worse in morning, 11 Puis.;food,ICycl, Jacar,I lOleand.; food tastes as if it lacked salt, ICoccul., Lyss, Thuya; in gastric disturbance, Tarant, I IVer.; in influenza, lAnt. t; insipid, in bronchial catarrh, I lAilant.; insipid, with desire for refreshing things (typhoid fever), IMere; insipid, after a fall, IHyper.; insipid, like water, during apyrexia, Ipec; insipid, of food, Vinca ; insipid, in morning, ISul.; insipid, in enlargement of spleen, IFerr. mur.; insipid, like sawdust,Coral.; in spinal disease, lAlum. met.; sickly, Bry, IIRhus; with white, thickly-coated tougne, Ipec; enlarged papil- lae stand up like red points on tongue, Merc. sub; with brown root of tongue, in morning, Verbas.; unpleasant, Calc. a.; vapid, IIPuls.; after drinking water, Benz. ae; water, brack- ish, Ailant, Variol.; water, spoiled (typhus), INatr. m. gW sand, watery. Taste of food eaten: IIAnae, Amm. e, Benz. ae; with belching, HAgar, Tell.; several hours before, Amm. br.; especially bread, Zing. 8§P Chap. 16, Eructation. Taste, foul: I Aeon, Agar, Ang, Antt, lArn, I IBell, IBry, ICale,Calc.p., ICarbo v.,Carb. s., Caust, ICham, ICoccul, Con, Cupr, Gels, Graph, IHep., Hydr. ae, Kali br, IKali c, Lact. ac, IMere, Mur. ac, I INatr. m, INux m, Nux v. Petrol, Phos, Phos. ac. Plant., Pod., IPsor, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep., ISul, I ISticta, Uran. n., HVer.; in angina, llgn.; on awaking, ISub; after coitus, IDig.; from old catarrh, ISep.; in cramps, ICoccul.; can- not eat on account of it, IMyr. cer.; in inter- mittent, I Ars.; in typhus, Bapt.; in typhoid, with desire for refreshing things, IMere; with gulping up of food, ICale; in intussuscep- tion, HPlumb.; during menses, IKali e; with salivation, Bapt.; with furred white tongue, IPodo.; even water, lAur. met.; like putrid water, HCaps.; offensive, Amm. c, IIAnae, Bell, Cinnam, Coccus, Coccul, Cycl, Ferr. iod, ISep, IStann.; offensive, in dysentery, IColoe; offensive after eating breakfast, Agar.; offensive, in tertian ague, IPuls.; offensive, of food and drink, IColoe; offensive, of what he hawks, Cham.; offensive, in headache, IColoe; offensive, with sore mouth and pharynx, HPhos.; offensive, at night, ICham.; offensive, air from lungs, in cough, ICaps.; putrid, Arn, Ascl. t, Bapt, Bar. m., Bov, Bry., HCarbo v., ICaust, ICham, Cinnab, Coccul, Cycl, IFerr, Hep, IHyos., Hod, Iris, Magn. s., IIMerc, Mosch, Petrol, Pod., ISep, ISul, IVer.; putrid, acrid, with ptyalism, IMur. ac; putrid, beer, llgn.; putrid, in brain affection, IIGlon.; putrid, in diphtheria, ILac c; putrid, when drink- ing, Bell.; putrid, after drinking, IColoe; putrid, when eating, Bell.; putrid, before epileptic fit, I ISyph.; putrid, while fasting, INatr. m.; putrid, of food, Bar. m.; putrid, as of spoiled game, between meals, lAur. met.; putrid,like bad meat, IIPuls.;putrid, in morning, HArs, ICinch, IMere cor.; putrid, in morning, after eating, IRhus; putrid, in phthisis, IDros.; putrid, with blood-colored saliva, Gels.; putrid, in stomatitis, HPetrol.; putrid, low down in throat, on hawking, IINux v.; putrid, with white tongue, Plant.; putrid, water, INatr. in.; rotten, like bad eggs, Antt,IArn, IFerr, IIMerc, IIMur. acJSib, Thuya ; like rotten eggs, better after break- fast, Goss.; like rotten eggs, with cough,ISep.; like rotten eggs, in morning, I Am., IIGraph., IHep, IPhos, Phos. ac. Thuya ; like rotten eggs, with constant nausea, IKali bb; rotten, expectoration (phthisis), ICetrar. 8@Pbad. 22 338 11. TASTE AND TONGUE. Taste, furry : in chlorosis, IGraph. Taste, like garlic : during swallowing, Calc. a. Taste, greasy : IIAlum, I Asaf, Cain, ICaust, Cycl., Glon., ILye, Mang, IPuls., Rhus, Sabin, ISib, Ver.; in chronic nasal catarrh, I IPuls.; dinner tastes oily, IPsor.; after fat food, worse after mutton, Lyss.; like glycerine, ISpong.; milky, Aur. met; oily, Mang.; oily, with salivation, ^Esc h.; rancid, Agar, Asaf, Euphorb.; rancid, after'eating or drinking, IKali iod.; like rancid fat, ICham.; like rancid oil, when swallowing,Ipec; like rancid grease, in throat, IMur. ac. as of rancid tallow, Val.; with uneasiness in throat (neuralgia of limbs), IIVal.; with white tongue, Sang. Taste, herby: Nux v, Phos. ac. Puis., Ver.; with scratchy sensation in throat, Calad. Taste, herring brine : Anac. Taste, hot: Glon.; as from throat, increases saliva, All. sat. Taste, fresh: food tastes unsalted,ICale$§praw. Taste, insipid: B^° flat. Taste, illusions: ICina. B@P perverted. Taste, impaired: Alum, lAnt. e, Guaiae, llgn, INux m., IParis, IPsor., IPuls, ISep., I ISinap, Therid., Ver.; nothing natural ex- cept salt food (epulis), 11 Lac c; in catarrh frontal sinuses, ICup. m.; in sore throat, IMere cor. 8^*" perverted. Taste, like ink : Aloe, Arg. nit., ICale Taste, like iron: 8®° metallic. Taste, loss of: Aeon., Alum., Amm. m., Anac, Ant t, Arg. nit, Ast. r. Bell, IBry, Calc, Cann. s., ICanth., Cepa, Coff, ICrotal, IHep, Hyper, IHyos, I llpec. Iris, Kalm, Kali br, Kreo, Lye, Magn. m., IMere, IINatr. m, Nux m, Nux v., I IOp, I IPod, HPhos, IIPuls, Rhod, Sabad, ISang, Sec, Sep., I ISib, Sub ae, I IThuya, Ver.; appetite want- ing, Oxal ae; with burnt feeling on tongue, ISang.; in cancer, Aur. mur., Ast. r.; with catarrh, IPuls, IINatr. m., HSil.; in coryza, Alum, Ant. t, ICale, Cycl, IHep, Magn. m, INatr. c, IINatr. m., INux v., IPsor, IIPuls, Rhod., ISep, ISil, ISub, ISul. ac; with chronic coryza, ISub; in ozasna, IKali s.; with cough, lAnae; in diabetes mellitus, Sul. ac; drink, INatr. m.; drink, drank vinegar with- out tasting it, IStram.; in apyrexia of in- termittent, lArs.; during ayprexia, in ague, INatr. m.; food, Ars., Bor, Bry, Eup. pert, llgn, I IKali iod, IINatr. m, Nux v. Plant, Pteb, Puis., Staph, I ISticta, Ver.; food, in dysentery, IColch.; food, with nausea, ICact.; in hepatic disorder, ICrotal.; in laryn- gitis, I ISub; in melancholy, I Aur. met.; in mental disturbance, HStaph.; in morning, ICoca, INatr. s.; paralyzed, Bell, Hyos, Lye, Natr. m, Nux v, Sep, Ver.; in pneu- monia, IMere; tea boiling hot seems cold to him, ICamph.; with impaired smell, IHep, IHyos, INatr. s.; after syphilis and large doses of mercury, IKali bb; with white tongue, Oxal. ac. B^P flat, impaired; also Chap. 7, Smell loss. Taste, like manure: ICale, ISep.; in morning, Carbo a. figP fecal, foul. Taste, of lye: Nitr. sp. d. B^P lye. Taste, metallic: ^Ese h, 11 Agar, Aloe, Amm. c, Arg. nit, I Ars, Aur. met, Aur. mur, Cadm. s., ICale, Calc. a., Cann. b, Carb. s., Chel, Chin, a., Cinnab., Coccul, ICoccus, Cochl., Cup. ars, Ferr. iod. Ham., Hep., I llndig., Iodof., Kali bi.,Lach, Lact.ac, IIMerc, Merc. sub, INatr.e, IPhyt, IPlumb, 11 Puis, I IRhus, Seneg, ISep, ISul, Tell., Zinc; astringent, IMere cor.; on awaking, Cupr. s.; brassy, lAgnus, Alum., lAmm. c, ICale, ICoce, Coloe, ICupr., ILach., Merc, sul, Natr. c, Natr. m, INux v, Ran.b, IRhus, Seneg, Sul, Zinc.; brassy, in diphtheria, with otorrhcea, ILye; brassy, after mercury, IKali m.; in colic, HOp.; coppery, Act. rac, I lAgnus, Aspar, Carbol.ac, HCoccul, IColoe, I ICup.m, Cupr. s. Kali bi, ILach., Lact. ac, Meph, IPolyp, ISub, Ustil, 11 Vib, Zinc; coppery, with loss of appetite, Jugl.; after cough, Coccul.; on upper palate, Carbol. ac.; on rising, Med.; coppery, with salivation, iEseh.; in dyspepsia, IKali bb; before eating dinner, Chrom. ac; gold tooth plate, coppery, ICanth.; like iron, Aloe, ICalc,Cinch.;leaden,ICale; constricting palate and pharynx, Card. m.; during preg- nancy, IZinc.; with spitting of saliva in morning, Jatroph.; with salivation (diph- theria), IPhyt.; during stool, Kali bb; sudden, sour, with flow of saliva (spasms from fright, after operation), ICup. m.; on back part of tongue, Bism.; with accumulation of water in mouth, ICoccus. Taste, milky : B^° greasy. Taste, mouldy : ILye; every time she coughs, causing nausea, loss of appetite and watery vomiting (bronchitis), ILed.; after hawking mucus, Mar. v.; in throat, Bor. Taste, mucous : Bi&P slimy. Taste, musty: (influenza), I ILed. Taste, nauseous: HAgar, Anthrok, Bry., ICepa, Coccul., Coccus, Diad,Gnaphal,IIpec, IMyr. cer, IPolyp., ISub; as of fasting, in morning, IIPuls.; in typhus, Bapt.; compels hawking of tough mucus which he swallows, Aeon.; in morning, IBry.; in morning, must wash out mouth, IIPuls.; in intercostal neu- ralgia, I IStann.; qualmish, with loathing of morsels of food in mouth, Zinc; during stool, ICrot. t; from smoking tobacco, IIPuls.; with root of tongue, brown, in morning, Verbas. 8®*" bad, foul. Taste, of fresh nuts: ISpong. Taste, offensive : 8@° foul. Taste, oily : 8®* greasy. Taste, like onions: yEthus.; as after eating Meph. Taste, pappy: ^ Atrop. s. Bell.,Carb.s, Chel, Coccul, Diose, IIKali s, IMere, Petrol., IIPuls.; after cough, Astac; in delirium tre- mens, I IZinc; during apyrexia, Ign.; in gastric derangement, I Ang, I IVer.; in head- ache, ICale; with desire for refreshing things (typhoid fever), IMere 8§P pasty, sticky. Taste, pasty: Bry, ICycb, Meres, IRaph, ISul, Ver.; in morning, Ant. sul. aur.; in prosopalgia, IChel. ggj§~ pappy, sticky. Taste, as after eating raw peas : Zinc. B^P herby. Taste, peculiar : on back part of tongue, Lact. ac; indescribable, Ars. h.; singular combina- tion of palatal and nasal sensation, such as is noticed when a nest of wasps is disturbed and they dart about through air, for a week constant and annoying, then intermittent and pungent, and whenever heated by exer- cise or near a hot fire, Vespa. 11. TASTE AND TONGUE. 339 Taste of peppermint: Ferr. iod.; cooling, Ver. Taste, peppery ; Hydras, Xan. 8®" acrid. Taste, perverted: finds no proper taste in any- thing, IIHelb, IIPuls.; food does not have right taste, Lyss. 8®° impaired. Taste, pitchy: 'in yellow fever, ICadm. s. Taste, of iodide of potash ; after eating lobster, Ind. 8®° lye. Taste, pungent: Chim. umb, Cornus. Taste, puslike: Merc, Natr. c, IPuls.; in phthisis, IDros.; of pus in throat, INatr. c Taste, putrid : gg^ foul, Taste, rancid: gQ^ greasy. Taste, raw : with debility, particularly after breakfast, 11 Sars. ggg" fresh. Taste, repulsive : llgn. B§P had, foul. Taste, rotten : 8®" foul. Taste rough : Diose, Coccus, Ham. Taste, salty : 11 Alum, I Ars, Bell., Brom, I Calc, ICarbo v, HCinch. bol, HCinch, 11 Cupr, ICycl, IGraph, Hydras, IHyos, Iod, Kali bi. Kali br., IKali m, I ILach,IIMerc, IMere cor, Natr. c, IINatr. m., INux m., INux v., IPhos, IPhos. ac, IPuls, IRheum, Rhus v., ISep, ISub, I ITherid.; I IVer, IZinc; food, except rye bread, tastes too salty, Illie; bitter, ITarax.; especially of butter and meat,ITarax.; in ague, INatr. m.; tastes salty, Cadm. s, ICarbo v., HCycb, ISep, ISub; as after herring, Agar.; in influenza, I Ant. t; on lips, IIMerc, INatr. m.; meat, ITarax.; during menses, IMere; with ptyalism, IIMerc. cor.; with salivation, Ver.; all food, as if satu- rated with salt, IIPuls.; sharp, with stitches in stomach, caused by ringing of church bells, Lyss.; with dryness in throat, Zinc; on tongue, IIMerc, INatr. m.; on tip of tongue, Nitr. sp. d.; of water, in morning, Brom. Taste, like sand: IStram.; in rheumatism, I ISticta. ggg~ flat, loss. Taste, scrapy : with much saliva, Lyss. Taste, sharp : ggg° acrid. Taste, sickly: g^~ flat. Taste, slimy: Ars. h, I ICetrar, ICham, Dig, Pallad, IMere cor., IIMerc, INatr. s, INux m. Petrol, IPhos, IIPuls, I IRheum, ISep, Ustib; in threatened abortion, I IPuls.; on awaking, Merc. iod. rub., Val, Zinc; dis- gusts him with butter, ICinch.; with debility, particularly after breakfast, 11 Sars.; with desire for refreshing things (typhoid fever), IMere; with diarrhcea, in morning,Zing.; fatty, with white tongue, Sang.; in gastralgia, Abrot.; in jaundice, Aeon.; with soreness of mouth and pharynx, HPhos.; in supraorbital neuralgia, INux v.; in prosopalgia, ICheb; on rising, Zing.; with slimy stool, INuxm.; unpleasant, with white tongue in morning, Seneg. B^" clammy, pappy, sticky. Taste, soapy: Cact, Calc. s., Dulc, Iod, ISib; after drinking water, Benz. ac. Taste, sour: Abrot, Acet ac. Aloe, I Alum, I lAmm. c, lAnt. c. Ant. t, IIArg. nit, lArs, Bar. c, I IBell, Berb., Brom., ICale, ICaust., I ICaps, ICarbo a, Carb. s., ICham, IChel, ICinch, Cinch, bol, ICoccul, Con, ICrotal., 11 Cupr, IGraph, IHep, I llgn, Iod, Kalibi, Kali c, IKali m,Kalin, 11 Kalm, 11 Lach.,Lact. ac,ILyc,IMagn. e, IMagn. m., I IMerc,IMur. ae, INatr. c, INatr. m., INatr. ph., Nitr. ac, Nitrum, INuxm., IINux v, 1101. an, I IOp, lOxal. ac, Pallad, Petrol, HPhos, IPhos. ac. 'i IPic. ac, IPuls, I IRheum, Rhus, ISep, Sil, IStann, ISul, ITarax, Ver.; acrid, Calc. s.; in albuminuria, I INux v.; on awaking, ISep.; bit- terish, HAsar, IKali m, ISep.; bitterish, in ague, ISamb.; bread, Bell.; Cham.; with burn- ing in throat, Nitr. ac; coffee, Vace; with con- gestion to head, toward evening, ICroe; after cough, Coccul.; with debility, particu- larly after breakfast, I ISars.; after drinking, IINux v., Sub; after drinking milk, Amb., Carbo v. Sub; after eating, ICarbo v., Coccul, I IGraph., Natr. m., Nux v., Puis, ISep, Sib; in epistaxis, ICroe; after epileptic fit, I ISub; everything, ILach, IILyc, Pod.; while fast- ing, INatr. m.; in intermittent, ICoccul.; food, ICale, ICaps., Cinch, Jacar.; in gout, ICale; in inflammation of liver, IMere; after milk, Calad, IPhos., ISub; in morning, IINux y, Ptel.; in morning, with dry mouth, 01. an.; in neuralgia, IRob.; during pregnancy, Oxabac, ILact ac, IMagn. c; in prosopalgia, Arg. nit; with copious viscid saliva, I ICale; with sting- ing burning, I IKali m.; in stomacace, IKali bb; to tobacco, Staph.; with sore throat, Calc. a.; on back part of tongue, Bism.; vinegary, ISub; with bilious vomiting, ICrotal. Taste, sticky: IIPuls., IPsor.; lasting hours after eating, Ars. h.; after eating breakfast, Agar. 8@" clammy, pappy. Taste, straw: food tastes like, 11 Kali iod, IStram, ISub; farinaceous food, Coral. B®5" flat. Taste, of sulphur: ICoccul, IHam. Taste, sweet: Aeon, HAgar, IIAlum, Amm. e, Ananth, lArs., Arund, Aspar, IBell, Brom, IBry, Carb. s., ICepa, ICinch., Chlorof, ICoff., Crot. t, ICup. m. Dig, Diose, IIDulc, I IFerr, Glon, Gnaphal, Hydr. ac, Iod, Ipec, Kali bi. Kali iod, Kalm, Lact. ac. Lye, Magn. s, Menyanth, IIMerc, Nitr. ac, Nuph, I INux v., Osm., IPlumb, IPhos., IIPuls, IIRhus, Sabad, Sars, I ISep, ISpong., Squilla, IStann, ISul, I ISul. ac. Thuya, Ver, Zinc; to beer, Coral., IMur. ae; in intermittent, IIFerr, ILye; bitter, Arg. nit, Aspar, Chim. umb, Menyanth.; in morning, after waking, IIKali iod.; beer, Puis.; when smoking, I Agar.; bread, Merc; in lead colic, I IOp.; after cough, Astac; after clearing throat and coughing, Chin, a.; in diabetes, ICup.m.; aftereating breakfast, Agar.; linen dipped in sugar water, put on epigastrium, gives a sweet taste in mouth, Lyss.; everything, IMur. ac; flabby, Calc. p.; food, especially soup and meat, Squilla ; food, especially water, tastes sweet, Variol.; metallic, I ICup. m.; in morning (in- terval of attacks of epilepsy), lArs.; hawked up mucus, Cepa; with ropy mucus, I-k. h.; in acute desquamative nephritis, ICoccus; with constant ptyalism, Dig.; with bloody saliva, IKali iod.; with frothy saliva, I Aeon.; illusive, as if body were made up of sweets, IIMerc; then sour, ICinch.; with sweetish rising into throat, IZinc; on back part of tongue, Bism.; beneath forepart of tongue, Zinc; on tip of tongue, HPlat.; water, in- sipid, TForm. Taste, like urine : Seneg.; like smell of strong urine, ICale figp alkaline. Taste, woody : 11 Ars. Taste, watery: ICinch.; in evening,Bell.; then 340 11. TASTE AND TONGUE. heartburn, ICaps.; very offensive to him, TrForm. 8^*" flat, insipid. TONGUE, abscess: Calc; sub-lingual, opens externally, Hippoz.; with pricking pains, IMere BisP inflamed, swollen. Tongue, aching: Vespa; like a boil, ISang. BiiP pain (undefined). Tongue, aphthae : stilus, Aur. met., IIBor., Illie, ILach, Lact. ac, IMere, Nux v.,Phos, Plumb, I ISars., Sul. ae; bleeding, when eat- ing (diarrhoea), I IBor.; with burning and im- peded speech, I Natr.m.jcove red with, Camph.; covered with, worse on edges, llllie; on edge, Bov.; in typhus, IMur. ae, ISub; large,IJugl.; mercurial, I Agar, Sars.; patches, IPhos.; sore points, Thuya; in spots, ISubae; with thick, yellowish white scab, very painful, forming ulcers (diphtheria), IMere cy.; small, dirty yellow (incipient tuberculosis), -Agar.; in stomatitis, I ISub; tender, prevent child from nursing, IIBor.; on tip, IBry, ILach.; near tip, IHam. 8€sP ulcers, vesicles; also Chap. 12, Inner mouth aphthae, Tongue, astringent feeling: like eating per- simmons, Arum t. Tongue, atrophy: IMur. ae; making him speak in a thick, hoarse voice (cancer of tongue), IMur. ac. gs^" small. Tongue, bilious: 8^" green, yellow. Tongue,biting with teeth: IIBufo,Diosc, Jalap.; when chewing, INitr. ae; in concussion of brain, ICie; in convulsion, lArt. v., IBufo, GSnan, 11 Vab; when neither eating nor drink- ing, Diose; in epilepsy, Absinth, Art. v., ICaust, I IOp.,I ITarant.; frequently, Thuya; caused by shock in head, Agar.; sides, invol- untarily, also at night, IPhos. ae; during sleep, Alum.; during sleep, tip, Med,Therid.; during sleep, in typhoid, HPhos. ae; during sleep (hysterical spasms),ICie; when talking, IHyos.; when talking or chewing, Illgn.; tip, IPuls.; followed by unconsciousness, 11CEnan. Tongue, biting sensation: Am., Asar., Car- bol. ac, Caust, Cochl., IPlumb.; on back part, Cham.; after eating bread and butter, Mere per.; behind, on left edge, after dinner, Agar.; as from pepper on left, afterwards on right side of root, I IMar. v.; as of violent bites, extending to right and left, Cinch, bol. Tongue, black: ^Ethus., I Ars, Ars. h. Bar. c, ICarbo v, HCinch, Chloral, Elaps, ILach, ILept,ILyc,HMerc,IMercd,Merc.sub,INux v. Op., IPhos, Sec, ISinap, 11 Variol.; back part, IVer.; bluish-black, I I Bufo.; in potter's colic, lAlum.; in constipation (scarlatina), ILach.; crusts, IPhos.;cracked, ILye; in diph- theria, IMere cy.; dry, lArs, ILach, ILye, Merc, Merc, sul, IVer.; in dysentery, ILach.; in typhus, I Arg. nit, I Am, Hyos.; in typhoid, IINux v.; in yellow fever, lArs, ICadm., HCarbo v.; along median line, Chloral., IPhos.; purplish,IOp.; with red edges,I IMere; in scarlatinalCarbob ac.; during desquamative stage (scarlet fever), IKali e; sooty, IChlor, Hippoz.; sticky coating (typhus), I Ars. Tongue, bleeding: IIArumt, Curar., Guaraea, IPod.; bloody, Ananth., ILach.; in dysentery, ILach.; blood oozes from under (purpura hae- morrhagica,l ITereb. Tongue, blue: IIAnt.t, Ars, Benz.ac, ICarbo v., Cupr.s,HDig,IMur.ac,IPlat, Sabad,Thu- ya; in cancer of tongue, IMur. ae; in cholera, llris ; in cyanosis, IDig, IPod.; in dysentery, HArs.; leadcolored,IArs,ICarbo v.; in typhus, lAgar.; bluish white, Ars. h, Gymn. gg£T purple. Tongue, broad: IKali bi, IINatr. m, 11 Vib, Ziz.; feels too broad, IIPuls.; and flat, with raised, almost scallop-shaped edges, surface rough and yellowish, red underneath, fur being thin (dyspepsia), IKali bb; full, with a pasty coat in centre, IPod. 8@°" flabby, imprint, swollen. Tongue, brown: Ailant., I Arn, HArs, Aur. met. IBapt, Diose, IHep, IIHyos, Iod, ILac c, Mygale, INux v., IPhos, IPlumb, 11 Ptel, I IRhus, Sabad., See, ISpong, ISul, I ITarant, Tereb.; blackish, in typhus, I Ars.; in centre, white at edges, Iod.; along centre, IBapt, I Eup. pur, IPlumb, I I Vib.; in chorea, Cup. m.; in consumption, IGuaiac; in puer- peral convulsions, IINux v.; dark, IBry, Carbol. ae, ICrot, Dory.; dark centre, Natr. ph.; down centre, dry (typhus), IBapt.; dark at root (measles), ILach.; dark, sordes (remit- tent autumnal fever), ICarbol.ae; dark streak down centre (bilious fever), ICrot,; in delir- ium,IPhos.; in diarrhcea,lBry.; dirty, at sides, centre red and irritable looking (stomacace), IKali bb; in diphtheria, IChin. ars.; dirty, Elat; dry, lArs, Bell., IBry, Cact., Coccul, IHyos, IPlumb, Spong., Sub; dry, thick, I lAnthrac; dry, toward base (hydrocepha- lus acutus), IDig.; in dysentery, I Ars., IHam.; like earth, llpec; in typhus, IINux v., IChlor.; in typhoid,IBapt, llris, IPhos,IZinc; in yellow fever, ISul, IVer.; greenish, on root, IINatr. s.; in influenza, Chel.; thick, leather-like, in senile hypertrophy and in- duration of prostate, stricture of urethra Hod.; in morning, IBapt,; in morning (dyspepsia, after typhus), IIBapt; mucus, IIRhus, ISib; mucus, except on edges, morning on rising, IIRhus; here and there mucus (scarlet fever), I ISub; like stale liquid mustard, IIKali ph.; mucus, with intestinal disturbance, IColch'.; mucus tena- cious (typhoid fever), IIRhus; mucus yel- lowish, ICarbo v.; in pneumonia, lAnt. t, Chel., ILye; in catarrhal pneumonia, IHyos.; with red edges, ISep.; red, at tip and margins (pneumonia], ILye; reddish, Rumex ; red- dish, in typhoid, IZinc; at root, with flat, nauseous taste in forenoon, Verbas.; sides, in scarlatina, I IPhyt.; streak down middle, sides moist (typhus), I Apis; tenacious sub- stance, Sec; thickly furred, Aurant, IBapt, IColch., IGels, Med, I IPod.; thickly furred (catarrh of bladder), 11 Uva ursi ; thickly furred, in gastric disturbance, I IVer.; thickly furred, in tertian ague, ILach.; in ulcerated throat, ILye; at tip, with elevated red pa- pillae (scarlatina), IMere; with waterbrash, ISib; brownish white, Sarrae; yellowish, Rumex, IVer.; yellowish, in diphtheria, or ty- phus, IBapt.; yellowish, in remittent fever, ICrotal; tongue yellowish (bilious typhoid), 11 Stram.; yellowish, in vomiting during preg- nancy), IMere iod. flav.; yellowish and dry, (typhoid pneumonia), Lachn.; thick, as with thick yellow felt at root, IKali bi.; in chronic vomiting, llpec. Tongue, burning ; HAcon, I Amm. m., I Amm 11. TASTE AND TONGUE. 341 m, lArum t, ICham, Cochl, Colch, Diose, Ferr. iod, I IGamb., IIHam., Jatroph, ILach, Mane, IMere per, Nitr. sp. d.,Oxab ae, IPhos. ac. Ran. sc. Sec, Seneg., ISul, Vespa, Xan.; across, Agar.; on back part, I Cale p.; after eating bread and butter, Merc, per.; on edge, Camph.; in evening, IIAlum.; feels scalded,^Ese h,Amm.br, Badiag, Bapt, Cepa, Chlor, ICimex, IColoe, IHam., IHydras, Hlris, ILaur, ILye, IPlat, I IPod, I IPrun., IPhyt, Rumex, I ISang., Sep., Sinap, Sub ae, Therid., HVer. v.; feels scalded, in diphtheria, IBapt.; feels scalded on back part, Ferr,IPhyt; feels scalded when eating,llgn.; on edge, HApis; like fire, ITereb.; in front, Cast, eq., IColoe, Gamb.; looks as if burnt, IBelb; looks as if seared with a hot iron in centre (enteritis), I ITereb.; feeling, in middle portion, Ferr.; feeling, in middle, even when moistened, as if it had been burnt and were insensible, at night and in morning, IPuls.; stitching along left side and in inner side of corresponding cheek, chewing impossible, worse at night and in room, better in open air, IMang.; burnt feeling with loss of taste, ISang.; burnt feel- ing on tip, as far as middle, IPsor.; as if in contact with something hot, ISang.; worse at night, I IPhos. ac; extending to palate, HPhos.; like pepper, on end, Agar, ICamph.; like pepper, near left edge, Ang.; as from pepper on tip, followed by ptyalism, HCinch.; as if a thousand pins were pricking it, Carbol. ae; pithy feeling, as if burned, I IFerr.; at root, Bapt.; resembling burned ap- pearance,produced by continual useof salt(scar- let fever), INatr. m.; in scarlatina, IIArum t; in scarlatina, I Apis; smarts in morning, Amm. br.; as if quite sore, IMez.; with soreness in region of larynx, Stilling.; thick, as after much smoking, ILye; spots, like fire, HArs.; stingipg (Apis 30 relieved), Vespa; stitches, ICinch.; extending to stomach, IMez, I IPuls.; on tip, lAcon., IBar., Bov, Calc. a, ICale p., Carbol. ac, ICarbo a. Cinch, bol, IColoe, Hydr. ac, IKali iod, 11 Lactu. v., INatr m, INatr. s, Ratan, Sabad, Tereb, Thuya; tip, as if cracked, INatr. e; of tip in evening, Cycl.; tip, left side, in evening, Merc sub; tip, raw, IKali c; tip, as if raw, or covered with blisters, IKali c; on tip, as if scalded, Sang.; tip, as from soreness," worse from warm food or drink, ICale; on surface, near tip, Pallad.; on under surface, Brom.; violent, HArs.; of vesicles, lAcon., Arg. met, 11 Kali m., HSpig.; with vesicles, under side, I IRhus v.; on side, which become ulcers, ICale B@P hot, inflamed, smarting. Tongue, blisters: B€iP vesicles. Tongue, cancer: Alum, I Apis, I Ars., I Aur. mur, Benz.ac, Calc, ICarboa., Caust,ICon, : Cund, IHydras, ILach, INitr. ac, IMur. ac, IPhyt, Sep, ISil, Sul, Thuya; epithelioma, Kali iod.; hard, somewhat elastic places (epi- thelioma and hypertrophy), IKali m.; with tendency to hemorrhage, Crotal.; pain, :Citrus; hard lump on side, growing into a hard, deep, warty ulcer, about size of a bean, presenting a slightly fissured appearance from above downward and from before backward, rather toward surface of left side, tongue is hard all around it, so much that speaking and expectorating is difficult, IMur. ac; scir- rhus, I Alum.; swelling with scirrhus-like hardness after biting tongue in sleep, Aur. met. 8®° hard, tumor, ulcers. Tongue, canker: BSiP aphthae. Tongue, clammy : 8®° sticky. Tongue, clean: Asar, ICina, Cocc, Elaps, IIHyos, INitr. ac, GCnan.; with bitter taste, Chin, s.; with bitter taste, parti- cularly in old women, ICarbo v.; in acute Bright's disease, Apis; in cholerine, IPhos.; in gastralgia, IMagn. p.; in typhoid, ICoccul, IDulc; in a young leprous girl, 11 Agar.; with headache and constipation, INatr. in.; with nausea from smelling food, IDig.; shiny ap- pearance, INatr. m.; except slight coating of slime on back part, Alum.; on tip and edges (induration of liver), IMagn. m.; tip dry, red, Sec; pointed, trembling (cerebral dis- eases), Act. rac; or yellow (typhoid, first stage), IGels. gg&" glazed, glossy, smooth. Tongue, coated (furred): Ant. t„ Apoe, Ars. m, Ars. h, Ars. s. f, lAtrop. s, Aur. mur. nat, I IBar. c, Bism., ICaps., ICie, Cimex, ICoca, I IColch, Cubeb, IGels, llgn., ILye, IMagn. m, Merc, sul. Millet, Natr. a, Osm, IPhyt, IPolyp, 11 Rob, Stram, IISul, Vace; in afternoon, 11 Bism.; at back, in pining boys, lAur.met; at back, in cardialgia, I IStram.; at base, in cholera infantum, I IVer.; bilious, at base, with clammy, greasy sensation in mouth (salivation), llris; after catarrh (pneumonia), I IPuls.; in centre (metror- rhagia), ICroe; in cholera, llris; in colic HOp.; in habitual constipation, IKali s. deeply, Chloral.; deeply, in typhus, IBapt. in diarrhcea and catarrh of stomach, IDulc after diarrhcea, IKali m.; in diphtheria, IKali perm., UPhyt; and dry (endocarditis), I Aur. met.; in dysentery, IMere, ITrornb.; with clean edges (dyspepsia), I Arg. nit.; at edges (typhoid),HMur.ae;on edges only, withmu- cous stripes (neuropathia), IIKali ars.; in erysipelas, HApis; in fevers, lAcon.; dur- ing fever, iGuarsea; during apyrexia (quartan ague), llpec; in typhoid, HPhos.; flocculent, tough, Ant t; like fur, IPhos.; as if covered with fur, especially in morning, IIMerc; with gastric affections, lAng, IColch.; with glandular swelling,IBar. m.; in grippe, IMere iod. rub.; in hemorrhoids, I liEse h.; heavily, Diose, Stilling.; heavily on back (affection of brain), IGlon.; heavily, in diphtheria, 11 Lac c; in sick headache, ILept; with hiccough since two years, almost uninterrupted, eighteen to twenty times a minute, INiccol.; in hysteria, ILye; heavily, IIBry, Ferr. mur, IIPuls.; heavily, with soreness of mouth and pharynx, I IPhos.; heavily, worse from tea, 11 Selen.; with flatu- lent indigestion, ILye; ininsanity, I INux v.; in intussusception, I IPlumb. j with liver dis- orders, I IPod.; in acute mania, after melan- cholia, IGels.; in middle, edges red, llpec; only in middle, IPhos.; middle, red at tip and sides, Ziz.; and moist (pneumonia), IIPuls.; in morning, ICepa, Stilling.JSub; in phthisis, Ars. iod.; in pneumonia, ICheb; at roots, worse in morning, ICale p.; more towards root, TrChim. umb.; at root, with deep fur, INux v.; at root, in brain diseases, Zinc; on one side, Daph.; on each side, red streak in 342 11. TONGUE centre (bilious colic) llris ; sides, red streak down middle and redness of tip, I Ars.; slightly, IGels., Lyss, Senecio, I ITarant; slightly, in colic, IMagn. p.; slightly, in typhus, IGels.; in sunstroke, IGlon.; in syph- ilis, I IPhyt.; thickly, Ascl. t, ICanth, IGels., IGuaiac, Iod, Lyss, IIMerc, INatr. c, IIRhus, Vab; thickly on back part, Cup. ars., IPhyt.; thickly at back, in diphtheria, IMere iod. flav.; thickly, black streak down centre (hepatic disease),ILept; thickly, in cholerine, ■Asar.; thickly, with cough, ICinch.; thickly, in diphtheria, IChin. a, IMere iod. rub.; thickly, in dysmenorrhoea, lUstib; thickly, edges red, I Ars.; thickly, in apyrexia, IIAnt. e; thickly, in typhus, IBapt, IIBry, ICarbo v, IRhus; thickly, with giddiness, I ISabad.; thickly, in jaundice, Hod, IIMerc, IMyr. cer, INux ; thickly, in morning, with bad taste, Med.; thickly, tip and edges clean (cephalalgia), IIMagn. m.; thinly, Ars. h., IKali m.; thinly, in morning, IINatr. ph.; velvety, Benz. ae; in worms, Filix. 8€^~ black, brown, dirty, foul, gray, greenish, mucus, sordes, white, yellow. Tongue, cold: lArs, Bar. c, HCamph,HCarbo v. Cist, IColch, Cup. ars. Cup. s, I I Kali in, ILaur, Oxal. ac, IPhos. ac. See, IVer.; with bitter taste, removed after breakfast and din- ner, I IKali m.; in cholera, Ant. t, HCarbo v, ICup. ac, ICup. m, llris, HVer.; in con- vulsions, ICup. m.; in dysmenorrhoea, ILaur.; in diabetes, I ITJran. n.; feeling, Hydr. ac; feeling as of something cold, Anag.; feeling as after mint, Lyss.; feeling as of cold air passing over, Aeon.; felt cold and dead, in hemorrhage, IHam.; feels cold and dry, Guaraea; in typhus or yellow fever, HCarbo v.; forepart, Bell.; fraenum, feeling, Anag.; right half, IGels.; tip, Cup. m. B^p blue, pale. Tongue, contracted: ICarbo v, IMere cor.; cylindrical, forced through lips, Cina. Tongue, convulsed: lArg. nit ICon., ILye, I ISyph.; with difficulty of speech, Ruta ; pro- jects it from mouth, forces it between teeth and renders speech indistinct, See; spas- modic twitching, I IGlon.; tip distorted, in apoplexy, ICoccul. BilP biting, motion. Tongue, cracked: HAilant, HApis, lArs, lArum t, Atrop, IBapt, Bar. c, IBell, IBry, I IBufo, ICale, Carbol. ae, ICarbo v., ICham, ICinch, Curar, IIHyos, IKali bi, IMere, Mur. ae, INitr. ac, I IPic. ac, IPhos, IPod.. IPlumb., I IRan.se, IIRhus, HSpig,l IStram, ISul, IVer.; anterior part, Natr. a.; with aphthae, IIBor.; and bleeding, at tip, ILach.; cracks gape and bleed (typhoid), IIRhus; in burns, ICalend.; deeply, Benz. ae; in dysen- tery, HPhos.; on edges, INux v.; on edges, in typhoid, IINux v.; on edges, with smarting and aching (sore mouth of nursing women), ILach.; feeling as if it would crack if not moistened, I IPic. ac; in bilious fever, ICrotal.; in typhus, lArs, lApis, lAtrop. s, IBapt.; in typhoid, HPhos, IZinc; painful, after ty- phoid, blandest food causes intolerable biting pain, IMere; in yellowr fever, IVer.; fissured, Ananth, ICale, ICamph, I ICarbol. ac, ICar- bo v., I Hod, Natr. a.; fissure on left border, IBar. e; down centre, Bapt.; across middle, Kob.; in middle, IIMez., IRhus; down me- AND TASTE. dian line, Sinap.; two deep cracks running lengthwise on each side of median line, Syph.; deeply and widely fissured in all directions, with large, deep phagedenic-looking ulcer in centre, IFluor. ac; furrowed, in rheumatism, ILye; in influenza or pneumonia, Chel.; rhagades, with violent burning, IMagn. m.; in scarlatina, I Apis, INitr. ae; in tobacco poisoning, I INux v. g@~ bleeding, dry. Tongue, cramp: impeding respiration, Bor. Tongue, crawling : IPlat.; painful in diphthe- ria, ISee; on tip, 11 Dulc. BiiP formication, numb. Tongue, cutting: Nitr. sp. d.; as if cut on edges, Ananth.; like a knife (before asthma), Bov.; severe at root, as if cut off, Ananth. BiiP lancinating. Tongue, dark : IMur. ae; with cough, Bapt. 8^° black. Tongue, imperfect development: child is slow in learning to talk, INatr. in. 8®° atrophy. Tongue, dirty :'Anthrok., ICepa, Syph, Zinc; in angina, IKali m.; crust (typhus), ICarbo v.; in typhus, with suppression of urine, ICamph.; in affection of liver, IMagn. m.; in metrorrhagia, ICroe; in pneumonia, Cale; on root, IINatr. s.; centre to root, ILac c; thick coating, HCinch, i I Vab; thick coating, in typhoid, IMere; on root, IINatr. s. Tongue, distorted: B€lP convulsion. Tongue, distress: at root, Rhus v. Tongue, drawing in: Ast.r. Tongue, dry: HAilant, Aloe, IIAlum, lApis, Arg. met, lArg. nit., lArs, Ars. h, Ars. s. f, IIArum t, Atrop. s., Aur. mur, IBar. m, IBelb, Bufo., Cain, Calc. p., Camph, 11 Car- bol. ac, ICarbo a, ICarbo v., ICaust, Cham., ICie, ICist, Coccus, Con, Crot. t, Diose, IDulc, Eryng, Ferr. m, IHell, Hippoz., IHy- dras, Iod, llpec, IKali bi. Kali br, I IKali ph., IKalm., IKreo., ILach, Lyss, IMagn. in, Merc. iod. flav, Merc sul. Mane, Mygale, INatr. c, INatr. m, IINux m, INux v., Oxal. ac, Pallad,IPhos,IPhos. ae, IPhyt,IPlumb, IPod, IPsor., 11 Ptel., IIPuls, IIRhus, Ru- mex, Sarrae, Sep, ISpong, Stram, I ISul, Subac, I ITarant, Tereb,Vacc,IVer,HVer.v, 11 Vib.; on awaking, ICale, IParis,IPod.; in al- buminuria, ICalea.; with bitter taste, ISpong.; and covered with brown mucus (yellow fever), IMere; brown (metritis and peritonitis puer- peralis), IITereb.; in burns, ICalend.; as if burnt, painful, IPsor.; as if burnt, after sleep, IDaph.; as if burnt, in typhoid, IPuls.; coated, Carbol. ac; coated, pro- voked drinking, IIRhus; chippy, I ICarbol. ae; in chorea, Cup. in.; in cirrhotic kidney, HPlumb.; in bilious colic, llris; in potter's colic, lAlum; in constipation,IBry.; in coryza, Chlor.; in cystitis, IHelb; in puerperal convul- sions, I INux v.;in diabetes, IHelon, ILact ae; in diarrhoea, Bry.; in muco-purulent diarrhcea, I IKali br.; in diphtheria, IChin. a, I ILac c, IMere cy, INatr. m.; in dropsy, lArs.; in dysentery, IHam, IMere, I INux v, HPhos.; in dyspepsia, I ICheb; in erysipelas, HApis, I IRhus; feeling, Brom, IColch, Sinap, Xan.; feeling, on back part, with much saliva, ICamph.; great complaint of dryness, in reality not very dry, INatr. in, IINux m.; feels dry, is moist (intermittent),ICoccul.; in fevers,! Aeon, IIBry, INatr.m.; in bilious fever, ICrotal.; in ■i ^ 11. TONGUE intermittent, ICoccul, IISul. ae; in typhus, HAgar., I Arg. nit, lArn., I Ars., lAtrop. s, IBapt, IBry, ICarbo v, I IChin. s, IChlor, ■Mur. ac, I IPhos, IRhus, IITereb, IStram.; about middle or toward close of second week of typhus, ITereb.; in typhus, with suppres- sion of urine, ICamph.; in yellow fever, ■Ver.; and fissured, INitr. ac; of forepart, Bell.; with giddiness, I ISabad.; and hard, IMere.; in nervous headache, HPlat; with nightly internal heat, ICale; in hip disease, IPhos. ae; in hydrocephaloid, HApis, Art. v.; » in hydrothorax, lApoe; in influenza, I ICheb; with inflammation of throat and mouth, Cop.; looks like burnt leather, IIHyos.; like leather (typhoid), IIMur. ae; looks dry, Merc, sub; in lyssophobia, ILyss.; during menses, ICed.; in meningitis, ISub; menses too early and too profuse, INux m.; in middle, lAcon, Ant, c, Arg. met, IPhos.; in middle, in typhus, iBapt; in middle, in bilious typhoid, I IStram.; in middle, in bilious remittent, ICrotal.; in middle, in scarlatina, I IPhyt,; stripe, in middle, ILach.; in morning, IBapt, ICist, INitr. ae, IPuls.; in morning on awaking, IClem.; in morning, with heavy brown coat- ing, without thirst, with bitter taste, Diose; early in morning, IBar. e; in morning,as if it would cleave to roof of mouth, 11 Kali ph.; particularly in morning, ISub; in myelitis, IDulc; with nausea, worse sitting up, ICorab; at night, All. sat, Ang, Jatroph.; at night or on awaking, ICale, INux m.; awakes a number of times at night to moisten, I IPic. ac; at night, as if it would fall into pow-der, IINux m.; parched, HAilant, IBell, I ICar- bol. ac, ICarbo v., HCinch, IHydras, IHyos, IPhos, IIPuls, Strain., ISub; in peritonitis, lAtrop.; in pleuritis, with plastic exudation, IHep.; in pneumonia,lAntt; in bi- lateral croupous pneumonia, IKali iod.; , parched and sticky (diabetes), ILact. ac; rat- tles in mouth like a chip,IBelb; and red, Ant. t, IMere cor.; red on sides, centre thinly coated white (peritonitis), I Aeon.; and red,previously black, intyphus,IHelb; in rheumatism,IDulc.; on root, ICepa; with roughness, Calc, ILaur.; feels dry on rubbing against roof of mouth, Bapt.; in scarlatina, IMere, INitr. ac; renders speech unintelligible (inflammation of brain), , IMere v.; slimy, ICale; with a sooty coating (pneumonia, stage of hepatization), I IPhos.; with sopor (scarlatina), IPhos.; with a brown streak down middle (typhus), lArn.; with stinging in tip, IPhos.; with fulness of stom- ach and loss of appetite, in evening dryness is so great that tongue sticks to roof of mouth (typhoid fever), INux m.; does not like to talk, I ICale, Zinc; with thirst, IIBry ,Cham, IDulc; without thirst, Caps, IIPuls.; with constant thirst, or without any, INatr. m.; with increased thirst, red lips, Aloe; tip, ICarbo v, INux m.; tip moist, Bry.; at tip and sides (gastric fever), IIPuls.; with vesicles (typhoid), ILye; white, ILaur.; upon edges, white, ICoccul.; white, in apyrexia, INatr. m.; withered, IVer.; yellow, m dysentery, IMere cor. 8^° cracked, hot, inflamed. Tongue, edges : folded like little bags, I illie BiiP imprint. Tongue, eruption: herpetic, two deep cracks running lengthwise on each side of median AND TASTE. 343 line, making it difficult to swallow (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; herpetic, sequel to gonor- rhoea, IZinc; herpetic, on root, I IZinc; her- petic, from seabathing, INatr. m.; ringworm on right side, INatr. m.; looks like ringworm, on sides, INatr. m.; little papular elevations along edge, HApis; small circular patches, like smallpox pustules (diphtheria), lAnt. t; hemorrhagic patches and streaks (purpura), 11 Phos.; pimples, ICale p.; pimples, on edges, Osm.; pimples, on tip, IHell, INatr. c.- pain- ful pimple on tip, IKali c; small, painful pimples on sides,INitr. ac; covered with pus- tules, I IVar.; dotted with red pimples, INux m.; small, sore pustules (canker sores) on edge, tip and under tongue, very painful, Med.; pus- tules on tip, Cund.; pustules small, painful, on right side of tip, upper surface, toward edge, Cund.; two variolous pustules on tip (variola), I IThuya; pustules, white aphthous, IHep.; little red points oozing continuously (purpura haemorrhagica), I IPhos.; hard,raised spot, size of a lentil on right anterior border, shooting in it on movingtongne, Sub; smooth, red spots toward tip in middle, with burn- ing and numbness (neuralgia of tongue), Kali ars.; red spots on surface (catarrh of stomach), ISep.; round spots on tip, Arum t. B@P aphthae, canker, nodules, patches, tubercles, vesicles. Tongue, flabby: HCamph., Chin, s, I llgn, IIMerc,Natr. a,IPhos.ac, I IXan.; in chronic camp diarrhcea, ILyss.; in dysentery, ICu- beb.; in atonic dyspepsia, ISep.; inheartdis- ease, ILye vir.; in chronic passive hemor- rhage from kidneys, I ITereb.; in induration of liver, IMagn. m.; soft, Ars. h.; in stomati- tis, IHydras. 8isP broad, imprint, swollen. Tongue, flat: BgP broad, flabby. Tongue, foamy: Lyss. Tongue, in folds: in lead colic, lAlum. Tongue, formication: extending into head (neuralgia of tongue), I ISpig. gf§f crawling, numb. Tongue, .fraenum: sore, IKali c; small sore elevations at lower insertion, Cepa. Tongue, foul (fetid): IHydras, IPhos. ac, Vab; in gastro-enteritis, I Apis ; in typhus, IBapt; smells like decayed meat (diphtheria), IKali bi; white, in dyspepsia, I INaja; during desquamative stage of scarlet fever, IKali c; with red tip (perityphlitis), ICrotal.; in indo- lent enlargement of tonsils, IKali bi.; in rheumatic attack, IBry, IDaph. B^P coated. Tongue, furred : B^P coated. Tongue, as if fuzzy : 11 Bar. c Tongue, gangrene: HArs, ILach. 8^° black, foul, inflamed. Tongue, glands: BilP ranula, sublingual. Tongue glazed: Tereb.; in chronic gastritis, IPlumb.; in sacculated ovarian disease, I Lach.; in catarrh of stomach, lApis. BiiP glossy, smooth, Tongue, glossy : lApis, Carbol. ac, IPhos.; in erysipelas from a dissecting wound, ILach.; in stomatitis, or entero-colitis, ITereb.; shining, I Apis, Crot. t; shining, first half, INux v. 8^P glazed, smooth. Tongue, greasy : as if covered with a greasy substance (salivation), llris ; feeling on aris- ing in morning, llris. 8§P Taste fatty. 344 11. TONGUE AND TASTE. Tongue, gray: Ananth, Bry, I IChel, IPhos.; with pale grayish complexion, IKali c; dirty, in diphtheria, IMere sob; in dyspepsia, I Kali e; with earache, I IKali m.; greenish, on root, IINatr. s.; with sick headache, IKali e; patches on edges and thin dirty yellow coat on upper surface, IMere viv.; whitish, IKali c, Phos. ac; whitish,having an under- lying bluish look, ILac e; whitish, with stuffy cold in head, Kali m. 8®°" dirty. Tongue, green: Calc, Caust, Guaraea, Nitr. ac, IPlumb, Rhod.; with malarial symptoms, INatr. s.; with ptyalism, INitr. ac. Tongue, sensation of a hair: INatr. m.; back part, IKali bb; worse reading, All. sat.; on tip, INatr. ph.; on tip, extends to trachea, where it caused a crawling, obliging frequent cough and hacking, Sil. Tongue, hard: (indurated, IIHyos.; in typhus, IArg.nit,IAtrop. s.; after glossitis, lAur. mur, ICarbo v.; knotty, HCarbo a.; feels leather- covered, IINux m.; as leather, lAur. met, I Aur. mur.; having appearance of alligator hide, I IPic. ae; middle, burning when touched, IBar. e; with prickling, IMere 8€iP cancer, nodules. Tongue, heavy : Anac, Bell, Carbo v,IColch, Guaraea, ILach, ILye, Merc, per, Mur. ac, IINatr. m, IPlumb.; in chorea, I ITarant; in dysmenorrhoea, HVer.v.; in typhoid, IVer.; in yellow fever, IILach.; in hydrocephalus acutus, ILye; as lead, hinders talking, IMur. ac; as if paralyzed (typhus), I Ars.; impedes speech, Anae, ICarbo v., INux v., INatr. e; trembling, ILye B€iP motion, paralysis, stiff, thick. Tongue, hot: IBelb, IPhyt; and dry, Act.rac; edges, Sinap.; root, Bapt.; in scarlatina, lApis; tip, Sinap. 8®** burning, dry, inflamed. Tongue, hyoid bone: constrictive pain low down in region of, ICepa ; pain in small spot in region of left corner, also when swallow- ing, Jamb. Tongue, shows imprints of teeth: Ant. t, HArs, HArs. m, HChel, Illgn, Iod, Hy- dras, IIMerc, IPod, IIRhus, Stram., ISyph, Tell., I IVib.; in atonic dyspepsia, ISep.; epi- thelioma and hypertrophy, IKali m.; in sto- matitis, IHydras.; swollen, after mercury, IKali iod. 8^° broad, flabby, swollen. Tongue, indurated: B€lP hard. Tongue, inflamed (glossitis): I Aeon, Ananth, lApis, lArg. nit, lArn, lArs, Aur. mur, IBenz. ac, Cale, Canth, Carbo v., Caust, Coccul, Con, Crotal, Cup. ac, IFerr. ph., Hep., Kali m,ILach, Lye, Mang. ac, IMere, IMere c. Mere d, Merc, sub, Mez, INatr. m, INitr.ac, Petrol, IPlumb,Ran. sc, Sep, ISib, Staph, ISul, ISul. ae; chronic, ICup. m.; with induration, I Aur. mur, Carbo v, ICon, Lye, Mez.; left side, Ars. s. r.; after abuse of mercury, ICale, Cup. ac. Hep, I INitr. ac, I IPhyt, Sub; after mercury, pain excessive, beg to be killed, etherized or nar- cotized, as they cannot live in such agony, threatened ulceration or deep, foul, sloughing ulcers, I IStaph.; in middle, IGels.; with paral- ysis, in persons of intemperate habits, I INux v.; with pricking pains, IMere; at root, ILach.; with fetid salivation, IPetrol.; one- sided, I INux v.; sore spots, Aloe; after sting in temple, 11 Apis ; when suppuration begins, Calc. s.; with titillation, inducing cough, ILach.; with vesicles, ICanth. Bgp dry, hot, raw, red, sore. Tongue, injuries: Ananth.; laceration, HCa- lend., IHyper.; laceration after epilepsy, lArt. v.; by sharp edges of teeth, Aloe; swelling after sting of insects, Aeon., Arn., Bell., Cro- tal, Merc, Natr. m. BSP biting, bleeding. Tongue, irritability: Bufo., Gels. 8^* sensitive. Tongue, itching: Ced.; must scratch, during pregnancy, I I Alum.; on tip, I IDulc. Tongue, lancinating: as from pin pricks, Aram m, Gaaraea. 8SP cutting, stitches. Tongue, feels too large : IParis, IIPuls. 8^** broad, swollen. Tongue, leadcolored: B@P bluish, gray. Tongue, leathery: 8^* dry, hard. Tongue, as if too long : with aphthae, 11 iEthus. Tongue, mapped (patchy appearance): Ars., Ant. c, ILach, Lye, INatr. m., I INitr. ac, I IRan. sc, IITarax.; with amenorrhcea, INatr.m.; dotted, IPhos.; dotted, with ulcer- ation, IMere cy.; in diphtheria, INatr. m.; cleans rapidly, and in large flakes, first from middle, leaving tongue smooth and glossy (typhoid), IITereb.; in gastric, bilious attacks, ITarax.; with nervous excitability, I I Ca- lab,- insular large patches, IKali bi.; red, insular patches, IINatr. m.; peels off in patches, presenting bright red spots here and there, Tereb.; cleans off in patches, leaving dark red, tender,sensitive spots, ITarax.; both sides denuded like islands, the remaining parts thickly coated (diphtheria), I IRan.se; viscid, Phos. ac. B€2P peeling. Tongue, false membrane : Ant. t. 8SP Chap. 12, Inner mouth exudation. Tongue, too moist: yEthus, Arg. nit, ICarbo v,Cub,Mercsub,IMere. viv, Natr.a, I INatr. ph. ,G3nan, Pod., HVer. v. Zinc; and clear anteriorly, back parts coated with light col- ored mucus, INatr. m.; coating, at back, INatr. ph.; coating, on rising in morning, IINatr. ph.; thin coating, IINatr. ph.; in cholera, IVer.; in delirium after being ac- cused of theft, IHyos.; in chronic diarrhcea, IRheum ; in diphtheria, I ILac c; in dyspep- sia, ICheb; edges red, IMere cor.; during fever, Sabad.; in puerperal fever, ICoff; in ty- phus,ITereb.; in headache, ILac def; in acute pharyngo-laryngitis, INaja; inflammation of liver, IMere; in metrorrhagia, I Croc.; covered with mucus, IIMerc; with mucous streak at side (chronic in flammation of pancreas), I Iod.; papillae enlarged and projecting through a soft white fur, Stram.; with intense thirst, IMere; with intense thirst, worse at night (metritis), IMere; without thirst, IIPuls.; covered with white fur (scarlatina), lAilant.; dirty white, I IPuls.; thick, white coating (yellow fever), IMere; yellow, in jaundice, IIMerc. ggg* mucus, saliva. Tongue, motion : action disordered, IKali br.; cannot control to form words rightly, yEsc. h.; constant, Stram.; constantly, in chorea, I IVer. v.; convulsive, Cham.; darting forth and back with great rapidity, like a snake's, ICup. in.; darts out and oscillates, ILye; difficult, Anac, Bell., Bufo, Cale, Con, IHyos, Lye, INatr. e, Stram.; difficult,even painful, Ant. t; can- not open mouth wide, IILach.; difficult, with 11. TONGUE AND TASTE. 345 pain in shoulder, hip joints, and in all bones, HColch.; cannot double, I IPicae; jerked out, in chorea, I ISee; lapping, in epilepsy, IBufo.; lolling, in convulsion, I ISib; lolling about in mouth (mental disorder), ILach.; hindered, speech inarticulate, Bell.; immovable, Ars. s. f, lAur. met, IPhos, Stram.; almost immov- able, ICarbo v.; feels immovable, I ICarbo a.; involuntary, with impossibility to utter a word (chorea), IStram.; involuntary, on effort to take food causing her to drop from mouth two- thirds of what she has taken (chorea), I ITa- rant; oscillating, IHelb; moved and projected with difficulty, IColch.; puts out with diffi- culty, IILach.; puts out with difficulty, in chorea, IMygale; not able to protrude, Carbol. ac, IMere cor, IPlumb.; cannot protrude, in typhus, I Apis; cannot protrude, in sore throat, Sabad.; protruded with difficulty, can hardly draw it in, IHyos.; regularly protrudes and retracts (hydrocephalus), ISub; sudden and forcible protrusion and retraction, ILach.; when put out rolls from side to side like a pendulum (typhoid), ILye; rolled in mouth like one intoxicated, INux m.; feels as if she cannot keep it still, I ISticta; shaken to and fro with a trembling movement, IIHyos.; cannot turn food so readily from right to left, as in other direction, Syph.; feels as if wedged, ILach. g^g" convulsed, heavy, paralysis, protruding, quivering, stiff, trembling, thick. Tongue, mucus (slimy): 11 Ant. t, 11 Ars. m, IBar. m, Bov, Carbol. ac, ICepa, I IChel, Cup. ars, IHydras, IKreo, INatr. s, IPhos, ISep.; in cysto-blennorrhcea, HUvaursi; in dysmenorrhoea, I ILac e; feeling dry, Stront.; in evening, Ars. h. Arum d.; in gastromalacia, IKreo.; in hemorrhoids, IBerb.; in morning, with unpleasant taste, Seneg.; offensive, in diphtheria of lips, 11 Rhus ; loaded with drying offensive mucus, extends back upon pharynx, obstructing passage (malignant scarlatina), ILach.; in sore throat, I IPhyt.; in spine dis- ease, lAlum. m.; tenacious mucus with a bad taste, Verbas.; tenacious, like a membrane, IIPuls.; thick,dark at root,lighter near edge, clearingoff in patches,leavingexposed surfaces yery red (chlorosis), HSep.; tenacious, thick mucus (choleraic dysentery), IPhos. ae; thick, IMere; thick, after cholera, IMere; thick, in diarrhoea, I ISee; thick, dirty (measles), IPhos.; thick, tough, in morning, Agar.; clear with little frothy bubbles at edge (prosopal- gia), IINatr. m.; in induration of uterus, ICarbo a.; viscid, thready, in typhoid, IPhos.; viscous, scanty, tenacious crust, Myr. cer.; viscous, tough (typhoid condition), IPhos.; white, Zinc; white, in gastritis, ICoccul.; yel- low, Chin, a.; yellow-white, tenacious, IBelb; with ascarides, Bar. m. B^lPcoated, sordes. Tongue, neuralgia: lApis, IKali ars, HSpig. 8@" tearing, etc. Tongue, nodules: I Hod., Mang.; dark, com- ing to a point, Ars. h.; on tip, upon which forms a vesicle, resulting in an unclean look- ing ulcer with a hard edge, I IPhos. ae; small, become round ulcers, with hard edges and lardaceous base, soon disappear and appear in another part, a deep induration can be felt surrounding them, IMere iod. rub. 8®°° eruption, hard, tubercles. Tongue, numb: IIAcon., Brach., ICale p., Camph, IColch, ICrotal, IFluor. ac, IIGels, IHelb, IHyos., INux m, IRheum, I IZinc; feeling as if caused by Aconite, Eup. pur.; in anterior half, llgn.; in back part, Bov.; as if burnt, I IFerr., IGlon.; left side, INux v.; left side, with vertigo, 11 Agar.; impeding respi- ration, Bor.; rightside, IGels.; half of, right side, contracting sensation like cold feeling, Ars. h.; in root (diphtheria), IBapt.; one side of, INatr. m.; one side, from paralysis of glos- so-pharyngeal nerve, INatr. m.; as if gone to sleep, IINux m.; as if unable to taste, Merc; cannot touch teeth with it, Ictod. g®~ crawling, formication, -wood. Tongue, pain (undefined): lArum t, ICon, lllod, Sabad.; at base, when stretching tongue out, Coccul.; long continued, Jatroph.; in left half, Cund.; referred to a point in middle line, three-quarters of an inch from apex, Vespa ; worse from pressure with teeth, Arum m.; in root, IPhyt.; at root, as if it were swollen, Lyss.; in "root, terrible, night, before going to sleep, extends to both sides of throat, with fear of death, IIKali iod.; in root, from frequent inclination to swallow, IIBapt; about root, on yawning, ILach.; prevents yawning (post-diphtheritic affec- tion), ILach.; in root, Lyss.; with salivation, Plumb.; in scarlatina, during desquamative stage, IKali e; on side, lower surface, while chewing, ICale; impedes speech and motion of jaw, Acet ac; when spitting, ICale; on swallowing, ICale, ICale p.; hindering speech, ILye; beneath, when swallowing, on left side behind hyoid bone, ICale; when talking, IFluor. ac, IKalm.; thrilling, caused by food resting on back part when trying to swallow (cancrum oris), ILach.; extends to throat (epi- demic influenza), ISabad.; in tip, IIArg. nit, IHep., Stront.; under, Cepa; if it touches palate, as if there were vesicles on it, IMere per.; vesicle on tip, IPuls.; violent (Apis re- lieved), Vespa. Tongue, pale: IFerr, llpec, IIMerc, INatr.m, Phos. ac, I IPhos., Sec, IVer, I I Xan.; in an- asarca, lArs.; in cardialgia, HStram.; in in- testinal catarrh, ICheb; in cholera, Ant. t, ICupr. m, IVer.; ih chlorosis, IFerr.; in dys- pepsia, IKali e; in chronic camp diarrhoea, ILyss.; in diphtheria of lips, IIRhus; in atonic dyspepsia, ISep.; and flabby, Acet. ac; and flabby, in phthisis florida, after pneumo- nia, IFerr.; pale, in chronic passive hemor- rhage from kidneys, I ITereb.; on margin, Chin, s.; in menorrhagia, ICycb; with deep red furrow and pale red points in middle, Raph.; tip and edges livid, in scarlatina, lAilant.; at back, dirty yellow, rather thick coating, extending forward along sides,IMere cor.; with yellowish streak on base, Mere cy.; 8iiP cold. Tongue, papillae: as if deprived of, Tereb.; destitute of, lArg.nit; dotted with red,HNux m.; inflamed, IBelb; injected, Arum m.; raised, I I Agar, IIArg. nit., Arum m, Bry.) IHydras., Ictod, llgn., IKali bi., ILach, IIMez, 11 Ptel, Tereb.; raised, on apex, I ISub; raised, better after breakfast, ICroe; raised, in chorea, Cup. m.; raised, in typhus, I ICheb; raised,on dorsum, with a brown colored patch) IKali bi.; raised, with flat taste, Mere s.[ 346 11. TONGUE AND TASTE. raised, in scarlatina, I Aram t, IIBell.; raised, strawberry-like, I Arum t, IIBell, IMerecor.; straw berry-like, in phthisis, I ITubere; raised, at tip, II Ars.; deep red, IBelb; rough, Arum t; rough, like a strawberry, and covered with a white film (intertrigo of anus), IMere; sensitive, as if rubbed against teeth,I IGraph.; showing through coat, Vace; swollen, lArum t, IBelb; turgescent, llgn. glgg" rough. Tongue, paralysis: lAcon, I lArs., IBar. c, IIBell, Caps, HCaust, ICoccul, ICochl, Cup. m., IDulc, IIGels, IIGraph., Guaraea, IHelb, IHyos, I ILach, IMur. ac, INux in, HOp, IPlumb, IRheum; with aphasia, Strain, I ISyph.; in apoplexy (old people), IIBar. e; in apoplexia nervosa, I Cupr.; diffi- culty of articulation, stuttering if she talks fast, I I Lace; difficulty in conversing, IGlon.; as if burnt, I Ars.; from cold, IDulc; but little control, llVar.; control lost, speech absent, ICup. m.; feeling, Merc, per.; feeling, in chorea of right side, ICalab.; feeling, during menses, ICed.; in typhoid fever, ICoccul, IHyos, IMur. ae;hangs outof mouth,Stram.; insensible, as if unable to taste, Merc, per.; as if lame, yEsc g, Hydr. ac; lame and stiff, Euph.; lame, after suppressed eruption and abuse of mercury, IHep.; lame, if cold air or water chill him, IDulc; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IHydr. ac; numbness of one side, INatr. m.; in old people, IIBar. e; cannot protrude in straight line, mouth drawn to left side (child), IGlon.; cannot protrude, it catches on teeth, I Apis, ILach.; rapid, Bufo.; leftside, drawn to right, ICurar, INux m.; of right side, drawn to left (puerperal convul- sions), IBelb; when raised it is with difficulty drawn back, 11 Variol.; in scarlatina, IStram.; want of sensation, Meph.; drawn to one side, IOp.; felt very thick, could hardly speak, IIGels.; gets involuntarily between upper teeth and lip, then between under teeth and lip, ILye; tip remains under lower teeth or lip when trying to put out (typhus), IILach.; partial, HArn. 8€lP heavy, motion, pro- truding, trembling, stiff, thick. Tongue, pasty: gs^~ sticky, Tongue, peeling off: 11 Ran. sc; on base, Cinch. bob; in large, brown pieces (scarlet fever), IMur.ac; in dysentery,ICanth. Bitmapped. Tongue, pain in edges as if constantly pierced by needles, worse after eating and from wash- ing face in cold water: 11 Nux v. B^p prickling, stitches. Tongue, pointed: IPetrol.; after abortion, I IPod.; in diphtheria, ILach.; narrow, in dys- pepsia, Chel. Tongue, plays with : in dentition, ICham. Tongue, pressing: Astac.; painful, IMere; in root, with dulness in forehead, IHam.; in root, as if something were under, pressing it upward, with pricking, Ustil. Tongue, pricking: IIAcon, Apis, Ars. h. Arum m, Brach., Bry, Ced, Chrom. ae, I IDros., IGlon, IKali bi, Ustil.; in end, Eup. pur.; fine, on posterior part, Eup. pur.; fine, over whole surface, 11 Ptel.; with heat during menses, ICed.; in point, Cact., Sang.; with increased saliva, IFluor. ae; un- der, in lyssophobia, ILyss.; with swelling, IMere; at tip, Elaps. 8€iP stinging, stitches. Tongue, protruding: HCrotal, IPhyt, Gkian.; in aphasia, I ISyph.; in chorea, Sumb.; in diphtheria, HPhyt; in headache, ILach.; with a jerk, in chorea, I IKali br.; in menin- gitis infantum, lApis ; in cerebrospinal men- ingitis, IHydr. ac; to one side, Syph.; to right side, I IOp.; slightly, IHelb; during sleep, I I Variol.; protruding, in puerperal convulsions, 11 Nux v. 8®" motion, paralysis. Tongue, purple: ICact, IPetrol.; in diphthe- ria, I Lach.; with deep red furrow and pale red points in middle, Raph.; deep violet color (epithelioma and hypertrophy), IKali m. BisP blue. Tongue, pasty: B^lP sticky. Tonque, quivering : IOp. BisPtrembling. Tongue, raw: ICarbo v.,IGels,IHydras, Lact ac, Sinap.; like beef, Carbol. ac; as if burned, HCinch.; feeling when eating, llgn.; after a meal, IIGraph.; feeling, ICanth, Arum m., IBar. e, ICist, Gamb, IIGlon, Merc, sub; feeling, in gastromalacia, ICale; feeling, at root, Gamb.; feeling, at left side, Jacar.; look- ing, in diphtheria, 11 Rhus; in middle, I Aeon.; mucous membrane had been pol- ished away (hectic fever), HPhos.; at root, IIArum t; tip, ICarbo v. B@" inflamed, red, sore. Tongue, too red: lAcon, Aloe, Ant. t, HArs., Arum t, Aur. mur., IIBell, Bism, 7rCain., t.Camph, ICham., ICup. ac, Crot. t, Elaps, IFerr. ph,IGels, Glon., IIHyos, Ictod,IKali bi,ILach, Lact. ac, IMere, Merc, sul, INatr.s., INux v., Oxal. ac, Pallad, IPhos, IPod.,Ran. sc, ISang, Stann, Stram, ISub, Syph., I ITar- ant,Tereb,IVer.; in abscess, after vaccination, I Apis; after abortion, I IPod.; at base, INux v.; brickdust coating, Ananth.; withblackish coat, IMere cor.; like a beet, INitr. ae; bright, IBelb, IColch, Tereb.; bright, in dia- betes, INatr. s.; bright, in dropsy, I Ars.; bright, in scarlet fever, lApis, IIBell., I ISub; on border, in apyrexia, IIAnt. c; brown on edges, with dark red streak through centre, about three-quarters of an inch wide (phleg- monous erysipelas), HVer. v.; in burns, ICa- lend.; fiery, HApis, IBelb; fiery,in facial ery- sipelas, ICanth.; in cardialgia, IMagn. m.; cherry, IKali e; in chorea, Cup. m.; clean, aa if painted (intermittent), ICale; with sensi- tiveness to cold and warm drinks, Ziz.; in middle and on borders, I ISub; six weeks after confinement, hydrogenoid constitution,INatr. s.; dark, Elaps, IHydras, INux v.; dark, in diphtheria, IMere cy.; deep, Curar., Elaps, Natr. a.; deep, in scarlatina, 11 Apis ;with vel- vety look (typhus), IINitr. ae; in diabetes, IIKali br., HUran n.; in diarrhcea, Bry.; with muco-purulent diarrhcea, 11 Kali br.; dorsum, bright, covered with a network of dilated and congested veins, IIPuls.; dry, IGels, ILye, IMere; and dry, in cystitis, I Aeon.; later, dry and brown, Kali br.; dry, in middle, Ant. t; in diphtheria, I ILac c; in dysentery, I IPhos.; in dyspepsia, I IRhus v.; in atonic dyspepsia, ICrotal.; dry, in pneu- monia, ILye; at edges, HArs, ICanth, I ICheb, IPlumb.; at edges, centre white, IGels.; atedges,bright(typhoid fever),I IPhos.; at edges, dark in bilious fever, ICrotal.; at edges, light, Bell.; at edges and tip, Chel.; at edges, and tip dry, heavily coated in centre, 11. TONGUE AND TASTE. 347 HStram.; at edges, in typhoid, llris, IINux v.; at edges, with smarting and aching (sore mouth of nursing women), ILach.; at edges, full of small painful ulcers, IKali bb; in ery- sipelas, IIRhus; in typhus, Ars, IBapt, ICarbo v, I IPhos.; in gastralgia, I ISub; in chronic gastritis, IPlumb.; first half shining, posterior covered with deep fur, INux v.; in nervous headache, 11 Plat.; like a piece of red leather, I Ars.; seamed with a deep red line, Calc. s.; in lyssophobia, ILyss.; in measles, IIAcon.; in middle, Cham, IPhos, IRhus v.; sore stripe in middle, Osm.; streak down middle, Arg. met, I Arg. nit, IPhos. ac, ISang.; streak in middle wide and broader towards point, IBelb; streak in middle, in pneumonia, 11 Ver.; streak in middle, white at sides (tertian intermittent), ICham.; streak in middle, yellow at edges (phleg- monous erysipelas of scalp), IVer. v.; in morning, Pallad.; in melancholy, I Aur. met.; pale, Stram.; papillae project here and there, Carbol. ae; in polydipsia, ICamph.; in threatened phthisis, I ITubere; raw, in gastromalacia, ICale; in scarlatina, lArum t, ILach.; dark, on sides, coated in centre, Lyss.; as if it had been skinned, IIRhus; with dark spots and burning, IMere; with dark spots during menses, IMere; in stomatitis, ITereb.; in streaks, Ant. t; and swollen, in scarlatina, I ISub; swollen and rounded, appears to entirely fill mouth, could not move or protrude it, Vespa; with great thirst (liver complaint), I Aeon.; tip, IIArg. nit. Bell, Chin, a, IPhyt, IIRhus, IRhus v, Stram., ISub, Thuya, Ver, Ver. v.; tip, in albuminuria, I Apis ; tip, centre brown, ILach.; tip, heavily coated at back (typhoid), IITereb.; tip, dark red (diphtheria), IMere cy.; tip and edges, cen- tre coated, See; tip and edges,yellow in centre, IFluor. ac; tip and edges, in gonorrhoea, HTarant; tip, in intermittent, IDiad.; tip and edges, white in centre, Helon.; tip and edges, yellow in centre (chronic looseness of bowels and bilious vomiting), IFluor. ae; tip, fiery, IPhyt.; tip, red points, root yellow (con- sumption), IKali bb; tip, triangular, IIRhus; tip, small, burning blister, impeding speech and chewing, Cycl.; small, vesicular points, burning as if scalded, condition extends wherever there is mucous membrane, even to vagina and rectum, IIRhus v.; tip, back white, Sars.; yellowish, I ILach.; yellow down centre (induration of uterus), ICarbo a.; yel- lowish, in typhoid, ILach.; covered with yel- low coating (typhoid), I IPuls. 8§p inflamed, raw. Tongue, rough: Ang, IBry., Coccul, Coloe, Cupr. s, IGrat, IKali bi, Oleand, IPhyt., I IRhus v., ISub; in chorea, Cup. m.; on edges, Osm.; feeling, 11 Ptel.; caused by liquid food (stomacace), IKali bb; like a grater, Anac; after a meal, I IGraph.; streaks, in mid- dle of dry (typhus), ICale; in morning, Sep.; in morning on awaking, passing off after eat- ing, Sars.; with uniformly erect papillae, IPod.; with thirst and increased flow of saliva, I IDulc; as from sand, Coloe B^P papillae. Tongue, ranula (swelling of sublingual gland): HAmb., Bell, ICale, ICanth, Fluor, ac, Hippoz., IMere, IMez., I INatr. m, INitr. ae, IPlumb, Psor, IIThuya, I IVer.; as large as a hazelnut on right side, and very hard, IMere viv.; bluish, surrounded by varicose veins, IThuya; caused enlargement of sub- maxillary duct, Thlaspi; in meningitis, IThu- ya ; returns periodically, worse in afternoon, Chrom. ae; returns periodically, with dryness of mouth, worse in afternoon, soreness when chewing, with hemorrhoids and constipation, Lyss.; right side, had been opened several times, and half a teacup of fluid removed, but always returned five or six days afterward, IMere viv. 8^° tumor. Tongue, scalded feeling 8®" burning. Tongue, frothy saliva: bubbles of, along its sides, or covering it, INatr. m.; feeling as if enveloped by, Chen. v. g^~ moist. Tongue, scraping: on back part, Camph.; after meal, IIGraph.; feeling as if it had been scraped, extends to fauces, Bapt. BilP raw. Tongue, sensitive: ICarbo v, Gamb., Oxal. ac, IPhyt; in diphtheria, IMere iod. rub.; can hardly bear weight of teeth, Sinap.; worse from least contact of food, drink or even cold air (glossitis), IMere; even to soft food, INitr. ac; feeling of rigidity, with restricted mobil- ity (secondary syphilis), IFluor. ae; tip, ICrot. t; smarts when touched, Berb.; pain- ful, especially to touch, Bell.; painful to touch, ICie; most sensitive to slight touch when eat- ing or drinking, Osm.; tender, ICund.; tender, in diabetes, I I Kali br. 8ilP irritability. Tongue, shining; 8®° glossy. Tongue, shooting : lApis, Ast. r. Ran. sc. Tongue, shrivelled: 8§P atrophy. Tongue, slimy: fi^" mucus. Tongue, smacking with: Bell. Tongue,small: Cupr. s. SSPatrophy, develop- ment. Tongue, smarting: Amm t, Aspar,Bapt, Chin, IColch, Gamb, llpec. Jalap, IMere; of end, ICalab.; only at night, IPhos. ae; in right side, IDros.; in tip, Agar, IDros, IPhyt.; in tip, left side, in evening, Merc. sul. 8^* burning. Tongue, smooth : I ICarbo a, IKali bi, I IPic. ac; anterior half red and shining, ILach.; in atonic dyspepsia, ICrotal.; in facial ery- sipelas, IIRhus; in typhoid, HPhos.; as if varnished (typhus), I Ars. ggg° clean, glazed, glossy. Tongue, sodden looking: in stomach com- plaint, IKali bi. g@T moist. Tongue, soft: ggg* flabby. Tongue, sore: Agar, Bar. c, Brach., ICale, Chim. umb, ICist, ICrot, IMur. ac., INitr. ac, I INatr. m, 11 Oxal. ac; on tip, IIRhus, Sabad, Sang, ISep, ISil, Sinap, ITereb, Zinc; at base, INux v.; of back part, worse swallowing, Benz. ac; on left side to root, hard to move, Calab.; painful, with coldness of feet in after- noon, I ISang.; edges, Diose, Sep.; edges, feel as if scalded, IPuls.; feeling on edges (apyrexia), IIAnt. e; in typhus, IBapt, I ICheb; in acute hydrocephalus, after ery- sipelatous eruption, lApis ; left side, IKalm.; left side, when moving it, Graph.; left side, with sticking here and there, ILach.; across middle, ILach.; patches, 11 Nux v.; with ptya- lism, IDig.; root, 7rForm.; as if scalded, Caust; in scarlatina, I Arum t; on sides, Diose; tip, Arum t, I ICalab, ICale p. Chin, a., IHep, 348 11. TASTE AND TONGUE. Jugl, IKalic, IMere sul, Sep.; tip and edges, Ictod.; tip, worse in morning, Diose; tip, pain- ful to touch, Thuya ; tip, as if ulcerated, yEsc. h.; from lacerated wounds, with inability to speak, IHyper.; as if full of blisters, Sabad. B€iP inflamed, raw Tongue, sooty: B6&P black. Tongue, sordes: I ISub; thickly covered, and dark blood, in purpura haemorrhagica, I ITe- reb. 8®° coating, dirty, mucus. Tongue, sticky : (gluey, pasty, viscous), Berb, Bry, ICarbo v., Con, Mere iod. flav., INatr. m., INux m, IPhos. ae; nearly adherent to roof of mouth, Atrop. s.; in choleraic dysen- tery, finger adheres, IPhos. ac.; in diabetes mellitus, ILact. ae; feeling, Sinap.; in pre- vailing fever, lAmm.m.; in typhoid, I IPuls.; sticks to palate, IBry., IINux m. Tongue, stiff: Aloe, Arum t, Ars. s. f, IIBell, Bor., Calab, ICale p, IColch, ICon, ICrotal, Cupr. s, Euph, IHell, Hydr. ac, ILach, ILye, I IMed, IMere cor, Natr. m, INux m, Sep., Strain, I IVar.; preventing articulation (cancer), TrAur. mur.; with indistinct speech, dryness in mornings, ILye; making talking difficult, I INiccol.; in headache, ILach.; in hysteria, I ISep.; leftside, swollen, with loss of speech, ILaur.; impediment of respiration, Bor.; one side, INatr. m.; like a piece of wood, (typhus), lArs. 8€|P heavy, motion, paralysis, thick. Tongue, stinging: Arum m, Colch, IGlon, Jalap., IKali bi, I INitr. ae; on forepart, I ILed.; frequent, burning (aphthae), IKali c; burning, as from a blister, IMere per.; with swelling under, IINatr. m.; in tip, Brom, Eup. pur., T^Eorm.; in tip, left side, in even- ing, Merc. sul. gjg&° piercing, prickling. Tongue, stitches: Arum m, IKalm., Nitr. sp. d, Sars.; fine, Cycl.; fine, on tip, Nitr. sp. d.; fine, in under part severe, from behind for- ward, when moving it, Aloe; fine, in right side, worse from motion (neuralgia of tongue), 11 Spig, pricking, under (two years after being bitten by a dog), Lyss.; worse at tip, Alum.; in tip, Ang, IDros. B@T" cutting, lancinating, piercing, prick- ling, shooting. Tongue, streaked or striped: black, down centre, Chloral., Lept; brown, down centre, Bapt.; down middle, IBry, IPhos.; down middle, deep red, IVer. v.; white ononeside, Rhus; white on both sides, Caust.; streaky, in dyspepsia, I IChel. Tongue, sublingual glands : burning, Arund.; in flamed,IKalm,HMere; itching, Arund. ;dull pain in left, Cochl.; painful pressure mingled with stitches,returns several times during day, Hod.; suppurating pustules,Psor.; red,ICanth.; sore to touch, Psor. BiiP swollen, ranula. Tongue, swollen : HApis, Ananth, Ant. t, lArs, Ars. s. f, Ars. h. Arum m., Asaf,Ast. r, IBapt, Calad, ICale p., Camph, ICanth, Castor, ICon, Cup. s, IDig, IDulc, Elaps, Glon, Guaraea,IHydras,IHell,Hippoz., Hod, Kali br., IIKali e, ILach., Lye, Millet, IIMerc, Merc, sub, Natr. a., INatr. m., CEnan., Oxal. ac, IPlumb, IPod, 11 Ptel., IIPuls, Stram, Tell, IVer.; in retinitis al- buminurica, lArs.; bloody, in puerperal convulsions, IOp.; in cancnim oris, IDulc.; in chorea, Asaf, IMorph. sub; in cerebral dis- eases, I Act. rac; in chronic camp diarrhoea, ILyss.; in diphtheria, IMere iod. rub.; in diphtheria of lips, I I Rhus; in epilepsy, IPlumb.; giving patient a silly expression, ILye; feeling, IIAcon, Camph, ICimex, IIGlon.; feeling, in chorea of right side, ICalab.; in atonic dyspepsia, ICrotal.; felt too large, Kali a.; feeling, seemed to fill whole mouth, making her lisp, 101. caje; feeling, at root, Coccul.; in prevailing fever, lAmm. m.; of follicles, IStaph, Lyss.; hard and stiff, with violent fever, I ITereb.; hangs out and gets bitten (epilepsy), HPlumb.; hypertrophied, Ars. s. r, Iod, Graph, Kali, Nitr. ac, Plumb.; inflammatory, Bell, ICrotal, IMere cor.; in acute pharyngo-laryngitis, INaja; in left side, hindering talking, Zinc; in induration of liver, IMagn. m.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, ILye; along median line, IPhos.; especially after mercury, IKali iod.; in middle, small, round, painless swelling, iDros.; fills mouth, deglu- tition impossible, Arum m.; filling mouth, cannot talk, Calad.; filling mouth, in epithe- lioma and hypertrophy, IKali m.; painful, Anac. oe; painful on talking, IPhos. ac; pro- truding, Ferr. mur.; could not protrude, IMere cor.; cannot protrude beyond teeth, hindering swallowing and speaking, ILye; under right, like ranula, Amm. ben.; right side worse, Thuya ; and dark red, Ferr. ph.; red edges, Merc, cy.; root, in diphtheria, IBapt.; about root, external and internal, HArs.; in scarlatina, Amm. m.; inside, with salivation, Bism.; one-sided, ISib; hindering speech, Anac; hindering speech and breath- ing, IDulc; spongy, ICamph.; spongy, on surface, with deep cracks or spreading ulcers, Benz. ac; spongy, with a thick yellow coat- ing at base, IMere iod. flav.; after sting of insects, Aeon, Arn, Bell, Crotal., Merc, Natr. m.; large, swollen (stomatitis), IHydras.; swollen, even to suffocation (glossitis), I Apis; syphilis, Crotal.; syphilitic tubercle, Cale; syphilitic affection, IFluor. ac; could scarcely talk (Apis 30 relieved), Vespa; and tense, Vespa; so thick, it is bent when protruded, lArs.; of tip, with burning, wakes him at night, INatr. m.; tip, with enlargement of papillae, as if it had been burnt, IPhos.; vari- cose, left side, I IPuls.; with thick white coat- ing, Oxal. ac; pale yellow, protruding from lips, which are swollen, IMere cor. 8®*" heavy, inflamed, large, thick, tumor. Tongue, tearing pain: Colch, Guaraea; and jerking as if it were to be torn out, 11 Puis. 8gp neuralgia. Tongue, tender: 8®" sensitive. Tongue, tension: Ant. t, Ast. r.; with-draw- ing, as if a string were pulling centre upwards beyond bones, Castor.; feels as if bound or tied up (neuralgia), ILach.; feels tied up, can- not speak, ICrotal. Tongue, thick feeling: IBapt., ICamph, IMur. ac, Merc, per, IPhyt, IPlat, Syph.; talks as if drunk, IBapt, IBell, IIGels, IHyos., Laur., I ILye, IOp., Rhus, IStram. B€igp heavy, motion, paralysis, stiff, swol- len ; also Speech. Tongue, throbbing: Vespa. 8§P inflamed. Tongue, tickling : in root, Lyss.; at root, excit- ing cough, ILach. 8SP crawling, formication. 11. TASTE AND TONGUE. 349 Tongue, tingling: IIAcon., IFluor. ac, Sinap.; painful, See; painful, post-diphtheritic de- posits, I ISee; as if a thousand pins were pricking it, Carbol. ac; during pregnancy, 11 Alum. BiiP formication, numb. Tongue, trembling: Absin, Apis, Ars, Bell, Bry, HCamph., ICanth., Carbol. ac. Cup. ars., IGels, IHell,IIHyos,llgn,I ILach., Lye, IIMerc. viv, GCnan, I IPhos, Sec, Stram.; in abscess of left arm, I ISib; in chorea, Cup. m.; in delirium tremens, I IStram.; in erysip- elas, from a dissecting wound, ILach.; dry, in typhus, I Aur. met.; in typhus, I Agar, I Apis, lArs, IGels., ILach.; in shock from injury, ICamph.; after parturition, ICrotal.; when protruded, IBell, I llgn, IPlumb.;can hardly put it out (typhoid), iGels.; slight tremors, I ITarant.; when he tries to speak, Plumb.; speech difficult, IIMerc; when trying to speak when roused from sleep, 11 Var.; catches behind teeth, lApis, ILach. 8§p convulsed, motion, paralysis,quiver- ing. Tongue, twitching: 8€iP convulsed. Tongue, tubercles: ILye 8SP nodules. Tongue, tumor: fold under tongue as if sore, like small growths, Amb.; swelling under right side, in course of two years became as large as a pigeon's egg, swelling painless, red, bluish at apex, as from enlarged bloodvessels, on talking or chewing ejects a watery fluid (ranula), IMez.; at root, left side, seems trans- parent, jellylike, bluish, size of a small wal- nut, painless, soft, impeded speech (ranula), 11 Thuya; flat, round, with swellings at root, in middle of each was seen dilated opening of a follicle, Lyss.; swelling on tongue, ICie 8§P cancer, ranula, swelling. Tongue, ulcers: Aur. met, irAnr. mur, Benz. ae, Chloral, Cie, Cina, Clem, Cornus, IDig., IKali iod. Kali m, Merc,IMur. ac, I INatr. m, INitr.ac, 11 Op, IPsor, IStaph, ISub; aph- thous,Arum. d.; aphthous,particularly in chil- dren, IKali m.; probably from biting (delirium tremens),! IStram.; bluish, I Ars.; with burning, ISinap.; dark red tongue, with an ulcer size of Lima bean in centre (broncho-pneumo- nia), ILye; deep, with black base and in- verted edges (cancer of tongue), IMur. ac.; three, large, deep, with bluish margin, red centres, near root, pain on taking least nour- ishment, syphilitic history, INitr. ae; deep, irregular-shaped, on edges (syphilis), INitr. ac; deep, irregular, on right side, Ars. h.; deep, after large doses of mercury (syphilis), I IPhyt; dirty looking, with purple blotches on tip, IPlumb.; places deep enough to admit end of little finger, discharge ichorous, offen- sive (epithelioma and hypertrophy), IKali m.; on edge, Bov, IINitr. ac; deep, on edge, IKali bb; painful, on edges (concussion of brain), ICie; flat, numerous, ICaps.; several flat, elevated, one large patch in centre (erup- tion and periostitis, probably syphilitic), IKali bb; in typhus, lApis, IIBapt.; follicular, on dorsum, IKali m.; foul, with constant oozing of blood as from a spongy tissue, swallowing difficult, IMere viv.; on fraenum, I ISep.; ex- tensive, IBenz.; with deeply chapped or fun- goid surface, IBenz. ae; in gastric disturb- ance, Tarant.; inflamed, Sul. ae; on left margin, afterwards on right, painful, Thuya ; with lardaceous base, numerous (stomatitis), ICaps.; after mercury, IIKali iod.; like those caused by mercury, small, IPhyt,; with tough, ropy mucus, IKali bi, INitr. ae; pains as if ulcerated (glossalgia),ICale; phagedenic, on ligaments, I Agar.; sensitive, numerous (stomatitis), ICaps.; in scarlatina, lApis, ILach.; on sides, ILach.; small, in a young girl, IBar. e; small superficial, painful, on sides (epithelioma and hypertrophy), IKali m.; small, with lardaceous base and red inflamed edges, IMere; small, on tip, right side, Cin- nab.; patch, on right side, and irregular, but very deep, IMur. ae; on right border, eating into it and discharging much pus (car- cinoma), I ISib; small round, with lardlike borders, Ant. t; smarting and burning when touched by food, INatr. m.; spreading, Benz. ae; spreading, in stomatitis, ICaps.; deep, stinging, syphilitic, with a yellow base, IKali bb; superficial, I INatr. m.; syphilitic, I IFluor. ae, IKali bb, IKali iod, IIMerc, IINitr. ac, IPhyt; on tip, Sal. ac; on and under tongue, IFluor.ac,IILyc; vesicles, I IMed.; roundish, in a child after vaccination, edge consists of a number of pointed condylomata, which could be separated by a fine probe, I IThuya; white on edges, ICie; whitish on tip, I IDros.; yel- low, Aloe; yellow, flat, elevated gray edges or red swollen bases (aphthae), IHelb; yellow, purple, on tip, with fetid odor and languor (after abuse of* mercury), Plumb. Bgp aphthae, cancer, canker. Tongue, veins: distended (varicose), IDig., IFluor. ac, IHam, IPuls.; under, IThuya. Tongue, vesicles: HArs, ICale, ICanth, Chloral, IHelb, IKali c, IILyc, Med, IMur. ac, IINatr. m, INux v., IIRhus, I ISars, ISep, IStaph, Zinc; on back part, painful, with tubercles, IGraph.; bleed easily from least contact, IMagn. c; burning, ICaps, IMur. ac, INitr. ae, ISal. ae; burning, in scarlatina, ICaps.; burn and sting in typhus and scarlatina, HApis ; burning and stinging, Spong.; covered with small, Chim. m, 11 Mane; covered with blisters as large as peas, dis- charging dark fluid blood (purpura), I ILed.; dotted with yellowish, some broken and look- ing sore (nursing sore mouth), ICinch.; in dentition, small, IMe*-e sob; painful on eat- ing, Zinc; on edges, burning, ICarbo a.; edges hindering eating and speaking, Amm. c; at edge, with soreness, ISpong.; feeling, Stram.; feeling, on tip, Sinap.; feeling, on side, Bar. e; in typhus, lArs.; inflamed, chang- ing to ulcers, ILach.; on left side, burning, Mang.; on middle, IBar. c; red, burning like fire on right border, Phelb; red, as if surface were eroded, pain from every motion of tongue, or if anything salt or spiced touches, IBor.; on sides, IHam, ILach.; on lower side and tip, IIGraph.; smarting, on right side, Sub; smarting and burning when touched by food, INatr. m.; small, Sep.; small, burning (scarla- tina), ICaps.; small, feel sore, with much sali- va, Zing.; stinging, HCham, IIKali m.; in stomatitis, IStaph.; studded with white, with red base, ILact ac; on tip, lAmm. m, IBar. c, ICale p, IHydras, Indig, IKali iod, ILach, IINatr. m, INatr. ph.; on tip, burn- ing, Amm. c. Bar. c, ICarbo a.; on tip, hinder- ing eating and speaking, Amm. e; as if a 350 11. TASTE AND TONGUE. vesicle were on tip, burning when touched, Bell.; on tip, feeling scalded and raw, IILyc; on tip, painful, Aph. ch,HCaust; on tip, a row of small, sore and raw, toward left, lApis; on tip, painful, white, Berb.; form ulcers, Clem.; under tongue, Bar. c; under tongue, smarting, Rhod.; under, stinging, HCham.; under, in stomatitis, IStaph.; small, white, resembling miliary rash, Thuya. BiiP eruption, Tongue, warts on : Aur. mur., Aur. mur. nat, Mang. Tongue,' watery condition : with deafness from swelling of tympanitic cavity, I INatr. m. Tongue, white: Aeon., yEsc h, Agnus, 11 Amm. m,Anac, Ang, 11 Ante, Apis, I Arg. nit, Arn, HArs., Ars. h., Berb, Bor., IBry., Cain., Calc, Carbol. ac. ICarbo v., Caulo., Caust., ICham, I ICheb, Chin, s., Cie, ICimex,Cina, Cinch, IColch., IColoe, Cornus, Croc, Crot. t., Cubeb, Cup. ars, Cupr. s., Cycl, I IDig, Diose, I Eup. perf, Euphor., IFerr., IGels., IGraph., Ham., Hell, Hydr. ae, IIHyos, IHyper, I llgn, llris, IKali iod, IKali m, Kalin, IKalm., Kob., IKreo., ILach, 11 Lactu. v., ILye, IIMagn. e, Magn. m., IIMerc, IMerecor, INux m, INux v, Oleand., IOp, IPetrol, 11 Phos, IPhos. ac, I IPod, Polyp, I IPsor, 11 Ptel, IPuls., Ran. sc, IRhus, Rumex, Sars, Selen., ISep, HSpig, Stilling., ISul, ISyph, ITarax, Tell, 11 Vib, I IVer, HVer. v., Ziz.; in abscess of left arm, I ISib; in afternoon, IIBism.;asin aphtha?, IManc; appetite good, lArn.; with loss of appetite, (constipation), ICollin.; in forepart, posterior yellow, IMere cor.; brownish, Cup. ars.; clammy, fur can be pulled off in strings, IBelb; coated with substance like smearkase (post-scarlatinal diphtheria), I ILac e; at base, the rest red, Med.; better after break- fast, ICroe; in bronchial or vesical catarrh, ICop.; later brown crust (typhus), I Apis ; brownish, Apoe; in catarrh of chest, I Apis ; in intestinal catarrh, ICheb; in catarrh of stomach, ISep.; as chalk, HArs, IMere, IPhos.; white, as from cheese, without taste, Zinc; in cholerine, I Asar.; in cholera, IPhos. ac; in cholera morbus, IIPuls.; in chorea, I Asaf, Cup. m., INatr. m.; and cold, ICale; in colic, IPlumb.; caused by congestions, IKali m.; in coryza, after mercury, IIKali iod-; with cough, in consumption, IKali m.; creamy, Merc, cor.; creamy at back, in morn- ing, INatr. ph.; curdy coating (gastric derange- ments, INatr. s.; in deafness, Kali m.; in deli- rium tremens, HStram, I IZinc; in diabetes, 11 Helon, I I Uran. nit. ;in diarrhoea; in chronic diarrhcea, lApis ; in diphtheria, IBapt.; dirty, Cain, Natr. ph, I IRhus ; dirty,dry, burning, Cinch.; dirty, in middle, Sinap.; dirty, with elevated papillae, Oleand.; dirty, in scarlatina, IDig.; in post-scarlatinal dropsy, Tereb.; dry, in ascites, IFluor. ae; dry, burning, pricking, Aeon.; dry, on edges, in typhoid, ICoccul.; dry, inflamed, I Apis; dry, in affection of liver, with dropsy, IFluor. ae; with dry mouth, Oleand.; dry, raw, sore, Cale; dry, smarting, Am., Colch.; dry, thick coating, Bry.; white, in dysentery, IMere cor.; in chronic dysentery, IINux v.; white, in dys- pepsia, I ICheb, IIKali br.; with earache, I IKali m.; on edge, IKali s.; excepting edges which are red, Bry, ILac e; edges red in ty- phus, IBapt,; edges red, in young girls, IBar. c; at edges, centre and root darker, ILac e; with eruptions, IKali m.; with sallow face (metrorrhagia), I ITrilb; in fevers, lAcon.; in ague, INatr. m.; during apyrexia, I Ant c, ■Elat, IPolyp.; in bilious fever, IIAcon.; in typhus, lArn.; in yellow fever, IGels, ISub; long fur, Gnaphab; in gastric catarrh,IIAnt. c, IMere; in gastro-intestinal disturbances, IColch.; in gastralgia, ICochl, I ISub; grayish, IMere cy.; grayish, worse on back part, Ars. h.; grayish crust, IMere cor.; grayish, thick, in diphtheria, 11 Lace; in headache, ICale, ILac def; heavily coated, ICup. ars., Merc. sul, INux v.; heavy, dirty coating (bilious remittent fever), I IPod.; in jaundice, lAur. mur. nat; with languor and sleepiness, Kali br.; in acute pharyngo-laryngitis, INaja; with a dry line down centre, ILye; in liver affec- tions, IPod.; inflammation of liver, IMere; in meningitis, ISub; after mental disturbance and night watching during pregnancy, IIPuls.; on middle, IBry., IKali m., Sabad.; on middle and base, sides red, IIRhus v.; on middle, in diphtheria, IMere cy.; on mid- dle, with red edges, Bell, Card, m.; on mid- dle, with dark streak along edges, IPetrol.; milky, IGlon.; milky, in apyrexia, IIAnt. c; milky, in typhoid, IGlon.; and moist, in cardi- ac dropsy, IDig.; in morning, 11 Agar,HCinch, Cinnab, Elaps, IHelb, INitr. ae; in morn- ing, in induration of liver, IMagn. m.; in morning, after heat and delirium, I IHyper.; in morning, with disgusting taste, IIPuls.; in morning, with slimy, unpleasant taste, Seneg.; mucous covering, Cain, Jacea; mu- cus, in morning, Benz. ac; mucus, in cholera, Ant. t; with mucus, in icterus, IDig.; tenaci- ous mucus (angina), llgn.; mucus, in ty- phoid, I Apis, I IPhos.; with nausea, thirst, and loss of taste, Oxal. ac; in ovaritis, IHam.; as if painted, HArs.; oval patches on edge (syphilis), I ISang.; papillae project, Ant. t, Med, I IVer.; with fine red points, Stram.; with roughness, IParis ; white, with saliva- tion, Bell.; in chronic inflammation of Schnei- derian membrane, IKali bb; at sides, ICaust, ICham.; at sides, red in middle (epilepsy), HCaust; often on one side, IIRhus; silvery, dense, Arg. met.; slightly, IMur. ae; sore, Carbo v.; with sore spots, INitr. ac; spots among the red, I ITarax.; white, except on several sharply defined clear spots, IManc; with black spots, llris; in stomatitis, I IPetrol.; white, with stinging in tip, IPhos.; two stripes, IBelb; syphilitic, IKali m.; with bad taste, All. sat, IKalic, IPod.; with dirty, putrid or clammy tongue, Plant.; with slimy, fatty taste, Sang.: thick coating, IGuaiac, IHydras, 11 Lact. ae, IIMez, IPhos.; thick, in angina, IMere; thick, brown in centre, Ailant.; thick, in Bright's disease, I Ars.; thinly, in diarrhcea, I ISul.; thick, dirty, IGels.; thick, in influenza and rheumatism, I Ant. t; thick, mucus, IMere cor.; thick, pappy, Ant. t; llpec; thick, with flat taste, Ipec; in sore throat, I IPhyt; yellowish, thick (bilious fever), IIAcon.; yellowish, thick, down centre (scar- latina), ICarbol. ae; tip, red, Hippom.; tip and edges red, I IRumex, ISub, IVer.; pain- ful ulcer on lower surface, IGraph.; uniformly, 12. INNER MOUTH. 351 IPhos.; velvety, in variola, IVar.; covered with white vesicles, IMere; in whooping cough, ICorab; yellowish, Aloe, lArg. nit, lArs, Ars. s. f, Cycl., IGels, IHydras, IKali bi. Stilling, Zinc; first white with red papil- lae, followed by yellow-brown coating in cen- tre, edges red, IBapt.; yellowish, in diphthe- ria, 11 Lac c.; with dyspepsia, I I Naja; yellow- ish in epilepsy after falling on head, ICup. m.; yellowish, in typhus, IBapt.; yellowish, in heart disease, IHydras.; yellowish, in men- ingitis, IGels.; yellowish, at root, IIRhus; yellowish, dry, tenacious substance, Sec; yellowish in morning, with slimy, unpleasant taste, Seneg.; yellowish, in tonsillitis, IMere iod. flav. Tongue, feels like wood: Bov.; in typhus, lApis. 8§P numb, paralysis. Tongue, yellow : yEsc. h. Aloe, Ananth, lApis, I Arn., Ars. h, Ascl. t, lAur. mur, ICham., ICheb,ICinch, ICoccul, Coloe, Cornus, ICro- tal., Diose, lEup. perf, IGels, llpec, IPsor, IKali bi, ILach, Natr. a., I INatr. ph, INitr. ac, IINux m, INux v., IPhos, IPhyt, IPlumb, IPod, IPolyp., 11 Ptel, IPuls, IIRhus, Rumex, HSpig, Stann, ISul, Vace, HVer. v, Xan, Ziz.; in abortion, IColoe; bright at back, tip and edges red, IMere iod. flav.; at base, IMere, INatr. ph., INux v., IITereb.; at base, on awaking, Sinap.; at base, resembling a layer of half-dried clay, •Cale s.; with small bloodboils on lower legs, IMagn. e; brownish, ICarbo v, Cina, IDiosc, Verbas.; in cardialgia biliosa, ILobel. b; as if chamois skin covered posterior part (diph- theria), IMere iod. flav.; after chill (tertian), IHep.; in chorea, Cup. m.; like dry clay, IHep.; in diarrhcea, Bry.; in diphtheria, IBapt, ILach, IMere iod. rub, INatr. a.; dirty, Como, I IMagn. c, IOp, ISep.; dirty, in ascites, I Ars.; dirty, foul breath, IIMerc; dirty, in diphtheria, ILach.; in dyspepsia, Am.; dirty, in erysipelas bulbosum, I IVer. v.; dirty, in stomacace, IKali m.; dirty, as if smeared with mud, IMyr. cer.; dirty, clean at tip (scarlatina), IMere; dry, Cham, Cinch., Plumb., Psor., Puis, Rumex; in dyspepsia, lArn.; edges red, Chel, IHelb; in intermittent fever, I Ars, I ITarant.; in apyrexia, IIAnt. e, IPolyp.; in bilious fever, llpec; in tertian, IDig.; in typhoid, I IPuls, I IStram.; in yellow fever, IGels.; greenish, ICale, ICaust, Gua- raea; grayish, IPhyt.; with griping in epigas- tric region, 11 Ptel.; in influenza, I Ant. t; with pain in upper portion of small intes- tines,IColch.; in deranged liver,ILept, IMagn. m, IPod.; in induration of liver, IMagn. m.; in meningitis, IHyper.; in traumatic menin- gitis, IHyper.; in middle, Bry, Chin, s, iLept, Stram.; in middle and back part (diphtheria), IMere cy.; in middle, with bit- ter taste, Collin.; down middle, greenish, Merc, sub; in middle, moist, Ant. t; in mid- dle, in typhus, IBapt; in middle, pleuritis, with plastic exudation, IHep.; in morning as if raw sugar had been partaken of, 11 Natr. ph.; mucus, ICamph.; mucus, thick, yEsc. h, IKali bi, IKali s., Stann.; mucus, in inter- mittent, 11 Kali s.; mucus, with hemorrhoids, IKali s.; mucus, with pressure and fulness in stomach, I IKali s.; in supraorbital neuralgia, INux v.; in retinitis albuminurica, I Ars.; at root, Merc, sub; slight, I ILac e; in catarrh of stomach, ISep.; with catarrh of stomach and duodenum, IKali s.; stripe, IHydras.; as if sprinkled with sulphur (diphtheria), ISub; with bitter taste, IPsor.; with bitter taste in morning, I I Lact. ac; thick coating, Carbol. ac, IColch, Ferr. iod., IPolyp, Sabad.; thick at base, IMere iod. flav.; thick, dark, dry and crusty coating, rendering tongue almost im- movable, IMyr. cer.; thick at base (diphthe- ria), IMere iod. flav.; thick, in intermittent, lEup. pert; thick toward base, in catarrh of stomach, iKali bb; thick,in diphtheria, IKali bb; thick, dirty, 11 Vace; thick, with sunken raphe or longitudinal fissure, Bry.; thick, in laryngitis, ICheb; thick, whitish mucus, IPsor.; thin, whitish fur, Lyss.; tip and edges clean and red (diphtheria}, IMere iod. flav.; red points at tip (anasarca), I IRhus ; whitish coat, ICoccul. 12. INNER MOUTH. Mouth. Saliva. MOUTH, aching: like large lump on roof, ICepa. Mouth, acidity: aftereating, ICarbo v, INatr. m., Sec, ISep, I ISib; as if he had been eating vegetable acids, Chlor.; after preserves, at night, Cinch, bob; slight, of mucus, Benz. ac. Mouth, acrid sensation: 11 Arum d. Mouth, anaesthesia: IKali br. Mouth, aphthae: 11 yEthus, • Anac. oe, Ananth., 11 Apis, lArum t, Aur. met, TrAur. mur, IIBapt, IBerb, IIBor., IBry, ICale, Canth, Caps, ICarbol. ac, ICarbo a, ICarbo v, Caulo., I ICinch. bob, IDig, -Ferr. s., Gamb, IHell, IHep, I IHydras., Hod., IJugl, IKali bb, IKali br., IKali m., IKreo, ILach, IILyc, IMagn. c, IIMerc, IIMerc. cor, IMere d, IIMur. ac, IMyr. cer, INatr. m, INitr. ac, Nux v, lOxal. ac, Phyt., IPlumb, Ran. sc, ISal. ac. Sec, Sib, Staph, IISul. ac, IISul, Thuya, Vinca; bluish or livid, HArs.; changing into canker sores, with a bluish red or yellowish bottom, IStaph.; with burning, and impeded speech, INatr. m.; inside of cheek, bleeding when eating (diarrhcea), IIBor.; of children, lAsim, IIBor, I IKali br, IKali m, IIMerc, IMur.ac, INux m., IPlant., 352 12. INNER MOUTH. Viol; in atrophy of children, IStaph.; cheesy, IBor.; with colic, in children, IIKali br.; confluent, changing into cankers, IMere; after every confinement, ILye; in infantile diarrhoea, IBry.; with affection of eyes, Brom.; in fauces, IIBry.; in typhus fever, IIBapt.; open fontanelles, IBry.; a group of grayish white, painful, on inner left lower lip, Sub; in influenza, I Ant. t; extends through intes- tinal tract, ITereb.; with lienteria, IHelb; on lips, Cadm. s. Cub.; on margin of lips, Ipec; on inner surface of lips, Cinch, bob, IJugl, IKali c, IMur. ac; worse on inside of lower lip, 11 Hep.; on lips, surrounded by vesicles which burn, IIMerc. cor.; indicating a low state of system, HArs.; mercurial, Agar, IHep, INitr. ac; mercurial, in roof of mouth, Sars.; in measles, I Ars.; in meningitis, IThu- ya ; with palpitation, llllie; of old people, after sour or salty food, IBor.; sore patches, similar to those in diphtheria (scarlatina), I ISub; on roof, smell, in scarlatina, ICale; in rachitis, IStaph.; on roof, IHep.; with salivation, INatr. m.; with thick yellowish white scab, very painful, forming ulcers on tongue and lips (diphtheria), IMere cy.; sponginess of membrane, ICamph.; sting- ing, burning, IKali c; in secondary syphilis, Sul. ac; tender, prevent child from nursing, IIBor.; ulcerative, IIKali m. Bijp canker, inflamed, sore, ulcers ; also Chap. 11, Tongue aphthae. Mouth, biting sensation: Aeon, Amm. m. Mouth, biting : cheek, when chewing, ICaust; when talking or chewing, Illgn.; mucous membrane gets between teeth, easily bitten, IINitr. ac. Mouth, black: Merc, sul, IMere d.; extends to jejunum, Ant. chl.; in scarlatina, ICarbol. ae 8€iP gangrene. Mouth, bleeding(hemorrhage): IAcon,l I Alum, I Arn, Bell., Cina, HCinch, Crotal, I IDros., IFerr, llpec, IKreo., Led, Lye, IISul. ac, Tereb, Trill.; filled with clotted blood (appar- ent death), ICochb; clotted blood and pus discharged by severe cough (variola), 11 Vace; clot of blood, in morning (typhoid), ICaust; blood lacks power to coagulate, in anthrax, I lAnthrac; during cough and whooping cough, ICorab, Dros, llpec, IMere, INuxv.; dark blood, ICrotal, ILach.; easily, IIHep, HPhos.; erosions, on inner surface of cheeks, IRhus; bloody foam, See; in influenza, llpec, IPhos.; on slightest motion of ton- gue, speaking, drinking, or blowing nose, ISub ac; bloody mucus, after midday nap, Jamb.; oozing, Anthrac; oozing, in bilious fever,ICheb; oozing in purpura haemorrhagica, IPhos, I IRhus, Tereb.; in scarlatina, IIArum t; bluish color (scurvy), IMere Mouth, breath : gjgg° coldness, fetid. Mouth, burning : Aeon, I Apis, Arum m, Arn, HArs, Asaf, Aur. mur, IBell, Brom, Calad, ICanth, ICaps, ICarbo v., Ced, I ICheb, Clem., Coccul., Crot. t, Diose, Ferr. iod, Gymn,Mane, I IMere per. Mere sul,IMez, INatr. m, INitr. ae, IPsor., Sal. ae, Seneg, Squilla, ITabae, Tarax,Tereb., IVer, Vespa, Xan, Zing.; as from acid, Bufo.; to anus, llris ; on awaking, with giddiness, I ISabad.; in croup, 11 Ars, HSpong.; with spasmodic cough, HVer.; in diphtheria, IIArum; bet- ter by eating, IMez.; feeling as if burnt, ILaur, Med, Thuya; as if on fire, lArs., llris ; in morning, Amm. br., Cup. s.; in na- sal catarrh, IBrom.; as from pepper, INatr. s.; as from pepper, at night and morning, Coca; as from pepper, on inside of left cheek, I IDros.; as from pepper, especially in after- noon, after eating (gastric catarrh), IMez.; in roof, Mane; in roof, to uvula and tonsils, Gymn.; as if scalded, I Apis, Badiag, IIBell, Cepa, lllris, Jatroph.,IMagn. m, IMere cor, Sep.; as if scalded, in hay fever, I ISticta ; as if scalded, with intense redness of mucous membrane,with small vesicular points, I IRhus v.; in scarlatina, IIArum t; stinging, IGels.; in stomatitis, llris; extending to stomach, IMere cor, IMez.; to stomach, with nausea, better after eating, Sinap.; with desire for stool, Cornus; with swelling of lips and gums, ILach.; ulcers, Alum, ICaps, HCarbo v, ISinap.; with vomiting, llris ; worse from cold water, Bufo. B^iP heat, inflamed. Mouth, cancer: epithelial degeneration, a forerunner, I IKali m. BisP Chap. 11, Tongue cancer. Mouth, canker: IIAstac, IBapt, ICale,ICain, ICrotal, IDulc, IFerr, I ILac c, ILach,ILact. ac, I IPod, I ITrilb; burning, inside of left upper lip (fcetor oris, diphtheritis, scarla- tina), IChin. a.; with burning soreness and fetid breath, ISal. ae; on inside of cheeks, with foul odor (syphilis), I ISub; cold water constantly iheld in mouth relieves pain and heat, IDulc; in dysentery, ICanth.; aftereat- ing cheese, INitr. sp. d.; worse from food and drink, ISinap.; following measles, in syphi- litic children, 11 Phos. ac.; after abuse of mer- cury with ptyalism and swollen cervical glands, IDulc; noma, I Alum, I Ars.; in phthisis, IKali c; stomacace, I Ars, I Arund, lAsar, ICarbo v, IChlor, ICrotal, IDulc, IKali bi, IIKali iod, IKali m, I ILac c, I IMillef, IIMerc, INatr. m, ISil, I ISub, Tereb.; stomacace of nursing children, IMur. ae; stomacace, fontanelles remaining open, ISep.; stomacace, of gastric origin, INux v.; not much sloughing, but rapid extension of ulceration, parts seem to be eaten away, ul- cers irregular in shape, edges sharp cut and flat, much bleeding, not violent nor long con- tinued, ISul. ae B^iP aphthae, inflamed, sore, ulcers. Mouth, clammy-. Atrop. s., ICrot. t, IIDios;, IGamb, Jacar, ILach.; on awaking, ICycl, IPuls.; especially during conversation, Iliac def.; in diabetes, I lUran.n. relieved ; greasy sensation with bilious coating on root of tongue (salivation),llris; impotence, ^Mosch.; in morning, Merc. sul. Mouth, keeps clawing at it, as if some obstruc- tion must be pulled out of throat, IMur. ac. Mouth, coldness: ICamph, ICarbo v, Chlorof, Coccion.; on drawing in air, Tell.; in anasarca, I Ars.; of breath, HCamph, HCarbov, ICinch, Colch.; in cholera Asiatica, HCamph, HVer.; changed to burning, Camph ; cooling sensa- tion, Chen. v.; cooling sensation, as after eat- ing peppermint, ICamph.; feeling, Plat.; feeling, rises to palate, Camph.; anything cold causes pain (sore throat), Sabad, Lyss, Ver.; coolness changed to sharpness, Camph. Mouth, constricted feeling: Bell. BilPtensioii. 12. INNER MOUTH. 353 Mouth, creeping: I INux m. Mouth, diphtheritic: 8®*" exudate. Mouth, discolored : some places blue, others covered with tough mucus (stomacace), lArs. Mouth, drawing pain : Gymn. Mouth, dry; IIAcon, I I Agar., Agnus, Alum., * Ang, Anthrok, I Ant. e, Ant. t, Aph. ch, Arg. met, Arn, HArs., Ars. s. f, Asaf, Atrop, TAtrop s, Aur. mur. Bar. m, Bov., IBry, Calc, Calc. p, Calc. s, ICamph, Cann. i, Cann. s, Canth, HCaps, ICarbo v., ICaust, Ced., ICham, HCinch, Coccus, Co- dein, Como, Con.. Curar, Diose, IDulc, IFerr, IGamb, IGels., IGraph, Ham., Hydr. ac. Inula, IKali c,IKali iod,IKalim.,l ILact. ac, 11 Lac def, I baur, ILyc,Manc, IMagn. m, Med, Mere, Men:, iod. flav, Merc, per, Merc. sul. Millet, Mosch, IMur. ac, IMyr. cer, IINaja, INatr. m, INatr. s, INitr. ac, INux m, IOp, Phos. ac, IPhos, I IPic ac, IPlumb., IPsor., 11 Ptel., IPuls., Rumex, Sabina, Sal. ac, Sarrae, ISars, See, Sep, Sinap, Squilla, ISil, Tarant, I IThuya, Vace, Ver. v., Vib, Zinc, Ziz.; dry, worse in afternoon, Chrom. ae; dryness in afternoon, with thirst, Lyss.; as if too much air were passing into mouth, The- rid. ; in aphthae, IIBor.; in angina, IMere; on awaking, Ammoniac, Apoe, IParis, IPod, Stront; on awaking, 5 a.m., Amyb; especially on awaking, Coca ; on awaking, in giddiness, 11 Sabad.; on awaking, painfully (parenchyma- tous metritis), 11 Lac c; on awaking, with stinging, Spig.; of back part, worse at night, I IPhos.; back part, much saliva in forepart, IMez.; and bitter, IDiosc; and bitter in morn- ing, ILye; in brain affection, ICup. m.; could not moisten least bit of bread (diabetes mel- litus), lArs.; can hardly take a mouthful of bread, IStram.; can scarcely breathe, must moisten, 10 p.m., ILach.; constant, as if caused by heat of breath, INatr. e; in catarrh, Sen- ecio; feels as if it would crack, Arum t; in chest affection after abortion, INuxm.; with chilliness, IPetrol.; during chill (intermit- tent), IBry.; in cholerine, IPhos.; in colic, INux m.; in constipation, IBry.; in coryza, ICale; with spasmodic cough, HVer.; in croup, HSpong,; in diabetes, I ICurar, 11 Ra- tan.; in diarrhoea, IINatr. m.; in diphtheria, IKali br.; better by cooling drinks, ^Carbol. ae; in dysentery, ILil. tig.; after eating, ISub; during eating, Merc per.; with epistaxis, IHam.; after appearance of eruption in ty- phus, I IChlor.; with dry fauces, IStram.; feel- ing, Caulo, IColch., Jacea,INatr. m, I INux m. Sub ac, Xan.; feeling, in nasal catarrh, IBrom.; feeling, with cough, IPhyt.; feeling, in chronic camp diarrhcea, ILyss.; feeling, yet filled with tenacious, nauseous saliva, Spig.; feeling, though moist with an oily sa- liva, Cub.; feeling, with intense thirst (dia- betes), 11 Uran. n. relieved ; feeling, in hyste- ria, ILye; in fever, IBapt, ILach.; during heat, Ars. h.; just before and during hot stage, Chin, s.; with heat, quotidian, 11 Rhus; after each paroxysm ("intermittent), IHyos.; with nightly fever, ICinnab.; in typhus, IChlor., I IChin. s.; in front part, INux v.; in gastritis, IKali c; glistening, IStram.; with griping in epigastric region, I I Ptel.; after heart attack, ILil. tig.; and hot, IBell, | ICale p.; burning heat, IHyper.; and hot, ; must be moistened, IKali bi.; with heat, in morning, ISabad.; in hydrophobia, IStram.; with constriction of larynx, after sleeping, ILach.; lips sticky, IStram.; in liver complaint, ICheb; in meningitis, IStram.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICup. ae; dur- ing menses, ICed, IINux m.; menses too early and profuse, INux m.; in morning, IIBar. c, Berb., ICham, IFerr, IGraph, Jac- ar, INux,IIPuls,ISub,Zing.; in morning, with hoarseness, 11 Paris; in morning, with cir- rhotic kidney, HPlumb.; in morning, as if he had taken alcoholic stimulants, INux v.; yet full of sticky mucus, no thirst, Diose; and covered with tasteless, insipid mucus,with an offensive odor from mouth, not perceptible to himself, in morning, IPuls.; at night, ICale, Coff., Jatroph.; worse at night, causes him to drink often, ICinnab.; especially night and morning, IMagn. e; at night, no thirst, ICoccul.; as if numb, Magn. s.; with stricture of oesophagus, IKali c; and palate, I IHelb; especially palate, Cina ; with sensation as if desquamation were about to take place in velum palatum (hysteria) ILach.; as if tongue stuck to palate, although with much accumulation of saliva in fauces, INux v.; parched, t.Camph,Gnaphal,IHyos, ILach., Sarrae; parched, in typhus recur- rens, I INux v.; parched, in eczema, IBrom.; parched, in pneumonia, lAnt. t; parched, in pruritus vulvae, I ITarant.; with ranula return- ing periodically, Lyss.; as if raw and constric- ted, iEse h.; with rawness, scraping and dry- ness of throat, IPuls.; with redness of gums and thirst, Natr. s.; of roof, Atrop. s, ICist.; tongue sticks to roof, IINux m.; scaly crusts on roof, water scarcely moistens or dissolves them, IMyr. cer.; alternating with excess of saliva, ICale, IKali bb; with increased saliva, in otitis, IKali e; with salivation, IKali m.; in scarlatina, Amm. c, INux m.; after sleep, Apoe; worse after sleep, Amb.; during sleep, IINux m.; disturbs sleep (diphtheria),ILach.; caused by smoking, Chlor.; prevents speech, Atrop. s.; is unable to spit, although tongue looks moist and clean, IStram.; with fulness and oppression of stomach, Cornus ; with stomatitis, IMur. ae; with fulness of stomach and loss of appetite, in evening dryness is so great that tongue sticks to roof of mouth (ty- phoid fever), INux m.; with disposition to swallow frequently, Gels.; with bad taste, (bilious remittent fever), I IPod.; with fre- quent bitter taste, 11 Ptel.; frequently awoke at night with disgusting bitter taste, IRhus ; with sour taste, on awaking in morning, 01. an.; with thirst, Aloe,IBar. c, Camph, t.Carb. s, Chel, ICinch, Coccus, Cubeb, ILach., INatr. c, INux m. Petrol., IPhos, IRhus, IStram, IVer.; without thirst, Alum, Asaf, t.Camph.,Cepa, 11 Dulc, Euphor, Guaraea,ILac c,ILyc,IIPuls,Samb,IStram.; without thirst, or thirst for large quantities of water, IIBry.; with frequent desire for small quantities of water, IIPuls.; with unquenchable thirst, IKali br., IMere cor, IINatr. m.; with thirst, in lumbago, IColoe; with sudden sore throat, as if uvula and velum were swelling, Crotal.; unpleasant, Ferr. iod.; better by cold water, IIKali bi ; better by small quantities of water frequently repeated (intermittent fever), ISul; 23 354 12. INNER MOUTH. with weeping and vexation, Bell.; tongue white, Oleand. 8§P heat, inflamed. Mouth, symptoms better after eating: Benz. ac Mouth, ecchymosis : dark red, bloody, I lAn- thrac; bleeding (purpura hemorrhagica), ITereb. Mouth, eruption: cheeks, excrescenses painful on inside, Staph.; herpetic, completely cover- ing inside and throat, making swallowing dif- ficult (secondary syphilis), ISyph.; herpetic, first affecting tonsils, then extending to sides and under tip of tongue (syphilis), ILye; lined with pustules, 11 Variol.; three phlyc- tenulae, isolated, size of a Lima bean, on right and one on left inner surface of cheeks, dark blood oozes freely (purpura), I ITereb.; painful, deeply suppurating pimples on in- ternal surface of cheeks, Berb.; covered on inside with reddish brown eruption like smallpox pustules without central depression, tips of pimples fill with pus, worse warmth of bed (secondary syphilis), 11 Syph.; pustular, Ant. t, Ars. s. f; fauces covered with dark red points, like incipient pustules, lElaps ; watery pustules, size of a pea, on internal sur- face, Berb.; small nodules on mucous mem- brane, which become round ulcers with hard edges and lardaceous base, slight pain, soon disappear from original place and appear inanotherpart,IMerciod. rub. 8SPvesicles. Mouth, exudation: adhesive coating, IMyr. cer.; diphtheritic, IIArum t, IHippoz, ILac e; brownish, thick, in croup, Hod.; croup- ous, Hippoz.; covered with a mass of soft, grayish green, small portions can easily be removed, leaving an easily bleeding surface (consumption),IMere cy.;grayish white, Arg. nit, Hod., IMur. ac.; white, "or thin yellow- ish gray, IINitr. ac; whitish gray, in diph- theria, IMere cy.; thick grayish or yellowish white (diphtheria), IISul. ae; soft, gray, false membrane, Ant. t.; tough, whitish gray, ex- tends over roof (diphtheria), IMere cy.; ex- tending to tonsils, I IMere cor.; thick white, ISub ac; whitish, Acet. ac, IKali m.; milky white, IKali iod., IMere cy.; substance like smearkase (post - scarlatinal diphtheria), 11 Lac c. Mouth, froth (foam) : Amyg., ICup. m, ICE- nan, I lOleand,; with shaking chill, Therid.; especially during conversation, ILac def; in convulsions, I Art. v, ICup. ae, Lyss.; watery, in diphtheria, I IKali m.; in epileptic attacks, IKali bi, ILaur, ILye, I IGEnan, I ISumb.; in epilepsy, after falling on head, ICup. m.; in epileptiform spasms, Med.; bloody, in puerperal convulsions, ILach.; yellowish green, See; in hysteria, ICed.; with qualm- ishness, IVer.; slight, while talking, with dragging speech, I IPlumb.; continual rising of white froth, IMagn. m.; with unconcious- ness, ICina. Mouth, gangrene: ICrotal., IILach.; in chil- dren (stomacace), I Ars.; in aphthae of chil- dren, Case; after abuse of mercury or chlorate of potash, IHydras.; sloughing, with stiff jaw, 11 Sub; in stomacace, ISil. 8@" black, stomacace. Mouth, greasy feeling : on awaking, 01. an. Mouth, heat: lAcon, Ananth, Ant chl. Ant t, lArs, IBell, Brach., Brom., ICamph, Caulo, ICarbo v., HCham, Clem, IColch, Croc, IKalim., Mosch.; breath, ICale,ICoff.; biting sharp, Cup. s.; in catarrh, ISenecio; in diarrhcea, IBor.; in diphtheria, IKali br, had to drink water all evening, Ars.; and dryness, Act. rac, IBelb; during fever, Ars. h.; with cold hands, Uatroph.; in- fant, Bor.; obliged to keep open to cool mouth, HSep.; pungent, yEthus.; in roof, with excitation of salivary glands, Polyg.; with salivation, IKali m.; in stomatitis, ISal. ae; with swelling, IKali iod.; with thirst, IColch, IHyper, Stront.; with thirst in both stages of intermittent, I ISub; with thirst, in pertussis, IBadiag.; vapor seems to rise (scarlet fever), ICamph.; with vesicles in mouth (headache), I ISub; likes to hold cold water a long time when drinking (den- tition), HCham. 8€lP dry, inflamed. Mouth, hemorrhage: B@P bleeding. Mouth, inflamed (stomatitis): Amm. c, I Alum, Apis, Ars. s. r., Aur. mur., Bism., ICale, ICarbol. ac, ICaps, IColch, IDig, Guaiae,Hippoz,IHydras, llgn., llris, IIKali m., IIKali ph., I ILac c, IMere. cy, Merc s., IMur.ac,INatr. c, INitr. ac.,G£nan., IPetrol., Psor, I IRan. sc, Sal. ae, IStaph, IISul, ITereb.; back part, IBelb; bleeding, Mane; burning, I Iris ; in chronic catarrh, IKali c; in weakly children, HHydras.; child fretting for forty days, ILact ac; cynanche, Vespa; with smarting on swallowing, Lyss.; dry, worse at night, causes him to drink often, ICinnab.; with dry tongue, Cop.; with ex- treme dryness, swollen gums, great adyna- mia, IMur. ae; during course of eruptive fevers, HHydras.; acute follicular stomatitis, IIKali m, IMyr. cer.; cannot take food, ILact. ac; from use of chewing gum, IMere; jaw stiff, HSub; in nursing women, IBapt, Caulo, IHelon., I IHydras.; after mercury or chlorate of potash, HHydras.; from unusual flow of saliva (nursing sore mouth), ICinch.; with toothache, IMagn. c; ulcerative stoma- titis, IIKali m, ISul. ac; with burning aph- thous ulcers, IMere; with constant discharge of clear water, IMere cor. 8®* heat, gangrene, sore. Mouth, indurations: on inside of cheek (her- pes on cheek), ICaust. Mouth, injuries: bruises, I Am.; burns and scalds, ICanth, IHam.; lacerations, ICalend.; to nerves, IHyper. BSP biting. Mouth, irritation : as far as larynx, Cain. Mouth, itching: Aur. mur.; in scarlatina, IIArum t Mouth, moist: yet great thirst for cold water, IMere; with sore throat, Jugl. 8®*" Saliva profuse. Mouth, mucus: Apoe, ICale, HChel., Chlor, llgn, IKali c, IIKali m. Mar. v, IMere, IMere cor., Nitr. sp. d. Petrol., IPsor., IPuls., ISib; albuminous, IMere cor.; on awaking, Bell, Hod., HPhos. ae, Stront; with flakes of blood, of disgusting taste and smell, ILach.; bloody, in epilepsy, GSnan.; bloody, in scar- latina, Crotal.; brown, in convulsions, llpec; brownish, tenacious (typhoid fever), IIRhus; flies from, when coughing, IChel, IINatr. m.; dark, sticky, I IVer.; dark, in typhus, IFluor. ac; disagreeable after eating, ICaust.; worse after eating and in open air, ILac c ; feels slimy, Therid.; foul, Arum d.; frothy, Aph. 12. INNER MOUTH. 355 ch., Brom., llgn, ILac e; gastric, setting teeth on edge, ISul. ac; as if glued up with insipid, IMur. ae; as if lined with, Ver.; before met- rorrhagia, IMere; in morning IFluor. ac, Merc, s, I IPhos. ac, IPuls., Sars, Zing.; enor- mous discharge in morning, HPhos. ac; in scarlatina, ■ Hippoz.; forms large bubbles when mouth is opened (tonsillitis), ILach.; rattling phlegm, tried to scream, but could not, I IStram.; on attempting to hawk her mouth clear, mucus rattled along tongue quickly and continually (diphtheria), I ILac e; reddish (puerperal convulsions), IINux v.; in rheumatic dyspepsia, I ISpig.; ropy, Ferr. mur., IKali "bi.; ropy, offensive in diphtheria, I IPhyt; ropy, in broncho-pneu- monia, ILye; runs from mouth, in induration of pancreas, IBar. m.; stringy, during sleep, Med.; with involuntary urging to swallow, Sep.; stringy, tasteless, Amm. br.; tasting, flat, Aph. ch.; taste insipid, Asar.; taste sweet, Asar.; tenacious or tough, Arg. nit, I Arum t. Bell, HCaps, ICarbo v., IKali bi., Lyss., Pallad, Phos. ae, IRhus; tenacious, after midday nap, Euphor, Jamb.; tenacious, hangs in shreds, IHydras.; tenacious, in scar- latina, Crotal.; tough, foul, during sleep, eyen= ing, could not drink enough, Ang.; thick, Ver. v.; thick, tenacious, disagreeable, Eryng.; thick, tenacious, excessive, IHydras.; thick tenacious, nauseous (jaundice), IMyr. cer.; thick, tenacious, transparent, Ant. chl.; thick, viscid, Carbol. ac; thick, white, IBelb; thick, tenacious, white, INatr. s.; thick, yel- low, yEsc. h.; tough, foul, nauseous taste, teeth stick together as if glued, Psor.; tough, stringy, with cough, IKali bb; tough, white, going off after rinsing mouth, I IMagn. e; vis- cid, Cycl, Squilla, Stram.; viscous, scanty, te- nacious, forming a cmst, Myr. cer.; white, llgn., Spig.; white, frothy in corners, in morning, Paris ; full of white, tenacious, must be frequently expectorated, ITabae; in per- tussis, ICaust; yellow, Plumb,Spig.; yellow- ish, after midday nap, Jamb. Mouth, numb: I Aeon, Bar. c, Bov, Indig, INatr. ph, INatr. s, Therid.; on awaking I IKali iod, Stront; in morning, Bov. Mouth, odor: acid, IGraph.; alkaline, in tooth- ache, IKali c; bad, Anac, Ananth, HChel, Cup.ars,INux m, IPhyt, IPuls, Stront.; bad, in albuminuria, I INux v.; bad, on awaking, Rheum; bad, in constipation, ICarbol. ae; bad, in dentition, ISep.; bad, in diphtheritic croup, IKali bi, IMere iod flav.; bad, in diphtheria, ICarbol. ae; bad, after eating, Sub; bad, as of measles, Bry.; bad, in morn- ing, ISil.; bad, in morning, in keratitis pustulosa, IMere sob; bad, in scarlatina, ICarbol. ac, ISub; bad, in scurvy, lArs.; bad, in toothache, ICepa; bad, in incipient tuberculosis, I Agar.; bad, with vomiting, llpec; brassy, in diphtheria and otorrhcea, ILye; cadaverous, IINitr. ae; cadaverous, in typhoid, IHyos.; cadaverous, worse in morning and evening, IHyos.; carrion-like, with aphthae, IHelb; carrion-like in sto- macace, ICaps.; like old cheese, Aur. met., IIMez.; like old cheese, in scarlatina, IKali e; as of clay or earth (early in morning after rising), Mang.; coppery, in diphtheria, ■Mere. iod. flav.; disgusting, in chronic nasal catarrh, lAgar.; fetid, Act. sp, IBapt, Bufo, ICaps, HCarbo v., HCham, Coca, IFerr. ph, IFluor. ac, IGels, IGraph., IKali m. Kali n., IIKali ph, IILach, Merc, cy, IIMerc. viv, IMur. ac, INitr. ac, 1101. jec, HPetrol, HPlumb., IPhos. ac, Sal. ac. Sang, Sec, Spig, IStann, Zinc; fetid, in albuminuria, lApis ; fetid, in angina faucium (secondary syphilis, IMere; fetid, on awaking, Grat.; fetid, in diphtheria, lApis, IBrom, HChin. a, IKali bi, IKali m, IKaol, ILach, INaja, ISul. ac, I ITarant, Variol.; fetid, in malignant diphtheria, confined to fauces, IKreo.; fetid, with post-scarlatinal dropsy, IINitr. ae; fetid, in bilious remittent, malig- nant intermittent, or yellow fever, ICrotal.; fetid, in typhoid, HPhos. ae; fetid, in typhus, IBapt.; fetid, gums painful to touch, swollen, receding from teeth, with whitish edges bleed- ing, IIMerc; fetid, in headache, I Anac, I Apis; fetid,duringmenses,ICed.; fetid,after mercury, IBapt, INitr. ac; fetid, in mercurio-syphilis, I Aur. mur. nat.; fetid, after abuse of mercury, with yellow purple ulcers on tip of tongue and in mouth, Plumb.; fetid, in morning, Arg. nit, Cact.; fetid, worse in morning (whooping cough), lAmb.; fetid, a peculiar sickening odor, IKali br.; fetid, with profuse saliva, IKali br.; fetid, in scarlatina, lArum t, ICarbol. ac, ICarbo v., IMur. ac, HStram.; fetid, in scirrhus uteri, lArg. met.; fetid, canker sores in mouth, ISal. ac; fetid, in stomacace,IDulc.; fetid, in stomatitis, IStaph.; fetid, in secondary syphilis, IFluor. ac, HPhyt, I ISyph.; fetid, with ulceration, IKali m.; fetid, with phagadenic ulcers in mouth, throat, or on gums, IMere cor.; fetid, with vomiting and sweat, llpec; fetid, in worm affections, IMere; foul, Acet ac, Atrop. s. Bell, ICrotal, llgn, IMere, IMere d, IINitr. ac, I ISub; foul, on awaking (dys- pepsia), ICrotal.; foul, with dirty tongue, IIMerc; foul, in intermittent, I Cina ; foul in ty- phoid, llris ; foul, girls at puberty,!lAur.met; foul, to herself, as from disordered stomach, Zing.; foul, in metrorrhagia, ICroe; foul, in morning, Med.; foul, in ozaena, IMar. v.; foul, even to patient, ISang.; foul, with worms, ITereb.; like garlic, I IPetrol, Tell.;like garlic, in stomatitis, I IPetrol.; impure,ICist.;asinlead poisoning,I IPlumb.; like decayed meat, IKali bb; mercurial, during menses, Bar. m, IMere; mercurial, in hysteria, I IMere; mouldy, lEup. pert; mouldy, in bilious remittent, ma- lignant intermittent, or yellow fever, ICro- tal.; musty, I Alum.; offensive, Act. rac, Atrop. s., ICarbo v., IClem., Cochl, ICroe, IHep, Hod, IKali bb, IKali iod, IIKali ph, ILac def, I ILed, IMere, I IMere cor, IMere iod. flav, Myr. cer, I INatr. m. Plant, IPod, Sabina, ISul.ae, Verbas.; offensive, not aware of it, Niccol.; offensive, during cough, Caps.; offensive, in cynanche cellularis. lAnthrac; offensive, in diphtheria, I ILac c, IMere cor, IMere cy., IMere iod. flav.; offensive, as from disordered stomach, which he notices himself, IHep.; offensive, in erysipelas bullosum, I IVer. v.; offensive, in typhus, ICarbo v.; of- fensive, in intermittent, lArs.; offensive, in low fever, ICact.; offensive, in typhoid, ISub; offensive, in gonorrhoea, IMere; offensive, with hawking of tough mucus, Bry.; offen- ER MOUTH. 35G 12. INN sive, perceptible to herself, IManc'; offensive, like after eating horseradish, Agar.; offensive, in acute hydrocephalus, after erysipelatous eruption, lApis ; offensive, with malarial symptoms, INatr. s.; offensive, in morning, (melancholy), I Aur. met.; offensive, metallic, Berb.; offensive, in morning, ICamph.; offen- sive, particularly in morning and after din- ner, from indigestion, INux v.; offensive, at night, perceptible to patient, IPod.; offensive, more noticed by persons at a distance than by patient himself, IMere; offensive, from decayed teeth (ischias), IColoe; like onions, Sinap.; peculiar, Atrop. s. Bell.; peculiar, not offensive, but reminding one of a faint odor of chloroform or ether (malarial fever), I IVer. v.; peculiar, haylike, I IKali ph.; putrid, Ars, Bov,IIgn,HKreo.,l IMillef, IINitr. ac, INux v. Petrol, IPhos. ac. Plant, Spig.; putrid, in diarrhoea of children of syphilitic parents, IINitr. ac; putrid, in diphtheria, I Arum t, I ILac c, IMur. ac, IRhus ; putrid, in typhus, HArn, IRhus ; putrid, especially in morning, ILye, IPuls.; putrid, in scarlatina, ICarbol. ac, -Hippoz.; putrid, in stomacace, IChlor.; putrid, with worms, HSpig.; rotten, IGraph.; as if filled with air, tasting of rotten eggs, I Aeon.; sickening, Aloe ; sickly,ICroe; sickly, . in chronic diarrhcea, IMere; sourish, Cham., ■Eup. pert; sour, INux v., IRheum, Sep., ISub; sour, in hydrocephalus or meningitis, ISub; sour milk, catarrh of stomach, I ISep.; stench, Bar. e; stench, in diphtheria, IIKali ph, HSub; stench, in stomatitis, ILach.; as from a disordered stomach, Coccus ; sweetish, IMere; sweet, in diabetes, 11 Uran. n. relieved ; unbearable, in scarlatina, I ICarbol. ae; un- bearable, in stomacace, ICaps.; like urine, IGraph. 8®°" gangrene. Mouth, pain (undefined): Cop.; through head and down back of neck, Lyss. Mouth, pale: lEup. pert," IFerr, IMere d, INatr. m.; with erosions, IMere viv.; in me- grim, IFerr.; in menorrhagia, ICycl. Mouth, patches: aphthous, IIBry.; aphthous, on roof, IPhos.; bluish-red, Berb.; small, cir- cular, like smallpox pustules (diphtheria), I Ant. t; corrugated, Carbol. ac; haemorrha- gic, streaks (purpura), HPhos.; inflamed, Aloe ; purpura, ILach, IPhos.; sore, I INux v.; syphilitic, I IHydrocot, IKali iod, IMere, IMere iod. rub., INitr. ac; white, hardened, t.Carbob ae; dotted with white,burning,scald- ing, Sab ae; white, similar to those in diph- theria (scarlatina), I ISub; white, with saliva- tion, I ISang.; three large whitish (scarlatina), I Apis; whitish, somewhat elevated, ulcerated, sequelae to gonorrhoea, IZinc; ulcerated, in scarlatina, ICarbol. ac. 8§Paphthae, canker, eruption, raw, syphilitic, ulcer. Mouth, pricking: INatr. ph. Mane; as from pins, Spig. Mouth, purplish: in diphtheria, ILach. Mouth, paralysis: drink runs out (imbecility), Anac. oe; food escapes, in chorea, lArt. v.; food escapes during chewing, Arg. nit.; diffi- culty of swallowing, ICurar.; paralytic weak- ness of parts, Bell. Mouth, pyrosis: 8®" Chap. 16, Waterbrash. Mouth, raw (corroded, excoriated): Anac. oe, ICarbo a. Chloral, Coccus, IHydras, llgn, GSnan, Spong, Tarax.; in children, Arund.; feeling, Amm. c,Asim, I Ign, Merc sub, Sang, Stram.; as from mercury, Ant. t; in scarla- tina, IIArum t, HSub; denuded spots, pre- ceded by burning, ILach.; denuded spots, in stomacace, IDulc; extends to stomach, with burning, rising up toward throat, Tarax. BiiP burning, inflamed, patches. Mouth, too red: Amm. e, Calad., IBor., Chlo- ral, ICup. ac, Cycl, IHyos, IIKali m., ■Mere, Mere sul, INitr. ae, IIRhus v.; bright, in diphtheria, HApis; bright or dashed with red, Ferr. iod.; with flat, painful blisters (stomatitis), INatr. e; equally dis- tributed, pink, Lyss.; dark, IHydras, Natr. m.; dark, in diphtheria, IMere cy.; in diphtheria, IKali bi, I ISal. ae; fiery, lApis; intense, with small vesicular points, with burning as if scalded, I IRhus v.; pale, ILach.; with profuse flow of saliva (stomatitis from use of chewing gum), IMere sol.; slight, with rawness and scraping, INatr. c; swelling, Bell.; as if covered with wine dregs (scarla- tina), lApis. 8®° inflamed. Mouth, rough: Amm. c, Cale; bristling sen- sation, with dryness, ICale; feeling, Natr. s.; in morning, Sep.; especially palate, Cina ; as if sand were in it, dry, Bov. 8^° Chap. 11, Tongue papillae. Mouth, scalding: g^" burning, injuries. Mouth, scraping: Arn, Dig, Gymn. Mouth, scorbutis (scurvy): Cist, Citrus, INatr. m.; with haematuria, INatr. m.; after mer- cury, IKali m. 8§P aphthae, canker, in- flamed, ulcers ; also Chap. 10, Gums scor- butis. Mouth, sensitive ; I IKali iod, ISinap.; cannot bear anything hot, Sabad.; in neuralgia, I ISib; sore places, even to liquids, INatr. m.; painful, I Apis; rinsing causes cough and vomiting, ICoccus; in syphilis, HPhyt; to touch, IIHep., INatr. s. Big^inflamed, sore. Mouth, smarting: Amb, Ced,Cornus, Crot.t, llpec, Tarax.; when masticating, Phos. ae; with desire for stool, Cornus. 8®° burning, heat. Mouth, sore : I All. sat, I Ars, 11 Ars. m. Arum d, Chlor., Dig, IHelon., IHep, IHydras, llgn., ILach, ILact. ac, I IMed, IIMerc, IMerecor, Merc, sub, IINatr. m, INitr.ac, 11 Oxal. ac, HPhos., I IRhus v, I IStram.; of children, ICale; of sucklings and consump- tives, IBapt; in chorea, INatr. m.; with loose cough, Magn.«.; unwilling to drink (scarla- tina), IA mint.; when eating, Alum.; on chew- ing, Chrom. ae; on chewing, with ranula re- turning periodically, Lyss.; worse from warm food, Psor.; can take only liquid food, Mane; feeling as if sore and thick, Lachn.; in pre- vailing fever, I Amm. m.; in febrile and ca- tarrhal states, intermittent or remittent type, IGels.; with spongy, bleeding gums, IKali m.; inner side of left, opposite molars, as if there were lumps, Lyss.; worse in morning, with thirst, I IPetrol.; of nursing mothers, IHydras, ILach, I ILac c, I IPod.; nursing, especially if breasts are sore, IPhos.; with little white points surrounded by red mucous membrane, with hot burning sour eructations, ISinap.; in last stage of phthisis, IILach.; putrid, ICrotal.; sore spot inside of right, ICale p.; in roof, Cinnab.; with salivation 12. INNER MOUTH. 357 ■Dig.; in scarlatina, IMere; after scarlet fever, ILach.; in scarlatina, during desquamative stage, IKali e; can scarcely swallow, morn- ing after rising, Ant. t; with slimy, offen- sive taste and heavily coated tongue, 11 Phos.; with increased thirst, I Ars, INatr. m, IPhos.; inside ofupper lip, Calc. s. 8®" aphthae, canker, inflamed, scorbutis, sensitive, swollen, ulcers. Mouth, sticky : Calad., Merc. iod. flav, INux m, INuph, IPuls, I IRhus, IVer.; on awaking (dyspepsia), ICrotal.; feverish feeling, I IGels.; in typhoid, IGels.; in yellow fever, IGels.; in morning, Ant. sul. aur, ISub; with heat, in morning, ISabad.; especially in morning, better after eating, Berb.; with violent thirst, IINatr. m.; viscid, Atrop. s. 8@p mucus, tenacious. Mouth, stinging : INitr. ae; with dryness on awaking, Spig.; as with a hundred needles, 11 Arum m.; burning,with sour taste, I I Kali m. Mouth, swollen : Ant. t, Calad, ICaust, Cop, IHydras, IIKali m, IIMerc, Merc, s, IINitr. ac, Vespa ; in aphthae, IMerecor.; especially inside of cheeks, lAmm. c; in diphtheria, IMere cy.; tense, almost painless, size of a pigeon's egg in roof (scailatina), I IParis ; feel- ing, Amm. c, ICamph.; fundus elevated, as hard as a callus, extends to parotis and reaches to external surface of lower jaw (cynanche cellularis), lAnthrac; with heat, IKali iod.; left corner puffed, Asaf; of inner side of left, opposite molars, Carbol. ac; and red (stoma- cace), IDulc; ulcerated, with pricking pains, especially after abuse of mercury, IINitr. ac. Mouth, syphilitic affections: Hydras, IIKali bi, IIKali iod, IKali m, IIMerc, IINitr. ac, IPhyt, HSyph. 8®*" inflamed, sore. Mouth, scurvy : 8€lP scorbutis; also Chapter 10, Gums scorbutic. Mouth, tearing pains: when moving, IIDulc. Mouth, tension : Ant. t; painful, Cupr. s. BgP constricted. Mouth, touch : 8®" sensitive. Mouth, tingling: IIAcon.; as from galvanic battery, Ced. Mouth, tickling: Psor. Mouth, tumors: malignant, Calc; small, in various places, ILye; spongy,painless, size of a marble, on inner side of right lower lip, near corner of mouth, with a streak down neck, INitr. ac. B€sP cancer, swollen. Mouth, taste : BilP Chapter 11, Taste. Mouth, ulcers : Agnus, lAnae, Ananth, HArs, Bapt., Calc, j Chrom. ac, Cornus, Hippoz, llris, Jatroph, IIKali iod, IMere d., IINitr. ac, I IOp, I IPetrol, IPhyt, I I Pic. ac, IPsor, I IRumex, IStaph, 11 Tereb, Thuya; extend- ing through alimentary canal, with watery stools, IBapt; aphthous, in children, Cornus ; aphthous, on cheeks, particularly in children, IKali in.; aphthous, of entire surface, ISubac; aphthous, deeply corroding, IKali bi.; aph- thous, with putrid smell, Hod.; aphthous, fetid, sour smelling (typhoid fever),HMur.ac; small aphthous, with putrid smell, bloody saliva runs out at night, INux in.; having a black or dark base and dipping deep in, tend- ing to perforate (malignant scarlatina or diph- theria), IMur. ac; on back part, well defined edges surrounded by a coppery hue, do not extend from primary seat, IMere viv.; burn- ing, Alum., ICaps., ISinap.; burning,like live coals, lArs., ICarbo v.; cankerous, spreading, with saniousdischarge from nostrilsand throat (scarlatina),ILach.; in catarrh,IHippoz, IHy- dras.; on inner side of cheeks, Gamb.; from cold or gastric derangement, Cornus; con- fluent, with ptyalism,IMere; dark,IINitr. ac; dark bluish, in typhoid,IMur. ac; deep, Carbo v., Gamb.; deep eating, IINitr. ae; extend in depth (syphilitic), IMere; in diph- theritis, IIArum t; in diphtheria, agoniz- ing, IHippoz.; dirty, IINitr. ac, IPlumb.; discharge corroding, burning (syphilis), IKali iod.; discolored, IINitr. ae; destruc- tive, IINitr. ac; dotted with, IMere cy.; flat, ICaps.; flat, burning and painful when touched, INatr. e; flat, whitish in corners, I IMez.; flat, lentil-sized, wuth lardaceous base, painful while eating (after measles), IMere; flat, in stomatitis, ICaps.; flat, yellow, eleva- ted gray edges or red swollen bases (aphthae), IHelb; flat, whitish, IIMez.; fetid, turn yel- low, Plumb.; fetid, syphilitic, IMere; after fever, Cupr. s.; follicular, IHydras, IKali m.; gray, Carbo v.; gray numerous, in diphtheria, I IKali.m.; herpetic, phagedenic, Ars. s. f; isolated, Carbo v.; jagged edges and spongy base, lArs.; base resembling lard, IHep.; lar- daceous bottom, fiery red edges, as if cut down with a knife, felt hard like indurated chancre (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; at first larda- ceous, later discolored, IINitr. ae; in left cheek, I INatr. m.; inside of lip, concussion of brain, ICie; with indurated edges and smarting, IKali bi.; on inner surface, after typhoid, blandest food causes in- tolerable pain, IMere; inside of lower lip, 11 Cale; painless, on inner surface of lower lip, edges hard, serrated, base lardaceous, after suppression of a brown herpetic eruption on face, HPhos.; malignant, HArs.; irregular, looking as if coated with milk, IIKali iod.; on inner lip, Gamb, IGraph.; on inner lips, spreading inside (stomatitis), ICaps., on inner lower lip, small white, size of point of finger, pale halo, Ars. m.; on inner lower lip, yellow, especially painful in morning, Zinc; painful, lArs.; painless, Hell.; painful, on inner cheek, when closing teeth, I IPetrol.; perforates cheeks, IKali m.; phagedenic, with fetid breath, IMerecor.; purple, IPlumb.; putrid, pain slight, in well-developed ulcers, IBapt; small, on inside of right cheek, very painful, IPhyt; ulcer, gangrenous centre in rightside near apex of tongue (secondary syphilis), 11 Syph.; on inside of right cheek, round, with grayish base, borders as if cut out and sur- rounded by great redness, IMere cy.; rapid- ly forming, gangrenous, iBor.; inside of cheek, with salivation, IMere viv.; caused by acrid salivation, in cheeks, INitr. ac; with copious salivation, Uran. nit.; irregular, superficial, with violent ptyalism, IKali iod.; sensitive, in stomatitis, ICaps.; sensitive on inner surface of cheeks, even blandest food causes intolerable biting pain, after typhoid, IMere viv.; small, I Alum,ICaps, Chlor, IMere; small, scattered, Carbo v.; small, with lardaceous base and red inflamed edges on inside of cheeks, IMere; smarting, burning when touched by food, INatr. m.; spreading, I Alum.; in stomatitis, on inner cheek, I IPetrol.; begin to suppurate 358 12. INNER MOUTH. (syphilitic), IMere; syphilitic, Cupr. s, IFluor. ac, IKali bi, IKali iod, IILach, ILye, IIMerc, IINitr. ae, IPhyt; syphi- litic rapidly affect surrounding parts, ton- sils, larynx and pharynx becoming affected, ulcers extend in depth, begin to suppurate or emit an offensive odor, IMere; syphilitic, mucous patches on inner surface of cheeks, round spots but lightly demarcated, bare of epithelium and covered with a creamy exu- dation, discharge varies in character, spots very sensitive, IMere iod. rub.; twenty syphilitic, two large ones, one each side near apex of tongue, very much swollen, I ISyph.; trivial, swelling extreme (cancrum oris), IDulc; vesicular, Chim. umb, I IMed.; white, in emphysema, IHep.; painful whitish, in stomatitis, ISul. ac; yellow, on inner sur- face of left cheek, especially painful in morn- ing, Zinc; yellow, painful, in stomatitis, ISul. ac; yellow, purplish, fetid, languor (after abuse of mercury), Plumb. g®~ aphthae, canker, gangrene, inflamed,sore, scorbutis. Mouth, uneasiness: Ant. chl. Mouth, vesicles: Ant. t, HArs, ICale, Hell, GSnan, IStaph.; burning, Amm. c, ICaps, Gamb., IKali c, IIKali iod, IIKali m, IPsor.; burning, in aphthae, ICarbo a.; burn- ing, in cancrum oris, ICaps.; burning, in cor- ners, Seneg.; burning, and painful when touched, INatr. e; burning, in scarlatina, ICaps.; I ISub; burning and stinging, Spong.; inside of cheeks, IBar. e; in dysentery, ICanth.; as if burnt, Amb.; as if filled with blisters, Thuya; with heat of mouth (head- ache), I ISub; hemorrhagic, in bilious fever, ICheb; large, IMere; lip, on inner side of lower, sore when eating, Rhod.; on inner sur- face of lips, skin peeling off in patches, I I Med.; painful,lAnae; painful, in cancrum oris,ICaps.; as large as peas, discharging dark fluid blood (purpura), I ILed.; in scarlatina, IMere, ISub; small, round, upon reddened surface, which soon open and form flat ulcers, with red edges and white or yellowish base, IMere; full of serum, Chel.; small, ICanth, I IManc; small, child disposed to convulsions, IBelb; small, in patches, containing a colorless, limpid fluid, Ind.; studded with small, in scarlatina, IMere; smarting and burning when touched by food, INatr. m.; stinging, IIKali m.; in stomatitis, IStaph.; forming ulcers, ICarbo a.; covered with white blisters, ICanth.; in whooping cough, I IKali s. Mouth, warts: condylomata, IPhos. ac. Mouth, water brash : 8@" Chap. 16. SALIVA, acid: Ang, Illgn, I IKali m. 8®° taste sour. Saliva, acrid : Atrop. s, IIMerc.cor.; increased, Agar.; running, in diphtheria, ILach.; in mercurial caries, Asaf; making lips sore, IINitr. ae; in scarlatina, IIArum t. Saliva, albuminous: Calad. B^P mucous, tenacious. Saliva, alkaline : Sinap. 8^* soapy. Saliva, bloody: Ars, Aspar.; during epileptic attack, Bufo., ICarbo v., ICrotal, IDros, IHyos, IIMagn. c, IMere viv, IMerecor, INatr. m, IINitr. ac, Sul, Zinc; in convul- sions, llBufo.; in diphtheria, IMere cor.; filled with shreds of decomposed or disorgan - ized blood (purpura), HPhos.; from delayed menses, INatr. in.; at night, INux v.; smells like onions, with sensation as if a worm were crawling at root of tooth, IKali iod.; runs out of mouth during sleep, IRhus; with sweetish taste, IKali iod. Saliva, bluish: Plumb.; bluish white, frothy, Carbol. ac. Saliva, brownish: Bell, Bism. Saliva, cold: collects in mouth, Asar.; cool, Cist.; feels cold, particularly on left side of mouth, Chen. v. Saliva, like cotton : IBerb, INux m. 8§^ white. Saliva, diminished : 11 Arn, Ars, Asaf, Aspar, Calad., Merc, per, INux in, I IOp, Spong, Petrol, IVer. Saliva, fetid : Ars., IManc, IMere, IMere iod. flav., IINitr. ae; in diphtheria, ILach, IMere cy.; fetor intolerable, IMered,; with inflamed throat, Cain.; offensive, Alum, ICaps, Petrol.; offensive, in diphtheria, IMere cor.; offensive, in glossitis, IMere; offensive, worse in morn- ing, with thirst, I IPetrol.; putrid, IMere. d.; sweetish, in indurated pancreas, ICarbo a. Saliva, frothy (foaming): Aeon, lApis, Berb, Cann. i, Cina, ICrotab.lHyos., Kalibi, Lyss., Pieae; with belching, after dinner, IKreo.; bloody, during agitation of muscular system (epilepsy), IBufo.; blood, streaked, Canth.; with cough, ICup. m.; with dry mouth, Coc- cul.; in typhoid, IBry.; soaplike, in mouth and throat (typhoid), IBry.; when talking, Jamb. Saliva, glairy: IStram. Saliva, salivary glands : acts upon Natr. in.; affected, in Bright's disease, IColch.; excites secretion, Iris, Med.; excitation, with heat in roof of mouth,Polyg. ;induration, with or with- out fistula, ICup. m.; inflammation, HSil.; chronic inflammation, INatr. m.; irritation, Crot. t; painful, 11 Merc, sob; painful, in diph- theria.lMere iod. flav.;tender,IMur. ae;ting- ling, after eating, with sensation of fermenta- tion in oesophagus and copious salivation, IKalm.; swollen, Ananth., Bar. m. Bell, IMere cor,IMere iod. flav., IIMerc. sol, IMur. ac; swollen, in diphtheria, IMere cor, IMere iod. flav.; orifices, sore, Aeon.; orifices swollen, painful, llgn.; orifice of excretory duct swol- len, ulcerated, extremely painful, IMere sob; swollen, in typhus, Crotal.; swollen, in menin- gitis, IThuya; swollen, with toothache, IIMerc; enlargement of submaxillary duct, caused by ranula, Thlaspi;. suppuration, HSil.; ulceration, IIMerc. sol. Saliva, hot: Daph.; increased, Polyg.; during pyrosis, Sabad.; with eructations, Mosch. Saliva, mucous: IGlon, ICamph, Lyss.; espe- cially in back part of mouth, ILach.; flowing in strings, grayish, IMere; in scarlatina, ICaps. gfg&° albuminous, tenacious. Saliva, profuse (ptyalism, salivation): 11 Acet. ac. Act. sp, yEsc. h, iEthus., HAgar, Alb sat. Aloe, I Alum., Anag, Ang, Ant. t, 11 Apis, Apoe, Arg. nit, Arn, Ars. h. Arum m., Arund, Asar, Aspar, Ast. r, I Aur. met, irAur. mur, Bapt, Bell, IBor, Bov., IBrom, Cadm. s, Cain, Calab, Calc. a, ICamph., ICanth., ICaps, ICarbo v., Card m, Chlor, Cham, ICie, Cina, ICinch, ICoccus, Cochl, Con, Cop, Cup. m, Cycb, Daph., Dig, IDulc, lEucal, Eup. pur., Ferr. iod. 12. INNER MOUTH. 359 IFluor. ac, IGamb., IGlon., IHelb, IHippom, Hippoz., Hydr. ac, lllod., llgn, llris, Jab, Kali bi, IKali iod, IKali m., ILac c, ILye, Lyss, IManc, Mar. v, IIMerc, Merc, cy., IMere d., Merc, sub, IIMez, IMur. ae, INatr. c, INatr. m., INatr. s, IINitr. ac, Nitr. sp. d., INux m, IINux v, IIGman., I IOp., 1101. an. Plant, Plumb, IPhos, IPhyt., IPod, Ptel, IPuls., Sabad, Sec, Seneg, ISep, ISib, Sinap., I ISquilla, I IStaph, IStram, Tell, ITereb, Ustil, IVer., I IVer. v., Vinca, Xan, I IZinc; acrid, Lactu. v., IMere; acrid, in mercurial caries, Asaf; acrid, causing ul- ceration of lips, chin and cheeks, INitr. ac; in angina, IBar. m.; in aphthae, IHell., IIMerc, IMerecor, INatr. in.; in apoplexy, lAnae, I INux v.; in asthma, ICarbo v.; awak- ens, Coccion.; on rising in morning, HVer.; particularly with pain in back, Cinnam.; with rising of bile into throat, Lyss.; with belching, Calc. a.; in cardialgia, I IPuls.; caused by faint feeling in chest, I ISub; with chills and fever, IStram.; during chill (intermittent), ICaps.; after shivering, or with inclination to vomit, Euphor.; makes chin sore (diphtheria), IMere iod. flav.; in cholera sporadica, I IColch.; clammy, with nausea, ILobel. b; arrested by child taking cold (dentition), IMere sob; with colic, I ILed, Rheum; constant trickling, ICup.m.; in coryza, ICale p., Cup. ars.; in puerperal convulsions, IIMerc. sob; with cough, Amb., lAmm.m, Mere; with crawling in inner surface of cheeks, 11 Zinc.; in cynanche cellularis, lAnthrac.; dark, IMere d.; in den- tition, IHeb, IMere sob, INatr. m, HSib; suppressed, in teething children, IIKali br.; in diarrhoea, I Ant. c. Rheum ; in diphtheria, IBrom, HJab, IKali perm, I ILace, IMere cy, ISul. ac; after diphtheria, with swell- ing of parotids, llris v.; dribbling, IStram.; dribbling, in apoplexia nervosa et serosa, llpec; in dropsy, ILye; after eating, I All. sat., Cast eq, ICaust, INatr. s. Sub; fetid, Hod.; fetid breath, IKali br.; fetid, with sore- ness of mouth, gums, and tongue, IDig.; fetid, in stomacace, IDulc; fetid, with inflamed tongue, IPetrol.; during febrile stage, IDros.; during apyrexia, Ipec; during fever, ISub; in typhus, Agar.; during nervous fever, Dig.; frothy, IDig.; in diseased submaxillary gland, IKali iod.; in gonorrhoea, IMere; with hawk- ing and coughing (syphilitic ulcers in throat), ILach.; with headache, Amm. c, ICinnab.; in nervous headache, llgn.; with headache, at night, IVer.; with headache toward noon, Lyss.; with hoarseness, Stram.; in hydropho- bia, IStram.; in hysteria, IIMerc; in hydro- cephalus, IMere; in indigestion, INatr. c, INatr. m.; with sensation as if larynx were compressed, Tarax.; with undefined sensation in malar bones, worse left side, Irid.; worse ly- ing down, Bell.; in measles, 11 Natr. m.; during menses, Agar, IMere, INuxm.; as from mer- cury, Ananth.; after abuse of mercury, Asaf, ICup. m, IHep, IHydras, lllod, INatr. m.; years after mercury, day and night, HCinch.; mercurial, so profuse in damp weather as to sat- urate pillow, INitr. ac. Plumb., ISub; mercu- rial, with inflamed gums, IPhyt; in morning, contains grayish lumps, Lact.ae; in morning, on stooping, IIGraph.; with heat and dry- ness in mouth, IKali m.; alternates with dry- ness of mouth (consumption), IKali bb; with dry mouth, in otitis, IKali c; in inflammatory affections of mouth and fauces, ICinnab.; tough, dark mucus, hawked from throat,llris; in mumps, INatr. m.; with nausea, ICamph, Carb. s, ICinch, lllpec, ILach, I ISul, Ver.; accumulation of, with qualmishness,HNux v., Zinc; with nausea, awaking from sleep, par- ticularly after midnight (pregnancy), IIMerc; with nausea and giddiness, ICheb; with nausea, in evening, IStram.; with intense nausea, paroxysms, worse stooping, ISang.; with nausea and vomiting, Coccul.; with nausea, vomiting and vomiturition, Sabad.; with neuralgic pains recurring at certain times, INatr. in.; with bright red nosebleed, IHyos, IDig.; at night, Ptel.; worse at night, (aphonia), I Arg. nit.; at night, in sore throat, IMere cor.; obstinate, INatr. m.; occasional, I IThuya; relieves pain in mouth and throat, Arum m.; with every paroxysm (induration of pancreas), Bar. m.; in indurated pancreas, ICarbo a.; with white patches in mouth, I ISang.; during pregnancy, Acet. ae, IIAnt. t, ICoff, IHelon, IIKreo, ILact. ae; in pro- sopalgia, IMez, I IPlat.; purplish, with angina, on left side, IPlumb.'; red streaked, lAcon.; with diffuse redness of mouth, IMere; rheu- matic,IDule; in scarlatina, IIArum t, ICaps, IILach, IMere, ISub; in scorbutis, INitr. ae; constant, interferes with speaking,Graph, ILach.; constant desire to spit, ICoccus ; must spit often, Cadm. s, IIGraph, Grat, 11 Lac. c, ILyss, IPuls.; in sleep, Cinch, bol, Dios.; while asleep at daybreak, I IBar. c; constant flow prevents sleep, llgn.; escape of saliva during sleep (ague), llpec; runs down throat if he attempts to sleep lying down, IKali e; runs from mouth so as to wet pillow during sleep, ILac c, IIMerc; children slobber, ICamph.; in smallpox, INatr. m.; worse with sneezing, IFluor. ae; sour, watery, with nausea, ICale; in stomacace, IKali bb; with affection of stomach, IKali bb; with stomachache, INatr. m.; with stool, Colch, IRheum; with liquid slimy stool, as if fer- mented, IRheum ; sudden attacks, worse from motion of tongue, as in chewing, talking, etc, Hgn.; is constantly obliged to swallow it, llpec, Seneg.; he cannot swrallow it, I IVer.; constant need to swallow to relieve burning and dryness of throat and larynx, Cub.; with swelling of inner cheek, left gum and side of tongue, Bism.; in syph- ilis, IClem., Iod, IIMerc, IINitr. ac; taste- less, ICanth, ICoccus, Sul. ae; with acrid taste, putrid like rotten eggs, IMur. ae; hot taste in throat, All. sat.; metallic taste, Zinc; metallic, in diphtheria, IPhyt.; taste salty, ILye, IMere cor, Ver.; taste scrapy, Lyss.; nause- ating taste, Sub; with sour taste, ICale; with sweetish taste, Dig,IPlumb, Subae; sweetish, stringy (secondary syphilis), HSyph.; dis- continued after drinking strong tea (lysso- phobia,) ILyss.; with sensation of coldness in teeth, Rheum; with loose teeth, Sang.; thin and yellow, Lyss.; with dryness of throat, IColch, Rhod.; with sore throat, IBar. e; with sensation as if a thread were hanging down throat (hysteria), 11 Vab; with tingling in salivary glands, after eat- 360 13. THROAT. ing, IKalm.; with tingling on inside of cheeks, Zinc; with toothache,ICham, Daph, I IKali in, I INatr. m.; in tonsillitis, IIBar.e; tongue green, INitr. ac; tongue and lips pain- ful, Plumb.; with pricking of tongue, IFluor. ac; with stitches in tip of tongue, Zinc; tena- cious, ILac c; tenacious, with sore throat, Lyss.; sticky, in malignant scarlatina,HAmm. c; with ulcers, IKali iod, IMere, INitr. ac, Uran. nit; with vertigo, Calc; with little vesicles on tongue and gums, Zing.; provok- ing vomiting, lAnae, IHep, IKali iod. Zinc; with disposition to vomit on getting a chill or taking cold,ICoccub; like waterbrash, I IDros, llris, IPuls, ITabae; in whooping cough, IBry, llris, Spong.; with seatworms, I I Aeon.; with tapeworm, I ISabad. 8@^° spitting; also Chap. 16, Waterbrash. Saliva, saltish: 8^° taste. Saliva, soapy: IDulc; and stringy, IIMerc. 8®" alkaline. Saliva, spitting: at other children, ILach.; fre- quent, Alet, Amm. c, Aph. ch., Apoe; much, Ars., Jamb, Lobel. i, Lyss., INatr. m., ITa- bae; frequent, through day, only ceasing awhile after strong tea in evening (two years after being bitten by a dog), ILyss.; frequent, of frothy, cottonlike mucus, IIPuls.; with dry cough, Anag.; unceasing, without saliva (endocarditis rheumatica), IHyos.; of frothy saliva (rheumatic dyspepsia), HSpig.; fre- quent, in lyssophobia, HLyss, IStram.; liquids put into mouth (typhus), IBapt.; large lumps of yellow matter, apparently from stomach, ^Elat; tough, white phlegm, IMere iod. rub.; with nausea, ISang.; with pressure in stomach, ICale; in scarlatina, IMere; thick, sticky saliva, Act. rac; large quantities of ropy mucus (diphtheria), ILach.; tenacious, slimy I ISib; after vexation, ICale; of insipid water, Sabad. Bijp profuse; also Chap. 16, Waterbrash, and Chap. 27, Expectoration. Saliva, taste: absent, ICanth, ICoccus, Sul. ae; absent, in indurated pancreas, ICarbo a.; absent, in viscid, before stool, and at night, on waking, Fluor.ae; acrid, IMur.ae, I IPuls.; bitter, Bor., Kali bi, I IPuls, Sub, Ustib; brassy, I IKali m.; coppery, IIMerc, Ran. b.; flat, Bapt.; like iron, Cimex; metallic, Aur. mur, Bism, HCham, Zinc; metallic, bloody, in morning, Jatroph.; metallic, in diphtheria, IPhyt.; nauseating, Sub; putrid, like rotten eggs, IMur. ac; saltish, Ang, Ant. c, I ICycb, Elaps, Euphor, IHyos., Kali bb, I ILact. ac, ILye, IMere cor, INatr. m, IPhos, Sul, Ver, Verbas.; saltish, in cancer of stomach, ICarbo a.; saltish, in diarrhoea, I Ant. e; saltish, during pregnancy, IKali iod.; sour, ICale, Illgn, Paris, Sul, Tarax.; sweetish, All. sat, Aspar, Aur. met, ICanth, HCham, ICup. m, IDig., IPhos, IPlumb, IPuls, Sabad, Sul. ac, I ISyph. B€iP acid, profuse, soapy. Saliva, tenacious (ropy, sticky,stringy,thready, thick, tough, viscid) : Agnus, Ananth, I I Apis, Arg. met, Ars, Bell, Bism, ICamph, Cain, Cann. b, ICaps., ICarbo v. Con, HChel, ICup. m, IDulc, Jamb, IKali bi, Lachn, Lyss, IIMerc, IIMerc. cor, IPhyt, IPuls, Tarax, I lUran. n.; dropped during conversa- tion, llris; in puerperal convulsions, HCoc- cul.; raised by coughing, Anag.; in diphtheria, IKali bi, I IKali in.; dries on palate and lips, ILye; better after drinking, Cinnab.; frothy, Stram.; clings to tongue like glue, Bell.; con- tinual hawking, IIDulc; with indigestion, INatr. m.; jellylike, Sabad.; with pharyngeal, inflammation, 11 Lac c; during pregnancy, IKali iod.; in scarlatina, -Hippoz, IILach.; impeding speech, Arg. met; sticky, like soap- suds, IBerb.; tough, stringy fluid runs, can be drawn into a thread six yards long (epileptic attacks), IKali bi.; with sore throat, Lyss. Saliva, thin : in diphtheria, IMere cy.; in indu- rated pancreas, ICarbo a.; with much thirst, IStram.; watery, ICamph, INatr. m, lOxal. ac; watery, with dry throat, nausea, and dis- comfort in abdomen, IColch. S^P Chap. 16, Waterbrash. Saliva, white: lArs,Bell,Cann. i.;snowwhite, 1101. an.; becomes frothy, while talking, Sabina. fi@P cotton. Saliva, yellow : I IGels, IManc, IIMerc. cor, IPhyt.; as from blood, IGels. 13. THROAT. Fauces. (Esophagus. Palate. Pharynx. Swallowing. Throat. Tonsils. Uvula. FAUCES, abrasions: Ant. chl, Brom.; with mucous tubercles,Thuya; size of a penny, in angina herpetica, I Ars. B^P raw. Fauces, angina: BSfP inflamed. Fauces, anaesthesia: in diphtheria, IIArg. met. Fauces, biting: ICarbo v., IColch.; scraping, posteriorly, as in violent coryza, Zinc. Fauces, black: Merc. sul. B@P gangrene. Fauces, bleeding: hemorrhage, IHam.; oozes from mucous membrane (purpura hemorrha- gica), I ITereb. Fauces, bloodvessels: veins distended, I Alum, IHam. Fauces, boring: to right temple and head, lAlum. Fauces, burning: I^Esc. h., Ant. t. Ant. sul. aur, I Apis, I Arg. nit, I Ars., I Arumt, I Asaf, Ascl. s. Bell, Brom, Calad., HCaps, ICarbo v, ICaust, Ced, Crot. t, Diose, IGels, Lact. ac, IMere, IMere cor, IMez, IMur. ac IPhyt, Sub, Tarax.; burning, down through chest, Ictod.; into chest, better by eating (syphilitic sore throat), IMez.; burning, with 13. THROAT. 361 Bpasmodic cough, I IVer.; feeling as if burnt, Aloe, Amm. br.; as if he had eaten pepper, passing into ears, Bapt; as from heartburn, extending into ears, worse belching, Bapt; worse when hawking, Sep.; peppery, IMez.; after bitter taste of sweet things, Sang.; through oesophagus to stomach, Arn.; with stomatitis, llris; to stomach pit, with cough, I ISyph.; with inclination to swallow, IVer. v.; with thirst, Ant. t; ulcers, ICaps.; with ulcer on right side of throat, sore pain deep inside, Psor.; behind uvula, INitr. ac; with vomit- ing, llris. Blgp congested, heat, inflamed, smarting. Fauces, catarrh: Alum, IBrom, IHippoz, IKali bb, IKali m, INatr. a., IRumex ; in ozaena scrofulosa, as though food had to pass over lump, IGraph. 8®° inflamed, swollen. Fauces, congested: IHam.; gorged (catarrh), IHippoz.; in croupy cough, I IPhyt; highly injected (diphtheritis), IKali br.; oedematous, IKali br. 8SP* burning, inflamed. Fauces, constricted: iEseh.; as when drink- ing an astringent, I Agar.; with inclination to take a deep breath, Ictod.; choking in upper part, with dyspnoea and cough, ICoccul.; after eating, Stram.; with irritation of epiglottis, causes cough, yEsc h.; puckered sensation, Brom.; as if spasmodically drawn together, Caps. Fauces, coppery; Bgpred. Fauces, crawling : Cist. 8§P formication. Fauces, distress: Rbus v. Fauces, dry: lArg. nit, lArs, IIBry, Cain, ICist, Coccul, Con., ICorab, Crotal, Diose, IDros, IGels., IHyos, IHelon., llpec, IJa- troph,Jugb, IIKali m, Lobel. i, Merc sul, IIMez, Pallad,IPhyt,HSabad,Sep., IStram, ISticta, I IStilling. ; in aphonia nervosa, IIPuls.; on walking, IParis; in back part, IPhyt.; in back part dry, causing constant inclination to swallow, ISub; in catarrh, ISe- necio ; in chronic catarrh, HSil.; in catarrh, INatr. a.; extending into chest, better by eat- ing (syphilitic sore throat), IMez.; in coryza, Chlor.; in croupy cough, I IPhyt; hacking dry cough, IPhyt; deep in, hacking cough with yellow mucous expectoration and hoarseness, IIDros.; with spasmodic cough, HVer.; must drink much water, IIHam.; feeling, IMere cor, Sep.; feeling, on inspira- tion and deglutition (chronic naso-pharyngeal catarrh), INatr. a.; feeling, with intense thirst (diabetes), 11 Uran. n. relieved ; in fever, before and during hot stage,Chin, s.; and hot, IBelb; uneasy, in melancholia, I INaja; in morning, on awaking, also later, with thirst, Zinc; with dry mouth, IStram.; especially in morning, better after eating, Berb.; with hawking of mucus, Lact. ac; with a few ad- herent strings of mucus high up, I IPhyt.; with frequent raising of mucus, IMagn. c; painful, Tell.; extending into pharynx, causing contraction, I Agar.; with difficult swallow- ing and burning in stomach, Ustil.; worse swallowing, Ang.; on swallowing and on in- spiration, worse forenoon, and after a cold, Natr. a.; without thirst, Calad.; in tonsillitis, 11 Lac c ggp burning, heat, inflamed. Fauces, feeling of emptiness : ICale p. g®~ Throat large. Fauces, eruption: erythematous, IKali bb; red granulations, interlaced with white streaks reaching to oesophagus (consumption), IKali bb; studded with round protuberant red spots, as if injected with blood, worse from exposure to cold, IHydras.; pustular, IIAnt. t, I IVar.; herpetic (secondary syphilis), ISyph. B€&P vesicles. Fauces, erysipelas: HApis. Fauces, exudation: brownish,crouplike, thick, Hod.; diphtheritic, ICarbol. ae, IKali m., IKali perm,IKreo, ILach, IMere cy, I INatr. a.; diphtheritic-patches, IKali m, HCarbob ae;dirty,in diphtheria,! ILacc;grayishgreen, small portions can easily be removed, leaving bleeding surface (consumption), IMere cy.; grayish, peculiar, like wash leather (diph- theria), IKali perm.; grayish white (diph- theria), I ILac c, IMere cy.; mapped, appear- ing like so many islands, IMere iod. flav.; extending to nose, INitr. ae; covers entire and extends into nose, rapid destruction of parts (diphtheria), IMere cor.; easily de- tached patches on inflamed, IMere iod. flav.; pearly, fibrinous, ISang.; pearly, extends to larynx, worse right side(membranous croup), IKali bb; pearly, on right side (diphtheritis), 11 Sang.; changes position (croupous diph- theria), ILac c; posterior wall covered,IChin. a.; in scarlatina, IMur. ae; dark red, angry streaks of capillaries, gives place to shining, glistening deposit or tough membrane, I ILac c; covering considerable portion, with smart- ing (diphtheria), ICaps.; renders speech and respiration diflicult (diphtheria), ISul. ac; tending to spread to larynx (membranous croup), IKali bi.; pseudo-membranous forma- tion, extends all over and down throat,IMerc cy.; tenacious, can scarcely be crushed be- tween fingers (diphtheria), IISul. ae; white film low down (croup), Acet. ae; syphilitic, IKali m.; white, IKali in.; white, in diph- theria, ISub ac; white, on pale membrane (diphtheria), ILach.; white shreds (diph- theritis), ILach.; grayish white, IMur. ae; thick yellow, sticks like glue (diphtheria), I ISul. ae; greenish yellow isolated patches (diphtheria), IKali bi. BilP Palate exudation, and Throat diph- theria. Fauces, sensation of a foreign body : as of a hair, IKali bi.; as if something had lodged, IIHam.; as if something hard or rough had lodged,in afternoon, lying down, Arn.; press- ure worse by swallowing, Agar.; with inclina- tion to swallow, JEsc. h. Fauces, formication : I JEsc. h. BitPcrawling. Fauces, fulness: Lact. ae; in chronic angina, I /Esc h.; distress, causing inclination to swal- low, Caulo. 8SP swelling. Fauces, gangrene : ICarbo v., ICrotal., ILach. Bgp black; also Throat gangrene. Fauces, glazed appearance: with croupy cough, I IPhyt. Fauces, heat: Aloe, Ant. sul. aur., Apoe, IIFerr, IMez.; in catarrh, ISenecio; and dryness, IBelb; passing into ears, Bapt.; feeling, with homesickness, I ICaps. 8®° burning, inflamed. Fauces, inflamed (angina): I Aeon, Ant. chl., lApis, lArs, Ars. met, IBell, HCaps, ICist, IColch.,ICup. m,IFerr.ph., Hippoz,IILach., ILyc,Lyss, 11 Ptel.; extends to finest bronchi, 362 13. THROAT. IMere; catarrhal, IKali c, ILobel. e; catar- rhal, with ptyalism, especially if syphilitic, IFluor. ae; from taking cold after a bath, I IMere cor.; in coryza, IIMerc; wdth short, hacking cough, Stilling.; in diphtheritis phleg- monosa, ILye; mercurial, IIArg. met.; phleg- monous, I Apis ; stinging, during swallowing, Stront.; in tonsillitis, IIBar. e, ILach.; with gray ulceration, hoarseness, fetor of breath (secondary syphilis), IMere; with high col- ored urine, I IBenz. ac. 8gp burning, congested, heat, red, rough, smarting, swelling. Fauces, irritation: ICrot. t, IGels., IHep, ILach. B£pP raw, red, rough. Fauces, itching: Cist. Fauces, mucus: Apoe, Bapt. ,Dule; causes diffi- cult breathing and choking when holding head erect (diphtheria), IMur. ac; forms big bubbles on opening mouth, with painful hawking, IILach.; feeling as if lined with Rhod.; obliged to remove by hawking,IKali e, I IParis ; painful hawking, IILach.; hawk- ing causes vomiting and choking, Amb.; patched with yellow (diphtheria), INatr. a.; with cough, I I Rumex; collection, with feel- ing of dryness, I IPetrol.; as if filled on swal- lowing, ICale; disturbing sleep, IFluor. ae; tough, Bry, ICepa, Phos. ac, IPlumb, ISib; tough, with hoarseness and rough cough (chronic catarrh), HSil.; tough, causes gag- ging (coryza), I Anac; tough, causing frequent hawking, Lobel. b; solid lumps, worse morning and forenoon, 11 Lith.; viscid, espe- cially in morning, better after eating, Berb.; tough, with aching of pharynx, IRumex; collects, cannot make tones, high or low (in a tenor), I ISeneg.; in tonsillitis, viscid in morn- ing, iBar. c sliP Palate mucus; also Throat hawking, mucus. Fauces, neuralgic pains: JEsc. h.; worse left side, near root of tongue, Crotal. 8^** tearing. Fauces, pain (undefined): IPhyt.; in chronic catarrh, HSil.; in diphtheria, IIBapt.; in rightside, IJugl.; in left side, while swallow- ing, ICham.; with cough and thick expecto- ration at night, ICycb; severe, Ant. chl.; with sneezing, Ictod.; worse for a long time, after animated talking, Arn.; when swallow- ing, ICale p., I IPhyt.; between acts of swallowing, Caps. Fauces, paralysis: Caps. Fauces, pressive pain: as from a hard body, 11 Apis. Fauces, pricking: I^Eseh,Apis. 8^**stinging. Fauces, purplish: IILach., IPuls.; in diphthe- ria, INatr. a, IINux v. Fauces, pus: fetid ichor, ICarbo v.; covered with dirty looking (sore throat), IMere cor. 8^** ulcerated. Eauces, raw: Aloe, Chloral., IIDulc, IMez, IMur. ae, I IStilling, Tarax.; corroding, acrid sensation, I Arum t, 11 Rumex; only noticed in drawing in cold air, IINux v.; feeling, Cepa; and rough feeling, Gamb.; with hoarse- ness and aphonia, ISub; after mercury and chlorate of potash, IHydras.; to stomach pit, with cough, I ISyph. B§p abrasions, burning, inflamed. Fauces, too red: IAcon.,IApis,IArs,Asim, Aur. mur, IBelb, ICale p. Caps., Caust, Chel, Chloral., IColch, INitr. ae, Thuya; in an- I gina, IKali m.; in aphonia nervosa, I IPuls.; swollen, with ulcers size of head of a pin, Sab ae; bright, ILach.; bright or dark, IKali bb; bright, in angina, tonsillitis or diphtheria, I Apis; bluish, HSub; brown- ish, ILye; coppery, IKali bi, IMere; with cough, IKali bb; dark, Amm. br, IIArg. nit, IIBapt, IGymn, IMere iod. rub, IPhyt, IPuls.; dark, in chronic angina, IJSsc h.; with deafness, IGraph.; dark, in diphtheria, ICro- tal, IKali bi, IKali br, IKali iod, IMere cy, I ISal. ac, I ITarant; dark, in influenza, I ISang.; dark, with a few adherent strings of mucus high up, 11 Phyt.; dark, in ozaena, I IMere iod. flav.; dark, with pharyngo-laryn- geal inflammation of fauces, INaja; dark, worse right side, IIMerc. cor.; dark, right side, painful on swallowing, Brom.; dark, in scarlatina, IRhus; dark, in syphilitic sore throat, IMez.; dark (after tonsillitis), INatr. a.; dark, worse every winter, IMez.; deep purplish with gangrenous appearance, 11 Var.; deep, especially right side (angina), IBar. m.; fiery, in scarlatina, 11 Carbol. ac.; with lachry- mation, in acute coryza, IKali iod.; painful, without exudation, IFerr. ph.; in nursing sore mouth, ICinch.; shiny, scarlet, IBelb; a purplish scarlet blush, equally diffused,Lyss.; rosy, in stomatitis or ascites, I Apis; reticu- lated, Brom.; slight, Coccus; slight, with rawness and scraping, INatr. e; with diffi- culty in swallowing, IMere cy.; violet, in an- gina tonsillaris, lApis. g@~ inflamed, purplish. Fauces, rough: Diose, IIHep, llpec, IMere, IPhyt.; with nausea, Ptel.; worse hawking, Sep.; with frequent rising of mucus in throat, IMagn. e; in coryza, ICale; rough, causing cough, Card, m.; feeling,Sub; worse swallow- ing, Ang. Bigp irritated, scraping. Fauces, scraping : lArs, Crot. t, IMez, Rhod.; worse left side, Mar. v.; to stomach pit, with cough, I ISyph. g^" irritated, rough. Fauces, sensitive : Coccus, 11 Kali iod.; rinsing mouth causes cough and vomiting, ICoccus. Fauces, smarting : Amm t, Diose, IMur. ac, IPhyt, 11 Stilling, Tarax. 8@P burning, heat. Fauces, sore : lArs., lAsaf, Brom, Caps.,Chlor, Diose, Eup. perf, IGels,IIpee,IMere, IMere cor., 11 Ptel, I IRumex ; in angina pertussis, ICaust.; in catarrh, lEup. pert; in diphtheria, IIBapt.; in organic disease of heart, lApis; of posterior, and apparent extension of irri- tation into Eustachian tubes, IPhyt.; with ulcers (angina), ICaps. 8@P inflamed, raw, sensitive. Fauces, spasms suffocative: Bell. Fauces, sticking : when swallowing (suppura- tion of tonsils), IIMerc sol. Fauces, stinging: IIAcon, I^Esc. h, llpec, Jalap, IMere, 11 Stilling.; worse between acts of deglutition, Magn. s. gf§f pricking. Fauces, stitching : deep seated, ILye; along eustachian tube, right side, Agar. Fauces, swallow: frequent inclinati on, Diose, Fauces, swollen: lArs., Asim, IBrom, ICale! IILach, Merc, sub; in angina and tonsillitis,' lApis; obstructs breathing through nose] I ISpong.; slight, causes cough, HSpong.; in diphtheria, -Cale s., ICrotal, IMere cy., 13. THROAT. 363 INatr. a.; feeling, IGlon.; feeling as if hard body lodged in back part, ILye; puffed, pale, extends to pharynx, velum and uvula (chronic follicular pharyngitis), 11 Phyt.; with a broad basis, projecting from right to left, allowing but a small passage for food, and obstructing breathing through nose, -Spong.; in scarla- tina,! ICale s, I ICarbol. ac, IRhus ; swollen, unable to swallow, attempt producing spasm and choking, IMur. ac; submucous tissue thickened, cedematous, I lAnthrac; after ton- sillitis, INatr. a. Fauces, syphilitic affections : IFluor. ac, I IKali bb, IKali m. Fauces, taste; bitter, Amyg, Apoe, Zinc; bitter, mostly at night and when belching, with liver complaint, I IZinc; subacrid, Apoe; peppery, Xan.; saltish, of phlegm, ICarb. s.; tobacco, bitter, scratchy, ISpong. Fauces, tearing : worse left side, Mar. v. , 8®" neuralgic. Fauces, tension : right side, when gaping (apho- nia), IIArg. met.; as from swelling, when yawning, lArg. met. g&g* constricted. Fauces, tickling : Ascl. s.; ulcerative feeling causing cough, Sars. gfgg" crawling. Fauces, tingling : IColch. g^° crawling, formication. Fauces, torpidity: ICaps. Fauces, ulcers: lAmm t, Hippoz, IILach, IMyr. cer.; aphthous, with white adherent crust, ICanth.; burning on right side, Psor.; dark, putrid, IIBapt.; with delirium, Merc. iod. rub.; deep eating, often syphilitic,!IKali bb; small round or irregular gray white (diph- theria), 11 Lace; discharge cheesy, offensive smelling lumps, IKali bi.; suddenly appear- ing, or slowly creeping on, after abuse of mer- cury, INitr.ac; chancroid, on posterior sur- face, Uacea ; large fetid (scarlatina), IMere iod. rub.; flat, ICaps, in ozaena syphilitica, INatr. s.; sloughing, from an abscess on left tonsil, ILach.; small, ICaps.; spongy, yellow- ish brown, badly smelling pus, I Alum.; syphilitic, IBor, IKali iod.; IIMerc, IINitr. ae, IPhyt.; syphilitic phagedaena, IKali bi, ILach.; in sore throat, IMere cor. Fauces, velvety look: in croup, IPhos. Fauces, vesicles: size of a pin's head filled with clear fluid, disappear leaving dirty red spots (angina herpetica), IA is.; small blisters with swellingandinflammati on, Aur.mur.nat; small vesicular points, with intense redness of mem- brane, with burning as if scalded, 1.1 Rhus v. Fauces, yellow : like bacon, Hippoz. (ESOPHAGUS,burning: lAcon,Ammoniac, Am.,IArs, Arund, lAsaf., Brom, Bov.,ICar- bol. ac, I IChel, IChin. s, ICycl, IIHam, Lact. ac, Lyss., IMere cor, IMez., IPhos, IPhyt, I ISang, Sabad, ISinap.; in angina herpetica, lArs.; as from alcohol, lAmm. e; in chronic alcoholism, ISul. ae; with pain in axillae, Ictod.; at cardiac orifice, Ustil.; with pain in chest, Ictod.; after eating, Con.; some hours after eating (stricture from spasm), IPlumb.; extending into fauces, with taste of sulphur, ICoccul.; as if being made raw by an acrid, corroding sub- stance (gastric complaints), lArs.; heat, Ananth.; like heartburn, with eructations, Card, m.; in indigestion, IHep.; intense burn- ing, Hell.; in morning, Cupr. s.; during preg- nancy, Ars.; to stomach, IGels.; to stomach cooling, as after eating cress, Agar.; from stomach to mouth, Cup. ars.; to stomach, in yellow fever, ICadm. s.; with inclination to swallow, IVer. v.; with thirst, Eucab; with vomiting, llris. B@~ heat, inflamed. CEsophagus, cold: feeling, Cain.; as if some- thing cold, then hot and stinging, ascended, All. sat.; icy coldness, Ananth, Lactu.v.; with nausea following pressure in stomach,IMeny- anth.; cooling sensation, Lyss. Oesophagus, constricted: Bell, Cadm. s, IColch, IPlumb. ;choking,asifthereweresome- thing hard, after food (gastric affections),IKali bi.; must drink large quantities to force fluid into stomach,Cact; beverage is arrested as from spasmodic contraction, Elaps ; feeling, 11 JEsc. h, Bry, IGels.; as if contracted from below upward, I Alum, ILobel. i, Nitr. sp. d.; has to force every mouthful down, lArg. met.; as if from above down to stomach, can only swal- low water, IIBapt; distressing feeling, with attempts to vomit, ICup. ae; difficulty of swallowing solid food, IDros.; food descends slowly, II Kali c; can hardly force solids into, Lact. ae: as if it were being clutched and twisted (gastralgia), ILye; in hydrophobia, Lyss, IStram.; worse during inspiration, I IZinc; with nausea, ILye; painful in upper part, Carb.s.; preceded or followed by spasms, IPlat.; paroxysms of cramp, lArg. nit.; spas- modic, cramplike feeling in upper part, like a pressure from below upward, or as when swallowing, Zinc;spasmodic contraction,Arg. nit,IBelb,ICale, ICarbol. ac,ILach,IILaur.; spasmodic contraction as if a ball came up in throat (haematemesis), I Ars.; spasmodic con- traction, with little or nothing coming to mouth (indigestion), INatr. e; spasmodic constriction, after injury, IHyos.; spasmodic ' constriction, can scarcely swallow fluids, I Alum.; prevents swallowing, Cact; narrow- ness on swallowing, ICale; worse swallowing, lasting a short time, frequently recurring, IBelb; everything swallowed seems to lodge, I Ars.; feels too small, when swallowing, Ta- rax.; violently, worse in evening (angina herpetica), lArs.; from intestinal irritation, particularly verminous, ICie 8§P pressure, spasm, stricture. Oesophagus, drawing: as drawn from stomach to throat, Asaf. ffisophagus, dry: Ant. t, Asaf, I ICarbol. ac. Castor, INatr. c, Sabina ; in intermittent, ICoccul.; small spot, worse after sleeping, must get up and drink, better after eating, ICist.; with thirst, Sec. B@~ heat. ffisophagus, sensation of fermentation: with tingling in salivary glands after eating, IKalm. Oesophagus, feeling of a foreign body: Bell.; as of a hard body, ILye; as if distended by a large ball, Anac.; as if a piece of bone had lodged, Carb. s.; as if something had lodged in upper part, Erig.; painful sensation of something lodged, IGels.; as if something were sticking low down, provokes swallow- ing, Vinca; with nausea and vomiturition, Sabad. BgP injuries. Oesophagus, a feeling of fulness: Zinc; after eating, ICinch. gg&° swelling. Oesophagus, gnawing: Anthrok. 364 13. THROAT. OSsophagus, gurgling: BSPChap. 15, Drinking noise. OSsophagus, heat: Brom., ICamph, IColch., Mane, Spong.; as from acid eructations, Benz. ae; in angina herpetica, lArs.; warmth ex- tends over body, Camph.; dry, burning, with hoarseness, Cain.; rising with anxious feel- ing, I IHyper.; rising, after a fright, I IHyper.; to stomach, I Amyb, I ICham. Bgp burning, dry, inflamed. OEsophagus, inflamed: I Aeon, Amm. c, HArs, Bar. m, ICarbo v., Hod., INitr. ae, IPhos., IIRhus; in catarrh, IGels.; after corrosive substances, IRhus; with constant hiccough, IVer. v.; swallowing difficult, ICoccul. B^g"" burning, dry, heat, injuries. (Esophagus, injuries: ICie; bone splinter, ICie; causing spasmodic constriction, IHyos.; laceration, ICalend. Oesophagus, irritation: causing sore throat, IHydras.; after eating (gastralgia), I Arg. nit. OSsophagus, large: feeling as if upper part were enlarged, Elat.; sensation of" enlarge- ment from choanse to epigastrium, provokes paroxysmal cough, with profuse and exhaust- ing expectoration of thick, starchlike mucus (chronic follicular pharyngitis), I IPhyt. OSsophagus, numbness: from stomach, in di- arrhoea, with tenesmus, IBry. OSsophagus, pain: dull, length of, Ast. r.; caused by food passing along, I IVer.; from cardia to pharynx, ached incessantly, proceeding from place where she felt pressure, I ISub; increased by pressure, lllod; to stomach, with sneezing, Ictod. Oesophagus, paralysis: Caps., ICaust, Chlo- ral, IHydr. ac, INux m, Stram.; in typhus, lArs.; nearly all food and drink taken are thrown up, IVer. OSsophagus, pressure : affects chest, ICimex ; as if something were slipping toward epigas- trium, taking away breath for a few moments, Therid.; as if a round body were ascending (globus hystericus), ICon.; as if filled with food, Arg. nit,- as if food had lodged, IBar. c, ICale, ICaust., IPuls.; as from a plug, ICroe; inpedes respiration, I Cimex. 8®° constricted ; also Throat lump, etc OSsophagus, raw : Amm. c, ICale, ICarbo a. Oesophagus, rough: Erig, INatr. e (Esophagus, scraping: Arn, Anthrok, Crotal, INatr. c; like heartburn, IIPuls. (Esophagus, scratching: Bov. OSsophagus, sensitive ; feelsfood whole length, lAlum. OSsophagus, soreness: ICale, Chlor.; in vicari- ous menses, IDig.; upper part painful, worse in empty swallowing, Alum. (Esophagus, stricture: $gP constricted, spasm. OSsophagus, swollen : Apis, Vespa ; feeling, Bry.; after hurt by splinter of bone, ICie Bgp injuries. (Esophagus,sharpness: Ammoniac. OSsophagus, painful shock, or jerk, toward heart and front of chest: Lyss. Oesophagus, spasm: Con, ICrotal, Cup. m, IHydr. ae, IGels, ILyss., INaja, IVer. v.; at cardiac end, IPhos.; in typhus, IIBelb; causing hiccough, with nausea, IVer.; with hiccough, IVer. v.; in hydrophobia, Lyss, IStram.; hysterical, Asaf; hysterical, from sup- pressed grief, llgn.; in measles, I IStram.; with slight redness of palate, ILyss.; in old people, IBar. e; periodical, more severe when taking water into mouth, Lyss.; periodic, in stricture of throat, ILyss.; in prosopalgia, I IStaph. B^T" constricted, stricture. Oesophagus, stinging: Arum m.; as from a splinter (angina herpetica), I Ars. Oesophagus, stitching : in upper part, Carb. s.; in upper part, when not swallowing, ICale (Esophagus,stricture : lAcon, HArs., IIBapt, IIBar. c, IBell, ICale, IIGels, IKali c, ILyss, HPhos.; with dry mouth, IKali e; spasmodic, INaja, I 101. caje., IPhos, IVer. v.; spasmodic, result of spinal irritat on, af- fecting nucha, INaja; is aroused at night with feeling of impending suffocation,INux v. $gp constricted, spasm. (Esophagus, taste : rancid, Crotal. (Esophagus, tearing : violent(angina herpetica), lArs. (Esophagus, tickling : as from something alive, Ananth. B@P worms. (Esophagus, tingling : I Aeon., Spig. (Esophagus, twisting: from stomach to throat, lAlum. (Esophagus, ulceration : Hod. (Esophagus, -water: disagreeable sensation, as if he had drunk lukewarm, Spong.; sensation of water running in, as if she had eaten sour things, IHep. (Esophagus, worms: feeling of, with nausea and retching, Sabad.; sensation of worms creeping, I IZinc g^° Throat worms. PALATE, anaesthesia : of velum, in alcohol- ism, IKali br. Palate, aphthae: I ISars.; on soft, with tooth- ache, INux m. Palate, biting: in soft, afternoon, Aph. ch.; in posterior portion, I IKali c; on roof, Cham.; sticking, close to roots of incisors, I IZinc Palate, bleeding : blood oozes, in purpura hae- morrhagica, ICrotal., ILach.,IPhos., I ITereb. Palate, bluish : IPhyt.; dark, Merc sul. Palate, boring: in syphilis, and after abuse of mercury, lAur. met. Palate, burning: Arund.; hard, Camph, Coc- cul,IMez, Squilla,Therid.; forepart shrivelled as if burnt, pains especially on chewing, IBor.; with dryness and roughness as if scraped by an acorn, I IMagn. e; to oesophagus, ICamph.; feeling as if burnt, ICimex, I IPod.; inflam- matory, I IRan. b.; peppery feeling, IMez.; in roof, ISang.; in soft, tJEse. h. Mane; in a spot, in soft, following headache, Lye vir.; as if sore and raw during menses, INatr. s.; vesicles, bleed from least contact, IMagn. e B€sP heat, inflamed. Palate, caries: I Aur. met, Hippoz.; in syphi- lis, after abuse of mercury, I Aur. met; bony wall rapidly destroyed by suddenly appear- ing or slowly creeping ulcers, after abuse of mercury, INitr. ac. Palate, cold: sensation rises, Camph.; behind, ICepa. Palate, congested: IIBapt, IDulc, IPhyt, I IPuls., Sub ae; arch painful, with injected vessels, INitr. ac. 8®° heat, inflamed, red. Palate, cutting : scraping on moving to swal- low, I IHell. B^° lancinating. Palate, drawing : soft palate as if down, food and drink pass with difficulty under it and 13. THROAT. 365 cause scratching, Strain.; hard, Zinc; as if drawn up, soft, Glon.; pressing in soft, Sars.; spasmodic, into fauces, Cham. Palate, dry: Aeon, ICarbo a, I ICard. m, ICepa, Mang, INux m, Phos. ac; wrorse in open air, Mang.; burning, mornings, Cann. s.; in coryza, Chlor.; feeling, ICamph.; feels parched, is unable to eat a mouthful of bread, Stram.; feeling as if it were dried up, Viol.; of hard, IBry, IHyos.; as if caused by heat, constant- ly obliged to swallow, IMere; soft palate, felt like dried leather, making deglutition painful (influenza), ISticta; evenings, with thirst and hunger, Cycl.; in roof, IBell, Zing.; in roof, as if burnt, 11 Lact. ac.; of soft, Atrop. s., ICepa, Glon, IHyos.; causing stinging when swallowing, Menyanth.; worse on swallowing, Ang.; with thirst, Coccus, See, IVer.; with thirst, must drink much, ISub; of velum, INux m.; ulcers (scarlatina), HApis. BtsP burning, heat, inflamed. Palate, eruption : erythematous, IKali bb; of red points (children), Arund.; blotches over soft, lElaps ; red blotches, size of pea, bleed- ing easily, IFluor. ae; herpetic, on soft, (se- quelae to gonorrhoea), I Zinc; herpetic, onhard, in secondary syphilis, ISyph.; tetter, I IZinc; pimples on arch (variola), IBapt; of minute red pimples on soft, I IRumex ; pustules,Ant. t; single circumscribed spots in forepart, size of a barleycorn, colored red as if little ulcers were about to form, IKali bi. B€iP vesicles. Palate, exudate : diphtheritic on velum, I Merc. cy.; diphtheritic, begins on arches, IMere iod.; well defined dead white patches, vary- ing in size, over pillars and velum, IMur. ae; pearly, fibrinous, ISang.; roof, lined with sub- stance like smearkase (post-scarlatinal diph- theria), I ILac e; white shreds on roof (diph- theritis), ILach.; grayish yellow, on roof, lasting half an hour, ILac c; thick masses on left side of soft palate, 11 Lac c; thick grayish white on velum (diphtheritis), Hod.; thick gray or yellowish white, on bard (diphthe- ria), I ISul. ae; thick, plastic, whitish, nause- ous, appears at first in form of small white or grayish points on velum, I llpec; white, on velum, looks like ulcers of mucous mem- brane with white edges (diphtheria), ILach.; white, opaline, on columns, IMere cy. Sijp Fauces exudation, and Throat diph- theria. Palate, formication, in soft, with vertigo, Ta- rant. Palate, fulness : behind, ICepa, Dolich. 8^*" pressing, swollen. Palate, glazed: shining, 11 Lac e; hard palate, IHyos.; soft palate,I Hyos.; velum, ICarbol. ac. Palate, greasy feeling : on awaking, 01. an.; smooth, as though covered with fat, I ICard.m. Palate, sensation as of a hair on velum : IKali bi. Palate, heat: ICamph, IMez. 8®" burning, congestive, inflamed. Palate, indurated : Calc, IPhyt; insensitive as if made of wood (prosopalgia), IMez. Palate, inflamed : lAcon., Aph. ch., lApis, IBelb, IColch, IGels., ILach, Seneg, Zinc; in catarrh, Bell.; with dryness, redness and pain, Ferr. ph.; phlegmonous, lApis ; roof, INux v.; soft palate,worse on right side, 11 Ptel.; suppurating spots, I ISars.; in syphilis, I IPhyt; in ulcerated throat, IKali perm.; velum, ILac c, ILach. ggg- congested, heat, raw, red. Palate, irritation : Arund.; with cough, llris. g@T rough, scraping, scratching, tickling. Palate, itching: Arund.; of soft, IGlon. Palate, lancinating: in laryngo-tracheitis, I IPuls. ggg* cutting, stitches. Palate, mucus: painless sensation, as if roof were covered with tenacious, or were swollen, 11 Puis.; adhesion of tough, to posterior sur- face of soft, necessitating hawking, Psor.; thick, viscous, sticks to hard, causes scratch- ing, lArg. met. BilP Throat hawking, mucus. Palate, nausea; head sinks back, Spig. Palate, pain : in arches and velum, on chewing hard food, or yawning, worse in evening, in morning on awaking, and on empty swallow- ing, Aloe; in back part, Amm m.; steady, from side into oesophagus, ICoff.; with sneez- ing, Ictod.; especially in yawning, Zinc; in posterior part of hard, especially when yawn- ing, IZinc; in roof, Paris. Palate, pale: in chronic laryngitis, IMere cy.; in chronic follicular pharyngitis, I IPhyt. Palate, paralysis: of velum pendulum, ISib; semi, of velum, manifested by violent snoring (apoplexy), IPlumb.; slight, in amaurosis, after sore throat, IGeis. Palate, pressing; Arum t.;painful, on posterior, 11 Carbo v.; painful, in hard, while swallow- ing (scarlatina angina aphthosa), ICaps.; up- ward, in catarrh, I IThuya. g^*- fulness. Palate, pricking ; in back part (coryza),ICale; to left ear, Kob.; Palate, purple : dark, IPhyt. Palate, raw: Ant. e, 11 Arum t, Bell.; at back of right side, extending to left, Lye vir.; in region of velum, I Amb.; feeling, with burn- ing, in velum, Phos. ac; in velum, as if des- quamation were about to take place, with dryness of mouth and throat (hysteria), I Lach.; from loss of epithelium (dysentery), ICanth.; loss of epithelium (dysentery), ICanth.; as if mucous membrane were peeling off roof, ILach., Paris; upper and back, Chim. umb. BSsP inflamed, sore. Palate, too red: IIAcon, Ant. t, lApis, IBell, Berb., ICham., IColch, ICup. m, IKali bi., I ILac c, IPhyt, IMur.ac; arches, in dyspep- sia, IKali bi.;" arch, slightly, Coccus ; bright, or dark,IKalibb; bright, roof (anginafaucium), ILach.; bluish, I ISub; bluish, of soft, I IPhos.; bluish, of velum, I IPuls.; coppery, IKali bi, IMere viv.; deep crimson, from posterior third as far down as could be seen, IBelb; dark, soft, IMere, I IPhos.; dark velum, in diphtheria, IMere cy.; dark pillars, IIMerc. cor.; dark, right side of velum, with pain, causing anxiety, ICaps.;in deafness, IGraph.; deep, diffused,IMur, ac; intensely soft, much tumefied (secondary syphilis), IFluor. ae; not painful, soft, IIBapt.; pale, roof, ILach.; parboiled appearance, Ferr. mur.; pearly hue, ICarbol. ac; slight, velum, IPetrol.; slight] with spasm of oesophagus and difficult speech, ILyss.; slight, velum (stomatitis, ascites), lApis; soft palate, Lyss, IMere viv.; edges of, soft, I IRumex ; with sore throat, Ziz.; ve- lum, lAlum, ICed. Bijp congested, inflamed. Palate, relaxed: flip Uvula elongated. 366 13. THROAT. Palate, rough : HCard. m.;inbackpart(coryza), ICale; bone, in caries, I Guaraea; scraping, causing cough (laryngeal phthisis), IDros.; worse swallowing, Aug. g@f irritated, scraping, scratching. Palate, scraping: Cact, ICamph, IMez.; in- flammatory, of roof, 11 Ran. b.; where cool sensation had been, slight coughing does not reach spot, hemming and hawking does occa- sionally, Lyss. B€aP rough, irritated, scratching. Palate, scratching: Aph. ch.; as from some- thing rough sticking in soft, worse during empty swallowing, forcing him to swallow saliva, lArg. met. figP rough, scraping. Palate, sensitive: to warm drink or food, TChim. umb.; arches irritable, loud speaking, or brushing teeth, causes cough or vomiting, ICoccus. Palate, smarting: ICepa, Zinc. 8®° burning. Palate, sore : Bell, TrChim. umb., I INitr. ac, IPhyt, Sib; on posterior part, Ant. t, ICepa ; during day, Med.; feeling, Graph.; worse right side, of soft, I I Ptel.; roof, IPhyt.; roof, while eating, Calc. s.; of roof, with pulsation,IGlon.; spot behind soft, better by eating, lAmm. m.; painful spot, on hard, ICaust.; troublesome, of soft, Ferr. s. 8§p inflamed, raw, scraping. Palate, stiffness of velum on awaking : Crotal. Palate, sticking: in posterior portion, 11 Kali c; to inner ear, I llgn. Palate, stinging: in back part (coryza), ICale; to left ear, from root, Kob.; with violent thirst after awaking, Stram.; stinging in velum, as from beard of grain, Coloe; in hard, Zinc; in soft, I^Esc. h., I INitr. ac. Palate, stitches: Calc, Diad.; to ear, from soft, llgn.; single, coarse, ICamph. 8@°* lancinating. Palate, swollen : Act. rac. Aloe, IBar. c, "Bar. m, ICale, ICarbo a, IPhyt, Seneg, I IStaph, HSub; in angina, soft, IMere; in angina fau- cium, roof, ILach.; arch, with injected ves- sels, INitr. ac..; chronic, Calc, IPhyt.; chronic, in coryza, ISib; in diphtheria, I Mere cy.; in diphtheria, soft, IBapt.; in diphtheria, looked as if filled with water, lApis; edges of, soft, 11 Rumex; erysipelatous, roof after extrac- tion of teeth, I ISib; feeling, ICamph.; feel- ing, when swallowing, I Arum t.; in chronic laryngitis, IMere cy.; just behind incisors, with pain on touch, Zinc; red, soft, .Ethus, Bell, ISpong.; roof, Paris, INux v., Sul. ac; of roof, as if cavity were closing up, IGels.; of roof, with pulsation, IGlon.; of soft, Arum t. Bell, Lyss., IMere, I IVer.; soft, could not swallow, Ant. t; soft, in ulcerated throat, IKali perm.; white spots, cannot be removed, ISul. ae; velum pillars, IIMerc. cor. gtgg° congested, inflamed, fulness, tumor. Palate, taste bitter: Amyg, ICarbo v.; cop- pery, Carbol. ac. Palate, tearing: to left ear, Amb. Palate, tickling: in posterior portion, after ly- ing down, causing dry cough, Carb. s.; of ve- lum, causes cough, with expectoration of white, tenacious mucus (asthma), I IPuls.; of soft, at night, as from something cold, Anag.; in roof, with coryza (relieved by Phos.), Lyss. Bgp irritation. Palate, tensive pain: Therid. Palate, dense, irregular tumors : painful, elastic, disposed to bleed and discharge offensive matter, climacteric (cancer), IHydras. g®* swollen. Palate ulceration : IMere per, IPhyt.; on arch, with inverted edges, uneven and callous (chronic laryngitis), IMere cy.; burning, on soft, Phos. ae; chancroid, on posterior surface of soft, I Jacea; chancrous, on velum, extends across to left pillar of pharynx (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; deep diphtheritic, on left side of velum, with sharp cut edges sur- rounded by ring of exudate IMere cy.; had eaten through velum, matter oozing (ulcera- ted sore throat), IKali bb; small gray, on arch (scarlatina and eruption subsiding), I Apis; covered with lardaceous coat on velum (syph- ilis), ILye; long, superficial, on left side of soft palate,IMerc viv.; superficial, on left arch, INitr. ae; suddenly appearing or slowly creeping, after abuse of mercury, INitr. ae; on soft, in mercurial syphilis, IPhos. ac; after larger doses of mercury (syphilitic), I IPhyt; soft mercurial syphilitic, with swelling of bones, IPhos. ac; perforating (stomacace), ISib; on roof, ISang.; small, on roof, Cinnab.; on roof with sloughing (syphilis), IKali bb; in scrofulous subjects, on velum, IKali iod.; syphilitic, IlAur. mur, IKali iod, I ISyph.; syphilitic phagedena,IKali bi, ILach,IMere, INitr. ae, I ISyph.; soft, nearly all eaten away, IMerecor.; soft, appears torn, above uvula, about 1£ inches in length, I IPhos.; soft, full of cicatrices with greenish yellow ulcers, ILach.; soft, destructive, thick yellow secre- tion, 11 Ind.; on velum, 11 Dros, Hippoz. Palate, painful vesicles : ICale; size of a hazelnut, Mane; on hard, Ant. t; on roof (scarlatina), I ISub; increased daily, became so sensitive she could hardly eat, better tak- ing anything cold into mouth, INatr. s.; soft, Ant. t; talking and eating painful, Sub Palate, -white : creamy at back part of roof, IINatr. ph.; creamy look of soft, IINatr. ph.; roof, IFerr.; roof, in pneumonia, IFerr.; shriv- elled, Cycl. B^P exudate. Palate, wrinkled : child cries when nursing, Bor. Palate, yellow : pale, Sib; at back part of roof, IINatr. ph.; on soft, IINatr. ph. B@P exudate. PHARYNX, acrid sensation: Sars.; with nau- sea, ISars.; rising up after eating sweets caused a distressing scraping in larynx like heart- burn, Zinc. Pharynx, anaesthesia: in alcoholism, IKali br. Pharynx, bloodvessels: varicose, I^Esc. h, ICarbo v., IFluor. ac, IIHam., IKali bb, ILach., ILye, IPuls, Vespa; varicose, in chronic catarrhal laryngitis, IMang.; pale red vessels, IKali bi. Pharynx, burning: lAcon., lArg. nit, lArs, 11 Arum t, I Asaf, Bapt., Cain, IIMez, Sal. ac, HSang, Sep.; after eating, Con.; followed by anorexia, Anthrok.; extending down oeso- phagus and into chest, better by eating (syph- ilitic sore throat); IMez.; heat CEnan.; or pricking, ILye; with sour eructations, ISub; extends to stomach, IKali bb; with thirst, lEucab; as if burned or scalded by hot drinks, I ISang. B®° heat, inflamed. Pharynx, calcareous deposits: ICale 13. THROAT. 367 Pharynx, cancer: scirrhous, ICarbo a. Pharynx, catarrh: IMere; follicular, IMere iod. rub.; in a tenor, I ISeneg. B^° con- gested, follicles, inflamed, redness. Pharynx, coldness: ICepa, IIKali m.; on drawing in air, Tell. Pharynx, congested: IMere iod. flav., I IPuls, Sul. ac, Ziz.; rapidly, I llpec. §gp catarrh, inflamed, redness. Pharynx, feels constricted: IBelb, ICale, Canth., ICarbo v., HCham, Cupr. s, Elaps, I llndig, I ISang, IStram, ISub; on awaking, lAlum.; as if in chest, with a suffocative feel- ing, on sitting down to meals, followed by frequent yawning, Vab; during convalescence from diphtheria, INux v.; food presses, during deglutition, IMez.; as if food could not pass, Alum.; difficult swallowing of liquids, ILye; as if a plug were sticking in throat, during empty swallowing, INux v.; liquids are swal- lowed in gulps and greedily, IPlumb.; with oppression in breathing, Lyss.; with sore throat, Jacar. 8®" (Esophagus constricted, spasm, stricture: also Throat constricted, foreign body and Swallowing. Pharynx, a curtain seems to fall down in front, after a few minutes conversation,cannot artic- ulate some words (after diphtheria): ILach. Pharynx, crawling : I llgn. Pharynx, feeling of distension: Ver. BSPlarge. Pharynx, drawing: when speaking, Apis. Pharynx, dry : Anthrok, lArg. nit, Atrop. s., IBelb, HCochb, Cycl., Erig, IKali iod, IPhyt, 11 Pod, Sab ac; posterior wall, lElaps ; exciting hawking with dry, hacking cough (influenza), IPhyt.; drinking did not moisten I ISang.; from fauces, I Agar.; in intermittent fever, ICoccul; burning heat, with hoarse- ness, Cain.; covered with tasteless, insipid mucus, with an offensive odor from mouth, not perceptible to himself, IPuls.; with a few adherent strings of mucus, high up, 11 Phyt.; sore, as if it would crack, impeding, finally obstructing deglutition, IMyr. cer.; and stiff, pharyngo-laryngeal mucous membrane, ,5Sseh.; with smarting behind larynx, Bry.; desire to swallow, Act rac; better swallow- ing and clearing throat of small white lumps of tenacious mucus with slight hacking, Sinap.; without thirst, Calad.; upper part, IPhyt. Pharynx, ecchymosis: Hippoz. Pharynx, eruption: papular, Amb, Hippoz.; like a spot on skin (epilepsy), IBufo.; vesicles, on upper part, Ant. t. 8§P ecchymosis, patches; also Throat eruption. Pharynx, exudate: IFerr. ph., ILac c; looking like dried starch, IMere iod. rub.; back wall coated with grayish deposit, lasting half an hour, ILac e; dirty looking pus, IMere cor.; dry, greenish yellow membrane or scab, wrinkled and fissured, to nares (ozaena), lElaps; covered with soft, gray, false mem- brane, Ant. t; diphtheritic, IMere cor, IMere cy.; diphtheritic, tenacious, grayish, offensive odor, IKali bb; diphtheritic patches, IKali m.; diphtheritic, yellowish, IKali perm.; patches, well defined, dead white, varying in size, similar to false membrane in diphthe- ritic angina, IMur. ac; patches of wash leather, IKali br.; spot yellowish gray, ILac c.; white, in catarrh, IKali m.; white, grayish, on pos- terior wall (laryngitis), IKali bb; whitish, thick, plastic, nauseous, appears at first in form of small white or grayish points, I I Ipec; yellow, about posterior wall, ISul. g®~ Throat diphtheria. Pharynx, fissured: covered with crusts, lElaps; to left of middle of posterior wall, a small crack, exuding blood, IKali bi. Pharynx, food: seemed to remain sticking, after dinner, Zinc; as if stuck behind breast bone, Cepa ; as if remaining, with nausea, ICale fi@" constriction, pressure ; also Oesophagus and Throat constriction, and Swallowing. Pharynx, follicles: large, reddish, IHep.; in- flamed after swabbing with nitrate of silver, IINatr. m. gag" catarrh, inflamed. Pharynx, fulness; Act. rac. g&g" pressing. Pharynx, glands: retro-pharyngeal,infiltrated, hyperaemic, grayish or blackish red, enlarged, Anthrax. Pharynx, granulations: red interlaced with white streaks reaching to oesophagus (con- sumption), IKali bi. Pharynx, glazed look: ICarbol. ac; glossy, as if varnished (diphtheria), HApis. Pharynx, heat: HCham, IColch,Manc,Tereb.; going down into stomach, Anthrok, Cepa; and thirst, ICham. 8§P burning, inflamed. Pharynx, inflamed: t.Bar. m, Berb, Bism, ILac c, ILach, Med, INatr. m, I ISang, Ziz.; in angina, llgn, ILach.; back wall, IMere iod. flav.; catarrhal, ICham, IGels.; chronic catarrhal, with ptyalism, especially if syphilitic, IFluor. ac; chronic, IKali iod, I ISep.; with constipation, ISib; dark red, spasmodic, irritable cough, INaja; croup- ous, affects tonsils and swollen gums, Hod.; dry or catarrhal, IPetrol.; with dryness, red- ness and pain, IFerr. ph.; epidemic, ILach.; wholesale destruction of epithelium, viscidity of saliva, heat of palms, I ILac e; with pro- fuse and exhausting expectoration, IPhyt.; follicular, IHydras, IKali m, ISee; chronic follicular, I IPhyt.; chronic granular, IPhyt.; in otitis media, IIMerc. d.; with paroxysmal cough, IPhyt.; catarrhal, rheumatic, 11 Puis.; slight, Lyss.; acute, secondary syphilis, ISyph. 8§P burning, catarrh, heat. Pharynx, irritation: Cochl.; posterior wall, IMere iod. flav, I IRumex; with cough, llris; in syphilis, I IPhyt; more irritable than lar- ynx, with affection of posterior nares (sore throat), IMere iod. rub. Pharynx, itching: Colch.; in swallowing, Stront. Pharynx, large: distressing sensation of en- largement of calibre, from choanae to epigas- trium, feels like a cavern, provokes a cough, paroxysmal, with profuse and exhausting ex- pectoration of thick, starch like mucus (chron- ic pharyngitis), I IPhyt. 8®" distension. Pharynx, as if a fine leaf lay before posterior nares, morning, after waking: IBar. e Pharynx, mucus: tough, in fauces, with ach- ing, IRumex ; back of, covered, Ant. t; gluti- nous, frothy, gargling scarcely detaches it, causes disgusting taste, preventing eating, IMyr. cer.; hawking, Carbol. ac, ICaust, Ptel.; strings, adhering to upper part, IPhyt.; on swallowing, ICale; tough, hanging down in strings, ICarbo a.; trickling, IMere; viscid, forming scanty crust, Myr. cer.; viscid, gray, 368 13. THROAT. jellylike, easily hawked up in morning, IIArg. met.; thick, yellow, tough and hard to remove, back part covered, Ind.; thick, yellow, taste- less, from upper part, Lact. ae; patched with yellow (diphtheria), INatr. a. B^T Throat hawking, mucus. Pharynx, nausea: ILye; caused by dry- ness, better by swallowing (intermittent), HCoccul. Pharynx, neuralgic affection: in sclerotitis, HSpig. Pharynx, numbness : in posterior wall, ICepa. Pharynx, pale : INatr. m.; in chronic follicular pharyngitis, I IPhyt. Pharynx, pain : Anthrok.; when swallowing, ICale p.; on swallowing, IGels. Pharynx, paralysis: Caps., ICoccul, IStram.; in typhus, lArs.; glosso-pharyngeal nerve, difficult swallowing, pain and dryness, I IKali m. 8®* Oesophagus and Throat, paralysis. Pharynx, patches: in back, some yellow,some white, scratching makes them bleed, I ILac e; like follicular disease, IKali m.; easily de- tached on inflamed membrane, IMere iod. flav.; posterior wall dotted with patches of mucus and small spots, which look ulcerated, ■Mere iod. flav.; three large, whitish patches (scarlatina), I Apis ; white spots, cannot be removed, ISub ac. 8^° eruption ; also Throat diphtheria. Pharynx, pressing in: Astac; painful, Iod.; on swallowing, ICale; down into abdomen as if a hard body were opposing from below, Zinc; sharp, in anterior wall, disappears on swallowing, Tarax. B^° constricted ; also (Esophagus and Throat constricted. Pharynx, pricking : in upper part, Bapt. 8£aP sticking. Pharynx, purplish: in diphtheria, INatr. a. Pharynx, rawness: Aloe, Coccus, IHep, 11 Rumex; in pharyngeal catarrh, IMere; feeling, Bapt.; from posterior nares, left side, down to oesophagus, as of mucus in nares and larynx, Lact. ac; worse towards evening, in influenza, IPhos.; half down oesophagus (syphilis), IMez.; scraping, toward evening, Zinc; in upper, Lact. ac. Pharynx, redness : Aur. mur, Calc. s,Hippoz, ■Mere iod. flav., I ISang.; in angina, llgn. Hod.; of back wall, IHep, IMere iod. flav, INitr. ae; back wall dark red, IKali bb; on back slight, in syphilis, IMez.; bluish, I IPuls.; bright, or dotted, Ferr. iod.; bright, in diph- theria, HApis ; smooth, or follicular, inflam- matory, with cough, IKali bi.; dark, INatr. m, 11 Sep.; dark (after tonsillitis), INatr. a.; dark, with a few strings of adherent mucus high up, I IPhyt.; deep, I llpec, Lyss.; deep purplish crimson, with gangrenous appearance, 11 Va- riol.; slight, erysipelatous, with dryness in throat and difficult swallowing, Lyss.; fiery, Berb.; or covered with gray or transparent flakes,Ant. t.;glossy, Natr. a.; pearly,like early manifestations of diphtheria, ICarbol. ae; permeated by enlarged bloodvessels, IHam.; equally distributed pink, Lyss.; in prosopalgia, IMez.; deep purple, I ILac e; pervaded by an equally diffused, purplish-scarlet blush, Lyss.; upper part, Ant. t; as if covered with wine dregs (scarlatina), I Apis. $)§£* catarrh, congested, inflamed. Pharynx, roughness: Apis, Iod, IPhyt.; in upper part, in a foggy atmosphere, Hyper.; worse toward evening, IPhos. B@~ scraping, scratching. Pharynx, scraping : Bapt, Cain., Cycl, IMez.; in upper part, in a foggy atmosphere, Hyper., worse towards evening, in influenza, IPhos. 8^* roughness. Pharynx, scratching : Tereb.; worse mornings, causing hoarseness, hawking, and rough cough, I INux v. 8€*P scraping. Pharynx, shooting: IBelb Pharynx, soreness: lAsaf., Calc. s, Med, INitr. ac, I ISang.; with shiny offensive throat and heavily coated tongue, I IPhos. Pharynx, spasm: IGels, IHydr. ac; as if it would close, IIKali iod.; convulsions, with chills and fever, I ITarant.; feeling of cramps, excited cough, in whooping cough, ICup. m, llris ; violent, lAnt e Pharynx, sticking: as of a fish bone, if he be- came cold, IIKali c; a morsel sticks during eating, as if pharynx were constricted, IINitr. ae 8€iP pricking, stitches; also Throat foreign body. Pharynx, feels stiff : Med. Pharynx, stitches : Iod.; at back, or toward left side, ICamph. g^T pricking, sticking. Pharynx, swelling: Berb, IBrom, Hippoz, IHep, IKali bi, I IPuls.; back wall, in angina, ILach.; in pharyngeal catarrh, IMere; in diphtheria, IKali perm, INatr. a.; feeling, Aloe, ICarbo v., Iod.; follicular enlargement, with chronic coryza, forming hardened yellow pieces of mucus, IKali bb; lump on left side, below tonsil, causing enlargement that filled each arch of palate nearly to right side, 11 Lac e; muscles, deglutition most painful, Dros.; pain, during swallowing, and on turning head, or feeling side of neck, IBell.; in spots, IMere viv.; could not swallow, Ant. t; upper part (after tonsillitis), INatr. a. Pharynx, taste: bitter, IKali iod.; rising into mouth, ITarax.; like dung, ICale Pharynx, tearing: sharp jerking, extends into left cervical muscles, Zinc.; when swallowing saliva, after dinner, Agar.; as if lining had been torn off, Med. Pharynx, tensive pain, Cupr. s.; and pressure in region of, worse from external pressure, IMere Pharynx, tickling: as if crumbs had remained behind, I IDros.; nightly, causes hacking cough, ISil. Pharynx, torpidity: ICaps. Pharynx, ulcers: ;Chrom. ae; on back wall, IMere per.; back part ulcerated, slowly heal after suppuration, ISub; discharge cheesy, of- fensive smelling lumps, IKali bb; gradually coalesce, Zinc; chronic, IKali bi.; small nod- ules, which become round ulcers, with hard edges and lardaceous base, slight pain, soon disappear from original place and appear in another part, IMere iod. rub.; deep, erysipela- tous and cedematous wound, Apis ; extensive, Zinc; foul, on mucous membrane, Hippoz.; left side sore w-ith suppurating ulcers (lepro- sy), I I Lach.; sharply defined or everted edges Zinc; round, Zinc; a considerable number of small, syphilitic, IMez.; syphilitic, flat, covered with pus, INitr. ac; in sore throat IMere cor. Pharynx, as if wearied when speaking, Apis. 13. THROAT. 369 SWALLOWING, aversion: rAtrop. s., Po- lyg.; obliged to swallow, after cough, when irritation passes off, Jamb. Swallowing, choking : Ananth, Ant. chl. Dig.; in asthma thymicum, IMeph.; from fluids, I I Lactu. v.; when eating or drinking, Anac; tilings go down wrong way easily, 11 Bell.; feeling, Ver.; feeling, in diphtheria, I ISang.; feeling, after swallowing, as from dry cough, Ammoniac; danger of suffocation, Bell.; things go down wrong way, Cann. s. Swallowing, constant: 8®* frequent. Swallowing, difficult: Acon,IAlum, I I Alumin, Amm. c. Ant. chl., Ant. t, Anthrok, I Ars, lAur. met. Bar. m, IBelb, Benz. ae, Bism., IBry, ICale, ICanth, ICaps, Card, m, Carb. s., HCarbov, ICaust, Cham., IChel, ICie, I ICina, Cochl., IColch, Con, ICrotal, ICup. m, Dros, IDulc,Gamb,IHell,IHep, IHyos, llgn. Hod, Ind, Inul, llpec, IIKali c, IKalm, I ILac c, IILach., ILye, IMere, IIMerc. d, IINitr. ac, IINux v, I IPhos, Phos. ae, IPhyt, HPlumb., Puis., Rhus v., IRhus, Sabad, Sep, Sil, IStram, Sul. ac, I ISul, Therid, Vespa ; from absence of power in muscles, in scarlatina, typhus, or after diph- theria, I Apis ; becoming true aphagia, as from paralysis, IOp.; frequent attacks, IKali bb; feeling as if swallowing over a bone, with roll- ing around, llgn.; in chorea, lAgar., I Art. v., IVer. v.; in cynanche cellularis, I Art. v.; from constriction, IHyos.; of solids; as from con- traction, IRhus; constriction of muscles, IStram.; from spasmodic constriction, IStram.; with convulsions, IStram.; causing severe cough and attacks of suffocation, I IStann.; from two cracks running lengthwise on each side of median line of tongue, which is cov- ered with herpetic eruption (secondary syph- ilis), I ISyph.; in croup, ISpong.; in cynanche cellularis anthrax, lAnthrac; from dryness, Atrop.; ten days after cut on right side of forehead, with stiffness of muscles of neck and jaw (traumatic tetanus), INux v.; in diph- theria, Chin, a, ILac c, IILach, IMere cor, IMere cy, IMere iod. flav.; only a single drop, I Apis ; with dryness of fauces, Ustil.; dryness of palate, causing a stinging, Men- yanth.; from dryness, extending down phar- ynx, Atrop. s.; dry throat, ^Esc. h, Aur. mur, ILach, HStram, ITabae, Thlaspi; from irri- tation of epiglottis,Apis ; with sour eructation, Oxal. ae; with redness of fauces, IMere cy.; particularly fluids, Lyss.; of liquids, IStram.; fluids returning through nose, Lyss.; of fluids, painful in syphilis, IMez.; of fluids (traumatic tetanus), IHydr. ae; food remains halfway, with gagging andvomiting (stricture of oesoph- agus), IKali e; seeks to force food past af- fected spot by twisting body or assuming some favorable position after which she is better (oesophagitis), IIRhus; in fever, Bar. m.; in fever, worse in evening, I IPuls.; in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; in typhoid, I IPhos.; in ty- phus, I Apis, I Arg. nit.; in yellow fever, IVer.; food presses, IMez.; something seems to rise and meet food (cardialgia), ILobel. b; with pain in submaxillary glands, IStram.; as from swelling of glands, Asar.; gruel would not go down, 7rAtrop. s.; with head- ache, IBelb; with frontal headache, Cro- tal.; from pressure and stinging, Mar. v.; in | hydrophobia, Aspar., IBell, Lyss.; in hydro- cephaloid, llgn.; in hysterical spasms, ICie; impeded, with constriction, fulness or press- ure, in larynx, Hod.; impeded, with stinging in throat, IStram.; impeded, from ulceration of oesophagus, Hod.; almost impossible, An- anth., Elaps, I IMed.; almost impossible, in diphtheria, IMere cor, IMur. ac, IIRhus; almost impossible, throat feels dry and rough, IPhyt.; almost total inability, especially fluids, IKali br., ILac. e; almost entire inability, with hoarseness, I Aeon.; incomplete, Benz. ac; in influenza, IPhyt.; inelastic feeling in larynx, Sul. ac; feeling of a bunch on left side, shifts to right, Xan.; sensation of a lump in left side (diphtheria), I ILac c; in menin- gitis, I I Ant. t, IStram.; in cerebrospinal men- ingitis, ICie; nervous dysphagia, I 101. caje.; more difficult at 5 p.m. than in morning (after Belladonna), Lyss.; as if there were an obsta- cle, on awaking, Zing.; feeling of obstruction, every other day, first rightside, ILach.; ob- structed by dry pharynx, sore as if it would crack, IMyr. cer.; as from constriction of oeso- phagus, HCinch.; paralytic, ICaps.; in paral- ysis of face, ICadm. s.; beginning paralysis of glossopharyngeal nerve, with dryness and pain in throat (diphtheria), 11 Kali m.; as if pal- ate were down, Arumm.; in parturition, llgn.; with small yellowish white patches of exuda- tion on tonsil of affected side, I ILac e; a pause is required between each act, Hod.; in prosopalgia, IMez.; with slight eysipelatous redness in pharynx, Lyss.; particularly saliva, Bufo.; in scarlatina, I Apis, IBelb, IMere iod. rub., IMur. ac, IIRhus; as if there were a swelling on left side above larynx, Arum m.; as from internal swelling, I Arg. met, IHep.; could not utter a syllable, Chloral.; with stitching, Rhus; in syphilis, I Jacea; violent efforts, woke from sleep, Sal. ac; worse after much talking (tonsillitis), IBar. e; in tetanus, IChloral., ICie; in tetanus, after a burn, lAmyb; as if nothing would pass properly, IBelb; in sore throat, Jacar, IPuls, Vinca; in sore throat, 2 p.m., Lyss.; throat feels swollen, IPsor.; through implication of ton- gue, 11 Vace; in tonsillitis, IIBar. c, IBell, ICanth, IHep, ILach, IMere; with in- flammation of tonsils and uvula, INatr. s.; with swollen tonsils (diphtheria), ILac e; with ulcers in throat, IMere iod. rub.; from ulcers on tongue, IMere viv.; uvula swollen, ICoca; in variola, IIRhus; after vomiting, INatr. s. BiiP inability, painful; also (Eso- phagus constriction, spasm, stricture, and Throat constriction, spasm. Swallowing, drink: g^*- liquids. Swallowing, ears: cracking, IBar. e, ICale, lEup. pur.; cracking, with earache, I IKali m.; creaking, as from a wooden screw, Agar.; cut- ting, from tonsils, in diphtheria, I ILac e; itching, ISib; feeling as if something moved, INatr. c; painful, Ailant, lElaps, ILach, IMere, IINitr. ae, IParis; painful, in diph- theria, HApis, IILach.; painful, in left, Carb. s.; violent pressure, also when sneezing, Sub; pricking, in tonsils, extends to ears (diphthe- ria), 11 Lac e; noise, Benz. ae; obstruction momentarily better, Mere; painful, in right, in diphtheria, IKali bb; painful in right, in sore throat, IMere iod. flav.; painful in right, 24 370 13. THROAT. in chronic hypertrophy of tonsils, IBar. m.; I pricking burning in eustachian tube, com- pels swallowing, 11 Aeon.; sharp shock from within outward, Con, IGels, IPhyt.; shoot- ing, worse in right, IPhyt.; shooting, cannot sit or lie, IGels.; stitches, IMang.; stitches, in diphtheria, IINux v.; dull stitches from sides of larynx, IIMagn.; stitches in left, Anac; stitches, in nervous cases, IINux v.; short stitches, IPetrol.; tearing in left, Anac; renews warmth and fulness in ears, Arum d. Swallowing, empty: aggravates cough, INatr. m.; desire for, IBell, ICinnab.; throat feels dry, raw, painful, worse in warm room, Bry.; causes irritation, ILye; causes pain in larynx, IBelb; feeling as if swallowing a piece of meat, Sub; opens his eyes (stupor), Tereb.; painful, Bry, Coccul, Graph, IHam., Hep, IILach, IMere, Nux v. Puis, Rhus, Sub, Variol, Vespa, Zinc; painful, in angina, IBell, Berb., ILach, Tell.; contracting pain, ICinnab.; painful, in diphtheria, IILach, 11 Merc. iod. rub.; more painful than liquids (diphtheria), ISub; smarting worse, IIBar. e; scraping, ISep.; stinging at night and in cold air (angina), IMere; stitching, ISep. B€iP frequent. Swallowing, food : g^~ solids. Swallowing, frequent: Aeon, ^Esc. h. Alum, Arum t, Asaf, IBelb, Bry, ICale, Caps, Car- bol. ae, Caust, ICed, Cham, ICina, Cinch, ICon, llgn, Kalm., ILac e, IILach., ILye, ILyss, IMeieiod. flav, Nux v,Phos,Puls,ISa- bad, Senecio, Seneg., Staph., Sub,Zing.; with burning, IVer. v.; globus hystericus, lAsaf.; feeling as if a crumb of bread remained stick- ing in throat, better by hawking, IILach.; as if he would choke if he did not, IBelb; causing choking, IKali e; causing choking after taking cold, IKali c; causes constricted feeling, IBapt.; relieves cough and soreness, Apis ; in chronic angina, lAnt e; in diph- theria, IBapt.; caused by feeling of a lump behind larynx, Ustil ; from sensation as of plug or phlegm, ICoff.; in menorrhagia, ICar- bol. ac; causes nausea and irritation, leftside, Diose; better while eating and after (diar- rhoea), ICaust.; with burning in fauces, IVer. v.; with sensation of a lump, IILach, ILyss, ISabad, I ISul.; caused by sensation of a lump On one side, ceases only to commence on op- posite side, alternates, 11 Lac e; from sensa- tion of a lump (diphtheria), IMere iod. flav.; from constriction of larynx, better in open air, IColoe; causes pain in root of tongue, I IBapt; red and swollen, I INux v.; in tonsillitis, IBelb, ILach.; from dryness, ILach, Merc. iod. flav.; ISep, ISub; in typhoid malaria, ILye vir.; in helminthiasis, HSpig.; especially when walking in wind, ICon.; from sensation as if something were sticking low down on oesoph- agus, Vinca; while talking, Staph.; with raw and bloody mucous membrane, after diph- theritic membrane exfoliates, IILac e; with constant watery secretion in mouth, Kob. B^p empty, saliva. Swallowing hastily (in rage): lAnae Swallowing, inability: ^Ethus., 11 Amyg, lApis, Arum t, ^Atrop.s, Bell,Chlor, IGels,IHydr. ae, IILac c, ILach, INux v, IOp, Sabina, HSpong.; acrid things (syphilis), ILach.; in apoplexy, IHyos.; bread, as if it were too dry, llgn.; from choking which rises from stomach, with thirst for cold water, IManc; prevented by a kind of muscular contraction, I ILac e; in croup, -Ant t; in delirium, IBelb; in diphtheria, IKali bi, IKali perm, IMere cy, I ISul. ae; from dryness and roughness, Men- yanth.; in typhus, ICamph., IBapt.; food stays, ILach ; in hemiplegia, lElaps; in in- flamed throat, IMere cor.; in inflammation of throat, with smallpox, ^0 gramme to 120 grammes water used as a gargle, IMere cor.; especially fluids, ICina; even a teaspoonful of fluid, IINitr. ae; in lyssophobia, Lyss.; from nausea, as if food would not go down, I I Arn.; in oesophagitis, as from paralysis, ILach, IOp.; in paralysis, Curar, IGels, INux m., INux v.; paralysis, in typhus, IBapt, ICoccul.; in post-diphtheritic paralysis, Sec; from ob- struction, Arund.; refused, in scarlatina, HAi- lant.; in sunstroke, IGlon.; from swelling of throat, internally and externally, HSub; sweet things (syphilis), ILach.; in tetanus, ICie; in angina tonsillaris, IIBar. e; in ton- sillitis, lAcon,, IBar. c, IHep.; no effort to, when water is put into mouth (typhus, hydro- cephalus), I Apis ; with unconsciousness (con- vulsions in a child), lAmyb 8@^* difficult. Swallowing, inclination : B€IP frequent. Swallowing, liquids: aggravation from, lApis, Brom, Cina, llgn., ILach, I IMere cor.; roll audibly down throat as if poured into an empty barrel, I IHydr. ae; difficult, IBelb, ICanth, IChin. a, ICup. m, llgn. Hod., ILach, IMere, Natr. m, Phos., Sib; difficult, producing cough (diphtheria), IMur. ae; diffi- cult, in mercurial salivation, IHydras.; large, but difficult (typhoid), IZinc; escape through nose, Ananth, IIArum t, IBar. e, Bell., ICanth, IKali bi, IKali perm, ILac c, IILach, IMere, IMere cor., IMere cy, IPhyt, ISul. ae; painful, in traumatic teta- nus, IHydras.; painful, grasps throat, IILach.; warm or spirituous fluids can partially be swallowed, cold drinks come up immediately (stenosis oesophagi), IGels. 8^" Chap. 7, Nose fluids; also Chap. 15, Drinking noise. Swallowing, painful: Ant. chb, Amnd, Atrop. s, IBell, Berb., Bism, Brach, IBry, Calcp, HCinch, Coff, Dros, Eucab, Fluor.ae, IHep, Ind, Inul,IKali bb, IKali c,HLac c, Lac def, ILach, Lyss, Med., IMere, Merc, cy, IMere iod. rub, Mur. ac, INatr. c, INitr. ac, INux v, Oenan, IPetrol, IPhos., IPhyt, I IPod, IIPuls, IRhus, Sang, Sep, Staph., Sul, Thuya, I IVerbas.; causes anxiety (diphthe- ria), IMere cy.; agony on attempting to swal- low bread, Lyss.; burning, Arn, Arund, Stil- ling.; burning, in oesophagitis, 11 Ars.; burn- ing, like fire (colic), lArs.; with rough voice, ISub; in chest, ICale p.; in coryza, Ars. m.; cramplike, strangling pain, externally, in muscles of throat, IZinc; cutting, Stann.; cut- ting, in diphtheria, IMere cy.; feeling of throat being denuded, Stann.; distorts face, ISib; distorts face and draws head down, IINitr. ae; better after warm drinks, I Alum.; from dryness, Arum d.; with dryness of glot- tis, IMed.; in dyspepsia, I Arg. nit.; in epigas- trium, ICale p.; in epiglottis, worse when de- pressing tongue, IMere cor.; as from excoria- 13. THROAT. 371 tion, HHydras.; wartlike excrescences feel like pointed bodies, I Arg. nit; in fauces, ICale p.; in right side of fauces, Brom.; with fever heat, Mane; with high fever, in diphtheria, IMere cy.; in miliary fever, IGels.; as of a fish bone, I Apis, IIHep.; as if food had to force itself over a sore spot when swallowing, I Bar. c.; food seems to lodge, then feels as if passing over a sore spot, INatr. m.; food rests on back of tongue, causing thrill- ing pain (cancrum oris), ILach.; as of a foreign body, IMere; swollen glands in neck (rheu- matism), IMere; in goitre, ISpong.; as of something hard, IKali e;in angina herpetica, I Ars.; in hysteria, ISib; inclination, without being able to swallow anything, Lyss.; lancina- ting, Bell.; in larynx, IBell, HSpong.; in larynx, worse when depressing tongue,IMere cor.; in a small place, in region of left corner of hyoid bone, Jamb.; in left side, llgn., IILach., I IMillef, Sib, Stront; soft palate felt like dried leather (influenza), ISticta ; during menses, ICale; in mornings, Oxal. ae; muscles extremely sore, lAcon.; in pharynx, ICale p.; pricking and cutting through ton- sils, ILac e; pressing, I Amm. m., Calend, IIKali iod.; pressing, in left side, Sib; press- ing, especially solids, IKali e; pressing, on right side, I IKreo.; pressing, in skin disease, IBar. e; pressing, as from internal swelling, Rhus ; pressing, as from swelling of palate, Sub; as if pressed in xiphoid cartilage, Asaf; pressing, in induration like cartilage beneath chin, anteriorly by symphysis, Staph.; prepa- ration, Amm.br.; rawness, IIArg. met,Iodof; rawness on left side, llgn.; one time on right, another on left side, I ILac c; in scarlatina, lApis, IBell, ICale, ILac c, I I Stram, I ISub; scraping, Bapt, I INux v.; shooting, IBelb; worse on one side (angina), IKali m.; after sleep and from fruit (scarlatina), ILac e; smarting, IIBar. c; especially solids, sour or hot substances, worse right side, lApis; sore- ness, IIArg. met., Arum d, Calc. p. Staph.; soreness on back of tongue, Benz. ae; sore- ness, as from internal swelling, I Ars.; from intense swelling, IHep.; soreness, in chronic tonsillitis, llgn.; soreness, in tonsils, with nosebleed, IILach.; sticking, ILach, Sib; sticking, as from a splinter, IIHep.; sticking, worse on beginning to swallow (diphtheria), I IRhus; stinging, IKali c, IIKali iod.; sting- ing, burning, extends to stomach, IKali c; stinging and choking, IIAcon.; stinging, of inflamed fauces, Stront.; stinging, in goitre, ^Spong; stinging, between intervals, Apis ; stinging, in skin disease, IBar. e; as from swelling, IRhus; stinging, in tonsils, lApis, IRhus; stitches, ISabad, HSub; stitches, in erysipelas, 11 Rhus; straining, ISpong.; in syphilis, Uacea, IMere, INitr. ac, IPhyt.; tearing, in syphilitic neuralgia, I ISyph.; ten- sive pain, Chim. m.; in ulcerated throat, IKali perm.; feels ulcerated, ILach.; from swelling of uvula, I IMere cor. BgT" empty, liquids, saliva, solids. Swallowing, paralysis: 8®*difficult,inability. Swallowing, saliva: aggravation, Bar. c,IPuls.; cracking in left ear, Thuya ; constant desire, ILach.; difficult, IILach.; leftside felt sore, Sinap.; painful, IBelb, Calcp, I IPhyt, Psor, Rhus, ISabad., Thuya; relieves, Alum.; slight soreness in back part, worse on awaking in morning (angina), ILach.; urging to, in in- flammation of tonsils and uvula, INatr. s. Swallowing, solids (food): aggravation, Phos. ac; bread, scraping, as if raw, ILach.; con- stant cramp, causing him to retch as if food would not go down, I IGraph.; difficult, I Alum, lArg. nit, IBelb, INux v.; reach a certain point, and then are violently ejected with fearful gagging and suffocation (stenosis), INatr. m.; aching across clavicles, up left side of neck into ear, Tarax.; as if food had to force itself over a sore spot, IBar. e; gullet feels too small, Tarax.; as if food had lodged in cardiac region(stricture of oesophagus),lAcon.; difficult, when lying down, ICham.; pain in shoulders, IRhus; food seems to push up, as if it had not been swallowed, Ferr. iod.; spasms of pharynx, llris; as if food were turning, Elaps ; inability, in spasmodic strict- ure of oesophagus, IIBapt, IIBar. c; leaves a sensation of something remaining, IKali bb; food seems to pass over a lump, with sore and aching pains, extending to and into left ear (diphtheria), I ILac e; muscles weak, food goes down wrong way, INatr. m.; painful, Alum, Badiag, IBar. c, IBry, Cham, Hep, IKali bb, INitr. ac, Phos, IRhus, Sep, Sub; painful, in diphtheria, I ILac e; causes gurg- ling, followed by gagging, in spasmodic strict- ure of throat,ILach.; food regurgitates through nose, IILyc, I IPhos. BisPCEsophagus strict- ure, Throat constriction. Swallowing, shivering: during and after,IMerc cor. Swallowing, spasms: of fauces and glottis, IBelb; of glottis, IMere cor.; attempt renews spasms of throat, IHyos.; in chorea, ILaur.; with swelling and pain, in diphtheria phleg- mosa, ILye 8£g~ (Esophagus constriction, spasm, stricture. Swallowing, stiffness: in throat, iEse h.; in angina, IHydr. Swallowing, taste: like garlic, Calc. a.; like rancid oil, Ipec. Swallowing : 8@~ Chap. 15, Drinking and Eat- ing. THROAT, aching: Ars. m.; as after cold, Cepa ; worse coughing than swallowing (exos- tosis on skull), IIArg. met.; pressing during deglutition, IIFerr.; to left hip, wearing (pa- ralysis), ICurar.; caused by reading, HStann.; to stomach, with burning, Cund. Throat, acrid feeling: after eating, I I Arum d, I Arum t, I ICast. v, INitr. ac. B®- burning, raw. Throat, afternoon: aggravation, Canth.; at 3 r.M, IBelb; at 4 p.m., ILye Throat, anaesthesia: IKali br. Throat, aphtha?: IBry.; cankers (dysentery), ICanth. Throat, apprehensive feeling: Cann. s. Throat, sensation of a ball: ICepa, ILach.; with oppressed feeling in chest, after sunset, with tendency to cry, like hysteria, Natr. s.; as if mucus had lodged, 11 Ars.; painful, when talk- ing or swallowing, causing much anxiety, I IParis ; in left side, feeling that it could be removed with a knife, 11 Lac e; as if ball were rising,ICalab,llgn., I IKali ph, IKalm., IVer v.; hard ball seems to rise, close pharynx and take away breath, Sub; as of a ball rising, 372 13. THROAT. causes difficult respiration (hysteria), IIAsaf; seems to threaten suffocation, Kali ars, Lyss, IPlumb.; as if wedged in, Stram.; uvula red and swollen, 11 Nux v. 86P foreign body, globus hystericus, lump, plug. Throat, biting sensation : IColch. Throat, bleeding : IHam.; mucous membrane after diphtheritic membrane exfoliates, with frequent swallowing, I ILac e; blood spitting, IIAcon., I Arn, ICanth, ICinch, IFerr, IFerr. ph., IHam, llpec, IPhos, ISang.; warm blood rises and flows out of her mouth, IMillef. Throat, blenorrhcea: IBar m. 8®" catarrh. Throat, bloodvessels: varicose veins, IBar. m., IFluor. ac, IIHam., IPuls.; bluish, from distended veins, discomfort and pain on swal- lowing, hawking of mucus with blood,IHam.; blueness from distension, Thuya; varicosis in gouty subjects, IHam.; venous dilatation, in chronic catarrhal laryngitis, IMang. Throat, burning: I Aeon., IvEsc. h, ^Ethus., I Alum, Ammoniac, Ananth., Ant. chl, An- throk, I Apis, HArs, Ars. h., I Aspar., Arum m.,IArumt,Bapt, Bism, Bor, Bov,Bry,Calc. fl., ICanth, HCaps, TrCarbol. ac, ICarbo a, Carbo v., HCaust, Ced, Cepa, Chel., Cinch, IClem,Crot.t,Cycb,Eucal, Ferr. iod, Ferr. m, IGels, IGuaiac, Gymn, IHep, IHyos., llris, Lact. ac, ILach, Lobel. i., ILye, IMere, I Merc. cor, IMere iod. flav, Merc, per, Merc, sul, IIMez, I lOxabac, Pseonia, Paris, Phos. ac, I IPsor, Ran. sc, Rhod, Sal. ae, Seneg, Sil, ISpong, Squilla, Stram, ISub,ITabae, Tereb, IVer, Vespa ; as from something acrid, Aph. chen, I lArum d, lArum t; as from alcohol, I Amm. e; in asthma, HZing.; in back part, Arn.; in back part, with hawking, I Aeon.; in acute bronchial catarrh, IKali bb; in chronic catarrh, I Apis ; as from caustic, 11 Lace; after application of caustics, especially nitrate of silver, IINatr. m.; like a burning cavern, llris; as from hot coal, to stomach, with pain and anxiousness, Euphor.; contracting pain,Stram.; with dry tickling cough, llris ; during cough, Hep, Iod, IPhos.; in consumption, Hod.; in croup, IPhos.; in diphtheria, IKali bb; with dryness, Coccul, ILobel b; with dryness and roughness, as if scraped by an acorn, I IMagn. e; after breakfast, Agar.; after eating, Calc, INitr. ae; as soon as she eats. ILye; during eating or drinking, IParis ; duringeating, left side of roof as if burned, Calc. s.; after dinner, rough sensation, IDros.; especially after eating sweet things, ISang.; with sour eructation, ISub; feeling as if burnt, Cupr. s, ILaur, I IPod.; in typhoid fever, HCalad.;in yellow fever, IGels.; as if on fire, HCanth.; like fire, when swallowing (colic), lArs.; as if flames were rushing out Euphor.; in front, Spong.; with hawking,Coccus.;like heartburn, I Caust, Zinc; with hoarsenes,ICale; with hoarseness, particularly while eating or drinking, I IPa- ris ; as if a ball of red hot iron had lodged, IPhyt; inflammatory, IIRane b.; in influ- enza, Seneg.; below and posterior to larynx, especially on swallowing, IPetrol.; lump in pit, impedes swallowing and respi- ration (cardialgia), ILobel. b; in morning, with inability to breathe through nose, IKali bb; as of mustard, Ananth.; with nausea, Mane, Urt. ur.; worse at night (bronchitis), IMere; before midnight, Arum t; numbness, lAcon.; down oesophagus, with pain in stomach, Dory.; worse in palate when inhaling, Aph. ch.; in pit, Calc. p.; at pit, in evening, Arund.; as if he had swallowed a small quantity of red pepper, Lyss.; pricking, ILye; worse by pressure, empty deglutition and cold water, Kob.; in prosopalgia, IMez.; first right, then left, ISub; rising, ICale p.; rising, in diarrhcea, HSub; making her roll about floor, Cup. ars.; con- stant need to swallow saliva to relieve, Cub.; as if from sand, Berb.; scalded feeling, Absin, I Apis, Merc, sul, I I Psor.; as if scalded, in hay catarrh, I ISticta; as if scalded, with intense redness of mucous membrane of tongue. cheeks and fauces, with small vesicular points, extends wherever there is mucous membrane, even to rectum and vagina, I IRhus v.; as if scalded by hot fluid, ILac c; feels scalded, worse during empty swallowing, IMere iod. rub.; in scarlatina, lArum t, ICaps.; on both sides, seemed to arise from chest, HCaust.; smarting, as if scalded, Eup. pur.; from smok- ing, better by drinking, Tarax.; small spots (stomacace), ICarbo v.; stinging, HApis; stinging, in stricture of oesophagus, ILyss.; with desire for stool, Cornus; to stomach, I Amyb; to stomach, Arn., Carb. s.; like a stick reaching down to stomach, Ananth.; to stomach during deglutition, IKali e; when swallowing, Ant. chl, Arn, IPuls.; not caused by swallowing, HCaust.; when swallowing saliva, Merc. iod. flav.; when swallowing, in oesophagitis, HArs.; on swallowing, with rough voice, ISub; with painful swallowing, Stilling.; between acts of swallowing, HCaps.; sense of swelling, ILach.; with sour taste, Nitr. ae; with thirst,Cub, Cup. m, INux v. Sec; tickling, IKali iod.; as if having swal- lowed tobacco, Eup. pur.; in tonsillitis, IBell, IMere iod. flav.; from other parts towards, Calc. p.; in small ulcers, INatr. in.; to umbili- cal region, 11 Oxal. ae; high up in cavity pos- terior to uvula, Cist; as from hot vapor ascending from stomach, IMere; greatly ag- gravated by prolonged use of voice (chronic granular pharyngitis), IPhyt; with daily vomiting, of chocolate masses (carcinoma ventriculi), Mez.; with vomiting of frothy mucus, with cough and frothy expectoration, Urt. ur.; with desire to vomit, during preg- nancy, IMagn. e; when walking, particularly against wind, and when eating warm food, IHep.; as of boiling water rising, IStram.; when he tries to swallow water, Lyss.; into left nostril, like a stream of scalding water, IGels. 8@?° heat, inflamed. Throat, cancer : B€iP Pharynx cancer. Throat, catarrh: Alum., IBadiag., IHydras, IMere, I IMyr. cer, INatr. a, INux v, IPuls, IRumex, ISub; with abdominal complaints' Apis; inflammation, simulating diphtheria' IPhyt. BilP blennorrhcea, congested, inflamed. Throat, chest: pain extends to, ILac e Throat, choking: Abies, IBell, Calc. fl, Cupr s, ICed, ICup. m, IGlon, IHyos, Iber. IILach, I ILacc,IPhyt,Stram,Sub; with anx- iety, HSpong.; daily attacks, I IOp.; on awak- ing, Crotal.; at back, 10 a.m. , Lyss.; frequent- ly after dog bite, I IStram.; as if she could 13. THROAT. 373 not get her breath (sore throat), ICale; worse by breathing, I ICheb; extends to bifurcation of bronchia, I ISyph.; as if closing, between throat and nose,I ILac e; in convulsion, ICup. ae; as after eating choke-pears, IPhyt; after dinner, when sitting and writing, Bar. e; during bilious eructations, ICheb; fulness, must swallow often, I I Eup. pur.; with giddi- ness, IILach.; as if some one grasped him, causing suffocation, worse waking in morning (angina), ILach.; like a hair in back part, comes suddenly, causes sickness (gastric dis- order), IKali bi.; from hawking phlegm from fauces, Amb.; with disposition to hawk up phlegm, Carbol. ac; after insjuration, Asaf; as of a lump in pit, Dolich.; sudden, when lying down, 01. jec; in meningitis, IVer.; particularly in morning and evening, 01. an.; at night, awaking, lApis ; at night, caused by copious offensive mucus from posterior nares, ISpig.; w-ith cardiac pains, Arg. nit., ICact; persistent, I lOl.caje; noise as if being choked, during pregnancy, seventh month, in a woman with albuminuria, dropsy, headache, etc., I IGSnan.; in right side only, when not swal- lowing, Zinc; rising, something seems to rise as if she would suffocate, ICham, I INux v.; caused by inability to swallow, after taking cold, IKali e; spasmodic, IBell, ILach, Nic- col.; when speaking, Mane; coming up, hin- dering speech, IManc; as from hasty swal- lowing, ICheb; provoking constant swallow- ing, ILye; sensation as if swollen outside, IFerr.; in syphilis, IPhyt.; as if throttled, IGlon.; with worms, ICina, ISpig., ITereb. B^iP constriction, pressing. Throat feels as if closed : Tarax, Variol. 8^" choking, swelling. Throat, coldness: HCarbo v., Cepa, IVer.; far back and deep in, with deep respiration now and then, followed by great relief, Lyss.; all day, Cist; icy, after warmth, 11 Lactu. v.; dur- ing inspiration, Sub; pains worse on drinking cold milk, not cold water, better by warm drinks, after scarlatina (diphtheria), ILye; as of something cold rising in, Caust.; throat to roof of mouth, cooling sensation, ICamph. Throat, constriction: ^Ethus., HApis,Amyb, Ananth, Ant. t, lArn, lArs, Ars. h., Arum t, Asaf, Aurant, IBapt, IIBell, Benz. ac, Calc, ICepa, ICie, Cinch, bol. Coccus, ICro- tal, ICrot. t, ICup. m, Cycl, IDig, Dory, 11 Eryng, IFerr, Ferr. mur, IGels, Guaraa, IHell, IHyos, Iber, Jacar, IILach., I ILact, ac,'IMere cor, Merc, s, IMez., INaja, Niccol, INuxv,l IPuls, Rhod,ISep., Stilling,IStram, Sul. ac, I IZinc ; in asthma, llpec; on awak- ing, Ast. rub., Crotal., 11 Ver.; back part, at 3 p.m., worse at 4, disappearing at 6, but returned at 7 and lasted until 10, Lyss.; as if throat and chest wrere bound together, so that he had to sit up, bending forward, I Ars.; with em- barrassed breathing, Crotal.; with dyspno>a, mustloosen cravat, Sars.; obstruction of breath at pit, ICoccul.; with stoppage of breath, as if by a spasm (asthma), Sars.; in cardialgia, I IPlumb.; extended to chest, Amyb; convul- sive motion, with feeling as of a stone there, Bufo.; during cough, Bell., IPuls.; with dry cough, Ascl. t, IBrom, I IPhos ; causing cough, ICale; causing constant dry hacking cough, ILac e; with spasmodic dry tickling cough, IMagn. p.; with cough at midnight (asthma), I IPuls.; in dyspepsia, I Arg. nit; in epilepsy, ICrotal.; with empty eructations and palpitation of heart, Coloe; food cannot be easily swallowed, ICarbo v.; in gastric disturbance, Tarant; with hawking, spitting, irritation to vomit, Aeon.; as of hoop around throat (asthma), Cact.; as if lame, Coccul.; at larynx, I ICheb; in leftside, IBar. e; par- ticularly in morning and evening, 1101. an.; as if too narrow, Apis, I Arum t, ICale, Sabad, I ISub; as if too narrow, must swallow con- tinually, HCaust; low down, with slight nausea, ILact. ae; as if oesophagus would be closed, as after swallowing an astringent drink, ISabad.; painful, Arum m, HSub; painful, on attempting to eat (angina faucium), ILach.; painful, when talking or swallowing, causing anxiety, 11 Paris; with slight pain over left eye. I Uran. n.; with palpitation, worse by motion, deep inspiration and holding breath, IKalm.; with palpitation and weakness, Mane; suffocating, in parturition, llgn.; in angina pectoris, ITabae; with sensation like a plug, when swallowing, I ISep.; with retch- ing, Con.; retching, as if food or plug were stuck in there, worse swallowing, disappears on continuing to swallow, but returns, llgn.; in scarlatina, ICaps.; with sneezing, IIArum t; spasmodic, IIBell, ICon, llpec, ILach, IILaur.; spasmodic, at back, ICanth.; spas- modic, with tightness of chest, llpec; spas- modic, in angina faucium, ICaps.; spasmodic, directly across, beneath lower jaw, Sang.; spasmodic, left side and after sleep, ILach.; spasmodic, painful, Lact. ac; spasmodic, in epidemic pharyngitis and laryngitis, ILach.; spasmodic, ascending from stomach, Jatroph, Mane; spasmodic, on attempting to swallow liquid, IMagn. p.; spasmodic, with difficult swallowing, I ILac c, IStram.; spasmodic, suf- focative, ICact, ILach, IMosch, IVer.; be- fore attack of spasms, IMosch.; in spasms, after fright, ICup. m.; in spasms, before menses, I IPuls.; impeding speech, Mane; feelsesome- thing there preventing speech, cannot eat, IPuls.; unable to speak a loud word, Ratan.; with every word he speaks, I IDros.; suffoca- tive, in angina pectoris, HCact; suffocative, in hysteria, llgn.; suffocative, on swallowing, IBell, ICale, ICup. m. Thuya; on swallow- ing, in cholera, ILauroc, IBelb; exciting de- sire to swallow, Cact.; caused by frequent efforts at swallowing, iBapt.; swallowing dif- ficult, Ced, IFluor. ae; swallowing difficult, nothing goes down, IILyc; on swallowing, empty, ICinnab, Gratiob; when swallowing saliva, INatr. s.; on swallowing solids, Lact.ac; after swallowing, followed by thirst, Polyg.; when trying to swallow, with great urging to do so, IPlumb.; on swallowing, with desire to swallow continually, Zinc; caused by steam arising from fat, HPsor.; transitory, extend- ing to larynx, Ascl. t; as if tied, lArum t, ICamph, ICrotal.; as if tied by a string, in influenza, ISabad.; feeling as from something tight about neck, makes breathing difficult, Diose, ILach.; with titillation, IVer.; in tris- mus, pulls and tears at throat, ILach.; in tu- berculosis mesenterica, Hod.; in upper part, Bell.; when walking, Natr. s.; better when 374 13. THROAT. walking, I IDros.; worse when taking water into mouth, (spasm of throat), Lyss. 8@°" choking, pressing ; also "(Esophagus, and Pharynx, constriction, spasm. Throat, congested: IBar. m, Chlor, llris, IKali bi, HPhyt, Syph.; with cough, IIBell.; after kidney complaints, IBerb.; in morning, I lElaps. 8@P inflamed. Throat, sensation of cotton : I IPhos. Throat, crawling: Cist.; causing cough, I Amm. m, I IBry, IKali c, ICarbo v. ggg" tickling. Throat, cutting : Brach.; as from knives, when swallowing, Stann.; deeply, ISabad.; worse in palate, when inhaling, Aph. ch.; when swal- lowing, IPuls, I IPsor.; soreness between acts of swallowing, Mang. ggg*- lancinating. Throat, darting: to ear and head, IMere cy.; to occiput, on touching throat, ILach. Throat, digging : from before backward, when coughing, I Ars. 8@^* cutting, lancinating. Throat, crumb : 8€iP foreign body. Throat, diphtheria: lAcet. ac, Ailant, Amm. c, I Ant. t, HApis, I I Arg. met, IIArum t, HArs, Ars. h, IIBapt, Bar. c. Bell., IIBrom., IBry.,ICale p., I ICanth, ICaps, I ICarbol. ac, IChin. a, Chlor, IChrom. ac. Citrus, ICrotal, IHipp, HHydras., Illgn, lllod, IIGels, I IGuaiac, Jab, IIKali bi, IKali br., IKali iod, IKali m., IKali perm., IKali ph., Kalm, IKaob, IKreo, ILact. ac, IILac e, IILach, IILachn., ILye, IMere, IMere cor., IMere cy., IMere iod. flav, IMere iod. rub., IMur. ae, INaja, IINatr. a, INatr. m, IINatr. ph, INitr. ac, INux v, Phos, HPhyt, Plumb., I IRan. sc, I IRhus, I ISal. ae, 11 Sang, I ISpong.. ISul, ISul. ac, I ITarant, IThuya ; with albu- minuria, I Ars, Canth., Kali m, Phyt.; with backache, IPhyt.; with bleeding, Ars, ICarbo v, ICrotal, ILach., IMere cy, Mur. ac.; with burning, lArs, ISee; with cellulitis, IRhus ; with great debility, lAilant, Amm. c, I Apis, lArs, lArum t, IBapt, Brom, Bry, Canth, Caps, Carbo v., Carbol. ac. Chin, a, Chlor, ICrptab, Helon, Kali per, IKali ph, IILach., IMere cy, IMur. ac, Natr. a.JNitr. ac, I INux v., Plumb, Psor., Sul. ae; with debility, espe- cially when the adynamic character shows itself early, strength fails rapidly and paraly- sis of heart threatens, IPhos.; with muscular debility, in scarlatina, IMere iod. flav.; gen- eral and rapid prostration, IPhyt.; better, after cold or warm drinks, worse on empty swallowing, 11 Lac c; in early stage, Hod.; wholesale destruction of epithelium, with pharyngeal inflammation, 11 Lac c; with con- junctivitis, IMere iod. rub.; brought on by exposure to damp and cold atmosphere, or sleeping in damp,ill-ventilated rooms, HPhyt.; exudate commences in one of arches of pha- rynx or in uvula, IMere sob; exudate ash- colored (scarlatina), IPhyt.; exudate dark- almost black, or dirty brown, on posterior walls and pillars, I ILac c; exudate dark colored, left to right, ILach.; exudate exten- sive, well organized, exciting cough, IKali bb; exudate dirty grayish (after scarlatina), ICon.; exudate dirty grayish, tough, HApis; exudate dry, wrinkled, HArs.; exudate leaves a deep excavation, I ILac e; exudate glistening, I ILac c; exudate greenish, 11 Lac c; exudate gray, 11 Lac c; exudate dirty gray, 11 Lac c; exudate has appearance of honeycomb, dirty in color, IMere cy.; exudate has appearance of dirty wash leather, HPhyt.; exudate thick, gray, yel- low, or dark false membrane, inflamma- tion shifts from side to side, generally worse on left, 11 Lac e; exudate left side, IBrom, ILach., IMere iod. rub.; exudate left side, going to right, IILach, IPetrol.; ex- udate changing locality, ILac e; exudation, on a wounded palate looked like mould on bread, IKali bb; exudate in patches, Hod, I I Lace, IMere iod.rub.;exudate, gray patches, on left side, ILac c.; exudate, inpatches,spread- ingfrom right to left, or descending from nose, worse by cold drinks and after sleep, ILye; exudate, many very small patches, IMere cy.; exudate in patches, greenish yellow, llgn.; exudate, in patches, foul, gray, yellow (scarlatina), ILac c; exudate pearly, 11 Lac c, ILye, HPhyt.; exudate of white points on opening of ducts of glands at beginning of angina, IKali m.; exudate right side, lApis, llgn, ILac c, ILye, IMere, IMere iod. flav.; exudate, right side going to left, ILye, ISub; commencing on right side, extend- ing over both tonsils, worse 4 a.m, better 4 p.m, I INux v.; exudate white, like scabs, HApis; exudate, scablike, fetid, considerable erosion underneath, IKali per.; exudate, in white shreds, Lach.; exudate, covering both sides, IKaob, IPhyt, I ITarant.; exudate on both sides, on inflamed red base, f inch long, £ inch wide, \ inch thick, same length and width as base, anterior edge dirty yellow, centre more organized, pearly, glistening white like cartilage, more firm and dense right side,ILac e; exudate, changing sides, I ILac e; exudate yellowish, commencing on each side, ISub; exudate, looks like smearkase, the tongue, roof of mouth, gums and cheeks lined with it (post-scarlatinal diphtheria), 11 Lace; exudate soft, I ISal. ae; exudate, formation of speck, Hod.; exudate, gray spots in left side, I ILac e; exudate, white spots on left side, ILach.; exudate, numerous white spots on pale *ed surface, ILach.; exudate, a large mass threat- ening suffocation, removed by forceps, a sec- ond takes the place of the first, I ILac c; exu- date thick, IKali br, 11 Lace; exudate thick, gray, ILach.; exudate tough, firmly adher- ing, spreads into nostrils and larynx, IKali bb; exudate, excessive deposit, tough, whitish gray, extends over whole throat, IMere cy.; exudate begins in pharynx, extends upward, Brom.; exudate looks as if varnished, I ILac e; exudate white, like ohina, I ILac c; exu- date grayish white, HPhyt; exudate white, yellow or any shade between, IMere cy.; exu- date yellow, worse on right side, IMere iod. flav.; face bloated and pale, INatr. m.; fauces, rapid destruction, IChin. a.; fetid, I I Ars, IIArum t, IBapt, Caps., ICarbol. ae. Chin. a, Chlor, ICrotal, Ign., Iod., IKali bi, IKali m., IKali perm, IKali ph, IKreo, ILac c, IILach, ILye, IMere cy, INitr. ac. Sub ae; with low fever, IMere cy, IMur. ae IRhus ; with low fever and absence of pain' ICarbol. ae; gangrenous, Amm. c, ICaps.' ICarbo v, IKali br, IKali ph, IILach.- gangrenous, with tendency to sloughing 13. THROAT. 375 and implication of larynx, IPlumb.; with glandular swelling, Amm. c, Ars., lArum t, ICale, Carbol. ac. Chin, a., Chlor., IHep, Ign, Hod, IKali bi, Kreo, ILye, IMere cy., IMere iod. flav, Natr. m.; with head- ache, Ailant, ICrotal, IRhus, IPhyt.; with impending paralysis of heart, HAgar, I Apis, lArs. i, lArum t, Carbol. ac, IILach., ■Mere cy., I INaja, Natr. a.; hemorrhage, interstitial, of bright red blood, ensues after membrane leaves, grows slowly better and membrane appears again, alternating for several days, 11 Lac e; worse from hot drinks, HPhyt; with much inflammation, I ISal. ac; progress insidous, I Apis ; useful as an intercurrent remedy, ISub; laryngeal, lApis, 11 Ars. i, IIBrom, I I Carbol. ac, IHep, Hod., IIKali bi, IKali m, I I Kali ph.,ILach, ILac c, IMere cy, IMere iod, INitr. ac, ISang, ISpong.; cases similar to Lachesis, when larynx is invaded, INaja; on left side, pains mostly in chest, with a dry cough, IManc; of lips, lArum t, I IRhus ; malignant, lAilant, IIArum t, IBrom, ICrotal, IIKali ph., IKreo, ILac c,IILach, IMere cy.; malig- nant, confined to fauces, with terrible fetor oris, IKreo.; with measles, I Apis ; after abuse of iodide of mercury, IKali bb; with horrible fetor of mouth, Variol.; thick vitiated mucous secretions difficult to detach, Myr. cer.; nasal, IINitr. ac; with pain in neck and back of head, llgn.; with stiffness of neck, head drawn to one side, ILachn.; with remarkable ner- vous phenomena, Illgn, IPhyt; better at noon, deposit nearly disappeared, worse again at night, ILac e; epistaxis following detach- ment of membrane in nose, IPhos.; membrane extends into nose, IMere cy.; nose is stopped up, lAmm. c; obstruction of posterior nares, INatr. a.; violent onset, I ITarant.; papillae filiformes swollen, IMere cy.; with pains in whole body, 11 Lac e; pains, with difficult swallowing, beginning paralysis of glosso- pharyngeal nerve, I IKali m.; paralytic symp- toms strongly marked, ILac c.; parotids in- flamed, IIRhus ; phlegmonous, ILye; pseudo- membrane similar to that of angina faucium and croup, Chrom. ae; pseudo-membrane firm, pearly, fibrinous, prone to extend to larynx and trachea, IIKali bi.; inflamed parts purple, IKali bi, Natr. a, ISul.; livid purple color of affected parts, with dull dry appear- ance and little swelling, pain out of propor- tion to amount of inflammation, ILach.; ab- sorption, causing pyaemia, with hectic fever, ICrotal, IILach.; absence of reaction, ISee; with restlessness,IArs,IArum t, ILach,ILye, IRhus; complains of closeness of room, ISub; with salivation, IIArum t, Iod,ILacc, IMere cy, IMere iod. flav, IMere iod. rub, INitr. ac, IRhus, Sul. ae; after scarlatina, ICon, I ILac c; with scarlatina, lAilant, lApis, IIArum t, I ILac c, IPhyt.;sensibility of parts increased, mobility diminished, ILach.; better after a little sleep, Nux v.; suffocative attacks in sleep, Op.; worse after sleep, ILach., ILye; worse after sleeping or talking, ILach.; slug- gish cases, ISub; with sopor orstupor,IAilant, ILye, INatr. m.; unable to speak, IKali per.; worse during and after a cold storm from northeast, ILac c.; subjective symptoms more prominent than objective, ILach.; oedema of throat and uvula, HApis, IKali bi, INatr. a.; whole body swollen, right side, ILac e; tongue dry or mapped, INatr. m.; angry looking ulcers, lAilant, lApis, lArumt; with ulcera- tion and gangrenous suppuration, IKali perm, IKali ph.; with phagedenic ulceration,IMere cy.; urine scanty, I Arumt., Merc. iod. flav.; husky voice, IBrom, IHep, Hod, IKali bi, I IKali m.; vomiting green, I INatr. s.; vomit- ing watery fluids, INatr. m.; in cold weather, generally epidemic, I IPhyt. B@P Fauces, Pharynx and Uvula exudate. Throat diphtheria sequelae: Helon, IILace, Mane, ISib; in albuminuria, IMere cor, I i Phyt.; fetid breath, with constipation, IPhyt.; dropsy, I Apis, I Ars, IBry, Cinch, Chin, a. Hell.; dysphagia, Amyb; endocar- ditis, ILach.; hearing dull, HPhyt; hoarse- ness, HPhos.; hoarseness and persistent sore throat, IPhyt; hemiplegia, left side, INux v.; paralysis, lArg. nit, Arn, Bar. c, ICaust, ICoccul, Crotal., Cupr, IIGels, Helon, IHyos, I IKali ph, HLac c, ILach, IINatr. m, INux v, Phos, IPhyt, Plumb, Rhus, Sul, Thuya, Zinc; partial paralysis of lower extremities, with constriction of pharynx, INux v.; paralysis, could not bear heat or covering, 11 See; threatened paralysis of lungs, Ant t, Camph, Mosch.; pericarditis, ILach.; rheumatic and neuralgic affections, IPhyt; defectiTTe sight, I Apis, 11 Calab, IGels, IILach, Kali ph, HPhyt, INux v., ISib; sore throat, with derangement of digestive organs, IPhyt.; strabismus, IIKali ph.; swelling of uvula, INux v.; nasal voice, IIKali ph. Throat, drawing: cramplike, as if constrict- ed, Plat.; in muscles, Aeon.; in muscles of, with desire to scratch, INux v.; paralytic, in sides, Coccul.; in left side, better in cold air, Cepa; from stomach, oppressive after potatoes, Alum. Throat, dry: lAcon, I Alum, Amm. c, Amm. m., HAnag, Anthrok., I Apis, Aph. ch, lArs, Ars. s. f, lArum d, Asar, Ast. r, Atrop, IBelb, Berb, Brach, I IBry, Cann. s, ""Carbol. ac,t.Carb. s, ICepa, Chlor, IClem., Coccus, Coccul, IColch, IColoe, Cop, Cub, Cycl, IDros.,Eup. perf, IGels, IHep, IHyos, Iod., Ind., llris, I Jatroph., IKali bi, IKali br., I IKali c, ILach., Lact. ac, IMagn. m, Meny- anth., I IMere, Merc per., IIMerc. sol, Merc. sul, IMez, Mosch, IMyrtus, INaja, INitr. ac, Nitr. sp. d.,1 INuxm., IOp., Phos. ae, I IPhos, IPhyt, Plant, IPod, IPsor, 11 Ptel., I ISabad, Sab ae, Seneg, ISpong, Squilla, Staph., I ISticta, I ISub, Tarax, Thuya, Zinc; with aching, causing frequent cough (chronic syph- ilitic sore throat), IKalm.; as from something acrid, Aph. ch.; constant, in aphonia nervosa, I IPuls.; in angina, IMere; worse on awaking, I Alum, Ammoniac, Bov, IManc, I INuxm., Zing.; awakens, especially 5 a.m. (spasmodic croup of scrofulous children), IKali iod.; worse when awaking during night,with cough, ILachn.; on awaking, in parenchymatous met- ritis, I ILac e; of back part, ICaust, ILobel. e, INux m.; of back part, better holding cold water in mouth, Raph.; of back part, chokes at every swallow, as if pharynx were inactive or paralyzed, Rhus; can scarcely breathe, must moisten mouth, 10 p.m., ILach.; with burning in chest, IMur. ae; becoming burn 376 13.- THROAT. ing, extends to larynx, after catching cold, IKali bb; with burning in epigastrium, IKali iod.; in catarrh, I Apis, IPhos., ISep, I ISticta; choking, lAilant.; as from a cold, Sib; con- strictive, JEsc. h.;with dry coryza, INitr. ac; with cough, Iodof, Jamb., IKalm, IPhos, IPhyt, HSub; with dry cough, Calc. p, IHam.; provokes hacking cough, Stront.; with teasing, dry, hacking cough, ISang.; dry cough, at night, lAlum.; causing paroxysms of two or three coughs, IPuls.; dry, with tick- ling cough, ISang.; with violent cough, as from vapor of sulphur, IKali m.; it seems as if it would crack, ISang.; in croup,IBrom, IPhos.; after diarrhoea, in morning, Oxal. ae; in chronic camp diarrhoea,ILyss.; with dizziness, lAilant.; better by drinking, ICist,; not bene- fited by any sort of drink, HStram, Ver.; causing constant desire to drink (phthisis florida), I IMere cor.; it hurts when he drinks (typhoid fever), IBelb; has to drink often to keep moist, I IPhyt.; drinks often but little at a time, I IPic. ae; with drawing pain, Sabina; as if filled with dust, Iber.; better by eating, ICist, Iber.; worse after eat- ing, ILach.; with papulous eruption, IKali iod.; with heaviness of eyes, Naja; with faint- ing, IStram.; feeling, IA con., IKalm, IMez, INatr. c, IINux m.; feels as if dried with blotting paper (stomacace), ICarbo v.; with sensation in velum palate as if desquamation were about to take place (hysteria), ILach.; in typhoid fever, IIRhus, ICalad.; in yellow fever, IGels.; with swollen glands, Med.; with hawking, Calad., Stront.; worse from hawk- ing, ISpong.; feels dry, yet constantly hawks transparent mucus, INatr. m.; with constant inclination to hawk up tenacious mucus, which soon again collects and causes irri- tation, Zinc; with headache, Stram.; after attack of functional disturbance of heart, ILil. tig.; with constant hemming, caused by secretion of tough, sticky phlegm, ISep.; with severe hiccough, Ver. v.; with hoarseness, Eup. perf, I IGels, IKali bb, ILact. ac, Sul. ae; with hoarseness, after rising in morning, IMagn. m.; in hysteria, ILye; in influenza, ICepa, I ICheb; menses too early and too pro- fuse, INux m.; from midday until 1 to 3 a.m., then better until next noon, ICist.; early in morning, Coca ; between 2 and 3 a.m., IKali c; mornings, Amb, Kob.; worse mornings, IIPuls, lAilant.; worse in morning and inhal- ing fresh air, Ammoniac; in morning, in bed, Sars.; especially in morning, Zinc; worse morning and evening, IPhyt; in morning, with thirst, Petrol.; painful, mouth full of saliva, IMere; with accumulation of mucus, Petrol.; with accumulation of mucus in lar- ynx, Zinc; with expectoration of large quan- tity of yellow, thick, lumpy mucus, I IPuls.; with constriction of larynx after sleeping, ILach.; as if something had lodged (after ton- sillitis), INatr. a.; with nausea, I Amyl, I llpec; at night, Calc. p., ICinnab, Sep, HSub; worse at night, I IPhos.; at night on waking, ILach.; night and day, throat glistens, IPhos.; Worse at night, causing him to drink often, ICinnab.; must swallow saliva to relieve, especially at night, ICist.; all night, could hardly speak, Form.; as if numb, Magn. s.; extending to oesophagus, INatr. s.; in ophthal- mia, I ICie; parched, lAlum., Cub., Plant, Sep.; parched, on awaking, 5 a.m., I Amy}.; parched, with thirst for cold water, Cann. h; painful, Cain.; with slight erysipelatous red- ness in pharynx, Lyss.; in pit, Calc. a.; and pricking, not better by drinking, Lobel. b; in prosopalgia, IMez.; sensation of rawness, Polyg.; in renal inflammation, 11 Senecio; first right, then left, ISub; and rough, IGels, IPhyt.; and rough, as from taking cold, I.Esc h.; and rough, when coughing, IIGels.; with profuse saliva, IColch, Rhod.; with flow of watery saliva, nausea and discomfort in abdo- men, IColch.; in scarlatina, Amm. e; with scraping, IKreo.; scratching and burning (cramp), I ILact. ae; scratching, as if trachea were closed with a leaf, Mang.; during sleep, IINux m.; after sleep, Mane; worse after sleeping, eating and drinking, ICist.; contin- ual,increasing,with sleeplessness, then hoarse- ness, Lachn.; and sore, Coccus, IPhyt.; from smoking, HVer.; with sneezing, followed by coryza, JSsc h.; impedes speech, Seneg.; spot, causing cough, Act. rac; spot, especially left side, worse on awaking, Crotal.; a small spot, from which pain extends to ear, ILach.; in spots, throat feels "parched up" on waking (syphilis), ILach.; stinging, IStann.; with sticking or boring in ears, 01. an.; sticking as with a thousand needles, threatens to suffo- cate, ILach.; with fulness of stomach and loss of appetite, in evening dryness is so great, tongue sticks to roof of mouth (typhoid), INux m.; after stool, 11 Oxal. ac; worse when swallowing, JEsc. h, Stann, Thlaspi, Zinc, Zing.; with desire to swallow frequently, Gels., ILach.; makes swallowing difficult, Atrop., Aur. mur., Bufo, IIKali m, ILach, Meny- anth, IPhyt, HStram, ITabae; especially during empty swallowing, 01. an.; with fre- quent empty swallowing, Mere iod. flav.; constant need to swallow saliva, Cub., HSub; when swallowing, then scraping, ICaust.; with soreness, swelling and redness, as in scarlet fever, with hectic and cough, I ISang; when talking or swallowing fluids, lAlum.; with thirst, Aph ch, ICimex, Crotal, Cup. m, IDros, Jamb, INatr. c, INux m., IPhyt, I IPsor, Sec; without thirst, Asaf, Samb.; after inflammation of throat, I Hep.; of throat pit, Zing.; in tonsillitis, lApis; with swelling of tonsils, HPhyt; unpleasant, Ferr. iod.; with copious urine, HStram.; with rough voice, ISub; not better by water, IIHam.; after rising of sour or bitter water, Kob.; with frequent desire for small quantities of water, 11 Puis. 8§iP heat, inflammation. Throat, ears: deafness and otalgia, from throat affections, IKali bi, I IMed, INitr. ac, ISang., IStaph, ISub; pain, extending into, lAilant, I Apis, ICale, Carbol.ac, IILach, IMere, I IPa- ris, Tell.; pain on swallowing, ILace, ILach.; pain pushes toward left, ILac e; pain on left side,ILach., I ILith.; pain into middle, IGels.* pain into right, ICepa ; pains to right, on swal- lowing (diphtheria), Kali bb; pain on sides aching on pressure, Calc. p.; pricking as of raw sore pain proceeding from ear, especially left side, worse from empty deglutition and from swallowing fluids rather than solids, Crotal.- stitching to right, from motion of tongue* 13. THROAT. 377 sticking on turning head, IHep.; soreness, lAmb.; IBell. BSP Swallowing ears; also Chap. 6, Ears swelling and throat, and Eustachian tubes. Throat, feeling of emptiness : ICale p. 8g^° large. Throat, eruption: reddish brown, like small- pox pustules without central depression, tips of pimples fill with pus, worse in warmth of bed (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; begins (scarlatina), IBelb; red blotches, as large as a split pea, lElaps ; hard, dark, red, circular elevated blotches in groups or isolated, on left side, skin of affected parts terse and showing surrounding skin swollen, showing erysipe- latous redness, stitching in eruption produced or aggravated by pressure (urticaria), I IRhus; mottled, as if diphtheritic deposit were com- mencing, Amm. br.; erythematous, Ant. t; erythema spread into mouth, causing vom- iting, with temporary relief, Vespa ; mu- cous patches, IMere, INitr. ac, I ISyph.; bright scarlet patches, Ant chb; pimples, Hy- per.; small sore pustules (canker), Med.; small rash, ICamph.; brown spots, like freckles, IKali bi.; small, round, bluish red spots (pete- chiae), I IKreo.; spots here and there, covered with pus, IColch.; small spots, as of some- thing corroding (stomacace), ICarbo v.; whitish spots with red halo, ICaps.; vesicular, Ant. t, ICanth., IRhus; lining covered with white blisters, ICanth.; wartlike excrescences, feel like pointed tubes when swallowing, I Arg. nit. 8@P Pharynx eruption. Throat, exudation : diffused, blackish, IChin. a.; croupous, Hippoz, IIKali m.; peels off, Ant t; white, like china, IPetrol.; grayish white, succeeded by ulcers, IMur. ac; exu- date, whitish in scarlatina or diphtheria, ICaps.; resembling diphtheria, with or with- out ulceration, IHydras.; like fish scales, I ILac e; covered with plastic lymph, I Canth. 8@p diphtheria; also Fauces and Tonsils exudate. Throat, fetid : flgP odor. Throat, pushes finger down, IMur. ac. Throat, sensation as of a fishbone : 8SP for- eign body. Throat, sensation as of a foreign body ; in chronic angina, I Ant. c; in consumption, IKali bb; with dry cough, Bell.; impeding breathing and swallowing, ILobel. b; as of apple core, IMere sob; as of a piece of bacon, INux m.; as of a bar across back part, I ILac e; as if swallowing over a bone, with rolling around, llgn.; as if a half fluid body were ascending, Spig.; as of a body which he must swallow, ISabad.; as if a crumb were lodged (chronic irritability of fauces), ILach.; as if a crumb or hair were lodged behind larynx, Coccus ; as if a crumb of bread remained sticking, obliges swallowing, better by hawk- ing, IILach.; of a body which he cannot swal- low, offers no impediment to swallowing food (chronic rheumatism), 11 Sab.; as of dust (mania), I IVer.; as of a large fishbone, on Bwallowing,IApis ; as of a fishbone or splinter, IIHep.; sudden feeling, as of a fishbone, im- pedes respiration,ILach.; as if food had lodged (dyspepsia), I Arg. nit.; as if food had to pass over, IMere; as of a hair, Carb. s, ISub; as of a hair, in diphtheria, HArs.; painful, on a small spot in left side next root of tongue, worse by pressure, 7rCed.; as if something had lodged in right side, stinging, I ILach.; as if she had swallowed something which had lodged, better during first sleep, remains after waking, ISep.; as if something had lodged, impeding deglutition, Amm. e; strange rising with sensation of stuffing, as if something were lodged, ICon.; as if swallowing a piece of meat, during empty deglutition, Sub; feeling of obstruction on swallowing, every other day, first right side, ILach.; pressure in throat pit, ICaust.; as of a foreign body rising, which must be swallowed, Chel.; as of sand, ICist; of a skin hanging loosely, must swallow over it, ISabad.; when swallowing, as if something were hanging in neighborhood of hyoid bone, or as if a bread crumb had lodged, felt at noon and again at dinner, Pallad.; as of a snake, ILach.; as of a splinter, lAlum., IIArg. nit., IIHep, INatr. m.; as if a splinter three-quar- ters of an inch in length were imbedded verti- cally, pains worse on swallowing, IIDolich.; as if a sponge were hanging, impedes respira- tion, ILach.; as if something stuck, I Aeon.; with stinging, extending into ear (diphtheria), ILach.; as if a stick with a ball on each end, extended from left side of throat to left side of abdomen, IKali c; as if something were stick- ing which ought to be removed by hawking, ICham.; asof a stick, when swallowing, lArg. nit; as of a thread or string, ISabad, 11 Vab; as of something to swallow, ILach.; on swal- lowing, as if ulcerated, IGraph.; of a swelling, as if he had to swallow over a foreign body, Sabina; as if a valve rose in throat, IFerr.; as if a wheat-hull were just behind manu- brium sterni, causing cough (cirrhotic kidney), HPlumb.; as if a web were drawn across, every morning at 6 o'clock, better by hot tea or hot water, 11 Zinc. 8®*" ball, globus hystericus, lump, plug. Throat, fluttering in pit: extends upward from heart, Eup. pur. Throat, fulness: lArum d, IIBapt, IIBry, Eup. pur, 11 Lac c, ILach, Syph.; with want of appetite, weariness alternating with buli- mia, IPhos.; felt choked, HPhyt; clogging sensation (urticaria), ILed.; can hardly pre- vent crying, Eup. pur.; in prevailing fever, lAmm. m.; feels filled up, IGels.; feels filled up as if he could not swallow, ISib; asof a lump, with involuntary attempts at swallow- ing, ICon.; in menorrhagia, ICarbol. ae; from least morsel of food, ILye; in variola, IThuya; with palpitation, Eup. pur.; in pit, with sup- pressed eructations, ICon.; as if plugged, Ananth.; worse on right side, goes down to chest, ILac c; on swallowing, Eucab; with desire to swallow, Carbol. ac, ICinnab.; keeps him swallowing frothy mucus, ILact. ae; causes feeling of suffocation, preventing sleep at night, 11 Lac e Throat, furry feeling: in suppressed menses, IChen. a. Throat, gangrene: HAilant, Amm. c, lAn- thrac, HArs., IIArum t, ICarbo v, I ICarbol. ac. Chin, a., ICinch., IKali ph., IKreo., IILach., IMur. ac, INitr. ac, IPhyt, ISub; sloughs rapidly, presenting a bluish appear- ance, ILach, IMere cy. Bgp diphtheria, inflammation. 378 i3. THROAT. Throat, glands: swollen, IIArum t, IBell, HCale, Crotal, IHep, lllod, 11 Lace, ILach, ILye, IIMerc, IMere cy., IMere iod. flav, INatr. c, HPhyt, HSil.; swelling extending to ears, causing transient deafness (bronchial catarrh), I IMed.; swelling, left side, size of hen's egg, hard or suppurating, ILith.; feel swollen, worse from cold or moist air, Polyg.; swelling, with ichorous or yellow discharge from nose (scarlatina), IRhus; swellings on left side extend behind ear (after scarlet fever), ILach.; painful swelling, Staph.; swol- len, in scarlatina, lAilant, I Amm. c, I Arum t, ICale, ILach.; swelling, scrofulous, IICist; suppuration, I ICist; tension, as if swollen, Amb.; ulcerated, IMere iod. rub. 8§T* diphtheria ; also Tonsils enlarged. Throat, glazed look: INatr. m.; glistening (diphtheria), 11 Lac c, IPetrol.; glossy, as if varnished (diphtheria), HApis, HLac e; glassy, ICist.; shining (croupous diphtheria), ILac c; in syphilis, ILac c. Throat, globus hystericus: Arund., Aurant, IIAsaf, ICon, I llgn,ILac def, IILyc, IMagn. m, IIMosch., INuxm., IPlat,IPlumb, IPuls, HSep, Vab; in chorea, llgn.; in dysmenor- rhoea, I ITarant.; in hysterical subjects, llgn.; in menorrhagia, ICarbol. ac.; with warm sen- sation, rising from stomach into throat, IVal. B^p ball, choking, constriction, foreign body, lump, nervous affections, plug. Throat, gnawing: not painful, Cepa. Throat, goitre : 8§P Chap. 31. Throat, granulated: Ananth, Myr. cer. Throat, grasping: impending croup, in diph- theria, ILach.; right hand clutches, in epi- lepsy, 11 Bell.; with sensation of choking and lividity of face (melancholia), I INaja; with sighing and groaning, HStram. Throat, hawking: lAlum., Amm. m., Aph. ch, lArum d. Arum t, IBell, Cain., Castor, ICaust,Chin, a, I IHam, Jamb, IMere iod. flav, IMere iod. rub, INatr. c, IINatr. m., Natr. ph, INitr. ac, Seneg, IStram, ISul, Xan, 11 Zinc; of yellow, offensive balls, ISil.; bloody, ILye; before expectoration of bright red blood, with sensation of fulness, and in- ternal restlessness, HPhos. ae; with burning of throat, Coccus; constant, in chronic ca- tarrh, lAlum.; constant, in coryza, IPhyt.; frequent, through day, Vinca; produced by dryness of larynx, Mar. v.; after breakfast, Calc. p.; of little follicular exudates, ISee; in typhoid fever, IPsor.; constant, in chronic irritability of fauces, ILach.; alternates with hoarseness, Selen.; from irritation in larynx, Aph. ch.; with catarrhal inflammation of lar- ynx, trachea, bronchi and eyes, caused by mucus trickling down posterior nares into throat (coryza), I IMere; with dark red in- flammation and swelling in parts, worse in morning (phthisis, laryngitis),IMere iod. rub.; incessant, provoked by sensation of weight and strangulation at larynx, I IPhos.; as if a I small leaf obstructed windpipe, Ant. t; round cheesy lumps, size of a pea, Bry.; cheesy lumps, size of a split pea, disgusting odor and taste (follicular pharyngitis), IIKali m.; a hard, greenish lump, IMere iod. rub.; small, solid lumps, which he must swallow, Pallad.; in morning, Apis, IPhos.; in morning, with dryness of posterior nares, INatr. m.; of mu- cus, lAilant, Aph. ch, IBar. e, Brom, Calc. fl., ICarbo a, Carbo v. Coccus, IGraph, Gymn, IHep, ILil. tig., INatr. s.; of bloody mucus, Jamb.; of bloody mucus, in morning, IFluor. ac; of thick mucus mixed with clotted blood, seems to come from bead, relieves pain, Ars. b; of brown mucus, often tinged with blood, in morning (dysmenorrhoea), I ITarant.; of mucus, with raw pain under clavicles, IRumex; of mucus, continuously, IParis; something always loosening, some- thing always remaining, Jamb.; of mucus, with cough, Ferr. iod.; of mucus, with cough, caused by tight feeling in left ovarian region, HPhos.; of mucus, in evening, followed by sore pain in throat, Stann.; of mucus, at 11 a.m., I Jacea; of mucus, with gagging, Calc. ph.; masses of gluey, bloody mucus, I IBadiag.; during day and in morning, pieces of starch- like, grayish phlegm, with a salty taste (ozae- na), INatr. s.; green puruloid matter, lAilant.; green or yellow, 11 Dros.; phlegm has greasy, rancid taste, Asaf; thick, green yellow, fetid mucus, ISib; mucus, IBry.; hard, round white masses fly from mouth (pbthisis), IKali c; of mucus, with slight hoarseness, Med.; quanti- ties of lumpy mucus gave temporary relief from feeling of fulness (chronic catarrh), HPsor.; lumps of phlegm, with sensation as if larynx were pressed, impeding swallowing, ICheb; mucus, mostly in morning, Cist.; mucus in morning, IPhos, Sars, HSep.; of mucus, morning and evening, HPhyt; mucus, in morning, with haemoptysis, 101. jec.; mu- cus in morning (influenza), IPhos.; mucus, particularly in morning, with nausea, Calc; of mucus in morning, with stenosis, INatr. m.; of mucus in morning, while walking, Zinc; causes bad odor in mouth, Calc; of mucus, with constant nausea, ILil. tig.; of mucus difficult, coming from nose thick and ropy, with disgust (nasal catarrh), IKali bb; constant, at night, Phelb; painful, with mucus in fauces, IILach.; of mucus, painful in throat pit, HCaust.; provoked by throat being pain- ful, as if raw and sore at palate, IINux v.; mucus from fauces, I IParis; mucus, from up- per part, with burning soreness, extends to left bronchus, renewed by strong exhalation, or scraping, 11 Rumex ; caused by post-nasal space being filled with purulent mucus, IPet- rol.; difficult, mucus in posterior nares, I Arum t; draws mucus from posterior nares (acute coryza), I ISinap.; posterior nares dry, better swallowing and clearing throat of small white lumps of tenacious mucus, with hack- ing,Sinap.; forcing mucus from posterior nares causes sore feeling in leftside of throat.Sinap.; frequent, from profuse secretion of mucus dropping through posterior nares.HCorab; she draws nasal discharge down and expectorates thick brownish mucus, tastes cold (hay fever), 11 Sinap.; much discharge of mucus from nares requires an effort to dislodge, tasteless, cold, large, tenacious white masses, Sinap.; to rid posterior nares of mucus, HPhyt; constant desire to clear, seems to be full of phlegm which it is impossible to raise (affection of lungs), I ISep.; with rawness in throat, Kob.- provoked by rawness and dryness in throat' Stront.; of mucus, with rawness in throat' after a nap in daytime, ILach.; with rawness in trachea and larynx, IPhos.; of mucus, with retching, IBry.; caused by roughness and raw- 13. THROAT. 379 ness in throat, lAlum.; constant, with rough feeling in throat, Aspar, Astac; with saliva- tion (syphilitic ulcers in throat), ILach.; in scarlatina, TTArum t., IMere; caused by scraping, Astac, Plat.; to clear, with rough scraping, extends to trachea, Sinap.; from scratching, especially in morning, Berb, I I Nux v.; after smoking, I ICalad.; sour mucus, set- ting teeth on edge, Tarax.; with soreness and rawness, Kob.; with soreness, clears voice for singing,IStann.; clear starchy mucus, INatr.m, ISelen.; stringy mucus (diphtheria), IMere iod. flav.; quick and strong, ends in a suffoca- tive attack, Spong.; has to clear before he can talk (angina), ILach.; salty mucus, INatr. m, I ITherid.; salty mucus, in chorea, ICale; salty mucus, in morning, INatr. s.; salty mucus, at night, Amm. e; mouldy tasting mucus, Mar. v.; easily, white, thick, tasteless mucus, worse in early part of day (chronic catarrh), IKali e; violent, thick mucus, constantly collects, IINatr. e; continual, induced by tickling, Ind.; from tickling, with groaning aud crow- ing, 11 Amm. m.; from tickling in larynx and dryness in pharynx, with dry, hacking cough (influenza), IPhyt.; tenacious mucus, Med, Paeonia, Phos. ae; tough, sticky mucus, with feeling of dryness, ISep.; clear viscid mucus, does not relieve entirely, Lact. ae; tough, dark mucus (salivation), llris ; tenacious mu- cus,difficult to loosen, Thuya ; constant desire, with difficult expectoration of tough, fetid mucus (diphtheritis), IMur. ac; tenacious mucus, after eating, Ob an.; offensive tough mucus, IBry.; tenacious mucus, seems to be firmly adherent to posterior part of larynx, I IParis ; tough gelatinous grayish yellow mu- cus, Natr. a.; constant, viscid, green mucus in larynx and trachea, Paris; small white lumps of tenacious mucus with slight hacking, relieves dryness of posterior nares and phar- ynx, Sinap.; continual desire to clear, with difficult dislodging of small lumps of tenacious white mucus, freer in forenoon, scanty at night, Sinap.; copious, tough, white mucus, Calc. a.; ropy sweetish mucus, JEsc. h.; viscid, coppery tasting mucus, Act. rac; tough, dis- agreeable tasting mucus, in morning, IPetrol.; thick, tenacious mucus, 11 Arg. nit; difficult, of thick tenacious bloody mucus, IMagn. m.; ten- acious mucus, sometimes thick, gelatinous, in morning, IIKali bb; thick, viscid, fetid mucus, 11 Variol.; thick, viscid mucus, consisting of mucous corpuscles and plasma with little granular matter, Cochl.; thick, viscid, stringy mucus, better after a meal, 11 Iber.; constant, of tenacious, white tasteless mucus, IParis; yellow tenacious mucus, after mercury and chlorate of potash, IHydras.; large quantities of yellow tenacious mucus, leaving a raw feeling, IHydras.; with feeling as if trachea were closed by a film, with rawness, IMang.; transparent mucus, throat feels dry, INatr. m.; soft fetid tubercles, of color of peas, IMagn. e; provokes vomiting, ICoccus ; con- stant effort to raise hard whitish lumps, Ailant.; white mucus in throat, especially in morning, Chrom. ac; thick white mucus, fills throat in morning, Kob.; yellowish mucus, Jamb.; hard greenish yellow mucus, ILye; Eieces of yellowish-reddish saltish mucus from ack of nose, Tell. 8@P bleeding, mucus ; also Chap. 27, Expectoration. Throat, heat: I Aeon, Amm. br., Ant. chl. Ant. t, Apis, Apoe, I Ars, I Ars. m, Ast. r, IBell, ICamph, Clem., IGels, IGlon., Hydr. ae, Iber, Lyss, Merc, sub, Mosch, IPhos, Paeonia, IRhus, ISul, Vespa ; better inspir- ing cold air, ISang.; when moving in open air, 11 Led.; as of hot air passing up right side, Amm. br.; ascending, IMere sub, IINux v., Sabad.; biting, Cupr. s.; burning, Guaraea; burning, with tenacious mucus, Sumb.; with cold hands, Jatroph.; after cough, Aur. mur.; warm or hot drinks im- prove throat, Alum., Guaraea, ILye, Sabad.; before midnight (catarrhal fever), Uamb.; with sensation of excoriation, Polyg.; flushes, Amm. m.; with severe hiccough, Ver. v.; during inspiration, Arum t; in left, with hoarse voice, 11 p.m., worse waking morning, goes off 11 a.m., ILach.; pungent, ^Ethus.; rising, arresting breathing, ICann. s.; with rough feeling on tongue, as if scraped, Sumb.; worse after sleeping, eating and drinking, ICist.; from stomach, ICarbol. ae; extends to stomach and bowels, ICepa; worse from warmth, especially in bed, ICoccus ; vapor seems to rise (scarlet fever), ICamph. BitP burning, congested, inflamed. Throat, hemorrhage : gigg* bleeding. Throat, hoarse: 8@° Chap. 25, Hoarseness. Throat, sensation of a hair: B^Pforeign body. Throat, inflammation: Absin, I Acet. ae, IIAcon, Ananth., lAnt. t, lApis, IIArg.nit, lArs, lArs. m, Ars. s. r., Arumm., lArumt, IBapt, IBar. e,IIBell, IBenz.ac, Bov, IBry, Bufo., ICanth, HCaps.,1 ICarbol. ac, ICaust, ICham.,Cinch,Coff,IColch,Cup.ac,Cup ars. Dig, Dory, IDulc, Elaps, Elat., Eup. pur, Ferr. met, IIFerr. ph, IGels, IHep., Hippoz., IHydras., IHydr.ac, IHyos., IIgn.,Ind., IKali m., ILac. c, IILach, ILye, ILyss, Mang, Med, IMere, INitr. ac, I INux m, INux v, QSnan, lOxal. ac, Paris, IPhyt, IPuls, IRhus,I ISabad, Sars, Seneg.,I ISticta, Staph, ISub,Therid,Variol, Vespa, Zinc; aphthous, YEthus, ICale, ICaps.; with burningJIAeon., I Ars, Hod.; catarrhal, I Aeon, IBell, ICaps, ICarbo v, ICepa, I ICham, IDulc, lEup. perf, IFerr. ph, IHep., Nux v., Puis, IRhus, Seneg, Sub; catarrhal, mucous follicles swol- len to size of hemp seed, IMere; with char- acteristic coating of tongue and acid stomach, IINatr. ph.; chronic, I Alum., IIArg. nit, IBar. c, Bell, ICale, ICarbo v., Cinch., Cist, ICop, IHam., IHep., Kali m, ILach, ILye, Mang, IMere, INatr. m, INitr. ae, Nux v, IPhos,IPhyt, Sabad., Seneg, ISep, Staph, ISub, IThuya; chronic, with general debil- ity, IJugl.; chronic, great disposition to re- newed attacks, IBar. c; chronic, with peri- odic exacerbations, IILach.; chronic, round, protuberant red spots, IHydras.; chronic, in tobacco smokers, particularly in those smoking many cigars, I Natr. m.; after catching cold, at onset, painful throbbing, INux v.; in clergymen, speakers and singers, Alum, I Arg. nit, lArn., IIArum t, ICaps., Cup., IIFerr. ph, ILach,IRhus, Zinc.; cynanche, lAnthrac, I Art. v, I Aur. mur. nat, Vespa ; could not venture out in damp, a nervous terror of being choked, IHep.; diphtheritic, Angina, 11 Apis, Merc, cor.;subacute, with dryness,ICaps.; with tongue, Cop.; epidemic angina, especially in young people, IMere; erysipelatous, IA pis, 380 13. THROAT. I Bell, I Merc , I Rhus; in catarrhal fever, I Jamb.; follicular, IKali iod, IMere, IIHep.; gan- grenous, Ailant, Amm., IArs,ICaps., IChrom. ac, Con, Euphor, IKreo, IILach, IMere, ISub; with gastric disturbance, Tarant.; with swelling of submaxillary glands and threat- ened suffocation, Cop.; granular, going from left to right, IPlumb.; habitual, with abdomi- nal complaints, Apis; with catarrhal head- ache, IKali iod.; in helminthiasis, HSpig.; herpetic, I Ars.; worse on left side, IForm, ILac c, ILach, -IMere iod. rub., INaja, ISep.; on left side, with copious flow of purplish saliva and spasms, IPlumb.; with liver affec- tion, INux v.; malignant, I ILed.; muscular, with fatty degeneration, IPhos.; awaking at night, Bism.; worse at night, causes him to drink often, ICinnab.; cedematous, pale swell- ing, with much phlegm, Sinap.; pain on swal- lowing, ICaps.; pains, awake at night, Act. rac; peculiar and persistent, Zinc; particu- larly a species of pharyngitis, ISang.; phlegm- onous, lAcon, Alum, Bar. c, IBelb, Calc, Canth, IHep, llgn, ILach, IMere, INux v, Sep, ISul, Thuya; phlegmonous, after taking cold, IBar. e; beginning with white points in opening of ducts of glands, threatening diph- theritis, IKali m.; extending to nares, with thin, purulent discharge, INitr. ac; extending upward into posterior nares, and downward into larynx, IMere; worse on right side, Ars. m, ILac c, ILye, Lyss., IMere, IMere iod. flav, 11 Phyt., Sars, Tromb, Xan.; with foamy saliva, Lyss.; with foul smelling salivary flow, Cain.; with foaming saliva,Lyss.; scarlatinous, lArs, IBell, Cain, IDulc, IJugl., IMillef: following scarlatina, or during epidemic, IManc; malignant, during scarlatina, IChin. a.; subacute, with smarting, ICaps.; with smarting on swallowing, Lyss.; worse in Spring and Fall, and in wet, cold weather, IMere; from acid secretion of stomach, IGels.; preventing swallowing and causing suffoca- tion, IMere cor.; prevents swallowing and threatens suffocation, with smallpox (gramme to 120 grammes water used as a gargle), IMere cor.; pain worse on swallowing solids, I IBad- iag.; could hardly swallow water (scarlatina), I ISub; sudden onset, yearly, painful, ILach.; syphilitic, IHydras, IKali iod, ILach, IIMerc, IINitr. ac, IPhyt, I ISyph.; after checking an old ulcer on leg, ceased when ulcer returned, 11 Amm. e; with ulceration (scarlatina), IHydras, IMur. ac; dark pur- plish red color of velum, right side, near eus- tachian tube, ICaps.; in upper part, IGels.; with worms, HSpig. 8®** burning, congested, heat, irritation ; also Fauces, Oesophagus, Pharynx and Ton- sils inflammation. Throat, injuries : scalds, with loss of substance, Calend. 8®° (Esophagus injuries. Throat, irritation: lAilant, Crotal., lElaps; constant, down to upper part of chest, worse in evening, from raw air, cold food and drink, better from warm things, I ISub; with severe catarrh of head after a cold, 11 Sang.; sensitive to cold, slightest exposure causes inflamma- tory action, with increase of pain, and imped- ing deglutition, IFluor. ac; with cough, Coff, llris, I ISang.; causes cough, IKali iod.; with chronic cough, Myr. cer.; causing dry cough, Aph. ch.; causing dry cough, worse in bed, ILachn.; causes slight, hacking cough, Tromb.; cough caused by inhalation, Asar.; hoarse, croupy cough, worse in evening (laryngitis), I ISpong.; causes cough at night, I Amb.; con- stant, in region of pit, causing cough, I ICham, Squilla; causes spasmodic cough, Lact. ae; constant, in diarrhoea, HPhos.; with heat and tickling, causing constant cough, I ISquilla; with hoarse voice in morn- ing, ISub; obstinate, nervous, IPhelb; at night, ICinnab.; as if scraped, Med.; mostly on sides, inclination to cough, evening, Amm. br.; starts at a small spot, posteriorly, Lith.; from stretching out, I I Lye; from acid secre- tion of stomach, IGels.; caused by topical applications, especially rawness and scraping, INux v.; in upper part, causes cough, worse lying down at night, after eating and drink- ing, after talking, with soreness in left side of throat, and constant desire to vomit, I ILac c Bgp inflammation, itching, tickling. Throat, itching: IGlon, I IHydras.; with burn- ing in epigastrium, IKali iod.; down centre of cheek, worse coughing, ICarbo v.; corrosive, in throat pit, Agn.; causes cough, INux v.; causes cough, worse at night and lying down,HCon.; causing dry periodic or continual tickling cough, Con.; deep, I Apis ; following expec- toration of blood, Amm. m.; in front part, Ars. m.; intolerable, causes short, dry, expul- sive cough, Ars. s. r.; periodical, ICist; feels a spot on swallowing,Lachn. Throat, jerking: pain, Caust.; towards eus- tachian tube, ICepa. Throat, lancinating: Sub ac.; in laryngo-trache- itis, IIPuls.; when swallowing or breathing, Bell.; in syphilis, IKali iod. 8§P cutting, darting. Throat, large; feeling of expansion, Hyper.; daily attacks of distension, I IOp.; feeling of enlargement, llris, Xan.; as if something were enlarged or relaxed, I ILac c. Throat, leather: feeling as if lined with wash leather, better in dry warm air, worse in damp weather, hot or cold (affection of fauces and larynx), IKali bi. Throat, pain begins on left side: in tonsillitis and diphtheria), IILach.; difficulty to swal- low, with pains on left side, shifting to right and upwards to ear(tonsillitis and pemphigus), ILye Throat, sensation of a lump: Brom, ICale, ICaust, ICepa, Illgn, IKali c, ILed., I IRu- mex, Sabina, ISep., Med, IMere iod. flav, IMere iod. rub.; or fulness, like a small puff ball, not better by swallowing, ILact. ac.; in chronic catarrh, lAlum.; with diphtheritic sore throat, I ILac e; like two eggs, in morn- ing, better momentarily by cold water, ILac c; small, hard, when swallowing, I IZinc; when turning head to left, I IPhyt.; in left side, IPhyt.; in left side, below tonsil, worse swallowing empty, not when eating or drink- ing, IFerr.; in side, Berb.; in middle (scar- latina), ILac e; worse in morning (after tonsillitis), INatr. a.; like a plug, worse in left side, IPhyt.; painful in oesophagus, cannot be swallowed, in hysterical women, IGels.- in pit, impeding swallowing, ILobel. h; pressure as if ascending, Asaf; like a ridge in both* sides, ILach.; in right side, Sib, Variol.- in 13. THROAT. 381 right side, with feeling that she could take hold of it with fingers and pull it out, with annoying, pricking stitching, I I Lac e; in right side (tonsillitis), IMere iod.flav.; which cannot be removed, Bell.; better by swallow- ing, IKali b.; in side, makes her feel sick and swallows often, then lump seems to ascend, ICale; on one side, ceases only to commence on the other side, alternates, returning to original condition, causing constant degluti- tion, I ILac e; on swallowing, IGraph,IGels, IPuls., IINatr. s.; on swallowing saliva seems to make lump larger and rise higher, ILach.; better on swallowing, IKali bb; with desire to swallow, Lyss, ISabad.; causing a continuous desire to swallow, worse left side, IPhyt.; descends on swallowing, but immediately returns, ILac c, IILach, IRu- mex ; on empty swallowing, Ruta ; on left side, when swallowing, shifts to right, Xan.; as though he had to swallow over an eleva- tion on left side, with scraping, IGraph.; must swallow continually, ISub; must swallow constantly, worse from empty deglutition (diphtheria), IMere iod. flav.; as if one had to swallow over a lump, INatr. m.; worse swallowing liquids, better solids, Natr. ph. 8®" ball, foreign body, globus hystericus, plug. Throat, lying : on back, symptoms better, ISpong.; oppressed feeling, 1101. jec; pain on top, ILach, Canth. Throat, "mapped": appearing like so many islands, IMere iod. flav. Throat, mucus: All. sat, Ananth, IIAnt. t. Ant. sul. aur, Aph. ch, HArn, Arum d, I Arum t, Benz. ac. Case, Colch., IFerr. ph, IKali e, IIKali iod, Lyss, Magn. c, IMere, IMere cor., IMere iod. rub, IINatr. c, INatr. s, Nitr. sp. d, Oxal. ac, IPsor, I ISep, ISub, Ziz.; tightly adhering, IKali e; in back part, INitr. ac; as if back part were full, the same after hawking, IMez.; back part con- stantly filling from posterior nares, Med.; bitter, Calend.; bitter, with hoarseness when speaking, Tarax.; blackish, in morning (syph- ilis), IKali bb; bloodstreaked, Amm. br.; with catarrh, IINux v.; with cough, Amm. br, 11 Ant. t, Coff, Phelb; causes cough, Caust.; causes cough on going to bed, Iodof; covered with dirty looking (after tonsillitis), INatr. a.; difficult to dislodge (goitre), IMere iod. flav.; disposition to clear by swallowing and cough- ing, I Aram d.; constant feeling of, Eucab; frothy, Aph. ch.; frothy, in typhoid, IBry.; greenish, lArs.; greenish, adheres, requiring efforts to raise it, inclination to vomit, Stann.; greenish, low down, with sore pain in upper part of chest, Zinc; greenish, sometimes comes involuntarily into mouth, or is hawked up, IColch.; grayish, I Ars.; grayish, difficult to hawk up, Amb.; thick, grayish, adheres, requiring efforts to raise, exciting inclination to vomit, Stann.; thick, gray-greenish, mixed with blood, Stann.; glairy, in prevailing fever, lAmm.m.; causes hawking at 11 a.m., Uacea ; cannot hawk up, sickens her (pregnancy), ICaust; with inability to throw it off, Grat; irritating, with hard, painful cough (influ- enza), IGels.; not loose, but as if filling up, Lact. ac; as if a large mass had accumulated, ILach.; in metrorrhagia, before attack, IMere; in morning, IMere iod. flav, INatr. e; in morning, with hoarseness, INatr. m.; espe- cially in morning, and several hours after the meal, IGraph.; feeling, at night, choking her when coughing, better sitting or moving, ICarbo v.; offensive to smell, Ant. sul. aur.; offensive, tenacious, IMyr. cer.; in chronic ovaritis, 11 Pallad.; with desire to swallow, ILye; causing retching, IMere iod. flav.; in pruritus vulvae, I ITarant.; cannot raise, must swallow (pertussis), HCaust.; cannot raise, nearly causing strangulation, Coccus ; difficult raising, Aur. met; can neither be swallowed nor hawked up, Magn.s.; rattling, Amyg, Arum d, Caust, Ferr. iod., IGraph, I IPod.; rattling, with sudden difficulty in breathing, and asphyxia, Plumb.; relieves the death rattle, IPuls.; rattling, in typhus,IBapt; rattling in epilepsy, after a fall on head,ICup. in.; rattling, with palpitation, during cough, IKali bb; rattling, in scarlatina, I Ant. t, ICamph., ICarbo v.; rattling, infantile syph- ilis, I ISyph.; reddened, with deafness, ICaust; rises, causes difficulty of breathing, Asar.; frequent rising, in morning, with roughness and dryness of fauces, IMagn. c; rises, on stooping or ascending stairs, brought up by a single cough, Arg. met.; removed with diffi- culty, is quite cold when it comes into mouth, white, nearly transparent, in lump, HPhos.; scanty, IIArum t; used by singers to clear, Cochl.; stringy, Amm. br, I Apis, IKali bi, 11 Lac c; stringy, detached with difficulty, IMyr. cer.; stringy, tough, with cough, IKali bb; white, sticky, streaked with blood, Amm. br.; swallowing of tenacious mucus or pus dislodged by paroxysmal cough, Kali e; sweet, after dinner, Alum.; tasting flat, Aph. ch.; tenacious; Ars. s. r, Asar., Aspar, IBar. c, ICepa, Cinnab, IIKali bi, ILyss, IMere. iod. flav, Oxal. ae,Ran. b, IRhus, IRumex,Sars, Tabae; detached, with erosion, burning heat and rawness in throat, Sumb.; tenacious, dif- ficult to detach, in chronic bronchitis, INux v.; tenacious, detached by coughing, IDig.; tenacious, secretions resembling diphtheria, IHydras.; tenacious, in typhoid fever, IPsor.; tenacious, ropy, in broncho-pneumonia,ILye; tenacious, could neither swallow nor hawk up, IKali bb; tenacious, inducing hawking, Paeo- nia; must hawk, ISabad,; tenacious, difficult to hawk up, Seneg.; tenacious, like a lump which could not be removed (stomacace), ICarbo v.; tenacious, morning and evening (chronic catarrh, typhus), IA pis ; tenacious, especially night and morning, IIPuls.; tena- cious, early in morning, Lactu. v.; tenacious, offensive (diphtheria), HPhyt.;tenacious,con- stant disposition to swallow it because it can- not be hawked up, Chrom. ae; tenacious, thick, evening and morning on awaking; Alum.; tenacious, from stomach, in drunk- ards, llllie; tenacious, in stripes on back, ICist; tenacious,thick, IIArg. nit, Carbobae; tenacious, draws out like a long thread, IKali bi.; tenacious, white, after heavy sleep, Raph.; thick,Act rac, IPhyt; thick, with stinging, Niccol.; thick, in scarlatina, ICaps.; thick, with bitter taste in morning, ISib; thin, comes involuntarily into mouth, or is hawked up, IColch.; transparent, I ISub; in upper part, with excoriated feeling, IRumex; white, 382 13. THROAT. IPhyt., Spig.; whitish, creamcolored, follicles covered, ILac e; white, causes hawking, espe- cially in morning, Chrom-.ae; white, thick, IBelb; white, thick, hawked up in morning, Kob.; whitish, tough, loosened only by great exertion, IBor.; white, clear, tough, from posterior nares, Natr. ph.; causes wheezing going to bed, Iodof; yellow, IPhyt.,Spig.; yel- low, thick, in coryza, Lact. ae; yellow, thick, on awaking, Apoe; yellow, thick, greenish, firm, almost hard, in centre, in morning,ILyc; yellow, tastes dead sweet, in coryza, Lact. ac. Throat, nares posterior: catarrh, IMyr. cer. ; accumulation of mucus, IINatr. e; mucus from, in chronic catarrh, IKali c.; mucus from, detached with difficulty, continually exciting a disposition to hawk, I IPhyt. 8®° hawking; also Chap. 7, Nose posterior nares. Throat, nausea : Ars., Bell, ICepa, Cop, Cycl, IMez.; in back part, I ISquilla ; continuous, ICoff, Phos. ae; gagging, 11 Naja; in head- ache, lAnt e; with stupefying headache, I Ant. e; from mucus, I IGuaiac; during preg- nancy, ICycb; during stool, Sib; sudden, in ovarian tumor, I Apis. Throat, nervous affections: Brach, IIBell, ICoccul, IGels, I ILac c, IILach. Bgp ball, choking, constriction, foreign body, globus hystericus, lump, plug. Throat, neuralgia : lAlum, ISpig. 8@* cutting, lancinating, pain, tearing. Throat, noise: clucking, with spasm of glottis, air expelled with difficulty, but inhaled with ease, Med.; gurgling, I IStram.; sound of a sub- dued whistle, lArn. 8®" mucus rattling; also Chap. 15, Drinking noise. Throat, odor: bad (toothache), ICepa; diph- theritic, llgn, IKali bi, 11 Lace, I INux v.; fetid, after scarlatina, with constipation, IPhyt; offensive, I ILac e; offensive, sickish, IMere iod. flav.; putrid, IIArum t, IIBapt, ICarbo v., IILach., ISang., I ITrilb; of dis- charges, putrid, I ICarbol. ae; putrid, in scar- let fever, lAmm. c, IKali ph. B^P Chap. 12, Inner mouth odor. Throat, pain (undefined): lAlum, Ant. chb, Ars., Ars. s. r., Ascl. t, *"Carbo a., ICaust, Cop., ICup.m., Cupr.s, IKali c, I IKali iod, IILach., Lyss., IMere iod. rub, Merc, sub, Qenan, Pallad, Sabad, Zinc; on awaking (diphtheria), IRhus ; in back part, ICanth.; in back part, worse on moving and swallow- ing, Cham.; in back part, right side, ICepa; in back part and right side, causing choking, Diose; violent in back part, Ant. t; with expectoration of blood, IMyr.; with constric- tion in region of submaxillary glands, ILye; during cough, ICamph, Caps, ILach, INatr. m.; during cough in croup, HSpong.; during cough in diphtheria, ILach.; during cough in evening, passing off when she is quiet, IPsor.; with dry cough, ICina; when coughing and speaking, I ISpong.; in diphtheritis, llgn. Hod, IKali iod, IKali m, IKali perm., ILac. c, ILach.; worse in evening and night, Alum.; to ears, IILach.; with red fauces, Aur. mur.; frequent, I ISep.; refuses food, I ISars.; in bending head backward, IILach.; internally and externally, IKali perm.; with itching gums, Bell.; below angle of lower jaw, on right side, HDolich.; in left side, ILach., Lyss.; in left side, during morning, lEup. pur.; in left side, when swallowing, ILach., I IMillef., Stront; in left side, in swallowing, before chill, lEup. pur.; in acute pharyngo- laryngitis, INaja; with uterine polypi, ICon.; with quick, full, strong pulse, ILac e; in right side, IBar. m, IMere iod. flav, Xan.; in right side, worse at 5 p.m. (acute rheumatism), ILac e; in right, worse from pressure, as if a thick substance were there, worse when she washes in morning, better in afternoon, I ILach.; one time on right, another on left side, on swallowing, 11 Lac c; in right side, with difficulty of swallowing, Sal. ac; in right side, subdued, contracted sensation, went to left, IDolich.; caused by sneezing, HPhos.; in a small spot at one side of larynx, posteriorly, ILach.; in stomacace, IKali bb; worse on stooping, HCaust.; on swallowing, Brach., Inul., Lyss, IMere cor., I IVerbas.; worse be- tween acts of swallowing, I ICaps.; with diffi- cult swallowing, in diphtheria, IMer. iod. flav.; when swallowing and gaping, INatr. e; obliging one to swallow constantly, Grat.; only on swallowing, Lyss.; on swallowing, especially warm drinks (ulcerated throat), ILye; worse when putting tongue out, IKali bb; from root of tongue towards outer attach- ment of clavicle, I IPhyt.; from other parts towards throat, Calc. p.; on use of voice, even whispering, I ISeneg.; constantly increas- ing, with weeping, ICoff. B^P Swallowing painful. Throat, pale: Eucab, Lach.; livid, in diphthe- ria, IBar, ISub; livid, in scarlatina, HAi- lant, I Arum t, IBar. e, Crotal. Throat, paralysis: IGels, Iod.; in bilious inter- mittent, IPuls.; feeling on left side when yawning and coughing,iMenyanth.; with ina- bility to swallow, IPlumb. 8§P (Esophagus and Pharynx paralysis. Throat, piercing: dull, right then left, Millef. Throat, sensation of a plug : lAlum, Ananth, Ant. sul. aur., I ILact. ac, IPlumb, ISep, Thuya ; becomes alternately thicker and thin- ner, lAnt e; in left side, Hippom.; of mucus, IHep.; on swallowing, ICale; as if food filled him to top, IGraph.; with rawness and burn- ing and an anxious sensation as if throat would be closed, INatr. m.; in side, Berb.; on swallowing, ISep.; with desire to swallow, Aur. mur.; to be swallowing, worse on awak- ing from sleep, Crotal.; when swallowing with constriction in throat, ISep.; worse wdi en swal- lowing solids, H IBar. e; with sensation of swelling, INux v.; with chronic sore throat, IINatr. m.; with relaxed uvula, IKali b. 8SP ball, foreign body, globus hystericus, lump. Throat, pressing sensation: Aram m, IIBry, I ICaps, Elaps, llpec, IKalm., I INaja, I IRu- mex; partially relieved by Calc, ^Spong.; as if abscess would break during paroxysms of coughing (pertussis), I Caps, j as if forced asunder, Kali ars.; changing into burning, Cain.; compression, Spongia; causes chronic cough at night, Hod.; funnel-shaped, con- verging upon uterus, ILil. tig.; as from a hard body, HApis; below larynx, as after swallow- ing too large a mouthful, ICepa; as if lungs came into throat, Kali c; in middle, worse on awaking in morning (angina), ILach.; as from 13. THROAT. 383 swelling of palate on swallowing, Sub; in pit, Anac; on right side, Apoe, IPhyt.; on right side, when swallowing, 11 Kreo.; as if squeezed, Kalie; as if squeezed externally (aphonia), IFerr.; as if some one squeezed with thumb and finger, IKalm.; with slight stinging, Zing.; on swallowing, IBar. c, Calc, Calend, IIKali iod.; hindering swallowing, Mar. v.; as after swallowing too large a morsel, Chel.; on swallowing food as if it would not go down, INitr. ac; only when swallowing, I ICarbo a.; if he swallowed, yet was constantly obliged to swallow, because mouth was always full of water, IIMerc. sob; as if swollen, INitr. ae; with sour taste and waterbrash, Calc. a.; when talking, HKaliiod.; asif thyroid were pressed in, Bar. c; in tonsillitis, IBelb; in region of tonsils, as if neckcloth were tight, Sep.'; be- lieves it is constricted and she must suffocate, IHep.; sensation of inflation in umbilical re- gion, IColoe 8^° ball, foreign body, ful- ness, plug, swelling. Throat, pressure : 8®" sensitive. Throat, pricking : Aur. mur, Cale fl, IHyos.; burning, compelling swallowing, 11 Aeon.; left side, INaja; with sensation of lump in right side, with feeling that she could take hold of it with fingers and pull it out, I ILac e; as from pins, ICepa; as from a pin, causing cough, leftside, ISib; as of a pin in right side, worse swallowing liquids, better solids, Natr. ph.; rough sensation evening and morning, with sore feeling in throat, better after eating and drinking, Tell.; in sides, shooting up to- ward ears, lApis; both sides, Alum.; as from splinter, or piece of glass, INitr. ac; as from splinter, worse when swallowing, iNitr. ac; as if full of sticks, ILac e Bgp sticking, stinging, stitches. Throat, purple: in diphtheria, IKali bb, ILach., IMere sol, INatr. a. Throat, rasping: or scraping causes cough (secondary syphilis), I ISyph. Throat, rawness : lArg. nit, lArum d. Arum t, Brach, Brom, ICarbo v., ICaust, Coccus, IColoe, Dory, Euphor, IGels., IHep, HHy- dras, IMere, I INaja, IPhyt, ISpong, Sticta, Sul. ae, ISub; posteriorly, with drawing in cervical muscles, IPuls.; burning, with con- stanthawking, IGamb.; in acute bronchial ca- tarrh, IKali bb; with profuse coryza, IZinc; precedes coryza, ILach.; with cough, Amb., IIArg. met, Spong.; during cough, after eat- ing, Anac; with catarrhal cough, ICoccus ; provokes hacking cough, Stront.; worse when coughing and sneezing, Chin, a.; with dry cough,expectorating afterlong cough, 11 Caust.; with dryness of mouth, IPuls.; during ex- piration, IIArg. met.; after expectoration of membrane, 11 Lace; feeling, tJEsc. h., 11 Apis, Ars. s. r., ICarbo v, ILac c, Natr.ph., Petrol, IPhyt, Sang, I ISeneg., ISticta, Thuya; feels almost denuded, Sang.; feeling of being de- nuded during deglutition, Stann.; in hay fever, IKali bb; extending down, after typhoid fever (nervous affection), IManc; with goitre, IMere iod. flav.; with hawking of mucus, after a nap in daytime, ILach.; provokes hawking, Stront.; with soreness, when hawk- ing, Kob.; causing hawking or coughing in evening, lAlum.; in influenza, ISamb.; a little below larynx, llgn.; commences on leftside I (diphtheria), 11 Lac e; on left side, when swallowing, llgn.; in morning, ICaust.; worse at 4 a.m. and 4- p.m., I INux v.; especially in morning or after dinner, compelled to hawk or cough, at times disappearing after food, Zinc; in morning, increases so that swallow- ing is painful, I Apis; with tenacious mucus, Sumb.; with secretion of mucus in upper part, IRumex; inpalate,provokes coughingorhawk- ing, IINux v.; permanent, worse during de- glutition, Stann.; from pharynx down beneath upper portion of sternum, after coughing, with burning through upper lobes of lungs (clavic- ular region), loss of appetite and prostration, I IRumex ; worse sneezing and coughing, Chin. a.; feeling, left by sneezing, I IHyper.; with scrofulosis, Mez.; when swallowing, IIArg. met, I IHydras, Iodof, ISep.; on empty swal- lowing, Bry.; on swallowing, even fluids, IMerecor.; worse swallowing solids, IHep.; with a feeling as if trachea were closed by a film, on hawking, IMang.; back of uvula, Amm. m. 8®** roughness, scraping. Throat, redness: Ars.s.r, ICist,IGels,IHyos, IMur. ac, I IPhyt; of back part, IMere iod. rub. ;bright, I Iris; bright,indiphtheria, 11A pis, ISub; bright, behind uvula, Sinap.; bluish, IPuls.; coppery, Dros.; dark red, Ant. t, HCaps, ICham, IMur. ae, IPetrol., IIPuls.; dark, in epilepsy, lAtrop. s.; dark red, dusky, Atrop.; isthmus dark, HPhyt.; dark, with gray patches and small irregular ulcers, 11 Lac c; bright, surrounded by thick, gray, yellow or dark false membrane, inflammation shifts from side to side, generally worse on left, I I Lac c; deep color on either side opposite ton- sils, ILac c; diffused, IGels.; in headache, IKali bb; in helminthiasis, HSpig.; inflamma- tory, in back part, I Alum.; covered with thin layer of dark green, half transparent mucus, I ISeneg.; pale (children with worms), ISabad.; with lachrymation (acute coryza), IKali iod.; in scarlatina, with difficult swallowing,IDule; slight, in spasm of throat, ILyss.; slight swell- ing, without pain, profuse thick whitish mucus, Eryng.; swollen, with ulcers size of head of a pin, Sal. ae; in syphilis, ILace; vivid,IApis. g^° congested, inflamed. Throat, relaxed: lAlum, TrCalc, Eucab; sore, with cough, ICaps.; sore, in chronic headache, INaja. Throat, roughness: Ammoniac., Anac, Ant. t, lAmm. c, Aspar, Berb, Bor, Caps., Cain., ICarbo v., Cinch, Clem, Coccus, ICochl, IColoe, ICroe, Dolich, Eup. perf, IHep, IIKali c, IIKali iod, IIKali m, IKreo, IMagn. m, IMere, Staph, ISul, Sul. ac. Thuya, Ver.; in back part, Bry.; from ca- tarrh, IINux v.; in bronchial catarrh, ICale; with cough, IIKali e ; causes cough, Sub; . better by coughing, Niccol.; with dry cough, Seneg.; with dry, exhausting cough, morning and evening, Rhod.; inducing dry, hacking cough, 01. an.; with dry cough, particularly at night, INatr. s.; on coughing (whooping cough), Spong.; and dry, 11 Lact. ac.; worse aftereating, Anac; feels rough, better from eating, worse from empty swallowing and after sleep, Pic. ae; feeling, Millet, INatr. c; like a file on breathing, with oppression of chest and coryza, INitr. ac; as if a morsel of food had lodged, causing cough, ISabad.; 384 13. THROAT. with hawking, Aspar.; necessitating hawk- ing, Astac; causing hawking, and cough in evening, I Alum.; with hoarseness, Amm. c, INux v, Sul. ac; with hoarseness, or aphonia, IKali bi.; with hoarseness, in influenza, I IPheb; with hoarseness in morning, Colch.; with hoarseness after rising in morning, IMagn. m.; in suppressed menses, IChen. a.; in morning, lAilant, Ant. sul. aur.; worse 4 a.m. and 4 p.m., I INux v.; in morning, ISars, Sep.; worse at night (bronchitis), IMere; as after nuts,Calc. a.; peppery,Cain.; during pregnancy, with desire to vomit, IMagn. c; with pricking, when swallowing, Lachn.; in pertussis,ICaust.; and rawness, IGraph.; and rawness, in ozaena scrofulosa, IGraph.; and rawness, as if ulcer- ated (laryngitis), I I Gels.; in scarlatina,IICaps.; with scraping, IKreo.; with scraping, extends to trachea, continual desire to clear throat, hacking cough, worse in evening, Sinap.; with scratching, worse towards evening,Telb; hindering speech, IPhos. ac; when swallow- ing (angina), IHydras.; swallowing almost impossible, IPhyt.; preventing swallowing, Menyanth.; with frequent sneezing, IKreo.; ih talking, Chim. m. BisP scraping, scratching. Throat filled with saliva: Lyss., Med.; frothy, soaplike, almost choking patient (typhoid), IBry.; sticky, in upper part, above uvula, IKali bi. Throat, scarlatina : B€lP inflamed. Throat, scraping : Abrot, I I^Esc. h., I Amm. c, Anac, HAnag, Aph. ch, lArg. nit, lArs, Asar., Aur. mur., Bapt, Berb., Brach., Brom,, Cain, Camph, ICanth, ICarbo a, Carb. s, ICarbo v., Chel, HCinch, Coccus, Cochl, IColoe, ICroe, Crot. t, Cycl, Dig., Euphor, Hydr. ac, Inul, I IKali e, IKreo, INatr. c, INitr. ae, I INux v, Oxal.ae, Paris, IPhyt, Plant, IPsor, Ran. sc, I IRumex, Seneg, Spong, ISul, Ver.; as from something acrid, Aph. ch.; in aphonia, ICaust.; with aversion to food, IColoe; in back part, Bry.; in clergy- men's sore throat, Carb. s.; precedes coryza, ILach.; with coryza, IINux v.; causes cough, Camph.; causing rough, barking cough, IHep.; causes frequent cough, IKalm.; with frequent cough in evening, I ITereb.; by short, hacking cough (sore throat), I ISeneg.; with hard cough, IPhyt.; causing dry, periodic cough, Con.; causing paroxysms of two or three coughs, IPuls.; producing cough, Card, m.; causing a continual tickling cough, Con.; with dryness of mouth, IPuls.; before and after eating, in evening, ICroe; from eating salt food, I IDros.; better from eating, worse from empty swallowing and after sleep, Pic. ae; with hawking of mucus, Plat.; hawking necessitated, Astac; as after heartburn, IINux v.; ■in hoarseness, IBrom, INux v.; inflam- matory, I IRan.b.; worse in morning, lAilant; worse 4 a.m. and 4 p.m., I INux v.; with nau- sea, ICochb; in pertussis, ICaust.; with belch- ing, after dinner, IKreo.; with roughness and dryness, IKreo.; sore, impeding speech, IHep.; with frequent sneezing, IKreo.; with stitches (diphtheria), IKali bi.; to stomach, Am.; when swallowing, Bapt.; from empty swallowing, ISep.; worse swallowing food, Phos. ac; when swallowing saliva, worse swallowing solid food, IHep. 8@°* rawness, roughness, scratching. Throat, scratching: HArn., IIArum t, Bor, Calad., Calc, INitr. ae? INux m, ISpong.; from belching, Staph.; in clergymen's sore throat, Carb. s.; in consumption, IKali bb; with cough, Aloe, 11 Ang, Bor.; during cough, Bry., Kali c, IKreo.; causes cough, INux m, IPhos., ISabad.; causes cough, in asthma, 11 Zing. ;causes cough, coming deep from chest, IPetrol.; with frequent cough, in evening, I ITereb.; with dryness of mouth, IPuls.; after eating, Anag.;in evening (phthisis), I IStann.; like a file, INitr. ac; with gastritis, IPhos.; compels hawking, especially in morning, Berb.; in morning, Ant. sul. aur.; in pertussis, IBry.; worse by pressure, empty deglutition and cold water, Kob.; as from sand, Berb.; from effort to sing (after epidemic influenza), Agar.; as i'f skin were scratched off by sharp instru- ment, not noticed on swallowing, IINux v.; when swallowing, INux m. Biip rawness, roughness. Throat, sensitive: lArum d, Coccul, Crotal, Sub ac.; to dry or cold air, Crotal.; sore, aa after taking cold, with pain in left side, worse in evening, ILach.; tight clothes cause faintness (affection of fauces and larynx), IKali bb, ILach.; collar seems too tight, I Amyl, IILach.; covering causes cough, ILach.; touching causes dry, hacking cough, ILach.; cannot drink hot fluids (syphilis), IPhyt.; any change of air sets patient cough- ing (whooping cough), ICorab; in parenchy- matous metritis, 11 Lac c; to pressure, Arum t, QSnan.; on both sides, to external pressure, I Lac c; cannot bear shirt or neck band to touch, IILach.; sides tender, ILach.; worse swallowing, Asaf; sore, on swallowing, or to air, lAilant.; to touch, IIBell., IILach, I ILac e; to touch, in diphtheria, IMere iod. rub.; touching causes sense of suffocation (syphilis), ILach.; sides sore to touch, lElaps; to touch and motion, Berb.; if anything touches on lying down in evening, seems as if he would suffocate, and pain is worse, IILach ; to touch and external pressure, IILach.; to touch, right side (angina), IBell. Throat, shooting: Chel, Gymn, IHyos.; on breathing, IBelb; on swallowing, II Apis, IBell. 8®° cutting, lancinating. Throat, sensation of a skin: 8®* foreign body. Throat, smarting: lApis, lArum d, IColch., Cornus, 11 Hydras, llris ; aching in back part, after eating (sore throat), ICale; in asthma, HZing.; burning in back part, Eup. pur.; with dry, tickling cough, llris; at front, about root of tongue, caused by cough, I IPhos.; from hot drinks, worse 4 p.m. (ulcerated throat), ILye; in left, with hoarse voice, 11 p.m., worse waking in morning, goes off 11 a.m., ILach.; raw pain along left side, Eryng.; on left side, better by swallowing (affection of fauces and larynx), IKali bb; in scarlatina, I ICaps.; with desire for stool, Cornus ; on swallowing] even fluids, IMere cor.; worse swallowing solids, IHep.; worse on empty swallowin" IIBar. e 8@P burning, raw, scraping. Throat, feeling of softness : ICist. Throat, sore: I Alum, lAmyl, lAnt. c lApis, lArg. nit, Ars., Ars. m. Arum d.' Arum t, Ascl. t, IBapt., IBar. c, IIBell' HBenz.ac, Bov, IBufo, Cact, ICale, ICaps ' ^Carbol. ae, ICepa, HCham, I I Chim. m ' 13. THROAT. 3S5 ICist, Cinnam.,Coccion., Cup. a., Dig., Dory, lElaps, Eup. perf, Eup. pur, I IFerr, IFerr. ph., IGamb,IGlon., Hippom., IHydras, Ind., ■Lace, IILach, IILyss, Med., IMere. cor, IMere cy, IMere iod. flav, IMere iod. rub., Meresul,INatr.m, Natr.ph.,INuxm., IParis, HPhyt, Rhod, Rhus, Sabad, Sars., I ISticta, Therid.,Var., Vespa,Zinc; aching,worse swal- lowing, ICale p.; worse from least current of air IMere; from inhaling least cold air, ICbd.; worse from cold air, parts very sensitive, ICoff; after exposure to a draught of air, I Amb.; better at 6 p.m., Lyss.; at 2 p.m., with difficulty in swallowing fluids, Lyss.; in anae- mia, IFerr.; on awaking, Merc. iod. rub.; of back part, Arn.; in back part and lower down, worse on awaking, Citrus ; in back part, on swallowing saliva, worse awaking in morning (angina), ILach.; in back part, 10 a.m., Lyss.; worse by saltwater bathing, Med.; with light- headedness, after inbialing diphtheriticbreath, I ILac c; after going to bed, ICale p.; with buboes, IILach.; with burning and aching, Cund.; with chilliness, Diose; chronic, Mang., lOx. ac, I IPhyt.; chronic (bronchitis malig- nant), ICaps.; chronic, with expectoration of yellow mucus, 1101. jec; sore, worse reading aloud, talking, singing, worse after eating sweet things, ISpong.; from every cold, I Lach.; after catching cold, I IOp.; anything cold in mouth causes pain, Sabad.; constant, in or- ganic disease of heart, Apis; with constriction, particularly when attemptingtoswallowfluids, which is painful,Lyss.; with coryza, Act. rac, ICale p., INitr. ac. IPhos.; precedes co- ryza, ILach.; during cough, IIArg. met.; with cough, Chin, a., Kob.; worse coughing, Chin. a.; with dry cough, Calc. p.; with cough and expectoration of small badly smelling granules, ISib; with loose cough, Magn. s.; with short cough, ILachn.; worse, coughing and sneezing, Chin, a.; with tickling cough, in evening, ICale p.; all day, Lyss.; with dryness, worse in open air, 11 Seneg.; with pain day and night, in lumbar region,IPhyt.; .after diphtheria, IPhyt.; with great dryness, Coccus; with dry lips and moist mouth, Jugb; with sensation of dysphagia, IPuls.; extend- ing into ears, ILith, IPod.; after supper (7 p.m.), Lyss.; after eating onions, lAlum.; worse after eating sweet things, Spong.; in evening, rightside, IILith.; worse in evening, when talking or yawning, Niccol.; during expira- tion, IIArg. met; after expectoration of mem- j brane, 11 Lac e; as if excoriated with cutting pains, independent of swallowing,Mang.; with soreness in eyes, Lyss.; alternating with in- flammation of eyes, I IParis ; with face, right side, red and swollen, Niccol.; below fauces, on swallowing, Elaps ; feels filled up (typhoid, first stage), IGels.; in miliary fever, IGels.; in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; with fever and headache in forehead (diphtheria), in alternation with Bell, IKaob; in gastric de- rangement, IHydras., Tarant.; in gastric de- rangement, after diphtheria or scarlatina, IPhyt.; with swelling of cervical glands, I ISep, ISub; with swelling of submaxillary glands, I ISep.; in goitre, IMere iod. flav.; follows inclination to hawk up mucus in evening, Stann.; with headache, Lyss.; with pain in heart, Lyss.; with heat, Berb.; intense heat, in diphtheria, after failure of 25 Lach., ILac. e; with hoarseness, IForm, Ind.,. ILach.; in influenza, ICepa, I ISang.; on left side, IForm, ILac c, ILach,INaja; worse on left side, in diphtheria, IMere iod. rub.; left side, running up into ear, 11 Sec; commenced on left and extended into right side, ISabad.; on left side, on pressure, Daph, ILach.; on left side, when swallowing, ILach, Sib; on left side, better by swallowing (affection of fauces and larynx), IKali bb; on left side, worse when swallow- ing liquids, etc., in morning, IPod.; on left side, felt only on swallowing saliva, and forcing mucus from choanae, Sinap.; beginning in left tonsil, ILac c, IILach.; as from a lump in left side, on swallowing, Sib; with feeling as of a lump when swallowing saliva, I IPhyt.; be- fore menses, IMagn. e; during menses, ISub; just before menses, for several years after diphtheria, I ILac c; begins and ends with menses, IILacc; in vicarious menses, IDig.; in morning, ICale p., ICist. ICinnab, Kob.; in morning, on awaking, Ast. rub.; in morn- ing, on rising, 7rForm.; in morning, with much mucus, IForm.; in morning, with hoarse- ness, Thlaspi; can hardly open mouth from pain in joints and muscles, Sabad.; with viscid mucus, I Aur. mur.; large quantity of yellow thick lumpy mucus, 11 Puis.; with tough mucus, Xan.; with transparent mucus covering ton- sils, INatr. in.; with stiff neck, IBell, ILach., Stram.; at night, Chrom. ae,Sep.; at night, with anxiety, Zinc; worse at night, in bron- chitis, IMere; until noon, at 11 a.m., Lyss.; with dull, troublesome pain in carious teeth, Sabad.; with redness of palate and tonsils, Ziz.; with swelling of left parotid 11 Lac e; low down, Zinc; as after swallowing red pepper, ILyss.; persistent, Cund.; with constriction of pharynx and difficult deglutition, Jacar.; as from swelling of pharynx, 11 Arg. met; as if raw, Lyss.; with rawness when hawking, Kob.; frequently recurring, and long last- ing, HSub; recurring, Arum t.; rheumatic, ICaust.; on right side, Ars. m, Carbol. ae, IHam, Ind, ILac c, IMere, ILye, Lvss, IMere iod. flav, I IPhyt, I ISars, Tereb, Xan.; on right side, low down, extends to ear or chest, ILac e; right to left side, I Arum t, ILye, IPod., Sinap.; commences right side and passes to left, where it be- comes fixed, IILach.; right side, wrorse swallowing liquids, better solids, Natr. ph.; with prickly rough sensation evening and morning, better after eating and drinking, Tell.; with ptyalism, IBar. e, ICarbo v.; with increased tenacious saliva, Lyss.; in scarla- tina, HAilant., Amm. c, HApis, lArs, IIBell, ICale, HCaps, ICarbo v, Carbol. ac. Chin. a, ILach, IManc, IMere cy, IPhyt, HStram, Sub; preventing sleep, IIHam.; worse by sneezing and coughing, Chin, a.; as if it would split on swallowing, Pic. ac; spot on left side, only at night, removed by 1 a.m., next night same on rightside, I ILac e; when speaking, Act sp.; in speakers and singers, Alum, lArn, IIArum t, lArg. nit, ICaps., Cup. m, IIFerr. ph, ILach, IRhus, Zinc; after straining throat, IIRhus; fine stinging, worse when not swallowing, ILed.; on swallowing, Arum d, IIArg. met, lAur. met., ICamph., ILac def; better by swallow- ing, IKali bi.; simulating catarrhal angina, 386 13. THROAT. worse swallowing, Aram d.; with difficult swallowing, ILye, Vinca; worse on swallow- ing empty, Alum., I IRumex, Tell.; difficulty in swallowing solids, 11 Badiag, Lac ac.; when not swallowing, ICamph.; caused by swallow- ing saliva, 11 Lac e; when swallowing, in scar- latina, I ISub; as if he swallowed over a sore spot, Sib; during swallowing, in chronic ton- sillitis, llgn.; from irritation of stomach and lower portion of oesophagus, IHydras.; when swallowing, as from internal swelling, lArs.; as if swelled, Lyss.; from suppression of cu- taneous activity,Cham.; when talking or swal- lowing fluids, lAlum.; worse talking or swal- lowing solids, INatr. s.; commencing with a tickling, ILac c; sore to touch, IIBar. c; ex- tends to tonsils and palate, I ILac c; pain is felt whenever touching outer side of neck, I IGamb.; cannot protrude tongue, Sabad.; in tonsillitis, IHep, ILach.; as if tonsils were swollen, with stitches extending into ears, al- ways on swallowing, Sub; felt at upper part of left tonsil across soft palate, along left nostril (influenza), IGels.; tubercular, IMere iod. rub.; tubercular, after syphilis, IPhyt.; of upper part, Thlaspi ; from uvula to bronchi including fauces and oesophagus, Chlor.; as if ulcerated, on swallowing, worse in morning, Niccol.; in variola, IThuya; in those predis- posed to fulness of veins, worse in warm, moist air, IHam.; with weakness, Lyss.; when weather changes (catarrh), ICale 8§P inflammation. Throat, spasm: lArg. nit, Chlor, ILyss, IZinc; at 2 p.m., feeling as if he were about to be suf- focated, went off at 9 p.m., Lyss.; after anger, ICham.; sometimes extending to upper part of chest (deafness with loss of speech, produced by massive doses of quinine), IGels.; clonic, ICie; constant, must swallow, choking as if food would not go down, IGraph.; contracting and tightening it, preventing drinking as soon as water is spoken of or he sees shining objects, Ananth., ILyss.; either with or pre- ceded by convulsive respiration, Lyss.; hys- terical, from suppressed grief, llgn.; with convulsive respiration during paroxysms very similar to those produced by a sudden cold- water bath, Lyss.; with nausea, IGraph.; in prosopalgia, iCoccul.; tonic, ICie; choreic movements extend to tongue, oesophagus and larynx, causing a clucking noise like water poured from a bottle, ICina ; renewed by at- tempt to swallow, IHyos.; frequent motion, as though swallowing something, ICina ; on swallowing solids causes a gurgling, followed by gagging, ILach.; suffocative, Lyss.; vio- lent, as if he would suffocate, from 2 p.m., to 9.30 p.m., Lyss.; spasmodic affections, IGels. 8®*" constriction ; also Oesophagus and Pharynx, constriction, spasm. Throat, splinter; BilP foreign body. Throat, sticking: Gymn, IMere iod. rub., INitr.ac; as if crumb were lodged, Pallad.; causes a hemming, but will not loosen, ILach.; in region of larynx, ICheb; as if a pin were there (after tonsillitis), INatr. a.; as from a splinter, on swallowing, extends toward ear on yawning, IHep.; better by swallowing, dis- appears on swallowing solids, Illgn.; tear- ing, Daph. ggpr pricking, stinging, stitches. Throat, feeling of stiffness: IBell, ICaust., ILach, Lyss, IMagn. c, Menyanth, INux m.; like a board (diphtheria), 11 Lac c; painful, ISpong,; painful,right side, on motion,IMez.; after straining, IIRhus ; when swallowing, Ase hip.; when swallowing, in angina, IHy- dras.; as if there were varicose veins, Berb. Throat,' stinging: HApis, Arum m, Ind, INitr. ae, Paris, ISpong.; in back part, be- tween acts of deglutition, Arn.; choking, when swallowing, IIAcon.; during cough, Kali e; with inclination to cough, better by sneezing, Amm.br.; into ear, with sensation of a for- eign body in throat (diphtheria), ILach.; on touch, near right ear (angina), IBelb; with swelling of submaxillary glands, I ISep.; ex- tending to larynx, Ascl. t.; in left side, Grat.; in right side, during and between swallowing, I IGamb.; in chest, at same time, Sul. ac; to stomach, during deglutition, IKali c; on swal- lowing, I Alum, I Aur. met, IDros., IIKali iod, IMagn. e, IMere cor.; between acts of swallowing, vEthus, Apis, Dig., llgn.; swal- lowing difficult and impeded, IStram.; hin- dering swallowing, Mar. v.; worse on swallow- ing, Phos. ae; worse on swallowing saliva, or after food, IPuls.; on attempting to swallow (quinsy)*, lApis ; when swallowing, in skin disease, IBar. c; with pressure and tension, when swallowing, IPuls.; when talking, 11 Kali iod.; with desire to vomit, during pregnancy, IMagn. c. BSP sticking. Throat, stitches: Arum t, Ananth, Asar., Calc, Carb. s, ICarbo v., Carbol. ac, IKali e, Mane, INitr. ac, INux v, IIPuls., I ISub; before asthma, IBov.; like from an awn, Berb.; penetrating ear when swallowing, IMercsob; burning, Cham.; during cough, Bry, Hep.; ex- citing cough, I Caps.; in whooping cough, I Bry.; into ears, Sub; near ear, Cham.; extend "to ear, worse swallowing food, IHep.; soreness begins every evening between 6 and 7, and continues to grow worse during night (syphiliticneuralgia), I ISyph.; when moving jaw (angina), IMere; below and posterior to larynx, especially on swallowing, IPetrol.; with sensation of a lump in right side, with feeling that she could pull it out with fin- gers, 11 Lac e; after mental excitement, ICist.; itching, needlelike, worse walking fast, better scratching, Bry.; in right side, IGamb, Iodof; sharp, in front, right side, Ang.; periodical thrusts (as if electric), in up- per part, awaking from sleep, I IManc; when swallowing, IIBry, ICale, Lyss, INitr. ac, ISabad, ISil,HSub; between acts of swallow- ing, llgn., IPuls.; during and between swal- lowing, with yawning, Amm. m.; worse swal- lowing, extend to ear (angina), llgn.; on swal- lowing, in erysipelas, 11 Rhus ; from empty swallowing, ISep.; only on swallowing, with pain in throat, even to touch, Sib; tearing, pass into oneanother,Zine; transient,I Alum.- as if in uvula, on swallowing, Niccol.; violent' in chronic inflammation, I Apis; when walk- ing, particularly against wind,and when eat- ing warm food, IHep. 8§p lancinating, pricking, sticking. Throat, swelling: internal, lAilant, I Ara I IBapt, IIBell, Canth, TrCarbol. ac, ICist'' ICoff, IIHep., I IHydras, IILach., I ILac c' Med., IIMerc, INux v, HPhyt, I IPuls' 13. THROAT. 387 Seneg, ISep, I ISub, I ITarant., I IVer, Vespa ; with aphonia, Sang.; in back part, as in severe coryza, Bry.; closes, after swallowing sharp piece of bone, or other injuries to oesoph- agus, with danger of suffocation, HCic; in children with worms, ISabad, ISep.; con- nective tissue greatly infiltrated, Crotal, INatr. m.; constriction and stitches, INatr. m.; during coughing, Hep, IPuls.; deep down, Case; in diphtheria, IKali br., IKali perm, I ILac c, IILach, IMere cy, IMere iod. flav., INatr. a, I ITarant.; with earache, I IKali m.; externally, Rhus, ISpong.; externally and internally, I Amm. m.; feeling, Bar. c, Benz. ac, I IGamb, IGlon, IKalm., Petrol, Xan.; feels, in scarlatina, IGels.; feeling as of swelling at entrance, IHep.; feeling, in menorrhagia, ICarbol. ae; feeling, in sides, Alum.: feeling, in chronic tonsillitis, llgn.; of follicles, in sore throat, ILac c; in front of, region of thyroid body, extends to parotids, left to right, cannot move, I ISib; like goitre, Caust.; in- ternally and externally, impeding speech and deglutition, HSub; sore, as from internal swelling with bruised pain, also when talking, with pressure and stinging when swallowing, IRhus t; belowjaw, in trismus, ICaust; pain below larynx, as if swollen, afternoon, iCepa ; above larynx to mouth (cynanche cellularis), lAnthrac; in region of larynx, 11 Arumt.; of left side, Lachn, Thlaspi; in left side, in angina, IMere; worse in left side, into ears, ICale; left side extends over ear, threat- ening sphacelus, ILach.; mucous lining, IMur. ae; as if there were a lump, Sul. ac; feeling of lump which could not be swallowed, yet required constant effort to do so, INatr. m.; sen- sation of narrowing, I IMez.; and hard, from injury to oesophagus, ICie; prevents probe going into oesophagus, Arum m.; with gray patches and small irregular ulcers, I ILac e; pains when coughing,as from swelling, ICaps.; pain most marked on right side (diphtheria phlegmosa), ILye; pain with sensation of swelling, worse in right side, especially in swallowing, Sang.; injected vessels, arch of palate and tonsils, painful, INitr. ac. ;in throat pit, llpec; pressing on windpipe causes anx- iety, IINatr. s.; rapidly, ICrotal.; dark red, almost purple (scarlatina), HAilant.; after tonsillits, three months ago, I INatr. a.; of right side, cannot turn head, I I Ang.; right side painful, IJugl.; in scarlatina, Arumm., IPhos.; in spasms, IMosch.; shifts from side to side, generally worse on left (diphtheria), I ILac c; in stomacace, IKali bi.; feeling on swallowing, Coca, IHep, IPsor., IPuls.; of submucous tissue, Apis; as if to suffocation, painful when swallowing, ISang.; threatening suffocation, IMere cor.; tissues thick after scarlet fever, IKali iod.; with thirst, Crotal.; after inflam- mation of throat, IHep.; suddenly sore as if uvula and velum were swelling, with dry mouth, Crotal.; of lining, with worms, I ISpig. B^p inflamed, lump, tumor. Throat, sensation like that caused by sulphur vapors: I ILye; during coughing, IPuls. Throat, syphilitic affections : lAur. met, IHydras, IKalm., IKali bi, IIKali iod, ILach, IIMerc, IMez, IINitr. ac, IPhyt., I ISyph. Throat, taste: bad, from breath, IHydras.; bitter, Calc,ICon., IHep.; bile, Lactu. v.; bit- ter, going off after breakfast, IKali iod.; bitter, with frequent hacking cough, in evening after lying down, also in morning until he rises, IRhus; bitterish, unpleasant, Ammoniac; pu- trid, Bell.; like rancid grease, IMur. ac.; mouldy, Bor.; of mucus, like iron, Cale; mouldy, Bor.; peppery, Xan.; of pus, INatr. e; as if she had eaten rancid substances, ICamph.; cool, salty fluid, Cann. s.; saltish, Ant. t.; saltish, with smarting, Ferr. s.; sharp, disagreeable, in back part, I ILobel. h; sweet- ish, lArs, I IPuls.; sweetish, after clearing, Chin, a.; of a sweetish powder, Zinc; sweetish rising followed by fainting, IMere; sweetish, with taste of blood, IZinc; sweetish, with nausea, IMere Throat, tearing pain : Bism, ICamph., I INatr. s.; when coughing, ICist, I ISeneg.; drawing, in both sides of pharynx, more when not swallowing, IZinc.; worse in cold air, Act. sp.; pressive, in muscles, I ICarbo v.; when swal- lowing, I I Psor, 11 Syph.; upward, particularly left side, with stiffness, Berb. Throat, tension : Ant. t, I IPsor, Senecio ; im- proved by Calc, 7rSpong.; whengaping,IArg. met.; below jaws (trismus), ICaust.; painful, asif too tight posteriorly, IIMerc. sob; in front right side, Ang.; painful, on swallowing,Chim. m.; torn feeling, during mental exertion, Caust. Throat, thick feeling : lAilant, Throat, throbbing: IBelb, IGlon., IIHep, Ind, ILach, Xan.; in back part, Cham.; con- tinual, worse by cold and hot drinks and lying down (syphilitic neuralgia), I ISyph.; dull, from congestion, Chel.; in chronic in- flammation, lApis ; as if a nerve were quiver- ing in oesophagus, IFerr. Bgp congested, inflamed. Throat, tickling: Amyl, Aram m., ICarbol. ac, ICist, Coccus, Con, IDros, IGlon, ILach, Lyss, I IRumex, Seneg, HStann.; in after- noon and evening, Codein.; with aphonia, ICaust.; in back part, Calc. a, IHep.; when breathing, Hippom.; constant, ILach, IPhos.; with sensation of constriction, IVer.; as if coryza were setting in, inducing cough and clearing throat, IColch.; inducing cough, lAlum, I Amb, lArs., Ars. s. f, Bov, IBry, Calad, Cinnab, ICrot. t; lEuphor, IHyos, Inul., IKali bb, IKali c, ILac c, ILach, INatr. m, INux v., IIRumex, ISpong, TJva ursi, Vab; with dry cough, Bell, Cact., IPhos.; with dry cough, expectoration after long coughing, HCaust.; causes dry cough, with hoarseness, ISep.; cough worse at night, and lying down, I ICon, ICrot. t, IIHyos, Sang.; cough, with expectoration only in morning, IPhos. ac; constant, dry, hacking cough, ILac e; short, hacking cough, Carbol. ac; with hard cough, IPhyt.; loose cough, in morning, INatr. s.; worse at night, Calad.; causes paroxysmal cough, Kali c; causes dry, periodic cough, Con.; cough from tickling in pit, INatr. m.; spasmodic, choking cough, Cro- tal.; spasmodic, dry cough, at night, Como, IMagn.; with violent cough, lAct. rac; with- out cough, Ammoniac; with darting in tho- rax, Stilling.; on swallowing, deep drawing, Jugb; when drinking (diphtheria), ILac e; as from dust, Chel. IPhos., Ver.; as from dust, causes deep, wheezing cough, IHep.; 388 13. THROAT. penetrating to ear, ISpong.; in enteritis. I IRhus ; every evening (chronic bronchitis), IILyc; as from a feather, ICale, ICina, IPhos.; below glottis, causes cough, ISub; causes hawking, 11 Amm. in, Ind.; in influ- enza, ISeneg.; in laryngitis, I Arg. met.; espe- cially left side, worse on awaking, Crotal.; more on left side, irritates to cough, Zing.; on left side, causes almost uninterrupted cough, better by talking or stooping, worse till late in evening, then suddenly ceases, IHep.; in morning, causing cough, increasing through day, Gymn.; with expectoration of stringy mucus, Iber, as if some mucus lodged there, causes short, consecutive cough, IHyos.; throat as if narrowed, must cough to relieve, Psor.; at night, with severe and violent cough (consumption), Hod.; as if palate were too long, causes short, consecutive cough, IHyos.; painful, Sec.; in throat pit, burning, as from sulphur vapor (whooping cough), I Ars.; in throat pit, excites cough, Caust, ISib; in pit, causes scraping, dry cough, I ICham.; in per- tussis, llCepa; as of a scab in upper part, causing cough, shaking chest, which feels as if bruised, Calc. a.; in scarlatina, ICaps.; and scraping as though he would suffocate, Ferr. iod.; in syphilis, IMere; just below tonsils, causing cough, Amm. br.; at top, causes cough for foiir or five days, worse at night, IQenan. 8£sP irritation. Throat, tingling : irCarbob ac, IColch., I IHy- dras.; causing a continual tickling cough, Con.; painful, Sec. Throat, better by tobacco : smoking after sup- per, Carbol. ac. Throat, tonsillitis : 8§P Tonsils inflamed. Throat, touch; B^P sensitive. Throat, tumor: as if a large tumor were grow- ing, stopping it, IBell.; as large as a hen's egg (goitre), IMere iod. flav. ggg* swelling. Throat, twitching: Cepa ; spasmodic, near thy- roid cartilages, Arg. met. Throat, ulcers: Acet. ae, All. sat, I Alum., lAur. mur., Clem., IHydras, Hod, IKali bi, IKali iod, IKali perm, ILacc, ILach, ILye, IIMerc, IMere cy, I IMillef, IINitr. ac, IPhyt, Psor, I IRumex, ISang, Vinca ; small, aphthous, putrid smell, bloody saliva at night, INux v.; two in back part, one inch in diame- ter, filled with cheesy looking matter, edges elevated, well defined borders (ulcerated sore throat), IKali bb; tendency for small, to form in back part, with cough, IINitr. ac; breath fetid, ILach, IMere cor.; with corroding, burning discharge (syphilis), IKali iod.; burn- ing, white yellowish, IManc.; awakens chok- ing, ILach.; in coryza, IINux v.; causing provocation to cough, with retching (mercu- rial syphilis), ILach.; deep and many of them filled with greenish yellow pus, IMere cy.; diphtheritic, IIKali m, ILac c, ILach, ■Mere cy., IMur. ae, IPhyt, ISul. ac; pain- ful in taking least nourishment (syphilitic history), INitr. ac; erysipelatous, IA pis ; ex- tend to eustachian tube, Cain. ; flat, worse in bad weather (syphilis), IMere; with putrid odor, from salivation, by mercury or chlorate of potash, IHydras.; entire back part gangre- nous, covered with tough mucus, which draws out in strings (diphtheria), IMur. ac; grayish, like false membranes, Ananth.; gray, numerous (diphtheria), IIKali in.; grayish, with shaggy borders, Arg. met.; of dark yel- lowish gray (syphilis),ILye; worse on left side, with difficulty of swallowing liquids, five or six times a year, lasting two or three weeks, caused by exposure to rain or wind, lElaps ; minute, Chlor.; after mercury, ILach.; after mercury and chlorate of potash, IHydras.; to roof of mouth (diphtheria), HArs.; shoot- ing pains, ILach.; putrid patches, INatr. m ; extend into posterior nares, ILach.; in phthi- sis florida, after pneumonia, IFerr.; in right side, deep, worse in morning, Ars. m.; on right side, with deep seated pains and burning in fauces, Psor.; with salivation, IMere viv.; in scarlatina, HApis, IIArum t; several small lArs. m.; scrofulous, left side, lAst. r.; shine like silver gloss (diphtheria), 11 Lac c; spots, IMere iod. flav.; with insomnia, Merc. iod. rub.; surface seemed covered with ashy slough, surrounding mucous membrane dark, livid and swollen, IKali bi.; superficial, slight, in patches, IMere iod. rub.; suspicious looking, Thuya ; on swallowing, ILach.; with difficult swallowing, IMere iod. rub.; syphilitic ulcers, IlAur. met, I IChel, Iod, IKali iod, ILach, IIMerc, IINitr. ae, I ISyph.;syphilitic,deep, with hard edges, IKali bi.; syphilitic, after local treatment of chancre, IMere; three, open, callous edges discharging ichorous fluid (spinal disease), Apis ; tendency to (angina), Apis; trichotomous, I ISars.; urticarious, lApis ; worse in wet weather, ILach.; with white edges (diphtheritis), ILach.; yellow greenish, with adherent pus on left side, ex- tending from velum over entire left tonsil (syphilis), Uacea. 8§P gangrene. Throat, ulcerative pain: IGraph.; during cough, IKali bb; as from a splinter, IHep. Throat, uneasiness : Ant. chl. Arum d.; with greasy taste (neuralgia of limbs), 11 Val. Throat, vesicles: form ulcers, Clem.; filled with clear lymph on back part (stomatitis, ascites), I Apis. Throat, sensation as of a worm : IPuls.; as if a worm were moving, I IHyper, ISpig. TONSILS, abscess (suppuration): lAnae, Ananth,I Apis, IBell, IIBar. c, Calc, ICalcs, Canth, Daph, IGuaiac, IIHep, Ign, IKali bi. ILacc, ILach, ILye, Mane, IMere, IMere iod. flav., IMere iod.rub, ISabad, HSil.; after every cold, IIBar. m.; in left, causes sloughing ulcer in fauces, ILach.; ran from left to right, then from right to left, then back to right, then both equally (quinsy), I ILacc; tonsils severed with small painful abscesses, IPlumb.; especially right side, IBar. c. ggg~ inflamed, swollen. Tonsils, anxiety : oppressive, Amm. m. Tonsils, aphthae: in scarlatina, ICale; aph- thous looking spot on right, no swelling (miliary fever), IGels. Tonsils, bleeding: blood oozes (purpura haemorrhagica), ICrotal, ILach, IPhos I ITereb. *' Tonsils, bloodvessels : varicose veins, IBar. c IHam., ILach. Tonsils, bluish: ILach, IPhyt.; in scarlatina. lAmm. c g®~ purple. Tonsils, congested: lAcon., IIBapt, IIBell IHam, ILach, IMere, IMere iod. flav, I Phyt' 13. THROAT. 389 Ustil.; dark, aching distress, JEsc. h.; dark, in angina, lApis. 8®*" inflamed, red. Tonsils, cutting : in right, Ustil.; when swal- lowing, ILac e, Stann.; on swallowing, ex- j tends to ear (diphtheria), I ILac e Tonsils, ears: pain shooting into, llris; deaf- ness and other affections, depending on swell- ing, IBar. c,IBar. m, IIHep., IINitr.ac, ISil, ISub; inflammation extends, ILach, IMere.. "Ustil. Tonsils, effusion of fluid in scarlatina: I Apis. Tonsils, eruption: herpetic, sequel to gonor- rhoea, IZinc; herpetic, in secondary syphilis, ISyph.; pimples in variola, IBapt Tonsils, erysipelatous: HApis, IBell, ILach. Tonsils, exudate: 11 Lace; ash-colored (diph- theria), I IPhyt.; bloody surface left after (diphtheria), I ILacc; on both (diphtheria), IKali iod.; in catarrh, golden-yellow, IINatr. ph.; in catarrh, white, IKali m.; cheesy, with painful inflammation, IChen. a.; diphtheritic, with difficult deglutition, ILac c; diphther- itic, IKali iod, IKali m, ILach, ILac c, ■Mere cor., IMere cy. (complementary to Hep. and Phos.), IPhyt, I ITarant.; on alter- nate sides (diphtheria),ILac c; tough, cheesy looking (diphtheria), ILach.; diphtheritic, white, iKali in.; dirty (diphtheria), I ILac c; grayish spot, size of a dime, angry looking on left (diphtheria), ILye; ash gray, on right, extending along free palatine border to uvu- la, which it involved, involves also whole arch of palate and left tonsil (diphtheria), I ILac c; gray (diphtheria), IChin. a.; gray- ish patches, HPhyt.; dark gray patches, on right (diphtheria), I INux v.; on edges of pil- lars, soft, grayish excrescences, like sloughs or false membranes, I IMere cor.; grayish, ulcerative crust, spread over arch of amyg- dalae into posterior nares, downward into lar- ynx, causing strangulation (diphtheria), ILach.; whitish gray, IKali m.; covers entire surface, hemorrhage if forcibly removed (diphtheria after failure of Lach.), ILac c; first upon left, three or four patches (diphthe- ria), HPhyt; extending to nose, INitr.ac; patches, easily detached on right, IMere iod. flav.; patches, half an inch wide, dirty gray, extend down out of sight (diphtheria), ILach.; patch on right (diphtheritic croup), IKali bb; patches on right, extend over palate and cover left tonsil, ILac c; patches, white, IINitr. ae; patches, white, like eggs of flies, extend to throat, I I Lac e; patches, large white, I ILac c; depression covered with a white patch, on left, I ILac e; patches, white, diphtheritic, ILye; patches, well-defined dead white, varying in size, similar to false membrane in diphtheritic angina, IMur. ae; patched with yellow mucus (diphtheria), INatr. a.; patches, small, yellowish white, dif- ficulty of swallowing and sharp pains moving up into ears, I ILac c; patches, small yellow, on both (tonsillitis), ILach.; patches, yellow- ish or whitish, small (ozaena), I IMere iod. flav.; pearly, firm, both sides equally affected (diphtheria), I ITarant.; pearly, worse on right side (diphtheritis), I ISangr.; pearly, ex- tends to larynx, worse on right side (mem- branous croup), IKali bi.; surrounded by a red areola, coated white at margin, yellowish in thicker portions, and turning black at some points, INitr. ae; small spot on right, as large as a pea, covered with a coating look- ing like a small ulcer, giving tonsil an appe ar ance as if about to suppurate, as in an ordi- nary case of tonsillitis (diphtheria), IMere cy.; spots, whitish on right, and one or two on left (follicular tonsillitis), IMere cy.; membrane on part of right, IFerr. ph.; right covered with yellow membrane, Rhus; in scarlatina, on third day, IMur. ae; covered with a slimy speckled coating, IMere iod. rub.; yellowish gray spot on inner surface of right, ILac c; spots like mould on preserves, I I Lac c; spots, small white or yellow, coa- lesce (diphtheria), HPhyt; looking like dried starch, IMere iod. rub.; thick, I ILac e; thick, tenacious, ashy gray, tough, glutinous (diphtheria), IKali bb; tough, yellowish white, in left (diphtheria), ILach.; like wash leather, IKali br.; white, IKali m, IMere cy., ISal. ae; dirty white (diphtheria), HPhyt; grayish white, on right, (diphtheria), 11 Lac c; white, opaline, IMere cy.; whitish, smeary concretions, IMere; thick, grayish white (diphtheritis), Hod.; whitish, thick, plastic, nauseous humor, appears at first in form of small white or grayish points, 11 Ipec.; white, looks like ulcers on mucous membrane, with white edges (diphtheria), ILach.; yellowish (dipththeria), I ITarant; yellowish white, Zinc; heavy, yellowish white (diphtheria), IKaob in alternation with Bell.; grayish yel- low on right, after scarlatina, ILye; yellow, thick (diphtheria), I ISul. ac. 86P Throat diphtheria, exudate. Tonsils, follicles: catarrh, with ulceration, Hod.; inflammation, IGuaiac, IHep, Illgn., ILac c, IMere, I IMere cy, IMere iod. rub., IPhyt. 8@* inflamed. Tonsil, foreign body: pain in left, as if a husk were sticking there, particularly speaking and swallowing, Berb. 8SP Throat foreign body. Tonsils, gangrene: in diphtheria, ICrotal.; lefjt one complete black slough, passes to right (diphtheria), ILach. 8§P Throat gangrene. Tonsil, gnawing: in right, worse at night,ILacc. Tonsils, hypertrophy : 8®*" swollen. Tonsils, indurated: lAgar, -Arg. nit, IIBar. c, IIBar. m, llgn., INitr. ac, HPetrol, IStaph.; of right, ISabad.; in scarlatina, I Apis, IMere iod. flav. Tonsils, inflamed (quinsy, tonsillitis): lAcon, Ananth,lApis,I Ars,l IBar. c,IBar. m,IIBell, Berb, Canth, ICaps, ICham., Cochl, IColch, ICrotal,ICup. ac, ICup. m, I I Ferr. mur, Ferr. ph, IGels, I IGuaiac, HLac c, IILach, ILye, IIMerc, IMere iod. flav, IPhyt, IPlumb, Psor, ISang, I ISep, ISil, I ITarant, Ustil.; after bursting of abscess, parts remain irri- tated and patient is slow of recovery, ISub; commences to get worse at 4 p.m., ILach.; left side, worse afternoon, after sleep, from touch, ILach.; in angina, llgn.; anthrax, lAnthrac; aphthous, IMyr. cer.; left, in asthma, ICaps.; with burning, I Ars, HCaps.; chronic, with acute paroxysms, llgn.; chronic, especially when accompanied by deafness, IIHep, IINitr. ae; chronic, tonsils not large, but hard, IStaph.; from every cold change, IDulc; after every cold, or from suppressed foot sweat, IIBar. e; with venous congestion, dark, bluish color of surrounding parts, much 390 13. THROAT. oedema, tonsils bulge and are tender to press- ure, pain worse from empty deglutition, espe- cially with scarlatina or diphtheria, ICrotal.; with coryza, lArs. b, IIMerc; after coryza, ISabad.; cynanche, 11 Kali m.; cynanche, ush- ered in by shivering fit, I Apis; with dryness, redness and pain, IFerr. ph.; herpetic, IKali bb; with cutaneous eruptions, lApis ; follicu- lar, IGuaiac, IHep., Illgn, ILac c, IMere, IMere cy, IMere iod. rub, IPhyt.; suppu- rating gland will not heal, pus flows but gets thinner, less laudable, darker and more fetid, HSil.; leftside, Amyl, IMere iod. rub. Stil- ling.; extends to left ear, causing constant dull pain, Ustil.; begins left side and extends to right, worse when swallowing empty (influ- enza), ISabad.; left, in scarlatina, I Apis ; from left to right, with yellow granulous or follicu- lar ulcers, small and painful, with burning, stinging pains, I IPlumb.; after measles, IBrom.; after pains subside (headache), ILac def; predisposition, lAlum, IIBar. m, I ISep.; only after pus has formed, to hasten maturing, IMere; recurring, IBar. c, IBar. m., IBelb, IHep, ISang, ISil, Vespa; right, IIBell, IIGels, IMere, I ISang.; right, worse swallowing liquids, IIBell.; right, purple, Gymn.; right, with a patch like chamois leath- er, yellowish white, thick (diphtheria), I IRhus; ready to discharge, disappears with- out discharging, trouble changes from one side to the other, ILac c; with smarting, burning, I ICaps.; subacute, IChen. a.; sub- acute, with tendency to formation of small ulcers, IKali bb; to promote suppuration, IIHep, ISang.; nearly suppurating, ISabad.; from suppressed foot sweat, IBar. c; with dif- ficulty in swallowing (scarlatina miliaria), INitr. ac; with painful swallowing and urg- ing to swallow saliva, INatr. s.; worse on swallowing solids, IBadiag.; in syphilis, IKali iod, IMere, INitr. ac, I IPhyt, I ISyph.; with ulcerated throat, IKali perm.; with high- * colored urine, IIBenz. ac; in variola or vario- loid, IIBar. m. 8€iP congested, red,,swollen. Tonsils, itching: of left, with inclination to cough, Diose Tonsils, mucus: yellow, creamy, Natr. ph.; of- fensive, in scarlatina, Amm. e; whitish, tough in spots, simulating diphtheria, llgn.; transparent, with sore throat, INatr. m.; thick, white, Pic. ac. Tonsils, pain (undefined): Cinch, bol, ICrot, t; hemiplegia of fauces, ICaust; in left, Bry., Hippom, Ipom.; sharp in left, extending to ear, better by swallowing, IKali bi.; in right, ■Mere iod. flav.; right, in asthma, ICaps.; in right, with carbuncle or erysipelas,lAnthrac; when speaking or swallowing, Berb.; with swelling, IMere iod. rub.; with injected ves- sels, INitr. ac. Tonsils, pale: IBar. c; in chronic laryngitis, IMere cy. Tonsils, pitted: at bottom of pits portions of diphtheritic formation (diphtheria), INatr. a. Tonsils, pressing pain: in region of tonsils, Ars. h.; in right, Bry.; on swallowing, in evening and through night, Zinc; worse when swallowing saliva, I Coccul.; in right, on swallowing and yawning, with fluent co- ryza, IZinc. Tonsils, pricking: in diphtheria, IKali bi.; shooting when swallowing, ILac c; on swal- lowing, extends to ears (diphtheria), I ILac e g^*" stinging, stitches. Tonsils, purple: dark, IPhyt; in diphtheria, INatr. a. 8®" bluish. Tonsil, rawness of right (diphtheria): 11 Lac e; after exudation disappeared (diphtheria), I ILac c 8®" inflamed. Tonsils, too red: lAcon, lApis, lAur. met, IBell, IFerr. ph, IGvmn, IKali bb, ILach, IMere, IMere iod. flav., IPhyt, IPuls, ISal. ae; bright, IIBell.; bright, in diphtheria, ISub ac; dark, I llpec, ILach, IMere, IMere cv.; fiery, JEsc. h, Berb.: in chronic hypertro- phv, IBar. m.; and greatly swollen, IFluor. ae; not painful, IIBapt.; pale, ILach.; deep purple, I ILac e; right, dark, IPhyt.; right worse, in follicular tonsillitis, IMere cy.; scarlet, IBelb; worse on swallowing solids, IBadiag.; and swollen, especially right, on which was a tuft like exudation about its cen- tre, \ of an inch in diameter, hanging, upper attachment looking blackest next to tonsils, IFerr. ph.; with soreness of throat, IISul, Ziz.; in tonsillitis, HLac c, IMere iod. flav.; with small ulcers, IINitr. ac. B@* congested, inflamed. Tonsils, relaxed : I IMillef. Tonsil, right: first affected, then left, IILach. BSPThroat right. Tonsils, sensitive : to pressure, at angles of lower jaw, Crotal.; particularly left, ILach. gl§f Throat sensitive. Tonsils, shining : Bell, ILac c. Tonsils, shooting : Chel.; to ear, better swal- lowing, IKali bi. Tonsils, shrivelled and white : Cycl. Tonsils, smarting : 11 Apis ; left, Diose g®~ burning. Tonsils, sore : in hepatitis, ICheb, HLac e, IMere iod. flav, IPhyt; on swallowing,with nosebleed, IILach. 8®°* inflamed, raw. Tonsils, stinging: in beginning to swallow: IRhus ; wdien swallowing, Apis. B@P pricking, stitches. Tonsils, stitches: INitr. ae; seemingly up to ear, Diose; dull, piercing in left, worse by external touch, ICup. in.; in right, Bar. e; when swallowing, IMere; shooting, in swell- ing, I IRan. sc; in right, Bapt. Tonsils,swollen: iEsc.h, Ananth, Apis,lAur. met, IIBapt., IIBar. c, IBelb, Berb, ICale, ICarbol. ac, ICed, HCham, Chel., llChim. m. Cinch, IColch, ICrot. t, IDulc, IGels, IHep, IKali bi, IKali iod, IKali m, I ILac c, Lyss.. I Merc, cor, IMere iod. flav, IMere iod. rub., IMere viv, IMur. ac, INitr. ac, I INux v., IPhos, IPhvt, IPlumb, ISabad, ISal. ac, ISib, IISul, Thlaspi, Zinc; in an- gina, lArs., llgn, IMere; back part cedemat- ous, rising like a barrier (quinsy), I ILacc; breathes with mouth open, IMere iod. rub.; feeling as if both were enlarged, Iber.; in ca- tarrh, IHippoz.; enlarged, scrofulous children, worse after slight cold, IIBar. e; chronic, in strumous subjects, ICale p.; after least cold, IIBar. e; closing posterior channels (scar- latina), IHippoz.; throat almost closed (tonsillitis), HLac c; enlargement (coryza) lArs. b: congested, with yellow small patches on each (tonsillitis and pemphigus),ILye- in rHROAT. 391 13. 1 croup, IPhos.; causing deafness, IINitr. ae; with deafness of children, IKali bb; with deafness, especially after abuse of mercury, IStaph.; in diphtheria, ICrotal, IGels,Hod., ILacc, ILach, ILye, IMere cy, INatr. a.; with dry and burning sensation, I IPhos.; with dryness of throat, HPhyt; extending into ears, causing transient deafness (bronchial catarrh), I IMed.; enlargement (chronic hyper- trophy), IIBar. c, IBar. m., IFerr, IILach, IILyc, INatr.m, INitr. ac, I IPetrol, IPhyt, ISib; enlargement chronic in pale scrofulous children, IChen. a.; enlarged, with croupy cough, I IPhyt.; with occlusion of eustachian tubes and deafness, IMere; noticeable extern- ally with sensitiveness to touch, and increased temperature in vicinity, Sal. ae; in angina faucium, ILach.; pressed forward (angina), IMere; hyperplasia, Lyss.; chronic hyper- trophy (hereditary syphilis), ISyph.; hyper- trophied, with excessive catarrh, after scarlet fever, IKali iod.; hypertrophied, secrete a cheesy matter, Vespa; hypertrophy, with nasal voice, IStaph.; chronic induration, worse on swallowing solids, IIBar. e; indo- lent enlargement, with inflammation, IIBar. c, IKali bi.; inflammatory, ICale; in chronic laryngitis, IIMerc. cy.; in acute pharyngo- laryngitis, INaja; left, I Amyl, Ind, ILach, IMere iod. rub, ISub; left, after diphtheria, ILac c; left, with a tendency to right, ILach.; left, with a few whitish spots (follicular ton- sillitis), IMere cy.; after measles, IBrom.; with otitis, Tereb.; in ozaena, I IMere iod.flav.: with pain, when swallowing, IGraph.; pale, IHep.; no passage visible, lElaps, IHep.; rapid, Ant t; and red, IHam, ISpong.; with dirty redness, IKali bb; rosy red, with ten- sion and pressure, Brom.; in scarlatina,! IA pis; right, Ars. s. r, IBell, Goss,IMerc,IMere iod. flav, Niccol, IPhyt.; right, in diphtheria, HLac c, IMere cy.; right, for eighteen months, HPhos.; right, with wdiitish gray soft exudate (diphtheria), IMere sob; right, with scrofulous ophthalmia, I Apis; right worse (follicular tonsillitis), IMere cy.; right, with sharp pain, as from needles (acute phar- yngo-laryngitis), INaja; red, veins enlarged varicose, I Ham.; in scarlatina, I Ailant, I Amm. e, lApis, IIArum t, Bapt, IBar. c, IIBell, 1IGels,IHep,IMere,IMere iod.flav, IPhyt, HStram.; with shooting stitches, I IRan. sc; chronic scrofulous, IBar. m.; swallowing dif- ficult, Guaraea, HLac c, INitr. ae; large and tense, mouth could not be closed (quinsy), I ILac e; in sore throat, IMere iod. flav.; in ulcerated throat, IKali per.; with small ulcers, IINitr. ae; in incipient tuberculosis, I ITu- bere; after tonsillitis, INatr. a.; in an»ina tonsillaris, lApis ; with injected vessels, INitr. ae; suffocation is feared (tonsillitis diphthe- ria), I ITarant.; suppuration, lAnae, Ananth., lApis, IIBar.c, IBell, Cale, ICale s., Canth, Daph, IGuaiac, IIHep, Ign, IKali bi., ILac c, ILach, ILye, Mane, IIMerc, IMere iod. flav, IMere iod. rub, ISabad, ISang, HSil.; favors suppuration and causes rapid healing, ICup. ac; suppurating, going from right to left, ILye BgP abscess. Tonsils, throbbing: Amm. m.; in left, Natr. ph.; in angina tonsillaris, lApis. jgg» abscess, inflamed. Tonsils, ulcers: lAur.met, ICale, IKali bi, ILye, IMere, IMere c, IMere per, IPhyt., I INatr. s. Zinc; aphthous, rapidly forming, IBelb; aphthous, on right, ICanth.; bloody, on right, with uneven edges, which corre- spond to size of membrane just retched out, IChin. a.; gradually coalesce, Zinc; studded with deep, and oozing a fetid, scanty dis- charge (scarlatina), HAilant; deep, erysipe- latous and cedematous, Apis ; sharply defined, IKali bb, Zinc; deep, after plica polonica had been cut off, spread to soft palate on back wall of pharynx, pale bluish edges, covered with cauliflower excrescences, whitish, thin pus, smelling like rancid butter, Sars.; deep, in tonsillitis, IMere iod. flav.; with delirium, Merc. iod. rub.; destructive, with thick yellow secretion, 11 Ind.; dry, in scarlatina, HApis ; extensive, Zinc; flat, white or grayish, INitr. ' ae; covered with large fetid, in scarlatina, IMere iod. rub.; tendency to gangrenous (scarlatina), lAmm. c; greenish, surrounded by white exudation (diphtheria), I ILac c; lardaceous (syphilis), ILye; left, I ILac c, IILach, IMere iod. rub.; patches, yellowish, IKali perm.; as large as point of a knitting needle, upon inflamed surface (angina), IMere; red, everted edges, Zinc; on right, extended over palate and covered left tonsil, ILac e; round, Zinc; on inner side of each (diphtheria), I ILac c; in scarlatina, IMur. ac; after scarlatina, IIMerc. iod. rub.; small, llgn., IINitr. ae; two small ulcers on right (mercurio-syphilis), lAur. mur. nat.; small, round or irregular gray white (diphtheria), HLac c; sloughing abrasions (scarlatina), HApis; nearly sloughed off, pain on taking least nourishment (syphilitic), INitr. ae; studded with, IMere; suppurating, loss of substance, I Aur. mur.; in syphilis, I IPhyt.; white, HLac e; whitish on left, with sore- ness, ILye; numerous white spots on both, IPhyt.; whitish patches, IKali perm.; white yellowish, burning, IManc; grayish yellow, as large as a pea, on left, sensitive to touch, IMere cor. 8€lP inflamed, swollen. Tonsils, uneasiness: Amm. m. Tonsils, yellow streak: IINitr. ac. 8@P" exudate. UVULA, almost black: B€^* gangrenous. Uvula, bleeding: in diphtheria, 11 Lace Uvula, blennorrhcea: in angina tonsillaris, IIBar. m. Uvula, burning: ISang. Uvula, congested: IDulc, IMere iod. flav.; in angina tonsillaris, IIBar. m. B@p inflamed, red. Uvula, elongated: lAlum, Aur. met, IBapt, Brom., ICaps., ICoff, ICroe, HCrot. t, IHydras., IIHyos, Ind, Hod., IKali e, IIKali iod, I ILacc, Lact. ac, IILach., Mane, IMere, I IMillef, INatr. m., I INux v., HSub; in angina tonsillaris, IIBar. m.; with chilli- ness, high fever, pains in head, back, limbs, restlessness and prostration, ILacc; causing cough, lAlum, HCrot, t, IIHyos, IMere iod. rub.; with cough, worse lying down, IIHyos, INatr. m.; during day, Med.; dry and burn- ing, HPhos.; feeling, Calc, Lyss., IMere iod. rub., Plat, ISabad.; feeling, worse on awaking, Crot.; flabby, IHep.; hangs like a sac of water (diphtheria), INatr. a.; in ozaena, 392 14. APPETITE. THIRST. APPETITE, canine: B^° Hunger exces- sive. Appetite, capricious: Astr.; in insanity,! I Ver. v.; in acute mania, after melancholia, IGels.; wants one thing, now another, which is re- fused when offered, Ang, Bell, IIBry, HCina, HCinch, IHep, llgn., IMagn. m, IPhos., IPuls.; in hysteria, I ITherid.; wants piquant things, IHep., ISang. 8§P dainty, variable; also Hunger with aversion. Appetite, dainty: in weakness of bladder, 11 Uran. n.; in children, HCinch. Appetite, diminished (impaired, lessened, poor): Acet. ac, Agnus, Ant. t, Ars. m, Ars. h., Ars. s. r., Aspar, Badiag, Berb, I ICanth, ICina, ICoff, ICup. ac, Diad, Gamb, IGels, DESIRES. AVERSIONS. ILac def, ILye, IMurex, Plant, I IPic. ae, Sabina, Sarrae, Spong., Tereb, I IVer.; in psoas abscess, I ISyph.; in asthma, I IPhos.; in acute desquamative stage of Bright's dis- ease, IHelon.; in bronchitis, ICina; during convalescence, IPsor.; with constipation, IHy- dras.; in croup, IKaob; in diphtheria, IKali m.; in acute dropsy following parturition, ICinch.; but must eat often, otherwise she feels faint (dyspepsia), IKali bb; for dinner, relishes food when eating, Calend.; in inter- mittent, lArs., IISul. ac; in apyrexia (ter- tian), I Ant. t; after typhus, IPsor.; with giddiness, I ISabad.; with glandular swelling, IBar. m.; in inflammation of hand, lAnthrac.* with headache, HPhos.; in nervous head- ache, HPlat.; with heat, Anthrac; owing to IIMerc. iod. flav.; hangs far into pharynx, I IPhos.; pressure, as if too long, IDulc; with sensation as of a plug in throat, IKali bb; in smokers and drinkers, ICaps.; after tonsillitis, INatr. a. gs§g~ swollen. Uvula, eruption: pimples, IKali bb; minute red pimples, 11 Rumex ; pimples in variola, IBapt.; scabs behind base, IBar. c Uvula, exudation: ash-colored (diphtheria), HPhyt.; black and white, diphtheritic, I ILac e; diphtheritic, ILacc, IMere c, I ITarant.; dirty brown, I ILac c; gray, diphtheritic, Lac. c; coarse shreds of membrane hang from it, I ILac e; patches, some yellow, some white, scratching makes them bleed, I I Lac c; red- dish pearly hue, ICarbol. ac.; surrounded by a red areola, white at margin, yellowish in thicker portions and turning black at some point (diphtheria), I Nitr. ae; like dried starch, IMere iod. rub.; thick, in diphtheria, IKali br. ggg~ Fauces and Throat exudate. Uvula, gangrenous: lower half almost black, I ILac c, ILach.; upper half covered with ex- udation (diphtheria), IChin. a. Uvula, looks glazed: ICarbol. ac. Uvula, inflamed: I Alum, ICarbo v., IGels., ILacc; back part, in coryza, I Ars. b; worse on right side, I I Ptel.; slightly, Lyss.; with painful swallowing and urging to swallow sa- liva, INatr. s. g®~ congested, red. Uvula, deviated to left: in amaurosis, after sore throat, IGels. Uvula, pale : in chronic follicular pharyngitis, I IPhyt. Uvula, as if pressing on something hard: ICaps. Uvula, too red : IIAcon, I Apis, Bell., ICale p., Caust, ICrot. t, IKali bi, IMere iod. flav.; bluish, I ISub; coppery, IMere viv.; dark, IIArg. nit, ILach.; edges, I IRumex; with sensation of ball in throat and constant desire to swallow, I INux v.; livid, and greatly swol- len, IFluor. ae; scarlet, shiny, Bell.; slightly, IPetrol.; and swollen (scarlatina), I ISul. Bgp congested, inflamed. Uvula, roughness: Sul. Uvula, scraping: Cain. Uvula, sore: IHydras., ISang.; worse on right side, 11 Ptel. Uvula, feels stiff: worse on awaking, Crotal. Uvula, stinging: INux v.; as if it would break when he coughs, I IHam. Uvula, swollen: HApis, Act. rac. Bar. m., Bell, Calad, ICale p, ICarbo v, Chel., ICoff, ICrot. t, Ind, Hod., IKali bi, IIKali iod, I ILac e, IMere, I IMere cor., IMur.ac, Natr. a, INitr.ac, I INux v., I IPhos, IPhyt, IRhus, Sul. ac; with sensation of a ball in throat and constant desire to swallow, I INux v.; back part, in coryza, I Ars. b; bagging, front of which is soft and feels like pus, at apex a whitish prominence, as if an abscess were about to discharge (post-diphtheritic af- fection), ILach.; bladder-like appearance, much swelling, with little redness (diphthe- ria), IIKali bb; in chronic catarrh, HSil.; congested, IKali br.; after diphtheria, INux v.; dry and burning, I IPhos, I IRumex ; elon- gated with cough, lAcon.; feeling, Coca, IIKali iod.; inflamed, ICale; inflamed, size of half a finger, lying upon tongue and mak- ing swallowing painful and difficult, I IMere cor.; pale, IHep.; and red, ISpong.; sensitive, Cinch.; tip touches root of tongue, I INux v. 8®" elongated. Uvula, almost translucent: IPhyt. Uvula, ulcer : IKali bb; above, about 1£ inches in length, causing soft palate to appear torn, I IPhos.; seems attached by a thread, IFluor. ae; deep, excavated at root, with reddish areola, contains yellow tenacious matter, I Kali bi.; destructive, thick yellow secretion, I I Ind.; eaten away (sore throat), IIMerc. cor.; phage- denic, with burning, tearing, fluids return through nose when swallowing, Bism.; makes talking and eating painful, Sub; in syphilis, lAur. met, I Kali bi, I Merc, I Nitr.ac, I IPhyt; syphilitic, deep, with hard edges, IKali bi. Uvula, vesicles : dark red, Calc. 14. APPETITE. THIRST. DESIRES. AVERSIONS. Appetite. Aversion. Desire. Thirst, 14. APPETITE. THIRST. DESIRES. AVERSIONS. 393 heat in summer, Ant. c; in heart disease, ILye vir.; in hemiopia, lAur. met.; in hyste- ria, 1 ISib; in insanity, I IVer. v.; in pustular keratitis, I IPsor., HSub; with muddled feel- ing, or pains in liver, I Ptel.; in locomotor atax- ia, lArg. nit; in melancholia, ILach.; in amenorrhcea, ICycl, IDig.; in tabes mesen- terica, I ITubere; in parenchymatous metri- tis, HLac e; in morning, Ascl. t, Lyss.; in myalgia, I Am.; in myopia, I Arg. nit.; with nausea,IPsor,Stront.; with neuralgia, I IMagn. p., I IPolyp.; in acute desquamative nephri- tis, ICoccus; in diseased pancreas, lAtrop. s.; in pregnancy, lAnt. t.; in prosopalgia, Mez.; in retroversion of uterus, ILil. tig.; with craving for salt things (chronic dysentery), ICon.; very little satisfies, Lact. ac.; with at- tacks of sickness, Ferr. ph.; especially for supper, Kob.; food tasteless (bilious trouble), IHelon.; with thirst, Kali n.; with thirst, in hepatitis, IMere; without thirst, yet great inclination to drink, IColoe; in urticaria, IBov.; in uterine disorder, ICon.; in gastric ulcer, lArg. nit; with vertigo, ITereb.; pre- viously voracious (albuminuria), I Apis. 8®" lost. Appetite, excessive : gs^° Hunger. Appetite, increased : 8®° Hunger excessive, Appetite, lost (anorexia; : Acet. ae, I Act. rac, ^Ethus, I Agar, Ailant, I I Alum, Ammoniac, lAmyb, Anac, Anthrok, Ant. a, IIAnt. c, lAnt t, Ant. sul. aur, HApis, IIArg. met, IIArg. nit, HArn., HArs, lArs. h., Ars. i, Ars. m.,IArs. s. f, Arum in, Arund, I Ascl. s., lAtrop. s., Aurant, lAur. met, lAur. mur., IBapt, iBar. c. Bell, Benz. ac, Brach., IIBry, ICact, HCale, ~Cean, ICamph, I ICanth, ICaps, ICarbo a, Carbol. ac, Carb. s., ICarbo v., Castor, Caust, ICepa, HCham, HChel, Chim. m, 77-Chim. umb., Chin, s. Chloral,Cie, ICina,Cinch. bol.JICinch, Cin- nab, Coca, I ICoccul, Como, ICon., Cup. ars, ICup. m., Cupr. s, HCycl, Daph, IIDig, Dory, IDulc, Eup. perf, IIFerr, Ferr. ph, IGels, I IGraph., I IGuaiac, Gymn, IHelon, IIHep., Hippoz, HHydras, llgn,. Hod., llpec, llris, IKali br, IKali iod, I IKali m, IKali p, ILil. tig, ILobel, IILyc, Lyss, IMagn.m, I IMed, I IMillef, IIMerc, IMere c, IMere iod. flav, IMere sob, IMez, IMur. . ac, Myr. cer., IINatr. m., I INatr. p, INaja, INitr. ac, Nitr. sp. d., INux m, IINux v., I IOp., Petrol, I IPhos. ac, IPhyt, I IPlat, Plumb, I IPrun, IPod., Polyp, Polyg, IIPuls., Raph, IIRatan, IIRhus, ISang, Sarrae, Sars, ISenecio, HSep, ISil, HStram, Stront, IISul, Tabae, Tromb, I IThuya, Urt. ur, I lUva ursi, Vace, IVer, Xan, I I Zing., Ziz.; in abscesses of head, IMere sob; alter- nating with canine hunger, -Amm. m, IIFerr, IThuya; in amennorrhcea, from fright, IIRhus; in anaemia, IFerr.; in ana- sarca, IHelb; in angina pectoris, INux v.; in . anthrax, from eating meat of diseased ani- mals, I lAnthrac; in asthma, lArs, llpec, IKali c; with aversion to food, IFerr, Mang.; in blepharitis, IKali e; iri inflammation of brain, 11 Hell.; except for bread and cold food, Amm. c; for breakfast, Bov, Chrom. ac. Chin, a, ICinch, Cochl., 11 Meph, 11 Tu- berc; for breakfast, after fever in night, Chin, a.; for breakfast, in pregnancy, ILact. ac (gfgg~ morning) ; with burning through upper lobe of lungs (clavicular region), Ru- mex ; with burning and distress of stomach (dysentery), HPhos.; in cancer, ICund.; in catarrh of bladder, HUva ursi; in bronchial and vesical catarrh, ICop.; in gastric catarrh, ■Ante; in children, I Arum t, IDiad., IPuls.; with chills (anthrax), I lAnthrac; with chilli- ness, Agar.; in chlorosis, IFerr.; in cholerine, HAsar, IIDulc; in cholera infantum, IManc; in chorea, ICheb; after coitus, IDig.; after catching cold, IKali c; before coma (typhus), ICalad.; six weeks after confinement (hydro- genoid constitution), INatr. s.; in constipa- tion, ICollin., INux v., IOp.; in constipation (amenorrhcea), IZinc; child disposed to con- vulsions, IBell.; with long-continued cough, 101. jec; in whooping cough, ICorab; in co- ryza, HCepa, IIPuls.; with craving for he knows not what, wants piquant things, Ang, IBry, ISang.; in diphtheritic croup, IKali bb; in cynanche cellularis, HAnthrac; for days, lArn.; with debility, Gman, ISul. ac; with uneasy, depressed feeling at epigastrium at time of menses, I IGoss.; in diarrhoea, Apis, lArn, lArs, IBor., IBry., ICinch, Cinnam, IColch, Cop, Dig, Ferr. mur, IGamb, llris, Magn. c, IMere, INux m, IPod, IPuls, ISang, ISub, IVer.; in chronic diarrhoea, IDulc, IGamb., IRheum ; with weak diges- tion, ISang.; in diphtheria, IKreo, ILac c, ILach, IMere cy, IMur. ac, INatr. a, IISul. ae; with disgust, I ICheb; in brandy drink- ers, I Arn.; in dropsy, IFluor. ac, ILye; in cardiac dropsy, IDig.; of drunkards, lEup. pert; with dry throat, mouth and tongue, INux m.; in dysentery, IColch, IHam, IMere; in dyspepsia, IFerr. ph.; in chronic dyspepsia, IHydr. ac, ILac c, INux v.; in dysmenorrhoea, ICollin, INiccol.; on begin- ning to eat, relishes food, ICale; could eat but a few mouthfuls, Xan.; fear of eating, on account of pain during digestion (colic after a cold), IDiad.; returns when eating, HCinch.; with oppression at epigastrium, IStram.; in epilepsy, after fall on head, iCup. m.; with emaciation (prosopalgia), ICheb; in erysip- elas, IIRhus, HVer. v.; in evening, Ars. h.; in evening, with canine hunger during day, IStann.; in evening, followed by great light- ness of head, Lyss.; in scrofulous inflamma- tion of eyes, IFerr. iod.; after a fall, IHyper.; in gastric fever, lAnt.c, IBry.; with inter- mittent fever, IIAnt. t, I Ars, IDiad., lEup. pur.; during apyrexia, I ICinch, lEup. pur., IFerr., llpec, INatr. m, I INux v., IPolyp, IPuls, Sabad.; in low fever, ICact.; fever in morning, lasting till noon, Kali e; in prevail- ing fever, I Amm. m.; in tertian intermittent, lAnt. c, IDig, IFerr, INatr. m.; in typhoid, IGels.; in typhus, lApis, IBapt; for plain food (pining boys), lAur. met.; especially for solid food, Coca; with fretfulness, IPuls.; after a fright, llgn.; always feels full, IFerr.; in gastralgia, Abrot, I lAnthrac, ILye; in gastric affections, lAng, IIAnt. e, IColch.; in gastromalacia, ICale; in spasmus glottidis, Chlor.; in gonorrhoea, I ITarant; in headache, ICast eq, ICaust, IColoe, ILac def, IIMagn. m, HSub; in chlorotic headache, I IZinc; after severe hemorrhage, IFerr.; in hemorrhoids, iJEsc. h, IBerb.; in hemiplegia, 394 14. APPETITE. THIRST DESIRES. AVERSIONS. ICaust; in hepatitis, IMere; in hepatic de- rangements, IChel, IFluor. ac, IHydras, ILept, IIMerc, INux v, I IPod.; with hic- cough almost uninterrupted, eighteen to twenty times a minute, INiccol.; follows rav- enous hunger (diphtheria), IIKali m.; fol- lowed by canine hunger, Ustil.; hypochondri- asis, every six or eight weeks, llpec; in hys- teria, 11 Aloe ; in hysteria, several days before attack, IKali e; in hystero-mania, I ITarant.; with feeling of indigestion, Iber.; in influ- enza, I Ant. t, I IPhelb; in insanity, IKali m., ILach.; in jaundice, lAur. met, lAur. mur. nat, IIMerc, I ITarax.; long lasting, IClem.; with malarial symptoms, INatr. s.; in melan- cholia, I Arg. nit.; in melancholy after morti- fication, llgn.; in melancholia after passion, IHyos.; in menorrhagia, IFerr. s.; before men- ses, Brom.; after and before menses, Calc. p.; before menses, Amm. e, IBelb; during men- ses, Calc p.,IUran. n.; in suppressed menses, ICycb; after meningitis, ICup. m.; in mental depression, IThuya ; for months, in caries of dorsal vertebrae, HSyph.; in morning, Abies, Benz. ac, ICasc, ICaust, IFerr. mur, Selen.; particularly in morning (enlargement of liver), Selen. (6€£P breakfast); until she takes first morsel, when she makes a good meal (preg- nancy), ISabad.; after a few mouthfuls, ILye, INux m.; in myelitis, IDulc; with nausea, Cact, HChel.; with nausea, in evening, 10 to 11 p.m., Lyss.; with nausea and frontal head- ache, I liber.; with nausea in morning, ILach.; in neuralgia, ICoccion.; in interval of neuralgic pain, IKali cy.; at noon, Ant. t.; in ophthalmia, ICie; in otorrhoea, I IPhos.; in ovarian dropsy, -Ferr. iod.; in ovaritis, IHam.; effects of overstudy, ICup. ac; with pains in forehead or maxillary sinuses (influ- enza), IPuls.; with pain from umbilicus to anus, I ILed.; in palate and throat, with emp- tiness of stomach, and ravenous hunger dis- appears after sitting, Rhus ; with swelling of left parotid, 11 Lac c.; after parturition, IIThuya; in perityphilitis, IMere; in pleu- risy, ICrotal, IHep.; in podogra, IMang.; in phthisis, IHydras, I ISamb.; in incipient phthisis, following amenorrhcea, I ISang.; in phthisis florida, after pneumonia, IFerr.; in potbellicdness, I I Rhus; in pneumonia, ICheb; in pregnancy, ILye, I ITarant; in morning sickness, ICon, ISabina ; in prolap- sus uteri, ILil. tig.; in pyaemia, I Ars.; in rheu- matism, I Ant. t, I ISticta; in cardiac rheu- matism, ICact; after scarlatina, IHelb; in scrofula, IFerr. iod.; n scirrhus, Ast. r.; in sexual debility, IDig.; in smallpox, 11 Variol.; with subjective putrid smell, morning, on awaking, I IKreo.; in somnambulism, IZinc; in spermatorrhoea, IDig, IPhos.; in enlarge- ment of spleen, IFerr. mur.; in splenitis, ICitrus; with troublesome bloatedness of stomach, Sabad.; with stool like chopped eggs, or undigested, in summer, with chil- dren, INux m.; except at supper time (vagi- nismus), Hgn.; with sweat, IStram.; with bitter taste, IGels., IJab.; with bitter taste, in induration of uterus, ICarbo a.; with acrid, burning taste in mouth, Ibobeb b; with cop- pery taste, Jugl.; with loss of taste, Cact., Oxal. ae; caused by mouldy taste (bronchi- tis), ILed.; on account of slimy taste in mouth Ars. h.; without bad taste or thirst, IIFerr.; with thirst, INatr. s, Oxal. ac, Seneg, Spig.; with thirst, in cholera infantum, ILaur.; with constant thirst, ISub; with great thirst (gas- tro-enteritis), ITereb.; caused by fulness in throat, with weariness alternating with bu- limia, IPhos.;in sore throat, ILacc; in ulcer- ated sore throat, IKali bi.; with clean tongue, ILaur.; with whitish coating on tongue (con- stipation), ICollin.; in incipient tubercular disease, I ITubere; in ovarian tumor, I Apis; in chronic ulcer on leg and dyspepsia, ILye; in induration of uterus, ICarbo a.; in prolap- sus uteri, I Alet.; with desire to vomit, Cain.; with vomiting, worse when standing than when sitting, going off when lying, IPetrol.; in ursemic vomiting, ICup. ac. 8^° diminished: also Aversion to food. Appetite, variable : Act. rac, 11 Alum, Ast. r., HCina, ICurar, ILach, Merc. iod. flav, INitr. ac, HPhos, IPod.; in psoas abscess, I ISyph.; in diabetes mellitus, 11 Uran. n.; in constipation, IMagn. m., Staph.; with hypo- chondriasis, Stann.; in affection of liver, IMagn. m.; after typhoid fever, nervous af- fection, IManc; in paralysis, ICurar.; in ova- rian tumor, IColoe; in retinitis albuminu- rica, I Ars.; in scrofulosis of children, IStil- ling. 8§P capricious. AVERSION to acids (sour things): 11 Bell, ICoccul., IFerr, IFerr. mur, Ign, I INux v, Phos. ac, ISabad, ISul. g&&~ fruit, wine. Aversion to alcoholic drinks: Ailant., Ars. m., IHyos, llgn. Mane, Merc, Phos. ac, IRhus. B§P ale, beer, brandy, whisky, -wine. Aversion to ale : Ferr., IINux v. Aversion to beer: lAlum, Asaf, Bell, ICham., HCinch, IClem., ICoccul, ICycl, IFerr., IINux v, Pallad., IPhos, Phos. ac, IRhus, Sep., Spig, Spong., IStann, ISub; in gastric derangements, INatr. s.; with thirst, in morn- ing, INux v. Aversion to brandy: IMere sol. Zinc; in brandy drinkers, lArn. Aversion to bread: Agar, HCinch, ICon., ICycl, Ign, IKali c, Lach, Lil. tig, ILye, Magn. c. Mane, IINatr. m, INatr. s, INitr. ac, INux v, I IPhos., Phos. ae, IPuls., Rhus, ISep, ISul, Tarant.; to bread and butter, ICycb, Natr. p.; to rye bread, Kali c, ILye, Nux, I IPuls, Sub; during pregnancy, ISep.; to wheaten bread, Aph. ch. Aversion to broths: HArn, I Ars, Bell, ICham, Graph, Rhus. Aversion to butter: Ars, Carbo v, HCinch., Cycl, Magn. c, IMere sol, IPteb, IPuls., I ISang. 8®" fat. Aversion to camphor: Bell. Aversion to cheese: Chel.. Oleand. Aversion to cocoa : 11 Osm, Tarant. Aversion to coffee : IBell.JBry, Calab,HCalc Carbo v, HCham, Chel, HCinch, Coccus ICoff, IDulc, Fluor, ac. Kali bi. Kali n' Lib tig. Lye, IMere sol, Natr. c, INatr. m ' IINux v, Osm, Phos. ac, Phos, Rheum Rhus, ISabad., ISpig, ISul. ae; in pain in stomach, I IMagn. p.; sweetened, Aur mur. Aversion to cold things: drinks, Calab.; food Acet. ac, Chel., Cycl.; water, Brom.; water* in rheumatic headache, IChin. a. Aversion to cooked food: Bell, Bov, Calc. Chel 14. APPETITE. THIRST. IGraph., Ign., Lach., Lye, Magn. c, Merc, Petrol, Phos, Sil, Ver, Zinc. 8®~ smell. Aversion to drink: Agar, Agnus, Aloe, Ang, I Apis, Arn, IBell, Berb., Bufo, Calab, ICanth, Cinch, Coccul, Coff, Cupr, Hyos, Ign, ILac e, Lach, ILyss, Mere, Nitr. ac, IINux v., IPuls., Ratan., Samb., Sec, IStram.; in headache, IIFerr.; with insatiable thirst, ILach.; alternates with great thirst (jaundice), IBerb. g®~ Thirst absent. Aversion to eggs: IFerr.; nearly fainting from odor of fresh ones, IColch. Aversion to farinaceous food: Ars. BSP puddings. Aversion to fatty things: Ang, HArs, Bell, IBry, Calc, ICarbo a, ICarbo v., HCinch, IColch, Croc, ICycl, Dros, Hell, IHep, Menyanth, IMere sol, Natr. e, IINatr. m, HPetrol, IPtel, IPuls, Rheum, Rhus, Sec, ISep, ISub; in parenchymatous metritis, HLac e; hungei* easily satisfied (tabes mesenterica), HPetrol.; there remains a long greasy aftertaste, worse after mutton, Lyss. Aversion to fish: Colch., IIGraph., Grat., Natr. m. Sub, Zinc; to salt fish, IPhos. Aversion to fluids: Stram. 8®° drink. Aversion to food (disgust, loathing): I Aeon., Alum, Anac, lAnt.c, HApis, lArn, lArs, Ant. sul. aur., Ars. s. f, Ars. s. r, Asar, Bar. c, IBry, Bufo, ICanth., ICarbo a, IChin. s, Cinnab, ICoccul, ICycl, IDig., IIDiosc, IDulc, Eup. perf, IIFerr, Gamb, IGlon, Grat, IHep, IHydras, I IHydrocot, llgn. Hod, lllpec, IKali e, IKali br, IIL.il., tig, IMagn. c, IMere cy., IMere iod. flav, IMere sob, Mosch, Myr. cer, IINux v., IOp, IPhos. ac. Sec, ISep, I ITarant, Vace, Zinc; alternates with appetite, ICaps.; alternates with canine hunger (jaundice), IBerb.; after bathing, I Ant. c; as soon as he begins to eat, Ruta; sudden, while at meals, Bar. e; in con- sumption, IGuaiac; in erysipelas, lApis; fan- ciful, to special articles, Illgn.; in intermit- tent, INatr. m, ISabad.; in tertian, IDig.; in typhus recurrens, I INux v.; in gastric ca- tarrh, I Ant. c, IBry, IHydr. ac, llpec, IMere, INux v, IPuls.; in chorea, I Asaf; in cholera, IChin. s.; in cholera infantum, IManc; in cholera morbus, IPod.; cooked food, in convalescents, IKreo.; in diphtheria, Bufo., Hod, I IRhus ; in dyspepsia, I Arg. nit.; in headache, IIAnt. c, IIFerr, ISep.; owing to heat in summer, I Ant. e; after hemor- rhage, IFerr.; in melancholy, I ICon-; with nausea, 11 Alet, Benz. ac, Coff, ICoff. t, ICornus, IKali e, Mosch.; as if he had over- eaten, HCinch.; in catarrhal ophthalmia, HSub; in potbelliedness, IIRhus; during pregnancy, Ant. t, ILaur.; in rheumatism, 11 Act. sp.; with feeling of satiety, Mang.; in scarlatina, IIArum t; with scraping in throat, IColoe; to sight of it,Ailant, I Arn, HArs, IMere iod. flav., Mosch.; it makes him shud- der, Cham.; to smell of it, HCoccul, HColch., lllpec; to taste of it, Vace; taste is natural, IHelb; when thinking of it. lArs., HCinch., Mosch, Sars, 11 Zinc; thought of it sickens her, with sense of weight in anus, ISep.; precedes vomiting of water, 11 Ratan. B6P Appetite diminished, lost; also Eat-. ing refuses. DESIRES. AVERSIONS. 395 Aversion to fruit: Bar. c, Ign,- especially to bananas and plums, Bar. c, Elaps. fi^P acids. Aversion to garlic : ISabad. Aversion to gruel: Ars, ICale Aversion to hot food: HCinch, IFerr.; warm, Bell, Cale, Cupr, Graph, Ign, Lach, Lye, Magn. e, Magn. s, IMere, IMere c. Petrol, Sil, IVer, Zinc; boiled, warm food, ILye, ISib; warm drink, ICham.; in tabes mesen- terica, I IPetrol. Aversion to meat: Agar, Aloe, lAlum, Amm. c, 11 Ang., Aph. ch, I Am., Ars, Ast. r, I Aur. met. Bell, IBry, ICale, Calc. s, ICarbo v, Caust, Chel, Chen, a. Cinch, bob, HCinch, IFerr, Ferr. ph, IGraph, Hell, Hydras., llgn, IKali bi, IKali c, IIKreo, Lachn, ILye, Magn. e, Mane, IMere sob, IMez., IIMur. ae, Natr. c, INatr. m., I INatr. s, Niccol, INitr.ac, IINux v., Op.. HPetrol., 11 Plant, IPhos, IPlat, IPtel, I IPuls., IRhus, Ruta,ISabad, Sec, ISep, HSil., Stront,HSul, ISyph., I ITereb, I IZinc; in chlorosis, with goitre, HCale; in diabetes, Tarant.; in dys- menorrhoea, ICycb; fresh meat, IIThuya; during apyrexia, in intermittent, lArn.; in heart disease, ICact.; in postpartum hemor- rhage, ICann. s.; in tabes mesenterica, I IPet- rol. ; in menorrhagia, IFerr. s.; during menses (nervous headache), I IPlat; in catarrhal oph- thalmia, HSub; in otorrhcea, I IPhos.; with palpitation, I ICale; it has a good taste, but he eats little, IKali c; when thinking of it, IIGraph.; in cancer of stomach, IIMez. B@p broth. Aversion to medicine : I ICalad. Aversion to milk ; ^Ethus, Amm. c, lAnt. t, lArn, Bell, IBry, Calad, ICale, ICarbo v, ICina, IGuaiac, llgn., IINatr. e, Nux v., Phos, IPuls, Rheum, ISep., ISil, Stann, ISub; if taken, appetite returns, Bry.; boiled milk, IPhos.; in diarrhcea and summer com- plaint, I Ant. t; it causes flatulence, ICarbo v.; in dyspepsia, IFerr. ph.; mother's milk, Ant c, ICina, Lach, Merc, ISil, Stann, Stram.; thought of makes her sick (sick head- ache), I ILac c.; it smells like putrid meat, Paris ; which tastes sour, ICale Aversion to pork: lAng., Colch, IDros., Psor, IPuls. 8^~ fat. Aversion to potatoes : Alum., I IThuya. Aversion to puddings : 11 Ars, IPhos, IPtel. B^P" farinaceous. Aversion to salted food : Acet. ac, Carbo v., Card, m, I ICorab, IGraph, INatr. m, ISelen., ISep, Sil. Aversion to smell of food : HCoccul, HColch, lllpec, IPod.; in exophthalmus, ILye vir.; during chilliness, 11 a.m. (intermittent), ICoc- cul. ; shudders, nausea, is unable to eat, IColch. Aversion to smoking : 8®*" tobacco. Aversion to solid food: Ang, IFerr, Mere, HStaph. Aversion to sour things : 8^** acids. Aversion to sweets : I Ars, Bar. e, ICaust, Hippom., IMere, Nitr. ae, IPhos, ISul, ISinap., Zinc. Aversion to tea : Carbol. ae, IPhos. Aversion to tobacco: Act. rac. Ant. t, Arn, Bov, Brom , Calc, ICamph, ICanth, ICarbo a, Coccul, Con, llgn, Lach, Lye, Meph, Natr.m, IINux v, Phos., Puis., Spig.: smok- 396 14. APPETITE. THIRST. ing, lArn., IIArg. met, Bor., Brom, ICale, ICamph, I ICarbo a, Grat, IPuls, ISub; to- bacco, INatr. m. Zing.; in stomachal catarrh, llpec; to smell of smoke, ICase, llgn, ILo- bel i, ILye; smoke does not taste good, Ictod. 8@* Chap. 15, Tobacco. Aversion to veal; Phell, Zinc. Aversion to vegetables: Bell, IHell, Hydras, IMagn. c, IMagn. m., Ruta. Aversion to water: I Apis, Bell, Brom., IBry, Calab,Calad, Cann. i,ICanth, Caust, Cinch, Elaps, Ham, Hell, IHyos, Kali bi. Lye, ILyss, INatr. m, INqx v., IPuls, IStram, Zinc; in acute gastritis, after taking cold, IColoe; with sour, greasy vomiting, IManc; it makes him sick to think of it, IIHam.; with thirst, INux v.; with thirst, in morning, INux v.; of place he arrives at in traveling, ILyss. 8®" drink; also Thirst absent. Aversion to whisky : Ant. t, llgn. Mere 8@" alcohol, brandy. Aversion to wine: Ars.m, llgn,Lach, Mane, IMere sol, Phos. ac, IRhus, HSabad, ISul, IZinc; during fever, Stram. DESIRE for acids: I Ant c. Ant. t, lApis, HArn, lArs., Arund, Bor, IBry, ICale, Carbo a, ICarbo v, ICham., Cinch., ICon, I IDig., Dory, IFerr. mur, IHep, Hippom, llgn., IKalie, Kreo, ILach., Magn. c, Mang, Med, INatr. m, I IPhelb,IPhos,IPod, Polyp, Psor, IPuls, IIRhus, Sabina, ISee, ISep, I ISquilla, IStram, ISul, I ITherid, IVer, Ziz.; in brain affections of children, HSub; in car- dialgia, I ICheb; in chlorosis, lAlum.; in diar- rhcea, I Ant. c, I Ant. t, I Ars, IBor., IBrom, Bry, ICinch, IMagn., IPod, IVer.; drinks, HCham, Cornus, Dig, Eup. perf, IHep., IMagn. c, Merc. iod. flav, IStram., Therid.; drinks, with chilliness before and after stool, IMez.; drinks which aggravate, IKali bb; drinks, in large quantities, IVer.; drinks, with nausea, ICornus ; in intermittent fever, HArs.; in remittent fever, ISub; in tertian, I Ant. e; food, Arund, ICist, HCoral, Ptel.; fruits, Therid., ISub ac; lemons, which prove beneficial, IIBell.; in inflammation of lungs, ICornus ; after menses, llgn.; in nervous af- fection, IManc.; in chronic ovaritis, Hod.; in J phthisis, I IStann.; citric acid, with bitter taste, IIPuls.; in tonsillitis, IMere iod. flav.; water, ICale; vinegar, Arn, Chel, IIHep, Sep.; vinegar in catarrhal ophthalmia, IISul. 8^* fruit, lemonade, pickles, refreshing things, sauerkraut. Desire for alcohol (spirituous liquors): Aeon., Amm. c, Arn, HArs, IIAsar, Ast. r, Bov, Bry, Bufo, Calc, Calc. a, HCaps., Cie, Cinch, I ICoca, I ICrotal., Cub, I ICup, IHep, Iber., Hod, IKreo, IILach, ILye, Med., Mosch., IMur. ac, Natr. ph, IINux v, HOp., IPhos, IIPuls, HSelen, ISep, ISpig, IStaph, ISub, ISul. ac, ISyph, Tabae, Te- reb, Ziz.; which are easily borne (typhus), I Aur. met; almost maniacal desire to get drunk, and feels distressed afterwards (chronic- alcoholism), ISelen.; worse in forenoon, Ars. m.; desire to imbibe from morning until night, HSub; cures inebriates by removing irritation of stomach which causes the mor- bid appetite, IPhos.; would steal from house in servant's cloak and bonnet to obtain alco- holic drinks, but from the moment their pro- . DESIRES. AVERSIONS. hibition was withdrawn ceased to have any desire for them, I IPlumb.; subdued craving for liquor by taking three times daily, for from two to four weeks, from ten to fifteen drops of a mixture of one part sulphuric acid and three parts alcohol, Sul. ac Desire for ale: Med, ISul. 8®"* ale, beer, brandy, whisky, wine. Desire for almonds: Cub. Desire for aromatic drinks : Ananth. 8^° chalk, coal, earth. Desire for ashes: in dysmenorrhoea, I ITarant. Desire for beer: IIAcon, Aloe, IBell, IBry, Calad, Calc, Carb. s, ICaust, Chel, Cinch, ICoccul, IColoe, Dig., Graph, IKali bb, ILach, Mang, IMere sob, Mosch, INatr. c, INatr. in, Natr. p., IINux v, I IOp, IPetrol, Phell,Phos.ac,Puls,IRhus,Sabad,Sep,ISpig, Spong, IStront, HSub, Tell, IZinc; during chill, Ant. c, INux v.; in diphtheria, ISub; mouth feels so dry, I'lPsor.; in evening, IZinc; with flushes of heat at night, ISpig.; during heat, lAcon.; chiefly in morning, IIPuls.; in pneumonia, HStram.; in stoma- titis, I IPetrol.; without thirst, ICalad.; which relieves toothache, Camph. Desire for bitter things: drinks, Aeon.; food, Codein, Dig, INatr. m.; with thirst, Codein. Desire for brandy: Aeon, Ailant., I Ars, Bov, Bufo., Cub, Mosch, INux v, Oleand, I IOp, Staph, ISul. ac, ISul, Therid.; worse in forenoon, Ars- m.; in water, desire for, IPetrol. 8®* alcohol. Desire for bread ; Amm. e, Ars, Bov, ICina, IColoe, Cub, IFerr, Grat, IMagn. e, IMere sob, INatr. m., Plumb, Puis,Staph, IStront; for bread and butter, Ferr, Ign, I IMagn. c, IMere sub; dry wheat (glandular swelling), IBar. m.; boiled in milk, Abrot.; nothing but bread, Grat.; rye, lArs, llgn., Plumb. Desire for broth : 8®* liquid food. Desire for butter : All. sat. 8€iP bread, fat. Desire for cakes: Plumb.; in inflammation of lungs, ICornus. Desire for chalk : lAlum., ICale, IINitr. ac, INux v. 8®° lime, strange things. Desire for cheese: Arg. nit., Ast. r, ICist., Mosch. Desire for cider: in headache, I ISul. 8®* fruit. Desire for cloves: lAlum, IChlor. Desire for coal: ICale, ICie; charcoal, in chlo- rosis,! Alum. ; child puts into mouth, crunching and swallowing with apparent relish, Cie B@P strange things. Desire for coffee: Arg. nit, lArs, Ast. r., I Aur. met, IBry., Calc. p., Caps, ICarbo v, Chel., Cinch, Colch, ICon., Lach, Lobel, IMez, Mosch, INux m., Phos. ae, Sabina, ISelen.; which agrees, in dysmenorrhoea, ILach.; after attack of intermittent, I Ars.; beans, Cinch.; black, Mosch.; in caries of tubular bones,' 11 Ang.; in chlorosis, I Alum.; which nauseates (diarrhoea), ICaps.; roasted, Cinch, strong ■Bry. 6' Desire for cold things : lAnt. t, Asaf, Cinch. IINux v, ISib; drinks, IIAcon, Ailant' Amm. c, Ang., lAnt. t, HArs., Ast.r., Bism"' Bov., IIBry, Calc, ICaust, Ced, ICinch' HCina, Clem, Cornus, ICroe, ICup. ac ' ICup. m, IDulc, Euphor, Led., IMere. Natr m, GDnan, Oleand., HPhos, IPhos." ac 14. APPETITE. THIRST. Psor, IRhus, Sabad, IThuya, HVer.; drinks, j especially beer, ICoccul.; drinks, with burn- ing and distress of stomach (dysentery), HPhos.; drinks, with chill, Ver.; drinks, in diarrhoea, I Ant. t; drinks, in afternoon (headache), Bism.; drinks, in evening, Bism.; drinks, particulary at night, ICale; drinks with vomiting (cholera Asiatica), HVer.; drinks, better thereby until they become warm, when they are vomited, HPhos.; fruits and ice cream (chronic ulcers on leg and dys- pepsia), ILye; during pregnancy, IVer.; food, IMere cor.,HPhos., IThuya, IVer.; ice,Med, Natr. s, HVer.; ice cream, ICale, lEup. per., HPhos.; icy cold, Arum t; ice water (cerebro- spinal meningitis), HVer.; milk, IRhus; something very cold, INatr. s.; acid drinks, with blue lips and nails, after chill, Eup. pur.; acid drinks in diarrhoea, IBry.; water, Ang., 11 Arn, IIBry, Calc a, Camph, ICaps, Ced., HCham., HCinch, IIEup. perf, Fluor. ac,IGlon,INatr. s, 01eand,Plumb.; water, in afternoon, Ruta ; in catarrhal diarrhoea, I Ant. t; water, but dyspnoea allows her to take but a sip at a time, Squilla ; wrater a few hours at ter dinner, INatr. e; water, in evening, Jamb.; but fears to take it (colic odynia), Ars.; in fever, Calca.; water, with evening fever (chronic diarrhoea), ICale; water, worse after Bell, (puerperal fever), IIPuls.; water, fre- quent mouthfuls, with intense heat, in even- ing (pneumonia), HSub; water, in heart dis- ease, ILye vir.; water, which is immediately ejected (cholera infantum), lArs. iod.; water, large quantities, 11 Ver.; water, a little suffi- ces, Act. rac, HArs.; water, though tongue and mouth are moist and there is plenty of saliva, IMere; water, at night (emphysema), IHep.; water, in pneumonia, I IStram.; water, every half hour, in rheumatism, ILye; water, with sweat, in morning on awaking, Jamb.; water, with inability to swallow on account of a choking which rises from stomach, IManc; water, can swallow only by little sips, as throat is so full (diphtheria), IMere iod. flav.; water, which is soon vomited (influen- za), IISang. Desire for condiments: IHep. Blip mustard, pepper, salt. Desire for cuttlefish: in dysmenorrhoea, I ITa- rant. Desire for dainties (delicacies) : Calc, Cinch., Cub, lllpec. Petrol, IRhus, Sang., Spong.; which are eaten with avidity (tabes mesen- terica), I IPetrol.; in children, ICinch.; in pustular keratitis, I IPsor.; with sexual de- sire and lascivious fancies, ICinch. BgP" sweets. Desire for drink: gj^~ acid, alcohol, ale, beer, brandy, cider, cocoa, coffee, cold, effer- vescing, hot, wine ; also Thirst, milk, tea. Desire for earth : IINitr. ac. 8^~ ashes, chalk, coal. Desire for effervescing liquids: in diabetes, 11 Phos. ac. Desire for eggs, soft boiled: 01. an.; hard boiled, I ICale Desire for farinaceous food : INatr. m. 8®" bread, pastry, puddings. Desire for fat: IINitr. ac; ham, IMez.; food, which disagrees, INux v.; in emphysema, IHep. 8®° butter, lard. DESIRES. AVERSIONS. 397 Desire for highly flavored things : IHep. 8§lP highly seasoned. Desire for food : 8SP Hunger. Desire for fish : INatr. in.; herring, IINitr. ac, IPuls, IVer.; in rheumatic neuralgia, I IPhos.; sardines, ICycb, IVer. Desire for fruit: Aloe, lAlum., lAnt. t, Ars, Cinch, Cist, Cub, Hep, llgn, IMagn. c, IPhos. ac, ISul. ae, HVer.; especially apples, Aloe, Ant. t, Guaiae; apples, in headache, I ISub; wants apples in the middle of the night, Tell.; bananas, in hysteria, I ITherid.; in diarrhoea, lAnt. t; in intermittent, INatr. m.; oranges, Cub, Med.; oranges, in hysteria, I ITherid.; plum juice, in typhus, lArg. nit; hard and green, Med.; sour, Cist; green, sour, Calc. s. BisP acids, cider, juicy, refreshing. Desire for ham : raw (diabetes), 11 Uran. n.; fat, IMez. BSiP fat pork, smoked meat. Desire for hot things: in angina of throat, ILye, ISabad.; drinks, Ang, Bell, IIBry, Calad., Case, I ICast. v., Ced, Chel, Cup. m, Eup. pur. Hyper, Kreo, HLac c, ILye; be- fore chill, Eup. pert; during fever, I IMed.; with heat, I Case; before heat, ISabad.; in meningitis, IHyper.; food, Ang, Ars., Chel, Cup. m, Cycl, IFerr., IILyc, Phos. ae; lem- onade (ague), IIPuls.; milk, in traumatic meningitis, IHyper.; tea, during heat (inter- mittent), I Case Desire for herring : 8§P fish. Desire for ice: 8§P cold things. Desire for ice cream : BilP cold things. Desire for indigestible things : 8@P strange things. Desire for juicy things : Aloe, IPhos. ae.lVer.; heat, ISabad. BSP fruit. Desire, without knowing what: 8^" Appe- tite capricious. Desire for lard : Ars. 8^" fat. Desire for lemonade : IIBell, Cycl., IJatroph, INitr. ac, IPuls., Sabina, Sec; which proves beneficial, IIBell.; cold acid drinks, with bone pains, Eup. pur. 8^° acids, fruit, refreshing. Desire for lime: IINitr. ac, INux. v. B^T" chalk, strange things. Desire for liquid food: Ang, IFerr, IMere sol, IStaph, ISub; soup, Staph. Desire for meat: Canth, Hell,IKreo, Lil. tig, IMagn. c, Menyanth, ISub; in children of tuberculous parentage, IMagn. c; in maras- mus, I ISul. 8^" smoked meat. Desire for milk; Anac, Apis, I Ars, I lAur.met, Bov, IBry., ICale, I IChel, Mang., IMere sol, INatr. m , INux v., IPhos ac, Rhus, I ISabad, Sabina, ISil, IStaph, IStront.; but- termilk, sweetened, lElaps; cold milk, Phelb, Phos. ac, Rhus, Sabad, Staph.; in diphthe- ria, I ILacc, IMere sob; with sweat, Anac. Desire, morbid : g^- strange. Desire for mustard: ILac c. Desire for nuts: Cub. Desire for onions: Cub.; raw, in pneumonia and yellow fever, ICepa. Desire for oranges : 8€lP fruit. Desire for oysters: Brom, IBry, ICale, ILach, INatr. m,IRhus; which disagree,ILye Desire for pastry: in epilepsy, ICale; in in- flammation of lungs, ICornus. 8^° farinaceous. 398 14. APPETITE. THIRST. DESIRES. AVERSIONS. Desire for pepper: ILacc. Desire for pickles: lAnt e, I IHyper, ILach., Ver.; in diarrhcea, I Ant. c; in dysentery, IHam., in headache, IISul.; in inflammation of lungs, ICornus. 8SP acids. Desire for pork: in bilious vomiting, ICrotal. B^p fat, ham. Desire for potatoes: raw, and handfuls of flour, in alternation, ICale; in incipient hydroceph- alus, ICale p. Desire for preserves: 8€lP sweets. Desire for pungent things: IHep. Desire for clean white rags: in chlorosis, lAlum. B@P strange things. Desire for raw food: in catarrhal ophthalmia, HSub; in disorders of pregnancy, HTarant 8®° strange things. Desire for refreshing things: drinks, in af- fection of liver, with dropsy, IFluor. ac. Puis.; in nymphomania or religious mania, IVer.; with insipid, pappy, slimy, foul taste (typhoid), IMere; such as wine and water, coffee, etc., after sleep and end of heat (relapsed intermittent), I Ars. 8SP acids, cold, fruit, juicy, lemonade, pickles. Desire for dry rice: in chlorosis, lAlum. Desire for rue: sudden, while engaged in pleas- ant mental work, in evening, after a fully sat- isfying meal, Tereb. Desire for salt: ILac c, Lyss, IManc, INatr. m, HPhos, IIThuya; food, lAloe, ICale, ICarbo v., ICaust, ICon., Meph, Merc. iod. rub, INitr. ae, IPhos, IVer.; in abscess of liver, I IMed.; meat, in incipient hydro- cephalus, ICale p.; during pregnancy, INatr. m. Desire for sand: in dysmenorrhoea, HTarant. 8@* strange things. Desire for sardines : 8SPfish. Desire for highly seasoned things (spiced): Ast. r, HCinch, Fluor, ac, IHep, ILacc, Meph, HPhos.; in dysmenorrhoea, HTarant.; in headache, IISul. Desire for smoked meat: HCaust, IKreo. Desire for snuff: in mania, IBell. gfgg° tobacco. Desire for soup : 8§P broth. Desire for sauerkraut: Carbo a., Cham. Desire for starch (chlorosis): I Alum.; starchy and sweet food, ILye 8§P potatoes. Desire for strange things: IBry, ICale, ICale p., ICycl, IManc; that cannot be had, or are refused when offered, IIBry.; after a sat- isfying meal, Tereb.; during pregnancy, IChel, I ILyss, IMagn. c. Bigp ashes, chalk, coal, earth, sand. Desire for strong tasting food: Asaf, Natr. p. Desire for sugar: ILye, IKali e; which dis- agrees, ICale, HSub; irresistible, Amm. c, IIArg. nit.; in obstinate vomiting, IMagn. p.; water, Bufo. 8®" sweets. Desire for sweets: Amm. e, Arg. met, Arg. nit, IBry, Calc, ICarbo v. Cinch., llpec, IKali e, ILye, IMagn. m, Med., Mere, Natr. c. Rheum, IRhus, HSub; in weakness of bladder, 11 Uran. n.; in constipation, IMagn. m.; in emphysema, IHep.; preserves, Sib; water and milk, which cause nausea and colic, Bufo.; refuses drink unless sweetened, I Arg. nit.; in uterine displacements and epi- lepsy, ICale 8®" sugar. Desire for tea: Ast. r, Calc. s.; in diabetes, I I Uran. n.; grounds, lAlum. Desire for tobacco: Bell, Carbol. ac, I ICoca, Daph, Plumb, Staph, IITabac, Therid.; to smoke, Calad, Cast, eq, I IGlon.; in dysmen- orrhoea, HTarant.; cannot smoke much, I IPhos. g£f Chap. 15, Tobacco. Desire for tomatoes: raw, Ferr. Desire for vegetables : Alum., Ars., IMagn. m.; green, sour, Calc. s. Desire for vinegar: fi€iP acids. Desire for water : 8®" Thirst. Desire for whisky: Carbol. ac, B^P alcohol. Desire for -wine: Aeon, lyEthus., Arg. met, Asaf, Bov, IBry., ICale, Calc. a., Chel, ICie, Cinch, Fluor, ac, IHep, I IHyper., ILach, Mere, IMez., HPhos, Puis, Selen., ■Sep., HSpig.; claret, Cale s., Staph., ISub ' Therid.; after attack of intermittent, I Ars. HUNGER, in afternoon : IGuaiac. Hunger, with aversion to food: Act. sp. All. sat, IBar. c, Carb. s, ICinch., IGrat, IHelb, INux v, IRhus, Stann.; as soon as he sees food, feels full in abdomen, Sub; craving for a particular article, and after a portion of it has been enjoyed, sudden aversion, Illgn.; early on waking, IIAnt. e; to bread, or periodic bulimia in afternon, INux v.; nothing is rel- ished, yet he wishes to eat, Verbas.; full feel- ing, as after a hearty meal, I IMyr. cer.; soon as they commence to eat, Petroseb, ISib; after eating a little, IRheum ; strong longing for food, but dreaded to eat, I IVer.; can eat scarcely a morsel (pregnancy), ICaust.; after typhoid fever (nervous affections), IManc; wants food occasionally, but rejects it when offered, Hell.; as soon as food is offered, does not want it, IPhos.; in pemphigus, IDulc; during pregnancy, INatr. m.; loss of appetite before hunger has been satisfied, Vinca. 8®** Appetite capricious. Hunger, on awaking: Cinch.; at night, IILyc; at night (inguinal hernia), ILye; in spasms, after fright, llgn. Hunger, canine : 8€iP excessive. Hunger, with colic: Cinch.; cutting about navel, better by pressure, IStann. Hunger, constant: Fluor, ac, INatr. c, Ratan.; with weak digestion, IMere; in affection of stomach, IKali bb; nausea, if stomach is not satisfied, Tabae; wants to eat almost every hour, IKali ph. Hunger, with coryza ; ISub ac. Hunger, in diabetes: ICup. m. Hunger, in diarrhoea: Aloe, Ver- in dysen- tery, IZinc. 8@° stool. Hunger, with debility: Tereb.; becomes stead- ily weaker (worm affections), IMere; and qualmishness in periodic attacks, llgn.- Hunger, in dyspepsia: twenty-four hours or so before a spell, INux v. Hunger, eating : soon after, Aeon, Ascl. s Bov Calc, Cie, HCina, Coccus, Cornus, HPhos' HPhyt, IStaph, Stront, Zinc; soon after gastric catarrh, I Ant. c; the more he eats the more he craves, IILye; cannot get food down tW- 11J8^C^P- 15S EatingJ also Chap.' 13, Swallowing difficult. r Hunger, excesssive (canine, bulimia, raven- ous, voracious): Abrot, Agar,l Agnus, AH sat Amm. c, Amm. m., lAnae, Ananth, Aiit t ' Apis, Arg. nit. Am., HArs, Ars. h. Asaf' 14. APPETITE. THIRST. DESIRES. AVERSIONS. 399 Ascl. s, Ascl. t, lAtrop. s., I Aur. met, Aur. I mur, IBar. in, Berb, IBry, Cain, Calad, HCale, Calc. s,Camph., Caps, I Carbo a.,Carbo v.,ICarbol.ac,Card. m, Caulo, Caust., Cham, Chim. m.,Chim. umb,HCina,HCinch,Cinch. bob, Coca, ICoccul, Cochl, Coff, IColch, Col- lin, ICon, Cub, Dros, Eucab, Euphor,IFluor. ac, IGels., IIGraph, Guaiae, I IHell, Hep, IHyos, Ign, lllod. Jamb, IKali c, IKali ph., ILach., IILept, ILye, Lyss, Magn. c, Magn. m, IMagn. p., I IMed, Menyanth., IMere, IMur. ac, Natr. a, Natr. c, INatr. m, Natr. p., Niccol, Nitrum, Nitr. ac, INux m, IINux v, I lOleand, IOp, Oxal. ac, IPetrol, IPhos,IPhos. ae,IPlat., Plumb,IPod,Polvp, I IPtel, IPuls, IRhus, Ruta, HSabad, See, Seneg, ISep, ISib, I ISpig, Spong., Squilla, Stann, IStaph, ISul, I ISul. ac, 11 Ustil., Vab, IVer., Zinc; in Addison's disease, ICale; at 4 p.m., ICale p.; when walking in open air, Ant. t; in albuminuria, I lUran. n.; alternat- ing with loss of appetite, Amm. m, IBerb., ICale, IFerr, Hod., IPhos.; followed by total anorexia (diphtheria), I IKali m.; in asthen- opia, I ISub (after Sep.); in atrophy, HCinch.; awakened by, Ananth, I IPetrol, IPhos. ae; after beer, INux v.; with burning in stomach during vomiting, ISang.; in cancer of stomach, IMerecor.; in chorea, I Agar, IStram, Sumb, I IVer. v.; in coryza,ICepa,ISub ae; in whoop- ing cough, ICepa, Hod.; in middle of day, Chrom. ae; during day, with loss of appetite in evening, IStann.; in diabetes, IIKali br., ILact. ac, 11 Ratan.; preceding attacks of diar- rhoea, IPsor.; with diarrhcea, ICale, Hod, ILye, Oleand, IStram., ISub, IVer.; followed by distension, IILyc; in chronic dysentery, IINux v.; unable to eat, lElaps; after eating (worms), IMere; just after eating, I IMed, IPsor, 11 Sarrae; better after eating,worse after acid drinks, ILach.; eats everything set be- fore him (mental disturbance), I IStaph.; must eat every few hours, better after eating, lllod.; if he does not eat, has a headache and lassitude, and must lie down, ISub; has to eat, though he knows chill will be renewed (relapse of intermittent), I Ars.; with hurried eating, ICoff.; between regular periods of eating, I IKali m.; toward evening, Agar.; in evening, Cham., IFluor. ac; in entero-colitis, INuph.; in epilepsy, ICale, ICaust.; before epileptic attack, IIHyos.; with emaciation, IPetrol.; takes food hurriedly (dentition), ICaust; as from long fasting, See; before or after intermittent fever, ICinch., lEup. perf, ■Staph.; in intermittent, after quinine, lEup. perf.; in intermittent, ISabad.; after typhoid, IVer.; with thirst, during fever,I IPod.; espe- cially for sweets, farinaceous food, puddings, alternates with disgust for meat, wine or sour things, Sabad.; at about 11 a.m., HSub; about 11 or 12 a.m., with weakness of legs and trembling, Zinc; in forenoon, from sensation of emptiness, INatr. e; with fulness and sati- ety after small amount of food, INatr. m.; in exostosis of skull, IIArg. met.; in gastralgia, ILye, ISib; in hydrocephalus, IMere; in sick headache, Kali c, 11 Lace; with sudden sensa- tion of weakness in limbs,IZine; in marasmus, while emaciating, lAbrot., lArs. i, IBar. c, HCale c, ICale p., ICaust, HCina, ICinch., lllod, ILye, IMagn. c, IINatr. m., INux v., IPetrol., ISib, ISub; particularly for meat Canth, Hell, IKreo., Lil. tig, IMagn. c, Menyanth, ISub; before menses, I ISpong.; after nausea, Ferr. ph, Val, IVer.; with nausea when passing meal hour, Cinnam.; followed by nausea, IMagn. m.; with nausea and thirst, Spig.; in nervous, irritable per- sons, ISib; worse at night, HCinch.; at night, feels faint, HPhos.; at noon and in evening, IMez, Zinc; in ophthalmia, ICie; painful, Sep.; in paraplegia, ICina; periodic, worse in afternoon, INux v.; during pregnancy, IVer.; in puerperal mania, ICamph.; in ra- chitic children, 101. jec.; with speedy satiety or sensation of hunger after eating, Coccus; not appeased by food, Cann. b; but soon satisfied and filled up, IILyc; cannot be satis- fied, thirst not marked (diarrhoea^, IFerr. s.; in scrofulous children, I Ant. c, IStilling.; intense, of short duration, even after a meal, particularly after exercise in open air, if crav- ing is not satisfied, has nausea, weakness, vomiting, darkness before eyes and ringing in ears, attacks preceded by warmth and prick- ling in fingers and toes, and twitching of mus- cles of face, I IVer.; disappears after sitting awhile, with loss of appetite in palate and throat, Rhus ; prevents sleep, llgn.; sudden, eats but a small quantity (functional derange- ment of liver), I ISep.; from habitual smoking, llgn.; seemingly along spine and up to occi- put, not appeased by eating, Lil. tig.; in stom- atitis, INatr. c, 11 Petrol.; with acidity of stom- ach, IGraph.; with sensation of emptiness in stomach, ICale, Seneg.; in neurosis of stomach, I ISang.; with weak stomach, HCale; after stool, Petrol.; swallows everything within reach (mania), IBelb; with sweat, Agar, IStram.; especially for supper, with weak body and depressed mind, INatr. m.; with frequent urination, Ver.; without thirst, IFerr. s.; with much thirst or fulness of abdomen, IGraph.; in attacks, better after drinking water, I IKali m.; as if he had a tapeworm, Ananth. Hunger, in evening: IGuaiac. Hunger, with faintness: ILye Hunger, in fever: before chill, ICina; during chill, Ailant, lArs.; with fever, Curar.; after heat, ICimex, Eup. pur, Illgn.; in inter- mittent, IPhos.; in tertian ague, llgn. Hunger, in forenoon: I IHep.; at 10 or 11 a.m., HSub; at 11 a.m., lllod, IILach.; about 11 a.m., during apyrexia, Ign.; with gnawing and faintness at 11 a.m., HSub; from 11 to 12 every morning, with faint and weak feeling, HSub; at 10 a.m., in phthisis, IKali e Hunger, headache: caused by, Caust, ISib; during headache, ICrotal, IPhos, I IPsor.; if not at once satisfied, Elaps; alternating with sick headache, lEup. perf. Hunger, with anxiety about heart: with nau- sea, recurring several successive evenings, better by eating, HPhos. Hunger, does not know for what: B^P Appe- tite capricious. Hunger, with languor : INitr. ac. Hunger, in morning: Act. sp, I Arg. met., Asar.; and evening, 11 Hyper. Hunger, nausea: after, Caust, llgn, Ipec, IKali c; rises to head, Ang.; eats to satisfy, ISang. 400 14. APPETITE. THIRST. DESIRES. AVERSIONS. Hunger, causes nervousness: IKali c. Hunger, at night: Abies, Selen, Tell. B@P sleep. Hunger, worse from salt things: IMagn. m. Hunger, disturbs sleep: IMar. v, IPhos. 8®" night. Hunger, stomach: pressure, IColoe; and ab- domen full and tense, IILyc. figr Chap. 15, Eating stomach. Hunger, stool: after morning, Aloe ; imme- diately after, Petrol. 8@~ diarrhoea. Hunger, with thirst: Alum. Hunger, with trembling of hands : and hasty eating, Oleand.; weakness and occipital head- aches, ICrotal. Hunger, vomiting: after, Oleand.; after, in dropsy, IColch.; chronic, IILobel. b; with frequent, INux v.; between paroxysms, Ver. g@h Chap. 15, Eating better. Hunger, worse from: glST Chap. 15, Eating better. Hunger, g®~ Desire ; also Chap. 15, Eating. THIRST, absent (thirstlessness) : Act. rac, lAgnus, Amb, I Ant. c, HApis, IIArg. nit, Ars, Asaf., Bapt, IBelb, Bov., Brom, Bufo, ICamph, ICaps, Caust, Chel., HCinch, Coc- cul, ICycb, IFerr, IFerr. mur., Ferr. ph., I IHell, IHydras, Hydr. ac, lllpec, IKali c, Led, ILye, Mang, INatr. m, Natr. s, IOp, Plat, IPuls., Sars, Sep, Staph, Tabae, Variol., Vinca ; in abortion, HApis ; in albu- minuria, ICale a.; in bronchitis, IIPuls.; in acute catarrh, I Ant. t.; in gastric catarrh, IMez, IPuls.; in colic, INux m.; with cold- ness, I Aur. met; in coryza, ICale; with co- ryza, but cold water very serviceable, Chlor.; in croup, Acet. ae; with crawls, Calend.; for many days, ICalad.; in diarrhoea, lAnt. t, lApis, Arg. nit, ICamph, Caust, Ferr, Gels, llpec. Lye, Nux m, IPod, IPuls.; in diph- theria, lApis, I ILac e; in dropsy, HApis; with dry mouth, Alum, Camph., Samb.; with dry throat, Calad.; with moist or dry tongue, IIPuls.; except when eating, Ailant.; in fever, JEsc. h, I ICalad, IFerr.; in fever, all ages, Stram.; during heat, HApis, I I Arg. met, Ars. h, Chim. m., 11 Hell, Hydr. ac, Hyos, llgn.; during chill, lArs, ISpong.; during creeping chills, Calend.; during chill, on alternate days, at 11 a.m., Hyos.; with chill, commencing in hands, at 11 a.m., IIPuls.; during heat, after quinine, I Arn.; with fever, worse at night (influenza), IGels.; in intermittent and other fevers, gg&~ Chap. 40; in headache, ICale, ILac def, IIFerr.; in hysteromania, HTarant.; in melancholy after mortification, llgn.; in meningitis, IGels.; in metritis, IIPuls.; except desire for milk, I ISabad.; with dry mouth, Ang, IINux m.; in prosopalgia, ICaust.; in pregnancy, I Ant. t, IIPuls.; in purpura, I ILed.; in scarlatina, 11 Arum t; with sweat, Cupr. s.; with sticky sweat, especially about genitals, IGels.; in sore throat, ILac e; aversion to cold water, drinks only warm drinks (impotence), ICalad.; with desire to vomit, Cain. g^~ Aversion to drinks. Thirst, abdomen: inflammation, IStram.; un- easiness, ICaps.; pain in upper portion of small intestines, IColch.; after digging, pain in evening, during menses, I INatr. s. Thirst, in afternoon; INatr. e, Ran. b.; in evening, throat dry, IIHam.; with heat, ICop.; during menses, IZinc. Thirst, after anger : IINux v. Thirst, with anxiety: in puerperal fever, I IPlat.; anxious seeking for drink, IBell. Thirst, appetite: loss of, Ang, Kali n, INatr. s, Seneg, Spig, ITereb. BiiP eating, hunger. Thirst, with aversion to drink: B^P drink- ing ; also Chap. 15, Drinking aversion. Thirst, on awaking: I Apoe, IStram.; awakened by, during night, Aloe, Berb, INatr. s. BiiP sleep. Thirst, breathing: suffocation, IBelb; during suffocative attacks in phthisis, IChin. a. Thirst, with catarrh: IBadiag, Con.; of chest, lApis. Thirst, in chest affections: after abortion, INux m. Thirst,with chilliness: Calc, I INatr. m.; rigor, I ICamph.; 4 to 7 p.m., or all night, IKali iod.; after motion of feet, ICale; with shivering over body, IRhus; toward evening, ISep.; with heat of upper part of body and face, IKali bi.; during paroxysm, llgn. ggJOFfevei. Thirst, in cholera: I Ars., ICale, Coff. t, IColch, ICup. in, IHelb, IPhos, Tabae, I IVer.; cholera morbus, HVer.; cholerine, IPhos. 8SlP diarrhcea. Thirst, in cholera infantum: lAcon, HArs, lArs. b, Camph.,Canth., Castor., Colch,Cub, Cupr, Ferr. mur, Grat., HJatroph, Raph., Sec, Stram, Thuya, HVer. 8§P diarrhoea. Thirst, in chorea: ICup.m. Thirst, after unsatisfactory coition: Jamb. Thirst, with colic: Cinch, Oxal. ac, IStram.; in cardialgia biliosa, ILobel. i. Thirst, for cold drinks: 8^* Desire for cold things. Thirst, lasting six weeks after confinement: hydrogenoid constitution, INatr. s. Thirst, constant: Amm. c, IBell, INatr. e, I INiccol, ISul, I ITarant, 11 Zing.; burning, with cough, ICale; in children, 11 Arund.; in cholera infantum, HVer.; one to three hours after cold stage, Eup. pur.; in chlorosis, Alum.; during convulsions, Cie, IMere; in hysterical convulsions, ICie; in diabetes mel- litus, 11 Uran. n.; in diarrhcea, I ISub; water tasted sweetish and insipid, TTForm.; dryness in throat and trachea (phthisis florida), I IMere cor,- even after drinking (lymphatic enlargement), ICale; with dry tongue and skin, ILach,- after heat, HCoff.; in lung affec- tions, IKali n.; in pneumonia, IMere; in quinsy, IBar. e Thirst, with coryza: HAcon, lArs, ICepa, Diad, IIMerc; influenza, I IPhelb Thirst, with cough: ICale p., IINitr. ae; in ague, I ISamb.; worse from least movement (jaundice), IPhos.; in whooping cough, ICepa, ICorab Thirst, with debility: lArs, Tereb, IVer. Thirst, in delirium tremens: Camph IDie HStram, IVer. 8'' Thirst, in diabetes: BiiP excessive. Cub, Cupr., Dig, I IDulc, IFerr., 'iGamb ' Grat, Hep, Hippoz, Hyos, Hod, Kali bi' 14. APPETITE. THIRST. DESIRES. AVERSIONS. 401 I IKali br, IKali n, Lach, Laur, IMagn. c, ■Mere, Mez, Natr. e, IINatr. m, Niccol, INitr. ac, Oleand, lOxal. ae, HPhos, IPhos. ac, IPod, IRheum, Rhus, Scilla, ISil, IStram, ISul, I IThuya, HVer, Zing.; after eating, Asim.; in children green, slimy offen- sive, in morning, IPod.; in cholera, lArs, ICamph, ICup. m, IJatroph, IVer.; sequel to cholera, I IPhos.; in evening, INatr. s.; at night, lAnt. c, I Ars, ICale, IRhus; summer complaint, Anac. 8^° cholera, dysentery, stool. Thirst, in diphtheria: lApis, HArs, ICrotal, IGels, IMere cor, HPhyt. g^° throat. Thirst, drinking: afraid, in colic,I Ars.; afraid, in cystoblennorrhoea, I I Uva ursi; with no desire, or aversion, IIAng, Ars, ICalad, ICamph, ICanth, ICaust, ICimex, IGraph., I IHelb, IINatr. m, INux v, Petroseb; no desire in colic, in pregnancy, I Ars.; constant desire, but knows not for what, all drinks of- fensive, (diarrhcea), I Arn.; no desire, with diminished appetite, IColoe; no desire, with heat mostly internal, IVer.; no desire, in in- termittent fever, ICoccul. 8®" absent, wa- ter; also Chap. 15, Drinking worse. Thirst, in dropsy: II Acet. ac, I Apoe, HArs, IBry, lEup. pur, IHell, ILye Thirst, in dysentery: ILept, IPod. BgT" diarrhcea. Thirst, eating: after, Aloe, Ars. s. f, ICaust.; during, Aloe, Coccul.; during, drinks much at a time, ILach.; during dinner, Amm. c, I IPsor.; after dinner, IGamb. 8^* appetite, hunger. Thirst, in enuresis : lAcon. Thirst, in erysipelas: HApis, I IRhus, I IVer. v. Thirst, in evening: Amm. m, Aph. ch, ICroe, IMagn. m, I IMere iod. flav, IINatr. m, INatr. s, I INiccol, HSep.; in cholera infan- tum, IIMagn. c; an hour after fever, ICinch.; until lying down, with increased warmth of body, IZinc; particularly during menses, Magn. s.; with sleepiness, Benz. ac; all drink is loathsome, Bell.; toward evening, Sinap. Thirst, excessive (burning, great, insatiable, intense, unquenchable, violent): IIAcon, I^Esc. h, yEthus, HAgar., All. sat. Alum, I Amm. m.,1 I Anac, Ananth., Anthrok, lAnt. e, I Ant. t, IIArg. nit, lArn, HArs, lArs. h, I Ars. s. f, Ars. s. r. Arum m, Asar, Aspar, Aur. met, Aur. mur. Bar. c, IBell, 11 Bism, IBor., I IBov, IIBry, Cadm. s,Calad,HCale, Cale s, Calend., Cannab, I ICanth, I ICaps, Carbo a, ICarbol. ac,Carb.s, Caulo, ICaust, ICepa, HCham, IChel, Chen, v., Chloral, I ICie, ICina, HCinch, Cinch, bol. Coca, Coc- cul, Coff, IColch., Coloe, Con, I ICroe, ICrot. t, Cub, ICup. ars, ICup. m, Cupr. s, ICycl, IIDig, Dory, I IDros, IDulc, lElaps, Eucab, lEup. pert, lEup. purp, IFerr, Ferr. iod., Ferr. mur, Gamb, Graph, Grat., Guaiae, IHam, IIHell, IHelon., IHep, Hippom, Hydr. ac, IHyos., IHyper, Illgn, Hod., llpec, IJab., IJatroph, IKali bi., IKali c. Kali iod., IIKali m, IIKali ph, IKalm, IKreo, Ibac def, ILach, Lachn, ILaur, ILed, Lil. tig, ILye, Lyss, IMagn. c, IMagn. m. Mane, Med, IIMerc, IIMerc. cor., IMere d, Merc. iod. flav, IMez, Mil- let, Mosch., IMur. ac, Mygale, INatr. c, IINatr. m., INatr. s, Nifrum, INitr.ac, INux m, INux v., lOleand, Op, Oxabac, I IParis, IPetrol, I IPhos, IPhos. ae, Plant, Plat, I IPlumb, IPod, Ptel., I IPuls, Ran.b, I IRan. sc, IKaph, Rheum, Rhod, IRhus, IIRob, I IRuta, I ISabad, Samb, Scilla, I ISee, Selen, Seneg,ISep,HStram, Spig,ISpong, I IStann, Staph, HSil, IStront, IISul., ISul. ac, Syph, I ITarax, ITelb, ITereb, I ITherid, Thuya, Val, HVer, Verbas, IZinc, Ziz.; in abscess, after vaccination, HApis; at 4 p.m., ILye; alternates with aversion to all kinds of drinks (jaundice), IBerb.; in angina, IBell, ISabad.; in anthrax, lAnthrac; with anxiety (tuberculosis), Chin, a.; especially for beer, Stront.; especially for beer and cold drinks, IMere sob; with painful burning in whole body, especially in face, Merc, sub; with burning in throat, INux v.; burning not bet- ter by large quantity of cold water (poly- dipsia), ICamph.; in caries of lower lumbar vertebrae, with painful fistulous openings discharging pus, IPhos. ac; in catarrh of bladder, 11 Uva ursi; in intestinal catarrh, IFerr.; in cholerine, IPhos.; for cold drinks (rheumatism), IDulc, wants only cold drinks, worse at night from dryness of mouth, IRhus; nothing but coldest water would satisfy(diabetes),ILyevir.; coryzaafter mercury, IIKali iod.; in cystitis, IHelb; day and night, IKali iod.; in delirium tremens, HStram.; in diabetes mellitus, 11 Acet. ac, I Ars., IColoe, ICup. m, I ICurar, ILact. ac, ILye, IPhos, IPhos. ac, IPic. ac, I IRatan, ITereb, lUran n.; drinking daily about twenty-two tumblerfuls of water (diabetes in- sipidus), ILye; with disgust for drink,ILach.; without especial desire to drink, HArs.; drinks much and often, Ruta; could not drink enough water, after dinner, 11 Castor.; for cold drinks, with heat, after midnight, IMere; drinking causes nausea and vomiting and hastens chill, Eup. perf; in cardiac drop- sy, IDig.; with dry mouth, ILaur, IMere cor, 11 Uran. n.; with dry mouth and burning in throat, Cub.; with dry, sticky mouth, IINatr. m.; with dryness in throat, Aph.chen.; in dysentery, IHam.; in evening and night (diabetes), I ICurar.; in pemphigus Anac; during heat, IIAcon.; from internal heat, IKali c, IStram, ITereb.; with heat of face and chill, Ruta ; with burning heat, IHep.; with fever, in diabetes, Sec; in local lamina- tions, IIAcon.; with fever, in kidney disease, IHep.; with external dry heat, during night, IColch.; with heat, during night and towards morning, Mere per.; with dry heat, mostly after midnight, Ran. sc; in prevailing fever, I Amm. in.; typhoid, I Agar.; in gastritis, 11 Ars, ISang, IVer.; in puerperal fever, IKali e; in gastromalacia, ICale; in head- ache, ILac def, IVer.; in hydrocephalus acu- tus, ICup. ae; in hydrothorax, lApoe; in pyeemia, I Ars.; in hysteria, INatr. m.; in im- potence, ttMosch.; in laryngitis, ICheb; in mesenteric disease, ICale; in affection of brain, with dropsy, IFluor. ae; with moist tongue, worse at night (metritis), IMere; in morning, I Arn.; at 3 a.m., Magn. m, in morning, after heat and delirium, Hyper.; i worse from 3 to 6 a.m., better drinking cold water (typhoid), IPhos.; with nausea, fol- lowed by violent and frequent vomiting.lVer, 2 402 14. APPETITE. THIRST. DESIRES. AVERSIONS. at night, Jamb.: at night, after exposure, IDulc; worse at night (headache), lAnt e; in otitis, I IMere; in pneumonia, Hod., IKali n.; in consumption, IGuaiac; in phthisis, I IStann.; in pregnancy, I ITarant.; with full, soft, quick pulse, followed by general sweat, mostly on forehead, I IRan. b.; yet can retain nothing (cholera), lAcon.; satisfied by drink- ing (cholera), IBelb,I Jatroph.; after smoking, Spong.; after sour things, IMur. ae; can hardly swallow (cynanche cellularis), lAn- thrac; in stomatitis, 11 Merc; in summer com- plaint, IFerr. ph.; with red tongue (typhus), ICamph.; in tuberculosis, IChin. a.; in tuber- culosis mesenterica, Hod.; with frequent urination, Ver.; with vomiting, IKali br.; in ursemic vomiting, ICup. ae; in whooping cough, IBry., IVer. Thirst, eye : after removal of cataract by Grsefe's method (irido-choroiditis suppurativa trau- matica), I IRhus ; with swelling of eyelids, left cheek and upper lip (catarrhal fever), IKali e; in ophthalmia, ICon.; with dim sight, IStram. Thirst, red face: IINux v.; red and burning hot, worse towards evening, Plat. Thirst, in fever : lAnae, I Ang., HArs, IIBry, ICale, ICinch, Chin, s, Cina, ICham, Coff, Con., Croc, Curar, Elat, Elaps, lEup. pert, Eup. pur, IHep, IHyos, llpec. Kali bi, Lach, Lye, Magn. c, Merc, Millef, IINatr. m, Nux v, Phos, Plant, Plat, Pod, Psor., IPuls, Rhus, Sep, Staph, IStram, ISul, Thuya, Val, IVer.; during apyrexia, ICimex, llpec, I IPolyp.; before chill, Amm. c, ICaps , IHep, Lobel. i, IPuls., I ISep.; a long time before chill, continues during chill and heat, IIEup. pert; begins before chill, lasts during heat, I INux v.; before chill, in forenoon, Ang.; begins as chill leaves, ISabad.; begins before chill, lasts during heat, I I Nux v.; before chill, in forenoon, Ang.; during chill, in evening, Bar.m.; during chill, towards evening, Plumb.; during chill, Aeon, Alum, Amm. m, I Apis, Arn., Ars, Bar. c. Bell, Bov, IBry., Calad., Camph, ICaps, Carbo v. Chin, s., Cimex, HCina, Cinch, Coral, Croc, Curar, IDiad, Dulc, Elaps, Elat, lEup. perf, Eup.pur,Ferr, Gamb, Graph., Illgn., IKali c. Kali iod, I Lach, Led., Lob, Magn. s, Mez, Mur. ac, Natr. m, Natr. s, Nitr. ac, IINux v. Plant, Psor, Puis., IIRhus, I ISabad, Samb, ISee, Sep, ISul, IVer, Thuya ; dur- ing chill and heat, IIEup. pur.; more during chill than heat, ISep.; during chill, in ca- tarrhal fever, Uamb.; during chills and heat, during menses, Sep.; during chill, followed by heat without thirst, IKali e; during chill, 10.30 to 12.30, Med.; during chill, 11 a.m., INatr. m.; during chill, in latter part of night, IOp.;after chill,ICimex,Cinch,I IDros, IIKreo.; after chill, in peritonitis, IColoe; during and after chill, satisfied by a swallow of cold water (intermittent), I Ars.; during chill, every fourth afternoon, INatr. m.; after chill and icy coldness, attacks come on sud- denly, INatr. s.; after shaking chill with headache in evening, 9 p.m., better in bed, Magn. s.; after shaking chill every afternoon at 4 (chronic keratitis after, vaccination), IIThuya; during heat, lAcon, Amm. e, Amm. m., I Anac, Ang, Apis, Arn., HArs., Bar. c,IIBell, Bov, I Bry, Cact, Calad, Calc, ICanth.JCaps, Case, Ced.,Chim. m. Cup. m, Curar, Cist, Diad, HElat, lEup, llpec, I IMed, Natr m,IPod, Sec, Vace; before and during hot stage, Chin, s.; after fever, Dulc; an hour after heat, Cinch.; in intermittent fever, IGels, IKali c, IIPuls, HSub ae; in tertian, I ISep.; in fever marked by alternat- ing hot and dry skin, and then again body drenched with sweat, IKali iod.; with fever in anthrax, Tarant.; with evening fever (blepharitis), IKali e; between hot and cold stages, or duringsweat,!ICinch.; with dry, hot fever, shortly after going to bed, Syph.; worse in evening fever, ICham.; with heat in after- noon and evening, feels as if he would lose his senses, IPsor.; with heat evening and night, Plumb.; with fever at 10.30 a.m., began in fingers and toes, Med.; with violent long last- ing heat, IINux v.; at beginning of fever, in morning, IKali e; next morning, after heat and chill, IKali bb; during sweat, lAcon, Anac, HArs, Cact, Ced., IChin. s, ICinch., HCoff, Con, Cupr. s, Euphor, I IGels, Hep, Hod, llpec, Merc, per, INatr. m, IPhos. ae, I IPuls, IRhus,I ISep, IStram,ITarax,Thuya, IVer.; after sweat, lAnt c, I Ant. t, IILyc., INux v., ISabad. Thirst,in forenoon : 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Menyanth. Thirst, frequent: unquenchable, I Ars., ICamph; drinking often, but little at a time, HArs, ICinch, IColoe, ICornus, lEup. pert, I ILac c, Natr. a, IRhus, ISul, IVer.; drinking often and much at a time, lAcon, Am,IBelb, IIBry, lEup. pert, I ILac c, ILac def, Lil. tig, IINatr. m., Syph, I ITarant. BSP large, small. Thirst, in hay catarrh: 11 Sticta. Thirst, in headache : yEthus., Camph., Chin.s, ILac def, IIMagn. m., INatr. m, IStram, ITereb., IVer, Zing. Thirst, with heat: I Aeon., Amm. m, Anthrac, lArs, Asim, IBell, Berb, IBry, ICanth, Calend, ICaps., ICham, IColoe, ICon, Cub, Lobel. i, IINux v., IPhos, Raph, IStaph, IStram, Thuya; in afternoon or evening, IBell,ISub; anxious, Niccol.; burning, I Aeon, lArs, IManc; burning, in evening, IHyos.; burning, followed by sweat, 11 Puis.; after chilliness (inflammation of lungs), ICornus; dry, IIAcon, lArs.; dry, 3 p.m., Niccol.; dry, constantly increasing, IColch.; dry, at night, Stront; dry, at night, especially after mid- night, Raph.; ebullitions, Bov.; flushes, dur- ing pregnancy, I IVer.; general, does not wish to be uncovered in morning in bed, Illgn.; in palms of hands, in afternoon, IZinc; of head, IBell, IIBry, ILye; frequent rising to head, IMang.; internal, IIBry, ICon,lIPuls.; internal burning, following violent short chill, ■See; at night, Cadm. s, ILye, ISpong.; on single parts of body, IIBry.; with fains, ■ lUOam.; with sleeplessness, IMagn. m.; spells of fugitive in evening (neuralgia of limbs), II Vab; and sweat, in evening, Senecio Ihirst, with hunger : gf^~ appetite, eating. Thirst, injuries : after being bitten by a doe ILyss.; with threatened collapse, in shock! Thirst, drinking large quantities : IA rs II Rrv Calend, ICamph,ICoccus,Jamb, I Jatronh ILye v, IINatr. m., IPhos, HSm,iVe?Pof 14. APPETITE. THIRST. acid drinks, IVer.; drinks with avidity, IStram.; with dry palate, ISub; and often, during heat, I ISars.; at long intervals, IIBry.; often (BSP frequent); of cold water, 11 Bry.; IChin. s., IMere cor., II Ver.; in phthisis, I ITubere; of water, with chill, IHgn.; of cold water, before chill, I Arn.; of water, IPod.; of water, in cholera infantum, IVer.; of water, in dysentery, ILil. tig.; of water, often (ague), ISamb.; of water, in menorrhagia, ICoccus; in puerperal fever, IIBry.; of water, in per- tussis, IBadiag. Thirst, dry lips: IIBry., Cast, eq., I IDig, Merc. per. Zing.; awakes him at night, Calad. Thirst, inflammation of liver: I ICoccul, IMere Thirst, in mania : IStram. Thirst, in meningitis: I ICoccul, I IHell,ISub; cerebrospinal, ICup. m. Thirst, menses: during, IBelb, ICed, Ver.; menorrhagia (acute desquamative nephritis), ICoccus; metrorrhagia. ICham.; irregular, IDig. Thirst, in morning : I Arund., I IDros, IGraph, Sep, Zing.; with aversion to water and beer, INux v.; with chilliness, Magn. s.; with in- ternal chilliness, confusion of head, pressive pain in forehead, especially after eating, INatr. s.; with cough (bronchitis), IINitr. ac; with dysuria, IMere; on rising, going off after breakfast, Magn. s.; until evening, IZinc; towards morning, in intermittent, IMere; in tuberculosis, INitr. ac. Thirst, mouth: dry, Aloe, Calc. p, Chel., ICinch, Coccus, IColch, IColoe, IKali br., ILach, ILye, Lyss, INatr. c, Natr. s, I INux m., Petrol, HPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, IVer, Zing.; heat in, IColch., IHyper, ISub; moist (hemorrhages), IMere.; with much saliva, IStram.; sore, I IPetrol. Thirst, with nausea: IKali iod., Oxal. ac, INatr. m. Thirst, in nephritic colic: 11 Pareira. Thirst, at night: Aloe, I Ars., Calend., IMere, IIPuls, ISul, Tabae, IThuya, I I Uran. n. Zing.; awakes him, HCoff; in caries of dor- sal vertebrae, ILach.; with chronic painless diarrhoea of undigested food, I IPhos.; in intermittent fever, ICycb; before paroxysms (tertian), IIEup. pert; with fever paroxysms, most in evening (continuous remittent), I ISub; in rheumatism, I IThuya. Thirst, often: B€iP frequent. Thirst, pickles: craving, ILach. Thirst, in phlebitis: IHam. Thirst, rash: after confinement, IICup. m. Thirst, in rheumatism: I Aeon., lAnt t. DESIRES. AVERSIONS. 403 IIBry, IColch, IDulc, IFerr, IFerr. ph., I ILacc, ILye, IPhyt, IRhus. Thirst, skin: dry, lAcon, ISub Thirst, sleep: preventing, All. sat; after, Apoe; with sleeplessness, Ign.; disturbs sleep at night, I Ars.; with sleeplessness, in phthisis florida, after pneumonia, IFerr. Thirst for small quantities: HArs, Aurant, ICinch, I IHyos, I ILac c, ILach, Merc. iod. rub, iRhus; can only take a spoonful of liquid at a time (chronic diarrhoea), IColoe; in diphtheria, I ILac c; it hurts to swallow in prodromal stage of intermittent, IGels.; in re- mittent fever, ISub; in inflammation of lungs, I ICornus, IKali n.; often (8®° frequent); swallows with difficulty, I ISpong.; water, all other liquids swallows in masses (summer complaint), lArs. Thirst, stomach: Cale; in gastralgia, ICoccul.; burning, HArs, ICanth.; heat better by drinking cold water, Alum. Thirst, stool: after, Alum., Ant. t, ICaps., IITromb.; before, lArs.; during, Bry.; with, Cham. B^P cholera, diarrhcea, dysentery. Thirst, sweat: followed by, IStram.; on head, I IMagn. e; on head or feet, from 12 p.m. till morning, Magn.m.; towardsmorning,HMerc; followed by profuse, IPsor.; after 12 p.m. till morning, IMagn. e B@P fever. Thirst, sudden : I IVer. Thirst, with bitter taste : Con, I IPic. ac. Thirst, throat: angina, IBar. m.; with burning, ICanth, See; during chill, Agar.; dryness, Alum, ICimex, Crotal, Jamb,IPhos., I IPsor, Sec, IStram. Thirst, with toothache : IILach. Thirst, tongue : desire to cool, Chim. umb.; dry, Aloe ; dry, in typhus, ICamph.; moist, IMere; white, Oxal. ac. Thirst, in tonsillitis : IGels.; follicular, IMere cy. Thirst, ulcers : chronic on leg, and dyspepsia, ILye Thirst, urine : profuse, IKali br.; copious,burn- ing, IStram.; after frequent urination, I Cepa ; scanty, ICaust. Thirst, in urticaria : I Ars, ICop, INatr. m. Thirst, with vertigo : Oxal. ac. Thirst, vomiting : during, lArs, Colch, Cro- tal, ICup. a.; after, lAtrop. s, Oleand., IStram.; intermittent vomiting, lUran. n.; of least drink of water, during chill, IIEup. pert; watery, of green mucus, IStram. Thirst, water : aversion to, INux v.; sight of it aggravates pain, ICanth.; throat symptoms worse, ILyss. 404 15. EATING AND DRINKING. 15. EATING AND DRINKING. Drinking. Eating. DRINKING, abdomen: bloating (gastralgia), HCinch.; cutting, Staph.; coldness in upper, renewed at every inspiration, ICinch.; cold in intestines, I Asaf; distension, IINux v, Sinap.; gurgling (cholerine), IPhos.; heaviness, I Asaf; pain, IManc, INux m.; pressure, Aur. met.; pain worse, Dory.; pain and diarrhoea (albu- minuria), ICale a.; rolling and rumbling, during, IPhos.; sensitiveness worse, IManc; tension, INitr. ac; tension about waist, must loosen clothing, ILye, INux v.; tension worse (intermittent), ICoccul.; twisting in bowels, I Asaf; tympanitis worse, IManc; tympanitic swelling, with diarrhoea and suppression of menses, IColoe; weight in hypogastrium, All. sat. Drinking, acids: aggravation or bad effects from vinegar, IIAnt. c, lArs., IBell, IIBor, HCaust, I IDros., IFerr, Kreo, IILach, Natr. c, I INatr. m., I INux v., Phos, I IPhos. ac. Ran. b., ISep, I IStaph, ISub; better from lemonade, IBelb; better from vinegar, lAsar., Illgn, Menyanth, IPuls, I IStram.; colic, after vinegar, I Aloe; cough, I Alum, IBrom, ILach, ISub; in diarrhcea, IBrom, ISub; diarrhoea early in morning, after lemon- ade, IPhyt.; diarrhoea in young persons who grow too rapidly, IPhos. ac; diarrhoea and whooping cough, worse, especially after vine- gar, lAnt.c; bad effects from lemonade, ISe- len.; gastro-intestinal symptoms worse from vinegar, lArs.; headache, lAnt. e; pupils con- tracted after lemonade, I IStram.; stomach disordered, ICaust, ISep.; renewal of symp- toms after vinegar, particularly stitch in chest, Bor. Drinking, general aggravation: Aeon, Aur. met, ICoccul, Dig, IMed, IMere, Natr. a, IPuls., I ISelen. Drinking, alcoholic liquors (alcoholism): aggra- vation and bad effects, Aeon, I Agar, Alum, Amm. m, Anac, lAnt.c, I I Arn, II Ars, IBell, Berb, Bor, Bov, ICale, Carbo a, ICarbo v, Caust, IChel, HCinch, ICoca, ICoccul, HCoff, Con, ICrotal, IGlon, Hep, IHyos.% llgn , IKali br, IILach,Laur, ILed, IILyc, IMere, IINatr. c, INatr. m, INux m,IINux v, HOp, Petrol, IPuls, IIRan. b, IRhod, IRhus, IRuta, I ISabad, I ISelen, ISep, ISil, ISpig., HStram, ISul. ac, ISul, ISyph., IVer., IZinc; angina pectoris, INux v.; apo- plexy,! Crotal,I Lach, IINux v, IOp.; ascites, IILyc; asthma, Meph.; irritable bladder, INux v.; stomach irritable, vomits drink as soon as taken, INux v.; complaints, after ab- staining, ICale a.; choroiditis disseminata, INux v.; cerebral congestion, ICale, IGlon, IVer. v., IZinc; constipation, IINux v.; convulsions, BB Nux v.; cough, ILach, ISpong.; after a debauch, aching over eyes and in head, ICarbo v, INux v.; delirium tremens (g®~ Chap. 1) ; drowsiness, IOp.; dyspepsia, ICoccul.; epileptiform attacks, IIRan. b.; fainting spells, IPhos.; gastritis, lArs.; hse- maturia, INux v.; headache, IIAnt. c, IBry, ICale, ICarbo v, ICoff'., llgn, ILobel, INux m., IINux v, IPhos., IIPuls, Rhus, Ruta, ISelen.,ISpong.,ISub, HZinc; headache better from stimulants, llgn., IKreo. ; hemorrhoids, Nux v.; hiccough, IIRan. b.; insomnia, INux v.; intolerance of liquors, IFerr.; easily intoxicated, ICon, IZinc; weak feel- ing, Alum; progressive locomotor ataxia, IINux v.; nephritis, INux v.; facial neuralgia, IINux v.; irritation and inflammation of ovaries, INux v.; palpitation, IINux v.; gouty pains, IDaph.; paralysis, INux v.; alcoholic drinks affect pulse, IRhus, Sul. ac.; stupor, IGlon.; stupidity, Ver.; symptoms worse from getting drunk, Cadm. s.; toothache, I Aeon, Ananth, Camph, Ign, INux v.; vertigo, IIColoc, Con, IHyos., IINatr. m., IINux v., IVer.; vertigo, after wine, INatr. e; vomit- ing, stomach rejects everything, even water, sleepless, as if he would become delirious, IGels. BilP ate, beer, brandy, whisky, wine ; also Chap. 47, Drunkards. Drinking, ale : cough, ISpong.; diarrhoea, ISub, IGamb. 8®*" alcoholic, beer, brandy. Drinking, anxiousness: ICimex. Drinking, aversion: in intermittent, ICoccul.; water tastes badly (relapse of intermittent), lArs. figT" Chap. 14, Aversion to drink; also Thirst absent, drinking. Drinking, beer: aggravation, Aeon, Act. sp, HArs., Asaf, Bapt, Bell, Cinch, IColoe, Euphor, IFerr, Ign, ILye, Mar. v, IMez, Mur. ac, IINux v, IPuls, IRhus, Sep, Sil, Stann, Staph, Stram, ISul, IVer.: better from, Mur. ae; pain in anus better, Aloe; cough, worse, IMez, INux v.; diarrhcea, HCinch, IMur. ac, ISub; diarrhcea, better, HPhos.; diarrhcea, worse, ILye; bad effects, IKali bb, IThuya ; bad effects of new beer, ICinch, ILye, IPuls.; empty eructations, Vinca; internal heat, Bell.; gastric symp- toms, Cadm. s, ICinch, Ferr.; gastro-intes- tinal symptoms worse, I Ars.; rises to head, Ferr.; accelerates beat of heart, ILach.; rave- nous hunger, INux v.; intoxicates easily, ICinch., Coloe, Kali m.; sleeps with mouth open and head thrown back, Rhus; affects pulse, IRhus; pressure in two places in occi- put, right and left svmmetrical, Ars. s. f; pressure in stomach, INux m.; urging to stool after weissbier, Card, m.; causes strangury, INux m.; tastes bitter and causes vomit- ing, IMez.; bitter taste remains even when smoking, in evening, IIPuls.; tastes flat, I Ars.; tastes slimy, Asaf; tastes too strong ICamph.; does not taste right, IINux v' tastes sweet, IIPuls.; vomiting (diarrhoea)' Drinking, biting: tumbler, I Ars.; child bitea 15. EATING AND DRINKING. 405 glass or spoon (irritation of brain, in denti- tion), ICup. ac. Drinking, brandy: aggravation, lArs, Ars. m, ILach, ILed, IINux v, IOp, IRan. b, ISul, ISul. ac, IVer.; causes belching and relieves cramps, ILye; burning aching, especially burning in abdomen (diarrhoea), I ISub; cannot drink the day after drinking burnt brandy, Lyss.; colic of drinkers, IINux v.; aggravate* colic, from indigestion, with waterbrash, INux v.; diarrhoea after, INux v.; has a kind of electrifying effect from roof of mouth downward in a straight line to feet, Nux m.; ailments from, palliated by drinking wine, ISul. ac. Drinking, breathing: takes breath, must stop frequently, Anac, IKali n.; dyspnoea (chol- era), I Arg. nit.; jumps up for want of breath (croup), IBrom.; prevented by dyspnoea (pneumonia), IKali c; causes dyspnoea, worse in spells, IKali c; dyspnoea, in intermittent, ICimex ; oppressive breathing,after, ICimex ; suffocates, in cholera, lArg. nit. Drinking, chest: heaviness after, ICimex ; painful contraction worse, Cupr. s.; spas- modic contraction, ICup. m.; pressing in re- gion of sternum, Ver. Drinking, chewing motion: after, in inflam- mation of brain, I IHell. Drinking, chill: causes coldness, Asar, Elaps; shuddering after, Act. sp.; shivering after, 11 Ars.; chilliness during, Asar.; horripilations after, Cadm. s.; shaking chill, Calend.; causes shuddering, HCaps.; chill worse after, Arn, HCinch, IGraph, Lobel. i, IINux v.; slight crawls over back (intermittent), lArs.; chill better after, Bry, IPhos.; during chill, causes headache, ICimex; chill renewed after (in- termittent), IIArs.; hard chill after (typhus), I ITarax.; shivering from head to foot, with chattering of teeth, Elaps. BSlP cold drinks. Drinking, chocolate : bad effects, Bry., Caust, Lye, IPuls.; vomiting sour slime (diarrhoea), IBor.; burning in stomach, Calad.; diarrhcea, Bor, ILith. Drinking, choking: Anac.; in cholera, lArg. nit.; liability to get foreign substance into throat (asthma thymicum), IMeph.; at every swallow, as if pharynx were inactive or par- alyzed, with sensation of dryness in back of throat, Rhus; spasmodic constriction on at- tempting to swallow, with sensation of chok- ing, IMagn. p.; in drinking to overcome choking, water goes down only at intervals, as if throat were contracted, or as if she had swallowed too large a morsel, ICimex. Drinking, cider: causes diarrhoea, Calc. p. Drinking, coffee : aggravation and bad effects, ^Ethus, Ars., Aur. mur, IBell, Calc, ICanth, HCarbov., Caps, Caulo, ICaust, I ICham, Cinch, Coloe, ICoccul, Cycl., Fluor, ac, IHep, Illgn, llpec, ILye, Magn.e, Mang, IMere, I INitr., Nitr. ac, IINux v, Oxal. ac. Plat, IIPuls, Rhus. Sep., ISub, Sub ae; ame- lioration, Ars,Canth.,HCham, Chel, IColoe; fulness in abdomen, ICanth.; pain in abdo- men, as if diarrhcea would set in, Merc s.: absent-minded, in afternoon, ICepa ; angina pectoris, INux v.; apoplexy, IINux v.; back- ache worse,ICham.; short breath,in afternoon, Bell.; suffocation, ICaps.; fulness in chest, ICanth.; causes colic, IINux v.; colic better from, I IColoe; confused, after, in afternoon, • ICepa ; congestion to head, Millet; constipa- tion, IINux v.; cough worse, ICaust; diar- rhoea, Canth, ICist., Fluor, ac, I I Oxal. ac, Thuya; dyspepsia worse, IFerr. ph.; eructation of sour liquid, IPuls.; ex- hausted, but lively, Jamb.; sensation of ful- ness, ICanth.; gastric symptoms, ICarbo v.; gastric symptoms better from black (diar- rhoea), IBrom.; weakness in head, ICham.; causes headache, Arg. nit, IBell, llgn, INux v, Pallad., IIPuls.; hemicrania, INux v.; aggravates headache, Arg. nit. Arum t, IBry, ICoccul., Form, Ign, Nux v.; headache, worse from hot, IIArum t; press- ing, boring pains in head worse, INux v.; headache, with aversion, ICoff; improves headache, Anag.; heat in face, Lyss.; heat all over, in morning, ICham.; heat in right side of face, followed by aching in front of upper part of head, Lyss.; hemorrhoids, IINux v.; irritation from noise disappears, Lyss.; small portion fills her up (asthma), IKali c; nausea, ICale p, ICaps., ICham., Vinca ; facial neur- algia, IINux v.; oversensitiveness, HCham.; pulse more frequent, Lyss.; palpitation, IINux v.; affects pulse, IRhus ; numbness in right arm better, Filix ; sleeplessness, ICoff, INux v.; stool worse, IThuya; soft small stools, Fluor, ae; causes desire for stool, I IIMagn. p.; sweat, in morning, ICham.; tastes bitter, ICham, Sabina, ISpong.; tastes disgusting, ISpong.; does not taste right, IINux v.; causes toothache, ICham.; aggravates tooth- ache, Ananth., IBell, Camph, Carbo v, ICham, Coccul, llgn, Merc, INux v, IPuls, Rhus,Sib; ulcers worse,ICham.;can only drink coffee (ulcer of os uteri), ICurar. ; copious uri- nation, Cain.; frequent urination, in morn- ing, Kob.; pressing to urinate, llgn.; vertigo, ICham, IINatr. m., IINux v.; vomiting bit- ter mucus, ICham.; nervousness, llPhos.; vomited immediately (dyspepsia), IKali bi. Coffee is injurious to the young and beneficial to the old, because it increases nitrogenous bodies by diminishing tissue waste. Drinking, "cold drinks: aggravation or bad effects, Agar, 11 Alum, Anac, lAnt.c, HArs, IBell, Bor, Calc, I ICanth., I ICarbo a, Chel, Clem, ICon, ICroe, IGraph, Hyos, llgn. Kali c, IKreo., IILyc, I IMang, IIMar. v., IMere, I IMur. ac, INatr. c, INux m, IINux v., IPhos. ac. Puis, Rhod, IIRhus, Sars, ISil, ISpig., Stram, ISul, ISul. ac, IVer.; cutting in abdomen, ICale p.; better from, ^Carbol. ae, IPuls.; better from water, Anac, lAnt. t, Ars., IIAsar., Bor, IBry, Calc, HCaust, Cham., Clem, ICup. m. Kali e, I ILaur, I IPhos, IPuls., HSep, I IThuya, Ver., I IZinc; pain in chest extend- ing to shoulder, worse, HPsor.; stitches in chest, Thuya; colic, INux m.; colic with nausea and vomiting, llpec; crawls, Calend.; water increases coldness, Elaps; water, in- duces or hastens chill, IIEup. pert; cause cough, Thuya, Ver.; aggravate cough, IDig.; tea, causes cough, ISpong. ; water, causes cough, Hep, ISpong, HSquilla, Ver.; water causes dry cough, ISil. ; water aggravates cough, Amm. m. Bar. c, INux m.; water im- proves cough, Caps,HCaust.;cause diarrhoea, in summer, INatr. s, IINux m.; water causes 406 15. EATING AND DRINKING. diarrhcea, Hep, ILye; diphtheria worse, ILye; bad effects when overheated, INatr. c; water aggravates epilepsy, ICale; gastric catarrh, IPuls.; headache with noises in ear, IKali c; water, relieves headache, Alum.; causes hiccough, BNux v.; very cold water causes stitches in left hypochondrium, INatr. e; ice water aggravates asthma, I Meph.; ice water excites cough, 11 Aeon.; ice water aggra- vates cough (bronchitis), IMere; ice water causes cholera morbus, IIPuls.; ice water causes gastric symptoms, Carbo v.; ice water causes gastralgia. and gastritis, HArs.; ice water aggravates gastro-intestinal symptoms, I Ars.; ice water causes pain in stomach, Rhus; ice water, when overheated, chills stomach (gastric catarrh) IIAcon.; ice water causes nausea, Rhus; ice water causes vomiting, fol- lowed by empty retching, HVer. v.; tearing pain in limbs (leucorrhcea), ICoccul.; water causes spasm of lungs, Thuya; milk makes all symptoms worse, IKali iod.; likes to hold water to mouth, in dentition, HCham.; water aggravates nausea, Natr. a.; water improves nausea and vomiting of phlegm, Agar.; water aggravates pain in colicodynia, HArs.; water, while overheated, causes difficult respiration, pressure, formication in stomach, nausea and vomiting, IKali e; water relieves, IIBism.; water relieves anxiety momentarily, lAcon.; water rejected unless mixed with alcoholic liquor, ISub ac; aggravate bruised, suppura- tive pain, extending towards right shoulder and becoming fixed there, Psor.; causes ach- ing in stomach, llris; water chills stomach, Sub ae; lies like ice in stomach, lElaps; lies like a load in stomach, Acet. ac.; cause press- ure in stomach, at night, Rhod.; throat worse, ILye; water improves bitter taste and desire to vomit, Bry.; cause toothache, IGraph, IHep.; teeth sensitive, Staph.; tearing in teeth, ISars.; pain in carious teeth, Sang. painful jerks in teeth, Agar.; seem to pene trate teeth as if they were hollow, Staph. cause stitching in teeth, ISub; aggravate toothache, ICham. (SiaP Chap. 10, Toothache, cold); water causes vomiting of bile, lEup. perf.; water, when overheated, causes loss of voice, ICrot. t. Drinking, causes colic: IColoe, I IFerr, IPuls, IStaph.; aggravates, INux m.; must bend double, worse from sweet things, ISub; cut- ting, ICham, Mar. v.; pains and stool, worse mornings, I IPod.; after, water, IManc,Raph.; from each mouthful of water, with bearing down pains and screaming (uterine neural- gia), 11 Nux v. B€jiP cold drinks. Drinking, convulsions: water starts, Bell., ICale, Hyos, Stram.; from cold water, ICale, Rhus, Lyss. Drinking, cough. aggravates, Bry, Calc, Natr. m., Nux v., IPhos.; aggravates, after measles, IKali c; aggravates whooping cough, IBry., IDros.; excites, IIAcon., Anac, Ant. t, I Ars, Bry, Ferr., Hep, IHyos, IManc, Meph, IOp, IPsor.; dry, INux m.; with heat and oppression of chest, IPsor.; in intermittent fever,ICimex; relieves cough, Brom,HSpong.; in cardiac rheumatism, I IPhos.; spasmodic, IFerr.; spasmodic, in aphthae, IBry.; tickling, ICimex; with vomiting, Bry. 8®° cold drinks. Drinking, in diabetes : aSPThirst excessive. Drinking, diarrhoea : aggravation, lArs, Calc, Caps., Cinnam, ICrot. t, ICub,Ferr.,Nuxm, IPod, ISul, ITromb, Ver.; caused by drink- ing, I Apis, IIArg. nit, HArs., I Asaf, Caps, ICina, IColoe, IFerr, HPod.; on a full stomach,Bry.; bilious, IFluor. ae;dysenteric, IColoe, IStaph.; soft drinks, in Summer, ICarbo v.; fluids go right through him (chol- era infantum), HArg. nit.; stool dark green, tenacious mucus, watery, mixed with whitish flakes, watery, painless, coming out like a shot, ICrot. t; stool serous, green, lArg. nit.; longs for drink, but drinking brings on dis- charge, IILach.; impure water, Zing.; from water containing oil, Zing.; too much water, Grat.; watery, in cholerine, IPhos. 8€iP cold drinks. Drinking, difficult: Camph, Lyss, IStram. g&~ Chap. 13, Swallowing difficult. Drinking much when eating: Amm. c. Drinking, epigastrium: pain in (after diphthe- ria), ILac e; pressure (pneumonia), lAnt t; pressure, after cold water, 01. an.; pressure worse, in cholera, IChin. s.; indescribable pain on taking a little beef tea or a cup of tea, which seldom went off until she threw up what she had taken, ICycl. Drinking, eructations: ICarbo v, Coloe, 11 Hyper, Tarax. Drinking, eruption : itch worse, ILach. Drinking, face, heat in: HCham.; after sweat, HCham. Drinking, frequently : gigg* Thirst, frequent. Drinking, hasty : lArs, IBelb, Cina, ICoff, IIHep, IStram, IZinc; bites spoon with- out being aroused (brain affection), IHelb; in brain diseases, IBry.; liquids swallowed in gulps and greedily, though contraction of pharynx exists, IPlumb.; fluids swallowed eagerly but with difficulty (typhoid), IZinc; in heart affection, ILye; followed by vomit- ing, IKreo. Drinking, head : confusion worse, ICoccul.; feels as if in a vise, with nausea, IIMerc. Drinking, headache: ICimex ; when over- heated, IBry.; aggravates pressing in fore- head from without inward, ICoccul. 8®*" Chap. 3, Headache drinking. Drinking, haemoptysis worse: Calc. Drinking, hiccough: llgn, IIPuls.; constant, fourteen days after labor, in a primipara, 11 Nux v. Drinking, hot drinks: aggravation, Amb, Amm. c, Anac, Ant. t, Asar, IBar. c, IBelb, IIBry, Calc, ICarbo v., Caust, ICham, Cupr, Euphor, Ferr., Hell, Kali c, Lach, Laur, IMere iod. flav., IMez, HPhos, IPhos. ac, IIPuls., Sep., Sul. ae; better from, I Ars, IILyc, Mang., Nux m., INux v, IKhus, IVer.; bilious diarrhcea, IFluor. ae; nil aS if she cou,d not Set her breath, I IPhos.; burning pain in sternal region, with tenderness to touch, I ITereb.; burn- ing in chest along sternum, gradually spreads over whole chest, passes off with stitches through nipples, Tereb.; chill worse Alum.; cholera better, lArs.; cough, Illgn* IStann.; cough better (chronic bronchitis)' ISib; cough until food is vomited, IMez • tea causes cough, ISpong.; impeded digestion ICinch.; diphtheria worse, ILach IMere' 15. EATING AND DRINKING. 407 iod. flav, HPhyt.; diphtheria better, I Ars, ILye; face and arms red, I IPhos.; gastritis, IIKali in.; hiccough, INux v., IVer.; after warm milk, rumbling in abdomen, Ang.; especially warm milk aggravates symp- toms, Amb.; especially milk, aggravates whooping cough, IIAnt. t; warm milk, soup, and wine are more easily taken than water, Lyss.; palate sensitive, r.Chim. umb.; sensa- tion as if burned in pharynx, I ISang.; sweat on every motion, IIMerc; cause sweat, Rhus ; aggravate sweat, IKali e; stomach retains hot water only, Chel.; pain in stomach better, Arg. nit.; toothache worse, Natr. s, Lachn.; teeth, especially those that have been filled, sensitive, Sinap.; throat symptoms better, Alum, IILyc; tonsillitis worse, IILach. Drinking, inability: ILach.; in chronic cardi- tis, Cact.; two years after being bitten by a dog, ILyss.; succeeds after those around have retired, or when an attempt is made with closed eyes and through a straw, Lyss. Drinking, large quantities: 8@P Chap. 14, Thirst for large quantities. Drinking, lemonade : 8®*" acids. Drinking, milk: aggravation or bad effects after a small quantity, sudden distension of abdo- men, Alum, lAmb, lAng, IIAnt. t, lArs., IBry, I ICale, Carbo a, ICarbo v., ICham, IChel, HCinch, HCon, ICup, Ferr, Hell, Ign, Kali c, Lach, ILye, INatr. e, Natr. in, INiccol, IINitr. ac, Nux in., INux v., 101. jec, IPhos, IPuls, Rhus, Sabina, Samb, HSep, I ISib, I ISpong, IISul, ISul. ae,Zine; better from Chel, I IVer.; bloats her and causes fulness of head, IIPuls.; children are unable to digest, it causes pain (dentition», IIMagn. m.; colicky pains, Bufo.; colic cutting stitches in abdomen, after hot, Ang.; better by hot, ICrot. t; causes diar- rhcea, Ars., Bry, HCale, Con, IKali c, ILye, IINatr. e, INiccol, INux m, Sil, HSep., ISub; diarrhoea after boiled, IINux m, ISep.; diarrhcea after acid, or mixed with acid fruit, IPod.; diarrhoea and tenesmus, worse in morning, INiccol.; easily disorders stom- ach, ICinch., ISep.; disagrees in affection of stomach, IKali bb; offensive eructations, INatr. m.; eructations sour, ICale, ICarbo v, ICinch., IMagn. c, ISub; gastric symptoms, Bry,ICarbov.;headache,Brom,Natr. p.; sick headache, ILac def; heartburn, Amb.JCinch, chronic indigestion, llris; hoarseness, INic- col.; passes undigested, IMagn. e; causes pain in stomach, IMagn. e; pain in stomach worse from sweet, I Ars.; sours on stomach, INux v.; tastes better, Sabina ; does not taste right, IINux v.; causes sour taste, Amb., ICale, ISub; unpleasant taste, Diad.; vomit- ing, llris; vomited curdled, HCale, HSil, ISub; milk and water disagree, Raph.; water- brash, ICale, ICup. m. Drinking, nausea: HCoccul, Gamb, IKali bb, INatr. m., INux v, IIPuls.; in intermittent fever, ICimex, Eup. per., I IPuls.; in itch, ILach.; most in mouth, in afternoon, HCoc- cul.; at night, IPhos.; in pneumonia, lAnt. t.; cold, after scarlet fever, IHelb; even a swal- low of water causes retching, Ars. h, Gamb.; in yellow fever, IILach. Drinking, neck: pain, especially on closing jaws, TrForm. Drinking, noise: with rattling, short breath, IMur. ac; audible descent of fluids, I Ars, ICina, IICup. m, IHell, IHydr. ac, I ILaur., IMosch, I IPhos. 8§P Chap. 13, Swallowing liquids. Drinking, nose; liquids escape through, IIArum t, IILach, IMere cor.; in diph- theria, ILac c, IILach.; in scarlatina, ICar- bol. ae; in syphilis, IKali bb; rise into choanae, I IMere B®" Chap. 7, Nose fluids. Drinking, often : in croup, IHep.; a little at a time because it disagrees, HArs.; a little at a time (catarrh of chest, diarrhcea, diphtheria, cancer of breast), I Apis ; a sip at a time from want of breath, IKali n.; a little at a time, in hay catarrh, 11 Sticta; a little at a time, at night, ILye; a little at a time, with heat, ILye; a little at a time (after abuse of sul- phur in itch), IBell. BisP Chap. 14, Thirst for small quantities. Drinking, palpitation : ICon. 8^*"wine- Drinking, rage : water renews, ICanth. Drinking, refuses: I IVer.; fear of water, IILyss, HStram.; in diphtheria, thirsty,ILac c; in insanity, from drinking, IHyos.; like in hydrophobia, the moment drink reaches lips spasms return (convulsions), HStram. flST" Chap. 14, Thirst absent. Drinking, small quantities at a time : g£&~ of- ten ; also Chap. 14, Thirst for small quan- tities. Drinking, spasm: on attempting to drink a little water, violent, of muscles of neck and throat, preceded by a gasp or sigh, as if she might just have plunged into cold water, Lyss.; of throat, cannot drink in spite of thirst, Ananth. 8®° convulsions. Drinking, stomach : causes distress in chronic gastritis, I Apis; bloatedness and pain, IManc.; fulness, Aspar., Sinap.; pain, Aloe, Bell. ; pain, after water, I llris; pain, in dropsy, 11 Apoe.; a mouthful causes burning and dis- tress till vomited (heart affection), ILach.; fulness and pain, Aloe; pressure, Daph.; pressing (perforating ulcer), I ISib; pressure, worse after water (cholera), IChin. s, twist- ing (perforating ulcer), I ISib; uneasiness (diabetes mellitus), ILact. ac. Drinking, stool : costive, with a little mucus, ICaps. BilP diarrhcea. Drinking, swallowing: Chap. 13, Swallowing difficult, liquids. Drinking, sweat: Aloe, Ars.; sweat, in crusta lactea, ICale; in evening, Jamb.;free,11 Cast. v.; at night, Aloe. gg&* fever. Drinking, taste : bad, of water, Arund.; bitter, after water is swallowed, IIKreo.; water bit- ter, in relapse of intermittent, I Ars.; water, flat, Benz. ae; putrid, IColoe; rancid, IKali iod.; water, soapy, Benz. ae; sour, IINux v. Drinking, tea : aggravation and bad effects, Aur. mur, ICinch, ICoff, IFerr, Lach., I IRhus, ISelen., HSep, IThuya; causes anaemia of op- tic nerve with accommodative asthenopia, ISpig.; better from,IFerr.; aching shooting in chest, above epigastrium and especially on each side of lower end of sternum, I IRumex ; flatulent colic.Diose; flatulence, from excess- ive.HCinch.; gastric symptoms from excessive use, ICinch.; headache, HSep, IThuya; headache better by smoking, Carbol. ae; ach- 408 15. EATING AND DRINKING. ing in epigastrium, I I Rumex ; granulated lids, Sep.; and milk cause pressure in stomach, yet it is all she can take, IKali e; prosopal- gia, ISpig.; at supper, salivation discontinued until 8 p.m. (lyssophibia), ILyss.; burning in stomach, Calad.; stool scanty, thin, lumpy, Chrom. ac; sudden desire to stool, Chrom. ac; toothache, ICinch, Coff, Ferr, Ign, Lach, ISelen, ISep, Thuya ; copious sweat, 7rForm.; trachoma, with or without pannus, ISep, IINatr. m.; vomiting worse, IINux v.; vomiting, in dyspepsia, IKali bi. Is injurious to the young but beneficial to the old, because it increases nitrogenous bodies by diminishing tissue waste. Drinking, toothache: darting worse, Con.; burning in carious teeth, ICaust.; drawing, ICham.; dull pain in left upper molar, worse after cold drinks, I INux v.; pulsating pain af- ter cold drinks, IMur. ac. BiiP cold drinks. Drinking, tongue: sensitive to slight touch,Osm. Drinking, water causes tenesmus: Caps. Drinking, aggravates thirst: Natr. a. Drinking, throat : burning, IParis ; pain, IPetrol.; dryness and heat, worseafter,ICist; soreness disappears, Tell.; tickling, (diph- theria), ILac e Drinking, urination: in diabetes, Pod. Drinking, vertigo : ILye, ISep. Drinking, vinegar: ggP acids. Drinking, vomiting: lArn, lArs, Bell., IBor, ICina, Crot. t, ICup. a, Dros., lEup. perf, Gamb., ILye, I IOp, HPhos., Sars., ISib, HVer.; bitter, Bor.; after breast or bottle, milk sour, lAnt. e; after cold drinks, IDulc; in diphtheria, ISub; of all fluids (cancer of stomach), IIBism.; after fluids, especially cold water, Rhod.; frequent, ICup.ae; dark green- ish masses, ILye; grass-green fluids, HArs.; especially hasty drinking, ISib; hemor- rhage, after abortion, llpec; in intermittent fever, lArs.; mucus, Bor.; water taken before eating at night returned in morning green and sour, Rob.; water, almost immediately, IJatroph.; water, as soon as it reaches stom- ach (gastralgia, summer diarrhoea), IBism, slightest quantity of water, Ars. h, I IPlumb.; I IPhos.; water, after supper, Calc; water, as soon as it becomes warm in stomach, HPbos. Drinking, water: bad effects, I Ars, ICaps, Cham, Cinch, Ferr, Mere, Natr. c, Nux v., Puis, Rhus, Sul. ac, Ver.; complaints from bad, IA11. sat.; complaints from change in travelling, IIBry, ICarbo v.; diarrhoea from bad, Zing.; pain in bladder, worse from even small quantities, ICanth.; the mere sight of a drinking vessel containing water is intoler- able, they turn away their faces, shriek out loud, beckon anxiously with hands to have the water removed, for voice and breath fail, Lyss.; is not able to drink, even sight of it causes nausea and vomiting, must close her eyes when bathing, I IPhos.; gastric symp- toms from impure, ICarbo v., ICinch.; head- ache better from cold water, Alum.; a sip suppresses tickling in larynx, lEuph.; symp- toms from putrid, Anthrac; can only be swallowed at intervals, as if oesophagus were constricted, Cimex; does not taste right, IINux v.; does not taste good, wants vinegar mixed with it (typhus), lApis. B®° cold drinks; also Chap. 13, Swallowing liquids. I Drinking, waterbrash: ISep.; especially after cold water, IKali c Drinking, causes weakness: I Ars., ICham. 8®°" breathing. Drinking, whisky : caused bleeding from anus, Alum.; can take to any extent, with great temporary relief, patient who is intolerant of stimulants (chronic follicular pharyngitis), 11 Phyt. BiiP alcohol, ale, beer, brandy, wine. Drinking, wine: absent-minded in afternoon, ICepa; aggravation, or bad effects, I Aeon, Amm in, lAnt c, lArn., HArs, Aur. met, Aur. mur. Bell, Bor., Bov., ICale, Carbo a, ICarbo v, HCinch., HCoff, Con, Fluor, ac, IGlon., ILach, Led, IILyc, IMere, INatr.c, INatr. in., INux m, IINux v., IIOp., Oxal. ac. Petrol, IPuls., IIRan. b, Rhod, Rhus, I IRuta, ISabad, ISelen, I ISil, Stront, ISub, IThuya, Ver, I IZinc; bad effects from acid, IIAnt. c, lArs, Ferr, Sep., ISub; better from acid, Ferr.; asthma worse, IMeph.; asthma worse from sour, Ant. t; better from,IIAcon, Agar, Bell, Chen, v., ICon, IGraph., I ILach, Nux v, IOp, Phos, I ISub ac; pain in abdo- men better, Chel.; breathing worse, Bell, IOp.; burning of skin, (eruption), IMere sob; chest symptoms worse, Bor.; confused in afternoon, ICepa; cough worse, I Alum, HZinc; diarrhoea (loose stool) after acid, IIAnt. c; drawing in knees, Benz. ac; small quantities cause ebullition, Sib; emissions, with relaxed organs, HPlumb.; eye symp- toms worse, IGels.; gastric symptoms, ICarbo v.; gastric symptoms from sour, ICinch.; gas- tric symptoms worse, lAnt. e; haemoptysis, IIAcon.; headache, INux m, IZinc;headache worse, lGels,0xab ac; headache better, Arg. nit.;hereditaryheadachebetter,especiallyafter champagne, ICale; heat, burning, pinching, especially in stomach, after a glass of wine with nutmeg (diarrhcea), I ISub; hemorrhoids, IINux v.; as if hernia would be forced out, Calc. a.; indisposed to work, Agar.; intoxi- cates easily, Kali in., Rhod., IZinc; contain- ing lead, Alum, Ars, IBell, Cinch, I INuxv, HOp, 11 Plat,ISub, Sul. ae; mental symptoms worse, yEthus.; nausea, I Ant. e; pain in groins and spermatic cords, Calc. a.; pain in inguinal region worse, Bor.; pain in stomach worse, I I Ars.; palpitation, IIAcon, IINux v.; relieves pressing in umbilicus, returning peri- odically, ICheb; pulse accelerated, INux m.; rheumatic pains, IIAcon.; shudders as if it were vinegar or the strongest whisky, ICina ; sensitive to smell of fumes, which all but in- toxicate her, Tabae; sleepy, Ailant,; insomnia, INux v.; containing sulphur, I I Ars, Cinch, ■Mere, IIPuls, I ISep.; stated poorly, and af- fected him more than usual, Lyss.; small quantities cause thirst, Sib; toothache worse, I Aeon, Ananth., Ign, INux v.; vertigo, INatr. c; vomiting better, I IKalm.; vomit- ing after bad sour wine (gastric catarrh), IIAnt. e B€lP alcohol, ale, beer, brandy, whisky. EATING, abdomen: an anxious feeling rises after breakfast, Ign.; anxiety, after supper Arg. n.; aching, after dinner, Jugl, Eucal '• bloated, Carbol. ac. Graph, ISep,' IPuls.' HSub; bloating (conjunctivitis and leucoma)' IKali c; bloated, continuing after diarrhcea 15. EATING AND DRINKING. 409 ■ Lib tig.; bloated,after a small quantity, Ferr. iod.; bloating, after dinner, Agar., Calc, ISep.; distension and weight with tenderness on respiration and touch, after a light breakfast, Sinap.; boring, after dinner, IColoe, IINatr. s.; as if it would burst, ICarbo v.; as if it would burst, after supper, Chim. m.; burning, after heavy food (intervals of epilepticattacks), I Ars.; burning, in hypogastrium, I IStann.; burning, in region of navel,extendsto oesoph- agus and throat, two or three hours after (chronic dyspepsia), IHydr. ac;colic, in lower, in spasms lasting a minute, IColoe; colic, in umbilical region, obliquely over hypochon- dria, after supper, I IRhod.; constrictive pain in upper, extending to left side of abdomen and chest, after, ICoccul.; constrictive pain, as if bowels were drawn together, beginning in stomach, going downward, chiefly on left side, begins one and a quarter hours after food, attains its height in two hours, IMang.; cramplike pain around umbilicus causing nausea, with cold sweat, better by eructations, Cale, cramplike pain, from three inches be- low navel to epigastrium, with sleeplessness, and vomiting worse (colicodynia), IColoe; cut- ting, Bov., Chel.; cutting, better, Calc, IPetr, I Staph.; sharp cutting pains,like knives in lower part, with urging to stool, after break- fast, Pallad.; cutting, as from knives, IKali bb; cutting and constrictive pain in umbilical region, IColoe; cutting, in upper, Spong.; cutting in upper and lower, IChin. s.; sharp cutting, worse walking, better from pressure with hand, Ars. s. r.; after dinner, discomfort, Aur. met.; during dinner, one cheek hot, Arn.; distension, flatulent, Aloe, Agnus, Asaf, IBor, HCarbov, ICham,Chim. m., Cinnab., IColoe, I ICon., ICop, IDiosc, IGraph, llgn, IIKali c, IILyc, INux m, IINux v, IPuls, ISal. ac, Sinap.; distension with pressure under short ribs as from incar- cerated flatus, IINux v.; curious feeling in bowels (gastric affection), IKali bb; emptiness, as after vomiting, in morning, Arum, m.; flatulence, Aloe, IIArg. nit, Ast. r,IBry,Carbol.ae,HCarbov,Caust, IDiosc, IILyc, Rumex ; flatulence, after dinner, Jugb; discharge of flatus relieves pain in abdomen, 11 Aloe; flatulence, in affec- tion of liver, IMagn. m, I ISep.; flatulence, wind does not pass, Ant. e; flatulence, in sciatica,IColoe; flatulence, after supper, Hy- per.; fulness, Calc, ICarbo v., ICinch, IILyc, INitr. ac, IPhos.; fulness, after breakfast, ICarbo v.; fulness, in constipation, HVer.; fulness, in morning, with dyspnoea. ISub; fulness, in hepatic derangement, IKob.; ful- ness, after eating a little, Arn, IIKali e, IILyc, Sinap.; fulness,during eating, ICinch.; fulness, after supper, Agar., Arg. nit.; gnaw- ing, worse after dinner, IColoe; griping, like colic, INatr. e; griping,about navel, INux v.; griping, about region of navel, after anything sour (chorea), Asaf; griping, at times above and at times below navel, in afternoon, Ver.; heat, after a little, IIKali e; heaviness, after supper, Arg. nit.; oppression, around navel, lAsar.; pain, HArs, Bar. c, Calc, ICarbo v., ICie, Kob, IPsor, I ISub; pain, aggravated, Dory., Lobel b; pain better, after dinner, Carb. s.; pain, in cholera, IChin. s.; pain, from flatus moving about (cystitis), ILye; pain, in gastro-intestinal irritation, IKali bb; pain, comes on two hours after, I INatr. ph.; pain in bowels, three or four hours after, IHydras.; pain in hypochondria disappears, Tereb.; pains, at navel, Oxal.ae; pain, below navel, yEthus.; pain, after noon meal, Ars. s. f; pain acute from abdomen to testes, in evening, while eating, Sib; pain in umbilical region, worse at 3 a.m., 11 Oxal. ae; pinching, at navel and tension in back, before dinner, INiccol.; pushing, IGamb.; pinching, about navel, INux v.; pinching and forcing under navel, after supper, Calc; pinching, in upper, extending to left side of abdomen and chest, ICoccul.; pressure, ICaust, INuxm.; press- ure, after dinner, Agnus ; pressure in upper, Cinnab.; pressure, in hypochondria, ICoca ; pressure, in hypochondria, as from flatulence, worse, Aur. met.; pulsation, after supper, Cain.; feeling of repletion, at navel, Rhod.; rumbling, ICinch, Cycl., IILyc, Oxal. ac. Plant; rumbling,after breakfast, Cepa; rum- bling, in dyspepsia, I Arg. nit; loud rumbling, Tereb.; loud rumbling, in gastralgia, IArg.nit; rumbling, in scrofula, lArs.; sore pain on left side, IRan. b.; stitches in left side, after supper, IRan.b.; straining,almost cutting,forcingdown in colon, Cale; sensation as of a strap as wide as a hand drawn tightly around waist, after supper, HSep.; symptoms worse, Anac; tear- ing around umbilicus, worse before breakfast, IINatr. s.; tension, I Asaf; tension in hypo- chondria, ICoca; tension, with dyspnoea, in morning, ISub; winding sensation in bowels, I Asaf. Eating, acid things: aggravation, Aloe, Apis ; aphthae of old people, worse, IBor.; asthma, lAnt. t; bitter eructations, Staph. Eating, acrid things: biting, leucorrhcea, ■ ISil.; bad effects, Aeon., lAnt. e, Ars., ICarbo v, IFerr, IHep, ILach, INatr. m, INux v, IPhos, IPhos. ae, ISul, ISul. ac. Zinc.; bad effects in chlorosis, IFerr, 11 Nux v.; bellyache, Dros.; better, Ign.; nausea better, Arg.nit.; stomachache, IIKreo. Eating, aggravation: general, after, Amm. m., Arn, Arum t, Bar. c, IBry, Caps, IChin. s, ICinch,ICoccul.,Dig,Manc, INatr. m.JNuph., Raph.; after breakfast, Ars., Cinch, Dig.JNatr. m.; after dinner, Alum., Bry, Ign, Nitr. ac. Eating, anus: before, stitches, ICaust; conges- tion, after dinner, I ISep. Eating, apoplexy: after a hearty dinner, IINux v. Eating, arms: cold, ICamph.; drawing pain in long bones, on lifting arm, Coccul.; peculiar neuralgia in left arm, suddenly, Ars.; trem- bling during, Stram. Eating, aversion: to food just eaten, IINux v.; after eating a little, great repugnance, with hunger, IRheum.; after eating but a little, with nausea in throat, ICycl. 8gp refuses; also Chap. 14, Appetite di- minished, lost, and Aversion to food. Eating, back: aching, Ant. t; aching, after supper, Agar.; anxiety in lumbar region, Bar. e; pain, Agar, IDaph., IKali c; pain, opposite stomach, causing difficult respiration, an hour or so after, I ISub; violent stitches from left lumbar region, transversely through abdomen, especially below umbilicus and 410 15. EATING AND DRINKING. toward right groin, immediately after dinner, IRan. b.; neuralgic pains in spinal column, worse, 11 Phos.; on crossing ferry, noise which water made caused torture, Lyss.; sweating, Card. m. Eating, beans and peas (Hulsenfruchte): 11 Ars, IIBry., ICale, Carbo v., I ICinch., Cupr., Hell, IIKali, IILyc, IINatr. in., IPetrol, IIPuls, I ISep, Sil, Ver. 8®** vegetables. Eating, better: Aeon, Agar, Alum, 11 Amb, Amm. c, Amm. m, Anac, Ang, Arn, Ars., I I Ast. r, IBar. c, IBov, Bry., 11 Calc, Calc. s, Cann. i, Carbo a, ICaust, Cham, IChel, I ICinch, Diose, IFerr, I IGraph, Hell, llgn. Kali c, Kreo., Lach, Lact. ac, Lyss, Merc, I Mez, Mosch,IINatr. c, Niccol., Nux v. Plat, Petrol,IPhos, I IPuls, Ran.b,IRhus,Sabad., Sars, Sep, Sib, Squilla, Spig., Stann, IStront, Ver.; after breakfast, 11 Amb., 11 Amm. m, IBar.c, I IBov, I ICale, I ICann. s., 11 Carbo a, ICheb, HCroc, I IFerr, I IHep, llgn, lllod, ILach, I ILaur, IILyc, IIMez, IINux v, HPetrol, IPlat, I IPlumb, Ran. b, IIRhus, ISabad, ISep, ISpig, HStaph, I IStront., I ISul, ITarax, I IValer, IVerbas.; after din- ner, I ICheb; burning in stomach, IGraph.; during, I Alum, lAmb, Amm. m, IIAnae, Arn,IAurant, Bell,ICaps, Carbo a, Carbo v, Cham, ICheb, Cinch, Coccul, Croc, Curar, Dig, Dros, Ferr, Graph, Illgn,Iod.,IILach, Laur, ILed,Lye, Magn.e, I IMang, I IMere, IMez., Natr. c, Nitr. ae, INux v., I IParis, Phos, HPhos. ac. Plat, Puis., IRheum, IRhod., Rhus, ISabad, Sabina, Squilla, Sil, ISpig, ISpong, IStann, IStaph, Sul, Sul. ac, Tarax., I IZinc; during dinner (headache, dry throat, dyspepsia, etc.), IIAnae; neural- gia, IKalm.; syphilitic symptoms, Lach. Eating, bladder: pressure, Bar. c. Eating, bloodvessels: beating all over body, worse in abdomen, Selen.; jerking in left caro- tid, after dinner, Carbol. ac; pulsation in ar- teries, IClem.; pulsation in cceliac axis be- hind stomach, after dinner, Cact.; percepti- ble pulsations in abdominal aorta, after sup- per, Cain. Eating, bread: acidity, IHydras.; aggravation, Bar. c, IIBry., I ICarbo a, Caust, Cina, Cinch, Clem., Coff, Hydras, IIKali e, ILye, Mar. v, IIMerc, IINatr. m, IINitr. ae, iftux v., Oleand, Phos, HPhos. ae, IIPuls., IIRan. sc, IRhus, I IRuta, ISars, ISep, I IStaph, ISul, I ISubac, IVer., IZinc; better, ICaust, Laur, INatr. c, Phos.; and butter, biting burning on tongue, Merc, per.; and butter, disagree, Acet. ac, ICinch, I ICycl, INitr. ac, IIPuls, ISep, I ISub; and butter cause hiccough, Natr. s.; and butter, pinching in stomach, Ruta; cutting colic, IIAnt c; disagrees in chlorosis, IINux v.; gastralgia, with nausea and constipation, IStaph.; indigestion, IHydras, ISep.; nausea, IIAnt. c; could not taste on account of nausea, Camph.; pressing headache in temples, Zing.; pressure in stomach, Zing.; pressure as from a stone, Bar. c; rye bread, bad effects, Brv, Illgn, IKali c, ILye, Natr. m, IINitr. ac, I INux v, I IPhos, IPhos. ac, IPuls, Sub; rye bread causes cramp in stomach, 11 Merc, cor.; rye bread causes vomiting, I IMere cor.; can- not swallow, Con, Lyss.; could not swallow, as if it were too dry, llgn.; tastes bitter, Asar, IINux v.; tastes smoky, Benz.ae; tastes sweet, IIMerc. sob; eats nothing but bread and water (mental derangement from amen- orrhcea), ICoccul.; causes weakness, IHydras. Eating, breathing: asthma, Sars.; asthma in evening, caused by flatus, IZinc; asthma, deep, sighing, Ant. c; deep inspirations, Sars.; difficult, I Asaf; difficult after a little food, nausea, waterbrash, lassitude almost to faint- ing, cold sweat until 12 p.m., Sang.; dyspnoea, Jacea; dyspnoea, has to fight for breath, feels as if she would be suffocated, all night, better at daybreak, Syph.; impeded, after supper, Arg. nit.; oppressed respiration, IMagn. m.; short breath, Anac, INux m.; short breath, in dyspepsia, ILach.; short, heavy, Sars.; suf- focation, Aur. met, ILach.; suffocative fits are better, Ced.; tight, after slightest food, HPhos.; want of breath, like asthma, Ascl. t; jumps up for want of breath (croup), IBrom.; shortness of breath after dinner, IPuls. Eating, broths: 8®°" soup. Eating, buckwheat: complaints from, Ipec, Phos., IIPuls., Sep, 11 Ver. Eating, butter: bad effects, Asaf, I Ars, HCarbo v. Cinch, ICycl, Dros, Ferr, Hep, Nitr. ae, IIPuls., ISep,Spong., Sub, ITarax.; gastric symptoms from excessive use or from rancid, ICarbo v.; palpitation worse, ILye; slimy taste, disgusts him, ICinch. 8gp" bread and butter, fat food. Eating, cabbage: bad effects, Ars, IIBry, Cale, Carbo v., ICinch., I ICupr., Hell., Kali e, IILyc, Natr. m, HPetrol, IPuls, Sep., Sib, Ver.; sour eructations, IMagn. e; pyro- sis, IMagn. c 8®" sauerkraut, vegetables. Eating, cake : dyspepsia worse, IFerr. ph.; hot, disagree, IBry., Ipec, I IKali c. Puis, I IVer.; eructations, tasting of cold rancid tallow, IPuls.; sour taste, ICale; disordered stomach, IIPuls. Eating, cheese: aggravation, Coloe, Ptel.; cankers in mouth, INitr. sp. d.; colic, after mouldy or rotten, I Ars.; gastric derangement after old, lArs,, IBry., Phos. ac, Rhus ; gas- trointestinal symptoms worse, I Ars. Eating, chest: aching in left, Rumex ; aggra- vation of complaints, All. sat; beating in breast near oesophagus, hot face, restless, Amm. m.; constriction after breakfast, Lith.; contractive pain, in sternum, after eating hurriedly, Led.; dead pain in lower part (gastric ulcer), I Arg. nit.; oppression after dinner, I IStram.; fulness, Ante; oppression better, Amb, ICaust, IDiad., ILye, I IPhos., 11 Sub; oppression, with anxiety, after dinner, IPhos.; oppression and sudden heaviness during dinner, IMagn. m.; oppression in af- fection of liver, IMagn. m.; oppression at dinner after first spoonful of soup, and re- peated gaping (dysmenorrhoea), DDiad.; pain it?J T*kfast> AsPar-; Pain when fasting, ■Iod.; dull pressure in right, from seventh m^nTT^ after b.reakfast> Hyper.; pain through, Act. rac; pain while sitting 11 Lo- in ri I'h*PX9 ft Upper mi^dle' goin-' through im * shoulder> worse from talking, IKali c, IINatr. m.; pressure, on inspiration Iflhpl • pressure on right lung, Anag.; pressing in re- gion of sternum, Ver.; shooting from centre to between scapulae, generally preceding SS in stomach, soon after meals, HSub- stitches 15. DRINKING AND EATING. 411 I Asaf, Bov.; external stitches in breast, into nipple (male), IKali bb; tension and burning in sides, Agar. Eating, chill: or coldness after, Asar, ICamph, ICarbo a, ICinch, Cinch, bob, IGraph, Hy- per, IKali c. Ran. b., ISul, I IVer.; spreads, as if from abdomen, Mar. v.; over upper part of arms and abdomen, IIPuls.; from want of animal heat, Mar. v.; in back (chronic hepa- titis), I ISib; when beginning to eat, Euphor.; chill better, IFerr.; chill better (debility), IPhos.; crawls, during, Bov.; before dinner, Berb.; during meals, Ferr. ph., IIRan. sc, IRaph.; after dinner, Cann. i, ISul; in inter- mittent, rigor if eating when cold, I Ars.; must eat during chill, before he can get up, HPhos.; in gastro-intestinal irritation, IKali bb; after dinner, with headache, Coca; con- gestive headache, after dinner, ICycb; limbs cold, Diose; in typhus, I ITarax.; shuddering after dinner, Ars.; a cold feeling, as from quicksilver on left nates, after dinner, Agar.; shuddering after every swallow, Cinch.; after supper, Ast. r. g)gg" fever. Eating, choking: Anac; during, Nitr. ac; in post-diphtheritic paralysis, HSec; as if there were something hard in oesophagus (gastric affections), IKali bi, swallowing solids diffi- cult, Amm. br. Bar. e, IRhus, ISep. 8@" Chap. 13, Swallowing difficult. Eating, cold things: aggravation, HAgar, I lAlum, I I Ant. c, Arg. nit, HArs., Bar. c, Bov, Brom, Bry, Calc, Canth, Carbo v., Caust, Cham, ICon, Elaps, IGraph, Hell, Illgn, Kali e, IKreo, IILyc, Magn. e, Magn.m, IMang, I IMere, I IMur. ac, Natr.c, Natr. m, Nitrum, Nitr. ac., INux m, I INux v, Paris,Phos.ac,l I Plumb, Puls,IRhod,l IRhus, Sep, I ISil, ISpig, ISul, Sul. ac. Thuya, IVer.; better, Aeon, Alum, lAmb, Amm. c, lAnae, Ang., Ant. t, Ars, I lAsar, IBar., Bell, Bor, IIBry, I ICale, Canth, ICarbo v., HCaust, ICham, Clem., HCupr., Dros, lEuphor, IIFerr, Hell, IKali c, IILach, I ILaur, Magn. c, Magn.m, I IMere, IMez, I INatr. m, INux m, Nux v., Paris, HPhos., IPhos. ac, IIPuls., Rhod., Rhus, Sars, Squilla, I ISep, Sil, Spig., Sul, I ISul. ac, Ver, IZinc; cough worse, Amm. m. Hep., IILyc, Thuya, Ver.; diarrhoea, ILye, INatr. s.; fruit, hiccough, I IPuls.; ice, gastro-intestinal symptoms_worse, I Ars.; ices, colic, IPuls.; ice cream, colic with nausea and vomiting, I Ipec, in evening, caused colic with vomiting next morning, ICale p.; ice cream, cough and chest feel better, after- wards worse, Ars. h.; ice cream, gastric ca- tarrh, II Ars,IPuls.; ice cream, gastrointestinal symptoms, IIArs.; ice cream, gastralgia and gastritis, HArs.; ice cream, gastralgia, pain radiates in all directions, worse after food, I Arg. nit.; ice cream, headache, IIPuls.; ices, vomiting, llpec, IPuls.; tearing in limbs (leucorrhcea) ICoccul.; raging, tearing, dull sticking, jerking in roots of teeth, through upper jaw to ear, IILach. 8@~ Chap. 10, Toothache, cold. Eating, colic (gastralgia and enteralgia): after, lAgar., Ascl. t, Aur. met., IBov, IIColoc, Crotal, IDaph, I IHam, ILye, INux m, Oxal. ac, IPuls, IRaph, IIRhod, I ISee, Spong., IStaph, ISub; aggravation, ICinch, IColch, Ferr. ph. Kali c, HPhos, HCale p.; colic better, Bov, IPetrol., IPlant, I IPsor.; several hours after eating, causing desire to bend double, which makes him worse, Diose; after breakfast, Cepa, INux m, IINux v., IPuls.; pains reappear one hour after (cardialgia), IMagn. m, in children who are bottle fed, I INatr. ph.; transverse colon, during, I IVer.; after dinner, INux m, IVab; a quarter of an hour after dinner, I IRlieum; after first spoon- ful of soup, spasmodic bellyache with anxiety (dysmenorrhoea), Diad.; in evening, before eating, IPuls.; fear of eating, with hunger (gastralgia), INux v.; flatulent, IPuls, Rumex; flatulent after excess, Diose; flatulent, offen- sive, after supper, IZinc.; after greasy things, soup or pastry, IPuls.; griping after least food, ■Staph.; griping,in indigestion, INatr. e; im- mediately after, IIGraph.; in tabes mesen- terica, I IPetrol.; after too much, ICepa; below navel, has to bend double, Astac.; from over- eating, with indigestion, with waterbrash, INux v.; periodic, IINux v.; with pressure in stomach extending to shoulders, IINux v.; in rachitis and atrophy of children, IStaph.; after supper, Chim. m.; in sciatica, IColoe 8@P abdomen, stomach. Eating, continually: g®~ Chap. 14, Hunger excessive. Eating, convulsions: after, IIHyos.; indigest- ible food, llpec; a heavy meal, epileptiform, I Arg. nit.; at commencement of last meal, epi- leptic paroxysms, I Ast. r.; during, IGraph.; when importuned to eat, Lyss. Eating, cornmeal: headache and pain in ster- num, Calc. a.; can only eat mush (ulcer of os uteri), ICurar. Eating, coryza: after dinner, IINux v.; worse while at dinner, Tromb.; influenza worse, IPhos. Eating, cough: after, Ant. t, Ars, Bry, ICale, Caust, ICinch.,IHyos, IKali bi, Med,INux v, I ISquilla, Tarax, Thuya; especially in after- noon (influenza), llpec; aggravation, Bry., IDig., IKali c, INux v., IPhos, ISub; aggrava- tion, in apoplexy, I Anac; better, Ferr, Ferr. mur., IKali c, HSpong.; better after breakfast, Aspar.; during breakfast, Alum.; begins at breakfast (phthisis), ICetrar.; in bronchitis, IPhos.; in bronchial catarrh, lAnt. t; in bron- chial catarrh, during eating, ICale; after din- ner, Syph.; during cough, desire to eat, I INux v.; dry, YEthus, All. sat, ISep.; dry, after dinner, IKali bi.; short dry, after dinner, Agar.; and gagging, lAmb.; hacking, IHep.; hacking, after dinner, Calc. ft; irritation in larynx, Rumex; in laryngitis, I ISub; loose, INux m.; loose rattling, during, IPhos.; caused by lying on right side, I IPhos.; spasmodic, better, IFerr.. mur.; during supper, ICarbo v.; with vomiting, Bry.; with vomiting of food, Anac, IFerr.; whooping cough worse, IBry, Carbo v., ICaust, INux v. Bijp cold things. Eating, crawling: over whole body, after a few spoonfuls of soup, Diad. Eating, child cries: Staph. Eating, cucumbers: colic, Cepa. Eating,diarrhcea: JEthus,HAloe, Alum, Amm. m, I Apis, Arg. nit, HArs, I Asar, Asim, I Aur. mur, Bor, IBrom, Bry, Calc, Carbo v.. ICham., HCinch, Cina, Cist, IIColoc, Con, Cornus, HCrot. t, IDulc, IFerr, IForm, 412 15. EATING AND DRINKING. Hep, Hyper, Iod, ILach, IILyc, Mur. ac, INatr. c, Nux m, IPhos. ac, HPod, Raph, Rheum, IRhod, Sars, Sec, IStaph, Sul, Sub ac, HTromb.; aggravation, HArs., Aur. mur, IMur. ac, INatr. s.; dysentery, ICub.; after artificial food, ISub; after breakfast, Arg. nit, Bor., Carb. s., IThuya; after breakfast better, Arg. nit, Bov, IBrom, Diose, Grat, IHep, Iod, ILith, ILye, Natr. c, Niccol, Sang.; after breakfast, with pain in rectum (hepatic derangement), I IPod.; before breakfast, sud- den, with nausea, Tuberc.; in cholera infan- tum, ICrot. t; after dinner diarrhcea, Ars. s. f, Carb. s, INux v., I ITromb.; some hours after dinner, worse each error of diet, I ISal. ac.; during dinner, sudden. 11 Ver.; dysen- tery worse, ICub.; dysenteric, renewed after least food, slimy stool, or soft with tenesmus, IColoe; in typhoid fever, IPhos.; after sup- per, Hyper., I ITromb.; undigested stool, dur- ing, IIFerr.; very weakening, I Asar. fi^P stool. Eating, difficult: IKali m.; jaws stiff, lame ICaust. B€iP inability; Chap. 13, Swallowing. Eating, discomfort: after, IBor.,Cinnab.,ICycl. g@T" abdomen, distress, fulness, oppres- sion, uneasiness. Eating, distension : B€sP abdomen, fulness stomach. Eating, distress: after Aeon, lllod, Rhod, 11 Uran. n.; during eczema rubrum, IRhus; unless she keeps quiet, IHydras.; in hypo- chondriasis, I Arg. nit.; smallest amount (amenorrhcea), 11 Xan.; and tenderness, with palpitation (may also follow the abuse of soda crackers), INatr. c g^~ discomfort, ful- ness, oppression, uneasiness. Eating, drawing : through whole body, ICamph. Eating, drinking: 8SP Chap. 14, Thirst drinking. Eating, dyspepsia : 8€IP indigestion. Eating, ears : aching after dinner, Agar.; buzz- ing in, after dinner, Agar.; crawling in right, during, Lachn.; ringing, after dinner, Cinnab.; heat, I Asaf; tearing stitch in left, during, Verbas.; fulness in right, during,INatr.e; roar- ing, ICinnab.; feel stopped, Millef. Eating, eggs: bad effects, IColch, IIFerr, Puis.; diarrhoea (rheumatic headache) IChin. a.; nausea, Lyss.; smell, bad effects, IColch.; stomach deranged, IColch.; vomiting, IFerr.; vomiting, after eggs or anything prepared with eggs (diarrhoea), I ISul. Eating, emaciation : eats a great deal, yet loses flesh, lArs, ICale, INatr. m. Eating, epigastrium : aching, with vomiting, ILye; bloated, with pressure as from a stone in stomach, INux v.; constricting pain, HPlumb.; sudden constricting pain after slightest quantity, to left hypochondria, then to region of heart and left shoulder, I IPhos.; cutting in, Bry.; cutting, after dinner, Ang.; distress, I Arn.; distension, ILye, INux v.; emptiness, from nursing, Oleand.; fulness, Arn.; fulness, heaviness and tension, with difficult breathing, IKali c; fulness, must lie down after dinner, Tell.; external stitches after dinner, Kali bb; after dinner, tearing, Ang.; gnawing, IGrat; gnawing, as with headache, IKali bi.; gnawing, better by small quantity, but worse by more (enlargement and congestion, induration of liver), IMagn. m.; grinding, Coccul.; griping (gastralgia,) I ISib; griping, worse towards evening, ICo- loe; heaviness, Rumex; heat, radiating up- ward to chest, INatr. m.; feeling of a lump, I ISub; pain, lAtrop. s, 11 Ptel.; pain, to back and abdomen, lasting about an hour and terminating in waterbrash (indigestion), IIPuls.; pain worse, IDiosc; pain, (after diphtheria), ILac c; pain, extends to left side (dyspepsia), I Arg. nit.; pain in small space, INux v.; pinching transversely across, ICina; pressure, Asaf, ICanth, Coccul,Lyss, I I Rhod.; pressure cramplike transversely, ICina; pressure, as if food stuck, Ambra; pressure, radiating to chest, INatr. m.; press- ing tensive pain in epigastrium, Bell.; pulsa- tions (indigestion), I IPuls.; pulsation about 11 a.m. worse (hysteria), Asaf.; sensitive to press- ure, INux v.; squeezing, Coccul; swelling, IPhos.; weight,!Atrop. s.; weight better, Puis. 8§p stomach. Eating, epileptic attacks: ICale p. Bgp convulsions. Eating, eructations: after, Agar, liEse h., Ammoniac, IBar. e, Berb., IBry., ICamph., Carb. s, HCarbo v., ICaust, j Cubeb, ICycl, I IDulc, Ham, IHep, IKreo., ILach, ILye, INatr. c,INitr. ac, INuxm., Oxal. ac,IPhos, Ruta, Thuya; acid, lAtrop. s, Como, ICon, IFerr. mur, IHydras, Iber, Kali c, IINatr. m, IPod.. ISib; acrid, Carb. s.; acrid, fol- lowed by vomiting of food, I ISpig.; bitter, ISep, Stann,- bitter, during, Sars.; bitter, of food, IILyc; bitter, or tasteless (gastric de- rangement), INatr. s.; after breakfast, Calc. p. Hyper, IPlat; burning, All. sat, Calc, Carb. s.; children, ICinch.; in diarrhcea, HSep.; after dinner, Agar, Ang, Niccol, I I Ratan.; as of bad meat, IPuls.; in dyspep- sia, lArg. nit., IKali bb; empty, lAtrop. s, HCamph, ICitrus, Coloe, INatr. m, Oleand, ISep, ISub; of food, LEsc. h, Bry, IIFerr, IMed, INatr.m,IPhos,IPod.; of food,an hour after, yEsc h, lyEthus.; of food,inmouthfuls, relieves, IHydras.; spits up food for two hours, not acid (dyspepsia), ILye; of food,in mouth- fuls, ILach., Sul. ac; food, returns if he runs, I ISub; loud belching, ICale; tabes mesen- terica, I IPetrol.; in stomacace, IKali bi.; with taste offood, IBry, IHam, IIRan.se, Sars, Tromb.; tasteless, except after long at- tack, when they may be sour, Diose; of wind IIArg. nit, HCarbov, IDaph,IILyc, I I Oxal! ac, HPhos.; of wind, in tobacco poisoning I INux v.; often vomiting, ICale a. BpP Chap. 16, Eructation, eating. Eating, eruption : vesicles, especially on abdo- men, confluent and forming brown scabs, worse, Crot. t; in tinea ciliaris, worse after supper, IMagn. m. Eating, eyes : blepharitis from indulgence in fat food, lluls.; eyes close, Arum, m.; sees bet- ter after breakfast, ICamph.; nebula, after breakfast Ferr. iod.; stitches in left canthus alter breakfast, Lobel. i.; cannot keep awake' Uds close immediately after dinner Verbas' sudden blindness, Cale; must close eves be'' fore dinner, Calad.; sees everything -,louble half an hour after dinner, IStram • Dainfnl drawing in eyeballs, after dinner, Agar • m Jlf a gauze before eyes, after breakfa«t B&T c • 15. EATING AND DRINKING. 413 pain better, during, Sinap.; pressing in orbits, especially left side, after dinner, worse open air, Seneg.; needlelike stitches in both, after dinner, Natr. e; dim vision, ICale, IKali e Eating, face: aching, ICact., I IZinc; blotches, IPhyt.; cramp in upper and lower jaw, Mang.; cheeks flushed, hot, Asaf; flushes during, Bov.; heat after, Amm. c, Amm. m, lAsaf, HCham., IPetrol.; heat worse during, Amm. e; flying heat, Anac; heat, in hepatic disorder, I ISil.; heat, particularly in left cheek, ILye; heat, during dinner, Amm. c; heat, after dinner, Asaf, Calc, Calend, Ran. b.; hot cheeks and forehead, with cold feet, after dinner, ICorab; heat (left side), with redness of face after dinner, cold feet (erup- tion on left upper lip), HPhyt; heat, and neuralgia worse, IPhos.; one cheek hot, dur- ing dinner, Arn.; heat, after supper, Ang.; heat, after Teplitz had removed erysipelatous spot on left cheek, accompanied by headache, I IPetrol.; dinner, pain relieved during and after (prosopalgia), Cinch.; heat, in preg- nancy, I Ant. t; pale, IIKali e; red cheeks, ICoff.; sweat, after, HCham, Natr. s.; sweat, during, Ign, INatr. m.; sweat, in a small spot, llgn.; swelling, ICinnab.; tearing shoot- ing pain in right cheek up into head worse, I IPhos.; tension in face and skin of forehead, as if too tight, worse, IPhos. Eating, faint: Bar. e; before breakfast, Act. rac, ICale, Diose, IKali e; at dinner, Asaf.; after dinner (phthisis), IKali c; in stomacace, IKali bi. ggg~ weakness. Eating, fainting: Mosch., IPhos. ae; after dinner, INux v.; during, better by eructa- tion (hysteria), IMagn. m.; after eating but little, ICaust.; tendency to, IINux v. B§P weakness. Eating, farinaceous food: bad effects, ICinch, Kali bi, ILye, INatr. in, ISub; after, diar- rhoea worse, IINatr. m, INatr. s. Eating, fat food: acidity (bronchitis), ICaust.; anxiety, Tarax.; bad effects, 11 Aeon, Ant. c. Ant. t", lArs., lAsaf, Bell, Bry, I ICarbo a, Caust, Cinch, IColch., HCycb, IDros, I lEu- phor, IIFerr., IHell, Hep, I llpec. Kali c, Magn. c, IMagn. m, Menyanth, Merc, Natr. c, INatr. m., INitr. ac, I INux v, HPhos, IIPuls, Ruta, ISep, Sib, ISpong, Staph, ISul, IITarax, IThuya, Ver.; disordered stomach, IIPuls, ISep.; weak digestion, HSpig.; disagrees, in dyspepsia, IIKali m.; disagrees, in epilepsy, ICaust; bitter eruc- tations, IFerr, IFerr. mur.; catarrh of stom- ach, HSpig.; colic, IPuls.; cough worse (whoopingcough), IMagn.m.;diarrhoea, IKali m, IPuls,Thuya ; after dinner, tearing in feet, Cain.; offensive eructations, INatr. m.; eruc- tations offensive, in epilepsy, ICaust.; head- ache, lAnt. o, IIPuls.; nausea, Lyss.; nausea and acidity, INitr. ae; nausea with headache, Tarax.; nausea, worse from midnight till morning, I IDros.; neuralgia from gravies, IIPuls.; pain in stomach worse, I lArs.; vom- iting, IPuls.; vomiting, with deafness, ISinap. B^p butter, pastry, pork. Eating, fauces: constricted, after, Stram. Eating, feet: cold, ICamph.; burning in soles (hepatic disorder), I ISib; pain, after dinner, Carb. s.; tensive, in right, after dinner, ISub; fall asleep after dinner, I Kali e; weakness,Cain. Eating, fever: lAnt. t, lAsaf, Chlor.; hectic, in debilitated persons, ISib; with nausea, Ind.; unless she keeps quiet, IHydras. 8^*" chill, heat, sweat. Eating, finger: tearing in middle, after, Ars. m. Eating, fish: bad effects from pickled, Calad.; bad effects from spoiled, ICarbo a, HCarbo v., ICepa, Cinch, 11 Kali c, IPlumb, Puis., Rhus; cough, ILach.; diarrhoea (rheumatic head- ache),IChin.a.; bilious diarrhoea after salmon, IFluor. ae; gastric symptoms, ICinch.; vomit- ing, ICale Eating, flatulence : in sciatica, IColoe 8®" abdomen, colic, eructation, stomach. Eating, fruit: bad effects, HArs, IBor, IIBry, ICarbo v., HCinch, Elaps, Ign, llpec, Kreo, ILye, IMagn. m. Mere, INatr. c, Phos, IIPuls, IRheum, IIRhod, Ruta, Samb, ISel, ISep, Tarax, HVer.; acidity, HCinch.; deglutition, especially painful from swallowing acid (scarlatina), ILacc; aggravation from sour, Ferr.; apples cause cough, IIArg. met.; apples, a piece seems to stick in larynx, IIArg. met; after apples distress, became cold and uncon- scious, seemed to be dying, 11 Rumex; better from fruit, ILach.; cholera morbus, HVer.; like ice, Elaps; colic, ICinch, Coloe, IPuls, HVer.; flatulent colic worse (chronic diar- rhoea),INatr. s.; whooping cough worse,IMagn. in.; diarrhcea,Cale p., HCinch, Cist, ICrot. t, Lith, ILye, IMur. ac, INatr. s, IRhod.; diar- rhoea from acid, Pod.; diarrhoea,especially from apples (ague), I IPuls.; diarrhcea and indiges- tion after canned, I IPod.; diarrhcea from un- ripe in summer, IRheum, ISul. ac; fermenta- tion, HCinch.; gastric catarrh, IBry, IPuls.; gastric symptoms from, ICinch.; gastro-intes- tinal symptoms worse, I Ars.; grapes, sudden prolapsus recti with tenesmus, 11 Ruta; head- ache, I Ant. e; hernia, incarcerated after cold fruit, IBry.; jaundice, with white diarrhoea, IRheum; melons, particularly canteloupes, cause colic and diarrhcea, HZing.; pears, Bry, IVer.; pears, especially in morning, cause pressure at pit of stomach, better by walking (diarrhoea), IBor.; prunes or plums cause colic, 11 Rheum; coldness of stomach, I Ars.; pain in in stomach from acid, Chim.m.; strawberries, Bry, Ferr., Sep.; painful distension of stomach, I IVer.; throat, swallowing painful, of acid (scarlatina), ILac c; vomiting, IPuls. Eating, fulness: Ars, Aspar, Aur.mur.,Carbol. ac, ICarbo v, Cham., ICinch, IColch, Kali c, IILyc, Niccol, Nitr. ac, IINux v, IRhus, Sib, ISpong, ISub; after breakfast, Act. rac; after dinner, 11 Agar.; in gastric catarrh,ICop.; after even a little, Bar. c, ICarbo a, ICycb, IILyc, INatr. m., IPtel, ISub, Thuya; after even a small quantity of light food, IDig.; a few mouthfuls seem to fill him to throat (dys- pepsia), ILye; a very little makes her very full, after typhoid (nervous affection), IManc; as if oesophagus were filled to throat, ICinch.; after oppression (phthisis), lElaps ; and reple- tion in sides, Arn.; after revaccination, I IThuya ; more after supper, ICarbo v.; with sour vomiting, Nitr. sp. d. 8^° abdomen, discomfort, distress, op- pression, stomach, uneasiness. Eating, gaping: gW yawning. Eating, garlic: aggravation from theodor,Sabad. 414 15. EATING AND DRINKING. Eating, ginger : diarrhoea, INux v. Eating, gums : of lower molars sore, during, IClem.; liquid food causes sore gums and rough tongue (stomacace), IKali bi. g^" mouth. Eating, hands cold: ICamph.; tremble,Stram.; hand trembles the more the higher it is raised, during, HCoccul. Eating, hasty: Bell, Calad, ICoff, Cup. in, Oleand, IPlat, Sul, Zinc; in heart affection, ILye; after kidney complaints, IBerb.; fol- lowed by vomiting, IPuls. Eating, hawking: after breakfast, Calc. p.; tenacious mucus, 01. an. Eating, head: brain feels loose, ICarbo a.; burn- ing in forehead, IINux v.; confusion, ICoccul, Diad, HPetrol.; confusion, after breakfast, Calad.; confusion, after dinner, INatr. m.; confusion, with lassitude, Diad.; rush of blood, ICale; sensation of blood flowing to, before eating, Uran. n.; congestion, after dinner, I IPsor.; congestion (hepaticdisorder), I ISib; congestion, with throbbing and forget- fulness, I ISub; congestion, particularly in vertex, HCinnab.; crawling, in forehead, dur- ing supper, Zinc.; crepitation, in back part, worse, ICale; dulness, Diad., Zinc; dulness, preventing mental exertion, Ferr.; painful dulness, Menyanth.; emptiness, ICoccul.; fulness, Carbo v.; fulness, before, Uran. n.; heat, Carbo v., IHyos, ILye; heat, during, I INux v.; heat, after dinner, Berb.; heaviness, in forehead, Carb. s.; heaviness in cerebel- lum, better, ICarbo v.; heaviness in forehead, during, yEthus.; heaviness and beating in fore- head, lAmm. e; profuse sweat on forehead, with nausea, after dinner, Ptel.; pressure, ICarbo a.; sweating, after food, Card, m.; prickling sweat on bald vertex, ICepa; cold sweat on forehead, during, Sul. ac; tightness, as if temples were compressed, Con. Eating, headache : after, lAnae, Ant. t, Arn, Brv, Calc,ICale p., Carbo v., Carb. s, Cham, Chlor, Cinch, bol, ICoff, ICrotal, IHyos, Natr. s, INux v, IPhos, IPuls, I IRumex, IRhus; better, after, Arg. nit,ICalab,Card.m, HChel, ICist, Coca, IKali bi, Laur, ILye, I IPhos.; better, during, ILith, ISil, ISinap.; boring, at root of . nose extending down, from within out, Bism.; after breakfast, Agar, Bufo, Carb. s, I IHyper, llris, Merc sub; after breakfast, better, Act. rac. Arum t; after breakfast, with sleepiness, INux m.; . after breakfast, returning in vertex, Badiag.; before breakfast, ICale; after dinner, Amm. c, Ars. h., HStram.; better after dinner, 11 Arum t., Phell, Zing.; during dinner, Pal- lad.; after error in diet, Calc. a.; dull, after dinner, Diose; with fever, Chlor.; in fore- head, Ars. h, IKali e; in forehead, boring, Bism.; in forehead, as if brain had not enough room, when rising in morning is bet- ter, Psor.; in forehead, after dinner, worse, Calc. s.; in region of left frontal eminence, after dinner, Zinc; in forehead, over eyes, worse in evening, iCarbo v.; in forehead, with heat, Calend.; in forehead, pressure as if it would burst, INatr. s.; in forehead, pressing, after dinner, Agar.; in forehead, pressing, after dinner, especially left side, worse in open air, Seneg.; in frontal eminence, press- ing, tearing, after dinner, Zinc; pressing, in forehead, from without inward, worse, ICoc- ' cub; in forehead, pressure worse, Amm. e; in forehead, in stomacace, IKali bb; in fore- head, throbbing in evenings, worse before and after, Coccul.; in forehead, throbbing, dull, heavy over eyes, soon after dinner, as if head would burst, better lying, pressing head against anything, open air, worse stooping or moving, IKali bb; in forehead, throbbing after eating, Inul.; in forehead, tearing, Inul.; in forehead, tearing during supper, Zinc; from eating too much, ICoff, INaja, INux m.; in occiput, Bry.; in occiput, dull, after break- fast, IGels.; in occiput, in stomacace, IKali bi.; in occiput, painful, drawing, after dinner, Agar.; in occiput, in left side, in scalp, after breakfast, IHyper.; parietal, boring in left, after dinner, Zinc; parietal, after dinner, stitches, Bar. e; parietal, jerking or dull, stitches in left hemisphere of brain, extend- ing towards parietal bone and occiput, INux v.; sick headache worse, I ILac c, I ISang.; sick headache whenever she eats rich food, I INatr. m.; stitches after dinner, as if extend- ing through whole brain, until going to sleep in evening, with shivering attacks of faint- ness, I IPuls.; after supper better, Colch.; in temples, as if compressed, Con.; temples, after dinner, Carb. s.; temple, in left, after breakfast, Act. rac; temples, pressing, after dinner, Agar.; temple, pressure in left, after breakfast, IHyper.; temples, pressing out- ward in, after breakfast, Lobel. b; temples, tearing, with sensation as if brain were asleep, worse, Con.; temples, with stitches in right ear, tearing, after dinner, Zinc; throbbing, Carbo v.; in vertex, throbbing, tearing, ICham, Inul.; as if in a vise, with nausea, IIMerc. 8®" Chap. 3, Headache, eating. Eating, heart: feels heart beat against ribs, ICamph.; worse after indiscretion (organic valvular disease), ICarbol. ae; irregular beat- ing, in rapid succession, causing anxiety,ICoc- cus.; pressure, IKali bb; tremulous action, after drinking, Coccus; tremulous pulsations (endocarditis), ICale; stretching in region, Aspar. B€aP palpitation, pulse. Eating, heartburn: lyEse h. Agar., Amm. c, Anac, ICale, ICale p., ICinch., Con, INatr. in, INitr.ac; before breakfast worse, INux v.; after dinner, Calc. p.; rancid, IGraph.; raw feeling better, ICarbo a.; after supper, Alum. B^° waterbrash ; also Chap. 16, Waterbrash Eating, heat: after, Bar. c, Nitr. ac; and anx- iety, Ferr.; after breakfast, ICepa; burning, ■tI heavy food (in tuberculosis mesenterica), Hod.; hot feeling in face, hands and feet, after dinner, Calend, Chlor.; or flatulency with nausea, Cale; flushes, Cinnab.; and nausea during apyrexia if intermittent, I Ars, ILach ; with sweat and debility, INitr. ae; internal, as if blood were boiling hot in veins, after dmner, Med.; passes off after supper, Anac. Eating, heaviness: ICarbo v., Natr. a, I ISep Sinap. 8@* fulness, oppression P"' Eating hiccough: IIAcon, Bor, Bov Brv CarboaCycb, IGraph, Ham, IIHyosJIgn:; I IParis, Sep.; before eating, IPhos • after dinner, Carbol. ac, Sars.; during dinner causes vomiting, Magn. m.; with soreness in epigastrium Kob; making epigastrium sore and aching (sequel to cholera), I IPhos.; like 15. EATING AND DRINKING. 415 eructations, Jamb.; ingastric affections, IKali bb; from overeating, INux v.; after nursing, jerking and empty eructations, IMar. v.; pre- vented, by constant, fourteen days after labor, in a primipara, I INux v.; while eating, par- ticularly pregnant women, ICycb; after sup- per, Coca. BSPChap. 16, Hiccough. Eating, high living: apoplexy, IINux v.; con- gestion to head, IVer. v.; emissions, IINux v.; jaundice, IINux v.; liver swollen, indu- rated and sensitive, with pressure and sting- ing, IINux v.; gastric irritability in men who have indulged in excessive eating, IINux v.; metrorrhagia, IINux v. glgg* highly seasoned. Eating, hip joint: violent electric shock, first left, then right, after dinner, disturbing sleep, I Arg. nit. Eating, honey : bad effects, INatr. m. Eating, hot things: aggravation, Aeon, Alum, I Amb., 11 Amm. c, I Anac, Ang, IIAnt. t, Apis, Ars., I lAsar., IBar. c, IBell, Bor, IBry, HCale, Canth., ICarbo v., HCaust, ICham, Clem., IICup., lEuphor, IIFerr., IIGraph, I IHelb, Kali c, IILach., I ILaur, Magn. c, Magn. m., I IMere, IMez, Natr. m., Nux m., Nux v, Paris, HPhos, IPhos. ac, IIPuls., Rhod, Rhus, Sars, Squilla, I ISep., Sil, Sul, 11 Sul. ae, Thuya, Ver., Zinc; anxious during, Magn. e; better after, Agar, Alum, Ant. c,IIArs, Bar. e, Bov,Bry, Calc, Canth, Carbo v., Caust, Cham, ICon, IGraph, Hell, I llgn. Kali c, IKreo, I ILye, Magn. c,Magn. m, IMang, I IMez., I IMur. ac, Natr, I INatr. m, 11 Nitr., Nitr. ac, INuxm, I INux v., Paris, Phos. ae, I IPlumb, Puis, IIRhus, Sep., I ISil, ISpig, ISul, Sul. ac, Thuya, IVer.; burning in throat, IHep.; burning, in syphilis, ILye; cough until food is vomited, IMez.; heat, particularly in head, during, Magn. e; con- stricted oesophagus better, IHyos.; palate sen- sitive, ^Chim. umb.; sweat, Sul. ac; stitching in throat, IHep.; toothache, IMillef; causes raging, tearing, dull sticking, jerking in roots of teeth through upper jaw to ear, IILach. Eating, hunger: not relieved, Agar, Ant. c, Arg. met., Ascl. s, Cale, ICast eq, Cie, HCina, Coccus, Kali iod, ILaur, I IMed., INux m, Paris, HPhos, I IPhyt, Stront, 11 Uran n.; appetite returns only when eat- ing, HCinch.; soon feels empty, Sang.; feels as if he had eaten nothing, Sars.; in inflam- mation of lungs, ICornus; must eat every few hours (scrofulosis), Iod.; with worms, IMere Eating, hypochondria: distension of right, two or three hours after, with dull heavy aching, partly relieved as digestion is completed (dys- pepsia), INatr. m.; distension, Apoe; fulness and pressure, Lobel. b; pain, in left, IDaph.; pain, under left, in dyspepsia, lArg. nit.; pressure, Cham.; sore feeling after dinner, Agar.; external stitches in right, after dinner, IKali bb; stitches worse, during, IPod. Eating, ice cream: 8§P cold things. Eating, inability: llpec, ILye, ILyss., Sep. 8€sP difficult, fulness, satiety. Eating, indigestion: Amm. br., Bar. c, ICale p., ICarbo v, Chim. umb, IKali bi, INatr. e, INux m, IPetrol, IPhos.; after typhus, IBapt; with flushing, Vespa; after abuse of mercury, IHep. g^~ stomach; also Chap. 17, Stomach dyspepsia. Eating, influenza: g^* coryza. Eating, intoxicated feeling: after, Grat. Eating, itching: after, ICale p. Eating, jaw: cramplike pain in left articula- tion, to cheek, in evening, Spong.; after, cramp pain, Mang.; uneasiness in muscles of lower, and lips, after dinner, Agar.; cracks, during, (dyspepsia), Lac c Eating, knees: after, feeling of weakness, with pressure in stomach, I ILach. Eating, larynx: pain, Rumex; dryness and burning, better (syphilitic sore throat), I Mez.; tickling better, lEuph.; pressure beneath, after supper, as if something were sticking in throat, IHep. Eating, lassitude : after meal, Act. sp, Ars. s. r, Asar, IRhus ; in dyspepsia, ILach. BSpP faint, lazy, malaise, weakness. Eating, lazy: Bar. c; after dinner, I ICheb; in legs, Arn.; desire to lie down, after, Ant. e; disgust for work, after dinner, Agar. Eating, leguminous food: B^° vegetables. Eating, legs pain: IKali c. Eating, leucorrhcea: acrid, ICham. Eating, limbs: pain after breakfast, Hyper.; prostration, after dinner, Agar.; pain after dinner, on awaking, HAgar. Eating, lip : involuntary biting lower, Benz. ac. Eating, a little: g^~ small quantities. Eating, liver: pain, IMagn. m.; pain better (dyspepsia), ICheb; pain, with distension, ICaust.; dull, heavy aching and distension, lessening as digestion advances, INatr. m.; pressure, worse, Anac; pressure from interior to chest, after dinner, Asaf; pressure and tension, IILyc; sensitive to pressure, IILyc; symptoms worse, IPtel. Eating, lobster: taste of iodide of potash, Ind. Eating, malaise: after, Ast.r, Cinch,IINatr.m.; organic cardialgia, IKali bi. BSP lassitude. Eating, meat: aggravation, Carbo a, Caust, IColch, IFerr, IKali e, I IMagn. c, IIMagn. m., Merc, Ptel, IPuls., I IRuta, Sil, I IStaph, I ISub; children accustomed to meat suddenly become disgusted with it, IFerr.; distresses him, I IRhus; gastric symptoms from spoiled, ICinch.; better from, I IVer.; broths cause nausea, Aeon.; smell of broth causes nausea, IColch.; feeling of contraction above and between eyebrows, followed by bleeding of nose, I IVacc; cough worse, IStaph.; dyspep- sia worse, IFerr. ph.; headache, in dyspepsia, 11 Ruta; itching all over like undeveloped nettlerash (dyspepsia), 11 Ruta; fresh, causes nausea (diarrhcea), ICaust; salt, causes gastric symptoms, ICarbo v.; smell sickens, Ars, IColch.; smoked, disagrees, ICalcJSib; spoiled, tainted, ICarbo v. Cinch, IPuls.; could not taste on account of nausea, Camph.; vomiting after, 11 Kreo.; vomiting immediately (dys- pepsia), IKali bb; fresh, causes waterbrash (diarrhoea), ICaust. Eating, menses: cramping pains, worse in dysmenorrhoea, IColoe; difficult to get her to eat, after menses, llgn. Eating, mental symptoms: anguish, lAsaf, I ISep.; anxiety, Amb.; anxiety from irreg- ular action of heart, ICoccus; great anxiety every afternoon, after dinner (fifth month of pregnancy), HPsor.; confused, cannot use mind, INux v.; conscientious scruples, after menses, llgn.; depression, IPod.; feels dull, 416 15. EATING AND DRINKING. Led.; dulness better, Chen, v.; dull after breakfast, Bapt.; indisposed to mental exer- tion, Ars. s. r.; disinclined to think, after dinner and in evening, Lyss.; inability to think, Agar.; hypochondriacal mood, Anac, lArg. nit, Natr. c, IINux v.; hypochondriacal mood three hours after dinner, with pressure under short ribs, especially right side, Zinc; ill humor, IBor, Merc, sub; ill humor after breakfast, Calad.; ill humor after eating a little too much, I IMere cy.; ill humor after dinner, Amm. c, IHydras.; irritable, Chlor.; ill disposed, every noise irritates, if others eat apples or hawk or blow nose it brings him be- side himself, passes away after sleep and coffee, Lyss.; irritable, after dinner, with pressure in forehead, Mar. v.; disposed to get into a rage during, Chlor.; lasciviousness, with sexual excitement, Lyss.; hysterical laughter, I IPuls.; melancholy after dinner, I Ars.; loss of mem- ory during dinner, Calc. p.; loss of memory, suddenly, after luncheon, Calc. s.; nervous after dinner, IHydras.; nervous and weary with quickened pulse, ILye; disposed to get into a rage, Chlor.; restless mood, Amm. m.; cannot bear to be spoken to after dinner, IHydras.; taciturnity, Arum m.; ceases com- plaining during, 11 Psor. Eating, mouth: acidity, ICarbo v, INatr. m, I ISib; aphthse in side of cheek, bleeding (diar- rhcea), IIBor.; bitter, in pregnancy, I IDros.; burning, IMez.; dry, ISub; dry during, Merc. per.; food escapes while chewing, Arg. nit; food and drink escape from left corner, INux v.; gums smarting, IINatr. m.; disagreeable mucus, ICaust.; roof sore during, Calc. s.; sa- liva runs out (toothache, paralysis), ICaust.; tingling in salivary glands, with sense of fer- mentation in oesophagus and copious saliva- tion, IKalm.; bad smell, ISub; fetid, musty smell in posterior nares, during expiration, Chrom. ae; sensitiveness, ILach.; sensation as if exhaled air smelled putrid during, Chrom ae; symptoms better, Benz. ac. BgT gums. Eating, too much: Hod.; complaints from, I All. sat. 8®*" Hunger excessive. Eating, mucus: 8®° hawking. Eating, posterior nares; food easily gets into choanae, ISib; small pieces of food are forced into choanse, producing a sickening sensation, they are afterwards withdrawn covered with mucus, Nitr. ac. Eating, nausea: after, Agar., Agnus, Amm. c, Anthrok, Ant. t, Arg. nit, lAtrop. s, Aur. mur, Bism, IBor, Bry, ICarbo v., Caust, Cham, Chin, s., ICie, HCoccul, ICon, Cycl, Diose, IFerr, IFerr. ph, Gamb, IGraph, I IHam, Hyper., Ipec, Jacar, IKali bi. Kali c. Kali iod, ILach., ILye, Med, INatr. m, IINux v, IOp, Oxal. ac, IPhos, IPhos. ac, HPlumb., IPuls, I IRumex, Sars., HSep, ISul, Tereb.; aggravation, Anac, ICoccul, Merc, per. See; aggravation, in cholerine, II Asar.; before eating, INatr. s, Sabad, ISub; better after eating, Arg. nit, Cham, Grat, Sinap., ISpig.; better, in diarrhcea, IIBrom.; better during eating, Sinap.; after breakfast, Agar, Amb, Calc. p., ICham., ICurar, Daph, ISars, ISpig.; before breakfast, Alum, Berb., ISpig.; afterbreakfast,better, Alum, Bov.; dur- ing breakfast, Agar, llnd.; with a cold, after scarlet fever, IHelb; in diabetes, ILact ac.; deathly, Agar., Ars. s. f, Berb., Cepa, ICycl, Med, IINux v.; during eating, Amm. c, Ang ICaust, I ISabad, I IVer.; during, when al- most satisfied, ICale; in yellow fever, lArs. h.; in headache, Bism., ILac def; heaviness of head and bitter eructations, INatr. m.; heart disease, IHydras.; after a little food, IDiad, ISib; long lasting, after meat, ICarbo a.; at night, during, Cinch, bob; with palpi- tation, Kali e; in phthisis, after dinner, IKali e; in pregnancy, I Anac, IColch, ILact. ac, IOp.; in pregnancy, after night watching and mental disturbance, I I Puis.; must keep quiet, Ham.; in scirrhous uteri, I Ars.; with shuddering, Amm. m.; qualmishness better, IMagn. c; qualmishness,after dinner, 11 Antt; qualmishness before, Natr. s.; qualmishness, 2 to 4 p.m., Chrom. ae; with pain and sore- ness in stomach better, INatr. e; sudden, Ruta ; sudden, during, with vomiting of food, Ruta; after supper, ICycb; after supper, gradually worse, Chrom. ac.; with vanishing of sight, sweat on forehead, distension of abdomen, ICrot. t; in tabes mesenterica, I IPetrol.; with vertigo, I ISamb.; followed by vomiting of bile or undigested food, Stann.; with vomiting, constant pain and pressure in epigastrium as from a stone (reflex gastric derangement during pregnancy), IINux v.; and vomiting with great straining, causing pain in head and back, ILye; with sudden vomiting, IRhus ; with waterbrash, Amm.m.; followed by vomiting of bitter salt water, IMagn. c. 8®" vomiting. Eating, neck: pain on closing jaws, ^Form.; stiff neck, INux v.; aching in back of neck, vertex and forehead, with nausea, Con. Eating, neuralgia: after improper diet, IIPuls.; cervico-brachial neuralgia, INux v.; faceache worse, I IZinc; faceache caused by missing dinner, ICact. Eating, nose : bleeding after dinner, Arg. met.; bleeding during dinner, Spong.; sneezing after dinner, Agar, Cinch, bob; itching, Jatroph. 8@~ coryza. Eating, oesophagus: burning, Con.; burning, in stricture from spasm, IPlumb.; irritated (gastralgia), I Arg. nit. B@" pharynx ; also Chap. 13. Eating, too often: Hod. Chap. 14, Hunger excessive. Eating, oil: bad effects, Bry, I ICanth., IPuls 8@~ fat food. Eating, onions: bad effects, ILye, IIPuls, IThuya; stool worse, Thuya; throat sore! I Alum. Eating, oppression: Aspar, Calad, Chin, s, J4ups' ,,Kah bl-» ,Nux m-- >Nux v , IOp IKhus; in amenorrhcea,ICarbol. ae; in morn- ing, ICarbo a. fi^*" fulness, heaviness Eating, oysters: aggravation, ISul. ae; diarrhoea itJrom,ILyc; gastric disturbance, Brv HLvc Eating, palpitation: after, Aspar., Bufo Calc ICamph., ICarbo a, ICarbo v., IILyc INatr Ster^aSfa'st^t' ' '^J '^" ^ aicer Dreakfast, IKali c; in chlorosis lOalo after dinner, IPuls, I IStram.; in endocardi tiLfCx.alc-; from indigestion, IINux va°Cardl B@~ heart, pulse Eating, pastry : bad effects, I Ars, Bry nqrK„ v, Ipec, Kali c, ILye, IIPuls, Sub, Ver. 15. EATING AND DRINKING. 417 gastric catarrh, IPuls.; colic, IPuls.; cutting colic, IIAnt. e; flatulent colic worse, INatr. s.; diarrhcea,IKalim,INatr. s.; headache,! I Puis.; nausea, IIAnt. e; neuralgia, IIPuls.; urti- caria, IPuls.; vomiting, IPuls.; worse after puddings, Ptel. Eating, pepper: Ars, ICina,Cinch., I INatr. c, INux v. I ISep, Sib; cough, lAlum. BSP highly seasoned. Eating, pharynx: dryness and burning, extending into chest, is relieved (syphilitic sore throat), IMez.; tearing when swallowing saliva, after dinner, Agar.; a morsel sticks, as if constricted, IINitr. ac; on sitting down to meals sensation of constriction in pharynx, as if in chest, with suffocative feeling, fol- lowed by frequent yawning, Val. Bgpcesophagus ; also Chap. 13, Swallowing. Eating, pork: disagrees, Aeon, IIAnt. e, Ant t, 11 Ars, Asaf, Bell, HCarbo v, Caust, IColch, HCycb, Dros, llpec, INatr. c, INatr. m, IIPuls., HSep, Tarax, IThuya; nauseates, IIHam.; diarrhcea and whooping cough, worse IIAnt. c; eruption, itching violently, in bed, IPuls.; worse from smell, IColch.; urticaria, IPuls.; better from bacon, IRan. b, I IRan. sc. B§P fat food. Eating, potatoes: I Alum, Amm. m, I IColoe, ISep, IVer.; bellyache, IColoe; drawing or oppressive pain, going upward to chest and throat, Alum.; colic, indigestion, IIAlum.; disagree, lAlum, IBry.; sour eructations, IMagn. e; pyrosis, IMagn. c. B€iP vegetables. Eating, pulse: accelerated, IILyc, feeble, Diose; more frequent and full, Ars. h.; qui- eter, Zinc. g^~ heart, palpitation. Eating, raw, uncooked food: bad effects, Ars, I IBry, Cinch., I ILye, IPuls., IIRuta, IVer. Eating, rectum: pulsation, Aloe ; pain, after dinner, Mang. Eating, refuses: HVer., I IZinc; in insanity, IKali m.; in insanity from drinking, IHyos.; in nervous irritability, IKali br. ggjg* Chap. 14, Aversion to food. Eating, regurgitation of food: g^° Chap. 16, Eructation of food. Eating, restlessness: after breakfast, ICarbo v. Eating, rice : vomiting, Tell. Eating, salads: aggravation from lettuce, HArs, IIBry, ICale, Carbo v, Lach, Lye-.; colic, Cepa ; gastric disturbance after chicken salad, Bry. 8®" high living. Eating, saliva: copious, IA11. sat. Cast, eq, INatr. s. Eating, salt: bad effects, 11 Phos.; bad effects from salt food, HArs, I ICale, ICarbo v, ICoca, IDros., IILyc, Nitr. sp. d., Nux v, ISelen.; better from salt food, Magn. e; na- sal catarrh, INatr. m.; cough, lAlum.; ecze- ma, INatr. m.; food does not agree except salt fish, which he does not like, HPhos.; hunger worse, IMagn. m.; worse from salt meat, Act. sp.; aching, contracted pain, Nitr. sp. d.; purpura, caused by excessive use,bloody diarrhoea, INitr. sp. d.; sexual debility, IPhos.; teeth better, ICarbo a.; burned appearance of tongue (scarlet fever), INatr. m. Eating,speedy satiety: Amm. c, Carb. s., ICie, IClem, Coccus, Ferr. iod., Fluor, ac, Gamb, llgn, Illie, IILyc,INuxm.,I IPrun, IRaph., Rhod., Ruta, ISep.; during breakfast, Agar.; in. I cardialgiaand headache, IKali c; in diarrhcea, with weak, empty feeling after stool, IPetrol.; in diarrhoea after suppression of skin disease, ILye; in dyspepsia, INux v, followed by nausea and vomiting, IPod.; in chronic inflam- mation of pancreas, Iod.; in phthisis, ICetrar.; in tuberculosis mesenterica, INux v. 8®" aversion, refuses. Eating sauerkraut: Ars., IIBry, ICale, Carbo v, ICinch, Cupr, I IHell, ILye, IINatr. m, HPetrol, IPhos, IPuls, ISep, Ver.; causes bloating (cough), HPhos.; gastric derange- ment, IBry.; diarrhoea, IPetrol. Eating, sausage: gastric derangement after old, I Ars, IIBell, IBry, Phos. ac, IIRhus; colic after spoiled, I Ars.; gastro-intestinal symp- toms worse after spoiled, lArs. Eating, highly seasoned food: bad effects, IINux v.; cough worse, ISub; hemorrhoids, IINux v. 8@P ginger, high living, pepper, salt. Eating, sexual symptoms: after, Aloe; erection, Niccol.; erections at dinner, Alum.; sexual desire increased, 11 Aloe; lasciviousness with feeling of weakness in parts, inclined to emission, Lyss. Eating, shoulder: convulsive shaking of left, after dinner, Agar. Eating, sleep: drowsy after, Arum m. All. sat,, Ant. c. Apis, Bov, Bufo, Calc,Caps,ICarbov, Chin, s, ICie,Cinch, Oinch. bob,Croc, Cycl, Grat, Guarana, I I Kali c, ILach,IILyc, Lyss, INatr. m., IINux m, INux v., IPhos, IRhus, Sil, Stilling, Tarax, Tell.; drowsiness before breakfast, ICale; dulness and drowsiness after breakfast, Calad.; sleepiness with chilli- ness and yawning, 11 Kali e; somnolence, with passive cerebral congestion in patients predisposed to apoplexy, IOp.; drowsy before dinner, Calad.; drowsy after dinner, II Agar, Aur. met, Carbo v., HChel, Cinnab, Diose, Euphor, I ILach, INuxm., Vib.; after dinner, with anxious dreams, Sinap.; after dinner, with headache,ICale; after dinner, in phthisis, IKali e; during dinner drowsy, ICale p.; during eating sleepy, Bov, Sarrae; sleepy during hot stage, Cinch.; after supper, lies down immediately and sleeps, ICale, Chim. in. Hep, Tell.; in tabes mesenterica drowsi- ness, HPetrol.; in vaginismus, llgn.; sleep- I lessness, Castor.; sleeplessness after eating too much, IPuls. B@P tired feeling, yawning. Eating, slowly: while very hungry, I Aeon.; difficult swallowing, Acet. ac. Eating, small quantities: in chronic consti- pation, ICoca; after wound on head, ILed.; inclined to nibble, IMagn. in.; and often, Bry. Eating, smoked meats: aggravation, ICale, ISib; agree, in diarrhcea, ICaust. Eating, soup: aggravation, Alum.; relieves gnawung, Oxal. ae; a small portion of weak soup fills her up (asthma), IKali e; causes nausea and disgust for food, ICarbo v.; tastes insipid, Card. m. Eating, speech : difficult, after, Amm. c Eating, spices: 8®* highly seasoned. Eating, spleen: pressing, after supper, Lyss. Eating, strange sensation: before dinner, a strangeness of whole body, Lyss. Eating, stomach: aching,after,HBar. c; aching, worse, ICale, IPuls. (B^aP pain); aching, 27 418 15. EATING AND DRINKING. better, I ICheb; aching before breakfast, llris ; dull aching, IHep.; aching as if a hard body lay there, worse by touch and pressure, extends to both sides,under false ribs, Sinap.; acidity, Chel., ILach, 11 Rob.; acidity after farinaceous food (bronchitis), ICaust.; bear- ing down, during breakfast, Agar.; boring, as if stomach would be perforated, worse after breakfast, Natr. s.; burning, ICaps, ICarbo a, IDaph, IKali c; burning, in intervals of epileptic attacks, I Ars.; burning is relieved (gastrosis), IMez.; burning, to throat, Kali c; causes burning and distress until vomited (heart affection), ILach.; burning, raw feel- ing, IDiosc; cold feeling, ICarbo a, ICist.; cramp, immediately, Sub; contracted, worse by stimulants, Osm.; constriction better, I ICheb; constricting pain, I IBry.; one or two hours, after constricting, stitching, burning, INatr. m.; convulsive pains after very little food, IDiad.; cutting, Cup. ars ; cutting like a sore on commencing to eat, better while eat- ing, Ang.; cutting in left side, IKali e; dis- comfort, ICarbo v, IILyc; distension, Alum, Apoe, Aur. mur, Bry, ICale, Cann. i, ICar- bo a., HCarbo v., HCinch, HColch, Diose, IGrat, IHep, ILach., IILyc, INux m, Ru- mex, ISab ac.; distended, in phthisis, IStann.; distress, Alet, ICact., ICarbo a, • Cub., Diose, I ISubae; distress, dyspeptic,ISpong.; distress- ing feeling, after supper, all night, that, unless stomach were relieved, a fit would ensue, Merc, sub; distress, in chronic gas- tritis, lApis; drawing through right chest into shoulder, better loosening dress and eructating, I ISep.; as if food lay dry in stom- ach, Calad.; dull pain, ICale p.; feeling of emptiness, Aram m, I ICina, Chloral, IGrat, ILaur, ILye, I IPtel, Sang.; eats only because stomach feels hollow, hastily, soon satisfied (impotence), Calad.; as if food had to force itself through stomach, Bar. e; fulness (ggg~ fulness); gastric symptoms, after breakfast, Hyper.;gastric symptoms worse,IPteb; before, ILith.; gnawing better, I ICheb, 11 Uran. n.; gnawing better, but returns in a few hours (cancer), ILach.; gnawing and pressure, with "gone," weak feeling about 10 or 11 a.m., INatr e; painful grasping, extends over chest, IKali c; grinding better (cardialgia), ICheb; feeling as if hard pieces were lying in stom- ach, with nausea, after typhoid fever (nerv- ous affection), IManc; heat, IFerr.; a gentle heat seems to pass through arms to fingers hands appear as if dead, Con.; heartburn, Merc. iod. rub. (8^° Chap. 17, Stomach burning); heaviness, Alum, ICact, Cinch. Elaps, IHep, Plant, IPuls, Rumex; heavi ness, like a load (dyspepsia), IKali bi, ILach. IILyc, INitr. ac; heaviness, in bronchitis Hod.; heaviness, as from a stone, IBry. IPhos, I IRhus, I ISib; heaviness, particularly during and after tea (irritation of meninges in cervical portion), 11 Paris; heaviness, in ascites, I Apis; irritated, after gastralgia, lArg. nit.; jumping and shaking, as if jerked up (gastric affections), IKali bb; as if food lodged over orifice, llgn.; feeling of lump, Med.; pain, lAbies, Arg. nit, HArs, Calc, ICist, lEup. perf, Kob, INuxm, INux v, IPuls, 11 Rhus, ISep, Sub ae; pain better, yEsc. h, IBrom, ICheb, Oxal. ae; pains, better in knee-elbow position, ICon.; pain better, m cardialgia, IMagn. m.; pain beneath, ICoc- cul.; pain, must bend over, with vomiting of blood and slimy fluid (chlorosis), HSep.; pains commence and last as long as he con- tinues to eat, I IPhos.; pain, with chilliness, ILye; crampy pains, with distress from acid eructations, IPhos. ac; pain, in debility, ICinch.; pain, after dinner, Ars. s. f; pain, during, HArs.; pain, in dyspepsia, I ICalab., I IVer.; pain, in fungus haematodes, 11 Phos.; pain, in gastritis, Ferr. s.; pain, in gastric ul- cer, I Arg. nit; pain, in one spot, I INatr. p.; pains renewed and aggravated during, ISep.; pain, constant, dull, heavy, squeezing pain, IRob.; pain, under heart, in gastric ulcer,! Arg. nit.; pain, in incipient tubercular disease, I ITubere; pain, with warmth and tender- ness, I Aeon.; pain, weakly people, I IMang.; pinching, lAtrop. s.; pinching, burning, better after breakfast, Natr. s.; pressure, Amm. c, Ant. t, lAsaf., lAtrop. s., IBelb, IBry, Cale, Cham, ICarbo v., IChin. s,IFerr., Grat,IHep., Kali c, IILyc, INatr. c, INux v. Plat, Ru- mex, Sep., ISib, ISub; pressure in blepharitis, IKali c; pressure after bread, HCaust.; press- ure after breakfast, Agar, Carb. s, INatr. e; pressure, towards back, Hyper.; pressure, chronic, IStront.; pressing, from cold food, especially in weakly women, Mang.; pressure, with hypochondriacal mood, INux v.; press- ure, particularly after milk, vomiting of food then bile, Samb.; pressure worse at night, becomes cutting on motion, I IVer.; pressure worse at night, with nausea, llgn.; pressure after dinner, Carbo s, IClem, Kali br.; violent pressure, INatr. e; pressure, during eating, Con.; pressure, in dyspepsia, IKali bb; as if food remained above stomach and was being pressed back into mouth, followed by belch- ing of wind and rumbling and gurgling, IINux v.; pressure with headache, Bism.; pressure like a heaviness, IKali c; pressure after a little, Cham, HCinch, Hyper., Led.; pressure like a load (gastralgia),IIBism.; press- ure, as if a hard body lay there, extends to both sides under false ribs, Sinap.; pressure with nausea, ILye; pressure in (phthisis), I IStann.; pressure, pinching, IPuls.; pressure after prunes, Agar.; pressure, stitching, ICale; pressure after supper, ICale; pressure worse from touch and motion, 11 Phos. ae; pressing, in scirrhus uteri, lArs.; pressure with uterine symptoms, IKali f; pressure with feeling of weakness in knees, IILach.; pressure as if a heavy weight or stone were in it, IPhos.; sensitive, can endure nothing tight, IGraph, ■ Hep.; sharp pain, better after eating, Diose; sinking feeling, better, Alum.; soreness, to pressure, ICale p.; spasms in stomach during meal, chronic, Bell.; spasm in stomach com- mences during, IDiad.; a load as of a stone or lead after a meal, particularly raw vegetables, MSib; symptoms worse, Anac; throbbing, Alum,INatr.m.; tight feeling, Coff; tightness in bronchitis, Hod.; ulcerative pain after dinner, I Arg. nit.; ulcerative pain Gamb • uneasiness, IHydras.; uneasiness better teas- trosis), IMez.; uneasiness below sternum ex tending to navel, better (tapeworm} Pin-,- uneasiness, in diabetes mellitus, ILact no ' suffocating weight, causing a rush of blood to' 15. EATING AND DRINKING. 419 head and ringing in ears (catarrhal ophthal- mia), I ISul. 8®* abdomen, fulness, op- pression, satiety. Eating, causes stool: lArs, Bar. c, Bor, ICale, Calad, Chrom. ac, ICrot. t, IHydras.. Ipec. Oxal. ac, IIPuls, IRheum, Sinap, IThuya; with colic, HAloe, ICed, I IPod.; in chronic diarrhcea, IGamb.; dry, like sand, after dinner, lArg. met.; without exertion, I Aloe; with wind, ICed.; with flatus and pain in abdomen, better getting warm in bed, IColoe; immediately, All. sat.; painless, in scrofula, lArs.; papescent, ICed.; smelling like carrion (scrofula). lArs.; white, ICed. 8gp diarrhcea. Eating, swallowing. g®~ Chap. 13, Swallow- ing difficult. Eating, sweat: after. Amm. e, I I Arg. met, Ars., Bar. c, IGuaraea, IKali c, INitr. ac; better, Cinch, Ferr, Fluor, ac; in crusta lactea, ICale; during, 11 Arg. met, Benz. ac, Carbo v., I INatr. m, Nitr. ac, 01. an.; hot, Jacea; prickling, on bald vertex, ICepa; with feeling of weakness at epigastrium, I IKali p.; especially during siesta, ICarbo a. g^~ fever. Eating, sweet things: aggravation or bad effects, IIAcon, Amm. c, HCale, ICham, Graph., Illgn,Ipec, IMere,I INatr.c, ISelen, I ISpig, ISul, IThuya, I IZinc: acidity (bron- chitis), ICaust.; candies, bad effects, HSub; incessant dry cough, worse at night, wakes just as she is falling asleep, Med.; desire for, but they disagree, Merc sob; diarrhoea, ICrot. t; diarrhoea after maple sugar, Calc. s.; candies, heartburn, IZinc; after preserves mouth fills with sour liquid, afternoon, Cinch, bob; cannot swallow (syphilis), ILach.; sore throat worse, Spong.; toothache worse, INatr. c; sugar disa- grees, Oxal. ac, ISelen.; sugar causes burning, Sang.; sugar, colic worse, IIOxal. ae; sugar, caused diarrhcea, child (cholera infantum), 11 Arg. nit.; sugar aggravates pain in stomach, Oxal. ac; sugar causes sour taste, ICale Eating, taste; acid, ISep.; aftertaste of food, Ars. h, Benz. ac, Diose, I IPuls.; food, bitter, lArs., HCinch, IFerr, IIRheum, Sabina, Sars.; bitter, after, ICarbo v, Nitr. ac, IPhos, IIPuls., ISub; bitter, before, ITarax.; bitter, better after breakfast, IKali iod.; bitter, bet- ter after breakfast and dinner, with feeling of coldness on tongue, I IKali m.; bitter, before dinner, Agar.; bitter, after dinner, Ang.; bit- ter, after dinner, from smoking, Ang.; bitter, in apyrexia of intermittent, I Ars.; bitter, in intermittent, with gastric and bilious symp- toms, or consequent upon abuse of Cinchona or quinine, IPuls.; bitter, mucus in throat, before, Calend.; bitter, with nausea, I IKalm.; solid food, dry and insipid, IFerr. mur.; food, flat, Anac; flat, after dinner, Verbas.; food, insipid, lArs, Arund.; metallic, before din- ner, Chrom. ac; food, not natural, I IPtel.; natural, yet seems disagreeable in mouth, ICinch.; offensive, after breakfast, Agar.; pu- trid, Bell.; putrid,in mornings, IRhus; ran- cid, IKali iod.; food, salty, lArs, Benz. ac, Cadm. s, HCinch.; not salty enough, lArs.; like sawdust, Nux m.; sour, after, ICarbo v., Coccul, I IGraph, IINux v.; food, sour, lArs.; food, sour, in diarrhoea, ICaps.; sweet mucus, after dinner, Alum.; food, tasteless, lAlum, Ant. tart, Dros., IINux v., Polyg., Rhod, Sal. ae; unpleasant, after dinner, Agar.; food, like clear water, Cup. m. 8^" Chap. 11, Taste. Eating, thigh: pain after dinner, Carb. s.; burn- ing, after dinner, Agar. Eating, thirst: after, Aloe, Calad, ICaust., INatr. s.; during, Aloe, Coccul.; after dinner, Ars. s. f, 11 Castor, IGamb, I IPsor.; a few hours after dinner, INatr. c; drinks much at a time, during, ILach.; drinks because there is something dry lying in stomach, Calad. B€iP Chap. 14, Thirst, eating. Eating, throat: acrid, INitr. ae; aggravation, INux v., IPuls.; aggravation during, INux v. (B^P Chap. 13, Swallowing painful); bitter- ness, worse after breakfast, IKali iod.; burn- ing, ICale, Calc. s, INitr.ac; burning after breakfast, Agar.; burning during, IParis; burning after dinner, deep, rough sensation, IDros.; choking, after dinner, when sitting and writing, Bar. c; painful contraction as if tied (angina faucium), ILach.; dryness after breakfast, Agar.; dryness worse, ICist, ILach.; dryness in a small spot better, ICist.; heat worse, ICist.; mucus, IGraph.; sweet mucus after dinner, Alum.; nausea in throat pit, Cinch.; pain during, IPetrol, I ISars.; rawness, Anac; rawness better, ICarbo a.; roughness worse, Anac; scraping before supper, ICroe; scraped feeling and roughness better, Pic. ac; scratching, Anag.; soreness disappears, Tell.; soreness better after supper, 7 p. m., Lyss.; stinging worse, IPuls.; stinging, morning and evening,Spong.; symp- toms better, Benz. ae; sensation as of a worm rising, better (helminthiasis), Spig. Eating, tibia: tearing in left, after dinner, Agar. Eating, tired feeling: Ant. e; during eating, tired, Bov, ICarbo a, I ICard. m, ICale, Cinch.; tiredness, worse before, Cinnab, Diad, Lyss., INatr. m, INux m, Selen, Staph.; lan- guor, in evening, Alum.; she cannot raise hands, IBar. e; must lie down, Ars. h, Selen, Staph.; must lie down after dinner, Alum, llgn.; desire to lie down with inability to fall asleep (prostatitisand atony of sexual organs), I ISelen.; tabes mesenterica, I IPetrol. BisP faint, sleep, weakness. Eating, toe: after dinner burning in corn of right little, preventing sleep, Agar. Eating, tongue : aphthae bleeding (diarrhoea), Bor.; feels as if burnt, llgn.; white, papillae elevated, better after breakfast, ICroe; biting behind, on left edge, after dinner, Agar.; pain in edges, as if constantly pierced by needles, worse, I INux v.; rough, raw and scraping, I IGraph.; feels as if raw, llgn.; roughness in morning on waking passes off, Sars.; sensi- tive to slight touch, Osm. 8€iP Chap. 11. Eating, toothache : Arn, Ant. c. Ant. t, IBell, Calc, ICham, Coff, Lachn, INux m.; aggra- vation, Ananth, IIAnt c. Ant t, Arn, IBell, IBry., Calc, ICarbo v, ICham, IChim. m, IChim. umb. Cinch, Coff., Ferr. ph, llgn, IKali c, ILach., Lachn, ILye, IMere, INatr. m, INux m, INuxv, Rhus, ISpig, HStaph, ISub; beating, IMagn. e; better, Amb, Amm. c, Arn, Calc, ICarbo v, ICham, lllpec, IPhos. ae, IRhus, Sib; better during, Bell., Bry, Cham, ICinch., Coff, Phos. ac. Sib; burning, in carious, ICaust.; darting, worse after dinner, Con, llgn.; drawing, ICham.; 420 15. EATING AND DRINKING. drawing during menses, better, Amm. c; drawing, tearing, to ears and throat, Natr. m.; rhythmical drawing in both rows, during, ICoccion.; dull, worse in left upper molar, I INux v.; during, ICham, INux m, IPuls.;in right eyetooth, during, ISul. ae; during, in sy- philitic neuralgia,! ISyph.; gnawing in carious, IIAnt c; painful jerking, Stann.; raging, tear- ing, dull sticking, jerking in roots through up- per jaw to ear,HLaeh.; soreness, even of sound teeth, during, Plant.; stinging during, IMagn. c,Psor.; stitches, then boring, in molar, Cale; tearing, through left ear, during, ISep.; tearing in roots (left side posteriorly), Ant. t, ISpig.; biting, drawing, pressive, in a carious incisor, worse in open air, gradually ceased in house, Staph.; boring pressing, as if something had got into tooth, after dinner, IKali e; throbbing, worse when touched by anything cold or warm, IKali c; after warm food or drink, better by cold, Ferr. ph. B®° Chap. 10, Toothache eating. Eating, trembling: seems to quiver all over, before, Alum.; before breakfast, ICale. BisP weakness. Eating, turnips: gastric derangement, IIBry, IPuls.; headache and pain in sternum, 11 Calc.a. Eating, uneasiness: Act. sp, Agnus, Bar. c; must move about, Kob.; in tabes mesenterica, 11 Petrol.; after dinner, Agar. 8®** abdomen, discomfort, distress, ful- ness, oppression, stomach. Eating, urethra: tickling, after dinner, Carb. s. Eating, urination; copious, IIPuls.; painful, INux m. Eating, veal: bad effects, diarrhoea, HArs, ICale, ICaust, Cinch, lllpec, IKali n., IINitrum, IINux v, ISep, I ISub, Ver, IZinc. Eating, vegetables : acidity, IHydras.; aggra- vation, excepting after breadstuff's, IKali e; bad effects, 11 Ars, IBry., HCupr., IHell, Hydras, Lye, Magn. c, INatr. c, I IVer.; de- cayed, bad effects, ICarbo a, HCarbo v.; colic, HVer.; diarrhoea, INatr. s.; diarrhoea, worse, ILye; disagree, IBry.; flatulence, ICaps, ICarbo v.; indigestion, IHydras.; leguminous food, ICale; cause weakness, IHydras. BiiP potatoes, sauerkraut. Eating, vertigo: Arn., ICham., ICoccus, IGrat, IKali bi, IKali c, IKali iod., ILach, IINux v, IPetrol, IIPuls, IRhus; aggravation, IPhos, Sinap.; after breakfast, Alum., Selen, Tarant.; before breakfast, ICale; after din- ner, Aloe, Bufo., Coca.lHep., INatr. s,HNux v, Selen, Zinc; during dinner, Calc. p, IMagn. c, IMagn. m.; during eating, Amm. c. Form, IIGraph, Grat, IINux v. Eating, vomiting: I Acet. ae, I Alum, Ant. t, lAtrop. s. Bell, Berb, Bry, ICarbo v, Cina, Cup. ars, Eup. perf, Ferr, IFerr. ph, Gamb, IGraph, Ipec, llris, Meph., Merc. per.. HPhos, HPlumb, Sec, HSep, ISib, HSub, HVer, IZinc; worse, Mur. ae; with asthma, about 4 or 5 a.m., always worse in damp, rainy weather, INatr. s.; after breakfast, Agar, ICarbo v., Chrom. ac, Daph., IFerr.; better, Aeon.; before breakfast, INux v, I ITabae; before breakfast, of sweetish water, during pregnancy, IIKreo.; in cholera infan- tum, ICrot. t; chronic vomiting, IPuls.; in puerperal convulsions, HVer. v.; followed by craving appetite, IPod.; in debilitated per- sons, HCinch.; after dinner, Agar, Ars. s. f, ILach.; after dinner, if food is hot and hast- ily eaten it is vomited soon after, if cold and slowly eaten it is retained for a longer period, if hot it is vomited immediately, IIPuls.; in yellow fever, after least thing to eat and drink,IArs. h.; in gastritis, immediately, I Ars.; dark greenish masses, ILye; in headache, IMere per.; in hysterical women, especially if subjected to exciting emotions, IKali br.; in liver complaint, Aeon.; of mucus, Ant. t, Berb., I IPlumb.; copious, painful, Sarrae; in morning (bilious), Crotal.; in morning, in dyspepsia, IFerr. ph.; of glairy mucus, IVer. v.; of mucus, in pregnancy, IISul. ae; with' rattling of mucus during cough, IIMeph.; of sour mucus, Psor.; sour, putrid mucus with food (marasmus), HHydras.; without nausea, IFerr.; in indurated pancreas, ICarbo a.; during pregnancy, IOp.; sometimes while at table, IMagn. p.; in disorder of pregnancy, I ITarant; in scirrhus uteri,I Ars.; sour, lAtrop. s., llpec, IKali bb; after supper, during preg- nancy, IIKreo.; after supper, from drinking water, Calc; in syphilis, IMere cor.; two or three hours after, undigested, IIKreo.; in gastric ulcer, I Arg. nit.; in perforating ulcer, I ISib; especially warm food (cardialgia), ILobel. i.; mucus, ICup. ae; large quantities of sour water, I Natr. a.; of large masses of water, I ISib; in whooping cough, I Ant. t. 8iiP Chap. 16, Vomiting food. Eating, waterbrash: Bry, IKali e, ILact ac, INuxv, ISep., I ISil. ' 8€&p heartburn ; also Chap. 16, Waterbrash. Eating, weakness: worse before, Cinnab.; be- fore breakfast, ICale; after breakfast, Brom, Dig.; after eating, Oxal. ac, Sars.; after least exertion, Nitr. ae; after dinner, Ars. h. Dig, IILach.; after dinner must lie down, Cain.; after dinner sudden, when walking in open air, Amm. m.; during eating, Amm. e; too weak, to chew, Bar. c, ICarbo a.; in limbs, Clem. 8®*" fainting, lassitude, lazy, malaise. Eating, wind: BiiP abdomen. Eating, yawning: Aur. mur.; better, Chen, v.; after dinner, Zinc; during dinner, ICale p.; after a little food, IDiad. gg&* sleep. TOBACCO, abdomen: colicky pains after smoking, Bufo.; pain in bowels, better after smoking, IColoe; heat in abdomen rises into chest, rest of body chilly, after smoking, Tobacco,aggravation: I I Aeon, Act. sp. Agar, IAlum,Amb,Ang,IAnt c, 11 Arg,IArs,Bell, £ryT 'J£alc-> CamPh-, I ICarbo a, I ICie, IICinch,IClem,ICoccus,Coloc,ICycl,IEuph., rTerrumWHe11-' HeP" "lSn-> Iod-> "Pec ILach, Magn. c, Menyanth., INatr. m.JINux v. IParis, I IPetrol., IPhos, HPlant, IIPuls., Ran. b IRhus, IRuta, Sabad, 11 Sabina, il§? * mo11," Sep'> ' ISiL> Spig-. "Spong. Ver fc "SuVISul- ac., ITarax., Thuya GeTs:,fS.Sae°klng' A1Um- 'CinCh- Do^' Tobacco, angina pectoris: INux v Tobacco, aversion to smoke: Ant t Arn Brom Calc Carbo a., I Case, Coccus, I™' Lach., Lye, Nux v. Puis, Spig, Tarax tn t£te weVn R^' 'Arg- niV^ked«S'nS taste well, I IHyper.; cannot bear smell (gas- 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 421 trie sick headache), ILobel. b; smoking with- out relish, Ars. h.; bitter taste, Ang. Tobacco, bad effects: lArs, ('oca, llpec, ILach, ILye, IINux v., IPhos, IPlant, IThuya ; from chewing, IPlant, IVer. Tobacco, better from: Bor, I IColoe, IHep, I IMere, I INatr. c, ISep., Spig.; smoking bet- ter, Merc ggT Chap. 10, Toothache tobacco. Tobacco, bladder: strangury and retention of urine, IOp. Tobacco, breathing: aggravation, after smok- ing, lOp.; asthma, after smoking, Ascl. t. Tobacco, burning: in syphilis, ILye. Tobacco, chewing : bad effects, I Ars, Carbo v. Lye, INux v, Tabae Tobacco, convulsions: tetanic, from swallow- ing, llpec Tobacco, cough: attacks after smoking, Agar, Arg. nit, IIBry.; smoke aggravates, Brom, IColoe, INux v.; causes and aggravates, Hod.; smoke excites cough, I IStaph. Tobacco, desire: wants to do nothing but smoke all day, Jamb.; smoking unpleasant first day, but after first week a crazy, insati- able desire to smoke, does not allow pipe to cool, Lyss. Tobacco, diarrhcea: as if it would set in after smoking, Bor.; worse after, ICham. Tobacco, feeling of drunkenness after smok- ing: Ascl. t Tobacco, dyspepsia: Aeon, Ant. c, Arn, lArs, Bry, Cham, Cinch., Clem, Coccul, Coloe, Cupr, Euph, Ign, llpec, ILach, ILye, IMere, Natr. e, Natr. m., INux v., Phos, IPlant, Puis, Sep, Spong., Staph, Ver. Tobacco, eructation: after smoking, alternat- ing with hiccough, Agar. Tobacco, eyes: weak sighted, after smoking, Ascl. t; pressure, after smoking, Calad. Tobacco, feet: smoking causes cramp in soles, Calad. Tobacco, fingers: itching after smoking, when lying down, Calad. Tobacco, headache: from smoking,Calad,Paris. Tobacco, heart: symptoms of circulation worse after smoking, ISpong.; palpitation, lAcon, IINux v, IPhos.; slow soft pulse, Apoe Tobacco, hiccough: after smoking, Calend, llgn. Puis.; during smoking, I IPuls, I ISang. Tobacco, impotence : ILye Tobacco, legs : weakness, from smoking, IClem. Tobacco, mouth: smoking causes dryness, Chlor.; peeling of inside of lips, after smok- ing, Agar. Tobacco, nausea: after smoking, Agar., Brom., Calad, ICale, ICale p., IClem, llgn, lllpec, IKali bi, ILobel., IINux v, Spong, ITabae; nauseous taste, from smoking, IIPuls. gggT Chap. 16, Nausea, smoking. Tobacco, nervous depression: lArs, ICoca, IGels, INux v, Sep. Tobacco, neuralgia: IPlant. Tobacco, prostatorrhoea: worse after smoking, IDaph. Tobacco, restless: after smoking cannot con- trol himself, Calacb Tobacco, sensitive to: Ars. h, I Ascl. t, llgn., Lyss.; to smell, tastes snuff while box is one foot distant, Lyss. Tobacco, sleep: insomnia, INux v. Tobacco, stomach: gastro-intestinal symp- toms worse after chewing, lArs. Tobacco, stool: smoking causes urging to, Calad. Tobacco, sweat: and trembling after smoking, INatr. m. Tobacco, tastes bitter: ICoccul.; bitter, after smoking, Asar.; bitter when smoking, HCinch.; bitter, rough, after smoking, Case; scratchy, bitter in mouth and fauces, ISpong.; biting on tongue, Coccion.; tasteless, Ant. t.; smoking, tasteless, Ars. h. Tobacco, thirst: violent, after smoking, 11 Spong. Tobacco, throat: burning and acidity from cardia, Chel.; smoking makes dry, and he does not enjoy it, I IVer.; chronic inflamma- tion in smoker, INatr. m. Tobacco, toothache: Clem,ISpig.; aggravates, llgn.; jerking toothache after smoking, IBry.; smoking relieves, Bor, INatr. c; better painful jerks in nerve of a hollow tooth, Spig. Tobacco, vomiting: llpec;after smoking, Agar., Calad. 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. Eructation. Gagging. Heartburn. Hiccough. Nausea. Retching. Seasickness. Vomiting. Vomiturio. Waterbrash. ERUCTATION (belching): I Act. rac, 11 Agar, lAlum, I Amb, I Amyl, Amm.br, I lAmm.m, Anag, lAnt. c, IIAnt. t, lAnthrac, IIArg. nit., HArn, HArs, IIAsaf, IIAsar, Asim, Aspar., Atrop. s, Aur. mur, IBar. c, IIBell, Benz. ac, Bism, I IBov, IIBry, ICale, ICamph, Cann. s, ICanth, I ICaps, ICarbo a, ICaust, HCarbo v, ICarbol. ac, I ICard. m, ICepa, HCham, Cina, Cinch., HCoccul, I ICoff, IColch, Coloe, HCon, Cop, Cor- nus,* Cup. ars, ICup. m, ICycb, Diose, Dolich, I IDros, I IDulc,Elat, IGels., IGlon, Gnaphal, IGraph., Gymn, I IHell, IIHep, IHelon, llgn., lllod., lllpec, llris, Jab, Jatroph., IKali c, IKali iod, IKalm, ILach, ILact ac, ILaur, IILyc, Lyss., IIMagn. c, IMagn. m, IIMerc, I IMez, I IMosch, IMur. ac, Natr. a, INatr. c, IINatr. m., I INitr. ac, Nitr. sp. d, IINux v., I lOleand, Pallad, IPetrol, Petroseb, I IPhos, I IPhos. ac, Plat, 422 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 11 Plumb, IIPuls, I IRan.b.,1 IRan.se, IIRhus, 11 Rob, I IRumex, I IRuta, I ISabad., 11 Sabina, ISars, IScilla, HSep, ISil, I ISinap, HSpig, HSpong, IStann, IStaph, IISul, ISul. ac, ISyph., Tell, IThuya, I Val, 11 Ver., I IVerbas, Vespa, Zing, I IZinc. B&P* empty, frequent, fruitless. Eructation, acid: 11 Abies, I Acet. ac, JEsc. h. Aloe, Alum, lAmb, Amm. ben, Amm. c. Ant. t, lArg. nit, Ars, Asar, Aur. met, IBar. c, IBry, ICale, ICale p., ICarbol. ac, ICarbo a, HCarbo v., ^Card. m, ICarb. s., ICaust, ICepa, ICham, IChel, HCinch, ICi- mex, Coff, Con, Crotal, Cub, ICycl, IDiosc, Elaps, IFerr, Ferr. iod, IGels, IGraph.,IHep, IHydras, Illgn, Hod, Iris, IKali bi, Kalie, IKali f, Kali m,IKreo, Lept, Lobel, IILyc, IIMagn. c, Natr.a,INatr.c, INatr. m, I INatr. ph., Niccol, INitr. ac, IINux v, IOp, 11 Oxal. ac. Petrol, HPhos, IPhos. ac, HPlumb., IPod, IPsor, I IPtel, IPuls, IRob, Sabad, See, ISep., Sib, Spong, Stann., I ISul., ISul. ac., Thuya, Ver., Zinc; in afternoon, Lyss.; from 5 to 6 p.m., ILobel. e; in chronic alcoholism, ISul.ac; especially when sitting bent, IRob., Sabina; after cabbage,potatoes,and other gross food, I IMagn. e; with spasmodic pain inchest, back and abdomen, at 6 p.m. (ovarian troubles), Pallad.; in cholera infantum, IIMagn. c; after coffee, IPuls.; continuous, Sars.; after cough, Sul. ae; with crampy pains, half an hour after eating, IPhos. ae; in diarrhoea, ICale; after eating, lAtrop. s, Bry.; after eating, ICon, Iber, Kali e, IINatr. m, IPod, ISib; after breakfast, Sars.; two hours after eating, Como.; towards evening and at times at night, with twisting constricting pains in epigastrium (cardialgia), IPhos.; in apyrexia, Sabad.; in intermittent, ILye; in yellow fever, IGels, IILach.; with flatulence, IINatr. ph.; with flatulence, in liver affections, IPod.; fluid, Caulo.; fluid, with burning (cardialgia), ILo- bel. b; brownish fluid, ICale; fluid, with nausea, IPhyt.; fluid, during night (reflex gas- tric derangement during pregnancy), 11 Nux v.; food, IFerr, Iris, IPhos.; food, also bitter, ILye; food, in suppressed menses, ICon.; food, hot rancid, IIPuls.; particularly after solid food, IFerr. mur.; in gastralgia, I IPhos, IStram.; gas, Senecio ; with frontal headache, Pic. ac; with hemicrania, INatr. m.; with marasmus, worse during night, Con.; before menses, IKali e; in menorrhagia, ICarbol. ac; after milk, ICale, ISub, Zinc; after milk, in metrorrhagia, IMagn. c; better after milk, ICinch.; in sore mouth, ISinap.; mucus, ICanth.; with burning in pharynx, ISub; with stomach-ache, IINatr. ph.; with aching, contractive pain in stomach, IMagn. c; with difficult swallowing,Oxabac; with bitter taste, IGraph.; with burning, coming up into throat, ISinap, ISub; in tumor caeci, I IPlumb,.; with pain in umbilical region, 11 Oxal. ae; with vertigo, falls back unconscious while standing at window,Sars.; with vomiting of the little food taken, IPhos. ac; water, I I Bry, IGamb, Gymn., INatr. s.; water, in afternoon, Sars.; water, with headache, INatr. m. Eructation, acrid: IIAsaf, Crotal, INuph, Petrol, Thuya; in chronic alcoholism, ISub ac; in dispepsia, ISul. ac, ITJran. n.; after eating, Carb. s.; after eating, followed by vomiting of food, HSpig.; fluid, Cann. s, IDig.; in chronic gastritis, I Apis; in hwrna- temesis, ITereb; up to larynx, evening, Amb.; worse at night, IMere B@~ burning. Eructation, abdomen: bloated, IKali b.; with colic, HCinnam.; colic, forcing patient to bend double, better from rubbing and warmth. IMagn. p, relieves colic, princi- pally right side, worse from sneezing, cough- ing and urinating in afternoon, better by ex- ternal warmth, Pallad.; with colic around umbilicus, better bending double, IIColoc; relieves violent cutting, has to scream, shoot- ing, violent contracting, IMagn. p.; relieves pain, as if bowels were drawn together, begin- ing in stomach, going downward to abdomen, chiefly in left side, begins one and a quarter hours, IMang.; relieves feeling of incarcerated flatus moving about, catching breath, causing cough, IPhos.; relieves pain in inflammation of bowels, I Acet. ac, with accumulation of flatus in upper part of bowels, causing disten- sion, especially in umbilical region, with anti- peristaltic motion, IOp.; with hardness and distension, Con.; in ileus, IColch.; relieves intermittent neuralgia of bowels, I IVer.; short, with nipping, griping, pinching, IIMagn. p.; with pain in umbilical region, passing in shocks to epigastrium (colic), llris; preceded by pinching, ICarbo v.; with rum- bling, ICarbo v., llpec, ILye, IRhod.; pre- ceded by rumbling and colic, IPuls. Eructation, in afternoon: Ars. i, ICarbo v., ICie, Natr. c. Eructation, tasting like almonds: ICaust. Eructation, tasting of apples: lAgar. Eructation, in asthma : ICaps.; from dyspnoea, Amyl. Eructation, back: pain better, ISep.; on press- ing spine, lAtrop. s.; with pressure in middle of spine, Zinc Eructation, better from: Amb, Amm. br, Berb, Cist, Jalap., ILach, Merc, per, I IRhus, Tereb. Eructation, bitter: JEsc. h. Aloe, I Amb., Amm. c, Amm. m., Ang, Ant. c. Ant t, HArn, Ars, Aur. met,.Bapt, Bell, IBerb, Bism, ICale, ICarbo v., IChel, IChin. s, HCinch., Coccul, IDiosc, Grat, Hep, Hyos, Hyper, llgn, Magn. m, Merc, I IMere iod. rub., Mur. ac, Niccol, INux v. Petrol, Phos, IPhos. ac, IPod, I IPtel, IPuls, Sep, Sil. Spong, Sub ac, ITarax, Thuya, Verbas, Ver, IVer. v. Zinc; acrid fluid, Arg. met.; of bitter almonds (pregnancy), ILaur.; with anxiety, as if below her left breast, so violent her whole body trembled, HPhos. ae; in whooping cough, IBry.; with cutting about navel, better pressure, IStann.; in chronic dyspepsia, IHydr. ae; after eating, IBry HLye, Sars, ISep, Stann.; especially after eating (gastric derangements), INatr s • in evening, IPuls.; after fat food, IFerr. mur.; fluid Cann. s Caulo, Ptel.; fluid (incar- SSS? erT]' lSul- aC-; fluid> during ni^ht (reflex gastric derangement during preg- nancy), I INux v.; of food, Mar. v.- in gas- tralgia IStann.; in chronic gastritis lAnis- with hysteria, Tarant.; in morning Hy^' Lye, Sars.; with nausea, immediate^ after eating, INatr. m.; worse at night, IMere • with pain in umbilical region, worse at nb>ht 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 423 11 Oxal. ac; after potatoes, I Alum.; or sour, I IDros.; sour matter, evenings, Sars.; first bitter and sour, then empty, Sars.; after sour food, Staph.; or sour, green water, IGraph.; with stool, Cham.; like gall, ICale; of bile during day, with an unusual quantity of tenacious saliva in mouth and throat, Lyss.; water, INux v.; sour water,Amm. m.; with waterbrash, I IBry.; wind, lEup. perf. Eructation, causes blood to rise in mouth: ISep. Eructation, burning: ICaust., Coff, Ferr, Hod., Lye; incomplete, from burning in ab- domen, 11 Calad.; after eating, All. sat., Carb. s.; in epigastrium, ICale, ICale p.; strong smelling, Eucab; in sore mouth, ISinap.; as if he had eaten pepper, ICaust.; pressure in cardiac region, Sinap.; in oesophagus, burn- ing, as from pepper, Calc. a.; in pharynx, Calc. a.; sour fluid, ILobel. i. B^*" acrid. Eructation, tasting of cabbage : with offensive stool, IPetrol. Eructation, chest: dull aching in anterior por- tions of both lungs, day and night, Rumex ; relieves tightness, with aching in cardiac re- gion, IPhos.; desire, with pain in chest, Cist; causing sore pain, Coccul.; stitches, Castor.; weak feeling, Bapt. Eructation, in cholera: INux v. Eructation, with constipation: Carbol ac, INux v., Zing. Eructation, convulsions: in epilepsy, Chin.a.; before epileptic fit, ILach.; frequent, at end of puerperal spasm, IKali c Eructation, cool: Cist. Eructation, cough: with and after, 11 Amb.; with, lAng, Arg. nit, ICimex; after, I Arn.; after, in phthisis, Sul. ae; spasmodic before and after, I ISang.; with violent spasmodic, HAmb. Eructation, in diarrhcea: I IDulc, Sars, Zing. Eructation, difficult: IGraph.; finally air rushes out violently, IIArg. nit.; wants to belch, but a kind of oesophageal constriction seems to prevent, INux v.; suppressed, with fulness in pit of throat, ICon. AST* fruitless (unsatisfactory). Eructation after drinking: ICarbo v. Hyper, Zinc. BST* Chap. 15, Drinking eructation. Eructation, after eating: Agar, Ammoniac, IBar. c, IBry, Carb. s, ICarbo v., ICaust, ICinch, IFerr, IHep, ILach, ILye, INatr. c, INatr.m.,INitr.ac, INux m,Oxal.ac, IPhos., Thuya; after improper food, 11 Zing.; with bulimia, ILye; after breakfast, Calc p., Hyper.; in diarrhcea, HSep.; after every change of diet, IA11. sat.; after dinner, Agar, Ang, Zinc; after dinner with throwing off of frothy saliva and scraping roughness in throat, IKreo.; or drinking, Apis; in dyspepsia, I Arg. nit.; violent, empty, during, Oleand.; in gas- tric derangements, INatr. s.; in gravel, ILye; after a little food, IPhos.; after meat, Ruta; in tabes mesenterica, I IPetrol.; after pork, IIHam.; after solids, Berb.; in stomacace, ICarbo v, IKali bb; with taste of food, IBry., IHam, I IRan. sc; in tobacco poison- ing, IINux v.; large quantities of wind, HPhos.; with constricting pinching, lasting one to two hours (ulceration of stomach, IIMez. food; also Chap. 15, Eating eructation. Eructation, tasting like rotten eggs: lAgar, Ant. t, Brom, Bufo., Coff, IDiosc, IMagn. m, IMagn. s. Petrol, IPsor., I IPtel, ISep, ISub; at beginning of gastric disorder (phthisis), IKali c; in morning, Arn.; in morning, on awaking, Vab; during preg- nancy, IMagn. e; fills with an offensive odor, IPsor.; and smells like rotten eggs, ICham, IPod. B®" fetid. Eructation, empty: Aeon, JEsc. h. Agar, I Amb., 11 Amm. c, Amm. m., Anac, Ananth, Ang., lArg. nit, HArn, I Ars, Arund, Asar, Astac, I Bism, Bov, Brom, IBry., Calad, I ICanth, ICarbo a, ICarbo v., Case, Caulo, ICaust, ICham, IChel, Cist, Coccul, Colch, Coloe, Con., Diose, Euphor, Guaiae, Helon, Hyos, llris, Kali bi. Kali m., IKreo, Lace, ILach., Lobel, Lye, Magn. s, I IMenyanth, Mez, Millef, Natr. c, Natr. m, Niccol, INitr. ac, Oleand, I I Oxal. ac, IPhos, IPlumb, Pod, IPuls, IIRan. sc, IIRhod, Rhus, Ru- mex, Ruta, Sabad., Sabina, Spong, Squilla, Stront, I ISul, Vab, Ver, Verbas, Zinc; with burning in stomach, I Amyb; in cholerine, IIAsar.; with constriction of throat, Coloe; in whooping cough, IBry.; after drinking, Coloe, Tarax, Vinca; in dyspepsia, ISul. ac; after eating, lAtrop. s, I ICamph, INatr. m., ISep, ISub; after food taken with aversion, I ICard. m.; in splenitis, ICitrus; after din- ner, 11 Ratan.; with fermenting in bowels, IPhos.; before chill, in intermittent, I Ars.; with gastric affections, IColch.; with hemi- crania, ICale; in megrim, liEthus.; in head- ache, Calc; with heartburn, Con.; worse from taking liquids, Vinca; in mornings, Plat, ISub; from morning till evening, as if every particle of food were turned into air, lllod.; in chronic inflammation of pancreas, Hod.; with shuddering, as from disgust, IIDulc; with pain in stomach, ICodein.; with nausea, lllpec; after nursing, IMar. v.; afford no re- lief, ICinch.; repeated, Cast.eq.; with fulness in stomach, ISul.; with stool, Ruta; with un- easiness in legs, Calc. B^* difficult, fruitless. Eructation, epigastrium: following aching in gastric region as from a blow, I IPhos.; feeling of obstruction, lEup. pert; fulness, which it relieves, INux v.; causing sore pain, Coccul.; with pain about midnight (irritation of men- inges in cervical portion), 11 Paris; pinching below, Tereb.; relieves pressure under, Amb. Eructation in evening: Zing.; worse, I Alum. Eructation, eyes: in blepharitis, IKali c. Eructation, fatty: B®~ greasy. Eructation, fetid (foul, offensive, putrid): Acet. ac, Ananth, HArn., Asar, Bism, ICale, HCarbo v, Coccul,Con, Cub, IFerr.JGraph, IHep, IHydras, IKali bi, Mur. ac, IPlumb, IPsor, IPuls, ISep., ISul, Thuya; worse at night, IMere; in chronic alcoholism, ISubae; in diarrhoea, I Arn.; in diarrhcea of children and cholera infantum, ISal. ae; in dyspepsia, ISal. ac, ISul. ac; wdth pale face and nausea, I ISang.; after fatty foods and milk, INatr. m.; in tertian intermittent, IDig.; in gastralgia, IBism.; with heartburn, Con.; as of bad meat, after dinner, IPuls.; in morning, INux v.; in pneumonia, lAnt. t; in prolapsus uteri, I Arn.; smell, almost like bedbugs, Phelb; smell, cadaverous (gastralgia), IBism.; smell like 424 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. feces, IIAsaf; smell, fecal (intussusception), I IPlumb.; smell like garlic, IIAsaf; smell like musk, ICaust.; smell offensive, ICarbo v, IFluor. ac, HPlumb.; smell sulphurous, sim- ilar to garlic, Cochl.; smell like old urine, Agn.; taste putrid, IIAsaf, Aur. mur.; taste like carbonic acid gas, Plant.; taste like carrion, IIAsaf; taste disagreeable, Sec; taste of sulphuretted hydrogen, IMed.; taste like manure,ISep.; taste like sulphur, Plant.; taste like rotten wood, ICaust. BST" eggs. Eructation, fever: after chill (tertian), IHep.; during chill, Act. sp.; in intermittent, I Ars, Lye, INatr. m, Sabad.; with shuddering, Sars.; in tertian, lAnt. c; in yellow fever, large quantities of tasteless air, I Ars. h. Eructation, foamy: before morning, IKreo.; BgT" frothy. Eructation, of food (regurgitation) : JEthus, Amm. m., Arum, m., Arum t, Brach, IBry, ICamph, ICarbo v., ICaust, Chin, a, I ICinch, Coff, ICycl, IIFerr, Graph., Illgn, ILach, Mar. v., IMez, IMur. ac, Natr. m, INux v., HPhos, Pod, Puis., I IRob, Rhus, Senecio, 11 Sinap,Sub, Sul. ae; acid, Ars,Carbov,Dig, Ferr. s. Graph, Kali e, Lob., Lye, Natr. m, Nux v., Phos, Phos. ac, IPod, Puis, Sars, Sub, Thuya, Ustib; acid, hot, IHep.; without acidity, Amm. ben.; bitter, Phos. ac; with pain across middle of back (gastric affections), IKali bb; in dyspepsia,IKalib.;anddrink,ISub; after eating, Bry, IMed, IPhos, IPod.; in in- termittent fever, I ISabad.; after eating, in mouthfuls, Dig, Ferr. s, ILach, HPhos, Sub ae; in mouthfuls, "sourer than vinegar," Dig.; in pregnancy, I Lact. ac; with quantities of mucus (gastric catarrh), ICop.; at night, of what was eaten at noon, Zinc; at night, with qualmishness, IPhos.; with instant relief Thu- ya ; smelling and tasting of food, IPuls.; solids, fluids can be swallowed, I Plumb.; with pressing instomach,Belb; soon after swallowing, IPhos.; tasting food, II^Esc h, 11 Agar, Amm. c, Ananth, Ant. c. Ant. t, Aph. ch, Ars. h, Ascl. s.,ICalc,ICarboa,ICaust,Con,IGraph, IIpec,IKali f, Lact. ac,IPhos, 11 Ratan, Sars, ISil, ISub, Tell, Tromb.; worse after drinking water, HApis ; taste of butter, ICarbo v.; as if one would vomit, IPuls. ASP* eating. Eructation, in forenoon : Lyss.; with qualm- ishness, Calc p. Eructation, frequent: JEsc. h, Ananth, HArn, Bor, Bov, ICham, Cain, ICarbo v, ICaust, Coca, Con, ICup. m, Eup. pur, IIFluor. ac, IGraph, IGrat, HGuaiac, I IHep, llpec, Lil. t, I IMez, Natr. c, INatr. s, IINux v, IPhos, I IRan. b, Ruta, Spong, ■ Vab, Zinc; with cramplike pain, as though abdomen would burst, INitr. ac; with cutting griping, in whole abdomen, Verbas; in chol- erine, 11 Asar.; in diarrhoea, lArs.; while eat- ing, I IDulc; empty, ICarbo v, IGamb, ILo- bel b; empty, relieve nausea, 01. an.; especially when raised up (gastromalacia), IKreo.; in sick headache, Ailant.; with heart- burn, Con.; in hemorrhoids, IBerb.; in ■ chronic jaundice. Hod.; in affection of liver, or cardialgia, ICheb; in locomotor ataxia, lArg. nit; with nausea, Carb. s.; without any relief, TrForm.; tasteless, Cain. Eructation, frothy: with mucus,ICanth,ILach.; with abatement of pain, Jalap. 8SP" foamy. Eructation, fruitless (ineffectual, unsatisfac- tory) : Amm. c, Arg. nit., I Ars, Arund, JBell, Carbol. ac, Case, Chel, Hyos., Lye, INatr. m. Pic. ac, IPuls., Zinc, Zing.; abdomen distended, HCinch.; with pressure in chest, IPhos.; incarcerated, seemingly in right side of chest, IRhus ; reaching only to upper part of chest, Asar.; after catching cold (renal colic), ILye; in constipation, ILach.; with heartburn, Amb.; in hysteralgia, ICaust.; with excessive nausea, IManc; followed by pain in stomach, Con. BiT" difficult, empty. Eructation, greasy: JEsc. h, ICycl, Ferr. iod, IIMagn. e, IPuls.; fluid, similar to that after eating pork, afternoon, Ars. i. B€sP" rancid. Eructation, with headache: Camph, I IMagn. m.; frontal, IChim. m.; slight over left eye, and contracted feeling in throat, HJran. n.; does not relieve, Pallad.; sick headache, IRob.; feeling as if temples were in a vise, IDiosc. Eructation, heart: pressing, as if ending with sudden beat, Calc. a.; relieves palpitation, Aur. met. Eructation, with heartburn : B8P" Heartburn. Eructation, hemorrhoids: after operation, ICroe Eructation, hiccough: alternating with, after smoking, Agar.; with colic, IMagn. p.; follows eructation, Ars. h.; sudden, 11 Oxal. ae; ter- minates in vomiting, Jab. Eructation, like horseradish: I ISinap. Eructation, hot: Acet. ac, IIHep, Petrol., IPod.; acrid, burning from stomach to mouth (pregnancy), ILact. ae; increases heartburn, Sinap.; as of bile, Ars. met.; after eating, IPod.; in liver affections, IPod.; with sore mouth, ISinap.; with burning and distress of stomach (dysentery), I IPhos. Eructation, hypochondria: follows and relieves pain in left, Pallad.; violent efforts to relieve restricted sensation in right, IPhyt.; with stitch in side, when walking, ICaps.; cause spasms across spleen, I IThuya. Eructation, hysteria: ICaust, ILye; relieves fainting fits at table and trembling, IMagn. m.; attacks subside with a dozen, soon, how- ever, returning (hysteria),Cinnam. Eructation, tasting like ink: ICaust. Eructation, with labor pains: Bor. Eructation, large quantities of wind: IIArg. nit, Bapt, ICarbo v, ILye, IPhos.; espe- cially in nervous persons,"with craving for condiments (indigestion), IHep. Eructation, with lassitude: IFluor. ae Eructation, tasting like lime water: IKali c. Eructation, loud: Con, IIMerc. iod. rub, IPuls, Zinc; epileptiform spasms, IChin. a.; uncontrollable, with pain in stomach, ISil. Eructation, feels a lump moving up and down, Bar. c. Eructation, menses: before, IPuls.; at every menstrual effort, ILach.; during, INitr. ac • at time for return (climaxis), I IPhos Eructation, with mental symptoms: relieves hypochondriasis, IIArg. nit, ILvc Eructation in morning: Ast. r.,'Chrom. ac, IKali c, IKalm.; after breakfast, IPlat -after rising, Niccol.; on rising I IVer- and'after stool, Kob.; with bad taste, Kob.' &tter Eructation, motion: when siting up or beinf* carried (cholera infantum), IKreo.- wv,i° raised (meningitis), I IVer. fi®» walking 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 425 Eructation, mucus: frothy, ICanth.; frothy, frequent, ILach.; tinged bright, ICanth.; sour, sets teeth on edge, Subae; watery, with pressure in middle of chest, IKali e; white, I IKali m. Eructation, with nausea: Aloe, Bapt, Bry., ICarbo v, Chel, IGraph, Grat, I IKali in., IPhyt, IRhus,Verb.; relieved nausea, Camph, ICaust, I IChel, Cinnab, IMagn. m.; in an- gina, IMere; following nausea with vomiting, INitr. ae; in intermittent, Sabad.; at night, ICanth.; worse at night, in dysuria, IMere; at night, after exposure, IDulc; at night, in ague, in intermittent, I ITarax. Eructation, oesophagus: flatus rises with such force it seems as if would be rent (chronic constipation), ICoca. Eructation, in old people : Alum. Eructation, tasting like onions: IMagn. m. Eructation, ovaries: induration and enlarge- ment, Con. Eructation, painful: Ananth, IBry, ICarbo a, HCham, ICoca, Con., IParis. Eructation, during pregnancy: Acet.ac, INatr. m.; relieves, IIAnt. t; sweetish, IZinc. Eructation, rancid : IIAsaf, ICarbo v., Crot, Merc, IPsor., IPuls., Ran. sc, Sabad., I ITe- reb, Thuya, Vab; in apyrexia, Sabad.; in yellow fever, ICadm. s.; fluid, in gastralgia, lAsaf.; fluid, which does not rise into mouth, with heartburn, Vab; leaving a scratching sensation, ICale, INux m.; worse nights, IMere; especially at noon, Cadm. s.; with oppressive sensation in stomach, ICycb; like cold tallow, after cakes, IPuls.; greasy, acrid, stinging, Ferr. iod. BST" greasy. Eructation, saliva : hot in mouth, Mosch.;run- ning together, Calc. a. Eructation, salty: IKali c, Sep, Staph.; bitter, HStaph.; fluid, in incarcerated hernia, ISul. ac; water, INux v. Eructation, with shooting pain: Bry. Eructation, prevents sleep at night: Hyper. Eructation, before eating, particulary after smoking (prostatitis and atony of sexual or- gans): I ISelen. Eructation, with sneezing: Astac. Eructation, spasmodic: IBell, Coff, Lyss, HPetrol, IPhos, Sang.; of tasteless gas, no relief of pain in abdomen, Ars. h. BgT" loud, sudden, violent; also Hiccough. Eructation, stomach : with aching and heavi- ness, Aurant.; as if air were forcing its way through, causing soreness, IBar. c; relieves burning, Ferr.; momentarily relieves burning and pressure, I IKali iod.; relieves gastralgia, Chel.; relieves heaviness, as from a stone, Paris; relieves pressure, IGraph.; relieves tension, IIAcon.; burning, IColch.; in region of pyloric orifice, I IPod.; with digestive dis- turbances, Carbo a.; in dyspepsia, HSabac; ; flatulent dyspepsia, with pyrexia, in men, IPetroseb; of very little wind, as if were full of dry food (asthma), ICalad.; in gastric ailments, IIArg. nit.; in gastralgia, IKalm.; in gastral- gia, at end of attack, I IStram.; prevented by gnawing, Calad.; in gastritis, IKali iod.; at beginning of attack of gastralgia, ILye; op- pression, Aloe ; spasmodic pain, Anac; press- ure, Illgn.; pressure and fulness, lAmyb; pressing, to liver, left ribs and back, IKali c; ■' as soon as he presses on stomach, ISub; reliev- ing an uneasiness like pent up wind at great curvature, I IKali bb; causes spasms across, IIThuya; causes stitches, Coccul.; tingling, worse on rising from lying, IRhus. Eructation, stool: after, lArs, Bar. c. Sib; de- sire, but inability to go, ILye; during, IKali c, IMere, IPuls. Eructation, sudden : ICarbo a. B^°sPasmodic. Eructation, suppressed: uneasy movement over entire body, ICale Eructation, sweetish: irCarbob ac, IPlumb, Zinc.; fluid, in incarcerated hernia, ISul. ae; duringeenses, IINatr. m.; in morning, be- fore menses, INatr. m.; during pregnancy, IZinc; water, IPlumb.; water, with nausea, Lachn. Eructation, tasteless : Aloe, Arg. nit, Brom., IColch, ICroe, IDios., lEup. perf, IIHep., Hyper., Iris, IILyc, I IMed, Pallad, Verbas.; fluid, ICale; causes nausea, IHelon.; in ter- tian intermittent, INatr. m.; with subjective, disagreeable empyreumatic odor, Sec; after oysters or chicken salad, IBry.; after each meal, 11 Oxal. ac; with great flow of saliva, Calc. a.; after siesta, watery, Ang.; setting teeth on edge, Asar. Eructation, throat: relieves feeling of a ball rising, IMagn. m.; choking, bilious, ICheb; wind, pressing on diaphragm, causing anx- iety, Chel.; scratching, followed by cough, Staph.; feeling as of a splinter, IIArg. nit. Eructation, with vertigo: Gymn, Tarant; periodic, IINatr. m.; worse when standing, IPetrol.; precedes vertigo, IHep. Eructation, violent: Bor, Coff, Coloe, Ferr. iod. Iris, Ver, Verbas.; with distension of ab- domen, sometimes in stomach, sometimes in bowels, comes on at 4 a.m., lasts two hours, better by drinking warm fluids, 11 Ver.; in gastralgia, IBism.; in inflammation of liver, IMere; in morning,-Ast. rub.; as if oesophagus would be rent (chronic constipation), ICoca. figf loud, spasmodic, sudden; also Hic- cough. Eructation, vomiting: I Abies, ICarbo v., ILach., IMur. ac, ISep, HSub; bitter and sour, INitr. ac; mucus, Brom. Eructation, while walking : IGraph, IMagn. m. Eructation, -watery: fluid, in morning, Ang.; followed by nausea (dropsy)f IColch.; subse- quent to trembling in stomach, Magn. s. B^T" Waterbrash. Eructation, alternates with yawning : Berb. GAGGING: Benz. ac, Cinnam, Chin, s., ICinch,Cop, I IKali m, IPod, Sal. ac. Gagging, of a bitter fluid: Rhod. Gagging, cholera Asiatica: ICup. m. Gagging, colic : lArs. Gagging, with cough: I IBry, ILach.; after, ICarbo v.; caused by, llpec; during, worse while or immediately after eating, IMyos.; worse lying on left side, with cough (typhus), I Apis ; with spasmodic, Kali e; in whooping cough, IKali e Gagging, in diarrhoea: IPod.; children with green, slimy, offensive stools (morning diar- rhcea), IPod. Gagging, drinking : in intermittent, ICimex. Gagging, eating: after, lAmb, IKali c, ILach.; better, after, Bov.; after breakfast, Calc. p.; after dinner, Agar.; after, with pal- pitation, Kalie; after, in scirrhus uteri, lArs. 426 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. Gagging, eyes : blepharitis, IKali e Gagging, face: bluish, with pain in abdomen (whooping cough), INux v. Gagging, injuries: after operations on abdo- men, I IBism. Gagging, in morning : ICornus, IKali c Gagging, motion made with mouth not accom- panied by effort in stomach : IPod. Gagging, of mucus : ICarbo v., ILye; constant, viscid green, in trachea and larynx, Paris; during night, IBry.; relieves, but pain returns with beating of epigastrium, IKali e; caused by expectoration of ropy, Coccus; retching of tough, every few minutes, Cadm. s.; firm, tough, in fauces (coryza), lAnae Gagging, with nausea : Illie; worse after eat- ing, iCrot. t. Gagging, at night; in aphonia, I Arg. nit; in intermittent fever, I ITarax. Gagging, rancid fluid : Rhod. Gagging, after scarlatina: gasping for breath, lAcon. Gagging, with spasm of stomach, once in fifteen minutes (chronic inebriate), I ISang. Gagging, throat: stricture, ILyss.; follows spas- modic stricture, in swallowing solids, with gurgling, ILach.; when swallowing food, re- mains half-way (stricture), IKali e Gagging, with vertigo: Tarant. Gagging: g^" Retching. HEARTBURN : IA11. sat, lAmm. e, I I Arg. met, IIArg. nit, I Ars., 11 Asar, IIBar. c, I IBelb, IBerb,I IBor, IBry,HCalc,l ICanth, ICaps.,ICarbo a.JICarbov.,Carb. s, I ICaust., IChel, IChin. s, HCic, Coccus, HCoccul, HCon, ICornus, Cop,l ICroe, Crotal, 11 Cupr, IIDulc, IFluor. ac, 11 Hell, I Hep, Hydr. ae, I llgn., Hod, llris, IKalic, ILach, ILobel. i, IILyc, IIMagn. c, IMere, I INatr. ph,INatr. m, INatr. s, I INitr. ac,Nitr. sp. d,I INitrum, I INuxm., IINux v, I IPetrol, IPhos,l IPhos. ac, IPod, IPuls, I ISabad, USabina, ISep, ISil, ISinap., I IStaph, I ISul., ISul.ac., IVal, SVer, IVer.v, I IZinc. Heartburn, on walking in open air: Amb. Heartburn, with cough : ICale, Carb. s, ISyph. Heartburn, drinking: with drunkards, INux v.; after milk, Amb., ICinch.; after wine, in evening, Bry. Heartburn, in dropsy: ILye Heartburn,aftereating: Agar, Amm.e, Anac, ICale p, INatr. m.; worse before breakfast, INux v.;after dinner, Calc. p, Merc. iod. rub.; with gulping up of food, iJEsc. h.; with flatu- lency, ICinch.; after heavy food, Hod.; rancid, IGraph.; after soup, Anac; after supper, Alum. Heartburn, eructations: abortive, Amb.; fre- quent, hot air, Sinap.; loud, after eating, ICale; offensive, frequent, empty, Con.; of rancid fluid, which does not rise into mouth, Vab; rising, Mang. Heartburn, in evening: lOxal. ac, I IPetrol, Tereb. Heartburn from using eyes: in asthenopia, IISul. (after Sep.). Heartburn, with flatulence: HCarbo v., IKali iod. Heartburn, headache: gastric, in bronchitis, ICaust. Heartburn, liver: chronic jaundice, Hod. Heartburn, menses: before, ISul. Heartburn, with nausea: ICale, IPuls, ISang. Heartburn, neck: itching and stitching burn- ing at nape, ICale Heartburn, at night: Jamb.; on lying down, IRob.; in pregnancy, IMere Heartburn, with palpitation : Mosch. Heartburn, pneumonia: incessant (general breakdown after repeated attacks), ILach. Heartburn, during pregnancy: ICaps, 11 Oxal. ae; while going to bed, Con.; with swollen feet, IZinc; with palpitation, I INatr. m.; after sweet things or sugar, Zinc; extends into throat (pregnancy), lApis; with varicose veins, IZinc. Heartburn, especially when sitting bent: Sa- bina. Heartburn, stomach: catarrh, ICaps.; cardial- gia, ILobel. b; dyspepsia, IKali bb; with de- generation of mucous membrane, IKali iod.; with warmth, as from alcohol, Tell.; after taking sweetish things, IZinc Heartburn, taste: bitter, Merc. per. Heartburn, throat: extending to, ICale; rises after eating, Con.; with pain and rawness to pit, ISyph.; into, during pregnancy, Calc. p.; from stomach to throat, ISep. Heartburn, with waterbrash: INux v. HICCOUGH: Acet. ac, Aeon, I Agar, \ Amb, Amm. c, HAmm. m, Amyg.,IAmyb, Anac, Ant. t, Ars. h., Arund, Asar, IBell, Berb, Bism., IBry, Bufo, Calad., ICale, Carbo v, Caust, Cepa, ICham., Chel, IChlorof, HCic, ICoccul, Coff, Colch, Crot t, ICup. m, Cupr. s., HCycb, IDiosc, I IDros, IGels, Graph, Grat, IHydras, Hydr. ae, IIHyos, Illgn, lllod, ILach, ILaur, Led, Lobel i, IILyc, Lyss, I IMagn. m, IIMagn. p., IMar. v, I IMed, IIMerc. sol, Millef,IMosch,INatr. c, I INatr. m, HNiccob, IINux m, IINux v. Op,I IPhos, IPuls, IRanunc b,Ratan.,Ruta, ISars, Sec, Sep, Sil, ISinap, I ISpong, HStaph, IStram, I IStront, Sul, IISul. ac, Tabae, ITarax, I IVerbas., IVer, Zinc. Hiccough, abdomen: feeling as of something adherent, Sep.; with peritonitis, IIHyos.; continuous,in intussusception,I IPlumb.; rum- bling, IIHyos. Hiccough, afternoon: at six, Sars.; periodically, lasting for hours, after mental excitement. llgn. Hiccough, spasmodic, after an attack of apo- plezia nervosa: I 101. caje. Hiccough, in bed: Lachn. Hiccough, in concussion of brain : HLyos. Hiccough, breathing: interrupts, stilus.; be- gins attack of asthma, Cup. m. Hiccough, when carried: in cholera infantum, IKreo. Hiccough, chest: stitches, Amm. m.; violent, long-continued, causing pain, Stront. Hiccough, in children: Bor, llgn, llpec; at breast, IHyos.; when being carried, IKreo.; after nursing, Mar. v.; with restlessness in night, and screaming during sleep, IStram. Hiccough, in cholera: lArg. nit., ICie, ICup. m, I IVer.; on fourth day,"IPhos. ac; of three days duration, IMagn" p.; in cholerine, lyEthus. B^" vomiting. Hiccough, convulsions: before, Cup. m.- dur- ing, IIHyos.: epileptic, HCic; seemed certain to end in a convulsion (cerebrospinal menin- gitis), ICup. m.; of head and arms, IStram Hiccough, cough: after, Ang, IITabac; at the 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 427 same time, I ITabae; as if he would suffocate, after whooping cough, ITabae Hiccough, in diarrhcea : Cinnam, IVer. Hiccough, after drinking: llgn, INux v., IIPuls.; from alcoholic beverages, IIRan. b.; after hot drinks, IVer. Hiccough, eating: after, Aeon., Bor., Bry,Carbo a,Carbov,Cycl,Filix,IGraph,Ham,HHyos, llgn, INux v, I IParis, Ratan, Sep, Sib, Staph.; after bread and butter, Natr. s.; after breakfast, Zinc; after dinner, Carbol. ac, Sars.; before and after dinner, IMur. ae; dur- ing and after dinner, so severe as to cause vomiting, IMagn. m.; after eating, with sore- ness in epigastrium, Kob.; after eating, mak- ing epigastrium sore, sequel to cholera, 11 Phos.; after eating,in gastric affections,IKali bb; after cold fruit, Ars, I IPuls.; after pork, IIHam.; while eating, and some time after, hiccough, or hiccough-like eructation, particu- larly in pregnant women, ICycb; after supper, Coca ; before and after eating, Bov. Hiccough, eructation : after, Ars. h.; alternat- ing with, after smoking, Agar.; disappears after raising bile, Zinc; resembles, when eat- ing, Jamb.; day and night, what came up was coagulated milk, bile and slime, with great pain, has to lament all the time (colic), IMagn. p.; sudden, 11 Oxal. ac.; terminates in vomit- ing, Jab. Hiccough, in evening: IKali iod, Natr. s. Zinc; followed by drowsiness, ILobel. h; especially in evening, HNiccob Hiccough, fever: after chill, in morning, Amm. c.; at hour when fever ought to have come, HArs.; frequent, after each paroxysm, in intermittent, IHyos.; in typhoid, I IPhos.; in typhoid fever, causing long-lasting sore- ness, IMagn. p.; in yellow fever, lArs. h. Hiccough, long and weakening, caused by hawking: Calc. fl. Hiccough, headache : megrim, lyEthus. Hiccough, with burning in region of heart: Agar. Hiccough, in hydrocephaloid: ICina. Hiccough, in hysterical subjects: IHyos., llgn, IMosch, INux m. Hiccough, liver: in biliary colic, ICinch.; in hepatitis, Bell. Hiccough, in meningitis: lArn. Hiccough, mental symptoms: depression, when angry or peevish, Agnus, Ruta; after emo- tion, llgn. Hiccough, with nausea: Brom., llpec, ISib, IStram.; terminates in vomiting, Jab.; from spasm of oesophagus, IVer. Hiccough, in nervous debility : ICurar. Hiccough, at night: IIHyos, I IPuls. 8^° evening. Hiccough, oesophagus: upper part, IVer. y.; with nausea, IVer.; constant, with acute in- flammation of whole length, IVer. v. Hiccough, painful: lAcon, ICimex, IPhos, IRatan, Sul. ae,IVer. v.; causes crying, Belb; since two years, almost uninterrupted, eight- een to twenty times a minute, with soreness of epigastrium and hypogastrium, coated tongue and loss of appetite, INiccol.; constant lamenting about pain, I IMagn. p.; in oesoph- agus, Carbo a. Hiccough, in peritonitis: IHyos, ILye Hiccough, in phthisis pituitosa : severe about every half hour, ILye Hiccough, during pregnancy : ICycl, IOp. Hiccough, often years standing, brought on by abuse of quinine and renewed after each dose: INatr. m. Hiccough, saliva: profuse flow, ILobel. i. Hiccough, especially when sitting up or being carried, IKreo.; especially when raised, in gastromalacia. IKreo. Hiccough, during sleep: Cina, IMere e; in hydrocephaloid, ICina. Hiccough, from smoking: Ant. c, Calend, llgn.; while smoking, I IPuls, I ISang. Hiccough, with a mixture of spasm and hyper- aemia, caused by affection of spine and dia- phragm: IStram. Hiccough, stomach: cancer, ICarbo a.; in gas- tralgia, ISib; soreness, Kob.; stitch, to back, Mar. v. BilP painful. Hiccough, throat: dryness and heat, Ver. v. Hiccough, with vomiting: IBry, Jab, HVer.; before,Cup.m.; copious bile (cholera),! Jatroph. Hiccough, weakness: causes exhaustion, Sul. ac. Hiccough, especially in winter: Nitr. ac. Hiccough : B®~ Chap. 18, Diaphragm spasm. NAUSEA : Acet. ac, lAct. rac, lAcon, Act. sp, Ailant, IIAlum, 11 Amm. c, Amyl, Ananth, Ang, Ant. a, IIAnt. c. Ant. chl, Anthrok., I Ant. sul. aur., IIAnt. t, Apoe, 11Apis,HArs,Ars. h. Art. v. Arum t,l lAsar, 11 Ascl. s., Ascl. t, Ast. r, Aurant., Aur. met, Aur. mur., IBar. c, IIBell, IBerb, IBism, Bor, Brach, IBry., ICadm. s, ICalab, ICamph, Cain, ICanth., ICaps, ICarbo a, ICarbo v. Card, m, Caulo, ICaust, ICepa, Cetrar., HCham., IChel, Chin, a, Chlor, HChrom. ac, ICist, ICinch., Cochl, HCoc- cul., ICodein., IColoe, Como., ICon, Cop, Cornus, ICrotal, ICub, Cund, ICup. a, ICup. m, ICupr. s, Daph, IDiad, IDig, Dios, IDory, IDros, IIDulc, Elaps, lElat, Filix, IFerr, Ferr. iod, Fluor, ac, IForm, IGamb, IGels., IGraph, Grat, I IHell, IIHep., I IHy- dras, Hyos, Iber, Ictod, Illgn, Illie, Ind, lllodof, Hod, lllpec, lllns, Ja- lap, IKali bb, IKali c, Lach, ILact. ac, Laur, 11 Led, Lil. tig, ILobel. i, ILye, Lye vir, Lyss, IIMagn. c, IMagn. p, Mang, Med, IMere, IMere iod. flav, IMere. iod. rub, Merc, sul, IMez , INatr. c, IINatr. m., IINatr. ph, Niccol, INitr. ac, Nitr. sp. d, Nux m, IINux v., I lOleand, Op, HPetrol, Petrosel, IPhos, I IPhos. ac, IPlat, IPlumb, IPod, Polyp, IPsor, Ptel, IIPuls, Rheum, IIRhus, 11 Ruta,ISabad., Samb, Sang., I ISars., See, ISep., I ISib, Spong, I ISquilla, I IStann., IISul, IISul. ac, Syph, ITabae, I ITarant, ITereb., Thlaspi, Hiram n, Uva ursi, 11 Val, Variol, HVer, IVer. v, Vespa, Zinc, Ziz. Nausea, abdomen: burning, Bry, IICup. a.; in colic, IGrat.; colic, around umbilicus, IColoe; pain, as if braised, ICoccul.; tear- ing, drawing and spasmodic constriction, INux v.; with warm contraction, extending from middle of to chest, Mang.; with con- tractive pain below umbilicus, IGraph.; cut- ting, 11 Agar.; cutting, lancinating, griping, with rumbling as if contents were in a fluid state, and in violent commotion from below upward, 11 Polyg.; in upper part, IPetrol.; distended, IHyper, lllpec; discomfort, dry throat and watery saliva, IColch.; distress in 42S 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. umbilical region and headache, Ptel.; with painful pressure when leaning against a hard edge, Samb.; most in epigastrium and throat (cholera Asiatica), ICup. m.; incarcerated flatus, IKalm.; fulness and tension, Sinap.; sensation of inflation in umbilical region, IColoe; as if something living were jumping about, HCroe; as if viscera were turning in- side out, ISep.; griping, then diarrhcea, IDulc; griping, cutting or squeezing, in intestines, into stomach, IColoe; heat, Sabad.; cramp- like pain in left side, INux v.; pain, ICale; pain with cold sweat on face (yellow fever), HCadm. s.; pains, awaking at night, IHyper.; pain in umbilical region, Aloe, IPhyt.; pain in umbilical region, passing in shocks to epi- gastrium (colic), llris; caused by violent pain in bowels (dysentery), I ISub; returns on pressure, Zinc; with pressing in lower,ICalc.; rumbling, Zing.; rumbling and eructations, Grat.; rumbling and gurgling, in hypochon- dria, IPuls.; with painful sensitiveness and rumbling, Sec; spasmodic pain, Ailant.; caused by touching sensitive spot, one inch below navel (enteritis), IIRhus; with twist- ing pains, INux v.; caused by squeezing in intestines, into stomach, IColoe; with spas- modic contraction of umbilicus, I ICheb; be- ginning in umbilical region, rising into phar- ynx, Vab; in upper part, IPuls.; in peri- tonitis, Lye Nausea, in afternoon: I liEsc. h., Ars. s. r.; 2 to 3, Cinnam, Grat.; after drinking, HCoccul.; with headache, I IRan. b.; when he rises to sitting position feels as if he would sink down and die, Asar. Nausea, air: in a draught of, with headache, Hippom.; when walking, IGamb., Lye v.; with faintness, walking out of doors, Ang.; disappearing, ICroe BST* room. Nausea,albuminuria : Bright'sdisease, Atrop., IIPhos. ac. Nausea, anus: burning, drawing or soreness, after stool, Kali bi. Nausea, appetite : inordinate, IRhus ; loathing, JEsc. g, 11 Alet, ICarbo v, IGrat.; lost, Cact, Cain, HChel, HCinch, IPsor, Stront; lost, ■ 10 to 11 p.m., Lyss.; lost, with frontal head- ache, I liber.; lost, in morning, ILach. Nausea, with asthma: IKali c. Nausea, on awaking: Amnd, Cup. ars., HVer.; 5 a.m., Aspar.; at night, Alum. gSgg™ morning. Nausea, back: aching, ILact. ac. Mane, Zing.; aching, after suppressed itch, IPsor.; aching, while standing, ISep.; lameness, Cup. a.; in myeletis, IDulc; piercing in right flank, INatr. s.; pain in kidneys, Act. rac; pain in kid- neys, (renal calculus), ICanth.; on pressing spine, lAtrop. s.; coldness along spinal column downward and through entire abdomen (diar- rhoea), ICrot. t; pain at top of sacrum, Lib tig.; sticking, drawing, extending toward scapula?, IPuls. Nausea, bladder: in cystitis, IHell. Nausea, bloodvessels: feeling of hot water, with sweat, Sinap. Nausea, body: qualmish feeling all over, ISang.; affecting body here and there, as if everything were fermenting, IINux v. Nausea, breathing: takes away breath, HPe- trol.; dyspnoea, ILach.; after inhalation, Amyb; rapid, 11 Agar.; attacks of suffocation, ICham. Nausea, catarrh: with stopped coryza, I IGraph.; chronic, llpec; after, I IPuls. BSf coryza. Nausea, in chest: Agar, ICycb; with conges- tion, IVer. v.; extends to chest, then ceases, Illie; with red face, Cadm. s.; violent shoot- ings, two or three times a day, from side along lower portion of left mamma (chronic ovari- tis and leucorrhcea), I IPlat; in middle, with vertigo, IBry.; follows excruciating pain on swallowing food which sticks,IKali e; oppres- sion, Samb.; pain, and cold sweat in face (yel- low fever), ICadm. s.; sharp pain through middle of upper right to lower part of shoul- der, I IMenyanth.; pain under lower inner angle of right shoulder blade, extending into chest or stomach, ICheb; in region of sternum, Arg. met.; oppression and pressure behind sternum, and in epigastric region, Samb.; and throat, ICroe Nausea, with chilliness: Alum.; one-sided (left), commencing in back, ILye; shudder- ing after eating, Amm. m.; after chilliness, ICamph, Cornus, lEup. perf, Iber, IKali bi, IMagn. s, IPuls, Sabad, Sul. ac, Ver. v, Xan.; morning and evening, IKreo.; in pha- ryngitis, ILach.; in morning, Asar, Bov, ICale, Euphor. B®* coldness, fever. Nausea, in cholera: IChin. s, ICup. ac, IHell, INux v.; in cholerine, I IDulc; a forerunner, IBadiag.; infantum, lArs. b; after Ver. and Sec; checked stools, ITabae; sporadic, I I Elat. Nausea, during climacteric period: Sars. Nausea, after coffee: ICaps., ICham., Vinca; worse smelling coffee, Arg. nit. Nausea, during coition: uterine cancer, I ISib Nausea, with coldness: IHep.; caused bv be- coming cold, HCoccul.; after taking cold, Cup. m.; icy cold body, Vab; sensation, along oesophagus, following pressure in stomach, IMenyanth. ggg~ chilliness, fever. Nausea, colic : after, ICale; during, Chim. m, I ICollin,IColoc, Dig,Rheum,HStaph,HVer, Zinc; bilious, I IMed.; better by emission of flatus, INatr. m.; better by sweat, Cop.; better after vomiting, IPuls.; cutting, IINux v.; af- ter drastics, Zing.; after cold drinks, llpec; after ice cream, llpec Nausea, with constipation: Coccul, IHvper. Nausea, in convulsions: Camph,'ICup. m, llpec, Lach, Lye, Natr. m, INux v. Puis.', IITabac; before epileptic attack, I ISub; in epileptic attacks, followed by chill, IKali bi Nausea, in coryza: IGraph. g^- catarrh. Nausea, with cough: Bry, ICale, Caps, ICoc- cus, Hep, Iod, llpec, IKali bb, Kali c, ILact. ac, IMere, IPhos. ac, IIPuls, Sars., I IStann ; deep and dry (ague), I ISamb.; dry,. especially in evening, in bed, until midnight, ■Sep.; excites cough, Bry.; after cough, IVer.; after cough, in affection of lungs, I ISep • dur- ing morning cough, Squilla ; with expectora- tion of green mucus, nearly like matter, in evening, when lying down, I IPsor.; with ex- pectoration of tough mucus, Ruta • parox- ysms on going to bed (pharyngitis)' I INatr m.; resonant, whistling, IKali bi • in whoon- ing cough, I Ant. t, IBry. ' n°°P Nausea, when she is in a crowd: Sabina Nausea, deathly: Arg. nit, ICamph, HCi-obd HDig..HIpec,IITabac.: on awaking.lLacdS; 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, greatly worse by noise and light, ITabae; bet- ter by eructations, after eating, Cepa ; in cholera infantum, ICadm. s.; all over, in gas- tric sick headache, ILobel. b; all over, worse by movement or sitting up (sick headache), ILac def; must lie quiet, black vomit, ICadm. s.; as if she could not live, not better in any position, Vib.; sudden attacks, Ferr. ph.; with vertigo, Calc. s.; cannot vomit, with groans, cries, distress, restlessness and sensation of coldness, ILac def; with vomiting, during pregnancy, IITabac. ggg~ faintness. Nausea, in delirium tremens: IIAct. rac, IDig. Nausea, in diaphragmitis: INux v. Nausea, with diarrhcea: Ailant., I Ant. c, lAnt. t, lArg. nit, I Ars., IBrom, ICham, IColch., Collin, IColoe, HCrot t, IHell,lllpec. Iris, Jab., IKalm, ILach, Lil. tig, IMere c, Prun, IIPuls, IRhus, Sang, ISub, ITabae, HVer.; after stool, I Aeon., ICaust, Crot. t. Kali bi, Lyss, Oxal. ac. Zing.; before stool, Aeon, Ant. t, Bry, Calc, Chel, Dulc, Grat., Hell, llpec, IMere, Rhus, Rumex, ISang, ■Sep.; during stool, Agar, lAnt. t, Ars, Bell, Cham, Chel, Coloe, ICrot t, lllpec, Merc. viv., IMere iod.rub, Nitr. ac,Sil, Sub,HVer.; with vomiting mucus, generally green (chil- dren), lllpec; dark and bilious, or watery and mucous, ICornus; in morning, Lil. tig.; nightly, Ferr.; with prostration, IColch.; at commencement, from bad or unripe fruit, ISub ac. g®~ stool. Nausea, diphtheria: IGels.; at beginning, I ILac e BST" throat. Nausea, disappearing very suddenly: ILobel. i. Nausea, with disgust: 8®°" loathing. Nausea, in dreams : BST* sleep. Nausea, drinking: after drinking, HCoccul, Eup. perf., Gamb, I Kali bi, INatr. m, INux v, IPuls.; cold water, Agar, Anac, Carbol. ac, Natr. a., Rhus ; cold water when overheated, IKali e; in afternoon, most in mouth, HCoc- cul.; better after (ague), ISamb.; after coffee, ICale p.; after cold, not after warm drinks (in chills), ILye; in yellow fever, IILach.; in in- termittent, I IPuls.; in itch, ILach.; except lemonade, ICycb; in pneumonia, I Ant. t; after water, Med. Nausea, in dropsy: ILye Nausea, drugs: after drastics, 11 Zing. Nausea of drunkards: IIKali bi. Nausea feeling as if drunk: in headache, I Ant. c. Nausea, ears: roaring in, ICale; caused by any shrill sound and reverberation, ITherid. Nausea, eating: during, Amm. c, Ang, Aur. met, Brom, ICaust, ICie, Jacar.; after, I \JEsc. h. Agar, Agnus, Amm. e, Anthrok., Apis, lAtrop. s, Aur. mur, Bism, IIBry., Calc, ICarbo v., ICaust, Cham, Chin, s, HCoccul., ICon, Cycl, Diose, Elaps, IFerr, IGraph, IIHam, Hyper, Ipec, IKali bi. Kali e, Med., INatr. m, INitr. ac, IINux v, Oxal. ac, I IRumex, Sars, HSep., ISul, Tereb.; before, Anac, ICaust, Med., INatr. s, IPhos. ac, Sabad.; worse after, Merc, per. See; better after, Alum, Arg. nit, IBrom., Cham, Grat., IKali bi, ILobel., ISang., Sinap, ISpig.; better by eating, but returns immediately afterward, 11 Vib.; after bread, Camph.; after bread and pastry, Ant. e; after breakfast, Agar, Alum, Amb, Aur. mur. NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 429 Calc p., ICham, Daph, ISars, Zinc; before breakfast, Alum, ILye; during breakfast, Agar, ICarbol. ae, llnd. Zinc; better after breakfast, Aur. mur, Bov, ILact. ae; after, in diabetes, ILact. ae; from irregularities of diet, llris; after dinner, IIAnt. t, Arg. met, Arg. nit, Berb, ICycl, Med, IINux v., Zinc; after dinner, in phthisis, IKali c; better after dinner, IMagn. c; after din- ner, 2 to 4 p.m., Chrom. ae; after, in chol- erine, 11 Asar.; after, in cold after scarlet fever, IHelb; after, in cystitis, with aversion to food, Hell.; after, in dyspepsia, IFerr. ph.; after eggs, Lyss.; after, in eruption and peri- ostitis, probably syphilitic, IKali bi.; after fat food, INitr. ac, IPuls.; after fat food, worse from midnight till morning, I IDros.; after fat food, in checked catamenia, Agnus, IPuls.; after fat food, in bilious dyspepsia, ITarax.; after, in fissure ani, IHam.; after, during apyrexia of intermittent, lArs.; after, with fulness and oppression, Mosch.; as if food would not go down, prevents swallow- ing, 11 Arn.; during, food repulsive, IPuls.; cannot get food down without retching, HVer.; after, in headache, Bism.; immedi- ately after, with heaviness of head and bitter eructation, INatr. m.; after, in heart disease, IHydras.; after a little food, IDiad, IPod, Sang, ISib; after, in chronic jaundice, Hod.; after meat, Camph, ICarbo a.; from sight of meat or anything oily, I IZinc; after, in tabes mesenterica, I IPetrol.; after, in morning, ICu- rar.; in desquamative nephritis, HPlumb.; during, at night, Cinch, bob; from overload- ing stomach, Ant. c; as if food remained in pharynx, ICale; after pork, I IHam.; in pregnancy, IColch.; after, in pregnancy, with copious saliva, ILact. ae; at sight of food, IKali bi, IKali e; at sight of food, in amen- orrhcea, 11 Xan.; after, when sitting erect, with waterbrash, Bry.; caused by smell or thought of food (headache), ILac def; after soup, ICarbo v.; after, with pain and fulness of stomach, and belching, Gymn.; sudden, after, Ruta; sudden, during, with vomiting of food, Ruta ; after supper, gradual, Chrom. ae; after, with vertigo, I ISabad.; after, fol- lowed by vomiting of bile or undigested food, Stann.; after, with sudden vomiting, IRhus; after, after night watching and mental dis- turbance during pregnancy, I IPuls.; after, with accumulation of water in mouth, ILye Nausea, epigastrium: pain, Cup. ars, I IPtel.; pains going to left side on pressure, precede attack of hgematemesis, I ISee; pressure, tJEsc. h.; pressure, in hysteria, IINux v.; caused by outward pressure, Lil. tig, Ptel.; pinching, below, Tereb.; sinking feeling, ITabae; sudden sinking, better from brandy, Oleand.; stitches, I ICalad. Nausea, eructation : acrid, ICarbo a, Carb. s, Eryng, IGraph, lllpec, IIKali m, INitr. ac, IPhyt, IRhus, I ISang, ISep, IVer. v. Zinc; after, Chel.; better from, Bapt,Camph, ICaust, I IChel, Cinnab, Grat, IMagn. m, 01. an., Rhod.; bitter, Bry.; bitter, with dis- tension and pressure, Guaraea ; bitter mucus, leaving fatty taste, Sabad.; of food, Bell, IFerr, Ferr. s, llpec, INux v.; of food, fol- lowing aching in gastric region as from a blow, I IPhos.; of food, nightly, ICanth.; 430 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. convulsions end with, IMosch.; ineffectual, IManc; tasting like cabbage, ^Carbol. ac; taste remaining in mouth, IPuls.; in throat, as if to vomit, with headache, morning in bed, worse in afternoon, Amm. c; with ver- tigo, INitr. ac. Nausea, with eruption: miliaria rubra, llpec. Nausea, in erysipelas: lApis, lArs, IGraph.; intermitting attacks, I IVer. v. Nausea, in evening: Brach, Jamb.; at 6 p.m.. Osm, IPallad, IPuls.; toward evening, in dentition, ICale; or at night, HPlumb.; with vomiting, IHep. BST night. Nausea, after exertion: Aspar.; after every exercise that raises bodily temperature, ISil. Nausea, after exposure : IDulc. Nausea, eyes: with anxiety, when exerting, I ISep.; with blackness before, must sit down, in morning, ICale; while closing, changed into nausea when opening, relieved by Mo- schus, "Therid.; and fluttering, from double vision, I ITherid.; when gazing steadfastly on an object, Therid.; when looking steadily at a distance (cataracta dura immatura et asthen- opia), IJab.; in looking at moving objects (hyperopia cum asthenopia), IJab.; when looking at pitching of vessel, ICoccul.; in cil- iary neuralgia, Ign.; with pain on being used (cataract), IJab.; with pain through right, ILact. ac.; with dim sight, Mygale; with vanishing of sight, sweat on forehead, disten- sion of abdomen, gagging, vertigo, worse after drinking, with frequent greenish or yellowish water from bowels, ICrot. t; in exophthal- mus, ILye vir. Nausea, face: anxious expression (rheuma- tism), IColch.; heat, Stront.; neuralgia, llris; pale, Alum, IHep, Lyss.; pale, sickly, ISpig.; shooting, rending left side, between temple, ear and jaw, depriving her of sleep, IColoe; cold sweat, ILobel. b; twitching, ICamph. Nausea with fainting: Alum, 11 Amyg, Carb. s, IGlon, IINux v.; before fainting, I IVer.; causing fainting,!ICoccul.; in hysteria, ISticta; in megrim, Sib; after stool, Crot. t. Nausea, with faintness: Arg. nit, ICarbo a, ICham, ICrotal, IILach, INux v, Val, IVer, Vespa; in diarrhcea, I IVer.; disappears in open air, ITabae; worse fasting or drink- ing, at night, or on assuming an erect posi- tion, IPhos.; worse in morning, Alum.; when lifting head, HCoccul.; desire to lie down, Alum.; at 11 a.m., and on rising, llnd.; pre- venting sleep, IGraph.; on rising, ILept; and occasional vomiting (mental disease), I Act. rac; and vomiting of white, bitter tasting froth (menorrhagia), ICoccus. B®° deathly. Nausea, with sensation of falling : IStram. B@"* vertigo. Nausea, fauces: from back of, Lye vir.; rough- ness, Ptel.; as if in soft palate, Phos. ae; squeamishness, worse rising, ICepa. Nausea, with cold feet and palpitation : IGlon. Nausea, in fever: ICimex, IIEup. pur, IGua- rsea, IINatr. m.; during apyrexia, IPuls.; bil- ious, 11 Elat, lEup. pert; before chill, lArs, ICarbo v, llpec, IIPuls.; during chill, lAn- thrac, lArs, ICham, IIEup. perf, Ign., llpec, I IMed, Merc, sul, INatr. m, I IPolyp, Sang.; after chill, lElat, llpec, IKali e; after chill (after running pin into foot), IHyper.; lasting till next chill, IChin. s.; as chill goes off, lEup. pert; after eating, Ind.; during heat, IBry, Carbo v.; at end of heat, espe- cially after drinking, HArs.; at beginning oi heat, with throbbing headache, lEup. perf; prodroma, Ipec; before paroxysm, with diar- rhcea, I IPod.; during sweat, ICornus, IMere; in intermittent, lAnt c, IIAnt. t, HCina, IDros, lElat, lEup.perf, I IPolyp, I ISabad.; night before paroxysm, lEup. pert; after fever and sweat (quartan), IPhelb; in nervous fe- vers, llpec; in relapsing agues, Ustil.; in re- mittent, I Ant. t; in typhoid, I IPhos, HVer. v.; in typhus, iBapt.; in yellow fever, I Ant. t, lArs. h, IGels, ISul. B^" chilliness, coldness, heat, sweat. Nausea, with hawking: B@f° mucus. Nausea, head: in brain affection, ICup. m.; with confusion, I ICalad., IIGraph, Iodof; with confusion, in evening, Inul.; with con- fusion and tightness in precordial region, weariness, disappeared on drinking water, IPhos.; with congestion, Alum., ICarbo v., IGlon, I ISang, IVer. v.; with disturbance, Benz. ac; with sensation as if head became enlarged, with numb and dull feeling, Meph.; felt in head, ICoccul.; with fulness, IPod.; with fulness in temples, I ILith.; heat, Ja- troph., INatr. m.; heat, in vertex (megrim), ICale; heaviness, Cornus ; heaviness, in base of brain, JEsc. h.; with impetigo capitis, llris; when lifting (hydrocephalus), ISub; lightness, I ILyss.; in meningitis, IGlon, IStram.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICup. ac, IGlon.; in meningitis infantum, I Apis; seems to rise up, feels hungry, Ang.; sore feel- ing, I Ver.;-with stupefaction, Jatroph.; sweat on forehead, worse after eating, ICrot. t; with head symptoms, ISal. ae; with unsteadiness, Cup. ars.; as if head were in a vise, worse in open air, from sleeping, eating and drinking, better in room, llMere Nausea, with headache: .Ethus, Ailant, Alum, Anag, Ananth, IIAnt. e, Aur. met, IBell, Bor, ICale, Calc. fl, ICale p., Calc. s, ■Caps., Carbol. ac, Carbo v., ICast. eq, HCaust., I IChin. s, IChlorof, Cinnab, HCoc- cul, Coff, Con., Cornus, Crotal, ICup. m, Eup. perf, Ferr, Fluor, ac, I IForm, IGels, IGlon, IGraph, Ind., lllpec, lllris, IKali bi., IKali c, ILac def, ILach, ILact. ac, I ILith, Lyss, IMere, INitr. ac, INux m. INux v, I IPolyp, Ptel, I IRan. b, ISal. ae, "Sang, Sarrae, ISars., ISep, Sib, Strain, ISul, Tarax, Therid, IVer., Zing., Ziz.; worse in cold air, Lyss.; on awaking, all morning, ILac e; in back of head, spreads, settles above right eye, ISang.; fleeting pains, more in back part, graduallv increasing, mostly in occipital protuberances, I I Pod • bilious, with distortion of face, ICrotal- brain stitches, Alurn.; as though brain were mashed (chlorosis), llpec; as of a braise of brain and skull, pierces through all cranial bones into ru°,M iTeett ni-P?c-; ^rning causes nausea (itch), ILach.; W1th chills and heat, ISane- chronic IPhos., I IPsor.; with colic, I IGlon': confused Cornus; congestive, IVer. v.- draw- ing,. ICarbo v.; dull, heavy, ICornus; Wing behind left ear, ILach.; above eyes wSS gaping, ICale; dull, above eye to occimft Thuya; one-sided, just above eySSw IPhyt.; over eyes, worse left (sick headache)', 10. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 431 ILach.; throbbing, over right eye, Xan.; sharp aching, drawing, over eyebrows, last- ing a few minutes in a warm room, Zing.; across forehead, 11 Aloe; in forehead, Aloe, Crotal, IGlon, Kob, IMed., Petrol.; in fron- tal bone, on awaking, I IHam.; with beating and pulsation in head, mostly in forehead, worse in morning and when moving, better lying with head high, better by sweat, INatr. m.; in forehead and temple,better by nausea, I ILye vir.; acute boring, in forehead, gen- erally left, or passing from left to right, llrbs ; in forehead, after a light breakfast (head- ache), ILac def; burning in forehead, better in open air, Stann.; as if forehead were being crushed, llpec; dull, above frontal bone, Camph.; dull, in forehead, generally left, or passing from left to right, llris; dull, heavy frontal, llris; dull pressing, in forehead,cold sweat on forehead, and weakness, IPhyt.; in forehead and eyes, worse right side, llris; in forehead above eyes, in temples, worse right, Crotal.; hammering, in forehead, gen- erally left, or passing from left to right, llris; pressing in forehead, Carb. s.; pressure in frontal region above root of nose, llgn.; shoot- ing in forehead, generally left, or passing from left to right, llris; stitches in forehead, better lying down, Sep.; stupefying pressure in fore- head, Dros.; throbbing in forehead, generally left, or passing from left to right, llris ; throb- bing in forehead and vertex, IINatr. m.; in frontal region and vertex, worse from raising head, Pic. ac; at commencement of gastric, lllpec; as if hair were pulled, Alum.; hemi- crania, HApis, Con, llpec, iKali c, IIPuls, ISep.; hemicrania, extending particularly towards forehead and left side of head, at- tacks afternoon towards evening, Coloe; after jerking in head, IKali c; compelling one to lie down, Mosch.; before, during and after menses, INatr. m.; in menorrhagia,I IChin. s.; appears at midnight, IChin. a.; beginning in morning, Jatroph.; obstinate, in morning, ISib; morning until noon, Sep.; pressing, ex- tends from nape of neck over side of head, and settling over left eye, I ISang.; neuralgia, IGels, llris; following or preceding neural- gic pain, INaja; coming in night, ISib; noon till 2 p.m., Kob.; darting, from occiput to eye (nervous headache), I ISars.; from occiput to forehead, 1101. jec; occipital or frontal, as if skull were too full, I INatr. ph.; throbbing, tearing in occiput, I ISub; with tension in oc- ciput and neck, worse in evening, when sit- ting in room and when becoming cold, better in open air and when getting warm, Mosch.; involving optic nerve, sight blurred, head- ache gets worse, comes and goes with the sun, Kali bb; periodic, IKali bi.; pressive, Caps, ILach.; pressing over whole head, down nape, and throbbing in head and whole body, a.m., always worse in damp, rainy weather, INatr. s.; after dinner, Agar, Dros.; after least thing to eat and drink (yellow fever), I Ars. h.; after eating greedily, IPuls.; fish, iCale; after al- most any kind of food (chronic jaundice), Hod.; after ice cream, I Ars, ICale p.; im- mediately after, Sec; immediately after, in gastritis, I Ars.; immediately after, without nausea, IFerr.; after improper food, 11 Gua- raea; indigestible food, IIAnt.e, Ars, Bell, I IBry, Ferr, llpec, I INux v, IPuls, Rhus, HSub; with nausea (reflex gastric derange- ment during pregnancy), I INux v.; at noon, after meal, Ars. s. f; in indurated pancreas, ICarbo a.; caused by all attempts to eat, in nausea of pregnancy, IColch.; during preg- nancy, IIKreo., IOp, I ITarant.; follows satiety from small quantity of food, IPod.; at supper, IHelon.; after supper, during preg- nancy, IIKreo.; in syphilis, IMere cor.; in perforating ulcer, I ISib; in scirrhus uteri, I Ars. gjgg" food. Vomiting, epigastrium: cramps or spasms from middle of sternum, Iris; pain in prae- cordia, INux m.; aching pain, shortly after eating, ILye; excruciating pains, extending to right hypochondrium and groin (nephri- tis), lArn.; pressure, HVer.; sudden sinking, better from brandy, Oleand.; in epigastric tumor, with marasmus, IHydras. Vomiting, in epilepsy : before attack, Cup. m, IISul. Vomiting, with eructation: IMur. ac; follows belching (chronic diarrhcea), I ISub; sour, INitr. ac; wind comes.up with efforts to vomit, IGoss. Vomiting, eruption: caused by erythema spreading from throat into mouth and sto- mach, temporary relief, Vespa ; with impetigo capitis, llris; from repercussion, ICup. m.; from suppression of nettlerash, lUrt. ur.; in spots, after, Tereb. Vomiting, with erysipelas: redness leaving too soon,llpec. Vomiting, in evening: Agar., ICarbo v. Vomiting, after exercise : Ferr.; on least exer- tion, Crotal. Vomiting, expectoration: during, ILach.; caused by cough, ICoccus; from hawking phlegm from fauces, Amb.; caused by drop- ping of white or yellow mucus from posterior nares, Sinap.; on efforts to raise thick, grayish or greenish mucus, which sticks to throat, Stann.; thick, heavy masses of yellow Or greenish and putrid tasting mucus, with cough (bronchial and vesical catarrh), ICop.; as if effort to raise phlegm would empty stomach, Chlor. gj^*> mucus. Vomiting, after exposure : IDulc. Vomiting, eye: after operation, lAsar.; pressure above, with difficulty of sight, goes off after vomiting, Raph.; in catarrhal ophthalmia, I ISub; in retinitis apoplectica, HChel • with dim sight, IIKreo, IPuls. Vomiting, face: bluish, with pain in abdomen 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 441 (whooping cough), INux v.; painful distor- tion, HVer.; heat, I IVer.; pale, HVer.; pale, with chilliness, IPuls.; pale, cold sweat, Cupr. s.; red, I IVer.; cold sweat, ICamph,ILobel.i. Vomiting, fainting: Ant. t, Elaps, HVer.; as if one would faint, ICham.; and purging, I IGamb.; fatiguing, causes fainting (gastric derangement), IRob.; in hysteria, ISticta ; nearly to faintness, in sick headache, I ISticta; preceded by faintness, Crotal.; a swoonlike feeling of strength (pregnancy), IKali c.; ten- dency to, after, IINux v. Vomiting, fauces : burning, llris. Vomiting, fecal (stercoraceous): Aeon, IBelb, Bry, Cain, ICup.m, INux v, I IOp.,I Plumb., Raph., Sub, Thuya; after constipation for eleven weeks, IOp, with hiccough, IOp.; in ileus, IColch.; in intussusception, I IPlumb.; finally of fecal matter on attempting stool, IISul. Vomiting, fetid (putrid): I Ant. t,Arn.,IArs.,Bar. m, IIBell, Bry, HCale, ICanth, ICoccul, ICup, llpec, I ILed., I IMere, INux v, IOp, IPlumb., I ISep, IStann, ISub; in cholera in- fantum, ; Coff. t; in colic, ICoocub; in flatu- lent dyspepsia, I ISal. ac; in metritis, I ISee fl@r fecal. Vomiting, in fever: All. sat, ICact, ICina, Dory, I lEup. pur, lElat, Ferr. ph., IINatr. m.; before chill, Diad, lEup. pert, See; as soon as chill is coming on, IFerr.; during chill, Cain., ICina, I Eup. pert, INatr. m, I ISep., Therid.; after chill, IDiad, llpec, IIRhus; at end of chill, ICarbo v., lEup. pert, llgn.; after chill, with rumbling (intermittent), IBry.; relieves chill, ICoccul.; during heat, IBry, IStram.; at end of heat, especially after drinking (intermittent), HArs.; after heat, IDiad.; with sudden heat, ICoccul.; in inter- mittent, I Ant. c, IIAnt. t, I ICina, lElat, IFerr, ILye; during apyrexia, llpec; in low fever, ICact.; in malignant or yellow fever, ICaps.; in miliary fever, IGels.; in pre- vailing fever, lAmm. m.; during sweat, IIArs.; when sweat fails, ICact.; in typhoid fever, IBapt; after fever, Strain. Vomiting, flocculent: in yellow fever, I Arg. nit. B^" foamy, frothy. Vomiting, fluid : Bar. c; almost colorless (dys- entery), I IVer.; gastric, HArs.; in ileus, IColch.; tasteless, I ISee; whitish, with a shade of green, and sickly smell, mixed with mucus, I IRhus. B^° bile, blood, drink, watery. Vomiting of food: Agar, Alum, lAmm. c, Anac, Ananth, lAnt e, IIAnt. t, HArn., IIArs, Ars. h, lAtrop. s., Bell, I IBor, IIBry, Cadm. s, ICale, ICanth, ICarbo v., ICham, Chrom. ac, ICie, ICina, HCinch, HColch., IIColoc, Crot. t, ICund., ICup. m., ICycl, I IDig, IDros, lEup. perf, IIFerr, Ferr. ph, IGraph, IHell, IHyos, Illgn., I Hod, llpec, llris, IKali e, IKreo, ILach, ILaur, ILye, Lyss., IMere, IMere iod. flav, Merc, sul, Mosch, INatr. m, I I Nitr. ac, IINux v, I lOle- and, 11 Op, Phelb, I IPhos. ac, I IPhos, IPhyt, IPlumb, IPuls., IIRhus, I IRuta, HSang, I ISee, ISep, HSil, IStann, ISul, I ISul. ac, IITabac, HVer., IVer. v, I IZinc; acid, im- mediately after eating, IKali bb; and acids, with nausea, IKali c; follows acrid, sour re- gurgitations, I ISpig.; in albuminuria, ICarbol. ac, ITereb.; in afternoon, first food, then mucus, Magn. s.; of animal, immediately, unless some acid was taken with it, IHe- lon.; all animal (gastric neurosis), HPhos.; and bile, Cadm. s, ILye; later bile, INatr. m.; and pure bile, occasionally acid mucus, follows nausea in morning, with burning dis- tress in stomach, w-eakness and goneness (sick headache), I ISang.; then bile with pressure in stomach after eating, particularly milk, Samb.; bile and mucus, with pressing head- ache, extends from nape of neck over side of head, and settling over left eye, I ISang.; and bile, with throbbing in right eyebrow (mi- graine), IKali bb; tinged with bile (gastro- intestinal irritation), IKali bb; then of yel- low, bitter bile, without pain, I IVer.; bread, IBry.; after rye bread, IIMerc. cor.; after breakfast, IFerr.; with burning and distress in stomach (dysentery), HPhos.; in cancer of stomach, I Ars.; in cardialgia, ICalend, IStram.; during chill, Ailant, Ign.; in chil- dren, IFerr.; in teething children, IPhyt.; chronic, often several hours after eating, with paleness of face, colicky pains and irritability, IIPuls.; with colic, IPlumb.; followed by colic and diarrhcea, I IManc; in concussion, lArn.; in consumption, IFerr.; when cough- ing, I Ant. t, IIBry.; with cough, ICoccus ; when coughing, Dros.; cough, Ferr, I ILaur, INatr. m, INitr. ac, IPhos. ac, IPuls.; caused by cough from eating or drinking any- thing hot, IMez.; after cough, relieving, I Anac; with spasmodic cough, Kalic; with cramps in stomach, ICale; taken day before, Cimex ; taken day before, at 3 or 4 p.m. (in- tercostal neuralgia), I IStann.; and drink, IHyos.; and drink, in whooping cough, IIAnt. t; in dropsy, IHelon.; dysentery, Lept; in chronic dyspepsia, when there seems to be simple exhaustion of stomach, HPhos.; directly after eating. Alum., Ant. c. Ant. t, Bell.; directly after eating, Bry., IFerr, HPlumb, IISul, I IVer, I IZinc; in debili- tated persons, llCinch.; after dinner, if food is warm and hastily eaten, it is vomited very soon after eaten, if cold and eaten slowly, it is retained for a longer period, if hot, is vom- ited immediately, IIPuls.; can eat more at once (pregnancy), IIFerr.; after eggs, Ferr. mur.; after eggs or anything prepared with eggs (diarrhoea), I ISub; with acid eructation, IPhos. ae; an hour after eating, llris; an hour after eating, followed by craving appe- tite, IPod.; some hours after eating, Meph.; three hours after dinner (affection of stom- ach), IKali bb; five hours after (diseased pan- creas), lAtrop. s.; each meal almost as soon as eaten, I ISep.; of what was eaten at sup- per, in night, during sleep, Lyss.; taken even- ing before, Aspar.; in evening, of all food eaten during day, IIKreo.; with expectora- tion, after dinner, ILach.; with fiery red face, IFerr.; with great accumulation of flatus in stomach and bowels, IPhyt.; frequent and sudden (gastromalacia), IKreo.; in gastric catarrh (acute Bright's disease), lApis; in gastric disorder, lAtrop. s.; in gastromalacia, ICale; in gastric neurosis, I IPhos.; in gastric ulcer, I Arg. nit.; except thin gruel or beef broth (puerperal convulsions), I /Ver. v.; with headache, IFerr. ph, ILac def; in headache,, 442 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. as soon as eaten, IMere per.; in sick head- ache, IITabac; follows periodic sick head- ache, I ISang.; in fever, during heat, Ign.; constant sensation of corrosion heat and burning in stomach, I Ptel.; with hiccough and retching, IBry.; in incipient hydroceph- alus, as soon as taken, lApis ; in icterus, ISub; incessant, lArg. nit.; in ileus, HColch.; in influenza, llpec; in intermittent, IFerr., IFerr. ph, INatr. m.; in intermittent, be- fore chill, I Ars, ICina; in intermittent, after rising, ICoccul.; least food taken, Arn.; of meat, I I Kreo.; of meat, tea or coffee (dys- pepsia), IKali bb; in meningitis, ISub; ex- cept milk and water, IHydras.; immedi- ately after midnight, then aversion to food and dread of open air, IIFerr.; in morn- ing, HSep.; especially in morning and even- ing, ISub; in morning, can eat better in after- noon (bilious vomiting), ICrotal.; in morning, with great weakness, IPlumb.; mucus and bile (mental disturbance, climacteric period), ICycb; caused by accumulation of mucus in chest, difficult to raise, ICoccus; and mucus, when boring behind left ear is at its height, ILach.; and mucus after cough, IVer.; and mucus with dry cough, day and night (catarrh of chest), IKali c; and green mucus, followed soon by acrid, watery stool, HVer.; then mucus at end of attack (pertussis), Dros.; caused by expectoration of ropy mucus, Coc- cus; and mucous fluid, with severe pain in stomach, must bend over (chlorosis), HSep.; then mucus and water, IDros.; and white mucus, with oppression of chest, heaving of stomach and coldness, Raph.; with sudden nausea while eating, Ruta; at night, of what has been eaten during day, I Ars.; at night, ICinch, ISib; at noon, ISub; of rice, Tell.; food causes pain during short time it remains in stom- ach (chronic vomiting), llpec; with constant pressure in pit of stomach, Ferr.; solid food, not drink (pertussis), IBry.; particularly solid food (whooping cough), ICup. m.; with sour and bitter taste (dyspepsia), ILye; sour, an hour after eating (dyspepsia), IKali bb; sour, soon after eating, with retching, llpec; with sour risings, like vinegar, Spig.; spasmodic, during pregnancy, IFerr.; in spinal disease, lAlum. met; sudden, soon followed by lien- teric stools (gastromalacia), IKreo.; with putrid taste and odor, IPod.; spits up what he has eaten, sometimes while at table (persistent vomiting), IMagn. p.; with thirst (diphthe- ria), ISub; in incipient tubercular disease, I ITubere; with chronic ulceration of mu- cous membrane, I I Kali bb; in ulcer of stom- ach, I I Mez, INux v.; undigested, Bell.,IFerr, IKali bb, IIKreo, INux v.; first, undigested, intensely acid, then bitter water, lastly a brownish clotlike coffee-grounds, tasting bit- ter, ILac def; undigested, with bile (syn- cope), 11 Amyg.; undigested, in bilious fever, llpec; undigested, eaten day previously, Sa- bina ; undigested, in diarrhoea, during hot weather, IGamb.; undigested, follows nausea after eating, Stann.; with vertigo, I ISabad, Tarant, Tell.; with vertigo and falling (epi- leptiform seizures), IHydr. ae; with vertigo at night (gastric fever), I ISep.; especially warm food (cardialgia), ILobel. b; with flow of water from mouth, IFerr. gfgg~eating. I Vomiting, forcible : flST" violent. Vomiting, foul: Bry,ICarbo v., Coccul,IKreo, Nux v. Vomiting, frothy : ICon, llpec, ILye, I IMed, IMerc.c, INux v, IPuls , IVer.; after cough, Arund.; milk white substance, I .Ethus.; after much straining, I IVer.; white, follows faint- ness,Ver.; white, in menorrhagia, ICoccus; fol- lowed by yellow matter or bile (meningitis, pneumonia), HVer. Vomiting, in gastralgia: IGrat, I IStram. Vomiting, in gastritis : I INux v. Vomiting, glairy : burning water (gastric neu- rosis), HPhos.; pinkish fluid, IKali bb; in gastralgia, ISil.; matter, Colch. Vomiting, greasy : Hod, IMez, INux v. Vomiting, green : Arn, ICanth., Colch, Coloe, Crotal,Cup. m, IDulc,I IManc, IMere cor, Oleand, IOp, IPetrol, IPlumb, IPuls, Rhod.; acrid water, IHep.; black substances with colic, IHelb; dark, bilious, from least food or drink, ILye; bilious matter, IMere cor.; bilious matter, with weakness, lElat.; like bile, diluted with water, Cup. a.; black, Petr, Phos,Plumb.; after cholera evacuations had ceased, IINux v.; convulsive movements with apparently lifeless state (shock from injury), IPhos.; copious, liEthus.; dark, pro- duced by lying on right side or back, ICrotal.; dark, masses, Mar. v.; dark masses, after eat- ing or drinking, ILye; dark, olive, Carbobac; greenish, in chronic diarrhcea, IColoe; in diphtheria, I INatr. s.; in evening, lasts all night, copious, Ars. h.; fluid, Asar, ICard m, ICup. a, ICycb; fluid, in albuminuria, lAur. mur.; fluid, fetid (epileptiform seizures), IHydr. ae; fluid, in peritonitis, IColoe; fluid, yellow, I Ars.; in gastralgia, I Arg. nit.; like grass (enteritis), IIRhus; grass green fluids, after drinking, IIArs.; grass green mucus, llpec; grass green solids, after drinking, IIArs.; of grass green substance, afterwards changing to retching, IPlumb.; in headache, Act. rac; masses, lAcon.; masses, in gastritis, I IVer.;matter,ILach.,INuxv.;mucus,HEthus, I Chel,Hell.; brown mucus, Cupr. s.; mucus, in catarrh of stomach, I ISep.; mucus, in chol- erine, Asar.; mucus, with headache, IVer.; mucus, in large masses, with constant nausea (diarrhoeaof children), lllpec; mucus, better by oppression in chest (intermittent),ICoccul.; mucus, with thirst, IStram.; mucus, in yellow fever, I Ars. h.; with nausea (chronic diar- rhoea), IColoe; in pneumonia, IIFerr. ph.; scumlike, in diphtheria, llgn.; with pain in stomach, gradually spreading over whole ab- domen, I IPhos.; like verdigris (meningitis), IIAcon.; water, ILach, INatr. s.; watery, dark substance, mixed with food, IStram.; water, suddenly, ICup. ae; watery, offensive fluid, with weakness, Sec; yellow, INatr. s.; greenish yellow, bitter matter, almost con- stant (bilious colic), llris; yellow, bitter liquid, with a burning sinking sensation at stomach, IMere iod. flav.; yellow serum every fifteen minutes, ceasing as pain abates (proso- palgia) , 11 Ver. B@T bile. Vomiting, hands : cold, before, Ver.; trembline ICale &' Vomiting, on hawking: BgT" expectoration and mucus. Vomiting, head: with brain affection, ICup 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 443 na.; with intense cerebral congestion, IVer. v.; with sensation as if ears would split, Asar.; fulness, IPod.; heat, INatr. m.; on raising head, lArs, IGoss., IVer. omiting, with headache : Ant. t, Ananth, IBelb, ICalcJCact, ICaps., Caust, IChlorof, ICoccul., Cornus, ICrotal, IGlon, IIGels, IGraph., IGrat, lllpec, I IKali m, ILac def, INatr. m, INitr. ac, INux m., IPlumb, Sar- rae, ISep, Stram, 11 Xan.; after headache, Agnus, llris; headache gradually worse, INux v.; in back of "head, spreads and settles above right eye, ISang.; headache after vom- iting, Ascl. s.; headache better after, Asar., IGlon. Jamb., I IManc; in bilious head- ache (distortion of face), ICrotal.; with boring behind left ear, ILach.; as though brain were mashed (chlorosis), llpec; chronic hemicrania, I Apis ; congestive, IVer. v.; in- tense, with great despondency and sensation of impending death, I IMed.; 'continuous and violent, followed by aching in sacrum and down legs, Med.; over one or the other eye, extends gradually to whole forehead, increas- ing and decreasing gradually, IStann.; frontal, Ver. v.; in forehead, on maxillary sinuses (influenza), IPuls.; periodical, in forehead, bursting, ILac def.; in forehead, pressing, lyEthus.; mostly in forehead and pulsating, worse in morning and when moving, better lying with head high, better by sweat, INatr. m.; extending part toward forehead and left side of head, attacks come on in afternoon to- wards evening (hemicrania), Coloe; gastric at commencement, lllpec; at height of (mi- graine), lyEthus.; before, during and after menses, INatr. m.; at midnight, IChin. a.; when awaking in morning, IForm.; beginning in morning, Jatroph.; in neuralgic, IGels.; neuralgic, preceding or following, INaja; coming in night, ISib; in occiput, Anag.; in occiput, throbbing, tearing, 11 Sul.; pressive, Caps.; dependent on reflex action (migraine), Coccul.; rheumatic, acid, INux v.; like sea- sickness (climacteric period), ITherid.; semi- lateral, llpec, IIPuls.; in sick headache, lEup. pur., IIMelib; sick headache, from morning until noon, IPhos.; sick headache, frequent trying, I I Syph.; sick headache, death- ly sickness all over, wrorse movement or sitting up, ILac def; periodic attacks of sick, two or three days before menses, IPuls.; followed by sleep (hemicrania), IChin. a.; through temple and over eyes, llris ; more in women, lAct. rac.; hysterical women, appearing as a boring clavus or frightful pressure, region of temple, INux v. Vomiting, heart: with pain about, ILobel. b; induced by pain on left side of chest, passes around body from left to right inside of scro- biculum cordis (angina pectoris), I ISpig. ggg° palpitation, pulse. Vomiting, with heat: llpec; anxious, Stram.; internal, I Ars.; after heat, with shuddering, Act. sp.; in hot weather (difficult dentition), IPhyt BST" fever. Vomiting, with hiccough: HVer.; during and after dinner, IMagn. m.; at termination of nausea and belching, Jabor. Vomiting, hunger: between paroxysms of, Ver.; ravenous, after, Oleand. Vomiting,in hydrocephalus : IGlon.,IKali iod. Vomiting, in hysteria: ICarbol. ae, ICinnam, I 101. caje.; after each meal, in women, espe- cially if subjected to exciting emotions, IKali br. Vomiting, after ice cream : B^T" eating. Vomiting, inability : g^° difficult. Vomiting, of infants : IFerr.; of meconium, IKali br. B@T" cholera infantum, denti- tion, diarrhcea. Vomiting, in influenza: I Ant. t, I ISang. Vomiting, injury : copious, in shock, IPhos.; night, after a fall (traumatic meningitis), IHyper.; after chill (after running pin into * foot), I Hyper. Vomiting, jellylike : Ipec. BgT" mucus. Vomiting, kidneys: occasional, in renal cal- culus, llpom. Vomiting, labor pains: extending from sacrum to region of stomach, IPuls.; with after pains, I Act. rac. Vomiting, large masses: g^° copious. Vomiting, lassitude : after, INitr. sp. d. Vomiting, leucorrhcea: profuse, after efforts, HSep. Vomiting, liquor: BST* drink. Vomiting, liver: in biliary colic, ICheb; con- stant pain in region (ague), HTarant.; sting- ing, after vexation, ICham.; in any position except on right side, Ant. t. Vomiting, lying down : better, renewed by every motion, Colch. Vomiting, in measles: delayed eruption, IIAnt. c Vomiting, in meningitis: I Ant. t; on chang- ing position of lying with occiput drawn far backward, ISub; cerebrospinal, IChloral., ICup. ac. Vomiting, menses: amenorrhcea, ICina; before, IPuls.; before, lasting till flow is established, HVer.; during, I Amm. m., IKali e, IPuls., 11 Thlaspi; during, with swelling and sore- ness of breasts, Con.; during, with backache, lAmyb; during, in nervous women, Coccul.; during or if omitted, ICup. m.; dysmenor- rhoea, 11 Puis, IVer.; in menorrhagia, 11 Apoe, IVer.; after suppressed, 11 Niccol., IPuls.; after, Bor. Vomiting, mental symptoms: from anger with indignation, IIColoc; with anguish, Asar.; with anxiety, Bar. m., Samb.; preceded by anxiety, Sang.; with fearful anxiety when standing, Ver.; with dulness, Chin, a.; believes death is near, Ars. h.; ill humor after, Cycl.; with nervousness and depression, ICrotal.; with nervous excitement, Bufo.; continually praying, I IMed.; after vexation (hemicrania), ICham. Vomiting, of milk: Hod., llris; in form of cheese, ICale; curdled, ICale, HiEthus., IINatr. ph.,ISub; in large lumps, HVab; as soon as he drinks it, Var.; of milky fluid, I ISep.; in gastric neurosis, I IPhos.; in infants, with protrusion of anus, IPod.; lumps, after nursing at breast, Ant. t.; almost immediately, with much mucus (gastromalacia), IMere d.; sour, after taking breast or bottle, lAnt. e; teething children, IPhyt. Vomiting, in morning: Absin, TrBar. m, Camph., HCaps., IIDig., IDros., IIHep., IILyc, llgn, IINatr. m., INux v, I ISil, HSub, HVer.; in chronic alcoholism, ISul. ac; before breakfast, INux v., IITabac; 444 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. in cholera, I Ant. t; chronic drunkards, Kali br.; chronic, of sour mucus, ICamph.; in dysmenorrhoea, ICycb; in dyspepsia, ISul. ae; before eating, in dyspepsia, IFerr. ph.; during menses, IGraph.; on rising, I IVer.; on rising, with headache, ILac def; worse after 5 a.m., Cupr. s.; on rising (lead colic), INux v.; on rising, as from weakness, Niccol.; with trembling of hands and feet, ISul.; in weakly persons affected by worms, llpec. 8®" pregnancy. Vomiting, motion: at every, IIArs., IBry., INux v., IPetrol., HVer.; in headache, ILac def; from changing position, IDig.; when moving about,IFerr.;on least,IAnt t, Colch, ICup. ac, HVer.,Zinc; on least, in cholera, ILach, IITabac; on least, particularly on closing eyes, worse from noise, I ITherid.; on least, in hydrocephaloid, IVer. 83^" riding ; also Seasickness. Vomiting, mouth: with bad breath, llpec.; with burning, llris; on rinsing, Sep. Vomiting, of mucus : I Aeon., Anthrac, I Ant. e, lAnt t, lArs., Aspar., Bar. m., IBelb, Cadm. s., HCale, ICham., ICina, Cinch, Cinnam., Colch., ICon., IDig., IDros., Elaps, Eup. pert, Guaiae, IIHep., Hyos., Ilgnat, llris, IKali br., IKali e, ILach., IMagn. c, IIMerc, IMez., INux v., Oleand, IPhyt, IIPuls., IIRhus, Sang.,I ISee, Seneg., ISub, I ITabae, Thuya, I IVer., I IZinc; 2 to 3 p.m., . Cinnam.; enormous masses, intermixed with large bubbles of air, occasionally greenish, ac- companied by nausea, pressure in stomach, constipation, etc., IOp.; in acute Bright's dis- ease, I Apis ; and bile, violent, Ant. t, IGrat, I IZinc; and bilious matter, worse evening and night (chronic dyspepsia), IHydr. ac; and bilious matter (yellow fever), IIMerc; or bile, with painful retching (sick headache), IITabac; in blepharitis, IKali c; bloody, Brom, IKali bi, INitr. ae, I IZinc; better (angina), IBelb; pieces mixed with dark lines like coagulated blood, Sinap.; bloody, with effort, I IZinc; blood y, in pneumonia of chil- dren, I Ant. t; with specks and streaks of blood (abdominal typhus), I IStram.; streaked with blood, Asar.; with burning in stomach, ITereb.; with burning and distress of stomach (dysentery), HPhos.; in dancer, Crotal.; in convulsions of children, ICup. ac, ICup.m.; in cholera infantum, • Coff. t; clear, or water, with prosopalgia, IINatr. m.; coagulated, grayish (perforating ulcer of stomach i, INux v.; in colic, I Ars.; with cough, Con.; caused by cough, INitr. ae; during cough, Bell, IPuls.; in whooping cough, I Ant. t, iCarbo v.; after whooping cough, IKali bi.; daily, 11 Ustil.; in diabetes, IOp.; with diarrhoea, IIPuls.; better after drinking cold water, Agar., Bor.; in drunkards, Zing.; after eating, HPlumb.; with fainting, Elaps; during chill, ICaps, Ign, I INux v, IIPuls.; in yellow fever, IMere; in typhoid fever, I IPhos.; fluid, in peritonitis, IColoe; foamy, HVer.; foamy, resembling coffee-grounds, Lyss.; and food, with dry cough, better sitting up, worse at night, IPuls.; caused by even simplest food, HSep.; frothy, ICanth, Cup. m.; frothy, with burning in throat, Urt. ur.; frothy, in morn- ing (chronic womb diseases), I IVer.; frothy, during day (ovarian tumor), lApis ; in gastric catarrh, I Apis, ICop.; in gastromalacia, I Are.; glairy, Alum, Cup. ars, I IMed.; glairy, with some bile (cholera morbus), I Ins; glairy, after food, IVer. v.; glairy, can be drawn into strings, morning, I Arg. nit; in spasm of glot- tis, ICoff; gluelike, Ind.; from hawking,ICalc. p.; caused by efforts to bring up a few lumps of grayish, IKali c; with headache, ICale, Con, ICoff, I INatr. ph., IPuls.; retraction of head (gastralgia), ILye; hot, frothy, I bod.; jellylike, llpec; large quantities, llpec; large masses, I IVer.; straining, with mucus in larynx, Osm.; with the liquid drunk, IDulc; in hepatitis, ICoccul.; fluid, in hepatic affections, IBelb; solid lumps, almost without cough, I Agar.; thick masses, caused by rins- ing mouth, ICoccus; enormous masses, inter- mixed with large bubbles of air, occasionally greenish, IOp.; mixed with portions of mem- brane (croup), IHep.; before menses, IKreo.; toward midnight, I Arg. nit; in morning, Ant. t; several times, from 5 a.m. until break- fast, ICon.; in morning, with nausea and exhaustion (suppressed foot sweat), Sib; especially at night, Coccul.; worse at night, ICinch.; in ophthalmia, ICie; in pregnancy, Ant. t, Diose, I ISul. ac; purulent, INitr. ae; with red specks (albuminuria), I Apis ; rattles on chest, in young children, lllpec.; followed by sleep, Cycl.; from smoking, Calad., llgn.; in spinal disease, lAlum. met; in myelitis of mucus, IDulc; stringy, IKali bb, IMere cor.; with straining, before chill, I Ars.; in summer complaint, ICamph.; tough, I Arg. nit, lArs., ICheb, I ILact. ac, IMere cor., INitr. ae, ISib; tough, colorless, sour, Alum.; tough, with cough in morning, ISil.; tough, in whooping .cough, IDros.; tough, in diphtheria, I Ant. t.; tough, ropy, green- ish yellow, INitr. ac.; tough, in morning, IDulc; tough, sour (chronic inflammation of pancreas), Hod. ;tough, ropy, stringy, with loose cough, Coral.; tough, thin (whooping cough), IVer.; tough, white, sometimes yel- lowish, with cough, IKreo.; like white of egg, with cough (bronchial attacks after whooping cough), IKali bi.; intense, acrid odor, setting teeth on edge (gastrodynia), IIPuls.; thick, and bilious, Med.; transparent, with head- ache, INatr. m.; watery, Bell., ICycb, ILye; and bitter water (headache), ILac def.; wa- tery, stringy, transparent, INatr. m.; watery, with great exertion every morning, then great exhaustion (consumption), IGuaiac; white, I IKali m., HPhos., HVer.; white, not trans- parent, with chill, IKali m.; whitish, in cho- lerine, Asar.; white, in whooping cough, IHyos.; white, foamy, IIKreo.; white,glairy, worse stooping, llpec; white, with morning sickness during pregnancy, IKali m.; yellow- ish, ITereb. 8^** expectoration. Vomiting, musty: leaving taste, Bry. Vomiting, nausea: during, Astac, lllpec, HPetrol., ITereb.; before, Calc.; does not re- lieve, IIDig.; deathly, worse movement or sitting. HLac def.; continued, I IVer.; con- stant, during day, Psor.; all day, IPsor.;'with- out, Coloe Vomiting, nervous: ICaps., ICoccul., llpec ganglionic system affected, IKali br. Vomiting, neuralgia: facial or cephalic, llris Vomiting, at night : I Ars., Ars. m., ICinch 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 445 Dros., IFerr, Niccol., INux v., ISib, ISub; on alternate nights (irritation of brain), ILach.; in aphonia, lArg. nit.; disposed to convulsions (child), IBelb; with diarrhoea, Therid.; in dysuria, IMere; of food taken in evening (morning sickness), llgn.; in acute congestion of liver, INux v.; in middle of night, Agar.; twice before midnight, Ars. h.; or morning, IPlumb., I ISub; 1 a.m., I IRhus ; with icy cold sweat, Therid.; sudden attack, gouty diathesis (acute inflammation of pan- creas), ICon. Vomiting, nose : bleeding after, Ars.; blood at once coagulated (whooping cough), IMere Vomiting, nursing: infants, lllpec, HSil.; after vexation of mother, Cochl., I Vab; infants, artificial food disagrees, INux v.; in nursing women, llpec. BisP"' children. Vomiting, oesophagus: burning, I Iris ; food remains halfway (stricture), IKali c. Vomiting, oily: Hod., IMez., INux v., Thuya. B^P greasy: Vomiting, offensive : B^*" fetid. Vomiting, ovaries: induration and enlarge- ment, Con. Vomiting, ozaena: caused by drawing offensive smelling plugs from nose into mouth, HSep. Vomiting, painful: Bapt, 11 Oxal. ae; as if all bones were being torn to pieces, llpec; and difficult, in cholera Asiatica, ICup. m.; after meals, with tightness from stomach to back, and colicky pains, Sarrae; grasping rooting pain (diaphragm!tis), INux v. Vomiting, palate: arches irritable so that loud speaking or brushing teeth causes, ICoccus. Vomiting, palpitation: IINux v.; with weak- ness, Sang.; in yellow fever, IILach. BgTheart. Vomiting, pancreas: red liquid, like meat washings, in diseased, lAtrop. s. Vomiting, periodic: ICheb, ICup. m.; during pains, Ferr. ph., llris, INux v.; several times during day, ICon.; at intervals of days, when food has filled stomach, then enormous quantities (cancer of stomach), IIBisin.; every ten days, after headache in forehead, hot head and sore pain in eyes, ICup. acj at 11a.m. and 3 p.m., Ars.; every hour for twenty- four hours, Bar. c; every month or six weeks, lasting two or three days, llris ; as often as every quarter of an hour (cholera), llpec.; after short exacerbation of pain (diseased pancreas), lAtrop. s.; paroxysmal, with pain in epigastrium and right hypochondrium, Cup. ars.; in paroxysms, with tenderness of epigastrium, IGels.; every fifteen minutes, in pneumonia, I IVer. v.; with great thirst, lUran. n. 8®" chill, heat, sweat. Vomiting, pneumonia: after chill, I ICheb; of drunkards, I Ant. t Vomiting, pregnancy: during, Acet. ac, Aeon, 11 Alet, Anac, lAnt c, lApis, lArs., IIAsar., IBry., ICale, ICanth., ICaps., ICarbol. ac, Card, m., Castor., I ICheb, ICie, Cinnam., Codein., ICon., Cup. ars., Ferr., llpec, HJatroph., IKali br., IIKreo., ILac e, Lach., IILact ac, ILil. tig., I ILobel. b, ILye, IMagn. m., IMere iod. flav, INatr. m., IINatr. ph., IINux m., IINux v., lOxal. ae, IPetrol., IPhos., Plat, Plumb., IPod., IPsor., IPuls., HSep., ISib, ISub, ISul. ae, Tarant., IVer., IVer. v., I IZinc; in pale, anaemic, women who lose much blood during menses, ILact. ac; with congestion of pelvic viscera, IPod.; continued, can retain no food, llris, IKali bi.; on getting out of bed, I ITa- rant; with deathly nausea, IITabac; obsti- nate, 11 Alet; when riding, HPetrol.; in women suffering from scirrhus, ICon.; sour masses, I INatr. p. Vomiting, pulse : feeble, Ascl. s.; slow, IVer. v.; weak, suppressed, Aloe.; 45 between attacks (menorrhagia), lApoe BST" heart. Vomiting, of pus: IMerecor.; with a saltish taste, particularly with coughing, I IZinc; Vomiting, in pyaemia: I Ars. Vomiting, relaxed feeling: after, Ascl. s. Vomiting, restlessness: lArs., Carbol. ac; follows restlessness at night, IISul. Vomiting, retching : 8@~ Retching. Vomiting, rice water: in cholera, ICup. ac. Vomiting, riding: in a carriage, or sailing, lArs, Bell, HCarbob ac, HCoccul., IColch., Croc, IFerr, Hyos, Nux m, HPetrol., See, ISib, Staph., Sul, ITabae 8®*" Seasickness. Vomiting, when rising in bed : (gastritis),! Ars.; better in rest and horizontal position (head- ache), I IThuya ; in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICalab.; from pillow, IStram.; from sit ting, with frontal headache, Sang.; from lying (chronic inebriate), I ISang.; headache, from lying, ILac def; on assuming upright position, IColch.; when trying to rise, ICie; with vertigo, IVer. v. Vomiting, saliva: IAnae,Cain, Sabad.; with accumulation, IKali iod.; frothy, on awaking, ICup. ae; and thick fluid, a little bilious mat- ter, IGoss.; with flow from mouth, IHep.; worse by spitting, Cain.; without admixture, gouty diathesis (acute inflammation of pan- creas), ICon.; with nausea, 1 a.m., awakens her, IMere sob Vomiting, salty: Benz. ae, Hod, Magn. e; water, INatr. s., Puis, Sib, Sul. Vomiting, sarcinae : ICarbol. ac. Vomiting, in scarlatina: I Ars, I Arumt, I Bell, ICup. ac,IHelb,l I Tereb.; with delayed erup- tion, llpec; in malignant, IIA mm. c. Vomiting, in seasickness: 8®° motion, rid- ing ; also Seasickness. Vomiting, from scratching itching skin : llpec Vomiting, sleep: sleepy after, Ant. e, lllpec, Stram.; after sleep, Ant. t. 8§T; sopor. Vomiting, comes on slowly : preceded by nau- sea, IPhyt. Vomiting, after smoking : Agar., Calad. Vomiting, sopor: between attacks, Ars. h.; in scarlet fever, IDulc. 8®° sleepy. Vomiting, spasmodic: Bell, ICaps, Caulo, IGlon., IINux m.; in yellow fever, IMere; follows vertigo, with nausea and headache, ISang. Vomiting, stercoraceous: 8®° fecal. Vomiting, stomach : acid, IINux m.; relieves pain for half an hour, I IRob.; burning, l^sc h, IIArs, Bufo, llris; burning, before, I IRhus ; cancer, ICarbol. ae; cardialgia bili- osa, ILobel. b; with violent cardialgia, IPlumb.; daily, of chocolate colored masses, with hot burning in throat (carcinoma ventri- cula), 11 Mez.; from a cold, IPuls.; with constric- 446 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. tion, ICheb; with cramping, Bufo.; in cramps (cholera), INux v.; with degeneration of mu- cous membrane, IKali iod.; after, as if stom- ach were distended, Bry.; in gastric catarrh, ■Ante, IKali bb; in gastric derangements, IIAnt. t, INatr. s.; gastromalacia, IKreo, IMere d.; after griping and pressing, IICup. ae; with heat, Hell.; due to irritability, or other abnormal condition of nerves, llpec; with pain, Ferr.; pain, before, llpec; pains, with constipation, HOp.; pains, cutting at intervals (intermittent), lElat.; pain,in head- ache, with grinding teeth when asleep, ILac def; pain and heat,Collin.; pains, sharp, par- oxysmal, making her bend forward and press on painful part to get relief, better on appear- ance of menses, IColoe; pains every five minutes, culminate in, Ver. v.; with pressure, IGraph, lOsm.; pressure, before, llpec; raw- ness, Ascl. s.; in perforating ulcer, INux v.; for weeks or months, due to erosion from superficial ulceration of lining (syphilitic), I ISyph. Vomiting, before stool: I Ars, Dig., Ipec.; dur- ing, Apis, I Ars., Bry., Colch, Crot t, Ipec, IMere, 11 Oxal. ae; during, in cholera mor- bus, HVer.; during, caused by spasmodic contraction, with tenesmus and strangury, ICrotal, Jamb.; after, IVer.; black (intermit- tent), ICoccul.; painful, bloody, IIMerc. cor.; fetid (intermittent), ICoccul.; involuntary (sporadic cholera), I ITabae; with rice water, Colch.; with soft stool, Hippom.; follows inef- fectual urging, Sang.; watery, IPlumb. gg&~ cholera, fecal, diarrhcea. Vomiting, on stooping: ICie, llpec Vomiting, with straining: ggjg* Retching. Vomiting, with stupor: Ailant., Dory. Vomiting, sudden: Jab, I IPic. ac, I ISub; with nausea after eating, IRhus; and violent when sitting up, Ailant. g@T violent. Vomiting, in summer complaint: 8®" chol- era infantum, diarrhoea. Vomiting, in sunstroke.: 11 Arn,lArs.,IIGlon., I ITherid, IVer. v. Vomiting, on attempting to swallow : IMere cor. Vomiting, sweat: after, Stram.; cold, HVer, IVer. v.; cold, in cholera, HCamph.; cold, in typhoid fever, IVer. v.; free, with copious expectoration, Eup. pert; and piercing, as of needles, within outward, ILobel. h; in nurs- ing women, ICale Vomiting, sweetish: with burning distress in pancreas, llris; during cough, ICale; in chronic gastritis, IPlumb.; with headache, llris; mucus, every morning at ten and in evening, Psor.; without suppression of milk in a nursing woman, ICale; water, llris, IIKreo.; water, in neuralgia, llris; water, before breakfast, during pregnancy, IIKreo. Vomiting, sympathetic : as in phthisis, of can- cer, of liver or uterus, of pregnancy and chronic kidney disease, IKreo. Vomiting, testicles: pressure and annoying pain in swollen right, extending into abdo- men, I IPuls. Vomiting, with thirst: IIArs, Colch, Crotal, IKali br, IKali iod, ISang, IStram., HVer.; after thirst, IIEup. pert; for cold drink (chol- era Asiatica), I IVer.; thirst after vomiting, lAtrop. s. Vomiting, throat: as if a thread were hanging down (hysteria), I I Vab; with sore throat, | Coccion. 6^*" diphtheria. Vomiting, tobacco: ggg~ smoking. Vomiting, tongue: clean (worm fever), llpec Vomiting, tough fluid: in gastralgia, Arg. nit. B®** mucus. Vomiting, with trembling: Eup. pert, ICoc- cus, ICup. m. Vomiting, turbid matter: lArs. Vomiting, with unconsciousness: Camph.; after recovering from insensibility, ICarbo v. 8@T" coma, sopor, stupor. Vomiting, uraemic : lArs., ICup. ac. Vomiting, urination: frequent desire, Camph. Vomiting, uterus: chronic inflammatory con- dition after abortion, IKali e; from malposi- tion, ILil. tig.; pain, after taking cold, -Ca- lend.; from irritation of pessaries, IINux m. Vomiting, with vertigo: ^Esc g., I Ars, Bell., ICamph, Crotal, Dory, IGlon., IHell, llpec, IKali c, ILach., INux v, Gman, IPuls, HVer.; when raising head (hydro- cephaloid), IMere; and headache, INatr. s.; and unsteadiness of legs, better by walking, 11 Ptel.; in morning, ICale; in morning, on rising, Magn. e; on moving about, Selen.; on least motion, Therid.; with reeling, Cale; with diminished vision, ISang.; of a bitter saltwater, IMagn. e; before vertigo, INatr. s. Vomiting, violent (forcible): Apoe, Ars. h, Ars. s. f, Ascl. s, Cain, ICina, HColch, Con, Crotal, HCrot. t, Cup. ac, ICup. ars., ICup. m, llpec, I IMed., HPhos., IITabac, HVer, Vinca; resulting in dis- charge of air, seeming to roll off stomach (colic), llris; in convulsions, ICie; renewed by eating, Hod.; coming each time with new force, IFerr.; gushing, like a fountain, in shock from injury, IPhos.; gushes of wheylike fluid, Cup. m.; every few minutes, IPhyt.; greatly worse by noise and light, ITabae; in ophthalmia, ICie; sudden, lyEthus.; and sudden (diseased pancreas), lAtrop. s. 6®" sudden. Vomiting, voluntary : in gastric fever, I IPuls. Vomiting, watery: Ananth, Arn, Ars., Bar. m., Bell, Bry, Caust, Cinch, Con., ICup. m, lElat, Indig., llpec, I IMed., INatr. in, Nux v. Puis., Sul, HVer.; bilious, IStram.; bloody, with paroxysms of pain and anguish, in spot in left side of abdomen (hysteria), HSep.; in cholera acuta, IHelb; in cholera infantum, IVer.; clear, at all times of day, I Ars.; clear, with indigestion, INatr. m.; clear, saltish, I Arg. nit.; clear, on sitting up (after a fall on head), IIAcon.; with colic, Stram.; on smelling cooking, Stann.; in diph- theria, INatr. m.; from exposure to bright light, IStram.; with flakes, Cup. m.; or glairy, with crampy, constrictive pains in gastric re- gion (cholera), IJatroph.; greenish, with chills and thirst for cold water, worse eating and drinking, ICup. ars.; in hepatic affec- tions, IBelb; preceded by loathing, I I Ratan.; in morning (pregnancy), Bov.; with scarlet fever, INatr. m.; sudden, violent, with cramps (cholera), IJatroph.; tasteless, I IVer.; then food, Hod, ISub; with headache, INatr. in.- sometimes insipid, sometimes bitter, IITa- bac; in jaundice, before attack, lArg. nit.- in large masses, after eating, I ISil.; of large 16. HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 447 quantities of albuminous substances, IJa- troph.; in hepatitis, ICoccul.; in morning, IStram.; when moving ITabae; on moving or drinking (cholera), I IVer.; first of acrid mucus, then ineffectual retching, Therid.; of mucus, in evening, IStram.; of sour mucus, IStram.; worse at night, ICinch.; with sweat, IStram.; in summer complaint, ICamph.; from mouldy taste (bronchitis), ILed, taste- less, before paroxysm, ILaur.; turbid, with diarrhcea, IVer.; tasteless, small quantities, IDig. B^° drink, fluid. Vomiting, -weakness: after, Cadm. s.; prostra- tion, Ant. chl. Ant. e, Bar. e, ICale, Coff. t, ILye, I ISang, IVer.; and cramps, as in chol- era, I IPhyt.; and ravenous hunger (dropsy), IColch. Vomiting, white: Ars. s. f, ICon. Vomiting, wine: after bad sour (gastric ca- tarrh), IIAnt. c; better after wine, I IKalm. Vomiting, of worms: IPhyt, HSang.; ascari- des, ICina; of ascarides, on third day of colic (intussusception), I IPlumb.; large (worm fever), I IBell.; lumbrici, ICina, Sabad, Sec; lumbrici (incarcerated hernia), lAcon.; occa- sioned by worms, Aeon, Bell., ICarbo v., ICiiia, Cinch, Ipec, Lach, IMere, INux v., Puis, Sub Vomiting, yellow: lArs., YEthus, IColch, Co- loe, IDulc, Hod.; like bile, ICon.; bright, I IPic. ae; in cholera infantum, • Coff. t; bit- ter sour water, two attacks in quick succes- sion, IGrat; worse after drinking (sporadic cholera), I IVer.; in epilepsy, IBufo.; mucus, INitr. ae; then yellow fever, I Ars. h, IVer.; yellowish white, frothy fluid, Crot. t; in gas- tralgia, Arg. nit.; yellowish green, ICup. ac, Vinca; mucus, llpec, HPhos.; bitter mucus, I IForm.; yellowish green mucus, I IVer.; in ophthalmia, ICie; purulent mucus, IKali bb; with cold sweat and griping, Cadm. s.; thin substances, HVer.; violent, every ten min- utes, Merc. sul.; bitter water, before chill (in- termittent), I Ars. 8®° bile. VOMITURITIO : Anthrok, Chel., IKali br, INux v. Vomituritio, with anguish and uninterrupted nausea from morning until night; in carci- noma ventricular), I I Mez. Vomituritio, in asthma: llpec Vomituritio, on awaking: I IVer. Vomituritio, in cholerine : IIAsar. Vomituritio, with cough : ISang.; dry cough, I ICimex. Vomituritio, in diaphragmitis: IDig. Vomituritio, fever: in intermittent,Sabad. Vomituritio, headache: pressing coming and going, in whole head, I ITereb.; shooting, from within out, especially over left eye, ISep. Vomituritio, with feeling of foreign body in oesophagus : Sabad. Vomituritio, with prostration : 11 Agar. Vomituritio, with copious saliva: Sabad. Vomituritio, with vertigo : Act. sp. WATERBRASH (pyrosis): lAlum, lAmm. e, lAmm. m, I lAnae, lAnt. t, I Apis, I Ars, Ars. m,l IAsar,HBar.c, IBism.JIBry,ICale, Calc. p, 11 Canth, I Caps, 11 Carbo a.,HCarbov, ICaust, ICie, ICina, ICinch, ICoce, ICroe, HCycb, IDaph, IIDig, IDros, I lEuphor, I IGraph., I IHell, IHep, llgn, llpec, IKali e, ILed., ILobel i., IILyc, Mang., IMagn. m. IMere, IMez, INatr. c, INatr. m, I INatr.ph., INitr.ac, IINux v, 11 Oleand, I Paris, IPetrol, IPhos, IPod, IPuls, IRan. b, I I Ratan, IRhod,IRhus,HSabad, Sal. ac,ISang,l ISars, ISep, I ISil, Sinap, I ISpig, HStaph, IISul, IISul. ac, I ITarax, IIThuya, 11 Vab, IVer, Zinc. Waterbrash, acid: Cale a, I I Cornus; with belching, I IBry. Waterbrash, acrid : ILach.; acrid, sour, mak- ing food taste acid, Cact; with cramps, dur- ing pregnancy, ILye Waterbrash, worse in afternoon : ICinch.; un- bearable, Ars. i. Waterbrash, back: pain low down, before menses, thick and dark (dysmenorrhoea), IINux m.; when sensitive spot between shoulder blades is touched, followed by nau- sea and vomiting, I I Rhus. Waterbrash, bitter: ICheb; with pain in stom- ach, Kob.; sour, Zinc. Waterbrash, burning: corrosive fluid, I ISang.; heartburn, INux v. Waterbrash, with chilliness: ISil. Waterbrash, colic : constrictive, from indiges- tion, worse aftercoffee, brandy, or overeating, INux v. Waterbrash, with cough : lArs, ILach. Waterbrash, after drinking : IKali c, ISep. Waterbrash, after eating: Amm. m., Bry,IKali e, INux v. Sang, ISep, ISib; after cabbage, potatoes and other gross food, IMagn. e; in diabetes, ILact. ac; three hours after dinner, raises phlegm continually (affection of stom- ach), IKali bi.; perforating ulcer, I ISil. Waterbrash, epigastrium : followed by spasm, extending from right to left, also to back, in paroxysms, ICon. Waterbrash, eructation : better by belching, Cinnab, Rhod.; hot, acrid gas, constantly, ICarbo v. Waterbrash, in evening : Tereb. Waterbrash, in gonorrhoea: I ITarant. Waterbrash, in headache: IIMagn. m. Waterbrash, lying down : better getting up, I IPsor. Waterbrash, menses: before, INuxm., IPuls.; during, at night, IPuls. Waterbrash, after milk: ICale, ICup. m. Waterbrash, in morning : Chrom. ac. Waterbrash, like limpid mucus : INatr. m. Waterbrash, with nausea: ICale, ICaust, Crot. t, ICycl, ILye, IMagn. m, IMagn. s, INatr. m, I ISep, Sil, Spong.; better in fresh air, worse from cold water and at night, HSep.; sudden, on awaking, HPetrol.; in morning, I IPetrol.; at 1 a.m., awakens and obliges her to vomit, IMere sol. Waterbrash, at night: ICarbo v., IKali e Waterbrash, during pregnancy: Acet. ac, IIDiosc, ILact. ac, I ILobel. i, INatr. m, INuxm., I lOxabae, ITabae; hot, sour, ILact. ac. Waterbrash, rancid : (after operation for hem- orrhoids), ICroe Waterbrash, with retching : Bry. Waterbrash, while riding in a carriage: INuxm. Waterbrash, on rising : ILac def. Waterbrash, with continuous profuse discharge of saliva, ILact. ac. Waterbrash, saltish : runs out of mouth (can- cer of stomach), ICarbo a. 448 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. Waterbrash, with inclination to sleep : INux m. Waterbrash, stomach: constriction, Stront., in dyspepia, ICollin, IHydr. ac, ILye, IIPuls.; chronic dyspepsia, IPetrol.; in gas- tralgia, ISil, ISul. ac; pain, Amm. c, Kob.; pressure in hysteria, INux m.; catarrh of stomach and small intestines, IHydr. ac. Waterbrash, with frequent swallowing : Kob, IIMerc. sol. 17. Epigastrium EPIGASTRIUM : abscess: after a blow, | IIBry. i Epigastrium, aching: I^Esc. h., Ammoniac, j HArn, ICarbo v, Chrom. ac, IKali e; in J afternoon, better stretching body and throw- ing stomach forward, Vib.; tight, suffocative, heavy, through to back, worse talking, IRu- mex ; as from a blow, followed by pressure, retching, eructation and rising of food, 11 Phos.; with painful concussion of brain from shak- ing head, from wralking, Mang.; with short breath, Vace; to middle of chest (gastric complaints), I Ars.; over chest to pitof throat, IKali e; dull, with nausea and vomiting, Cup. ars.; shortly after eating, with vomiting, ILye; making her faint (hemorrhoids), I ISub; during apyrexia, Ignat; from hiccough, after eating (sequel to cholera), HPhos.; to phar- ynx, as if a ball were rising, ICon.; in and above, on each side of sternum, IRumex ; after a cup of tea, 11 Rumex. 86T* bruised, dull pain, pain (undefined), soreness. Epigastrium, alive : B^° motion. Epigastrium, anguish: Coff, Crot. t, Hydr. ac, ISil, IVer.; deathly, in angina pectoris, IDig.; driving to despair (cholera Asiatica), ICamph.; in hepatic typhus, IChel. ggg~ anxiety. Epigastrium, anxiety: lAcon., Arg. met, IIArs, Cann. s, Grat, IKali c, ILye, INux v, IOp, Stram, Tereb.; apprehensive, ICann. s.; apprehensive, while reflecting, IPhos.; apprehensive, as when expecting unpleasant news, IMez.; in asthma, IFerr.; with dysp- noea, Stram.; in children, ICale; in hsema- temesis, I Ars., ITereb.; with indigestion, IPuls.; caused by noise, Agar.; oppressive, I Ars.; and sensitive, Sec; to spine, with pal- pitation (neuropathia), I I Kali a.; with trem- bling, Sep. B@" anguish. Epigastrium, bloated: 8®° distended. Epigastrium, pain as from a heavy blow or concussion, followed by cramps in abdo- men and coolness: I IPhyt. Epigastrium, breathing : as if air were impris- oned, causing anxiety, IIRhus; dyspnoea, INux m.; pain during inspiration, IPuls.; Waterbrash, taste: metallic, ICoccus ; salty, burning (constipation), ICaust. Waterbrash, tasteless: IIBry. Waterbrash, sore throat: ICale Waterbrash, with brownish tongue : ISib Waterbrash, in ulcer of os uteri: ICurar. Waterbrash, with vertigo: on rising in morn- ing, Magn. e AND STOMACH. Stomach. deep inspiration relieves pain, IILobel. i.; pain impedes breathing, I IBry.; rising, stop- ping breath, causing faint and disagreeable sensation, better by raising wind, Amm. br.; suffocating pain, Lyss. Epigastrium, bruised feeling: I Arn, IPhyt, IGuarsea ; as if beaten, with fulness of abdo- men, ICamph.; soreness, through to back, after cramp in stomach, ILobel b; after eat- ing, Coccul.; when pressed, with swelling, INatr. m. BST" cough, sensitive, soreness. Epigastrium, burning: Amm. m, Arg. met. Ant. chlor. Ant c, IIArs, Bapt, Cact, ICale p, Carb.s, ICarbo v, ICup.m., IDulc, Eucab, 11 Ham, llgn, IKali iod , Mane, Merc, 11 Natr. s, INux v. Ran. sc, Sal. ac, ISil, Ver.; into abdomen, Plat.; as from acidity, Abrot.; as from acidity, worse by pressure (gastric catarrh), lApis ; as from acidity, in erysipe- las, lApis; into back and shoulders, ICon.; after a blow on stomach, Eryng.; over chest to pit of throat, IKali c; like red hot coals (gastritis, gastralgia), IIArs.; in diabetes, I I Uran. n. relieved; along diaphragm, both sides (nymphomania), HStram.; distress, I JEsc. h, HArn, llris; with burning, twist- ing, and gurgling in bowels, bearing down toward sexual organs, Sabina; drives to des- pair, Ant. e; driving to despair, in cholera Asiatica, ICamph.; in dropsy, HColch.; with dryness and itching in throat, IKali iod.; in dysentery, lArs.; better by eating, JEsc. h.; before breakfast, into oesophagus, Zinc.; bet- ter by eructation, Amb.; after eructation, ICale p.; when fasting, Zinc; in yellow fever, lArs.; like a flame, as if heart palpi- tated there, Med.; in gastritis, I Apis; like heartburn, Ant. e; during hot stage (chest affection), ILach.; worse by motion, Bry.; with pain, worse touch, I IRan. b.; in parox- ysms, INatr. m.; when pressing, in evening, Zinc; with pressure, soon after lying down, must rise, worse at night, but recurred at any hour if she lay down, though better daytime, better sitting up (neurosis of stomach), I ISang.; stitchlike, pressing (gastritis),lAcon.' raw pain (whooping cough), ILobel. i'.; rheu- matic attack, IBry.; to both sides, IStram.- 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. 44D in affection of stomach, ILac c; before stool, I IPolyp.; into throat, ILye; to throat and ears better eating (spinal irritation), IHep.; into throat, again into abdomen, with pros- tration and fainting, I IPhos.; upwards, ICale B@~ heat. Epigastrium, chill: Arn, Bell, Spong.;extends down body, I IBar. c. B®° coldness, fever. Epigastrium, clawing: Dros., INatr. m.; on deep breathing, I ICaust. gtjgT griping. Epigastrium, coldness: IIAnt. t, Spong.; fixed, when burning was not present (spinal irritation), IHep.; icy, in dyspepsia, IKreo.; exhaled as cold breath (asthma emphysemat- icum), ICamph.; feeling, Cain.; feeling, fol- lowed by fainting, Ant. t; feeling, with ful- ness, Spong.; half coldish, half burning feeling, Lyss.; internal, with fulness, Spong.; internal, as if cold water or ice were there, IKreo.; pain, as if stone were in stomach, Sil. 8®- chill. Epigastrium, feeling of constriction : Ananth, IGuarsea, ILye, Plat.; in cholera, lArg. nit.; in cholera morbus, lElat.; in dyspepsia, IOp.; with dyspnoea, Rhod.; with anguish and dif- ficult breathing, IGuaiac;in gastric derange- ment, IDory.; in gastralgia and gastritis, IIArs.; intohypochondrium,impeding breath- ing, Cact.; as if tightly laced (typhoid fever), llgn.; in hepatic affections, HChel.; painful, ICale, IDros., IGraph, IJatroph., Sec; pain- ful, after eating, HPlumb.; painful, better lying down, ILye; painful, with vomiting of clear sour fluid, toward evening and at times at night, with sour belching (cardialgia), I IPhos.; painful, with vomiting of watery or glairy fluid, (cholera), IJatroph.; with palpi- ration, Ast. r.; in phthisis, ICetrar.; screw- ing-together sensation, Zinc; spasmodic, in cardialgia, I IZinc; sudden, as if suffocating, ISang.; sudden pain one or two hours after eating slightest quantity of food, soon extend- ing thence to left hypochondrium, then to region of heart and left shoulder, 11 Phos.; with vomiting, IChel. 8®" contraction, cramplike, griping, pressure. Epigastrium, feeling of contraction : Daph, ILobel. i. Thuya; drawing aching, must bend double, ICale; oppressive, Con.; painful, Ast. r.; painful, taking breath away, HCoccul.; painful, to left hypochondrium, later to head and left shoulder, better from warmth, HPhos.; with palpitation, Amm. e; spas- modic, in gastritis or gastralgia, IIArs. 8^° constriction, cramplike, griping, pressure. Epigastrium, convulsions: begin with an aura, IINux v.; as of something running through abdomen into feet before epileptic attack, HCale; in plexus cceliaci, feels a blow like lightning, which causes her to throw herself back in the midst of tormenting pains (hysterical spasm), ICie; from right to left, also to back, coming on in paroxysms, ICon. Epigastrium, cough: concussion, Amb.; con- stant and uncontrollable desire, with sudden pressure and constriction, as if pressed against with feet, I IRhod.; wrenched by dry,during day, IRhus; sensation of something exciting cough, Bell.; causes a sensation of a wound by some sharp instrument, Tabae; from irrita- tion, IIPuls.; irritation, worse in mornings (pharyngitis], I INatr. in.; loose, produced by titillation in laryngo-tracheitis, HPhos. ac; nauseous feeling during, Ign.; pain during, lArn, ICinch, IDiosc, IHyos, llpec, ILach, ILye; pain,day and night,ISep.; pain, with dry whooping and choking, ISep.; pressure causes, Calad.; soreness, IBry, INux v.; soreness ex- tends upward, I Ars.; stitches, Amm. c, I Ars, IBry.; stitches, when lying down. IIRhus; seems to originate, producing tickling and se- vere pain, ILach.; from tickling, Ant. t, INatr. m., IINitr. ae; from tickling above, in morning, llgn.; from tickling, short dry, dur- ing night, ILach.; from tickling, tormenting, ILach. Epigastrium, cramplike pain: Amyb, Chel, IDiosc, IJatroph, ILac def. Zinc; below (vesicular eruption), IBelb; mounts into chest, IGrat.; pain, apparently in diaphragm, better by bending forward, Cochl.; in diabetes, HUran. n. relieved; worse for a week after menses (gastralgia), HVer.; during preg- nancy, ICup. m, 11 Oxal. ae; goes to right side, under short ribs, through to back, be- tween shoulders, I ISep.; with weak, sick feel- ing, Eup. pur.; throbbing, Chel. g@?~ contraction, constriction, griping, pinching, pressure, tension. Epigastrium, crawling: to throat, INux m.; as of numberless worms, Cina. g&" creeping. Epigastrium, creeping: beneath, INatr. c. gS^*" crawling. Epigastrium, cutting: ICale, INux m., IOp, IPhyt, Ptel, ISil, Stront; with anxiety, ICham.; cramplike, to navel, with faint, dis- tressed feeling, as if diarrhcea would come on, Diose; after eating, IIBry.; after dinner, Ang.; as with glass, after midnight, Calad.; to hypogastrium, sides of abdomen and back, lArs.; as with knives, Bry, lArg. nit; worse at night, especially after midnight, must lean forward (gastralgia), IKali e; from chest and abdomen, better from pressure and bending double, brought on by vexation and indigna- tion, IIColoc; repeated fine, sharp, Ustil.; after blows on stomach, I Arn. 8^*" darting, lancinating. Epigastrium, darting: llgn.; in cancer, I Act. sp. 8^*" cutting, lancinating. Epigastrium, digging: I Calc, Cina, Seneg. 8®°" gnawing, griping. Epigastrium, disagreeable sensation: comes from, Amyg. Epigastrium, distension: Aloe, IIArg. met, I Ars, Bell, Berb, HCale, ICham, IDulc, Ferr, I IHell, IKali c, ILach, IILyc, IPhos, Prun.; bloating, IDig.; bloating, with asthma, ILac def; bloating, during (chill of intermit- tent), lArs.; commences to bloat with begin- ning of chill, increases more and more, ICoc- cul.; bloating, in chlorosis, IGraph.; bloated, in gastric trouble, IKali c; bloated, with pain in region of liver, Bell.; bloated, painfully, in morning, ICham.; constant bloating, with op- pression of breathing, before breakfast, better aftereating, I ISub; bloated, with pressure as from a stone, INux v., in diabetes, INatr. s.; feeling, Camph, I IRob.; feeling, in inflation (mvelitis), IDulc; feeling, with drawing in region of stomach, Mang.; hard, I Ars, IBar. 29 450 17. SCROBICULUM m, I IPlumb, IStram.; has to loosen cloning, IHep.; worse morning and after eating, INux v.; when in pain, as from incarcerated flatus (flatulent indigestion), ILye; painful, Ver.; in phthisis, ICetrar.; in pleuritis, with plastic exudation, IHep.; worse from pressure, Arn.; sensation of rupture, worse after supper, and sensitive (typhus), I Ars.; and soreness, not permitting least touch, even of clothing (chronic dyspepsia), IMere cor.; swollen, IBell, Chin, s, HCic, llgn, IKali c, IManc, INatr. m. Thuya; swelling, after eating, IPhos.; frequent swelling, beneath, I ISee; feeling, as if swollen, IBry, IKali c; swell- ing, with quotidian fever, 11 Rhus; hard swelling, ILye; swelling, with hardness, ex- tending more to right side (left lobe of liver), IIPuls.; swelling, towards left side, HCale; painful swelling, I Arg. nit, HOp.; swollen, allowed no pressure (quotidian), IIPuls.; swollen, like a saucer turned bottom up, pain- ful to pressure, HCale; swelling, with sore- ness when touched, Petrol.; tympanitis (hy- pochondriasis), llpec 8®° fulness. Epigastrium, distress: Bapt., IGossyp.; vio- lent, llpec, I ILye vir, I IPuls., Stram.; over, 11 Ver.; with drawing pains in fingers and ankles, Ptel.; with dyspnoea, Lyss.; aftereat- ing, I Arn.; worse after eating, especially apples, I IRumex; distress, in epilepsy, Ast. r.; with indigestion, I ILye vir.; indescribable, t Atrop. s, IMyr. cer.; acute, in milaena,llpec; worse before stool, must press hands on that region and bend forward (mesenteric disease), ICale; distress before stool composed of blood, bile and black fecal matter, I IPolyp.; terrible, in upper part, had to walk room, Amm. br. Epigastrium, drawing: Act. sp. Agar, 11 Ptel., Zinc; with fulness and oppression of breath- ing, 11 Rhod.; under sternum, feels like flatu- lence, Zing.; as if growing together as far as throat, where it seems to press windpipe so that he can barely breathe, Spong.; to middle of sternum, as of hard body pressed into cav- ity, worse stooping, eating, drinking, parox- ysmal, Aur. mur.; around lower border of left ribs as if something were torn loose, even- ing, while sitting, I Ars.; from left to right, Card, m; to chest, spasmodic, Agar. Epigastrium, dull pain: Ast. r, Bapt, Tereb.; in bending forward, better sitting erect, Sinap.; constant, ILye; heavy, worse after eating, better by frequent eructations of air, IDios.; in tertian ague, llgnat; in indigestion, lElat.; gradually increasing, passing after reaching its acme to spinal column and be- coming fixed there, has to bend double, 11 Nux v. 8^° aching. Epigastrium, emptiness: JEsc. h, IIAnt. c, ICroe, IGlon, Illgn, IKali c, 11 Sub; in whooping cough, IStann.; deathly sensation, I I Sep.; with distressing oppression in upper part of chest, Stann.; disappears with rum- bling below left ribs, Verbas.; not better eating, Carbo a.; in evening, after eating (from nurs- ing), Oleand.; faint, IGels.; especially in oesophagus, I IMur. ae; sense of goneness in, INatr. m.; goneness at 11 a.m., IISul, IZinc; goneness, in climaxis, Hydr. ae, IISul, Ustil.; goneness, in headache, I ISep.; goneness, dur- ing pregnancy, INatr. m.; goneness, with tape- AND STOMACH. worm, ISep.; in headache, HSep.; hollow- ness, IPod.; painful, in hemorrhoids, ISep.; sinking, ICale p. Epigastrium, eruption : blisters full of dark red blood, Ars. h.; large bluish spots, Ars. s. r.; exanthemata, spreading over abdomen and chest, IMere viv.; pimples bleed easily when scratched, Kob.; red spots, INatr. m.; brown color of skin, ILach. 8®* itching. Epigastrium, faintness: Alum, ICrotal, Diad., Diose, IGlon., INatr. m., I ISub; deathly, produced by pressure in, IMere sob; in dia- betes, I I Uran. n, relieved; when meeting a friend, I Act. rac; an all gone feeling in, Polyp.; goneness, caused by dull aching in stomach, IHydras.; with pain in region of liver and bowels, Ustil.; in hsematemesis, ITereb.; at menopause, ICrotal.; rising on both sides of sternum with suffocation, causing sighing and walking around room, during afternoon and * evening, Amm. br. 8®*" emptiness, weakness. Epigastrium, as if falling : in angina pectoris, ICact. Epigastrium, fermentation: Anac, Cast, eq, I I Plat. Epigastrium, fever: chill commences, ICale; begins, with spasms in, Calc; in typhoid fever, indescribable sensation, llgn.; in yellow, in first stage, uncomfortable feeling, llpec 83^" chill, heat, sweat. Epigastrium, flushing : over body, lAmyb Epigastrium, fluttering: ICrotal, Xan.; in car- dialgia, Tabae; with palpitation, IINux v. Epigastrium, flying pains: after headache, iEsc h.; pass to pubes, Ver. v. Epigastrium, fulness: II^Ese h, Ananth, 11 Arg. met, Ars. h, Bov, Chen, v., IColoe, IDaph., IFerr, I IHell, llgn, IKali c, IILyc, IMere, IMyr. cer., Nitr. sp. d, Prun, Xan.; with internal coldness, Spong.; with colic, around umbilicus, IColoe; digestion slow, disturbed, weakened, IOp.; in dropsy, IFluor. ae; aftereating, Am.; an hour after break- fast, Ars. s. r.; with belching, which relieves, INux v.; after eating, heaviness, tension with difficult respiration, IKali c; as if he had eaten too much, Cycl.; as after a full meal or as from overlifting, with shortness of breath, Prun.; in relapse of intermittent, I Ars.; in gastric derangement, IRob.; with indigestion (dyspepsia), IIKali s.; must lie down after dinner, Tell.; in liver affection with dropsy, IFluor.ac; in morning, Asaf; worse in morn- ing, and from external pressure, IIRan.se; worse in motion, Bry.; with qualmishness, worse from eating, Mosch.; painful (bilious fe- ver), llpec; with palpitation, Oleand.; press- ure and drawingand oppression of respiration, I IRhod.; with soreness when touched, Petrol.; with hurried respiration, Jacar.; extends to- ward throat pit, descends with every empty deglutition but immediately returns, Rumex ; urging to take a long breath, but cannot, Alum.; in prolapsus uteri, I Aloe. fiST" distended, pressure. Epigastrium, gnawing: jEsc. h, Ars, IGlon, IKali bi, Ptel., I IPuls.; a little below (chronic dysentery), IINux v.; in chill, lArs.; with chronic diarrhoea (syphilis),ILach.; dull'worse after dinner, Tromb.; after eating, Coccul IGrat, after eating, in headache, IKali bi ■ 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. 451 better by small quantities of food, but worse | by more, disposed to eat frequently (enlarge- | ment and congestion, induration of liver), IMagn. m.; in gastralgia, ILye 8®*" emptiness, digging, griping. Epigastrium, gone feeling: 8^° emptiness, , faintness. Epigastrium, griping: IColoe, IPhos, Ptel, j IPuls, Symph.; in and below, worse from ] touch, I ICheb; and clutching, extending be- neath ribs into back, ILye; colicky, Bapt.; deep in, worse on deep breathing, Zinc; in direction of small of back, during menses, ISars.; with dryness of mouth, yellow coated tongue, and bitter taste, I IPtel; after eating, worse toward evening, IColoe; after eating, in gastralgia, I ISib; with short belching, IIMagn. p.; as from flatus, ICarbo v.; in gas- # tralgia, ILye; immediately followed by press- ure downward and towards, I IPlat.; remit- ting, Diose BST" clawing, constriction, contraction, cramplike, pressure. Epigastrium, grumbling: region, Ipom. Epigastrium, gurgling: IPhos. Epigastrium, heat: IIArs, Cub, I IKali bi, IPhos, IRob.; extends over body, lAmyb; burning, Ant. t.; accelerating breathing, IIBry.; radiating to chest, after eating, INatr. m.; in hysteria, Tarant.; with flatulent dyspepsia, accompanying pyrexia in men, IPetroseb; violent, like an explosion, into head (palpita- tion), Calc. a.; with fever, Cub.; worse during inspiration, Bry.; in sixth week of pregnancy, llpec; rising, Ferr.; in skin, region of, Cinch. bob; sudden rising, with difficult respiration (hysteria), Val.; round spot, two inches in diameter, feels hot to patient but cold to touch, during fever, I INux v.; without ten- derness, Amyg.; in prolapsus uteri, I Aloe ; to head, warm streams of blood, ICale 8®° burning. Epigastrium, heaviness: Bar. c, Calad, llgn, Nitr. sp. d, ISib; digestion slow, disturbed, weakened, IOp.; after eating, Rumex ; in pro- lapsus uteri, lAloe ; weight, Eucab,IHydras, IIKali bb, Merc sub; weight, as though bur- dened with flatulence,Carbol.ac; weight,cold, agonizing, with chill, Calc; weight, crampy, ISib; weight, with slow digestion, especially of acids, I ISep.; weight, with dyspepsia, ICol- lin. ; weight, an hour after breakfast, Ars. s.r.; weight, after eating, lAtrop. s.; weight, an hour after eating, better after eating again, Puis.; weight, as of a lump, Arn.; food feels like a wad, I IBry.; weight, like a stone, I IRob.; weight, as from a stone, early in morning on awaking, IPuls. 8®°" pressure. Epigastrium, horrible sensation, when get- ting awake, morning(with drunkards): 11 Asar. Epigastrium, hunger: ICoccul, ICrot.; worse in morning, awaking, Anac. Epigastrium, itching : Amm. m, IGuarsea; in- ternal, better taking food, IKali bi.; biting, when she feels cold, rubbing makes spot red, and vesicles arise, soon vanishing, Spong. 8@* eruption. Epigastrium, jerks: INatr. m.; sudden, with fear, Calc. Epigastrium, lancinating: ICarbo v., I IRob.; worse at night, especially after midnight, must lean forward (gastralgia), IKali e; as if pierced with a knife, Colch.; like stabs, Nic- col.; extends to vertebrae, right scapula, at times to right side, IBadiag. 8®" cutting, darting, stitches. Epigastrium, sensation as if something were loose : like loose flesh, that pulled every time he coughed, I IStaph. Epigastrium, lumps : burning pain, Cund.; cir- cumscribed hard mass as large as two fists, extending toward liver, could be felt when lying on back, I ISub; feeling, as of a lump (angina pectoris, gastralgic form),lAgar.; feel- ing of a bard body, IHep.; feeling of, after food, I ISub; flattened, resistant, scirrhous tumor, pain insufferable, IHydras.; as if a heavy had fallen to back when attempting to rise from a recumbent position, ILaur.; as large as a fist, sensitive to pressure, deep, IKali c; hard, in left, Cund.; hard, between navel and edges of lower ribs, right side (cancerousaffec- tions), IBism.; tumor, with marasmus, IHy- dras.; tumor, size of hen's egg, sensitive to pressure, cannot bear clothing, IMere per.; tumor as large as a hen's egg, doughy con- sistency, in centre a small spot as if filled with fluid (marasmus), I IHydras.; tumor size of an orange, movable and sensitive to press- ure (relieved) (carcinoma ventricular), I IMez. 8^* distended. Epigastrium, menses: pain, as if everything would be torn to pieces with laborlike pains, IGraph. Epigastrium, motion : feeling as of something alive in, after typhoid fever (nervous affec- tion), IManc; as of an animal wriggling, re- gion of, Chel.; of something living, jumping about, HCroe; movements, IColoe Epigastrium, nausea: I Act. rac, Ars., Cann. s., Diad, HHydras., ILac def, IINux v.; with anxiety, Sabad., with anxiety, in even- ing, IPuls.; with fulness and tension, in abdo- men, Sinap.; with constrictive pains in hypo- gastrium, Coccul.; continuous, alternate with pain in abdomen, with diarrhcea, Squilla; deathly nausea as soon as she moved, better lying quietly, 11 Vib.; deathly, worse rising in morning (headache); ILac def; aftereating, Agnus ; as after eating too much fat, ICycb; a kind of, Ruta ; with dull headache, Sinap.; in morning, fasting, ICale; pain, followed by, lyEthus.; with sinking feeling, Jatroph.; after stool, I Ver.; rising to throat (affection of stom- ach), IKali bb; in uterine prolapsus, I Am.; when walking, llgn. 8^° Chap. 16, Nausea. Epigastrium, nervousness: Calab. Epigastrium, feeling of obstruction: with eructations, lEup. perf, I IStann. $gT" heaviness, pressure. Epigastrium, oppression : Apis, lApoe, Chel, IChlor, IMagn. m, Nitr. sp. d, IPhos, Zinc; loss of appetite, IStram.; to chest (shock of in- jury), IINux m.; in cholera morbus, lElat.; causes cough, IKali bb; in diabetes mellitus, lArg. met; with eructation, Aloe; in gastric derangement, IRob.; in indigestion, lElat; sudden, during menses, everything must be loosened,Zinc; before attack, in metrorrhagia, IMere;with nausea, worse from eating,Mosch.; worse at night, in recumbent position,ICinch.; in indurated pancreas, ICarbo a.; with black stool, IMere d.; as if stomach were too full, worse by pressure, ILobel b; with warmth, Camph. 452 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. Epigastrium, pain (undefined): Ant. t, Ars. h., Arund., Bry, IBelb, ICornus, Calab., Camph., ICrotal, Ferr. iod, Jugl, Merc. sub, INatr. in, Nux v, 11 Rumex, Sec, IStram, IISul, Thuya, HVer.; pain to upper abdomen and back, especially kid- neys, Grat.; attacks, llpec; dull, heavy, to back, Ars. s. r.; to back and hypochondria, Amm. br.; with bloating and eructation of flatus (irritation of meninges in cervical por- tion), I I Paris ; as from something breaking loose at every firm step, Ictod.; better by hot brandy and water (flatulent indigestion), ILye; in bronchitis, ILobel. b; in cancer of stomach, I IHydras.; extending to cardiac re- gion and left shoulder blade (dyspepsia), I Arg. nit.; constant, in chronic cardialgia, I ISub; deep, from pressure, Calad.; as if in or behind duodenum, Lyss.; with delirium, Camph.; digestion slow, disturbed, weakened, IOp.; in diphtheria, ILach.; distressing, throughout chill and heat, 11 Eup. pert; distressing, bet- ter raising sour, bitter wind, with shudder- ing, IDiosc; dull, Cochl, Zinc; dull, deep, Med.; dull, caused by pressure of hand, Ars. h.; with atonic dyspepsia, IPetrol.; after eat- ing, lAtrop. s, 11 Ptel.; after eating, extending to back and abdomen, lasting about an hour and terminating in waterbrash (indigestion), IIPuls.; caused by eating or drinking, after diphtheria, ILac e; after eating, in dyspepsia, I Arg. nit.; after eating (fungus haematodes), 11 Phos.; about an hour before eating (affec- tion of liver), IMagn. m.; in a small space, after a meal, INux v.; in epileptiform spasms, HStram.; with short eructation of wind, IIMagn. p.; caused by excitement, Zinc; excruciating, about, IBelb; excruciating, caused by vomiting, extending to right hypo- chondrium and to groin (nephritis), lArn.; in chill of intermittent, lArs.; worse from small quantity of animal food and rich pud- ding, butter and fatty food, IPtel.; severe, after fright in seventh month of pregnancy, llgn.; occasional, with fulness and tension in abdomen, Sinap.; in gastro-enteritis, I Apis ; coming gradually, thence radiates upward and to both sides, reaching to back between lowest point of scapulae, becomes agonizing, then gradually subsides (gastrodynia), IVer.; in haematemesis, ITereb.; with hiccough, IPhos.; in icterus, ISul.; in affection of lar- ynx, IKali bb; fine, with constricting pain in left articulation of jaw, Pallad.; severe, to left, better standing still and pressing on it, Alum.; extending to left side of chest, Chen. v.; in colic of left, ICarbo v.; into left hypo- chondrium,IDiose; to left side, half hour after eating (dyspepsia), I Arg. nit.; to left side, on pressure, with nausea, precedes attack (haema- temesis), I ISee; with nausea, I IPtel.; fre- quent, at night, worse turning over, which he had to do all the time, Bapt.; periodical, at night, with tremor, Bell.; in ovaritis, IHam.; worse on pressure, Acet. ac. Chin, s. Zinc; with pinching and griping in chest, arid cough (phthisis), IKali e; sickening,IGraph.; in smallpox, I IMillef; spasmodic, drives to despair, Ant. e; from one side to other, worse opposite spleen, in walking, when sit- ting, worse about navel, Symph.; better stand- ing erect, worse stooping, 11 Dios.; worse by standing or sitting erect, oetter stooping for- ward, I IPtel.; when stooping, I I Alum.; when stooping, in asthma, IKali e; when swallow- ing, ICale p.; without tenderness, Amyg.; tormenting, IICup. m.; when touched (child- bed fever), IColoe; during urination, llpec; in uterine tenesmus, first moderate, then in- tense, radiating over belly and limbs,Camph.; after re-vaccination, IIThuya; with vomit- ing, INux m.; better by vomiting liver-colored masses of blood, Chlor.; violent, ILac def; violent, at intervals, llris ; violent, in preg- nancy, IHyos.; with yellowish color of face (bronchitis), ILye Epigastrium, palpitation : with anxiety, Aeon. Epigastrium, pinching: Chrom. ac, llpec, INux m. Zinc; with short belching, IIMagn. p.; with belching, Tereb.; below, with nau- sea, Tereb.; on deep breathing, HCaust.; with confusion of forehead, IColoe; in pleurisy, * I Ant. t; to pubes, I ISep.; when sitting bent over, Agnus ; spasmodic, below, in evening, when sitting, Ang.; tensive, Cale; trans- versely, after eating, ICina. g®~ cramplike, pressure. Epigastrium, pressure : Apis, Arg. met., Arg. nitA, m, Asar, Aur. mur, Bov, Cepa, Coff, ICon., 11 Cupr. s, IFerr, llgn, Jacar., ILye, IMyr. cer, INatr. m, INux v., IPhos, I IRan, b, IRob., Sinap, I IStann, Sul. ac, Ver, Xan, Zinc; aching, as from something forcing a passage (neuralgia of limbs), Val.; in afternoon, Spong.; alternating with heat and cold (cardialgia biliosa), Lobel. b; with anxiety, ICham, Paeonia ; with anxiety and nausea, (hysteria), 11 Nux v.; asthma, IKali e; into back and shoulders, ICon.; to back, worse from touch (gastralgia), I I Phos. ae; in and below, worse from touch, I ICheb; be- neath, I ISee; below, Seneg.; below, as if something would be pressed off, IKalm.; with difficult breathing, IPuls.; with dyspnoea, Rhod.; burning, Case; over chest to pit of throat, IKali e; radiating to chest after eating, INatr. m.; over whole chest, breathing difficult, better before attack (epilepsy), ICaust; during chill, Ars. h.; constant, IFerr, HPlumb.; during cough, Bell.; with hollow, dry cough, IPhos.; sharp, with every cough, IPhos.; cramplike in, Zinc; cramplike, trans- versely, after eating, ICina ; cramplike, pre- vents sleep, IColoe; in diarrhcea, HCaust; digestion slow, disturbed, weakened, IOp.; in chronic diarrhcea (syphilis), ILach.; down- ward, IKalm.; after drink (pneumonia), I Ant. t; also after drinking cold water, 01. an.; in dropsy, IFluor. ac; during eating, Rhod.; after eating, Asaf, Bell, ICanth., Coccul, ILobel. i, Lyss, Rhod, ISang.; after dinner, IIRhod.; as after eating too much, Case, Cycl.; especially after a meal, with fulness, Stront.; especially after meats, radiates to shoulder (cancer), I ICund.; evenings and nights (cardialgia biliosa), ILobel. b; as if contents were pressing into chest,ICham.; in forenoon, All. sat, IGraph, Spong.; excited by certain kinds of food, mental emotions (cardialgia biliosa), as if food stuck, Amb., IPuls.; as if he had swallowed a bullet which had lodged, Tereb.; in quotidian fever, I IRhus ; in yellow fever, I Ars.; after fright and vexation during menstrual period, sup- 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. 453 pression (cardialgia biliosa), ILobel. b; with fulness and oppression, I IRhod.; as of a hard substance, Rumex; in gastralgia gastritis, IIArs.; as from a hard substance above, with coldness, I IPhos.; in hypochondriasis, llpec; in icterus, IBry., IDig.; returning at short intervals, IColoe; followed by jerking in legs each time after taking cold (jaundice) lllod.; to left, below cartilages of upper false ribs, worse during expiration, lAur. met.; in affec- tion of liver with dropsy, IFluor. ac; in hepatic typhus, ICheb; towards liver, sitting, Asaf; as of a load, with indigestion, IIKali s.; like a lump, sometimes rising under ster- num, worse by motion and taking a long breath, worse after eating, better lying quiet, I IRumex; like a marble toward heart, with strong quick heart-beat, worse in a stooping position, better sitting erect, IKalm.; during menses, ICaps, ISub; in morning, IGraph.; worse in morning and by external pressure, I IRan. sc; causes nausea, Ptel.; with nausea and sense of weakness, Samb.; at night, ICale, IGraph.; painful, Camph., ICaps., Card, m, Carb. s, Pallad.; pain awakens at 2 or 3 a.m. (woman after childbed),IKali c; painful, like a bar, Ananth.; after blows on stomach, lArn.; pain, severe and constant outward (jaundice), I Aeon.; pain, in tertian ague, llgn.; painful, worse touch (cholera Asiatica), IICup. m.; when pressing upon it and after stool in after- noon, ICale; sharp, small spot in, better stoop- ing,lying down or taking a deep breath, Tereb.; into pharynx and feels as if a ball were rising in throat, ICon.; makes her toss in despair (intermittent tertian), ICham.; with sensi- tiveness, See; better sitting erect, IKalm.; in a small spot between navel, severe and annoying, takes away breath, better belching (dyspepsia >,ILach.; in pit of stomach, Badiag.; (forerunner of cholera Asiatica), lAcon, IJEsc. h., IA11. sat, IBadiag., Bry.; as from a stone, ICham., llgn., Merc, IKali bb, INux v, HPbios., IPtel.; as from a stone rolling from side to side, IGrat.; as from a stone or undigested food, 9.45p.m., followed by stabbing in right lung below nipple, ILac e; after stool, Crot. t, I Puis.; on stooping, Chel.; as from hasty swallowing, Tereb.; as if swollen or drawn together, IRhus ; toward throat pit, descends with every empty deglutition but immediately returns, Rumex ; to throat as if she would choke, thence to head, loses consciousness (hysteria), I INux v.; into throat, worse after drinking water (cholera) IChin. s.; worse from touch (cholera Asiatica), ICup. m.; umbilical region, bladder and perineum, IIBry.; vio- lent, IRaph.; with vomiting, HVer.; when walking, must walk slowly, Bell.; as from in- carcerated wind, INux m.; as from without, Tereb. g^° contraction, constriction, dis- tended, fulness, heaviness, sensitive, distension. Epigastrium, pricking: Arund.; asof a paper of pins that seemed to force themselves through flesh, causing her to rise and double up, and scream, pins seem to come from each side (abscess of liver), I IMed,- pricking, through to back (affection of stomach), IKali hi. 8®*" stitches. Epigastrium, raw feeling : ICon.; pain, worse conghing, IKali c; painful on pressure, llgn. J 8^°bruised soreness. Epigastrium, relaxed feeling: Arg. nit Epigastrium, retraction: IDulc, IILactu. v.; during breathing, IOp.; with cough, Ant. t; drawn in during croup, ISpong.; with long expiration attended with whizzing and rat- tling, IOp.; to spine when breathing (croup), I Aeon.; sunken, IKali iod.; sunken, in brain affection, IHelb; sunken, in hydrocephalus, IHelb; sunken, in marasmus, IHydras. 8^° Chap. 19, Abdomen retracted. Epigastrium, rheumatic pain: with nausea, I Curar. Epigastrium, rotating sensation: with uneasi- ness, anxiety and sighing, Goss. Epigastrium, rumbling: Anac, HCinch., Ipom.; and dull pain better by passage of flatus, IGels. Epigastrium, scraping : IIArs, INux v. Epigastrium, sensitive (to touch): Ars. h., IIBell, IBry, ICamph., ICarbo v., Chin, s., HCinch., IColch, ICrotal, ICrot. t, Cupr. ars, I ICup. m, lEup. perf, IFerr, Ferr. iod, IHyos, Hod, IIKali c, IILach, IILyc, IMerc,Natr. a, INatr. c, INatr. m, I INux v, IPhos, IPhyt, Ruta, ISee, ISep, I IThe- rid, Thuya, Ver, I IZinc; with anxiety and pressure, See; worse just below ensi- form cartilage, Natr. a.; cannot bear cloth- ing, IBry, ICale, ICrotal, IILyc, Spong.; the lightest covering cannot be endured, IColoe; in diabetes, INatr. s.; in diphtheria, ILach.; with atonic dyspepsia, IPetrol.; in intermittent, ICoccul., lEup. perf; in gastritis and gastralgia, lApis ; in haematemesis,IFerr, IHyos.; in congestive headache, IGlon.; in gastric headache, ICaust.; in hepatic affec- tions and dyspepsia, HChel.; in icterus, IDig.; oppressive sensation when pressed upon, I IPuls.; in pneumonia,IAnt.t; painful to press- ure, IBry., Card, m, Chlor, IColch, ICupr. ac, IKali c, 11 Mere iod. rub., INux v, IPhos, Sarrae; painful to pressure, with cough, ICinch.; painful on pressure, with faintness, 11 Diose; painful to pressure, in intermittent, IDiad.; painful on pressure, in gastralgia, I ISib; painful on pressure, in chronic jaundice, Hod.; right painful, on pressure, in acute rheumatism and liver complaint, ICheb; pain- ful, on pressure, in splenitis, iCitras; press- ure causes dull, stinging pain, ILach.; pain- ful to touch (abortion), IColoe; epigastric region painful to touch (chronic mesenteric disease), ICale; sensitive to pressure, Coccus, Cup. s., IManc, IPuls, ISil, Sinap, ISpig, HVer.; to pressure, in gastric catarrh, in pregnancy, lApis; to pressure, in chorea, I Agar.; to pressure, in yellow fever, IILach.; to pressure, in gastralgia, IKali c, IStann.; in enlargement and congestion of liver, IMagn. m.; to pressure, in mental disturbance, ICheb; to pressure, in mania puerperalis, INux v.; to pressure,in mental affections and acute rheumatism, ICheb; to pressure, worse in morning and after eating,INux v.; to press- ure on navel and in a corresponding region to back(chronio inflammation of pancreas), Hod.; to pressure, in perforating ulcer of stomach, INux v.; sore, I ICup. m, IKalm, IILach.; sore, meteoristic (jaundice), lAcon.; sore, worse when stooping, IGlon.; sore to press- ure, Mang.; in one spot, corresponding to entrance of common clioledic duct into duo- 454 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. denum, I IPod.: feels every step painfully, Bar. e; on making a false step, I Aloe ; on stooping, I I Glon.; causes sweat on face, with flushing, I ISpig.; with tension, Coff; feels like vomiting, Lib tig.; with vomiting, in par- oxysms, IGels. Epigastrium,sharp pain: Zinc; to back,IRan.b. Epigastrium, shock : sudden, causes opisthot- onus (tetanic convulsions), ICie Epigastrinm, shooting : Chrom. ac.; to back, IRan. b.; to chest, IRumex ; below, with vesicular eruption, IBelb; particularly left side, worse inspiration, motion, touching, Berb.; in and above, on each side of sternum, IRumex. Epigastrium, sinking: 8®° weakness. Epigastrium, soreness: Calab,ICarbo a,Cochl., ICon., IDig., INux v., IPhyt., Ran. sc, Var.; in whooping cough, IStann.; worse after eat- ing, ISang.; caused by eructations, Coccul.; with hiccough after eating, Kob.; from hic- cough after eating (sequel to cholera), 11 Phos.; with hiccough, since two years, almost unin- terrupted, eighteen to twenty times a minute, INiccol.; with mucus in throat, Zing.; worse on touch, IIRan. b.; on right side, to shoul- ders, ICrotal.; as if a spot were pressed upon below, and during inspiration, Sabad; worse by standing and sitting erect, and better by stooping forward, 11 Ptel. 8@™ aching, bruised, sensitive. Epigastrium, spasmodic pain: ICodein. 8^" cramplike. Epigastrium, pain as if sprained : llgn. Epigastrium, squeezing : extending into back and shoulders, ICon.; after eating, Coccul. 83^° pressure. Epigastrium, sticking: Inul., Jamb.; to back, Tabae; with cough, IPhos.; frequent, Zinc. B^" pricking, stinging. Epigastrium, stinging: ICham., IRhus; be- neath, INatr. c.; fine (gastralgia, gastritis), IIArs.; to hypogastrium, sides of abdomen, and back, lArs. 8®" pricking, stinging. Epigastrium,stitches: iEthus,ICarbo v, 11 Card. m., Carb. s., I Caust, fChel.,Chim. m.,Colch, IKali c, INitr. ae, IPhos., IIPuls, Senecio; to back, ICheb, Niccol., Sabina ; between epigastrium and umbilicus, Jacar.; on breath- ing deeply, ICaps., ISub; during deep breath- ing or a shock, Act. sp.; into chest, ICale, I IRumex ; in cholera, I Arg. nit.; from cough- ing, IPod.; in whooping cough, IBry, ITabae; downward, I Calc.; and drawing in with every stitch, worse sitting, weak and nauseated, Ca- lad.; dull, better bending body backward and forward, Cann. s.; external, after dinner, IKali bi.; in yellow fever, I Ars.; in gastralgia, gastritis, IIArs.; in jaundice, I ISep.; during inspiration, Anac.; in icterus, IBry.; worse on inspiration, Spig.; during inhalation when standing, better walking, Carbo a.; in left, in cancer, I ICund.; with nausea, I ICalad.; as with needles, deep, Calad.; to sides and back, IIDig.; during stool, ICale; from talking, ICaps.; and tearing over and into abdomen below navel (peritonitis), ILye 8^* cutting, lancinating. Epigastrium, desire for stool: felt in, before constipated stool, Ver. Epigastrium, sunken: 8®*" retracted. Epigastrium, sweat: Hyos. Epigastrium, swelling: 8®"* distended, lumps. Epigastrium, swollen : 8@~ distended. Epigastrium, sunstroke: seat of distress,IGlon. Epigastrium, tearing pain: IDaph.; in can- cer, lAct. sp.; in gastric disorders, IKali bi.; from chest and abdomen, better by pressure and bending double, brought on by vexation and indignation, IIColoc; after dinner, Ang.; as if being torn out when yawning (paraple- gia), I Ars.; lacerating pain, I IPlumb.; to oesophagus, ^Ethus.; as if something were tearing off, Petrol.; frequently repeated, Zinc. Epigastrium, tender: b^T" sensitive. Epigastrium, tension (tightness): Ant. t, Bar. e, IKali c, ILobel. i,I IStaph., IStram,ISil, I IVer.; awakes, Chel.; is obliged to loosen clothes, cannot sit, IHep.; tight clothing intol- erable, IKreo.; contractive, as if everything would be draw-n upward, especially during deep inhalations, and with cough, IDros.; in haematemesis, ITereb.; with heat, Bry.; in hypochondriasis, llpec; in hepatic affections and dyspepsia, I ICheb; during menses, every- thing must be loosened, Zinc.; painful, Ang.; painful, awakens at 2 or 3 a.m. (woman after childbed), IKali c.; painful, particularly after eating, Bell.; pain above, apparently in dia phragm, better bending forward, Cochl.; periodical, labored breathing, ^Ese h.; then true praecordial anxiety, 11 Lactu. v.; during pregnancy, IIKreo.; stitching pain every morning at 2 or 3 o'clock, worse lying down, during pregnancy, I IPuls.; with sensitiveness to touch, Coff.; in acute rheumatism and liver complaint, IChel. g^T" contraction, constriction, cramplike, pressure. Epigastrium, throat : sensation like a worm creeping up into throat, causing coughing, Zinc. Epigastrium, throbbing: (beating, pulsating), Ant. t, Cact,Cann. s, Cheb,HCin, HCinch, IGlon., IFerr., IHydras., Hod,IKali e, IMagn. m, IPuls., Rheum, IRhus, I ISep., ISil.; with anxiety, Ferr.; almost taking her breath, with constant yawning, IKali e; in cardialgia and headache, IKali e; after coughing, llpec; painful, with cough, HStann.; after eating, INatr. in.; after eating (indigestion), I IPuls.; to heart, Alum.; as if heartbeat in, Jacar.; as if heart-beat were felt through thorax, Oleand.; palpitating heart is felt (mania), Hod.; like violent palpitation, IKali c; each throb gives him a jerk, Calad.; in morning, Asaf; at night, Eup. per., IPuls.; on slight pressure, IHydras.; with pressure in right breast, extending toward liver, I IKali e; like a pulse, IMenyanth.; isochronous with pulse (epigastric tumor, with marasmus), IHydras.; after walking, very tired, Calad. Epigastrium, tickling : causes cough with ex- pectoration, only in morning, IPhos. ae; crawling causes cough, Bry. B^T" crawling, creeping. Epigastrium, tingling: (pleurisy), lAnt. t, Indig. Epigastrium, trembling: ICrotal., Med.; in dropsy, lArs.; nervous feeling, Ferr. iod.; in- ternal, during menses, lArg. nit.; caused, by noise, Agar.; with palpitation, Agar.; tremor I Act. rac. Epigastrium, tumor : 6®°" lumps 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. 455 Epigastrium, twisting : as of a ball above um- I bilicus, Inub; as if something were twisting about, INux v.; in gastralgia, ILye Epigastrium, twitching : llgn.; in epigastric tumor, with marasmus, I Hydras., Petrosel. ; flatulency, dyspepsia with pyrexia, in men, I Petrosel. Epigastrium, ulcerated feeling: Ananth.; must be on back, Spong.; pain, IRhus; pain, to touch, INatr. m. Epigastrium,' uncomfortable feeling : Card m, I llpec; with headache and nausea, Ferr. iod. Epigastrium, uneasiness: ICycb; in dysentery, IColch.; foliowred by uprisings of food and acids, IKali c. Epigastrium, unpleasant feeling : with tran- sient vertigo, ICamph. Epigastrium, wabbling: with anxiety, Anac. Epigastrium, weakness: Alum, Arg. nit, lArs., IHydras, Illgn,. Lach, Pod.; in asthma, ILobel i, on awaking in morning, ILac. e; in cardialgia, ILobel b; occasionally during day, Stann.; not better by eating, Carbo a.; faintlike weariness about, 11 Kali n.; faintish feeling, about 10 or 11 a.m. (dysen- tery), ISub; faint feeling in ovarian tumor, lApis; from eleven in morning until noon (cancer of uterus), I ISub; in gastro-duodenal catarrh, IHydras.; in haematemesis, ITereb.; and oppression, ILobel. i.; with palpitation and nervous symptoms, Calab.; and pressure rising to heart, ILobel. b; sinking sensation (goneness), yEsc h., Act. rac, Alum., Arum d., IChloral., ICrotal, IHydr. ac, llgn., IKali c, ILacc, ILept, IMyr.cer, INatr. m., INux v., IPhos, IStann., ISub, IITabac; sinking during climacteric period, ITabae; in dys- pepsia, lUran. n.; sinking, emptiness or gone- ness, HSep.; sinking, after violent exercise, was suddenly subjected to mental excitement (uterine affection), IMur.; sinking, faint feel- ing, lElaps; sinking, fluttering (amenor- rhcea), ILach.; sinking, at 11 a.m., HSub; sinking, with dull feeling in supraorbital and frontal regions, Natr. a.; with right-sided headache, 10 a.m., INatr. m.; sinking, during menses, ITabae; sinking,• with nausea, Ja- troph., ITabae; sinking, painful (uterine hemorrhage at climacteric period), ITrilb; sinking, with palpitation, INux v.; sinking, as if everything would drop through pelvis, with diarrhcea, HPod.; sinking, with general sick feeling, IMere iod. rub.; sinking, with black stools, IMere d.; sinking, follows light- colored papescent stools, Polyp.; sinking, sud- denly, with nausea and vomiting, brandy re- lieved, Oleand.; with sweat, during meals, I IKali ph.; worse talking, IRumex ; from ex- cessive use of green tea or tobacco, I ILobel. i. ; in upper part, Illgn.; with vertigo, lying on back, Alum. B®° emptiness, faintness. Epigastrium, weight: 8^° heaviness. STOMACH, aching: ^sc h,l I Apis, ICarbol. ac, Ptel.; from acid food, I IKreo.; through to back, coming on when at rest, better in mo- tion, ICycb; to middle of chest (gastric com- plaints), I Ars.; with coldness, Lyss.; after cold drink, llris; cold feet and hands, Alum.; dull, heavy distress, with sensation as if scalded, I IRob.; dull distress, with hemor- rhages from mucous membranes (purpura), I ISal. ae; dull, heavy, ISul. ae; dysentery, ICaps.; after eating, IIBar. c, IBelb, ICale, IHep., IPuls, Stront; better after eating (indigestion), ICheb; after breakfast, Cepa ; before breakfast, litis ; from eating too much salt, Nitr. sp. d.; as from emptiness, with nausea, Zinc; in epilepsy, IStram.; with eruc- tation, Aurant.; with sour eructation,IMagn.c; in intermittent (tertian), lAnt c; with chronic intermittent fever, Abies ; as if a hard body lay there after a moderate meal, worse from touch, pressure, extends to both sides, under false ribs, Sinap.; toward left side, moves up into oesophagus, Asaf.; during preg- nancy, IDiosc; worse from pressure, better eating, I ICheb; when touching epigastrium, IBar. e; with great accumulation of saliva, INatr. m.; when worms are present, with acid risings, I INatr. p. 8^" colic, dull pain, gastralgia, pain undefined. Stomach, acidity: Abrot, Acet. ac, ICaps., Chen, v, Chlorof, Chlor., Cinnam, Elaps, IGraph, Illie,Iris, Kali bb,IKali f, ILac def, HLith.JLobebb, Merc, s, I INatr. ph.,IINatr. s., Nitr. sp. d, I INux v., IPhos. ac, Polyg., I ISep., Zing.; in chronic alcoholism, ISul. ac; in anaemia, IFerr.; in brandy drinkers, I Arn.; burning, rising, spasmodic constriction, IKali e; with catarrh of stomach, worse from starchy foods, INux v.; with colic, children, I INatr. ph.; in diabetes, 11 Uran. n.; with diarrhoea, Cinnam., Zing.; with dyspepsia, ICon, : Equiset, I ISal. ae; aftereating, Chel., Con.; epidemic affection, I ICard. m.; with eruc- tation, ICarbo v.; caused by food, Apoe, INitr. ae; caused by fat food, INitr. ac; often, suddenly after taking food, I IRob.; after farinaceous or fat food (bronchitis), ICaust.; after fruit, HCinch.; caused by fat meat, gravies, flatulent food, cabbage, turnips, warm bread,pastry, ice cream, raw fruit, etc, IRob.; after saccharine food (bronchitis), ICaust.; in gastric derangements, I Ang.; in gastralgia, I ISub, 11 Phos.; gnawing, IILyc; headache, ICast. eq., IHydras., llris, IINux v., Ptel, IRob.; in sick headache, llris, ILobel. b; after hemorrhage, IFerr.; in hem- orrhoids, INux v., ISub; with incontinence of urine, in children, I INatr. ph.; with inflam- ation of throat, IINatr. ph.; oversecretion, Lact. ac, INatr ph.; while lying on back and walking, ICarbo. v.; with irritability of tem- per, Sabina; at night, IRob.; in phthisis, or Addison's disease, ICale; with picking at nose, IINatr. ph.; after pneumonia, ILach.; profuse discharge (cholera infantum), llris; in chronic prosopalgia, ICoccul.; with spasms and fever, IINatr. ph.; rises into throat and mouth, Cact; with vomiting, IINux m.; preceded by waterbrash (catarrh of stomach and small intestines), IHydr. ac. Stomach, acrid feeling: during digestion,IHep. Stomach, anxiety: g^° Epigastrium anxiety. Stomach, bearing down: during breakfast, Agar. Stomach, as though something bitter were in, ICup. m. Stomach, beating : ggg° throbbing. Stomach, boring: lArs, Jugb; as if it would be perforated, better after breakfast, Natr. s.; towards spine, Sep. Stomach, bruised pain, with cough : I Arn., IBry., 01. an., INux v. 8££T soreness. 456 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. Stomach, burning • I^Esc h., Amm. c, I Amyl, lAnthrac, Ant. chl. Ant. t, IIArs., Ars. h., Ars. s. f, Arum m, Ascl. t, IBelb, Benz. ac, IBerb., IBism., Brom, Bufo, ICale p, Calc. s, Camph, ICanth., llCaps.,ICarbol.ac, Carb. s., HCarbo v., Ced, Chin, a, IChin. s, ICie, IColch, IColoe, ICornus, Con, ICrot. t, Cub, Cund, ICup. a. Cup. s, IDios, lErig, Gymn, I IGuaiac, IIHam, Hell, IHelon., IHep., IHydras, IIHyos, ILobel. b, IMere, IMere cor, Mosch, Niccol, INitr. ac, INux m., I lOxal. ac, IPhos,I IRob, Sabad., Seneg, ISep, Stram, Tabae, I ITereb, Zinc; into lower abdomen, Paris ; aching, HCarbo v.; aching, worse drinking water, ILed.; from acidity, lAgar.; and acidity caused by smok- ing, Chel.; asof acidity, with pressure,ICard. m.; in chronic alcoholism, ISul. ac; with anxiety, I Ars, Jatroph.; awakens, JEsc. h.; to small of back, ICarbo v.; after brandy, llgn.; prevents deep inhalation, Calad.; in pylorus (scirrhus), IIArs.; in cancer, ICarbo a, I Ars, IBism.; in cardiac orifice, I IRan. b.; like red hot coals, IIArs, Ars. s. r.; in chol- era, IJatroph.; in cholera morbus, I IVer. v.; circumscribed, size of a dollar, Gymn.; or coldness, ILaur.; better by cold water, but is thrown up as soon as it becomes warm, IPhos.; followed by cold skin and cold sweat on fore- head, Acet. ac; to chest, Arg. met. Millet, 01. an, IPhos.; to chest, sometimes with great restlessness, Mang.; with oppression of chest, Calad.; constant, I IZinc; constant, frequently to throat, worse several hours after eating, in evening and at night (cardialgia), HPhos.; continuous, in climaxis, ICact. ; during cough, Hep.; with craving to eat, during vom- iting, ISang.; distress, Caulo., I Ptel.; distress, with watery diarrhoea and prostration, llris ; distress, with dry fauces, Ustil.; distress, fine neuralgic pains, last three minutes, come on every ten or fifteen minutes, for several hours, Ustil.; distress, with pricking, forenoon and evening, IIDiosc; distress, with vomiting, first of food, then pure bile, occasionally acid mucus, after nausea (sick headache), I ISang.; worse when doubling body in re- gion of right hypochondria, where it be- comes a drawing burning, Millet; in deaf- ness, Bar. m.; not better by drinking, I ICalad.; dull, Calad.; aftereating, ICaps.; ICarbo a., IDaph., IKali e; better by eat- ing (gastrosis), IMez.; especially after eating bread, Sars.; after eating heavy food (inter- vals of epileptic attacks), I Ars.; one or two hours after eating, INatr. m.; some hours aftereating (stricture from spasm), IPlumb.; must eat, IGraph.; with eructations, I Amyb, IColch, Zinc; with hot eructations, in dysen- tery, HPhos.; momentarily better by eruc- tations, I IKali iod.; after erysipelas, I Apis; intermittent, I Ars.; during chill, IDiad.; in yellow fever, ICadm. s., IMere; like fire, as if flames were rushing out, lEuphor.; burning, as if flames rose with flushes of heat, on account of which threw off covering, IManc; from fright, I Aeon.; in gastralgia, lArs, Aur. mur.; gastralgia, ICaps.; in gas tritis, ICarbo v., IKali iod, ILobel. b, I INux v.; in gastric disorder, lAtrop. s.; gnawing; Ruta; haemoptysis, 11 Ars.; heat, lApis, lArs, Eucab, Polyg.; heat rising up, Bapt.; with headache (cancer labii), "Camph.; with head- ache, as if forehead would burst, ISang.; like violent heartburn, ISub; into hypochron- dria, ICham.; causing hunger, IGraph.; worse from motion, IBry.; worse on motion, particularly going up stairs, Chin, a.; in morning, ISub; in morning and during motion, better by eating (organic cardialgia), IKali bb; in morning after rising, better after breakfast, Natr. s.; to mouth, I Aeon., IGels.; with nausea, 11 Cupr. ars. Mane, ISang.; with nausea and vomiting of mucus, bile or blood, ITereb.; to oesophagus, IDig., Trill.; into oesophagus (gastritis), HVer.; up oesoph- agus (cardialgia), HSec; from oesophagus, burning cooling, as after eating cress, Agar.; peculiar pain similar to heartburn, but much worse, extends into oesophagus, IBerb.; up oesophagus to pharynx (chronic inebriate), I ISang.; in ophthalmia,! ICie; with pain in ab- domen, ISee; with pain as from a blow, Merc. iod. flav.; with pain and debility, Colch.; pain, intense, Helon.; pain intense, into cesospha- gus (duringpregnancy), IHelb; pains, jerking, with faintness, Diose; pain, with oppression and weight, Form.; with palpitation and contraction, Sarrae; periodical, 11 Sul.; in peri- tonitis, ILye; in phthisis, I I Elaps ; and pinch- ing, Fluor, ae; better in no position, worse cold drink, Ars. s. r.; during pregnancy, I Ars, IDiosc, IHelb, ILact. ac; later dull pressure with nausea, Agar.; region of pyloric orifice, with violent retching and vomiting of bile and belching of wind, IIPod.; raw, with sensation as if food remained for a long time undigested and caused pressure (chronic gastritis), IMez.; as if raw (gastric com- plaints), I Ars.; with retching, Erig.; with hot risings, Aur. met.; later sharp and inter- mittent, with faintness, better bending for- ward in sitting posture, Sinap.; to shoulders (gastralgia and cancer), ICarbo v.; shooting, stinging, 11 Lapis; while sitting, ICale; worse smoking, Ailant., Lact. ac.; with desire for stool, Cornus; rising to throat, Anac, INatr. m.; to throat after eating, Kali c; coining up throat to mouth with sour eructa- tion, ISinap.; rising up throat with rawness in mouth, Tarax.; in chronic ulcers on leg with dyspesia, ILye: with vertigo, Coff; before vomiting, I IRhus; with vomiting, llris ; with vomiting of acid white mucous fluid (ulcera- tion of stomach), IKali bb; with vomiting, constipation and afternoon fever, I Ptel.; with vomiting of food or mucus, anorexia, intense thirst for cold food and drinks (dysentery), I IPhos.; with vomiting of a greenish yellow, bitter liquid, IMere iod. flav.; in uraemic vomiting, ICupr. ae; with vomiting (during pregnancy), ICanth.; worse after vomiting, in cholera Asiatica, I Ars.; after a glass of wine with nutmeg (diarrhoea), I ISub; warm things cause a sensation of burning and can be felt entering, Natr. a. BST* corroding, heat, inflammation. Stomach, cancer: lAcet. ac, lAct. sp., IIArs, I Ars. i. Bar. c,Bell,HBism,ICaps.,HCarboa.j ICarbo v., IICarbol.ac, HCon, HCund, IHy- dras, IKreo, ILach, I ILvc, IMere cor., IMez HPhos, ISep, ISil, IStaph, ISub; with coffee-ground vomiting, IPhos.; sensitive to contact, especially of clothes, with drunkards 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. 457 ■Lach.; with burning, ICarbo v.; clawing, ICarbo a.; hard knobby swelling in pyloric region, ICund.; for more than ten years has suffered from an affection supposed to be cancer, passive motion like riding, aggravates, eats too much salt and salted food, INitr. sp. d.; with hemorrhages and vomiting of mucus, Crotal, IMez.; especially when about to pass into state of ulceration, I I Phos. Stomach, canker: IbSabac. Stomach, catarrh: IIAcon, lAlum., IIAnt e, I Ant. t. Apis, IIArs, IIBry, ICham., HChel, Chlor, ICinch, ICoca, IColoe, IICop, Corn, IDig, Eup. pert, Ferr. ph, IGels., Hippoz, IHydr. ac, Indig., lllpec, llris, IKali bi, IIMerc, IMez, IINux v., IPod., IIPuls, IRhus, I ISep., ISub, HVer.; with acidity and flatulency, worse from starchy foods, INux v.; with acid vomiting, IKali bb; chronic, Eucab, IHydras, IKali bb, I IKali s, IINux v., IPtel, ISinap.; from cold drinks, ice cream, fruit and pastry, IPuls.; with constipation, IHydras.; with frequent eructations, IGraph.; after eating fat food, I ISpig.; with flatulent swelling, INux m.; from grief and worry, llgn.; with hemor- rhoids, IKali s.; after loss of fluids or severe illness, HCinch.; from indigestible or ice cold things, llpec; during pregnancy, Ant. c; with jaundice, IHydras, IKali m.; with lassi- tude, IDig.; during measles, I lAnt.c; from overheating, Ante; before pneumonia, ICheb; with yellow coated tongue, IKali s.; especially in young people, ISep.; during climacteric period, IGraph. e^f derangement, digestion, dyspepsia. Stomach, chill: Berb.; begins with agonizing weight, I ICale; shivering, starting from, Curar.; general shuddering, proceeding from, Eup. pert; better after vomiting, Berb. fig^" coldness, fever. Stomach, choking feeling: into throat, Illgn. Stomach, clawing: in cancer, ICarbo a.; worse on drawing up knees, Med.; extending to umbilicus (gastralgia), IStann.; after mid- night as from a purge, changing to burn- ing, IINux v.; with vomiting of ingesta, IGraph.; with pressure and tension between scapulae, pains extend to chest or down back to anus with urging to stool (gastralgia), IINux v. Stomach, feeling of coldness: Amm. br, Ars., Arund., Cadm.s, HCamph,ICarbo v, I IChel, Chlor., HCinch., Clem., Grat, IKali bb, 11 Kali iod., Lactu. v., INatr. m., 01. an, Sa- bad., Spong., ITarax., Vespa; chilled by water, ISul. ac.; chilled by cold substances (intestinal catarrh), lArs.; before eating, ICist c.; after eating, ICist c; from eating fruit, I Ars.; after slight meal, better laying hand on stomach, ICarbo a.; as if freezing, IPhos.; followed by warmth and sweat,Merc. per.; icy, HCaps., Hippom., I ILactu. v.; icy, after warmth, 11 Lactu. v.; icy, with pain and debility, IColch.; like a lump of ice, worse morning, Bov.; with nausea, Tabae; at noon, Zinc; and oppression, food lies heavy,Absin.; cooling pain, with here and there a sharp and pointed pressure, Lyss.; as after eating pep- permint lozenges, ICamph.; with relaxed feel- ing, ISul. ae; as if a stone lay in stomach, after vertigo, Aeon.; as of cold water in it, Caps.; as if full of water, Grat.; with inclina- tion to vomit, Magn. s.; water lies in a cold mass, IIArs. fig^" chill. Stomach, colic : 8®* cramp, gastralgia. Stomach, congestion: IGels., Ptel.; painful, IHelon.; of pylorus, Bar. m. 8^" inflamma- tion, heat. Stomach,constriction: lAlum,IBelb,IChin.s., Coccul., Crotal., ILye, Menyanth,IMez., Nic- col. ; or boring into back,ILye; binding pain in different parts,IGraph.; in catarrh,! Anac.; as if closed (constipation), Cact.; with colic,INatr. c.; digestion slow, disturbed and weakened, IOp.; as if coats were spasmodically drawn, better by eating, Arn.; distressing, just above pit, as if knotted up, or as of a hard lump of undigested food (dyspepsia), Abies; better drawing up limbs and lying on left side,Cheb; as if itdrew together in a lump, and then sud- denly opened, IManc; as if food had to force itself through while eating, Bar. c; in gas- tralgia, IIArs., ISib; worse in morning and during motion, better by eating (organic car- dialgia), IKali bi.; painful, Arum m., Bor.. IIGraph., IMagn. e, IINux v., IOp.; pain, as if rolled into a ball, better drawing up legs, Bry.; pain to chest, better by eructation,Sep.; pain after eating, I ISub; painful, one or two hours after eating, INatr. m.; painful, better pressure and laying down, Amm. e; periodic, lArg. nit.; pinching pain with belching, last- ing one to two hours after eating (ulcer of stomach), 11 Mez.; pressing pain, Helon.; worse from pressure, better after eating, I I Chel.; prevents sleep, IColoe; from both sides, with anxiety and increased warmth, Zinc.; as if strapped together, Tell.; as if tied together, ICarb. s.; spasmodic, Euphor.; extends through to spine, I ISee; sudden, as if pressed against with feet, with constant and uncon- trollable desire to cough, arising from epigas- trium, I IRhod.; with uprisings of clear water, Stront. 8®" contraction. Stomach, contraction: IBelb, IPlumb.; in asthma, IIArs.; back parts, with coldness, griping, and sore feeling, Con.; cardiac open- ing, food comes up, IPhos.; deep, Jamb.; feel- ing, ILaur., I ISee; feeling, beneath, ICarbo v.; after food, more by stimulants, Osm.; so hard and rapid, pain causes screams, IPod.; in hysteria,IHyos.;painful, Atrop. s., Ratan.; painful, from eating too much salt, Nitr. sp. d.; painful, as if caused by some living thing, Ananth.; painful, in gastralgia, ISul. ac.; pain moving downward, 11 Ptel.; painful, prevents vomiting (cholerine), lyEthus.; spasmodic, Arn., IIArs., IBelb, Con., Hydr. ac.; spas- modic, in cholera, IJatroph.; spasmodic, better after eating (diarrhcea), IBrom.; spas- modic, with little or nothing coming to mouth (indigestion), INatr. c; spasmodic, caused by swallowing a mouthful of water (perforating ulcer of stomach), INux v. fliT constriction. Stomach, corroding sensation : Cup. m.,Stram.; better after eating, 11 Iod. B@" burning, rawness. Stomach, cough: affected by, ISep.; seems to come from, All.sat.; dry, fatiguing, seeming to come from stomach, ISep.; dry, from reflex action, IKali br.; dry, short, ISep.; dry, as if something remained'lodged, ISep.; pain into spleen, IBor.; painful on awaking between 5 45S 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. and 6 a.m., IKali c.; with pulling upward, ICaps.; reversed action, during, Bell.; shock, with sensation of excoriation of chest, I IRu- mex; mostly before sunset, ILye; turning, during, IPuls. 8®° Chap. 27, Cough stomach. Stomach, cramp: Act. sp., JEsc. g., Ananth., Anthrok., I Ant. c, Ant. t, I Ars., Apis, Art. v., Arum t, Ascl. t, I Aur. mur., Bar. m., IBelb, IBism, ICale, Cann. s., HCarbov.. ICaust, Cinnam., Coff, ICoff. t, ICochb, IColch, IIColoc, IICup. ac, I IDiosc, I IFerr., IGels., I IGrat, I IGuaiac, I IHam., IHelon., IHydrocot, IILyc, INatr. c, INatr. m., IINux v.,IParis,IPhos.,Psor., I IPuls, Seneg., ■Sep., Thlaspi; cries, with anguish, ^Ethus.; followed by drawing in of abdomen, Ver. v.; as if a band were tightly laced or drawn around body, IIMagn. p.; with anxiety, ICale; with constriction in chest, ICale; hindering breathing, Ananth.; bruised sore- ness, afterwards to back, ILobel. b; into chest, ICarbo v.; following rattling in chest, with rough cough, IMur. ac; in cholera, I Nux v.; in cholera morbus, I Diose, I I Ver. v.; af- ter taking cold, ICochb; of contortional na- ture, better bending, ILye; cutting, before chill, I Diad.; worse after drinking, Bell.; after eating, ICrotal., IDaph., IIHam, Sub; after dinner, INux m.; two hours after a hearty dinner, IHam.; after least particle of food and in evening, after falling and striking region of stomach, two years ago, I INux v.; from eating fruit, ILye; after eating rye bread, I IMere cor.; with eructation and palpitation, IKalm.; with sour eructations, ICale; with distress, from acid eructations, half an hour after eat- ing, IPhos. ac; preceding erysipelas, affecting one side of face, I Nux v.; in evening, Bapt.; feeling in orifice, resulting in nausea, Jamb.; in bilious fever, I Ver.; in yellow fever, ICadm. s.; in forenoon, 11.30, better after eating, iBrorn.; in gangrene of bowels, lArs. s. f.; from gases, ICale; gnawing and sighing, 11 Eup. pur.; with headache, ICale p., ICoc- cul. ; in megrim, liEthus.; with bluish hem- orrhoids, ICale; hysterical, IVer.; tightening pain in legs, during, ICale; radiating to liver, simulating hepatic colic (gastric neurosis), I IPhos.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IVer.; before menses, IBelb; after menses, IBelb, Bor.; in morning, 2 a.m., I Ars.; begins toward morning, through both sides to back, worse from pressure on last dorsal vertebra,ICochb; with nausea, ICale, ICollin., IGraph.; frequent, in all phases of the moon, and on least atmos- phericvariation,orimmediately aftersome un- usual pleasurable or painful impression(chron- ic syphilitic ophthalmia), IMere; in night, ICamph.; at night, better by belching, ICo- loe; with palpitation, ICale; periodical at- tacks after eating, worse by contact, better by change of position, llgn.; during pregnancy, ICon.; better riding and sitting erect, IGels.; prevents rising from a seat, felt when laugh- ing or sneezing, worse waking in morning and attempting any muscular exertion, I ISub; with pressure and tension between scapulae, pains extend down back to anus, with urging to stool (gastralgia), IINux v.; in the scrofu- lous, ICale; from middle of spine, 10 to 12 p.m., daily, HAgar.; during stool, IKali e; extending to shoulders, in morning, fasting and after eating, IINux v.; with tendency to constipation, especially those of lymphatic temperament, ICon.; with sweat over whole body, ICale; spreading to throat, better by eructation (cardialgia), IBar. e; better from tightening clothes, INatr. m.; followed by tonsillitis, 11 Cup. ars.; upwards, with diar- rhoea, Cup. m.; reflex from uterine irritation, I Vib.; with bilious vomiting (cardialgia), I ISee; with vomiting of food, ICale,IGraph.; better after vomiting, IHyos.; with vomiting, in cholera, INux v.; ending in vomiting, ICale; with sudden violent vomiting of wa- tery fluids (cholera), IJatroph.; with water- brash, Card, m.; every time he gets feet wet, or after any unusual exposure, I Melib; as from wind, I IMed.; with yawning, ICale g@~ aching, contraction, constriction, gastralgia, pinching. Stomach, crawling: in haematemesis, lArs.; painful, IPuls.; with yawning, ILye Stomach,cutting: iEsch.,IBelb,IDiosc,Gamb, IHydras., llgn., IKali e, IIKali m., ILye, INatr. c, IPhos.; and below, causes moaning, Ars. h.; must bend backward and hold breath, IBelb; to chest, Coloe; coliclike, every few minutes, IIDiosc; deep, paroxysmal, Nitr. sp. d.; while eating, Cup. ars.; on commencing to eat, better while eating, Ang.; in intermittent fever, IDiad.; in yellow fever, ICadm. s.; in cardialgia, Aur. mur.; to genitals before attack (metrorrhagia), IMere; in gastralgia, lAbrot.; with headache, ICale p.; as if knives were run- ning into, Sil.; in left side, after eating, IKali e; worse from motion and pressure, Bell.; every few moments, Erig.; with nausea and inclination to vomit, Merc. iod. flav.; in par- oxysms, I Asaf, in paroxysms, excruciating, knifelike, IPhos.; as if cut to pieces, IKali c; as if cut to pieces, rouses from sleep at 1 a.m., Magn. m.; worse from pressure and yawning, Chel.; sharp, Amm.br., Ustil.; sharp, every five minutes, while sitting, Col- lin.; spasmodic, so as to bend body double, worse on slightest muscular motion, better from warmth, IMagn. p.; toward spine, Sep. B®" darting, lancinating, Stomach, darting: Act. rac, IMere cor. ©gg" cutting, lancinating. Stomach, derangement (affections, complaints, disordered, disturbance): IIAnt. e, lAnt. t, IIArg. nit, IIArs., IIAsaf, 11 Astac, lAtrop. s., IIBry, ICaps., ICarbo v., ICham., :Ced., ICinch, ICoff, ICurar., IDory, Eucab, IHep., IIKali bb, IKali c, IKali m, ILac c, ILobel. i, IIMerc, IMez., INatr.c, INatr. m., INatr. s.,IINux v., IPhos, IIPuls., IRob., I ISabad., ISars., Tarant, HVer., Vinca; in albuminuria, IINux v.; after acids, ICaust, ISep.; with acidity, IINatr. ph.; from atonic state.l I Hydras.; with asthma, ILobel. i.; after beer, IFerr.; in weakness of bladder, I lUran. n.; after bread, ISep.; with chills, IBry.; in children, IRheum; after cholera evacuation had ceased, IINux v.; in chlorosis, Ign.• chronic affections, especially of mucous mem- brane, IHydras.; black coffee relieves, IBrom.- afteracold,IAnte; with coldness,IBry.; with constipation, IIod.,HNuxv.; in diabetes INux v.; one ear red, hot, and frequently itches 11 Natr.ph.; after breakfast, Hyper.; from eating 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. 459 together what does not agree, Ant. c.; causing diarrhcea, Zing.; as if diarrhoea would set in through entire intestinal canal, Chin, a.; after eggs, IColch.; emaciated,I Atrop. s.; beginning with eructation of putrid gas, tasting like rot- ten eggs and ending with watery diarrhcea, worse morning (phthisis), IKali c; with im- petigo capitis, llris; with eruptions (rash), IKali m.; with herpes zoster, burning, IMere; with pustular or papillar eruption, in groups, Cop.; in evening, Amb., Ars. s. r.; with fatigue from slightest exercise, in heat of summer, INux v.; with catarrhal con- junctivitis, IPuls.; after fat food, ISep.; feel- ing, ICaust.; in fever, ICaps, IHydras.; in gastric fever, IBry.; in intermittent, I ITarax.; causes relapses of intermitent, lAnt. e; in typhus versatilis, INatr. in.; following cere- bral irritation, Tabae; with headache, IIAnt. e,Corn., lllpec, IIris,IKalibb, INux m., I IRheum ; with headache in bilious sub- jects, llris; in chronic headache, ICale; in headache, in occiput, IINux v.; in sick head- ache, llpec, IIPuls.; in American sick head- ache, ILac def, ISang.; with heart disease, amblyopia, IPuls.; idiopathic, IHelon.; in infants, ICoff; with contracted kidneys, Uran. n.; during menses or following urticaria, ICop.; after overtaxed mental powers, INux m.; after milk, ISep.; with nausea and vom- iting, ILobel. i.; worse in morning, Sabad.; worse towards morning, awaking at 4o'clock, INux v., Ptel.; in ovarian troubles, Pallad.; with panaritium, ILye; from pastry, ILye, IIPuls.; in pregnancy, Cadm. s., INux v., IPetrol., ISabad, ITalme; with rheumatism, IColch.; with inflammatory rheumatism, Ver. v.; with rheumatic pain in limbs, INatr. s.; after scarlet fever, I Apoe; dependent on disorder of solar plexus of great sympathetic, ICodein.; spasmodic affections. IMagn. e; with sore throat after diphtheria or scarlatina, IPhyt.; with coated tongue, clammy taste, anorexia, pressure in stomach, empty eructa- tion, IColch.; sympathetic uterine, IHydras.; with urticaria, lApis, lArs., INux v., ISub; sympathetic uterine and renal,IHelon.; caus- ing vertigo, lAnt. c, Collin., IINatr. ph, INatr. s., IINux v., IPod.; with worms, ICina. 8®" digestion, dyspepsia, indigestion. Stomach, digestion : deficient, in chronic camp diarrhcea, ILyss.; defective, in atrophy of children,Magn. e; disordered, Anthrok.,Con., IKali c, IPuls., ISep., Thuya; defective as- simmilation (anaemia), IPuls.; with diar- rhoea, Carbo v., I ISep.; easily disturbed,! I Ant. e; witheructatation, Carbo a.; disturbed, in jaundice, I ITarax.; disturbed, in facial neural- gia, I IPuls.; disturbed, after abuse of opium, INatr. m.; difficult, Coca ; derangement, with influenza, IPhyt.; impaired, Cinnam.; im- peded, Merc, sub; inactive, IOp.; impaired after coitus, IDig.; excites palpitation, ILye, ■Sep.; poor, llgn.; poor with chronic diar- rhoea, in adults, 101. jec; slow, Aur. mur., Berb., HCinch., I ICornus, Cycl., Eucab, INuph., Paris, HTarant.; slow, especially of acids, with sensation of weight in epigastrium, HSep.; slow, with flatulence and acidity, ILye; slow, with heaviness, pressure, con- striction and pain in stomach and praecor- dium, IOp.; slow and painful (gastralgia), ISib; slow and imperfect, asthenia, INux v.; slow, in chronic rheumatism, 11 Sabina; tor- pid, Bell.; torpid, with sluggish mind, IMere cor.; weak, Amm. ben., I Anac, IBenz. ac, Coca, IHydras., I INiccol., I lOleand., IOp., Paris, Petrol., IZing.; weak, especially in the aged, INux m.; weak, in amblyopia, ICinch.; weak, in anaemia, ICycb; weak, with loss of appetite, ISang.; weak from blow or strain, scarcely any food agrees, sleepy all day, ICale; weak in chronic bronchitis, llnul.; weak, with cerebral affections, Zinc; weak after eating, Bar. c; weak, particularly in diseases from exhaustion and later stages of nervous fevers, IHydras.; weak, with continuous hunger, ■Mere; weak, in hypochondriacs, Anac; weak in ulcer of os uteri, ICurar. Big-derangement, dyspepsia, indigestion. Stomach, digging: ICheb, 11 Kali c; burrowing, Stront.; in gastralgia, I ISib; painful, as from hunger, Millet; in pit, in cholerine, IIAsar.; rooting, in morning, passes off after breakfast, Amm. m. Stomach, disagreeable feeling : Ars. s. r.; in cardiacorifice,extending upward along oesoph- agus, Zinc; as if he had drunk lukewarm water, Spong. Stomach, discomfort: Amm. ben, Benz. ae; aftereating, ICarbo v.; after eating a little, IILyc; in pit (cholerine), IIAsar. Stomach, distension : Alum, Apis, Bry,HCar- bo v. Coccus, ICroe, Cup. s, IDig, Guaraea, IIKali e, IManc, Mosch, INatr. m. Puis.; aching, IPhos.; in sanguineous apoplexy, I ISang.; bloated, I Arg. nit,HCarbo v,IColch, llgn, Illie, Ind., ILach, IILyc, IPuls.; bloated, must undo clothing (palpitation), HCale; bloated, after, diphtheria, ILacc; bloated, worse from drinking water, IManc; bloated, after eating (phthisis), IStann.; bloated a good deal, with flatus giving distress (dyspepsia), ILye; bloated, in intermittent, ICale; bloated, in nervous fever, IManc; bloated, in gastromalacia, IKreo.; bloated, after operation for hemorrhoids, ICroe; bloated, oppressing heart and lungs, pain be- hind sternum, INux m.; bloated, oppressive,in apyrexia, Sabad.; bloated, with loss of appe- tite, Sabad.; bloated, with vertigo, Tarant.; bloated, with yawning (cardialgia and head- ache) , I Kali e;" as if it would burst, 11 Kali e; from least contradiction (hysteria), INux m.; in dyspeptics, IHydras.; after eating, Alum, Apoe, Aur. mur, Diose, IGrat, INux m.; flatulent, I Arg. nit, I Arn, HCarbo v., ICor- nus, IILyc, IPuls.; with enlargement of spleen, IIFerr. mur.; better after stool, with fulness of head and dulness, Cornus ; swell- ing, Bry, ICalc,Con, IHep., IKali c, IMere; swelling, obliged to loosen clothing, llgn.; swells- in evening, has to unfasten clothes, IKreo.; swells, after eating (chlorosis), Calc; swelling, evening, with fulness and pressure, IKali bb; swells, in diarrhoea, I ISub; swell- ing, as if he had eaten too much, even when he had taken nothing, worse after eating even light food, IColch.; swelling, as from violent spasm of diaphragm (epileptic), HCic; swell- ing and fulness, ISul.; swells, during pain, I Arg. nit.; swelling with pain in abdomen, 460 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. extending to left hypochondria, sides, back and base of chest, 11 Ipec.; swelling of pit, Aur. met.; swelling in region of pylorus, ICon. Stomach, distress: Carbol. ac, Caulo, IDiosc, ILept, ILye, INitr. ae, Sec; constant, IjEsc. h., Ustil.; had to walk around room all day to get breath,IDiosc; in dysentery, with hot eruc- tations, I IPhos.; after eating, I Carbo a., -Cub, Diose, ISpong.; better by eating, Jab.; after eating and drinking (chronic gastritis), I Apis, Rumex ; after dinner, INux m.; worse after dinner and from slightest mental emotion, INux m.; after dinner and supper, with incli- nation to eructate, Zinc.; after eating, in gastric catarrh, ICop.; after eating ever so little (ulcer of os uteri), ICurar., INatr. s.;all evening, Osm.; with flatus, IRob.; with escape of flatus and frequent eructation, 11 Lil. tig., Sarrae; with sensation of heat, INux m.; of gas, Chlorof.; from gases, after meals, ISal. ac.; in gastralgia, ICale p., IStann.; during menses, Thuya; hard, tense, IMere; hypertrophied pylorus, Zinc; inflation, in organic cardialgia, IKali bb; in chronic jaundice, Hod.; meteor- ism, I Asaf.; meteorism, in ileus, IColch.; me- teorism, sensitive to touch, IMagn. e; with nausea, Ced.; at night, awake, Asaf; painful, after fruit, 11 Ver.; painful, with nausea,IGels.; puffed, after eating, ILach.; in pneumonia, I Ant. t; with pressure, ICheb; in prolapsus uteri, lArg. nitjpuffed, Ferr. ph.; puffed,with fever and vomiting, 11 Ferr. ph.; worse from food (pregnancy), I ISul. ac; caused by eating, pains worse an hour after eating (chronic diar- rhoea), I ISub; as of something that ought to comeup,Eup. perf.; with indifference and low spirits, after least annoyance, IKali bb; in ophthalmia, IIArs.; with frequent, sharp pains at 7 a.m., must unfasten clothes,IDiosc.; so severe cbuld not sit up, 11 Rumex ; with vomiting of food or mucus, anorexia, intense thirst for cool food or drinks (dysentery), HPhos. BST" fulness, pressure. Stomach, drawing: I Arg. nit.; back, I IHepar.; in back part, HStram.; in back part, with drawing in middle of back opposite to it, IStram.; in cardiac end on walking fast,IAnac; pain, often extending into chest, IPhos.; through right chest into shoulder an hour after eating, better loosening dress and eruc- tating, 11 Sep.; worse after drinking, Bell.; with sensation as if epigastrium were enlarged, with nausea, Mang.; to chest and throat, op- pressive pain, after potatoes, Alum.; painful, INatr. c; twisting, as if it were tightly drawn against spine, causing pain in dorsal region, Ver. v.; pulling sensation, IChin. s. Stomach, feeling of dryness: I IKali iod.; as of something very dry lying there, must drink, Calad. Stomach, dull pain: IHydras.; causes faintish feeling, goneness in epigastrium, IHydras., IPuls.; after eating, ICale p.; as if walls were thick, after eating, JEsc. h.; heavy, IGlon.; in chronic headache, IDulc; weary, in cardiac region, to left side and dorsal region, IDiosc. Stomach, dyspepsia: I Abies, 11 Abrot, II^Esc h,ll,Ethus,IAgar,IAlet, :All. sat,IIAlum., I IAlumin,Amb.,IAmm. e,IAmm. m, I Anac, IIAng, I Ant. c, lAnt. t, IIArg. nit, I Arn, IIArs., • Aram m, lAsaf, lAur. met, IBapt, IBar. e, Bell, Berb., IBism, Bov., IIBry, ICact, I ICadm. s., I ICalad, HCale, ICaps., ICarbol. ac, HCarbov, I ICard. m., ICaust, ICed, ICham., HChel, IChin. sub, Cina, ICinch, ICoca, ICoccul, Cochl., IColch., Col- lin, IColoe, ICon.,Cornus, ICrotal,ICup.m, ICycl, Cypr, Diad, Dig, Diose, Dulc, Elaps, Eup. perf, IFerr. m., IFerr. ph., IFluor. ae, Graph., IGrat, IHelon., IHep, HHydras, Hydr. ae, llgn., Hod, llpec, llris, IIKali bi, I IKali br, IKali c, IKali m, IIKali s, IKreo, IILach., I ILacc, HLac def., Lept, Lith, ILobel. i, ILye, IMagn. c, I IMagn. m. Mane, IMere, Merc, c, IMez, I IMillef, Mosch, IMur. ae, INatr. a, INatr. m, INatr. s, INitr. ae, INux m, IINux v, Oleand, IPetrol, I IPhos, I Phos. ae, Plant, I IPlumb., IPod, HPsor, Ptel, IIPuls, Ratan, IRhus, IRobin, Rumex, Ruta, Sabad, I ISal. ac, ISang, Sars, Selen, ISep, Sib,Sinap., Spong, Stann., Staph., ISub, Sul. ac, ISyph, IITa- bac, HTarant, ITarax, Thuya, Uran. n., I IVer., Zinc, IZing.; with acidity, ICon, ■Equiset., IRob.; acid, in diabetes, 11 Uran. ii. relieved; acid, Ante; with amenorrhcea, IIPuls.; in anasarca, INux v.; from anxiety, Cypr.; from business anxiety, IINux v.; with want of appetite,IBor., atonic, I Crotal., Eucab, IFerr, Ferr. iod., IIHep., HHydras., ILye, INux m, IINux v, 11 Ratan., IRhus, ISep.; atonic, with tendency to diarrhcea or to vom- iting, with pains and tenderness in epigas- trium, occasional pyrosis and chilly, cold ab- domen, IPetrol.; atonic, in weakly subjects, ILye; bilious, ITarax.; with bronchial irrita- tion and cough (eczema), I Jugb; after abuse of calomel,IPod.;chronic#Cub,IHydr.ac,IMere cor, INatr. ph, IINux v., IPtel.; chronic gastric catarrh, IKali bb; chronic, from abuse of stimulants, or from too long study, ICoccul.; chronic, with vomiting of food, simple exhaus- tion of stomach, HPhos.; chronic, in women with sallow face and constipation, ILye; with constipation, IINux v., HSep., 11 Vib.; with summer diarrhcea, I INatr. ph.; warm drinks impede, ICinch.; after abuse of drags, IINux v.; of drunkards, INatr. s.; atonic, of drunkards, IOp.; worse as soon as he eats, after mercury, IILach.; after fat food, I ISpig.; better aftereating, IPetrol.; food remains long in stomach, especially if eaten too late in day, HCinch.; food taken in morning, distresses all day, HSub; aftereating, pain, I ICalab.; from eating too rapidly, I ISub; sudden, while eating, IKali bb; while still at table, INux in.; with putrid eructations and accumula- tion of gas, ISal. ac; with characteristic eruc- tations and tongue, INatr. ph.; with yellowish face, ISep.; fermentative, I ISal. ae; after ty- phus fever, IBapt.; flatulent, IIArg. nit, I ISal. ac; in chlorosis, IHep.; flatulent in nervous subjects, hysterical and pregnant women, INux m.; flatulent, with heat and twitching in epigastric region, eructations, nausea, vomiting and colic, accompanied by pyrexia in men, IPetroseb; flatulent, frequent palpitation, intermittent pulse, and despond- ency, IPhos.; flatulent, with pinching pains under ribs of right side, on mammary line, I ITubere; from loss of animal fluids, or nox- ious miasmata, HCinch.; after loss of vital fluids, IPhos. ae; with great fulness after slight quantity. ILye ; a quarter of an hour 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. 461 before dinner, with gnawing sinking at car- j diac end, I I Uran. n.; intermittent attacks of pain, lUran. n.; with gastralgia, HSub; in gonorrhoea, I ITarant,; from grief, Cypr.; with headache, Arum, m, IHydras.; with head- ache, in bilious subjects, llris; in hemor- rhoidal subjects, IHep, IINux v.; with sharp pain at heart, going through chest to between shoulders, IISul.; after high living, IINux v.; of intemperate people, IHydras.; hunger, twenty-four hours or so before a spell, INux v.; especially in hypochondriacs, ICoca; in susceptible, hysterical subjects, with palpita- tion, dyspnoea and prostration, IMosch.; from chronic inflammation of stomach and bowels, IHydr. ac; from disordered liver and stom- ach, ILept; in herpetic subjects, IHep.; from mental overexertion, Cypr.; caused by worry and much mental work, with too little bodily exertion, in business men, IINux v.; nervous, IHydr. ae, ISyph.; at night, prevents sleep, IRob.; in old fleshy people, Alb sat; in old persons, relaxed condition, IChin. s.; in old persons inclined to obesity, or after great loss of vitality, IIKali e; with palpitation, ICol- lin.; painful, I ICornus, Eucab, IHydras.; in- cipient phthisis, ILye vir.; pituitous, Sinap.; in prolapsus ani, 11 Arn.; pulse slow, or quick, trembling, weak, IDig.; rheumatic, HSpig.; from abuse of salt, I I Nitr. ac; from sedentary habits, IINux v.; with spasmodic symptoms, Caulo.; with red tongue and tendency to ery- sipelas, I IRhus v.; caused by straining stom- ach when carrying heavy weight, I IRuta; tongue foul, white or yellowish, I INaja; from torpidity, particularly old people, HCaps.; with chronic ulcers on legs, ILye; worse from vegetables (cancer), I ICund.; symptoms ex- tremely variable, Lyss.; after long watching and debauchery, IINux v.; with waterbrash and hemorrhoids and weight in epigastrium, generally troubles of rectum, ICollin.; with weakness and loss of energy, Hod.; with in- continence of urine, I I Vib. 8®°" derangement, digestion, indigestion. Stomach, emptiness: feeling of, HAgar, Ai- lant, Amm. c, I I Amm. m. Bell, Bufo, Cact, Castor, ICepa, ICinch, Coca, Coccul, IColoe, ICornus, ICrot. t. Cup. ars, IGamb., Hip- pom, llgn, IIKali iod, IKali m, Lil. tig, Lyss, Mar. v, Merc. iod. flav, Niccol., HPhos, IPod, I IPtel, IPuls., Sabad, Vinca, I IZinc; extending through abdomen, IMur. ae; with loss of appetite, palate and throat, Rhus ; in blepharitis, IKali e; in Bright's disease, I I Phos.; with distension of abdomen, Bry.; during chill, Ailant; in diarrhcea, IBrom.; as before meals, Card, m.; aftereat- ing, I IPtel, Sang., Zinc; compelling one to eat, Oxal. ae; with desire to eat, IKali e; has to eat a few pieces of bread while feeling cold (intermittent), lArs.; overloaded with highly seasoned food, constipation from, IINux v.; as if fasting, without hunger, after a meal, ILye; as from fasting, with physical exhaustion, llgn.; even to fainting, Coccul.; faintness, alternating with jerking, I Agar.; with faint, feverish feeling, Sang.; during apyrexia, Ipec; about 11 a.m., IPhos, I ISub; gone feeling, Carbol. ac, IHydras, llgn, IIKali ph, IIMerc, I IPtel, IISul, I I Vib.; gone feeling, causes desire to eat frequently, ' but least food oppresses her (sick headache), IKali c; gone feeling, in dyspepsia, after ty- phus, I Bapt.; as if one had been a long time without food, till hunger had gone, ICoccul.; goneness, in phthisis, IHydras.; gone feeling, in hysteria, Asaf; goneness, low down, in pregnancy, ILact. ae; goneness, from nurs- ing child, ICarbo a.; goneness, as if stomach had been removed, HPhos.; goneness, with tired feeling, I INatr. ph.; goneness, vomiting first of food, then pure bile, occasionally acid mucus, after nausea (sick headache), I ISang.; with weight above ensiform cartilage, 11 Natr. ph.; before nervous headache, llgn.; hollow feeling, Calad., Lil. tig.; hollow feeling, with fulness of rectum, IIMane; hollowness, with heavy, dragging pain, Eryng.; hollowness, with nausea, I ICalad.; emptiness, without hunger, 3 p.m., Calab.; hungry feeling, he can keep nothing on stomach, Sarrae; with gnaw- ing hunger, Seneg.; increased and ravenous hunger in forenoon, INatr. e; in hysteria, Asaf, llgn.; in influenza, I Ant. t; early in morning, JEsc. h.; especially in morning, I IOp.; with nausea, Aloe, 11 Meph, ISib; with nausea, in morning, Anac; after nau- sea, Ant. t.; in neuropathia, 11 Kali ars.; pain- ful, IKali c, ISep.; in stomatitis, HPetrol.; sinking, better by eating, IHep.; sinking, in diabetes mellitus, ILact. ac; with yawning, Ammoniac, ILye 8€sT" faint feeling. Stomach, erosions: INitr. ae; hemorrhagic, Lyss. Stomach, eructation: g®~ flatulence, also Cap. 16, Eructation, and Chap. 19, Flatulence. Stomach, faint feeling: Bufo, ICarbo a.. Cor- nus, IHydras, IKali s., I IPtel, Thlaspi ; bet- ter belching, Amm. br.; deathly sick feeling, ILobel. i.; dreadful feeling, IITabac; in dys- menorrhoea, IGels.; after a hearty meal, 11 Uran. n.; better after eating, Alum.; from using eyes (asthenopia), I ISul. (after Sep.); in exophthalmus, ILye vir.; follows congestion to head and nape of neck. Tell.; with engorge- ment of lungs (pneumonia), HVer. v.; at 11 a.m.j IPhos, HSub; in chronic headache, IPhos.; with beating synchronous with heart, Eucab; in metritis, HLac e; with nausea and headache, Calcfb; leaves nausea, Lact. ac; in pregnancy, ILact. ae; or sinking, as if he would die, with deathly nausea and vomiting, IIDig.; with vomiting, Diose; warm, sicken- ing sensation, like threatening seasickness, IGlon. 8@~ emptiness, weakness. Stomach, fermentation : Acet.ac, ICroe, Ferr. s. Plat.; and decomposition commence as soon as food reaches (flatulent dyspepsia), 11 Sal. ae; of something cooking, when pains are very severe (gastralgia), HPhos.; rum- bling, turning, as if full of yeast, I ISticta. Stomach, fever: gastric symptoms in apyrexia, llpec, INux v.; gastric symptoms in quartan ague, ISabad.; severe gastritis, I ISub; gastric symptoms worse at onset of heat, I ITarant.; in gastric bilious fever, after error in diet (erysipelas), Anthrok.; gastric symptoms marked sometimes for days before paroxysm (ague), IPod. Stomach, flatulence: Agar, IIArg. nit, Arum d, HCarbo v., HCinch, Eup. pur,Ferr. iod, Gnaph, IHydras., ILac def, IILyc, INuxm, INux v, HOp., IPuls.; becomes sick if he 4G2 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. cannot belch (dyspepsia), ILach.; in dyspep- sia, ISal. ac.; in hypochondriasis, I Arg. nit; causing crampy sensation upward toward chest, ILye; 'with distension of abdomen, Collin.; in prevailing fever, lAmm.m.; every- thing she eats or drinks seems to be con- verted into gas, IIKali e; probably caused by want of elasticity in muscular fibres, IGels.; seeks relief by pressing hand, Carbol. ac.; presses upward, Arg. nit., I Asaf; in prosopal- gia, ICoccul.; with irregular stools, ICinnab.; with vomiting of ingesta, bile and blood, IPhyt. B^°Chap. 16, Eructation, and Chap. 19, Flatulence. Stomach, fluttering: Brach, I IRhus, 11 Xan.; as of a bird trying to escape, causing nausea, Calad.; constant, over coeliac axis (low fever), ICact.; going all over body, ILye; and faint- ness, JEsc. h. BSP* motion. Stomach, flying pains: Ascl. t Stomach, sensation of a foreign body : of sharp pebbles, Ananth.; sticking in cardiac orifice and behind sternum, INatr. m. Stomach, formication : after drinking cold water when overheated, IKali c Stomach, fulness: ^Esc. g. Aloe, Alum, Amm. e, I Amyb, Ant. e, Ant. sul. aur. Ant. t,IArg. nit, Asaf, I I Astac, Aur. mur, Bapt, Brach, Carbol. ac, HCarbo v., Caulo, Chen, v., Coca, Coccus, ICon, Cupr. s, Eup. pert, Eu- cab, IGraph, Gymn, IHelon, Ind, IILyc, Millef, Natr. a, INatr. m, IPhos, I IPrun, IPuls, ISee, ISub; in angina pectoris, lArn.; takes appetite away, ICinch.; with asthma, better after belching, INux v.; and bloating, Abrot.; and bloated, after eating a few mouth- fuls, IFerr.; as if puffed up, ISub; impeding breathing, IINux m., impeding breathing, in gastritis, ICoccul.; with difficult breath- ing, INux m, IOp.; is obliged to loosen clothes, Chrom. ac; constricted, IMere; con- stant, I IRob.; disturbed feeling and upward pressure, after eating, Lil. tig.; with dryness of mouth, throat and tongue, in evening dry- ness so great tongue sticks to roof of mouth (typhoid), INux m.; after eating, Aur. mur, ICarbo v., ICinch, IColch, I Cop, IHydras, Kali c, IILyc, Niccol., Nitr. ae, IINux v., IPuls, IRhus, ISib, ISpong.; after eating apples and mutton, Bor.; after dinner, Agar.; worse after eating even light food, IColch.; as after a hearty meal, with hunger, I IMyr. cer.; after eating but little, ICarbo a, Ferr. iod, IILyc, Petrol., IPtel., ISub; as after having eaten too much, lAnt. c, IKreo, IPuls, IRheum, IRhus ; after soup or coffee, Kali c.; after eating, with sour vomiting, Nitr. sp. d.; in evening in bed, INatr. s.; yet sensation of fasting, worse after breakfast, Amm. m.; as if filled with food, Arg. nit.; as if food would come up, after typhoid fever (nervous affection), IManc; in gastric fevers, I Ant. c; with griping, ICoccul.; in headache, ICaust.; with chronic headache, llris; with frontal headache, IChim. m.; with heaving, Zinc; after operation for hemorrhoids, ICroe; cannot lie still (hepatitis), IBelb; with nau- sea, Kob, ISub; during pregnancy, IINux m.; as if overloaded, at night, Ant. t; and pain, after drinking water, Aloe.; and pressure, after eating, gives way to sensation of gone- ness, IKali c; and pressing, in intermittent, IFerr.; worse by pressure (gastric catarrh), lApis ; and swelling, ISub; with bad taste and dry mouth, Cornus ; to throat, Kob.; to throat, after eating, ICinch.; to pit of throat, at time for return of menses (climaxis), HCalab.; with yellow mucous coating on tongue, I IKali s.; with vomiting, ISul ; as if full of water, wobbling when moving or stoop- ing, IKali c; with yawning (cardialgia and headache), IKali c. 8®" heaviness, oppression, pressure. Stomach, gastralgia (cardialgia, gastrodynia, neuralgia): lAbrot, Act. rac, JEsc. h., Amm. c, lAmyb, I lAnthrac, Ant. e, IIArg. nit, IIArs, Arum m, Arund, lAsaf., Ascl. t, IBar. c, IIBell, IBism, IIBry., ICale, ICamph, ICaps, ICarbo a, HCarbo v. Card. m, Caulo, HCaust, ICham, HChel, IChin. s., IChlorof, Cie, iCoca, ICoccul, • Codein., I ICoff, IIColoc, Croc, ICup. ac, ICup. m, Daph., IDiosc, Euphor., IFerr, Ferr. s, IFerr. mur., IGels, IGraph, IGrat, IHydr. ac, llgn, llris, IKali c, IKalm, Kreo, ILach, Lachn, Lept, ILobel. i, IILyc, Mang, IMagn. c, IMagn. m, IMagn. p., I IMillef, Natr. c, Natr. in., 11Nux m, IINux v, IPetrol., IPhos, IPhos.ac.JIPlumb, IPtel, IIPuls, Rumex, Sabad, USang, ISee, ISep., ISib, ISpig., IStann., IStaph., Stront, IISul, ISul. ac, IITabac, HVer, IVer. v, IZinc; from acidity, HCinch.; acute and chronic, worse eating and pressure on stomach, Ferr. ph.; in Addison's disease, frequent attacks, Hod.; afternoon to evening, Cale; from alco- holism, IKali br, INux v.; alternating with headache, Bism.; anaemic, IFerr, IGraph.; in angina pectoris, IDiosc; with loss of appe- tite, I lAnthrac, ISib; arthritic, INux m.; awakes from sleep, ICoccul.; worse sitting bent, yet feeling as if to do so were necessary, better sitting or standing upright, IKalm.; sudden, severe, compelling her to bend back- ward and press something hard against abdo- men for relief, worse from motion, better from belching, I IPlumb.; biliosa, ILobel. b; rolls, twists, gasps for breath, ICoccul.; burn- ing, long lasting, changing to a dull pressure, with nausea, IIRan. b.; after chamomile, IIBell, Illgn, INux v, IPuls.; into chest, with sweat and nausea, pain came at night, in morning, after getting up, before dinner, and in afternoon, about 5 o'clock, HPetrol.; chronic, ILye, HSub; wants all clothing loose, and to bend back, restlessness and jaundice, IIRan. b.; after coffee, ICham, HCoccul, Illgn, INux v.; after cold, IBry, IColoe, ILye, INux v. Plumb.; with cold limbs, ISib; continuous, worse by motion, better by eructation (cardialgia), ICheb; con- tracting abdominal muscles spasmodically, IBism.; constrictive, of coffee drinkers, HCham.; with constipation, IBry, INux v., IPlumb, Stram.; worse by coughing, ICon.; after depletion, HCinch.; in diabetes, See; in bilious diarrhoea, lApis ; digestion slow and painful, ISib; with sensation of distension, HPhos.; after drinking, IIFerr.; in drunk- ards, ICale, ICarbo v, ILach, INux v, ISub; pains come and go gradually, extend to navel' better by hard pressure, IStann.; aftereating lAbies, lAgar.; better after eating, IPetrol.' after eating, especially bread, with frequent 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. 463 nausea and constipation, IStaph.: from heavy bread, sour small beer, and adulterated coffee, in peasants, IILyc; before breakfast, INux v.; commencing during meal, with great anx- iety, pressure in chest and frequent yawning, IDiad.; a few hours after dinner, worse by cold drink and boiled meats, better from warm milk (chlorosis), IGraph.; as if stom- ach had been overloaded, Coff.; after supper, with nausea, I IZinc; worse from food, better from hot drinks, and from belching, IINux v.; from waiting too long for food, ICoccul., llgn.; after emotions, I ICham, IIColoc, INux v, IStaph.; commencing in epigastrium, spreads to upper abdomen, back, and espe- cially kidneys, IGrat.; eroding pain, going off after eating, and coming on again at ter- mination of digestion, IMagn. in.; with eruc- tations, ISib; better by eructations, IBry.; with sour eructations, IStram.; after sus- pended eruption, lApis, I Ars, Caust, ISub; every evening (derangement of liver), IMagn. m.; from overexertion, IBry, Caust, ILye, IRhus; after a fall, Lye; in bilious fever, IColoe; with much flatus, I Arg. nit, HCarbo v., ILye, ISib; with frequent fluttering in epigastrium, Tabae; with gnawing, better by eating, worse from motion, I IPhos.; hand riv- eted to seat of pain, I IFerr. mur.; preceded by itching of palms, induces scratching, I IRan. b.; especially when heart sympathizes with dyspeptic symptoms, IHydr. ae; with heat, worse from doubling up, pains compel him to keep in constant motion, Diose; with hiccough, ISib; hunger cannot be satisfied, ISib; hysteric, Calc, ICoccul, Grat, llgn, Magn. c, INux m, INux v., Stann.; after in- dignation, HStaph.; irregular, coming on without special cause, I IRan. b.; in irritable persons. ICham.; in chronic jaundice, Hod.; with languor, ISib; cannot lie on either side, ISub; when lying on back, pain spreads to chest, under sternum, and hinders respira- tion, ISub; pains strike like lightning, spread like rays over abdomen, shoot into all pas- sages, ILye; sensation as of a liquid moving through intestines towards anus, Millet; be- fore and during menses, IPuls.; during men- ses, ICham, ICoccul, INux v., IPuls.; worse during menses, she drops to floor, comes and goes suddenly, I ILac e; with too frequent menses (nervous, sensitive women, with irreg- ular menses, spinal irritation and disordered, hysterical minds), ICoccul.; menses feeble, ICoccul, IPuls.; at every menstrual effort, or instead of menses, ILach.; with irregular menses, Arg. nit; menses profuse, ICale, ILye; worse by motion, IBry.; better by motion, HCinch.; must get up and walk about, IDiosc, ISub; with nausea, ISib; with violent palpitation, especially after dinner, HPhos.; periodical, with vomiting of food immediately after eating,pains burning and ra- diating into abdomen, IGraph.; with sickness, worse on going to bed, wakens before mid- night, commences at 11 i\m, lasts till 1 or 2 a.m., commences suddenly, with severity, and declines gradually (probably due to metallic poisoning),I ISubae;in pregnancy,Diose; light pressure aggravates pain, but harder pressure relieves,, bending forward gives immediate relief, vomiting better, so that paroxysm of I pain ceases for time being, INux v.; pre'ssing, drawing, better from eating, IPetrol.; press- ure, as from a stone, IBry.; with pyrosis, ISib; pain 'radiating after ice cream, worse after food, I Arg. nit.; of short duration, be- ginning at one point, radiating to cardiac re- gion, then loud belching, Carb.s.; with retch- ing, I ISib; rolls about on floor, ILye; from abuse of salt, Carbo v, Nitr. sp. d.; in multi- ple sclerosis, INux v.; from strain across stomach, Rut; with inclination to commit suicide, IBry.; spasmodic, coming on at 2 or 3 a.m., waking and giving intense agony (flat- ulent indigestion), ILye; body stiffened from pain, came on slowly and passed off slowly, brought on by overwork, ILach.; followed by stools, CEnan.; sudden attacks before menses, ILach.; twisting pains, with vomiting of clear sour fluid, towards evening, and at times at night, with sour belching (cardialgia), I IPhos.; sweat, I ISib; trembles all over, IISib; after vexation, ICham.; with vomiting, IBism, i Calend, INatr. ph, IPlumb, ISil, IStram.; from weakness, loss of fluids, ICarbo v, ICinch, HCoccul, I INux v.; lasts from one to two weeks, I I Puis.; causing weeping and loud crying, I ("act.; in women during climac- teric period, IGraph.; for several years, sev- eral attacks a day, end with vomiting and eructations, I IStram. 8®" aching, contraction, constriction, cramp, pain undefined. Stomach, gnawing: Anthrok., I Arg. nit., Ars. s. f, Ars. s. r, Eup. pur. Cup. m, IGamb., ILye, INitr. ac, IMere cor, I ISabad.; from acids, rises into throat, IHep., Med.; distress, like ravenous hunger when stomach is empty, IPuls.; with distension and gone, weak feel- ing about 10 or 11 A.M,better by eating.lNatr. e; worse after drinking, Bell.; worse before a meal, better while eating, ILith.; better after eating, I Hod.; better after eating, but returns in a few hours (cancer of stomach), ILach, Millet; as from hunger, HCina, Colch., Oxal. ac, Ruta; in gastralgia, ILye; griping from chest, ICale; with haematemesis, IKreo.; in sick headache, I ILac e; heavy, Bapt.; in morning, better by eating, llgn.; as if caused by some living thing, Ananth,; early in morn- ing, JEsc. h.; worse in morning and during motion, better by eating (organic cardialgia), IKali bb; with nausea, I ILith.; worse from pressure, better by eating, I ICheb; pressing, and twisting, ILye; like something pulling and asa weight (dyspepsia), I Arg. nit.; extends across under ribs, deep into abdomen, ILach.; sinking, at cardiac end, with dyspeptic feel- ings, before dinner, 11 Uran. n.; ulcerative (cancer), Acet. ac: as of worms, Amm. m. Stomach, gout: metastasis, IIAnt. c, Cinnam, INux m. Stomach, grinding: better after eating (cardi- algia), IChel. Stomach, griping: Asaf, Castor, Card, m, I IChel, ICoccul, Euphor, ILye, IINux v.; going through to back and into shoulders, worse after eating, I IPhos.; in cancer, ICarbo a.; clutching, Bell, I llpec; clutching, extend- ing beneath ribs into back,ILye; with contrac- tion of back part and sensation of coldness, Con.; with distended abdomen,Samb.; moving downward, I IPtel.; with flatulency, IGraph.; 464 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. with* fulness, ICoccul.; grasping, extending over chest after eating, IKali e; with nausea, constantly spitting as in waterbrash, IGraph.; spasmodic, I Arn.; spasmodic, so as to bend body double, worse on slightest muscular mo- tion, better from warmth, IMagn. p.; then vomiting, IICup. ac. Stomach, hardness: IBar. c, IPuls.; painful spot, to left, IIKreo.; of pyloric region, ISep.; felt like a stone to external pressure (cholera morbus), HVer. v. g^° induration. Stomach, headache: with gastric symptoms, All. sat, IIAnae, IIAnt. c, lArn, Arum in., lAscl. t, IIBry, ICale, ICale p., ICaust, ICoff, Cornus, ICycb, lEup. perf, Gamb, IHydras, llpec, llris, IKali bi, ILac def, IILobel. i, IIMagn. c, IINux m, IINux v, IPuls., I IRheum, ISang, ISep, ISil. 8^° derangement; also Chap. 3, Headache gastric. Stomach, heat: Acet. ae, JEsc. h, lAlum, Amm. c,Anthrok, Ascl. s,Benz.ac, ICamph, Cain, Caulo, I IChel, ICie, Eup.perf.,Gamb, Gymn, IHydras., IJatroph, ILac c, ILobel. i, INux m, IINux v, IPhyt, IPod, *Sabad, I ISang, Vespa : as from alcohol, with heart- burn, Tell.; burning, IFerr.; better drinking cold water, 11 Alum.; burning, with disturb- ance of intellect, IGSnan.; to chest, 01. an.; with chilliness in small of back, Camph.; into chest and throat, IPhos.; after eating, IFerr, ■Sep.; before eating, I IFluor. ac; better by eating, I IFerr.; flashing, Ipom.; in gastralgia, ISib; gentle, seems to pass through arms to fingers, after eating, Con.; intense, IIArs.; with nausea, Amyl, Chel, IFluor. ac; rising into oesophagus, Trill.; pungent, ^Ethus.; spreading through bowels, Amm. c.; as if steam were rising into head, ILye; as if he had been in hot sun, IGlon.; with thirst, bet- ter drinking cold water, Alum.; extending to throat, with nausea, I Nitr. ae; as of hot water, with internal chilliness, in afternoon, IPhos.; with vomiting of ingesta, constipation and fever, IPtel.; warmth, Aeon., Amm. b., Aur. mur, Anthrok., Bell, Benz. ac, I ISang, Sec, Tereb.; warmth, extends over body, Camph.; warmth and burning, 7rForm.; warmth, rises to chest and head, Bar. m.; better for a short time by warm drinks (hysteria), I ISee; warmth, in gonorrhoea, 7rCann. b; warmth, toward left side, move up into oesophagus, Asaf; warmth, with nausea, rising into throat, 11 Lactu. v.; warmth, rising, with globus hys- tericus, arresting respiration, I Vab; unpleas- ant, Ant. t. BST" fever. Stomach, heart: beats are felt, Ferr. iod.; lan- cinating, from stomach, Bufo. Stomach, heaviness (weight): Agar, Arn, Ars., Ars. s. r, Ascl. t. Bar. m, Cact, Carbol. ae, ICarbo v., Castor, Chim. m., Chrom. ac, Como, ICrotal., Eucab, IHydras, ILobel. i, INatr. c, INatr. m, INatr. s, IINux v, IOp, Pic. ac,Polyg, I IRob., HSub; with belching, Aurant; worse in damp weather, IKali e; in chronic diarrhoea, INatr. s.; digestion slow, weak, disturbed, IOp.; after cold water (camp diarrhcea), ILept; dull, as if caused from some hard substance, with vertigo, ISang.; after eating, Alum, Arg. nit, IBry, Cinch. bob, Elaps, IHydras, Hod, IKali bb, ILach., IILyc, INitr. ac, IPuls, Rumex, Vib.; immediately after eating, (dyspepsia), IKali bb; after eating a little, IILyc; eat- ing, IHep., Plant., IPtel.; after eating, espe- cially meat (dyspepsia), IKali bi.; between meals, IFluor. ac; in gastralgia, ISib; in ner- vous headache, I IPlat; in gastritis, IBrom.; in gastric fevers, I Ant. e; leaden feeling, Curar., ISib; like a load, IGels, Sinap.; as from a load, with heaviness in occiput,! Plumb.; load, as of a stone or lead, after meal, parti- cularly raw vegetables, I ISib; in emansio mensium, IDig.; in mornings, on awaking, ICarbo a.; with nausea, Vespa ; with oppres- sion, I ICact; in ophthalmia, IIArs.; with dull pain, IGels.; and pain back of, along spinal column, I IHam.; worse from smoking, Lact. ac; preventing sleep, All. sat.; like a stone, I Zing.; as of a stone, in dropsy, IIArs.; as from a stone, after eating, IRhus; as from a stone, better by eructation, Paris ; suffo- cating, after eating, causing rush of blood to head and ringing in ears (catarrhal ophthal- mia), HSub; with vomiting of food and white mucus, Raph. B^° fulness, oppression, pressure. Stomach, hemorrhage: Colch, IFerr., IIKali m,ISee,ISib; in cancer, Crotal.; after dancing, IPhos.; better from drinking cold water, IPhos.; in yellow fever, ICanth.; every sum- mer, for many years, IGuaiac; vicarious, IIHam, HPhos. 8®° Chap. 16, Vomiting blood. Stomach, hunger: B@~ Chap. 14. Stomach, hypertrophy: of walls, Acet ae* 8§^*" induration. Stomach, indescribable feeling: of nausea, pain, heat, oppression and uneasiness, IILo- bel. i. Stomach, indigestion: IIAlum, Ars. s. f., I Apis, 11 Arg. met, : Ascl. s, IIBar. m., Cact, HCale, HChel., ICoff, ICornus, lElat. ILept, IILyc, IMagn. m, INatr. c, INatr.m, IPuls, IRob, I IVer.; with chronic albuminuria, I IPetrol.; from alcoholic drinks, lEup. pert; with anxiety in epigastrium, IPuls.; with loss of appetite, Iber.; with chilliness, worse in every cool change of weather, IDulc, ISub; with colic, ICop.; colic, with waterbrash, worse after coffee, brandy, or overeating, INux v.; confusion in head (gastralgia), I Arg. nit.; convulsions, lllpec, IINux v.; with de- pression, ITabae; with diarrhcea,. INux v.; after canned fruit, with diarrhoea, I IPod.; in a child, from too frequent and too rapid feeling, I ISul. ac.; with pain and distress in epigastrium, IILyc. vir.; from farinaceous, heavy, fermentable diet, ILye; flatulent, I Arg. nit., ICarbo v., ILye; with flushing, after meals, Vespa; worse in forenoon and after midnight, lArs.; disposition to fur- uncles, IIMagn. e; gastro-intestinal catarrh, Hippoz.; gastric irritability, I Jugb; headache, IHydras, ILach., I IMagn. e, IIPuls.; frontal headache, ICale; neuralgia of head, IVer.; reflex heart symptoms, IPuls.; icterus, ICale; from indigestible substances, lemon peal, ber- ries, raisins, sweets, cake, pastry, and unripe fruit, salads, fat pork, sour beer, etc., llpec; with leucorrhcea, INux in.; with mania,IDig.; especially marked after vegetable diet, parti- cularly starchy food, INatr. e; inconsequence of suppressed menses, Codein.; nausea re- 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. 465 mains, llpec; with great nervous depres- sion, IIKali ph.; produced from weakness of nervous system, overexertion, pain in head, with depression of spirits, I ICoff. t; causes nettlerash, lArs, I IKali s.; obstinate, 11 Petrol.; obstinate, in prolapsus uteri, 11 Alet; of old people, Eup. perf.; in consequence of chronic ovaritis, Codein.; from overloading stomach, llpec; causes palpitation, IINux v.; with palpitation, constriction of heart, ICact.; portal stasis, I ISub; with sensation of press- ure, as of a load, and fulness, I I Kalis.; recur- ring attacks, with large, hard stool, like balls, and inability to lie on right side,IMagn. m.; from sexual abuse, IPhos.; from atonic state of stomach, HHydras.; better as food passes out of stomach into duodenum and bowels, INatr. c; causes vomiting, IIPuls.; with vomiting of clear, frothy water and stringy saliva, or with pain and salivation, INatr. m. 8®°" derangement, digestion, dyspepsia. Stomach, induration: HAcet. ac, ICalend, IMez, Thuya; malignant, IKreo.; of pylorus, ISib; of pylorus, after suppression of her- petic eruption on anus or scrotum, ILye; scirrhus, IIArs. Stomach, inflammation (gastritis): • Anag, IIAnt. t, IA pis, I Arg. nit, IIArs, Aur. mur, IBar. m., IIBell, IBism, IBrom, IIBry., Castor., Chlor, ICoccul., IDig. HEuphor, IFerr. ph, Ferr. s, I IHyos, IKali c, IKali iod, I IKali ph, I ILye vir, Lyss, IINux v., I lOxal. ac. Ran. sc, ISang, Stram, Uran. n., IVer, IVer. v.; after taking cold, IColoe; chronic, IFluor. ac, IHydras, IMez, I IPtel.; chronic, with dysuria, ICanth.; chronic, with dyspepsia, IHydr. ac; chronic, with thirst, especially after abuse of alcohol, IGraph.; en- teric, LEthus., lApis, IKali bi., I ICEnan, Oxal. ae, ITereb.; chronic enteric, ILac def; enteric, followed by hydrocephalus, IZinc; chronic, from sour small beer, and adult- erated coffee, in peasants, IILyc; chronic, violent vomiting of sweetish, sour or bitter fluid, like white of egg, IPlumb.; least food distresses, or is at once vomited, Ars.; pain after eating, food regurgitates, Ferr. s.; ery- sipelatous, IIEuphor.; causes fever, ISang, IFerr. ph.; whenever stomach becomes empty, IPetrol.; with heartburn, scratching in throat, IPhos.; from too hot drinks, IIKali m.; ob- scure subcutaneous causes diseases with faulty nutrition, followed by affection of nerv- ous centres, Lac def; cannot tolerate least pressure, even of bedclothes, IPhos.; cannot bear least touch, I ITereb.; second stage, I IKali m.; two spots in large curvature, where mu- cous membrane could easily be peeled off, Ars. h.; dark red, Bar. m.; subacute, I Ars. b, IHelon, Natr. a, IOp.; subacute or chronic, with pains and spasmodic ailments, Grat.; from mouth to cardia, pustular or pseudo- membranous inflammation, t Ant t. flgg"* irritable. Stomach, injuries; contusions, I Apis, lArn. Stomach, insensibility (typhoid): I IPuls. Stomach, insipid: and spoiled sensation, though a good appetite, IGraph. Stomach, irritable : I Ars, Ars. h, Chlor, Cochl, IKali bi, I IZinc; from acid secretions, causes headache, llris; with biliary disturbance, 30 IMur. ae; with cough, IINitr. ae; with gen- eral dropsy, IHelon.; after eating (gastralgia), I Arg. nit.; in intermittent fever (ague), I ISep.; with indigestion, IJugl.; in menorrhagia, I Apoe, ICarbol. ae; from overtaxed mental powers, INux m, IINux v.; with nausea, Ant. t; causes vomiting, llpec; worse by pressure, lApis; irritation, with pyrosis, IIBism.; causes sore throat, IHydras.; causes urticaria, with fever and itching, IICop.; un- able to retain anything, ICrotal, Merc.sub; food comes up as soon as swallowed, in pa- tients who have been prostrated by disease, in very excitable children,and in men when they have indulged in excessive eating or debauchery, INux v.; all nourishment re- jected (after suppression of eczema), ICup. ac; not even water can be retained (dropsy), 11 Apoe 8^" inflamed. Stomach, jerking: as of something alive, Sang.; jactitation of muscles, Plat.; jumping and shaking after food (gastric affections), IKali bi. B^P" motion. Stomach, lacerating pain: IINux v. 8@°° tearing. Stomach, lancinating: I Ars.; to back, Carb. s.; to liver, Bufo.; causing one to start, I IGamb.; causing paleness, desire to lie down, Cain. 8^* cutting, darting, stitches, Stomach, lightness: to back, with copious painful vomiting after meals, Sarrae Stomach, as of lime being burned, rising of air: in pregnancy or confinement, ICaust. Stomach, feeling of lump: ILobel. b; with con- stant beating as of two hammers (hysteria), IGraph.; after eating, Med.; in morning, at every deglutition, with nausea, Lil. tig.; as if hard pieces were lying, with nausea after eating, after typhoid fever (nervous affec- tion), IManc; food formed itself into a lump, with hard surfaces and angles, which caused soreness, INux m.; pylorus, sensation of a hard tumor, extending to liver, Ananth.; pylorus, formed a tumor, sensible to touch, sometimes to right sometimes to left of um- bilicus, Zinc. Stomach, intense malaise: after blood letting, IBism. Stomach, mental symptoms: mind sensitive during digestion, Hod.; depression, llgn, IPod, IPuls.; hypochondriasis, IINux v., IZinc. Stomach, feeling of motion: Calc. s, Lyss.; like a cat purring, Ferr. s.; as if balanced up and down, Phos. ae; causing faint feeling, Calend.; as of something moving up and down, IILyc; upward and downward, hither and thither, during painful menses, ICroe; as though a worm were moving, ICoccul.; as if it heaved up and down, with nausea, ICoccul. 8€iP fluttering. Stomach, mucous membrane: degeneration, with vomiting, heartburn, emaciation, diar- rhcea, IKali iod.; disorganized, Alum.; ecchy- moses, Sal. ae; several ecchymoses on fundus, Bar. m.; large ecchymosis, Hippoz.; erosion, with haematemesis, Trill.; walls hardened, as if tanned, Alum.; hemorrhagic and superfi- cially discharged infiltrations, 11 Anthrac; pap- ula shaped formations in substance, Hip- poz.; powerfully affected, Iris; red, petechial patches, t Amyg.; blue red,t.Bar. m.; dark red 466 17. SCROBICULU M AND STOMACH. or brown, Alum.; reddish swollen, cedematous hemorrhagic infiltrations, grayish or green- ish yellow discolored surface, sloughing centre, I lAnthac; softened, t Amyg.; blue spots on fundus, Ars. s. f; elevated spots, I ISyph.; tur- gid, Crotal.; walls thickened, in or at pylorus, Alum. Stomach, mucus: HArn, ICaps.; dislodged, falls back into stomach, IKali c; hawked up, INatr. s.; increased secretion rising into mouth, and sets teeth on edge, ISul. ac. 6®" Vomiting mucus. Stomach, muscular coat: darkbrown,inflamed, tBar. m.; red spots, t.Bar. m. Stomach, noise: Ferr. s.; loud cooing to left, and after a while repeated as a quick croak- ing, Lyss.; drinks fall audibly, enter with a gurgling, Thuya ; as if something ascended, makes her think she will vomit water, Coc- cus ; gurgling, IINux v.; fluids enter with a gurgling, llHydr. ac.; loud gurgling in left side, becomes more continuous like water from a bottle, Lyss.; movement of flatus, Do- lich.; rolling, in morning, passes off after breakfast, Amm. m.; rumbling, Mar. v., Menyanth, I INux v.; forerunner of cholera, IBadiag.; rumbling, or sensation of chew- ing, IILyc; rumbling, with congestion of portal system and pelvic viscera, ICollin.; rumbling, in gastritis, IKali iod.; rumbling, precedes palpitation, ICact.; rumbling, espe- cially in umbilical region, Anac; shrill, in gastritis, IKali iod.; snapping in left side, as if victuals were pushed there, Bry. Stomach, numbness: Bry.; as though it would go to sleep, ICastor. Stomach, feels as if standing open: in whoop- ing cough, 11Spong. Stomach, oppression : Cale s, IChin. s., Crot. t, INatr. m, IPhos, IPtel, Sec; anxious, Mar. v.; dyspnoea, seems to rise, I ICaps.; with shortness and difficulty of breathing, IOp.; into chest, ICheb; into chest, in cardialgia, ILobel. b; in sporadic cholera, ITabae; has to open her clothes, Lyss.; especially after eating, 11 Psor.; after eating, in hypochondri- asis, Grat.; after eating least morsel, IOp.; toward evening, Rhus ; in hysterical women, with nausea, pale face, weakness, phlegmatic temperament, IStann.; from a heavy lump, awakes at midnight, Arg. nit, with slight nausea, Xan.; and fulness, worse from press- ure of clothing, IGels.; wuth bad taste and dry mouth, Cornus ; cannot lie still (hepatitis), IBelb; sudden, has to unfasten dress, IZinc. 8@?** fulness, heaviness, pressure. Stomach, pain (undefined): Alum, Ananth, Ars. iod, 11 Ant. c. Ant. t, I I Apis, Ascl. t, Bapt, Benz. ac, -Calc s, ICanth, ICarbo v., Caust, Cop, 11 Cup. ac,Dory,l IDig, I IGuaiac, Gymn, I IHam, IHydras, IHyos., IKali c, IIKali iod., IIMagn. p, IManc, IINux v, I IPhos, ISang., I ISil, I IStram, Zing.; extends over abdomen, IColch.; with dull aching in anterior portions of both lungs, day and night, Rumex ; across and straight down on each side (dyspepsia), ILye; in Addison's disease, Hod.; 7 to 8 p.m., more frequently about midnight, lasts two or three hours, llgn.; alternates between chest, better lying down, worse motion,ICaust; inamenorrhoea,ILach.; with anxiety, IBry.; begins with anxiety, before chill (intermittent), I Ars.; awakes, Amyl, Lyss.; in cardiac end, after sneezing, Ictod.; with cough, extending to head, Oh lor.; through to back, with a forcing asunder feel- ing in back (biliary obstruction), I ISub; compels patient to bend back, Bell.; worse sitting, bent over, I ILye; into breast, I IPlat.; worse breathing, talking or laughing, Mang.; arrests breathing, I Ars.; with burning and soreness (neuralgia of stomach), I IRan. b.; burning stitching, better by belching, ILye; in region of cardiac orifice, Chlorof; in car- diac portion, worse by a full inspiration and by walking, IPhyt.; in cardiac region, every few minutes, Bapt.; in cardiac orifice, better by pressure, Cann. b; in region of cardiac end, extending to left shoulder, Aspar.; with chill, in morning, I I Nux v.; circumscribed, ILye v.; constant, IINux v., I ITabae; continuous (cholera Asiatica), ICup. m.; continues until he eats again, JEsc. h.; constant, even after light food (ulcer of stomach), I I Mez.; constant, violent, increasing, Ailant.; constant, in left side,Arg. met; with cough, Cadm. s,ICamph, IRhus; from deep cough, Apoe; with hard, dry cough, day and night, ILye; with cough, in epidemic influenza, ISabad.; when cough- ing or walking, I IHelb; in whooping cough, IBry.; once or twice daily, gradually more frequent, ILye; with debility, ICale p.; with delirium tremens, IDig.; and diarrhcea, I Calc. p, IMagn. m.; in chronic diarrhoea, INatr. s.; digestion slow, disturbed, weakened, IOp.; distended, Ferr. ph.; distressing, IHydras.; draws through both sides to back (cramp in stomach), HCochb; dyspeptic, with pain in back opposite stomach, better by eating a few mouthfuls of food, about 11 a.m., HPhos.; aftereating, IIArs., Calc, Cist, Kob, INux m, I IRhus, Sul. ae; worse after eating, Arg. n., Ferr. ph, I IPuls., I ISub; worse after eat- ing, better after a small quantity (perforating ulcer), IKali c; better after eating, IIBrom, ICheb, Diose, IHep.; must eat,IIGraph.; ob- liging one to eat all the time, Raph.; imme- diately after eating must bend over, with vomiting of food and slimy fluid (chlorosis), I ISep.; better by cold food, ice cream, etc, IPhos.; worse from fat food, IIArs.; worse from lightest food, better at night, ILye; af- ter food, especially meat (dyspepsia), IKali bb; from least morsel of food, ICale p.; after eating ever so little (ulcer of os uteri),ICurar.; after simplest food, ISep.; after eating, in fungus haematodes, 11 Phos.; as after eating too much (colic), I Ant. e; half an hour after eating, IPuls, 11 Ver.; twro or three hours after eating, also at night, somewhat better in knee-elbow position, ICon.; worse from boiled meat and cold drinks, IGraph.; after eating, weakly people, I IMang.; after eating, no rest until all is vomited, aided by drinking warm water, lEup. pert; with empty eructations, ICodein.; with loud, uncontrollable eructa- tions, ISib; after suppressed eructations,Con.; with bloated, red face, ILach.; then faintness, Cupr. s.; with faintness, cold sweat, I I Alum.; with fainting, INux v, IIRan. sc; fasting, and after eating, Bar. e; nervous fever, IManc; as from flatulency, especially in left hypochondrium, I I Rhod.; from loss of fluids, ICarbo v.; with feeling of fluid poured into 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. 467 abdomen (ovarian cyst), Rhod.; better from warm fluids, worse from cold, Arg. nit.; with sensation as of a ball or stone, Coccus ; 8 to 9 a.m., ICoccul.; from acid of fruit, Chim. m.; as if too full, Bar. c; with fulness and tension in abdomen, Sinap.; to region of gall bladder, with jaundice, I IPod.; in gastralgia, ISul. ae; in gastro-enteritis, I Apis; in young hysteri- cal, irregularly menstruating girls, I IMillef; with heat, ICale p., Camph., Cornus, ICro- tal.; during heat, Carbo v., Ign.; with heat in right side of head, Caust.; and heat, with vomiting, Collin.; heavy, Zinc; in helminthi- asis, ICina; here and there, Arg. nit; from violent hiccoughs, I Ratan.; horrible, Ananth.; above, like that after inflammation or that in an overtaxed muscle, 11 Sarrae; in jaundice, IHydras.; caused by labor, pains extending from sacrum to region of stomach, IPuls.; into liver, Calc. s.; to left side, IIAbies; on left side, in chlorosis, IGraph.; left side, below short ribs, worse during inspiration and by touch (dyspepsia),IIArg. nit.; lies on stomach (worm fever), HStann.; after lifting, IBor.; after lifting a heavy weight, during sixth month of pregnancy, I ISee; when free from pain in limbs, IKali bb; and feeling of a heavy load, ILobel. b; better by lying upon abdomen, lElaps ; in mastitis, I IPhos.; before menses, to small of back, Bor.; with sup- pressed menses, IMillef; toward midnight, I Arg. nit; caused by milk, IMagn. e; better by warm milk, IGraph.; better by sweetened milk, I Ars.; caused by inability to digest milk (in dentition), IIMagn. m.; in morning, IPhos.; generally worse in morning, spreads over half of sternum, with oppression of res- piration (perforating ulcer), IKali c; as if empty, morning after awaking, Millet; in morning, worse by every quick movement, must lie down,ICaust.; worse from motion, bet- ter by rest, IBry.; with nausea, Alum, I IPuls.; with nausea and general discomfort, IGrat.; with nausea and retching, worse from touch, better from eating, INatr. e; between region of and navel, extends to sides and rest of abdomen and down to sacral region, with urging and tenesmus (diarrhcea), HSec; in night (bilious fever), I Elat; at noon, after meal, Ars. s. f; from nursing, ICarbo v.; com- ing on as soon as children begin to nurse, but passing off if they continue to nurse, I ICalab.; after operation on abdomen, I IBism.; parox- ysmal, takes away breath, iCarbo v.; in par- oxysms, lasting for three days, I IPhos.; worse in posterior wall, Arn.; after pain in pelvis, Calc. s.; in pit, Arund, Aur. met.; on press- ure, Arund.; worse from pressure, better sit- ting bending or emitting fetid flatus, I I Lact. v.; pressive pain, 11 Naja ; in pylorus, region of, IPhyt.; radiating in all directions, appears suddenly in head and feet, IDiosc; radiating to both groins, down both legs, particularly left, IPlumb.; worse on rising, after sitting, Ars. iod.; in right side, while breathing, Brach.; to sides, especially right, and chest, ICarbol. ac; in both sides of inferior parts, down into bladder and testes, IKali e; from suppressed smallpox, IMillef.; prevents sleep, Tereb.; disturbs sleep, worse turning in bed, lAtrop. s.; covering space size of hand, in lower part, IVer. v.; spasmodic, IDiad.; with loss of speech, ILaur.; through to spine, IFerr.; through to spine, between shoulders, IIBell.; in one spot, after eating, I INatr. ph.; gradually spreading over whole abdomen, with vomiting, at first green, afterward black- ish, I IPhos.; standing, better sitting (vagin- [ ismus), llgn.; better when assuming a straight position, or bending backward (perforating ulcer), IKali c; worse stooping (gastricism), IKali e; during stool, ILye; urging to stool, Cadm. s.; violent, with tenesmus and urging to stool, Cadm. s.; sudden, excruciating (scar- latina desquamation), IIAcon.; sudden, as if she must sink down, worse while sitting, bet- ter walking, Elaps ; worse by sugar, Oxal.ac; grinding teeth, when asleep, ILac def; with toothache, Coloe; tendency to waterbrash, Amm. e; as if too tense, Bar. e; to throat pit, with heartburn, ISyph.; from time to time (scrofulous ophthalmia), I ISub; tormenting, IICup. m.; to touch, and when walking, IPhos.; and uneasiness, alternate with pains in limbs, IKali bb; below, to left, pains not so violent as unendurable (diseased pancreas), I Atrop. s.; before vomiting, llpec; after vom- iting, Card, m.; better after vomiting, worse drinking milk (chlorosis), IFerr.; better by vomiting, extends to back, with anxiety, ■Sep.; with vomiting (colic), I IOp.; vomiting every five minutes, Ver. v.; worse when walk- ing, Bapt.; worse walking and from a jar, Bell.; after walking, or other fatigue (indiges- tion), I IVer.; when walking, as if it hung loose, IHep.; after drinking water, Aloe, I llris; worse drinking water, IManc; from ice water, ICaust, Rhus; with rising of sour or bitter water, Kob.; with sensation of great prostration, IPod.; worse from wine, I I Ars.; for five years (epigastric tumor, with maras- mus), IHydras. BOP" aching, gastralgia. Stomach, phlegmasia: IKali iod. Stomach, pinching : lArn, IINux v., Sarrae; after bread and butter, Ruta ; colic, in preg- nancy, lArs.; deep, Jamb.; after eating, lAtrop. s, IPuls.; better drawing up limbs and lying on left side, Chel.; in morning, after rising, better after breakfast, Natr. s.; nightly, IGraph. 8§P* constriction, contraction. Stomach, pressure : Anthrok, Ant. sul. aur, I lApis, Arn.,HArs,Ars.h,Ars.m,Bapt,Bell., Benz. ac, IBism, ICetrar, Cinnam, Coccus, IColch, Como,Cop, Crot. t,ICup.m., Eucab, Ferr., Guaraea, llgn., Ind. met, I IMere, INatr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ac, IOp, lOsm., IPhos, Pic. ae, IPlumb, IIPuls, ISang, Verbas.; and acidity (chronic diarrhoea), IFerr.; transversely across, ICale, I ISub; about 3 p.m., I INux v.; alternates with tooth- ache, llpec; in anasarca, IHelb; anxious, fol- lowed by insensibility,ICale; causing anxiety, at night, with palpitation, ISub; on awaking, JEsc. h., Ant. sul. aur.; awakens at 2 a.m., IKali e; to back, Aloe, Hyper.; from back, ICepa; as of large ball (chronic diarrhoea), I IPod, after beer, INux m.; has to bend double, with anxiety, IIBar. m.; at times better bending backward, at others bending forward, better from hard pressure, IPlumb.; in bronchitis, ILye; as if it would burst, Berb.; in cancer, ICarbo a.; at cardiac ori- fice, especially on swallowing bread, IPhos.; 468 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. into chest, ICheb, IKali e; with oppres- sion of chest, Samb.; worse after coition, HPhos. ac; as of a foreign body, Cain.; with colic, I I Meph.; coming and disap- pearing during day, HCard. m.; compression, ILye vir.; as if compressed, in morning, fast- ing, Zinc; constant, I ISub; constant, at cardiac end, a burning pain there, 11 Form.; constant,in afternoon.causing restlessness,ICina; constant, worse several hours after eating, worse, even- ing and night (cardialgia), 11 Phos.; constant, in dropsy,ILye; constant,worse after fat food, IPuls.; constant, even after light food (ulcer of stomach), IIMez.; constant, corrosive pain, I ISpig.; constrictive, must bend backward for relief, Caust.; constant, dull, heavy squeezing, after meal, IRob.; during cough, ICale; in whooping cough, I Amb. ;lastingall day, I ICard. in.; worse in damp weather,IKali e; deep, be- lowto left (diseased pancreas),! Atrop.s.; diges- tion slow, weakened, disturbed, IOp.; with distension, ICheb; with distended abdomen, Samb.; with distension and gone, weak feel- ing about 10 or 11 a.m., better from eating, INatr. e; after drinking, Bell, Daph.; after drinking, in perforating ulcer, I ISib; with drowsiness, HPhos. ac.; dull, Chrom. ac; dull, persistent, IJatroph.; after eating, Ant. t, Arg. nit, lAsaf, lAtrop. s, IBell, IBry, ICarbo v, Cham., IChin. s, Grat, IHep, IKali bi, IKali c, IILyc, INatr. c, Oxal. ac. Plat, IPuls., Rumex, Sep., ISil, ISul, Stront.; after bread, Bry., I ICaust, IPhos, Zing.; with dif- ficult breathing, ILye; during breakfast, Agar.; after breakfast, Agar, Carb. s, INatr. e; after eating, chronic, IStront.; after din- ner, Carb. s, IClem., IIKali br, INatr. c; during eating, Con.; during eating, more from cold food, especially in weakly females, Mang.; after eating, in evening, Calc, Zinc; after eating, with headache, Bism.; after eating, for two hours (cardialgia),, I IZinc; aftereat- ing a little, Cham, IChin. s, HCinch., IFerr, IHep, Hyper, Laur, IILyc; worse after eat- ing solid food, Bar. m.; after eating, particu- larly after milk, with vomiting first of food, then bile, Samb.; as after eating too much, ISib; after eating, worse at night, becomes cutting on motion, llgn., HVer.; aftereating, or in night, clothes oppressive, I Amm. c; after eating, in phthisis, HStann.; after eat- ing prunes, Agar.; after eating, worse from touch and motion, HPhos. ac; after eating, accompanying symptoms of uterus, IKali f; after eating, in scirrhus uteri, lArs.; as of an undigested hard-boiled egg (dyspepsia), Abies; in emphysema, IBrom.; with empty feeling, I IKali m.; with eructations, I Amy 1,11 Card.m.; better by eructation, Rhod, ISub; momenta- rily better by eructation, 11 Kali iod.; in even- ing, in bed, ILye; in evening, in bed, lying on left side prevents sleep, better turning on right and passing wind, Tereb.; causing faint- ness, Ziz.; during apyrexia (tertian ague*, llpec; as if it contained undigested food, Kob.; as if food lodged over orifice after eat- ing, llgn.; as of undigested food, ILobel. h; as if food pressed and hurt, ICinch.; in gas- tric and bilious troubles, 11 Astac; in gastric catarrh, IMez.; in gastralgia, IIArs, ICup. m, I IPuls, IStann.; with gaping, ICepa ; to gen- itals before attack (metrorrhagia), IMere; with haematemesis, IKreo.; asof a hard sub- stance there, Bapt.; as if a hard body lay there, after a moderate meal, worse from touch, extends to both sides, under false ribs, Sinap.; as of a hard body preventing food reaching stomach, on swallowing, IKali e; with headache, after midnight, ISub; in heart affections, ICup. m.; like a heavi- ness after eating, IKali e, I IPhos, Sec, HStaph.; as from a heavy weight, increas- ing during the severe colicky paroxysms and followed by sour and bilious vomiting, I IPlumb.; in hemorrhoids, IBerb.; with her- petic dyscrasia,ICarb. s.; with hunger, IColoe; with hypochondriacal mood after eating, INux v.; in left side,under short ribs,after a thorough wetting,better eating, 11 Rhod.; like a load after eating, ILach.; like load, after eating, in gas- tralgia, IIBism.; as from a heavy load, I IPhos. ae; as from a hard lump, ISpig.; while lying down, ISub; with lasting, after confinement, ICup. m.; better by rest, ICale p.; worse in right hypogastrium (perforating ulcer), IKali c; before menses, INux m.; during menses, iCaust, ISul, Thuya; in morning, on awak- ing, Anac; early in morning, INatr. m.; with nausea, Carbo a.; causing nausea, Ziz.; with nausea and rapid sinking of strength, INatr. m.; turning into slight nausea, better by belching, Tereb.; followed by nausea, with sensation of coldness extending along oesopha- gus, IMenyanth.; at night, ISub; at night, awaking, I I Card, m.; at night, after cold drinks, Rhod.; at noon, I Aur. met. Zinc; extending up oesophagus, as from a dull in- strument, Nitr. sp. d.;into oesophagus, with slight vomiturition and borborygmus, Cain.; in ophthalmia, HCic; painful, Act sp., Atrop. s, ICham., Mosch, INatr. c, Stram.; with pain low down in back before menses, thick and dark (dysmenorrhoea), I INux m.; with contractive pain, at intervals, IICup. m.; painful, disappear while eating, and reappear about an hour afterward (cardialgia), IMagn. m.; painful, in haemoptysis, I ISub; painful, awakes at night with, like a heavy weight coming and going at intervals,better by flatu- lent discharge, Oxal. ae; painful in left half, worse by pressure, Stram.; painful, as if lead or stone were in it, after moderate supper, worse from motion, better lying on back (gastralgia), ICale; in chronic inflammation of pancreas, Hod.; pinching, takes away breath, afternoon, IPuls.; paroxysmal, several times a day, momentarily better from warm food and drink, I IPhos. ae;inpit (cholerine), IIAsar.; in pit, after eating pears, especially morning or forenoon, better walking (diar- rhoea), IBor.; in pit, worse from touch or press- ure, ICup. m.; like a plug, Millet; with press- ure outward, under last rib, ICale; extending to shoulders in morning, fasting and aftereat- ing, IINux v.; before sleep, Calc; as if sore internally,Sep.; with soreness to touch,IStann.; better from soup or from eructation, Niccol.; spasmodic,Tabae;in spells (gastralgia), IA sat; with pressure in lumbar region of spine, I IRhod.; through to spine, I ISee; as if wall would be pressed toward spine, and spine would be made painful from that place down- ward, Am.; spasmodic, after least food or drink, IFerr.; with spitting, ICale; spreads 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. 469 to left ribs, to liver and back, with belch- ing, nausea, pressing in forepart of head, into eves, chilliness, shuddering, IKali e; stitching, after eating, ICale; as of a stone, ■Aeon, IBry., Ced, HCham., Diose, ILac c, Sep, Squilla; like a stone, after eating bread, Bar. e; from a stone, especially after eating or at night, llgn.; as from a stone, in emphy- sema, IBrom.; as from a stone, epigastrium bloated, after eating, INux v.; as from a stone, better from eructation, Bar. c;as if he had swallowed a lot of broken stones, Osm.; after stool, Carb. s.; during stool, Bell, Brom.; sud- den, as if pressed against with fist, with desire to constant and uncontrollable cough, arises from epigastrium, I IRhod.; caused by tea and milk, which is the only food she can take, IKali e; tearing, burning, with almost daily sour vomiting, ILye; then throbbing, lying on back, evening, Alum.; with yellow,mucous coating on tongue, I IKali s.; from touch,Sep.; upward, becomes gnawing at orifice, prevents deep inhalation and belching, Calad.; before vomiting, IICup. ae, llpec; between attacks of bloody vomiting, llpec; with chronic vom- iting, lOsm.; with vomiting of ingesta, IFerr. mur., IGraph.; with vomiting of acid, white, mucous fluid (ulcer of stomach), iKali bb; with vomiting of enormous masses of mucus, intermixed with large bubbles of air, occa- sionally greenish, IOp.; with vomiturition, Cain.; worse after drinking water (cholera), IChin. s.; after drinking cold water when overheated, IKali e; with running of water from mouth, INux m.; with feeling of weak- nees in knees after eating, I ILach. BgT" fulness, heaviness. Stomach, pricking: HApis; in pit, Arund.; with pruritus, gnawing, Ruta ; pins, IDiosc, llgn. 8®" stitches. Stomach, rawness: rising into oesophagus, to middle of chest, ICarbo v.; to throat pit, with heartburn, ISyph.; as from ulceration, IPuls.; after vomiting, Ascl. s.; when walking on stones, Con. 8§P" corroding. Stomach, feels relaxed: I I Alum, ICale, ICale p, lllpec; with coldness, ISul. ac.; in whoop- ing cough, I ISpong.; better after dinner and from wine, worse from coffee, Arg. nit.; as if it would fall down (flatulent colic), ILye; flabbiness, Ars. h, ICale p., Illgn.; as if hanging, Bar. c, ICarbo v, lEuphor., Illgn, lllpec, IStaph.; hangs heavily, even after light, easily digested food, IIMerc; as though contractive power were impaired, Ailant; with nausea, ITabae; as 1 if hanging, or swimming in water (gastral- gia), lAbrot; worse in wet weather, after warm drinks, sour things, or smoking, better after alcohol, Arg. nit Stomach, rheumatism * affections of muscular coats, Merc, per.; symptons alternate with rheumatism, one appearing in Fall the other in Spring, IKali bb; gastric pains, better after eating and rheumatic pains appear, when gastric pains reach height, rheumatic pains subside, IKali bb; metastasis (gastric ca- tarrh), IIAnt. e BiT gouty, tearing. Stomach, scraping: Anthrok, Hell, Tereb.; like heartburn. IIPuls.; in affection of lungs, HSep. Stomach.secretions: promoted,Cochl.,IMagn.c Stomach, sensitive: Ant. t. Bar. m., ICrotal, 11 Hyos, I IKali e,I ILach, IMere, INux v, Ox- al. ac., Stram, ISul, Therid.; cannot bear press- ure of clothing when it swells, I ISub; cannot tolerate tight clothing, II Lach,ILye,I INux v, IPhos. ac, Spong.; desire to loosen clothes, after a meal, IHep.; clothing is painful, I Natr. m.; clothes feel uncomfortable, IICup. m.; cannot bear tight lacing, IKali bb; to con- tact, llgn.; to contact, especially of clothes, with drunkards (cancer of stomach), ILach.; pressure of clothes causes distress, IPolyg.; is obliged to loosen clothes betwreen attacks of vomiting, Chrom. ae; in dysentery, ICaps.; in yellow fever, IMere; in gastralgia, ISib; with headache, Ant. t; to pressure, I Ars., Ars. s. r, lAtrop. s, Brom, Carb. s, f IDiosc, IHep, llpec, ILye, IMagn. m., Merc, s, IPhos, IRaph, I ISul, Zinc; to pressure, in typhoid fever, I Ars, I IPhos.; to pressure, in headache, IIMagn. m.; to pressure, particu- larly on left side (cardialgia),I IPuls.; slightest pressure produces convulsions, ICanth.; sore to pressure, Ant. c; causing frequent sighs, IDig.; to pressure, followed by throbbingand distress, Polyg.; every step shakes, Anac, Case; tender, ICarbo v., IDig.; tender, after diphtheria, ILac e; tender, in gastro-enteri- tis, lApis; tender, with palpitation, after eating, may follow abuse of soda crackers, INatr. c; tender, with headache in bilious subjects, llris ; tender, in mastitis, I IPhos.; tender, with violent pulsations of heart and carotids, Codein.; tender, especially in a small spot toward left ensiform cartilage, on awak- ing, IKali bi.; to touch, ICrotal, IMere, Stram, Ziz.; to slightest touch, ILach, Oxal. ae; to touch, even bedcovers cause pain, ISub; slight touch causes feeling of subcutaneous ulceration, IStann.; sore to touch, with heavy pressure, IStann. BSsT" soreness. Stomach, sharp pain : yEsc. h.; to back, between shoulders, worse right side, Codein.; shocks painful, during cough, llpec.; to oesophagus, with throwing back of head, ILye; at night, during sleep, awakens, Tabae Stomach, shooting: Bell, Curar.; must bend backward and hold breath, IBelb; in catarrh of stomach, I Anac; to chest, Coloe; from centre of chest to between scapulae, soon after meals, I ISub; in diabetes, I ICurar.; sharp, Cain. ; in prolapsus uteri, lArg. nit. 8®* darting. Stomach, as if shortened: Ign. Stomach, sinking : 8@°"weakness. Stomach, sleep: rarely before midnight, a phlegm chokes him, IKali bi. Stomach, smarting: with desire for stool, Cornus. Stomach, softening: (gastromalacia), lArs, IBism, ICaps, ICale, IFerr, IKreo, IMere d.; total loss of appetite, ICale; in children, in course of hydrocephaloid, HVer.; in chil- dren, peculiar crying and emaciation of neck, ICale; painless, IKreo.; preceded by restless- ness and sleeplessness, and accompanied by vomiting and diarrhoea, IKreo.; in scrofulosis, IBar. c; tongue red. as if raw, ICale; vomit- ing all he eats, ICale; stool often green, many small lumps surrounded by green matter, ICale; great thirst, ICale I Stomach, soreness: Ant. t, I I Apis. Arn, Ars. 470 17. SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. s. r, Brach., ICarbol. ac, Cinnab, ICrotal, Ind, ILye, Natr. a, I INaja; when inspiring deeply, or from hiccough, Kob.; as if bruised, ICup. ars.;constant,IGamb.; with contraction of back part and sensation of coldness, Con.; with cough, I 101. jec; after eating, IDaph.; in bilious remittent fever, ICrotal.; worse on motion, particularly going up stairs, Chin, a.; with nausea and retching, worse from touch, better from eating, INatr. e; on pressure, Asim, IKali e; even in rest, Bar. e; sensitive to touch and clothes (chronic cephalalgia), I IPsor.; especially in a small spot toward left ensiform cartilage on awaking, IKali bb; as if ulcerated, cannot bear slight touch, HCinch.; when walking on stone, Con.; with weakness, causing dyspnoea, ICarbo v. 8^** sensitive. Stomach, spasms: Arg. nit. Castor, • Ced, ICoccul, Collin, ICon., ICup. m, IINux v., IVer. v.; worse during inspiration, I IZinc; with shortness of breath, ICoccul.; with short breath and dry cough, Sabad.; especially at cardiac extremity, IPhos.; like cramp, IBelb; chronic, during meal, Bell.; caused by eructa- tion,! IThuya ; once in fifteen or twenty min- utes, with gagging, and coughing and ejection of frothy mucus (chronic inebriate), I ISang.; occasional, for some years, 11 Phyt.; painful, as if a band were tightly laced or drawn around body, IIMagn. p.; feeling as if stomach con- tracted, or as of a heavy burden upon stom- ach, cannot bear tight clothing, ICon.; ter- rific across lower part, 9 p.m., lasts all night, lArg. nit.; with trembling of whole body, spasmodic motions, and desire to keep con- stantly moving when sitting, IDiad.; with uterine irritation, Caulo, I Vib. Stomach, spasmodic pains: Alum, IIBism, Cinch., ICaulo.; with dyspnoea, Alum, ICar- bo v.; compelling crouching forward, ICarbo v.; after eating, IDiad.; better after eating, llgn., Iod.; after eating little, IDiad.; renewed by eating, Iod.; with eructation, Anac; with vomiting before chill (intermittent), IDiad. Stomach, squeezing pains : better drawing up limbs and lying on left side, Chel. Stomach, sticking: Atrop. s. Hyper, Zinc; in cardiac orifice, and below, Gamb.; brought on by starvation (gastralgia), llgn. 8^* pricking, stinging, stitches. Stomach, stinging: IBerb., 01. an.; when touching parts, Aur. met.; in cancerous affec- tions, IBism; in gastralgia and gastritis, IIArs.; extends under left ribs as far as back, Con.; leftside, worse from touch, and deep inspiration, Arg. nit. Bg^* pricking, sticking, stitches. Stomach, stitches: Amb, Ananth, IIBry, Camph, Cycl, IGamb, llgn, IKali c, Lactu. v, Niccol, Psor, ISep, Spong., ISub; to back, with hiccough, Mar. v.; to chest, Alum, Ananth, ILach.; constant, worse several hours after eating, in evening, and at night, J I IPhos.; better one or two hours after eating, INatr. m.; after eructations, Coccul.; i flying, Carb. s.; in gastralgia, IIArs, Aur. mur.; in left side, worse on inspiration, Card. \ m.; when lying on side, worse on motion and \ misstep, iBry, IPuls.; with nausea, sometimes vomiting of tough phlegm (cardialgia), 11 Zinc; now right, now left side, Stront.; from both sides, Zinc; in spells (gastralgia), I Asaf; tearing, to back and shoulders (gastralgia), ILye 8®° darting, lancinating. Stomach, straining: when carrying heavy weights causes dyspepsia, 11 Ruta. Stomach, strange, peculiar sensation : Grat. Stomach, stuffed feeling: as if she could not lean forward, Ferr. iod. 8^* fulness. Stomach, tearing pain: I Ars, ICoccul, Zinc; as if torn with pincers, after a glass of wine •with nutmeg (diarrhcea), I ISub; as if caused by some living thing, Ananth.; feels torn, Sarrae 88F" gastralgia. Stomach, tenesmus: Castor. Stomach, tension : 11 Aeon, Amb, HCarbo v, IINux v, IPlumb, IPuls.; with sore sensa- tion in chest, ILye; constant, I IRob.; better by drinking milk, Ruta ; after eating, Coff. t; aftereating, in bronchitis, Hod.; in emphy- sema, IBrom.; in typhoid fever, I IPhos.; in gastralgia, IStann, IStaph.; painful, Bell.; painful, with soreness on touch (rheumatic attack), IBry.; in phthisis, Cupr. s, I ISub; pain, awakens at 2 a.m., IKali e Sinfulness. Stomach, throat: as if something alive were rising into, I IVer.; as of a ball rising, better by eructation, IMagn. m.; as of a ball rising, in amenorrhoea and hysteria, 11 Senecio; de- rangement, causes sore throat, IHydras. Stomach, throbbing (beating, pulsating): Ant.t, Arg. nit, I Asaf, Brach.JCalc, ICornus, IFerr, IHam, I llpec, IKali e, I ILac c, INitr. ac, IINux v.; two strong beats apparently rising, passing into head (hypochondriasis), lArg. nit.; burning, Cact.; continuous, in climax, ICact.; after eating, Alum.; aftereating, worse 11 a.m. (hysteria), Asaf; in gastritis, IKali iod.; as of a hammer, in ulcerated spot,Lachn.; with nausea, IINatr. s.; perceptible to sight and touch, lAsaf.; in sides, Med. Stomach, tickling: excites cough, Bry.; causes dry cough, ISang.; with pain in direction of right inferior maxillary nerve, Tarant. BgT cough. Stomach, tingling : with eructations, worse on rising from lying, IRhus. Stomach, tongue : g^~ Chap. 11. Stomach, trembling : feeling, Amm. c, Arg.nit, I I Calc, Carbo v, IHam., llgn, HVer.; with subsequent gulping of water, Magn. s. 8®* fluttering, motion. Stomach, tumor: in region of pylorus, close to umbilicus, towards right side, nearly size of fist, sensitive to touch, movable (gastric dis- order), lAtrop. s. 8^° lump. Stomach, twinging: Stront. Stomach, twisting: I Alum.; with anxiety and nausea and sweat, 8 to 9 a.m., ICoccul.; below, as from colic, INux m.; after drinking, per- forating ulcer), I ISib; in gastralgia, ILye, I ISib; in hysteria,' I ISep.; rising toward throat, Sep.; tearing, Ver. v.; with yawning, ILye Stomach, ulcers and ulceration: I Arg. nit, ICale a, IIKali bi, IKreo., IMez, I INatr. ph, INitr. ac, Sal. ac, I ISil, Sinap., 11 Uran n.; chronic, of mucous membrane, IHydras.; in typhoid fever, -Agar.; perforating, lArg. nit., INux v, I Phos.; perforating, I ISib; round, IKali bi.; erosion from superficial ulceration^ with vomiting for weeks or months, herpetic' of syphilitic origin, I ISyph. 18. HYPOCHONDRIA. 471 Stomach, ulcerative pain : I I Ratan.; with evening cough,ILach.; passing off after eating, I IGamb.; after dinner, I Arg. nit; with haema- temesis, IKreo.; left side, worse by touch and deep inspiration, Arg.nit; with sensitiveness to pressure, IMagn. c Stomach, uncomfortable feeling : IBism, Car- bob ac; desire to inflate lungs to full extent, in order to relieve, while riding in open air on a raw, cold day, Chin, a.; on lying down, Cinch, bol.; with nausea, Amyb Stomach, uneasiness: Ascl. s. Cop., Cubeb, Osm, Polyg, Sep, 11 Ustil.; with short breath, Alum.; after eating, IHydras.; uneasiness, better by eating (gastrosis), IMez.; after food and drink (diabetes mellitus), ILact ae; with eructations, nausea and hiccough, Cycl.; when free from pain in limbs, ICale p., IKali bb; after injury to head and face, IHam.; with nausea and retching, Atrop. s.; occasional, at splenic end, I IFerr.; with pain in forehead, Kob.; with shuddering of body on washing and while sitting dowm, Zinc.; especially in a small spot toward left ensiform cartilage, on awaking, IKali bi. Stomach, weakness: IIAlum, IIAnt. c, Calc. s, ICaust, I IChloral, Eup.perf, IGels,llgn, I IKali br, IMurex, INatr. c, 11 Psor, ITabae; at 3 p.m., Calab.; at 6 p.m., amounting to nau- sea, Osm.; from 10 a.m. till evening, IMur.ae; through chest and to umbilicus, ILobel. b; after chill, Eup. pert; coming from, IMagn. m.; chronic, Ant. e; chronic, from dampness of climate and want of fresh air, IVer.; chronic, from abuse of quinine, IVer.; better after eating, IBar. c;emanating from, IMagn. m.; emptiness, as if quite gone, IGels.; feeling, Amm. c, Bufo.,ICepa,Mere iod. flav,HPhos.; feeling, with internal sensation of coldness, Ver.; during apyrexia, Ipec; will neither tol- erate nor digest food, IMur. ae; in haemate- mesis, I Ars.; follows congestion to head, and nape of neck, Tell.; with pressing in head and hard stools, I IMenyanth.; she must lie down, lAmb.; succeeded nausea, IMagn. m.; ner- vous excitability, I ICalab.; nervous sensation, Sal. ac; cannot bear anything but raw onions (yellow fever), ICepa; rice would not digest, (chronic diarrhoea), I IPod.; with salivation, I ICinch.; by spells, INatr. m.; sinking feel- ing, HCaps, ICrotal., ICrot. t, IHydras, IHydr. ac, Jugb, ILye, IIMurex, Plant., Rhod.; sinking, on awaking, lApoe; sinking, with gasping breathing, I Chloral.; sinking, as if dying, IDig.; sinking, in dyspepsia, after typhus, IBapt; sinking, for hours aftereating anything acid, Zinc.; sinking, better by eating, Alum.; sinking, in typhus, IBapt.; sinking, gone feeling (functional diseases of heart) feel- ing, ITabae; sinking, with heat, ISub; sink- ing, in hemorrhage, I ITrilb; sinking, in meno- pause, ICrotal.; sinking, in sciatica, I IStaph.; sinking, with general, sick feeling, IMere iod. rub.; sinking, after sleep, Apoe; sinking, with white stools, IDig.; sinking, with desire to tear something away,Med.; sinking, vomits a greenish yellow bitter liquid, IMere iod. flav.; with vertigo, has to lie down, I Amb. Stomach, weary feeling: Ars. h.; painful, INuph. Stomach, whirling: Berb. Stomach, wrenching pain: worse after drink- ing, Bell. 18. HYPOCHONDRIA. Diaphragm. Hypochondria. Liver. Spleen. DIAPHRAGM, burning: in diaphragmitis, IStram.; along anterior connection, I Bry. Diaphragm,constriction: Asar.,Bapt, HChel.; as of a hoop (asthma), Cact.; from right side, all around short ribs (diaphragmi- tis), ILye; with restlessness, 12 p.m. till morn- ing, Merc. iod. rub.; with attempts to vomit, ICup. a. B^° pinching, spasm. Diaphragm, cough: affecting, most before sun- set, ILye Diaphragm, cutting: Senecio. Diaphragm, drawing: in angina pectoris, gas- tralgic form, lAgar.; painful, with difficult respiration, Agar. Diaphragm, heat: IIAcon. Diaphragm, inflammation (diaphragmitis) : lAcon, Act rac, Amb, Antt,IApis, Ars., IBell, IBrv, ICact, Cannab, Canth, Cham, Coccul, IColoe, IDig, I IDulc, IHam, IHep., Laur, ILye, IMorph. sub, INux m, Nux v., Phos, Puis, Ran. b, Sep, Spig, IStram, ISub, Tabae, Ver.; chronic affection, probably due to inflammation, ILye; with coldness, IVer.; grasping pain, with nausea or vomit- ing, INux v.; with peritonitis, IVer.; in ner- vous persons, INux v.; in nymphomania, IStram.; with vomiting, IVer.; from getting wet, INux m. Diaphragm, motion: rapid, Bufo.; rapid, con- vulsive, giving rise to extreme inhalations, resembling panting of a dog (spasmodic asth- ma), I IValer. Diaphragm, neuralgia : Act. rac, Atrop., Bell, Cact, Cup. m, Mosch, Rhus, Mez, Sil. Diaphragm, pain (undefined): Ascl. t, llpec; on inhalation, INux m.; takes away breath, lllpec; after lifting a light weight, Bor.; with jerking breathing (rheumatism of dia- phragm), ICact.; extends to sacrum, Zinc; in right side, Uacea ; with hysterical spasms, IStann. Diaphragm, paralysis: Ars, Bism, Ign, Nux v. Puis, Ruta, Stram, Ver, Zinc. Diaphragm, pinching: on stooping, INatr. m.; extending transversely through chest, on walking, IBism. ggg~ constriction. 472 18. HYPOCHONDRIA. Diaphragm, pressed upward : Camph.; by gas, causes dyspnoea, INux v. Diaphragm, pressing sensation: Jacea ; as if pressed between two millstones, front to back, llpec; painful below, on left side of ab- domen, Ars. h.; below, extending from left to right, -Tereb.; pain extending transversely through chest, on walking, IBism. Diaphragm, pressure: against, makes respira- tion laborious (ascites), lApis. Diaphragm, as if pushed forward : poisoning by foul breath, erysipelas, lAnthrac. Diaphragm, rooting pain: with nausea or vomiting, INux v. Diaphragm, shooting : intochest(rheumatism), • 11 Cact. Diaphragm, soreness: at insertion (cholerine), lApis. Diaphragm, spasm: Atrop, IIBell, ICheb, ICie, ICupr, IGels, Lobel. i, IMosch, GCnan, Strain, Ver.; catching pain, with gasping, I IPetrol.; sudden, must sit bent, Phos. ae; in cholera Asiatica, I Arg. nit; convulsive twitching, breast suddenly be- comes strongly dilated and ribs rise and sink suddenly (spasms of chest), IHyos.; as in whooping cough, with cough, I ISep.; in emphysema (bronchitis), ILobel. b; hiccough- like contractions (chorea), I Asaf; hysteric, Stann.; constant jerking motion making breathing short, ICup. m.; occasional, for some years, I IPhyt.; retraction at every inspi- ration, IHep.; affection of diaphragm and spine, causes a mixture of hyperaemia and spasm with hiccough, IStram.; during pre- vailing south winds in persons with cold hands, oppression and anxiety, in chest, IVer.; in onanists, Phos. ac. g^° constriction ; Hypochondria contraction and constric- tion; also Chap. 16, Hiccough. Diaphragm, sticking : Zinc. Diaphragm, stinging: Jacea. Diaphragm, stitches: IIAcon.; worse coughing, Bry.; leftside, arrestingrespiration,Spig.; worse from motion, Bry.; as if in right side, Asaf. Diaphragm, tensive pain: in region of, with deeper inhalations, Tarax. HYPOCHONDRIA, aching : Camph.,INux V-, Sil, Tereb.; worse by inspiration, Con.; dull in right, ^Ese h,l I Hydras,IKali b.;dull, over right, with nausea and vomiting, Cup. a.; to feet, Lyss.; distress, in left, 11 Ptel.; with faint feeling in stomach, in left, Diose; worse night, in left, IKali e; in left, extending low down in abdomen, with sensation of heavi- ness in abdomen, Con.; continued pain in right, drawing her downward from epigas- trium round to shoulder, evening, IKali bi.; in right, Merc. iod. rub, I ISub; in right, with constant pain in sinciput, Ind.; through to right scapula (enlargement and congestion of liver), IMagn. m.; at a small spot in right, from pressure, or drawing a deep breath, Bar. e; in right, while writing, Chim. umb.; weight, in right (functional derangement of liver), I ISep. Hypochondria, anguish: region of, INux v. Hypochondria, anxious feeling: Dros. Hypochondria, sensation of ball: Brom.; go- ing to and fro with various sounds, worse after 1 fluid food, better by tight clothing or bandage, and lying quiet, ICup. m. Hypochondria, bruised pain: as if beaten, Carbo v., ICoccul.; as if she would break in two, ICornus ; contusive, in right, I ICheb; during cough, Bry.; in left, 11 Apis ; in even- ing,IRan. b.; in evening and night, I ICist; in morning, on awaking, Cist.; in right, from a blow, Arn.; pressive, Stront. Hypochondria, burning: yEthus., HApis ; in afternoon, right, in walking, Amm. in.; after eating, I IStann.; like fire (sciatica), lLach.; heat, in right,IAur. met.; in left, ICoccus,Grat, 11 Ver.; in left, on taking a deep breath,Bor. ,in left,cannot sleep, Apis ; in left, like heartburn, into oesophagus, ^Berb.; inleft, after several premature labors, Thuya; in left, worse lying on it, IGraph.; in left, worse lying on affected side, with loss of sexual power,ICoccus; in left, toward spine, Murex ; worse in morning and during motion, better after eating (organic cardialgia), IKali bb; in right, Ascl. t, lAur. mur, I ILac c ; in right, in hepatitis, IIArs. 8ST heat. Hypochondria, coldness; Cadm. s.; cooling sensation, Chen. v. Hypochondria, colicky pain: Bapt.; in left, Cochl. 8^** cramplike pain, distended, flatus. Hypochondria, constriction: IDros.; as of a band (spinal irritation), INux v.; of a tight band, worse at night, IHydras.; causes short breath, Staph.; cannot tolerate tight clothing, IIKreo.; must loosen clothing (dyspepsia), IFerr. ph.; like a cord, Chel.; as if ligated with cords, morning (dyspepsia), I Arg. nit.; with whooping cough, worse after midnight, 11 Dros.; violent efforts to eructate to re- lieve, in right, IPhyt.; as if laced below, with trembling and throbbing in epigastric re- gion, ICale; worse morning and during mo- tion, better eating (organic cardialgia), IKali , bb; debilitating oppression, like a stricture, with nausea, Ailant.; painful, INux v.; pain- ful, impeding coughing, IDros.; painful, to lumbar vertebrae, ICamph.; pinching, as from incarcerated flatus, especially after eating, IIPuls.; in right, in hepatic affections, dys- pepsia, HChel.; as if a rope were tied around (after a mole birth), IBelb; before passing turbid urine, IChel.; as of a strap as wide as hand drawn tightly around, evening, after supper, I ISep.; tensive feeling, as of tight band, worse from pressure (intermittent),;. ICoccul.; in myelitis, ICalab. B^T" constric- tion, cramplike pain ; also Diaphragm spasm. Hypochondria, contractive feeling: I Alum.; obliged to bend forward, I Apis; during in- spiration (asthma Millari), ICup. m.; painful, lumbar vertebrae, ICamph.; pressure in right, Ang. 8^*" constriction, cramplike pain ; also Diaphragm spasm. Hypochondria, cough : painful, IDros, IHyos, ISub; pain in left, better by pressure and ly- ing on left side, I ISang.; must support with hands, 11 Dros. Hypochondria, cramplike pains: alternate with oppression in chest and difficult respi- ration, I IZinc; especially at noon when she is hungry (amenorrhcea), IZinc; periodical, I IRhod.; running toward pubes, Cornus. 8®*" contraction, constriction. Hypochondria, cutting : Chel.; bearing down, 18. HYPOCHONDRIA. 473 ■Graph.; cramplike, worse in right, into back, IMere iod. flav.; like knives, worse in left (gastralgia), I Arg. nit.; in left, Arg. met, Gamb.; in left, on walking rapidly, as if a hard, sharp movable piece were there, Bor.; in right, when moving trunk, Ang.; cutting, in right, extending downward across bowels, followed by diarrhcea, evacuation sudden, Bor.; before stool, Cub. B€s^* lancinating, stitches. Hypochondria, darting: in right, when talking, I IKali iod.; right to left, with profuse sweat, must bend double, Writhe in agony, clench hands (icterus from calculus), ICale B@~ lancinating, stitches. Hypochondria,digging : in left, Diose; in right, I IPhyt. Hypochondria, disagreeable feeling: in ascites, lAur. mur. Hypochondria, distension: ICham., Illgn, INux v.; bloated, around lower edge, IKali e; bloated, must loosen garments (heart disease), ICale; bloated, painful, in right (hepatitis), lArs.; after a moderate meal, Apoe; as if he had eaten too much, IColch.; better after pass- ing flatus, Aloe; of left, Aurant; left, in inter- mittent fever, IChin. a.; of left, in hepatitis, IMere; worse in region of liver (influenza), I Ant. t; in pneumonia, lAnt t; protrusion, with pain in left (haematemesis), I ISee; puffed up, Ferr. ph.; in right, with dull, heavy, aching, coming on two or three hours after eating, and partly relieved as digestion is completed (dyspepsia), INatr. m.; of right, in hepatic derangement, I IPod.; of right, with hepatitis, when suppuration ensues, IPhos.; swelling, Aur. met, Ferr.; swollen feeling, INux m.; feels swollen (autumnal fever), 11 Absin.; swollen, worse inleft (apy- rexia of intermittent), I Ars. BST" colicky pain, flatus, fulness, tension ; also Chap. 19, Abdomen distended. Hypochondria, distress : in right, with draw- ing pains in fingers and ankles, Ptel. Hypochondria, dragging: painful, 11 Ptel.; in left, worse at night, IKali c; in right, Hy- per. Hypochondria, drawing: through both (dry asthma), I ISquilla; to epigastrium, stitching pain from both, Goss.; in left, I Ars, Berb, ICoccus; a half hour after eating, especially in evenings, ICarbo v.; from left to hip, pain- ful, I ICup. m.; in right,Agar,Caulo.; towards symphysis pubis, painful, ICale; tearing, in left, Berb.; transient, painful, followed by lame sensation in left, Merc. iod. rub. Hypochondria, dull pain : Erig, Ferr. iod. Ham.; heavy, IKali bi.; in left, Sinap.; in left, constant, worse lying on affected side, with loss of sexual power, ICoccus ; in left, in intermittent fever, lArs.; in right, Carbo v.; in right, biliary calculi, I Elat; in right, in catarrh, HSticta; in right, in hepatic de- rangement, IMyr. cer.; in rigbt, with distress in small intestines, Ustil.; going through to right scapula, in enlargement and congestion (induration) of liver, IMagn. m.; in right, especially when limited to a small spot, IKali bi.; in right, with stitches (liver complaint), ICard. m. Hypochondria, eruption: itching, painful, pap- ulous, around waist, I IMed. Hypochondria, faint: sick feeling before stool, IMere iod. flav. Hypochondria, flatus: accumulates, HCham.; incarcerated, Oxal. ae; incarceration painful, IRhod.; incarcerated in right, painful, IColch.; incarcerated in right, in rheumatic fever, IIThuya; incarcerated in left, pains extend to left side of back and lumbar vertebrae, ICoccus; spot in right painful as from flatus, which gave rise to violent efforts to eructate, frequently ending in vomiting, I IPhyt; in left, stitching pains, lAur. met. B@- distended, fulness, noise; also Chap. 19, Abdomen distended, and Flatulence incarcerated. Hypochondria, sensation of fulness : Cale a, ICham., I llgn., IMere; must breathe deeply, Card. m.; causes short breath, Staph.; then diarrhoea (melsena), IHam.; in left, Sticta ; in left, cannot lie on it, ICean.; in right, I^Esc. h, Ascl. t, I IHydras, Iber.; in right, from a blow, Arn.; in right, Merc iod. rub.; in right, with flatulence, pain and soreness, IPod.; in right, in liver complaint, IChel. 8^° distended, flatus, heaviness, pressure, tension. Hypochondria, gnawing: worse in morning and during motion, better by eating (organic cardialgia), IKali bi. Hypochondria, grasping: with chilliness, ICale Hypochondria, griping: acute, in left, ILye gt^" cramplike pain, flatus, pinching. Hypochondria, hardness: in left, lllod.; in left, in intermittent, I Ars, Hod. 8®" Liver and Spleen induration. Hypochondria, heat: 11 Caust; burning around back like a coal of fire (abscess of liver), I IMed.; painful, Grat. BS^"" burning. Hypochondria, heaviness: followed by pros- tration, Zinc; in right, in functional derange- ment of liver, I ISep.; painful in right, toward back, worse from deep breathing, Zing.; as from a stone, ICoccul.; like a weight, Zinc; weight, in affection of liver, IMagn. m.; weight, in left, worse at night, IKali c; weight, in right, could not rest on right side, IMagn. m.; weight constant in both when walking, I IPtel. BS?° fulness, oppression. Hypochondria, itching: left side, Fluor, ac. Hypochondria, jerking: in left, Berb.; in right, Cact. Hypochondria, lancinating: in afternoon, in right, . a hand, worse by walking, better after eructation of gas, IColoe; bowels as if squeezed to pieces, I I Apis; during stool, I Arn.; after stool, in dysentery, ISub; after a hurt, cannot walk erect (prolapsus uteri), lArn.; with disposi- tion to vomit, ICoccul.; when walking, IFerr. 8^° soreness, sprained. Abdomen, burning: lAcon, All. sat, Ananth., Ant. chl, IIArs., Arund, ICale, ICale p., Camph., HCaps., Carbol. ae, HCarbo v., Chel., Coca, Cop., Cub., Dory., Cup. ars., Cupr. s., Erig., Grat, I IGuaiac, IKali bb, IKreo., Mere sub, IMez., INatr. s, INux v., lOxal. ac, I IPhos., Sars, See, ISep, I ITa- rant.; aching, especially after brandy (diar- rhoea), HSub; leaves dull ache, Calad.; alter- nates with burning in bladder, worse at rest, better walking in open air (hsematuria), IITereb.; with bearing down therein (affec- tion of' stomach), ILac c; and boring, with tapeworm, Sabad.; to chest, Millet; in chol- era, ICamph, ICanth.; as from a hot, dry cloth, 2 to 3 p.m., Nitr. ac; as from hot coals, IVer.; as of hot coals, deep in pelvis, IKreo.; from coeliac axis, in a line down to lower ribs on either side (low fever), ICact.; or coldness, ILaur.; colic, Bar. m, IColch.; in descending colon, Berb.; congestion, lAloe; during and after cough. Cub.; after coughing, Arund.; in croup, I ICub.; seeks to cool by throwing off covering and lying on ground, IJatroph.; deep, Carbo v.: deep, in evening, Anthrok.; in diarrhoea, IManc; in bilious diarrhoea, lApis ; in chronic diarrhoea, INatr. s.; at com- mencement of Summer, diarrhoea from bad or unripe fruit, ISul. ac; with watery diarrhoea, HPhos.; distress, /Esc h.; as after drinking brandy, at first transversely, then general, Jamb.; in dysentery, I Ars.; after eating heavy food (intervals of epileptic attacks), lArs.; ebullition and gurgling from upper part through chest and head, at first followed by a pain in ear, while writing, Lyss.; during in- tervals of epilepsy, Cup. m.; in typhus, I Ars.; like fire, lEuphor.; heat, with evening fever (chronic diarrhoea), ICale; in incarcerated hernia, ICoccul, ILach.; in iliac region, I ILacc; above left ilium, after several pre- mature labors, I IThuya; below crest of ileum, anterior to groin, surface as large as a hand, Camph.; in indigestion, Camph.; in intestinal canal, lAcet. ac, IIArs., Ascl. t, ICanth, Card, m., 11 Erig, IManc, INatr. m.; left side, lArg. nit.; worse in left lower, in middle of night (dysentery), lArn.; in left side, with weight and dragging, I ILac c; follows leucor- rhoea, ISub;in lower, IHelon, IKreo, ILach, Tereb.; in lower, in cystitis, ICalad., ICanth.; in lower, in cysto-blennorrhoea, 11 Uva ursi; from lower to groin, down leg, HLib tig.; in lower (uterine derangement), ICon.; low down, prevents getting up, Alum.; with re- tarded menses, from motion, better lying down, IPod.; about navel, Eucab, IHam, Hydras, IPhyt, Sinap.; in navel, like a coal of fire (gastritis), IKali iod.; in navel, as from a hot coal, worse when inspiring, Merc. iod. flav.; seems to concentrate around navel, worse from touch, motion, and particularly vomiting, I IPlumb.; in navel, in peritonitis, ILye; in navel, before stool, composed of blood, bile and black fecal matter, I IPolyp.; about navel, with worms, Sabad.; with nau- sea, I ICup. ars.; extends to oesophagus and throat two or three hours after eating (chron- ic dyspepsia), IHydr. ae; in ophthalmia, I ICie; in peritonitis, IIAcon, lApis, ICanth.; in navel, with pinching, Fluor, ac.; worse on pressure, in chronic gastritis, lApis ; radiat- ing (gastralgia), IIGraph.; in rightside, worse rising from a seat, particularly severe when sitting down, with sensation as if a lump lay like a pressing, heavy weight on abdomen (physconia peritonealis), IIRhus; making her roll about floor, Cup. ars.; after scarlet, Aur. mur.; must shriek, Tabae; in sides to navel, in pregnancy, I Ars.; in circumscribed spots, IMere cor.; in a small spot on left side, I IGraph.; small spots, return when thinking of them, 11 Oxal. ac; in skin, Berb.; in skin, in yellow fever, I Ars.; in skin, on right side, Carbo v., from smoking, Ailant; before and during loose stool of mucus (Fall diarrhcea), I Ars.; after stool, Sabad.; with difficult stool, Sabad.; with sputtering, fetid stool, several times a day, I Uamb.; with several small stools, Jamb.; a surging waving, proceeding from, spreads through entire chest to heart, Lyss.; in typhlitis, ICalad.; in upper part, becomes a pressure, Calad.; burning, worse after vomiting (cholera Asiatica), lArs. B^sT" heat, inflammation. Abdomen, burrowing : in upper, Stront. 8®° boring, digging. Abdomen, as if bursting: while laughing, Ascl. t.; after supper, Chim. m.; before stool, I Ars.; in whooping cough, 11 Anac. 8^** distended. Abdomen, complaints of children : in spring and autumn, llris. g®~ colic : also Chap. 20, Cholera infantum. Abdomen, chill: Tereb.; proceeding from, IColoe, llgn., I IVer.; begins in, goes around to back and all over body, six times a day, I ISub; cold shivers, in hypogastrium, Ant. t; complaints with shuddering, towards evening, Diad.; shivering, with colic, Calc. p.; chilli- ness, I Ars, IIMerc, See; chilliness extending around to lower portion of back, IIPuls.; chilly, with atonic dyspepsia, IPetrol.; chilli- ness over upper part of, after dinner, IIPuls.; chilly, in intermittent, I IMenyanth.; chilli- ness, with gooseflesh, yawning and icy cold feet, Paris ; chilliness, followed by abundant mucous stool, Ammoniac; in upper part, Merc, sub «gP coldness. Abdomen, choking sensation: in left side, bet- ter after discharge of wind, I ISpong. ggg~ contraction, constriction, cramp, tension. Abdomen, chorea: reflex, liver pancreas, ab- dominal glands at fault, Hod. Abdomen, clawing : around navel, better by pressure, IBelb; extending from both sides towards middle, sometimes to epigastrium, causing nausea, with anxious heat of cheeks, by paroxysms, like taking cold on prelimi- naries of menstruation, IHep. jg^* clutching, grasping, griping, pinching. Abdomen, clutching sensation: Bell, llpec; pain as if clutched by a hand, Bell.; as if a spot were seized with nails, Bell. BgT" clawing, griping, pinching. 486 19. ABDOMEN. Abdomen, cosliac plexus : neuralgia, I IPhos.; pressive pain causing anxiety and sweat, Camph. 8®° neuralgia. Abdomen, coldness: lyEthus, Agar, 11 Amb, Ars, ICrot. t, IKali bi, IHell, Mere sul, ILaur., ISep, ITabae, Tereb.; alternating with burning, Hydr. ae; in chill, I IOp.; in cho- lera infantum, I Arn.; with atonic dyspepsia, IPetrol.; cold feeling, Cist, IGrat, IKali br., IPetrol., IPhos, Secale, Sars, HVer, Zinc; feeling, in colic, ICale; cold feeling, after drinking, I Asaf.; cold feeling, as if exposed, Tereb.; feeling as if a cold fluid passed through intestines, during menses, IKali c.; feeling, especially when pressing with hand in morn- ing, when rising, Menyanth.; feeling, rising into mouth (indurated pancreas), ICarbo a.; feeling, spreading over chest, ICamph.; feel- ing, as if taking cold, after stool, IColoe; feel- ing, in tabes mesenterica, HPetrol.; confused feeling like a coldness in upper, Jamb.; feeling, with weakness in arms and tearing in wrist joints,IPhos. ae; to feet, Calad.; even in hottest weather (timid, nervous persons), lAsar.; icy, in colic or cholera sporadica, IColch.; internal in upper,after every swallow of drink, renewed at every inspiration, ICinch.; and lower limbs, ^Ethus.; of left side, lAmbra ; in lower, then burning heat, ICamph.; especially on pressure with hand, HMenyanth.; moving about, Bov.; painful, in dyspepsia, IKreo.; of surface, IMed, I IMere, HVer.; with swelling (uterine tumor), ICale; umbilical region, Tereb.; worse below umbilical region, Chel.; following toothache, ^Cale; in upper, then burning, ICamph.; transient, Sul. g®~ chill, cool. Abdomen, concussion -. in lower part when stepping, Amm. c g®~ cough, shocks. Abdomen, congestion (plethora): lAcet. ac, jAgar,Aph. ch., • Ant. t,IIBell,IBry,ICale, I IChel, Cie, ICon., ILye, INux m, Ptel., ISpong, IISul, IITereb, 11 Ustil., IVer. v.; from amenorrhcea, Collin, IPuls.; resulting in dysmenorrhoea and piles, I ICollin.; with flatulent rumbling in stomach and bowels, ICollin.; in typhoid, IPhos.; causes gouty or nervous headache, ISep.; with hemorrhoids, in liver affections, HChel, IINux v.; liver swollen, indurated and sensitive, IINux v.; measles recede, IBry, IGels.; with amenor- rhcea, Con., IPuls.; of portal system, I Aloe., IPod.; during pregnancy, IPod.; better after stool, IPod.; tendency to (anaemia), I Sub; caus- ing uterine troubles, constipation, headache, or varicocele, IPod.; nervous, IGlon. 8®°* inflammation, portal system. Abdomen, cool sensation: Chen, v, ICist. B@~ coldness. Abdomen, feeling of constriction : I Arg. nit, Arn, Coccus, IIColoc, INux v, IPlat,Thuya; as if a hard, twisted ball were lying in umbil- ical region, IIKreo.; as if tightly tied with a band, I Arg. nit.; obliges her to double up, only goes off in bed, Aur. mur.; as if drawn up in a ball, ICham.; before stool, in dysen- tery, I Ars.; especially when stooping, can straighten himself slowly, IFerr. mur.; of in- testines, IIArs, Bell, IKali bi, IPlumb.; with sensation of lameness in legs (lead colic), I IOp.; intestines as if strangulated and twisted in different directions, Pallad.; left side, 11 Arg. nit.; in lower part, Clem, ICon, IHydras.; painful in lower, on left side, on walking and on pressure, disappears while sitting, after dinner, Zinc; in lower, with short breath, Thuya; in lower, with pressure towards gen- itals, Coccul.; in lower, better only by purga- tion (constipation), IHydras.; during menses, Coccus, INux v.; with melancholy, lArs.; jerking in muscles towards linea alba, Alum.; painful in lower, with nausea in epigastri- um, and pressure towards genitals, Coccul.; around navel, as if a ball or lump would form, Bell.; about navel, painful, I Ars.; about navel, painful, after eating, IColoe; across navel, as if constricted with a string, HChel.; about navel, pain as if intestines were drawn into a lump (dysmenorrhoea), I ISep.; about navel, pain while sitting, Sub; under navel, pains, has to bend double, Bell.; painful, ICham, INux v., I IPuls.; pain, to- wards small of back, ICale; pains, in cholera, ICupr. ae; pain, day and night, compelling him to bend double (lead colic), I IOp.; pain as if drawn together, beginning in stomach, going downward to abdomen, chiefly left side, begins one and a quarter hours after food, attains its height in two hours, better by bending double, especially sitting bent over a fire, also by food and eructation, worse in a cold room or cold weather, IMang.; pains from incarcerated flatus, HCinch.; pains com- ing and going, like labor pains, Con.; in left side, beneath stomach, while sitting, particu- larly when lying on right side, Spong.; pain- ful, from pelvis to stomaeh, causing sensation as of great blow in region of kidneys, making her cry out, ICact.; pains, during stool, IRheum ; pain, in upper part, Coloe; pain in upper, after eating, extending to left side of abdomen and chest, ICoccul.; pinching, in dysuria, IMere; pinching, in upper, as from incarcerated flatus, especially after eating, IPuls.; cannot remain quiet, Mosch.; of pubic region, prevents walking, Arund.; spasmodic, with nausea and vomiting of sour mucus, INux v.; both sides to navel (colic in preg- nancy), I Ars.; with ball-like stools, IMed.; as with string, I ICheb; straining, as if laced, Aur. mur.; upwards, to chest, ICale; in upper part, causes short breath, Staph.; with verti- go, IIKali nit; with vomiting (pertussis), IDros.; walls feel as if pulled together, IPlumb. 8®* choking, cramp, contraction, retrac- ted, spasm, tension. Abdomen, contraction: Apis, IBelb, ICham, IICup. in., INux v.; in region of bladder (colic), I Aeon.; in cholera, IJatroph.; with coughing, ICheb; drawing aching, across up- per part, must bend forward, worse on deep inspiration, ICale; drawn into knots in many places (bilious fever), lElat; feeling after ty- phoid fever (nervous affection), IManc; feel- ing in pelvis, deep in (rectal and bladder complaints), Alum.; feeling in strangulated hernia, ILach.; with violent gripes (enteritis), ILach.; of intestines, with urging to stool, ISars.; intestines can be seen contracted into a lump, travels from one part of intestines to another, I IKali br.; laborlike colic,from both sides, Con.; on left, upper part, worse left hypochondrium toward navel, IBerb.; in 19. ABDOMEN. 487 lower part, before menses, INatr. m.; muscles, in yellow fever, INux v.; muscles, in lower, as though drawn together, over uterine region, Amyb; navel, INatr. c; above navel, visible, IRhus; below navel, painful, IGraph.; about navel, pain spreading over whole upper abdo- men, better, temporarily, by stool, IIColoc; about navel, spasmodic, with nausea, I ICheb; pain, IDig., IHep.; pain, to chest, with tight- ness of breath and diarrhoea, INatr. s.; pain, in lower, worse from motion, IBell.; pain, in lower, like after-pains, with urging to stool, ICon.; pain, on every motion and breath, ICoccul ; pain, to epigastrium, better by press- ure, ceases on lying down, Amm. c; pain, in pelvis, as if screwed together, Caust.; pain, on rising in morning, followed by discharge of coagula from vagina, IMagn. c; pains, wdth restless tossing, better from rubbing or hard pressure, IPlumb.; periodically, Ang.; under ribs, with every effort to inflate lungs (diph- theria), I ISpong.; in right side, painful, worse in morning, Sep.; in sides, particularly left, Berb.; spasmodically, Act. sp, Calab, I IHep.; spasmodically, with terrible bearing down, ISep.; spasmodically, painful, with great rest- lessness, anxiety and cold sweat, whereupon lumps size of a fist appeared on left side, HPlumb.; spasmodically, after urination, INatr. m.; tense, ^Ethus.; viscera to dia- phragm, ISpong.; walls, I ICheb; walls, in rheumatism of bowels, I IPlumb.; obliged to walk bent over, Rhus ; warm, from middle to chest, with nausea, Mang. 8gT* choking, constriction, cramp, re- tracted, spasm, tension. Abdomen, convulsions: Bgf spasm. Abdomen, corrosive pain: in circumscribed spots, IMere cor. B^T" raw. Abdomen, cough: Sarrae; concussion, Carbo a, Ign, IKreo.; as if it would burst, Anac, I ISquilla; dry, seems to proceed from, ISep.; as if he must take hold of, as if cough, came from there (anaemia of brain), ICon.; jarred, INatr. m, IPuls, ISub; pain, Bell, IIBry., ICamph., Carbo a. Con.,Ipec, Kali c, I Lach., IINux v,IPhos,IISquilla,ISub;pain,awaking between 5 and 6 a.m., IKali e; pain,in ascites, lApis; pain, as from a shock, in pertussis, I ISquilla ; pain, in laryngo-tracheitis, I IVer.; pain, unbearable, in pneumonia,, lAnt. t; dry, from reflex action in intestines, IKali br.; as if everything were being shattered and torn, INux v.; soreness, Apis, lArn, IIBry., Calad, ICarbo a, Crot. t, IFerr., INux v. g&~ concussion, shocks. Abdomen, cramps: lArs., Asaf, Carbo s.,Ced, IICup. ac, ICycb, IDiosc, llris, IMagn. m, IMagn. p., INux m., IPhyt, HSpong.; with pain in back, before menses, ILach.; in amenor- rhcea, Symph.; in sympathetic aphonia, ICol- lin.; better bending over,Thlaspi; better bend- ing double, pressure of hand, external warmth, worse eructation, IMagn. p.; as though it j would burst,with constant eructation,and dur- ing menses, INitr. ac; into chest, causing dyspnoea, HSpig.; in cholera,IHell, llris ; in cnoleramorbus,IDiosc,IPod.,l IVer.; in trans- verse colon, two hours after dinner, IHam.; with constipation (flatulent colic), I Elat.; with crying and loud complaining (hysteria), ILach.; cutting, before stool, JEsc. h.; with diarrhcea, ICup. ars., Iris; with diarrhcea of children, Collin.; drawing, in middle, with dull colic, Zinc; draws legs to abdomen, rest- less moaning, lamenting, worse by eating or drinking, IIColoc; in dysentery, ILach.; fol- lowing pain in epigastrium, as from a heavy blow or concussion there, 11 Phyt.; in epilepsy, IIArt. v., ICup. m.; in epilepsy, after falling on head, ICup. m.; in evening, with shaking chill, I IPuls.; in bilious fever, lElat; flatu- lent, toward chest, ILye; in yellow fever, I Ars.; flatulent, ICham.; Eup. perf; after injecting nitrate of silver for gonorrhoea, I ITa- rant.; hemorrhoidal, Asaf; from hip promi- nences toward vagina, places hands under hips and raises them from couch, I IVib.; feel hot (dysentery), ILach.; hysterical, in even- ing, in bed, and after dinner, Val.; from crest of ilium, toward spine, Aug.; as if cut with knives, during menses, IILach.; inleft side, with qualmishness, INux v.; with leucorrhcea, ICaust.; in lower, Bell, Lyss, IINux v.; in lower, in dysmenorrhoea, IGraph.; in lower, during menses, INatr. m, IVib.; in lower, in right side, Cinch, bob; in lower, with vesical and rectal tenesmus, ICup. ars.; in lower, almost unbearable, come suddenly and with great severity, IVib.; in lower, in womb and vicinity, I ICEnan.; worse lying down, I Amyb; before menses, ICinnab, IKali e,IPlat; dur- ing menses, ICinnab., ICoff,ICup. m,Form, IIPuls.; menses, acrid, offensive, vitiated, IKali c; instead of menses, Coccul, ICup.m.; menses shorter duration, Merc, per.; with metrorrhagia, better by pressure and hot drinks, IColoe; crampy intestinal motions (ileus), IOp.; in muscles (yellow fever), HCanth.; just above navel, IDiosc; begin- ning just below navel into back, flying to fin- gers and toes, where pain is intense (in preg- nant women), I IDiosc; about navel, drawing, with pains in small of back (labor), ICoff. t.; about navel, after eating, Calc; about navel, worse lying, lAmyb; about navel, with sore- ness as if a foreign body, worse on motion, 7rCact.; about navel, before stool (dysentery), IHam.; about navel, with stool, Myr. cer.; about navel, as if pain would give her a twist, Verbas.; about navel, when walking, better standing still (cirrhotic kidney), HPlumb.; awakened at midnight with pain in small in- testines, worse if he moved, IINitr. ac; espe- cially evening and nights, cold thighs, ICale; about noon, with first spoonful of soup, I IDiad.; in ovarian region, IBufo ; in various parts, IIGels.; periodic, for four or five years, two or three times a day, sudden movement brings them on (spine disease), IDolich.; re- mittent, INuxv.; during pregnancy, IGels., IHyos., IVib.; reflex from uterine irritation, ICaulo., IVib.; rightside, with constant eruc- tation, can only be borne by lying quietly on left side, worse from sneezing, coughing and urinating, returns next day at 3 p.m., better by warmth, Pallad.; with retraction of abdo- men, 10 p.m., again at 5 a.m., until 9 a.m., HPod.; shooting down legs (labor pains), Vib.; spasmodic, ICarbo a., ICoccul.; with stool, ICollin.; followed by tonsillitis, IICup. ars.; worse during urination, Pallad.; wdth vertigo, 11 Lyss.; with vomiting, IJatroph.; after bitter vomiting, ILye; at every time of iDOMKN. 488 19. Al vomiting, clonic or tonic (sporadic cholera), IITabac; with intense vomiting, purging, prostration, as in cholera, I IPhyt; is obliged to walk carefully, so that abdomen should not be shaken, otherwise urinary troubles were greatly worse, Prun.; on walking, Ang. B@** choking, clawing, clutching, con- traction, constriction, retraction, spasms, tension; also Colic. Abdomen, crawling: ICham., Pallad., IStram.; with heat in head, ICamph.; as from fleas, better by scratching, but soon appears in an- other place near the spot, Pallad.; into urethra, Zinc; crawling, as of worms, causing nausea, ICale; voluptuous, with anxious oppression and palpitation, followed by painless pressure downward in genitals with exhaustion, and stitches in sinciput, sympathetic with ovarian and uterine troubles, especially in barren women, IPlat; warm, running down, Alum. Abdomen, creeping: 8®" crawling. Abdomen, cutting : Amm. e, Ant. c, Arn, Ars. m, Ascl. t, HCanth., ICarb. s, IChel, HCinch., IColch., ICup. in. Cup. s, IDig, IIDiosc, IHep., llgn, 11 Iodof, Hod, llpec, IKali c, ILaur., ILed., ILye, IMagn. c, I IMagn. m., IMere cor., INux v., 11 Oxal ae, HPhos, Psor, IPuls, Sabad, ISee, ISep, I ISpig, IZinc, 11 Zing.; across, Calc. a.; across, with ill humor,anthrophobia, better open air, I Aloe ; across, right to left, ILye; awakes at 2 a.m. , I Amm. m.; from before backward and upward, labor pains useless, come on with every pain, very distressing and may be felt throughout body, IGels.; obliging to bend double and scream with agony during parox- ysms, bilious vomiting (ovarian cyst), IColoe; sudden, extended into chest and developed into an asthmatic attack, I IPhos.; through chest to right shoulder, during stool, Aeon.; colic, from bread and pastry, Ant. c; in Bright's disease, lApis ; changing from place to place, Card. m.; from one place to an- other, spreads over whole abdomen, Bell.; after taking cold by standing on damp ground, after exertion, lElat.; from taking cold, fol- lowed by diarrhcea, with pressure, IPetrol.; constrictive, after stool, worse by motion, IRheum ; during cough, Ver.; or before diar- rhoea, IKali e; before diarrhcea, in catarrh of stomach, IDulc; with diarrhcea, IArs,IJugb, Cub, IManc, IIPuls.; in diarrhoea of chil- dren, IMere; in chronic diarrhoea, lAmmo- niac. ; as if one were digging him with fingers, compelling him to bend double, Bry.; with local distension, as if hernia would protrude, Tereb.; with distension, I lyEthus.; after drinking, Staph.; after drinking cold water, ICale p.; in dyspepsia, I Arg. nit; in dysen- tery, Caps., IDiosc; after eating,Bov., Cain., Cheb,IPetrol., IStaph.; after each meal, worse walking, better from pressure with hand, Ars. s. r.; like electric shock, darting through to anus, IColoe; goes off after eructation, 11 Ra- tan.; late in evening, IPetrol.; from evening, after lying down, until morning, Zinc; in evening, worse sitting still, IPuls.; after fain t- . ing, Carbo v.; before intermittent fever, I Ars.; in typhoid fever, IDulc; in yellow fever, ICadm. s.; as from flatulence, I Rheum, Squilla ; as from flatus, with heavy pressure in pra?- cordial region, causing constriction and anxie- ty, Spig.; in lower, as from incarcerated flatus, I ISpig.; with flatulency and congestion of liver, IINatr. s.; before emission of flatus, ICon.; better by passage of flatus, Bapt, 11 lydras.; followed by profuse discharge of flatus, with large lumps of mucus, Jacea ; flying over ab- domen, Coloe; griping, lElat.; griping, with frequent eructation, Verbas.; griping, right side, before and during stool, excruciating (colic), 11 Aloe ; withhaematuria,IIpec; better by dry heat, ISub; in hemorrhoids, HCaps.; here and there better drawing up feet (acute gastritis, after taking cold), iColoc; in incar- cerated hernia, ICoccul, ILach.; in iliac fossa, from right to left, thence to rectum, Sang.; above left ilium (after several premature la- bors), IIThuya; worse when feces or air passes through affected parts, in inflammation of intestinal mucous membrane, IMere; causes involuntary inclination to draw in abdomen, Vab; as with knives, I IChel, ILach., Sabad., IVer.; as from knives, in dysentery, IKali m.; like knives, before chill (intermittent), I Ars.; as from knives, soon after eating, IKali bb; as from knives, in lead colic, IIColoc; as with small knives, deep in pelvis, to right, in a small spot, ICepa; in both sides, like two knives, inward towards each other, doubling her up, better pressing with hands, with cough, worse by day, IKali c; as of knives, with tearing in legs, particularly right (colic), IColoe; like a knife, in right, on walking, IIRhus ; like false labor pains, IKali e; from left to right, almost constantly with every movement, llpec; in left upper, from lower portion of chest, where there is a sticking, IKali c; with leucorrhcea, IZinc; to loins and region of kidneys, I IPuls.; in lower, I Hy- dras, IIHyos., IKali bi., ILept, IPuls, Thuya ; in lower, with cough, ICinch.; deep, in lower, toward small of back (uterine hem- orrhage), ICroe; in lower, in dysmenorrhoea, IIPuls.; in lower, better on passing flatus, llris; in lower, in hemorrhoids, 11 Sabina; in lower, now here, now there, Bell.; in lower left, ICepa, I IRheum; in lower, toward left breast, in evening, Spong.; in lower left, in middle of night (dysentery), I Arn.; in lower, to loins, made her feel faint, I I Puis.; in lower, every few minutes, must sit down, becomes very faint, cannot sleep, ICollin.; in lower, right, crampy, cutting pain, worse by inspira- tion, Bry.; in lower left, while sitting, disap- pearing on moving about, Tereb.; in lower, every step painful, with incarcerated flatus, Sib; in lower, before stool, Iris ; in lower, gri- ping before and during stool, excruciating (colic), 11 Aloe ; in lower, with thin stool every' morning, HSub; in lower, with straining, worse during stool, Sib; after warm milk, Ang.; after milk, with rumbling and frequent emission of flatus, Zinc; during menses, ICale, IKali e, IKreo, ILye, USenecio; during menses, too early, 101. an.; when men- ses should appear, ILil. tig.; with metror- rhagia (cancer of womb), Hod.; on every motion and breath during menses, ICoccul, with nausea, HAgar.; about navel, yEsc. h., Ars. h, Bov., Coccus, IICup. m, IDulc, IGamb., I I Hyper., Ipom.; about navel, IKali c, IKali iod, IMere cor, Nitr. sp. d,INuxm. IOp., Petrol, IRheum, I IStann.; about navel 19. ABDOMEN. 489 aching, with rumbling and desire for stool, HVer. v.; about navel, with colic, ICaps, ISpig.; about navel, alternates, with colic during night, IKali bi.; about navel, alter- nates, with cutting in bladder, worse at rest, better walking in open air (hematuria), I ITereb.; about navel, going through to back, and coming on at intervals, Sib; about navel, wakes in morning, IGlon.; below navel, toward groin and internal genitals, better from warmth in bed, with the pains coldness of feet and pappy stool, IColoe; about navel, when taking a long inspiration, I IMang.; about navel, like a coal of Are (gastritis), IKali iod.; about navel, constant distress every few moments in stomach and small in- testines, IIDiosc; about navel, constricting, to small of back, where it is severe, and of long duration, I IPuls.; about navel, with di- arrhoea, bitter eructations, hunger, better by pressure, IStann.; about navel, as if diarrhoea would set in, IPuls.; about navel, with dysen- tery, IINux v.; about navel, after eating, IColoe; about navel, after exposure, IDulc; about navel, followed by flatus, Camph.; about navel, better from emitting flatus, IMagn. e; about navel, in typhoid fever, IDulc; about navel, with constant flow of bright red blood from female organs (prolap- sus and hemorrhage), llpec; about navel, interfering with true labor pains, lllpec; about navel, as if knife were thrust to back, with piercing screams, ICup. m.; about navel, left side, Zing.; about navel, precedes leucor- rhcea, ISub; about navel, precedes milky leu- corrhcea, I ISib; about navel, worse at night, IDulc; to ovarian region (acute catarrh of bladder), IColoe; about navel, better from pressure, INux m.; about navel, radiate over upper portion, excruciating, from slightest touch, as well as by motion, with tympanitic distension (peritonitis), ILach.; about navel, above, toward stomach, radiating to both sides and back,she has to scream, then shoot- ing and violently contracting, better by bend- ing double, or by pressure with hand, exter- nal warmth and eructations, IMagn. p.; about navel, stitch transversely across, Zinc; about navel, before stool, INux v.; about navel, during stool, Aloe, Gamb.; about navel, worse after stool, with chilliness, IIColoc; about navel, better by stool, Benz. ae; about navel, then inclination to stool, Camph.; about navel, then urging to urinate, Camph.; at night, HSec; worse at night, 11 Jalap.; especially at night, Aph. ch.; worse about noon, Arum t; in ovarian cyst, IColoe; par- oxysmal, with diarrhcea and tenesmus, worse at night, HSub; in various parts, chiefly around navel, Coccul.; as if cut to pieces, worse sitting bent forward, Ant. t; as if cut to pieces, worse during stool (autumnal dys- entery), IMere; during pregnancy, HVer.; when pressing on it, IRan. b.; pressing, be- neath floating ribs (arthritic rheumatic), I ISpig.; recurring at intervals of ten or fifteen minutes (cholera morbus), 11 Elat; with rest- lessness, anxiety and cold sweat, HPlumb.; with restless tossing, better from rubbing or hard pressure, IPlumb.; in right side, throws her into fainting fits, ILach.; in right lower, running into right spermatic cord, Med.; with rumbling movement, proceeding from below upward, producing nausea, and with liquid feces which were discharged with con- siderable force, with pain in loins, 11 Polyg.; in scarlatina, IMere; sits bent over, pressing with both hands, or leans back for relief, can- not sit upright, IKali e; coming up into stomach and causing nausea, or extending into thighs, IColoe; spasmodic, at navel, must bend double, Calad.; moving up to sternum, worse on drawing long breath and from motion of hands, Ascl. t; then dull sore- ness and warmth unpleasant, and burning in stomach, Cup. ars.; before stool, I Ars,Brom, IColoe, Con, Dig, Kob, IMagn. c, IMere, INatr. m, Niccol, INitr. ac. Petrol., Sec, ISub; during stool, I I Agar, Asar, Cub,Iod, Kali n., IIMerc. cor, IRheum ; after stool, IPod.; with disposition to stool (camp diar- rhcea), ILept.; followed by soft stools, Zinc; as if he would have a stool, better by escape of flatus and warmth, Ars. iod.; with thin, shiny stool, I IPetrol.; before and after mushy stools, Ver. vir.; compels instant resort to stool, awakens about 5 a.m., ISub; with sen- sitiveness during stool (cholerine), ICrot. t; with urging to stool, crying and lamentations, Jacea; with ineffectual urging to stool, I IPhos.; warned him to go to stool, Ars.iod.; in summer complaint, lAng.; into testicle, after stool, IHydras.; into thighs, Tereb.; like a thread towards centre, ICepa ; to tongue and limbs if she refrains from urinating, I IPuls.; as if torn to pieces, IKali e; in up- per, ICale; in upper, as if a chisel were thrust deep in, thence passing in a curve, backward and downward into pelvis, and then cutting its way up again, IColoe; in up- per, with diarrhoea, I Ars.; in upper, after eating, Spong.; in upper, also while eating, Zinc; in upper, better passing flatus, Asar.; in upper, from left to right, Lachn.; in up- per and lower, after eating, IChin. s.; in upper, with nausea and diarrhcea, IPetrol.; upward, in left iliac region, in paroxysms (during pregnancy), I IZinc; during urination (gravel), ILye; with urging to urinate, worse night (dysuria), IMere; with frequent urging to urinate, particularly at night, with scanty dis- charge, INitr. ac.; with violent vomiting, I lyEthus.; in walls, Apis; worse walking, IDiosc; from worms, ICina; as if cutting into a wound, right side when touched, better by escape of flatus, Arn. 8^" darting, lan- cinating, sticking, stitches ; also Colic. Abdomen, darting: IKali c, Vib.; below, through to spine (typhoid), ICoccul.; worse on right side, above hips, 10 a.m., Tromb.; in side, when talking, IKali iod. B^sT" cutting, lancinating, shooting, stick- ing, stitches. Abdomen, as if diarrhcea would set in: 11 Ang, 11 Ant. c, Bry, Tereb.; passing off by urinat- ing, Lil. tig.; pain from umbilicus to anus, 11 Led. B^° Chap. 20, Diarrhoea threatening. Abdomen, digging: low down, Carbol. ac; fine, as if something alive wrere beneath skin, above left hip, in the side on which he lies, in morning, Spong.; in intestines, I IRheum ; in typhoid,IDulc; during menses, in evening, followed by thirst, I INatr. s.; about navel, in typhoid fever, IDulc; about 490 19. ABDOMEN. navel, deep, when walking, Calend.; before every stool, Stann.; during vomiting, Calc; in left "side, better after discharge of wind, 11 Spong. 8^° boring, burrowing. Abdomen, disagreeable sensation: Ars. 8€^"*discomfort, distress, uneasiness. Abdomen, discomfort: after eating, IBor, Cinnab.; after dinner, Aur. met.; head sinks back, Spig.; in intestinal catarrh, ICheb; in lower, I ICycb; in phthisis, 11 Tuberc.; with dry throat, watery saliva, and nausea,IColch. 8^° distress, uneasiness. Abdomen, distended: iEsc h., 11 Alet, Amb., Amyg., I Amyb, I Anac, I Apis, Ascl.s., As- tac, Aur. met, Bapt, Bar. e,Berb., Bism., IBry., Calad, ICanth., ICarbo a., HCarbov, ICarbol. ac, Carb. s., I ICaust, Ced., ICepa, ICham., HCic, HCinch., Cist,l IColch.,ICroe, ICrot. t,Cub., ICycb, IDiosc, Eucab, I Graph., IHelb, IHep.,IHyos, Iber., Ipom., ILil. tig., IILyc, Lobel. b, IMagn. m., I IManc, Mang., IMere, I I Millef, IMur., Niccol, INux v.,IOp, IPuls, I IRhus, 11 Sars.,Sec,Sumb.,Val, I IVer. v., Viol, I IZinc, Zing.; in afternoon, Castor.; in afternoon and evening, Grat, Osm.; in arthritis, I Ang.; on awaking, Hyper.; ball- like, on right side below liver, Cycl.; Bright's disease, IKalm.; to bursting (dysentery), ICaps.; as if it would burst, Cop.; as if it would burst open, right side, while sitting, INatr. s.; especially in children, ISib; dur- ing chills, Ars. h.; in chlorosis, marasmus and colic, lAbrot.; after confinement, ILye; with rush of blood to head, IGraph.; in colic, Aur. mur,ICoccub,IHydr. ac, ISep.; in colic, bends backward, IPlumb.; in colic, with consti- pation, Bry.; in lead colic, IIColoc; in colic, after supper, Chim. m.; transverse colon, I ISub; transverse colon protrudes like a pad, during pain, IBelb; in constipation, IDiosc, IMagn. m.; with costiveness in typhus, lAcet. ac; with constipation, in uterine tumor and albuminuria, ITereb.; contracts spasmodically when touched, Colch.; after heart contrac- tion, INux m.; convulsive condition of little children, ICham.; in cystitis, IHelb; with di- arrhoea, IGraph.; in chronic diarrhcea, I ISub; after drinking, or eating, must loosen clothing, Sinap.; in ascites, I Apoe, IDig, I IMed, I IRheum; with dulness and heaviness of head, IGraph.; in dysmenorrhoea, ICaps, HCoccul.; after eating, Agar, lAgnus, Aloe, Asaf, ICham., IGraph, llgn., Kali c, IKreo, INatr. c, INux m, IPuls, ISal. ac, IThuya ; after dinner, Cale, INux m.; worse after din- ner, and from slightest mental emotion, INux m.; after eating, in diarrhcea, IBor.; after eating a little, IIKali c, Magn. s.; as from overeating, Ant. c; after eating, in whooping cough, IBry.; with eructations, Con.; every evening, Lyss.; feeling, particularly in left hypochondriac region (intermittent), ICoccul.; in prevailing fever, lAmm. in.; in puerperal fever, Bry.; in typhus abdominalis, IINux v.; in typhus and variola, I IChin. s.; fulness, as if loaded with food, with sensation as of incarcerated flatus and frequent ineffectual efforts to emit it, fulness in evening, worse by smoking, IMenyanth.; with glandular swell- ing, IBar. m.; followed by griping as if stool would occur, IRaph.; in haematuria, INux v.; hard, HCale, ILach, ISub; hard, in hel- I minthiasis, ICina; hard, with painfulness of umbilical region to touch, IKali e; hard, in spasms, ICup. m.; but not hard, lAnt e; in hydrocephalus, IZinc.; with inflammation of bowels (malignant scarlet fever), I I Sal. ac.; in- testines, with gas,sothatthey could be traced by finger, I IPlumb.; in intestinal catarrh, ICheb; or drawn into knots, IColoe; in leucorrhcea, IIGraph.; local, as if hernia would protrude, with cutting, Tereb.; lower part, IHyos.; INitr. ac, ISep.; lower, in diarrhcea, lArs.; lower, in metrorrhagia, 11 Sabina; of lower, above pubes, as if parts would burst, lying on back, I IBar. e; of lower, sensitive, espe- cially above pubes, Ferr. mur.; lower, sensi- tive to contact (scirrhus uteri), I Arg. met; before menses, Con.; during menses, Aloe, Berb, ICinch, IKali c, Lachn, INatr. c; with menses, too early, seven days, HCoc- cul.; with late menses, ISub; in menorrhagia, ICoccus ; after a small quantity of milk, sud- den, ICon.; in morning, ICham.; every move- ment or touch pains as from an internal ulcer, ICoccul.; about navel, IIBry.; about navel, caused by accumulation of flatus in upper part of bowels, with antiperistaltic motion, belching and vomiting, IOp.; about navel, with pain on pressure, I IMere iod. rub.; with nausea, IHyper, lllpec; with nausea, worse after eating, ICrot. t; nervous, reflex, from uterine disorder, 01. caje.; in facial neuralgia, HSep.; painful, HCaust; with pains, worse after eating or drinking, from accumulation of gas, lying down and in afternoon (tabes mesenterica), I IPetrol.; painful, better for a time by motion, if gas passes off it is imme- diately renewed, I IOp.; painful, awakens child at night (tabes mesenterica), I IPetrol.; right side, worse after exertion, better when standing, and lying on left side, IPallad.; of single places, I Aur. mur, Carbo a.; with pinching, Mosch., INatr. s.; with pressure, and griping in stomach and umbilical region, Samb.; with pressure and heaviness (affec- tion of liver), IMagn. m.; especially in right, Card, m.; with loud rumbling, ICarbo v.; almost to point of rupturing, with colic and acid diarrhcea, IRob.; in scarlatina, IKali m.; scarlatinal dropsy, IDig.; sensitive to touch (inflammation of bowels in dentition), I Acet. ac; and sore to touch (puerperal peritonitis), ITereb.; with tenderness, Caulo.; with tender- ness on respiration and touch after a scanty breakfast, Sinap.; in smallpox, I IChin. s.; but soft, ICham., Stram.; and soft,in cholera, IJa- troph.; and soft, in cholera infantum, HVer.; and sore, after menses cease, Lil. tig.; after attack of spasms, IZinc; in affection of stom- ach, IKali bb; sometimes in stomach, some- times in bowels, with violent eructation, com: ing on at 4 a.m., lasts two hours, better by drinking warm fluids, HVer.; before stool, Arn, Stann.; during stool, IMagn. c, Ruta, Stram.; after stool, Agar., lArs., Vinca ; bet- ter after stool, Pod.; with chalky stools and convulsions (croup), ICale; with sluggish stool, ICollin.; with frequent sour stools, worse during night, better during day, Con.; sudden and alarming, in region of atonic uter- us, after removal of placenta (post-partum hemorrhage), llpec; in summer complaint, 11 Coff.; of upper part, with dyspnoea, evening 19. ABDOMEN. 491 and morning, Rhod.; in upper, after eating, Cinnab.; in prolapsus uteri, lArg. nit; with vomiting, pain worse after vomiting (hepati- tis), ICoccul.; with sensation of warmth, INux m.; bloated, Agar., Apoe, IIArs., Ars. m., HCarbo v, Chim. umb. Croc, Filix, ILach., IILyc, Mang., IMillef, IMere d, INatr. e, Niccol., INux m., INux v., I IPlumb.,IPhos. ac,IPsor.,IRaph, I IRhus v, IRheum, Ruta,Sabad., Sabina,Sarrae, lUran nit, Val., HVer.; bloated, in amenorrhcea, lApoe, HXan.; bloated, in atrophy of chil- dren, IMagn. c.; bloated, especially children, ICina ; bloated, in colic, I INux v.; bloated, in cholera infantum, ICoff. t, INatr. m.; in false conception, ICaulo.; bloated in constipa- tion, Bov.; bloated on taking cold (weakness of bladder), 11 Uran. nit.; bloated, in convul- sions, IMere; bloated, in convulsions of chil- dren, ICup. met.; bloated all day, sensation of fermentation, IRhus ; bloated, in diar- rhoea, Arn.; bloated, in diarrhoea and catarrh of stomach, IDulc; bloated, in diarrhcea, after suppression of skin eruptions, ILye; bloated, after drinks, Ferr. iod.; bloated, in dropsy, IBry.; bloated, three hours after eat- ing, Carbol. ac.; bloated, after eating, ICarbo v., Ferr. iod., ILil. tig, IILyc, IRhus, ISep., HSub; bloated, two hours after eating, IPuls.; bloated, after eating and drinking (gastral- gia), HCinch.; bloated, after food or drink, seems to push upward, Ferr. iod.; bloated, after sauerkraut, 11 Phos.; bloated, before epileptic attack, Cup. m, ILach.; bloated, followed by eructation, IKali bi.; bloated, in cardialgia and headache, IKali e; bloated feeling, in prolapsus, ILil. tig.; bloated feel- ing, better after stool, IPod.; bloated, during apyrexia, Cinch.; bloated, in intermittent fever, IChin. a.; bloated, in typhoid, ILye, I IPhos.; better by emission of flatus, 11 Ra- tan. ; bloated, with gurgling and rumbling (ty- phoid), HPhos. ac; bloated, as if inflated, Apis ; bloated, hard, ILye; bloated, in haema- temesis, IHyos.; bloated, with weight, Ptel.; bloated, in helminthiasis, ICina; bloated, hysterical, IHyos.; bloated, in jaundice, IBerb.; bloated, with leucorrhcea, IZinc; bloated, left side, worse after eating, Aloe; bloated, in mania puerperalis, • INux v.; bloated, before menses, ILye; bloated, dur- ing menses, Niccol.; bloated, in nephritis, INux v.; bloated, worse at night (dysuria), IMere; bloated, in ridges (cancerous affec- tions), IBism.; bloated, with pains, worse after eating ordrinking, from accumulation of gas, lying down, and from menses (tabes mes- enterica), I IPetrol.; .bloated, with pain in epigastrium, about midnight (irritation of meninges in cervical portion), 11 Paris; bloated, sudden, painful, about navel, fol- lowed by diarrhcea, IKali iod.; bloated, painful to least touch, IMere cor.; bloated, with tenderness on pressure, 11 Ptel.; bloat- ed, soft, Bov.; bloated, in affection of solar plexus, ILye.; bloated, after stool, I ITromb.; bloated, particularly in region of stomach (gastromalacia), IMere d.; bloated, swollen, with constipation, Dolich.; bloated, and swollen, before menses, with laborlike pains, Cycl.; bloated, sudden, INatr. m.; bloated, with thirst, IKali iod.; bloated, in tuberculosis mesenterica.llod.; bloated, about waist, Absin.; expanded, Hyper, Ictod.; ex- panded feeling, Lyss.; expanded feeling, with fever, Calc. a.; feeling, as if expanded to extremist degree, Stram.; with flatus, Alum., Anag., Ars. h., 11 Ars. i, Bov., Cain., HCarbo v., Chlorof, HColch., Collin., ICon, IGamb., IILyc, INitr. ac, Pallad, IIRhus, IRob, HSil., IISul, IThuya; inflation, every after- noon, HSub; with flatus, inability to wear tight clothing, IINux v.; with flatus, in colic, Asim., Stront.; with flatus, in chronic- diar- rhoea, IGamb.; with flatus, by passing wind, Asaf, Bry, Lil. tig, IMagn. e; with flatus, followed by emission of hot, offensive flatus, with gripings in small of back, before soft stool, Sub; with flatus, frequent, loud and copious discharge, fetid, Plant,- with flatus, though much has been passed, IPhos.; with flatus, after eating, Graph, IIKali c, IINux v.; particularly after milk, I ICon.; as if he had eaten too much, IColch.; with flatus, 10 p.m., Tromb.; feeling, as from flatus, obliging him to rest,l ITereb.; with flatus, before menses, I Lye; with flatus, about navel, with compression in throat, and nausea, IColoe; with offensive flatus, I IPetrol.; with flatus, painful, IILach., IMere; with flatus, causing pressure and anxiety, IINux v.; with flatus, pressure towards chest and head, IINux v.; disten- sion, with pressure under short ribs, as from incarcerated flatus, worse morning and after meals, IINux v.; with flatus, in polypus of rectum, IKali br.; with flatus, rumbling, Collin., Coccus, ILach, ILye, HPhos. ae; with flatus, and escape of flatus from va- gina, Sang.; meteoric, lArs., Cie, IColch., IPhos. ac, See; meteoric, with constipa- tion, I IOp.; meteoric, in diarrhoea, IGamb, HSep.; meteoric, in typhoid fever, I Apis, Cie, ICarbo v., IILyc, I IPhos., IITereb.; HJran. n.; meteoric, in peritonitis, IIAcon.; meteoric, in pneumonia of drunkards, lAnt. t; meteoric, in puerperal disorders, IITereb.; meteoric, painful to touch, especially over region of liver, Cup. ars.; meteoric, in small- pox, IRhus; puffed, Ars. sul. flav, Carb. s, ICepa, ICoca; with backache, Cimex ; puffed better after wind passes freely, ICepa ; puffed, in childbed,causing anxiety, IAmbr.; after eat- ing, ICham. ; puffed, after dinner,ISep.; puffed, with fever, Calc a.; puffed, hard, lAcon.; puffed, during heat, Stram.; puffed, in hyste- ria, I Aur. met; puffed, in jaundice, I ITarax.; puffed, protrudes here and there as from arm of a foetus (old maids), IThuya; puffed, with rumbling, more to left, ICepa ; puffed, sensi- tive, to touch (convulsions), lyEthus.; puffed, in spasms, IStram.; puffed, in spots, Bov.; swelling, Anthrax, lApis, Arg. nit, Ast r., Atrop. s., Bar. c, Caust, Cham., ICon., ICro- tal, Cup. s, IHell, IHep., Hod., IKali e, ILye, IMere, INatr. c, INatr. m, IOp., I IPrun. sp., HSil., ISpig., I IZinc; swollen, with bearing down thereon (affeetion of stom- ach), ILacc; constantly changing swellings over surface (colic), ICoccul.; swollen, in chil- dren who are bottle-fed, 11 Nat. ph.; swollen, in cholera; IJatroph.; swollen, in colic, ICoc- cul.; swollen, with convulsions, OEnanth.; swollen, externally cedematous (post-scarla- tinal complaints), lApis ; swollen, acute drop^- 492 19. ABDOMEN. sy, following parturition, ICinch.; swollen, in dropsy of uterus, 11 Lactu. v.; swollen, in chronic dysentery, I INux v.; swollen, body emaciated, ICale; swollen, in evening, ILac e; swollen, face bloated, Bar. e, ICale; swollen feeling, Como, Cann. b, ILil. tig, I ILith. e, INitr. ac, Pallad.; swollen, in puerperal fever, ICanth.; swollen, in typhoid fever, IKali m.; swollen, with gastric catarrh,INux in.; swollen, fold or crease belowumbilicusextending across (ascites), IColch.; swollen hard, Chim. m.; swollen hard, right side, severe pain when touched, better by escape of flatus, I Arn.; swollen, in heart disease, lApoe; swollen, in lower part, lEup. perf.; swollen, with hemor- rhoids, IKali c; swollen, here and there as from incarcerated wind, INatr. e; swollen, in hydrocephalus, Art. v.; swollen, in lower, Colch.; swollen, especially hypogastrium, IRaph.; swollen, in lower left side, in region of sigmoid flexure, HSub; swollen, lower, in cysto-blennorrhcea, 11 Uva ursi; swollen, lower and hot (suppression of urine), 11 Eup. pur.; swollen,lower (uterine neuralgia), I I Con. improved, Tarant. cured; swollen, lower, in vaginitis, IMere viv.; swollen, before menses, IPuls.; swollen, during menses, IGraph.; swollen, during menses, in anae- mia, I ISub; swollen, with affections of me- senteric glands (favus), I lOleand.; swollen, about navel, I IBry.; swollen, painful,caused by gas, better for a time by motion, if gas passes off it is immediately renewed, HOp.; swollen, in peritonitis, I IKali n.; swollen, as large as that of a woman seven months preg- nant, greater on left side, I I Plumb.; swollen, under short ribs (after scarlet fever), 11 Acorn; swollen, right, Arn.; swollen, right, in ova- rian troubles, IPallad.; swollen, in scrofulous ulcers and after scarlatina, IBar. m.; swollen/ in scrofula, IFerr. iod.; swollen, sensitive, in colic, I IVer.; swollen, with sleeplessness, ILach.; swollen, but soft, in cold, after scar- let fever, IHelb; swollen, with splenic pain, 11 Ptel.; swollen, commencing at stomach, IRaph.; swollen, particularly upper portion (heartdisease), IHydras.; swollen, in vagini- tis, IMere viv.; tumid, Ant. chb, I Bell.; tumid, in children (dentition, pertussis), HCaust.; tumid, in scrofulosis of children, IStilling.; tumid, in tabes mesenterica, Hod.; tumefac- tion, alternates with headache, Stram.; tym- panitic, Ailant, Anan., Anthrok., I Am., Atrop. s., Aur. mur., Bell., IBrom, HCarbo v., I ICham., Cornus, Eup. perf, Euphor, IHam, IHyos, IKali bb, IIKali ph., IKreo., ILach., Lobel. b, IILyc, IMere, IMez, Morph. sub, GCnan, 1101. an, IOp, I I Polyg., Sabina, See, Stram., Tabae, IITe- reb,Verbas.; tympanitic, with difficult breath- ing, Acet. ae; tympanitic, in bronchitis, ILobel. i.; tympanitic, in acute catarrh, 11 Ant t; tympanitic, with ascarides, HSumb.; tympanitic, in caecum and transverse colon, IPhos.; tympanitic, in cholera, IJatroph.; tympanitic, in cholera infantum, IRob.; tym- panitic, with cold feet, ILye; tympanitic, in colic and dysentery, IColch.; tympanitic, in chronic constipation, IITabac; tympanitic, in lead colic, IIColoc; tympanitic, in whoop- ing cough, IKali s.; tympanitic, with acute cutting, stinging, radiating from navel over upper portion of abdomen, excruciating from touch or motion (peritonitis), ILach.; tym- panitic, in diarrhoea, Aeon, Aloe, Arn., Bell, Bor., Bov, ICale c, ICale v., ICinch., Coff, I IColch, Con, Cornus, Crot, Cub., IGraph, Hippom, Jatroph., Kali bi., Kali c, Lach, ILye, Magn. e, Mosch, Niccol, IPod, ISib, Strain.; tympanitic, with diarrhoea during dentition, lArs.; tympanitic, better by fre- quent discharge of inodorous flatus, ICoca; tympanitic, in dysentery, I Ars.; tympanitic, in epidemic dysentery, I I Xan.; tympanitic, in dyspepsia, I Arg. nit, IHep.; tympanitic, in tabes mesenterica, I I Tuberc.; tympanitic, after eating, ILye; tympanitic, in erysipelas, IPhos. ac; tympanitic, in exophthahnus, ILye vir.; tympanitic, in bilious fevers, INatr. s.; tym- panitic, in puerperal fever, ICanth.; tympa- nitic, in typhoid, HCinch, 11 Erig, IManc, 01. caje., IPod, I IRhus, IITereb.; tympanitic, with hemorrhages from bowels, during ty- phoid, IMillef.; tympanitic, hysterical, with fainting, Mosch.; tympanitic, in liver com- plaint, IPhos.; tympanitic, with suppression of menses, worse after eating and drinking, IColoe; tympanitic, in metritis. ILach.; about navel, especially noon and afternoon, Bell.; tympanitic, worse at night or after depletion, HCinch.; tympanitic, with pain in back (ty- phoid), IColch.; tympanitic, in peritonitis, ICham., IILyc, I IPhos., IITereb.; tympani- tic, during pregnancy, IPsor.; tympanitic, right side, Arg.met.; tympanitic,restlessness, from pain, Chlorof; tympanitic, with rum- bling, commencing in evening and increasing at night(dyspepsia with amenorrhcea), 11 Puis.; tympanitic, sensitive to pressure, IDiosc; tympanitic, after stool, Hep.; tympanitic, better after stool, IHyper.; tympanitic, with dry tongue, worse on tongue being cleansed (typhus), IITereb. 8ST* bursting, dropsy, large, mesenteries, tension; also Flatulence; also Chap. 18, Hypochondria distended, flatus. Abdomen, distress: Bapt, Caulo, lllpec; after nervous chill, Syph.; dull, after hard, constipated stool, Ustil.; deep, as if in omen- tum, Syph.; caused by eating, pain worse an hour after eating (chronic diarrhoea), HSub; with hemorrhoids, from abuse of mercury, IHep.; in left iliac region, with scanty menses, IThuya; in left iliac region, to loins, could not ride or walk (uterine polypus operated on), I IThuya ; in small intestines, ILept.; in small intestines, with dull pain in right hypochon- drium, Ustil.;in lower, I IPuls.; in lower, as of overdistended bladder, worse sitting and lying, better walking about, Sep.; in lower, | - every few days, 11 Magn.'m.; across lower part, | during menses, Lact. ae; in lower part, dur- ing menses, cannot bear pressure of hand or arm on, ILac def; about navel, IIBapt, Ham.; about navel, constant, with a feeling as if small intestines were being tied in knots, Polyp.; about navel; relieved by flatus,Caulo.; j about navel, before stool, composed of blood, : bile, and black fecal matter, I IPolyp.; about navel, with urging to stool, JEsc. h.; through pelvis, 11 Sars.; pelvic, through night, better lying on side, with legs flexed on thighs, and thigbs on abdomen, ISep.; pelvic, on sitting up (prolapsus). ILil. tig.: sudden, I lOxal. ae; 19. ABDOMEN. 493 in lower, sudden, with great desire for stool, Polyp. 8®" discomfort, uneasiness. Abdomen, digging: in left side,better after discharge of wind, I ISpong. 8®* boring, burrowing. Abdomen, doughy : feeling in lower (metror- rhagia), I I Sabina ; in tabes mesenterica, Hod. Abdomen, dragging: All. sat,IAloe, Carbol. ac, HLib tig, INux v, I ITromb.; in constipation, ICollin.; in left side, with pain and burning, I ILac c; painful, ICarbo v. Zinc; painful, in right iliac region on catching cold, after con- finement, shooting along inside of thigh and crural nerve to knee, pain intermittent every half hour to an hour, lasting about ten min- utes, HPod.; painful, in leucorrhcea, IFerr.; painful, in lower, to loins, making her feel faint, IIPuls.; painful, around pelvis, llgn.; painful, in uterine congestion, IFerr.; with constant pressure in rectum, ICollin.; as if womb were down, Lact. ac. 8€§" bearing down, drawing, heaviness, pressing. Abdomen, drawing : Ant. t, Aur. mur, IBell, I ICaps., IColoe, ICup. m, llgn, INux v, Stram.; into abdominal ring, INux v.; to back, with colicky pains proceeding from spinal cord, IPlumb.; as if by a string to spine, IPlumb.; and cutting, wakening, ICale; with or with- out diarrhoea, I ICaps.; drawing, in left side, ILil. tig.; down, toward evening at 8, followed by nausea, Zing.; with heat and bearing down, ILac def; like false labor pains, IKali c; in left, Camph.; in left lower, IIRheum ; causing her to work limbs constantly (cold during menses), ICoccul.; during menses (nympho- mania), IStram.; below navel, Lyss.; about navel, Illgn.; between navel and epigastrium, coming and going, then pain, ICard. m.; about navel, as from a purge, Jamb.; with nausea, and vomiting sour mucus, INuxv.; paralytic intoleftleg, ICarbo v.; pains, ICup. in.; pain, with constipation, ILye, IMagn. m.; pain, in lower, ICard. m.; across lower, with heat, and pressing bearing down in pelvic region, I ILac def; pain in lower, had to go to stool, Zing.; pain, low down, passing from right to left,goes higher up before passing off, Zing.; pain, at commencement of menses, IMagn. c; pains, about navel, Ham.; pains, about navel to va- gina, Calc. p.; pain, in right iliac region, on catching cold after confinement, shooting along inside of thigh and crural nerve to knee, every half hour to an hour, lasting about ten minutes, I IPod.; felt on pressure in right side of lower, Camph.; radiate over body and limbs, IDiosc; in right side, during urination, Card. m.; with shuddering, INitr.ac; spasmodic, bends double, worse on slightest muscular motion, better from warmth, IMagn. p.; fol- lowing stitches, Ang.; tensive, like labor pains, IIPuls.; tensive pains extending from, through spermatic cords into testicles which hang low, IIPuls.; tensive pressure, ISep.; before stool, INitr. ac; bearing down toward sexual organs, with frequent burning in epigastrium, Sabina; in upper, to small of back and pressing toward lumbar region, with flushes of heat in face, palpitation, frequent pulse, ineffectual urging to urinate, finally small quantities of hot urine passed, IKreo.; into urethra, Zinc; with fre- quent desire to urinate, IPuls.; with frequent desire to urinate, particularly in pregnant women, IPuls.; on walking, Ang.; in walls of, Ast. r.; with much wind, at night (colic), Zing. B^° dragging, pressing. Abdomen, as though she would drop asunder: (retroversion), ILil tig. BS^" fall, relaxed. Abdomen, as of drops of water falling down : in flatulent colic, ILye Abdomen, dropsy: (ascites), IIAcon, • Agnus, Alet., i Ant t, HApis, HApoe, IIArs, Asaf, 11 Ascl. t, I Aur. mur, lAur. mur. nat, IBry, ICanth., Card, in, llCepa, ICheb, I IChim. umb, ICinch, Cinnam, I ICitrus, IColch, Coloe, Cop, IDig., IDulc, 11 Erig, I lEuphor, IIEup. pur, IFluor. ac, IGraph, -Grat, IHell, Helon, |Jab, I llris, IKali br., IKali e, IKali m., Kalm, Lactu. v., I ILed, IILyc, I IMed, IMere, I IMillef, I IPrun, Puis., IIRheum, HSenecio, I ISep, Squilla, ISub; in the aged, from liver and spleen dis- ease, after excessive depletion, ICinch.; from albuminuria, 11 Apis, IIArs, lAur.met; after abuse of alcohol, ICinch, IILyc; with anae- mia, I Ferr.; withanasarca,HTereb.; in broken- down constitutions and intemperate subjects, IChim. umb.; with chronic diarrhcea, I Apoe; disturbance of abdominal organs, lAur. met; doughy swelling, ICinch.; feels as if there were dropsy, Chim. m.; after intermittent fever, Chim. umb, IDLye; in intermittent, Diad.; in typhoid fever, ITereb.; from heart, hepatic or spleen diseases, also post-scarla- tinal, IIArs.; effusion so great that his weight was thirty-six pounds in excess, I I Sib; with swelling of legs, IChim. umb.; of hepatic origin, I Arg. nit, IFluor. ae, Iris, IILyc, I IPtel., Seneg.; in liver affections, with al- buminuria, I Aur. mur.; from liver affections, after abuse of alcohol, IILyc; in atrophy of liver, IPhos.; with organic disease of liver, Chim. umb, IMere; with marked enlarge- ment of liver, IMagn. m.; from enlarged and indurated liver, in consequence of drinking whisky, IFluor. ae; in complication with liver and heart affections, especially in old persons, IKali e; with induration of liver, and asthma, 11 Lactu. v.; from hepatic indura- tion and portal congestion, Fluor, ac.; of he- patic or splenic origin, I IKali br.; with mel- ancholy, lAur.met; menses irregular, IDig.; suppressed menses, IKali e; from obstructed circulation in portal system, Lept; from in- duration of organs, I Aur. mur. nat.; with vio- lent orthopnoea, I Acet. ae; dull, percussion as high as third intercostal space, commenced in feet, IDig.; after peritonitis, 11 Apis ; with peri- tonitis, Seneg.; in puerperal peritonitis, I Ars.; supposed phthisis, IChlor.; progressing stead- ily and apparently to a fatal termination, IGraph.; after intermittent fever, ILye; after abuse of quinine, ICannab. s.; after scarlet fever, I Apis, IHelb, IHep, ILye, Seneg.; in scrofulous children, IHelb; painful to touch, ICale; serous, or sero-hemorrhagic effusion, 11 Anthrac.; threatened suffocation,! Aur. mur; nat.; with moist tetter, glutinous exudation (herpes zoster),IGraph.; transient, afterabuse of cantharides, ICamph.; with abdominal tu- mors, Seneg.; with uterine tumors, 11 Apis; after venesection, IChin., IILyc; from ven- ous stasis, I I Asaf; walls thick, doughy, pit- ting on pressure, IGraph.; liquid drawn off, whitish, Kali m. B@" distended. 494 19. ABDOMEN. Abdomen, dry feeling: with constipation, Zinc. Abdomen, dull pain: Amyl, Aur. mur., Brach, Codein, Erig., IHydras.; in after- noon, Ars. s. r.; clothes too tight, Como.; as if diarrhoea would set in, after drinking cof- fee, Merc. sul.; in dysentery, ICub.; followed by flushes of heat and tingling (rheumatism, with palpitation), 7rCact; heavy, to thighs and legs, ISep.; heavy, over whole, in morn- ing, worse drinking cold water, worse after eating dinner, Tromb.; heavy, with sharp shooting, sticking in external genitals (espe- cially labor), lasting only a moment, but re- curring frquently, at times so sharp as to cause involuntary starts (at close of menses), I IMelil.; ileo-csecal region, INitr.ac; in left side, running around scapulae, Carbol. ac.; as after taking cold, morning and evening, I Aloe; in lower, IHydras, IPod.; in lower, awakens, IHydras.; in lower, after taking cold (acute cystitis), ILye; in lower, in intes- tines, with emission of odorless flatus, Como.; in lower, in left (dysentery), I Arn.; in lower, worse moving, HHydras.; in lower, lasting half an hour after stool, iCollin.; across mid- dle (haematuria from kidneys), I ITereb.; worse from motion and pressure, Apis; about navel, IIBapt.; about navel, awakens, IHy- dras.; about navel, colicky after exposure to cold wind, I IKali bb; about navel, heavy as from a weight, Sinap.; about navel, on right side, Zinc; about navel, constant, with rum- bling in bowels, followed by soft diarrhoeic stool, Rhus v.; in paroxysms, right side, near navel, Ast. r.; worse from pressure, Tromb.; on pressure, morning, on awaking, Ascl. b; before stool, Tromb.; after stool, Tromb.; in upper, IPuls. Abdomen,emaciation:Hod. 8®* mesenteries. Abdomen, feeling of emptiness: Agar, Ant. c, Arum m, ICham, ICina, ICoccul., ICrot t, IDulc, IGamb., I ILach, Lil. tig, IMere, IMur. ac, HPhos, IPsor, IPuls, ISep.; in dysentery, ICarbo v.; even after eating,Stann.; as after emetic, in morning, Euphor.; hunger quickly satisfied, after stool, with diarrhoea, IPetrol.; painful, ISep.; in stricture of oesoph- agus, HPhos.; after stool, IPhos, IVer.; after stool, with faintness, HPod.; after stool, as if she needed food, IVer.; after soft stool, Sul. ae; gone feeling, Jab., Plant.; gone sen- sation, with fatty degeneration of liver, IPhos;; gone feeling, with burning between shoulders, IPhos.; hollowness, Agar, ICoccul, lEuphor, Lil. tig.; hollowness, with constant motion in intestines, Cham.; in lower part, Spong.; about navel, Kob.; about navel, with desire to take deep breath, better from band- aging or tightening the clothing, IFluor ac; about navel, sinking sensation, ICale p.; and weakness, IGels.; weary, exhausted feeling after stool, Sul. ac. 8€jT> weakness. Abdomen, epilepsy: originates in abdominal ganglia, llnd.; attack originates, IBufo. 8^° spasm. Abdomen, eruption : full of acne, rubs all night (nursing child), ICaust; surface of ab- domen covered with distended lymphatic sacculi filled with amber fluid varying in size from pin's head to Spanish nut, inguinal glands tender, enlarged, IHam.; boils,I IPhos.; boil, surrounded by intense redness, *Caust.; bluish-red, Ars. met.; blisters, IIMerc. cor.; bluish-red, brown or yellow blotches, I IPhos.; small flat light-red blotches, IMerev.; itching, ISub; itchlike, on lower part, INatr. e; itch- ing, easily bleeding whitish nodules, Agar.; on left lower, begins as a small boil, disap- pears, leaving dry, scaly, itching eruption, then same process over again, ILach.; on lower petechial erythematous, apex of tri- angular form being at pubes, and base across abdomen, transversely in neighborhood of umbilicus, Variol.; maculae, in secondary syphilis, I ISyph.; miliary, scratching till he screams, ICale; whitish, miliary (typhus), lApis ; moist, burning itching, eats into sur- rounding parts, large vesicles filled with clear serum from, become turbid, burst and become confluent, I IRhus ; zona, umbilicus to spine, large blisters on raised ground, IGraph.; old yellow spots about navel peeling off, IBerb.; small red nodules above pubes, Aur. mur.; of red nodules, as large as lentils, one year after appearance of chancre which disappeared under local treatment (syphilis), IMere cor.; pimples, Aloe; small pimples, Dulc; pim- ples, as large as peas, itch and when scratched off are moist and burn, Staph.; pustules Cund.; rash, I IManc; pustules run together, making one continuous sore, IMere sob; red rash, at night, 11 Ars. m.; bright red, fine, Merc. iod. flav.; reddish brown erosions, Ars. s. f; roseola, IHyos.; black and blue spots, size of a pinhead to that of a pea (pur- pura haemorrhagica), IITereb.; large bluish spots, Ars. s. r.; brownish spots, IHydr. ac, IILyc, IPhos, ISep., IThuya; bright red spots appear upon lower, gradually becoming erysipelatous, and as this progresses, primary seat of eruption also assumes an erysipelatous character (erysipelas of newborn), IMere; red spot came and went, HVer.; large red spots, ILye.; small round red insensible spots, Led.; red smooth spots, at night, 11 Ars. m.; yellow spots, Hydr. ac, IPhos, IThuya; yellow brown spots, Kob.; yellow scaly spots, moist when scratched, IKali e; vesicular, be- coming pustular, itching in evening, llris ; zona on right side, extending across, worse at night, and from warmth of bed, IMere; her- pes zoster, IThuya ; scarlet redness on lower, to navel, scrotum and toward thighs (erysip- elas after circumcision), I Apis ; pale red flush, as if an eruption would make its appearance across, Como.; vesicles as large as peas, IMere. Abdomen, faintness: IIAnae, Cornus, IHy- dras., IPetrol.; sickly feeling in, with diar- rhoea, HPhyt B®" weakness, sinking. Abdomen, as if everything would fall out: in leucorrhcea, I Alum.; obliging him to walk carefully, INux v. 8^** bearing down, dragging, drop, heavi- ness, pressing, relaxed. Abdomen, fermentation: Cast, Cham,IDiad., IILyc, INatr. m, Sticta ; as if boiling, during menses, Lachn.; with colic and discharge of flatus, IILyc; with discharge of offensive flatus, ISars.; in diarrhcea, IBry.; after fruit, HCinch.; with empty eructations, IPhos.; feeling, Gamb.;above navel, 11 Hep.; rumbling, Lachn. 8§p*motion, noises ; also Flatulence. 19. ABDOMEN. 495 Abdomen, fistula: g®~ Intestines ; also Chap. 20, Anus fistula. Abdomen, flat: gi§f retracted, sunken. Abdomen, flatus: g^" distension, fermenta- tion ; also Flatulence. Abdomen, feeling of a fluid poured into, with acute pains in stomach (ovarian cyst), Rhod. B®"1 ascites, motion. Abdomen, fluttering: B^T" motion. Abdomen, flying pains : B6P" wandering pains. Abdomen, fulness: HAloe, lAnae, Ant. sul. aur.j Aspar., Bapt, ICarb. s. Cast, HCinch, ICrot. t, ICycl, IIDig, Eup. pur., IGels, IGraph, IHam.,Iber, IILyc, INatr. s, IINux v., IPhos, I ISep., ISub, Sumb., Tereb., Vinca; in amenorrhcea, IHam.; bearing down toward anus, ISub; to bursting, ICarbo v.; as if parts above would burst, lying on back, IIBar. c; after coffee, ICanth.; in constipation, IDiosc, I INux v.; and distension from small quantities of food, IMur. ae; in ascites or dropsy, after scarlatina, I Apis; in bilious diarrhcea, I Apis ; in dysmenorrhoea, ICon.; during eating, ICinch.; after eating, Arn., Calc, INitr.ac, IPhos.; after breakfast, ICarbo v.; aftereat- ing, in morning, with dyspnoea, ISub; after eating, in constipation, HVer.; immediately after eating, as if filled with flatus, Zinc; after eating a little, IIKali c, Magn. s.; after a slight meal, in hepatic derangement, IKob.; as after eatingtoo much, Tereb.; as from over- eating, Ant. e; after supper, Agar, Arg. nit.; extends to epigastric region, Ars. s. r.; as if it would burst after eating, ICarbo v.; with dark clots, alternating with fluid blood or bloody serum, during climacteric period, IPlumb.; feeling, when he sees food, Sub; with flatu- lence, Act. rac, HCarbo v., ICinch, IIGraph, ILach., ISub; flatulence, with copious stool, Tell.; with feeling of inflation, not better by eructations, Cain.; incardialgiaand headache, IKali e; in haematuria, INux v.; in intestinal catarrh, ICheb; before stool, which remains after stool as if all had not passed, I IPhyt.; in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; in hemor- rhoids, I^Escl. h., INux v.; in iliac region, IHydr.; in lower part, Canth.; in lower, Caulo., IGels., IHelon.; in lower, short- breathed, Thuya ; in lower, as if a stone were lying there, Diad.; in lower, must loosen dress, Tell.; in lower, with swelling (constipa- tion), I IStann.; menses too late and scanty, IKali s.; during menses (prolapsus uteri), ■Aloe; in morning, on awaking, Con.; about navel, Eucab; about navel, after eating, Rhod.; with.nauseaand occasional pain in stomach and epigastrium, Sinap.; and constant pains, and irregular chills, then sudden vomitingof blood, IHam.; with pain in epigastrium, ICamph.; with transient pinching in upper abdomen as from flatus, I ISee; especially right side, im- pedes respiration, better by discharge of flatus, 11 Lactu. v.; with rumbling, Rumex ; before stool, Gamb.; with urging to stool, ICornus; stuffed feeling as if she could not lean forward,Ferr.iod.; to throat,ISep.; with vomit- ing, better in evening and open air, Indig.; in upper part, I ILed, IMyr. cer.; in upper part, causes short breath, Staph, Thuya ; in hyper- trophy of uterus, ICalend.; while walking in open air, with sensation of heat in praecordia, better sitting down, Plant. BST" distended, dropsy, heaviness, pressing; also Chap. 15, Eating fulness; also Chap. 18, Hypochon- dria. Abdomen, glands: g^° mesenteries. Abdomen, gnawing: Aur. mur.; and boring, worse eating sweet things (worms), IFilix ; in flatulent colic, lElat; in transverse colon, IGels.; daily, at same hour, Diad.; worse after dinner, IColoe; curious feeling of something eating, after food(gastric affections), IKali bi.; in enteralgia,ICycb; griping,from chest,ICale; at 7 p.m., thence over whole body, better walk- ing till tired, Cycl.; about navel, lOleand, Ruta; about navel, in dysentery, IKali bb; about navel, during stool, Kali bb; about na- vel, as of worms, Grat; below navel, in a sen- sitive spot, IGamb.; in right, Sumb.;in upper, Seneg. B^T" burrowing, clawing, clutch- ing, digging, griping. Abdomen, goneness : 8ST" faintness, weak- ness. Abdomen, gouty metastasis: Ant. e, Cinnam. 8®*" rheumatic. Abdomen, grasping at: 11 Ver. Abdomen, grasping sensation: ICale 8®°* clawing, clutching, constriction, griping. Abdomen, grinding: about navel, Con.;during menses, Polyg.; deep in, within hips of both sides, Arn. Abdomen, griping: ^Ethus, Anac, HAgar., lApis, Ars. s. f, Bell., Brom, IBry., Chim. m, Chen, v, IIColoc, ICrot. t, IHydras, llgn, llris, Merc, sub, Myr. cer, INux v, CEnan., IOp, I IPhos. ac, IPhyt, IIPuls, Ptel, IRheum, Rhus, Rhus v, Seneg, Vinca, Zinc.; extending into abdominal ring, INux v.; after awaking, at6 a.m., Ars. m.; on awak- ing in morning, continued at intervals through day, with general feeling of indifference and malaise (diarrhcea), Xan.; with contraction in back, Con.; with sensation as if balls were rolling together, IJatroph.; is obliged to bend up in evening, Zinc; obliging to bend double and scream with agony during paroxysms, bilious vomiting (ovarian cyst), IColoe; to- wards chest and back, better passing flatus, I ICheb; to chin (dysmenorrhoea), Chin, s.; in cholera, lArg. nit.; with cutting, after dinner, I IZinc; daily, at same hour, Diad.; with diarrhoea, ICornus, Cub, Ptel., ISil, ISul.; as if about to have diarrhoea, ILach.; as in diar- rhoea, without result, after stool, I INatr. m.; followed by diarrhoea, thin and green,IIMagn. e; with diarrhoea, in phthisis, ILye vir.; with watery diarrhcea, Seneg.; digging, IGraph.; dull, before flatus, worse motion and stand- ing, Bry.; in dysentery, IColch.; caused by dysentery and lientery, I IMillef; after eating, INatr. e; after eating, in sciatica," IColoe; just after eating (indigestion), INatr. c; worse from eating or drinking, Tromb.; excruciating, Ant. chb; after fainting, Carbo v.; every time, before passage of flatus, IGraph.; with vio- lent pain on passing of flatus, ICinch.; with profuse emission of flatus, Zinc; with emission of flatus,as after taking cold, I ISamb.; as from incarcerated flatus, Verbas.; as from flatus, with heavy pressure in prsecordial region, causing constriction and anxiety, Spig.; in typhoid fever, IDulc; as from a hand, 496 19. ABDOMEN. each finger sharply pressing into intestines, better by rest, worse by motion, lllpec; in helminthiasis, HSpig.; here and there, Zinc; intermittent, in upper, Asaf; as if in- testines would be constricted, anxiety, respi- ration difficult, Spig.; through whole intes- tinal canal, then thin stool, with burning itching about rectum, Euphor.; with itching over hips, in evening, Zinc; better by knead- ing abdomen, INatr. s.; before leucorrhcea, ICon.; to loins and region of kidneys, 11 Puis.; with slimy leucorrhcea, IZinc; in lower, Cadm. s.; in lower, follows violent sharp stitches in right hypochondrium, HNatr.e; in lower, better by copious bilious stools, IGels.; in lower, with five stools from 5 to 9 a.m., I IRumex; in lower, after sulphur, lAscl. t; lying on back, Cochl.; before menses, Calc. p., IPhos. ae; during menses, Bor.; about navel, Agar, Amm. in, Bry, IChel, Coccus, Cochl., IColoe, ICrot. t, Diose, IPhyt, IPtel,IRaph., Zinc; about navel, better bend- ing forward, Senecio ; about navel, forcing to sit bent up, which relieves, lAloe ; about navel, with distended abdomen, Samb.; about navel, in ascites, IHelb; about navel, after eating, INux v.; about navel, after eating any- thing sour (chorea), Asaf; about navel, par- ticularly towards evening, as if he had drunk unfermented beer, I IPlat.; about navel, with rumbling, ICornus; about navel, partially better by discharge of offensive flatus,Rumex ; about navel, in typhoid fever, IDulc; wrorse at umbilicus in lower portion, IIDiosc; about navel before menses, IKreo.; about navel, passing down to rectum, with stools increased by taking nourishment, IColoe; about navel, before stool, Psor.; about navel, worse after stool, with chilliness, IIColoc; about navel, towards stomach,disappearing on emission of flatus, ISub; about navel, with urging to stool, Carb.s.; about navel, urging to stool,with bilious mucous discharge(anasarca), IHelb; about navel, painful when touched, As- par.; about navel, transient, in chorea, I Asaf; below navel, into a ball when standing, Asaf; with nausea and lassitude in limbs, Chim. m.; at night, ISub, 7rZing.; worse at night, 11 Jalap.; in prosopalgia, I IStaph.; remittent, in colic, IMagn. p.; better in rest, Bov.; with rumbling, as if intestinal contents were in a fluid state, violent commotion, proceed- ing from below upward, nausea with liquid feces, discharged with force, pain in loins, I IPolyp.; in sides, Zinc; from sinking, Ai- lant.; spasmodic, so as to bend body double, worse on slightest muscular motion, better from warmth, IMagn. p.; as far as stomach, where it is a constriction, Zinc; coming up into stomach, and causing nausea, or extend- ing down into thighs, iColoc; before stool, I Aloe, Calend, IMagn. c, INux v, HOp, I IPhos. ac, I IVer.; during stool, lAloe, Bapt, Calend.; after stool, Agar, lAloe, IColoe, ISub; before and during stool (dysentery), ICub.; desire for stool, while riding, Psor.; followed by liquid stool, Coccus; as if stool would occur after distended abdomen, IRaph.; sudden, more on left side, immediately after rising, induces a stool, which was diarrhoeic, relieves pain, which returns with second stool, with tenesmus, causing prolapsus ani, fol- lowed by burning about anus, Tromb.; fol- lowed by liquid stool, whereupon pain ceased, ISub; before morning stool, Case, ISub; fol- lowed by muco-gelatinous stool, HPod.; with urging to stool, IRheum; with large watery stool, IColch.; at various times, sometimes when yawning, or after breakfast, Zinc; at times above, at times below navel, in after- noon, after eating, Ver.; tensive, followed by dull sticking, toward epigastrium, worse from a jar, or on retracting abdomen, Zinc; twist- ing about, here and there, Staph.; in upper part, Plant, IPuls.; in upper, during dinner, Zinc; in upper, in gastralgia, ILye; in upper left, a continual gnawing pressure in fore- noon, Lyss. 8§P choking, clawing, clutching, con- striction, contraction, cramp, grum- bling ; also Colic. Abdomen, grumbling pain : ICale, IINatr. s., IOp, IThuya ; all afternoon, followed by dry, hard stool, fine cutting, colicky pains every few minutes all day, better by hard, consti- pated stool, followed by dull distress in bowels, Ustil.; in cholera morbus, llris ; in lower, Bism., Ipom.; during sleep, Cup. m. 8£g- griping. Abdomen, hardness: lAnae, IIArs. iod. Bar. c, Calad., Ced, IGraph., IIKali br, IMere, Merc. iod. flav, INatr. c, IOp, Plumb,Stram, Val.; as if filled with air, IRaph.; especially in children, ISib; chronic, painful, right side, IMagn. m.; in whooping cough, IKali s.; in chronic diarrhcea, HPod.; and distended, in dentition, IMere sol.; and distended, in diar- rhoea, IFerr.; distended, without flatulence, IFerr.; distracted, with open fontanelles and sour-smelling diarrhoea, HCale; distended, in helminthiasis, ICina; in dropsy, after scar- latina, I Apis ; in chronic dysentery, I INux v.; after a moderate meal, Magn. s.; body wasted, Caust; with eructations, Con.; in evening, ILacc; feeling internally (vaginitis), IMere viv.; with fulness in right side (intermittent), IFerr.; indurated, I ISang, Thuya; indurated, towards inguinal and ovarian regions, painful to touch,ICurar.; indurated,right side(ovarian troubles), IPallad.; inflamed, ICham.; integu- ments,of, INatr.e; knotty elevations, 11 Plumb.; lower, Clem., IGraph, INitr. ac, IRaph, I ISars.; in lower (uterine neuralgia), I ICon.; improved, Tarant.; lumps, lAbrot; with af- fection of mesenteric glands (favus), 11 Oleand.; muscles, like a board (traumatic tetanus), IHydr. ac; about navel, swollen (seat worms), lAcon.; about navel, sensation of a resistant body on deep pressure (chronic dyspepsia), IHydr. ae; above navel, ICamph.; painful, as if beaten, worse after exertion, feels better when standing, or lying on left side, IPallad.; with pressure and heaviness(affection of liver), IMagn. m.; right side, Arn.; in Scrofula,IArs., IIBar. c, IBar. m.; great sensitiveness, with colic, better only by bending body forward, and drawing up knees, I IPlumb.; spots, here and there, I IVer.; as a rock, Eup. pur, I Plumb.; with rumbling, Rumex ; with frequent, sour stools, worse during night, better during day, Con.; and swollen, particularly after eating (indigestion),INatr. c; swollen, thinks glands are swollen, Chim. m.; from swelling of mesenteric glands, ICon.; swollen and serisi- 19. ABDOMEN. 497 tive to pressure, especially about umbilicus, IMere cor.; tumor like a ball, nearly painless on pressure, right side of, IPlat.; of viscera, in organic affections, with vomiting, ILach.; walls, retracted, lAlum.; walls, in rheumatism of bowels, I IPlumb. 8®" distended, large, mesenteries, retracted, tension. Abdomen, heat: IAcon.,HAloe, Ars. h., IIAsaf, Ascl. s, Aur. mur, IBell, Benz. ac, ICamph, Cain, Caust, IICup. m., IHydras, I ILacc, I IPuls., HSil, Stram.; aching, as if in intes- tines, Lyss.; with anxiety, Bell.; burning, I Ars, Polyg.; with drawing and bearing down, ILac def; in intestines, three weeks after con- finement, IHydras.; about navel and inguinal region, in a spot as large as a hen's egg, ICard. m.; with nausea and vomiting, Sabad.; at night, Calad.; with pain, Cepa; hot pains flash across, ILye; in peritoneal inflamma- tion, ICrotal.; as from poultice, Cinch, bob; relieves, in mesenteric disease, ICale; rises into chest, rest of body chilly when smoking, ISpong.; rising, with dry mouth and thirst, IBry.; rising, with heartburn, worse at night, IBry.; rising, causing red cheeks, Strain.; be- fore stool, Bell.; with inclination to stool, Lachn, IPod.; surface, Colch.; in upper, I ICaust.; in upper, burning, ICamph.; in up- per, when inhaling, Seneg.; as if tilled with hot water, pelvis, Aloe ; as of hot water run- ning down, ICinch.; warm creeps, Alum.; un- pleasant feeling of warmth, ICina, Cup. ars., Iodof, Ptel.; warmth, before menses, Cycl.; especially in children, ISil.; in cholera infan- tum, I IVer.; with cold body (cholera infan- tum), ITabae; in constipation, IHydras.; after eating a little, IIKali e; with ebullition to head, IKali c; feeling, Gamb, IHydras, IMez.; feels hot air blowing over lower part, after stool, I ITromb.; feeling, with burning, cutting, gurgling and borborygmus, as when fluids pass from one part to another, IMez.; feeling, about navel, Ascl. t; feeling, like a stream of fire, with stool, Ascl. t; feeling as if a hot wravelike stream were moving and spreading outward, not extending to spine or limbs, Lyss.; flushes, Cepa, Ipom.; flushes from cceliac axis, downward, hot flushes (low fever), ICact.; flushes, worse in morning, Cin- nab.; flushes, in epilepsy, llndig.; flushes, into chestandhead (gastralgia), ILye; flushes, with weak, fainty spells (pregnancy), ISub; in gastromalacia, IMere d.; glowing, all night, Ars. h.; to head, with ebullitions, IKali e; as if in intestines, Lyss.; as from hot iron, IBelb; insupportable, as though something burned internally, Cact.; in region of liver, I IPod.; in lower, Jugb, Syph.; in lower, burn- ing, ICamph., Zinc; in lower, in cysto-blen- norrhoea, 11 Uva ursi; in lower, as if hot water were poured into them (haematuria), llpec; in lower, with green bilious stool, I INatr. s.; during menses, IGraph.; about navel, Aur. mur. 8®* burning, inflammation. Abdomen, heaviness: IIAloe, ICham., Con, Diad, BIGraph, IKali e, ILach, ISep,Zinc; with aching tension in left lower, Con.; in atrophy of children, IMagn. c; bloated, IMagn. e; with cold hands and feet, Aur. met.; in colic, Alum.; in constipation, I Graph.; ■dragging, after stool, IMur. ac; after drink- ing, lAsaf.; after supper, Arg. nit; with in- carcerated flatus in left side, ISub; as if it were full, Dory.; leaden, across, with pressure from navel downward, INatr. m.; feeling of a load, during motion, ISep.; as from a load, with pressure deep in pelvis, worse after ex- ertion, feels better when standing, better when lying on left side, IPallad.; as if a heavy load were resting on it, I Aeon.; as if a load were resting on it, on standing, IKreo.; as if something heavy were lying on left side not affecting breathing, but constantly felt when walking, sitting and lying, IILyc; in lower, Diad, IHelon.; in lower, in climaxis, IMur.; in lower, with leucorrhcea, Hyper.; in lower, as from a load, ceases after sleep, Amm. m.; in lower, left (dysentery), lArn.; load rising into throat (gastralgia), iCale; in lower, while walking and sitting, IKali e; in delayed menses, INatr. m.; in menorrhagia, I Apis ; in lower, as of a stone, with faintness in epigastrium, Diad.; about navel, ICamph.; about navel, after stool, Agar.; about navel, as of falling of a lump from just above to small of back, from talking or overexertion, ILaur.; about navel, as from a stone or weight, I IOp.; below navel, like a weight, Agar.; painful, IHam.; pain worse when standing, ■Graph.; pain, going to back, INatr. s.; felton pressure, in right side of lower, Camph.; with pressing towards uterus, ICroe ; after siesta, Tereb.; as from a stone, Ars. h.; asof a stone, causes fatigue when walking, ILac def; in evening, as from a stone, with heat, Diad.; as from a stone, in menstrual colic, I IPuls.; after stool, Agar.; in upper, Merc. sul.; in prolapsus uteri, IlAur. met.; weight, Merc. sul, Gnaphal, CPolyg.; weight, bearing down, I Aeon.; weight, in constipation, Ars. h.; weight, in pelvis, I Aloe ; weight pressing, with burning pressing in right side, worse rising from a seat, particularly wrorse sitting down (physconia peritonealis), Rhus ; weight, hanging across, worse during motion and compelling patient to bend forward when seated, INatr. m.; weight, in chronic indiges- tion, ISub; weight over pubes, as if contents of abdomen would fall forward, ISee; weight on walking and standing, IKali e; weight, with flatulence, ILach.; weight, with much wind at night (colic),Zing.; weight, in hyper- trophy of uterus, ICalend.; weight, in pelvis, causing lameness, IIAloe; weight, on left side, with pain and burning in abdomen and pelvis, I ILac e; weight, in lower, IPod.; weight, in lower, with burning, as if there were not sufficient space, with upward press- ure, Tarant.; weight, in lower, after a meal, All. sat.; weight, better lying down with urging to urinate, with scanty emission, IPal- lad.; weight, over pubes, during menses, Bar. c; weight, menses too late and scanty, IKali s.; weight, worse from motion, IKreo.; weight, painful when walking, as if viscera would drop, Ferr.; weight, on rising in morning, ISep.; weight, on rising, with faint- ness (cancer uteri), IGraph.; weight, with tenderness on respiration and touch, after a scanty breakfast, Sinap.; weight, worse when standing, better lying down, Pallad.; weight, in upper, INux m.; weight, as if uterus would prolapse (chronic ovaritis), I IPallad.; we:»ht, 32 • 498 19. ABDOMEN. from womb and ovaries (uterine polypi), ICon.; weight, when walking, I ISub; as if womb were down, Lact. ac. 8®** bearing down, dragging, fulness, pressing. Abdomen, hernia: in anaemic patients, -Cale p.; in robust persons, Ferr. ph.; in weak per- sons, I IKali ph. ggg" navel; also Inguinal region hernia. Abdomen, horrible feeling: deep in pelvis, when crouching down, Ars. h. Abdomen, feeling of hunger: ICrot. t. gt^" emptiness. Abdomen, ileocaecal region: 8®° Intestines. Abdomen, infarctions: ISub Abdomen, inflammation : Aloe, ITereb.; pel- vic cellulitis, IVer. v.; with colic, IColoe; inflammatory irritation by metastasis from gout, IColch.; with thirst, IStram.; of walls, IPuls. 8®° burning, heat, peritonitis. Abdomen, injuries: blows, I Arn.; contusions (erysipelas), lApis ; from concussion or over- lifting, IBry. ; gunshotwounds, I Arn, ICalend, 11 Hyper.,Ruta ; lacerations, ICalend.; strain- ing, IRhus; surgical operations, lAcon., IBism., ICalend, IHyper, IStaph. B^° Inguinal region hernia. Abdomen, irritation : during dentition, Tereb.; during menses, INux m.; deep seated, causes melancholy, Sabad.; deep seated, causes ner- vous diseases, ISabad. Abdomen, itching: Bell., Cist, IGraph, I IPe- trol., ISep, ISub; biting, with jaundice, IMere sol.; burning, Tereb.; as from fleabites, Thuya; of lower, as if bitten, Carbol. ac; during menses, IGraph.; about navel, Gamb.; one inch above navel, in a small spot, size of a finger point, Ars. met; at night, HSub; better by scratching, soon appears in a place near the spot, Pallad.; after stool, in dysen- tery, ISub; troublesome, every evening, Cact.; when undressing, Cact Abdomen, jerking feeling: Carb. s, IPuls, Rhus; when asleep, Ant. t; in intestines, HChel.; in lower intestines, in direction of perineum, IBelb; towards glans penis,ICale; and sharp cutting in muscles, awakes with a scream at 12 p.m., Lact ac. B@" muscles, twitching. Abdomen, knots: intestines feel as if Strang in knots, ISub; intestines feel twisted, as if by cord and strung together in a knot, strangu- lating sensation and black stool, Elaps; in- testines feel as if tied in knots, with constant distress in region of umbilicus, Polyp.; in recti muscles, IPlumb.; in rheumatism of bowels, 11 Plumb. 8@" hardness, muscles. Abdomen, laborlike pains: Cham, llgn.; into chest, during menses, Con.; with colic, press- ing downward, urging to stool and urine, with scanty discharge, Jamb.; like contrac- tions,Con.; cramps, after menses,Kreo.; draw- ing, in intestinal canal (ague),INatr. m.; with drawing in upper abdomen to small of back, and pressing towards lumbar vertebrae, with flushes of heat in face, palpitation, frequent pulse,ineffectual urging to urinate,finally small quantities of hot urine are passed, IKreo.; down groins, Sabina ; in uterine hemorrhage, IFerr.; to hips and back, Sul. ae; before menses, Apis, IDig., Thuya ; during menses, Agar., ICale, Cycl, INitr. ae, IPuls., HSec, ISub; about navel, to small of back and thighs (induration of uterus), ICarbo a.; ra- diating to back and loins, Bell.; while stand- ing, IRhus; recurring, as if menses would ap- pear, ICina; during stool, better by pressure, INatr. m. 8§T"bearin6 down, constric- tion, pressing. Abdomen, lameness: in pelvis,IMang.; pain in left, down leg, ICarbo v.; in pelvis, worse when getting warm in bed, IPuls.; after menses, ICinch. Abdomen, lancinating: Cadm. s, ICarbo a, ICarbo v.; to chest, worse breathing, also dur- ing urination, IClem.; with colic, I IJatroph.; in middle of ascending colon, Cain.; in dysen- tery, IDiosc; with falling back of head, and loss of senses, Spig.; flying, Coloe; as if knives were plunged in, Con.; in lower, like pin pricks on every movement (scirrhus uteri), I Arg. met; in peritonitis, I Ars.; with rumbling, as if intestinal contents were in a fluid state, from below upward, nausea, liquid feces discharged with force, pain in loins, 11 Polyg.; sudden, sharp, in right side, worse from motion (pneumonia), I IPhos.; in sides, llgn.; from womb and ovaries (uterine po- lypi), ICon.; waking at 6 a.m., Ars. met. Bgg"* cutting, darting, shooting, stitches. Abdomen, large: IBar. c, IColoe, Hod., llris, 101. jec, Pod, ISep.; abscesses of head, IMere sob; in children, IIBar. c, ICup. m, I ISib; in children, marasmus, ISars.; in poor, puny, rachitic children (constipation), IMagn. m.; in chronic diarrhcea, with lumbrici, ICale; in scrofulous inflammation of eyes, IFerr. iod.; excessive amount of fat, lAmm. m.; feels full and heavy, ILye; in nervous headache, INaja; limbs emaciated, HSub; in affection of liver, IMagn. m.; in marasmus, ICale; sharp pain, running from groin to socket of right hip, I I Murex ; pendulous, Sec; potbellied, in chronic inflammation of eyes and otorrhoea, after vaccination, I IThuya; potbellied mothers, HSep.; potbellied, in spi- nal curvature, after vaccination, IIThuya; potbellied, with worms, ICheb; in false preg- nancy, 11 Puis.; as in pregnancy at sixth month, from accumulation of fluid (ovarian cyst), Hod.; protuberant, in hydrocephalus, ICale; soft as mush, softest around navel, I IZinc; in summer complaint of children, llpec; in tabes mesenterica, Hod.; with milky urine, ICale; in weak persons, I IKali ph. BfisT" distended, dropsy, hardness, mesenteries. Abdomen, lightninglike pains: shooting in all directions, even extending down to testi- cles, and at times involving bladder (colic). I IOp. v .. Abdomen, sensation of lump: in left lower, I INux m.; in lower (uterine disease), I INux m.; about navel, I I Rheum. 8@* plug, stones. Abdomen, lying: turns over on abdomen, Cie; with head retracted so that it almost touches spine, after falling down stairs, I IRhus. Abdomen, marasmus: g^*- mesenteries; also Chap. 44, Eructation, Marasmus. Abdomen, mesenteries: atrophy, HCale, 101. jec; diseased, ICale, Natr. in.; diseased, swelling, hardness and tension of abdomen, frequent lienteric stools (favus), I lOleand.; enlarged, IBar. e, Bar. m., iBor., ICarbo 19. ABDOMEN. 499 a, I IChim. umb., ICon, Hod., 101. jec; enlarged, after abuse of Iodine prepara- tions, IGrat.; enlarged, in scrofulosis, IChim. umb.; enlarged, in tuberculosis mesenterica, Hod.; enlarged, to size of a walnut, blackish red masses, held together by jellylike con- gestive tissue, infiltrated with serum, I lAnth- rac; hard, IBar. <-, Bar. m, -Bor, ICon, IForm.; hard, in children, HCale; hard, in scrofula, lArs.; infiltrated, rapid suppuration of lungs with formation of cavities and puru- lent exudation into cavity of thorax, Phos.; inflamed, in tuberculosis mesenterica, Hod.; tabes mesenterica, lArs. i, lAur. met, IBar. e, Hod.,I IKali iod, 101. jec, I IPetrol, I ITu- bere; tabes with hypertrophied glands, in fleshy, flabby subjects, IKreo.; incipient tabes, with fetid diarrhoea, ICale p.; tuber- culosis mesenterica, Hod, IHep, I ITubere BSF33 distended, emaciated, hardness, large. Abdomen, internal motion: IColoe, IIRan. b. Zing.; as of something alive, Arund., ICale p., ICroe, Sabina, I ISpong, IThuya; of something alive, with difficult stool, Sabad.; as if something living were jumping about, with nausea, faintness and shivering, HCroc; of a thousand live things, or of fish turning overeach other (hepaticderangement),I IPod.; as if a ball were moving from right side toward stomach, ILach.; as of aball rolling about, when turning over (uterine displacement, cystitis), IILach.; as if a ball of thread were moving and turning rapidly, with colic, Sabad.; bound- ing, during menses, ICroe; as though colic would occur, INuxm.; after going to bed, along tract of ascending and descending colon, a kind of rolling, Sarrae; as if diarrhoea would follow, I ISars.; in distended, with passage of offensive flatus, ICarbo a.; as if he would faint, Calad.; as of the fist of a child, ISub; flatus, IBry.; fluttering, Brach.; as from a foetus (falsepregnancy), I IPuls.; in rightiliacregion, sensation of a lump size of a hen's egg, rising and falling, IHydras.; in right iliac region, sudden starting bounding, as of something alive, Thuya ; in intestines, constant, Cham.; in intestines, on expiration, around umbili cus, I ICard. m.; spasmodic, after attack of epilepsy,Bufo.; in intestines, spasmodic action of muscular tissues from irritation of motor nerves or rheumatism, Caulo.; painful jerks, from place to place as of something alive, Cann. h; kicking in left, Calc. p.; in left, Calc. p.; in lower, as if bubbles were forming and bursting, Tarax.; in lower, like pushing of ab- dominal muscles by the arm of a child, with- out pain (old maids), IThuya ; as of a lump rising from right to throat, and back again, rolling over and over on coughing, IKali e; as at appearance of menses, followed by yellowish leucorrhcea,Inub; above navel, 11 Ver.; at night, on awaking, she experiences repeated kicks as from a foetus in left side, Croc; as if there were hard pieces in motion, on walking rapidly, Bor.; quivering, as if there were something alive in it, resembling foetal move- ment, Sabina; rises and falls rapidly (tetanus), lArs.; rolling, asif somethingalive were there, with spasmodic griping in praecordial region (supposed taenia), I ISep.; running, asof some- thing alive, ICycb; with rumbling as if diar- rhoea would come on, IHelon.; elevated and depressed, like the motion of a snake,IMosch.; with slight stinging in middle, Lyss.; before stool, Stann.; like efforts to stool, Berb.; pe- culiar, undulating and throbbing, Merc, per.; turning, as from a lump, Sabab.; constant working, Cornus; as of a worm crawling on right side, Arund.; as if a long worm were writhing in region of transverse colon or duo- denum, Calad.; as of something moving up and down IILyc. 8®° flatus, muscles, nerves, twisting. Abdomen, muscles: as if bruised, on touch, motion, coughing, or laughing, INux v.; vio- lent action, during inspiration, ISpong.; con- traction,Ant. t,Arg. met,IFerr. mur.,ITabae; contracted by cardialgia, IBism.; contracted, in sporadic cholera, I I Ver.; contracted, after exposure to a draught or too much exertion in walking, feels hard to touch, I IPetrol.; con- tracted, left side, with burning, he bends over to left side, Sabad.; contracted, in traumatic tetanus, IHydr.ac; chronic cramps, IMosch.; drawing, Asaf; diminished excitability of, Chloral.; sensation of excoriation, caused by paroxysmal cough, IHyos.; must forcibly ex- ert to breathe, Apis; jerking, when asleep, Ant. t; jerking, under skin, INux v.; in con- stant motion, as after running fast, iCup. m.; myalgia, after abuse of purgatives, IPod.; ob- lique, firm, hard, and somewhat enlarged (Duchenne pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis), IPhos.; pain, acute, intermitting (typhus), IIBapt; pain, along digitations of oblique abdominis and serratus magnus, from working in a constrained position, lArn.; pain, while sitting, IHyos.; rigidity, Lyss.; rigidity, te- tanic, IHyper.; go to sleep, Petrol.; 'sore, IIAct. rac,Carbol. ac; spasmodic movements, IICup. m.; strained from reaching too high, Alum.; tension, Arg. met; tingling, Petrol.; trembling, Daph.; twitching, HAgar, Bell, IHyos., INux v.; undulatory jumping in up- per, of muscles, Agar.; wandering pain,Berb. 8®" bruised, contraction,hardness,knots, motion, quivering, retracted, soreness, spasm, twitching. Abdomen, nausea: IINux v.; alternates with facial neuralgia, ILach.; with papescent diar- rhcea, Paeonia; as if intestines were press- ing down, lAgnus; in lower, HCycb; about navel, rising into pharynx, Vab; about navel when walking in open air, Lachn.; with pain, ICale; with pain and cold sweat, in yellow fever, ICadm. s.; during stool, Hep.; two hours after usual stool, in morning, Zing.; with frequent, fluid stools, Spong.; in upper part, IPuls. 8®** sick feeling, also Chap. 16, Nausea abdomen. Abdomen, navel: asif abscess were forming, near (rheumatism of bowels), I IPlumb.; ach- ing, JEsc. h., Ptel.; seems to adhere to spine, pain involves pectoral region, Plumb.; biting, Aur. mur.; feeling, as after taking cold, Coloe; distress, with nausea, Ptel.; discharge yel- lowish, of peculiar odor, after suppressed gon- orrhoea, INatr. m.; drawing backward to spine, during stool, I IPlumb.; drawn inward, with pain (diarrhoea), Carb. s.; miliary, burn- ing, stitching, eruption, I IPuls.; moist excres- cence, like proud flesh, in infants, I ICale ;her- nia,INux m.; hernia, with colic, in a screaming 500 19. ABDOMEN. infant, I ICastor.; hernia, incarcerated, IINux v,IOp.; hernia, strangulated,sloughing,ILach.; hernia, walls of abdomen so thin truss could not be worn, ICale; itching, Aur. mur. Cist.; itching, constant picking (eczema), HSub; remains moist after cord has fallen off,I IThu- ya ; oozing of bloody fluid, in infants, I Abrot., ICale p.; oozing of watery, clear fluid, HStann.; open, stool oozes through, I IHyos.; pains centre and spread in all directions, bet- ter after stool, Senecio ; pains commence and radiate from, IDiosc; pricking, ^Eseh.; sen- sation of protrusion, Illgn.; protrudes, in eczema of scalp, ICale; protrudes, with flatu- lence in infants, ILye; sensation of something pulling at, with actual retraction, in diarrhoea, HPlumb.; redness, Aur. mur.; red, curved streaks, Paris; retracted, lAlum., Mosch., HPlumb., Tabae; soreness, yEsc. h., IRhus, IThuya; aching soreness, ICale p.; a swell- ing, size and appearance of a raspberry, child seven days old, IIThuya; ulcerated, in new- born children, Apis, INux m., I IPetrol. 8®° cramp, cutting, griping, pain, pinch- ing ; also Colic. Abdomen, neoplasmata : Aur. mur. nat. Abdomen, neuralgia: Codein.,I IColoe, I IDiosc, IKalm, I ISep., 11 Ver.; downward, through ovarian region to uterus, cutting like knives, Med.; intermittent, intense, agonizing like knives cutting her bowels, chiefly affecting left side, comes on at intervals of a few min- utes, takes three or four men to hold her, last from 3 to 9, terminates in two deep sighs or gapes, I IVer.; in lower, IHam.; sudden, in paroxysms, across, above navel, from lower border of liver down toward left, then ceasing in right side, worse from motion and lying on either side, obliged to lie on back, better sit- ting up,IKalm.; about navel,right side, passing to groin, I IVer. vir.; periodic, malarial, lan- cinations, with excitement and restlessness, IGels.; of peritoneum, longstanding, lAtrop. s.; with screams, ICup. a.; of solar plexus, I Ars, IColoe, IMagn. c, IMagn. ph., INux v.; in married women, IKalm. gtSF" cramp, cutting, darting, lancinating, sharp pain, spasmodic pain, tearing, etc.; also Colic. Abdomen, noises: HAgar, IIMez.; cracking, IColoe; drink rolls audibly through intes- tines, IILaur.; from water, swashing, Arn., HCrot. t, IPhos. ae, I IRhus. BST" Flatulence borborygmi, cracking, gurgling, noisy, roaring, rumbling. Abdomen, numbness : in muscles, ICale p.; in recti muscles, IPod.; deep in pelvis when crouching down, Ars. h.; in fleshy part, as if asleep, but without tingling, Ferr. iod.; in side, in ovaritic or ovarian tumor, lApis ; in right side, Apis. B€^° tingling. Abdomen, obstructions: visceral, Anag.; espe- cially engorgement of spleen and liver, IChin. s.; pain, as if something were lodged in right side, ILach. 8®" intestines, intussuscep- tion, obstruction. Abdomen, omentum: dark red (carbuncle), Anthrac; reddish, t.Bar. m. Abdomen, oppression: in, Arum m.; must loosen dress, Tell.; about navel, after meals, I Asar.; nightly, sleepless, IMagn. c; coming from stomach, 11 Ant. c.; in upper part, when inhaling, Seneg. 8^* fulness, heaviness. Abdomen, pain (undefined): Act. rac, Agar, I Aloe, Ant. t, Ascl. s., I Ascl. t, Asim., HCanth., Chim. m, ICina, Cornus, Crot. t, IICup. ae, Cupr. s. Dory., Eup. pur, IFerr., Filix, IGnaphal, I IGraph., ILept, Merc, sul, IINatr. ph., IINux v., lOxal. ac, HPhos, IPhos. ac, Polyg, IRaph., Stram, Sum, I ITarant, Zinc, Zing.; across, in dyspepsia, ILye; across lower, ILac. c; across, at 11 a.m., Lact. ae; across, just above pelvis, Ver.v.; across, worse by standing and sitting erect, better stooping forward, I I Ptel.; as if from one acetabulum to other, Form.; Addison's dis- 1 ease, I INatr. m.; in albuminuria, I Apis, I Aur. mur.; agonizing, during menses, 11 Xan.; alter- nating with burning in throat, headache, lassi- tude, or uterine pains, ICale p.; in angina pec- toris, Arn.; after anxiety, I.Ethus.; in ascites, lApoe; awaking, lAmyb; awaking, near right hip bone, ICard. in.; awaking, at night, with nausea, IHyper.; on awaking, IIDiosc; to back and thighs, I IVer.; to small of back (colic), I Coloe; obliging to bend almost double, Ars. b; must bend double, in hysteralgia, ICaust.; obliging her to bend forward, IIPuls.; worse sitting bent, Alum.; as if bones of pel- vis were getting loose in beginning of preg- nancy, IMurex ; in pelvic bones (parenchyma- tous metritis), I ILacc; with pain in bones, as if torn to pieces, llpec; must breathe deeply, worse by vigorous motion, Card, m.; caused, or worse by inspirations, ICale, Ru- mex ; on deep inspiration, Agar.; to chest, IILach., INux v.; to chest, threatening suffo- cation, to small of back, kidneys, bladder and legs, I IPlumb.; in children, IGnaph.; with chilliness, Elat.; with shuddering chilliness, ""Form.; during or after chill, lElat.; after chill, in peritonitis puerperalis, ITereb.; in sporadic cholera, I IVer.; with coldness, fol- lowed by heat and warm sweat, IPod.; re- sembling colic, Asim.; come and cease sud- denly (uterine displacement), IIBell.; two to four months after confinement, IIAsar.; con- stant, in pelvic region, I ISep.; constant, worse after motion, Raph.; continuous, with affec- tion of ovaries, particularly right, INatr. m.; continuous, in cholera Asiatica, ICup. m.; with constipation, Cham., Sarrae, IITabac; in whooping cough,ICepa ; with erawds,ICale p.; deep, left side, near kidneys, Jugb; deep, from pressure, in epigastrium, Calad.; deep, as if in omentum, Syph.; as if diarrhoea would set in, Bor.; before diarrhcea (chronic),IDulc; with diarrhoea, Amm. m.,ICale p, IJatroph, IMere cor.; after having diarrhoea checked with opium, I ISub; with diarrhcea, day and night, for several months, I IPetrol.;" with diarrhoea, in measles, IMere; with diarrhoea, in typhus, IBapt.; pain, with nightly diar- rhoea, better after stool or lying prone, IRhus; with diarrhcea, with or without vomiting, Iris; distended, from swelling of bladder (cystitis), IHelb; after drinking, IManc, INux m.; after drinking, in albuminuria, ICale a.; in dysentery, . IKali m., IMere cor.; bilious, in dysentery, lElat.; after dys- entery, IIRan. b.; in periodic ecstacy, HCic; after eating, Bar. c, Kob., IPsor., I ISub; aggravation after eating, ICarbo v, Lobel. b- after eating, in cholera, IChin. s.; aftereating.' in gastro-intestinal irritation, IKali bb; during 19. ABDOMEN. 501 stool, immediately after eating, IIArs.; with ear ache, ICale p.; three or four hours after eating, Hydras.; in enteritis from a foreign body, ICalend.; in enteritis (intussusception), IKali bi.; toward evening (haematuria), llpec; worse toward evening, continues until day- break (bemorrhage from bowels), IColch.; in evening, on lying down, Zinc; in evening and through night (diarrhoea), IMere c: alternatewith eructations, IKali m.; with ex- pression of anxiety or despair, Cepa ; with bluish face (whooping cough), INuxv.; with hot face, ICale p.; almost causing fainting. Cact; with faint feeling in epigastrium, I'stib; in intermittent fever, IChin. ars., lElat.; in prevailing fever, lAmm. m.; in typhus, lArs, IBapt, I INux v.; in yellow fever, IIArs. h.; from flatus, Ammoniac, Cup. a, IDiosc, Ferr. s, IMere, IMillef; from incarcerated flatus, Arum, d, INuxv, Tromb.; from incarcerated flatus,inparoxysms,afterovariotomy, I IRaph.; with rumbling, ICarbo a., Diad.; rumbling, in typhus, Acet ac; feels like wind, after catch- ing cold by getting feet wet during menses, IHydras.; fly upward, Bry.; with gagging, in whooping cough, INuxv.; in gastritis mu- cosa, I Ars.; after grief (haematemesis), I INatr. m.; with pain in groins, ICale p.; with head- ache, ICale p.; with headache, Chim. m,Cor- nus ; with headache after insufficient stool, lAloe ; abdomen gets bard, frequent green watery stool, IKali br.; with headache, ILac def; during heat, Carbo v., Ign.; better by hot flannels, ISep.; better from warmth, HSil.; here and there in single spots, Ictod.; above hips, during breathing, ICale; with hysterical spasms, IStann.; in ileo-caecal region, INitr. ae; in iliac region, Con.; in iliac region, constant, near caecum, worse from least touch, pain remits, returning aggravated (cold during menses), ICoccul.; in iliac region in typhus, ITereb.; over crest of left ileum forward, I ILact. ac.; in left iliac region to left kidney, better crouching together with hands clasping knees (colic), IDiosc; in left iliac region,low spirited, Brom.; in left iliac region, in meningitis, IThuya.; at crest of ileum, worse from motion or least jar, walking or riding, ITereb.; over crest of left ileum, be- tween crest and posterior superior spine, better by pressure and heat (spinal irritation), I IRhus ; in right iliac region (headache), ILil. tig.; in crest of right ileum, agonizing in small spot (renal colic), IDiosc; above right ileum, before chill, 11 Eup. perf; above crest of ileum, right then left, llris; in iliac region, both sides, I ICarbol. ac.; beginning suddenly at a small spot in right iliac region for two days, ending in vomiting, leaving suddenly (flatulence), IDiosc; constantly increasing, worse from slightest motion or touch, after chill (peri- tonitis), IColoe; in indigestion, IIPuls.; in in- termitting, I I Elat.; intermitting, in upper por- tionof small intestineswith constipation,fever, thirst and yellow tongue, IColch.; in large intestines, Hydras.; all along intestinal canal, to termination of rectum, pressing umbilicus with hand, ICrot. t; in jaundice, IHydras.; with lassitude, during apyrexia, IPolyp.; worse leaning forward, better leaning back, I ILac c; in left, Castor., ICepa ; in left, worse bending double, Coccul.; in left, in dyspepsia, I Arg. nit; in left, in hemicrania, ILach.; in left, forward from point of hip, Bar. e; ex- tends to left hypochondrium, to back and base of chest, with swelling of stomach, lllpec; in left, low down, after fright, in seventh month of pregnancy, llgn.; in left lumbar region, ILobel. b; inleft, when lying on right, and vice versa, IGraph.; in left, sweat before stool, ITromb.; in left, with weakness of bladder, 11 Uran. nit.; in left, worse sitting after along walk (hemorrhoids), HSub; in left, with weight and dragging, I ILacc; before discharge of leucorrhcea, after menses, ICon.; as soon as she lies upon side, ICarbo v.; worse in region of'liver (jaundice), IMyr. cer.; into loins, ISep.; in lower, Ailant, Ant. t, Arund, ICepa, IColoe, ICon., Cup. a., Dory., IHydras., Jugb, ILept., ISee, Ver. v.; in lower, down legs, IHam.; in lower, during menses, Lact. ac; in lower, as with menses, Lact. ac; in lower, as if menses were coming on, worse early in evening and in a close room, better in open air and moving about, Vib.; in lower, to back (dysmenor- rhoea, I I Sabina; in lower, on expiration, Spong.; in lower, in chlorosis, HSep.; in lower, with diarrhoea, Lyss.; in lower, in dys- menorrhoea, ISars., HXan.; in lower, disap- pears after eating, Tereb.; in lower, faintness, ICollin.; in lower after a fall (uterine neural- gia), I I Con. improved, Tarant. cured ; in lower, in low fever, ICact.; in lower, in puerperal fever, 11 Plat.; in lower, after gonorrhoea, urine suppressed, ICamph.; in lower, with headache, 11 Ptel.; in lower, in intermittent, lElat.*; in lower, like labor pains, with sensa- tion as if child were bounding in body (hys- teria), I ITherid.; in lower, worse in lower ovarian region, comes on 3 a.m., better from motion and eating (chronic ovaritis), Hod.; in lower, to left, with urging to urinate (in- carcerated hernia), ICepa; in lower, down legs (dysmenorrhoea), ICon.; in lower, with leucorrhcea, ILyss, I IMed.; in lower, in liver complaint, ICheb; in lower, before menses, I ISub; in lower, during menses, down legs, ICon.; in lower, before and during menses (dysmenorrhoea), ICrotal ; in lower, as if menses were coming on, lAloe; in lower, every few days, I IMagn. m.; in lower, quick, Cup. ars.; in lower, right, Pallad.; in lower, especially right (prolapsus uteri), ISub; in lower, painful to touch, INitr. ae; in low7er, disturb sleep, Collin.; in lower, before stool, Collin., HVer.; in lower, after stool, Collin.; in lower, with desire to evacuate, Fluor, ac; in lower, contraction of sphincter ani, tran- sient desire for stool, Verbas.; in lower, sud- den, then mushy stools, Erig.; lower, pre- vents upright position, even forces to lie doubled up, Sec; in lower, flow of urine im- peded, HPhos.; lying on one side, pain in other, after menses, Graph.; when lying, bet- ter sitting up, 11 Apis; before menses, Amm. e, Bar. c, Brom., Iod, ILye, IPuls.; during menses, ICaust, Crotal, IGraph, IKali e, IMagn. c, I IPhos, ISib, Thuya; during men- ses, in a barren woman, HPhyt; during first day of menses, IILach.; during menses, with prolapsus uteri, lAmm. m.; after menses, INitr. ae; with early menses, Niccol.; with too early, profuse menses, of long duration, 502 19. ABDOMEN. Ratan.; as if menses would appear, ISep.; in- stead of menses, ISpong.; with reappearance of menses, Pallad.; at time of menses (sup- pressed menses), Spong.; in metrorrhagia, lArg. nit.; as if menstruating, Lact. ac; in chronic metritis, I Ant. t; in middle, ICepa, Jalap.; in middle lower right, soon after go- ing to bed, Cact; worse in morning, Rhus v.; worse in morning, and excited by eating and drinking (colic), I IPod.; every morning, at 4, with loud boborygmi (colic after cold), IDiad.; at daybreak, better from external warmth and bending forward while lying on side, worse lying on back, IPod.; in morning, followed by stool, 11 Rumex; better by mo- tion, such as twisting, turning and wriggling, the motion is kept up while pain lasts, IColoe; on taking only a few steps, IColoe; causes nausea, Calc. s.; causes nausea and drenching sweat (dysentery), lArg. nit, Arund, Bism, I IChel, IIColoc, IKali c, I IKreo, lOxabac, IPhos. ae, HSub, Tereb.; about navel, con- stant, deep in, worse pressure, Agar.; about navel, constant, in chronic diarrhcea, of mias- matic origin, llpec; about navel, contractive, especially noon and afternoon, Bell.; about navel, with cough, llpec; about navel, deep, IJatroph.; about navel, after eating, Oxal. ac.; about navel, with boborygmi and eructa- tions, Cain.; about navel, better after fetid flatus, ICale p.; about navel, every forenoon, with vomiting, 11 Plumb.; about navel, fre- quent, lOxal. ae, 11 Ptel.; about navel, with headache, IPlumb.; about navel, to left in- guinal region, Sinap.; about navel, preceding leucorrhcea, like white of egg, I Amm. m.; about navel, in a line to scrobiculum and into stemum(after inflammation of bowels,) I I Ang.; about navel, worse lying on back, I Ars.; about navel, worse from motion, llris ; about navel, worse on motion, I IPtel.; about navel, when moving, Arn.; about navel, worse in morning (ascarides), IBar. m.; about navel, with nausea, Aloe, Phyt.; about navel, all night, ICale; at night (acute desquamative nephritis), ICoccus; worse at night (after in- jecting nitrate of silver for gonorrhoea), I ITa- rant.; in night (bilious fever), lElat.; at night, as if menses would appear, ISang.; at noon, after meal, Ars. s. f; after operation for incar- cerated hernia, IHyper.; in ovaries and duct, IThuya ; in ovary, with menses (inflammatory disease of uterus), Hod.; paroxysmal, IDiosc; each paroxysm is attended with general agi- tation and a chill ascending from hypogastri- um (colic), IColoe; paroxysmal, every two hours, toward right side of abdomen, and to pubes, after falling, IColoe; about navel, on pressing, ICina ; about navel, worse from pressure, Aloe ; about navel, radiated to lum- bar region and to iliac fossae, Plumb.; about navel, shocks of pain up to epigastrium, llris ; about navel, passing in galvanic shocks to epigastric region, with nausea, straining, belching of wind (colic), llris; about navel, before stool, 11 Ver.; about navel, during stool, Fluor, ac.; about navel, with dry, lumpy, dark stools, Rhus v.; about navel, with stools of mucus and blood, IPhyt.: about navel, with urging to stool, Cadm. s.; about navel, to thigh, Bar. e; about navel, as if bowels were twisted, I IPlumb.; about navel, in urticaria, 11 Rhus ; about navel, toward uterus, lllpec; about navel, with worms, ICina ; below navel, to back, Carbo a.; below navel, after menses, Graph.; below navel, as from a stone, takes away breath, INux v.; below navel, must go to stool, Cain.; about navel, during stool, Gamb.; about navel, with dysenteric stool, Urt. ur.; paroxysmal, in right side, compel- ling him to bend double, better from pressure of hand, worse at night, causing sleeplessness, HPlumb.; in pelvic articulation, can hardly find an easy position through night, IPuls.; periodic, in asthma, I Arg. nit; periodic, with spasmodic contraction, and obstinate consti- pation, HPlumb; periodic, every fifteen minutes, followed by stool of a small quan- tity of mucus and blood (diarrhcea), I IPod.; periodic, from time to time (scrofulous ophthalmia), I ISub; periodic, regularly at 2 a.m., with rumbling (diarrhcea), IDiad.; in peritonitis, ILye; in peritoneal lining of, over bladder, after sulphur, lAscl. t; in phthisis, I ITubere; worse from pressure (bilious colic), llris ; worse on pressure and at night (rheumatic diarrhoea), IColch.; all over, on pressure (typhoid fever), ITereb.; when pressed by hand, Arund.; during preg- nancy, IBry.; in sixth week of pregnancy, llpec; with purging, Cornus; in purpura, HLed.; radiating to all sides, llpec; radiat- ing to all parts of body, HPlumb.; when riding, Psor.; caused by riding, with desire to lie down, ISep.; in right, I ILith., IIPuls.; in right, with cough, Caust.; transient in lowrer, right side, with sensation as if testicles were bruised, near noon, Pallad.; in right lower, ICarbo a.; in right lumbar region, Do- lich.; in right, near lumbar region, spreading through abdomen to right groin, and same side of scrotum, Ars.; in right, after lumbago three years ago, I IPhos.; principally in right ova- rian region, ILac e, in right, worse on press- ure, continuing till sleep, ICard. m.; in right, to rectum, Dory.; in right, below last true rib, IIRan. b.; in right, from uterus, Lyss.; in right, in pruritus vulvae, 11 Tarant.; in right, then weakness, Calc. s.; on rising, in morning, ISep.; on rising, pressing to stool, when touched and standing erect, I Aloe ; in rupture, worse right side,ICoccul.; screams out, ICham., 11 Magn. p.; shifting, with borborygmi and eructations, Cain.; sickening, with menses, Hyper.; mostly on side, ICarbo v.; in both sides, going around to lumbar region, with much rumbling, IDiosc.; on both sides, on taking a deep breath, above hips, to spinal column, to region of liver, Castor.; in sides with chronic watery diarrhcea, IColoe; in sides, in yellow fever, ICadm. s.; when sneez- ing and coughing, Pallad.; in a small spot, left side, Berb.; in a small spot, feels as if it were drawn forcibly upward and backward to spine (colic), IDiosc; seems to occupy a small spot and radiate therefrom, 11 Oxal. ac; as if stabbed (colic), I IOp.; to sternum, becoming more sharp, worse drawing along breath and from motion of hands, as in triturating, Ascl. t; between end of sternum and navel, like a shock from battery, or like needles, Thlaspi; stitches like needles, INuxv.; beneath stom- ach after eating, ICoccul.; between stomach and navel, Polyp.; with burning, in stomach 19. ABDOMEN. 503 ISee; before stool, Kali bb, I IPhos. ae, Sib; worse before but not stopped by stool, Rhus v.; before stool, in chronic diarrhoea of children, ICollin.; during stool, Gnaph., Hep, IPod, IPuls., ITromb, Urt. ur.; aggravation, during stool, Cornus, I IPod.; during stool, better bending forward, worse in upright position, IColoe; during diarrhoeic stool, causes faint- ness, ICoccul.; during stool, with flatus, after eating, better on getting warm in bed,IColoc; during stool, worse in morning, INitr. ac; during stool, causes sweat, ICoccul.; after stool, Bapt., Dros, Gnaph, I IPod.; better af- ter stool, Colch, Sib; not better by stools, IDiosc; with inclination to stool, IPod., HSep.; profuse and watery stool (chronic camp diarrhoea), ILyss.; frequent white, greenish or black stool (cholera, fourth day), IPhos. ac; on straightening up, walks with hands pressed to painful side (ovarian cyst), IColoe; sudden, IIBell.; sudden, after catch- ing cold, IColoe; suddenly, shift and appear in distant localities, as fingers and toes, IDiosc; sudden, in tetanus, IChlor.; with tenesmus, ICrot. t.; to testes, while eating, in evening, Sib; testicles feel bruised,Pallad.; into thighs, Coloe, ISep.; into thighs, with bloody stool, IColoe; transient, Sarrae; frequent, but tran- sient during day, better from pressure, IPod.; uneasiness, in dysentery, ILept.; across upper part, I ILith.; in upper part, Ant. t; di- rectly upwards or backwards and upwards (false labor pain), IGels.; in upper, as from cold, or as if diarrhoea would set in, Asaf.; in upper, towards inguinal region, after coi- tus, Caust; upper, in gastro-enteritis, lApis ; in upper, on every motion, when stooping, and even while sitting, as if inner parts were suffering from sharp pressure of a stone, dur- ing menses, ICoccul.; in upper, worse at night, IHelon.; in upper, as if everything would be torn to pieces, during menses, IIGraph.; and uneasiness, in evening, with nausea, better by motion, Cycl.; prevents urination, Cham.; with frequent emission of pale, colorless urine in large quantities, ICham.; after vaccination, IIThuya; in various parts, worse leftside, Ars. h.; with vomiting, in whooping cough, INux v.; with vomiting and diarrhoea, ICup. ac; with vomiting, in yellow fever, ICadm .s.; when walking, 11 Apis; worse walking and from ajar, Bell.; obliged to walk bent over, Rhus,INitr.ae; in walls,IGuarrea ; and weak- ness, during diarrhoeic stool, IParis ; with weary legs, ICale p.; better from wine, Chel.; in worms, ICina, I INatr. ph., I INux v. 8^* aching and other sensations ; also Colic. Abdomen, peritonitis: IIAcon., IIArs., -Ascl. s, lAtrop, IBapt., I IBell .,11 Bry., ICact,ICalc, ICarbo v, IColoe, HCham., ICrot, IFerr. ph, IKali m, IKali n, IILaur, IILyc, IMere, IMere cor, INuxv, IOp, IIRhus, HSpong, IITereb, IIThuya, IVer.; with burning, IBry.; in complication with typhli- tis, ILach.; after confinement, IKali e; in course of septic or zymotic disease, ICrotal.; after confinement from wearing tight corsets (uterine tumor), IITereb.; with diarrhcea, IVer.; with diaphragmitis, IVer.; distressing, in peritonitis, lAtrop.; with ascites, Seneg.; with exudation, HApis, Arn, IIBry., ICinch, Chin, a. Hod, Mere, Scilla, ISub; exudation, purulent or ichorous, I Ars, Chin, a, IILach, Phos., ISib, ISub; followed by copious effu- sion., Uran. n.; with purulent exudation, espe- cially with typhlitis, IMere; with meteor- ism, lUran. n.; with typhoid symptoms, IHyos, IIRhus; with hiccough IIHyos.; from injuries, I Aeon, I Am., I IOp.; must lieon back withdrawn up knees,ILach.; lying on leftside, as if a weight like a stone rolled from navel to loin, causing this position to be unbear- able, ILye; with puerperal mania, IStram.; numb feeling of affected parts as if made of wood, 11 Kali n.; proctitis during course of metritis, IOp., ITereb.; puerperal, Card, m.; puerperal, with tendency to mortification, IITereb.; second stage with inflammation of serous membranes, IKali m.; puerperal when preceded by diarrhoea, or after abuse of pur- gatives, IPod.; stinging pains, IBry.; with tenesmus of bladder, ICanth.; with tympan- itis, ICarbo v., IILyc, HPhos.; with vomit- ing, IVer.; better by cold water applications, ICale 8®~ distended, inflammation, sen- sitive ; also Intestines inflammation, intus- susception, obstruction; also Chaps. 23 and 24. Abdomen, piercing: during rest, IINatr. s.; in upper, on moving, I ICycl. g@T* lancinating, stitches. Abdomen, pinching: Anac, I I Ant. c, Aph. ch., Ars. h., IBelb, IBry., ICale, HCarbo v., ICheb, IColoe, ICycb, IGamb., IMagn. e, I IMagn. m., IMere, INitr. ac, INux v., IIPuls., I ISpig., Tell.; awakes in morning, better bending double,Petrol.; better bending double, ICinch.; in diarrhoea, IBor., IGamb.; as if diarrhcea would set in, ICon., I IPhos.; with sensation as if bowels were distended, INatr. s.; causes involuntary inclination to draw abdomen in, Vab; immediately after eating, IGamb.; before eructation, ICarbo v.; from incarcerated flatus, IGuaiac; with pain in forehead, INatr. s.; corresponds to pains in head, IRob.; in incarcerated hernia, ISul. ae; hot, before stool, Gamb.; in iliac region, continuous, ICoff; in ileum, posterior portion, Euphor.; in left, Calc. p.; in left, to back, Asar.; in left, in a small spot, worse on deep inspiration, Sars.; before leucorrhcea, Con.; near edge of liver, Lobel. b; in lower, from flatus, ICarbo v.; in lower, before stool,INatr. s.; during menses, Bor., IPlat.; as if menses would appear, Bry.; three days before menses, Hyper.; about navel.IBry.,ICamph.,IGamb., I llgn., Hod., ILaur., INux m.; about navel, worse on crossing legs, Lact. ac.; about navel, after eating, INux v.; about navel, before leucorrhcea, ISul.; about navel, before dinner, Niccol.; about navel, with thin, scanty leucor- rhcea, IMagn. c; about navel, frequently re- curring with increasing violence, and sensa- tion as if vomiting would come on, Sabina ; about navel, while sitting, Sub; about navel, while sitting, with urging to urinate, pain going into groin, I INatr. s.; about navel, before stool, Sabad.; about navel, to back, with diar- rhoea, 7rMagn. p.; about navel, in ascites,IHell.; about navel, as if diarrhcea would set in, Car- bo a.; about navel, momentary, Sib; about navel, better by emission of flatus,Grat.; about navel, better from pressure, INuxm.; below navel, Agar.; below navel, has to bend double, 504 19. ABDOMEN. Bell.; below navel, forcing after evening meal, Cale; below navel to uterus,in threatened abor- tion, llpec; pressure, now here, now there, in lower, as if he must go to stool, Bism.; as if bowels were pressed inward, with cutting towards pubic region, IIColoc; periodic, with retraction (lead colic), INux v.; in right, I INatr. in.; with rumbling, shifting pain and subsequent diarrhoea, INatr. s.; in sides to navel (colic in pregnancy), I Ars.; before stool, IBry., Colch., Hep, IMagn. c, IMere, Nic- col, Petrol, Stann.; before and after stool, Aph. ch, Glon.; during stool, HAgar., IKali c; after stool, Cycl., INatr. m.; with sensa- tion as if he must go to stool, loses conscious- ness, Spig.; with hard stool, Menyanth.; with scanty stool, and straining, IMere; in a small spot, on right side, after eating, Caust.; sud- denly, as if by pincers, always at same place, with most intolerable pain, lasting half or a whole minute, HVer.; at commencement of summer diarrhoea, from bad or unripe fruit, ISub ae; with tenesmus, IRhus; in upper, after eating, to left side of abdomen and chest, ICoccul.; with urging to urinate, worse at night, IMere; in walls, cramplike pain while speaking, ICale; in pubic region, in women, Psor.; from worms, ICina; as if worms were crawling, gnawing and pinching parts, I I Dulc. 8€sT" clawing, clutching, griping; also Colic pinching and flatulent. Abdomen, as if a plug were lodged behind navel in morning: I IRan. sc. 8®" lump, stones. Abdomen, portal system: congestion, ICarbo v, ICard. m, 11 Millef, INux v, IPolyp.; congestion, resulting in dysmenorrhoea and piles, HCollin.; congestion, with flatulent rumbling, ICollin.; congestion to head from, Millef; congestion, stool composed of blood, bile, in black fecal matter, I IPolyp.; constipa- tion caused by stagnation of, ICroe; obstruc- tion causes headache, INux v.; obstruction causes hypertrophy of heart, INux v.; stasis, ILed, INux v, HSep.; stasis, with hemor- rhoidal colic, 11 Merc, cor.; stasis, with vertigo, IINux v.; signs of stagnation (haematuiia), INux v.; stagnation caused by suppression of habitual sanguineous discharge, causes ne- phritis, INux v.; torpidity, IPod. g^~ con- gestion, fulness, heaviness ; also Intestines torpid; also Chap. 18, Liver; also Chap. 20, Hemorrhoids and Constipation. Abdomen, pressing sensation : Ant. sul. aur., 11 Apis, Ars. h., Asaf, Asar., Ascl. t. Case,. ICaust, IColch, Con., Lyss, I IPhos., I ISars, HSep., Stram., Tereb, Zinc; across, above navel, with little appetite, cannot sleep at. night, Sul.; asunder, in morning in bed, with spasmodic flatulent colic, better leaning head upon elbows and knees, Euphor.; with bloat- ing (gastralgia), ILye; burning, Calad.; with colic, Seneg.; coliclike, aftereating, Arn.; with griping colic, during menses, IKali c.; compression, Apis, Cadm. s.; compressed, hard, like a board (cardialgia), HPlumb.; compressive pain, Cham.;- compression in sides, particularly left, Berb.; constrictive pain, like a stone in lower, to bladder, IPuls.; with diarrhoea, IMagn. c; with diarrhoea, after cutting as from taking cold, IPetrol.; downward, ISep., Zing.; downward, asif bowels were being pressed out, ISars.; downward, towards anus, ISub; as if con- tents were pushing down into a funnel, I ILil. tig.; downward, towards female genitals, as if a hernia would form, ISub; downward, while lying in bed at night, ISub; downward, in ovarian troubles, IPallad.; downward, as if everything would issue through vulva, ISep.; drawing into cords and testicles, Mar. v.; drawing, griping, I ILye; drawing in pelvic re- gion, across lower part of abdomen, ILac def.; drawing, involuntary, of abdomen towards thorax,Con.; dull, in cystitis, IILyc; dull, as from incarcerated flatus, Mar. v.; after eating, INux m.; better aftereating, Ant. t; during eating, more from cold food, especially in weakly females, Mang.; especially after eating, clothing feels too tight, ISib; after dinner, Agar.; after smallest quantity of food (inter- mittent) , IFerr.; from epigastrium downward, ICale; in evening, with constipated stool, IZinc; between 6 and 10 p.m., followed by passage of flatus, ICinch.; with flatulence, ILach., IINux v.; as from flatulence, in sides, morning in bed, worse walking, better after stool, and renewed when walking, I IZinc; as from incarcerated flatulence, ICoff.; with rum- bling in bowels, 5 p.m., Ascl. t; forcing in left upper, IBerb.; weak, forcing across lower (vaginitis), ICoccus; in gastric catarrh, IMez.; from a hard body, HCinch.; in hematuria, INux v.; heavy, painful, Apis; with heavi- ness as from a load, worse after exertion, better standing, or lying on left side, IPallad.; in small intestines, left side, Card. m.; in intussusception, I IPlumb.; causing lame- ness in pelvis, 11 Aloe ; in left, INitr. ac.; in left, lower, ICamph.; with leucorrhcea, IZinc.; impeding locomotion (uterine displacement), Ast. r.; in lower, Ant. t, lApis, IHelon., Thuya ; in lower, burning, Tereb.; in lower, deep in, after stool, Amb.; in lower, on exer- tion, ICale; in lower, from flatus, ICarbo v.; in lower, to genitals, as if everything would fall out, and menses come, INatr. e; in lower, with dulness of head, Calc.; in lower, as of a heavy weight, Med.; in lower, now here now there, Bell.; in lower, with ill humor, during profuse menses, IPlat.; in lower, first left, then right, as from wind, Tell.; in lower, left side, toward back, four weeks after childbirth, Agar.; in lower left, while sitting, disappear- ing on moving about, IITereb.; in lower, towards anus or genitals, INux v.; in lower, with crawling, to beginning of urethra, Zinc.; in lower, in hemorrhoids, I I Sabina ; in lower, with nausea, ICale; in lower, below navel, as if intestine pressed outward, chiefly when standing, IBelb; in lower, as if everything would come out, INatr. e; in lower, as if everything would push out at genitals, during menses, IKali c; in lower, in several places I IPhos. ac; in lower, painful, as if it would burst, especially evening, before soft stool Spig.; in lower, spasmodic (cardialgia), ITa- bae ; in lower, during stool, Nux m.; in lower after stool, Iod.; in lower, on stooping, I | Kali c; in lower,during menses,INatr. m.; in lower with uterine hemorrhage, ISee; during menses' HSec; duringmenses, in dyspepsia,IFerr.ph.- the day before menses (dysmenorrhoea),' HSep.; in middle, soon after a moderate 19. ABDOMEN. 505 supper, Zinc; above navel, I ICheb; about navel, Camph., Cop., Cub., Eucab, Guaraea, ISub; about navel, aching, Zinc; about navel, as from a button, Amm. e; about navel, constant, Chin. s.; about navel, in im- paired, digestion, Camph.; about navel, with distended abdomen, Samb.; about navel, dull on a small spot beneath, as from internal indu- ration, worse drawing in abdomen,worse press- ure, 11 Zinc.; about navel, downward, with leaden heaviness across bladder and pelvis, INatr. m.; about navel, as from a hard lump, Spig.; about navel, in enteritis, ILach.; about navel, as if intestines were pressed by a blunt plug, I Anac; about navel, painful, passing down to rectum, with stool increased by taking any nourishment, IColoe; about navel, to pelvis, IINatr. in.; about navel, returning periodically, better from wine, ICheb; about navel, screwing I IRan. sc; about navel, as from a stone upon, worse by stooping, 11 Ver- bas.; about navel, as from a stone or weight in abdomen, in, HOp.; about navel, after stool, with protrusion of rectum and constant urging, Crot. t; below navel, Chel, ICinch.; two inches below navel, sudden attack, con- stant, heavy, IDios.; in ophthalmia, HCic; outward, ICina; outward, from back, I Cham.; outward, as if contents would be pressed out justabove pelvis, ILacc;outward,in side,dur- ing menses,INux v.; outward,worse at night in bed, Ang.; painful, I I Agar., Carb.s.; painful in left side, Amm. c, I INatr. m.; painful, down- ward, like a stone, during menses, IIPuls.; painful, as if intestines would be cut to pieces, IOp.; painful,after stool,Grat.; painful, inward, Sars.; painful, to loins and region of kidneys, IIPuls.; painful, with nausea when leaning against a hard edge, Samb.; in various parts, chiefly around navel, Coccul.; into pelvis, IPlat.; toward pelvis, as if menses would come on, with cutting, IMagn. c; in peritoni- tis, ILye; periodic, from inside outward, in left, near navel, Berb.; periodic, with retrac- tion (lead colic),INux v.; above pelvis,evenings, Euph.; above pelvis, during menses, Cale p.; pulsating, in threatened abortion, IMere; in right side, IMere, ISep.; in right, body horizontal, heat, ICard. m.; in right, close to hip, IZinc; in right, hard, painful, below navel, Staph.; in right, between ribs and hip, while riding in a carriage, lasting an hour, ICard. m.; in right, constant, worse rising from seat, particularly severe when sitting down, with sensation as if a lump lay like a pressing heavy weight in abdomen (physco- nia peritonalis), IRhus; in right, deep in pelvis, in a small spot, ICepa ; in sides, Cadm. s.; in sides, spreads toward stomach, before colic, IColoe; painful,like something press- ing on a sore place, continues first part of period, sometimes returns, during menses (ulcer on os uteri), IMurex ; spasmodic, dur- ing menses, IMagn. e; on a spot between navel and groin, especially standing, or lying on side or back, worse expanding chest or stretching abdominal muscles, Arum m.; in a small spot, in upper right, not felt to touch, Amb.; as if something would be squeezed through, ICarbo a.; squeezing, cannot walk erect, must go bent over or lie down, dyspnoea, ILye; while standing, IRhus; as from a stone, evening, Bell.; as from a stone, worse by contact, ICup. m.; as from a stone, with prolapsus uteri, IIPuls.; during stool, Am., Brom., Hep.; stinging pain, especially in left iliac region at G.15 p.m., Zing.; tension, especially epigastric region, between epigas- trium and navel, worse motion, I ICaps.; in tuberculosis mesenterica, Hod.; from subcu- taneous ulceration, IRan. b.; in upper, I INatr. m.; in upper, after eating, Cinnab, Zinc; difficulty in preventing escape of urine, Calc p.; on uterus, painful, Calad.; with vertigo, worse when standing, going off when lying, IPetrol. 8®° bearing down,fulness,heavi- ness, laborlike, straining, urging. Abdomen, pressure : child is more comfortable by lying across some hard substance (during teething), IBelb, I IStann.; squeezed with both hands, Cup. ars. 8®° sensitive. Abdomen, pricking: Aur. mur.; after cough- ing, Arund.; gnawing in intestines (pruritus), Ruta; low down in sides, as of needles, worse raising arms and walking, Ferr. iod. 8ST" sticking, stinging. Abdomen, protrusion : in various parts, llgn. 8®" hernia. Abdomen, quivering: of wall, ICale p. B®** muscles, twitching. Abdomen, as if raw: IBell.; places in side asif raw, better by pressure, Asaf. g^° corrosive. Abdomen, relaxed: I I Alum., lAmm. m., IOp.; bowels feel as if loose and shaking about when walking, Mang.; as if bowels fell to side on j which one is lying, IMere; shaking sensation ; of bowels when walking, as if it had to be held I up, IIMerc.; chronic condition, with hemor- I rhoids, IPhos.; feeling, Alum., IPhos, IPsor.; | feeling, as if it would drop, Ascl. t; feeling, * after stool, ISep.; feels as if it needed support, I ITromb.; flabby, Bor.; flaccid, with chronic | loose bowels, 11 Phos.; flaccid, colon and other [ intestines project in little tympanitic tumors all over, after ovariotomy, I IRaph.; hanging, lAmm. m.; as if hanging heavily, walks bent, ICarbo v.; seems to hang down heavily like a load, walking, in afternoon, Alum.; as if in- testines w-ould drop, Cann. s.; intestines, asif falling out, IKali br.; as if intestines fell from one side to the other, on turning in bed, IBar. c; with inguinal hernia, protrudes even with soft stool, I IPhos.; as if intestines were hang- ing down, Illgn., IPsor.; intestines, as if hanging loose and flabby, when walking, Ictod.; intestines, as if sinking down,Cann. s.; of viscera, all day, better lying on back, 11 Cast. v.; feels as if viscera were loose drag- ging when walking, INatr. m. 8®" drop, fall, soft. Abdomen, restlessness : ATespa ; in upper part, Merc. sul. Abdomen, retracted: Amm. c, Camph., IICup. ae, Cup. s., IIKali br., IPlumb., ITabae, Zinc; abdomen and back feel too close together, IPlumb.; in colic, lArs., ICoccul., IPlumb., IZinc; in whooping cough, IDros.; with cramplike pain in bowels at 10 p.m., and again at 5 a.m., until 9 a.m., IIPod.; after cramps in stomach, Ver. v.; on every in- spiration, in croup, IHep.; in hydrocephalus, ICarbol. ac.; of integuments, a hard knotty feeling of muscles, IPlumb.; intestines feel as if drawn towards spine, Tereb.; drawn to spine, 506 19. ABDOMEN. IINux v.; in summer complaint, IKali br.; I retracted, in potter's colic, Alum.; lower, in typhus, I Ars.; spasmodic, with colic, IPod.; navel, violently, IPlumb.; navel feels re- ] tracted and cold on lying down, as if covered by a round cold plate, Tereb.; navel feels drawn in during menses, INux v.; navel spasmodically, in colic, HOp.; painful, with vomiting, IIVer.; with periodic pinching pressing (lead colic) INuxv.; with pulsations, isochronous with heart, I IPtel.; upper, Thuya; upper, drawn in during inspiration, expands during expiration (paralysis of dia- phragm), lArg. nit. 86?" constriction, con- traction, hardness, tension, sunken. Abdomen, rheumatic : affection of intestinal canal, Mere per.; affection of peritoneum (pneumonia), I Ant. t; pain, Caust; in left, Ammoniac. 86T" gouty. Abdomen, sensitiveness (externally) : Act. sp. Ant. t. Bar. e, IBry, ICanth., I ICast. v, ICon., Cub., IDiosc, IMere, IPuls, IPhos.; of caecum, in hemorrhage from bowels, IKali bb; twitches, when pressed over caecal region (typhus), I Ars.; in cholera, ICanth.; in chol- era infantum, I Ver.; in colic, ISep.; can hardly bear clothes (peritoneal inflammation), ICrotal.; clothes press disagreeably, ISub; is obliged to wear loose clothes, especially about stomach, they cause uneasiness, could not lay arm across abdomen, ILach.; cannot bear clothes tight, nor the weight of them, I Apis, Benz. ae, Coff, IKreo, ILach, ILac . c, IILyc, IPuls., Raph,ISpong.; child wants abdomen uncovered, which relieves nausea and vomiting, ITabae; cannot endure any- thing tight, after eating, IGraph.; over trans- verse colon, ICarbol. ac; of transverse and descending colon, with constipation, Codein.; painful, to contact, IMere; to contact, with drawing and cramps in fingers (cholera Asi- atica), HVer.; after delivery,IBelb; with after pains, ISabina; during lying-in time, Cup. m.; in dysentery, lArs.; in gastric fever, I Arg. nit.; during first stage of typhoid fever, 11 Phos.; in hepatic typhus, to pressure, ICheb; in typhus, to pressure, lArs.; in ty- phoid fever, worse by drinking water, IManc; in typhus and puerperal disorders, IITereb.; in puerperal fever, IKreo.; hyperesthesia of nerves, I IDiosc; ilio-caecal region, IIBell., IGamb., ILach, ILye, IMere, INitr. ac; iliac region, pain on pressure (typhoid fever), ITereb.; left iliac region tender, IILach.; left iliac region, in typhoid fever, I ITereb.; right iliac region, tender, ICarbol. ac; right iliac region, tender, in ague, IIPuls.; right iliac region, in typhoid fever, IBapt, IIGels, IRhus ; right iliac region (enteritis from for- eign body), ICalend.; integuments, to touch (acute gastritis after taking cold), IColoe; in- testinal tract, painful, ICanth.; to least jar, can hardly tolerate clothing, Raph.; to jarring, during cough, IKreo.; to jarring, in uterine trouble, I Lib tig.; to jolting, while riding, Car- bol. ac; left side, with circumscribed redness over a painful spot, could not bear touch, par- oxysms of pain and anguish in this spot, with vomiting of bloody water or blood (hysteria), 11 Sep.; left, to touch (typhoid), 11 Phos. ae; left, to touch, after falling, IColoe; region of liver (jaundice), IMyr. cer.; of lower, IGoss, IITe- reb.; of lower, can scarcely allow clothes to touch (melancholy after confinement), ILach.; of lower, Codein, Cycl, Jacar, Lib tig.; of lower, in diarrhcea, IGamb.; of lower, in dys- entery, ICop.; of lower, in dysmenorrhoea, I INux v.; of lower, in pregnancy, IKali f; of lower, in derangement of liver, IMagn. in.; of lower, tender under firm pressure, in metror- rhagia, I ISabina; of lower, painful to press- ure, IRaph.; of lower, painful to touch, IHyos., I IOp.; of lower, in diarrhoea, I Ars.; of lower, in cysto-blennorrhoea, 11 Uva ursi; lower, to pressure, I IPuls.; of lower, tender to touch, I ISars.; of lower, in uterine and ovarian tu- mors, ILach.; to motion, Cycl.; of muscles, to pressure (typhus), IIBapt.; of muscles, to touch, IBar. c, IKali e; about navel, Ant. sul. aur., IIArs, ICham.; about navel, when feeling that part, Magn. c; about navel, pain- ful, in typhoid fever, IMere; about navel, painful to touch, Carbo v.; about navel, in lead colic, INux v.; about navel, painful to touch, with hard distension, IKali e; about navel, to touch (chronic dyspepsia), IHydr. ae; about navel, with swelling, Coloe; about navel, towards uterus, lllpec; with sharp pain running from groin to socket of right hip, I IMurex ; painful, IPuls., Squilla ; pain- ful, in typhoid fever, IIMerc. ch; painful, with continued nausea and confusion of head, See; painful, as if internally raw and sore, ISub; of pelvis, to which lameness is ascribed, to pressure, IMang.; of peritoneum, to touch, Alum.; of peritoneum, tender on pressure, or turning in bed, Apis; to pressure, lAg- nus, Asim, Bapt, Calad, Cycl, IGnaph, IHydras, ILac def, IILach, IILyc, Lil. tig, INux m, I IRhus, I IRhus v, Sinap, ITereb., I IVer.; cannot bear least pressure on any por- tion, in abortion, 11 Ustil.; to pressure, in Addison's disease, ICale; to pressure, in chronic gastritis, lApis; to pressure, in acute catarrh, I I Ant. t; to least pressure, I IKali bb; to pressure, in helminthiasis, ICina ; to mod- erate pressure, as though bruised, 11 Mere cor.; to pressure, with much belching, IDiosc; to pressure, in dysentery, IMere cor.; to press- ure, with rash, after confinement, ICup. m.; to firm pressure, Atrop. s.; to hard pressure, better after wind passes, Arg.nit; to press- ure, especially about umbilicus, Vib.; to slight pressure, especially over ovarian region, Bell.; to pressure in right, in typhus, I Apis; in right lower, above groin, same in left, worse in right in forenoon, lEquiset; spot right side, one inch below navel, caused nausea when touched (enteritis), IIRhus; in right side, below arch of ribs, tender spot, which is the seat of constant pain (functional derangement of liver), I ISep.; sides, painful to pressure (after a mole birth), Bell.; skin, painful, ILye; felt even in stupor or follow- ing spasm, causing wincing from pressure over right ovarian region, HSub; tenderness, lApis, ICanth.,Cupr. s.,IDiosc, Gymn.JHep., Iber., INitr. ac, ISep, HTarant.; tender, in abortion, lUstib; tender, on breathing and to touch, after a scanty breakfast, Sinap.; ten- der, with weakness of bladder, 11 Uran. n.; tender, to contact, in abdominal typhus, I IStram.; tender, in chronic diarrhoea,! ISub; tender, in fever, IBapt; tender, in typhoid 19. ABDOMEN. 507 fever, IIBapt., IKali m.; tender, in hydro- cephaloid, HApis; tender, iliac, IGels.; ten- der, worse from a jar, IBelb, tender, in morn- ing, Bov.; tender, on pressure in a spot size of orange, with some feeling of hardness (perityphlitis), ICrotal.; tender, during preg- nancy, INux m.; tender, after spasms, IBry.; tender, in region of upper (gastro-enteritis), lApis ; tender, with severe splenic pain, I IPtel.; tender, over uterine region (abortion), I IVer. v.; tender, in retroversion of uterus, IFerr. iod.; tender, to touch, I I^Ese h. Ant. chl, IBelb, IICup. m., IILach., IRan. b., 11 Ustil.; tender, to touch along colon, Chrom. ac; tender, to touch, in peritonitis, I IKali n.; tender, with weakness, 11 Raph.; to touch, Aur. mur. Bar. c, HCham, Cain, Colch, I ILac def, IILach, IMagn. m, IMez, IOp, I ISars, IStann.; to touch, in colic, I Alum.; to touch, especially in inguinal region, ICham.; to touch, intestines painful, ICycb; to least touch, in peritonitis, IIAcon., ILye; to touch, spot from three inches below navel to epigas- trium (colicodyniab IColoe; to touch, spot extremely painful (renal colic), after catching cold, ILye; to touch, as if there were an inter- nal ulcer, during menses, ICoccul.; to touch, painful, Bism, IColoe,IHelb.lPhos.; to touch, painful in ascites, ICale; to touch, painful, especially region of bladder, Calad.; to touch, painful, with diarrhoea, IICup. m.; to touch, painful, in typhoid fever, I IRhus ; to touch, painful, in peritonitis, ILye; to touch, sore, lApis, IBry, IHyos, IINitr. ac; to touch, sore, as if beaten, after cough, Calad.; to touch, sore, as if bruised or weakened by cathartics, IFerr.; to touch, sore, in cholera, IJatroph.; to touch, sore, in eruptive diseases, lApis ; to touch, sore, in peritonitis, I Apis; in uterine tumor, IITereb.; when walking, sore, I ICar- bol. ae; when walking on stones, sore, Con.; between xiphoid and navel, small spot, to slightest pressure, between, pain radiates in all directions, I Arg. nit. BST" inflammation, peritonitis. Abdomen, sharp pain : Bapt., llris, I IRumex ; across, from hip to hip, with heavy back, fol- lowed by expulsive pain two days before menses, pain diminishes as flow commences, and stops with it, 11 Ustil.; across, in preg- nancy, lAct. rac; across lower, before stool, Lact. ae; accompanying inspiration, Morph. sul.; along ascending colon, better by diar- rhoea, Chrom. ac; twisting, just above crest of right ileum, Amm. br.; at a point between anterior superior process of right ileum and navel, sudden toward groin, caused and aggra- vated by walking, IBerb.; intermittent, across lower, ILil. tig.; like knives, in lower, disap- peared after stool, but returned after breakfast, with urging to stool, Pallad.; intense, in left side, with nausea while leaning forward, I ILac e ; in lower, drawing her double, first right then left (menorrhagia), ICoccus ; in lower, 6 a.m., better by diarrhcea, Chrom. ac; in lower, before stool, better after stool, 11 Ver.; in lower, aftersulphur, lAscl. t; across lower, in uterine affections, HAct rac; in lower, for two weeks, I IVer.; in rectus muscles, IPod.; about navel, HTarant.; about navel, sudden, to neck of bladder, Cie; below navel, Petrol.; about navel, to left ovarian and splenic region, IHydras.; about navel, to uterus, in threatened abortion, llpec; between navel and epigastri- um, distressing, ILept.; in ovarian cyst, IColoe; warned him to go to stool, Ars. b; sudden, in left side, Lobel. i. Abdomen, shattering sensation : 11 Kreo. Abdomen, shocks: when asleep, Ant. t. 8®*" concussion. Abdomen, shooting: Ars.m, Bapt, Lyss.; deep in pelvis, across to left, Tell.; across, from left to right, and upward, ITereb.; across, in stric- ture of oesophagus, I IPhos.; cutting, jerk, from right to left, Calc. a.; passing in all di- rections, Lac c; with diarrhoeic feeling in lower, IIMerc; dull, in lower intestines, in direction of perineum, IBelb; intermittent, ICornus; with empty feeling in, IPhos.; in left, Calc. p.; begins in lower left side,Tromb.; paroxysms from left to right, llpec: either left to right, or right to left, during pregnan- cy,ICinnab.; before menses, IKali c; in middle line as a long a thread into pelvis, Alum.; to left of navel, Bapt.; from navel to pelvis, Pallad.; navel, region of shooting, worse press- ure, Aloe; from navel to other portions, bet- ter by pressure, IPlumb.; in phlegmasia dolens, IKali e; in right side, Lyss.; in right side, above hip, deep-seated, JEsc. h.; spells of sharp, 11 Rumex ; into testes and bladder (nephralgia), I IOp.; in prolapsus uteri, lArg. nit. 8^* darting, lancinating. Abdomen, shuddering : extends over body, IColoe 8^" chill, coldness. Abdomen, sick feeling: in intermittent fever, ICarbo v.; inclined to sit quiet, IIApis; on awaking, 4 A.M,Chrom.ae; about navel, down- ward, preceding frequent ineffectual urgingto stool, worse when thinking of it, lOxal. ac. B^" nausea. Abdomen, sinking: 8§T retracted, weak- ness. Abdomen, skin: cracks on surface, ISil.; brown, cutaneous affection, I ITubere; desquamation, Vespa; greenish, Ars. h'.; hard places, in newborn children, HCamph.; twitching, Ran. sc; inflamed and thickened, ninth day after vaccination (erysipelas), ICrotal.; turned purple, almost black, Vespa; dark red, ninth day after vaccination (erysipelas), ICrotal. ggp" eruption. Abdomen, soft: IBor.; rhagades, ISib; on right side, deep yellow, IIThuya; rose colored, CEnan.; wilted, IBor.; welts or lumps (affec- tions of uterus), See; in chorea, lAsaf.; pain- less bloating, IDulc; but painful in typhoid, ILach.; in puerperal fever, IKreo.; in haema- temesis, ISee 8®~ relaxed. Abdomen, solar plexus: affected, ICodein, ILye; colic, originating from depraved and morbid state, IPod.; cramps, then over whole body,IGrat.; epilepsy originates, Hndig.;aura, like a mouse runningthrough to brain (spasms), ISib; intense pain,IMed.; neuralgia, \ Codein.; painful spot, pressure renews attack, IINux v.; pressure, as if he had eaten tough meat or hard nuts, extending towards back, where it changes to a pinching, Chin, a.; pressure in praecordia, ILye; spasms spread to brain (epilepsy), ISib; distress, after stool, IPolyp.; severe throbbing, when it became severe con- tinued upwards to head, when dizziness and lightness of head would supervene, requiring 508 19. ABDOMEN. to lie down or fall, I ILac c. 8®* epilepsy, neuralgia. Abdomen, soreness: lApis, lArn., Ascl. s., IBelb, IIBry., ICarbol. ac, Chim. m., ICaps, ICon, IDiosc, Euphor, Gymn, IHam, llpec, I ILac def, ILach, IINux v, Samb, I ITarant, Tromb.; agonizing, over whole (traumatic ovaritis), IHam.; across, after attack (chronic diarrhoea), INatr. s.; across, in tertian ague, ILach.; across, just above pelvis, Ver. v.; around, commencing in back, Bar. c; as if beaten, IFerr.; as if beaten, worse on side on which he lies, and worst when beginning to move, IIRhus; as if bruised, I Arn, IHam, llpec, IMagn. m., IRan. b.; as if bruised, in morning, IHep.; during deep inhalation, IIKreo.; burning, IRan. b.; with burning, loose discharges, Calab.; during cough, ICarbo a.; in bilious diarrhoea, lApis ; with diarrhoea in typhus, IBapt.; in chronic diarrhcea, IMere sob; persistent diarrhoea, stools streaked with blood (typhus), IINitr. ac; in dysentery, IIHam.; in chronic dysentery, lApis; worse eating, ISang.; in enteritis, I Apis ; external, worse by touch, motion, cough, with tight- ness of chest, as if a full breath could not be drawn on account of acute pain and mental anxiety, IRan. b.; with fear and apprehension that something horrible will happen, after menses, IPallad.; in hysteria, I ISee; with swelling of thyroid gland, ISpong.; in haema- temesis, IFerr.; with hemorrhoids, IKali e; in left iliac region, periodically (mental de- rangement), IBrom.; above left ileum, in flanks as from internal wound, Cast.; internal and external, HApis; in laryngo-tracheitis, I IPuls.; in left side, 11 Arg. nit; in left side, after supper, IRan. b.; worse on left side, Eup. pur.; from lifting, I INux v.; in lower, IHelon, ILyss.; across lower, in metrorrhagia, lElaps; in lower, with lameness in back, ILyss.; in lower left, comes and goes (mental derangement), IBrom.; in lower, before stool, INatr. m.; in lower, after sulphur, I Ascl. t; in lower, in prolapsus uteri, HCale, I IRhus ; on lying down, Urt. ur.; as if menses would appear, ISep.; after menses, in dysuria, ICycb; worse by motion, better supporting it with hands, 11 Ptel.; muscles, 11 Hyos, Sabina ; muscles, by prolonged efforts, in constipation, HSil.; about navel, lOxal. ac, I IZinc; across, above umbilicus, affecting breathing, Como.; about navel, constantly picking at it (eczema umbilicale), HSub; about navel, to pelvis, with induration and swelling of right ovary, IPallad.; about navel, spasmodic, not better by pressure, which causes rumbling, IDiosc; about navel, in a small spot, which could be covered with tip of finger, below and to right, coming and going, but continuing all day, Chin, ars.; in ovarian troubles, IPallad.; pain deep in centre of pelvis (ulcerated cervix), IMere; about pelvic region, in chronic me- tritis, ILach.; low down in pelvis, interferes with walking (prolapsus), IIRhus; in peri- toneum, in morning, on awaking, Ascl. t; in peritoneal lining, over bladder, after sulphur, I Ascl. t; during pregnancy, Lyss.; in pregnant women, ISep.; on pressure, with rumbling, Xan.; when pressing or sneezing (ascites), I Apis ; as if raw, INux v.; as if raw, particularly on taking a full breath, coughing or taking violent exercise, Sub; worse on rid- ing in a carriage (uterine complaints), lArg. met.; on a small place in right side,Zing.; espe- cially on right side (chronic ovaritis), I IPal- lad.; when sneezing or pressing, I Apis ; a spot, two inches above navel, and same distance left of median line, sore as a boil, worse by pressure, IIRan. b.; worse by standing, sit- ting erect, across, better stooping forward, I IPtel.; at every step, INux v.; before stool, Sub; terrible, before small loose stool, Tromb.; after stool, ISub; during stool, I Arn, ISub; better after stool, IPod.; and tenderness, Dory.; worse from touch, IStann.; with sen- sitiveness to touch, in typhoid pneumonia, ILachn.; as from subcutaneous ulceration, IRan. b., IStani).; asif ulcerated, worse rid- ing in carriage (uterine diseases), I Arg. met.; on getting up, Ferr. iod.; upper, Mang.; in upper, before stool, Bell.; of* walls, Carb. s.; soreness, IGels, I IManc, Menyanth.; of walls, as from soreness when coughing, IHyos.; of walls, in ascites, lApis ; of walls, especially in morning, when stretching, after physical strain, IIRhus ; of walls, as if mus- cles of abdomen and peritoneum had been bruised, ISub; of walls, from straining at stool (constipation), HSil.; of walls, previous to stool, Lil. tig.; walls, if pinched or creased, feel sore a longtime, Ferr. iod.; when walk- ing, IFerr.; better by warmth (intestinal ca- tarrh), IFerr.; with sudden weakness, worse in epigastrium, Anthrac. 8^" bruised, sensitive. Abdomen, spasms: IBell, Bufo, ICale, Cann. s., Ced., Coccul, Mosch, Stram, ITabae; con- traction, with suicidal disposition, Aur. met.; changing into convulsions of whole body, must move on feet, to and fro, pain in belly continued, consciousness depressed (dysmen- orrhoea), IDiad.; child cried day and night, and could not be pacified (intestinal spasms), HOp.; crouched up and perspired, I IOp.; in epidemic dysentery, 11 Xan.; worse in groins, IKreo.; hysterical, IBry, IINux v., Stram.; laborlike, into legs, INux v.; with sharp lan- cination, excessive menses (uterine disease), IMurex ; during menses, ICinch, Con.; with delayed menses, IGraph.; during menses, in nervous women, Coccul.; with suppressed menses, Coccul.; caused by extreme mortifi- cation during menses, ICoccul.; of muscles, with stitching liver (gallstones), INux v.; pe- riodical, better passing wind, which is diffi- cult, llgn.; also in pregnancy, IIPuls.; re- flex from uterine irritation, IVib.; depend- ent on reflex action, such as migraine, Coc- cul.; with screams, ICup. in.; stricture, IThuya; sympathetic, Caulo. 8®" constriction, contraction, epilepsy, retracted, twitching ; also Colic. Abdomen, spasmodic pain: I I Diose; in a circle followed by diarrhoea, INux m.; deep, in dys- menorrhoea, I Anac; with acid eructations, at 6 p.m. (ovarian troubles), Pallad.; from incar- cerated flatus, HCinch.; as from incarcerated wind, mostly 5 to 9 p.m., Tell.; in lower, in dysentery, IColch.; in lower, shoots into legs, IVib.; worse by motion, cold and contact' during difficult menses,ICoccub; with nausea, Ailant.; in iliac region, not better by pressure' which causes rumbling, IDiosc; above oe 19. ABDOMEN. 509 pubis, Chel.; with screams, ICup. ars.; in sympathetic aphonia, ICollin.; with tenesmus, Diose; with tenesmus, in dysentery, IDiosc; sudden pain, in upper, leaving sensation of contraction, causing him to cry out, IGels. 8^° contraction, constriction, cramps, neuralgia, sharp pain. Abdomen, sprained pain: left, I Amm. m.; as from lifting, ICarbo v.; after lifting a heavy weight, during sixth month of pregnancy, I I Sec. 8®~ bruised, soreness, straining. Abdomen, squeezing: llpec; as if intestines were being squeezed between stones and would burst, IIColoc; in lowermost intes- tines, Bell.; about navel, in colic, I Ars.; in pelvis, Bar. m.; as if something were forced through a narrow space (nephralgia), I IOp.; extends into stomach, causing nausea, or into thighs, IColoe; sharp, in upper (mesenteric disease), ICale 8®" clawing, clutching, constriction, contraction, griping, pinch- ing, vise. Abdomen, sticking: with sensation as if balls were rolling together, IJatroph.; above hip, with feeling of motion, in lower part of abdo- men, Lyss.; in crest of ileum, to groin, below anterior, Camph.; intermittent, dull, in left, below navel, worse on bending body forward, after eating, Verbas.; as if intestines were pierced with fine needles, Zinc; pressive (diarrhoea), Calc; felt on pressure, in right side of lower, Camph.; in leftside, two fin- gers' breadth from navel, in long stitches into left side of vagina, IBerb.; about navel, about three inches to side of, corresponding to a place in front of kidneys, and rather to sides, extends to lumbar region, IBerb.; as with a knife between navel and right groin, Inul.; in various parts, chiefly about navel, Coccul.; to right of navel, as with two pins, Inul.; in peritonitis, I IKali n.; after a natural stool, Zinc; in right side, when taking a breath, with feeling of motion in lower part of abdomen, Lyss.; in sides, llgn.; and shooting in sides; worse motion, I IBry. 8^" cutting, darting, lancinating, pricking, stinging, stitches. Abdomen, stiffness: like a weight (constipa- tion), Ars. h. Abdomen, stinging : llgn., ILach, ISep.; like bee stings, I Apis ; with colic, I IJatroph.; in evening, in bed, Bor.; as of minute insect, tran- sient, Chlor.; deep in lower, behind and above bladder, I ICalad.; in lower right, with amen- orrhcea (prolapsus uteri), lApis ; during menses (ovaritis), I Apis; in muscles, Berb, IMagn. m.; as from needles, only while sit- ting, IThuya ; in peritonitis, I Apis; from one place into another, spreads over whole, Bell.; when touched, IINitr. ae; during stool, Cro- tal. 8^° pricking, stitches. Abdomen, stitches : Amm. c, Arn, Ars. h, Bov., IIBry., Carb. s, IColch, ICycb, Ferr, Gymn, Hydr. ac, IKali c, Spig.; from above downward, after stool, Jamb.; across, on in- spiration, ICale; towards small of back, ICale; from before backward, in morning in bed, Coccul.; arresting breathing, with uter- ine inflammation, ICroe; burning, Zinc; middle of chest, as from flatulence, ICham.; middle of chest, when stooping, IAlum.;to chest and sides, better passing wind, which is difficult, llgn.; cutting in lower, from right to left, worse by walking, IIMerc; with dis- tension, Zinc; followed by drawing, Ang.; dull, right to left, almost taking breath,while walking, IDros.; dull, coarse, in middle of right side, on moving, better during rest, Ca- lend.; intermittent, dull, in right, by navel, Verbas.; along colon (chronic dysentery), IINux v.; immediately after supper, Zinc; like electric shock, especially when suddenly changing from rest to motion, left side, lArg. nit.; in enteritis, IIRhus; in leg, worse on sitting still, IPuls.; in puerperal fever, IKali e; above left hip, Amm. m.; to left of right hip bone, ICard. m.; in hysteralgia, IKali c; an inch from cresta ilea, Lyss.; violent, pene- trating through rightileum, from above down- ward, on bending body over, with a hard ab- domen, Zinc; inleft lumbar region, Ascl. s.; in left, Calc. p., IGraph.; in left, forenoon, when walking, IRan. b.; to left side of chest, INatr. s.; in left, when coughing, ISub; in left, followed by cutting, more right than left, lasting for minutes, returns after intervals and lasts longer, Pallad.; in left, after supper, IRan. b.; in left, towards, Inul.; toward left groin and testicle, each dart or stitch followed by itching, must scratch, darts and stitches began deep in flesh and ended in surface, point of ending being place that itched, ■Staph.; inleft, near hip bone, but more in- ward, stitches return next day in morning and extend to right side, Pallad.; in left, low down (hemorrhoids), IMur. ae; in left, below navel, extending towards bladder, Nitr. sp. d.; in lower, IIKali c, IKreo, Zing.; in lower, deep, knifelike, in right, above pubes, Verbas.; in lower, left, Zinc; in lower, through rectum, Ant. t; in lower,worse when sittingduringmenseSjIINux m.; before menses, Brom.; after warm milk, Ang.; about navel, ICycl, Grat, Gymn, lOleand.; above and to left of navel, I llgn.; about navel, dull, Ang.; about navel, fine, externally, Spong.; about navel, left side, Jacar.; above navel, sharp intermittent, left side, Verbas.; about navel, as from many needles, around back, even in dorsal vertebrae, on inspiration and stooping, Verbas.; about navel, mostly in skin, Berb.; about navel, on sneezing, Aloe ; about navel, sudden, to neck of bladder, Cie; about navel, twisting, towards loins and spine, IColoe; about navel, to uterus, llpec; like spleen stitches in region of os innominatum, only when walking, dis- appears after thirty or forty steps, Spig.; in pelvic region, INux v.; in pertussis, IBry.; in peritonitis, 11 Kali n.; in phlegmasia dolens, IKali e; in pregnancy, IKali e; pressive, in left lower, IIMerc; better by pressure, I IPtel.; in right side, Lyss, ISep, Zinc; in right side, during respiration, Lyss.; to right side of chest, ICon.; in right side, in evening, ICaust.; in right side, in region of liver, Spong.; in right side, as if in liver, when taking a deep breath, INatr. s.; with pressure in right side in region of last true rib, arresting respiration, withv stitches and pressure on top of right shoulder when walk- ing after having been seated,IRan.b.; in right side, worse from motion, IKali e; in rightside, while sitting, I IDros.; especially in sides, 510 19. ABDOMEN. Tarax.; from both sides, through hips, worse by motion, touch and when lying on right side, better by bending double against chair or table (colic), IStann.; shooting, through as far as thighs (cancer uteri), IGraph.; severe stabbing, I IZinc; stabbing, with chronic serous discharges (dysentery), IIRan. b.; stabbing continues several hours and returns periodically every seven days or once in three weeks, without diarrhoea or constipation, I IZinc; stabbing, as from knives in, IMere; stabbing in right pelvic region, obliging her to bend double and press strongly with her hand (ovarian tumor), IColoe; stabbing, up- ward in diarrhoea, Chim. m.; to spinal column, IKali b.; to stomach, IIBry.; sudden, every two hours (pregnancy), IIPuls.; sudden, into chest and developed into an asthmatic attack, I IPhos.; sudden, in left side, worse on breath - . ing and by pressure, Zinc; from one side to the other, sharp thrust, Arn.; better on uri- nating, ICarbo a.; with swelling of os tincae (metritis), I INux v.; through and through upper, on moving, I ICycb; into vagina, I Ars. BSsT* cutting, darting, lancinating, prick- ing, stinging. Abdomen, stones : feeling as if all had changed into, Ars.h.; as if full of Ant t; asif filled with stones or ovoid bodies, HCale; like a heavy stone, Chim. m.; as of a heavy stone about navel, ICoccul.; as if sharp stones rubbed to- gether, with diarrhcea, ICoccul. 8®" lump, plug. Abdomen, straining: in lower during menses, INux m.; as though something were strained across lower (parenchymatous metritis), I ILac e; before menses, Cycl.; muscles, pain as from a strain, IHyos.; about navel, after stool, lArs. 8€ir* bearing down, bruised,labor- like, pressing, soreness, sprained. Abdomen, strange feeling: I I Caps, Grat. Abdomen, stretching : pain, Cadm. s.; a sensa- tion at night in bed, which causes her to stretch violently for hours, feels that she must stretch in every direction, the will to do so alone cannot accomplish it, as if from paralysis, Plumb. Abdomen, sunken: lAlum, Bor, Hod, INatr. m.,1 INuxv.,1 IVer.; with constipation, I IZinc; feeling, I ISabad.; feeling, when lying on back, Acet. ae; in children, HPod.; in typhus, I Apis, I IStram.; flattened in front and bulg- ing out in each lumbar region, during preg- nancy, I IPuls.; flat, shaped like a boat (cere- brospinal meningitis), IDig.; flattened, after many stools (cholerine), IJatroph.; in hydro- cephalus, Art. v., ICup. ac; after operation for hemorrhoids, ICroe; in meningitis in- fantum, I Apis; almost stuck to vertebral col- umn, in cholera infantum, I IKali br. 8^" retracted, soft, weakness. Abdomen, swashing : 8®° noise. Abdomen, sweat: Caust.; after coitus, Agar.; cold, IDros.; with exostosis on skull, I Arg. met.; in evening, Anac; oily, I Arg. met.; pro- fuse, prostatitis with atony of sexual organs, I ISelen.; slight, with hot flushes, Act rac; on upper, HCaust; warm, most profuse, IDros. Abdomen, tearing : lAmm. c, lArs., HCham, IColch., IColoe, IMagn. m, INuxv, IPuls.; to back, settles in sacrum, ICochb; colicky, lElat, Jalap., Stram, I ISub; constant, in side, as if parts were rolled up in a ball, Cham.; deep in, Cie; in dysmenorrhoea, Chin, s, ILach, IMere; caused by dysentery and lien- tery, I IMillef; in enteritis, IIRhus; as if a tear had occurred in left side, IColoe; as in i iliac passion, 03nan.; from crest of one ileum to the other, Asar.; as if intestines were torn, IGraph.; intestines as if torn apart, caused by every step on pavement, better lying down, All. sat.; as if intestines were adherent to walls of abdomen at umbilicus, ! and were being torn away forcibly, worse by external pressure, Verbas.; lacerating, in strangulated hernia, ILach.; from left to right, in evening, in bed, Lyss.; as if something were torn loose, IRhus; in lower, in cysto- blennorrhcea, 11 Uva ursi; in lower, dull, deep in left side, beginning in region of hip, Zinc; in lower, dull, low down in right, ex- tending into groin, Zinc; lower, during men- ses, after typhoid (nervous affection), I Mane; i tensive pain, in lower, in a small spot, during latter half of pregnancy, corresponding to seat of placenta, worse at night when lying on affected side, sore to touch, as if ulcerated, IIPuls.; to right mamma, Coloe; before and during menses, ICinnab.; during menses, ICaust.,I ILach.; with profuse menses, I I Agar.; in muscles, Berb.; in muscles, or stitching, on inspiration, ICale; with nausea and vomiting of sour mucus, INux v.; worse about navel, IPlumb.; about navel, worse before breakfast, IINatr. s.; as if navel would be torn out, pain goes to chest, Strain.; about navel, lacerating, I IPlumb.; navel to right side, with anxiety of mind, ICale p.; about navel, stitches, Zinc; in right side, above hip, tearing, JEsc. h.; from sides into back (peritonitis), ILye; about sig- moid flexure, worse from pressure and at night (rheumatic diarrhoea), IColch.; in skin, mostly about navel, Berb.; sticking, down- ward, Verbas.; like seizing with talons, Bell.; with tenesmus, IRhus; to testicles, at times involving bladder,pains change locality (colic), I IOp.; in upper, in diarrhoea, I Ars.; in upper, on moving, 11 Cycl.; in walls, Ast. r.; worse on walking, I IThuya. B^sT* neuralgia. Abdomen, tender : 8®" sensitive. Abdomen, tension: Ant. sul. aur, I I Ars, Atrop. s. Bar. c, ICham, IICup. m,IGamb., IGraph, IHep,Ictod., IKreo, IMagn. m, IMere, IOp, IPhos, IRheum, Spong., Strain, Thuya, I IVer, Vinca, I IZinc; across, IKali e; across, with stitches in right lumbar, and region of liver (hepatitis), IKali e; feels like a rubber ball, when pressed, Ferr. iod.; in albumi- nuria, ICale a.; with bearing down towards anus, ISub; hindering, deep inspiration (in- termittent), ICoccul.; causing shortness of breath (intermittent) IFerr.; chest, painful, ICaps.; oppressing chest (intermitttent), ICoccul.; and drawing in all parts (affection of solar plexus), ILye; worse after drinking in intermittent, ICoccul.; in dropsy, lApis, IFluor. ae, 11 Senecio; in chronic dvsentery' I INux v.; after eating, I Asaf, INitr. "ae; after falling, IColoe; feeling, Coccus; feeling in hematuria, INux v.; feeling, particularly in left hypogastric region (intermittent), ICoc- cul.; feeling in lower left, Camph.; feelim* in pelvis, in, 11 Polyg.; in typhus, lApis; disap- 19. ABDOMEN. 511 pears after discharge of flatus, I ICale; as from incarcerated flatus, ISub; hard but painless to touch (dropsy), ILye; inwardly, Ant. f; with leucorrhoea, Amm. m.; of lower, Caulo.; of lower, in colic, INux in, IINux v, I IOp.; of lower, in amenorrhcea, 11 Xan.; in lower, with pressure on bladder and frequent urination, I ISep.; of lower, in typhus, lArs.; in lower, painful in morning, after ris- ing, Bell.; in lower, right, painful, Sumb.; in lower, feeling of skin, IKali c; lower, as if skin were too tight, with pain, Calc s.; in lower, while walking and sitting, IKali e; contraction, as if menses would come on, IPuls.; during menses, Coccus, Niccol., IINux m.; with late menses, scanty and pale, IGraph.; with affection of mesenteric gland (favus), I lOleand.; from middle to anus, painful, Spong.; in morning, aftereating, with dyspnoea, ISub; in muscles, could not readily straighten up, ISub; in muscles, with scanty stool, passed only after great pressure, IPlat; with nausea and occasional'pain in stomach and epigastrium, Sinap.; about navel, ISub; in nephritis, INux v.; painful, Ang.; painful, as if laced, Aur. mur.; painful in right, as of a hard bi-convex body, with heat and gnaw- ing aching, continued a short time, located between spine of ileum and recti muscles, Med.; in peritonitis, IIAcon.; in right side, to groin (physconia peritonealis), IIRhus ; in scrofulous children, IIBar. c; in scrofulous, not painful, I ISub; in sides, painful, I IZinc; skin feels stretched and stiff, Lib tig.; of skin, from hip to hip, must loosen clothes, INatr. m.; as if something would break, if too much effort were made to stool (pregnancy), I Apis; as of a string pulling to back, with menorrha- gia, IPlumb.; in supposed taenia, I ISep.; hin- dering talking (intermittent), ICoccul.; tear- ing, cutting* ILye; pains through cords into testicles, IPuls.; with dry tongue (typhus), IITereb.; cannot bear touch, Arg. nit; trans- versely, ISib; in tuberculosis mesenterica, Hod.; in upper, Ant. t; in upper, painful, while sitting or walking, worse stooping, Spong.; with constant urging to urinate, dur- ing pregnancy, IPuls. 83T" choking, constriction, contraction, distended, hardness, retracted. Abdomen, sensation as if bowels were hung on easily tearing threads: with hemorrhoidal colic, Coloe Abdomen, throbbing (beating, pulsating): Ant. t, Cadm. s., ICale, Caps, Card, m., Colch, ICornus, llgn. Hod, IKalic, I ILacc, ILye, Merc, per., Sang.; concussive, Calc; deep seated, when lying down, IColoe; dull, on a limited spot, in enteritis, IBry.; after dinner, Cact.; after supper, Cain.; better by discharge of flatus, Asaf; to left groin and knee, Ars. m.; about navel, Aloe, Ars. m, Ptel., I ISee; of cord, in newborn children, after Aeon, IOp.; about navel, in fever, Ars. m.; to right of navel, with inner heat, and heaviness in epigastrium, Calad.; with heat, IKali e; with hot flushes, IKali e; here and there, Bar. e; over left iliac crest, better by eructation; HApis; palpitation, ICact.; in chronic in- flammation of pancreas, Hod.; in pelvic cav- ity (prolapsus uteri), IvEsc. h.; periodic, Ang.; painful, in sides (angina pectoris), IKali c; during pregnancy, Selen.; in portal congestion, tJEsc. h.; pulse beat felt, with chill, Card, m.; as of a pulse, vertically, Med.; in upper, Calad.; in sides, in yellow fever, ICadm. s.; in right side, Brach.; in a tumor (abdominal aneurism), IBar. m. Abdomen, tingling: in lower, Grat.; about navel, Grat; in muscles, IMagn. m.; wall, ICale p. 8®" numbness. Abdomen, touch: 8®° sensitive. Abdomen, trembling: ICon, ICroe, Lib tig.; with excitement, IINux v.; in epilepsy, IKali br. 8®" muscles, quivering, twitching. Abdomen, tuberculosis : I INatr. s. 8^" mesenteries. Abdomen, tumors: ICon.; with ascites,Seneg.; cystic, with pyogenic membrane, caused by heavy lifting, large quantities of serum and sanious pus discharged through a drainage tube, I ISub; a hard swelling could be felt, for several years, I ISub; in right iliac fossa,size of an orange, a similar one in left, round, hard, slightly movable, IGraph.; abroad flat, extends from crest of ileum to linea alba, and to region of groin, feeling as if it rounded itself inward and backward (physconia peritonealis), I I Rhus; large, causing pain by pressure in all positions, 11 Lactu. v.; tumor inleft side, in region of sigmoid flexure, an elastic swelling, fixed, as large as two fists, painful to pressure, I ISub; feeling as of a tumor in right side, Med.; a sensitive swelling as large as a fist on left side of navel, I IPlumb. Abdomen, twisting: Ars, IDiosc; bearing down towards sexual organs, with frequent burning in epigastrium, Sabina ; before emis- sion of flatus, in morning, in bed, Zinc; with or without diarrhcea, I ICaps.; asif diarrhoea would set in, I Carb. s.; after eating, lAsaf.; as from flatus (dysentery), Caps.; as in iliac passion, Ananth.; in left, deep, IBry.; in left, towards groins, Chen, v.; in left, worse when pressed with hand, Spong.; as from a lump, Sabad.; about navel,ICina ; about navel, with colic, ICaps.; about navel, abnormal alvine discharges, I IDiosc; about navel, before stool, 11 Oxal. ae; painful, Eup. pur, I ISub; pain- ful, worse in paroxysms, with constipation, thirst, sensitiveness of right side (enteralgia), IDiosc; painful, worse lying down, better by pressure unless abdomen is tender (enteral- gia), IDiosc; painful, moving about, with nau- sea, INuxv.; painful in all parts, worse in lower, continually changing, IDiosc; painful, before stool, Caust.; before stool, Ars, Stram.; sudden, in evening, Calad.; in upper, in gas- tralgia, ILye; in upper, griping, forcing to sit bent, which relieves, I Aloe; twirling, in up- per, two inches above navel, Lachn. B@" motion, -whirling, winding, -writhing. Abdomen, twitching: HAgar.; of muscles, I IGuaiac; of muscles, during stool, ICale; painful, extending to testicles, at times in- volving bladder, pains change locality (colic), HOp.; wavelike, of muscles, during siesta, Agar. B@" muscles, quivering, spasms, trembling. Abdomen, typhlitis: 8®°° Tntestines cascum. Abdomen, ulcerative pain : I IKreo.; walls feel asif festering, pain spreads in all directions, IColoe Abdomen, uncomfortable : figT" discomfort. 512 19. AB DOMEN. Abdomen, uneasiness: Ascl. t, Bry, Cain., ICalc,Eucab,INatr.s,INitr.ac, Plant, Polyg, Vespa; as before diarrhoea, Act. sp.; in pelvic region, Vib.; in lower, in intestines, with emis- sion of odorless flatus, Como.; painful, before stool, IMur. ac; before rising in morning, similar to premonitory symptoms of diarrhoea, better after rising, Chrom. ac; sore feeling, all over, Merc. iod. rub.; better after stool, IPod.; with urging to stool, ICornus; pain- ful, with retention of urine, IPuls. 8^" discomfort. Abdomen, urging: Apis; prolonged, ISee 8^*" bearing down, laborlike, pressing, straining. Abdomen, varicose veins: Berb, IIHam, ISub; in atrophy of liver, IPhos.; swollen, hard, knotty, painful (phlebitis), IHam. Abdomen, pain as if bowels were in a vise, with cutting downward, IColoe g^g* squeezing. Abdomen, wandering pains: IManc.; flying, .; worse, lying down, lAmyb, Diose ,Phos, IPuls.; worse lying on back, Pod.; worse lying on right side, Aeon., Stann.; worse lying on either side, Cup. ars.; better lying down and growing warm in bed, 11 Ars.; while lying down, after midnight, still more on rising, Zinc; must lie doubled up, worse standing, 11 Rheum; lies prostrate, with eyes closed during short remissions, I INux v.; passes off, in a recumbent position, IMere; worse lying, better walking, IPuls. Colic, mammae: seem smaller, HPlumb. Colic, in marasmus: lAbrot. Coiic, menses: before, IBelb, IIKali e, ILach, IMagn. c, ISep., Sil, ISpong.; during, Amm. e, Aur. met. Bar. c, IBelb, Bor, Calc. p, Carbo v, ICham, ICinch, ICoccul, ICoff, ICycb, IGraph, llgn, I IMillef, INatr. m., INatr. s., Niccol., I INux v., IPuls., I ISa- bina, ISee, ISul, I I Thlaspi, IVib, Zinc; dur- ing menses, in right side, Cochl.; after, INatr. m.; too early, ICoccul.; too frequent in nerv- ous, sensitive women, ICoccul.; begins in left ovary, ILach.; in place of menses (chronic bronchial catarrh), I IPuls.; scanty, INatr. s., I IFerr, ILac def, IPuls.; suppressed, IColoe, I INiccol, IIPuls.; as if menses would set in, a week after she had had them, Tereb. Colic, mental condition: anguish, ICoff.; after anger or chagrin, ICham, IColoe, INux v., IStaph, ISub; makes her frantic, I Aloe; after emotions, lAcon., -Castor, ICham, Illgn., IStaph. Colic, in morning: Alum, ICaust, Tereb.; be- fore breakfast, INatr. s.; with morning diar- rhoea, HVer.; at 1 a.m., had to lie crooked, could not endure covering, IMagn. m:; at 5 a.m., followed by large stool and tenesmus, Kob.; every morning, with stools of mucus and blood, IPod.; at sunrise, ICham.; between 2 and 3 a.m., and at 2 p.m. (chronic diarrhoea), INatr. s. g@T awaking. Colic, motion: aggravates, Asar., IBelb, IIBry, Cannab, Dig., Graph, Hydras, Ipec, Kreo., Merc, Natr. m., Nux v., HOxal. ac, Rob., Stann, I ITherid.; relieves, Cepa, Diose, Gels., Puis., IVer., I IRhus. Colic, with nausea: IChel, Chim. m., Cop, I IGlon, IGrat., IPuls., Rheum, HVer, Zinc; better by emission of flatus, INatr. m.; and vomiting after cold drinks or ice cream, llpec Colic, about navel: Astac,Bapt,Berb.,ICham, ICinch, IIColoc, Petrol, Ptel, Rhod., Zinc; as if bruised, with stitches and difficult emis- sion of flatus, worse on moving, better when at rest, worse in evening and at night, lOxal. ae; with constipation, awaking her almost every night, I IPod.; followed by feeling as if diarrhoea would come on, Calc. a.; from navel down, Ind.; drawing, Carb. s.; obliquely over hypogastrium, after supper, IIRhod.; relieved by passage of flatus, Caulo.; with sick headache, IPlumb.; intermittent, pains before vomiting or purging, llris ; worse lying down, lAmyb; worse when sitting, better when moving about and by passing flatus, ICepa ; between pubes and navel, Chim. m.; spreading from navel, better from frequent discharge of flatus, IColoe; duringstool, 11 Ox- abac; after stool, ^Esc. h.; better after stool, Ant t; with watery or soft stools, returning - as soon as one lies down (phthisis), I lOxab JDOMEN. 516 19. ae; as if abdomen would be torn open (chol- era Asiatica), I IVer.; from navel towards uterus, ICale; worse after every change of cold weather, IDulc. 8®~ flatulent. Colic, at night: Aeon, Arn, IIArs, Bar. c, Bry., Calc, ICham., ICinch., Graph., Hep, Magn.m, Merc, INuph,Petrol, Phos, IPuls., IRhus. Sep., Sib, ISul,Zing.; awaking,llgn.; with vomiting, HOxal. ac; after 1 o'clock, Ascl. t; better by a warm poultice, Anthrok. 8®*" morning. Colic, precedes paralysis : IPlumb.; followed by paresis of lower extremities, INux v. Colic, paroxysmal: excessively painful and violent, Coff.; after a blow received in abdo- men and getting feet wet during pregnancy (abortion), I INuxm.; pain doubling him up with profuse warm sweat on forehead and neck, IColoe; during night, especially after a late supper, better on getting up and walking about, ICycb; before stool, IColoe; after vexa- tion, with chronic catarrh of colon, IColoe 8®* periodic. Colic, periodic: IIArs., Cain, HCham.,IGels., llpec. Stilling.; intermittent, I ICup.m.; from biliary calculi, ICinch.; better bending double and after stool, I Act. rac; with inflammation of eyes, IBry.; each afternoon, ICinch.; three months, ICinch., I Illie; before breakfast, or af- ter meals, IINux v.; neuralgic, 6 o'clock every morning, IColoe; at night, llris; every two or three weeks, ICup. a. 8@T" paroxysmal. Colic, pinching: Asaf, IINux v., HSpong.; and cutting, making one bend double during stool, IMere; before stool, IVer.;during stool, IVer.; with muco-purulent stools, Tereb. B@* flatulent. Colic, with pleuritic pain: Ascl. t Colic, in potbellied children: IStaph. Colic, potter's: better by pressure, lAlum. Colic, in pregnancy: Arn., lArs, IBell, IBry., ICham, Hyos., llpec, IKali e, Lach, 11 Millef, I INux v. Puis, Sep., IVer.; in child- bed, INux m. Colic, pressing pain: Seneg.; downward, upon rectum and bladder, IOp.; in stomach,Meph.; spasmodic, contracting, better by green stools, IMagn. c; upwards, towards thorax, IINux v.; preceded by pressure upon chest, going upward, IColoe; towards genitals, with sen- sation as if menses would appear, ICroe Colic, pressure, external: aggravates, Aeon., Con, ILach.; relieves, Amm. c, Asaf, Bell, IIColoc, Diose, Magn. p., Nux m., IPlumb., Pod., IStann.; relieves, worse on walking, I Alum.; seeks relief by pressing corner of table or head of bedpost against abdomen, IIColoc; seeks relief by leaning over some- thing hard, IStann.; worse, when pressing on abdomen, IRan. b.; presses fists into sides, IHyos. Colic, rest: improves, IIBry., Ipec, Nux v., Oxal. ac. Colic, with restlessness: lArs.; and fever, I Aeon., ILach. Colic, with retraction: of abdomen, IPlumb.; spasmodic retraction of muscles, IPod.; of navel, Chel. Colic, rheumatic : worse from eating, Coloe Colic, from riding: in a carriage, ICarbo v., ICoccul, Psor. Colic, in right side: into bladder, with fre- quent urging to urinate, IILyc; in iliac region, Xan.; better after emission of flatus, Kali n.; principally, with constant eructation, Pallad. Colic, worse on rising: IBry. Colic, rolling on floor: has no rest, IIArs, Zinc Colic, rubbing: relieves, Plumb.; better by gentle, Diose Colic, with salivation : Rheum, Zinc. Colic, in scarlatina: during desquamation, ■Lye Colic, forcing screams: ICham, ITromb.; chil- dren, in dysentery, IBell. Colic, with sensitiveness: of abdomen, ISep.; cannot bear clothes, Coff, ILye; to light pressure, ILach.; to touch, I Aeon, I Arn, IBell, Canth, Carbo v., Cinch, Cup. ars., Cup. m., Hyos., ILach, ILye, Merc, Nitr. ac, Nux v. Plumb., Puis., Stann, Sul, IVer. Colic, sitting : aggravation,Cepa; better walk- ing, Diose, IPuls.; worse walking, Astac; worse sitting bent, Alum, Sub; better sitting erect, Gels. Colic, sleep: drowsiness, Ant. e; sleepless, Magn. s, IPlumb. 8®° awaking, night. Colic, spasmodic: Ars, IBell, Caulo, ICham, ICoca, ICoccul, IIColoc, Cup. m, IDiosc, Ferr, IGels, Helon, IIHyos., llgn, I llpec, I IKalm, IILach, I IMagn. c, IIMagn. m., IMagn. p., INux v., Phos., Puis, Stann,Sub; above and below navel,Stann.; better bending forward, ILach.; with bilious fever, IColoe; after vexation, IIColoc; pains begin in a small spot, radiate to stomach, liver, spleen, or uterus, pains jump from place to place, especially distant parts, Diose; as if a spot were seized with nails, Bell. Colic, stairs: while going up, Ascl. t. Colic, worse standing: Bell., Rheum. Colic, stomach: catarrh, Indig.; in acute gas- tritis, after taking cold, IColoe; after scratch- ing in pharynx and stomach, IITereb.; asif stomach had been overloaded, Coff.; in gas- tro-intestinal irritation, IKali bb; with gnaw- ing, Ruta. Colic, stool: before, Bar. c, Bell., Bry., Castor., ICinch., ICrot t, Ferr. ph., Ind, Ipec, Kali n, ILye, IMagn. e, Merc. iod. rub., IMez., IMur. ae, Natr. a., INatr. c, INatr. s., I INitr. ac, INuph., Petrol., IPhos, Plant, IPod., IIRheum, ISep, I ITromb.; during stool, Ascl. s., Ascl. t, Bapt, IIBry., ICon, Crot. t, Ipec, IKali c, ILye, IMagn. c, IMur. ae, Petrol, Plumb, IPod, I IPolyp, IIRheum, USenecio, Sib, Ta- bae, Zinc; after stool, Ant. sul. aur, Bov., Niccol,HNitr. ac, IPod., IPuls., IZinc; better after stool, Aloe, Ars., Bapt, Bry., ICarbo v, Coloe, Gels, INatr. s., 11 Rheum, Tromb.; bet- ter after hard stool, ICarbo v.; better after slimy, bloody stool, with straining, IMere; with desire for stool, Brach.; desire, awakes 5 a.m., HSub; ineffectual desire, IRob.; sudden, vehement desire, as in diarrhcea, though it is hard, 7rKali e; two or three diarrhoeic (quo- tidian ague), IIRhus; difficult, ISib; loose (rheumatism and palpitation), Cact.; loose, sour smelling, after nursing, IRheum ; dysen- teric at night, ISub; frequent, Dros.; liquid, green, early in morning, 11 Pod.; precedes hard stool, I IRan. sc;jellylike, ISep.; generally in morning, obliging one to bend double, IGop. • mucous, Ign, Petrol.; liquid, slimy, as if fer- 19. ABDOMEN. 517 mented, IRheum; before muco-gelatinous, HPod.; mushy, Tereb.; as before stool, in ophthalmia, ICie; with urging, IColoe, Elaps, Sabad, HStaph.; watery, IPlumb.; followed by large watery, odorless, IJatroph. Colic, stretching out: relieves, Diose Colic, with stupefaction -. INux v. 8®*" anxious. Colic, appears suddenly : continues violently a longer or shorter time, and disappears as sud- denly as it came, llBelb; in evening, with sensation of fainting and cold shivers, Stram. Colic, with sweat: ISpong., Stram.; cold, ICamph., ; Castor, I ICup. m, ITabae, I IVer.; better by sweat, Cop. Colic, tearing pain: Benz. ac. Cop.; cutting with uterine hemorrhage, ISee; with constant urging, before stool, IRhus. Colic, with tenesmus: 11 Oxal. ac. Colic, tensive pain : in left side, better by eruc- tation, Zinc; tension, spasmodic, extends from chest deep into abdomen, IBell. Colic, with thirst: I Ars, ICinch, Oxabae, IStram. Colic, tobacco: relieves, IColoe Colic, transient: very violent, HOp.; in heart affection, ILye; better by stool, IColoe Colic, twisting; I Ars, I IVer.; constricting, IMere; regular paroxysms, IDiosc Colic, with unconsciousness: I Aloe, Asaf, INux v. 8®1* faintness, stupefaction. Colic, urine: before urination, IPuls.; like blood, mixed with water, Pallad.; light red, Bov.; urging to urinate, and squeamishness,HStaph.; after voiding urine, 11 Eup. pert; with stran- gury, Arn. Colic, with vertigo: Asaf, Stram.; periodic, IINatr. m. Colic, vomiting: after vomiting, Ant. t, IIMancin.; with vomiting, lyEthus., I Alum, Coloe, I ICie, INatr. s, IPetrol, HVer.; acid, IMagn. c, INatr. ph.; better after vomit- ing, Hyos, Ipec, Nux v., Puis.; of bile, Hod.; chronic, of food, I IPuls.; and retching, Jugb; of food and discolored substances, IPlumb.; vomiting of ascarides (intussusception), I IPlumb.; watery, Stram. Colic, walking: aggravation, Ascl. t, Astac, IBelb, IColoe, INux v.; must walk bent, worse at night, after getting wet, IRhus ; bet- ter by walking, Diose, IPuls. Colic, warmth: 8®° heat. Colic, with waterbrash: ICale, ICarbo v., INux v. Colic, with weakness: exhaustion, INatr. s.; severe and prostrating, with purging, IJugl.; preceded by weakness, oppression and in- clination to take a deep breath, I IPhyt. Colic, from getting feet wet: IPuls. Colic, with worms: ICie, ICina, IIFerr, IFilix, IIMerc, Nux m, I IRuta, Sabad.. ISib, Sul, I Val. Colic, 8®*"Abdomen cramp; also other acute sensations under Abdomen. FLATULENCE: j Agar, Agnus, lApis,Arund, Asaf, -Ascl. s., I Ascl. t, Bov, Brom, Camph, ICaps, ICarb. s., Ced, ICinch., Cinnam, ICoca, -Cochl, Coff, Collin, ICon, Diad, IDiosc, IForm., Grat.. IGuaiac, IGuaraea, I IHam, llgn. Jamb, IJugl, IKali bi, IKali e, ILac def, ILach, ILact. ae, ILye, Lye vir, IIMagn. c, IMur. ac, INatr.e, IINatr. s., IINux m, 1101. an., IPhos, IPlat., I IPlumb, IPsor, IPuls, 11 Rumex, Seneg, Sinap,ISyph, 11 Vespa, Vinca, Xan, Zing. Flatulence, in afternoon : after 4 p.m., ILye Flatulence, in angina pectoris : INux v. Flatulence, awakens: INatr. s, Stram. Flatulence, back : tabes dorsalis, 11 Calab. Flatulence, from lack of bile: ISep. Flatulence, presses upon bladder and causes cramps, so that he is obliged to completely double up : I IPrun. Flatulence, borborygmus : B@" rumbling. Flatulence, breathing: causes asthma,in even- ing, after eating, IZinc; with dyspnoea, ILyss. . * Flatulence, chest: causes oppression, ICham, IPhos. Flatulence, colic : 8€§~ Colic flatulent. Flatulence, in confinement: after an abortion, with hemorrhage, HPlat.; with after-pains, IPod.; after confinement, IINatr. s.; with laborlike pains after delivery, INux m. Flatulence, in constipation: Iris, INux v., IPlat, I ISabad, Sarrae, HSil, ISub Flatulence, with cough: Con. Flatulence, croaking: IILyc, IThuya ; as of frogs, IColoe, IGraph.; loud, Arg. met. 83^° growling, grunting, noise. Flatulence, in dentition: ICale p, HCham.; with green, sour stools, in morning, IPod. Flatulence, with diarrhcea: Arum m, Bov., HCarbo v., HCinch., Cub., Jacea, Kali c, Lach, ILye, IManc, IMur. ac, IINatr. s., INiccol, Nitr. ae, Nux v., Oleand, Plant, ISabina, Sep., Sil, Tabae, Zing.; of children, Collin.; chronic, I IPlant.; during dentition, ICale p., ICham.; in morning, IRhod.; watery stool, ICollin. Flatulence, discharge : g&g- Chap. 20, Flatus. Flatulence, drinking (chronic alcoholism): IPhos.; from excessive tea, HCinch. Flatulence, in dyspepsia: IIArg. nit, IHep., IHydras., IHydr. ac, ILach, IILyc, IPhos, IPuls., I ISal. ae, lUran. n. Flatulence, after eating: lArg. nit, Ast. r, Calc, IDiosc, IILyc, Rumex, Jugb; aug- mented by acid food, IPhos. ae; three hours after, Carbol. ae; in functional derangement of liver, I ISep.; in affection of liver, IMagn. in.; in sciatica, IColoe; after a small meal, Caust.: after supper, Hyper.; after vegetables, ICaps.; wind does not pass, Ant. c Flatulence, fetid: HCarbov, I ISib, HSub; like wet brass, I ISib; in indigestion, INatr. e; smelling of drug, Ascl. t. Flatulence, fever: in typhoid, ILye, IIBapt; in prevailing fever, I I Arum. m. Flatulence, in gastralgia: IISul, ISul. ac. Flatulence, in gonorrhoea: I ITarant.; in gleet, IISul. Flatulence, growling: ggg" croaking, grunt- ing, noise. Flatulence, gurgling: Asar. Arg. nit, Bry, IChel, IHam, I IPlant, IPhos. ac, I IPod, IIPuls, I ISil, IISul, Tabae, I IThuya; bearing down towards sexual organs, with fre- quent burning in epigastrium, Sabina ; with sensation of contraction near umbilicus (ty- phoid), ICoccul.; after drinking (cholerine), IPhos.; in dropsy, ILye; after eating, h? upper, Zinc; in evening, Tereb., espe* cially in evening and warm room (chronic 518 19. ABDOMEN. rheumatism), I ISabina ; followed by flatus and heat in rectum, I IZinc; in typhoid fever, INux m.; as of fluid running from a bottle, IGamb.; in gastralgia, I ISub; in left hypo- chondrium, under apex of heart, with op- pressed breathing, I Lye; in ileo-caecal region (typhoid fever), IBapt., IHydras.; in left side, INitr.ac; in left side, from incarcerated fla- tus, Ars. h.; in left side, after urging to stool, ICrot.t; loud, INatr. m.; in lower, gurgling, Verbas.; in lower, with emission of odorless flatus, Como.; with malaria, always better moving about (enteralgia), ICycb; in morn- ing, INux v.; about navel (in typhoid), ICoc- cul. ; especially below navel and in left hypo- chondrium, with pressing, I IZinc; at night, IRaph.; and noise as if small bladders of air were bursting, followed by relief and finally copious moderately thin stool, after catching cold (renal colic), ILye; with offensive flatus, Vinca; begins as pain decreases, ICarbo v.; painful, every night, with general malaise, better abstaining from food after noon and from walking about, Cycl.; on making press- ure, IPhos. ae; on pressure, in intussuscep- tion, I IVer.; followed by painful retrac- tion, with feeling as if stool would oc- cur, I IZinc; in right side, HCale; before stool, I ISpong.; before stool, in enteritis, 11 Rhus ; with ulcers, in ileo-caecal region (ty- phus), IINitr. ac; asif full of water, IHelb; as of water passing through a bunghole, IGamb.; as if filled with water, on pressure, Urt. ur.; as though nothing but water were in intestines, most left side, ICrot. t. B^P* growling, grumbling, rolling, rum- bling ; also Intestines caecum. Flatulence, grunting: Con. 8^** growling, noise. Flatulence, with heartburn: IKali iod. Flatulence, with distress about heart: IIKali ph, ILye Flatulence, with hemorrhoids : I ISub Flatulence, with pain in hypochondria : Cist. gg&- Chap. 18, Hypochondria flatus. Flatulence, in hysteria : llgn. Flatulence, incarcerated: Agar, IIAnt c, I Arg. nit, Ast. r, Carbobae, ICarbo a, HCar- bo v, ICham, HCinch, Coccul, HColch, IColoe, Con, IGraph, IKalm., ILach, ILye, Mosch, INatr. m., INatr. s., INux v., IPlat, IPlumb, IIRaph., ISil, I IStaph, Zinc; in angina pectoris, INuxv.; like billows set in motion, felt with hands, Cain.; with oppres- sion of chest, IPhos.; in colic, llgn, IKali c, INux m.; in colic, in evening, IIPuls.; catch- ing breath and causing cough, paroxysmal, worse from excitement or sitting, better lying down, straightening up or by eructations, IPhos.; with cutting in lower, Sib; with dis- tension, in megrim, ICale; frequent ineffect- ual attempts to emit it, with distension and fulness, as if loaded with food, fulness in even- ing, worse by smoking, IMenyanth.; in lower abdomen, worse riding, better lying, Calc. fl.; in right side, IPod.; in right upper, towards back with pinching, I I Carbo v.; in incarcer- ated hernia, ISul. ac; in left side, Hod.; in left side with heaviness, fulness and constipa- tion, ISub; on left side, in chronic indiges- tion, tSub; with nausea, IKalm.; prevented from passing by sensation of constriction above and below, I IVer.; pressing upward, with full feeling, IILyc; under short ribs, ICanth.; in right side, IINatr. s.; in upper, worse morn- ing and evening, INitr. ac; with vertigo, HCale 8€^° Chap. 18, Hypochondria flatus. Flatulence, liver: in disorder of, I IPsor.; en- largement and congestion, IMagn. m. Flatulence, menses: before, I ILac c, I IPhos, I IZinc; during, I IPhos, Vespa; in menor- rhagia, ICarbol. ac. Flatulence, after unpleasant mental emotions: INux m. Flatulence, in morning: HSenecio ; on awak- ing, Cist.; on rising (headache), ICann. i. Flatulence, moving : 8®° shifting. Flatulence, with protrusion of navel in infants r ILye Flatulence, at night: I ICist, IINatr. s.; caus- ing pain, IINatr. s. Flatulence, noise (borborygmus): Agar, Ant. t, Arund.; as if full bottle were emptied,followed by thin stool, IIJatroph.; as if an animal were crving, IThuya; loud, IMez.; loud, in flatulent colic, llgn.; shooting reports, Ipom.; before stool, ISpong.; snarling before stool, Spong. 8®° croaking, growling, grunt- ing, gurgling, rolling, rumbling. Flatulence, of old age: depending on imperfect digestion, ICarbo v. Flatulence, in chronic ovaritis : I I Pallad. Flatulence, painful: 8®**Colic flatulent. Flatutence, palpitation: IColb, ILye vir.; from incarcerated, in chronic constipation, ICoca. Flatulence, in typhoid pneumonia : ILachn. Flatulence, in pregnancy: ICaust., I IStann. Flatulence, roaring: in typhoid, ICie, IGels. ggg° noise. Flatulence, rolling: Arum t, ICarbol. ae, ICroe, Eup. pur, llgn, IINatr. s, Paris, Zing.; asif diarrhcea would set in, ICarb. s.; during and after drinking, IPhos.; as if empty, ISub; in typhoid fever, INuxm.; loud, IPhos.; loud in colic, IZinc; left side, hears but does not feel it, Lachn.; before menses, causing great pain, better bending double and by hot drinks, HPhos.; during menses,ICroe;about navel, ILach.; with sudden pinches, as after purgative, then diarrhoea, IINatr. s.; in left side, in evening, Zinc; during pregnancy, I Agar, ICaust.; during stool, ICale, Stram. 8^" growling, gurgling, noise, rumbling. Flatulence, rumbling : Act rac, iEsc.h, Agar., lAloe, I lAmyb, Anag, 11 Ant. c, Ant. t, An- throk, Aph. ch, lApis, lArg. nit, lArs., Arum d, Asar, I Ascl. t, Asim, Bapt, Bar. c, Berb, IBov, Bry, I ICale, ICarbol. ac, ICar- bo a, ICarb. s,ICarbo v., Case, ICepa,Chrom. ac, ICinch, ICoccul, IColoe, Con, ICrot. t, Cup. ars. Cup. m, I ICycl, IIDiosc, IIDulc, Eup. pur, IIGamb., IGlon, I IGraph, IHelb, IHep, Illie, Iodof, lllod., llris, Jalap, Jamb, IKali e, Kob, ILach,Lachn, IILyc, Lye vir, IIMagn. m, Magn. s, IMere, I IMez, IMur. ac , Myr. cer, iNatr. m,IINatr. s, Niccol, INitr. ac, Nitr. sp. d, IOp., Paris, HPetrol, IPhos. ac. Pic. ac. Plant' I IPlumb, I IPod., I IPtel., IIPuls., I IRan. b,' IRheum, Sec, Senecio, ISep., HSil., Sinap.' IISul, IThuya, I IZinc; awaking, 1 a.m.,with urgent desire for stool, Caulo.; during breath- ing, ICale, IManc.; borborygmus, I lAgnus Arum d., Arund, Bar. c. Bar. m, Cain, ICo- 19. ABDOMEN. 519 loe, Cop, Cornus, I IPlumb.; borborygmus, as if a boiler were working within bowel, INitr. ac; borborygmus, extends to caecal region, I IVer.; borborygmus, in colic, Sabad.; borborygmus, in constipation, Sarrae; in puerperal convulsions, I IOp.; borborygmus, with emission of much flatus, Gnaphab; bor- borygmus, in intermittent, I Elat.; borboryg- mus, loud, tiring one out by their noise, IPhos.; borborygmus, during menses, IKreo.; borborygmus, in morning, Cochl.; painful,Am- moniac, Spig.; borborygmus,before stool (chol- erine), ICrot. t; borborygmus, as before stool (ophthalmia), ICie; in cholera, IHyos.; with colic, I INuxv, IPuls., IITereb, IZinc; with colic, before stool, INatr. e; with colic, better walking in open air, IJatroph.; in transverse colon, Ipom.; apparently in superior flexure, of colon, as if diarrhcea would set in, Ascl. s.; in colon, in cancerous affections, IBism.; with congestion of portal system and pelvic viscera, ICollin.; constant, in chronic diarrhoea, I ISub; with constipation, in epidemic influenza, ISa- bad.; with constipation, during pregnancy, IAgar.;in coryza, ICepa ; with cough,INatr. e; with cutting griping, 11 Natr. m.; with cutting aching, about navel, I IVer. v.; as if diarrhoea would come on, after walking about, Carbol. ac; as before diarrhoea, Ascl. s., ICarb. s.; as if diarrhoea would begin, in dysentery, IColch.; followed by diarrhoea, ICheb, Magn. s., Ptel.; followed by diarrhoeic, thin, green stools, IIMagn. e; writh diarrhcea, Cub, Iris, IMagn. m., ISars.; with diarrhcea, sequel to cholera, I IPhos.; with diarrhoea, in typhoid fever, IPhos.; with diarrhoea, in phthisis, ILye v.; with painless diarrhoea, IKali e; with diarrhoea, after suppression of skin disease, ILye; with discharge of flatus, Lobel. b, Magn. s.; with discharge of offensive flatus, IINatr. s., ISars, Vinca; with discharge of flatus, up and down, IGels, Rhod.; better by discharge of wind, Asaf; with discharge of a great quantity of fetid flatus, Oleand.; with distended abdomen, Collin.; with distended abdomen, in typhoid, ILye; distress, especially in lower, with black stools, ILept; preceded by slight drawing in lower part of abdomen at 7 a.m., Zing.; during and after drinking, IPhos.; in dropsy, IILyc; in dyspepsia, I Arg. nit.; after eating, ICinch, Cycl, Oxal. ac. Plant, Tereb.; after break- fast (colic), Cepa ; after eating, in dyspepsia, I Arg. nit.; after eating, in scrofula, I Ars.; as if empty, Sabad, ISars.; with eructations, llpec; followed by risings in throat, IPuls.; worse evening and morning, Spong.; in even- ing and night, colic, I lOxal. ac; in evening, with constipated stool, IZinc; in evening, with brown stools, I ITereb.; especially in evening and in warm room (chronic rheuma- tism), I ISabina; with faintness and cold sweat, IBry.; in typhoid, lApis, ICie, IDulc, INux in, llPhos., IPhos. ae; in gastralgia, I I Sub; as from hunger, in flatulent colic, llgn.; with heat,in evening, Diad.; andgur- gling,while walking, seemed as if those behind him would hear it, ILye; in small intestines, I ICard. m.; pinching, pain worse at night (typhoid), IPuls.; inleft side, Zing.; in left, when bending to right, I IManc; in left, when lying on right, also with every respiration, IManc; in left, after urging to stool, ICrot. t; loud, Ang, Cop, ILaur, IILyc, IManc, INatr. e, IPhos., Polyp.; in lower, ILept; in lower, with cutting, after dinner, I IZinc; in lower, better passing flatus, llris; be- fore menses, Cale p., IPhos. ae; during menses, IKali e; after warm milk, Ang.; in morning,INux v.; moving back and forth,with fine cutting all day, IMagn. e; worse on mov- ing, HHydras.; on motion (in typhoid fever), I IPhos.; renewed by every motion and when taking a deep inspiration,with headache worse near warm stove, IManc; with continued nausea and confusion of head, See; with nau- sea, eructation and vertigo, Grat.; about navel, Ant. sul. aur.; about navel, in typhoid fever, IDulc; about navel, with vertigo, Ptel.; from navel into epigastrium, I IPhos. ae; at night, Cann.b; every night, in entero-colitis, INuph.; at night, and bloating,chronic ulcers on leg,and dyspepsia, ILye; painful, Vib.; painful, in in- termittent, IILyc; pain, wTorse in left side, Fluor, ac.; with pain in left superior flexure of colon, followed by speedy discharge of fla- tus, Ipom.; pain, shifting, with pinching in bowels and subsequent diarrhoea, INatr. s.; in pregnancy, ICaust; on pressure, IPhos. ae; on pressure, in intussusception, I IVer.; worse on pressure, during pregnancy, lAgar.; with pressing in stomach, Ascl. t; with sore- ness on pressure, Xan.; with tenderness on pressure, I I Ptel.; followed by painful retrac- tion, with feeling as if stool would occur, I IZinc; better on rising, Chrom. ac; in sig- moid flexure, Ipom.; during sleep, lAgnus ; with sleepiness, in morning, IPod.; before stool, Ant. t, Brom, Chel, I IFerr, Iris, IMagn. c, IMur. ae, INatr. m, INatr. s, IPhos.; before stool, Sec, I ISpong, Thuya, IVer.; before stool, with slight colicky pains, Ferr.iod.; during stool, Arn, Hep., INitr. ae; with stool, before breakfast, Gnaphab; after stool, Chel.; with desire for stool, Bapt.; with stool of mucus and blood, IPhyt.; follow7ed by liquid stool, Can.; followed by soft diarrhoeic stool, with constant dull pains in umbilicus, Rhus v.; with soft yellow stool, llris; with thin, painless stool, HVer.; with constant urging to stool, I IPtel.; with watery stool, IPhos. ae; in tetanus, lArs.; with stupor, Dory.; after toothache, in forenoon, Cast, eq.; in upper, IKali bi, IPuls.; begins in upper and descends, a flow of blood follows (uterine hemorrhage), ILye; in a warm room, Sabina. 8@T> cracking, growling, grunting, gur- gling, noise, roaring, rolling. Flatulence, rushing sounds: as from motion of air and fluid feces, as before diarrhoeic stool, I IGamb. Flatulence, shifting: Ant. t, ICinch., IIKali m., 01. an, IIPuls, HSil, Tabae, Zinc; painful, INatr. c; collects here and there, under short ribs, ICarbo v. B€^ rolling. Flatulence, snapping: Diad. Flatulence, in affection of solar plexus: ILye 8®" Chap. 17, Stomach. Flatulence, stool: before, IILyc, Fluor, ac; during, aggravates pain over left eye, I IThe- rid.; after, IILyc 8€£rChap. 20, Flatus stool. Flatulence, swashing : 8^° Abdomen. Flatulence, with heaviness in thighs, each day I at same hour : D^ad. 520 19. ABDOMEN. Flatulence, with uterine tumor: IKali c. Flatulence, with vertigo: Asaf, IINux v.; in- carcerated, ICale, ICarbo v. Flatulence, with vomiting: Bism.; of blood, ITereb.; of ingesta, bile and blood, IPhyt. Flatulence, 8ST* Chap. 20, Flatus. INGUINAL REGION, abscess: in right, 11 Sib; suppurative adenitis, IHep.; two abscesses, I ISyph. Inguinal region, aching: Calc. p.; to feet, in evening, Lyss.; in canal, with pain in testicles, from right to left, recurring and lasting whole evening, Lye vir.; in canal, worse walking, better from upward pressure, with pain in testicles, ILye vir. Inguinal region, anxious sensation: in right, with internal soreness, has to keep thigh flexed, IPallad. Inguinal region, boring: pressive, in right, I Merc. Inguinal region, bruised feeling: I Arg. met. Coccus ; in left, Dolich.; worse sitting, Kali iod. 8®* soreness, sprained. Inguinal region, bubo: I Aur. mur. nat, 11 Ba- diag, IBufo, ICarbo a, HLac c, ILach., IIMerc, IIMerc. cor, IINitr. ac, IPhyt, ISyph.; burning, during urination, ICarbo a.; callous edges, HCarbo a.; after cauterization, HCarbo a.; with uncomfortable chilliness, ICarbo a.; after frequent and violent coition, INitr.ac; before discharging, ICarbo a.; dis- charge offensive, ichorous, 11 Carbo a.; old,dis- charging, do not heal, ISub; discharging for a year, IMere iod. rub.; discharging, then pus, IKali iod.; with fistulous openings, and hec- tic, IILach.; with decided fluctuation, ILith.; after suppressed gonorrhoea, IBar. m.; indo- lent, IMere iod. flav, IMere iod. rub.; hard, indurated, HCarbo a, Iod., IILach.; very hard, with curdy, offensive discharge, if sup- purating, IKali iod.; with hard edges, Kali iod.; hard, large, inflamed (mercurial syphi- lis), ISub; stony hard, large, in right (syphi- lis), IHep.; hard, begin to suppurate, HCarbo a.; indurated, not very sensitive nor inflamed, surrounding glands are swollen, HCinnab.; inflamed,after coitus, INitr. ae; after lancing, HCarbo a.; left.HAur. mur, 11 Carbo a.; in left, large as a hen's egg, stony hard (syphilis), ICanth, IHep.; in left, size of a pigeon's egg, purple, fluctuating, I ISyph.; maltreated, ele- vated margins, ICarbo a.; after mercurial treat- ment,IIHep.;open,do not heal, especially after mercury or iodine,IHep.; painful, into thighs, ICarbo a.; painless, large, in right, opened and discharged freely (secondary syphilis), 11 Syph.; red, ICarbo a.; scrofulbus,IHep.; sen- sitive to touch, ICarbo a.; shooting, IBadiag.; sleepless, ICarbo a.; hot stitches, Badiag.; stitches, preventing motion, ICarbo a.; sup- purating, I Hep, 11 Kali m.; suppurating, with gonorrhoea of a torpid character, in course of syphilis, IMere sob; suppurating, with leu- corhoea, IINitr.ae; suppurating, long lasting, mercurio-syphilitic origin, IILach.; to pre- vent suppuration, -Cale s.; threatening to suppurate, INitr. ac; syphilitic, I Ars. i., Aur, Badiag., Bell., Bufo., ICarbo a, IHep., IKali iod, IIMerc, IMere iod. flav, IINitr. ac, IPhyt, ISil, Staph, ISul, Thuya ; syphilitic, or otherwise, in left, IZinc; syphi- litic, in left, hard, unequal, like scirrhus, with violent burning stitches at night, IBadiag.; svphilitic, in left, longish swelling, hard as a stone, uneven, rugged, like a scirrhus, at night violent lancinations, as if with red hot needles, ILith.; syphilitic, where pain or inflammation predominates, liarant; svphilitic sinus in left, result of a bubo, ichorous discharge, llris ; with thirst, ICarbo a.; threatened with drawing pain, in gonor- rhoea, IMere; with sore throat and head- ache, IILach.; tumorlike, Ananth.; ulcerat- ing, I ICheb, INitr. ae; ulcerating, with fistulous openings (syphilis), IIKali iod. B®- glands, swelling. Inguinal region, burning: Calc. p.; like a boil, I Ars.; with uterine cramp, INatr. m.; in left, in evening, Pallad.; in left, on a small spot, Pallad.; in right, Ant. t, IBerb.; with morn- ing stool, ILil. tig. . Inguinal region, colic pain: in right, extend- ing over abdomen, INatr. s. Inguinal region, constriction: in left, during urination, Ars. , Inguinal region, cramplike pain : in left, while sitting, Spong.; in left, worse after, not during, external pressure, especially in women, after excessive venery, indignation, or abuse of opium, better for awhile by a cup of coffee, IColoe; from ovarian region, IBufo.; in scir- rhus uteri, I Arg. met. Inguinal region, crawling : in right, better by rubbing, Camph. Inguinal region, cutting: ICanth.; across, Ant. t; dull, along Poupart's ligaments, followed by a sickening sensation in left testicle, as from a blow, testicle very sensitive while pain lasts, Natr. a.; in left, then right, ICale p.; during menses, I Arg. nit., 11 Senecio; in right, vEsc. h, Tereb.; in right, with desire for stool, Iodof; into testicles, ICale, IHydras.; toward thighs, Berb.; through thighs to knees, Ant. t; with uterine cramp, INatr. m. 8®" darting, lancinating, stitches. Inguinal region, darting: in left, through ure- thra to glans, Asar. Inguinal region, digging: like a boil, Ars. Inguinal region, dragging: dull, IHydras.; painful, Lyss.; before stool, Castor.; towards abdominal rings, as if parts were weak and hernia would appear, ICham.; in hyper- trophy of uterus, ICalend. Inguinal region, drawing: Aspar., Card, m, Clem, Coccus, Lyss, Zinc; downward, Lyss.; dull, in right, Bapt.; left, then right, ICale p.; inleft, while sitting, Zinc; as if menses would appear, IPlat.; in orchitis, IMere; through right, Card, m.; with threatened bubo (gonorrhoea),IMere; spasmodic, in both, ICheb; spasmodic, in left, with urination, Agar.; to testicles, 01. an. Inguinal region, dull pain: in left over hip- bone, Lact. ac; into back, worse riding horse- back (varicocele), IHam.; heavy, in left, at times sharp and sticking, Sinap.; in right, three or four times an hour (ovaritis), I I Ustil.; in right, better by pressure, Sinap. Inguinal region, eruption : boils, Case; small boil in left, painful, Spong.; small, painful, iCarbo a.; purple efflorescence in patches, Colch.; erysipelatous spot near groin, over femoral vein, spreading over nearly one-half the thigh, with flexure of leg, IHam.; her- 3D0MEN. 521 19. petic, IIGraph.; small pustules, IPuls.; pustu- lar, after vaccination, I ISul. Inguinal region, excoriation: in diarrhcea IIThuya. Inguinal region, fulness: with sensation as if all would give way there,ICoccub (^"heaviness. Inguinal region, glands: subacute gonorrhoeal inflammation,swelling pear-shaped,pains only on strong pressure, IMere iod. rub.; indu- rated, Ars, IBad., IClem, IDulc, ILith, I ITa- rant. ; indurated, in left, painful to pressure, Ant. e; indurated, in tabes mesenterica, I ITu- bere; indurated, in glands (incipient phthisis), I ITubere; inflamed, IDulc; inflamed, pain- ful to touch, ISib; itching, in region of, Berb, left, sensitive, Med.; painful, Ars, Bar. m., HTarant.; painful, had gonorrhoea, a year ago, I IPhos.ac; painful, on motion,Caust; painful, on heavy pressure (chancre), IMere sob; pain from touch, as if they would swell, Berb.; pressure in region of, Berb.; in right, two small kernels under skin, very painful, Lyss.; sensitive (ulcer on leg), IMere sob; sharp pains, Psor.; tender and enlarged (angeioleu- citis), IHam.; soreness, Merc, sub; soreness in right, IIAlum.; stinging, Psor.; stitches, Thuya ; swollen, Ars, rAur. mur. Bar. m, Caust, Cop, ICup. m, IGraph, IIHep, Hip- poz, IKali iod, IIMerc, IMere d, IMere sob, Spong, HTarant.; inflamed, swollen, IRhus; swollen, inflamed, especially after abuse of mercury, or in syphilitic subjects, IINitr. ae; swollen, worse in right side, 11 Clem.; swollen, from septic absorption, ICrotal.; swollen, with painless chancres (syphilis), IMere iod. flav.; swollen, from a cold, I Dulc.; feeling as if swollen, Zinc.; swollen, had gonorrhoea a year ago, I IPhos. ac.; s1K>l- len, after suppressed gonorrhoea, or in secon- dary syphilis, ICheb; swollen and indurated, (phthisis), I ITubere; swollen, with jerking pain, Clem.; left slightly swollen, Med.; left painful, Sinap.; of left, swollen, painful on walking, Bapt.; especially after abuse of mer- cury or in syphilitic subjects, IINitr. ae; in nephritis, IKali e; painful, IIArs.; painful swelling, Staph.; painful of, INatr. c; painful swelling, ICarbo a, ISub, IThuya; swollen, pain for two hours, Lyss.; swollen, in incipi- ent phthisis, IITuberc; swollen, in right, Brom.; swollen, after pain in right, Syph.; swollen, pains as though suppurating, ILye; swollen, right worse, HClem.; swollen, right, with tensive pain, while walking, Spong.; swollen, with circumscribed redness, not very painful except on pressure and long walking, then red, elevated and inflamed, IMere sob; swollen, great sensitiveness of one, IGraph.; swollen, with tearing in legs, ICale a.; swol- len, in tuberculosis mesenterica, Hod.; swollen, with ulcer of leg, IMere sob; sup- purating, IIHep, IIMerc; suppurating, espe- cially after abuse of mercury, in syphilitic subjects, IINitr. ae; sympathize with cancer- ous affections, IMere sob; tension, INatr. m.; tension, especially when walking, HClem.; twitching of right, 11 Alum.; ulceration, in suppressed gonorrhoea, or in secondary syphi- lis, IChel. 8^* bubo, swelling. Inguinal region, griping pains : start from both, meet in centre of abdomen on a line with groins, I ITromb. Inguinal region, growths: IMere; fibroid tumor, size of an orange, in left, ILach. Inguinal region, as if a hard body were there when sitting, better by pressure and passing flatus, ICarbo a. Inguinal region, heat: feeling, Calc. p.; feeling, after injury, I IZinc. B@^ burning. Inguinal region, heaviness: painful weight, during menses, IKali e B^T" fulness, pressure. Inguinal region, hernia: lAcon., I^Ese h, ICarbo a., ICoccul, Ferr. s, IGuaiac, ILye, IMur. ac, IMagn. c, I INuxv, Petrol, I IPhos, IRhus, I ISars, ISib, ISpig, ISul. ae, IZinc; both sides, I ISib, HStann.; in children, IlAur. met., INitr.ac; chronic, lApis, ILye; chronic, painful, ICie; painful, during cough, ICale; protrudes during cough, Ver.; crural, in women, IILyc; cutting, with headache, for four days, better by nosebleed, IMelil.; after a fall, I Uamb.; femoral, Cub.; as if it would be forced out, Calc. a.; indication of approaching gangrene, with green or yellow stool, green spots on tumor, IILach, INux v.; incarcerated, 11 Acet. ac, lAcon, IIBell, ICepa, ICoff, IFerr. ph, ILobel. i, I IMillef, ■ HOp, IPlumb, ISul. (after Aeon.); incarce- rated, with chill, ICoccul.; incarcerated with constipation, IOp.; incarceration, after cold fruit, IBry.; incarcerated, before inflam- mation, IINux v.; incarcerated, not inflamed, ante-peristaltic action, IVer.; incarcerated, in old people, constriction coining on in a gradual manner, pinching, constricted feeling, hernia not very sensitive, has a doughy feeling, not hard nor tense, ISul. ac; incarcerated, the remedy caused relaxation of abdominal ring, IDig.; incarcerated,bilious vomit, cold sweat, burning, I Aeon.; infantile, ICham.; infantile, left side, better thigh flexed on abdomen, worse on pressure, IIThuya; infiltrated sac, IPsor.; inflamed, Ferr. ph.; left side, IINux v.; left side incarcerated, ISul. ae; in left, protruded and strangulated, ICepa; in left, size of walnut (anteversion), ILil. tig.; pain- ful, inclination to hernia, especially after ris- ing from sitting, HCoccul.; pains, as from hernia, and on pressure sensation as if hernia were receding, IIColoc; pains and movements as if hernia would appear most when in sit- ting, thigh is extended, pain sometimes in right, sometimes in left groin, 11 Tereb.; sudden pains in hernial region, INux v.; presses down forcibly, Zinc; protrusion takes place slowly, as from paralytic state of abdominal ring, ICoc- cul.; slow protrusion with squeezing pain, in aged persons, INux v.; right side, IILyc; right side, about three inches of intestine descending to testicle through widely opened inguinal canal, upon applying a bandage, severe inflammation of tunica vaginalis oc- curred, which yielded to Puis, but returned every time bandage was applied, boy aet. 7, suffered since birth, I IPsor.; in right, pain as if hernia would protrude, Prun.; readily re- ducible, llpec ; with relaxed abdomen, pro- trudes even with soft stool, I IPhos.; sensitive, will not admit handling, IBell, HLach,INux v.; stitching, with headache for four days, better by nosebleed, IMelil.; stitches, lacer- ating, IILyc; strangulated, ICarb. s, llpec, ITabae, ITereb.; strangulated, quite black, 522 19. ABDOMEN. after operation, ICinch.; strangulated, fem- oral, left side, I IPlumb, strangulated, at very first, applied internally and externally, IGels.; strangulated, threatening gangrene, sensitive to touch, ILach.; strangulated, skin mottled and dark, 11 bach.; strangulated, scrotal, right side, I IPlumb.; tendency to, in left side after labor, I I Thuya; tenderness about, ISib; tumor like, Ananth.; ventosa, Caps.; walls of abdomen so thin, truss could not be worn, ICale 8®° ring, swelling. Inguinal region, itching; Ars. m, Spong.; burning, in right, Tereb.; in left, Magn. s., Pallad.; in left canal, ICycl.; in left, in even- ing, Pallad.; on a small spot on left, Pallad.; in right, better by rubbing, Camph.; in right, of its inner third, could not resist scratching, later, a wheal, tender from violent rubbing, Aur. met. Inguinal region, jerking: toward penis, Zinc. Inguinal region, laborlike pains: worse stand- ing, in prolapsus uteri, I Aloe; tearing above, downward, through thighs to knees, Ant. t. Bgp* pressing. Inguinal region, lancinating: IGuaraea; affec- tions in left, Euphor, IMagn. e; pain as in in- guinal hernia, Spong.; pain, as if parts wanted to suppurate, Cann. s.; pain, worse left side, Ascl. s.; pain in left, like pressure from within outward, I ILith.; pain in morning in bed, as if a hernia would become incarcerated, IINux v.; pain and weight in region of femo- ral, similar to that which precedes occurrence of femoral hernia, worse after walking, riding, lifting, and especially before and during menses, ICub.; pain along spermatic cord, Cepa; pressing, I Alum, Osm.; pressing, worse left side, Ascl. s.; pressing in left painful, I IGamb.; pressing outward, Cann. s.; out- ward pressing, painful, ILye; as if a hard body pressed from within outward at right, sitting with body bent forward, Bell.; press- ing, tearing, in both, when sitting, Spong.; soreness in spermatic cord, Amm. b.; stitch- ing, I Alum.; pulsating and pressing out (typhoid), ILye; as if swelling would form, IClem. 8ST* hernia. Inguinal region, lancinating: IGuaraea ; dur- ing menses, Bor.; worse night, Syph.; to sym- phisis pubis, Elaps. glgg* cutting, darting, stitches. Inguinal region, neuralgia: Apis; in right, .Esc. h. gt§f sharp pain. Inguinal region, numbness: female, 11 Eup. pur. Inguinal region, pains : (undefined), Calc. a. Caps., Cast, eq, ICepa, I ICoff,Croc, IGraph, Tereb.; with abdominal pains, ICale p.; com- ing from back, Cist.; in both, Lyss.; in both, to testicles, IDiosc; after coitus, Therid.; with cold creeps, Ant. e; constant, Brach.; in whooping cough, I I Alum.; deep-seated, ex- tending along cords to testicles (orchitis), I IPuls.; down, better flexing thighs, induced or aggravated by extending thigh, IColoe; to feet, Lyss.; in intermittent fever, Petrol.; in left, Ascl. s., Daph,IDiosc, Eryng.; in left, contractive pain, lArs.; in left, to thigh, when awaking, Ars. m.; in left, to crest of ileum, better after stool, ILacc; inleft, during uri- nation, Bell.; in left, in uterine polypus, after operation, IIThuya; in left, while walking, Ustil.; in left, at every step, Pallad.; in lett, worse walking, better by rest, returning on motion, Bapt.; in left, worse walking, by pressure and coughing, Brom.; before menses in dysmenorrhoea, I Ant. t; in right (ileus), IColch.; during menses, Magn. s.; with met- rorrhagia, ICoff; over middle, HCepa; on motion, Therid.; towards left ovarian region, Alum.; paroxysm, in right (ovaritis), IHam.; in right, about Poupart's ligament, two weeks after confinement (phlegmasia alba dolens), IHam.; in region of right, Bar. e; in right, on breathing deeply or coughing, IBor.; over right, drawing from ovary to uterus, ILach.; through right, after seminal emissions, Natr. ph.; in right, towards genitals, or liver, or chest, ILach.; from right into left hip, Calc p.; in right, lymphatics swollen (puerperal fever), I IPuls.; in right in morning, in left in evening, Ars. m.; in right, cannot rise from seat, ILye; through right, when stooping, Psor.; in right, with some swelling, Lyss.; in right, followed by swelling of glands, Syph.- in right, when yawning, IBor.; better by quick, hard rubbing with dry hand, I IPuls.; when sitting or standing, better when walk- ing, with bruised pain in small of back,Magn. s.; as from a sprain, cannot walk erect, I Amm. mur.; feel stiff, as after strain, Ferr.iod.; as if swollen, with hardness, worse touch or press- ure, ICale; to testicles, IDiosc; to thighs, Tereb.; unbearable, when spermatic cords would emerge, as if everything would fall or slip out, worse standing, better sitting, press- ing with hands, Ars. h.; when walking,ILyc; on walking, inchancre,IMere sob; after wine, Calc. a.; worse from wine, Bor. Inguinal region, piercing: with urging to urin- ate, in afternoon, while walking out of doors, Natr. s. 8€jT* stitches. Inguinal region, pinching: I IGamb.; in left, ICheb, Sars.; in disease of ovaries, HPlat; in right, as in retention of urine, during rest and motion, renewed on rising from a seat, Zinc; before stool, INatr. s. Inguinal region, pressing: Bor, Irid., Zinc; obliging her to bend double, IKali iod.; with griping colic, during menses, IKali c; con- tinued, with indurated and prolapsed uterus, IPlat; down, in disease of ovaries, I IPlat; dull, above right, on a defined place, Lyss.; of flatus, IGraph.; jerking, in left, as if hernia would occur, Zinc; jerking, in right, Zinc; in left, ICale; in left ring, ICepa ; worse left side, Ascl.s.; during menses, IBor, ICarbo a.; painful, Euphor.; painful towards groins and anus, flatus incarcerated, IGraph.; pain- ful, towards right, while sitting down, Bry.; sticking, somewhat above, Zinc; squeezing towards thighs, Berb.; pressure and tension as if hernia would develop, especially on walking and standing, Berb.; towards, during menses, Niccol.; towards, during menses, in dysmen- orrhoea, Chin, s.; towards sexual organs, even- ings, lAlum.; towards thighs, Berb. 8^° heaviness, hernia, laborlike pains. Inguinal region, pricking: in left, Cast, eq.; alternates with drawing in left, at night, dis- turbing sleep, Zinc; in a small spot on right, like a throbbing, Ars. h.; worse walking, and in bed, HClem. BST" stinging. 19. ABDOMEN. 523 Inguinal region, pulling pain: IPlat. Inguinal region, quivering: in left, lAgar. Inguinal region, ring (abdominal and femoral): abdominal, when coughing, pains into testicles as if spermatic cords would be torn, INatr. m.; cramplike, cutting colic, darts through, 11 Ars.; cutting, drawing into left testicle, passes off on stooping, Tereb.; weakness as if a hernia would occur, IINux v. Inguinal region, screwing together sensation: in left, extends up into chest, Zinc. Inguinal region, sensitiveness: IClem.; right, painful to touch, IClem.; tenderness over left, with cramplike pains passing around to back (chronic diarrhoea), IColoe; tenderness in right (ileus), IColch. BSf hernia. Inguinal region, sharp pain : in right, Sinap.; in right, preventing motion, in latter months of pregnancy, IPod.; running to socket of right hip, with enlargement and sensitiveness of bowels, I IMurex. Inguinal region, shooting: IIArs.; in left, Bell. 8@~ cutting, darting, lancinating. Inguinal region, smarting: in right inguinal fold, IBerb.; in right, in parenchymatous metritis, 11 Lac e Inguinal region, soreness: IMere; aching, in left, then right, ICale p.; with swollen labia, IMere; soreness in left, in sciatica, HPhyt; sore spot to left, in Poupart's ligament, near ovarian region, especially tender on pressure, worse during menses (chronic cystitis and irritability of bladder), I ISep.; moist places (scarlatina), Arum t.; in right, Ant. t, Calc. p., Iodof; in bend of right, on appearance of menses, Sars.; asif in spermatic cords, Brach.; in uterine displacement, I I Amm. m.; on walk- ing, Arg. met., Ferr. iod. 8ST* aching, bruised. Inguinal region, spasmodic pain: ICheb; in broad ligament, ICaulo. Inguinal region, pain as if sprained: in left, during pregnancy, I Amm. m.; in right, when stooping, I Ars.; as if he had strained himself, clothing is uncomfortable, IHydras. B6T" bruised. Inguinal region, sticking: Coccus, I IGamb.; at night, disturbing sleep, I I Carbo a. BgT" pricking, stinging. Inguinal region, stiffness: region of, Aur. mur. Inguinal region, stinging: towards thighs, Berb. BST" pricking, sticking. Inguinal region, stitches: I Ars, Arund, Bor, ICanth., IKali c, Pallad.; with tightness of breath on inspiration, while walking in open air, IMere sob; below, Spong.; crampy, in left, while sitting, Carbol. ae; in left, ICycb; from left, to axilla, I INatr. s.; in left, in morn- ing, after awaking, Zinc; during menses, IBor.; sharp, rheumatic, in right, Bapt; in right, when walking, Ferr. iod.; in right, com- ing out behind hip when sitting, Amm. m.; thrusting, Coccus. 8^" cutting, darting, lancinating. Inguinal region, stretching feeling: Clem.; in hypertrophy of uterus, ICalend. Inguinal region, swelling: IMere; elastic, size of a fist, in left, in evening, bruised pain, can- not lie on left side, on awaking pain and swelling gone, Amm. e; after a fall, I Aur. met.; feeling as if a swelling would form, IClem.; feeling as if swollen, in uterine displacement, 11 Amm. m.; a hard body, size of a nut, ap- peared after falling,thistumor,on being pressed back, did not again appear, IColoe; large, hard, with fistulous openings, extends toward abdomen, ILach.; oblong, hard, as large as a cucumber, in right, I Apis ; hard, painful lumps in both, IPuls.; hard, in right, I Apis ; to knee, like a cord (milk leg), IBufo.; a knotty lump above right, even a bandage hurts, HPsor.; of left (milk leg), IHam.; in left, every few days, I I Ustil.; large, in left (syphilis), I Apis ; a lump, in right, preventing stooping, Psor.; in orchitis, after mismanaged gonorrhoea, Clem.; painful, bloatedness, IKali e; slightly painful, in evening, while sitting, Tereb.; pain, as if swollen, Con.; pale red, sensitive, hard as a stone, from left across mons vene- ris, with burning, stinging tearing, prevents sleep, slimy fluid discharge from two fistulous openings, I ISib; in right, half as large as a hen's egg, tender to pressure, I Ham.; of right, to hip, worse stretching leg, better walking, worse sitting, Ars. met.; in right, painful to touch, Jacar.; with tearing in legs, Cale a. g^* bubo, glands, hernia. Inguinal region, it seems as if some one tapped her hard, when she draws up her leg: Therid. Inguinal region, tearing : IIArs.; across, Ant. t; in left, as from sprain, while standing,Euphor.; particularly in right, Polyg.; on walking, Amm. m. g&&~ neuralgia. Inguinal region, tension : I Arg. met, I IGamb., Spig.; in left, worse standing or walking, bet- ter flexing leg on abdomen, I ILac c; on mo- tion, in fold, IBerb.; painful, Benz. ae; pain- ful to thighs (quotidian fever), IBry.; painful, on walking, Amm. m.; in right, Sars.; in right, caused by drawing, pressing in swollen right testicle to abdomen, I IRhod.; extending to- wards thighs, Berb.; as if wrenched, better walking, lAgar. Inguinal region, throbbing: in left, Brach.; over left, Ang.; isolated, sudden, in left, Brach.; pulsation, Ars. m. Inguinal region, trembling pain: Chel. Inguinal region, tumor : B^aT" growths, her- nia. Inguinal region, ulcers: fetid,ichorous, Bar. m. Inguinal region, varicose veins: in right, near abdominal ring, IBerb.; down thighs, Berb. Inguinal region, weakness: extending towards cord, Osm. INTESTINES, appendicitis: BgT" caecum typhlitis. Intestines, caecum: cutting, IHydras.; distend- ed, hard (tumor caeci), HPlumb.; distended, gurgling, on pressure (typhus), HChin. s.; dull pain, worse turning to right side, Ammo- niac; gurgling, in ileo-caecal region, in typhoid pneumonia, IPhos.; gurgling, in ileo-csecal re- gion, on pressure, lApis; gurgling, in iliac region, on pressure, in ague, I IPuls.; inflamed (typhlitis), I IBell., I Calad, I Card, m, I IColch, ICrotal, ILach, IMere, INatr. s, HOp, IPlumb, IIRhus, ISamb, IIThuya; typhli- tis, with peritonitis, IBelb, IILach, ILye; typhlitis stercoralis, ICard. m.; typhlitis, swollen, painful, hard, hot and red, painful to touch, IMere; typhlitis, deep circumscribed swelling, lies on back with right knee drawn up, IIHep.; typhlitis, pain in appendix, with frequent paroxysmal aggravations, ICrotal.; 3D0MEN. 524 19. typhlitis, with pain, swelling, tenderness, fecal accumulation and vomiting, ILac def.; typhlitis, ileo-caecal region, painful, IColch.; jerking, worse turning to right side, Ammo- niac.; pain, Chel, Jalap, IStram.; pain, in- tense, in typhoid, Hod, Phos.; pain; radiat- ing to chest, back and extremities, IKali e; pain, cannot bear pressure of bedcover, IBelb; rumbling, Chel, Elat.; sensitive, ih chronic intestinal catarrh, ILach.; sensi- tive, in typhoid pneumonia, IPhos.; sen- sitive, in typhus, HApis; tenderness,IColch.; tenderness, pain and swelling, ILach.; sharp pain, IHydras.; soreness, INitr. ae; stitches, with sneezing, HAgar.; swelling large, hard, painful to touch and motion (typhus),IPlumb.; shooting, worse turning to right side, Ammo- niac; in ulcers, INitr. ac. ggjg" colon ascending, inflammation; also Abdomen distended, sensitive. Intestines, catarrh : IIArs, I Arund., IBadiag, IBry, ICale, ICham, I IChel, ICochb, ICo- loe, ICop., IDulc, Eucab, IFerr., Ferr. ph., Ind, llpec, IMagn. c, Senecio, 11 Ver.; blen- norrhcea, I I Hydras.; blennorrhcea, with depres- sion and disinclination to do anything, I I Grat.; chronic, I Ars., IHydras, ILach., IINatr. m., I IPtel, ISinap.; chronic, worse in morning, INitr.ac; chronic, after great straining dis- charges a mass of croupous exudation, ILach.; in eruptive diseases, I Apis ; with affection of liver and bladder, Cham.; in nephritis,Tereb.; before pneumonia, ICheb; during subsidence of cholera epidemic, I I Rhus ; followed by ul- ceration, IHydras. Intestines, colon: catarrh with colic, IColoe; croup, IBrom.; cramplike pain, sigmoid flex- ure, to back, with vomiting, IDiosc; cutting, ICale; distension of ascending (tumor caeci), HPlumb.; drawing, ICale; ecchymosis, t.Bar. m.; gurgling, in descending, worse after eat- ing, Aloe ; hardness of ascending (tumor cseci), HPlumb.; heat, at lower end, ICale; inflam- mation of mucous coats, Erig.; pain in ascend- ing, Rhus; pain in course of, ICrotal., Diose, ILacc; pain in descending, I Asar., Berb, Ipom.; severe pains in descending, in intussus- ception, I IVer.; pain in descending Just below ribs, All. sat.; pain and distension, especially of transverse (chronic dyspepsia), IMere cor.; pain in region of left superior flexure, Jalap.; great pain along whole length, worse on press- ure or movement, Ferr. iod.; pain in right and left,. Arund.; pain, awakens, better on rising, Chrom. ac; pain, in sigmoid flexure, Jalap.; pain, about sigmoid flexure (rheu- matic diarrhoea), IColch.; pains in, with stool looking like pea soup, and consisting of yellowish-greenish and bloody mucus of dis- agreeable odor, IPod.; pain in transverse, at 3 a.m., followed by diarrhoea, I IPod.; pain in transverse, with deranged liver, ILept; paralyzed inactive feeling, transverse, Aeon.; peristalsis sluggish, ICard. m.; pressure, in transverse, in forenoon, All. sat; pressive pain, in middle of ascending, Cain.; pricking, Arund.; rumbling, Elat.; rumbling in ascend- ing, IPod.; rumbling, in ascending, with palpi- tation from mental emotion or exertion, IPod.; rumbling, in splenic flexure, IA gar, IILyc; straining, almost cutting, after eating, Calc.; swelling, size of a fist in transverse, with long continued diarrhoea, I Merc. 8^°caecum. Intestines, congestion: IPod.; injection of bloodvessels, Lyss, IITereb. 8^- inflammation. Intestines, dryness: IOp., IPlumb.; of a por- tion, headache with constipation, tongue clean or covered with bubbles of frothy saliva, INatr. in. fl®" torpid. Intestines, duodenum: aching, with colic (dysentery), ICaps.; catarrh, IPuls.; catarrh from chill (jaundice), IIKali m.; catarrh, in jaundice, IHydras, IIMerc; catarrh, caus- ing jaundice, INatr. m.; catarrh, with yellow- coated tongue, IKali s.; congested, t.Bar. m.; inflamed, Ars. s. f, t.Bar. m., IPod, Uran. n.; inflammation, chronic, ILye; pain, Astac; pain, awoke at 1 a.m., into umbilical region, Merc, sub; pain, worse sitting bent, IILyc, dark red, t.Bar. m.; sensitive, with colic (dys- entery), ICaps.; ulceration, lArg. nit, IKali bb, lUran. n. Intestines, fistula: discharge of pus, gases, and pale matter, I I Sil. Intestines, gangrene : I I Plumb. Intestines, heat: ICanth. 8®° burning, inflammation. Intestines, hemorrhage: IAcon.,Agar., lAmb, I lAnthrac, lArs., Bapt, Bar. m., ICact., ICanth, HCinch, Cochl, HColch, ICollin, ICrotal, lErig, I Eucab, IFerr. ph., IIHam., lllpec, IKali bi, IKali iod, IKali ph., ■Mere, INitr. ac, INux v., HPhos., IPsor., I ISars, ISee, ISenecio, ISib, ITrilb,I ITubere, lUrtur, 11 Ver.; after pain in abdomen,IHam.; bright blood, Caust, bright red, in streams, I Aeon.; black blood (typhoid), IRhus; with nasal catarrh, ICale; chronic, with hemor- rhoids,! Anac, ISul. ;coagula (typhus),I Alum.; large, clotted masses, followed by sbivering, Med.; from portal congestion, IIHam.; of dark fluid, fetid, or grumous, IHam.; dark, offensive (typhus), lArs.; dark, liquid (ty- phoid), IIMur. ae; dark and tough, enveloped in viscid mucus, Collin.; dark, venous, about a quart, better pain in abdomen (dysentery), I Arn.; decomposed, IILach.; tarlike, in large quantities, IHam.; in dropsy, following inter- mittent, Citrus; with epithelial degeneration, IITereb.; after much exertion, lifting or inter- nal injuries, HArn, IHam., IMillef, IRhus; especially after physical exertion, blood bright and clear, child set. 3, Cinn.; in bilious fever, ICheb; in typhoid or typhus, I Alum, lArg. nit, I Ars., IBapt., I IChlor, IILach., IMillef, IIMur. ae, IINitr. ac, INuxm.; in typhus with syncope, IINux v., Phos. ac, IRhus, ITereb.; in yellow fever, HCanth, IILach.; with hypochondriasis, IPsor.; infiltrations, I I Anthrac.; with involuntary spasmodic twitching of lower jaw, IIAlum.; during men- ses, Lyss.; vicarious menstruation, I IPhos, I I Ustil.; after checked metrorrhagia, Acet. ac, painless, in large quantities, IBism.; passive, IITereb.; in cirrhosis of liver, ISub; passive, bright red, after stool, with faintness when pro- fuse, llgn.; with prolapsus ani, HApis; secon- dary, after removal of hemorrhoid, INitr. ac; blood oozing on standing or walking, with dark fluid hemorrhage during stool, ICrotal.; with sharp stitching pains in rectum (fissures of anus), IGraph.; during stool, INatr. m, IPuls.- duringstool,inpurpurahaemorrhagica, I I Phos!' during soft stool, IHep. (B^T Chap. 20, Anus bleeding, Hemorrhoids bleeding); with or 19. ABDOMEN. 525 without stool, IRatan.; during and immedi- ately after stool, Vib.; with ulceration, IHam, IITereb.; with flow of urine (typhoid), IIAlum.; after urinating, IMere; in autum- nal cold damp weather,IColch.; in old women, large quantities of blood discharged at once with constipation and hypochondriasis, I IPsor. Intestines, hernia : B@T" intussusception; also Inguinal region, hernia. Intestines, infarctions: I lAnthrac. Intestines, ileum: inflamed, IPod, Ars. s. f Intestines, infiltration : with chronic diarrhoea, with formation of cavities and purulent exu- dation into cavity of thorax (hectic fever), I IPhos.; serous and sero-hemorrhagic, I lAn- thrac. Intestines, inflammation (enteritis): IIAcet. ae, IIAcon, IIAnt. t, HApis, IIBell, IIBry, ICact, ICham., ICochb, Cop., Cup. s, Grat, Jalap, ILach, I ILye vir., IMere, lOxal. ae, I IPlumb, I IRhus, I ISub, IITereb., I IVer. v.; acute, catarrhal, during damp weather, warm or cold, IGels.; appendicitis (86T* caecum typhlitis) ; in children, from milk and farina- ceous diet, ILye; followed by dysentery, Jugb; chronic, IHydras, lOxal. ae, HSub; chronic, catarrhal, IHydras.; chronic, with dyspepsia, IHydr. ae; chronic, of five years' standing, 11 Phyt.; croupous, IHydras, IMere cor.; followed by alternate diarrhoea and con- stipation, llgn.; with distension of abdomen (malignant scarlet fever), I ISabac ; in ascites, I Apis; probably caused by eating baked beans, I ITarant.; entero-colitis, INuphar, ITereb.; entero-colitis, with colicky pains in rectum and characteristic stools, INuph.; with high fever, IVer. v.; with typhoid symptoms, IIBry., IHyos, IIRhus; with worm fever, IMere; follicular, I IPod.; from a foreign body, ICalend.; gastro-enteritis, IIBry, HCact, Cup. m., IPhyt, IIRhus; with hiccough, I IHyos.; with lancinating, IMere; with me- teorism, lUran. n.; acute mucous, I llris; pseudo - membraneous, 11 Merc. cor.; with faulty nutrition, followed by affection of ner- vous centres, Lac def; with stools of mucus and blood, ITJrt ur.; subacute, mucous, lAscl. t; typhlitis (flST" caecum) ; after inflamma- tion, I Ang. 8®*" caecum, colon, duodenum, ileum, jejunum. Intestines, impaction : B^T obstruction. Intestines, intussusception: lAcon, I Arn., IIArs.,IBell., IBry.,IColoe, IKali bi.,1 IKreo, ILach, ILobel, ILye, IMere, INuxv, HOp, HPlumb, IRhus, Sul, Tabae, Thuya, HVer.; with agonizing colic, ICup. m.; with violent colic and convulsions, IOp.; with colic and fecal vomiting, IPlumb.; worse from motion, sensitive to pressure, I Ars.; rushes about, bent double, pressing abdomen, great anguish, IVer.; with singultus, ICup. m.; threatening sloughing, ILach. 86T" gangrene, inflammation, obstruction; also Inguinal region, hernia. Intestines, irritation: IPod.; alternates to chest, ISeneg.; affecting brain and other organs, Cina ; during dentition, 11 Cypr.; followed by dysentery, Jugb; after suppressed eczema, ICup. ac; subacute, inflammatory, from mouth to anus, INatr. e; in mastitis, I IPhos.; after extreme mental exertion, INux m.; with constant accumulation of phlegm in bronchial tubes, ISeneg.; with strabismus, in helmin- thiasis, I INatr. ph., ISpig. Intestines, jejunum: IPod.; pustular eruption, IIAnt. t; pale hypertrophied follicles, t.Ant. t. Intestines, mucous membrane: anthrax, I I An- thrac; ecchymoses, Sal. ae; epithelial degen- eration, with hemorrhages, IITereb.; false membranous formations in small, produced by gradual exudations of plastic lymph, ILept.; cedematous, discolored, cloudy red, I lAnthrac; pale, Ant. t; pustular foci, I lAn- thrac; small conical pustules, filled with se- rum, Ant. t; reddish swollen, cedematous, hemorrhagic prominent infiltrations, grayish or greenish yellow, discolored surface, slough- ing centre, I lAnthrac; increased secretion of, IMagn. c. Intestines, affection of nerves: causes cholera, IMagn. p.; causes cholera, second stage,I IKali ph. glgg" catarrh, inflammation. Intestines, obstructions: fecal impaction, ICaust, Gels, I ILac def, ILach., HOp., IPlumb.; filled with hard feces, convolutions could be distinctly felt and seen, I IPlumb. gfgF' intussusception, peristaltic motion, torpid; also Constipation. Intestines, peristaltic motion : decreased, IIHep.; lost contractility, in constipation of infants, ILye; feeling of inertia, Cadm. s.; inertia,congestive, of lower, ICollin.; inertia, causing constipation, IPlat; inertia, of lower, hemorrhoids and constipation, especially dur- ing pregnancy, ICollin.; paralysis, Caps., Carbo v., Coccul, IOp., I IPhos., IPlumb.; ac- tion almost paralyzed, in spinal irritation, I IRhus; paralyzed, inactive feeling, Aeon.; half paralytic,half crampy condition, I IPlumb.; paralysis, from lead poisoning, IOp.; paralysis, particularly when lower portions (colon and rectum) are affected, IPhos.; reversed, IOp.; feeling, as if reversed, Asaf; disposition to stool, but peristaltic motion in upper is want- ing, Coccul. Intestines, phlegmasia : IKali iod. Intestines, torpid: All. sat, Asim, I ICalab, ICard. m. Cinch., Coccul, IColoe, IKali c, INatr. m., INux v, HOp, I IPhos., IPlat., 11 Sumb., I ISep, Sinap. B@~ Chap. 20, Con- stipation; also Rectum torpid. Intestines, tuberculosis: ICarb. s. Chin, s., I ITubere Intestines, ulcers and ulceration : I Arg. nit, IIArs., ICale, HCarbo v., IColoe, IKali bi, ILye, IINatr. ph., HPlumb, Sal. ae, Sinap, Sul, ITereb.; chronic, with hepatic disorder, ILept.; chronic, with vomiting of ingesta, hectic and emaciation, IIKali bb; with cor- roding, stinging pain, Cup. m.; causes diar- rhoea,ISib; with chronic diarrhoea,hectic fever, I IPhos.; with diarrhoea, in tuberculosis,I lOle- and.; with entero-colitis (typhoid diseases), ITereb.; in infantile remittent fever,IMur. ae; in typhoid fever, Agar, IBapt, IINitr. ae, ITereb.;with hemorrhage, IITereb.; of Peyer's gland (typhoid), ITereb.; round, with black- ish fundus, in small intestines, Ars. s. r.; tubercular, with rapid suppuration of lungs, formation of cavities and purulent exudation into cavity of thorax, Phos.; ofupper part, in diphtheria, I IPhyt. PERINEUM, as if a ball were pressing 526 19. ABDOMEN. against, in urinary troubles (prostatitis),Chim. umb. Perineum, burning: I IPlumb, Thuya ; during stool, after a fall on perineum, I Arn. Perineum, contractive pain: after stool, ILye Perineum, cramplike pain: cutting colic darts through, IIArs.; when rising from a seat, Thuya. Perineum, crawling: ICheb Perineum, cutting : lAur. met. Perineum, darting: to rectum andgenitals, Bov. Perineum, dragging : in ulceration of os uteri, IMere Perineum, drawing : pressive pain in, as if a spot were suppurating when walking or sit- ting, HCycb; painful into urethra, IKali bb; along urethra, IMez. Perineum, dull pain : worse on urinating, evacu- ating bowels and during ejaculation of semen (prostatitis and atony of sexual organs), I ISelen. Perineum, eruption: Brom.; eczema, TBrom.; herpes, itching, HPetrol, Tell.; knotty pufli- ness, Thuya; obstinate, dry,IPetrol.; pimples, INitr. ac. Perineum, excoriated: 8®*" intertrigo. Perineum, fistula: IIThuya. Perineum, flying pains: to anus or upwards in anterior wall of rectum, Ars. h. Perineum, heat: in prostatitis, IPuls. Perineum, heaviness: Con., Cop.; noticeable at every step, it seems as if a lump were lying there, Therid. Perineum, injuries: after a fall, I Arn.; la- ceration, ICalend.; after rupture, chronic diarrhoea with frequent involuntary stools, Natr. s. Perineum intertrigo (chafing, rawness): I Arum. t, 11 Aur. mur,ICalc, Carbo a,ICarbo v.,Caust, ICham, IGraph, IHep., Ign., IILyc,IMere, Petrol, Puis, I ISep, ISub, Thuya; of chil- dren, particularly in groins, extending to scro- tum, lArs.; caused by stool (dysentery),ISub; viscid, inodorous humor oozes, Carbo a. Perineum, itching: Agnus, ICarbo v, ICheb, INatr. s, INuph, I IPetr, Sub; unbearable, after scratching pimples arise, oozing moist- ure and keeping parts sore, ISars.; volup- tuous, compels scratching, Tarax. Perineum, pain (undefined): seemingly from neck of bladder, ICanth.; with coughing, Ars. h.; in fistula in ano, HCaust; to glans penis, Diad.; when sitting, ILye; after suppressed gonorrhoea, after urination, ICoca. Perineum, pressure: Con.; near anus, during and after urination (enlarged prostate), ILye; at beginning of erection, and during coitus, I Alum.; in fistula in ano, IBerb.; jammed feeling, during urination, ILye; when blow- ing nose, Alum.; outward, dull, lAsaf.; pinch- ing in region of neck of bladder, somewhat to left, extending throughout lower pelvis and into thigh, after urination (inflammation of prostate), IIPuls.; with prostatitis, IPuls.; sharp as with a cutting instrument, with con- tractive pain between acts of urination and discharge of mucus, I INux v. Perineum, raphus : prominent, Thuya. Perineum, relaxation : in ulceration of os uteri, IMurex. Perineum, sensation of swelling : when sitting down, in urinary troubles, Chim. umb. Perineum, shooting: into penis, ICale p.; sting- ing, deep into female parts, Berb. Perineum, soreness: ICarbo v., Sep.; with painful itching when touched, HCarbo v.; before menses, ISep.; in prostatitis, Chim. umb.; with sensation as if vulva were en- larged, before menses, ISil. Perineum, stinging: lAur.met.; in gonorrhoea and gleet, IMez. Perineum, stitches : boring, near anus, or from above down, from within out, Lith., Spig.; deep into pelvis, left side (fistula in ano), IBerb.;whenwalking,in pregnancy, I I Amman. Perineum, sweat: Alum, Carbo a, IHep, IKali e; when moving about, Psor.; at night, I Carbo v.; offensive, Thuya; profuse, Con. Perineum, swelling : tumefaction, discharge of pus and blood, with aching, beating throb- bing, in lumbo-sacral region, I ISil. Perineum, tearing pain: extending through urethra, IMez.; when walking (pregnancy), 11 Amm. m. Perineum, tender: Cub. Perineum, tension : Ant. t. Perineum, throbbing: knocking, thumping, near anus, Ars. h.; strong pulsation (fistulain ano),I ICaust.; pulsations in prostatitis, ICaust. Perineum, titillating: in gonorrhoea or gleet, IMez. Perineum, twitching: Aloe. Perineum, ulcers: BSP* Chap. 20, Anus fistula. Perineum, warts : broad, moist, burning condy- lomata, IMere d.; a tubercle size of a pea, one inch from anus, moist, smarted in walk- ing, disappeared in ten days, Thuya; occu- pied by one broad condyloma half an inch in height, constantly moistened by slimy, puru- lent discharge, could scarcely bear pain, espe- cially when walking, 11 Thuya. PUBES, aching: Ammoniac, I IZinc. Pubes, burning: like fire, Arund. Pubes, cutting: from bone to small of back, evenings, Amm. m.; in bone, with pressure towards rectum, Ang. Pubes, drawing : Coccul, Coccus, Zinc.; pain, from right to left, with discharge of blood, then earache from left to right, ICale p.; upwards, in symphysis, ICale p. Pubes, dull sickish pain: with bearing down during menses (metrorrhagia), I ISep. Pubes, eruption: large boils, Apis ; hard crusts on mons veneris, Con. Pubes, symphysis feels as if suddenly forced asunder: Tereb. Pubes, hair: loss of, IINatr. m. Pubes, heaviness: Ammoniac. Pubes, itching: Ammoniac, Zing.; on mons veneris, INatr. s.; from leucorrhcea, INatr. m.; left side, to root of penis, Lyss. Pubes, laborlike pains over symphysis: ISep, ISub Pubes, pain: Arund, ICepa; periodic, worse sitting, Cepa ; to hip and small of back, pain in right side, Amm. m.; symphysis sensitive to touch, coughing, bending forward, Ars. h. Pubes, as if a plug were wedged between sym- physis and os coccygis, better with urging to stool, 11 Aloe. Pubes, pressure: Ammoniac, Bell, Zinc; with cauliflower excrescence, IKali ars. Pubes, pricking: as from pins in, Cinch, bob Pubes, puffing of parts on and around: 11 Lyc.vir. 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 527 Pubes, pulling and pain, as if menses were com- ing on: Med. Pubes, soreness: across, IINux v.; sprained, lame pain in left side, to thigh on stretching limb after sitting, Euphor. Pubes, stitching: to sacrum, Coccul, Coccus, Lil. tig.; to small of back, evening, Amm. m. ANUS, abscess: ICale, IHep, IMere, ISib; painful in fistula, ICale s.; just below coccyx, as large as a hazel nut, soon opened, a funnel- shaped ulcer, about one centimetre in circum- ference, bottom and walls bright red, puru- lent discharge constantly exuding, IPaeonia. Bg^" boil, inflamed, swollen, ulceration. Anus, aching: I Alum, Ars. b, 11 Lact. ac, ISul, 11 Ratan.; with large soft stool, Kob. Anus, ball: 8^° P^S- Anus, beating: 8@* throbbing. Anus, biting: ICaps., Cepa, IPhos, Spong.; with diarrhoea, I IDulc; in hemorrhoids, IMur. ac; as from pepper, IDulc; sore pain,on walking, IMez.; with wide redness around, worse at night from heat, heat of bed and rubbing or scratching, better from cold, cold water and pinching part, IPetrol.; during stool, ICinch, ILye; after stool, Agar., Colch. B@T itching, burning, smarting. Anus, bleeding: I Apis, ICrotal, IPhos., IISul, Zinc; black blood after exercise, Berb.; bright blood, with or without stool, large quantity causing weakness, 11 Case; bright red blood with burning and pricking as from thorns, Lyss.; blood coagulated, lAlum, Stram.; in constipation, IINatr. m.; bleeds easily, IILyc; in drops, ICamph.; during menses, IILach, Lyss.; vicarious menstruation from, Zinc; blood oozes, Anthrac; during stool, ICarbo v.; after stool, ICarbo v, I INatr. m, Spong.;after wine or whiskey, Alum. 8@° Hemorrhoids bleeding; also Chap. 19, Intestines hemor- rhage. Anus, boil: furuncle, near to right, with pain, cannot sit, has to stand or lie on left side, dis- charges bloody pus, leaves painless fistula, Calc. p. B^° abscess. Anus, boring: Calad.; intensely painful, cramp- ing to rectum or testicles (hemorrhoids), ISil. N , Anus, bruised pain: (dysentery), lArn. Anus, burning: liEse h, I Alum., I Ars, Aspar, lArumt, Berb., Bor, IBry, ICale, Calc. p, Cain., ICarbo a., Carb. s., ICarbo v., ICochb, Pubes, sweat: in prostatitis and atony of sex- ual organs, I ISelen. Pubes, tearing: Tereb.; in left eminence, inter- mittent, Arn.; transversely across, thence through pudenda to anus, ICarbo a. Pubes, tensive pain: Bell. Pubes, tickling: in symphysis, Anag. Cocc, Coccul, IColch., ICollin., Coloe, ICop, Cinn., ICrot. t, Cub., Euphor., IFerr, I IGamb., IHelb, lllris, IKali bi. Kali c, Lactu. v, ILil. tig, IMur.ac, INitr. ac, IINux v., Ob an., Petrosel, Rhus v., IThuya, I I Zing.; with aching in small of back, Merc, per.; with spasmodic contraction, Coff; with diarrhcea, IArs.,HCaps, IGamb., IManc, INuph.;after diarrhoea, I IGrat.; after diarrhoea and catarrh of stomach, IDulc; with painless diarrhcea, IKali e; with discharge of moisture from rectum, Coloe; in dysentery, lArs, HCaps., Tabae; in intervals of epileptic attacks, lArs.; as if excoriated, around, IBar.c; feels on fire, lllris ; in fissure of anus, IGraph.; like fire, I Ars.; from flatus, Bapt.; with cadaverous smelling flatus, HAgar.; after passage of fla- tus, IIAloe; and heat during stool, Gamb.; in hemorrhoids, IINux v., I ISabina, HSub; followed by protrusion of hemorrhoids, IRa- tan.; when hemorrhoids do not protrude, ISep.; itching, Zing.; for hours, I I Ratan.; during menses, Berb.; in locomotor ataxy, IINux v.; in margins, lErig.; with nausea after stool, Kali bi.; in neuralgia, llris ; at night (hemorrhoids), HSub; especially at night, in tuberculosis mesenterica, Hod.; in prolapsus ani), I Apis; from excoriation, dur- ing stool,Magn. m.; during pregnancy, ICaps.; in rheumatic attack, IBry.; as from salt in a wound, after a slimy, diarrhoea-like stool, Prun.; provoking scratching, IPseonia; inter- feres with sitting, ICard. m.; sitting awhile, HSub; preventing sleep, I Aloe ; soreness, lasting all day, IThuya; sore pain, around, Euphor.; sticking, in evening, while walking, Zinc; with tenesmus, preventing sleep, must rise, Amm. c; after vexation, ICham.; better on applying cold water, ITereb.; before stool, Sabad.; before and after stooj, lOleand.; be- fore diarrhoea-like stool, I Ratan.; before stool, with protrusion of varices, 11 Ratan.; dur- ing stool, Agar, Aph. ch, lArs., Bar. e, IBerb., ICale, ICanth, I Castor, Cham., ICinch, Cycl, Iris, Kali bi., ILye, IMere, 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. Anus. Cholera Asiatica. Cholera Infantum. Cholera Morbus. Constipation. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Flatus. Hemor- rhoids. Rectum. Stool. Before Stool. During Stool. After Stool. Worms. 528 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. IMerecor., IMere sub, IMur. ae, Natr. e, INatr. s. Pic. ac, HPlumb, Sinap., ISub, IVer, IZinc; during and after stool, Cann. s.; during stool, worse in afternoon and evening, also during rest, better from motion, Coloe; with copious stool, I ITereb.; with stool hastily passed, Osm.; with dry stool, IKali bb; dur- ing stool, in dysentery, IColoe, ILach., lUrt. ur.; during stool, in autumnal dysentery, IMere; with exhausting stool, Vinca; with fluid, frothy stool, HOp.; during stool, lasts eight hours after, three weeks after confine- ment, IHydras.; intolerable, during stool, allows no rest, IStaph.; with loose stool,Clem.; with soft stools, IMere, Sub; with watery stools, in evening,ILach.; with stool, like boil- ing water, Merc, sub; after stool, Aloe, Antt, Arund, Bar. c, IBerb., Bov, Caps, ICastor., ICarbo v., Chin, a., IColoe, Diose, IIGamb., Iod., IKali c. Kali nit, ILach., IMagn. e, I IMagn. m,IMere,IMur. ac, Natr. a., INatr. m., INatr. s., Niccol., INux v, IPhos, Sinap, Stront, ISub,Tarant,Tereb.,Thuya, ITromb, IZinc; after stool, in cholerine, Crot. t; after stool, in constipation, HSil.; after constipated stool, ISub; after diarrhoea-like stool, IRatan.; after stool, with papescent diarrhcea, Paeonia ; after stool, in dysentery, ITJrt. ur.; after soft stool, in evening, HSub; after stool, in gastric fever, HSep.; after stool, in typhus I Apis ; after loose stool, I Ant. t.; after stool, with pro- trusion of varices, 11 Ratan. 8®" biting, heat, inflamed, smarting. Anus, burrowing: Calad. Anus, chill: nervous, running down legs, with spasmodic sensation, after retiring, Syph. Anus, clawing: with constipated stool, IZinc. Anus, congestion: after dinner, I ISep. Anus, constriction (spasmodic contraction) : 11 Ang., Bell,ICamph, Cann. s,Caust.,ICheb, Coccul., IFluor. ac, IForm, Grat, Hippom, llgn,ILach.,IINux v.,IOp, I I Ratan.,Therid.; caused by pain in abdomen, extending low down, Verbas.; with burning and itching,Coff.; with coliclike pains before stool, Plumb.; as if completely closed, 11 Agar, Crot. t, ILach, INitr. ac, IOp, Vib.; as though closed, with persistent constipation, ILach.; as if closed, with desire to go to stool, IOp.; seems closed, flatus cannot escape, Carbo a.; firmly closed, as if locked, during night, I ISee; closed, dur- ing colic, with obstinate constipation, IOp.; closed in fissure ani, IHam.; closed, after scanty hard stool, Uamb.; in constipation, ILach, IINatr. m, IINux v., IOp.; almost daily, INitr. ae; and drawn up (retracted), Iodof, IOp, IPlumb.; drawn up, painful, after a scanty knotty stool, IKali bb; had to draw upward, HAgar.; feeling, in rheumatic fever, I IThuya; feeling, in melancholia, ILach.; painful, IBell, Cann. s.; painful up back, sharp cutting, lancinating, during stool, Coloe; painful, spasmodically closed, IINux v.; painful, following prolapsus of rectum, ILach.; painful, while sitting, ICoccul,IMang.; painful, follows desire for stool, ILye; painful, during stool, ISib; painful, during dry stool, Brach.; painful, with hard, lumpy stool, like sheep dung, HPlumb.; after stool, Colch., llgn. Kali bi, INitr. ac, ISep., ISub; pain- ful after stool, lasts till 5 p.m., suddenly ceases, llgn.; during spasm,IHyos.; spasm, with colic- like pains before stool, Plumb.; violent spasm, with watery, jellylike stool of mucus (dysen- tery, cholera sporadica), HColch.; spasmodic, painful, on carefully pushing finger into rectum (chronicconstipation), ILye; prevent- ing stool, Cepa, IChel, IILyc, INatr. m, INitr. ae; during stool, Nux m. Thuya; during or in- dependent of stool, with shuddering over back, IColch.; after stool, IINitr. ac, Nux m.; after bloody stool, Elaps; after diarrhoeic stool, IILach.; after stool around prolapsed rectum, which becomes constricted and sensi- tive to touch, painful like a sore during pregnancy, IMez.; after stool, worse standing, llgn.; with yellow granular stool, Mang. 8^" stricture. Anus, cramping pain: Carb. s., INux m. 8^° constriction. Anus, crawling: Benz. ae, ICepa, Coccus, Kali c, Merc, per, ISabad.; cold, like a worm, more on left side, Cepa ; in evening, in bed, IMar. v.; in spasms, IMosch.; after stool, Berb.; with tenesmus, as in diarrhoea, every evening before going to sleep, I IPlat.; as from large worm, Cinnab.; as from worms, Elaps, IIMar. v, ITereb, I IZinc; as from worms, has to scratch, Agar.; as from thread worms, ICroe ; with ascarides, worse from warmth of bed, IMar. v. 8®°* itching, tickling. Anus, cutting : IIAlum, Kali e; in diarrhcea, IIArs.; feels as if cut, some hours after stool (hemorrhoids), IINux v.; jerklike, Zinc;like a knife, sawing backward and forward (hem- orrhoids), liEsc. h.; and stitching, IGraph.; during stool, Cepa, IMur. ae, Natr. e, INitr. ae, Pic. ac, Stann. I I Vib.; during hard stool, IPhos.; during and after stool, Agar. BST" darting, jerking, lancinating, shoot- ing, stitches. Anns, darting: Coloe; causes contraction, Lyss. BggjT' cutting, jerking, lancinating, shoot- ing, stitches. Anus, feeling as if diarrhcea would ensue : Bry. Anus, digging : Calad. Anus, discharge (involuntary) : fetid, INitr.ac: fetid, dirty looking hemorrhoidal, obliging him to wear a bandage, HHydras.; fetid, moisture, in fissure, IPseonia; fetid, wratery, after menses, Ars.; greenish yellow, 11 Med.; corrosive, IMere cor.; liquid, followed by feces at night, during sleep, Sub; of mu- cus, Cochl.; mucus, with hemorrhoids, I Diose; moisture, Agar, Bar. c, ICarbo v, Caust, IIGraph, IINitr. ac, IRatan, ISep, ISub, ISub; moisture, glutinous, with musty odor, at night, ICarbo v.; moisture, fetid, like fish-brine, Med.; moisture, in hemorrhoids, Bar. c, HCaust, INatr. m, ISep., HSub; moisture, followed by itching, ISub; moist- ure, in paralysis of bowels, IPhos.; of mucus, Agar, IColch, Graph.; mucous, with excoriat- ing pain, Coloe; mucous, in hemorrhoids, lAnt. c,IBor,ICale,ICaps,lICarbo v.JINitr. ac, INux v, IPhos, IPhyt; mucous, with hemorrhoids, itchingat nightaftergettinginto bed, worse at night from heat.heat of bed, and rubbing or scratching, better from cold, cold water, and pinching parts, IPetrol.; mucous, during menses,HLach.; mucous, sensitive,as if skin were cracked and chapped, Thuya ; mu- cous, stitches in rectum, in direction of a line from anus to sacrum, Thuya; mucous, yellow • 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 529 white, lAnt. c; of a viscid fluid, ISul.; as of a warm fluid escaping,Acon.; of water,continual (cholera), IJatroph. BST* bleeding, ulcera- tion; also Hemorrhoids discharge. Anus, distress: with light colored lumpy stools, ICollin. Anus, dragging: as if diarrhcea would easily ensue, ICrot. t; when not at stool, INux v. Anus, drawing: ICann. s.; with nausea, after stool, Kali bb; to navel, ILach.; painful, pres- sive, as if a spot were suppurating, 11 Cycl.; through urethra, Hippom, IMez. Anus, dryness: INatr. m.; very unpleasant sensation, Agar. Anus, dull pain: after stool, lasting half an hour, ICollin. Anus, eruption: blotches, Ign.; red blotches like figwarts, IThuya; burning, inflamed, ICale; crusts, Berb., Con.; caused by excori- ating diarrhoea, I ISub; in chronic diarrhoea, INatr. s.; eczema, IINitr. ae; erosion, like a chronic eczema, with profuse discharges of offensive smelling serum, IStaph.; erythema, with hemorrhoids, IINitr.ae; red erythemat- ous circles (hemorrhoids), IHam.; eczematous exanthema (hemorrhoids), I ICheb; excres- cences, near, with serous discharge, IlAur. mur.; herpetic, IBerb., IINatr. m.; herpetic, red blotches, after scratching, Ipec; herpetic scaling off, IPetrol.; knotty, wartlike INatr. s.; in ozaena, IGraph.; pimples, Cinnab.; pus- tules large, painful, discharging pus, blood and serum, ICaust.; scurf on borders, IPetrol. Anus, excoriated (chafed,raw): Agnus, Ascl. s, lAur. mur, ICham., IIGamb., IHydras, IMere, IINatr. p., HSub; with diarrhcea, IINitr. ae; with serous discharge, Caust.; moist, soreness when walking, INitr. ac; feeling, lAse h., llgn, IMere; in prolapsus ani, HApis; widespread redness, wdth itch- ing biting, worse at night from heat, heat of bed, and rubbing or scratching, better from cold, cold water and pinching parts, IPetrol.; in scrofula, I Ars.; as if skin were rubbed off, Carbol. ae; by stools, HApis, Coloe, IMere, IMur. ac, IINitr. ac, Nux m, INux v, I Rheum, I Sub; by stool, in chronic intestinal catarrh, I Ars.; by stool, in dysentery,ICrt. ur. Anus, fissures (rhagades): JEsc. h., lAgn. c, Berb, Calc. p, ICaust, ICepa, HCund, Fluor. ac, IIGraph, Grat, IHydras, llgn., Lach, Mez, INatr. m, IINitr. ac, Nux v, IPaeonia, IPetrol, IPhos., IPhvt, Plat, IPlumb, IIRatan, HSep, ISil, ISub, I ISyph, Thuya; bleeding, smarting, burning, after stool, INatr. m.; with periodical profuse bleeding, I IRhus ; burning, IIGraph.; in tall, slim, light children who form bone and teeth slowly, Calc. p.; with constipation, IGraph., IINatr. m.; hemor- rhoidal, Aloe, I Ars, Caps, IGraph, IHydras, llgn., IINux v., IPaeonia, IPhos., IPod, ISep, ISul, IThuya ; feeling, in hemorrhoids, IKali c; oozing constantly, keeping anus damp and disagreeable, IPaeonia; pain after stool, IMez, ISib, pains worse when walking, ICaust.; with sensitiveness of rectum, IIRa- tan.; painful to touch, often with warts, some- times immense numbers of flat, moist mucous tubercles, or condylomata, especially in syphi- litic subjects, IIThuya; ulcerations, HCham. B^T* fistula, ulceration. Anus, fistula: Aloe, I Alum., I Aur. mur.,IIBerb., HCale e, ICale p.,ICalend.,HCaust,IFluor. ae, IGraph., IHydras, Ign., I IKalic, IKreo, ILach., IMere, INitr. ae, INux v., IPhos., ISep, HSil., IStaph., ISub,IThuya.; with ab- scess, in scarlatina, ILach.; alternating, with chest symptoms, ICale p.; with bilious symp- toms, IIBerb.; blind, external, IIThuya; with chest symptoms, ICale p., IPhos., HSil.; with chronic cough, • Cop.; with heart trouble, ICact; with leucorrhcea, Calc. p.; persons with pains in joints in cold weather, Calc. p. BS^ abscess, inflamed, fissures, swollen, ulceration. Anus, fulness : I^Ese h., I Aloe, 11 Agar., I ISub; after stool, Berb.; as if stuffed full, 11 Apis -h after a walk, I^Ese h. i B^° heaviness, pressure. I Anus, heat: Agar., Bry., lEup. pert; in cholera Asiatica, after subsidence of urgent symptoms, lEup. pert; dry, with sudden stitches, like stabs with a penknife, 11 Rat; when hemor- rhoids do not protrude,ISep.; continually dur- ing pregnancy, 11 Zing.; during stool, I Ant. t, IGlon., IPod.; during constipated stool, I Ver.; with stool, in morning, IPod.; warmth, Agar., Calc. p. g^~ burning, inflamed. Anus, heaviness: I I Agar, Bry., HSep.; worse from exercise (hemorrhoids), INitr. ac; with strong desire to evacuate great quantity, nothing passes (heart affection), ICact.; in prostatic affection, Cact; sickness at thought of food, ISep.; after stool, Aloe ; after consti- pated stool, ISep. B@^° fulness, plug, pressure. Anus, inflamed: Sarrae, 11 Zing.; subcutaneous, cellular tissue, left side, extending two, three inches over left buttock, and along perineum, softening surrounded by hard, burning, ten- der, painful area, IBar. c. 8@° burning, heat, swollen ; also Rectum inflamed. Anus, injuries: lacerated, ICalend.; lacerated, by stool, I ILac def, HNatr.m. BST* fissures. Anus, itching (pruritus): tJEsc. h, lAgnus, Aloe, I Alum., Amb, Amm. e, Ananth., I Arg. nit, I Ars, Bell, Cact, ICale,Card, m.,Carbol. ac, Carb.s., HCarbov, Caust, IChel, ICina, Cinnab, Coccus, Cochl., IColch., ICollin, ICroe, Crot. t. Cub, Cup. a., Ferr, IIFluor. ac, IIGraph., Grat, IHam, Ign., Ipec, IKali c. Lye, IMagn.m. Mar. v., IMur. ae, I INatr. c, I INatr. ph, IINitr. ac, IINux v, IPhos., IPolyg, IRatan, Rhus, ISabad., ISep, ISpig, ISul, IThuya; every afternoon, Viol, I IZinc; to back, 11 Zing.; picks, Chel, ICina; with spasmodic contraction,Coff.; with cough, HPhos.; creeping, INatr. e; with stomachy, noisy cough, IKali m.; day and night, ICaust.; several times during day, also in evening before going to sleep, IMez.; in- terior studded with itching eminences,as from corrugation without contraction, a kind of hemorrhoidal tumor, I IPolyg.; moist,tender, eruption, IILyc; in evening, Alum, Bor.; worse in evening, ICale p.; especially in even- ing, IPlat.; in evening, in bed, Lye; espe- cially in evening, caused by pin worms, I ITJrt ur.; with discharge of offensive flatus, Rumex; in hemorrhoids, I IChel, ILye, IPuls, I ISa- bina, HSub; intolerable, HApis; intense, causing one to toss and roll about all night with sleeplessness, IMar. v.; afterwards, itch- ing, tickling in larynx, forcing spasmodic 34 530 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. cough, better by hawking mucus from larynx, Cale ft; small lump, worse at night, Alum.; on margins,as from blind piles, INux v.; moist in primary syphilis, I I Syph.; at night, prevents sleep (hemorrhoids, ISub; especially at night, itching, in tuberculosis mesenterica, Hod.; at night,from ascarides, IFerr, llgn.; nightly, from worms, 11 Vab; at night, from seatworms, IFerr.; painful, ICham.; painful, after consti- pated stool, ISub; ending in a dull pain, Zinc; with pain in right thigh, I IIMur. ae; with wide redness around, worse at night, from heat, heat of bed and rubbing or scratching, better from cold, cold water and pinching parts, IPetrol.; provoking scratching, IPaeonia; compels her to scratch and rub until parts are raw and sore, with hemorrhoids, I IPetrol.; worse after sleep, ILach.; preventing sleep, I Aloe; smarting, as from pustule, three-quar- ter inch to left, Gamb.; with sore pain, as from hemorrhoids, INux v.; sore, after rub- bing, worse afternoon, extending to perineum and scrotum, cause scratching, better by hot water, Ars. met.; while sitting, Jacar, Staph.; before stool, ISpong.; during stool, ISub; after stool, Aloe, Anag., Berb, Cain, IKali c, ■ Mere, IMur. ac, INatr. m, Niccol, Plat, IStaph.; after mucous stool, ISib; after scanty stool, Cain.; after soft stool, Zinc; better from cold water, Caust.; as from worms, Agar., I IMar. v, INatr. s.; in worm affections, ICepa, Elat., IMere; from worms, especially at night when warm in bed, I I Natr. p.; with ascarides, ICale, Calc. a., Calc. fl. Citrus, IFerr., IFerr. m., llgn.; with ascarides, worse from warmth of bed, IMar. v. 8^° biting, crawling, tickling. Anus, irritation: in affection of liver, IMagn. m. 8®° biting, crawling, itching, tickling. Anus, jerking: into rectum and abdomen (hemorrhoids), ISep.; after stool, IColoe; up- ward, through rectum, during loose stool, ISep. 8®° darting. Anus, lancinating: Kali c, Jacar.; upward, after constipated stool, ISub; as from ulcera- tion, during stool, INatr. m. 8^*" cutting, darting, shooting, stitches. Anus, constant motion: chorea, IMygale. Anus, neuralgic pain: Rhus v.; with tenes- mus, stool normal, Erig. 8^° Rectum neuralgia. Anus, pain (undefined): during cough, ILach.; compelling him to draw it together, Aloe; hemorrhoidal, IHam, llgn., ILye; worse from motion, IThuya ; returns at same hour each day, worse by walking, still worse by standing, better sitting, Illgn.; when sneezing, ILach.; better standing, than lying, 11 Sul.; as if it would fly to pieces, during constipated stool, Thuya; long lasting, causing screams and crying after stool, IColch.; before stool, ILye; during stool, I ICheb, Colch, Dolich, IMere, IPod, Stront.; during stool, after dinner, Agar.; during stool, in fissure ani, IHam.; during stool, in morning, IPod.; during stool, look- ing like pea soup and consisting of yellowish, greenish or bloody mucus of disagreeable odor, IPod.; during stool and urination, Ars. s. r.; after stool, Ascl. t, Ind.; constipated, for hours after stool, IHydras.; after stool, in hemorrhoids, liEse h.; along urethra, after walking or riding, with frequent urination, urine passed in small quantities by day with dribbling afterwards, IStaph. Anus, paralysis: I I Agar, Ars.i, Bar. m., Bry, IHyos, ILaur, IMur. ac, IPhos.; in nervous apoplexy, IHyos.; in caries of vertebrae, IPhos.; in sporadic cholera, ITabae; with involuntary diarrhoea, result of nervous excitement, IGels.; with painless discharge of bloody mucus, in last stage of dysentery, HPhos.; difficulty in retaining feces, in hysterical women and young girls, IHyos.; feces passed as fast as they accumulated, I ITarant.; with disposition to prolapsus, IGels.; in muscular atrophy, ICale; with involuntary stools, HSec; tem- porary, Bell.; during urination, Ind. g^> relaxed. Anus, violent pinching : with stool of hard, small, black lumps, mixed with blood, Sul. ac. Anus, sensation as of a plug: 6 a.m., Bry.; of a ball, HSep.; as if sitting on a ball, Cann. b; can scarcely sit down, Kali bi.; before stool, ILach.; as if filled by a hard, round body, Cann. i.; as of a heavy lump, during menses, ISib; as if a plug were forced outward, ICrot. t.; as if a hard body were pressing backward and against anus, worse standing, ILil. tig. B^° fulness, heaviness, pressure. Anus, pressure (sensation): lAcon., I Aloe, Ang, Bry, ICycl, IKali bi, ISul; bearing down, Berb, Calc. p, IPuls, HSub; bearing down, painful, with pain in head, Lil. tig.; bearing down, in prolapsus and hemorrhage, llpec; bearing down, asif everything were coining out, during stool, worse after stool, I ITromb.; bubbling, in region of coccyx, Vab; ceases on escape of mucus, Coloe; com- pression, as if worms were in it, Ferr. iod.; constant, worse from exercise (hemor- rhoids), INitr. ae; constant, outward, with pain on pressure at umbilicus, HCrot. t; with painful contractions, IBelb; in diarrhoea of children, I Vab; in dysentery, I Arn, ISub; in fissures of anus, IGraph.; forcing down, painful, INux m.; forcing down, after sitting, 11 Sub; with blind hemorrhoids, before con- stipated stool, Ver.; at noon, I I Agar.; pain- ful, with diarrhoeic stool, brown, frothy mat- ter, IIKali bb,; painful, in dysenterv, I Am.; painful, in hemorrhoids, I ISabina ; "sharp, as with a cutting instrument, with contractive pain between acts of urination and discharge of mucus, IINux v.; while sitting, Euph.; before stool, Sul. ac; after stool, Berb, Sil, Sul. ae; with constipated stool, IZinc; after soft, pasty Stool, Sul. ac. 8@T" fulness, heaviness, plug, urging ; also Rectum tenesmus, and Stool urging. Anus, external pressure ; relieves, I^Esc. h. Anus, pricking: Arund, Grat; around, Jacar.; with constant discharge of mucus, IColoe; later, continuous pain, caused by feces not too hard, lAloe.; as from pins, better on slight friction, Cact.; as of points, after stool, Iris; has to rise up on account of pain, ISub ae; after stool, Sinap.; as from worms, Agar 8^* sticking, stinging. Anus, prolapsus: All. sat, I Alum., HApis : Arum, m, I Asar, IBelb, HCale, bales' ICollin., Elaps, 11 Eryng, IGamb, Ign Lvc ' INatr. m., INux v, HPod, IPhos., ISub',I ITa- bae; with bloody stools and scrapings from in- testines (dysentery), HColch.; bleeding, blood 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 531 escapes in drops (diarrhoea), IMere cor.; of children, HPod.; in children suffering from constipation or with diarrhoea, during teeth- ing, INux v.; in children, from debility of in- fancy and childhood, I IPod.; in cholera in- fantum, ICale; with diarrhoea, IMere cor, HPod.; after attack of dysentery half a year previously, I IRuta ; after hemorrhoids, Arn.; with hemorrhoids, great loss of blood and debility, ICollin.; feeling as if anus would come out during stool, Ascl. t; in liver affec- tions, IPod.; in morning, IPod.; painful, INitr. ae; with paralysis, IPlumb.; after par- turition, IPod.; as though sphincter had lost its contractile power and was paralyzed (fissures of anus), IGraph.; before stool, IPod.; during stool, ICinnab, Fluor, ac, Gamb, IMur.ac, IPod., ISep., ISub; during loose stool, lAnt. c, HPod.; during stool, even from least exertion, followed by stool or thick transpar- ent mucus, or mixed with blood, I IPod.; dur- ing each stool, often difficult to reduce (facial neuralgia), INux v.; after stool, lEuphor, llndig, IMere, INatr. m,ISub, ITromb.;after loose stool, ISep.; with frequent unsuccessful urging to stool, IRuta ; tendency to, I IPod.; with tenesmus, Tromb.; during urination, IMur. ae; complicated with and sequential to uterine displacement, HPod.; with vomit- ing of milk, in infants, IPod.; after walking, five or ten minutes, hinders walking and forces him to return, lArn. 8®* Rectum prolapsus. Anus, pruritus: 8@P itching. Anus, pulsating: 8®" throbbing. Anus and surroundings, purple and covered with a thick crust: I IPaeonia. Anus, rasping: after stool, Berb. Anus, rawness: 8®" excoriated. Anus, too red; lArs, I IZing.; in scrofula, lArs, ISul. BiT" inflamed. Anus, relaxed: Carbo v., IPhos, I IZing.; want of confidence in sphincter, in diarrhoea,!! Aloe; gaping, in diarrhoea and dysentery, HPhos.; as if it were open, IPhos.; wide open, HApis, Sec.; anus remaining wide open so as to expose the dry, black sloughing membrane to full view for two or three inches (dysentery), IPhos. 8®° paralysis. Anus, rhagades: fi^" fissures. Anus, scratching sensation: after stool, IINitr. ac. Anus, sensitive : IINitr. ae, IPod.; to contact, ICaust, IGraph.; as if skin were cracked and chapped, after a mucous discharge, Thuya; when sitting, Berb.; tender after stool, Berb, IMur. ae; pains when touched, Berb. ggjg° soreness. Anus, shooting : ICale p., ISib; deep-seated in left side, more internal than a hemorrhoid, which at times protrudes, Chim. umb.; with heat and soreness, in hemorrhoids, I ISub; shooting to rectum and along perineum to middle of penis (constipation), IPhyt; dur- ing constipated stool,ISep.; with spasmodic contraction, in thighs, Plat. B^'cutting, darting.lancinating, stitches. Anus, smarting: Apis, IBerb, lEup. perf., IHell, IMur. ac, INatr. m, Ptel, ISpong.; burning, ILil. tig.; in cholera Asiatica, after subsidence of urgent symptoms, lEup. pert; in constipation, IINatr. m.; on contact, in fissures, IGraph.; after using copaiya for chancre, IBenz. ae; in diarrhoea, lApis; in diarrhcea and dysentery, IICaps.; in fissure, IGraph, IPaeonia; in hemorrhoids, IINux v.; on margin, as from blind hemorrhoids, INux v.; after severe premature labor, I IThu- ya; sore pain, on wiping, IIGraph.; before and during stool, INatr. s.; during stool, Agar, IKali c, IMur. ac, Pic. ae; after stool, Graph, INatr. m, Polyg, I IPtel, IPuls, Sib, Sinap., Tarant.; between intervals of stool, IThuya. 8®" biting, burning. Anus, soreness: lArs, Aspar, Bar. c, Berb, Bry, ICale, Caust, ICarbo a, ICarbo v, I IGamb, Illgn, lllris, Jalap., Kali c, I INatr. ph, IPod, ISep, Spong, ISub, I IVib, I IZinc; burning, from stool, IMere sub; after using copaiva for chancre, IBenz. ac.; in diar- rhcea, I Apis, IINitr. ac, Tabae; as if exco- riated around, IBar. e; feeling, ICaps, ISul, Thuya ; feeling, continually,during pregnancy, I IZing.; feeling, when getting up in morning, ICale p.; feeling, as if raw (varices), IHam.; feeling, under skin near anus, when walking, lAgnus; in fissure, IGraph, IIMur. ac, IPaeonia; with hemorrhoids, IIMur. ac, INatr. m.; itching, smarting, humid spot between anus and coccyx, I ILed.; margin, as from blind hemorrhoids, INux v.; during menses, Berb.; protrudes at or after stool, ' I^Esc. h.; raw abrasions of mucous membrane extends as far as sphincter and into rectum, IIRatan.; while riding, Psor.; during stool, Agar.; during and after stool, lasts for some days, Spong.; after stool, ICham, Graph, Hep., IMere d, IMur. ac, IINitr. ac, IPod.; after constipated stool, IINatr. m, ISub; after stool, with nausea, Kali bb; during urination, Amm. e; painful to walk, IKali bb, INatr. m.; from moderate walking, Arg. met.; «vhen wiping, Asim. B@" sensitive. Anus, spasm: BST" constriction. Anus, spasmodic pains: internally, a short time before and after stool, ILach. Anus, sticking: Kali c, 01. an, ISil, IThuya ; and pain, as from constriction on passage of feces, Ferr. iod.; with discharge of moisture, Coloe; fine, in evening, in bed, IMar. v.; as of splinters of glass, with heat, after stool, 11 Ratan.; as if sharp sticks r ere being pressed into, on slightest touch, INitr. ae; in hemor- rhoids, I IChel, HSub; of sharp points,HIris ; with stool of blood, IColoe; during hard stool, IIGraph.; during stool,as with needles,!Carbo v. 8®°" pricking, stinging. Anus,stinging: I^Esc. h.,IAcon,ICaps,Cochb, IINux v, IPhos.; in hemorrhoids, lApis, INatr. m.; before stool, Berb.; during stool, Berb.; during stool, lasts eight hours after, three weeks after confinement, IHydras.; during stool, worse afternoon and evening, also during rest, better from motion, Coloe; after stool, Berb, Kali n., IINitr. ae; after constipated stool, ISul. 8@Ppricking, sticking. Anus, stitches: Amb., ICale, ICarbo a., Carb. s, ICon., ICroe, Crot. t, IIKali c, I IJatroph.,IPhos, IRatan., ISil, ISub, Zinc; through small of back into left groin, worse during inspiration, ICroe; to bladder,Mosch.; in constipation, IMagn. e; cutting, in fissures, IGraph.; all day, ISub; before eat- 532 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. ing, ICaust.; single, flying, as from a fine needle, while sitting, Thuya; in hemor- rhoids, IPuls.; distinct, violent, into region of left iliac bone, Thuya; sensitive, dull, long, near leftside, ICroe; continuous, in morning, Lachn.; periodical, violent, in afternoon, Agar.; coarse, deep, into rectum, Illgn.; into rectum and abdomen (hemorrhoids), ISep.; while sitting, Sinap.; before stool, IKali e, Spong.; during stool, Nux m.; during stool, allow no rest, IStaph.; during and after stool, Niccol; like stabs with a penknife, with dry heat at anus, I IRatan.; towards anus, ICarbo v.; twinging, like lightning into rectum, caus- ing him to start, Zinc; upward, in hemor- rhoids, IISul. BSF" cutting, darting, lan- cinating, pricking, sticking, stinging. Anus, straining: Cochl.; as if diarrhoea would ensue during stool, Spong.; during stool, Cycl, Kalibb; during stool, in dysentery, IColoe; as if not all stool was through, Form.; feces remaining during stool, ILach. BST* press- ure ; Rectum tenesmus, and Stool urging. Anus, stricture: ]JEsc. h., ICann. s.; spas- modic, IKali br. B®° constriction. Anus, sweat: offensive, Thuya. Anus, swelling: lApis, ICurar., IGraph, IHep, IPod, Sarrae, ISul.; with burning itching, ISub; when hemorrhoids do not pro- trude, ISep.; hot, on left side, I IMed.; of mucous membrane, IBelb; orifice seems some- what swollen, IPaeonia; puffy, tender, at pos- terior verge, with hemorrhoids internally, IPetrol.; peculiar sensation as if rectum were swollen, causing scraping prickling during stool, Cact.; with sore stitching pain, ISub; tumefaction, ICollin.; an uneven, or tubercu- lated and indurated mass, surrounding and protruding through centre of this an irregular ragged and ulcerated fissure (the outlet of rectum), discharging sanious mucus, stool al- most impossible, ILach.; whitish red, lApis ; as from ascarides, I I Mar. v. BfiT* abscess, inflamed, fistula. Anus, syphilitic complaints: 11 Kali m. Anus, tearing pain: IBerb, IColch, Kali c, IMez, IINux v, IISul, Zinc; jerks, ICepa; ripping, after stool, INatr. m.; during stool, Cepa, Colch.; as if sphincter were torn with effort during stool, ILach.; after stool, IKali e, INatr. m.; during constipated stool, Agar, I ISelen, ISep.; through whole urethra, IMez. Anus, tension: in evening, in bed, Lye; as of a cord connecting with navel, cutting pain every time he straightens up, Ferr. iod.; pain- ful, prevents rising and walking, I ISul. Anus, throbbing (beating pulsating): Alum, Calc. p, Crot. t, Rhod.; externally, Lyss.; as with little hammers, after diarrhoea, every evening for a week, ILach.; during menses, ILyss.; painful all day, ISub; painful, after constipated stool, ISub; during stool, INatr. m.; after stool, Berb, I IManc; after difficult stool, 11 Alum. Anus, tickling: 11 Ang, ISpig, ISub; volupt- uous, in lower part, Bell. 8§^ crawling, itching, tingling. Anus, tingling: Cinch, IColch.; itching, night- ly, with seat worms, IIAcon.; in pruritus, Ign.; after stool, Plat.; better by applying cold water, ITereb.; with worms, ITereb.; as from as- carides, Zinc. 8®** crawling, tickling. Anus, twisting : as if twisted up ; followed by cutting, I IRatan.; as if something twisted and turned about in a circle, Ferr. iod. Anus twitching: worse to intolerable degree during stool, alio ws no rest, I Staph.; of muscles, IjVIcrc. Anus, ulceration: IPaeonia; large bleeding burning ulcers, ICale; in fistula, IHydras ; from decubitus, 11 Paonia ; two indurated ulcers, sore (primary syphilis), I ISyph.; ulcer partly in integument, sharp cut edges and exuding much moisture, IPaeonia ; ulcer- ated pimples, Kali c. 8^° abscess, dis- charge, excoriated, fissure, fistula, sore- ness. Anus, urging: with aching in small of back, Merc, per.; with diarrhoeic stool of brown frothy matter, IIKali bb; with passage of mucus, ICarbo v.; griping pains, so severe as to cause headache and heat in head during stool, 11 Oxal. ae; painful, in hemorrhoids, I ISabina ; from wind, Agar.; tenesmus, IBell. 8^*" pressure. Anus, warts : cauliflower excrescence, at verge, of size of a quarter of a dollar, I IThuya ; con- dylomata, Aur. met, IINitr. ae, IStaph., IThuya ; broad, flat, Sub; broad, moist, with severe burning and itching (syphilis), IMere d.; three or four condylomatous chancres, ILye; in a scrofulous syphilitic baby, 11 Aur. mur.; with serous discharge, Aur. mur.; en- circled by a ring of condylomata, I ISep.; con- dylomatous enlargement, 11 Thuya ; con- dylomata flat, moist, mucous, IIThuya; old flat condylomata,with burning worse at night, I Euph.; condylomata with profuse flux, IMillef; margin occupied by three large con- dylomata, I IThuya ; slightly elevated, wart- like surfaces, round surfaces half to one and a half inches in diameter, after using copaiva for chancre, IBenz. ae; excrescence, Jacar.; excrescences, moist,irregular, IPetrol.; weakness, sensation of, Alum, INatr. ph.; asif weakened by long continued diarrhcea, with frequent urging to stool, IColoe Anus, -water: sensation as if drops flowed down, Ferr. iod.; as of trickling cold water, Cann. s. Anus, worms : g^~ Worms. Anus, writhing: affecting whole nervous system painfully, ICroe CHOLERA (Asiatic, cholerine, sporadic), IIAcon., I^Ethus, lAilant., IIAnt. t, • An- throk, HApis, lArg. nit., IIArs., I Asar.,IBell, HBry,ICalc,HCamph.,ICanth,Caps,IICar- bov, ICham,IChin.s,ICic, HColch, I Crot. t, ICup. ac, HCup.m,IDulc, lElat.JEup.perf, IGrat, IHell, IHydr.ac, IHyos., llpec, llris, IIJatroph., IKali ph., ILach., ILaur., IMagn. p, IMere, IMur. ae, INatr. m., INux v., IPhos., IPhos. ac, IPod., IPsor., IRhus, HSec, IStram, IISul, ITabae, I IVer., IVer. y.; abdomen, sensitive to contact, with draw- ing and cramps in fingers, I IVer.; spasms of abdominal muscles, in severe cases, IPlumb.; asphyctic stage, ICamph, ICarbo v, Crotal, ILaur., IOp, IPhos, ITabae; breath, cold, HCamph, HCarbo v, ICinch, Colch.,HVer.; when two large doses of camphor have been given, and there is congestion to head and threatened apoplexy, IOp.; oppressive an- guish in chest, gives patient desire to escape 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 533 from bed, HVer.; cholerine, during epidemic, in persons debilitated and relaxed by heat of summer, IPhos. ac; after catching cold while overheated, IITabac; coldness, sudden, extreme, HCamph., Crotal.,11 Ver.; with colic, IMagn.p.; colic,violent, especially around na- vel, as if abdomen would be torn open, 11 Ver.; collapse, lAtrop.s, HCamph, HCarbo v.,Cro- tab, ICup. m., ISee, HVer., 11 Xan.; cramps, Crotal, Cup. ars, ICup. m, IMagn. p.; cramps, in calves, ICup. m, IPhos., ISub, HVer.; followed by croup, ISpong.; cyanosis, •Sinap.; great debility, HVer.; with exhaust- ion, lAcon., lArs, HCarbo v., ICinch., INuph, ISee, HVer.; diarrhoea of children, epidemic, IPod.; preceded by diarrhoea, IPhos. ae; followed by diarrhoea, IMere, IPhos. ae; followed by diarrhcea in old peopleJCoff. t; dysenteric if Phos. fails, IMere cor.; dry, sudden cessation of all discharges, ICamph., IHydr. ae; dry, without vomiting or diar- rhoea, Chloral.; from emotional causes, fright at seizure or death of relatives, IOp.; deathly anguish, face bluish or pale, blue margins around eyes, HVer.; with fear of death, HVer.; typhoid form, IBell, IIBry, IRhus, HVer.; formication all over body, I ISee; gas- tric, spasmodic condition prevails, ITabae; severe gastric symptoms, llpec; wrinkled skin of palms of hands, IPhos, HVer.; with heaviness and dulness of head, IHelb; after quinine, occasional omission of one heart- beat, causing patient to fear heart disease and sudden death, the omission appeared as soon as he was talking or thinking of it, I I Oxal. ac; with indifference, HVer.; depending on an inflammatory state, IFerr. ph.; with lar- yngeal spasm at midnight, nearly suffocating, I IStram.; caused by affection of nerves of intestinal canal, IMagn. p.; paralytic form, ICup.ac,IICup. m, IVer.; premonitory symp- toms, lAcon, Coff. t., INux v.; scarcely per- ceptible pulse, Crotal.; rapid, fully devel- oped, IIGrat; solar plexus, implicated dis- turbances in circulation and respiration, with cvanosis and threatened suffocation, IOp.; congestive stage, or stage of reaction, lAcon.; , first stage, before period of collapse, llpec, HJatroph, IIKali br.; in first stage, with severe urging to stool and very scanty dis- charge, or discharge spasmodically retained, INux v.; second stage caused by affection of nerves of intestinal canal, IIKali ph.; last stage, IHydr. ac; sequelae, HPhos.; choleraic symptoms are better, partial reaction has set in, but tongue becomes thickly coated with mucus, IMere; soporous condition, ICie; tingling all over body, I ISee; cold tongue, HVer.; tongue gluey, IPhos. ae; torpor of vegetative system without any great mental or sensory disturbances, HVer.; retention of urine, HVer.; suppression of urine, Crotal.; vertigo, HVer.; with vomiting, I Ant. t, I Ars, ICamph, IColch, Crotal, ICup. ae, IICup. m., IHelb, I IHydr. ac, IJatroph, IKali ph., HVer.; vomiting on fourth day, IPhos. ae; vomiting predominates, IBism.; more retch- ing than vomiting, ISee; violent eructations, upward and downward, HVer.; vomiting, with constant desire for cold drinks, HVer.; voice feeble, hoarse, HVer. A prophylactic, suggested by Hering, con- sisting of a pinch of powdered milk of sulphur (Lac sulphur), sprinkled into stockings and worn in contact with the soles of feet, has proved a successful preventive in several epi- demics of Asiatic cholera. iEgidi recommends as a preventive one dose every evening for a week, of Chin. m. 0,01—0,06 and ozonized CHOLERA INFANTUM: IAcon..H,Ethus, lAnt.c, lAnt. t, lApis, Arg. nit, lArn., IIArs, I Ars. b, IBell, Benz. ac, Bism, IBry., ICadm. s., HCale, ICale p., ICamph, ICarbo v., I ICarbol. ac.,HCham., ICinch., I ICoff. t, IColch., Cornus, I ICrot. t.,ICup. rn.,1 IDiosc, Elat., IFerr. ph., IGamb., Grat., I IGuaraea, IHyos.,lllpec, llgn., llris, IKali br., IKreo, ILaur., IIMagn. e, IMagn. p., IManc, INatr. m., INatr. s., HOp., Oxal. ac, IPhos., IPhos. ae, IPlant, HPod., I IPolyg., IPsor., IPuls., IRob. ,ISee, Sil,ISul,ITabae,l ITubere,Thu- ya, I IVer., I Ver. v., II Zinc.; abdomen sensitive, IVer.; awakes with fright, IPsor, IStram.; breath cold, IVer.; breathing difficult, IVer.; better on being carried, I IVer.; with reflex cerebral irritation before effusion, IKali br.; after disease has been checked, suitable on account of loss of liquids and feebleness of di- gestion, ICinch.; relapse from an unusually cold night, or caused thereby,IDulc; cold sur- face, 11 Camph, I Carbo v., HVer.; followed by convulsions, with hydrocephaloid, IZinc; with cough and golden yellow stools, HPhos.; with whooping cough, 11A rs.; cries out, during sleep, IPsor.; duringdentition, I Aeon., liEth us., I Ars., IBov, I ICham.,ICina,IColoe, ICup. m., IFerr. m., IGels., lllpec, IKreo., IMagn. e, I IMagn.p, IMere, INux m.JPhos.ac, HPod., I Psor,I IRheum,ISub; from irritation of teeth, chiefly with morning aggravation, 11 Hep.; with copious diarrhoea, • Coff. t.; appears as if drugged, HOp.; emaciation, face like that of an old person, I IGuaiac, INux v.; en- cephalitica, lllod.; eructations, putrid, ISal. ae; with blueness around eyes, IVer.; with strabismus, IStram.; face pale, IStram.; skin seems drawn tightly over bones of face, IVer.; especially in fat, pale children, ICale, llpec; in hot weather, IPod.; can hardly move a limb (cholera infantum), ICadm. s.; nervous, restless, at night, IPsor.; worse at night, ITabae; worse at night, better towards morning, 11 Ver.; generally begins after mid- night, I Ars., ISub; obstinate cases, IPsor., ISyph.; with opisthotonos, vomiting, and watery diarrhoea, I IMed.; psoric, prone to eruptions and excoriations, IPsor, ISub; de- sire to sit up, IVer.; child smells sour, ICale, IIMagn. c, IIRheum; wrinkling of skin of hands and fingers, IVer.; second and third stages, with bloody, shreddy, mucous stools.with or withoutoppression,gagging,dull, leaden countenance,somnolence, IKreo.; with stupor,snoring, and convulsions,IOp.; typhoid type, IBry, IRhus, IVer.; sudden, IKali br, IVer.; with thirst, 11 Ars., Tabae; with thirst for large quantities of water, IBry., IVer.; thirst, takes nothing but water which is heard gur- gling to stomach, ILaur.; tongue cold, IVer.; vomiting, IIArs., lArs. i., IDiosc, lllpec, llris, IManc,I IMed, ITabae, HVer.; vomit- ing excited by least quantity of water taken, IArs,IVer.; violent, watery vomiting and 534 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. purging, IVer.; with excessive weakness, IVer. CHOLERA MORBUS : I Aeon, I Ante,I Ant. t, IIArs, ICamph, ICaulo, ICed., Colch, Coloe, HCrot. t, IIDiosc, HElat, IGrat, llris, lllpec, IJatroph, Kali bb, IPhos, IPhos. ac, HPod, I IPolyg, Raph., ISee, Tabae,Thuya, HVer., I Ver. v.; child cries out, starts and«juinps during sleep, appears fright- ened on awaking, head rolls from side to side, IZinc; colic, after stool, IZinc; cramps in calves and feet or fingers, HVer.; painful cramps in limbs or stomach, IDiosc.; painless papescent diarrhoea for many days, IZinc; lies doubled up in agony, 11 Ver. v.; from drinking too much water, I IGrat; from drinking ice wa- ter, I IPuls.; from drinking strange water,IBry.; in drunkards (a teaspoonful of salt in a glass of water), INatr. m.; feet fidgety, IZinc; after fruit, llpec, ICinch., I IVer.; from melons, IZing.; in hottest season, llris; with hydro- cephaloid, IZinc; worse after midnight and towards morning, IPod.; worse at night, HVer.; characterized by absence of pain, IPod.; cold sweat, ICup. met, I IVer.; with thirst, HVer.; with prostration, IColch., HVer.; vomiting, HArs, lArs. i, IDiosc, lllpec, llris, IJatroph, IManc, 11 Med, ITabae, HVer. 8€jT* Stools; also Chap. 16, Vomiting. CONSTIPATION: 11 Abies, Absin., I^se g, HjEseh, lyEthus, 11 Alet., IIAloe, IIAlum, lAlumin., Ammoniac, I Amm. c, IIAnae or., lAgar., lAgnus, lAng, HApis, lArg. nit, Ars. m, Arund., Ascl. s, Ascl. t, Aurant, Aur. mur., Badiag., Bapt, IBerb., TBism., Bor., Brach, IIBry, ICale, Calc. a., ICarbo a., ICarbo v., I ICarbol. ae, ICard. m, ICasc, Caulo, HCaust, IChel, I IChen. v, IChin. s., IChrom. ac, IClem., HCollin., ICon, ICop, ICrotal, Cub., HCupr. ae, IDaph, IDig., IDiosc, IDulc, lElaps, Eryng, IFerr., IForm, IIGraph., IGuaiac, IHelb, IHydras., IHydrocot, Iris, Jab., Jacar, IJatroph, IKali m, IILach, ILac def, I ILed, ILept, ILil. tig, IILyc, Lyss, IMagn. c, IIMagn. m, IManc, Mang, I IMed., Melib, Meny- anth, I IMere, IMere iod. flav, IMez., IMu- rex, IMur. ac, I INaja, INatr. e, IINatr. m, Niccol., INitr. ac, IINux v., 01. an., I IOp, lOxal. ac, I IPaeonia, IPallad, IPetrol, HPhos., I IPhyt, HPlat, HPlumb, IPod., I IPolyp., Ptel, IPuls, IRaph., 11 Rob, I ISang., ISee, HSep, HSil, ISpong, IStann, ISul, I ITabae, ITarant, Tell, ITherid, IIThuya, Trill, I ITubere, 11 Urt ur., Ustil., Variol., IVer, Viol, Vespa. Constipation, abdomen: ascites, 11 Senecio; bloated, Bov.; distended, IMagn. m, I IOp.; distended, with uterine tumor, and in albumi- nuria, ITereb.; drawing pain, ILye; much pressure in muscles, with difficult stool, dis- charged in pieces, HPlat.; great effort of muscles to expel large stool, IZinc; prolonged efforts at stool render muscles sore, HSil.; caused by adominal plethora, IPod.; pains recurring periodically with spasmodic con- striction, I IPlumb.; pinching, Menyanth.; pressure, in evening, IZinc.; tympanitis, and stupor, 11 Acet. ac. Constipation, in Addison's disease : IINatr. m., IPhyt. Constipation, aggravation of all complaints: Co'nttfpa'tion, in alcoholism: 8@~ drunkards. Constipation, in anaemia: I Alumni,! talc, ICarbo v., ICinch., IFerr, IHelon., IHydras., Kali c, INatr. m, INux v., IPhos, ISep. Constipation, anus: clawing, IZinc ; sensation as though closed, or contracted, ILach.; ltcb- ing, after stool, ISub; lancinating upward, after stool, ISub; pressure, IZinc; spasms, ITabae; stinging, ISub; throbbing, after stool, ISul. BTT , Constipation, appetite: poor IBry., IHydras., INux v, IOp.; anorexia, in amenorrhoea,IZine Constipation, apoplexy: precursor, I Ast. r, IBry, INux v., I IOp, |IPhos., IPlumb, ISil. Constipation, back: aching, I IPsor.; pain in small of, IILach, IMere; pain in small of, as if it would break, IILyc; obstinate, in nephritic colic, 11 Pareira; posterior spinal sclerosis, 11 Pic. ae; to pubes, ISabina; with spinal affections, as if rectum were paralyzed, HSil. Constipation, better when constipated : ICale Constipation, bile: from lack of, Act. s, IKali m. Constipation, bleeding: large quantities of blood discharged at once, in old women, I IPsor.; after severe hemorrhage, IFerr.; with haematemesis, instead of menses, IHam.; with hemorrhage from uterus, IFerr. Constipation, in brain affections: I Hell.; hydro- cephalus, lApis, I ICarbol. ae; inflammation, IMere v.; tubercular meningitis, ILye Constipation, breathing : asthma, lArg. nit.; difficult, -Cale sul. Constipation, in bronchitis: ICina. Constipation, with catarrh: I Ant. t, HAlumin., I Eup. perf. Constipation, chest: paresis (flatulent colic), lElat. Constipation, in children : Aeon., HAlumin., lAnt.c, IBry., HCale, HCham., IGraph., IHep.,IHvdras., ILye, IMagn.m., INatr. m, Nitr. ae, "IINux v., HOp., IPlat, IPlumb., IPod., Psor, ISep, ISib, Sub, Ver.; active, ir- ritable infants or those who have been prema- turely fed on meat, IINux v.; since birth, after failure of cathartics and enemata, IHy- dras. ;bottlefed, dry, crumbling stools, IPod.; chronic, IVer.; with emaciation, IKreo.; re- stores contractility of intestines,ILye; manual assistance must be rendered to extract feces, HSep.; with retraction of meconium, IIKali br.; in meningeal-affections, lApis ; in the newborn, INux v., I IOp., ISul, IZinc; in the newborn, when based on venous disturbances, ICroe; of sucklings, IIAlum, lApis, IBry., INux v., HOp, IVer.; in infants, afterNuxv. or Lycop, IVer.; timid, afraid to go to bed alone, ICaust.; with prolapsus of rectum, I Pod. B€g~ dentition. Constipation, with chill: in morning, in nursing children, IINux v.; cannot get warm, ILac dot BSP cold. Constipation, after cholera: INux v.; after cholera morbus, IHyper. Constipation, chronic (habitual, obstinate persistent): lAcet. ae, HApis, Ars. h, Asaf' IBar. m. Bell., IIBry, ICoca, Euph, IFerr.' Ferr. p., Ferr. m., IGuaraea, IGraph., IHep.' llpec, IKali bb, IKali iod, ILach., HLac def, ILaur, ILye, IMere d., IMez, IINatr m., IINatr. p., IPhyt, HPlumb., IPuls" 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 535 I ISars., I ISep., ISul, ISyph., ITabae, I IZinc; intermittent, or due to a residence in India, IPod, after failure of Nux v, I IPlat; after failure of Nux v. and Sub, HSep.; for many years, agony of passage, like child-bearing, when injections were given, I I Syph. Constipation, from excessive use of coffee: IINux v. Constipation, cold: from taking, Ign.; from taking, after scarlatina, IHell.; in cold weather, IVer. 8®*" chill. Constipation, with colic: Ant. c, I Ars., IColoe, Elat, ISil, ITereb.; in infants, llris, HOp.; in typhus, IIArs.; flatulent, I Elat, Zinc; severe, awaking her almost every night, lasted from one to two hours, I IPod.; about navel, IColoe; potter's, I Alum. Constipation, during convalescence from pro- tracted and severe sickness: IINitr. ac. Constipation, convulsions: precedes convul- sions, IINux v.; accompanies convulsions, ICup. m, Stram. 8®" epilepsy. Constipation, cough: causes dry, ISep.; ac- companied by, ICon.; with fixed pain in left side, just above cardiac region, IGraph.; in whooping cough, lAmb, IPod. Constipation, with debility: INux m.; and dropsy, ICinch. BST" After stool, weakness. Constipation, in delirium tremens : HStram. Constipation, in dentition: Aeon, I Ant. e, lApis, IBry., ICale, ICaust, ICham., IDo- lich., IGraph., Guaraea, I IHell, IKreo, IMagn. m., INatr. m., IINux v, ISep, HSil. BgT' children. Constipation, in diabetes: 11 Uran. n. relieved, IICup. m, IIKali br., Kali m., ILact. ac, ILac def, Mosch., IOp., Tarant. Constipation, diarrhcea : preceded by diarrhoea, Ascl. t, ICie, IJugl., IINux v.; preceded by diarrhoea in infants artificially nursed, IPod.; succeeded by pancreatic diarrhoea (salivation), llris; succeeded by thin watery diarrhoea, llris; for three days, after diarrhoea, Gnaphab; fol- lowing diarrhoea that had been checked with brandy, IINux v.; followed next day by diar- rhoea (lead colic), INux v.; alternating with diarrhcea, I Act. rac, Agar, Amm. m, I Ant. c, lArg. nit, IBrv, ICard. m., ICasc, HChel., Coff, ICon., Cop., ICup. m, IDig., Ferr. iod., Gamb, Gnaphab, IHydras, IJugl, IKali c, IKob., ILach, Magn. s., IManc, Natr. a, HNatr.e, INatr. m., INatr. s, IINitr. ac, INux m., IINux v, HOp, IPlumb., I IPod, IPtel.,IPuls, Ruta,Sang., I ISep, Stram.,ISub; alternating, with bilious diarrhoea, ICon.; alternating, in young children, IINatr. p.; alternating,in dilated heart, ITabae; alternat- ing, in emphysema, IHep.; alternating every three or four days, passages resembling raw or boiled beef, pounded fine, with mucus and intolerable fetid smell (dysentery), ILept; alternating with bleeding hemorrhoids, IICol- lin.; alternating, after inflammation of bowels, llgn.; alternating, with white diarrhoeic stool (jaundice), Hod.; alternating, in headache, ILac def; alternating, in hepatitis, HChel.; alternating in old people, IIAnt. e, IPhos.; alternating, in tuberculosis mesenterica,IIod.; alternating, in uterine polypi, ICon.; alter- nating every week or ten days, diarrhoea comes on between midnight and morning, with great urgency for stool, and violent pains in abdomen, better by passage of copi- ous liquid discharge, HPlumb.; due to sud- denly checked diarrhoea,! INux v. BST" Diar- rhoea, constipation. Constipation, in diphtheria: fiST throat. Constipation, drugs : after abuse of cathartics, Agar., Ante, IBry, Cinch, I Hydras., Lach, IINux v, IOp, Ruta, ISul.; after use of cathar- tics, in ovarian tumor, IIColoc; purgatives of no avail, HLac def, IOp.; bowels will not move without aid of purgatives, IPhyt. Constipation, of drunkards: Agar, IKali c, ILach., IINux v., IOp., ISul. Constipation, in dyspepsia: lAbies, Agar, Alet, IIAlum., lAlumin, Amm. m., Asaf, Bism, IIBry., ICale, ICheb, ICoccul., ICol- lin., IGraph,IHep,HHydras, IKali e,ILye, IMere cor., INitr. ac, IINux v., HPlumb., IPod., I ISal. ac, HSep, ISib, I IVib.; in large eaters, Aloe, Diose 8®*" stomach. Constipation, in epilepsy : IHyos. 8®" convulsions. Constipation, with eructation: Carb. s., Car- bol. ac, INux v. Zing. Constipation, eruption: large, red blotches over body, with fever, ICop.; in subjects of her- petic diathesis, IGraph.; herpes, Carb. s.; in bend of elbows, or popliteal space, IHep. 8@" skin. Constipation, eyes: conjunctivitis and leucoma, IKali c; pustular keratitis, I I Psor. Constipation, face : prosopalgia, IMez., IINatr. m. Constipation,with fevers: Calad,Cinnam.; bil- ious, lEup. pert; gastric, I Ant. c, HSep.; hectic, -Cale s.; intermittent, 11 Ante, ICar- bo v., ICimex, IFerr., I IPod.; during apyrexia, Ign.; after intermittents treated by quinine, ICepa, IPuls.; in prevailing, 11 Amm. m.; after rheumatic, HHydras.; slow,alternating with constipation, INux v.; in yellow fever,IMere 8®* chill. Constipation, with flatulence: ICarbo v,ICol- lin. Iris,ILach,I ILye,INux v., IPlat, Sabad., Sarrae, HSil., ISub; borborygmi, and pain in bowels, Sarrae; colic, llris ; incarcerated, in left side, ISul.; with rumbling (epidemic in- fluenza), ISabad.; rumbling, in evening, IZinc. 8@P~ Chap. 19, Flatulence. Constipation, head: congestion, I Ast. r, IBry, ICrotal., IINux v.; hot, and cold body, IBufo. Constipation, headache: Alum, Anag, I Asar., HBrv, ICale,ICale p., IHydras, llris, HLac def,"lLept, INatr. m, IINux v, HPetrol, I IPhos., IPlumb, I ISil, IVer.; in strong ple- thoric "adults, INux v.; chlorotic, IFerr, I IZinc; dull, IIBry., IINux v.; affecting fore- head and eyes, llris; nervous, llris, INaja, I IPetrol.; aching, I IPlat.; at intervals of one, two, or three days, IPuls.; periodical, sore, as if from ulceration, IINux v.; sick headache, ICoff, IPod, I ISub; pain in forehead, ex- tends to occiput, intense, distracting, unbear- able, 11 Lac def. Constipation,. heart affection: ICact., ICup. m., ILye vir.; with palpitation, IKali e; weakness of action (angina pectoris), I IPhyt. Constipation, with heat: ILye; and burning in stomach, IPtel. 8®" fever. Constipation, with hemorrhoids: HiEse h, lAmm. c, I Ant. c, Aur. met, IBerb., ICact, I ICollin, Diose, HHydras, llris, IINatr. 536 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. m, IINitr. ae, IINux v., ISep.; alternates with bleeding, Stram.; bleeding, blind or pro- truding, HCollin.; from hemorrhoidal con- gestion, ICact.; hemorrhoidal and hypo- chondriac persons, ISub; worse in morning, HPod.; renal disturbance, or cystitis, IChim. umb. BST1 Hemorrhoids constipation. Constipation, with hysterical symptoms: llgn., IOp, HPlat Constipation, from injuries: after a blow on rectum, lArn.; impaction following mechani- cal injuries, Ruta. Constipation, intestines : as from constric- tion or contraction, IINux v.; as from dry- ness, IIColoc; dryness of mucous membrane, lAlum, IGraph.; dryness, with watery secre- tion in other parts, IINatr. m.; ileus, IColch.; from, ileus or paresis, IOp.; intussusception, IThuya; pseudo-membranous inflammation of some portion of large intestines, 11 Merc. cor.; paralysis, IPlumb.; pain in upper por- tion of small, IColch.; from pressure on rec- tum from a gravid uterus or abdominal tu- mors, IOp.; continual pressure in rectum, I IPtel.; from spasmodic action, IZinc; tenderness, especially in transverse and de- scending colon, Codein.; torpidity, IIAlum, Apoe, Bufo, HCalab., ICamph, HCham., Chin, s., ICoca, Coff, Euphor., Ferr, Ferr. ph., IGels, IIGraph, IHelb, IHep., IHy- dras., Hgn, IKali e, ILil. tig, IMed, HNatr. m, INux m, IINux v., HOp, IPlat, IPod, IPsor.,I IRatan, ISil, ISinap, I ITabae, IThu- ya, IVer.; torpidity, especially in pregnancy, ICollin.; torpid, with offensive breath, ICar- bol. ac.; torpid, in chorea, 11 Sec.; torpid, in bilious colic, llris ; torpid, for five weeks, in neuralgia of head, I ISyph.; torpid, in ovaritis, 11 Ustib; torpid, in neurosis of stomach, I ISang, ineffectual urging in rectum, 11 JEsc. h, 11 Amb, 11 Anac, I Arn, 11 Asaf, IBelb, ICale, I ICaps., ICarbo v, ICaust, ICoccul, HCon, IGraph, HHydras., llgn, IKalm., IILach, IILyc, IIMerc, INatr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ac,IINux v., I IPhyt, I IPod, IPuls., HSep., ISib, IStaph, IISul, IVer, IZinc; ineffectual de- sire, with pain in rectum, I ISib; in perforating ulcer, IKali c BST* Rectum torpid; also Chap. 19, Intestines intussusception, torpid. Constipation, from lead poisoning : lAlum., HOp, HPlat, Sul. Constipation, with leucorrhcea: Collin, IGels, IHydras.; glassy, INatr. in.; thick,transparent .mucus, IPod. Constipation, liver: with liver disorders, HHy- dras, IMagn. m, INitr. ac, IINux v, I IPod, ISib, I ISep, I ISul, Zinc; with biliary colic, ICinch.; with liver complaint and itching, IDolich.; in enlargement, IChion. v., ICon.; with hardness in region of liver, IGraph.; in inflammation, IMere; in chronic hepatitis, IPod.; with jaundice, Aur. met, INux v, ITarax.; with pains in liver and right shoul- der, IMere e; with torpid liver, Stilling.; recurring bilious attacks, with large, hard stool, like balls, and inability to lie on right side, IMaabdomen, flatulence, intestines. Diarrhcea, colliquative : 8@~ -weakness. Diarrhoea,alternating with constipation : lAct. rac.,Agar,Amm. m.,IAnt. c,Ant. t,IArg. nit., IBry., Carbol. ac.JCasc, HCbeb, Coff,ICon, Cop,ICup. met., Gamb.,Gnaphab, IHydras., Iod., IJugb, Kali bb,IKali e, IKob, ILach., IManc, Natr. a., HNatr.e, INatr. s, INux m, IINux v, IPhos., IPlumb., HPod., IPuls, Rhus, Ruta, Sang, I ISep, Stram., ISul.,Zinc; in young children, I INatr. ph.; in infants ar- tificially nursed, IPod.; in emphysema, IHep.; in distortion of face, ICrotal.; in headache, ILac def; in dilated heart, ITabae; with flowing hemorrhoids, HCollin.; in hydro- cephalus, ICarbol. ac; in lead colic, INux v.; in marasmus, lAbrot.; in melancholy, Aur. met.; in menorrhagia, ICarbol. ac; in old people,HAnt c, IPhos.; in diseased pancreas, lAtrop. s.; in pregnancy, I lOleand.; constipa- tion,after suddenlychecked diarrhoea,IINux v. 8^° Constipation, diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, consumption : flST" phthisis. Diarrhoea, in convalescence: after severe acute disease, ICup. ars, HCinch, IPsor. Diarrhoea, with convulsions: lyEthus., IBell, ICale, Canth, Carbo v., ICham., Cie, ICina, ICup. m., Hyos, Ign., Ipec, Kali br, Laur, Lye, Op, Tabae, IZinc; epileptic, ICale p.; tetanic, IHydr. ae, I ITereb. Diarrhoea, with coryza: worse at night, ISang.; followed coryza, lEuph.; follows coryza, re- lieving it with cough,I ISang. B@**catarrhal. Diarrhoea, cough: Acet. ac, Merc, IINitr. ac, IIPuls, Sars.; dry, Rumex ; with whoop- ing cough, lAnt. t; worse at night, in whoop- ing cough, ISang.; while coughing, HPhos. gtgg* catarrhal, phthisis, pneumonia. Diarrhoea, with cramps: ICup. m., Iris; in body and lower limbs (cholera), llris; in stomach and chest, extending upward,Cup. m. Diarrhoea, damp : after marching through moist ground with bare feet, IDulc, INatr. s., IPuls, IIRhus, Tereb.; in damp weather, I Aloe, IIDulc, INatr. s, ISul, Zing. • BST" air, weather, wet. Diarrhoea, by day: Amm. m., Canth., Cina, ICon., IForm., IGamb., Glon, IHep., IKali c. Kali n., Magn. e, IINatr.'m., Natr. s, INux v., Petrol, Squilla; in pneumonia, lElaps; causes uterine displacement from debility, Petrol. Diarrhoea, in dentition: lAcon, lyEthus, I Apis, I Arg. nit., I Ars, I Arund., Bell, IBor, HCale, ICale p., HCham, ICina, ICoff., I IColch, IColoe, Cornus, ICup. m., IIDulc, IIFerr, IGels., I IGuaraea, I IHelb, IHep., Illgn., Ipec, lllpec, IKali br., IIKreo., IMagn. c, I IMagn. p., IMere, INux m., IPhos. ac, I IPhyt, IPod, IPsor, IIRheum, I ISep, ISib, ISub, I ISul. ac; particularly at weaning, if food disagrees, llpec. B@°* children. Diarrhoea, from bad drainage : Bapt, HCarbo v, ICarbol. ac. Diarrhoea, worse after drinking: IIArg. nit., IIArs., I Asaf, Caps, ICina, Cinnam., ICo- loe, ICrot. t, Ferr, Nux m. Pod, Sub, 540 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. ITromb., Ver.; after acids, I Ant. e, IBrom. IPhos. ac, ISub; in albuminuria, ICale a.; alcoholic spirits, Ant. t,lArs,Lach., IINux v.; in chronic alcoholism, I Ant. t, I Ars,IILach, IPhos.; after ale, IGamb, ISub; after beer, HCinch, Ind.JKalibi, ILye, IMur. ac, ISub; better after beer. HPhos.; sour beer, HCinch.; brandy, INux v., HSub; chocolate, Bor., ILith.; cider Cale p.; coffee, Canth, ICist, ICycb, Fluor, ac, Ign, 11 Oxal. ac, IThuya ; cold water, IIArs., IBry, ICarbo v. Hep., ILye, IPuls, I IVer.; cold drinks, in summer, ICarbo v., INatr. s, IINux m., I IVer.; after a debauch. Ant. c, IINux v.; after lemonade, IPhyt; milk, Ars,Bry, HCale, Con, IKali c, ILye, IINatr. e,INiccol, INux m, HSep, Sil, ISub; milk, worse in morning, INiccol.; boiled milk, IINux m., ISep.; sour milk, IPod.; water, IBry, Caps.; worse after cold water, IStaph.; water containing coal oil, Zing.; im- pure water, Zing.; strange water, IBry.; sour wine, IIAnt. e 8®° cold. Diarrhoea, in dropsy: IHelb; ascites, HAcet ac, HApis, lApoe; with puffiness under eye- brows, IKali c; of legs, Acet. ac, IFerr. s.; of feet, relieved, Med.; in nephritis, IPhos.; of scrotum, IFerr. s. Diarrhoea, drugs: abuse of cathartics, Carbo v., I Cinch., I Hep, Nitr. ac, INux v.; after castor oil, Bry.; abuse of cinchona, or quinine,Ferr., IHep., Lach, Pallad,IPuls.; after chamomile, ICoff, Vab; after diarrhoea mixtures,INux v.; after drastic medicines or prolonged drugging, IINux v.; after ginger,INux v.; after magnesia, IBry., INux v., Puis., Rheum; after mercury, IHep., Lach., Nitr. ac, Sars, Staph., Sub, chronic, after abuse of mercury or quinine; IHep.; after injecting nitrate of silver for gon- orrhoea, INatr. m, I ITarant.; after opium, IMur. ac, INatr. m, Nux v.; after rhubarb, ICham, IColoe, Mere, INux v., Puis.; after sulphur, Ascl. t. Diarrhoea, dysenteric: I Ars. i, IColoe, |Ferr. in, lllpec, I IPod, I IRhus ; in a nursing in- fant, IMere; during cholera season, INuxv.; coming on* at menstrual period, especially at night, IPuls. Diarrhcea, in dyspepsia: chronic, ICaust, IKali e; in atonic, IPetrol.; in summer, 11 Natr. p. B^f* eating, stomach. Diarrhoea, eating: worse during, ICrot.t.; sud- den, during dinner, HVer.; worse after, yEthus, IIAloe, Alum, Amm. m., I Apis, I Arg. nit, IIArs., Asar., Asim. t, lAur. mur., Bor.JBrom., Bry., ICale, Carbo v, ICham., Cina, Cist, I ICinch., IIColoc, Con., Cornus, HCrot t, IDulc, IFerr., IForm., Hep., Hyper., Iod, ILach., IILyc, IMur. ac, INatr. e, INatr. s, Nitr. ae, Nuxm., Nux v., IPhos. ae, HPod, Raph, Rheum, IRhod, Sars, See, Sub, IStaph., Sub ac. Thuya, IITromb., HVer.; after breakfast, Arg. nit, Carb.s., Bor., IThuya ; after breakfast, with pain in rectum, an acute attack caused by bad news, caused a morning aggravation as well as after eating, attack would, also be induced by any depressing emotions or excitement of any kind (hepatic derangement), I IPod.; bet- ter after breakfast, Arg. nit., Bov, IBrom, Diose, Grat., IHep, Iod., ILith., ILye, Natr. e, Niccol., Sang.; after dinner, Alum, Amm. m., Ars. s. f, Carb.s., ILil. tig, Nitr. ac, INux v., IITromb.; after supper, Iris, Hyper IITromb.; after acid food and fruits ICist (B®* acids); from artificial food, ISub after cabbage or sauerkraut, IPetrol.; in cholera infantum, ICrot. t; worse from cold food, Ante, Coloe, ILye, INatr s. IPuls.; after ice cream, HArs., Bry., ICarbo v , Dulc, IPuls.; immediately after, 11 Pod.; after eggs (rheumatic headache), IChin. a.; after errors in diet, especially pork or fat food, fruit or ice cream, IPuls.; from each error of diet, or daily, some hours after dinner, I ISal. ac; after every kind of food that disagrees, with belch- ing and rumbling, ISars.; farinaceous food, IINatr. m., INatr. s.; fat food, Carbo v, IKali m., IPuls., Thuya ; in typhoid fever, as soon as he eats, IPhos.; fish (rheumatic headache), IChin. a.; after fruit, Ars, Bor, Bry., Calc. p, HCinch., ICist, IColoe, ICrot. t, Lach, Lith, ILye, IMur. ac, INatr. s, I IPod, Puis, IRhod, Tromb.; acid fruit and milk, Pod.; especially from apples (ague), I IPuls.; after canned fruit, I IPod.; juicy fruit, Calc. p.; fruit and sweetmeats, ICrot. t.; from un- ripe fruit, in summer, IRheum, ISul. ac; high game, ICrotal.; improper food, I IGuaraea; meat, Ferr, Lept, Sep.; fresh meat, ICaust.; smoked meat, Calc. c; melons, particularly canteloupes, HZing.; mush at supper, appears undigested in morning, ill-treated intermit- tent, I IBry.; onions,Thuya ; oysters, IBrom, ILye; pastry, llpec, IKali m, INatr. s, IIPuls.; pork, Ant. c, Cycl., IPuls.; potatoes, I Alum, Sep., I IVer.; sweet potatoes, ICale. a.; sauerkraut, Bry.; shell fish, Carbo v.; sugar, Arg. nit,Oxal. ac,ISub, Tromb.; sugar, in cholera infantum, IIArg. nit.; maple sugar, Calc. s.; sweets, lArg. nit., Cale, Crot. t, IMere v., Tromb.; veal, Kali n.; vegetables, Bry., Lept., ILye, Natr. e, Natr. s.; warm food, IPhos. 8®* Chap. 15, Eating diarrhcea. Diarrhoea, with emaciation : HAcet. ac. Apis, IIArs., I Arg. nit., Bor, HCale c, ICale p, HCinch, IIFerr., IFerr. s., Gamb., lllod., Kreo., Lye, IINatr. m., INitr.ac, INuxv, IOp, IPetrol., IPhos, I ISars., Sep, ISib, I ISul, IThuya ; in measles imperfectly devel- oped, I Apis. 8§r* marasmus. Diarrhoea, epigastrium : gnawing and pressure chronic (syphilis),ILach.; sinking, as if every- thing would drop through pelvis, HPod. Diarrhcea, eruption: after eruptive diseases, I Ant. t.; after appearance of eruption, in typhus, I IChlor.; with itching acne, ICaust.; petechiae, lArn.; after suppressed, lAnt. t, IBry, Hep, IHyose, Mez, IISul, lUrt. ur.; after suppression of scabies, chronic, IHep, IPsor., ISub; with urticaria, IIArs., Bov., IPuls. 8€jp* measles, scarlatina. Diarrhoea, with eructation: Amm. m, IIArg. nit, Arn, HCarbo v., I IDulc, Hep., Ipec, Iris, Kali c, ILye, Pod., Psor., Rumex, Sars, Sep., ISub, Zing. Diarrhoea, worse in evening: I Aloe, ^Atrop.s, Bor., IBov., Canth, Caust, Colch., IKali c Lach., Merc, v., Mez., Mur. ac, IPhos.; in bronchitis, ICale; between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. I ISul.; caused by evening air, IIMerc. sol • to- ward evening (coxalgia), ICale; with grip- ing, Zinc; and at night, IMagn. m.- everv evening for a week, preceded by transient 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 541 pain in rectum, followed by throbbing as with little hammers in anus, ILach. Diarrhcea, from exertion : worse as soon as he moves about, IBry, INatr. m., IRhus; chronic, INatr. s.; from manual labor, I IVer.; worse from walking, ICale, IGels. Diarrhoea, face: grayish, hippocratic, lArs, IVer.; pale, HCamph., ICanth, ICarbo v, ICup, m, llpec, Stram.; pale, miserable complexion, IFerr.; sunken, I Ant. t., IVer.; tension, Bar. m. Diarrhoea, with fainting: lArs., Coccul., ICup. ac, Laur, Nux m., Op., ITabae, IVer.; sud- den attacks, with cold sweat, Tabae; faint- ness, Lept, Raph.; faintness (myelitis), IDulc; disposition to faint, INux m.; faint- ness and dizziness, worse in open air, ICrot. t; on rising up, I Aeon., IBry., Op, Tromb. 8®~ weakness. Diarrhoea, with fever: I Anthrac.; in evening, IRhus ; stools involuntary, in low fevers, HPhos.; dry mouth, and thirst, IINatr. m.; in slow fever, lAsar.; alternating with slow fevers, INuxv.; gastric, I Arg. nit; hectic, lAsar., IPhos.; intermittent, IIAnt e, Eup. pur., IGels.; intermittent, during day of paroxysm, Rhus; intermittent, at beginning of paroxysm, I IPuls.; intermittent, relieves the shaking, ICoccul.; intermittent, obstinate, Elat.; intermittent, on days free from fever (quartan), Hod.; intermittent, with great and sudden wreakness,Crot. t; typhoid, 11 Acet. ac, ■Agar., lAlum., lApis, lArs., IBapt, IBry., HCale, : Calc.s,IChlor,Crotal, I IEucab,IHy- osc, IKali m, IINitr. ac, I INuph., IMur.ac, HOp., HPhos., IStram., I I Sumb., ITereb.; typhoid, in fast growing youths, IPhos. ae; with worms, IMere B®° heat, thirst. Diarrhoea, flatulence: discharge of flatus,Amm. m., lArg.nit., Asaf, Bov, HCarbo v, ICinch, Cub.,ICup.m.,IDiosc, Jacea, IKali c, ILach, ILye, IManc, IMur. ac, INatr. s, INiccol, Nitr.ac, Nux v, Oleand, Plant, I IPtel, Sa- bina, Sang., I ISars, Sep., Sib, Tabae, Zing.; discharge of fetid flatus, Aloe, HCarbo v. Cinch, Coccus, Lith, INatr. s,INiccol., IPsor, Rhod, Sep, Sil, Squilla, ISub; follows sudden painful bloating of abdomen, or about navel, IKali iod.; incarcerated, ILye, INatr. s.. Sib; in nervous weakness, IGels.; in dentition, ICale p.; rumbling or gurgling, I Aloe, Bov, Carb. s., I IChel, Coloe, Cornus, Elaps, Gamb, Iris, Jatroph, ILye, Magn. e,Magn. s., Nitr. ac, Oleand, Puis., Rhod., Sib, Zing.; rumbling and cutting, with burning in rectum, Cub.; rumbling and gurgling (typhoid), ILach. B@?° abdomen, colic, eructation. Diarrhoea, in forenoon: Gamb.; worse, 8 to 10 a.m., IPlant.; 9 a.m., preceded by passage of much fetid flatus, INatr. s. 8^° morning. Diarrhoea, comes gradually: stool more and more watery, HCinch. Diarrhoea, head : abscess, IMere sob; conges- tion, Sub; heat, Oxal. ae; rolling, ISil. Diarrhcea, with headache: Cub, Oxal. ae, Stram., IVer.; alternating with headache, Pod.; chronic headache, I IPsor.; for a day or so, HPhos.; of school girls, HCale p.; and griping, Cub.; pressing in forehead, I JSthus.; on right side, Ind.; periodic attacks of sick headache, two or three days before menses, IPuls.; tensive, Coloe; throbbing in right temple, IStram. Diarrhoea, heart affections : ICact; pain about, ILobel. i.; violent beating, not rapid, but too violent, Dig. Diarrhoea, heat: worse from warm or hot drinks, I IPhos.; inflammatory, during hot days and cold nights, IIAcon.; internal, ex- ternal coldness, following fright, IPuls.; does not wish to be covered or near heat, prefers open air or wishes to be fanned, HSec; worse from overheating, lAloe ; after overheating, in summer, IBry.; and pain in larynx or chest, IPhos.; worse in a warm room, chronic, INatr. s.; of sun, Agar, Camph.; of sun or fire, ICar- bo v.; follows feeling as of hot water poured from breast into abdomen, Sang.; in hot weather, Aloe, Ant. e, Bapt, Bell., IBry., Cale, Carbo v., ICinch., Colch., IGamb, Iris, Kali bb, Lach, Magn. c, Merc, v., Mur. ac, Natr. m,Nux m, I IPhos, Pod, Rheum,I Ver.; in hot weather, with difficult dentition,IPhyt.; sudden attacks, during heat of summer, I ISub; during a spell of hot weather, IIBry. B^° summer. Diarrhcea, with hemorrhoids: IKali c, IINitr. ac, Zing.; bleeding, blind or protruding, I ICollin.; large, protrude after each pappy, offensive stool, IILach.; chronic, worse in morning, HPod.; protruding, blue or dark purple, especially when occurring in feeble children suffering from gastric atony, mus- cular debility and threatened marasmus, IIMur. ac. Diarrhoea, with hiccough: ^Ethus., Carbo v., Cie, IHyos., Ign,Jab., INux m, Nux v.,Ta- bae, IVer.; when carried, IKreo. Diarrhoea, in hip disease: HCale, HCinch. Diarrhoea, in hospitals: I Aloe. Diarrhcea, hypochondria: pain, with chilli- ness, Aloe; pain in right, Bapt., Merc, viv, Natr. s.; pain in right, when coughing, Psor.; pain, when drinking cold water, Natr. e Diarrhoea, hysterical women and young girls : IHyos. 8ST" mental condition. Diarrhoea, in influenza : IDulc, I ISang.; pitui- tous, not copious, I Ant. t. B@~ cold. Diarrhoea, after injury: to head and face,IHam.; in shock, INux m. Diarrhoea, intestines : burning, and tenesmus, ICornus ; sensation as if a foreign substance were lying in rectum, INatr. m.; infiltration and ulceration of intestinal canal, with forma- tion of cavities and purulent discharge into cavity of thorax (hectic fever), I IPhos.; swell- ing, size of a fist in region of transverse colon, chronic, IMere; chronic, torpid, inert condi- tion,discharges cause atony, 11 Sumb.; chronic, supposed to have been caused by ulceration, 101. jec; from disturbed function of mole- cules of iron in muscles of villi, Ferr. ph.; gangrene, Ars. s. f, ICrotal, IILach.; inflam- mation, ILept.; irritable, five or six stools a day (after sulphur), lAscl. t; with burning, and tenesmus of rectum, protrusion of anus, and pinching around navel, with mucous stool, IGamb.; as soon as anything enters rectum, HPhos.; constant, in polypus of rec- tum, IKali br.; with painful urging before stool,Calc fl.; chronic, with ulceration, • Cupr. s. ,1 Sil.; with ulcers, in tuberculosis, 11 Oleand.; upper part affected, in diarrhcea of children; 542 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. during cholera epidemic, IPod.; constant urg- ing, passing small quantities, followed by feel- ing that more remains, INux v.; constant urg- ing (ulcer of os uteri), ICurar.; as if too weak to retain contents, ISul. 8ST" Anus, Rectum, Stool. Diarrhoea, with feeling of intoxication : I IGels. Diarrhoea, lienteric: IPolyp., IPsor.; after catarrh, Ferr. ph.; in sucklings, IMagn. e; in intermittent fever, IFerr.; for a month, IGamb.; chronic, painless, with much thirst, during night, I IPhos.; griping and tearing in abdomen, I IMillef; from relaxation of pylo- ric muscles, Ferr. ph.; in scirrhus uteri, I Arg. met. 8®" Stool lienteric. Diarrhcea, limbs: pains, Ferr. mur., IRhod.; tingling and numbness, HSec. Diarrhoea, liver: chronic in liver affections, ICheb; chronic, whitish in children, IKali bb; acute congestion, INux v.; cirrhotic, Hod.; dependent on hepatic derangement, ILept.; inactivity, ICornus; duringjaundice, INuxv, IPuls.; jaundice, with weakened heart, ILye vir. Diarrhoea, lying down: causes return, IDiosc, 11 Oxal. ac, Raph.; on the back, Pod.; on left side, Arn, IPhos. Diarrhoea, with marasmus: I IHydras.; incipi- ent mesenteric tabes, ICale p. 8€aT* emaci- ation ; also Chap. 19, Abdomen marasmus. Diarrhoea, in measles: IMere, IPuls., Squilla, ISub; after measles, HCinch., Puis. Diarrhcea, menses: before, Bov., Sil.; three days before, Hyper.; before and during, Bov, ICinnab.; before, lasting till flow is estab- lished, I IVer.; a few days before or after, with colic, IILach.; before, with straining, ILach.; during, Alum, I Amm. m, Bov., Calc. p., Caust, IKreo, INatr. s., INiccol, ITabae, IVer.; after, Graph, ILach, INatr. m.; in amenorrhcea, Symph.; with dysmenorrhoea, ICollin, HVer.; in menorrhagia, HEryg, IVer.; with sudden cessation, IGlon.; with suppression, worse after eating and drinking, IColoe Diarrhcea, mental condition: after anger, Aeon, lAloe, Ars, Bar.eJCalc p., ICham, IIColoc, INux v.; angry when consoled, INatr. m.; anguish, I Ars, ICamph, Raph, Sil, Tabae, Ver.; with anxiety, I Aeon., Amm. m, Asaf, Bar. m, Calc, Canth, ICarbo v, Cie, Fluor, ac, Kalibr, Lil. tig., Magn. c, Mere viv, Psor., See; anxiety concerning illness, Nitr. ac, IPsor.; expression of anxiety when lifted, Cale; apathy, Bor, Camph., IJatroph, Op, 11 Phos. ae; from domestic cares,ICoff.; crying, yEthus, Alum, Ars., IBell, IIBor, Calc, Caust, HCham, ICina, Ferr, Psor, IPuls.; delirium, Bapt, IBell, Bry,' Canth, Carbol. ac, IHyos, Mur. ac. Op", Phos. ae, Rhus, IStram.; delirium alternating with colic, IPlumb.; dejection, llgn, IMere sob, INatr. m, IPsor, IIPuls.; from emotions, llpec; de- pressing emotions, Coloe, IGels., Phos. ae; exciting news, or fright, IIGels.; from fear, during cholera season, IPhos. ae; from fright, Arg.nit, IGels, IIOp,l IVer.; from frightand other depressing causes, IIKali ph.; from grief, IColoe, IGels., Phos. ac; tendency to hypochondriasis before attack, llpec; after exalted imagination, Arg. nit.; irritable, IBry, ISub ae; after sudden joy, ICoff, HOp.; from mental labor, INuxv., Pie ae; is nervous and prostrated, subject to numerous chills, IGels.; nervous agitation, cold sweat, weakness and dyspnoea, IRob.; from anticipation of un- usual ordeal, soldiers before battle, etc., IGels.; from effects of overstudy, ICup. ae; from over- work and care, ICoff; from mental exertion, Nux v., Pic. ae, Sabad. Diarrhoea, in morning : Acet. ac., vEthus, Agar, lAloe, Alum, lAmm. m., Ang., Ant. c, Apis, Arg. nit, Ars, Bor., IIBov, IIBry, I IChlor, Cist, ICop., Cornus, Diose, Eup. perf,IFerr, Fluor, ac, Gamb., IGuaiac, Hep, Hippom, Hod, Iris v., IIKali bb, Kali c. Kali n, ILil. tig,Lith.,ILye, Lyss.,Merc, v, Mur. ac, IINatr. s., Niccol., Nitr. ae, Nux m, Nux v, Oleand, Oxal. ac. Petrol, HPhos, Phos. ac, HPod, Psor., IRumex, Sarrae,Squilla, HSub, Thuya, ITromb., Zing.; in brain affections,in children, HSub; in children, Act. rac; in cholera infantum, lApis; chronic, IKali bb; chronic, worse after getting up and moving about, and after farinaceous food, INatr. m.; with colic, INuph, HVer.; with cough, from tickling on throat pit, IRumex ; after cutting in bowels, Bry.; no more stool during day, 11 Pod.; every morning for four days (during climaxis), I IRumex; daily, after breakfast, Thuya; early, Diose, Merc, sub, IPhos., IPsor.; early, continues until afternoon, IINatr. m.; early, driving out of bed,IIAloe, I IHyper.JISub; early, driving out of bed, con- tinues through day, worse at noon, IPod.; chronic, obliged her to get up before daylight, ten stools before noon, not more than two or three after that time till early morning again, I ISub; before rising, 6 to 8 a.m., ISib; early, also during day, IPetrol.; early, after lemon- ade, IPhyt.; in typhus, stool profuse weaken- ing, lAcet. ae; with flatus, IRhod.; stools containing undigested food (cariesof vertebrae), IPhos.; with gagging and excessive thirst, in children, IPod.; in affections of liver, I IPod.; with despair of salvation, I IVer.; on begin- ning to move, Ars. b; followed by nausea, Lyss, Zing.; in old people, IIArs.; pain in abdomen,and burning in rectum, Dory.; pain- less, HCinch, Nuph.; since parturition five weeks ago, IMagn. m.; periodic, returning at same hour, 11 Apis, INatr. s.; periodic, at 2 a.m. , colicky pains and rumbling in belly, IDiad.; in phthisis, I I Oxal. ae; frequently recurring in morning (meningitis), IThuya ; before rising, I Aloe, Bell, Bov., Cinch, Cie, Diose, Kali bi, Nuph, IPsor, IRumex, HSub; on rising, Lye, INatr. s, IPsor., Sul, II Ver.; worse from time of rising till 10 a.m., then better till 3 p.m., when it gets worse again, I IVer.; after rising and eating, Agar.; after rising and moving about, IIBry., Lept, Natr. m, IINatr. s.; in scarlatina, ISub; stools preceded by great pain (heart affection), ■Cact.; stools profuse, thin, IIDulc; stools composed mostly of slime and fecal matter, with tenesmus during and after stool IMere sob; after failure of sulphur, I IRumex- to- wards morning, preceded by pain in abdomen, tsar. c. BST* Stool morning. Diarrhcea, motion: aggravates, Aloe A™* Am Ars .Bell IIBry,Cale, IColch,ColSc ,' Crot.t, Ipec, Merc, c, Mur. ac, Natr m Oxal. ac. Rheum, Rumex, Tabae, Ver!' 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 543 worse from downward, Bor, ICham.; from least motion, Ferr.; it is more difficult to de- scend than to ascend, to sit down than to rise up, IStann. Diarrhcea, with nausea : Ant. t, Apis, lArg. nit, IColch., IColoe, ICrot. t, llpec. Iris, Prun., IRhus, ISub, ITabac,IVer.; with pale face, Lyss.; faintness, sometimes vomiting of mucus, worse about bedtime (diarrhoea mucosa), IIPuls.; follows nausea, ISang..; in morning, Lil. tig.; before stool, in night, Rumex ; in pregnancy, ISabina; and prostra- tion, IColch.; with retching, I Ant. t, IBell, I IBism, llpec, IKreo, IPod., ISee; vomit- ing, after, Lyss. 8^" Chap. 16, Nausea diarrhcea. Diarrhoea, at night: Aeon., yEthus., Aloe, Ang, Ant. c. Ant. t, Arg. nit. Am, IIArs., Asaf, Ascl, I Aur. met., Bov, Brom., Bry, Canth., Caps., Carb. s., Caust, ICham, Chel., Chin, s, HCinch, Cist, Colch., ICrot. t, Cub., Dulc, Ferr, Fluor, ac, IGamb, Graph, Hippom., IHyos., Ign., Ipec, Iris, Jalap.,IKali c, Kreo, IILach., Lith, Merc, v., Mosch., IINux m., Phos. ac, HPod, 11 Psor., IIPuls, Rhus, Ta- bae, Ver.; worse 3 or 4 a.m., IKali e; with rumbling in abdomen, IPuls.; alternates with asthma, IKali c; with burning in anus, I Bry.; with colic,ISub; with colic, must bend double, ICham.; with dry cough, I IKali c; nightand day, Ang.; sudden attack, gouty diathesis (acute inflammation of pancreas), ICon.; with hemeralopia, I IVer.; in hydrocephalus, I IPuls.; after midnight, Arg. nit. Arum t, Ascl, IIArs, Cie, Fluor, ac, Hippom, Iris, Kali c, Lye, ISub; at midnight, with colic, IManc; after midnight or towards morning (pertussis), ICepa ; obliging him to get up several times towards 5 or 6 a.m., INuph.; after midnight, drives out of bed early in morning, I ISub; commences between mid- night and morning, with or without pain, with or without vomiting, ineffectual desire to evacuate (cholera Asiatica), HSub; sudden, with great urging, about midnight, then pasty, offensive, ammoniacal, ILach.; for months, usually at night, HPhos. ac; mucous, ICheb; with nervous excitement (dentition), I IChloral; painful, Aur. mur, ICinnab, IRhus ; periodical, about 2 or 3 o'clock, llris ; during pregnancy, I Arg. nit.; with tired ex- tremities, IKali e; with urging, had to wait a long while, then it came as thinfas water, slimy, bright yellow and burning hot, I ISub; is scarcely off vessel before he must return, better toward morning, 3 or 4 o'clock, Stront.; after night watching, INux v.; in wet weather, IDulc. Diarrhoea, nervous: in nervous persons, Asaf., Asar, Ign.; from depression of nerve centres, IZinc; with nervous prostration, ISul. ac. Diarrhoea, in old people: IIAnt. e, ICarbo v., Coff., IFluor. ac, IIGamb, Iod., Op.; after cholera, ICoff. t; with dark complexion, INitr. ac; in old or intemperate subjects, Crotal.; painful, ICarbo v.; in old men, Con.; in old women, Kreo, Natr. s. Diarrhcea, painful: Amm. c, lArs, lAscl. t, 7rBerb., IBry., ICham, Cornus, Ferr. s, IPlumb, IVer.; in intestinal catarrh, lArs.; most during day, eighteen hours after dose, lasting twenty-four hours, pain in -lower bowels, Lyss.; during apyrexia, ICornus; before each passage, worse in morning (after measles), I ISticta; early in morning, Lyss.; muco-serous, odorless (diarrhcea), IGamb.; of old people, ICarbo v.; with prostration, I ISee; with screaming and grinding of teeth, I IPod.; with much straining, early in morning, IDiosc; tearing, IDig.; with or without vomit- ing, Iris. 8®° colic. Diarrhoea, painless : Anthrac, Apis, Arg. nit., Ars, IBar. m.,Belb, Bry, ICamph., Carbo a., ICham,Chel, ICinch.,Cinnab, Clem,Cochb, ICoff, Colch., Coloe, Crot. t, IDulc, IFerr, IGamb, IGels.,Hep, IHyos, Ipec,Jab, Kali c, I I Kali ph., ILye, Merc, IINatr. m, INatr. s, Nitr,Nuph.,Nux m,Nux v,Op.,Petrol,Phos., IPhos. ac, Plat, IPod, Rhus, Rumex, Sec, Sil, Squilla, Stram., Sub, Sul. ac, Tabae, Thuya, I Ver.; with chilliness, even in a hot room, I IKali br.; excoriating and exhausting, IFerr.; with cramplike jerkings in calves, IJatroph.; debilitating, worse in morning, HPhos.; but little urging, in dysentery,IDulc; in typhus or yellow fever, lArs.; with rum- bling of wind, Ign.; with rumbling in abdo- men and burning in anus, IKali e; stools in- voluntary, during a meal, I IFerr.;stools whit ish, better in the mountains, I ISyph.; in morn- ing, I INuph.; driving out of bed at 5 a.m., HSub; in morning, in bronchitis or gastritis, lApis; in rachitis, ICale; stools large, watery, with good appetite, IFerr. Diarrhoea, pancreatic: Hod.; succeeds consti- pation (salivation), llris. Diarrhoea, paralysis: Tabae; child fell without power to raise arms or legs, mind clear, IGels. Diarrhoea, with peritonitis: 8®" Chap. 19, Abdomen peritonitis. Diarrhoea, periodic : on alternate days, Alum, HCinch, Fluor, ae, Nitr. ac.; at same hour, Apis, Sabad., Thuya; an hour later each day, Fluor, ae; every fourth day, Sabad.; every four or six weeks, Carb.s.; at same time of year, Kali bi. B@T" afternoon, evening, forenoon, morning, menses, night. Diarrhcea, in phthisis: I Acet. ae, Act. rac, Amm. m., lArs, Calc. p., ICarbo v., ICaust, ICetrar, ICrot. t, IDulc, Elaps, IFerr, IGamb,I IGuaraea,IIod,ILycvir, I IMyr.cer, lOleand, IPhos, IVer.; florida after pneu- monia, IFerr.; with prolapsus of rectum, ICale; with tympanitis, ICarbo v.; black liquid stools, Elaps; tendency to diarrhoea in incipient tu- bercular disease, 11 Tuberc. 8^° emaciation, weakness. Diarrhoea, in pleurisy: IFerr. mur.; subacute, I Arg. nit. Diarrhcea, with prolapsus ani: 86T" Anus, Rectum, Stool. Diarrhcea, in pneumonia: lAnt. t, ICup. m, IPhos. Diarrhoea, in pregnancy: lAnt. c. Alum, I Apis, ICham, IChel, ICinch, Dulc, IIFerr, I IHell, IHyosc, ILact. ae, ILye, Nux v., Petrol,HPhos, IPuls, ISep, ISub; with abor- tion, 11 Erig.; in childbed, Ant. c, Asar, ICham, ICollin, Dulc, IHyosc, Phos,, IPsor.. IRheum, ISee, IStram, Tromb.; comes on suddenly and without apparent cause in lying- in women, IHyosc; with earthy color of face, IILyc; with fainting.and sluggish flow of ideas, INuxm. 544 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. Diarrhoea, pulse : irregular, ICup. ae, Cinch, IDig , Laur, ITabae, Thuya; imperceptible, I Ars, Carbo v., Crotal, Kali br, Laur, Tereb.; intermitting, Carbo v. Hell, IMur. ac, Nitr. ac. Thuya; rapid, I Aeon., lyEthus., Ant. t, lArs., IBell, Cinch, Jab, Kali br, Kreo.; slow, Cup. m., IDig, IGels, Laur, Mur. ac, IOp, Tereb.; small, lyEthus, IBelb, Cup. m.; soft, Bapt, Cup. m., IGels.; weak, Ant. t. Cup. m, Cycl, Dig, Kali br., IKali e, Kreo, Merc, c, Mur. ae, ITabae Diarrhoea, in purpura: ILach., I ILed., IPhos. Diarrhoea, rheumatic: IBry, Cain, HColch, IIDulc, IKali bi, INux m, I IRheum, IRhus ; from sudden checking of diarrhoea, Abrot.; in rheumatic or gouty women, Sabina. Diarrhcea, from riding: HCoccul, Nux m, IPetrol.; but a short distance in omnibus or car, I ICoccul.; in carriage, IPetrol.; from mo- tion of cars, Med. Diarrhoea, with salivation : IMere, INitr. ac. Rheum. Diarrhoea, in scarlatina: HAilant; with en- larged eruption, llpec g^" eruption. Diarrhoea, at the seashore: I Ars, Bry.; from seabathing, Sep. 8®" washing. Diarrhoea, from septic matter in food and drink: I Ars, ICarbo v., ICrot, ILach. Diarrhoea, sleep; awaking often, ISub; during sleep, Bry, ISul. (8®* Stool involuntary); worse after, Bell, IILach, Pic. ae, I ISul, Zing.; disturbs sleep, Lith.; with eyes half open, ISub; falls asleep on sitting, Ars. m.; sleepiness in daytime, afternoon and after sunset, ISub; wakefulness, ISul. BS?** morning, night. Diarrhoea, in smallpox: lAntt, lArs., HCinch. Diarrhoea, in spring: IBry, Iris, ILach., Sars. Diarrhoea, worse from standing : lAloe, ICoc- cul, Ign, Lil. tig.; feeling as if it would set in when standing, with anguish, Agnus. Diarrhoea, with starting: ICup. ac, IHyos. Diarrhoea, stomach: acidity, Cinnam, Zing.; catarrh, IIAnt. e, IDulc; gastro-intestinal catarrh, Hippoz.; deranged, I Ant. c, Carbo a, ICarbov. Petrol., IIPuls., Zing.; disordered, after late supper, llpec; gastralgia, : Calend, IKali e, IStann.; gastromalacia, IKali iod., IKreo.; indigestion, INux v., I IPod, IPuls.; pain, ICale p. BSaT" colic, nausea. Diarrhoea, with stupor : I Apis, Arg. nit, I I Arn, Ars, Bapt, IBelb, Camph, Hyos, INux m, HOp, Sub; in epidemic diarrhoea, IINitr. sp. d.; seeming to call for opium, which failed, I IZinc; sudden shrieks, HApis, IHelb; in summer complaint, Anac; with twitching, IBelb, IHyos., IOp, ISul. Diarrhcea, with subsultus: IBell, ICup. ae, IIHyos., IOp. Diarrhoea, sudden attacks: Crot. t, HSec; with nausea, before breakfast, Tuberc. Diarrhcea, in summer (summer complaint): lAcon, lyEthus., I Ang, lAnt t, IArs,IBism., HCamph.,ICarbo v. ,ICarbol.ac,Coff,ICrotal, HCrot t.JCup. ars, IFerr. ph., IGamb,IIod, Kali bi, IKali br, ILach, INatr. m., HPhos, IPhos. ac. Polyp, IPod., IRheum, I ISep.; during August, I ISee; in August, child, set. 3 months, I Ant. t; of children, lAmmoniac, I ICoff.; of children, complementary to Bell, IMez.; of children, with brain affection, ICup. m.; of children, with emaciation, IFerr.; especially in scrofulous children, in- terminable, ISee; of children, when fluids are vomited as soon as taken, IBism.; of chil- dren, mostly under a year old, IBor.; with lack of digestive power, I INatr. ph.; from cold drinks, IINux m.; with emaciation, I IMed.; from eating bad or unripe fruit, commencing with nausea, sweat, colic, pinching and burn- ing in abdomen, ISub ac; with eruption on skin, IHyper.; with griping pains and cramps in limbs, ICup. ac; relapsing, I ISib; suddenly at night, HVer.; sudden, with vomiting, IJa- troph. 8®° heat, weather; also Cholera morbus. Diarrhoea, with sweat: Aeon., Benz. ac, ICale, Cie, ICinch, Cornus,Ferr, Ign., Jab., IOp., IPsor., ISib, Stram.; cold, yEthus., Ant. t, Calc, ICamph., Cup. m., Hell, Jatroph., Pic. ac, ISee, Sul, ITabae, Tereb, IVer.; cold, or cold hands and feet, ISib; at night, ICinch., ILye, IMere v., Phos, Phos. ac, IPsor, Staph.; diarrhcea ceases after profuse sweat, Stram.; when sleeping, ICale, ICinch, Mur. ae, Nitr. ac, Phos., IPsor.; sour smell- ing, ICale, ICham., IMere v., IRheum, ISib; sticky, Cham, IMere v.; after sup- pressed sweat, lAcon , ICham. Diarrhoea, with tenesmus: 8®° Anus and Rectum tenesmus. Diarrhoea, thirst: HAcet. ac, IIAcon., lyEthus, Aloe, Ant. c.,IAnt. t, Apis,Arn,HArs,Bapt, IBell,IBism, IIBry, ICale, Calc.p., ICamph, ICanth., ICarbo v., Caust., ICham, Cie, Cinch, Coccul, IColch., Coloe, Cornus, ICub, ICup. m, Cycl., Dig, Dulc, IFerr., IGrat, Hell,Hep.,Hippom., Hyos,Iod,Jab., IJatroph, Kali bb, IKali br. Kali n, IKreo, Lach, Laur., Magn. c, I Merc, cor, Merc, viv, Mez., Natr. c, IINatr. m, INatr. s, Niccol, INitr. ac, INux v., Oleand, IPhos, Phos. ac. Pic. ae, Plant, Pod., Raph., IRhus, Samb., ISee, Sep, ISib, Squilla, IStram, ISul, ITa- bae, Thuya, HVer, Zing.; and rumbling in abdomen, with debility (sequel to cholera), I IPhos.; after diarrhcea, lOxabac; thirstless- ness, Ant. c. Ant. t, 11 Apis, Arg. nit, Bapt, Camph., Canth, Caps, ICycb, Ferr., IGels., Ipec, Lye, Nux m., Pod., IIPuls, Sars., Staph, Tabae Diarrhcea, threatening: 11 Apis, Ars. s. f,IRan. sc.; in evening, Ars. h, Calad.; with irrita- tion in bowels, and constant accumulation of phlegm in bronchial tubes, Eucab, ISeneg. 8®* Chap. 19, Abdomen diarrhcea. Diarrhoea, throat: (diphtheria) IBapt., ICro- tal., llgn.; dry, lAcon, yEsc. h., lApis, lArs, IBelb, Cie, Cist,IGels, IHep.,IHvos., IJatroph, IKali bb, ILyss, IIMerc. sol,INitr. ac, IINux m., IPhos.; dryness, in morning, Oxal. ae; in syphilitic sore throat, IMez. Diarrhoea, before a thunderstorm: IRhod Diarrhoea, tobacco: worse from, ICham, Ign, Puis.; as if it would set in after smoking, Diarrhoea, tongue : 8@* Chap. 11. Diarrhoea, with trembling: 11 Cinch Diarrhoea, urine: ineffectual desire to urinate in pregnancy, ICup. m.; frothy, IILach.; sup- pressed lArg. nit, lArs, Bell., Canth, Carbo v., ^^tab, Cup. m., Laur., Lye, IMere cor., Op., Pod., ISee, Sib, IStram, Sul, Ver. *°Chap. 21, Urine and Urination diarrhoea. 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 545 Diarrhoea, uterus: metritis,IVer.; chronic, dur- ing day, in patients reduced by prolapsus, IPetrol.; connected with, or dependent upon irritation of uterine system, IHyos.; prolap- sus, IPod. Diarrhoea, after vaccination: ISil, Thuya. Diarrhcea, with vertigo : ICon., IFerr. s,IHell, IKalm., I IManc; and malaise, Cain.; at night, Therid.; vertigo*temporarily better by return of diarrhcea, I I Lyss. Diarrhoea, with vomiting: Aeon, lyEthus., I lAnthrac, lAnt. e, lAnt. t, I Arg. nit, Arn., IIArs, Bapt, Bell, I IBism, IBor, IBry., HCale, ICamph, Carbo v., Carbol. ac, Cie, Cinch, ICoccul., HColch, Coloe, Cop., Crotal., I ICrot. t, ICup. in., Diose, Dory., Elaps, Elat, Euphor., IIFerr, Gamb, IHep., Hippom, Iod., llris, Jab., Jalap, IJa- troph, IKali bi., IIKreo, Lept, ILobel, IMere cor, Merc, v., Mur. ac, Natr. m. Pe- trol., HPhos, Plumb., IPod., IPuls, Sabad, ISang., Sars., HSec, ISep, ISil, Squilla, ISub, ITabae, Therid, I IVer. fiST" Chap. 16, Vomiting diarrhcea. Diarrhoea, walking: B®" exertion, motion. Diarrhoea, washing: after or while being washed, HPod.; aversion to being washed, ISub; after bathing, lAnt. c, Calc, Sars.; after sea bathing, Sep. Diarrhoea, watery : g^" Stools watery. Diarrhcea, -weakness (colliquative, debility, exhaustion, prostration): lAlum., Ant. t. Apis, Am., IIArs., IIBapt, Benz. ae, Bism, ICale, Calc. p., HCamph, HCarbo v., HCinch, ICoff, Colch, Con, Cornus, Cup. m., Cycl, IDulc, Elat, IFerr, Hep., llpec, Iris, IKali m., I I Kali ph., IKreo, ILach, ILept, ILil. tig, ILye, IMere c, IMere viv., Mez, IMur. ac,I INuph., INuxm.,HPhos,Pic. ae, Plant, IPsor, Sal. ac, HSec, ISep., ISul. ac, Ta- bae, Tarax., Tereb., IThuya, I IVer.; in chil- dren, Rheum ; child conscious, yet unable to move, HSub; in cholera morbus or Asiatica, ICamph.; in cholera infantum, ITabae; chol- eralike collapse, in anthrax, I lAnthrac; chronic, with constant desire for change of place, Hod.; with cramps as in cholera, I IPhyt; emaciated, unable to leave bed (ab- dominal dropsy), I ISib; in erysipelas, IPhos. ac; intermittent fever badly treated, I IBry.; in typhoid, IINux m.; in influenza, lArs.; after loss of fluids, HCinch.; unconscious, for a few minutes, could not open eyes, IGels.; with nervous excitability, ICornus; espe- cially in old people and those who sleep badly, INitr.ac; sinking spells at 3 a.m., I ISee; with tenesmus, Cop.; from debility, I Asar, IINux m. gg$~ fainting; also Cholera. Diarrhoea, weather: from change, Calc. s, IDulc, IPsor.; in cold, Dulc, Merc, viv, Nux m., Rhod., Rhus ; from a cool change, IDulc; in wet or damp, Agar, Aloe, ICist, INatr. s., IRhus, Sul.; from a warm change, IBry.; from wet cold, IRhod.; in dry, Alum.; hot and damp, IColch.; hot and damp, with cold nights, Aeon., Ascl.; in stormy, Petrol.; after sharp northwest winds, sudden manifestations of symptoms after midnight or in morning, INitr. ac. 8®° autumn, heat, summer, -winter. Diarrhcea, from getting wet: lAcon, IRhus ; after wet feet, Nux m., IVer. Diarrhoea, in winter: j Ascl. t Diarrhoea, worms : with discharge of ascarides, Magn. s, I ISpong. 8®° Worms. Diarrhoea, 8®" Cholera, Dysentery. DYSENTERY; lAcon., lyEthus., IIAloe, I I Alumin, -Anac, lAnt. t, HApis, lArg. nit., HArn, IIArs, IBapt, iBar. m., IIBell., HCanth,HCaps, ICarbo v, 11 Castor, iCean, ICham, -Citrus, Clem, ICoca, I IColch, IIColoc,ICop, ICub, ICup. m.,IDiosc,IDulc, I Elat, 11 Erig., IGamb., Guaraea, IHam, IHep, IHippom, llgn. Hod, llris, IIKali bb, IKali m., IKali p., ILach, ILil. tig., I ILyevir.,ILyss, IIMagn. c, IIMerc,IIMerc. cor., IMered., I IMillef, INitr. ac, INuxm., IINux v., IOp, lOxal. ac, IPetrol, HPhos., IPhyt, I IPlant, IPsor., IPuls., I IRaph., I IRheum, IIRhus, I ISub, ISul. ac, Tabae, IITereb., IITromb, HVariob, IVer, IZinc Dysentery, abdomen: colic, IColoe, I IPlumb.; crampy pain, better by bending double, warmth or friction, IMagn. p.; cutting at navel, IINux v.; griping, with fever, IMere; griping and tearing, I IMillef; acute abdomi- nal and thoracic pains, after, I IRan. b. Dysentery, air : pain worse from a current, even if warm, IICaps. Dysentery, autumnal: I Ascl. t, IBapt, HColch, llpec, IMere; with simultaneous affection of coeliacus, llpec. Dysentery, bilious: IIArs, lElaps, llris, IPod.; with inactivity of liver, ICornus ; with sensation of great weakness in abdomen, par- ticularly across and below umbilicus, HPhos. Dysentery, brain : hydrocephaloid, IZinc. Dysentery, after a burn : IKali bi. Dysentery, catarrhal: I Ascl. t, lAtrop., 11 Se- necio. Dysentery, in children : lApis, IBell, llpec, ILaur.; child seems to be doing well when without any apparent cause it gets worse, ISub; especially during dentition, lArg. nit.; weak, sickly children, IStaph. Dysentery, during cholera time : IPuls. Dysentery, chronic : lApis, ICale,ICist,ICon, Cop, INux v., IPhos. ac, IPolyp, ISamb., IISul, IZinc; of nearly a month's standing, from sudden changes in climate, ILept.; ser- ous discharge, with stabbing in abdomen and chest, I IRan. b. Dysentery, cold nights after hot days: llpec; from a cold or from suppression of a secretion, or sweat, IINux v.; damp weather, IDulc Dysentery, with colic : 8€^° abdomen. Dysentery, convulsions : tetanic, IHydr. ae; neuralgic and hysteric (retroversion), IFerr. iod. Dysentery, diphtheritic : INitr. ac. Dysentery, from drinking: foul water, food, etc., ICrotal; brought on by a draft of foul cold water, when much heated, IMere cor. Dysentery, drugs: after Aeon, when urging and bloody discharges continue, IMere cor.; after Aeon., and when latter fails to remove cutting pain, thirst and icy coldness of feet, Kali n.; after Aeon, has removed acute symp- toms, when tenesmus has ceased but blood is still discharged, ISub; when remedies have failed to act, ISul. Dysentery, endemic : Pod. Dysentery, epidemic : IColoe, 11 Millef.; with lethargy, I INitr. sp.d.; malarial, or catarrhal, 35 546 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. IGels.; worse at night, llpec; spasmodic te- nesmus, intestinal spasms, tympanitis, etc., 11 Xan. Dysentery, eruption: with nettlerash, lUrt. ur.; after humid tetter, IBar. m. Dysentery, fever: during febrile stage, • Ascl. s.; in intermittent, I IPolyp.; in marshy dis- tricts, with intermittent symptoms, ICinch.; commencing with violent, pain depends upon inflammatory condition, does not intermit, worse from pressure on stomach, Ferr. ph.; typhoid, 11 Eucab, IKali ph, IOp. Dysentery, intestines: spasmodic constriction, IIBell.; anus gaping, I IPhos.; prolapsus ani half a year previous, 11 Ruta ; burning in any part, 11 Erig.; burning and smarting in rec- tum, IPolyg.; follows irritation and inflam- mation of mucous membrane, Jugb; heat in rectum, lEucab; pain in rectum, I I Dory.; suspected ulceration, IIArg. nit. Dysentery, lying: worse on right side, I IPhos. Dysentery, malignant: IMere cy. Dysentery, morning: aggravation, IINux v, HSub; discharges since early morning,IRhus; begins early in morning, worse eating and drinking, ITromb. Dysentery, especially when worse at night: I ISul. (after Nux v.). Dysentery, in old people : IBapt. Dysentery, periodical: every year, IKali bi. Dysentery, putrid: lAlum, IKali ph,IMere cy. Dysentery, frequent relapses : ISul. Dysentery, after rheumatism : IKali bi. Dysentery, in smallpox: IIMerc. Dysentery, last stage: IFerr. mur.; painless discharge of bloody mucus, with paralysis of sphincter ani, HPhos. Dysentery, stools: black,tarlike, Gamb,ILept.; bloody, ICinnab, I IMillef; clots or patches of blood scattered through mucus, IIHam.; amount of blood unusual, generally dark, IIHam.; in violent cases, bloody masses of exudation, I IPlumb.; much blood, with slime, IIKali m.; blood and slime separated, IMur. ae; almost pure blood, I ITrilb; mucous, lEu- cab, Gels.; frequent, of mucus only, IPuls.; puslike mucus, • Calc. s. 8QT* Stool, bloody, mucous. Dysentery, summer: in early part, IKali bb; during hot days with cold nights, IIAcon.; renewed before a thunderstorm, I I Rhod.; of six weeks' standing, worse when he sees or hears running water, ILyss. Dysentery, tenesmus: g^g* Rectum tenesmus. Dysentery, urine : spasmodic retention, IMagn. ph.; strangury, I ICaps. Dysentery, weakness : prostration, lEucab FLATUS (discharge): Act. sp. All. sat, 11 Aloe, Amm.m.,Antsub aur,Ars.h.,Arum.d,HArg. nit., Ars. i, Asaf, Aspar., IBerb, Bor., Bov., Bry, I ICard. m., HCarbo v., HCinch., Cinch. bol. Cist, Cub, IIDiosc, IIGraph, IIKali c, ILach., IMagn. c, IMang., I IMillef, Natr. a., IINatr. s., 11 Niccol., INitr. ac, INuxv, Oleand, HPhos, Plant., Sabad, Sarrae, ISep, ISib, Tereb., IZing. 8®* frequent. Flatus, abdomen: as after taking cold, with griping, 11 Samb.; pains, on passing, ICinch.; relieves bellyache, Ars. i, ICale p. figr" Chap. 19, Flatulence. Flatus, cholera morbus : IZinc Flatus, cold: Con. Flatus, constant: up and down, immediately reproduced, IIAnt. e; in a short and inter- rupted manner, I IMez. Flatus, during cough: IGraph.; noisy escape, in pneumonia, I ISul. . . Flatus, in diarrhcea: after suppression of skm eruptions, ILye Flatus, discharge difficult: better after, Arg met, Gmex, IOp., »l I Oxal. ac, IISiL; as if anus resisted, Carbo a, Lyss.; with violence, Diose; muscles exerted in expulsion, llgn.; with colic about navel, as if bruised, worse on moving, better when at rest, worse evening and night, lOxal. ae; in rheumatic fever, I IThuya ; small quantities,in morning, Form. Flatus, in evening: yEsc. h.; profuse, especially evening and night, IGamb., IISul. Flatus, fetid (offensive, putrid) : yEsc. h,Aloe, Anag, 11 Ang, Ant. e,HAsaf,Ascbt,Aur.met, Bov, Bry, ICalep, I Carbo a,Carb. s, II Carbo v, Carbol. ae, I ICast. eq, Cham, HCinch., Chloral., Coccul, ICoff, Con, Cornus, Cund, IIDiosc, IGlon, IHydras., llgn, ILach, Lith., Myr. cer, IINatr. m, HNatr.s, INic- col,01eand, IPsor., IPuls,Rhod, Sang., Sep., Sil, Spig., Squilla, ISul, Tell, Vinca, Zinc; with distension of abdomen, HPetroL; after rumbling in abdomen, IINatr. s., Rhod.; with rumbling and fermentation in abdomen, ISars.; on awaking from sleep, ILith.; like carrion, Agar.; relieves colic, I IPsor.; in flatu- lent colic, IZinc; follows cutting colicky pains, Merc. iod. flav.; passes constantly, I IPhyt.; constantly collecting anew, IGraph.; coppery smelling, during stool, Iris; before diarrhoea, 9 a.m., INatr. s.; after eating, INatr. s.; like rotten eggs, Ant. t, HArn., ICham, Coff, IHep, Mar. v, I lOleand., IPsor, IStaph., HSub; in evening, IColch.; in evening, worse after fruit or chocolate,ILith.; in typhoid fever, I I Nux m.; frequent passages, Camph, Millef., Squilla; frequent, with dis- tension of abdomen, IGraph.; frequent, loud and copious, with distension of abdomen, be- fore stool,Plant.; frequent, upward and down- ward, with diarrhcea, Sang.; like garlic,Agar, Asaf, Mosch., Phos.; like burnt gunpowder, Coca; with itching at anus, Rumex ; in large quantities, INatr. s.; in leucorrhcea, ICaust.; like that given off by lime used at gas works, IPhos.; in liver affections, IPod.; in morning, llCepa, INatr. s.; towards morning (pertussis), ICepa; with relief, Eup. pert; sour, Arn, Calc, ICarb. s., Cham., Diose,Graph., Hep., Magn. e, Mere, INatr. c, Natr. m, IRheum, Sep., Sub; during stool, Colch., Cornus; with loose stool, INatr. s.; papescent stool, Ammo- niac; sulphurous, Psor.; having odor of sul- phuretted hydrogen, IISul.; like old urine, Agnus. Flatus, frequent: discharge, Bism., Carb. s, ICheb Chrom. ac. Gels., I IFluor. ac, Zinc; and belching, with constriction of anus,IFluor. ae; noiseless, very warm, often of a hepatic odor, I IMar. v.; short, Bry. Flatus, headache : relieved, yEthus. Flatus, hot: Aeon., Aloe, ICarbo v, Cham Coccul, Diose, Phos, Psor, IStaph., Zinc.: causes burning, Bapt; burning, offensive' after meals, evening and morning, before stool, IIAloe ; in flatulent colic, IZinc- dur- ing stool, IStaph. 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 547 Flatus, leucorrhcea: drops out during emis- sion, IIArs. Flatus, liver: after emission, tensive pressure better I IKali m. Flatus, loud: Caust., Lach, Mar. v., Merc, IMez, Plant, Squilla ; in evening, Zinc;large quantities, Coloe; at night, IIArg. nit.; forcible (jaundice). IBerb.; sounds like the report of a pistol, IHydras. Flatus, during menses: Niccol. Flatus, moist: ICarbo v.; in flatulent colic, IZinc; in morning, HCepa. Flatus, noiseless: Thuya. Flatus, odorless: Amb, Arg. nit. Bell., Carbo v., Cepa, Como.,Lye, INiccol, IPlat., HSub; after breakfast, Agar.; with dull pain, gur- ling and uneasiness in intestines, in hypo- gastric region, Como. Flatus, in old people: IPhos. Flatus passes without relief: Camph., 11 Cham, ICinch. Flatus, discharge short: before stool, IMez.; un- satisfactory, abrupt, llgn. Flatus, in small quantities: Calad, HCham. Flatus,stool: before, I Apis, Colch.,Gels, IMagn. e; before soft stool, noisy, Calad.; during stool, I Arg. nit., 11 Collin, I Coloe, Con., Gamb ,llris, IINatr. s., INitr. ac, IPod.; during stool, in children, I Cinch.; with diarrhoeic stool, INatr. ph., IINatr.s, ISul. ac.; during stool, in chronic dysentery, I Con.; during stoohafter eat- ing, IColoe; with frequent stool. Coccul.; loud discharge during stool, Cub., Thuya ; during stool, profuse, IINatr. s., IPhos. ae; profuse, with urging to stool, Aph. ch.; much, with small stool, IIAloe; with small stool, Coccul.; afraid to pass flatus lest feces escape, IIAloe, Bry., INatr. m., INatr. ph., ISub; enormous quantity, followed by enormous stool, Sabad.; profuse, with large lumps of mucus, after cut- ting in abdomen, Jacea; w-ith fetid stool, IPetrol.; with gushing stool, INatr. s.; instead of stool, I IHydras, Jamb.; involuntary, while passing flatus, lAloe, Bell., ICarbo, ICinch, INatr. s, HPod., Staph, ISub, HVer.; with lumpy, slimy, or bloody stool, Ruta; withfre- quent pressure to stool, and prolapsus of rec- tum, Ruta; followed by urgent desire for stool, ICrot. t; watery, with only partial relief, better of pains, Diose; with sudden stool, 11 Crot. t. Flatus, stomach: better after flatus passes, Tereb. Flatus, s-weat: during emission of flatus, all over body, especially in face, from which it runs in streams, Kali bi. Flatus, vertigo : great discharge, better in even- ing in open air, Indig. Flatus, vomiting: discharged during efforts to vomit, IGossyp, Indig. Flatus: B®° Chap. 19, Flatulence. HEMORRHOIDS: Absin.,Aeon., HyEse h., Aloe, I Alumin., Amb, Amm. c, Amm. m., IIAnae, Anag., lAnt c, lApis, IIArs., Aur. met, lAur. mur, IBadiag, IIBar. c. Bell., IBerb., ICale, HCaps., ICarbo v, I ICar- bol. ac. Card, m, HCaust, Cham, IChel, Chen, v., Chrom. ac, ICimex, Cinch, ICoff, HCollin, Coloe, Crot, Cub, IDiosc, Erig., IIEryng, Euph, Ferr. ph, IIGraph, Grat, IIHam, IHell, Hydras, • Hyper, llgn, IKali b., IKali e, IKali m, Kalm, Lach., Lept., Lobel., ILye, Lyss., I IMed., I IMere iod. rub., IIMur. ae, INitr. ac, IIMux m, IINux v., Phos. ac, I IPaeonia, Plant., IPetrol., Phyt., IPod., Polyg, IPuls, Rhus, IISul, ISul. ae, ISang, ISep, Thuya, Trill., I ITubere Hemorrhoids, abdomen: pelvic and portal congestion, ICale, ICarbo v., HCollin., INitr. ac, INux v, IPuls, HSub; cutting, ICaps.; dis- tension, ICard. m.; chronic relaxed condition of organs, IPhos. Hemorrhoids, abscesses: Ananth. Hemorrhoids, aching: Bry, ICale p. Hemorrhoids, anus: feels torn,burning in mar- gin, lErig.; with fissures, IINitr. ae, IINuxv., IPseonia ; painful, burning fissures, IIGraph.; fissures sensitive, ICurar.; neuralgic pain, pro- lapsus, lArn, Arund,ICollin.,ISep.; prolapsus and long standing diarrhoea, worse mornings, IPod.; with protruding rectum and smarting, INatr. m. Hemorrhoids, arm; cramps of upper, forearm and wrist, IPhos. ac. Hemorrhoids, back: lameness and aching, HyEse h.; pain as if it would break, IIHam.; drawing pain in small of back, ICaps.; pre- ceded by pains in small of back, in morning, IPuls.; shooting shocks in loins, IINux v. Hemorrhoids, bleeding: lAcon, IIAloe, yEsc. h., lAlum., Amm. c, lAnt c, lArs., Ars.m, Aspar, Ast. r, IBell, HCact, HCale, ICale p., ICaps, I ICarbol. ac, ICarbo v., Case, ICham.,Chrom. ac,ICinch,ICoccul,ICollin., Coloe, ICycl, Elat, lErig., Ferr, IGraph, IIHam, llpec, ILach, ILept, IMere, IMil- lef, IMur. ac, IINitr. ac, IINuxv, IPhos., IPhyt, IPod., IPuls, ISep., IISul, Trill.; every eight to fourteen days, bright blood, great weakness, IMur. ae; bright blood, Bufo, bright blood, with urging to stool, or after, IINux v.; bright blood, pain in back from sacrum to pubes, ISabina; dark blood, HSub; blood dark, thin, little disposed to coagulate, Crotal.; dark thick blood, IKali m.; burning, hot, I Aeon.; with burning and tenesmus and sore,swollen abdomen, IKali c.; chronic, I ICol- lin, IHam, ISub; copious, Acet.ac, IFerr, IIHam, I IHydras, IHyos., llpec, IKali e; during stool, later at other times, IINitr. ae, IPhos, I ISep, HSub; copious, with relief of mind and body, I Jamb.; an immense amount of blood, more than size of veins would war- rant, ILye; incessant, though not profuse, with alternate constipation and diarrhoea, HCollin.; alternate, with constipation,Stram.; with itching over whole body, ICale; with severe lancinating, IPhos.; blood mixed with mucus, 11 Sabina ; a small loss of blood is fol- lowed by great weakness, IHam, IHydras.; at night, IINitr. ae; nosebleed from sup- pressed, INux v.; on using paper, or straining a little at stools or on standing, Crotal.; with intolerable pain in sitting, IPhos. ae; with pressure and aching in rectum, worse at night, ILye; blood flows with a certain regularity, and without much expulsive effort, IHam.; worse as rheumatic pains abate, Abrot.; dur- ing stool, Aur. met.; stool difficult and too large, IKali c; after stool, I IManc, IMere; with osseous tumors, ICale fl.; during urina- tion, IKali c. Hemorrhoids, blind: lAlum., Brom., ICaps., ICham, IChrom. ae,Ign., IINuxv, IPlant., 548 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. IPuls., IRhus, HSub; with cramps in sto- mach, ICale; in melancholia, I Arg. nit; become moist, lAlum.; painful, Millet; pain- ful, with black stools, IKali br. Hemorrhoids, blue: I lArs., ICarbo v, ILach., IIMur. ae; dark blue, Ver. v.; dark purple, with diarrhcea, especially in feeble children suffering from gastric atony, muscular de- bility and threatened marasmus, IIMur. ae; reddish, IIMur. ac. Hemorrhoids, breathing: asthmatic, Agar., I Arg. nit. Hemorrhoids, brownish red: IINitr. ae Hemorrhoids, burning: 11 Alum., lApis, lArs, Arund., Berb., ICale, ICaps., ICarbo a., ICarbo v., HCaust, ICham, Cinch., IGraph, IIHam., Ign, IIMur. ac, INitr. ae, INux v, Psor, ISub, IThuya, Urt. ur.; with burning in anus, before and after stool, IRatan.; like fire, from inflammation, IPhos.; worse from heat, Hod.; better from heat, I Ars.; particu- larly at night, preventing sleep, lArs.; pain intolerable, IINux v.; as if pepper were sprinkled on them, ICaps.; or stitching in rectum, IINux v.; and stinging in rectum, I Amm. m.; during stool, I ISub; after stool, Berb, IINitr. ac, I ISub; when touched or pressed, lAbrot.; while walking, IThuya. Hemorrhoids, chest: pains alternate, I ICollin.; with diseases of pleura, IVer.; some withered varices, with intercostal neuralgia, Stann. Hemorrhoids, in children : appear suddenly, IIMur. ac. Hemorrhoids, chronic: IPhyt; disappeared in a case of gonorrhoea treated with Cop.; hard, sore, small, lAmm. br. Hemorrhoids, in climacteric period: IILach. Hemorrhoids, colic: lAbrot, ICarbo v., Cepa, IColoe, ILach, IINux v, IPuls., IISul, I Vab; with congestion of liver and abdom- inal venous stasis, 11 Merc. cor. BST* Chap. 19, Abdomen colic hemorrhoidal. Hemorrhoids, congestion : portal stasis, I ISub; congestive inertia of lower bowel, especially in pregnane}^, ICollin. 8§P°" Chap. 19, Abdomen congestion. Hemorrhoids, with constipation : lyEse h, lAlum., I Amm. c, lAnt c, Aur. met, ICact, HCollin, HHydras., llris, ILye, IINatr. m, IINitr. ac, IINux v., ISep, ISub; in dysuria, IChim. umb.; triangular fecal mass, ISep.; hard, lumpy stools, I Erig. 8@° Constipation hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids, at end of coryza: with diarrhoea, Selen. Hemorrhoids, cough: painful, IKalic, ILach.; stitches, llgn, IILach. Hemorrhoids, creeping: cold, like a worm, worse left side, Cepa. Hemorrhoids, darting pain : to liver, from old hemorrhoids, IDiosc; cutting, lightninglike, IMagn. p. Hemorrhoids, with diarrhoea: I Aloe, IBerb., ICaps., HCollin, llris, IILach., IIMur. ac, IINitr. ac, HPod, Zing. Hemorrhoids, discharge : fetid, ICarbo v.; feel damp, ISul. ae; oozing fluid (leucorrhcea), Calc. p.; ichorous oozing, IFerr.; moist, HCaust, IIGraph, ISep, IISul.; moisture, after stool. Bar. e; mucous, HyEse h., IIAnt. c, Bor, ICale, HCaps, HCarbo v. Graph, llgn., Lach, Merc, I INitr. ac., Nux v, IPhos, IPhyt, IPuls., Ran.b, HSub; chronic, mu- cous, IBor.; bloody mucus, Ant. e, rior ±gn., IMere, IINux v„ Puis.; mucous, with burn- ing pricking, IIAnt. c; mucous, excoriating passage, ILach.; muco-purulent, Ant. c,IHep, Lye; mucous, staining yellow, sometimes ichorous, 11 Ant. e; oozing yellow fluid, ICale p.; copious, with weakness, ILobel. i. 8ST" Anus discharge. Hemorrhoids, drinking: after a debauch, ICar- bo v, INux v.; in persons addicted to use of coffee, wine, liquor, spices, etc, IINux v.; in hard drinkers, ILach, ISul. ac. Hemorrhoids, drugs: after purgative medicines or lotions, HNuX v.; after abuse of sulphur, ICarbo v. Hemorrhoids, in dysentery: IHam., ILept; with tenesmus, HCollin. Hemorrhoids, epigastrium : painful sensation of emptiness, ISep., ISul. Hemorrhoids, eruption : eczema on perineum, IHep., IPetrol.; herpes around anus, IHep., Lye, Merc, INatr. m., IPetrol., ISep.; pustu- lar, Amm. m, Caust., Kali c; surrounded by itching, painful to touch, ILye; with eczema on left leg, I ISars. Hemorrhoids, evening: aggravation, Alum., Amm. e, Collin, Plat., Puis.; better after night's rest, Alum. Hemorrhoids, must exercise hard: then feels better, IISul. Hemorrhoids, face : prosopalgia, ISil. Hemorrhoids, with fissures: Ars., ICaust, IIGraph., INitr. ac, IPetrol., Ratan., ISib Hemorrhoids, with fistula? : Hydras, IPaeonia, ISil, Sul. Hemorrhoids, fulness: IIHam. Hemorrhoids, hard: itching, I Alum.; do not mature, but from partial absorption of con- tents remain hard, bluish lumps, ILye; painful when touched, ICaust. Hemorrhoids, with headache : I ICollin., IHy- dras, INuxv., HSub; sick headache, ICoff. Hemorrhoids, heart: hemorrhoids reappear after heart is relieved, ICollin. Hemorrhoids, heat: IIAloe, ILach, I IZing.; worse from heat, Hod.; palpitation, ICollin. Hemorrhoids, from high living or sedentary habits: IINux v. Hemorrhoids, incarcerated (strangulated): Atrop, IBelb, llgn, IILach,Lobel, INux v, Sep, ISil, Sub 8€8T" inflamed. Hemorrhoids, inflamed: lAcon, Agar, 11 Ars., ICham, IHep., Ign, IIKali c, IIMur. ac, I INux v., IPuls., I ISub; inflamed and partly constricted, IINux v.; grapelike protrusion, burning, I I Calc.; after labor, IMur. ac.; and painful (locally), IPlant 8®** swollen. Hemorrhoids, internal: Chrom. ae, ITereb.; especially if fissured, Anac; with prolapsus recti, IPod.; with puffv, tender swelling at posterior verge of anus, IPetrol. Hemorrhoids, intestines: catarrh, ICarbo v.; with chronic catarrh of rectum, diarrhcea and erythema around, IINitr. ae; stricture, I Bapt. 8^ prolapsus. r Hemorrhoids itching: Ars., Berb., ICale p, ICaps., Carbo v., HCaust., Chel., Cinch Cup ac, Cup. ars, IGraph, Ign., Nux v' ■Sub, ISub ac, IThuya; about anus, compels her to scratch and rub until parts are raw and sore, 11 Petrol.; keeping awake at night IINux 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 549 v.; burning, IPetrol., I IPolyg.; in evening, IPuls.; at night, after going to bed, with moisture of perineum and discharge of mucus from anus, worse at night, from heat, heat of bed and rubbing or scratching parts, better from cold, cold water and pinching parts, IPetrol.; and stitches in anus, IPuls.; particu- larly after stool, Berb.; small hemorrhoidal tumor, Urt. ur. Hemorrhoids, jerking pain : from anus up into rectum and abdomen, ISep. Hemorrhoids, lancinating: lAlum. 8®** shooting, stitches. Hemorrhoids, large ; lyEse h, Ananth.,Berb., IFerr., IGraph, HSub; like a bunch of grapes, IIAloe, IDiosc; like ground-nuts, purple, burning, lyEseh.; size of walnut, burning and stinging, prevent sitting down, I Ars.; painful, better after riding, IKali c; and pain- ful, she could not stand up, I ISub; like a pad around anus, .Esc h. Aloe, ICale, Collin, IMur. ac, INuxv.; after each pappy offensive stool (diarrhoea), IILach.; anal orifice sur- rounded by a thick round swelling which is separated into three unequal parts, one being as large as a hen's egg, the other two about as large as nutmegs, swelling bluish-red, hot, hard, shining, very sensitive to touch, sore pain, itching, stitches paroxysmal (inflamma- tion, hemorrhoids after labor), IMur. ae ggg" swollen. Hemorrhoids, liver; depending upon hepatic derangement, ILept.; from engorgement, with great abdominal distress from abuse of mer- cury, IHep. B@P* congestion. Hemorrhoids, livid color : pain and distress in them, IDig, Diose Hemorrhoids, with disease of lungs: IVer. Hemorrhoids, menses : during, IGraph, Lyss.; in amenorrhcea, ILach.; in dysmenorrhoea, ICollin.; after dysmenorrhoea, ICoccul.; with menorrhagia, Collin.; with scanty menses, ILach. Hemorrhoids, mental condition: hypochondri- asis, IINuxv.; melancholia, lArg.nit; painful, when thinking of them, ICaust. Hemorrhoids, morning: aggravation, Nux v. Pod. Hemorrhoids, mucous : B@~ discharge. Hemorrhoids, night: aggravation, I Ars., Carbo v, Collin, Cup. ac. Cup. ars. Hemorrhoids, nose: epistaxis, ICarbo v., ISep.; eczema narium, I ISul. Hemorrhoids, after operation: for hemor- rhoids, ICroe Hemorrhoids, pain (undefined): I IAloe,IAlum, lAnae, HApis, lArs, Ars. m, IBelb, HCale, ICaust, ICepa, ICham., IGraph., IHydras, Illgn, iKalibr, IMur. ae, IPaeonia, IPuls, 11 Sep, I IStram, ISub; with great loss of blood (dyspepsia), ILye; with hemorrhage after stool, IINitr. ac; rarely bleeding, HyEse h.; chronic, some of them bleeding, IPod.; dry, protrude after stool, IKali bb; itching at anus and frequent profuse bleeding, ILye; pain long lasting, cannot walk, I Amm. e; in metror- rhagia,ISib; at night (diarrhoea), Bar. c.; dark purple, with a lame back,lyEse g.; intense pain, with slight protrusion, ISib; on sitting down or taking wide steps, as if split with a knife, itching and sore to touch, IGraph.; standing or sitting, ICaust.; worse standing or walking, lyEse h.; during stool, Brom, ■ ICimex, IGraph, ILach, ISep.; rightside, after stool, disappear after bleeding, Ars. m.; in ulcer of os uteri, ICurar.; when walking, HCaust; walking or sitting, ICoca. g^" soreness. Hemorrhoids, phthisis: IPhos. Hemorrhoids, during pregnancy: lyEse h, lAmm. m, lAnt. e, ICaps, ICollin., Crotal, IHydras, ILye, INatr. m, IINuxv., ISub; following childbirth, HCalab.; after delivery, sore to touch, itching, ILil. tig.; after confine- ment, IHam, llgn, IKali e, IPod, IPuls.; after miscarriage, painful, not bleeding, IHam.; in first month, ILach.; after parturition, IINux v. Hemmorrhoids, with pressing: INitr. ac, IThuya; toward anus, before constipated stool, Ver.; constant bearing dowrn, IIAloe ; bear- ing down, on standing, IINitr. ac. Hemorrhoids, pricking: after stool, IINitr.ae Hemorrhoids, prolapsus recti: ICale,IGraph, llgn, ILye, INatr. m., INuxv, IPod, ISub; during urination, Mur. ac. Hemorrhoids, with enlarged prostate: IStaph. Hemorrhoids, protrude: very easily, coming down even during emission of flatus, IPhos. Hemorrhoids, purplish: ggg* blue. Hemorrhoids, with ranula : returning periodi- cally with dryness of mouth, worse in after- noon, Lyss. Hemorrhoids, red : Ver. v. B^sT" inflamed. Hemorrhoids, cause restlessnes: IColoe Hemorrhoids, sensitive: to touch, IIAloe, HCaust, IGraph., IILach, ILye, HMur.ac, ISep, ISul. ae; old and pendulous, cease to bleed, but become painful to touch, especially in warm weather, IINitr. ac; to pressure, IThuya ; with sensitive rectum, IINux v. Hemorrhoids, sharp pain : after stool, IINitr. ac. Hemorrhoids, shooting: I I Apis; upward, catches breath, I ISul. B^* lancinating. Hemorrhoids, sitting: most painful, ILye; could not sit or lie down with ease, lyEse h.; painful when sitting and to touch, ILye Hemorrhoids, smarting: lApis, Zinc; after suppressed leucorrhcea, 11 Amm. m.; during and after stool, I ISul. 8®° soreness. Hemorrhoids, soft and yielding: rectum nearly filled, ILach. Hemorrhoids, soreness: IIAloe, ICale p., IGraph., llgn, IIKali c, IMere, IMur. ae, INatr. m, IPuls., IRhus, I IZing.; after sup- pressed leucorrhcea, 11 Amm. m.; worse when thinking of them, ICaust. Bg^** inflamed, pain. Hemorrhoids, spermatorrhoea: kept up by, HCollin. Hemorrhoids, stinging: IIAlum., lApis, HCaust, INatr. m.; worse walking, ICarbo a. 8®° stitching. Hemorrhoids, stitching: HCaust.; with every cough. IIKali c, IILach.; when sneezing or coughing, ILach.; upward into rectum and abdomen, ISep.; after stool, IINitr. ac; walk- ing or sitting, lArs. Hemorrhoids, stomach acidity: ICarbo v.; catarrh, ICarbo v, Ferr. ph.; catarrh, with yellow, mucus-coated tongue, IKali s.; with dyspepsia, ICollin.; in cardialgia, I IPhos. Hemorrhoids, stools: acid bowels, ICard. m.; 550 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. before stool, with pain of ulceration, IMere; descend before stool, Arund.; impeding tool, HCaust.; during stool, ICale, Fluor. ae, IIgn.,IPhos, Plat, ISib; during diarrhoea- like stool, with needlelike stitches and burning for hours, IKali e; during mucous stool, ICaps.; during stool, pains so great that she has to desist, IThuya; during morn- ing stool, biting sore pain, ISabina; during stool, with prickling and burning, IKali c; during stool and urination, Bar. e; after stool, Amm. c, ICale p., Hydras.; after hard stool, with straining and violent pressing in rectum, Ratan.; after stool, with pressing in rectum, as if everything would come out, IRhus; with urging to stool, IIHam. Hemorrhoids, strangulated : 8®° incarcer- ated. Hemorrhoids, suppressed : bad effects, IINux v, ISub; from being chilled (pneumonia), INux v.; colic, IINux v., HSub; congestion to lungs, HSub; cough, IMillef; cystitis, INux v.; haemoptysis, INux v.; headache, 11 Collin.; weak memory, ICale; causes mel- ancholy, ICaps.; nephritis, INux v.; palpita- tion, HSub; prosopalgia, llgn.; vertigo, I Cale, IINatr. m., IINux v., IOp. Hemorrhoids, suppuration: ICarbo v., IHep., llgn, I ISil.; ulceration, Ign., IPaeonia, Phos, Phyt, IPuls. Hemorrhoids, swollen: Agar., lArs, Bell, ICale, ICaps., 11 Caust,IColoe, Kalm, IIMur. ac, Phos. ae, Thuya; protrude and bleed, even when there is no constipation, ILye; discharge blood every four to eight weeks, I ISub; large discharge of blood, with natural stool, IKali c; and painful, Cact.; stool diffi- cult and too large, IKali c; after stool, IINitr. ac; in uterine affection, IMur. 8®** inflamed, large. Hemorrhoids, syphilis: ILye Hemorrhoids, tearing pains: with itching and gnawing, IFerr. Hemorrhoids, with tenesmus: Aloe, lArs, Lactu. v., Mere, Phos. ac. Plat. Hemorrhoids, throbbing: ICaps.; heavy, and fulness in rectum, Melib; after stool, I ISub Hemorrhoids, tingling: IIKali c. Hemorrhoids, ulceration : 8®* suppuration. Hemorrhoids, urine: in diabetes, 11 Uran. n.; urination difficult, ICarbo v, ISep. g®~ Chap. 21, Bladder hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids, uterus: congestion of cervix, Collin.; tumor, Tereb. g®~ Chap. 24, Pregnancy hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids, with vertigo: Collin. 8®" suppressed. Hemorrhoids, vomiting: haematemesis, ICale Hemorrhoids, with pruritus vulvae: ICollin. Hemorrhoids, warts: condylomata, IThuya. Hemorrhoids, water : worse from cold or warm, IBrom.; better from cold water, Aloe, Apis; better from cold, IIAloe ; better by applica- tion of wet cloths, Ang.; cannot bear to be washed, IISul. Hemorrhoids, better from wetting with saliva, Brom. Hemorrhoids, -worms: pain, as from ascarides, 11 Kali e RECTUM, aching: yEsc. h., ICale; dull with twitches in left side of, Pallad.; fulness after stool, Gymn.; worse at night, with bleeding hemorrhoids, ILye Rectum, acrid feeling: during stool, JNux m. Rectum, biting: after flatus passes, Agar ; as from salt (after exposure), IDulc; as from worms, while sitting, in evening, ISub B^T" burning, smarting, soreness. Rectum, and bladder: tenesmus at same time, (proctitis), I I Alum. Rectum, boring : into abdomen, she could not sit down, Zinc; as if a screw were boring up- ward and downward, Ferr. iod. Rectum, burning: HyEse h. Agar, IIAloe, Ananth, Arum d, I Aur. met, ICale, ICarbo a, HCarbo v, Carbol. ac, ICheb, Dory, IDulc, Erig, IHep, 11 Kali c, ILil. tig., ILye, IMerecor, IMered, IMez, Oban, I IPlumb, IPhos, IPsor, IISul, HTarant.; on awaking at night and in morning, IINitr. ae; like coals of fire, on attempting introduction of enemata, 11 Nitr.ac; with sharp colic, I Uran. n.; entire day, ISep.; with diarrhoea, HCaps, Cub.; with loose stool (gastritis), ICoccul.; in dysentery, lArs, HCaps, ICarbo v., IPolyg.; excoriation, with hemorrhoids, I Alum.; in intermittent fever, ICoccul.; in gastralgia, I IPhos.; with hemorrhoids, I Amm. m,IINux v.; itching, about, Euphor.; extending to perineum, IINitr. ac; 'towards perineum, with ineffectual urging (diphtheritic dysen- tery), I INitr. ae; after rubbing, ICie; inter- feres with sitting, ICard. m., I ISep.; soreness, after stool, Caust.; worse standing, morning till afternoon, ILach.; before stool, INatr. m.; during stool, I Ars., Bar. c, IBor., ICale, ICoccul, Con., Diose, IGraph, IHydras, ILye, Natr. c, INatr. m, Niccol, Plat.,IPuls, ISib, Sul. ac, Tereb.; during and after stool, I Amm. m, Grat.; during stool, lasts eight hours, three weeks after confinement, IHy- dras.; painful during stool, passing into a kind of soreness, two days after labor, IMez.; after stool, lArs, IHydras, llgn., ILye, IMagn. c, INatr. m, IINitr. ac, Polyg, Sa- bad.; with tenesmus, lUran. n.; through urethra, Ant. t; after urination, IINitr. ae; better on applying cold- water, ITereb.; as from a wound, with mucous stool, Prun. 8@* biting, excoriated, heat, smarting, soreness. Rectum, cancer : I Alum., INitr. ac, Sep.; scir- rhous indurations, scarcely endurable pain after stool, IIAlum. Rectum, catarrh: Aur. met.; chronic, with hemorrhoids, IINitr. ae; blennorrhcea, with spasm of bladder, IHell. Rectum, chilliness : before stool, ILye Rectum, chronic diseases (undefined)- HCol- lin, 11 Phos. Rectum, colicky pain : with entero-colitis and characteristic stool, INuph. B@- neuralgia. ■ Sin' .con1gesti,on: causes constipation, IHep, simple prolapsus in children,IHydras testineCs0nStiPati0n: ®^ ConstiPation in- Rectum, constriction : .Esc h., ICale Melil • in cases of uterine cancer, IKreo.; feeliAe- Vih'- feeling, at lower end, Benz. ac; feelin« aftpr* stool causing faintness, IMere; feeling Z> if closed with stool, in small hard knots llOn • as if one side had grown up, IRhus; nainfnf extends to perineum and vagina fissure 0f 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 551 anus, 11 Sep.; painful, follows desire for stool, ILye; while standing, Arn.; before stool, Bell., ILach.; during stool, Coloe, Nux m, IPhos.; after stool,INux in.; prevents passage of feces, IBerb.; seems tied upwith strictures, I ISyph. 8€j^" contraction, cramp, pressing, spasm. Rectum, contraction: 11 Ang, llgn, I I Lactu. v.; feeling, ICamph.; during menses, ICoc- cul.; narrowing, which causes a protrusion during stool, developing hemorrhoids, ILye; painful, Bell.; pain as from, ISep.; sore pain, like from blind hemorrhoid, one or two hours after stool, I llgn.; protrudes during hard stool, with stitches in rectum, ILye; spas- modic, Therid.; stenosis of inferior part, = Arg. nit.; before stool, INatr. m.; during stool (dysentery), I Ars.; after stool, Stront.; strict- ure, IBor., ILach.; before urination, Natr. m. 8@* constriction, cramp, pressing, spasm. Rectum, cramp: Calc, Jamb.; painful, Carb. s.; painful, in tertian intermittent, IFerr.; like labor-pains, ILye; as if an angular body were pressed inward, on right side, an inch above anus, I IPrun.; while standing, Arn.; painful, during stool, IKreo.; after stool, IPhos.; sympa- thetic, in uterine disturbance, Caulo.; after walking, ICaust 8^** constriction, contraction, pressing, spasm. Rectum, crawling: ICarbo v, ICheb, IIHep.; formication, Spong, I ISub; as though a bug were creeping out, lyEse h.; after stool, IMar. v.; tickling, Ferr. iod.; as from worms, ICale; as from worms, while sitting, in evening, ISub; as from threadworms, low down, llgn.; 8®" itching, irritation, tickling. Rectum, croup: exudative, I Arg. nit. Rectum, cutting: yEsc. h, IChel, ILye, ISib, Zinc; deep in, llgn.; in dysentery, IMere cor.; during stool, Natr. c; worse standing, morn- ing till afternoon, ILach.; before stool, Asar.; during stool, Asar, Con., INitr. ac, IPuls, ISars, ISul, I IVib.; after stool, IPuls.; after stool, for hours, I INitr. ac. 8ST"darting, lancinating, stitches. Rectum, darting: alternating with stitches in bladder, Coloe; with frequent desire to stool (diphtheria), ILac c. 8^° cutting, lancinating, stitches. Rectum, disagreeable sensation: Carbol. ae Rectum, discharge: of diphtheritic matter, I ILacc; putrid, IICarbol. ae; fetid, bloody ichor, IIAlum.; moisture, Anac, IINitr. ac, ISep.; acrid, corrosive moisture, ICarbo v.; moisture, burning, sticking, excoriating pain, Coloe; mucous, yEsc h. Cinch, IIGraph, IMere; bloody mucus (hemorrhoids), ISib; stringy, milky white mucus, Melib; serous mucus, IKali iod.; oozing of viscid, inodorous humor, Carbo a.; oozing fluid, smelling like herring brine, ICale Rectum, distress: agonizing prolapsus and pressure, ILil. tig. Rectum, dragging: as in labor, as if substance would come out, Inul.; during menses (pro- lapsus uteri), lAloe; painful, stinging (dysen- tervl, ILept 8®- drawing, heaviness, pressing. Rectum, drawing: I ICheb; pain extends into abdomen, Zinc; to genitals, IIRhod.; for hours after stool, IINitr. ac. BST dragging. Rectum, dryness: INatr. m.; with hemor- rhoids, HyEse h.; in morning, IHyper. BSr" torpid; also Chap. 19, Intestines torpid. Rectum, dull pain : from back, Aloe ; as if dis- tended with gas, after stool, I llgn.; as from too long retained stool, at noon, Pallad. Rectum, electric shocks: before urging to stool, 11 Apis. Rectum, excoriated feeling: during stool, lAluin., llgn.; chapped sensation, ICamph. 8®*" burning, soreness. Rectum, fissure: ;Kalibr., INitr. ac, IPhyt, I ISyph.; painful, sensitive, IPaeonia. 8@~ Anus fissure. Rectum,feeling of fulness: Chrom. ac, I IManc, ISub; and distension with burning and pinch- ing in lower part, IMere; in fistula in ano or in climaxis, ILach.; in hemorrhoids, HyEse h, Melib, HSub; with hollow feeling in stomach, I IManc. 8®* heaviness, pressing. Rectum, gnawing: when not at stool, ICarbo v.; high up, with urging to stool, ICase Rectum, feeling of gravel: evening and night-, better in morning, HCollin. Rectum, griping : 11 Kali c; and stitching with anxiety, could not sit, ICale 8@T" constriction, pinching. Rectum, rigid hardness: after stool (hemor- rhoids), lyEse h. Rectum, heat: yEsc. h., IIAloe, 11 Apis, Ast. r, Bry, Carbol. ac, ICon., ICycl, Iodof; with bloody discharge, I IPhyt.; with dysentery, lEucab; asif boiling leadwere passing through during fluid stool, Thuya; as if a red hot poker were being thrust up, better sitting in cold water and sitting on foot so as to press on anus (hemorrhoids), IKali e; during stool, Aloe. 8^" burning, inflamed. Rectum, heaviness: I Aloe, ICale, Dory, Eup. pur.; full of fluid, which feels heavy as if it would fall out (diarrhcea), IIAloe; while standing, disappears on emission of flatus, Zinc; throbbing, from internal piles, Melib; weight, Bry.; weight, in climaxis, IMere; weight, worse from exercise, INitr.ac; weight, pressing upon rectum (uterine disease), IMu- rex ; weight, or pressure, with irritation or itching, Collin.; as of a ten pound weight hanging, Jamb. 8@" dragging, fulness. Rectum, inertia: 8®°" torpid. Rectum, inflammation (proctitis) : 11 Alumin., Anag, Erig, IHydras, Sarrae; croupous, after catching cold while bathing in open air, IMere; promotes speedy suppuration, swell- ing being hard and inflamed, IHep.; during course of peritonitis (metritis), IOp.; with stitching, IKali c. 8@p burning, heat, swollen. Rectum, irritation: HErig, ILept; in diph- theria, 11 Lac e; with passage of fetid mucus, IGrat. BSr crawling, itching, tickling. Rectum, itching: HyEse h., Anag, ICale, HCaust, IChel, IIDiosc, IDulc, Euphor, IINitr. ac, IRatan, IIRhus, Ruta, ISep., ISpig., HSub, Zinc; with burning, after rub- bing, ICie; several pustules being formed at side (diarrhoea), I Amm. m.; in evening in bed, llgn.; as from fissures, wrorse sitting, lAloe ; with hemorrhoids, lAlum.; with leu- corrhcea, Ratan.; of lower part, ICie; in lower part (ascarides), llgn.; sharp, invites to drawing upward, better pressing down, 552 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. Agar.; stitches in evening in bed, INatr. m.; during stool, ISib, ISub; during urgent desire for stool and after evacuation, Euphor.; as from worms, Agar, Bov. 8@~ Anus and Hemorrhoids itching. Rectum, jerking: I Calc; stitches into root of penis, Zinc; almost dull, sticking pain, ISil. Big" neuralgia, tearing. Rectum, lancinating: to anus and pudenda (dysmenorrhoea), I Ars.; even after soft stool, INitr. ac. B^° cutting, darting, stitches. Rectum, mucous membrane : Act. sp., Aloe; much injected, excoriated in some places, with considerable varicosity (chronic consti- pation), ILye; purple and congested, I IPaeo- nia ; thickened, as though folds obstructed passage, lyEse h. Rectum, acts specifically on nerves and mus- cles: IGels. Rectum, neuralgia (proctalgia): llgn, Ver. v.; during pregnancy, IKali e; followed by pros- opalgia, llgn. B®* colic, jerking, tearing. Rectum, pain (undefined): Alet, Hydras, I IKali m., I IZinc; worse during stool, llgn.; compels cessation of stool during constipated stool, especially with hemorrhoids, Thuya; after dinner, Mang.; pain from flatus, with heat, ICarbo v.; on passing flatus, ICamph.; frequent, HCaust.; extends to genitals, ISep.; with hemorrhoidal affection, IHam, I IPsor.; long lasting, after stool. Hydras.; long lasting, after each stool (constipation), I Alum.; long lasting, causing screams and crying, after stool, IColch.; violent, prevents a passage, Thuya ; to perineum and vagina, during con- stipated stool, ISep.; with ringing in ears, during stool, ILye; disturbs sleep, llgn.; dur- ing stool, Alum, IGuaraea, ISep.; during hard nodular stool, I IPrun.; caused by straining, must walk, in dysentery, ILyss.; with diar- rhoea, after breakfast, an acute attack caused by bad news (hepatic derangement), I IPod.; after stool, ILye, IHydras, ISep.; after stool, must walk, ILyss.; accompanies stool looking like pea soup and consisting of yellowish, greenish and bloody mucus of disagreeable odor, IPod.; sudden, HCaust.; transient, be- fore diarrhcea, every evening for a week, ILach. 8^** dull pain, neuralgia, sharp pain. Rectum, paralysis: Alum, ICup. m, I IHyos, I IPhos., Sec; in chronic constipation, ITabae; ennervation of longitudinal and circular muscles, causing semi-paralyzed state of bowel and allowing feces to accumulate, llgn.; in meningitis, 11 Merc; powerless, as if plugged up, Anac. 8®° weakness ; also Anus par- alysis ; also Constipation intestines and paralysis. Rectum, pinching: Aph. ch., Jamb. 8®" griping. Rectum, polypi: I ICale p, IKali br, INitr. ae, I I Ruta; with proctitis, I IPhos.; several elongated bodies resembling earth worms, but of brilliant red color, and soft, vascular, shreddy appearance, resembling sarcomatous growths, with yellow fetid discharge, on making effort to expel, IKali br. Rectum, pressing : Ang, 11 Aph. ch, Bell,Bry, Cann. s., Cycl, IDiosc,Eup. pur, llgn, Kob., Kali n, IINux v, 11 Oxal. ac, I IPlat, IPuls, HSub, Zinc; into abdomen, could not sit down, Zinc; bearing down Agar 11 Ins, ISub; bearing down, m exophthalm us, ■Lyt- vir.; bearing down, in hemorrhoids IIAloe bearing down, creating a desire for stool, ICornus ; bearing down, in uterine neuralgia, I INux v.; to neck of bladder, radiating up spermatic cords, comes on first part of night, during sleep, better walking, must walk room entire latter half of night, IJugb; with colic, IOp.; as if compressed, as if worms were in it, Ferr.; constant, INitr. ac, 11 Ptel.; constant, with heavy, dragging ache in pelvis, ICollin.; compels her to sit cross-legged and trembling, I IZinc; in ovarian dropsy, or in chronic dys- entery, ICale; after supper, Calc. p.; worse in evening and in bed, Form.; worse from exercise, INitr. ae; as if everything would fall out, Jamb.; feeling as if flatus were press- ing against coccyx, by which it was re- tained, Zinc; as if a foreign substance or very rough, hard feces were lying in rectum, with constant looseness of bowels, INatr. m.; seems pressed by flatus, though none passes, Zinc; forcing pains, with frequent, scanty discharge (dysentery), IColch.; as if everything would come out, with protrusion of hemorrhoids after stool, Rhus ; protrusion of varices, after hard stool, Ratan.; as in labor, as if substance would come out, Inul.; as of lodged feces, ICaust.; worse at night, with bleeding hemor- rhoids, ILye; from os pubis, Ang.; painful, I Arn, HCaust., Illgn, ILach., I IPlat; sudden penetrating pain, ICaust.; painful, only wind passes, ICarbo v.; painful, constant, with- out stool, ILach.; painful, independent of stool, IDros.; painful, as if to stool, with pain in back (menstrual colic), I IPuls.; periodic, as if before stool, with out result, 11 Chel.; on stand- ing, with protrusion (retroversion of uterus), IFerr. iod.; as from a stick, Rumex ; with de- sire for stool, but only a little passes, INitr. ae; before stool, Lil. tig., INatr. m, INitr. ae, Plat.; during stool, Cornus, ILye; during stool, in hemorrhoids, HSub; after stool, ICale, llgn, IPuls., ISub; follows stool like mush, easily discharged as if glazed, IKalm.; with continual urging, Ptel.; with necessity to go to stool, Cain.; with almost constant desire to go to stool, IILil. tig.; asif urging to stool, in peritonitis, INux v.; sensation of a mass in lower part, with urging to stool, but discharge of offensive flatus only, ISang.; with watery or soft stools, returning as soon as one lies down (phthisis), 11 Oxal. ae; in retroversion, ILil. tig.; high up, in retroversion, IFerr. iod.; as if a hard body were pressing backward, downward and against rectum, worse stand- ding, ILil.tig.; violent, in uterine hemorrhage, llpec. B@^° constriction, contraction, cramp, spasm, tenesmus. Rectum, pricking: rough, as if passing sand, Ars.; as from needles, Nuph.; as if pierced with needles, woke at 4 a.m., IMagn. e; after walking (ascarides), IIMagn. c; as from worms, Agar. B^T*" sticking, stinging Rectum, prolapsus; yEsc h., Arn, Ars., I ICale ICaust, Cie, IDulc, IGamb.. Ham, IHydras'' Ign., IKali bi, ILach., Lvc, IMere, Alez'' INatr. m., Nux v, Phos, Phyt, HPod, Ruta ■Sep., ISib, Sul, Thuya ; with painful con- striction of anus, ILach.; particularly with children, IFerr, Ign, Ind, Nux v, ip0d.; 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 553 with passive congestion of pelvic organs, caused by congestion of liver, I IPod.; due to constipation, IINux v.; with infantile con- stipation, IPod.; with diarrhoea,ICale, IIDulc; with chronic diarrhoea, 11 Plant.; after long continued diarrhoea, during childhood, pro- trudes four inches, prolapsed part bluish red, tumid, easily bleeding, covered with a slimy, purulent matter and has an appearance of degeneration, at times severe pains therein, particularly during stool, I INuxv.; with diar- rhoea, during pregnancy, IMez.; disposition, Ars,Calc, Ferr. ph., Lyc,Phos,Ruta,Sep.,Sil, Thuya; in dysentery, IColch.; easy, as though parts had lost their tonicity, IGraph.; with pressing in epigastrium and umbilicus after stool, Crot. t; as if it protruded and then sud- denly went back with a jerk and most horrible pain, I IRatan.; with hemorrhoids, Arund, INatr.m.,IPod,ISep.; with hemorrhoids, even without urging to stool, as if anus had lost its contractibility and was paralyzed, IGraph.; during menses, Aur. met; painful, spasmodic, I Ars.; partial, during stool, Plant; partial,with two filbert-shaped piles, knotty and fissured, sanious fluid, odor like cancer, IGraph.; after parturition, IPod, IRuta; due to severe press- ing, with pain and hemorrhage, IINux v.; on pressing umbilicus with hand, ICrot. t; worse from smoking, ISep.; lower portion hangs out like a ruffle, looking like a full blown rose three inches in diameter and sensitive, I ISyph.; after desire for stool though none passes, Illgn.; on attempting a passage, IRuta ; before stool, Pod.; during stool, Bry, ICanth, Crot. t, IMez, HPod, ISub; caused by difficult stool, llgn.; sluggish stool, cannot be forced on account of prolapsus, Med.; about two inches, at every stool with oozing of blood, difficult to return, mercurial history, IHep.; with bloody mucous stools, llris ; after stool, Carbo v, ICoccul, Ham., llgn. Iris, IMere; after stool, I IRatan., ISub;after stool, painful, IINitr. ac; after stool,which is sore and burning untilconstrictionhaspassed away, IMez.; with frequent pressure to stool, with emission of flatus, Ruta; sudden, with tenes- mus, after eating grapes, 11 Ruta ; on stooping or crouching down, Ruta; from moderate straining at stool, Illgn.; becomes much swollen and difficult to replace after sitting a long while at stool, 11 Ruta ; with tenesmus, in dysentery, IMere cor.; without any urging to stool, as if anus were paralyzed, IGraph.; during urination, Vab; with prolapsus uteri, IPod. BSsT* Anus prolapsus. Rectum, troubles with disease of prostate gland: I IPod. 8^° Chap. 22, Prostate. Rectum, feeling of sand: B@° gravel. Rectum, sensitive: with fissured anus, I IRa- tan.; with hemorrhoids,IAlum.; painful, espe- cially to touch, Mere; to pressure (consump- tion), IKali bb; tender, I ICarbol. ae; tender, with copious muco-purulent stool (sympathetic aphonia), ICollin. Rectum, scraping : in posterior wall, during stool, Crot. t B@T scratching. Rectum, scratching sensation: during stool, INatr. m.; after stool, IINitr. ac. B^° scraping. Rectum, sharp pains: Illgn., IIPuls.; needle- like, Med.; splinter-like cutting, during stool, INitr. ae; after stool, llgn, IINitr. ac. Bss^*" neuralgia. Rectum, shooting: during constipated stool; ISep.; cutting while walking, better sitting, Melib; compelling an outcry, before stool, IINitr. ac, Plat.; upward, IRhus. B^gT* darting, lancinating, tearing. Rectum,smarting: Camph,Ign,INatr.m.,Zinc; in diarrhcea and dysentery, I ICaps.; with dys- entery, IPolyg.; during stool, IHydras,IPhos.; during and after stool, I Amm. m.; after stool, IHydras., Lil. tig., INatr. m., Sinap., IStaph. 8^*" biting, burning, soreness. Rectum, soreness: HyEse h., Grat., ISep, Zinc; in dysentery, ILept.; pain, worse dur- ing stool, llgn.; while riding, Psor.; sitting, lAmin. in.; after stool, Iod.; after stool, with ichor, Hep.; as if an ulcer had been torn open, during stool, lAnt e B^aT" biting, burning, excoriated, smarting. Rectum, spasm: IPhos, IPlumb.; painful, pre- vents evacuation, renders evacuation small, size of a goose quill, ICaust.; contractive, I IFerr.; renewed desire to pass water (affec- tion of prostate), ICaust.; painful, with every stool, lasting an hour or two, worse if feculent matter is solid, if he passed a day without stool the suffering lasted several days, I IPlumb.; sympathetic, with uterine disturb- ance, Caulo.; walking is impossible, Caust. 8r^°° constriction, contraction, cramp, pressing, tenesmus. Rectum, stabbing; I llgn. Rectum, sticking : HCaust, 01. an.; as of splin- ters of glass, with heat, after stool, I IRatan.; in hemorrhoids, IINux v.; in left side, deep in, Chim. umb.; as from hemorrhoids, after stool, IINux v.; after every stool, Cham.; with stool, crumbling, and as if burnt, I IMagn. m.; even when not at stool takes away breath, ISul. B^° pricking, stabbing, stinging, stitches. Rectum, sticks: as if full of small, HyEse h.; asof stick, thickness of a thumb, passed down, with urging to stool, Asim.; in evening and night, better in morning, HCollin. B^° sticking, stitches. Rectum, stinging; with hemorrhoids, I Amm, m, I Apis; during stool, ILye, Niccolv ISib; during stool, lasts eight hours after, three weeks after confinement, IHydras.; after stool, IINitr. ae, IPuls. 8®" pricking. Rectum, stitches: 11 Agar, Ant. t, Benz. ae, ICarbo a, Carb. s, ICepa, Cinch, Coccus, ICop., IIKali c, INatr. m, I IJatroph, ISep.; alternating with stitches in bladder, Coloe; single toward anus, ICale p.; in direction of a line from anus to sacrum, with discharge of mucus, Thuya; into anus and vulva, I Ars.; into bladder, IThuya ; in constipation, IMagn. c; during cough, Kali e; downward, Cepa ; persistent, dull, as from incarcerated flatus, IPuls.; especially in evening, Bor., ISub; to- wards left groin, IKreo.; causing hypochon- driasis or ill humor (constipation), IINatr. m.; as of knives, Calad.; in lower part (ascarides), llgn.; needlelike, IPhos.; penetrating pain, HCaust; from os coccygis as if with a hot pin, Carbo v.; during pregnancy,IKali c; can- not sit, ICale; when sneezing or coughing, ILach.; during stool, Cinch., llgn, Niccol.; after stool, Calad., Cham., IINitr. ae; after 554 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. stool, lasts till 5 p.m., suddenly ceases, llgn.; extorting cries, with hard intermittent stools, looking like excrements of dogs, IPrun.; long, upward, after stool (constipation),IMez.; sharp upward, followed by discharge of coagula from vagina, IMagn. c; sudden sharp, extending upward in body, worse from excessive grief, llgn.; when walking, ISib; with great weak- ness in abdomen after stool, IPlat. 8®* cutting, darting, lancinating. Rectum, stomach: dyspepsia, ICollin.; diar- rhcea, soon as anything enters stomach, HPhos. Rectum, straining: 8^" tenesmus. Rectum, stricture: I Aloe, I Bor.; incipient, had acute proctitis nine months previously, I IPhos. B^T* Anus contracted. Rectum, swollen: ICollin, ICurar, ILach., Sarrae; feeling, lyEse. h, ICamph. g®" inflammation. Rectum, syphilitic affections: like cancer, IKali iod. Rectum, tearing sensation: Grat,I ISub; arrest- ing breath, ILye; from below upward and backward to point of producing eructation, during stool, ILach.; stitches while sitting, Ruta; during stool, ICale, ISars.,ISul. ac.; as if torn open, during soft stool, I ICale; during constipated stool, ISep.; during stool, Ruta. 8^** darting, neuralgia, jerking, shooting; also Stool tenesmus. Rectum, tenesmus (involuntary straining): Agar., I I Apis, I Arg. nit, Arum t, Asaf, I lAscl. t, IBelb, ICarbo v, ICaust, I ICed, Cinnab, Chlorof, HColch., IColoe, ICycb, Eryng, IGamb, I I Jamb., Kali bi., Lactu. v., IMere, I IMillef, I IMorph. sul, INitr. ac, HOxal. ac, IPhyt, Sarrae, ISib, Tabae, ITromb.; with pain in bowels, ICrot. t; and cutting low down in bowels (camp diarrhoea), ILept; with cutting colicky pains, IIMerc. cor.; with colic, IColoe, HOxal. ac; with colic, with greenish, sour smelling mucous stool during phthisis, IIRheum; after colic, at 5 a.m., Kob.; with pain in umbilical region, passing in shocks to epigastrium (colic),llris; constant, with prolapsus ani, HApis; with prolapsus, followed by pain as if excoriated, Tromb.; with sudden prolapsus, after eating grapes, I IRuta; in apoplexy, 11 CEnan.; with backache, Mane; with pain in small of back, asif in a vise, after mercury, IKali iod.; in bladder at same time, HCaps.; in hemor- rhoids of bladder, I Ars.; irritability of blad- der, depending upon gouty diathesis,IColch.; with burning, lUran. n.; burning, with bili- ous yellowish green stool, IJugb; in childbed, lAmb.; constant, IIMerc. cor., IRhus ; with constipation, IINux v, I IVib.; continued and very painful during convulsion, IHyos.; in diarrhoea, IIArs, Carb. s, IColoe, Cop, ICrott, Cornus, Dolich., Euphor., I IForm., IMere, IPtel, IRheum, I ISub; after diar- rhcea,ILib tig.; in chronic diarrhoea, ICup. ars.; in chronic diarrhcea, after confinement, with mucous or black fecal stools, HCollin.; with diarrhoea, after abuse of magnesia, IRheum ; with diarrhoea, in measles, IMere; after diar- rhoea (chronic diarrhcea), IDulc; disposition to, lllris ; after milk, worse in morning, INiccol.; in ovarian dropsy, and chronic dys- entery, ICale; in dysentery, HApis, I Arn, Ars. iod, HCaps, ICarbol. ae, HColch., ICon., ICop, IDiosc, IMere IMere cor I IRheum, I ITereb, 11 Xan.; in hemorrhoidal dysentery, HCollin.; especially m evening, IPlat.; in puerperal fever,IVer.v.; with hemor- rhoids, IGraph., IKali e; in incipient hydro- cephalus, I Apis; long lasting, HPlumb.; before menses, Thuya; during menses, I Amm. c; better sitting, worse walking, Astac; violent from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., IBelb; with nausea, pinching and tearing in abdomen. IRhus; all night, till morn- ing, Cochl.; in polypus of rectum, IKali br.; painful, extending to perineum and urethra t male), after stool, IMez.; periodic, as if be- fore stool without result, 11 Chel.; prevents rising, IKali bb; with voluptuous sensation in sexual parts, INatr. e; spasmodic, IPod.; spasmodic, visible in paroxysms from two to five minutes, extorting cries, passes blood and mucus, ILach.; before stool, lyEthus., Agar., Berb., ICham, Collin., IMere cor., IMere sol, INux v., Plat, Plumb., Ver.; during stool, Agar., Aloe, Alum., I Ant. t., I Arn., Bapt., ICale, Canth., ICaps, ICaust., Colch, Collin., IColoe, Cop., ICrot. t, Cub, Cup. ae, Cycl., Diose, Eryng., Gamb., Graph, Hell., lllpec, Kali n., ILach., ILye, ILyss.,IMagn. c, IMere, IMere cor., Myr. cer, INatr. e, INatr. m., INatr. s, Niccol., IINux v., Petrol., IPod, I IPtel, I ISenecio, IStaph., ISul, ITa- bae, ITromb., Urt. ur. Zinc; during stool, with griping, Plant.; during stool, extorts cries, every fifteen or twenty minutes (dys- entery), IKali m.; with discharge of a hard, little ball (constipation), IHyper.; with bloody stool, INitr. ae; with sto6l composed of pure blood and a little mucus, every half hour, 11 Polyp.; with bloody stool, after abuse of mercury (syphilis), IKali iod.; with stool of blood and pus for eighteen months, I IPhos.; with scanty stool, every hour, of bloody scrap- ings (dysentery), IINux v.; with diarrhoeic stool, ISpong.; with diarrhoeic stool, brown, frothy, IIKali bi.; during stool, in chronic diarrhcea of children, ICollin.; with dysen- teric stools, at night, ISub; with dysenteric stool (vomiting during pregnancy), ICup. ars.; with dysenteric, yellowish, slimy stool, ■Staph.; with dysenteric stool, renewed as soon as he hears or sees water run, I ILyss.; with discharge of exudation and bloody mu- cus, IMere cor.; with fluid, frothy stool, HOp.; with jellylike stool, ISep.; with in- odorous stool, Xan.; with insufficient, hard stool (costive), ISpong.; with large, soft stool, Kob- with liquid stool, Magn. s.; with loose, black, fetid stools, IRob.; with stool in morn- ing, yEthus.; with mucous stools, ICup. ars J^pig.; with mucous stools (dysentery),' IColch.; with stools of bloody mucus, IHep • with small, loose stools, Eup. perf • with painful black fetid bloody stools, Mane'- with papescent stools, IKali bb; with frequent small stools, I lErig.; with too small but fre- quent stools, causing headache, Con • with small brown, painful, bloody stools (dysen- e-rI)''^C0n-; witb s,na11 hard^rtools,! isnone- with soft stool, Sub; with first part of P™nt' solid stools, Lye. vir.; with yellow, gram ar stools, Mang.; with watery, mucous bloodv stools, IRhus; between discharges, I Icon^ 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 555 after stool, lyEthus., Agar., I Ant. t, Apis, Bapt., Bell, Berb., ICaps., ICoccul., Collin., Fluor, ac, Grat, llgn., Ipec, Jugb, Kalibb, Kali n, Kob., ILach, Lib tig.,ILyss, IMagn. c. Mane, IMere, IMere cor, Merc. iod. rub, IMez., INatr.m, Niccol, IPhos., Plat, IPod, IRheum, IRhus, ISul, ITromb., Zinc; after stool, child falls asleep as soon as it ceases, HSub; after small pultaceous stool (two days after labor), IMez.; soft stools, with burning at anus, Magn. s.; followed by involuntary discharges from bowels, IRhus; with spasms of urethra (ischuria urethralis), caused by sticking in glans penis, after urinating, IPrun.; during urination, I IPlat.; painful, during urination, I IMed.; with urination, purging and vomiting simultaneously, caused by spas- modic contraction, ICrotal.; after urination, violent (affection of sympathetic nervous sys- tem), I IPhos.; constant, with retroversion of uterus, IFerr. iod. B^° constriction, contraction, cramp, spasms, urging; also Before, During, After stool tenesmus. Rectum, tension: ISib; painful, ICale; spas- modic, Ign. Rectum, down thighs: violent pains, Alum. Rectum, throbbing: Apis; like little hammers beating (fistula in ano, climaxis), ILach.; in stricture, ILach.; with itching, snooting and burning, ILach.; during menses, ILach.; pain- ful, ISub; pulsation, INatr. m.; pulsation after eating, Aloe ; pulsating, as from fissures, worse sitting, lAloe ; pulsation, as if hemorrhoids would protrude, IHam.; after stool (dysen- tery), ISul. Rectum, tickling: 11 Ang., ISpig.; in evening, Cain.; voluptuous, in lower part, Bell. B^"" crawling, irritation, itching. Rectum, tingling : especially in evening, IPlat.; with stool, ICarbo v.; better from applying cold water, ITereb. Rectum, torpid (inactive) : IIAlum, lAnae, Asim., Bry., IGraph., llgn., IKali c, INux m, Ptel., IStaph., I IVib.; causes constipa- tion, IIAlum, IHep., IKali c, IINatr. m, IPsor., I ISib; with anxious desire for stool, llgn.; difficult discharge of soft stool, Ruta, IStann.; stool lies in rectum without urging, ILach.; stool remains for a long time, as if there were no power to expel it (constipa- tion), I ISib; during pregnancy, IVer.; before stool, INatr. m., IPlumb. BST dry; also Constipation intestines; and. Chap. 19, In- testines torpid. Rectum, tumors : painful growths, • Kali br. B@~ Hemorrhoids. Rectum, twinging: ILye Rectum, twisting ; as if something twisted and turned about in a circle, Ferr. iod.; as if twisted up, followed by cutting, I IRatan. Rectum, ulceration: HAlum., Cornus, Cub, I IPaeonia, IPhyt; ulcers large, bleeding, burning, ICale; after dysentery, IHydras.; fissured ulcers, with elevated and indurated edges, exquisitely painful, I IPaeonia ; painful, and sensitive, IPaeonia ; studded with ulcers, cracks and rhagades, I IPaeonia. Rectum, uneasiness: as though bowels ought to be moved, with threatened abortion, or retained placenta after abortion or parturi- tion, INux v. Rectum, urging: lAlum., Aph. ch.; with con- stipation, I ISub; with crawls over face, Ang.; diarrhoea-like, Form.; frequent, in lower part, lArg. met. 8®" pressing, tenesmus ; also Stool urging. Rectum, warts: painful excrescences, IIAlum. B@~ Anus warts. Rectum, as if drops of water flowed down: Ferr. iod. Rectum, feeling of weakness : INatr. ph., Pe- trol.; with cutting in bowels, principally below umbilicus, desire for frequent move- ments between stools (dysentery), IPetrol.; as if weakened by long-continued diarrhcea, with frequent urging to stool, IColoe; drag- ging, extending as far as sacrum, I ISyph.; as if relaxed, and diarrhoea would follow, the whole would fall out, Ars.; feels too weak to expel feces, IKali e, ISil.; as if no power to evacuate soft stool, IHelb; after stool, IPod. 8®* paralysis. Rectum, worms (ascarides): IBar. e, llgn., I Urt. ur. 8®*" Worms. STOOL, absent (suppressed): Bell., ICepa, HStram.; in angina syphilitica, for twenty days, ILach.; in cholera, IJatroph., ILaur.; in spasmodic cholera, ITabae; in typhoid fever, for three days, IIRhus; with general heat, Cup. m.; in mania puerperalis, INux v.; in hydrocephalus acutus, IDig.; in myelitis, 11 Aeon, IDulc; in hydrothorax, ILach.; in pneumonia, lAnt. t.; a whole week, after severe hemorrhage, IFerr. BST' insufficient, scanty; also Constipation and Rectum paralysis. Stool, acid: gggF sour. Stool, acrid (corrosive, excoriating): lAnt. c, I Am., IIArs, Ars. met., IIBapt., IBry., Canth, ICham, ICinch., Colch.,IColoc,IDule, IFerr, Gamb., I Hydras, Ign, llris, IKali c, ILach, IIMerc, IMere d, IMere s., IMur. ac, IINatr. m, INitr. ac, INuxv., IPhos., IPlant, IPuls.,IRheum, Staph.,ISul,l ISyph, I IVer. 8®" hot. Stool, adherent: g®~ glutinous, sticky, tar- like. Stool, in afternoon: Arg. met; and evening, instead of morning, Pallad.; in infants (chill), I El at. Stool, containing air bubbles: Chim. m. Stool, ash colored : Asar, lAur. met., IDig. 9&~ gray. Stool, like balls: Brach., lEuph, Hippom., IMed., IMez, INuxv, I IOp., I IPlumb, Ptel., Sinap, IThuya; black, HOp., IVer, I IVib.; like bullets, IHydras.; bullet shaped, every three or four days (enlargement and conges- tion of liver), IMagn. m.; in cardialgia, IMagn. m.; like hazelnuts, with dulness in head, 11 Kob.; hard, egg shaped, white, in liver complaint, ICale; hard, then soft, Cin- nam. ; hard, coated with yellow tough mucus, IHydras.; olive shaped, Sub; small, hard, covered with greasy pellicles, IPlumb.; small, yellowish, gray in headache, IIMagn. m.; size of an olive (precursor of apoplexy), Ast. rac. 8®" knots, lumpy. Stool, beaded: in gastric neurosis, I IPhos. Stool, bilious: lyEthus,IAloe,Anthroc,lApoe, Ars., Ars. h, Ars. s.r. Arum d, Cact, Carbol. ae, Cham., Cina, ICinch, Colch, Collin, IColoe, ICornus, HCrotab,Cub., Diosc,Elaps, 556 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. Illie, llpec, llris, ILept, ILil. tig., IIMerc, IIMerc. cor, INatr. s., Osm, IPhos., IPhyt, IPod., IIPuls, ISub, HVer, Zinc; with burn- ing, Cham.; with burning and tenesmus, IJugl. c; with colic, Bism.; dark greenish (in biliary colic), ICinch.; evening or morning, I IHyper.; in bilious fever, ICrotal.; in gastric fever, IIPuls.; in yellow fever, IMere; in bilious headache, 11 Pod.; in jaundice of the newborn, lElat; following rumbling in ab- domen, IIPuls.; with soreness of anus, IBry.; about 4 a.m., daily for a week at same hour, Fluor, ac.; after vomiting, Aspar. 8^** green, yellow. Stool, black: Aeon, Alum, Apis, Ars. b, IBerb., IIBrom., ICale, Camph, ICarbol. ac. Chin, s, ICina, ICrotal, Cub., ICupr. ac, Cupr. in, Elaps, IHep., Hod., IKali bb, ILach, IILept, I IMed., IIMerc, IIMerc. cor., IIMerc. iod. flav, INatr. m, INitr. ac, INux v., HOp., IPhos, HPlumb., IRumex, ISquilla, Sub ac, HVer., Ustil.; with pain in abdomen (cholera, fourth day), IPhos. ae; with or without blood, IMere iod. flav.; bloody, ICaps.; partly coagulated offensive blood, typhoid malarial fever, twentieth day, IHam.; in cholera infantum, IPsor.; with colic and tenesmus (chronic diarrhcea after confinement), HCollin.; like coffee grounds, ICamph.; in constipation, IBry.; consistency of cream, ILept.; in whooping cough, IKali s.; with constant inclination to stool, ICrotal.; in diphtheria, ILach.; with great epigastric oppression, sinking, etc., IMere d.; fetid, ILept.; with fever, hot sweat, white tongue, severe headache, despondency, llris ; in bil- ious remittent fever, ICrotal.; in typhoid, I IPhos, Ver. v.; in yellow fever, IVer.; al- most black, 11 a.m., Ascl. t; in haematemesis, and hepatitis, I Ars.; hard, Cact; first hard, lumpy, afterwards soft and mushy, ILept.; and hard, then white and soft (liver com- plaint), lyEse h.; hard, with hemorrhoids, Diose; with blind painful varices, IKali br.; involuntary, with cutting, ICamph.; liquid, IIArs, ISquilla, IStram.; in affection of liver, I IPod.; only in morning, HPod.; with slight bearing down in bowels, HVer. v.; relieve gastric derangement, IRob.; with gastric ulcer, lArg. nit.; sooty, like* coffee grounds (haematemesis, purpura hsemorrhagica>, I ITereb.; with tenesmus, Mane, IRob.; with vomiting (intermittent), ICoccul.; preceded by writhing in bowels and delirium, IStram. BfgP' coffee grounds, tarlike, -watery. Stool, bloody: yEthus, Aeon, Aloe, I Alum, Anac, Ananth, Anthrac, I Ant. t, lArg. nit, HArn,IArs., Arund, IBapt,IBell,IBenz. ac, IBry,ICale,IICanth,IICaps,ICaust,ICham, Chlorof, Cina, ICinch., HColch, Collin., IIColoc, ICon, Cop., ICrotal., ICup. ac. Cup. m, Dros, Dulc, Erig., IGraph, IIHam, Hep, Hippom., Hydras., Ipec, Iris, Jalap, IKali bb, IKali c, IKali m. Kali n, ILach, I ILed., IMagn.c, IIMerc, IIMerc. cor,Merc. iod. rub, IMur. ac, I INatr. m, INatr. s, INitr. ac, INux m, IINux v., Oxal. ac. Petrol, HPhos, I IPhyt, llPieac, IPlumb, HPod, IPuls., Raph, Ratan., IRhus, Sabad., ISars., 11 Senecio, ISep, Sil, Staph, Sul, HTarant, Tromb, Var., HVer.; comfortable feeling in abdomen, with discharge of dark coagulated blood during stool, IPhos; black coagulated blood (haematemesis), I INux v; black offen- sive blood, INitr. ac;. black blood.( yphus) I IChlor.; blood,sometimes bright sometimes like jelly, 11 Sub tough back blood (purpura) I ILed.; large hemorrhagic discharge of black grumous fetid blood, rapid sinking, IHaim; bright blood, Carb.s., Chlor., INatr. s. Zinc.; quantities of bright, sometimes dark blood, I IPhos.; in cholera infantum, IKreo., IPsor.; in climaxis, lApis ; clotted blood, mixed with feces, Ars, I IChlor., IIMerc; coagulated blood copious, I Amm. m.; lentil shaped clots (chronic diarrhoea), I IRhus; masses of coagu- lated blood (abdominal typhus), IIAlum.; coated with blood (constipation), IThuya; with colic, inclination to sleep, and vertigo, IManc; much blood,often in clots, thin, diar- rhoeic fetid stools followed by prostration (ty- phus),I Kreo.; with colic,ISib; with colic every morning, IPod.; in chronic diarrhoea, I lEucab; in chronic diarrhcea, with biting at anus, IIDulc; in diarrhoea, for fifteen months, caused by cold and dampness, IDulc; in chronic diarrhoea, with vomiting, eructations and thirst, I IDulc; in diarrhoea, with violent colic (during sixth month of pregnancy, pre- vailing dysentery), I IMillef; in constipation, HLac def; covered with blood, Berb.; covered with brightred frothy blood,preceded by colic; Zinc; covered with dark red blood, Sinap, coated with blood, in purpura haemorrhagica, IPhos.; dark blood, in dysentery. I Ars.; ex- cessive flow of dark fluid blood, ICrotal.; dark or light blood, in summer complaint, IFerr. ph.; dark stringy blood, ICroe; dark diarrhoeic, in variola, IRhus; decomposed blood, looking like charred straw (typhoid), ILach.; decomposed blood, in typhoid, I I Phos.; in diarrhoea of children, I Vab; in chronic diarrhoea, INatr. s.; in diarrhcea, with variola, IRhus ; in diarrhoea, with slight delir- ium, IHam.; in dentition, IMere sob; in diphtheria, pure blood, HHydras.; constant dropping of blood (hepatic derangement), IKob.; in dysentery, IBar. m., ICarbol. ae, IColoe, ICub., IGamb., IKali m, ILil. tig, I IPhos.; in chronic dysentery, I INux v.; with fall dysentery, HColch.; in dysentery of infants, I Apis; in dysentery, pure blood, I Aeon., I Arn., IHam., IMere cor.; pure blood, and a little mucus every half hour, with severe tenesmus and colicky pains, I IPolyp.; in dysentery, with scraping from intestines and protrusion of anus, HColch.; in enteritis, IMere, IVer. v.; in evening! ISub; with fear of death, I Ars, IHam.; in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; in typhus, lApis, ILach., IPhos, ITereb. ; in putrid ty- phus, INux m.; in typhus, blood smelling like carrion, I IChlor.; in yellow fever, IMere • like bloody fish brine (summer complaint),' u' Ph-; contains foamv blood, Zinc • with much flatus, Ruta; with" great rumbling in abdomen and pain in umbilicus, IPhyt • with small white particles like opaque' froe spawn, HPhos.; with hemorrhoids ICans Chrom. ac; last part, ICarbo v. Selen • mixed with bloody mucus, Ars- lookina ike washings of fresh meat, IPod.- blonrK, like washings of flesh, in typhoid fever' HMerc. d.; during menses, HAmm m' ui., 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 557 with membranous shreds, Ferr. mur.; mu- cous, ICale, ICham., Chim. umb. Dory., Ipec, IPuls., Sabina ; mucous, accompanied by painful pressure (hemorrhoids), IPuls.; with mucus and pus (dysentery), I ISub; mucous, in warm weather, worse acid food, IILach.; muco-purulent, with intense thirst, vomiting, eyes sunken, pupils dilated, skin corrugated and spotted, blue, body cold, tongue red and dry, pulse imperceptible, urine suppressed, 11 Kali br.; w-ith nausea from smell of cooking, HColch.; with nausea, tearing down thighs, and tenesmus, IRhus; with pain in bowels, extending into thighs, IColoe; pale blood, Zinc; in tuberculosis mesenterica, Hod.; for several days before attackof pneumonia,IMere; pinkish,HCinch.; in polypus of rectum, much blood, IKali br.; after purpura, caused by excessive use of salt, INitr. sp. d.; purulent, Calc. s.; purulent, in cholera infantum, 11 Med.; purulent, with tenesmus, for eighteen months, HPhos.; in rheumatism, IIThuya; serum, in summer complaint, IFerr. ph.; specks, in chronic dys- entery, ICon.; spotted, INatr. e; streaked, Arund., IColoe, ICon., lElat, IIErig., IKali bb, IIMerc, INatr. s., IINux v, HPod.JSub, ITromb.; streaked, in diphtheria, IBapt.; streaked, in typhoid fever, I IPhos.; streaked, or like flesh-colored water, I IPhos.; streaked, with scanty menses, INatr. s.; streaked, in rheumatism, IColch.; streaked, with sore- ness of bowels (typhus), IINitr. ae; in summer complaint, pure blood, IFerr. ph.; with tenesmus, ICarbo v. Mane, INitr. ae; with tenesmus, after abuse of mercury (syphi- lis), IKali iod.; in gastric nervous fever, ILach.; tinged, in typhus, lArs, ILach.; blood thin, in typhus, I IChlor.; with vertigo, IManc; water, in diarrhoea, I Ars.; water, in dysentery, lAloe; water, like washings of meat, IPhos., IRhus. 8@~ dysenteric, mu- cous ; also Chap. 19, Intestines hemorrhage. Stool, mixed with bluish matter: in dysentery, IColch. Stool, expelled, when hard breathing ceased : in asthma Millari, I Arum d. Stool, brittle : fl®- crumbling. Stool, brown: Anac, Anthrok, IIArg. nit, lArn, Asaf, Ascl. s, Bor., Canth., ICinch, IHydras, Hod., IKalic, IMagn. c, IIMerc, Merc, sub, IMez., I INatr. m, INitr. ac, INux v Petrol, IPlant, IRheum, IRhod, IRumex, IISul, ITromb, Variol., HVer.; blackish, Apis, lAsaf.; blackish, in typhus, lArs.; bloody, in summer complaint, IFerr. ph.; chocolate colored, worse at night, ICinch.; chocolate colored, worse about midnight (dys- entery), lArs.; chocolate colored, with lumps of mucus often streaked with blood or mixed with undigested food, IGamb.; fluid, in chol- era, after other symptoms have been removed, IPhos.; in cholerine, I Asar.; in cholera mor- bus, profuse, HVer.; consistent, in pneumo- nia, IFerr.; dark, IIArum t, Chin, ars, Kreo, ILil. tig. Lye v, IIMerc. iod. flav, IMez,IMur.ae, HOp, IPhyt, I ISep, ISquilla, I ITereb, I IVer.; dark, almost black, mushy and highly offensive (during progress of post- scarlatinal follicular entero-colitis with drop- sy), ILept; dark, mostly in children in their first or second summer, IPsor.; dark, choco- late colored, ILach.; dark, involuntary, with cutting, ICamph.; dark, mucous, Bapt.; dark, thin, scanty, ICamph.; dark, thin, with lumps of dark brown feces, HTarant; dark, with constant inclination to stool, ICrotal.; in diarrhoea, lArn., lArs., Iris, IRaph, ISabad., HSec, IIThuya, IVer.; in infantile diarrhcea, I IPsor.; diarrhoeic, frothy, with excessive painful pressure, urging and tenes- mus, IIKali bb; diarrhoeic, mixed with mu- cus, with severe abdominal pains, soon after awaking, at 7 a.m., Xan.; diarrhoeic, in morn- ing, followed by a second at 10 a.m., light brown, preceded and followed by dull pain in abdomen, at 2 p.m., another of same nature with straining, Tromb.; dirty, Sinap.; in dys- entery, IKali bb; fecal, Ant. t, IBry., Coloe, Fluor.ac,Kalie,Lyc,Mez., Oxal. ac,Rheum, Rhod., Rumex, Tromb.; fetid, mucous, I IGrat; fetid, in jaundice, with hyperaemia of liver, 11 Ptel.; in typhus fever, I Apis ; with flatulent rumbling in abdomen, in evening, IITereb.; floating on water, IIMerc; fluid, ICheb, IILyc, IPhos.; fluid, with or without bloody streaks, every half hour, ITromb.; fluid, mixed with undigested substances, of intolerable fetor, IIGraph.; in gastromalacia, lArs.; glistening, Brom.; greenish, IIMerc; dark greenish (mesenteric disease), ICale; greenish, mucous, Urt. ur.; light, Chin, a., ICrot. t, Merc. iod. flav, I IVer.; light, after constipation, Amb.; light, mushy, yEsc. h.; liquid, IGraph., Magn. c, Nux v., Phos, IPsor, IRaph, ISquilla ; liquid, gushing, Ast. r.; with liver disorders, I IPod.; like mus- tard, till noon, 11 Arum t; after injection of nitrate of silver for gonorrhoea, I ITarant.; other colored fluid (typhoid), IRhus ; reddish, IFerr. s.; with tenesmus (dysentery), I IRheum ; yellowish, I Ant. t, IColoe, Merc. iod. rub, I IMere iod. flav.; yellowish, cadav- erous, in typhoid, IIRhus ; yellowish, in den- tition, ICham.; yellowish, in erysipelas, IPhos. ae; first brown, then yellow, with worms, Sinap. g^° watery. Stool, burning : 8®" acrid. Stool, as if burnt: 8@~ dry. Stool, chalky: HCale, IDig, HPod.; with convulsions and distended abdomen (croup), ICale; in diabetes, IPod. 8®" white. Stool, changeable: in color, Cham., Colch., IDulc, HPod., IIPuls., ISub; alternate yel- low and greenish, IDulc; in cholera morbus, IPod.; in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; in hem- orrhoids, IBerb.; mixed, ICale; mottled, clay color and brown (chronic constipation), I ITabae; changeable, in consistency. BgrDiarrhcea alternating with Constipation, and vice versa. Stool, chestnut shaped: in constipation, Sul. g@gr balls. Stool, choleraic: Ananth., Tabae 8g|r rice water. Stool, chopped: I Aeon., Bar. m, ICham.; in cholera infantum, Subae; sour smelling (child emaciated, scrofulous, disease of mesenteric glands), llpec; in gastromalacia, I Kreo. IMere d.; soft, as if mixed, Jacea ; like boiled pota- toes chopped up with greens, after summer complaint, I IMed.; full of bright red lumps, like chopped beets (incipient hydrocephalus), I Apis ; like spinach, in summer complaint, 558 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. IIAcon.; in summer complaint, IFerr. ph.; like tape, I ICast. v.; yellow and green matter, held together by long strings of yellowish matter (indigestion), I ISul. ac. 8ST" eggs. Stool, clayey: ICale, ILye vir., Med., Petro- sel, IPod., ISib; constipated, IDig.; in ex- ophthalmus, ILye vir.; with enlargement of mesenteries, I ICale; clay colored, Bell.,IBerb, Chel., IGels., IHep, Iber, IKali bb, ILept, IMyr. cer., I INatr. ph, INitr. ac, IPhos. ac, IPod.; clay colored, in biliary colic, ICheb; without bilious coloring, ICard. m.; clay colored, constipated, IIAcon.; clay colored, in chronic constipation, I ITabae; clay colored, constipated, in enlargement of liver, IChion. v.; clay colored, in diarrhoea, HVer.; clay colored, fetid, IIMerc; clay colored, in func- tional derangement of liver, HSep.; clay colored, in hepatitis, INatr. s.; clay colored, in jaundice, I Aur. mur. nat., Hod., ILept.; clay colored, in prosopalgia, ICheb; color of pipeclay, lAstae; diarrhoeic, smelling sour, or fetid, ICale; like dry clay, ICheb; like potter's clay, ILach.; particles have appear- ance of coagula (colliquative diarrhoea), llpec. 8®° light, tenacious, -white. Stool, like coffee grounds: ICrotal.; in typhoid fever, 11 Phos.; changing towards brown and curdled, in dropsy, IDig. Stool, colorless: 86^ watery, -white. Stool, copious (profuse): Ang., Ant. c, I Ant. t, Anthrok, lApis, Arg. nit., Arn., Ars. h., IIAsaf, Arum ch, Aur. met, IIBenz. ae, IBerb, Cact,Cain, I ICanth, ICinch, Cochl, Coccus, Colch, Collin., IColoe, ICorab, Cop, Cornus,Cub, ICup. ac. Cup. s., Dory, Diose, HElat, IGamb, IGlon., Iod, llris, Jalap, IIJatroph., Kali bi, Kob., ILept., Magn. c, IMere d, I IMere iod. flav., Merc. iod. rub., Mosch, IMur. ac, Natr.a, INatr. m, Nux m, lOxal. ac. Petrol, HPhos, I IPhyt, IPlumb, HPod, IRaph, IRhus, IRumex, HSec, Sinap., I ITarant, Tereb, IThuya, HVer, Zinc; with burning in anus, I ITereb.; followed by smarting in anus, Polyg.; in afternoon, Ascl. s.; bilious, watery, with nausea, Eup. perf.; in cholera infantum, lArs. b, -Coff. t, ICrot. t, IPsor.; in chol- era morbus, ICaulo.; in children's gas- tritis mucosa, I Ars.; after catching cold, child, llpec; after catching cold (renal colic), ILye; with colic, Ascl. t; with colic and ver- tigo, I IManc; in diarrhoea, ICrot. t; in diar- rhcea of children, lArs, IIBenz. ac; HCrot t, I IGuarana, HPod.; in chronic camp diar- rhcea, with pain in lower bowels, ILyss.; in pancreatic diarrhoea, llris; with much flatus, I IPod.; with feeling of flatulence in bowels, Tell.; feeling of copious, but only flatus escapes, finally hard stool (gastric catarrh), I Ant. e; forcible, follows colic, Lye vir.; squirting out, ICrot. t, ICup. m.; gushing in morning, or more during day than at night, IPod.; in mesenteric disease, ICale; in tuberculosis mesenterica, Hod.; in morning, Cop., Ver. v.; at 6 a.m., I lOxal. ae; soft in morning, renewed urging, ICale p.; muco- purulent, with tenderness of rectum (sym- pathetic aphonia), ICollin.; with nausea, Jab.; painless, worse at night, with much wind, in a little girl, after fright, llgn.; worse every other day, ICinch.; soft, with burning of rectum, yEsc. h.; in rachitis, 'Calc.; at first copious, then scanty, with much flatu- lence, I IZing.; with sudden urging, 11 Pod.; follows vomiting of food, I IManc; with weak- ness and prostration in morning, I I Senecio; in cool damp weather, Nux m. 8®" large, watery profuse, weakening. Stool, corrosive: B^sT" acrid. Stool, corroding: 8®" acrid. Stool, when coughing: IPhos., ISul. Stool, crumbling (brittle): 11 Amm. m., Bapt., Carbo v., IGuaiac, IIMagn. m., IIMerc, HNatr.m, HOp., IPod, Sinap, IZinc; seems to be cut as it passes through, Eryng.; at verge of anus, looks as if burnt, IMagn. m.; in bottle-fed babies, IPod.; in dentition, ICham.; in typhoid fever, ILach.; in nervous affection, IMagn c; during pregnancy, lAmm. m.; with sticking pains in rectum, I IMagn. m. Stool, curdled: ICale, I IMed, INitr. ac, IRheum; bits of coagulated milk of sour smell (rachitis), ICale; curdy, IRheum; curdy, with colic (diarrhoea), IStann.; contain- ing lumps of casein, INitr. ac; milk in large lumps (children), HVab; after summer com- plaint, I IMed. 8®" lumpy, tallow. Stool, dark: IIAlum, lArn, IBerb, IBry, ICornus, Chin, s., IGlon., IHam, Illie, IKali e,Lyss., IMur. ae, Natr. a, INatr. s, INux v., IPlumb, IPtel, IRhus, Sec, I ITarant; with pain in abdomen, Rhus v.; almost black, I Apis; followed by burning in rectum, Polyg.; inky, two quarts at one stool, Ferr. mur.; in diphtheria, IBapt, IKali perm.; in enteritis, IVer. v.; in evening, Ars. b; fecal, Bapt., Carbo v., Hippom, Nux v.; fetid, IHam., IKali perm.; fetid, partly formed, contains much mucus, expelled with much difficulty, Tarant.; fetid, liquid, in morning, then pain in bowels all day, Gnaphab; fetid, very urgent, cannot wait a moment, ILil. tig.; in spotted fever, lAct. rac; in typhoid fever, IPhos.; in typhoid fever, almost black, IStram.; scybala, I IPod.; with hemorrhoids, lyEse h.; in hydrocephalus, lApis, IStram.; liquid, Op, Squilla; with liver disorders, I IPod.; in morning, Sarrae; at 6 a.m., 11 Oxal. ae; only at night, mostly towards morning, I IPsor.; in tuberculosis mesenterica, Hod.; in infantile syphilis, I ISyph.; in variola, IRhus. 8®* brown, black, dry. Stool, desire: absent, IHydras, ILye, I IMagn. m.,INatr. m, IOp., I IVib.; absent, no ability to pass until there is a large accumulation, IIAlum. BST urging. Stool diarrhoeic : Anac, Arn, Bar. c, IBelb, Berb Bor, Cain, ICaps., ICham, Chim. m Chrom. ac, IColoe, ICon, ICop., IDig., Kali n, I IMed, INux v., Paris, IStram. w^n Pain or weakness in abdomen, IParis; Wi!^c.hrU' ,:Pec-; after catching cold, in a child, llpec ; two or three, with colic (quo- tidian ague) I IRhus ; several, during day, S'flwSf7 aftT ?,SnF' ''Ver/; two> on day of fit (epilepsy), I ISub; in evening Brach ■ lArbsllTcinfreM'p,1C0l0^; }n i^^nt, Chin", n' ',,Pul8-; ».n typhoid, Cham. Chm. s.; HOxal. ac, with much flatus Sul ae; with rumbling discharge of flatus, berin- nmg in morning and lasting all day, II Glon • fontanelles remain open, ISep.; last pari' 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 559 Sarrae; in pneumonia, lAnt. t; every ten to fifteen minutes, sudden, Asim.; sudden, irre- sistible, with soreness in lumbar region, urging, Bar. e; with sweat, tenesmus, or nau- sea and colic, ICrot. t; with tenesmus,ILaur.; followed by vomiting, Jamb. 86^* loose, thin, -watery. Stool, difficult to expel : IIAlum, IIAmm. m, IIAnt. e, Ant. sul. aur, Ast. r, Bapt, IBerb, ICamph, ICepa, Chen, v., Chrom. ac, ICoc- cul., Colch, Collin, Gels.,Grat, IHep, llgn., IIKreo, ILach, HLac def, 11 Lactu. v., ILye, Lyss, IMagn. m, Mang, IIMerc, Melib, IMur. ac, I INaja, IINitr. ac, 01. an, I IPhos., IPlat, I IPlumb, IPod, I IPuls,ISil, " Sinap., Stront, IVerbas, 11 Vib, Zinc; with sensation of something alive in abdomen, Sabad.; with burning in abdomen, Sabad.; lacerates anus, HLac def; with some blood, IIAlum.; with flow of blood (constipation), IINatr. m.; consistency of thick broth, with pressing desire, IMez.; owing to great bulk (hemorrhoids), IKali e; chronic, Calc. a.; with colic, ISabina, ISib; every three or four days (rheumatism), I IThuya ; after diarrhoea, during pregnancy, I lOleand.; in difficult dentition, HSil.; severe efforts, alternating with vomiting, Cupr. s.; violent efforts, neces- sitating manual assistance, small black hard masses, I IPlat.; in evening, IClem.; with faint- ing, Sars.; in gastric fever, I I Sep.; in tertian in- termittent, Dig.; with much flatus (cystitis), ILye; preceded by much flatus also difficult to pass (summer complaint), ICamph.; in gastral- gia, I IPhos.; in gastric derangement, IDory.; hard, IBry., Euphor., ILaur, 11 Ptel., IRatan, I ISelen, HSib; hard, followed by backache, IFerr.; hard, with cold body and hot head, Bufo.; hard, with cramping pains in rectum (intermittent), IFerr.; hard, followed by smarting in anus, I I Ptel.; with headache, IINux v.; in hemiplegia, ICaust.; with swell- ing and bleeding of hemorrhoids, IKali e; only after injections (scrofulous glands), IBar. m.; at long intervals, on account of spinal weakness, IINuxv.; large size, Ruta; threatens to tear anus, from immense size, I ISelen.; can only pass by leaning very far back, Med.; in leucorrhcea, IIGraph.; in affec- tion of liver, IMagn. m.; requires mechani- cal assistance, ICale, HPlat, ISelen, ISil, I IVib.; requiring great effort of abdominal muscles, IPlat.; in ovarian dropsy or ovarian tumor, lApis; painful, with fainting, ISars.; pieces, with much pressure, I IPlat.; as if there were no expulsive power, ICarbo a, ILac e; during pregnancy, lApis, INux m.; with great pressure, even if soft, Niccol.; causes prolapse of rectum, llgn.; though soft, Agnus, IIHep., INatr. c, Phos. ac, HSep, I ITarax.; though soft, in pregnancy, I IStann.; even when soft or papescent, as from inactiv- ity, Cinch.; from spasmodic action, IINux v.; as though sphincter were spasmodically closed, Gels.; with spinal weakness and gen- eral debility, INux v.; in affection of stom- ach, IKali bb; with straining and backache, IPuls.; only possible when urinating, Alum.; in displacement of uterus, Tarant.; painful, in anteversion of uterus, ILil. tig. 8®" crumbling, knotty, large, sticky; also Rectum paralysis, torpid. Stool, caused by drinking: IIAloe, IIArs., Caps, ICrot. t, Ferr, Nux m., Pod., Sul, ITromb, Ver.; coffee, Fluor, ac; from water containing oil, Zing.; especially warm fluids (bilio-mucous diarrhoea), IFluor. ac. BSp Diarrhoea drinking; also Chap. 15, Drinking diarrhcea. Stool, dry: Alum, I Amm. c, I Ant. c, Arg. nit, Bapt, Brach., IIBry., ICale, ICimex, Coccus, Cornus, Diose, IHam., IHep, Iris, IKali bi, I IKali br.,1 IKali m, HLac def, IILyc,ILye vir., IMagn. m, Mang., IINatr. m,IINitr.ac, IINuxv, H0p,0sm.,HPhos, IPlat,IPlumb, IPod, I IPuls., Sal. ac, Seneg., HSil, IStann, I IStaph., Sul, I ITereb, Trill, I IVer., I IVib., IZinc; with pain in abdomen, Rhus v.; follows grumbling pains in abdomen, TJstib; with burning at anus, IKali bi., Lactu. v.; with cough, ICon.; in bottle-fed babies, IPod.; as if burnt,IBry, IPlat.; almost crumbles, IKali m.; in (diabetes), ICup. m., I ITJran. n.; like a dog's stool, ICimex, HPhos, I IStaph.; hard, intermittent, looking like excrement of dogs in small lumps, with stitches in rectum,extort- ing cries, IPrun.; after dinner,IArg.met; in in- termittent fever, I Coccul.; in gastralgia, ILye; in gastricism, IKali e; in gastric neurosis, I IPhos.; in chlorotic headache, I IZinc; with hectic, ISub; in lumbago, IBry, IColoe; parched, IIBry.; then lumpy, IHydras.; like sand, after dinner, lArg. met. fig^-balls, black, chalky, hard, knots; also Constipation, Rectum torpid, and Chap. 19, Intestines torpid. Stool, dysenteric: ICarbo v. Cub., IHep., IPuls, Sarrae; after chagrin, IStaph.; after least drink, IStaph.; after eating, IStaph.; alternates with herpetic eruption, burning, itching, and tingling, IRhus ; mucous, with- out feces, I Hod.; whitish mucus, with pain around umbilicus, Urt. ur.; yellowish mucus, with tenesmus, cutting colic and general prostration, IStaph.; at night, with colic and tenesmus, ISub; with tenesmus renewed as soon as he hears or sees water run, IILyss. BgT* bloody, mucous. Stool, after eating: I Ars, Bar. c, Bor, Calad, ICale, Chrom. ac, ICrot. t, IHydras, Ipec, Oxal. ae, IIPuls, IRheum, Sinap, IThuya ; as soon as they begin to eat, IIPuls.; after breakfast, IThuya ; with compressive griping, commencing at umbilicus and passing down to rectum, IColoe; after dinner, with pain in anus, Agar.; particularly an hour after din- ner and at times at night (chronic diarrhoea), 11 Phos. ac.; as soon as he eats or drinks any- thing, I Aloe, I Apis, IIFerr.; worse after fat food, Thuya ; with discharge of flatus and pain in abdomen, better getting warm in bed, IColoe; worse from meat or vegetables,ILed.; during or right after nursing, IColoe; worse after taking breast, I Ant. t; worse after onions, Thuya. B^T" Chap. 15, Eating, diarrhcea, stool. Stool, eggs: resembling chopped, ICham, IIMerc, IMere d.; chopped, with loss of ap- petite and sleepiness, in summer, with chil- dren, INux m.; chopped, in chronic diarrhcea, I ISub; or stirred, Cham, IIMerc, IIPuls.; like white of egg, Ascl. t, IHydras. B@T* chopped. Stool, epithelium: threads, in typhoid,IZinc; 560 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. flakes, in cholerine, IPhos.; masses, red or green, and shreddy, IIArg. nit. Stool, in evening: INuph.; from suppressed eruption, IMez.; after 10 p.m., hard and un- usual pinching in abdomen before and after it, till going to sleep, Glon.; passing great quantities of thread worms, IDig. Stool, excoriating: g^° acrid. Stool, fatty: ICaust, Hod.; greasy, Thuya. fifesT" oily. Stool, fecal: Aeon, Agar, Alum., lAnt. t, Bapt, ICale, ICaust, Cina, Coccul, ICoff, Colch., IColoe, ICon, Cop, Cub., ICrot. t, Dig., IHep, Iod, llris, IKali c. Kali n., ILach, Laur, ILil. tig.,Mur. ac, Natr. c, Nic- col, INux v., Oxal. ae, IPlumb, HPod, IPtel., IRheum, IRhod, IRhus, ISang, ISul, Tabae, ITromb.; at first fecal, then watery and hot, All. sat. Stool, fermented: lArn, IGels, lllpec,IMez, IPlant, IRheum, Rhod, ISabad.; in erysi- pelas, IMere; involuntary, ICale; like yeast, cadaverous smell, Ant. t; resembling brown yeast (diarrhcea), I Arn. B®° foamy, sour. Stool, fetid (offensive): lAgar, IIAlum, An- anth., 11 Apis, lArg. nit, lArn, IIArs, Ars. h., Ars. s. f, I Ascl. t, IIAsaf, I Aur. met, IIBapt, IIBenz. ac, Bry, ICale, ICale p., ICarbo v., ICarbol. ac, ICham, Chin, a., Chin, s., ICinch, Coccul, ICoff, IColoe, ICornus, HCrot. t, HCrotab, Dros, IGamb, IGraph., Grat., IGuaiac, IHep., Hippom., Ind., Iod, llpec, llris, IKali ph, Kreo, IILach, ILept, ILil. tig, Lith, Lye, Lye vir, I IMed, IMeph, IIMerc. cor, IMez, INitr. ac, IINux m., INuxv., HOp, Petrol., IPhos. ac, IPlumb., HPod, HPsor, IPtel, IPuls, IIRan. sc, Ratan, Rhus, Rumex, Sab ac, HSec, ISep, ISil, ISquilla, Staph., ISul, IISul. ae, I ITarant, ITereb, Variol., Zinc; in afternoon and evening, ILept.; camphorlike, Petrol.; dark colored blood, IColch.; brassy, in incipient hydrocephalus, lApis; like brown paper burning, IColoe; cadaverous, I Ars, Bism, Bor, HCarbo v, IILach., IPtel, ISil, Stram.; cadaverous, worse at night, ICinch.; cadaverous in gastro- malacia, I Ars.; cadaverous, in typhoid, IRhus ; in intestinal catarrh, lArs.; like carrion, putrid, Bry, ICarbo v. Cinch, IColoe, Ipec, Nitr. ac, Nux m, Paris, HPod, HPsor, Sep, ISib, IStram.; like carrion, with brain affec- tions, IIKali ph.; like carrion, in typhus, I Apis, ICarbo v.; like carrion, after eating (scrofula), I Ars.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IDig.; like rotten cheese, IBry, IHep.; profuse, color of prune juice, dark red, showing under a large amount of branlike particles mingled with disorganized blood corpuscles, peculiar fetid odor, coagula deliquescent, not firm in bottom of vessel (tyboid fever), I ITereb.; in children, in their first or second summer, IPsor.; in diarrhcea of children, IIBenz. ac, IMagn. e, IPsor,; in diarrhcea of chil- dren, during epidemic of cholera, IPod.; in cholera infantum, IKali br, IPsor, IStram.; in colic, ICoccul.; coppery, llris; in whooping cough, IKali s.; in dentition, ICham., IRheum; in diarrhoea, lArs, Iris, IIKali ph., IIThuya; in chronic diarrhcea, INatr. s., 11 Sul.; in diarrhcea after suppres- sion of skin eruption, ILye; in diphtheria, ILach.; in dysentery, lArs., ICarbo v., IColch.; in chronic dysentery, ICon, IIaux v.; in dropsy, IColch.; in otorrhcea, HPsor.; in eczema or scrofulous ophthalmia, IPsor.; like spoiled eggs, Ascl. t, ICale, ICarbol. ac, HCham., HPsor., IStaph., Sul. ac; like rot- ten eggs, child's gastritis mucosa, lArs.; like rotten eggs, after summer complaint, I IMed.; in entero-colitis, INuph.; in intermittent fever, IChin. a., ICoccul.; in spotted fever, I Act. rac; in typhoid fever, lAgar., I Apis, lArs., IBapt, IIMur. ac, INux m, HStram.; with typhoid hemorrhages, IKreo.; with fetid flatus, llris; with flatulence and belching of gas tasting of cabbage, IPetrol.; with gagging and excessive thirst, in children, IPod.; with a gush, I IGamb.; worse in hot weather, HPod.; in hydrocephaloid, HApis ; like the odor given off by lime at gas works, IPhos.; in functional derangement of liver, I ISep.; in measles, Squilla; like burnt meat, Carbo a.; like decayed meat, infant (chill), lElat.; in mesenteric disease, ICale; in tabes mesenter- ica, Hod.; in morning, ICinch, Sarrae; dark colored mucus, IColch.; smells of musk, Sar- rae; musty, IColoe; musty, like brown paper burning, IColoe; at night, ILith, INuxm, IPsor.; like onions, loose, Jugb; pasty, Bry.; in pregnancy, lAur.met; frequent, after child- birth, I ISub; putrid (8®° carrion); purulent, ICale p.; rotten, Ars.; in scarlatina, HAilant, ILach.; scenting whole house, IBenz. ae; in scrofulosis of children, IStilling.; in scurvy, lArs.; during sleep, ILach.; sour smelling, Am.,Bell,HCale, ICamph, Carb. s, ICham, Colch., IColoe, ICon, IDulc, Graph., IIHep, Jalap, IMagn. e, IIMerc, IMez, INatr. e, IINatr. p., INitr. ac, I lOleand, IPhos, IIRheum, Sal. ac, ISep, ISub; sour, with burning in rectum, IGraph.; sour, in choler- ine, lArg. nit.; sour, copious in cholera infan- tum, llris ; sour, in cholera infantum, during dentition and scrofula, HCale; sour, with colic, in children, IIRheum.; sour, with colic after nursing, IRheum ; sour, of infants with sour smell of body and vomiting of sour milk, IRob.; sour, during dentition, ICale, ICham, IRheum; sour, in chronic diarrhcea, IRheum; in diarrhoea, after abuse of magnesia, IRheum ; sour, with distension of intestines, almost to rupturing,IRob.; sour,in entero-colitis,INuph.; sour, with flatulence, HPod.; sour, with wind colic, particularly early in morning, INuph.; sour, with open fontanelles, HCale; sour, in morning, with flatulency during dentition, IPod.; sour, slimy, with tenesmus after abuse of magnesia, IRheum ; sour, with screaming children, IIRheum; sour, with tenesmus (dysentery), IIRheum; sour, rather whitish watery (infantile diarrhoea), IIMagn. e; re- lieves gastric derangement, IRob.; in gastro- malacia, IKreo.; strong, Ascl.t, Chloral.; in summer complaint, I Ant. e; sour, after sweat, towards morning, Tereb.; sulphuric, IPtel.; sweetish, Ars, Mosch.; in infantile svphilis, 'jkyPh.; tarry, ILept; with tenesmus,'Mane, IRob.; with straining, worse after food I IPod • like urine, IBenz. ae; in scrofulous ulcers' IBar. m.; follows him all around as if he had soiled himself, ISub; in ulcer of os uteri ICurar.; with vomiting, in intermittent, ICoc- 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 561 cub; watery, yellowish brown, in morning, after coffee, Fluor, ac. Stool, flaky (flocculent): Cup. m,Colch., IDulc, llpec. See, HVer.; green flakes, Ascl. t; in diarrhcea, ICheb; in typhoid fever,I IMere d, IPhos.; in marasmus, I ISub; flakes of false membrane, INitr. ac; like spinach, I Arg. nit; small white, ICale p. Stool, flat: Sub; in polypus of rectum, IKali br.; in rectocele, ISub; form of narrow ribbon, IIMerc; and thin, like a ribbon, Ver.; small in size, IIPuls.; in incipient stricture of rec- tum, 11 Phos. ggjg" Rectum stricture. Stool, flatus : 8®" During stool, flatus. Stool, like washings of flesh: B®* bloody. Stool, floating on water: in diarrhoea, ISabad. Stool, fluid: B®" thin. Stool, foamy: I Am., Hod. BSP" fermented, frothy. Stool, forcible (sudden): Ailant., Cie, Cist, HCrot. t, Cycl., Diad.,IGamb., IGrat,Jalap., IIJatroph, Kalibi, I IMagn. p., Natr.e,INatr. s,Niccol,IPhos, IRaph,Rhod, HSec, ISep, ISul, Tabae, IThuya, I ITromb.; in chronic diarrhoea, I Natr. s.; with flatus, I Arg.nit.,INatr. s., Niccol., Thuya ; in influenza, IDulc; gush- ing, IFerr.% IGrat, Jab., IJatroph., INatr. c, INatr. m.,INatr. s., lOxal. ac. Petrol., HPod, IIRan. b. Sec; gushing, brown, liquid, in a violent jet, Ast. r.; gushing, after fright, I IVer.; gushing, in morning, iKali bb; gush- ing, in stomatitis, INatr. c; gushing out like a torrent, IJatroph.; gushing, with sudden urg- ing, HPod.; comes out with a gush and a splutter, like water from a hydrant (cholera morbus), IPod.; expelled all at once, with a single, prolonged effort, IIGamb.; hastily, ISep.; hastily, with burning in anus, Osm.; as from a pop gun (threatened phthisis), I ITu- bere ; pouring out,l I Jatroph,HPod., I IThuya; coming out like a shot, worse after eating and drinking, HCrot. t; spouting, Kob.;spouting, like water, ILept.; spurting,.Cist, ICup. ae, lElat, Ipec, IRhod.; runs in a stream, no pain, 1 a.m. (cholera morbus), ICaulo.; forced out, as with a syringe, Jamb.; with vomiting, in intermittent, ICoccul. gg&° watery. Stool, frequent: Aeon., Ailant, I Ant. t. Apis, Arg. nit, Arn.,11 Ars., Ars. h, I Ascl. t, Bapt, I Bell., Bor, I Bry., Cact, Cain, ICale,ICanth., HCaps, ICarbo v. Castor, HCham, Cina,- ICinch, Coccul,Cochl, IColch,IColoe,ICon, Cornus, ICrot. t, Cub., IICup. m, IDulc, HElat, Gamb., Grat, Hell., Hyos., Ign, llpec, Iris, IKali bb, IKali br, IKali c, Kreo., ILach., IIMerc, IIMerc. cor, Mez., INatr. m, I INatr. ph, IINux v, Pallad, Paris, HPod., IPsor, IRob, Samb., See, ISep., ISib, ISul, ITereb., Tromb., I IVer, Zinc; every few minutes, in cholera morbus, llris ; every fifteen or twenty minutes (dysentery), I Bar. m.; every half hour, 7rMagn. p.; three to six every hour, I IPod.; every four to six hours, in dysentery, HArn.; two or three a day, INitr. ae; two or three, be- tween 4 and 6 a.m., INuph.; two to fifteen a day, worse in warm weather,l IPhos.; eighteen to twenty a day, Verbas.; three times daily, with pain in coccyx, lEuphor. ; three daily (tertian ague), IPuls.; three or four daily, ICoccul, llpec, Tarant; three or four daily (during progress of post-scarlatinal follicular enterocolitis with dropsy), ILept; four or five daily, I IZing.; three or four during night (dyspepsia), I IVer.; four or five, in evening, Cochl.; five times a day, in whooping cough, IKali s.; five during day and one or two dur- ing night, I IPlant.; four or five during night, I ISee; four or five daily, with prolapsus of rectum, I IRuta ; five from 5 to 9 a.m., with griping in lower part of abdomen, I IRumex ; four to six daily, in diarrhoea, after suppres- sion of skin eruptions, ILye; four to twelve daily, in chronic diarrhoea, ICollin.; six a day, I IRan.b.; six or seven during afternoon,Cochl.; six to eight daily, loose bright yellow matter and mucus, after griping (bilious mucous diar- rhoea), IFluor. ae; seven or eight a day for eight days, IMagn. c; eight to ten daily, in chronic dysentery, 11 Nux v.; eight to ten daily, especially in early morning and between 4 and 6 p.m. (chronic diarrhoea), IIRhus; eight to ten every night, four or five by day (after in- jecting nitrate of silver for gonorrhoea), I ITa- rant.; eight to fourteen daily (chronic dysen- tery), ICon.; ten in seven hours (diarrhoea), I ISub; ten to fifteen, from 6 to 10 a.m., Chin. a.; eleven, offensive, watery, during twelve hours (broncho-pneumonia), ILye; twelve to fifteen daily (cholera infantum), I IVer.; twelve daily (gastromalacia), IMere d.; twelve to fifteen daily, in chronic diarrhcea, IGamb.; twelve to fifteen daily, with violent tenes- mus, must often get up at night (hemorrhoidal affection), IHam.; fifteen to twenty daily, I I Kali br.; fifteen daily, over half at night, I ITarant.; twenty daily, Cochl.; twenty dur- ing afternoon, with pain in intestines as of fire, IManc; twenty to thirty in twelve hours, I IRhus ; twenty to thirty daily, in dysentery, IMere cor.; twenty-five daily, in cholera in- fantum, ICrot. t; twenty or thirty daily, in summer complaint, IBor.; twenty-five to fifty daily, in dysentery, HPhos.; thirty or forty, watery,dnring night (cholera),lAntt; in chol- era, fourth day, with pain in abdomen, IPhos. ae; in cholera, after camphor has checked vomiting, purging, cramps, etc., IPhos. ae; in cholera infantum almost constant, I Ars. b; remaining after attack of cholera infantum, IPod.; in cholera morbus, ICup. m.; in cere- brospinal meningitis, IDig.; with colic,Dros.; copious from standing on damp ground after exertion, I Elat.; during day, with much wind (diarrhoea), Zing.; in diarrhcea almost con- stant, I Ars.; in chronic diarrhoea, INatr. s.; facial eruption, I IPsor.; with flatulent disten- sion, IColch.; in dysentery, Arn, HPhos.; in ophthalmia, ICie; in spotted fever, I Act. rac; with flatus, Coccul.; fluid, Aur. mur.; every half hour, IPod.; every half hour, in evening, I ISub; every half hour, in dysen- tery, IColoe; every half hour, from 8 a.m. till evening, ICrot. t; every balf hour, of mucus mixed with blood (dysentery), ICub.; every hour, before and after pains, causing him to draw up limbs and cry out (diarrhcea), IGamb.; every hour or so, discharge of a round, shreddy mass, accompanied by a watery fecal discharge, with chilliness and heat extending towards head, IMere; almost involuntary, IFerr.; small, sometimes invol- untary, like pitch, or dry, brittle and granu- lous, 11 Zinc.; in subacute inflammation of 36 562 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. liver, IHydras.; with affection of mesenteries (favus), I lOleand.; every fifteen minutes, with tenesmus and great pain, causing her to scream (dysentery), IINux v.; every ten, twenty to thirty minutes (sporadic cholera), I ITabae; every fifteen or twenty minutes, with tenesmus, extorting cries (dysentery), IKali m.; from morning until 2 p.m., Bor.; in pneumonia, stage of hepatization, HPhos.; small, Bar. e; in summer complaint, IFerr. ph, IKali br.; with straining, worse after food, HPod.; unfit for business (after sul- phur), lAscl. t. Stool, looks like frog spawn: IPhos. Stool, frothy: lArn., IBenz. ac, Bor., Calc, ICaps, Carb. s, IIColoc, Elaps, IGrat, ILach, IMagn. c, IIMerc, Merc. iod. flav., INatr. in., Op., IPlant, HPod., IRaph, IRheum, IRhus, ISib, IISul, I IVer, I IZinc; in bubbles, ISquilla; with burning and tenesmus, HOp.; copious (ague), lElat.; in diarrhoea, I IRan. b.; in diarrhoea of children, IMere; in chronic diarrhoea, IRheum; in dysentery, IKali bi.; after meals, ICed.; enveloped in froth, Ascl. t; with fermentation in bowels, Cinch.; fluids, frequent with cutting pains and vomiting, I Elat; like molasses, Ipec; like soapsuds, HPod.; in tuberculosis mesenterica, Hod.; from overfatigue or chill in damp weather, IHep.; whitish (rachitic), ICale BST" fermented, foamy. Stool, gelatinous: 8®° jellylike. Stool, glassy: INatr. m.; tough mucus, lAmm. m. BST" mucous. Stool, contains glistening bodies : IMez. Stool, glutinous: IPlat.; like glue, painful and flatulent after previous itching of rectum, Euphor.; like thick glue passed in thin strips like tape, Carbol. ac. BST" sticky. Stool, granular: IZinc; in diphtheria, ILac e; like oaten grits, in morning (typhus), I Apis; small white shining grains in brown, IMez.; with tenesmus and constriction of anus,Mang.; like little pieces of popped corn, Cina ; gritty, Jamb. Stool, gray: lAur. met., ICale, IChel, Chim. m. Cist, Cup. m, IDig., IHydras, IKali e, ILach, IIMerc, INatr. m, I IOp, IPhos, ISep.; in carditis, ICarbo v.; with grayish flakes (cholera), ICup. ac; in constipation, IDig.; dark gray, in typhoid, HPhos.; in diabetes, INatr. s.; in diarrhoea, ICale, Cist, IDig, IKali c, IIThuya; in chronic diarrhcea, I I Phos. ac; in dropsy, IDig.; with consider- able odor (jaundice with hyperaemia of liver), 11 Ptel.; in gastromalacia, IKreo.; light, IKali e; diarrhoea, ICrot. t; pasty, ICheb; in affection of liver, IMagn. m.; or mixed in color, I IPlant; whitish, Asar., IIMerc, IPhos, IPhos. ac; whitish, in icterus, ICale; whitish, often streaked with blood (chronic diarrhoea), ICale; yellowish, like gruel, Pic. ae 8®*" chalky, clayey, light, -white. Stool, greasy: B^T" fatty, oily. Stool, green: lyEthus, lApis, lArg. nit., I Ars., Ars. s. f, IIAsaf, Ascl. t, Arund, Bar. m, IBell, Bor, Brom, ICanth, ICaps, HCham, ICinch, Colch., IIColoc, Cornus, ICrot. t, ICup. ac. Cup. m, IDulc, Elat, IGrat., IHep, IHydras, lllpec, llris, IKali bi, Kreo, ILaur, ILept, IMagn. c, IMagn. m, I IManc, IIMerc. cor., Merc d., IMur. ac. IINatr. m, IINatr. p., INitr. ae, INux v. Petrol., HPhos, HPlumb., HPod, Sal. ae, IISul, Sul. ac, Tabae, ITereb., HVer.; with pain in abdomen (cholera fourth day), IPhos. ae; day and night (child in aphtha), IBor.; arsenic green, llpec; bilious, INatr. s, IIPuls.; bilious, after exposure, IDulc; bi'lious, with heat in lower bowels, I I Natr. s.; bilious, mixed with mucus, mostly in chil- dren in their first or second summer, IPsor.; dark blackish, Sinap.; changes to blue slate color on standing (cholera infantum), 11 Ver.; in bronchitis, lApis ; in bronchial and vesical catarrh, ICop.; after chill, in tertian intermit- tent,IHep.; in cholerine, IIArg. nit.; after tak- ing cold, children, llpec; with colic, in diar- rhoea, IStann.; coppery, IMere d.; with cutting about umbilicus (Asiatic cholera), IColch.; dark, Cornus, IIMerc, IIMerc. cor., INitr. ac; dark, in infant (chill), lElat.; dark scybala (biliary colic), ICinch.; dark, worse after eating and drinking, ICrot. t.; dark feces, then dark green mucus (diarrhoea), IIArs.; dark mucous (dysentery), lElat; dark, with yellow water, somewhat mealy, I I Pod.; in dentition, I ICham., IMere sob; in diarrhcea, I INaja, HSec; in diarrhoea of children, lArs, ICale p, I ICornus, IMere, I Vab; with diar- rhoea or jaundice, I INatr. p.; in diarrhoea, or catarrh of stomach, I Apis; in diphtheria, llgn.; dirty, HCrot. t.; in chronic dysentery, I INux v.; in epileptiform seizure, IHydr. ae; in hydrocephaloid, putrid, llpec; in puerpe- ral fever, ICham.; in typhoid, IMur. ac; with flatulence, 11 Pod.; flocculent (sporadic chol- era), I IVer.; with fontanelles remaining open, ISep.; after fright, I IVer.; frothy, IMagn. e; frothy water forcibly evacuated without pain, IIGrat; ten to twenty in twenty-four hours, I IVer.; with gagging and excessive thirst, in children, IPod.; as grass, ICham, lllpec, IMere, IMere d, Var.; as grass, in children (diarrhoea involving liver), lAgar.; as grass,in summer complaint, I Ant. t; grayish, fluid (cholerine), lyEthus.; grayish, in gastroma- lacia, IMere d.; grayish, thin (intestinal catarrh), ICheb; in hydrocephalus, Art. v.; light, llpec, IKali iod.; liquid, yEthus, Crot t, Raph.; in affections of liver, I IPod.; in enlargement of liver, ICon.; in hepatitis with jaundice, IHep.; hard lumps, I ISep.; small lumps (gastromalacia), ICale; mixed with greenish substance (chronic dysentery), ICon.; early in morning, with colic and fainting, I IPod.; early in morning, with flatulence (during dentition), I IPod.; mucous, lyEthus., Amm. m, I Apis, I Arg. nit, Ars, IBell, Bor, Canth., Cast, ICham., IChel, Cina, Colch, IColoe, Cornus, IDulc, Elat, Gamb, llpec, ILaur., Magn. e, I IIMerc, Nitr. ac, Nux v., IPhos, Phos. ac, HPod., IPsor, IPuls, IRheum, IRhus, ISep., ISub; mu- cous bloody, no pain (summer complaint), IFerr. ph.; mixed with mucus and blood, liquid, IRaph.; mucous, child cries vio- lently (bilious colic), IMere; mucous, in cholera infantum, ITabae; changing into colorless fluid, IGrat.; dark green mucus, offensive, corrosive, I IGamb.; deep-green mucus, in cholera infantum, IPuls.;° mu- cous, little or no fecal matter (dysenterv), I IZinc; fetid mucus, IIArg. nit.; first green' 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 563 then mucous, IIPuls.; mucous, in prevailing fever, lAmm. m.; mucous, with jellylike globules or flakes, IRhus; mucous, with pinching and cutting, IMere; mucous, sour smelling, with colic and tenesmus, during phthisis, IIRheum; mucous, stains skin about anus and scrotum a copper color, ICin- nab.; mucus stringy, odorless (cholera infan- tum), IILyc; mucous, thin, Bell.; with nau- sea, worse after eating, ICrot. t; with nervous agitation, weakness, cold sweat and dyspnoea, IRob.; olive green, See; dull olive, lElat; olive, in incipient hydrocephalus, Apis ; obsti- nate, TrBor.; leaving pale green stains on diaper, ISub; pea green, IIMerc, IRheum; first greenish, later like rice water (diarrhcea), ICham.; like scum on a frog pond, IIMagn. c.; serous, after drinking, I Arg. nit.; soft, Lobel. i.; with intestinal spasm, I IOp.; streaked with green, IPod.; in summer complaint, IFerr. ph., IKali br.; after summer complaint, I IMed.; color of green tea, IGels.; thin, fol- lows griping and rumbling, IIMagn. c.; with tenesmus, worse after food, I IPod.; with severe tenesmus, in stomatitis, I ISub; turning green on diaper, on exposure to air, IRheum; with sudden urging, HPod.; watery, IPhos.; watery, in cholera infantum, ILaur.; watery, in prevailing fever, lAmm. m.; watery, fre- quent, lEup. pert; watery, frequent, with violent, abdominal pains, during which abdo- men gets hard, IKali br.; watery, every three weeks, IIMagn. e; watery, in summer com- plaint, IFerr. ph.; in variola, IIThuya; and white mixed,Cham.; mucous,come with explo- sion of odorless wind (inflammation of bowels in dentition), I Acet. ac; yellowish, ILept, INatr. s., Tabae; yellowish, with burning and tenesmus, IJugb; yellowish, in dysentery, IMere cor. 8#* bilious. Stool, gritty : 8@~ granular. Stool, gushing: g®~ forcible. Stool, hard: Agar, yEsc. h, lAgnus, IIAlum, liVmm. c, HAmm. m, Ananth., Ang, IIAnt. c, Ant. sul. aur., lApis, 11 Arund, I Aur. met, IlAur. mur. nat. Bar. c, IBelb, Brom, IBry, I ICale, ICarbo a, ICarbo v., ICaust, Chin, s., ICimex, ICina, Cinch, ICoccul, HCollin, IColoe, ICon, Cornus, IGraph, Grat, IGuaiac, IHam., IHep, IHy- dras, llgn, Illie, I IKali br, IKali iod. Kali n, Kalm., IIKreo., IILach, HLac def, ILye, Magn. c, IMagn. m, IMere, IIMerc. iod. flav., Merc, sul, IINatr. m, INatr. s, Niccol, IINitr. ae, IINux v, HOp, Petrol, HPhos, Phos. ac, I IPhyt, IPlat, HPlumb, IPod., IIPuls., Rhus, 11 Rumex, Ruta, ISa- bina, Sarrae, ISars, Sal. ac, ISelen., Seneg, I ISep, ISil, Sinap, ISpig, Spong, IStann, IStaph., Stront, IISul, Sul. ac, IITereb., Thuya, Trill, IVerbas., IVer., I IVib, IZinc; at first, then dark, offensive, soluble, Sarrae ; after diarrhcea, during pregnancy, 11 Oleand.; in evening, IClem.; at first, then liquid, Zinc; in a mass, IINitr. ac; one, IKali bi, IINux v.; covered with mucus, Amm. m.; consti- pated, Carbo v, IGraph.; then mucus and blood (cholera infantum), IBry.; coated with yellow tenacious mucus, IPod.; then pappy, Pallad.; then pappy, then soft, ICale; then pastv, Jamb.; then pasty, then liquid, ICale; in pieces, then soft, ICaust.; first part hard, latter part smaller, IVer.; then soft, I Alum, Cinch, bol, IThuya, Vinca; then soft, choco- late colored, with bile, Card, m.; preceded by soft and small stools, Zinc; like stone, Ang, IBar. m., IColoe, IMagn. c, I IPic. ac, HPlumb.; as a stone and large, IMez.; then thin, Calc. p.; last thin (prostatic affections), I IBov. 8@T balls, knotty, large, scy- balous; also Constipation. Stool, full of holes like lava: Ars. h. Stool, hot: Aloe, HCham., Cist, Diose,Med, IIMerc. cor, IPhos, IStaph.; watery, Calc. p.; bursts out in a hot stream of yellow water, Merc. s. g&~ acrid. Stool, incomplete : 8®" insufficient. Stool, indelible: in infantile diarrhoea, I IPsor. Stool, insufficient (incomplete, unsatisfactory): 11 Ang., Apis, Asim, Bar. c, IBenz. ae,IBry, HCard, IColoe, Graph., llgn., Hod, ILye, IMagn. m, IINatr. m, HOp, Petrol, ISars, Seneg, ISep, IStann, IStaph., Sub, IThuya, IZinc; daily in catarrh of bladder,ICanth.; in relapse of intermittent, I Ars.; a feeling as if it had been insufficient, ISub; hard, IBar. e; hard, insufficient, with strong urging, press- ing, protrusion of rectum, IGamb.; headache, with abdominal pains, I Aloe ; passage inter- rupted, ICepa; passed only partly, with straining half an hour later, fermentation in abdomen, IDiad.; with renewed desire after, IStann.; in sections, IMez.; soft, after much pressure, most of it remains, iKali c; with tenesmus, ISpong., INatr. c. BgT* retained, retarded, scanty, sluggish. Stool, involuntary: Ars, Bar. c, HArn, IIBell., ICale, ICamph, ICarbo v, ICarbol. ae, ICaust, Chlorof, ICina, ICinch., Colch, IColoe, ICop, ICrotal, ICub, IDig, IFerr., IGels, IHelb, IIHyos, Ind, IKali bi, IKali c, ILach, ILaur, Lyss, IMur. ac, IINatr. m, INux v, IG/nan, HOleand, HOp, lOxal. ac, IPhos, IPhos. ac, IPlumb, IPsor,IPuls, IIRhus, IRob, HSec, I IStram, ISul, Zinc; in apoplexy, lArn.; in bed, IHydr. aC; in bed, with delirium, after being accused of theft, IHyos.; soilsbed, in insanity,! ITarant.; while bending over, in prolapsus of rectum, 11 Ruta; bloody feces, Strain.; mixed with blood, in febris nervosa stupida, Melib; with brickdust, bloody sputa raised with dif- ficulty, Rhus; in intestinal catarrh, ICheb; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IHydr. ae; in child- bed, IHyos.; in cholera, llris ; choreic attack, ICed.; like coffee grounds, ICamph.; in col- lapse, ICarbol. ac, Hippoz.; in coma, Amyg.; in convulsions of children, ICup.m.; while coughing, IPhos.; during coughing, in croup, I I Spong.; when coughing, sneezing or passing urine, ISquilla ; green, during paroxysm of whooping cough, IMere; in chronic diarrhoea, since rupture of perineum, Natr. s.; without exertion, walking or standing, after eating, I.VI oe; during fainting (scarlatina), IIRhus; of intolerable odor (puerperal fever), ICarbol. ae; as if fermented, ICale; in typhoid fever, lApis, lArs, IIBapt, I IChin. s, IMosch, I lOxal. ac, IZinc; in typhus, unconsciously, I Arg. nit, IBapt; when passing flatus, Aeon, IIAloe, ICaust, Kali c, INatr. c, HOleand., HPhos. ac, HPod, Staph, HVer.; when passing flatus, in children,l01eand.; with sen- sation as if wind would pass (diarrhcea), ISul.; 564 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. after rumbling in bowels (typhus), ICamph.; while passing flatus, or urine, or during sleep, INatr. s.; after fright, HOp, I IPhos, IVer.; bowels seem to hold nothing, IGamb.; small fecal grains constantly oozing, ITromb.; in hydrocephaloid, HApis; with hysterical headache, IMosch.; in influenza, lArs.; in meningitis, 11 Ant. t; in morning, on awak- ing, Zinc; in morning, in diphtheria, I ISpong.; on least motion, Apis, IPhos.; of mucus, Cochl.; of mucus, and feces covered with blood (hemorrhoids),! ISub; worse at night.lCinch.; at night, in bed, Carbol. ac.; at night, in ty- phoid,IRhus ; at night, while sleeping,IRhus; oozing almost constantly, ISep.; oozes from anus.during sleep, I IThuya ; oozing from con- stantly open anus (green and bloody),HPhos.; since rupture of perineum, Natr. s.; must go immediately, in post-scarlatinal follicular en- tero-colitis, with dropsy, ILept.; scarcely able to retain stool, Cie; inability to retain feces when bowels are lax (sympathetic aphonia), ICollin.; in scarlatina, IZinc; in malignant scarlatina, IIAmm. c, IMur. ae; during sleep, IIArum t, HArn, IBell, IBry., ICon., I Hyos, Mosch., HPod., I IPsor, IPuls., IRhus; solid, at night, in bed, coming away unnoticed, IIAloe, IIBell.; at 1 and 4 a.m. (infantile diarrhoea), HPsor.; while child is standing or playing (paralysis of rectum), IColoe; with stupor, in typhus, lArn,IZinc; during stupor, in meningitis infantum, in later stages, I Arn.; after summer complaint, 11 Med.; follows tenesmic stool, IRhus ; as from a metallic tube, with little or no effort (dysentery), I IPhos.; passed unconsciously, IIPuls, I IVer.; unconscious, in hydrocepha- lus, IGrat.; unconscious, in mental disturb- ance during climacteric period,ICycb; during urination, Aloe, IHyos, IMur. ac; during urination, in scarlatina, HAilant.; after urina- tion, Arg. nit.; with retention of urine, and partial paraplegia, after miscarriage, 11 Sul.; with, or followed by vomiting (sporadic chol- era), I ITabae; with great exhaustion (ty- phoid fever, gastro-enteritis), IIRhus ; white (intermittent), ICina. 8@* Flatus stool; also Anus and Rectum paralysis. Stool, irregular: I Ant. c, ICarbo a, IINatr. m, IINitr. ac, IPhos.; in cardialgia, I IPhos.; mostly diarrhoeic (intervals of epileptic at- tacks), lArs.; sometimes two or three a day, then constipated, INatr. m.; after Teplitz had removed erysipelatous spot on left cheek, ac- companied by headache, I IPetrol.; with hem- orrhoids, IBerb.; intermittent, with tightness and fulness in abdomen, Cinch.; in palpitation, ICact.; with uterine polypus, IIThuya; in scirrhus uteri, I Arg. met.; in supposed taenia, I ISep. 8®° retained, retarded, sluggish. Stool, jellylike : IColch, Diosc,IKali bb; with colic and tenesmus, ISep.; in dysentery, IBar. m.; gelatinous, I Aloe, IColch, IHell, IKali bi, IMur. ac. Pod, Rhus, Sep.; gelati- nous, in dysentery, 11 Colch.; gelatinous, mixed with feces, HPod.; gelatinous lumps (diar- rhoea), ICheb; gelatinous, odorless masses, streaked with blood, ICaust; gelatinous, with cold hands, ICaust.; gelatinous, in ascites, IHelb; almost gelatinous, yellowish green, semifluid (cholera infantum),ICadm. s.; gela- tinous, mucous (chronic dysentery), I Apis ; profuse, with jellylike lumps and wind (colic), IIAloe; mass of mucus, IINatr. p.; small quantities of jellylike mucus streaked with blood (dysentery), IINux v.; mucus, with vio- lent spasm in sphincter (dysentery and chol- era sporadica), HColch.; streaked white and yellow, IRhus; transparent (diphtheria), IRhus. BST" 6lassy. glutinous, mucous. Stool, knotty (nodular) : IIAlum, Anag, Ananth, Ang, lAur. met, Brach, ICale, Card, m, ICaust, Chrom. ac, IHydras, IKali bi, Mang, INatr. s, INux v, HPlumb, I ISep, IStann., Sul, IThuya ; difficult, IBar. c, Caust.; hard, yEsc g.; hard, like clay, straining, I ISib; hard, with pain in rectum, I IPrun.; hard, with pain in hemorrhoids, dis- charge of mucus and blood, IGraph.; in head- ache, Anag.; large, IIGraph.; lumps, united by mucous threads, IIGraph.; with scanty menses, INatr. s.; in tuberculosis mesenterica, Hod.; in gastralgia, HPlumb.; small, hard, with bearing down pains, or with sensation as if recturn were closed, HOp.; small, masses, IIMerc. 8^° balls, insufficient, lumpy, scybalous. Stool, too large : Alum, lAnt. c, lApis, lAur. met, Berb, IIBry, HCale, IGraph., Iber., llgn, IKali bi, IKali c, IKalm, HLac def, IMagn. m, Merc, IINux v., IPod., Seneg, ISep., HSil, Stann., Sul. ac, IThuya, IVer, I IVib., Zinc; deeply bilious, IGels.; after colic, IJatroph.; after colic, at 5 a.m., Kob.; in diphtheria, ILac e; dry, hard, knotted, lyEse h.; in conjunctivitis and leucoma, IKali e; after suppressed intermittent by quinine, IPuls.; first part large and hard, last part soft, Zinc; at first large, then tapering, Sinap.; enormous, after passage of enormous quantity of flatus, Sabad.; hard, like balls, with recurring attacks of indigestion (enlarge- ment of liver), IMagn. m.; hard, immense, causes prostatitis, I ISelen.; hard, passed with straining, lacerating anus, with passage of blood, HLac def; with headache, IINuxv.; in hemicrania, ILac def; with swelling and bleeding of hemorrhoids, IKali e; occasional discharge like horse dung in size, causing pain and weakness (sacculated ovarian disease), ILach.; knotty, IIGraph.; hard lumps, IMagn. m.; lumpy, covered with slimy mucus of various colors (affection of liver), IMagn. m.; in masses, IINatr. m, HOp.; moist at last, very thin, sour smelling, IDulc; with great effort of abdominal muscles, IZinc; in nerv- ous affection, IIMagn. e: in paralysis, IVer.; soft, Amb.; soft, with loss of expulsive power, ISib; with straining, Ars. b; with tenesmus and aching in sphincter ani, Kob.; thick, Asaf, IBerb, Cochl, Hod, Thuya; thick, not very dark, IBapt; thick, passed with dif- ficulty, ICale; thin, ICinch.; thin,in swarthy persons, worse in morning, ICinch.; in pro- lapsus uteri and dysmenorrhoea, ICon.; wa- tery, with griping in abdomen, IColch. 8@* copious. Stool, lienteric (containing undigested food): Aloe, IIAnt. c, 11 Arn, lArs., Bor, IBry, Cain, ICale, ICale p.,Cham, Chin, a, ICina, HCinch, IColoe,' ICon, Erig, IIFerr, IFerr. ph, IGamb, IGraph, IHep., Ind,' llris, Jab, Kreo, Lach, ILept, IIMerc,' IMez, INitr. ac, Nux m.,HOleand,IPetrol.,'llPhos.| 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 565 ■Phos. ac, IPlat, HPod., IPolyp, IRaph, IRhod, IRhus, ISang, ISee, Sinap., ISul, Sub ae; threatens anaemia,ICinch.; with loss of ap- petite and sleepiness, in summer, with chil- dren, INuxm.; in children who are bottle- fed, I INatr. p.; in diarrhoea, ICale, IMere e, IPhos. ae; in infantile diarrhcea, I IPsor.; in diarrhoea, after suppression of skin eruptions, ILye; in chronic diarrhoea, IGamb, I IPhos. ac, HPod, I ISub; in chronic camp diarrhoea, ILyss.; after drinking, I Arg. nit.; in dyspep- sia, with amenorrhcea, I IPuls.; after a«meal, lyEthus.; with exhaustion, ISib; food of pre- vious day, lOleand.; in hepatic disorder, IChion. v.; with affection of mesenteries (favus), I lOleand.; in morning, ICinch., lOleand.; at night, IIFerr.; in scrofula, I Ars.; after vomiting of food (gastromalacia),IKreo.; milkpasses more or less undigested (typhoid), IPhos. ae; from disturbance in muscular fibre of stomach, Ferr. ph.; previously mixed with undigested food, now muco-purulent and bloody, frequent (camp diarrhcea),ILept. Stool, light in color: Anac, 11 Apis, IIArs, Bar. c, Bor., ICarbo v, HCinch, ICollin, IDig, Gnaphab, IHydras, lllris, IKali e, IIMerc, INatr. s, INitr.ac, IPhos,l IPlumb., IPod, I ISib, IITabac, Zinc, TrZing.; with distress in anus, ICollin.; deficiency of bili- ary coloring matter (diarrhoea), ICheb; show- ing absence of bile (hepatic disorder),IChion. v.; in diabetes, 11 Uran n. relieved ; followed by dragging pains in liver and sinking in epi- gastrium, Polyp.; almost colorless, fluid (dys- entery), HVer.; putrid, IILyc; in typhus, I Agar.; in jaundice, IChel, IHydras, IIKali m., IMyr. cer, HPlumb.; fecal, mixed with hard lumps, IILyc; in gastro-intestinal irri- tation,IKali bb; in nervous excitability, I ICa- lab.; in nymphomania, IDig.; soft, in pro- lapsus uteri, yEsc h.; in dropsy of uterus, IDig.; in infantile syphilis, I ISyph.; yellow, Bor. gg&- chalky, clayey, gray, white. Stool, liquid: ggg° thin. Stool, liver : ggg*- bilious. Stool, liver colored : fluid, IMagn. c; liverlike, Anac. Stool, long: HPhos, I IVib.; thin, Caust, IGraph, Hyos, Merc, IMur. ac, Natr. c, I IPhos, Puis., Sep., Staph. 8®" narrow. Stool, loose: yEthus, I I Ant. c, I Ant. t. Apis, lApoe, Ars. h., Ars. s. r, I I Arund, Asaf, Bor., Cain, ICinch, IClem, Collin, Dros., IGlon., IHel, IIKali iod, Mang., IIMerc. sub, Myr. cer, I IPlant, IPolyp, IRheum, Sabad., Sinap, I IStram, Tromb, Var.; with burning at anus, IClem.; with burning in rec- tum (gastritis), ICoccul.; remaining after at- tack of cholera infantum, IPod.; with cold stage in intermittent, I Ars.; during day, with obtuseness of head, Lobel. b; dark, offensive (difficult dentition), HSil.; sudden urgent desire, Amm. br.; relieves distension of bowels by wind, Cornus ; with drowsiness, lAnt. t; after a meal, Rheum; in evening, ISars.; evening or morning, I IHyper.; offensive, Diose; with emission of fetid flatus, INatr. s.; almost continually, but rather worse after midnight, Dros.; during apyrexia, Ipec; and green in children, ICinch.; preceded by grip- ing, yEsc. h.; with griping and tenesmus, at night, Zinc; with pains in forehead or maxil- lary sinuses (influenza), IPuls.; with hemor- rhoids, IBerb.; with passage of pale colored feces, Gnaphab; in amenorrhcea, ILach.; in morning, ICaust, INitr. ae; early in morning, IFerr, HSub; in morning, particulary after wet weather, INatr. s.; in morning, immedi- ately on rising (asthma), INatr. s.; with cessa- tion of nausea, IITereb.; smells like onions, Jugb; painless, Bry.; with palpitation, I Ant. t; papescent, Gels.; with straining, IDiosc; with infarcted scybala, IINatr. m.; with great tenesmus, IRob.; after vinegar or acid wine, IIAnt. c BSjT" thin, soft. Stool, lumpy: Alum, Apis, Amm. c, Bapt, IBar. c, ICale, ICarbo a., ICarbo v., Caust, Chloral, ICollin., IGlon, Graph, Ipec, IKali bi, Kalm, ILach, IIMagn. m.,Mang., Merc, INux v., Op, Petrol., Plumb, Sep., ISil, Sin., Stann, Sub, Sul. ac. Thuya, Ustil, Ver.; with pain in abdomen, Rhus v., IZinc; like albumen, Diose; alternating with diarrhoea, ICasc; with distress in anus, ICollin.; like chalk, Bell.; in evening, IHelon.; in gastric catarrh, IIAnt. c; in gastric nervous fever, ILach.; first round, dark green, almost black, remaining part softer and larger, I ISul.; with much flatus, Ruta; hard, ICon., ICycl, Phos. ac; hard, curdy in nursing children, I Ant. e; hard, with mucus and blood, IGraph.; hard, mixed with fluid discharges, Erig.; hard, mixed with yellow mucus, Senecio ; hard, in typhus abdorhinalis, I INux v.; hard,small, in hemorrhoids, IIAnt. e, Diose, IHam.; hard, small, black, mixed with blood, with violent pinching in anus, Sul. ae; large, Stront.; large, every eight or ten days, iKali e; cov- ered with mucus, Case, IHydras.; accom- panied by pressing and crying, IIMerc; in rheumatism, IColch.; small, I IPlumb, I I Zinc; small, hard, in traumatic meningitis, IHyper.; first part in small round lumps, dark green, almost black, difficult, remaining part softer and larger, ISub; in intestinal spasms, I IOp.; after tea, Chrom. ac.; with urging and pain from constriction or spasm of anus, HPlumb.; in perforating ulcer, IKali c; and watery, IIAloe. g@T balls, curdled, mucous, sheep dung, tallow. Stool, membranous : with white membranous pieces, IColch.; mixed with small white mem- branes, in dysentery, IColch.; scanty, alter- nating with membranous casts,IHydras.; like scrapings of meat (prevailing fever), lAmm. m.; like scrapings of mucous membrane, ICarbobac, I ICanth, IColch, IIColoc,IFerr, IMere, Petrol, I IPhyt. 8®" shaggy, shreddy, stringy. Stool, mixed: BiaT* changeable. Stool, morning: aggravation, IBov., IBry, Fluor, ac, IJatroph, IKali bi, ILye, INatr. s, INuph, IPhos., IPod, IISul, Thuya; awakened by-urgent desire, Petrol, HSub; is driven out of bed, early, with urgent desire, loose and offensive, then straining and burn- ing at anus, Diose; driving out of bed, sud- denly about 3 a.m., I IPod.; hurries him out of bed, Natr. a., HSub; at break of day, in diar- rhcea, I ISee; soon after rising, INatr. s.; di- rectly after rising, has scarcely time to dress, ICoccul.; before breakfast, with rumbling, Gnaphab; with chill, Calend.; with chilliness and colic, obliging one to bend double, ICop.; 566 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. copious, Sarrae; copious, characteristic of jaundice, IPhos.; and during day, with irrit- able temper, IGnaphab; during dentition, I IPod.; early, and in evening before going to bed, Ars. s. r.; at 2 a.m., Cie; 5 a.m., Cie; 5 to 7 a.m. (entero-colitis), INuph.; sudden, at 8 a.m., watery, painless, odorless, IFerr.; dur- ing 4 a.m., to noon (mesenteric disease),ICale; more frequent in morning and early forenoon, ISub; in typhoid fever, Tereb.; preceded by griping, Calend.; hard, without pressure, Zinc; then protrusion of hemorrhoidal tum- ors, IDiosc; as soon as he moves, ILept.; to- wards morning, after sleepless night, Aph. ch.; thin, with quick, violent urging as if diarrhoea would set in, Pallad.; with strong urging, heat and pain in anus, IPod. 8®*" Diarrhoea morning. Stool, motion: Aloe, Apis, Arn., Bell., IIBry, HColch, Coloe, ICrot, t, Ferr., Ipec, Oxal. ac. Rheum, Rumex, Tabae, HVerat. Stool, from least movement of body ■ SFerr, HVer.; with every motion of body, asif anus were constantly open, I Apis ; from least exer- tion, HPod.; as soon as he begins to move, strong urging, compelling haste, IMur. ac. Stool, mucous (slimy) : Aeon, lyEthus, Agar, Amm. m, Ananth, I Ant. t, IA pis, IIArg. nit, lArn., Ars, Ars. s. f, Asaf, lAsar.,7rBar. in., I Bell, IBor, Brom., Cact., ICanth, I ICaps., Carb.s, Carbo v., ICaust, ICham., ICheb, Chin. s,Chlorof,Chrom. ac, Cic,Cina,Cinch, Coccul, ICochb,Colch,Collin, IColoe,ICon, ICornus, Cub., Dig, Diose, IDulc, Erig, Ferr, IGamb, Gels., IGraph, IHep., IHyos, Ign, Hod., Ipec, Iris, IKali bi, IKali m, Lept, IMagn. c, IIMerc, IIMerc cor,I IMil- lef, Natr. e, INatr. s., Niccol.,INitr. ac,Nux m., IINux v,0xab ac,Petrol,IPhos,I IPhyt, IPlumb., IPod, IIPuls, Raph, IRheum, IRhus, See, Sep, ISil, ISquilla, IStann, Staph, I ISticta, Sul, Tabae, Tereb,Tromb, Urt. ur, Variol., 11 Ver.; adhesive,ICaps.; look- ing like coagulated albumen, Carbo a.; with bilious diarrhoea verging on dysentery, Med.; bile and black fecal matter, I IPolyp.; brown, liquid (pemphigus), IDulc; black (diarrhoea), lArs.; bloody, lAcon, lyEthus., lAloe, Apis, Arg. nit, Asar., Bapt, Bell, ICanth, ICaps, Carbo v., Castor, Chim. umb, Colch,IColoe, Cub., Elaps, Elat, IGamb, Hep, Ign., Hod., Iris, IKalim, ILach.,I ILed., Lyss,IMagn. m, IIMerc, IIMerc. cor., IINatr. c, Nitr. ac, IINuxv., lOxal. ac, Petrol, HPod, IPsor, IPuls, I ISars., ISub; bloody or bilious,IMerc. d.; bloody and bilious, with great faintness and distress in solar plexus, after stool, IPo- lyp.; bloody, in diarrhoea of children, IMere; bloody, in dysentery, IDulc, ILil. tig, ILyss, IIMerc. cor.; bioody, every quarter of an hour, in dysentery, IMere cor.; bloody, after breakfast, Calad.; bloody, in enteritis, lUrt. ur.; bloody, mixed with green, watery, sinking to bottom of vessel and adhering there, IMagn. car.; bloody, with hard, fecal lumps, Tromb.; bloody, scanty, with burning and tenesmus (dysentery), IMere; bloody, in small masses (dysentery), IMere cor.; odor- less, colicky pains (hemorrhoidal affection), IHam.; bloody, mixed with watery dis- charge, day or night (summer complaint), IFerr. ph.; bloody, with sickness at stomach, especially if preceding morning diarrhcea, IPod.; bloody, with rectal prolapsus, llris ; bloody, every fifteen minutes, following pain in abdomen, I IPod.; bloody, after straining (autumnal dysentery), IMere; with spots and streaks of blood (endemic dysentery), IPod.; bloody, with straining, I IFerr, IHep, llris, IIMerc, IIMerc. cor.; with streaks of blood, I ICanth.; bloody, in summer com- plaint, IFerr. ph.; bloody, with tenesmus and pain in back, IDulc; in bronchitis, lApis; brown. Ars, Grat., INux v., ISub; brown, in morning, Zing.; with burning in rectum, as from a wound, Prun.; of children, I I Eryng.; with chills, in infants, lElat.; in cholera in- fantum, ICale p.; in cholera morbus, I Hyper, IKreo, IPsor, Sul. ae; chronic, I lEucab; chronic, during summer, with cramps in ab- domen, ICup. ars.; clear, Alum.; in climaxis, lApis ; preceded by colic, Petrol.; with colic, ICham, Ign.; with colic, every morning, IPod.; after colic, I Alum.; with colic and tenesmus (chronic diarrhcea, after confine- ment), I ICollin.; with colic and vomiting (sup- pressed measles, from taking cold), ICham.; large quantities, IBapt.; abundant, following chilliness and wandering pain in abdomen, Ammoniac; excessive, in enteritis, I Apis ; copious, in influenza, IDulc; profuse in flakes,. IIFerr.; covered or coated with, IIAlum., Bar. m., Carbo v., ICrot.t, IHam., Merc. iod. rub, Sarrae, HSep., I ISib, ISpig.; covered with mucus and blood, IMagn. m.; covered with glairy "mucus, HPlumb.; coated, in gastric catarrh, ICop.; coated with shreds of yellow, HPod.; with cutting in abdomen,, I IPetrol.; dark, Arg. nit.; during day, with much wind (diarrhoea, Zing.; in dentition, IMere sob; indiarrhoea, I I Aug., IIArs, I IKali s, I INaja, IMere cor.; in infantile diarrhoea, I IGuaraea; in chronic diarrhoea, lAmmoniac, INatr. s, I IPhos. ae; in chronic diarrhoea of children, ICollin.; in dysenteric diarrhoea, IColoe ; in diarrhoea, after abuse of magnesia, IRheum ; in dysentery, lArn, IBar. m, ICar- bol. ac, IColoe, ICub ; in chronic dysentery, ICon.; after dysentery, IPuls.; worse after eating and drinking, ICrot. t.; like white of egg, without feces, INatr. m.; in enteritis, IMere; in chronic enteritis, IHydras.; in evening, Cycl.; with faintness, IIDulc; with great faintness and distress in solar plexus, after stool, IPolyp.; fecal, Amm. e, IIMerc; during apyrexia of fever, IPuls.; in hectic fever, ISub; in puerperal fever, ICham.; in typhoid fever, IMere; in yellow fever, IMere; flakes, IDulc; containing flakes of yellow water (hepatic typhus), ICheb; with flattened feces (incipient stricture of rectum), HPhos.; with much flatus, Jacea, Ruta; with great rumbling in abdomen and pain in umbilicus, IPhyt.; with much wind, followed by urging, Samb.; every half hour, 11 Arn.; frothy, Hod, Sib, Sul. ac; frothy, alternates with constipa- tion, Ruta ; with gagging and excessive thirst in children, IPod.; gelatinous,! I Aloe, I IColch, IHelb, IKali bi. Pod, Rhus, Sep.; gelatinous, preceded by griping, HPod.; granular, Bell, IPhos.; greenish, I.Ethus, Amm. m. I\pis I Arg. nit, IIArs, IBelb, IBor, Canth, Cast', ICham, ICheb, ICina, IColoe, Cornus, IDulc, Elat, Gamb, llpec, ILaur., Magn.c,'IMere 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 567 Nitr. ae, Nux v., IPhos., Phos. ac, Psor., IPuls., Sep., ISub; greenish, in cholera infan- tum, ILaur.; green liquid, with suffocation about heart, must lie down, ILaur.; with grip- ing, burning and tenesmus, ICornus ; with hemorrhoids, ICaps.: in strangulated hernia, I ITabae; in hydrocephaloid, HApis; in in- cipient hydrocephalus, lApis ; in ileus, Colch.; involuntary, Cochl.; followed by itching in anus, ISib; with last portion, Selen.; liquid, ILaur.; liquid, as if fermented, IRheum; liquid, pale, Carbo v.; large lumps, ISpig.; mixed with lumps and blood (diarrhcea), IGamb.; lumps, transparent, IRhus; mem- branous, HColch, ILept; mixed with mu- cus, ICham, Cycl., INitr. ae; mixed with dark substances (chronic diarrhcea of chil- dren), ICollin.; mixed, in fall dysentery, HColch.; mixed with blood (after suppressed eczema), ICup. ac.; mixed with flocculi (bron- chial and vesical catarrh), ICop.; mixed, in summer complaint, IFerr. ph.; in morning, Ant. c, HApis; in morning, in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; in morning, in masses (in- testinal catarrh), ICop.; purulent, with colic, ITereb.; puslike, in typhus, lArs.; with nau- sea,tearingdown thighs and tenesmus, IRhus; at night, Coral.; with pain in abdomen (en- teritis from foreign body),ICalend.; with pain in bowels and palpitation of heart, Petrol.; painless, IColoe; pieces of mucus (diarrhoea), IIArs.; in pneumonia, lAnt t; in pregnancy, ICaps.; red, Canth., Graph, IRhus, Sub; in resinous masses, Asar.; in rachitis, ICale; in rheumatism, IColch.; shaggy masses, lAsar.; shaggy, reddish (urethral tenesmus, dysen- tery), IILyc; slippery, IColoe; small, lArs.; in scarlet rash, ICham.; with affection of stomach, ILac e; in gastric catarrh, ICop.; in gastromalacia, lArs.; with straining, worse after food, HPod.; stringy, lAsar, ISub ac; a long string, inodorous, IIAsar.; after summer complaint, I IMed.; in tabes mesenterica, Hod.; tenacious, Asar, HCanth, ICaps, ICrot. t, IIHell, IKali bb; tenacious, mixed with black blood, ICaps.; viscous, in hemorrhoids, IBerb.; with tenesmus, ICaps, IColch, IIRheum, ISpig.; thick, Iod.; thick, transparent, IPod.; thin, Guaiae; thin, mixed with spots of black blood, in morning, HAph. ch.; with shiny tongue and drowsi- ness, from drinking too much water, INux m.; transparent, HColch, Cub.; with undi- gested food, IFerr.; with urging (seat worms), IIAcon.; in variola, I IThuya ; with vomiting, Cham.; watery, Arg. nit. Hod, Lept.; watery, often mixed with blood (inflammation of intestinal mucous membrane), IMere; wa- tery, preceded by cutting beneath umbilicus, better after stool, Cham.; wratery, in typhoid diseases, ITereb.; watery, worse in morning, Tereb.; watery, painless, worse at night, IFerr.; white, Cina, lElat, ISub; with sensa- tion of weakness in loins during urination, IIPuls.; after getting feet wet (diarrhoea mu- cosa), IIPuls.; white, Bell., Canth., Caust., ICham., Cina, ICoccul, IDulc, Elat, Graph, IHell, Ipec, Hod., Phos. ac. Pod, Puis, Sub; with discharge of ascarides, IFerr.; and dead worms, Sinap.; yellow, Agar, lApis, Asar., Bell, IBor, Brom, ICham, Cinch, Cub, Magn. c, Niccol, Pod, Puis, IRhus, ISub ae; filamentous yellow cover, ICarbo v. 8®" jel- lylike, stringy. Stool, muddy: ILept.; in diarrhcea of children, lArs. 8^" clayey. Stool, mushy: Anac, Ant. t, Anthrok, Ars. s. r, Bapt, IBerb., Erig., I llris, I ILact. ac, ILept, IMyr. cer, I IPod, Seneg, ISep, ISil, ISpig.; with burning in rectum, Tereb.; in carditis, ICarbo v.; in children (marasmus), ISars.; after colic, Cinnab.; with colic, Tereb.; copious, Agar.; preceded or followed by cut- ting in bowels, Ver. v.; easily discharged, as if glazed, followed by pressure on rectum, IKalm.; worse after breakfast, 11 Agar.; in pneumonia, I I Ver.; in morning, soon after rising, 11 Aph. ch ; with tenesmus (dysentery), I IRheum ; in ulcer of os uteri, ICurar. 8®" papescent, soft. Stool, narrow: HPhos.; dry, in myelitis, IPhos.; size of a quill, IBor, ICaust.; like a pipe stem, IIAlum, HPhos.; like a round worm, IGraph. B^sT1 long. Stool, at night: Aloe, Ant. c, Arg. nit, IIArs, 11 Arum t, Bov., Brom, Bry., Canth, ICaps., Caust, Cham., Chel., HCinch, Cist, Colch, Cub, Dulc, IGamb, Graph, Hippom., Ipec, Iris, Kali c, Lach, Lith, IMere, IINux m., HPod, IIPuls., IRhus, Tabae, HVer.; after acids, ILach.; worse in afterpart of night, un- til noon, Cist.; with colic, especially in um- bilical region, IDulc; copious, accompanied by pain preventing sleep, IMere cor.; in dys- entery, ILyss.; in chronic dysentery, ICon.; in typhoid fever, IIMerc. d.; after midnight, IIArg. nit, IIArs, IFerr. ph., Hippom., Lye, IIMerc. cor.; or in early morning (bil- ious mucous diarrhoea), IFluor. ac; in rapid succession (after exposure), IDulc; two at night, in chronic diarrhoea, ICollin.; three or four thin, only at night (dyspepsia with amenorrhcea), IIPuls.; eighteen to twenty, ILach. B^T" Diarrhcea night. Stool, noisy: BSST' flatus. Stool, at noon : I ISub; copious, Pallad. 8@T' Diarrhoea noon. Stool, odorless: lAsar, Cycl, IFerr. s., I Hyos, IKali bb, IRhus, I IVer.; after colic, IJa- troph.; in relieved diabetes, 11 Uran. n.; in infantile diarrhoea, I I Guarana; with tenes- mus, Xan. Stool, oily: ICaust, IPhos., Pic. ac, Thuya. 8@~ fatty. Stool, painful: Ascl. t, I Aur. met, Cham., HColch, HCollin, IColoe, ICon., ICup. ac, I IGraph, IKali bi, I IMagn. m, Melib,I INaja, INitr. ac, IPlumb., ISabina, Urt. ur., I IVib.; bloody, with vomiting, IIMerc. cor.; worse in cold temperature, IPolyg.; first effort, must desist, ISub; in cysto-blennorrhcea, 11 Uva ursi; after dinner, Agar.; after improper food, I IZing.; in typhus, I Apis ; in gastralgia, IKali c; green, with cutting and tenesmus, ICup.m.; terrible agony,almost as bad as labor, I I Plumb.; with hemorrhoids, ISep.; little fecal matter, much bloody mucus, Ailant; as if there were a lump on posterior surface of sphincter, so painful as to cause tears, Med.; feces painful to parts over which they pass, HSub; passing nothing but mucus (diarrhoea), IKali m.; sometimes leaves him in a state of syncope for a quarter of an hour (chronic constipa- tion), ILye; with tenesmus, Mane; urging, 568 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. morning, Arumt.; after vaccination, I IThuya. 8®* Diarrhoea painful, also Constipation. Stool, painless: Anac, Apis, Arg. nit, I I Arn, Ars.,ttAtrop.s, Bor., Camph,ICinch,Coccul, Colch, Coloe, Crot. t, IDulc, HFerr.JIHep, IIHyos., IKali br. Lye, Natr. a, Natr. s, I IPhos, HPhos. ac, HPod, IPsor, Rhus, Rumex, Sil, ISquilla, ISub; of bloody mucus, with paralysis of sphincter ani (dysentery, last stages), I IPhos.; only by day (chronic diarrhcea), ICoccul.; in diarrhoea, after sup- pression of skin eruption, ILye; in diarrhoea, in lying-in women, IHyos.; with feeling of debility, ICinch.; in chronic dysentery, ICon.; after eating (scrofula), lArs.; in morning, I I Arum t.; only at night and mostly towards morning, I IPsor.; odorless, like scrapings from intestines, Brom.; as from a spout (in- testinal catarrh), IFerr.; straining, IIMez.; only some straining, after stool, as if more were to pass, Zinc; of undigested food, Arg. met.; with sudden urging, HPod. 8®° Diarrhoea, painless; also Constipation. Stool, papescent (pappy, pasty): Agar, Anag, Aph. ch., I Apis, I Arn., I Asaf, n Atrop. s, IBapt, Berb, Carb. s., ICard. m, Chel, Coc- cus, Collin, IColoe, HCrot. t, Cycl, Dros, Filix, IHep., Ign., Ind, llris, Jamb, Kreo., ILach, ILept, IMagn. m, Mang, IIMerc. cor, INitr. ac, INux v., I IOp, Petrol, IPhos, IPlant, IPlat, HPod, IRheum, Rhus v, ISep., ISil, Sinap, ISul, Tabae, Tromb, HVer, Zinc; yellowish brown, fetid, with tenesmus and prolapsus ani, IFluor.ac; with burning in anus, soon after waking, IBry.; with colic, in paroxysms, Cain.; after consti- pation, ICorab; in diarrhoea, lArs, ICrot. t, I ISep.; in diarrhoea of children, IVab; fol- lowed by dragging pains in liver and sinking in epigastrium, Polyp.; after meals, ICed.; better after eating, Iod.; after suppressed eczema, ICup. ae; in evening, Asim.; in even- ing, before going to bed (heart affection), ILye; fetid, IBism.; with fetid flatulence, Ammoniac; with rumbling in intestines, Kali bi.; in bilious remittent fever, ICrotal.; then hard, again soft, much flatus, IBry.; small quantity, Calad.; in mesenteric disease,ICale; mixed with mucus, Bell.; in morning, I Cinch.; like mud, adhering to vessel, IGraph.; with qualmishness in abdomen, burning in anus after stool, followed by internal chilliness, Pseonia ; after pain in hypogastrium, Erig.; with pressing in anus, Sul. ae; in scrofulosis of children, IStilling.; tardy, IRhod.; with tenesmus,IKali bb; with tenesmus and a feel- ing in anus as after a hard stool, Selen.; with fre- quent urging, Calad. ggT" mushy, soft, sticky. Stool, looks like pea soup and consists of yel- lowish, greenish or bloody mucus of disagree- able odor, and accompanied by pains in region of colon, rectum and anus: IPod. Stool, periodic : on alternate days, I INatr. m.; worse on alternate days, a later hour each time, Fluor, ac; daily, between 3 and 4 p.m., one or two thin, slightly bilious stools, pre- ceded by abdominal pain, ILye; daily, at 8 p.m., Ars. s. f; every hour, Aph. ch.; one hour later everv day, Coca. Stool, pouring out (8^° forcible, watery) every other day: ICoccul. Stool, profuse i 8®* copious, large. Stool, purulent: I Arn, Ars, ICast, IHep, Hod, Ipec, IKali ph. Kalis., ILach, IIMerc, IIPuls, IPhos., ISil, ISul, Tromb.; with chill between stools and hot flashes during stool, IMere; fetid, I Alum.; in typhus, I Ars.; in tuberculosis mesenterica, Hod. Stool, recedes: ggg~ slips; also Anus and Rectum paralysis. Stool, red or reddish: ICanth, Cina, Colch.; IIMerc, INatr. s., IRhus; with colic, ISil, dark (brick-colored) fluid, IRhus; light, in chronic diarrhoea, INatr. s.; mucous, I ICanth., Graph, IIRhus, Sul. fiST" bloody. Stool, retained: IIBry, IOp, IINatr. m, IPhos.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IHydr. ac, I ITarant.; spasmodically, HOp.; spas- modically, with cholera, INuxv.; after fall- ing down stairs, I IRhus ; in typhus, ICalad.; in ovaritis, lApis; during pregnancy, IOp. 8^** insufficient, irregular, retarded, scanty; also Constipation. Stool, retarded (infrequent, seldom, tardy) : Anthrac, Bell, ICaust, IDig, IIKali br, ILye, IMagn. m, IMere, Merc, s., Mang, I INux v.JPhos., IPlat, ISars,Stront,IThuya, IZing.; for forty-eight hours (acute mania); ICanth.; every other day, Caulo, I IMagn. e; every other day, in mental derangement, ICon.; once in two or three days, IColoe; once in two or three days, in hepatic dis- order, I ISib; none for two days (diphtheria), IMerecy.; every second or third day, 11 Plumb, Zinc; once in three days, Sinap.; every third day, in gastric catarrh, IMez.; every third day, in vesical irritability, IChim. umb.; every three or four days, in gastric neurosis, I IPhos.; every three or four days, in affec- tion of liver, IMagn. m.; every three or four days, in perforating ulcer, IKali c; once in foiir days, in derangement of liver, IIMagn. m.; once in four or five days, I IPic. ac; every five or six days, in stenosis, INatr. m.; five to seven days apart, only on use of injection or cathartics, I ISib; every eight days, I IMagn. m.; once in eight or ten days, IPlumb.; every eight or ten days, IPlumb.; every eight or ten days, in carcinoma ven- triculae, I IMez.; every eight or ten days (oil) (spinal disease), I Apis ; twelve to fifteen days elapsed (precursor of apoplexy), Ast. r.; once a week, IOp.; once a week, in cardialgia, I IPlumb.; once a week, in affection of liver, IMagn. m.; one or two a week, IHydras.; in ague, I ITarax.; in apoplexy, lArn.; in asthma, IKali e; clay (liver trouble), IPod.; with chorea, INatr. s.; in consumption, Hod.; in eclampsia, INux v.; with cough, ICon.; cysto-blennorrhcea, 11 Uva ursi ; in delirium tremens, I IZinc; in ophthalmia, IINuxv.; in dropsy, I Lye; intyphusabdominalis,l INux v.; in gastralgia, I IStram.; hard, expelled with great effort (enteralgia), ICycb; hard, in affection of liver, with dropsy, IFluor. ac; never without aid of injection (paralysis), JP]108-; only after injections, in cephalalgia, HMagn. m.; only after an injection, after abortion, with much hemorrhage, HPlat.- in enlargement of liver, ICon.; in lung affections IKali n.; menses absent two and a half months' ICycb; in nervous affection, IMagn. c- when passed seemed old (paralysis of rectum) 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 569 I IPhos.; in pregnancy, lApis; as if more remained to be passed, IGels.; in rheuma- tism, Ant. t; but soft, Calc. a, IStaph.; first retarded, later soft, Amm. e; as if stool stayed in rectum and could not be expelled, IINitr. ac. g®f insufficient, irregular, retained, scanty. Stool, like rice water; Colch., IKali ph., IMere sub; in cholera, Ant. t, ICamph, llris; in cholerine, IPhos.; is cold, with cold, sour sweat, IFerr.; with tonic cramps, com- mencing in hands and feet, spread all over, HVer.; offensive, in summer complaint, ICar- bol. ac.; in summer complaint, ICamph.; with vomiting, Colch.; tinged yellow, IChel. 8€jf choleraic, mucous, watery. Stool, rough : B@T granular. Stool, looks like cooked sago: IPhos. Stool, sandy: 8@^ granular. Stool, scaly : in diphtheria, ILac e Stool, scanty. Alum, lAmm. m, lApoe, lAsar, IBerb, ICale, ICarbo v., Chrom. ac. Cinch, bob, HColch, Cornus, IDulc, IGlon., IIGraph, IHydras, Ign., IKali iod, ILach., ILye, IIMerc, IIMerc. cor, IMere iod.flav. Mere sub, IINatr. p, INatr. s, IINitr. ac, IINux v, I IPhos, IPlat, HPlumb, IIPuls, IRhus, Ruta, Seneg, Sinap, ISil, I ITereb, Tromb., IVerbas.; every hour, of bloody scrapings, with tenesmus (dysentery), IINux v.; in cholera, INux v.; with colic, Jamb.; in chronic diarrhoea, INatr. s.; difficult, after urging and straining until abdominal walls are sore, I ISib; in dysentery, I Arn.; in exostosis on skull, I Arg. met.; in bilious remittent fever, ICrotal.; in intermittent, ICoccul.; in typhus abdominalis, I INux v.; or only flatus,IMagn. m.; in gastric derangements, INatr. s.; hard, Bry, ICarbo a., Carbo v.; hard, in ague, I ITarax.; hard, with spasmodic closure of anus after evacuation, IJamb.; knotty, fol- lowed by painful retraction of anus, IKali bb; on rising in morning, Ars. b; pasty, I ICalad.; with pressing and forcing in rectum (dysen- tery, IColch.; in summer complaint, IFerr. ph.; after tea, Chrom. ae; in perforating ulcer, IKali e; with frequent urging, IBelb; with continued urging, Ptel.; like dirty water, every hour (low fever), ICact. B^-insufficient, retained, retarded, small. Stool, like scrapings: g^~ membranous, mucous, shaggy, shreddy, stringy. Stool, floating masses of green scum: (infantile diarrhoea), IIMagn. c Stool, scybalous: Ars. iod.; in biliary colic, ICinch.; in dysentery, 11 Erig.; with fluid mu- coid feces of offensive putrid coppery odor, llris; with spinal weakness and general de- bility, INux v.; of whitish clay color, alternating with diarrhoea (Bright's disease), I Ars. 8®** balls, knots, lumpy. Stool, with meal-like sediment: Chin, ars, HPod. Stool, shaggy: ICaps. B@T membranous, mucous, scraping. Stool, like sheep dung: Alum, Ananth., Bapt, Berb, Bor, ICaust, IChel, Chin, s. Kali n, ILach, IIMerc, IINatr. m, HOp, I IPlat, Ruta, ISep, ISpig, Sub, ISul. ac, IVerbas.; followed by blood, with cutting in anus, IIAlum.; breaks to pieces, Brom.; with a mucous secretion, IINitr. ac, with pain and exertion, IKai c; with urging and pain from constriction or spasm of anus, HPlumb. 8@" balls, lumpy, scybalous. Stool, shreddy: ICanth,HColch., IIMerc.cor.; in cholera infantum, Kreo. BST" membranous. Stool, in sleep : B^T" involuntary. .Stool, slender: 88^° long, narrow. Stool, slips back or recedes when about to escape, HOp, HSil, IISul. 8®* Anus and Rectum, paralysis. Stool, sluggish (slow, torpid): Card.m,ICham, HCollin, IHydras, IKali c. Kali n, INux m.; with distended abdomen, ICollin.; in brain affection, ICup. ac, ICup. met.; cannot be forced from a sensation of prolapsus of rectum, Med.; incomplete, ICamph.; in jaun- dice, Hod. 8®° difficult, insufficient, re- tained, retarded. Stool, small: Aeon, Aloe, Arn., IIArs, Asar, IBapt.,11 Bell, Canth, ICaps., Carb. s,ICham, Chrom. ac, IColch., IColoe, ICon., Cornus, ICrot. t, Dulc, Erig, IIHyos, Ind., ILye, IIMerc, IIMerc. cor, Mez, IINux v, Oleand, Osm, IPhos. ac, Sinap., HStram, IITabac, Tromb, Urt. ur, 11 Vib, Zinc.; as though anus were contracted, Ars. b; with bearing down, ISars.; blackish, covered with mucus, in evening, Sinap.; with burning in abdomen, Jamb.; with straining, Therid.; in dysentery, Arn.; in chronic dysentery, ICon.; after sup- pressed eczema, ICup. ac; in intermittent fever, Ars.; with much flatus, IIAloe, Coccul.; frequent, I Aeon, Bar. e; hard, Berb, Ferr. iod., IIMagn. m.; in chlorotic headache, I IZinc; two or three liquid, after colic (colic after cold), IDiad.; in pneumonia, lAntt.; soft, without relief, IDig.; with much strain- ing, 11 Ptel.; with tenesmus, I ISpong.; with tenesmus, two days after labor, IMez.; during urination, large quantities, IMur. ac. BST' insufficient, retained, retarded, scanty. Stool, like dirty soap suds: IBenz. ac. Stool, soft: Anag, I Apis, Ars. b, Ascl. s, lAscl. t, IBapt, Berb, Bor, Cain, I ICast. v.,Caulo., Chen. v,Chloral, Chrom. ac, Coccul, Coccus, IColoe, Dros, IHydras, llgn., llris, Kali n., IMez, Mosch, Natr. a.JNatr. c,Pallad,Paris, IPhos, ISul, Tromb, Zinc, Zing.; then thin, red blood, I ICalad.; with hemorrhage from rectum, IHep.; with bleeding, ICale p.; with biting, burning in anus, ICinch.; with burn- ing in rectum (gastritis), ICoccul.; with burn- ing at anus, with subsequent tenesmus, Magn. s.; chronic, IGraph, INatr. m.; preceded by colic, INatr. c, INuph.; with colic around navel and pressing in rectum, returning as soon asonelies down again (phthisis), I lOxal. ac: after colic, Cinnab.; after cutting in abdo- men, Niccol.; daily, with straining, Therid.; diarrhoeic, follows rumbling in bowels, with constant pain in umbilicus, Rhus v.; passed with difficulty, IIAlum, ICarbo v, ICale p, Lobel. i, INatr. s., INux m., Ruta; difficult, with emission of prostatic fluid,Zinc.; difficult, from weakness, IPsor.; in relapse of inter- mittent, I Ars.; frequent, IIRan. sc; several during day, Ast. r.; immediately after dinner, accompanied and followed by vertigo and roaring in head, Zinc; followed by feeling of emptiness in abdomen, Sul. ae; in entero- AND RECTUM. 570 20. STOOL i colitis, INuph.; in exostosis on skull, I Arg. met.; mixed with mucus, IIPuls.; in morning, I I Arum t, Bry.; at 4 a.m., Ars. h.; in pieces, I I Guaiae; with pressing in anus, Sul. ac; early, after rising, Magn. s.; small, IGraph.; small, in morning, after drinking coffee and again in evening, with protrusion of hemor- rhoids, Fluor, ac; after straining, Ars. b; with straining, Verbas.; with tenesmus and aching in sphincter, Kob.; with tenesmus and burn- ing in anus in evening, preceded by distension of abdomen, followed by emissions of hot, offensive flatus, with griping in small of back, Sul.; thinner and thinner till 10 a.m. (ill-treated intermittent), IIBry.; with fre- quent urging, Calad.; with vomiting, Hip- pom.; as if feces had been beaten in water, but not dissolved, I Apis; followed by weak- ness, IChin. s.; last part white, mushy (piles), Diose; bright yellow, ILach.; light yellow, in morning, ILith. BST* mushy, papescent. Stool, spurting : BST" forcible. Stool, staining diaper: 8§T* indelible. Stool, passes better standing: HCaust Stool, starchy: ICed. Stool, sticky: adherent, IPlat; adhesive to commode, IBerb.; like soft clay, putty, or glue, IPlat.; tenacious, Med.; viscous, I Arg. nit. 8ST" clayey, glutinous, tarlike. Stool, stringy: Ferr. iod.; in crusta lactea, HSub ae; in diarrhoea, ICheb; infant, with chill, lElat.; in cholera infantum, Sul. ac.; in gastromalacia, IMere d.; with straining, worse after food, I IPod. Agf membranous, mucous. Stool, sudden: 8®° forcible. Stool, containing lumps like tallow": IPhos.; with tendinous substances, Ars. Stool, tarlike: Ipec, ILept, IIMerc, INux v,HPod.;in dysentery, Gamb.; with typhoid, ILept. 8®° black, glutinous, sticky. Stool, like tea: in typhoid fever, I IPhos. Stool, tenacious (tough): Brom., ICarbo v, ICaust, Grat, IKali e, IMagn. m, Mang, IIMerc, IIMer. cor, HPhos., I IRumex; worse after eating and drinking, ICrot. t; chronic enteritis, IHydras.; like putty, with much straining, IMerd. iod. flav.; followed by straining and heat and burning in anus, Zinc; light yellow, with sticking in anus, Zinc. 8®* clayey, glutinous, sticky, tarlike. Stool, thin (liquid): lyEthus., lAgar., IIAlum, Ammoniac, Ananth, Ang, lAnt. t, An- throk, Apis, Aph. ch, lArg. nit, lArn, I Ars, IIAsaf, Ascl. t, Ast. r, Aur. mur., Bapt, Bell, IIBenz. ac, Bor., ICale, Camph, ICarbo v., Carb. s, ICarbol. ac. Cast, eq, ICaust., ICham, Chin, a, ICie, ICinch., ICist., Coccul., ICoff, IColoe, ICon, Cornus, ICrotal, IDiosc, Dros., IDulc, IHep., Iber., Ign, Indig, IKali bb, Kalin, ILach, IILyc, IMagn. c, I IMed, Merc iod.flav, IIMeph., IMur. ac, Natr. a, Natr. c, INatr. s., Niccol, INuph, INux m., INuxv., HOleand, Osm., IPhos. ac, IPhyt, Pic. ac, IPsor, IPteb, Ratan, IRhod, IRhus, Rhus v, IRumex, ISang, Sec, I I Senecio, ISib, ISpig, ISpong., ISquilla, ITromb, Var., HVer.; with cutting in abdomen, I IPetrol.; following griping in abdomen, Coccus, ISul.; with qualmishness in abdomen, Spong.; with burning in anus and tenesmus, HOp.; mixed with blood and slime (diarrhoea), ISabad.; in capillary bron- chitis, ICheb; in intestinal catarrh, ICheb; mostly in children in their first or second summer, IPsor.; in whooping cough, IKali s.; with wind colic, particularly in morning, INuph.; after colic, ICimex ; only during day (chronic diarrhoea), ICoccul.; with chronic diarrhoea, especially nervous subjects and delicate children, HPhos.; after summer com- plaint, I IMed.; after eating, with discharge of flatus and pain in abdomen, better by warmth in bed, IColoe; in entero-colitis, INuph.; after injection of nitrate of silver for gonorrhoea, HTarant.; fecal (semi-liquid), Alum., I Ant. e, Ant. t, Bapt., Bar. c, Bor, IBry., Carbo v, ICed, Cist, Con, Diose, IGamb, IHep, Iris, Kali n, ILept, ILil. tig., Lye, INatr. s., Niccol, Nux v., Oleand, HPsor., Rheum, Rhod, Rumex, Sang, ISul, Tromb.; in spot- ted fever, lAct. rac; in typhus, lArs, IDulc; preceded by rumbling, HJatroph.; with rum- bling of bowels, I IVer.; with much wind, followed by urging, Samb.; with pain in ab- domen, better rubbing with hand, IDiad.; several afternoons in succession, with flatu- lence, IDulc; discharges with considerable force, with pain in loins, with cutting, lanci- nating, griping pain in abdomen, with great rumbling as if whole intestinal contents were in a liquid state and in violent motion, I IPo- lyg.; frequent, Bell.; frequent, with eruption on head, IPsor.; follows noise as if a full bot- tle were emptied in abdomen, HJatroph.; with headache (megrim), lyEthus.; first, then knotty, Euphor.; lumpy, of all colors (chron- ic intestinal catarrh), I Ars.; mixed with firmer lumps, strong smelling, 11 Rhus ; in morning, soon after rising, I I Aph. ch.; in morning, on awaking, Zinc; early in morning, with fainting and colic, 11 Pod.; every morn- ing, with cutting in lower abdomen, HSub; twice towards morning, sleepless night, Aph. ch.; with nausea, Jab.; in ophthalmia, ICie; pasty, ICheb; papescent, Erig.; as from a purge, IColoe; in rectocele, ISub; scalding, light brown, IGraph.; in scrofulous ulcers, IBar. m.; slippery lumps, ILach.; in intesti- nal spasms, I IOp.; in affection of stomach, ILacc; unshapely strips, in masses, IIArg. nit.; after summer complaint, I IMed.; in swarthy persons, ICinch.; after tea, Chrom. ae; with tenesmus, Cinnab., Magn. s.; in ulcer of os uteri, ICurar.; with copious urine, Cain.; with vomiting (intermittent), ICoccul.; caused by water, Caps. 8@* long, narrow. Stool, threads of fecal matter like hair: Selen, watery; also Diarrhcea. Stool, transparent: Cub., INatr. m. B@~ mucous, rice water, -watery. Stool, triangular: in hemorrhoids, ISep. Stool, contains undigested food ifigT'lienteric. Stool, unsatisfactory: BSP" insufficient, scanty. Stool, urging (desire): lAloe, Ananth, Aph. ch,l I Apis, Ars. h., lAscl. t, Calad, ICarbo v, Chen, v, ICimex, Cinnam, IColoe Cupr s Cycl, Iodof, ILil. tig, IINux v |6p' HPlumb., IRheum, IRhod, IStaph, Tabae' HTarant, I IVib, Vinca; felt mostly in middle of abdomen, in evening, no stool fol- lows, Illgn.; with griping in abdomenj 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 571 IRheum; with pinching in abdomen and loss of consciousness, Spig.; awakes, IKali bb; on awaking, IDiosc; awakens early in morn- ing, Petrol.; awoke with,about 5 a.m., Tromb.; awaking 6 a.m., Arg. nit.; with backache, IPlat.; bearing down in abdomen and rectum, ICornus ; immediately, on turning over on left side (dysentery), HPhos; after weissbier, Card. m.; with bruised sore sensation low down in abdomen (phlegmasia alba dolens), IINux v.; immediate, after nervous chill, passed a little urine, and chill and desire for stool ceased, Syph.; with cholera, INux v.; with clawing cramping pains in stomach, ex- tending to chest or down back to anus (gas- tralgia), IINux v.; lessened by sweetened coffee (pain in stomach), IIMagn. p.; with colic, IColoe, Elaps, Sabad., HStaph.; in bil- ious colic, llris ; with colic, awakes 5 a.m., HSub; after colic, I ICast. eq.; constant, yEsc h, IBerb, HCrot t, IMere d, INatr. s., Sub; constant, after stool, Dros.; constant, followed by slight discharge of blood and mucus, IMere cor.; constant, cannot accomplish much (colic), IDiosc; constant, with colicky pains (chronic diarrhoea), IGamb.; constant, with dark brown blackish discharge, ICrotal.; constant, in dysentery, ILil. tig.; constant, in bilious dysentery, lElat; constant, worse im- mediately after eating, Aloe ; constant, with rumbling in bowels all day, 11 Ptel.; constant, in hemorrhoids, I I Sabina; constant, after gonorrhoea, ICoca ; constant, with gnawing high up in rectum, ICasc; constant, with press- ing in epigastrium and umbilicus, after stool, Crot t; constant, with pressure on rectum, Ptel.; constant, in order to relieve soreness in bowels, Con.; constant, with scanty or ab- sent stool, Ptel.; constant, as soon as patient sits or stands (dysentery), IINux v.; constant, in gastric derangement, IRob.; constant, with- out success, ICon.; constant, in prolapsus of uterus, ILil.tig.; wuth contraction of intestines, ISars.; with croaking as of frogs, Sabad.; with cutting in abdomen, Jacea ; following cutting, griping, I Aeon.; after cutting in umbilicus, Camph.; with cutting aching pains in umbil- ical region, HVer. v.; with sharp cutting in right inguinal region, Iodof.; darting in rec- tum (diphtheria), ILacc; asif diarrhoea would set in, Nux m.; ends with diarrhcea, ICepa ; difficult, hard, Aspar.; discharge insufficient, ICamph.; with sudden distress in hypogastric region, Polyp.; which she dreads, Inul.; after eating, Bar. c, Bor, IHydras., Oxal. ac, Sinap., Zinc; in rectum, after supper, Calc. p.; at 11 p.m., Ascl. t; in evening, with friping in whole lower abdomen, IDulc; rought on by hanging down feet, stool involuntary if not at once responded to (chronic diarrhcea), I IRhus; in intermit- tent, ICoccul.; after flatulence, ICrot. t; pass- ing only flatus, Cain, Myr. cer, Osm, IRob.; only hot flatus passes,IIAloe; with rumbling, in evening, Asim.; with rumbling, nothing passes, Cepa; frequent, IHep., IIHyos., Merc. iod. flav, IINuxv., IPhos. ac, I IPlat, Strain.; frequent, with sensation as if anus and rectum were weakened by long continued di- arrhoea, IColoe; frequent, not better by free evacuation (dentition), IStaph.; frequent, as if diarrhcea would occur, IPuls.; frequent, in gastralgia and leucorrhcea, HCaust.; frequent, with small, soft discharge, Ruta ; frequent, in dysentery, I Arn.; frequent, followed by rumbling, gurgling in left side of abdomen, ICrot. t; every half hour, 11 Arn.; three or four times a day, but only a little scentless wind passes, giving relief (syphilitic neural- gia), I ISyph.; frequent, in organic disease of heart, lApis; frequent, without evacuation, IColoe; frequent, without result, Lachn, INatr. m, Sinap.; with fulness and uneasiness in bowels, ICornus; with griping, while riding, Psor.; at first solid, then bright yel- low and pasty, Ant. sul. aur.; with heat and pain in bowels, IPod.; in hemorrhoids, lyEse h.; ineffectual, lyEse h. Alum., Ant. chb, 11 Aph. ch., I Arn., Ast. r. Bar. c, IBelb, Benz. ac, Bov, Brach, ICarbo a, ICarbo v., Carbol. ac, ICepa, IChim. umb., Coccus, ICon., IFerr, Filix, Gymn., Ham, llgn., ILach, ILye, IIMerc, Niccol., INitr. ac, IINux v., Oleand, Pic. ac, IIPuls., IRatan., Stram, I ITereb, Ver.; ineffectual, with anxie- ty, HCaust.; ineffectual, with bearing down to- wards sacrum,IINux v.; ineffectual,with burn- ing in rectum towards perineum (diphtheritic dysentery), INitr. ac; ineffectual, in cholera Asiatica, HSub; ineffectual, with severe colic, IRob.; ineffectual, constant, IBry., ICann. s., I IPtel.; ineffectual, constant, in evening, I ISib; ineffectual, in coryza, ICale; ineffec- tual, with cutting in bowels, I IPhos.; ineffec- tual, followed by cutting in ribs of left side, with pain under left scapula, as if a piece of flesh were being twisted out, Cornus ; ineffec- tual, in dysentery, felt in sacral and hypo- gastric region, distressing, IMere cor.; inef- fectual, with erections, I Hgn., Thuya; ineffectual, in evening (headache), Bism.; ineffectual, with redness in face, HCaust.; ineffectual, feels feces in rectum but cannot expel, Colch.; ineffectual, with sensation of a mass in lower part of rectum and discharge of offensive flatus, ISang.; ineffectual, during apyrexia, Ign.; ineffectual, in bilious remit- tent fever, ICrotal.; ineffectual, emission of flatus only, I I Laur.; ineffectual, better by frequent passages of flatus, IColch.; ineffec- tual, frequent, Berb., ICon., ICornus, ILac def, INatr. m., IINux v, IPlat., Spig., ISub; ineffectual frequent, alternating with liquid stools, INatr. e; ineffectual frequent, makes her anxious, I Amb.; ineffectual, fre- quent, with passage of fetid flatus which disgusts her, HSub; ineffectual, with heat, I IRatan.; ineffectual frequent, with small stools or only flatus, IMagn. e; ineffectual frequent, with pain, HCaust.; ineffectual fre- quent, with violent pain, IMerecor.; inef- fectual, frequent urging with prolapsus ani, IRuta; ineffectual frequent, preceded by a sick distressed feeling from naVel downward, worse when thinking of it, lOxal. ae; inef- fectual, though bowels seem full, Ant. t; inef- fectual, with pain in head, Lil. tig.; ineffectual, with hemorrhoids, which are painfully sore, IMere; ineffectual, with urine suppressed for forty-eight hours, I IParis; ineffectual, better after cold milk, I Hod.; ineffectual, worse from motion, walking, IRheum; ineffectual, with nausea, ICale; ineffectual, painful, IIKreo.; ineffectual, with much pressing (ague), I ITa- 572 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. rax.; ineffectual, presence of persons unbear- able, 11 Amb.; ineffectual, with feeling asif rectum were too weak to expel, IKali e; in- effectual, with sharp splinter-like cutting pains in rectum during stool, INitr. ac; ineffectual, causing dribbling of urine, ICard. in.; inef- fectual, then vomiting, Sang.; ineffectual, as if too weak to expel, IKali e; with insufficient evacuation or no feces, instead thereof yellow- ish mucus, sometimes mixed with blood, IPuls.; irresistible, Cist, IColoe; irresistible, early in morning, Cist.; caused by spasmodic labor pains, INuxv.; with laborlike pains in uterus, IOp.; finally a liquid portion is dis- charged, followed by a hard portion, Sabina; during menses, constant (parenchymatous metritis), I ILac e; at5 a.m., stool loose, Cain.; in morning, 11 Apis, Bor., IPod, Zinc; early in morning, in bed, Cornus ; every morning, at 6, followed by two or three more passages in a few hours, and no more till next morning (diarrhcea), INuph.; when in morning some water was poured out from pitcher into basin (dysentery), ILyss.; worse from motion, IRheum ; with nausea, in diarrhcea from cool weather, IDulc; in neuralgia llris; at night, Cinch.; at night, in autumnal dysentery, I IMere; when attempted feels as if there were nothing there, and evacuation occurs slowly and only after long straining, 11 Vib.; feeling as if some- thing would pass, Ascl. t; desire passing away with effort, without evacuation, Anac.; painful, Chim. umb., HColch., Form,ILach.; pain contractive in lower abdomen, like after- pains, ICon.; with sharp pains like knives iu lower part of abdomen, Pallad.; followed by painful constriction, ILye; causing a violent pain in small of back and rectum, compelling him to walk about (dysentery), ILyss.; with pain across sacrum, Amm. ben.; causes smarting pain, llgn.; with spasmodic pains, Tell.; with palpitation and oppression of chest, Calc. a.; peristaltic motion in upper intestines is wanting, Coccul.; no power, in paraplegia, I IPlumb.; in pregnancy, I IStann.; after stool, Niccol., Thuya ; with prolapsus of rectum, with emission of flatus,Ruta ; with pressure on rectum, Cain.; with sensation of a plug wedged between symphysis pubis and os coccygis, IIAloe; but little passes, IINitr. ae; a little passes, then urging, Camph.; ex- pulsion of only small portions, with great straining, HPlat.; with inactivity of rectum, anxious, llgn.; with smarting and burning of throat, mouth and stomach, Cornus ; after smoking, Calad.; whenever startled, IGels.; after stool, in diarrhoea, IILach.; in perforat- ing ulcer of stomach, INux v.; sudden, Cie, IGlon, IJatroph, I IMagn. m,INatr. c, I Natr. s.; sudden, 1.30 p.m., with pain, I ICast. v.; sudden, on awaking in morning, driving out of bed, HSub; sudden, preceded by flatus, followed by pain in abdomen and eructations, yEsc h.; sudden, especially early in morning, Diose; sudden, in morning, Mane; sudden, with sensation of a stick in rectum, Asim.; sudden, violent, before stool, IKali e; as if it would be dangerous to postpone, but stool is large and difficult, I IVib.; sudden and unex- pected, stool diarrhoeic, with slight tenesmus, sweat on forehead and limbs, I I Ptel.; tran- sient, caused by pain in abdomen extending low down, Verbas.; with urging to urinate, IDie IIThuva; during urination, lAloe, ICanth, IMur. ac; with vertigo in occiput, in evening while sitting and smoking, IZinc ; while walking, worse standing, Kob.; caused by seeing or hearing water, 11 Lyss.; weaken- ing, in diarrhoea, HVer.; with weakness in rectum and sharp cutting, principally below umbilicus (diarrhoeic dysentery), IPetrol.; sometimes controllable by a strong effort of will, but effort caused much nervous irritation (chronic camp diarrhoea), ILyss. 8®" difficult, forcible ; also Rectum press- ure, tenesmus. Stool, urinating: before, IBor.; when she uri- nates, IIAlum.; with copious urination, Colch.; slight, when urinating, Ind. Stool, variegated: 8®°" changeable. Stool, immediately on having head washed; Tarant. Stool, watery: I Aeon, lyEthus, Agar, Anag, IIAnt. e, lAntt, Apis, Ars, Ars. m., Ars. s. f, 11 Arumt, IIAsaf, Aur. mur, Bapt, Bell., IBenz. ac, Berb., IBism, IBor, Cact, Cain, ICale, Canth, Carb. s, ICarbo v, Carbol. ac. Cast, eq., Castor, Cham, Chin, a. Chin, s, HChrom. ae, ICina, ICoccul, ICoff, HColch, IColoe, HCon, Cop., ICrot. t. Cup. m., Curar, Cycl, IDig, Diose, IDulc, Elaps, IFerr., Fluor, ac, 11 Gamb, IGraph, IIGrat, IHell, IHep., Hippom., IHyos., Hod, Ipec, lllris, HJatroph, IKali iod. Kali n, I IKali ph, IIKali s, Kob, Kreo, ILach., Lept., IIMerc, IMere d, Merc. iod. rub, IMere sub, IMez, Mosch, IMur. ac, Natr. a, INatr. c, INatr. s, IINatr. m, INitr. ac, Nux m., IINux v., Oleand, HOp, Oxal. ac. Petrol, IPhos., IPhos. ac, IPlant, IPlumb, HPod, IIPuls, I IRan.b, I IRan.se, Rhus, IRumex, Samb, Sang, Sab ae, HSec, 11 Senecio, ISul, Sul. ac, Tabae, ITereb, Thuya, HVer., HVer. v.; alternately watery, or slimy, or dark brown fecal (diarrhoea, and catarrh of stomach), IDulc; with pains in abdomen, during apyrexia, I Elat.; black, 11 Ars, Kali bb, IVer.; brown, IIArs, Canth, Chel, IGamb.,IKali bb.Rumex, Sub, IVer.; brown, painless, weakening, IFerr.; dark brown, or dark green(chronic diarrhcea), IGels.; yellow- ish brown, containing white particles, looked as if chopped up, IMagn. c; with abdomi- nal burning, HPhos.; burning at anus,IFerr.; burning in anus, in evening, ILach.; burning distress in stomach and pancreas, llris; in intestinal catarrh, ICale; in children, chronic, usually soon after eating or drinking, without pain or effort, mostly undigested substances, IFerr.; in cholerine, IIArg. nit; in cholera, after camphor has checked vomiting, purging, cramps, etc, IPhos. ae; in Asiatic cholera, each successive one more waterv, IColch.; in cholera morbus, ICaulo, llris, IPod.; in cholera infantum. I Ars. i, ICale, i IMed, IPsor., IRob, IVer.; in sporadic cholera, INatr. m.; clear, Apis ; succeeds constipation, llris ; dark, Nux v.; diarrhoea of children, IIBenz. ac, IMagn. e; diarrhoea, chronic or acute, HPhos. ac.; in diarrhoea, of four months' standing, I ISub; with colic, Cop IFerr, Ferr. p.; with colic, in cholera infantum' INatr. m.; with colic around navel and press- ing in rectum, returning as soon as one lies 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 573 down (phthisis), 11 Oxal. ae; after colic, IJa- troph.: colorless, IIBenz. ac, Coloe, IIMerc, See; colorless, in cholera morbus, llris ; col- orless, in dysentery, ICulu; colorless, in ty- phoid fever, I IMere d.; colorless, sudden, in morning (sporadic cholera), IITabac; color- less, in intestinal spasms, 11 Op.; more color- less with every new stool, Coloe; copious, Seneg.; copious, with colic and tenesmus, I IGamb.; copious, then severe cutting in small intestines,after exposure to wet weather, ILed.; copious, relieving dyspnoea, in hydro- thorax, IMere. sub; copious, in intermittent fever, INatr. m.; copious, in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; pouring away as from a hydrant, better after sleeping, IPhos.; copious, during menses, with chill and cold sweat on forehead, Vib.; copious, at night, with prostration, Gnaphab; copious, inodorous, mixed with white flocks (cholera Asiatica), HVer.; copi- ous, particularly in old people, I IGamb. ; co- pious, yellow like curdled milk, of offensive sickening smell, expelled with much force (diarrhoea during hot weather), IGamb.; in a continuous stream, llris, ILept.; with cramp and wind colic, IMagn. p.; with cramplike or spasmodic pain in bowels, vomiting and flatulence, ICollin.; day and night, Bapt.; during dentition, HCale, I ICham, llpec; during dentition, soaking into diaper, INux in.; in diphtheria, INatr.m.; like dirty water, I Ars, IPod.; like dirty water, soaking nap- kin through, HPod.; after drinking (choler- ine), IPhos.; drives out of bed about 5 a.m., after which he had one stool every hour un- til 9 a.m., ISub; in dropsy, IDig.; in otor- rhcea, HPsor.; after a meal, I Asar.; worse after eating and drinking, ICrot. t; after eat- inganything unusual, especially apples (ague), I IPuls.; after suppression of skin eruptions, ILye; after exposure, IDulc; very fetid, Apis ; after fever, in febris biliosa, lElat.; in inter- mittent, ICoccul.; in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; in puerperal fever, ICham, ISee; in typhoid fever, I Apis, IMere; flaky, Cupr, IVer.; with flatus, preceded by cutting, ISang.; frequent, thin (cholera infantum), IManc; freq*uent, of thin watery feces, with soreness of anus, IGrat.; frothy, lElat, IGrat, IKali bb, IMagn. c; green, Cham, Dulc, IGrat, Iris, IIMagn. c, IPod, IPuls, Sul. ac, IVer.; with green scum, IMagn. e; passed with great force, with colicky pains at 4 a.m., three more profuse during next two hours, Rhus v.; every half hour (cholera), I IVer.; six or eight pas- sages daily after constricting bellyache, worse in epigastric region, ICham.; with griping in bowels, Seneg.; with griping, burning and tenesmus, nausea, drowsiness, dulness of head and sweat, ICornus; greenish, Ipec, IMagn. e; greenish or black fluid gushes as from a hydrant, at times involuntary, at others with urging (cholerine), IPhos.; greenish mixed with mucus (cholera infantum), IGamb.; very hot, daily, ICale p.: lumps like frog spawn (colic), I Aloe ; in affection of liver, I IPod.; in irregular menses, IDig.; with lumps of coagu- lated milk, I Vab; in morning, IKali bi., HPhos.; chronic, in mornings, with pain in sides of abdomen, IColoe; worse in morning, Cop.; very early in morning, following colic and fermenting rumbling in lower abdomen, INuxv.; in morning after rising, Fluor, ae; worse mornings, at end of gastric disturbances (phthisis), IKali e; mucous, Cact, Colch, IGamb.; with large quantities of mucus, ILept.; with flakes of mucus, IPhos.; mixed with mucus, llris; mixed with flakes of mucus (cholera morbus), I IVer. v.; mucous, with tenesmus (aphthae),IHelb; with lumps of white mucus or little grains like tallow, IPhos.; with nausea, Jab.; with nausea,worse aftereat- ing, ICrot. t; with nausea, tearing down thighs and tenesmus, IRhus; at night, ICinch.;after midnight, profuse, IJatroph.; only or un- usually at night, IIPuls.; only at night and most towards morning, 11 Psor.; day and night, with urging every fifteen minutes, Calc. p.; with pains in lower bowels (chronic camp diarrhoea), ILyss.; painless,in afternoon, yEsc. h.; painless, every afternoon (chronic diar- rhcea), IFerr.; painless, in Bright's^disease, I IPhos.; in pancreatic diarrhoea, llris; with, phthisis, Polyp.; in subacute pleuritisJArg.nit; in lying-in women, IHyos.; with weak pulse, Jalap.; red, as if purely of blood (diarrhoea), IMere cor.; like rice water, IKali br.; in rachi- tis, ICale; with rumbling in bowels, IPhos. ae; in scarlatina, Ailant.; scanty, though gushing as if abundant, I IPod.; with pieces from an inch to an inch and a half long float- ing in them, resembling scrapings of intestines, INitr. ae; with greenish scum floating on surface, IIMerc; with meal-like sediment, IPhos. ae; passes through diaper, leaving a doughy sediment, I IPod.; mixed with serum, I Apis ; protracted serous, in summer diar- rhoea, llris; with violent spasm in sphinc- ter (dysentery, or cholera sporadica), HColch.; spurting, HCrot t, HJatroph, Seneg.; spurting, with mucous cough, ISquilla; worse standing or walking, IIAloe; in catarrh of stomach, lApis ; in summer com- plaint, IFerr. ph., IKali br.; after summer complaint, I IMed.; at first, then thicker, Calad.; with or without tenesmus, IIFerr.; with scrofulous ulcers, IBar. m.; with sud- den urging, I IPod.; watery, with urging, and pain in stomach, I IMagn. p.; with vomit- ing, IColch, lElat.; with vomiting and colic, IPlumb.; with vomiting and cramps in calves, IMagn. p.; with vomiting of large quantities of white, glairy fluid (cholera), IJatroph.; in cool damp weather, INux m.; in hot damp weather or in autumn (diarrhoea), IColch.; yellow, I Apis, Ars., Bor, Canth, ICinch., ICrot. t, Dulc,IGrat, IGamb, IHyos, IPhos, Stront, IThuya; yellowish, in influenza, IDulc; yellow, on rising in morning, lEucab; yellow, profuse in hot weather, particularly old people, IIGamb. 8g^" choleraic, rice water, thin. Stool, white: Ananth., Ang., lAnt.c, Apis, Bufo, ICale, Canth, ICast or, Caulo., ICaust, ICed, Colch, ICop, ICrotal., IDig, Diose, Dros, IDulc, IForm, Iber, Ign, IKali m, IIMerc, IINux m, IPallad, Petrosel,IPhos. ac, I !Pod, IIPuls, IRheum, IRhus, Rhus v, IRob, HSub, Urt. ur.; with pain in abdo- men (cholera, fourth day), IPhos. ac; streaked with blood, ICale; with bloody mu- cus, IIPuls.; chalky, Bell.; in cholera, lArg. nit; in sporadic cholera, INatr. m.; in chol- era, after camphor has checked vomiting, ♦ 574 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. purging, cramps, etc, IPhos. ae; with colic, ICham.; cream colored, after summer com- plaint, I IMed.; cream colored, IGels.; in diarrhoea, ICale, ICina, I IMed, I INaja, HPhos. ac, ISpong., HVer.; in diarrhoea of children, IIBenz. ac; in chronic diarrhoea, I IPhos. ae; with diarrhoea or jaundice, I INatr. p.; in diphtheria, ILac e; mixed with white matter, like boiled white of an egg, Urt. ur.; with emaciation (chronic prurigo), ICale; fecal, Dig., Lye, Pod, Rhus ; fetid, I IPsor.; mixed with whitish flakes, worse after eating and drinking, ICrot. t; small particles like opaque frog spawn mixed with brownish bloody fluid (dysentery), HPhos.; like frog spawn, gelatinous, three or four times a day, with much pressure, IHelb; in gastromalacia, IKreo.; greenish, loose, IPhos. ac; or green, I INatr. p.; grayish, Aur. mur, IBenz. ac; grayish, in liver complaint, IPhos.; during prevailing intermittent fever, ISang.; hard, every four or five days (prosopalgia), IChel.; involuntary, in intermittent fever, ICina ; in jaundice, IDig, IDolich, HSep.; with jaun- dice, after unripe fruit, IRheum ; in hepatitis, with jaundice, IHep.; in subacute inflam- mation of liver, IHydras.; chronic, with hepatic derangement of children, iKalibb; milky (diarrhoea), ICale; milky, in puerperal fever, ICham.; in morning, ICinch.; in morn- ing, in intestinal catarrh, ICop.; sudden, in morning (sporadic cholera), IITabac; mu- cous, HCanth.,HColch,IGraph, Ipec,IPhos.; mucous, every three or four hours (retrover- sion), IFerr. iod.; mucous, jellylike, IHelb; mucous, jellylike, with tenesmus, IHelb; mu- cous, in myelitis, IDulc; mushy, Calc. p.; like thick pap, children (cough), ICheb; after discharge of a small piece rectum closes, ICimex ; purulent (enteritis), I IRhus; mixed with shining particles like kernels of rice, Cub.; in scrofulosis of children, IStilling.; with scrofulous glands, IBar. m.; soft, in in- testinal catarrh, ICale; spots, when first passed, later green, IMur. ae; like a .solution of starch, with straining, I IVer.; in stomach complaint, IKali bb; with sinking at stomach, IDig.; in summer complaint, IFerr. ph.; floating lumps, like tallow, IMagn. c.; undi- gested, in intermittent, ICale; undigested, in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; urine red,l Aeon.; urine dark red or saffron colored (jaundice), lAcon.; with bilious vomiting, IDig.; after vaccination, IIThuya; watery, IBenz. ac, ICastor., ICheb, Dulc, Merc, v., IPhos. ac, IPhos.; watery, in children, I ISee; watery, in hepatic typhus, ICheb; like dirty water, with sediment of undigested food, whitish, granulated, Bry.; from overfatigue or chill in damp weather, IHep.; wheylike, Hod.; whey- like (cholera Asiatica). ICup. m.; wheylike (sporadic cholera), INatr. m.; yellowish, Cham, Ign,I Rhus, Sul. ae; yellowish, in diar- rhoea, I ISee; yellowish, fecal, IDig. 8®* chalky, clayey, light. Stool, with worms: ascarides, I Asar., rcBar. m, llCalc, ICina ; with ascarides,at 11 a.m., Ascl. t; ascarides, and itching at anus, from even- ing till midnight, Calc. a.; lumbrici, ICina; fecal, with masses of worms, ISpig.; tapeworm, I Arg. nit, I ICale, IGraph.; frequent passages of segments of tapeworm and masses of mucus, 11 Phos. 8^* Worms. Coccul, Colch, Collin, t. Cub., IDulc, IGrat, I Ins, Jab, IKalii bi, IKali e, IKali iod., I IKali s, IILyc, IIMerc. cor IMere sub, Natr. a., INatr. s., Niccol, INuxm., HOleand, Petrol, Pic. ae, IPhos. ac, IPlumb., HPod., IRhus, Sab ae, HSec, Staph., I ITromb, Urt. ur.; bright, lyEthus, lAloe, lArg. nit., Brom, IChel, Colch., Elaps, IGels, IHep., Ipec, IKali m., ILach, Myr. cer, INuph, IPetrol.,I IPhos, ISang., Thuya ; bright, in intestinal catarrh, ICale; bright, followed by chilliness, 11 Grat; bright, in cholera infantum, Sul. ac; bright, with cough, ICheb; bright, flaky, Colch.; bright, mucous, Brom.; bright, with a quantity of mucus after griping, IFluor. ac; brownish, Ananth, I Ant. t, IColoe, Cycl., Ind, Petrol.; brownish, cadaverous (typhoid fever), IIRhus; brownish fluid, after ovariotomy, I IRaph.; brownish, smelling like carrion, fluid mixed with small fragments of feces like millet seeds, ILach.; like beaten or stirred eggs, INux m.; in entero-colitis, INuph.; after suppression of skin eruptions, ILye; in crusta lactea, I I Sul. ac.; in evening or morning, 11 Hyper.; in cholerine, I Asar., I Phos.; in cholera, IPhos. ae; chronic, or acute, HPhos. ae;dark, IDiosc, HPod.; dark, in typhoid fever, I Arum t; dark, in hepatic de- rangement, I I Pod.; only by day (chronic diarrhoea), ICoccul.; in dentition, ICham.; in diarrhcea, lArs., ICale, IIGamb, IIKali s, IPetrol., HPhos. ac, Sal. ac, HSec; in diar- rhoea, in lying-in women, IHyos.; diarrhoea, with burning before and during stool, 11 Ra- tan.; fecal, lAloe, IGels.; containing bits of yellow feces, Bor.; fecal, caused by sudden de- pressing emotions, IGels.; in gastric, nervous fever, ILach.; in prevailing fever,l Amm. m.; in typhoid fever,IDule; fecal,I Agar, I Aloe, Amm. m.,Ant. t. Apis, Bor., Calc,Cist, Coccul.,Co- loe ,Cub,Dig.,Diose, Fluor, ac.,IGamb, Gels, IHep., Iris, Kali c, Lach, Lith., Natr. c, Oleand.., Phos. ac, Rhus; flakes, Ascl. t; golden, with cholera infantum, IPhos.; green- ish, lApis, IColoe, IDulc, IMagn. c, HPod, IIPuls.; greenish masses mixed* with bloody mucus (dysentery), IMere cor.; greenish mucus, Apis; greenish, mixed with mucus, preceded by cutting around umbilicus,IGamb.; greenish, pultaceous, 11 Cupr. s.; greenish, with tenesmus, ILact. ae; with tinge of green, very slight pain (erysipelas in stomach), I Apis; greenish water, then burning in anus, llGrat; grayish, Cist.; grayish, during apy- rexia (tertianague), llpec; dirty gray,Sinap.; as an infant's, I Alum.; in intestinal spasms, HOp.; liquid, Bov.; in morning, IIArum t, IHeb; in stomatitis, I Natr. c.; mucous, I Cinch, IPhos. ae; mucous, in cholera infantum, ITa- bae; clear mucus, IPuls.; mucus, in diarrhoea, I ISub; mucus and undigested food (chronic diarrhoea), IGamb.; a string of inodorous mucus, 11 Asar.; stringy mucus, in crusta lactea, I ISub ae; with mucus and blood, Bar. e; with nausea, worse after eating, ICrot. t; at nbriit' ICinch.; at noon, Ascl. s.; with nervous agi- tation, cold sweat, weakness and dyspnoea IRob.; like pale yellow ochre (diarrhcea in 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 575 typhoid), IKali m.; orange, lApis, Colch.; orange (gastric nervous fever), ILach.; orange, in typhoid, ILach.; painless, Cann. b; like pulp of an orange, in climacteric period,INatr. c; with burning in rectum (gastritis), ICoc- cul.; fetid,with protrusion of several elongated bodies resembling, earth worms but brilliant red color and of vascular shreddy appearance resembling sarcomatous growth (polypus of rectum), IKali br.; reddish fluid, IILyc; soft, with rumbling in bowels,llris; saffron, IColoe, Sul. ac; spots like fat, Ascl.t; in affection of stomach, ILac c; in catarrh of stomach, I Apis ; in summer complaint, lAnt.c, IFerr. ph.; after summer complaint, I IMed.; with tenesmus and constriction of anus, Mang.; thin, yEsc h. Apis; thin, in yellow fever, IVer.; with frequent urging, Calad.; watery, I Apis, Ars, Bor, Canth, ICinch, ICrot. t, Dulc, IGamb., IGrat, IHyos, Stront, IThu- ya ; watery, coming out all at once, worse in morning and forenoon, I IGamb.; watery, twice a day, IIDulc; watery, frequent, I IGrat.; watery, in pneumonia, ICheb, IFerr. ph.; watery, with vomiting and much flatus, IGrat.; whitish fluid, INitr. ac; whitish, in mental affections, IChel. BEFORE STOOL, abdomen: aching in up- per, Bell.; about navel, burning (fall diar- rhoea), I Ars.; burning pinching, in stomach and about navel, Fluor. ac;as if it would burst, I Ars.; painful pressure before soft, as if lower abdomen would burst, Spig.; as if constricted (dysentery), lArs.; constrictive pain, extending into chest, INatr. s.; crampy pain,I ITromb.; cramping pain around navel (dysentery), IHam.; cutting, Aeon, yEthus, Agar, Ant. c,IAntt, I Ars, Asar, Brom, Bry, Caps, Carbo v., Castor., Chel., IIColoc, Con, Dig, Grat., Iris, Kob, Laur, IMagn. c, IMere, Merc, cor, Natr. e, INatr. m., Nic- col., INitr. ac, IINux m, Nux v. Petrol., Puis., Rhus, Sang, Sec, Staph, IISul.;, cut- ting, constricting pain, worse in epigastric region, Cham.; cutting, in lower, Iris ; cut- ting around navel, Grat., INux v.; digging, I IStann.; dragging in groin, Castor.; drawing pains, INitr. ae; faint, sick feeling, in lower, IMere iod. flav.; fulness, I IPhyt., Gamb.; griping, lAloe, Bell., IIMagn. c, Merciod.rub, INux v., HOp., ITromb.;'griping, with back- ache (dysentery), ICub.; griping, in cholera infantum), IGamb., I IVer.; griping, in chronic diarrhoea, 11 Phos. ae; griping, in morning, Case, ISub; griping, about navel, Psor.; grip- ing, great urging, with pressure in rectum, ILil. tig.; grumbling pain, follows hard stool, Ustil.; heat, Bell.; laborlike pain, soft, ICarbo v.; motion, Stann.; pain, Bapt, ICor- nus, I IForm, Kali bi, I IPhos. ac, Sib; in chronic diarrhoea, I ISub; pain, in chronic diarrhoea of children, ICollin.; pain, in dys- entery, Caps.; pain, in left side, with sweat, ITromb.; pain, in lower, HVer.; pain, in morning, I IRumex; pains, about navel,I Aloe, lAmm. m. Caps, Fluor, ae, Grat., Nux v, Oxal. ae, HVer.; pain, better by pressure, I IPod.; pain,and urging (diarrhoea), I IGamb.; pinching,yEthus,IAgar,Aph.ch,Bell, Canth, Castor, Cina,Colch., Fluor, ae,IGamb.,Hep, IKali e, IIMagn. c, IMere, Natr. s., Niccol., Petrol, Stann, IVer., Zing.; pinching, deep, IKali e; pinching, around navel, Sabad.; pinching, in groins and hypogastrium, I Natr. s.; sharp pain, across lower, Lact. ac; sharp pains, in lower, better after stool, HVer.; sharp pain, better afterwards but increasing weakness (during progress of post-scarlatinal follicular entero-colitis, with dropsy), ILept.; soreness in intestines, Sul.; soreness in lower, INatr. m.; sore pains, terrible, Tromb.; ten- sive pain, in upper, while holding breath, Dros.; twisting, Ars, Stram.; twisting pain, Caust; twisting pain, about navel, Caps.; un- easy pains, IMur. ae; weakness in, like faint- ness, lower, IVer.; writhing Stram. 8®" colic, flatulence. Before stool, great sensibility to cold air: Mez. Before stool, anus : burning, IBerb, Fluor, ac, Oleand., Sabad.; burning, with protrusion of varices, 11 Ratan.; diarrhoea-like, burning, IRatan.; as if closed, with desire to go to stool, IOp.; spasmodically closed (fissure ani), IHam.; itching, ISpong.; pain, ILye; sensation of a plug, ILach.; pressing, Sul. ac; prolapsus, IPod.; smarting, INatr. s.; spas- modic pains, ILach.; stinging, Berb.; stitches, Gamb, IKali e, Spong. Before stool, back : aching, as if broken, INux v.; coldness,! Ars.; pain in sacral region, IDiosc; pains, in small of, IPuls.; pressure, frequent in women, ICarbo v.; writhing, in sacrum and back, radiating all over body and limbs, Diose Before stool, bladder: pressure, ICarbo v, INatr. m. Before stool, chilliness: I Ars, Benz. ac. Dig., IMere, Mez, IPhos, IVer.; in constipation, IMez.; creeping, IMez.;creeps, on head, Carbo a.; with desire for acid drinks, IMez.; with flashes of heat, IMere; shuddering, Sabad. Before stool, colic : Aloe, Alum, Arg. nit, Bapt, Bar. c. Bell., Bor, Bry, Cact, Cain, ICanth, Caps,Cast, ICham, ICinch, Colch., IIColoc, IIDiosc, Dulc, Ferr. ph, IGamb, Gels, Graph, Hell., Ind, Ipec, IKali c. Kali n, Lept, ILye, IMagn. c, IManc, Merc. iod. rub, IMez., IMur. ae, Natr. a, INatr. s, INitr. ac, Oxal. ae, Petrol, IPhos, Plant., IPod., Puis, IIRan.se, IIRheum, Rumex, ISep., Tereb., IITromb, HVer, Zinc, Zing.; in cholerine, ICrot. t; in transverse colon, ICrot. t; with constriction or spasm of anus, Plumb.; cutting IIAnt. t, Dig, Jalap., IMere cor., IRheum, IRhus, ISub; in dysentery in old people, IBapt.; flatulent, Caps, ILye; intermittent, about navel, llris; in lower, Bapt.; in parox- ysms,IColoe;pinching, Cycl.; pinching, IVer.; with rumbling, INatr. c, INatr. s.; with rum- bling, cutting,. IPuls.; not better by stool, IIRheum; tearing, Dig.; twisting, around navel, 11 Oxal. ac. |®" abdomen. Before stool, epigastrium: desire before consti- pated, Ver.; distress worse (mesenteric dis- ease), ICale Before stool, faint feeling: Calc. a, I ISul. Before stool, fainting : I Ars., Dig. Before stool, flatulence: Ant. t,Colch., IILyc; borborygmus, in cholerine, I Crot. t; abdo- men distended, Arn., Fluor, ae, Stann.; in enteritis, I IRhus ; gurgling, I I Spong.; loud gurgling, as of water, IPod.; noisy, ISpong.; rumbling, Brom., Cact, Cast., Chel., Ferr. iod, IGamb., Grat.,Ign., Iris, IKali e, ILach., 576 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. Lept, IMagn. c, IMur. ac, INatr. m, Oleand, IPhos., IPuls., Sabad., See, I ISpong, ISub, Thuya, IVer.; rumbling, in left side, IPod.; rumbling, painful,Cain., Cast.; snarling noise, Spong. gj-sr abdomen, colic, flatus. Before stool, passage of flatus: Aloe, lApis, Gels, IMagn. c; copious, fetid, IMez.; fre- quent, offensive, Plant.; hot, Coccul.; noisy, Calad. 8®** flatulence. Before stool, groins: pain, Natr. s.; pressing, Cast., ITromb. Before stool, headache : 11 Oxal. ae, IPuls. Before stool, heat: Crot. t, IMagn. e, Mere, IPhos. Before stool, descent of hemorrhoids : Arund., I I Ratan.; with straining, which causes pain as of ulceration, IMere; discharge of bright blood, IINux v. Before stool, hypochondria: cutting, Cub.; pain, Collin. Before stool, indolence: IBor. Before stool, languor: IMez.; lassitude, Rhus. Before stool, mental condition: Ars.; anguish, IMere; anxiety, lArs, Cadm. s, Cham, Crot. t, IKali c, IMere, IVer.; crying (infant), Bor.; discontent, IBor.; distressed feeling, IKalic.; fretfulness, IBor.; irascibility, ICale; irritability, ICale Before stool, nausea: Aeon., Ant. t, Bry, Calc, Chel, Cycl, IDulc, Grat, Hell, llpec, IMere, I lOZnan, IPod., IRhus, Rumex, ISep, IVer.; nausea and colic, Hell.; nausea and vomiting, ILach. Before stool, rectum: atony, Plumb.; constant bearing down, pressing, Lib tig.; chilliness, Lye; pain as from constriction, prevents passage of feces, IBerb.; contraction, INatr. m.; burning, Diose, INatr. m.; chilliness, ILye; constriction, Bell, ILach.; cutting, Asar.; white mucous discharge, IKalie; inac- tivity, INatr. in.; pressure, INatr. m., IINitr. ac, Plat; constant pressing, INitr. ac; con- stant and painful, pressure without stool, ILach.; pressure towards anus, with blind hemorrhoids, Ver.; straining, Apis, ICanth.; painful straining, Agar.; shooting, compelling an outcry, Plat. ggT" tenesmus. Before stool, saliva: viscid, tasteless, Fluor, ac. Before stool, sexual organs: erections, Kalibh; drawing in spermatic cords, Sabad. Before stool, sweat: Aeon, Bell, Dulc, ITromb.; hot or cold, IMere Before stool, tenesmus: lyEthus, Agar.,Berb, ICham, Collin, IIMerc. cor., IMere sob, IIMerc. v, INux v., Plat., Plumb, Ver.; and rumbling, as if diarrhoea would come on, Grat.; even with loose stools, Diose; efforts often followed by tenesmus, ILye 8^" Rectum, tenesmus. Before stool, thirst: I Ars. Before stool, trembling: IMere Before stool, urethra: contraction, INatr.m.; a drop of watery, sticky substance passes, Selen. Before stool, urging: Aloe, Amm. m, Bor, IBov., ICanth, ICarbo v., ICist, IColoe, Cornus, Cycl, IGamb., IKali bi. Kali n., Lept, ILye, IMere, IMere cor, INatr. c, Niccol., liNux v, Phos., Plat, IRheum,Rhus, Sabad, Sang, Sinap.., I ISpong., IStaph,ISub; felt mostly in middle and upper abdomen, Ign.; constant, often ineffectual, IINux v.; constant, with nausea and tearing colic, IRhus ; continual, fruitless, INitr. ac; cannot retain, in dysentery, HPhos.; frequent, worse at night, IMere; ineffectual, Grat, ILach, IMere, Plat.; ineffectual, with or without tenesmus, Plumb.; painful, Calc. fl., Magn. m.; sudden, Cist, Diose, IKali c, Lil. tig. Mane, Petrol, IPhos, IPod., I ISub; sudden, violent, driving out of bed in morning, IRu- mex, ISub; sudden, with hot pinching throughout abdomen, Gamb. fig^ Stool, urging. Before stool, ineffectual urging to urinate: IRheum. Before stool, vertigo: with cardialgia and nau- sea, I CEnan. Before stool, vomiting: I Ars, Dig., Ipec, IVer. DURING STOOL, abdomen: sore, bmised pain, lArn.; burning in umbilical region (fall diarrhcea), lArs.; bursting pain, ILye; con- strictive pain, IRheum; cramplike, Iris, ILach., J ITromb.; cramplike, in umbilical region, Myr. cer.; cutting, Aeon, Agar.,lAloe, Asar, Caps., Chel, IIColoc, Cub, Dig, Iod, Iris, Kali n, Merc, Merc, e, Rhus, See; cut- ting, about navel, Aloe, Gamb.; as if cut to pieces (autumnal dysentery), IMere; cutting, worse by pressure or bending backward, ISub; cutting, with sensitiveness (cholerine), ICrot. t.; distension, Stram.; felt a drawing from navel backward to spine, I IPlumb.; gnawing, about navel, Kali bb; griping, I Aloe, Bapt.; griping, with backache, in dysentery, ICub.; griping, with tenesmus, partial prolapse of rectum, weakness, faintness, Plant; laborfike pain, better by pressure, INatr. m.; move- ment, like fermentation, Bry.; pain, ICornus, IPod, IPuls.; pain continues, ITromb.; pains intense in upper, darting and tearing, Med.; pain, about navel, Fluor, ae; pain and urging (diarrhoea), I IGamb.; pain, over whole, Urt. ur.; pains worse, Cornus, I IPod.; pain, worse in morning, INitr. ae; pinching, Apis.Canth, IKali c; pinching, before menses, IIAlum.; pressure, Arn, Hep.; pressing, in lower, Nux m.; soreness, ISub; soreness, in chronic diar- rhoea, I IPod.; spasmodic, constricting pain extending to chest, groins and genitals, ISub; stinging, in Crotal.; straining, Hep.; tormina, Erig., Pod.; twisting, Caps.; twisting, in diar- rhoea, Bov.; twitching, in muscles of abdomen, ICale; writhing, before menses, IIAlum. B€^° colic, flatulence. During stool, anus: biting, ILye; burning, Agn, I Aloe, I Ant. t, Aph. ch., lArs, Ars. m. Bar. e, IBerb., Bry, ICale, Calc a, Cann. s., ICanth, ICarbo v, ICast, Cast, eq, ICham,ICinch.,IColoe, Cornus, Cycl, Gamb., llris, Kali bi, ILach, ILye, IManc, IMere, IMere cor, Merc. sub,IMur.ac,Natr. c, INatr. s. Op, Pic. ac,Plat,l I Plumb, I IRatan,Sinap, ISub, I Urt. ur., IVer, IZinc; burning, and bleeding (fissures), IGraph.; burning, in cholera infantum, ICale; burning, and heat, Gamb.; burning, with nervous agitation, weakness, cold sweat, and dyspnoea, IRob.; burning, and pain, as if from excoriation,' Magn. m.; burning, with soft, IMere; burn- ing, with protrusion of varices, I IRatan- clawing, Zinc.; as if constricted (constipation)' Thuya; constriction, Nux m.; constriction 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 577 pain running up back, sharp cutting lanci- nating, Coloe; spasmodic constriction, IILyc; pain, as if constricted, ISib; painful constric- tion, Thuya; constrictive pain, in evening, Brach.; painful, constricting about prolapsed rectum, IMez.; contraction, Cepa, INatr.m, INitr. ac; cutting, Agar, ICanth, Caps, ICar- bo v, Cepa, Iris, IIMur. ac, Natr. e, INitr. ac, INux v. Pic ac, Plat, IRheum, See, Stann, I IVib.; cutting, then constriction and aching for several hours, worse at night (fis- sure ani), IGraph.; cutting, hard, IPhos.; feces remain, ILach.; pain as though there were fissures, IINitr. ac; heat, IGlon, IPod.; heat, with constipated, IVer.; itching, ICarbo v, ISub; jerking, IColoe; jerking, upward through rectum, with loose, ISep.; lancinat- ing, as from ulceration, INatr. m.; pain, Canth, Cinch., Dolich, IMere, Mur. ac, lOxal. ae, IPod.; pains, atrocious, recurring after an hour or two and lasting twelve hours, preventing sleep (fissure), IPaeonia; pain, in chronic diarrhoea, HSub; pain, in constipa- tion, I ICheb; pains, in fissures, IHam.; pains, intolerable (hemorrhoids with fissures), IPaeo- nia ; pain as if it would fly to pieces (consti- pation), Thuya; pains, terrible (rhagades), ICund.; pain, violent, Stront.; pressure, Zinc; prickling scraping, Cact.; prolapsus, ICinnab, Fluor, ae, Gamb, IMur. ac, HPod, ISep., ISub; pulsation, INatr. m.; rawness, in dys- entery, lUrt. ur.; shooting, constipated, ISep.; smarting, Agar., Cinch., IKali e, IMur. ac, INatr. s., Pic. ac; soreness, Agar.; sore pain, lasts for some days, Spong.; spasm, with shud- dering over back, IColch.; spasmodic pains (fissures), INitr. ae; sticking, ICarbo v.; urg- ing and sticking, with hard, IIGraph.; sting- ing, Berb.; stinging, lasts eight hours after, three weeks after confinement, IHydras.; stitches, IBerb, ICarbo v., ILye, Nux m.; tearing, Cepa,Colch., INitr. ac; tearing, with hard, Agar.; pain as if sphincter were torn with effort, ILach.; weight, I ISep.; weight, with constipation, ISep.; urging, griping pains, causing headache and heat in head, 11 Oxal. ac. During stool, anxiety: Cham., Merc, IVer. During stool, back: Apis, lArs, Colch, INux v.; chills, ITromb.; drawing, Stann.; flashes of heat, running up, IPod.; pain, IINux v., IPuls.; pain, as if broken, ILye; pain, from loins to legs, Agar.; pain, in lumbar region, IPod.; pain, in lumbar and sacral regions, worse, IPod.; pain, radiating over body and limbs, Diose; pain, in sacrum, IPod.; pain, in sacral region, IDiosc; violent pain, in small of (dysentery), Tabae; pain, in small of, with soft, Niccol.; pressure, caused by flatus in lumbar region, Spong.; stitching, from coccyx to interscapular region and even to vertex, IPhos.; sweat, IKali bb; throbbing, in small of. Alum. During stool, bladder: burning, ICaps.; press- ure, ICarbo v.; straining, urging, in catarrh, ICanth.; tenesmus, Lil. tig., IStaph. During stool, bleeding: IIAlum, Amm. m., ICarbo a, ICarbo v, Cepa, ICrotal, ILye, INatr. c, INatr. m., IPsor, IPuls., I ISep.; black blood, lAsar.; dark, eoagulated blood, with comfortable feeling in abdomen, IPhos.; dark fluid, oozing "fen standing or walking, ICrotal.; dark red, Vib.; with hard, ICale p, Ind., IIMerc; in dysentery, INux v., ISep, Zinc; with hard, painless, in clots, with sinking feeling, IVer, hard, every third day (syphilitic headache), I IThuya ; hemor- rhoidal, Aur. mur.; in purpura hemorrhagica, I IPhos.; worse when stool is loose, llgn.;_in a small stream (hemorrhoids), IPhos.; thick blood, I Asar.; from genitals, ILye; pure blood from vulva, IMurex. 8@~ Stool bloody, Hemorrhoids bleeding ; also Chap. 19, In- testines hemorrhage. During stool, breathing : catching of breath, in dysentery, ISub; dyspnoea, I Alum.; dyspnoea, caused by pain in bowels, ICoccul.; short, IRhus. During stool, children : writhe, twist and double up, IColoe; crying, drawing up feet, lyEthus.; screaming, in dysentery, IMere; struggle and scream, and seem as if they would go into fits, IKreo.; screaming (teething*in- fants), with drawing up of limbs or stiffening body, IRheum ; do not wish to be touched (infantile diarrhoea), ICham., IMagn. c During stool, chill: Puis., IVer.; all over, Alum.; about lower part of body (dysentery), ISul. During stool, chilliness: Aloe, lArs, Bry., Con, Cop, Ipec, ILye, IMagn. m., IIMerc, IRheum, Sib, ISul, Tromb., Ver.; crawling, Ars. h.; mingled with heat, Merc, v.; rigid, IBry., Con, Stann.; shaking, IPuls., Ver.; shivering, Ptel, IVer.; shuddering, Bell. During stool, coldness: Bry., Ipec, Sec During stool, colic : Agar, Alum, Ant.t., Apis, Arg. nit, I Ars, Ascl. s., Bapt, Canth., Caps, Cham., IIColoc, ICon, Cop, Cornus, Crotal, Crot. t, Cycl, Dulc, Gamb, IGlon., Ipec, IKali c, ILye, IMagn. e, Mane, Mez., IMur. ac, Nitr. ac, Oxal. ac, Petrol, Plumb, IPod, IRheum, Rhus, 11 Senecio, Sil, Stram, Tabae, Urt. ur.; cutting, lAloe, Colch., IColoe, Ja- lap, IMere cor., IRhus; cutting, whole intes- tinal canal, Kali n.; drawing, Cop.; about navel, HOxal. ac.; pinching, Agar., Canth., Merc, v, IVer.; pinching and cutting, making one bend double, IMere; tearing, Aloe, Cop.; twisting pains, Bov.; with flexing of thighs upon abdomen, IRheum. 8^** abdomen, flatulence. During stool, convulsion : Art. v. During stool, disagreeable sensation: through whole body, Crot. t; felt badly, "Atrop. s.; distressing in cerebrospinal meningitis, IDig. During stool, eructation : Cham, Dulc, IKali c, IMere, IPuls.; bitter, Cham.; empty, with distended abdomen, Ruta; of food, I I Arum t. During stool, exhaustion : g^° weakness. During stool, eyes : pain, ICrot t; pain in left orbital region, I IVib.; snapping of eyelids is worse (chorea), IMagn. p. During stool, face : chorea, IMagn. p.; conges- tion, Aloe; heat in cheeks, Crot t., Hep.; pale, ICale, Ipec, IKali c, IRheum, Stram, IVer.; pains worse, ISpig. During stool, fainting : Aloe, I I Oxal. ac, ISul. BgjT" faintness. During stool, faintness: Aloe, Bor, Colch, DioseJPuls, IVer.; in influenza, I Dulc.; caused by pain in bowels, ICoccul. ggg° fainting. During stool, flatulence : borborygmus, I Colch.; distension,IColch.; distended feeling, Nux m.; flatulent pain, in diarrhcea,Como.; withpress- 37 578 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. ing, Lachn.; rolling, ICale, Stram.; rumbling, Arn., Chel., Cornus, IGlon., Hep., INitr. ac; loud fluid rumbling, IJatroph. During stool, flatus: I Agar., I Aloe, I Arg. nit. Arum d., Brom, HCollin, IColoe, Con, Cor- nus, IIFerr, Gamb, Hippom, INatr. p., IINatr. s, INitr.ac, Osm, IPhos. ac, HPod., Ruta, Sang, I ISee, Zing.; in chronic dysen- tery, ICon.; fetid, Castor., Colch, Cornus, Diose; fetid, coppery, Iris ; gurgling, like water from a bunghole, Thuya ; hot, IStaph.; loud, Cub.; loud, sharp noise,Glon.; splutter- ing, fetid, several times a day, with burning in abdomen, 11 Jamb. During stool, gagging: IPod. 8®" nausea, vomiting. During stool, hands: heat, Hep. During stool, head : clicking noise in left vertex, ICon.; confusion, Kali bb; congestion, Aloe, INuxv., ISub; heat, Oxal. ac.; feeling as if head grew large, Kob.; sudden, forward mo- tion and other irregular movements (chorea), IMagn. p.; headache, ICon., ILye, Oxal. ac, IPuls., ISib, ISub; frontal, Apis; pain in middle of forehead, as if brain would fall out, Ratan.; pressure in vertex, Iod. During stool, heart: palpitation, Cycl.; palpita- tion, in dysentery, ISul.; stitches, Colch. During stool, heat: ISub; flashes, with puru- lent diarrhoea, IMere During stool, hemorrhoids: bleed, Aur. met, IBrom., Fluor, ac, 11 Nitr. ac; burning, I ISub; irritation, Cepa; painful, Brom, ICimex, ILach.; pain, so that she has to desist,IThuya; protrude, Bar. e, ICale, IPhos., Plat, ISib; protrusion and distension, with pricking and burning, IKali e; protrusion, caused by nar- rowing of rectum, developing hemorrhoids, ILye; smarting, HSub; stinging, burning tumors, Grat.; throbbing, I ISul. 8ST* Hemorrhoids stool. During stool, inguinal hernia protrudes, even during soft: HPhos. During stool, hunger: lAloe. During stool, lassitude : Ipec. During stool, legs: cramps, ISul.; sciatica worse, INux v. During stool, leucorrhcea: IMagn. m.; bloody, Murex ; thick, white, blood-streaked, IVib. During stool, inclination to lie down: Hep. During stool, nausea: Agar, Ant. t. Apis, I Ars, Bell, Cham, Chel., Coloe, Crotal, Crot. t, IGlon, Gnaphab, Grat, Hell., llpec, IKali c, IMere, IMere iod. rub, INitr.ac, IPod, IPuls, IRhus, Sil, ISub, IVer.; in ab- domen, Hep.; in evening, ISub; in throat, Sil. g®~ gagging, vomiting. During stool, terribly nervous : 7rAtrop. s. During stool, nose: bleeding, ICoff., IPhos, IRhus. During stool, position: abdomen and thigh must be approximated as much as possible, IColoe During stool, discharge of prostatic fluid: lAgnus, Alum., HCale, Caust., Con., IHep, llgn., IKali bi, INatr. c, INatr. m, IINitr. ae, IINux v, IPhos, ISelen., HSil., IISul, Thuya. g^* sexual organs ; also Chap. 22, Prostate. During stool, rectum: acrid feeling, Nux m.; sensation as if bowels would come out, Ascl. t, IKali br.; burning, Aloe, Alum., I Amm. m, I Ars., Bar. c, IBor, ICale, ICaps., Con, Cornus, Diose, Graph,Grat, IHydras ILye, INatr. in, Niccol, Plat, IPuls., ISil, Sul. ac; burning, as if boiling lead were passing through, Thuya; burning, passing over into soreness (after labor), IMez.; burning, sting- ing lasts eight hours, three weeks after con- finement, IHydras.; contraction, in dysentery, I Ars.; contracts and protrudes with stitches, ILye'; constriction, Coloe, IPhos.; as if con- stricted and dried up, lAlum.; pain as from constriction of rectum, prevents passage of feces, IBerb.; cramplike pain, IKreo.; cutting, Asar, Con., INitr. ac, IPuls., ISars, I IVib.; cutting, splinter-like, INitr. ac; excoriated feeling, lAlum.; heat, Aloe; itching, ISib, ISub; pain, Alum, Ant. e, IGuaraea, ISep.; pain, with ringing in ears, ILye; pain, ex- tends to perineum and vagina, with hard, ISep.; pain, from spasms, I IPlumb.; pressing, Cornus, ILye; pressure, in hemorrhoids,HSub; prolapsus, Ant. c, ICale, ICanth, Crot. t, Dulc, Fluor, ae, IGamb, IMez.; prolapsus, in dysentery, ISub; prolapsus, with loose, lAnt. c; restlessness, and anxiety, Jalap.; retching, in dysentery, ICupr. m.; scraping of posterior wall, Crotal., Crot. t; scratching, INatr. in.; shooting, with hard, ISep.; smart- ing, lAmm. m, IHydras., IPhos.; soft, feeling as if intestines had no power to evacuate, IHelb; soreness, as if an ulcer had been torn open in rectum, I Ant. c; stinging, Niccol, ILye, ISib; stitches, Cinch, Niccol.; tearing, ICale, ISars., ISep.; tearing, from below up- ward and backward, to point of producing eructations, ILach.; pain, as if rectum were torn to pieces, ISul. ac.; tingling, ICarbo v.; feels too weak to expel feces, IKali c. 8®*" anus, straining, tenesmus. During stool, with salivation : Colch.,IRheum. During stool, male sexual organs: emission of semen, Acet.ac, IGels., IJae, IPhos. ae, I IPlumb.; emission, with diarrhoeic, Ars.; emission, without erection, INuph.; erections, llgn.; excitement, Natr. e; voluptuous feel- ing, INatr. s. gsSg* prostatic fluid. During stool, must sit bent double: feels gag- ged while lying down, Castor. During stool, sleepiness : Bry, Nux m. During stool, pain in region of spleen: Kali bi. During stool, stomach: burning Mane; con- traction, in cholerine, lyEthus.; cramps,IKali e; pain, Bry., ILye; pressing, Bell, Brom.; retarded, Agar. During stool, straining (pressing and urg- ing): Aloe, Apis, Arg. nit, lArn., Benz. ae, Bry, ICanth, Cochl, ICollin, IColoe, Con., Cycl, Diose, IGamb., Grat., Hell., Hep, IHydras., IKali bb, IMagn. e, IMere c, IMere v, Mez, Niccol, Nux m., Oxal. ac, IPhos., Plumb., HPod., IPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISul, I ITromb., Urt. ur., IVer.; with bloody mucous discharge, llris ; all day, IFerr.; as if diarrhoea would ensue, Spong.; in diarrhoea, lArs.; in infantile diarrhoea, IMagn. e; al- most continuous, in dysentery, IMere cor.; causes fainting, IVer.; with emission of much flatus (endemic dysentery), IPod.; with vio- lent pain in head, Ind.; as if from inactivity of rectum, in women, IPod.; like labor pains before menses, IIAlum.; but little passes' INitr. ac.; scanty passage or only flatus Magn' 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 579 m.; scanty, with pinching in abdomen, IMere; in morning, Sarrae; with mucous jellylike discharge,Polyp.; painful, Magn.in, INuxv, IINatr. p.; painful, during and after, I IPic. ac; painful, extending into genitals, BKali c; painful, in perforating ulcer of stom- ach, INux v.; painless, IMez.; causing stool to pass quickly, Gamb.; with retching, in sum- mer complaint, IFerr. ph.; even with soft stool, ILye, INitr. ac, IPhos., Verbas.; with soft, with pain in small of back,Colch.; with soft, pappy, Calad.; ineffectual,during menses, ICale, IPuls. B@" tenesmus. During stool, sweat: Agar, ^Atrop. s, Cham, Crot. t, Dulc, Merc, Strain., ITromb., IVer.; cold, on forehead, IVer.; on forehead, first warm, soon becomes cold and clammy (autum- nal dysentery), IMere; cold, onlimbs,Gamb.; in diarrhcea, I IRatan.; hot, on forehead, IMere; caused by pain in bowels, ICoccul.; profuse, on forehead, Ptel.; warm, ISul. During stool, taste: bitter, Cham.; metallic, Kali bb; nauseous, Crot. t. During stool, tenesmus (involuntary strain- ing): Aeon., yEthus., Agar, IIAloe, Alum., Amm. m., lAnt. t. Apis, lArn, lArs, Bapt., IBelb, ICale, Canth, ICaps., ICaust, IColch, Collin, IColoe, Con, Cornus, Cop, ICrot. t. Cub, ICup. ac, Cycb, Diose, Eryng, Gamb, Graph., Hell, Hippom, Hell, lllpec, llris, IKali bb, Kali n., ILach, Laur,Lib tig.,ILye, Lye vir, ILyss, IMagn. c, IMere, IIMerc. cor., Myr. cer., INatr. c, INatr. m, INatr. s, Niccol, IINux v. Op., Petrol, IPod, 11 Ptel., 11 Senecio, IStaph, ISub, ITabae, ITromb, Urt. ur. Zinc; in dentition, IMere sob; in chronic diarrboea of children, ICollin.; in chronic dysentery, ICon.; with hard, I ISpong.; with hard, I IVib.; with hard,in rheumatism, I I Ant. t; with insufficient, hard, INatr. e; in morning, 11 Arumt.; or nervous pressure so intense it appeared to strain out of tips of fingers, Ham. 8®° straining; also Rectum tenesmus. During stool, thirst: Bry, Cham, Cinch, Dulc. During stool, urethra: burning, IColoe; cutting, in dysentery, ISul. During stool, urging : 8®* straining. During stool, urination : Amm. m,Bell., IBry, 11 Oxal. ae; dribbling, IKali br.; involuntary, Alum.; urging to urinate, ICie During stool, uterus: bearing down, Iod.; bear- ing down, as if organs would pass out through vagina, must support vulva, ILil. tig.; a foreign body protrudes from vulva (uterine polypus), ICon.; as if organs would fall out, IPod.; pressure, Bell, ICarbo v.; prolapsus, ICale p. During stool, vertigo: ICaust., Cham, ICoccul, Colch, Kob.; with bloody, IManc. During stool, vomiting: Apis, lArs, Bry, Colch., Crot. t, Dulc, Ipec, IMere, HOxal. ae, Stram, IVer.; in cholera morbus, HVer.; at night, Cycb; with cold sweat, Graph.; and urination caused by spasmodic contraction, with tenesmus and strangury, ICrotal. During stool, weakness: tAtrop. s, Crot. t, ICup. ac. Sec, I IVer. AFTER STOOL, abdomen: 8®* colic, flatulence. After stool, air: sensitiveness to cold, open, IMez.; sensation of hot «air blowing over lower part, IITromb.; bruised pains, in dys- entery, ISub; burning, Kali bi, Sabad.; crampy pains, IITromb.; cutting, Ars., ICo- loe, Kali n, ILept, IMere, Merc, e, IPod., Rheum, IStaph.; cutting, in lower, into testi- cle, IHydras.; distress in umbilical region, Lept; dragging, heavy sensation, IMur. ae; emptiness, Amyb, IPhos, IVer.; empty, weary, exhausted feeling, Sul. ae; flattened, in cholerine, IJatroph.; fulness, as if all had not passed, I I Phyt.; griping, I Aloe, Chim. umb, IColoe, ISub; griping in lower, Agar.; griping, no straining, Lept.; griping, with tenesmus, lEup. pert; heaviness, Agar.; itch- ing, in dysentery, ISub; lax feeling, ISep.; pains, Bapt, ICornus, Dros, Fluor, ac; pain is relieved, lAloe, lArs, I ICast. v., Cham, HColch., IColoe, ICornus, Sib; pain about navel, Aloe, ILept.; pain all over, worse after abortion, I IPod.; pain in low-er (chronic diar- rhoea), IGamb.; pains in pelvis worse, Colch.; pinching,Aph.ch., Cycb, IKali c, Merc,INatr. in.; plethora, better, IPod.; pressing in lower, Amb, Iod.; pressing in navel, Crot. t; pain- ful pressure when walking, better when sitting down, Grat.; pressing in navel, with protrusion of rectum and constant urging to stool, Crot. t; sinking feeling, IVer.; stitch- ing, from above downward, Jamb.; distress in solar plexus, IPolyp.; soreness in whole intestines, ISub; straining about navel, lArs.; tensive pain in upper while holding breath, Dros.; weakness, Diose, Lept, Subae; weak, faint feeling, Diose; weakness, with sharp stitches in rectum, IPlat. After stool, anus: acrid feeling, Nux m.; biting, Agar, I ICanth, IKali e; burning, IIAloe, Ant. t, IIArs, Arund, Bar. e, IBerb, Bov., IBry., Cann. s, HCanth., ICaps., Carb. s, ICarbo v., ICastor, Caust, Chin, a., IColoe, Cornus, Diose, IIGamb, IHam., Hell., Iod, lllris, Jugb, IIKali c. Kali n, Lach., Laur, IMagn. e, Magn. m, IIMerc, IMur. ac, Natr. a, INatr.m, INatr. s,Niccol, INux v,01eand, Paeonia, IPhos, Prun., IRatan, ISil, Sinap., Stront, HSub, Tarant,Tereb,Thuya,ITromb., I Urt. ur., Zinc; burning, in cholerine, Crot. t.; burning, drawing soreness, with nausea, Kali bb; burning, in gastric fever, I ISep.; burning, in typhus, I Apis; burning, as though on fire, Iris; constriction, Nux m.; constric- tion, worse standing, llgn.; contractive pain, lasts till 5 p.m., suddenly ceasing, llgn.; crawl- ing, Berb.; cutting, Agar.; as if cut, for some hours (hemorrhoids), IINux v.; discharge of mucus, IIGraph.; discharge of mucus, then thin fluid from anus, Calad.; discharge of white or bloody mucus, lAsar.; dull pains, lasting half an hour, ICollin.; fissures bleed- ing, burning smarting, INatr. in.; fulness, Berb.; itching, Aloe, Anag., Berb, Cain,IKali e, IMere, IMur. ae, Niccol, Plat, IStaph.; as if lacerated, IKali e; pains, Ascl. t, Colch, Coloe, Ind.; atrocious pains, recurring after an hour or two, and lasting twelve hours, preventing sleep (fissure of anus), IPaeonia ; excruciating pains, especially if bowels are costive (fissured anus), IIRatan.; pain in fissure, IMez, ISib; pain, as though there were fissures, IINitr. ae; severe pain for hours (constipation),IHydras.; pressure, Berb,IKali bi. Sib , Sul. ae; pricking, as of points, Iris ; prickling, Sinap.; prolapsus, Diose, llndig. 580 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. IMere, INatr. m, HPod, ISep, ISul, ITromb.; rasping, Berb.; feels raw, 11 Apis, IMere, IINitr. ac, ISub; rawness, in dysen- tery, lUrt. ur.; ripping up sensation, INatr. m.; scratching, IINitr. ae; shooting, with spasmodic contractions, in thighs, Plat.; smarting, Agar, HCanth, IGamb, IGraph, Hell, INatr: m, Nux m., IPuls, Sil, Sinap, Tarant, IThuya; soreness, Alum, Apis,Bry., ICham, IGamb, Graph, Hep, ILach,Merc, IMur. ac, IINatr. m, IINitr. ac, Nux m, IPod.; sore, biting, Colch.; spasmodic pains, ILach.; stinging, Berb, ICanth, IKali c, Kali n, IINitr. ac; stitches, IBerb, Niccol.; tearing, IKali c, INatr. m.; tenderness, Berb, IMur. ae; tingling, Plat; throbbing, 11 Alum, Berb, I IManc; weight, IIAloe, ISep.; as if worms were crawling in anus, Bov. After stool, back: aching, IPuls.; dull aching in sacrum and coccyx, extends around side of pelvis, lasts seven hours, I ISub; chilliness, in small of, IPuls.; drawing pains in, Caps.; flushes of heat, IPod.; pains, ICaps, Dros.; pain in lumbar and sacral region worse,IPod.; pain in small of back better, 11 Oxal. ac; pain in small of (dysentery), ILyss.; pressing in small of, towards bladder, ICarbo v.; throb- bing, Alum.; wrenching pain in coccyx, Grat. After stool, better: Bry, Kali bi, IMere; as though an irritating substance were removed from bowels, IIGamb. After stool, bleeding: Apis, I ICheb, ICale p., ICarbo v., Spong.; black blood, I ILobel. b; bright blood, with hemorrhoids, IINux v.; passive, bright red blood, llgn.; in constipa- tion, IFluor ac, IINatr. m.; constriction of sphincter, Elaps; immediately, profuse hem- orrhage of dark red blood, Vib.; fetid, from hemorrhoidal,I IManc;hemorrhoidal,IMere; sanious secretion, Hep.; slime and blood, IIMerc. cor.; worse when stool is loose,llgn.; thin red blood, Calab.; after vaccination, I IThuya. 8®° hemorrhoids. After stool, breathing: oppressive, with anx- iety, ICale After stool, chest: anxiety, 11 Caust. After stool, chill: IMez.; creeping, Grat.; in dysentery, ISub; rigor, IMere After stool, chilliness: Aloe, Grat, Plat.; about anus and breast, Plat.; with desire for acid drinks, IMez.; about head, Plat.; shivering, Aloe ; shivering, with gooseflesh, Ang.; shud- dering, ICanth., Magn. m.; shuddering, after drinking, HCaps. After stool, coldness: of whole body, except face which is hot, IITromb.; in cholerine, Crot. t. After stool, colic: Amm. m., Ant. sul. aur., Bry, Chim. m., ICinch, Diose, IINitr. ac, Niccol, Plumb., IPod., IPuls, Rheum; bet- ter, Ant. t, Ars. i, Bapt, ICale p., ICanth., IColoe, Hell., INatr. s.; better, but soon re- turns, Tromb.; better, with sweating and weakness, IIAloe; in cholera morbus, Zinc.; constrictive, cutting, worse in motion, IRheum ; cutting, Kali n, IMere cor.; cut- ting and pinching, IMere; dragging, I ICarbo v.; as from flatulence, IPuls.; griping, I ICarbo v.; griping, as in diarrhoea, without result, I INatr. m.; worse, Bov. After stool, ears: buzzing, ICale p.; stitches, 11 Carb. s. After stool, epigastrium: pressure, ICale, Crot. t, IPuls.; stitches, during pressure, ICale. After stool, eructations: I Ars., Bar. c, Kob,Sil. After stool, eyes: burning (constipation), INatr. e After stool, face: crawls, Ang.; expression, altered, sunken (cholerine), Crot. t; pale, Coloe, Crot. t; twitching, Ipec. After stool, fainting: ICale, ICoccul, Crot. t, Hvdras, IPhos., ITereb.; in chronic consti- pation, ILye; tendency to faint, IINux v. After stool, faintness: Aloe, Apis, I Ars., ICanth., ICon., Dig., IDiosc, Lept, IPod, Polyp., Sarrae, I ISul, IVer.; with sensation of emptiness in abdomen, I IPod. After stool, feet: cold, after loose, Cornus. After stool, flatulence: IILyc; after liquid stool, borborygmus, then much wind, Cain ; distension, Agar, IITromb., Vinca; disten- sion of stomach, with dulness and fulness of head better, Cornus ; distension about navel, I Ars.; painful, ILye; rumbling, Chel.; tym- panitis, Hep. After stool, flatus : fetid, Colch. After stool, hands : cold, Cornus. After stool, head: heat, ILye; pressure, ILye After stool, headache : Carb. s.; better, Agar., Oxal. ac. After stool, heart: palpitation, IIArs, ICalcp., Caust, HCon, Grat. After stool, heat: Bry.; sensation of hot air blowing over lower part of thighs, I ITromb.; relief in hot, watery, sits in a bath as hot as he can endure, 11 Ratan. After stool, hemorrhoids: IIAloe, I Amm. c, IBrom, Diose, Graph, Hydras., ISep.; blue, IMur. ae; burning, IINitr. ae, I ISub; dark, purplish,better by application of warm water, worse from bathing with cold water, IMur. ac.; moisture exuding from, Bar.e; old tumors secreting much slime, bleeding profusely, IINitr. ac.; painful, bleeding,IINitr. ae; pain- ful, dry, IKali bb; painful, in rightside of anus, Ars. met.; with pressing in rectum, as if everything would come out, IRhus; sharp pain, pricking, or stitching, IINitr. ac; smart- ing, I ISub; with straining and violent press- ing, Ratan.; swelling, IINitr. ae; hemor- rhoidal symptoms, Calad.; throbbing, IISul. After stool, hunger: IPetrol.; in morning,Aloe. After stool, hypochondria: pain in, Collin.; pinching, Caust. After stool, lassitude : Bov.,ICale, Ipec,ILye; lassitude, in dysentery, ISul. B^T" weakness. After stool, legs: cramp in calves, HOxabac; mild cramp in left calf, Med.; heat and press- ure in thighs, ILye; knees weak, Tromb.; tired, ILye After stool, liver: distress, ILept. After stool, mental condition : anxiety, INitr. ac; cheerfulness, Bor.; dulness, Cycl.;forget- fulness, Cycb; happy mood, INatr. s.; ill hu- mor, Nitr. ae; livelv, contented, looking cheerfully into future, IBor.; nervousness, ir- ritation, IINitr. ae; nervous erethism, llgn. After stool nausea: Aeon., Cain, ICaust.Crot. t, IKali bi, INatr.m., I lOxabae, ISil,I Ver.; two hours after usual stool in morning sensa- tion in abdomen, Zing.; with fainting' Crot. t; in morning. Zing. 6' After stool, neck* stiffness, IPuls After stool, nose : obstruction, Hep. 20. STOOL AND RECTUM. 581 After stool, perineum: contractive pain, ILye After stool, rectum: aching fulness in, Gymn.; burning, lAmm. m, IIArs, Bry, ICale, Cok- nus, Grat, IHydras, Ind, Lil. tig, ILye, INatr. m.,IINitr. ae, IPod, Sabad.; looks dark red and bloody, IMere; burning soreness, Caust; constriction, causing faintness, IMere; constriction, with tenesmus, IMez.; contrac- tive sensation, Stront; contractive sore pain, like from blind piles, Illgn.; cramps, IPhos.; cramping pain, IFerr.; Crawling, IMar. v.; cutting, for hours, IINitr. ae; renewed desire, Colch.; feeling of diarrhoea, Colch.; drawing, for hours, IINitr. ae; dull pain, as if dis- tended with gas, Illgn.; itching, Euphor.; lancinating, even wdien soft, INitr. ac; pain, INatr. e, ISep.; pains, sometimes extend to back, IMere; cessation of pains and tenes- mus, IColoe, IGamb, INux v., IRhus ; pain, in chronic constipation, ILye; pain, scarcely endurable, with scirrhous indurations in rec- tum, IIAlum.; pain, long lasting, lAlum., Hydras.; pains, causing screams and cry- ing, IColch.; pain, severe, for hours (con- stipation), IHydras.; pain, sharp, llgn.; violent pains during constipated stool, complete cessation of effort, especially with hemorrhoids, Thuya; pain, must walk (dys- entery), ILyss.; pressure, ICale, llgn.; press- ing, stinging, cutting, IPuls.; prolapsus, ICoc- cul, Diose, llgn., Iris, IMere, Mez,I IRatan.; prolapsed, constricted, sensitive to touch, painful like a sore, during pregnancy, IMez.; prolapsus painful, IINitr. ac.; sensation as if rectum protruded and then suddenly went back with a jerk and most horrible pain, I I Ratan.; remission of pains and urging, IRhus; scratching, IINitr. ae; screwing pain, IKali c; shooting, IINitr. ac; smarting, lAmm. m., IHydras, INatr. m, Sinap, IStaph.; soreness, Iod.; soreness, with ichor, Hep.; sticking, Cham.; as if splinters of glass were sticking, with heat, I IRatan.; sticking,as from hemorrhoids, IINux v, stinging, IINitr. ae; stitches,Calad, Cham, I INitr.ac; stitches, last till 5 p.m., suddenly ceasing, llgn.; long stitches, upward (constipation), IMez.; throb- bing, in dysentery, ISub; tingling, Cinch.; urging, Dig.; sensation as if something re- mained, Aloe, ILil. tig, ILye, IMere, Nux m, IINux v., Sinap, ISub; a long continued sensation as if one had just been to stool, Berb.; weak feeling, Lept. After stool, sexual organs: burning in prepuce, Sib; burning in urethra (constipation), INatr. c; erections, ICale; milk-like fluid runs from urethra, Hod.; a drop of watery, sticky substance passes from urethra, Selen.; weak feeling, ICale p. After stool, sleepiness : Bry, Nux. m. After stool, stomach: pressure,Carb. s, Crot.t. After stool, straining (pressing, urging): lyEthus, Agar., I Asar., IBelb, Berb., ICanth, Crot. t, Cycl, Dig., Diose, Dros, IMere, IIMerc. cor, Merc iod. rub, INatr. m., Niccol, INitr. ac. Petrol, IRheum, ISul, Thuya, I ITromb. B€^* tenesmus. After stool, stupefaction : INatr. m. After stool, sweat: lArs.; cold, on face, hands and feet, ISub; on face and neck, Como.; on forehead, Crot. t.; warm, the forehead be- comes cold, IMere After stool, tenesmus: Agar., lyEthus, Amm. m, lAnt. t, Apis, Bapt, IIBell., Berb., Bov., ICanth., HCaps, ICoccul., HColch., Collin., Cub, Fluor, ac, Grat, llgn, Ipec, Jugb, IIKali bb, Kali n, Kob., ILach, Lil. tig., ILyss, IMagn. c. Mane, IIMerc, IIMerc. cor, Merc. iod. rub, IMez., INatr. m,Niccol, IPhos, Plat, IPod, IIRheum, IRhus, HSub, IITromb., Zinc; better, IColoe, IGamb, IINuxv, IRhus; burning, Ind.; child falls asleep as soon as tenesmus ceases, HSub; with diarrhoea, composed mostly of slime and fecal matter,IMere. sol.; in dysentery, ICub., llgn.; severe and painful, IPod.; extending to per- ineum and urethra (male), IMez.; in urticaria, IBov. B®°" Rectum tenesmus. After stool, thirst: Ant. t, HCaps, Dulc, I ITromb.; in dysentery, ICaps. After stool, throat: dryness, 11 Oxal. ac. After stool, trembling : lArs., Carb. s, IMere; tremulous, HCon.; trembling feeling (chronic dysentery), HCon. After stool, uneasiness : IINitr. ac. After stool, urination: involuntary, Alum., IZinc; involuntary dribbling, ISelen.; urging without passing a drop, Lyss. After stool, uterus: cramps, ILye; knifelike pains better, Pallad. After stool, vertigo : ICaust, INatr.m, Petrol.; in cholerine, Crot. t. After stool, vomiting : IVer.; pains in abdomen cease, Cain. After stool, weakness (debility, exhaustion, prostration): Apis,IArs,Bapt,Bor.,Bov,Cale, Carbo s, Carbo v. Chin, s.,Cochl, Colch., Co- loe, Como., ICon, Crotal, Crot. t. Graph, IHydras., Ipec, IJatroph., Lil. tig., Med, IMere, IIMerc. sob, IMez.,INatr. m., IINitr. ac, INux m. Petrol, IPhos, IPod., ISee, ISep., ISib, ISub, ITereb, Thuya, I ITromb., I IVer.; with burning in anus, Vinca ; in abdo- men and rectum, IPod.; in bowels, ILept.; after chills (dropsy), IDig.; after constipated stool, IVer.; in cholera infantum, ICrot. t; in diar- rhoea of children, during epidemic of cholera, IPod.; in chronic diarrhoea, I ISub; in chronic dysentery, HCon.; fatigue, ILye; in infants, IBenz. ae; in intermittent fever, ICoccul.; in typhoid fever, IPhos, ISub; after fright, HVer.; in hydrocephaloid, IVer.; in affections of liver, HPod.; obliged to lie down, Arn, lArs., llgn., IPhos.; after loose stool, ISep.; after a meal, lAsar.; last stage of marasmus, INuph.; after natural stool, IPod.; as if whole body would pass away, IRob.; sinking feeling, I INatr. p.; tremulous, IIArs.; water- brash, Caust. WORMS, worm affections (helminthiasis): Aeon, All. sat, Apoe, I Arg. nit., 11 Art. v., lAsar., Ascl. s., Bar. m, IBell, HCale, Calad, ICarbo v., ICepa, ICheb, Chen, 11 Chim.umb, ICie, HCina, HCinch., Coloe, IDolich., Euphor, IFerr, I IFerr. s, IIFilix, Ign, Indig, ILye, IMar. v, IIMerc, INatr. m., IINux v., Phos, I IPlant, Pod, IPuls,Ratan, Sabad., ISib, HSpig, IStann, Stram., HSub, IITereb, 11 Vab, Viol. Worms, ascarides (lumbricoids,round worms): I Absin, I Acet. ac, Aeon., lAgnus, Ant. t, •Arum m, Asar., IBar. c, IBar. m., IBell, Bufo, ICale, ICarbo v., HCina, ICinch., ICup. m, IDig, IIFerr, IFerr. m, I IFerr. s., 582 21. URINARY ORGANS. Graph., Grat, Ign., IJatroph, IIKali m, IMagn. c, IMar. v, IIMerc. (in alternation with Sub), I IMillef, INuxv, I Ratan, I Sabad, ■Sep., HSil, ISpig, IStann, I IStram, HSub, IITereb., Vab, IVer.; with bloated, drumlike abdomen, 11 Sumb.; with itching at anus, even- ing till midnight, Calc. a.; with creeping and itching and nightly restlessness, worse from warmth of bed, IMar. v.; in angina pectoris, HOxal. ae; catarrh of chest, IKali e; with constipation, ICale, 11 Sumb.; fits of spasmodic coughing at night, IMagn. e; with whoop- ing cough, I ISpong.; with diarrhoea, Magn.s, I ISpong.; with prosopalgia, llgn.; in infantile catarrh, 11 Kali c.; in intestinal catarrh, ICheb; with bleeding hemorrhoids, IFerr. m.; in marasmus, -Abrot.; cause nymphomania, ISabad.; with pruritus, of young girls, llgn.; with great rectal irritation, lUrt. ur. Worms, cause catalepsy: ISabad. Worms, in children: Cie, HCina, llgn, INux m, I I Ruta, I ISpig.; in dentition, with con- stipation, IDolich.; in difficult dentition, HSil. Worms, with chorea: ICale, ICina; convulsive trembling or twitching, ISabad. Worms, with colic: Aeon, ICale, Chen, HCina, ICinch, Coloe, Indig., I I Ruta, Sabad., ISib, HSpig, IVal. Worms, with constipation: ICale, IFilix, 11 Sumb. Worms, with convulsions: Art., Bar. m, IBelb, ICham, ICie, HCina, IIHyos, Ign, Indig., IStann, Stram, ITereb.; in children, ICina, Illgn.; with epilepsy, during denti- tion, IStann. Worms, with cough: ICina, ISpig, I ITereb. Worms, with itching in ears : Sabad. Worms, eyes: preceded by cataract, ISib; di- lated pupils, HSpig.; strabismus, IBelb, HCina, HSpig. Worms, fever lAcon, IBelb, Cie, I ICina ; with convulsions, IBelb,ICham, ISpig.; with diarrhcea, IChim.m. Worms, with headache: ICale Worms, heart: palpitation, I ISpig- Worms, mouth: fetid breath, IBar. m, Euphor., HSpig., IStann, ITereb. Worms, nervous disorder: HCma, l&aoaa, Wormsf nose : bleeding, at night, IMere; itch- ing, HSpig.; picking, HCina, IINatr. p.; sneezing, Apoe Worms oxyuris (pin, seat, or threadworms): IIAcon, I All. sat., I Arg. nit. Bar c, ICale, HCina, Citrus, IICup. m., IDolich., IIFerr, IHep, Indig., IIKali m. Mar. v., I IMed, IINatr. m., IRatan., Ruta, ISabad., I IStram, IISul, Tell., I IThuya, I I Urt ur. BST Anus crawling, itching. Worms, cause paralysis: ICina, IStann. Worms, after scarlatina : IBar. m. Worms, taenia (tape worm): HAilant, Amb, lArg. nit, Ars, HCale, ICarbo a, HCarbo v., ICina, I ICinnab, Cinch, Cop, ICup. ac, ICup. in, IFerr, IIFerr. s, I IFilix, IForm., IIGraph., Ign, Kali e, IMagn. c, IMagn. m, IMar. v., IIMerc; in alternation with Sul, INatr. c, Nux v, IPetrol, IPhos, IPlat, IPuls., ISabad, iSabac, 11 Sep.,I ISib, IStann, HSub, ITereb, I IVer.; with severe burning boring in abdomen, accumulation of saliva in mouth, chilliness, and sensitiveness to cold, I ISabad.; with convulsions, llgn.; with hemi- crania, ISabad. Worms, throat: inflamed, IBelb, ICina; in- flamed, pale redness, swelling, swallows often, I ISpig. Worms, cause incontinence of urine at night: HCina, ITJran. n. Worms, with vomiting: Apoe, Arg. nit, Bar. m, ICina, ISpig.; vomiting of round worms, I ISabad. 21. URINARY ORGANS. Bladder. Kidneys. Ureters. Urethra. Urination. Before Urination. During Urination. After Urination. Urine. BLADDER, aching: in cystitis, Berb., lEup. pur.; deep, dull, lEup. pur.; distress, Erig.; during menses (chronic cystitis and irritabil- ity of bladder), I ISep.; in region of, IHell, Pallad.; after and before urinating, IFluor.ae; followed by frequent desire to urinate much at a time, worse when lying, INux v. 8^* soreness. Bladder, atony ; BST" weakness. Bladder, feeling as of a ball rolling about, when turning over (uterine displacement, cystitis): IILach. Bladder, bearing down : B®" pressure, ten- esmus. Bladder, bleeding : Erig, IHam., IFerr. ph., 11 Urt. ur.; thick, black blood, ISee; pure blood, with burning (purpura hsemorrhagica), IITereb. 8®* Urine bloody. Bladder, burning: HCanth, Sep.; in cvstitir, lAcon, lArs, ICanth.; biting, with efforts to pass urine, tormenting him foranhour.Prun.; in dysentery and gonorrhoea,!ICaps.; in even- ing, Lyss.; in fundus, Ind., Thuya ; in hema- turia, lArs.; during menses (chronic cystitis and irritability of bladder), I ISep.; in morn- ing, before urinating first time, 'iBerb • in neck, Aeon., ICop, IIPuls.; in neck, during urination, ICham, INux v., Petrol.; in neck 21. URINARY ORGANS. 583 during urination (hay fever), IRan. b.; in region of neck, morning in bed, INux v.; from neck to fossa navicularis, HCanth.; in sphincter, Prun.; could not stand, lEup. pur.; alternates with burning in umbilicus, worse at rest, better walking in open air (haematu- ria), IITereb.; burning, with urging to urin- ate, Prun.; before and during urination, Rheum ; after urination, Berb, ILye 8^° heat, inflammation. Bladder, bursting feeling: but not energy enough to pass a good stream, Zinc; painful, during cough, Caps. 8®° distended, ful- ness; also Urine retention. Bladder, calculi (gravel, stone): IIAnt. e, 11 Apoe, 11 Arg. nit, I I Ars, 11 Aspar, I IBelb, IBenz. ae, IIBerb., Cact, HCale, ICannab., HCanth, I ICarbo v., Card, m, ICinch, I ICoc- . cus, • Cochl., Coff. t, 11 Colch, 11 Coloe, 11 Cup. m. Dig, Equis, I I Eup. pur., 11 Graph, 11 Kreo, ILach., ILith, IILyc, Mez., Naja, Natr. m, Natr. s, INitr.ac, INux m, INux v, Pallad, IPareira, IPetrol, IPhos, IPuls., IRuta, HSars., HSep, ISib, I IThuya, I lUva ; cause colic, -Tereb.; concretions of urate of ammo- nia.lBenz.ae; disposition to, in cystitis,! I Lye; in gout, IIBenz. ac.; gravel, -Anag., Benz. ae, iChim. umb. Cinch., ICoccus, ICochb, Coff.t, Con,Eup. pur,IHydras,ILith,IILyc, IIMagn. p, INatr. s, IPhos, IRaph, Ruta, ISars, ISil, 11 Urt. ur, Uva, Zinc; gravel, with chronic bronchitis, I ICoccus ; gravel, in chil- dren, HSars.; gravel, with haematuria, ILye; gravel, with pain in back, llpom.; gravel, periodical discharge, ILye; gravel, in sub- acute pleuritis, I Arg. nit.; passes small quan- tities of fine red sand, ILye; gravel, in small quantities, when urinating, I Aspar.; pain and spasm during passage, INux v.; one pris- matic crystal of triple phosphate (Bright's disease), IKalm.; discharge of a porous stone, as large as half a bean, with much sand and sediment (renal colic), ILye; stone, pain from, INux m.; after operation for stone, lArn, Bell., ICalend., Cham., Cinch, Cup. m. Dig., Laur, Nux m, Nux v., IStaph, Ver.; stone, with retention of urine, I IMillef; periodical discharge of small, ILye; passes frequently small crystals of uric acid, IPareira ; passed several times (nephritic colic), 11 Pareira; small, pass away, IDolich.; small, round and rough, with haematuria, ILye; causing ulcera- tion of bladder, All. sat. B^° Kidneys, calculi, colic. Bladder, cancer: with haematuria, dotal. 8§T* ulceration. Bladder, catarrh: Ante, Ant. t,IApis,Apoe, IIBenz. ac,ICale, ICanth, ICarbo v.,ICaust., IChim. umb., ICinnab.,Clem, 11 Collin,IICo- loc, ICon, ICop., Cub., IIDulc, Equiset, Erig., I lEucab, IGels., IIHam., Hydras., Kali c, IKali m., I IKali ph., ILach., IILyc, IINux v,Phos,IPuls, Sal. ac, I ISeneg., ISin- ' ap, Sticta, ITereb., HUva ursi ; from atony, I IMillef; with bleeding,IHam,Millef.; chron- ic, lAnt.c., ICale, ICarbo v., ICop., IFerr., Indig, IIKali m, IILyc, I IPareira, IPhos.,* ISars, ISeneg., ISub, I ITrilb, lUva ursi; chronic, with cartilaginous condition of inner coat, which felt very hard to the sound, I IPa- reira ; blennorrhoea, HUva ursi; blennorrhcea, of old people, ICarbo v.; blennorrhoea, puru- lent, ISib; from taking cold in damp weather (pemphigus), IDulc; mostly in old persons, lAlum.; particularly in old debauchees, Coff. t.; particularly in old persons of sedentary habits, ITereb.; with pain and irritation, 11 Erig.; with pustules and boils on body, Indig.; with sexual excitement, Chel.; with strangury, six weeks later incontinence of urine, IDulc; subacute, ISeneg.; especially in women, I I Mitch, rep. 8®° inflammation, irritability ; also Urination difficult. Bladder,congestion: IITereb. ;passive,IHam.; congested feeling, in evening, Lyss. 8®° heat, inflammation. Bladder, constriction : of neck, Cact.; in neck, during urination, Colch.; painful, IBerb., Sars.; with urinary tenesmus and involuntary emission of a little urine, IPuls.; in prostatic affection, Cact.; spasmodic, Phos. ae; feeling of strangulation at neck, during urination, lasting a long while, 11 Polyg. gg&~ contrac- tion, cramp, pressure, spasm, spasmodic pain, tenesmus; also Urination strangury, urging. Bladder, contraction: empty, Colch.; painful, Berb.; painful during micturition, Dig.; when pressed upon, Berb.; violent, in region of, Petrol. firS"?* constriction, cramp, press- ing, spasm, spasmodic pain, tenesmus; also Urination strangury, urging. Bladder, a cooling feeling in region of, in even- ing : Lyss. Bladder, cramp: Carb.s., INux v.; colic, ICar- bo v.; feeling, preceded by colic,Zinc;caused by flatulency, he is obliged to double up, 11 Prun.; in desquamative nephritis, 11 Plumb.; painful, Berb.; crampy pain, followed by hae- maturia, IMez.; painful in neck, Carb. s.; pain during pregnancy (strangury), ILye; sharp pains, caused by urging to urinate, if not attended to immediately, Prun.; in sphinc- ter, Cinch, bob; in sphincter, urine com- mences to flow after waiting a long time, IOp.; sympathetic, froni uterus, Caulo, IVib.; particularly with urging and burning, Sars. BS^ constriction, contraction, pressing, spasm, spasmodic pain, tenesmus; also Urination strangury, urging. Bladder, crawling: after urination, ILye Bladder, cutting: yEthus, IBerb, Coccus, Eup. pur, IKali c; constant, at fundus (acute ca- tarrh), IColoe; in left side, IBerb.; in left side, into urethra, IBerb.; in neck, IKali e; from neck to fossa navicularis, HCanth.; at neck, during urination, lasting a long while, I IPolyg.; tearing, IKali c; alternates with cutting in umbilicus, worse at rest, better walking in open air (haematuria), IITereb.; before urinating, Calc. p.; with urging to uri- nate, caused by motion of child (pregnancy), IIThuya; with frequent urging to urinate, but only a few drops are discharged, continues after urination, I ISul. 8®°° shooting, sticking, stitches. Bladder, disagreeable sensation: HApis. Bladder, distended: HApis, Arn,IHell,Sars.; with chilliness, I IMed., IOp.; in cystitis, ICalad.; in chronic cystitis, lArs.; indelirium tremens, HStram.; in diphtheria, I ILac c; although emptied every half hour during day, Eup. pur.; feels distended when empty, Lye vir.; feeling of enlargement (chronic cystitis 584 21. URiNARY ORGANS. and irritability of bladder), HSep.; hard, in cystitis, Tarant.; in locomotor ataxia, I Arg. nit.; overcomes resistance of sphincter and dribbles, Sarrae; pain, as from distension, HEquiset; paralysis, in pregnancy, ICaust.; could bear no pressure, Alb sat.; with urging to urinate, Abrot.; urine does not flow, absence of urging, great debility as after typhus, IPhos. BfS*?** paralysis , also Urine retention. Bladder, dragging: painful, ICheb; pressing, Lactu. v. 8^° drawing. Bladder, drawing: Coccus; in neck, Cop.; pain, while sitting, Card, m.; in one or other side, extending into female urethra, IBerb.; spasmodic, towards penis, Calad.; upwards, in female, during urination, Calc. p.; with frequent urging to urinate, Rhod. 8@* dragging. Bladder, dull feeling: Eup. pur, Pallad., IPuls.; in cystitis, INuxv,; even when just emptied, Gnaphab; as if contents would fall out, over pubes, with constant desire to push them back, Sep.; moving up and down at every step, after urination, Ruta ; pressing, in nephritis or cystitis, IChim. umb.; with desire to urinate every ten or fifteen minutes, Cub.; without desire to urinate, Calad. ggg° heaviness. Bladder, dull pain: IILach., HPhos.; severe, not better after urinating, IIEquis. Bladder, fistula: after gonorrhoea, edges indur- ated, discharge of pus and urine, I ISub Bladder, fungoid: of trigone vesicae, ICale Bladder, gangrene: Canth. Bladder, gravel: 8^*" calculi. Bladder, heat: ICepa ; constant, at neck, pain- ful micturition, even convulsions, Elat.; with ischuria or retention of urine, IPuls. 8^"f burning, inflammation. Bladder, heaviness: Astac, ICanth, ILye; after catching cold (renal colic), ILye; leaden, across, with sensation of pressure from navel downward, worse during motion and com- pelling patient to bend forward when seated, INatr. m. g^° full feeling. Bladder, hemorrhoids: ICanth., Carbo v, Euphor, IHam.; bleeding, haematuria, Ars, HCale, IHam., Lye, Mere, Nitr. ac, Nux v.; profuse bleeding, IFerr. g®~ congestion ; also Urine bloody. Bladder, inflammation: IIAcon, Amm. c, IIAnt. t.,11 Apis, IAm,IArs., Aspar., IBar.m, IIBell., IBerb, Cact, ICalad., Calc, Camph., ICann. i, ICann. s, HCanth, ICaps., ICaust, IChim. umb, Colch, Coloe, ICon, ICop, ICub., IDig., IDulc, Elat, lEquiset, Erig, Eryng., lEup. pur., IGels., Guaraea, IHell, IHydras, IHyos, Kali bi., Kalic, I IKali ph, IILach., Lil. tig, Lith., IILyc, IMere, INitr.ac, INuxv., Pareira, Phos. ac, Polyg, Prun., IIPuls., HSars., Seneg., HSep, ISul, Tarant, IITereb.; catarrhal, IPuls.; in neck, catarrhal, INux v.; with fever, IVer. v.; with violent fever, Ferr. ph., IIKali m.; in- creases slowly to greatest violence with con- stant desire to urinate, causing spasms, IHelb; after suppression of menses or of hemorrhoidal flow, INux v.; discharge of thick white mucus, IKali m.: in neck, Apis, ICaps, Dig.; in neck, with difficult urination, Hyos.; necrotic,caused by a decomposition of urine and formation of carbonate of* ammonia brought on by catheterization and introduc- tion of bacteride germs, HPlumb,; second stage, when swelling has set in, IKali m.; with soreness all over, Eup. pur.; traumatic, lArn.; urging, urine passes in drops, ad- mixed with blood, IIAcon.; with light colored urine, filled with mucus, Med. 8^" burning, catarrh, congestion, heat, irritability, sensitive, ulceration. Bladder, injuries: affections after mechanical injuries, HArn.; after lithotomy, HStaph.; after lithotomy, pus-like discharge, 11 Millef. 8@j~ calculi. Bladder, irritability: lAct. rac, lApis, IBell, IBenz. ac, Brach, IChim. umb, Chlorof, ICop., ICub, HErig., ILept, IPlant, IPod., IPuls, ISeneg, HSep., IISul, I Vespa ; from calculi, HErig.; in children, preceded by headache and heat in head, 11 Senecio; chronic, I ISub; chronic, mucous secretion, I I Eup. pur.; gouty diathesis, IColch, ISa- bina ; in gout or alcoholism, INux v.; pre- cedes leucorrhoea, ISenecio; excessive, with • large deposits of lithates, lEup. pur.; in newly married people, especially the women, IStaph.; in neck, I Apis, ICanth.; of neck, threatening inflammation, I IHelb; of neck, in old women, Cop.; of neck, cervix uteri engorged, dark red and swollen, I I Mitch, rep.; from nephritis, irritation, IZinc; better at night in bed, IBar. e; sphincter, causing frequent urination day and night, IPlant.; swollen condition of neck, I I Mitch, rep.; with tenesmus, depending upon gouty diathesis, IColch.; in women, I Eup. pur. gg&* catarrh, inflammation, sensitive. Bladder, itching: in region of, with urging to urinate, especially at night, ISep.; in region of neck, in morning in bed, INux v. gggT irritation. Bladder, neuralgia: after use of catheter, sen- sation as if muscles did not contract, IMagn. p.; in neck, IIKali br.; especially if vesical symptoms are preceded by nephralgia, IZinc; urethra or seminal cord affected, IClem. Bladder, pain (undefined): Agnus, Ant. t, Arn, Aurant, Benz. ac, IBerb., Calad., Cann. i, ICanth,ICarbo v., ICaust, I ICepa, Equiset, IFerr,Indig, Jalap, Phyt, Polyg, I ITarant.; on awaking, Chrom. ae; after coitus, in male, ICepa; after taking cold (cystitis), ISars.; worse from drinking,ICanth.; after acrid drugs, Camph.; after injecting nitrate of silver for gonorrhoea, I ITarant.; in evening, after exer- tion, Pallad.; towards evening (haematuria), llpec. ;flashes, more toward right, before pass- ing water, ILith.; fleeting (catarrh),I IBenz.ae; with fever,ICact; with headache, intermittent, during paroxysms, I I Ptel.; in liver com- plaint, I Chel.; in morning sickness, HCon.; when moving, IBerb.; in neck, IBerb, ICann. s., IFerr. ph.; about neck, in even- ing, Lyss.; in neck, like that when having stream suddenly stopped, ICale p.; in neck, on attempting urination after catching* cold, ICop.; in neck,- before urinating, INux v.; in neck, after urinating, Apis, I ISars.; in neighboring parts, with weak streams of water, ICale p.; with painful draw- ing up of testes, Thuya; with painful retraction of left testicle (chronic catarrh of bladder). I IPareira ; on turning over in bed, as if blad- der would fall towards side on which he is 21. URINARY ORGANS. 585 lying, IPuls.; with frequent urging, HCanth.; before and during urination, IPhyt; during urination, Brach.; during urination, after ty- phoid nervous disease, IManc; after urina- tion, Brach.; after a few drops pass (prostatic affection), ICaust.; if call to urinate is post- poned, Sul. ac; momentarily better as soon as urine descends into urethra, Prun.; on walk- ing, better from pressure of hand, IPuls. Bladder, paralysis: Aeon., 11 Agar, Alumin, IIArs, ICact., ICamph, I ICarbo a. ,11 Caust., ICie, ICup.m, IIDulc, Form., IIGels,, Hell., Helon., IHyos, I IMere, Mur. ae, IINux v., IOp., IPlumb, IPuls, IRhus, ISee, ISee, ISil, Tabae, Thuya, Zinc; with anxiety, ICie; in children, with affection of head,IHy- os.; diminution of contractile power, Ipom.; in daytime, I IThuya ; after diphtheria,IGels.; distended to navel, IGels.; distended, during pregnancy, I IHelb; of detrusor, IINuxv.; constant dribbling, Tabae; expulsive power weakened, I IPlumb.; feels paralyzed, has no power to expel urine, IThuya ; causes inconti- nence, IKali ph.; after labor, lArs, IChlorof, IHyos.; of neck, Bell., Canth, I IPuls.; felt as if he had not power to close but is able to contain urine, Strain.;particularly old people, Cann. s., IGels, IIKali ph.; chronic inconti- nence in old, flabby people, IThuya ; no pain, not even on pressure, I Gels.; partial, requiring use of catheter, 7rAtrop. s.; semi-paralysis, Cod.; paretic condition, with frequent mictu- rition of pale, yellow urine, I IZinc; with pru- ritus, I IZinc; from every retention, ICaust.; urine retained, IOp.; of sensation, with affec- tions of urinary organs, Cub.; loss of energy in sphincter, causing frequent urine, IPhos.; laxity of sphincter, copious nocturnal enu- resis, IPlant.; from spinal degeneration, I IPlumb.; with tendency to twitching (mye- litis), IMere ; in typhus, I IPsor.; causes weak slow stream of urine, ISul. g^~ Urination inability, insufficient, in- voluntary, slow ; also Urine retention. Bladder, polypus: HCale Bladder, pressing sensation: IIAcon, 11 Aph. ch, Astac,lAur.met, ICamph, Caps., ICarbo v, llCepa, Cinch, bob, Coff, Cop, Cycl, Eup. pur. Jalap, IILach., IILil. tig, Med, Natr. e, IINux v, IPhos. ac, IPuls, I ISep, Staph, ISub; anxious, with sudden desire to urinate, but scanty emission, Graph.; bearing down, 11 Apis, Cop, IDulc; bearing down, worse lying down, especially at night, better from horseback riding, ILye; painful bearing down, with frequent strong urging to urinate, in morning, ISep.; burning, I Cepa; with burning, after urination, in evening, Sep.; with colic, IOp.; caused convulsions, I ITereb.; with cough, llpec; in whooping, cough, ICepa; in diarrhcea, Bell.; dull, in cystitis, IILyc; dull, in diabetes, I IPhos. ae; dull, at night, IBelb; as if filled, Pallad.; as if it were too full, continuing after inclina- tion, IDig, Ruta; flatulent, Illgn.; labor- like colic, ICarbo v.; after meals, Bar. e; in morning, Sep.; in neck, Brach.; in neck, with stitches, worse when walking, better sitting, Con.; in neck, especially when walk- ing, I llgn.; as if it would be pressed out, bet- ter standing or sitting with legs crossed, or lying down (irritable bladder), HSep.; pain- ful, Cepa, IDulc, Eup. pur.; painful on right side, Calc. p.; painful (enuresis nocturna), 11 Squilla; passing little (megrim), '"■'Calc; when pressed upon, Berb.; with enlarged prostate, lApis; constant, with retention of urine, IHyos.; in retroversion, ILil. tig.;sharp, as with a cutting instrument, with contractive pain between acts of urination and discharge of mucus, IINux v.; sharp, Con.; sharp, al- most cutting, while walking in open air, as from flatulence, 11 Puis.; sharp heavy, down- ward, 11 Petrol.; compels to sit cross-legged and trembling, I IZinc; while sitting, going in streaks to other kidney, better from exercise, Tereb.; before stool, ICarbo v, INatr. m.; with strangury, Sars.; sudden, passing off on emission of flatus, IColoe; with difficult uri- nation (paresis of detrusor), I INuxv.; causing dribbling of urine after unavailing urging to stool, ICard. ih.; frequent urging to urina- tion, Coccus, Gymn, IINux v., IPuls.; with frequent urination, and tension in lower ab- domen, HSep.; as if urine could not be re- tained, Brach, Con., Zinc.; but not to urinate, Zinc; small quantity causes urging, HCanth.; before urination, Arn, IKali e, INux v, IPuls.; during urination, Asar, Berb, Lachn, Sil.; during and after urination, ICamph.; after urination, Asar, Berb, Brach.; after urination, in female, Calc. p. ggjg" contrac- tion, cramps, full feeling.neaviness,spasm; also Urination strangury, urging. Bladder, pricking: Arund. Bladder, rheumatic affections: Clem, Merc. per. Bladder, scraping: in neck of, especially when walking, 11 Ign. Bladder, sensitive : lEquiset, Lye vir., Sars.; in catarrh 11 Uva ursi ; child screams if hand is placed there, ICepa; in dysuria, IChim. umb.; painful, Squilla; in enlargement of prostate, IBenz. ac.; pressure, lEquiset.; to pressure (catarrh), ICanth.; to pressure (cys- titis), ICalad.; to pressure or jar, Bell.; slight- est pressure produces convulsions, ICanth.; sphincter, hyperesthesia of some nervous branch, lAtrop. s.; to touch, Calad, IPuls., IMere B®° inflammation, irritability. Bladder, shooting: ICale p.; better lying on face, Chel.; in diabetes, IOp.; when moving, Bell. Bladder, smarting : from neck, whole length of urethra to meatus, IChim. umb.; could not stand, lEup. pur. 8*ST burning. Bladder, soreness: Cannab. s, ILith.; con- stant, in chronic cystitis and irritability of bladder, HSep.; on motion, ICanth.; inneck, Brach., Carbo v.; on either side, Diad.; stretched feeling, Lact. ac; worse during urination, Natr. a.; worse after urinating,Cale p. B@" aching. Bladder, spasm : IBelb, ICanth, IGels., Gua- rana, Hell.; with colic, ICaps.; with alternate dysuria and enuresis, IGels.; with haematuria, llpec; hypochondriacal, ICale; in hysteria, ICale, IPuls.; of neck, HArn., I IKali br., I IMagn. p, Ruta; in pneumonia, lAnt. t; of neck, with difficult urination, Hyos.; in neck, causes painful urination (hydrothorax), IColch.; especially if caused by sexual excess or stimulants, INuxv.; disturbingsleep,Prun.; spasmodic stricture, I IMagn. p.; sympathetic, 586 21. URINARY ORGANS. in uterine disturbance, Caulo, IVib.; in women, often combined with uterine spasm, IGels.; frequent and continued, before urinat- ing (cysto-blennorrhoea), I I Uva ursi; during urination, Asaf.; after urination, Asaf. B^"* constriction, contraction, cramp, pressing, spasmodic pain, tenesmus ; also Urination strangury, urging, and Urine retention. Bladder, spasmodic pain : ICaulo.; with cox- algia, ICanth.; every morning nearly same hour (bronchial and vesical catarrh), ICop.; in neck, after urination, extending to pelvis and thighs, IPuls. 8®" spasm, tenesmus. Bladder, sticking : Coccus; from kidneys into urethra, Berb.; in one or the other side, ex- tending into female urethra, IBerb.; in neck, IPuls.; in neck, when not urinating, ICham.; sharp, in neck, on right side, with soreness, ILith. 8®° cutting, stitches. Bladder, stitches: Carb. s., ICheb, ICon,Coc- cus, IKali c, ILye, INatr.m, Pallad.;during cough,Caps.; in neck, Carb. s, ILye; in neck, for many hours after urinating, Con.; in neck, after ineffectual pressure to urinate, IGuaiac; in neck, within outward, during and after cough, ICaps.; alternating with darting in rectum, Coloe; before and at beginning of urination, Mane; during urination, INatr. m. 8@° cutting, shooting, sticking. Bladder, strangury: 8®*" tenesmus; also Urination strangury, urging. Bladder, suppuration: ' Tereb. 8^° inflammation. Bladder, swollen: in cystitis, Tarant.; feels swollen, IKali iod. B^T" distended. Bladder, tearing pain: IKali e; in neck, during urination, INux v. Bladder, tenesmus: Am., IlAur. mur. Bell, HCanth., IClem, Cop,Gels, Hyper, I Uamb., IMerecor, IMez., INuxm.,HPlumb, I IPod, IPuls, IRhus, Sarrae, I ISep, ISil, IITereb.; with abdominal venous congestion, IPod.; with intense burning in urethra, IIMerc. cor.; after taking cold (acute cystitis), ILye; in chronic diarrhoea), ICup. ars.; in dysmenorrhoea,! ITa- rant.; in dysentery, 11 Alum., HCaps, IMere cor.; in dysuria, IChim. umb.; frequent, with scanty emissions, IGels.; in gonorrhoea, ITe- reb.; with heat and urging, I I Senecio ; in in- termittent fever, IISul. ac.; with spasmodic pain in kidneys, Coccus ; with micturition, in evening while walking, ILith.;constant, worse 4 a.m., Amm. m.; of neck, Aeon., HArn., ICamph, Ferr. iod.; in inflammation of neck, ISenecio ; painful, during urination, I IMed.; with paralysis of arms, I IRhus ; every other quarter of an hour for eight hours, IPrun.; with discharge of white acrid pus and mucus, ISars.; in bladder and rectum, at same time (proctitis), 11 Alum.; severe and constant, with urination of a few drops of burning urine, after much exertion and pain, worse at night, IMere; rousing from sleep at night, Ant. c, Lith.; robs him of sleep (cysto-blennorrhoea), 11 Uva ursi; from, spasmodic action, debilitat- ing patient, who passes only by drops a dark red, brown, fetid urine, with gravel-like sedi- ment (cystitis), Tarant; spasmodic urging while sitting, going up in streaks to either kidney, better from exercise, Tereb.; during stool, IStaph.; strangury, with hemorrhage, IColch.;duringurination,Cineh.bob, Coccus, after urinationTCub., Squilla ; during and after urination, I Apis, Colch.; with bloody urine in drops, after falling downstairs, 11Khus; with retention of urine, IPuls.; with scanty urine, IColoe; from prolapsus or retroversion of uterus, IChim. umb.; with increase of gran- ulations and continual narrowing of channel (after gonorrhoea), I I Mar. v. fl@" constric- tion, contraction, cramp, pressing, spasm, spasmodic pain ; also Urination strangury, urging. Bladder, tension : with difficult urination (pa- resis of detrusor vesicae), I I Nux v.; painful in left side, IBerb.; over pubes, heat, tenderness (inflammation of bladder), IIAcon. 8®° constriction, cramp, pressure. Bladder, throbbing: painful, during straining efforts to pass water, IDig. Bladder, tickling : constant chronic, cystitis and irritability of bladder, I I Sep. Bladder, tumors: ICale Bladder, twitching: Agar. Bladder, ulceration: Ran. b, lEup. pur., IHy- dras, Merc. iod. rub.; caused by calculi, • All. sat.; of whole internal coat, IHydras. 8®" inflammation. Bladder, uneasiness: during a cold, became chronic inflammation, lEup. pur. Bladder, urging: B^ Urination strangury, urging. Bladder, weakness (atony): ICepa, Cham, IIHep, IHyos, I IKali ph, IMagn. m., I IMur. ac, I INatr. p., IPhos. ac. I I Uran.; contraction less powerful, ICamph.; in evening, with feel- ing as if he would wet bed, lAlum.; as if it had lost expulsive force, Eucab; in girls and women, with frequent desire to urinate, IRhus; in old persons, I Ars.; painful, Pallad.; after parturition, IIArs.; from retention of urine, ICanth.; in fundus, causing retained urine, I ITereb.; urging to urinate wanting, as if there were no sensation in bladder, only sensation of fulness indicates necessity to uri- nate, Stann.; must press hard to urinate, Rheum. g@h paralysis; also Urination in- ability, insufficient, involuntary, slow. Bladder, worm: sensation of turning as from a large worm, Bell.; something seems to move like a worm, causing tickling (chronic cys- titis, and irritability of bladder), 11 Sep. KIDNEYS, abscess (suppuration): lArs., •Cetrar, IHep.,Hippoz.,IMere,ISib, ITereb. Kidneys,aching: Med.; constant, with extreme tenderness, IHelon ; constant, in region of, worse in right, where pain shoots through to bowels, Kali bi.; almost constant, dull, in region of (amblyopia potatorum), IITereb.; dull, Natr. a, ITereb.; dull, in region of, I Hydras., 11 Mitch, rep.; deep, dull, in cystitis, lEup. pur.; dull, with frequent desire to uri- nate, I IZing.; keeping awake at night, Cann. b; when riding, ICale; in right (headache), ICrotal.; worse before and better after urinat- ing (diabetesmellitus), IILyc. B"§*f bruised pain, soreness. Kidneys, Addison's disease : Ant. e, Arg. nit, I Ars, IBell, HCale, Carbo v., Caust, Cinch., IFerr, IFerr. iod, lllod, IKali c, : Alang IINatr. m, INitr. ac.,1 101. jec, HPhos, Pie ac. Sec, Sep, ISil, ISpig, ISub; anaemia and asthenia, IFerr.; dull, pinching pain in region 21. URINARY ORGANS. 587 of suprarenal capsule, at 11 a.m., cold fingers at same time, I IMed.; throbbing and thumping in region of suprarenal capsule, seeming to come from abscess or sore spot just below fifth rib, right side (abscess of liver), I IMed.; with vertigo, HCale Kidneys, affections (undefined): 8g*f disease. Kidneys,albuminuria: BST'Bright's disease ; also Urine albuminous. Kidneys, Bright's disease (albuminous neph- ritis) : Amm. ben., Ant. t, I Apis, Apoe, Arg. nit, IIArs., Ars. h., Ars. i., Atrop., IlAur. mur., lAur. mur. nat, Berb, IBrach., Bry., ICale,I ICale a., I ICale p.,I ICale s.,ICann.s, ICanth,ICarbob ac,Caulo,IChel, Chim.umb, ICinch., ICoccus, IColch, Coloe, Con., ICop, ICrotal., ICup. m., IDig, Eup. pur, IFerr, IFerr. ph, IIGlon., Hell., I IHelon, IHep., IKali bb, IKali e, IKali iod., I IKali m., IIKali ph., IKalm, Kreo., ILach, IILyc, ILye vir., IIMerc. cor, IMere cy, IMere iod. rub,Mez., Myr. cer.,IINatr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ae, 1101. jec, Op., IPhos., HPhos.ac, IPhyt., HPlumb, IIRhus, Sars., ISee, ISub, IITereb., Uran. n.; from abuse of alcohol, lArs, IBerb, ICarbo v., ICrotal, ILach., INatr. e, INux v.; with anaesthesia, 11 Phos.; atheromatous degeneration of arteries, ICale, ILith., IPhos. ac, HPlumb., ISib; especially from blows on loins, ICanth.; during child- bed, Phos. ac; diptheria, lApis, IMere cor., I IPhyt; withuraemicconvulsions,IICup. m, IDig, IIKali br.; with dropsy, lApis, lArs., I ICale a, ICup. m., IDig, IHell, I IHelon, Jab., ILach.; far advanced with dropsy, I ILac def.; followed by renal dropsy, :Jab, ITereb.; from exposure to cold and damp, Cale,Colch, IDulc, Kalie, Merc.cor, Nux v., IRhus, Sep.; protrusion of eyeball, ILye vir.; with amaurosis, lApis, lArs., llCann. i, Colch., IGels, IHep., I IKalm, IMere cor, I IPhos. ae, I IPlumb.; with am- blyopia, Ant. t, IPhos.; with gout and mer- curio-syphilis, IKali iod.; heart complication, lArs., lAur. mur., HColch., ICrotal, ICup. m., IDig., Kali bi. Kali ph., IKalm, ILach, ITereb., 11 Uran. n.; in a man exposed to heat, IIRhus; with hemorrhages, I IPhos.; with oedema pulmonum secondary to it, IIKali iod.; nervous exhaustion, IPhos.; preceded or ac- companied by disease of pancreas, IPhos.; retinitis, ICrotal.; after scarlatina, I Apis, lArs., Ascl. s. Bell., Bry, Colch., IHelb, Kali c, ILach, IILyc, IMere cor, Rhus, ISee, Seneg.; with great weakness, I Ars., Ars. b, Ferr. s., Helon, IMere cor, IPhos., IPhos. ac.; difficulty in standing and walking,IKalm. 8®* congested, contracted, inflammation; also Urine albuminous. Kidneys, bruised pain: IPareira ; as of a great blow, making her cry out, ICact; in region of left, while standing and walking, Zinc; weak- ness, I IManc. B®° aching, soreness. Kidneys, sensation of three bubbles in right, moving like bubbles in water, causing faint- ness: I IMed. Kidneys, burning : lArs. h., Cann. i, HCanth, IColoe, IKali iod.; into bladder, Bell.; with oppressed breathing and faintness, Bufo.; constant, passing around each side above hips to region of bladder, also from sacral region to gluteal and back of thighs, worse lying down, ILac def; passing through left ileum to pubis, Arund.; in left, IBenz. ae; in nephritis, INux v.; in nephritis, with hae- maturia, IITereb.; can trace their outline by the burning, IHelon.; in a small spot near, worse pressing hard, moves downward and forward, Berb.; extending down ureters, Te- reb.; before urination, Rheum; during urina- tion, Rheum, g^" heat, inflammation. Kidneys, calculi: Act. sp., Apoe, Arn., Chin. s., I lEup. pur., Ilpom.,IILyc, HSars.,ISep., ISil, ITabae, -Tereb., Uva ursi; with renal colic, during passage, IChlorof; congestive and inflammatory symptoms, with purulent chalky, or sandy sediment, IPhos.; caused nephritis, INux v.; passage, with writhing, twitching, crampy pain, IDiosc. 8^*" colic; also Bladder calculi. Kidneys, cirrhosis: gS@F' contracted. Kidneys, affected by a cold : IPolyg. Kidneys, colic: lApis, I Arg. nit, lArn., BArs, Aspar., IIBell, Benz. ac, IIBerb., ICann. s, ICanth, HCarbo a., IChlorof, Coccus, Colch, IDiosc, Erig,Equiset,Eup. pur.,Indig., IKali c, IILyc, Med., INuxm., Nux v., IOp, HPa- reira, HSars., Sib, ITabae, HVer., Zinc; after anodynes, INux v.; during passage of calculi, I IChloral., IChlorof, ISars.; with spasmodic difficulties of chest^Coccus.; chron- ic, often years' duration, IPareira ; with hem- orrhage of ureters, provoked by passage of stones, IPareira; pain from crest of right ileum, right leg and testicle, renal region, IDiosc; in left lumbar region,IPareira; inability to lie on right side, INux v.; with or without nausea, 11 Senecio ; attack every three months, lasting longer, and more severe each time, 11 Pareira; pain radiates from left to groin, following course of ureter, IPareira ; pain, especially in right kidney, extending into genitals and right leg, better lying on back, worse rising and walking about, INux v.; pain concentra- ted on right side near hip, not extending be- yond median line, after catching cold, ILye; in right ureter to bladder, IILyc.; with itch- ing, IDiosc.; with sweat, INux v.; skin bathed in cold, clammy sweat, moaning loud, trem- ulous, with writhing about in bed, IDiosc; With copious urine and dull pain in urethra, Coccus; constant urging to urinate, INux v.; crampy pains, Curar.; cramp in left, I Agar.; cramplike pain towards bladder, I INitr. ac; cramplike pain, worse from pressure or mo- tion, Coccus. g@f calculi. Kidneys, congestion: Aeon., Atrop, Bell, Bry, ICanth, Chel., IColch., INux v., Pic. ac,IPuls.,l I Senecio,!ITereb.; with albuminu- ria from amenorrhcea, IHelon.; causing dropsy, ITereb.; engorged,Anthrac.jhyperaemic state, in organic disease of heart, lApis; hyperaemic, after cardiac hypertrophy, pressure around waist and increase of urine, 11 Aur met; h yper- aemia, in heart disease and morbus Brightii, I Aur. mur.; injected, worse in tubular sub- stances, Ars. h.; passive, Ham.; passive,when from embarrassed circulation, as from ob- structed heart disease, asthma, chronic bron- chitis, etc., particularly during a course, or as sequela of zymotic disease, Crotal.; with ex- tensive effusion of serum in abdominal cavity and tissues of legs, 11 Hell.; uneasiness, as if congested, Cochl. B'sT' heat, inflammation. 588 21. URINARY ORGANS. Kidneys, contracted (cirrhosis): I Aur. mur., IDig,IGlon,INitr. ac,IPhos, HPlumb.; atro- phy, in Bellinian tubes, Bright's disease, IIArs.; atrophy of capsules of Miiller, in Bright's disease, IIArs.; with gastric disturb- ances, Uran. n.; lobulated in outline,Vespa ; pelves shrunk irregularly to one-third of their usual capacity, Vespa. Kidneys, crushing pains: Ananth. Kidneys, cutting: HCanth, Daph., IIEup. pur.; in yellow fever,ICadm. s.; from left into bladder, Berb.; downward pressure before urinating, Graph. 8®° darting, stitches. Kidneys, constant darting: in region of left, worse in cold, lying in cold bed, better by heat, when becoming warm in bed, IStaph.; in nephritis, IKali iod. 8@*f* cutting, stitches. Kidneys, deathly feeling: with great depres- sion of spirits, similar to effects of cold settling in renal region (abscess of liver), I IMed. Kidneys, digging: Curar.; sticking, as if sup- purating, worse on deep pressure, IBerb. Kidneys, disease : (undefined), IBerb, Calc. a., ICanth., IChel, IChim. umb., Coccus, IHep., ILact. ac, IMere cor., IPolyg., ISecale, I lUrt ur.; in chlorosis, IPuls.; kindred to Bright's disease, Uran. n.; worse from living in damp dwellings, ITereb.; functional derangement, Dig.; left affected (haematuria), ILye Kidneys, distress: great, during paroxysm of chills, I IMed.; and pain, Lact. ac. Kidneys, drawing: in Addison's disease,IIod.; inleft, when stooping, IBenz. ac.;transient, in right, extending to right hip, Tereb.; vio- lent, in nephritis, with haematuria, IITereb. Kidneys, affections with dropsy: HApis, lApoe, lArs, lAscl. s, lAur. mur., IBry, :Cale p., Chim. umb., I ICoccus, IColch., IDulc, ILye, INatr. m., IPrun., ISenecio, IITereb.; anasarca, especially in albuminu- ria, after scarlatina, Cop.; in broken-down constitutions and intemperate subjects, IChim. umb.; and dysuria, Coloe; after nephritis, IHelb; with prostration, ITereb.; after scarlatina, I Apis, Apoe, I Ars., I I Ascl. s. Bell, ICanth, IColch, IHelb, Helon, Hep., Jab., Kali c, IILyc, Phos. ae, IRhus, Seneg., IITereb. 8^* Bright's disease dropsy. Kidneys, dull pain: Amb., IBenz. ae, I lEup. pur. Ham., I IPhos, Stilling.; aching, Apoe; with renal calculus, ICanth.; late in even- ing, ICanth.; in left (entero-colitis), INuph.; on pressure (diabetes), INatr. s.; w-orse from pressure or motion, Coccus; most on right side, with heat, I IPhyt; in region of right, with urgent desire to urinate, lEquiset.; down uterus, Tereb. Kidneys, enlarged: Anthrac, Ars. h., IRhus, Vespa; distension of region (haematuria), INux v.; dull percussion sound (acute Bright's disease), lApis; hypertrophied, medullary part deep red, cortical part pale, Vespa. Kidney troubles, after exanthema: IHelb; with skin diseases, Cub. ggg° scarlatina Kidneys, eyes: nephritic retinitis, with pain in back, as if it would break, IKalm. Kidneys, fatty degeneration: I IPhos.; in Bright's disease, I ITereb.; of Bellinian tubes, in morbus Brigbtii, IIArs.; of tuftsofMuller, in Bright's disease, IIArs.; cells of both sub- stances granulated, Ars. h.; granular degen- eration, -Eucab, IKali iod., IPlumb.; granu- lar, with general dropsy, ITereb.; especially if associated with similar pathological condi- tions of liver and of right heart, IPhos. Kidneys, full feeling: in haematuria, INux v. Kidneys, gnawing: Brach.; in a small spot near, worse pressing hard, moves downward and forward, Berb. Kidneys, gouty: with gastric disturbances, Uran. n. Kidneys, griping: Cadm. s. Kidneys, heat: I Ars. h.; in nephritis, INux v.; hot sensation, with frequent desire to urinate, I IZing. 8®* burning, inflammation. Kidneys, heaviness : IHelon., ITereb. Kidneys, hemorrhage: I ICoccus, IFerr. mur., ISenecio; chronic haematuria, I IPetrol.; brought on by every exertion, walking, lift- ing, riding, or mental emotions, HPetrol.; small, Anthrac; thick blood, after scarlatina, ISee 8f@" Urine bloody; also Bladder bleeding, and hemorrhoids. Kidneys, inactive: Aeon.; atony (nephritis albuminosa), ICochb; especially in children, IStram.; peculiar torpid action, Apoe.; with scanty, smoky urine, brain possessed by un- excreted urea, ITereb.; complete cessation of function up to fifty hours duration, in recon- valescence from typhus, IZing. 8^° Urine scanty, suppressed. Kidneys, inflammation: lAcon, Alum., •Anag., Arg. nit., HArn, lAscl. s., 'Aspar, IBelb, IIBenz. ae, IBerb., IBry, ICann. s, ICanth, ICaps, Caust, ICepa, IChel, IChim. umb., Coccus, Colch., Collin., Cop, Erig, Eryng, Eup. pur. Gels., Hep, Indig, IKali c, IKali iod., IKali m, ILye, IMere, INux v, IPhos, IPhyt, IPolyg, Samb., ISars, ISenecio, IITereb,Thuya, Trill.; albuminuria, ICochb; with albuminaria, when occurring in the course of toxaemia, or in pregnancy, ICrotal.; after a blow on left side and remain- ing for hours in wet clothes, IKali e; catar- rhal, I I Kali m.; chronic, Calc. s, ' Chim. umb., I ICollin, lEup. pur, ISars.,I ISenecio; chronic parenchymatous, with pregnancy, approaching convulsions, IHelon.; croupous, I IKali m.; croupous, passing into suppura- tive stage, IHep.; acute desquamative,ICoccus, HPlumb.; chronic desquamative, j Eucab; causing dropsical symptoms (syphilis infan- tum), I IHelb; after passage of gravel, ISenecio ; after suppression of hemorrhoidal flow, abuse of^ liquors, or when caused by a calculus, INuxv.; with pain in lumbar region, parti- cularly in left kidney, worse by motion, I ISe- necio; parenchymatous, IKali m.; parenchy- matous, in scarlatina, Con., IStram.; with pericarditis, 11 Coccus; from stagnation of portal circulation caused by suppression of an habitual sanguineous discharge, INux v.; pyelonephritis, *Eucab; particularly right kidney intense pain, I ISenecio; after scarla- tina, ICanth., IColch, IINatr. s.; after scarla- tina, with anasarca and oedema of lungs, IDig.; with discharge of urine by drops, with burn- lcg'u- ,Sablna *> with retention of urine, ISabina. B€sP" congestion, burning, heat, Bright's disease. Kidneys, lameness: in left, sore to touch I Agar. ' 21. URINARY ORGANS. 589 Kidneys, lancinating: sudden, acute, pro- longed, extending from left along ureter into bladder, Coccus. Kidneys, neuralgia: HOp. -Tereb. 8®" colic, tearing. Kidneys, oppressive pain : worse from press- ure or motion, Coccus. Kidneys, pain (undefined): yEthus, Arund.m, Aurant, IBerb., Bry, ICann. s, HCanth, Ced, IChen. a, IChim. umb,Codein, HColch, IDulc, Erig., IHelon, IHep, llpec, llpom, IKali m., Oxal. ac, Senecio, I ISep, ITereb, 11 Uran. n. Zinc; with albuminuria, IHelon.; in albuminuria, during pregnancy, I Aur. mur.; on awaking, Bry.; with bilious attacks, IINux v.; worse when inhaling, Astac; in Bright's disease, I Apis; with or without calculi (neph- ritis), ICaps.; with spasmodic difficulties of chest, Coccus ; penetrate chest, on taking a deep breath (nephritis), IBenz. ac; alternat- ing with cloudiness and drunken feeling, I Alum.; in diabetes, I IPhos. ae; in rheu- matic iritis, ITereb.; in apyrexia of inter- mittent, INatr. m.; in chronic passive hemorrhage from kidneys, I ITereb.; when laughing, Cann. b; in left, Chlorof, ILye; particularly in left, Ferr. iod.; in left, with chilliness, I IMillef; in left, followed by pro- fuse haematuria, lasting from five to eight days, IMillef; in left, on sitting down morn- ings, Cinch, bob; in left, with paroxysms of pain running along ureter and in back (renal calculus), llpom.; leftside, ICepa.; when lift- ing, or blowing nose, ICale p.; at beginning of menses, or during, Berb.; in dysmenor- rhoea, IVer.; in morning, cannot change posi- tion, Cain.; in nephritis, lArn.; all night, Ars. h.; paroxysms, in nephritis, ICheb; alternat- ing with pain in tip of penis, HCanth.; in phlebitis, worse from motion, IHam.; worse from pressure and motion (parotitis), Dory.; with frequent slight pains in prostate gland, Gnaphab; in pruritus vulvae, I ITarant.; as from riding over a rough road, worse from dancing, Alum.; in right, ILith.; in right, worse on inspiration (prostatitis and atony of sexual organs), I ISelen.; in right, could only lie on back, worse from pressure and motion (nephritis), IColch.; intense, over right, severe during urination, ISenecio; in scarlatina, ILye; in septic disease, ITarant.; worse on sneezing, deep breathing and lying down, yEthus.; especially near spine, ILye; starts from lumbar vertebrae, Ferr. iod.; after stoop- ing a long time, Sub; extending to right thigh, INuxv.; when tired, IITereb.; worse from touch, Arg.nit.; seemingly traversing ureters, but instead passing into bladder, followed spermatic cord down groins into testes, agon- izing, chiefly in cord, I ISyph.; with desire to urinate, IFerr.; with desire to urinate, in yel- low fever, I Ars. h.; also on urinating, I IPuls.; if urine is restrained, Con.; better by profuse urination, I IMed. Kidneys, pinching pain : Zinc. Kidneys, renal plexus: irritable condition, Uran. n. Kidneys, pressing sensation: IIKali e; in Addison's disease, ICale, Hod, INitr. ae; extends over back to between shoulders, worse night, Ars. h.; distensive pain (renal calcu- lus), ICanth.; dull pain, ICanth.; dull, in left, Lyss.; drawing, in right, Zinc; with haematu- ria, INux v.; as if produced by blunt instru- ment as large as end of thumb, IGels.; in left, Zinc; in nephritis, INux v.; painful, in left, as from retaining urine too long, worse when sitting, disappearing from pressure, but more prominent afterwards, felt somewhat while sitting, Pallad.; worse from pressure or motion, Coccus; over right, as if something were pressed hard against, better pressure, leaving pulling sensation, Amm. br.; extends to shoulder blades (yellow fever), Ars. h.; when sitting, better in motion, I ITereb. Kidneys, sensitiveness: left, to touch, Zinc; left,to touch, in entero-colitis, INuph.; in af- fection of sympathetic nervous system, HPhos.; to pressure, I ISelen., Tabae; to pressure, in albuminuria, ICale a.; on deep pressure, Vespa; right, IHelon.; on pressure, leaning against cushioned carriage, Amm. ben.; right, worse from touch, INuxv.; to slightest touch (kidney disease), IHep. fiST" Chap. 31, Back sensitive. Kidneys, sharp pain : IIKali bb; in right, in afternoon, Badiag.; in right, near spine, down to bladder, ^Berb.; down ureters to bladder, worse touch or motion, deep inspiration, Arg. nit. Kidneys, shooting: in left, yEsc. h, Bapt.; down left ureter (nephritic colic), I IPareira ; in sixth week of pregnancy, llpec; from right, down thigh to knee, like cramp, llpec 8®*" cutting, stitches. Kidneys, renal affections cause sleeplessness: IHyos. Kidneys, smarting : IKali e 86*?** burning. Kidneys, soreness: Asaf, Brach, Cann. s. Mane; constant, from right into back and around into liver, sometimes extending down to legs, like rheumatism, after typhoid fever (nervous affection), IManc; in diabetes, I IRa- tan.; extends downward like a weight, mostly to right and in sacrum, worse in morning, making her irritable, Tell.; with ischuria (paralysis), IIGraph.; in left, Zinc; most on right side and connected with heat, I IPhyt. BnH"?" aching, bruised pain. Kidneys, spasmodic pain : Coccus ; in right, worse 4 to 9 p.m., ICheb; with vesical tenes- mus and frequent emission of deep colored urine, Coccus. Kidneys, sticking: IMez.; extends straight forward into abdomen, IBerb.; in left, while standing and walking, Zinc; pressure, Zinc; worse from pressure or motion, Coccus. 8®" stinging, stitches. Kidneys, stinging : into bladder, Bell., IIKali bi.; in left, Erig.; at night, worse when inhal- ing, Astac; in a small spot, worse pressing hard, moves downward and forward, Berb. 8®*" sticking, stitches. Kidneys, stitches: Ananth, Cann. i, IColoe, IKali c, I IRan. sc; in moving arms, Ant. t; to bladder and urethra, Berb.; arresting breathing, Crot t; on breathing or sneezing (morbus Brightii), lArs.; deep, penetrating, dull in right, worse during inhalation, Cycb; downward, apparently through ureters (cysti- tis), ILach.; dull, in right, Zinc; itching, needlelike, Staph.; as from knives, I Arn.; in left, Gamb.; in left, at intervals, Zinc; inleft, worse rising from seat and motion, not from 590 21. URINARY ORGANS. touch, cannot lie long in one position, INux v.; in right, Agar., Astac, Bapt.; in right, to- wards chest, Zinc; stabbing, Ananth. 8g*f* sticking, stinging. Kidneys, complications with syphilis: Crotal. Kidney,tearing pains: IMezer.JRhus;cutting, in right, Zinc; digging, as if suppurating, worse on deep pressure, IBerb.; in left, sharp intermittent, Zinc; soon after rising in morn- ing, extends to whole back, between pelvis and thorax, Berb.; in right, Astac, IBerb.; in right, at times, sticking, Zinc.; sticking, worse one side, Berb. BST colic, neuralgia. Kidney, tension: in haematuria, INux v.; in nephritis,IColch.; painful, in left,in nephritis, IKali c. Kidneys, throbbing: Act. sp.; pulsating, in right, IBerb. Kidneys, tubercles: Hippoz. Kidneys, twisting: Ananth. Kidneys, ulceration : 8®° abscess. Kidneys, uneasiness: IHelon.; as if congested, Cochl. Kidneys, g&" Back, sensations of all kinds re- ferred to region of kidneys. URETERS, burning: Ced. Ureters, colic: 8^° Kidneys, calculi, colic. Ureters, contracting pain: to penis, ICanth. Ureters, cutting : toward kidneys, Apis ; along left to bladder, Berb.; to penis, ICanth. B€gc°shooting. Ureters, drawing: Astac; compels bending double, after urination, I ISub; in left, Calad. Ureters, hemorrhage: provoked by passage of stones, with nephritic colic, IPareira. Ureters, inflammation: after passage of gravel, ISenecio. Ureters, laborlike pains : in course of, extend- ing to upper part of thighs (acute catarrh of bladder), IColoe; dragging, with frequent urging to urinate, ICham. Ureters,mucous membrane: thickened,loaded with mucus, t. Vespa. Ureters, pain (undefined) : frequent, sudden attacks, in albuminuria, lApis ; with sensa- tion as of passage of calculus, IMed.; in direc- tion of, before turbid urination, ICheb; with severe pain in left kidney (renal calculus), llpom.;in left, ILye; down left,in hysteria), 11 Aloe; unusual, into bladder (chronic pas- sive hemorrhage from kidneys), IITereb.; from without inward and toward penis, ICanth.; violent, in renal colic, ITabae Ureters, shooting: towards kidneys,Apis; from below upward, in left, yEsc. h. fl'sT" cutting. Ureters, spasmodic affection: from passage of calculi, IGels.; straining, during passage of calculus (nephritic colic), IBell. 8"s*f Kidneys colic. Ureters, stinging : in left, Calad. Ureters, uneasiness: 11 Phyt. URETHRA, aching: Lobel. i.; causing desire to urinate, Cain.; in orifice, between acts of micturition, Coccul. fifsT* soreness. Urethra, acrid sensation: Aph. ch. Urethra, biting: Prun.; in back part, ICamph, ■Petrosel.;in forepart, Zinc;in fossa navicula- ris, after urination, IPetrol.; in orifice, after urination, Zinc; during urination, Cham, lEquiset, IGraph.; after urination, ICaps, IClem, lEquiset. Urethra, bleeding (hemorrhage): Arum m,, ICalcJCrotab, IFerr. mur, IFerr ph., IMere, ISub; during coition, ICaust.; follows cutting and burning, Uva ursi; dark colored, with suppressed gonorrhea?, IIPuls.; in bilious fever, ICheb; with muco-purulent discharge and burning, IKali iod.; painless, two ounces, Ars. h.; pure blood, ICanth.; during stool, ILye; four tablespoonfuls, Ars. h.; after pain- ful urination, Zinc; vicarious, IPhos.; vicari- ous, in consequence of suppressed menses, with pain in bowels, diarrhcea, and night cough, with expectoration of mucus, I IZinc. BST'Bladder hemorrhage. ^Urine bloody. Urethra, blennorrhcea: 8®° catarrh. Urethra, burning: Agnus, Ammoniac, Aspar, Aur. mur., Berb, Bov., IBry., ICann. s, HCanth., Ced, ICepa, Chim. umb., ICop, Cup. ars., Ferr. iod. Graph., 11 Hep, Kob, Laur, ILith., Lyss, Mane, IIMerc, Paris, Petrol., I IPhos, Prun., IPuls., I IRhus, Rhus v.; biting, Cann. s.; biting, on beginning to urinate, IIMerc. sob; biting pains, with ef- forts to pass urine, tormenting him for an hour, Prun.; in acute catarrh of bladder, IColoe; up near neck of bladder,during and after urinating, Apis; followed by discharge of blood, Uva ursi; in bulbus, during urina- tion, IKali bi.; after coition, ISep.; with erec- tions, ICanth., Carb. s, INitr. ae; before and during erection, ceases during coition, Anag.; in female, IBerb.; in female, especially if caused by pessaries, IHyper.; in forepart, Sep.; in forepart, after emission, ISep.; in fossa, Cub.; in fossa, during urination, IKali bb, Petrosel.; in glans, after difficult urina- tion, Cain.; in glandular part, continuing long after urination, IKali bb; in gonorrhoea, ICochb, IIMerc. cor.; in gonorrhoea,, along entire, day and night, Ars. s. f; in rheumatic iritis, ITereb.; with muco-purulent discharge, and sometimes discharge of blood, IKali iod.; with great nervous excitability, Mosch.; sud- denly, at night, Caust; at orifice, Lactu. v, IMere cor., I IPuls.; orifice, after climaxis, IBerb.; in orifice, after coition, ICale; in ori- fice, momentary, during night, Agar.; at ori- fice, especially painful from rubbing of clothes, ICinch.; in orifice, before urination, ICaps.; in orifice, during urination, Anthrok, IIAph. ch., Arum d., ICale, IDulc, INux v., I IPhos. ac, IPuls., ISub; in orifice, during urination, at night, I Agar.; in orifice, with involuntary dropping of urine, ISpig.; from orifice backward, Cann. s.; in orifice, after urination, Case; near orifice, after urination, Lyss.; as if raw, during urination, IColch.; in scarlatina, ILye; with involuntary discharge of semen, IISul.; while sitting, I IParis; soreness, during urina- tion, ICarbo a.; stinging, in orifice, Zing.; stinging, behind glans, during urination, Eryng.; during stool, IColoe; after stool, INatr. e; as of swelling of neighboring parts, must rise, ICard. m.; with tenesmus vesicae, IIMerc. cor.; as if urethra were very warm during and after urination, Colch.; urine passes in drops, IINux v.; with acid urine, lUran. n.; with desire to urinate, 11 Phos.; during urina- tion, as from acid drops, Oxal. ae; when ef- fort is made to pass urine, so that one must bend double without being able to urinate, Prun.; at commencement of urination, Cann. 21. URINARY ORGANS. 591 s.; violent, on beginning to urinate, with urination every hour, day and night, IIMerc sob; continued desire to urinate, Cain.; with great desire to urinate, ISub; burning and desire to urinate, with hope of relieving burn- ing, which however is increased, INitr. ac.; with frequent urging to urinate, but discharge of only a few drops, pain continues after, HSub; with scanty urine nearly every half hour, I I Psor.; before urination, Cann. i, IPuls., Zinc; during, lAcou., Alum, lAnt.e, Ars, Arum d., Ascl. s. Bar. e, IBerb., Calc p., ICaps., Cann. i, Carb. s., ICaust, ICham, Chin, s, IClem, Coccus, Con., Crot. t, lEqui- set, lEup. pur, Ferr., IGels., Grat, llpec, IKali c, IKali n., IINatr. c, INatr. m., Natr. p., INux v., Petrosel, HPhos., Phos. ac, IPsor, IPuls, Raph., Ratan., Seneg., Sil, ■Staph., IITereb., IThuya, Zinc.; during uri- nation, like fire, penis erect, Cain.; during urination, in gonorrhoea, Sabad.; during urination, in haematuria, ISub; during urina- tion, in morning, Anag.; during urination, in ovaritis, lAmb.; during urination, if pressing to increase flow, burns like hot water, Calad.; after urination, Aspar, IBerb, Calc. p., ICann. i, ICann. s., ■■Canth, ICaps., ICard. m, IClem., Coccus, Coloe, ICon.,Grat,ILed, Iris, IKali c, ILye, IMagn. m, HNatr. c, ■Natr. m., INitr. ac, IPuls, Seneg, IStaph., ■Thuya, Zinc; after urination, in back part, with sensation as if one drop had remained behind with unsuccessful effort to void it, ■Kali bb; last drops cause violent burning, ■Clem.; worse when not urinating, frequently more on one side, Berb. B§*f"° biting, smarting; also During urina- tion burning ; also Urine hot. Urethra, catarrh: Cub, IHydras, ITereb.; with disease of prostate gland, IHam.; blennorrhoea, Alum,-Amm. m, 'Calc s, ICarbo v., IIMerc; blennorrhcea, chronic, Petrol.; blennorrhoea, chronic, from atony of mucous membrane, with pain, I IMillef; blennorrhoea, with swell- ing and induration of testicles, IIRhod.; re- laxation of mucous membrane, IHydras. 8®°" discharge, inflammation, irritation ; also Chap. 22, Gonorrhoea gleet. Urethra, chancre: ggjg" ulcers; also Chap. 22, Syphilis. B'aP chancre. Urethra, constriction: long lasting, IClem.; during urination, I Apis, IBry.; after urina- tion, Cub.; feels drawn into knots, Cann. s. Urethra, contraction: ICop., -Amm. m. Pe- trol.; with suppressed gonorrhoea, IIPuls.; long lasting, IClem.; contractive pain, ICanth, ■Cinch.; contractive pain, after urination, INux v.; before stool and urination, INatr. m.; violent, Indig. B^sT stricture. Urethra, crawling: in orifice, HAgar.; to sphincter, Cinch, bob; creeping, I IPhos. ac; itching behind fossa causes frequent desire to urinate, nearly every half hour, IPetroseb; tickling, Ferr. iod.; after urination, ILye BesT" tickling, tingling. Urethra, cutting: Aspar, Berb, ICale p., ICaps, lEquiset, IKali e, IOp, IINitr. ae; followed by discharge of blood, Uva ursi; with haematuria, llpec; in forepart, IILach.; in orifice, Nitr. sp. d.; in orifice, in evening while sitting, Zinc; in orifice, at end of urination, Am.; sharp pressure as with a cutting instru- ment, in forepart, with contractive pain be- tween acts of urination and discharge of mucus, I INux v.; during stool (dysentery), ISub; worse when not urinating, frequently more on one side, Berb.; before urination, Calc. p.; during urination, Ant. c, Bry, I ICheb, Con., IGuaiac, Iris, INatr. m, INux m., IPsor, IPuls., Thuya; after urination, Berb, Calc. p., I ICheb, Cub., ILye, HNatr. m.; after urination, in fossa, Petrosel.; be- tween urination, Mangan. 8®* darting, lancinating. Urethra, darting: when emitting flatus, Mang. 8QP" cutting, lancinating, shooting. stitches. Urethra, disagreeable sensation : in forepart of penis, has to squeeze penis, Agar. Urethra, discharge; bloody, ICaps.; copious, painful (catarrh of urethra), IHydras.; chronic, painless, leaving yellow stains, IPsor.; chronic, due to hypertrophy of prostate, IPhos.; cream- like, ICaps.; frequent, night and day, of thin, slimy colorless fluid, I I Phos.; gleety, aggluti- nating orifice, Gamb ; gluey, sticky, blocking up meatus (gleet), IGraph.; glutinous mucus, Agar.; gonorrhoea-like, lasting three days, Ced.; greenish yellowish, thick and profuse, alternating with haematuria, Lith.; milky fluid or mucus agglutinating orifice, IPetroseb; mucous, ICop., ICub., IHep, INitr. ac, Pa- reira, ISub; bloody mucus, HNitr. ae; bright mucous, in an old man, I I Magn. p.; mucus after a cold, Ferr.; copious mucous, painless, remaining after gonorrhoea, IFerr.; mucous,in gonorrhoea, IMez.; mucous, in phthisis, ■ lElaps; clear transparent watery mucus, Cann. s.; mucous, tough, viscid, 11 Agar.; viscid mucus, Agar.; painless, IMere; purulent, ■Caps, ICop, ILed,HNitr. ac.; muco-purulent, with burning, sometimes bloody, IKali iod.; sero-purulent, after squeezing a thickish, greenish matter oozes from urethra, I ITereb.; purulent, thick fetid (prostatitis), ISib; puru- lent, during urination (after a fall on peri- neum), lArn.; purulent, light,yellow, Alum.; purulent, white, Cup. ars.; dark reddish,Cub.; scanty, thin, after cohabiting with wife with fluoralbus, IIRhod.; suppressed, ^ Aur. mur.; thin, liquid, causes itching and burning, ■Natr. m.; almost watery (catarrh of urethra), IHydras.; yellow, Agnus, ICop.; yellow, nightly, Zing.; yellow, purulent, making spots on linen, like gonorrhoea, INatr. m.; light yellow, scanty (gleet), I ISub; slight, painless, after revaccination, I I Thuya. BO*?"" catarrh, drops, inflammation; also Chap. 22, Gonorrhoea, discharge, urethra. Urethra, drawing: Bry.; very acute, in fore- part, I IZinc; in fossa, IPetroseb; as far as glans, obliging one to urinate, ICie; causing desire to urinate, Cain.; during urination, Con. Urethra, drops: as if a biting drop were forc- ing its way out at tip,Selen.; constant dropping, Ced.; a feeling as of drops of urine came out, ISep.; feeling, as if a drop in urethra, Ced.; a feeling as if last drops remained, I Arg. nit.; it seems as if a single drop at a time were running along urethra, I IThuya ; it feels as if a drop were running down, after urination, IThuya ; feeling as if something would run out, Carb. s.; a feeling in fossa as though 592 21. URINARY ORGANS. water remained and could not be forced out any further, in morning, Ferr. iod.; sensation of moisture running forward, IThuya; in night, colors shirt red, Lachn.; a drop or so discharges during night, staining linen yellow- ish, ISep.; as if a few drops passed through, Amb.; as though a few drops remained, which could not be expelled, Alum.; a drop sticks at mouth, Tell.; a drop of watery, sticky sub- stance passes before stool and just after it, Selen.; yellow, in morning, IFluor. ac. Urethra, feeling of dryness: Cop. Urethra, dull pain: with nephritic colic, Coccus. Urethra, gas: air passes out of female urethra during urination, ISars. Urethra, heat: Aur. mur, ICepa ; while uri- nating, Ast. r, IKali bi. 8®*" burning, in- flammation ; also Urine hot. Urethra, induration: I Arg. nit.; in female, especially if caused by pessaries, IHyper.; hard node, Bov.; knotty, I Arg. nit.; male, during urination, Calc. p. g£$" stricture ; also Chap. 22, Gonorrhoea chordee, stricture. Urethra, serous infiltration: forming submu- cous callus, IClem. Urethra, inflammation (urethritis): lAur. met, ICann. s. Cop, ICub., IPetroseb; chronic, after gonorrhoea, eight years ago, I IMar. v.; chronic, with secretion, IKali iod.; chronic, with stricture, IPetrol.; with acrid discharge, ISub; feels inflamed, Cann. s.; as in first stages of gonorrhoea, Cochl.; after ces- sation of regular and copious hemorrhoidal discharge, I INux v.; of meatus, in a woman, 11 Eup. pert; transparent mucus, pain, IHam.; of orifice, ICale, IHep., ISub; orifice feels glued up, Bov.; of orifice, looks like two in- flamed lips, itching on being touched, Jacar.; of orifice, with suppurating ulcers, with flat edges, looking like chancres, with sticking, tearing, especially worse towards evening, lasting through night, and preventing sleep, still worse by violent erections towards morn- ing, INitr. ae; with prostatic disorders, Pa- reira ; with purulent or profuse mucous dis- charge, IChim. umb.; traumatic or chronic, in intermittent fever, IPetroseb; with vesical irritability, of females, especially married women, Cub. g^° burning, catarrh, heat, redness, sensitive, swelling; also Chap. 22, Gonorrhoea discharge, urethra. Urethra, irritation: IIKali br. Stilling.; as from acridity, Aph. ch.; followed by discharge and ardor urinae, IHam.; in impotence from sexual excess, IStaph.; in newly married peo- ple, especially women, IStaph.; in old women, Cop.; in orchitis, IClem.; from end of penis to neck of bladder (urinary difficulty), IChim. umb.; insupportable, as if he should pass water constantly, ICact. 8®°" catarrh, redness, sensitive. Urethra, itching: Apis, Bov, Con, Cop., Indig., IIKali m., ILed., 01. an., HSub, ■Thuya, Zinc; with burning, during urina- tion, Pareira ; deep in, IPetroseb; in forepart, I llgn., Laur.; in fossa, Cub.; in fossa, volup- tuous, IPetroseb; near fossa, Coccul.; intense, worse by presence of urine remaining on parts after urinating, has to be washed off, H Me re; in female meatus, during urination, preceded by urgent desire to urinate, Petrol.; in orifice, HAgar., Alum, Arum t, HCaust, Coccus, Colch., Syph.; from orifice to neck of bladder (urinary difficulty), IChim. umb.; at orifice, violent pruritus, Coccus; in orifice, with de- sire for urinating, Coloe; at orifice, during urination, Anthrok.; with constant desire to urinate, worse in morning in bed, better when sitting or standing, chronic cases, old persons, IPetroseb; during urination I ILye, INux v.; during urination (ovaritis), I Amb.; during urination, excited or aggravated by pressure, IMez.; after urinating, Arund, I ILye Urethra, jerking: ISars.; after urination, ILye; voluptuous formication, in forepart, Thuya. Urethra, knots: 8®- constriction, indura- tion, stricture. Urethra, lancinating: in and near orifice, Badiag.; thrusts in anterior portion after urination, at night, forces him to groan and cry out, last a minute and a half, Coccus. 8g*f cutting, shooting, stitches. Urethra, numbness : IMagn. m. Urethra, obstructed: clogged up by pieces of coagulated mucus, ISep.; clogged up with membranous particles producing excruciating pain until discharged with some blood (cysto- blennorrhoea),! I Uva ursi; almost closed, ILed,; feeling as if stuffed up or clogged about an inch from orifice on going to urinate, "Syph.; orifice agglutinated, urine escapes in a divided stream, Anag.; orifice closed by mucus, Cann. s.; orifice closed by a slimy or serous fluid, or by a lump of mucus, IThuya ; orifice sticking together (gonorrhoea), ICup. m.; part of it as if filled by a hard, round body, Cann. i.; as if a cylindrical body were being pushed through, better after drinking, with retention of Urine, Stram. 8@" constriction, contraction, stricture. Urethra, pain (undefined): lArg. nit, Cann. i, I ILith, IPuls.; awakens, ICard. m.; fear- ful, from glans backward, Diad.; after wet feet, Cale; as in beginning of gonorrhoea, Sub; in meatus, while urinating, HCanth.; in meatus, in women, ISars.; from orifice back- ward, Cann. s.; causes sweat,Stilling.; during urination, Zing.; during urination, in cystitis, Med.; during urination, after a few drops (prostatic affection), ICaust.; during urination, with vertigo, ICon.; after urination, Caust.; violent, caused by urine, which is hurriedly impelled to pass, seems, however, to pass for- ward into glans and then return, IPrun. Urethra, peculiar sensation: during urination (after injury), I IZinc. Urethra, pinching: Cinnab. Urethra, sensation of pressure: Agnus, Aph. ch, Bry.; bearing down, IDulc; in fossa, 11 Petrosel.; after urination, IPuls.; painful be- tween acts of micturition, with shuddering, 11 Nux v. Urethra, pricking: Carbol. ae; inclining to coition, Anag.; at end, while urinating, Cycb; itching, especially in forepart, frequent urging to urinate, little flow, Ferr. iod.; sharp, like needles, causes thrill to cheeks and hands, Cann. h; to sphincter, Cinch, bob; during urination, Iris. Urethra, redness: ILed.; of orifice, IHep, ■Sub; painful, Gels.; painful, in secondary gonorr.hoea, IGels.; with pinchingpains,ICin- nab.; in spinal curvature, after vaccination, I IThuya. 8®* inflammation, irritation. 21. URINARY ORGANS. 593 Urethra, scalding: before urination, lApis, Cann. i.; during urination, lyEscl. h., Cann. b; after urinating, Cann. b; especially near neck of bladder, during and after urination, Apis. 8©"* biting, burning, heat; also During urination urethra: also Urine hot. Urethra, sensitive: in catarrh of bladder, 11 Uva ursi; diminution of sensibility, IKali br.; introduction of catheter difficult (cysti- tis), IHelb; in female, especially if caused, by pessaries, IHyper.; fossa, I INux v.; pain in fossa, when pressing it, and when beginning to urinate, IBar. c; near orifice, I Arg. nit; at orifice (coition), I Arg. nit; painful to press- ure, IClem., IDulc, INatr. m.; painful to touch, ICaps.; painful to touch, worse at night and from heat of bed, Clem.; sore to touch, Cann. s.; tenderness, Arum d, IChim. umb.; dared not take hold on account of pain, as from suppuration or ulceration, IPrun. Urethra, sharp pain: in and near orifice, Badi- ag.; excruciating, into bladder and testicle, IBerb. Urethra, shooting: dull, behind glans between acts of urination, especially during movement, Bell.; from left side of urethra, in a spot half- way between sternum and shoulder, on a level with second rib of left side, after urination, sore pain, remains sensitive to touch or press- ure (irritable bladder), I ISep.; in orifice, after climaxis, IBerb.; pains in orifice, after urina- tion, Pareira; with rigor, Sub; on passing water, in morning, Sul. Bfea'T'cutting, darting, lancinating, stitches. Urethra, smarting: Cann. s. Cop., Senecio, HSep, IThuya; with bearing down as if everything would fall out through vagina, HLac c; burning, through entire length, Stilling.; in fossa, before urination, Senecio ; in gonorrhoea, ICochb, ITereb.; during menses, INatr. m.; at orifice, especially dur- ing urination, Arum d, Kob.; in tenesmus, IILil. tig.; during urination, Alum, Arum d, Calc. fl, ICham, Cub, IPtel, ISep.; during urination, in cystitis, lEup. pur.; during urination, in ovaritis, I Amb.; after urination, Apis, Bor, Lib tig. BST" biting, burning ; also During urination, urethra. Urethra, soreness: ICanth, Cop,I Ferr., I IHep.; constant, in chronic cystitis and irritability of bladder, I ISep.; in female, especially if caused by pessaries, IHyper.; in forepart, IILach.; in forepart, when not urinating, Zinc; in orifice, after urinating, IBor., Case; in orifice, better bathing in cold water, I IPuls.; so that he cannot touch it, Prun.; at begin- ning of urination, Daph.; during urination, lApis, Brach., ICinnab, IFerr., ILye, Sib; during urination, worse by pressure, iMez. 8®*" aching. Urethra, spasm : ggg* stricture. Urethra, sticking: Aspar.; in forepart, I ILach, I ICheb; in forepart, during urination, INux v.; in fossa, IPetroseb; obliquely, in female, as if in orifice, IBerb.; during urination, Cann. s. 8@° stinging, stitches. Urethra, stinging: Apis, Bov, ICaps, Brach, IMere, Paris ; near fossa, Coccul.; in orifice, HAspar.; before urination, Cann. b; during urination, Cann. i, Mygale. IPuls, Seneg.; after urination, Cann. i, Seneg. Urethra, stitches: lApis, Ascl. t, ICinch., IClem, Cycb, Jacea, Hep., Sep., IThuya, Zinc; with apprehension and discomfort after urination, Sub; in back part, Con.; in back part, while urinating, Cann. s.; extending back (gonorrhoea), IIMerc. cor.; into bladder, Berb.j^ burning, Agar.; cutting, with inef- fectual desire to urinate, ICale; with erec- tions, Cann. s, INitr. ae; in evenings, ICalad.; in female, I ICale, Sep.; several fine, worse in orifice, I I Agar.; in forepart, I IParis, ISub; in forepart, as with needles, ICaps.; in fossa, ICie; through to glans, Pallad.; like from a red hot iron, Agar.; itching, in external por- tion, between acts of urination, Euphor.; jerk- ing, in posterior portion, when standing, Cann. s.; from within outward, in left side, female, Berb.; in orifice, Nitr. sp. d., Zinc; needlelike, in orifice, IINitr. ac; in chronic ovaritis, I IPallad.; outward, HAspar.; twing- ing, like lightning from before backward, Zinc; when not urinating, Cann. s.; with de- sire to urinate, then sudden discharge of dark red yellow urine, Cycb; with frequent urging to urinate, with profuse flow more towards and in evening, Thuya; during urination, IKali bi., IGraph.; during urination (haematuria), ISub; after urination, Berb. 8®** cutting, darting, lancinating, sticking, stinging. Urethra, stricture: Aeon., Agar., 'Amm.m., Ant. t, I Arg. nit, IBerb, ICale c, ICann. s., ICanth, IChim. umb., Chlorof, Cinch., IClem, ICon., Dig, llndig. Hod., IKali iod, I IMed, IMere, INatr. m, INitr.ac, IPetrol, IIPuls., ISil, ISub; in albuminuria, I Apis; incipient, IHydras.; formed by infiltration of corpus spongiosum by coagulable lymph, formation of submucous callosity, Clem.; in- flammatory, Clem.; after inflammation, I INux v.; in intermittent fever, IPetroseb; spasmodic, IBell, Camph, Cie, I lEucab, IGels., INitr. ac, INux v., IPlumb., Sec, Stram.; sudden arrest of flow, then oozing of snuff colored mucus in long thread, IGraph.; spasmodic, after drinking poorly fermented liquor, also in drunkards, IOp.; spasmodic, with pain about umbilicus, better by pressure, IDiosc; spas- modic, caused by sticking in glans, with tenes- mus recti, after urination, IPrun.; as if urine could not be passed on account of narrowness (retention of urine), Stram. g^" contrac- tion, constriction, obstructed ; also Chap. 22, Gonorrhoea sequelae. Urethra, swelling: Alum., lArg. nit., Cop., IIMitch. rep.; feels as if swollen, I Arg. nit.; of female, especially if caused by pessaries, IHyper.; of forepart, with suppuration be- tween glans and prepuce, IMere sol.; pouting of meatus, Alum. 8§*r> inflammation, stricture. Urethra, tearing sensation: Bry, IKali e; burn- ing, Zinc; during chill, Calend.; cutting, in middle, extending forward, Zinc; cutting, when urinating, IHelon.; deep in, Ars.; in forepart, Zinc; urine passes in drops, IINux v.; while urinating, last drops like mucus, ICarbo v.; during urination, Ruta ; as if in fibres, in form of zigzag, Cann. s. Urethra, tenesmus: I ICoccus, Lyss.; after urinating, IMur. ac. 8^° pressing; also Bladder tenesmus. Urethra, tensive pain : in orifice between acts of micturition, Coccul.; as if put on stretch 3S 594 21. URINARY ORGANS. (coition), lArg. nit. 8®°" Chap. 22, Gonor- rhoea chordee. Urethra, thrill: during urination, Jalap.; when urine passes, in vaginitis, IMere viv. Urethra, tickling: Anag.,Aur. mur.;inclining to coition, Anag.; after dinner, Carb. s.; in fore- part, Carb. s.; in fossa, during urination, Colch.; in fossa, frequent, voluptuous, IPetroseb; in orifice, HAgar, Brom.; at orifice, during uri- nation, Anthrok.; near orifice, after urination, Lyss.; with constant desire to urinate, worse in morning in bed, better sitting or standing; chronic cases, old persons, IPetroseb; during urination (ovaritis), I Amb.; after urination, Colch. BfST- crawling, irritation, tingling. Urethra, tingling: Cup. ars.; from perineum through whole, during urination, Petrosel.; followed by pressure in region of Cowper's gland, early in morning, better sitting or standing, Petrosel.; culminating at frsenum, IClem. 8^° crawling, tickling. Urethra, twinging pain : from behind forward, with sensation as if drops were passing out, Selen. Urethra, twitching : IPhos. Urethra, ulcerative pain : in middle, as from splinter, Arg. nit.; as from subcutaneous ulcer- ation, IRhod. Urethra, ulcers: IINitr. ac; chancre, lArg. nit.; sores like chancres, Ananth.; small sore at entrance, 11 Lace; around orifice, in female, I lEucab; blisters on orifice forming chancre- like ulcers (gonorrhoea), IINitr. ac. BST" Chap. 22, Syphilis chancre. URINATION, ardor urinae : 8®° stran- gury, urging: Urine, hot scalding. Urination, burning : B@~ During and After urination burning ; also Urine hot. Urination, cough : gg$" involuntary. Urination, desire: awakens, IKali bb, INatr. m.; with burning in urethra, I IPhos.; if not attended to, feeling of congestion of chest, I ILil. tig.; with chilliness, Meph.; constant, Absin, I I Agar, Anac, Asar., Brom., Cain, I lEquiset, lllod., IKali e, ILac c, Millef, I IPetrol, Phos. ac, ISil, ISub, Sumb.; con- stant, felt deep in abdomen (cystitis), IDulc; constant, cannot accomplish much (colic), IDiosc; constant, with bearing down towards vesical region and urethra, IDulc; constant, as if bladder were not empty, Brach.; con- stant, with chilliness, Ind.; constant, with cutting pain in bladder, Eup. pur.; constant, in cystitis, Eup. pur.; constant, during day, IKali bi.; constant, in diabetes, 11 Uran. n. relieved ; constant, flows slowly and causes burning, with internal chilliness, IKali c; constant, in hysteria, Polyg.; constant, inef- fectual, ICop.; constant, must often rise at night, IMere; constant, with intense pain, (urethral chancre), HLac c; with pain in liver, chest and kidneys, IFerr.; constant, in affection of prostate, HApis, Cact.; constant, with scanty discharge, IDig., 11 Lil. tig.; con- stant, passing little and of dark color (during pregnancy), I IHelb; constant, with irritation in upper part of throat, causing cough, worse lying at night, after eating and drinking, and after talking, I ILac e; constant, with itching and tickling in urethra, worse in morning in bed, better sitting or standing, chronic cases, old persons, IPetroseb; constant, in uterine neuralgia, HCon. improved, Tarant. cured; constant, in prolapsus uteri, ILil. tig.; with erections, Mosch.; with erections at night, IRhus; frequent, Arum d, IBenz. ae, Bor, Bov., Canth, ICarbo a, IChim. umb., IClem, ICub, IHelon., Ind., ILye, Nitr. sp. d, IIPuls, ITrilb, Verbas.; frequent, with bear- ing down as if everything would come through at vagina, HLac e; frequent, with drawing in abdomen,particularly in pregnant women, IPuls.; frequent, during afternoon, lEquiset.; frequent, after taking cold (acute cystitis), ILye; frequent, with convulsions, Calend.; frequent, in cystitis, I Apis; frequent, day and night (dropsy), I ISenecio ; frequent, day and night, in affection of prostate gland, I Apis; frequent, in dysentery, ILil. tig.; fre- quent, in evening, IGuarsea; frequent, she cannot hold urine for a moment, Merc. iod. rub.; frequent, recurring nearly every half hour, caused by crawling stitch behind navi- cular fossa, IPetroseb; every hour, Arum d, IChim. umb, Erig.; frequent, ineffectual,Cact; frequent, in rheumatic iritis,ITereb.; frequent, with dull aching and hot sensation in kid- neys, I I Zing.; frequent, with bland yellow leucorrhcea, before each urination, IKreo.; frequent, with leucorrhcea, during pregnancy, I Coccul.; frequent, every ten or fifteen minutes, with feeling of fulness in bladder, Cub.; fre- quent, especially in morning, from weakness of spinal nerves and spine, IPhos. ac; fre- quent, in nervous disorders, ICham.; fre- quent, with neuralgia in head, ICup. m.; frequent, in renal colic, IDiosc.; frequent, with scalding and burning (metritis), IINux v.; frequent, with scanty discharge, ICoccul., Euphor., IMagn. m, IMenyanth.; frequent, scanty, burning,Sars.; frequent, scanty, scald- ing, iyEsc. h.; frequent, even if only a few drops had accumulated, I Bel Infrequent, with forcible passage of large, clear stream, Daph.; frequent, with urging, IHelon.; frequent, with vomiting, Calend.; great, with burning in urethra, ISub; great, but none passes, lArs.; great, although secretion is suppressed, ■Strain.; great, but only a small quantity passed, lEquiset; great, with scanty discharge (chronic catarrh of bladder), 11 Pareira; in- creased, Cochl., I IHam, HNatr. m.; increased, after a few drops have passed must walk about in distress, although motion increased desire, ■ Dig.; at first ineffectual (prostatic affection), Cact.; irresistible, but no flow except with urging and difficulty, IKali br.; irresistible, on seeing water running from hydrant (irrit- ability of bladder), I ISub; with itching at orifice of urethra, Coloe; before menses, ■ Puis.; with abundant flow, during night, ■ Cact,; none, in atony of bladder,! I Ars.; none, in diphtheria, ILac e; with shudderings over whole body, Hyper.; with scanty emission, Phos. ac.; accompanied by desire to defecate, ■ Dig.; after stool, ICie; sudden, irresistible, ■Ign.; sudden, if not gratified urine passes in- voluntarily, ISub; with tearing in genitals, Hyper.; uncontrollable, then colic pain in whole abdomen, Eup. pur.; urgent, Brach., ■Cinch.; violent, Canth., INatr. m. 8®*" urging. Urination, difficult (dysuria): lApis I \poc, IIArg. nit, 11 Arm, IIArs., Ascl, Aur. mur., 21. URINARY ORGANS. 595 IBelb, I ICact, Calc, ICamph., HCann. s, HCanth, Caulo., ICepa, IChim. umb., Coccus, Cochl., Colch., Con., ICop., Cornus, Dig., Dory, IDulc, Equiset, Erig, lEup. pur., Ham., Hell, IHydras, IHyos, Kali c, I ILye, Meph., IMere, 11 Mitch, rep, INitr. ae, INux m, INux v, IPareira, Phos, HPlumb., IPolyg., HPuls., Sars, Senecio, Staph., Stilling, ISul, Sumb, ITereb, lUva ursi; can only be passed by bearing down with abdominal muscles, IIMagn. m.; after abortion, IIRheum; in anasarca, INuxv.; in catarrhal angina, in women and chil- dren, ISenecio; in ascites, I Apoe; as from atony, IOp.; from spasmodic or inflammatory condition of neck of bladder, Hyos.; with brown discharge, IColoe; with burning sting- ing, IDory.; in chronic catarrh of bladder, I IPareira; in children, HAcon., I Apis, ■ ■Puis.; in children, during dentition, I I Erig, ■Rheum; worse by taking cold, IIPuls.; in cysto-blennorrhoea, 11 Uva ursi; in diabetes, ■Op.; in diphtheria, Canth., I ILac e; in dys- menorrhoea, ISenecio; in enteritis, IIRhus; alternating with enuresis, IGels.; in ty- phoid fever, ICanth.; caused by flying pains in urinary organs, Lyss.; in gonorrhoea, ■Cochl.; only discharged after great effort, stream thinner than usual, causing pain under fourchette, when reaching glans penis (dysuria after gonorrhoea), HCop.; after gonorrhoea, HCop.; with haematuria, Cop.; with hemorrhage, bright red, 11 Mitch, rep.; in hemorrhoids, (Sep.; with pains in hips and loins, IBerb.; in impotence, ICamph.; forc- ing induces lachrymation, worse before 6 a.m., ■Clem.; in measles, ICamph.; in metritis, IINux v.; especially in morning, ISep.; in morning, in old men, Cornus; in nephritic colic, I IPareira; in nephritis, lArn.; in old people, when the gravel is trifling, IBenz. ac; painful, lUva ursi; painful, in anteversion, ILil. tig.; with palpitation and gasping for breath, in spells, ILaur.; during pregnancy, lAcon., INatr. m.; during pregnancy, cutting pain, I IPhos. ac: has to press to promote flow, Agar.; has to press so that anus pro- trudes, IIMur. ae; the more pressure, the less it flows (gastricism), IKali e; when delayed feels constant pressure downward (after injury to testicle), I IZinc; with press- ure and tenseness (paresis of detrusor ve- sicae), 11 Nux v.; in affection of prostate gland, lApis; in prostatitis, IChim. umb.; remittent with backache, Vespa; after riding, during pregnancy, lEup. pur. ; scanty discharge, ■Gels.; after much exertion and pain passes a few drops of burning urine accompanied by severe and constant tenesmus, worse night, ■Mere; in scarlatina, IHep.; in septic dis- eases, ITarant.; in sciatica, ITereb.; spas- modic in hysterical subjects, IVib.; with straining, HAlum, HArs, Carbol. ac. Coccus, ■Gels.; straining, painful, small discharge (catarrh of bladder), ICanth.; in stricture, I IChim. umb.; in secondary syphilis, I ISyph.; with frequent urging, IGels.; as though there were almost no urine in bladder and yet great urging to urinate, IDig.; as if urethra were constricted, IDig.; with uterine displace- ment, ISenecio; with uterine tumor, IKali e; impulse weak, Cain.; especially in women, during pregnancy and after confinement, I lEquiset.; in women, frequent urging, with pain, especially immediately after urination, ■Equiset. g^* ineffectual, strangury, stric- ture, urging. Urination, dribbling: g^g* in drops, involun- tary. Urination, drinking: immediately after (dia- betes), IPod.; pressing, after coffee, Hgn. Urination, in drops: Amm. m.,Ananth,Am, ■ Bell., Bov., ICamph., ICann. s., HCanth, HCaps, ICaust, Cie, Clem., Coff, Colch., ICon., Cop., IDulc, Eryng., IHyos., I ILac def, Laur, Magn. m., Merc, Natr. m, INux m, IINux v,Petrol, I IPlumb, IPuls, I IRhus, ■Sars,Spig, Stann,Staph, Stram., ISul,Ver., Zinc; burning, Cact.; with burning at ori- fice, I IGamb.; with burning in uterine neu- ralgia,! ICon. improved, Tarant. cured ; with burning and tearing (cystitis), INux v.; de- sire constant,IDig,HLil. tig.; with great pain, IIMerc cor, I I Plumb.; with pressure on blad- der, Cop.; in induration of prostate, ICop.; with spasms in rectum, ICaust.; without sen- sation, during motion, IBry.; when sitting, or walking, IPuls.; after straining, Clem.; in stricture, I IChim. umb.; as in spasmodic stric- ture, IClem.; with tearing, burning pains at point of penis, IPareira ; with tenesmus, nau- sea and vomiting of bilious fluids (nephritic colic), I IPareira; with constant, painful urg- ing, Stram. 8®" interrupted, involuntary dribbling ; also Urine decreased. Urination, enuresis: 8®* involuntary. Urination, frequent: I Aeon., Act. rac. Alum, Amm. m, Ang, I Ant. c. Ant. t, Aph.ch., Apis, 11 Arn., 11 Arum t, Ascl. t, Aspar, Ast. r, Bapt, TfBar. m,IBell,BBism, Brom,IBry, Calend, I Camph, HCanth, I ICaps,ICarbobae, ICarbo v., HCaust., I Cepa, Cheb,IChim. umb. Chloral, ICie, ICinch., Cinch, bol, Cinnab, IClem, Coccul, Coccus, Cochl, ICoff, IColch, IColoe, Cup. m, Curar, ICycl, IDaph, IDig, Dulc, Equiset,IEup. pur, I lEuph., IGraph., Guaiae, Hell., Hippom, Hyos., Ign., Hod, Jacea, Jatroph, IKali e, Kali f. Kali iod, ILac def, ILach., IILact ac, ILed., IILil. tig., ILith, IILyc, I IMed., IMere, IIMerc. cor, Mur. ac, Natr. a, INatr. c, Natr. p., IINuxv, lOleand, IOp, Oxal. ae, Pallad., I IPareira, Petrol, IPhos, IPhos. ac.,1 IPlant., Polyg., IPsor, IIPuls., IRhus, Ruta, Sabad, ■Sabina, HSars., Seneg, ISep, Sinap., ISpig, Spong., ISquilla, IStaph, ISul, Thlaspi,IUva ursi, Val, Verbas, Vespa; with burning, Paris; with burning, in evening, Cann. b; with bearing down in genitals, during and after walking, Coff.; in cardialgia, 11 Phos.; with clear urine, Meph.; as clear as water, IHyos.; day and night, from irritable condi- tion of bladder and sphincter, IPlant.; with chilliness at night,HMerc; with chill, Meph.; after sensation of chilliness, I IMed.; in colic, ■ Cepa; during day, 11 Uran. n.; all day, still oftener evening, with shuddering and chilli- ness, ICepa; day and night, attempt to retain it causes pain, ILact. ae; with sudden desire (syphilitic neuralgia), I ISyph.; in diabetes, Cop.. IPod.; in diabetes insipidus, Squilla; in diabetes, foamy, strong smelling, dark, ■ Lact. ae;in diarrhoea, IBor, IIThuya; in diphtheria, ILac e; after drinking sugar wa- 596 21. URINARY ORGANS. ter, Ant. t; in scarlatinal dropsy, IDig.; after exertion, yEthus.; with heat and brown red- ness of face, IKreo.; during fever, I IMed.; with cold state, in intermittent fever, lArs.; in gonorrhoea, ICaps.; in haematuria, llpec; with headache, IBelb, IVer.; in frontal head- ache, Vib.; in sick headache, ILac def; every half hour, lApis; every half hour, dur- ing day, 11 Psor.; every half hour, at night, disturbs sleep (irritable bladder), I ISep.; every hour, in albuminuria, ICale a.; once an hour, during whole day, Eup. pur.; every hour, INatr. m., I IPuls.; every hour or two, Vib.; every hour or two, night and day, ■ Alum.; every hour, day and night, abun- dant, dark, Cain.; every hour, day and night, with violent burning in urethra on beginning to urinate, IIMerc sob; eight or ten times a day, Cochl.; thirty to forty efforts in twenty- four hours, I ISub; with violent hunger, Ver.; in hysteria, Illgn.; involuntary, with tinea capitis, I Jacea; with spasmodic pain in kid- neys, Coccus; in leucorrhcea, IIGraph., INatr. e; in inflammation of liver, IMere; in marasmus, HSub; after midnight, Zinc; every few minutes, all day, lApis ; every three or five minutes child passes a large quantity, IMagn. p.; almost every five minutes, Camph., ■Eryng.; ten times in one hour, Inul.; every ten or twelve minutes (infant), Bor.; every ten minutes, painful (gonorrhoea), ITereb.; every ten minutes, without pain, nAtrop. s.; every ten to fifteen minutes between 10 and 1 o'clock at night, "TAtrop. s.; every fifteen minutes (acute catarrh of bladder), IColoe; with drawing in molars when lying down, Oleand.; in morning, after coffee, Kob.; at night, Alum, I lAmm.e; particularly at night, IGraph, ILye, I IPetrol.; every hour for rest of night, if he urinates after getting warm in bed, 11 Med.; at night and in morn- ing after rising, Amb.; especially at night, ■Sub; after injection of nitrate of silver for gonorrhoea, I ITarant.; in old age (apoplexy), ■ Bar. c; painful, after pain in glans, ICanth.; in puerperal eclampsia, I Phos.; in puerperal mania, INuxv.; painful (chronic diarrhoea), ICup. ars.; with pain, and burning during and after urinating (catarrh of bladder), 11 Uva ursi; with pressure on bladder, I ISep.; with pressure on bladder and rec- tum, Cycb; from pressure in genitals, ■Mere sob; profuse, I IDros, Euph., 11 Lactu. v., IMur. ae; profuse, in anti-des- quamative stages of Bright's disease, IHelb; profuse, clear, limpid, better dulness and heaviness of head, IIGels.; profuse, in co- ryza, ICale; profuse, passes more than he drinks, loses strength, emaciates, ICamph.; profuse, more towards and in evening, with stitches in urethra, Thuya ; profuse, light colored, with thirst, 11 Fluor.ae; profuse, worse when lying, preceded by aching pain in bladder, INux v.; profuse, pale, ILye; pro- fuse, pale, with congestive headache, IGlon.; profuse, pale, in morning and forenoon, IMez.; profuse, saccharine (diabetes), ILact. ae; profuse, disturbing sleep, ILith.; profuse, containing sugar (impotence), TMosch.; pro- fuse, whitish, Cycl.; profuse, yellow, IKalm.; profuse, light yellow, with sweetish smell and slight milky sediment, Ferr. iod.; in prolapsus of rectum, I IRuta; with rheumatic pain, Meph.; scanty, IBell, Cann. b, Colch, Iber., Kob, IMur. ae;scanty,brown,fetid, I IPetrol.; scanty .burning (prolapsus),ILil. tig.; scanty, in convulsions, ICup. m.; scanty, light colored, Alum.; scanty, with scalding, IGels.; scanty, when becoming warm from working, cannot empty bladder (paresis of detrusor vesicae), I I Nux v.; sediment red, Lac c; with slow flow, Plat.; with smarting at meatus, IGels.; with pain in course of spermatic vessels, ICamph.; sphincter having lost its energy, IPhos.; with hard stool, ISars.; in stomatitis, INatr. e; causing great suffering, ICup. ars.; with violent thirst, Ver.; with great urgency (sympathetic aphonia), ICollin.; in prolapsus uteri, lAlum., Aur. met; with worms, ICina. BOr" desire, in drops, urging; also Urine clear, decreased. Urination, inability (ineffectual urging, ischu- ria) : I Aeon, Anthrok., lApis, II Apoe, HArn, HArs, Aur. mur., IBell, Bor, Camph, HCanth., ICaust, ICimex, IClem, Cochl., Con, ICycl, IDig, IIEup. pur, Ferr. iod. Gels, HHelb, Hep, IHyos, llpec, 11 Jamb, ILach, Laur, ILye, Myr. cer., IINitr. ae, IINux v, IOp, HPlumb, Pod, IIPuls., Rhus, Ruta, Senecio, Sil, Stram., Sub, Ver.; with redness and heat over region of bladder, IPuls.; with anxiety, ICham.; child, desires to urinate, none flows, at another time could not retain it, ICale; in infants, ICamph.; child, two weeks old, lEup. pur.; in cholera, IIAcon.; prevented by clots (haematuria), Cact.; with convulsions, llpec; in chronic cystitis, lArs.; with diarrhoea, in pregnancy, ■Cup. m.; in intermittent fever, ISamb.; day after attack of quartan ague, IPhelb; with or without gravel, Dolich.; with sick headache, HCon.; with heat, I IRatan.; impeded by pain in hypogastrium (fundus vesicae), HPhos.; worse during menses (prolapsus uteri), I Aur. met.; in metritis, I INux v.; with great pain, 11 Apis; with excruciating pains in cystitis, Tarant.; ischuria paralytica, Sec; pressure on loins, groins and thighs, ICarbo a.; cathether had to be used four to six times in twenty-four hours (enlargement of prostate), I IPareira; feels as if a tape prevented, Thuya; wanted to urinate but suppressed it, when finally wished to could not pass any, I ISub; is hur- riedly impelled to pass urine, which however seems to pass forward into glans penis, and then seems to return and cause violent pain in urethra, IPrun. 86^""* ineffectual, stran- gury, urging; also Bladder paralysis; also Urine retention. Urination, infrequent (seldom) : Arn, ICvcb, INux v., IOp.; in a boy pet four months, I IPsor.; during day, ILye; at long interval, in dysentery, 11 Zinc.; not oftener than once in twenty-four hours, ISyph.; once in twenty- four hours and then copiously, with difficulty and slight irritation (diphtheria), I ILae c Urination, insufficient (incomplete, unsatis- factory): Bry, ICale, IClem, IGels., HHep, ■ Kali c, Lach, Natr.c, Petrol, Rhod, ISelen, Sib, Staph, Thuya ; feeling as if bladder could not be emptied thoroughly, Cub, IHep.; sen- sation as if not yet empty after dribbling of urine, has to force out last drops with hand, Staph.; last drops delayed, ICaust.; 21. URINARY ORGANS. 597 Cann. i. flST" in drops, ineffectual, slow ; also Urine decreased. Urination, flow interrupted: intermittent, flows and stops, lAgar., ICarbo a., ICaust, IClem., HCon., Dulc, IGels, Kali e, ILed, ILye, Med., Meph, IPhos. ac, ISub, Thuya, Zinc; after coitus, in spermatorrhoea, I IPhos. ae; in catarrhal croup, I I Ant. t; commences to flow after waiting a long time, on account of a cramp in sphincter vesicae, IOp.; with cutting after urination, HCon.; in chronic dysentery, ICon.; in evening, ICaust.; in chronic ovaritis, Hod.; during sixth month of pregnancy, 11 Rhus ; spasmodic, IIGraph.; in urethritis, ICannab. B"3"f in drops. Urination, involuntary (enuresis, incontin- ence): Aeon, I Alum, Amm. in, Anac, An- anth., Ant. c, HApis, HArg. nit, lArn, IIArs, Atrop. s, IBar. c, """"Bar. m., IBell, IBenz.ac,Cact, ICamph.,Cannab.s, ICanth., Carbo a., ICarbo v., Case, HCaust., HCic, ICimex; in scarlatina, ICina, Con, Dulc, lEquiset, I lEucab, I Eup. pur., IGels., IGua- raea, IHelb, IHep, IHydras, IHyos, Illgn, Hod., IKali br, IKali ph, IKreo., ILach, Lac def, ILaur, I ILed, IILyc, Magn. c, Magn. m, IMere, IMur. ac, I IMillef, ■Mosch., INatr. m, Natr. p., INitr.ac, INux m, I INux v., G3nan, Oleand, 1101. jec, IOp, HPetrol, I IPic. ae, Plant, Plumb, IPod, ■Puis, Ratan., Rheum, HRhus, Ruta, Sang., ■See, HSep, Sib, Spig, HStaph, Stilling, ■Stram, ISub, Tabae, I IThuya, Vespa, Vib, I IZinc; acrid discharge, IHep.; in apoplexy, 11 Aeon, I Arn.; awakes with urging, IKreo.; in bed, in delirium, after being accused of theft, IHyos.; after bladder seemed to be emptied, IHelon.; in brain affection, IHelb; in cerebro- spinal meningitis, IHydr. ae; in bronchitis, ICaust.; in bronchitis, after intermittent fever, ICina; with burning in orifice of urethra, ■Spig.; in cataract, ICaust; before chill (in- termittent), IGels.; especially in children, lEup. pur.; in children, with acidity of stomach, 11 Natr. p.; in children who grow too rapidly, IPhos.; in children, where urine is scanty, acrid, and loaded with uric acid and its deposits, IPlant.; in weakly children, ICinch.; in chorea, ICed, HSec; chronic, I Kali ph., I Kreo.; in convulsion, after fright, ICup. m.; on getting cold, I IMed.; with constrictive pain in region of bladder, IPuls.; in convulsion, Art. v., IZinc; when coughing, lAlum, Ant. c, HApis, Caps, HCaust, IKreo,ILach,INatr. m, IPhos. ac, I IPsor., IPuls., Rhod, I IRumex, HSquilla, IThuya, IVer, Vib., IZinc; with cough, in facial neuralgia, HSep.; at end of every fit of cough, ISquilla ; with coughing, laughing, or making any effort, Tarant.; with cough, worse from least movement (jaundice),IPhos.; spurting, with mucous cough, ISquilla ; with cough, at night, IColch.; with cough,in pneu- monia, IINuxv.; with cough, during preg- nancy, IFerr. ph.; when coughing, or sneez- ing (hydrometra), I ISep.; while coughing, or passing wind,IPuls.; during cough.in women, IPuls.; a few drops, with every fit of cough- ing, in women, IRumex ; in whooping cough, ■Bry., ISpong.; with general debility, ICale p.; diurnal, depending on an irritability of trigone and cervix vesicae, better when press- ure of urine is taken off by recumbent post- ure, IFerr. ph.; desire sudden, impossible to retain it an instant, without grasping penis, I IThuya; if desire is not complied with (irri- table bladder;, I ISep.; dribbling, I Agar., HArn, Ars, Bell., Brom,ICamph.,HCanth., HCaust, Cie, HClem., ICoccus, Dulc,IHyos, IIKali br, HNux v, I IPlant, HPlumb, Staph., IStram, ISul, Thuya, Ver, Zinc; dribbling,constant,in boys, IRhus; dribbling, burning, like fire, lEryng.; dribbling, in cere- brospinal meningitis, Canth.; dribbling, after suppressed gonorrhoea,ICoca ; dribbling, after labor, lArn.; in locomotor ataxia, lArg. nit.; dribbling, with nocturnal and diurnal enure- sis, I INuxv.; dribbling, in old people,ICepa ; dribblingjn enlarged prostate, 11 Dig.; dribbles when sitting, passes freely when standing, Sars.;dribbling,while sitting or walking,IPuls ; dribbling, during stool,IKali br.; dribbling,af- terstool,ISelen.; dribbling,after stream ceases, Cann. i, ISelen, IStaph.; dribbling, without being aware of it(concussionof spine),IHyper.; dribbling,while walking, ISelen.; indyspepsia, 11 Vib.; during epileptic attack, I Bufo, ICaust, Cup. m, Coccul, IIHyos. ; from excitement, IGels.; during exertion, IIBry.; in fevers, ILach.; in typhoid fever, IHell,llris, IMosch, IMur ac, IVer, IVer. v.; in typhus, lArg. nit, I IChin. s., IColch, IPhos., I IPsor.; from fright, during coition, ILye; after repeated attacks of gonorrhoea, I INux v.; with gravel, IDolich.; hot, Cham, IHep, HPsor.; gushes out, with sensation of hot water passing over parts, I ILac def; in hydrocephalus, IDig, IGrat, IHelb, IMere viv.; in insanity, I ITa- rant.; because the amount is too large, Squilla ; when laughing, coughing or sneezing, INux v.; in meningitis, IIRhus; during menses, ■Hyos.; every fifteen minutes, IGels.; on motion, coughing or sneezing, IPhos. ae; at night (nocturnal emissions, wetting the bed), Aeon., yEthus., lAmm. c, Ananth., HApis, ■Apoe, HArg. nit, HArn, lArs., IIBell., IIBenz. ae, Bry., ICale, Carb. s, ICarbo v, HCaust, ICham., I IChen. v., IChloral, ICina, Cinch, I ICoca, Con., ICub, lEquiset, lEup. pur, HFerr, IIFluor. ae, IGraph, IHep., IIKali br, IIKreo, HLac def, Magn. s., I IMed, IMere, INatr. c, INatr. m, IOp, HOxal. ac, HPetrol, Plant, HPuls, Rhus, Ruta, I ISars., Seneg., HSep, ISil, I ISquilla, Stram, HSub, I ITereb, IThuya, 11 Uran. n, IVerbas.; at night, worse in autumn, IPuls.; at night, in boys of light complexion, ISep.; at night, fat children, red face, sweat easily, and catch cold, ICale; at night, children, in latter part of night, even if they have urin- ated during night and drank no water, Chloral.; at night, in nervous children,IGels.; at night, in children of phosphorous build, ■Phos.; at night, pale, lean children with large abdomen, who love sugar and highly seasoned food, and abhor to be washed,ISub; at night, in scrofulous and syphilitic children, IKali iod.; at night, floods bed five or six times, IFerr.; especially at night after great fright two years ago, I IPhos.; at night, parti- cularly in little girls, IPuls.; at night, from infancy, in a girl aet. 16, I INux v.; at night, after blow upon head, I ISil.; when there is no tangible cause except a habit, I lEquiset.; 598 21. URINARY ORGANS. after measles, IPuls.; from midnight to morn- ing, I IPlant.; at night, during full moon, ob- stinate cases, IPsor.; at night, from nervous irritation, IIMagn. p.; at night, old man, after dropsy, lAur. mur.; at night, in onanists, ■Sep.; at night, and while at rest, IRhus ; at night, especially during first sleep, ICaust., ■Cina, IPhos. ac, I ISep.; at night, in first sleep, fairly floods the bed, IPhos. ae; at night, during first deep sleep from which child is roused with difficulty (enuresis noctuma), ■Kreo.; at night, spasmodic form, lArg. met.; at night, from weakness of sphincter, Ferr. ph, IGels, IPlant.; at night, from worms, ■Uran. n.; at night, in children with worms, and in chorea, ISib; at night, for two years; I ISub; on blowing nose, HCaust, IZinc; spurting, in old people, I Cepa ; in old men, ■Cie; in an old man with enlarged prostate, ■ Aloe ; in old persons, Hod., I IKali p, ISee; in incipient paralysis, ICund.; in paralysis of bladder, HCaust., ■ I Dulc; in paralysis, not a drop flows on making greatest effort, IGels.; from paralysis of sphincter, IKali p., Tabae; chronic, from paralysis of sphincter, in old, flabby constitutions, IThuya; in paralysis, must satisfy desire promptly, especially at night, IPhos.; in paralysis, from irritation of lower part of spine, IINuxv.; during preg- nancy, INatr.m, ISep.; especially after par- turition, HArs.; with seizures of prostration, Vespa; difficult of retention, IPtel.; cannot retain after desire, ILach.; when riding, or on long walks (subparalysis of sphincter vesi- cae), IIThuya; when running, lArn.; unable to retain without extreme pain, amounting almost to spasms (weakness of bladder), 11 Uran. n.; leaving red sand on sheets (ty- phoid fever), IHyos.; in scabies, IHep.; in scarlatina, HAilant.; in malignant scarlatina, or diphtheria, IMur. ae; in septic diseases, ■Tarant.; while sitting, ICaust.; whenever he sat down, day and night, INatr. m.; during deep sleep in daytime, IBelb; while sneez- ing, HCaust, IINatr. m.; when standing, IBelb; follows dry stool with difficult defeca- tion, IZinc; after each dysenteric stool, Alum.; in tetanus, ICup. m.; with thirst, I Aeon.; unconsciously, Amyg,ICinch.,ICycl, I IVer.; with vomiting and diarrhoea, Dig.; while walking, Ananth, ICaust., HFerr, HNatr. m., Ruta, IZinc; while walking or rising from a seat, IMagn. e; in walking and sitting, Stram.; while walking or standing (fa- cial neuralgia), I ISep.; when walking, in tumor of vulva, ICale; must rush from work during day at risk of wetting bis clothes if he did not yield (irritability of bladder), I ISub; with ascarides, IFerr. fifST" in drops, night ; also Bladder paralysis, weakness. Urination, knees: passed only by going down on knees since confinement two weeks previ- ously (dysuria), IPareira; must get down on all fours to urinate, HPareira. Urination, lying down: urine more easily re- tained, Dig.; discharge while lying down, with sensation as if movement of bowels would fol- low (paralysis of sphincter), IPuls. Urination, mental condition: hasto wait long for urine to pass, especially if others are near- by, INatr. m.; thinking of urination causes necessity, I Oxal. ac; desire caused by think- ing about pain (vaginitis), IMere viv.; no will to urinate, in childbed, IIHyos. Urination, navel: oozes through open umbili- cus, I I Hyos. Urination, night: Alum., Amm. c. Am., Ars, Bar. c, HBelb, Bry, ICale, ICaust, I ICina, Coca, ICup. m, I IDros, Graph, Hell, Hep, I Hod, Jamb, ILith, Merc, Natr.m., INux v. Op., IPuls, IRhus, Ruta, ISep, ISib, Squilla, Stram, HSub; desire awakes, IIHep, IIKali e; in diabetes, ICup.m., INatr. s.; a few drops, red, bloody, burning, INux v.; four or five times, not much during day, Therid.; fre- quent, Amm. in, ICale, Calend, Cinnab., IDaph, IGlon, IHyos., Uamb., IILace, ■ Lith.; frequent, in apoplexy, lAnae; fre- quent, intense burning and pain in small of back, IITereb.; frequent, in dyspepsia, ILye; frequent, with gravel, ILye; frequent, in mental derangement, ICon.; frequent, scanty or profuse, pale, Squilla; frequent,with much pressure and scanty emission, IKali e; fre- quent, no rest (diabetes mellitus), I Arg. met; in chronic gleet, cannot retain for more than an hour after 5 or 6 p.m., I IMed.; large quan- tities, colorless, IPhos. ac; like mealy water, ICanth.; between 12 and 3 o'clock, ICon.; each night, between 12 and 3 a.m. (in preg- nancy), lAcon.; only night and morning, Seneg.; sediment white, IBry.; several times, Bor., Thuya; several times, in ante-desquama- tive stage of Bright's disease, IHelon.; several times, in chronic irritability of bladder, 11 Sub; in chronic stricture, I fMed.; sudden, drives out of bed before stool in morning, IRumex; twice, Chim. m.; two or three times, I ISars.; two or three times, with cirrhotic kidney, I IPlumb.; three times, a pint each time (dia- betes), iCarbob ac; three times (gastricism), IKali c; with uterine tumor, IKali c. 8®* involuntary night. Urination, flows as easily as if it were oil: Apoe Urination, painful: 8®*" During urination, pain. Urination, position : almost touches floor with forehead in order to be able to urinate, Pa- reira. 8^* knees, lying, sitting, standing. Urination, quick: I INux v. Urination, seldom: B'sT' infrequent. Urination, sitting: can only pass urine while siting bent backward, I IZinc; cannot pass while standing, only when sitting down, brought on or worse by worry, I IZinc Urination, slow: in passing, Alum., Apis, 11 Arn, ICamph., Cann. b, IClem, Hep, ■Laur, Lye, IMur. ac, Natr. in, IPetrol., Raph, IRhus, Sec, Sep., Sil, Stram., Zinc; in coining, must press along time, Apis,Cact, Cannab., Coccus, Hep., Prun., Raph, Sec, Strain.; after long attempt water passes abundantly, I ICact.; is obliged to wait awhile before urine flows and then it flows slowly, IIHep.; sometimes it takes half an hour to empty bladder, leaving him in a weak condi- tion, I IMed.; no energy, Diad, Stram.; in typhoid fever, IBell. ;but frequent,Plat.; hesi- tation, in hysteralgia, ISee; a small quantity takes ten minutes to pass-(cystic blennorrhoea), I I Uva ursi; lasts ten or fifteen minutes, in spinal disease, lApis; from paresis of sphincter vesicae, ISub; in rheumatism of knee, IBerb.; with soreness and burning, IKali e; in spinal 21. URINARY ORGANS. 599 disease, lApis ; while at stool (prostatitis and atony of sexual organs), I ISelen.; in a small stream, or in drops, Agar.; in secondary syphilis, I ISyph. 8*^° difficult, insufficient, stream, straining: urging; also Bladder paralysis; also Urine retention. Urination, spasmodic : BST* interrupted Urination, standing: could pass urine only when standing, HSars.; inability to pass without standing with feet wide apart and body inclined forward, Chim. umb. Urination, strangury (urinary tenesmus): HApis, lApoe, HArs, Aspar., IBell, ICact, ICamph., HCanth, Card, m., I IChel, IChim. umb. Cinch, bol, IClem, Cochl, ICon, Cop, Elaps, Euphor, I IHelon, ILye, HNux v., UPareira, HPlumb, IPolyg, Prun., IIRan. sc, Sars, Sil, lUran. n., 11 Urt. ur, Uva ursi; as from atony, I IPlumb.; in a child, I Art v.; from cold or cold drinks, IDulc; after getting feet and bowels cold, ICepa; chronic, from standing on a cold pavement, ICale; with colic, Arn.; constant, HArn., Aur. met, IBar. c, TrBar. in, Cann. s., UPareira, Sul, Thuya, Uva ursi, Ver.; constant, all day, twice as much passed as usual, Eup. pur.; constant, passing a few drops, All. sat.; constant, with heat during urination, Con.; constant, in hydrothorax, IColch.; constant, in kidney disease, IHep.; constant, in urinary sickness, HCon.; constant, at night, IDig,- constant, with profuse light clear discharge like water. (polyuria), IMur. ae; constant, painful, with frequent discharge of a few drops with in- crease of pain, I ISub; constant, can hardly retain it, could not pass any if she forcibly retained it, and suffered severe pains, I IRuta; constant, with scanty discharge, IDig, ISib; constant, passes little at a time (dysmenor- rhoea, scarlatina, ovaritis), lApis; constant, without sufficient discharge, worse sitting (walks about), IChim. umb.; strong contrac- tion, during spasm, IHyos.; with discharge of blood and slime, Uva ursi; after drinking beer, INux m, INux v.; in dysentery, HCaps.; in gonorrhoea, ICaps, IPetroseb, IITereb.; with headache, Lil. tig.; with hemorrhage from bladder, IColch.; in hysteria, HNux m.; from mechanical injury, Apis; precedes menstrual colic, IVer. v.; in orchitis after mismanaged gonorrhoea, IClem.; painful, IDulc, Pareira; in peritonitis, ILach.; in prosopalgia, Hgn.; from stricture following gonorrhoea, ICamph.; from excessive use of tobacco, IOp.; urine only reaches glans penis and causes violent pain and spasms, also with tenesmus in rectum, Prun.; urine diminished red, Sabina; urine scanty, in scarlatina, ILye; due to uterine displacement, lEup. pur.; vomiting, purging and urination simultane- ously, caused by spasmodic contraction, ICrotal. 8^° in drops, urging; also Bladder pressing, tenesmus. Urination, stream: divided, forked, Arg. nit, ICann. s, ICanth,I IChim. umb,Clem, Cinch. bob, IMere, IRhus; divided, in gonorrhoea, I IThuya; cannot feel passing through urethra, (cataract), ICaust.; feeble, in gonorrhoea, IIMerc. cor.; propelled with great force, ICie; not sensible of stream, HCaust.; small, Eup. pur, Gymn.; small, curved to left, Cinch. bob; small, with straining, feels as if a swell- ing retarded it, Hippom.; small, as a thread (stricture), I IChim. umb.; thin, ICamph, Spong., ISul, Zinc; thin, feeble, ISars.; thin, or only drop by drop (gonorrhoeal cystitis), IIMerc; thin, as if urethra were constricted, IClem., IGraph., INitr. ac; thin, in stricture, ICanth.; twisted (after suppressed gonor- rhoea), ICoca; weak, Cham.; weak, drops vertically down, HHep. BSf interrupted; also Chap. 21, Urethra stricture. Urination, urging (pressing) : Amm. m., Asim., Aspar., Bar. e, Bry., ICard. m., Chen, v, Clem, HHydras., Ictod., IKali e, ILye, 11 Mitch, rep., Prun., I IVib.; with tension in abdomen, during pregnancy, IPuls.; with cutting and pinching in abdomen, worse night (dysuria), IMere; anxious, day and night, Carbo v.; awakens, Sib; awakes 3 a.m., Sarrae; as if bladder were constantly full, little is passed, followed by dragging as if much should be passed, Ruta ; with pressing in bladder, Coccus; worse from obstruction of bowels (asthma), HArg. nit.; with burning- biting in bladder and urethra, Prun.; catarrh of bladder, IColoe, I ISeneg.; ineffectual, in children, cry impatiently and grasp abdomen, ILye; follows chilliness, Senecio ; with colic, HStaph.; with obstinate constipation, ISars.; in whooping cough, IBry.; and crying, 11 Erig.; with cutting in bladder, caused by motion of child (pregnancy), I IThuya ; after cutting in umbilicus, Camph.; chiefly during day, worse the more he stands, IFerr. ph.; in diabetes insipidus, Squilla; after dreaming of urinat- ing, ILac e; with dribbling, after usual dis- charge, IGraph.; in dysentery, IColch.; with dysmenorrhoea, disappearing with onset of flow, worse cold milk, IKali iod.; especially in evening, Sabad.; frequent, Act. sp,yEthus, ■Alum, lAloe, Amm. m, HArn, IBerb., ICalep, ICann. s, ICham., I IChel, Chlor., ■ Cina, IClem, Cornus, IFluor. ac, I IMang, Pallad, HPlumb., Thuya; frequent, with acrid smarting, after every discharge, urging, worse towards morning, ILil. tig.; frequent, with drawing in region of bladder, Rhod.; frequent, from pressure on bladder, IPuls.; fre- quent, with painful bearing down in neck of bladder, in morning, ISep.; frequent, with bruised sore sensation low down in abdomen (phlegmasia alba dolens), I INux v.; frequent, severe, with burning in glans, when urine pas- ses guttatim (cysto-blennorrhoea), I I Uva ursi; frequently, especially after coffee, Oleand.; frequent, day and night, in catarrh of blad- der, and leucorrhcea, ICaust.; frequent, day and night, with incessant secretion, IRhus; frequent, with dribbling, ICaust.; frequent, in epilepsy, ICaust.; frequent, with haematuria, in typhus, IMere; frequent, almost ineffectual, with cutting, IPuls.; frequent, ineffectual, ICanth, ISpong.; fre- quent, ineffectual in diarrhoea, ICaps.; fre- quent, ineffectual, with diminished secretion, ISars.; frequent, large quantities of red urine, ■Helon.; frequent, with copious pale dis- charge, cannot get out of bed quick enough at night, HKreo.; frequent, with copious dis- charge in toothache, ISpig.; frequent, with profuse discharge, Sabina, Samb.; frequent, in newly married people, especially the wo- men, IStaph.; frequent, before menses, IIKali 600 21. URINARY ORGANS. iod.; frequent, in emansio mensium, IDig.; frequent, every few minutes, followed by dis- charge of a few drops of slimy, burning urine (dysuria), IMere; frequent, mostly at night, ISpig.; frequent, all night, at least from 5 or 7 p.m. until 5 a.m., Sypb.; frequent, at night, with scanty discharge. Zinc; frequent, pain- ful, passing small quantities, I Alum.; frequent, with pain in neck of bladder on attempting it, after catching cold, ICop.; frequent, with pain in neck of bladder and end of penis, ■Ferr.ph.; frequent, during pregnancy, HNux v.; frequent, with sensation as if urine could not be long retained, Rumex; frequent, scanty, ICycb, I IHell, ISpong.; frequent, scanty, in anasarca, IHelb; frequent, scanty, frequently only drops, I I Dros.; frequent, at first only a few drops, then usual stream, ■ Kali n.; frequent, only a few drops are dis- charged, with severe cutting pains in vesical region, and burning sensation in urethra, I ISub; frequent, with scanty green urine, Ruta; frequent, with scanty, high-colored urine, yEsc. h.; frequent, scanty, must hurry, IIMerc sob; frequent, scanty, particularly at night, cutting in abdomen, INitr. ac.; fre- quent, with scanty discharge in a thin stream, ■Staph.; frequent, slow discharge, IKali e; can scarcely hold, I I Aloe, Bor., ICale, IMere sob, IPuls.; steadily increasing, ICanth.; in- effectual, Ced, Sec; ineffectual, in catarrh of bladder, ICaust.; ineffectual, colic, involving bladder, I Aeon.; ineffectual, finally a small quantity of hot urine is passed, with drawing in upper abdomen, extending to small of back, and pressing towards lumbar region, IKreo.; ineffectual, except at long intervals, ILach.; ineffectual, during pregnancy (strangury), ■Lye; ineffectual, before stool, IRheum ; in- effectual, after stool, Lyss.; with itching, in region of bladder, especially at night, ISep.; in chronic keratitis,after vaccination, 11 Thuya; caused by spasmodic labor pains, INux v.; from heavy lifting (dyspnoea), IBry.; pre- cedes too late and scanty menses, ISars.; with mucous discharge, Daph.; with pinching around navel while sitting, going into groin, 11 Natr. s.; in acute desquamative nephritis, ICoccus ; worse at night (albuminuria), lAur. mur.; painful, IPhyt; painful, anxious, II Aeon.; painful, in diarrhoea, 11 Ant. t; painful, every two hours, in old man, ICanth.; painful, in- effectual, HNux v.; painful, disappears when menses come, IKali iod.; increases pains, urine passes in drops, HPlumb.; painful, in peritonitis, ILye; painful, with scant dis- charge and burning (cystitis), INux v.; from pressure on bladder, ISep.; with pressure on bladder, HNux v.; with pressive pain, Cann. s.; quick, Arg. nit.; with rheumatic wan- dering pains in limbs, Meph.; scanty dis- charge, IGraph.; scanty, after a slight accumu- lation, Lyss, 01. an.; scanty, burning dis- charge, ILye; scanty, burning after, Phelb; scanty, a few drops, ICanth.; a few burning drops, Erig.; scanty, at night, Nux m.; scanty, in paralysis of sphincter vesicae, IPuls.; from a small quantity of urine in bladder, HCanth.; scanty, inability to void usual quantity, late in afternoon, Merc, sub; scanty, with sensation of weight and bearing down in pelvis, better lying down, IPallad.; with sexual weakness, Mang.; causing spasm, IHelb; with partial loss of power in sphincter (neuralgic head- ache after cerebrospinal meningitis), IGels.; worse standing and walking, better sitting, ICanth.; with much straining, cannot pass a drop, Cann. i.; during stool, ICie; sudden, IPhos., Rumex, Thuya ; sudden, with gonor- rhoeal affections, IPetroseb; sudden, irresist ible, Phos. ae; with tickling in urethra to neck of bladder, IFerr.; urine passes only after waiting several minutes, Sep.; must wait long before urine will pass, or inability with constant bearing down, I ILye; with great quantity of clear watery urine, IColoe; after urination (nephritis, etc.), Chim. umb.; cervix uteri engorged, dark red, swollen, 11 Mitch, rep.; with vomiting at night, IHyper. BEFORE URINATION, abdomen : pain in bowels, Brach.; colicky pain, IPuls. Before urination, back: aching in kidneys worse (diabetes mellitus), IILyc; burning in kidneys, Rheum; pain, ILye; pain in coc- cyx extending into urethra, IKali bb; pain in small of, on retaining, INatr. s.; pain in direc- tion of ureters, urine turbid, ICheb Before urination, bladder: burning, Rheum; burning, with aching, IFluor. ac.; cutting, Calc. p.; pain worse, HCanth.; pain in neck, INux v.; pressure, Am., Calc. p., INux v., IPhyt., IPuls.; frequent and continued spasm (cysto-blennorrhoea), Mane, I I Uva ursi. JBefore urination, burning: IA pis, Bor, Bry, Calc, Cann. b, Colch., IPuls.; in glans, Anac, ICochb; in orifice, ICaps. Before urination, head: if bladder is not re- lieved, pressing pain on vertex and temples, 7rFluor. ac. Before urination, heart: pains, ILith. Before urination, leucorrhcea: bland yellow, with frequent desire to urinate, IKreo. Before urination, prostatic fluid discharged: Psor. Before urination, in rectum: contraction, INatr. m. Before urination, stool: IBor. Before urination, sweat: IPareira. Before urination, urethra : contraction, INatr. m.; cutting, Bry, Calc. p, HCanth.; cutting in glans, ICochb; yellowish gleet, Bar. e; scalding, Cann. b; scalding, in catarrh of blad- der, I ISeneg.; smarting, in fossa, Senecio; stinging, Cann. i. 8^° burning. Before urination, urging: ggg* Urination, strangury, urging. DURING URINATION, abdomen : buboes burn, ICarbo a.; colic, ICham.; constriction,in left groin,Ars.; cramp or colic worse, principal- ly right side, accompanied by constant eructa- tion, better from external warmth, Pallad.; cutting, ILye; drawing in right side, Card. m.; spasmodic drawing in left groin, Agar.; lancinating to chest worse, IClem.; pain, Bry, Coloe; pain in left groin, Bell.; pain in lower, Agnus ; pressing in lower, INatr. m.; supports with hands. IILyc. During urination, back: aching, I Ant. c, IKali bb; burning, in kidneys, Rheum ; pain,IIpee; pain in os coccygis, IGraph.; in kidneys, Ag- nus ; pain severe over right kidney, ISenecio; shuddering along spine, INitr. ac. During urination, bladder: burning, Rheum ; burning in neck, ICham, Petrol.; burning 21. URINARY ORGANS. 601 and tearing in neck, INux v.; constriction in neck, Colch.; cutting and feeling of stran- gulation at neck, Polyg.; drawing in fe- male, upward, Calc. p., IPhyt.; pain, after typhoid fever, IManc; unable to locate pain or to determine whether it was worse in blad- der or in bowels (after injection of nitrate of silver for gonorrhoea), HTarant; pressure, Asar, Berb, ICamph., Hyos, Sib; painful pressing, ILach.; sore feeling worse, Natr. a.; spasm, Asaf; pain from spasm in neck of, (hydrothorax), IColch.; stitches,Manc,INatr. m"; tenesmus, lApis, Coccus, I IPlat, Vab; painful tenesmus. I IMed. During urination, bleeding: 8g*rUrine bloody. During urination, burning : lAloe.Alum., I Ant. c, lArg. nit, lArs, Ascl. s., Asim, Astac, IlAur. mur, Bapt., Bar. e, Bell., IBerb, Cact,Calad, Cale,Calc.p., I ICamph., ICann. i, HCann. s., HCanth, ICaps., HCarbo a, I ICarbo v., Castor, ICaust, ICepa, ICham, Chin, s, IClem, Coccus, Colch, HCon., ■Coral., Crot. t. Cup. ars., IDig., IDulc, Erig., Eup. pur., Ferr, Gels, Grat, Hell, IHelon, IHep, Hgn., llpec. Iris, Jamb, IKali e, IKali n., ILach, ILye, IMagn. e, I IMagn. p,IMere, IIMerc.cor., IMez., IMur. ac, HNatr. c, INatr. m., Natr. p, INatr. s, INitr. ac,Nitrum, INuxm, INux v,Oleand, Oban, IPhos., IPhos. ac, I IPlat, IPsor., IPuls, Raph, Ratan, HSars., Seneg., ISep, Sil, IStaph, ISul., IITereb, Thlaspi, IThuya, ■Ver, Verbas.; air passes out of female urethra, ISars.; in ascites, IIRheum ; especially near neck of bladder, Apis ; with painful bearing down, Psor.; inbulbus, IKali bb;in catarrh, I IRan. sc; in cerebrospinal meningitis,Canth.; especially after coitus, ICaust; after catching cold (renal colic), ILye; especially at com- mencement of cystitis, lArs.; with frequent desire (metritis), I INux v.; last drops, IClem.; dysuria, IMere; in female, IBerb.; like fire, penis being erect, Cain.; with discharge of elongated flakes, I ISars.; in forepart, INux v.; in forepart, when passing last drops (gon- orrhoea), IMere; in fossa, IKali bb, IPetrol.; in glans, ICochb, ILye; in glans, continuing long after, IKali bi.; in glans (intervals of at- tacks of epilepsv), lArs.; in gleet, I ISub; like incipient gonorrhoea, Med.; in gonorrhoea, ■Chel, I ICochb, I IMere, IIMerc. cor, HNux v, Sabad.; in haematuria, ISub; in incar- cerated hernia, ICepa ; as if red hot iron were passed along urethra, HCanth.; obstinate vesical irritability, IChim. umb.; with itch- ing, Pareira; with enlarged liver, ICon.; in inflammation of liver, IMere; worse at be- ginning or during interruptions, IClem.; dur- ing menses, Zinc; in morning, Anag.; in nephritis, ISabina; worse at night, with in- creased flow, IINatr. s.; in orifice, 11 Aph. ch, ICale, ICaps, IDulc, I IGamb., IPuls, ISub; in orifice, in gonorrhoea, I IMed.; in orifice, at night, lAgar.; at orifice, in sperm- atorrhoea, I IPhos. ae; in ovaritis, I Amb.; in ovarian dropsy, lApis; in glans, lasting several days, then disappearing and re- appearing regularly every month (rheum- atism) ILye; with paralysis of arms, I IRhus; from perineum through whole urethra, Petro- sel • along perineum (after a fall, on perineum), lArn • in pregnancy, HCamph.; with pressure, during night, INux v.; in enlargement of prostate gland, I IPareira ; as if raw, IColch, ■Mere sob; in rheumatism, IDulc; soreness, ICarbo a.; with strangury, HArs, I ICanth, 11 Plumb.; in syphilis, INitr. ac; in angina syphilitica, ILach.; and tenesmus, with fever, ■ Eucab; with thirst, IStram.; with increased urine, Niccol.; in vaginitis, IMere viv. During urination, chill: rigor, IStram. During urination, chilliness : ISep. During urination, sensation as if a cold drop of urine were passing : Agar. During urination, discharge: blood and mucus, Calc, IIMerc. cor.; of offensive mucus (ca- tarrh of bladder), ILach.; filaments of ropy mucus escape with last drops, Cub.; polypous masses, ICale During urination, epigastrium: pains, llpec. During urination, faint feeling: Aeon. Duringurination,female sexual organs: stringy black blood, from vagina, Cochl.; burning, in pudenda, HKreo.; burning and warmth in vagina, ICop.; cutting between labia, Con.; distress in region of uterus worse, ICale p.; hemorrhage from uterus, large clots, ICoccus; irritation and tenderness of extreme lower part of vagina worse (vaginitis), ICoccus ; itch- ing of vulva, Sib; lancinating worse, iClem.; leucorrhcea, HCale, ICoff, HSil.; intense pain in vulva, ILac e; vagina pains as if sore, IIKreo.; vulva and anus painful, Amm. c; pimples on vagina bum, Ang.; prolapsus uteri worse,ICale p.; smarting in pudenda, I IKreo., INatr. m.; soreness in vulva, INatr. m. During urination, head: heat, ISep. During urination, heart: pains, ILith.; particu- larly last drops, rheumatic constricting pain, forcing him to cry out, turns blue in face (dropsy of chest), I Aspar. During urination, hemorrhoids: discharge blood, IKali e; protrude, Bar. c. During urination, hips: pain, Berb. During urination, pain in right leg as if veins were bruised: INatr. e During urination, pain (undefined): yEsc. h., Act. sp,Amyg.,IApis,Bell,ICalad, ICamph, HCannab., HCanth, Clem, IColoe, Colch., Con., Dulc, Elat., lErig, lEucab, Gels, IHep., Indig, Ind, Iris, IILyc, IIMerc, INatr.m, INitr.ac, INuxv., Phos, IPhos. ae, IPuls., Rob., ISars, Senecio, Sep, ISul, ■Thuya, Ver.; in affection of prostate, lApis; with albuminous urine, I lEquiset., 11 Uran. n.; in ardor urinae, IClem.; in catarrh of bladder, ICanth.; dysuria, ILith.; after dinner and supper, INux m.; discharge of a few drops of bloody urine, HCanth.; with milky, acrid, sore-making discharge, Cop.; doubles up and screams, HCanth.; in intermittent fever, IISul. ac; in typhoid fever, IBell, ILye; fiery, Bapt.; in gastric derangement,!Dory.; in renal inflammation, 11 Senecio ; in desquama- tive nephritis, I IPlumb.; in affections of liver with dropsy, IFluor. ae; pain lasting several minutes, 11 Puis.; at night (catarrh of bladder), ICanth.; in parts over which urine passes, I ISub; in prolapsus, I IRhus ; causes him to shiver and dance around room in agony, ■Petrosel.; causes screaming and moaning, HCanth.; slight, in metrorrhagia, lElaps; spasmodic,Pareira ; terrible, from gonorrhoea, I ILac c; after vaccination, I IThuya. lRY ORGANS. 602 21. URINA During urination, perineum : jammed feeling, ILve; pressing near anus (enlarged prostate), ■ Lye. During urination, rectum: prolapsus,IMur. ae, Vab; involuntary mucous discharge, ICarbol. ae; pressure (bladder complaint in old man), ICanth.; painful tenesmus, I IMed.; tearing, Ruta. During urination, male sexual organs : burn- ing in inflamed foreskin, Calc; discharge of prostatic fluid, INatr. e; pain in prostate gland, Cop.; discharge of liquor seminis, ■Gels.; involuntary seminal losses, with ab- sence of erections, INuph.; drawing in sper- matic cord, Bell, Canth.; uneasy feeling in cords, I Apis. During urination, shoulder : sensation in right, as if something were running or creeping, ■Hep. During urination, stomach: pain in region of, Laur. During urination, stool: acrid mucus, with sen- sation of weakness in loins,IPuls.; diarrhoeic, IIAlum.; involuntary, IHyos, Ind, IMur. ac, INatr. s., ISquilla ; purging and vomiting simultaneously, caused by spasmodic contrac- tion, with tenesmus and strangury, ICrotal.; slight, Ind.; small, IMur. ac.; passage of soft (bladder complaint in old man), ICanth.; as if thin stool would escape, lAloe; urging, ■ Aloe, Alum, ICanth.; urging, compelling him to cease, lest a fecal discharge occur, IMur. ae; urging, after vaccination, I IThuya ; passage of urine during stool, Bell.; can only urinate while at stool, Alum, Amm. m, Laur, Natr. p., Sil. During urination, pain down thighs: IPareira. During urination, urethra: acridity, ICaust.; biting, Cham., lEquiset, IGraph.; biting, in gonorrhoea, IIMerc. cor.; burning, 8@°" burn- ing; constriction, lApis, Ant. e, Arn, Bry, HCale, Cann., HCanth., Carbo v., HChel, Con,Dig., Guaiae, Hep, Iris, ILach, IMere, ■Merc, sol, IMur. ac, INatr. m., Nitr. ae, INux m. Petrol, Phos. ac, IPsor., IPuls, ISep, Sil, Staph, Thuya, Uva ursi; cutting pain in cerebrospinal meningitis, Canth.; cutting, at glans, ICochb; cutting in glans and abdomen (gravel), ILye; cutting, in gon- orrhoea, HCochb; cutting, in affection of sym- pathetic nervous system, HPhos.; cutting, at root of penis, pains come on just as last drops are voided, IMed.; cutting in stricture, I IChim. umb.; discharge of pus (after a fall on per- ineum), lArn.; drawing, Con.; hardness, in male urethra, Calc. p.; heat, Ast. r., Castor, Con., IKali bi.; itching, IILyc, INux v.; itching at meatus, Anthrok.; itching, in meatus (female), preceded by an urgent de- sire, Petrol.; itching, in ovaritis, lAmb.; itching, worse by pressure, IMez.; lacerating at point of penis (chronic catarrh of bladder), I IPareira; pain, in cystitis, Med.; pain, with last drops, Cub.; pain in fossa, on beginning, IBar. e; pain, in glans, Oxal. ac; pain, dur- ing gonorrhoea, ICinnab, HNitr. ae; in mem- branous portion, HCanth.; pain acute, in ori- fice, Zing.; pain, as from a sore, wakes him at night, ICinnab.; violent pains, causing him to tremble and cry (gonorrhoea), Polyg._; pain, with vertigo, ICon.; pricking, Iris ; pricking, at end, Cycb; pricking, in obstinate vesical irritability, IChim. umb.; scalding, Cann. b; scalding, especially near neck of bladder, Apis ; scalding, with gonorrhoea, ICub.; scald- ing, at point of penis (chronic catarrh of blad- der), UPareira; scalding, 8®° Urine hot; shooting, I IMagn. p.; flying, shoots in morn- ing, Sub; smarting, ICham, Cub., llgn, IMagn. c, INatr. m., IPtel., ISep.; smarting, in dentition, IRheum ; smarting, in gonor- rhoea, ICap.s, HMerc. cor., ITereb.; smarting, in intermittent, ICoccul.; smarting, at meatus, Calc. fl., IGels., Kob.; smarting,in ovaritis, I Amb.; smarting, in ovarian dropsy, ILil. tig.; smarting, in prolapsus uteri, I Alum., I Apis; smarting, in syphilis, INitr. ae; sore- ness, lApis, Brach, Calc, ICarbo v., Eup. pur., Hep., llgn., ILye, Magn. e, Mez, Natr.c, Nitr. ac, Nux v., IPhos, Senecio, ISep., Sib; soreness in glans ,ILye; soreness,during gonor- rhoea, ICinnab.,I IMed.; sore pain, Calc; sore- ness, worse by pressure, IMez.; sticking, ■Camph.; sticking,inforepart, INux v.; stick- ing, in gonorrhoea, ICaps.; stinging, Cann. i. Hell., Mygale, I Puis., Seneg.; stinging, behind glans, Eryng.; stitching, Arn, ICannab.,, Clem, ILye, INitr. ae, INux v., Phos, Sene- cio; stitching, in haematuria, ISub; stitches and smarting, IGraph.; suffering, IBenz. ac; tearing, ICarbo v, Ruta ; contact with chancre causes tearing affecting whole organism (syph- ilis), 11 Jacar.; tickling and burning at orifice, Anthrok.; tingling, from perineum through whole urethra, Petrosel.; titillation, in ovar- itis, I Amb.; tenesmus and burning in urethra, as if urine were very warm, Colch.; thrilling, Jalap.; thrill, in vaginitis, IMere viv.; pain- ful urging, I Agar. 8®* burning. AFTER URINATION, abdomen: spasmodic contraction, INatr. in.; pains better, ICarbo a.; weakness in upper part, Ars. After urination, back: aching better, IILyc. After urination, bladder: sore aching, worse, Calc. p.; symptoms better, Zinc; burning, Berb, ILye; burning, with aching, IFluor. ae; crawling, ILye", cutting, in female, deep into left, Calc. p.; cutting and feeling of strangulation at neck, I IPolyg.; feeling of ful- ness, IDig.; as if full and moving up and down at every step, Ruta ; pain in neck, Apis ; pain worse, HCanth.; pain in front, near neck, I ISars.; pressure, Asar, Berb, ICamph, IDig.; pressing, in female, Calc. p.; pressing pain, Asar, Berb., Canth, Cinch, Eup. pur. Lace, Lith., Natr. m, Ruta ; pressure and acute pain, Brach.; spasm, Asaf; spasmodic pain in neck, extending to pelvis and thighs, IPuls.; pain- ful spasmodic closing of sphincter, ICann. s.; sharp stitches in neck for many hours, Con.; tenesmus, I Apis, Colch., Cub, Squilla ; as if urine remained behind, IBerb, Cub.; weight, Arund. After urination, bleeding : a few drops of blood, IMez, IPuls, Sub; hemorrhage, IMere 8®" Bladder bleeding, hemorrhoids; Urethra bleeding ; Urine bloody. After urination, burning: Arund., Aspar, Astac, Berb., Brom., Calc, Calc. p, Cann. b, Cann.s.,HCaps.,IClem,Coccus, Colch.,Coloe, Cup. ars, Grat,Iris, IKalic,ILye,IMagn.m, IINatr. c, INatr. m, INatr. s., INitr. ac, Phell, IPuls, Seneg, IStaph., IThuva; back part, with sensation as if one drop* had re- 21. URINARY ORGANS. 603 mained behind, with unsuccessful effort to void it, IKali bb; in evening, with pressure on bladder, Sep.; burning in female urethra, IBerb.; burning in glans, Anac, ICochb; burning from glans to root, ISars.; for half hour, IDig.; in morning, ICon.; especially near neck of bladder, Apis ; in orifice, ICaps., ICard. m., Case, Lyss., IPuls.; in strangury, I IPlumb.; scanty, with urine full of sediment, ICop. After urination, chilliness: ISep.; better, I IMed.; commencing at region of neck of bladder, spreads upward over whole upper part of body, I ISars.; shivering, Jamb., Med.; shuddering, Iodof.; spinal, I I Med. After urination, coldness: Med. After urination, desire: not relieved, Con.; renewed, Bov., INitr. ac, Calc. ggg~ urging. After urination, dribbling: Agar, Ammoniac; Apoe, Arg. nit. Bar. c, Brom, Calc, ICan- nab., Colch., ICon., Graph., Helon, Kali e, ■Lach, Natr. m, IPetrol, I IPic. ac, ISelen, Sib, Sinap, IStaph, Thuya, Verbas, Zing.; in chronic gonorrhoea, IPetroseb; in second- ary syphilis, I I Rhus. g@T Bladder paralysis; Urination in drops, involuntary. After urination, elastic feeling: in urinary organs with subsequent pleasurable sensa- tion, Fluor, ac. After urination, eyes : suddenly brightness be- fore, Jamb. After urination, fainting : Med. After urination, head: heat, ISep.; pain on vertex, Caust. After urination, aching in kidneys : better in diabetes mellitus, HLyc. After urination, leucorrhcea: Niccol.; ceases, INatr. e; worse in morning, IMagn. m.; thin, Niccol. After urination, mental condition: things seem more beautiful, but become gloomy again after a quarter of an hour, Jamb. After urination, mucus: discharge, Apis ; and blood, IIMerc. cor. After urination, nausea: Castor. After urination, pain (undefined): Apis, Asaf, Asar, Aspar, Berb, Canth., Con, Cub, Dig., Equiset.; Eup. pur, Helon, Kali bi, Kreo., Lace, Laur, Lith., Natr. m, Sars., Staph., Thuya. After urination, perineum : pains, following checked gonorrhoea, ICoca; pinching pain, pressing in region of neck of bladder, some- what to left side, extending throughout whole lower pelvis and into thighs (inflammation of prostate), IIPuls.; pressing, near anus (en- larged prostate), ILye After urination, rectum: burning, IINitr. ac. After urination, sexual organs (female): burn- ing, IIKreo., INatr. m.; clitoris erect, Calc. p.; smarting, IIKreo.; smarting, as from salt, Caust.; soreness, INatr.m. After urination, sexual organs (male): dis- charge of thin, glutinous substance, INatr. m.; erections, Aloe; long-lasting erections in morning, Form.; erection at night, Lith.; itching in glans, Cale^ pain into spermatic cord ILith.; prostatic discharge, Anac, ■Hep, Hipp., IKali c, Lyss, HSub; relaxa- tion weakness, Calc p.; violent shooting in hard swelling in left epididymis running up- ward and spreading over whole pubic region (after contusion), I ITarax.; smarting in outer edge of prepuce worse, Bell.; stinging in penis, Brach. After urination, shoulder : cutting pain, worse, changes to throbbing,Brach. After urination, stool : involuntary, Arg. nit. After urination, ureters: drawing along, com- pels bending double, I ISul. After urination, urethra: acridity, ICaust.; biting, IClem., lEquiset.; biting in fossa, IPetroseb; biting pain, ICaps.; constriction, Cub.; constriction behind glans, worse from motion, better from absolute rest (strangury), ■Plumb.; contractive pain,INux v.; painful con- traction from front backwards,ICamph.; craw- ling, ILye; cutting, Berb, Calc. p, HCanth., HCon., HNatr. m.; cutting in fossa, IPetroseb; cutting in glans, ICochb, Cub., ILye, INatr. m.; cutting in gonorrhoea,INatr. m.; feels as if a drop were running down, IThuya; itching, Bell, 11 Lye; itching, from glans to root, ISars.; jerking, iLye; lancinating thrust, at night in bed, force him to cry out and groan, last a minute and a half, Coccus; pain, Caust., Equiset., I ITereb.; pain, almost unbearable, HSars.; severe pain, I ISars.; pressure, Laur.; pressure and acute pain, Brach.; pressing in glans, IPuls.; pressing in meatus, IPuls.; feel- ing as if something hard remained, in gonor- rhoea, I IMed.; scalding, Cann. b; scalding, in catarrh of bladder, I ISeneg.; scalding, espe- cially near neck of bladder, A pis ; sharp shoot- ing passes from left side of urethra to a spot half way between sternum and shoulder, on a level with second rib of left side, sore pain remains, sensitive to touch or pressure (irrit- able bladder), I ISep.; smarting, Apis, Bor, ■ ■Caps., ILil. tig, IPtel.; soreness in ori- . flee, IBor, Case; sticking in glans causes spasm of urethra, with tenesmus recti, IPrun.; stinging, Cann. b, Seneg.; stitches, Arn., Berb, IKali bb; stitching, with apprehension and discomfort, Sub; straining, IMur. ac; tearing, from glans to root, ISars.; tickling, Colch.; tickling, in fossa, Colch.; tickling, near orifice, Lyss.; tormenting feeling, with shooting pains in orifice, Pareira ; sensation asif urine continued to flow, Aspar, Vib. 8g*f burning. After urination, urging: Ang, INitr. ac; in catarrh of bladder, I ISeneg.; continued, Stann.; continued, profuse, fetid, IGuaiac; every evening, on lying down, but only three or four drops pass, without pain, Zinc; vio- lent, particularly in morning, Berb.; violent, in affection of sympathetic nervous system, I IPhos.; without passing a drop, Lyss.; strain- ing renewed, Bar. e; sudden, peremptory, near glans or seems to run back, when costive, IGraph. 8@" desire. After urination, weakness: I IPic. ac; pro- longed or complete debility, Med.; in morn- ing, had to lie down, I IPhos.; prostration, in abscess of liver, I IMed.; relaxation and pros- tration, making him nervous, IFerr.; as if he had passed his strength away, Lyss. URINE, acid : Ailant, Alum, I Amyl, Ant. t, HArn., Astac, IIBenz. ac, Brach, ICale, ICard. m, Colch, ICup.m., ICycl, IGraph., Lye vir., Mitch, rep, Sinap.,Tell.; with burn- ing, lUran. n.; in vesical catarrh, HBenz.ae; in cirrhotic kidney, I IPlumb.; in consump- 604 21. URINARY ORGANS. tion, IKali bi.; in diabetes, INatr. s.; in ty- phus, ICheb; contains hippuric acid, IIBenz. ac; in intercostal neuralgia, I IStann.; in par- alysis, IPhos.; in acute rheumatism, I ICheb; after scarlatina, IBelb; with increased sweat, Acet. ac. 8®*" odor. Urine, acrid (corroding, excoriating): Anthrok., Arn., Bor, "Cain, ICale, Cann, Canth., ICaust, Clem, ICoccus, IDig, Fluor, ac, IGraph, IIHep, Ign., Hod., Kalm, Laur, IIMerc, INatr. m., Paris, IPhos., IRhus, ISars., Seneg, IStaph., IISul, IThuya, lUran. n.; in enuresis nocturna, IMere, IPlant.; in jaundice, Hod.; during menses, Alum.; in pemphigus, IDulc; with prostatitis, ISep.; in renal inflammation. I ISenecio ; in prolapsus uteri, lAlum. g®~ hot; also Urination burning, urethra. Urine, albuminous : All. sat, I Amm. ben., Ant. t, HApis, I Arg. nit., IIArs, Astac, lAtrop. s, lAur. met., ICale, HCale a, ICanth., ICepa, I I Chim. umb, ICochb, Cro- tal., Cub, IDulc, lEup. pur., IFerr, I IFerr. iod. Gels., IIGlon, IIHell, IHelon, Hippoz, Hod, IKali in, Kob, HLac def, ILach., ILye, I IMed, IMere, IIMerc cor, IINatr. c, INitr. ae,INux v., 11 Petrol, IPhos.,IPhos. ac, Phyt.,Pieae,IPlumb,I IPolyg,Sabina,I ISars, ISee, I IStann, ITereb., 11 Uran. n, I IZinc; acute, early stages, particularly if caused by abuse of alcohol, from cold or portal stasis, IMerecor.; with ascites, lAur.met; contains blood, but few if any casts (after scarlatina), IITereb.;fragments of casts(poisoning),Acon.; fibrin casts, after scarlet fever, IHelb; in cerebral oedema, HPhos.; chronic, IIAtrop. s, IGlon, IHelon.; with cirrhotic kidney, 11 Plumb.; with puerperal convulsions, IChin. s.; convulsions, in fifth week of scarlet fever, . IMosch.; copious, in eclampsia, IGlon.; in diphtheria, IHep, I IKali m, ILach, IIMerc. cor., I I Phyt; in a hard drinker, after taking cold, next day fever, headache, nausea, ver- tigo, oppression of chest and oedema of feet, Ferr. iod.; in dropsy, lEup. pur, Seneg.; in acute dropsy, following parturition, ICinch.; in dropsy, after scarlet fever, IHep., IPhos., I ITereb.; with chronic fatty degeneration, anaemia, prostration, anasarca, I IFerr.; with puerperal fever or convulsions, septic or zymotic influences, or in hemorrhagic or broken down constitutions, Crotal.; in ty- phoid, Crotal., I IPhos. ac; full of albumen, in Bright's disease, I IRhus ; consecutive to heart disease, I Aur. met.; with hydrothorax, Crotal.; with hydrothorax and dropsical en- largement of left side and leg, ILach.; in par- enchymatous iritis, I ISil.; a form of insanity, I IPhyt.; with pain in kidneys, IHelon.; with oedema of lower limbs better, IFerr. iod.; with pain in lower limbs, IKalm.; in atrophy of liver, IPhos.; slightly, in enlargement and con- gestion of liver, IIMagn. m.; in acute mania, ICanth.; in meningitis, ICarbol. ae; in des- quamative nephritis, I IPlumb.; during preg- nancy, HApis, Apoe, lArs., Ars. iod, lAur. mur., Bell., Benz. ae, Berb., Bry, Cact., Canth., ICinch, Cinnab., Colch, Dig, Dulc, Ferr, Hell, IHelon, IGels, Kalibr., Kalic, IKali m, Kalm., Lach, Led., ILye, IIMerc cor., INatr. m, Phos.. Phyt, Pic. ac, Rhus, Senecio, Sep, Sub, ITereb., Uran. n.; with retinitis, lApis, lArs, Colch, Gels, Kalm, IMere cor, Phos, Zinc; rheumatic diathesis, Sal. ac; after scarlatina, I IPhyt.; in scarla- tina, during desquamation, HApis; with sciatica, IIColoc; especially in those who have had syphilis and have taken much mer- cury, INitr. ac; with painful urination, lEqui- set; following variola, ICale; five per cent, in Bright's disease, IKalm.; one-eleventh, I IPlumb.; seven-eighths (syphilis), I ISul. ac; half, lApis; four-fifths and much mucus (diphtheria), ILac c. B^° foaming; also Kidneys, Bright's disease. Urine, alkaline: Anthrok, IBenz. ac, Chlor., IFerr, IFluor. ac, IKali bi, Kreo, 11 Xan.; in catarrh of bladder, ICanth.; in typhus, IIBapt; with red sediment, INatr. m. Urine, contains rarely carbonate of ammonia: in morbus Brightii, HPhos. ac. Urine, contains bile: Card, m, IMyr. cer, INatr. s, INitr. ac.; in biliary obstruction, I I Sub; in cephalalgia, IMagn. m.; in enlarged liver, ICon. Urine, black: Ang, lArs, ICarbol. ac, Colch, IDig., Erig., IHelb, ILach, INatr. m, IPa- reira ; with coffee-grounds sediment, in liver complaint, IITereb.; foams on shaking (neph- ritis), I Kalic; greenish, in ague, TrChim. umb.; almost, in hepatic disorder, IChion. v.; inky, Colch.; inklike, in dropsy, after scarlatina, IColch.; ink, in nephritis, after scarlet fever, HColch.; with, oedema, after scarlatina, IILach.; reddish, I Ars. h.; in scarlatinal dropsy, IDig.; almost, in acute mania, ICanth. Urine, has bleaching properties: Chlor. Urine, bloody (haematuria): Aeon., Act. rac., Ant. t, HApis, lArn., lArs., Ars. h., Ascl. t, Aspar., lAur. met. Bell., Benz. ac, IBerb, HCact, HCale, ICamph, ICann. s, HCanth, ICaps, Carbo v., ICaust, I IChin. s, Cochl, Colch,Con,ICop.,Crotal, Cub., ICup.m, Cupr. s, Dulc, IIHam, Hell., IHep, Hyp., llpec, IKreo, ILye, IMere, Mez, I IMillef, INatr. m, INit.ac, IIMerc. cor., INuxv, IOp., IPa- reira, IPhos, IPhos. ac, IPlumb, IIPuls., Sa- bina, ISars, ISee, ISenecio, ISep, ISul, ISul. ac, IITabac, IITereb., IThlaspi, Thuya, I ITrilb, Uva ursi, I IZinc; with cutting in ab- domen, llpec; in albuminuria, I I Ferr.s.,IMere cor, I I Rhus; after abuse of alcoholic stimu- lants, or drugs, INuxv.; black, ropy blood, constituted about three-fourths of its entire quantity (purpurahaemorrhagica),I ITereb.; in bleeders,IPhos, ITereb.; after a blow in right iliac region, IHam.; bright red, INitr. ac.; blood, bright red (traumatic), IHam.; with vesical calculi, small, round and rough, ILye; in catarrh, ILye, 11 Uva ursi; in catarrh, bronchial and vesical, ICop.; with cancer of bladder, or prostate, Crotal.; in child- bed, IBufo.; a thick coagulum of pure blood forms, Ars. h.; forms a cake in vessel, I IMillef; clots, I Alum, Ars. h., IChim. umb, llpec, ILye, IPhos. ac, IPlat.; clots putrid, Colch.; traces of coagulated blood, Kali f; blood corpuscles. I IPlumb, I ITereb, Vespa; blood corpuscles, in acute Bright's disease, I Apis ; blood corpuscles, in nephritis HArn.; blood corpuscles, in rings, in ascites, I Apis; small, red corpuscles after standing, I Ant. c.; preceded by crampy pain in bladder, IMez.; in cystitisJHell.; in diarrhcea, 11 Ant.t; 21. URINARY ORGANS. 605 in diphtheria, 11 Kali m.; discharged drop by drop with straining, IRhus; last drops mixed, IHep.; in dropsy after scarlatina, IColch.; after irritating drugs, especially Cantharides, ICamph.; in dysentery, ICop, IMere cor.; face pale (traumatic), IHam.; in exanthematic fevers, ICamph.; in typhoid fever, IMere; in yellow fever, I Ars. h.; as if mixed with white flakes, IMere; in gonorrhoea, IMez.; in gonor- rhoea and cystitis, IMere; from long-lasting gonorrhoea, IChim. umb.; from gravel or chron- ic catarrh, ILye; in hemorrhoids of bladder, I Ars.; with hemorrhoids of bladder, I Aeon, ICalc,Carbo v.; highly charged,passing in very small quantities (albuminuria), ITereb.; in in- flammation of neck of bladder, ISen.; from mechanical injuries, HArn.; with suppressed itch, llpec; with metrorrhagia, Erig.; mucus, I IPuls.; with suppuration of glands of neck after scarlet fever, I ISee; in desquamative nephritis, I IPlumb.; worse night, ICaust.; in sacculated ovarian disease, ILach.; with pain- ful desire, requiring great effort, ISub; in pneumonia, lElaps; with polypus, HCale; pulse feeble (traumatic), IHam.; in renal colic, I Arg. nit, INuxv.; chronic, due to renal hemorrhage, HPetrol.; in scarlatina, ISee, IZinc; smoky, in scarlatina, IITereb.; after scarlatina, small pieces of black blood pass, lApis ; with scorbutic affection, ITereb.; in scrofula, ICale; from scurvy, INatr. m.; sedi- ment, Sul. ac.; sediment consisting of a number of red blood corpuscles and a large number of short, rather thick turbid cylinders, studded with blood corpuscles, HPlumb.; with red gediment, Squilla ; from debility after sexual excesses, IPhos.; deposits red filaments on standing, Ant. t; partial shock (traumatic), IHam.; with vesical spasm, llpec.; in stran- gury, 11 Plumb.; streaked with blood, Kali iod.; in vesical tenesmus, after falling down stairs, 11 Rhus; blood from urethra or kidneys, IFerr. mur.; with cutting in urethra, llpec; with violent and frequent urging, in typhus, etc., IIMerc; with pressure to urination at night, INux v.; with urinary difficulties, Cop.; in uterine complaints, IHelb; like blood mixed with water, with colicky pains in abdomen, Pallad.; in women, ICop. ggg° Bladder bleeding, hemorrhoids. Urine, brown: HArn., Ars. h., IBenz. ac, Bufo, ICard. m., Colch., Coloe, IManc, IIMerc. cor., Prun., IPuls., Sal. ac, I ISub, Sul. ac; like beer, Bry., IColoe, HSub; like beer, in traumatic meningitis, IHyper.; like thick beer (typhus), lArs.; like beer without sediment, IA spar.; like beer with yellowish froth, IMyr. cer.; blackish (jaundice), IPhos.; chestnut, IKreo.; with a suspended cloud, Ars. h.; in cystitis, Tarant.; in cysto-blen- norrhoea, I lUva ursi; dark, I All. sat, lArn, lArs., Camph, ICaust., IDig, IGraph., ILach, IOp., Osm., IPod, Zing.; dark ad- mixture, HSep.; dark, frothy or yellow, in jaundice, I Aeon.; very dark, in deranged liver, ILept.; with reddish sediment, IPsor.; in tonsillitis, IBar. c; dark, with white sedi- ment, ICale; saturated dark, mixed with blood' with dirty white sediment (nephritis), IMere- dark with whitish sediment, visible when urinating upon snow, Lyss.; stains clothes dirty, I IMed.; dark greenish color, I ICarbol. ae; greenish, in jaundice, lAur. met.; in jaundice, IDig.; in enlarged liver, ICon.; mahogany, in intermittent fever, lEup. pert; in pregnancy, HStann.; red, IVer.; with red sandy sediment, IPhos.; reddish, I IPlumb, I ISep., HVer.; reddish coagulum, resembling that obtained from boiling blood, on boiling with Nitric acid, Ars. h.; reddish, with brick-colored sediment, Puis.; reddish, in vesical catarrh, IIBenz.ae; in scarlatina, I IZinc; with sediment, ICimex; with whitish sediment, Oleand.; stains linen, INitr. ae; soon turbid after sweat (inter- mittent), IIArs.; with difficult urination, IColoe; with frequent urination, HPetrol.; yellowish, IDig.; stains napkin yellow, in cholera infantum, I Arn.; yellowish sediment, in dropsy after scarlatina, lAmb.; yellowish, Card, m.; yellowish, in morning and evening, Lyss. gg&~ dark. Urine, burning: g^° acrid, hot; also During and After urination burning. Urine, casts : cylindrical, ICanth.; cylindrical, coagula (albuminuria), ITereb.; fatty, IPhos.; fibrinous, in Bright's disease, IKalm.; fibrin- ous, and epithelial cells (morbus Brightii), 11 Phos. ae; hyaline, in desquamative neph- ritis, HPlumb.; fine granular and hyaline of small diameter, no renal epithelium (cirrhotic kidney), I IPlumb.; one cast, Natr. a.; of tubes, in post-scarlatinal dropsy, 11 Tereb.; cylindrical tubuli (sequelae of scarlatina), IHep.; granu- lar fatty tubuli in large numbers, showing on their surface epithelial cells of tubuli uriniferi, also in state of granular fatty degeneration, IIMerc. cor.; uriniferous tubuli, HApis; shreds of uriniferous tubuli (diphtheria), Canth.; waxy casts, IPhos.; transparent waxy, Brach. gg&~ epithelium, fibrine. Urine, changeable in color: IBenz. ac; in in- cipient phthisis following amenorrhcea, I ISang. Urine, clear (limpid, no sediment): Agar., lAlum, lAmyb, Anac, Ang, lAnthrok, Apoe, I Arg. nit, I Am., Arum d., Ascl. t, Asim., Ast. r., Bapt., Bar. c, Berb., Cain, Camph., Cepa, ICheb, Chim, Chlor., Cinch. bob, Cochl, Colch, Curar., IFerr., I IHam, IHelb, IHelon, IHep., IHyos, Ign, Iris, I ILact ac, I I Lactu. v, ILye, ILye vir., IMosch., Natr. a, Nitr. sp. d, 1101. an, Oxal. ac, IPhos. ae, Polyg., I Ptel., Sarrae, ISars, Sum, ITereb, Vab; in anaemia, IFerr.; in chorea, ICina ; in colic, IMagn. p.; in epilepti- form convulsions, ICed.; copious, at night, ISang.; in cough, ICheb; in diabetes, I IPhos. ac.; in diabetes insipidus, IKali n, Squilla; in dropsy, lAur.met.; as crystal, in chronic dysentery, ICon.; in headache, I IVib.; as headache passes off, I ISang.; in intermittent, ICoccul.; after four or five hours covered with iridescent film, IGraph.; nervous, Ign, Spig.; pale (albuminuria during pregnancy), lAur. mur.; with palpitation, IHyos.; in paralysis agitans, IIRhus; pale, IDig.; pungent, fetid, in cholera infantum, ICale; in rheumatism, Ars.; in acute rheumatism, I ICheb; in chronic rheumatism of left hip joint, IPhyt.; at first, after a time lead-colored flaky sediment ad- hering to vessel, IHelon.; then flourlike sedi- ment, Ant. t; with urging, IColoe; with frequent urination, Meph.; not an atom of 606 21. URINARY ORGANS. urea, 11 Plumb.; like water (lumbago), 11 Coloe; watery, profuse, especially when heart is most irritable, ILye vir. 8®"° increased, pale, watery. Urine, cloudy: Bell., IBenz. ac, ICanth., ICaust, Chim. m., Chel,ICinch, IKreo, Lye v, Lyss., IManc, INatr. m, IOp, Ratan., HSep, IITereb, Zing.; in catarrh of bladder, ICanth.; in dropsy, after scarlatina, lAmb, lApis ; nebulous flocks, Cinch, bob; cloud suspended with little granules like frog spawn, Sinap.; in liver complaint, ICheb; from mucus, Sarrae; with cadaverous odor, Coccus; nubec- ula,Anthrok.; light cloud of oxalates, I Amyb; cloud scarcely perceptible, Ant. c.; with phos- phatic deposits, Acet. ac.; in pneumonia, I Ars.; sediment, I lElaps, 01. an, Seneg, Sumb.; flocculent sediment, collects in one spot, like a sponge (after checked gonorrhoea), ICoca ; sediment, in yellow fever, Ars. h.; slight dark cloud,settles on standing, 11 Plumb.; smoky, with inaction of kidneys, ITereb.; smoky, in albuminuria, lAmm. b.; soon be- comes, Bar. e 8®° phosphates, turbid. Urine, like coffee: in diphtheria, ILac e; stains clothes yellow, IPhyt; like coffee- grounds, IIHelb; like coffee-grounds, in as- cites, HApis. 8^* bloody, brown, turbid. Urine, cold: when it passes, INitr. ac. Urine, cuticle (pellicle): ICale, Paris, Petrol., IPhos, Phos. ae, IPsor., Puis., Sul. ae; iri- descent, Agar., Alum, I ICepa, ICycb, IHep.; iridescent, oily film, in phthisis pulmonalis, ICoca; oily, IDulc, Sumb.; greasy pellicle, Crot. t, IHep, ILye, I IMed, ISul.; varie- gated, Bapt, I Iod. Urine, dark: lAcon., All. sat, Alum., Anag, Ant. c, Ant. t, lApis, Arn, Ascl. t, IBelb, IIBenz. ac, Brach, Brom, IBry, ICale, ICale p., ICanth, Carbo v., ICarbol. ae, ICheb, IChim. umb, ICinch, Colch, HCro- tab, Crot. t. Cub., Diad, IDig., I IHell,IHep, Ictod., Ign., Hod, llpec, IJab, ILac def, IILach, ILye, Lyss, I IMed, IMere, Merc. iod. rub., IMyr. cer., INatr. e, INatr. m, IINatr. p., HPlumb., IPod, IPtel, Puis., IRhus,HSelen, Seneg, HSep, Sinap., I ISpig, IStaph, Sul, Thuya, Ustil., I IVar., Ver, Zinc; acrid, ILith.; in albuminuria, IMere cor.; like ale, IMyr. cer.; amber color, Chloral.; in amblyopia potatorum, IITereb.; during apyrexia, lElat.; in bilious disorders, Eup. pert; brown, Eup. pert; like brown beer, IIPuls.; almost black, I IVer.; almost black, in scarlatina, ILach.; almost black, when first emitted deposits sediment to nearlyone-twelfth of its quantity, and black as coal (a chronic passive hemorrhage from kidneys, I ITereb.; color of brandy, Benz. ae; on standing a lit- tle while is like buttermilk (chronic diarrhoea), I IPhos. ac; clear, lEup. pert; but clear, in typhoid fever, IIMur. ae; like coffee, INatr. m.; like coffee (hydrothorax), lApis; in coryza, after mercury, IIKali iod.; in denti- tion, IRheum; discharged in drops, IStaph.; in dropsy, 11 Senecio ; in dropsy after scarla- tina, I Ars.; in diphtheria, ILac e, IMere cy.; in erysipelas, IIRhus; with fever, after diu resis, I ITJran. n.; in intermittent fever, Diad.; typhoid fever, IVer. v.; in yellow fever, I Ars. h.; frequent, scanty, in anasarca, Hell.; in gonagra, ICale; in heart disease, I IOp.; with heat preponderating, IKali iod.; inky, Ars. h.; in jaundice, lAur. mur. nat, IBerb, Hod.; with spasmodic pain in kidneys, Coccus ; in liver trouble, I IPod.; in subacute inflamma- tion of liver, IHydras.; in melancholia, ILach.; muddy, passed with much pain, lyEse h.; in myelitis, IDulc; in affection of sympathetic nervous system, I IPhos.; with cadaverous odor, Coccus; afterwards pale, double in quantity, Erig.; in perityphlitis, IMere; in peritonitis, HApis; like porter, Ars. h., Hod.; resembles port wine, in morn- ing, looks clear in a spoon, almost black on looking down upon it in a chamber vessel, coagulates strongly from heat (haematuria from kidneys), I ITereb.; prune colored, Sec; with red sandy deposit, Pallad.; sediment cloudy (rheumatism), Thuya; with white sediment, an inch deep, over which was a granular layer, half an inch thick, deeply reddened with blood (acute desquamative nephritis), ICoccus; with dryness of skin (dysentery), IColch.; small quantity, sweet smelling, turbid, with sediment like coffee grounds (after scarlatina), IITereb.; of strong smell, I IDros.; in stomatitis, INatr. c; feeble stream, IIHelb; resembles infusion of black tea, or water with dark molasses (dropsy after scarlatina), HApis ; like dark tea, with green- ish sediment (jaundice), I ISep.; turbid, I ILye; becoming turbid, with a scum on it, Merc. sul. 8®° black, brown, coffee, high- colored, red, turbid, yellow. Urine, decomposes: rapidly,IAur. met.JPhos. ae; in typhoid, I IPhos. ac. Urine, decreased (scanty) : lAcon, Act. rac, Ailant, All. sat., Aloe, Ang, HApis, I Ars, Ars. h,Aur. met. Arum d, IIArum t, IIAscl. s, I Aspar, I Astac, Atrop. s,IBell, Benz. ac, IBerb, Brom., IBry,Cact, Calc. fh.HCanth, Carbo v, ICard. m. Castor., ICaust, ICham, I IChel, IChim. umb, Cimex,ICinch, IClem, Coca, Coccus, Cochl, IColch, Coloe, ICornus, HCrotab, ICup. m, Cupr. s, ICycb, IDig., IDulc, 1 lEquiset., Eup. pert, lEup. pur., IFerr, Ferr. mur., IGraph, IGrat, IHam., IIHelb, IHep, IHyos, Hyper, Ign., Indig, Ipec, Iris, IJab, IIKali br, IKali c, IKalin, Kob, I Lach., I Lac def, 11 Lact ac, Laur., ILil. tig, ILith, ILye, IILyc. vir, Lyss, Med, IMere, IIMerc. cor, IMere d,IMez,IMosch, INatr. c, IINatr. p., IINitr. ac, INuxm, HNuxv,H0p,0sm,IPhos., IPhyt,I IPlumb, IPod, IPolyp., I IPrun, IPsor, I Ptel., IPuls, IRhus, Rob, Ruta, Sal. ac. Sang, Sarrae, HSars, HSelen, HSep., Seneg., IStaph, Stront, IISul, Subac,ISyph.,Tabae,ITereb, Therid.,Thuya, Ustil., I Ver., 11 Ver. v, Vinca, Xan., Zinc; in abortion, HApis ; in albumi- nuria, lAmm.ben., IMere cor.; in anasarca, I Aur. mur.; with anasarcous legs, after scar- let fever, IRhus; during apyrexia, Cinch.; in arthritic affections, Alum; in ascites,! IA pis, I Apoe , ICheb, I IMed, I IRheum ; in ascites, not more than eight ounces a day, I ISenecio; in brain affection, ICup. m., Squilla; in Bright's disease, IKalm.; brown, in cold, after scarlet fever, IHelb; with burning, Cale a., IColch.; with burning, after urination, ICop, Phelb; burning, scalding (low fever), ICact; nearly every half hour, with burning in urethra and condylomata, I IPsor.; in cerebral 21. URINARY ORGANS. 607 disturbances, ICroe; in cerebrospinal menin- gitis, ICalab.; in cholera infantum, lArn.; in cholera morbus, IHyper.; in colic, lAlum., Jamb.; in convulsions, Amyg.; alternating with copious watery secretion, Dig.; a cupful at a time after much exertion, causing trem- bling with a creeping chill, HPetrol.; in cystitis, IHelb; dark, Bry.; dark, in asthma, IIAcon.; dark and painful in passing (dropsy), IFluor. ae; during day, yEsc h., ILye; in delirium tremens, HStram.; with frequent desire, ICoccul.; with great desire to pass it (nephritis), IMere; in diabetes, I IRatan.; in diarrhoea,! I Ant. t; in chronic diarrhcea, I ISub; in chronic camp diarrhoea, ILyss.; in diph- theria, ILac c, ILach, ILye, IMere cy, IMere iod. flav.; less than a gill in twenty- four hours, in chronic camp diarrhoea, ILyss.; in diphtheria, ILac e; though drink- ing much, IKreo, IRhus ; in drops, in pro- lapsus uteri, lArg. nit., Inul.; in drops, with difficult, Atrop. s.; a few drops at a time, obliged to make effort very often (cystitis), lEup. pur.; a few drops at a time, Cub.; a few drops with mucous sediment, IDulc; in drops, some always seem to remain, IMagn. m.; only a few drops at a time, with morning sickness, I ICon.; in dropsy, I Apis, lEup. pur., ILye, I ISenecio; in cardiac dropsy, IDig.; in dropsy, with emission of a few drops at a time, I IGamb.; in ovarian dropsy, I Apis ; in dys- entery, IMere cor.; in dysuria, IChim. umb.; in enuresis of children, IPlant.; in erysipelas, IIRhus; in evening, in impotence, ICalad.; in evening and morning, Lyss.; fetid, between paroxysms, with headache, Coloe; with fever, after diuresis, I I Uran. n.; in intermittent fever, ICoccul,lEup. pert; in typhoid fever, ICanth.; in gonagra, ICale; gradually less in cystitis, IHelb; green, with frequent pressure to uri- nate, Ruta ; with headache, Ascl. s.; in nerv- ous headache, INaja ; before and during sick headache, I ISang.; in heart disease, ILye vir, I IOp.; catheter used daily, in organic disease of heart, I Apis; high-colored, IHam.; high- colored, with copious whitish sediment and pain in back, IKali bb; in acute hydroceph- alus, after erysipelatous eruption, lApis; in hydrothorax, lApoe, IColch, ISquilla; in jaundiceJAur. met,IDig.; in chronic jaundice, Hod.; with inaction of kidneys, ITereb.; les- sened until secretion ceased, 11 Tarant.; in func- tional derangement of liver, 11 Sep.; in enlarged liver, ICon, IMagn. m.; in melancholia, ILach.; in menses irregular, IDig.; in mental derange- ment, I Op.; in morning, Ars. h.; in myelitis, IDulc; in nephritis, lArn, IKali iod.; in nephritic colic, I Arg. nit, I IPareira; in des- quamative nephritis, HPlumb.; in affection of sympathetic nervous system, I IPhos.; in neuralgia, 11 Nux v.; with oedema after scar- latina, IILach., in old people, IIArs.; with great pain, Canth.; with paralysis of arms, I IRhus; with greasy pellicle, Kob.; in sub- acute pericarditis, I Ascl. t.; in peritonitis, ILach.; in phlegmasia alba dolens, INatr. s.; in subacute pleuritis, I Arg. nit.; in pneu- monia, I Ant. t, IIPuls.; in potter's colic, lAlum, in pregnancy, I IStann.; in puerperal eclampsia, IPhos.; after purpura, IHelb; red, during apvrexia (tertian ague), llpec; dark red (affection of liver with dropsy), IFluor. ae; red, in strangury, Sabina; in rheumatism.. IIAcon, lAgar.; in chronic rheumatism of left hip joint, IPhyt.; in scalding, but clear, Merc, sul.; in scarlatina, ICarbol. ac, IZinc; in scarlatinal dropsy, IDig.; after scarlet fever, I Apoe; sediment red, ILye; scarcely a spoon- ful, dark yellowish red color, in a thin stream, Staph.; with dryness of skin (dysentery), IColch.; slow, Pallad.; in cardialgia. IGrat; in strangury, IIArs.; with strangury in scarlatina, ILye; in a feeble stream, IIMerc. sob; in summer complaint, IFerr. ph.; ap- proaching suppression, Zinc; with frequent tenesmus vesicae, IColoe; with thirst, ICaust.; in typhus, IBapt.; urging frequent, Anac; painful urging, • lAlum.; with urging and burning pain (quartan ague), IPhelb; felt as though he had not urinated for hours, lEquiset.; with frequent urination, I IPetrol.; in urticaria, ICop.; in prolapsus uteri, ILil. tig.; with white film and whitish deposit, IKali bi.; dark yellow, lyEse h. 8®° Urination in drops, insufficient. Urine, diabetes: HAcet ac, All. sat, *Amm, c, ;Aspar., ICale, Carbo v. ICarbol. ae, ■Chim. umb., Chin, s, ICinch, IColoe, ICon, Cop, ICup.m., ICurar., Ferr, IIFerr. iod., -Ferr. ph., IHelon, IHydras, IIKali br, IKali m, IKali n., IIKali ph, IILact. ae, ILye vir., IMagn. s, I IMed, INatr. m., IPlumb, I IPhos. ac, I IRatan, Sec, ISul, Sul. ac, Tarant., Tarax, IITereb, Thuya, I ITrilb, lUran. n.; acute cases, Curar.; after chill and rheumatic fever, from getting wet, year previous, INatr. s.; hepatic form, especially when there is a succession of boils, INatr. p.; in high livers with sedentary habits, INux v.; in a man suffering from myelitis, after latter disease had been cured former still remained, I I Phos. ac; with great pain, with swelling and suppuration of left parotid gland, Con.; from spinal lesions, INux v.; insipidus, lAcet. ac, Ananth, Arn., Ars., IBell, Calc, Calc. p, Cann. i., ICanth, ICaust, Coloe, Eup. pur., IHelon, Iod., -Jab, Kali iod., Kali n, ILac def, Lact. ae, ILye, Merc, per., Murex, INatr. in, IPhos. ac, IPod., IRhus, ISpig, Squilla, Tarax., Uran. n.; insipidus, first stage, in women with congestion of lower third of medulla spinalis, mellitus, lAcet. ac, lArg. met, lArs, IBenz. ac, Berb., IIBov, I lAlum, Calc. p, Camph., Carbol. ac, ICheb, Chloral, ICodein., Coff. t, Colch., Cup. m, Curar, IFerr. m., IIHelon, IHep, I IKali br, IKali m., IKali ph., IKreo, ILach., ILact. ac, ILac def, Lith, IILyc, ILye vir, Lyss, Magn. s., Mosch, Natr. s., INitr. ac, Nux v, I IOp, IPhos, HPhos. ac, IPic.ac, HPlumb., IPod, Ratan, Sal. ac. Sec, ISil, ISul. ae, Tarant, IITereb, Thuya, HUran. n.;mellitus, with cheesy degeneration of lungs,IPhos.; mel- litus, with gouty diathesis, IPhos.; mellitus, in impotence, Mosch.; mellitus, lungs implicated, ICale p.; mellitus, after mental shocks or injuries, I IOp.; mellitus, preceded or accom- panied by disease of pancreas, IPhos.; mel- litus, in phthisis, IPhos.; mellitus, urine con- tains large amount of salt in morning, large excess of sugar in evening, ILact. ae; sugar traces, lAmyb; sugar, 2 per cent, Amyl.; sugar, 5£ per cent., INatr. s.; sugar, 85 grains per litre, 11 Uran. n. 608 21. URINARY ORGANS. Urine, dribbling : 8®* Bladder paralysis ; Urination in drops, involuntary; also After urination dribbling. Urine, epithelium: HApis, IPtel.; in albumi- nuria, lArg. nit.; casts, Arg. nit, Ars, IMere cor, IPhos, Plumb, Sul. ac; cells, Lye vir.; exudative cells, IPhos.; a mass of cells,adher- ing to each other, Brach.; cells, in desquama- tive nephritis, I IPlumb.; renal epithelia, Ars, Canth, Cop, Phos., Puis, Sul. ac, Te- reb.; large scales, in Bright's disease, IKalm.; a few scales, Natr. a.; vesical and renal, and mucous sediment, IPhos.; white, IBell. BST' casts. Urine, fatty: IChin. s.; containing fat globules, IIMerc. cor, Natr. a.; contains fat globules, in morbus Brightii, 11 Phos. ac. g®~ cuticle. Urine, containing fibrine: IIMerc. cor.; slen- der, cylindrical pieces, these little coagula being whitish in color, looking like maggots or small worms, I IPetrol.; full of fibres,Cann. s.; in nephritis, Chel. 8®" casts, epithelium. Urine,flaky (flocculent): Cann.,ICanth,Cham, Crot. t, IMez, HSars, Zinc; dark brown flakes, IPetrol.; in nephritis, ICheb; flaky sediment, Agar., ICham, Grat, I IPlumb., Zinc; shiny flocks, Chin, s.; in stricture, IClem.; white, IPhos. Urine, foaming (frothy): Aph. ch, llCepa, IChel, Cop, Cub., Jatroph, IILach., Laur., ILye, IPareira, Seneg, ISpong, Thuya; in diabetes, on being passed, INatr. s.; with diarrhcea, IILach.; in post-scarlatinal dropsy, lApis ; in morning, Ars. h.; during night, I I Aph. ch, Crot. t. 8®" albuminous. Urine, looks like and has consistency of thin glue: Coloe B3?" viscid. Urine, gravel: 8®*° Bladder calculi, gravel; also Kidneys calculi. Urine, dirty gray: in diphtheria, after scarla- tina, ICon. Urine, greenish: lArs., Aur met, Berb, Bov, ICamph, Carbol. ac, IChel, Cinch, Colch., Cop, Iod., IKali e, IMagn. e, Mang, INitr. ac, 01. an., Rheum, Rhod., Ruta, Seneg, Sub, Uran. n, IVer.; almost greenish, Phell.; changed from brick dust, IChim. umb.; clear, Magn. s.; like grass, ICarbol. ac; three hours after passage, Sabac; in hydrothorax, I I Apis, light, Bapt; olive, ICarbol. ac; blackish olive, ICarbol. ae; after scarlatina, ICarbol. ac.; yellowish, Bov.; dark yellowish, Hod. 8®* bile. Urine, high colored: lAcon, lApis, Arum d., Badiag, IBell, Calc. fl., ICornus, ICrotal., Ced, IIEquiset, Iris, Kali bi, IILact ac, ILye, IMed., I IMitch. rep, IMvr. cer, INux m, INux v., IPhos., I IPlumb, "IPolyg, IPo- lyp, IPtel., IRhus, Sang., HStram, Tabae, Telb, Therid., IIThuya, HVer. v., Xan.; in amenorrhcea, I Apis ; in ascites, I IMed, I ISe- necio ; in ascites, after scarlet fever, lApoe; in bilious attacks, IINux v.; like brandy, Var.; in Bright's disease, IKalm.; burning, IGlon.; in inflammation of caecum, ILach.; in catarrh (bronchial and vesical catarrh), ICop.; clear, Lact. ac; congestive headache, IGlon.; copious red sediment (cardialgia), ILobel. b; in chronic diarrhoea, HSub; in chronic camp diarrhcea, ILyss.; in diphtheria, ILach, IMere iod. flav.; in post-scarlatinal dropsy, IDig.; in dysentery, IColch, I IZinc; in dyspepsia, IKali bb; in dysuria, IChim. umb.; in eczema, IBrom.; in erysipelas erratica, IHydras.; in bilious fever, lEup. perf; frequent, Lac e; in gastralgia, probably due to metallic poisoning, I ISul. ac.; in head- ache, ILac def; in heart disease, ILye vir.; in enlargement and congestion of liver, IMagn. m.; in ciliary neuralgia with acute conjunctivitis, I ITereb.; in subacute pericar- ditis, I Ascl. t; in subacute pleuritis, lArg.nit; in pneumonia, I Ars.; in eighth month of pregnancy, IIRheum; in pruritus vulvae, HTarant; in rheumatism, ILye; scanty, ILil. tig.; scanty, in dysentery, ILept.; scanty, in retroversion, IFerr. iod.; in scarlatina, ILach.; deposits a cloudy sediment, Hydras.; with mealy sediment (mania), IINux v.; in typhus, IBapt. 8"S8P* dark, red. Urine, hot: lAcon., Act. rac, lyEse h., Agar, AloeJIApis,IArs,HAsaf,l lAur.mur., IBelb, IBenz. ae, Berb., ICale p.,Calend, I ICamph, HCanth, ICaps., ICham, IColch, IDig, IFerr, IHep., IKali e, ILye, IMere, ■ IMere cor, Phos. ac, IIRheum, IRhus, Squilla, Vespa; with after-pains, IIFerr.; in angina faucium, ILach.; ardor urinse, I lAnanth, HCanth, ICub.; ardor uringe, in intermittent, I ISul. ac; ardor urinae, in wo- men, IHam.; ardor urinse, in rheumatic sub- jects, ISabina; with constipation, IIFerr.; in coryza after mercury, IIKali iod.; dark, HAcon.; dark, in rheumatic attack, IBry.; dysentery, IColch, ICop, IMere cor.; in enuresis nocturna, IMere; in evening, Ars. met.; during fever, ICimex ; after fever, ICi- mex; fiery, Crot t, IKali e, ISars.; in gas- tric catarrh, IIMez.; with heat, IKali iod.; in heart disease, I IOp.; in hemorrhoids, from uterus, IFerr.; in infants, IBor.; like boiling oil, ILil. tig.; in enlargement of prostate gland, I IPareira; red, Bry.; in renal inflammation, 11 Senecio; scalding, yEsc h., IBenz. ac, IBerb, ICann. s, Canth, ICop, IFerr. iod., IHelon, IHep., IKali c, Mygale, I IPic. ae, IPtel., HSars, Syph., IIThuya; scalding, in amenorrhcea, 11 Apis ; scalding, with frequent desire (metritis), IINux v.; scalding, during dysuria, IChim. umb.; scalding, after dysu- ria, IChim. umb.; scalding, towards evening (haematuria), llpec; scalding, in gonorrhoea, ■Caps.; scalding, followed by itching, 11 Ves- pa ; scalding, as from raw surfaces, IMere sob; scalding, in stricture, I IChim. umb.; formerly sediment, in cystitis, ILye; with reddish sediment, IMez.; in septic diseases, ITarant.; in uterine disorder, ICon. 8®" acrid ; Urination burning ; During and After urination burning. Urine, increased (copious, diuresis, polyuria, profuse): HAcet ac, Aeon, Act. rac, 11 Agar, Agnus, All. sat. Alum, Amyb, Anac, Ang, lAnt. c. Ant. sul. aur. Ant t, lAnthrok, ■ Apis, Apoe, HArg. met, lArg. nit, lArs. h. Arum d., Arum m, 11 Ascl. s, lAspar., Ast. r, "Atrop. s. Bar. c. Bell, Berb,IBism, Brach, ■Cact, Cain., Camph,Cann. i.,ICanth, ICarbo a., Carbo v, 11 Carbol. ac, Caulo, ICaust ,ICed, ICepa, ICham, ICheb, Chen, v., Chim. umb, Chlor., HCinch, Coca, ICochb, Codein., ICoff, Colch, Collin, IColoe, ICon, Cop, Crotal., Crot. t, Cub, Cycl, IDaph., IDig, 21. URINARY ORGANS. 609 Equiset, I lEucab, -"-Form, Gamb, Gels, ■ Glon., Guaiae, IIHam, Helon, Hydras, Hydr. ac, Iber., Hgn., Indig, Hod, IJab., Jacea, Kali br. Kali f, Kali iod., HLact. ac, ■Led., Lobel. b, Lyss, IMagn. c, Magn. s, Mang, I IMed, Merc, IIMerc. cor., Merc.iod. flav., IMere iod. rub., IIMerc. sol, Mitch. rep., IMosch., Mur. ae, IMurex, Mygale, Natr.a., INatr. e, Natr. m, I INatr. p, INatr. s, STitr. sp. d, Nitrum, 01. an., Oxal. ac, ■Phos., HPhos. ac, Phyt., I IPlant, IPod., Polyg, IPsor, IIRhod, Rhus, Rob, Samb., Sarrae, ISars., Seneg., Spig., Spong., Squilla, Staph, Tabae, Tarax., Tell, ITereb, Therid., ■Uran. n, Ustil., Val, I I Variol, Ver, ATer. v, Verbas, Viol, t. Zinc, Zing.; in affections of brain, Squilla ; in Bright's disease, lAur. mur.; in bronchitis, ICina; burning, Stram.; with burning during urination, Niccol.; with burning during urination, worse at night, I INatr. s.; after cardiac hypertrophy, 11 Aur. met.; in cardialgia, I IPhos.; in catarrh, ICepa; during chill, Ars.; after chill, passed nearly a chamberful during night, I ISyph.; with transient chilliness, IGels.; in chorea, ■ Agar.; clear, lyEthus, Eup. pur, IFerr, ■Helon.; clear, with carbuncles, in scorbutic individual, Mur. ac; clear, watery, during or after spell (epilepsy), ICup. m.; clear,after epileptic attack, Cup, m.; clear as water, sud- denly at night, after delirium, Stram.; clear, light, without relief, HEquiset; after coffee, ICain.; especially after drinking coffee, Oleand.; with nephritic colic, Coccus; color- less, ICham.; colorless, after hysteria, ISub; colorless, with hysterical headache, IMosch.; colorless, in afternoon, Rumex ; in coryza, ICepa; dark, ILil. tig.; in dentition, lApis ; in diabetes, Cop, HLact. ac, INatr. m., INatr. s, IPod, Sec, Tarax.; in diabetes insipidus, ■Kali n., ILye; in diabetes mellitus, IIKali br.; at first increased, afterward diminished, IKali c; in diphtheria, IIKali m.; three times as much as drink, especially morning, Amb.; in dropsy, I Aur. mur. nat; more than quantity of water drunk, Aur. met, IMere. sol, IRaph.; three times larger than quantity of fluid drank in twenty-four hours, IPhos. ac.; greater than quantity of water drunk, in dia- betes, IColoe; with dysmenorrhoea, Ascl. s.; in dyspepsia, lUran. n.; after eating, I IPuls.; in epilepsy, TArt. v.; in evening, Ars. h.; fol- lowing slight pain over left eye, with con- tracted feeling in throat, with eructation, lUran. n.; stinging over left eye when walk- ing in sun, or from strong odors, Selen.; fol- lowed by fainting, Cepa; fetid, IGuaiac; during fever, I IMed.; with fever (ascites), lAur. mur. nat.; in typhus, ITereb.; frequent, Cain.; frequent, in diabetes, Tarax.; frequent, eight or ten times a day, ICochb; frequent, every half hour (headache), ILac def; gastric neurosis, I IPhos.; pale, with gout, Eup. pert; with headache, Chin, s, ICinnab, IGlon, ILac def, I ISep., IVer.; after headache, Ascl. s.; in frontal headache, I IVib.; in nervous headache, Iris ; after nervous headache, Ascl. s.; relieves headache, IKalm, Sib; with head- ache and profuse sweat, IIAcon.; in heart disease, I Aur. mur.; with heat, ILye; in inter- mittent fever, IBry.; in typhus, IColch.; with heat, particularly in face, Ind.; in hydrotho- 39 rax, ISquilla; in hysterical complaint, IPuls.; followed by acute inflammation, Senecio; in- odorous (hysteria), ICed.; in intestinal spasm, I IOp.; with irritation of genito-urinary tract, lOxal. ac; with vesical irritation,Eup. pur.; in cirrhotic kidney, I I Plumb.; after pain in knee, Brach.; with leucorrhcea, INatr. e; with violent pains in lumbar region (diabetes), Tarant.; worse lying down, Ham.; in mania puerperalis, INux v.; in marasmus, I ISub; in melancholy after mortification Hgn.; in meningitis, Arn.; during menses, IPhyt.; at midnight, Coff; after midnight (enuresis), ISub; of months'duration, ICain.; in morn- ing, continual urging, no pain, Cain.; in in- flammation of mouth and fauces, ICinnab.; muddy, in syphilitic neuralgia, I ISyph.; re- lieves pain in navel (affection of sympathetic nervous system), HPhos.; in neuralgia, llris; in nervous disease, Alum, ICham.; in affec- tions of sympathetic nervous system, I IPhos.; in nervous women, Xan.; during night, Amm. m, Bapt, Calc. fl, ILacc, ILed., HPhyt, I IPlant, I ISang.; at night, with burning and scalding, 11 Uran. n.; at night, in diabetes, ■Arg.met.; in night, dropsy, lApis; during night, preceded by violent erection, Sinap.; high colored, strong smelling, in bed every night, thinks-it is in afterpart of night, as he is always wet in morning, overwork and too much heat or being in cold aggravates, 11 Med.; of strong odor, I lErig.; pale, Acet. ac, Brach. IIBry, Calc. fl., Cain, IDulc, Elat; Eup. perf, Kob.; pale, in diabetes, I IRatan.; pale, after headache, llris; pale, in nervous headache, llgn.; pale, during pregnancy, ICham.; pale, with urging, Staph.; pale, watery, 7rHelb; pale, watery, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Calc. fl.; in paralysis, ICepa; with paralysis of legs (diabetes), Tarant.; in preg- nancy, I IStann.; in prosopalgia, ICoccul., ■ Ign.; pale, watery, repeated regularly every hour, during afternoon and evening during menses, I IVib.; quantity, 30 to 35 ounces in twenty-four hours "(Bright's disease), IITereb.; 43 ounces in twenty-four hours, Brach.; 48 ounces in twenty-four hours, Brach.; 56 ounces in twenty-four hours,Brach.; five pints daily, Codein.; four or six pints in one night (diabetes mellitus), lArg. met.; nearly three quarts a day, IHelon.; four to six pounds daily, worse out doors exercising, Apis; four or five times normal amount, Arum d.; a gallon or more daily, JLye vir.; eight to twelve pints in twenty-four hours (diabetes), I IPhos.ae; sixteen pints in twenty- four hours (diabetes), 11 Uran. n. relieved; eight to ten quarts in twenty-four hours (dia- betes), HUran. n.; ten to eighteen pounds daily (diabetes), INatr. s.; eleven quarts a day (diabetes), ILye vir.; eighteen to twenty pounds in twenty-four hours (diabetes), ILact. ac.; passes chamberful of clear, five or six times during night (blue boils after glander poison- ing), TrAnthrae; several gallons a day, IAiioe; relieves pain in renal region, I IMed.; with recklessness, Mane; saccharine, ICar- bol. ae; followed by scanty dark-colored urine, with fever, 11 Uran. n.; in scarlatina, lArum. t; with brick-dust sediment, I INatr. s.; with flocculent sediment,Calc.p.; with shuddering, Stram.; during stool, Amm. m., Colch.; with 610 21. URINARY ORGANS. liquid stool, Cain.; after stool, Aloe; straw I color, Cact.; sweat on head, hands and feet, IPhos.; with clammy sweaton head and palms of hands, HPhos.; with thirst, IKali br.; throat dry, HStram.; with enormous increase of urea, Eucab; wuth urging, ICie, IColoe; with frequent urging, IIKreo.; with uric acid deposit, ILith.; in prolapsus uteri, lApis; in scirrhus uteri, I Arg. met.; with waterbrash and emaciation, INatr. m.; watery, in dropsy, 11 Senecio; watery, in evening, Lyss.; watery, during headache, Coloe ; watery, with nervous palpitation of heart, IMosch.; makes her weak, Act. rac; weakening, Benz. ac; with weakness, ICalep.; golden yellow color, Card. m. 8®*" diabetes. Urine, iridescent: g^f cuticle. Urine, jelly-like : Cina, ICrotal.; when poured out glides in a compact body from the vessel, IColoe 8@° thick. Urine, contains leucin: Hippoz. Urine, membranous: lAlum. BOP" mucus; Bladder catarrh. Urine, microscopic constituents : g®~ casts, epithelium. Urine, milky: HApis, I Aur. mur., Carbo v., ■Cina, Con, IDulc, IHep., Hod, ILil. tig., ■ Lye, Mere, IMur. ac, INitr. ae, IPhos., HPhos. ac, ISub; with prominent abdomen, ■Calc.; in afternoon, HAgar.; in albuminuria, 11 Uran. n.; like buttermilk, lAur. met.; curdled,cheesy masses,IPhos. ae; in diabetes, IColoe; after erysipelatous eruption, I Apis; in acute hydrocephalus, lApis; in hydro- cephalus, or meningitis infantum, lApis ; usually shortly before menses, IPhos. ac; after menses, INatr. m.; white, ICale; white, in pregnancy, I IStann.; on standing, IPhos. ae; on standing, in chorea, ICina. Bs5P* white. Urine, full of motes: Aspar. Urine, mucus: I Ante,Berb,Camph, ICanth., Con., Dulc, Equiset, lEucab, Indig, Lye vir, IMere, HNatr. m, INatr. s, INitr. ac, IINux v, IPareira, HPuls, HSars., HSep, IISul, Ver.; bloody, HChim. umb.: in ca- tarrh of bladder, Sal. ac, 11 Uva ursi ; in acute catarrh of bladder, IColoe; cells,Brach.; discharge periodical, not at each micturition, ■Sep.; in dysuria, lUva ursi; after exposure to damp cold, Cann. b; filaments under mi- croscope, corpuscles, and epithelium, Brach.; filaments, clouds and flocks, Coccus; mixed with filaments, afterwards thick and cloudy, Seneg.; filaments, flocks, or fleshlike pieces, ■ ■Mere cor.; large flakes of white, like jelly, Brom.; fleshlike lumps, IMere; in gonorrhoea, with cystitis, IMere; mixed with phosphates in sediment (vesical catarrh), IIBenz. ae; muddy, reddish yellow, IGlon.; in enlarge- ment of prostate, IBenz. ae; purulent, IDulc; ropy, HChim. umb, IKali bb; sediment, Aloe, lAlum, Ascl. t, I Aur. met, Berb, IDulc, IFerr, IKali bi, IKali c, IPuls.; sedi- ment, adhering firmly to vessel, IIPuls.; be- fore menses,ILach.; sediment brown, Thuya ; sediment, in catarrh of bladder, ICanth.; sediment, clear, IBerb.; sediment, in cysti- tis, nephritis, dropsy, etc., IChim.umb.; sedi- ment, in dysentery,ICop, ISenecio; sediment copious, in dysuria, IChim. umb.; sediment, in typhoid fever, I IPhos.; sediment grayish, more than one-third its quantity, sediment shows alkaline reaction, produces flakes on boiling, nitric acid gives it pink color (cysto- blennorrhoea),! I Uva ursi; sediment,in excess, indicating inflammation, Eup. pur.; sedi- ment, in liver complaint, ICheb; sediment, muco-purulent, IChim. umb., Hyos.; sedi- ment quickly deposits (acute catarrh of bladder), IColoe; sediment tenacious, I ISub; sediment thick, IBerb.; sediment thick, muddy (vesical catarrh), ITereb.; sediment, white, Kali m.; sediment, yellowish (sperma- torrhoea), IITereb.; shreds, in catarrh of bladder, 11 Seneg.; on standing, great excess, ■Equiset.; shreds and strings of blood on diaper, I IRheum ; tenacious, INux v.; thick, HChim. umb, IHam., IIPareira; thick, occasionally bloody (gravel), ILye; thick, brown, tenacious (dysentery),ICop.; sediment thick, reddish (nephritis),IKali e; thick,whit- ish-yellow, HSep.; loaded with thick, tena- cious (chronic catarrh), I IPareira; long threads, floating, Brach.; urine exhibiting mucus at bottom of vessel, which is drawn into threads by shaking, Crott.; toughj'elly- like, white or red, mixed with blood, IDulc; sediment tough, can be drawn out into strings, Coloe; tough, in threads, Berb.; de- tached tissue, in bronchial and vesical ca- tarrh, ICop.; viscid, I IPareira; viscid, in bronchial and vesical catarrh, ICop.; sedi- ment, like well water, INatr. e; white, UPareira. 8®° Bladder catarrh. Urine, muddy: I ILye vir, IRhus ; in cardial- gia and headache, IKali e; during climaxis, 11 Zinc.; in cysto-blennorrhoea, I I Uva ursi ; in intermittent, INatr. m.; in traumatic men- ingitis, IHyper.; like muddy water, Sabad. B@°" turbid. Urine, odor: acrid, I IRhod.; alkaline, Coccus ; ammoniacal, 11 Amm. m. Ant. t, IIAsaf, I Aur. met, IIBor, Cain, Calc, Carbo a, ICarbo v, Chel., Coccus, Dig, Graph, Hod, Kreo, HMosch, INitr. ac. Petrol, IPhos, Rhod, 11 Stront, Viol, t; ammoniacal, in al- buminuria, I lUran. n.; ammoniacal,in chronic catarrh of bladder, I IPareira; ammoniacal, in inflammation of brain, I Mereviv.; ammoniacal, in gastric nervous fever, ILach.; ammoniacal, after checked gonorrhoea, ICoca ; ammoniacal, in parenchymatous iritis, I ISib: ammoniacal, in myelitis, IDulc; ammoniacal, in smallpox, HVar.; ammoniacal, stains sheets very dark, IFerr.; aromatic, Benz. ac; like burnt horn, Arum m.; cadaverous, Benz. ae; ca- daverous, when dark colored and cloudy, Coccus; camphor, Camph.; of cat urine, Aspar, Jacea, Viol.t; coffee, Berb.; as if decomposed, ■Hydras.; sweetish, in diabetes, lArg. met; rotten eggs, IDaph.; fetid, 11 Agar, I I Amb, HApis, lArs, IIBapt, Bar. m., Bor, ICale, Camph., ICarbo a, ICarbo v, IChim. umb, IIColoc, llCupr, Dros, IIDulc, Fluor, ac, IGraph, I IGuaiac, IKali c, I I Kreo, I IMere, Murex, INatr. c, INitr. ac, INuxv, I IPetrol, Phos, IPhos. ae, I IPlumb, IPuls, IIRhod, Sec, HSep., Stann, IISul, ITereb, HUran. n, I Viol, t.; fetid, in asthma, IMeph.; fetid, in cystitis, Tarant.; fetid, in cvsto-blennor- rhoea, I lUva ursi; fetid, in dysentery, lArs.; fetid, in fever, pulse 130 (diphtheria), ICarbol. ac; fetid, in typhoid, ITereb, IVer. v.; fetid, 21. URINARY ORGANS. 611 in typhus, IIBapt., IINitr. ac; fetid, with frequent urination, I IPetrol.; fishy, Astac, Oban, Uran. n.; fragrant, in eighth month of pregnancy, I IRheum ; garlic, Cup. ars.; like horse urine, INatr. e, INitr. ac; highly inten- sified, IIBenz. ac, Fluor, ac, Ind.; offensive, Anthrok., Arn., lAspar., llBenz. ac, Bufo., Calad, ICale, Carbo a., Chen, v., ICup. m., INitr.ac, IPhos.,I IPhos. ae, I IPuls.,I IRhod, HSep, ISul, Var.; offensive, in catarrh of bladder, Sal. ae; offensive, in vesical catarrh, IIBenz. ac; offensive, scrofulous, glandular swelling, IBar. m.; offensive, horribly, after standing a short time, I llnd.; offensive, in intermittent, lEup. pert; offensive, during menses, INitr. ac.; offensive, in myelitis, IDulc; offensive, in pemphigus, IDulc; of- fensive, in scarlet fever, IDulc; offensive sediment, ICaust.; offensive, with sediment (impotence, gleet), ICalad.; offensive, in ty- phoid), ISub; like raw meat, IPhos. ac; mouldy, 11 Amm. m.; musty, 11 Amm. m., Camph.; like onions, Gamb.; like otorrhoea, lAur. met.; peculiar, Aspar, lAur. mur., Hyper.; penetrating, Calc. p.; pungent, I Asaf., HBor., Calc. fl., Fluor, ac, Kob, ■ Merc; pungent, dribbling, afternoon and evening, ILye; pungent, in dysuria, lUva ursi ; putrid, (Benz. ac.; putrid, in meningi- tis, ISep.;resinous, I IChel.; rotten, in typhus, I Ars.; like saffron tea, Iodof; sour, Amb., Benz.ae,ICale,Chel,Colch, 11 Graph, IMere, INatr. c, Petrol, HSep.; sour, in whooping cough, I Amb.; sour, in enuresis nocturna, ■Merc; like sour milk (catarrh of stomach), HSep.; sour, in stomatitis, INatr. e; stale, ICarbo v.; strong, I Ant. t, A spar, Carbol. ac. Cup. a., Kob.,IMed.,IMere,Thlaspi,I IThuya, Zing.; strong, in cholera infantum, ICale; strong, in diarrhoea of children, IIBenz. ac; strong, in diphtheria, ILach.; strong, in diph- theria, scarlatina, ILach.; strong, in dyspep- sia, I INitr. ae; strong, in chronic passive hemorrhage from kidneys, I I Tereb.; strong, in a few hours, Cinch, bob; strong, on being voided (syphilis), INitr.ac; sweet, Nux m, Tereb.; in prolapsus uteri, IBenz. ac; in scirrhus uteri, I Arg. met.; like valerian, with white sediment and discharge of mucus, after urination, I I Murex; violets, Cop, Cub, Eu- cab, Inul, ITereb.; violets, in evening, Osm. 8®*" odorless. Urine, odorless: Bell, Chloral, Dros.; acrid deposits, dirty white sediment, with frequent urging, ISpong.; in diabetes, Camph.; in epi- leptiform convulsions, ICed.; with fetid mu- cous stool, Dros. Urine, oily: B@" cuticle. Urine, contains oxalate of lime: Brach,ICaust, Lye vir.; in albuminuria, ITereb.; in desqua- mative nephritis, I IPlumb. 8"®"" sediment. Urine, pale: Act. rac, lAgar, lAlum, Amb, I Amm. c, 11 Anac, I Ang., Anthrok., Ant. c. Ant. t. Apis, Apoe, lArn, Ars, lArs. h, IIAsaf, Ascl. s, Astac, Aur. met, IBell, I IBism., Brach., Bry, Calc, Cann, Canth, ICarbo v., Caulo, Caust, Cham., I ICheb, HCinch, HCoccul, Cochl, IColch, IColoe, HCon, I IDig., Dros, I IDulc, Erig, Euph, Eup. pur. Gels, Hell, Helon., IHep, Hyos, llgn, lllod, Jatroph., IKali br. Kali c. Kali iod., IIKali nit, I IKreo., I ILach, ILac def, I ILaur, ILye, IMagn. e, Magn. m. Mar. v, Merc, IIMerc. cor, Mez., Mosch., IIMur. ac, Natr. e, INatr. m, IINatr. p, ■ Nitr.ac, INux v., 01. an., Op., Paris, Phell, IPhos, I IPhos. ac, Phyt, IPlant, I IPlat, Plumb, Polyg, IPuls, Rheum, IIRhod., IRhus, Rumex, Samb, Sang, Sarrae, ISars, ISee, Sep, Spig, Spong, ISquilla, HStaph., IStram, IStront, I ISul, Sul. ac. Thuya, Ver. v., I IVib, I IZinc, Zing.; in albuminuria, I I Uran. n.; in cardialgia and headache, IKali e; in cerebral disturbance, ICroe; clear, relieves headache, llgn.; becoming cloudy, ICinch.; in diabetes, Camph, INatr. s., Tarax.; in diabetes insipidus, ILye, Squilla (8®** diabetes); excessive, frequent, ILye; during bilious headache, 11 Pod.; in sick headache, ILac def.; in mania puerperalis, ■Nux v.; in nervous diseases, Alum., ICham.; at night, Crot. t; especially during night, ILye; in phlegmasia alba dolens, INatr. s.; in pregnancy, HStann.; followed by thick, whitish purulent matter with burning (cys- titis), INux v.; in rheumatism, lArs.; in scarlatina, lArum t, ISee; in stricture, IClem.; with white sediment, IRhus; after sugar water, Ant. t.; with frequent urging, IIKreo.; in scirrhus uteri, I Arg. met.; color- less, I Apoe, TrAtrop. s. Arum in. Bell, Calend, Camph., Cann. b, ICham., Codein, ICoff., Crotal, IKreo, Lyss, Med, HNatr. m., INux v., I IPlant., Sarrae, ISars, ISil, Ustil., Zing.; colorless, in chorea, (Agar.; colorless, during dentition (diarrhoea), 11 Apis ; colorless, in facial neuralgia, HSep.; color- less, in gastric neurosis, 11 Phos.; colorless, in headache, ILac def, HSep.; colorless, in hysterical complaints, IPuls.; in leucorrhcea, ICaust; filled with mucus, in cystitis, Med.; in neuralgia, I INux v.; in nervous women, Xan.; in acute rheumatism, I ICheb; straw colored, Anag, Apoe, I Aspar, Caulo., ICup. m., Oxal. ae, Polyg., Sinap, I I Uran. n.; straw colored, in diarrhoea and typhus, lApis. 8®"*" albumen, clear, copious, diabetes, watery. Urine, pellicle : 8®* cuticle. Urine, phosphates: Brach., Chin, s., Colch., IFerr. m., IKali br., Natr. a., IPhos., IPhos. ae, Pic.ac, IPtel, Stann.; ammonium mag- nesium phosphate in excess, IRaph.; in Bright's disease, 11 Phos. ae; in catarrh of bladder, ICanth.; deficiency, or excess, IMagn. p.; loaded with earthy, in typhoid, HPhos. ae; loaded with acid, in amblyopia potatorum, IITereb.; responds to tests for phosphates, earthy phosphate, and chloride of sodium, Sarrae; trifle, Brach.; in cystitis, IMed. 8®" sediment. Urine, contains pus: ICann. s., HCanth., HClem., Con, IDaph, Lye, IMere, INatr.s., INitr. ac, INux v., I IPuls., Sabad., Sep., Sib, Sub; with blood and mucous epithelium (catarrh of bladder), Sal. ac.; with blood, in cystitis, lArs.; in catarrh of bladder, HUva ursi; in cystitis, I Ars.; in gonorrhoeal cysti- tis, IMere; in nephritis, HArn.; in kidney disease, with painful urging,IHep.;in enlarge- ment of prostate, IBenz. ac. 8®°" sediment; also Bladder and Kidneys inflammation. Urine, reaction : neutral, Hydras. 8®** acid, alkaline. 612 21. URINARY ORGANS. Urine, red: Ascl. t, yEthus., Agar., I lAnt.c, Apis, Ars. h., Arund., Badiag, IBerb, ICact, ■Camph., Cann. s., HCanth., Caps, Carbo v., ■ Cepa, ICheb,Colch,I lElaps, IDulc, IGrat, Hod, Iris, ILye, Merc,, iod. rub., IMur. ae, IOp., I IPuls., IRhus, ISars, ISub, I ITubere, Thuya, Vespa, Zinc; in angina faucium, ILach.; in articular rheumatism, ITereb.; in ascites, I IRheum ; like blood, Bell, ICham., ICrotal., Crot. t, IHep, Kali iod. Pic. ae; like blood, plentifully charged with corpus- cles, 11 Ferr.; like blood, after scarlatina, IHelb; contains blood corpuscles, Ars. h.; bluish, in erysipelas, 11 Rhus ; brick color, Chim. umb.; bright, Bov.; bright, like arterial blood, Apis; brownish, I I Aph. ch, lAnt.c, Bell, IChel, IHep.: in cardialgia, IGrat.; and clear, lAcon.; in colic, Alum, Ant. e; red (potter's colic), lAlum.; dark, Ant. sub aur, lArg. nit, Ars. h, Bapt., Benz. ac, ICup. m., ■Ferr, IHep, Ipec, ILye, Merc. iod. flav., IINatr. s, IPareira, IPolyg, HSep.; dark with arthritis, IINatr. p.; dark, like blood, Tereb.; dark, with blood, Crotal.; dark, or bloody, containing much albumen (scarla- tina), ILye; dark brownish, I Ant. t; dark brownish, with much reddish sediment, ILact. ac; dark, but clear, in pneumonia, I IStram.; dark, in cystitis, Tarant.; dark, in diarrhoea of children, HBenz. ae; dark, in bilious fever, ICrotal.; dark, contains floccu- lent matter, ICycb; dark, in hydrothorax, ■Squilla; dark, in morning, Thuya; dark, at night, offensive, depositing mucous sediment, ■Mosch.; dark, strong odor, during day, yEsc. h.; dark, after standing, small points rise to surface, Ascl. t; dark, with copious sediment, ILobel. b; dark, with sediment, greasy-looking pellicles, Paris ; dark, stains vessels, hard to remove, Phyt.; dark, soon turbid and fetid, ■Mere sob; dark, with urging, Ant. t.; dark, in urticaria, ICop.; in delirium tremens, HStram.; like blood, a few drops, IRhus; in dropsy of uterus, ICamph.; in dysentery, ■Cop.; in evening, HSelen.; with white feces, ■ Aeon.; fiery, IMere; a thick, red, fleshy sub- stance, Paris ; fiery, in desquamative nephri- tis, I IPlumb.; in gastricism, IKali c; with hectic, • Calc. s.; in hepatitis,IMere; dark,in hydrocephalus, Art. v.; inflammatory,IBerb.; in intermittent, INatr. m.; in tertian inter- mittent, I INux v.; in laryngitis, ICheb; in liver complaint, lArn.; in liver complaint and nephritis, IChel.; in lung affections, IKali n.; in metrorrhagia, by admixture of blood, I ISabina; in nephritis, I ISenecio; in des- quamative nephritis, HPlumb.; or orange, with dull aching in lumbar region, ILept; with pain across back, IKali bb; pinkish, IBry.; in pneumonia, lAnt. t, IIPuls.; with pressure to urinate, at night, INux v.; stains, withprostatitis,ISep.; in rheumatism,IColch, IDulc; in acute rheumatism. I IChel.; hot, in rheumatism, or peritonitis, IIAcon.; to satu- ration, Ascl.t; scanty, in phlebitis, IHam.; dirty, in scarlatina, lApis, ICarbol. ac; with sediment, IKreo., INux v.; with sediment, in nephritic colic, 11 Pareira ; sediment, urine covered with a shining pellicle, IPetrol.; like blood, with white sediment and cuticle on surface, HSep.; in spinal diseases, lAlum.; stains a rose tea-color, difficult to remove, Variol.; in induration of uterus, ICarbo a.; with white clouds, Plat.; yellowish, IPtel, Sumb.; yellowish, upper stratum yellow and flocculent (catarrh of bladder, 11 Seneg.; yel- lowish, in peritonitis, IIAcon. 8@° dark, high-colored, sediment. Urine, retention: HAcon, HApis, Apoe, ■Am, I Ars, Atrop. s, Aur. met, IBelb, Bism, ICamph, HCanth, Caps., Caust, •Chim. umb., Cie, Cinnam., Cinch., Coloe, Con, Cop., Cupr, Dig, Dory., IDulc, Graph, Ham, IHep, IHyos., Hyper., Illie, IIKali iod, ILaur, HLvc, INuxv., HOp, IPlumb, IPuls, IRhus, Ruta, See, IStram, ISub, Ver.; in albuminuria, I Apis; from atony, IHelb; from atony of fundus, Tereb.; bladder full, IOp.; after a blow in ovarian region, IHam.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IHydr. ac, I ITarant.; almost complete, Ferr. mur.; in little children, with fever, Ferr. ph.; in nurs- ing children, after passion of nurse, IOp.; in young children, ICaust.; in cholera Asiatica, HVer.; after catching cold, ICop.; from cold, especially in children with crying and rest- lessness, HAcon.; with spasmodic cough day and night (nervous affection), IMagn.p.; in chronic cystitis, I Ars.; in evening, Bor.; from exertion, HArn.; after exposure to rain and sitting in a cold room, urine when drawn by catheter was quite bloody, 11 Puis.; after fall- ing down stairs, I IRhus.; with fever, Ferr. ph.; in fever, or acute illness, IOp.; from fright, ■Op.; in suppressed gout, Cochl.; with heat in region of bladder and uneasy pain in abdomen, accompanied by urinary tenesmus, IPuls.; for thirty-six hours, IMere; in infants, Benz. ac.; in locomotor ataxia, lArg. nit.; chiefly caused by blunting of lining of membrane of neck of bladder so that fulness is not recognized by patient, IOp.; in nephritis, ISabina; in des- quamative nephritis, I IPlumb.; obstinate, lllod.; in chronic ovaritis, Hod.; painful, Crotal, ISars.; painful, brought on by slight- est exposure to cold (catarrh in bladder), ICaust.; painful, in suppressed gonorrhoea, HCanth.; painful, in prolapsus uteri, Aur. met.; painless, INitr. ae; after pains go from limbs to bowels, Act. rac; from paralysis, ICie, ILaur,' ILye, IRhus, IStaph.; causes paralysis of bladder, ICaust; paretic condi- tion, I IOp.; in parotitis, Dory.; post-partum, I Ars., IBell, IOp, I IPuls.; "with constant, IHyos.; with enlargement of prostate,Pareira; from swelling of prostate, IChim. umb.; in pruritus vulvae, HTarant.; in scarlatina, Sec.; almost complete, in scarlatina, IKali m.; with spasm of bladder (cystitis), ICaps.; spasmodic, IGels, INux v.; spasmodic, with dysentery, IMagn.p.; spasmodic, in gonorrhoea, IITereb.; spasmodic, after suppressed gonorrhoea, INux v.; spasmodic, better by application of hot cloths to chest, which however is followed by syncope(occipito-intercostal neuralgia), IChin. a.; from contraction of sphincter or paralysis of fundus, IOp.; with stone in bladder, I IMil- lef. ; with involuntary stool, after miscarriage, I ISub; after straining awhile a few drops are passed, no stream being formed, Stram.; with retraction of testicles, Coloe; from tobacco, IOp.; in typhus and after parturition, I Ars.; with constant urgency, I IPuls.; with frequent urging, few drops dribble, HCaust; with sen- 21. URINARY ORGANS. 613 sation as if urine could not be passed on ac- count of narrowness of urethra, Strain.; in displacement of uterus, Tarant. B®° Bladder, paralysis, spasm; Urination, in drops, in- ability, insufficient, slow. Urine, scalding: B®° hot; also During urina- tion, burning. Urine, scanty: B@** decreased. Urine, scum : 8®° cuticle. Urine, sediment: Card, m.; adhesive, red, in intercostal neuralgia, HStann.; black, in chronic passive hemorrhage from kidneys, I ITereb.; bloody, IPuls.; bluish red, Ars. h.; branlike, Ced.; brick dust, Act. rac. Apis, 11 Arn, Aur. mur, I IBenz. ae, I IBry, IChin. s, ICinch, IDig, IILobel. i, IIMerc. cor., INatr. m., IOp, IPareira, Pic. ac, HSep, Thuya ; brick dust, adhesive, Coccus ; brick dust, adhesive (irritable bladder), HSep.; brick dust, in asthma, IMeph.; brick dust, in bronchitis, ICaust.; brick dust, during cli- maxis, I IZinc; brick dust, in conjunctivitis, HSep.; brick dust, in acute cystitis, ILye; brick dust, with copious urination, I INatr. s.; brick dust, in enuresis of children, IPlant.; brick dust, often with gout, INatr. s.; brick dust, in hydrothorax acutus, I Ars.; brick dust, in quotidian intermittent, 11 Ver.; brick dust, in paralysis agitans, HTarant.; brick dust, in renal inflammation, 11 Senecio ; brick dust, in rheumatism,I I Act. sp., I Ant. t; brick dust, in urticaria, ICop.; brick dust, in prolapsus uteri, lArn.; bright red, IBerb.; brown,Lobeb i; dark brown, I.Esc h.; dark brown, copi- ous, I All. sat.; brown, dark, in pericarditis, HSpig.; brown, gravelly, ILach.; brown, thick, in nephritis, I Arn.; with calculous diathesis, IBenz. ae; chalklike, 11 Phyt.; chalky,Ananth,Chel.; clay colored, Amm. in., IBerb, Chin, s., I ISep.; clay colored, adhe- sive, in meningitis, ISep.; depositing whitish claylike sediment, Eup.pert; coarse, HSelen.; like coffee grounds, HApis, IIHelb; like cof- fee grounds, top part clear, IHelb; like coffee grounds, in dropsy, after scarlatina, I Amb.; like coffee grounds, in scarlatina, ILach.; con- cretions of urate of ammonia, IBenz. ae; copious, IChim. umb, Coloe; copious, in anasarca, lArs.; copious, burning, after urina- tion, ICop.; copious, when cold, IColoe; co- pious, in flatulent dyspepsia, I ISal. ae; copi- ous, in jaundice, iBerb.; copious, in septic diseases, ITarant.; hard1 crust, difficult to scrape from vessel, I ISep.; crystals, as if mingled with brick dust, ILye; brownish crystals formed about at spot where cloud was seen, and were deposited on walls of vessel, after standing twenty-four hours, Crot. t; bright red crystals, Ferr. m.; small, hard, reddish crystals, adhesive, Coloe; dark, in bilious fever, ICrotal.; with dysenteric diar- rhoea, IColoe; dingy, ICinch.; earthy, Mang.; fibrous, dirty, lAlum.; flesh colored, Coloe; flocculent IBerb., IHep.; furfura- ceous, Berb.; gelatinous, I Berb., Coloe; with gouty diathesis, IBenz. ac; gravel- like, in cystitis, Tarant.; gray, Con.; gray sand, IPhos.; gray, sandy (dropsy after scar- let fever), IPhos.; gray, in typhoid, IIPuls.; greasy, Chin, s.; greasy, adhesive, Aspar.; gritty, See; in nervous headache, INaja; jellylike, Berb, Coloe, IPuls.; light, Bell.; loaded with lithates (cerebrospinal menin- gitis), ILye; lithates, in dyspepsia, HVer.; lithates, in liver trouble, I IPod.; lithates, in supraorbital neuralgia, IChin. s.; lithic acid, lAspar.; lithic acid, -Chim. umb.; lithic, I ISep.; lithic, with gout, INatr. s.; loamy, in gravel, ILye; loose, ICinch.; mealy, IBerb.; in morning, Ars. h.; entangled with mucus, Coccus; muddy, IHep.; peculiar, lAur. mur.; a cloud of phosphates, when heated, Bell.; pink, IBerb.; pink, in ascites, IIRheum; pink, in functional derangement of liver, I ISep.; pinkish, ICinch.; red,powdery, Agar, lAmm. e, Ars. m, Aur. mur., Bapt, Camph, Carbo v., Chim. m, Cimex, IGlon, Ipec, IKali e, Kob, IMez, INatr. s., Pallad, IPhos, IPsor, HSelen, HSep., Tereb, Vab; red, adhesive, Brom, ICimex, IDaph.; red, in arthritic affections, Alum.; blood red, I ISep.; red crystals, lArg. nit; dark red, ad- hesive, Coca; dark red, dirty with pain, Dory.; red, in gastralgia, probably due to me- tallic poisoning, I ISul. ac; red, gelatinous, Ars. h.; red, granular, ILye; light red, Apis ; red, in paralysis, lArn.; red, heavily loaded, pinkish, half floating, and a substance like brick dust (intermittent), Lye; red, in pruri- tus vulvae, I ITarant.; red sand, Cact, IILyc, INux v., IPhos., UPareira, ISib; red sand, in renal colic, IILyc.; red, sandy, IIArs, Arund, Hyos.;red,intyphilitis, ILach.;yellowish, red in quotidian intermittent,IIpee; reddish,Apis, Astac, Bell, Lyss, INuxv, IPuls, Sang., HSep, Ver. v.; reddish, adhesive, Aspar.; reddish, abundant, in bronchial and vesical catarrh, ICop.; dark, reddish brown deposit, ILith.; thick reddish or mahogany colored, with floating jellylike flocks, Laur.; after kidney complaints, IBerb.; reddish, in liver complaint, ICheb; reddish, in peritonitis, ILach.; reddish, thick, adhesive, in different colored circles, ILacc; reddish, thin, adhe- sive, ICup. m.; reddish, sandy, in typhoid, ILye; reddish white, Tereb.; rose colored, Ars. h.; feathery oblong, sixsided, silvery white crystals of salicyluric acid, Sab ac.; sandy, Amm.e, Ars. m., Arund, Cepa, INatr. s., HSars., HSelen, I ITubere, I IZinc; sandy, in intermittent fever, INatr. m.; sandy, in nephritis, IChelid.; yellow or reddish sand, ILye; sticking to vessel, IPuls.; thick, ICamph, ISpong.; thick, in dysentery, ICop.; tough, lAlum.; white, thick, Alum.; slight, transparent, IBerb.; urates, llpec; violet, Bov., Mang.; violet, earthy, lAnt. t; vis- cid, Coloe; white, Act. sp., yEthus, I Berb, 7rBar. m., Bry, Camph., ICanth, ICinch, Colch, Con, Euphor., IHep., IKreo., IMagn. c, I I Mitch, rep, I IPlant, ISars., HSep, Vab; white, adhesive film, HSep.; snow white, ur- ate of ammonia, IRhus; like white cheese, Sec; white, in coxalgia, I IPhos.; white floc- culent, Aspar.; white, flocculent, composed of phosphate and carbonate of lime, Benz. ae; grayish white granular, ICanth.; white,phos- iphate of magnesia, Agar.; white, mealy, ICab; white, in morning, INatr. s.; white, urine covered with a shining pellicle,IPetrol.; white, thick, as if flour had been stirred in, IMere; white, thick, in pruritus vulvae, I ITarant.; white, thick, urine dark, IFerr. iod.; whitish, Amm. e, ICale, Spig.; whitish, adhesive, 614 21. URINARY ORGANS. Brom.; whitish gray, I Berb.; sediment whitish or purple, IFluor. ae; like yeast, ICaust.; like yeast, with yellow turbid urine, IRaph.; yel- low, ICham, ICinch, INatr. s.; yellow dirty, in nephritis, IKali iod, IKali m.; yellow floc- culent, Kob.; yellow red crystals, Berb.; sandy yellow, ISib; straw yellow, IChin. s.; yellow, in syphilitic headache, I IThuya; whitish yel- low,Lyss.; whitish yellow, copious (indurated pancreas), ICarbo a.; yellowish, ICup.m.; yel- lowish, like bran, Aloe; yellowish,clay colored, adhesive, IFerr.; yellowish, in parenchy- matous iritis, I ISib; yellowish pasty, HSep.; yellowish red, in bilious fever, ICrotal.; yel- lowish thick, I I Aph. ch.; yellowish white, gelatinous adhesive (phthisis), ICoca. 8®"" mucus, oxalate of lime, phosphates. Urine, contains serum: IJacea; spermatozoa, Lye vir. Urine, smoky : Crotal, IITereb.; from admix- ture of fluid blood, ICrotal.; deep, opalescent color (Bright's disease), I ITereb. 8®° cloudy. Urine, specific gravity: 1.002, I I Plumb. ;1.004, Brach.; 1.005,1.019,1.020,Act. rac; 1.008,Brach.; 1.012, Amyb; 1.012 to 1.021, Lye vir.; 1.014, Amyb; 1.016, Amvl, I IMere cor., HPlumb.; 1.018,1.020, 1.024," 1.025, 1.030, Sarrae; 1.017, I IPlumb.; 1.018, in Bright's disease, I ITereb.; 1.019,Vib.; 1.020,1 Amyl.,Brach.; 1.021,1 IA7ib.; 1.023,Brach.;1.024,Brach.;1.025,Sinap,IIXan., 1.028, in amblyopia potatorum, I ITereb.; 1.030, in diabetes, I IPhos. ae; 1.034, Brach.; 1.040, Codein, Mitch, rep.; 1.044, 11 Uran. nit.; de- creased, in two cases—in one, from 1.042 to 1.030,in another,from 1.039 to 1.031 (diabetes), lUran. n.; 1.103, in diabetes, INatr. s.; high, HArn., Ascl. s, Benz. ae, Dig., Eup. pur, Helon, ILye vir, Phyt, Pic. ae, Puis, Sar- rae, Senecio; low, Ascl. s., Eryng., Eup. pur., Puis., Ver. v., Vib. Urine, floating dark specks: I IHell. Urine, staining diaper: IMere; in jaundice of infants, lElat. 8€^° sediment. Urine, straw-colored: 8®° light. Urine, sugar: 8®" diabetes. Urine, poor in sulphates: Pic. ac. Urine, suppressed: IIAcon, Ars. h, I Arum t, Aur. met, ^Aur. mur. nat, Bell., Bism., Bufo., ICamph., ICarbo v., ICie, Colch., Crotal., ICup. ac, ICup. m., Diad., Elaps, lElat, lErig, I lEucab, lEup. pur, IHell, IHydras, Hyose, IKali bi, ILye, IMerecor, Merccy.. IOp,Osm, IPhos., I IPlumb., IPod, IRob, HStram, I ITarax, Tereb, IVer.; in ascitis, I Apis ; in cholera, Crotal, ICup. ac, IJatroph., ILaur.; in second stage of cholera, ICup. m.; after cholera, IKali bi.; in cholera Asiatica, IIArs, ICarbo v.; in Asiatic cholera, first stage, IIKali br.; in cholera infantum, ILaur., ISub; in cholerine, lyEthus.; with cramps and neuralgic pains, lElat.; two days, Diad.; for twelve days, Urt. ur.; for fifteen days, HTarant; in diarrhoea, I IPod., ISil, HSec; with muco-purulent diarrhoea, IIKali br.; in diphtheria, Hgn.; in dropsy, IIDig, IHelb; left ear runs matter, Calend.; left ear painful (otorrhoea), Calend.; in erysipelas fades et capitis, I IStram.; in fever, ICact.; in yellow fever, HCanth.; after gonorrhoea, with restlessness, ICamph.; congestive headache, Ascl. s.; with splitting headache (otorrhoea), Calend.; for twelve hours, Cup. s.; for twenty- four hours, I IPuls.; for twenty-four hours, in erysipelas erratica, IHydras.; for forty-seven and three quarter hours,in diphtheria, 11 Lac c; for forty-eight hours, in acute mania, ICanth.; in hydrocephaloid, HApis; in infants, new- born, HCamph.; in meningitis, IStram.; in meningitis infantum, I Apoe; in metritis and puerperal fever, ILach.; in myelitis, IIAcon.; during night, in puerperal fever, I IPuls.; with pains in bladder, during fever when sweat fails (intermittent), ICact; in phlebitis, IHam.; in pneumonia, IKali iod.; with pain in renal region. Kali bi.; in scarlatina, lAilant, ILach, HPhyt; in scarlet fever, IDulc; in stupor, ISub; in typhus, I Apis, IColch, Crotal.; in sore throat, ILac e 8®° diminished, re- tention, uraemia, Kidneys inactive. Urine, thick: Ast. r, Benz. ac, ICarbo v., ICaust, IChim, Con, IDaph., IDig, IHep, Hod., ILac def, I ILye vir., Mere iod. rub, INux v, IPhos, IPsor, IIRhus, HSep, I ISpong., I ISub, I IVer, Zing.; acid, IIMerc. cor.; in inflammation of brain, IMere viv.; in bronchial and vesical catarrh, ICop.; from catheter (angina pectoris), lApis; cloudy on cooling (catarrh of bladder), I ISeneg.; coag- ulates, on cooling, IColoe; coagulates, on standing (diabetes), IColoe; in chronic vom- iting, llpec; in dysuria, lUva ursi; flow in- terrupted, IPhos. ac; in gastralgia probably due to metallic poisoning, I ISub ae; in hydrocephalus, Art. v.; in jaundice, IPhos.; like jelly, on standing, Cochl.; like milk (chyluria) or lime water with whitish curds, with stringy bloody lumps (diabetes), I IPhos. ae; in traumatic meningitis, IHyper.; like muddy water, Sabad.; in nephritis, HArn.; like oil, Coccus; in articular rheumatism, ITereb.; scanty, with mucus and disinteg- rated blood corpuscles (typhoid), ITereb.; in septic diseases, ITarant.; with red sedi- ment, Elaps; semi-solid, on standing (inter- mittent fever), ICina; on standing, ICham, IMere sob, Tereb.; on standing as if mixed with clay, lAlum.; on standing a short time, IBry.; stiffening linen, IHam, IHelon.; like yeast, IMosch. Urine, contains torulae: Ammoniac. Urine, turbid: Agar, Amb, I Ant. c, I Ant. t, HApis, lArn, Aspar, lAur. met, Aur. mur. Bell, Berb., Bov., Brom, IIBry., ICact., Calc fl., Camph, Canh. s., ICanth., Carbo v., ICard. m, ICaust, HCham, ICheb, Chin, s., Cina, ICinch, ICoccus, Colch, IColoe, Con., Cop, Crot. t, ICup.m, IDaph, IDig., IDulc, IIGraph, IGrat, IHep, Hyos., Hyper., I Hgn., Indig, Ipec, Jacea, IKali c. Kali n., ILye, IMere, I IMez, IMvr. cer, INatr. m, INitr.ac, Pallad., HPetrol, IPhos., HPhos. ac, I IPlat, HPlumb, IPsor, Puis, Ratan., IRhus, Robin, ISabad, Seneg, HSep, ISil, ISub. Sul. ac, Vab, Var.. Zinc; with asthma, ICoccus ; like turbid beer, ILve; as if mixed with black dust (after scarlatina), IBelb; in catarrh of bladder, 11 Uva ursi; in acute ca- tarrh of bladder, IColoe; looking like remains in a cider barrel, INitr. ae; like clay water, ISars.; when cold, IColoe; in convulsions, ICup. m.; in coxalgia, I IPhos.; in cystitis, lArs.; in diphtheria, after scarlatina, ICon.; in diabetes, I Arg. met; dirty color, in diph- 21. URINAR theria, ILach.; in dropsy, I Aur. mur, IRhus; as if mixed with dust, IKali c; in enteritis, HAcon.; in typhoid fever, IVer. v.; as if mixed with flour (hydrocephalus), ISub; as if mixed with flour, containing stringy, jelly- like masses, IPhos. ac; in gravel, ILye; in hydrocephalus, Art. v.; in intermittent fever, Cina; lEup. perf, ISamb.; in jaundice, IBerb.; in chronic jaundice,|Iod.; fermenting, in typhoid fever, I IPhos.; with leucorrhcea, I IGraph.; like lime water, ICale; in affection of liver, IMagn. m.; like loam water, Bov., Sul. ac; in lung affections, IKali n.; milky, with offensive purulent sediment (cystitis), IILyc; in morning, Zinc; in morning, after evening fever, Meph.; in morning and even- ing, Lyss.; from admixture of mucus, IPuls.; with mucus deposit, ILith.; in nephritis, ICheb, IKali m.; in nephritis and gout, IColch.; painful to discharge, in cardialgia, IGrat; in pemphigus, IDulc; in peritonitis, ILach.; more profuse, Aur. mur. nat.; red, Agnus; in acute rheumatism, I ICheb; in scarlet fever, IDulc:; deposits a dirty sedi- ment, Anac; with red sediment, Plat; after two hours, with reddish sediment, IGraph.; with white sediment, IDulc, IIGraph.; with sediment like yeast, IRaph.; on standing, Coca; on standing a few minutes (asthma), IMeph.; streaked, after scarlatina, IBelb; with clammy sweat on head and palms of hands, HPhos.; with sour sweat, llpec; thick, milky, depositing a thick purulent sedi- ment of a nauseating smell, ILye; white, ICinch. B^sT" cloudy, milky, muddy, sedi- ment, thick. Urine, contains tyrosin : Hippoz. Urine, uraemia: IIArs, I Ascl. s, Aur. mur, Cann. i, Carbol. ac, Iod, IPhos.; with anae- mia and paralytic symptoms, Ars, Camph., Chin, a., Cinch, Phos, Phos. ae, ITereb.; asphyctic form, IHydr. ae; with acute atrophy of brain and medulla oblongata, IPhos.; convulsions, ICup. m., I IHydr. ae, IMosch, ITereb.; tendency to convulsions, IPlumb.; with dropsy, HApis; with cerebral hyperae- mia, Amm. c, IBell, Con, ICup. m, IGels, IGlon, Merc, cor, IStram, Tabae, Tereb, Ver. v.; with drowsiness, insensibility, and frightful convulsions (contracted kidney), IDig.; especially in drunkards, I Ars.; in emphysema, with heart disease, I Ars.; hydro- pericardium, IIArs.; narcosis, Aur. met.; in senile hypertrophy, and induration of pros- tate, stricture of urethra, and ammoniaemia, Hod.; puerperal, Benz. ac; at beginning of scarlatina, lArs.; impending, in scarlatina, lAilant, I Arum t.; senile, Iod., Lye; with sopor, Agar, Anac, IBell,Hydr.ae,IKali br., HOp.; threatened, ICanth. ggg~ retention, suppression. Urine, urates : diminished, Pic. ac; increased, Anthrok., Aph. ch., 11 Ascl. s, Chim. umb., Eucab, IPtel, I IPuls, IStaph.; lactate of urea increased, Ammoniac; in functional derange- ment of liver, I ISep ; with prostatitis, ISep.; urate of ammonia, showing a wasted hectic condition, IPuls. 8®" clear, sediment, turbid. Urine, uroxanthine : increased, Cub. Urine', violet color: IMur. ac; after albuminu- ria, 11 Apis. ■Y ORGANS. 615 Urine, viscid: Arg. nit, Ast. r, Canth, Coloe, ICup. m., Dulc, Kreo., Phos. ac; in diabetes, INatr. s.; viscous, fetid, in gouty patients, TrForm. g^** mucus, thick. Urine, watery: Act. rac. Arum m., Bell., IBism, Cinnab., ICoccul., Colch, Cycl,Dros, Hippom., Hydr. ac, llgn. Kali f, Kali iod, IMagn. car, Med, IINatr. m, INatr. s, Phelb, IPhos, Plat., Samb., ITereb, Zinc; in diabetes, ISee; in diabetes insipidus, ILye; in evening, Carbol. ac.; with pain, mostly in evening arid morning, in hemicrania, IPhos.; in forenoon, Agar.; in headache, I IVib.; in nervous headache, Iris ; in hysteria, Illgn, IPuls.; in intermittent fever, Eup. perf; in mania puerperalis, INux v.; large quantity, in intercostal neuralgia, I IStann.; of strong smell, awakes at night, IKali bb; with urging to urinate, IColoe 8^° clear, diabetes insipidus, pale. Urine, like whey : Agar, Card, m.; in diabetes, INatr. s.; in diabetes mellitus, lArg. met.; usually shortly before menses, IPhos. ac. 8QF" milky, white. Urine, white : Cann. s, ICaust., Cina, IColoe, Con, IRhus; as if stirred up with chalk after every emotion, IPhos. ae; like chalk and water or buttermilk (spermatorrhoea), I IPhos. ac; grayish, ISpong.; like milk on cooling, IColoe; like curdled milk, with brick dust sediment and variegated cuticle, IPhos.; tur- bid, Bry.; yellowish, ICann. s.; whitish, All. sat, I Arn., ICheb, IManc, INux v., IPsor. 8ST* milky, pale, phosphates, sediment, ■watery, -whey. Urine, yellow: lAgar, Aph. ch, ICham., Cochl, IDaph., Iodof, Jatroph., IMere, I IPlumb, ISpong.; in ascites, ICheb; bright, HAgar., Bell, IBerb.; bright, in catarrh of bladder, ICanth.; bright, slow, forming cloud, Bov.; bright, in cough, ICheb; clay colored, Guaraea; HSep.; clay colored, soon after passing, ICham.; clay colored, when shaken, Anac; clear, Sinap.; dark, Agar, lArg. nit, lArs, ICed, IChel, IHep, IKali e, INatr. c; in diphtheria after scarlatina, ICon.; dark, with icterus, ISang.; dark, during prevailing intermittent ISang.; deep orange, strong horselike smell, Absin.; deep reddish, IPtel.; in epilepsy, hydrocephalus, TrArt v.; in scrof- ulous glandular swelling, IBar. m.; golden, Ant. c, Bell, ICarbol. ac, ICard. m, Sinap, ISyph.; golden, in dropsy, lAur. met; gold- en, in typhus, ICheb; greenish, Camph.; greenish, ICinch.; greenish, from bile,Crotal.; greenish, in jaundice, Hod.; in cardialgia and headache, IKali e; in hepatitis, IMere; honey colored, Anthrok.; in epidemic influ- enza, ISabad.; intense Med.; in jaundice, I ISep.; as in jaundice, hypertrophied liver, IChion. v.; lemon, Agar, IChel, Ign., Zinc; lemon,scanty, I ISyph.; lemon, with sediment, IOp.; light, Carbo v., IKali c. Thuya ; loam colored, in intermittent ague, ISamb.; loam colored, with similar sediment, ICorab; loaded with mucus, I INaja ; orange, Ars. h., Crot. t, INitr. ae; orange (after checked gonorrhoea), ICoca.; orange,in hepatitis, IMere; leaves an orange colored ring in vessel (nephritis, gout), IColch.; pale, IBerb., Colch., Laur, IMagn. m, Sarrae, Vinca ; white, flaky sediment on standing, Zinc; pale, sp. gr., 1.013, reaction 616 22. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. faintly acid (ante-desquamative stage of Bright's disease), IHelon.; reddish, Calc. p., Cepa ; reddish, in dry asthma, 11 Squilla; saff- ron, Ars. s. r.; saffron, becoming cloudy, Aloe; with sediment, IPod.; mealy sediment, Zinc; with thick white mucous sediment, lyEse h.; COITION, after: pain in upper portion of ab- domen to inguinal region, Caust.; loss of ap- petite, I Agar.; burning pain in back, IMagn. m.; pain in bladder, I I Cepa ; bruised feeling, Sib; emissions,INatr. m,IPhos.; discontented, angry, ICale; emissions, IPhos.; with difficult and tardy emission, sensation of emptiness and discomfort in parts,lasting all of next day,Lyss.; emissions nightly for eight or twelve nights, IDig.; painful erection, Calad.; mechanical excoriation of mucous surface of prepuce, ICalad.; ticlike pain over left eye, ICed.; eyes weak, IIKali c; glans sensitive a long time, Jamb.; gonorrhoea renewed, IThuya; sensa- tion as if paralyzed in right side of head, with sore limbs, ISib; burning itching of skin, with sweat on upper chest and shoulders, afterwards on abdomen and arms, Agar.; heat of body, IGraph.; ill humored, ISelen.; knees give away, I ICale; lassitude, I Agar, I I Ziz.; legs, coldness, IGraph.; burning in meatus, ICale; burning and itching of meatus, Natr. p.; memory weak, ISee; nervous depression,Ced.; nervous excitability, I Calc.; sore corrosive pain, Calad.; pain in prostate gland, ICepa ; pre- puce retracted with pain and swelling, Calad.; great relaxation for several days, HAgar.; reeling and confusion in head, Bov.; burning in seminal vesicles, Canth.; stammering, in women (chronic attack), ICed.; sweat,IGraph, Jamb.; night sweats, HAgar.; thirst, Jamb.; urethra burning, ISep.; urethra burning, after urination, ICaust.; long-lasting incontinence of urine, from fright, ILye; urine flows in a broken stream (spermatorrhoea), I IPhos. ae; weak, Berb,HCale, IGraph, INatr. m,ISelen, ISep., 11 Ziz.; weak, especially eyes, 11 Kalic; in knees, ISep.; weak in sexual parts, Berb.; weak,for severaldays,ICale, I IPhos.; worse the day after,INuph. BST'Sexual excess, coition. Coition, aversion: Astac, Bor, Chlor.. IIGraph, IILyc, IPsor, Rhod.; with im- potence, IGraph.; with dreams of intense lasciviousness terminating in an emission of profuse sticky fluid (melancholia), I IPlat. 8®° Sexual excitement absent, decreased. with sediment like yeast, IRaph.; sherry col- ored, Apoe; stains diaper, in icterus neona- torum, lElat.; strong smelling, stains diaper white (dentition), IMere sob; color of sulphur, I ISub; white flakes on standing, Zinc. Bfeg" sediment. Coition, desire: B^T" Sexual excitement, in- creased. Coition, during: falls asleep, IILyc; burning, in gleet, I ISub; painful cramps in calves, IGraph.; convulsions, IBufo.; convulsive ac- tion, Polyg.; emission and orgasm absent, Calad.; emission bloody, ICaust.; emission, burning stinging, ICale; emission before erection is complete, ISub; emission insuffi- cient, Aloe, Bar. c, Berb.; emission insuffi- cient or very late, I Agar.; emission lasting longer, Osm.; emission too late or absent, ILyss.; emission too rapid, with long-con- tinued thrill, ISelen.; emission scanty, with incomplete erection, IForm.; emission too soon, Aloe, Berb, ICale, IGels, I IPic. ac, ISub;emission too soon, then roaring in head, ICarbo v.; emission too soon (posterior spinal sclerosis), I IPic. ac; emission too soon, with- out pleasurable sensation, with cramps or heaviness in limbs, Bufo.; emission tardy, I ICale; emission absent, Bufo., IGraph, Jamb., 11 Millef. ,IPsor.; emission absent, occurs afterwards during sleep, Lyss.; excessive enjoy- ment, IIFluor. ae; want of enjoyment, Anac; erection incomplete, semen emits too soon, Calad.; erection insufficient, ISep.; erection weak, Therid.; fright, causing impotence, I I Sinap.; burning in genitals, IKreo.; pain, in groins, Therid.; interfered with by weakness in hips, Cepa; sexual indifference with erections, Lyss.; excitement diminished at its height, emission absent, Lyss.; pain, urethra as if stretched, I Arg. nit.; sudden laxness of penis, ICamph.; sudden relaxation of penis pre- venting emission-, IPhos. ae; pressure in per- ineum, lAlum.; want of proper sensation, IGraph.; thrill absent, I Agar.; thrill deficient, Berb.,Ind, ISep.; burning in urethra, Canth.; burning in urethra ceases, Anag.; burning in urethra, most painful with ejaculation, lAgar. B®" Penis, erection. Coition, excessive: 8®* Seminal emissions, excesses; also Sexual excess, coition. GENITALS, aching: could not sit still, Syph. Genitals, bruised feeling: HArn.; burning, 22. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Coition. Erections, »^ Penis. Genitals. Glans. Gonorrhoea. Masturbation, ®^ Seminal Emissions. Penis, Prostate Gland. Scrotum. Semen. Seminal Emissions. Sexual Excess. Sexual Excitement. Sexual Power. Spermatic Cords. Sycosis. Syphilis. Testicles. 22. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 617 HCale, Carbol. ae, IMere d.; at night, 11 Agar.; better from sweat and ceasing when going to bed, Prun. Genitals, burning: Ang. Genitals, coldness: IDiosc, IGels., llris, I IPic. ac; in albuminuria, I ITJran. n.; almost insensible, with warmth of rest of body, Cann. s. ggg" Penis, coldness. Genitals, constrictive pain : to bladder, with pressure as from a stone, IPuls. Genitals, crawling: Berb. Genitals, eruption: IGraph.; acne (hemor- rhoids), 11 Chel.; small, flat, light red blotches, IMere; dry, Sep.; obstinate, dry, IPetrol.; dry, fine, vesicular, 11 Merc, sob; eczema,ICrot. t. Thuya; eczema (hemorrhoids), I ICheb; eczema, bleeds easily and is covered wdth thick crusts, with fetid secretion beneath, ILye; herpes, IDulc; humid, IIRhus ; itch- ing, Sep.; itching, moist or dry, of red pim- ples or spots (syphilis), ISib; lichen pilaris urticatus, HAgar.; moist, ISars.; on mons veneris, ILach.; like measles, or urticaria with itching, Cop.; in ozsena, IGraph.; painful on mons veneris (syphilis), ISib; pustules, I Ant. t; pustules (from grinding the root), IPod.; pimples on mons veneris, Calad.; pimples itching, Amb.; of Rhus tox. poison- ing, Rhus v.; itching, moist spots, mostly on scrotum, ISib; yellow brown spots, Kob.; closing urethra by swelling, IRhus; red vesicles, filled with fluid, in folds, INatr. c.; vesicular, dry, fine, I IMere sob Genitals, excoriation : ICham, Rhod.; with burning (mercurial syphilis), ISub; chafing, in children, Ars. s. f.; humid, sore, IIHep.; moist, ISub; rawness, IPod. SOT1 Glans and Scrotum excoriation. Genitals, exposure: constant, IStram.; in de- lirium, IStram. Genitals, gangrene: Crotal. Genitals, granulations: exuberant, ISabina. Genitals, grasping : gjgg*' touch. Genitals, hair : falls out, INitr. ae, Phos. ae, ISelen.; destroyed by offensive sweat, IISul. Genitals, heat: at night, Meph. Genitals, heaviness: Lobel. i. Genitals, inflamed : Castor, I IPlumb. Genitals, insensibility : especially after urinat- ing, Berb. Genitals, irritation: Asaf, IGels.; in prostatic troubles, IDig., Polyg.; titillation, with vio- lent sexual excitement, Mosch.; voluptuous, ending in an emission, IGraph, IStann.; withweaknessandnocturnalemissions,IStann. Genitals, itching: Agnus, Amm. e, Berb., Carbol. ae, ICaust, HCale, Clem., IGraph., llris, INatr. s, INitr. ac, IPod., ISep.; as far as anus, IMagn. m.; in evening, after lying down, better scratching, llgn.; in mons ven- eris, I Eup. pert; at night, I I Agar.; rubbing and scratching at night in bed, IMere; un- bearable, on mons veneris, HAgar.; violent, Ang.; voluptuous, Coff. t 8®* eruption. Genitals, large: Hod.; as if puffed, Calad.; hypertrophied, ICarbo a. Genitals, neurosis: Chlorof. Genitals, numbness : Amb, Bar. e; on ascend- ing stairs, as if sexual parts had gone to sleep, Form.; and torpor (tabes dorsalis), IGraph. Genitals, odor: offensive, INatr. m., ISars, pungent smelling sweat, IFluor. ac. Genitals, pain (undefined): Benz. ae; when allowed to hang, 11 Puis.; worse on motion, Berb.; at night, when waking from sleep, Con.; transient, JEsc. h. Genitals, pressing sensation: Benz. ae; pain- ful, IMere d.; painful straining extends into, during stool, IKali c; as if menses would appear, IMur.ac; urging, Asaf; urging, tenes- mus, iBell. Genitals, pricking: INitr. ac. Genitals, raw pain: Benz. ac. Genitals, relaxed: Bell., Calad.", ICarbo a., Chlorof, IDiosc, IGels, IHelb; in albuminu- ria, I ITJran. n.; but inclined to coitus, INux m.; after sexual excesses, HStaph.; flabby,IPsor., Tabae; flaccid, IGels.; after emissions with- out erections, I IOp.; after urination, Calc. p. 8®*" Penis and Scrotum relaxed. Genitals, retracted: 8®* Penis retracted. Genitals, sensitiveness: ICoccul. Genitals, shrivelled: lArg. nit. Genitals, soreness : IIArum t; in a child, I ISyph. Genitals, spasmodic affections : Castor. Genitals, splitting pain : Benz. ac. Genitals, stinging: Berb. Genitals, sweat: Bell, Calad, ICale, ICanth, IGels, IMere, IPetrol, IThuya; in albumi- nuria, I I Uran. n.; copious, Ascl. t; in morn- ing (melancholy), lAur. met.; offensive, Aloe, Ars. m. Hod, HSub; oily, pungent smelling, IFluor. ac; profuse, Con., ICorab, Selen, Thuya; profuse, offensive, IHydras.; sticky, Erig., IIGels.; strong sweetish honeylike smelling, stains linen yellow, Thuya. Genitals, swollen: ILye, I IPlumb, 11 Arn.; dropsical, IDig.; and inflamed, increas- ing almost to gangrene, excessively painful, Ars. Genitals, tearing pain : with desire to urinate, Hyper. Genitals, tension : lascivious feeling, I IGraph. Genitals, throbbing: Berb.; periodic, above mons veneris, Ang. Genitals, tickling: Alum. Genitals, touch: children grasp when coughing (whooping cough), IZinc; children reach with hands and cry out (cystitis), lAcon.; children scratch and pull, IMere; grasping, IIPuls.; keep hands constantly on, IBell, IStram.; in- clination to,Bufo.; plays with, in typhoid fever, IHyos.; constantly pulling at, in little boys, IStram. Genitals, tubercle; large, secreting a reddish pus, IHydrocot.; mucous, IIThuya. Genitals, tumors: hard swellings from size of a pea to that of a hazelnut or walnut, enlarge, break open and discharge viscous, yellow- brownish ichor, Hippoz. Genitals, ulcers: IPhyt; similar to chancre, externally on prepuce, IHep.; itching, with unclean bottoms, IThuya ; itching, some cov- ered with a crust, discharging pus from under- neath (mercurial syphilis), ISub; round, un- clean, elevated, with red margins, moist and painful, IThuya; serpiginous, lArs.; slough- ing sores, Crotal.; sycotic, with bluish areolae, ILach. gg$T Syphilis, chancre. Genitals, warts (condylomata): I Apis, HCin- nab, IMere sol, I IMillef, IINitr. ac, IThuya; bleeding when touched, IINitr. ac; burning, with scanty urine, nearly every half 618 22. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. hour, I IPsor.; resembling cauliflower, IINitr. ae; complicated with chancre, IPhos. ae; chronic, with heat, burning and soreness when sitting or walking, IPhos. ae; around corona, Aur. met.; dry (mercurial syphilis), IStaph.;dry, pediculated, painless, in syphilis, ILye; fan-shaped, IThuya; fetid, IINitr. ac; with intolerable itching and burning, ISabina ; large, IThuya ; after abuse of mer- cury, IINitr. ac; moist, IINitr. ae; on thin pedicles, IINitr. ae; pediculated (mercurial syphilis), IStaph.; resembling cauliflower, IIThuya ; smelling like old cheese or herring brine, ICale, IHep., IIThuya ; soft, fleshy, with greenish discharge, INatr. s.; with burn- ing soreness, ISabina ; spongy, Alum.; in syphilis, ILye 8@" Glans, Penis and Scrotum warts. Genitals, weakness: feeling of, ICarbo a, Lyss., INatr. m.; with burning and drawing in spermatic cords, extending to glans,Mang.; in prostatic troubles, IDig.; after stool, ICale p.; after urinating, Berb, Calc. p. 8^* Sexual power decreased. GLANS, abscesses: Hippoz. Glans, aching: in secondary syphilis, I IRhus. Glans,blue: dark (erysipelas after circumcision), lApis. Glans, burning: Cann. s, ICepa, ICochb, IJacea; in gonorrhoea, IDory.; to root of penis after urination, ISars.; rasping, Berb.; before and after urinating, Anac; during urinating, ILye; during urinating (intervals of attacks of epilepsy), I Ars.; when urine passes guttatim (cysto-blennorrhoea), I ITJva ursi ; on urinating, lasting several days, then disappearing and reappearing regularly every month (rheumatism), ILye Glans, chancre: 8®° Syphilis. Glans, coldness: Berb.; icy coldness, ISub Glans, constriction : sensation of behind, after urinating, worse from motion, better from absolute rest (strangury), I IPlumb. Glans, contractive pain: Asar. Glans, corona: itching, burning excoriation, with acrid discharge as case improved (right- sided inguinal hernia), I IPsor.; fungoid, bac- teric mass, at first glossy, shining wdiite, later covered with fungus, looking like fully devel- oped aphthae, with large chancre on dorsum of penis, ILac c; yellowish humor behind, ILye; itching, Mang, ISib; itching, with profuse pus, I ICinnab.; itching, burning, with tickling and discharge of greenish pus, Lyss.; pain, with dry heat over whole body, Prun.; scabs, IKali bi.; sore from slight rub- bing, Cycb; a sore place on left side, Ars. m.; a sore place, right side (from where chancre had been driven by mercurial ointment twenty years ago), Ars. m.; red spots, ISib; itching in sulcus, behind, Benz. ac; profuse secretion of pus, with itching, HCinnab.; swelling of one half of, Spig.; tingling around, Spig.; titillation, voluptuous but painful, llc- tod.; ulcers, IINitr. ae; ulcers, superficial, looking clean, but exuding an offensive moist- ure, IINitr. ae; round, flat, unclean ulcer, Thuya. Glans, cracked: lArs. Glans, creeping: ICheb, INatr. m. Glans, cutting: Cochl.; during urination (gravel), ILye Glans, drawing: worse in afternoon, Asaf. Glans, dry: red (impotence), ICalad.; sticks to foreskin, Lyss.- Glans, dull pain : Cann. i. Glans, erosions: in gonorrhoea, IIThuya. 86^° excoriation. Glans, eruption: ILach., Sep.; blisters on, I.Merc, sol, IPhos. ae; little blisters, contain- ing pus, burst and form round, flat ulcers, Ars. h.; several small white blisters ooze fluid, soon disappear, IMere; several reddish- yellow discolorations, ICinnab.; white oval patches (syphilis), I ISang.; three red patches, resembling in color eruptions of scarlatina, ICinnab.; pimples, INitr. ac; itching pimple, suppurating like a chancre, leaving a red point when dry, Jacar.; shining red points on, ICinnab.; red, itching, IBry.; reddish, IPe- trol.; brown spots, becoming covered with scabs, INitr. ae; brown spots disappear after exfoliation of skin, INitr. ae; lentil-sized spots, Cann. s.; moist spots, ICarbo v.; red spots, ICarbo v., Sep.; red spots, becoming covered with scabs, INitr. ac; light red spots, Cann. s.; small red spots, Therid.; smooth spots, ICarbo v.; in syphilis, ILye; vesicles on forepart and sides, they eat deeply and spread, IMere sob; small, flat vesicle, Thuya; humid vesicles, Rhus; pale red vesicles form small ulcers after breaking, IMere sob; sev- eral small red vesicles on end, after four days become ulcers and discharge yellow-white matter of strong odor, staining shirt, IMere sol. Glans, excoriation: easy, INatr. e; ofupper surface near tip, just to left of mesial line, sore to touch, healed but scab remains, Zinc; ul- cerous, resembling chancre with puslike secre- tion, Ascl. t. Glans, fulness: IFluor. ac. Glans, gangrene: IILach. Glans, heat: in gonorrhoea, IIMerc. cor. Glans, heaviness : in balanorrhoea, I IPhos.ae; especially during urination, I IPhos. ac.; with tingling, oozing vesicles around freenum, I IPhos. ac. Glans, inflamed (balanitis): lApis, lAur.met, Calad.,ICale, ICorab, IDig, IIKali m., I IKali p., IKali s, INatr. e, IRhod, Sars.; chronic greasy, fatty, offensive smelling discharge, IMere cor.; excoriated places on corona, re- peatedly healing and then becoming sore again, IMere cor.; sometimes after loss of power and semen, Polyg.; in syphilis, lApis ; ulcerous erosions, Coral, IIMerc, I INatr. m., INitr. ac, I ISep., ISul, IThuya. Glans, irritation: sexual, almost irresistible, Ars. h.; voluptuous, Aph. ch. Glans, itching: Ars. met, Calc, Cann. i, IChel, Gymn., Indig., Ind, IKali bi, IMez., I INatr.m., INatr. s.. IISul.; corrosive, HCrot t; from discharge of light yellow pus, Alum.; in gonorrhoea, IDory.; left side, Benz. ae; in orchitis, INux v.; to root of penis, after urin- ation, ISars.; tip, Ant. c; after urinating, Calc; voluptuous, at point, urging him to rub, Spong.; voluptuous, of tip, forcing him to rub, while walking in open air, Ang. Glans, jerking: Bar. e Glans, lancinating : after urinating, in bed at night, forcing him to groan and cry out, and last a minute and a half, Coccus. 22. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 619 Glans, moisture: Thuya; around, INitr. ac. Glans, numbness : Berb. Glans, p*ain : ICheb; under fourchette, when urine reaches, in dysuria, after gonorrhoea, HCop.; caused by swelling of prepuce caus- ing paraphimosis, IRhus; in tip, Osm.; be- fore urination, ICanth.; during urination, Oxal. ac; caused by urine reaching glans, and spasms with tenesmus in rectum, Prun.; violent, UPareira. Glans, pressure: IJacea; relieves pain,ICanth.; in urethral portion, Card, m.; after urination, IPuls. Glans, pricking: Carbol. ac, IKali bi., Phos. ac; in side, Ars. Glans, red : ICorab, Sars.; bluish, I Ars.; bluish in gonorrhoea, IDory.; bright, Rhus ; dark, Cann. s.; dark, with burning soreness to touch (gleet), I ISabina; with fine red points, dry, desire to rub, Calad.; flat ulcers, with profuse yellow ichorous discharge on, ICorab Glans, sensitive : ICorab, Thuya ; long after coition, Jamb.; painful when touched, in gonorrhoea, IIMerc. cor. Glans, smarting; Asar. Glans, smegma : ICanth ; fetid, cheesy secre- tions (syphilis), I ISang.; increase, HCaust, INux v., HSep.; puslike, INatr. m. Glans, soreness ; during urinating, ILye Glans,sticking: causes spasm of urethra (ischu- ria urethralis), with tenesmus recti, after urinating, IPrun. Glans, stinging: Berb, IINatr. m.; in gonor- rhoea, ICaulo. Glans, stitches: Brom., I IMere iod. flav,Ran. sc; dull, from scrotum, Zinc; as from galvan- ism, Aeon.; itching, IDros.; fine pricking, at summit, I IMez.; on right side, Aspar. Glans, suppuration: between prepuce and glans, Jacar.; yellowish-green, offensive, ICo- rab; between prepuce and glans, in gonor- rhoea, IIMerc. cor.; between prepuce and glans, with swelling of urethra, IMere sob Glans,swelling: IArs,Cann.s.,ICorab,INatr.c; dark red,erysipelatous, IIRhus ; in gonorrhoea, IDory, IIMerc. sol.; lentil sized, surrounded by reddish yellow circle, near urinary meatus, ICinnab.; painful, ICanth.; painful to press- ure, ICanth.; soft, painless tumor, Bell.; ex- tensive, with paraphimosis, IKali iod. Glans, tearing pain : IColch.; to root of penis, after urinating, ISars.; on tip, Zinc. Glans, thrilling: almost painful, in left side, Benz. ac. Glans, tickling : left side, Benz. ac. Glans, tubercles: Hippoz. Glans, ulcers: with cheesy base, IMere; deep, suppurating, with puffed edges, ISub; eating deeply, I Aur. mur. nat.; in gonorrhoea, mild, IIMerc. cor.; painful, IMere sob; near right side, perforating fraenum, similar ulcer on left, INitr. ac.; with swelling and heaviness of testicles, Psor. Glans, warts: lAnt. t, Aur. met.; obstinate vegetation, Kali iod, IPhos. ae; excrescences extend to sacrum, 7rAur. mur.; chancre like cauliflower excrescence, half an inch in diameter, red, smooth, glistening (syphilis), ILac e; pointy, on corona, after chancre, IKali m.; cockscomb-like excrescences, soft, spongy, easily bleeding (mercurial syphilis), ISub; soft, humid excrescences on and behind corona, IStaph.; smooth, red excrescences, Thuya; below corona, covered with small pointed, slight discharge of viscid fluid, I I Thuya ; a large number, surrounding, red, pedunculated, growing rapidly, exuberant, dry, following gonorrhoea, IIThuya; sur- rounding, ISep. 8®" Genitals, Penis and Scrotum warts. GONORRHOEA: lAcon, Agar., lAgnus, Aloe, IIAlum, 11 Amm. m., -Amyg, lAnag., I Ant. c, Apis, I Arg. nit., Ars, Aur. mur, IBar. m, IBor., IBism, Calc p., Camph., ICann. i, HCann. s, HCanth, I ICaps,ICaulo, ICheb, Chim. umb., ICinnab., IClem, HCochb, ICop, ICub, IIDig, I IDory, I lErig, IFerr. iod, IIFerr. ph., I IFluor. ae, IGels, IIGraph, 11 Guaiae, Ham, Hep, HHydras., IHydrocot, Kali bi, IKali iod., IIKali m., IIKali s, I ILac e, Lith., IIMed, IIMerc, IMere cor, IMere iod. rub, I IMere s, IMez, IMillef, INatr.m, IINatr. s, IINitr. ac, Nux v., IPareira, IPetrol, I IPetroseb, IPhos, IPhyt, IIPuls, Sabad, Sars, Senecio, HSep, Sil, IStilling., ISul, 11 Tarant, I ITereb, IIThuya. Gonorrhoea, bladder: incontinence of urine, after repeated attacks, IINux v., IPetroseb; neck involved, sudden urging to urinate, IPetroseb; worse at night, IMere gg&" Chap. 21, Bladder paralysis. Gonorrhoea, bubo : 8^° Chap. 19, Inguinal region bubo. Gonorrhoea, chordee: Aeon, Arg.nit, ICamph., ICann. i, ICann. s., HCanth, ICaps, IColch., Dig, 11 Eryng., Fluor, ac, 11 Jacar, IKali br, IIKali m, IMere, IMygale, INitr.ac, IPetro- seb, IIPuls, Stilling, ITereb, IThuya; can only be subdued in cold water, HCaps.; with frequent priapism, IPetroseb; in second stage, IIKali m. B^sT" Penis erections. Gonorrhoea, chronic: IBrom, IChlor., Chim. umb, ICinnab., I ICochb, ICub, Eucab, IHy- dras., IKali s, IMygale, IMyr. cer., IINatr. m, IPetroseb, IPlumb, ISep., IIThuya; in anaemic subjects, HCale p.; with moral and physical depression, IHydras.; discharge mixed with blood, I lEuphor.; discharge milky, IFerr.; with discharge of white or yellow acrid mucus, ISub; scanty, usually after indulgence in liquor or spiced food, IPetroseb; especially wThen injections have been used and prostate is involved, IIThuya; without pains or with shooting burning pains, ISub; urethra itching, IPetrol. Big" gleet: also Sycosis. Gonorrhoea, coition: renewed by, IThuya. Gonorrhoea, constitution : in anaemic persons, chronic, Cale p.; in blonde men of light tem- perament, IIPuls.; in dark, irritable, vindic- tive men, IINitr. ac; in elderly men, difficult urination, Agar.; in gleet of old sinners, Agnus ; sanguine, full-blooded, lAcon.; with scrofula, IHep.; in strong men, particularly of hydrogenoid constitution, IINatr. s.; in timid, nervous men, acute, IGels. 8®° gleet. Gonorrhoea, discharge: acrid, excoriating, I Arg. nit, Aur. mur. Caps, Kreo., IIMerc cor., Sars.; albuminous, yellow, I IPetroseb; black, Natr. m.; bloody, Ant. c, Calc. s., ICanth., ICaps., Ham., IMere cor., Millet, INitr. ac, IPuls.; bloody, watery slime, IMillef.; bloody mucus, IINitr. ae; clear, 620 22. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. transparent, Mez., INatr. m, Phos. ae; con- stant, Ars. s. f; copious, Ars. s. f; creamlike, HCaps.; fetid, Benz. ac, Carbo v. Puis, Sib; free and mucoid, IIMerc. iod. rub.; green, ICann. s, IMere, IIMerc. cor, IINitr. ac, IIThuya; green, painless, IMere; green and purulent, worse at night, IMere; yellowish green, thick, ICinnab, INatr. s.; yellowish green, with frequent obstructions, ICub.; yel- lowish green, indolent in character, I Arg. met.; lumpy, i Cales.; milky, Cop, Lach., Petrosel.; like thin milk, leaving a stain upon linen, has taken copaiba and cubebs four weeks, I IMere; mucous, Caps, Ferr.; muco-purulent (enlarge- ment of prostate), iBenz. ae; painless, Cann. i.; profuse, I Arg. met, Cann. i.; usually pro- fuse, inflammation very high, IPetroseb; pro- fuse puslike, after two months, ICub.; profuse, and scalding urine, ICub.; profuse, yellow, purulent, most copious in morning, I IMed.; profuse, yellowish white, ISep.; purulent, Agnus, Bar. c, ICann. s, ICaps, Chel, Con, Cop, Natr. m., Phos, Phos. ac; purulent, yellow mucus, or greenish, IKali s.; of pus, IChel, ISib; glutinous, ICub.; of pus, with inflammation, ISabina ; puslike, bloody, ISib; variable, as to quantity, ICup. m.; scanty, ICochb; scanty, thick, IIRhus; slight, shred- dy, ISib; thick, iCale s, ICann. s.; thick, fetid pus, worse after exertion to extent of sweating, I ISib; thick, greenish, IKali iod.; thick, worse at night, IMere; thick, with fre- quent obstruction of urethra, ICub.; of thick pus, IClem, ICub.; thick, after six weeks, ICub.; at first thin, afterwards thick, I IMere cor.; thin, transparent, mixed with opaque; whitish mucus, stains linen yellow, I IMed.; watery, IIThuya; watery mucus, Cann. s., Fluor, ac, IMez., INatr. m, IThuya ; watery, transparent, but acrid and abundant, mixed with creamy liquid, stains linen yellow brown, I IMed.; whitish, IGels.; yellowish white, Cann. b; yellow, lAgnus, Ars. s. f, ICale s., ICanth., Caps., Cop., Hep, INatr. m, INitr. ae, Sars, IIThuya; yellow, worse at night, IMere; stains shirt light yellow, not profuse, HTarant; thick yellow, or yellow green, IIPuls.; yellow after six weeks, ICub.; yel- lowish or bloody, IINitr. ac. Gonorrhoea, drugs ; after abuse of copaiva and cubebs, thin discharge, with burning on urination, and frequent urging to stool, IINux v. Gonorrhoea, erections painful: BST* chordee. Gonorrhoea, eyes: in blennorrhoea,IPuls.,IThu- ya; granular conjunctivitis, HPsor.; iritis, ICinch.; ophthalmia, I Aeon, I Ant t, I ICor- ab, Cub, HEucab, IMere, I INitr.ac, I IPuls, ISib, ISpig, IThuya. Gonorrhoea, fever: febrile disturbance during inflammatory stage, I Aeon., HCop, Gels. Gonorrhoea, first stage (inflammatory): 11 Aeon , llCann. s., HCochl, ICop, IIFerr. ph, IIGels. Gonorrhoea, glans : fi^sT1 Glans inflamed. Gonorrhoea, gleet: IIAgnus, IIAlum, IBar.m, IIBenz.ae, IBov, HCalad., ICann. i, ICann. s., Cinnab, HCinch. bol, ICub, I IDory, 11 Erig, 11 Eryng., IGraph, IHvdras, IKali s, IMez, 11 Millef, 11 Natr. m, I Petrol., I Petrosel., IPhyt, I ISabina, HSelen, Senecio, ISep., IStilling., HSub, ITereb.; bad cases, INitr. ae; bloody, IMur.ae; burning, IBry.;chronic, I Agar., lAgnus, iChim.umb, IFerr., I IMed., ISang.; chronic, with anaemia, I IFerr.; dis- charge clear, INatr. m.; chronic, with muco- purulent discharge, ICop.; with debility, IHydras.; discharge copious, ICub.; white, painless discharge, more towards morning, IMez.; discharge pale, ICub.; discharge scanty, IPhos.; discharge slimy, ICub.; discharge causing soiled linen to become stiff, ICub.; discharge stringy or jellylike, profuse, IKali bb; discharge thick, IHydras.; discharge thin, day and night, with formica- tion over body, Ced.; small drops of watery fluid in orifice in morning, at times gluing it together, discharge caused by . atony of mucous membrane, IPhos.; with eczema, latent or visible, IKali m.; in fat, lymphatic persons, ICale; with disposition to glandular swellings (gonorrhoea), IKali m.; green,IBry, INatr. m.; yellowish green, IMere; light- headed, Cann. b; much heat, little pain, IGels.; with impotence, IIAgnus ; intensely itching, INatr. m.; a drop of viscid fluid glues meatus, Tell.; with sticking together of meatus, ICamph.; meatus stuck together, in morning, HSep.; worse in morning, Aur. mur.; of clear, transparent, watery mucus, after injection of nitrate of .silver, INatr. m.; at night, staining linen yellow, IFluor. ac; during night, a drop or so staining linen yel- lowish, HSep.; in orchitis, after mismanaged gonorrhoea, IClem.; prostatic, HSelen.; pro- tracted, ICaps.; purulent, IBar. c, IMere; scanty, yellowish gleet of many months' standing, showing most plainly in morning, gumming up meatus, I IMed.; secondary, llris ; with want of sexual desire, I lAgnus ; sexual organs debilitated from seminal emis- sions, HSep.; watery, IMur. ae; a few drops of white, in morning, IPhos. ae; often years' duration, HSub; twelve years' duration, I IPsor.; for twenty years, I IMed,- yellowish, HSep.; yellowish, before urination, Bar. e Gonorrhoea, last stage : INatr. m, ISep. Gonorrhoea, from leucorrhcea : Cop.; acrid, or from menstrual discharge, INatr. m. Gonorrhoea, maltreated: IBrom. 8@" drugs, suppressed, sequelae. Gonorrhoea, penis : feeling of heaviness in glans (balanorrhoea), HPhos. ac; with phimosis, ICanth, IMere; tearing in left side of pre- puce, ICinch.; sensibility to contact, HCaps. Gonorrhoea, rheumatism : ICop., Gels, Jacar, IPhyt, ISabina. Gonorrhoea, second stage: iCale s., HCaps, IIKali m, ISub; in first part, when dis- charge is moderate, much urinary irritation, ICop.; thick yellow discharge, IHydras. B^° chordee. Gonorrhoea, secondary: lAgnus, ICup. m, IIFerr. s, IGels, IHydrocot, llris, HSelen., I ITelb; greenish discharge, I I Kob. 8®° gleet, sequelae, suppressed. Gonorrhoea, sequelae : lAgar, IIBenz. ae; de- lirium, ICamph, ICoca, IKali s, IMere, IZinc; four small, fleshy excrescences, bright red, with a moderately broad base, on inferior wall of urethra, 11 Mar. v.; pain in hypogastric region (suppression of urine), ICamph.; im- potence, IThuya ; urethra, chronic itching, INitr. ae; after orchitis, hydrocele with sexual 22. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 621 weakness, IPhos.; prostatitis, chronic, ISub; pulse, weak, rapid,ICamph.; loss of sexual feel- ing, abuse of copaiva, ILye; spermatic cord swollen, ICinch.; strangury, from stricture, ICamph.; stricture, Cie, llndig., INitr. ae, IIThuya ; testicles, contractive pain, in even- ing, ICinch.; testicles, contusive pain, lArg. met.; testicles, enlargement, IHam.; testicles, induration of, IIRhod.; testicles, inflamed, IIMerc; testicles, pain in left, IIMerc; testicles, shocks of severe drawing pain into abdomen and down legs to feet, IMere; testicles swell- ing, IIRhod.; testicles swollen, especially epididymis, ICinch.; testicles swollen hard, IIRhod.; testicle, left, swollen, hard, painless, IBrom.; testicle, right, swollen, as large as a hen's egg, IMere; testicle, tearing in left, ICinch.; ulcers, in scrotum, lAur. met; sup- pression of urine, with restlessness, ICamph.; difficult urination, with sensation of heat and pain, also after coitus, I IMar. v. 6^*" gleet, rheumatism, suppressed; also Testicles inflamed; also Chap. 21, Urethra stricture. Gonorrhoea, stool: frequent urging, IINux v. Gonorrhoea, stricture: 8®" sequelae: also Chap. 21, Urethra stricture. Gonorrhoea, subacute: especially when injec- tions have been used and prostate is involved, IIThuya. Gonorrhoea, suppressed: lAgnus, HCale, HCanth, IChel, IClem., ICoca, IDaph, IJa- cea, IMed, INatr. s., IINitr. ac, ISub; con- dylomata, IThuya; conjunctivitis,with granu- lations, HPsor.; after Copaiva, IIBenz. ae; eruptions, IClem.; inflammation of eyes, IIPuls.; eyes sensitive to light, I IPsor.; with fever, rheumatism, orchitis, IGels.; gouty and rheumatic pains, IDaph.; impotence,IThuya ; lameness, 11 Psor.; discharge from navel yel- lowish, of a peculiar odor, INatr. m.; orchitis, IKali m,- orchitis, left side, with hot, hard swelling and severe pressing in testicle and spermatic cord, worse standing, I IPuls.; or- chitis, first right, then left, ISpong.: photo- phobia, I IPsor.; prostatitis, INitr. ac, IThuya; rheumatism, Con., I IPsor.; articular rheuma- tism, IThuya; by cold, wet weather or mer- cury followed by rheumatism, ISars.; by large doses of Balsam copaiba, rheumatic pains, IMere cor.; stricture (8^° sequelae) ; syco- sis, IThuya; for fifteen years, IHydrocot; testicles, aching, INatr. m.; testicle, drawing, IClem.; testicle hypertrophied, IBar. m.; testicles indurated, lAgnus; testicle, left, enlarged, hard, inflamed, tender, IClem.; tes- ticle, left, indurated, IKali m.; testicle, left, inflamed, pain pressing, 11 Puis.; testicles, pain (orchitis), lAnt. t.; testicle, right, swollen, I ICheb; with swelling of testicles, IINux v.; swelling of left testicle and epididymis, 11 Puis.; with swelling of testicles, contraction of ure- thra, and discharge of dark-colored blood, IIPuls.; testicles swollen, IMez, IINux v, IIPuls. fi@° sequelae; also Testicles in- flamed. Gonorrhoea, syphilitic: 11 Eucab; with chan- croids, or chancre, IMere; complicated with, Cinnab.; of a torpid character, in course of, with suppurating bubo, IMere sol. 8@r Sycosis, Syphilis. Gonorrhoea, testicles: epididymitis, especially congestive or subacute, rather than inflam- matory, IHam.; orchitis, IGels, IHam.; with orchitis and nocturnal pains, ICon.; contract- ive pain after,ICinch.;cramplike pain, ICinch.; especially epididymis swelling, ICinch.; tearing in left, ICinch. 8®" sequelae, sup- pressed; also Testicles inflamed. Gonorrhoea, urethra: biting before, during and after urination, Cop.; bleeding, I Arg. nit.; catarrh, IHydras.; cutting, after urination, INatr. m.; burning as in first stage, Cochl.; burning in forepart when passing last few drops of urine, IMere; burning, worse at night, IMere; burning before, during and after urination, Cop.; burning during urina- tion, IChel, IGels.; patches of induration, IIMerc. iod. rub.; inflamed with pain, espe- cially when urinating, IDory.; inflammation has travelled back, complains of pain at root of penis, IPetroseb; inflammation, with pul- sating pain throughout,ICop.; itching, IIMerc. cor.; itching at mouth, as at commencement, ISub; itching before, during and after urina- tion, Cop. jburning in meatus during urination, 11 Med.; swelling at meatus, with pulsating throughout penis, ICop.; meatus inflamed, swollen with soreness, and discharge of pus, ICop.; meatus inflamed, with tingling, Cann. h; meatus, slight redness, with profuse pus- like discharge, after two months, ICub.; me- atus, mild ulceration within, IIMerc. cor.; frequent obstructions, with thick yellowish- green discharge, ICub.; pains along, during urination, drawing, burning, I IMed.; pain, fever, scanty discharge, IGels.; pains inter- mittent in front, middle or posterior parts, I ILac e; pains terrible, Ars. s. f; feeling as if something remained after urinating, I IMed.; scalding during urination, ICub.; feeling of soreness during urination, I IMed.; stinging, IIMerc. cor, IMez.; swollen, IIThuya; ten- derness, as in first stage, Cochl.; throbbing, IIMerc. cor.; tickling at orifice, with pulsat- ing throughout penis, ICop.; tingling, with inflammation around meatus, Cann. b; titil- lating, IMez.; sore to touch, IMez.; urinary irritation, ICop. 8®** Chap. 21, Urethra inflammation. Gonorrhoea, urination : bloody, IMez.; itching after, Cop.; during, violent pains, causing him to cry and tremble, he became feverish, slept and ate but little, and within five days grew perceptibly thinner, Polyg.; relieves, ITereb.; scalding, IIThuya; sudden urging and stran- gury, IPetroseb 8@T Chap. 21, Urination painful. Gonorrhoea, warts (condylomata): IIThuya; after abuse of mercury, four, white, pedunc- ulated, dry, on mucous surface of prepuce, ILye; on a sycotic basis, Cinnab. gSglh Genitals, Glans and Penis warts. Gonorrhoea, in Vromen: lAur. mur, ICann. s., I IFerr, HPula.; chronic, discharge very acrid, IPetrol.; chronic, with ovarian pain, IPlat; cutting between labia during micturition, Cann. s.; discharge profuse green, with burning and warmth in vagina, particularly during urination, ICop.; painful, ILact. v.; painless, discharge thick, milky, mucous, with burning stinging, swelling of labia and cutting pain at mouth of uterus, IIPuls. PENIS, burning : Cann. i., IMere sob, Spong.; 622 22. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. during coition, with swelling of penis next day, IKreo.; with frequent erections, early in morning, IMagn. m.; feeling asif burnt when walking, Cann. s.; at point, within canal (kid- ney disease), IBerb.; at point, accompanies urination, drop by drop, with interruptions, IPareira ; rasping,particularly left side, Berb.; about root, in afternoon, 01. an.; during sem- inal discharge in coitus (stricture), IClem. Penis, burrowing: dull, Calad. Penis, cold: I I Agar. HAgnus, IILyc, ISul. 8^° relaxed, retracted, small; also Geni- tals cold; also Sexual power decreased. Penis, congestion : venous, IPuls. Penis, constrictive pain : at root, morning on awaking, IKali bi. Penis, cutting: Anac, Berb.; contracted all along upper part, bending it upward (old man), IBerb.; on left side, Alum.; at root, with very slow stream, during urination pains come on just as last drops are voided, Med. Penis, dragging : IKali c. Penis, drawing: Ammoniac; very acute, in forepart, I IZinc. Penis, erections: absent, ICale, ICamph., Caust, ICon, IHelb, IKob., IMagn.c, I INitr. ac, INuph., IPhos., IPsor.,Sumb.,Tabae; ab- sent, when coition is attempted, lArg. nit.; absent, even after amorous caresses, Calad.; absent, with excitement, Selen.; absent, noth- ing can produce, 11 Agar.; absent, with invol- untary seminal losses during sleep, stool and urination, INuph.; absent, with inward sex- ual desire, IPhos.; in afternoon, with lascivi- ousness, Lyss.; on awaking, I ICard. m.; with burning or stitches in urethra, INitr. ae; almost to bursting, IPic. ac; as in chordee, IStram.; with erysipelas, after circumcision, I Apis ; continued, in a weak old man, Am.; convulsive, in a child (facial erysipelas), ILach.; during day, Anac, IClem.; during day, with lascivious thoughts, Sinap.; day and night, Ferr, IPhos.; great desire for an em- brace, IIHam.; with but little desire, Lyss.; at dinner, Alum.; after dinner, Niccol.; with dreams, I IPhos. ac; with emissions every second or third night, IINux v.; after an emission, awakens (spermatorrhoea), I IPhos. ac.; in evening strong, while undressing in a cold room, ILyss.; exhausting, Aur. mur.; with voluptuous fancies, but without sexual desire, Spig.; feeble, Chen, v, IHep, IILyc, INuph.; feeble, with strong desire, IPhos.; frequent, Amm. m, Anthrok, Apis, Arund, IPhos.; frequent, even during day, ICheb; frequent, in morning, ICimex; frequent, early in morning, with burning in penis, IMagn. m.; frequent, worse at night, 11 Alum.; frequent, painful, worse at night (gonor- rhoea), IMere; frequent, painful, during latter part of night (syphilis), INitr. ae; frequent, with loss of prostatic fluid, IPuls.; frequent, with sexual desire. INatr. m.; frequent, with great sexual excitement, Coccus ; frequent, then stitches in urethra, Cann. s.; lasting half an hour, with nausea, Kali bb; frequently puts hand to penis, I IStram.; imperfect, IILyc; imperfect, with chronic inflam- mation of urethra, IPetrol.; incomplete, semen emits too soon, Calad.; incomplete, with vertigo, Tarant.; with sexual indiffer- ence, even during coition which is perfectly performed, Lyss.; ineffectual, during coition, IPhos., ISep.; infrequent, INuph.; insuffi- cient, ISelen.; insufficient, lasting only a short time, ICon.; with itching in penis, Caust, 11 Nux v.; long continued, Clem.; long con- tinued, after emissions with amorous dreams, Rhod.; long lasting, Anthrok., Apis; long lasting, in morning, IPuls.; without any cause, on lying down, Oxal. ae; in morning, Agar, Aloe, Ars. h., Niccol.; annoying, in morning, loins ache too much to attempt coition, Lact. ae; in morning,cohabits, desire ceases,does not know whether there was an emission, Calad.; earlier in morning and firmer, Osm.; in morn- ing, none in evening or night, Pallad.; only in morning, before rising, IBar. e; in morning, without sexual desire, Amb., Amm. c, Calad, Cinch, bob, INatr. m, Selen.; in morning, when standing, Phos. ac; after midday nap, INux v.; at night, I Agar, ICanth, Ferr, INatr. c, Niccol, 01. an.; at night, when half asleep, cease when fully awake, Calad.; awakes at night, IIHep, Sib; at night, with severe bleeding from region of fraenum, INitr. ae; constant, at night, ILach.; continued, at night, Sep.; at night, without exciting dreams, Cycb; easy, during night, Ferr. iod.; at night, with emissions, IKali br.; at night, without emission, lAur. met.; during night, frequent, Cornus; at night,painful,with lascivious excite- ment, IMere; painful at night, causing sleep- lessness, IThuya; persistent during night,Cor- nus ; constant, at night, with excessive sexual desire, IKali br.; at night, strong, Cornus ; at night, unusually strong and frequent, Helon.; at night, with desire to urinate, IRhus; at night, after urination, Lith.; obstinate and violent at night, with lascivious dreams and emisions, Sinap.; painful, Anthrok., Cann. b, IPhos, Zing.; painful, after coition, Calad.; painful, without desire, ICalad.; painful, in gonorrhoea, I Arg. nit; painful, with inward itching, Jamb.; painful, with lassitude, Sabad.; painful, especially in morning, INuxv.; pain- ful, before rising in morning, ISib; painful during morning sleep, Lactu. v.; painful, at night, ICaps.; painful, worse at night, 11 Alum.; painful, with tension in penis, evenings, Calc. p.; painful, after copious painful pollutions, IKali e; painful, caused by swelling of scro- tum, Jacar.; painful, disturb sleep, Cact.; pain- ful, spasmodic, at night, INitr. ae; painful, with burning in urethra, Calc. p.; partial. IKob.; pressure in perineum, at beginning, I Alum.; persistent (spermatorrhoea), IKali br.; persistent, strong with pain, also pressure in abdomen, 11 Zinc; from slight provocations, IPlumb.; while riding (impotence), IBar. e; while riding in a carriage, without desire, ICale p.; while riding, walking, sitting, Cann. b; semi-erections, constant, IKali hxh; without sensation, Cann. s.; excite sexual de- sire, ICham., Petrol.; with sexual desire, after midday nap, Jamb.; without sexual desire, Euphor.; short, INatr. e; disturb sleep, Lith, Pic. ac.; frequent during sleep and in morning, Ast. r.; during sleep, impotence on awaking, I IOp.; during sleeplessness, ICanth.; slow, ISelen.; before stool, Kali bb; during stool, llgn.; with ineffectual urging to stool, Illgn, Thuya; strong, persistent, painless, without voluptuous sensation, ICanth.; 22. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 623 tearing pain, in spermatorrhoea, IKali br.; with painful tension, without sexual desire in morning, Cepa; with tensive pain, Cann. s.; terrible, with restless sleep, IPic. ae; followed by pain in testicles and cords, Oxal. ac; not caused by amorous thoughts, Cann. b; without voluptuous thoughts, I lAgnus; with urging to urinate, Aspar.; with desire to urinate, Mosch.; after urinating, Aloe ; when urinating, burning like fire, Cain.; with contractive pain along urethra, ICanth.; with sore pain along urethra, ICanth.; violent, Anac, Clem, Cann. b, IGraph., IMez, IPic. ac, IPlumb.; violent, continuous with in- creased sexual desire, Sabina; violent, con- tinued, often waking, Arn.; violent, with emissions and itching of scrotum, IKali m.; violent, particularly in evening, Cinnab.; violent, and frequent, ISib; violent and fre- quent, day and night, I IMed.; violent, in gonorrhoea, IGels.; violent, with throbbing headache after severe mental effort, worse at base of brain, IPic. ac; violent, all night, 11 Pic. ae; violent, especially at night, with excessive sexual desire, IPlat.; violent, with sexual desire, IOp.; violent, without sexual desire, Sib; violent,during sleep, I IMerecor., INatr. e; violent, precedes passage of large quantities of urine, during night, Sinap.; when getting warm in bed, Ant. c; weak, during coition, Therid. B@* Gonorrhoea, chordee ; Sexual excite- ment, Sexual power. Penis, eruption : boil on left side, near pubes, Diad.; herpetic, IGraph.; red pimples on back, Phos. ac; purple red, after injuries, HArn.; vesicular, HCrot t. Penis, flaccid : flST" relaxed. Penis, gangrene : Amyg,IArs, 7rCanth, ILach, ILaur.; threatens, IFluor. ac. Penis, heat: Jacar, IMez., ISpong.; at height of chill, Sib Penis, heaviness: Cub. Penis, indurated : old man, IBerb.; hard string along upper part, Berb. Penis, inflammation : Cub, IKali iod.; end, in cystitis, Med.; swollen, with deep rhagades, ISul. Penis, injuries : lArn, ICalend, IHyper, Mil- lef, IRhus. Penis, itching : Agar, Ant. c, IHep., Lachn, INatr. s., Spong.; in evening after lying down, better by scratching, Hgn.; on lower part, Como.; of skin, HCaust Penis, jerking: Thuya; a kind of nervous floating, pain in left half, frequently repeated, Form.; painful at root, Zinc. Penis, lacerating: at point, during urination (chronic catarrh of bladder), I IPareira. Penis, lymphatics: swelling, Lactu. v., IMere Penis, pain: Jacar.; during cough, Ign.; after emissions, IDig.; in end, IFerr. ph.; leftside, Ars. h.; at root (urethral disease, especially gonorrhoea), IPetroseb; when walking, Cann. s. 8^° Erections painful. Penis, pressing sensation : Cub.; on leftside of root, while standing, outward as if hernia would protrude, ICamph. Penis, pricking : sharp, Sil. Penis, relaxed (flaccid): Agar, 11 Aram d.,IBar. c, Cann. i, Carbol. ac, Jamb,HLyc,IMur. ac, 11 Pic. ae; discharge of prostatic fluid, Euphor.; during embrace, INux v.; nocturnal emis- sions, Bell.; with emissions and lascivious dreams, Sabad.; voluptuous fancies excite no erections, IIAgnus ; with sexual desire, ICa- lad.; with increased sexual instinct, ICrotal.; in spermatorrhoea, from onanism, IGels. 8^° cold, erections; also Sexual power decreased. Penis, retracted: Euph, INuph., I IPic. ac; becomes small, Illgn.; spasmodically, I IPuls. 8®° cold, small. Penis, scalding: at point, during urination (chronic catarrh of bladder), I IPareira. Penis, sensitive: when walking, as if shirt were rough and rubbed it, Zinc. Penis, sharp pains: Stilling. Penis, shooting: Ammoniac; from middle line of belly, Alum.; dull, heavy, iEsc h.; in root, Calc p. Penis, shrunken : gtgg~ small. Penis, small: Aloe, IILyc; atrophy (after onan- ism), Arg. met; flaccid, cold, HAgnus; pre- puce drawn behind corona, Prun.; shrunken, 11 Agar., Cann. b, I IPic. ac; wrinkled up when he cried (child, with intestinal spasms), 11 Op. gf^T cold, retracted. Penis, smarting at end: Arum t. Penis, sore: Cup. ars.; in meningitis, IThuya; as if, when walking, Cann. s. Penis, stinging: Berb.; about root, in after- noon, Ob an.; frequent, when sitting or walk- ing, Magn. s.; after urinating, Brach. Penis, stitches: Ascl. t, Calad, IJacea; from behind forward, Spig.; needlelike, Asaf.; fine, pricking, 11 Mez.; with increased sexual de- sire, ISub; in sides, Brom.; when sitting, ILith. Penis, stricture: 8©°Chap.21,Urethra,strict- ure. Penis, sweat: Lachn. 8®° Scrotum, sweat. Penis, swollen: ICann. s., ICinnab, IKali iod., IMere cor, IMez, ISib; cardiac dropsy,IDig.; day after coition, IKreo.; dropsical, ICanth., IFluor. ac, IIRhus; enormously (syphilis), ILac e; in gonorrhoea, IMillef; hard, Sabina ; heart disease, I Apoe; after injuries, HArn.; inflammatory, ILed.; integuments, Vespa; pufliness of integuments, Vespa; S-shaped (af- fection of liver, with dropsy), IFluor. ac; spiral form (oedema), I IRhus. Penis, tearing: at point, accompanies urine, drop by drop, with interruptions, IPareira; tearing in root, drawing, preceded by dull sticking in lower abdomen, near genitals, Zinc. Penis, tension: with erection, Calc. p. 8€j?° Gonorrhoea, chordee. Penis, thrilling : Brach.; tingling to glans, thrill runs down dorsum (renal calculus), ICanth. Penis, throbbing: Brach.; pulsating, with in- flammation of urinary organs (gonorrhoea), ICop. Penis, tickling : in end, Ascl. s. Penis tumor: vascular, in urethra, I Eucab Penis, twitching: Caust, ICinnab.; in bed, ICale Penis, ulcers: IKali bb; like chancres, Ananth.; on dorsum, discolored, greenish crust, I ISul.; fistulous in corpus spongiosum, left side one inch posterior to corona glandis, extending into urethra, during urination a portion of urine escaped (syphilis), INitr. ae; mercurio- XUAL ORGANS. 624 22. MALE syphilitic, ILach.; sloughing of entire integu- ment, leaving organ perfectly denuded (syph- ilis), INitr. ae; syphilitic, ILac e B@T Syphilis chancre. Penis, uneasiness: Cann. i. Penis, urging: painful, as after excessive coi- tion, with lasciviousness, Lyss. Penis, warts : moist, ILye 8®°° Genitals and Glans warts. Penis, -weakness : sensation of, Alum. 8@T* erections ; also Sexual power de- creased. PREPUCE, aching: of inner surface, ILye Prepuce, biting sensation: on inner surface, INux v.; on urinating, Calad. Prepuce, black : bluish, with hemorrhage and gangrene (syphilis), IKreo. Prepuce, burning : Ars. m, Cann. s., ISub; be- tween prepuce and glans, Thuya ; in phimosis, ISub; rasping, Berb.; after stool, Sil. Prepuce, chancre : g^" Syphilis, chancre. Prepuce, coldness: Berb.; icy, ISub; moist, Zing. Prepuce, discharge : inner surface secretes a yellowish-green offensive matter, ICorab; yellowish pus, in drops, IIMerc; yellowish- white liquid, Jacar. Prepuce, eruption: IMeresob; large round blister that seemed about to burst (dropsy), IGraph.; little blisters containing pus burst and form round flat ulcers, Ars. h.; long shaped blister hangs from, I IRhus; blisters on inner surface forming chancre-like ulcers (gonorrhoea), I Nitr. ae; red blotches on inner surface, IRhus; several reddish-yellow discolorations, ICin- nab.; herpes, Caust, IMere, ISars.; herpes, bleeding, Dulc; herpes, brown, Dulc; herpes, burning, Sep.; herpes, chappy, with circular desquamation of, Sep.; herpes, corroding, itching, IPhos. ae; herpes, dry, Dulc; herpes, furfuraceous, Dulc; herpes, humid, Dulc, Sep.; herpes, itching, IPetrol, Sep.; herpes, preputialis, mercurial, itching, INitr. ac; herpes, scurfy, Sep.; with tingling, IPhos. ac; herpes, small vesicles in groups, whitish with red base and itching, sensitive to touch, IHep.; three red patches resembling in color eruptions of scarlatina on, ICinnab.; white oval patches (syphilis), I ISang.; itching humid pimples, Sib; smallpox on inner sur- face, humid, suppurating, depressed on centre, Thuya; red spots changing to an ulcer with scurf, Thuya; bright red spots, size of a pea, Cann. s.; vesicles, IGraph.; vesicles (catarrh of bladder), ICaust.; itching vesicles, ICale; small itching vesicles open after a few days and become covered with small dry scabs or brown scurf, IINitr. ac; pale red vesicles from small ulcers, after breaking, IMere; vesicles, successive crops, very sore to touch, soon open at tip and leave a little ulcerlike sore, lasting a few days, a round clean cut, sharp edged elevation with depression, however, not filled with pus as in genuine chancre (retro-nasal catarrh benefited),^Med.; vesicles, changing to suppurating ulcers, Caust. Prepuce,erysipelas: after circumcision, lApis. Prepuce, excoriation: mechanical, of nlucous surface, after coitus, ICalend.; easy, INatr. e; on inner and lower part, I ICinch. bob; itch- ing, burning, with acrid discharge appearing upon inner surface as case improved (right- sided inguinal hernia), HPsor.; at orifice, in diarrhoea, I IThuya ; by urine, IHep. Prepuce, fissured: ISep. Prepuce, fraenum: inflammation, yellow pu» between fraenum and glans, ICale; itching, IHep.; soft, smooth, painless lump, having an abrasion on left side (gonorrhoea), 11 Thuya; attacks of pain (gleet), I ISabina; humid se- cretions, Phos. ac.; smarting, Benz. ac.; sore, as if pricked by needles, ICorab; tingling, Phos. ac; ulcers, I INitr. ac; painful ulcers, on both sides (chancre), IIMerc. sob; tingling, oozing vesicles around, with feeling of heavi- ness in glans, I I Phos. ac. Prepuce, heat; Cann. s, IMere sob; in gonor- rhoea, IMere Prepuce, induration: after chancres, ILach.; boardlike, red, swollen, with chancre, ISul. Prepuce, inflamed: ICale, Cann. s., IIMerc, INatr. c; with acrid discharge, ISub; of inner surface and its margins, with suppurating ulcers with flat edges looking like chancre, with sticking tearing, especially worse towards evening, lasting through night and preventing sleep, still worse by violent erections towards morning, INitr. ac; with burning pain,INitr. ae; in paraphimosis, IColoe; with redness and burning, ICale; redness of inner surface, painful sensitiveness, IMere sob; skin,Elaps ; in syphilis, lApis. 8^° sore, swollen. Prepuce, itching: Agar, Aloe, HCinnab, Colch., Gymn., IMere, INitr. ae, ISep, Sil, ISul, Zing.; biting, in inner and upper por- tion, I IPuls.; edges, Ars. met.; on inner side of, Como.; on inner surface, Camph, INux v., Thuya; in margin, ICham,IIIgn,Jacar.; with discharge of prostatic fluid on every emotion, HCon.; stinging, on inner surface, Rhus; with swelling, IJacea ; voluptuous, Euphor. Prepuce, numbness: Berb. Prepuce, odor: fetid, ICinnab. Prepuce, painful; Calad.,Osm.; cannot retract it (gleet), I ISabina; asif a small bundle of fibres were seized, Jacar. Prepuce, paraphimosis: IColoe, IIMerc, IMere, cor, IINitr. ae; gangrene threatened, I Ars, HCanth., IILach, IMere iod. rub.; with extensive swelling of glans, IKali iod.; gonorrhoeal, ICann. s, IIMerc. sub; gonor- rhoeal, in its beginning, Coloe; in orchitis, INuxv.; painful and swollen, after coition, Calad.; pains night and day, IColoe; with pains in penis, IRhus; penis smaller, Prun.; re- tracted behind glans, I INatr.m.; during sleep, Coloe; syphilitic, IIMerc, INitr.ac, I ISep, I IThuya. Prepuce, phimosis: Aeon., ICale, ICann. s, Cycb, IHam., Jacar, ILye, IMere, IINitr. ac, ISub; with burning on urinating, IDig.; in children, Aeon., Cale, Mere, Sub; with constipation, ICann. s.; discharge dirty and profuse (secondary syphilis), ICinnab.; dis- charge fetid (secondary syphilis), ICinnab.; discharge of pus, throbbing, IHep.; discharge of fetid pus, ISub; discharge puslike (secon- dary syphilis), ICinnab.; from friction, II Arn.; with induration, Lach, Sep, Sub; with in- flammation, I Aeon, Arn., Euph, Rhus ; from the use of chemical or poisonous substances, Aeon, Bell., Bry., Camph.; with suppuration, Caps, IHep., IMere; with swelling, INitr.ac.;. syphilitic, IIMerc, INitr.ac, I ISep., I IThuya. 22. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 625 Prepuce, pricking: Jacar.; in margin, Jacar. Prepuce, purplish: ICinnab. Prepuce, red: Cann. s., HCinnab, ICorab, ■Mere sob, Sil, ISub; with dry heat of body, Prun.; in phimosis, ISul. Prepuce, sensitive: ICorab; margin feels sore when linen touches it, ICorab; to touch, Cann. s.; to touch, and on walking, IMere sol. Prepuce, skin : thick, Elaps. Prepuce, smarting: Lobel. b; as from excoria- tion of margin, Cann. s.; on inner side, Cann. s.; in outer edge, worse after urination, Bell. Prepuce, sore: IIMerc; like incipient chancre, Ailant; corrosive pain, Calad.; on inner sur- face and small ulcers secreting very offensive ichor, stains linen like bloody matter, INitr. ac.; at margin, Illgn., IMur. ac; at margin, in sycosis, ICham.; at margin, or on mons veneris, INux v.; from slight rubbing, Cycl. 8^° inflamed. Prepuce, stinging: on inner surface, Camph.; in margin, ICham. Prepuce, stitches: Ang, IINitr. ac. Prepuce, swollen: I Apis, Cann. s, ICaps, HCinnab., ICorab, INatr. c. Sib, IThuya ; to a large water blister without pain, IGraph.; burning pain, INitr. ae; circumference three times greater, Ars. m.; distended, like a bladder, IRhod.; as if distended with air or water to a blister, IMere sob; dropsy, IDig, I IGraph.; could not be drawn over glans, copi- ous, yellowish green pus on attempting to do so (secondary syphilis), I Jacar.; in gonor- rhoea, IMere; with itching, IJacea, I ILac e; along margin, IICalad.; edges covered with nodosities, I ILacc; oedema, INatr. s.; cede- matous, to completely hide orifice of urethra (affection of liver, with dropsy), IFluor. ac; in paraphimosis, IColoe; approaching phimo- sis, Cann. s.; with phimosis, INitr. ac; with painful sensitiveness, IMere sob; dark red, erysipelatous swelling, IIRhus; hard, red, in front, appearing as thick and hard as a lead pencil, with hard chancre in centre, entirely painless, IMere iod. rub.; in sycosis, ICham. Prepuce, tearing: in left side, ICinch. Prepuce, ulcerative pain: margin, llgn. Prepuce, ulcers: lAur. mur. nat, I ICinch. bob, ICinnab, IIMerc, HPhos., ISep.; bowl- shaped, tallow-like coating,! Arg.nit.; chancre- like externally, IHep.; chancrelike, in retro- nasal catarrh, ~Med. benefited ; grayish, with shaggy borders, Arg. met.; mercurio-syphil- itic,IPhos.; mild (gonorrhoea), IIMerc. cor.; red, flat, with profuse, yellow, ichorous dis- charge on inner surface,ICorab; small,covered with pus, I Arg. nit.; usually several at a time, 11 Nitr. ac.; several small, bleed easily so soon as prepuce moves, or handling parts (chancre), IMere sol. Prepuce, warts: Aur. mur.; on fraenum and in- ner surfacebleeding when touched,HCinnab.; inner surface covered with small, pointed, slight discharge of viscid fluid, I IThuya ; on edge, with itching and burning, I IPsor.; four white,pedunculated,dry condylomata, on mu- cous surface of, painless and not sensitive to touch, after mercury in gonorrhcea,ILyc;ex- crescence on inner surface, like figwarts, IThuya; a red growth, like condylomata on inner surface, IThuya; seven, large, moist, itching, burning on, I IPsor.; around ulcers, I Aur. mur. nat. BST" Genitals, Glans, and Penis warts. Prepuce, water: cold, caused pain as from ex- coriation, Cann. s. PROSTATE GLAND, affections: Aeon, I liEseh., Agnus, Aloe, Alumin, 11 Apis, Aur. met., IBar.c, Benz. ac, HBov.,Cact, HCale, Cann. s, ICaust., IChim. umb, HCon, ICop, Cycb, IDig, Hep, Hippom, Iod, Kali bi. Kali c, Lith., Lye, IMere, Puis,See,Selen, ISub, IThuya, Zinc; with weight in anus, Cact.; with constriction of bladder, Cact.; chronic, ICon.; in gonorrhoea, IIThuya ; after onanism, ITarant.; with rectal trouble, I IPod.; with urethretis, Pareira; desire to pass water, at first ineffectual, Cact. gW Chap. 21, Bladder burning in neck ; Urination slow, stream, urging; After urination urging; also Chap. 19, Perineum. Prostate gland, biting : Con. Prostate gland, burning: Cop.; in afternoon, Lyss. Prostate gland, cancer: with haematuria, Cro- tal. Prostate gland, discharge (prostatorrhoea): I lAgar., lAgnus, Anac, Apis, ICale, Canth., IChim. umb, Elaps, Hep, Mang, INatr. m, IPhos. ae, I IPlumb, IPuls, ISelen, ISep., ISib, I ISpig, IStaph., Sul, Tabae, IThuya ; copious, without any cause, IZinc.; on every emotion, with itching of prepuce, HCon.; ' with frequent erections, IPuls.; a teaspoonful immediately after erection, IPhos. ac; with- out an erection, ILye; without erection, when thinking of sexual things, INatr. m.; in even- ing, IPhos. ac; emission of flatus caused it, IMagn. e; milklike, I ISelen.; milklike, after stool, Hod.; profuse, without apparent cause, Zinc; from relaxed penis, I Aur. met.; after sexual excesses, HStaph.; when sitting, with a disagreeable sensation, ISelen.; during sleep, ISelen.; from slightest cause, lEryng.; smell- ing salty and musty, without erection, Lyss.; during"stool, Agn., Alum., Anac, ICale, ICon, Coral, Elaps, Hep., Hgn, Kali bb, Natr. c, INatr. m, IINux v., IPhos., ISelen, HSep, ISil, Staph, Sul, Zinc; during stool, in chronic prostatitis, IKali bb; during hard stool, IPhos.; with soft stool, Anac; while straining at stool, ICarbo v., HSil.; after stool, IINitr. ac., IISul.; after difficult stool, I INitr. ae; before urinating, Psor.; after urinating, Anac, Hippom, IKali c, Lyss, I ISub; after urinating, worse from smoking, IDaph.; after urinating, and during hard stool, IHep.; after urinating, and after difficult stool, INatr. e; when walking, ISelen. B^T" Chap. 20, Dur- ing stool prostatic discharge. Prostate gland, dryness: feeling of, Cop. Prostate gland, enlarged: Aloe, lApis, I Aur. mur. Bar. c, IBenz. ac, HCale, Cann. s., Canth, Chim. umb, HCon., IDig., IFerr. mur., IHyos, Hod, I IKali iod, Lith, ILye, IMere, INatr.s, INitr.ac, I IPareira, IIPuls., Senecio; chronic, Spong, ISub, IThuya, Uva ursi; feels as if, and sensitive, Aloe; firmly fixed, Con.; with hardness, Cop., Senecio; feels hard and narrows urethra (prostatitis and atony of sexual organs), I ISelen.; with hemorrhoids, IStaph.; hypertrophy, lAmm. m., IIBar. e; hypertrophy, chronic urethral 40 626 22. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. discharge, IPhos.; chronic hypertrophy, small and painless, INatr. e; induration, Cop.; irregularly indurated, one spot hard, another spot soft, I ISil.; in old men, I Aloe, IDig.; urinary symptoms, painful, both lobes enorm- ously swTollen, almost occluding rectum,IMere d.; with retention of urine, IPareira. Prostate gland, indurated: Cop., Hod.; hard as a stone, Con. g^° enlarged. Prostate gland, inflammation: Bell, ICub., IHep., Hippom., ILye, IPetrol, IIPuls, ISib; with atony of sexual organs, I I Selen.; neck of bladder swollen and painful when sitting and standing, IIPuls.; chronic, Caust., IKali bi, INux v., Senecio; chronic, in old men, IStaph.; acute, from sitting on cold wet stone, IChim. umb.; after checked gonorrhoea, INitr. ae, IThuya; with heat and pressure in peri- neum, IPuls.; caused by immense hard stool, I ISelen.; particularly after maltreated gonor- rhoeal stricture, IMere d.; urine stains red, heavily loaded with urates, excoriating, ISep. Prostate gland, irritation: I I Gnaph.; as if he should pass water constantly, Cact. Prostate gland, itching : Con. Prostate gland, jerking pain : nervous floating, frequently repeated, Form. Prostate gland, pains (undefined): Cup. ars.; after coition, ICepa; in gonorrhoea, ICaps.; slight, Gnaph.; during urination, Cop. Prostate gland, pressing sensation : 01. an.; painful, Cepa. Prostate gland, stitches: ICon, IKali c; and pressure, urging to stool and urination, ICycb; when walking, must stand still (chronic pros- tatitis), IKali bi. Prostate gland, tenesmus: Lyss. B^° Chap. 20, Rectum tenesmus; also Chap. 21, Bladder tenesmus. SCROTUM, bleeding: HPetrol. Scrotum, bluish: Amyg.; in children, I Ars. Scrotum, boils : Cup. ars. Scrotum, bruised feeling: IKali c. Scrotum, burning: Spong.; with herpes, ICale; in left half, drawing to right side, Lachn.; in places between it and thighs, Bar. c; after scratching, INatr. s. g^° excoriation. Scrotum, cancer : scirrhus, ICarbo a. Scrotum, chancre : 8®° Syphilis chancre. Scrotum, coldness: ICaps., lllris; feeling, Berb.; in morning, on waking, ICaps. Scrotum, contracted: Aeon, Berb, Carbo s.; when he cried (child with intestinal spasms), 11 Op.; for two or three weeks, Lyss.; shrivel- led, Carbo s., ICrot. t, Therid, Zinc; shrunken, cold, Berb.; spasmodically drawn up, IIPuls. B€sr* Testicles retracted. Scrotum, crawling: Ang. Scrotum, creeping : IChel. Scrotum, cutting : to root of penis, ICon. Scrotum, drawing: Clem. Scrotum, eruption : eczema itching excessively, worse at night, ICrot. t; eczema rubrum, Chel.; herpetic, Crotal., ICrot. t, I lEup. per. Tell.; humid herpes, IINatr. m.; herpetic moist, between it and thighs, INatr. m.; humid, between it and thighs, IIRhus ; dry scaly, violent itching, worse at night, ICalad"; miliary, burning, stitching on, I IPuls.; moist IIGraph.; moist between it and thighs, ISars.; along raphe, from penis to anus, brown hard nodules, which become painless ulcers and discharge much pus (syphilis), INitr. ae; pimples, ICale p.; humid pimples, IThuya; red pimples, Phos. ae; small pimples or ves- icles, between it and thighs, IPetrol.; purple efflorescence in patches, Colch.; pustular after itching, Ant. sul. aur.; small scabs between. it and right thigh, itching, better by scratch- ing, INatr. s.; moist vesicles on left side, Aeon.; small flat vesicles, painful to touch, become moist and form dry scales, ICheb; vesicular, HCrot. t, I IRhus v. BST" erysipelas. Scrotum, erysipelas: IRhus; extending to anus, Arn.; scratching causes sexual pleasure and escape of semen, which weakens (scarla- tina), I IRhus. Scrotum, excoriation: HSub; acrid humor, Cop.; epithelium, denuded in large spots, with soreness, Phos. ae; erosions on sides, con- stantly oozing moisture, IThuya; humid sore- ness, IIHep.; between it and thighs, moist, Bar. c.; moisture, extending to perineum and thighs, HPetrol.; raw appearance (itching eruption), I ISub; rawness, in children, Ars.; red places, between it and thighs, Bar. e; soreness, ICale p.; soreness, especially left side, Berb.; soreness, oozing fluid, ICale p.; between it and thighs, IILyc, IMere, INatr. e, INatr. m. Scrotum, fistula: irregular and discolored from a sinus and cicatrization of former abscesses and sinuses, HSpong.; discharges a little thick, whitish matter, HSpong.; several swollen and inflamed openings, constant tur- bid watery discharge, several of these open- ings penetrate through scrotum, others form canals running through skin, I Iod. Scrotum, fulness : in lower part, IFluor. ac. Scrotum, heat: IChel, Jacar, I IPuls., ISpong.; on left side, in orchitis, 11 Nux v. Scrotum, hernia : g@g~ Chap. 19, Inguinal re- gion hernia. Scrotum, induration: HSub; with intolerable itching, IIRhus. Scrotum, inflammation : erysipelatous, 11 Apis, Ars, IRhus ; after attacks of malarious fever, 11 Op. Scrotum, irritation : I ISub 8®" excoriation, itching. Scrotum, itching (pruritus): Alum, Ang, Apis, Arg. met., Ars. met, lArumd., Aur. met, Berb, ICale p., HCaust, ICheb, ICist, Citrus, ICoccul., I ICrot. t, Form., IIGraph., Indig, 11 Jacea, IIKali c, Lachn., ILye, Mane,Meph., IMur. ae, I INatr. m.,INitr. ae, IINux v, IRhod, IRhus, Selen., Spong, IISul.; to anus, IMagn. m.; biting as from salt, on left side, Ant. e; with burning, after scratching, INatr. s., constant, INuph.; corro- sive, worse while walking, ICrot. t.; with violent erections, IKali m.; in gonorrhoea, IMere; in herpes, ICale; herpetic, extend- ing to perineum and thighs, HPetrol.; in in- terior, Mang.; left side, must pinch and rub it between thumb and finger, I IStaph.; dur- ing night, Como.; keeps him awake at night, and torments him nearly all day, I IUrt.nr.; better by scratching, soon returns, Carbobae; not better by scratching, almost sore, several evenings in succession, Zinc; disturbing sleep, better from scratching, ICrot. t.; violent, dis- turbing sleep at night, INatr. m.; in a small 22. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 627 spot, Niccol.; between it and thighs, INatr. m.; unbearable, after scratching pimples arise, oozing a moisture and keeping parts sore, ISars.; violent, IKali e; voluptuous, follow- ing use of Staph isagria, I Amb.; voluptuous, excites sexual desire, Anac; voluptuous, after sexual excesses, HStaph.; voluptuous, caused by scratching, ICrot. t. 8®*" eruption, irritation. Scrotum, peristaltic motion: increased all afternoon and evening, Lyss. 8®" twisting. Scrotum, red: Apis, IChel, Cop, ICrot. t, I IPuls.; bluish, IMur. ae; bright,Rhus ; deep, 11 Rhus v.; with itching eruption, I ISub; to perineum and thighs, HPetrol.; shining, worse right side (gonorrhoea), IMere Scrotum,relaxed: Aloe, Amm. c, Astac,ICale; ICoff, HClem, lllris, IILyc, IMagn. m., INatr. m, INuph.; continuously, in varicocele, ISub; flabby, INatr. m.; flaccid, falling half way to knee, Rhus ; hanging down on eighth day, while before and after it was contracted, Lyss.; hanging almost to knees, I IPic. ae; with great depression of sexual system, Ustil. 8®° Penis relaxed. Scrotum, retraction : 8®*° contracted. Scrotum,rhagades: IPetrol. Scrotum, sensitive : sore to touch, Apis. Scrotum, shining : like a mirror, IGraph.; red, worse right side (gonorrhoea), IMere Scrotum, soreness: feeling of, in sides and contiguous parts of thighs, Zinc. Scrotum, stinging: I INatr. m., 11 Urt. ur. Scrotum, stitches: I IJacea. Scrotum, sweat: Bar. e; excessive, I ICalad, ICale p., Daph,l IIgn.,Lachn,HLyc, IMagn. m., IMere. INatr. s., IPsor, IRhod, I ISib, HSub; cold, IHam.; profuse cold, at night, Ham.; constantly moist and damp, Cup. ars.; profuse, ISep.; profuse, warm, IGels.; sticking, ILye; strong smelling, IDiosc; sweetish smelling, IThuya. 8®° Genitals sweat. Scrotum, swollen: 11 Apis,IChel, Jacar,INatr. m, IIRhus, I IRhus v,Sep., 11 Urt. ur., Vespa; looks like a bladder filled with water, 11 Dig.; dropsy, HApis, ICanth., I ICitrus, Ferr, I IGraph, IKali c, IIRhus; in cardiac dropsy, IDig.;enormously (aortic insufficiency, albu- minuria), 11 Zinc.; enormously,in dropsy, ILye; enormously, in scarlatinal dropsy, ILach., IPhos.; gangrene threatened, IFluor. ac; in chronic gonorrhoea, Brom.; as large as a child's head(affection of liver,with dropsy), IFluor.ac; in heart disease, lApoe; inflammatory, Phos. ac; with intolerable itching, IIRhus ; on left side (orchitis),I INux v.;leftsideformanyyears, slightly enlarged, accompanied by varicocele, sudden, rapid increase of size, finally present- ing a hard,painless tumor,19cm.long, and 9 cm. in circumference (sarcocele), IMere iod. rub.; oedema, IIArs, IFerr. s., INatr. s, IIRhus; oedema, in dropsy, IColch.; oedema, in dia- betes mellitus, I Arg. met.; painful, after sup- pressed chancre, 11 Syph.; painless, IIMez.; painless, after contusion from riding on horse- back, IBar. m.; puffy, Vespa; tickling and itching on left side, Agar.; right half, HClem.; after scarlet fever, IHep.; as large as a child's head., after scarlet fever, upon going into air before desquamation, ILach.; after scarlet fever, with recurrence of fever, 11Rhus ; skin thicker, Calad.; with scaly spots, ICale; thickened, I IClem- thickening of skin, IISul. Scrotum, tingling: and itching, Lachn.; during night, Como. Scrotum, twisting sensation: Jamb. Scrotum, ulceration: I I Nitr. ac.; flat, with fetid ichor, Aur. mur.; after gonorrhoea, I Aur. met.; sloughing, after attack of malarious fever, I IOp.; syphilitic, IKali iod. Scrotum, warts: excrescences (fistula in ano), I Aur. mur.; red tubercle between it and right thigh, Thuya. 86T" Genitals warts. Scrotum, yellow : greenish, Amyg. SEMEN, increased: Zing. Semen, odor: not normal, ISelen.; pungent, ILach.; like stale urine, INatr. p. Semen, thick: with threads of white opaque substance (nocturnal emission), Med. Semen,thin: INatr. p,ISelen.; watery,INatr.p, ISep.; watery, deficient,Agnus; watery, causing no stiffness of linen (nocturnal emission),Med. Semen, transparent: consistency of gumarabic mucilage, too thick to pour and voided with difficulty (nocturnal emission), Med. SEMINAL EMISSIONS (involuntary, noc- turnal, spermatorrhoea): Acet. ac, ^Esc. h., Alum, Ars, Ars. s.f,lArt. v,IBar. c, profuse. Leucorrhoea, cough: after cough, Con.; obsti- nate, alternates with cough, which reduces her strength, and threatens to develop into consumption, Hod.; during cough, INatr. m. Leucorrhcea, creamlike : Bufo, IKali f, INatr. p., IIPuls, ISee, I IStaph.; afternoon, uncon- sciously, ICale p.; before menses,Trill.; pain- less, with swelling of pudenda, IIPuls.; from weakness and venous congestion, ISee 8@" milky, white. Leucorrhoea, dark: JEsc. h., Agar, Croc, IKreo, Nux m., Sec, 11 Thlaspi; in prolapsus uteri, I Agar. Leucorrhcea, during day: lAlum., ILac e; with burning, HSep.; worse, Murex. Leucorrhcea, debilitating : g^~ weakness. Leucorrhoea, dreams: lascivious, nightly, IPetrol. Leucorrhoea, like white of egg: 8®* albumi- nous. Leucorrhcea, epigastrium: burning, Calc. p.; dull, heavy feeling, Gels.;* weak feeling, Hydras. Leucorrhoea, epilepsy; ICaust, ILach. Leucorrhoea, eructations: with frequent, and retching, pale face, HSep. Leucorrhoea, eruption: brown spots, HSep.; in eczema capitis, ISib; moth spots on fore- head, Caulo.; tetterlike, INatr. m.; tetter on temples, lAlum. 8®" face. Leucorrhoea, expectoration : after, Con. Leucorrhoea, face: acne, full of yellow pus, Calc. p.; complexion dirty, Calc. p.; com- plexion earthy, yellow, INatr. m.; pale, Lye, Sep.; yellow, Caulo., Caust, Ferr, INatr. m, ISep.; brown or yellowish spots, Caulo,Natr. m, ISep. Leucorrhoea, fainting : Bar. e, ICycb, ILach, INux m., Sul. Leucorrhoea, fetid: 8®* odor. Leucorrhoea, gelatinous: Sep. Leucorrhoea, gonorrhoeal: Cop., IINitr. ac, IThuya; discharge like gonorrhoea, during pregnancy, Bor. g^° acrid. Leucorrhoea, greenish: lApis, lAsaf, Bov, HCarbo v, ICarbol. ac. Cub., IKali iod, Lach, IIMerc, IMurex, IINatr. m, IINitr. ae, ISee, I ISep.; ulcer on cervix, Carbol. ae; after menses, INitr. ae; leaves spots on clothes, IBov.; with ulceration of os uteri, IMurex; particularly after walking,INatr. m.; watery, ISep.; with tumefaction and bruised feeling in neck of womb and general prostra- tion, Rob.; yellowish, IBov, I ISep. Leucorrhcea, in gushes: HCale, IIGraph, IILyc, Sabina, I ISep, HSil.; on bending or squatting down, ICoccul.; day and night, with constipation, IGels.; day or night, IIGraph.; after sitting for a long time clots fall to floor, on rising, ILye; yellow stain, IThuya. Leucorrhoea, hair: falling off, Alum., Graph., ILye, INatr. m, IPhos, Sub; falling off on pubes, INatr. m. Leucorrhoea, headache: Agar.. IKali bi, IINatr. m, IPlat, HSep.; preceded by head- ache, ISenecio ; dull, in occiput, I^Ese h. Leucorrhcea, heat: flushes, ILach, Lye, ISub; sensation of warm water flowing down, IBor.; of genitals, HCale Leucorrhoea, hemorrhoids: oozing watery fluid, Calc. p. Leucorrhoea, hoarseness: after, Con, INatr. s. Leucorrhoea, honey-colored: INatr. p. Leucorrhoea, hypochondrium: paift in left (chronic splenitis), ICean. Leucorrhoea, hysteria: IIPuls. Leucorrhcea, itching: Agar, lAnae, HCale, ICaust, ICollin, Cub, IFluor. ac, IHydras, IKali bb, IIKreo., IMere, INatr. m, INitr. ac, Puis., ISabina, HSep., I IZinc; in climaxis, IMurex ; of vagina, HSep. Leucorrhoea, languor, lassitude : gfgg" weak- ness. Leucorrhoea, linen: corrodes, Hod.; stains brown, ILil. tig.; stains green, Bov, ILach., Thuya; stains yellow, Agnus, ICarbo a, Chel, Graph, IKreo., INux v, Prun, Sep., Thuya; stiffens, lAlum, Kali bb, IKreo, ILach. Leucorrhoea, liver: complicated with hepatic derangement and constipation, IHydras., IPod. Leucorrhcea, loss of fluids : or from defective nutrition, 11 Alet. Leucorrhoea, lumpy (coagulated): Amb., I Ant c, IBov., -Calc s., IMere; in clots, Curar.; in clots, after menses, ICinch.; fetid, ICinch.; large lumps, unbearable in odor, I IPsor.; large lumps, blood-colored mucus, Ars. m.; small black lumps, Cinch, Ustil.; flocks of pus and mucus as large as hazelnuts, IMere; mixed with acrid water, lAnt. e Leucorrhoea,menses: after,IIBov,IICale,Calc. p., ICarbo v, ICinnam, Cub, ILye, ILyss, INatr.m., Niccol., IPuls.; some days after, I I Thlaspi; ten days after, stopping suddenly and soon flowing again, lasting several days, with much pain in bowels before discharge, ICon.; worse ten days after, IHydras.; usually in daytime, I IKali f; long continued after, 11 Sabina ; a week after, IKalm.; for two weeks after, ICale p.; two weeks after, lasting three or four days, IMagn. m.; worse after, I^Ese h.; before, Aur. mur. Bar. c, IIBov., HCale, ICarbo v., Cub., IIFerr, IKreo., INatr. m, IPhos, IPhos.ae, IPuls., ISub, 11 Thlaspi; before, in cardialgia, IMagn. m.; every month, five or six days before, ICed.; three days be- fore, copious, smarting and slimy, stiffening linen and leaving greenish stain, ILach.; three to eight days before, ILach.; immediately be- fore, IBar. e; before vicarious, IDig.; be- tween, IIBor, ICoccul, llpec, HSep.; a few days before,!IKreo.; between, worse between, in hemicrania, ISep.;-between, in incipient phthisis, HCale; from one term to another, ICalep, IThuya; alternates with bloody dis- charge, Tarant.; delayed, Hyper.; during, IPhos.; follows feeble, Ruta; flows like,ICaust, IIKreo.; great increase during time when men- ses, should appear, IXan.; instead of, ICed., IChen.a., ICoccul, IGraph., INux m., IPhos, I ISep, IZinc; instead of, with itching,Cinch.; follows irregular and scanty, I ISep.; follows menorrhagia (uterine polypus), IIThuya; followed by metrorrhagia, IMagn. m.; with retarded, Ziz.; scant, ICaust, IMez.; sup- pressed, Ziz.; worse as menses go off, Cale p. Leucorrhcea, mental condition: anxiety, Cale 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 645 p.; depression, IMurex; excitement, Coff;ex- citement aggravates, Cale; useful for girls crossed in love, Calc. p.; fault-finding, Calc p.; after fright in young girls, before menstrua- tion is fairly established, IIPuls.; irritable, Aeon, Cale; irritable and irascible after coi- tion, Natr. in.; worse when sighing, I ICalab.; happier, in prolapsus uteri, IMurex. Leucorrhcea, after mercurialization : IINitr. ac. Leucorrhcea, mild (bland): lAlum., Amm. m., Bor,IBrom,ICaulo, Kalif, IKali m, IIKreo, IIMerc, Nux v. Plat., Phos. ac, Ruta, Ran. b, Sep., I IStaph, ISul, IThuya, Ziz.; con- stant, profuse, staining greenish yellow (ante- version), ILil. tig.; milky (chlorosis), IFerr.; painless, I Amm. in., INux v, IIPuls.; before urination, with frequent desire to urinate, IKreo. Leucorrhcea, milky: Ananth., Ang, HCale, ICarbo v., ICoff, ICon, IFerr, Kali iod., IKreo.,ILach.,ILye, Natr. m, IPhos,I IPuls, ISabina, Sarrae, ISep, ISil, ISul, ISul. ae; after laborlike pains in abdomen, IKreo.; cor- roding, in a child, Hyper.; after coccygodynia, IIKreo.; during menses, IPhos.; early in morning, when walking, IPhos.; preceded by cutting around navel, HSil.; with painful urination, Cop.; watery, IFerr. B®° cream - like, white. Leucorrhcea, moon : worse before full, ILye Leucorrhoea, morning: lAur. met, IBell, ICarbo v., IGraph, IKreo, IMagn. m.; wa- tery, INatr. m.; morning, after rising, worse, ISub; worse in, after urination, IMagn. m.; in young girls, I IPuls. Leucorrhoea, motion : cannot bear downward, IBor.; worse after exercise, HCale, IMagn. m.: worse w-hen exercising during day, espe- cially about 4 p.m., I ICalab.; worse by walking, IJEsc. h. Alum., IBov., Cale, ICar- bo a, Kreo.,IMagn. m.,INatr. m,ISars.; while walking, Stront.; pains on account of sore- ness while walking, HSep. Leucorrhoea, mucous: lAlum, I Arg. nit, lArs, Bar. c,Bov, ICarbo v, ICaulo, Coccus, ICoff, ICon, Diad, IGraph, Hippoz, IHydras, IKali c, IKali iod, ILach, Lyss, IMere, INitr. ac, 101. an, IPetrol, IPod, IPhos. ac, IPuls,I IPlumb., ISabad, ISars, HSep, ISub, IThuya, IZinc; acrid, ICon., Magn. c, Phos.; wdth griping in upper abdomen, IZinc; jelly- like, Pallad., ISabina, Sec, Sep.; accumula- tion between labia and thighs, I ICale; bloody, Aloe, IBar. c, ICarbo v., Canth., Con, IKreo, Sep., Zinc; bloody, thick, purulent, Cop.; at times slightly tinged with blood, Raph.; bluish white, at night, Amb.; bluish white (nymphomania), Amb.; after coition, causing sterility, INatr. e; clear, with sudden pain in sacral region, at 4 p.m. (false labor pains), I IPuls.; preceded by colic, IMagn. c; fetid, Caps.; glassy, I INatr. m.; in gonorrhoea, I Mez.; green, I INitr. ae; hangs from os in long viscid strings, IHydras.; long pieces, before menses, IFerr.; after menses, INitr. ae; a fort- night before menses, ISub; in an old woman, IPhos.; purulent (child), I ISyph.; purulent, worse after menses (ulcerated cervix), IMere; thickish, color of milk, especially on lying down, IIPuls.; thick, transparent,with consti- pation and bearing down, IPod.; thick white, IIPuls.; thin as water, IMere cor.; trans- parent, HStann.; white, after bearing down, Bell.; white, watery, IPhos.; whitish, watery, especially profuse during menses, HPhos. 8ST" albuminous, bloody, transparent, white. Leucorrhoea, at night. Amb, ICaust, IMere; only, ICarbo v., ICaust, INatr. m.; pains, ICon.; worse, IMere; must rise and bathe parts, ISul. Leucorrhcea, nose: catarrh, after suppressed, ILact. ac. Leucorrhoea, odor: like ammonia, lAmm. c; bad, Calc. p.; bad smelling fluids, HSep.; like green corn, IKreo.; old cheese, I Hep.; fetid, ICarbol. ae, IMyr. cer, INux v., IOp., IIThlaspi; fetid, with cauliflower excrescence, IKali ars.; fetid, at climaxis, I ISabina; fetid, in uterine polypi, ICon.; foul, Curar, Sarrae; like menses, ICaust.; offensive, Amm. m., Ananth., I Arg. met, Ars, lAsaf, Bapt., Bufo, Calc, ICarbo a., Carbol. ac, ICinch, Cro- tal, Cub., Curar., IHep, Hydras, IKreo., Lyss, IINitr. ac, INux v., ISabina, ISang., ISee, ISep, Tereb, Trill, Ustil.; offensive, be- tween menses (ovarian tumor), IColoe; offen- sive, puslike, IHydras.; offensive (cancer of uterus), IISul.; offensive, with ulceration of uterus, Bufo.; offensive, watery, exhaustion (gangrene of uterus), ICalend.; offensive, yel- lowish, ISyph.;pungent, IKreo.;putrid,HCar- bob ac, IKali iod, IIKreo, Mur. ac, INatr. e, Phos. ac, IPsor, ISee, ISep.; sour (steril- ity), I INatr. ph.; sweetish,Calc. p, IMere cor. Leucorrhcea, in old women: atrophied, can- cer cachexia, IHelon. Leucorrhoea, opaque : IKali m. Leucorrhcea, ovaries: pain in left, lArg. met, ILach, Lil. tig. Thuya ; dropsy, -Ferr. iod.; right inflamed, Bell, Iod.; right cutting, lApis, ILye; pain in region of, Helon, Sep.; stinging, in region of, HSep. Leucorrhcea, palpitation: Bar. c, IFerr, Hy- dras, Hyper, Iod., Lil. tig, Nux m. Plat; during motion, ISul. Leucorrhoea, parturition : continues six months after, with laborlike pains from sacrum to crest of ileum, or around to uterus, I ISars. Leucorrhoea, periodic : intermitting, ICarbo v.; every four weeks (perforating ulcer), IKali c. Leucorrhoea, phthisis: IFerr. Leucorrhcea, in pregnancy: ICoccul., IIKreo., IMurex, IPuls, HSep.; with inclination to mis- carriage, 11 Plumb. Leucorrhcea, pressing: Calc. p.; or laborlike pain, ICinnab. 8®* abdomen ; also Uterus pressing. Leucorrhcea, profuse: I Aeon, I Alum., lAmm. c, I Ant. c, I Apis, lArg. nit, I Asaf, 7rBor, I ICale, ICarbol. ac, ICaust, ICoccul, ICon., Cub, IIGraph., IHam, IHelon, IKali f, ILach, ILed, INatr. m, Niccol, IPhos. ac, I IPuls, HSil, HStann, I ISub, I ISyph, Ziz.; with sense of weakness in abdomen, IPhos.; acrid, I Alum., Amm. c. Apis, Ars, IDig, Sil.; with weakness of back and sacrum when walking and sitting, IGraph.; bloody, with colic, Coff.; after frequent attacks of colic, with writhingabout umbilicus,INatr. c; continuing almost without intermission, IMagn. m.; during day, none at night,IAlum, ILac c; excoriating, worse afternoon and evening, ILil. tig.; soaks through napkins 646 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. and runs to heels of stockings, if much on her feet, ISyph.; irritating, ILil. tig.; lumpy, fetid mucus, HSep.; after menses (amenor- rhcea), I INux v.; before menses (amenor- rhcea), I INux v.; between menses, clear mu- cus, menses too frequent(melancholia), I IPlat; flow like menses, ICaust, IKreo, Magn. s.; milky, causing itching, HSabina; muco- purulent, IMere iod. flav.; muco-purulent, excoriating, with fibroid tumors, IMere cor.; muco-purulent, withrheumaticpains,IStilling.; mucus, ICaulo.; mucus, with colic, Coff.; bland mucus, I ICaulo.; Nabothian glands swollen, thick, tenacious, in women who have suffered from inflamed or broken breasts and various glandular swellings or abscesses, IPhyt; painless (uterine displacement), IPlat.; phlegmasia alba dolens, INatr. s.; pudenda sore and burning, ISub; running down to heels, Alum.; persistent sensitive- ness, IHam.; with spasmodic pains, lErig.; in chronic splenitis, ICean.; leaving no stain, Eup. pur.; thick, tenacious, from swollen Na- bothian glands, in women who have suffered from inflamed or broken breasts, glandular swellings and abscesses, IPhyt; thick, yel- low, every four or five days (hysteralgia), ISee; thin, biting, smarting, IGraph.; after urinating, I ISep.; with severe pain in uterine region two days after menses, I I Lace; in prolapsus uteri, lAgar., lAur. met., ICon.; with ulcer, partly fungous, partly granular, on upper lip of neck of uterus, IHydrocot.; after efforts to vomit, HSep.; better by cold washing, I Alum.; watery exhaustion (gan- grene of uterus), ICalend.; weakening, ILye; with great weakness, ICalab.; yellow, excori- ating, tenacious, I ISib; bright yellow, when menses should appear, ILil. tig.; yellowish green, ISep.; yellowish, with pain in lower abdomen, I IMed.; yellowish, stringy, I ITrilb; yellow, tenacious, 11 Aeon. Leucorrhoea, pruritus: {J@P itching. Leucorrhoea, at puberty: HSep. Leucorrhoea, purulent: lAlum, Ananth. Arg. met, Bufo, ICinch., Cinnab, ICoccul, Curar., llgn, IKali f, Kreo, IMere, Nitr. ac, Sabina, HSep.; with discharge of blood, like a hemor- rhage between menstrual periods,Rob.; ichor- ous, Cinnab., Coccul, IKreo., ISabina, Sub; ichorous, bloody,IKreo.; ichorous,at climaxis, I ISabina ; ichorous (cancer of uterus), I ISub; ichorous, in scirrhus uteri, lArg. met.; ich- orous, with pungent, offensive smell, IKreo.; in phlegmasia alba dolens, INatr. s.; discol- ored pus (scrofulous), IHep.; with ulceration of uterus, Bufo.; white or yellow (scrofulous), IHep.; with tumefaction and bruised feeling in neck of womb, and general prostration, Rob. Leucorrhoea, rectum: burning, I Alum,ICollin.; irritation, lErig.; itching, Carbo v.; itching and discharge of bloody mucus, Ratan.; pain, Erig., Merc, Sep.; prolapsed feeling, I JEsc. h.; prolapsus, Ign, IPod, Sep, Sub; soreness, Alum, IMur. ac. Leucorrhoea, ropy : 8^° tenacious. Leucorrhoea, scalding : INatr. m. Leucorrhcea, scanty: Calab., Curar, Graph., Magn. c, Murex, Puis., Sars., ISul. Leucorrhoea, scrofulous: women, HCale, Car- bo a. Leucorrhcea, sensitiveness: of parts, IZinc. Leucorrhoea, serous: g®~ watery. Leucorrhoea, sexual excess: masturbation, ICanth, IIPuls. Leucorrhoea, sexual excitement: ICanth.; in an old maid, aet. 40, I I Orig. Leucorrhoea, shooting: upwards, with bursting in head, IRhus. Leucorrhoea, sleep: preceded by sleeplessness, Senecio. Leucorrhoea, smarting: Alum., lAnt. c, HCham, ICarbo v., ICon, Curar, Ferr., IHep, ILach, IMere, INatr. m, Phos, Phos. ae, Sil, ISul, Tarant, Zinc; causing blisters, IPhos.; corroding when first appearing, not afterwards, IFerr.; afternoon, when walk- ing or sitting, IMagn. c; like salt, must scratch till parts bleed, ISub; of vulva and thighs, I ISul. Leucorrhoea, soreness: MCarbov. Leucorrhoea, standing: yEsc h., Carbo a, IIKreo.; dropping out while standing and emitting flatus, IIArs. Leucorrhoea, starchy: IIBor.; like boiled starch, Ferr. iod, IINatr. m, I ISabina. 8®*" transparent, white. Leucorrhoea, causes sterility: IKreo. Leucorrhoea, sticky : ^Esc. h, IMere; adhesive, IMere; glutinous, ""Bor. 8®°° tenacious. Leucorrhoea, stiffening linen: B^T" linen. Leucorrhoea, stinging : in os, HCale Leucorrhcea, stitches: in uterus, HSep.; in mons veneris, Jacea; paroxysms of acute stitches, from pudendum to right thigh, as if a knife were suddenly thrust into these parts every now and then, gradually penetrating into the parts and with increasing pain, Croc; in neck of uterus, HSep. Leucorrhcea, stomach: weak feeling, ICarbo a.; with indigestion, INux m. Leucorrhoea, stool: difficult, IIGraph.; espe- cially after, IZinc.; worse with, Calc. p.; with every, IMagn. m. Leucorrhoea, suddenly: coming and going, ICarbo v. Leucorrhoea, suppressed : 11 Amm. m. Leucorrhoea, sweat: fetid, in axillae and on feet, with burning of soles, ILye Leucorrhoea, syphilitic: Jacea, IMere; acrid, causes ophthalmia neonatorum, IMere cor.; with suppurating bubo, IINitr. ac; after chancre, IINitr. ac.; with periostitis, IKali bi. Leucorrhoea, tenacious: lAcon., I Asar, Bor., IBov,Diad,HHydras,IKali br, IPhyt ;ropv, ICaust, ICroe, HHydras., IKali bb, INitr. ac; ropy glairy, from cervical canal, I ISabina; of ropy mucus, lAcon, IBov, ICroe, IHy- dras., IKali bi, IINitr. ac, ISabina; can be drawn out in long strings, IKali bb; stringy, ICalab.; uterine or vaginal, HHydras. Bgjfalbuminous, sticky, viscid. Leucorrhoea, thick: JEsc. h. Alum, Amb, Ananth, IIArs.,lAur. met, Bor,IBov., Bufo, •Calc s., ICarbo v. Castor, ICon., Curar., I IHydras,Hod, IKali bb, Lach, IMagn. m, Magn. s, Mez, Murex, IMyr. cer, INatr. e, Natr. m., IPhyt, IPod, IPuls, Sabina, Sar- rae, ISep., I IStaph, Sub, I ISyph, Vib, Zinc; with bruised pain in small of back and thighs, Magn. s.; bloody, IMurex ; with passive con- gestion of all the pelvic organs, caused by congestion of liver, I IPod.: after menses, 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 647 INitr. ae; between menses, Trill.; between menses (ovarian tumor), IColoe; mucous, three days before and after menses, IZinc; mucous, especially morning and evening, IZinc; in chronic ovaritis, Hod.; pasty, white, for five days. IBor.; profuse, like menses, Magn.s.; in chronic splenitis, ICean.; stiffens linen, IKali bb; stiffens like starch, IIKreo.; during stool, IVib.; tenacious, IKali bb; in urticaria, I IChloral.; or watery (con- sumptive patient), IIAcab; with tumefaction and bruised feeling in neck of womb, and general prostration, Rob.; yellow, worse when urinating, HCale 8®° lumpy. Leucorrhoea, thin: Alum, Amm. e,'Ananth., lAnt c, lAnt. t, Ars, lAsaf., IBufo, ICarbo a, ICarbo v. Castor, Cham, Cinch, IFerr, IGraph, Helon, Iod, Kali iod, IKreo, Lil. tig, ILye, Magn. c, Murex, Niccol, INitr. ac, 101. an, IPhos, IPhos. ae, IIPuls, Sabi- na, ISep, ISil, Stann, ISub, IVib.; acrid, I Ant. c, Carbo a, Carbo v., IKali iod, ILil. tig, IPuls.; acrid, biting, IIPuls.; acrid, ex- coriating, leaving brown stain, worse after- noon till 12 p.m., ILil. tig.; white, mucous, with pain as if bruised in small of back, IKali n.; fetid, ISee; for ten days after menses, I IVib.; in pruritus vulvae, I ITarant; scanty, with pinching around navel, IMagn. e; in scrofulous women, Hod.; after urination, Nic- col.; whitish, in afternoon, I INaja. gg&~ watery. Leucorrhoea, threads or pieces in it: IHydras. 8QP" tenacious. Leucorrhoea, transparent: lAgnus, lAlum, Aur. met, g~ thin. Menses, too frequent: ICarbo v, ICoccul, ICo- loe, ICycb, IFluor. ac, IHelon, IKali f, Kali m, IMez, IPhyt., 11 Vace; with cardi* 650 23. FEMALE SEXUAL algia or enteralgia (nervous, sensitive women, with irregular menses, spinal irritation and disordered hysterical mind), ICoccul.; espe- cially in persons of relaxed constitution, IThlaspi; dark (nervous women with irregu- lar menses, spinal irritation and disordered hysterical mind), ICoccul.; every six or eight days, ILye; every ten days (paralysis of vocal chords), I IPhos.; every ten to fourteen days, llgn.; recur on fourteenth day, INux v.; dis- charge of blood between periods, IPhos.; in dysmenorrhoea, lAnae; fibroid, ICale head- ache, IIThuya; after severe hemorrhage, IFerr.; weakness in legs, ICale; with copious leucorrhoea between periods, consisting of clear mucus (melancholia), I IPlat.; profuse, IMurex; profuse (anaemia), I Ferr.; profuse,with pain in back and frequent palpitation (anae- mia), IHelon.; in prolapsus, lArn., ILyss.; in retinitis albuminurica, lArs.; three times in one month, abundant and lasting three days (metrorrhagia), I ISabina; with excessive uter- ine pains, in induration of liver, IMagn. m.; with uterine spasms (nervous women with irregular menses, spinal irritation and dis- ordered, hysterical minds), ICoccul.; with vertigo, lUstil.;four times in seven weeks (con- gestive menorrhagia), llpec 8®" premature. Menses, greenish: Lac c.; after typhoid fever, (nervous affection), IManc. Menses, gushing: when rising upon feet, ICoc- cul. B@" intermitting. Menses, hot: IBelb; in dysmenorrhoea, I IPuls. Menses, injuries: after falling, suppressed, IColoe; after straining or lifting, worse from slightest motion, 11 Croc. Menses, intermitting (as to flow): Apoc,Berb, ICham., IFerr, IKreo., I ILac c, ILach., IMu- rex, Magn. s, INuxv, IIPuls., Sabad, Sa- bina, ISee, Sib, Trill, Ustil., IVib.; alternat- ing with bronchial trouble, IPhos.; on in- vasion of colic, may reappear after paroxysm, or not again until next period, I IPlumb.; every other day (dysmenorrhoea), I IXan.; every other day (prolapsus uteri), I Apis ; stop a few days, then return several times in alternation, 11 Apis ; cease for two days then flow again, Magn. s.; two or three days, then return, Ferr.; for ten or twelve days, IILyc. v.; flow by fits and starts, Coccul., IIPuls., ISabad.; in gushes, I Coccul.; in gushes, awaken- ing from sleep, Coca; cease for three or four months, then occur sparingly, I IMere;inter- rupted, Apis ; coming for a few minutes, then ceasing six .or eight hours (dysmenorrhoea), I ISabina. 80^" irregular. Menses, irregular (as to time): IIAct. rac. Ammoniac, I Art. v., IIBenz. ac, ICarbol. ac, ICaust., I ICalab., Chel, Cinnam, ICoccul, ICon, Curar, IDiad, IIHyos., llgn., Hod., llpec, IIKali a, IKreo., ILac def, ILach, IMurex, IINux m, INux v., I IGman, 1101. jec, IOp, I IPuls, HSec, ISep., ISil, IStaph, Sub, I IVer, Vespa, I I Xan.; in anaemia, ICycb, IGraph.; between periods, IBell, IBov.,ICale, ICham, ICoccul., ICoff, lElaps ; with chorea, ISee; with uterine chorea, I ISep.; with colic, three times every day, Diad.; with constipa- tion, llris ; lasting only a few days, IGraph.; post-diphtheritic affection, I IManc; dysmen- orrhoea, ISenecio; dyspepsia, IKali bb; epi- lepsy, IIArt. v.; painful exacerbation of all sufferings at catamenial epoch (traumatic ovaritis), IHam.; in inflammation of eye, Con.; frequent, Diad.; frequent and too pro- fuse, with colic three times a day, I IDiad.; with rush of blood to head, IILach.; with headache, ICale, ILach.; with nervous head- ache, in atonic women, I Ustil.; with hemor- rhoids, Crotal.; with hydrothorax, Crotal.; followed by leucorrhoea, I ISep.; recurring at long and variable intervals, ISub; in menorrhagia, I ISee; in metrorrhagia, IMere; with megrim and blindness, ICycb; every five months (epilepsy), ICale; menstrua- tion (neuralgia vaga), ITereb.; chronic otitis media, INatr. e; with ovarian enlargement, ILye; in sacculated ovarian disease, ILach.; in ovarian tumor and prolapsus uteri, lApis; in paroxysms, HSabina; phthisis pulmonaris, II Tuberc; in phthisical patients, ISenecio; profuse, Diad., INux m.; in pro- lapsus uteri, IIArg.nit.; scanty, painful (ante- version or prolapse), ILil. tig.; scanty and short, IGraph.; in supposed taenia, I ISep.; in urticaria, I I Chloral.; for several years, IDig.; for two or three years, without any assignable cause, I I Merc. Menses, during lactation : Bor, ICale, ICale p.; while nursing, IPallad, HSil. Menses, late: 8^*" retarded. Menses, leucorrhcea: in place of, ICoccul. Menses, last too long : BQT" protracted. Menses, lying down: cease, ICact., ICaust, Ham, Lil. tig.; most discharge (dysmenor- rhoea), I IPuls. Menses, membranous (shreds): Act. rac, Apoe, Bor, Brom, Bry, Calc, ICanth, Cham,ICycl, Kali bi., Kali m, Lac c, Phos. ac, I IPhyt, Rhus, Sabina, Ustil.; in tumor of vulva, ICale 8®° During menses, pain, membranous dys- menorrhoea. Menses, mental: return with least excitement. HCale Menses, milky: IPuls. Menses, moon: appeared later, at full, instead of new moon, accompanied by headache and symptoms which were relieved by Glonoine and Belladonna, Pallad.; during new or full, ICroe Menses, morning: aggravates,Bor., IBov., Sub; less, Amm.m.; only, Carbo a, I ISep,- usually appear, flow until noon, then suddenly cease, or they last from half an hour to six hours, intermitting in this manner for ten or twelve days (exophthalmus), ILye vir. Menses, motion : flow only when moving, ILil. tig., Sec.; flow freely when walking, INatr. s.; less, Cycl, Sabina; menses worse from, IIBry.; worse from slightest, after abortion, I ICroe Menses, mucous: ICoccul, ICroe, IIPuls.; dark, more profuse at night in bed and sleep- ing (metrorrhagia), I ISep.; in dysmenorrhoea, I Apis ; filthy, Berb.; gray, Berb.; lasts twenty- four hours, lApis; in prolapsus uteri, I Apis. Menses, at night; cease, I ICact, ICaust,Ham, Puis.; flow commenced 11 p.m., with distress across lower part of abdomen, Lact. ac.; only, Bor, IBov, Coff, Cycl, Magn. c, Natr. m.; more profuse, lAmm. c, lAmm. m, IBov, Coccus, I IGlon., IMagn. e, Magn. m., IINatr. m. Sub, IZinc; with dragging pains, better pressing abdomen and on stooping, IIMagn. c. Menses, odor; acrid, IBell, ICarbo v.; carrion- 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 651 like, IPsor.; disgusting, ISee; fetid, IPolyg.; in prolapsus, ILyss.; like lochia, ILil. tig.; offensive, IBelb, IBry., Carbo a., ICarbo v., ICaust, ICham, Cinch, ICroe, IHelon, llgn., IIKreo., Lace, ILil. tig, IIPuls., HSabina, ISang, ISee, ISil, Sul, Ustil, Vib.; offensive, after an abortion, with much hem- orrhage, I IPlat; offensive, bearing down pains, INux v.; with chilliness and cramping pains in abdomen, IKali c; offensive, per- verted lymphatic secretions, Petrol. ; offensive, from retained and decomposing matter, ICro- tal.; offensive (saculated ovarian disease), ILach.; offensive, in ovarian tumor, IColoe; offensive, after typhoid (nervous affection), IManc; pungent, IIKali c; putrid, llgn, ISub; sour, ISub; stinking, IPlat, ISil. Menses, too often : 8€8f~ frequent. Menses, overexertion: appear after too long a ride, etc.; profuse flow, ITrilb Menses, pale (light in color, waterv): lAlum, IBell, IBerb, IBov, ICarbo v, ICaulo., IDulc, IIFerr., IGraph, I IManc, IINatr m, IINatr. p., IPhos, IIPuls., ISabina, Ifcee, ISub, IVib., I IZinc; acrid, causing biting in vulva, IIRhus; then dark and clotted, IStaph.; and with small dark clots when patient was recumbent, darker and more profuse on rising to chamber (dysmenorrhoea), I ITarant.; in epilepsy, lAtrop. s.; washings of flesh, Berb.; in neuralgia, I IStann., Syph.; in prolapsus uteri, I Alum.; in acute pulmonary catarrh, I IPuls.; scanty, with pains in abdomen, IGraph.; serous, IMere; with loss of sexual instinct (bronchitis), ILach.; in diseased sub- maxillary gland, IKali iod.; watery, IIPuls.; watery, debilitating, IIFerr. Menses, postponing: g^- retarded. Menses, premature (too early, too soon): lAct. rac, I Agar., I Alet, All. sat. Alum, I Amb., lAmni. c, lAmm. m., Anthrok, Ant. e, I Ant. t. Apis, Arn, IIArs., IIArs. m, Arund, lAsaf., Asar, Aur. mur, Bapt, IBell, Benz. ac, IBor, IBov., Brom, IIBry, ICact, I ICale, ICale p, ICanth., HCarbo a, ICarbo v., ICaulo, ICaust, ICham., Chin, s, ICina, ICinch, ICinnam, IClem., Coccus, ICoccul, ICoff, Colch, IColoe, ICon, ICroe, Crotal., Cub., ICycl, HErig, IIFerr., IFluor. ac, Grat, Hippom, Hydrocot, llgn. Inula, Hod, llpec, IKali e, IKali iod., Kali m, IKalm., IKreo., ILed, IMagn. c, IMagn. m, IMagn. s, IMere cor., IMez, IMosch, IMu- rex, IMur. ae, INatr. e, IINatr. m., IINatr. p, Niccol, INitr. ac, IINux m., INux v, 1101.jec, IPetrol., IPhos, IPhos. ae, IPlat, IIPuls., Rhod., IIRhus, IRuta, HSabina, ISep, ISib, Sinap., Spong, IStann, Stront, ISul. ac, Sumb., ITarant, I I Thlaspi, IThuya, ITrilb, lUstil, IVer, Verbas, IXan., IZinc, IZing.; preceded and accompanied by cutting in abdomen and small of back, and sticking in left side of head and vertex, 101. an.; seven days, with distension of abdomen, HCoccul.; with pain in abdomen and small of back, Niccol., Ratan.; before the proper age, lAnt. e, ICale, ICale p., ICham, IPhos, IPuls, ISabina, ISib; in anaemic subjects, IMang.; with pain in small of back, Prun.; in catarrh of bladder, Indig.; black, ISang.; in climac- teric years, Tell.; with colic, ICoccul.; two days, more profuse than usual, Lact. ae; three days, IThlaspi; four days, Bov., ILye; four days, after drive in open air, copious, night and sitting, Amm. e; six days, I Amm. c, IMang.; seven days, Berb., I ILac c, IINatr. m., I ISenecio, IStram., 11 Ustil, I IVer.; seven days, in cephalalgia, ILach.; seven days, clotted and dark, 11 Puis.; seven days, in ozaena, IKali s.; seven days, with much pain, I IXan.; seven days, with pains in chest, IManc; seven days, profuse, in dyspepsia, IFerr. p.; seven to fourteen days, in ozaena, lElaps; eight days, ICoccul, Form.; eight days, protracted and too copious, IDiad.; ten days, ^Cean.; at intervals of. twelve to six- teen days, lasting eight days, ISub; fourteen days, Bov, Calc. p, ICann. b, ICean., I ILac c, Ind, llpec, IMurex, IPhos. ac, IPlat, I I Puis, 11 Sang, Syph.; fourteen days, after an abortion, with profuse hemorrhage (met- rorrhagia), I IPlat.; fourteen days, in climac- teric period, ITrilb; fourteen days, and very copious, Lyss.; fourteen days, in intermittent, ICoccul.; fourteen days, lasts seven to nine days, I ISee; fourteen days, lasts two weeks, ICale; fourteen days, inmetrorrhagia,IMere; fourteen days, though flow is scanty, ILil. tig.; fourteen days (uterine polypus), I IThu- ya; fifteen to twenty days, Cochl.; twenty- one days, IMurex ; every three weeks, with epilepsy, IBufo.; in gastralgia, lArg. nit.; preceded by headache, burning in uterus and vagina, Bufo.; with headache, Bufo.; with gnawing, has to press left side at tenth rib to relieve, Seneg.; in inflammation of liver, ISul.; with some relief of melancholy mood and heaviness of feet, HCycb; with dryness of mouth, tongue and throat (metrorrhagia), INux m.; in nervous subjects, I I Kali p., more profuse at night and on rising, also be- tween uterine pains, IMagn. e; more profuse at night (prolapsus uteri), lAmm. m.; parti- cularly in females troubled with itchingof nose and nightly restlessness, ICinnam.; in chronic ovaritis, Hod.; from overheating, worse from slightest motion, ICroe; and profuse, lAgar., lAmb., lAmm. c, lAmm. m, lAnt t, lArs., IBell, IBor., IBov., IBry., HCale, ICanth, ICarbo v., ICham., ICinnam, ICoccul,ICoff, ICycl, I IGamb., llgn. Hod., llpec, IKali c, IKreo, ILaur, Lobel. i, IMagn. c, IMagn. m, IMang, IMosch., IMur. ac, INitr. ac, INux v, IPhos, IRhus, IRuta, ISabina,ISep, ISil, IStann, ISubac, IThuya, ITrilb, lUstil, IVer, IZinc, IZing.; profuse, with dyspep- sia, IFerr. ph.; profuse, dark (chronic in naso- pharynx mucous membrane), lElaps ; in pro- lapsus uteri, I Alet., I Aloe, I Arg. nit.; protrac- ted, ICale, ICroe, IKali c, IKreo., ILye, INuxv, IPhos., IPhos. ae, IPlat, ISabina, ISec,ISil, ISul. ac, lUstil.; scanty, I Amm. c, lArs., ICon, ILil. tig, IMang, INux v, IPhos, ISep, ISib, IThuya : of short duration, lAmm e, lAnt. t, ICon, IMagn. s., INux v., IPlat, ISep., IThuya ; in sterility, ICanth., ISub; in tumor of vulva, ICale; with vertigo, headache, nausea and feverishness, IKali bb; viscid, mixed with mucus, Lachn.; bilious vomiting, ICrotal. 8®" frequent. Menses, profuse (menorrhagia): lAcon, lAct. rac, lAgar., I Alet, lAmb., lAmm. c, lAmm. m., Ant. c, lAnt. t, lApis, HApoc, lArn, IIArs., Ars. met., Arum m., Arund, \ Ascl. t., 652 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. lAurant, Bapt., IBelb, IBor., Bov., Brom., IIBry., HCale, ICamph, ICann. b, ICanth, ICarbol. ae, ICarbo v., ICard. m, ICastor., HCaust, 7rCean., ICham, ICheb, IChin. s., ICina, HCinch., ICinnam, ICoccul., ICoccus, ICoff, IColoe, ICon., ICroe, ICrotal, ICycl, Diad.,IDig, I lErig, IIFerr, IFerr. s.,IFluor. ac, I IGamb, IGoss., Grat., Guarse, IHam., IHelon , IHyos, Hyper, llgn. Hod., llpec, llris, IKali c, IKali f, IKali iod. Kali m, IKreo, I ILac c, ILach., ILed., ILye,IMagn. e, IMagn. m., Med, IMere, IMere cor, IMez, IIMillef., I IMitch. rep., IMosch, IIMurex, IMur. ac, IINatr. m, INatr. s, INitr. ae, IINux m., INux v, 1101. jec, IOp, IPetrol.,IPhos., IPhyt, IPlat, IPrun.,IIPuls, IRatan., Rhod., IIRhus, IRuta, HSabina, Samb., HSec, Selen., I ISenecio, ISep, ISib, ISpong, IStann, IStaph., IStram, ISub ae, Syph.,ITarant, Tereb., IThuya,I ITrilb, ITJrt. ur., lUstil, llVacc, IVer, IXan, IZinc, Zing.; with abatement of pain in abdomen, ICoccul.; after abortion, HApis; after an abortion, with profuse hemorrhages (metror- rhagia), I IPlat.; alternately absent (leprosy), I ILach.; anaemia, ICinnam.; atonic, IHelon.; from atony of uterus, IHelon.; with pains in back when walking, and in thighs when sit- ting, IMagn. m.; with weakness in back, ILyss.; with bearing down, Ascl. t.; black, HCarbo a, ITereb.; bright red, Lachn.; bright red, with gushes, when rising from a seat, or after having been startled or fright- ened, 11 Ustil.; almost incessant, bright red for four weeks, better walking, but returned again,I ISabina; in cachectic women, HCarbo a.; chronic, in thin, delicate women, with indications of congested uterus or ovaries, Hod.; at climacteric period, IKali br.; at climacteric period, active and constant flow- ing, with frequent clots, lUstil.; during cli- macteric period in women who formerly aborted, HSabina; with large coagulated conical clots, I ISabina; clotted, HCarbo a.; clotted, with uterine pain and a week too late, with severe headache before and during menses, IKreo.; with large coagula, Coccus ; of coagulated blood (puerperalfever), I IPlat.; with coldness and stiffness of body, Coff; complexion pale, sallow, earthy looking, IHelon.; congestive, llpec; from congested state, 11 Alet.; from active congestion,iHelon.; with constipation and piles, Collin.; contin- ual, IKali c; almost continuous flow, without any pain, I IGels.; dark, in large clots, during climaxis, ILaur.; dark, clotted, fetid, with pain and tenderness in one or both ovaries (menorrhagia), I I Ustil.; dark, fluid, with pressing, laborlike pains, HSec; dark, ceases at night, IHam.; and dark (ozaena), lElaps ; in poor health for two years from living in a damp house in an ague neighborhood, HSa- bina ; first days, INatr. s.; first day, hardly a show, second a hemorrhage, with colic, vom- iting and expulsion of clots, 11 Thlaspi; first three days, then linger off and on four days more (dysmenorrhoea), ICrotal.; five or six days, with colic before and during time (menorrhagia), IFerr. s.; six days, constant dribbling interrupted by profuse gushes of blood, with discharge of large masses of dark coagula, with laborlike pains, worse motion, HSabina; for several days, with great pain, IMere; with diarrhoea, IVer.; in post-diph- theritic aflection, I IManc; with discharge of blood between periods, IPhos.; with drowsi- ness, IINux m.; in membranous dysmenor- rhoea, I IVib.; in dyspepsia, IKali bb; with dysuria, Cann. s.; after epileptiform convul- sions, IOp.; with frequent erotic spasms, ITarant.; in erotomania, HPlat; flow in- creased by least exertion, IHelon, I ISee; at first, gradually wearing off, always worse mo- tion, I lUstil.; with pain in left foot, worse before menses, IColoe; in gastralgia,Arg. nit, I IVer.; in gushes, Lac c; followed by tossing of hands, IGels.; with stupefaction of head and obscuration of vision, as from fog, ICycb; with congestive headache, IMillef; with frontal headache, Crotal.; nervous headache, I IThuya; with headache on right side, ICale; with headache in right side of forehead and side of head, with sensation as if eyes would be forced out of head, worse right eye, I ISang.; due to organic affection of heart, deficiency of healthy blood, IKali c.; flashes of heat" by day, chills at night, ILach ; amounting al- most to hemorrhage, IPolyg.; after leu- corrhcea, IFerr.; hemorrhoids, IMur. ae; hypertrophy of uterus, ICalend.; hysteria, INuxv.; from chronic induration of uterus, HCarbo a.; after several premature labors, 11Thuva ; during lactation, ICale; followed by acrid leucorrhoea,Ziz.; followed by leucor- rhoea (uterine polypus), I IThuya ; followed by cold limbs, IGels.; lying, better getting up and walking, IKreo.; causes mania, ISep.; with miscarriage, I I Apis ; with liability to miscarriage, I ISub; moderate flow for a day or two, sets in so violently she cannot be out of bed, I Apoe; with dryness of mouth, tongue and throat (metrorrhagia), INuxm.; with nausea, IVer.; nausea, vomiting every- thing taken into stomach, IGels.; with con- stant nausea, coming from stomach, not relieved by vomiting, discharge of bright red blood, worse every effort to vomit, and flows with a gush (uterine hemorrhage), llpec; in nervous subjects, II Kali p.; nervous symp- toms, IKali br.; in neurosis cordis, ICale; during night, 11 Ustil; during first part of night, Coff; worse at night, Zinc; particu- larly with itching of nose and nightly rest- lessness, ICinnam.; innymphomania,IStram.; with heavy odor, I IKali ph.; in older women, with melancholy, IPlat.; in old or intemper- ate subjects, Crotal.; in an old maid, I ISars.; three or four ounces a day, painless, IKali f; ovarian irritation caused by strong sexual de- sire, IKali br.; ovaritis, Crotal.; with ovaritis, during climaxis, IPlat; with pains, ^Cup. s.; with pains in abdomen and small of back, Ratan.; pale or bright, in nursing women, IPhos.; with palpitation, IBov.; passive,IHe- lon.; passive flow, with exhaustion, Brom.; passive flow, worse slightest motion,IHelon.; periodic pains, with expulsion of clots and between attacks constant oozing of thin bright blood, I ISee; one period, next less, 11 Thlaspi; pink, ICoccus ; in plethoric women, I Aeon.; with prolapsus uteri, I Alet., I Aloe, I Apis, I Arg. nit., I Arn, ILyss, lUstil.; in prosopal- gia, I IPlat; protracted, lAcon., HCaleJCoff, ICroe, IKali c, IKreo., IILyc, INux v., 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 653 IPhos., IPlat, ISabad., ISee, HSil., ISubae, lUstil.; with weak pulse, IVer.; putrid, ICarbo a.; especially in persons of relaxed constitution, IThlaspi; followed by restless- ness, IGels.; running free for some days, Syph.; in sanguine temperaments, IKali c; with excessive sensitiveness of organs and voluptuous itching, Coff; during course of septic or zmyotic disease, or other toxaemic states, as Bright's disease, or in hemorrhagic diathesis, blood dark, fluid, offensive, Crotal.; severe, at every menstrual period, 11 Ustil.; with sexual excitement, IPhos.; shreds of membrane, or pieces, lApoe; of short dura- tion, ILach, IPlat, ISil, IThuya; sinking spells, thought she would die, ICarbol. ae; women with chapped skin and rhagades of hands and feet, IHep.; with spasmodic pains, 11 Erig.; accompanied by spasms in abdomen, with sharp lancinations in uterus (uterine diseases), IMurex; in sterility, ICanth, I IMillef, IPhos, ISub; involuntary strain- ing and hemorrhage per vagina, I IPhyt; with a sensation of a string pulling from abdomen to back, IPlumb.; sudden appearance (in- flammatory disease of uterus), Hod.; tendency, Hod.; thick, dark, irregular, INux m.; con- stant flow, thin, watery,offensive, worse lying, IKreo ; incipient tuberculosis, I ITubere; in fibroid tumor, ICale; tumors, fibrous or po- lypi, ILed.; from ulcerated os, or cervix, blood dark, bad smelling, long while,IHelon.; uterine cancer, INitr. ac; uterine displace- ment, I Amm. mur.; with excessive uterine pains (induration of liver), IMagn. m.; with uterine spasms, 11 Kalic; uterine and ovarian tumors, ILach.; with vertigo, during climaxis, lUstib; with vomiting, IVer.; weakening, for six weeks, I Apoe; weakness, IHam.; at every period, weakness, IHelon.; flowing like a stream, with great debility, IVinca; every two weeks, black and clotted, Calc. p.; for two weeks, only in evening, after lying down, ICoccus; every two weeks, last a week or longer, Trill, g^g* Uterus, hemorrhage. Menses, protracted (lasting too long): I Aeon., lArg. nit, Ars., IIArs. met, Arund., Asar, Bry, HCale, Cale s, HCarbo a, Chel, ICoff., ICroe, Cup. m, IIFerr, IKali c. Kali m, IKreo., ILye, IMez, HMillef, INatr. c, IINatr. m, INux v., IPhos., IPhos. ac, IPlat, IIPuls., IIRhus, HSabina, ISee, ISil, IStram, ISul, ISul. ac, lUstil, I IZinc; after an abortion, with profuse hemorrhage (metrorrhagia), I IPlat; did not cease entirely until next period, confined to bed (metror- rhagia), 11 Ustil.; a day longer than usual, Aspar.;seven days (dysmenorrhoea), I ISabina ; seven to fourteen days after several premature labors, 11 Thuya; lasting eight days longer than usual, followed by leucorrhcea, ICin- nam.; eight or nine days, ILach, HSenecio ; eight, ten or fifteen days, I IThlaspi ; eight to ten days, HSep.; eight to ten days (chronic ovaritis and leucorrhoea b HPlat.; ten to twelve days, became russet-colored, finally serous (climaxis), IMurex ; lasts ten days to two weeks, 11 Ustil.; twelve to eighteen days, Agnus; twelve to fifteen days, I ITarant; eighteen days, profuse, Cann. b, IIThuya; with pains in abdomen and small of back, Ratan.; uterine polypus, I IThuya ; prolapsus uteri, lAloe, lArg. nit.; in sanguine tempera- ments, IIKali e; scanty, Bar. e; uterine and ovarian tumors, ILach.; with excessive uter- ine pains (enlargement and congestion, in- duration of liver), IMagn. m.; last a week or longer (sciatica),' HStaph.; persisting for weeks as hemorrhage, IDig.; two weeks, IColoe; two weeks (dysmenorrhoea), I IXan. Menses, retarded (delayed, too late, postpon- ing) : IIAct. rac. Alum, Amm. c, Ang., Arg. nit, IBelb, Benz. ac, ICale p, Calc. s, Canth, ICaulo, ICaust., ICarbol. ac, IChel, ICoccul, ICon, Cup. m, IDig, Dros, IDulc, Euphor, IFerr, IGraph, IHep, IHydras, llgn., Hod, IKali c, IKali f, IKali iod. Kali m., ILac c, ILach, ILept, ILye,IMagn. c, Magn. s, Merc, per., 11 Mitch, rep, IINatr. m, INatr. s, Niccol, IINux m, IPetrol, IPhos., IPhos. ae, IPlat, Psor, HPuls,Rob., ISars, I ISenecio, HSep., ISil, IStaph,Stront, ISub, Valer, I IVer, I IVer. v, IXan.; with distended abdomen,ISub; with general aggra- vation, ILach.; in anaemia, IHep.; with anae- mia and chilliness, IINatr. m.; with anxiety and oppression of chest when lying down, IGraph.; with painful bearing down, a few days previous, ISabad.; alternating with bron- chial trouble, IPhos.; with dark redness of cheeks, IGraph.; in constipation, IIGraph., ISul.; with constipation and distended abdo- men, ISub; but very copious, IPhos.; coryza, INatr. c; two days late, with anxious and uncomfortable feeling, ISub; two days late (neuralgia vaga), ITereb.; five days, HSep.; six or seven days, with distress and pain, IPolyg.; eight days, Ast. r.; eight days, with palpitation and vertigo, Hod.; eight days scanty, last five days, swelling of abdomen, ICale; ten days, Vib.; fourteen days (cardial- gia), IMagn. m.; seventeen days, I ILact. ae; few days after typhoid fever (nervous affec- tion), IManc; with depression, lassitude and general nervous debility, IIKali p.; owing to a slight sanguineous intermenstrual discharge lasting two days, and generally appearing after fifteenth day (dysmenorrhoea), I ITa- rant..; in dysmenorrhoea, I ISabina; in papu- lar eruption, ICrotal.; in distortion of face, ICrotal.; from getting feet wet, IGraph.; especially first (prolapsus uteri), lAur.met.; in young girls, IINatr. m.; in goitre, ICale; with haemoptysis, IPhos.; from inaction, IPolyg.; caused by inertia of uterus, IThlaspi; with leucorrhoea, Hyper, Ziz.; in inflamma- tion of liver, ISul.; every two or three months, IILach, ISib; five months, congestion to head and chest, IGraph.; three times in twelvemonths, I ISep.; several months (per- forating ulcer), IKali e; ophthalmia, I Apis ; with ovarian pain, IXan.; with ovarian pain, burning in hypogastrium and sacral region, pain from motion, better lying down, IPod.; pain worse shortly before and after appear- ance (cancer uteri), IGraph.; pale andscanty, ■Graph.; phthisis, IKali e; profuse, Carbol. ac, ICaust., IKali c, IKali iod.,Lach,IPhos, ISib, Staph.; profuse, with hysteric spasm, ICaust.; prolapsus uteri, I Aur. met.; at pu- berty, Calc, ICaust, IDros, IGraph., IKali c, ILach, ILye, INatr. m, Phos, IPuls., Sep., Sib, ISub; at puberty (ophthalmia), ICaust; inclined to be, with sadness, ILye; causes 654 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. bloody saliva, heat in face, heavy abdomen, INatr. m.; scanty, Bov, IMere; scanty (dys- menorrhoea), IGraph.; and scanty, with symptoms pointing to congestion in other organs, and especially when breasts are lax and shrunken, Con.; scanty and pale, with tense abdomen, IGraph.; scanty, protracted, lAcon.; spasmodic symptoms, ICie; sterility, IPhos.; with tension in uterine region, as from a tight bandage, Hyper.; in tumor of vulva, ICale; preceded by urging to urinate, ISars.; urticaria, IPuls.; in vaginitis, IMere viv.; a week, with congestion to head, ILac def; two weeks, Hyper.; three weeks, I IPuls.; every six weeks, with lumbar pains, I IGlon.; six or eight weeks (distortion of face), ICrotal.; with feeling of weight and fulness of abdomen, IKali s. Menses, scanty : I Act rac, I Alum., lAmm.c, Ant. t, IIArs. met, I Art. v, lAsaf, IBar. e, IBerb, IBov, HCale, ICann. b, HCarbo a, ICarbo v., ICaulo, ICaust, ICoccul, Colch, IColoe, ICon, Crot. t, IDig, Dros., IDulc, lErig, Euph, IFerr, I IGoss, IGraph, IHep., llgn, lllpec, IKali br, IIKali c, IIKali p., IILach, Lact. ac, HLac c, ILil. tig., IMagn. c, IMang., I Natr. c, II Natr. m, Niccol, INitr. ac, INux m., INux v., I I CEnan., 101. an., IPetrol, IPhos, IPlumb, Psor, IIPuls., ISabad., ISang., ISars., HSe- necio, HSep, ISib, ISul, Ustil., Vab, I IVer., HVer. v., IVib, IXan.; in albuminuria, IHelon.; scanty, in anaemia, llpec; with anaemia and chilliness, IINatr. m.; scanty, in anaemia, IMang.; with asthma, IIArg. nit; with pain in back, ILac def.; with bearing down pains, INux v.; black, coagulated, Coc- cul.; with bloating (goitre), ICale; with con- gestion to brain, IGraph.; nearly ceased (parenchymatous metritis), I ILac e; from a cold, IINux m.; with colic (headache), ILac def.; after menstrual colic (gastralgia),iGraph.; in women of strong, plethoric constitution, ague, IPetroseb; in convulsions, IGlon.; a day or two, then copious, IINatr. m.; in coryza, INatr. c.; sometimes colorless water, 11 Lac def; last only one day, Bar. e; from debility, IINux m.; drowsiness, IHelon.; dysmenor- rhoea, lAnae, lApis, llgn, HSabina; with violent dysmenorrhoea, lllod.; with endo- carditis, HNatr. in.; in epilepsy, 11 Art. v., IBufo, ICaust.; in papular eruption, ICrotal.; inflammation of eye, ICon.; facial neuralgia, ICaust.; in fleshy women, IIKali br, IKali iod.; from fright, IINux m.; in gastric ulcer, ICale a.; diseased submaxillary gland, IKali iod.; with haemoptysis, IPhos.; with head- ache, IKali bb; with headache on left side, ICale; in sick headache, I ISyph.; with head- ache and vertigo (chlorosis), HCycb; with heaviness, IHelon.; in hemicrania, ISep.; in hemiplegia, lElaps ; with hemorrhoids, ILach.; in hysteria, IINux m.; with terrible distress in left iliac region, IThuya ; in inter- mittent fever, I IPuls.; with languor, IHelon.; too late, Bov., Lith., I ISep.; mostly leucor- rhoea, Cub.; with leucorrhoea and prosopal- gia, IMez.; preceded by yellowish excoriating leucorrhoea, worse motion, ISep.; of long duration, Bar. c.; ceases when lying down, ICact.; worse from mental or physical effort, IGlon.; more and more, until they disappear, Coccul.; with neuralgia, HStann.; neuralgia, vaga, ITereb.; in oedema pedum, IGraph.; onset, with pains (leucorrhoea), IIMerc. iod. flav.; chronic otitis media, INatr. e; in ovar- ian dropsy, \ Ferr. iod.; with ovarian irrita- tion, lUstil.; with ovarian pain, IXan.; with terrible distress in left ovarian region,IThuya; from overexertion, IINux m.; painful, Berb.; pale (epilepsy), lAtrop. s., Lact. ae; pale, with bearing down pain in back, third day, darker fourth day, Form.; pain, with violent colic, IFerr.; pale, accompanied by false mem- branes (dysmenorrhoea), lUstil.; in prolapsus, I Alum, I Apis, I Arg. nit, lAur.met.; in pro- lapsus, with epilepsy, IKali br.; in prosopal- gia, IMez.; in acute pulmonary catarrh, I IPuls.; with loss of sexual instinct (bron- chitis), ILach.; in sterility, ICanth.; with knotty stool, streaked with blood, INatr. s.; or suppressed, with dread of fresh air, wants to be alone and weeping, loss of appetite, chilliness, constipation, drowsiness, eyelids swollen, ICycb; face, lips and gums pale, headache, disinclined to move or work, pal- pitation, no thirst, vertigo, ICycb, IPuls.; in supposed taenia, 11 Sep.; in perforating ulcer of stomach, INux v.; preceded by urging to urinate, ISars.; in uterine displacement, ILach.; with vertigo, IPuls.; with bilious vomiting, ICrot.; almost wanting, except a mere show every two or three months (retro- version), ILil. tig.; watery,in anaemia, IFerr.; with feeling of weight and fulness in abdomen, IKali s. SQ^-amenorrhcea, short duration, suppressed. Menses, seldom : profuse,I ISee BST'irregular. Menses, of short duration : I Alum, I Amm. c, I Asaf, IBar. c, IBerb., ICoccul, ICon., IDulc, Euph, IGraph., I llpec, IILach, Magn. s., IMere, INatr. m, INux v., Niccol, I ICEnan., IPlat, IIPuls, ISep, Stront.,ISul, IThuya, Vib.; with abdominal cramps, Merc. per.; in anaemia, llpec, I ISub; last one day, I INux v., HSep.; last one day, pain ceases with a free discharge (gastric ulcer), I Arg. nit.; a day, then sparse and painful, IGoss.; last a day or two (ovarian tumor), HApis; last two days, Ant. t, IMang, I IVer.; two or three days (facialneuralgia), I ISep.; last three or four days, ILach.; in hemicrania, ISep.; last from half an hour to six hours, I ILye v.; but a few hours (menorrhagia), ICoccus.; ceased after twelve hours, Ziz.; last a day or two, in ovarian tumor, lApis. g@T scanty. Menses, stringy: Canth, HCroc, I ILac c. Plat, Ustil.; and clotted (dysmenorrhoea), I IXan.; in facial neuralgia, I ISep.; worse from slightest motion, HCroc; invaginismus,IIgn. ggJT" viscid. Menses, suppressed: lAbrot, lAcon, ^Ethus., lAgnus, Amb, HApis, jArt v. Arum, t, Berb, ICamph., ICard.m, ICham., IChen. a., Chloral., Cochl., ICon, ICroe, ICycb,Dros, IDulc, IGraph., IHelb, IHyosc, IKali iod., Kali m, I IKali n, IKalm., IILach., ILept, ILobel. b,ILye,IMagn. m,IMerc,IMez,IMil- lef,INatr. m,INux v, I IPhyt, IPlat,IPlumb, I IPrun., IIPuls., Rhod., IRhus, ISep., ISil, Spong., IStram., ISub, I ISymph., IIThuya, lUstil., I IVer., IZinc; cramps in abdomen, nausea and vomiting, ICup. m.; pain in abdomen, Agnus ; spasm in abdomen. Coccul.; SEXUAL ORGANS. 655 23. FEMALE tympanitic swelling of abdomen and diar- rhoea, worse aftereating and drinking,IColoe; after abortion, from vexation, IColoe; with amblyopia, IBelb; from anger, with indigna- tion, IIColoc; with ascites, IKali c.; with asthma, IIPuls.; pain in back, IIPuls.; by a bath, causing pain below navel, extending to hip and thighs, with pain in back just above hip, pain intense, like labor pain, INuxm.; by bathing (epileptic spasms), ICale p.; by bathing, tenderness in ovarian region, lAnt c; by warm baths (headache), lyEthus.; with bloodspitting, IVer.; from chagrin, IColoe; from chagrin, secretion of milk in breasts, ICinch.; with spasm of chest, Coccul.; six months after chill (chronic ovarian affection), IKreo.; from chilliness, IIPuls.; w-ith chorea, hysteria or mania, 11 Act. rac; chronic, from tuberculosis or cancer, ILye; cold, lAct. rac, IDulc; by taking cold, ICon.; by takingcold, neuralgic rheumatism, IIPuls.; by cold, pleurisy, 11 Act. sp.; by taking cold, or check of sweat, I 101. caj.; with colic, IColoe; with colic and chilliness, IPuls.; with congestion to head,IGels,IGraph,I ILach, II Ver. v.; caus- ing congestion to other parts, ISul.; third day after confinement, IMillef; in consumptives, ILobel. i.; consumption, last stage, I Lobel. i.; in convulsions, ICup. m, IGlon., IIPuls.; from sudden convulsion,ICoccub;with cough,IIDig.; with cough and bloody sputum, IMillef; in cystitis, INux v.; after dancing, ICycb; by immoderate dancing (chlorosis secundaria me- tastatica),l ISabina ; from debility, IINux m.; with despair of her salvation, 11 Ver.; with anasarca, IKali e; with dropsy, I Ascl. s, I Aur. mur.; followed by dropsy of uterus, IColch.; eczema, IKali m.; by emotions, I Act. rac.; with swelling of epigastrium, Cham.; in epilepsy, IBufo.; with epileptic attacks,IMillef; epileptic convulsions, from, IPuls.; unconsciousness, with epileptic spasms, I IMillef; epileptiform convulsions Gels.; expectoration, IIPuls.; on second day, from exposure,ICoccus; protrusion of eyes (exophthalmic goitre),IFerr. iod.; from grief, llgn.; bleeding gums,ICale; after falling, IColoe; from putting feet in cold water, fol- lowed by general debility, headache,backache, etc, INatr. m.; by fever, Act. rac; after sup- pressed foot sweat, ICup. m.; by fright, lAcon, Act sp, I Lye, IINux m.; with sopor, IOp.; by frightand sorrow, causes melancholia, I IRhus; after fright, three years previously, IKali e; in women of full habit, leuco-phlegmatic tem- perament, ICale; haemoptysis, lArs., IPuls., ISen.; by putting hands in cold water, ICon.; headache, lyEthus, ISang.; causes congestive headache, congestion intense, almost apo- plectic, with nausea and vomiting, IVer. v.; sick headache. IIPuls.; of, with throbbing headache, IIPuls.; return after heart is re- lieved, ICollin.; for forty-eight hours, with in- effectual urging to stool, 11 Paris; hypochon- driasis, ICon.; in hysteria, IINux m.; with hemicrania and sticking pains in face and teeth,IIPuls.; hemorrhage from lungs,lllpec; with hemorrhage from lungs (phthisis), I ISang.; indigestion, Codein.; from anger, or indignation, IColoe; causes inflammation (metritis), HSec; with leucorrhoea, Ziz.; scantv, followed by leucorrhcea, Ruta; leucor- rhoea instead of, IChen. a.; with heaviness of limbs, IGraph.; mania from, IIPuls.; scirrhus mammae, IBrom.; with melancholy, Hgn.; since mental shock three years ago, 11 Nux v.; in metritis, with deficiency of milk, chilliness and thirstlessness,lIPuls.; two months,IPlat.; for three months, llgn.; for eight months, 11 Ustil.; for eight months (general prostration after child-bearing), ILach.; for the last four- teen months, I I Ustil.; with nausea, coldness of body, chilliness, and trembling of feet, nervous debility, IIPuls.; morbid excitability of nervous system, Cod.; affection of sym- pathetic nervous system, I IPhos.; with ex- treme nervousness, IFerr.; nervousness, with exophthalmic goitre, IFerr. iod.; with se- vere neuralgic pains through whole body, IKalm.; nosebleed, IBry, ICon, IGels, IPuls.; nymphomania, Ant c; cedematous swellings, Cain.; opisthotonos, ICale p.; ovaries con- gested, lApis; ovaries inflamed, IApis;from overexertion, IINux m.; after being over- heated, ICycb; with pain, See; palpitation (exophthalmic goitre), IFerr. iod.; in indu- rated pancreas, HCarbo a.; in phlegmasia alba dolens, INatr. s.; room as if too small, reluctance to going into open air, ICycb; in- cipient phthisis, with fatiguing cough, ISen- ecio ; restlessness, IColoe; apoplexy of retina, IBelb; sad and peevish, Cycb; with pain in stomach, IMillef.; sudden, Ziz.; sudden, caused by putting hands in cold water, ILac def; sud- den after mental emotion, ILach.; enlargement of thyroid glands (exophthalmic goitre), I Ferr. iod.; involuntary twitching of muscles, Cod.; after venesection, 11 Senecio; with vertigo, IOp, Sabina; vomiting, IPuls.; vomiting and colic after, I INiccol.; in women who work in water (anasarca), ICale; getting feet wet, or cold bath, lAcon.; for two years (chlorotic depression), I IZinc. BST" amenorrhcea, re- tarded, scanty. Menses, tenacious : BST" viscid. Menses, thick: IBelb, ICact, ICarbo v., ICoc- cul, Coccus, Croc, IGraph., ILil. tig. IMagn. c, INitr. ae, INux m., IPlat, IIPuls., ISub; coagulated, Arg. nit.JFluor.ae;dark,IIPuls.; dysmenorrhoea, I IXan.; in inflammation of liver, ISul. BST'coagulated, stringy, viscid. Menses, thin: Ars. met., IDulc, IIKali ph, ILaur, IINatr. m., IIPuls., ISee, IVib.; after an abortion, with much hemorrhage, I IPlat.; in catalepsy, ILach.; with coagula, ICham, ICinch., IFerr, ISee; partly clotted, I IVer.; not coagulating, I IKali ph.; in dysmenorrhoea, I IPuls.; pale, watery, I Alum., IBelb, IBerb, IBov, IDulc, IFerr., I Graph, ISabina, ISee, ISub; profuse, lApoe; whitish, offensive dis- charge, instead of (ovaritis, from a kick), I Ars- 8®" watery. Menses, vicarious: IBry., IDig, IHam, I IPhos.; in debilitated, depraved states, ICrotal.; from ear and nose, IBrom.; from lungs, IIDig.; from ovarian irritation, IHam.; through urethra, or from lungs, IPhos. 8®" amenor- rhcea, suppressed. Menses, viscid: ICroe, Cup.m, Kali m, Lach, Magn. m.,IPlat, IPuls, See; daily discharge, Croc; glutinous, IMagn. e; like pitch, dif- ficult to wash off, IMagn. c; sticky, cannot get rid of, 11 Lac c.; worse from slightest motion, llCroe Menses, watery: ^Ethus., Alum, Berb., IDulc, 656 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. IIFerr, IINatr. m., I IPhos., IIPuls, IStram.; and clotted, no outward flow when she lies still, but clots and water pass out at uterus when she gets out, I I Ustil.; consumption, Ferr.; pale, I Alum., Bell, IBerb, IBov., IDulc, IFerr., IGraph., ISabina, ISee, ISub; retarded, Goss.; scanty, (dysmenorrhoea), IGraph.; serous at first, later clots of blood, Stront.; serous pale, with griping and abdomi- nal spasms, IGraph. 8®° thin. BEFORE MENSES, abdomen: aching, HSep.; heavy aching over pubes, IVib.; bear- ing down, IPhos.; bearing down, as though womb would be forced from vulva, worse, ICon.; painful bearing down, Bov.; severe bearing down, IVib.; for nearly a week, strong bearing down pain (dysmenorrhoea), I ITarant.; bloated, IKreo, ILye; burning, INatr. m.; colic, I Alum., Amm. c. Bar. c, IBell, Carbo v, ICaust, ICham, Cinch, ICoccul, IIColoc, ICroe, IIKali c, Lach, Magn. c, IMagn. p., 1101. an, IPhos., IIPuls, ISep, ISib, ISpong.; colic ceases with flow, Ast. r.; colic pain extends all over body, 11 Ver. v.; colic, with sense of malaise, ILach.; nocturnal colic, ICale; contraction in lower, INatr. m.; cramps, ICham., ICinnab, ICoccul, IColoe, ICup. m., llgn, IKali c, IPlat, IPuls.; un- bearable cramps, extending to chest, causing nausea and vomiting, ICup. m.; cutting, Al- um., ICham, Lach., IMagn. e, INatr. m.; cutting in small of back and sticking in left side of head and vertex, 101. an.; cutting, be- low navel towards groins and internal geni- tals, better from warmth in bed, with the pain coldness of feet and pappy stool, IColoe; distension, Arn, Arund, Carbo a., ICycl, Hep, Kreo., Lach., IILyc, Zinc; flat- ulence, I ILacc, IILyc; much flatus rolling, causing great pain, better bending double and by hot drinks, HPhos.; griping, Amm. e; griping about navel, IKreo.; griping and rumbling, Calc. p., IPhos. ac.; pain in hypo- gastrium and down thighs, ICrot.; laborlike pains, Act. rac, Apis, Aur. met, IIBell., IBov, ICham, ICina, Cinch., Cycb, Dig, Ferr, IHyos, IMagn. c, IMurex, Plat, Rhus, ISep, Ustil., Zinc; laborlike pains, also in back, Amm. c. Bar. c. Cup. ni., IDig., Iod., ILye, Petrol, Plat., IPuls., Sang.; with acne rosa- cea, Caust.; pain, and feeling of bearing down, preceding discharge of clots, intermingled with menses (melancholia), HPlat.; pain in metritis, I ILac e; pinching, IBelb; pinching, three days before, Hyper.; pinching, during stool, 11 Alum.; pressure, Nux m., ISep, Ves- pa ; painful pressure downward, Sabad.; se- vere pains in lower, I ISub; sharp paroxys- mal pain, making her bend forward and press on painful part to get relief, with nausea and vomiting, better by menses, IColoe; shooting, IKali e; stitches, Brom, Con.; stitches in side, IPuls.; stitches, tearing and pressure in lower abdomen, deep into pelvis, worse two hours after beginning of menses, better from warmth in bed (dysmenorrhoea), I INux v.; straining, Cycb; swollen, IPuls.; swollen and bloated, with laborlike pains, Cycb; looks swollen, as if pregnant, IKreo.; tearing, INatr. m.; tear- ing in bowels, ICinnab.; warmth, Cycb; weak- ness, IPhos. 8©" uterus. Before menses, air: desire for open, ILach. Before menses, feeling as if menses would appear, but do not: I IMosch, IPlat, IPuls. Before menses, appetite: loss of, Amm. c, IBelb, Brom., Cale p., Hgn.; canine hunger, Magn. c. Before menses, arteries: pulsation, Cup, Thuya. Before menses, axillae: itching in, I ISang.; pain, Calc. Before menses, back: aching, Aeon, Amm. c, Brom, ICale, ICaust, Cinnab., Hyper, Kalic, ILye, IMagn.c, ISpong.,Ustil.; heavy aching in sacral region, IVib.; heavy aching for two days, with sharp pain across abdomen, from hip to hip, followed by expulsive pain, pains diminish as flow commences and cease with it, I I Ustil.; burning, IKreo.; drawing, in loins, IHyos.; lumbar pains, ISub; pain undefined, Amm. c, Bar. c, Berb, Cinnab., Coccul., Dig., IHydras., Lach, Magn.c, Nitr. ac, Nitrum, Nux v., 01. an. Plat, IPuls, Sang, Spong, Vib.; pain, with abdominal cramps and throbbing headache, ILach.; pain, low down, with debility, pressure in stomach, waterbrash and pain in liver, menses thick and black (dysmenorrhoea), I INuxm.; pain in kidneys (dysmenorrhoea), IVer.; pain in small of, Amm. c, I Asar, ICaulo, INitr.ac; severe pain in small of (metrorrhagia), I ISep.; pain in small of, as if a piece of wood were stretched across there, were pressing from within outward (dysmenorrhagia), INux m.; pains begin and go down, ending in cramps in uterus, IVib.; rending in spine, ICinnab.; sore- ness in sacrum, ISpong.; stitches from loins into uterus, INatr. m. Before menses, bearing down : g^°abdomen. Before menses, breathing : catching of breath, Bor.; draws long breath, Sub; obstructed by pain in lumbar region, I Asar.; spasmodic dysp- noea, ICup. m. Before menses, bruised feeling: general, Con, Lach. Before menses, chest: cramps, Cup. m.,Lach.; congestion, Cinch, Sang.; crepitations (phthis- is), I Ars. b; darting, Cup. m.; fulness, difficult respiration, Brom.; fulness, frequently obliged to take a deep breath, ISub; heaviness, Bor, Bry.; intermittent pains, Caulo.; oppression, Bor, Brom., ILach.; rales (phthisis), I Ars. b; spasm, Bov , Coccul, Cup. m, ILach.; stitch in right pectoral region, Bor. Before menses, chill: ICale, IPuls.; at night, ILye; rigors with discomfort and uneasiness, ILye; shuddering all over body, ISil. Before menses, chilliness: Amm.e,Calc,IKali c, IKreo., ILye, IMagn.c, Nuxv, ISil, Var.; cold creeps (dysmenorrhoea), Ant. c, I Ant. t; frequent on day before (dysmenorrhoea), I ISep.; alternating with heat, Sign.; shudder- ing, all over body, whole day, ISep.; of special parts, in paroxysms, ISib; with yawning and stretching, IIPuls. Before menses, circulation : symptoms, ISpong. Before menses, constipation: Amm. e, Bry, Graph., Lach, Magn. c, Natr. s, Nux v., HSil, Sul. Before menses, convulsions: Act rac, Bell., Brom, Carbo v., ICup. m., Hyos, Plat., IPuls., Sub; cramplike, ICaust.; epileptic, IBufo., IHyos.; epileptic, appear while asleep and awake, commence with a peculiar outcry, HOZnan.; hysterical, Act rac, Coccul.. 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 657 IHyos, IMosch., IPlat.; of limbs, and pierc- ing shrieks, ICup. m. Before menses, cough: dry, continuous, Lac e; in dyspepsia, I Arg. nit; in evening ISub; fatiguing, IGraph.; hysterical, Plat.; better sitting up, IHyos, Sub; worse, ISul. Before menses, delirium: IBelb, IHyos, Ver.; with weeping, ILye Before menses, diarrhcea: lAmm. c, IBov, ICinnab, Coccul, Hyper., ISib, Ver.; with colic, a few days, IILach.; three days, Hyper.; lasting till flow is established, HVer.; with violent straining, ILach. Before menses, dreams: Alum., Calc, Con., Kali e; amorous, ICale; anxious, Canth., ICaust, Con.; distressing, nightmare, Sub ac. BgsF" sleep. Before menses, ears: difficulty of hearing, Ferr, IKreo.; humming, IBor, Bry., IKreo.; chron- ic otitis media, worse, INatr. e; ringing, IFerr, llgn.; rushing, Bor. Before menses, epigastrium: boiling sensation, Petrol.; pain from, to small of back, Bor. Before menses, eructations: Bry., ICinch, Kali c, Kreo., ILach, Magn. c, IPuls.; foamy, IKreo.; sour, IKali c; sweetish, in morning, INatr. m. Before menses, eruption: Apis, Carbo v.; rash, Dulc; nettlerash, IKali e; a rash, with sexual excitement during rest and menses, IDulc. 8®" face. Before menses, eyes: as if balls would fall out, Brom, INatr. m.; hemeralopia, every day, toward sundown,increases as night comes on, I IVer.; inflamed, Zinc; dilated pupils, ILye; sensitive to light, Hgn, Nux v.; twitching of lids, INatr. m.; ulcers on cornea, IIArs.; vi- sion clouded, Agnus, IBelb; weakness, ICin- nab. Before menses, face : blue under eyes, Zing.; pains in bones, Stann.; eruption, Graph.; erup- tion worse, IMagn. m.; on forehead, ISars.; and forehead, eruption, pimples, and blotches worse, IMagn. m.; exhausted look, Zing.; heat, Alum, Thuya; hot on awaking, Alum.; neuralgia, Magn.c. Sub; pale, Amm.c,Ferr, IPuls, Senecio ; rash, IDulc, Graph.; redness, Aeon., Bell.,Gels,Natr. m. Thuya; dark red- ness, Gels.; scraping pain, INatr.m.; swelling of cheeks, Bar. c, IKali c. Before menses, fainting: Act. rac, Coccul, Lach, I INux m, Nux v., Sep, Thuya. Before menses, faintness : ILye, ISep, Thuya ; disposition to faint, INatr. m. Before menses, feet: cold, Calc, Hyper., Lye; cold and damp, Calc; fidgety, IZinc; heavi- ness, Bar. c, Cycb, Lye; lassitude, Gels, Zinc; pain in left worse, IColoe; numbness, Hyper.; swelling, Bar. c, ILye Before menses, gaping and stretching: IPuls. Before menses, glands: swelling, Bar. c; swell- ing of axillary, Aur. met. Before menses, haemoptysis: IDig. Befose menses,hemorrhoids: Coccul,Phos,Puls. Before menses, hands: heaviness, Bar.c, Kreo. Before menses, head : beating, IBor.; buzzing, IKreo.; congestion, lAcon, lApis, IBell, Bry, Cup. m. Gels., IGlon, Hep, Hyper, Mane, Merc, Trill.; fulness, Brom.; fulness, throb- bing, with or without redness of face and eyes, especially with throbbing, sometimes exces- sive tearing throbbing pain, IGlon.; heaviness in, llgn.; heat, Apis, Bell., ICale, Con., llgn., Iod, Ipec, Petrol, Thuya. Before menses, headache: I Aeon, Act. rac, Agnus, Alum, I Asar, IBor, IBov, IBrom, IBry, ICale, Calc. p., Carbo a, Carbo v, ICinnab, Cup. m., Ferr, IGels, Glon, Hep, IHydras, Hyper, Iod., IKali br, IKreo, ILach, ILye, INatr. e, INatr. m., Nitr.ac, INux m, Nux v, IPlat, Puis, ISul, Thuya, IVer., Vib, Zinc; boring in temples, lAnt.c.; constricting, Hep.; three to seven days, Calc. p.; in dysmenorrhoea, HVer. v.; especially over left eye (dysmenorrhoea), day before, I IXan.; with red face, nausea and vomiting, INatr.m.; megrim, ICale; periodic sick head- ache, with vomiting, diarrhoea and chilliness, IPuls.; pressing, Act. rac, INatr. m.; pressing in forehead, llgn, ISib; pressing forehead (dysmenorrhoea), IINuxv.; pressure in ver- tex (dysmenorrhoea), IINux v.; stinging, IFerr.; stitching in left side, Calc. p.; tearing in forehead, ICinnab.; throbbing in, IBell, IBor., IGlon., ILach, IPetrol.; as if vertex would come off, Xan. Before menses, heart: pain, ICact, Lach., ILith, Spong. BST" palpitation. Before menses, heat: Carbo a. Con, Cup. m., Iod., Kali c. Lye, Nitr. ac. Puis, Thuya ; at night,dry (dysmenorrhoea), HSep.; dry, with rush of blood to head, IMere; flashes, with palpitation, Iod.; at night, ILye Before menses, hips :■ aching, Lach.; bruised feeling, Calc, ILach.; pain, Act. rac, Calc, Lach, Sars, Ustil. Before menses, hysteria: Act. rac, Coccul, Con, Elaps, IHyos, IMosch., INux m., IPlat. Before menses, inguinal region : pain, lAnt. t, Bor., Sul. ac, Tabae; pain and weight, re- gion of femoral ring, similar to that preceding femoral hernia, worse, ICub.; pressure, ICarbo a. Cinch.; soreness in right, ISars. Before menses, larynx: hoarseness, Graph, Mang.; hoarse, almost complete aphonia, day before, Syph. Before menses, leucorrhcea: I Alum., Aur. mur, IBar. c, ICale, Calc. p, ICarbo v, ICoccul, I IFerr,IIGraph, IKreo, INatr.m, I INux v, IPhos,IPhos.ae,IPuls., ISep., ISub, I IThlas- pi, Vib.; acrid, ISep, ISib; bland, yellow (dysmenorrhoea), I I Puis.; in cardialgia, IMagn. m.; copious, smarting, slimy, stiffening linen, leaving a greenish stain, ILach.; jellylike, transparent, worse, IPallad.; abundantmucus, Alum.; mucus fortnight before, ISub; long pieces of mucus, IFerr.; thick mucus three days before, IZinc; with vertigo, ICale p.; yellow, Ang.; yellowish (dysmenorrhoea), I ITarant. Before menses, legs: aching, Caulo.; coldness of feet and legs, ILye; cramps in calves, IPhos.; drawing in thighs, ICham.; drawing in anterior muscles of thighs, IVib.; fidgety, IZinc; heaviness, Bar. c, ILye, Merc, Nitr. ac. Zinc; lameness, Nitr. ac; paralysis of right, until menses appeared (sciatica), HStaph.; trembling, Kali e; from ten days to two weeks before, sharp pains from front of egress of right crural nerve on thigh over inner surface of knee to great toe, in motion (sciatica), I IStaph. B^iT feet, hips. Before menses, limbs : tearing in, Berb. 42 658 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Before menses, liver: pain, Con., Nux m., Pod, IPuls.; stitches, Con. Before menses, mammae : hard, ICon, Spong.; engorgement, with sensitiveness to touch, 11 Lac c; excitement, IKreo,; painful, Calc, ICon, Sang.; pain and swelling, ICale; pain, soreness and swelling, Con.; sore, worse by least jar or walking, ICon.; painful swelling of right (hydrops ovarium), ; Ferr. iod.; sen- sitive, I Calc; soreness, Helon.; swollen and sore before retarded, Merc, per.; secrete a milklike fluid, Cycl. Before menses, mental condition: anxiety, Aeon., Carbov, Con., llgn. Kali bb, INatr. m, INux v., Stann, ISub, Zinc: great an- guish, IGraph.; averse to living,. Berb.; cha- grin, Cham.; cross, uncivil, ICham, INux v.; depressed, Aeon, I Aur. met, Berb., Brom, ICale, ICon., Ferr., Lye, INatr. m, IPuls., Stann., Vespa, Xan.; dread of death, lAcon., Plat.; fear, lAcon., Kali bi. Plat. ISee, Sul, Xan.; excitement, Croc, IKreo, Magn. m, INux v., Thuya; disposed to frights, ICale; ill humor, ILye; desire to kiss everybody, Ver.; irritable, INatr. m.; kisses everybody, IVer.; loud, uninterrupted laughing, IHyos.; melancholy, Calc, ICaust, Cycl, ILye, INatr. m., IPuls., IStann.; nervous distress, ILach.; prostration, ICinnab.; sad, ILye, IMurex, INatr. m, INitr. ac, ISep.; deep sadness, all her symptoms gave her great con- cern, seemed to her she was hopelessly ill, she gave up everything (climaxis), IMurex; thoughts vanishing, I INux m.; inclination to weep,Cact,Con,ILyc,IPhos,IPuls,Sep,Zine Before menses, mouth: breath offensive, ISep.; running of water, IPuls.; swelling of gums, Bar. c. Kali c.; sweetish risings, Natr. m. Before menses, nausea: IHyos, llpec, ILye, INatr. m., IPuls.; in dysmenorrhoea, INiccol.; with throbbing and heat in left side of head, ICrotal. Before menses, neck : drawing in nape, INatr. » c, Nux v.; swelling and tension, Iod.; throb- bing in nape and small of back, INitr. ac.; tension in nape, 11 Natr. c. Before menses, nose: bleeding, I IBar. c, IBry, IHydras, IILach, Natr. e, INatr. s, ISul, Ver., Xan.; coryza, Graph, IMagn. c; ob- structed nostrils, IMagn. c, Phos.; pain deep in, worse from panting or pressure, ICon.; sensitive to strong odors, Nux v. Before menses, numbness: of leg and little finger, Ang. Before menses, ovaries: congestive condition, especially right, with soreness and sensitive- ness, making every motion and position, even breathing, painful, Lac e; drawing in left, towards stomach, IColoe; heaviness, Apis; inflammatory condition, especially right, with soreness and sensitiveness, makes every mo- tion and position, even breathing, painful, Lac c; pain, Pod., Zinc; pain inleft, ILach, Thuya, Ustil, Vib, Zinc; pain in right, I Apis, Graph, Vib.; laborlike pains in left, ILach.; sharp stinging, lApis; shooting in right, IPod.; sharp shooting makes her so nervous she cannot sit still, IVib.; region of, swollen, Brom.; tearing, grinding, twisting pain in right, I IGraph.; wreight, Apis. Before menses, pain : B^T" abdomen, ovaries, uterus. Before menses, palpitation: I Alum, ICact., ICup. m, Hgn, Hod, INatr. m., I ISep., HSpong, Trill. 8®° heart. Before menses, perineum: soreness, ISep. Before menses, rectum: pressure,Puis.; stitches, Ars.; tenesmus, Thuya. Before menses, restlessness: Aeon., Con., Kali c, IKreo., INux v., ISub; nocturnal, IKali e; for several days, Ang. Before menses, saliva : bloody, INatr. m.; pro- fuse flow, Cinnab. Before menses, sexual excitement: followed by copious flow, Calc. p.; increased with sense of thrill, as during embrace, especially awaking in morning, IKali C; nymphomania, Calc. p, IPhos, Stram., IVer. Before menses, sickness: Apis ; feels badly, a week before, IKali e; indescribable, queer, ill feeling, Brom.; indisposition, ICale Before menses, sleep: sleepless, Cycl.; sleep- less, from rigors, Agar.; sleepy during day, Calc. p.; night before, restless, with starting and screaming (dysmenorrhoea), I ISep. 8®" dreams. Before menses, spleen: cramp in splenic re- gion, ISul. Before menses, stomach : sudden attack of car- dialgia, ILach.;cramp, IBell, Cup. m.,Lach, IPuls, Sep.; craving, HSpong.; sense of emptiness, llgn., Sep., Sub; heartburn, ISub; pressure, INux m.; waterbrash, INux m. Before menses, stool: pressing like labor pains, during, IIAlum.; writhing, during, IIAlum. Before menses, sweat: iHyos, IThuya; at night, Bell, Graph, ISub, Ver. Before menses, throat: sore, IMagn. c.; sore, after diphtheria, for several years, I ILac e Before menses, toothache: Agar, Amm. c, lAnt. c, Ars, Bar. c, INatr. m., Puis., ISul, Thuya ; in decayed teeth, IIBar. e; in a hol- low tooth, Zinc. Before menses, trembling: Hyos., Kali c,Lyc, INatr. m. Before menses, ulcers: worse, ICale; bleeding, I Phos. Before menses, unconsciousness: INuxm. Before menses, urination: frequent desire, lAluin., Apis, Asar., Kali c. Kali iod, Phos., IPuls., Nux v., ISars, ISul. Before menses, urine : copious, Cinnab., Hyos.; mucous sediment, ILach.; reddish, Nux v.; scanty, Apis ; of strong odor, Mere; like whey or milk, IPhos. ac. Before menses, uterus: and vagina, burning, Bufo, Carbo a. Con, Natr. m.; excruciating, cramping, colicky pains, IVib.; pain, Arund.; constrictive spasm, abdomen sore, Brom. 8@T" abdomen. Before menses, vagina: burning, Bufo, INatr. in, ISub; as if distended, ISep.; itching, Elaps, IGraph. Before menses, vertigo: Aeon., Agnus, Bor, Bov, Bry., Cale, Caulo, Con, ILach, Nux m, Phos, IPuls, IVer.; with darkness before eyes (acute pulmonary catarrh), I IPuls.; from mental excitement, IINux m. Before menses, vomiting : Caulo, Cham, Cup. m. Gels, IKreo, Nux v, IPuls.; lasting till flow is established, I IVer.; of mucus, IKreo. Before menses, vulva : burning, Carbo v, ISep.; feels as if enlarged, ISep.; feels as if enlarged, with soreness in perineum, ISib; itching, 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 659 Bufo, Carbo v, IIGraph, IKali c,Lac a,ILil. tig, Merc, ISul, Zinc; red pustules on abia, Aur. mur.; soreness, IKali c. Before menses, weakness: Act. rac, Brom, Carbol. ac, Cinnab, ICoccul., Ferr, Iod. IMagn. c, Nux m, Phelb; especially of ex- tremities, llgn.; languid, aching in back and limbs, IGels.; lassitude, INatr. m.: relaxa- tion, IPhos.; tiredness, IBelb, Nux m. Sec. DURING MENSES, abdomen: agonizing pain in lower, on a moist, drizzly day, about close of menses, working outdoors ICup. ars.; bearing down,IBell,Berb,ICham,ILach,ILil. tig., INatr. c, INitr. ac, IPlat., I IPod., ISep, ■ Ustil.; as if boiling, Lachn.; borborygmi, IKreo.; as if intestines were clutched, IBelb; feeling of coldness, as if a cold fluid passed through intestines, IKali e; constriction, Cact, Coccus, Croc.; constriction about lower, INux v.; cramps,! Act. rac,ICaust,Cham,ICoc- cus, IColoe, ICon., IGraph, IKali c, INitr. ac, INux v, IPuls.; cutting, ICale, ICoc- cul., IKali c, IKreo., IPhos., Zinc; cutting from left to right, Ipec; cutting, Lye; dig- ging in, followed by thirst, during evening, IINatr. s.; distended, Aloe, Alum., Cinch., ICoccul, IKali c, ILye, INiccol., Nitr. ac, Nux v.; distended, in morning, better by diarrhoea, INitr. e; distended,painful, Berb, Zinc; sensation of distension, I Cinch, Lachn.; intense distress in lower part, cannot bear pressure of hand or arm, ILac def.; dragging, Zinc.; drawing, Calc, Carbo v., Croc, Plumb, Staph., IStram.; flatulence, Aloe, IBrom, ICham, ILye, Nitr. ac, Vespa ; flatulence and pain, HPhos.; fulness in pelvis, lAloe; heat, IGraph.; intestinal spasm of nervous women, Coccul.; great irritation of pelvic vis- cera, INux m.; itching, IGraph.; laborlike pain, I Act. rac, I Asaf, IIBell, ICham,ICon, IGels., ILach, INatr. e, INitr. ac, ISee, ISep.; laborlike, to thighs, lAct. rac, Cham., Con, Nux v., Stram.; laborlike, as if every- thing were being pressed out, followed by slight show, IILach.; pain in lower, down legs, ICon.; navel feels drawn in, INux v.; pain, undefined, lAmm. c, IBelb, IBor, IBrom, ICaulo, ICaust, ICham, ICoccul., ICoff, IColoe, Crotal, IGraph., IKali c, ILach., IMagn. c, INatr. s, INiccol, INitr. ac, INitrum, INux v, 101. an, IPhos, IPlat, IPuls, ISars, ISee, ISep, ISil, ISub, Thuya, IVer, IVib.; pain (prolapsus uteri), I Amm. m.; pain doubling her up, I Aeon, I Act. rac, IIColoc; pinching, Aeon, IBell, IBor, INitr. ac, IPlat., ISep.; pressing out- ward in side of, INux v.; pressure, with dyspepsia, IFerr. ph.; pressure in lower, with ill humor during profuse, IPlat; rolling or bounding, ICroe; rumbling, IKali c; pressure over os pubis, Calc. p.; sensitive to touch, as if there were an internal ulcer during, ICoccul.; spasm, ICinch.; menses les- sen, ICoccul, Con.; contractive spasm, Brom.; spasm, caused by extreme mortification, ICoc- cul.; stinging (ovaritis), I Apis ; stitches in lower, deep into pelvis and to knees, better from warmth in bed, IINuxv.; straining, in lower, INux m.; swelling, IGraph.; swell- ing in anaemia, I ISub; tearing in lower part, after typhoid fever (nervous affection), I Mane; tension, Coccus; tension, and discharge of flatulence, Niccol.; weight over pubes, Bar. e 8®° pain (dysmenorrhoea). During menses, general aggravation : IKreo, IPuls.; of old symptoms and appearance of new, INux v. During menses, anus: bleeding, Amm. m., Graph, Ham., Lach.; burning, IBerb., ICar- bo v.; constriction, painful, Thuya; itching, Carbo v.; as of a heavy lump, ISib; mucous discharge, Lach.; pain, Berb.; pain, to geni- tals, Ars.; pressure, Ipec; prolapsus, Aur. met.; prolapsus, during stool, Pod.; pulsation, ILyss.; smarting, Ars., Carbo v.; soreness, Berb., Carbo v.; stinging, Phos.; swelling, Sep.; tickling, Lach. During menses, appetite: dislike to animal food (nervous headache), I IPlat.; want of, Calc. p., Cup. m., Cycl, Goss, llgn. Lye, Magn. e, Puis. During menses, arms: drawing in upper (nymphomania), IStram.; pain, ICale; pain in right shoulder, ILobel. b; pains in left, Agar.; pressure in upper, extending to neck, Berb.; pressure, tension in shoulders, extends to neck, Berb.; tension in upper, Berb. 8^° hands. During menses, back: aching, IBell, IIBry., Calc. p., IGraph.,llgn., Inul, IKali e,IPhos.; aching, as if it would break, IBelb, INux v.; aching, across loins, ILach.; aching, at night, I Amm. m.; aching, through small of (menor- rhagia), ICoccus; heavy aching in small of, down buttocks, IKali c; aching, when walk- ing, IKali e; bearing down, in small of, I Act. rac; bruised pain, in small of, Bar. c, Magn. s.; bruised pain in small of, worse sitting, Kali iod.; burning in lower part, Med.;coc- cygodynia, IBell, Canth., Caust, ICie, Merc; coccygodynia, after parturition, I I Cie; cutting in region of sacrum, I ISenecio; cutting in small of, lArg. nit. Zinc; sharp, cutting and drawing pains from, to uterus, IHelon.; drag- ging in small of, Zinc.; drawing in os coccy- gis, ICie; drawing pains in sacrum, Zing.; drawing pain in left sacral region, in evening on first day, Zing.; drawing between shoulders, ISib; pain under inner angle of right scapula, I ICheb; excruciating pains in loins, llXan.; griping, ICale; great heat running up, IPhos.; pain in kidneys, Berb, Curar, IVer.; pain in kidneys, before and during, IVer.; laborlike pains, I Act. rac, ICham., Cycl, ISub; violent laborlike pressure, from loins (uterine dis- placement), ILach.; pains in, undefined, I Amm. c,IBell, ICaust, IChel, ICroe, I Hod, IKali c, IKalm., INux v. Thuya ; pain (as- thenopia), I ISep.; pain, as if broken, IPhos.; pain and chilliness in sacral region, IPuls.; pain in loins; Bry., IKali c, IKalm.; pain in lumbar region, more on left side, Zing.; pain in lumbar region as soon as menses commence, ceasing with them, Tarant.; pains, in morn- ing, on rising, so she was unable to move, IILyc; severe pains, IHydras.; pain in small of, lAmm. c, IBell, IBerb, IBrom, ICale, ICaust, IILach., IMagn. c, INiccol, INitr. ae, IPhos, IIPuls.; pains across small of, and lower part of abdomen, in morning, Lact. ae; pain in small of, which scarcely per- mits breathing, at appearance of menses, I Asar.; pain in small of, as if bruised, I Caust; pain in- small of, downward, IINux m.; 660 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. pain in small of, as though pressed in from both sides, with laborlike colic and leucor- rhoea (uterine displacement), IKali c; pain in small of back, instead of menses, ISpong.; pains in small of, and ovarian region and thighs (chronic metritis), ILil. tig.; pain above and in small of, with sensitiveness of parts to touch, IMagn. m.; violent pain in small of, first day, IILach.; pain (prolapsus), I Amm. m.; pain, as from a heavy weight, IKali c.; pressing pains from loins to privates,IILach.; pressing, in small of, ICarbo a.; pressure in small of, and forepart of lower abdomen, as if everything would push out at genitals, IKali c; pressure in small of (dyspepsia), IFerr. ph.; pressure, from within out, INux m.; violent pain to pubes, rheumatic in origin, ISabina ; rending in spine, ICinnab.; sacrum as if lame, could hardly move or stoop, Ang.; tearing, ICaust, Sep.; tearing in small of, espe- cially on moving, ICaust.; weakness, ILyss. During menses, bladder: aching, burning (chronic cystitis and irritability of bladder), HSep.; cramps, ICaulo.; irritation of neck, Canth.; itching, Magn. e; splashing sensation in region of, Aeon. During menses, breathing : asthmatic or diffi- cult, Cact, Calc, Cinch., Coccul., Cup. m. Graph, Ign, llpec, Lach., Lye, Plat, IPuls., Sep, Sul, Zinc;difficult, with ovarian tumor, IColoe; loss of breath, Iod.; awakes with suf- focating spells, ISpong. During menses, catalepsy: IPlat. During menses, chest: congestion, lAcon, Cinch., Glon.; painful contraction, ICact., Sep, Ver.; cramping pain (dysmenorrhoea), ICoccul.; cutting pain, IPhos.; oppression, IILach.; oppression and want of breath, I Lach.; pain, IGraph.; pressure, Coccul.; soreness of lung, worse, I IPuls.; spasm, ICinch.; stitches, ICon, IPuls.; stitches beneath left breast, ICaust.; stitches in middle of, extending to both sides and towards axilla when walking, IKali n.; sweat, also on back, IKreo.; sweat, at night, IBell. During menses, chill: IBelb, IGraph, IKreo, IMagn. c, Natr. p, IPuls.; towards evening, INatr. s.; alternating with heat, llgn.; and heat, with thirst, Sep.; nightly restlessness on account of troublesome rigors, Agar.; shivers, lAct. rac; shuddering, HSep. During menses, chilliness : lAmm. c. Bell, Berb., IBry,Bufo.,ICale e, ICarbo a,Castor, ICaulo., I Coccul, Cycb, Graph, Ipec, Kali iod.,IKreo, Magn. e, Natr. m,IPhos., IIPuls, ISee, HSep, ISil, Sul, ITabae, Zinc, Zing.; early in day menses appear, HVer.; general coldness, Thuya ; repeated paroxysms of icy coldness over body, ISib; shivering, Berb. During menses, cholera-like symptoms : com- mencement of menses, II Amm. c During menses, circulation : excitement, ISul. During menses, coldness of extremities : ICale, ISee, ISil. During menses, colic : BeaT" pain (colic, dys- menorrhoea). During menses, constipation: Alum., IBry., Collin, IGraph, IIKali c, IINatr.m, INuxv, IIPlat,'Phos., IPlumb., IISep,HSib; first day (gastralgia), IGraph.; in prolapsus, lAur. met During menses, convulsions: lAct rac, I Bell., ICaulo., ICup. m, IHyos, IIKali br,Plumb, IPuls., ISee, IStram, Sub, I IZinc; in dys- menorrhoea, llgn.; epileptic, I Art. v, IBufo., ICaust, ICup. m., Kali br., ILach, Sub; epi- leptic, followed by drowsiness and lassitude, 11 Plumb.; epileptic, while asleep and awake, commence with a peculiar outcry, 11 CEnan.; epileptic, from fright, I Arg. nit.; epileptiform, ICed.; hysterical, 11 Act. rac, Cham., Coff, IHvos, Mo-ch, IPlat.; hysterical, at puberty, from menstrual irregularity, especially rheum- atic females, Caulo.; of limbs and piercing shrieks,ICup m.; one severe, at each pain, IKali br.; tonic spasm, 11 Calab.; spasmodic affec- tions, -Art v. During menses, cough: Castor, Cub., IBry, IGraph, Lachn, Senecio, ISep., Sul, IZinc; coughing up of blood, Iod.; throughout day, fatiguing chest, I IGraph.; dry, IBry., IGraph., Lac c, Phos.; fatiguing, IGraph.; hacking, worse during menses, IIPuls.; short, dry, ICham. During menses, diarrhoea: Alum, Amm. e, I Amm. m. Ant. e, IBov, Bry, Calc. p., ICaust, Cham., Chel, ICinnab, Graph, Kali c, IKreo, Magn. c, Natr. e, INatr. s, Niccol, Sil, ITabae, Ver.; with colic, ICham.; dysen- teric, especially at night, IPuls.; early in day they appear, with burning in rectum, I IVer.; morning, and chilliness, INatr. s.; profuse, watery, with chill and cold sweat on forehead, Vib. During menses, ears: aching, Aloe ; hearing difficult, ICale, IKreo, Mang.; hearing sensi- tive, IHyper.; humming, IKreo.; pain and itching in left, better by boring, Agar.; pains in, IKali e; ringing, Cinch, llgn. Petrol., Ver.; rushing sound, IKreo.; singing and roaring, IPetrol.; weight, Crotal. During menses, epigastrium: griping in direc- tion of small of back, ISars.; pain (dysmenor- rhoea), IGraph.; pressure, ICaps, ISub; sink- ing, ITabae; trembling, I Arg. nit. During menses, eructations: IILach., Lye, INitr. ac. During menses, eruption : Con, IGraph, -Kali n.; herpetic, IPetrol.; nettlerash, IBell, IKali c; irregular red scaling patches on neck and face during congestions,INuxm.; small, round, red.itching, herpetic patches on forearms, neck and throat, IGraph.; copious red, itching, papular, on face, especially chin, during de- layed menses, ICrotal.; on inner thighs, IKali e, Nux v., ISil. g&" genitals. During menses, eyes: nocturnal agglutination of lids, ICale; blackness, before, I Graph, ISep.; blackness before, feeling worse on going into a warm room, IPuls.; burning, Niccol, INitr. ae; darkness before, Bell., Cycb, IGraph, Sep., ISib; feel as if they would drop out while stooping, Brom.; inflamed, I Aeon, IBell, Cham, lEuphor., Hep, Ign., IMere.' Nux v, IPuls., Zinc; pain in orbital region^ extends backward through base to cord 11 Ver. v.; photophobia, llgn.; pupils dilated', 11 Glon.; sensitive to light, llgn.; deep, sunken ICed.; worse, tinia ciliaris accompanied by a pimply eruption on face, IMagn. m.; ulcers 1 on cornea, IIArs.; vanishing of right half of objects, second day, I ILith.; loss of vision, IGraph.; loss of vision, at night, as if tightly bound bv a cloth, IPuls.; obscured vision ' Bell, Calc, Cycl, Graph, Lye, Magn. c ' 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 661 Natr. m, IPuls., ISep, I Sil, Trill.; weakness, ICinnab. During menses, face : bluish, Lachn, IVer.; con- tusive pain in region of malar bone, Stann.; earthy, IHelon., Mosch, Ver.; erysipelas, Anac; flushed, I IPuls.; jaded, Berb.; lack of expression (exophthalmus), ILye vir.; lock- jaw, IHyos.; pain in malar bones, IStann.; malar bone painful to touch, and during flow even to move muscles of face, Stann.; oedema, IMere; pale, Amm. c, ICed, I Helon., I Magn. c, IPuls.; pale, at commencement, IMagn. c; paleness, alternating with redness,Zinc; pros- opalgia, ICaust; fiery red, IIFerr.; swelling, IGraph.; swelling (anaemia), I I Sul.; painless swelling of cheeks, IGraph.; yellow, ICaust. During menses, fainting: ICham, ICoccul, Glon, llgn, ILach.; with pale face, IPuls.; in nervous women, IILach.; on trying to sit up, lAcon., I ICoccul, IVib.; when standing, Lye; especially in a warm room, INux v. During menses, faintness : Berb, I ISep.,Uran. n.; in gastric ulcer, I Arg. nit.; about noon, During menses, feet: burning of soles, ICarbo v, Cham., IPetrol, ISub; cold,ICalc,IGraph, INux m, IPhos., ISil, Ver.; cold, on first day, IGraph.; habitually cold, become warm, ICau- lo.; heaviness, Colch., ISub, Zinc; heaviness better, Cycb; lassitude, ISub; neuralgic pain, I I Amm. m.; oedema, IMere; pain in right in- step, worse after being in bed, Lyss.; swelling, ICale, IGraph.; convulsive trembling,IHyos.; weakness, IGraph. During menses, fever: Aeon, Bell., Gels, Graph, Helon, Kali bi, Natr. m, Phos., Rhod, Sep, Sub; in afternoon, IPhos.; catar- rhal, IGraph, Kali c; in menorrhagia, ICoc- cus ; nightly, INatr. m. During menses, flushing: ofupper part of body, Uran. n. BST" face. During menses, genitals: biting, Zinc; burn- ing, I Amm. e, ICarbo v., IKali br, IKali e, IKreo, ISib; burning in varicose veins,Thuya; burning about vulva, ISib; eruption, Calc, IDulc, IGraph, IMere, ISep.; excitement in clitoris, Kali br.; cutting between labia, Cann. s.; itching, Agar., lAmm, c, ICarbo v., ICaust, ICon, IIHep, IKali bi. Kali br, IKali c, IKreo, Lact. ac, IMere, IPetrol, ISib, IZinc; itching in clitoris, Kali br.; pain- ful pruritus, IPetrol.; sore, burning, itch, IKali e; soreness, IKali c, ISib; sticking, Zinc; feeling as if swollen, Zinc; titillation, Agar, Merc, Mosch. B@T* sexual excite- ment ; also Menses, acrid, burning, etc. During menses, glands: swelling of parotid, IKali e During menses, hands: burning, ICarbo v., Sec; cold, Calc, Ferr, IGraph, Kali iod., IPhos., Sec, Sub, Ver.; crawling in left, and upper arm, IGraph.; heat in palms, IPetrol.; left becomes numb and dead, IGraph.; oede- ma, IMere; sweat, from pain, Ver.; trem- bling, Agar., IZinc; convulsive trembling, IHyos.; weak, dropping things, IIAlum. During menses, head: beating, ILach.; buzzing, IKreo.; congestion, IBell, IBry, ICale, Calc. p., ICinch., IGlon, INuxv., ISub; and chest congestion to,IGlon.; itehlike eruption on fore- head, ISars.; fulness, IBell, ICale, 11 Puis.; ful- ness, in dysmenorrhoea, HXan.; fulness, with or without redness of face and eyes, especially with throbbing, sometimes excessive tearing throbbing pain, IGlon.; heat, I Apis, I Arn, IBell, ICale,IIgn,Mere per.; heat and press- ure in vertex, Natr. s.; heaviness, Cale, llgn, IKali c, IMagn. e, IMagn. s.; heaviness in forehead, with feeling as if head would be drawn back, in evening, Zinc; lightness, IVib.; pressure in forehead and vertex (dys- menorrhoea), I INuxv.; throbbing,Bor.; whirl- ing, ICaust.; weight, Crotal. During menses, headache: I Act. rac. Agar, lArg. nit, IlAur. met, IIBell, Berb, IBov, Brom,IBry, ICale, Calc s,ICarbo v., ICaust, Curar, ICoccul., Con., ICroe, Cycl, IIGlon, I Graph, I Hydras, IHyos, Hyper, llgn,IKali c, I IKali s, IIKreo, ILaur, IMagn. c, Med, IMurex, INatr. c, IINatr. m, INuxm, INux v, IPhos, IPlat, IPuls, Rhod, HSep, ISul, IVer.; at appearance and cessation, IIPuls.; burning in vertex, ILach.; ceases, returns when they disappear, Cepa; congestive, INux m. (8®* head congestion); deep-seated, with heatinocciput (exophthalmus ),ILyevir.; dull, heavy pain in vertex, IFerr. ph.; in dysmen- orrhoea, I ISabina ; with eructation and nausea, ■Graph.; evenings, IGraph.; especially over left eye,commencing daybefore menses,! IXan.; afternoon, over eyes, worse after menses, 11 Natr. ph.; with red face, nausea and vomit- ing, INatr. m.; frontal, Amm. c, Brom.; with heaviness, IKali c; heavy, IMagn. c; heavy, at commencement, IMagn. c; hemicrania, I ISep.; violent, left-sided, worse noon, lasting till evening, with frequent vomiting, I Amyb; in menorrhagia, ICoccus; morning, Ver.; worse from motion, IBry, IGlon, Nux v., Sep.; with nausea, IGraph.; nervous, excru- ciating, with great sensitiveness to noise, IKali ph.; nervous, in girls and hysterical women, IVer.; nervous, in prolapsus uteri and left inguinal hernia, IMelil.; nightly tearing in vertex, ILaur.; beginning in occiput, passing over right side of head, locating in or over eyes, worse until attack of epilepsy, lAtrop. s.; pressing,Belb,Bry, Cact,Cycl, Graph., Magn. c,Natr.m.,Sep,Sil, Sul.; pressing, in forehead, llgn, ISub; severe pressing in forehead, with offensive discharge of hardened matter from nose, Sep.; pressing in forehead, with dis- charge of plugs from nose,ISep, ISib; pressing outward, I Kreo.; pressing in forehead,morning, after rising, and afternoon, ISub; pressure and soreness, Polyg.; sick, IPuls.; splitting,!IBry.; tearing in forehead, ICinnab.; in temples, IILyc; throbbing, IBelb, Calc. p., ICroe, IGlon., ILach.; throbbing in forehead, Calc. p.; violent throbbing, frontal, worse from light and motion (dysmenorrhoea), I ITarant.; throbbing, pulsating pains in various parts of head, pressure in eyes, dilatation of vessels of head and other parts of body, worse during period in which she was accustomed to have menstrual flow, pain for two or three days, preventing sleep, ICroe; as from an ulcer in brain, as if suppurating,! INux v.; with burn- ing on vertex, INatr. m.; in vertex, with pro- fuse, Ferr. ph.; better by cold water, Aloe; worse, ILac def; wrenching, over eyes, better from motion, Hyper. During menses, heart: anguish, Bell, Vib.; beats I hard and furious, yet its motion can hardly 662 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. be discovered, at time for return of menses, HCalab.; fluttering, Lib tig; functional dis- order worse, ICact; pain, ICact, Con, Lil.tig., ILith.; tormenting pressure in praecordia, at night, I Arg. nit. 8^° palpitation. During menses, heat: INitr. ac, Xan.; caused by flying pains in urinary organs, Lyss. gtsg" fever. During menses, heaviness : IGraph. During menses, hemorrhoids : ICoccul., Lyss.; pain, IGraph. During menses, hips : bruised feeling, better as flow becomes free, IILach.; burning, Med.; lameness, Lach, Natr. c; pain, in asthenopia, HSep.; pain, as from bruises, with sensi- tiveness of parts to touch, IMagn. m.; pain in bones, ICale During menses, hypochondria: and hips cut- ting, bearing down pains, IGraph.; violent motion in right, as though something living were moving about, Inul.; stitches, ICroe; tension, HNux m. During menses, hysteria: lAct. rac, Caust, IHyos,IINux m.,Stram, Ver. BST' nervous. During menses, inguinal region* bearing down, Bor.; bruised pain, worse sitting, Kali iod.; burning, Kali n., INatr. m.; cutting, I Arg. nit, INatr. in., Senecio; lancinating, IBor.; pain, undefined, Amm. m. Ant. t, lApis, I Arg. nit. Am., Bor., Bov, Carbo a., Castor., Kali n. Lye, Magn. s.,Natr. m, IPlat, Sene- cio, ISep.; pain and weight in region of femo- ral ring, similar to that preceding hernia, ICub.; pressing, IBor, ICarbo a., Castor.; pressure towards, Chin, s, Niccol., Plat.; sore- ness in bend of right, on appearance, Sars.; stitching, IBor.; painful weight, IKali c. During menses, larynx: paralytic aphonia, IGels.; hoarseness, IGraph, Mang, Spong. During menses, legs: aching, ICaulo.; inclined to fall asleep while sitting, IIPuls.; blue and cold from distended varices, Amb.; calves, pain down, Berb.; coldness, Bufo, ICale, Cham, Lil. tig, ISee, ISib; cold, clammy, ICale, Lil. tig.; crampy pain during first day (gastralgia), IGraph.; chafing between, ■Graph.; cramp in calves, Cup. m., Phos., Ver.; drawing, ISpong.; drawing in thighs (nymphomania), ■Strain.; eruption on inside of thighs, ISib; excoriation between, IKali e; formication, Graph.. IPuls.; heavy, Act. rac, Calc. p, IGraph, IZinc; feel heavy, with vio- lent drawing about knees, as if they would be twisted off (dysmenorrhoea), IZinc; itch- ing on, with burning after scratching, in bed, Inul.; lameness, Magn. m, Phos.; sensation as if cords in knees were shortened, I INatr. ph.; numbness, IKali n, IPuls, ISee; pain undefined, Act. rac, Amb, Bell, Bry,Caulo., ICham, Con., Cycl, Graph., Ham, Kali n., Mosch., Nux m, Nux v., Phos, Rhus, Sec, Spong, Ver.; pressing, Amb.; pressing in thighs, with unsuccessful desire to eructate, ■Carbo a.; restlessness, Mosch, Thuya,IZine; shivering, Bufo.; spots, painful to touch, IPe- trol. ; soreness, ICaulo.; soreness inside of thighs, ISars.; swelling, I Apis, Apoe, Ars, Calc, IGraph, Lye; swelling, in anaemia, I ISub; tearing in thighs, IPetrol.; tearing in tibia, ISep, ISib; trembling, Agar, Caust, Hyos, Magn. e, Nitr.ac; lameness in thighs, ICarbo a.; pain down thighs, Berb, INitr.ac, IXan.; pains go into thighs, lAct. rac, Berb., Kali iod, IPetrol, Stram.; pain in anterior of thighs, IKalm.; pains commence in middle of thighs, over limbs, and entire body, Castor.; pain in right thigh (parenchymatous metri- tis), I ILac e; thighs feel as if squeezed, Kali iod.; varices worse, Ferr.; weary, Calc. p., Niccol. 8®" limbs. During menses, leucorrhcea: Alum, Ars,Bov., Carbol. ac, ICarbo v., Cinch, Con, Iod, IMagn. m, Merc, IPhos.; milky, excoriating, IPhos. During menses, limbs: as if asleep, IGraph. j bruised pain, INitr. ac; cold, Arn, Cham., Crotal, ISee; crawling, IGraph.; drawing, Con, IINux m, Spong., Stram.; numbness, IGraph.; pain, IBell, IGraph, IKalm, Ver ; pains (dysmenorrhoea), IBelb; soreness, ISep.; stitching, IGraph.; swelling of hands and feet, IGraph.; tearing, Bry.; twitching, ICoff. During menses, lips : bluish, ICed.; cold, ICed.; crawling, IGraph.; dry, Bry, ICed.,Magn. e; formication, 11 Graph.; pale, Cycl, Ferr.; swol- len, Phos. During menses, liver: pain, Aloe, Nitr. ac,INux m., IPhos. ac. Puis.; contractive pain, Bufo. During menses, malaise: Curar. During menses, mammae : burning, Indig.; dart- ing, Iod.; darting in right, Grat; dwindling, Con., Iod., Lac def; sore nipples, ICham.; hard, Con, Carbo a.; painful, Calc, ICon., Iod., IMurex, IPhos, ISang.; pain, as if they would ulcerate, IMere; sensitiveness, ICon., Helon., Thuya; sore, ICon., Helon., Lac c. Zinc; stitches, Berb., Caust., ICon, IPhos.; stitches beneath left, ICaust; swollen, Calc, ICham., ICon., IDulc, Helon., Thuya ; tumor, dirty or bluish red spots (scirrhus mammae), ICarbo a.; pain and sensitiveness in irritable tumor of breast, extended down arm of affected side and at times causes sympathetic enlargement of a gland in axilla, 11 Phyt. During menses, mental condition: agony (ovariantumor),IColoe;anxiety, Aeon., IBell., Coccul, llgn, IKali c, IMere, INatr. m., INitr. ac, ISil, I IZinc; anxiety and restless- ness, followed by faintness, ICale; better, IStann.; dejected, melancholy, I Amm. e, lAur.met, ICaust., llgn, IMur. ac, INatr. m, IPetrol., IPuls, ISep, ISib; despondent, weary of life, Berb, ISib; distress ceases as soon as flow begins, Stann.; disturbance, Acon.,IBell.,Cham.,Coff,Ver. ;excitable,in dys- menorrhoea. I IPuls.; great excitement, IMagn. m.; fear, ICoff; fear when alone, but dread of strangers or company, Con.; headstrong, even quarreling, ICham.; howling, ICoccul.; in hypochondriasis, Curar.; irksomeness,Berb.; irritable, Act. rac,IBry., Caust,ICham,HNux v., ISub, Zing.; loquacity, IStram.; low-spir- ited (parenchymatous metritis), I ILac c; melancholy, at puberty, I IHelb; moaning, lArs., ICoccul.; cannot bear music, INatr. c; nervous, INatr. c; nervous,in dysmenorrhoea' I IPuls.; nervous excitement, IMagn. m.; peev- ish, Zinc; pimples which she fears will prove to be little snakes and twine and twist round one another, Lac e; sadness, with palpitation and morning headache, INatr. m.; screaming (ovarian tumor), IColoe; starts at least noise Bor.; stupid (exophthalmus), ILye v.; earnest supplication, IStram.; trouble, dysmenorrhoea v 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 663 for five years, IGraph.; vacuity of ideas (ex- ophthalmus), ILye vir.; weeping, Act. rac, I Ars, Cact, ICoccul., ICoff, Con, Cycl, Hgn, Lye, IPetrol, Phos, Plat, IPuls, See, ISep., IStram, Thuya, Ver, Zinc; weeping, in morn- ing, ICale; spasmodic weeping, Thuya ; vari- able, Aeon.; excessive sense of wretchedness, ITabae; worse, 11 Act. rac. 8®" nervous. During menses, motion : must keep perfectly still, least movement increases flow, IFerr.; cannot bear downward motion, IBor. During menses, mouth: breath offensive, ICaulo, I ICed, IMere, ISep.; breath of a mercurial odor, IMere; dry, IINux m.; gums bleeding, ICed.; gums swollen, INitr. ae; gums sickly color, IMere; gums throbbing, HSep.; palate burning as if sore and raw, INatr. s.; saliva- tion, IMere; saliva bloody, INatr. m.; pain- ful little ulcer in back part on right side, in angle of upper and lower jaw, troublesome during mastication and otherwise, I IFluor.ae; running of water, Agar, Nux in.; running of water at night, IPuls.; taste bad, IPuls.; taste bitter, ICaulo, Chel, IPuls.; taste foul, IKali c, Mosch, ISep.; taste flat, IKali c, Magn. e; taste salty, Mere; taste sour, ICale, Lye, Sub During menses, nausea: Amm. m,Antc,Arn, Bell., Bor, Bry, ICale, Canth, ICaps,Carbo v., ICaulo, Cham, Chel, Coccul, Con, ICup. m. Gels, IGraph, IHyos., llpec, IKali c, Lobel., Lye, Magn. e, Natr. e, Natr. m, Nux v, IPhos, IPuls, HSep., Ver., IVib.; early in day, menses appear, I IVer.; after eating, IKali e; in morning, chilliness and attacks of faintness, INuxv.; on sitting up in bed, IBry, Coccul.; with weakness and trembling, IGraph. During menses, neck: itching, Magn. c; pain in nape of, ICale; tearing pain in nape,Magn. e; throbbing in nape, Nitr. ae; tension in nape, Berb. During menses,, nervous: I Aeon, Apis, Ars, Bell, Bor, Calc, ICham., Coccul., ICoff, ICroe, Gels., IHyos, Ign, Ipec, Kali e, Lil. tig., IMagn. m*., Mere, Natr. c, INux v, Phos., Plat, IPuls, Rhus, Senecio,ISep, Sub, Thuya ; extreme nervous erethism, IStram. BST" mental condition. During menses, neuralgia: I Amyl,Gels., Kalm, Ver., Xan.; vehement tearing through whole body, particularly left side, Berb. 8^° pain (colic, dysmenorrhoea). During menses, night: orgasm of blood, with restless sleep, ICale; discharged no blood, ICaust. During menses, nose : bleeding, Amb, IBry, Lach, INatr. s., ISub, Ver.; bleeding in young girls, ISep.; cold, Ver.; coryza, I Amm. c, IGraph.,IKali e; coryza, at commencement, IMagn. e During menses, odor: rank, or strong, as of semen, IStram. During menses, ovaries: pain with appearance, IBeli.; burning and cutting when urinating, Natr. m.; cramping pains, ICoccul.; cutting, ICoccul.; cutting, in left, IPhos.; cutting from right to left, ILye; dragging, tearing and sore- ness of left, worse during, dragging through to small of back (chronic ovaritis and leucor- rhcea), I IPlat; drawing, Goss.; heat, Lace; heaviness, Apis; laborlike, pain in right, lApis ; lancinating, IBor, Collin.; neuralgia, Crotal.; pain undefined, lApis, IBelb, Collin., Con, Gels., lllod, IILach, Lil. tig, Sabad, Thuya, Ustil.; pain, in inflammatory disease of uterus, Hod.; pain in left, Arg. met, ILach., Thuya, Ustil.; pain in left (epilepsy), lAtrop. s.; pain in left, extendingdown inner side of thigh, IPhos.; pain in right, lApis, Iod, ILye, Sars.; sensitive to pressure, INux in.; sensitiveness of left (epilepsy), lAtrop. s.; sensitiveness of right, I Apis, Hod.; shooting in right, IPod.; stinging, I Apis, Bor, Graph, Goss.; stitches, Bor, Coloe, Graph, Ustib; swelling, Apis, IBell,Collin., Graph.; swollen, Brom, INuxm.; swollen, in left (epilepsy), lAtrop. s. During menses, pain (colic, dysmenorrhoea) : lAbrot, IIAcon, HAct. rac, lAmm. c, lAn- ae or.,IAnt.t, lApis, lArs, lArs. met, Asar, 11 Aurant, Aur. met, IIBell, IIBerb., IBor., I IBrom, ICact, ICale, Calc. p., ICarbo v, I ICaulo, ICaust., HCham., Chin, s, IChlor- al, ICie, ICinch, ICoca, HCoccul, ICoff, IIColoc, ICollin., HCon, ICroe, ICrotal, Cup. m, Curar, ICycl, IDiad., IDiosc, IIFerr, IFerr. mur, IIFerr. ph., IIGels., IGoss., IIGraph, Ham., Helon., IHydras, Hyos, Hyper, llgn, Inul., Iod, Ipec, Kali bi, IKali c, IKali iod. Kali n, IKalm., Kreo, ILac c, ILach., ILaur, Led, ILil. tig, Lobel, ILye, Magn. e, Magn. m., IIMagn. p., Magn. s., Mang, IMere, IMere per., I IMillef, I I Mitch, rep., Mosch, IMurex, Mur. ac, INatr. e,INatr. m, Natr. s, INiccol., Nitr. ac, INux m., INux v., I 101. jec, IPetrol., IPhos, Phos. ae, Phyt, IPlat, Plumb, Pod, IIPuls, IRhus, ISabina, Sang, ISee, Senec, HSep, Sib, Spong, IStram., IISul, Subac, I ISvph, HTarant, IIThuya, I lUstil, HVer, HVer. v., Vespa, HVib, IXan, IZinc.; agonizing, driving patient almost distracted, I IXan.; after anger, I ICham.; from back to front, ICham.; better by having back pressed, IMagn. m.; easiest position is on flat of back, with limbs extended, pain worse walking, better by warmth, HSabina; in a barren woman, HPhyt.; bearing down, I Act. rac, 11 Asaf, IIBell, ICham, ICon, ICroe, IGels., ILach, INatr. c, INitr. ac, HNux m., IPuls, ISee, ISep, Thuya ; bearing down, with draw- ing in le inflammation, smart- ing. Vagina, cancer: scirrhus, painful to slieht touch, IIKreo. B 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 683 Vagina, coldness: in anaemia, IGraph.; cool, INatr. m.; cool (chronic passive hemorrhage), I ISee Vagina, congested: lAcon, IIBell, IPuls, HTarant, Vagina, constriction : Plat.; preventing coi- tion (vaginismus), I ICact.; crampy, IPuls.; painful, followed by fluor albus, after menses, Kreo.; spasmodic, IMere, Plat. 8€^° vagi- nismus. Vagina, contraction: IKreo, ISep.; worse on rising from sitting, IKreo. Vagina, cutting: during coition, IFerr. mur. Bis^ lancinating. Vagina, darting: from slightest contact, ICinch. B^T" lancinating. Vagina, diphtheria: IKali bi.; after apparent recovery from diphtheria in throat, IHydras. Vagina, discharges : g^° Leucorrhcea. Vagina, dragging: with swelling of labia, IColoe Vagina, drawing: Cop.; painful, Card. m. Vagina, dryness : IBelb, IFerr., IGraph., ILye, INatr.m., 11 Puis.; in anaemia, IGraph.; chron- ic, ILye; coition painful, INatr. m.; hot, sensitive, IIAcon.; in scirrhus uteri, IIArs.; causes disagreeable sensation when walking, after cessation of menses, Sep. Vagina, eruption : as high up as she could see and on external parts, especially near urethra, whitish patches like aphthae, when removed a raw red surface is left, uneven to touch, with little red elevations, IMere. viv.; like herpes, Rob.; pimples, burn during urination,lAng.; rough,eruptive condition, left side, with itch- ing on left side of labia, ILac c Vagina, fistula: I Asar., HCale, Carbo v., Caust, ILye, INitr. ac, IPuls, HSil.; burn- ing, ICarbo v.; gangrenous, ILach. Vagina, flatus: ILac c, IILyc, INux m, Tarant.; with distension of abdomen, Sang.; hard emission (dysmenorrhoea), I IBrom. 8SP~ Uterus, physometra. Vagina, follicles : hypertrophied, IKreo. Vagina, fulness : IHam, Lil. tig. Vagina, gangrene: mucous membrane, dark slate color, emitting characteristic odor, I ISee Vagina, gnawing: ILye Vagina, granulations: lAlum, INitr. ac, I ITarant.; in scorbutic diathesis, IStaph. gg^* ulceration. Vagina, growth: congenitally defective of an- terior wall, with ill-shaped os, INatr. c. Vagina, heat: I Aeon, Ars. met, I Aur. mur, IBell,Berb.,Coloe,Ham, I IHydrocot,I ILye vir. Sec; deep seated, IHydrocot; in ex- ophthalmus, ILye vir.; with swelling of labia, IColoe; painful (cancer uteri), IGraph.; with prolapsus, I Aur. met.; particularly dur- ing urination, with profuse green gonorrhoeal discharge, I Cop. 8®°burning, inflammation. Vagina, heaviness : during colic, 11 Murex ; after hysteric attack, Elaps ; in vaginismus, I ISib Vagina, hymen: lacerated, HCalend. Vagina, indurations: ICinch, I lEerr., ILye, IPuls. Vagina,inflammation : lAcon., IIAlum., Aur. mur.' IBell, Caulo, ICoccus, ICurar, IHam, Hyper, IMere, I ISep.; acute, with spasmodic action and pain, IHam.; aphthous, Caulo, I IHelon.; in a blonde child, Sep.; chronic, HTarant.; with cracks and ulcers on labia minora, INitr. ac.; swelling (leucorrhcea), ■Mere; urethral, of long standing, with acute pain and abundant discharge, I Cub.; with vagi- nismus, Hgn. 8®°burning, congestion, heat. Vagina, irritation : Caulo, IHelon.; with pain in back, I IHelon.; in hysteria, Cyper.; of extreme lower part, worse during urination, can walk a long distance, but is worse after sitting in house all day (vaginitis), ICoccus; in pityriasis capitis), IMez. 8@°° itching, vaginismus. Vagina, itching: Alum., I Aur. mur, ICale, ICanth, Cop, Elaps, IFerr. iod, IKreo, ILye, IINitr. ac, Rhus, Staph.;deep, ICon.; worse on left side (vaginitis), IMere viv.; with leucor- rhcea), HSep.; especially after menses, ICaust., Con.; with mental derangement, IBrom.; in nymphomania, ISul.; during pregnancy, Bor.; in prolapsus uteri, lAlum.; pruritus, Alum.; intense pruritus, IHelon.; pruritus, from leucorrhoea, venous origin, or aphthae, • Grin.; pruritus, causes masturbation,IZinc; pruritus induces masturbation, during pregnancy, 11 Calad.; pruritus, after menses (prosopalgia), IMez.; obliged to rub, IIKreo.; worse when thinking of it, Med.; unbearable, IHydrocot.; voluptuous, deep, IKreo, Nitr. ac; voluptu- ous, with fulness of parts, ILil. tig. Bsif imi- tating, vaginismus. Vagina, jerking: from below upward, morning on walking, ISep. Vagina, lancinating: sudden, worse walking, Berb. 86^" cutting, darting, stitches. Vagina, mucous membrane : wrinkled by de- scent of uterus (scirrhus uteri), lArg. met. Vagina, neuralgia: ILye 8®° vaginismus. Vagina, nodules: lAgar. Vagina, pain (undefined): I IBerb.; during coi- tion, IBerb, IFerr, IKali c, I Kreo, I Plat, I Sep., IThuya; during coition, cannot bear exami- nation, IFerr. ph.; with faintness and flushes, Calc. p.; violent, in left side, extending up- ward, so severe as almost to cause her to scream, Lyss.; during menses, I Ars. met. Vagina, pale : INatr. m. Vagina, polypus: HCale, IPuls.; smooth pedunculated pear-shaped, protruding three inches beyond hymen, IMar. v. Vagina, pressing: lAnt. e, IBelb, ILil. tig, ISep.; bearing down, with chronic parenchy- matous metritis, INux v.; from slightest con- tact, ICinch.; with nausea, Lil. tig.; in vagi- nismus, I ISib; crossed limbs to prevent pro- lapsus, ISep.; when stooping, ILye gt£&" Uterus, bearing down. Vagina, pricking : Aur. met, I IMur. ac. Vagina, prolapsus: Bell, Chim. umb., IFerr, IKreo, IMere, INux m., Nux v., HSep, I IThuya ; with ulcerated cervix, IMere; parts look greenish and smell badly, Sul. ac; in- creased heat of, 7rBor.; from heavy lifting, INux v.; during menses, IMere; during preg- nancy, Cale a.; rectocele, ISub; worse during stool (neurasthenia), HStann.; strangulation, with diarrhoea, vomiting and cold sweat, IVer.; strangulation, with intense pain (neu- ralgia), I IPlumb.; strangulation, deep purple, ILach.; with strangulation, soporous, I IOp. Vagina, pruritus: 8S£T itching. Vagina, pulling pains : with or without colic, I IPlumb. 684 23. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Vagina, rasping : during menses, Berb. Vagina, rawness: IKali bi. Mere, IIPuls.; as if excoriated, IIBerb., ICham. Vagina, red: Berb., I IHydrocot. 8ST" con- gested, inflamed. Vagina, relaxed: dilated (exophthalmus),ILye vir. g^° prolapsus. Vagina, sensitive : I Aeon, Alum., Aur. met, IBerb, ICofl'., Kreo, IPlat, Sep., ISil,Staph.; especially anterior portion extending to labia, IBerb.; prevents coition, IThuya; coition painful (prolapsus), ILyss.; with interrupted contraction during labor, IPlat.; tenderness, Berb, Plat.; anterior portion tender (dysu- ria), IChim. umb.; tender, with chronic pas- sive hemorrhage, I ISee; tender, with leucor- rhcea, IHam.; tender, extreme lower part, worse during urination, can walk a long dis- tance, but is worse after sitting in house all day (vaginitis), ICoccus; painful to touch, Berb.; tender to touch (vaginismus), I ISil. gfgg* irritation, vaginismus. Vagina, shooting: in orifice, IHydrocot. fifST" darting, lancinating. Vagina, smarting: IBerb, ICham.; caused by yellowish leucorrhcea (after several prema- ture labors), IIThuya; posteriorly, IKreo.; walking and sitting, Thuya. 8®" burning. Vagina, soreness: IBerb.', Brom., Calc. p., IFerr. iod., Graph, IHam, IKali bi, ILyss., IMere, INitr. ac; after or hindering coition, IRhus; during coition, IFerr. mur., ISub; constant (chronic cystitis and irritability of bladder), I ISep.; painful, I ITrilb; painful during coition, IKali e; painful at entrance during coition (vaginismus), llgn.; and raw during coition, IHam.; of wall to touch, worse walking,Berb.; after urination,INatr. m.; pain- ful on urinating, IIKreo. Vagina, spasm: B^T" vaginismus. Vagina, spasmodic pain: Caulo, IKreo, IStaph.; worse on rising from sitting posture, IKreo. Vagina, stitches: lAlum., lAmb, Ars., IBelb, ICon., IGraph., Mur. ac, INitr. ac, Rhus, ISabina ; almost continuous, ISep.; deep from before backward, Sabina; deeper from below upward, ISabina ; in displacement of uterus, I ISep • electric, seem to come from abdomen, make her start, IKreo.; from inside outward, Berb.; preceding leucorrhoea, Amb.; during menses, Berb.; in prolapsus uteri, lAlum.; upward into pelvis, IPhos., up, or from with- out inward, when walking in open air, INitr. ac 8^* cutting, darting, lancinating. Vagina, swollen: lAgar, IIAlum Cann. s, IIFerr, IFerr. iod., IKreo, IINitr ac, IIPuls. on awaking, Calc p.; corrugations reddish, inflamed, ICurar.; engorgement, Hod.; internally, like a prolapsus, with bum- in* pain, which makes external touch intol- erable, INux v.; narrowed, Alum.; during pregnancy Bor.; mucous membrane puffed, IKreo 8^° congestion, inflammation. Vagina tearing: painful, with or without colic, I IPlumb ; from slightest contact, ICinch.; vio- lent, lAmm. c. 8^ neuralgia Vagina throbbing: worse left side, better ly- ing still (vaginitis), IMere viv.; painful in left side, like tick of a watch, Alum.; in pro- lapsus uteri, I Alum. Vagina, tumors: serous cysts, ILye, IPuls., Rhod., ISil. Vagina, ulcerative pain: with acrid yellow- ish fetid leucorrhoea, Rob. Vagina, ulcers: Bapt, IHydras., INitr. ae; with ulcerated cervix, IMere; diphtheritic, ISep.; like herpes, Rob. Vagina, vaginismus: IIAcon., IBelb, I ICact., ICanth, Coccul, Con, IFerr. ph, IHam, llgn., IIKali br., ILye, IMagn.p, Nux v., Plumb, IPuls, ISib; during coition, IPlat.; spasmodic constriction from least touch, grad- ually goes upward, I ICact.; in menorrhagia, IPlumb.; intense soreness, IIHam.; with uterine irritation, IIGels. 8^" constric- tion, inflammation, irritation ; also Coition painful. Vagina, warts: condyloma, in immense num- bers, of large size, rough and dry, IPhos.; condylomatous enlargement, IIThuya; ex- crescences, 11 Tarant.; pea sized excrescences upon spots formerly occupied by erosions, three or four on posterior wall, one at orifice on anterior wall, another at fourchette, IIThuya. 24. PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. 685 24. PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. Abortion. Infants. Lactation. Lochia. Mammae. Nipples. Parturition. Placenta. Post-partum. Pregnancy. Puerperal. ABORTION: Aeon, lAct. rac, Alet., Amb, I Apis, I Arn., wArt. v, Asaf, Asar, Aur. mur. Bell, Bry., ICale, Camph, Cann, Carbo v, ICaulo.,Ced,Cham., Cinch., Cinnam, Coccul, IColoe, Con., Croc, Crotal, Dig, Dulc, Erig, IFerr., Filix, IGels, Goss., Ham, Helon, Hippoz., Hyos., Iod, llpec, llris, IKali c, Kreo,Lyc, Merc,IMillef.,HNux m, Nux v. Op, Phos, Plat, IPlumb, IIPuls, Rhus, Ruta, Sabina, ISee, HSep, Sil, Stram, Sul, Syph, = Tereb., Trill, lUstil, Ver., IVib, Zinc. Abortion, constitution: in flabby persons, lUstil. Abortion, cough: dry, shaking, spasmodic, in paroxysms, helps to produce, I IRumex. Abortion, disposition to (habitual tendency): I Alet, Arg. nit, I Aur. mur., IHelon., IIKali c, ILye, I IMillef, I ISabina, I ISars, ISep., IZinc; repeating at same epoch, Ced.; fre- quent and early, ovum expelled at every menstrual period, causing sterility, IVib.; at third or fourth month, IIEup. pur.; with leucorrhoea, HPlumb.; with menorrhagia, I ISub; from uterine debility, Caulo. Abortion, with hemorrhage: Anac, 11 Apis, IBell, ICinch., llpec, INitr. ac, IThlaspi, lUstil.; bright red, flowing steadily, IHyos.; coagula, IIKali e; long continued, ILye; worse from slightest motion, HCroc; worse from motion, mental or sexual excitement, ISib; passive, Caulo.; passive, in lumps for days and weeks, lUstil.; profuse, 11 Erig.; pro- fuse, exhausting, black, clotted, IPlat.; for four months after, when an alarming hemor- rhage took place, llpec; after or when threat- ening, painless drainings from uterus, nose or lungs, bright red, no pains in joints, IMillef; flow worse at 3 a.m., INux v. 8^° threat- ened, Post-partum hemorrhage ; also Chap. 23, Uterus hemorrhage. Abortion, hemorrhoids: painful, not bleeding, IHam. .!•/-. i Abortion, influenza: during epidemic, Camph. Abortion, injuries: 8@~ threatened Abortion, lead poisoning: causes, if born the child lives but a year or two, Plumb. Abortion, mental condition: fright, lAcon, Gels IOp.; from sudden bad news, IGels.; querulous, fear of death, Coff. 8@~ threat- ened. Abortion, moles: 8@~ Pregnancy, moles. Abortion, ovaries: inflammation superven- ing, IColoe, HSabina. Abortion, placenta: retained, I ISabina, I ISep, I IVer. v.; retained, with constant feeling in rectum as if bowels ought to be moved,INux v. Abortion, pruritus: B^P" vulva. Abortion, sequela?: IIAct. rac, IHelon., HSec; weakness of back, IKali c; knots and cakes in breasts, 11 Lac c; chilliness, resembling ague, IKali e; dry cough, IKali e; system exhausted (ulcerated cervix), IMere; eyes weak, IIKali e; much hemorrhage,stool only after an injection, I IPlat.; weakness of legs, IKali c.; kidneys secrete less urine, IStram.; metrorrhagia, HErig, IPlat, IThlaspi; par- tial paralysis of right leg, 11 Lac c.; spasms with full consciousness,, followed by ex- haustion, I ISee; involuntary stool, with retention of urine and partial paraplegia, HSub; muco-gelatinous stool, preceded by undefined pain all over abdomen, worse after stool, HPod.; sweats, IKali e; tongue red and pointed, I IPod.; urinary complaints, IIRheum; especially in weak, debilitated constitutions, IKali c. Abortion, in syphilis: lAur. met, IMere, INitr. ac, Phyt, Staph., Syph, Thuya. Abortion, threatened: I Act. rac, Amb., lApis, I Am., IBell, IBry, ICale, ICaulo., I ICaust., ICham., ICinch., ICinnam, lEup. pur, IFerr, IHelon, llpec, IKali e, IIKali m., IMere, INux m, Nux v., IOp., IPlumb, IIPuls., I IRatan., IRhus, ISabina, ISee, Sep, ISil, IStram, ITrilb, IVib.; from atonic con- dition, IHelon. (g^- uterus); with pains from back into buttocks and thighs, IIKali e; back and loins painful, Caulo.; severe backache, I IVib.; spasmodic bearing-down pains, Caulo.; copious flow of thin black blood, ISee; alternately bright thin blood and dark, or in clots on motion, I ISabina; dark blood, ICham.; blood from vagina, in eighth month (gonorrhoea), ICann. b; especially in women who have had children, IPlat.; with convulsions, llpec; convulsive movements, ISee; by cough, 11 Rumex; by nervous cough, IKali br.; sudden depressing emotions,! IGels.; slightest overexertion or irritating emotion, IHelon.; exposure in a damp cold place, IDulc; from falls, shocks, etc., HArn.; feeble, cachectic women, having a wan, anx- ious countenance, ISee; flow ceases and re- turns with double force, IIPuls.; flow slight, Caulo.; from fright, I Aeon, IGels.; fright, especially in latter part of pregnancy, IOp.; in gonorrhceic patients, ICann. s.; hem- 686 24. PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. orrhage, ICinnam.; hemorrhage dark, now fluid, now coagulated, I IPuls.; hemorrhage continues after pains have stopped, IHam.; hemorrhage of dark stringy blood, ICroe; hysterical females disposed to faint, feel chilly and catch cold easily, IINux m.; false labor pains with bloody discharge, ISee; during labor pains, had to hold on to objects, ICaulo.; after abuse of mercury, IHep.; second month, Apis, IKali e; third month, I Act. rac. Croc, ISabina, ISee, Thuya, 11 Ustil.; fifth to seventh month, ISep.; nausea, pains in loins extending through epigastrium and iliac re- gion down thighs, I ISang.; nausea and vom- iting, IVer.; sharp pain around navel to uterus, llpec; from sensibility of nerves, I Asar., Ferr.; os considerably dilated, I IPuls.; ovarian irritation and inflammation, after a fall, Ham.; excessively severe pains, ICoff.; pains with cold sweat, IVer.; pains, excited by walking IHelon.; prevented, if given before membranes are injured and when the pains are spasmodic and threatening IVib.; constant uneasiness in rectum as though bowels ought to be moved, INuxv.; from straining or overexerting, IRhus; in typhus, IBapt; vagina dry, constricted, 11 Puis.; varicosed condition of uterus from frequently recurring congestion, INux v.; vascular excitement, Caulo.; from vexation, lAcon.; tremulous weakness, Caulo. Abortion, time: during early months, HApis ; sixth week of pregnancy, with acute pains, llpec; at six or eight weeks, flowing like menses, I ISpong.; during second or third month, Act. rac, Apis, IIKali c, Sabina,Sec, Thuya, Trill.; third month, ICroe, ISabina, ISee, Thuya, I lUstil.; at end of third month or before, IMere viv.; at third month, with hemorrhage, I ITrilb; at third month, hemor- hage worse at 3 a.m., INuxv.; at third month discharge of bright red partly clotted blood, from motion, HSabina; fourth month, HApis; fifth to seventh month, ISep.; at six months, 11 Lac c.; at seventh month, dead foetus, IRuta; in eighth month, IIPuls.; in last months, Op. Abortion, urination: constant desire,Canth. Abortion, uterus: general atony (inertia), lAct. rac, lAlet, ICaulo., Cinch, Ferr., IHe- lon, IPuls, Sabina, Sec, lUstil; bearing- down pains as if everything would come from her, I Ustil.; chronic inflammatory condition, with nausea and vomiting, IKali c; difficult contraction, after, ISee; thin, black, foul- smelling discharge, ISee; causes indurations, IlAur. mur. nat; metritis, USab, HVer.; prolapsus after, IINux v. 8SP* threatened. Abortion, vulva : itching causes, ISep. INFANTS (newborn, nursingchildren),abdo- men : hard, tense, ICham. Infants, anxiety: lAcon, ICham. Infants, aphthae : 8€sP°° Chapters 11 and 12. Infants, asphyxia: I Aeon,11 Ant.t,IArn,IBell, HCamph, ILauroc, IOp.; after great loss of blood by the mother, or if infant is pale, ICinch.; pale, breathless, cord pulsates,after Aeon, if pulse remains imperceptible, face purple, IOp.; apparent death, ICamph,Sec. BgT* cyanosis; also Chap. 26, Asphyxia, Suffocation. Infants, asthma: 8®* breathing. Infants, breasts: induration and swelling, Aeon., Arn, Bell, Bry.,Calc,Hep, Sib; ery- sipelatous inflammation, induration, swell- ing, tender to touch, ICham.; after mischiev- ous squeezing, IPhos. Infants, breathing: rattling, lAnt t, ICham. BgT" nose ; also Chap. 25, Glottis, spasm. Infants, bronchitis: IDros. Infants, catarrh: I ICale, IKali c; of chest, IILyc; catarrhal irritation, ICham. 8®° nose. Infants, chafing (intertrigo): HCale, ICarbo v, ICham., IIGraph, IHep., IKalim., ILye, IMere, IPsor., Sep, HSub Infants, chill: IINatr. m, Ver. Infants, cholera infantum: 8ST" Chap. 20. Infants, colic: ICarbol. ac, HCham, IColoe; with constipation caused by stimulating food taken by mother or nurse, much flatus, INux v.; flatulent, with drawing up of legs, IIMagn. p.; after taking breast of mother who suffers from grief, llgn.; griping, with constipation in, INux v, HOp.; from indisposition of nurse, IStaph.; drawing up legs, ICham., IColoe; periodic, 5 p.m., IKali br. 8®" Chap. 19, Colic children. Infants, constipation: lAlum., IIBry, ILye, INux v., HOp, ISub, IVer., IZinc; active, irritable, or those who have been prematurely fed on meat, IINux v.; with chill in morning, IINuxv.; during dentition, IMagn. m.; with apparent frequent desire and effort to stool, caused by stimulating food taken by mother or nurse, INux v.; after Nux vomica or Lyco- podium, IVer.; stool in hard lumps, Ant. e; when based on venous disturbance, ICroe 8®* Chap. 20, Constipation, children, den- tition. Infants, constitution: B@°* Chap. 47, Children. Infants, convulsions: lArt. v, IBelb, ICup.m.; epileptic attacks, ICham.; epileptic because mother had fright or anger during nursing period, IBufo.; incipient, ICham.; tetanic, HCamph. g®* trismus; also Chap. 36, Con- vulsions. Infants, cough: Ant. e; troublesome, dry, or loose, ICham. 8®° Chap. 10, Dentition, cough ; also Chap. 27, Cough, children. Infants, crying: 8®° screaming ; also Chap. 1, Screaming, Weeping, and Chap. 10, Denti- tion. Infants, cyanosis: IBor., Cact, IILaur. 8®* asphyxia, heart. Infants, apparent death : flgT" asphyxia. Infants, dentition : 8®* Chap. 10, Dentition. Infants, diarrhcea: IJalap, IMagn. c, IPod., IStann.; corrodes anus, ICham.; during den- tition, IKreo.; frequent stools, ICham.; lien- teric, IMagn. c; after nursing, Ant. c; slimy, green stools, after nursing, IBry.; sour stool, with sour smell of body and vomiting of sour milk, IRob.; loose, sour-smelling stool, with colic, after nursing, IRheum ; stool, during nursing, IColoe; stools thin, watery, with pains, worse at night, ICham. B^T" Chap. 20, Diarrhoea, children, dentition ; also Cholera infantum. Infants, dysentery: 8ST" Chap. 20, Dysentery children. Infants, earache: 8®° Chap. 6, Ears, aching Infants, enuresis: 8®~ Chap. 21, Urination involuntary. 24. PREGNANCY. PART Infants, eruption : crusts on head,lICale; hard places in skin on abdomen and thighs, with redness, HCamph.; pemphigus, IIRan. sc; rash, IBry, ICham.; rash caused by heat or errors in diet, Cham.; redness over thighs, HCamph. B£g°* Chap. 46, Eruption. Infants, erysipelas: lArs:, Bell., Bry., I Graph., Lach., Lye, IPuls, IRhus, Sul. Infants, eyes: 8®° Chap. 5, Ophthalmia neonatorum. Infants, face : like an old man, INux v., HOp. 8^" Chap. 8, Expression. Infants, fever: constant, INatr. m.; feverish condition, with irritated nerves, ICham.; with startings, HCamph. 8€§~ Chap. 10, Dentition, fever. Infants, flesh: flabby, soft, IBor. 8^" mus- cular debility. Infants, gaping: Ant. c. 8®° Chap. 37, Yawn- ing. Infants, glands: 8®" Chap. 44, Glands. Infants, head: cephalsematoma, Arn, ICale, I ICale fl. Cinch., Rhus, Sib; parietal bone swelling, ICale fl. 8®*" Chap. 4, Eruption, Fontanelles; also Head motion involuntary. Infants, heart: cardiac anguish, ICham.; non- closure of foramen ovale,IDig. 8Sr"cyanosis. Infants, hernia: Aeon., Ant. e, Bor., ICale, ICham., Cina, Natr. m, IINux v., Op, Psor., Sil, Stann., Sul. ae, Sub, Thuya; congenital, right side, Lye; congenital, left side, Nux v. B@° Chap. 19, Inguinal region. Infants, hiccough: Aeon, IBell, Cie, IHyos, Ign, Ipec, INux m., INux v, IPuls, Stram, Ver. 8€3T" Chap. 16, Hiccough children. Infants, hydrocele: I I Kali m. Infants, injuries: abrasions, ICham.; bruises (asphyxia neonatorum), lArn. Infants, intertrigo: 8®°* Chafing. Infants, jaundice (icterus): IIAcon., Bov, Bry., Cham., ICinch, IIMerc, INux v. Sub 8®" Chap. 18, Liver jaundice. Infants, marasmus: lAcet. ac, lApis, lArs., ILye, INux v, 101. jec, IPod., I IPetrol.; but- tocks emaciated, INatr. m.; jerking hiccough after nursing, and belching without bringing up food, IMar. v.; incipient, ICham.; from defective nourishment, INatr. m.; a few weeks old, had not grown, but was like an old man, limbs lax, skin wrinkled, bones of skull had lapped over during birth, the pari- etals over each other and over the occiput, I IOp. 8^*Chap. 19, Abdomen mesenteries; also Chap. 44, Emaciation. Infants, meconium : retention, with vomiting of all food, obstinate constipation, I IKali br. Infants, mouth: palate wrinkled, cries when nursing (diarrhoea), IBor.; sore, INatr. m.; sore, could not nurse, ICinch.; sore, does not like to nurse until mouth is moistened, IBry.; stomacace, IMur. ac. 8ST Chap. 12, Mouth aphthae. Infants, muscular debility: I Acet. ac. Agar, Alb sat, Arg. nit, Ars. s. f, Bell, ICale, Caust, INatr. m, Phos, Sib, Sul. ggg* Chap. 44, Muscles. Infants, navel: moist excrescence, ICale; blood and moisture oozing from, lAbrot; oozing of bloody fluid, ICale p.; ulceration of, I Apis. g^° Chap. 19, Abdomen navel. Infants, nose: coryza, IPuls.; dry coryza, I ISamb.; stoppage, ICham, HNux v.; stopped URITION. LACTATION. 687 up, preventing nursing, IINux v., HSamb.; watery moisture, ICham. 8€sT" catarrh; also Chap. 7, Nose stopped. Infants, nursing: artificial, constipation suc- ceeds diarrhcea, IPod.; artificial food disa- grees, diarrhoea and vomiting, INux v.; can- not nurse, cries (broncho-pneumonia), I Ant. t; refuses to nurse at night (abscess after vaccination), lApis; desire, without taking much, Vace; constant desire, Calc. p.; fre- quent desire, I ISamb.; loathing of breast (diarrhoea), iBor.; milk disagrees, HCale; re- fuses breast, ICina, ILach, INatr. m., IRheum, Stann, I IZinc; refuses breast, in catarrh, I Ant. t; refuses breast, in meningi- tis, I I Ver.; refuses breast, milk has salty taste remaining long in mouth, HCale; stool after nursing, IColoe; milk vomited forcibly soon after taking, child weak, drowsy, HiEthu6.; vomits as soon as nursed, after mother has been angry, IVal. 8®" vomiting; also Lactation. Infants, paralysis: Aeon, Arn, Bell, ICaust, IGels., Hyos., Mere, Nux v., Rhus, Sul. 8®* Chap. 36, Paralysis. Infants, pneumonia: g^~ Chap. 28, Lunga inflammation. Infants, restlessness : B©" Chap. 36, Restless- ness. Infants, screaming: with colic, ICham.; day and night, ICham.; after nursing, IBry.; with restlessness, tossing about, ICham. B^° cry- ing ; also Chap. 1, Screaming, Weeping, and Chap. 10, Dentition. Infants, sleep: convulsive twitching of limbs when falling asleep, ICham.; disturbed by frequent starting, ICham.; more than usual, but wake frequently, IBor.; scream anx- iously during, IBor.; sleeplessness, IBell, ICoff., ICypr., IOp.,Sub; sleeplessness, worry and fret and cry, IPsor. 8®" Chap. 37, Sleeplessness children. Infants, snuffles: 8®° nose. Infants, soreness: I Am., IRhus ; aching from being lifted or pressed, IBry. Infants, spina bifida: ICale 8ST* Chap. 31, Spine. Infants, startled: easily, ICham. 8©*" Chap. 36. Infants, talking: g^° Speech, Chap. 11. Infants, teething: ggg*' Chap. 10, Dentition. Infants, throat: dysphagia of fluids, can swal- low only solids, IKali br. Infants, trismus: Aeon., -Amb, Arn, Ars, IBell,ICamph,Cham.,IHep, Ign, Merc, Op.; where much mercury had been given, I Ang. BST" Chap. 9, Lower jaw trismus ; also Chap. 36, Convulsions, tetanic. Infants, urination : 8®° Chap. 21, Urination, difficult, involuntary, etc. Infants, vomiting: of blood, lAcon., lArn., Ars., llpec, Nux v.; of milk, liEthus, Bry., ICale, Cina, Iod, Ipec, Lye, Nux v., IPod, I IPhos. ac. Sib, Sub; child smells sour, ICale, ICham, IRheum, 11 Rob. !&" Chap. 16, Vomiting, infants, nursing; also Chap. 20, Cholera infantum. Infants, weakness: g^° muscular debility. Infants, worms :8^*'Chap. 20, Worms, children. Infants, B^T" Chap. 47, Children. LACTATION, aching: from cold, all over, IIBry. ITURITION. LACTATION. 688 24. PREGNANCY. Lactation, back : pain, HSil. Lactation, breathing: suffocative attacks, ICale p. Lactation, cold: bad effects of taking, IIBry. Lactation, eruptions: ISep. Lactation, fever: Aeon., Arn, IBelb, IIBry, Coff, Rhus ; after anger, ICham.; with de- lirium, I Aeon, IBelb; rheumatic pains in breast, IIBry. Lactation, haemoptysis: HCinch. Lactation, head: hair falls out, INatr. m. Lactation, headache: as if head would burst, from cold, IIBry.; neuralgic, during and after, ICinch. Lactation, lochia: increased, IRhus, HSil. Lactation, mammas: ache, after nursing, being empty, is obliged to compress with hand, Bor.; pure blood flows every time child nurses, I ISib; distended, milk scanty, feels cold air readily, is cold, want of vital activity to secrete milk, HCale; induration of right, burning pain (mastitis), ICon.; painful, IPhyt.; sharp pain, I ISib; swollen heavy from a cold, IIBry. 8^* milk; also Mammae nursing. Lactation,mania: IHyos. Lactation, menses: ICinch, IRhus, Sib; men- orrhagia, blood pale or bright, IPhos.; pro- fuse, ICale ; sensation as if menses would ap- pear, in afternoon, Pallad. Lactation, milk: absent or scanty (agalactia), Aeon, Apis, I Asaf, IBelb, IBry., ICale, Car- bo a. Card, m, ICaust, HCham., IChel, ICinch., ICoff, Dulc, IForm, llgn, iJab., ILac def, Lach, Merc, IMillef, Nux v., I IPuls, Rheum, Rhus, Samb, Sec,Stict, Sul, HUrt ur, I lUstil, HZinc; absent, with sup- pressed lochia and fever, IMillef; absent, with stinging in mammae, ISee; bloody, Bufo, ICham.; blue, ILach.; ceased a few days after confinement, 11 Phyt.; sudden cessation, in puerperal fever,I Ver. v.; changeable, from alka- line to neutral or acid, ICale p.; cheesy, ICham.; curdles, sour after being drawn, Bor.; disappeared within three weeks of delivery in six confinements, I Asaf; excessive, causes pain in left breast, Arund.; will not flow, ISee; impoverished, Acet. ac; increased, Asaf; involuntary flow (galactorrhcea), IIBell, IBry, HCale, ICham, Chim. umb, ICinch., ICon, Hod., -Jab., IKali iod., HLac. c, ILach, ILye, IPhos, IRhus, ISil, Stram, lUran. n, Ustil.; flow involuntary, coagulates, IBor.; flow involuntary, in women who are not nursing, IPuls.; metastasis to brain (epi- lepsy), I Agar.; metastasis to abdominal or- gans, IBell, Bry, IPuls, Rhus; oozing out, Bry.; milk left pink stain upon napkin (phleg- masia alba dolens), IHam.; too profuse, second day after confinement, I IPhyt; too profuse, with hectic, HCale; too profuse, in mania, IHyos.; too profuse for several days, causing prostration, IPhyt.; too profuse, thin,watery, Hod.; too profuse, weakening, HCale; too profuse, watery, child refuses it, ICale; mixed with pus, ICham.; scanty, ten days after de- livery, I Asaf; scanty, with debility and great apathy, Phos. ac; scanty, from fatigue,ICaust; scanty, with emaciation, IPlumb.; scanty, from anxiety and night watching, ICaust.; scanty, mammae small, I ICale; scanty, in mastitis, IMere; scanty, in metritis, from suppression of menses, or getting feet wet, IIPuls.; smells like horseradish, Cochl.; spoiled, child refused it (mastitis), IIMerc; has appearance of being composed of stringy masses and water, IKali bi.; suppressed, Aur. met, Calc, ICarbo v, HCaust.; Chim. umb., Dulc. IHyos Hod, Lach., Merc, IIPuls, IRhus, ISee., ISil, Sub, Ver.; suppressed, after anger, ICham.; sup- pressed, comes back in twelve to twenty-four hours, Lac def; suppressed, from cold, IIBry, 11 Dulc; suppressed, in puerperal fever, ILfiam.; suppressed, with general heat, IRhus; sup- pressed, in mastitis, IBry.; suppressed, sud- denly, IPuls.; tastes bad, Bor.; tastes bitter, I ICetrar., IRheum; tastes disagreeable, nause- ating, child will not nurse and cries much, ICale; tastes like horseradish, Cochl.; tastes salty, Carbo a.; thick, Bor.; thick, stringy, I IPhyt; thin, ICale p., Carbo a, Cham, ILach, Merc, Nux v, ISib; thin, blue, after child has sucked awhile milk becomes natu- ral in color, ILach.; thin, watery, the true milk globule almost entirely absent, IPuls.; constant discharge of thin watery milk, for nine months after child has been weaned, ICon.; watery, with great emaciation, IPlumb.; yellow, IRheum. Lactation, mouth (of mother): lips dry, parched, IIBry.; sore,ICinch.,IHydras, ILach.; thrush, IKali m. 8®"° Infants, mouth. Lactation, nipples: abraded, cracked or sore, Agar., Arg. nit, I Arn., HCast eq, ICham, IGraph,IHam., ILye, IMere, IMillef,Phos., IPhyt, IPuls, ISep, Sub; aphthous, IBor.; bleeding, IHam.; complains every time she puts child to breast, HSil.; pain from nipple through to back, ICrot. t; sensitive, cannot bear clothing to touch, IHelon.; sore, weeps every time child is put to breast, IPuls.; sore, after weaning, IIDulc; ulcerated, ICale, HCast. eq. 8^° Mammae nipples. Lactation, phthisis: IKali c. Lactation, stomach: cramp from nursing, Carbo a., Carbo v., Cinch, Phos.; emptiness, Carbo a, Ign, Oleand., Sep. Lactation, sweat: HCale Lactation, temperament: mild, tearful, milk scanty, IPuls. Lactation, toothache: ICinch. Lactation, uterus : sharp pain, HSil. Lactation, vomiting : sweet, ICale Lactation, weakness: and deterioration of health, ICale, ICale p., HCarbo v, HCinch, Lye, IPhos., HPhos. ac, ISib, Sul. Lactation, weaning: to arrest flow,l IBelb, HLac c, Urt. ur.; complaints after, ICycb; diar- rhcea, Arg. nit.; eruptions, IIDulc; mammae swell, feel stretched, tense, intensely sore, IPuls.; mammae swollen, particularly left, IBry.; secretion continues, Carbo a, IPuls. LOCHIA, abdomen : prolonged bearing down, HSec. Lochia, acrid: IBapt, HCarbo a., IIKreo, ILil. tig., ISil. Lochia, bloody : ICaulo, ICham, ISib; return after least motion, better by rest, I Erig. Lochia, brown: ICarbo v, IIKreo. Lochia, dark; ICham, HSec; almost black,. Ustil.; blackish, IIKreo.; black and clotted, IPlat.; in puerperal fever, IKreo. Lochia, fetid: IBapt, IBell, IBry., HCarbo a, ICarbo v, HChrom. ac, ICinch, IIKreo., IRhus, HSec, Sep., Sib; bloody, slimy (puer- 24. PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. 689 peral fever), 11 Aeon.; suddenly changes char- acter, becomes dirty brown or chocolate col- ored, HSec; cadaverous, IStram.; excoriat- ing, ISep.; in septic fever, I ISal. ac; in puer- peral peritonitis, ILach.; vitiated, IRhus. Lochia, genitals; swelling, lochia worse at night, IMere Lochia, hot: IBell. Lochia, limbs: numb, HCarbo a. Lochia, lumpy: IIKreo.; cheesy, ICinch.; part- ly fluid, partly clotted, IIUstil. Lochia, milky: ICale Lochia, at night: with swelling and inflamma- tion of genitals, IMere Lochia, nursing: pure blood flows every time the baby nurses, HSil. Lochia, profuse: irArtv., Bry, Coff, I I Erig, IMillef, HSec,Trill, HUstil, INan.; bloody, ICham.; excoriating, ILil. tig.; in puerperal fever, ICham.; while nursing, HSil.; burning in region of womb, IBry. Lochia, protracted: IBenz. ac, ICale, HCarbo a, Caulo, ICinch, IIKreo., ILil. tig, IRhus, HSec, ISep, Trill.; with pain in back and hips, ILil. tig. Lochia, purulent: ICinch.; ichorous (metritis), ILach. Lochia, returning: IRhus; almost ceasing, freshening up again, IIKreo.; when going about after confinement, lAcon. Lochia, scanty: IBelb, Bry, Coloe, Dulc, Guaraea, Nux v., Puis., HSec, Stram. Lochia, suppressed: |Art. v., IBell, IBry, ICarbol. ae, Caulo., ICham, IHyos, IZinc; by cold, Aeon., Act. rac, Cham., IIDulc; by cold or damp, IDulc; with colic, IColoe, IINux v.; third day, IMillef; by emotions, lAct. rac, Hgn.; with fever, I Aeon, I IMillef, HSec; from fright, lAcon, Op.; head as if it would burst, IIBry.; causing irritability, diarrhoea, colic or toothache, ICham.; cancer metritis, HSec; in metritis and peritonitis puerperalis, IITereb.; with nymphomania, IVer.; puerperal mania, I Cam ph.; suddenly on fourth day, from exposure to a draft (puer- peral fever),I IVer. v.; suddenly, in puerperal fever, lAct. rac, IVer. v.; followed by boring in left temple, left supraorbital nerve and orbit of eye, worse talking or mental exer- tion, Sil. Lochia, thin: HCarbo a.; in puerperal perito- nitis, ILach.; watery, with small clots, lAct rac. MAMMiE, abscess; Apis, ICamph, IHep, IMere, IPhos., 11 Phyt, I ISars, HSil.; hard cicatrices remaining with retarded flow of milk, IIGraph.; tendency to early suppu- ration, fetid discharge, IPhyt.; first stage, IIBry, Kali m.; fistulae, ICaust; fistulae dis- charging serum or milk, ISib; fluctuating point could be felt below nipple, I IPhos.; in left, lArn, ICist.; one lobe after another ulcerates, discharges into one common ulcer, with pain, or there may be several orifices, one for each lobe, HSil.; several painful nodules and three fistulae discharging ichorous pus, erratic rheumatic pains, the two alternating in intensity, 11 Phyt.; pains as if suppurating, espe- cially when touched, ICale; discharge thin, milky pus and masses of broken-down tissue from an opening below the nipple, after par- turition, ICrotal.; purulent sinuses, Bufo.; substance seems to be discharged in pus, HSil.; opened twice, lApis; when suppura- tion is inevitable, HPhyt.; suppurative in- flammation runs in radii from nipple, with chilliness in forenoon, heat in afternoon, ISub; threatening, Acet. ac, ICrot. t; threatening, with marks of many cicatrices from former ulcerations, IGraph.; hard-edged fistulous ulcers remain, ISil. 8^° inflammation, ul- cers. Mammae, aching: constant, distress under left (climaxis), I I Ustil.; dull, Ast. r.; all evening, ILac e; quietly, Lyss. g®° dull pain, pain, soreness. Mammae, atrophy: Chim. umb, I ICon., Hod., IIKali iod, Kreo, INitr. ac, INux m., Sars.; seem small, with colic, I IPlumb.; decrease in size, I ILac def; ovarian dropsy, Hod.; dwind- ling with small hard painful lumps in them, IKreo.; leaving a flaccid, baglike skin, ICon.; with small hard painful lumps, IKreo.; rapid, IChim. umb. Mammae, bluish: ILach. Mammae, bruised pain : in left, Arum t. Mammae, burning: I Act. rac, I Apis, Bry., ICale p.; in left, Como.; during menses, Ind.; better from motion, I Ars.; after rubbing, Con.; of scirrhous tumors, HApis; shooting stinging, 11 Lapis; stinging, in and below, ILaur.; on slightest touch (mastitis), I IPhos. 8^" heat, inflammation. Mammae, cancer: -Alum, -Anag., I Apis, I Ars., lAst r, lAur. mur.nat,IBadiag.,Bell,IBrom, Bufo, Carbo a, IChim. umb. Cist, IClem, Coloe, HCon, Dulc, Graph, Hep, IHydras, Kreo, Lapis, INitr. ae, Oxal. ac, IPhyt, I I Psor, ISep, ISil, Sul, Thuya, Tuberc; axillary glands indurated, ICarbo a.; burning, towards axilla, ICarbo a.; burning of edges, smells like old cheese, IHep.; burning of open, 11 Apis; burning pains, better from external warmth, IIArs.; from old cicatrices, which had remained, after repeated abscesses, IIGraph.; livid red spot on tumor, gave exit to discharge of blood, gradually invading whole breast, eight inches in circumference, discharging fetid ichor, lAst r.; drawing pain toward axilla, ICarbo a.; epithelioma, IHy- dras.; face gray, earthy, oldish, llBrom.; size of hen's egg in, Phyt; indurations in- flamed, very painful, wrorse by exposure to air, IPhos.; lancinating, ILach.; lancinating, bleeding easily, IPhos.; left feels drawn in, Ast. r.; open, left had been ulcerated for four or five years, the ulceration diminished, IHy- dras.; as large as a small egg, IHydras.; occult, I IBufo.; with pains, IHydras.; red spots on skin, ICarbo a.; right, lApis; right open, diminished burning pain, and favored healing, healthy granulations appear- ing, IHydras.; scirrhus, lAgr. nit, lAst. r., IBrom, IIBufo, ICarbo a, I IPhyt, Sars., ISil, I ISub; scirrhus,burning, ISep.; scirrhus, ulceration with fetid sanious discharge and sloughing, Cund.; scirrhus, emaciated and cachectic, Cund.; scirrhus, hard as cartilage and uneven, which has grown during climac- teric period to size of a hen's egg, ICon.; scirrhus, heaviness, ICon.; scirrhus, caused by injury, IHyper.; scirrhus of left, ICar- bol. ac.; scirrhus of left, very painful, worse in cold weather and during night, 44 690 24. PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. worse during growing moon, while per- spiring she cannot bear to be uncovered, IClem.; scirrhus, of left, occasionally twitch- ing in affected part, the mass is immov- able, ICon.; scirrhus, painful of right, about an inch in diameter, hard but movable, nipples drawn in, IChim. umb.; scirrhus, skin purple in spots and wrinkled, Cund.; scirrhus in right, Cund.; scirrhus in right, adhering by entire base to thoracic walls, B Ast. r.; scirrhus of right, with itching, I I Sib; scirrhus, sharp shooting pain, ICon.; scirrhus, skin and axillary glands involved, Cund.; sore pain, a sort of raw feeling, IIMerc; stony hard, large as tea cup, ICon.; cannot sleep from pain, lAst r.; stinging of edges, smells like old cheese, IHep. 8®° fungus haema- todes, induration, tumors. Mammae, chilliness: chill commences in, ICon.; crawls, IGuaiac; shivering over, HCoccul. Mammae, cold: as ice to touch, especially nip- ples (during menses), Med. Mammae, contractive pain: in left when child sucks right, IBor. Mammae, cramplike pain: in left, ILil. tig. Mammae, cutting: in left, worse before, during and after menses, extends to left axilla, down arm to hand, ILach.; in left, through to scapula, ILil. tig. 8ST" darting. Mammae, darting: of nursing women, arrests breathing, worse pressure, Carbo a.; in right when stooping, worse rising during menses, Grat.; when standing, from behind forward, 01. an. BST" cutting, lancinating, shoot- ing, stitches. Mammae, drawing: in cancer, Ast. r. Mammae, dull pain: below, in prolapsus and dysmenorrhoea, ICon.; all evening, ILac c. 8®" aching, pain. Mammae, emptiness: disagreeable sensation, after suckling child, IBor. Mammae, enlargement: 11 Lace; with leucor- rhcea or amenorrhcea, IDulc; feel distended, Calc.; feel larger, as during last half of preg- nancy, ICale p.; feeling of distension, with constipation, IKali e; feeling of distension in left, Zinc; with fistulous opening of five years' standing, I IPhyt.; hard, irregular (cancer), IHydras.; hypertrophy, IPhyt.; hypertrophy, either general or lobular, followed by atrophy, ICon.; during menses, ICon.; painfully dis- tended with milk, Acet. ae; painful, at cli- macteric period, I ISang.; preternatural (mas- titis),! IPhos.; right seems full to overflowing, IPhyt.; seem full, ILac e; sensation of, ISep.; sensation of expansion, Carbo a. 8^° swollen. Mammae, eruption : herpes, in nursing women, IIDulc; itching, burning, papular, about nipple, 11 Rhus; scarlet, shining, herpetic, worse scratching, odor offensive, under, ILach.; covered with scurfy protuberances, from which blood oozes whenever scurf is .removed, IKreo. Mammae, flabby: 8®° relaxed. Mammae, fungus haematodes: (completed cure after Phos.), I IThuya; on right, as large as a peony, blood poured out as from a sponge, ILach.; indicated by violet spot on skin, around nipple, which was sunk in cavity (cancer), I Ast. r. g®° cancer, tumors. Mammae, griping : in left, Bor. Mammae, hard : 8^° induration. Mammae, heat: IBelb; feels as though hot balls dropped from each through to back, along each leg and dropped off heels this al- ternated with sensation as if balls of ice fol- lowed same course (childbed fever), ILye; third week after confinement, IPhyt.; hard, tense, milk scanty, I Aeon.; pains, but not red, IBry.; pains, in uterine disorder, ICon.; sensation under, Lyss.; of skin, IBell. 8®"" burning, inflammation. Mammae, heaviness: IBell, IBry.; feel as if they would fall off, lllod.; feel as though they would fall off, she must press hands against them, Cast. eq. Mammae, induration: Apis, IBell, IBry, ICale, HCarbo a, I ICham, ICist, IClem., HCon., ICrot. t, ICup.m, Cycb, IKreo., Nitr. ac, Phos, I IPhyt, I IPlumb, Puis., ISep, I ISib; after abscess of right mammary gland, re- maining without change for two years, ICon.; bluish red nodosities, size of a hazelnut, dry, black points at tips, Hod.; burning hard no- dosities in, ILye; an early tendency to be- come caked, IIBry, HPhyt; caking of right after neglecting to nurse child for several days, breast tense but doughy and painless, I I Nux v.; chronic, I I Ustil.; a few days after confine- ment, IPhyt; from contusion, hard lump as large as a walnut on right side of nipple, of right, constant dull heavy pain, at night after spot has been irritated in any way, sharp and snooting pain, ICon.; feels as if full of hard lumps, ILac c; in puerperal fever, IIBry.; glandular hypertrophy, ICale; glandular, about nipple, painful to touch, IClem.; in knots, after miscarriage, I ILac e; left, cancer, I Ast. r.; with fever and prostration of left, after parturition, ICrotal.; of left, size of head of infant, almost insensible,hard, angular (cancer mammae), lAst. r.; of left, space two inches long, by half inch thick, painful to touch, coming on in evening, disappearing in morning, Spong.; with leucorrhcea or amen- orrhoea, IDulc; lump, I Ars. b; lumps, aching, deep in left, Arum t.; hard lumps, HSil.; lumps hard and painful, ICon.; hard lump in left and beneath arm, with burning (cancer), ILye (after Lach.); lumps in puer- peral fever, 11 Bry.; lumps, in young girls, painful, affecting arm, IPuls.; lump in left, broke, leaving small irregular ulcer with ragged everted edges, sloughing and discharging fetid pus (cancer of breast), IChim. umb.; a lump in right, near nipple towards the right, scir- rhus as hard as cartilage, uneven surface, movable, size of a hazelnut, I ISib; in mastitis, I Apis, HPhos.; after miscarriage, IILacc.; hard nodule beneath nipple, painful to touch, with drawing tearing, Cham.; neuralgic nodes, Carbo v.; nodosities, HCarbo a., HCon, INitr. ac, ISib, ISub; painful nodosities, HPhyt.; hard knots during pregnancy, ICale fl.; hard, painful nodosities, as large as goose eggs, IPhos.; nodulated, acuminated ap- pearance of nodules, IPhyt.; dirty nodules in left, ICarbo a.; hard nodules, HCarbo a., HPhos.; painful nodes, Carbo a.; bluish-red nodules in left, ICarbo a.; hard nodules, HCar- bo a., 11 Phos.; painful nodules, Carbo a.; bluish- red nodules in left, ICarbo a.; painful, in left ICarbo a.; not red, HCale; of right, lArn • 24. PREGNANCY. PI of right, during lactation, burning pain (mas- titis),ICon.; of right, with painfulnessto touch, and nightly stitches in it, 11 Con.; of right,stony hard, painful, IPhyt.; scirrhous, ICarbo a, Cham, scirrhous lumps, ICarbo v.; scirrhous irregular nodule, IHydras.; small, hard, pain- ful lumps, with dwindling and falling away, IKreo.; with sore pains, IMere; hard as a stone, after weaning, 11 Phyt.; stony hard- ness, IBry.; painful swelling, about size of a walnut, ICon.; very tender to touch (scir- rhus), ICham.; small tubercles, Mang. 8^" abscess, cancer, enlarged, inflamma- tion, swelling, tumors. Mammae, inflammation (mastitis): Aeon,Act. sp,IApis,IBelb, HBry,Bufo, Cact., Calc, Car- bo a, Carbo v, ICham, ICist, ICrot. t, Cu- rar, IHep, Kali ph, ILach., ILye, IMere, Phelb,IPhos. ,HPhyt, 11Plumb,IPuls,IRhus, I ISil., Sub, 11 Ustil.; great arterial excitement, IVer. v.; from bruises, I Am.; after Bryonia, IPhyt.; with fulness in chest, sensitive to cold air, ICact.; chronic, with pain, Fluor. ac.; with sensibility to cold air, ICist.; a few days after confinement, I I Phyt.; dark color, HPhos.; erysipelatous, HApis, Am., Cadm. s., ICarbo v., ICham, I IPlant.; erysipelatous, during confinement, Carbo a.; heat, swelling, pain, IPlant; heaviness, IBry.; in hysterical and nervous patients, suppuration preceded by crawls in affected parts, which remain hard, scanty discharge, IHep.; with irrita- tion, ICard. m.; of left, ICist.; of left, with fever and prostration after parturition, ICro- tal. ; with great nervous excitement, IVer. v.; before formation of pus, IKali m.; pus begins to form, iCales.; pus brownish, dirty look- ing, with heavy odor, I IKali ph.; deep-red in centre, rose-colored towards periphery, swol- len, hard, sensitive to touch, constant burning prevents rest at night (mastitis), ISib; rose-colored, radiating, stinging, tear- ing, IBelb; with stitches, ICon.; in streaks or rays, diverging from centre to circumference, IBelb; suppressed milk, IBry.; to prevent suppuration, ;Cale s. 8ST burning, can- cer, enlargement, induration, sensitive, s-welling. Mammae, irritable: 8ST sensitive. Mammae, itching: Alum., Ars. m., Spong.; between, obliging her to rise at night, Phos. ae; from cold, IDulc; internal, driving to despair, rubbing and scratching better, but makes skin rough, Cast. eq.; on left, Fluor. ac; in a nursing woman, ICaust.; swollen (scirrhus), ISil. Mammae, jerks . in left, as if drawn towards the back by a thread. Croc. Mammae, lancinating: in left, I IPhyt.; like knives thrust into (scirrhous tumor of left breast), IHydras.; in mastitis, ILach.; deep in right, through to back, Colch.; in scir- rhus, ICham.; to shoulder and down arms, IHydras. 8^ cutting, darting, shooting, stitches. Mammae, milk: discharge of a thin, acrid, milklike fluid, before puberty, IIPuls.; dis- charge of milky fluid staining linen, Cycb; breasts fill, milk runs out (in a female not pregnant), Bell.; breasts became fuller and finally contained milk (false pregnancy), 1 IPuls.; milk in breasts instead of menses, JRITION. LACTATION. , 691 IMere; secretion, after suppressed menses, ICinch.; in breast, without being pregnant, IILyc. B®" Lactation, milk. Mammae, neuralgia: Act. rac, Ast. r, IBelb, ICalad, Calc, ICham, ICon., Hydras, Lac c. Lye, IMurex, Phos., IPhyt., Rhus; in left, as if torn with red hot tongs (intercostal neuralgia), IChin. a. ggg" tearing. Mammae, nipples : B®" Nipples. Mammae, nodes: 8®" induration. Mammae, pain (undefined): IBelb, IBry, ICale p, Canth., ICon, Cycl, Med, IPhyt,I IPsor., Ver.; in amenorrhcea, IZinc; worn and hag- gard appearance, IHydras.; worse lifting arm, IBry.; from rib to below left axilla, without induration, especially when nursing, Caust.; severe, dreaded cancer (intercostal neuralgia), I IRan. b.; into chest, neck, down back, changes from place to place, IPuls.; after chill, llgn.; third week after confinement, IPhyt.; constant, all evening,ILac e; in even- ing, Con.; infra-mammary, in leftside, 11 Act. rac; caused by least jar,has to hold breasts firmly when going up or down stairs, worse towards evening, pressure of arm in natural position causes pain, ILac e; in left, ILach, ILil. tig.; in left, caused by excessive secre- tion of milk, Arund.; in left, behind nipple, down to region of hip, Ars. m.; in left, pre- vents rest at night, IHydras.; constant suffer- ing under left, at margin of ribs between menses, Ustil.; in leucorrhoea or amenorrhcea, IDulc; during menses, ICon., IMere,IPhyt.; with sharp, darting pains in right ovarian region, extend to knee, must keep leg flexed (after miscarriage at sixth month), ILac e; during pregnancy, ISep.; at every menstrual period as if they would ulcerate, IMere; worse from motion, IBry.; in right, Hgn.; in right, down arms, I IHydras.; in right, after nursing, along course of lactiferous tubes, causing physical and mental distress, so that she lost her strength, and was seized with spells of hysterical weeping, IPhelb; in right, extends to shoulder, Sang.; in sterility, ICanth.; as if suppurating, especially on touch, ICale; in nodular swelling of left, I ISib; with swelling and soreness, before menses, Con. 8@~ aching, soreness. Mammae, pulling pains: with or without colic, 11 Plumb. Mammae, pale: IBry. Mammae, pressing sensation: beneath left, Zinc; especially at nipple after menses, Berb.; painful, in right, Zinc; sharp, in left, Phos. ac. Mammae, pricking: like flea-bites between, obliging her to rise at night, Phos. ae; under' left, Arund. 8®° sticking, stinging, stitches. Mammae, purplish: ILach. Mammae, red: I Arn, Samb.; bluish, IKreo.; dark (mastitis), I IPhos. 8®"inflammation. Mammae, relaxed: Hod.; in puerperal fever, I IVer. v.; except during menses, Con. Mammae, rheumatic pains: to muscles of chest, also to shoulders, neck, axillae and down arms, change from place to place, during nursing, IPuls.; in milk fever, IBry. Mammae, sensitive: Con.; hypersesthesia, Hod.; irritable, IPhyt.; during menses, IThuya; to least pressure, ILac e; tender, ITURITION. LACTATION. 692 24. PREGNANCY. PAI ICham, ICon, IHelon., I I Phyt; tender, par- ticularly during menses,I Helon.; tender, with acuminated appearance of nodules, IPhyt.; peculiar tenderness, Med.; tendernessof right, lArn., I Apis ; to touch, ICham, Syph.; to touch, and when arm is moved (pleurody- nia), I IRan. b.; to touch, with engorgement before menses, I ILac c; to touch, also in- flamed, Med.; right, painful to touch, Amm. c; sore to touch, ICale p.; sore to touch, under right nipple, Sang.; tender to touch, with drawing pains, fretful, sleepy, cross, 11 Cham. 83^" inflammation. Mammae, sharp pain: in left, about one inch above nipple, and leaves a burning sensation, it goes to right side and down right arm, Como.; in metritis, Hod.; while nursing, I ISib; in cancer of womb, Hod. Mammae, shooting: violent, two or three times a day, from side along lower portion of left, with nausea and giddiness (chronic ovaritis and leucorrhoea), HPlat.: between left and last ribs, Lyss.; short, passing outward, Med.; with great soreness, distension and tender- ness, Polyg. BST" cutting, darting, lanci- nating, stitches. Mammae, soreness: Bry, ICon, Med., IPuls, Symph., Syph.; in ague, I IPuls.; about old cicatricial tissue, result of scrofulous abscesses, HSil.; in dysmenorrhoea, IZinc; in puerperal fever, ICham.; in left, Arum t; with leucor- rhcea or amenorrhcea, IDulc; before menses, worse by least jar or walking, ICon.; during menses, ICon.; particularly at menstrual pe- riod, IHelon.; in metritis, Hod.; with sharp darting pains in right ovarian region, extend to knee, must keep leg flexed (after miscar- riage at sixth month), ILac c; from constant profuse spitting and drooling of child (diph- theria), I ILac c; very sensitive to touch at nonmenstrual period, Med. 8§P* aching, pain. Mammae, sticking: beneath left, Zinc; beneath left (dysmenorrhoea), ICaust.; discharge thin, acrid milk, IPuls. Mammae, stinging: ^Ethus, I Apis ; in open cancer, I Apis ; every two or three hours, sud- den, severe, lasting several minutes, better from pressure with hand, at same time milk began to ooze out, in nursing child three months old, I I Phyt.; from induration through arm, ICarbo a.; itching, on left, near shoulder, Spong.; with lack of milk, ISee; momentarily better from rubbing, Indig.; in scirrhous tu- mors, HApis, HCon, ISil. g@f pricking, sticking, stitches. Mammae, stitches: Bov, HCon., Cycl, IKreo, ILye, I IMurex, IPhos., Sang, ISep.; threat- ened abscess, I IPhos.; below, Brom., Hyper, Murex; continual, from within outward, through left, worse in motion, Hyper.; dull, ICon.; in left, dull and painful in morning, Zinc; dull in right, All. sat; in left, Bor, Kali" n, Lil. tig.; in left, through to back (ulceration and swelling), I Ast. r.; in left, after menses, Berb.; in left, worse before, dur- ing and after menses, extends to left axilla, down arm to hand, ILach.; beneath left, de- scending deep into chest, also in evening, IKali c; beneath left, going towards left, Lyss.; beneath left, at times extending upward from low down in chest, IKali e; through left, IPhelb; in hard lump which formed in lower outer part of, after parturition, ICrotal.; during menses, Berb.; as with needles in ctt, HCon ; worse at night, ICon.; internal, when nursing, as if arrows were forced through, ICale; sharp, piercing pain in right, beneath nipple, Sang.; in right, near nipple, running in deep, worse when taking a deep breath, Pallad.; slight, in right, under shoulder blade, later left, Ars. met.; beneath right, Zinc; sharp, inward, beneath left, IPhelb; tearing, on flow of milk, IKali c; on slightest touch (mastitis), I IPhos.; in vaginismus, llgn. 8®" cutting, darting, lancinating, prick- ing, shooting, sticking, stinging. Mammae, suppuration : BOP abscess. Mammae, swelling: lArn., IBelb, Carbo a, ICham., IClem., ICon, ICrot. t, ICup. m, Cycb, IHelon., IPhyt, I IPsor., IIPuls, Samb, ISub; about old cicatricial tissues, result of scrofulous abscesses, I ISib; from cold, IDulc; from catching cold, streaks of inflammation, IRhus; third week after confinement, IPhyt.; from contusions, Arn.; uneven after contusion of right, hard as stone, supporting a rough, wartlike, humid eleva- tion, ICon.; distended (puerperal fever), IIBry.; engorgement, with sensitiveness to touch before menses, I ILacc; erysipelatous j Ananth.; erysipelatous, particularly from wean- ing,IBell.:sizeof a hand (pleurodynia),! IRan. b.; hot, ICale; of left, IBry, Med., I IPhyt; of left, sharp stitches through to back, I Ast. r.; of left, three times natural size, hard, livid and extremely sensitive to touch, HPhos.; of left, for six weeks, IPhyt.; in mastitis, I Apis, HPhos.; as before menses (cancer), I Ast. r.; during menses, ICon., Thuya; with secretion like milk, after menses, Cycb ; at night when opening her dress, Lyss.; nodular, stinging, throbbing, IBell. ; painful (septic- aemia), Sal. ac.; painful on descending stairs, Cast. eq.; painful to touch, All. sat., ILach.; pitted on pressure, right, I Arn.; with pressure as if milk would appear in them, IPuls.; dark red, sensitive, burning, prevents sleep at night, ISil.; of right, as large as a hen's egg, after attack of erysipelatous mastitis, surface covered with excessive granulations, itching, discharge of thin sanious pus, I ISub; espe- cially right, painful to touch, Cast. eq.; sensa- tion of, Benz. ac.; sensation as of, after men- ses, Berb.; sensitive to touch, threatens to de- velop from cancer occultus to cancer apertus, IFerr. iod.; serous infiltration, Plumb.; sore, a few days before retarded menses, Merc, per.; with sore pains, IMeve; feel stretched, in- tensely sore, after weaning, IPuls.; and sore to touch, IZinc; turgid with milk, like in ninth month, without being pregnant,! Asaf; unnatural, especially of nipples which are harder than usual, IMere sob; when waking, in morning, she can hardly get up, three mornings in succession, Lyss.: cannot walk up and down stairs, IHep.; after weaning, All. sat 8®* enlarged, inflammation. Mammae, tearing: Bry.; with or without colic HPlumb.; from indurations through arm' ICarbo a.; through left, IPhelb; deep in right' through to back, Colch.; as if torn towards abdomen, Bufo. B^T' neuralgia. Mammae, tension: Cycb; stretched feelin^ in 24. PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. 693 left, worse on inspiration, Sumb.; painful, like string pulling in right, Sumb. Mammae, tumors: I Ars.' i, I IChim. umb, I ICon, IKali iod, ILach., I IPhyt.; burning (scirrhus mammae), ICarbo a.; fibroid,IPhos.; hard, ICarbo a.; very hard, incompressible, knobby, immovable, lancinating pains, Cund.; hard, nodular, HSil.; hard, painful, in left (probably cancer),ICund.; hard, in right, grew until milk was secreted, I ICact; hard, sensi- tive, painful, I ISee; hard, stony, nodulated, not attached to skin, movable and as large as a filbert, lancinating pains, IHydras.; indu- rated, ICarbo a.; irritable, sensitive and pain- ful, worse during menses, pain extends down arm to affected side, and at times causes sym- pathetic enlargement of a gland in axilla, HPhyt.; lancinating, deprived her of rest, especially at night (scirrhus), Ast. r.; low- spirited, night sweat (scirrhus mammae), ICarbo a.; under left nipple, as large as hen's egg, moving freely" under superficial fascia, and hard and painful on pressure, ICon.; pain extending down arms, I IPhyt; pains drawing towards axilla (scirrhus mammae), ICarbo a.; painful to touch, Ars. b; painless, in right, ICarbo a.; with piercing pains, worse at night, ICon.; scirrhous, HCon.; scirrhous, of right, size of hen's egg, hard, nodulated, tender to touch, stinging pain, I ISep.; sensitive to touch, and painful, I Ars. b; skin loose, ICarbo a.; small, painless, near nipple, ICon.; smarting, deprived her of rest, especially at night (scir- rhus) , Ast. r.; three, lobed, each lobe as large as a pigeon's egg, two inches above and to left of nipple, movable, and painful to pressure, examination causes pain, extends to shoulder and down arm, lasting five to six hours,ILach.; uneven, ICarbo a.; in a young married woman, IChim. umb. 8®* cancer, induration, swelling. Mammae, ulcers: IPhos.; chancroid (syphilis), I IJacea; fistulous, HPhyt; fistulous, dis- charge thin and watery, or thick and offen- sive, HSil.; fistulous openings, downward and backward, I IPhyt.; fistulous, with callous edges and continuous suppuration, I IPhos.; large, fistulous, gaping and angry, discharg- ing a watery fetid pus, IPhyt.; several fistu- lous, partly covered with proud flesh, from which an offensive, ill-looking, profuse, pur- ulent discharge has escaped (mastitis), I I Phos.; fistulous, two passages in one, and three in another, some of them extending deep into gland, and others more superficial but diverg- ing at right angles, all discharging a thin, serous acrid fluid, I IPhos.; bottom covered with reddish granulations, pale, edges hard, everted, sensitive (scirrhus), I Ast. r.; un- healthy granulation, with fetid discharge, IPhyt.; an inch in diameter, gaping, angry, filled with unhealthy granulations, probe passed obliquely downward until it reached a hard, sensitive tumor about the size of a hen's egg, discharge offensive and sanious, 11 Phyt "indurated tumors,ICEnan.; inoculated by ichorous secretion producing similar sores around nipple, IJugb; with itching, IHep.; in left, sharp stitches through to back in left, IA st r.; malignant, ICale; with little pimples around, IHep.; scirrhous, smelling like old cheese, with burning, stinging edges, IHep.; sloughing, in right, IComo. 6&° ab- scess. NIPPLES, aching : ICale p. Nipples, aphthae: IBor. Nipples, areola: leaden cast, ICon.; red, as in erysipelas, Cast. eq.; covered with yellowish scales, oozing acrid fluid, itching and burning in night, ISul. Nipples, bleeding: IMere c, ISep.; child draws so much blood, when it vomits it seems to vomit blood, ILye; discharge of blood and water, ILye; easily, ILye; after nursing, ISul.; when nursing, ISub; with great soreness, IHam.; seem about to suppurate, ISep. BS?" cracked. Nipples, burning: lAgar, Arund, Benz. ac, ILye, Sang., ISib, ISub; around, HPsor.; like fire, ISub; in left, ISib; after nursing, Sang, ISub; after rubbing, Con. Nipples, cracked : ICalend, HCaust, Curar, IFluor. ac, IIGraph., ILye, IMere cor, HPhyt, ISib, ISub; across crown, ISep.; at base, as if they would drop off, ISub; in nurs- ing women, HCast. eq, IHydras., IMillef, IIRatan.; painful, IGraph.; with intense pain on putting child to breast, IPhyt. BiT" bleed- ing ; also Lactation nipples. Nipples, dark: IColch. Nipples, darting : in left, ISil. Nipples, discharge: purulent, IPhelb; scant, watery, I I Phos. g^g" ulcers. Nipples, drawing: fine sharp,becomes pulsating about left, with sore pain when touched, Zinc. Nipples, dry : Cast. eq. Nipples, eruption : Caust.; small bluish blisters, with fluid discharge, IGraph.; surrounded with herpes, HCaust.; pimples itching vio- lently, oozing a fluid (second month of preg- nancy), I I Psor.; covered with scurf, ILye; yellow scaly spots, moist when scratched, IKali c. Nipples, gummy secretion : drying on orifice, when picked off, nipples bleed freely, Med. Nipples, hot: in cancer, IPhos. Nipples, indurated: IBry., ICale; harder than usual, IMere; uneven nodules in left, ICarbo a.; painful indurations below, size of hazel- nut, ICarbo a.; of stony hardness, in left, ICarbo a. Nipples, inflammation: Cadm. s, ICham., Med, I IPic. ac, ISib, Sub; erysipelatous, Arn.; painful, and swelling followed by pus formation, I I Phos. Nipples, insensible: Sars. Nipples, inverted: g^" retracted. Nipples, itching : lAgar, IHep., IPetrol., Sars, ISep, Sub; of right, IFluor. ae; with red scaly skin, burning after rubbing, Con.; vo- luptuous, Sabina. Nipples, mealy coating: IPetrol. Nipples, pain (undefined): Arund, Cast, eq, Curar., Graph., IHelon, Sang.; through to back, ICrot. t; on each application of child, IPhelb; constant, ILacc; on left, Cast. eq.; during nursing, INux v.; when attempting to nurse, IMere cor.; during nursing, all over body, HPhyt.; during nursing, through to scapula of same side, HCrot. t. g^° Lactation nipples. Nipples,red: Agar., IFluor. ae, I IPsor.jbrown- ish, IColch.; as in erysipelas, Cast, eq.; right, IFluor. ac. 8^° inflammation. 694 24. PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. Nipples, retracted: lArs. i, INux m, Sars.; scirrhus, Cund.; cancer of left breast, IHy- dras.; drawn in like a funnel, ISib; drawn in, from scirrhous tumor of right breast, IChim. umb.; inverted, lApis, ICon.; skin smooth and adherent, around (can- cer), lAst. rub. Nipples, sensitive: ICham, Crot. t, IHelon, IILach., Med., Nux v, IPhyt, Sib; left, Zinc; nursing produces intense suffering, seeming to start from nipples and radiate over whole body, going to backbone and streaking up and down it, I IPhyt.; painful, tender, can- not bear least pressure of dress, IHelon.; ten- der, IHelon, ISib; tender, particularly during menses, IHelon.; excessively tender, cannot bear touch of clothing, HCast. eq.; to touch, ICon, HCrot. t.; to touch, also inflamed, Med.; pain on slightest touch by child, IColch. 8@" soreness. Nipples, sharp pains: in left, 11 Phyt. Nipples, soreness: lAlum, Arg. nit, HArn., IIBapt, ICale p., HCaust, ICham, Crot. t, Dulc, IFluor. ac, IGraph, IHam, ILye, Med, Millef, INitr. ae, IPhelb, I IPhos, Sang, ISep, ISil, ISul, IZinc; abraded in nursing women, IHydras.; with small corro- sive blisters or ulcers oozing limpid serum or a thick glutinous fluid, which forms crust that is removed by nursing, but forms again, IGraph.; in cancer, IPhos.; after confinement, IIRhus; end cracked, exuding limpid ser- um, IGraph.; excoriation, lAnanth, ICalend, HPhyt.; in mastitis, IMere, particularly dur- ing menses, IHelon.; after pinching (child), Arn, Phos.; raw, mastitis, IMere; after wean- ing, I IDulc; presenting a white point in centre, INux v. B^T" sensitive; also Lacta- tion nipples. Nipples, stinging: ICon., Lye, ISub; fine, ICamph. Nipples, stitches: ILye, IRheum; on deep in- spiration, Illgn.; in left, HSabina; under either, Spig. Nipples, swelling: ICham., ILach.; of right, IFluor. ae; below, on right side, size of filbert, stabbing, darting pain, Eucab Nipples, tensive pain: particularly when nursing, INux v. Nipples, tumor : hard, in right, large as a hen's egg, ICarbo a. Nipples, twinging pains : ICon. Nipples, ulcers: ICale, Cham, IMere, ISil, Sub; nearly ulcerated off, hanging by strings, I ICast. eq. Nipples, wilted : Sars. PARTURITION (labor), abdomen : tender- ness, Chlorof. Parturition, after pains: B^T Post-partum after pains. Parturition, anus: tenesmus, child's head presses against symphysis pubis, ICinnab.; sense of weight, ISep. Parturition, breathing: desires fresh air, ICham.; dyspnoea, ISep, IStann.; wishes to be fanned, wants air, ISub; oppressed,IChin. s.; suffocating spells, I IHyos, IIPuls. Parturition, chilliness: Coff; nervous, " chat- ters" in first stage, IIGels.; "shivers" in first stage, 11 Act. rac; shuddering, with pains, better when warmly covered, ISep. Parturition, coldness: of skin, ICamph. Parturition, convulsions: 8@~ Puerperal af- fections convulsions. Parturition, covered: cannot bear to De, Parturition, cramps: in legs, IBelb; in legs, fingers and toes, Cup. m. Parturition,difficult (dystocia): : Abrot ,Acon., I Act. rac, Arn, lAur. met IBell. Bor, Calc, HCaulo, HCaust, ICham, ICoff t, IGels, Goss., IHyos., IKali c,ILyc I INux v., Puis., I IRhod., ISee, Sep, Sub, Ver \ ib. Parturition, eyes: glittering, ICoff; extreme sensibility to light, ICon. Parturition, face: pinkish, as if uniformly flushed, IGels.; puffed, ICoff. Parturition, fainting: Cinnam., HSec. Parturition, feet: cold, ISep. Parturition, hands: cannot bear to have them touched, ICinch. Parturition, head: hot, ICoff. Parturition, heart: neuralgia, lAct. rac. Parturition, heat: ICoff. t; feverish, ICaulo.; flushes, ISep. Parturition, hemorrhage: 8@~ Postpartum, hemorrhage; also Chap. 23, Uterus hemor- rhage. Parturition, hysterical: IChloral.; with rigid, unyielding os, nervous excitement, IIGels. Parturition, labor pains: absent, os dilated, membranes protruding, IGels.; anguish and sweat, with desire to be rubbed, INatr. e; in back, in paroxysms, ISep.; through to back, then up, IGels.; worse in back, INux v.; down back into glutei muscles, IKali c.; no freedom from suffering between pains, Chlorof.; with more or less discharge of dark blood, ICham.; loss of breath, fifth month, IIPuls.; ceasing, Act. rac, Arn., IBelb, ICamph, ICarbo v., ICaulo, Cham, Cinnam, IGels, IGuaraea, Kali c, Natr. m, Nux v„ IOp, Plat, IPuls, Ruta, I ISee, ISep., Sub, IThuya; cease, con- vulsions begin, ISee; cease, and fly all over body, IGels.;cease, from hemorrhage, ICinch.; ceased for thirty-six hours, lAct rac; cease nearly or entirely, INux v.; cease, with com- plaining loquacity, ICoff.; child seems to as- cend with every pain, IGels.; complains, ICoff. t; cramps in abdomen, shooting down legs, Vib.; cramp in flexor tendons of fingers and toes, IIDiosc; cutting, -Asaf; cutting across, left to right, llpec; with cutting in umbilical region, interfere with true pains, lllpec; fine needlelike darting, shooting up- ward from cervix, ISep.; deficient, IBell, IPuls, lUstil.; make her desperate, I Aur. met.; desperate, desire to jump from window or dash herself down, I Aur. met.; feels asif she would go distracted, Coff.; distressing, Aeon., Act. rac, Arn., Bell, Caulo, Caust, ICham.,ICoff, Con, IGels, Kali c. Lye, Nux v. Plat., Sec, Sep.; distressing, can hardly bear them, wishes to get away from herself, ICham.; distressing, but of little use, IPhos.; with eructations, Bor.; tries to escape, IBelb; worse towards evening, IPuls.; as if every- thing would come out, ISep.; excessive (too strong), I Act. rac, Amb, 7rArt v, IBell ICham, IChloral., ICoff, ICoff. t, INuxv. Puis, I ISee; excessive discharge of dark co- agulated blood, ICham.; excessive, in rapid succession, I Aeon.; excessive, labor tedious I Act. rac; exhausting, ICaulo, IVer.; cause 24. PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. 695 fainting, INux v.; with fainting or cramps, ■ Act rac; tendency to faint, IINux v.; false, I Act rac, Bor, ICinnab., Cinnam, IIDiosc, IGels., Kali ph., INux m., IOp, IIPuls, Vib.; false, in fourth month, 11 Mitch, rep.; false, in seventh month, I INux v.; false, spasmodic, IIBell.; with fear of death, HCoff; flagging, from protracted labor, ICaulo.; better by placing foot against a support, and pressing and relaxing alternately, so as to agitate whole body, ILye; false, interrupt true pains, which seem insufficient, IIGels.; says she must and will get up, ICham.; alternating with hemorrhage and restlessness, IPuls.; incessant (premature), I ISee; ineffectual,Cin- nam, ICoff., I I Eup. pur, IIKali c. Kali ph, Mitch, rep., IOp, ISep.; ineffectual, in small of back, ICoff.; ineffectual, violent, Arn.; in- supportable, iCoff.; interrupted by hysterical spasms, IMagn. m.; irregular, Stilus., ICaulo, Coccul, ICoff, INux m., IPuls, HSec; with irritability, ICaulo.; must keep in constant motion, walks the room weeping, ILye; cause palpitation, fainting and suffocation, IPuls.; reach a certain point, then cease, IPlat.; wants to change position often, Am.; pressing urg- ing, as during menses, IGraph.; protracted, ICinnab., HSec; protracted, unsuccessful, caused by a particular condition of placenta, HSpong.; above pubes, ISep.; restlessness, betwreen, Cup. m.; left sacro-iliac, articula- tion running into groin, IThuya; in sacrum to knees and ankles, then up to sacrum, IPhyt.; only periodic, slight pressure on sa- crum, IBelb; from sacrum into region of stomach, causing pain and vomiting, IPuls.; inclined to scold, HCham.; short, Caulo.; passing off with a shiver, causing much dis- tress, ICaulo.; overwhelming, with shrieking, I Aeon.; slow, Mitch, rep.; sluggish, IPuls.; sluggish or irregular (convulsions), IPuls.; sore, ICaust; spasmodic, lAct. rac, Amb, IBelb, IBor, IBry, ICaulo, ICaust, ICham, Coccul, Coff., Cup.m., IIFerr, Gels, Hyos., Ign, llpec. Kali c. Lye, IMagn. p, INux m, Nux v, IOp, Plat, Puis, Sec, Sep, Vib.; spasmodic, exhausting, out of breath, IStann.; spasmodic, causing urging to stool or to urina- tion, INux v.; spasmodic, ineffectual, IPlat, IPuls.; appear like tonic spasms, IChin. s.; must stand or walk about, wants back rubbed, likes to have room warm, INux v.; worse in stomach than uterus, IBor.; tardy, Hyper.; with thirst, ICaulo.; tormenting, useless, at beginning, Caulo.; accompanied by convul- sive twitches, IChin. s.; ran upward, HCale, HCham., ILye; dart upward, head of child goes back, IBor.; with frequent urination, ICham.; from walking, insupportable, must lie down, IThuya; too weak, lAct. rac, JEthus., Arn.,Bell.,ICamph, Cann. i, ICarb. s, ICarbo v., ICaulo., Cinnam, IGels, IGraph, I Guaraea, I Kali e. Kali ph, Mitch, rep, INatr. e. IINatr. m, IXux m. Op, IPuls, HSec, IThuya; weak, especially after disease, or great loss of fluids, ICarbo v ; too weak, or ceasing, with somnolence, IPuls.; wriggling about, at seven and a half months, Sec. B€iT os, uterus. Parturition, limbs: violent moving, ICoff. Parturition, mental condition: despair, ICoff; enraged, IBelb; fear of death, ICoff.; premature, from fear or freight, IOp.; symp- toms from grief, Caust.; irritable, snappish, HCham.; nervous irritability, IHyos.; lament- ing, ICoff; nervous, IChloral, Chlorof; weep- ing, ICoff. Parturition, muscles: rigidity, Coff; rigid, in first delivery, in women who have married late, IBell. Parturition, os: contracted spasmodically, IBelb, ISep.; amniotic fluid gone, IBelb; spasmodically contracted, IBelb; widely di- lated, complete atony, face flushed, patient drowsy dull, IGels.; half open, ISep.; hard, ISep.; rigid, I Act. rac, ICaulo., Chlorof, I Con., IIGels., ILobel. i, IVer. v.; rigidity, scarcely able to endure pains, I ICham.; rounded and hard, feels as if it would not dilate, IIGels.; soft, lUstil.; tenderness, IPlat; tenderness of anterior lip, ISep.; not widened correspond- ingly, IBell. 8^° uterus. Parturition, perineum : rigid, ILobel. i. Parturition, position: abnormal, IPuls.; child lying transversely (first position, shoulder presentation) during first stage in thirty minutes, vertex presented, IIPuls.; labor pains, ineffectual, from defective position of child, I Aeon. Parturition, pulse: intermittent, IChin. s.; rapid, IChin. s.; slow and full, IGels.; weak, IChin. s. Parturition, too rapid : ILye Parturition, restlessness: I Aeon, ICamph., Chlorof. Parturition, shooting: upward, in vagina, ISep. Parturition, skin: dry, I Aeon., ICoff. t. Parturition, sleep: sleepless; ICon.; sleepless, pains very distressing, ICoff. Parturition, slow: IBelb, ICaulo., Chloral, Chlorof, Hgn, ISee; long and painful (as- phyxia neonatorum), I Arn.; almost painless, uterine contraction, feeble, insufficient, Goss.; sad feelings and forebodings, IINatr. m. Parturition, speech: thick tongue, like one intoxicated, IGels. Parturition, suppressed: Cact Parturition, twitching : Cinnam.; convulsive, IChin. s. Parturition, unconscious: IChin. s.; sank into semi-stupid state, could be roused by shaking, soon relapsed, iGels. Parturition, uterus: atony, Caulo, IGels.; cer- vix flabby, os open, no pains, bag of waters bulging, patient more and more drowsy, speech thickens,convulsions seem threatening, IGels.; constriction of lower part, IIBell.; contractility hindered by sycotic complica- tions, IThuya; contraction, causing pain in small of back, ICoff.; with every contraction violent dyspnoea, seeming to neutralize labor pains, ILobel. b; contractions feeble, Caulo.; contractions feeble and weak, Ruta; contrac- tions insufficient, I Aeon.; contraction pro- longed, tonic, ISee; want of contractions, with persistent hemorrhage of brownish blood, I Ustil.; contractions interrupted by sensitive- ness of vagina and external parts, IPlat.; fine needlelike darting, upward from cervix, ISep.; want of expulsive power, IPuls.; flabby, ISee; hour-glass contractions, ICham, ISee, ISep.; inactive, IPuls.; inertia, IPuls.; inertia, child's head is in the opening of pelvis 696 PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. and the action of womb is insufficient for ex- pulsion, IIPuls.; inactive, insufficient pains, IGels.; everything seems loose and open, no action, HSec; shooting in cervix, ISep.; head spasmodically held inside, after body is bom, IBelb; appears as if split open from top to bottom, longitudinal fibres alone contracting, leaving a sulcus in middle, I ISee; strength weakened by too early or perverted efforts, ISee; to throat, like a wave, ending with choking feeling, impeded labor, impending spasm, IGels. 8®" os. Parturition, vagina : hot, dry, tender, undilate- able, I Aeon.; great sensitiveness on examin- tion, IPlat. Parturition, vulva: tenderness, IPlat. Parturition, weakness : ICaulo, ICon.; from night watching, Caust. PLACENTA, hemorrhage: IBelb; arterial, from partial separation, llpec; during labor pains, llpec; after removal, llpec. Placenta, pains: as from an ulcer over seat of, when lying on right side and on pressure, IIPuls. Placenta, retained: Act. rac, lAgnus, All. sat, lArs, lArt. v, IBell, HCanth, ICaulo, iCi- mex, Croc, Gels, I IGoss, llpec, IPuls., Sa- bina, ISee, Sep.; after abortion, I ISabina, I ISep., HVer. v.; after abortion, especially during early months of pregnancy, See; want of action or spasmodic contraction, IPuls.; from atony, ISabina; with constant strong bearing down, ISee; with profuse flow of hot blood, speedily coagulates, IBelb; secondary hemorrhages, IPuls.; post-partum hemorrhage, ICroe; high up in fundus, could not be removed by gentle traction, 11 Puis.; removed eighteen hours after delivery, IKali e; with constant feeling in rectum, as though bowels ought to be moved, INux v.; with re- laxed feeling of parts, ISee; spasmodically, IBelb; with painful urination, HCanth. POST-PARTUM, abdomen: contracted into little knots or bunches about size of walnut, ICham.; pain, in a primipara, I INuxv.; press- ing pain in left lower, towards back, worse from motion, I Agar.; sensitiveness, IBell. 8@°" Puerperal abdomen. Post-partum, after pains: I Aeon, I Act. rac, HArn, IIBell, IBry, Caulo, HCham., Cin- nam., Cycb, IIDiosc, IIFerr., IGels, Hyos., Hyper, llgn. Kali c, HLac c. Lib tig, I IMillef, Nux v., Paris, Pod, Puis, Rhus, Sep, Ustil, Vib., IXan.; with sensitiveness of abdomen, ISabina; strong bearing down, IPod.; discharge of fluid blood and clots in equal proportions with every pain, ISabina ; cramps in limbs, ICup. m.; on second day, after delivery of fourth child, unbearable when child nurses, HCham.; in parts dis- tant from pelvis, Carbo v.; distressing, par- ticularly in women who have borne many children, IICup. m.; after exhausting lengthy labor, ICaulo.; with fearof death, HCoff.; into groins, ICaulo.; worse in groins, I Act. rac; with heat and flatulency, IPod.; with hemor- rhage, from irregular contractions, I ISee; intense, but very imperfect contractions, II Paris; after instrumental delivery, I Arn, IHyper,IRhus; insupportablyintense.lCoff; in irritable women, INux v.; last too long, lAcon, ICham., ICoff, IGels, HSec; too long and too violent, worse towards evening, IPuls.; too long, after severe labor with much and excessive straining, IRhus; with offen- sive menses, ICrotal.; worse from least mo- tion or deep inspiration, IBry.; with nausea, and vomiting, I Act. rac; excited by nursing, pains left to right, Con.; return while nurs- ing, lArn.; worse when nursing, HSec; over- sensitiveness, I Act. rac; in a primipara, lAtrop.; in sacrum, IPhos.; violent, in sacrum and hips, with headache, after instrumental delivery,Hyper.; insensitive women,IOp.; in sensitive women who cannot compose them- selves to sleep, IGels.; spasmodic, ICaulo.; shoot into thighs, I I Lac c Post-partum, anus: prolapsus, IPod. Post partum, atony of bladder, IIArs. Post-partum, back: aching, IHyper.; nettle- like pains over back where it touched bed, sixty hours after labor, IKali e; pain in sac- ral region, IPhos. Post partum, bruised : parts feel, HArn. Post-partum, chill: chilliness, IMez.; followed by heat intermingled with chilliness, particu- larly when turning in bed, 11 Puis.; within sixty hours, IKali c 8®" Puerperal fever. Post-partum, convulsions: 8SJP Puerperal convulsions. Post-partum, cough: as if something wrould be torn out of chest, I IRhus. Post-partum, diarrhcea: stools offensive, I ISul. Post-partum, dysentery : with faintness after effort at stool, 11 Aloe. Post-partum, epilepsy: brought on by a fall immediately before delivery, I I Rhus. Post-partum, face : pale, IMez, I ISee; yellow spots, ICrotal.; flatulence, with laborlike pains, INux m. Post-partum, hands: fingers spasmodically flexed, Rhod. Post-partum, hemorrhage: Acet. ac, Alet., lAlum, lArn., IIBell, Bry, ICann. i, ICann. s., Caulo, HCham, ICinch, Cinnam, Coc- cul., ICroe, 11 Erig, IIFerr, IHam, IHydras, IHyos, lllpec, Kalm, Lye, Merc, IINitr. ac, Nux m, Nux v. Op, Phos. ac, HPlat, Plumb, Puis, IIRhus, HSabina, See, Sep., IThlaspi, Trill., lUstil.; from atony of blood- vessels, IKali e; from atony, one wreek after labor, IKali c; bright red, more blood comes with every start, IHyos.; bright red, flowing steadily, IHyos.; in large clots, ICroe; coffee-ground, offensive discharge, INitr. ae; constant, every few minutes, a large clot of bright red blood, with bearing-down pains, lUstil.; continued and obstinate, IINux m.; from irregular contractions, with violent after- pains, I ISee; some days after delivery,!ICin- nam.; eighth day, reappearance of blood, HSabina; severe, fluid and gushing, llpec; following a hard delivery, IMillef; after hasty labor, Caulo.; malaise, IMez.; worse from slightest motion, HCroc; painless, dark red, ISabina ; passive, Caulo, IGels.; passive, or lumpy for days and weeks, after miscarri- age, lUstil.; placenta adhering, llpec, IKali e; prevents, HArn.; in a primipara, after first few pains, wdien the os has dilated about an inch, Cinnam.; profuse, 11 Apis, IPlat.; profuse containing large number of clots, worse on rising, causing loss of consciousness, I ISabi- na ; constant, putrid, with puerperal periton- 24. PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. 697 itis (abortion), lUstil.; relaxation of uterus temporarily better by compression, I ISee; repeated, small, HCinnam.; in septicaemia, HSabac; secondary, from retained placenta in coagula, IPuls.; steady flow, bright red, llpec; constant, relieved by a tampon, but when removed hemorrhage returned, occa- sional laborlike pains, cause some strings and shreds to pass, HSabina; from flabby, atonic condition of uterus, lUstil.; one week after confinement, with adherent placenta, IKali c; two weeks after labor, large bright red clots, no pain, 11 Ustil. BST Chap. 23, Uterus hemorrhage. Post-partum, hemorrhoids: I ICalab, IHam, llgn, IKali c, ILil. tig, IINux v, IPod, Puis, ISul. gg&° Chap. 20, Rectum hemor- rhoids. Post-partum, hiccough: for fourteen days con- stant, preventing eating, drinking and sleep- ing, in primipara, I INuxv. Postpartum, hips : coxalgia, I IHyper.; coxar- throcace, ICale Postpartum, legs: pain in right, with numb- ness from hips to feet, I IRhus; paralysis, with atrophy, Plumb. 8®° phlegmasia. Post-partum, leucorrhcea: I ISars. Post-partum, mammae : left inflamed and hard, with fever and prostration, ICrotal.; stitching in a hard lump which formed in lower outer part of breast, ICrotal. Post-partum, membranes: retained, ICanth, Caulo. Post-partum, paralysis: HPhos., IIRhus; of right side, apparent total abolition of functions of voluntary motion and special sensation, I I Rhus ; paraplegia, 11 Caulo. Postpartum, perineum: ruptured, lArn, HCa- lend. Post-partum, phlegmasia alba dolens (milk leg): Aeon, Apis, Arn, Ars, IBell, IBry, ICale, ICham, IHam, IKali c, ILed., Lye, Nux v., IPuls, Sep, IStram, Sub; after for- ceps delivery, swelling of whole lower limb, painful, worse in thigh, ICepa ; left leg, Crotal.; with typhoid symptoms, IIRhus. g^t" Chap- ter 33," Legs phlegmasia. Post-partum, pulse: small, Lye; small and ra- pid, ICrotal. Post-partum, recovery : slow, IGraph. Postpartum, rectum: during stool, painful, burning, passing over into a kind of sore, IMez.; protrusion, IRuta. Big" hemorrhoids. Postpartum, soreness: HArn. Post-partum, sweat: debilitating, retarding convalescence, ISamb.; excessive, ICham. Post-partum, tongue : trembling, ICrotal. Post-partum, unconciousness : IChin. s. Post-partum, urine: constant dribbling, lArn.; retention, IIArs, IOp., IIPuls.; kidneys se- crete less or none at all, IStram.; no will to urinate, IIHyos. Post-partum, uterus: anteversion, INux m.; burning, alternates with pain in limbs, Rhod.; dilated (hemorrhage), ICroe; metritis, INux v., ISabina; threatened metritis, in conse- quence of catching cold, 11 Puis.; metritis with typhoid symptoms, IIRhus; prolapsus, IPod, IRhus; relaxed, difficult contraction, after abortion, ISee; relaxed, with hemorrhage, HSec; rupture of cervix, ICalend.; soft, hemorrhage, ICroe; uncontracted,INux m. Post-partum, vagina: lesions, ICalend.; lesions with septic fever, I ISul. ac. Post-partum, vulva: sensitive, cannot bear touch of napkin, IPlat. PREGNANCY, abdomen : aching, ICon.; aching, every night after going to bed, better by getting up and moving about, I ICon.; colic, lArs, I IMillef, IINuxv, HSep.; frequent colic, which draws the patient nearly double, IColoe; colicky paroxysmal pains after blow received in abdomen and getting feet wet (abor- tion), I INux m.; congested condition of vis- cera, IPod.; cramps, IGels,I Vib.; cramps, can- not remain covered, ICamph.; distressing cramps,ICup. m.; cutting pain, dysuria, I IPhos. ac.; flattened in front and bulging out in each lumbar region, IIPuls.; pain, IBry.; feeling as if there were not room enough, at night in bed, must stretch violently, Plumb.; sharp pains across, I Act. rac; shooting, IIKali e; shooting across, either right to left, or left to right, ICinnab.; soreness, ISep.; great sore- ness in bowels, Lyss.; soreness in walls, I Puis.; spasmodic pains with chill, particularly after anger, IBry.; spasms, IIPuls.; stitching, IlKali c; tearing tensive pain in spot, in lower, corresponding to seat of placenta, worse at night when lying on affected side, and sore to touch, as if ulcerated, I IPuls.; tender, INux m.; throbbing, Selen.; sensation as if some- thing tight would break if too much exertion were made at stool, lApis; tympanitic, IPsor. Pregnancy, affections (complaints undefined): IIAcon, 11 Act. rac, lAgar, HAlet, lAlumin, lAmm. m., I Ant. c, IIAnt. t, lApis, lArg. met, lArn, IBar. c, IBelb, IBenz. ae, IBism, IBor, HCale, HCamph, ICanth, ICarbol. ac, HCaust, IChelid, ICinch, ICup. m., IDros, IFerr, IFerr. ph., IGoss, IIHelb, IHyos, iKalibr, IKali c, IKali f, IKreo, ILact. ac, ILaur, ILyss, IMere, IMosch., IMurex, INatr. m, INux m., INuxv., IIPuls, ISabad., HSep, I IStann, I ITarant, Viol.; in second and fifth months, 11 Psor. Pregnancy, albuminuria: Amm. e, lApis, Apoe, I Ars., I Ars. i. Bell, Benz. ac, Berb., Bry, Cact, Calc. a, ICanth, Cinch, Colch., Dig., Dulc, Ferr, IGels., Hell, IHelon., Kali br, IKali c, IKali m., Kalm., Lach., Led., ILye, IMere cor, INatr. m, Phos, Phyt, Rhus, Senecio, Sep, Sul, ITereb, Uran. n.; with retinitis, lApis, I Ars, Colch., Gels., Kalm., IMere cor, Phos, Zinc. Pregnancy, anus: burning, ICaps.; after stool, contracts around prolapsed rectum, which becomes constricted and sensitive to touch, painful, like a sore, IMez.; painfully sore, and hot feeling, I IZing. 8^ Chap. 20, Anus fissure, and Rectum ulcers. Pregnancy, aversion: to bread, ISep.; to food, Ant. t, ILaur.; thought of food sickens her, ISep. 8€^° Chap. 14, Aversion. Pregnancy, awkward: falls easily, HCale Pregnancy, back: aching, I ILyss.; drawing in sacral region, ISars.; indescribable pain, like a gnawing stiffness in sacrum and hip bone, down over whole thigh, worse standing, in last months, ILed.; pains, Arg. nit.; sacral pains, IXan.; pain in sacral region, radiating until fingers, hands, feet and toes are involved and cramped from darting, drawing pains, with anxiety, palpitation and faintness, ISars.; 698 24. PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. severe pains in sacral region before and dur- ing stool, ISars.; shooting, after diarrhoea, with colic, Calc. a.; severe pains in small of, particularly forcing and pressing, as if a heavy weight came into pelvis, low down, IKali c; great soreness in lower part, Lyss.; writh- ing in sacral region, ISars. Pregnancy, bearing-down feeling: Calc. a, I ILyss.; frequent and prolonged forcing pain, particularly in thin, ill-conditioned women, HSec; laborlike pains, IPuls.; laborlike pains, with discharge of serous fluid (hydro- metra), I ISep.; laborlike pains, after night watching and mental disturbance, I IPuls.; laborlike pains at seventh month, ISep.; pain- ful, prolonged, IIUstil.; spasmodic, distress- ing, preventing sleep, ICham. Pregnancy, bladder: cramplike pains, ILye; symptoms, I IPuls. Pregnancy, breathing: difficult, from upward pressure, IINux v.; dyspnoea, Viol.; dyspnoea, with upward pressure, INux m. Pregnancy, chest: rush of blood upward, I ILyss.; congestion, IGlon., INatr. m., ISep.; pains in lower ribs, Arg. nit. Pregnancy, chilliness: constant, after night watching and mental disturbance, 11 Puis. Pregnancy, chorea: I I Chloral. Pregnancy, congestion: in general, IPsor. Pregnancy, constipation: I Agar., IIAlum, I Ant. t, I Apis, IBry., ICale, Carbo v, Coc- cul, HCollin, ICon, IIDolich, IGraph, IHydras., IKali c, ILye, Menyanth, Merc, INitr. ac, HNux v, IOp., IPhvt, HPlat., IPlumb, IPod., Sabad, I ISep, Stann., ISul, IVerbas.; alternating with loose bowels, IDiosc; crumbling stool, lAmm. in.; difficult stool, INux m.; feces hard, IVer.; hemor- rhoids from inertia of lower bowel, Collin.; manual assistance must be rendered, HSep.; with nausea, ICollin.; after night watching and mental disturbance, 11 Puis. 8@T" Chap. 20, Constipation pregnancy. Pregnancy, convulsions : IBell, ICie; in sev- enth month, in a woman with albuminuria, dropsy, headache, etc., in quick succession, with unconsciousness, I I03nanth.; with un- consciousness, IGels. 8®" Puerperal con- vulsions. Pregnancy, cough: ICaust, INatr. m, INux m.; deep and loose, Apoe; hacking, INux m.; constant hacking, IKali br.; loose, in morning, ISep.; during second month, worse at night, and morning, and on lying down, Vib.; nervous, threatening abortion, IKali br.; cough, worse at night, ICon.; short and dry, Apoe; constant, dry, spasmodic, worse from speaking, walking or mental exertions, , ICon.; spasmodic hacking, IBelb; with ejec- tion of urine, IFerr. ph. g^T Chap. 27, Cough pregnancy. Pregnancy, cramps: IPhos.; with metrorrha- gia, IHyos.; abnormal craving, ILyss. Pregnancy, desire: for acids, SVer.; wants every- thing cold, IVer.; for certain kinds of food, IMagn. c; for salt food, IVer.; for salt and salted food, INatr. m.; strange, I ILyss.; for unusual articles of food, IChel. 8®°Chap. 14, Desire. Pregnancy, diarrhcea : Alum, I Ant. e, I Apis, ICham, ICheb, ICinch, Dulc, I IFerr, Gels., 11 Hell,IHyos, llris, ILact. ae, ILye, INux v. IPetrol, HPhos, IPuls, ISep, ISub: chronic, with fainting and sluggish flow of ideas, INux m.; colic, Calc. a.; with earthy color ot face, IILyc; then hard, difficult stools, HOleand.; mucous, ICaps.; with prolapsus recti IMez.; worse from riding, I IPetrol. 8@- Chap. 20, Diarrhoea, pregnancy. Pregnancy, dropsy: I Apis, lApoe, lArs, Aur. mur, Colch,IDig,Dulc,Hell., Helon., :Jab., Lye, Merc, cor, Uran. n.; hydrops amnn, Apis; labia swollen, «Jab. Pregnancy, ears : affections, ICaps. Pregnancy, epigastrium: gone feeling, IJNatr. m.; everv morning at 2 or 3 o'clock, tensive, stitching pain, must rise and walk about, I IPuls.; tightness across, IIKreo. Pregnancy, eructations: Acet. ae, INatr. m.; relieve, IIAnt. t; tasting like rotten eggs, IMagn. c; sweetish, IZinc. Pregnancy, eruption : ISep.; skin disease, Ante Pregnancy, expectoration : putrid taste and smell, Con. Pregnancy, eyes: dim, after night watching, mental disturbance, I I Puis.; diplopia and dim vision, IGels.; hemeralopia, IIRan. b.; mist before, ICale; nephritic retinitis, IMerecor.; retinitis albuminurica, IKalm. (8®" albumi- nuria) ; sunken, after night watching and mental disturbance, 11 Puis.; yellow spots, Amm. e Pregnancy, face: aching, llgn., ISep., IStram.; earthy,iMagn.c; alternately pale and red,after night watching and mental disturbance, • IIPuls.; pale, bluish, puffed, IPhos.; turned pale on slightest excitement, I INux m.; syn- cope, INux v.; yellow brown spots, ISep. Pregnancy, fainting: IBelb, INux m, IVer.; on slightest excitement, 11 Nux m. Pregnancy, faintness: lArs. Pregnancy, false conception: ICaulo, I IPuls.; imaginary, Croc; all symptoms of former pregnancies, except she had a regular monthly flow, lasting three or four days, somewhat scanty, painless and too pale, 11 Puis. 8^*" moles. Pregnancy, feet: cramp in soles and toes, HCale; lame, with soreness from instep to sole, Sil.; swollen, with heartburn and vari- cose veins, IZinc. Pregnancy, fever: pains threatening abortion during febrile stage of rnterniittent, IPuls.; yellow, ICadm., Plat. Pregnancy, foetus : as if lying crosswise, I Arn.; arrests development, Sec; expels dead, ICanth, iCimex, IPuls.; is said to kill, Asaf; malposition, IIPuls.; in eighth month, child moves so violently it awakens her, causing cutting in bladder, with urging to urinate, IIThuya; motion had ceased, ICaulo.; feels motion too sensitively, ISep.; movements hurt or make her sore, lArn, IOp., ISep.; violent motion, I Ars., IOp, IPsor, ISib; motions felt too violently and are painful, Croc.; feels a lack of room, IPlumb.; motion disturbs sleep,ICon, IThuya; seems to be turning somersaults, ILye; says child turns over and does not lie right, it pains her, IPuls. Pregnancy, genitals : inflamed,ICollin.; itching, almost delirious, ICollin.; itching, parts smell bad, are swollen dark red and protruding, she cannot lie down, ICollin.; oedema of vulva IMere; pruritus, Aeon, Amb, Ars., Bell' 24. PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. 699 Bor., Bov, Calc, ICalad., Carbol. ac, IChlo- ral., Con, IDolich, Graph, Helon, Hydras, Kreo, Lye, IMere, INatr. m., IPlat., Sabina, Sep., Sil, Sul, Thuya; pruritus at eighth month, ICollin.; pruritus, inducing onanism, HCalad.; sore, she could neither walk, lie down nor sit, except on edge of chair, ICollin.; swelling, ICollin.; swelling of labia, HPod, ISep. 8®*" vagina, uterus. Pregnancy, haemoptysis: IIAcon. Pregnancy, hands : nails blue, IPhos. Pregnancy, head : as if it would burst, ILye; congestion, Fluor, ac, IGlon., ILyss.; feels expanded, IIArg. nit. Pregnancy, headache: Aeon., I Act. rac, Alumin, IBelb, IBry., ICoff, IGels., IGlon, llgn., Kalm., INux v., IOp, IPhos, IPuls, ISep, ISpig, Verbas.; with dandruff, ICale; during third month, IFerr. ph.; frequently recurring tearing stitching in right side, ISep. Pregnancy, heart: anxiety about praecordia, IIAcon. Pregnancy, heartburn : lApis, ICaps, I I Oxal. ac.; at night, while going to bed, Con.; with palpitation, IINatr. m.; with swollen feet, IZinc. 8®* waterbrash, stomach; also Chap. 16, Heartburn, pregnancy. Pregnancy, hemorrhage (uterine): ICoccul., IRhus, Sec, IITrilb; threatening abortion, ICinnam.; threatening abortion in third month, IIKreo.; in first half, after overexer- tion and mental depression, INitr. ae; after fright, better lying on back without pillow, lower end of mattress elevated, llgn.; bloody discharge, with laborlike pains, ICham.; from lifting, straining, overstretching arms, or taking false step, ICinnam.; especially fifth and seventh months, HSep.; os dilated to size of half a dollar, I ITrilb; steady, pain- less flow, at sixth month, from overexertion, lErig. 83T" Chap. 23, Uterus hemorrhage. Pregnancy, hemorrhoids: liEsc. h, lAmm.m, lAnt.c, ICaps., ICollin., Crotal, IHydras., ILye, INatr. m., IINux v, ISub, IZinc; first month, ILach. BSP"' Chap. 20, Hemorrhoids, pregnancy. Pregnancy, hiccough: continued, IOp.; while eating, ICyclam. Pregnancy, hunger: without appetite, INatr. m.; canine, IVer., painful, ISep. Pregnancy, hydatids: B@~ moles. Pregnancy, hypochondria: stitches in left, IMagn. c.; soreness and pain in right, I IPhyt. Pregnancy, hysteria: gg&~ Chap. 36, Hysteria, pregnancy. Pregnancy, inguinal region: latter months sharp pain in right, preventing motion, IPod. Pregnancy, itching: all over, worse at night, preventing sleep, worse scratching, no percep- tible eruption on skin, IDolich.; insupport- able pruritus over whole body, ITabae BgT* genitals. Pregnancy, jaundice : IIAcon, Aur. met, I INux v, IPhos. Pregnancy, joints: swollen, INitr. ac. Pregnancy, lameness : all over, Ruta. Pregnancy, legs : cramps, IGels., IVib.; cramp, with cold sweat, IVer.; cramps in calves, HSec; cramps in calves, latter months, ISep.; drawing down thighs, third month, IPod.; stiffness, sensation of swelling and weakness of left, IHam.; tearing pains in ankles, on motion, ILye; varicose veins, Aeon., Apis, lArn, Ars, ICarbo v., ICaust, IFerr, IFluor. ac,IGraph,IHam,IMillef,INuxv,IPuls,Sul, Zinc; varicose, with cramping pains at night, preventing sleep, IHam.; varicose veins, at- tributable to high living, IINux v.; swelling of veins of ankles, ILye; cannot walk, muscles will not obey will, IGels.; weariness, Calc. p. Pregnancy, leucorrhcea: ICoccul, IIKreo, IMurex, IPuls, HSep.; profuse discharge of bloody mucus, third month, ICoccul.; dis- charge like gonorrhoea, Bor.; mucous, runs down limbs, IIAlum.; painless, from uterus, ICoccul.; serous, from uterus, ICoccul. 8@°" Chap. 28, Leucorrhoea, pregnancy. Pregnancy, lips : blue, IPhos. Pregnancy, mammae: hard knots, ICale fl.; pain, ISep. Pregnancy, menses: first month, flows with much pain, ICale Pregnancy, mental condition : has no affection for anybody, IIAcon.; apprehension, ILyss.; derangement, IBelb; worse from fright, anger, etc, INux m.; haughty, IVer.; haunted by seeing a man who had a disfiguring nasal cancer, she was sure her child would be marked, INatr. m.; full of strange ideas, IStram.; frightful imaginings usually caused by engorged condition of brain, IKali br.; irrita- bility, ICham.; mania, IStram.; melancholy, with occasional uterine hemorrhages and cramps, IPlat.; suicidal melancholy, Aur. met.; strange notions, ILyss.; taciturn, IVer.; wants to wander about house, IVer.; tendency to weep, IMagn. c g&T" Puerperal mania. Pregnancy, moles : (hydatids), to promote ex- pulsion, lArs., IBell, Cinch., IFerr, ILye, Mere, INatr. c, IPuls, ISabina, Sec, ISib, Sub; darting, shooting pain, ICale; to remove disposition, ICale, ISil. Pregnancy, morning sickness: Aeon, Alet, Anac, Ars, Bar. e, Carbol. ac, Castor., ICon, Ferr, IGoss, IGraph, llgn, llpec, llris, IJatroph, IKali br, IKreo., Lac e, ILac def, Lach, HLact. ac, ILil. tig, ILobel. b, Magn. m., IIMerc, IMere iod. flav, INatr. m, INux m, IINux v. Petrol, Phos, Plat., Plumb, IPod, Psor,IPuls., Sabina, I ISenecio, HSep., Sib, Tarant, Ver.; with loss of appe- tite and diarrhoea, ISabina; faintness, could not rise from bed, IGoss.; during early months, IGoss.; during first months, Asar.; vomiting watery fluid, Bov.; vomiting frothy watery mucus, INatr. m.; vomiting white mucus, IKali m.; vomiting sour masses or fluids, I INatr. p.; not amounting to vomiting, with faint, sickish spells during forenoon, ISub; protracted, llris; sick during a walk, feels as if she must lie down and die, IKa- li c. 8£iP°° nausea, vomiting. Pregnancy, motion : 8^° foetus. Pregnancy, muscles: myalgic pains, like " false pains," I Alet. Pregnancy," nausea: IIAct. rac, lAnt. e, IIAsar., IBry., Codein, ICon, IHelb, llpec, IKali e, IIKreo., ILact. ac, I ILobel. i, ILye, IMagn. m, IXatr. m, INux m, IINux v, lOxal. ac, IPetrol, IPsor, IPuls., ISib, ISul. ae; constant, IMagn. c; worse before and after eating, better while eating, lAnae; after night watching and mental disturbance, 700 24. PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. after eating, 11 Puis.; in women suffering from scirrhosities, Con.; frequent, with vomiting after eating, IOp. g^° morning sickness, vomiting. Pregnancy, neck: pulsating carotids, IGels.; undulation of jugular veins, IPhos. Pregnancy, nervousness: lAcon, Amb.,IGels, I INux m. 8®° mental condition. Pregnancy, neuralgia: Tereb. 8@* headache, toothache. Pregnancy, nose : bleeding, ISep. Pregnancy, nymphomania: ggg" Puerperal mania. Pregnancy, oesophagus: burning, Ars. Pregnancy, ovaries: numb aching, in left, third month, IPod.; pains, IXan. Pregnancy, palpitation : I Arg. met, ILil. tig, INatr. m, ISep.; violent, with morning sick- ness, ICon. Pregnancy, pelvis: feeling of lameness, HCale; as if bones were getting loose, IMurex ; pain between crest of right ilium and sacrum, I Arn.; sacro-iliac symphysis gives out walk- ing, must sit down, feels best lying, I yEsc h.; articulations stiff when beginning to move, IRhus. Pregnancy, periodicity : all symptoms worse every third day, IMagn. c. Pregnancy, pulse : small, after night watching and mental disturbance, IIPuls.; small, slow, IGels. Pregnancy, rectum : inactive, IVer.; pressing stitching proctalgia, IKali c. B@° hemor- rhoids. Pregnancy, restlessness: Amb., I INuxm.; in last months, IColch. Pregnancy, saliva: ptyalism, ICoff, IHelon, llris, Jab, Kali bi, IIKreo, ILact. ae, IMere, INatr. m. Puis, Sinap., Sub, ISul. ac; salty, viscid, IKali iod. Pregnancy, skin: cold, INuxm.; dry, INuxm.; itching, IDolich.; symptoms worse, ICham. g^~ eruption. Pregnancy, sleep: drowsiness, IGels, IHelon.; drowsy,yet unable to sleep, I I Nux m.;groaning, crying out, IIAlum.; insomnia, Aeon, lAct. rac, Amb, IBelb,Cact.,Cham.,Cinch, ICoff, Cypr, Gels, Hyos., Ign, IKali br. Lye, Magn. p., Mosch, Nux v, IOp, Puis, Rhus, Staph, Stram, Tarant.; sleepless from cramps in calves, Cham, ICup. ae, Coff, Ferr, Nux v, IVer. Pregnancy, soreness: all over, Ruta. Pregnancy, stomach: burning, Ars, IDiosc; burning in pylorus, with vomiting, ICanth.; as if it would burst with wind, IIArg. nit.; constriction or sensation of heavy weight pressing upon, pain constant but remittent in character, worse by cough, ICon.; cramps, ICon.; flatulent dyspepsia, INux m.; sensation of emptiness, ISep.; full and distended, as after overeating (diarrhoea), IIAnt. c.; fulness, IINux m.; gastric symptoms, Cadm. s, ISa- bad, ITabae; gastric and abdominal symp- toms, I Alum.; gastric and bilious complaints, INux v.; gastric troubles, especially when head symptoms are prominent, IPetrol.; gastro-in- testinal affections, Ant. e; can lie comfortably only on stomach, in early months, IPod.; sweetish eructations, IZinc; accumulation of acrid water, with cramps, ILye 8®?° heart- burn, morning sickness, nausea, vomiting. Pregnancy, taste: blood,IZinc; metallic,IZinc; sour, IMagn. c. Pregnancy, thirst: IVer. Pregnancy, throat: burning roughness, sting- ing, with desire to vomit, IMagn. c. Pregnancy tongue: tingles,Alum.; white after nfght wktching and mental disturbance, Pregnancy, toothache: lAcon., Apis IBelb, Bry., ICale, ICham, IHyos^, ILyss, IMagn. e, Mere, Nux m., Nux v., IPuls., Rhus ISep, IStaph., ITabae; with short breath, HSep; with internal ebullition of blood from cheat to head, ILyss.; stinging, tearing in front teeth, worse during cold, damp weather, from wash- in" from touch or sucking teeth, better from warmth, INux m.; terrible, during early months, must get up at night and walk, BKa- tan.; worse, IPuls. .„,,..» -n n Pregnancy, urination: difficult, I Aeon., .Bell., Cann. s, ICanth, I lEquiset, Helon, Hell, ILye, Merc, cor, INatr. m., INux v., IPuls, Tereb, Uva ursi ; escape of urine involuntary, INatr. m.; too quick escape of urine, ISep.; frequent, copious, ILil. tig.; frequent desire, ICoccul.; frequent urging, IINuxv.; must rise between 12 and 3 a.m., I Aeon.; strangury, Eup. pur., ILye; constant urging and press- ure, with tension in abdomen, IPuls. Pregnancy, urine : 8®° albuminuria. Pregnancy, uterus: burning, IBry.; os patulous, ISabina; pain from inflammation of os and cervix (formerly treated with caustic), I ILyss.; prolapsus, with much aching pain in region of left ovary, heat running down to left thigh, must lie on stomach, IPod.; rheumatic pains, worse evening and night, disturbing sleep, IPuls.; soreness, IPuls. BST bearing down, genitals, hemorrhage. Pregnancy, vagina: burning, itching, Bor.; prolapsus, Calc. a., I IFerr.; swelling, Bor. B§?°* genitals. Pregnancy, varicose veins: B^aT" legs. Pregnancy, vertigo: IGels, I llpec, IINatr.m. Pregnancy, vomiting: Acet.ac, Aeon, I I Alet, Anac, I Ant. c, lApis, I Ars., IIAsar, IBry, ICale, ICanth, ICaps, ICarbol. ae, Card, m. Castor., HChel, ICie, Cinnam, Codein, ICon., Cup. ars., Ferr., IHelon, llpec, llris, HJatroph, IKali bi, IKali br, IIKreo, ILac c, Lach., HLact. ae, ILil. tig, I ILobel. i, ILye, IMagn. m., IMere iod. flav, INatr. m, I INatr. ph., IINux m, IINuxv, lOxalac, IPetrol., IPhos, Plat, Plumb, IPod, IPsor., IPuls., HSep., ISil, ISul, ISul. ac, Tarant, IVer, IVer. v, I IZinc; with congestion of pelvic viscera, IPod.; frequent and severe at- tacks, first of food, then mucus, and finally blood, worse in morning, during latter half of, INatr. m.; in latter half, violent and frequent, first food, then mucus, and finally blood, worse in morning, INatr. m.; long and con- tinued, cannot retain food on stomach, IKali bb; with deathly nausea, IITabac; in some cases more nausea than vomiting, lllpec; persistent, late in afternoon and evening, ILach.; with burning at pylorus, ICanth.; retching, Ars, ICanth.; worse, riding, 11 Petrob; stomach rejects everything, Asar.; in women suffering from scirrhus, ICon.; sour, IMagn c; after supper, IIKreo.; with bitter taste INatr. s.; of sweetish water, before breakfast' 1TURITI0N. LACTATION. 701 24. PREGNANCY. PAR IIKreo. 8®* nausea, morning sick- ness. Pregnancy, waterbrash: IDiosc, I ILobel. i, INatr. m, INux m., ITabae 8®° heart- burn, saliva. Pregnancy, weakness : IHelon, IVer.; faint- ish, Alum.; languor, Calc. p.; tired from a short walk, HCale; uncertainty in walking, joints weak, Murex. PUERPBRAL(duringand after confinement), abdomen: colic, INux m.; puffed, causing anxiety, lAmb.; flatulency, ILye, IINatr. s.; pendulous (potbellied), Bell., ICale, Croc, Pod, Sec, HSep.; rhagades on surface, Hep., Sep, Sil, Sul. 8Sf* fever ; also Chap. 19, Abdomen, distended, large, peritonitis. Puerperal, constipation: lAmb, I Ant. c, I IPlat.; four weeks after, ILil. tig.; six weeks after, hydrogenoid constitution, INatr. s. Puerperal, convulsions (before, during or after parturition): IIAcon, Act. rac, lAnt. c. Ant. t. Apis, I Arg. nit, Arn, Ars., Art. v., lAtrop. s, IIBell.,Benz. ac, Canth, Carbo v., Caulo. ,Caust,Cham,Chin.s,Chloral,Chlorof, HCic, Cinnam.,ICoccul, ICoff, Crotal,ICup. m., IGels,IGlon., IHelb, IHydr. ac, I IHyos, llgn, IIKali br, IKali e, Kali ph, ILach, Laur, Magn. p., IMere cor, I I Millef,Mosch, IINatr. m, Nux m, IINux v, lOZnanth, IOp, IPhos, Phos. ae, IPlat, Puis, I ISee, I IStram, IVer, IVer. v., Zinc; with albumi- nuria, lAtrop, IGels.; with albuminuria, torpidity, coma, blue, bloated face, septic or zymotic influence, or in hemorrhagic or broken-down constitutions, Crotal.; alternate convulsive action and opisthotonos, IPlat; after anger, I ICham.; apoplectic form, IGels.; begin when labor ceases, ISee; after blood- letting, I IVer. v.; from presence of bright ob- ject, ICanth.; renewed Dy sight of some bril- liant object, or contact, IStram.; cerebral congestion, hot, dry skin, thirst, restless- ness, fear of death, lAcon.; caused by sud- den cerebral congestion, Ver. v.; with violent cerebral congestion, IIBell., IVer.; conscious during paroxysm, ICoccul.; loss of conscious- iness,IStram.; loss of consciousness and drow- siness, mouth open, IOp.; continue after birth of foetus, I Ant. t; convulsive motion of limbs, third day, IMillef; from drinking water, ICanth.; excited whenever she attempted to drink water, or if she hears it poured from one vessel to another, ILyss.; epileptic, after fright, I Art. v.; epileptic, head attacked after, lAtrop.; epileptiform, I IStram.; epilepti- form, in a primipara, seventh month, ICed.; if an eruption, especially a chronic one, has re- cently disappeared, 11 Zinc; attempts to escape, IStram."; eyes immovable, open, ICoccul.; after delivery convulsions with redface,IGlon.; with great fear, IStram.; paroxysms more and more frequent and last longer, ICoccul.; from fright, Art. v.; frightened appearance before and during, IStram.; especially in hysterical women who easily faint and suffer from lan- guor in back and knees, drowsy before and after spasms, INuxm.; sardonic grin, IStram.; commence and end with groaning and stretch- ing of limbs, llgn.; particularly where there is convulsive motion of head from behind for- ward, INux m.; immediately after delivery, I Amyb; knew everyone but her child, during intervals, IGels.; labor protracted, IGels.; touch of larynx reproduces spasms, ICanth.; after lassitude, dull feeling in forehead and vertex, fulness in region of medulla, IGels.; during latter stage of pregnancy, I Apis; laughter, IStram.; violent movements of limbs, Caust.; last four or five minutes, during intervals turns restlessly in bed, IGlon.; with frothing at mouth, followed by variable spasms during eighth month (premature la- bor), HSec; action of muscles of face, eyes, etc, IChin. s.; rigid muscles and distorted features, IOp.; from- nervous excitement, I Act rac; with opisthotonos, ISee; os uteri rigid, IGels.; worse at every pain (premature labor), I ISee; after Phos, apparently indi- cated, had failed, symptoms felt mostly dur- ing rest, worse after dinner and towards even- ing, 11 Zinc.; brought on by changing position, ICoccul.; screams, Caust.; loss of sensibility, IStram.; shoots passing through whole body, ILaur.; passing off with a sigh, after several minutes, ICoccul.; singing, IStram.; during sleep, ICoccul.; from sound or sight of water, ICanth.; loss of speech or stammering, IStram.; suppuration suspected, j Bufo.; with copious sweat, IStram.; gnashing of teeth, Caust.; spells cause terror, ICoccul.; recurring thirteen times in twenty-four hours, senseless to sopor, IPlat.; threatened, IGels.; from uraemia or re- flex irritation, IChlorof; frightful visions, IStram.; with vomiting, ICup. m.; from sight of water, ICanth. Puerperal, diarrhcea: ICollin.,IHyos,IRheum, IStram. Puerperal, dropsy: Amm. m. Puerperal, eruption : of vesicles, as large as peas on neck, shoulders, chest and abdomen, down as far as navel, after fourteen days, IMere; rash, IBry., Cham, llpec; red rash, seventh day, ICale; third day, rash, with con- vulsions, ICup. m.; rash, violent headache after, IHyper. 8^° Chap. 19, Abdomen, eruption. Puerperal, eyes: iritis from loss of blood, ICinch.; sensitive to light, six weeks after, hydrogenoid constitutions, INatr. s.; sudden blindness, Aur. mur. Puerperal, fever: Act. rac, I Aeon, Apis, lArn, IIArs, IBapt, IIBell, IIBry, ICale, ICanth, ICarbol. ac, Cham., Coccul., Coff, IColch, Coloe, IHyos, IKali c, Kreo, ILach, IMur. ae, Nux v., O])., I IPlat, IPuls., IRhus, ISee, Sub, Tereb, Ver, HVer. v., Zinc; abdomen distended, IIBry.; stitches in abdomen, IIBry.; albuminuria, torpidity, coma, blue, bloated face, septic or zymotic influence, or in hemorrhagic or broken-down consti- tutions, Crotal.; a large quantity of retained spurious liquor amnii was discharged, with relief of all symptoms, IIPuls.; distended breasts, IIBry.; sore breasts, ICham.; cere- bral congestion, IVer. v.; fourth day, severe chill, followed by fever, IPhyt.; delirium, IVer. v.; particularly after violent emotion or suppression of milk, IBelb; excitement, ICham.; fetid discharge, IOp.; especially when caused by fright, IOp.; brought on by indig- nation or grief because of unkind treatment, IColoe; deep inhalations painful, IIBry.; fever intense, IVer. v.; on fifth day, intermittent, ILach.; cannot lie on either side, IIBry.; sud- 702 25. VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. den suppression of lochia, IVer. v.; malignant, Ailant.; absence of milk, ICham.; sudden cessation of milk. IVer. v.; with absurd no- tions or mania, I IKali ph.; overexcitement of senses, IOp.; excessive pain, IVer. v.; peri- tonitis, IBelb, IBry, IKali c, HSpig.; peri- tonitis, with ascites, I Ars.; peritonitis, with constant flooding, secretion putrid (abortion), I Ustil.; peritonitis, at onset, heat seems to issue from body of patient, Bell.; pulse bounding hard, IVer. v.; pulse quick, IVer. v.; pulse weak,I Ver. v.; with putridity, IKreo.; pyaemia (prophylactic), I Arn.; with great restlessness, ICham., I Ver. v.; septicaemia, ovaritis, Crotal.; septicaemia, signs of dissolution of blood, HArs,HLach.; skin cold and clammy,IVer .v.; first stage, IKali m.; second stage, I I Kali ph.; with tenesmus, IVer. v.; with thirst for large quantities of water, IIBry.; with tympanitis, IVer. v.; typhoid symptoms, IBapt.; vagina moist, IKreo.; after six weeks, followed by vulvitis with herpes, vesicles size of lentils, filled with purulent matter, hydrogenoid con- stitution, INatr. s. BSP" Chap. 19, Abdomen, peritonitis, Chap. 20, Intestines, inflam- mation, Chap. 23, Uterus, inflammation, and Chap. 40, Fever, puerperal. Puerperal, head : losing hair, INatr. m. Puerperal, hemorrhage: 8^° Post-partum, hemorrhage. Puerperal, hemorrhoids: 8®* Post-partum, hemorrhoids. . Puerperal, mania: 11 Act. rac, I Aur met,IBelb, ICamph, I IChloral, ICup. ac, IHyos IKali br., I IKali c, IStram, ISub, IVer.; when in bed in dark room, delusion that there is an- other baby in bed which requires attention, also that she had a third leg which would not remain quiet, 11 Petrol.; head feels strange, tries to injure herself. lAct. rac; behavior impudent, IVer.; melancholia, I Anac; after sudden suppression of menses, 11 Puis.; nymph- omania, ICinch, IKali br, IVer, IZinc; nymphomania, with spasms, during seventh month, I IPhos.; nymphomania, with volup- tuous tingling from genitals into abdomen, IPlat.; timid, I IStram. 8®° Chap. 1, Mama puerperal. Puerperal, metritis: 8®° Chap. 23, Uterus, inflamed. Puerperal, ovaries: painful,lILach. 8^P~ Chap. 23, Ovaries, inflammation. • Puerperal, peritonitis: g^° fever. Puerperal, septicaemia: 8®*" fever. Puerperal, stool: nervous, cannot attempt in presence of nurse, I Amb. Puerperal, urine: bloody, I IBufo. 25. VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. Air Passages. Bronchia. Epiglottis. Glottis. Larynx. Trachea. Voice. AIR PASSAGES (in general), bleeding: Coff. Air passages, burning: and pricking, ILobel. b; with cough, ICaust; with thin expectora- tion, difficult to detach, Tereb. Air passages, catarrh: I Aeon., lAmm.c, I Ant. t, lApis, lArg. nit, lAsar, -Ascl. s, IBad- iag, IBrom, IBry., ICale, ICaust., Chlor, ICinnab, ICoccus, IColch, I ICorab, I IDros, IGels, IIHep, IHippoz, IKali bi, IKali iod, ILac def, IMere, INatr. a, IINatr. m, IPe- trol., ISenecio, ISul, IThuya, 11 Ziz.; from least draught of cold air, IHep.; asthenic, I IMillef; of children, llpec; of children, with great nervous irritation, sleeplessness and spasms, Sumb.; during cholera season, IVer.; chronic, I Agar., I Alumin., I Arg. nit. Arum t, ICarbo v, Cochl, IHep, llpec, IKali e, INatr. c, IINatr. m, INatr. s, IPod, I ISang., I ISars, HSep, IStann, ISub; chronic, with anaemia, -Cale p.; chronic, with gout, IKali e; chronic, worse in morn- ing, IKali e; chronic, in old persons, ICarbo v.; chronic, with mucous rales, coarse and loud, ICinch.; chronic, with rheumatism, IKali c; chronic, with nauseous, thick fluid, puslike sputa, lAmmoniac; chronic, with purulent, slate-colored sputa, IKali br.; chronic, with weakness, ILye; chronic, with general weakness, takes cold easily, ILye; from taking cold, Nux m.; tendency to take cold, IBelb, IHep., IMere, IStaph., HSub; functional disorders from taking cold, IMosch.; with dry cough and hoarseness, in grown persons, ISpong.; with dry, tickling cough, lassitude, restlessness and thirst, Con.; whooping cough after, IIMeph.; dry, Arg! nit, ISticta; with fever, hot skin, ISpig.- with hoarseness, ICham, Spig.; infantile' lAnt. t, ICham.; alternates with leucorrhcea' with backache, IKali e; after measles' I IDulc; motor disturbances, spasm of larynx' 25. VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. 703 pharynx and glottis, spasmodic asthma, ■ Gels.; mucous, IIBar. e; clear, transparent mucus, IINatr. m.; tough mucus (desquama- tive nephritis), I IPlumb.; stiffness of nape of neck, ILach.; causing nervous affections, I INux m.; lumpy, puslike secretion, Calc. s.; rattling in chest, Uamb.; rheumatic, ICin- nam. ; rheumatic pains, IJamb.; alternates with rheumatic pains, IKali bi.; rheumatic pains, wandering from place to place, Jamb.; scrofulous or gouty constitution, :Cale p.; senile, IIAnt. t, IHydras, llctod, ILye; senile, subacute, with periodical fever, worse at night, IChin. a.; little secretion, much sen- sitiveness (laryngitis), ILach.; suffocative, of old people, IIBar. c, HCinch..; torpid, Cochl.; every winter, with violent cough, I ISep.; ex- pectoration wratery, Kali s.; growing out of relaxed and debilitated condition of system on return of warm w-eather at close of win- ter, IGels.; white or yellow thick secretion, Calc. s.; yellow, slimy secretions, Kali s. BST" Bronchia, and Larynx catarrh; also Chap. 7, Nose catarrh, Chap. 13, Throat catarrh, and Chap. 28, Lungs catarrh. Air passages, constriction: IIArs, IChlor, IGels.; asthmatic, ILobel. b; as if something closed, preventing speech, Natr. p.; when coughing, ISul. Air passages, dilatation : ILye, ISul. Air passages, dryness: ICaust, IHep., I IPuls, ISticta; in catarrh of lungs, IHep.; mucous membrane hot and congested, Tereb.; at night (hay catarrh), I ISticta; in pneumonia, IPhos.; along whole course, Curar. Air passages, dust: sensation of, in asthma, ICale Air passages, foreign bodies: ICalend. Air passages, gurgling: and bubbling, with haemoptysis, IPhos. fi®* mucus. Air passages, inflammation : IIAnt. t, Chlor.; catarrhal, with fever, thirst, red face, IBadiag, Hippoz.; with dry, irritating cough, ISpong.; in phthisis pulmonalis,IChlor.; with burning, tickling in larynx, ISpong. Air passages, injuries: cuts, lacerations, ICalend. Air passages, irritation: chronic, lAur. mur.; to cough, low down, ICham. Air passages, mucus: with convulsions, I Ante; copious accumulation of tough, causes greatest, often ineffectual efforts at coughing and hawk- ing for its expulsion (bronchitis), ISeneg.; death rattle is relieved, I Ant. c, IIPuls.; making husky, not better by hacking, ICamph.; rales, IIAnt t, ICinch, IIHyos, llpec,IKali iod.; coarse, IIAnt. t, ICinch.; rales during furious delirium, IHyos.; increased secretion, HSamb.; rales loud, ICinch, IIKali bb; rales during stupor, IHyos.; rattling, in asthma, INatr. s.; rattling, with habitual bronchial catarrh, IIHep.; rattling, during cough, Iod.; rattling, in diphtheria, IMur. ac; rattling and hissing, ILed.; rattling, during respiration, lllpec; sensation of stoppage, rouses about 2 or 3 a.m., I ISamb. Air passages, pain (undefined): on coughing, Camph. .... Air passages, pressure: with irritation to cough, ICham. # Air passages, rawness : from cold air, Abrot.; compels him to cough, ICoccus; with cough, worse from cold air, IPhos.; in upper part, ICham. Air passages, roughness: in whole course, Curar. Air passages, scratching : in catarrh of lungs, IHep. Airpassages,sensitiveness : with cough,ICorab Air passages, smoke : as if full of, IBrom. Air passages, soreness: with cough, worse from cold air, IPhos.; tingling (bronchitis), IPhos. Air passages, spasms: BSF*" constriction. Air passages, swelling: Arum d.; thickening of mucous membrane, Sec. Air passages, tingling: with cough, worse from cold air, IPhos.; rawness (bronchitis), IPhos. Air passages, tickling: in catarrh of lungs, IHep.; as if it woud provoke cough, Rhus. Air passages, ulceration : Hippoz. gdg~ Bronchia, Larynx. BRONCHIA, aching: worse in left, Chin. a. fli-g^ soreness. Bronchia, affections (undefined): I lAilant, Eup. pert, IStilling.; every branch to end (prevailing fever), I Amm. m.; dyspnoea, I Ascl. t; in rachitic children, ISib; chronic, 11 Erig.; in remittent fever, IHyos.; incipient, with or- chitis (better pain and cough), -Jab.; ascend to larynx, IBrom.; of mucous membrane, Seneg.; joined to or dependent upon a psoric state, Sarrae; symptoms dangerous in typhus, ITereb. Bronchia, asthma : 8®" Chapter 26, Asthma, bronchial. Bronchia, burning: IKali bb, ISang. Bronchia, catarrh: IIAcon, lAilant, lAnt. e, IIAnt. t, lArn., Arund, lArs., 11 Ascl. s. Bar. e, IBell, IBry, HCact, ICale, Cann, ICaps., ICarbo v, ICaust, ICham., ICina, ICinch., Con, Cop, I ICup.m., IDros, IDulc, : Eucab, lEuph, IFerr. iod., IFerr. ph. Grin., IGels., IIHep., IHyos., llgn., lllod., llpec, IKali bb, 11 Kalm, ILach, 11 Lactu. v., Lye, Magn.e, Mang., IIMerc, IMyos., INatr. a., Natr. e, INatr.m., IINuxv, IPetrol, I IPhelb, IPix, IPhos,Phos. ac, IIPuls, IIRhus,IIRu- mex, I ISabad., I ISang., I ISeneg., ISep, ISib, ISpig, ISpong., ISquilla, HStann, IStaph, ISticta, IStilling, Stram, IISul, IVer., IVerbas.; of the aged, with muco-purulent sputa, ITereb.; asthma, suffocative, Ant. t, lArs, Bar. e, Camph, Carbo v. Cinch., Graph., Iod, llpec, Lach, Op., Puis., ISamb.; with spasmodic asthma, llpec; asthma, in young people, INatr. s.; with asthmatic difficulties (insufficiency of mitral valve), I IPuls.; alternating with progressive choroiditis disseminata, Ars.; chronic, Ant. t, Ars. Calc, ICarbo v. Card, m, Caust., iCe- trar, ICup. ac, Dulc, Lach., Mang, Natr. c, IPhos.,I IPuls, Sib, Stann,IPuls,ISub; chron- ic, of anaemic persons, INatr. m.; chronic, especiallyin broken-down or hemorrhagic con- stitutions with tendency to gangrene, Crotal.; chronic (dilated bronchi), with profuse expec- toration of greenish, purulent fetid mucus, Cop.;chronic, with hoarseness,IKreo.;chronic, with excessive collection of mucus or muco- purulent matter, with loose rattling cough and easy expectoration, especially in daytime, at night mucus is more tenacious and raised with difficulty, ISub; chronic, with more or less profuse expectoration, especially when it re- 704 25. VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. turns during £he cold season and only abates on return of warm weather, in aged persons and lymphatic youths, I I Phell.; chronic, pul- monary mucous membranes, with free muco- purulent expectoration, -Eucab; chronic, worse by talking, I ICalab.; with coryza, Ars, IDulc, Euph, Gels, Ign, Lach, IMere, HPhos, Puis., Sub; dry coryza, IBry, INux v.; with dry cough, IPhos.; with dry cough and hoarseness, ISpong.; remaining after whooping cough, ICoccus ; in dentition, I Ant. t, ICale; in emphysematous subjects, IVer.; epidemic (influenza), IIAcon, lArn, HArs, IBell, IBry, Camph,HCaust, ICinch, llpec, IINux v, HPhos, IPuls, IRhus, ISabad, ISeneg, Sil, Spig, Squilla, Stict, Ver.; habit- ual, with loud rattling of mucus, IIHep.; with dilatation or fatty degeneration of heart, IPhos.; with tendency to hemorrhage, IPhos. ac, with hoarseness, Ant. t, I Ars, Calc ICarbo v., ICaust, Cham, Dros, Dulc, IMang, IMere, Natr. c, Nux v, IPhos, Puis.; hoarse, mucous rales, ICarbo v.; in larger, with profusion of yellow expectoration, ICanth.; spreading into larynx, 11 Med.; with hyperaemia of liver, I Ver.; with or after measles, I Aeon, Bell, IBry., HCarbov, Cham, Cina, Coff, IIDros, Dulc, Hyos, Ign, Iod, Nux v, ISticta, Sep,ISpong.; with habitual mucous rattling, IIHep.; with much mucus, ITereb.; obstinate, IPuls.; of old people, lAmm.c, lAntt, I Ars, IBar. c, Bry, ICarbo v. Con,IHydras, Hyos,IKreo,ILed, IPhos., Rhus, IStann, Sul, Ver, IVerbas.; in phthisis, or after a fall, IMillef; with pneu- monia, INux v.; in teething children, ICale; where tuberculization is suspected, I IPhelb; in typhoid, IPhos.; in typhus, IITereb.; viscous matter lodged in and obstructing, IPa- reira. 8®°Air passages and Larynx, catarrh; also Chap. 28, Lungs catarrh. Bronchia, cold: readily affected by, I ILach. Bronchia, congestion: tendency to in delicate constitutions, Hod. 8€£P" fulness, inflam- mation. Bronchia, constriction: awakens at night, IChel. 8®° Chap. 26, Asthma bronchial. Bronchia, cord: as if a rough cord were drawn through (cough), Ananth. Bronchia, crawling: in upper, causes cough, IKreo. Bronchia, croup: I Ant. t, IBry.; diphtheritic, SI Kali bb; affected before larynx, IBrom.; invaded by membranous, IIKali bb; with tendency to torpor, Hod. 8^* exudation. Bronchia, dilation (bronchiectasis): Amm. e, IIAnt. t, ICale, Cop, Diose, IHep, IPhos.; with fetid breath and expectoration, IKali bb; especially in broken-down or hemorrhagic conditions with tendency to gangrene, Crotal.; spasmodic cough caused a flabby feeling, as if lining membrane was a loose fold of tissue, Med.; with purulent expectoration, IStann. 8ST* Chap. 28, Lungs emphysema. Bronchia, dryness: ISticta; excites cough, Mere; in morning, IIKali bi. 8€^° Chap. 27, Cough bronchial. Bronchia, exudation: large tubes are coughed up (croup), IBrom.; diphtheritic formations, IKali bb; whitish, firm texture (spasmodic croup), IKali br. 8®° croup. Bronchia, feather: sensation as if a feather were swaying to and fro, with respiration, causes tickling, provoking cough, v* ith dry hacking, incessant, fatiguing cough, I IRumex. Bronchia? fulness: IIAnt. sub aur. Ant. t, on awaking, Ant. sul. aur. g@T congestion, Bron?hiaSS°ands: chronic cough from enlarge- mentlCon.; swelling (bronchitis), Iod, swefl- ing subacute, arising from influence of cold or atmospheric changes, IMere iod. rub.; ulcerating, IIKali iod. . Bronchia, heart: attacks in subjects with cyan- osis and cardiac disease, ILach.; symptoms, from overaction, ICact. Bronchia, heat: with cough lEup perf, Eup. pur.; dry bronchial cough, IPhyt. Bronchia inflammation (bronchitis): I Aeon, lAlum.', lAmm. m, lAnt. c, IIAnt. t, lApis, lArn , lArs, Ars. i, I Ascl. s, 11 Ascl. t, IBa- diag IBelb, IBry, ICact, HCale, ICann. s., ICarbo v, Carbol. ac, ICaust, ICepa, Cham, Chel., :Chloral, ICina, ICon., Cub, IDulc, lEuph., IFerr. mur, IFerr. ph, IIGels, IIHep., HHippoz, IHydras, IHyos, Iber., Hod., llpec, IKali bi, IKali br, IKali c, IKali iod., IKreo, ILach, ILed., ILobel. i. Lye, Magn. m., IMang., IMere, Merc, cor, Naja, Natr. s, INitr. ae, Nux m, INuxv, Op, I IParis, IPhos., IPuls., IRhus, IRumex, I ISee, ISeneg., ISpong, I ISquilla, HStann, I ISul, ITereb, Ver, Ver. v., I Verbas, I IZinc; in the aged, lAmm. c.; extending into air cells, IIAnt. t; with asthma, IKali s.; espe- cially when there is a disposition to blennor- rhcea, or there is present profuse expectoration of viscid bloody mucus, IMere; extending into bronchioles, IPhos.; capillary, ICheb, IKali br, I ITereb., IVer.; capillary, in chil- dren, lAscl. t; capillary, worse in evening, IPhos.; violent, seemed to be capillary, asso- ciated with fever, with exacerbation in even- ing, 11 Phos. ae; intense capillary (measles), ILach.; of young children, IFerr." ph, IHep, of children, caused by cold damp air, with offensive smelling night sweats, IDulc; chron- ic,I Acet. ae,-, HSpong.; rattling (child), I Amm. e; rattling, with cough, Sub; rattling, before cough, morning, ICale; loud rattling, on expiration, ICale; rattling, as in paralysis of lungs (eclampsia), llpec; rattling (threatened paralysis of lungs), IPhos.; rat- tling, when lying on side, Anac; rattling, synchronous with pulse, in bed (aphonia), I Arg.nit.; rattling, at times strangling,ISpong.; rattling, in asphyctic form of ureemia, IHydr. ac.; stringy, with cough, Asaf; tenacious, As- tac, Vinca; clogged with thick, hawked up with difficulty, Naja ; tough, Bry.; tough, in lower portion, in morning, Cann. s.; tough, in old people, IBar. e; viscid, Oleand. 8®° Chap. 26, Breathing rattling; also Chap. 27, Cough trachea. Trachea, noise : crackling, when lying down in evening, Arn.; loud rattling, with hot breath (threatened paralysis of lungs), ICale; rough sound extends to large bronchi, BHep.; rough nasal sound, like snoring, Sub; stertor, I I Ant t; wheezing when breathing, ICham.; wdieez- ing (bronchial catarrh), ICale; whistling, IIArs.; whistling when breathing, ICham.; whistling extends to large bronchi, IHep.; whistling on inspiration, ILye; loud whist- ling whoop while inspiring, Cina. 8®°* Chap. 26, Breathing, noisy, rattling. 25. VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. 715 Trachea, pain (undefined): ICist, ISpong.; with aphonia, IFerr.; during cough, INatr. m, ISpong.; left by cough, llgn.; with cough, ISpong.; with paroxysms of cough, ICaust.; in hectic fever, I IPhos.; in upper, Bell. Trachea, paralysis : of nerves, from swelling of glands, I Iod. Trachea, pressing sensation : I IChel, Cinch. Trachea, pricking : painful, as if in a small dry spot, worse left side, Crotal. Trachea, phthisis: ICarbo a. Trachea, rawness: Arn., Coff, IMang.; from taking cold, Nux m.; after cough, Cann. s.; with cough, IPhos.; with frequent hacking cough and hawking, IPhos.; feeling, Fluor. ae; extends below suprasternal fossa and laterally into bronchia, chiefly left, I IRumex; or as if there were a hair in it, causing con- stant tickling, coughing and hoarseness, Naja; high up, when coughing, I Arg. nit.; painful, worse left side, or as if in a small dry spot, Crotal.; spot at bifurcation, worse using voice, IIArg. met.; in upper, with short hoarse cough (diphtheria), INaja. Trachea, roughness: Sib, ISpong.; with dry bronchial cough, IPhyt.; feeling, compels hawking, IKali iod. Trachea, scraping: Arn, ISpong.; causing cough, ICycb; in whooping cough, lAmb.; in erysipelas, I Apis. Trachea, scratching: in bifurcation, Chlor.; causes dry, rough cough (heart disease), ILach.; as from vapor of sulphur, causing cough, IIPuls. Trachea, sensitiveness: to cold air, particu- larly evening, causes patient to cover head with bedclothes, IRumex ; to touch, IHep., Ziz. Trachea, shooting : in laryngitis, lArg. met. Trachea, smarting: Hod. Trachea, soreness: ICinch, INatr. m. Sib; at bottom of, lArg. met.; during cough, ISub; during cough, in croup, IINatr. m.; with cough, IPhos.; in whooping cough, lAmb, IBry.; in whooping cough or catarrh,ICaust.; extends below suprasternal fossa and later- ally into bronchi, chiefly left, IIRumex ; after hawking, Cann. s.; high up, when coughing, I Arg. nit; worse in left side, or as if in a small dry spot, Crotal.; at night, very severe,Med.; sensation of, Stann.; streak, with cough, ICaust.; sensation of an ulcerated spot just above breastbone, with incessant coughing, could only expectorate by pressing this spot, IPhyt. Trachea, spasmodic sensation: Lyss.; on awaking (phthisis), ICetrar. Trachea, stinging: Cinch, IMere cor. Trachea, stitches: causing cough, HStann.; from slightest exertion, IManc; nightly dry, cutting, along external, ICanth.; painful, worse pressure, breathing, or by a continuous short cough (pneumonia), I IZinc. Trachea, stopped-up feeling : Apis, ISpong. Trachea suffocative paroxysms: choking better' by moving about, I ILac e; choking feeling on either side, lAmyb; shock like a suffocative paroxysm, starts out of sleep to- wards morning, passing off after sitting up in bed, ISpong.; strangling, from mucous rat- tling in windpipe, ISpong. B@° Chap. 26, Suffocation. I Trachea, swelling: glandular, ISpong.; inter- nal, first right side, then left, Arum t. Trachea, tearing: in croup, I ILact. ae; as if something were torn loose, ICale Trachea, tickling: Agar, Ant. t, I Arn,ICaps., Carbo v., IKalm, IRumex, Sabina, Spig, ISpong.; in bronchitis, I ILed.; as at com- mencement of bronchitis, ITereb.; burn- ing, as from sulphur vapor (whooping cough), lArs.; with contraction at entrance, llpec; with coryza and cough, Colch.; causes cough, lAmb., Anac, INiccol, Rhod.; causes cough day and night (pneumo- nia), I Arn.; causes dry, hard cough, IPsor.; causes incessant, persistent cough, I IPhelb; causes short, dry cough, Case; from dryness, as from vapor of sulphur, causing cough, IIPuls.; as from dust or feather down, ICale; from epiglottis to pit of throat,Gamb.; towards evening, causing dry, spasmodic cough, IStil- ling.; frequent (incipient tuberculosis), Agar.; as inspiration, cough, Brom.; in laryngo- phthisis, lAgar.; low down, Arn.; low down, causing cough, Cina, HVer.; low down, causing abrupt, rough, short, dry cough, IPhos.; worse on rising in morning, Stilling.; as if from presence of a little sticky mucus, Crotal.; caused by feeling as of mucus ascend- ing and descending, worse in a warm room, better in open air, Coccus; in phthisis, ICe- trar.; on right side, below larynx, causes severe, dry, racking cough, ISticta; causing sneezing, Caps.; as from soreness low down in, scraping extends upward into throat,caus- ing cough, HStann.; in middle of sternum,pro- vokes cough, INux v.; in upper part, in open air (influenza), llpec; in upper part, causes short, dry cough, Mar. v.; in upper part, causes hacking cough, IRumex. g®~ Chap. 27, Cough tickling. Trachea, throbbing : produces titillation, ^Ese h. Trachea, uneasiness: slight, worse rising in morning, Stilling. Trachea, ulceration: Hippoz. VOICE, altered : g@T changing. Voice, aphonia (loss of voice): Aeon, IIAlum, lAnt. c, lApis, IIArg. met, IIArg. nit, lArs., lArum t, Bar. e, Bell., IBrom, Cain., Cann. s, ICarbo a, HCarbo v., HCaust., Chin, s,Chlorof, Chlor, ICina, ICochb, ICro- tal, Dros,Elaps, IFerr, IGels, IGlon, IHyos, llgn., IKali bi, IKali c, IKali iod, ILach., Lact. ac,l ILacc, IMere, I Merc.cor, IMere iod. flav., IMere cy. (complementary of Hep. and Phos.), INitr. ae, INux m, 01. an., Op, Oxal. ac, Paeonia, IPhos, IPhyt, Plat, IRhus, IRumex, ISang, ISelen, ISeneg, Sep., ISpong, HStann, IStram., ISul, Vespa; 4 p.m., Chin. s.; from damp air, Chlor.; after angina, I Arg. met; causing anxiety, IFerr.; scarcely audible, IIArum t; on awaking in morning, lAilant.; with irritation in supra- sternal fossa, exciting distressing cough, BUu- mex; catarrhal, acute, especially erysipela- tous and scarlatinal, ICrotal.; catarrhal, worse in evening, when weather is going to change and from long talking, IKali bb; ca- tarrhal, or from laryngeal pain, HPhos.; in cholera Asiatica, ICarbo v, ICup. m.; in spo- radic cholera, 11 Ver.; in cholerine, LEthus.; chronic, lArg. nit.; chronic, on a psoric basis, 7.16 25. VOICE AND LARYNX. ISub; after exposure to cold, IRumex, I IXan.; from driving in cold, ICaust.; from a cold, IPhyt, ISeneg.; with dry coryza, I Kalic; preceding cough, Ailant.; with cough, IPhos.; with dry cough, worse in cold air and walking, better warm air and rest, Seneg.; in croup, IBrom., ICanth.; on awaking, in spasmodic croup of scrofulous children,5 a.m., I Kali iod.; from damp air,IChlor.; from general debility, I IXan.; in diphtheria, IBapt., ICar- bol. ac, IKali bb, ILach, IMere iod. flav., IMere iod. rub.; after drinking cold water when overheated, ICrot. t; with dry and rough throat, IKali bi.; with dryness of glottis, ILact ac; in evening, I IPhos.; worse in even- ing, Brom.; from exposure, ICina ; in inter- mittent fever, Chin, s.; in tertian intermit- tent, IFerr.; in puerperal fever, ISee; fre- quent, Ananth.; from fright, I Aeon., IGels., IOp.; heard only as a gasping sound, Lach.; in gastritis, I INuxv.; wdth headache, Bell.; alternating with action of heart, irreg- ular in force and rhythm, palpitation, lOxal. ae; from getting overheated, better after rest, lAnt c.; hysterical, IHyos., llgn.; hysterical, with gastro-intestinal and cardiac derange- ment, INux m.; hysterical or reflex, asso- ciated with uterine trouble, Murex, Plat,Sep.; intermittent, in a professional singer, I I Cup. m.; recurring at intervals, ICed.; in jaundice, IPhos.; in laryngitis, I Arg. met; after laryn- gotomy, I ISpong.; during menses, IGels.; in menstrual irregularities, ILach.; from mental excitement with hysterical and maniacal symptoms, IStram.;inmorning,IBrom,ICarbo v.; with tough mucus in larynx and trachea, IBar. e; nervous, IIGels, IMere, IPhos, IIPuls.; nervous, with cardiac derangement, violent palpitation, and irregular action, I I Oxal. ae; during night, ICarbo a.; occa- sional, with hoarseness, especially while read- ing, Med.; in old people, IBar. e; painless, worse towards evening, IPhos.; with pains in larynx, Hod.; from catarrhal paralysis,IGels.; nervous paralysis, IMere. paralysis of vocal cords, IILach., IPlumb.; paralytic, during menses, IGels.; paralytic aphonia from mus- cular or nervous irritability, as in hysteria, Crotal.; periodic, IGels.; in pharyngitis,I ILac e; in phthisis, ILach, IPhos.; in laryngeal phthisis, HStann.; in broncho-pneumonia, ILye; with rawness in fauces, ISub; with rawness in larynx, worse in evening, IPhos.; reflex, after cerebral or other sympathetic causes, Cup. m.; due to infiltration of tubercle of left lung, I IRumex ; reflex from functional or organic disease of uterus, ISep.; with sensi- tiveness and dryness of larynx, with a feeling asif it were lined with fur, IPhos.; in sing- ers, HArg. met; with sneezing, IKali e; from spasm in windpipe, ICaust.; from straining voice, ICaust.; from straining voice when just recovering from a former hoarseness, IMere; sudden, Alum, Arund, HSub; sudden, can- not utter a loud word and can with difficulty be understood when ear is placed close to her mouth, IPhos.; sudden, paralysis glottidis, I ICaust.; sudden, while speaking, with hoarse- ness (tuberculous consumption),ISpong.; with swelling of larynx (croup), I ISang.; with swell- ing in throat, Sang.; sympathetic, ICollin.; syphilitic, IMere; from prolonged loud talk- TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. ing IPhos.; in chronic sore throat, I IPhyt.; tickling in larynx, lArg. nit.; in tuberculous patients, IPhos.; afterwards unconsciousness, before epileptic attack, ICale a.; from exces- sive use of voice, ISeneg.; with uterine distur- bance ICaulo.; from oedema of vocal cords, IILach.; for eight weeks, I IPhos.; whispering, Ars. h, ICamph., Cochl, IFerr., IMere , I IRu- mex ; whispering, in chronic diarrhcea, IColoe; whispering, in cirrhosis of liver, ISub; whis- pering, painful to throat, causes cough, I ISe- neg.; whispering, after parturition, I IKali br.; after exposure to northwest winds, I Arumt.; since six years, IPuls. 8^* hoarse, husky, timbre, weak; also Larynx vocal cords. Voice, bleating: ICamph. Voice, breaking : fi®~ failing. Voice, changing: altered, Asaf, Bell, Lyss., Mur, HOxal. ac, HPhos.; altered, in diph- theria, Hod.; altered, in evening, Ant. t; altered, by obstruction of nose, I ISticta; con- tinually, IIArum t; moderately full at times then decreasing, with whistling sound, almost to a whisper (low fever), ICact.; sometimes high, sometimes low, Alum.; now and then with a slight hoarseness, after walking,ILac e; after parturition, I IKali br.; speaks as though she had pebbles in her mouth (tonsillitis), IMere iod. flav.; sudden, with cough, Rumex; sudden, at different times, or at same time, Rumex ; unequal, now strong, again weak, lArs ; has been weak, now and then becomes suddenly loud and clear, IBell. 8®" fail- ing. Voice, confused sounds: uttered with pain, IBell. Voice, cracked: ggg~ failing. Voice, croaking : Aeon, Stram.; deep, hoarse, Lact. ac. Voice, crowing : croupy, I Aeon.; in typhus, I Ars. Voice, crying: causes cough, Hep. Voice, deep: Anac, lArn., IIArum t, ICarbo v, IColch, IIDros., IStann, I ISul, Verb.; in aphonia, I IFerr.; is only able to speak in bass tone, IDros.; in cholera Asiatica, ICamph.; croupous, IPhos.; becoming continually deeper, Hod.; failing, if exerted, ICarbo v.; hollow, bass (as in catarrh), Magn. s.; husky, when talking or singing, ICinch.; from adhering mucus, ICinch. BOP" low. Voice, failing: Ailant, ICarbo v.; cracked, I IDros.; cracked, in singing, IGraph.; cracked, in evening, ISpong.; during a continuous dis- course (syphilitic sore throat), IMez.; with chronic hoarseness, ISpong.; or interrupted, IMez.; no pain, ICarbo v.; in chronic gran- ular pharyngitis, IPhyt.; without control, for an hour and a half after rising, Lact. ae; in singing, I Arg. met.; talking or singing, ISpong.; uncertain, IIArum t, ICamph, IRumex; uncontrollable, IIArum t. B€g" changing. Voice, faint: 8^° weak. Voice, finer: IStram. Voice, high: IIArum t, IStram.; with ca- tarrh, IRumex. 8®° screeching, shrill, squeaking. Voice, hissing: in croup, IPhos. Voice, hoarse: I Aeon, Ailant., I vEsc. h. I All sat., Alum, Amb., Amm. c, Amyy.( Anac Anag., lAnt c, lAnt t, HApis,' Apoe' 25. VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. 717 lArg. nit, Ars. s. r, I Arum m., lArum t, Asaf, Bapt, IBelb, Berb, IBrom., ICact, Cain, Calad, HCale, ICamph, ICanth, ICaps, HCarbov., HCaust., ICham, IChel, I IChlor, Cina, ICinch, Coca, ICoccus, Cochl, IColch, Con., Cop, ICrotal., Cub, Cup. m. Dig., IIDros., Dulc, lEup. perf, Eup. pur, IFerr. ph., Gamb, IGels, Graph, IHep, IHyos, Hod, IKali bb, IKali e, IKali iod., IKali m. Kali s., HLac e, ILach, ILachn., I ILaur, ILye, Lyss, IMagn. m, IMang, IMed., Menyanth, IMere, IMere cor., IMere iod. flav, Merc, sul, Murex, INatr. m, Natr. p., Natr. s., Niccol, INux m., 01. jec, IOp, lOsm, HOxal. ac, IParis, IPetrol, Phell, IPhos, IPhyt,IPsor., I IPtel, IPuls, IRhus, Rhus v., Rumex, Sang, See, ISelen, ISeneg., Sep, ISil, HSpong., IStann, Staph, Stram, Stront., Sul, Sumb, HVer, Vespa, Vinca ; worse in afternoon and even- ing, and from speaking (stomacace), ICarbo v.; as soon as he breathes cold, dry air, ICup. m.; sensitive to cold air, ILact. ac; worse from least current of air, IMere; in albuminuria, I Apis ; with angina faucium (secondary syphi- lis), IMere; returns annually (in one case with nausea, intolerance of milk, weak eyes), INiccol.; with sudden aphonia while speak- ing (tubercular consumption), ISpong.; on awaking, Arund.; resembling bass voice, ICarbo v.; with pains in bones, 11 Uva ursi; and burning in larynx, could scarcely speak, in afternoon, lAmm. m.; burning in throat, ICale; with burning in throat, particularly when eating or drinking, I IParis ; with burn- ing in trachea, I IZinc; with burning and dryness in trachea, IMez.; in catarrh, I Apis ; with chronic bronchial and laryngeal catarrh, IKreo.; in nasal catarrh, Eup. pert; catarrhal, lEuph.; chronic catarrhal, ISpong.; catarrhal, with or without coryza, IDros.; catarrhal, with viscid mucus, INux v.; quickly changing, with normal voice, I Merc cor.; with pain in chest, Caust.; pressure on chest, Coccus ; sore feeling in chest, IMur. ac.; as in cholera, Zing.; in cholera, typhus or heart disease, lArs.; in cholera Asiatica, HVer.; in cholera infantum, ICamph.; in second stage of chol- era, ICup. m.; in cholerine, IPhos.; chronic, IIBrom, ICarbo v, IGraph, IMere, HPhos., Spig.; chronic, resulting from repeated catar- rhal attacks, IDros.; chronic, in laryngitis, IMang.; chronic, after acute laryngitis, ICaust.; chronic, forerunner of tuberculosis, menses absent three months, IGraph.; chronic, voice gives out, ISpong.; chronic laryngeal affections, I IMang.; with dis- position to clear throat, Castor.; cannot speak clearly, Brom.; of clergymen, lArum t, Carb.s, HPhos, IRhus; of clergymen, mili- tary officers, conductors, etc, I Arn, I IRhus; followed by coryza, Viol.; worse from damp evening air, ICarbo v.; during day, Med.; during day (croup), I Ars.; day and night, ICale p.; after diphtheria, IPhyt.; in diph- theria, IChin. a, IIKali m., ILacc, IMur. ae, HPhos., ISal. ae; trachea and mouth completely dried up ih morning, I IParis ; with dry larynx, ICale, ISpong.; with dry throat, IGels.; drv and rough throat, IKali bb; dry- ness and roughness in throat and larynx, Sul. ae; from cold, Ign.; continual, IHep.; con- tinual, cannot speak a word, desire to lie down, Cup.m.; with coryza, I Amm. m, I I Ars, Ars. m. Arum m, IBenz. ac, IBry., Calab., Calc, HCarbo v., HCaust., Cham,Dig, Dulc, lEup. pur, IKali bb, 11 Kalic, IKalm., IIMang, IIMerc, IMere iod. rub, INatr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ae, HPhos., 11 Rumex,ISpig, ISpong., IZinc.; with coryza (aphonia),ICaust.; with coryza and bronchial catarrh, HPhos.; with dry coryza, IKali c; with fluent coryza, I IPetrol.; with coryza and headache, I IBry.; with coryza, or lasting a long while after, IIMang.; followed by harassing dry cough, (laryngitis), I ISub; with cough, Ant t, Bry, ICale, ICarbo a, Cinnam., Cub, I ICurar., Dros, ILach, Mere, IMez., IPhos., IPuls, I ISep, ISpong, ISub; with cough, body warm, Amm. e; with chronic cough, ILye; with dry cough, ISil, Sub; with dry cough, from titillation in throat, ISep.; cough at night, ICale; with cough and rawness in chest, IMez.; with cough and rawness in lar- ynx and bronchia, worse in evening, HPhos.; with spasmodic cough, after measles, IDros.; with spasmodic, hollow or deep cough, Meph.; vyith violent spasmodic cough, IIAmb.; with tickling cough, IIMang.; in whooping cough, IBry., ISpong.; momentarily, better by cough- ing, IStann.; following croup, ICarbo v., ILye; with croup, INitr. ac, IPhos.; when crying, like a child, Cup. m.; when crying (measles), Coff; especially when crying, IBelb; in evening, Arg. met, Cinnab, IRu- mex, ISub; in evening, amounting to com- plete aphonia, HPhos.; in evening, in co- ryza, IGraph.; at 8 p.m., Tromb.; in even- ing, at night, towards morning, better walking in open air, Alum.; in evening, in ozaena scrofulosa, IGraph.; worse in evening, Act. rac, ICarbo a, HCarbo v, IRumex ; obstinate, worse in evening (tra- cheitis, asthmatic affections, hydrothorax), ICarbo v.; towards evening, with dry,tickling cough, Caust.; can utter only a few, croaking sounds (diphtheria), IMere cy.; from overex- ertion, 11 Kali ph.; almost extinct, utterances difficult, panting (intermittent), IFerr.; with fever and pleuritic symptoms, lAur. mur.; in a foggy atmosphere, Hyper.; frequent, Kali bi.; frequent, with cough, 11 Curar.; caused by sensation as if there were a hair in larynx or trachea, Naja ; obliging him to hawk, Crot. t; in hay fever, IRan. b.; with aching, like a band around head, above ears, in temples, Osm.; in chronic headache, INaja; with head- ache and coryza, ISpig.; after overheating, in morning, IBrom.; with laryngeal irritation, Acet. ae; chronic, in laryngitis, IKali bb; with laryngitis, especially if syphilitic, IStil- ling.; tuberculous laryngitis, Ananth.; after laryngotomy, ISpong.; in laryngo-tracheitis, I IPhos. ae, I IPuls.; from altered condition of larynx, Hippoz.; after laughing or reading aloud,Calcfh; after leucorrhcea,Con.; with leu- corrhcea, INatr. s.; ending in complete loss of voice, ISub; cannot speak a loud word, Amm. e; after measles, IBry, IDros.; with measles, ISpong.; day before menses, Syph.; during menses, IGraph.; menses irregular, IDig.; in morning, lApis, Arund, HAsim., Benz. ac, Bov,ICale p,l ICaust,lEuph, Hod, I IPhos.; in morning, on awaking, I Arum d.; ceasing 718 25. VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. in morning, after sneezing, IKreo.; in morning, with fluent coryza, Tell.; early in morning, Arn, IDig.; especially in morning, Cop.; in morning and evening, I IKali bb; in morning, on rising, IHam, Ind.met; in morn- ing, with much mucus in throat, INatr. m.; in morning, gradually becoming clear after expulsion of lump of consistent mucus,IMang.; in morning, better after clearing up lumpy mucus (chronic catarrhal laryngitis), IMang.; in morning, with irritation of throat, ISub; in morning, with roughness of throat, Colch.; in morning, with slight sore throat, Thlaspi; aphonia, worse in morning, ICaust.; worse in morning (croup), I INatr. m.; made an effort to talk as if mucous membrane were thickened and organs slow to respond, Asim.; with bitter mucus in throat, Tarax.; as if chest were filled with mucus, I IZinc; with rattling of mucus in trachea, especially in winter, ICham.; with much tenacious mucus in larynx and chest, IStaph.; caused by tenacious glutinous mucus in larynx, ISamb.; with expectoration of large quantity of yellow, thick, lumpy mucus, I IPuls.; with tough mucus in fauces (chronic catarrh), HSil.; with tough mucus in larynx and trachea, IBar. e; from mucus in trachea, Ang.; from sensation as if larynx were nar- rowed, Jamb.; in desquamative nephritis, I IPlumb.; towards night and in evening, with frequent attempts to clear throat, Sinap.; acrid fluid from nose, INitr. ac; in malignant ul- ceration of nose, IKali bb; with red, burning nostrils and upper lip swollen, Phelb; obsti- nate, IHep.; with painful sense of emptiness in occiput, 11 Natr. c; with pains in larynx, Hod.; pain when talking (measles), lAcon.; painful, I IKalibr.; painful, in measles,HAcon.; painful, could scarcely speak, worse morn- ing (phthisis, bronchitis, coryza), HCale; painless, HCarbo v, ICaust, IDig.; in parox- ysms every quarter or half an hour, so violent he is unable to utter a loud word, I IParis ; in paroxysm, with dry rough throat, IGels.; periodical, painless, IParis; periodical, pre- vents preaching (bronchial catarrh), ICale; persistent, with cough, ICham.; dry burning heat in pharynx, Cain.; in phthisis, HPhos.; in phthisis florida, IIMerc. cor.; with in- cipient as well as advanced stages of phthisis, 101. jec; when pressing on larynx, Sabad.; with rattling coryza, lAcon.; with raw sensa- tion in larynx, IIRhus ; with rawness, ICale; with rawness in fauces, ISub; from reading aloud, Verb.; when reading aloud, Seneg.; especially while reading, with occasional loss of voice, Med.; reads indistinctly, Tabae; worse riding or walking in open air, lOsm.; roughness in larynx, IFerr.; roughness of chest, coryza, chilliness and scraping, painful cough, INatr. e; roughness and dryness of throat in morning after rising, IMagn. m.; from roughness as of adhesion of mucus, Polyg.; roughness and rawness of larynx, in morning on awaking, ICoff; roughness and scraping of throat, INux v.; roughness and soreness in chest and larynx, IIRhus ; rough- ness in throat, in influenza, I IPhelb; saliva- tion, Stram.; in scarlatina, IIArumt, HCaps.; scraping in larynx, IIRhus; caused by scratching in pharynx, worse mornings, I INux v.; from screaming, Stram.; after be- ing silent awhile, better talking, worse in evening and in change of weather, IRhus, in singers, speakers, actors, etc., lAcon., HArg. met, lArum t, IBry., ICaps., ICaust, IFerr ph, INitr. ac, IIRhus, IStilling.; after sineiiig lOsm.; increased while singing, espe- daflyfc beginning, Selen.; slight, IIArg.nit; slight, with now and then a change of voice, after walking, ILac c; slight, with hawking of mucus, Med.; with sneezing, Benz. ac; with soreness and burniug, ISpong.; hinder- ing speech, IPhos.ae; 5 p.m. , with dry cough and stitches in right side, ICheb; from over- straining voice, I Aeon, I Arn, J^ps, ICaust,IFerr.ph, I IKaliph, IIRhus IPhos ; sudden, voice weak, Abrot.; with sweat, ISpong.; with inclination to sweat, IBry.; in syphilis, I IJacea, IKali iod,IMere, INitr. ac.; syphilitic sore throat, Mez.; in people who have to talk a great deal (bronchial catarrh), ICale; from talking, Alum.; increased while talking, ILach.; worse from talking, Alum, Amm. c, Arg. met, IIArum t, ICarbo v.; thirst, in heart disease, I Ars.; with husky feeling in throat, Xan.; with inflamed throat, I Aur. mur.; with roughness in throat, Amm. c; with heat and smarting in left side of throat, 11 p.m., worse waking in morning, goes off 11 a.m., ILach.; with sore throat, IForm., Ind, ILach.; with tickling in bronchi, ISep.; with tickling in larynx, ISep, Sib; from tra- chea, 11 Anag.; after typhus, HPhos.; in typhus, ISpong.; from ulcer in larynx (syph- ilis), ILye; after long use of voice, ISelen.; with uterine disturbances, leucorrhoea,ICaulo.; wailing and crying, Brom.; when walking in open air, Tell.; in warm wet weather, ICarbo v.; interrupted by weakness and hoarseness (diphtheria), ILac'e; in damp cool weather, ICarbo v.; shortly after getting wet in an evening shower, IMere iod. rub.; after ex- posure to wind, INiccol.; from walking against wind, IINux m.; scarcely able to utter a word (laryngitis of singers), lAnt. c. 8®* aphonia, husky, timbre. Voice, hollow: I Ars, I Arum t, ICamph, IIDros, llpec, IKali bb, Samb, ISpong, IStann.; almost aphonic (spinal disease), lAlum.; in cholera, I Ant. t, HVer.; feeble, in cholera, ICup. ac; obliging him to hawk, Crot. t; with heat in pharynx, Cain.; with difficult respiration (puerperal fever), ISee; toneless, in consumption, Hod. 8®° deep. Voice, husky: Aloe, Bar. m, IBell, IIDros, IKaob, ILac e, ILye, HPhos., ISpong.. IStann.; worse on awaking, Alum.; in chronic catarrh, IAlum.;in cholera, HVer.; in chol- erine, IFerr.; as if he had a cold, Anr. met.; throat worse when coughing, Mang.; in diphtheria, IBrom.; from dryness, ex- tending to larynx, Atrop. s.; clear, after expectoration of non-viscid, easily detached, thick phlegm from air passages, I ITubere; during fear, Bar. m.; in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; in gastralgia (cholera Asiatica), ICamph.; must hawk or hem to clear it, ICale p.; better by hawking, Aph. ch.; worse in morning, ISib; as from mucus, IHyos.; be- comes clearer for singing after hawking mu- cus, with sore throat, IStann.; veiled and altered by glutinous mucus, with subacute and chronic inflammatory processes of larynx 25. VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. 719 and bronchial tubes, IKali bb; muffled, by secretions, ;Cinnam.; dry, painful, with cough, ICop.; rough, Amm.; wdien beginning to sing, ISelen.; when singing, ICinch, IGraph.; soundless, in cholera, I Ant. t; can scarcely speak, points to larynx, wants to cough, but cannot (croup), I Aeon.; from long talking, ISelen.; when talking, ICinch.; in tonsillitis, IBar. e; or veiled, - Cupr. s.; after getting wet in an evening shower, IMere iod. rub.; later, sunk to a whisper (croup), IKaob B^° aphonia, hoarse, thick, timbre. Voice, imperfect: in old people, IBar. c; im- paired, IGraph. Voice, indistinct: ICanth, IStram. Voice, laughing: difficulty of breathing, I Ars, Aur. met. Cup. m.; causes cough, Arg. nit, ICinch, IKali hi, Mang.; causes cough,worse at night (goitre), IMere iod.flav.; sensation of cold air passing out of ear, Millet; aggra- vates pains in head, ears, arms and stomach, Mang.; causes involuntary effort, Tarant.; mucus in larynx, lArg. met.; pains in kid- neys, Cann. b; stitching in ulcers, IHep.; stupid, after onanism, ITarant. Voice, lisping: Con., ISpong.; in pneumonia, 11 Phos.; with titillating in pit of throat, caus- ing paroxysms of coughing, ICon. Voice, loss of: BST" aphonia. Voice, low: lArn., ICact, llgn, ISpong., Thuya; melancholy after mortification, llgn.; sounds above middle key impossible, IKali iod.; in typhus, I Ars. 8®° deep, weak. Voice, murmuring: ICamph. Voice, nasal: Alum, Aur. met, Brv, ICepa, IGels, IHam, Hod, IIKali bi, IManc, Phos. ae, IRumex, HSpong, IStaph.; in coryza, Aspar.; in coryza, after mercury, IIKali iod.; in acute coryza, I ISinap.; after diphtheria, I IKali ph.; in diphtheria, IMur. ae, INatr. a.; in neuralgia of right supraorbital nerve, IMez.; from stoppage, Bell.; from stoppage of posterior nares, Staph.; in syphilis, IKali bb; in secondary syphilis, IFluor. ae; in nervous throat affection, I ILac e; in sore throat, IMere cor. Voice, piping: Bell. Voice, raised: -Bry. Voice, reading aloud : aggravates cough, Amb.; hems and haws,Arg. met.; throat troubles her if she reads aloud or talks, it seems as if it were stopping up, I ILac c. Voice, rough: IA11. sat, Amb,Aur. mur., Calc. a., ICarbo v., ICham., ICinch, ICoccus, Eup. pur,HHvos, Hod, Lyss, Menyanth, Millef, HPhos, IIPuls.; worse from least current of air, IMere; with difficult breathing, as if lungs were stuffed with cotton (diphtheria), IKali bi.; in catarrh, lApis; in nasal catarrh, 11 Eup. pert; coarse, in typhus, I Ars.; in co- rvza, IIMerc; with fluent coryza, Magn. s.; with violent fluent coryza, IIKali e; with dryness in larynx, IBelb; with dryness of throat and burning on swallowing, ISub; harsh, in croup, Cub.; harsh, in spasmodic croup IKali br.; harsh and weak, Lyss.; bet- ter by hawking, Aph. ch.;with hoarseness, ICrotal.; hoarse, in catarrh after measles, I I Dulc. ;'in morning, as from phlegm, IMang.; in morning, better by hawking (chronic co- rvza), ICale; in early morning, or in open evening air, IIMang.; in spinal disease,! Alum.; with scraping in larynx (croup), I INatr. m.; in tonsillitis, IBar. e; in typhoid fever, I IRhus; in typhus, I Ars. Voice, screeching: Aur. mur., Dig., IStram. Voice, shrieking : IIArum t Voice, shrill: sounds of utmost despair, occa- sioned by violent expirations, Lyss.; inarticu- late sounds, Lyss.; cannot talk loud, Alum. Voice, singing: aggravates, HAgar.; aggravates chest or throat, IDros.; sound came double, I Arg. met.; voice fails, I Arg. met; after, suddenly falls down as if dead, with eyes shut, face red, quick breathing, pulse 100, Lyss.; hoarseness, IBry, INitr. ac; hoarse, worse at> beginning, Selen.; hoarse, from straining, HCaps.; hurts larynx, HSpong.; causes laryn- gitis, IMang.; total loss of voice, IIArg. met.; scratching in throat, after epidemic influenza, in a professional singer, I Agar.; unable to, INatr.m. 8®" aphonia, hoarse, straining. Voice, squeaking: Ars. h.; in typhus, lArs. Voice, stammering: Sec. 8€aT" Chap. 11, Speech. Voice, straining : lAcon, lArn, ICaust., ICo- ca, IRhus. 8®* reading, singing, talking. Voice, subdued: llgn. Voice, talking : tension in abdomen hindering (intermittent), ICoccul.; causes pricking cramplike pain, in lower abdominal walls, ICale; aggravates, IILach.; aggravates pain (cardiac rheumatism or neuralgia), HSpig; aggravates all symptoms, particularly of head, ICoccul.; aggravates symptoms (in- termittent), lArs.; actors, hoarseness, INitr. ac.; difficult, for want of breath (heart dis- ease),! Apoe; like one out of breath, worse from motion, better lying down, spasmodic motion of diaphragm, ICup. m.; breathing arrested or difficult, ICaust, IDros, 11 Phos. ae, HSpong, HSub; causes burning (aphonia), IFerr.; catarrhal, in morning, Bov.; aggravates chest or throat, IDros.; spasmodic constriction of chest, IHep.; difficult on account of oppres- sion of chest during chill and fever (ague), IKali e; rawness or weakness in chest, ICale; convulsions during,IGraph.; aggravates cough, lAct. rac, Amb, IBell, IBry., Calad., ICale, ICon., IDig, IFerr, IIHyos, Mang., IMyr. cer.; aggravates asthmatic cough, with tough occasionally greenish mucous expectoration, worse at night (phthisis florida), I IMerecor.; aggravates dry cough, IMang.; causes cough, Aeon, Act rac, IIAlum, Anac, ICarbo v, ICaust, Hep., IKali bi, Meph., IPsor.; causes tickling cough, Alum.; excites tracheal cough, IPhos.; aggravates whooping cough, ICaust, IMagn. m.; or reading causes cough, Meph.; darting in right hypochondrium and a similar darting in right side of abdomen, 11 Kali iod.; debilitates, ICale; could not speak from de- bility, HSub; difficult, Cup. ars, Spong, I ISticta, Syph.; difficult, in ague, ISamb.; difficult, with cough, Zinc; difficult, drowsi- ness, glandular inflammation, lAnanth.; diffi- cult, in nervous throat affection, IILace; difficult, from weakness, Carbo v.; difficult, with dry larynx, ISpong.; distresses, Amyg.; I ILacc; ill effects of prolonged, INatr. m.; requires effort (cholera, typhus), IColch.; re- quires much effort (hoarseness), IIAsim.; stitches in epigastrium, I Caps.; epistaxis (diph- theria), I ILac e; requires exertion, Arum t, 720 25. VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. IIDros.; only with exertion and in deep bass voice, IIDros.; or reading aloud, exhausting (diarrhoea), IStann.; every attempt to talk audibly sent blood to face and tears to eyes, IMere; causes fainting (haematemesis), lArs.; fatigued, lAlum, IPsor.; fatigues, mentally, Amb.; constantly hemming or hawking, ICale p.; aggravates hoarseness (stomacace), ICarbo v.; causes hoarseness, HPhos.; hoarseness of public speakers, lAcon, lArum t, IIArg. met., IBry, HCaps, ICaust, IFerr. ph., INitr. ac, IIRhus, IStilling.; pressing pain in hyoid bone, left side, ► Card. m.; brought on attacks of hysteria, ICinnam.; impossible , INatr. m, IPhos.; impossible, in angina pectoris, ITabae; im- possible, in cholera, lArg. nit.; impossible, in cholera or typhus, IColch.; impossible, in pa- resis of cords, HCaust.; impossible, vocal cords swollen, cough, Calad.; impossible, on account of cramp in chest, with redness of face and sweat over body, IKali c; impos- sible, in bronchial croup or acute oedema of lungs, I Ant. t.; impossible, in haemoptysis, llpec; impossible, with headache, I IThuya; impossible, from pricking in larynx, ICheb; impossible, by suffering, ^Ethus.; inability, with choking nervous chronic palpitation (angina pectoris), IINaja ; as if something in chest prevented inhalation, IDros.; inter- rupted, in pneumonia, I Ant. t; larynx con- stricted., IDros.; does not like to speak (head- ache), ILac def.; cannot measure compass or volume of voice, Cann. i.; causes stitches in neck,ICalc; pain in larynx, Bell,HSpong.;ex- cites fear and fatigues whole body, Sub; pain near right side of larynx, Ars. h.; pain in second left ribfrom,Mang.; painful, Agar,IApis; pain- ful,in spasmodic croup,IKali br.; a sort of pain- ful pressure in throat, IIKali iod.; aggravated pains in head, ears, arms and stomach, Mang.; causes palpitation, IPuls.; palpitation, after preaching, INaja; excites paroxysms, after overwork and mental anxiety, ICup. m.; rais- ing voice, causes cough, HArg. nit.; rattling with short breath, after, IMur. ac.; reverbe- rates in head (deafness), HCaust; frothy saliva in mouth, Jamb.; larynx sensitive, ICrotal.; short, in pneumonia, lAnt. t; sting- ing in throat, IIKali iod.; throat stinging, choking worse (headache, checked coryza), I Aeon, j causes excessive suffering in throat, IFluor. ac; sweats, from, Iod.; neck swells up, Iod.; swallows continually during, Staph.; soreness of throat,Staph.; of throat, worse from talking or singing, IDros.; tickling in larynx, IKali bi.; bites tongue, Illgn.; tonsils pain, Berb.; aggravates toothache, ICham.; pain in upper, particularly of windpipe, Bell.; causes vertigo, ICham.; causes vomiung (headache). Diad.; aggravates weakness, Dory.; causes weakness, Agar., IFerr.; causes weakness, particularly in chest, IStann.; causes general weakness,IFerr.; aggravates weariness, Dory.; sensation of weakness in organs, ICantn. 8^° aphonia. Voice, thick: in [acute coryza, 1 ISinap.; cov- ered, worse at night (bronchitis), IMere; deep, in phthisis pulmonum, I ISep.; in diphtheria, IISul. ac; as in quinsy (scarlatina), I Apis ; as if through wool, no timbre, Agnus. lir&* nusky. Voice, timbre: alteration, in speakers, singers, preachers, I Arg. met.; lost, sounds as if broken, Ars. h.; soundless, Osm.; timbreless, Calad.; toneless, IIDros, IHep.; toneless, pre- vious mercurial abuse, INitr. ac. Voice, tremulous: Aeon, Ign., I IPsor.; in amenorrhcea, I IXan.; in croup, IPhos.; in in- termittent fever, ICoccul.; in melancholy, after mortification, llgn.; in typhus, I Ars. Voice, uncertain: BST" failing. Voice, unintelligible: Sec. Voice, volume: cannot measure compass or volume when speaking, Cann. i. Voice, weak : I Ant. c, lAnt. t. Arum, t, Asaf, Bar. m., IBell, ICamph, Cann. s, ICanth., ICarbo v., ICaust., ICoca, ICoccul., ICrotal., Daph., IHep., ILye, Osm., I lOxal. ac, IPar- ,is, I IPsor, Sec, I ISeneg., ISpong, |Stann, IStram.; after anger, IStaph.; to complete aphonia, IBelb; scarcely audible (colic in pregnancy), I Ars.; scarcely audible in evening, IHep.; in cardialgia, I ISee; in cholera, I Ant t, ICarbo v, HVer.; with diarrhcea, Asim.; it requires a strong effort to speak loud, IOp.; with painful sense of emptiness, in occiput, I INatr. e; in erysipelas, I ICheb; in evening, Ars. h.; during fear, Bar. m.; stronger, when fever heat abates, evening, Calend.; during heat, IHep.; hoarse,Abrot, Fluor, ac; hoarse, in cholera, IHelb; in hydrocephalus, IHelb; exhausted from talking, like weakness of or- gans of speech, coming from hypochondria, INatr. m.; chronic laryngitis, IBelb; in pneu- monia, I IPhos.; can only utter a few words at a time, after pneumonia, ILye; diminished both in power and vibration, Plumb.; in puerperal fever, ISee; when reading aloud, ICycb; in singers and speakers, HCoca ; and soft, Brom.; thick, IGels. 8^° aphonia. Voice, whimpering: in intermittent fever, ICoccul. Voice, whining: tremulous, ICup.m. Voice, whispering : g^° aphonia. Voice, wheezing : Bell.; in croup, Cub. Voice, BSr* Larynx, vocal cords. 26. RESPIRATION. 721 26. RESPIRATION. Asphyxia. Asthma. Breathing. Dyspnoea. Expiration. Inspiration. Suffocation. ASPHYXIA (apparent death): IIAnt. t, ICarb. s,ICochb, I IRhus,ISinap,Tabae; from alcohol, ICarb. s.; apparent apoplectic death, after hemorrhage from lungs and nose (whoop- ing cough in a child), ICochb; atelectasis, lAnt. t.; from interrupted breathing, during which relaxation follows and free perspira- tion takes place again (laryngismusstridulus), IChlor.; capillary bronchitis, I Ant. t.; from loss of blood, ICinch.; from carbonic acid gas, Aeon., Bell., IOp.; in cholera, IHydr. ac, ILaur.; with speedy collapse, ITabae; with coma, IIAnt. t, IHydr. ae; delirium, lAnt. t; from apparent drowning, lAnt. t, ILach.; with drowsiness, IIAnt. t; emphysema, lAnt. t; from coal gas, ICarb. s.; with pale face, IIAnt t; with dark red face, IIAnt. t; after a blow or fall, I Am.; after a fall, with shoot- ings and jerkings, iHyper.; freely developed, ITabae; from hanging, IOp.; by stroke of lightning, INuxv.; with blue lips, I Ant. t; from accumulation of mucus, lAnt. t; danger of, from mucus (influenza), llpec; with mucus rattling in throat, Plumb.; muscu- lar twitchings, lAnt. t; newborn infants, lAcon., IIAnt. t, lArn., IBell, HCamph, Cinch, ILaur, IOp.; neonatorum, after great loss of blood by the mother, ICinch.; in cedema pulmonum, with hydrothorax, I Ant. t; im- pending paralysis of lungs, lAnt. t.; from pneumonia, I Ant. t.; threadlike, I Ant. t; after a jealous quarrel ILach. BST" Suffoca- tion; also Chap. 25, Glottis spasm; also Chap. 24, Infants asphyxia. ASTHMA: lAcon., Aloe, HAmb., lAmm. e, Amvl, lAnt. t, Apis, IIArg. nit., IIArs., iArumm., • Arumt, lAsaf, • Ascl. s, lAur. met, I I Aur. mur, Bapt, Bar. c, IBell, IBenz. ac, IBov., IBrom, Bry, ICact, ICale, ICa- lad, Camph, ICann. s, ICaps, ICarbo v, Card.m, Caulo, Caust, Cepa, Cham., I IChen. a, IChloral., Chlorof, Cinch., Cist, Coccul., ICoff, ICoff c, IColch, Coral, ICrotal, ICup. m.,IDig, Dulc, Eupat, Euphor,IFerr,IGels, Grin, Hyos., Iber., llgn., lllpec, IIKali c, IKali m, ILach., Lactu. v., IILobel. i. Lye, IMeph., Mere, I IMillef, IMosch, INatr. s, INitr. ae, Nux m., INux v. Op., IPhos, IPhyt., IIPuls, ISamb, ISang, ISeneg, Sep, Sil, Sinap, Stann., IStilling., IStram., IISul, 11 Variol, IVer., Ver. v., Zinc, I IZing, 11 Ziz.; afternoon and evening, Bell.; cannot bear a draught of air in back of neck, ISib; better in cold air, ICarbo v.; with loss of appetite, IKali c; from fumes of Arsenic, better from tobacco smoke and in cold air, IIMerc Asthma, abdomen: from incarceration of flatu- lence, ICarbo v, ICham, ICinch, Lye, Magn. p, Nux v., Op, Phos., ISul, Zinc; better bending head back, in cold air, from cold water, worse in dry weather and from warm diet, ICham. Asthma, breathing: short easy inspiration, long, slow wheezing expiration, ISep.; rattling and panting, HSpong.; tight, cannot inspire or expire freely, HSpong.; wheezing inspiration, ICaps.; loud wheezing, ICist.; for years so marked as to herald his approach at some dis- tance and coming on after any unusual exer- tion, during remission coarse rales along larger bronchi, INatr. s. Asthma, bronchial: ICale, IHippoz., I ISinap.; worse after catching cold, IPod.; nervous, ICham.; spasmodic, only at night after lying down, or during thunderstorm, intense nerv- ous insomnia, no sleep for days and nights, I ISyph.; secretion is white, IKali m.; minute tubes chiefly involved, Hydr. ac. Asthma, cardiac : 8®° heart. Asthma, catarrhal: Tabae; with moderate bronchial catarrh (insufficiency of mitral valve), I I Puis.; from suppressed catarrh, I Ars, llpec, INux v. 8®" cold, humid. Asthma, chest: feeling of a band around, II Aeon.; congestion, I Aeon, lAur.met, IBell, Merc, INux v., IPhos, Puis, ISpong, ISub; feels distended, ICaps.; feeling as though something should expand, IIBry.; as if he would die, precursor of hydrothorax, IPsor.; chronic tendency to hydrothrax, Amm. e; muscles rigid, IIAcon.; muscles, not rigid (scrofula), ICale; oppression, ILobel. i.; pul- sations, ISib; with pain and palpitation, I IPuls.; pain, with paroxysmal, ILobel. b; pains in middle, preventing sleep, IBry.; sib- ilant ronchi, HSpong.; as if sternum were being gradually drawn towards dorsal verte- brae, Syph.; stricture around, like a band of iron, with frequent attacks, ICact.; tension and constriction in, IPuls. 8®" Chap. 28, Inner chest, angina, dropsy. Asthma in children: lAcon, lAnt. t, I Ars., IBelb, Camph, ICham, Cinch., Coff, Cupr., Hep, Ign, lllpec, Lach, Lye, Mosch, Nux m, Nux v. Op, Phos., Puis, 1 ISamb., Stram, Sub; constitutional conditions, INatr. s. Asthma, chronic: Ars. s. f, IColch, IManc, IVer.; especially when it returns or increases during the cold season and only abates on return of warm weather (aged persons and lymphatic youths), I IPhelb; attacks for years, INatr. s. 46 722 26. RESPIRATION. Asthma, coition : on attempting, or caused by, I Amb. Asthma,cold: causes,cannot lie down, I ISpong.; causes, in midsummer, I Ars. B^T" catarrhal. Asthma, congestive: ICact.; worse lying on back or on falling asleep, IPhos.; blood rushes to head and chest, HSpong.; hypereemia of lungs and brain, IIAcon. ^°* chest. Asthma, constitution: debilitated, anaemic subjects, terrible dyspnoea, heart sympathiz- ing, -Eucab; irritable, lively blondes,IPhos.; emphysematous subjects, llpec; hysterical individuals and children, I IMosch.; light- haired persons, I Aur. met.; scrofulous, Asaf; in young people, from a general bronchial ca- tarrh, afterwards with every change to damp weather, INatr. s.; in young people who have not their growth, with rheumatic symptoms about chest and sleeplessness, IKali iod. 8@~ old people. Asthma, cough: causes drawing through left pectoral region into back, ICrot. t; dry.IKali c.; during, I Arn., Dig., IKreo, IPuls.; habit- ual, IKali e; spasmodic cough, ISib Asthma, diarrhoea: alternates with nightly, IKali c. Asthma, discharges: from suppressed chronic, ISul. Asthma, drinking: worse from ice water, or wine, IMeph.; of drunkards, I Ars, Meph. 8®° Breathing, drinking; also Chap. 15, Drinking, breathing. Asthma, dropsy: 11 Lactu. v.; depending upon hydrothorax or hydropericardium, with drop- sy of lower extremities, extending to knees, IColch. B^sT" chest, heart. Asthma, drugs: violent, from proving of Calad- ium, IZing.; from vapors of arsenic or copper, IHep, Ipec, Merc. BST" sulphur. Asthma, dry (siccum): lAmb.; lying on right side brings on oppression, I ISquilla; must rise and walk, Arg. nit. Asthma, dust: as if inhaling,IIArs.; sensation of, in throat and lungs (scrofula), ICale; from inhaling dust (stone cutters), lArs., Bell., ICale, Cinch, IHep., Ipec, Nux v, Phos, HSil, Sub; from coal dust (miners), INatr. a.; heaves in horses from du6ty hay, 11 Ictod. Asthma, eating: after, Sars.; after a hearty meal, I Asaf; after moderate use of food, 11 Kali ph.; brought on by satisfying meal, I Asaf.; worse after, IILach.; better after, IGraph, Iod. 8€i° Breathing, eating ; also Chap. 15, Eating, breathing. Asthma, emphysematous: I Ars., ICamph. 88T" Chap. 28, Lungs emphysema. Asthma, epigastrium: bloating, ILac def; pressure, IKali e; weakness and oppression, ILobel. i. Asthma, eructations : ICaps. 8®* abdomen. Asthma, eruption : hands and arms covered with bluish-red places like ecchymoses, IKali c.; suppressed eczema after vaccination, lAm- moniac; from retrocession of erysipelas, I IPtel.; from suppressed itch, lArs., IFerr, ISub; alternates with attacks of leprosy, ISub; suppressed miliary, llpec; alternates with psoriasis, ISub; when rash on forearm disap- peared,Calad.; after suppression of acute rash, IIAcon.; after suppression of rash, in chil- dren, IIPuls.; after suppressed eruptions, in general, Ars, Carbo v, llpec, IPuls, IISul, IVer.; after disappearance of tetters in face, IDulc; from suppressed urticaria, I Apis, IIPuls! „ , , Asthma, in evening: ISub; chronic, passing off at daybreak, I ISyph.; after eating, from flatus, with increase of dyspnoea when expec- toration stops, decreasing when it recom- mences, IZinc; after lying down and at night, ICist.; especially after a meal, IIPuls. 8^" night. Asthma, exertion: aggravates, lArs., IGampti.; worse ascending, walking, ICaps.; causes, I Asaf.; worse from, or walking, returns every two or three hours, especially evening and night, IKali e; when fatigued, as from an- guish \ Ars.; motion, going up stairs, causes (chronic asthma), lArg. nit.; worse riding horseback, IMeph.; particularly when talk- ing, IDros.; worse after talking, I ILach.; when turning over in bed, ISub; worse when walk- ing, painful, IDig.; sudden attack while work- ing, every attempt to work brought on parox- ysm, better when keeping quiet, HNux v.; worse from, with disordered stomach, espe- cially weakness in epigastrium, ILobel. i; veta, ICoca. B^T" motion. Asthma, expectoration: profuse, frothy or watery mucus, INatr. m.; profuse, purulent, ISib; tough mucus, I IRumex. Asthma, face: aching, after disappearance of tetters, IDulc; worse covering mouth or nose, IILach.; looks as if dying, ICinch.; red, ICaps.; sallow, sunken eyes, emaciated, I IKali ph. Asthma, fever: febrile attacks, 11 Stram.; hectic, •Cale s.; death seemed imminent (typhoid), ILach. Asthma, flatus: 8®" abdomen. Asthma, goitre: in consequence of goitre, HSpong. 8@° Chap. 31, Neck, goitre. Asthma, gout: alternates with, ISul. Asthma, hay fever: Ailant, I Ars, Ars. i, I Arum t, lAscl. s., Camph, ICarbo v., Cepa, Cycl, IDulc, Eucab, Euphor, lEuph, IGels, Grin, Hydr. ae, llpec, IKali bi, ILach, ILobel, IMosch, INaja, INatr. m, INatr. s, INux v, I IOp, ISabad, Sang, I ISinap, ISticta; annual, I ISticta; coming on about last of August, ISib; for eleven years, coming on about 20th of August, I IPsor.; comes on July 28th, stays till first hard frost, I ISinap.; nervous irritability, IIKali ph.; dry stage, worse at night, I ISticta ; worse at night, lying down, I I Sinap.; causing prostra- tion, INatr. s.; subsequent to rose cold, ISang.; with watery discharge from eyes and nose, INatr. m.; more frequent in damp weather, worse lying down and moving, better sitting up in bed with shoulders drawn forward and by perfect quiet, 11 Sinap. 8^*" periodic, Chap. 7, Coryza, hay fever. Asthma, head: must throw head back, Bell., Cham, HSpong., IVer. Asthma, with headache: IKali c. ggg* Chap. 3, Headache, breathing. Asthma, heart: cardiac, IGrin.; terrible dysp- noea, I lEucab; with cardiac disease ICro- tal.; particularly if dependent upon heart disease, IDig.; from fatty degeneration HArn.; oppression, ILobel. b; organic dis- ease, ISpong.; with pressure in region of Variol eST"* Dyspnoea and Suffocation, heart • also 26. RESPIRATION. 723 Chap. 28, Inner Chest dropsy ; also Chap. 29, Heart breathing. Asthma, heat: in face, HSpong.; worse in a warm room, where he becomes deathly pale and can do nothing but sit quiet, I Amm e Asthma, hemorrhoids : Agar, I Arg. nit, IISul. Asthma, hiccough : preceded by, Cup. m. Asthma, humid (pituitous): I Ant. t, IIArs, Arum t, I Ascl. t, Bar. c. Bell, IBry, ICale, Camph., ICann. s, ICinch., ICochb, Con, IICup. m, IDig., IIDulc, IFerr., IGraph, I IGrin., Hep, llpec, IKali br, IKali m, IKali s, ILach, ILobel, Merc, INatr. s, Nux v., IPhos, IIPuls, Sang., ISeneg, ISep, ISil, ISinap, IStann, ISul, IZinc, I IZing.; catar- rhal bronchitis, IGrin.; bronchitis, relieves bronchial cough and aids in expelling thick sputa, I lEucab ; with profuse sputa, IJab. Asthma, hypochondria : sensation as if some- thing were growing fast in region of left lower ribs, I IThuya. Asthma, hysteric: Aeon, Apis, Asaf, Aur. met. Bell, Caulo., Caust, Cham, Coccul, Coff, Con, Cup. m., Ign., Ipec, ILach, IIMosch., IINux m., Phos., IIPuls, Stann.,Stram., Sub; caused by every little excitement, Ars. BSP" nervous, spasmodic. Asthma, injuries: caused by lesion of spinal cord, by a fall, IHyper. Bib" dust. Asthma, irritability : increased, of respirative organs, as after inflammation, etc., IPhos. Asthma, kidneys : complicated with affection of, and turbid urine, I Coccus, Asthma, laryngeal: spasm of larynx, ISil. ggg° Chap. 25, Glottis spasm. Asthma, liver: hyperaemia of, IVer. BOP" Chap. 18, Liver congestion, dropsy, enlarged. Asthma, lungs : in consumption, worse 2 a.m., Rumex ; pulmonic irritation from effused serum, ILobel. i. 8^° chest; also Dyspnoea, lungs. Asthma, lying down: aggravates, I Ars, Ars. i, Asaf, Bapt., Brom., Cact, Carbo v. Cist, Kali bb, Kali c, IKali n, ILach., INaja, Samb., Sars, ISil, ISpong, Syph.; in back, aggravates, IHyper.; on left side worse, Cann. i.; better in horizontal position, Bry., IDig, INux v., IPsor.; could notliedown, I IStann.; has to get out of bed and sit by table, ICarbo v.; worse lying with head low, Cinch, Colch, Eup. perf. Hep., Nitr, Puis. 8iT sitting ; also Dyspnoea and Suffocation, lying down. Asthma, measles: chronic, after, worse walking and ascending, IBrom. Asthma, menses : after, HSpong.; deranged, IBell, Caulo, Coccul., ICup. m., Merc, Nux v, Phos., IIPuls, ISep, Sub; during, Kali e; suppressed, IIPuls. Asthma, mental condition : after fit of anger, I ICham.; anxious, Ant. t, I Ars, HSpong.; after emotions, IIAcon., Cham., ICoff, Cupr, IGels., Hgn, Nux v. Puis, Ver.; fears she will die of suffocation, I Ars, IPhos, HSpong. B^sT" Dyspnoea and Suffocation, mental con- dition. Asthma, Millari: 8@° Chap. 25, Glottis spasm. Asthma, moon : worse at full, HSpong. Asthma, in morning: when awaking, ICon.; early, ICale, IVer.; in light haired persons, worse after mercury, in wet weather and in warm air, I Aur. met.; wants to move con- tinually, ICoff; worse, ICarbo v.; for two hours, worse, Zing, BSaP" Dyspnoea and Suf- focation, morning. Asthma, motion: moving arms and stooping lAmm. m.; worse on moving arms, IILach.; inclination to move about, Arn, IVer.; when going up stairs, IKali ph.; after every slight, loses her breath and becomes faint, HSpong.; better walking and talking, or by constant reading or writing, worse sitting still, most violent lying down, especially in even- ing, IFerr.; worse after bodily exertion, Amm. c, I Ars, Bov, Natr. in, Nitr. ac, Sil. BST" ex- ertion ; also Dyspnoea and Suffocation, ex- ertion. Asthma, mucous: 8®" humid. Asthma, nausea: I Ant. t, lllpec, IKali c. gg§* Dyspnoea nausea; also Chap. 16, Nau- sea asthma, breathing. Asthma, nervous: IBelb, Coca, ICoccul., I IKali br, IKreo., ILobel. i, IIMagn. p., IMosch, INuxm, INuxv, I ISil, ISumb, I ISyph.; bronchial, paroxysmal, coming on in wet weather, Con.; chronic, for which no organic basis could be detected, but which was caused by repelled foot sweat, 101. an.; with depres- sion, I IKali ph.; from primary irritation of affected nerves, Magn. p.; neuralgic states, from organic and mechanical causes, with orthopncea and nocturnal paroxysms, Eucab BgT" hysteric, spasmodic. Asthma, night: IIArs., I Arum d, HChel, Coff, IKali c, ISub; stitches in abdomen, Bry.; awakes about midnight, Arum d.; very severe, bent forward, can hardly catch breath,IChlor- al.; with slow difficult breathing, which pro- vokes cough, IColoe; paroxysm wakes at day- break,IMeph.; with whizzing and rattling dur- ing expiration, which is long and attended with retraction of epigastric region, IOp.; attacks come later each night, Cale a.; paroxysms on lying down, also sometimes waking him in morning, IMeph.; about2A.M, IIArs.; terrible attacks, worse 3 a.m., IIKali e; preceded by symptoms of ordinary cold, sets in 4 to 5 a.m., increases and decreases gradually, HStann.; about 4 or 5 a.m., with cough and raising of glairy slime, and vomiting after eating, always worse in damp, rainy weather, INatr. s.; worse after midnight, must sit up, better walking slowly and talking, better uncovering chest, IFerr.; several attacks, followed by palpitation, HSub; phthisis, I Ars. b; sudden attack, pa- tient propped up in bed, afraid to move or speak, IDig.; as from vapors of sulphur, IIPuls.; worse, IBrom.; worse, with red face, IThuya. g@T evening, sleep; also Dysp- noea and Suffocation night. Asthma, oesophagus: chronic catarrh, 11 Ver. Asthma, in old people: lAmb, Ant. c, Amm. e, IIArs, Aur. met. (after Ant. t), IBar. e, Camph., ICarbo v., Caust, Cinch, Lach., Mar. v. Op., Sub; and children (asthma siccum), lAmb.; with tickling cough, ICon.; inveterate cases, worse early in morning, better in cold air, ICarbo v. Asthma, periodic: I Alum., lAnt. t, IHydr. ac, IPlumb., I ITabae; once a day, I Asaf; every day (prosopalgia), ICheb; every eight days, 11 Sub; in longer and shorter intervals, and at different times of day, 11 Thuya ; first of May for several years, better in open air, 11 Nux v.; chronic, once or twice monthly, 724 26. RESPIRATION. ICarbo v.; catarrhal, every morning from 10 to 11, IFerr. gfe&~ hay fever, nervous, spasmodic. Asthma, prickling: precedes, all over, even to fingers and toes, ILobel. i. Asthma, restlessness : 8®* Dyspnoea, rest- lessness. Asthma, of sailors: as soon as they go ashore, IIBrom. Asthma, sexual condition: g®* coition. Asthma,sitting: bentforward, IChloral.; better sitting bent forward, IILach.; must sit, ICann. s.; must sit up in bed, I IZing.; must lean forward with head on knees, worse in morning, IIKali e; in stopping posture, I ISul. B@f lying down. Asthma, sleep: arouses, IKali e; arouses sud- denly from deep, Sep.; awakes with, INatr. s.; awakens, better from smoking and throw- ing head back, IHep.; worse on awaking, IILach.; during, Meph., ISub; during, after midnight or in afternoon sleep, ICarbo v.; rest- less, IKali c B®" evening, night; also Breathing, Dyspnoea, Suffocation sleep; also Chap. 37, Sleep, breathing. Asthma, spasmodic; :Ammoniac, lAnt. t, i IBelb, ICact, Camph., ICoccul, Coff. t, ICup. m., IFerr, IGels, IGraph., IHydr. ac, IHyos., llctod, lllpec, ILach, I ILobel. i, IIMagn. p, IMez, IMosch, INux v., Phos, Samb., Sars, Sep, IStram, Sul, ISumb, ITa- bae, llVal, Zinc; with bronchial catarrh, llpec; of children, IIKali br.; dry nervous spasmodic cough, IKali br.; anxious dreams, hysterical or hypochondriacal subjects, INux v.; after suppressed miliary eruption llpec; better by copious expectoration from bronchial tubes, IHyper.; from earliest youth, worse at beginning of Fall, gradually better as Spring sets in, increasing in severity each year, I INux v.; at end of attack, tingling in left fingers, becomes tearing as it extends up arm, HSep.; flatulent, Sal. ae; with organic disease of heart, HSpong.; in hysterical sub- jects, llpec; cannot lie upon back, for any length of time, IHyper.; must rise and walk, Arg. met.; after lesion of spinal cord by a fall years before, IHyper.; with changes of weather from clear to damp or before storms, IHyper. 8®" nervous; also Chap. 25, Glottis spasm. Asthma, standing : has to stand by open win- dow, leaning forward, ICann. s. Asthma, stomach : fulness, better after belch- ing, INux v. Asthma, sudden: attacks come and go suddenly, ICup. m. aST" periodic. Asthma, sulphur: as if he had inhaled fumes, IILyc, IPuls.; from vapors of, ICham, Meph, IPuls. 8®° drugs. Asthma, summer : better, ICarbo v. Asthma, sweat: cold, of upper part of body, IVer.; after paroxysms, profuse oily, IIThuya. Asthma, throat: sensation as of a lump in pit of, above sternum, ILobel. b; stitches before, IBov.; worse touching, IILach. g^° Suffo- cation , throat. Asthma, thymicum: BsaT* Chap. 25, Glottis, spasm. Asthma, tongue: preceded by cutting, Bov. Asthma, vaccination: attacks after, parox- ysms day or night, with whistling respira- tion, last two hours, I IThuya. Asthma, veta : ICoca. vn¥WMl Asthma weather: damp, cold, IVer.; change from clear to damp, or before storms, IHyper.' worse, in dry, ICham.; in hot, damp, worse after sleep, IBelb; chronic, in summer, espe- cially when warm and damp, I ISyph.; in wet, ICon.; worse in wet, I Aur. met,IDulc; worse in autumn, wet, or after depletion, ICinch. 8®" Dyspnoea weather. Asthma, wheezing: 8^° Breathing, wheez- ing. Asthma, wind: particularly worse by long- continued walking against, ICup. m. BREATHING, abdomen : pain above hips, ICale; rumbling, ICale; loud rumbling, IManc; stitches in right side, Lyss. Breathing, abdominal: in bronchitis, IPhos.; only with diaphragm (pneumonia), I Aeon.; performed only by muscles of abdomen, neck and shoulders (membranous croup), IKali bb; predominant in asthma Millari, iCup. m.; as if by voluntary efforts, ICup. m. 8®" Inspi- ration, abdomen. Breathing, air: 8€g° Dyspnoea, air. Breathing, anxious: Cham. Breathing, arrested: 8@" impeded. Breathing, asthmatic : Arum t; cannot expire nor inspire freely, HSpong.; in pericarditis, IColch.; with inability to retain recumbent position, Ziz. gg$~ Asthma. Breathing, back: pressive pain in spine,ICale; painful shocks in right side, ICale; shooting (facial neuralgia), lAur. met.; stitches, Spig.; stitches in renal region (morbus Brightii), lArs. Breathing, barking: I ISinap. Breathing, blowing (puffing): IOp, HPhos.; in apoplexy, I Arn.; in coma, ICinch.; after a mole-birth, IBelb; during sleep, INux v. 8g£* stertorous. Breathing, catching: I Arg.nit,IBrom., ICaust, IINitr. ae; from stitching in abdomen to back, ICale; on bending, ICale; after cough- ing, ICina; during cough, Arn., I Ars, Bry, Hep, INatr. m, IPuls.; caused by feeling of incarcerated flatus, moving in abdomen, par- oxysmal, worse from excitement or sitting, better lying down, straightening up, or by eructation, IPhos.; from stitches in heart, ICale; before menses, Bor.; in pneumonia, IPhos.; from shooting upward from piles, I ISub; during stool (dysentery), ISul. 8®° gasping, impeded. Breathing, chest: sharp aching behind ster- num (angina pectoris), IKali e; in (an- gina pectoris), IDiosc; articulations and cartilaginous connections as if beaten, HArn.; constriction, ICact.; very free, as if thorax were hollow, Chin, a.; oppressed, I Apis ; pain, with feverish heat, IKalm.; racking pain and oppression of, Colch.; pain in right side, region of seventh and eighth ribs, worse, Chel.; pain, sore in upper, IKali c.; pain in middle of sternum, worse from pressure, IManc; rheu- matic pain, Lyss.; soreness behind sternum, Rumex; may arise from tonic spasm of pec- toral muscles, ICie; as of a splinter in, IIAr<*. nit.; as if sternum were compressed, All. sat - stitches, IIAcon, IIBry, Calc, Dros, Seneg.' stitches in left side of, IStann, ISub •'stitches in left side and scapula, ISep.; stitches in right scapula, Kali e; stitches in side worse 26. RESPIRATION. 725 IIBry.; stitches in side (lumbago), IColoe; stitches, worse, HSpig. B^PDyspncea, chest. Breathing, choking: IDros. Breathing, in cholera: B€^°Dyspncea, cholera. Breathing, cold: cold breath, ICamph, HCar- bo v, ICed, Cist, I IPhos.; in morbus Brigbtii, HPhos. ae; in cholera, IIAcon, HCamph, ICinch, Colch, I IVer.; in cholera or yellow fever, ICarbo v.; in convulsions, Cup. m.; in dysentery, ICarbo v. Cist.; icy in cholera, ICup. ae; in pneumonia, HCarbo v.; on seventh to ninth day of pneumonia, IPhos. fiST" Chap. 12, Inner mouth cold. Breathing, convulsions: BS^Dyspncea, con- vulsions. Breathing, cough: 8®°" Chap. 27, Cough breathing, During cough asthma, breath- ing. Breathing, crowing: Stann.; in hydrocephalus, 11 Bry.; worse after midnight and from lying with head low (asthma Millari), ISamb.; in laryngeal spasms, ICup. m. B^T" Chap. 25, Glottis spasm, and Larynx croup. Breathing, deep: lAcon., I I Amyl, 11 Ant. sul. aur, ICamph, Cann. s, Chlorof, IDig., IHydr. ae, IMur. ac, IOp, IZinc; causes aching in small spot in right hypochondrium, Bar. e; afraid to take full breath (pleurody- nia), IIRan. b.; aggravates, Amm. m.; anxi- ety, unable to inhale enough, Stram.; in in- termittent apoplexy, IChin. s.; causes fatigue of back, Carbo v.; aggavates pain in bowels, Dory.; cannot breathe deeply, IIAlum., IIArs.; cannot, must get to fresh air, I IBapt; from a general feeling of discomfort, in chest, Lyss.; now and then, with coldish feeling far back and deep in throat, followed by great relief, Lyss.; with congestion to chest, IOp.; constriction of chest, Agar., ISub; aggravates cough, causing vomiting, IHep.; aggra- vates whooping cough, IMagn. m.; causes cough, HLac e; causes cough in catarrh, I Apis ; causes cough, with whistling breathing (asthma), ICup. m.; causes hacking cough, IDulc; causes cutting on both sides of last rib, Arg. met.; prevented by acute sharp, darting through right chest below centre of right lung, I ISep.; desire for, I I Alum., Amm. br., IIBry, ICale, Calc. p., Ced, Cinch, IGlon., Lil. tig, Med., IMere, Mez, Nux m, IPhos., Pod, Samb., Therid., Xan.; desire for, in nervous asthma, IKreo.; desire for, with constriction of chest, causes tearing in chest, worse right side, Sang.; desire for, with pain in chest and shooting in liver, ICale p.; desire for, with tension in chest (similar to Calcar.), IBor.; desire for, with constriction in fauces and chest, Ictod.; desire for, constant, Iber., Natr. s.; desire for constant, on attempt- ing to do so it seemed as though chest could only be half filled or as though some impedi- ment existed deep in che3t, IDig.; causes cough (pneumonia), I ISub; desire for, in inter- mittent fever, ICarbo v.; desire for frequent, I IGlon.; desire for frequent, when lying down, worse lying on left side, better lying on back, llnd. met.; desire for, with hollowness of chest, Ictod.; desire for, in hysteria and dys- pepsia, Hlgn.; desire for, with melancholy feeling about heart, Cinch.; desire for, to re- lieve sensation as if chest were too narrow (asthma), ISeneg.; desire for, with oppression, worse left side of chest, Med.; desire for, during damp, cloudy weather, IINatr. s.; desire for, with yawning, Carbol. ae; diffi- cult, even while sitting, lEuph.; after eating, Sars.; requires much effort, took away breath (locomotor ataxia, paralysis of diaphragm), I Arg. nit; only slightly elevates thorax, Arg. nit.; felt as if air she inhaled did not reach epigastrium and till she could force air so far down had to yawn and try to take a deep inspiration, I IPrun.; pinching, clawing, in epigastrium, HCaust.; stitches in epigastrium, ISub; great exertion, Stram.; frequent, 11 Agar, IRumex ; frequent, with burning and fine stitches in left side of chest, IIRan. b.; frequent, with moaning, Selen.; cannot get a full breath easily and sat- isfactorily, I ISub; while drawing an unusually full breath, sensation of tearing in affected part of chest, followed by expectoration of two ounces of blood, I IRan. b.; in headache, from dancing, I Arg. nit; a long breath changes dull pain in region of heart into a sharp pain, 4 p.m., Tromb.; with heat, ILach.; with fulness in hypochondrium, Card, m.; burning or press- ure in left hypochondrium, Bor.; sensation in hypochondrium, as of something pulling from region of spleen into chest, sinks back again during exhalation, Bor.; sticking in hypo- chondrium, ICale; pain in right inguinal re- gion, IBor.; kidneys pain, penetrates chest (nephritis), IBenz. ac; stitches in region of liver, ICale p.; disposition to take a deep breath causes feeling of lightness, Stann.; asif chest were too narrow, Oleand.; pain in neck, I Chel.; frequentneed of breath, Acet. ac, I Aeon, ICale, Coca, IGlon., I llgn, IILach, II Mosch., ISul.; frequently obliged to take a deep breath, from heavy sensation in left chest, Prun.; fre- quently obliged to take a deep breath, provok- ing cough, Squilla; frequently obliged to take a deep breath, with watering of eyes, 11 Rumex ; frequently obliged to take a deep breath, with distressing oppression, Stann.; obliged to take a deep breath, in heart disease, lAur. met.; obliged to take a deep breath between attacks of palpitation, Aur. met.; obliged to take a deep breath and sneezes cor- respondingly, ICepa ; obliged to take a deep breath, which causes soreness in chest, with feeling of oppression as though expansion of thorax were prevented, Ferr. iod.; causes op- pression, ISib; relieves oppression, Cann. b; hardly takes a deep breath for fear of aggravat- ing pain (cardiac rheumatism or neuralgia), I ISpig.; causes pain, as if chest would fly to pieces, ISub; causes severe pain, it catches her about sixth rib in front and pierces through to back, right side, Ziz.; causes pain under right shoulder blade, as if chest would burst, Seneg.; prevented by sharp pain felt at centre of thorax on leftside, Como.; painful, lEup. pert; aggravates pleuritic stitches, IGuaiac; after pneumonia, impossible, ILye; causes pressure in sternum, Agnus ; causes sticking pressure in left side of chest, IIKali e; every three to five minutes a quick deep breath fol- lowed by a stitch in right side, a subdued and painful sigh and slow expiration, rattling in bronchi, lllpec; cannot retain breath long (headache from dancing), lArg. nit.; as if from running, IHep.; almost like a sigh (pertussis), 726 26. RESPIRATION. ICaps.; sighing, IOp., Sib; sighing, as from fulness of chest, afternoon and after eating, Ant. e; constantly obliged to stop and take a deep breath on beginning to sing, IStann.; slow, Bry.; slow, sighing, lAcon.; snoring, twelve to a minute, ICup. m.; causes soreness in chest, Iodof.; sounds in lower half heard only on deep inspiration, IDig.; with pulmon- ary spasms, IOp.; stinging in sternum, Bor.; Causes sticking, now in right, now in left side of chest, ICale; inability to take a deep breath, with sticking under sternum, Tabae; stinging in chest, Bor.; stitches in small of back, Arn.; stitches in left side of chest, as from a knife, Bor.; stitches, with burning in middle of left side, ICepa; stitches in right chest, Bor.; stitches in left side, going up to back, IKali c; aggravates stitches in lungs, Chel.; prevented by stitches in chest, IBry.; prevented by stitches in left side, ICheb; tension in chest, epilepsy, ICaust.; as if chest were too tight, Tabae; prevented by weakness of respiratory organs, IPlat.; sensation of weakness in or- gans, ICanth.; from sensation as of weight on chest, IPlat.; causes wheezing, I ICalad.; im- possible, in whooping cough, Tabae; unsatis- factory, I Apoe Breathing, difficult: 8@?" gasping, impeded, short; also Asthma, Dyspnoea, Suffocation. Breathing, drinkirig: bW" Dyspnoea, drink- ing. Breathing, dry sound: Brom, IGraph. Breathing, embarrassed: impeded. Breathing, eyes: feels as if Cold air rushed in and out of eyes, must cover them up (oph- thalmia), I IThuya. Breathing, fatigued : as; if greatly, Ant. c, Senecio. Breathing, feeble (weak): Hydr. ac, I ISpong, IVer, I IVer. v.; not audible or visible, ICamph.; slightly apparent, Ant. chb, Viol.; mixed with crepitus and bronchial rales on right side, below clavicle, IKali cy.; in em- physema, IHep.; expiration, Aet. sp.; faint, fluttering (sunstroke), IGlon.; with fainting, ICamph.; in hemorrhages, in phthisis, Ars. b; in hydrocephalus, IGrat.; almost impercepti- ble, IGels, Laur., C2nan, I ITubere; almost imperceptible, in fainting, Stram.; becomes more and more weak, only able to breathe and talk low by inclining chest forward, I Ars.; imperceptible, in metrorrhagia, I Merc; noise- less, hardly audible (heart disease), lArs.; in phthisis, I Ars. b; Opposite seat of pain, in subacute pleuritis, lAfg. nit; in shock of in- jury, Chlorof; sinking, Chloral.; sinking, with pains, Amyb; after bee-sting, lApis; super- ficial (typhus), I IZinc; nearly suppressed, in puerperal convulsions, I INux v.; in typhoid, IIMur. ac; for several hours scarcely percep- tible, in sudden unconsciousness, ICoccul. Breathing, gasping: Ars. h, TrCamph, Citrus, IHydr. ac, IHyper, ILaur., Puis., ISpong, I ITarant; in anguish (laryngismus),! ISamb.; in angina pectoris, ILaur.; in asthma, IITabac; awakes, Med.; awakes, in diph- theria, INaja ; on awaking suddenly (Fpasms after fright), llgn.; with catching pain in back and diaphragm, I IPetrol.; every few seconds brings up a mouthful of bright frothy blood (haemoptysis), llpec; several times during day, then more frequently, and finally three or four times every hour, ICoff; before, during and after convulsions, ILaur.; after suppressed coryza (asthma), lArs.; at com- mencement of cough, Ant. t; in whooping cough, ICorab; after long coughing (catarrh of lungs), IHep.; in cramp, IBrom., IPhos.; with frequent deep breathing, presses chest forward and arches back (heart disease), I IOp.; in diphtheria, IPhyt.; in dropsy after scarlatina, I Apis; from little exercise (cya- nosis), ILaur.; frightful, almost suffocated at night, TrLach.; after headache, IColoe; in uterine hemorrhage, llpec; for several hours, Naja; in incipient hydrocephalus, 11 Apis; in hydrothorax, I Apoe; with open mouth, in hydrothorax, IHelb; in hysterical convul- sions, ICie; irregular, rapid, Lyss.; in hemor- rhage of lungs, llpec.; worse when lying still (cyanosis), ILaur.; noisy (neuralgia of left phrenic nefve), HStann.; with violent palpi- tation and pain, HSpong.; lying in bed, in pericarditis, IColch.; each breath seems the last, must sit up (dropsy), IDig.; in sitting posture, ILaur.; from stuffed feeling in chest, Med.; with confusion of thought, Chloral. B^aT" catching. Breathing, gentle : Amyg. SSlf feeble, super- ficial. Breathing, groaning: IMur. ac, IPuls.; with- out any motion of chest, I ISpong.; after sup- pressed coryza (asthma), I Ars.; with dysp- noea, ILyss.; closing eyes, Ang., may be caused by violent expiration, Lyss.; in hsema- temesis, lArs.; opens slightly the firmly closed mouth, I ISpong.; in pericarditis, IColch. BST" moaning. Breathing, harsh sound: in diphtheria, IKali bi.; grating, in hydrocephalus, I IBry.; rasp- ing, IKaob B^T" sawing. Breathing, heart: g@F impeded; also Dysp- noea, heart. Breathing, heavy : BST" oppressed; also Dysp- noea. Breathing, hips: stinging in joints, Sabina. Breathing, hissing: Hod.; with cavity in lung, Phelb; when inhaling, Mar. v.; with rattling in throat (membranous croup), I Acet. ae; caused by spasms of bronchial and laryngeal muscles, ITabae Breathing, hoarse : respiration, in croup, IHep.; in diphtheria, ILac. c. Breathing, hot: IIAcon., Anac. oe, Aph. ch., I Ars', Ars. m. Arum m, IBell, TrCarbob ae, HCarb. s., IFerr, IIKali br, Lvss, IMang, INatr. m, IRhus, Sabad.; burning, I Aeon, ICham, IMang.; with heat in chest, IMang.; in whooping cough, I Ant. c; in croup and bloodspitting, IIAcon.; with dry heat, ICale p.; with acute eruptive diseases, ICamph.; feverish, in whooping cough, IBadiag.; with heat in mouth, ICale; feels so,even when breathing through nose, Med. ; sometimes offensive (meningitis), IGols.; burns nostrils, Ptel.; in scarlatina, ICamph.; in tuberculosis, ISul.; in typhoid, IPhos. Breathing, hurried: g®~ rapid. Breathing, impeded (arrested, embarrassed, interrupted, loss of breath, obstructed, stopped, suspended) : lAbrot, I Are, Ars. h, Ars. s. r.' ICamph, HCina, IMerecor, IINitr. ac INux m. Plumb, IPsor, I ISil, Squilla, IVer'. Ves- pa; by stitches in abdomen, with uterine 26. RESPIRATION. 727 inflammation, ICroe; when angry (children), Arn.; in apoplexy, I IPhos.; sudden arrest, Aur. mur.; when raising arm, Berb.; when ascending hill or walking on uneven road, IClem.; at moment of falling asleep, Amm. c, IILach.; in those engaged in athletic sports, or from using tobacco or whisky to ex- cess, HCoca ; on suddenly awaking (spasm of glottis), HSub; awakens at night, IKali e; on turning in bed or when going to sleep, Carbo v.; sudden cessation, gasps for air, jumps out of bed for relief (asthma), I ISub; by burning in stomach, Ars. s. r.; by sensation of a hard ball rising in throat, seems to close pharynx, Sub; by pressure in cardiac region, Bell.; sometimes stops a half minute, then gasping, in cardiac rheumatism, ICact.; ceases, Amyg.; ceases in whooping cough, ICup. m.; ceases suddenly, followed by a catching sigh, CEnan.; ceases for one-half to two minutes, after deep inspiration, IMosch.; by constriction of chest, IBell,HCact.lCaps, ICup. ac;by cutting in chest, IColch.; by pain in chest, Merc, sub; by rigidity of chest mus- cles (traumatic tetanus), INuxv.; by spasms of chest following painful twitchings in face, I IStram.; by a clucking sensation rising up to throat, with palpitation, IPod.; from crying (convulsions of children), ICup. m.; asif throat were constricted at pit, ICoccul.; by constric- tion of larynx and trachea, Calad.; by constric- tion across lower half of thorax, with subacute pain, worse lying on right side, Lye vir.; by sensation of constriction, Brom.; in convul- sions, ICie, Mosch.; before cough, HLed.; during cough, I ICup. 8., IDig, lEuph., IFerr, INux m. (B^Chap.27,Duringcough, breath- ing) ; during cough, caused by tickling in middle of chest, IKali n.; by cough, even to suffocation, llpec; by cough,in typhus,IArg. nit.; with whooping cough,ICup. m.; by dart- ing in forepart of chest, shooting upward in an oblique direction, Nux m.; by descending mo- tion, IIBor.; by pains in diaphragm, I llpec; in diphtheria, ILacc,IMere iod.flav.; when drinking (intermittent), ICimex ; after sup- per, Arg. nit; constriction in epigastrium, ICact.; with distress in epigastrium, Amm. br.; in epilepsy, ICie; on taking least exer- cise, Con.; becomes faint, ISpong.; feeling as if she could not get another breath, Rumex ; by sensation of fishbone or sponge hanging in throat, ILach.; by fulness and tension under ribs, 11 Ign.; by gagging in oesophagus, ICimex ; as by a tight girdle, ICheb; in goitre, ISpong., I ISub;byso much as a handkerchief before nose (cholera), lArg. nit.; with head low, ICinch.; by sharp pain about heart, Merc. iod. flav.; as if heart stood still, IIDig.; by stitching in heart, ICale, IStaph.; almost ceases, during attacks of stitching pain in region of heart (angina), INaja ; with pressure in hepatic region, lAcon.; bv hiccough, .Ethus.; obliged to°hold, from stiffness now in back, now in hips, Sub; hardly able to, with severe pain in right, hypochondrium, IIRhus; in hysterical convulsions, ICie; better by deep inhalation (catalepsy), I Art. v.; duringinspiration, IKali c • by stitches in region of kidneys,Crot. t; with labor pains, fifth month of pregnancy, I IPuls.; by lancinations, in right half of chest, ex- tending towards shoulder, better bending trunk forward, Chin, p.; by lancinations from lower dorsal vertebrae, through chest, Berb.; by sudden lancinating in left lung, lOxal. ae; by constriction of larynx, better in open air, IColoe; as if larynx and trachea were nar- rower, with dry larynx, ISpong.; by spasms in liver, I ISep.; by stabbing in region of liver, IBerb.; when lying on back, by pain spread- ing to chest, under sternum (gastralgia), ISub; by stitches from liver into chest, by tearing in lumbar muscles, IKali e; by sudden vio- lent jerks in lumbar region during a walk in open air, IIRan. sc; lying in bed, Bor.; in mania, IHyosc; stopped half a minute with- out losing consciousness, skin colder, ICact.; by least thing coming near mouth or nose, IILach.; by cicatricial contraction of mucous membranes of nose and larynx, Hippoz.; by copious thin, saltish mucus, Alum ; at night, in sleep, causing dry cough, repeated until ex- pectoration appears, IGuaiac.; by obstruction of nose, 11 Sticta ; nose closed by thick mucus (chronic nasal catarrh), I Agar.; by pressure in oesophagus, ICimex ; for a few moments by pressure, as if something in oesophagus were slipping towards epigastrium, Therid.; by op- pression of chest, Syph.; by oppression of chest in morning, Sars.; by pains in chest and ster- num, IBry.; by sudden flying pains from heart to stomach, lasting but a moment, probably myalgic, Ustil.; almost paralyzed, I INatr. m.; by pain in ribs, extending to chest, Ars. s. r.; by dull pain in upper part of sacrum, Ars. h.; by pain in trachea, ICaust.; with palpitation, in veta, ICoca ; by dull paralytic pain in left arm to left side of chest (neuralgia of left phrenic nerve), HStann.; at first partially, later dyspnoea, Hippoz.; in pneumonia, Hod.; by pressure on chest, worse standing, Aur. mur.; by severe and annoying pressure in a small spot between epigastrium and navel, bet- ter belching (dyspepsa), ILach.; by pricking (carditis, cardiac rheumatism), ICact.; in puer- peral convulsions,; ICie; with crepitant rales, ICub.; by sticking in rectum, ISub; by tearing pain in rectum, ILye; when running, Hgn.; by something running from neck to larynx, awaking at night (spasmus glottidis), ILach.; as if breath remained stopped between scapulae, Calc; while sitting with head thrown forward (hydrothorax), lApoe; during sleep, Ant. c, Codein.; on going to sleep, IOp.; on go- ing to sleep, awakens him, IIGrin.; as if by a spasm, with constriction of throat (spasmodic asthma), Sars.; spasmodic interruption, Asim.; by spasms in chest, Stram.;by spasms of chest, compelling one to lean forward,Hyos.; by draw- ing bruised pain along spine, Ruta; after bee-sting, lApis ; by stitches, Berb, IIBry.; by stitches, with pressure in right side of ab- domen, in region of last true rib, IRan. b.; by stitches from back through breast, Berb.; by stitches in chest, IKreo.; by stitches in chest and sides, Stann.; by benumbing, oppressive stitches in region of first and second costal cartilages, Verbas.; stitches in left side of diaphragm, Spig.; by stitches in larynx, Hydr. ae; by stitches through left side of chest, Aloe, Niccol.; from pleuritic stitches in anterior left chest, IIRhod.; by stitches under false ribs, left side, 11 Arn.; by dull stitches and constant pressure in precordial region, with anxiety, 728 26. RESPIRATION. better walking, I I Puis.; by stitches in right side IBor., IIBry.; by stitches in right chest to ax- illa, Cinch.; by stitches beneath scapulae, ISub; by stitches near sternum, extending down- ward, Squilla; by stitching in chest, IBry., IKali e, IKali n.; by fulness in stomach, ICoccul, IINux m.; by pain in stomach, I Ars.; rising from stomach into throat, at last better by eructation, Magn. m.; by spasms and cramps in stomach, Ananth.; by sensation as if something warm were rising from stomach, Val.; when stooping or walking against wind, ICale; entire stoppage at times, when it would resume with a violent effort, in diphtheria, HLac e; suddenly, INux m.; suddenly when walking slowly, IINitr. ac; in suffo- cative attacks, ICale p.; suffocative, in dys- entery and cystitis, ICaps.; when talking, ICaust.; by contractive tension in right side of chest, ICoccul.; by pricking in right testicle, spreads in a zigzag along perineum towards anus, Rhod.; with throat constriction, Cro- tal. ; by thrusts in left chest towards heart, Sul.; by cramp in tongue, Bor.; by numbness and stiffness of tongue, Bor.; by turning in bed (hydrothorax), I Ars.; sudden, when turn- ing in bed at night, goes off when sitting (hydrothorax), ISub; when walking rapidly, IIArs, ICaust, Coca, I IPhos.; when walking against wind or stooping, ICale; sudden, when walking against wind, Plat.; when standing in water, INux m. g^g" irregular, jerky; also Asphyxia, Asthma, Dyspnoea, Suffoca- tion, and Chap. 28, Inner chest angina. Breathing, intermittent: 8®" irregular. Breathing, interrupted: B^sT" impeded. Breathing, irregular: ICamph, ^Carbol. ac. Chin, s, Chlorof, I IDig, IOp, Tabae, I IVer. v., Zinc; with collapse, Hippoz.; before con- vulsions, HTarant.; with cough, Clem.; sometimes deepened, sometimes shallow, or sighing and almost panting, Sal. ac; inter- mittent, Ang.; intermittent, as from paralysis of lungs, IOp.; intermittent, in pericarditis, IColch.; intermittent, in scarlatina, IINitr. ac; intermittent, during sleep, lAntt.; mem- branous laryngitis, Hod.; in mania, IBelb; in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICalab.; in peri- carditis, IColch.; in scarlatina, HAilant, Aur. mur, Crotal.; unequal, ICham.; unequal, in bronchial catarrh, IIAnt. t.; unequal, now heavy then quick, at times interrupted as if it would cease, Tereb. 8®* impeded, jerky. Breathing, jerky: Crotal, Hod.; in rheumatism of diaphragm, ICact.; inspiration, sudden forced expiration, as though he made a sud- den effort to relieve intense pain by expelling air from lungs (angina pectoris), HOxal. ac; in left apex (phthisis), I Ars. b; in scarlatina, Crotal.; on account of stitches and constric- tion at larynx, Asar.; in sudden jerks, uncon- sciousness (typhus), ICalad. Breathing, labored: 8@" Dyspnoea. Breathing, larynx : cold sensation, IRhus. Breathing, liver: pain, ICale: pinching or sharp pain causes him to hold breath, IBerb.; dull stitches, 11 Agar. Breathing, loss of breath : g^° impeded. Breathing, loud : Amm. c, ICarbo v., ICham, Cina, IINuxv, IOp., Samb.; with anxiety, Ammoniac; blowing, Arn.; in bronchitis, :Chloral; in coma, ICinch.; in croup, could be heard distinctly through house, IIKali bi • when lying on right side, less on left (pneumonia), HSub; with palpitation, IVer- in pericarditis, IColch.; rattling [Bright's disease), lArs.; while sitting, as if asleep, IFerr.; during sleep, Carbo v.; with heavy sleep which he falls into while begging to know if he is to die, with fear of death, Variol. . Breathing, lungs: sensation as if lung would not expand, I Aeon.; long-lasting suffoca- ting attacks, threatening paralysis, IILach.; soreness, like a wound, in left, I IChel.; stitch- ing, in left, Codein.; feels as if two ulcerated surfaces were in contact, Iodof. Breathing, lying: easier, IHelb; sensation as if breath would leave when trying to sleep, has to jump up and stir herself for an hour or so, every night, I ILac c. 8®" Dyspnoea, lying- Breathing, mental condition : anxious,IAcon, Ananth, Apis, I Ars, Bell, ICamph., Crotal., llpec, IKali c, INatr. m, HPhos., Plat., IPrun, ISamb., See, Tabae, I IZinc; anxious, lying on back, ^Ethus.; anxious, with chloro- sis, IINatr. m.; anxiety, as if he must choke, HChel.; anxious, in colic, I INux v.; anxious, as if throat were constricted, mostly in even- ing and at night when lying down, IPuls.; anxious, in convulsions, ICoccul.; anxious, with dry, barking cough (croup), ISpong.; anxious, in diphtheria, HSpong.; anxious, with elevation of whole thorax and especially of left side, IPhos.; anxious, in evening, with formication, Cist; anxious, with fever, Bufo.; anxious, frequent, forty-eight and fifty per minute, Cupr. s.; anxious, during heat, Sabad.; anxious, interrupted, Cupr. s.; anx- ious, with lamentations and moaning, Plumb.; anxious, in lumbago, IColoe; anxious, in ma- nia, IBelb; anxious, in pneumonia, ICamph.; anxious,in pleuro-pneumoniabiliosa,I IRhus ; anxious, with quick, hard pulse, IOp.; anx- ious, stitches in chest, must sit up, Bry.; anx- ious, with profuse sweat, Mang.; anxious dur- ing heat and sweat, Stram.; anxious, in ty- phus and yellow fever, I Ars.; as if whole attention must be centred on act, Chlor.; distressed, I INux v.; as if every breath were his last, Oleand. 8€§f Dyspnoea and Suffo- cation mental condition. Breathing, metallic sound: IKaob Breathing, moaning: Bell, Cina, IMur. ae, IOp, Sec; in catarrhal croup, I Ant. t; with gentle breathing (meningitis), I IRhus; inhae- matemesis, lArs.; in repercussion of measles, ILach.; with open mouth, Squilla; in shock from injury, IOp.; in asphyctic form of urae- mia, IHydr. ac. 8®*" groaning. Breathing, moist sound : Bry.; in pericarditis, IColch. 8@°" rattling. Breathing, mouth: open, Cham.; open, tongue protruding, in diphtheria, ILye 8^" ster- torous ; also Chap. 7, Nose stopped. Breathing, noisy: Agar, ICale, I IHydr. ac, HPhos, ISpong.; in intermittent apoplexy, IChin. s.; in asthma Millari, IOp.; in bron- chial asthma, I ISinap.; in croup, Cub, IHep.; in emphysema, IBrom.; makes a sound as though respiration would fail her, ICale; as in laryngo-stenosis (coryza), HSpong.; from 26.* RESPIRATION. 729 spasm in glottis, IKalm. BS&T' dry, groaning, harsh, hissing, hoarse, loud, metallic, moaning, moist, rattling, sawing, sibilant, sighing, sobbing, stertorous, stridulous, "wheezing; also Expiration and Inspiration noisy; also Chap. 25, Glottis spasm, and Trachea mucus and noise. Breathing, nose: loud breathing through (tu- berculosis), ICale; nasal, in pneumonia, I IZinc; difficult, Ailant; must take long breath before sneezing, ICepa ; impeded, with apprehension and oppression, IZinc. 8®"" Chap. 7, Nose, stopped. Breathing, obstructed : B^T" impeded. Breathing, odor of breath : ammoniacal, Ars. h.; fetid, Aeon, I Arg. nit, HArn, I Ars, I Aur. met, IBar. c, IBell, ICham, Dig, Eucab, IGraph., IGels, IKali ph., ILye, IIMerc, INatr. m., INux v., IPetrol, IPuls, Sang, ISep, ISil, ISpig, IStann., Stront, Syph.; fetid, in albuminuria, or gastro-enteritis, lApis; fetid, with bronchial dilatation, IKali bb; fetid, with constipation, after diphtheria or scarlatina, IPhyt.; fetid, in yellow fever, IGels.; fetid, from posterior nares, Chrom. ae; fetid, with diseased submaxillary gland, IKali iod.; foul, with chill, in a child, ICina ; foul, in scirrhus of os uteri, lArg. met.; foul, in in- cipient tubercular disease, I ITubere; mercu- curial fetor, Merc, sub; musty, from posterior nares, Chrom. ac; offensive, Cochl, Daph, ILye, Seneg.; offensive, when coughing, IIDros, IMere; offensive, in diphtheria, IKali perm., ILach, ILye, IMere cy, HPhyt.; horribly offensive, I I Variol.; offen- sive, in myopia, I Arg. nit; offensive, in pur- pura haemorrb^gica, HPhos.; like pepper, Ascl. t; putrescent, in repercussion of measles, ILach.; sour, ICham., IIMagn. e; sulphur- ous, Lyss. B^° Chap. 12, Mouth odor ; also Chap. 13, Throat diphtheria, gangrene, and odor. Breathing, oppressed (heavy): Acet. ac, Amm. e, I Amyl, Ant. c. Ant. chb, HApis, • I Arg. nit. Am., IIArs., I Ars. s. f, IBelb, Brach., ICact, Calad, ICamph, ICann. s., ICaust, ICed, IChloral, ICina, Cinch, Cin- nam., ICoccul, Cochl., Como., Coral, IDig., Euph., IFerr., IGels, IGlon, llpec, IKali bi, IIKali e, I IKali m, IKalm, IMagn. m. Mar. v, IMez, INatr. m.,1 INuxm, I Nux v., CEnan, lOxal. ac, HPhos., IPhos.ae,IPhyt,Plumb, Sabad., ISub, IIThuya, Vespa, IZinc, Ziz.; with constrictive pain in abdomen, to chest, with diarrhcea, INatr. s.; every afternoon about 5, Med.; better in open air, worse in room, morning and evening, I ISep.; with an- guish, IOp.; with violent anxiety, IPlat.; anxious, lArs, IMez.; anxious, as if unable to draw a long breath, IRhus; anxious, as from a heavy stone on chest, Alum.; (apoplexy), ICoccul.; during apyrexia, I ISa- bad.; in ascites, I Cepa; when ascending heights or walking quickly (goitre), I ISub; in attacks, worse at night in bed or warm room (chronic laryngitis), I Apis; awakens, Benz. ac.; awakens at 2 a.m., IKali bb; awak- ens in morning, especially in cedema of lungs, IKali iod.; with chronic bronchitis, ICact; with carditis, ICact; with chill and fever, IKali c; with chlorosis, IINatr. m.; in cholera, llris ; by clothing (chronic dyspepsia), IMere cor.; chronic, ICact; as from taking cold, Calc. fl.; with contraction of chest, wakes after midnight, ILach.; in convulsions, ICoccul.; alternates with convulsions, llgn.; caused by cough, INitr. ae, IStann.; with cough, at 6 a.m., Bapt.; with desire to take deep breath, IMere; worse from deep breathing, ILye; difficult, ICarbol. ac; in diphtheria, ILach.; after drinking, ICimex; with dyspnoea, Bar. m.; after eating, Sars.; worse after eating, IMagn. m.; with sudden heaviness of chest, after dinner, IMagn. m.; with constant bloat- ing of epigastrium, even in morning before breakfast, worse after eating, I ISub; proceed- ing from epigastrium, INuxm.; with pressure, drawing and fulness in epigastrium, I IRhod.; with epistaxis, IHam.; with erysipelatous inflamed eruption on hand, similar to erup- tion of Rhus tox., IKalm.; by eructations, Asaf; in evening, Ran. b, IStann.; in evening, worse on going up stairs, lElaps ; towards evening, Ant. t; worse in evening, IZinc; worse in evening (pertussis), ICepa; caused by rapid exhaustion, IThuya ; better by ex- pectoration (influenza), IIAnt. t; after ex- posure, IIRhus; after faceache, ICoccion.; during fever, in intermittent, INatr. m.; with fever, Elaps ; in gastralgia, ILye; in haemate- mesis, llpec; with headache, ICale; in sick headache, ITabae; in heart affection, IMosch.; with violent and irregular heart action, worse from slight exertion (chest affection), Men- yanth.; during heat, after intermittent, I Ars.; with hemorrhage of lungs, llpec; chronic passive hemorrhage, I ISee; from tightness around^ hypochondria, INux v.; worse during inspiration, Ferr. mur.; during inspiration (croup), IPhos.; better by a few deep inspirations, ICheb; with burning in kidneys, Bufo.; during labor, IChin. s.; making locomotion almost impossible (cirr- hotic kidney), I IPlumb.; she could hardly lie down, better bending forward (ascites), IColch.; while lying, lOleand, IStann.; mas- titis, I IPhos.; menses irregular, IDig.; about midnight, Arum d.; morning, when awaking, ICon.; worse 4 a.m., Lib tig.; from motion, Plumb.; from every movement, IStann.; with pressing tearing pain in nape of neck and ver- tex (rheumatism), ILye; worseatnight, IOp.; worse at night, in coryza, Berb.; worse at night, in hay fever, I I Sinap.; during night, ICoca; from pain in sternum, Cann. s.; by catching pain under right breast, 11 Merc. iod. rub.; from sharp pain in left side, Como.; with pressure over lower half of chest in walk- ing, Vab; with palpitation, ICact, ICamph.; with palpitation and anxiety, IKalm.; accom- panying symptoms in parts not involved in the act of breathing, IPuls.; with constriction of pharynx, Canth.; in pneumonia, ICact, ICamph.; with pressure in bronchia, Astac; from pressure in middle of chest (pertus- sis), ICepa; in prolapsus and hemorrhage, with profuse clotted blood, llpec; in pros- opalgia, HStaph.; when quiet (asthma), Hod.; with loud rales (pneumonia), IRan. b.; rapid and painful, 11 Led.; in retinitis al- buminurica, liVrs.; with pressure in rectum, ICale; in rbeumatism, IKalm.; more towards right side (angina pectoris), HOxal. ae- in scarlatina, HAilant.; in scarlatina or hyl 730 26. RESPIRATION. drothorax, I Apis; in sexual debility, IDig.; short, HFerr.; short, on bending arms back- ward, HSub; better on throwing shoulders back, ICale; with sighing, Lye vir, Lyss.; with sighing, in morbus Brightii, ILye vir.; better by sighing, Brach.; must rest in sitting position (phthisis pituitosa),ILye; worse sit- ting stooped, better straightening up or walk- ing in open air, Alum.; disturbs sleep, Aspar.; slow (concussion of brain), IHelb; slow and deep, Dig.; with sensation as if he were about to smother (lumbago), IColoe; going up stairs, Agnus; on going up stairs (bronchitis), ICact; with sticking, at night, Rhus; begin- ning in stomach and spreading into throat, llgn.; with pain on stomach, spreading over half of sternum (perforating ulcer), IKali c; after stool, ICale; sudden, between 10 and 12 a.m. and 4 and 6 p.m. (asthma), IDig.; with tightness across chest, IStram.; with trem- bling of limbs after fright or anger, worse evening, after eating, change of temperature, especially from heat to cold, Ran. b.; in tu- berculosis, IHep.; in typhus, lArg. nit.; un- satisfied feeling, afternoon, with weight in precordial region, Bapt; in urticaria, ILed.; caused by bearing down in uterus, comes from back to abdomen, I ISep.; caused by pressure in uterus, Sep.; with vertigo, Cinnam.; can scarcely walk (dropsy), I Apis; on walk- ing fast, backache, uterine symptoms, 11 Ang.; when walking and lying, IIDig.; especially when walking, worse stooping, IKali e; worse on walking in open air, with weakness, ILye; from feeling of weight, IGlon.; caused by sense of weight in chest and occasional light cough (affection of brain), IGlon.; with wheezing (asthma thymicum), ISamb.; asif chest were not wide enough, ICham.; asif chest were not wide enough, especially in open air and when stooping, Seneg. 8®** im- peded; also Dyspnoea; also Chap. 28, Inner chest oppression. Breathing, painful: Ars. h., Cinch., Sang, Syph.; as from inhalation of cold air or acrid vapor, Ant. c; in asthma, llZing.; in right side of back and stomach, Brach.; before breakfast, Ars. m.; in bronchitis, -Chloral.; catching pain in back and diaphragm, 11 Petrol.; when taking a long breath sharp pains in chest, Bapt; in dysmenorrhoea, I ITarant.; as from weight in epigastrium, Ferr. iod.;labored, IDig.; especially in base of left lung, Ascl. t.; worse lying, better in fresh air and upright position, Apis; through right nipple, Eup. pert; with inflammatory and congestive con- dition of ovaries, especially in right, with sore- ness and sensitiveness before menses, Lace; in lobular pneumonia, IKali iod.; in margin of left rib, especially during expiration, Card. m.; shortness in veta, ICoca ; soreness below left nipple, with sensation of something tear- ing and pleuritic stitches radiating all over left chest, I IRan. b.; from inflammatory and congestive condition of uterus, with soreness and tenderness, ILac e; after walking, INitr. sp. d. Breathing, palpitation: from holding breath, HSpig. BOP impeded heart. Breathing, panting: Amyg, Arg. nit, Ars, ICarbo a, Caulo, ICina, llpec, Laur., I INitr. ac, INuxm., HPhos., ISpong,Tarant,HVer. v • in amenorrhcea, ICoccul.; in angina pec- toris, I Arn.; in asthma, llpec; in dry asthma, I ISquilla ; on awaking, I Kali bi.; from breath IPhvt; in bronchitis, IPhos.; in bronchial and vesical catarrh, ICop.; after suppressed coryza (asthma), lArs.; in whooping cough, in croup, Cub.; panting like a dog, Bufo.; with violent fever, Thlaspi; in heart disease, I Apoe, ILye vir.; at night (fever), Calad.; in pneumonia, I Ant. t; in talking, as if out of breath, Plumb.; with spasmodic tightness of chest, llpec; in francelike state, Amyl.; in uterine disturbance and rheumatism, 11 Caulo.; from walking fast and manual labor, ISib; while working, INitr. ac 8®" gasping, rapid, short, Breathing, puffing: 8®" blowing, stertor- ous. Breathing, quick: 8^° rapid. Breathing,rapid (accelerated,hurried): IIAcon., JEsc. h. Alum., 11 Amyb, IIAnt. t, Apis, lArg. nit, lArs., Ars. h., lAspar, Bar. c, IBell, IBry, ICale p., ICamph, ICarbo v, ICed., ICham., HChel, Chlor., Cinch., Clem, Cochl., Cub., Cycb, Eucab, IIGels, IGlon, IHep., Iber., llpec, Lyss., IOp, IPhos., Plant, I IPrun., IRhus, Sal. ac, ISamb., IStram, Tabae,I ITubere, Vespa, Vinca, Ziz.; after abortion, INux m.; agitated, I IHydr. ae; in anthrax, Anthrac; with anxiety, Am- moniac; anxious, in asthma Millari, ICup. m.; in apoplexy,I IPuls.; onawaking, Act.rac.; on awaking from sleep (croup), IKali br.; in Bright's disease, I Ars.; in bronchitis, ICina;' in bronchial catarrh, IHep, ILach.; in bron- chial and vesical catarrh, ICop.; with shoot- ing in cervical muscles, Sub ac; with much effort of chest and distortion*of face (croup), 11 Spong.; during chill, IStram.; in colic, I I Nux v.; with congestion of chest,l Ver. v. ;in convul- sions, ICoccul.; seventy-six, in epileptiform convulsions, I IVer. v.; with cough (croup), I ISamb.jinwhooping cough,ICup.ac,IStram.; interrupted every few seconds by cough (pneu- monia), I ISub; worse coughing, Alum.; in • croup, IBrom., IPhos, I ISpong.; in mem- branous croup, IKali bb; deep, Cham.; deep, presses chest forward and arches back, as if endeavoring to remove obstruction in chest, accompanied by a peculiar motion of head and mouth, and gasping for air, I IOp.; better by a deep breath, I ITereb.; in dentition, ICham.; fifty, in diphtheria, I ISpong.; in dropsy, after scarlatina, lApis; with eleva- tion of whole thorax, especially of left side, HPhos.; with fulness at epigastrium, Jacar.; sweat in face, evenings, Agar.; falls down sud- denly as if dead, after singing, Lyss.; typho- inalarial fever, twentieth day, IHam.; forty a minute, ILach.; in spasmus glottidis, HSub; in haemoptysis, llpec; in pericarditis,IColch.; heat all over, evenings, Agar.; as from heat in epigastrium and chest, IIBry.; in hydrotho- rax, IMere sub; impending hydrocephaloid, ICinch.; almost imperceptible (sunstroke), IGlon.; worse on deep inspiration and talking, better lying on affected side, but pains compel him to lie, on back (rheumatic fever), IIThuya; in membranous laryngitis, Hod.; loud, mucous rales, IPhvt; when lying (children), Ant. t; in mania, IHyos.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICalab, IHydr! 26. RESPIRATION. 731 ac; in melancholia, I Arg. nit; menses irregu- lar, IDig.; caused by mental exertion, IPlant; especially on moving, going up stairs,or walk- ing, 11 Apis; mucous(chronic cough),ILye;With nausea, I I Agar.; at night, I ISpong.; and noisy in convulsions, ICup. m.; with movement of wings of nose, Sul. ac; with oppression (chest affection after abortion), INux m.; from op- pression, cannot talk well during chill and fever (ague), IKali c; with palpitation, IVer.; in paroxysms, Oxal. ac; in pericarditis, IColch.; in pneumonia, I Ant. t, IKreo, IMelil, I IPuls., HVer. v.; infantile pneumo- nia, HPhos.; in pleuro-pneumonia, IIBry.; in typhoid pneumonia, ISang.; fifty a minute, in pneumonia, I IPuls.; fifty to sixty, in pneu- monia, ILye; sixty, in pneumonia, Hod.; sixty, in broncho-pneumonia, ILye; in phthis- is, I IStann, I ITubere; thirty, in phthisis, iBrom.; propped up in bed (endocarditis), lAur. met.; with weak pulse and nervous agi- tation, Crotal.; indescribably quick, with neurosis of chest, I ISib; rattling, HCham.; rattling, with cough, Cup. m.; even at rest, worse on exertion (phthisis), lArs. b; in rheumatism, IDig.; deep, without motion of ribs, Bry.; in scarlatina, HAilant., lApis, IMere, IZinc.'; in shock from iujury, IOp.; short, irregular, alternates with slow, gentle, at times almost imperceptible (child), IBelb; short, left side less raised than right during respiration (pneumonia), I ISub; during sleep, Con.;sobbing, Cup. s.; during spasms of mus- cles, worse night, dropping off to sleep (trau- matic tetanus), IHydr. ae; labored, during spasms of muscles, worse night, dropping off to sleep (traumatic tetanus), IHydr. aC; in spinal irritatiou, IChin. s.; in summer com- plaint,IFerr. ph.; superficial,in heart affection, IFerr. m.; thirty-two in tetanus, after a burn, I Amyb; thirty-four a minute, Vespa ; rat- tling in throat, Amyg.; in thrombosis, I Apis ; forty, in tuberculosis, INatr. a.; in typhoid, IIMur. ae; in typhus, lArs, I IZinc; in typhus or yellow fever, I Ars.; twenty- eight, in variola, HChin. s.; after walk- ing, INitr. sp. d.; on walking a short distance becomes hurried ; if attempt is persevered in it becomes quick, difficult and painful, and a sensation of painful constriction is felt underneath sternum, INitr. sp. d. 8g^* panting. Breathing, rattling: IIAnt t, Arg. nit, I Art v., 11 Asaf, IBar. m., Bell, ICarbo a, ICarbo v,' ICham., ICup. m, IIHep, IHyos., lllpec, ILye, Lyss., IOp, IPhos, Plumb, IPuls, II Sib; in bronchial catarrh, I Apis; in bron- chitis', ICina; with comatose sleep, IOp.; with congestion to chest, IOp.; with cough, ICham.; in laryngeal croup, IPhos.; as in diphtheria (malignantscarlatina),I IStram.; in eclampsia, INuxv.; fine rales, IOp.; but little impeded (croup) I ISpong.; with mucous rales, in influ- enza, ICheb; laryngeal, Arum d.; in left chest IManc.; towards midnight, IStram.; in pneumonia, IIAnt. t, IRan. b.; threatened paralysis of lungs (pneumonia of old people), ICamph.; must sit up (pleurisy), Squilla; and snoring, IOp.; with pulmonary spasms IOp • during sweat, IStram.; loud tracheal rales'CEnan.; in typhoid, ILye, IIMur. ae; in typhus or yellow fever, lArs. B@" moist, noisy; also Air passages, Bronchia, Larynx and Trachea mucus. Breathing, sawing : Lact. ac.; between coughs (whooping cough, croup), ISpong.; in croup, I Ant. t, IBrom, HSpong.; in croup, after failure of Aconitum,Bromium, Hepar, Iodum, Phosphorus, Spongia, IKaob; in membranous croup, Hod.; in diphtheria, I ISpong.; in diph- theria, after scarlatina, ICon.; in cedema of larynx, ISang. BSP" harsh. Breathing, short: Alum, Amm. m., I I Amyg, Ananth., Ante, IIAnt t, lApis, Apoe, Arg. nit, lArs., Arund, Bell, ICale p., ICamph, ICarbo v., HCaust, Cimex, Cinch, IIFerr., Ferr. iod., 11 Iodoform followed by Tuberc, llpec, IKali ph, ILil. tig., Lobel. i, I IMillef, IMur. ac, INaja, INitr.ac, INux v., GSnan., HPhos, Pod., IPrun., IPsor., I IPuls,Sabad, Sul. ac, I ITereb, I IVer., Viol, I IZinc, Zing.; after abortion, INuxm.; in afternoon, Asar.; in amenorrhoea, 11 Xan.; in angina pectoris, I Arn.; with anxiety, Ammoniac; anxious, in meningitis, ICup. ac.; anxious, quick, with rattling on chest and great oppression and sobbing (pneumonia), IMere; when ascend- ing a height, Bar. e; especially when ascend- ing (ascites), lApis ; in asthma, I ITabae; in nervous asthma, IKreo.; on awaking from sleep before midnight, with cough, IRhus; worse bending upper part of body backward, ICup. m.; in bronchitis, ICina, INux v.; in catarrh, ICoccus ; as if chest were con- stricted, IPlat; pain in right chest, Act. rac; from tension of chest, INatr. e; with tension across chest, Rhus ; in chlorosis, ICale, I ISa- bina; in cholera, lArg. nit.; after coffee, in afternoon, IBelb; during coition, Arund.; with collapse, Hippoz.; as if chest were constricted, I IPlat.; puerperal convulsions, I Ant. t; after cough, llpec, HPhos.; during cough, Bry.; with cough, IBrom., Cain, ICale p. Cop., Mere; with cough, particularly during day, HStann.; with dry cough, in influenza, I IPhelb; With dry cough, worse while walk- ing, Phelb; in whooping cough, IBry.; with whooping cough, worse at night,Con.; before paroxysms of cough, ICaust., I IPhos.; before and during paroxysms of cough (bronchitis), ILye; croaking, Cham.; in Croup, IPhos.; with diarrhoea, Thuya; difficult, ICartor., Stann.; immediately after dinner, IPuls.; after diphtheria, ILac e; with drowsiness, Ant. e, ICham.; as from inhaling dust, llpec; in dysmenorrhoea, I ITarant.; after eating, Anac, INux m, Sars.; after eating, in dyspepsia, ILach.; elevation of whole thorax, especially of left side,HPhos.; with aching in epigastri- um, Vace; with sensation of fulness in epigas- trium, as after a full meal, or as from overlift- ing, Prun.; with shooting in epigastrium,Berb.; after suppressed eruption, HApis; in evening,, IIRan. b.; in evening, in bed, HSub; from exertion, Amm. c, IIArs, IILyc, INatr. m, Squilla ; from every exertion, especially as- cending, Squilla ; from exertion with hands, Bov.; upon least exertion, with tumultuous beating of heart, I I Phos.; caused by rapid exhaustion, IThuya ; from suppressed expec- toration, especially if drowsy, IIAnt. t; with fever, Bufo.; from flatulence after eating, Zinc.; in forenoon, when walking fast, Cas- tor, ; frequent attacks, without cause, 11 Plumb.; 732 26. RESPIRATION. in gastralgia, ICham., Chel., IStann.; in hae- moptysis, llpec; with heat in head, ICheb; in heart disease, ILye vir.; produced by stick- ing and shooting pain in heart, with corre- sponding pain in right side,Lyss.; during heat, I Apis; with burning, I ICact.; in chronic passive hemorrhage, HSec; in hydrothorax, IMere sub; from fulness and constriction in hypogastrium and upper portion of abdomen, Staph.; in influenza,ICheb; worse on deep in- spiration and talking, better lying on affected side, but pains compel him to lie on back (rheumatic fever), I IThuya ; labored, Cupr. s.; in membranous laryngitis, Hod.; caused by touching larynx, worse moving,ILach.; worse laughing, ICup. m.; must lie with head high (chronic ovaritis), Hod.; when lying on back, ^Ethus.; lying on back, better turning to side, Alum.; on lying down at night, obliged to sit up, worse after midnight, better drinking cof- fee or sugar with water, worse going up stairs (asthma), I Ars.; particularly when lying, with pressing, tearing pains in nape of neck and vertex (rheumatism),ILye; moaning,ICham.; worse during increase of moon, better during decrease, IPhelb; in morning, I IKali c; after motion, especially of hands (rheumatism of heart), ILach.; worse from motion, must sit up (dropsy), ILye; worse from least motion, IIBry, I IRhod.; on slight movement, even in house, better if he sits still, IVer.; from ac- cumulation of mucus, Seneg.; as if he had mucus in chest, Cina; from mucus in trachea, Thuya ; in nervous debility, ICurar.; at night, Asar, IRhus; in nymphomania, HStram.; with oppression, ILye; and op- pression on bending arms backward, HSub; oppression, after catarrh (pneumonia), I IPuls.; with oppression of lower portion of chest, IPhos.; with oppression in perimyelitis, I ISep.; oppression, causing him to start from sleep (croup), IHep.; oppression with tearing stitches during motion and rest, Cycb; with pain in chest when inhaling, Ast. r.; with palpitation, ICact; with palpitation on ascending, I IKali ph.; panting, Cham.; paroxysms, Oxal. ae; in pericarditis, IColch.; in phthisis, ICetrar, I IStann.; with incipient phthisis, IKali e; with piercing pain in left side, INatr. s.; in plasterers, Calc. s.; in pneumonia, I Ant t, ICamph,I INux v., IPhos, I IPuls.; in neglect- ed pneumonia, ILye; in pleuro-pneumonia, IKali iod.; in typhoid pneumonia, ISang.; with pressure and sensation as if bruised in left chest in morning after rising, spreads over chest, I IRan. b.; obliges quick breathing in- voluntarily, IKalm.; when raising one's self, Aeon.; with loud rales (pneumonia), IRan. b.; rapid, while thorax is violently contracted and expanded,IMosch.; rapid, a mere heaving of chest (torpid typhoid pneumonia), ISub; with rattling, ICham.; with rattling, after drinking, talking, coughing, IMur. ae; attacks of rattling in trachea (croup), I ISpong.; in scarlatina, IMere; worse sitting a long time, particularly in stooping posture and after mo- tion, I ISep.; cannot sleep nor work, I IStann.; during sleep, Con.; during sleep (lung affec- tions), IILyc; during sleep, after 12 p.m., lAcon.; sobbing during sleep, ICale; when going up stairs, Arund, Berb, ISars, ISeneg.; on going up stairs (menorrhagia), IPlumb.; on going up stairs, so he cannot speak, Bo-r.; on going up stairs or walking, IIMerc; walk- ingfhas to stand still (incipient tuberculosis) iAgar.; with pressive pain in upper part of sternum, HPhos.; from stitches in ch«t, with stitches in left chest if he coughs while^stand- ing, INatr. s.; caused by stitches in left chest in evening (lung affections), IKali n ; on ac- count of stitches and constriction of larynx, Asar.; with fulness and oppression of stomach, IOp.; with spasms of stomach, ICoccul ba- bad.; as if a stone were lying on chest, Viol.; during stool, IRhus ; superficial, quick, worse by cough, ICup. m.; cannot swallow more than one sip of water (pneumonia), IPhos.; with profuse sweat, Mang.; from talking much, HSub; worse talking, with red cheeks and lips, ISpig.; with elevation of thorax, Cham ; raised right side of thorax only, thirty in a minute, could be heard at very apex of lung only, IDiad.; with tightness of chest, Ruta; with toothache during pregnancy, ISep.; in typhus, I Arg. nit.; in typhus ab- dominalis, I INuxv.; typhus, during heat after intermittent (Bright's disease), lArs.; in sud- den unconsciousness, ICoccul.; going uphill or up stairs, ICarbol. ac; worse inhaling acid vapors, ICup. m.; in confluent variola, lApis; after walking and on making slightest ascent, HCale; when walking, Arund,IArs,ICarbo v., Con., IPrun, ISep.; when walking in open air, I ISub; when walking in open air, better lying down, I IPsor.; when walking, especially ascending, Cact.; when walking fast, IINatr. m, 11 Puis.; from walking fast and manual labor, ISib; when walking, gradually better by rest, Natr. s.; worse on walking quickly, ICup. m. g&" Dvspncea, exertion, etc.; also Chap. 29, Heart breathing. Breathing, sibilant: Arg.nit. Breathing, sighing: Act. rac, I Aspar, IBry, Calad., ICamph, ICham, Chlorof, Cup. m, IIDig.,I lEup. pur,IGels.,IGlon,llgn,Libtig, ILyss, IMere cor. Pod., IPuls., Sec, 11 Ver. v.; in chronic cystitis and irritability of bladder, 11 Sep.; deep, Arg.nit.; deep, after eating,Antc; constant disposition, IIBry.; dyspnoea, Amyb; with dyspnoea, ILyss.; may be caused by vio- lent expiration, Lyss.; faintness, IPhyt.; in- clination (intermittent), ICarbo v.; inclina- tion or get very deep breath, Lobel. i.; invol- untary, I ICale p.; involuntary (heart affec- tion), IFerr. mur.; with lamentations and moaning, Plumb.; with nervous excitability, I ICalab.; subdued, painful, sigh following deep,quick breathing,IBoi\; in phthisis florida, I IMere cor.; slight relief from, Lib tig.; in shock, IHyper. B^aT" Chap. 1, Mind, Sighing. Breathing, sleep: awakens with anxiety, ICale; loud, blowing, during, lArn.; breath fades away when going to, seems to be gone, wakes with gasp to catch it, IDig.; unequal, I Ant. t; worse after, Sep.; worse after wak- ing (croup), ILach. Breathing, slow: Amyg, I I Apis, ICamph., ICaps, Chin, s. Chloral, Chlorof, Clem, Cop., IDig, IGels., IHyos, I llgn, IMer! cor, I INux in, INux v, CEnan, IOp., See, ISpong.; in apoplexy, ICoccul.; with asthmatic attacks, IColoe ; with contraction of chest wakes after midnight, ILach.; deep, Brv.' r exhaustion, ISponer.: w(tW ' deep, as after 26. RESPIRATION. 733 faintness, IPhyt.; feeble, in cholera infantum, ILaur.; feeble, moaning, or rattling, Laur.; four to the minute, IOp.; at long intervals, IHydr. ac.; irritable heart, lAsaf.; labored (emansio mensium), IDig.; labored and drawn at long intervals, IOp.; labored, in sunstroke, IGlon.; in meningitis, IIAnt. t.; in cerebro- spinal meningitis, IHydr. ac.; five per minute, IDiosc; twelve per minute, Amyg.; with moist sound, Dros.; in morning when sitting up quickly (asthma), ILach.; and through mouth (labor), 11 Lye; in pericarditis, IColch.; prolonged, Amyg. ; imperceptible pulse, I IChloral; rattling (apoplexy), Aeon.; fifteen in shock, IHyper.; in shock of injury, Chlorof.; torpid (scarlatina), lApis; in ty- phoid, IHell.; weak, in cholera infantum, Laur. 8®* deep. Breathing, snoring: g®* stertorous. Breathing, sobbing : IBry, ICale; in asthma Millari, IGuaraea; in phthisis florida, IIMerc. cor.; short, anxious (irritation of brain during dentition), ICup. ae; short, anxious, quick (pneumonia), IMere; spasmodic for three days, IMagn. p. BSP* spasmodic. Breathing, soft: Viol. Breathing, spasmodic: Ang, OZnan.; in an- thrax, Anthrac; convulsive, I I Amyg.; con- vulsive spasm in muscles of throat, Lyss.; dif- ficult, almost to suffocation, Ver. v.; worse lying, better in fresh air and upright position, Apis ; nervous, if she raises head from lying on chest, with violent and convulsive efforts at distension of chest, I ISpig.; slightly, lOxal. ac.; tightness, in intermittent, INatr. m. ggg* sobbing. Breathing, sponge: as if through, ISpong. Breathing, stertorous (snoring) : Bapt., Bell, ICamph., I ICarbol. ac, ICham, Chlor, Chlo- rof, Ferr. mur, IGlon., INux m., GEnan., Oleand, HOp., ISpong, Stann, Stram.; in apoplexy, IINuxv, HOp.; in arachnitis, IChlorof; in asthma Millari, IOp.; in concus- sion of brain, IHyos.; in coma, Amyg, ICinch, HOp.; with congestion to chest, IOp.; with convulsions, I Art. v.; after convulsions, with puffing lips at expirations, then coma (epi- lepsy), IBufo.; convulsions after irregular labor pains, IPuls.; puerperal convulsions, IOp.; in diphtheria, ILacc, Natr. m.; in diph- theria after scarlatina, ICon.; in diphtheria (malignant scarlatina), I IStram.; in croup, IHep.; as in croup, Stram.; with grayish yel- low or dirty expectoration (bronchitis), ILye; better by expectoration, ICed.; in faceache, IGlon.; with inflammatory affection of lungs, INitr. ae; with insensibility, I IOp.; with jaws fixed, Plumb.; in laryngitis, IBelb; in cerebrospinal meningitis, lApis ; with wide open mouth, IOp.; throat emits sound of letters k, r (shock from injury), IOp.; in malignant scarlatina, 11 Amm. e; during sleep, Conn, INuxv.; in apoplexy during sleep, IIBell.; with stupid comatose sleep, IOp.; in sleep, (croup), IBrom.; slower and slower, Amyg.; with pulmonary spasms, IOp.; with parox- ysms of syncope (apoplexy), IStram.; in te- tanus, ICie; in typhoid, ILye, INitr. ac, 11 Stram.; in typhus or yellow fever, lArs. 8®" noisy. Breathing, stomach: fulness and oppression, IOp. Breathing, stopped : ggg° impeded. Breathing, stridulous: INuxv.; in catarrhal croup, ISang.; in diphtheria, IKali bi. 8®* Chap. 25, Glottis spasm ; also, Larynx croup. Breathing, suffocation: in chronic carditis, Cact. Breathing, superficial: HPhos, IIPuls.; after abortion, INux m.; after disappointment in her affections (cardiac weakness), I IPhos. ae: impending hydrocephaloid, ICinch.; tranquil, Atrop. s. 8®°" feeble, gentle. Breathing, suspended: B@£°" impeded. Breathing, testicles: felt on, after injury, I IZinc. Breathing, throat: sensation of air passing into glands of neck (goitre), ISpong.; sensa- tion as if air were passing up and down thy- roid and cervical glands, Spong.; lancinating, Bell.; shooting, IBelb; tickling, Hippom. Breathing, trachea: pain in upper part, Bell. Breathing, trembling : in pneumonia, lAnt t. Breathing, unpleasant feeling: lArs. s. f. Breathing, veta: B^° exertion. Breathing, wave-like: comes in expansions, Hod. Breathing, weak: 8€iT" feeble. Breathing, wheezing: IIArs, Chloral, ICina, ICinch, Iod., lllpec, IIKali c, IINatr. m, INitr. ac, I IPhos, Squilla; in angina pectoris, I lOxal.ae; on smoking, Kali bb; in bronchial catarrh, HAilant; in bronchitis, ICann. s.; with contraction of chest, wakes after mid- night, ILach.; with cough, in morbus Brightii, ILye vir.; in whooping cough, ICup. ae, IDros.; in croup, IBrom.; during day, after whooping cough, six months previ- ously, IKali bb; in diphtheria, I ISpong.; in dropsy of pericardium, I Apoe; with dyspnoea, lllpec; in evening, Murex ; audible on exer- tion (phthisis), I Ars. b; particularly on expira- tion, with febrile chill (bronchitis), ILye; hiss- ing sound in place of natural crying (diph- theria),ILach.; in hydrothorax,IFluor.aejwith inflammation of lungs, IKali s.; during inspira- tion, IKali c.; in laryngitis, I ISpong.; on first lying down, I Ars. b; worse after midnight, and from lying with head low (asthma Millari), ISamb.; worse from moisture, I IStann.; from mucus in throat on going to bed, Iodof; at night in bed (chronic bronchitis), IKali bb; at night, after whooping cough,IKali bb; vio- lent attacks, 1 to 4 a.m., ISyph.; before an at- tack of prosopalgia, especially while eating, INitr. sp. d.; cannot speak above whisper (asthma), ICup. m. 8®° noisy, rattling. Breathing, whistling: Arg. nit, IManc, I INux v.; with asthma, day or night (after vaccina- tion), IIThuya; lying on back, iEthus.; in bronchi, Arund, I Amb.; at beginning of cough, Asar.; with dry, barking cough (croup), ISpong.; with whooping cough ICup. m, IBrom, ICarbo v., IHep, I ISamb, I ISpong.; in croup, in old age, Aeon.; in diph- theria, HSpong.; in enchondrosis, I ISib; on auscultation (pneumonia), 11 Squilla; during inspiration, IKali e; in morning, when sitting up quickly (asthma), ILach.; with mouth open and head bent back (croup). I ISamb.; in spasmus glottidis, I ISul. Breathing, -whizzing: in daytime, with sensa* tion of too much mucus in chest, ILye 734 26. RESPIRATION. DYSPNCEA (difficult, labored breathing): Abies, 11 Acet ac, .Esc. h., iEthus., Aloe, Alum., Amyg., Amyl, Ante, lAnt. sul.aur, I Ant. t, lApis, Arn, IIArs, Ars. met, Ars. s. f, I lArum d., Arund., lAsaf, lAscl. t, lAs- par., Astac, IBell, IBenz. ac, Bor., IBrom, ICact., Cain, ICalab., Calad, ICale p, ICamph., HCarb. s, ICarbo v., ICed, ICham, Chel, Chloral., Chlorof, Chlor, Cina, Cinch, ICoccus, Coral., ICrotal, ICub., IICup. ac. Cup. ars, ICup. m, IDig, IDulc, IIEup. pur, IIFerr, IFluor. ac, IGels, IGlon, Hippoz., Iber, Inul, Iodof, Hod, IIKali ars, IKali bi, IIKali br., IIKali c, IKali iod, IKali perm, HLac c, IILach., Laur., ILith, ILobel. i,HLyc, Lyss, I IMere, IMere cor, Merc sub, IMosch., Mygale.Naja, IINatr. s, INitr.ac, INux m,INux v,CEnan, Osm, Phell, HPhos.JPhos. ac,IPhyt.,Plat, Plumb., Polyg, I IPtel, IIPuls, Sal. ac, I ISamb, See, 11 Sil, Squilla, ISpong, ISub, ITabae, I IVer, Vespa, IZinc Dyspnoea, abdomen : abdominal, Ant. t, Arg., nit, Bry., IFerr, IMur. ac, ISpong, IStram.; abdominal, anxious (anasarca), I Aur. mur.; caused by cramping, extends into chest, I ISpig.; from disease of, Asaf; from pressure against diaphragm (ascites), lApis ; distension ofupper part, evening and morning, Rhod.; painful drawing in region of diaphragm, Agar.; flatulency, with cough and rattling in chest, ILyss.; fulness and constriction in up- per, Thuya ; fulness and tension after eating, ISub; griping, as if intestines would be con- stricted, Spig.; pain in bowels during stool, ICoccul.; acute, sore pains across, above um- bilicus, Como.; paroxysms originate below stomach to left side in a hard spot (induration of pancreas), IBar. m.; tympanitic, hard and resonant like a drum (enteritis), I ITereb.; pressure upward in consequence of accumu- lation of gas, INux v.; puffed, ICepa. Dyspnoea, afternoon: and evening, IFluor. ae; worse, Merc, sub; worse in afternoon and after sleep (pneumonia), ILach. Dyspnoea, agonizing : 8®° mental condition. Dyspnoea, air: better in cold, Bry.; slightly bet- ter from cold and bending forward, worse from smoking or wine, IOp.; better in open, and when exercising arms, IINatr. m.; cannot remain in bed on account of want of, ICarbo v.; blowing on them causes greatest distress, cover their mouths, seem ready to expire, as if struggling for breath, Lyss.; in cold, I Ars.; covers mouth with hand in order not to in- hale too much, llpec; continual demand for fresh, IGels.; desire for air and deep breath, Lactu v.; desire for, INatr. m., IIPuls., I ISub; cannot get air, IFerr.; wants to be fanned, HCarbo v.; had to fan him to keep him alive, Apis; wants to be fanned, but not hard, for it takes her breath, ICinch.; must be fanned, yet surface is cold, Med.; as if it did not pene- trate chest, Rumex; arthritic rheumatism, cannot get enough, with oppression of chest and anxious face, I ISpig.; as,if there were no air in room, Plant.; room felt as if too close, though freely ventilated, Iodof; many people in a room seem to take awray breath, I Arg. nit; sensation like that felt when falling, or passing rapidly through air, Rumex ; constant want of, Tarant.; is obliged to open window, fresh air relieves, worse lying down again even- ing, with formication, Cist,; complained ot want of, though she frequently took a deep breath 11 Phos.; convalescents go out for a walk, instead of being invigorated return home in order to get breath, or to lie down so they can breathe more easily, I IPsor. Dyspnoea, in albuminuria: I Ant t, I Apis, IIArs., I Aur. mur., Bry., Calc, Cann. l, Chel, Crotal, IDig, IIGlon, ILach, IMere cor., INatr. m., IINux v.,Plumb.^^ Dyspnoea, angina pectoris : 8^" chest; also Chap. 28, Inner Chest, angina, and Chap. 29, Heart breathing. Dyspnoea, in anthrax: Anthrac. Dyspnoea, anxious: 8^" mental condition. Dyspnoea, in apoplexy: ICoccul, 11 CEnan, IStram. gigg* Breathing stertorous. Dyspnoea, arms: worse the nearer arms are brought to body, IPsor. Dyspnoea, ascending: 8®° exertion. Dyspnoea, in asthma : IIBar. e, ICoca, HColch, IColoe, IZing.; in old asthmatics, llllie; sitting in bent position, ICup. m.; bronchial, I ISinap.; constant, ICaps.; worse, coughing, Alum.; worse after eating and after smoking a little, Ascl. t; humid, ICann. s.; worse lying down, during climacteric period, Sars.; asthma Millari, I Arum d.; every day at noon,for three months, paroxysms ending in cough, without expectoration, ILobel. b; in spasmodic, IKali br.; springing up in bed (asthma Millari), I ISamb. 8®* Asthma. Dyspnoea, back: when lying on, ISib; in myelitis, IPhos.; with pain in small of, IILach.; pressing stitches along spine,mostly in sacrum, Tarax.; caused by pressure on three upper dorsal vertebrae (spinal irritation), IChin. s.; sensation of weight in back and shoulders, INatr. m. Dyspnoea, bending: better bending body for- ward, lArs., Colch., I Kali bi, I Kalic, ISpong.; better bending head back, Bell, Cham.; worse bending forward, with cough, ISpig. B@* sit- ting. Dyspnoea, bladder: in paralysis, ICie Dyspnoea, breathing : 8®" Asthma, Expira- tion and Inspiration. Dyspnoea, bronchia: as if mucous membrane were thickened, on rising in morning, IKali bb; inflammation, ILobel b; infantile capil- lary inflammation, IKali br. 8^* Asthma bronchial. Dyspnoea, in catarrh: bronchial, 11 Ailant.; bronchial and vesical, ICop.; as from suffo- cative catarrh,' larynx feels constricted, HCham.; tracheal, I All. sat. fl®" Asthma catarrhal. Dyspnoea, chest: aching, with or without sore- ness, ILye; in angina pectoris, I Act. rac, IDiosc, IKalm.; after attack of angina pec- toris, IHep.; angina pectoris, short jerking inspirations, quantity of air inspired less at each effort until function seemed to be sus- pended, HOxal. ac; blood seems to run into, as if it would burst, ISpong.; with hard pressure on cartilages of third and fourth ribs, Stram.; with congestion, Ratan.; constriction, IILyc, Med, Rhod, ISpig, IStaph.; constric- tion so extreme that from a blast of air blowing on them they are seized with great- est distress, cover their mouths, seem ready 26. RESPIRATION. 735 to expire, as if struggling for breath, Lyss.; constriction, anxious respiration (headache), IColoe; constriction, with cough, ICon.; con- striction, as of an iron band, could not dilate for respiration, I ICact.; very strong constric- tion at middle, I ILobel. b; spasmodic constric- tion in chest and throat, Sars.; constriction, almost to suffocation, Ant. e; with much ef- fort, and distortion of face (croup), I ISpong.; exhaustion, worse after exertion, ISpong.; as from fulness (asthma), HCale a.; as if too full, Agar.; gastro-pleurodynia, IColch.; gnawing behind sternum, Ran. sc; with heat, I Ant. t; caused by sensation of heaviness in lower part of thorax, Prun.; intercostal neuralgia, IMagn. p.; intercostal pain (typhus), IChin. s.; as from a load on upper, Rheum; passes off as soon as mu- cus is expectorated, IZinc; sensation of tough mucus, causing cough (asthma), 11 Rumex; oppression, Bar. m., Nux m., Variol.; oppres- sion, worse left side, Med.; oppression, while working in a stooping position, Cop.; attacks of pain, IPsor.; pains across, IFerr.; pain in left side (intermittent fever), IFerr.; pain in left, worse sitting up, and leaning right side against a pillowed rocking-chair, ILach.; pains with sticking, Vinca; pain as from a stone lying on stomach, Viol.; respiratory muscles paralyzed (apoplexy), IPlumb.; in pleurisy, Ascl. t, IIBry, IKali e, I IVer. v.; pressive pain, Cact.; from pressure, llCepa, 11 Chel, 11 Plumb.; constant pressure and heaviness in upper, Sang.; effusion of serum, IRan. b.; bones and cartilages, as if sprained, I Am.; stitches, ICale, Squilla; stitches when breathing or coughing, Squilla; stitches in left, ILach.; stitches, must sit up, Bry.; as if a stone were lying in it, Viol.; unto suffoca- tion (angina pectoris), ICup. m.; with tearing on raising arms towards head, I ISpig.; ten- sion, INatr. c.; tension and constriction, IPuls.; as spasmodic tension in lower part below false ribs, IPuls.; tightness, ICale, IKali br.; feeling of weight, IINux m.; weak- ness, IPhos. ae; as if not wide enough, Euphorb. 8®° lungs. Dyspnoea, chill: IIKali c, IINatr. m.; chilli- ness, Merc, per.; chilliness and chill in open air, Seneg.; slight, HCact; in child of six months (intermittent), ICact.; after violent chill, IIAcon. B^Chap. 40, Chill breathing. Dyspnoea, in cholera: ICup. m, llris, IOp, IPhos.; infantum, IVer.; sporadic, lElat Dyspnoea, in chorea : IMygale; of respiratory muscles, cannot get his breath until he takes a deep inspiration, IMygale. Dyspnoea, chronic: Osm.; for six months, worse in motion (emphysema), I ITereb. Dyspnoea, coition : after, IDig.; after, in a wo- man (choreic attacks), ICed.; during, Arund.; towards end, IStaph. Dyspnoea, cold: after a cold, IKali iod.; after coldness, ISep.; with yearly cold, IBrom. 8^° Chap. 12, Mouth, coldness. Dyspnoea, congestion: 8@~ Chap. 28, Lungs congestion. Dyspnoea, with convulsions: ICup. m., I IMil- lef. IPlat.; puerperal, lAnt. t; tetanic, I IMillef. 8^" chorea. Dyspnoea coryza : INitr. ac. Bi^Chap. 7, Cory- za breathing, chest, dry, and Nose stopped. Dyspnoea, cough: Acet. ac, Amm. c, Amyl, Arg. nit. Con, I ICurar, IKreo., ILye, INic- col., IPhos.; worse after, in asthma, IIArs., IMeph.; on beginning, Anac; in bronchial ca- tarrh, ICale; cough,chronic, All. sat,ICaust, ILye; continuous, for an hour or more, early in morning, IPhelb; croupy, Ascl. t; day and night, INatr. m.; dry, IIEup. pert, IKali bb; dry,in chronic rheumatism, I ISabina; dry, fatiguing, at intervals of two or three hours, worse at night, lying down, IKali br.; duringcough, Niccol, IPuls, ISib; without ex- pectoration, Sep.; after frequent paroxysms of, IKali e; hacking, INux v.; an hour after slight coughing, brings up gray lumpy mucus, ISpong.; nervous cough, Hydr. ac; at night, lAur. met.; occasional, worse in daytime (pregnancy), Viol.; long-continued violent, on attempting to make a full inspiration, I IRu- mex ; rough, short, hacking (croup), IINatr. m.; causes short cough, Amm. c.; spasmodic, Tereb.; spasmodic (bronchial catarrh), ILach.; spasmodic concussions of tickling cough in bed at night, particularly before midnight, I ISep.; slimy, blood-streaked copious sputa (gastric nervous fever), ILach.; threatening suffocation (whooping cough), IDros.; suffo- cative, IHep.; tight, Bapt.; in whooping, IBry., llpec, I IMur. ac; worse in spells, IKali e 8€jT" Chap. 27, Cough, breathing. Dyspnoea, croup: lAcon, lAcet. ac, IIAnt. t, IBelb, ICarbo v., IIHep, I ISang.; catarrhal, 11 Ant. t; spasmodic contraction, threatening suffocation, IMosch.; diphtheritic, IKali bb; after failure of Aconitum, Hepar, Spongia, Bromium, Phosphor and Iodum, IKaob 8£&* Chap 25, Larynx and Bronchia, croup. Dyspnoea, cyanosis: I Ant. t, llpec. 8®* As- phyxia. Dyspnoea in delirium: IPhos. Dyspnoea in diabetes: I Arg. met. Dyspnoea in diaphragmitis: IDig. 8®°Chap. 18, Diaphragm. Dyspnoea in diarrhcea: Thuya. 8®" stool. Dyspnoea in diphtheria: ICrotal, Hod, 11 Kali m, ILacc, ILach, ILye, HPhyt; from ac- cumulation of exudation in fauces, ISubae; caused by phlegm in fauces, when head is held erect, IMur. ac. 8SP* Suffocation diph- theria ; also Chap. 25, Larynx croup. Dyspnoea, drinking: in cholera, lArg. nit.; from cold water, Bry.; cold water, when overheated, causes, IKali c; in intermittent fever, ICimex; a sip at a time, IKali n.; al- lows her to take but a sip of cold water at a time, with thirst for cold water, Squilla; after spirituous liquors, ILach.; worse in spells, IKali c; after warm drinks, HPhos.; worse after wine, Bell.; worse from, IKali c. 8^° Chap. 15, Drinking, breathing. Dyspnoea, dropsy: lApis, lApoe, I IChloral., lEup. pur.; in anasarca, I Aur. mur.; in ascites, I Apis ; in ascites, has to be propped up in bed, Fluor, ae; in ascites, cannot breathe ex- cept when sitting, lApis. 8®° Chap. 28, In- ner Chest dropsy, and Chap. 29, Heart dropsy. Dyspnoea after eating : lAsaf, Jacea, INux m, I ISars.; after midday meal has to fight for breath, feels as if she would be suffocated, lasts all night, better by daybreak, Syph.; slightest food, HPhos., Sang.; warm food, 736 26. RESPIRATION. ILobel. 8SP" stomach; also Chap. 15, Eating, breathing. Dyspnoea in emphysema: Ant. a., lArs., ICarbo v, ICoca. 8^° Chap. 28, Lungs, em- physema. Dyspnoea, epigastrium: Stram.; from a blow, lArn.; or if breath stopped at, IRhus ; con- striction, IGuaiac; constriction and pressure, Rhod.; distress, Lyss.; fulness, heaviness and tension,caused by eating, IKali c.; painfulness, IRhus; pressure, IPuls.; from outward press- ure, Calad.,IRhus; sudden wrarm rising (hys- teria), Vab; tightness, JEsc. h. 8@* Chap. 17, Epigastrium, breathing. Dyspnoea, eruption: eruptive disease, lApis, ISub; red miliary, llpec; receding rash, IIBry. BSal" Suffocation eruption; also Chap 46, Eruption, Measles, Scarlatina and Variola, suppressed. Dyspnoea, evening: Agnus, Ant. t, I Ars, Bell, Carbo a., Carbo v., Cinch., Con, Cycb, Ferr, Graph, Lach, Merc, Natr.m., INux v, Phos,IPuls, IRhus, Sep, IStann, ISub, Ver- bas, IZinc; in bed, INatr. s.; must loosen clothing, IStann. Dyspnoea, exertion (bodily exercise): Act.rac, Amm. c, IIArs, Bov., INatr. m, INitr. ac, IPhos, ISib, IStaph.,: ISub; from climbing mountains and other muscularexertion, II Ars.; climbing or rapid walking,Melib; while dress- ing, after rising from bed, Stann.; worse drink- ing, or motion, cannot walk fast,IKalie; from least, Hod, llpec; from least, even walking (emphysema), I ITereb.; from manual labor, INatr. m.; worse on motion, cannot lie on back or sides, has to sit bent forward (dropsy after scarlatina), I Ars.; cannot mount or hurry (phthisis), I ITubere; cannot close his mouth during exercise (polypi), IMar. v.; from every movement (pleuritis, with plastic exudation), IHep.; when moving, or going up stairs, Aspar.; obliged to stand still and draw breath (veta), ICoca; after running, ISib; as from rapid running, IHyos.; when running, ISib; from slight, in heart affection, IFerr. mur.; from slightest, after disappointment in her affections (cardiac weakness), I IPhos. ac; from slightest, he cannot work, lives well, drinks from six to eight cups of coffee daily, and uses enormous quantities of tobacco,INux v.; from slightest motion, lies only on affected side (ascites), I Ars.; on going up stairs, Acet. ac, IIArs, Arund, Iber, IINatr. m, INitr. ac, 11 Rhus;frombronchial cold,accelerated during exercise, especially when going up stairs, I^yc vir.; on going up and down stairs (hysteria), I ITherid.; after going up stairs (chronic, pass- ive hemorrhage from kidneys1,1 ITereb.; on as- cending stairs and on slightest motion,IStann.; after going up stairs quickly (amenorrhcea), I Apis ; on going up even a few steps, better in opeh air, I Amm. c; after walking, IIMerc, INitr. sp. d.; disappears on walking, I ISep.; during fast walking (angina pectoris), IKali e; while walking, Arund, Cact, llgn, IPuls.; when walking in open air, better lying down, I IPsor.; on inspiration, while walking in open air, with stitches in last right rib and inguinal region, IMere sob; worse upon least motion, accompanied by arching out between scapulae (hay asthma), INatr. s.; worse by slightest, IILobel. b; on going up or down stairs, ILobel. b; worse walking, ILach. 8q^° motion. Dyspnoea, eyes: in choroiditis alternating with bronchial catarrh, I Ars.; closing, Ang.; seem to protrude from their sockets, door and win- dows had to be thrown open during a thun- derstorm, I ISib Dyspnoea, face: anxious,IAcon,IArs,Eup. pert; anxious, in pneumonia, ILye; blue, IStram.; disturbed look, Lyss.; erysipelas, ICinch.; hot, red face while walking, Stront.; cannot bear handkerchief before, ICup. m.; red, Bry. Dyspnoea, fainting : I ICollin. Dyspnoea, faintness: momentary, Med. Dyspnoea, fanned, desires to be: g^~ air- Dyspnoea, fever: with cold state in intermittent, I Ars.; in intermittent, IFerr.; in tertian inter- mittent, IFerr.; with typhoid, IPhos.; in he- patic typhus, IChel. Dyspnoea, in gonorrhoea: I ITarant. Dyspnoea, hawking: quickly repeated and at- tended with a constant and peculiar kind of, in order to expel breath, which has been taken for an imitation of bark of a dog, Lyss. Dyspnoea, head: in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICie Dyspnoea, headache: Ang.; chronic, IDulc; with drawing and pressure in forehead while walking, I IRan. b.; in sick headache, I ITabae Dyspnoea, heart: affections, I ICollin.; parox- ysms of anguish about,I IKalm.; anxiety about, IPrun.; anxiety, also of mind, HPsor.; with anxiety about prsecordia, lllpec; fearful at- tacks, aortic insufficiency with albuminuria, 11 Zinc.; threatened loss of consciousness in disease of, ILobel. b; with short dry tickling cough (cardiac dropsy), IDig.; disease, I Ars., lAur. met, ICoca, ILach.; in valvular disease, I Aur. met, INaja; organic valvular disease, worse at night, ICarbol. ae; endocarditis, I Aeon, I Ars.; drawing, sticking, squeezing pain, the result of rheumatism and cold, ILyss.; dropsy of pericardium, I Apoe; heavy beating, IHydras.; hypertrophy with dilatation, Chlor- al.; violent, with knocking at, Prun.; from oppression, Med.; pain, Arg. nit,ICact.,ILyss, IPsor.; in pericarditis, IColch.; pressure around, ILac def; shooting, stabbing through to left scapula (rheumatism), IKalm.; could scarcely speak, I Apoe; weight about prsecor- dia, lllpec. B@T palpitation, pulse ; Asthma, heart; also Chap. 28, Inner Chest angina, and Chap. 29, Heart dropsy, pain, etc. Dyspnoea, heat: Cinnab., IIKali c; mostly in afternoon, Ruta; in a warm room, IIPuls. g®~ sunstroke ; also Chap. 40, Heat breath- ing. Dyspnoea, hemorrhoids: Agar., lArg. nit, Sub; after operation, ICroe Dyspnoea, in hydrocephalus: HApis, IHelb, I Kali iod. Dyspnoea, hypochondria : sharp pain in left, in evening, IKali e; spasmodic pain, Alum. Dyspnoea, hysteria : ICed., I ILobel. b; better from belching or walking, 11 Aur. met. 8^** Asthma, hysteric. Dyspnoea, increasing: gradually, IFerr. Dyspnoea, in influenza: IChel, llpec. 8^° Chap 7, Coryza, influenza Dyspnoea, injuries: after bee-sting, ILach.- after a fall, lArn.; after concussion of spine' IHyper.; in shock, ICamph, ILaur. * 26. RESPIRATION. 737 Dyspnoea, inspiration: worse, Sang. ISquilla, 8S^** Inspiration. Dyspnoea, labor: during, ISep.; from spasmodic labor pains, IStann. SST* Chap. 24, Parturi- tion, breathing. Dyspnoea, larynx: from affections of, Hippoz.; with aphonia, ICina; from compression, Bufo.; as from constriction, Coccul.; constrictive pain and wheezing (angina pectoris), HOxal. ac; elevated and depressed (croup), I ISpong.; as if epiglottis were nearly closed, Calc fl.; chron- ic inflammation, IKali bb; moved up and down violently, Sub ac; spasms, ICup.m.; voice hollow (puerperal fever), ISee; takes away voice, threatens suffocation (rheuma- tism), ICham.; sudden, from spasm of vocal cords, I IChlor. 8®* Chap. 25, Glottis spasm. Dyspnoea, laughing: I Ars., Aur. met. ICup. m. Dyspnoea, liver : affection, IMagn. m.; subacute inflammation, IHydras.; in jaundice, lAur. met.; caused swelling of left lobe of, ICard. m. 8^** Chap. 18, Liver, dropsy, enlarged. Dyspnoea, lungs : congestion, I Ammoniac; from adhesion, Thuya; as from adhesions or con- traction, Mez.; congestion, Astac, Carb. s.; as from congestion, 11 Tereb.; as though stuffed with cotton, rough, hoarse voice (diphtheria), IKali bb; as if they would not expand, Crotal, ILaur.; especially in left, IZinc; from pain in right (pneumonia), HCinch. bob; intermit- tent, as from paralysis, IOp.; in phthisis, IChin. a., I IChloral., Hod.; in phthisis flor- ida, I IMere cor.; particularly in right,chronic pleuro-pneumonia, ILach.; as from stagna- tion, Seneg.; stitches in left, Lactu. v. 8g^* chest, pneumonia; also Asthma lungs; also Chap. 28, Lungs congestion, emphyse- ma, inflammation. Dyspnoea, lying down : better in afternoon in "bed, ICheb; aggravation, I Ant. t, I Ars., IFerr, IKali e, IKali n, ILach., Lyss, I Naja, IPhos., IPlumb, ISpong.; on back, aggra- vates, IHyper, IILyc; on back, causes, Acet ae; cannot breathe, I IStaph.; on side, causes (bronchitis), IPuls.; in bronchial catarrh, IKali bb; from congestion, IIHam.; in dia- phragmitis, IHam.; on back, in diphthe- ria, ILye; impossible, in dropsy, lApoe; imoossible, in cardiac dropsy, ICact; can only rest in an elevated position (affection of brain with dropsy), IFluor. ae; could not lie flat, I ILac c; with head low, aggravates, Kali n., HSpig.; with head and shoulders high re- lieves, IIEup. pert; with head high relieves, wors3 3p.M. till night, Ars. m.; immediately on lying down in evening, IIArs.; left side, aggravates (ascites), I Apis; in disease of liver with hydrothorax, IKali c.; in acute oedema of lungs and dilatation of heart, I Ant. t.; on back, at night, with giddiness and weakness in head, IPuls.; especially at night, causing discomfort and loss of sleep, I IPlumb.; must rise", Bapt.; relieves, with cough, IIKali bb; compelled to elevate and lie on back (cardiac rheumatism), HCact; on side aggravates (child), IPuls.; must sit up, Brom., Bufo., Ver v.; must sit up, in hydrothorax, IMere « • must sit up to relieve pain in right lung, Zinc ■ must sit up at nightjphthisis), lArs.h; must sit up, with rheumatism of chest (endo- carditis), IPhos.; cannot breathe, except when sitting, even leaning backward causes suffoca- tion (ascites), HApis ; must be supported in a sitting posture, I Ant. t, I IRumex ; sits bent forward to relieve, IKali bb; sits up in bed, IITabac; must stand erect, ICed.; nearly strangles on attempting to lie down (dropsy), I Ars.; with worms, 11 Dolich. 8®° sitting; also Asthma and Suffocation lying down. Dyspnoea, in meningitis: IVer. v.; in cerebro- spinal meningitis, IGels. Dyspnoea, menses: after, INatr. m, IPuls.; be- fore, Brom.; during, ICale, Iod.; during, with ovarian tumor, IColoe; in amenorrhcea, Coc- cul.; with dysmenorrhoea, Merc, per.; at every effort, ILach.; at time for return (cli- maxis), HCalab.; before, scanty and irregular (cardialgia), I IZinc; suppressed, IChen. a. Dyspnoea, mental condition: agonizing, in dropsy, I Apoe; agonizing, could not lie down (emphysema), IHep.; agonizing, in pneumo- nia, lElaps ; agonizing, has to sit straight up (after scarlet fever), HAcon.; with anguish and tight feeling, ICale; with excessive an- guish, with desire to sit up or jump out of bed, Ver.; anxiety, ICarbo a., IChlor, IPhos, HSpong, IViob; alternates, with anxiety (spasms of chest), IHyos.; anxiety, must loosen clothing in evening, Stann.; anxiety, worse every evening, must sit up, I Hell.; anx- iety, in liver complaint, 11 Acet. ae; anxiety, rolls on ground, -Bar. m.; sudden anxiety, better by stool, llctod.; anxiety, in tuber- culosis, IChin. a.; anxious, with headache, IColoe; anxious, with palpitation and pain in cardiac region, IPsor.; anxious, or quick, and superficial,! I Aeon.; anxious, rolls on floor, sev- eral attacks a day, also in night (epilepsy, with full consciousness), IIBar. m.; almost to as- phyxia, after a crying spell (cyanosis), ILach.; distressing, IDig., Ver.; after emotion, IPuls., ISep.; from fear, IVer.; with fear of death when lying down, Mosch.; fear of death, in whooping cough, ILobel. b; fear of suffoca- tion, after being angry, I IStaph.; fear of suf- focation, on motion, I ISpig.; after fright or vexation, ICup. m.; worse after an unpleasant moral impression, ISpong.; as if each breath would be the last, I Apis; thinks breath is leaving her, Tromb.; feels as if breath would leave body, during severe menstrual pain, Vib.; low-spirited, ICarbo a.; peevish, II Cham.; while reflecting, IPhos.; sensation as if he would not be able to breathe again, lApis; when vexed, Ars. 8^° Asthma and Suffo- cation mental condition. Dyspnoea, metrorrhagia: alternating with, Flu- or, ae Dyspnoea, in morning: ICaust, INux v.; on awaking, Seneg.; early, especially in cold weather (asthma), IDig.; in affection of lar- ynx, IKali bb; after rising, better in open air, Bell.; wThen sitting up quickly (asthma), ILach. 8®" sleep; also Asthma and Suffo- cation morning. Dyspnoea, from motion: Arn., I Ars, IBry., Calc, Cannab, Caps., Con, Ferr, Graph, Iod., Lye, Nux v, Phos, Puis, Rhus, Sep., Stann, Ver.; when moving in bed, must be on right side, or with head high or raising arms (heart disease, hydrothorax), HSpig.; none while walking, IDros.; rapid, with ver- tigo (heart disease),ILobel. i. 8§T>exertion; also Asthma motion, exertion. 47 738 26. RESPIRATION. Dyspnoea, mucus: accumulation causes, I Ant t, Asar, IHep, llpec, Senecio. 8®** Asthma humid. Dyspnoea, nausea: ILach.; violent all day, HPetrol. 8®* Asthma nausea; also Chap. 16, Nausea asthma, breathing. Dyspnoea, at night: I I Aspar, Bell,IOp, Thuya; with anxiety, heat and restlessness, ICale; in asthma, I IZing.; an attack every night, Calc a.; on awaking from frightful dreams, INux v.; cardiac, I Aur. met.; in hay catarrh, 11 Sticta; must incline chest forward, springs out of bed, especially about 12 p.m., IIArs.; in dropsy, 8Colch.; worse after midnight, IDros.; violent attacks 1 to 4 a.m., ISyph.; in pneumonia, ISub; propped up in bed scarcely able to breathe all night (albuminuria), ITereb. ; severe, never quite free during day, 1 IZinc; must sit up (chronic bronchitis), Hod.; obliged to sit up in bed to relieve, Aspar.; with suffo- cation in goitre, IMere iod. flav. 1^° Asthma and Suffocation night. Dyspnoea, nose: 8^° Chap. 7, Nose stopped. Dyspnoea, from odors: I IPhos.ae B^aT" Asthma hay fever. Dyspnoea, oppressed: 8^*" chest. Dyspnoea, palpitation -. Amm. c, Cadm. s, ICale, IKali c, IPsor, ISpong., IVer, Ver. v., I Viol.; causes distressing dyspnoea in car- diac dropsy, ICact; from 11 to 3 A.M,IColch.; in spells, IKali e; on going up stairs, Iber.; especially on going up stairs, Crot. t; violent and irregular, IKali e 8@* heart, Dyspnoea, periodic: 8^** Asthma periodic. Dyspnoea, in phthisis: j@* lungs. Dyspnoea, pleurisy: B@T° chest. Dyspnoea, in pneumonia: IIAnt. t, IChel, IKali n., IKreo, ILye, IPhos.; in broncho- pneumonia, ILye; chronic, I IGrin.; of old people, ICamph.; pleuro-pneumonia, IPhos.; in typhoid pneumonia, ISang. 8*3^*' chest, lungs. Dyspnoea, during pregnancy: INux m., Viol.; upward pressure, INux m, IINux v. Dyspnoea, pulse: intermittent, IPhos.; weak nervous agitation, Crotal. Dyspnoea, rest: worse during, Seneg. Dyspnoea, restlessness : lAcon, IIArs., IGels, IRhus ; in morning, Calc. a. Dyspnoea, retching: ISpong. Dyspnoea, in rheumatism : IKalm. Dyspnoea, scarlatina: during, I Apis; after, IHelb Dyspnoea, seminal emissions: IPhos, HStaph. Dyspnoea, in shock: 8€^~ injuries. Dyspnoea, sighing: frequent, ICaust. B^T* Breathing sighing. Dyspnoea, singing : 8ST" Chap. 25, Voice sing- ing Dyspnoea, sitting: Natr. s.; lying down, IPsor.; bent forward relieves, worse from talking and after eating, ILach.; in bronchial catarrh, ILach.; erect, better bending forward, and throwing head back, ILach.; in heart affec- tion, ILye BiT" bending, lying down. Dyspnoea, sleep: after sleep, Apis ; immediately after, first on left side of chest compelled her to be lifted upright, violent exertion to get breath (acuterheumatism), I ILac c; awakens, IKali bb; awakens at midnight (asthma), I IPuls.; awakens in morning, Sep.; on awak- ing, Ant. sul. aur., lAnt t, lArn., Benz. ac; on awaking, in pneumonia, ILach.; worse on awaking, Bapt; disturbs, from 11 to3 (drop- sy), IColch.; after awaking from frightful dreams, ICheb; with drowsiness, lEup. pert; during, in dysentery, ILach.; prevented in pneumonia, IKali e; prevented, in typhoid pneumonia, 11 Chloral.; sleeplessness, IIRan. b • sleeplessness, in inflammation of dia- phragm I I Morph. s.; as if he would suffocate, awakes at night, Samb. g®" morning night; also Asthma, Breathing, Suffocation sleep. Dyspnoea, spasmodic: IKali c; paroxysms similar to those produced by a sudden cold water bath, always combined with spasms in throat muscles, Lyss.; in chronic constipation, ICoca; as if lungs could not be sufficiently expanded, IIAsaf; after fright or vexation, ICup. m.; spasm of larynx, diaphragm, or in- tercostal muscles, Cup. m.; sudden paroxysms force him up at night to the open window, with paralytic symptoms of laryngeal muscles, Plumb. 86T Asthma, spasmodic ; also, Chap. 25, Glottis, spasm. Dyspnoea, spleen: inflammation, ICitrus; stitches, lAmm. m. Dyspnoea, stomach : cardialgia, IBism.; chill at 9 p.m., extends to right arm, right side of chest, abdomen and right hip, I IMere per.; fulness, INux m.; following gastric and he- patic symptoms, Ptel.; persistent troubles of digestive functions in susceptible hysterical subjects, IMosch. 8@T drinking, eating; also Chap. 15, Drinking, Eating breathing. Dyspnoea, stool: during, lAlum, ICoccul, IRhus, ISub; with costiveness, -Cale s.; diar- rhoeic, yellow, green, burning, IRob.; profuse watery, relieves, in hydrothorax, IMere s. Dyspnoea, when stooping: ISil. Dyspnoea, stretching : in a stiff, rigid manner, with groaning, Coff. Dyspnoea, suffocative : g&* Suffocation. Dyspnoea, sulphur fumes : 8ST* Asthma and Suffocation sulphur. Dyspnoea, in sunstroke : lAcon, IAmyb,IArn, lArs, Cact, Camph., IIGlon, IVer. v. Dyspnoea, in syphilis: IMere cor. assisted by Nitr. ac. Dyspnoea, s-weat: with anxious countenance, lEup. perf. 8®" Chap. 40, Sweat breathing. Dyspnoea, talking : aggravates, Apoe, ICaust, IDros, 11 Phos. ac, 11 Spong.; even in a low voice, IISul. B^aT" Chap. 25, Voice talking. Dyspnoea, thirst: IBelb, IChin. a, IChlor. 8€^*" drinking. Dyspnoea, throat: constricted, Amyb; spas- modic contraction, must loosen cravat, Sars.; as of a lump in pit, above sternum. ILobel. b; sensitive to touch, ILach.; sore, I ISub 8@~ Asthma and Suffocation throat. Dyspnoea, trachea: compression, Bufo.; chronic inflammation, IKali bb; mucus, Selen. Dyspnoea, uraemia: lArs, Canth., IPhos.; as- phyctic form, IHydr. ac. Dyspnoea, uterus: displacement of, INitr. ac; neuralgia, I IChin. s. Dyspnoea, vertigo: HChin. s. 8^* Chap. 2, Vertigo breathing. Dyspnoea, with yawning : IBrom. g^*- Chap. 37, Yawning, breathing. Dyspnoea, weakhess: Agar, IIArs, IPhos.; in irritation of cardiac nerves, HCollin.; 'too great exertion, I Asaf; in intermittent fever PIRATION. 739 26. IChin. s.; of respiratory motor nerves, as in phthisis and emphysema, ICurar.; sudden, tot- tering while walking, ISpong. fiST" Breath- ing feeble. Dyspnoea, weather: worse in dry air, fog, east and north wind, I ISep.; exposure to cold, I Lobel.; exposure to cold and wet (haemopty- sis), llpec; spasmodic, worse in sudden change, a wind arising, ISpong.; in stormy, al- most to suffocation, I ISep.; worse in windy, and in a warm room, Ars. 8@°* Asthma weather. Dyspnoea, wheezing : 8®** Breathing short, wheezing. EXPIRATION, abdomen : in evening, when lying in bed, sudden contraction, causing heaving, as if he would vomit and bring on cough, I IDros.; pain in lower, Spong.; upper walls expand, paralysis of diaphragm, lArg. nit. Expiration, aggravation : difficult. Expiration, amelioration : lAcon., Arn, Bry. Expiration, back: sticking pain in lumbar vertebrae, Sul. Expiration, chest: pressure from inside to short ribs in region of liver upward, Tarax.; boring stinging in left on expiration, worse stooping, Spong.; stitches, Ant. e, Arg. met.; boring stitch in right costal muscles, continu- ous, Spong.; dull stitches in posterior part (hydrothorax), IColch.; sharp stitches in scapular end of clavicle, Squilla; tension across, while walking, IKali c. Expiration, cough: whooping cough worse, ICaust. Expiration, difficult: I Arg. met, Ars, IChlor, llpec; almost impossible, Meph.; in asthma Millari, I Arum d, I ISamb.; with cough at midnight (asthma), I IPuls.; insufficient,as if air cells were hardly half empty, IChlor.; ab- solutely obstructed, I IChlor.; suffocative feel- ing (spasm of glottis), IMeph.; as if something prevented when talking or coughing, IDros. B^T" Chap. 25, Glottis spasm, and Chap. 28, Lungs emphysema. Expiration, interrupted: Ars. Expiration, larynx: easier than inspiration, in oedema laryngitis, ISang. 8ST Chap. 25, Glottis, spasm. Expiration, liver: pressure like a stone, Arn. Expiration, long : Ant. t, Cham, IChlor, Lo- bel. i, IOp.; frequent,deep sighing, Lact. ae; loud, like a sigh (spasmus glottidis), I IVer.; inphthisis,IArs.iod.;slow,wheezing(asthma), ISep. Expiration, noisy: barking, Meph.; a kind of bellowing (pneumonia), I Ant. t; blowing, ILach.; blowing, during sleep, Cinch, INux v • blowing, in coma, ICinch.; crowing or barking, Ant. t; groaning, Lyss.; grunting, ILye; fine in tone, like highest falsetto, I Ars.; in morning, Carbol. ae; rattling, in larynx, Arumd.; rattling, in threatened paralysis of lungs, ICale; loud rattling in trachea, ICale; sawing, in croup, IKaob, ISpong.; sighing, Carbol. ae, Chloral., Lyss.; sighing, with cough, ISamb.; snoring, ICamph.; snoring, during sleep, INux v.; spongy sound (asthma), ICaps.; whistling, lArs.; whistling, in asth- ma lArs.; loud whistling rales, each pulsa- tion of heart gives crescendo diminuendo ef- fect, Chlor.; whizzing and rattling, which is long and attended with retraction of epigas- trium, IOp. gg&* Breathing, noisy. Expiration, painful: with dyspnoea, IViol. Expiration,quick: IArn,ICham,llgn.,Stram.; moaning (congestion to brain), ICup. m.; seems to be thrown out of him by a jar, IIThuya. Expiration, short: ICastor. Expiration, slow: Ant. t, I Arn, IOp.; after deep, quick breath, which causes a stitch in right side, Bor. Expiration, sudden : forcible, IGels. Expiration, throat: raw, sore, IIArg. met. INSPIRATION, abdomen: violent action of muscles, ISpong.; feels cold even into lungs (heart disease), ILith.; as if cold touched teeth, TCed.; on deep inspiration, sensation as if air passing through air passages was icy cold, Coral.; constricting pain in upper, ICale; cooling sensation, Lyss.; feels as if he cannot get enough, air, IBry.; pains, ICale; pain on taking deep, Agar.; retraction of diaphragm, muscles and ribs so that a large concavity is formed, IHep.; sharp pain, also along spine, Morph. s.; sore pain during deep, IIKreo.; sticking in umbilical region, IHyos.; stitches as from many needles in umbilical region, round to back, even in dorsal vertebrae, Verbas.; sticking across, ICale; stitching, tearing in muscles below ribs, ICale; tension hindering deep (intermittent), ICoccul.; upper walls drawn in (paralysis of diaphragm), I Arg. nit.; warmth in upper part, Seneg. 8®** Breathing, abdominal. Inspiration, aggravation : lAcon, Arn. Inspiration, back: sudden jerking pain, Calc. p.; pain, Inul.; pain in kidneys worse, Astac; stitches in loins, Ammoniac; single severe stitches in upper part, ICale; stitching for- ward through chest, Berb. Inspiration, chest: burning, sore pain in ster- num, from deep, Seneg.; cutting, ICale; cutting in left side, lAscl. t; cutting pain at last ribs, from within out, ICale; causes pressing cutting in left side,Spong.; deep,cuts off breath,by pain in rightside,after exposure (influenza), I I Rhus; thorax not distended,Chel.; sensation of exco- riation behind sternum, I I Rumex ; as if root of lung could not expand, painful, Chrom. ae; gnawing pain on left side, ICale; could not fill lungs, IChlor.; oppression worse,Spig.; oppres- sion and stitches in left, Ammoniac; oppres- sion, cannot talk (neglected influenza or pleu- ritis), ISub; pain, Agar,Inub; pain in lower, Ars.; pain in right side, Chel.; sharp pain in right lung, Cod.; pain also in scapula, iEse h.; muscles of right side, paralysis of, • Ferr. iod.; violent sticking pinching beneath right nipple, from within outward, Spig.; seems as though something were pressing on, after din- ner, ICheb; deep, causes pressing below sec- ond and third rib, Arg. met.; pressure, ICale; pressure in left, Calend.; sharp, cutting press- ure, 11 Ang.; increasing presure on middle of sternum, Agar.; painfully sensitive, ICale; shooting, Aug.; shooting in left breast and right temple, Cale p.; shooting from heart to shoulder-blade, in deep, Agar.; deep, causes soreness under clavicles, ICale; sore pain, ICale; deep, causes pain in middle of sternum (childdisposed to convulsions),IBelb; sticking, ISib; deep, causes sticking in left side,Cepa; 740 26. RESPIRATION. stinginginleft side,Lyss.;suddenburning,sting- ing in whole left, when taking a deep, while in the act of lying down in bed at night, Rumex ; stitches, Bar. c, IIBry, IKali c, Stront, Ta- rax.; stitches in upper part, near axilla,Dros.; sharp stitches in scapular end of clavicle, Squilla;stitch inregionof heart at night, Anac; causes stitches, ;Kob.; jerking stitches in right and left side, not far from sternum, ISquilla ; stitches in leftside, Agar, I Ars, ICale; causes stitches in left (angina pectoris), I Arn.; causes deep stitches in lower part, mostly left side, Kob.; stitch from left to right side, IBry.; dull stitches in lungs, Asar.; stitches in right or both lungs during, Asar.; stitches when lying on affected side, ICale; boring stitch in right costal muscles, continuous, Spong.; causes deep stitches in nipple, 11 Ign.; stitches beneath left nipple, Verbas.; pleuritic stitch on right side, worse, IFerr. ph.; stitches below right ribs, IIRhus; stitches in short ribs, 11 Agar.; stitches between sixth and seventh ribs, lArg. met.; stitches in right, Mar. v.; stitches deep in right, ICale; dull stitches in right side, Spig.; causes dull stitches in right side of chest (neglected influenza and pleur- itis), ISub; stitches in right scapula, Amm. m.; stitches in sides, IIKali e; stitches in sternum, Bapt.; acute stitch along left margin of sternum in afternoon, while riding,Rumex ; violent stitches, Arg. met.; tightness in right side, Chel. Inspiration, cough: caused by, Benz. ac, ICamph, IHepar, Menyanth, IIPuls, Sticta; aggravated by deep, Brom, INatr.m.; deep, causes, IKali bb; dry, on deep, IDig.; with scanty expectoration (pneumonia), IPhos.; after, hacking, Amyl.; in cold air, hacking, llCepa; in influenza, llpec; irritation, ICale; irritation in throat, Asar.; racking, Sticta; spasmodic, similar to whooping cough, but with interruptions, finally all inspirations cease with cough, as if a foreign body had entered windpipe, Tereb.; spasmodic, Coff. 8€»p° Chap. 27, Cough breathing. Inspiration, deep: Ars, ICastor, IKali e; aggravates, Alum.; breathing ceases for one half to two minutes after, IMosch.; cannot take (diaphragmitis), IHam.; cannot take, (pleurisy), 11 Ver.; with tensive pains in re- gion of diaphragm, Tarax.; disposition to, (pertussis dyspepsia), IBry.; in intermittent fever, ICimex; frequent, in congestive head- ache, IGlon.; frequent, with sighing (erysip- elas), I IRhus; of great depth, following two or three full ones, 11 Amyl.; in bronchitis, ILobel. b; impossible (pleuro-pneumonia bi- liosa), I IRhus; involuntary, Hep.; caused by sensation as if larynx were narrowed, making him hoarse, Jamb.; occasional, Chloral; pleu- ritic stitch, Ferr. ph.; with somnolence and yawning, Chen, v.; at intervals, trying to take, rolling from side to side, Cup. m.; causes pressive pain in vertex, I Anac. 8®° Breathing, deep. Inspiration, difficult: Act. sp, I Arg. met, Chlor, Hod., IKali c, Meph, IINux m.; in anasarca, I Ars.; in asthma thymicum, ISamb.; atelectasis pulmonum, IHyos.; in bronchitis, IPhos.; catching, Calad.; as from heaviness of chest, I IFerr.; with anxious tightness of chest, ICale; in cholera, ICup. ae; want of air in coughing out, want of air in drawing in, IFerr.; in diaphragmitis, IHam.; with dyspnoea, Sang.; great effort to take, Cann. b; impeded as from a weight on chest, Hgn.; almost impossible (pneumonia), IPhos.; in chronic inflammation of larynx and trachea, IKali bi.; noisy (tracheitis), I Aeon.; in cede- ma glottidis, ICinch.; obstructed, IHep.; op- pressed, ICinch.; compelling to sit up in bed, worse after midnight (chlorosis; tuberculo- sis), IFerr.; seemed to be suspended, in a child (asthma Millari), IOp. 8®° Chap. 25, Glottis spasm; also Chap. 28, Lungs emphy- sema. Inspiration, epigastrium : pressive pain better, Lobel. b; stitch, Anac; aggravating, dull stitches, Spig. Inspiration, forcible: IBrom. Inspiration, gasping: IChlor.; in asthma and at beginning of cough, I Ant. t. Inspiration, headache: aggravated by deep, Cact.; painful throbbing, ICarbo v. Inspiration, heart: lying on, causes clucking painful sensation, Chrom. ac; deep,prevented by feeling as if it were swollen, Asaf; palpi- tation from deep, ICact, HSpig. BST" Chap. 28, Inner chest angina; also Chap. 29, Heart breathing. Inspiration, hiccough: aggravated, Ang. Inspiration, hypochondria : deep breath causes pain, IRumex; sensation as if something were torn loose in left, Berb. Inspiration, larynx: cold sensation, IBrom.; roughness in upper portion, Ziz.; forced, stitch- ing, IHep.; frequent suffocating fits,as if some- one constricted, arresting breathing for a mo- ment when sitting, ICaust.; deep causes tick- ling, excites dry cough (laryngitis), ILach. Bgp*" Chap. 25, Glottis spasm. Inspiration, liver: pressure like a stone, Am.; soreness worse, ICamph.; dull stitches, Agar.; deep, aggravates stitching burning in whole convex portion of, extending to spine (inflam- mation of liver), IMere Inspiration, long: in whooping cough, IMosch.; in croup, IBrom.; crowing (spasmus glottidis), IChlor.; desire to take, with yawning, ICar- bol. ae; frequent, ICast; harsh crowing, sud- denly awakes from sleep, lasts from four to six seconds, respiration ceases for from forty to sixty seconds (spasmus glottidis), I IVer.; in- voluntary, Cup. ars. Inspiration, loud: IOp. Inspiration, lungs : 8®°* chest. Inspiration, mental condition: anxiety, Chel. gtg&* Breathing mental condition. Inspiration, nausea: after, Amyb Inspiration, noisy: blowing in cedema glottidis, ICinch.; buzzing in croup, IBrom.; crowing, ICinch.; crowing, in spasm of glottis, I IVer.; crowing, long, iGels.; crowing long, as in laryngismus stridulus, followed by normal respiration when crowing recurred, accom- panied by anxiety and restlessness (whoop- ing cough), IMosch.; crowing, in whooping cough, ICorab; suddenly suppressed when half completed and attended by half stifled groan (pneumonia), IPhos.; loud, IHep.• singular piping and croaking in bronchia' after deep, Med.; rales, Chlor.; short crack- ling rale, IChlor.; attended by a separate ratt- ling rale, Chlor.; sibilant rales, mostly left side 26. RESPIRATION. 741 (asthma), ICaps.; rattling, ICinch.; rushing sound (croup), IBrom.; sawing, in croup, IKaob; sighing, Hgn, Lact. ae; sighing (chronic inflammation of eyes and otorrhoea, after vaccination), I IThuya ; deep sighing re- lieves palpitation, IIArg. met.; snoring, ICamph.; snoring, in croup, IBrom.; snoring, during sleep, Cham, Hgn., I IRheum ; stertor- ous, HOp.; stertorous, during sleep, IIPuls.; stridulous, in evening, on falling asleep, HPhos.; wheezing, I Alum, ICinch., IKali e; wheezing, in asthma, ICaps.; whistling, iCinch., IHep, IKali c, ILye, ISpong.; whistling, long, ends cough, I ISpong.; loud whistling whoop, in trachea, Cina; whooping, I ISyph.; whooping, after attack of suffoca- tion, I ISquilla. 8®° Breathing noisy; also Chap. 25, Glottis spasm, and Larynx croup. Inspiration, nose: inspiration through nose, while expiration is blown from lips, as in apoplexy, lying on back, Chloral.; sneezing, Brom. Inspiration, painful: ICinch.; puerperal fever, IIBry.; stitches in right side and pressure in middle of chest, all day, I IRan. b. Inspiration, palpitation : 8®*" heart. Inspiration, quick: I Arn, Ars.; in cedema glottidis), ICinch.; necessity for, followed by oppression, Ascl. t. Inspiration, short: ICoff, Lobel. i, IOp.; easy (asthma), ISep.; shorter than exhalation, in sleep, HCamph.; half suppressed, accom- panied by a sort of groan (bronchitis), IPhos.; without noise, IOp.; in cedema glottidis, ICinch.; starts from sleep with (spasm of glottis), ICoff; and slow, with desire to cough, ILobeb b; followed by a slow sighing expira- tion (eclampsia), llpec. Inspiration, shoulders: inability to draw a deep, from rheumatic pain in right, extending to pectoral muscles, IJugb; stitches, Berb.; stitches on top, Hyper. Inspiration, slow: ICastor, ICham, llgn, Stram.; grows less and less rapid until they cease, then catches her breath by a sobbing effort in spells (spasmodic asthma), Vab; deep, with stitch in chest, Spong.; heavy, congestion to brain, IICup. m.; in oedema glottidis, ICinch. Inspiration, spasmodic : broken in two (hydro- cephalus), Cina; double, with sobbing as after hard crying, ILed.; intermittent, Nitr. sp. d.; resembling panting of a dog caused by rapid convulsive movement of diaphragm (spas- modic asthma), 11 Vab; violent, in asthma Millari, I Arum d. We&~ Chap. 20, Glottis spasm. Inspiration,stomach: gnawing preventing deep inhalation, Calad.; deep soreness, Kob. Inspiration, throat: coldness, Sul. Inspiration, undulating: during attack, Hod. Inspiration, after vertigo: Amyb; deep, aggra- vates, ICact. . SUFFOCATION (choking, smothering, strangulation): Agar, Ananth,Arum d. Arum m Arund., TAtrop. s., lAur. met, IBelb, Calc s ICamph, ICed, Cham, Chlor, Coff', ICub, ICup. ac, IDros, Ferr mur, IGuaiac, Hydr. ae, HKah iod, IILach, ILactu v, ILauroc, Melib, IIMeph, INatr. m INux m, INux v, ISpong., IStram., ITa- bae, I ITarant., Vespa, I IZing. Suffocation, air: better in open, worse by motion, I llpec; wants doors and windows open, par- ticularly at night, HSub; has to be fanned, Cann. i.; wants to be fanned, in pneumonia, IKali n, HCarbo v.; as if she could not live for want of, I Apis. Suffocation, bronchi: acute inflammation, ICact.; from secretion, in bronchitis, 11 Hippoz. Suffocation, chest: angina pectoris, I I Oxal ac; sensation of a large ball rising from a point about lower end of sternum to upper end of oesophagus, ILac. def; gnawing pain, I IMosch.; on moving chest (cyanosis), ILach.; from accumulation of mucus, ICoccus, llpec; from accumulation of mucus, also in throat, Coccus ; could not raise mucus (bronchitis), ICina; threatened, by rattling of mucus, IHep.; pain, Spong.; pressure, IKali e; with pressure on lungs, I I Ptel.; with pulsation while coughing, or as soon as he begins to talk, Mane; rattling in pneumonia, IIAnt. t; sticking and burning behind sternum, IPhos.; tightness across upper part (dilatation of heart), ITabae Suffocation, children: Bor.; after being taken out of cradle, ICale p.; after nursing, ICale p.; starts up suddenly (asthma Millari), ISamb.; sudden attacks, child looks about anxiously and attempts to cry, but cannot, attacks end with whistling, sawing sound, IHep. BST" Chap. 24, Infants asphyxia; also Chap. 25, Glottis spasm. Suffocation, convulsions: puerperal, lAnt. t. Suffocation, cough: IBadiag, Sarrae; asthma, worse night, lAnt. t; in chronic bronchitis, ILach.;difficult, IOp.; followed by suffocation, with desire to have doors and windows open, (pneumonia), I IStram.; dry, IStram.; worse while walking, Phelb; when inhaling, Meph.; worse lying down (laryngo-tracheitis), I IPuls.; in paroxysms, with rigidity of body, Ipec.; threatened by,in croup, IPhos.; caused by suf- focative sensation, walking in open air, lArs.; in whooping cough, I Anac, I Ars, IBry.; in whooping cough, worse at night, Con. BisT" Dyspnoea cough; also Chap. 27, During cough breathing. Suffocation : croup: IBrom, IKaob; alternat- ing with free intervals, I ILye; croupy, chok- ing, I Ailant.; with membranous, IPhos.; spas- modic, IIBell.; resembling last stage, I ISamb.; tough mucus, causing strangulation, IKali bi. Suffocation, after crying: ICale p. Suffocation, with diarrhcea: IVer. Suffocation, in diphtheria: IHippoz., ILac e; frequent, violent spells, IMere iod. flav. 8s§F*" Swallowing throat; also Dyspnoea diph- theria. Suffocation, drinking": in cholera, I Arg. nit.; coffee, ICaps. Suffocation, dropsy: in ascites, lAur.mur.nat; 8®" Dyspnoea dropsy. Suffocation, after eating: Aur. met, ILach.; reaches to epigastrium, as if tough phlegm would work up with cough (asthma), I IRu- mex. 8®° Dyspnoea, eating. Suffocation, epiglottis: choking, as if it were closed, brought on by thrusting tongue in cheek, Med.; caused by a weakness or spasm, could not tell which, Med. 8@° Chap. 13, Swallowing spasm, and Chap. 25, Epiglottis spasm. 742 26. RESPIRATION. Suffocation, eruption : repercussion of measles by taking cold, HCham.; in urticaria,I IRhus. 8@T Dyspnoea eruption. Suffocation, evening: in bed, in pneumonia, lAnt t; in bed, warmth of neck and trunk, limbs cold (spasmodic asthma), IFerr.; in diphtheria, I ILac e; after lying down (asth- ma ; hydrothorax; ascites), lArs.; 6 to 7 p.m., must sit up and sip water, ICinch. Suffocation, from exertion : on going up stairs or walking, IMere; walking a few Dlocks, I ISars. Suffocation,from expectoration : yellow green- ish, putrid masses, with cough (bronchial and vesical catarrh) ICop. Suffocation, eyes protruding, IVer. Suffocation, face : bloated, bluish attacks after fright, ISamb.; bluish pain in abdomen (whooping cough), INux v.; flushes of heat, in intermittent, ICact.; blueness of lips, I ISamb.; cold sweat on, I ICact. Suffocation, fainting: periodical, HCact. Suffocation, fever: in typhoid malaria, ILyev.; in typhus, INitr. ac. Suffocation, forenoon : begins in morning and lasts until noon (tuberculosis), IChin. a.; at 9 a.m., Chin, a.; regularly, from 10 to 12, iCed. Suffocation, head: bending backward, ISpong.; at night, feels as if it were separated from body, Daph. Suffocation, headache : after, IColoe; conges- tive, awoke about midnight from, after preg- nancy, ILye Suffocation, heart: action ceases, I Act. rac; ac- tion turbulent, worse 11 p.m. (enlarged heart), ICact; chronic carditis, ICact.; disease,lAmyb; heat about, I Ant. t; quivering or flutter- ing (ague), ISamb. 8€^° palpitation ; also Asthma and Dyspnoea heart; also Chap. 28, Inner chest angina; and Chap. 29, Heart dropsy, pain, etc. Suffocation, heat: from exposure to sun, Cact. 8®° Dyspnoea heat, sunstroke. Suffocation, hysteria: bends backward and cries out, " now it is over, now my breath is gone," IMosch.; sudden, IGels. 8®° Asthma hysteric. Suffocation, inspiration: worse with every, IIAcon. Suffocation, labor pains : causes, IPuls. Suffocation, larynx: dryness, IKali c.; chronic inflammation, IBelb; as from mucus, ICinch.; touching causes, IILach.; touching causes, worse moving arm, ILach. 8®* Chap. 25, Glottis spasm and Larynx suffocative feel- ing. Suffocation, lungs: threatening paralysis, with long-lasting attacks, IILach.; in pneumonia, I Ant. t; sudden, in epidemic pneumonia, I ICup. m. Suffocation, lying down: IHam.; on back, Ptel.; must get out of bed (angina pectoris), Lactu. v.; must sit up in bed, with desperate fits of, IILach.; starts up in bed, in croup, I ISpong.; in chronic bronchitis, IKali bb; on left side, causes heart disease, IHydras.; in cardiac rheumatism, ILach.; sensation of, at first when, at night, Pod.; on back, at night, better sitting up, Asaf; in diaphragmitis, IHam. 8®° Asthma and Dyspnoea lying down. Suffocation, mental condition : anguish, in in- fluenza, llpec; anxiety in pneumonia, I Ant. t.; apprehension on moving body ipalpita- tionblHyos.; fear, Amyg, Mez, IOp, I ISep IVer- fear of, in asthma, IITabac; fear of, in influenza, ISeneg.; with mucus in throat, IBry.; fear of, at night, with desire for open air, IDig.; after fright, ISamb. 8^~ Asthma and Dyspnoea mental condition. Suffocation, motion : aggravates, I llpec.; when moving in bed or raising arms must lie on right side or with head high (heart disease ; hydrothorax), HSpig.; from least, I IPrun; from least, in carditis, ISpig. B^~ Asthma and Dyspnoea motion. Suffocation, with nervous attacks: llpec. Suffocation, at night: I Ant. t IIArs, Aur. mur, ICinch, llpec, ILye, Med, IPuls, I ISub; awaking, usually after midnight, must jump out of bed, hold firmly and eat some- thing which gives relief (asthma spasmodi- < cum), IGraph.; awaking several times, HSpong.; awaking, each successive attack increased in duration and intensity (nervous asthma), IINux v.; awaking her for three days with barking cough, complementary of Hepar and Phosphorus, IMere cy.; in bed, IIArs.; in catarrh, IIArs.; in croup, I Ars.; in diphtheritic croup, IKali bi, I ILye; wants door and window open, HSub; at 11, or between 11 and 3 o'clock, I ISquilla; in goitre, IMere. iod. flav.; in heart disease, IDig, HSpong.; causing him to jump out of bed and sleep in a chair (cough), ICrot t; produced by slightest covering over mouth or nose, IILach.; as if lungs were paralyzed, HPhos.; after midnight, ISamb.; in pneu- monia, ISub; with restlessness, ISamb.; at 3 a.m., with cough, better by expectoration, IIAnt t; in swelling of thyroid, ISpong. B^T" sleep; also Asthma and Dyspnoea night. Suffocation, nose: sensation as if head were choked up (croup), I ICub. 8®* Chap. 7, Nose stopped. Suffocation, palpitation: causes suffocation, 11 Amyb, ICale a.; awakens after midnight, alarm, anxiety, HSpong.; and gasping, better lying down (pregnancy), ILaur. 8®" heart. Suffocation, in pneumonia: 8@* lungs. Suffocation, position : threatened when assum- ing a wrong, Hod. Suffocation, pulse :.loss of, I ICact Suffocation, restlessness: 8®" Dyspnoea restlessness. Suffocation, sitting: must sit bent forward, if possible at open window during attacks, worse by any other position,IChin. a.; wdien sitting up in bed, as if thorax were full,Med.; worse sitting up, Asaf. Suffocation, sleep: awakes, IKali iod, Val, Vespa; throwing arms about (hydrothorax), ILach.; awakes when falling asleep, I ISpong.; awakens, in asthma. I Arg. nit.; awakens, can scarcely breathe, IIKali iod.; awakens, in dysmenorrhoea, HTarant.; awakens, 1 a.m., Ptel.; awakens between 1 and 2 a.m., I ISpong.; awakens, with ulcers in throat, ILach.; also after awaking at night, IPhos.; partially comatose, IChlor.; paroxysms during, apt to be followed by violent fits of dry racking cough, better for a time, by drinking water, HOp.; awakens, in croup, IKali br.; could 27. COUGH AND ENPECTORATION. 743 not, in scarlatina, ILach.; deep, after tuber- culosis, IChin. a.; disturbs, in diphtheria, ILach.; during, ISpong.; on falling asleep, I Arum t; in moment of falling asleep, Spong.; lying in bed, on right side, on becoming un- conscious by, quick effort to prevent, by changing position, Badiag.; attacks like night- mare during, IOp., during, in polypi, IMar. v.; with sopor (bronchial catarrh), I Ant. t; threatened attack just as he has fallen asleep, must get up, better during day (asthma after suppressed eruption), IHep.; wakes up with suffocation every Saturday morning (inter- costal neuralgia), 11 Stann.; worse after, better by eating, ICed. g^° night. Suffocation, solar plexus: sudden and violent implication (cholera Asiatica), IOp. Suffocation, sulphur: as from vapors of, Brom.; as from vapors of, commencing with desire to cough and getting worse until one despairs of getting over paroxysm (asthma), IMosch. gtag° Asthma sulphur. Suffocation, swallowing: when attempting to swallow (spasm of glottis), IDig.; when at- tempt is made to swallow even medicine (cerebrospinal meningitis), ICie; on attempt- ing to swallow, with mental disturbance Lyss.; compelled to swallow, I I Eup. pur. danger of, when swallowing, turning or touch ing neck, Bell.; difficult, causes, I IStann. attempt to swallow saliva causes, IKali c. caused by trying to swallow solids, ILach 8®*" throat. Suffocation, with thirst: IChlor. Suffocation, throat: in angina tonsillaris, IIBar. e; complaints, Daph.; constriction, IVer.; full feeling, preventing sleep,at night, HLac e; grasping at, in melancholia, I INaja; inflamed, IMere cor.; inflamed, with swollen submaxillary glands, Cop.; sudden lump, Dolich.; as if a coat of mu- cus extended from velum palati to tongue (asthma), IIPuls.; as from tight neckwear, IBry.; in chronic enlargement of tonsils, IBar. e; if anything touches, on lying down in evening, IILach.; caused by touching (syphilis), ILach.; touching or turning causes, Bell. 8®" diphtheria, swallowing; also Asthma throat. Suffocation, vomiting: I IVer.; especially in morning, IKali c. Suffocation: 8®° Asphyxia, Asthma,Dyspncea. 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. Cough. Before Cough. During Cough. After Cough. Whooping Cough. Expectoration. COUGH: A cab, Acet. ae, lAcon., Act. rac, lJEsc. h, IA gar., All. sat, I Alum, I Alumin., lAmb, Amm. b., lAmm. e, I Amm. m., Anac, I Ant. c. Ant. sul. aur, IIAnt. t, Apis, lArg. met, I Arg. nit, lArn., IIArs., Ars. i, Ars. s. f, Arum d, I Arum t, Asaf, Asar, Aur. met, IBadiag., IBapt, IBar. e, IBelb, Benz. ac, IIBor., Bov, IIBrom, IIBry., Bufo., ICact, ICale, Cale a., Cale fl, Calc. p, ICaps., ICarbo a, ICarbo v., Card, m, I ICaust, ICepa, ICham., ICheb, IChlor., Chrom. ac, ICina, ICinch., Cist, ICoca, Coccion, Coccul, ICoccus, Coff, Colch., Collin, Como, ICon, Cop ICorab, Croc, Crotal., ICrot. t, ICub, ICup. m, ICurar,Cycl,Dig, Dolich., IIDros, IDulc, Elaps, IBup. perf, Euphor., lEuph., Ferr IFerr. ph, IGels,Graph.,Ham.,IIHep, Hippoz, IIHyos., llgn, Illie, Indig, lllod, llpec Ipom., Jamb., IKali bi. Kali br., IKali c IKali iod., IKali m., IIKreo., ILach, Lactu. v' I ILaur, I ILed, Lith. c, ILobel. i, IILyc, ILvc vir., Magn. c, I IMagn. m, Magn. p, Magn. s, IMang, Melil IMeph.,IMere IMere. iod rub Mez., I IMillef, IMosch, IMur. ac, Nai'a Natr. a., INatr. e, IINatr. m., Natr. s, INiccol, IINitr. ac, INux m, INux v, 1101. jec.JOp., Osm., IPetrol., Phelb, II Phos, IPhos. ac IPhyt, IPlat, IPsor., IPuls., Rhod., IRhus, Rhus v, IIRumex, Sabad, HSamb, ISang, I ISenecio, ISeneg, I ISep., ISil,Spig,IISpong, ISquilla, HStann., Staph, ISticta, IStram., IISul, Sul. ac, Syph, Tarant,Tereb., Therid, IThuya, Uva ursi, Ver., Ver. v, IVerbas, IZinc, Zing, Ziz. Cough, abdomen : as if arising from, Ant. c, IDros, ISep.; colic from a cold, IIRumex; caused by feeling of incarcerated flatus, par- oxysmal, worse from excitement or sitting, better lying down, straightening up or by eructation, IPhos.; sensation comes from, must take hold when coughing (anaemia of brain),ICon.;abdominal,with vomiting, which relieves, llpec SisT" stomach. Cough, abortive: IChlor. Cough, acids: aggravate, ISub; aggravated by vinegar, Sep, ISub; caused by vinegar, ■ Alum. Cough, afternoon : Agar, Amm. m., Arn., Asaf, Astac, Badiag, IBelb, Bov, ICale, Cinch, Kali bi, Magn. c, Natr. c, Nux v., Phell, Phos, Sang., Staph, Sub, Thuya; worse, in croup, I ISpong.; from 4 to 6 or 8 p.m., IILyc; till morning, IDolich.; about 5, almost inces- sant until lying down, Mang.; lasts an hour, towards evening, llpec; till midnight, IBell, ISub; attacks begin at 6, Amm. m. 744 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. Cough, air: change from warm to cold, ICarbo v, IPhos, HSquilla, IATer. v.; change from warm to cold, or cold to warm, IIRumex ; cold, Act. rac, Agnus, Amm. m,IArs,Badiag., IBrom., Carbo v, Caust, ICepa, Cham., ICoca, Crotal., Cub., ICup. m., Curar, Dulc, Hep, IHyos, Ipec , Mosch., Nitr. ac, IPhos, Plat, IRumex,Sabad.,Sep, Sib, Sinap,Squil- la, ISub, Ver., IZinc; cool, llpec; cold, damp, IDulc, INux m, Sep.; driving in an open wagon, ISub; draughts, Caust, 101. jec; draught, warm or cold, ICaps.; on going into, in bronchitis, IPhos.; from least exposure to cold, after a fall, IHyper.; whenever he puts hand out of bed, IRhus; caused by a limb getting cold, Hep.; night air, worse lying on left side, IMere; from exposure to chilly night air, and drinking cold water, IHep.; better in open, iDulc; in open, riding and walking, Sul. ac; changing rooms, evening, after lying down, touching or pressing throat- pit, from slightest inhalation of cool air, cov- ers head with bedclothes, to make air warmer, IIRumex; sea wind, ICup. m.; when any part of body becomes uncovered, IHep., llpec, IRhus.; undressing, IKali bb; walking in cold air, IArs,Ipec, IPhos., Ver.; walking in open, Aeon., lArs, ICarbo v, Cina, IDig., Ferr, Ipec, Lye, INux v., Oxal. ae, IPhos.-, Phos. ac, Seneg, Spig, Staph, Stram, Sul, Sub ac. 8®° cold, heat, weather. Cough, air passages: irritation low down in, during night causes, ICham.; itching causes, INux v.; sensitive, ICorab 8€lT* bionchial, laryngeal, tickling, tracheal. Cough, anus: fistula, with chronic cough, Cop.; short, with fistula, IBerb. Cough, asthmatic: Amm. e, • Cetrar, ICinch, lEuphor., I IPod., HSpong.; in evening in bed, Amm. c; expectoration of glairy slime, and vomiting after eating, with asthma about 4 or 5 a.m., always worse in damp rainy weather, INatr. s.; tired extremities, IKali e; habitual, IKali c; 3 a.m., ICinch.; pain in chest, cannot lie nor sleep, IBry.; causing drawing through left pectoral region into back, ICrot. t; aggravated by talking, with white tough, occasionally greenish mucous expectoration, worse night (phthisis florida), I IMer. cor. 8®" Chap. 26, Asthma cough. Cough, back : result of spinal irritation affect- ing nucha, INaja. Cough, barking: Aeon., Ars. a, IBell, IBrom., Bry,ICaust, Cina, Clem, Coccus,ICoral,Cub, IIDros., IIHep., Kreo., IINitr. ae, INuxm., IPhos, IRumex, ISamb., Spig., HSpong, Staph., ISticta; after a deep breath, IDulc; in croup, IBrom, IHep., ISpong.; in mem- branous croup, IKali bi.; in diphtheria, ISal. ac; dry hoarse, penetrates through closed doors (diphtheria), I ILac e; with dry lar- ynx, ISpong.; in evening, INitr.ac; with a peculiar shrill sound, some expectoration, Med.; forced, with soreness of larynx and chest, 11 Rumex; with feeling of foreign body in larynx, Cub.; loud, in spurious croup, IIKali m.; loud, in hysteria, Ver.; after measles, IHep.; in membranous laryngitis, Hod.; in meningitis, IHyper.; moist, with some sound of moisture in air passages, but no expectoration (measles), IMere; particu- lary night and morning (catarrh), ICoccus; every night at 11 p.m. and 5 a.m., children, IRumex ; like a dog, with noisy cough, Lyss.; worse outdoors and at night, I IPhyt.; reading aloud or talking aggravates, Amb.; caused by scraping in throat, IHep.; short, firing minute guns " all day and for an hour or so towards evening, increasing to a violent spas- modic paroxysm, ICorab; during sleep, Hip- pom ; with soreness all over or in centre of chest, I 101. jec; with suffocative paroxysms, woke her at night for three days (comple- mentary of Hepar and Phosphor], IMere cy.; from tickling in larynx and epigastrium, IINitr. ae; waking suddenly at 11 p.m. (croup), IBelb; in whooping cough, IStram.; like whooping cough after taking cold,l ISticta. 8€^*> concussion, croupy. Cough, bending: backward aggravates, ICup. m.; forward aggravates, ICaust, J ISpong. Cough, brain : in affections, IGlon. Cough, breathing : from deep, ICup.m., Mang, Squilla; deep lessens, Verbas.; from deep, in pneumonia, I ISub; from expiration, ICarbo v., Caust, IKreo.; from inspiration, causes, Aeon, Asar, Benz. ac, IBrom., ICale, ICamph, IDig, IDulc, IHep, IKali bi, Men- ypnth, INatr. m., IIPuls., IRumex, Sep.; from deep inspiration, evening and night, IGraph.; from deep inspiration, in catarrh, lApis; at each inspiration, in influenza, llpec; at almost every inspiration, from pain as of ulceration in larynx (phthisis pulmo- mum), IKali bb; irritation renewed by inspira- tion, after long interval, HCina; interrupted every few seconds (pneumonia), I ISub; irreg- ularity, induces or aggravates, IIRumex; on taking a long breath, I ILac e; produced by change of rhythm, IIRumex ; provoked by slow difficult, with asthmatic attacks, IColoe; wheezing,IDolich. fi^" Chap. 26, Expiration arid Inspiration cough. Cough, bronchia: catarrh, Cop.; crawling in upper bronchi, IKreo.; chronic, from enlarge- ment of bronchial glands, with irritation of tracheal and laryngeal lining, ICon.; almost incessant, in bronchitis, I I Zinc; incessant, in evening, by heat and open air, Cub.; inflam- mation, Bry.; irritation, 11 Amyb, ILye; irri- tation, in eczema, IJugb; irritation in region of bifurcation, raises a little whitish-yellow, blood-streaked phlegm which relieves, I ISang.; seems to proceed from lowest rarrrifi- tions, with wheezing in lower part of lungs (bronchitis), HSquilla; severe in winter succeeds asthmatic attacks in summer, ISyph.; worse after sleep, ILach.; soreness and heat, Eup. pur.; between each spell a short interval, IPhos.; urging, from lower, Med. Cough, capricious : llpec. , Cough, catarrhal: I Ant. t, I Apis, Ars. s. f, lArund, Bell, IBrom., ICepa, IChel, IHep., IIKali ph, HSil, IITrilb; in membranous croup, IPhos.; during dentition, IPod.; from irritation of larynx or bronchia,! Ascel. t; long- lasting and tedious, threatening consump- tion, IIPuls.; of long standing, with febrile symptoms evening and night, IHydras.; with aching in upper part of sternum, IIFerr.- titillating, llpec; viscid sputa, ICact. 8ST" cold, coryza. Cough, cessation: rattling breathing, I Ant. t. 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. 745 ICarbo v.; sudden, followed by sneezing all night (influenza), IIRhus. Bfe^* Chap. 28, Lungs paralysis. Cough, chest: arising from, Med.; from con- striction, Asaf, ICoccul.; crawling in upper, I ISang.; crawling and tickling in right upper, INuxm.; from depths, in evening, Ars. h.; produced by something dry or acrid, Benz.ae; every effort to expand, causes (bronchitis), Hod.; from full feeling, Chin, a.; heaviness, I Amm. e; incessant, from a place low down where it pains as if sore and bloody, HSpong.; with infantile diseases, after much medication, INux v.; itching, behind sternum, IKali bb; irritation, ICale; irritation, with expectora- tion in morning of dark blood, or thin, yellow blood-streaked mucus, tasting sour, Sub ae; seems to come from low down, worse at night with profuse expectoration(phthisis), I I Stann.; mucus, HStann.; feeling of accumulation of mucus and weight, HSpong.; sensation of tough mucus, with increased dyspnoea and desire to cough it up, causing general hot sweat half an hour before spell, increased dur- ing it (asthma), I IRumex ; oppression, with sw-elling of veins of neck after catching cold (chronic bronchitis), IKali bb; paroxysms, from deep, lAmb.; no phlegm yields though chest seems full, llpec; pressure over, Ars. h.; rawness, ILach.; scraping, IPuls.; irritation under sternum, Arg. nit.; irritation beneath sternum, upper part, ICham.; tickling in sternum, ILach.; relieves tight feeling, Con.; from upper front, Ars. h.; weak feeling, better by walking, IPhos. ac. 8ST* Chap. 28, Inner chest cough; also Lungs cough. Cough, children: Bell, Cham, ICina, llpec, Merc, Puis, ISamb.; atrophic (take cold easily), cough in presence of strangers, IBar. e; epidemic, with coryza, inflammation of eyes and pain in ears, I Jamb.; fat, llpec; put hands to genitals, IZinc.; must be held up, otherwise seized with spasms (whooping cough), INiccol.; lachrymation, ISabad.;cough like old man, 11 Sub; chronic, scrofulous, worse after slight cold, IIBar. c; threatening to suffocate, IICup. m. 8®* dentition, measles. Cough, with chill: with expectoration, ISpong. Cough, in chlorosis: IPlumb. Cough, choking: 8®" suffocative. Cough, in cholera: with expectoration, ICie; infantum, IPhos.; spasmodic contraction, ICup. m. Cough, chronic : ; Amb., IPhos., IPsor.; charac- terized by cold and deficiency of animal heat, I ILed.; generally hard and dry, IPhyt.; with dyspnoea, All. sat.; with emaciation, I .Esc. h.; with emaciation, loss of strength aud appe- tite finally great weakness with expectora- tion of heavy, bloody mucus, 101. jec; obsti- nate with expectoration and nervous excita- bility 11 Cod.; with bloody expectoration (phthisis), IPlumb.; with mucous expectora- tion (scrofulosis), ICornus ; profuse expecto- ration and much irritation of throat Myr. cer • expectoration of tough, reddish-brown mucus I IPhos.; fistula in ano, ;Cop.; obsti- nate profuse muco-purulent expectoration, iMv'os • with tuberculosis, Calc. s.; in violent attacks' brought up hard, small tubercle, ISpong.; in winter, INitr. ae; after whoop- ing cough, worse at night, talking and walk- ing, sounds loose, but there is little expecto- ration, despite rattling and crackling in chest, IIPuls.; of eighteen years' duration, I IPhos.; of twenty-five years' duration,IPsor. 8®" Chap. 28, Lungs consumption. Congh, coffee : worse from odor, Sul. ac. Cough, cold: living in cold, damp places, IDulc, INux m, Sep.; after a severe cold, worse at every inspiration, I ISticta; after a slight cold, Benz. ae; worse on taking cold, Sep.; worse from cold or becoming cold, ISa- bad. 8SP* air, catarrhal, weather. Cough, concussive: Cimex, ILed, IMere, INiccol., IPuls, Ver, Zinc; felt in abdomen, Carbo a, IKreo, IPuls, ISub; lower abdomen, Ign.; jars abdomen and chest, ISub; in bron- chitis, I ISee; jarring chest, ISub; in whoop- ing cough, I Anac; like whooping cough, from burning and tickling in larynx, in morning with copious expectoration of tough white mu- cus like white of egg, Seneg.; dry, I ITubere; ex- plosive, I IRumex; shakes head (ascites), I Apis; after influenza (bronchial catarrh), ILach.; worse at night (bronchitis), IMere; parox- ysms of three coughs, HStann.; shaking, llpec, IPhos.; shaking whole body, IIAnt. c, lArn, IIBry., Curar.; shakes muscles of chest and body, exhaustion after attack, IDros.; shaking, in chronic bronchitis in the aged, ISeneg.; shaking middle part of lower chest, extending to liver, Cimex, shaking, with bloody expectoration, I ICollin.; shaking, from tickling in larynx, Oleand.; like stroke of a sledge hammer on a piece of timber, I ISub; shattering, llpec, IINitr. ac, HStann.; shattering, as from a shock in temples, and at same time in chest, IILyc; shattering, spas- modic at night, IHyos.; shattering, spasmodic, often in paroxysms of two coughs each, IIPuls.; shocks stomach, with sensation of excoriation of chest, 11 Rumex ; shocks, as if he would vomit, ICon.; painful shocks in head, Ipec; painful shocks in stomach, Ipec; violent, in quick shocks, evenings while lying, must rise, Lith.; sudden shocks, quickly fol- lowing each other, Coff; short, especially at night, with itching in larynx, ICale; sudden, HSpong-; sudden dull, ending in a long-drawn whistling inspiration, I ISpong. B^T" bark- ing, racking, spasmodic. Cough, constant (incessant, unceasing): Agar, lArs., Dros, ICarbo v., Carbol. ac, HCaust, 11 Chlor, Cimex, ICinch, IKali bi, ILobel. i, IOp, IPhos. ae, IIRumex, Thuya, IZinc; barking, IPhos.; in bronchitis, IHyos.; in membranous croup, IKali bb; all day (hepatic disorder), I ISib; day and night, Brom, ICale p, IKali e; day and night, in acute catarrh, I Ant. t; day and night, in feeble, emaciated boys, ILye; day and night, in laryngo-tra- cheitis and bronchitis, IHydras.; day and night, in phthisis, ICarbo v.; in dropsy of uterus, I IMere; dry, in a woman disposed to consumption, I IRumex; dry, worse at night, wakes just as she is falling asleep, worse from sweet things, Med.; dry, worse at night, Med.; dry, titillating, hacking, day and night, with lachrymation, Euphor.; with emaciation and cachectic appearance, ICoff; from epigas- trium, uncontrollable, with sudden pressure and constriction of stomach, as if pressed 74(3 27. COUGH AND against with feet, IIRhod.; in evening, ICaust.; day and night, a deep, short cough, with occasional expectoration, during day, of thick gray matter, in morning greenish and more profuse (chronic cough), ILye; day and night, with profuse greenish, purulent, lumpy, blood-streaked expectoration (phthisis), 11 Plumb.; day and night,expectoration profuse offensive, sweet-tasting (phthisis), I ISamb.; severe, without expectoration, with pain in breast and circumscribed redness of cheeks, with coryza, followed by diarrhoea, which re- lieves, I ISang.; causes evening fever with hot hands and cheeks, IKali n.; after suppressed gonorrhoea, IBenz. ac; hacking, 11 Ustil.; hacking, involuntary from habit, in children, ICale; hacking, during pregnancy, IKali br.; hoarse, Calad.; often continuing for hours, INiccol.; in hydrothorax, lApoe; in con- sumptives, ISticta; in inflammation of right lung, ICheb; in influenza, I Ant. t; irritation, heat and tickling in throat, HSquilla; in laryngitis, IIDros.; with pain throughout lungs, as if they were torn out, worse in upper part of right chest, Elaps ; worse lying down or during exercise (catarrh), ICoccus.; especially lying down at night, Amm. br.; with tough mucus in larynx and desire to raise it with- out relief, I IRumex; worse at night, Stront.; in acute cedema of lungs, I Ant. t; causes pain in head, chest and abdomen (laryngo trache- itis), HVer.; in pneumonia, lElaps; remis- sions of a minute, 6 a.m. catarrh), ICoccus.; retching and gagging, ILach.; retching, ulcer- ated sore throat (mercurial syphilis), ILach.; severe and racking, in pneumonia, IMelil.; compelling him to remain in sitting position, worse during increase of moon, IPhelb; leaves him but little sleep, I IZinc; worse in Spring and Fall, with foot sweats, I ILact. ae; strain- ing, gives no rest day or night (laryngo-trache- itis), I IVer.; like tick of a clock in regularity (whooping cough), INiccol.; from tickling in air passages, IIPuls.; tickling in trachea, I IPhelb; sensation of an ulcerated spot in windpipe, just above backbone, could only expectorate by pressing this spot, IPhyt.; al- most uninterrupted, IIRumex ; so continuous and rapid that he can hardly get breath and must vomit (asthma), IIPuls. 8@" frequent, hacking, paroxysms, short. Cough, with constipation: ICon, IGraph., ■Sep.; in whooping cough, lAmb, IPod. Cough, constitution: tall, slender, tubercu- lous subjects, pale complexion, clear sclerot- ica, great nervous irritability and sensitive- ness to external impression, IPhos.; coughs peculiar to women, Aur. met.; weak, nervous persons, IPhos.; overgrown youths, IPhos. ae 8®*" children, hysterical,'old, scrofula. Cough, in consumption : 8®" phthisis. Cough, convulsions: epilepsy, at menstrual period, following cough, lAtrop. s. Cough, convulsive: 8®° spasmodic. Cough, with coryza: 8€^*" nose. Cough, croupy: Acet. ac, lAcon, lAnt t, Apis, Ascl. t, IBell, IBrom., ICanth, Cham, IGels., IIHep, Hod, IKali m., IKali bb, Lach., INitr. ae, IPhos., IRumex, ISamb, HSpong, ISticta, Stram.; in asthma Millari, lArum d.; on awaking, IKaob; coughs up casts of elastic, fibrinous nature, IIKali bb; EXPECTORATION. catarrhal affection of larynx (coryza)r I ISpong.; after cessation of coryza, I ISpong.; with coryza, ISpong.; in whooping cough, IStram.; coughs up cutaneous masses, ISpong.; extensive well-organized deposit, IKali bi.; in diphtheria, ICarbol. ae, HLac c; sudden, on fourth day of slight attack of diphtheria, IKali bb; feeling of foreign body in larynx, Cub.; not very harsh-sounding, IPhos.; her- pes on face, ISpong.; irritation in throat, worse in evening (laryngitis), I ISpong.; in measles, lApis, IKali bi, IPhos., 11 Zinc; worse after midnight (after suppressed hives), I Ars.; in morning, without expectoration (measles), IHep.; with tenacious mucus, ICupr. s.; at night, llpec, I IPhyt; before midnight, IBell, IIHep.; after midnight, lArs, HSpong.; rattling in chest, IIHep.; like a saw driven through a pine board, each cough corresponding to a thrust of the saw, HSpong.; tries to suppress it, I ISpong.; vio- lent, frequently recurring paroxysms, IHep.; worse in warm, wet weather, Hod.; in winter, alternates with sciatica in summer, 11 Staph. BS^ barking, concussive, crowing, deep, hoarse, measles, metallic, rough, spas- modic, suffocative, wheezing, whistling. Cough, crowing: Aeon, Cina, Cinch, IDros., Dulc, IHep, ISamb, ISpong.; in anasarca, I Ars.; in croup, IBrom.; high sounding, HSpong.; with rough cry, ISpong.; sound of whooping cough, lAnt. t B^aT" Whooping cough. Cough, crying: cough after, Arn, Hep.: during or after cough, I Ant. t, Bell, Bry, ICham., Dros, Hep, Lye, Phos, Ver.; cries for help (catarrhal croup), I Ant. t. 8€&T painful. Cough, by day: lArs, lEuph., Ferr., ILach., Mere, I Staph., Thuya; with expectoration by day only, 11 Aeon, Alum, 11 Amm. c, I Anac, lAnt. t, IIArg. met, HArn, IIArs., IIBell, IBry, ICale, HCarbo a., Caust, HCham., I ICinch, Coccul., I IColch., ICon., Euph., IGraph, IIHep., IHyos, IKali c, ILach., ILye, IIMagn. c, IIMang, IIMerc, INitr. ac, INux v., Op, IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, ISa- bad., Samb, HSil., Squilla, HStann., IStront, I ISul, I IVer, Zinc; in measles, lEuph.; from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., ICale p.; in scarlatina, lEuph.; pain in both sides of abdomen like two knives, going inward towards each other, doubling her up, better pressing with hands, IKali e; short- ness of breath, I IStann.; with expectoration, ICaust.; better lying down (acute coryza), I ISinap.; in phthisis, ICetrar. Cough, deep: Apoe, lArs., IChrom. ac, IDig, IIDros, IPhos., HStann,IStilling,Ver,IVer- bas.; in bronchitis, IPhos.; in croup. IHep, I ISamb.; dry, lAmb.; dry, before chill, ISamb.; dry, with nausea and thirst (ague), I ISamb.; from dryness in larynx, with tension and pain in bronchi (bronchitis chronica), INux v.; especially in evening, Jamb.; vio- lent in evening and night, without waking, Lye vir.; exhausting, with asthmatic expan- sion of lungs, Ailant.; in prevailing fever, lAmm. in.: with expectoration, ceasing on lying down (bronchitis), IMang.; hollow,"like coughing in a barrel, Med.; hollow, with whitish and greenish expectoration, and tear- ing out pain, starting from ensiform cartilage, IKali iod.; hollow, waking at night, 11 Anac' 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. 747 strikes painfully against larynx, and causes retching, IHep.; owing to weakness of lungs (phthisis florida), IIMerc. cor.; at night, IVerbas.; painful, lAilant.; inphthisis,l ISep.; caused by spasm of chest, ISamb.; suffocating,, with expectoration, IGuaraea; thrilling, IPhos.; but weak, coughs until he raises, I IZinc; wheezing from titillation as from dust in throat, IHep. 8^* barking, croupy, hoarse, hollow, metallic, rough. Cough, dentition : lAnt t, ICale p., llpec, IKreo.; catarrhal, IPod.; dry, short, Tereb.; spasmodic, Cina. 8®" children. Cough, with diarrhcea: lAcet. ae, Merc, I INitr. ac, IIPuls, Sars.; chronic, lApis, IPod.; cough of one fit of sickness followed by di- arrhoea, in next, and vice versa (dropsy), IDig. g®" Chap. 20, Diarrhoea, cough. Cough, difficult: in chest affections, I IChlor.; expectoration with cough and oppression of chest (pneumonia), INux v.; after long efforts raised scanty white, frothy, gluey or dirty- looking putrid sputa, ICale; must cough hard and long, IILach.; with smothering spells, IOp. g®~ dry, long, painful. Cough, in diphtheria : Hod, ILach.; incessant, I IKali m.; coughs up detached deposits, with tough, ropy, yellow, discolored mucus,awakes, IKali bi. 8@" croup. Cough, distressing : Aspar, Melib; in catarrh of head, 11 Sticta; especially in children, worse night, lying down, going into cold room to sleep, ISang.; with coryza, commences with feeling as if red pepper were throughout nos- trils and air passages (influenza), I ISeneg; hacking, after getting awake, I Arum t; after pneumonia, IKali c. BST" harassing, men- tal condition, tormenting, troublesome. Cough,drinking: after drinking,HAcon,Anac, Ant. t, lArs., Bry., Cale, Cinch, Dros, Ferr., Hep., IIHyos, ILach , IManc, Meph, Natr. m., INux m, INux v, IOp., IPhos., IPsor, Squilla, Zinc; after ale, ISpong.; after alcoholic drinks, ILach, ISpong.; from beer, IMez., INux v.; worse after, Brom, Op, HSpong.; worse after coffee, Caps, Caust, Cham., Coccul, Ign, Nux v.; better by warm coffee, I ISpong.; after cold drinks, Act. rac, Amm. m, I Ars, Badiag., Bar. c, ICarbo v., Caust., IICup. m., IDig, Dulc, Hep, Ipec, IILyc, Nitr. ac, Phos, Sabad., Sep, Sil, Spong, HSquilla, Sul. ac. Thuya, Ver.; se- vere, after cold drink, while overheated (phthisis), I ISamb.; better from cold water, Caps., HCaust; worse from cold, in pneumo- nia, HStram.; worse from anything cold or warm, IPhos.; worse from cold, better from warm (chronic bronchitis), ISib; from cold things, especially water, Ver.; worse after a de- bauch, IStram.; cough, drunkards, I Ars, ICoc- cus INux v, IOp, ISelen, Stram.; worse from ice'water (bronchitis), IMere; after milk, ISpong.; in cardiac rheumatism, I IPhos.; from sour drink, ILach.; better by warm tea, 11 Spong.; worse from abuse of tea, or brandy, IFerr • from cold or hot tea, ISpong.; if done without thirst, I Ars.; after warm drinks, ICaps, Illgn, IStann.; warm cocoa, 11 Spong.; better from warm drinks, lArs., Bry , Lye, Nux v , Rhus, Sil, Spong, Ver.; when drink- ing IOp.; caused by wine, I Alum., HZine; water, on account of rancid feeling, Zing.; j better from warm drinks,INux v.; after water, in diphtheria, IMur. ac. 8@" Chap. 15, Drinking, cough, cold drinks. 3ough, driving: B^° air- }ough, dry: Acal, IIAcon., lAct. rac. Agar, All. sat, Aloe, IIAlum, Amm. br., Amm. m, Ananth., Ang., Ant. e,IAnt. sub, Apis,Apoe, lArg. met, lArn., IIArs., Ars. s. r, lAsaf, Aur. met, IBelb, Bor, Bov., IBrom., IIBry, Bufo, ICale, ICale p, Camph,Cann. i, ICanth,ICaps,ICarbo a,ICarbo v.JCarbob ac. Card, m, ICaust., ICed, ICham.,IChel, IChlorof, 11 Chlor,Chrom.ac,ICimex, ICinch, Clem, Coccus, Coff, Colch,ICon, Cop,Croc, Crotal, ICup. ac, ICup. m, Curar, IDig, Gambog., Gymn, IIHyos., Hgn, Iod, Kali br., Kali iod, IKreo, ILaur, ILobel. e, Magn. s., IMang, Melib, Merc, INatr. c, IINatr. m, INiccol, IINitr. ac, Nitr. sp. d., INux m, INux v, 101. jec, IOp, Petrol., I IPhell,HPhos, IPhyt, I IPlat,IPod, IPsor, Puls,Rhod,Rhusv,HRumex,Sabad., Sabina, Sang,ISenecio,ISpig,lISpong, Stann., IISul, I ISyph, Tabae, Thuya, lUstil, I IVer, Ver. v. Viol., I IZinc, Ziz.; from feeling as if some- thing remained lodged in abdomen, ISep.; shakes abdomen as though all would fall out, must support bowels, ICarbo a.; after abor- tion, IKali e; after disappointment in her affections (cardiac weakness), I IPhos ae; in afternoon, Asaf; usually in afternoon, irritat- ing and lasting until evening and all night, during morning tolerably free (scarlatina), INuxm.; into open air, worse on going, IPhos.; seems to come from air passages, iHyos.; in anasarca, IHelb; with anxiety, in diphtheria, IMere cy.; in aphonia, ICaust., Seneg.; with ascarides, IBar. m.; with asthma, IKali c; with spasmodic asthma, IKali br, IKalm.; awakens at night, IKali e; awakens at 2 a.m. and coughs about an hour, IKali c; on awaking, ILach.; barking (measles), lAcon.; with in- flammation of brain, 11 Puis.; with sudden loss of breath, INux m.; with shortness of breath, IGuaiac; with shortness of breath, in influenza, I IPhelb; from irritation in bronchi, Arg. met.; with bronchial catarrh, IPhos.; bronchial, with sensation of roughness and slight increase of heat in trachea and bronchia, can only expectorate when pressing finger against sore spot in trachea, IPhyt.; in bron- chitis, IPhos.; in chronic bronchitis in the aged, ISeneg.; with burning in chest, I ISpong.; with burning from larynx to epigastrium, evening in bed, during which he falls asleep, Magn. s.; with burning in nose on blowing it, Sars.; with burning, smarting in throat, llris ; cardiac in origin (dilated heart), ITabae; after catarrh, cough recurs every evening at 6 o'clock, ICon.; with catarrh, ICoccus, Con, INatr. a, INatr. e; caused by dryness, HStann, 11 Sticta; congestion to chest, Act. rac; oppression of chest and roughness in throat, Seneg.; with sharp pain or burning in chest, IBufo.; causing soreness in forepart of chest, woke her from sleep, IPhos.; in chil- dren, Con.; especially in children, worse night, lying down, going into cold room to sleep, ISang.; choking, with pain in epi- gastrium and scraping, sore pain in larynx, not felt when swallowing saliva, ISep.; from catching cold, ICham.; with colic, IHep.; 748 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. concussive, ISep.; constant, in measles lEuph.; constant, with oppression, burning and pains in chest, Ailant.; constant, excited by tickling in suprasternal fossa, from in- spired feathery dust, worse more he allows himself to cough, worse towards evening, llgn.; constant, with wheezing (hay asthma), ILach.; from constipation, ISep.; with con- striction in throat, Ascl. t; almost continu- ous, worse on lying down at night, Con.; convulsive, during cold stage (quartan ague), ISabad.; with fluent coryza, Merc, sub; with stuffy coryza, IINux v.; in whooping cough and helminthiasis, ICina; in croup, IBrom, IPhos., HSpong.; croupy, suffocating, awak- ens, HAcon.; during day, wrenching, epigas- trium excited by talking or singing, IRhus ; during day, with pain and stitches in right side, and hoarseness at 5 p.m., ICheb; day and night, Euphor, I IXan.; day and night, with vomiting of ingesta and phlegm, worse after eating, drinking and morning (catarrh of chest), IKali c.; during dentition, HCham, Tereb.; with nightly diarrhoea, I IKali c; after dinner, Agar., IKali bb; after eating, All. sat.; in evening, Arund, Coca, ICon, INitr. ae, IPhos, ISep, HStann., Stront.; especially evening, in bed, until midnight, with nausea and bitter vomiting, ISep.; in evening, slight expectoration, in morn- ing, ICup. m.; in evening, with heaviness in chest, which disappears after lying down in evening, Zinc; in evening, loose in morning, INux v.; in evening, after lying down, I Alum, ICaps, Coca, I IStann.; worse, in evening until midnight, IPhos.; worse in evening until midnight, in influenza, IRhus; evening and morning, with burning in chest, IKali c; in evening or morning, with expectoration of whitish or yellowish mucus (laryngo-trache- itis), HPhos. ac; in evening and night (phthisis), I IStann.; evening and night, with burning and soreness in chest, IMagn. m.; worse evening and night, cannot sleep nor lie down, ISticta; in evening, with tightness across chest and expectoration in morning (bronchitis), IPhos.; on taking violent exer- cise, Oxabae; with exhaustion (dysentery), IColch.; exhausting, morning and evening, with oppression of chest and rough throat, Rhod.; with expectoration, llndig.; with oc- casional expectoration of blood (mastitis), I IPhos.; sometimes with bloody expectora- tion (cerebrospinal meningitis), IRhus ; ex- pectoration of black blood with tearing pains in chest, principally in right apex (phthisisj, lElaps ; with occasional frothy expectoration (affection of liver with dropsy), IFluor. ac; thin, greenish, purulent expectoration with small cheesy particles (tuberculosis), IFerr. iod.; with expectoration of small lumps of mucus (phthisis), I IPsor.; then profuse, salty expectoration, ICale; at first, finally with serous expectoration containing small floc- culi, before midnight and in morning (tuber- culosis), IHep.; fatiguing, at intervals of two or three hours, with difficult rest, followed by vomiting of mucus and food, worse night, lying down, IKali br.; fatiguing, seems to come from region of stomach, provoked by a sensation therein, ISep.; fatiguing, unsatisfac- tory, in pneumonia, IDig.; provoked by dry- ness in fauces, IPhyt.; in catarrhal fever, IDulc; at first, then more frequent and loose, with expectoration of blood-streaked sputa (typhoid fever), IIRhus ; every forenoon, two weeks, ICamph.; frequent paroxysms, after suddenly taking cold, lElaps ; after drinking, INux m.; after drinking cold water, ISib; better when abstaining from drinking, ICi- mex ; better by drinking water, with tickling in larynx, IOp.; better for a time from drink- ing water, after paroxysms of suffocation coming on during sleep, I IOp.; sounds and feels as if everything in chest were dry, Merc.; with dryness in throat, ISang.; with dyspnoea (chronic rheumatism), HSabina; after sup- pressed gonorrhoea, IBenz. ae; hacking, HAilant; hacking, from an uneasy feeling and soreness beneath cartilages, to right of fourth and fifth ribs, worse from exertion, Natr. a.; hacking, during chill (ague),I IRhus, I ISamb.; hacking, with coryza,ICham.; hack- ing, like whooping cough, with this differ- ence, spasms are principally experienced during inspirations, not during expirations, Coff; hacking, in dysmenorrhoea, I ITarant.; hacking in evening, especially in bed, ICale; hacking, with copious expectoration, only in morning (asthma), I IZing.; hacking, caused by constriction of fauces, with irrita- tion of epiglottis, JEsc. h.; hacking, child fretful, ICham.; hacking, during heat (ague), I ISamb.; hacking, all night (phthisis pulmo- nalis), ICale; hacking, with pains in chest (asthma), I IZing.; hacking, with pain in lungs, with difficult respiration, Zing.; hack- ing, before attack, continuing throughout paroxysms (intermittent), 11 Eup. pur.; hack- ing, caused by scratching in larynx, Zing.; hacking, from scratching or smarting, Zing.; hacking, with weak, sinking sensation under sternum, Med.; at first, then hacking, from tickling in larynx, and extending to lungs (catarrh of head),HSticta ; hacking, incessant, fatiguing, excited by tickling in suprasternal fossa, extends to middle of sternum, with sen- sation as if a feather were swaying to and fro in bronchi, with respiration, causing tickling, provokes cough, IRumex; hacking, of four weeks' duration, ILobel. e; two short hacks, with soreness between scapulae, and tired- ness, Sub ae; with haemoptysis, IMang.;after occasional attacks of haemoptysis, worse night, early morning, and reclining (phthisis pulmonalis), ILach.; hard, ISep.; hard, dur- ing night, worse 4 a.m., IKali e; hard, rack- ing, spasmodic, at night, in old people,Sab ac.; hard, ringing (infantile bronchitis), IIAcon.; harassing, preceded by hoarseness I ISubjwith hawking, excited by tickling in larynx and dryness in pharynx (influenza), IPhyt.; w-ith pain in head as if it would burst, IPhos.; with congestive and catarrhal head- aches, IKali e; during heat (intermittent), IBry, I IVer.; with heat and pain in larynx or chest (influenza), IPhos.; in hydrothorax, I Apoe; with sensation of heaviness in chest, IPsor.jwith hemorrhage from lungs (phthisis), lllpec; with herpes in face, ISpong.; hoarse, barking, sounding like croup,with fever, 11 Ru- mex ; hoarse night and day (cough from bron- chial irritation), ILye; hoarse, violent, causes starting from sleep, causing retching (croup), 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. 749 IHep.; with hoarseness,Calc. p., I ICaust., ISil., Sub; with hoarseness and dryness, ILact. ae; with hoarseness (sequel to measles), ICamph.; with hoarseness in morning after rising, ICarbo a, ICaust.; hollow, with sore streak down tra- chea,ICaust; hollow, from tickling in chest and throat,Euphor.; hollow, from tickling in upper anterior lobes of lungs, worse mornings, better evenings, I Myrtus; incessant, fatiguing, caused by tickling in throat-pit, extends to behind sternum and to stomach, IIRumex ; after in- fluenza (bronchial catarrh), ILach.; worse on deep inspiration or speaking any length of time, IHep.; irritation in larynx and beneath sternum, IPhos.; incessant from irritation at midstemum, Mang.; from irritation in throat, Aph. ch.; laryngeal (tabes mesenterica), Hod.; in laryngitis, iKali bb; in chronic laryngitis, IBelb; as from larynx (typhoid pneumonia), ILachn.; as from constriction of larynx, ICoff; dryness of larynx, Atrop. s.; dryness in larynx and huskiness, ICop.; dryness of larynx, with tension and pain in bronchi (bronchitis chron- ica), INux v.; dryness and tickling in larynx, Bell.; itching in larynx, Cact, IPuls.; scrap- ing, rawness and tickling in larynx, IPuls.; soreness in larynx in evening or several successive mornings, IKali iod.; dull pain in hepatic region, ISub; in liver com- plaint, ICard. m.; then loose, Cinch, bob; then loose, with expectoration of much salt, bitter yellow or whitish matter, or else of sanguinolent mucus (laryngo-tracheitis), I I Puis.; worse lying down after eating, Tereb.; coming on when lying down at night, fre- quently in children, IPetrol.; lying on rightside impossible, I ISyph.; with measles, ICup. m.; as if membrane prevented respiration in trachea (cough after measles), IKali e; before attack of metrorrhagia, IMere; before mid- night, loose after (after variola), ICale; before midnight, shaking whole body, INitr. ae; in morning, Bov., IHyper.; in morning, from bronchial irritation, ILye; in morning and evening, worse at night, oil (catarrh), lApis ; in morning, on rising and nearly all day, ICarbo a.; especially morning rising and evening lying down, Bor.; in morning after sleep, ILach.; in morning, from tickling in larvnx, lllod.; worse in morning, I IMosch.; mostly in whooping cough, ICarbo v.; worse from least movement, with headache, invol- untary urination, chilliness and thirst (jaun- dice), IPhos.; better on detachingand raising a little mucus, in rheumatic patients, IGuaiac; with expectoration of viscid or bloody mucus (bronchitis', IPhos.; desquamative nephritis, I IPlumb.; at night, Amm. c, HCinch.; dur- ing night (laryngeal catarrh),ISpong.; at night, coming deep from chest, caused by scratching, in throat, IPetrol.; at night, loose during day, ICale; only at night, when lying on right side I ICarbo a.; from midnight till daybreak, INUx v.; night and morning, HSquilla; at night with shocks in head and vomiting, ICale'- at night, ceasing on sitting up, coming back on lying down again, IIPuls.; at night, disturbs sleep (intermittent), IHyos.; at night, throat dry, I Alum.; at night (incipient tuber- culosis), HAct. rac; commencing at 2 a.m., IRumex • at night, violent, from irritation of larynx, Stront.; worse at night, Aur. mur. ICale, ICham., Med, IMez, Verbas.; worse at night, with aphonia, I Arg. nit.; worse at night, in bronchitis, IMere; worse at night, with gagging, IHelb; worse at night, with headache disturbing sleep, ICon.; worse at night and morning, Ascl. t; worse at night, long-lasting paroxysms, with painful shocks in head and stomach (chronic catarrh), llpec; worse at 3 a.m. (pleurisy), IKali c; worse at night, for seven weeks, I ISub; with nose- bleeding, Indig.; with burning in nose on blowing it, Sars.; with severe pain in root of nose and frontal sinuses, ISang.; with yellow phlegm from nose, Anag.; in old persons, at night after going to bed, or after dinner, llpec; with oppression, Acet. ac; with oppression of chest (catarrhal affection), INatr. a.; with op- pression of chest and pain as if everything in chest were raw and scratched, I IPsor.; aggra- vating pain (typhoid fever), HStram.; with pain mostly in chest, after diphtheria, on left side, IManc.; with pain in distant parts, ICaps.; painful after catarrh (pneumonia), I IPuls.; paroxysmal, produced by suffocating, crawl- ing sensation in larynx, IPsor.; in paroxysms, most at night (pertussis), IHyos.; in short paroxysms, shaking chest and occiput, ILactu. v.; two or three paroxysms in rapid succes- sion, as if a membrane prevented breathing in trachea or as if some mucus were moved about by cough without being able to expec- torate it, IKali c; periodic, with pain in breast, ISang.; periodic, caused by itching, scraping, titillating under sternum or in throat, Con.; in pregnancy, HStann.; in women, especially if pregnant, IKali br.; persistent, fatiguing, about midnight, if she lies upon back, disappearing when lying on side, INux v.; with pressure upon chest, 11 Plumb.; with pressure in epi- gastrium, IPhos.; in phthisis, IBor.; in phthisis, especially if reflex from heart dis- ease, IHydr. ae; with incipient pulmonary phthisis, IKali c; with pleuritic stitches (in- termittent), IIBry.; after pneumonia, IKali c; in pneumonia, IPhos.; with pleuro-pneu- monia, violent and extending over a large sur- face, IPhos.; racking (chronic laryngitis), IMere; with rattling in chest, INatr. m.; with rattling of mucus, INux v.; with raw- ness in morning after rising, ICarbo a.; on reading aloud, IPhos.; from loud reading, with painful dryness, roughness and constric- tion of larynx, Mang.; causes retching in morning, IKreo.; ending in retching (ascari- des), IFerr. mur.; rough, from continual tick- ling in larynx, with or withoutfever (coryza), IIMerc; occasioned by roughness, IKali iod.; induced by roughness in throat, 01. an.; with spitting of saliva, Anag.; from scraping in larynx, IBelb; caused by scratching in larynx and trachea (heart disease), ILach.; with scratching, when reading aloud, Anag.; shakes patient, worse during sleep, but does not waken,I ITubere; shaking whole body,IOsm.; shaking, spasmodic, in paroxysms, helps to produce abortions, I, I Rumex ; shocks, causing pain in head and abdomen, 11 Nux v.; with shooting pains in chest, Ziz.; with shoot- ing or rawness in chest, I Aeon.; short, I Aeon., IBelb, Eup. pert, IFerr. ph., llris, ILac. def, ILach., Lobel i, Merc, 750 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. INatr. a, ISpong.; short, with dryness in throat, IHam.; short, after a few days' scanty expectoration (pneumonia), IIPuls.; •short, night and day, sitting, lying, or walk- ing (bronchial catarrh), ILach.; short, caused by scratching under manubrium (pneumo- nia), IMere; short, seems to come out of stomach, ISep.; short, evening, with inter- mittent stitches in right hypochondrium, with eruptions on skin in women, ISep.; short, worse on swallowing and deep breath- ing, liEse h.; short, from tickling in upper trachea, Mar. v.; short, without tickling, Card. m.; must sit up (varicella), IHyos.; better sit- ting, worse eating or lying down (oedema lar- yngitis), ISang.; after every sleep, IIPuls.; on awaking from sleep (croup), IKali br.; con- tinuing during sleep, ICham.; during sleep before midnight, IINitr. ae; during sleep, without waking, ISep.; slight, Asim, llpec; soreness of chest and fluent coryza, I IGels.; soreness in chest, rough feeling in throat, par- ticularly at night, INatr. s.; spasmodic, Bry.; spasmodic in chronic bronchitis, HSpong.; spasmodic, with constriction of throat, IPhos.; spasmodic, with mucous expectoration (scro- fulosis), ICornus; spasmodic, brought by deep inspiration (pertussis), HSquilla; spasmodic, worse during inspiration, IPlumb.; spasmodic, with laryngitis, especially if syphilitic, IStilling.; spasmodic, at night, with tickling in throat and constant dull pain under left nipple extending through to left scapula, Como.; spasmodic, more protracted and vio- lent at night, accompanied by painful stitches in chest disturbing sleep (acute pulmonary catarrh), I IPuls.; spasmodic, nightly, with oppression of chest and evening fever, Con.; spasmodic, during pregnancy, worse from speaking, walking or mental exertion, ICon.; spasmodic, with pain in ribs and tearing in all bones, during chill, ISabad.; spasmodic, from tickling in larynx, ILactu. v.; spas- modic, with tickling sensation in trachea to- wards evening, IStilling.; spasmodic, provokes vomiting, Curar.; spasmodic, in weak nervous children, frightens, causing them to cry out in terror, IKali br.; spasmodic, simulating early stage of whooping cough, at first day in paroxysms,preceded by tickling in throat pit, attended by congestion and slight pain in head and wrenching in right side of chest, begins after lying down, at 11 o'clock, lasts ten to fifteen minutes, Rumex; worse after speaking, IMang.; on speaking, worse in dry or cold air, Crotal.; returning Spring and Fall, ICina; sputum raised with difficulty, IINitr. ae; with stitches and burning in chest, lllod.; with stitches in left, hypo- chondrium, lying on back, morning, Amm. m.; with stitches in chest, morning, Amm. m.; with stitches in chest, pain in loins, vertigo, dyspnoea, shootings in chest, IKali bi.; with violent stitches in chest, and feeling as if it would burst, Zinc; with stitches, seeming to proceed from epigastrium to both sides of chest, lEuphor.; with severe stitching in right side,and sensation of suffocation,Ziz.: as if com- ing from stomach, IBry.; due to reflex action from stomach, intestines or uterus, IKali br.; with spasm of stomach, Sabad.; straining, with feeling of compression in chest, caused by talking (aphonia nervosa), IIPuls.; suffo- cating, with gagging, worse at night, not per- mitting sleep, I Cup. m.; with sensation of suffo- cation, IStram.; with suffocation and short- ness of breath, worse walking, Phelb; suffo- cative, with coldness in stomach, Lactu. v.; in secondary syphilis, I ISyph.; teasing, comes on before chill, and continues during it, IIRhus; teasing, in measles, IGels.; teasing, at night (tuberculosis of lungs), ISul.; teas- ing, persistent and annoying, worse lying down, going out of warm room into air, and changing position in bed at night (anaemia of brain), ICon.; with dryness of throat, Calc. p., ILact. ac; from irritation of throat, worse in' bed, ILachn.; with soreness of throat, Cale p.; tickling low down in chest,IPhos. ac; from tickling in larynx, IColch., IHydras., Ilnub; continued, caused by tickling in lar- ~~ ynx, better abstaining from drinking, ICi- mex ; tickling in larynx, on deep inspiration, speaking and pressure (laryngitis), ILach.; tickling in larynx and epigastrium, IINitr. ae; tickling in larynx, towards morning, ISep.; tickling in larynx, and soreness of chest, Ra- tan. ; tickling in upper part of larynx, llpec; tickling, worse towards morning, hoarse voice, ICale; tickling, spasmodic, with tenderness in larynx and trachea, caused cough to be pain- ful, IIRumex; tickling, with bloodspitting, IFerr.; tickling in stomach, ISang.; tickling in throat, Bov., Cact., IColoe; tickling in throat and chest, IPhos.; tickling in throat, in morning, I Amm. m.; tickling in throat pit and crawling, extends downward beneath sternum, ISang.; tickling in trachea, IPsor., Rhod.; tickling in trachea, low down, IPhos.; tight feeling in chest, IPhos.; tightness and oppression in middle and upper third of chest, INatr. a.; at times, ICaust.; tired feel- ing in limbs, heaviness, etc. (hectic), ISub; almost constant titillations, ILaur.; titillation in larynx, INux v.; while smoking tobacco, IHelb; tormenting chiefly nights, ICale; from touching throat, ILach.; from trachea, INaja; troublesome, in infants, ICham.; tuberculous diathesis, IPlumb.; after typhus, with scanty expectoration, IMyos.; in typhus, I Apis, lArs.; prolapsus uteri, I ISep.; induration of uterus, ICarbo a.; severe, as if uvula would break, IIHam.; dry, violent, Acab; expectoration bloody, I Acab; vomiting, or desire to vomit (measles), IPhos.; vomiting of mucus and food, better sitting up, worse at night, IPuls.; continuous and severe, after waking, ISep.; after walking in sharp, cold air, Ver.; whistling, lAcon.; after whooping cough, ICaust.; in worms, ITereb. BSlP' con- cussive, hacking, short, spasmodic, suf- focative, teasing, tickling, tight. Cough, dull : ISpong. Cough, dust: as from, particularly in evening, llgn.; caused by fine, IBelb; as if one had inhaled, awakens at night, Bell.; as from dust in larynx (bronchial catarrh), ICale; worse from, IBrom. 8^°sPasmodic' suffocative, tickling. Cough, ears: B^T" During cough ears. Cough, eating: after eating, lAcon., I Amb, Anac, Ant.t,Ars., Bry., ICale, Caust,ICinch., Curar., IDig., IIHyos., IKali hi., IKali c, Med, INux v, IPhos., Sep., HSquilla, ISub' 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. 751 Tarax., Thuya; in laryngitis, I ISub; takes away appetite, I IZinc; after apples, IIArg. met; better after, Anac, Ferr, Ferr. mur, IKali c, HSpong.; better after breakfast, Alum, Aspar., IKali e; on beginning break- fast, lasting several hours, with copious ex- pectoration (phthisis), ICetrar.; worse during breakfast, Alum.; in bronchial catarrh, ICale; worse, in bronchitis, IPhos.; in chronic bron- chitis, IKali bb; cold things, Amm. m, ICarbo v., Hep, IILyc, Thuya, Ver.; desire to eat during cough, I INux v.; worse an hour after dinner, 3 p.m., so violent as to cause vom- iting and expectoration of thick, viscous and albuminous mucus, ICoce;in bronchial ca- tarrh,ICale; after fish, ILach.; worse after a full meal (whooping cough),Carbo v.; immedi- ately after, ICinch, Thuya; worse after, mea- sles,IKali c.; after a meal, in bronchial catarrh, lAnt. t; after a meal, especially afternoon (influenza), llpec; after midday meal, lasts all night, better at daybreak, Syph.; worse after meat, IStaph.; after pepper, I Alum.; after salt, I Alum.; worse from highly-sea- soned food, ISub; after solid food, ICup. m.; worse from sour food, INatr. m., Sep.; after sweets, Spong, ISub, Zinc; from warm food, Bar. e, Kalic,Laur, Mez, Puis.; worse after, in apoplexy, I Anac; in whooping cough,I Bry, Carbo v., ICaust, Nux v. BSP" Chap. 15, Eating cough. Cough, with emaciation: HAcet. ae, I Amb, IINitr. ae; in amenorrhcea, I IXan. 8^° Chap. 28, Lungs, consumption. Cough, epigastrium: crawling and tickling, Bry.; prevented by heaviness, Calad.; irrita- tion, IIPuls.; irritation, worse mornings (pharyngitis), IINatr. m.; oppression, IKali bb; seems to originate in, where it pro- duces tickling and severe pain, ILach.; caused by pressure, Calad.; better by laying hand on, Ant. t, Apis, Croc; excited by sensation of something in, Bell. B@" Chap. 17, Epigas- trium cough. Cough, epiglottis: from stitching, ICaps. 8@T Chap. 25, Epiglottis. Cough, eruption: crusta lactea, IJacea. 8^* measles. Cough, evening: Alum, Amb, Amm. c, Amm. m., Apis, lArg. nit, lArs, Badiag, Bar. c, IBelb, Brom., IBry., Calc, Caps, ICarbo v., ICepa, Con, Dros., Eup. perf, Euph, Ferr, Fluor, ae, Hep, Iod, llpec, Kali bi. Kali iod, ILye, IMere, Mez, INitr. ac, INux v, HPhos, Psor., IPuls, IIRhus, Sang, Seneg, Sep., HSpong., IStram, Sul, Ver, Verbas.; in bed lying down, Agnus, ICaust., IDros, IKreo., ILach., INatr. m, IRhus, ISep., ISul, Thuya; before and when going to bed (chronic laryngitis), HSub; in bronchial catarrh, ICale; with coldness, Acet. ae; towards evening, in whooping cough, ISeneg.; expectoration only before midnight, as soon as he gets into bed, ISep ; grayish,greenish lumpy expectoration, IKali c.; worse evening and morning, with salty expectoration, ISep.; with expectoration in evening only, HArg. met I Arn. Ars, I IBell IBov., I IBry., Calc, HCaust, ICina, I ICinch, IGraph, Illgn., Kali e, IILyc, Mur ac, Natr. c, Nitrum, I INux v., Phos, IRuta Sep, Sib, Stann.; frequent, with scrap- ing scratching in throat, IITereb.; with hectic, ICaps.; with hoarseness, ICarbo v., HPhos.; hydrocephaloid, HCina; irrepress- ible, while sitting, Alum.; in bed and in morning, irritation lower in trachea than can be reached by cough, IMez.; after lying down he can raise better if he turn from left to rightside, Kali c, HPhos.; after lying some time in bed, IKali e; after lying down when warm in bed, IBPuls.; before menses, ISub; at midnight, Coff; before midnight, Bar. c, ICarbo v., Caust, IHep., IMagn. c. Zing.; worse evening and morning after lying down and from exercise, IKreo.; without ex- pectoration in morning, with dark blood in evening, IPhos. ac; in nasal catarrh, I I Eup. pert; and night, ICaps, Jamb, IPhos.; pain- less, Alum.; pains in chest and throat, passing off when she is quiet, IPsor.; not ceasing un- til he coughs loose a little phlegm, ISep.; be- fore retiring, Ailant, Bor.; while sitting, Alum, Sub; on going to sleep, ICarbo v., ICon.; in tuberculosis, HCale; comparatively free during day, comes at 6 p.m., continues al- most incessantly during night, could not sleep or lie down (catarrh of head), I ISticta; 10 p.m., every quarter of an hour three or four parox- ysms at a time, IBell.; frequent attacks about 11 p.m., Bell.; 11 p.m., when lying on left side, IIRumex; sudden, violent, 11 p.m. (acute cedema of lungs), lAnt t; until 12 p.m., or day and night, with tension over thorax,IMez. Cough, from exertion: IIArs, Brom, IIBry, ICinch, IDros, Ferr., Hep, llpec, IKali c, Lach, IILyc, INatr. m., INux v, IPhos., Sil, HSquilla, IStann., Ver.; in albumi- nuria, IINuxv.; on raising arm, with stitch in right on motion, 1101. jec; from stretch- ing arms out, IILyc; worse on ascend- ing, I Ars, INux v.; after dancing, IIPuls.; in haemoptysis, IFerr.; worse from lifting a heavy weight, Amb.; only when moving and walk- ing, IFerr.; and at night (phthisis), lArs. b; rising from bed, I ISpong.; running, ICon.; after screaming, Arn.; ascending stairs, Arg. nit., Sep.; caused by going up stairs, walk- ing quickly, even by loud talking (chronic bronchial catarrh), IIPuls.; from slightest, IManc; worse, from violent, IFerr.; from walking, Alum, I Ars, Carbo v. Cina, IIDig, IFerr, Hep., Iod., Lach, Mang., Natr. m, IRumex, Seneg, Stram, Stront, Sul. ae; from fast walking, ICoca, Merc, Natr. m., Seneg, Sep, Sib, Squilla, Stann.; worse on walking (after variola), ICale Cough, exhausting: 8®" fatiguing. Cough, expectoration : 8®° Expectoration. Cough, explosive : sudden, without expectora- tion,'worse in evening, ISil. 8®° concus- sive. Cough, expulsive : Ars. s. r. Cough, eyes: worse, from looking at bright ob- jects, IStram.; on closing, IHep.; worse, by looking into fire, Ant. c. 8^° During cough, eyes. Cough, face : S^T During cough face. Cough, fatiguing: IBrom, ILach., Mere, IPlumb.; blowing blood from nose, ICup. m.; shaking chest and causing headache, worse in forehead, nights (influenza), I Ant. t; during day, worse at night, Zinc; continuous dry (bronchitis), ISpong.; in evening, IKali e; without expectoration, Camph.; with heat, 752 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. Eup. pert; in intermittent, following broncho-pneumonia, Chin, m.; at night (pneumonia), IHyosc; in old people, IKreo.; from oppressson of chest, particularly at night, ICoccul.; in paroxysms, HStann.; in incipient (phthisis), ISenecio; in pregnancy, HStann.; spasmodic, worse talking, running or by emo- tion, ICon.; from titillation in larynx, INux v.; in hepatic typhus, ICheb; wearing, in con- sumptives, ISticta. B®° concussive, dry, hard, racking, tearing, violent. Cough, fauces: dry, cough croupy, HPhyt.; dry, hacking, IPhyt.; dry, hacking, with hoarseness, IIDros.; dry, spasmodic, I IVer.; irritation, excited by roughness, Card, m.; mucus, I IRumex; cough from rinsing mouth, ICoccus; swelling, HSpong. Cough, feeble: Seneg.; continuous, Calad.; with expectoration of a little phlegm, Seneg. Cough, feet: from cold feet, IBufo.; cedema of feet and legs, Acet. ac. Cough, in fever: ICale p., Ferr. ph, IINitr. ac; during apyrexia, ISabad.; before and during chill (quartan ague), IIPuls.; during chill, ISabad.; febrile, in women and chil- dren, llpec; hectic, from suppressed inter- mittent, lEup. pert; with hectic, Acet. ac, •Calc s.; in intermittent, ICimex, IDiad.; sequel to intermittent, INatr. m.; in tertian intermittent, IFerr.; prevailing, lAmm.m.; remittent, IPod.; in Chagres fever, peculiar, coughs twice, and twice only, a heavy, strain- ing cough, strains pit of chest, a light, hack- ing cough, which seems to come from pit of chest, during heat, I ISub; pneumonic, in ty- phoid, IIRhus; symptoms supervening and complicating typhoid and typhus, IPhos.; with bloodboil on thigh, IBell. 8®° heat; also Chap. 40, Fever cough. Cough, fluids: worse from loss of, ICinch, IFerr. Cough, forcible : expels mucus in trachea, with weakness in chest, as if eviscerated, IStann. BggT* hard. Cough, forenoon : Agar., Aur. mur, Bry., Coc- cus, Kali c, Magn. c, Natr. a, Rhus, Sabad., Sep., Staph. B@~ morning. Cough, frequent: Ant. c. Arum t, lAsaf, ICaps, ICaust, Cimex,Coccus, ICup. ae,IHy- per, IKali bi, IPhos, IIRumex, Thuya, Zinc; with severe pains from shock through chest, lAcon.; in acute coryza, IKali iod, I ISinap.; with diarrhoea in a child, I Arn.; in dropsy, I Ars.; from dryness and scraping in throat (chronic syphilitic sore throat), IKalm.; worse every evening, ICepa ; with bloody expectoration, IPlumb.; followed by copious expectoration of frothy mucus, I I Thuya ; with frothy, brown, or gelatinous expectora- tion (pneumonia), IPhos.; with scanty, dif- ficult, gray expectoration (pneumonia), ILye; hacking, provoked by putting tongue too far out (pneumonia), ILye; with hoarseness and dryness in larynx, IBelb; less, with carbonized blood, IIAnt. t; little, from dryness, lAcon.; in pneumonia, lAnt. t; from mucus in chest, Asar.; mucus in larynx, especially in open air and when walking fast, Seneg.; white, frothy, saltish mucus, worse towards evening, ISib; at night, IHyos.; with pain, llllie; with pain in perineum, morning, Ars. h.; in phthisis, lArs. iod., I ITubere; as from pressure oyer chest, Ars. h.; pricking in larynx, extending to trachea, Hydr. ae; attacks come on with rapid cough, and follow so close as almost to run into each other, ICorab; from scratching in throat, IPhos.; short, with blood-streaked expectoration (haemoptysis), I IRhus ; in sore throat, I ISub; with sputum, INatr. s.; from tickling in larynx, IColch.; in typhus abdomi- nalis, I INux v. 8*©" dry, hacking, parox- ysms, short, teasing, tickling. Cough, with gagging : ILach. Cough, from habit: Grind. Cough, hacking: lAcon, JEsc. h, Ailant, IIAlum, Amyl, Arn, lArs., IIArs. i, Ascl. t, HAng., IBell, Benz. ae, Berb, IBor, Bry., Calc. fl, Camph, Cann. s, ICanth., ICaps, ICarbol. ae, Card m., ICaust, Cepa, Chrom. ae, ICina, ICinch, Coccus, Coff, ICon., Eup. perf. Graph, Ham., IHep., IHy- per, Ign, Iod, IKali iod., Kreo., ILac def, Lach, ILye, Magn. s, IIMez., INatr. m, INiccol, INitr. ac, INux v, 101. jec, IPhos, Phyt, IPod., Puis., IRhus, Sabina, Sep, ISpong,ISquilla,IStann, ISul, Sub ac,Sumb., I ISyph, Thuya, Ver. v, Xan.; seems to come from air passages, IHyos.; as soon as he was about to fall asleep, continuing all night, bet- ter during sleep, worse 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. (ty- phoid), IHep.; on awaking, IILach.; slight all day, worse at bedtime and on rising(threat- ened phthisis), I ITubere; with expectoration of bright red blood which seemingly comes from larynx, Kob.; with bloodspitting,ILach.; slight, with bloodspitting, IHam.; worrying till he cannot breathe (coryza), ICepa ; with tight breathing, INux v.; before expulsion of blood (haemoptysis), lArn.; with chill, in in- termittent, I Ars.; on inspiring cold air, llCepa; constant, with dyspnoea (scarlatinal dropsy), IDig.; constant, with expectoration of blood, IKali bb; constant, evening in bed, llgn.; constant inclination, as if caused by much mucus in chest, with internal sensation of scraping and rattling, HStann.; con- stant, suddenly, while smoking, IIHelb; almost continuous, worse on lying down at night, Con.; constant, from tickling and sense of constriction in throat, ILac e; in acute coryza, I ISinap.; in croup, IPhos.; causing darting pains through scapulae, Med.; during day, Como.; disappointment (cardiac weakness), I IPhos. ac; dry feeling and scrap- ing in larynx, worse towards evening, ICoccus; with dryness in throat, ISang.; after eating, IHep.; in evening, lEup. perf, Stront.; in evening, after lying down, ICaps.; with ex- pectoration of a little phlegm, Seneg.; dryness in fauces, IPhyt; frequent during dav, none at night (hay fever), I ISinap.; frequent, after lying down in evening, with bitter taste in throat till he falls asleep, also in morning till he rises, IRhus ; following gastric and hepatic symptoms, Ptel.; after suppressed gonorrhoea, IBenz. ac.; hawking, excited by tickling in larynx and dryness in pharynx (influenza) IPhyt; with dulness and confusion of head (spasmodic croup), IKali br.; with hemorrhage from lungs, ICollin. lllpec; in hydrothorax lApoe; on inspiring cold air, ICepa; slight when inspiring, Merc. iod. flav.; with itch in «■ in throat, ICon.; in laryngitis, I ISub; irrita" 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. 753 tion of larynx, Seneg.; worse during menses, I IPuls,- in metrorrhagia, IKali e; in morning, ICale p.; every morning (haemoptysis), I Ars.; in morning,after sleep,ILach.;forseven weeks, worse in morning after breakfast, I ITubere; constant as if caused by mucus in chest, with internal sensation of scraping and rattling, with cough, HStann., caused by accumulation of mucus in larynx, especially in open air and when walking fast, Seneg.; at night (dys- menorrhoea), ISenecio; worse at night, Card. m.; paroxysmal, produced by suffocating crawling sensation in larynx, IPsor.; in phthisis, I Asar.; during pregnancy, INux m.; in prolapsus uteri, HSep.; with rawness in larynx and trachea, IPhos.; provoked by rawness and dryness in throat, Stront.; but seldom, persistent rawness in throat in even- ing, Zinc; impeding respiration, I I Cupr. s.; induced by roughness in throat, 01. an.; in scarlatina, ICaps.; severe, in pulmonary dis- ease, ILye; short, constant, in laryngeal phthisis, HStann.; short, with darting, in thorax, Stilling.; short, in evening, leaves on retiring, Sinap.; as from sulphur vapor, morn- ing after rising, whereby nothing could be loosened, ICinch.; slight, tedious, in a girl of phthisical habit, I ITubere; worse by changes of temperature, Polyg.; slight, from irritation in throat, Tromb.; with rough scraping in throat, extends to trachea, Sinap.; with tick- ling in left side of larynx, IPhyt.; constant tickling in larynx and bronchia, IDios.; con- stant inclination to relieve tickling in larynx, ICepa ; preceded by tickling and burning in larynx (hay catarrh), I ISticta; caused by nightly tickling in pharynx, ISib; caused by tickling in upper part of trachea, I IRumex; from upper trachea, worse talking, smoking, IIBry.; from touching throat, ILach.; with tuberculous diathesis, IPlumb.; vomiting and dyspnoea, I Alum.; with vomiting, ITereb. Bgp" dry, harassing, short, teasing, tick- ling. Cough, haemoptysis : Amm. c, ICinch, IDig., llpec, IMillef, Ver.; every afternoon at four, IMillef; black blood, during night IKreo.; bright, frequent, IMillef; of bright red, llpec; bright red, with qualmish feeling in chest, IRhus; of bright red frothy or black clotted blood, IDros.; clear blood (pneumonia), IFerr. ph.; clotted blood and pus from mouth (vari- ola), I I Vace; coughed up several cupfuls of blood and large quantity of offensive smell- ing pus after .severe paroxysm of cough (phthisis pulmonalis), I ISep.; dark, Amm.e; dark, coagulated, IIPuls.; dark, brought on bv cold damp spell, 11 Sticta; dark, stringy, ICroe; follows great distress and restlessness, ITereb'.; after drinking, ICale; in erysipelas, I IRhus ; with dull frontal headache, IHam.; feeble, weak but active, Lye vir.; hydro- genoid constitutions, INatr. s.; in lung affec- tions, IKali n., IMillef; up great masses of blood and pus after pneumonia, IKali c.; dur- ing menses, I Arg. nit, Iod.; in morning, on rising from bed, IFerr.; raising blood, followed bv copious mucus, Agnus ; in desquamative nephritis, I IPlumb.; of onanists, IIFerr.; in phthisis, IGuaiac; with pus, in phthisis, IDros ; in pleurisy, Cann. s.; and great pros- tration, ICinch.; worse at rest, caused by cold or protracted loose cough, IDulc; scanty blood, with inscapular pains, IFerr.; with frequent tickling, Card, in.; after typhus, Sul. ae; from straining voice, preaching, etc., HCaust; among subjects weak and anaemic through privation of all kinds, Diad. Cough, harassing: Zinc; bloody sputa, with pain in occipital region, I ISang.; after every cold, IPhyt.; after influenza (bronchial ca- tarrh), ILach.; closely resembling a sneeze, owing to spasmodic closure of lips, coming on with every attempt to cough (traumatic teta- nus), INux v. B^f distressing, hacking, teasing, tormenting, troublesome; also Chap. 28, Lungs hemorrhage. Cough, hard: I Ant. sul. aur., Aur. mur, Cann. i, ICarbo v., IChlorof, IChrom. ac, Gymn., I ILac c, IINitr. ac, IPhyt, IRhus, ISpig., ISticta, HSub, Ziz.; better on going into open air, IPhos.; in chest affections, I IChlo- ral.; constant, with thick, yellow, tasteless expectoration, Syph.; in diphtheritic croup, IKali bb; dry, from lower part of chest, rack- ing and shaking whole body, and causing pain over whole body which is better on press- ure or having head tightly wrapped up (ague), ISamb.; dry, day and night, with painfulness of head and region of stomach, ILye; dry, with dyspnoea, I I Eup. pert; in evening, with pain in distant parts, ICaps.; worse in even- ing, from supper time till going to bed,Cochb; worse evening until midnight (influenza), IRhus ; bloody expectoration, I ICollin.; little expectoration, See; congestive and catarrhal headaches, IKali e; in hepatitis, ILach.: ex- cited by inspiration,Sticta ;in morning,ILach.; mostly, in whooping cough, ICarbo v.; worse night and morning, Ascl. t; 3 a.m. (angina pectoris), IKali e; painful (influenza),IGels.; in pneumonia, stage of hepatization, I IPhos.; scraping and tickling in throat, IPhyt.; shak- ing whole body, lOsm.; shaking chest and bowels, stops after expectoration of quantity of compact mucus, tenacious, filamentous, with bitter, putrid, oily taste, Sarrae; worse during sleep, shakes patient, but does not waken, I ITubere; feeling of suffocation reaches to epigastrium, as if tough phlegm would work up (asthma), I IRumex; tickling in trachea, IPsor. ggg* racking, violent. Cough, harsh: ICepa, ILach, Melib, Rhus v.; on awaking (croup), I ISpong.; in croup, IHep.; in diphtheria, IKali bb; in laryngo- tracheitis and bronchitis, IHydras.; worse outdoors and at night, I IPhyt.; better sitting, worse eating or lying down (oedema laryngis), ISang.; seems to tear and rupture bronchi, Cub.; from tickling in larynx, IHydras. 8®° hoarse, rough. Cough, headache : gtgg" During cough head- ache. Cough, heart: with cardiac affections, I IColb, IFerr. mur.; symptoms of circulation aggra- vated, ISpong.; dropsy of pericardium,I Apoe; dry, cardiac in origin, ITabae; dry, with car- ditis, ICact.; caused by sensation as if heart intermitted a single beat, cough seems to re- establish circulation (rheumatism of), ILach.; from irritation in cardiac region, IBar. c; irritating, sympathetic, attending organic dis- eases or rheumatic carditis, INaja; paroxysm (disease of), I Amyb; sympathetic, in "car- 48 754 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. diac affections, IILach. 8®° During cough heart, palpitation ; also Chap. 29, Heart cough. Cough, heat: on going from open air into warm room, Ant. c, Brom, IIBry, ICup. m,IDulc, IILyc, Med, INatr. c, IIPuls.; better getting warm in bed, ICham, IKali bi.; on getting warm in bed, INux m.; on getting warm in bed or in a warm room, Ver.; worse from warmth of bed, Ant. t, INatr. m.; worse in warmth, at bedtime and on rising in morning, IINitr. ac; when overheated, Aeon, INux m.; worse from getting heated, IDig.; in a warm room, Amb, Am, Ars, Brom, IIBry, Cepa, Coccus, Dig, Dros., Dulc, llpec, Laur, Lye, Mez, Natr. c, IPuls, Seneg., Spig, ISpong, Ver.; worse by room getting too warm (acute bronchitis), ISpong.; worse from sun, Ant. e; worse by warmth, Dros. 8®° fever, weather ; also Chap. 40, Heat, cough. Cough, hemorrhage : after, from lungs, worse lying on back and after getting out of bed in morning, IPlumb. 8@" haemoptysis. Cough, hemorrhoids : suppressed, IMillef. 8@° During Cough hemorrhoids. Cough, hips: excited by jerking, I Ars. Cough, hissing: in aphonia, ICaust. 8®° -whistling. Cough, hoarse: I Aeon., Amb., Apoe, I Ars, 11 Asaf, Ascl. t, Carbo a, ICarbo v., ICaust, llCepa, Cina, IHep., Ign, Kreo, Lye, Merc, INitr. ae, INux v, IPhos, IPuls, IPhyt, ISamb., I ISang, Stann., Sticta, ISul, Ver., IVerbas.; in asthma Millari, ICup. m.; asthma spasmodicum, IGraph, barking, IIDros.; with pain through breast, IKali iod.; in whooping cough, ICarbo v.; in croup, IBrom.; in spasmodic croup, IHep.; croupy (diph- theria in larynx), iBrom.; dry, loud (infantile bronchitis), IIAcon.; with little expectora- tion, See; in catarrhal fever, IDulc; haemop- tysis (epidemic influenza), ISabad.; hard, dry, ILact. ae; irritation in throat, worse in even- ing (laryngitis), I ISpong.; in measles, IKali bi, IKali m. (8®° measles) ; awakens at midnight, causes vomiting and pain in ster- num, in catarrhal fever, I IRuta; worse after midnight (bronchitis infantum),IDros.; worse after midnight, during or after measles, Dros.; every night at 11 p.m., 2 and 5 a.m., chil- dren, IRumex; violent attack at night, I Apoe; worse at night, I IPhyt, IVerbas.; sequel of pneumonia, I ISub; rough, with scraping in bronchia, IIEup. pert; consisting of a few shocks, which is renewed only after long inter- vals in afternoon, ICina; suffocating with purple nails and lips (croup), I ISamb.; on at- tempting to talk (aphonia from exposure), ICina; in warm, wet weather, Hod. 8^*" hoarseness. Cough, with hoarseness: ICale, ICarbo a, iCinn, ILach, Merc, IMez, IPhos.,ISpong.; bloody expectoration, I ISep.; hissing, in catarrhal croup, I Ant. t; body warm, Amm. c 8^** hoarse. Cough, hollow: Aeon., All. sat, IIBell, Bry., iCarbo v, ICaust, IChel, Cina, ICinch, IDig, IIDros, IIHep., Ign, IKali e, IKreo, INitr. ac, INux v, IPhos., ISamb, ISil, ISpig., ISpong, IStaph., 11 Sul,Ver., IVerbas.; on awaking (croup), I ISpong.; in bronchitis, HCaust, IPhos.; with catarrhal affection of larynx (corvza), I ISpong.; choking, lAcon.; in croup, IPhos., I ISamb.; in croup or re- maining after croup, HSpong.; in spasmodic croup, IIBell.; croupy, IHep.; difficult, in asthma Millari, ICup. m.; with pressure in epigastrium, IPhos.; with expectoration day and night, HSpong.; with expectoration of mucus (croup), IPhos.; with inhalation, Acet. ac; mostly in morning in bed, also at night preventing sleep, IPhos.; in morn- ing, caused by tickling above epigastrium, llgn.; especially night and morning, ICaust.; at night, short and panting during day (laryngitis), IIAcon.; in phthisis florida, I IMere cor.; in phthisis pulmonum, I ISep.; in pneumonia, lAnt. t; worse reading aloud or talking, Amb.; without resonance, day and night (paralysis glottidis), ICaust.; spasmodic racking from tickling in larynx, I ILed.; from sensation like fumes of sulphur or dust in pit of throat, evening, llgn. 8^° barking, deep, metallic. Cough, hysterical: llpec, INux m.; dry, from stifling beneath upper fourth of sternum, uter- ine disease, with mental disturbance, Plat.; especially if pregnant, IKali br. 8^*" men- tal condition, nervous, reflex, spasmodic. Cough, inability: Bar. c. Hod.; suppressed, in pleurisy, IKali e; threatened with suffoca- tion (nervous asthma), ILobel. i.; wants to, but cannot, Alet.; wants to, but cannot, in croup, lAcon. Cough, indoors: I ISpong. 8^° heat. Cough, influenza (grippe): IIAnt. t, lArs., lAscl. s, lAscl. t, HCamph., ICepa, IGels, HPhos, IPuls.; autumnal, epidemic, ICepa; with bronchitis, ILye; chills, lEuphor.; from exposure to dampness, IRhus ; with debility, ICinch.; with derangement of digestive organs, IPhyt.; cough during or closely following, I ISticta; epidemic, HPhos.; stitches in right eye, when coughing, Seneg.; moist cough, IBry.; after, early in morning and during day, lEuph.; neglected, threatening to pass into phthisis, IStann.; rheumatic pains, IBry, HCaust; tired sensation, HCaust, IGels, cough lasts all winter and following spring, ILach. 86P" Chap. 7, Coryza influenza. Cough, interrupted: Thuya. Cough, half involuntary: ICarbo v. Cough, from irritation: Cain., IChlorof, Hip- poz, I 101. jec, IPhos. ac.; arthritic pains brought on by least cold, swallowing excites pain, Phos. ae; chronic bronchitis in the aged, ISeneg.; evening and night, lArg. nit.; without expectoration, IGels.; with constric- tion in fauces, ICoccul.; with secretion of mucus and much pain about chest, Seneg.; worse during night,ICodein.; from scratching in throat, IPhos.; in syphilis, ILye 8ST* bronchial, laryngeal. Cough, jerking : Ananth.; quick, caused by fis- sures in larynx, Bufo. Cough, labored: in bronchitis or phthisis I IChloral. Cough, laryngeal: tJEsc. h, ICon.; from burn- ing, Bufo., HSpong.; chronic, compels her to spring up in bed from feeling of choking or suffocation, night, IHep.; from cicatricial con- traction of mucous membrane, Hippoz.; ob- struction results from apparent constriction 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. 755 just below larynx, though air is drawn freely into lungs, IChlor.; constrictive irritation of, INaja; caused by constrictive sensation, especially after eating, IIPuls.; relieves constriction, Asar.; crawling, ICaust, HCon, IIKreo.; crawling below, IKreo.; from creeping, Ant. t, IColch.; chronic, dry, with stinging, smarting, as if small ulcers were in larynx, generally felt on one side, INitr.ac; excited by dryness, Raph, Zing.; as if epi- glottis were closed, brought on by thrusting tongue in cheeks, Med.; excited by increased secretion of fluid, ILach.; as if fluid had gone into wrong passage, IILach.; compelling pa- tient to grasp larynx (coryza), HCepa; with inflammation, I Arg. met.; irritation, Amm. e, Aph. ch., I ICalad., Carb. s., Cop, IKali bi.; irritation, worse at night and lying down, Arum d.; irritation on posterior side of, Card. m.; from irritation in upper part, Am., ICoc- cul.; caused by itching, with tenacious, salty expectoration, ICarbo v.; from itching in upper part, Am.; in morning, immedi- ately on rising, as though gelatinous, tena- cious expectoration, ISib; induced by irregu- lar motions, as in speech, IIRumex ; from mucus, I Arg. met, IKali bb; sensation of something in larynx, with expectoration of mucus, after cough, I ISub; originates in larynx, where loud, mucous rattling could be heard, every ten seconds during day,better night, 11 Rumex ; pain, with desire to cough, Hod.; caused by sensation of a plug or valve, HSpong.; constant pricking and itching, or tickling in left side of (laryngitis), I ISub; caused by pressure, ILach.; pressure aggra- vates, I IRumex; caused by pressure, in lar- yngitis, ICrotal.; frequently repeated (co- ryza), 11 Cepa; in loud mucous rattling, every ten seconds during day, better at night, 11 Rumex ; raw sensation in, IRumex ; caused by rawness, Sub; from sensation of rawness behind thyroid cartilage, IChlor.; caused by rawness and scraping, IBrom.; roughness, Ast. r, HSpong.; roughness, in laryngitis, lArg. met; roughness in upper portion, Ziz.; scraping IBrom, ICon.; tendency to, in scrofulous children, IStilling.; short barking, ISpong.; excited by a contraction of skin in region of larynx, Zing.; smoky sensation, HArs.; attempt to cough produces spasm of glottis, IChlor.; with spasm of glottis on ex- piration, ICheb; splits and tears larynx, llCepa; stitches, Bufo.; from talking, Hep, IPhos, ISub; talking, singing or laughing, IStann.; tearing extending to chest, Bor.; tickling (8^-tickling); as if larynx would be torn (coryza), ICepa; from ulcers (syph- ilis), ILye; with sudden change of voice, Ru- mex ; from raising voice, IIArg. met.; inces- sant provoked by sensation of weight and strangulation, I IPhos. 8®° talking, tick- ling ° also Chap. 25, Larynx tickling. Comrii, from laughing: lArg. met, lArg. nit, IBry , ICinch., Con., ICup. m, Curar., Dros., Kali c, Lach, Mang, Mur. ae, Nitr. ac, IPhos., Sinap, IStann, Zinc. 8®* singing, talking. ... .. _, Cough liver: affections, Absin., IliEsc. h. Card m, IPod, ISang.; in jaundice, IPhos.; sluggish, tendency to diarrhoea, IINitr. ac; stitches, Natr. m. Cough, long efforts: Chel.; in whooping cough, INiccol.; before expectorating, IPsor.; for the expulsion of expectoration (bronchitis), IMang.; to expel phlegm, infants and old people, IDulc. 8^° constant, difficult, distressing. Cough, loose: lAgar., IIAnt. t, Apoe, lArs. i. Arum d, Aur. rhur, IBadiag, Bov., ICham, Con, Dros, I Euph., IIHep., I INatr. c, IPod, IIPuls, I ISticta, Sub, Ver. v.; in afternoon Amm. m.; at 3 p.m. (old woman), I Ang.; during apyrexia, Eup. pert; in bronchitis, IPuls.; in bronchitis, pneumonia, tubercu- losis, ICale; resembling catarrh, Arum d.; catarrhal (eczema of children), Jacea; at end of chill, Eup. pert; chronic, after measles, IIPuls.; nothing comes up (catarrh), IIDros.; remaining after whooping cough or measles, Chel.; after whooping cough, six months pre vious, IKali bb; in croup, IPhos.; all day 101. jec; by day, ILye, IIPuls.; during day (croup), I ILye; day and night, ISib; by day, dry by night, I Ars, ICale,, I ICham., Graph., INux v., IPuls., Sabad., ISil, ISub; suddenly changing to dryness and hoarseness (typhus), HSpong.; aftereating, INux m.; titillation in epigastrium (laryngo-tracheitis), I IPhos. ac; inability to expectorate, I Ant. t, IBrom, ICon,Dros.,Ferr,IHep., Jamb, Kalis.,Led, Lith., Magn. s, Mang, IPhos., Pod, ISang, ISep.; expectoration of a little phlegm,Seneg.; copious expectoration of yellowish thick sweet mucus, often streaked with blood, with sensa- tion of rawness and soreness in chest, 11 Se- necio ; in evening, Ars. h, Bov., Jamb.; in evening, dry in morning, Bov.; more fatiguing than dry in evening, HSquilla ; in catarrhal fever, IDulc; in diphtheria, IISul. ae; sud- denly changes to hoarseness and dryness, in- creasing to dyspnoea, with anxiousness (typhus), ISpong.; with laryngitis, especially if syphilitic, IStilling.; in morning, tight in afternoon and evening, IBadiag.; in morn- ing, in bronchial catarrh, ICale; in morning, with some expectoration, Meph.; in morning, less free during day, ISticta ; in morning, in pneumoniaand capillary bronchitis,ICheb; in morning, with efforts to vomit, ISep.; at night, Amm. m. Jamb, ISep.; worse at night, with frequent expectoration of tenacious mu- cus (influenza), IPuls.; pain in chest (laryn- go-tracheitis), IIPuls.; in phthisis, I Ars. b; rales, until something is coughed up, ICarbo a.; sensation asof something loose,like loose flesh, pulled, HStaph.; soreness and pressure in chest, Sub; soreness in mouth and throat, Magn. s.; worse from supper time till going to bed, Cochl.; tickling deep in chest, Graph.; tickling in larynx, Stilling.; in typhoid, INitr. ae; violent spells, no expectoration, I ISub; wheezing, frequent severe paroxysms (bron- chial catarrh), IKali bi. ggg* moist, mucus, rattling; also day, evening, morning, night expectoration. Cough, loud: Aur. mur.; in croup, IHep.; sounds like a trumpet, IVerbas. B^ST" hard, noisy, ringing. Cough, lungs : gggr chest. Cough, when lying down : Arg. nit, Ars., Bar. c, ICaps., ICarbo v, ICaust, Cinch, Coccus, ICon, ICrot. t, IDros., IDulc, IIHyos., Laur, INitr. ae, IPuls., Sabad.; in apoplexy, 756 27. COUGH AND lArn.; on back, Agar., Amm. m., Kali bi, INatr. m, IPhos.; better, on back, IIAcon.; on back, in croup, IPhos.; on back, with scanty expectoration (quartan ague), I ISep.; on back,or right side, I ISpong.;on back, better kneeling with face towards pillow, IIEup. pert; in bed, Hep.; drives out of bed, ICarbo v.; better by lying on belly, Bar. c, Med.; bending body back,Hep.; better, Acon,Amm. m, Euph, Lye, Mane, Sep, Thuya, Zinc; better on back, Aeon, Mang.; better, on back, or sitting, ILye; and taking a deep breath, HCon.; in daytime, ends with little, easy ex- pectoration (after pleurisy), HSub; stitches, in epigastrium, IIRhus; in evening, ISib; when first lying down, during day or evening, is obliged to sit up and cough it out, HCon.; in epidemic influenza, ISabad.; on left side, Aeon, Bar. c, Bry, Ipec, IILyc, Merc, IParis, IPhos., Puis, IRhus, Rumex, Seneg, Sep.; at night, IDolich., IDros.; on first, at night (incipient phthisis), 11 Rumex; on side, IIAcon., Amm. m, IStann., ISub; must sit up, constrictive feeling, suffocation (trachei- tis), until 3 a.m., lAcon.; better sitting,HHy- os.; sensation of suffocation (laryngo-trachei- tis), IIPuls.; on right side, Aeon., Act. rac. Alum., Amm. m, ICarbo a., Ipec, HPhos, Stann.; on right side, with cirrhotic kidney, I IPlumb.; on rightside, in bronchitis, IMere; worse on sides, especially left, IPhos.; better, lying on stomach, 11 Med. Cough, in measles: ICinch, Coff, ICop.,IEup. perf, IMurex, IIPuls, HSquilla; after mea- sles, lArn., ICale, ICinch., IDros., lEup. pert, IHyos, IKali e, IMurex; distressing, upon development of eruption, IKali bi.; as if some tough membrane were moved about, without being able to expectorate it, after, IKali e; in paroxysms, worse in afternoon and evening, IDros.; terrible spells, ILach.; violent, like whooping cough, lApis. Cough, menses: before, ISub; before, in dys- pepsia, lArg. nit.; before and during, IGraph.; during, IZinc; dry, during, IGraph, ISul. 8€§~ Chap. 23, During menses cough. Cough, mental condition : worse from agita- tion, ICist.; after anger, Ant. t, Arg. nit, I Arn., ICaps., ICham.; anxiety, IIAcon.; anx- iety, in phthisis, IBrom.; after emotion, I Ars, IBrom, Bufo, ICon.; excitement, HSpong.; excited by fretting, ICina; after a fright, IIAcon., IStram.; after indignation, IStaph.; nervous excitability, lAcon.; sees, frightful objects at night, ICale; students, INux v.; from thinking of it, Bar. e; with vexation, Ver.; after vexation, I Aeon, IStaph.; worse from mental effort, INux v. 8^ crying, distressing. Cough, metallic : I ILac c; in asthma Millari, ICup. m.; brassy, on awaking from sleep (croup), IKali br.; in croup, after influenza, IHep.; in membranous croup, IKali. bi.; sounds as if one coughed into an empty tube, or as if caused by resonance of contiguous parts, lOsm.; -worse in wet weather, worse in morning, Hod. g^° resonant, ringing. Cough, metastatic : with characteristic sound of croup, ICup. m. Cough, moist: Coff.; organic or catarrhal basis, worse towards morning and after eating, IHep.; barking, in measles, IMere; with EXPECTORATION. fever, Acet. ae; but harsh as from tickling all over chest, worse in wet weather, worse mornings, Hod.; troublesome (smallpox), I IChin. s.; catarrh of windpipe, I All. sat. 8^" loose, rattling. Cough, moon : at full, ISabad. Cough, in morning: Aeon, lAlum, Amm. e, Ant. c. Apis, I Arn, I Ars., Astac, Bell, Bry., ICale, Carbo v., ICaust, Cham., IChel, Cma, Cinch, Coca, Coccus, Cup. m, Dros, Dulc, Euphor, Ferr, Hep., Hod., Ipec, IKali bi. Kali c, Kreo., Lach., Led, Lye, Magn. e, Mosch, INatr.m., INux v, Phos, Phos. ac, IPuls., Rhus, Sars, Selen, Sep, Sib, Squilla, Stann., Staph, IStram, Tabae, Tarant, Thu- ya, Ver, Zinc; in albuminuria, I Apis; soon after awaking, IIAlum.; on awaking, ICarbo v., Caust, IKali bi, ISib; on first awaking, as he gets out of bed, continuous till after breakfast, is caused by a sensation as if a "wheat hull" were in the part behind ma- nubrium sterni (cirrhotic kidney), I IPlumb.; on awaking, with dyspnoea, better lying down, IIKali bb; on awaking, in prostatitis and atony of sexual organs, I ISelen.; on awaking, 6 a.m., ICoccus ; on awaking, and in evening when lying down, IPsor.; on awaking, racks the system, Coccus; in bed, with expectora- tion, Ast. r.; after leaving bedroom, All. sat.; irritation in bronchi, Natr. a.; in bronchial catarrh, lAnt. t, IHep.; in bronchitis,lEuph.; particularly in catarrhal fever, lEuph.; affects whole chest, 11 Seb; oppression in chest (phthi- sis), ICetrar.; constant, Arum d.; worse to- wards morning, with constriction and oppres- sion of ch est, I Con.; chron ic (nervous debility), ICurar.; chronic, of old people, I Alum.; while dressing, and before breakfast, Seneg.; while dressing, with easy green sputa, I ISub; and evening, Crot. t, IKreo.; in morning, Ver.; expectoration only in morning, IIAcon, Alum., Ambra, lAmm. e, IIAmm. m, lAnt. c, 11 Ant. t, Badiag, IIBry., HCale, HCarbo v., IFerr., IIHep, Led, IILyc, IMagn. e, IMang, Mur. ac, INatr. m, INitr. ac, UParis, HPhos., IPhos. ac, IIPuls., IRhus, I ISeneg., HSep, Sib, HSpong, HSquilla, IISul. ae, IZinc; copious expectoration of thin, fre- quently reddish-colored mucus,Squilla ; much expectoration, which she has to swallow, Zing.; expectoration yellowish, which occa- sionally becomes mixed with green mucus, (ague), IIPuls.; salty expectoration in catarrh, ICoccus; expectoration of white mucus, tough as pitch, can be drawn into strings, IIKali bb; yellowish expectoration, ICale; followed by greenish-white casts, as if from air cells (secondary syphilis), IINitr. ae; con- tinuous for an hour or more, early in morning, accompanied by dyspnoea and prostration, IPhelb; in affection of larynx, IKali bi.; long, in whooping cough, IIAlum.; long, difficult, raising a little white mucus, IIAlum.; pain low down in lungs as though something were tearing away, followed by expectoration of greenish dirty mucus,causing gagging, IINitr. ac; profuse mucus, ISquilla ; only in morn- ing or during night, ISep.; with prolapsus uteri, HSep.; violent, sudden, with stitch in side with every cough, with expectora- tion, ISquilla ; worse on awaking, between 5 and 6 a.m., IKali e; worse, 6 a.m., I ITu- 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. 757 here; regularly at 6 o'clock, lasting two to three hours,ICed.; worse 6 or 7 a.m., or on first rising, in paroxysms which do not cease until a quantity of tenacious mucus is raised (whooping cough), ICoccus; worse 9 to 10 a.m., worse while conversing in room,Ars. hy.; with phlegm tinged with blood, INatr. m.; in morning, after rising, Thuya ; after rising, in attacks (whooping cough, gastric cough), I I Ant. e; after rising, with expectoration of transparent mucus and a sensation in middle of sternum as if something were torn loose, IPhos.; immediately after rising, from tick- ling in throat, worse during, better after breakfast, lAlum.; before rising, with expec- toration of clotted blood and soreness in chest, INuxv.; on rising, IHep.; on rising, return- ing during day, Osm.; on rising, with abund- ant expectoration of mucus, Euph.; on rising, in tuberculosis, HCale; smothering sensation before paroxysms, ICorab; spasmodic, with expectoration of transparent tough mucus, at once better by eating small quantity of food, IFerr.; in syphilis, IKali bb; towards,looser after a few days, Tell.; worse towards (hydro- thorax), ICarbo v.; in tuberculosis, ILach. Cough, from motion : Ars., IBelb, IBry.,ICarbo v., Curar, IFerr., Iod, IKreo, I IPhos, ISil, I IZinc; in bed, Bell.; in bronchitis, IPhos.; rising from bed, cough begins, continuous, can scarcely get breath, better when he again lies down, lEuph.; from every, in pleuritis with plastic exudation, IHep.; worse from rapid, INatr. m.; after rising from lying, ILach.; worse turning on side, Amm. m. 8ST" exertion, lying down, sitting. Cough, mouth: arches of palate irritable, loud speaking, rinsing or brushing teeth causes cough, ICoccus ; salivation (syphilitic ulcers in throat), ILach.; scratching in roof, IDig.; accumulation of water, Amb. Cough, mucus: adherent, high up in trachea, INux v.; hawking little balls, IPhos.ac; mixed with blood, Alum.; brownish blood (pleuro- pneumonia biliosa), IIRhus; copious, tinged with blood, IMere cor.; streaked with blood, dyspnoea (gastric nervous fever), ILach.; in bronchial tubes, IIAnt. t; chronic, after measles, I IDulc; sensation as if patient could not cough deep enough to start, 11 Caust.; raised after long and fatiguing efforts, Chlor.; caused by, until expectorated, Chlor.; hard, round, white masses fly from mouth (phthisis), IKali e; hawking, especially in morning, INatr. m.; irritation, Bry.; throws out small lumps, I ICheb; throws out lumps in whooping cough, IChel.; raises little hard lumps, chest then feels hollow, Calad.; inability to raise, HCalab.; could not raise, nearly suffocated (bronchitis), ICina; scanty, IIMez.; thick, tough, Amb.; thick, causes desire to vomit (catarrh), ICoccus; in throat, Alum, Caust, Phelb; tightly adhering, in chest, ICaust.; adherent, high up in trachea, INux v.; ejecting viscid, from bronchial tubes, comes flying from mouth, worse in afternoon and even- ing, IBadiag.; better by bringing up a lump of phlegm, ICarbo v. BUT moist, rattling ; also Expectoration mucus. Cough, muffled: in croup, ICarbo v. Hod.; asif head were enveloped in a blanket (laryn- gitis), I ISang. Cough, music : aggravates, I Amb, IKreo. 8^° piano. Cough, nares: sensation as if an acid acrid fluid were running through posterior nares over palate, IKali bi. 8#° Chap. 7, Nose, poste- rior nares. Cough, nausea: excited by, Bry. Cough, nerves: spasmodic irritation of vagus, IPhos.; threatened paralysis of vagus, IDulc. 8@T* nervous, reflex. Cough, nervous: I Aeon, Aur. met, IBell, HCaps, Coral,Cup.m, IDros.,IHep, llpec, INux m., INux v., IPlumb.; with spasmodic asthma, IKali br.; asthmatic, Vab; catarrhal affections in young people and women, llgn.; dry, hard, incessant during pregnancy, threatening abortion, IKali br.; with dysp- noea, Hydr. ac; worse on persons ap- proaching or passing (hydrothorax), ICarbo v.; hysterical, Vab; especially laryngeal, Crotal.; all night, IHep.; when people are present, Amb.; when people enter room (bronchitis), IPhos.; persistent, semi-chronic, pseudo-catarrh al, I IMagn. p.; women, espe- cially when pregnant, IKali br.; with press- ure upon chest, HPlumb.; spasmodic, vio- lent, children lose breath and become purple and black in the face, ICorab; in presence of strangers, Bar. c, IPhos.; superficial at 9 p.m. until going to bed, TrLach. 8^" hysterical, mental condition, spasmodic. Cough, at night: Acab, I Aeon, Act. rac,I Alum., Amb, HAmm. c, Anac, Ant. sul. aur. Ant. t, Apoe, Arn, IIArs, Arum d., Aur. met., IBar. c, IBell, Bufo, I ICale, ICarbo a. Card, m. Castor, I ICham, IChel, ICina, Coccul, Colch., ICon., Crot. t, Cup, Cycl, IDros., IFerr., IIGraph, IIHyos, llgn, IIKali c, IKali n, ILach, IManc, IMere, INatr. m., IINux v., Op, IPetrol, IPhos., HPsor., IIPuls, IIRumex, ISabad, Samb., HSep, ISib, IStaph, Sticta, ISub, Therid, I ITubere, IVer, Zing.; aphonia, I Arg. nit; awakens, Bell., IIHyos, IKali bi, ISil, Sub; awakens, with sensation in chest as if hollow, ISep.; awakens, with stitching in sides of chest, Con.; awakens, in hepatic disorder, I ISib; in bronchitis, I Ars.; on going to bed, and during night, ILach.; worse in bed, also from sleeping, Lachn. in catarrh, ISpig.; dull pains in chest, Zinc; choking, must jump out of bed (vicarious menses), IDig.; in cholera infantum, IHyos.; chronic, Phell, I ISub; constant, as soon as he closes his eyes (phthisis), HSub; constant, in incip- ient tuberculosis, 11 Act. rac; continual, with shooting pains passing to stomach (phthisis), I IZinc; continual, as soon as he lies down (mitral stenosis), ILaur.; also in day, when lying down, IINitr. ae; with diarrhoea (whooping cough), ISang.; dry, w-ith insuffi- ciency of mitral valve, IRhus ; sensation of dryness in epigastrium, ICup. m.; worse, shooting in epigastrium, I IZinc; evening till midnight, or in morning, after awaking, from talking, lying down or sitting still, IRhus; expectoration only at night, Alum, 11 Amm. m., Arn, Calc, ICaust, ICham., Coccus, Euphor., Kali c. Led, ILye, Phos, I IRhod, Sabad, HSep, IStaph., Sub; without expecto- ration, I Ars.; vexed expression of face, Spong.; frequent, Aur. mur.; headache, 11 Eup. pert; 758 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. heat, dry skin, delirium, Acet. ae; hectic, ICaps.; incessant, apparently free during day, Sticta; with influenza, ICon.; worse in latter part and morning, better in afternoon and evening, ICorab; loose, particularly after eruptive stage of measles, lEup. perf.; worse when lying in bed, compelling her to jump out and walk about, on account of sensation of suffocation, is compelled to lie in bed in partly sitting position, for fear of suffocation, ICrot. t; worse on lying down, I Ars., IBelb, ICrot. t, IDros, IIHyos., 101. jec, IPuls, Sib, ISep., Sub; worse on lying down, could not go to bed, sat in chair all night (bron- chitis), I IZinc; on lying down, in whooping cough, IDros.; immediately on lying down, IPhyt; worse about midnight and towards morning, IDig.; worse about midnight, dur- ing rest, lying on bed or with head low, from dry cold air, ISamb.; after midnight, I Ant. t, I Ars., IBar. c, IBelb, Calc, ICham, Dros, IHyos.; worse after midnight and in morning, INux v.; after midnight, causing sleeplessness, IKali e; after midnight, until 2 a.m. (laryngitis), HSub; before midnight,or towards morning (croup), IHep.; better in morning, worse towards evening, Agar.; also in morning (after measles), I ISticta; towards morning (tuberculosis), Hod.; rattling of mucus, slight fever, IFerr. ph.; nasal catarrh, IINitr. ac; none during day, ICaust, Mere; eight or more paroxysms, 11 Meph.; previous to paroxysm, 11 Eup. pert; in paroxysms of two minutes, with vexed expression, ISpong.; paroxysms every ten minutes, with frequent vomiting and fever (whooping cough), I IMeph.; in phthisis, ICod, IDros.; in phthisis, with or without clavicular pain, IRumex; hard, with restlessness (spurious croup), I IKali m.; with retching, Chrom. ac, I IMed.; scraping in larynx, ICycb; short (incipient tuberculosis), HAct. rac; must sit up, excited by scraping in chest, with much expectoration, IColch.; must sit up as soon as cough commences, I Ars.; must sit up and hold head, INiccol.; must sit up, easy ex- pectoration of mucus, Gamb.; must sit up to raise sputa, IFerr.; disturbs sleep (phthisis), ICodein.; during sleep, in heart disease, I Arn.; preventing sleep, hard and continuous, I ISyph.; slight, I ISenec; from sunset to sunrise, Aur. met.; in secondary syphilis, I ISyph.; tedious and long lasting, worse from motion, IForm.; from tickling in larynx (goitre), IMere iod. flav.; for four or five nights, tickling at top of throat, ICEnan.; tor- menting (laryngeal catarrh), ISpong.; trouble- some in bronchial catarrh, ICale; tubercular deposits in apex, Acab; involuntary urina- tion, IColch.; from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. (after acute bronchitis), lApis; 10 to 1, Calad.; between 11 and 1, ICup. ae; more after 12, Aeon.; con- stant, from 12 till morning (emphysema), IHep.; after 12, from tickling in larynx, lAcon.; awakes between 1 and 2, in any posi- tion, chest feels bruised, soreness of chest on loosening phlegm, I I Rumex ; worse from 2 to 4, IIEup. pert; about 3, repeated every half hour, IIKali c; about 3, in phthisis, IKalie; about 3 or 4, from tickling in larynx, IBufo. ggg" evening, morning, sleep. Cough, noisy: ISticta; with itching at anus, IKali m.; with barking like a dog, Lyss.; with protruded appearance of eyes, IKali m. 8g^" barking, hard, loud, metallic,rattling, screeching, shrieking, shrill, sibilant, wheezing, whistling. Cough, at noon : Arund, Bell. Cough, nose: catarrh,Ziz.; catarrh, after a cold, I ISang.; catarrh, first dry, later fluent,ICale; coryza, Amm. c,Anac, Badiag, Calad., I Calc, llCepa, Cham.,IColch., Cub., I Euph, Graph, Kali bb, I IKali m., Lye, Natr. m, INitr. ae, Rumex, Sars., Seneg., Sib, Squilla, ISub; co- ryza, in bronchitis, lEuph.; with coryza, eyes affected during day, scanty expectoration, with occasional difficult respiration, better night, worse morning, with copious expectora- tion, I Euph.; coryza and hoarseness, Cub.; coryza, with irritation, worse in open air, ICoff.; fluent coryza and soreness in chest, Meph.; copious, fluent, acrid coryza (whoop- ing cough), ICepa ; better by epistaxis, Melib; from strong odors, IPhos.; purulent discharge from left nostril, Uran. n.; loss of smell and taste, lAnae; ends in a sneeze, Seneg.; sneez- ing, IIAlum., IBry.; sneezing in morning before getting out of bed, last till 9 a.m.,ISep.; after suppression of a fluent coryza, I I Samb. BgT" catarrhal; also Chap. 7, Coryza cough. Cough, odors: worse from strong, IPhos. 8®" Chap. 26, Asthma cough, hay fever. Cough, old: old man's cough, IHydras.; child coughs like an old man, 11 Sul.; in old people, lAmm.c. Cough, ovaries: tight feeling in left ovarian re- gion, with spasmodic coustriction of larynx, with continual hawking of mucus, 11 Phos. Cough, painful: 8ST* During cough, bronchi, chest, head, larynx, throat. Cough, palpitation: 8®° During cough pal- pitation ; also Chap. 29, Palpitation cough. Cough, in paroxysms: IBelb, ICheb, Cimex, ICina, I IKali br, IKali c, INiccol, IINitr. ae, I ISpong.; causes sensation of excoriation in muscles of abdomen, IHyos.; worse in af- ternoon, IBadiag.; in asthma, IThuya; on going to bed, with nausea and vomiting (phar- yngitis), IINatr. m.; begin mildly, are short, but increase during course of disease, vomit- ing ends paroxysm (whooping cough),IDros.; shakes chest, abdomen and whole body, IHyos.; as from taking cold, with sensitive- ness of nervous system as soon as slightest portion of body becomes cold, IIHep.; simu- lating whooping cough,Con.; dry in evening, IHep.; dry, from abdomen, with copious sweat, ending in nausea, IDros.; worse in evening, night and by heat, Ananth.; profuse and exhausting expectoration of thick starch- like mucus, with sensation of enlargement of calibre of pharynx and oesophagus from choa- nal to epigastrium (chronic follicular pharyn- gitis), I IPhyt.; frequent hacking all day (laryngitis), IISul.; frequent, particularly from 9 a.m. until 5 or 6 p.m. (measles), IMere; frequent, severe, short, continuous, one rapidly following the other, Hod.; frightful fits, INitr. ae; one or two hours apart, I Dros.; every three or four hours, wrorse every other day, Anac; from itching behind sternum, IKali bi.; in membranous laryngitis, Hod.; at long intervals (whooping cough), IDros.; long lasting, IIRumex, Viol.; severe, followed 27. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. 759 by loose cough with vomiting of tough ropy, stringy mucus, Coral.; loud, I ISinap.; about midnight, ICham.; last two minutes, ICina; raises mucus, Aspar.; raises mucus with yel- low threads, Arum m.; at night, Aur. mur, IOp.; at night, or during day when asleep, IFerr. ph.; palpitation and nosebleed, worse in morning, Agnus; in pharyngitis, IPhyt.; short, dry, shock, racking her to pieces, HSub; worse after sleep (croup), IKali bb; ending in sneezing, I Agar.; spasmodic, at night, ICina; sudden, ICaps.; tickling in throat, larynx or bronchi, with dislodgment of tenacious mucus or pus which must be swallowed, Kali e; in two, Merc; titillating in pit of throat, with lisping voice, ICon.; violent, IBelb, Hydr. ae; violent, with anx- iety (croup), Brom.; violent, in emphysema, ICarbo v.; in violent, before retiring, and on rising, until sputum is raised, lAilant; with vomiting of tough mucus, like white of egg, and yellow acid fluid (bronchial attacks after whooping cough), IKali bi. BSf frequent, periodic, spasmodic. Cough, periodic: IPsor., IStram.; on alternate days, IILyc; recurring daily, I Amm. m.; dry, with tickling in throat or behind ster- num, cough comes on in short spells, espe- cially while lying down, talking or laughing, Con.; at same hour, ISabad. 8€sT" parox- ysms, weather. Cough, in phthisis: IDulc, IMillef, I INaja, INatr. a, I ISenecio; annoying, Hod.; as in consumption, ICheb;assimilation poor,lCale; chronic, INatr. m.; chronic, with cold ex- tremities, ICale; acute exacerbation, IKali n.; hemorrhagic, I Ars. i.; incessant, racking, wearing, ISticta; incessant and apparently from nervous sensitiveness or irritability, ICrotal.; laryngeal, ICaust.; dark red inflam- mation and swelling of parts, worse in morn- ing, laryngeal, IMere iod. rub.; laryngeal and pulmonary, I I Naja ; incurable cases of lar- yngeal and pulmonary, IHyos.; raises small white lumps, IBor.; apparently from nervous sensitiveness or irritability, ICrotal.; at night, ICodein.; pituitosa,violent, day and night, with copious greenish-white expectoration, ILye; sounding like laryngeal (syphilis), I Lye; thick, white sputa, white-coated tongue, Kali m.; palliated in last stage, ILobel. b; suppressed, I Ars. b; tickling in throat, Hod.; trouble- some, ITrilb; violent, IBor., IDros ; of young subjects, with bloody purulent expectora- tion, IDros. 8^* Chap. 26, Lungs, con- sumption. Cough, piano: from playing on, ICale; every note she struck seemed to vibrate in her lar- ynx, I ICale 8®~ music. Cou IIArs, lAsaf, IBism, Bry., ICale, Calc a, I ICanth, Berb, Caps., Carbo v., Cast, eq, Cham., ICie, ICop, Cub, IHydras., Hyper., IIKali br, IKreo, Merc, sul, INux m, INux v, IPhos., Phos. ae, Psor., Sabad., ISang, Seneg, IZinc; in apho- nia, HCaust.; from below up into throat, Calc p.; in same point, from which blood seems to come, ILed.;in bones, Mez.; between breasts, worse right side in afternoon, Sang.; must take a deep breath frequently, 11 Ran. b.; in costal cartilage of fifth rib, right side, worse during rest, Como.; sensation, bounded by a line drawn across lower end of sternum and another about middle, as if there was a cavity extending from side to side, filled with burn- ing air, which dilated in puffs in all direc- tions and could be felt impinging on walls of cavity, Med.; in centre, IDros.; in centre, worse on deep inspiration (amenorrhcea), HSep.; in choroiditis, alternating with bronchial ca- tarrh, I Ars.; as from glowing coals, ICarbo v.; cold seems to increase it, a piece of ice cools it for an instant, then it is hotter, Med.; com- ing and going, I ICarb. s.; in lower part, dis- tress, with constrictive, iEse h.; with coryza, IZinc; from cough, in catarrh of chest, IKali bi.; during cough, Agar, Ailant, Ant. e, I IGels, Iod., ILach.; during cough, as if a piece of lung would come out, Magn. s.; with dry cough, IBufo., lllod, HSpong.; with dry cough, evening and morning, IKali c; with dry cough, evening and night, IMagn. m'.; in whooping cough, IBry., ICaust; deep, worse right side, evenings in bed, Natr. p.; deep, in tuberculosis, ILach.; downward, Cale' p.; above epigastrium and chest affec- tion after abortion, INux m.; during intervals of epilepsy, Cup. m.; rising to face, HSub; as from a coal of fire, ICarbo v.; heat in fore- head, ICrotal.; through entire front, I Apis; with haemoptysis, lArs.; with headache, Bism.; in hydrothorax, Amm. c; on taking an inspiration, ILaur.; in integuments, Iod.; in left side, Grat, Zinc; in left, through to back with cough, 1101. jec; in left, with haemoptysis, I Ars.; pain around left side be- low heart and across stomach, worse evening, sometimes extends down as far as kidneys, causes him to shake all over, pain worse every third night, lasts two or three hours, gradually leaves him, feels it when drawing full breath (remittent neuralgia of chest), I ISub; in left, below nipple, worse on deep inspiration, Ru- mex; in left side during rest, better by mo- ' tion, Euphor.; in left, near sternum, Ind.; in left, to throat,Sul. ac; in left, with throbbing, aching, tickling, Myrtus; in left, in tuber- culosis, IMyrtus; in left, extending upward, Stront.; worse in left, on which patient cannot lie (bronchitis), IPhos.; when lying on right, Seneg.; in middle,Magn.s.; worse from motion, ICrotal.; with expectoration of large quan- tity of yellow, thick, lumpy mucus, I IPuls.; as if in flesh, two or three inches below left nipple, IILach.; constant, with oppression (idiopathic and rheumatic endo- and pericar- ditis), Ver. v.; in outer, Bov.; in paroxysms, Puis.; on one edge of left pectoral muscle, Hyper.; in pneumonia, IIAcon.; in pneumo- nia or haemoptysis, IIArs.; with pressing pain, ICarbo a.; with pressure, Phos. ae; in right, IBelb, Rumex ; in right, externally, Asar.; in right, as from stress, extending to back, Zinc; seems to rise from, ISub; rises into, ICale p.; between scapulae, Chel.; in sides, after dinner, Agar.; disturbs light slumber, midnight till morning (asthma), I Ars.; in fixed spot, ILed.; in small spots, I Amm. m.; in a small spot in right sidet near pit of stomach, Zinc; in small red spots on, accompanying rheumatism, Mang.; extend- ing to sternum (pneumonia), I Ant. t; along sternum, gradually spreads over whole chest, passes off with stitches through nipples, after a warm drink, Tereb.; stinging, like coals of fire, through to shoulders, ILach.; stinging, in left, when taking a deep breath, Lyss.; stinging, in whole left, suddenly, when tak- ing a deep inspiration, while in the act of ly- ing down in bed at night, Rumex; surging through, Lyss.; with burning stitching in teeth, ISib; towards throat, I Ant. t, IMere; with dry throat, IMur. ae; as high as pit of throat, Sabad.; in incipient tuberculosis, ■Agar.; unbearable across (typhoid pneumo- nia), ITereb.; passing upvVard, I ILobel. h; as if boiling water were poured on chest (pal- pitation), I Aeon. g®T heat. Inner chest, bursting sensation : with cough, Mere; pain as if it would fly to pieces, when coughing or drawing a deep breath, ISub; with fulness and pressure, severe cramps, ex- tending into chest, Coff; in gastralgia, ILye; painful, IIMur. ae; painful, after going up- stairs, presses with both hands, Arg. nit.; with palpitation (hyperaemia from stenocar- dia), I Aur. mur.; better by pressure over pain- ful spot and quietness (sciatica), IIRhus; splitting pain with expectoration of large quantity of yellow, thick lumpy mucus, I IPuls.; in upper, Arg. nit. 784 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. Inner chest, cartilages: affections, Arg.met. Inner chest, catching pain : under right breast, oppressing respiration, I IMere iod. rub. Inner chest, chill: begins, Cie; spreads from, Spig. 8^?* chilliness, coldness. Inner chest, chilliness: Alum, Ars.; in even- ings, I Ars.; yawning and icy cold feet, Paris; in left side, Natr. c; after stool, Plat. 8®*" chill, coldness. Inner chest, clawing: spasmodic, Stront. Inner chest, coldness: HApis,, Ars, Zinc; feeling of on anterior, Cain.; from front to back, ICarbo a.; feeling, then cold breath (emphysema), ICamph.; across, during chill, ICaps.; sensation, caused by cold drinks, lElaps ; sensation, after expectoration, IZinc; felt like a lump of ice in right (diarrhoea), I ISub; as of ice, when chilled or sweat is checked (bronchitis), I ISub; sensation, ICie, Lactu. v., Oleand, Ruta, Sub; sensation at seat of pain (chorea), ICact; transient, Sub; as if she had wet cloths applied to three parts on anterior walls, viz, both infraclavicular fossae and just under left breast, when she goes out of doors, better going into house, prevents conversing, after a fall two and a half years ago, I IRan. b.; on going into cold wind felt something strike icy cold in centre of lower, I IPhos. 8®* chill, chilliness. Inner chest, commotion : I Amyl. Inner chest, compression : weight, Lib tig. Inner chest, concussive pain: behind ster- num (dry cough), ICimex. Inner chest, congestion: Aloe, Alum., Am, HCact, ICale, HCamph, ICarbo v, I IChlor, Gamb, IGels, IKali c, I ILil. tig, IMere, I IMillef, INuxv, I IPhos, Sarrae, Sec, I ISep, ISib, ISquilla, HSub; from exposure to cold air, Act. rac; with anxiety, heat and palpita- tion, INitr. ae; with aphonia, IFerr.; with apoplexy, ICup. m-; causing asthma, INux v., HSpong., ISub; from bathing in sea, IMagn. m.; deep, stertorous rattling breathing, IOp.; at climaxis, Arg. nit.; with flatulent colic, ILye; causes cough, Bell.; ebullition, Dig.; with dry heat of face, 01. an.; feeling of rush of blood, ICup. m.; with flushes of heat in face and frequent pulse in afternoon, Seneg.; with pale face, IGlon.; in typhoid fever, IPhos.; frequent, with amenorrhcea, IGraph.; with haemoptysis, IPuls.; from chest to head, like a stream, during sleep, Millet; with headache, in veta, ICoca; with heat and burning,!INux v.; with heat and dyspnoea, Ratan.; inclina- tion to, IFerr.; to left, with palpitation, Calc. a.; preventing lying down, HCact; measles recede, IGels.; delayed menses, IGraph.; dur- ing menses, Glon.; at time menses ought to appear, I INux m.;inmorning, I lElaps ; from least movement or exertion, with faintish weakness, ISpong.; in menorrhagia, ICale; with nausea, IVer. v.; at night, with aphonia, IFerr.; at night, with anxious dreams, IPuls.; with orgasm of blood, Sep.; violent orgasm, with dysmenorrhoea, Mere per.; precedes op- pression, I IKali m.; with palpitation, I ICact, HSep, HSpong.; with audible palpitation, Thuya; with palpitation, especially in rapidly growing youths, HPhos.; simulating pneu- monia, during fever, causing great alarm, I IMed.; during pregnancy, IGlon, INatr. m, ISep.; with pressure, obliging one to breathe quickly, Lactu. v.; with rapid respiration, IVer.; right side, after sitting, morning, Pal- lad. ; blood seems to rush into, as if it would burst, with dyspnoea, ISpong.; sensation of rush of blood (rheumatism of diaphragm), ICact; to upper, INitr. ae; after uterine hem- orrhage, IlAur. m.; with vomiting, IVer. v.; alter writing,Amm. e 8®*" ebullition, ful- ness, heat, oppression; also Lungs, con- gestion. Inner chest, constriction : lAng, Ant. t. Apis, IIArs., Ars. h, Aspar, Bapt, IIBell, IBry., Cadm. s, I ICale, ICarbo a., HChel, Coccul., IDig., IDros, Elaps, IGlon, IHelb, lllod, llpec, IKreo, IILach, ILye, IMagn. m., with pressure and digging around navel, ICale; in afternoon, with sharp, incisive pain, between scapulse passing through to sternum, HLac e; when walking in open air, after breakfast, hawking of much mucus, seem- ingly from middle of sternum, Lith.; anxious, in scarlatina, llpec; with anxiety, in evening, IStann.; with anxiety and difficult respira- tion, ISpig.; with apprehension, Alum.; on bringing arms together in front, ISul.; with asthma, Coff, I INaja, I INux v, I ISub; as of a band with palpitation, I ICact.; as if a band were .tightly drawn around, I Amyb; as if a band encircled line of pleura, I IOp.; as if bound, hindering respiration, Cact.; on tak- ing a deep breath, IIHam., ISub; wdth diffi- cult breathing, evening until 10, better lying down, ICale p.; during chill (intermittent), I Ars, ICimex ; with chill and fever, IKali e; in cholera Asiatia, lArs.; during cough, Sep, Stram.; in, with spasmodic cough, IMosch.; from tight clothing dull, aching pain all over lungs, as if they had been overworked, ILye; better after cough (asthma), I Ant. t; causing disposition to cough, ICoccul.; with cough, Con.; with dry cough, worse towards morn- ing, ICon.; with spasmodic dry tickling cough, IMagn. p.; with whooping cough, I IMur.ae; with cramp in stomach, ICale; every day (prosopalgia), ICheb; with dyspnoea, IDig, Rhod.; with dyspnoea and asthmatic symp- toms, IPuls.; with dyspnoea and cough ICon.; with dyspnoea and headache, IColoe- with expectoration of thick lumpy mucus' IIPuls.; in evening, lArs.; after headache', IColoe; with hysterical headache, IMosch • with rheumatism and pain of heart, ICact • as if a crowbar were pressed tightly from right to left breast till it came and twisted around heart, which stopped, then leaped violently Tabae; with irregular heartbeat (rheumatism' after disappearance of swelling of joints) I Aur mur.; when going up hill, IIArs.; in hydro- thorax, IHelb; from inhaling steam arising from fat, I IPsor.; with deep inspiration,Agar • with inclination for deep inspiration, Ictod • intermittent (asthma Millari),IGuarsea'; inleft side to right, with sharp pain to throat, cla- vicle, left axilla and scapula, better changing position,Lit. tig.; as if ligated with cords,morn ing (dyspepsia), lArg. nit.; in lower, at bottom of lungs, I IMed.; as of a cord drawn tightly around lower part, marking out attachment of diaphragm (rheumatism of diaphragm) 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 785 HCact.; across lower half, impeding respira- tion, with subacute pain, worse lying on right side, Lye vir.; intense, in all parts, as if lungs were being pressed up into throat, causing ex- treme agony, so that she despaired of life, ILach.; of lungs, as if tied up in bundles (senile pneumonia), IDig.; on motion or exertion, lArs, IINuxv.; as if lungs could not be properly expanded, Asaf; worse on slightest movement, in spasmodic asthma, Ang.; in muscles, INux m, IStram.; as if too narrow, 11 Agar, ICarbol. ac, IIGraph.; as if too narrow, frequently draws shoulders back to overcome this and to get air (phthisis), HSub; with nausea or chill, Ars. h.; in de- squamative nephritis, I IPlumb.; intercostal neuralgia, IMagn. p.; at night, erethism of vascular system, congestion, worse from least covering, better lying with chest elevated, IFerr.; worse at night (haemoptysis), IFerr.; painful, Amm. br, ICaps, I IMagn. m, ISub; painful, as if cut to pieces, Zinc; painful, around lower part, IGels.; painful, as if a cord were tightly bound around false ribs, with ob- struction of breathing, I ICact.; painful, from short ribs to lumbar vertebrae, ICamph.; pain- ful, spasmodic, Aur. met, ISpong.; with pal- pitation, HCadm. s., Glon, IKali m.; in peri- carditis, IIAcon.; in phthisis florida, after pneumonia, IFerr.; in pleurisy, IFerr. mur.; painful, in muscles, Nux m.; shooting, from centre (thoracic muscles) to lower abdomen, pain coming on severely at intervals and then remitting, Cornus ; better drawing shoulders back (tuberculosis), ICale; in right side, Ast. r, ICina; on both sides, Bell, Menyanth.; spas- modic, I Aur. met, Illgn., IOp., IPhos.; spas- modic, with difficult breathing, ICup. ac, Sars.; spasmodic, obstructing breathing and preventing speech, ICup. m.; spasmodic, with cough, Amm. e, Asaf, ISpong.; spasmodic, in whooping cough, ICaust., ISpong.; spas- modic, after hysteria, IKali c; spasmodic of lower, INux v.; impeding speech, ICact.; spasmodic, after talking, IHep.; under ster- num, better from heat of bed, I IPhos.; better stretching himself, Cinnab.; as if about to suffocate when falling asleep, IGraph.; suffo- cative, caused by aching in abdomen, ICamph.; suffocative, sensation of trembling about heart, IMosch.; suffocative, waking from a troubled sleep (functional disturbance of heart), ILach.; suffocative, in evening, on attempting to step into bed, must sleep in chair,severe attack towards morning, 11 Nux v.; suffocative, sweats from agony, IVer.; as from vapors of sulphur, IKali m.; suffocative, pain- ful, especially when walking, has to stand still (angina pectoris), IJugb; extending to throat, Asaf; in upper, hurts on coughing, ICham.; as if in a vise, YEthus.; with attempts to vomit, ICup. ac; when walking and as- cending, IIArs, ICoca, IDig, I ILed.; in walk- ing (headache), I Anac; after cold washing, I INux m.; while at work, INatr. m. 8£j^- angina, pressing, spasmodic pain. Inner chest, contraction: ICamph.; to ab- domen, compels to bend over, Berb.; in angina pectoris, IStram.; anxious, ICup. m.; with asthma, IIArs.; in whooping cough or heart disease, ISpong.; with deep inhalations, I ILobel b; muscles as if contracting, better by stretching, Brach.; painful, Med.; painful, in cholera Asiatica, ICup. m.; painful, caused by cough, Med.; painful, worse after drinking, Cupr. s.; painful in front part, extending to abdomen, obliging to bend double, Berb.; painful, during menses, Sep.; painful of muscles, Spig, ITereb.; sensation of, Cycb; spasmodic, Asaf; spasmodic, especially when drawing breath, IPuls.; spasmodic, with cough, in cholera Asiatica, ICup. m.; spas- modic, after drinking, ICup. m.; spasmod- ic, with inclination to urinate, in cholera Asiatica, ICup. m.; spasmodic, before vomit- ing, in cholera Asiatica, ICup. m.; suffocating, with whooping cough, IStram.; before vomit- ing, IICup. m.; waking, after midnight, with slow, heavy wheezing, respiration, compels him to sit bend forward, Zinc 8®*" angina, constriction, tension, tightness. Inner chest, cough : precedes aching (Bright's disease), lArs.; caused by something acrid or dry, Benz. ac.; affects chest, ISep.; arising from, Med.; as though it would burst chest (rheu- matism), ICham.; with bruised feeling, Arn., IIRumex; bursting pain, Caps, ISub; burn- ing, Hep, ISpong.; cutting, INatr. m.; comes from depths, Ars. h.; dry, hacking, with pains (asthma), I IZing.; dry, periodic, with pain, ISang.; dry, tickling (emansio mensi- um), IDig.; with excoriation (cardiac rheu- matism), I IPhos.; seems to come from full feeling, Chin, a.; precedes heavy feeling (Bright's disease) I Ars.; after variola, ICale; irritation, ICale; short hacking, caused by irritation low down, Osm.; with irritation proceeding from left side, ICinch.; ex- cites itching and tickling, worse at night and lying down, I ICon.; jars chest, ISub; seems to come from low down in, worse at night, with profuse expectoration (phthi- sis), I IStann.; affected chest, in morning, HSelen.; caused by mucus, Asar.; pain- ful, Astac, IBry., ICale, ICaust, ICham., ICinch, Con, IKali bi, IKali e, I IPsor, HSpong.; painful in ascites, I Apis ; painful in bronchitis, IPhos.; painful in cardiac rheumatism, I IPhos.; painful in laryngo- tracheitis, I IVer,; pain, must sit up and hold chest, INatr. s.; painful, in intermit- tent, lAnt t; pain in left side (lower lung), and sensitive to percussion, IMyos.; pain over left upper part, Chrom. ac; pain under left, I IMosch.; pain better by external pressure, IPhos.; and sneezing cause pains in last left short rib, Meph.; pain on top, IHep.; pain in upper, 1101. jec; precedes pain, iCarbo v.; pain in middle, Cimex ; pain in side, IPhyt.; dry, constant, with pain, Ailant; in evening, with pains, passing off when she is quiet, IPsor.; with pain, compelling to press with hand, IKreo.; loose with pain (laryngo-trache- itis), I IPuls.; with pain about last ribs in left side, INatr. s.; with sore pain, Ipec; spasmodic hollow or deep, with pain, Meph.; unbearable pain (pneumonia), lAnt. t; causes rawness, lArn, I ISenecio ; with pain in ribs, must sup- port with hands, IDros.; excited by scraping, IColch.; causes scratching, Kali e; shakes chest hard, Sarrae; shakes chest in influenza, I Ant. t; shaking, caused by tickling as from crust in upper throat, Calc. a.; spot (region of right bronchus), feels sore as if cough jarred 50 786 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. and hurt it at each cough, Chlor.; soreness, Ars. s. f, IIFerr, ISep, ISil, ISub; forced barking with soreness, I I Rumex ; sensation of soreness after every cough, Stann.; with sore- ness to stomach, I Amyg.; dry spasmodic, with pain in ribs during chill, ISabad.; spasmodic, resembling whooping cough, excited by tick- ling from larynx to stomach, ISep.; painful spot size of a dollar in left middle (stomacace), ICarbo v.; stinging, Kalic, INatr. m.; stitches, lArn , lArs, Bell, IIBry., IPsor, ISep, Sub; better by pressure, Bor.; has to support chest during cough, Dros.; felt especially in pit of throat, Jamb.; with pulling up to throat pit, ICaps.; from tickling, IPhos, Sars, IVerbas.; affects chest, caused by tickling in throat, IKali e; with ulcerative pain in ribs, ILach.; from upper front, Ars. h. 8®° Chap. 27, Cough chest, concussive. Inner chest, corroding pain: beneath carti- lage of last ribs, right side, Bell. Inner chest, cracking; below last ribs, on straightening as if one had been dislocated and snapped back again. Inner chest, cramplike pain: 8®°" spas- modic pain. Inner chest, crawling: as if warm drops were running over, better pressing with finger, Ars. h.; in upper part, causes cough, I ISang.; as of insects above left mamma, Ant. t; in right upper in morning causes cough, INux m.; short, Berb. 8®° creeping. Inner chest, creeping : sensation as of a snake over entire region of short ribs, in left side, Murex; in right side, extends to shoulder, IKali e; tickling, causes cough, HSquilla. 8@^° crawling. Inner chest, cutting: Benz. ac, Carbo v. Mere iod. rub., IPuls.; to abdomen, compels to bend over, Berb.; interrupted breathing, IColch.; constriction, with anxiety, Spig.; during cough, INatr. m, ISub; cramp through left to scapula, IINatr. m.; deep, in left side, close below clavicle, better pressing part, IIDulc; moving into epigastrium and leaving a sting- ing in left half of chest, IIKali c; incisive pain in front part, extending to abdomen, obliging to bend double, Berb.; during in- spiration, Ang., ICale; both sides, worse by inspiration, Con.; asof knives, Psor.; like a knife, in heart affection, ISum.; like a knife, in suppressed syphilis, IKali n.; in left, with angina pectoris, IVer.; left side, under last rib, upward (ossification of valves), IBrom.; in lower part, especially left side, in morning or evening after lying down, worse lying on right side, does not know how she shall lie, IIKali e; outward, worse at night in bed, Ang.; as if cut to pieces, IKali iod.; piercing through left near sternum, to back (cardiac rheumatism), I ISpig.; pressing in left, on deep inspiration, Spong.; in last ribs, with every deep breath, Arg. met.; in last ribs, on in- spiration, ICale; in last left ribs, Ars. h.; in cartilages of left false ribs, Arg. met; in ribs of left side, with pain under left scapula, as if piece of flesh were being twisted out, after ineffectual urging to stool, Cornus ; cartilages of fifth and sixth ribs, extends inward and up- ward deep into chest, suspends respiration as much as possible on account of pain, Ars. s. r.; heavv,in right side, about sixth rib,apparently on integuments, Gamb.; in right side of lower part of sternum, 7 a.m., Tromb.; in rightside, after stitches in epigastrium, Calc. a.; in region of lowermost true ribs, across chest, from within outward, worse by inspiration, Hell.; under ribs, Ced.; pain in left side, during in- spiration (pleurisy), I Ascl. t; in upper right, then in lower left, Hyper.; or sticking, in upper third of right, worse from motion, better with arms close to side, Lact. ac.; running upward (phthisis), Brom. B@~ darting, lancinating, shooting, stitches. Inner chest, darting: Apis, Still.; in forepart, upward, obliquely arresting breathing, Nux m.; from side to side, Gnaphab; under ribs, Ced.; through right side, Aspar.; through right side, in nephritis, IColch.; through right side, below centre of right lung, at times acute, preventing full respiration, at others dull, after suppression of a cough, I ISep.; sud- den extorting screams (rheumatism), Cham.; with tickling in throat and short hacking cough, Stilling. 8®" cutting, lancinating, shooting, stitches. Inner chest, digging: HPetrol, I ITarax. B^T" boring. Inner chest, dilated: as if dilated, Cadm. s. Inner chest, discomfort: forces him to deep breathing, or to omit sighs, which relieve, Lyss.; from want of distension of lungs, Asaf; head sinks back, Spig. Inner chest, distended : IGuaraea; with cough, Curar.; with whooping cough, I Ars.; want of distension of lungs causes discomfort of thorax, Asaf; feeling, ICaps.; with spasmus glottidis, I IVer.; to painful extent by ineffectual effort at expiration (spasmus glottidis, emphysema pulmonum), iChlor. Inner chest, distressed feeling: Diose; in car- dialgia, ICup. m. Inner chest, dragging: in right, to shoulder, IKali c.; in sides, worse by motion, bending over and turning in bed, ICornus. Inner chest, drawing: Carbo v, IFerr., Squilla; in angina pectoris, lAgar.; during cough, Caps.; in external, Cadm. s.; worse when inhal- ing, ICamph.; in intercostal muscles below ax- illa, I ICard.m.; violent, in intercostal muscles, after working, Zing.; towards internal, from before backward, extending under left nipple into arm, to extremity of little finger, lAst.r.; as if right side were repeatedly drawn in- ward, Cham.; in left side,""Card. m.; from left side to back, Card, m.; in left side, standing, during inspiration, Calad.; in left, to sub- maxillary gland, ICale; towards left, Ars. h.; across lower, while sitting, causing anxiety, better standing and walking, ICinch.; in one or both sides to neck (pertussis), ICaps.; pain- ful, Cham.; painful, through to back, worse left side, with cough, Crot. t; painful, in breastbone, Calend.; pain in centre as if skin were drawn up on drawing head back, Syph.; painful, in left side to axilla, I ICard m.; painful, in left, worse by pressure in stomach^ Card, m.; painful in muscles, worse from mo- tion, Abrot.; in muscles of left side to shoul- der joint, impeding breathing and use of left arm, Cact.; painful, in pectoral muscles of rightside, IStront.; painful on margin of left rib during breathing, especially during expira- tion, Card, m.; painful between seventh anc* EST AND LUNGS. 787 28. INNER ninth ribs, left side, I I Amyb; paralytic,through left, towards scapula and into arm, Brom.; through left pectoral muscle, I ICard. m.; through right pectoral muscle, Card, m.; from left pectoral region through to back, caused by cough with asthma, ICrot. tig.; in lowest ribs, near spine, Arg. met.; violent,from third to sixth ribs, after working some, Zing.; in right anterior and axilla, down arm to fingers, Como.; spasmodic, Stront.; sudden,beneath left breast, on rising up in bed, followed by sharp, knifelike stitches, extending from thence into clavicle towards shoulder, where pain per- sisted, and into left side, extends downward into lower abdomen, better bending inward, pressing upon it, especially inspiration and hacking, which causes a painful shock, Stann.; in right anterior wall, Como. 8^* rheu- matic pain. Inner chest, dropping: as if something had dropped down, Bar. c; sensation as of falling drops, Thuya. Inner chest, dropsy (hydrothorax) : Acet. ac, Amm. c, I Ant. t, HApis, lApoe, IIArs, Asaf, Asclep, lAspar, I Aur. mur, IBry, Calc,ICarb.v, ^Chim.umb., I ICitrus, ICochb, IColch., IDig, Dulc, IFluor. ac, IIHelb, • Jab., ILach, Lactu. v., Laur., IILyc, IMere, IMere sub, IPsor, IRan. b, I IRatan, ISang., Seneg, HSpig., ISquilla, Stann, ISub, Uran. n.; with albuminuria, ILach.; from anaemia, and lack of nutrition, ISib; with anasarca, un- able to lie down or sleep, I ILactu. v.; with anxiety, dyspnoea and distress, IRan. b.; in ascites, or after influenza, lApis; asthma, ICarbo v.; asthma, with dropsy of legs to knees, IColch.; sudden arrest of breathing at night when turning, going off when sitting, ISub; burning in chest, lAmm. c; after a cold, IKali iod.; in broken-down constitu- tions, whether secondary dropsy or left by pleurisy, weak heart, albuminuria, menstrual irregularities, or hepatic disease, Crotal.; ad- vanced, IKali c; cannot lie down, IFluor.ae; serous effusion, with gouty or rheumatic per- sons (arthritic pleurisy), IColch.; dependent on organic disease of heart, lApoe; often with heart disease or gouty diathesis in old people, lAspar.; especially from heart or liver dis- ease, IMere sub; incipient, want of breath, worse walking, particularly up stairs, obliged to sit up, legs cedematous, ;Cain.; enlarge- ment of left side, IKali iod.; following metri- tis, ICitrus; with cedema of hands and feet, IColch.; in old people, with oppression, ICro- tal.; after pleurisy, HApis; left side nearly two-thirds full of fluid, subacute pleurisy, IKali iod.; rheumatic origin, bright red, ery- thematous spots, IJugl.; can only lie on right side, with head high, ISpig.; after scarlatina, IIApoe, ILach, Seneg.; with absence of stool, ILach.; worse in wet weather, IDulc. 8ST* Pleura exudation ; Chap. 26, Asthma chest, Chap. 29, Pericardium effusion. Inner chest, dryness: Agnus, IFerr., ILach, IMere, IPuls., Stram.;as if chest were op- pressed by tough tenacious mucus, IPuls.; cough sounds and feels as if everything were dry, Mere; with violent cough, as from vapor of sulphur, IKali m.; in phthisis pulmonum, HSep.; could scarcely speak, TrCamph.; as from vapor of sulphur, causing cough, IIPuls. Inner chest, dull pain : Oxal. ae; in left tenth rib, worse from coughing (anaemia of brain), ICon.; in chronic headache, IDulc; in hydro- thorax, I Apis ; in right infraclavicular region, following gastric and hepatic symptoms, Ptel.; in left, I llnd, Xan.; in lower left, after eat- ing (gastric ulcer), I Arg. nit.; when in motion or riding on horseback, I 101. jec; in right, over a circumscribed spot, worse on inspira- tion, Kali bb; extending to sternum (pneumo- nia), I Ant. t; transient, to left hypochon- drium, like splenetic stitches when walking fast, IIRhod.; from upper part, through to shoulder blade during asthmatic breathing at night (hay fever), I ISinap. Inner chest, eating : complaints, worse after, All. sat. Inner chest, ebullition : I Aeon., 11 Amyl, IIGlon, Iod.; boiling, bubbling, with sweat, Lachn.; in evening, worse when lying in bed, not at all during day, IMillef; excitement, , especially in cardiac region, with small and irregular pulse, IPhyt.; with audible palpita- tion, Thuya. 8®° congestion, heat. Inner chest, emptiness: feeling of, Chrom. ac, Coccul, IGuaraea, Oleand, ISep., HStann., with inclination to take a deep breath, Ictod.; like a big cask, as if calibre were enlarged ten- fold (chronic follicular pharyngitis), I IPhyt; shefeels for a cavity, Med.; after expectoration, Calad, IZinc.; as if everything were hanging down, Crot. t.; before nervous headache,IIgn.; feels hollow and empty after raising little hard lumps,Calad.; with external heaviness, Aspar.; as if hollow, with cough, awaking at night, ISep.; feels hollow, respiration freer, Chin. a.r- with palpitation, Oleand.; with pressure on sternum, Vinca; on beginning to sing, IStann.; behind sternum, Zinc. Inner chest, erethism: IStram. Inner chest, exertion : pain from overlifting, ISul. Inner chest, expansion : cannot expand, better by a deep breath, IITereb.; inflated by con- vulsive action, Amyg.; desire to expand, Car- bol. ac, Nux m.; desire to inflate to full ex- tent torelieveuncomfortable feelingin stomach while riding in open air on a raw cold day, Chin, a.; strong desire to expand, did so with- out knowing it, Eup. pur.; difficult, Xan.; difficult, cannot get breath, IPsor.; feels, Lyss, Oleand.; frequent inclination to expand, by taking a long breath, Cornus; inflated to painful degree, Chlor.; inflates only with much exertion (phthisis pulmonalis), I IPsor.; seems to invigorate him, though usually it fatigues, Lyss.; lungs feel as though he could not expand, I ICrot. t; as if something resisted (croupous pneumonia), Hod.; feeling of, when walking outdoors, Carbol. ac. 8®* Chap. 26, Breathing and Inspiration. Inner chest, eyes: worse when eyes are better, and vice versa (bronchial catarrh alternating with progressive choroiditis disseminata), Ars. Inner chest, faint feeling: makes mouth water, IISul. Inner chest, fatigued: Lyss.; too much exertion to breathe, Ailant,; left side, opposite shoul- der, Alum.; from rapid walking, IKali c Inner chest, fluid: feels as if fluid rolled from one side to other when lying on back (cirrhotic kidney), I IPlumb; 8®° dropsy. 7-s.s 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. Inner chest, fluttering: I ISub; in left, I IRhus. Inner chest, flying pains : Brach, ICepa, IFer- rum, lObjeejin consumption, IFerr.; through left, Lyss.; with rattling of mucus, ISeneg.; in last left rib, Ars. h.; sharp, wandering (pneumonia), ICact. Inner chest, foreign body : sensation as if some- thing size of fist was lodged, ICie Inner chest, forenoon: symptoms worse about 8 a.m., for an hour or two, Menyanth. Inner chest, formication: Arund.; on entering a warm room and after warm food, appearing first on right, then on left side (prosopalgia), IMez.; in skin, Urt. ur. Inner chest, fulness: IIAcon.,lAilant.,lAntt, Apis, lAspar, Arum t, Ast. r, Bry., Calc. a., ICarbo v, Caust, Cist, Cod, ICub, IHydras., Iber., IKali bi, INitr. ae.Sep.; with distended abdomen, Lil. tig.; when ascending a height, Bar. e; feels as if too full of blood, Lil. tig.; with taste of blood and faint feeling, Lil. tig.; cannot take a full breath, Eryng.; burning, , in upper part, I ISang.; clogged sensation, worse stooping (heart affection), ISum.; after coffee, ICanth.; congestive, lAsaf; in con- gestion of lungs, Carb. s.; in whooping cough, ILobel. b; crowded sensation, IFerr.; distress- ing, IGels.; with dyspnoea, I ICaps.; after eat- ing, Ant. e; as after eating too much, IPhos,- every evening, IIPuls.; evenings in bed, INatr. s.; worse during exertion and on full inspiration, Natr. a.; before expectorating, Ailant.; with fear of fainting, Ast r.; with haemoptysis, I Ars.; in heart disease, IILach.; with unusual hunger, Cycb; in hydrothorax, I Apis; as if tissues were hypertrophied, Chloral ; in left, with confused undulating sensation in cardiac region, Merc, per.; with inflamed mammae, ICact.; in mastitis, ICist.; before menses, Brom.; before menses, fre- quently obliged to take a deep breath, ISub; painful when sitting, ICaps.; difficult respira- tion, Agar.; in region of last ribs, Chen, v.; below short ribs, at 1 p.m., Calc. a.; must sit up (hydrothorax), HApis; in both sides, with burning stitches left side of thorax and to- wards both scapulae, ICrot. t; stuffed feeling, Bry, ILach, INatr. a.; suffocating, cannot lie down (rheumatism of heart), ILach.; with syncope, HCollin.; with tension, IPhos.; to throat (palpitation), ICact.; to throat, as from eating too much, IPhos.; tightness, as if con- stricted, worse walking, Ferr.; sudden, in up- per, Natr. p.; in upper, preventing deep breath, INux m.; as of a heavy weight, loosens clothing, Lactu. v.; alternates with sense of weakness in evening on going to bed, I ISul. BgjT* congestion, heaviness, oppression, tightness. Inner chest, glands: hvpertrophy of thymus, I ISang. Inner chest, gnawing : Calc.p, I I Ran.se; biting and burning on right side, Ruta; beneath car- tilages of last ribs, on right side, Bell.; in left, on inspiration, ICale; sense of suffocation, I IMosch. Inner chest, grasping: with hands, in hysteria, IKali e; sensation in left, Cochl. Inner chest, grating: at every deep inspiration, Eup. pur. Inner chest, griping: from centre, thoracic muscles to lower part of abdomen, pain se- vere at intervals, Con.; with pains about epi- gastrium, and cough (phthisis), IKali e Inner chest, grown fast: as if something were, in region of left, with asthma, I IThuya. Inner chest, hard mass: feeling of, Sticta. Inner chest, head: blood mounts, HAmyb, IGlon, Lachn, Lyss.; congestion alternating between chest and head, IGlon.; ebullition, with toothache and other complaints during pregnancy, ILyss.; intense pain in upper part from motion of head, IGuaiac; at night a stream to head like a gust of wind, with nosebleed, Millef. Inner chest, headache : with chest complaints, Ang. Inner chest, heat: JEsc. h, lAnt. t, lArs, Ars. h., IIAsaf, Bism., Calc. p. Chloral, ICie, lEup. perf, IFerr, IOp, IPhos, I IPsor, ISpong.; driving him into open air, Anac; with anxiety, lAcon, lArs, Bell.; in asthma, I Apis ; with expectoration of blood, I Aeon., IPsor.; in cholera infantum, I Am.; accelerates breathing, IIBry.; with hot and burning breath, Mang.; bubbling and boiling, rising to head, Lachn.; burning (8®" burning); burning, with cough, I ICup. a.; distressing burning in skin, IJrt. ur.; then shooting in back, feet and arms, ICale a.; in congestion of lungs, Carb. s.; dry cough and tendency to diarrhoea, IPhos.; extendsbelow to diaphragm, I Ars.; in dysmenorrhoea, Merc, per.; dysp- noea, lArtt; like a furnace, with itching of ears, Med.; ebullitions, ISpong.; sudden flashes, Mang.; flushes, with headache,Bism.; with giddiness, Lachn.; glowing, then burning to ears and vertex, and hands to tips of fin- gers, Daph.; glowing, after chilly feeling, Ars. h.; then in head and hands, red face, Grat.; heart felt hot, beat fast and felt large, accompanied by a bursting sensation, Med.; hot feeling, with cold rising, as after pepper- mint, iEsc h.; as if she had something hot inside, ISpong.; intolerable, TTBism.; inward, in upper, Bar. m.; in left, Ars.s. f; great, in left, extending through to shoulder, Med.; left side, opposite shoulder, Alum.; left side, from top of lung to waist, Med.; streaming to liver, from below right arm, Sang.; in lower part, with cough, ICale p.; with palpitation, Calc. a.; in pneumonia, I Ars.; in pleurisy and pneumonia, IBry.; on right, ICale; rising into, Thuya : sensation, Ruta ; sensation like from a hot stove on outer chest, Lach.; with ver- tigo (flatulent colic), ILye; warm feeling, Ascl. t; warm feeling in middle, asif hot food had been swallowed, Euphor.; great warmth lAmyb 8®" burning, congestion, ebul- lition. Inner chest, heaviness: Arg. nit, Bapt ICham, IDig, IIFerr, IGuaraea, IKali c ' INiccol, IOp, Prun., ISpong, ISquilla! HSub; walking in open air, lAmm. m.- as from accumulation of blood, Amm. c; cannot breathe when walking, must stand still Amm. m.; must frequently take deep breath' ICroe; difficult breathing, IINux m, Prun.' with cough, Amm. c, IKali bb; with dry cough, IPsor.; in whooping cough, I Stann. after drinking, ICimex; slight, dull pajn across upper part, rendering breathing un- easy, IFerr.; over heart, Act. rac; as if all internal organs hung suspended from chest 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 789 ILil. tig.; in left, through to back, with cough, 11 Ob jec; in left, frequently obliging him to take a deep breath, Prun.; constant load or weight, in left, ILil. tig.; as of a load, IStram., Ver. v.; as of a load, with anxious- ness, ./Ethus.; like a load, when awaking, Kali bb; as of a load at night, Ars. met.; as of a load, in idiopathic and rheumatic endo- and pericarditis, Ver. v.; as of a load, in phthisis, I lElaps ; as of a load on affected side (hemi- plegia), IStann.; as of a load on upper, I Ars.; lower portion of, frequently compelling him to take a deep breath, Prun.; weight in centre of lower, better by sighing, cannot draw a long breath, 11 Phos.; lying aggravates (cardi- algia), IBar. c; in middle (afternoon), I IGels.; quick motion, but as if under a heavy load (pneumonia), lAnt. t.; nights, in bed, awakes him,with restlessness, Amm.m.;painful,IClem, Oxal. ac; pains in muscles of trunk, Chrom. ae; in phthisis, Hod.; painful in right, with numbness in right arm as if dead, 1101. jec; in pectoral muscles, especially when turning body to right side, Euphor.; dull, painful, in region of or origin of pectoralis minor, followed by bruised feeling, Bapt.; felt as if something were resting on, preventing free ex- pansion, afterwards appeared to diffuse itself to extremities, Iod.; weight in region of ster- num at night, causing expiration to be easier than inspiration, Chloral.; pain as from a stone lying on it, with frightful oppression of chest, and dyspnoea, Viol.; sudden, with op- pression of breathing during dinner,IMagn.m.; with tension, IPhos.; in upper, 11 Sticta; constant, in upper, with difficult respiration, Sang.; slight, in upper part of left, making breathing rather difficult, IFerr.; in various . parts, Ananth.; weight, Bell., Cup. ars, Iber, IIKali bi, HPhos.; weight, with anxiety (rheumatism of heart), ILach.; weight on, causes deep breathing, IPlat.; weight, as if it would be crushed by a mass of lead (chronic ovaritis and leucorrhcea), I IPlat.; crushing weight, in whooping cough, ISeneg.; crushing weight, in variola, I Ant. t.; weight awakens, worse after rising, Kali bb; weight caused by lying on right side (functional disturbance of heart), ILil. tig.; weight, worse on falling asleep at night or wraking from a siesta, INux m.; weight, in pneumonia, IPhos.; weight, in rheumatism of heart, I Lach.; weight, dragging down on right, Spong.; weight, on lower por- tion, with anxiety, Rhus; weight, with spinal irritation, IChin. s.; weight, causing sleepi- ness, IGamb.; weight, especially on sternum (angina pectoris), IlAur. met.; oppressive weight at upper part, I Arn.; obliges him to walk slowly, Coca ; worse in damp weather, IKali e 8^* congestion, fulness, oppres- sion, pressing. Inner chest, hollowness: 8€£T" emptiness. Inner chest, hydrothorax: 8ST dropsy. Inner chest, inflammation: as if inflamed, from inhaling frosty air, Apis; on outer, Astac. Inner chest, injuries: pneumothorax, HArn. Inner chest, intercostal neuralgia: g^° neu- ralgia. Inner chest, itching: Anac, Ant. c, Ars.JCalc, Caps., Coccul, I ILye, I ISep, IISul, Urt. ur.; biting, as from lice, ILaur.; biting, when she feels cold, rubbing makes spot red and vesicles arise, soon vanishing again, Spong.; in whoop- ing cough, lAmb.; asof flea bite, Cact.; on left side, especially nipple, Anag.; in a spot, Ast. r.; at night, in sides, from no apparent cause, better by very hot water, ILith.; over left ribs, Dios.; last ribs, left side, Ars. h.; last rib, on right side, Ang.; returns after scratch- ing, Berb.; sticking, between costal cartilages, Staph.; as from vapor of sulphur in, causing cough, IIPuls. Inner chest, jerking: Cale p. Con.; as from something living in lower portion of right, as if beneath ribs, ICroe; frequent, worse in lower,Vab; of muscles, better moving shoul- ders up and down,(irritability of cerebrospinal system), I IRan. b.; in pectoral muscles, Agar.; pinching, in left side from without inward, Spong.; as from suppuration in middle, Inul. Inner chest, lameness: to elbow joint, across right shoulder where pains are worse when lifting arm, with acute stitches in middle of, IKreo.; as from recent injury, Apis ; feeling in left side, near cardiac region, with much nervous restlessness, worse from motion, and particularly during expiration (angina pec- toris), I IPhyt. Inner chest, lancinating : I Aeon., I Ars, Iber.; in anterior inferior, to right and left sternum, better carrying shoulders back, Ast. r.; after chill, with dry heat, IIAcon.; in left infra- mammary region, I I Rob.; pains on inspiring or moving, I IBry.; in left, I ILacc; in middle of right, Cain.; worse from motion and deep inspiration, worse afternoon (pertussis), IBa- diag.; in pectoral muscles, I ICheb; compelling him to keep quiet in one position, arms folded across chest, pains most on right side, worse by motion (angina pectoris), HOxal. ae; to shoulder (pleuritis rheumatica), lAnt. t; in right, towards shoulder, arresting breathing, better bending trunk forward. Chin, s.; one side, All. sat; in right side, Cain., Colch.; in inferior third of right side, Cain.; in right side, worse on deep inspirations, IGuaraea; in pos- terior right side, below scapula, worse throw- ing shoulders back and chest forward, or from any contortion of body, Badiag.; from sore spot in left, transversely across sternum to a corresponding point in right side, then down- ward (rheumatism), ICale BSjT" cutting, darting, shooting, sticking, stitches. Inner chest, large feeling : B^T" emptiness. Inner chest, larynx: symptoms worse from talking or singing, IDros. Inner chest, lightness : Chloral.; as if expiring with more ease, Ang.; respiration free, as if thorax were hollow, Chin. a. Inner chest, loose: as if everything were too short and wobbling about, 11 Spig. Inner chest, lump: sensation, Amb. Inner chest, lungs: as if lungs adhered to chest, Cadm. s. Inner chest, lying down: ameliorates, Psor.; cannot lie on sides, especially left (chronic cough), ILye; cannot lie on side, with car- ditis, ICact.; on right side, ICarbo a.; worse in horizontal position, evening in bed, Arg. nit.; pain in left lower, back and front, as if something fell forward on turning over on right side, since attack of pleurisy, if she con- tinues to lie on right side it feels as if pressed V30 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. against front lower chest, if she still continues in that position there is also heat in part af- fected, pressure causes dyspnoea when lying on right side, I ISub; hurts, Arg. nit; inability with comfort, not at all on right side (dropsy of chest), IKali iod.; cannot lie on left side, I I Zinc; cannot lie on left side (carditis, car- diac rheumatism), ICact; cannot lie on left side, in bilious remittent fever), ICrotal.; can- not lie a moment on left side, but great relief of pain and breathing when lying on right side, INaja ; on left side, causes acute pain, lAscl. t; pain in left side preventing lying on it (subacute pleuritis), I Arg. nit.; pain in lowest three ribs, as if one had been lying in a wrong position in region of left, in morn- ing, IIRan. b.; inability to lie on rightside (cough), Mere; can lie only on right side (icterus), IKali c ; cannot lie on side (typhoid), ICanth.; cannot lie on either side (heart dis- ease), IHydras. Inner chest,mediastinum: cedema of lymphatic glands, I lAnthrac; pain in chest complaint, lApis ; pulling, sore pain, on stepping hard, walking fast or running, Seneg. Inner chest, mental condition: feels depres- sion of spirits in chest (induration of uterus), I Aur. met. Inner chest, motion : aggravates symptoms, or when she lifts or takes hold of anything with hands, Zinc; immobility of right (phthisis), I Ars. iod.; elevated, Ant. e; but slightly elevated by deep breath, Arg. nit.; elevation, especially of left side, with anxious, short hurried breathing, HPhos.; left, half motion- less (phthisis), I Ars. b; decreased mobility beneath left clavicle (phthisis), I Ars. b; not moving (croup), IBrom.; right half immov- able, during respiration (pneumonia), lAntt.; abnormal risingand falling (spinal irritation), IChin. s.; heaved spasmodically, hurried movement, Amyg.; working, as if something must give way, I Arg. nit. Inner chest, nausea: Agar., ICroe; with press- ing drawing from below upward in left hypo- chondria, Rhus ; with pain and cold sweat in face (yellow fever), ICadm. s.; faint warm sickening sensation, like threatening seasick- ness, IGlon.; with unusual hunger, Cycb; in middle, with vertigo, IBry.; qualmish feeling with cough and expectoration of bright red blood, IRhus ; feels squeamish, Calend. Inner chest, neuralgia: ICornus, IIRan. b.; in influenza, Ascl. t; intercostal, Aeon, I Act. rac, Arn, IIBell, Bor, ICact, IChel, Chen, IChin. a., Colch., Guaiae, IHydras, Kalm, IMagn. p, Melib, Merc, IMez, Nux v, IPhos, Phyt, IIRan. b, Rhod., Rhus, ISang, IStann, IZinc; intercostal, a constrictive drawing, IMagn. p.; intercostal, following herpes zoster, IMez, IRan. b.; intercostal, left-sided, worse on motion and on becoming tired, at times with palpitation, Zinc; inter- costal, better when lying on well side, INux v.; trunk, pains run up side like lightning, seem as if they would give her a twist while running up, ICornus ; acute and frequent recurring paroxysms, IPhos.; of left phrenic nerve, spasmodically clutches arm of chair, HStann.; remittent, I ISub; with pain in region of spleen and indescribably quick respiration, I ISil. B^sT angina, pain, rheu- matism, sharp pain. Inner chest, nose : better by nosebleed, IBrom.; painful sneezing (influenza), ICaust. Inner chest, numbness: Rhus ; dead feeling, INux m.; on left side, ICurar.; left side goes to sleep, Plumb.; dull, in posterior part of right, Ammoniac.; in skin, Urt. ur.; moving upward, IGlon.; in left, Cup. ars. Inner chest, oppression: Alum., Ant. t, Apis, I Apoe, I Arn, I Ars., Arum m, lAspar, Aur- ant, IBelb, Cain., ICamph., Cann. s., Carbol. ac, Caulo, Ced., ICham., IChin. s., Cimex, IClem, Coca, Codein, ICoff, Cupr. s, IDiad, Dory, Eryng, Eup. pert, Ferr., Ferr. iod, Gamb, IGels., Grat,, Hgn, 11 Kalic, IKreo, Lactu. v.,ILobel. i, IMez,INitr.ac, INuxm, INux v., HPhos, Plant, Prun., I IPsor., IPuls, ISpong., Still., HTarant, Ver. v, I IZinc; from tension in abdomen (in- termittent), ICoccul.; across in evening, I IMur. ae, increasing to agony, I Asaf; in relapsing ague, Ustil.; better in open air,. Chel.; caused by cold air, Petrol.; driving him into open air, Anac; walking in open air, lAur. met.; after walking in open air, at night, so she could not yawn perfectly, IPhos.; as if air were withheld on talking and cough- ing, so that breath could not be expired, IIDros.; worse from cold air, IPetrol.; worse in open air and after eating, ILye; in angina pectoris, I Arn, IStram.; after being angry, I IStaph.; with anxiety, Cimex, IDig., Phos. ac, IPsor.; with anxiety, better bending for- ward, IColch.; with anxiety, after dinner, IPhos.; drives him from place to place, with sudden anxiety, ITabae; and anxiety, with stoppage of nose, ICale; anxious, with desire to take deep breath, IMere; anxious, in affec- tion of heart, ICup. m.; anxious as from a load, INux v.; anxious, every morning, IPsor.; anxious, with palpitation, HSpig.; anxious, in pneumonia, 11 Ver. v.; during apyrexia (in- termittent), Sabad.; worse ascending, IIArs.; asthmatic, Calad., HColch., IFerr., ILobel i., HSub; asthmatic, with yawning, worse on motion, Bapt.; on awaking, Cinch., INatr. s.; awakes after midnight, Cinnab.; with pain in back, ICale; better bending backward, Fluor, ac; uneasiness, as if iron band pre- vented motion, HCact; at base, in front, IChloral.; in bed, IPhos.; turning in bed almost puts her out of breath (chlorosis), ICale; as if too full of blood (palpita- tion), ICale; from orgasm of blood, IFerr.- as if from holding back breath, IDros.' when taking a long breath, ISib; with desire to draw a long breath, Paris'; with constantly recurring desire to take a long breath, I IPrun.; with desire to draw a long- breath, better by yawning, Croc; makes breath quick, cannot talk well during chill and fever (ague), IKali c; with short breath ILye; with short breath, in perimyelitis' I I Sep.; can hardly breathe (intermittent fever)' llpec.; with deep breathing, worse ascending^ Cann. b; compelled deep breathing, which relieved, Aur. mur.; of difficult breathing from, INux m.; with impeded breathing ICycb; with labored breathing, worse ascend- ing, Cann. b; with labored breathing, as if respiratory passages were filled with mucus Cop.; with labored breathing while working in a stooping position, Cop.; with burning 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 791 when walking, Magn. s.; with constant burn- ing pain ^idiopathic and rheumatic endo- and pericarditis), Ver. v.; in cardialgia biliosa, ILobel. b; in bronchial catarijb, croup, puer- peral convulsions, IIAnt. t; in centre (dia- phragmitis), IDig.; during chill, Ars. h, Eup. perf, llpec; in cholera, lAnt. t.; in cholera Asiatica, lArs.; in chorea, IMygale ; as soon as clothes are fastened, Aur. mur.; must loosen clothes, better in open air, Chel.; wants to loosen clothes, Bov.; clothes seem too tight, I ICheb, Melib, IPhos.; worse from warm and tight clothes, IIArs.; with colic, Alum.; con- siderable, I I Sticta; with constipation, INux m.; asif constricted, Cup. ars.; as if internally constricted, Stann.; as if constricted or lungs were too tight, INatr. m.; with sensation of constriction, IMagn. c; constriction, worse motion and walking, I ILed.; with a constric- tive sensation under sternum, IPhos.; with contraction, Phos. ae; in puerperal convul- sions, I Ant. t; with coryza, ICale; with cough, Ailant., I Ant. c. Con, Iod., ILact. ac, IPetrol, Psor, Ver.; with cough, after catching cold (chronic bronchitis), IKali bb; with cough caused by drinking, IPsor.; with dry cough, Seneg.; with dry cough, catarrhal affection, INatr. a.; dry, exhausting cough, morning and evening, Rhod.; dry cough, worse towards morning, ICon.; dry, spas- modic, nightly, almost continually, titillating cough, evening fever, Con.; cough, with or without expectoration, in morning after ris- ing, IPuls.; fatiguing cough, particularly at night, ICoccul.; and fatiguing cough, long continued (catarrh of lungs), IHep.; particu- larly with morning cough (phthisis), ICetrar.; after hard paroxysm of cough (affection of lungs), HSep.; with cough, in pneumonia, INux v.; racking cough, particularly at night, ICoccul.; spasmodic cough, IPhos.; causes subdued cough, IIHep.; whooping cough, I IPhelb; from cramplike, contracted sensa- tion in, ICina ; in spurious croup, I I Kali m.; with crusta lactea, IJacea; with cutting in lungs, Jugb; after dinner, HStram.; in region of diaphragm (angina pectoris), I Agar.; after eating Calad, ICaust, Chin, s, IDiad, I ISub; better after eating, Amb.; after eating, in af- fection of liver, IMagn. m.; to epigastrium (shock from injuries), INux m.; before erup- tion appears (smallpox), I Ant. t; with suppressed or tardily appearing eruption, llpec; evenings in bed, with anxiety and prostration, Coca; in evening, must loosen dress, Bar. e; in evening, lying down, ICinch.; towards evening, ISep.; worse even- ings and before midnight, IColoe; worse evening and morning, IPhos.; worse during exertion, and on full inspiration, Natr. a.; bet- ter by expectoration, IManc; better from ex- pectoration of mucus, I Asaf; better raising tough phlegm, Ammoniac; with expectora- tion of dark gray mucus of consistency of white of egg, IKali bb; as if expiration were prevented by coughing or talking, IDros.; in affection of fauces and larynx, IKali bi.; oppression, in facial neuralgia, IIPuls.; with cold feet, ILach.; during fever, IGuaraea; in gastric fever, 11 Sep.; in intermittent fever, IFerr.; in typhoid fever, IPhos.; as from fla- tus accumulated in upper part of abdomen, ICham.; in front, especially behind upper part of sternum (asthma), IMeph.; as if too full, ILye; as if some one pressed hand upon, IFerr.; with burning in hands (croup), I INatr. m.; causing sensation of a hard mass collected in them (catarrh of head), I ISticta ; with congestion to head, I ICham.; with pains in head (apoplexy), ICrotal.; with headache, IBelb; alternating with headache, I IGlon.; with dull headache, Ailant.; with headache for four days, better only by bleeding of nose, IMelil.; laborious action of heart, IIGlon.; with violent beating of heart, preceded by rush of blood to chest, or with sensation as if lungs were tied with a thread, I IKali m.; in heart disease, IDig, ILach.; with pains about heart, 10 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m., Sinap.; with heat, Berb., Bov, ICale, ILach.; heavy, in morning, IIArs.; with hemorrhage of lungs, llpec; in hysteria,Cinnam.; with incarceration of flatus beneath ribs, IPhos.; in influenza, HPhelb, ISamb.; shock of injury, ICham.; with desire to take a deep inspiration, Xan.; worse on inspiration, Spig.; with continual irritation in larynx and trachea, low down (croup), IPhos.; of left, Apoe; in left side, evening in bed, Calend.; in left, when inspir- ing, Ammoniac; in left side, below nipple, Samb.; in left side, with pain, especially dur- ing deep breathing, I I Card, m.; left to right, Carbol. ac; left, worse stooping (heart affec- tion), ISumb.; worse left side, with difficult breathing and a tendency to take a long breath, Med.; unless his legs hang, ISub; like a load, INux m.; in lower part, as if breath did not reach there, ILobel.; of lower, with shortness of breath, IPhos.; in lower, as if lungs had no room to expand, with sensation of violent constriction in heart, INatr. m.; as from a lump, worse lying down (acute dropsy following parturition), ICinch.; when lying down (amenorrhcea, IGraph.; on lying upon left side, with anxiety and palpitation, IPuls.; on lying down, at night, worse after midnight, better drinking coffee or sugar with water, worse going up stairs (asthma), I Ars.; in men- ingitis, lApis ; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IGlon.; before menses, Bor, ILach.; at every menstrual effort, ILach.; in middle and right side, ILactu. v.; in middle and upper chest, as of weight in chest, worse at night, morn- ing and in damp weather (ozaena), INatr. s.; in morning, IPhos.; mornings or after eating, INux v.; as if movement were impeded all around chest, as if something heavy oppressed all sides from neck to diaphragm (hay fever), 11 Sinap.; when moving fast or ascending(heart disease),IIAcon,IIArs,; from mucus, I IDulc; in myelitis, I IColch.; in desquamative neph- ritis, HPlumb.; at night, I Aur. met. Petrol, Phos. ac; particularly at night, with catarrh, Berb.; at night, worse after midnight Hgn.; at night, awaking from sleep, sits up with sudden anxiousness as if he would suffocate, suddenly finds himself on his feet, ILactu. v.; at night, with sticking, especially on breath- ing, Rhus ; nightly attacks, as if constricted, IColoe; nosebleed, Act. sp.; acute pain, as though a hot iron had been run into it, and a hundredweight put upon it, INaja; from sharp pain in left side, Como.; painful, worse at night, Alum.; pain, as if everything were 792 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. raw and scratched in chest, with dry cough, HPsor.; with palpitation, Agar, lAspar, Brom.; alternating with palpitation, lAlum.; with palpitation and cough, IMillef; with Eerceptible palpitation compelling deep reath, Glon.; with palpitation, in carditis, IBry.; with palpitation and urging to stool, Calc. a.; with palpitation when walking fast or other bodily exertion (insufficiency of valves), ISpig.; periodic, HCollin.; in phthisis florida, I IMere cor.; in phthisical ' subjects, when constant irritation to cough and expectoration, often bloody, causes even- ing fever, with hot hands and cheeks, IKali n.; with threatened pneumonia (after Aconitum), IPhos.; in praecordial region, causing constric- tion (hysteria), ICinnam.; with pressure in stomach and nausea, Samb.; puerperal con- vulsions, IHyos.; with loss of pulse, ICact.; with feeling of internal rawness, ILye; re- peated attacks, every half hour (colic in preg- nancy), I Ars.; almost arrests respiration, Syph.; alternates with difficult respiration (spasms of chest), IHyos.; during respiration, Colch.; during respiration, in ascites, asthma, lApis; with embarrassment of respiration on going up stairs, Cain.; impedes respiration, morning, Sars.; respiration through nose im- peded, IZinc; rapid respiration and sensation as if mucus obstructed lungs (chest affections after abortion), INux m.; respiration short, anxious, quick (pneumonia), IMere; respira- tion during rest, Seneg.; with restlessness, ICale, IPsor.; in right side, Grat.; more in right, Chlor.; with soreness in open air and when reposing, I ISeneg.; between scapulae, better after eating (asthma), I Amb.; better drawing shoulders back- ward (tuberculosis), ICale;aftersitting.Calad.; after sleep, Apoe; disturbs sleep, HPhos.; during sleep, IILach.; as if he would smother (intermittent), I Apis; smothered feeling (dys- pepsia), ILach.; spasmodic, ILaur.; before at- tack of spasms, IMosch.; may arise from tonic spasm of pectoral muscles, ICie; in spasms, before menses, I IPuls.; with spinal irritation, ICup. m.; when going up stairs, ISeneg.; worse in lower part of sternum, going down stairs, Amyb; with stinging in region of heart, IColch.; with stitches in left side, HSub; with stitches in left side when lying on that side, Samb.; stitching pains across, better during motion, IDros.; bloating of stomach, INux in.; with burning in stomach, Calad.; seemed to come from stomach and was worse after eating, I IPhos.: as from fulness of stomach, ICinch.; frightful, with pain in chest, as from a stone lying on it, Viol.; with pain, as if strained, Sub; better by stretching himself, Cinnab.; as if strapped, Ailant.; with loss of strength, 11 Psor.; stuffed feeling, makes her gasp for breath, Med.; suffocative, Arn, Cann. b; as from vapors of sulphur, commencing with de- sire to cough and getting worse until one despairs of getting over paroxysm (asthma), IMosch.; during sweat (ague), HSep.; faint, with profuse sour, clammy sweat, after chill and heat, Psor.; from talking, Amb.; contin- ued talking, ICinch.; cannot take a deep in- spiration on coughing (neglected influenza or pleuritis), ISub; in tetanus, ICie; with thirst, ICale, Cupr. s.; and feeling of a ball in throat after sunset, with tendency to cry, like hyste- ria, Natr. s.; with roughness of throat, like a tile on breathing, INitr. ac; as if too tight, Squilla; tightening (myelitis), IDulc; in tuberculosis>IFerr. iod.; in hepatic typhus, ICheb; distressing in upper, obliged frequently to take a deep breath, with sensation of empti- ness in epigastrium, Stann.; in uterine dis- turbance (rheumatism), I ICaulo.; with vom- iting of food and white mucus, Raph.; when beginning to walk, Phos. ac; feels constantly that a walk across room puts him out of breath (enlarged spleen), IDiad.; when walk- ing, lAmyl, Bufo, I IPuls., ISep.; on walking fast ascending an eminence, or exercising, IIArs, IPuls.; worse from walking, and after spirituous liquors, ILach.; worse in stormy weather, IIArs.; with weeping, evening, sore pain in eyes, especially right, BRan. b.; like a weight, ICact.; as from a weight, awakens at night (hysteria), Viol.; feeling of great weight, must breathe deeply, lAcon.; as from weight, difficult breathing, HCact; worse in changes from warmth to cold, IIArs.; relieved by weeping, Anac; gradually worse, IFerr. 8®~ angina, congestion, fulness, heavi- ness, pressing; also Chap. 26, Dyspnoea, Suffocation ; Chap. 27, Cough chest"; Chap. 29, Heart chest, Inner chest, pain : Aeon, 11 Arn, Ars. h, Ars. s. f, Arund, -Ascl. t, Benz. ac, iBism, I ICetrar, ICham, Cinnam., IDig, IFerr., IGraph, IKali iod.JMyrtus,IPhos, dPhos. ac, Psor., IPuls., ISang., HSub, Uva ursi; across, IFerr.; across, at times, Calc. s.; in amenorrhoea, ILach.; with anxiety about heart, and dyspnoea, IPsor.; apyrexia, Sabad.; during apyrexia (intermittent), Sabad.; on moving arm, Sub; in right side when lifting arm, Ang.; with asthma, ILobel.i, IIPuls.; on awaking, Merc. iod. rub.; through to back, Bor.; in back part of left, during day at inter- vals, Lact. ae; with expectoration of blood, Ars. h., IMyrtus; after breakfast, Aspar.; with desire to take deep breath, ICale p.; impedes breathing, IIBry.; prevents him from breathing, Merc, sub; with breathing while sitting after dinner, better on motion, I ILobel. h; worse from deep breathing and pressure, IINatr. p.; with Bright's disease, lArs.; where cartilage and ribs meet, Calc. p.; at third left costal cartilage where it joins with ribs (phthisis), IPix.; referred to third costal cartilage (really in left bronchus), may or may not go through to back, with expectoration of purulent matter, offensive in odor and taste (bronchial catarrh; phthisis), IPix- in whole cavity, with cough, ICinch.; better, if child is held firmly or pressed down, I ILach ; after chill (pneumonia), Hod.; before chill and during quartan ague, 11 Puis.; during chill IChin. s.; chronic internal, especially over region of diaphragm, IRan. b.; chronic, ex- tend towards liver, IRan. b.; infraclavicular, right side, penetrate to back so as to catch breath (dysmenorrhoea), I ITarant.; with colic INuxm ; constant, across, Como.; fluent co- ryza HCaust, Magn. s.; at third left costal cartilage, with suppurative processes affectine ■at g' ,Pix'> with co^gh. ICamph.,Merc ■Natr.m., IPhyt.; with cough, circumscribed red cheeks (typhoid pneumonia), ILachn • 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 793 continual cough, 11 Sang.; dry cough and ten- dency to diarrhcea, IPhos.; hoarse cough, IKali iod.; irritating cough, with secretion of mucus, Seneg.; regular cough, with white, frothy expectoration, worse morning and evening (chronic bronchial catarrh), IIPuls.; with cough, respiration, or if pressed, Ars. h.; through, from shock of cough, I Aeon.; in left, with troublesome cough, worse lying down (intermittent), I IPuls.; deep, in pneu- monia, lArg. nit.; deep, in left side, lEup. pert, Lyss.; deep, in back of left side, and corresponding place in front, Chrom. ac; deep, right side, ICheb; deep, penetrating, in posterior part of left side, at about sixth rib, Benz. ac; with delayed menses, IGraph.; after dinner, Act. rac; from drinking cold water, Carbo v.; dull, in left pectoralis, ex- tends to muscles of shoulder and point of shoulder blade, and through lower inner part of arm to elbow, better striking on it, throw- ing arm back and lifting shoulder, Ars. met.; dull, in pneumonia, IPuls.; dull oppressive, in left, at origin of serratus magnus, worse on inspiration and motion, Bapt.; causes dysp- noea and constriction in thoracic parietus (rheumatism), I Cale; after epistaxis, ICarbo v.; alternate with herpetic eruption, burning, itching and tingling, IRhus ; with desire to eructate, Cist.; alternate with eructation, Kali m.; increasing during evening, Ascl. t.; excruciating, deep-seated, ISib; in external parts, on moving, ILaur.; from fasting, Hod.; during fever, IGuaraea; in intermittent fever, ICaps.; during apyrexia of quotidian, IIPuls.; comes by fits (phthisis), I IPsor.; fixed in right side, I IPsor.; across front, IDig.; going to front (epidemic affection), ICard.; nearly whole front, worse coughing and motion, See; from left side to groin, worse on deep inspira- tion, particularly groin and back like a stitch, Fluor, ac; with haemoptysis, Acab, IDig.; with trembling of hands, ICale p., Calc s., Cina, Con.; through side, with headache in temples, I IDiosc; across heart, feeble at night, Asaf; where apex of heart strikes parietes of (pericarditis), I Ascl. t.; through heart, from left to right side (hysteria from grief), IGels.; with sensation as if heart twisted and turned around, Tarant.; with violent, tumultuous, irregular, intermittent action of heart and pulse, IKali iod.; during heat, Carbo v.; with heat, in intermittent fever, IIAnt c; with feverish heat, worse breathing and slightest motion, IKalm.; caused by violent, long-con- tinued hiccough, Stront.; with hoarseness, Caust.; in indigestion, IIPuls.; on inhaling, JEsc. h, Ast. r, INux m.; inside at both nipples, IIPuls.; on inspiration, Inul.; on deep inspiration, Agar.; in lower, on full in- spiration, Ars.; all day, with painful inspira- tion, IIRan. b.; with dyspnoea (typhus), IChin. s.; in intercostal muscles, Arn, Ars. h, Cain, IHekla; intercostal muscles, in second and third spaces, Cain.; in left intercostal muscles, Agar.; in left, All. sat, I Apis, Calab, ICurar., I ITubere, I IXan.; inleft, withinter- mittent fever, lElat.; in left, lies best upon back, every other position causing (pneumo- nia),IPhos.; down arm (dysmenorrhoea),ISars.; in left side (intermittent, flatulent colic), ■ Elat; in left, with cough, Ars. s. f, I lUstil.; in left, with dyspnoea, better sitting up and leaning right side against pillowed rocking- chair, ILach.; in left, in region of heart,Brach. rep.; in left, in region of heart, takes his breath, worse lying on left side, Diose; inleft, precursory symptoms in epilepsy, ICale a.; in left, in a small spot in region of heart, backward and to left, Lyss.; in left, on deep inspiration, Ascl. s.; in left, worse on inspira- tion, ^Esc h.; in left, worse on motion, I Ast. r.; in left, goes to neck, Ars. met.; in left, be- low nipple (incipient phthisis), I IRumex ; in left, with palpitation, IDig.; in left, in morn- ing,in region of pectoralis major, near axilla, worse during motion, IIRan. b.; in left, worse on pressure, Jugb; in left, going down to an- terior superior spinous process of innominate bone, I IThuya ; in left, under fourth rib, Xan.; in left, in region of fifth and sixth ribs, as if blunt knife were thrust in, I IDulc; in left, about sixth rib, worse on deep inspiration and bending to either side, Benz. ae; in left, about ninth or tenth rib, INatr. s.; in left, in region of lower ribs posteriorly (cholera), IPhos.; in left, below scapula, I ISticta; in left, worse from touch,better by gently rais- ing it, Cact.; concentrates in left, above nipple, Ars. h.; concentrated in left, a little to right of nipple, at first as if a deep ulcer had formed there, then like a hand grasping base of heart, Iod.; most on left side, 11 Lobel. b; in left, slight, Xan.; through left, Bapt, ICund.; in left, violent, with dyspepsia, lArg. nit.; vio- lent, at a point in left, could not be definitely pointed out, awakens with terror, driving him out of bed (neuralgia of left phrenic nerve), I IStann.; in lower, IPuls.; in lower, obliging her to bend forward, IIPuls.; in lower, with haemoptysis, I Rhus; in lower left, worse cough- ing, IKali ph.; in lower, commences at left, extends around hypogastrium to right side, comes on during day, so that he can only do light work, worse at night (gastralgia proba- bly due to metallic poisoning), IISul. ae; in lower, with ozaena, INatr. s.; in lower, with dull percussion sound (pneumonia after mea- sles), IKali c; across lower part, extending to between scapulae, particularly when eating (stomacace), IKali hi.; from lower to shoulder- blades (pleuritis), ICact.; through lower to back, 1101. jec.; through lower third of right, to back, IKali e; after inflammation of lungs, ISub; prevents lying down at night. ICaust.; inframammary, left side, IPuls.; inframam- mary,in women, IRan.b.; during recovery from meningitis, Stram.; menses one week too early, IManc; in vicarious menses, IDig.; middle, through to back, Oxal. ac. Tell.; in middle, drawing towards back, worse from motion (oesophagitis), I Aeon.; in middle, with cough, scraping, rawness and soreness, IGraph.; for three months, I IPsor.; at intervals during morning, in back part of right, till 11 a.m., then pain to axilla, which is sore to touch, Lact. ae; violent, whole morning, IRan. b.; worse in morning, ISquilla; on motion, Ascl. t, IBry, Chel, Codein.; over entire front, motion of arms, walking, stooping al- most impossible, Card, m.: violent on motion (rheumatism of muscles of thorax and back), IKalm.; about right, worse from motions (pleurodynia), I Act. rac; from every move' 794 18. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. ment (pleuritis with plastic exudation), IHep.; in muscles, Arg. nit, Daph, IRhus; in an- terior muscles, extending through arm to nails, ICimex; in muscles of left, Ars. m.; left thoracic muscles, on motion (zona), IGraph.; into neck, Ars. m.; as if in nerves from side to throat, Lyss.; violent, at night, Agar, Alum.; below left nipple, Arum t; below left nipple, pains all over, forced on menses, Hell.; an inch below nipple and to outer side of lung, following oppressed feeling in brain, Lye vir.; near nipple, to region of spleen, worse near apex of heart, Ars. m.; with severe pain in root of nose and frontal sinuses, ISang.; with stoppage of nose, ICaust.; with burning in oesophagus, Ictod.; periodical attacks in left (angina pectoris;, IVer.; in phthisis, IKreo.; alternate with piles, HCollin.; in pneumonia, IBar. e; acute after pneumonia, or periostitis, suggestive of adhesions, IRan. b.; in typhoid pneumonia, ILachn.; has to change position, ICaust; with quick, full, strong pulse, ILac e; in pectoralis, on moving arm, worse from touch and pressure, INux m.; at insertion of greater and lesser pectorals, left side, after lifting (myalgia), I Arn.; in left pectoral, as if beaten or sore, Zinc; periodically, in pectoral muscles, IGels.; in pectoralis major, near point of right on mar- gin of right shoulder, Lith.; in pectoralis ma- jor, in right side below edge, before it leaves thorax to pass to humerus, then same on left side, Gamb.; in ribs, moves to back (asthma), IKali e; at angle of ribs, Sarrae; under last ribs, extend to kidneys, HSelen.; in sec- ond left rib, from talking, Mang.; in ribs of whole left thorax, Zinc; about lower ribs, Vab; in lower ribs, during pregnancy, Arg. nit; in right ribs, Chim. umb.; in ribs, worse in warm room, but intolerable in open air, being winter, I ISib; about third rib, right side, midway between sternum and side, worse breathing, Benz. ae; about conjunction of third rib with its cartilage, Illie; in region of third rib, one or two inches from sternum, generally right side, occasionally left, Illie; below fifth or sixth rib, left side, severe, lAct. rac; about junction of right sixth rib, with its cartilage, of years' duration, ILobel. e; of right, about sixth or seventh rib, worse during night and following day (pleurodynia), IIRan. b.; from riding in a carriage, Alum.; in right, Chim. umb, I IHydras, Illie, Sang.; in right, dependent on overexertion of right arm (myalgia), Arn.; in right, affected by breathing, Brach.; in right, cutting off breath on deep inspiration after exposure (influenza), I IRhus ; in right, with cough, ICale; in right, worse by coughing, laughing, motion, a man aet. 21, after being obliged to run until nearly exhausted, I IPsor.; in right, with hemiplegia, lElaps ; in right, as if heart were there, and could feel it beating, Sinap.; in right, during inhalation, Chel.; in right, to kidneys, I ISelen.; in right, must lie quietly on back and press with hand, Act. rac; in right, to- wards midnight, worse from motion, laughing, coughing, with sweat, Psor.; in right, near nip- ple, extends downward and upward, Ars. m.; in right, with pneumonia, Hod.; in right, I IVer. v.; in right, region of seventh and eighth ribs, worse breathing and movement, Chel.; in right, from scapula around to an- terior part (headache), IKali bi.; in right, to scapula, can scarcely breathe, worse from 4 to 5 p.m., Merc sul.; in right, to shoulder, ISang.; in right, worse from wine, Bor.; in right°side, for several years, IINatr. m.; in back part of right, sore to touch, 6 p.m., Lact ac; first right then left side, before coughing, Chel.; from right to shoulder- blade, during chill, Diad.; from right into shoulder blade, in intermittent fever, IDiad.; through right, beginning at attachment of sixth rib to its cartilage, and extending to inferior angle of right scapula, Chen, a.; right, through sudden, Aspar.; near right scapula and in right shoulder, IChen. a.; in upper right, Badiag.; severe, IKreo.; severe in acute exacerbation of phthisis, IKali n.; in sup- pressed syphilisJKali n.; from front, back into shoulder blade (phthisis), I ISub; to shoulder, worse by cough and after cold drinks, I IPsor.; in sides, Asar, IRumex ; in both sides and felt as if in lungs, Rumex; worse by singing or loud speaking, Ascl. t; rigidity of spinal col- umn, to region of spleen, Ars. m.; spot size of a hand in right lower rib, Indig.; after stool, Agar.; as if sternum were pressed inward, Rhus; in middle, from dorsal vertebrae through to sternum, Tell.; sudden, in front part, extending to abdomen, obliging to bend double, Berb.; changesplacesuddenly, Benz. ac.; with suffocative paroxysm, Spong.; when swal- lowing, ICale p.; after onanism, IDig.; in outer, Ferr.; in tabes dorsalis, IGraph.; great, especially when talking (angina pectoris), IKali e; with tetanus, Art. v.; on whole thorax, Sub; through, Med, Natr. ph., Trill.; torturing, Hydr. ac.; transient, IFerr.; with trembling and chilliness, 11 Psor.; in whole trunk, IIRan. b.; as from an inter- nal ulcer in middle of sternum, with headache in forehead, before midnight, IPuls.; as from subcutaneous ulceration, IPuls.; in upper, in pneumonia, I ICheb; in upper, through to shoulders, Med.; in upper part left, through to shoulder, worse taking a deep breath and making a strong motion, IMyrtus; in upper middle, to right shoulder, after eating, worse from talking, IINatr. m.; upward (convul- sions), IGlon.; with desire to urinate, IFerr.; with urging to urinate (epidemic affection), I ICard. m.; of walls, especially when touch- ing them, better by deep inspiration, Seneg.; while washing, Alum.; as from weakness, IPhos. ae; continues for weeks, Ran. b. 8®° neuralgia, rheumatism. Inner chest, paralysis : I I Plumb.; of respira- tory muscles, right side, -Ferr. iod.; respira- tory muscles, on left side (intercostal neural- gia), IChin. a. Inner chest, peculiar sensation : with press- ure and anxiety in praecordial region, Colch.; in right, Amyl. Inner chest, periodic : symptoms worse every other day, ICinch.; intermittent pains (anae- mia), Caulo. Inner chest, pressing pain: Hod., IPhos.- through, always much worse damp weather (nervous debility), ICurar.; in left, with short breath, INatr. s.; worse under left shoulder- blade (phthisis), IMillef; in right lowpr Millef. er> 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 795 Inner chest, pinching : constrictive sensation, high up, IPhos.; violent contracting, behind right nipple, I IRan. sc; a deep cutting (my- elitis), IDulc; with pains about epigastrium, and much cough (phthisis), IKali c; about fourth rib, right side, with dull pain in heart, all day, Lyss.; under right ribs, in mammary line (windy dyspepsia), I ITubere; stinging, crawling pain in left side, in region of sixth and seventh ribs, worse by pressure, Spong. Inner chest, pleurodynia: BST" neuralgia, rheumatism. Inner chest, during pregnancy: rush of blood upward, ILyss. Inner chest, pressing sensation: lAilant, Agar, Ammoniac, Apis, Asaf, Berb., Bor., Cain, ICale, Chloral., Chlor, Chrom. ae, Cinch, ICist, Gymn., Hyper., IKali e, Lyss, Merc, sub, INiccol, Nitr. sp. d, I IPetrol., IPlat., Psor, Sabina, ISang, Sep, Stront, HSub, I IZinc; above, Chrom. ae; ache be- low, extending upward, Calc. p.; in after- noon, with sharp, incisive pain between scapulae, passing through to sternum, I ILacc; in anasarca, IHelb; worse on falling asleep at night, or awaking from a siesta, INux in.; into back, IBelb; to back, with feeling of a hard ball in middle, IKali e; bearing down on each side, Cornus ; in blepharitis, I Kalic; as from rush of blood, with palpitation, HCinch.; deep breath momentarily relieves, llgn.; difficult breathing, and short, dry, nervous cough, I IPlumb.; impedes breathing, worse standing, Aur. mur.; with bronchitis, after catching cold or getting wet, I IOp.; with burning and sticking behind sternum, IPhos.; in costal cartilage of fifth rib, right side, Como.; through central portion of right (phthisis), HSep.; after chill (pneumonia), Hod.; together, alternating with chill, IMere; in chlorosis primaria amenorrhoeica, I I Sabina; in Asiatic cholera, IHydr. ae; beneath left clavicle, Spig.; compression, Arn, Carbol. ae; compression, in fatty hypertrophy of heart, ICact; compression, with dry, straining cough, caused by talking (aphonia nervosa), IIPuls.; compression, as of a heavy weight, lAsaf.; painful compression, both sides, to sternum, ICaust.; compressive pain in right side, ending in a stitch, Squilla ; constant, se- vere, HPlat.; constrictive, must bend back- ward for relief, Caust.; constrictive, at fourth and fifth ribs, near sternum, HPsor.; soft pressure and cool sensation rising into mouth, Camph.; causes cough, Ars. h.; during cough, ICale, Iod., Niccol, ISub; with loose cough, Sub; with spasmodic, tickling, night cough, ICon.; in whooping cough, lAnae; with cramp in stomach, IDiad.; cramping pains in various parts, ILactu. v.; deep in right, lAmb.; after dinner, on inspiration, seems as though something were pressing on, ICheb; dull, Calc. a.; dull, in right, from seventh rib downward, after breakfast, Hyper.; dull, with roughness of throat, Calc. a.; dull, as from a plug, in right side, I Anac; with dysp- noea, IIChel.; after eating, Anag, IKali e; with ineffectual eructation, IPhos.; worse during exhalation, Amb.; in intermittent fever INatr. m.; as if morsel of food had lodged there, Amm. m.; over whole, loosed by gaping, Ars. h.; affecting heart, Bell.; tran- sient flushes of heat to face, and burning in palms of hands and soles of feet, Cop.; with hoarseness, Coccus; worse on inhalation, Ang, ICale; continued, as with a dull instru- ment, below right false ribs, worse on deep inspiration, I IRan. sc; in left intercos- tal muscles, from within, worse during inspi- ration and expectoration, Asaf; intermittent, outward, with drawing tension here and there on left cheek, Zinc; soft, internally below sternum, with difficult inhalation, Camph.; in left, lAmb., Spong, Sub ac.; in left, even- ing, in bed, Calend, Zinc; in left, continuous, ILye; in left, shooting to eye, in evening, Lyss.; in left, during inspiration, Calend.; in left, near lumbar region, worse from mo- tion of body and pressure, INatr. s.; in left, after lying, better sitting, Calad.; in left, standing, during inspiration, Calend.; in lower left lateral region, worse by exertion or a long breath, IBor.; more in left side, ISep.; violent over left, after rising, in morning, movement of shoulder causes pains, pain spreads over chest, with short breath, cannot speak long, I IRan. b.; in whole left side, IKali e; like a heavy load, INatr. s., IINux v.; as if load were in front, Carbol. ac; in lower, after eating, Zinc; across lower, with fine stitches, felt in outer chest first, now right, now left, worse moving, stooping, breathing, evening, walking, standing, open air or room, IRan. b.; over lower half when walking, with oppression of respiration, Vab; from inside to short ribs, in region of liver, extending up chest, with exhalation, Tarax.; the contents of lower and abdomen seem to press upon each other and cause discomfort, if she lies on either side, Med.; as if lungs were pushed back to spine, Seneg.; when lying on belly, Ang.; during menses, Coccul.; in middle, IGamb-., Lith. c, Spig.; in middle, all day with painful inspira- tion, IIRan. b.; in middle, with gulping of watery phlegm, IKali c; in middle, outward towards sides, I ILith.; in middle, under ster- num, Tell.; in muscles, Berb.; above left nipple, Lobel. b; oesophageal, Brach, ICimex; in outer parts, IRan. b.; outward, in lower, Vab; painful, Cupr. s, IMyrtus, Psor,I IPuls., Tarax.; painful, below right axilla, worse by motion, Carbo v.; painful, with short cough, Stront.; painful, in erysipelas, I IRhus; pain- ful, with haemoptysis or hemorrhage, espe- cially after masturbation, ICon.; painful in laryngo-tracheitis, 11 Phos. ac.; painful in left, Calend, I ICheb; painful, in left side, near nipple, Ars. h.; painful in upper part of left, between second and third ribs, 8 a.m., sitting, Cact.; painful across lower, while sitting, causing anxiety, better stand- ing or walking, ICinch.; painful in middle, violent, as if portion of oesophagus were contracted or compressed, I Alum.; pain- ful, especially on motion, Stront.; painful, in phthisis, ISib; painful, in pneumonia, IPuls.; painful, in right, near last ribs, with breathing, Lyss.; painful, in right, at a small spot, HArn.; painful, in right, from within out, I Asaf; painful, in upper right, difficult breathing, Cact.; painful, in upper right, through to scapula, ICarbo v.; painful, cannot sit in stooping posture, IDig.; painful, in sternum, Calend.; painful, sudden, as if a 796 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. broad body armed with points were pressing upward, a broad pressure with many fine stitches, Spong,- painful, at point on swallow- ing, IKali e; painful, on upper part, sore to pressure, better from sweat, Ars.h.; violent pain inward, returns every winter, lArg. met.; painful, walking or sitting, Bell.; painful, as if full of wind, better by eructation, ILach.; in right pectoral muscle, Card, m.; in phthi- sis, I ISamb.; pushing from within outward (heart disease), ILach.; pushing, in lowest ribs of right side towards liver, in morning, IRan. b.; in ribs, Benz. ac; on ribs, above hypochondria, contracting, Ang.; region of last ribs, as with back of knife, Asar.; in ribs, in region of left, below heart, day and night, Arn.; below second and third ribs, with deep inhalation, Arg. met.; on last rib, left side, with movements in abdomen, and crawls on back, Calend.; between tenth and eleventh ribs, right side, Lyss.; in region of right rib, towards spine,Asaf; between last ribs,on right side, Lyss.; on lowest ribs of right side towards liver, in morning, IRan. b.; hard, on cartil- ages of third and fourth ribs, with difficult respiration, Stram.; in right, causes anxiety, Bell.; right side, dull, extending thence over whole chest, worse bending forward in writ- ing (phthisis), 11 Psor.; from right, extends towards liver,with throbbing in epigastric re- gion, I IKali c; in right, after meal or walk- ing fast, Anag.; right, near nipple, Agar.; worse right side, Ant. c; below shoulder- blades, has to breathe deeply, Agar.; as though pressed together from both sides, Cina ; on both sides, with sharp stitches, worse on inspi- ration, I IMenyanth.; sitting aggravates,ICup. ac; smothered, after nervous spell, IGels.; with soreness, ILac def; in spinal irritation, IChin. s.; frequent, in small spots, in, Colch.; behind sternum (dry cough), ICimex; to ster- num (pneumonia), I Ant. t; sticking, left, on deep breathing, IIKali e; sticking, in right, IKali c; violent stinging, left side, in region of heart, at 4 p.m., Zing.; as from a stone after catarrh (pneumonia), I IPuls.; with fits of suf- focation, IKali e; suffocative in upper, with constriction of larynx (bronchitis),. IPhos.; suffocative, in upper, with irritability of lower portion of trachea, IPhos.; with cold sweat, ICact; as from subcutaneous ulceration. I Ran. b.; in upper, lAmb, Apis, Brom.; constant in upper, with difficult respiration, Sang.; in upper, like after violent running, lAng.; in upper middle part makes respiration difficult, llCepa; a few inches below upper end of sternum, Ars. h.; great, in upper, with car- diac rheumatism, HPhos.; going upward, spreads about neck, before colic, IColoe; damp weather aggravates, IKali e; and weight, Gamb.; as from great weight, Cain.; as from a weight wakens, better after rising, Kali bi. 8®* angina, constriction, fulness, heaviness, tightness. Inner chest, pressure: relieves, Cochl., Dros., IKreo, ISep. BSjT" sensitive. Inner chest, pricking: Arund.; all over, with difficulty of breathing and cough, Bor.; on inspiration, IBry.; needle-like, in left, ICinch.; with a dull stitch in right, in ascending por- tion of eighth and ninth ribs, two or three inches to right of epigastrium, in afternoon, Pallad.; feeling as if struck with a cushion full of pins, internal, Anag.; in pneumonia, ICact; below right nipple from within out- ward, IBry.; severe, in right, from within outward, Spong.; in incipient tuberculosis, • Agar. Inner chest, purring sensation: resembling purring of a cat (toothache), ISpig. Inner chest, pus (pyothorax): IIHep, ISib 8@° Lungs empyema; Pleura exudation. Inner chest, quick pains : Hod.; sharp, in left, ILil. tig. Inner chest, quivering: Cale p.; repeated in muscles of left ribs, towards spine, Lobel. i. Inner chest, rales: BSaT" Lungs rales. Inner chest, rawness: JEsc. h., Agar., I Amb., Anac, Ananth,I Arn, Ars, Arumt, ICarbo v., ICaust., Chrom. ac, I IGamb, IGels, IGraph, IHydras., llpec, IINuxv., 01. jec, IPhos, IPuls, ISpong.; with aphonia, HCaust; in costal cartilage of fifth rib, right side, worse during rest, Como.; in catarrh, Berb., ISub; in bronchial and vesical catarrh, ICop.; cor- rosive feeling in skin, Berb.; during cough, lArs., ICale, ICaust, ILach., IPhos., IIRu- mex, IStaph.; spasmodic or deep, hollow cough, Meph.; in hay asthma, ICarbo v.; with heat and sweat at night, 11 Zinc.; with hoarseness, IMez.; from inhaling frosty air, Apis ; in lungs, sore from continual coughing, INatr. m.; with excessive secretions of glairy mucus, from nose (catarrhal complaints), IPetrol.; and soreness, ILye; and soreness in bronchial catarrh, ICale; scraping, with sore- ness and pain in middle with cough (dysmen- orrhoea), IGraph.; pain after much speaking, ICale; and soreness on left side, near nipple, Ars. h.;into throat, Cist.; painful, as from sub- cutaneous ulceration, I IPsor.; in upper, ex- tending into throat, ICist.; over whole, Ars. h. 8®*" scraping, soreness. Inner chest, restlessness: Anag, Benz. ac. Inner chest, rheumatism : lAct. rac, I Aurant, IIBerb, IIBry, ICact., Cadm. s, Caust, IColch., Como., ICornus, IHydras., ILye, IIRan. b, IRhus ; across, lAbrot.; across,dur- ing respiration, Lvss.; with asthma, IKali iod.; chronic, I Arg. nit, I IKali iod. Plumb.; fr°m taking cold or living in damp dwellings, IColch.; of several months standing, caused by catching cold on motion, pains cutting and sharp during a voyage, IIRan. b.; gastro- pleurodynia, IColch.; gouty, IColch- with haemoptysis, ICinch.; intercostal, IIRan b • intercostal, inner, to abdominal and lumbar MlilC .' from exP°sure to cold and dampness, I IPhyt; especially in left side, HSpig- left side feels sore when patient turns, IRumex • unable to lie, I IRan. b.; myalgic pains, IIRan. ri'JZ^ 0PPressi°n> cough, dyspnoea, forcing patient to sit up (endocarditis), IPhos.; pseu- do-pleuritic pains, with tuberculosis pulmo- Kiin stage of softening and suppuration, l( maiae; rightside, worse on inhaling, I JEsc n.; in right worse on stooping head, Lact ac : screamed, if compelled to make least move- ment,!! Kan.b.; soreness in muscles,! ILact ac ■ could not bear touch on affected side, 11 Ran b': ol trunk, worse towards morning, INux v • to umbilical region, Tarant; in upper thorax' berr ph.; worse in rest, cloudy storm v weather, IRhod.; false pleuritis, in wi™f 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 797 I IKalm.; severe pain in left, along digita- tions of oblique abdominis and serratus mag- nus, from working in a constrained position, lArn. 8®" drawing, neuralgia, sharp pain. Inner chest, rising : as of something rising to throat, Asaf. Inner chest, rooting pain : IGraph. Inner chest, roughness : Benz. ac, IINuxv, ISub; as if chest were oppressed by tough tenacious mucus, IPuls.; with heat and sweat at night, I IZinc; with hoarseness, IIRhus. Inner chest, rumbling : audible gurgling after attack of whooping cough, IMur. ac; audible in left side, especially when walking, ICoccul.; both sides, I IPhos. ac; as if something must give way, I Arg. nit Inner chest, scraping: Anac, Ang.; causing hawking, IINux v.; causing cough, IPuls. 8®** rawness; also Chap. 25, Bronchia. Inner chest, scratching : as from vapor of sul- phur, causing cough, IIPuls. Inner chest, sensitive : to air, IHelon.; cannot have anything to bear on, lest breathing should become oppressed, Lactu. v.; soreness when drawing deep breath, and touching it, ICale; cannot bear clothes tight, Cale; pressure of clothes uncomfortable (bronchial catarrh), I lAilant.; tight clothes cause faint- ness (affection of fauces and larynx), IKali bi.; clothes lie like a weight, ICon.; pressure of clothing is annoying, Benz. ac; during cough, IKali bb; painful, on inspiration, ICale; re- spiratory muscles, diminishes excitability, Chloral.; cannot bear percussion or ausculta- tion, HCinch,- to pressure, with cardialgia, IBar. c.; intercostal spaces, pain from press- ure, especially over region of heart (pericar- ditis), I Ascl. t; intercostal spaces close to sternum are tender on pressure, I I Ascl. t; in- tercostal muscle, pain caused by pressure, Ziz.; lung, bottom of left, sore to pressure, Med.; seat of pain sensitive to pressure, and when arms are moved, I I Bry.; right side, to pressure, HPlumb.; pain from pressure on diseased spine (spinal irritation), I ISee; right side, diminished sensibility, HPlumb.; to pressure over right side of, particularly over liver, extending also over abdomen (pneumo- nia), I Lye; with sneezing, Carb. s.; pectoralis major, painful to touch, Bor.; painful to touch, and on inspiration (phthisis pulmonalis), ICale; painful to touch, Ang, Cist, Cochl., Crott, ILed., I IRan. sc; a place, the size of a dollar, on outer edge, extremely sensitive to touch, Med.; to touch ribs of whole left thorax, Zinc; to touch acute pain in right side, I IRhus ; walls painful when touched, or when he sneezes, ISeneg.; pains on touching (bilious remittent fever), ICrotal.; pains in last left short rib, when touching it,Meph.; walls, especially when touching them, better deep inspiration, Seneg. 8®°" pressure. Inner chest, sharp pain: Hod, IIRumex; on moving arms, I Ascl. t; near left axilla, Rumex; across from right to left axilla, lElaps ; in left (angina pectoris, gastralgic form), I Agar.; when taking a long breath, Bapt.; after dysentery, IIRan. b.; excruciat- ing, Psor.; in hydrothorax, I Apis; in and about (hay fever), IRan. b.; inframammary region, inleft, Bry.; on inspiration, lAsct. t; at centre, on left side, prevents drawing a long breath, Como.; quick, in left, with flut- tering of heart, ILil. tig.; severe in left side, in cardiac region, Sinap.; sudden, inleft side, about region of heart, so violent it almost knocks her down, passes around from left to right, on inside to scrobiculum cordis, spas- modic pain induces vomiting (angina pecto- toris), I ISpig.; in left, 10 p.m., ^Esc. h.; in back part of left, during afternoon, Lact. ae; in lower part of left, 7 a.m., Tromb.; darted through lower part of right, 1 p.m., continuing at intervals through afternoon, Lact. ae; when moving about, better sitting down (diseasedsubmaxillarygland), IKali iod.; in intercostal neuralgia, IRan. b.; quick, below seventh, anteriorly, Natr. a.; in region of sixth rib, right then left, takes away breath, ICale p.; in right, Iodof, Sang.; of a neuralgic character, Xan.; through central portion of right (phthisis), I ISep.; especially in right, 'worse from pressure even slight in intercostal spaces and lying on leftside, IPhos.; in right, opposite tenth rib, Psor.; through to back, between shoulders, worse right side, Codein.; in sides, to both shoulder blades, Ziz.; from side to side, I Act. rac; and soreness to touch across from right to left axilla (sore throat), lElaps.; on stooping forward, I Ascl. t. BST" neuralgia, rheumatism. Inner chest, shocks: with cough, IILyc; dull, from posterior wall upward, coincident with heartbeat, ICale; dull, of pressure in left half, 11 Plat.; from posterior wall to between shoul- ders, anxiety, Cale; shattering,I IHep.; slight, I ILactu. v.; spasmodic, from right half into right arm and leg, every two or three hours, oftener in night, after each meal, better open air, after sexual excess, I ISee; sud- den, in left side of, -from above downward, Mang.; through upper, Ind. met.; in upper left, radiating backward to point of scapula of sound side, I I Myrtus; through middle of upper right to lower part of shoulder, causing nausea and faint feeling, can scarcely move, I IMenyanth. Inner chest, shooting: lAcon, IMere cor, ISub; from centre to lower part of abdomen, Cornus ; when taking a deep breath (epidemic pneumonia), ICup.m.; from centre of to be- tween scapulae, soon after meals, generally precedes pain in stomach, I ISub; pains with cough, Sub; in cough, ICaps.; dry cough, IKali bb; deep, in front of middle, Berb.; above epigastrium, at and especially on each side of lower end of sternum, after a cup of tea, IIRumex; in influenza, I Ant. t; worse by inhalation, Ang.; intermittent, ICornus ; pain inward in right side of, worse breathing deeply, turning in bed, speaking and lying on painful side (pneumonia), I INux v.; severe pain at left side below region of heart, from behind forward, worse on breath- ing, with rapid sharp irregular pulse and dyspnoea (gouty pleurodynia), IColch.; in left, Agar., Lyss.; in left, through to back, I ISub; in left, with dysmenorrhoea, ICon.; through left to back, when bending back and to right, Rhod.; in left, in region of heart, Tromb.; in left, with inhalation, Calc. p.; in left, with pleuritis rheumatica, lAnt. t.; in left, over sixth rib near sternum, Vib.; from left to 798 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. shoulder, Ascl. t, Calc. p.; from lower left to shoulder, I ISang.; tormenting, behind lowest ribs of left side towards back, worse breath- ing deeply, Sul.; in pectoral muscles and in region of heart, Brach.; intercostal neuralgia, IRan. b.; with remissions, worse night, llpec; nipple, from below, through to back, on walk- ing, I Asaf; after attacks of palpitation, Aur. met.; in pneumonia, IIAcon.; from front to back, impeding respiration, ICanth.; in left, fifth rib, Tell.; in right, Rumex; in right, about seventh rib, Sang.; sharp, pains in right side like pleurisy pains occasionally extend through to shoulder blade, Xan.; sharp, in left, IRumex; sharp, in left, close to sternum and parallel to it, 11 Oxal. ac.; above heart into shoulder blade, IKalm.; to left shoulder (heart disease), IHydras.; arm, numbness (heart disease), IHydras.; pains in sides, must cry out, ICup. m.; in small spots, Agar.; sharp, in spells, 11 Rumex ; pains from centre of sternum around chest (pleurisy), I INux v.; stinging, IFerr.; through, IKali c; transient, between third and sixth ribs, worse during deep inspiration, Coca; in walls of mostly left under clavicle or in a line with heart, ISpig. B€*T" lancinating, stitches. Inner chest, shudder: starting from chest, Lith.; through, Berb. Inner chest, smarting: Berb.; while coughing, Caust.; when coughing, in sequel of pneu- monia, I ISul. Inner chest, soreness: Apis, I Am., Arumt, Ascl. t, Bapt, ICarbo v., HCaust, Chlor., Chrom. ac, ICina, Cornus, Dig, Dory, lEup. pert, IGels, IIHep, IHydras, Iod, IIKali bi, IKali e, ILach, ILed., ILye, IMagn. e, Melib, Meph, IMez., INatr. m, Oxal. ac, IPhos, Psor, IIPuls., ISeneg, ISpong, ISub, I IZinc; worse in afternoon (pertussis), IBadiag.; with anguish, and ina- bility to lie down (asthma), I ISyph.; with aphonia, HCaust.; on moving arms, particu- larly left, ISeneg.; under arms, when press- ing, Mosch.; across, when awaking, can hardly get up, three mornings in succession, Lyss.; awoke, transient, Merc. iod. rub.; through to back, worse left side, with cough, Crot. tig.; as if beaten, IBry.; in bones, Mez.; from deep breath, Ferr. iod, Iodof; over lungs, on tak- ing a deep breath (rush of blood), I I^Esc. h.; as if bruised, internally, Cham.; burning, in right middle, INatr. c; burning, or stitches, ILed.; during catarrh, Berb.; in bronchial catarrh, Cop.; with bronchial and vesical ca- tarrh, ICop.; all over, or in centre, with bark- ing cough, and aching between shoulders, 1101. jec; referred to either subclavicular region, or apex of one or other lung (incipient tuberculosis), IPuls.; of left subclavicular space, to touch, I IPhos.; touch of clothes aggravates, Chel.; after cough, IStann.; from cough (phthisis), Cetrar.; with cough- ing, lArs., Bar. c, ICarbo v, ICaust, ICop, lEup. perf, IGels, IKreo, Meph., INux m, INux v, 1101. jec, I ISenecio; with coughing or breathing, INitr.ac; with cough, in catarrh, lApis; especially with cough, IStaph.; with loose cough, Sub; when loosen- ing phlegm, with cough, IIRumex; with cough, better from pressure, INatr. s.; with drv cough, Ratan.; with dry cough, especially at night, INatr. s.; with dry cough, evening and night, IMagn. m.; with whooping cough, IBry, ICaust, IStann.; dull, on right side, worse on deep inspirations,Cup.ars.; pain from eructations, Coccul.; in every part, I IGamb.; as if eviscerated (consumption), I IPhos.; as if excoriated (croup), IPhos.; worse during exertion, and on full inspiration, Natr. a.; with expectoration of dark, gray mucus, con- sistency of white of egg, IKali bi.; external, with internal pain, Zing.; in fever, I Anag.; in bilious remittent fever, ICrotal.; in forepart, causing dry cough, awaking her from sleep, IPhos.; over front, Bor.; feels as if something had grown to the sore spot in front, and was drawing back the chest, Med.; with haemop- tysis, I Arn., IHam, IPuls.; with hoarseness, HCaust., IMur.ac, IIRhus ; tender places in walls, as if from circumscribed spots of inflam- mation, after catarrh, Seneg.; deep inspira- tion in front, Aloe; on full inspiration, Eup. pert; worse, on inspiration, ICale, ICamph, lEup. pert; in left, lAmm. m.; in left, when bending, Alum.; in left, all day, Lact. ac.; in left, from lifting, Alum.; in left, preventing lying on it (subacute pleuritis), I Arg. nit.; first left, then right, deep in, 11 Agar.; painful in left, Lact. ae; in upper part of left, with cough (ovaritis), I Apis; felt when patient lies on that side, or presses against left chest, seems to involve muscular structures about shoulder, and even down arm of affected side (incipienttuberculosis),IPuls.; pain low down as if sore and bloody, with incessant cough, HSpong.; in lower, Ascl. t; pronounced, or long-lasting, in lower part, after spasmodic cough, with loss of breath,Tereb.; in middle, ISep.; when in motion,or ridingon horseback, I lObjec; in muscles, IHyosc, 11 Sang, dntercos- tal muscles,as if drawn, 11 Natr. ph.; in muscles, and acute sensibility to pressure in a small place,left side,upperthird(rheumatism),ICale; below left nipple, on drawing a breath, with sensation of something tearing, and pleuritic stitches radiating over left chest,which was sen- sitive to touch, I IRan. b.; in right, near nipple, Agar.; with excessive secretion of glairy mucus from nose(catarrhal complaints), I Petrol.; with feeling of oppression in open air and reposing, I ISeneg., in phthisis, IStann.; in pneumonia, IPuls.; as if it were one great sore, Cinch. bol.; in pectoralis major.Sarrac; inpneumonia, IPhos.; can hardly bear pressure of stethoscope (nervous debility), ICurar.; to pressure.muscles of lower left, front and back, Med.; with pressure, ILac def; worse on pressure, cough- ing and sneezing, Seneg.; as if raw, with rat- tling in chest and orthopncea, I ISep.; raw feeling, from stomach up, Ars.; and uneasy feeling beneath cartilages to right of fourth and fifth ribs, dry hacking cough, worse from exertion, Natr. a.; in lower ribs, right side, I ICheb; on rising, in morning, Cornus; through shoulders, worse right side, I 101. jec; disturbs light slumber,midnighttill morning (asthma), I Ars.; after speaking and motion, IIPuls.; deep in two spots, four inches on either side of sternum, Agar.; with sticking, deep, in re- gion of left lower rib, in evening, IKali iod • worse from talking, Alum, IKali e; to throat' ■Mere; throughout, Med.; to touch, Arg.met' Med.; to touch, from right to left axilln' 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 799 lElaps ; to touch, above clavicle and second or third rib, left side, Alum.; left side, to touch in ribs, Med.; worse from touch, motion, or turning body (pleurodynia), IIRan. b.; in one point, as if an ulcer were there, with cough, IKali bb; in small spot, as from subcutaneous ulceration, after pneumo- nia, IRan. b.; ofupper, in catarrh, ICoccus ; of upper, particularly with cough, Apis; of upper, with cough (acute bronchial catarrh), I I Sub; in walls,Seneg.; in walls, worse indamp weather, or laughing (nervous debility), ICurar.; over whole, Ars. h. BST" aching, bruised feeling, rheumatism, sensitive. Inner chest, spasmodic pain: Pallad, ICaulo.; anaemic, Caulo.; cramping, during menses (dysmenorrhoea), ICoccul.; cramplike, 11 Ham, INitr. ac. Zinc; cramplike, across, Castor.; cramplike, when coughing, ISub; cramplike, grinding,across (rheumatic carditis), I ISpig.; cramplike,left side, followed by diarrhoea, nau- sea and inclination to vomit, Lyss., cramplike, inleft, gradually decreasing and increasing in intensity, I IPlat; cramplike, 10 to 11 a.m., JEsc. h.; cramplike, alternates with pain in forehead and general heat, Lachn.; at noon, better by eating, worse before tea and ceasing after partaking of it then free until mid- night, when he is awakened by a severe but short paroxysm, must lean against something for relief, must bend double, better by warm food (gastralgia), I ISub; acrid eructation,at 6 p.m. (ovarian troubles), Pallad.; between ribs (heart trouble), IDig.; from touching irritable spine, I I Tarant. 8&° angina, constriction, neuralgia, rheumatism, spasms, Inner chest, spasms: IBell, Cam-ph, ICann. s, ICham, IColch, IGels, IHyos, llpec, ILaur, IStram.; arrest breathing, compelling one to lean forward, Hyos.; arrest breathing, follow painful twitching in face, 11 Stram.; deep, stertorous, rattling breathing, IOp.; constrictive, I IPhos.; constrictive, especially when feeling cold (asthma), IMosch.; violent contortions (chorea), I ITarant.; alternately violently contracted and expanded, during which several short and rapid respirations, pulse irregular, IMosch.; contractions of res- piratory muscles,induces oppression in breath- ing before a severe suffocative attack, com- bined with spasmodic constriction of phar- ynx, Lyss.; contractive, IVer.; convulsions, iCale, Coccul.; convulsions, confined to, in epilepsy, I ISub; severe convulsions, caused by periodical involuntary laughing fit, I IZinc; from vapor of copper or arse- nic, INux v.; suffocative, hollow, deep (whooping cough), ISamb.; cramps, lArg. nit, IGraph, IMez., ISang., Sec, ISub; cramps, in ague, llpec; cramps, in angina pectoris, ILye; cramps, from overexertion, in ascending heights, became cold, ICoca; cramp, with cold state (intermittent), I Ars.; cramp, as from a violent cold, Ang.; cramps, in whoop- ing cough, ILaur.; cramps, with crying and complaining (hysteria), ILach.; cramps up- ward, with diarrhcea, Cup. m.; cramps, with blue face, lAsim.; cramps, as if too narrow, asthma as soon as he lies down to sleep, I Ars.; cramps at night, thinks he will suffocate, 11 Phos.; cramps, in onanists, Phos. ac.; cramps prevent speaking, with red face and sweat over body, IKali c; cramps, with pressure of uterus, ICoccul.; contractive, IFerr.; dull cramps, Cinch.; visible cramps of respiratory muscles (asthma Millari), ICup. m.; cramps in • flatulent colic, lElat.; cramping, as if she would suffocate (hysteria), I ISep.; cramplike, contraction over, IMez.; cramplike sensation through, IPuls.; cyanotic symptoms, llpec; hysteric, ICoccul, I IMosch, IStram.; of lungs, IIAsaf; before menses, Bov., ILach.; during menses, ICinch.; with suppres- sion of menses, Coccul.; in muscles, ICie, IHyos., Lyss., IStram.; muscles, in mo- tion, in diphtheria, HSpong.; motion of muscles, worse in left side, Natr. s.; muscles in constant motion, as after running fast, ICup. m.; in muscles (prosopalgia), I IPlat.; of respiratory muscles, I Arg. nit, Chel.; of respiratory muscles, with great mental disturbance on attemping to swallow, Lyss.; painful in pectoral muscle, Ang.; paroxysms setting in at night or in open air, IMosch.; with renal pain, ^Coccus ; muscles rigid, im- peding respiration(traumatictetanus),INux v.; muscles become rigid, in tetanic symptoms, IHyper.; sudden, must sit bent, Phos. ae; with suffocative attacks, after anger, ICham.; terrific, across lower part, 9 p.m., lasts all night, I Arg. nit.; tonic in pectoral muscles, ICie; frequent torsions (meningitis), IStram. BS^" angina, constriction. Inner chest, sprained sensation : IKalm.; in bones, on motion and breathing, I Am.; worse by deep breath, in evening, Agar. Inner chest, squatting posture: aggravates Cadm. s. Inner chest, stabbing: acute (pleuritis), IRan. b.; with chronic serous discharges in dysentery, I IRan. b.; intercostal space, mo- mentary acute, in middle anterior portion of fourth rib, left side, on raising left arm, or deep inspiration, 11 Rhus ; in left, on least movement (pneumonia), I ISub; like a knife thrust into side, on slightest motion (pleuro- dynia), IIRan. b.; in croupous pneumonia, Hod.; in right side, close under mammary, gland, HChel. Ji" cutting, lancinating, shooting, sticking, stitches. Inner chest, starting : painful, Benz. ac Inner chest, sticking: Berb., ICaust, IFerr.; across, IPuls.; constant, on drawing a deep breath (intermittent), 11 Puis.; worse from deep breath or coughing, Puis.; caused by deep breathing, ICale; in one spot, on deep breath- ing, Zinc; with cough, Ant. e; in whooping cough, ICaust; dull, from left to scapula, Lactu. v.; dull, in right side, with oppression, worse lying on left, better on right side, even- ing, in bed, Calad.; dull, in left, between sixth and seventh ribs, worse on deep inspiration, Cup. a.; and dyspnoea, Vinca ; deep, in region of right lower rib, with pain as from soreness, in evening, IKali iod.; dull at point where beat of heart is felt, Spig.; on inspiration, ISib; in left side, Zinc; in left side, towards morning, Brom.; in left, with painful sensa- tion in left nipple, Zinc; in left, as from sub- cutaneous ulceration, worse on motion, I IRan. b.; from left to back, through chest, during inspiration, Mez.; in lower, left, with cutting extending to left side of upper abdo- men, IKali e; in lower, of right, IMere cor.; 800 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. pain, sometimes in and through lower part, on turning and rising in bed after awaking in morning, especially after lying a long time, and when stretching out arms in drawing for a long time during day, I IStaph.; in muscles, left side, after walking out during thawing weather, Merc. iod. rub.; about left nipple, near axilla, in morning when rising, dare not move arm or trunk lest he should scream, has to sit or stand stooping, head and chest for- ward to left side, IIRan. b.; under nipples (incipient tuberculosis), • Agar.; pinch ing, dull, in upper left, with tightness, ILactu. v.; in left, pressing, near sternum, Calad.; pressing, next to last rib, where rib passes into carti- lage, suddenly disappears on external press- ure, but immediately returning, Verbas.; in rightside, INitr. ac, IIRan. sc; right side, region of nipple, with every paroxysm of cough, IBor.; right side, in region of fifth and sixth ribs, forenoon, IRan. b.; right side, re- gion of fifth rib, to upper part part of ensiform cartilage, somewhat impeding respiration, worse moving arm and body (rheumatism), I Apis ; with seminal emissions, IPhos.; in a spot in left side, as large as a hand, with a feeling as if spot were corroded and bruised, I IZinc; transient, here and there, lEuph.; in upper right, deep, scarcely worse by deep inspiration, IMere cor. 8®* cutting, dart- ing, lancinating, shooting, stabbing, stinging, stitches. Inner chest, stiffness: Bapt.; muscular, Tereb. Inner chest, stinging: Cinch.; when taking a deep breath, Bor.; burning, in left near heart, after lying down, moved into great pectoral muscles, about two inches above and to left of nipple, worse on deep inspiration, and lying on back or right side, better lying on left side, Rumex; buming,in left side, with palpitation, Lyss.; during cough, Caps.,ISub; in fleshy part, IGraph.; through entire front, I Apis ; in in- teguments, Iod.; intercostal, between eighth and ninth ribs,right side,from spine to stern- um, worse 4 to 7 p.m., sensitive to pressure (typhus), IChin. s.; internal, worse during inspiration, IHyos.; almost itching, left side, below nipple, followed and accompanied by stinging burning in back, Rumex ; in left side, during inspiration, Lyss.; in left, between mamma and last ribs, Lyss.; in left, worse moving, Hyper.; in left side, with ovarian dropsy, lApis; in lower, Lyss.; in muscles, HColch.; in muscles, on one edge of left pec- toral, Hyper.; right side, last rib, sharp, Ang.; worse under left shoulder blade (phthisis), IMillef; below shoulder blades, has to breathe deeply, Agar.; with stinging in throat at same time, Sub ae; in upper, through to back, awakens at night, Alum. gSgg" sticking, stitches. Inner chest, stitches: lAcon, Ant. c, Asaf, Aspar, Berb, Bov., IIBry., Camph, Caps., ICarbo v. Cast, eq, Clem, Cornus, Crotal, Gamb, I Graph , Jab, Jacea, I Kali bi, 11 Kali c, IMagn. c, IMere sol, IMez., INitr. ae, Nitr. sp. d, IINux m, Paris, IPhos., Plumb, IPuls., IIRan. b, IRan. sc, Sabad, Sul. ac, Ver.; from abdomen, after each start as in a fright, when waking or sleeping, ICham.; with urging in abdomen, ICale; after anger, Arg. nit, Caust.; in anterior and middle, particularly when inspiring deeply, Berb.; in. anterior upper, to back, only on sneezing and coughing, constricts chest, IIMerc. s.; with anxiety, ICaust.; below arms to epigastrium, ICaust.; when ascending steps, Ratan.; to back, IPhyt., ISib; to back, when coughing or sneezing (hepatitis), IMere; beating, with pain in upper and left part, towards centre, Con.; with belching, boring in right costal muscles, continuous on inspiration and ex- piration, Spong.; on taking deep breath, ICham.; especially when breathing deeply, in evening, Benz. ae; in side, with each breath (lumbago), IColoe; cannot take a long breath, IIBry.; when taking a long breath and on violent motion, IMur.ae; breathing difficult, IIBry, ICale, Oxal. ae; during breathing or coughing, Squilla; interrupting breathing, IBry, IKreo.; broad fluent, in last ribs of left side, morning in bed, awakens him, ISquilla; broad pressure, between last ribs on both sides, Squilla ; burning, ICina, IMur. ac; burning in left side, and towards both scapu- lae, with fulness, both sides, ICrot. t; burn- ing, in middle of left side, when taking a deep breath, ICepa ; burning, sharp, ICar- bo a.; in cardialgia and headache, IKali e; in centre, worse on deep inspiration (amenor- rhcea), HSep.; under clavicle, to sternum, lAilant.; from flatulent colic, Hgn.; concus- sive, from hepatic region, ICale; contracting just beneath left side, last ribs, Squilla; costal cartilages, benumbing, oppressive, in region of first and second, taking away breath, Ver- bas. ; after cough, IStann.; during cough, I Am, IBor, IIBry., ICale p, ICinch, ICoff, Con., ICorn, I IFerr, IFerr. m.,Iod., IKreo, ILach, IMere, Stront.; during cough and breathing, Seneg.; during cough or yawning, Bell.; during cough, with frothy, bloody expectora- tion, IIPuls.; during cough, in muscles, Dros.; during cough, in various parts (phthisis), I ISub; with dry cough, lllod,IKali bb;with dry cough, in morning, Amm. m.; with short, dry cough, Sub; with epidemic cough, IFerr.; in croup (diphtheria), IBrom.; cutting thrusts, Ang.; darting stitches, to oesopha- gus, lAsaf.; deep, ICale; deep, within right, Zinc.; deep, while walking, IKali iod ; in dif- ferent parts, Agar.; from drinking anything cold, Thuya; drawing beneath second rib of left side, only in walking, Spong.; drawing from last true rib to shoulder, Squilla ; draw- ing in left side wdiile sitting with back slightly bent, particularly on slow, deep in- spiration, Spong.; drawing, from shoulder- blades, when moving arms, ICamph.; dull, below right clavicle, from within outward, IDulc; dull, in left, continuing during inha- lation and exhalation, Oleand.; dull, when inspiring (heart disease), I Aur. met.; dull, in left, ICroe; dull, in left, into short ribs,I Car- bo v.; dull, deep in left, under short ribs, IKali e; dull, in upper left, Zinc; dull, from without, under left clavicle, going off for a while by pressing parts, in evening, I IKali e; dull, in posterior part during expiration (hydrothorax), IColch.; dull,in right, short ribs.ZinC; dull, in right, I I Zinc; dull, in right, during inspiration, Spig.; dull, in right, on deep inspiration or coughing (neglected influ- enza and pleuritis), ISub; dull, in right, near 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 801 third rib, especially pressing part when pain went to small of back and between shoulders, I IDulc; dull, both sides, worse by inspira- tion, Aur. met.; with dyspnoea, ICale; while eating, and after, Bov.; with exhalation, Ant. e; with inhalation and exhalation, Arg. met.; in evening, Calad.; cannot expand, IIBry.; with grayish-yellow or dirty expec- toration (bronchitis), ILye; near fifth rib, on expiration, worse after deep inspiration, 11 Card, m.; fine, must take a deep breath, fre- quently, 11 Ran. b.; fine, felt in outer chest first, with pressure and tightness across lower part of chest, worse moving, stooping, breathing, evening, walking, standing, open air or room, IRan. b.; fine, externally, Spong.;fine, in left half, I Hep.; fine, in various parts,Coccul.; from accumulated flatus in hypochondria, HCham.; flying, ICarb. s.; flying, in left side, worse walking quickly and going up stairs, Sub; as if a morsel of food had lodged there, Amm. m.; in forepart of lower, with intestines below navel, ICheb; from behind forward wThen breathing, Psor.; with haemoptysis, IIAcon, IPlumb.; with haemoptysis or hem- orrhages, especially after masturbation, ICon.; with congestion to head, HCham.; in region of heart, IGels.; with heat, IKali e; with hiccough, Amm. m.; in and about, in hay fever, IRan.b.; in influenza, I IPhelb; in inhal- ing or coughing, HSquilla; deep inhalation ag- gravates, Berb.; on inspiration, Bar. c, IIBry, IKali c, I IPhos., Stront., Tarax.;during deep inspiration, Kob.; especially on deep inspira- tion when coughing,! INatr.m.; with slow deep inspiration, Spong.; passes to front and inter- feres with inspiration, Card, m.; in intercostal muscles, Jacea, IRan. scb; intercostal spaces, with cough, IIBry.; intermittent, severe, left side, Spong.; itching, on expiration, ICale; jerking, right and left, not far from sternum on inspiration, ISquilla ; as if a knife were plunged in, I INux m.; sudden, sharp, knife- like, in left side, Stann.; inleft,! Aeon, iEthus, Ant. t, HApis, Berb, ICina, ICinch, ICon, Hippom. ,IIgn,Lachn, 11 Psor. ,Spong., lUstil., I I Vab, Zinc; in left, to abdomen and loins (peritonitis),ILye; in left to back,Bov, Kali n.; in left, with every breath, Agar.; in left, with short breath, if he coughs while standing, INatr. s.; in left, when breathing, INiccol, ISul. ; in left, when breathing or coughing, ISep.; in left, when breathing or lying on that side, IStann.; in left, worse from breath- ing, Elaps; in left, beneath clavicle, going and coming with regularity, Mez.; in left, worse by dry cough, motion, better external pressure, I Arn.; in left, in evening, causing shortness of breath (lung affections), IKali n.; in left, just above heart, IKreo.; in left, just-beneath heart, Spig.; in left, in heart disease, ILye; in left, also striking to inmost part of chest and arresting breathing, or causing one to start, or when walking, worse on drawing breath, Niccol.; in left, during inspiration, Ammoniac, lArs, ICale, ICheb; in left, on inspiration, to back, ILye.; in left, worse during inspiration and expiration, Jacea; in left, at intervals, Mane; in left, as of knife, on taking a deep breath, Bor.; in left, lies best upon back (pneumonia), IPhos.; in left, pre- vents lying on left side, Amm. c; when lying on right side, dull, Seneg.; in left, relieved by lying on right side, HPhos.; in left, at night, IILyc; inleft, with oppression, HSub; inleft, with violent palpitation (pleurisy), IKali e; in left, with difficult respiration, Aloe,ILach.; in left fourth and fifth ribs, Anag.; in left, later right side, Cycb; in left, and scapula, ISep.; in left, when sitting, when yawning, during an inspiration, INatr. s.; in left, near sternum dur- ing deep inhalation (angina pectoris), I Arn.; in left, to throat-pit, with loose night cough, ICale; in left, from upper portion, straight through to left shoulder blade,worse on breath- ing, yawning and coughing (tuberculosis), IMyrtus ; in left, with uterine spasm,ICon.; in left, when walking, ICamph.; left,then right, IKreo.; in left, when walking in open air, in region of nipple, stitches disappear when con- tinuing to walk, I IRan. b.; in lower left to shoulder, ISang.; in middle of left, violent, lArn.; mostly left, in epidemic pneumonia, ICup. m.; in left, occasional (haemoptysis), I ISul ; in left,towards heart,took breath away, Sub; in left side, anteriorly under short ribs, Vace; in leftside, goes to back on coughing or taking a long breath, IKali e; in left sides on bending towards same, ICale; in left side prevent her taking deep breath, ICheb; in left side, on breathing, Calc. p., IPhos.; in left side, in cardialgia, IIPuls.; in left side, w-ith bronchial and vesical catarrh, ICop.; in left side, during cough, Agar., ICrotal.; in left side, followed by diarrhcea and afterwards nausea and inclination to vomit, Lyss.; in left side, during inhalation, Agar., ICale; in left side, below nipple, Samb.; in left side, during rest, better by motion, Euphor.; in left side, under ribs, IPhos.; in leftside, be- low ribs towards back, IGuaiac.; in left side, towards left scapula, I ICheb; in left side, in shooting over to right and up to left shoulder, Ascl. t.; in left side, with vomiting, IBry.; occasional, in left side, with haemoptysis, HSub; particularly in left side, Caps.; like lightning, from both sides through in a ver- tical direction, Stront; in liver complaint, Hod.; from liver, obstructing respiration, Aloe; in lower, IKalm.; in lower right, on inspiration, worse by motion and cough, ICheb; in lower, mostly left side, on deep inspiration, Kob.; worse in lower, frequent, Vab; in right mamma, near sternum, extend- ing to back between shoulders, then down- ward into right side of sacrum, Phelb; be- tween mammae, Hyper.; during menses, IPuls.; in middle, ILye; in middle, worse during in- spiration, with feeling of lameness to elbow joint across right shoulder, where pains are more violent when lifting arm, IKreo.; in middle to sides and towards axillae, when walking during menses, Kali n.; deep in middle, fine transient, IKali iod.; from middle to both shoulders, on bending body forward while sitting, Pallad.; near middle, Rumex; across, during morning till noon, IKreo.; worse on motion or breathing, I ISpig.; worse on motion, better in rest, IIBry.; when moving, ICale; in muscles, All. sat, Berb.; in muscles, when breathing or coughing, IDros.; needle-like, I ISpig.; needle-like, from within outward, in right, Ars. s. f; after night-watching and mental disturbance, dur- 51 802 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. ing pregnancy, IIPuls.; below right nipple, I outward, only on expiration, Bry.; near nipple, sharp, like splinters, first right, then left, on lowest ribs, Agar.; sudden, outward, Vab; in left pectoralis major, Tereb.; pinch- ing, in left pectoral muscle, Therid.; in phthisis, ISib; piercing, sudden, violent, lArg. nit.; as in pleurisy, in left side, change place, I Aur. mur.; pleuritic, run down in an- terior left, causing failure of breath and speech, after standing on cold ground and getting chilled, I IRhod.; pleuritic, radiate all over left side, with soreness below left nipple on breathing, IIRan. b.; pleuritic, after rid- ing in open car, worse on inspiration, Guaiae; pleuritic, in right side, worse coughing, or talking, or attempting to take a long breath, Ziz.; pleuritic, in sides, I Apis, IIBry.; pleu- ritic, in side, worse breathing deeply, IGuaiac; pleuritic, in right, cannot move or breathe, IIBor., IIBry.; pleuritic, severe in right, 11 Ver. v.; resembling pleuritic, in both sides, ISpong.; in pneumo-hepatic region, ICinch.; pressing, INatr. e; constant pressing, in right, especially worse on violent expiration, Zinc.; pressive, in right, better by deeper respira- tion, Tarax.; prickling, in muscles, ICale; recurrent, dull, rhythmical with pulse at point where beat of heart is felt, or more exter- nally, Spig.; compelling him to keep per- fectly quiet in one position, arms folded across chest, pains most in right side, worse by motion (angina pectoris), 11 Oxal. ae; im- pede respiration, IKali n, Stann.; from liver, impeding respiration, Aloe ; in region of fifth rib, left side, Arg. nit.; in last right rib, with tightness of breath on inspiration, while walking in open air, IMere sob; in small spot, in neighborhood of sixth rib, with draw- ing pain, Card, m.; in ribs, Jacea ; from third rib up to either side, sharp pains, IGuaiac; rib, in neighborhood of seventh, right side, deep inspiration and bending, Card, m.; ribs, to axilla, arresting breathing, Gamb.; beneath ribs, when breathing, Cham.; ribs, in carti- lages of third and fourth left false, Cinch.; rib, dull near left lower, Osm.; ribs, false, left side, interrupts breathing, standing, HArn.; ribs, beneath left, INatr. m.; ribs, beneath left, seventh and eighth, Inul.; ribs, about lower, after eating, lAsaf.; ribs, lower, extending to shoulder joint in right, when sitting, going off by motion, Indig.; ribs, in region of lower false, towards small of back, Indig.; ribs, at margin of lower, between both mammary lines at each inspiration, Card, m.; ribs, lowest near spine, Arg. met.; ribs, right side between, he cannot lie on that side, has to catch for breath, IBor; in region of short left ribs, IMez.; in ribs, between sixth and seventh, when inhal- ing, lArg. met.; ribs, under (pleurisy), 11 Aur. mur,- true ribs, in left and right side at same time, ISquilla; in right, Apoe, Benz. ae, Bufo., Calend, Gymn, Kali bi, INitr. ac, Sang, Zing.; in right, acute, Sang.; in right, after ascending steps, when he speaks, also on running, or any exertion, Bor.; in right to axilla, prevents bending forward and' breathing, Cinch.; in right to back, IIHep, 11 Phyt.; in right, to back, worse from taking a lon^r breath, better when walking in open air, Pallad.; in right, on drawing a deep breath,' Bor.; in right, worse drawing a long breath, IMez.; in right, is obliged to jump and catch breath every time he has, IBor.; in right, fol- lowing quick, deep breath, IBor.; in right, when breathing, I IPsor.; in right, with cough, better by pressure and washing chest with cold water, worse after drinking wine, Bor.; in right, worse by coughing and breathing (pleuro-pneumonia biliosa), IIRhus; with herpes zoster, of external application of Rhus tox, ILach.; in right, when inhaling, Mar. v.; in right deep, on inspiration, ICale; in right, all day, with painful inspiration, I IRan. b.; in right, as from a knife thrust, with vertigo, Cornus; in right, like knives, in quick suc- cession, below mamma, at rest and moving in afternoon, Lachn.; in right or left side, ICo- loe; in right, lower part, during cough, Kalic, right, lower and lateral parts, pain worse by breathing, JEsc. h.; right, lower, towards middle sternum, ICaust.; in right, when ly- ing on that side (endocarditis), lAcon.; in right side, worse during motion and when breathing (chest affection), Menyanth.; in right, worse at night, Murex ; in right, at night, while lying on back, on slightest mo- tion, ISub; in right, above nipple, on every inspiration, while walking, worse from hard pressure with hand, ICon.; in right, under short ribs in front from rigbt to left, then in corresponding place in left side,but from left to right, lasting five minutes, felt in liver and spleen, Vace; in right, to scapula, ISub; in right, sharp, on taking a deep breath, later also on inspiration in left, I INatr. s.; in right, through to shoulder (icterus), IKali e; in right, through to angle of shoulder blade, Iod.; in right, from sneezing, IBor.; in right, on sneezing and coughing, IMere s.; in right, through stomach and epigastrium, Sub; in right, when stooping, walking or raising up in bed, Amm. e; in right, on waking, Form.; in right, when walking rapidly, Brom.; in right, from within outward, lArg. met.; in right worse, HChel.; worse, right or left to right, ICaust.; in forepart of right, thence to lower ribs, ICanth.; in lower ribs, in front, worse inspiring, causing him to cry out, Chin. a.; middle of right half, worse on inspiration, IGuaiac.; through right, Merc. iod. flav.; through right, during cough, IMere s.; through right, in hepatitis, ILach.; in right, pectoral region, during menses, Bor.; in right side, IChel.; in right side, with dry cough and hoarseness, 5 p.m.. ICheb; in right, on motion, with cough on raising arm, 1101. jee; in right, neuralgic in character, with severe constant shaking chill (neuralgia), IMez.; right side, or under false ribs, IPhos.; in right side, near seventh rib, on deep in- spiration and stooping, Card, m.; in right side, especially seventh to eighth, worse from least motion, Badiag.; in posterior right side below scapula, worse throwing shoulders back and chest forward, or from any condi- tion of body, Badiag.; better nibbing, ICale- running up and down, IMang.; from" front to scapulae, IBry.; from lowest rib, right side through lung to apex of scapula, at every in- spiration, lAcon.; into left scapula, worse ly- ing on back and during least motion, IISn] • into scapulae, Oxal. ac; through to scapulae' 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 803 during inhalation, IBry.; sharp, with inter- missions of several seconds in region of fourth costal cartilage of right and left sides, slowly penetrate from within outward, HStaph.; painful shatterings shoot into right, Sub; fre- quent shooting, IIMerc. c.; shooting, right to left in afternoon, worse going down stairs, Alum.; short, in side, behind short ribs of left, I ICard. m., violent, beneath left shoulder, through to throat, Therid.; beneath shoulder- blades when breathing, Cham.; intoshoulder- blades (phthisis florida, after pneumonia), IFerr.; in anterior, inferior and posterior part, extend to shoulder blade, causing sleepless- ness (pleuritis, with plastic exudation), IHep.; in side, Arg. nit. Am., IMosch., Plumb.; in side, with cough, I ICard. m, I ICurar, IPuls.; in side, worse on coughing, IIBry., in side, with dysentery, IMerecor.; in side, with fever, I ICard. m.; in side, with haemoptysis, I ICard. m., in side, especially when inspiring or coughing, Sabad.; in side, as if knife were plunged into left, causing loud moaning (pneumonia), ICon.; in side, only when lying, particularly at night, IPuls.; inside, worse by moving, IIBry.; in side, in pneumonia, 11 Sul.; from both sides, towards each other, I IGamb., insides,ICham, IHyos,Menyanth, I ISquilla; in sides, with cough, Arn.; in sides, with cough at night, ICon.; in sides, with •cough, which wakes him at night, Con.; in sides, frequent, worse breathing and cough- ing, I IStann.; in sides, on inspiration, IIKali e; in sides,especially on deep inspira- tion and when coughing, IINatr. m.; in sides, she cannot lie upon sides, 11 Plat.; in sides, in pleurisy, IFerr. m.; under false ribs, during menses, ICroe; in sides, especially when sit- ting bent, talking, sneezing, or taking long breath, worse at rest, IRhus ; through sides, lApis; single,severe at times, HCham.; espe- cially when sitting bent, talking, sneezing, or taking long breath, worse at rest, IRhus ; preventing sleep, All. sat.; when sneezing or coughing, must press with hands, IIDros.; to spine, ICamph.; from spleen, Aloe ; sharp, like splinters, in lowest ribs, first right, then left, Agar.; from pit of stomach, Alum.; sud- den, Rhus v.; sudden, from left to right, .Esc h.; sudden, in middle, Agar.; sudden, extorting screams (rheumatism), ICham.; sudden, from within outward, in right side, on raising arms, Bor.; tearing, pain- ful in left, to hypochondrium, HCale; tear- ing, from left upper to shoulder joint, after suppressed facial neuralgia, I I Natr. m.; and tension between shoulders, allowing no mo- tion, IFerr.; worse from slightest touch (hae- mop'tysis),ICinch.; from within,renewed when touched (pleuro-pneumonia), lAsaf.; extend- ing into throat, Calc; through, Zing.; sharp thrusts from sternum to spine, while sitting, ICon.; transient, IKali e; transient, at times in left, at times in right side, Coccus ; tran- sient, on right side, when rubbed seems as if a weight were dragging down in that place under skin, Spong.; transient, in various parts (phthisis florida), I I Merc cor.; in tuberculosis, here and there, IDulc; in upper part, Brom., Coccus; in upper left, near shoulder, on draw- ing deep breath, Chrom. ac.; in upper right, I Ars ; in upper right, within ribs, through ab- domen and back, INitr. ae; in upper, through shoulders, on inspiring, Bry.; in upper, near sternum, as with a red hot needle burning in that spot, continuing a long time after, Oban.; through upper, left, to shoulder blade,Sul.ae; upward, left side, Case; in various parts, Ananth.; violent, when walking in open air, extends to left side of neck, with difficult breathing, Zinc; in every change of weather, IIRan. b.; from within (whooping cough), I Asaf; when yawning, IBor.; reappears every year about time frost sets in (disease of liver with hydrothorax), IKali e 8®" eutting, darting, lancinating, shooting, sticking, stinging. Inner chest, stomach: pain alternates between stomach and chest, better lying down, worse from motion, ICaust. Inner chest, stony: feeling, Coccul. Inner chest, strained: pain, as if, with oppres- sion, Sul. Inner chest, suffocative feeling : Apis, Amyl, I IHelb, IPhyt.; at 9 a.m., has to sigh several times, lasting till 10.30 p.m., Lyss.; in lung, must move about, Amm. br.; nervous con- striction, especially on becoming cold, IIMosch.; choking pain, worse cold weather, I Apis; smothered feeling, ILil. tig.; smoth- ered feeling in left, with sensation of fluid dropping or gurgling, IIPuls.; with springing up in bed in terror (mental disturbance), ILach.; choking sensation, in upper part, Cornus. 8®° Chap. 26, Suffocation. Inner chest, suppurative pain : towards right shoulder, becoming fixed there, worse after frequent coughing, and after cold drinks, Psor. Inner chest, swollen feeling: Benz. ac, INux m.; with sleeplessness, ILach.; in upper, IFerr. ph. Inner chest, tearing : Carbo v., Cub, Elaps, IPuls, ISpig.; when raising arms towards head, with dyspnoea and anxiety,Spig.; while drawing a full breath, followed by expectora- tion of two ounces of blood, I IRan. b.; in flatu- lent colic, lElat.; with cough, IKali bb, INatr. in., IRhus ; with night cough, Bell.; drawing, caused by stretching arm, Berb.; drawing, in left side, IDig.; dull, above epigastrium,Zinc; as if everything were torn, Psor.; in forepart, about heart, Clem.; into hips, ICarbo v.; in intercostal space, between eighth and ninth ribs, right side, from spine to sternum, worse 4 to 7 p.m., sensitive to pressure (typhus), IChin. s.; in left, beneath axilla, Zinc; par- ticularly in left side toward shoulders andback, Berb.; sharp, in left side, from top of chest to sixth or seventh rib, worse by breathing, Ustil.; in left,upper, to scapula,Amm.c; worse right side, caused by deep breathing,Sang.; as if something were torn loose in, IINux v.; in muscles, HColch.; spreads over whole, worse during night, I ISib; oppressive, in left, ICarbo v.; in croupous pneumonia, Hod.; pressure, in lower portion of left, Zinc; about ribs into back (peritonitis), ILye; ribs, pain under, as if something were torn loose, evening, with cough, I Amb.; spasmodic, under left ribs at same time it runs to arms where it causes a constriction, also at same time a tear- ing between skin and flesh down thigh to knee, Lyss.; in right, Zinc; in right upper EST AND LUNGS. 804 28. INNER ribs near back, Zinc; to shoulder (pleuritis rheumatica), I Ant. t; with soreness below left nipple, on breathing, I IRan. b.; in small spots, Agar.; sharp sticking in left, Zinc.; from centre to throat, all on right side, caused by cough, I IPsor.; as if torn to pieces (spasms of cough), IHyos. Inner chest, tension: Con, IMagn. m.; dysp- noea, INatr. c, IOp, IPhos.; as from rush of blood (asthma, tuberculosis), ICale; worse by deep breath, Aspar.; especially on drawing a long breath, IPuls.; with inclination to deep breathing, IBor.; with cough, worse in even- ing until 12 p.m., or day and night, IMez.; when coughing, ISub; with dyspnoea, and asthmatic symptoms, IPuls.; across, on expira- tion while walking, IKali e; sometimes high, sometimes low down (asthma), IColch.; as of a hoop, ILye; as of a hoop, in cerebrospinal meningitis, ILye ; in hydrothorax, Stann.; on deep inspiration all round inside of, at base, Chel.; in left nipple to armpit, Lobel. i.; in lower, during motion and sitting, takes away breath, 11 Agar.; in region of left short ribs, during cough, IHelb; in whole right side, Zinc.; in both sides, she cannot lie upon sides, 11 Plat.; across upper, with emptiness in lower, IStann.; on walking fast, IIPuls.; sensation and pain as from tension, INatr. m.; painful across, immediately after lying down in even- ing, Verbas.; pain from upper left, across to right, with cough, Cimex ; pain in muscles, Berb.; pain at point on swallowing, IKali c.; stretched feeling across between left breast and sternum, worse on inspiration, Sum.; with tingling in intercostal muscles, IRhus; as if she were tied with a tape, Sib; painful, with hemorrhage or haemoptysis, especially after masturbation, ICon.; painful below, Amm. m.; painful in various places, size of a half dollar, Arg. nit.; in upper (cough), ICepa. 8^° constriction, contraction, tightness. Inner chest, throbbing: Asaf, Chrom. ac, Mang.; with anxiety, pressure in left parietal bone, ICact.; in asthma, ISib; concussive, Cale; deep in, extends towards right side, Ars. h.; with fever, Calad.; violent hammer- ing, worse by motion, benumbing all over, I IPhos.; heavy, follows feeling as if heart had suddenly stopped, Rumex; in left, suddenly darting up into head, as if something were moving in head, worse by motion, IGlon.; in left, near epigastrium, IKali c.; in second intercostal space, a lump, felt when stretch- ing either arm backward (aneurism), i ISpig.; pain, right side near middle, Ars. h.; in muscles, Berb.; at night, interrupts sleep, particularly in old maids, IIPuls.; in right, near nipple, Agar.; near oesophagus, aftereat- ing, Amm. m.; all over, Tromb.; pain, ICaps.; pain, intermittent in costal cartilage of fifth rib, right side, Como.; pain, in left, Thlaspi; pain, in left, near axilla, Zinc; pulsation while coughing or as soon as he begins to talk, with suffocative attacks, Mane ; of pulse, in left, while sitting, ICale p.; like a pulse at a small spot in left, when standing in morning, I Amm. m.; in right, Anag.; through right and extending posteriorly to nape of neck when it terminates in intermittent pinching, Paeonia; in a small spot on left, Calc. p.; in a small spot (incipient tuberculosis), i Agar.; as from suppuration, in middle, Inul.; thump- ing, heavy, hard, dull, IHydras.; undulating, at night, causes anxiety, Ast. r.; with vomit- ing, from stooping or lifting (aneurism), I ISpig. ._. o Inner chest, tickling: Arn., IPhos., Sep.; causes cough, ICarbo a, ICham., ICinch IIEup. perf, lEuphor.; causes cough, fol- lowed by expectoration of stringy sputa, of a salty taste, IPhos.; unendurable, causes cough, Hod.; compelling cough, with difficult expec- toration (inflammation of lungs), ICornus; excites whooping cough, IMur. ac; with cough, IMyrtus; about ensiform cartilage, causing cough, worse in evening, after lying down, IPhos.ae; itching, Stann.; low down, causes cough, IPhos. ac; in middle, Hod.; in middle, causes cough, taking away breath, IKali n.; in upper, causes cough, Mere; in right upper, in morning, causes cough, INux m.; behind upper portion, causes short, dry, fatiguing cough, Merc 8®*" Chap. 27r Cough tickling. Inner chest, tightness: I Aeon, .Esc. h., Agar, Alum., Arn, I Aur. met, IBapt, IBar. c, IBell, Bor, Chloral, Chlor.,ICic.,i IEup.perf.,. I IHam., IHep., Hydr. ac, IHyper., IKali bi, ILactu. v., IMere cor, INitr. ac, INuxm., IOp, I IPuls, I ISul, Xan.; across, in hydro- thorax, I Asaf; if air were forcibly kept out, IPhos.; better in open air, Chel.; on bringing arms together in front, ISub; on walking in open air, Amm. e; anxious, with difficult inspiration, ICale; anxious and spasmodic, as if it were too full and larynx constricted, especially in evening and at night, IPuls.- with asthma, IBrom.; as of a band, with irresistible desire to cough, ILobel. i.; as if encircled in a tight band (myelitis), I IPic. ac; as if a narrow band were tightly drawn around lower third, Chlor.; pain, as if a band were about it, IPhos.; after going to bed (asthma), I Ars.; must frequently take a deep breath, HCaust.; on taking a deep breath, Tabae; on taking a deep breath, in epilepsy, ICaust.; feared to take a deep breath on account of tightness in lower part, 11 Lactu. v.; is obliged to take a deeper breath,. Mosch.; as if a full breath could not be drawn on account of acute pain and mental anxiety, with external soreness of chest and abdomen, worse from touch, motion and cough,IRan.b.; with short breath, Ruta ; when breathing, IKali br.; in bronchitis, IPhos.; with aching in cardiac region, better by eructation, IPhos.; across, during chill, IINux v.; in cholera Asi- atica, llpec; as if clothes were too tight, ICaust.; from a cold, Spong.; compression, as if drawn together at night in bed, INux v.; compression, violent trembling, from pain, Samb.; constricting and contracting pains across forepart, IMez.; convulsive, IZinc; across, in coryza), IINux v.; better by cough, Con.; with cough, IMyrtus, IPhos.; with desire to cough, Carbo v.; with dry, tickling cough in evening (bronchitis), IPhos.; can- not take a deep breath or yawn deeply, Amb.; with feeling of dryness, IPhos.; with dyspnoea, ICale, IPhos.; sensation of dysp- noea in lower portion, as if too full and tight in morning, IPuls.; across, in evening, with short breath and weakness, in all limbs.' 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 805 Rhus; feeling across, as from overexertion, running, IHyos.; expansion difficult, Syph.; during expiration, I I Chel.; with inclination to gape, Xan.; as if something had grown fast, ISub; with hoarseness, ICale; as if bound by a hoop, I Ars.; in influenza, ICheb; inability to make a deep inspiration and inhale as much air as usual (cold),ICrot.t; in integuments,Iod.; illusory sensation, as if air passages were in- ternally constricted by an excessive amount of tenacious and firm mucus that could not be loosened, IPuls.; with manual labor, ICale; as if laced, Ars. h, IGlon.; in upper left, near clavicle, painful, Coccus; across lower, with fine stitches felt in outer chest first, now right now left, worse moving, stooping, breathing, in evening, walking, standing, open air or in room, IRan. b.; as if lower part were tight, Lactu.v.; oppressive, of lower part (diaphragm- itis), IHam.; as if lungs themselves were Constricted, IPhos.; with mental affections, ICheb; in middle, and upper third, with dry cough, INatr. a.; feels narrow, I ISars.; as if too narrow, tendency to relieve by deep inspira- tions(asthma), ISeneg.; nocturnal paroxysmal (angina pectoris),ITabae; oppression on wak- ing from sleep (angina pectoris), ILactu. v.; especially outer chest, Carbobae; pain, as of a band encircling in line of pleura, I IOp.; pain constrictive with cough, IForm.; pain, like tension, I IGlon.; pain tensive across, Sib; pain tensive, when breathing,. Cham.; pain tensive, as if too short on outside, on straightening up and walking erect, Sars.; pain as if too tight, on stooping, Seneg.; painful suffocative constriction, as if in- ternal parts were grown together, IDig.; across, with palpitation in anaemia, I IPhos.; with palpitation in attacks at night (angina pectoris), ITabae; in paralysis of bladder, Cie; periodic attacks and pain along sternum (acute rheumatism), ICheb; in pneumonia, IPhos.; threatened pneumonia IPhos. (after Aconitum); pressed together (diphtheria), I IKali m.; across, with oppressed respiration, IStram.; especially during rest, Seneg.; in right side, during inhalation, Chel.; right side, long continued, drew body to rightside, ICaust.; right side, contractive in taking breath, ICoccul.; from rush of blood, IPhos.; as if screwed together, Glon.; in sides after dinner, Agar.; as if too small, Hgn.; left feels too small, Cup. ars.; spasmodic, with panting respiration, llpec; spasmodic, with contrac- tion of throat, llpec; spasmodic contraction, I I Asaf; constant spasmodic, in lower, IPuls.; on stooping, Mez.; stricture in region of heart, Chrom. ac; sudden, Chlor.; across, after sup- pressed foot sweat, ISib; especially when talking, even a single word, better walking, I IDros.; as if tied with a thread with oppres- sion of chest, I IKali m.; unbearable, across (typhoid pneumonia), ITereb.; across upper, Alum., Dios., IPhos., ITabae; in upper, with coryza and cough, ICepa; in upper left, Prun.; in upper, in pneumonia, I ICheb; across up- per, with suffocation (dilated heart), ITabae; as if walled up (asthma), ICarbo v. jg^= angina, constriction, contraction, fulness, heaviness, oppression, pressing, tension. Inner chest, tingling: Cadm. s.; left side, Plumb.; slight, along left side, -Carbol. ae; with tension in intercostal muscles, IRhus. Inner chest, touch: B®° sensitive. Inner chest, trembling: Benz.ac,Dig.; inleft, when lying on left side, ceases turning right side, ICamph.; worse from least motion of arms, particularly raising them towards head, I ISpig.; feeling, on moving arms, or any movement, ISpig. Inner chest, turned around: feeling as if some- thing in, Stram. Inner chest, twitching: left side, Plumb.; of pectoralis major, ICina; convulsions in mus- cles, IHelb; in right intercostal muscles, I ITarax.; of muscles, better moving shoulders up and down (irritability of cerebrospinal system;, IIRan. b.; pectoral muscles, Agar.; painful, with spasmodic laughing, I IStram.; running across in rapid succession (incipient tuberculosis), :Agar. Inner chest, ulcerative pain: in middle, dur- ing cough, IPuls.; above and along, during cough, ILach.; under sternum,Psor.; in thorax, I ISpig. Inner chest, uneasiness: Cain, ICollin, INitr. ac. Inner chest, velvety feeling : in heart disease, I Ant. t Inner chest, wandering pains : Sinap.; sharp, Cact. Inner chest, water: sensation of drops of hot water in left, IHep.; as if hot water were float- ing in, IHep. Inner chest, waves: pain in left, as if lung moved in waves, IDulc Inner chest,weakness : Aloe, Alum., I Ars, Ascl. t, Brom, Cadm. s., Chrom. ac. Con., IHep., IPhos,l IRan.se, ISpong.,ISul, ISubae;caused by belching, Bapt.; then over body, HStann.; failing, could get breath only with difficulty, Sub; as if not enough strength to breathe, Cycb; with bruised feeling, I IRan. sc; chron- ic, Amm. c; with cough, IPsor.; with cough, with copious expectoration of thick, yellow mucus, Ruta ; causes short cough from time to time, with hoarse, weak sound, HStann.; causing dyspnoea, IPhos. ac; exhaustion, Brom.; exhaustion, worse after exertion, with dyspnoea, ISpong.; with copious expec- toration, HStann.; as if eviscerated with mucus in trachea, expelled- by forcible cough, IStann.; faint feeling, on walking in sun, INatr. m.; after fright, when walking must loosen dress and lie down, changes to gnawing, seated at middle of sternum, gradu- ally increases and decreases, cannot speak or move at height of attack (neuralgia), I IStann.; alternates, with sensation of fulness in evening, on going to bed, HSub; all- goneness, IINatr. s.; left side, HArg. met.; more in left, 1101. jec; seems to proceed from, with leucorrhoea, HStann.; seems to originate in, Seneg.; in phthisis, ISib; as if respiration failed her, IPlat.; on beginning to sing, IStann.; walls feel as if they would sink, I I Ptel.; sinking feeling as from working in hot room, IGlon.; sudden sinking, caused by lack of sleep, three attacks during one night, Syph.; inability to speak long, IPhos. ac; in- terferes with speaking (leucorrhoea), ICale; after much speaking, ICale; cannot bear to talk, IDig.; cannot talk, IHep, HStann.; 806 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. caused by talking, Phos. ac, IStann.; from talking, coughing, or sitting too long, better by walking, IPhos. ac; when talking, or reading aloud, during evening, while lying down, ISub; tired from talking or reading, Lyss.; uncertain, weary sensation, after anx- iety, followed by sudden joy (cardiac hyper- aesthesia), Hgn.; after a walk, IRhus; fa- tigued feeling, particularly on awaking, HCarbo v.; can hardly walk up stairs, I Hod.; from rapid walking, IKali e; particularly when walking and reading, Lyss.; in over- grown young people (bronchitis), Hod. Inner chest, weight: 8®° heaviness, oppres- sion, pressing. Inner chest, whirling: as if up to brain, arte- ries throbbing, ICact. Inner chest, wrenching: in right side, with dry, spasmodic cough, simulating early stage of whooping cough, Rumex. LUNGS, abscess: IIHep., IMang, ISib; broke, expectorated more than a pint of fetid matter, at first greenish, then bloody and yellow, finally gray, so profuse nearly stran- gled (phthisis), I ISep.; phthisical, ISib; with pleuritis, Hippoz.; in pneumonia, ISub; par- ticularly in left, in children, ICale; with typhoid symptoms, hemorrhage, or fetor, Crotal. B®° inflammation, cavity, sup- puration. Lungs, aching: does not care to converse, Asim.; dull, in anterior portions, day and night, with headache, pain in stomach and belching of wind, Rumex ; dull, all over, as if lung had been overworked, with feeling of constriction of chest, as from a tight waist- coat, ILye; in back part of left, Med.; in left, under scapula, indescribable, as if it were drawn in hard and then let loose, worse after Walking, at same time aching in base of brain, Med. Lungs, adhering: as if to chest, Cadm. s.; as if left lobe were, Euphor.; sensation as if (asthma), IThuya. Lungs, affections (Undefined): lAmm. m, ICale, IGraph, IKali n, ILaur, ILye, Phell, ISang.; asthenic, Ammoniac.; marked by erethism or vascular irritation, IGels.; with eczema, IKali e Lungs, air: capacity diminished, Arg. nit.; seems cold (valvular insufficiency), ILith.; as if she could not get air deep enough, ICaps.; as if there were none and he could not breathe, 11 Kali c; as if he could not get enough, inspires forcibly, IBrom.; as if, could not expand, painful on deep inspiration, Chrom. ae; could not fill completely, IChlor.; has to fill, but has no power to eject, Med.; vainly endeavors to fill, by full inspirations and utmost enlargement of chest (veta), Coca; cannot fill, IPhos.; passes freely in, but cannot exhale, IChlor.; could only inflate lower lobes, when sitting up, Calend.; left impervious, later affects right (bronchial catarrh), ILach.; feeling of air escaping into pleural cavity at each inspiration, Chlor.; mucous membrane very sensitive, any change sets patient coughing (whooping cough), ICorab; upper part impervious, except on full inspiration, when there is a prolonged parox- ysm of coughing (chronic coughing), ILye; as though air cells were stuck together, Ailant. Lungs, anus: symptoms with fistula, I ISib diseases, with hemorrhoids, IVer. Lungs, atelectasis: IIAnt. t, IHyos. Lungs, auscultation sounds: aegophony, right side towards upper part (pleurisy), I ISeneg.; aegophony, in pneumonia, I IZinc; amphoric, in tuberculosis, INatr. a.; one of the apices audibly diseased, I ITubere; bronchial, I ISee; bronchial, at base (phthisis), I Ars. b; bron- chial, in catarrhal pneumonia, IHyos.; bron- chial, after coughing and profuse expectora- tion (bronchial catarrh), IHep.; bronchial, indistinct, with numerous rales, partly dry, partly moist, with dull percussion over lower portion of thorax on right side, IPhos.; bron- chial, in pleuritis, ICact.; bronchial, in pneu- monia, Chel, IIKali iod, ILye, IPhos.,ISang, I IStram.; bronchial, from fifth rib downward, in pneumonia, I ISub; bronchial, on rightside, in phthisis, Hod.; bronchial, in right, supra- scapular region (phthisis), lArs. b; bronchial, in right side (pleuro-pneumonia biliosa), I IRhus; bronchial, strong in front, rightside, above and behind (pneumonia), I Ant. t; bronchial, in tuberculosis, IFerr. iod.; bron- chial, upper half (asthma), IDig.; camphoric sounds in right, 11 Iodof. followed by Tu- berc; creaking leathery noise, over middle and lower third of right (pneumonia), Hod.; crepitant rales (pleuro-pneumonia biliosa), 11 Rhus ; crepitation in bilateral croupous pneumonia, IKali iod.; crepitation, coarse, beneath left clavicle (hemorrhagic phthisis), lArs. i.; crepitation, coarse, below border of pectoralis major, and around posteriorly to back of lung (hemorrhagic phthisis), lArs. b; crepitation, coarse, in phthisis, I Ars. b; crepitation, coarse, posteriorly about centre (phthisis), I Ars. b; crepitation, dry, over both, veiled by co-existing coarse bronchial rales (measles), ILach.; crepita- tion, with or without expectoration, and' a sensation of heat and sharp pain during in- spiration, HPhos.; crepitation, fine, in bron- cho-pneumonia, ILye; crepitation, with feeble respiration, IKali cy.; crepitation, in left (pneumonia), I Ant, t; crepitation, in both lower lobes (pneumonia), HSub; crepitation, before and after menses (phthisis), I Ars. b; crepitation, in pneumonia, lElaps, ILye, IPhos.; crepitation, posteriorly, in right lung' from forced inspiration (phthisis), I Ars. i. • crepitation in right suprascapular region (phthisis), I Ars. b; on right side, superiorly and posteriorly feeble, but distinct crepitation. in upper part of chest, respiration sharp and expiratory murmur indistinct (pneumonia) I ISub; murmur, in pneumonia, lAnt. t; ex- piratory sound long in apex of lung (inci- ient phthisis following amenorrhcea), I ISang.- arsh, in left apex (phthisis), lArs. b; weak' rattling murmur in apices, worse in rioht (consumption), IKali bb; weak respiratorv murmur in right side, in nipple line in fifth intercostal space (bronchial catarrh), IHep.* purring, in bronchial catarrh, lAnt. t.-.purring' with cough, Ant. t.; consonating rale at fourth rib (pneumonia), HSub; subcrepitant rales over summit of right, lAnt. t; small crepitat- ing rales in base, posteriorly (infantile pneu- monia), HPhos.; fine vesicular rales at left apex, I ISep.; rasping, increasing towards 28. INNER evening (croup),IKaob; ronchi, dry (phthisis), I Ars. b; ronchi, sibilant, wheezing, ISpong.; sibilant,at night (haycatarrh), I ISticta; sibil- ant, all over, especially lower right lobe (pneu- monia), I ISub; loud, snoring, as if through a • tube (bilateral croupous pneumonia), IKali iod.; vesicular murmur absent in dropsy of chest, IKali iod.; vesicular murmur absent in left, Elaps ; vesicular murmur absent in posterior half of left, ILach.; vesicular mur- mur absent in pleuritis, with plastic exuda- tion, IHep.; vesicular murmur absent in pneu- monia, ILye, HSquilla; vesicular murmur absent at top of right, I ITubere; vesicular murmur absent in upper part of superior lobe, HSub; vesicular murmur dry in upper part (asthma), I Arg. nit.; vesicular murmur feeble, IDig.; vesicular murmur feeble in cardiac dropsy, IDig.; vesicular murmur feeble and obscure, IGels.; vesicular murmur almost in- audible, Bar. e; vesicular murmur indistinct, especially in lower lobes, Natr. a.; vesicular murmur indistinct in several places (asthma), I Arg. nit; weak vesicular breathing (oedema of lungs), I Ant. t; vocal fremitus increased (pneumonia), 11 Sul.; increased vocal resonance of right, H Iodof, followed by Tuberc. 8@° rales. Lungs, breathing: BST* Chap. 2, Asthma, Breathing, Dyspnoea. Lungs, bubbling: in pneumonia, IKali e Lungs, burning: when coughing extends to epi- gastrium, Arum.t; like fire, i I Ailant, lArs., Bufo.; in right, Bry.; through upper lobes (cla- vicular region),with loss of appetite, and pros- tration, with rawness in throat, extending from pharynx down beneath upper portion of sternum, after coughing, I IRumex. Lungs, cancer: of right (relieved), HHydras.; scirrhous degeneration, IIKali bb; typhoid symptoms with hemorrhage or fetor, Crotal. Lungs, catarrh: lAcon., IIAnt t, lApis.HArs, I Aur. mur., Benz. ac. Coccus, IFerr. p, IIHep, IKali bi, IKali e, IKali s., I ILac def, ILactu. v., ILye, HPhos. (after Aeon.), IPuls, ISenecio, ISinap.; acute, with sneez- ing and dry, hard tickling cough, commenc- ing about sunset till midnight, when all suffer- ings are better, IRhus ; blennorrhoea, IIAnt. c, I IMillef; blennorrhcea, chronic, IIFerr.; blennorrhcea, chronic, threatening phthisis, IPsor.; blennorrhoea, with scrofula, IIBar.m.; broncho-pulmonary, from dilatation or fatty degeneration of heart, IPhos.; of children, similar to Aconite, IFerr. p.; constitutional, in children, INat. s.; chronic, with copious expectoration of yellowish, greenish, offens- ive tasting mucus, IStann.; chronic, with profuse expectoration of greenish-gray, purulent mucus, of a disgusting odor some- times mixed with blood, Cop.; chronic, like phthisis, beginning as a metastasis, IGuaiac; chronic, vesicles invaded by morbid proce«* in scrofulous subjects, IHep.; chronic, in tubercular patients, in phthisical sub- iects particularly phthisis florida, IDig.; after'a cold, I ISang.; after a cold previous Winter Samb.; seemed to catch new colds daily excessive glairy mucus, with rawness and soreness of chest, IPetrol.; during denti- tion IPod.; dry, in morning, when waking, Aur' met.; with serous exudation, IDig.; early r AND LUNGS. 807 in Fail, upon first change from warm to cold, lasting until next Summer, ICoccus ; of in- infants, IILve; especially during commence- ment of infiltration, crepitant sound (ty- phoid), ISub; acute inflammatory condition of old people, IBry.; neglected, severe, per- sistent, spasmodic cough with vomiting (con- sumption), IKreo.; in phthisis, Cub.; with pneumonia, in old persons or children, INux v.; with or without mucous rales, IDulc; worse sitting bent, must lean back or get up and walk, worse breathing cold air, IHep.; lungs feel as though smoke had been inhaled, INatr. a.; thick white or yellow sputa, IKali m.; subacute collection of glutinous, sticky mucus in air cells, giving rise to violent and suffocative spasms of cough, often attended by retching, IHep.; suffocative, IDulc; thicken- ing of mucous membrane, ILach.; caused by exposure to damp cold weather, IIDulc; con- stantly growing worse (inflammatory disease of uterus), Hod. Lungs, cavity: IBapt, ISib; in apex of right, 101. jec; with hissing sound on breathing, Phell.; with purulent exudation into cavity of thorax, infiltration and ulceration of in- testinal canal, chronic diarrhcea (hecticfever), HPhos.; right solid, probably from healed- up cavities, as he at one time had pulmonary phthisis, I ITubere; vomica, 11 Millet; large vomicae, IPlumb.; vomica, with perfect pec- toriloquy under right, 101. jec. 8©" ab- scess, suppuration. Lungs, cold: as if a heavy cold had settled there, Iod.; feel cold inside, Amm. br.; cold pain in right, when coughing, Med. Lungs, colicky pain : in lower part of left, felt like pain from flatulence, comes and quickly passes away, often repeated, Chin. a. Lungs, compressed: as if, by diaphragm, ICar- bol. ac; feeling, IBapt; but no great dyspnoea when lying quietly, IKali iod. Lungs, congestion: IIAcon., lAmmoniac, 11 Amyg, Ars. s. f, Aur. met, Carb. s., Chlo- ral., Cie,ICoca, Gamb, Gels, Hyper., llndig, Jugb, IMelil, Ptel, ISep, IITereb., Uran. n.; with anxietv, Ammoniac; asthma, lAur. met; back part, Ars. h.;in bronchitis,IPhos.; traceable to impeded circulation, IDig.; col- lateral hyperaemia, Hippoz.; in consumption, IFerr. ph.; tendency to, in delicate constitu- tions (bronchitis), 'llod.; in cardiac dropsy, ICact; tendency to, with dysmenorrhoea in feeble, torpid subjects, I ISang.: suppressed eczema after vaccination,! Ammoniac; feel en- gorged, heart beats violently (fever), ^Esc. h.; engorgement, with fatty or amyloid de- generation of kidneys, IPhos.; engorgement, with faint feeling in stomach (pneumonia), HVer. v.; fear of congestion, IGels.; typhoid fever,' IIRhus; with haemoptysis, I Aeon., lArn., Astac, IFerr.ph, IPhos.; with haemop- tysis and palpitation, must sit up, IFerr.; with suppressed hemorrhoids, HSub; with cold hands and feet, then debility, IFerr.; hy- peraemia, Anthrac, I Aur, CEnan.; hyperaemic state, in organic disease of the heart, lApis; lower half of left and lower two-thirds of right (pneumonia), I ISub; local, IFerr. ph, ILye vir.; localized, at base of left, lOxal. ac.; with measles, during febrile stage, IVer. v.; passive, dependent upon weakened, dilated 808 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. heart, IIDig.; passive, of upper lobe of left, I Ant. sul. aur.; repercussion of scarlatinal eruption, llpec; subacute, I ISang.; sudden, with profuse mucous secretion and spasmodic suffocative cough, ICoccus; in tuberculosis, IKali n. ggjg*" inflammation. Lungs, constriction : in upper portion, Coca. Lungs, consumption (phthisis,tuberculosis): I Acab, HAcet ac, IIAcon, lAct. rac,II Agar., ■ Alum, Amm. c, Amm. m, • Anag, lAnt. t, Arn., lArs., I Ars. b, Arum m, I Arum t, : Ascl. s, IBell., IBor, IBrom, Bry, IBufo, HCale, ICarbo a., ICarbo v, I Carb. s, •Carbol. ac. Card, m, ICetrar, Chim. umb., IChin. a., I IChloral., IChlor., ICinch, ICoca, ICodein, Con., ICorab, ICub, Dig, IDros, IDulc, I lElaps, IFerr, IFerr. iod., IIFerr. ph., I IFluor. ae, IGuaiac, IIHep, Hydrocot, Hyos., Hod, IKali bi, IIKali e, IKalm, IKreo, IILach, Laur, Led,IILyc,ILye vir, IMang., IMere, IMillef, IMyr. cer, IMyrtus, INatr. a, Natr. m, IINatr. ph., INitr. ae, INitrum, Nux m, Nux v, I lOleand, 101. jec, I I Oxal. ac, HPhos, IPhos. ac, IPix, IPlumb, IPsor, IPuls., ISamb, ISang, Seneg., HSep., I ISil, HSpong, HStann, IISul, ISul. ae, HTuberc, IZinc; in amenorrhcea, IPsor.; aphonia, ILach. (8®" Chap. 25, Larynx phthisis); asthma, worse 2 a.m., IRumex; with chilliness in back, ISpong.; in begin- ning, when there is discharge of masses re- sembling pus, Kali e; repeated bronchor- rhagia, IMillef; neglected catarrh threatens to pass into, with mucous expectoration, IStann.; small space in upper right, affected by catarrh, with crackling respiration, aud- ible to herself at night, and dulness on per- cussion, IKali in.; small cavity in left, I ISub; cavity in right, at second intercostal space, three inches to right of sternum, I ISib; with flying pains in chest and hectic fever, IFerr.; of children, lArs.; in consequence of erethic chlorosis, IFerr.; chronic, HSil.; disposition to take cold, IDulc; constitution sycotic or hydrogenoid, INatr. s.; cough, with thick white mucus and white coated tongue, Kali m.; cough deep (phthisis florida), I IMere cor.; after whooping cough, purulent with inflammatory affections of lungs and larynx, IKreo.; diarrhoea, Acet. ae, Act. rac, Amm. m, I Ars., Calc. p., ICarbo v., ICaust, ICetrar, ICrot. t, I Dulc, Elaps, IFerr,IGamb, 11 Guaraea, I Iod, ILye v,l IMyr. cer., lOleand, IPhos, IVer.; chronic diarrhoea, IINitr. ac; colliquative diarrhoea, HPhos.; diarrhcea, in phthisis florida, after pneumonia, IFerr.; diarrhcea, with prolapsus of rectum, ICale; diarrhcea, with tympanitis, ICarbo v.; diar- rhoea, black liquid stools, Elaps; greenish, sour-smelling diarrhoea, contains mucus, with colic and tenesmus, IIRheum; tendency to diarrhoea, in incipient tubercular disease, I ITubere; of drunkards, ICinch.; emaciation and hectic, I IMere cor.; severe,evening, exa- cerbation, IKreo.; purulent expectoration, foul, puslike taste, IDros.; in subjects of re- laxed fibre, especially third stage, IFerr. iod.; florida (galloping), IFerr, IFerr. ph., IMerecor, I ISang, ITherid.; florida, after pneumonia, IFerr.; florida,suppurative stage, chlorotic girls, IPuls.; florida, in young sub- jects, I INatr. p.; from loss of fluids and vital- ity, ICinch.; with glycosuria, IPhos.; with haemoptysis, • Hyper.; with haemoptysis and cough, I ISep.; hemorrhagic, I Ars. b; with hemorrhoids, IPhos.; hoarseness, 101. jec, HPhos.; incipient, HAct. rac, lAgar, IBry., ICarbo v., IFerr., ILye, IIMed, INatr. s, HPhos., IPuls, IIRumex, ISang., ISep., HTuberc; incipient, following amenorrhcea, I ISang.; incipient,inansemicpatients,ICalc.p.; incipient, with dry, exhausting cough, short respiration, IKali c; incipient, with fatiguing cough, caused by obstructed menses, ISenecio; incipient, with bloody expectoration, I I Erig.; IIMillef, after Aeon, and Arn, ISang, ITrilb; incipient, after pneumonia, Ferr., ILach., ILye; incipient, in strumous subjects, IStill- ing.; incipient, deposit of tuberculous matter in apex of left, ILye v.; after mechanical injuries to chest, IRuta; begins in apex of left, ISpong.; can lie only on one side, IKreo.; pains in lower lobes, IIMed.; menstrual ir- regularities, ISenecio ; chronic suppression of menses, ILye; in nursing mothers, IKali e; in old people, INatr. s.; lung parenchyma de- stroyed, sputa bloody,IMere.; pituitous(phthi- sis mucosa),I^Esc. h,IIAnt.c,IIAnt. t, Caust, iCetrar., ICochb, IDulc, ILye, IIMillef, INatr. s., ISeneg, HStann.; pituitous, with characteristic cough, weakness and sputa, HStann.; pituitous, with purulent or green sputa, IIKali iod.; pleuritis, IBry, IKali c; pleuritic stitches, IIHam.; pleuritic stitches, especially in region of third or fourth rib, left side, IGuaiac; joined to or dependent upon a psoric state, Sarrae; purulent, ICetrar.; large quantities of thick, heavy muco-pns, largely purulent, I ISib; especially where right lung is seat of lesion, Phelb; worse in right, I lElaps; scrofulous, IBar. m, HCale, ILapis, 101. jee; scrofulous, with great emaciation, IJugb; septicaemia, symptoms of, from absorp- tion of pus from cavities (consumption), I ISib; early stages of (pleurodynia), IRumex; first stage, ICact, I ITubere; first stage, with mucous expectoration, IStann.; first stages, especially tuberculous variety, 11 Petrol.; sec- ond stage,-IKali e; advanced stage, ITrilb; in all stages, especially acute, exacerbations, with much cough, dull headache, severe pain in chest, IKali n.; last stage, ILobel. b, Pix; last stages, spasmodic cough, Chloral.; last stages, expectoration terribly offensive, IPhelb; particularly if caused by maltreated syphilis, I IMyrtus; with colliquative night sweats, INitr. ae; with copious night sweats, Polyp, IPsor.; with copious night sweats and watery diarrhcea, Polyp. (BSaT' Chap. 40, Sweat at night) ; threatened, has lost fourteen pounds in six weeks, I ITubere; phthisis, is said to make less rapid progress among tobacco workers, Tabae; tubercles, arthritic, I ISars.; lungs begin to fill with tu- bercles, Acet. ae; tubercles develop, with hectic fever, Phos.; infiltrated with gray tubercles, Uran. n.; infiltration of tuber- cle of left causes reflex aphonia, 11 Rumex; tubercles size of a millet seed to a pea, firm texture, gray, yellowish or reddish, Hippoz.; tubercles have not yet softened or in first stage of softening, 101. jec; tubercles, dis- organizing stage, Kali e; tubercular deposit persons that exhibit 1 aryngeal catarrh, I Mang. • 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 809 tuberculous deposits in apices, ILac def; appearance similar to chronic tuberculosis, with hectic fever, Hippoz.; tuberculous dia- thesis, dry hacking cough, IPlumb.; tubercles in herpetic patients, especially after suppres- sion of exanthems in scrofulous and hemor- rhoidal subjects, IHep.; with inveterate cases of itch or after suppressed itch, HPsor.; tu- berculous condition of central third of right, ■Sep.; in tall, slender, weak-chested persons growing rapidly, IPhos.; especially in young florid subjects, with erethism of vascular system, IFerr.; in fast-growing youths, IPhos. ac.; uneasiness, just below centre of right lung, I ISep.; cannot bear a warm room, Hod. 8®* catarrh, cavity, hemorrhage, inflam- mation, suppuration ; Chap. 25, Larynx phthisis; Chap. 27, Cough phthisis ; Chap. Chap. 40, Sweat night. Lungs, contracted feeling: sternal edge of centre of left, lAilant. Lungs, cough: as if lungs came in contact with back, when coughing, I Sul. BST" Inner chest cough ; also Chap 27, Cough chest. Lungs, cramp: beginning with inclination to cough, gradually increasing,making desperate, . IMosch. BsST* Inner chest spasms. Lungs, cutting: with oppression of chest, Jugb Lungs, darting: sharp, in left, to epigastrium (angina pectoris), 11 Oxal. ae; worse in apex of left (incipient phthisis following amenorrhcea), I ISang.; in apex and through upper third of right, 11 Ars.; from below mamma to back below right scapula, early in morning, IKali bb; through central portion of right, ISep.; from centre of right to lower edge of liver, Med.; through, makes her start, Med. B^T" lan" cinating, stitches, Lungs, diabetes mellitus : ICale p, ICup. m. Lungs, diarrhoea : 8®° consumption. Lungs, distress : in right, Ascl. t. Lungs, drawing: Iod.; in right, Bor.; from without inward, through upper posterior to second rib, IBor.; left, painful, feels drawn towards right, Med. Lungs, dryness: of mucous membrane, in typhoid pneumonia, ITereb. BS^" Inner chest dryness. Lungs, dust: sensation of, in asthma, Bell, ICale Lungs, emphysema: HAmm. c, -Ant a, IIAnt. t, lArs., IBell, IBrom., ICamph, ICarbo v., Chin, a., IChlor, ICup. m, Curar., Dig., Dros., IIHep., llpec, 11 Lac def, 11 Lach, IILobel. h, IMere viv, INatr. m, Nitr. ae, Op., IPhos, Sars, Seneg., Sep, Sul, I ITereb.; airvesselsdistendedtohighestdegree,I ITereb.; with asthmatic attacks, I Ars.; with hyperae- mia of brain, I IPhos.; with bronchitis, IPhos, 11 Sec; with acute bronchial catarrh, IVer.; wTith dry tracheal and bronchial catarrh, ILobel. b; with heart disease, better lying quiet in horizontal position, IDig.; with influ- enza, llpec; great, I ISars.; upper part of left side of thorax dilated backward, IHep.; worse during increase of moon, better during decrease, IPhelb; worse early in morning, especially cold weather, worse when walking, IDi<*.; in old people, llpec; with phthisis pulmonalis, ICoca. 8@" Chap. 26, Expira- tion difficult. Lungs, empyema: Apis, IIArs, Calc, IChin.a, ICinch., Dig, Ferr, IHep, Iod., ILach., Lye, IIMerc, HSil, ISul.; from anaemia and lack of nutrition, ISib; after artificial evacuation in phthisis, I ISib; with muco-purulent sputum, INitr. ae; after thoracocentesis, -Cale s. 8€^" Pleura exudation. Lungs, expansion : 8®" Inner chest expan- sion. Lungs, eyes: lung affections with amblyopia, ILach. Lungs, fatigue : of left, after talking, as if col- lapsed or paralyzed, Med. Lungs, fever: lungs attacked in typhoid, INitr. ae; lower lobes especially affected in typhoid, IIRhus. 8®" inflammation. Lungs, fixed pain: in apex and through upper third of right, IIArs. Lungs, flabby: in hemorrhagic phthisis, I Ars. i. Lungs, fluid : feeling in lower lobe of right as if some fluid wanted to discharge into region of duodenum, Chen. v.; feeling as if some fluid wanted to discharge, pressing downward in middle lobe of right, Tell. Lungs, fluttering: with numb prickling sensa- sation in body, arms and legs, also numbness and bloating of left hand, I I Lac. c. Lungs, gangrene : IIArs, ICarbo a, Carbol. ac, IIKreo, Sab ae; circumscribed, IPlumb.; in- cipient, ICinch.; in inebriates and old persons in course of septic or zymotic disease, Crotal. Lungs, heat: I Aeon., Amm. br, Chlor, IPhos.; left becomes hot walking in sun, right cold, Med. Lungs, hemorrhage (haemoptysis): lAcal, I Acet. ac, IIAcon., Aloe, Amm. c, I Ant. t, I Apoe, Arg. nit, HArn, I Ars., I Arum m., Aspar, IBelb, IBry., IBufo, ICact, ICale, Carbo v., Card, m., Case, -.Cetrar, 11 Chin, s, i Chloral., I I Chlor,lICinch, Citrus, ICochb, IColch, Con, ICop, Croc, ICrotal., Cup. m., Cup. s, IDiad., Dulc, Elaps, IFerr, IFerr. iod, Illie, llpec, IKali bi, IKali c, IKali iod, IKali m., IKreo, Lach., ILed, Lye, Merc, IMere cor, INatr. a., IINitr. ac, INux m, I IOp., IPhos, IPuls, IRhus, ISabina, Sarrae, See, Sep., Sil, HStann, Staph., IISul, ISul. ac, Tabae, ITereb, IThlaspi, Trill.; with abscess or cancer pulmo- num, Crotal.; active or passive, blood venous and comes up into mouth, without coughing and scarcely any effort, IHam.; with amenor- rhcea, IPhos.; with much anaemia and palpi- tation of heart, IMang.; from anger, INux v.; with anxiety,IIpee; bright arterial, with black clots after blow on stomach, Eryng.; with mor- bid arterial excitement, HCact; atonic, I Alum.; black, with laceration in region of heart, Elaps ; black,thick, viscid,HArn.;from loss of blood,I Ars.; after loss of blood in drunk- ards and suppressed menses, IIArs.; from a rupture of bloodvessels,! IMillef. ;from constant light blows on pit of stomach, IFerr.; with heavy breathing, llpec; bright red, IIAcon., IDulc, IHyosc, I llpec, Melib, IRhus; bright, frothy blood, mixed with mucus and coagula, IIArn.;bright, profuse,Melib, IMillef;bright, profuse, with cough, and rattling and hissing in air passages, ILed.; bubbles up, as if warm blood were ascending, raised without a cough (phthisis), IMillef; sensation of bubbling, before, of bright red blood, llpec. ;tendency to, with chronic laryngeal and bronchial catarrh, 810 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. IPhos.ae; chest hot, IOp.; pain in lower part of chest, IRhus; with chills, llpec; chronic, with dry, hacking cough, I ISenecio ; chronic, with emaciation,hectic fever and sleeplessness, I ISenecio ; worse smelling coffee (climacteric age), ISub ac.; coldness of skin, with cold sweat, IDig.; after concussion or fall, Ferr. ph.; with congestion, Astac, ILed.; in delicate con- stitutions (bronchitis), Hod.; with convul- sive cough, HCact; copious, smell terribly of- fensive, I IThuya ; with cough, Agnus, Amm. e, Lye vir., Ver.; with dry cough (phthisis), lllpec; expelled after a hacking cough, lArn.; with hacking cough, ILach.; with short, hacking cough, dark tough coag- ula enveloped in viscid mucus, ICollin.; with hoarse cough (epidemic influenza), ISabad.; with tickling cough, IIHam.; especially with tickling cough and oppression, IFerr.; with violent cough, in paroxysms, from tickling in larynx and trachea, ILed.; with cough, after typhus, IISul. ac; in whooping cough, in a child, ICochb, IStram.; with or without cough, ISee; with coughing spells, ICinch.; after a hard coughing spell, followed by burn- ing and soreness in chest (phthisis), I IZinc; alternates with coxalgiaor rheumatism,ILed.; dark, lArn.; dark, coagulated, IPuls.; dark, coagulated, passive, I Erig.; dark, in menor- rhagia, ICoccus ; dark, stringy, with cough, ICroe; by day, without cough, relaxation of nerves and weariness, IHam.; from debauch- ery, INuxv.; with delirium tremens, lAntt; with diarrhoea, I IChin. s.; in drunkards IHyos., INux v., IOp.; with dyspnoea, Caps.; blood comes up with easy hawking, hemor- rhage or slight cough, IIAcon.; with ebulli- tions, IMillef; coming with slight effort, lllpec; following feeling of a hard body in epigastrium, IHep.; especially evenings (phthisis pulmonalis), Cub.; from overexer- tion, blowing wind instruments, IRhus ; from severe exertion. IIFerr, I Urt. ur.; from vio- lent exertion of lungs, lUrt. ur.; with livid face, lllpec; pale, livid complexion, IDig.; redness of face precedes from, IMelil.; after a fall, Millef, 101 jee; after falling from a height, IMillef; with fever, I IChin. s.; with hectic fever, I IMillef; in typhoid fever, Chloral.; semifluid, I Arn.; after loss of fluids, IIFerr.; foaming, bright red, bursts forth in a stream, lArs.; after former bleedings have weakened lungs, lllpec; frequent, IKreo.; frothy, llpec, IOp.;, with gurgling and bub- bling sound in air passages, IPhos.; becomes a habit, so that patient becomes anaemic and weak, IRhus ; engorged veins about head, IDig.; in hemorrhoidal patients, IIMillef; from suppressed hemorrhoidal flow, INux v.; after mechanical injuries, HArn., IColch, lllpec, IIMillef; during lactation, ICinch.; light red, Petrol.; in affection of lungs, I ISep.; especially after masturbation, with tensive, pressing, stitching pains in chest, ICon.; before menses, with pain in chest, back and thighs, IDig.; with delayed and scanty men- ses, IPhos.; after disturbed menses, lllpec; from suppressed menses, IIFerr, IPuls, ISenecio ; from suppressed menses, in phthisis, I ISang.; with suppressed menses, IVer.; after suppression of menses for seven weeks, ICoc- cus ; renewed from least mental excitement. IRhus; with calm mind, IIHam.; sometimes every month for over twenty years, IHam.; in morning, ILach.; morning and night, "j000; bright, coagulated, IFerr.; morning and at night, better walking slowly, IFerr.; mixed with mucus, IOp.; with hawking of mucus in morning, 101. jee; with nausea, llpec; at night, I Ars.; in women exhausted by nursing, ICinch.; from obstruction of pul- monary circulation, in consequence of heart disease and tuberculosis, IDig.; with oppres- sion, llpec; painless drainings from, after labor, after abortion, or when an abortion threatens, if the blood be bright red and there are no pains in joints,IMillef; with palpitation, IDig.; periodical, IKreo.; periodic attacks, with fever and expectoration of greenish- yellow pus (phthisis), IKreo.; phthisical dis- position, bloody or purulent sputa alternate, IPlumb.; in phthisis, I Arn, IIFerr., IFerr. ph, IHam., :Hyper, ISang., ISib; in in- cipient phthisis, ILye vir.; in incipient phthisis (after Aeon, and Arn.), IIMillef; during incipient phthisis, epecially women with amenorrhcea, or during and after cli- maxis, ISang.; after pneumonia, ISul. ae; in pneumonia, IChel, ICinch, Crotal.; in catar- rhal pneumonia, IBapt.; profuse, I Aeon, lAnt t, HArn, Bell,ICact,IICinch,IIFerr,IIIpec, ILed, IOp, IPhos., ISul. ac; irregular pulse, IDig.; small, frequent pulse, llpec; blood clotted, mixed with pus, ICinch.; pus and blood, and stitching pains inchest, IPlumb.; recent cases, llpec; sanguine temperament, IPhos.; scanty, clear, bright red, escaping with easy effort at vomiting, IFerr.; cannot sit, but is better by slowly walking about, must frequently lie down, is very weak, par- ticularly after talking,IFerr.; particularly after awaking from sleep (purpura haemorrhagica), IPhos.; slight, ILye vir.; soreness, or passive congestion of chest, IPuls.; with spasms, IHyos.; stitching through right lung, and dry cough, better lying down, IMang.; after over- straining, with pain in right side, extending into arm, worse cold, singing, hard work, de- pressed (pleurodynia), IIRan. b.; cold sweat, I IChin. s.; tendency to, Gamb.; especially drunkards, IOp.; in tuberculous subjects, I IMyrtus; after venesection, I Ars, llpec, ISenecio; venous, little effort, like simple warm current from within outward, IHam.; in veta, I ICoca; watery and coagulated, IFerr.; weak, but restless, I IPhos.ae; from a weak condition of vessels, IMillef; with weakness HChin. s, llpec; after bullet wound through lung, and collapse, ICinch.; in fast-growing youths, IPhos. ac; in overgrown young peo- ple (bronchitis), Hod.; in young phthisical subjects, IPhos. 8®°* Chap. 27, Cough hae- moptysis. Lungs, hepatization: 11 Ant. t, ICact. ICheb IKali c, IKali iod, IKali m, ILye IPhos ' I ISang, ISub; parietal consolidation' at ba^e' IGrin.; absorbs infiltration and prevents sup- puration, ISub; exudation limited (typhus) I IZinc; occurs without fever, cough or other marked symptoms indicating a lung affection INux v.; gray, in pneumonia, ISang.; in large sections, Hippoz.: with cirrhotic kidnevs I IPlumb.; of left, IMyrtus ; of left, from apex to base (latent pneumoniab ILye; of left in 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 811 pleuro-pneumonia, ICamph.; lower lobe of left, ICamph.; particularly in left, in pneu- monia, ILach.; whole left, and considerable part of right (double pneumonia), I IOp.; can- not lie on back or on left side but rests better onright, HPhos.; of lower lobes (pneumonia), IBrom.; nodules larger, forming isolated hepa- tizations and abscesses (pneumonia malleola), Hippoz.; in typhoid pneumonia, ITereb.; red, in pneumonia, ISang.; of right, ICamph.; of right, in pneumonia, IKali c, IIKali iod.; lower portion of right posterior, in pneumo- nia, IPhos.; of lower two-thirds of right (pleuro-pneumonia), IKali iod.; of upper right half, ICheb; in spots, CEnan.; superior thirds, notably left, consolidated, I IPhos. 8^* inflammamation, pneumonia. Lungs, infarctions: size of a bean developed, on one lobe, distinctly circumscribed, dark red color, in and around which lie small ab- scesses, Hippoz. Lungs, infiltration : fiST" hepatization. Lungs,inflammation: IAcon.,1 Agar. ,Aur.mur, IBry., Chlor., Cochl., ICornus, IFerr,IMillef, ITereb., ISang.; catarrhal, in upper portion of right, IKali iod.; chronic, of anterior por- tion of left, ILye; with rattling cough and breathing, INitr. ae; in whooping cough, IBry., IKali c, IKreo, I ISeneg.; croupy, Kali in.; before exudation(phthisis),IFerr.ph.; especially during commencement of infiltra- tion, recognizable by crepitant sound (typhoid fever), ISub; left, ICale; localized at base of left, I Oxal. ae; of left lower, can lie only on back or left side, not on right, I ISub; lower lobe of left (pneumonia), ICheb; seems to be in lower lobe of left, INatr. s.; upper part of left infiltrated, spreading to right, IKali iod.; posterior lobes affected, I Ars.; with much rattling, IIAnt. t, IHep., INatr. m.; of right, lAnt. t, ICheb; of right, in croup or diphthe- ria, IBrom.; specific process, Hippoz.; result- ing in suppuration, HSil.; syphilitic, IIKali iod.. ISang.; with wheezing, IKali s. 8®* burning, congestion, heat, pneumo- nia. Lungs, injuries: lArn, ICalend., IMillef, IRhus. Lungs, irritation : I ILye vir.; alternates to bow- els, ISeneg.; morbid cellular, I Ars. L; worse evening and night (influenza), ISticta ; local, ILye vir.; painful, with heat in chest, I Eup. perf. Lungs, itching: low down, behind cavity, Hlod. . Lungs, jerking: with numbness and bloating of left hand, and numb prickling sensation in body, arms and legs, I ILac e; in right, I Agar. Lung« lancinating : sudden, in left, depriving him' of breath, lOxal. ac. 8@~ cutting, stitches. Lungs liver: lungs implicated by disease, ll'Card. m. Lungs menses : affections with amenorrhcea,af- ter catching cold, IRhus ; disease causes amen- orrhcea, I ISang.; vicarious, IIDig., HPhos, Lungs, mucus: tisrhtly adherent, Staph,- clear, albuminous, difficult to expectorate, causes shortness of breath, Seneg.; causes cough, HStann.; feeling of weight causes cough, HSpong.; without cough, ICale; after eating, Alum.; difficult to expectorate, giving only temporary relief, llpec; full of, with night cough, Bar. c; full, in capillary bronchitis, pneumonia, ICheb; full of, without expectora- tion, IIAnt. t. Arum t; feel full, ILye; seem full, yet none can be raised, ILach.; yellowish green, IKali m.; loaded, fails to hawk up for some time, becomes dyspnceic without an- guish, passes off as soon as mucus is expec- torated, IZinc; oppression, IBenz. ae; feeling asof a plug moving, Coccus ; profuse, 11 Ant. t, ICale, IHep., INatr. m, ISub; profuse, with loose rattling cough in old people, I ISeneg.; profuse, spasmodic suffocative cough (sudden pulmonary congestion), ICoccus ; must cough long to raise it, I Dulc.; difficult to raise, nearly causing strangulation, vomiting of food,ICoc- cus ; summit of right, Ant.t.; sensation, ob- structing, with chest oppression (chest affec- tion after abortion), INuxm.; stringy, 11 Asaf; threatens to suffocate (bronchitis), llpec; tenacious, Ammoniac, ICepa, IIHep, IIKali bb; tenacious,with hoarseness, IStaph.; tough, in whooping cough, IIArs.; causes greatest often ineffectual efforts of cough and hawking (bronchitis), ISeneg.; wheezing (bronchial asthma), I ISinap. 8®** rattling ; also Chap. 27, Cough rattling ; also Expectoration dif- ficult. Lungs, nodules: size of a pea, of a gray-whit- ish appearance and firm lardaceous consist- ence, Hippoz. Lungs,cedema: lAmm.c,HAntt,IApis,IIArs, Bell, Carbo v., I IChel, Cochl, llpec, IKali iod., IIKali ph., IILach, INatr. m, IPhos, Puis., Seneg., Squilla, Sub, IVer.; evacuated six pounds of fluid during five hours and still seemed full, I Ant. t; secondary to morbus Brightii, IIKali iod.; scarlatinal dropsy, IDig.; impending, ICarbo v.; in inebriates and old persons, in course of septic or zymotic disease, Crotal.; with fatty or amyloid degeneration of kidneys, IPhos.; or paralysis, threatening after pertussis, ICrotal.; with pneumonia, IHyos., IIKali iod.; with oppression of res- piration awaking in morning, IKali iod.; with somnolence, from poisoning blood with carbonic acid, IA mm. e; sputum like soap- suds, green, IIKali iod.; of unhepatized por- tion, atelectasis (pneumonia), IIAnt. t. Lungs, oppression : 8®°° Inner chest, oppres- sion. Lungs, ovaries: sympathy between (ovaritis), I Apis. Lungs, pain; IPhyt; from adhesions, after pleurisy, IRan. b.; through apices, Dolich.; from apex to base of right, wrorse from inspi- ration, Act. rac; in apex and through upper third of right, IIArs.; catches, in back and front, Lactu. v.; through to back and vice versa, Diose; better bending forward, lAscl.t; catching, in lower right, with each cough (pleuro-pneumonia), ICaps.; worse throwing chest forward and head backward, Aspar.; with chilliness, Diose; returns on coughing, or drawing deep breath, very acute right side, Ascl. t; from upper to place the size of a dol- lar on outer edge of chest, Med.; dull, Cact.; dull, in bases, with tightness, Ascl. t; dull, in centre of left, lAilant.; dull, heavy, at top of left, Med.; dull, in upper left, with headache, Asim.; dull, through upper lobes, in after- 812 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. noon, Carbol. ae; in front and in back, up to scapulae, Anag.; from inhalation of heat from fire, ICarbo v.; in left, Act. rac, Chrom. ac.; in left, hard, ICarbo v.; in left, with prolap- sus uteri, I ISep.; in left, near nipple, Diose; in centre of left, Rumex ; deep, in left, outside of nipple, worse in evening, ISub; especially in left (nervous debility), ICurar.; in lower part of left, worse lying left side, I IPhos.; in obstinate, lower part of left (uterine dis- ease), ICale p.; through left, about base of heart, IIArum t; hard, cannot lie on side, lErig.; in lower lobes, in phthisis, I IMed.; as if it moved up and down with each inspi- ration, JEsc. h.; especially at night, Med.; oc- casional, up into trachea, 11 Rumex ; short paroxysms, in upper right, on taking a deep breath, pulse slow, full, IGels.; in subacute pleuritis, I Arg. nit.; in pulmonary disease, ILye; in right, Ascl. t, Bapt, I ITubere; in right, as from a dagger, at times breathing laborious (pneumonia), I ICinch.; in right, for eight days (pneumonia), lElaps ; in right, unbearable, extends to region of liver, HCinch.; slight, in bottom of right, Med.; just below centre of right, worse on coughing (phthisis), I ISep.; through centre of right, Diose; as if lower lobe of right were adhering to ribs, IKali e; to shoulder blade, Anag.; in sternal edge of left, lAilant; with ulcer on leg, IKali iod.; upper right, when moving arm, Med. Lungs, paralysis : sudden, difficult breathing, then prostration, ICup.m.; in croup, I ISamb.; debility of nervous origin, IGels.; in prevail- ing fever, lAmm. m.; in old people, HCinch.; at an early stage of pneumonia in old people, previously asthmatic or suffering from chronic mucorrhoea, IPhos.; loud rattling, restless, especially after typhoid fever, IMosch.; threat- ened, IIAnt t, lArs, ICale, IILach., ILaur, IILyc, IPhos.; threatened, in old people, IIBar. e; threatened, with bronchitis, in old people, ILye; threatened, in pneumonia, HCarbo v.; threatened, in typhoid pneumonia, IIAnt. t.; threatened, of right, in pneumonia, IPhos.; threatened, in scarlatina, ICale; threatened, in typhoid, INitr. ac. BSf w®ah- Lungs, peculiar sensation: in right, Amyb; like that produced in throat when taking the preparation, is felt in right lung, Meph. Lungs, percussion sounds: dull,Ascl. t, Elaps, IKali cy., IKali iod., I ISub; dull, as a board, from apex to axillary border of pectoralis major in front, and to middle of scapula be- hind (phthisis), I Ars. b; dull, over lower half of right, in asthma, IDig.; dull, circle size of palm of hand, HSquilla; dull, in left clavicu- lar region (incipient phthisis following amen- orrhcea), I ISang.; dull, below left clavicle (catarrh), I Apis; dull, in right side in nipple fine in fifth intercostal space after coughing and profuse expectoration, tympanitic per- cussion, worse in morning in bronchial ca- tarrh, IHep.; dull, under left clavicle, in bron- chial and vesical catarrh, ICop.; dull,in dropsy of chest, IKali iod.; dull, in suppressed eczema after vaccination, lAmmoniac.; dull, following gastric and hepatic symptoms, Ptel.; dull, in baemoptysis, lAcab; dull in heart disease, IHydras.; dull, in upper left (chronic cough), ILye; dull, in left lobe, down to third inter- costal space (phthisis), I ISub; dull, in left infraclavicular region, sensitive to touch (phthisis), ILach.; dull, beneath left clavicle (phthisis), I Ars. b; dull, in catarrhal phthi- sis, IKali m.; dull spot beneath left clavicle, in hemorrhagic phthisis, lArs. iod.; dull, below border of pectoralis major, and around pec- toralis major, and around posteriorly to back of lung, in hemorrhagic phthisis, I Ars. iod.; dull, in lower three fourths, of right side in pleurisy, I ISeneg.; dull, in front to fourth right rib, in pleuritis, ICact.; dull, in pleur- itis, with plastic exudation, IHep.; dull, in pleuro-pneumonia biliosa, I I Rhus; dull, empty, in front, right side, in pneumonia, I Ant. t; in right, near armpits, in pneumonia, lElaps ; dull, left, in pneumonia, I ISub; dull, in pneumonia, seventh to ninth day, IPhos.; dull, over lower left, in pneumonia, I IStram.; dull, under right mamma, in pneumonia, lElaps; dull,inclavicularregion,onrightdown to third, on left to second_ rib, in bilateral croupous pneumonia, IKali iod.; dull, entire posterior or inferior region of right side, in typhoid pneumonia,ITereb.; dull, over apices, in pulmonary disease, ILye; dull over sum- mit of right, lAnt. t; dull, spot as large as a crown piece on right side to right of nipple, with mucous rales over that part, I ISee; dull, over lower right, with indistinct bronchial respiration and numerous rales, partly dry, partly moist, IPhos.; dull, over upper part of superior lobe, 11 Sub; dull, on apex of right, in threatened phthisis, HTuberc; dull, over right upper anterior and posterior part, in phthisis, IKali bb; dull, in front and behind upper portion, worse posteriorly beneath scapula, in phthisis, lArs. b; dull, ovei right base posteriorly, coarse crepitation, in phthi- sis, lArs. i.; dull, in apex of right, with rales, in phthisis, HPlumb.; dull, in right posterior, to third and fourth ribs, with pain both dull and sharp, in phthisis, I ISep.; emp- ty, in upper portion, particularly right side (consumption), Hod.; empty, hollow in right side (pleuro-pneumonia), IHep.; want of nor- mal resonance on left side (bronchial and vesi- cal catarrh), ICop.; tympanitic, in cedema of lungs, I Ant. t; tympanitic, on left side, pos- teriorly as far as fourth rib, and from fifth rib downward, dull (pneumonia), I ISub; tympan- itic, right side up to third rib behind and below, (pneumonia), I Ant. t; tympanitic on sides, in tuberculosis, IFerr. iod. Lungs, pneumonia: 11 Aeon, Amm. e, lAnt.c., IIAnt. t, lApis, lArg. nit. lArn, IIArs, Ars. b, :Ascb s, IBell, Benz. ae, IBrom, IIBry, ICact, ICale, Cann. s, Canth,Caps.' ICarbo a., HCarbov., HChel., Chen, ICinch, HCinch. bob, ICon, ICup. in., Diad, IDig.\ lElaps, IFerr., Ferr. iod, IIFerr. ph, IGels.', Glon, Grin, IHep, IHyos, Hod, lllpec' IKali bb, IKali c, IIKali iod, IKali m!' IKali n, I IKali ph, IKali s, IKreo, ILach.' ILachn, ILaur, IILyc, IMere, Mosch ' Myrtus, INatr. a, Natr. s, INitr.ac, INux v ' IOp, HPhos, I IPod, IPuls, Ran. b., IIRhus' Samb, ISang, I ISeneg, Sil, Spong, Squilla' IStram, IISul, IVer., IVer. v.; adynamic' Benz. ac, IRhus, ISeneg.; asthenic, with feeling of weight in lungs, short cough and ex- pectoration of bloody saliva, IMere; bilious 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 813 I Ant. t, IMere, IPuls.; bilious, with tender- ness over right hypogastrium, IMere; dispo- sition to blennorrhoea,or profuse viscid, bloody mucus, IMere; after bloodletting, ISquilla ; cannot take a long breath, sequel, ILye; broncho pneumonia, ISpong.; broncho-pneu- monia, with paralysis of pneumogastric, IDig.; with catarrh of bronchi, INux v.; with bronchitis, Caps., IPhos.; catarrhal, IBapt, IHyos, ILye; catarrhal pleuro-pneumonia, ISeneg.; catarrhal, right side, IIKali m.; cheesy, IPlumb.; in children, I Ant t; chron- ic, I Ars, lArs. i, IFerr. iod, IGrin, IPuls, IRumex, ISang.; from sudden exposure to cold while overheated, or vice versa, IRan.b.; from taking cold during a fatiguing journey, lArs.; congestive, with suffering under scap- ulae, both sides, caused by checked sweat, IGels.; during convalescence, ICochb; follow- ed by dry cough, IKali e; left a permanent cough, I ISang.; followed by severe cough day and night, with profuse expectoration, ILye; followed by spasmodic cough, IKali c.; super- venes during whooping cough, IVer.; espe- cially when there is much soreness on cough- ing, I Arn.; croupous, Hod., ILye; croupous, bilateral, IKali iod., Kali m, ISpong., IVer.; croupous, in complication with pericarditis, Hod.; symptoms worse every other day, ICinch.; with delirium tremens, INux v.; of drunkards, IHyos., IKali br, IOp, INux v.; with endocarditis, IPhos.; epidemic, IFerr.; epidemic, with dry cough, or diarrhoea, ICup. m.; worse towards evening, has to sit up, I I Hell.; wants to be fanned, HCarbo v.; follow- ed by hectic fever, with clammy night sweats, ILye; tendency to gangrene or hemorrhage, ICrotal.; followed by haemoptysis, ISub; burn- ing heat in palms of hands, after typhoid pneumonia, ILye; covers head with bed- clothes, sighs and laughs by turns, always thinking there is something wrong, ILach.; before red hepatization, and afterward from gray hepatization, ISub; with hepatization after violence of fever has abated, ISub; with heart disease, ISang.; excessive heat and thirst, better by copious sweat and profuse hemorrhage, IKali n.; after hem- orrhages, ICinch.; with hemorrhage, sup- puration of lungs, IMere; after suppression of hemorrhoidal flow from being chilled, INux v.; of horses, ICann. s.; hyperaemia, depending on relaxation of muscular fibres of bloodvessels as long as no exudation has taken place, IFerr. ph.; hypochondriacal subjects or in those suffering from hemorrhoids, INux v.; hypostatic, in Bright's disease, I IPhos. ae; hypostatic, in course of chronic affections, IHyos., INuxv.; incipient,in children, ICepa; infantile, IBry., llpec; infantile lobular, IMere; infantile, inflammation, disguised by symptoms of cerebral congestion and oppres- sion, IOp.; infantile, rattling during resolu- tion,' IKali e; intermittent,particularly in in- dividuals who live in malarial districts with affection of bronchi or heart, ILobel. i.; with jaundice, IPhos.; latent, ILye; latter part of period of deposit and early part of that of ab- sorption, IPhos.; left side, ILach, ISang.; left side, with pleurisy, IIRan. b.; in left upper, in a tuberculous woman aet. 49, crepitation, expectoration of frothy pink mucus, almost moribund, IFerr. ph.; cannot lie with head low, IKali n.; inability to lie down, Spong.; cannot lie on right side, feels best lying on left side, IKali c; ofupper lobes, 1101.jec; lobular, formation of abscess threatens, ICup. m.; lobular, in whooping cough, I ISep.; lobular, localized pain, IKali iod.; lobular, terminating in gangrene of lung and pyohae- mia, IPhos.; localized, Hod, IKalic, ILach.; in measles, IPhos, IPuls.; during recov- ery from meningitis, Stram.; after sudden disappearance of menses, IPuls.; with myo- carditis, IPhos.; raising of a mouthful at a time of mucus of a light rust-color, stringy and easily separated, IILyc; neglec- ted, with rattling in chest, ILye; neglected, with copious, offensive expectoration, ISep.; neglected, in psoric patients, threatens to terminate in tuberculosis or phthisis pituit- osa, ISub; neglected, chronic, passing over into suppuration, ISib; notha, verging into a chronic affection, inflammatory symptoms preponderate, IDulc; notha, with sinking, in old people, ICamph.; with cedema pulmonum, IIKali iod.; in old persons, IDig., IFerr, IHyos, IOp.; of old and cachectic people, protracted cases, INitr. ae; in old persons, also children, with catarrhal irritation, INux v.; pleuro-pneumonia, worse by deep inspira- tion, IIBry.; in threatened phthisis, ILye; pleuro-pneumonia, IIAnt t, I Asaf, IIBry, ICamph, ICaps., IHep., IKali iod., HPhos.; pleuro-pneumonia, bilious, I I Rhus; pleuro- pneumonia, ILach.; pleuro-pneumonia, with profuse exudation,ICinch.; pleuro-pneumonia, fibrous, ISub; pleuro-pneumonia, continuous irritable state, hyperaemia of cord, IDulc; pleuro-pneumonia in left, I ISeneg.; pleuro- pneumonia neglected, absorbs exudation, 11 Ferr.; pleuro-pneumonia, exudation profuse, ICinch.; pleuro-pneumonia, with acute artic- ular rheumatism, Hod.; pleuro-pneumonia, with stabbing pains, 11 Bry.; pleu ro- pneumonia, with difficult discolored sputa, IDulc; pleuro- pneumonia, in tuberculous subjects, ICale; pleuro-pneumonia, violent, over a large sur- face, dyspnoea, dry cough, rust-colored sputa, IPhos.; after exposure to rain while over- heated, IIRhus; coarse rales, IKali s.; de- ficiency of reaction, ISub; relapse, IIRhus; relapse, induced by exposure, iKali n.; dur- ing resolution, IHep, IKali c, Spong.; of right lung, Chel., ILye, HSquilla; two cases right side, one left, IBar. e; right, lower lobe, IIod.;right-sided,fourdays,l I Stram.; right side, suppuration beginning, ICarbo a.; simple from repercussion of scarlatinal erruption, llpec; sequelae, IBar. e, IKali c, I IOp, HSub; followed by sleeplessness, IKali c.; sequel, vital forces reduced, IGrin.; followed by a small sore spot in chest, from subcutane- ous ulceration, IRan. b.; first stage, IFerr. ph, IGels., IKali iod.; passes through first stage normally, then remains stationary, ISub; second stage (8®° hepatization), second and third stages, dulness on percus- sion, ISang.; third stage, fetid sputum, HCar- bo v.; last stage, when great weakness pre- vails, IBenz. ae; subacute, I Arn.; subacute, catarrhal, lAscl. t; mild, suppurative stage, extends over small part of lung, IHep.; fol- lowed by night sweats, IKali e; sycotic, 814 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. INatr. s.; tedious recovery, I IPsor.; followed by acute thoracic pains, suggestive of adhe- sions, IRan. b.; threatened, with tightness and oppression (after Aconitum), IPhos.; as- sumes a torpid character, with slow solidifica- tion, ISub; badly treated cases, ISub; typhoid, 11 Ant. t, IBadiag, IBenz.ac, IBry., I IChlor- al, I ILac e, ILachn, ILaur, IILyc, IPhos, IRhus, ISang, IISul, ITereb.; typhoid, with sensitiveness and gurgling in ileo-caecal region, and diarrhcea, IPhos.; in typhus, Crotal, IHyos, IITereb, I IZinc; with typhoid symp- toms, from resorption of pus, Rhus ; followed by weak voice, can only utter a few words at a time, ILye; followed by weakness, IFerr., ILye; cannot take a normal course owing to weakness of patient from loss of vital fluids, IPhos. ac; weakness, suspected heart clot, • Amm. e; in cold weather, in phthisis, HTuberc. BSP" hepatization, inflamma- tion. Lungs, rales (rattling): Ang., IIAnt t, ICale, HCarbo v., Caust, ICepa, ICham., Cina, ICinch, Crot. t, lEup. perf, IIFerr. ph., IIHep., Hippoz, Hydr. ac, Hod, IKali cy, IINatr.m, INuxm, I IPetrol., IPhos,ISeneg, IVer.; over anterior surface of right (phthisis), lArs. iod.; with anxiety, orthopncea, HSep.; in bronchial asthma, I ISinap.; inflammation of bowels, in dentition,Acet. ae; when breath- ing and coughing, particularly during sleep (measles), IPhos.; in chronic bronchitis, IKali bb; in broncho-pneumonia, ILye; bet- ter when carried in upright position (bron- chial catarrh (croup), IIAnt. t; with catarrh, IIAnt. t, lArs, Uamb.; continual, ICact.; continuous, better by profuse slimy, watery expectoration, mixed with reddish purulent matter (pneumonia), HStram.; with cough, IIAnt t, Ars. s. f, IBelb, ICale, INatr.m, Sars., ISep, Sub; with cough in tuberculosis, ICale; with croupy cough, IIHep.; with but little cough, Phos. ae; with short cough, INatr. c; with rough cough, followed by cramp in stomach, IMur. ac; in whooping cough, ICaust, ICup. a, ICup. m.; crepitant, Bell, IFerr. ph., I llod., IPhos.; coarse, crepi- tant in spot behind left fifth rib, Arg. nit.; coarse, worse during increase of moon,IPhelb; coarse, threatening collapse, IIAnt. t, ICarbo v, ICina, IPuls.; coarse, in oedema of lungs, I Ant. t; deep, in asthma Millari, ICup. m.; during difficult dentition, ICalcp.; with dysp- noea, Astac, I ILyss, HSpong.; in eclampsia, Art. v.; worse after expectoration, ISub; on expiration, worse lying and in evening, in broncb ial catarrh, 11 Calc.; with sweat on face (scarlatina), IPhos.; fine, lAnt. t, llpec; seem full of mucus, IILyc; great, low down, Med.; in infants, threatened suffocation, IIAnt. t, IHep.; on inspiration, INitr. ac; large, IIAnt. t, Bell, HCarbo v., HCinch, Ipec, IPuls, HStann, HStram.; large, in bronchitis of aged, lAmm. c; large, in influenza, ISeneg.; large, moist, in both, 11 Iodof; followed by, Tuberc; large, in right (pneumonia stage of hepatization), I IPhos.; as of a large quantity of phlegm, coma (typhoid), IPhos.; in left, IManc; in left, bronchial catarrh, ICop.; in left, during respiration, IManc; bubbling mu- cus, especially in apex of left, I IXan.; yet nothing seems to loosen, Hod.; loud,HCinch, INatr. s.; loud, heard across large room, in hay catarrh, IISticta; loud sibilant, over every part (bronchitis), I Ars.; in lower, during cough, ICEnan.; in measles, IHep.; worse in morning and when lying on back, HAgar.; moist, in left (emphysema), IHep.; moist, can- not cough up mucus, INatr. m.; moist, with cough (endocarditis), I Aur. met.; moist, all over (pneumonia), IDig.; moist, crepitating in upper and middle lobes, less left side (albumi- nuria, typhoid pneumonia),ITereb.; before and after menses (phthisis), lArs. b; with flying pains in chest, ISeneg.; in phthisis, ICetrar, IPix.; in incipient phthisis, ISenecio; in pneumonia, IHyos., IKali c, IILyc, IPhos.; short, anxious, quick (pneumonia), IMere; with every respiratory effort, followed by cough, I ISang.; in right side (pneumonia), I IZinc; at apex of right, with slight dulness (incipient phthisis), IIRumex; bubbling, in middle of right for a few minutes, chiefly in afternoon, Tell.; in right, at each inspiration, Elaps ; through entire right, in typhus, 11 Chin, s.;- in upper right, I Ant, t; posterior surface of right, in phthisis, I Ars. i.; heard at a distance, worse right side (acute catarrh), lAnt. t; sibilant, ICaps., Elaps, IHep, I ILach, IPhos, I ISang, ISpong.; with heavy sleep (epilepsy), HOp.; squeaking, in bron- chitis, ILach.; stertorous, (pneumonia), I Ant. t; infantile syphilis, I ISyph.; in typhoid, ILye, IIRhus; whistling, I IStann.; vomiting mucus, young children, lllpec. B€8P* Breath- ing rattling ; also Chap. 27, Cough rattling. Lungs, raw feeling : g&" Inner chest, raw- ness. Lungs, rheumatic pains: in left, better lying down, Oxal. ae; peculiar, IDig. Lungs, right: most affected, Brom.; acts on lower part, IKali e, IMere; acts upon upper and middle portion, in phthisis, HCale. Lungs, rivet: pain, like a rivet through upper third of left to scapula (tuberculosis), ISul. Lungs, as if ruptured: sensation in lower and inner third of right, Chlor. Lungs, sensitive: tender, I lAilant; right, to touch, I ICinch. bol. Lungs, sharp pain: IIThuya; in apex and through upper third of right, IIArs.; in fore- noon, Amm. br.; in left, Med.; at bottom of left, Med.; in right, on inspiration, Cod.; through, worse sitting erect or lying down, better bending forward, throwing head back worse, ILach.; worse in upper part of right, Amm. br. Lungs, shooting; at base, caused by cough, Med.; in left, lOxal. ae; through right to back, worse during deep inspiration, move- ment, and cough, Chel. ggg*- lancinating, stitches. Lungs, smoke: as if full of (after pneumoiti! , IBar. c; as though inhaled, INatr. a. Lungs, soreness: IIArum t, ISib; of apices. IPuls.; difficulty in taking a full breath IPhos.; after a full breath, with rush of blood, JEsc. h.; as if her breath were forming a blister, Med.; when coughing, Chel.; in left, all day, Lact ae; dull, in apex of right Iod.; excessive, I lAilant.; in prevailing fever' I Amm. m.; with hoarseness, Carbol. ae; on deep inhalation, Chel.; in left, as during con- valescence from pneumonia, Como.; spot size 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 815 of silver dollar, begins at top of left and like a red-hot bolt, extends through to lower part of back, Med.; in left, like a wound, by deep breathing, coughing and sneezing, I ICheb; worse during menses, I IPuls.; of right, Bapt.; on sneezing, Cheb; an old sore spot on top of left aroused, Med. 8®" Inner chest sore- ness Inner chest, sounds : 8®° auscultation, per- cussion, rales. Lungs, spasm: from drinking cold water, Thuya; with cough, IOp. Lungs, stabbing: as if a knife were thrust into top of left, then turned around, with pain streaking off through left shoulder, I ISep.; in right, below nipple, after dyspeptic pain, as from a stone or undigested food in epigas- trium at 9.45 p.m., ILac c. Lungs, stagnation: of circulation (uraemia, asphyctic form), IHydr. ac Lungs, stinging: on coughing or deep inhala- tions, Cheb; violent, in lower right, slept well until 2 a.m., pain lasts whole day, with ex- ternal soreness, Zing.; sharp, through left (pleurodynia), IRumex; with sneezing, Chel. 8®* stitches. Lungs, stitches: I Apis, ICheb; to back, IMere; worse by deep breathing, coughing or sneez- ing, 2 p.m., Cheb; from above downward,Gels.; dull, during inspiration, Asar.; fine, in left, at 3.30 p.m., while writing, Rumex; especially on deep inspiration, IPhos.; in left, IIRumex; in left, while breathing, Codein.; through left to spine, Camph.; through left, in pleuro- dynia, IRumex; in lower left, through chest, Zing.; in lower, 11 Ham.; in right, Arum t., Bor.; sharp, especially about right, probably myalgic, I ISang.; at bottom of right, Med.; in right or both, during inhalation, Asar.; in right, two inches below nipple, through to back, worse on motion and deep breathing, I ISib; in right, while walking, lAgar.; in apex of right, Bell.; in lower rigbt (pleurisy), IKali c; through right to back, worse during deep inspiration, movement and cough, Cheb; through central portion of right,ISep.; through right, with haemoptysis, IMang.; from without inward through upper right, posterior, to second rib, IBor.; in both sides, Clem.; over surface of both, Med.; in upper, better when walking, Elaps. 8^"* lancinating, sticking. Lungs, stonecutters: affections, copious fetid expectoration, HSil. Lungs, suppuration: IIHep,Hippoz,IPlumb, IPuls., HSil.; of both, in measles, ILach.; rapid, with formation of cavities and purulent exudation into cavity of thorax, with infiltra- tion of mesenteric glands and tubercular ul- cers in intestines, IPhos.; with hectic, ILye; after haemoptysis, Cinch.; after hemorrhages, in pneumonia, IMere; in left, with pain at third left costal cartilage, IPix.; in those ad- dicted to use of liquors, IOp.; in phthisis, IPsor.; after neglected pneumonia, ILed. ggp abscess, cavity, ulcers. Lungs, tearing: low down, as though some- thing were tearing away, followed by expec- toration of greenish dirty mucus, causing gagging, with cough, I INitr. ae; as if lungs we're torn out, Elaps. _ -™ , . Lungs, throbbing: dull, in apices, Cheb; in left,'Chroni. ac. Lungs, tickling: in upper anterior lobes, causes dry, hollow cough, worse morning, better evening, IMyrtus. Lungs, tight: pain, as if constricted by a thin wire, Asar. Lungs, trembling: with numbness and bloat- ing of left hand, 11 Lac. e; with numb prick- ling in body, arms and legs, 11 Lac. c. Lungs, tubercles: 8®" consumption. Lungs, ulcers: IIKali c, IIMillef, ISib; in different parts, Sub; broke, expectoration foul (phthisis), IISul. ae; expectoration in stonecutters, ICale, ISib; asif two ulcerated surfaces were in contact on breathing, Iodof. 8®" abscess, cavity, suppuration. Lungs, uneasy pains : in right, Carbol. ac. Lungs, vibration: of inspiration audible, and perceptible to touch, Chlor. Lungs, water: as if ice water were rising and falling through a cylindrical opening in left, Elaps. Lungs, weak: Polyg.; feel so weak they cannot take a full breath, weak, hysterical women, IPlat.; want of power, difficult breathing, Bapt.; causes short, difficult respiration, Stann.; feel as if sinking down, Badiag.; un- able to use, from weakness and hyperaemic stagnation (typhoid pneumonia), IPhos. 8®° paralysis. Lungs, wheezing: Ars, Elaps, INuxm, Sa- bad, I ISub; when taking deep breath, I ICalad.; during cough, Kali e; in fever, Calad.; in lower part, with cough, seeming to come from lowest ramifications of bronchial tubes (bronchitis), HSquilla; at night (hay catarrh), I ISticta; with oppressed respira- tion (asthma thymicum), ISamb. 8ST" Chap. 26, Breathing noisy. Lungs, whistling: IKali bb; during breathing, I Amb.; in bronchial catarrh, I Ant. t; on in- spiration, INitr. ae; in apex of left (incipient phthisis, following amenorrhcea), I ISang.; loud, with but little cough, Phos. ae; at night (hay catarrh), I ISticta; shrill, Hod.; behind sternum, with dry cough, Agar.; wheezing (phthisis), IKali c. B^sT" Chap. 26, Breathing, noisy. PLEURA, adhesions: after pleuritis, acute thoracic pains, suggestive of adhesions, IRan. b. 8®" exudation, inflammation, Pleura, ecchymoses: subpleural, I lAnthrac, Hippoz. Pleura, exudation: IIBry., ICanth, CEnan., ISub; abundant, pleuritic, displacing heart, could not sit up, I ISub; two pints of reddish brown, odorless fluid in cavities, Ars. h.; four fingers in height,with no tendency to decrease, 11 Ferr. mur.; left overfilled, not a trace of respiratory murmur, fluctuation and forma- tion of abscess, which broke, I ISub; plastic, Alum, IBry, IHep, IISul.; plastic, intercos- costal spaces prominent, motionless during respiration, IHep.; in pleuro-pneumonia, ICamph.; purulent, I Ars. i, ICale, IHep, IPhos, ISib, ISub;on right side, IKali c; ser- ous, I lAnthrac, I Apis, Ars., IIBry, Dig, I Hell,Hod., -Jab, INatr.m,ITereb.;serous,in ascites, I Ars.; serous, with hectic, worse in evening, ICarbo v.; serous, in pneumonia, Bright's disease, IKali iod.; a soaplike deposit, as in cholera, Lyss.; subacute, chronic, ISeneg.; with sweat and diarrhcea (indura- 816 2S. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. tion of liver), I IRatan. 8^" Inner chest, dropsy. Pleura, inflammation (pleurisy): Abrot, IIAcon., I I Act. sp., lApis, lArn, lArs, lAscl. s, lAscl. t, IBor, IIBry, ICact, Calc. p., ICann. s, ICanth., Carbo a., ICarbo v. Card, m, IColch, Dig., IFerr. mur., IHep., Hod., IKali c, IKali iod, IKali m, IMere, IMur.ac, INitr.ac, I INux v., IRan.b, Rhus, Sabad., ISang, Seneg, Sep, Sinap, HSquilla, Stann, ISul, Sul. ac, 1 I Ziz.; with pulmonary abscess, Hippoz.; after Aeon. when stitching pains and difficult respiration continue or return, IKali e; acute, with ty- phoid symptoms, IRhus; in afternoon, Amm. br.; resulting in anaemia (diaphragmi- tis), IDig.; arthritic, IColch.; at beginning, Cochl.; at beginning, if small bronchi are irritated, ILaur.; in persons who have lost much blood, ICinch.; especially after blood- letting, ISquilla; particularly in morbus Brightii, Canth.; similar to Bryonia, Ascl. t; dry cough, worse 3 a.m., or suppressed cough, IKali c.; in drunkards and melancholic per- sons, ILaur.; with fever and hoarseness, IlAur. mur.; with remittent fever, Crotal.; in course of articular gout, ISub; after chronic headache had suddenly vanished, I ISep.; after mechanical injuries, must change posi- tion, bed feels so hard, HArn.; latent, Seneg.; left side, particularly affected, IKali e; linger- ing, ICarbo a.; neglected, Ars., lArs. b, ICale, Camph, Canth, ICarbo v., Cinch., Ferr, IHep., Hod., Lach., Lye, Seneg., ISep, ISil, ISub; in old men, HSep.; of old and cachectic people, protracted cases, INitr. ae; pains, worse cough (tuberculosis), ILach.; where Phos, though apparently indicated, failed, I ISep.; acute, plastic form, ISul. (after Aeon.); with left-sided pneumonia, IIRan. b.; press- ing remains, impeding breathing, lAbrot, after Aconitum and Bryonia; rattling respira- tion, must sit up, Squilla; rheumatic, lAnt. t, IDulc; in course of acute articular rheuma- tism, ISub; particularly right side, Cheb; right side arched like a barrel from axilla downward (with plastic exudation), IHep.; serous form, especially rheumatic cases, with Bright's dis- ease, from hyperaemia of kidneys, IDig.; acute stabbing in chest, IRan. b.; first stage, IFerr. ph.; second stage, plastic exudation, IKali m.; last stage, IPhos, HSub; stitches with chill, IILach.; stitches in left chest with violent palpitation, IKali c; stitches in pneumonia (Bright's disease), IKali iod.; stitches in lower right lung, IKali e; subacute, lArg. nit.; sub- acute, and effusion into chest, left side being nearly two-thirds filled with fluid, IKali iod.; subacute, left side, or in phthisical subjects, lArg. nit.; of tuberculous patients, IKali c; vocal fremitus, absence of, with plastic ex- udation, IHep. Pleura, pain (undefined): I IChlor, IForm, Ziz.; in lower edges, ISub; in quotidian inter- mittent, ICaps.; slight, in left, better by chewing a small piece of gum camphor, lElaps.; acute, in right, 11 Ascl. t.; old adhe- sions in right, HSep.; severe and localized, ILaur. Pleura, pleurodynia: B^T" Inner chest, rheu- matism. Pleura, stitches: IIBry., IKali e; in typhoid fever, IPhos.; with deep inspiration or cough, Ferr. ph. 8®*" Inner chest, stitches. Pleura, thickening: after pleurisy, I ISeneg. Bggr* exudation. Pleura, tubercles: small, Hippoz. STERNUM, aching : Sul.; heavy, dull, pain with constant sensation of weight in centre of sternum, ISub; sharp, behind, when breath- ing (angina pectoris), IKali c; sprainlike, near, with cough, I IRumex ; excited by talk- ing, Strain. 8®" bruised feeling. Sternum, anxiety: in region of, feels as if he must go into open air and busy himselfAnae Sternum, ball: sensation of a large, rising from a point about lower end to upper end of oesophagus, causing sensation of suffocation, ILac. def. Sternum, bruised feeling: IKreo, Sars, Sub ae; above manubrium (pneumonia), I IZinc; worse stooping and when touched, Stront. Bgg~ aching, soreness. Sternum, burning : Clem.,Sang, Tereb,Zinc; behind, with anxiety and pressure in chest, amounting to real suffocation, so that deep in- spiration was difficult, IPhos.; behind, in in- fluenza, I ISang.; like fire, behind (sciatica), ILach.; beneath, lAcon, Ant. t, lAsaf, ICarbo v., Coccus, Sang.; in acute bronchial catarrh, IKali bi.; in upper, after coughing, IFerr.; beneath, to mouth, ICham.; distress, accompanied by fine neuralgic pains in same region, last three minutes, come on every ten or fifteen minutes for several hours, Ustil.; under, worse at night (bronchitis), IMere; pain under, constant (gastric disorder),! Atrop. s.; painful, ICham.; under, in phthisis pul- monalis, ICarbo v.; into shoulder, during cough, IKali bb; slight, behind (typhoid fe- ver), I IRhus: sore, on bone,I IMez.; sore pain under, especially on motion and every deep inspiration, Seneg.; pain, with tenderness to touch, caused by warm drinks in their de- scent, IITereb.; behind top, Diose; soreness behind xiphoid cartilage, IIRan. sc; under upper, Magn. s. g&~ heat. Sternum, caries: Ars. s.f. Sternum, coldness : in middle, Apis. Sternum, constriction: under, with oppres- sion of chest, IPhos.; in middle, as if com- pressed by iron pincers, worse from motion, ICact.; painful, Castor.; under, Iber.; under after walking. INitr. sp. d. Sternum, contraction: peculiar sensation, Agar. Sternum, contractive pains : in heart trouble, Dig.; after eating hurriedly, Led. Sternum, cramps: from middle to epigastrium, with vomiting, Iris. Sternum, crawling: downward beneath, with dry cough, ISang. Sternum cutting : Ang.; worse on inhalation and moving body, Ang.; intermittent,benumb- ing, frightful, near left side of ensiform carti- lage, Verbas.; after lying down at night, ceases when wind passes but returns, Stram.; from middle to right scapula, worse during inspira- tion, better during motion, I IPhos.; pain near fourth and fifth ribs, 11 Psor.; under (catarrhal complaints), IPetrol. 8€&T" lancinating, shooting. Sternum, darting: in middle to between shoul- ders, IKali bi. 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. 817 Sternum, deathly feeling: behind ensiform cartilage (cholera), ICup. ac Sternum, digging: beneath upper, ICann. s. Sternum, drawing: towards back, Ind.; tearing in left border to nape of neck and shoulder (angina), IDig.; from lower towards right side to spine, Cheb; gradually drawn towards dor- sal vertebrae, causing asthma, Syph. Sternum, dulness: about middle and deep in, better by pressing and rubbing with hand, cannot keep still, constantly tossing from side to side (nausea of pregnancy), IColch. Sternum, dull pain: in right side (diarrhcea during climaxis), IIRumex. Sternum, excoriation: behind, on coughing or inspiring, IIRumex. Sternum, exostoses: IMere cor. Sternum, fulness : under, Iber.; soreness under upper third, Gamb. Sternum, gnawing: behind, causes dyspnoea, Ran. sc.; about midway and deep, better press- ing and rubbing with hand, cannot keep still, constantly tossing from side to side (nausea of pregnancy), IColch. Sternum, grasped: sensation as if (hepatic dis- order), I ISil. Sternum, griping: behind, ICact. Sternum, heat: Bell., Caust, IPhos.; under, Cast. BST" burning. Sternum, heaviness: as though something heavy lay under, on taking deep breath, ICast.; with dull headache, Ailant; worse on motion or turning body, Eup. pert; at night, Amm. c; beneath, towards shoulders, imped- ing respiration, Bry.; under (catarrh of lungs), IHep.; weight, 11 Amyb; weight, in angina pectoris, HAur. met.; weight above ensiform cartilage, with empty gone feeling in stomach, 11 Natr. p.; constant sensation of weight in centre of, with heavy dull aching, ISub; weight under, I Aeon. Sternum, irritation : from behind sternum felt through to back, as if whole right side of chest and belly were pressed together, worse on in- halation and on moving body, Ang; causes cough, 11 Ang, Arg. nit., ICham, IIRumex; beneath causes dry cough, IPhos.; at middle, causes dry incessant cough, Mang. Sternum, itching : under, causing dry periodic cough, Con.; behind, causes violent racking paroxysmal cough, IKali bb; under ensiform cartilage, Sinap. Sternum, jerking: through lower to back, Chel. Sternum, lancinating : from middle to dorsal spine when sitting, goes off when rising, I I Dulc. Sternum, lump: sensation of a lump or bunch behind, I IRumex. Sternum, mucus: hawking much, seemingly from middle, Lith. Sternum, murmur: upward from each side (aneurism), I ISpig. _ Sternum, nausea: squeamish, in region of, Arg. met. /.,,., Sternum, oppression: lEup. pert; behind, Agar.;' behind two borders, along whole length, Agar.; beneath, with nausea and sensa- tion of weakness, Samb.; at night, Amm. e; in region of, Anac. Sternum, pain (undefined): Bor., Carbo a, IKreo., IIMur. ae; from upper to back, and crosswise between shoulders, tenderness on pressure, I ISub; behind, ICheb, lEup. pert, I ILobel. i, ISyph.; below, Ast. r.,Cepa, Sang.; impedes breathing, I I Bry.; directly over car- diac region, while yawning, 11 Cheb; in centre, worse from pressure and breathing, IManc; caused by cough, Bell.; during cough, Bell., ISub; with cough, ICinch., Coral.; caused by hoarse cough, awaking at midnight (catarrhal fever), 11 Ruta; all day, Zing.; must double up, Calc. s.; dull, on raising head and draw- ing breath, 11 Jacar.; behind ensiform carti- lage, in cholera, ICup. m.; behind ensiform cartilage, with deathly feeling, ICup. m.; run- ning over ensiform cartilage, from seventh rib on right side diagonally through chest to back, Cinnab.; compelling to press hand on, with cough, IIBry, IKreo.; heavy beneath, ITereb.; in middle, on deep inspiration, child disposed to convulsions, I Bell.; internally ^spe- cially on inspiration, ICheb; below to right, in region of pylorus, ICepa ; in lower end, Ferr. iod.; under manubrium (pharyngitis), lArg. nit.; behind middle, with cough, IRumex ; in middle, sudden to both arms and hands, in angina pectoris, IDiosc; in middle, on or behind, Tell.; in middle, worse from pressure during respiration, IManc; in middle, worse walking about, Ars. h.; through middle, with cough, IPhyt.; through middle to back, with cough, IIKali bb; dull, under middle, Chim. umb.; pit of, to around under heart, corresponding to situa- tion of stomach, after eating (gastric ulcer), I Arg. nit.; in middle, when retching (child disposed to convulsions), IBell.; retrosternal, worse or only felt out of doors, after meals, when hurried or going up hill, IJugb; slight, under, at articulation of third rib, Iber.; severe, behind lower portion of right, Ind.; short, painful to pressure, Ruta; small spot in region of, I IPuls.; severe, to spinal column, I I Sticta; sudden, reaches through chest to spinal column, constant, worse by movement, I ISticta; spot in second right rib, IBry.; be- hind, caused by bloating of stomach, INuxm.; with sweat, while walking, ICaps.; under, Sib; under, in angina pectoris, gastralgic form, ■Agar.; beneath upper, causes cough, ISang. Sternum, piercing: midway between, and nipple, myalgic surface tender on pressure, Sang. Sternum, pinching: nipping, from hypochon- drium, ICale. Sternum, pressing sensation: IIArs., Ars. h., Astac, Brom, ICale p., Cop., Gymn, Ictod., IKreo.; above and across, Ars. h.; behind, Nitr. sp. d., 11 Rumex,ISyph.; beneath, Coccus, Ferr. iod.; beneath, with nausea and sensa- tion of weakness, Samb.; in region of, worse breathing deeply, Agnus; burning, Ang.; burning, more on exhalation than inhalation, Tarax.; burning, under ensiform cartilage, Sinap.; with catarrh and cough, IFerr.; under, in catarrh of lungs, IHep.; seems to lie too close, breathing oppressed, ICina ; as if com- pressed, difficult breathing, Alb sat.; constric- tive, near fourth and fifth ribs, I IPsor.; dur- ing cough, into os hyoides, IKali bb; after drinking, Ver.; aftereating, Ver.; in upper, aftereating, Zinc; with feeling of emptiness in chest, Vinca; behind, better sitting erect, 52 818 28. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. IKalm.; on sides, especially on expiration, Castor.; as if all food lodged under upper end, oppressing and distressing for hours, I Lact. ae; under, with herpetic dyscrasia, ICarb. s.; heavy, in bronchitis, IKreo.; heavy, when turning over in morning,IKreo.; inward,at left edge, I ILed.; on lower left side, Lobel. b; at lower, to spine and lower angle of right shoulder blade, Elat.; between mammae, Lyss.; in middle, ICycl, IPhos, Zinc; on middle, increasing during inspiration, Agar.; behind middle, worse morning, evening, and when stooping, IKalm.; painful behind.Tereb.; painful, beneath, Aloe, HPhos. ac; painful, beneath, impedes breathing, Cham.; painful, beneath, especially in forenoon, with tran- sient sticking here and there, lEuph.; painful, beneath (haemoptysis), IISul.; pain- ful, towards epigastrium, Sib; painful, as though food had lodged behind, Cepa ; pain- ful, in middle, Cann. s.; painful, in middle, worse inhaling(incipient tuberculosis),; Agar.; painful, worse when touched,I ISars.; painful, worse under (angina pectoris), 11 Phos.; painful in upper part, with short breathing, HPhos.; in region of sixth rib, Carbol. ac.; on both sides, HAgar.; spasmodic, behind middle of, awoke him at night, extending into bronchi, ICheb; with a counter pressure from spine to sternum, Samb.; stitchlike, while sitting or standing, Euphor.; as from a stone, in lower, Sib; when stooping, better by deep breathing, Asaf; under, lAcon, lAsaf.; under (hyperae- mia from stenocardia), I Aur. mur.; under, in phthisis pulmonalis, ICarbo v.; as if some- thing were being pressed away from under, IKalm.; in upper, as from a load, Camph.; under upper, Syph.; as of a great weight, ly- ing on middle of (cardiac rheumatism), I I Phos.; when writing, better by deep breath - ing, Asaf; in xiphoid cartilage, Agnus,Tarax.; in xiphoid cartilage, asif finger pressed, when swallowing, Asaf. Sternum, pricking: like pins and needles, with tough with blackish sputa, I Kali bi. ;under, Jae Sternum, quivering: above,Lyss.;around, with a die-away feeling, seems to extend through heart to back, ILyss. Sternum, rawness: painful, in acute bronchial catarrh, IKali bi. Sternum, rheumatic pains: better by sweat, Ars. h. Sternum, roughness: Iod.; under, worse at night (bronchitis), IMere Sternum, scraping: behind, with short cough, Cimex; under, causing dry, periodic cough, Con. Sternum, scratching: under manubrium, causes dry, short cough (pneumonia), IMere; in middle (whooping cough), 11 Alum.; behind upper part, causes a continued short cough, Cimex. Sternum, sensitive: painful, when pressing it, as from festering under skin, I IDros.; painful on pressure beneath clavicle, Cina; lower end sore on pressure, Asim.; to touch, Benz. ac, lOsm, Sars.; painful to touch, Castor, Cimex, I IRan. sc, Stront.; painful to touch, with cough, Cimex; sore to touch, Cann. s.; xiphoid cartilage, painful to touch, also at circum- scribed spots on each side, about size of a fifty-cent piece, two inches below, Ziz. Sternum, sharp pain: behind, Merc iod. flav.; in centre, Bapt.; on left side (diarrhoea during climaxis), IIRumex; along right edge of, changing to left edge, Med. Sternum, shooting : ICale p., I Sub; from centre to armpit and sides of chest below (suppressed syphilis), IKali n.; around to back, Sib; from centre, around chest, on coughing (pleurisy), I INux v.; from lower to back, Cheb; jerking, left side, sneezing.Cale a.; sharp pain through to left shoulder blade (heart disease) ILyeyir.; upward and downward, lOsm. 8®" cutting, lancinating. Sternum, soreness: lOsm.; beneath, Coccus, ILed.; beneath, worse at night (bronchitis), IMere; behind, lEup. pert, IIRumex; as if bruised, at lower end, walking, ICie; with cough, Oxal. ac; behind, with catarrhal headache, IRumex; behind, cannot take natural inspiration, or twist body to right or left, lEup. pert; at lower end, Nitr. ae; mid- dle to end, Bor.; painful, ICale p.; painful, behind lower, Lact. ae; behind, caused by respiration, Rumex ; spreads to each side, worse during cough (asthma), IIRumex; under upper part, Cann. s.; under upper part (catarrh), I Apis. 8^° aching, bruised. Sternum, spasmodic pain : in heart trouble, IDig. Sternum, spasms: from middle to epigastrium, with vomiting, Iris. Sternum, sprained feeling: Rumex. Sternum, sticking: dull, in middle, Zinc; be- hind, with anxiety, and pressure in chest, amounting to real suffocation, so that deep inspiration was difficult, IPhos.; under, with inability to take a deep breath, Tabae Sternum, stinging: on taking deep breath, Bor.; with cough, Oxal. ac. Sternum, stitches: Ang, IIArs, ICanth, Jacea, ISul, Vinca; single, along, I INatr. m.; with backache when walking, HPsor.; behind, Inul.; behind, worse end of expiration, Agar.; from deep breathing, HCaust.; fine, in centre, Bism.; two dull piercing, in quick succession beneath clavicle, near sternum, during deep inspiration, Cina; with cough, IIBry, IPe- trol, IPsor.; with night cough, Bell.; on coughing, must hold with hands, IBry.; se- vere, extends downward, could with difficulty get his breath, Squilla; dull continuous, Ole- and.; dull, beneath,while eating, Zinc; below ensiform cartilage, Stront; intermittent, dull, needle-like, near left side of ensiform cartilage' Verbas.; fine, I IPhos. ae; on inhalation, Bapt; as of a sharp instrument going through end, during day, ICale p.; sharp, with fine itching, in upper part, beneath pit of throat, provoke scratching, Staph.; acute, along left margin on inspiring, afternoon, while riding Rumex; from lifting, HCaust.; in middle Mane; in middle, at times, on stooping so severe that he cried out at times, followed'by painful pressure, deep internally, extends up into throat, Zinc; severe, sharp, in middle passing through chest when sitting, llnd • violent, in middle, extending to shoulders' IKali iod.; between sternum and nipple Agar.; continual, from within outward, worse motion, Hyper.; pleuritic, from middle to- wards right side, Lactu. v.; repeated, Gamb • under, worse during deep breathing and on 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. 819 sudden movement, Cinch.; through to back, IKali iod.; running up and down, Mang.; violent, in upper, from within outward, left side, Kali n.; from below upward, when coughing, I Ars.; long, frequent, behind xiphoid cartilage, in a space as large as palm, IIRan. sc. gtsS* cutting, lancinating, shooting. Sternum, suffocative feeling: says she cannot get her breath below upper third, ILach.; stifling beneath upper fourth of, causes hys- terical, dry cough, Plat; and glottis, ILach.; in upper part, as if, Aurant. Sternum, sweat: every morning, IGraph. Sternum, tearing : ICale p.; with cough, Cinch, Osm.: behind, extending over several parts of, Cup. s.,- with cough, Oxal. ac; as if something were being torn loose under, with cough (bronchitis), IPhos.; starts from ensi- form cartilage, with deep, hollow cough, IKali iod.; sharp, rending pains along (peri- carditis), IColch.; near fourth and fifth ribs, 11 Psor.; in lower third, Natr. p.; as if a piece were torn out, JEsc. h.; as if torn to pieces (asthma), IDig. Sternum, tension: I IMur. ac. Zinc; painful, in middle, Cann. s.; painful, with pressure in middle of, Sabina. Sternum, throbbing: Brach.; beating in and BLOOD, anaemia: Alumin, Ante, Ant. t, lApis, lArg. nit, Arn, IIArs., Bell., Bism, Bry, ICale, HCale p, ICarb. s., ICarbo v. Case, ICaust, Cina, HCinch, ICoccul, Con, ICycl, I IFerr, Graph, IHam,IHelb, IHelon, IHydras., Hgn, IKali bi, IKali br, IKali c, Kalm, Lach, Lye, IMang, Merc, INatr. c, IINatr. m., INatr. s, Nux m, INux v, 101. jec, HPhos, IPhos. ae, IPlumb, IPolyp, IPuls, Rhus, I ISee, Sil, ISep, ISquilla, IStann, IStaph., HSub, Therid., Ver., Zinc; causes amaurosis, IVer. v.; with amenorrhcea. IFerr, IGraph., I ISang.; of frontal lobe of brain ' Kali br.; in acute Bright's disease, I \pis ; with cardialgia, 11 Plumb.; chronic catarrh, INatr. m.; after childbirth, Caulo.; with chorea, I IChloral, INatr. m.; in climac- teric period, Ferr. p.; with constipation, IFerr, IHydras.; in consumption, I ITubere; like in first stage of consumption, HJstib; with convulsions of children, ICup. m, with puer- peral convulsions, IVer.; with great debility, IIKali e; with great debility, watery or milkv whiteness of skin, due to original mer- about, Iris; in fever, Ars. m.; and glottis, ILach.; in and about, Iris; painless, ISib; pulsation from right side down to abdomen (severe cold), I ISticta; pulsation under, Ars. m.; every heartbeat has a strumming as if it would burst along to throat, IKalm. Sternum, tickling: I IPuls.; behind, Con.; be- hind, causes cough, 11 Rumex ; behind upper half, causes short cough, followed by discour- agement and apprehension, IRhus; causes cough, ILach.; behind, seemingly at bifurca- tion of trachea, causes constant cough (bron- chial catarrh), ILach.; behind, with periodic dry cough, coming on in spells, especially while lying down, talking or laughing, Con.; constant, under, Hod.; under middle, causing hacking cough, worse talking and moving (onset of typhus), ICale; at top, I IRumex ; behind top, beginning of cough, I I Rumex; under upper, causes cough, Med. Sternum, ulcerative feeling: under (phthisis pulmonalis), I IPsor. , Sternum, uneasiness: below, sometimes ex- tending to navel, worse rising in morning, better after a meal (tapeworm), ICina. Sternum, weakness: feeling of, Zinc.; sinking sensation under, with dry, hacking cough, Med. tia and phlegmatic state, INatr. c; with ex- cessive muscular debility, without loss of adi- pose, in patients with precocious puberty, HPhos.; in diabetes, IPod.; from diarrhcea, with convulsions, IVer. v.; from violent acute disease, ICale, ICarbo v., ICinch, Hep, Kalm., INatr. m, Nux v, Ver.; causes dropsy, ISenecio ; lack of nutrition, dropsy of chest, ISib; dysmenorrhoea, ISenecio ; with dyspep- sia, Sal. ae; dyspepsia, with amenorrhcea, I IPuls.; emaciation, HPlumb.; from exhaust- ive diseases or artificial depletion, See; inter- mittent fever, IFerr.; long lasting cases of intermittent, general cachexia, IINitr. ac; causes gangrene, I ISee; gastrodynia, gastral- gia, IGraph.; too rapid growth, I IPhos.; with throbbing in head, IPuls.; with functional disorders of heart, IKali f; haemoptysis, IMang.; haemoptysis, in laryngitis or chronic bronchitis, Tabae; menorrhagic form of uter- ine hemorrhage, IHydras.; from loss of blood and other fluids, ICale, ICarbo v., HCinch., IHelon, Hydras, IINatr. m, IINux v, Phos. ac. Staph., ISub; leucorrhcea, ICycb; malas- 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. Blood. Bloodvessels. Heart. Palpitation. Pericardium. Pulse. 820 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. similation, IPuls.; menses too early and scanty, IMang.; menses scanty and delayed, IINatr. m.; too frequent menses (fibroid tumor of uterus),ICale; menorrhagia, ICann. i.; long- lasting mental depression, 11 Kali ph,INatr.m, IPhos.; worse in morning,after eating, during motion, during menses, when left alone, bet- ter in open air, I ISub; neuralgia from loss of blood and severe exhausting diseases, IPhos.; intercostal neuralgia, HStann.; sensitive, nervous, hysteric women inclined to spas- modic and intermittent complaints, llgn.; with nosebleed, ICale, ICinch., ILach, IPuls.; oedema of hands, face and feet, IMere; palpi- tation, IFerr, INatr. m, IPuls.; palpitation with tightness across chest, HPhos.; paralytic affection of medulla spinalis and venous stasis, ILach.; progressive, pernicious, Pic. ac.; per- nicious, in constitutions broken down by gonorrhoea, syphilis, alcohol, etc, tendency to hemorrhage from gums, mucous membranes * and skin, blood non-coagulable, ICrotal.; masked behind plethora and congestions, IIFerr.; with appearance of plethora (chronic passive hemorrhage from kidneys), I ITereb.; weak pulse and fainting, IMosch.; scurvy, ICoca; in chlorotic or tuberculous subjects with serous effusion, IFerr.; from disturbed sexual function, Lyss.; spinal, I INatr. p.; in cancer of stomach, HCund.; after summer complaint, ICarbo v.; cannot bear high tem- perature, even during reaction prefers to sit rather than lie (diaphragmitis), IDig.; deep- seated chronic, with tubercular diathesis, HPhos.; uterine congestion, IFerr.; dryness of vagina, IGraph.; with vertigo, ICinch. 8@" chlorosis, leucaemia. Blood, carbonized: with cough, etc, IIAnt t Blood, chlorosis : IAbrot,l Absin, Alet, I Alu- min, -Amb, lAmm. c, IIAnt. c, tAnt t, Arg. nit, lArs, Bell, HCale, HCale p., ICinch, Cina, ICoccul, Cochl, Con,ICup. m, HCycb, IIFerr, IFerr. i, IFerr. ph., IFerr.s, IGraph, IIGuarana, IHelon, Hep, Ign, llpec, Kalic,ILye,ILyss,I IMillef, INatr. c, IINatr. m, INux v, IPhos, Phyt, IPlat., IPlumb, IPuls, Sabina, HSep, ISinap., I ISpig, ISub, Thuya, lUstil, IVer, IXan, Zinc; causes anaesthesia, I IPhos.; cardiac debility, IKali f; cough, IPlumb.; excessive muscular debility in patients, with precocious puberty, HPhos.; dizziness, ICycb; with eclampsia, 11 Plat.; erethic, with depression J of vital power on one side, and increased irri- tability on the other, IIPuls.; erethic, worse during cold weather,11 Ferr.; gastric symptoms and loss of appetite, IMang.; in marriage- able girls, iHyper.; too rapid growth, HPhos.; after large doses of iron, IIPuls.; with leucorrhoea, HCale, ICarbo v., ICycl, IPhos, IPhos.ae; of longstanding, IINatr.m.; after loss of blood, IIFerr.; after menses, Ante; amenorrhcea, IIFerr., IPhos., HSa- bina ; from checked menstruation, ICycb: with metrorrhagia, IChin, IIPuls, IThlaspi; menstrual troubles, contraction of pupils, INatr. m.; long-lasting mental depression, IIKali ph, IPhos.; mental emotions, grief, fright, disappointed love, llgn.; secondaria metastatica, HSabina ; nervous, Art. v.; with palpitation, IPuls.; from retarded puberty, IFerr.; with itchlike rash, ICarbo v.; respira- tion oppressed and anxious, IINatr. m.; from sedentary life, INux v.; scrofulous, IBar. c, IFerr. iod.; in scrofulous girls, with dropsy, ISenecio; great weakness of sexual organs, consequent upon previous irritation of these parts, HPhos.; obscuration of sight ICycl.; skin dirty, flaccid, torpid, INatr m.; skin pale, ICycb; stomach, intestines and liver affected, consequences of debauchery or sedentary life, INux v.; deep-seated, chronic, with tubercu- lar diathesis, HPhos.; vomiting on moving or stooping, IFerr. 8^° anaemia, leucaemia. Blood, circulation: easily agitated, Sib; symp- toms worse sitting bent forward and cough- ing, ISpong.; diminished flow to parts remote from heart, ICamph.; rapid deviations in dis- tribution, IGlon.; disturbed, in intermittent fever, IFerr, disturbance due to sudden and violent implication of solar plexus, with cya- nosis and threatened suffocation (cholera Asiatica), IOp.; embarrassed, in renal conges- tion, Crotal.; excited, All. sat., I I Amyl, IBell, Berb., Chin, s, ICornus, Ferr. iod, HVer. v., Zing.; excited in cholera infantum, IKali br.; excited, after coition, Amm. c; excited, in erysipelas traumatica, Apis; excited, in even- ing, with restlessness and trembling, ILye; excited, in hemorrhages, ICroe, IFerr.; ex- cited, with acute enteritis, IVer. v.; excited, in hypochondriasis, Vab; excited, during men- ses, ISub; excited, in metrorrhagia, IHyos.; excited, by every motion, INatr. m.; excited, with small, rapid pulse (pneumonia),IRan. b.; excited, when walking in open air, Amb.; im- peded, gives rise to cedema, ICoccul.; irregu- lar, Bor.; symptoms worse after lying down, and lying on right side, ISpong.; symptoms worse before menses, ISpong.; affected, in menopause, IILach.; deranged, portal, ICard. m.; easily quickened, Glon.; symptoms worse from smoking, ISpong.; threatened stagna- tion, ICarbo a.; symptoms wrorse going up stairs, ISpong.; as if suspended, IGels, ILye, Sabad.; as if stopped, 8 a.m., tingling to tongue and finger-tips, with anxiety, IBar. c; sensa- tion of stoppage, at night, with fright and then sweat (angina pectoris), ILye; weak, Agar., ICale, HCale p, Chlorof, ICinch., ICrotal, IDig, Eucab,IFerr. mur, IPuls., Sang,I ISep.; weak, in nervous dyspepsia, IHydr. ae; weak, in typhoid malarial fever, twentieth day, IHam.; weak, diminished, propelling power injures muscular fibres, Chin, s.; weak, with alenessand constant chilliness, IPuls.; weak, ut quickened, Amyb; weak, in sensitive, nervous subjects, I IKali ph. 8^" anaemia, chlorosis; also Chap. 40, Coldness. Blood, coagulation: formation of clots (fibri- nous) causes plugs, IKali m.; loose clots, I lAnthrac; partly clotted, in hemorrhage, IFerr.; easy, IMere; easy, to a gelatinous mass, Ferr. ph.; difficult, I IPhos.; slow, or not at all, Dig.; slow, in sycotic pneumonia, INatr. s.; non-coagulable, I lAnthrac, Apis, IChloral, ICrotal, Dory., IILach, Sec. 8®- thick, thin. Blood, color: black, Anthrac; black, coagulat- ed (viper bite), ICamph.; black, lumpy, fetid (cancer uteri), IGraph.; like tar, An- thrac; dark, with epistaxis, Crotal.; dark cherry red, I lAnthrac; dark,in yellow fever' IILach.; light, in hemorrhage, IMere; violet' 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. 821 Amyg.; arterial and venous, same color, Amyb; coloring matter escapes into plasma, Arg. nit 8®° hemorrhage. Blood, congestion: IIAcon., Act. sp, I lAn- thrac, IIBell, I ICact, ICale, IIFerr. ph, IFerr. s., Illie, IMelil, IMillef, INux v. Petrol., HPhos, IIPuls, HSub, IVer. v.; with anaemia, IFerr.; with aphonia, ICaust.; in capillary, causing blueness and coldness, ICarbo v.; capillary, burning of skin, worse from severe exercise or a warm room, IFerr. ph.; of peripheric capillary system, Ferr. iod.; cardialgia and headache, IKali c, during growth of children and young people, ISib; intense, simultaneously with choleraic col- lapse (meningitis), IVer.; chronic, IBelb; in whooping cough, IStram.; in second stage interstitial exudations, IKali m.; fulness, in various parts, as of too much blood, IliEsc. h.; most to head, lArs, IIBell, ICact, IIGlon.; from overaction of heart, in liver, kidneys and genitals, IlAur. mur.; better by hemorrhage, Melib; tendency to hemorrhage, Erig.; internal, ICamph.; local, Coff. t; of liver, lungs and kidneys (organic disease of heart), lApis; with amenorrhcea, IMere; precedes menstrual colic, IVer. v.; before metrorrhagia, IMere; upward, after menses, Thuya; depending on diminished action of motor nerves on muscular coat of bloodvessels (aphonia), ICaust.; better by nosebleed, with alternate sadness and cheerfulness, IKali m.; painless, IMere; periodic, Chin, s.; portal, LEse h, lAsaf, lApoe, ICard. m., Cimex, IKali m, IINux v., HSub; portal, bilious or gastric fever, occurring in hot weather, INux v.; portal, with vertigo, Asaf; in scrofula, IKali iod.; to single parts, IPuls.; sleepless, at night, IMere; arterial or venous, with sluggish circulation, Gels.; from steno- cardia, I Aur. mur.; causes white sputa, IKali m.; stagnation (uraemia), asphyctic form, IHydr. ae; causes swelling or enlargement of parts, IKali m.; causes white-coated tongue, IKali m.; blood tends upward, IGlon.; venous, I Asaf, Chin, a., IIHam, I ISars.; venous, especially from alcohol, iCrotal.; venous, in angina pectoris, Chin, a.; venous, with fatty heart, IPhos.; venous, consequent upon dis- ease of right heart, IPhos.; venous, especially portal and hemorrhoidal, II^Esc. h.; venous, with quinsy, dotal.; venous, passive, IGels.; venous, passive, with cardiac oppression, Ver. v.; venous, with costiveness of newborn children, ICroe; venous, passive, with pale, livid color of face, IDig.; venous, with direct paralytic-like affection of medulla spinalis, with general anaemia, ILach.; venous, with dark red surface, IOp.; venous, especially in throat, IThuya; venous, with vertigo, Cro- tal.; venous, causes vertigo, ISub; in weak or tubercular patients, IKali iod.; local, fol- lowing wounds, with or without hemorrhage and great nervous depression, Hyper. gg^~ plethora ; also Chap. 44, Inflammation. Blood corpuscles: rapid decay, IKali p.; dis- solution, See; disorganize, as after serpent poisoning.Dory.; increase's number of colorless, probably by causing hyperaemia of lymphatic glands, Tereb.; smaller and irregular (ascites), lApis ;' stimulate prolification of white, Cal- end.; 'corpuscles, only about twice as many red as white (chlorosis), Phos.; red, largely diminished, but their size becomes increased, being relatively to the size of healthy blood corpuscles as nine to seven, true macro-cythe- nia,Plumb.; abnormal number of white,Plumb. Blood, cyanosis: Aeon., Amm. c, IIAnt. t, Anthrac, Arn, Ars, HCamph., ICarbo a, HCarbo v, I ICed, Chin, a., Con, ICup.m., IIDig, Ipec, IILach, IILaur., IOp, Puis., IRhus, ISamb, ISee, IVer., Xan.; in angina pectoris, Chin, a.; during fit of asthma, llpec; in bronchitis, ILobel. b; with spasms of chest, llpec; in cholera, I Arg. nit, ICup. ac, ICup. m,IOp, • Sinap,IVer.; with convulsions,ICup. m, IVer.;in diphtheria,INaja ; with dyspnoea, llpec; with emphysema, I I Lobel. b; increased by a little exercise, ILaur.; with fainting, Dig.; in yellow fever, ICarbo v.; at beginning of spotted fever, I Amm. c; from non-closure of foramen ovale, IDig.; with gaping, IILaur.; dilatation of heart, I Ant. t; in hydrothorax, ILach.; in infants (morbus cceruleus), Am, Ars, iBor, ICact, ICarbo v., Cinch, IIDig., IILach., ILaur., Op, IPhos,Psor,Rhus, Sec, Sul.; sudden, on sitting down (heart affection), ILye 8®" Chap. 26, Asphyxia. Blood, decomposition: B^sT" septicaemia. Blood, ebullition (arterial excitement, orgasm): lAcon, Aloe, Amb, 11 Amm. m., HAmyb, I Aur. met., Anthrok, IBell, Bor, Cham., Cor- nus, IFerr, IGels., IIGlon, Iod, IILach., ILye,IMere, HPhos, IPhos.ae, Sabad, Sars, ISpong., HSub, Ver.; with anxiety, I Aeon., Aloe, I IBar. c, Cheb; drives out of bed, bet- ter by cold baths and friction (mania), Hod.; in whole body, Samb.; in chronic bronchi- tis, ISub; intense cerebral congestion, IBelb, IGlon.,IVer. v.; in chest (hemorrhoidal colic), lAbrot.; in puerperal convulsions, IVer. v.; evening and night, IMere; in yellow fever, IVer. v.; in haematemesis, lArs.; in haemopty- sis, IIAcon, I Ars, IMillef; with violent burn- ing in hands, HSub; to head and chest, IGlon., Sep.; in region of heart, Merc per.; with loud, strong heartbeat, IVer. v.; with heat from abdomen to head, IKali c; with heat, in evening, Sars.; with dry heat, at night, especially after midnight, Raph.; with amen- orrhcea, IMere; during menses, at night, ICale; at night, Amm. c, Sib, ISub; at night, with dreams and nightmare, ICale; at night, with restlessness, ISep.; at night, must sit up, ICarbo a.; at night after a long walk, Arg.nit; with palpitation, IINux v.; with palpitation, on awaking, IKali e; with weak, small pulse, I IKreo.; in renal inflammation, 11 Senecio; with restlessness, Aloe, Phos. ac; with rest- lessness and uneasiness, ICale; during first stage of scarlatina, IVer. v.; with tardy development of eruption, in scarlatina, llpec; excited by sensual impressions, IPhos.; with dry, burning skin, I ISang.; dur- ing sleep, INatr. e; disturbs sleep, IPhos.; prevents sleep for two hours, afternoon, in bed, Asar.; causes sleeplessness, Ign, IMere, IPuls., IIRan. b, Sep., ISib; with thirst, Bov.; with trembling, Samb.; with trembling, from slight exertion, IMere; after a walk in open air, or after a slight fit of anger, I IPetrol.; with weakness and anxiety, as if paralyzed, Amm. m.; caused by small quanti- ties of wine, Sil. 822 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. Blood, fibrin: augments and transforms into connective tissue, Calend.; deficient, IPhos.; destruction,Crotal. B®° coagulation, thick, thin. Blood, hemorrhage: lAcon.. i Ammoniac, IIArs., Bufo., -Cale s, Canth, Case, Cham., HCinch, ICroe, Diad, HErig, IFerr, IFerr. mur, IFerr. ph., IIHam, lllpec, IILach, Lachn., IIMurex, Mur. ac, INitr. ac,ISabina, ISenecio, Trill.; threatening abortion, ICin- nam.; in abortion, at third month, I ITrilb; after abortion, worse from motion, mental or sexual excitement, ISib; causes anaemia,IFerr.; with prolapsus ani (debility),ICollin.; asthen- ic, IHam.; asthenic, with exhaustion, IRatan.; in atonic constitutions, IIMillef; black, lArs, I Elaps, I Kali m, IKali ph.; black, from bowels (typhoid), IRhus ; black, from all outlets, IISul. ac; with feeling as if bones were bro- ken, Trill.; from bowels, ISee, ISib; of decom- posed blood from bowels (chorea), ILach.; bright, IIAcon, Ant. t, lArs, Dros., Graph, IFerr. ph., IHyos, lllpec, IKali ph, IIMil- lef , I Natr. m,Trill.; with dysuria, 11 Mitch .rep.; bright, in typhus, INitr. ae; incoagulable, I Apis; bright, fluid, IMillef.; bright, with shock from injury, IPhos.; with Bright's dis- ease, HPhos.; from abuse of Chamomile, ICinch.; passive, blackened coagula, worse from movement, I ISee; lumpy, light, coagu- lates easily, IFerr.; coagulates slowly or not at all, I Ars.; clotted, IKali m. (8®" coagu- lation); thick clots, fluid, or in one grumous mass, thick black and tarry, IPlat, IKali ph., INatr. m.; causes collapse and death (cyano- sis, asphyxia), I lAnthrac; relieves congestion, IMelil.; causes convulsions, ICinch.; after violent cough, Cochl.; dark, Ant. c, lApis, ICaust, Ign., ILye, INatr. m, IINitr. ac, Phos. ae; dark, easily coagulating, IPuls.; incoagulable, dark, in typhoid, IILach.; dark, from nose, gums and bowels, Amm. c; causes delirium, HCinch.; hemorrhagic diathesis, Sec; from different parts of body, 11 Anthrac.; in drops, crimson. Gels.; bad effects, IHam, HCinch., IFerr, Nux m, Stront; bad effects, after bloodletting, IBism., IILyc; of external ears, Bufo.; at 10, every evening, and during day when removing dressing (syphilitic ul- ceration of penis), ILac e; from overexertion, IINitr. ac; from external and internal parts, lArn.;exudations,hemorrhagic,Anthrae; six, profuse, on twentieth day after typhoid mala- rial fever,IHam.; with yellow fever, at an early stage, IPhos.; fluid, lArs.; frequent and pro- fuse, pouring out freely, then ceasing for a time, I IPhos.; from gums, IILach.; occasional, profuse, with haemoptysis, IPhos.; causes hysteria, ISticta; from inner parts, ICale, I IPhos.; from inner parts, particularly if blood is dark, INux v.; causes iritis, after confine- ment,ICinch.; all kinds, mostly from lungs and bowels, IIMillef; from leech bites, I Alum.; with cold legs, ITrilb; lips white, llpec, IVer.; of mechanical origin, lArn, IIMillef; between menses, Mang.; from all mucous membranes, IHam.; with tranquil mind, IHam.; after miscarriage, IBelb, IINitr. ac; from nose and teeth, at intervals, IKreo.; from nose, lungs and rectum, IKali iod.; in old women,after climacteric period, IMere; from all orifices, Diad.; oozing from every ori- fice and even pores, HCrotab; postpartum, preventive, IMillef; passive, IPhos. ac. Sec, Tereb.; passive, clotted, IThlaspi; passive, dark, IThlaspi; passive, dark, grumous (men- orrhagia), IFerr.; passive, with diseased liver or spleen, Card. m.; passive, profuse, from all parts, IThlaspi; passive, blood thin, blood corpuscles wanting in consequence of disso- lution (haematuria), ISee; with bluish-black prepuce (syphilis), IKreo.; profuse, I INitr. ac, 11 Phos., Trill.; profuse,bright, arterial,IHam.; profuse, passive, IKreo.; profuse, in pneumo- nia, IKali n.; profuse, especially of nose, kid- neys and uterus, Trill.; with threadlike pus, ISee; from rectum, ICact.; repeated from nose and mouth, with bluish-red, lentil-shaped spots all over body (purpura), I IRhus ; from rhagades, IINitr. ae; septic,IKali ph, IILach.; seemingly stop and in a few hours return, IPuls.; from free surface and from tissues, I IPhos.; typhoid, with fetid stools, followed by prostration, IKreo.; tendency, ICrotal, ILach,HPhos.; from extracting teeth, lAlum.; tendency, with cancer uteri, fungoid, malig- nant sarcoma, cauliflower excrescence in de- graded states of system, ICrotal.; tendency to, in old or intemperate subjects, Crotal.; follows detaching a piece of membrane from tonsil, I ILacc; from various organs, Urt. ur.; from various parts, blood dark, viscid, clotted, form- ing itself into long black strings, hanging from bleeding orifice, HCroc; after arrest, disposi- tion to be vehement, Hgn.; vicarious, ILach.; vicarious from nose, stomach, anus, urethra, IPhos.; viscid, IKali m.; watery, INatr. m.; watery, or bright, IDulc; sensation of weight in part from which blood flows, ISep.; after wounds, lArn, ICop. 8®" coagulation, thick, thin; also Chaps. 6, Ears; 7, Nose ; 10, Gums; 12, Mouth ; 13, Throat; 17, Stom- ach ; 19, Intestines ; 20, Hemorrhoids, Rec- tum ; 21, Bladder ; 23, Menses, Uterus ; 24, Postpartum; 28, Lungs. Blood, hyperaemia: 8®* congestion, pleth- ora. Blood, leucaemia (leucocythaemia): Acet. ac. Aeon, Ars, ICale, ICale p., Carbo v., ICinch., IDiad, Ipec, Kali ph, INatr. m, IINatr. p, INatr. s, INuxv., IPic. ac. Sub; in constitutions broken down by gonorrhoea, syphilis, alcohol, etc., ICrotal.; corpuscles normal as to quantity, but lack color ,Ferr. ph.; gonorrhoeal, IThuya; lienalis, I IKali ph. ggg~ anaemia, chlorosis. Blood, oxidation : imperfect, ICarbo v. 8®" cyanosis. Blood, plethora: IIAcon, lAur. met, IIBell., Bry., ICale, Ferr. iod, IOp.; active capillary congestion, IIAcon.; intense cerebral conges- tion, IVer. v.; fat children, llpec; causes emissions of semen, IINux v.; gastric or bil- ious fever, occurring in hot weather, or in warm, wet days, INux v.; in hypertrophied heart, lAur. met.; with nervous irritation and palpitation, I ILye vir.; causes nympho- mania, ISib; in well-nourished old people, INux v.; seeming, IFerr, IGlon.; venous', ICarbo a. Sub ae; especially in young per- sons, IStram. 8®*" congestion. Blood, septicaemia: I lAnthrac, IIArs, HCar- bo v, ICrotal., Kali br, IIKali ph.; affec- tions, IILach, I ISal. ac, ITarant.; from ab- 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. 823 sorption of deleterious substances, Anthrac; af- I fections produced by blood-poisoning,HLach.; in childbed, IIArs.; in diphtheria, ICrotal.; general dissolution, IPhos.; during drowsi- ness, fever and great prostration, Gels.; with epistaxis, ICrotal, ILach.; erysipelas, lApis, ICrotal.; morbid ferments, INatr. s.; pyaemia, IIAnthrac, lArs, ICrotal., IHip- poz, IILach., Ver.; pyaemia, gangrenous carbuncles, lAnthrac; pyaemia, in childbed fever (prophylactic), lArn.; decomposing rapidly, Anthrac; in scarlatina, I Apis, 11 Carbo v.; in scorbutus, INatr. m.; tendency to typhoid, HArn.; in typhus, lArs., ICup.m.; with yawning, Crotal.; with vomiting, Crotal. 8®* Chap. 44, Gangrene. Blood, serum: venous system, regulates water capacity of, Natr. s.; increase of watery ele- ments and decrease of solids, IFerr, I INatr.m. Blood, thick: like tar, viscous, Anthrac, Apis. 8®° coagulation. Blood, thin: Agar, Cinch., ILach, ISee; with epistaxis, Crotal.; very fluid, Calab.; watery, Cinch. BS^ coagulation. Blood, uneasiness: IISul. Blood, zymosis : 8@T* septicaemia. BLOODVESSELS, aneurism : I Aeon, Amb., Arn., Ars, Aspar, Aur. mur, IBar.m, IBell, HCact, ICale, Cann. s, ICarbo v., Caust., IDig., Ferr, IFerr. ph,Gels,Graph.,Guaiae, Kali c, ILach, ILye, Natr. m. Plumb, Puis, HSpig, ISpong, ISul, Zinc; by anasto- mosis, -Cact, Carbo v., Caust., Lye, IPhos., Plat, Plumb, Thuya, Ver. v., Zinc; arch of aorta, • Kali iod.; of descending aorta, IIRan. sc, I ISpong.; particularly of aorta, ICale; bleeding violently from least wound, ICarbo v.; flat, ICarbo v.; of large vessels near heart, IILyc. vir.; innominate artery, -Kali iod.; dilatation of left carotid and aorta, I ILach.; round, ICarbo v.; involving pressure on vagus and its branches, I lEucab; syphilitic, Iod, Kali iod. BST" capillaries. Bloodvessels, atheroma: Aur. mur., Bell., Brom, ICale, ICale fl. Caps, IGraph., Kali iod, ILach., ILact. ac, Lye, Phos, IPlumb, ISib, Sub; in morbus Brightii, I IPhos. ae; in obese persons, Caps.; in old people, ILach.; pulmonary arteries, dilatation of right heart (cerebral cedema), HPhos. Bloodvessels, burning: IIBry, HCale, IHyos, IOp.; of veins, in metritis (hemorrhoids), lArs.; runs through veins (quotidian inter- mittent), lArs.; as if hot water were flowing through, lArs.; feeling of hot water with sweat, disappearing when nausea comes on, Sinap. 8&* heat. Bloodvessels, capillaries : aneurism, IFluor. ac; causes contraction, Kali br.; dilatation, espe- cially of head, Amyb; venous dilatation of pharyngo-laryngeal parts, ICarbo v.; engorged with discharge of bloody serum (gunshot wounds), I Hyper.; erethism, following wounds with or without hemorrhages and great nerv- ous depression, Hyper.; fill slowly after press- ure on skin, in scarlatina, ILach.; disposition to hemorrhage, oozing of dark, thin blood (typhus putridus), ISul. ac; hyperaemia of veins, chronic cases of choroiditis in persons subject to, I IPuls.; injected (whoopingcough), IBelb; netlike appearance, ICaust; venous, slightest irritation causes bleeding, ICarbo v. $gT" aneurism, naevus. | Bloodvessels, clucking: pulsation in some of larger arteries, Caps. Bloodvessels, coldness : Aeon, Ant. c; sensa- tion of, in veins, IOp.; blood runs through veins like cold water, IVer. Bloodvessels, contraction : increase of arterial, Atrop. s.; of artery, during first part of attack of hystero-maiua, HTarant.; pale, scarcely visible, IKali m. Bloodvessels, distended: ICroe, IIHyos., IPuls, Spong.; arteries, Amyb; arteries, in cerebral congestion, IVer. v.; carotids, IBelb, IGlon, HVer. v.; especially those of head, face and feet, IFerr.; veins, jugular, Amyg, ICamph.; jugular and temporal, IGlon.; re- laxed,with nosebleed, in old people, IA gar.; ex- treme, of superficial, I Bell.; s welling of cutane- ous veins(intermittent),IFei-r.; swollen,in apo- plexy, IHyos.; lessened tonicity, consequent congestion, Lye vir.; veins, Alum., HChel., ICinch, Cinch, bol, IHam, IHyos, IPhos, Phos. ac, IPuls, Sang, Sars, ISpong, ISub; veins of arms and legs, Eucab; veins, hard, black cords in persons of robust health and accustomed to standing much on feet or sed- entary habits (varix), INux v.; veins as if they would burst (ebullitions), Amm. e; veins, with chill, ICheb; cutaneous veins, IFerr.; veins, with diarrhoea, HSub; veins, in dysentery, I Arn.; veins, engorged, IHep.; veins, during evening, IIPuls.; veins of feet, Ars, INatr. m.; veins, in prevailing fever, I Amm. m.; of fore- head and hands (hemorrhoidal colic),I Abrot.; veins, of hands, Bar. c; veins, about head and neck (puerperal convulsions), IChin. s.; veins, with dry heat in evening, IIPuls.; veins, in typhoid malaria, ILye vir.; veins, traced out by discolored lines over cedematous part, 11 Anthrac; veins, in old people, ISee; veins, in typhoid pneumonia, IPhos.; veins, super- ficial, IBelb; veins, superficial, indicating impairment of innervation of sympathetic system of nerves, IPod.; veins, swollen,Agar, Thuya; veins, swollen with heat, Nitr. sp. d. 8®*" relaxed, varicose. Bloodvessels, elasticity: Sumb. Bloodvessels, fatty degeneration : ICale Bloodvessels, circular fibres: acts on, IBell. Bloodvessels, hard: Spong. Bloodvessels, heat: arteries, as if blood were boiling, I Ars.; sensation of, all over veins, with desire to be bled, Xan. 8®" burning. Bloodvessels, induration of veins : also, sur- rounding cellular tissue, ILach. Bloodvessels, inflammation: IIHyos.; idio- pathic, of arteries, ICale; of veins i phlebitis), I Ant. t, I Apis, I Arn, Cham., IFerr. ph., IIHam, Lach., Lye, Nux v., IIPuls., Spig, Zinc; of veins, from cpntusion, I Arn, ICon., Hep., IKali c; of veins, cutaneous, hard, knotty and painful, swollen, IHam.; of veins, in low, debilitated, erysipelatous state of sys- tem, Crotal.; of veins, with metritis, IPhos.; of veins, prickling pains, IHam.; of veins, par- ticularly when pus is formed, IHippoz.; veins, parts bluish, soreness and stinging, IIPuls.; of veins, with typhoid symptoms, Apis, lArs, IBapt., Lach, IMur. ae, Phos, IRhus; vena cava, superior, 11 Phos. Bloodvessels, injuries: lArn, IHam, IRhus ; great blueness of veins on wounded arm,Lyss.; haemoptysis, from rupture, IIMillef; arteries, great redness of one wounded arm, Lyss. 824 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. Bloodvessels, murmurs: anaemic in arteries, IFerr.; anaemic, in veins (nun's murmur), IIFerr.; venous (chlorosis, diarrhoea), IFerr.s. 8®* anaemia, chlorosis; also, Chap. 29, Heart, sounds. Bloodvessels, naevus: ICale, Cund, Ferr. ph., HPhos.; of children, ICarbo v.; materni, ILye; several small round, elevated, of a light carmine color, soft and compressible, and re- sembling little flesh wrarts, Fluor, ac. B^°aneurism ; also Chap. 44, Tumor naevus. Bloodvessels, pain : in ascending aorta (hepatic disorder), ICrotal.; in aorta, if squeezed or compressed, Tarant; intense, in larger veins, Tereb. Bloodvessels, pinching: apparently in veins, IILyc. Bloodvessels, pricking: in arteries, Arund.; in veins, IILyc, IMere Bloodvessels, relaxed : arterial system, Amyl, Hydr. ae; veins, cutaneous, I IPuls. 8^° dis- tended. Bloodvessels, shooting: in veins, Brach. Bloodvessels, shot: sensation of shot rolling through arteries, Natr. p. Bloodvessels, softening: in vascular balls, Crotal. Bloodvessels, soreness : of veins, Sang. Bloodvessels, stenosis: of aorta, alleviates suf- ferings, 11 Hydrocot. 8®°" Chap. 29, Heart valves. Bloodvessels, stitching : pains in aorta, Tarant. Bloodvessels, stretched: aorta feels full, tense, Tarant. Bloodvessels, tense : arteries, Coff. Bloodvessels, throbbing: Anac, IBelb, ICale, ICarbo a., Coloe, IFerr, IGlon., llgn., Iod., I I Sabina,Sep, Sib; especially felt in abdomen, Selen, Tarant; on ascending aorta, ICrotal.; abdominal aorta, strong beating synchronous with beating of heart, IIEucab; abdominal aorta perceptible during rest after supper, Cain.jin larger arterial trunks, Iod.; in arteries, I I Amyl, INux m, IOp.; arteries of abdomen unusually violent, Caps.; arteries sensible, Con.; in all arteries, I ISpig.; arteries, with aphonia, IFerr.; arteries, often awakens with, INatr. m.; arteries, all over body, JEsc. h., Asar.; arteries, cerebral congestion, IBelb, IGlon, IVer. v.; in arteries, during cough, ICale; in arteries, after eating, IClem.; arte- ries in evening in bed, Sep.; arteries, in child- bed fever, IColoe; arteries, with heat in fever, IChel.; arteries of head, in sunstroke, IIGlon, HVer. v.; arteries, before menses, Thuya ; ar- teries of all parts of body, morning, waking, IBelb; arteries, at every muscular effort, Iod.; arteries, at night,lying down, HAmmoniae; arteries, when at rest, IKreo.; arteries, with cardiac rheumatism,'ICast.; arteries, sensible to tips of toes, IKali e; arteries, of temporal, ICamph.; arteries, temporal and carotid, vio- lent, IGlon., arteries troublesome, most per- ceptible when touching parts, IPuls.; arteries, violent, Stront.; arteries violent, pulse gener- ally full and fast, IMere; arteries, visible with rapid pulse, Jab.; arteries, with whirling in chest and brain, ICact, throughout whole body, Selen.; throughout body, with heat and sweat, IGlon.; especially when taking a deep breath, worse evening in bed, which he has to leave (chronicrheumatism), I ISabina ; caro- tids, beat full, Amyg., I IBelb IGlon ; even when quiet, Ferr. iod.; subclavian, I Ibpig-, with trembling and undulating Mere per ; inevening, lAsaf., Brach, Clem., IMere; with tremulousness, IPlat.; violent, in whole body, Sabina ; violent, during heat, IZinc . Bloodvessels, thrombosis (emboli): lApis, lArs, IKali m.; in albuminuria, ILac a.; collateral veins, circuit unusually developed, I Apis; of great veins of region of groins (py- aemia), lArs.; heart clot, suspected, with pneu- monia, Amm. e; in hydrogenoid constitu- tions, particularly with affections of glands, INatr. s.; middle of bend of thighs, a thick sensitive string all along inner side of thighs, lApis. Bloodvessels, tremulous feeling: Vinca. Bloodvessels, undulatory motion: in jugular veins, Amyg.; of jugular veins, during preg- nancy, IPhos. Bloodvessels, varicose veins: lArs., IBell, Berb, HCale, ICaust., IFerr., IIFluor. ac, IHep, INatr.m, INuxv, IPaeonia, IIPuls, IIRan.se, ISep., ISub; especially from alco- hol, Crotal.; with angina tonsillaris, IBar. m.; blue, ICarbo v.; afl'ected parts bluish, sore- ness and stinging, IIPuls.; burning, I Apis; burning like fire, particularly at night, IIArs.; constricting sensation, Ang.; extensive, pain- ful, with numbness or sticking itching in skin, Petrol.; from groin down thighs, Berb.; highly inflamed, IPuls.; labia, ICale; large, from slight cause, in weakly individuals, ISub; on leg distended during morning, Amb.; in left leg, Amb.; on legs, I IPuls.; on legs, with prosopalgia, IMez.; painful, IBrom, ICaust.; painful, worse towards evening, bluish, IPuls.; during pregnancy, IFerr, ILye, IMillef, IPuls.; during pregnancy, with heartburn, IZinc; during pregnancy, attributable to high living, IINux v.; sensitive, IHam.; stinging, I Apis ; with stinging or prickling, IIHam.; stitching, I I Ant. t; swollen, Berb, IIPuls.; on thighs, ICale; tumid, bluish, IHam.; ulcerated, IFluor. ac, IILach.; obsti- nate, especially in women who have borne many children, IFluor. ac; in young persons, Ferr. ph. 8@" distended; also Chap. 44, Ulcers, varicose. Bloodvessels, vibrating: Phell. HEART, aching: Amb, 11 Amyb, Amm d, Aur. mur,ICact, Cinch, bob, Crotal, INux v, I IRumex, Vespa ; asif a pressure came from abdomen and compressed heart, IINatr. m.; apex, towards base, IMere; dull, JEsc. h, Ver. v.; with dysmenorrhoea, Con.; with tightness in chest, better by eructation,IPhos.; with tremor, Bell. 8^° bruised, pain, sore- ness. Heart, action: B^T* beat. Heart, affections: IIAcon.,lAmm. c.,IIAmyb, I Ant. t, I Apoe, I Arn, I Ars., IlAur. met., IlAur. mur, IBadiag, IBrom, HCact, ICale, Cale a,-Cinnam, ICoca, ICrotal, ICup. m, IFerr., IGels, IHydras,Iber., IILach,ILaur.' ILil. tig,lILith.,ILobel. i,ILyc. vir,IMosch.| INatr. m., I IOp, Seneg, HSpig., HSpong.- in chlorosis, IPuls.; chronic, in young girls| from overlifting, ICaust.; with dyspnoea' HCollin.; of right, with venous stagnation' IPhos.; in scrofulous constitutions, ICale- with typhoid symptoms, ILye. g^- Con*J 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. 825 gestion, dropsy, fatty, functional, inflam- mation, neuralgia, organic, rheumatism, sounds, valves ; also Palpitation and Peri- cardium ; also Chap. 28, Inner chest angina. Heart, alive : as if something were struggling, anxiety on walking about, Cast eq.; as of a reptile moving from before back, worse day, ICact.; as of something alive running, ICycl. Heart, aneurism: HCact 8€sT" Bloodvessels aneurism. Heart, angina: 8®*" Chap. 28, Inner chest angina. Heart, anguish: IIAcon., lAur. met., lAur. mur, ICham., ICon, ICup. m, IMerecor, INux v. Plumb, Tarant.; with cough, 11 Cupr. s.; as though he would die, Carbo v.; in endocarditis, I Aur. mur.; as though he had committed some evil deed, when work- ing in open air, Cina; with faintness, Tabae; threatened paralysis of lungs, ICale; at night, IIArs., Rhus; with palpitation, IDig, HPhos.; with palpitation, and fear of death, and of imaginary forms, ghosts, IPlat.; par- oxysms of, about, with dyspnoea and febrile excitement, IIKalm.; in praecordial region, driving from place to place, I Aur. met.; in puerperal eclampsia, ICoccul.; with anxious restlessness, as if some evil impended, worse at night (melancholia), IMere; with spasms (epileptic), ILye; sudden, praecordial, ITabae; sometimes increasing to a desire for suicide, IPuls.ij with trembling fear of death, Aur. met.; epigastric tremor, with marasmus, IHydras.; in uterine neuralgia, Con. im- proved, Tarant. cured. 8®° anxiety; also Palpitation anguish; also Chap. 28, Inner chest angina. Heart, anxiety: IIAcon, JCthus, I Amyl., I lAnthrac, IIAnt. t, I Arg. nit, IArs,IArs. i, lAur. met, I Aur. mur. Bar. c. Bell, Bry, ICale, Camph, ICanth., Caps, Carbo v, IColch., ICup. m, llgn, IKreo, I ILactu. v, Lyss., Merc, cor, Millef, I IPhos., IPuls, I ISticta, ITabae,Tarant, I IVer.; in climaxis, I ITherid.; with coryza, ISpig.; in hysteria, ICinnam.; faintness, 11 Amyb; with attacks of pain in chest, IPsor.; in cholera, I IVer.; causing constriction of chest (hysteria),ICin- nam.; and restlessness, as if she had committed a crime, or some misfortune were in store, drives her from one place to another (amen- orrhcea from fright), I I Rhus ; with cyanosis, HCarbo v.; feeling of debility (hypertrophy), IIHep.; with dyspnoea, lllpec; recurring several successive evenings, better by eating, but afterwards tormenting him for hours in bed, I IPhos.; as if some evil were going to happen, Menyanth.; with facial neuralgia, HSpig.; with fear of death, dyspnoea and restlessness, 11 Psor.; fears that unless con- stantly moving heart will cease to beat, fear of death, IIGels.; in great grief, INaja; con- gestion to head, I Aur. met.; headache (can- cer labii), 7rCamph.; with indigestion,Camph.; while lying, beating like waves, Jacea ; in mental derangement, IBrom.; with nausea and peculiar sensation of hunger, I IPhos.; night and morning, Ast. r.; causing oppres- sion (asthma), I Amb.; unsupportable pain (intermittent), lArs.; palpitation, IPlumb.; peculiar sensation in chest, Colch.; in acute pericarditis, HSpig.; obliging constant change of position, Hod.; with tight, difficult res- piration, IPrun.; cannot rest anywhere, Hell.; in rheumatism of heart, ILach.; with sighing and trembling, IPlumb.; while sitting, ICaust.; with urging towards abdomen and liver, Act. sp.; after uterine hemorrhage, IlAur. met.; visions, in mental aberration, ICale; with weakness, IGlon.; with weeping, ICamph., llgn. 8@°° anguish; also Palpita- tion anxiety; also Chap. 28, Inner chest, angina. Heart, arms: pain extending down left, lAcon, Crotal, IKalm, IIRhus, ISpig., Tabae; down right, Phyt, Spig. Heart, asthma: 8®" breathing. Heart, beat (action): abnormal movements, Arund.; absent, apparent death, IIAnt. t, ICampb., ICochb; alternate acceleration and suspense in, Tarant.; acceleration, no abnor- mal sound, later a presystolic blowing, as if muscular fibres of heart participated in general spasms (chorea), IMagn. p.; one strong beat, causing change from agony into repose (an- gina), lAmyb; alarmed quivering motion, ISep.; very annoying, worse lying on back, Arg. met.; causing anxiety (angina), I Aur. mur.; audible, Dig, Iod, ISub; audible, with anxiety, Amm. c; audible, causing pain in back (arthritic rheumatism), I ISpig.; audible, with congestion to chest, Thuya; audible, with nausea (rheumatism), IIThuya; strong, felt in whole body, worse from every motion, IGraph.; bounding, IDig.; as if it would cease, during severe menstrual pain, Vib.; as if it had ceased, Ast. r.; ceases suddenly, I Act. rac; ceases suddenly, patient fears to die, Tarant.; violent, with op- pression of chest, I IKali m.; so strong, cloth- ing is lifted from chest (hepatic affections), ICheb; compass increased, Bapt.; conscious and annoying, IPhos.; could not be counted during paroxysms of cough (disease of heart), I Amyl.; depressed, I I Amyb; altogether different in poisoning by foul breath, lAnthrac; diminished, Guarana ; diminished (uraemia, asyphyctic form), IHydr. ac; im- pulse diminished (pleuritis, with plastic exudation), IHep.; double stroke, Spong.; violent, in dropsy of chest, IKali iod.; dull, Ast. r., Colch.; felt and heard throbbing against ribs, after easting, ICamph.; extends into epigastrium, worse in evening, lying on back or left side, HAmmoniae; excessive, in exophthalmic goitre, Hod.; excessive im- pulse (enlargement of right ventricle), ICact; excessive, from plethora, IGels.; excited, Iber.; easily excited, IGlon.; excited, small, rapid pulse (pneumonia), IRan. b.; violent, in evening, Thuya; like a sudden falling from above towards middle, Arg. nit.; feeble, after disappointment in her affections, I IPhos. ac; feeble, with asthma, Hydr. ac.; feeble, with cough, Lye vir.; feeble, in spasm of glottis, Hod.; feeble, in heart affection, ILach.; feeble, incomplete, I Aeon.; feeble and irregular, Calab.; feeble, in cerebrospinal meningitis, IHydr. ac, Calab.; feeble, worse from motion, Hod.; cannot be felt by hand, Acet.ac,I IOp, Stram., Tarant.; floundering (endocarditis), lAur. met.; fluctuation, when turning on side (hydrothorax), I Apis; fluttering, Ver. v.; forc- ible, I Ascl. t; forcible, lifting hand lying on 826 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. chest, 11 Agar.; frequent, each beat double, one hard and full, the other soft and small, Lachn.; frequent, a single kick and jump (relieved by Lycop.),Mere iod. flav.; frequency alternating with slowness (enlargement of left ventricle and irritation of cardiac nerves), ICact.; fre- quent, with incontinence of urine, I Arg. nit.; full, Codein.; full, in heart affection, ISumb.; full, rapid, jarring, while lying, iEseh.; fuller, if he breathes deeper when faint, Asaf; furi- ous, I IPrun.; hard, I Ascl. t; hard, followed by faintness, with darkening before eyes (mental derangement), I IManc; hard, furi- ous, yet its motion could hardly be discov- ered at time for return of menses, HCalab.; hard, regular, Camph.; hard, strong, IFerr.; reverberates in head, Bell.; distinctly heard over chest (after scarlatina), I Apis ; heard and felt to pulsate lying on right side, Badiag.; heavy, I Ascl. t.; heavy, with dyspnoea, IHydras.; heavy, oppressed action, from go- ing up stairs or quick walking, ILye; violent, from imagining it is going to stop or breathing is going to stop, I ILacc; imperceptible, ICro- tal.; impulse increased, IGlon.; impulse strong, especially after exertion or during digestion (heart affection), ISum.; impulse scarcely per- ceptible, Ant. t; almost inaudible, IDig.; in- creased, Arum d, Ascl. s, Aur. mur, ICact, IChloral., Jab.; increased, on excitement, Asaf; increased, action rapid, irregular, tu- multuous, blending first and second sounds, indistinguishable (congestion to head during menses), IGlon.; increased by motion (spasm of glottis), Hod.; increase of force of apex, with palpitation, lllber.; increased, with slow pulse, IDig.; increased, with loss of rhythm, Polyg.; indistinct, one running into the other, HSpig.; indistinct, in pericarditis, IColch.; quickened by deep inspiration, Asaf.; increased from 70 to 96, Iber.; increased, 200 per minute, Chin, a.; intermittent, Ant. t, Benz. ac, Camph, Crotal, IIDig, IHydras, I Hod, Jab, IKali br, IKali c. Zinc; intermittent, in angina pectoris, IKali e; feeling as if it intermitted a single beat, producing cough which seems to re-establish circulation (rheumatism of heart), ILach.; intermittent, w-ith acute darting, Lye vir.; intermittent, from violent emotions, grief, care, IKali ph.; intermittent, in feeble persons, with obstruc- tion to hepatic circulation, IVer.; inter- mittent, misses every fourth, Tabae; intermit- tent, with fulness, lArg. nit.; intermittent, in heart disease, lArs., IIDig., ILach.; intermittent, after operation for hemor- rhoids, ICroe; intermittent, with morbid nervous sensitiveness, IKali ph.; intermit- tent, with tensive pains across chest, IKali iod.; intermittent in thrombosis, lApis; interrupted, Agar., 11 Arg. met, Samb.; inter- rupted, most after dinner, ISep.; interrupted rhythm, with increased action (dysmenor- rhoea), I ITarant.; irregular, I Arg. nit., Asaf, I lAspar, I ICalab., ICed, Chin, a, I IChloral, ICoca, Colch, HCollin, IIDig, IGels, Jab, IKali c, ILach, ILaur, IPod, I ISpong, IZinc; irregular, in rapid succession, causing anxiety, after eating, ICoccus; irregular, in force and rhythm, alternating with aphonia, lOxal. ae; irregular, in apoplexy, ICoccul.; irregular, in cardiac chorea, ICup. ars.; irreg- ular, with coldness and insensibility, l>ang.; irregular, with constriction of chest (rheuma- tism after disappearance of swelling of joints), I Aur. mur.; irregular, with cardiac distress in night, lArn.; irregular,with dyspnoea, IKali e; irregular, with oppression of breathing worse from slight exertion (chest affection), Meny- anth- irregular, with feeling of congestion about head, Sarrae; irregular, in heart dis- ease, I Ars, Hydras, ISum.; irregular, in en- largement of left ventricle with irritation of cardiac nerves, ICact.; irregular, in hepa- titis, ICheb; irregular, intermittent, ILact; irregular, sometimes loud (enlargement and congestion of liver), Magn. m.; irregular, worse lying on left side, INatr. m.; irreg- ular, in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICalab., IHydr. ae; irregular, on rapid motion, I Cact; irregular, especially from slightest motion, INatr. m.; irregular, with hysteric palpitation, INux m.; irregular, in pericarditis, ILach.; irregular, in pneumonia, IChel, I ISang.; irregular, during pregnancy, lArg. met.; irregular, at puberty, IDig.; irregular, small, ICact.; irregular, large and small, inter- mixed, lAlum.; irregular, spasmodic, Zinc; irregular, strong, on sitting down, Agar.; irregular, with tensive pains across chest, IKali iod.; irregular, with trembling of limbs, ICoff; irregular, weak, no cardiac murmurs, or other signs of strictural change, IDig.; irritable, IIArs.; jerking, All. sat.; jerking, especially after exertion or during digestion (heart affection), ISumb.; jumping, Ast. r, Aur. met.; knocking, with violent breath- ing, Prun.; labored, IIGlon, Lye vir.; la- bored, in heart disease, IHydras.; labored, and intermittent from least exertion, IDig.; labored, after headache, ILye vir.; loud,Cod., Cupr. s.; loud, with arterial excitement, IVer. v.; stronger to hearing and feeling, lying on back than on side, with anxiety and rest- lessness, Cact.; at least movement, IDig.; so increased by motion that he cannot speak for hours after fright, I IStram.; fearfully aggra- vated from even a very moderate motion, Prun.;muffled, in albuminuria,ILye; muffled, in pericarditis, IColch.; after an attack of cholera caused by quinine, omission of beat as soon as he was talking or thinking of it, 11 Oxal. ae; peculiar, as though it failed fully to accomplish it, pulse intermitting each time, worse lying,especially on leftside, IGels.; per- ceptible,with coldness in cardiac region, I IKali m.; hardly perceptible, Vespa; not percep- tible, Chin, a.; not perceptible, the sounds scarcely audible (spinal irritation), IChin. s.; pressing, constrictive, with anxiety, IDig.; strong and quick, with pressure like a marble from epigastrium towards heart, IKalm.; sud- den, after pressing, as if to belch, Calc. a.;: prolonged, Ast. r.; pulsations seem to fill chest, Bapt.; more vigorous than pulse (angina pec- toris), IDig.; quick, I Aeon, Asaf, HAspar, Coccul, Con, IKali e; quick, seems to force blood violently through whole body,Ferr. iod.; quick, after disappointment in her affections^ I IPhos. ac; quick, with chronic passive hem- orrhage, I ISee; quick,irregular, Agar.; quick small, IGlon.; quivering, in angina pectoris' lArn.; racing, with dry, burning skin, I I Sang- rapid, Acet.ac, 11 Agar., Anthrac, Ant.t.,Apls' 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. 827 Bapt, Bry, ICed, I IChloral., 11 Collin, Cro- tal., IDig, IFerr., IKalm, Med., HPlumb.; rapid, in rheumatic carditis, I ISpig.; rapid, violent, worse lying on right side, or a long time in one position, Alum.; rapid, in paren- chymatous metritis, I I Lac c.; rapid, on rapid motion, ICact.; rapid, from going up stairs, or quick walking, ILye vir.; rapid, eight or ten times, then slow (heart affection), ISumb.; three or four rapid, small, then several slow, strong, IDig.; rapid, weak, ICollin.; resonant, HPlumb.; felt against ribs, after meals, ICamph.; as if it had not room enough, HCact; heard in scapular region, Absin.; shakes body, Arum d, IINatr. m., Seneg.; shakes body, in organic disease of heart, I Apis ; sharp, in angina pectoris, I Aur. mur.; sharp, in heart affection,ISumb.; short, Ant. t, Asaf; short, on rapid motion, ICact.; disturbs sleep (scarlatina), 11 Amm. e; causing sleep- lessness, in angina pectoris, I Aur. mur.; slow, ICamph., Chlorof, IGels, IHell, Jacar., IKali br. Lye vir., Stram, Vespa ; slow, in epistaxis, Asaf; slow, feeble, cannot be felt, IIGels.; slow, but hard, aroused suddenly, Diose; slow, probably owing to fatty heart, I I Phos.; slow, hardly sixty to a minute (intercostal neuralgia), HStann.; slower and slower, until it almost ceases, then suddenly rises in frequency with each return of spasm (tetanus), IHydr.ac; slow,in typhoid, IHelb; small, Ant. t, Asaf; smaller and less energetic or scarcely perceptible, IDig.; small, in heart affection, ILach.; soft, in typhus, Crotal.; soft, as if in water, with sinking of heart, and sick- liness and faintness all over, Sumb.; spasmodic, IZinc; spasmodic, in scarlatina, ICup. ae; sudden spasmodic action, as if it had jumped out of its place, Merc. iod. flav.; more distinct on right of sternum, Lye vir.; seems to stand still, then start with a tremendous bound, fol- lowed by rapid tremor (functional disturb- ance), ILach.; as if stopped, then beating violently, paroxysms after midnight, with loud belching, better by drinking hot water and keeping .warm, INux m.; on stooping, Cann. s.; strange, Agar.; too strong, I lAn- thrac; strong, Aloe, Anthrok., Ars., Aur. mur, Colch., Con, Iber., Rhod.; strong, in albuminuria, ICale a.; strong, extended over an unnaturally large area, lAspar.; strong, in asthma, I ITabae; strong, with arterial excite- ment, IVer. v.; strong, in rheumatic carditis, HSpig.; strong, indistinct, muffled sound (rheumatism), IDig.; strong, and laborious (meningitis), IGlon.; strong, irregular, trem- bling, IMang.; third or fourth, stronger, fol- lowed by an intermission, IKalm., strong, in pericarditis, IColch.; strong, quick, with nervousness, sleeplessness, and cerebral ereth- ism, caused by unexpected news of great good fortune, ICoff.; strong, from twelve to twenty times, then weak four or five times, IDig.; strong, in pneumonia, IPhos.; strumming, as if it would burst, along sternum to throat, IKalm.; sudden, violent, with disturbed rhythm, I IDig.; symptoms increase and de- crease according to weakness or strength of beat Lye v.; radial artery not synchronous (diarrhoea), IDig.; throbbing, ILith., Tarant; throbbing, in angina pectoris, I Amyb; throb- bing audible, Agar.; throbbing, audible,in veta, ICoca; throbbing, in acute catarrh of children, llpec; throbbing, through whole body, Tell.; throbbing, in convulsions after labor, IGlon.; throbbing, to left eye and side of head, Chrom. ac.; after flushing, Alum.; throbbing, so as to be distinctly heard,Bapt.; throbbing heavy, Med.; throbbing, at night, lying down, I lAm- moniac.; throbbing, with nausea, IIKali e; throbbing, peculiar below, Calad.; throbbing, may be seen through clothing, HSpig.; throb- bing, extending into throat and head, I IPhos.; thumping, as from fright, Tarant.; thumping, awakens as if frightened, IMere; an occa- sional hard thump, Sep, IZinc; trembling, Cina, IStaph.; tremulous, worse after eating (endocarditis), ICale; tremulous, in affections of heart, ISep.; tremulous, in idiopathic and rheumatic endo- and pericarditis, Ver. v.; tre- mulous, in nervous and hysterical disorders, ISpig.; tremulous, at night with anguish (en- docarditis), ICale; tumultuous, I Amyl, IDig., lllod, IKali e, IKalm, HPlumb, I ISpig, I IStram, Tarant, I IVer.v.; tumultuous,with shortness of breath upon least exertion, I IPhos.; tumultuous, in bronchial and ves- ical catarrh, ICop.; tumultuous, with tensive pains across chest, IKali iod.; tumultuous, in chorea, HSec; tumultuous, alternating with feeble, irregular beating (hydropericardium), I Ars.; tumultuous, fluttering, Ferr. mur.; tu- multuous, with protrusion of eyes (morbus Basedowii), ILye vir.; tumultuous, in disease of heart, I Amyb; tumultuous, while lying down after dinner. Coccus; tumultuous, in cerebrospinal meningitis), ICalab.; tumultu- ous, menses absent two and a half months, ICycb; turbulent, for a short tinje, in cardiac rheumatism, ICact.; turbulent, with suffoca- tive attacks (enlargement of heart), ICact.; sensation as if heart turned over and ceased beating for a moment, then commenced again with increased force, ILach.; when turning over in bed, shaking left side of thorax (typhoid fever), IVer. v.; twofold, HAspar.; undulating, Benz. ae; unequal, Ant. t.; an uninterrupted rush of blood through heart (cardiac rheumatism), I ISpig.; vacillating, Con.; violent, 11 Amyl, Ang., IIArs., Bry, IGlon, Hyper., IIKali m., Lib tig, Nitr. sp. d., INux m.; violent, Stront, Tabae; violent, in apoplexy, 11 Puis.; violent, in asthma, Hydr. ac, violent, bending body down, Agar., violent, distinct, over whole body, IGlon.; violent, with oppression of breathing, worse from slight exertion (chest affection),Menyanth.; violent, with dyspnoea, IKali c; violent, with throbbing carotids and throughout body, visible to eye and shaking bed, 11 Rumex -, violent, with tensive pains across chest, IKali iod.; violent, shakes walls of chest, Arum d.; violent, in whooping cough, IStram.-, violent, in cynanche cellu- laris, Anthrac; violent, with diarrhcea, Dig.; violent, after exertion, IlAur. met.; violent, with pain in cardiac region (heart disease), I IOp.; violent, in heart affection, ISumb.; vio- lent, in endocarditis, with gastritis, IBism.; violent, in idiopathic and rheumatic endo-and pericarditis, Ver. v.; violent, intermitting, tremulous (heart affection), ISep.; violent, on moving body, Cann. s.; violent, in perimyeli- tis, I ISep.; violent, with pain at each pulsa- 828 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. tion, as if knife were being thrust through occiput, Con.; violent, sudden, in pleurisy, Ant. t.; violent, not synchronous with pulse, I lAur.met.; violent and rapid, Glon.; violent, not rapid, IIDig.; violent, each beat felt in stomach and causes nervous trembling feeling across epigastrium, Ferr. iod.; violent, with tenderness of stomach, Codein.; violent, ex- tending into throat, HPhos.; violent, with trembling of limbs, ICoff; violent, uniform, IIKali in.; violent, wakes up with, ISep.; visible, Agar, IKalm, HPetrol, HSub; vis- ible, in carditis, ICarbo v.; visible, in func- tional disturbance of heart, ILach.; visible, especially at night, lAspar.; visible (ictus cor- dis), lifting stethoscope, IKalm.; moving wall of chest up and down, Cup. a.; like waves, with anxiety about heart while lying, Jacea ; weak, Amyg, Anthrac, lAnt. t. Apis, lArs, Asaf,lAspar, IlAur. mur., 11 Chloral, Chlorof, Citrus,ICrotal, ICup. m.,Dig, IGrin, IIHydr. ac, Iber., IKali br, IKali c, ILach, ILaur, Lil. tig, ILye vir, I ISep, Stram, ITabae, Ver. v.; weak, cannot stimulate brain suffi- ciently, IDig.; weak, if he holds breath, Asaf.; weak, in cardiac hyperaesthesia, Hgn.; weak, in cholera, ICup. ae; weak, with constipa- tion (angina pectoris), HPhyt; weak, with cough, Lye vir.; weak, more frequent and in- termittent, sometimes irregular, IIDig.; weak, and irregular (chlorosis), IIPuls.; weak and irregular, usual sounds inaudible, IDig.; weak, in organic affections, dyspnoea and constric- tion of base of chest, I IChloral; weak, in pericarditis, IColch, I ISpig.; weak, in pneu- monia, I ISang.; with weakness to sinking, ILach.; weak, sounds distant and feeble, IKali br.; weak, from going up stairs, or quick walking, ILye vir.: weak, in stenocardia, I Aur. mur.; weak, seems suppressed, Colch.; beat weak, in tetanus, ICie; weak, in ty- phoid, IMosch.; weak in typhus, I Arg. nit; weak, with incontinence of urine, I Arg. nit.; whirring, I IPhos. 8®*" stopped feeling. Heart, boiling: bubbling, with sweat, Lachn.; 8®" congestion. Heart, boring: ICup. m., Magn. p., Rhod., Seneg.; irregular pulse, and feeling of distress, Stilling. Heart, breaking : as if something were, away (hydrothorax), lApis. Heart, breathing: organic disease, with spas- modic asthma, HSpong.; cardiac dyspnoea (anasarca), Amyb; cardiac region, pain in, with anxious dyspnoea, IPsor.; disease of, with oppression and want of breath, ILach.; smothered feeling about, IStram.; sudden stuffed feeling, in praecordia, like arrest of breathing, 'Guaiae; suffocation about, with faintness, IMere iod. flav.; suffocation, with nausea and giddiness^ Merc. iod. flav.; sense of suffocation, in cardiac region (heart affec- tion), ILach.; suffocative spells, ILaur. flgT* Chap. 26, Asthma, Dyspnoea, Suffoca- tion heart Heart, bronchia: overaction causes bronchial symptoms, ICact. Heart, bruised feeling: lArn. Beaching, soreness. Heart, burning: JEsc. h, Ananth, lArg. nit, HArs., Aur. mur., ICarbo v, Lyss., IPuls, Rumex, Ustil.; through to back, and down left arm, Med.; in drunkards, IOp.; dull, IVer. v.; oppressive, Arg. met; in angina pectoris, IKali e; with hiccough, Agar.; with palpitation, Caust.; to left shoulder blade, caused by deep respiration, worse by cough, sneezing, hiccough, 11 Agar. Heart, bursting sensation: Asaf; with ebul- litions, Amm. e; from congestion, fluttering, Lil. tig.; painful, Lyss. . Heart, buzzing sensation : in chlorosis, ICycb Heart, catching pain: better for a time from pressure of hand, IPuls. Heart, cavity: feeling of a, where heart ought to be, Med. ... Heart, cold feeling : IKali bi, I IPetrol.; with perceptible beating, I IKali m.; with horripi- lations (indurated pancreas), ICarbo a.; icy (intermittent), INatr. m.; especially when exerting mind, INatr. m.; with palpitation, IKali m.; like a cold stone, IPetrol. Heart, concussion: pushing pain, like a con- cussion, Ang. Heart, congestion (rush of blood): lAcon, I Asaf, Hyper, INux m, ISub; causes anxiety after menses, llgn.; as if blood had all gone to heart, producing feeling as if he must bend double, cannot walk straight, I I Lil. tig.; as if all blood would goto, IIPuls.; as if blood were rushing to, thence to head and then over body, INux m.; in convulsions, IGlon.; in drunkards, Dig.; blood seems to rush and mount rapidly into head, IIGlon.; at night, with anxious dreams, IPuls.; during a rapid walk, Plumb.; with uterine complaints, I INux m. Heart, constriction : 11 Amyl, Ang, lAnth- rac, Apis, Ars., Ast. r., Berb, Bufo, HCact, Chrom. ae, Chlor, Coccul., IDig, Ferr., Graph, ILach., Lact. ac. Lib tig., ILye vir., IPlumb, Ver; as if an iron hand prevented normal movements, HCact.; as if held by an iron hand or bolts (angina pectoris, cardiac rheumatism, fatty degeneration, hyper- trophy), I ICact.; sensation of a narow band encircling body and lying upon heart, HPhos.; in region of base, lAilant; like rush of blood to left chest, with palpitation and urging to stool, Calc. a.; bound to- gether as if it could not beat, Asaf.; as if chest were too narrow or too full of blood (incipient tuberculosis), fAgar.; cramp in region of, worse walking, raising oneself, or slightest exertion, Bry.; with slight depression, better bending chest forward, Lact. ac.; with dysp- noea, Amyb; before epileptic attack, ICalea, ILach.; after grief, llgn.; as of a hoop around, ICact.; oppressive, Merc, per.; painful, Ang, I I Ascl. t.,Cund., painful, in region, with anx- iety (angina pectoris), ISpong.; painful, with chorea, ICact., painful drawing in region, Ferr.; painful, through to scapula, ILil. tig.; with palpitation, Cact; violent, with intermit- tent pulse and feeling of oppression in lower portion of chest, as if lungs had no room to expand, Berb., INatr. m.; spasmodic, Arg. met.: spasmodic, in praecordial region, check- ing breath, then violent shocks, stitches in heart leaving aching pain, ICale; as if screwed together, INaja ; as if squeezed, lllod.; asif squeezed ,dyspncea,groaning from pain ,cannot lie down (functional disturbances of heart) ILil. tig.; feeling as if squeezed with a hand' 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. 829 ISpig.; felt as if it would be squeezed off, I INux m.; pain as if squeezed or compressed, Tarant.; sudden pain, as if squeezed (angina pectoris), I Arn.; sensation as if right side were being squeezed, Bor.; squeezing about, Berb.; with pressure on temples (angina pectoris), I IPhyt. 8®* grasping, tension. Heart, contractions: increase, Atrop. s.; at intervals of three or four beats, after which a much longer interval,Iber.; tumultuous, ir- regular, forerunner of paralysis (capillary bronchitis), IVer.; stronger, Aur. mur. Heart, cough : with cardiac affections, HCol- lin.; with sympathetic affections, IILach.; irritating, svmpathetic, attending organic dis- eases, INaja. ■ BST" Chap. 27, Cough heart. Heart, cramps : Ars, Kali e, Myrica, Tarant, Thuya ; crampy pain in or about, as if it were hanging by bands firmly drawn around (an- gina pectoris), IKali c; cramplike feeling in, Zinc; griping about region. Cup. m.; cramp- like pain in region of, I I Ptel.; cramplike pain, causing palpitation with anxiety in praecor- dia, DLach.; in region of, Ananth.; in region of, spasmodic griping, with rolling of abdo- men, as if something alive were there (sup- posed taenia), HSep. Heart, crushing: sensation about, 01. an.; sen- sation as if being crushed, with palpitation, I ISpig. Heart, cutting : Brom, IColch.; sharp cutting in apex at commencement of loss of strength, BLac def; painful in region, arresting breath- ing and motion with faintness (angina pecto- ris). IDiosc, in region, interrupts breathing, ICale; painful in region of, with severe chills, increasing to convulsive violence and ending by his falling to floor apparently dead, rigid and pulseless (convulsions), IPhos.; fine pain in region, beginning in, extends and fixing itself in stomach (after operation for hemor- rhoids), ICroe; painful, as with knives, in- crease or decrease, with redness of face, fol- lowed by general coldness, attacks only when waking up, I ISub; periodical, in region, ex- tends to shoulders, head and arms (arthritic rheumatism), I ISpig.; in region, Aur. mur.; at 4 p.m., Ars. m.; slow pain, from above downward through centre, motion and breathing impossible, ICact. 8@~ darting, stitches. Heart, cyanosis: 8®* Blood, cyanosis Heart, darting: JEsc. h. Apis, Naja, Phos.; to epigastrium (angina pectoris), 11 Oxal. ac; through, at night, inbed,Iber.; pains through, at night, in bed, worse lying on left side, Iber • acute pains, with intermission of pulse and heartbeat, Lye vir.; shoots to right, Ascl. t; when walking, after abuse of mer- cury and after repeated endocarditis, I Kali iod. 8^- lancinating, shooting stitches. Heart, deathlike feeling: to left back (cardiac rheumatism), ICact . Heart dilatation: g^~ organic affections. Heart' displaced : in dropsy of chest,IKah iod.; in a'sthma, I ITabae; by pleuritic exudation, l ISul • pushed down, in emphysema,I ITereb ; nressed to right, IKali iod.; pressed to right, heat feebly, 98 in a minute (enlargement of Sen), I Wad. tfT dropsy; also Chap. 28, Tnner che^t dropsy, and Pleura exudation. Heart distress: HArn, Caust, Tarant.,1 IVer.; in amenorrhcea, I Apis; cough seems to pro- ceed (ague), ISamb.; with dyspnoea, Lyss.; in typhoid fever, IVer. v.; with flatulence, IIKali ph.; in hysteria, I Amm. e; worse morning and evening, and when thinking of it, Lye vir.; at night, lArn.; and with audible "knocking" respiration (like sound of axe chopping wood), ILobel. c; with irresistible sleepiness, ICamph.; indescribable, on touch- ing irritable spine, HTarant; when spoken to with coldness, ICamph.; uneasy, when pain in limbs and great toe are better, Natr. p. 8®" anxiety, fulness, heaviness. Heart, dragging: Iber.; in great grief, INaja; especially on beginning to move, IRhus. Heart, drawing: Aur. mur, ICanth., Cod., IFerr.; with aneurism, HSpig.; dull, over, worse stooping, Oleand.; with oppression on deep breathing, Card, m.; painful, at apex, IFerr. mur. Heart, dropsy (with heart disease): ICact, iCale p, HCollin, Cop, IIDig, -Elat., i Jab, IKali m, HLac def.,IILach, INatr. in, I IPhos, IPrun.; ascites, especially in old persons, IKali c; oedema of left hand only, HCact 8^° Pericardium, effusion. Heart, ears: noises in ears, synchronous with heartbeats, on sitting up, INux v.; rever- berates (meningitis), IBufo. Heart, ebullition: 8ST congestion; also Chap. 28, Inner chest, ebullition. Heart, sensation of emptiness: Coccul. Heart, endocarditis : 8€sT inflammation. Heart, enlargement: 83T organic affections. Heart, epigastrium: apex feels beating (em- physema), IITereb.; heat rising, after exer- cise, I IFerr.; stitches between heart and epi- gastrium, ISpig.; throbbing, Alum. Heart, erethism: ILye vir. Heart, eyes: amblyopia with heart affections, ILach.; protrusion, in morbus Basedowii, ILye vir. 8^* Chap. 5, Eyes, protruding. Heart, failure : 8®~ paralysis, weak. Heart, faint feeling: with cardiac depression, Lye vir.; with pain, ICact.; worse after se- minal emission, Asaf.; sensation goes through to back with sinking, Lyss.; sinking feeling, in dropsv, I IDig.; paroxysms, with sinking sensation, worse face purple, IDig.; about weak heart (pneumonia), I ISang. S^°weak. Heart, fainting: I Aeon, IILach.; from weak action, I IKali ph.; puts hands to chest, cries: "Oh my heart," after a jealous quarrel, falls down, I ILach.; tendency to, abnormal action, IDig. Heart, fatty degeneration: Arn, IIArs, IlAur. met, IlAur. mur, HCact, Caps, Coff, Crotal, Cup. m, IFerr, IIKali c, IKalm, INaja, HPhos.; with angina pectoris, I IPhos, I IPhyt.; with broncho-pulmonary catarrh, IPhos.; with dilatation of nervous deficiency, as irregularity or intermittent action and palpitation, Chloral.; with nerv- ous irritability, I Aur. met.; with palpitation, Crotal.; weak,"irregular pulse, Kalif.; of right, IPhos. Heart, fever: febrile action, Vace; with hectic affections, IFerr. mur.; with heart disease chronic rheumatic, pain, worse by moving, afterward better by movement, I ISub; rheu- matic, with cardiac complications, ILye Heart, fluttering: Ars. iod., Asaf, Atrop. 8., 830 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. I Aur. met, I Aur. mur., ICact, Calad,Chlorof, Eup. pur. Form., Iber., IKali bi, IKali br, IKalm., ILach., ILaur, ILil. tig., Lith, ILyss, Med., INux m.,IOxab ac, I I Ratan., Sep, Ver. v. Zing.; on awaking, IKali iod.; awakens her at night, I bib tig.; on awaking in melan- cholia, I INaja; like a bird's wing (chronic palpitation), ICact.; on slightest excitement, Amyb; with faintness, ICale; as from fright, fear or sadness, IINux m.; with headache, INaja ; with hurriedness, IINatr. m.; cannot lie on left side, IDaph.; worse lying on left side, INatr. m.; after sudden energetic motions, especially arms, in upward direction or when lying on left side, IDig.; with palpitation, ISub; in going up stairs, IBry.; with tearing, lightning-like stitches in upper and lower jaws, after menses, I ISpig.; with sensation of suffocation (intermittent), ISamb.; ulcer on leg, IKali iod.; with weak, faint feeling, worse lying down, IINatr. m. BST" beat, quiver- ing, stopped feeling, trembling. Heart, foramen ovale: nonclosure. 8®* Blood, cyanosis. Heart, fulness: JEsc. h, IIArg. met, Asaf, Caust, IGlon, Iber., ILach.; as if overloaded with blood and it would afford relief to bring up some, ILil. tig.; congestive, lAsaf.; every evening, IIPuls.; heaviness and heat, with labored beating heart, IGlon.; almost amounts to pain, I IGlon.; in pericariditis, IIAcon.; as if pressing against side or had not free play (heart disease), ILach.; as from stagnation of blood, Colch. 8^* heaviness, pressing. Heart, functional disorder: ILil. tig, INux v, ITabae; with anaemia, IKali f; idiopathic, IIArs.; from overexertion, 11 Coca; after at- tacks, dryness of mouth and throat, numbness of right leg, from toes to above knees, cold shivering and chattering of teeth, and weak- ness, ILil. tig.; of no very energetic character, whether purely nervous, or associated with organic disease, -Hydr. ac. Heart, gout: IBenz. ac, IColch., ILith. B^* rheumatism. Heart, grasping sensation : ICact, INux m.; clutching, ILaur.; as if clutched, with chronic bronchitis, ICact.; in coryza, ICact.; in dys- menorrhoea, HTarant.; with an iron hand, HCact, Hod.; as if violently grasped, then suddenly released, alternately, ILil. tig.; or squeezed in a vise, IILil. tig. 8®* constric- tion, pressing, tension. Heart, sensation as if grown fast: Phos. Heart, gurgling sensation : with soreness on left side, 11 Rhus. Heart, head : feels beating, while lying, Lachn.; congestive headache, dependent upon organic disease, I INaja ; frequent headache, all day, especially in wet, dull weather, with chronic affection, IGlon.; pains extend to, ILith. Heart, heat: sensation of, Lyss, Med.; with fulness in abdomen while walking in fresh air, better sitting down, Plant.; must let arms sink down (dilatation of heart), I Ant. t.; with bursting sensation, Med.; with giddiness, Lachn.; with suffocative attacks, I Ant. t; warm sensation about, Cann. s.; warm rising, I Ant. t Heart, heaviness: Ant. sul. aur, Aur. mur., Bufo, ICact, Iber., ILil. tig, I IPuls., Sarrae, Zinc; in afternoon, Bapt.; with dyspnoea, lllpec; every evening, IIPuls.; worse on mo- tion, Eup. pert; painful, Hod.; in acute peri- carditis, HSpig.; pain, as if something weiglieu it dowii (cardialgia), ICham. 8ST fulness, oppression, pressing Heart, hemorrhoids: with heart disease I^Esc. h, Crotab; after heart is relieved old hemorrhoids reappear, ICollin. Heart, hurried: forced feeling about apex, better sitting still, ILil. tig. Heart, hypertrophy : 8^°°r§amc affections. Heart, hysteria: cardiac derangements, with aphonia, INux m.; anomalous functional dis- orders, in persons possessing peculiarly sensi- tive nervous system, Sumb. 8^° nerves. trembling. Heart, inflammation (carditis): ISpig.; acute, idiopathic or rheumatic, ICact.; bad effects of acute, INaja; chronic, ICact.; endocardi- tis, IIAcon., I Act. rac, IIArs., lAur. met, lAur. mur, Bism., IBry, ICact, ICale, Coccul, Colch., Iod., IKali c, IKali iod., IKalm., ILach, Merc, cy., Naja, 11 Oxal. ac, Phos., Phyt, Plat., Plumb., ISpig, Tarant, Ver. v.; endocarditis, Coccul. after Aeon.; endocarditis, with chlorotic symptoms, IIFerr.; endocarditis, followed by repeated darting above heart when walking, IKali iod.; endocarditis, after diphtheria, ILach.; endo- carditis, when there remains great tearfulness, Coccul.; endocarditis with gastritis, IBism.; endocarditis, with inflammatory swelling of knees, Coccul.; endocarditis, with scanty menses, I INatr. m.; endocarditis, occasional attacks, Coccus; endocarditis, in pneumonia, IPhos.; endocarditis, repeated with valvular defects, especially affecting right ventricle, which gradually becomes dilated, IKali iod.; endocarditis rheumatica, I Aur. mur., I IDig., IHyos, IKali n, IKalm, IPhos, I IPlat, ISpong, ISumb, Ver. v.; endocarditis, rheu- matic, with consequent hypertrophy and val- vular disease, IIKalm.; endocarditis, with in- sufficiency of mitral valve after acute articular rheumatism, I ISpig.; endocarditis, after scar- latina, ILach.; endocarditis, with stitches about heart, I ISpig.; myocarditis, I Aeon., Apis, Ars. b, IBry, ICact, ICarbo v, Caust, IDig, Glon., ILach, INaja, Phos., Psor, HSpig., Sul, Sumb, IVer. v.; myocarditis, with Bright's disease, lApis, Apoe, lArs, Ascl., Cann. s., Colch, IDig, Kali n, Phos.; internal heat, especially when sitting, ICarbo v.; rheumatic, with sympathetic irritation and cough, INaja; rheumatic, with severe pains in apex down to arms and finger tips, ICact. 8€aT* Pericardium inflammation. Heart, irritable : I Asaf, IBry, HCoff. t, IKali br, ILil. tig, ILye vir.; causes cough, IBar.e; with depressed force, ILye vir.; in myalgia, I Arn.; incipient (phthisis), ILye 8^" nerves, stomach. Heart, jerking: Agar, Nux v.; sensation about Con. B®** shocks, twitching. Heart, kidneys: cirrhotic, with diseased heart, I I Plumb.; organic diseases of heart in morbus Brightii, Tereb.; change in muscular structure with or without atheromatous degeneration of vessels, ten cases out of twenty-five were associated with parenchymatous nephritis in stages of atrophy, Plumb.; disturbance of right in Bright's disease, Atrop. BSfinflammation' 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. 831 Heart, lameness: awakes with, worse during expiration, I I Phyt. Heart, lancinating: lAcon., Apis, I IChel, Jacar.; streaming pain where impulse of apex is felt, to left hypochondrium, Aur. mur.; with fever, ICact.; pains at night, from base to apex, Syph.; when sweat fails (intermit- tent), ICact. ggjg" cutting, darting, shoot- ing, stitches. Heart, large: feeling, with bursting sensation, and heat in chest, Med.; feels too, as if drowned in a basin of water, Bufo.; sensation as if enlarged, HSub; feels as if too large for con- taining cavity (hypertrophy of left ventricle), IILach. 8®"*" organic affections. Heart, larynx: cardiac derangement, with ner- vous aphonia, INux m, 11 Oxal. ac. Heart, lightness: ILye; as if a vacuum were there, in evening, Chrom. ae Heart, liver: fatty degeneration, as a sequel of heart disease, IPhos. Heart, lump: feels as though a lump started from and was forced through arteries, Natr. p.; as of a throbbing, internally, Cupr. s. Heart, lying down: clucking sensation on deep inspiration, Chrom. ac; can lie only on left side (disease of heart), lArs. met.; dull pain in region of, when on left side, better lying on side, Tell.; painful on left side (heart disease), ILach.; tender when on left side, ICrotal.; feels suspended to left ribs, and dragging them to right side, when on right side, IKali c. Heart, menses: organic affection, deficiency of healthy blood, causes amenorrhceic and men- orrhagic symptoms, IKali c; irregular, with marked organic changes present, IDig.; car- diac troubles, at menopause, ICrotal.; after heart is relieved, suppressed reappear, ICollin. Heart, mental condition : as if a black cloud weighed upon it (mental disorder), 11 Act.rac; feeling of depression and lowness, 11 Naja; disturbance, causes pain, Ars. m.; mental ex- ertion causes cold feeling about, INatr. m.; when nervous or muscular energy is weak- ened by great, anxiety or emotions, IMosch.; symptoms, with fear of death, Asaf; func- tional disorder from mental emotions, worse at menstrual period, ICact.; consequences of sudden joy or pleasant surprise, ICoff; low- spirited, between attacks, Asaf; heart symp- toms, with fits of low spirits, Asaf; melan- choly feeling about, desire to take deep breath, Cinch.; sadness, phlegmatic, I IStram.; pain- ful pulsations on attempting to study or write, Codein.; heart disease, with terror and fear, ISpong.; feeling as after committing a wicked deed, ICoccul. Heart, metastasis: of gout, IBenz. ac,IColch., 11 Lith.; scarlet rash, suppressed, I Ars. Heart, murmur: 8®** sounds. Heart, nerves: nervous affections (neurosis), lAcon, lAct. rac, HCale, Chloral, Ferr., IIGels., Hydr. ac, IHyos., IKalm, IILach., Lachn, Laur, ILil. tig, IMagn. p, INaja, INux m. Plumb., Sib, Stram., Sul, ISumb, IVer.; disturbed innervation, ICup.m.; nerv- ousexcitement, IIMosch.; troubles from nerv- ous exhaustion, ISib; hyperesthesia, ICoff, ICollin. Hgn.; irritation, ICollin.; acts on ganglia,' Chloral.; neurosis, from spinal or uterine irritation, IKali br.; neurosis, with deficient power and action, I IGels.; neurosis, vertigo, with sense of falling, HCale; reflex symptoms, Lil. tig. BiT neuralgia, paral- ysis. Heart, neuralgia: I Aeon., ICact,ICale, I ISpig.; arrests breathing, JEsc. h.; in parturition, lAct rac; causing pressure, Cornus; with tenderness of spinal column, I IRan. sc. 8®°" nerves, paralysis, rheumatism,spasm, and all acute pains; also Chap. 28, Inner chest angina. Heart, oppression : I Aeon, Agar,l Amyb, Anac, Ananth,Anthrok, Ant. t,Arund,IAur.mur., Bell., Brom, Bry, Cann. i. Castor, Caust, Chlor, Colch, IGels., IGlon, Iod., ILach, Lye vir, IMere, Oxal. ac, Sinap, ISpig, Sumb.; with abnormal action, IDig.; in after- noon, Bapt; with fistula in ano, ICact.; with anxiety, ICaust.; anxious, Agar.; as if an at- tack of apoplexy threatened, better walking, Colch.; with asthma, ILobel. b; when bending forward when sitting, Jacea ; in cholera, ITa- bae; with passive congestion, Ver.v.; causing constriction of chest (hysteria), ICinnam.; with endocarditis, I Aur. mur.; on least exer- tion (diphtheria), INatr.a.; attacks, worse on lying with head low, HSpong.; dull, on lying on leftside (heart disease), ILach.; as if cav- ity of thorax were narrowed, I Agar.; at night, with palpitation and debility (old age), lAur. met.; painful, Hod.; with palpitation, Calea.; with palpitation, worse thinking of it, or when spoken to of his loss (effects of grief), IGels.; causes difficult respiration, Med.; with low spirits, ICaust.; after going up stairs, Ang.; as from stagnation of blood in lying on left side at night, is obliged to turn to right, Colch.; caused by bloating of stomach, INux m.; extends to throat, INux m. 8®** fulness, heaviness, pressing, tension. Heart, organic affections: dilatation, lAlum, Amm. c, lAnt. t, lApis, HCact, Chloral, Chlorof, Coff, Cup. m,Hydr. ac, Iod, IKali iod, ILaur, Lib tig, ILye, INaja, INux v, Phos, Plumb, Puis, ITabae; eccentric dila- tation, with systolic bellows sound (morbus Brightii), INatr. m.; dilatation, with broncho- pulmonary catarrh, IPhos.; dilatation, with hypertrophy,! I Kali f; dilatation, with hyper- trophy, in anasarca, Amyb; dilatation, with nervous palpitation, INux v.; dilatation, with pleuritis, IPhos.; dilatation, with marked projection of left second and third ribs, after typhoid endocarditis, Hod.; dilatation, re- laxed, with thin walls (morbus Brightii), HPhos. ae; dilatation, from rheumatism, I Ant. t; dilatation of right, caused by ather- oma of pulmonary arteries and from fatty liver (cerebral cedema), HPhos.; dilatation, after scarlatina, Hod.; dilatation of left ven- tricle, Plumb.; dilatation of right ventricle, ILach, IPhos.; dilatation, slight, of right ventricle (dysmenorrhoea), I ITarant; hyper- trophy, IIAcon, lAmyl, lArn, I Ars, Aspar, lAur. met, lAur. mur, Bism, IIBrom, HCact, IIDig, IFerr, IGlon, IGraph, IHep, liber. Hod, IKali bi, IIKali c, IIKalm, ILach, IILith, ILye, INaja, INatr. m, Nux v, Phos,Plumb, IPuls, IIRhus, HSpig, HSpong, Staph, Ver. v.; numbness in left arm, tingling in fingers, IIAcon., IIRhus; with neurotic form of angina, ISpig.; hyper- 832 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. trophy, chronic, with angina pectoris, IINa- ja; hypertrophy, with dilatation, HCact, I IChloral, I IKali f, IIRhus; hypertrophy, with dilatation and aortic obstruction, IKalm.; hypertrophy, with dilatation and palpitation, I I Lye vir.; eccentric hypertrophy, I Apis; hy- pertrophy, consequent on rheumatic endo- carditis, IIKalm.; hypertrophy, from violent exercise, IIRhus; fatty hypertrophy, ICact.; hypertrophy, hydrops siccus, I ILye; hyper- trophy, followed by swelling of liver, Aur. met.; hypertrophy, cedema pedum, HCact, I IPrun.; hypertrophy, from portal obstruc- tion, INux v.; hypertrophy of right, IPhos.; hypertrophy of left ventricle, Plumb.; hy- pertrophy of left ventricle, with congestion to head and face, IPhos.; hypertrophy of left ventricle, with sensation as if heart were too large for containing space, ILach.; hyper- trophy of left ventricle, with great irritation of cardiac nerves, ICact.; hypertrophy of left ventricle, with vertigo, Hod.; hypertrophy of right ventricle (retinitis albuminurica), I Ars.; hypertrophy of right ventricle, prae- cordial dulness increased, ICact.; slight hy- pertrophy, INaja ; hypertrophy, in a young woman, 11 Cact 86T* sounds, valvular affec- tions. Heart, ovaries: heart and ovary feel drawn to- gether, INaja. Heart, pain: HApis, Ars. m, IBrom, ICact, Card.m, Chlor, ICina, Crotal, IDaph, Iber, IKalm., ILach, ILobel b, I IMere c, INaja, CEnan, Oxal. ac, Variol.; to left abdomen, catching breath (chorea), ICact.; in left side, just above, IGraph.; in afternoon in bed, at times reaching through chest to shoulder and neck, Chrom. ac.; with anxiety, violent heart- beat, trembling, difficult respiration, sleep- lessness at night delirium (heart disease), HOp.; with anxiousness, Millet; in apex, to left arm and finger ends, Cact.; where apex strikes parietes of chest (pericarditis), I Ascl. t; extends to arm, IDig.; severe, extends to arm, in angina pectoris, I Amyb; down left arm, I Aeon., Aur. met, Crotal., IRhus, ISpig., Tabae; with sensation of paralysis and numbness of left arm, and twitching of fingers, particularly forefinger, in morning, Pallad.; great, extending to left arm and throat, Med.; down right arm, Phyt, Spig.; left side to back, I Amyb; through to back, I Ars. iod, Crot, Glon, IKali c. Lib tig, ISpig, IISul.; about base, IIArum. t, Iber.; about base, relieves pains in limbs and great toe, I INatr. p.; violent, in region as she bent over bed, in morning after rising, ILith.; con- stant, in region, with bound-down sensation (sequel to rheumatism), HCact.; diagonally towards right chest, Apis ; all over chest and down left arm (angina pectoris), lAct. rac; after coitus, IDig.; constant, Asaf, Benz. ac. Hod.; constant, in lower part, Lyss.; constant dull, worse lying down, Iber.; constant, with palpitation, IDig.; daily, about 10 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m., with feeling of dread and oppression, Sinap.; with sudden debility, Cup. ars.; dull, Iber.; with pain in left arm and sensation as if handwereswollen,Med.;dull,continuous,down left arm and through to shoulder blade, worse on drawing a deep breath or ascending (dys- menorrhoea), ICrotal.; dull, at base, lAilant.; dull, rendered sharp by drawing a long breath, 4 p.m., Tromb.; dull, in chronic carditis Lact., dull, all day, with pinching about fourth rib, right side, Lyss.; with dyspnoea, ICact, IL\ ss., IPsor.; dull, worse lying down and breathing deeply, Rumex; dull, occasional Sinap. dull, oppressive, Sticta; dull, quick, Med before epileptic attack ICale a.; with faint- ing, IILach^ becomes fixed after wandering through joints, must sit upright, lAur. met.; from behind forward, Oxal. ae; worse lying with head low, HSpong.; to head, IDig.; with headache, .Ethus, Lyss.; to left hypo- chondriac region, Ars. s. r.; deep, to back and right, like a jerking body, Cact.; with lameness in arm, 2 p.m. , Pallad.; to lower right leg IIAlum.; when pain in limbs and great toe are better, Natr. p.; after mental disturb- ance, Ars. m.; miscarriage in sixth week of pregnancy, llpec; in morning, Calc p.; worse on motion, Eup. pert; movable, Hod.; to neck, Graph, Tabae; to nape of neck, left shoulder and arm, with anxiety and fear of death, INaja; especially at night,Med.; in organic affection of heart, rrSpong.; with pal- pitation, Aur. met, ICact.; with fearful pal- pitation, with burning and heat in chest, then shooting in back, Calc. a.; palpitation and fear of suffocation (suppression of intermittent by opium), Calc. a.; periodical attacks, after ty- phoid endocarditis, Hod.; persistent, dull, circumscribed, towards apex, Sinap.; with slow small pulse (hypertrophy with dilatation and aortic obstruction), IKalm.; quick, Hod.; after riding in a carriage, to left scapula (an- gina), I INaja; with corresponding pain in right side, severe sticking and shooting, short- ness of breath and sighing, Lyss.; when rising from a seat, IIGels.; through to left scapula, Aloe, Lil. tig, ISub; with sexual debility, IDig.; shoots to left shoulder, Ascl. t; with sighing, IILyss.; while sitting, going off on motion, IMagn. m.; prevents sleep, Ars. b; severe, worse on pressure over painful spot and quietness (sciatica), I IRhus ; up sternum, darting out across chest, particularly towards left side (angina), 11 Oxal. ac.; to stomach and abdomen, Kalm.; from anterior to lower part of thigh, Calc. s.; as if hanging by a thread and every beat would tear it off, with palpi- tation, after menses, ILach.; with sore throat and heaviness in legs, Lyss.; causes trembling and fearfulness, Daph.; under, awoke him, Chrom. ae; from below upward, Brom, Mere; before and at time of urinating, ILith. 8®*" neuralgia, rheumatism. Heart, palpitation : 8@" Palpitation. Heart, paralysis: threatened, I Aeon., Ars, Bufo, Calab, ICarbo v., Chloral., ICrotal, IGels, IILach, IPlumb., IVer.; apprehended, in smallpox, Hod.; failure of action from chloroform or other cardiac paraly zers, IA trop. s.; sudden death impending, from disturbed innervation, ICup. m.; impending, in yellow fever, or typhoid, HCarbo v.; seems to be par- alyzed, Ananth.; from inflammation of spinal cord, Oxal. ac.; threatened in cerebral irrita- tion, I I Act. rac, IBell, Cann. s, IDig., ||op IVer.; threatened, in diphtheria, ILach. IMere cy, INaja ; threatened, in pericarditis' I IChloral.; threatened, in pneumonia, I Ant t ' 11 Bry,Kali n,IPhos,Sang,Ver.v.;threaten'ed 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. 833 in typhus, Cup. m.; of cardiac branches of vagi, Sumb.; sudden, asphyctic form of urae- mia, IHydr. ac. 8®* nerves. Heart, peculiar sensation: from apex to left axilla, at times down arm, .Esc. h.; awakes at night, for a few moments feels as if she were floating in air, I ISticta. Heart, percussion sound: dull sound over large surface at base (pleuritis, with plastic exudation), IHep.; dulness increased, IDig. BST* organic affections. Heart, pericardium: g®~ Pericardium. Heart, piercing pain : Hod. Heart, pinching: Phos. Heart, pressing sensation: lArn, Aur. mur. Bell, ICact, Cann. i. Card, m, Coccul., Graph, Iber., IKalm, ILach., Lil. tig, Nitr. sp. d., 01. an., IPhos, Sang, ISpong, Stram., Zinc; as if something were, against, lEup. pert; constant, with anxiety, impedes respiration, better walking, 11 Puis.; with in- expressible anxiety, Rhus ; as if an attack of apoplexy threatened, better walking, Colch.; a very strange and unusual feeling, something like bands, in middle of chest, and as if nee- dles were sticking in it, a dull kind of stitch- ing pain, Lyss.; under axilla to back, like a belt of pain (cardiac rheumatism), ICact.; with short breath, Variol.; arresting breath- ing, Bell.; burning, with frequent inodorous, tasteless eructation, Sinap.; as if a cap were over, I IZinc; compressed feeling, Agar, HCact, ISpig.; compressed pain, ICale; con- fined feeling, Agar.; as if being contracted, IGlon.; distension, ILach, INux v.; dull, in- termitting, Stront.; dull, painful, fulness and coldness, no organic lesion, ILil. tig.; with dyspnoea and feeling of certainty that he is going to die in twenty-four hours, ILac def; after eating, IKali bb; with eructation,I llgn.; every evening, IIPuls.; severe, below, even- ings in bed (heart affection), INatr. in.; fol- lowed by faintness, with darkening before eyes (mental derangement), I IManc; with fainting, Petrol.; as if too full and expanded, Asaf, ILach.; presses hand over, as if suffer- ing (hysteria), IHydr. ac; heavy, causing constriction and anxiety, with cutting and griping in bowels, as from wind, Spig.; with hydrocephalus acutus, ICup. a.; tormenting, at night, during menses, lArg. nit.; outward, Lye vir.; fixed pain, at apex, Chrom. ae; with peculiar sensation in chest, Colch.; painful, IBry.; painful, as if it would be pressed down, Cham.; painful, with palpitation at night, Coccus ; painful, with dyspnoea, whole night, Cann. h; painful, in erysipelas, I IRhus ; pain- ful, in right, nearly constant, but worse by eating even a little, ILil. tig.; as if in too small a place, lEup. perf, IILach.; in spells, morning and afternoon, Pallad.; stinging, Spong,Zing; ceasing, after urinating in morning, ILith.; on rising to urinate, better after urination, I ILith. 8ST constriction. Heart, pricking: lArn., Ascl. t, Aur. mur., Cact, IHam., Kali bi, Lyss, Sinap, Ver. v.; with carditis, ICact.; as of needle, 11 Ascl. t; pain, as if a needle were crosswise in ven- tricles, at each contraction, I liber. 8gT° sticking, stinging. Heart, purring feeling: ISpig. Heart qualmish feeling: with nausea and accumulation of saliva, IINux v.; sick, ICham. Heart, quivering: with sense of suffocation (intermittent), ISamb. BST fluttering, trembling. Heart, radiating pain : different parts, left side of chest, worse from least movement, Med. Heart, restless feeling: Anac, I Ars, Lyss. Heart, rheumatism: Abrot, lArs, Aur. met, IBenz. ac, HCact, IKali e, IKalm, IILith., Lycvir,IPhos,IIRhus,HSpig.;great agitation, IIAcon.; pain from apex by friction to left subscapular region, then to mid-dorsal, later to apex, Lye vir.; aching in, followed by pains in left wrist, inner side of right calf and in subclavicular region, and again in left wrist and region of apex, Lye vir.; in attacks, IKalm.; heart disease after gout or acute rheumatism, IColch.; heart disease after fre- quent attacks of rheumatism, or alternating with it, IIKalm.; extensive dulness over prae- cordia, ICact.; fibrin deposited on surfaces of valves or investing membrane, ILach.; me- tastasis, from outward application, iKalm, ISang.; shifting rapidly from one portion of body to another, IPuls.; paroxysmal, ICact.; with irregular pulse, IDig.; worse on speak- ing or lying on left side, ICact; pain when urinating particularly last drops, causing him to cry out (dropsy of chest), Aspar.; wander- ing pains down left arm, IIKalm. 86?" gout, neuralgia. Heart, feeling of rigidity : Aur. mur. Heart, sensitive : pulls dress away, IILach, I ITarant.; painful, in typhoid fever, IMere; tenderness, ILye vir., Zinc; tenderness on pressure, I lAscl. t; to touch, painful, pain going over nearly whole abdomen, IFerr. Heart, sharp pains: Arg. nit, ICact, IGlon, Hod.,Med.;agonizing (anginapectoris),IIArs.; at apex, .Esc. h.; at apex, as though a knife were cutting up and down (fainting spells), ILac def; at apex, worse on movement, Med.; radiate to arm and left shoulder (climaxis) I ITherid.; affects base, Ars. s. r.; from before backward, Iber.; worse on belching, 11 Amyb; taking away breath, Merc. iod. flav.; with dysmenorrhoea, ICon.; frequent, IBry.; to head, preceded by nausea, Med.; causing palpitation, Lact. ac.; each attack, in acute rheumatism, I ILac c; distinct, on rising in morning,then passage offlatus,Cund.; through chest to between shoulders, especially with dyspeptic symptoms, HSub; asof spasm, in nervous dyspepsia, IHydr. ac; sudden, ex- tends towards to right chest, Apis; compels upright position (dysmenorrhoea), I ITarant. Bg^° neuralgia, rheumatism. Heart, shocks: Alum., Zinc; in angina pec- toris, lArn.; several blows on lying down at night, Agar.; frequent, Con.; towards front of neck like electric shock, IGraph.; transient, painful, Agar.; painful occasional, as soon as pain in heart ceases a similar pain appears in right arm (angina pectoris), I IPhyt.; sudden, ILith., Mang.; in stitches, ICale; twitching, Agar.; violent, waking from a troubled sleep (functional disturbance of heart), ILach. 8gg~ jerking. Heart, shooting: HApis, Brach, Sul. ae; in angina pectoris, ILye; pains like those of angina pectoris, down left arm or up into neck 53 834 29. HEART, PULSE and involve different plexuses of nerves (di- lated heart), ITabae; dull, front to back, Paeonia, ISub; interrupts breathing, ICale p.; slight dull pain, at 7 p.m., lasting till he went to sleep, 10.30 p.m. , Lyss.; in dysmenorrhoea, I ITarant.; sharp, lasting four hours, Lyss.; through to left scapula, causing violent beat- ing of heart, with anxious expression of countenance, quick but weak pulse and diffi- cult respiration (rheumatism), IKalm.; acute, quick to right, Ascl. t; to left shoulder blade, caused by deep respiration, worse by cough- ing, sneezing, hiccough, HAgar.; urging, in region of, Berb. B^F" darting, lancinating. Heart, soreness: Aur. mur. Bar. c, IGels, I ILept., IMagn. c, Oxal. ac; effects of grief, IGels, llgn.; in morning, after having slept on left side, Med.; worse on motion, Eup. pert; with headache, better in cold air, Lyss.; jerk- ing, IFluor. ae; with palpitation, ICrotal.; in cardiac rheumatism, ICact.; worse on stoop- ing, ILith. fi^aT" aching, bruised, rheuma- tism. Heart, sounds: bellows, in anaemia, IFerr.; bellows, in heart affection, ISpong, ISumb.; bellows, with cardiac rheumatism, HPhos.; bellows, soft, IFerr.; bellows, with fine sound, I IPhos, Psor.; blowing, over apex (heart dis- ease), ILye vir.; loud blowing, in rheumatic endocarditis, ISpong.; in place of first tick a blowing and louder second tick of pulmonary artery (endocarditis), IKali c; blowing in under portion (heart disease), IHydras.; en- docardial beat, pronounced, best heard at apex beat, 11 Iodof, followed by Tuberc; loud bruits, in endocarditis, lAur. met; bruit descie, then bellows sound within small space in region of aortic valves, ILith.; bruit de souffle, 11 Kali br.; bruit de souffle, at base, HPlumb.; heard through nearly every part of chest, Natr. a.; violent, especially " choc," Ars.; painful,cracking, INatr. c; deep,Bar.e; diastolic bellows sound (rheumatic carditis), I ISpig.; diastolic blowing, no relief in any position, I Apis; diastolic sound impaired, I IRhus ; diastolic,increased (organic disease), I Apis; diastolic, lost (cardiac rheumatism), ICact.; diastolic, very loud, ILye vir.; diastolic louder, from pulmonary stagnation, IKali c; diastolic, replaced by harsh murmurs, ICact.; diastolic, rasping audibly, I Apis; diminished, in pleuritis, with plastic exudation, IHep.; dull, Bar. e; dull and intermittent, IMere cor.; friction, at base, Cupr. s.; loud friction, in cardiac rheumatism, I IPhos.; gurgling (gluckern), particularly noticeablewhen lying, 11 Psor.; increased in intensity, especially in region of semilunar valves, Iber.; indistinct, Psor.; indistinct, in pericarditis, IColch.; like striking knuckle against hard substance at each stroke (heart disease), IHydras.; loud, metallic, Dig.; metallic, in angina pectoris, I Aur. mur.; muffled, in pericarditis, IColch.; muffled, as if laboring in a sac of water (heart disease), IHydras.; murmurs, lAspar, ISpong, Tarant.; anaemic murmurs, IFerr, llpec,; murmurs, in apoplexy, ICoccul.; bellows and anaemic murmurs around large arteries, Cale; murmur, in consumption, Hod.; murmur, enlarged right ventricle, ICact; murmur, after fright, I IStram.; mur- mur over mitral (organic valvular disease), AND CIRCULATION. ICarbol. ae; murmur, rushing, blowing, re- gurgitant, synchronous with pulse beat, *Ul%-'> murmur, from rheumatic mestastases, ILach.; systolic murmur, IKali c, IIFerr, I IPhos, I IPuls, ISpong.; purring, in region of apex I IPlumb, I IPsor.; purring, when lying must have head high, worse lying on left side, IGlon ; purring, pulse intermittent, I Won.; loud re'gurgitative, in valvular disease, INaja; rumbling noise, Chin, a.; irregular rumbling, changed into more regular pulsations (disease of heart), I Amyb; rushing, in under portion (heart disease), IHydras.; sawing, with vio- lent pains, diarrhoea and vomiting, Lobel. i.; sharper than natural, IDig.; systolic, strongly accentuated, IKalm.; systolic, scarcely au- dible (typhus), I Agar, Crotal.; systolic, blow- ing at apex, HSpig.; systolic, blowing, m chlorosis, I ISpig.; systolic, blowing, heard most distinctly at apex (rheumatic affection of heart), ICact.; systolic, replaced by a blow- ing sound of mitral regurgitation, heard up- ward in clavicular region and particularly be- tween scapulae, second sound pointed, short, sharp, Lye vir.; strong systolic blowing at apex of left ventricle (insufficiency of mitral valves), HSpig.; peculiar blowing, synchro- nous with systole, over arch of aorta, 11 Phos.; systole, bruit de souffle, I IPhos.; systolic, not well defined, in organic disease of heart, lApis; change from systole to diastole, indi- cated by a wavelike motion, I ISpig.; dull, systolic, INitr. ae; during systole friction sound (rheumatic carditis), I ISpig.; systolic, followed by a grating, second sound ac- centuated, INaja; systolic, somewhat harsh, IKalm.; systolic, increased, Aur. mur.; sys- tolic, often intermitting, IKalm.; systolic, rasping audibly, lApis; systolic, confused, second prolonged and of increased intens- ity (aneurism), I ISpig.; systolic, whistling, HPhos.; tumultuous, in organic disease of heart, lApis; weak, limited, Cupr. s.; weak, worse in intercostal neuralgia, I IStann.; weak, in pericarditis, IColch.; whistling in pericar- ditis, IColch.; whizzing to and fro, bruit de souffle, Cact. BST" organic affections. Heart, spasmodic pain: fears sudden death, ILaur.; in rheumatism, ILach.; pulse remits, Aur. met. Heart, spasmodic sensation: in phthisis, I IZinc. Heart, spasms: ICup. m.; chorea, Cup. ars.; real convulsio cordis, lAgar. g^* hysteria. Heart, spleen : affected primarily, heart over- worked, INatr. m. Heart, as if squeezed : 8®" constriction. Heart, stabbing: Iber.; through to left, scap- ula causing violent beating of heart, with anxious expression of face, quick but weak pulse, and difficult respiration (rheumatism), IKalm. 8ST" lancinating, stitches. Heart, stenosis: lAur. met.; of left osteum venosum, I IPsor. Heart, sticking: Agar, Cann.i, I liber., Lyss I IMere iod. rub.; in apex, Agar.; awakened by boring at point where impulse of apex is felt, feels he could not have endured it longer worse by hand pressed lightly, Aur. mur • dragging, outward and downward, Berb : drawing, squeezing, result of rheumatism and cold, with palpitation and difficulty of respi- 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. 835 ration, ILyss.; as with prongs of fork, Cann. b; at intervals, Lyss.; and soreness, with organic disease, IIRhus. 8®* pricking, stinging. Heart, stinging: HApis, Berb.,IColch., Myrica, IPod., Spong.; from before backward, Iber.; with cough, IICup. a.; in whooping cough, ICaust.; worse lying down or breathing deep- ly, Rumex ; with oppression, IColch.; sharp pain, Lyss.; worse on violent expiration, I IZinc. 8@°" pricking, sticking. Heart, stitches : lAcon, Agar, Amyl, Anac, Ananth, I Arn, Ars. m., Aur. mur". Bar. e, Berb, IIBry, Bufo, ICact, Cann. i, Carbol. ac. Card, m., Caust., IChel, Cinch, IColch, IColoe, Diose, Elat., Gels, IGlon, Graph, Hep, IIKali c. Kali iod, IKalm, IIKreo, Lachn, ILaur., Lyss, Menyanth, Merc. iod. flav., IMur. ac. Petrol, Phos. ac, I IPsor, I IRan. sc. Sang, I ISpig, ISub, Sul. ae, Val, Zinc; above, Aur. mur, IIKreo.; above, in evening, Zinc; in angina pectoris, ILaur.; with anxiety, Lachn.; with anxiety and oppres- sion, HSpig.; about apex, Bufo, Cycb; dull, clammy, along lower border of ribs, below right axilla, Dig.; in heart disease, ICact.; two or three, at 11 a.m., of a shooting kind, lasting a few minutes, Lyss.; with painful lameness and numbness of left arm, IRhus; to back, Daph.; into back, between shoulders, IGlon.; to small of back, Anac; from behind forward, or from above downward, Oxal. ae; from hearing church-bells ringing, Lyss.; be- low, ICup. m.; when bending forward on sit- ting, Jacea; taking away breath, I IMagn. m, IStaph.; causes catching of breath, ICale; worse on breathing, 4 p.m., ./Esc h.; worse on taking a deep breath, ISub; when taking a long breath and on violent motion, IMur. ac.; must breathe short, followed by palpitation and anxiety, Cheb; breathing almost ceases, death seems impending (angina), INaja; burning, IMur. ac; with icy coldness of limbs (sequel to rheumatism), ICact.; then crawling, ICanth.; dull, ILith.; dull, with anxiety that impedes respiration, better walking, IIPuls.; after eating, slight, Aspar.; during expiration, Crot. t.; fine, IHep.; frequent, 11 Phos.; dur- ing an inspiration, with anxiety, heat and redness of face, Plumb.; during inspiration, at night, Anac.; from without inward, I IMagn. c; from left to right, in angina pectoris, lArn.; immediately after lying down in evening, Verbas.; can only lie with head high, HSpig.; can only lie on right side, HSpig.; better when lying down, thinks the stitches will kill him if they continue, IPsor.; rapid on motion, interfering with breathing, HCham.; worse on motion, HSpig.; as from needles, Mane; at night, while lying on back, on slightest motion, ISub; at night, with palpitation, llgn.; occasional, Iod.; with great oppression, Cann. i.; from within outward, IClem.; par- oxysms, three or four times a day, ILach.; in pericarditis, IIAcon., HSpig.; after reading aloud IINatr. m.; to right side, Jacar.; through to scapula, IKali c, HSub; from left scapula IBry.; to shoulder blade, worse from cough Agar.; short, HSub; spasmodic, with oppression of chest, Camph.; during stool, Colch • when stooping, Glon.; sudden, disap- pears g'radually.Chrom. ac.; synchronous with pulse, HSpig.; with sharp, salty taste, caused by ringing of church-bells, Lyss.; through and through, each time two quickly succeed- ing each other, I Anac; on assuming upright posture, IColch.; with commencing valvular disease, endocarditis, etc., HSpig.; to various parts of body, ICham.; worse while walking, ILyss.; sudden, makes her weak, ILach. g@^° cutting, darting, lancinating, stab- bing. Heart, stomach: sympathizes with dyspeptic symptoms (gastrodynia ; enterodynia),IHydr. ae; reflex symptoms from indignation,IPuls.; heart disease, with gastric derangement (am- blyopia), IPuls. BST* irritable, nerves. Heart, sensation as if stopped: Arg. met, Arg.nit, I Aur. met. Chin, a, HCic, IGels, Lil. tig., Rumex, 11 Sep, Tarant.; with great anxiety and necessity for holding breath, IIDig.; then rush of blood and palpitation (functional disturbance of heart), ILil. tig.; with pain deep in, above heart, 11 Lobel. b; during pregnancy, I Arg. met.; then several rapid, violent pulsations, as if heart had torn itself loose and were swaying to and fro by thin thread, IDig.; followed by heavy throb- bing through chest, Rumex; "then suddenly gives a hard thump, I Aur. met. 8®* beat. Heart, strained: feeling, in dilatation, I Ant. t; from violent running, lArn. Heart, suffocative feeling: Act. rac, lApis, I Ars., Bry., Chlorof, IDig, Graph, IKali c, Kali iod., ILach, Merc, ISpig, Tabae 8®° Chap. 28, Inner chest angina. Heart, swollen feeling: better lying on left side (dyspepsia), I Ang.; preventing a deep inspiration, Asaf. Heart, tearing: lacerating, with cough, Elaps.; going to left forearm, Amm. m.; as if torn to pieces, with spasms of chest, IHyos.; pulsa' ting, in heart disease, ILye; affected by tooth- ache, 11 Aur. met. Heart, tension: Cain, IKali bi, IINux v., I IZinc; in angina pectoris, IIArs.; with inflammation of liver, IMere; with con- stant nausea, disappeared on drinking water, IPhos.; spasmodic, Zinc. 8@" constriction, grasping. Heart, as if hung by a thread: in flatulent colic, ILye; as if torn loose and swaying by a thin thread, IDig. Heart, throat: as if heart would rise to, I IGlon, IPod. Heart, throbbing: 8®° beat. Heart, throbbing pain: Arg. met, Camph, Clem, IGlon, Graph, IKali c, INux v, Rumex, Sil, Tarant. Heart, tired feeling: IINux v. Heart, trachea: irritation, secondary to heart disease, ISang. Heart, trembling: Absin, iEthus, Arg. met, I Ars, Ars. i, Badiag, Calab, Chin, a, Cie, Coccul, Crotal, ICup. m, IIGlon, Lachn, IRhus, Stram, Tarant.; with anguish and aching, Bell.; awakens, IMere; when he awoke, Agar.; in cardialgia, ICup. m.; with constriction in whole chest, almost suffoca- tion (heart affection), IMosch.; with great debility, Lachn.; due to emotional disturb- ance, ICalab.; as from fright, Tarant.; as from fright, fear or sadness, IINux m.; caused by fright, INux m.; in heart disease, lArs.; in hysteria, IPlat; undulating motion, 836 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. IMere cor.; with palpitation, ICrotal.; dur- ing pregnancy, I Arg. met.; worse after rising from seat or bed, on sitting or lying after exercise, Hod.; worse walking up stairs, I INatr. p.; on talking, ILil. tig.; with tooth- ache, Anag, Heart, as if it turned over: ICact; as if turn- ing around, Aur. met.; sensation as if it twisted and turned around, with pain inchest and general sweat, Tarant. Heart, feels asif twisted: on touching, irritable spine, 11 Tarant. Heart, twitching: over region of, .Esc. h.; especially lying on back, I Arg. met; a twitch every two or three hours, Lyss. 8^"* jerking. Heart, undulating: confused sensation, with fulness and feeling of anxiety in left chest, Merc. per. Heart, uneasiness: Sinap.; in cardialgia, IFerr.; dull, with weakness in forearm, IDig.; in shock of injury,ICham.;painful,Form. B^*distress. Heart, sensation of unsteadiness: when walk- ing or driving, IKali c. Heart, valvular affections: I Aeon, I Amyb, Apis, lArs., lArs. b, lAur. met, lAur. mur, ICact, ICale, ICheb, Cinch, Collin., ICrotal, IIDig, IGlon., Hydr. ac, Iod, IKali c, IKali iod., IIKalm., I Lach, Lact. ac, ILaur, IILith, ILye, INaja, Phos., IIRhus, HSpig, HSpong, Samb, Syph.; in angina pectoris, IINaja; with dilatation of right ventricle, ICact.; after repeated endocarditis, especially affecting right ventricle, which gradually becomes dilated, IKali iod.; after rheumatic endocarditis, IIKalm.; chronic, with weak, faint feeling, must lie down, INatr. m.; induration of aortic valves, ILith.; causes gradual disappearance of murmur, fibri- nous deposits, ISpong.; mitral insufficiency, lApis, I Amyl, ICact, IKali bi, IKali c, ILith, 11 Oxal. ac, IIPuls, IRhus, ISpig, ISpong, HSub, I IZinc; mitral insufficiency, with dry, nocturnal cough, IRhus; mitral insufficiency causes dropsy, ICact., Chloral, I ISep.; mitral insufficiency, after typhoid endocarditis, Hod.; mitral insufficiency, with chronic rheumatic fever, pain worse by mov- ing, but afterwards better from movement, HSub; mitral insufficiency, with eccentric hypertrophy of left ventricle, ICact.; mitral insufficiency,with palpitation,llSpong.; mitral insufficiency, after rheumatism, ICollin., IIKalm, ISpong.; mitral insufficiency, with endocarditis after acute articular rheumatism, 11 Spig.; mitral stenosis, ILaur.; violent regur- gitation, with absence of mitral cluck (epi- leptiform spasms), Med.; commencing with stitches about heart, HSpig.; low tension, in radial arteries, -Dig.; organic change, giving rise to tumultuous action, violent sudden throbbing, attended with endocardial mur- mur and increased size of organs, INaja; thickening, after rheumatism, IIKalm.; with vertigo, ISpig.; sympathetic vertigo, IOp.; worse towards evening, at night, on going up stairs, on deep inspiration, or from anger, Ars. 8€g"* organic affections. Heart, wandering pains: sudden, flying to stomach, arrest breathing, last but a moment, probably myalgic, Ustil. Heart, as if working in water : with palpitation, Bov. Heart, wavelike motion: not synchronous with pulse, ISpig. IIphosT'acVSumb, IVer ; with dull heavy beatine on lying down, Lye vir.; in morbus Briehtfi ILye vir.; with roldness and blue- st of rial^d fingers, ICrotal.; with con- stipation, IPhyt.; in whooping cough ICrotal with debility; IKali f; dilated, IDig.; with diarrhoea, in jaundice, ILye vir ; in dropsy, I Aur.mur.; from fright,! Aeon.; with cold hands and feet, IGels.; following headache, ILye vir ; in hydrothorax, Crotal.; by influence of smouldering inflammation, generally in lungs, ILye vir.; in pneumonia, I ISang.; in pneumonia senilis, IDig.; syncope, by chang- ing his position or being raised in an upright position, Dig.; without valvular complication, IIDig.; after a walk, IRhus. 8@" heat. fainting, fatty degeneration, paralysis; also Pulse weak. ^ Heart, weak feeling: Benz. ac, 11 Iod., ILobel. i.; as if dying, IMere Heart, as if it whirled around in chest: heart affection, ICact. PALPITATION : I Aeon., I Act. rac, JEsc. h, .Ethus., All. sat. Alum, Amm. c, 11 Amyb, Anac, 11 Anag, Ang., Ant. c. Ant. t, I Arg, met, Arg. nit, Arn, IIArs., Ars. h., Asaf, Aspar, Ast. r, 11 Aurant., lAur.met, lAur. mur., Badiag., Bapt, Bar. c. Bar. m, IBelb, Benz, Berb., Brom., Bry., ICact, ICalab, HCale, Calc. a, Calc. p, Camph, ICann. s., Carbo v., • Castor., ICed., ICham, Chlor, Cie, ICinch, Cinch, bol, ICoccul, Coccus, Coff., Coff. t, Coloe, Con, Cop,Cornus, Croc, I Crotal, I Cup. m, I IDig., I Diose, Erig, EuoaL, lEup. perf, Eup. pur,IFerr, IFerr. iod, IFerr. ph. Form, IGels, IGlon., Graph., IGuaiac, 11 Ham, 11 Helon, Hep., \ Hydr.ac,Iber.,Iod., IKali bi, IKali c, ILac def, IILach, Lachn.,. I ILactu. v, ILaur, I ILed., ILil. tig, IILyc, Magn.m, IMelil.,IMere cor., IMillef,Mosch., Mur. ae, Murex, Mygale, INaja, Natr. e, INatr. m., INux m, IINux v, 1101. jee, Oxal ac, I IParis, HPhos., Phos. ae, Plant, I IPlat, IPlumb, IPod, IPuls., IRhus, I IRob, Samb, Sang, Sec, Seneg., ISep, Sib. HSpig., llSpong, IISul, Sul. ac, ITabae, Tarant, Val, Ver. v. Zinc. Palpitation, abdomen : with drawing in upper, extending to small of back, and passing to- wards lumbar region, IKreo.; worse from ex- cessive flatulence, ILye vir.; from incarcerated flatus (chronic constipation), ICoca. Palpitation, afternoon: IBell, ILye; with burning stinging in chest, left side, Lyss. Palpitation, with anaemia: I Ars., Carb. s, IIFerr, IFerr. ph, IINatr. m., IPhos, IPuls., IVer.; with tightness across chest, HPhos.; chlorotic or hysteric girls, IBar. c. 8^** chlo- rosis. Palpitation, angina pectoris: 8®*" Chap. 28 Inner chest angina. Palpitation,anguish: IIAcon., lArs., Aur. met. Aur. mur. Zinc; cannot lie on back worse going up stairs, IIArs.; insufficiency of mitral valve, IIPuls.; praecordial, IPlat.; severe pal- pitation, with praecordial, HPhos.; violent 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. 837 paroxysms, often with, and obscuration of sight, IPuls. 8€^~ anxiety. Palpitation, anus : fistula, ICact. Palpitation, anxiety: HAcon, Agar, I Amm. c, lArg. nit, IIArs, Asaf, lAur. met, Aur. mur, HCale, Carbo v., IChel, IGraph, IKalm, ILach, Lyss., I IMosch., Natr. m, Oleand, Osm, HPhos, IPlat, IPsor., IPuls., Ruta, ISep, IStram., HSub, IVer.; violent, when ascending and at night, when lying on left side, INatr. e; prevents falling asleep, ISub; in asthma, Ang.; when awaking in morning, Thuya; as if below her left breast, so violent her whole body trembled, HPhos.; during day (quotidian fever), IIRhus; children, ICale; worse from mental emotion, Aur. mur.; in evening and morning, HPhos.; from slight- est exercise, ICale; trembling of hands, Elaps; in nervous headache, ISpig.; about heart, spasmodic, IPlumb.; in uterine hemorrhage, ICroe; in hydropericardium, IColch.; with leucorrhoea, Bar.; when lying on left side, IIPuls.; morning on awaking, IRhus; nerv- ous, IIKali ph.; at night, on turning over, ILye; at night, caused by pressure on stom- ach, ISub; frequent with,"in third month of pregnancy, lArg. met.; with restlessness, IIAcon, lArs.; and sadness, INatr. m.; after uterine hemorrhage, IlAur. met.; violent, aubible, Dig.; trembling weakness, particu- larly in calves, ICale p.; without, any time of day, HSub; about things which happened years ago, ISep. 8®°" anguish. Palpitation, arm: numbness,ILach.; with pain in left, ICale; has to seize left, during, I IA ur. met. Palpitation, ascending: B^" exertion. Palpitation, audible : 8@~ Heart beat. Palpitation, back: burning and distress along spine, INatr. e; cramp, between scapulae, I IPhos.; noticed on leaning against, Chin, a.; myelitis, HColch.; pain, in small of, IILach.; violent, with pain from sore spot below left scapula, to heart, IMed.; spinal irritation, ICoccul, ICup. m.; tabes dorsalis, IGraph. fl@?* lying down. Palpitation, in morbus Basedowii: IIFerr. Palpitation, beat: feels, 11 Bar. e; visible, shakes whole body, IStaph. 8®- Heart beat. Palpitation, bed : driving out of, IVer. Palpitation, bending: worse, forward, HSpig. Palpitation, blood: excessive flow, IKali m.; with orgasm, HNux v. 8®~ Chap. 28, Inner chest ebullition. Palpitation, brain: cerebral congestion, alter- nates with loss of consciousness, IGlon.; cere- bral erethism (cardiac hyperesthesia), ICoff Palpitation, breathing: asthmatic, I IPuls.; in chronic asthma, lArg. nit.; follows asthma, I ISub; takes breath away, Zinc; dyspnoea, Amm. e, lArs., Cact, ICale, Chlor, Crot. t, IMosch., IPsor, ISpong, IVer, Ver. v., I Viol.; violent, with distressing dyspnoea (cardiacdropsy), ICact.; dyspnoea, from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., IColch.; gasping, tCamph.; from holding breath, HSpig.; impeded (veta),ICoca; better by deep sighing inhalations,IIArg.met.; from deep inspiration, ICact., HSpig.; op- pressed, IKalm.; suddenoppression,ICamph.; rapid, audible, IVer.; in spells, taking breath, IKali e; stoppage, tCamph.; suffocation, 11 Amyb, ICale a., Guaiae; violent, with suf- focative spells, lying down (fatty hypertrophy of heart), ICact.; nearly takes breath away, IKali e; want of breath, when moving, ICale BaT" chest. Palpitation, chest: affection after abortion, INuxm.; bronchitis, I ICact; capillary bron- chitis, pneumonia, ICheb; congestion,!ICact, Ferr. ph., IGels, INitr. ae, HSep., HSpong.; congestion, especially in rapidly growing youths, HPhos.; constriction, HCadm. s, IKali m.; hyperemia of lungs (haemoptysis), IIAcon.; oppression, Agar, lAspar., IMillef; oppression, alternating with, lAlum.; anx- ious oppression, HSpig.; in carditis, IBry.; oppression, on lying upon left side, IPuls.; in phthisis, audible, I I Chloral.; oppression, dis- turbing sleep before epilepsy), ICale a.; op- pression, after having stooped, as if heart were tightly laced, Mere per.; oppression, from walking fast, or other bodily exertion (insufficiency of valves), ISpig.; pressure, HCinch.; pressure, as if a lump lay there, or chest were stuffed up, lAmb.; shooting, after palpitation, Aur. met; stitches in left side, ISep.; stitches in left, in pleurisy, IKali c; visible over whole chest, worse walking, bet- ter sitting still, but renewed by slightest exer- tion, liber.; weakness and empty feeling, at same time fulness in epigastrium, Oleand. 8®° breathing; also Chap. 28, Inner chest angina. Palpitation, children : and young persons who grow too fast, IPhos ac. Palpitation, chilliness: IBov. Palpitation, chlorosis: IFerr, IPuls.; venous murmurs, ICycl. BSP' anaemic. Palpitation, in chorea: IChel, HVer., I I Ver. v. Palpitation, chronic : ICact, IHyos. Palpitation, in climacteric period ; IKali br, IILach., ITabae; mental suffering, HCalab. Palpitation, coldness: sensation of, in region of heart, IKali m.; in limbs, ICamph.; at night, ICale; of surface, ICamph. Palpitation, congestion: excessive flow of blood to heart, IKali m.; accompanies hyper- semic condition of skin, worse from wine, beer or spirits, Chloral. Palpitation, consciousness: loss of, Cact. Palpitation, constipation : IKali c, IINux v. Palpitation, cough: causes palpitation, Agnus, ICale, IICup. m, INatr. m., IPsor, IPuls, Stram, ISub; bloody expectoration, IMere; at night (bronchial catarrh), ICale; rattling in throat, IKali bb; caused by tickling in middle of chest, IKali n.; during whooping cough, IIArs, IBry, ICaust. 8^° Chap. 27, During cough, palpitation. Palpitation, drinking: palpitation after, ICon.; after coffee, wine or liquors, IINux v.; visible, especially after, Con. Palpitation, ears: ringing, IPhos. Palpitation, eating: aftereating, Aspar, Bufo, HCale, ICamph, ICarbo a, ICarbo v. Hep, llgn, IILyc, INatr. m., INitr.ac, INux v, HPlumb, IPuls, I ISep, Sil, IISul, Thuya; better after breakfast, IKali c; in chlorosis, Cale; worse during digestion, ILye; after dinner, IPuls, I IStram.; violent, especially after dinner, with cardialgia, I IPhos.; with distress and tenderness (may also follow abuse of soda crackers), INatr. e; in endocarditis, ICale; with gagging, Kali e 838 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. Palpitation, epigastrium: anxious feeling to spine (neuropathia), Kali ars.; extending to, with constriction, Ast. r.; felt in, HCact.; spasmodic, with sense of fluttering, IINux v.; with fluttering, sinking feeling, INux v.; trembling, Agar.; weakness, Calab. Palpitation, in epilepsy: ICale a, I IKali ph.; before attacks, ICale, Cup. m, ILach. Palpitation, eructation: better by, of gas, Aur. met.; violent, with urging to belch as if something in heart prevented it, then vio- lent heat like explosions from epigastrium to head, Calc. a. Palpitation, eruption (eczema): IPetrol.; sup- pressed, ICale; suppressed herpes, I Ars. Palpitation, in evening: Bufo., ICarbo a., ICaust, IHep.; in bed, ILye, INatr. m, INitr. ae, Petrol., IPhos., ISep, HSub; in bed, lying on left side, better sitting up, Ang,; as after eating, IManc; worse, in real convul- sio cordis, I Agar. Palpitation, exertion: after, Amm. c, Arg. nit, IIArs, ICact, IIDig, Iod, Merc, IPod, IIPuls, 11 Vespa; from ascending, IIArs, Cact, ICroe, Iber, INatr. m, INatr. c, INitr. ac, HSub, Thuya, Ver.; on ascending a hill or stairs, with dyspnoea, lAur. mur.; on ascending, with shortness of breath, IIKali ph.; worse ascending, deep inspira- tions, or thinking of them (morbus Brightii), ILye vir.; choking from slightest, ILach.; distressing, with dull pain from cough, laugh- ing, and slight exertion, Iber.; on exercise, HSub; from least, I Ars., ICale, IGraph, lllod., IKali e, HSpig.; from least, in incip- ient phthisis, ILye vir.; from a little, HChin. s.; in hemorrhage from bowels, IKali bb; from least, worse paying attention to it, Sumb.; at every motion,especially when ascending (chlo- rosis primaria amenorrhceica), HSabina; frequent during motion (affection of heart), INatr.m.; from least motion, Act. rac, IIDig, IFerr, INatr. m, IStaph.; from motion, Aur. met, Brom., Coccul., Graph, Natr. m, Phos, Staph., Ver.; on motion, in dropsy of chest, ISib; on motion, with leucorrhoea, ISub; troublesome, on motion (menorrha- gia), I Apoe ; when moving or exerting one's self, INatr. m.; from, worse noticing it, better moving, lArg. nit.; from overexertion, Amm. c, Arg. nit, Bov., Iod, Merc,Pod, IRhus.;af- ter preaching, INaja; violent hammering after every quick or violent motion, ISib; after, better in rest, I Arn.; after rising from bed, ICon.; on rising or turning in bed, with pain in epigastrium, or lower end of sternum, Ferr. iod.; after slight, Med.; on slightest motion, ICarbo v, I liber, IMere, HPhos.; from going up stairs, in acute desquamation of Bright's disease, IHelon.; after going up stairs (chronic passive hemorrhage from kidneys), I ITereb.; on going up stairs, gurgling, Bell.; caused by going up stairs, walking quickly or even by loud talking (chronic bronchial catarrh), I IPuls.; visible, after going up stairs, Bov.; caused by running up stairs, Ferr. iod.; worse in every step (hyperaemia from steno- cardia), I Aur. mur.; sudden, when walking slowly, IINitr. ae; from sudden muscular Arg. nit.; suffocating on making even slight exertion, or on going up stairs, or ascending ground, I ISpong.; on turning in bed, after typhoid fever (nervous affection), IManc., on assuming upright posture, IColch.; wnne walking, Seneg.; has to walk about room, tCamph.; on walking in open air, Amb.; bet- ter walking slowly, IFerr.; from walking last, Bufo, ISep.; on walking fast, in open air, IIThuya; when walking fast or ascending steps (amenorrhcea), I ISep.; compels him to stop walking or riding, Aur. met; worse walking, Cact, IKali iod. . Palpitation, face: cold, ICamph.; felt in, IMur. ac; flushed, hot, eyes red, Iber.; heat, lAcon, IBell, Calc. a, IIGlon.; heat, after emotion, Calc. a.; painful numbness in malar bones, mastoid processes and chin as if parts were between screws, I IPlat.; pale, I Ars., ICale a.; with prosopalgia, I IPlat, HSpig.; red, Agar.; tearing, lightning-like stitches in lower and upper jaws, after menses, I ISpig. Palpitation, faint feeling: IIAcon, Asaf, Cham., ICoccul, IHydras, lllod, IKalm.; with stiffness, INuxm.; seizes an object by which he may support himself during attack, ICoccul. Palpitation,fainting : IIAcon, IILach., IINux m. Petrol, IVer.; in hysteria, lAmm. e; fol- lowed by sleep, INux m. Palpitation, feet: cold, IKali m.; cold, with nausea, IGlon. Palpitation, fever: during paroxysm of inter- mittent, Hgn.; hectic, HCale; high, HSpig.; in intermittent, IFerr.; intermittent, during heat, ICoccul.; typhus, second week, ICale; yellow, Cadm. s. Palpitation, fluids: after loss of, HCinch, IFerr. Palpitation, frequent: Ast r., IKali e, Zinc; without anxiety (third week of pregnancy), lArg. in.; short paroxysms, with pulsating throbs in direction of heart, IINux v. Palpitation, girls: chronic, with young, ILach. Palpitation, haemoptysis: IIAcon., IDig., IIFerr, IMang, IPhos. Palpitation, hands: heat and trembling, Calc. a.; violent, laming and paralytic pain in left, and arm, Agar.; tremor, Bov. Palpitation, head: congestion, I Aur. met., IBapt, IBelb, Cinch., IIGlon.; felt in, IBar. c; heaviness, roaring, slight nausea, Iber. Palpitation, headache: lyEthus., lAmm. c, IBufo.; in chlorosis, ICycb; dull, Agar.; dull, with flashes before eyes, Iber.; in morning, INatr. m.; nervous, INaja, IIThuya; sick, Bov.; in vertex, IIBrom.; pain and pressure in vertex (coryza),ICact.; gets better and worse together, 11 Calc. a. Palpitation, heart: marked increase of force of apex beat, 11 Iber.; burning in region of, Caust. - carditis, IBry.; cramplike pain in praecordial region, with anxiety, ILach.; as if heart were being crushed, I ISpig.; dilatation, valvular lesion. Dig.; in heart disease, I IFerr • in endo- carditis, lArs Aur. mur.; hypertrophy, with dilatation, Chloral, IILyc. vir.; in hypertro- phic conditions, IKali m.; irritable HCoff t • neurosiscordis, ICale; organic affection ICact'' HSpong.; pain, ICact, Calc a.; pain, as if heart were hanging by a thread and everv beat would tear it off, after menses ILach • rheumatism, ICale, IColch.; sore,pain in and about, feeling as if heart tumbled over or trembling in heart, ICrotal.; sticking draw 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. 839 ing, squeezing pain, result of rheumatism and cold, ILyss.; stitches, I ISpig.; tremulous sen- sation, IGlon.; as if it turned forward and over, tCamph. 8®* Chap. 28, Inner chest, angina. Palpitation, heat: dry, constantly increasing, I Aeon, IColch.; in evening, Sars.; flashes, before menses, Iod., ILach.; flashes,especially left side of face and neck, ILac def; frequent flashes, lAmyl, ICale, IGlon., IILach.; at night, IMur. ac. Palpitation, hemorrhoids: ICale, ICollin.; sup- pressed, IISul. Palpitation, hysteria: lArt. v., ICed, IGels, IMosch, INatr. m.; in plethoric women, IIGels.; with weak, small pulse and irregu- larity in heartbeat, INux m. Palpitation, kidneys: in diabetes, I ITJran. n.; uraemia, asphyctic form, IHydr. ac. Palpitation, larynx: aphonia, IFerr.; nervous aphonia, HOxal. ac. Palpitation, leucorrhcea : Hyper. Palpitation, long lasting: Bar. e; for days, ICarbo v. 8®* chronic. Palpitation, limbs : trembling, ICoff, I I Cup. ars. Palpitation, liver: affection, ICard. m., IMagn. m., INux v, IPsor. Palpitation, lying down : IINux v.; on back, lArs, Nitrum; on back, at night, better sitting up, Asaf; after dinner, IINux v.; on left side, Ang, Bar. c, Cact., IDaph., INatr. m, I IPuls., Tabae; on left side, dur- ing cough, IPuls.; on left side, at night, HPhos.; on left side, when turning to right, ITabae; on left side, woke her at night, INatr. e; on left side, after vertigo, HPhos.; better at rest, IVer.; on right side, Badiag, Brom, HPlat; on right side, functional dis- turbance, ILil. tig.; on either side, ILil. tig., INatr. e; obliged to lie down, Iber.; must lie down, in asthma, Cinch. Palpitation, menses: at approach, Cact.; be- fore, Alum., INatr. m., I ISep, HSpong.; before, scanty and irregular (cardialgia), I IZinc; during, Agar., Alum, Bufo, ICroe, Cup. m, Hgn, Iod., INatr. m, INitr. ac, IPhos, Rhus, ISil, ISpig., ISul, ITabae, Thuya ; during, in ciliary neuralgia, ICrotal.; after, Agar, Iod, INatr. m.; delaying eight days, Hod.; in dysmenorrhoea, HTarant.; emansio mensium, IDig.; in metrorrhagia, Apoe, Aur. met; profuse,Bov.; in suppressed, ICycl.; suppressed, with exophthalmic goitre, IFerr. iod. Palpitation, mental condition : with agony of death, IVer.; alarming, in gonorrhoea, I ITa- rant.; after alarming events, fright, grief, sor- row, etc, IOp.; greatly annoying, IKali iod.; anxious thoughts for hours, INatr. in.; chagrin, IPuls.; complains without knowing what ails him, IMosch.; depression, IDig., INaja, ITabae; depression, with fainting spells, ILac def.; feeling as if she would die, IGlon.; mental derangement, IKali bb; especially if she has to give directions in domestic affairs (pregnancy), HStann.; from emotion, Amyb, Arg. nit., Asaf, I Aur. met., Badiag, ICact, Calc. a, ICinch, ICoccul, ICoff, ICrotal., I IPhos., Plat., Pod, ISep.; from emotions, in hyperaemia, of brain, I IPhos.; depress- ing emotions, IPhos. ae; worse from any emotion, in spinal irritation, IPhos.; upon slightest emotion, in pertussis, heart disease, etc., IBadiag.; from exertion, llgn., IStaph.; from emotion, or exertion, with rumbling in ascending colon, heavy sleep, fatigue on awakingin morning,drowsyall forenoon, I Pod.; with uneasiness and exaltation, tiEthus.; after excessive exaltation, joy, surprise, I Coff; from excitement, I Aeon., Alum, Cact, ICoff.; after excitement, with anxiety and weeping, I Plat.; after sudden excitement, better lying down (heart disease), ILach.; after unusual ex- ertion, ICact; with fear, I Aeon, I Ars, IGels, IMerc,IOp.;with fear,in aphonia, IFerr.; fearof losing reason, IDig.; from fright, IPuls.; fright or vexation, in angina pectoris, lAur. mur.; grief, IDig, IGels., Hgn.; from joy, HCoff, IPuls.; unfortunate love affair, ICact, llgn., INatr. m.; during deep meditation, Hgn.; with nervousness,! Ver.; like lightning, drives out of bed at night, especially when thinking of real or imaginary wrongs, better cold baths and friction (mania), Hod.; caused by every strange noise, I INatr. p.; from slightest noise, Agar.; after pleasurable emotions, IBadiag, ICoff.; with sadness, during menses,INatr. m.; from emotion, or protracted study, IINux v.; with springing up in bed, in terror, ILach.; caused by thinking about disease, Alum.; when thinking of his disease, in angina pectoris, I Aur. mur.; by thinking about it, IBar. c, lOxal. ae; while engaged in deep thought, llgn.; from vexation, Aeon.; with weeping, Amm. c. Plat. 8®* anguish, anxiety. Palpitation, in morning: Sarrae; on getting awake, INatr. m.; on awaking, must lie still, with closed eyes, ICarbo a.; early, Bar. e; worse in morning and evening, and when thinking of it, Lye vir. g®" sleep. Palpitation, motion : fl®* exertion. Palpitation, mouth: aphthae, llllic. Palpitation, from music: IStaph. Palpitation, nausea: Bufo, ILach, I IMygale, ISib; and vomiting, IINux v. Palpitation, nervous: ICact., ICoff, Crotal, IIKali ph., ILil. tig., IMagn. p, INux v., HPhos, IStaph, Valer.; in cachectic persons, INatr. m.; chronic, INaja; chronic choking (angina pectoris), IINaja; with voluptuous crawling in genitals and abdomen, followed by painless pressure downward in genitals, with exhaustion and stitches in sinciput, sym- pathetic with ovarian and uterine troubles, especially in barren women driven to despair, IPlat.; with blue face, ICup. in.; sympathetic irregular action, from derangement of gangli- onic system, Codein ; with dilatation of heart, INux v.; irritable heart, I Asaf.; in hysterical subjects, ISumb.; change of life, ISumb.; from amenorrhcea, IPuls.; from slightest mental excitement, INitr. ac; from nervous irritation, with plethora, I ILye vir.; neuralgic, IGels.; caused by neuralgic pain, settlingabout heart, Cornus; in young girls, during puberty,IPuls.; with small pulse, from overexertion, or sup- pression of discharges, in women, IIAsaf; when singing in church, ICarbo a.; with co- pious watery urine, IMosch.; better walking fast, ISep.; in presence of women, I IPuls. gg&° hysteric, mental condition. Palpitation, at night: Arg. nit, I Ars., I ICact, HCale, I IDulc, IMere, IVer.; audible, Ars.; awakens after midnight, 100 beats per minute, 840 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. IBenz. ac; so strong as to raise bedcovers, IPuls,- in attacks with tightness across chest (angina pectoris), ITabae; must get up and get out of house for relief (hypochondriasis), I Arg. nit.; with heat, Benz. ae; irregular, ly- ing on left side or turning in bed, better in upright position and deep inspiration, ICact.; half an hour after lying down, lOxal. ac; lying, Benz. ae; at midnight, Badiag.; and morning in bed, llgn.; in organic valvular disease, ICarbol. ac; with pressing in prse- cordia, Coccus ; with stitches in heart, llgn.; suffocative attacks, Ars.; violenton turning in bed, HSub; visible, Ars. 8^° morning, sleep. Palpitation, nose: bleeding, IGraph.; catarrh, IILyc. Palpitation, ovary: congestive (neuralgia), INaja; crampy pains in left, INaja. Palpitation, painful: Eucab, IHelon, Sarrae; gasping respiration, llSpong.; with indiges- tion, IHep. Palpitation, periodic : with anguish, iEse h.; in rest and motion, I IThuya. Palpitation, in pregnancy: I Arg. met, II Lil. tig,INatr.m,ISep.; with heartburn, I I Natr.m.; violent, with morning sickness, ICon. Palpitation, pressure: presses hand hard against side for relief (gastric ulcer), lArg. nit. Palpitation, pulse: contracted, frequently inter- mitting, ISee; full, Tell.; irregular, going to bed, Tereb.; soft and irregular, IPuls. 8®*" pulse. Palpitation, restlessness: IIAcon, IIArs, IBov, ICact; anxious, ICale; worse moving or ascending, 11 Aspar.; must move about, can neither sit nor stand, IFerr.; must walk about, INux m.; makes uneasy and frightened, especially at night (Basedow's disease), 11 Spong. Palpitation, rheumatic :JCoccub,IColch,IGels, I Oxal. ac. Palpitation, riding : compelling him to get out and walk (hypochondriasis), I Arg. nit. Palpitation, sexual: after coition, Amm. c, IDig.; debility, IDig.; after excess, Sec; after masturbation, IDig., IFerr, IPhos.ae; pros- tatic troubles, IDig. Palpitation, sitting: ICarbo v.; bent over, Ang.; pulsations moving body, IRhus ; hand in which he holds something trembles, ISib; leaves of book tremble, HAspar.; or lying on right side, ILach.; going off on motion, IMagn. m.; at night, worse after drinking, Benz. ae; after rising in morning, HSpig.; throbbing, over whole body, ISib; better by getting up and walking about (cardialgia), IMagn. m. Palpitation, sleep: on awaking, Bufo, ICale, HPhos, Sib; awakens, I Alum, I Ars, Cann.i, IKali bi, Oxal. ae; on awaking, after fearful dreams, Rhus, ISub; waking, after half an hour, ILye; awakens, at 12 p.m., I ISpong.; suddenly awakened, after midnight, with suffocation, alarm, anxiety, HSpong.; after awaking, with twitches, ICamph.; awakes her, throbbing all over, Ferr. iod.; during sleep, ICale, IMere cor.; when falling asleep, ICale, INatr. m, I ISub; with nightmare, ICale; preventing sleep, ICale, Crot. tig., I IPsor.; restless, Lib tig.; after siesta, IStaph.; sleepless, Aur. mur, 11 Kali ph. Palpitation, in smallpox: 11 Variol. Palpitation, standing: INatr.m. Palpitation, stomach: in gastro-duodenal ca- tarrh, IHydras.; cramps, ICale, IKalm., ex- cited by digestion, ISep.; persistent troubles of digestive functions in susceptible hysterical subjects, IMosch.; dyspepsia and flatulence, ICollin.; frequent, with dyspepsia, I™8-! heartburn, Mosch.; follows rumbling, IWact BST" Heart stomach. Palpitation, stool: after, IIArs, Caust, HCon.; immediately after, with oppression of chest, Grat.; during, Cycb; during, in dysentery, ISub; loose, lAnt. t; slimy, Petrol.; urging, Calc. a. Palpitation, strumming sensation : IKalm. Palpitation, sudden: IMang.; during meno- pause, ICrotal. Palpitation, sweat: after palpitation, Tell.; with anxious, Agar.; cold, Amm. e; during, in intermittent fever, IMere, 11 Sep.; towards morning, IIMerc; after suppressed foot sweat, I Ars. Palpitation, from talking: IPuls. Palpitation, thrilling sensation : IKalm. Palpitation, throat: up into, after going to bed, worse lying on left side, better lying on back, IKalm.; choking, after walking, I liber.; choking, obstructing respiration, IPod.; con- striction, Coloe; constriction, worse on mo- tion, deep inspiration or holding breath, IKalm.; ascending from stomach, caused by accumulation of air, Mane; felt as if coming up, drank several mouthfuls of water, which relieved, Lyss. Palpitation, tired feeling: 11 Natr. p. Palpitation, with trembling: Benz. ac, HCic, Kalm, I ISpig.; and anxiety, I ICamph.; before palpitation, Cale a.; in heart disease, ILye; from quick motion and mental excitement, ICoccul.; several times when sitting, I Asaf. Palpitation, causing uneasiness: ICact. Palpitation, uterus : hemorrhage, at climacteric period, ITrilb; caused by labor pains, IPuls.; prolapsus, I I Alum. Palpitation, with vertigo: tiEthus, Agar, Bov, Cact, ICoccul, ;Coff. t, IKali br.; in chloro- sis, ICycb; more in daytime than at night, -L IHt. Palpitation, vomiting: bilious, ICrotal.; in yellow fever, IILach.; before, with weakness, Sang. 8@~ nausea. Palpitation, vulva: voluptuous tingling, IPlat. Palpitation, with weakness: lArs, llllic, ILac def; in veta, ICoca; languor, ICaust; prostration, IVer. 8^* aneemic, chlorosis. Palpitation, with worms : ICina, HSpig. PERICARDIUM, ecchymosis: small,Art.v. Pericardium, effusion (dropsv, hydropericar- dium): lApis, lApoe, IIArs!, IBry., IColch, [Dig., IHell, ILach, IILyc, I IPsor., jSal. ac, ISub; asthma, dropsy of lower extremities to knees, IColch.; following inflammation, I Apis; after inflammatory affectionsof heart, I IColch • only a little fluid, tArs. h.; depression be- tween ribs less perceptible, Cheb; sympa- thetic irritation of endocardium, IColch • yel- low serum, Ars. s. f. 8®° Chap. 28, Inner chest, dropsy; also Pleura effusion. Pericardium, inflammation (pericarditis) ■ HAeon, Act. rac, Anac, lApis, Apoe, IIArs' Ascl. t, IBry., ICact, I IChloral., IColch.'; 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. .841 IDig, Gels., Iod., IKali c, IKali iod., Kali n, IKalm, HOxal. ac. Plat, IPsor, HSpig., ISpong, HSub, IVer.; acute, with anxiety and weight in prrecordia, HSpig.; after diph- theria, ILach.; increased area of dulness on percussion, HSpig.; after suppressed erup- tions, I Ars.; idiopathic, Ver. v.; favors resorp- tion of exudates, ILach.; incipient, in conse- quence of articular rheumatism, I IPlat.; with nephritis, I ICoccus; in pleuro-pneumonia, I Ant. t; in complication with croupous pneu- monia, Hod.; psoric origin, better lying qui- etly, IPsor.; rheumatic, Anac, lAscl. t, IBry, IColch, HPsor, Ver. v.; with acute articular rheumatism, Hod.; after scarlatina, ILach.; second stage, IKali m.; subacute, I Ascl. t. PULSE, absent: Amyg, Ant. t, I Arg. nit, lArs, Ars. h, Ars. s. f, Citrus, Colch, Con., I IHell, I IHydr. ac, IMosch, IPhyt, IPod, Strain.; in cholera, IBry, ICamph, ICup. ac, ICup. m, IHydr. ae, ILaur., IOp., IVer.; in gastritis, I INux v.; in labor, ILach.; in met- rorrhagia, Croc, IKreo.; in cardiac rheuma- tism, ICact.; in beginning of spotted fever, lAmm. e; with suffocation, HCact.; in sun- stroke, IGlon.; suppressed, with strong palpi- tation, IPuls.; with cold sweat, ICamph, ICarbo v, Med, IVer. 8ST low, weak. Pulse, accelerated (fast, frequent, rapid): IIAcon., JEsc. h., .(Ethus, lAgar, Ailant, Aloe, Alum, Amm. ben, 11 Amm. c, Amm. m. Ammoniac, Amyg, 11 Amyl, Anac, Ananth, Ang, Anthrok, Ant. chb, Aph. ch., Arn, IIArs., Ars. s. f. Arum t, I Asaf, Asar, Ast r., Atrop. s,HAur. met,HBell, IBenz.ac, IIBerb., Bism, Bor., Bov, Brom, IBry, Calab, Calad, ICamph., Cann. i, ICanth, ICarbol. ac, ICed, ICepa, IChim. umb, IChin. a., IChin. s., 11 Chloral, Chlor, Chrom. ae, ICina, ICinch, Clem, Coca, ICoccul., Coccus, ! Cochl, Coff, Colch.,Coloe, Con., Croc, ICrotal, ICrot. t. Cub., Cup. ars, IICup. m, Cycb, Daph, Eucab, IFerr, IIFerr. ph., ^Form, IGels., IIGlon., Hippoz, IHyos, IHyper, Iber, llgn, Iod., lllpec, IJacea, IKali bb, Kali br, IKali c, IKali iod, IIKali m, IKali ph, ILye vir, IManc, Merc, per, IMur. ac, INatr. s, INux m, INux v, 1101. jee, Oxal. ac, IPhos, Phos.ac, IPlumb, I IPtel, IPuls., I IRan. sc, IIRhus, ISang, Seneg, ISil, Sinap, Spong, Staph, ISul, Sub ac, ITelb, Tereb, Vace, Val, Viol, HZine; 80, Aph. ch., Ars.i, Arum d., IPhos, IIRan. sc; 84, Thlaspi; 8o, IILach.; 86, IKali e; 87, lAgar.; 88, Chloral.; 89, IMere cor • 90 Ant. a, 11 Arund, Colch., Merc, sul, .Stilling.'; 92, Ars. h.; 96, HTarant; 98,Chin.a.; 100 Agar., Amyg., Daph, Hgn, Kali br, IKreo HLac c, Med., Sarrae; 96 to 104, Cinch, bob; 107, Ars. h.; 108, ICycl, IKali iod.; 110 Hippoz., IPhyt, I IPuls., I IRumex ; 120, Ant. chb, IBapt, ICina, ICup. m, Hippoz, Hem HLac c, ILach, ILye, IMere cy, IIRumex, I ISars I ISul, 11 Var., HVer v^; 125, I ISub; 126, Vespa; 128 Ars h ; 130, Amve Asim., Merc, sub, Mygale, I ISib; 140, Amve ICina, 11 Collin., Dory, I ILac c.,1 ISul, HTarant; 143, Coca; 144 HPsor; 150, I IMere viv., I IVer. v.; 160, Lyss, 11 Ver. v., Ve«Da-170, Colch.; 200, Chin, a.; in abortion, IColoe'; abortion, 120, I lUstil.; at 2 p.m., 100, Bapt.; at 3 p.m., 90, Agar.; at 4 p.m., 84, Chrom. ac; in albuminuria, 112, lApis; in albuminuria, 120, easily compressed, ICale a.; in angina, 11 Oxal. ae; in angina, 120, IBar. m.; in apoplexy, I Ast. r, ICrotal., ILaur., I IPhos.; in apoplexy, 100, ICoccul.; precursor of apo- plexy, Ast. r.; visible throbbing of arteries, Jab.; in ascites, lApis; in asthma, Bapt; in asthma Millari, ICup. m.; in asthma, 100, I ITabae; in asthma, congestion to heart, I Asaf; on awaking, Sib; in catarrh of blad- der, 110, 11 Uva ursi; in inflammation of bowels, 110, IVer. v.; in inflammation of brain, IIBell., IMere viv., IIPuls.; in incip- ient basilar meningitis, 90 to 100, IKali br.; in traumatic meningitis, 140, IHyper.; in cere- brospinal meningitis, IBelb, ICalab, ICie, IHelb; in cerebrospinal disease, I IVer. v.; in irritation of brain, 90, ILach.; in affection of brain, small and empty, 106, IGlon.; in bron- chitis, IPhos.; in burns, 160, Calend.; in can- cer labii, ICamph.; in acute catarrh, 120, I Ant. t.; in bronchial catarrh, 150, ILach.; in bronchial and vesical catarrh, 100, ICop.; in chest affection, after abortion, INux m.; in chest troubles, after repelled itch, IHep.; in cholera, I IZinc; in cholera, 130, HVer.; in cholera infantum, -Coff. t; in chol- erine, IPhos.; after coffee, Agar.; in colic, llris, IINux v.; in lead colic, 120, I IOp.; in puerperal convulsions, I IOp, HStram.; in croup, I Aeon, I Ant. t, IBell, IBrom, IHep, I ISang, I ISpong.; in diphtheritic croup, 100, IKali bb; in epileptiform convulsions, 190, 11 Ver. v.; could not be counted, I Ant. t, lArg. nit, I Ars, Camph, ICed, IDig, ILach, ILye, IMere c, IMere vir., I IPlat., I IZinc; in scarlatina, scarcely to be counted, in diph- theria, after failure of Lachesis, ILac e; in cynanche cellularis, Anthrac; with general debility (metritis and peritonitis puerperalis), I ITereb.; in delirium tremens, 120,1 IChloral.; in diabetes, 90, relieved, 11 Uran. n.; in chronic diarrhcea, 100, I ISub; 130, IColoe; in diph- theria, IBapt, IChin. a, IKali br. Kali iod. Kali m., IKali perm, ILac e, ILach., ILye, ■Mere cy, IMur. ac, IPhyt., I ISpong, ISub ae; in dropsy, I Aur. mur.; in dysentery, IColch.; after eating, I ILye; with ebullitions, Amb.; with ebullitions, while sitting, IMagn, m.; in enterocolitis, INuph.; in erysipelas, I IRhus; in erysipelas, 100, iHydras.; in ery- sipelas of face and scalp, 120, ICinch.; in evening, Anthrok, Aph. ch, Cinnab, I ILye, I IMez., Oleand, Ran. b., Rheum, Sars,Zinc.j in evening, in bed, Arg. met.; in evening, with distended bloodvessels, slower mornings, IPuls.; in evening, in dysentery, ICaps.; especially in evening, ICarbo a.; especially in evening, in consumption, Hod.; towards even- ing, Mar. v.; towards evening, in aphonia, IFerr.; excited, Anthrok., Bar. m, Cain.; ex- cited, in dentition, IVer. v.; excited, towards evening, with orgasm of blood, I ICaust.; ex- cited, at night, with ebullitions, INatr. e; ex- cited, in pneumonia, ILach.; great excitement of heart and circulation, in pneumonia, IRan. b.; only during exercise, Flour, ac.; by every slight exertion, Iod.; with coldness of face and feet (pernicious intermittents and other diseases), ILye; in facial neuralgia, 11 Spig.; 100, falls down suddenly as if dead, after sing- 842 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. ing, Lyss.; without fever, Camph.; before the fit, (Euan.; gastralgia, 100, IKali e; in gastric disorder, 80 to 88, lAtrop. s.; in gastro- enteritis and albuminuria, I Apis ; after gonor- rhoea, ICamph.; in haematemesis, ISee; in haematemesis, 120 to 130, I Ars.; in haemopty- sis, 100 to 120, Acab; in hay catarrh, I ISticta ; with pains in head (apoplexy), ICrotal.; in headache, IGlon.; in headache, full and tense, 86, IGlon.; in heart affections, 88, ICact, ILye vir, Mosch.; in heart disease, 90, ILye vir.; in heart affection, 160, ILach.; quicker than heartbeat, IIAcon.; reminds one of heart- beat in beginning of phthisis (articular rheu- matism), I ISal. ae; in carditis, ICarbo v.; in cardiac distress, in night, I Arn.; in cardiac hypersesthesia, 100 to 110, Hgn.; in irritation of cardiac nerves, 140, ICollin.; in pericarditis, 120, I ISpig.; in rheumatism of heart, 105, ICact; during heat, Chin, s., Menyanth., Ruta, ISee; with dry heat, I ISee; with flushes of heat in face, and congestion to chest, Seneg.; with heat, in phthisis florida, I IMere cor.; with heat of skin in jaundice, I Aeon.; in chronic passive hemorrhage, 120, HSec; in hemorrhage of lungs, llpec; in post-partum hemorrhage, ICroe; in hepatic disorder, I ISib; in hip disease, 120, I IStaph.; in hyste- ria, ICinnam.; in influenza, 130, I ICheb; in insanity, I INux v., I IVer. v.; in intermittent, lArs, IDig, Natr. m.; in haematuria from kid- neys, 100, IITereb.; during labor, IChin. s, Coff. t.; in functional derangement of liver, 96, HSep.; when lying, 80, when sitting 93, I ISpig.; in lyssophobia, ILyss.; in mam- mary tumor, lArs. iod.; in mania, lAnae, IBelb, ICup. a.; during second stage of attack of hystero-mania, I ITarant.; after meals, Ars. h, ILye; in melancholia, lAnae, lArg. nit.; after menses, INatr. m.; during menses, ICroe; in amenorrhcea, 120, HVer. v.; after metrorrhagia, 110, Ars. h.; in morning, lArs. m., ICanth, IGraph., IKali e, IIMez, Oxal. ae, Thuya; 100, at 9 a.m., Tromb.; in morning, slower during day and evening, llgn.; in morning, slower at night (intermit- tent), lArs.; by motion, IIAnt. t; by every motion, Petrol.; by motion or anger, Sep.; while moving, sinks to its accustomed slow- ness during rest, Dig.; in myelitis, 100, hard, IDulc; in perimyelitis, 120, I ISep.; in neur- algia, ICham.; with neuralgia of intestines, IGels.; in neuropathia, IIKali a.; at night, Dulc; at night, slower during day, Bry.; after injecting nitrate of silver for gonorrhoea, 100, I ITarant.; at noon, 112, Ars. h.; in ovarian cyst, Hod.; in ozaena, 120, lElaps; from pain, I ITarant.; after parturition, ICrotal.; in phthisis, lArs. iod., IBrom, ILach., INatr. a, I ISamb., I ISep., I IStann.; small, wiry, in phlebitis, 120, IHam.; in pleurodynia, 120, I IRan. b.; in pleurisy, 110, I ISeneg.; pleuritic, with plastic exudation, 136, IHep.; in pneumo- nia, IMere, I INuxv.; in pneumonia, 100, Sub; inpneumonia,102,1 IStram.; inpneumonia,106, IKali e; in pneumonia, 110, Hod.; in pneu- monia, 112, lAnt. t, IISul.; in pneumonia, 120, I Ant. t, Hod.; in pneumonia, 120 to 130, ILye; in pneumonia, 132, I Ant. t, I IStram.; in pneumonia, 184, I ISub; in pneumonia, 150, in evening, I IPhos.; in pneumonia, 130, I ISub; in pneumonia, 115, small, IChel.; in pneumonia, 110, small, thin, hard, Lachn , m typhoid pneumonia, 110, small, wiry, 'Lacnn.r in bronchial pneumonia, 145, ILye; in ca- tarrhal pneumonia, over 100, IBapt; in pneu- monia, stage of hepatization I Phos.; in py- aemia, I Ars ; quicker, harder, Calc. a.; quicker than beat of heart, ISpig.; acute rheumatism, 100 I ICheb; in scarlatina, 13b, ICina; 14U, Arum t; in malignant scarlatina, 150,1 I Stram; after scarlatina, 140, ILach.; in scarlatinal dropsy, 120, small, IDig.; in septicaemia, 130, 11 Sal. ac; all day, especially after siesta, Cain.; when sitting, Aspar.; skin dry, not hot, 90 Elaps; afterwards slow and faint, Bapt.; often changing, suddenly to slow and back again (meningitis), IGlon.; small, 12o-130, Bar. e; small, contracted, Acet. ac; small, scarcely to be counted, surface cold and dry (scarlatina), lAilant.; small and often irreg- ular, IFluor. ac; small and tremulous, IHelb; small, weak, in evening, ILobel. b; in smallpox, IIMillef; in smallpox, 120, I I Chin, s.; soft, intermittent (hydrocephalus), IHelb; soft, weak, sometimes filiform (scarla- tina), IGels.; with confusion of speech and disconnected answers, Crotal.; in spinal irri- tation, 100, IChin. s.; mostly when going up stairs, Rumex; in affection of stomach, 100, ILac e; in ulcer of stomach, I IMez.; strong, in angina, IMere; effects of overstudy, ICup. ae; suddenly, gradually decreases, IVer. v.; in summer complaint, 120 to 160, IFerr. ph.; with sunstroke, IVer. v.; in traumatic teta- nus, 80, IHydr. ac; in tetanus, after a burn, 133, lAmyb; threadlike, in epilepsy, IBufo.; becomes constantly more rapid and smaller until at length it is threadlike and finally no longer can be felt, Lyss.; in sore throat, 130, ILac e; in ulcerated throat, 120, ILye; in quinsy, 100, IHep.; tonsillitis, 130, ILac c; in chronic hypertrophy of tonsils, 120, IBar. m.; in thrombosis, 130, I Apis; with sudden unconsciousness, ICoccul.; asphyctic form (uraemia), IHydr. ac; in urticaria, 104,1 IRhus; in induration of uterus, ICarbo a.; in uterine neuralgia, 100, I INux v.; with vertigo, Tell.; weak, Natr.m.; weak, in intermittent, I IRhus; weak, in quinsy (apoplexy) and old age, IBar. e; weak, in typhus, ICamph. Pulse, bounding: I Aeon, IBelb, Colch., Dulc, lEup. pur.; awaking at 2 a.m., Benz. ae; in dysmenorrhoea, HVer. v.; in intermittent, Calad. 8®" strong. Pulse, chest: feels beating in left, while sitting, ICale p.; with each beat a broad stitch up- ward in muscles, ICale Pulse, easily compressible: Iber, Kali m., ILye vir, IPhos., IPlumb, Stram, Sumb, I IZinc; in apoplexy, I Ast. r.; in epidemic diphtheria, ILach.; in endocarditis,! Aur.met; in malignant scarlatina, ILach.; in shock, IHyper. 8®° soft. Pulse, contracted: Agar., I I Ant. t, Asaf lAst r., Bism, Colch, IKali bi, IKali br. Plumb HTarant; with shaking chill in evening' Oxal. ac; in chorea, I Asaf; full and power- ful, over 100, lAcon.; in inflammation of liver, IMere; with melancholy and iealnnsv IKali ars.; with nosebleed, IKali bi •with palpitation, ISee; in peritonitis, lAtr'on s- lnsinallpox, IIMillef; in toothache, ICoopW 8@" hard, wiry. ' ^ucclon. 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. 843 Pulse, dicrotic (double): Agar, Ananth., Bell, Cycb, IPhos, Plumb, IStram.; in angina pectoris,IAmyb; sometimes intermitting when heart's action is accelerated,IFerr.mur.; beats seem to run into each other, Iber.; in typhus, lApis, lArg. nit. Pulse, drinking: affected by alcohol, IRhus, Sub ae; affected by beer or coffee, IRhus ; increased by wine, Zinc. Pulse, eating : quieter after meals, Cinch. Pulse, empty : ILach, ISee, I IVer. Pulse, epigastrium: beat felt, INatr. m., IPuls. Pulse, evening: violent, cannot lie on left side, Brom. Pulse, feeble: fiST" low, weak. Pulse, feverish: Anthrok, Croc, HSub; in aphthae, IHell.; in caries of tarsal and me- tatarsal bones, IMere; in morbus coxarius, IKali c; in cynanche cellularis, lAnthrac; in gonorrhoea, IMere Pulse, flickering: Carbol. ac. Pulse, fluttering: Arn, ICrotal., IKali bi, I IVer.; in pericarditis, Colch.; on seventh to ninth day of pneumonia, IPhos.; 120, Gels. Pulse, frequent: 8®" accelerated. Pulse, full: Agar, Alum, lAmyg, lAmyl, Ananth, IIAnt. t, Ars. h, Ars. m. Arum d. Arum t,Asar., Ascl. s, Atrop. s, Bapt,HBelb, Benz. ac, IIBerb, Bry., Cain, Camph, ICanth., ICepa, Chin. a.. Chin. s., Chrom. ac. Cinch., Coff, Colch, Con, Coral, Crot. t, Cub, Cup. m, Cupr. s, Dulc, lEup. pur, IIGels, Ham, IHyos, Iber, llgn., IKali c. Kali m., ILach, Mere per, I IMez., INux v, IPhos., Phos. ae, Samb, Sarrae, Sinap, Spong., IStram., Stront., ISul, ITabae, Ta- rant.; and accelerated with erethism, fre- quent at night, slower by day, IMere; at 3 p.m., Agar.; in ague, IIEup. pur.; in apo- plexy, lArn., IChin. s, IINux v., IVer. v.; less bounding than Aeon, not so flowing as Gels, IFerr. ph.; in cancer labii, ICamph.; during chill and heat, Chin, s.; after catching cold after labor, IIPuls.; easily compressed, in concussion of brain, IHelb; in croup, IHep.; in delirium, IBelb, I IStram.; in diph- theria, IMere cy.; in dysentery, ICaps.; and accelerated, with ebullitions, IMosch.; in epis- taxis, Croc; in evening, Anthrok, Oleand, Ran. b. Thuya, Zing.; excited (haemateme- sis), IFerr.; fast, with violent beating in arte- ries', IMere; in intermittent fever, Bar. m, ICed Chin, a., ICinch.; bilious remittent fever,' ICrotal.; in childbed fever, IColoe; fregu'ent and tense (inflammatory fever), IGels ; frequent (nephritis), Colch.; in hallu- cinations, IHyos.; hard, IGraph.; hard, some- what accelerated (desire), IDulc; hard, eclampsia, IGlon.; hard, in uterine hemor- rhage IFerr.; hard, with after-pain, IIFerr.; hard 'in parotitis, Dory.; with congestion to head' in ague, I IPod.; with congestion to head' towards evening, ICroe; in headache, IGels • in heart disease, IlAur. met.; during heat Chin, s, IColoe, Vinca ; with heat, at ni«nt Ran. sc; with heat and violent thirst, followed bv general sweat,mostly on forehead, I IRan b fin hemorrhage, IFerr.; in incipi- ent hydrocephalus and bronchitis, lApis; intermitting every six beats, with cardiac heaviness, lAcon.; irritable in evening and in hysteria, ICamph.; labored, IOp.; in acute pharyngo-laryngitis, INaja; in lung affec- tions, IKali n.; in mania, ICup. ac; during second stage of attack of hystero-mania, I ITarant.; after meals, Ars. h.; in metrorrha- gia, I ISabina ; in morning, ICanth.; 9 a.m., Tromb.; during night, Sep.; with palpitation, Tell.; paralysis, with imbecility, lAnae oe; in pneumonia, IMere, 11 Zinc; in typhoid pneumonia, ISang.; quick (convulsions after labor), IGlon.; in quinsy, IBar. c; rapid, lyEthus, Camph, ILed.; acute rheumatism, ICheb; round, soft-flowing, with slight fever, IGels.; round, in phthisis pulmonalis, IFerr. ph.; in scarlatina, Arum t; after scar- let fever, IHep.; when sitting (hypochondri- asis), lArg. nit.; slow, Natr. m, Paris ; slow and intermittent, sunstroke, IGlon.; with snoring, IOp.; soft, IPhyt.; soft, with heat, at night, Raph.; after spasm, IBry.; strong, but only 28 (hypertrophy of heart), IDig.; with pains in throat and chest, ILac c; in typhus, lArn, ICale; in typhus and albuminuria, lApis; thin, weak, contracted, ICham.; weak, vacillating, about 100, IGels. 8@" large. Pulse, hard: All. sat, lAmyg., Ammoniac, 11 Amm. c, I Amyb, Ananth., Ant. ch., Ars., Ars. h, Ars. s. f., Arum d., IBar. e, Bell., IBenz. ae, IIBerb, Bry, Calad, Camph., ICanth, ICepa, IChel, ICina, Cinch., Colch., Coral., Cornus, ICup. m, Cupr. s, Dulc, Hyos., Hyper., Hgn, Iod, IKali c, IKreo, ILach,ILyev.,l IMez,INuxv,IPhos. Plumb., Sabina, Sang, Seneg., ISil, Spong, Squilla, IStram, Stront, IISul, Tarant, ITereb, IVer, Zinc.; somewhat accelerated (diar- rhoea), IDulc; at 3 p.m., Agar.; in apoplexy, I Ast. r., IINux v, IPlumb.; as iron, in congestive apoplexy, IVer. v.; waking at 2 a.m., Benz. ac; with anxious breathing, IOp.; in colic, I IOp.; not easily compressible,ILye vir.; in conjunctivitis, I ISep, ISub; on recov- ering consciousness, in evening, 11 Ast. r.; in puerperal convulsions, ILach.; in croup, IHep, HSpong.; in delirium, IBelb; in de- lirium tremens, IKali bi, HStram.; in evening, Ran. b., Zing.; in evening, in ty- phus, IBapt.; excited, IFerr.; in childbed fever, IColoe; in gastric fever, IIPuls.; in puerperal fever, IIPuls.; full, Calad.; full, at beginning of paroxysm (intermittent fever), I IFerr.; in acute gastritis, after taking cold, IColoe; with heat, IColoe, Vinca; incom- pressible, Colch.; incompressible, in scarlet fever, I ISub; in inflammation of liver, I ICoc- cul., IMere; in insanity, IINux v.; in lung affections, IKali n.; in mania, ICup. ae; in meningitis infantum, HApis ; in old people, IIAnt. t; in phthisis, lArs. b; in pneumonia, IIAnt. t, ICact, IKali c, IPhos, IIRhus, I ISul, HVer. v.; quick, with every fever, ICale; quick, without being frequent, Cact.; rapid, in scarlatina, Arum t; like shot gliding along under fingers (bronchitis), lApis ; tense, IDulc; in thrombosis and typhus, I Apis ; in typhoid, ILach.; in typhus, I Am., IINitr. ac; in typhus abdominalis, IINux v.; with sud- den unconsciousness, ICoccul.; unrhythmical, lyEthus.; 90 to 100 (spinal disease), I Alum. Pulse, head: reverberates, with dilatation of heart, I Ant. t. Pulse, heavy: I IVer. v. Pulse, intermitting: lyEthus., Agar, Alum., 844 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. Amyg., Ang., Arn., Ars. h., lAtrop. s, Aur. met, Benz. ac, Bism., Bry., ICanth., ICaps., ICarbo v., Carbol. ae, ICed., I IChloral., ICimex, Cinch, Coff, ICrotal, IIDig, Glon, Hyos, IKali c, IKali iod., IKali ph., IKalm, IKreo, ILye vir., Lyss., IMere c, IIMez, IINatr. m, Nitr. sp. d, INitr. ac, I IPhos, llPteb, IIRan. sc, Samb, Sep., IStram., ISub, ITabae, I ITarant, Tromb, IVer. v., Zinc; in angina pectoris, I IPhyt; in apoplexy, ISep.; in asthma thymicum, ISamb.; one or two beats, Phos. ae; on going to bed, with weakness, Tereb.; in carditis, ICarbo v.; in chronic carditis, ICact.; in chest trouble,after suppressed itch, IHep.; with tensive pains across chest, IKali iod.; with threatened col- lapse (shock of injury), INatr. m.; in delirium, Amyg.; in diarrhoea, Thuya; in diphtheria, IKali perm, IMur. ac, INaja, INatr. a.; in dysentery, Colch.; from dyspnoea, IPhos.; every eight or ten minutes, after attack for weeks(anginapectoris),IDiose; in endocarditis, lAur. met.; after faceache, ICoccion.; so long, they excite fear of death, INux m.; in yellow fever, IMere; frequently, with palpitation, ISee; with sensation of constriction in heart, INatr. m.; in heart disease, lArs.; with acute darting pain in heart, Lye vir.; in hemiplegia, I I Hydr. ac.; after operation for hemorrhoids, ICroe; in hydrocephalus acutus, IDig.; at intervals (palpitation), ICact.; stopping at intervals, I I Variol.; during labor, IChin. s.; in meningitis or pneumonia, IVer.; in men- ingitis and typhus, lApis; in metritis, I ISee; in metrorrhagia, Croc; in morbus Brightii, ILye vir.; with nosebleed, ICarbo v.; omitted before single strong beat (heart disease), IlAur. met.; every other beat drops out, ISpig.; during palpitation, lArg. met.; in pneumonia, lAnt. t, I IVer. v.; in typhoid pneumonia, ITereb.; growing more protracted (functional disturbance of heart), ILach.; in cardiac rheumatism, ICact; in malignant scarlatina or diphtheria, IMur. ae; in typhoid, ILye, IZinc; uneven, IMer. cor.; in volume and rhythm (scarlatina), IIRhus; when waking at night, Ars. h.; suspending two or three beats each minute, Cub ; single beats omit, IStram.; every third beat, Iber, IMur. ac, Natr. m. ,Vib.; every third beat, in typhoid fever, IIMur. ac; third or fourth beat, I ISub; every third or fourth beat, in organic disease of heart, I Apis ; fourth beat, ICale a., IINitr. ae; every fourth or fifth beat, INuxv.; every fifth beat, in heart disease, ICoca; missed every fifth or sixth stroke (influenza), I ICheb; every seventeenth beat (scarlatina), ICina; every twenty-fifth or thirtieth beat, Kali m.; after thirty or forty beats, Agar.; every fifty or sixty beats one omits, gradually oftener, evening fifth or sixth or third, Ars. h. Pulse, irregular: I Act. rac. Agar., Ang,IAnt.c, Arg. met, Arn, Ars, Ars. h. Arumd,lAsaf, lAspar., lAtrop. s, Aur. met. Bar. c. Bell., Calend, ICaps, Chin, IIChloral, Colch, Con, ICrotal, Cub, IIDig, Glon., Hyos., I liber, Iod, IKali bi, IKali iod, I IKali ph, IKalm., Lachn., ILye vir. Mane, Mang, IMere, IMerecor., Merc. iod. flav, Merc, s., Myr. cer, INaja, Natr.a., I INatr. m., Oleand., IOp, Oxal. ac, IPhos, Phos. ac, IRhus, ISpig, I IStilling, IStram, Sumb., IVer. v., Vib.; now accelerated, then slow, changing every few beats (child), Ant. e; in angina pectoris, IDig, ITabae; in apoplexy, \^r-> in asthma thymicum, ISamb.; in going to bed, with weakness, Tereb.; in strength ol beats (during climaxis), I IZinc; with boring in re- gion of heart, Stilling, in carditis, ICarbo v.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IGlon.; with tensive pains across chest, IKali iod.; in chol- era, ITabae; with coldness and insensibility, ISang.; with delirium, IVer.; with diarrhoea, ICup. ae; in epileptiform eclampsia, ICed.; with great excitement in chest, especially in cardiac region, IPhyt.; with fatty heart, IIKali f; in yellow fever, IILach., IMere; with fluttering, ILil. tig., in haemoptysis,IDig.; alternate hard rapid and small beats, IINitr. ae; with violent action of heart, Glon.; in heart disease, I Ars, I IOp.; in organic disease of heart (hydrocephalus and meningitis in- fantum), I Apis ; in functional disturbance of heart, ILach.; in hepatic disorder, I ISib; in hydrocephalus acutus, ICup. ae; in hydro- cephaloid, ICarbol. ae; in hysteria, ICed.; imperceptible (cholera infantum), ILaur.; in influenza, I I Cheb; intermittent, Natr. m.; in- termitting, yet full, Gels.; worse lying on left side, INatr. m.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IVer.; in morbus Brightii, ILye vir.; one nor- mal, followed by two small rapid beats, INitr. ae; with nosebleed, IKali bi.; every other beat stronger, like pendulum of a clock placed obliquely, Ars. h.; during palpitation, lArg. met, ICact.; with palpitation, on going to bed, Tereb.; in gouty pleurodynia, Colch.; in typhoid pneumonia, ITereb.; now quick, now slow, IKali e; sometimes rapid, some- times slow, Mang.; some beats retarded felt for more than a second, followed by a few quicker beats, Ars. h.; in retinitis albuminu- rica, I Ars.; in rhythm, in angina pectoris, HOxal. ae; in rhythm, in hypertrophy of heart, ICact.; after scarlet fever and in ascites, lApoe; then slow, ISib; small, IIDig.; and soft, 60 to 68, Cact.; with brownish bloody sputa (typhus), INitr. ac; effects of overstudy, ICup. ac; with general sweat, Stilling.; while thorax is violently contracted and expanded, IMosch.; in typhoid, INitr. ac, IZinc; in ab- dominal typhus, I IStram.; variable, with great rapidity, Lyss.; with weakness, Sang. 8®* intermitting. Pulse, irritable : Agar.,Ant.t, TrBar.m,Camph., Chloral,Cup. ars,I IPuls.; indicating return of abscesses on neck, Psor.; in brain affection, ICup. m.; in bronchial and vesical catarrh, ICop.; in conjunctivitis, IISul.; in ovarian cyst, Hod.; in dysmenorrhoea, I ITarant.; with face pale now red, with sharp pointed nose (from disappointed ambition), IINux v.; in smallpox, 11 Variol. Pulse, jerking: Amyl, Arum d, Calad,HIber.; in hydrocephalus acutus, IDig.; periodic, Arg. met; smaller, weaker, on rising from re- clining position to sitting position, I IDig Pulse, labored : Crotal, Merc. iod. flav. Pulse, large: HApis, Bell., Chin, s., Colch, Con, Ipec, Iod, ITabae; in angina pectoris' lAur. mur.; full, quick, not hard (influenzal' IGels.; soft, IGels 8^ full. >' Pulse, limping : Ars. h. Pulse, low: Colch, I IPetrol.; almost ceases 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. 845 (dilatation of heart), lAnt. t.; gradual extinc- tion, in Asiatic cholera, IHydr. ae; collapsed, Dulc, I IKali ph.; collapsed, in apoplexy, IIPuls.; in diphtheria, in larynx, IBrom.; feeble, in sunstroke, Glon.; almost impercep- tible, Agar, Agnus, I Amyg, lApis, lArs, Ars. s. f, HCamph, Cann. s, ICanth, HCarbo v., Chin. a., Chloral, ICoccul., HColch., ICrotal, Cycl, IDig., IIGels, IHell, Hyos, llpec, I ILac c, ILach, ILaur, Mang., (Enan, IOp, Oxal. ac, I IPhos, IPod, IPuls, IRhus,l ISen- eg, I ISpong, IStram., ITabae, Tereb., IVer, Zinc; after disappointment in her affections (cardiac weakness), 11 Phos. ae; in angina pectoris,ITabae; in apoplexy, ILaur.; in anse- miaof brain, 11 Kali br.;incardiacdropsy,IDig.; collapse in cholera, I Ars. h, HCamph, ICup. m, I ISee, IVer.; in cholera infantum, ILaur, I IVer.; in cholera morbus, IJatroph.; with coldness and collapse, Kali br.; in colic, lum- bago, IColoe; with earthy complexion (car- buncle), ISib; with muco-purulent diarrhoea, I IKali br.; in diphtheria, IMere cy.; in en- teritis, I ITereb.; with fainting, ICrotal.; after fever, IIAnt. t; in gastromalacia, IKreo.; colic in gastritis mucosa, I Ars.; with hemor- rhage, ICinch.; in hemorrhoids, IGraph.; limbs cold, IKalm.; in cirrhosis of liver, ISub; in meningitis, IIRhus; in menorrhagia, I Apoe; menses irregular, IDig.; in neuropathia,I IKali ars.; quick, intermittent after menorrhagia, IGels.; on seventh to ninth day of pneumonia, IPhos.; with prostration, ITereb.; in puerperal convulsions, I INux v.jimperceptible, with slow respiration, I IChloral.; in scarlet fever,I ISub; in spasm, following pneumonia and typhoid fever, I INux v.; in syncope, 11 Amyg.; in te- tanus, ICie; in typhoid, IPhos, IZinc; in typhus, ICamph.; with warmth of body, IMere g£T weak. Pulse, quick: Ammoniac, Amyg., Amyl, Anthrok, I Ant. t, Ars. s. f, Asaf, Asar., Ascl. s., ""Atrop. s, Bry, IChel, Coccul., Colch, IColoe, Con., Cop, Cornus, ICrotal., Cupr. s, Daph., Ferr. ph., IGels, Glon, IHam, Hyper., Iod, ILach, Lyss., IMez., Oleand, IOp., HPlumb, IIRumex, ISang., IStram., ITabae, Vespa; in apoplexy, IINux v.; in angina pectoris, lAmyb, ILye; than beat of heart, Arn.; with anxious breath- ing, IOp.; in carditis and cardiac rheuma- tism, ICact.; in acute bronchial catarrh, IKali bb; in cerebrospinal disease, I IVer. v.; in cholera, IPhos. ae; on recovering con- sciousness, afternoon, 11 Ast. r.; in whooping cough, ICorab, IVer.; in croup, IPhos.; in delirium tremens, first stage, IKali bb; in diaphragmitis, IDig.; in diphtheria, IKali br, INatr. a, ISub; in diphtheria, 140, lApis; in dysentery, IMere cor.; in dysmenorrhoea, HTarant.; in dyspepsia, IDig.; in epistaxis, Croc; in facial erysipelas, IIRhus; and fee- ble during fever, at night, Cinch, bob; feeble, vomiting during pregnancy, ICup. ars.; in childbed fever, IColoe; in yellow fever, IMere • but force lessened, Coff. t; full (delir- ium tremens), I Act. rac; in acute gastritis, after taking cold, IColoe; in gastromalacia, IKreo • hard, small (peritonitis), lAcon.; with congestion of blood to head, towards evening ICroe; with headache, Cornus; in chlorotic headache, I IZinc; in nervous headache, INaja; than heart's beat, IRhus; in heart disease, IlAur. met, HOp.; with heat at night, Ran. sc, Raph.; with heat and violent thirst, followed by general sweat mostly on forehead, IIRan. b.; in hepatitis, I Ars, IChion. v.; in hydrocephalus acutus, IDig.; in intermittent fever, ICed.; irritable, Lyss.; irritation of cardiac nerves, ICollin.; in acute pharyngo-laryngitis, INaja; in lung affec- tions, IKali n.; in niekena, IHam.; in in- cipient basilar meningitis, IKali br.; menses irregular, IDig.; in metrorrhagia, HSabina; but varying every moment, IKali iod.; in morning, 9 a.m., Tromb.; when moved (me- trorrhagia), Apoe; during night, Sep.; with palpitation, ICact.; in peritonitis, lAtrop.; in incipient phthisis, ILye vir.; in pneu- monia, ICact., IMere, IPhos, IIPuls, IVer. v.; in scarlatina, I Apis, ICup. m.; small, irregular (congestion to head during menses), IGlon.; small, irregular (scarlatina), ICup. ac; soft, irregular (intermittent fever), IGels.; spasmodic, INux v.; and strong, Asar.; beginning of pain at exit of supra- orbital nerve diffused over forehead, ILac def; then sweats, IGels.; with pains in throat and chest, ILac e; in typhoid, IINux v.; in typhus, INitr. ac; in typhus and ascites, I Apis ; unequal, I ICup. m.; but weak, with shooting stabbing in region of heart through to left scapula (rheumatism), IKalm.; in whit- low, INitr. fte; 80, Sarrae 8®" accelerated, strong. Pulse, rapid: 8®* accelerated. Pulse, rolling: under finger, requiring pressure in order to count, Arum d. Pulse, round: Bapt. fiST" ful1- Pulse, sensible: feels beating, not frequent, but quick, ICale p.; all over body, Glon., Lil. tig.,IPuls, HSep.; in all parts, most in epigas- trium, Agar.; feels beating through whole body, particularly left chest, Sep.; in different parts of body, 11 Natr. p.; through whole body, in heat of intermittent, I Ars.; over body, in sick headache, I ISang.; in whole body, espe- cially about heart, Clem.; through whole body, during heat (intermittent), ICoccul.; all over body, especially in hysteric women, IKali c; in whole body, even during rest, INatr. m.; strong, through body, Alum.; in body, like tick of a watch, Amb.; all over body, and from time to time like a slow rising wave through throat into head, followed by a sen- sation of momentary rush of blood, Lyss.; in fingers, I Amyl, IGlon.; when lying down, Calad.; every beat is felt, in meningitis, IGlon.; in nape, while sitting, ICale p. Pulse, sharp: Colch.; in puerperal convulsions, I IStram. Pulse, short: Nitr. sp. d. Pulse, slow: Amyl, lAmyg, Ananth, Ant. t, lApoe, Ars. m, Ars. s. f, IIAsaf, Ascl. t, lAspar, Bapt, Bell, Benz. ac, HBerb,Cann. i, Cann. s, ICanth, ICaps, Carbol. ac,ICepa, IChel, IChin. s, Chlor, Colch, Con, ICrotal, Cub, Daph, IIDig, Dulc, IIGels, IIGlon., IHell, Hippoz, IKali br., IKalm., Lachn., ILaur,ILobeb i,IManc,IMerc,Mere s,IMur. ac, Myr. cer., Natr. a, IOp, Oxal. ae, Plumb., IPod., Rhod., Samb, ISee, Spong, Squilla, Stram, ITabae, I ITarant, I IVer., I IZinc, Zing.; 30, Amyg, IDiosc; 40, Kali br., IKalm. 846 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. Zinc;about40, Plumb.;45, Colch.; 48,Lye vir.; 48, 7 a.m., Chrom. ae; varied between 48 and 84, normal 52, Chrom. ae; below 50, Chrom. ac; 50, Kali br.; 50 to 60, Chin, s.; 50 in morn- ing, later 80, Astac; 52, Chrom. ae; 52, in morning, Ars. h.; 55; afterwards 70, on eighth day 92, Ascl. t; 56, Bar. c; 56, in evening, Ars. h.; 58, Lye vir.; 58, in afternoon, Chrom. ae; 58 to 68, Lachn.; 60, Agar, Ars. in, Ascl. s., lAtrop. s., ICrotal.; 60 to 94, Iber.; 60, in morning, Ars. h.; 60, in paralysis, with im- becility, lAnae oe; below 60 in rest, above 120 after motion (nephritis), HArn.; from 80 to 60, even to 47, Kreo.; 60, after operation for hemorrhoids, ICroe; 61, Sarrae; 62, Ant. t; 62 to 64, in afternoon and evening, Chrom. ae; 64, Ars. h, Med, Vespa; 64 to 88 Ascl. t; 64, in morning, Ars. met; 65, IMosch.; 66,Sumb.; 66, in purpura, I ILed.; 66, regular, feeble, sitting, I Amyb; 67 to 70, in purpura hsemor- rhagica, I ITereb.; 68, Aph. ch., Ast. r, Sar- rae; 68, sitting, I Amyb; from 80 to 64 (phthi- sis), I Ars. b; in afternoon, Aloe ; in albuminu- ria intermitting, IDig.; in anaemia, 52, Carb. s.; in angina, IDig.; in apoplexy, I Arn.; after apoplexy, weak, small, ICup. m.; in apoplexy, sluggish, IINux v.; in congestive apoplexy, IVer. v.; in apoplexy, 50 to 60, IPlumb.; slower than beat of heart, Dulc, IHelb, IVer.; in cardialgia, HPhos.; in cere- bral disturbance, scarcely 60, Croc; during chill, IHydras., Menyanth.; in chrll, 50, Brach.; in cholera, IJatroph, IHelb, llpec; in colic, Alum, 11 Op.; in lead colic, I Alum.; contracted, small, Lactu. v.; in bronchial croup, I Ant. t; during day, Dulc, Sep.; in forepart of day, Cinnab.; during day, more frequent in morn- ing, Agar.; during day, more frequent at night, IMur. ac; during day and evening, IGraph.; in diabetes, IOp.; in diarrhcea, intermittent, IDig.; in diarrhoea, in typhus, Tereb.; dimin- ishing rapidly,Calend.;in diphtheria, IIBapt.; in epidemic diphtheria, ILach.; in dropsy, intermittent, IDig.; in general anasarca, 60, INaja; in dyspepsia, IDig.; particularly after eating, Chin, s.; in evening, IIMez.; feeble, IOp.; feeble, small, I Aeon.; in bilious fever, 50, ICrotal.; in intermittent fever, less than 50, INatr. m.; in intermittent, or apoplexy, IChin. s.; in apyrexia, Cinch.; in typhus, lArn, IStram.; after fever, IIAnt. t; full, Euphor, I ILept.; often hard, corresponding powerful beat of heart, sometimes intermit- tent and small, IDig.; in headache, I IZinc; with severe pain in cardiac region (hyper- trophy with dilatation and aortic obstruction), IKalm.; then hurried, Cub.; in hydrocele, IIDig.; in hydrocephalus, I Apis, IGrat; in in- sanity, IHyos.; intermittent, I Aeon, IGels.; irregular, with fainting, IIDig.; in jaundice, IPhos.; in affection of liver, IMagn. m.; during first part of attack of hysteromania, I ITarant; in meningitis, I IVer.; in meningi- tis, at first, later frequent and soft, IGels.; during menses, Ars. m.; in metrorrhagia, IHyos.; in metrorrhagia, after confinement, llpec; in morning, Arg. met, Oleand, Ran. b, Sars, Thuya, Zinc; in nephralgia, HOp.; in desquamative nephritis, I IPlumb.; in neu- ralgia, 48, IKalm.; in nymphomania, IDig.; in paralysis, with imbecility, I Anac. oe; in pneumonia, IVer. v.; in poisoning by foul breath, lAnthrac; during pregnancy, s™?Ui IGels.; changing from quick, Ars hR'h <|unng rest, Petrol.; in scarlatina, 50, MKnus, in shock, Dig.; in shock, 54, IHyper.; sluggish, IGels.; sluggish, 68, Kali m.; small, in apo- plexy, ILaur.; small, feeble, 62, Lact. ae; with snoring, IOp.; soft, regular, 66, fsc.h.; in spasm, from fright, ICup. m.; with flat taste, Merc. sul.; in tetanus, ICie; with ver- tigo, Therid.; with vertigo, worse standing than sitting, going off when lying, IPetrol.; with vomiting, IVer. v.; between attacks of vomiting (menorrhagia), 45, lApoe; weak, Agnus, IIDig.; weak, after typhoid, IHelb; weak, in hydrocephalus, IDig.; weak, trem- bling, IMere 8®" low, weak. Pulse, small: IJSthus, Ammoniac, Ant. chl, IIArs, Ars. h, Ars. s. f., Arum d, I Asaf, Ascl. t, Ast. r., Bell., Bism., Calad, HCamph, ICanth, ICarbo v, ICarbol. ac, ICheb, IChin. a., Chin, s., IChlor., ICina, Cinch, Coca, Coff, Colch, Coloe, Con., ICrotab,Cub, Cup. ars.,ICup. m, Cupr. s, Dulc.Glon., Hip- poz, Hyos, Iod., llpec, IKali bi, IKali br, IKali c, Kali m., IKali ph, I Kreo, I Lye vir, IMere cor, Merc sub, IMez., IMur. ac.,1 INux m., INux v., 1101. jec, IPhos, Phos. ac, I IPlat, IPlumb., IPuls, Raph, Sabad., Sal. ac, ISang., Sarrae, ISee, I ISeneg., ISil, Spong, Squilla, Stann, Staph, IStram.,1 ISub, Sul. ac.,1 ITarant., Vab,IVer, Vespa, I IZinc; accelerated, IlAur. met, Cain, Ferr. mur, Glon.; in ascites, HApis; in ascites and hy- drothorax, Apoe; in asthma, Millari,ICup.m, ISamb.; in cysto-blennorrhcea, 11 Uva ursi; in inflammation of brain, I IPuls.; with severe pain in cardiac region (hypertrophy with dilatation and aortic obstruction), IKalm.; in cardialgia, I IStram.; in acute hronchial ca- tarrh, IKali bb; in chest affection after abor- tion, INuxm.; with great excitement in chest, especially in cardiac region, IPhyt.; with shaking chill in evening, Oxal. ac.; in cholera, 11 Ver.; in cholera infantum, ■ Coff. t.: in spora- dic cholera, I Tabae; in colic and lumbago,ICo- loe; after confinement, ILye; in consumption, IGuaiac; in cough and typhus, IBapt.; in whooping cough, IVer.; could not be counted (congestion to brain), IICup. m.; in croup, IBrom, IPhos.; in cynanche cellularis, An- thrac; with general debility, in metritis and peritonitis puerperalis, IITereb.; in delirium, IPhos.; in delirium tremens, ICoff, HStram.; depressed, Acab; in diabetes, 11 Uran. n. relieved; in diphtheria, IChin. a., ICrotal, I ILac c, ILach, IMere cy., IMur.ac, ISul.ae; «* diphtheria of lips, I IRhus ; in diphtheria, after failure of Phyt. and Lye, ILacc; in dropsy, lAur. mur.; in dysentery, IMerecor- in chronic dysentery, IINuxv.; in erysipelas 11 Sub; particularly in evening (consumption), Hod.; feeble with cold face, IMere cor.; in intermittent fever, I Ars., ICoccul.; in puer- omer, 11 bil- ln inflammation of liver, IMere hard, Camph.; in chlorotic headache I IZinc : icaTTlchlTo6' 'NT ; in heart ^ease; ■yact, ILach I IOp.; with great excitement of heart and circulation (pneumonia),ISS; 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. 847 in cardiac hyperesthesia, llgn.;in hemorrhage of lungs, llpec; in hepatized left lung, ICamph.; almost imperceptible, Cup. m.; in insanity, I INux v., II Ver. v.; in influenza, diarrhcea of children and pneumonia, lAntt; intermittent, Grat.; intermittent, with cold skin, IMere cor.; intermittent, in croup, ICarbo v.; intermitting, irregular (asthma), I Aeon.; irregular, rapid, Lyss.; in labor, ICoff. t; after parturition, ICrotal.; in affec- tion of liver, IMagn. m.; in inflammation of liver, I ICoccul.; in meningitis, I Ant. t, ISub; during menses, ICroe; during climacteric period, I IMurex ; in desquamative nephritis, HPlumb.; in neuralgia, ICham.; in uterine neuralgia, I IChin. s, IINux v.; in neuropa- thia, Kali ars.; after night-watching and mental disturbance during pregnancy, I IPuls.; in nosebleed, ICarbo v, IKali bb, HSec; with orgasm of blood, 11 Kreo.; though pain sud- denly abates, INitr. ae; with palpitation, ICact.; in hysteric palpitation, INux m.; in paralysis agitans, 11 Rhus ; in peritonitis, lAtrop. s, IVer.; in pleuritis, with plastic exudation,IHep.; in pleurodynia, I IRan.b.; in pneumonia, lAnt t, IKalic, IPhos., I IPuls.; and quick, in cystitis, IHelb; quick, after working in sun,IGlon.; in scarlatina, ICup.m.; when sitting, lAmyb; slow, 60, Camph.; slow, in anasarca, IHelb; soft, ICup. ac; in spinal irritation, IChin. s.; with cramp in stomach, ICochb; in ulcer of stomach, 11 Mez.; with cold sweat, Calad.; threadlike, in heart dis- ease, IFerr. mur.; threadlike, in pneumonia, IDig.; sudden unconsciousness, ICoccul.; un- even, ICham.; with vomiting of bile, Bism.; weak, IGlon, Gymn, Merc, s., Plat.; weak and frequent, Camph.; weak, intermittent, uneven, IFerr.; weak in peritonitis, ILye; weak and slow (cardialgia biliosa), ILobel. b; weak, with sudden rise of temperature during desquamative stage of scarlet fever, ILye; wiry, in hydrothorax, IHell. 8®* low, -weak. Pulse, soft: Ars. h. Bell., Camph. IChlor., Colch., Cub, Cupr. s., Dulc, IIGels, Iber, Ipec, IKali bi, IIKali m, Kreo, IManc, Mang, 1101. jec, IPhos, I IPlat, IRhus, IStram, IISul, ITabae, IVer. v.; in angina pectoris,! IPhyt.; in cysto-blennorrhoea, 11 Uva ursi; in poisoning by foul breath (cynanche cellularis), lAnthrac; in cardiac hyperaesthe- sia, Hgn.; in chest affection, after abortion, INux m.; in chlorosis, I ISep.; in cholera, IJatroph.; compressible, in typhoid pneumo- nia ISang.; in consumption, IGuaiac; in diphtheria, IBrom.; in diphtheria, scarcely perceptible, ICrotal.; in dyspepsia, 11 Ruta; in intermittent fever, lArs.; in typhus, Crotal.; in typhus and albuminuria, lApis; in yellow fever IMere; full, IGels.; in headache, 11 Ziiic • with heat at night, Ran. sc; with heat and violent thirst, followed by general sweat, mostly on forehead, IIRan. b.; in in- sanity IHyos.; irregular, with palpitation, IPuls ' in lumbago, I IKali e; in repercussion, before measles, ILach.; in metrorrhagia, HSabina; in paralysis agitans, 11 Rhus ; in pneumonia senilis, quick, occasionally slow, IFerr • in typhoid pneumonia, ISang.; quick, ILaur'- when sitting, in hypochondriasis, lArg 'nit • slow, intermittent (brain affec- tion), IHelb; trembling, in yellow fever, ■Mere; in uraemia, asphyctic form, IHydr. ac; with cardiac vertigo, Crotal.; weak, JEsc. h.; with general weakness, worse in back part of neck, Cact. 8®* compressible. Pulse, sound: audible, IGlon.; whistling, in heart disease, I Ars.; whizzing, I IKali ph. Pulse, spasmodic: Ang., Bism, Carb. s, ICoccul, IDig, IMere cor, Sabad, IStram.; in asthma Millari, ICup. m.; in headache, ICarb. s.; in measles, IVer. 8®° intermit- ting. Pulse', stringy: 8®* threadlike, wiry. Pulse, strong (increased in force): IIAcon, Agar, Amyg, Amyb, IIAnt. t, Ars. h., Ars. i, Asar., IIBell., Chin, a, IICup. in, Hyos, I IKali m., IIPuls, Sabina, Sarrae, IStram, Tereb.; in apoplexy, lArn.; with pain in chest and throat, ILac e; with pulsation in upper part of chest, at night in bed, Cact.; in dysentery, ICaps.; in phlegmonous erysipelas, 11 Ver. v.; in typhus, I Apis; full, hard,11 Aeon.; hard, ILed.; in heart disease, HOp.; inter- mittent, in yellow fever, IMere; in pneumo- nia, ILach., IVer. v.; slow, ISpig. 8®°" bounding. Pulse, suppressed: ggg* absent. Pulse, synchronous: not synchronous between larger arteries (diarrhoea), IDig.; disagrees with heart sounds, Ars.; femoral beats faster than radial, IHam.; crackling in head (one side) synchronous with pulse, particularly in morning and in open air, better indoors, ICoff; not synchronous with heart stroke, I Apis, 11 Aur. met, IDig., I IKali m, I ISpig. Pulse, tense: Ammoniac, 11 Amm. c. Bell., Bism., Bry, ICup. m, Vab, Zinc; in colic, I IOp.; hard, in carditis and cardiac rheuma- tism, ICact.; in intermittent, ICoccul.; in measles, with pneumonic symptoms,ICup.m.; in neuralgia, ICham.; especially at night, Dulc.; in perimyelitis, I ISep.; in pleuro-pneu- monia biliosa, IIRhus; as if turned and twisted evenings, Ars. h.; in whitlow, INitr. ac. Pulse, thin: llgn.; in dysmenorrhoea, IGraph.; in erysipelas, 11 Sub; in tobacco poisoning, 11 Nux v. Pulse, threadlike (filiform): Amyg, Ars. s. f, Ars. s. r. Bell, Camph, ICarbo v, HColch., ICrotal.,ICup. m., IIDig, Iod.,IPhos,I IPlat, Stram., Tereb, I IVer., I IZinc; with anxiety, lAcon.; in asphyxia, I Ant. t; in acute ca- tarrh (cholera and meningitis), lAnt. t; in cholera, Ant. t; in colic, Alum, IHelb; 65, during diarrhcea, Ascl. t.; in diphtheria, IMere cy, INaja; in diphtheria of lips, IIRhus; in intermittent fever, ICinch.; in tertian intermittent, ILach.; in typhus, I Bapt, I IZinc; in haematemesis, IIArs.; in heart disease, I IOp.; in carditis and cardiac rheu- matism, ICact.; not beating, but like a thread quickly pulled through artery, in cardiac rheumatism, HSpig.; in hemorrhages, ISee; in liver complaint, IPhos.; 100, in measles with pneumonia symptoms, ICup. m.; after meningitis, ICup. m.; in nosebleed, HSec; in typhoid pneumonia, IPhos.; with prostra- tion, ITereb.; in scarlet fever, IZinc; after scarlet fever, IIAcon.; in shock, IHydr. ac; in shock, from injuries, ILach. g&° small, thin, wiry. 848 29. HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. Pulse, thrill: peculiar, under finger, 11 Iber. Pulse, thumping : INux v. Pulse, tremulous: IIAnt t. Apis,Colch, ICro- tal, I liber, Kreo, IMere, IMere cor., Merc. sub,I IPhos, Plat, IRhus, Sep, ISpig.,Staph, IStram.; in cholera, Ant. t; in cholera and bronchial catarrh, IIAnt. t; in cough, Ant. t; in dropsy, I Ars.; in dyspepsia, IDig.; in ty- phoid fever, HCale, Crotal.; in yellow fever, IMere; in haematemesis gastritis (typhus), lArs.; in meningitis, 11 Rhus; from over- working, Agar.; at close of paroxysm, Chin, s.; in tetanus, ICie 8®*" vibrating. Pulse, tumultuous: with tensive pains across chest, IKali iod. Pulse, variable: Ant. t, ICanth, Colch, ICup.m., IGlon, llgn., Natr. a., INitr.ac, Oleand, IOp,Plumb, ISpig, IStram, I IZinc; with cardiac distress in night, Arn.; in ty- phus, IBapt.; great and sudden changes in typhoid fever, IVer. v.; in typhus and scarla- tina, lApis; in inflammation of diaphragm, I IMorph.sub; in meningitis, I Apis; in phthi- sis, IKali c; shifts according to phantoms which"offer themselves to her imagination (delirium after being accused of theft), IHyos. B@^* unequal. Pulse, vibrating: Amyg.; in pneumonia, ICact.; in typhoid pneumonia, ISang. 86?" trem- ulous. Pulse, unchanged (steady): Asim, Clem.; in delirium, Amyg.; in irritation of cardiac nerves, ICollin.; in mucous irritation et mor- bus medicinalis, IHydras. Pulse, undulating: Plumb.; in anasarca, I Ars.; in repercussion of measles, ILach.; wavy, ICrotal.; in long waves, in convulsions, IZinc; weak, Camph. Pulse, unequal (uneven): Agar.,Ars. m.,ICale, Cinch., Con, I ICup. m., IKali c, ILach, Lyss., Mang, IOp., Sabina, Thlaspi; in angina pectoris, ILye; in catarrh of a child, lAnt. t; in cyanosis, IDig.; in hysteria, IHyos.; weak, ICham. 8ST" irregular, variable. Pulse, wavy: 8®" undulating. Pulse, -weak (feeble): Act. rac. Agar., Amyg., Ant chb, IIArs, Ars. h., Ascl. s, lAspar, Ast. r, lAtrop. s, IlAur. met, Benz. ae, IIBerb., Cact, HCamph., Cann. s., ICanth, HCarbo v., Carbol. ac. Chloral, ICimex, ICinch., Coca, ICoccul, Coff, Colch, Coloe, ICrotal, Cub, ICup. ac, Cupr. ars, HCup.m, IDig., Diose, Ferr. mur., IIGels., IGlon., Hyos., Iber., llgn., Hod., llpec, IKali bi, IKali br., IKali e, IKalm, IKreo., I ILac c, ILach, Lyss,IMane, Mang,IMerc, I IMerc.v, IMere cor, Merc. iod. flav., IMur. ac, INaja, I INux m., CEnan, Oxal. ac, IPhos.,I IPhos.ae, IPhyt, Plat, HPlumb, Psor, IPuls, Rhod, IRhus, Sal. ac, ISee, ISpig, Spong, IStaph, I IStilling, IStram, I ISub, Sul. ac, ITa- bae, I ITarant., Tereb., 11 Ustil., Valer., 11 Variol, HVer, IVer. v, Vespa, Zinc; ac- celerated, in apoplexy and old age, IBar. c; in anasarca, 11 Chloral.; in angina pectoris, IDig., I IPhyt; in apoplexy and typhus, lArn.; in apyrexia, Cinch.; with great wantof blood, IMosch.; with quick labored breathing, Cro- tal.; in cardialgia, I IStram.; in bronchial ca- tarrh, IIAnt. t; in children, lAnt.t; in chlo- rosis, llpec; in cholera, IJatroph., ITabae, 11 Ver.; in cholera, second stage, ICup. m.; in sporadic cholera, IITabac; in cholerine, I^Ethus.; in cholerine, beginning to fall, IFerr; in chlorosis, IFerr.; with coldness and collapse, Dory.; in colic, I Iris; in cough and typhus, IBapt.; in cough, Ant. t; in croup, IBrom.; in delirium tremens, I IStram.; depressed, Ars. s. r.; chronic diar- rhoea, IColoe; in diabetes mellitus, I IKali br.; in diphtheria, ICrotal., IKali perm, ILach, IMere cy., INatr. ars, HPhyt, ISul. ac; in dropsy, lAur. mur.; in dysentery, lArs., IMere cor.; in chronic dysentery, I INux v.; in dyspepsia, IDig.; in flatulent indigestion, ILye; in dyspnoea, ICact; after eating, Diose; in erysipelas, IIRhus; faint, ICarbo v, IRhus; in fainting, ICamph, ILaur.; dur- ing fever, in afternoon, Cinch, bob; in bilious fever, ICrotal.; in intermittent fever, I IPolyp, IIPuls.; in intermittent, small, scarcely per- ceptible during apyrexia, IFerr.; in nervous fever, sinking, ICamph.; typhoid, rapidly sinking, Anthrac; in typhoid, IINux v., IZinc; in typhus, I Apis, IBapt, Crotal.; in typho malaria, 140, from twentieth day, IHam.; frequent, irregular (scarlatina), lAilant; after gonorrhoea, ICamph.; in heart disease, ICact, ILach., I IOp.; in cardiac dis- tress in night,I Am.; in dilated heart, ITabae; with fatty heart, 11 Kali f; in pericarditis, I ISpig.; in cardiac rheumatism, ICact, I ISpig.; in hepatic disorder, IChion. v, IMagn. m, IPhos, I ISib; in hydrothorax, I Apoe; indistinct, in dropsy, after scarlatina, I Apis; in influenza, IIEup. pert; during labor, IChin. s.; in paralysis of lungs, IMosch.; with melancholy and jealousy, IKali ars.; in meningitis, I IVer.; in meningi- tis, sinking, IStram.; in cerebrospinal menin- gitis, hardly perceptible, IGels.; in menor- rhagia, I Apoe, IVer.; in metrorrhagia, Croc; in metrorrhagia, when moved, Apoe; in morning, Act. rac, Oleand., Thuya; after in- jecting nitrate of silver for gonorrhoea, I ITarant.; in old age, I Aur. met.; with orgasm of blood, IIKreo.; from overworking, Agar.; with palpitation, Cinch.; in hysteric pal- pitation, INux m.; at close of paroxysm, Chin, s.; scarcely perceptible, I IPuls.; in peritonitis, IColoe; in phlegmasia alba do- lens, INatr. s.; in phthisis, I Ars. i., I ISamb, HStann.; in incipient phthisis, ILye. vir.; in pleurodynia, I IRan. b.; in pneu- monia, ISub; pneumonia, stage of hepatiza- tion, HPhos.; in typhoid pneumonia, IPhos.; quick, ICrotal ; quick, after pain in abdomen, IHam.; quickly,in renal colic, IDiosc; gradu- ally weaker and quicker, 120 to 180, especially after paroxysms (hydrophobia), Lyss.; quick and intermittent, Lyss.; regular, Plant,; regu- lar, in dropsy and hectic fever, lEup. pur.; in acute rheumatism, Colch.; in scarlatina, HZine; after scarlet fever, Apoe; in sexual debility, IDig.; shock of injury, as if dying, Chlorof; in shock from injuries, dying away, ILach.; with occasional deep sighing (inflam- mation of brain), IIHelb; sinking, Bism., Chloral., Euphor.; sitting, lAmyl.; Blow' Cup. m, Glon.; slow, in tertian intermittent' ■Dig.; small, Acet.ac; small, in chlorosis' lAbrot; small,in emansio mensium, IDig.; in concussion of spine, IHyper.; with watery stool, Jalap.; after stool, subdued, Caust; ef- 30. OUTER CHEST. 849 feet of overstudy, ICup. ae; in sunstroke, IGlon.; in tetanus, ICie; threadlike, almost imperceptible, in hemorrhage, IHam.; in to- bacco poisoning, IINuxv.; with cardiac ver- tigo, Crotal.; after vomiting, Aloe, Ascl. s.; with bilious vomiting, ICrot. BST" absent, low, slow, small, threadlike; also Heart beat weak. Pulse, wiry: I Amyg, IGlon,11 Lace, I Lye vir., Tereb., Zinc; in apoplexy, IPlumb.; in ascites and gastro-enteritis, I Apis ; in cerebrospinal disease, I IVer. v.; corded, Ammoniac; in in- cipient basilar meningitis, IKali br.; in pneumonia, ILach.; in pleuro-pneumonia, 11 Seneg. 30. OUTER CHEST. Axillae. Male Nipples. Outer Chest. AXILLiE, abscess: after vaccination, HSil.; suppurative adenitis, IHep.; hydroadenitis, Phos. ae; three red lines, right, discharg- ing (pyaemia), ICrotal. 8®* glands, sup- puration. Axillae, boils: IIHep, IMere, Phos. ac, ISib; in left, IPhos.; furuncles, INatr. s.; small, painful, indolent, I ISep.; pus continues to dis- charge for an unusually long time, they no sooner heal than fresh ones appear, ILye; sensation of boils, Chim. m. Axillae, burning: Berb.; in left, Zinc; in right, Carbo v. Axillae, cancer: sharp pain, from scirrhus of right breast, Chim. umb.; in right, knotted cords from mammae to spine (scirrhus), lAst. r. Axillae, chill: particularly sensible in evening, Astac. Axillae, cold: feeling in right, Agar. Axillae, cutting: Ang.; to nipple and down side, deep in lung, I IDiosc. Axillae, drawing: paralytic to fingers, Sep.; in right, Cast, eq.; violent, from right to ster- num, after working some, Zing.; painful, be- low right, worse from motion, from scrobic- ulum to right, Amm. m. Axillae, dryness: and cracked condition, espe- cially left, itching worse when body becomes heated, IHep. Axillae, eruption: eczema, 7rBrom.; herpes, ICarbo a, ILye; herpetic, with light brown- ish scab, painful when washing, worse right axilla, appeared day previous to pain in labise, followed by discharge of blood from varina, ILac e; herpes zoster, on left, spread- ing in rings forward to sternum and back to spine with burning and smarting, IDolich.; itch Psor ; pimples, I IPhos.; painful pustules (syphilis), I Uacea; rash, generally dry, occasionally slight moisture exuded, IHep.; rhus poisoning in left, I I Kali s.; scabs, IINatr m • humid tetter, ISep.; humid tetter in lefl/lSep.; itching tetter Elaps. Axillae glands: indurated, HCarbo a, HSib; a hard lump, Lyss.; lump in anterior wall of left painful from pressure or motion, Tell.; painful, ICarbo a., IKali c; painful in ery- sipelas, Anthrac; stitches m right, with oppression of chest, Bry.; red streaks from, 54 abscess after vaccination, lApis; swollen, ^Ethus, Amm. m., Bell, IClem, IIColoc, ICon, IHep, Hod., IKali c, ILye, IMere sul, INatr. s, INitr. ac, IPhos, I IPhyt, ISep, HSib; swollen, after contusion of little finger, IBry.; swollen, in erysipelas, Anthrac; feeling of swelling, Benz. ac, Chim. m.; swollen, hard, painful, IIBar. c; swollen, inflamed, lAur. met; swelling, large, right, painful, hard, red, Bar. e; left, swollen, Cro- tal.; left, enlarged, painful (cancer), IHydras.; swollen, before menses, Aur. met.; swollen, painful, Amm. c, IRhus, Staph.; swollen, generally painful, INatr. c; swollen, pain- less, purplish, IILach.; swollen, with rash on back (blepharitis), ICarbo a.; swollen, right, Vespa; swollen, in right, hard, painful, throb- bing, I IPuls.; swollen, with tumor of breast, lAnanth.; swollen, carcinomatous ulcer, Cund.; in dissecting wound, ILach.; hot, dark red, lymphatic swelling in right, size of a walnut, discharging cheesy pus, Hod.; suppurating, IIColoc, Cadm. s, ICale, Crotal, IIHep, IKali bi, IIMerc, IMere iod. rub, INatr. s, IRhus, ISep, HSib; suppurating, painful to touch, discharge bloody serous pus, with stinging and gnawing, IRhus; enlargement, inflammation and suppuration, especially after abuse of mercury in syphilitic subjects, IINitr. ae; left, tender, Crotal.; fistulous ulcer, ICale Axillae, heat: Calend. Axillae, heaviness: Berb. Axillae, itching: Berb, Calc. p, ICarbp v., Coccul, HCycb, HSub; in afternoon, Chrom. ac; continuous, with pricking in left, while sitting, Spong.; before menses, I ISang. in morning, I IForm.; in right, Ast. r.,1 IPhos. when warm at night, Arg. nit. Axillae, lameness: in left, Lyss. Axillae, pain: dull, in left, Ind.; in uterine disorder, ICon.; in integument, below, Chim. umb.; acute, in intercostal neuralgia, I IRan. b.; with burning in oesophagus, Ictod.; in right, down arms along course of nerves, Jugb; under right, to pectoral muscles,Brach.; to scapulae, Chim. m. Axillae, piercing: in left, I INatr. s. Axillae, pressing: Ang., Astac.; burning, be- \ 850 30. OUTER CHEST. neath, IGraph.; drawing, by jerks in left, alter- nating with similar sensation in left popliteal space, Spong.; in right, hard, worse from touch or motion, Agnus. Axillae, pricking: Arund. Axillae, sensitive: to touch, Calend., Lact. ac. Axillae, shooting: Agar.; in left, near insertion of pectoralis major, Elat. Axillae, smarting: Berb. Axillae, soreness: Ars, Brach, ICarbo v.; as after a bruise, in a small spot, Zinc; in right, IMez.; to touch, Calend, Lact. ac. Axillae, stitches : itching, in both, Staph.; fine, to chest from right, ICaust.; fine, while sitting, Spong.; in left, arresting breathing in even- ing, Zinc; in left, in peritonitis, ILye; in right,Brom., Carbo v.; in skin of right, Nitr. sp. d.; beneath right, Sub Axillae, sweat: ICale, Cadm. s, ICed, ICepa, IDulc, Gymn, IKalic, INatr.m, IPetrol, Sa- bad, Squilla ; fetid, Carbol. ac, IHep, ILye, INitr. ac, IPetrol, Rhod, HSib, I ISub; fetid, like garlic, ILach, ITelb; fetid, like garlic, worse evening and at night, Osm.; fetid, like garlic, offensive to patient, HSub; fetid, like onions, Bov.; sour smelling, Asar.; fetid, pun- gent, between menses, ISep.; fetid, pungent, causing soreness, ISep.; fetid, stains linen brown, ILac c; fetid, sweet (hemicrania), ISep.; fetid, in women, INux m.; fetid, in women suffering from chronic endometritis and disordered vaginal discharge, ILye; pro- fuse, Selen.; transient, local, ISib; in incipient tuberculosis, I ITubere; with ulcers on os uteri, ICurar. Axillae, rheumatic pains: in region of right, Aspar. Axillae, tearing: to fingers, Sep.; to tips of fin- gers, as if flesh were torn from bones (rheum- atism), I Ant. t; in left, IPsor.; dull, sticking, in right, Zinc. Axillae, tension: Astac. Axillae, throbbing: isolated sore, Brach. Axillae, tumor: Petrol.; encysted, IBar. e Axillae, ulcer: in left, Bor. MALE NIPPLES, as if air streamed from: Cycl. Male nipples, burning : above, Zinc; in a fixed spot under right, worse readingand thinking, HSep. Male nipples, cracked: painful, ICast. eq, IGraph. Male nipples, cutting: in left across and through to scapula, Tell.; in region, arrests breathing, better by pressure, IDiosc. Male nipples, drawing: in left, through to scapula, gradually increasing mornings on rising, Rhus. Male nipples, penetrating itching: at right, I I Form. Male nipples, pain: in glandular swellings about, IIMerc. cor.; constant dull, under left, to left scapula, dry cough at night, Como.; in left, in phthisis, I I Zinc; beneath left, I I Ascl. t; in morning, Bar. e; in region of, Diose; through right, when breathing, Eup. perf. Male nipples, pressing: behind left, Berb.; sharp beneath left, Verbas. Male nipples, sharp pain : through right lung, IKali iod.; shooting from left down, I Ascl. t. Male nipples, soreness: ISep.; aching and bleeding, rGraph.; below eft cannot take long breath, IFerr.; under right, when bend ingfAlum.; under right, worse from touch, Mate"nipples, stitches: from both .through chest Cann b; at end of, burning in chest, alonl'sternum spreads oyer whole chest after warm drink, Tereb.; darting in right, Grat after dinner, IKali bi.; dull, in left, Bapt; fine, Camph.; in left, through to scapula, gradually increasing, morning on rising, Rhus ; prickling, pressing in region of left, I IForm • beneath left, on inspiration, \ erbas.; deep under left, exhalation difficult, Amyg.; especially about right, probably myalgic, I ISang.; beneath right, Zinc; from right to left, and downward, Card. m. Male nipples, tearing pain : boring, from with- in, beneath right, to sternum, Spig.; from right to chest, ICamph.; fine, near right into pelvis, Camph. OUTER CHEST, barrel-shaped: I ISars. Outer chest, blue: ILach.; during epilepsy, ICup. m. Outer chest, boils: Cinch.; near last ribs, I Arg. met; small, I IPhos.; small, suppurating, often leave scars, IIKali iod. Outer chest, cancer: a keloid, on sternum, one and a half inches in diameter and elevation of one-tenth of an inch, was hard and shone like mother of pearl, pained at times, I ISul. Outer chest, capillary network: marbled ap- pearnce, Carbo v. Outer chest, carbuncle : on side as large round as a silver dollar, apex studded with small openings, intense burning and stinging, ex- tends to mamma and down arm, prevents sleep, HTarant. Outer chest, chicken-breast: incipient tuber- bulosis, 11 Tuberc. 8®° narrow. Outer chest, coppercolored : in front, Stram. Outer chest, eruption : 11 Anag, Stram.; blis- ters, filled with extravasated blood (hemor- rhoids), I Ars.; small blisters, filled with blood on left side, pressed out, without pain, Ars. m.; small blotches, ILac e; blotches bluish-red, I IPhos.; brown blotches, I IPhos.; brown yel- low blotches, ICarbo v.; brown spots, Cadm. s, IHydr. ac, IPhos., HSep, Thuya ; liver spots, painful or itching, ILye; the usual liver spots become very dark, with much desqua- mation, Mez.; brown spots, in secondary syphilis, IPetrol.; brownish yellow spots, ILye; colorless, smarting, Ars, IDros.; par- tially developed, with dirty, yellow, greasy skin, in children, do not respond promptly to indicated remedy, IPsor.; eczema, IIAnae; eczematous, herpetic, ISyph.; eczema, redness of skin, little blisters* itching intolerably, Anac; covered with erythema(diabetes),INatr. a.; like erysipelas forming yellow honey- colored crusts, ICie; erysipelas, skin thickened ninth day after vaccination, ICrotal.; resem- bling erysipelas, itching burning, ICie; ery- thematous, resembling scarlet rash, Tereb.; furfuraceous, between mammae, Ast. r.; her- petic, IGraph, IHep, IPetrol., ISyph.; her- pes zoster, after external application of Rhus tox, fifth rib to ninth, right side patches of exanthema, ILach.; itching, Stram.; drv itch HPsor.; resembling itch, in children, Arund '• maculae, in secondary syphilis, I ISyph.- on 30. OUTER CHEST. 851 lower part, moist burning itching, eats into surrounding parts, large vesicles filled with clear serum form, become turbid, burst and become confluent, 11 Rhus; about nipple, Tell.; nodules, Hippoz.; nodules, sensitive, ICarbo a.; nodules (relieved), HHydras.; red nodules, as large as lentils, one year after ap- {>earanceof chancre, which disappeared under ocal treatment (syphilis), IMere cor.; nodes, painful to pressure (fat old man), IBar. e; red knotty, in middle, INatr. s.; itching, burn- ing, papular, IIRhus; petechiae, I IPhos, Stram.; petechial, erythematous, on lateral surface of trunk to axilla, invading folds of axilla, corresponding portion of arm and pectoralis major, Variol.; pimples, Berb., Cinch., Cund, Dulc, IGraph, IKali c, Tabae; acne, pimples, Bar.c; biting, burn- ing pimples, Agar.; pimples bleed easily and heal slowly on, ICist.; red pimples, Phos. ac; red pimples, in typhus, I IStram.; single pimples, filling with pus, then drying up and disappearing, Coccul.; small pimples at base of hairs, IMez.; small, dry, red pim- ples, Iod.; small pimple, feels as if it had a splinter in it when touched, Amm. e; suppu- rating pimples, Arund.; small suppurative pimples on sternum, Agar.; suppurating pim- ples on sternum, IHep.; purple efflorescence on upper anterior part, in patches, Colch.; pustules, I IPetrol, Psor.; two small pustules, I Hydrocot.; pustules,in typhoid fever, 11 Rhus ; pustules under breast, painful on rubbing, ICale;. pustules, moist, stinging itching, Bar. e; variola-like pustules on sternum, pain- ful and suppurate, ISib; rash, Cup. in.; rash, in bronchitis, llpec; rash, after irrita- tion, ICale; rash, between mammae, Ast. r.; brownish miliary rash, Mez.; rash, itching like scabies, Caust.; itching rash, alternating with asthma, Calc; red rash, Amm.c; red rash, in typhus, IStram.; small rash, ICamph.; syphilitic rash in front, an abundance of fine scales peeling off (secondary syphilis), 11 Syph.; red blotches, itch violently on exposure to air or scratching, Apis; bright, red, fine, Merc. iod. flav.; small flat, light red blotches, IMere v.; red miliary, in acute rheumatism, I ICheb; red patches, with urticarious wheals, I I Chloral.; red points or spots, changing to blotches, Cinnab.; red spots, Arn., Coccul, Sabad.; red spots, like flea bites, Mez.; red spots, with itching, Tabae; red spots and rash, with smarting itching,! ILed.; red spots, filled with serum on, gone after sweat, Astac; several small red spots, disappear on pressure of finger (typhoid fever), I IRhus ; red wine- colored spots, Coccul.; roseola, IHyos.; fine scarlet rash, with itching, Cornus ; bright, like scarlatina, ILac e; roseola, after abuse of mercury (syphilis), IKali iod.; like rot in sheep with desquamation, Led.; small scabs, itching, better by scratching, INatr. s.; scab- by most at base, of yellowish color, every four months, IHep.; scaly IFluor. ae; spots from which scurf comes off "likefish scales, when scratched (pityriasis capitis) IMez.; scarlatina begins, IBell,; scarlatina bright, red fine, ILac c; spots, size of a lentil, Phyt.; irre'eular spots, Coccul.; sycotic exanthema, pverv spring, INatr. s.; urticaria, Sars.; like varicella, and itching, ISib; like varicella, with desquamation, I ILed.; vesicles as large as peas, IMere; itching vesicles, restlessness at night, IGraph.; and sores, commencing as small vesicles filled with serum, mattering to pustular, afterwards covering -with thick, dirty-looking scabs, often close together (rupia syphilitica), I ISub; vesications filled with pellucid fluid, numerous and small, not larger than a pin's head, drying up, Stram.; whitish, miliary, in typhus, lApis, 11 Vab; yellow spots, Ars., IPhos.; yellow spots, with itching, Tabae; deep yellow spot, size of a silver dollar in left, spreads gradually, cover- ing person from hips to neck (chloasma), IISul. Outer chest, exostoses: on ribs, IMere cor. Outer chest, flat: IGrin.,Tuberc; in consump- tion, Hod.; beneath left clavicle (phthisis), I Ars. b; in diabetes, INatr. s.; intercostal spaces falling away (phthisis far advanced), IKali e; left half, in phthisis, I Ars. i. Outer chest, fistulous opening: near sixth rib, from an abscess,with gnawing, spongy growth, size of a nut, protrudes, broken by fistulous openings,having a scarlet border,and discharge ichorous, stinking pus, I ISib; wall perforated near left nipple,. I ISub Outer chest, intercostal neuralgia: 8@" Chap. 28, Inner chest neuralgia. Outer chest, itching: with red, scaly skin, burning, after rubbing, Con. Outer chest, narrow: in incipient phthisis, I IPsor, HTuberc; chicken or pigeon breast, ILact. ac. Outer chest, purpura: black and blue spots, IITereb. Outer chest, rachitic: deformity in costa- sternal region (bronchial asthma), ICale Outer chest, red: Vespa; dark, in amenorrhcea, IGraph.; as if ecchymosed, Iod.; glistening, as if he had scarlet fever, Vespa; rose-colored, OZnan.; bright scarlet over body and legs (diphtheria), ILac. c. Outer chest, sunken : in consumption, Hod. Outer chest, suprasternal fossa: 8§P" Chap. 31, Throat-pit Outer chest, sweat: I Arg. met, HCale, ICed., Cimex, IGlon., ILye, IPetrol, Selen.; on upper, after coitus, Agar.; cold, tCarbob ae; cold, in cholera infantum, ICamph.; cold, during and after cough, and in croup, I ICub.; cold, at night, ISep.; cold, profuse, in upper (neuralgia of left phrenic nerve), HStann.; damp feeling in front (quartan ague), I ISep.; during epileptic attack, Cup. m.; in exostoses on skull, 11 Arg. met.; during menses, IKreo.; during menses, at night, IBelb; in morning, ICoccul.; during night, Agar, ICale; most profuse, 5 to 6 a.m., Bov.; oily, IxYrg. met; with old people, from opium, Merc; red, Arn.; between breasts, bad smell, INux m.; runs off in streams (intermittent), ICoccul.; warm, IChel. Outer chest, swelling : I Ars, Cadm. s., Vespa; from above clavicle down to below pectoralis major, smooth and elastic, ILach.; hard, from size of a pea to that of a hazelnut or walnut, enlarge, break open and discharge viscous, yellow-brownish ichor, Hippoz.; hard, tender about midway between nipple and sternum, but nearer latter, in a baby a few months old, I IPhyt.; on ribs, near sternum, Natr. s.; size 852 31. NECK AND BACK. of a plum, between fifth and sixth ribs, right side, below nipple, occasioned by closing of an issue, I ISib; of right, ICale; of sternal in- tegument, painful (scirrhus), Ast. r. Outer chest, tumor ; hard, painless, near right nipple, size of hazelnut, then fist, scirrhous in character, lancinating pains from breast to axilla, -Ferr. iod.; in right intercostal space, when convalescing from typhoid fever, broke open, discharge first thick,creamy pus mixed with blood, becomes thinner and more offen- sive, discharge then dirty, fetid, ichorous fluid, swelling hard and blue the surrounding f>arts, I ISib; right side, between ribs a small ump under skin like cartilage, painful to touch, on breathing, stinging, ICale; naevus near right nipple (varioloid), 11 Vace; osseous growth at angle of eighth right rib, ICale fl.; right wall, especially around nipple, several, size from pigeon's eggs to hen's eggs, two sup- purated, uneven, discolored, fetid ulcers ele- vated borders, nipple lay upon hard, pamiui Ou^cirelt^ers: ICaust, .^^J secretion on ribs, Cund ; onJJgW edges, deep, small islets o lhalf-destroyedI eel 1 Jar tissue and muscular fibre ^ base Cund about a centimetre in diameter on lower part of left, consequent upon an abscess whmh had never healed,IPa3onia; ulcer on last rib, right side, I IHep.; on false ribs, as large as hand, carcinomatous in appearance, ICund.; over sternum, ICale p. ... ' , Outer chest, veins : of left up to throat dilated, Outer chest, warts: on small sternum, I INitr. ac • wart, size of a split horse bean, since proving Cundurango several years since (im- proved), Aur. met. Outer chest, yellow: IChel, IIThuya. 31. NECK AND BACK. Back. Coccyx. Lumbar Region (Loins, Small of Back). Neck. Sacrum. Scapulae. Spine. Spinal Cord. BACK, abdomen: aching, to hypogastric region (dysmenorrhoea), I ITarant.; pain, with laborlike colic, IKali e; pain, as from incar- cerated flatulence, Cochl.; pain to front into genitals (threatened miscarriage), ICham.; pain, extending over, ICimex; pain, down both sides to groins, I IPetrol.; with puffed, backache, Cimex ; wind pressing against, Cupr. s. Back, aching (backache): All. sat, Ars, Ars. s. f, Aur. mur, Bapt, IBism, IIBry, IGraph, Ind, lllpec, IIKali br, IKalm., I ILacc, ILyss, Med, INatr. c, IINatr. m, IINux v., I IPetrol, IIPuls, IRhus, HSep., ISil, I ITrilb, Vace; languid, 4 to 5 p.m., every day, IGels.; into arm, Calc. a.; with urging and burning in anus, Mere per.; confines him to bed, Ars. s. f; bilious attacks, IINux v.; as if it would break, IIBell.; as if bones were broken in in- fluenza and ague, IIEup. pert; with chilli- ness, Diose; constant for several years, I ISub; constant, dull, scarcely able to walk, rise, or stoop, IJEse h.; with constipation, HPsor.; especially in coccyx, Caust.; all day, Lyss.; with diarrhoea, ICasc; distress, Ptel.; dull, I IPolyp.; dull, distress in whole dorsal region, Erig.; dull, every morning on waking, I IPtel.; in dysentery, ILil. tig.; after eating, Ant. t; excessive, IPsor.; in inflammatory fever, IGels.; with flooding, IBry.; in gleet, Calad.; intense, IIEup. pert; intolerable, ICale; in- wardly along last dorsal and first lumbar verte- brae, Asaf; in kidney affections, ITereb.; with languor, IPolyp.; with laughter, ICann. b; down left side into hip, IKali bb; also in legs and knees, JEsc. h.; in functional derange- ment of liver, 11 Sep.; worse in lumbar region, extends around waist, Vace; in lower part, IClem.; worse lying in bed late (nervous debility), ICurar.; during menses, Inul.; with threatened miscarriage, 11 Vib.; for one hour in morning, 11 Ptel.; in muscles of both sides, ICale; with nausea, after suppressed itch, IPsor.; especially at night (prolapsus uteri), I Arg. nit.; worse at night, lAmm. m.; pressing, at lower border of scapula, Rumex; better from pressure and lying on back, INatr. m.; violent, wants back pressed, IIKali e; aching, worse from pressure, Verbas.; after scarlatina (diphtheria), ILye; from scapulae, down back or kidneys, IIRumex; between shoulders, Ailant.; between shoulders, with soreness all over or in centre of chest, 1101. jee; between shoulders, extends into left lung, worse on expiration, Sep.; between shoulders and sacrum, ICale a.; and in sides, IKali bi.; must sit up or turn in bed, IINux v.; better sitting, but too weak to sit long, better by cloths dipped in warm milk, Ars. h.; worse sitting or lying, mostly morning, when awak- ing, Berb. ; preventing sleep, Diad.; with sleeplessness, Lact. ae; in smallpox, I I Ant. c; length of spine, Lact. ae; with stitches in sternum, I IPsor.; after stooping, Bov.; worse stooping, from walking and after coffee, ICham.; better straightening out and bend- ing backward, iEthus.; after supper, Agar.; tired, lower part, with restlessness, Cale fl.' along top of right trapezius, after dislocation' HPhyt.; in prolapsus uteri, lAloe; violent' 31. NECK AND BACK. 853 Ind., Inul, ILyss.; while walking, feels as if she could lie down on street to obtain rest and relief, IKali e ; when walking, with stitches in sternum, HPsor.; violent, after walking, INatr. c; as from weakness, better sitting and leaning against something, Zing.; cannot work, I Asaf; after hard work (rheu- matism), lArs. BST* bruised feeling, dull pain, pain. Back, air: diseases brought on by exposure to draught, ISil. Back, bearing down: B@* pressive. Baek, beaten : 8ST" bruised feeling. Back, biting. Agar.;-with chilliness, IILyc. Back, boils: IPhyt, Thuya; bloodboils,ICaust, IGraph, Sul. ac. Thuya; small bloodboils, Iris ; bloodboil on right, near spine, 11 Kali bb; half an inch in diameter, near spine, with violent burning, throbbing pain, ILach.;small suppurating, often leave scars, IIKali iod. Back, boring: IBism., Coccul.; aching, IHam. Back, as if breaking: 11 Alum., IKali c, INatr. m., Variol.; aching, as if bones were broken (intermittent fever), IIEup. pert; and hips (hemorrhoids), I.Esc. h.; better lying on hard floor or with pillow under back, IIRhus; at night, in bed, Ferr. iod.; in dysmenorrhoea, HXan.; in hemorrhoids, IBelb; at night, IMagn. e; with nephritic retinitis, IKalm.; before stool, INux v. Back, bruised feeling : HArn., Asar., Cornus, IIEup. perf, Lyss., I IMere, INux v, IRhus, Ruta, Sabad.; on awaking, Grat.; as if beaten, HAgar., Alum, Ang., lArn, Berb, IRhus, I IZinc; as if beaten on motion, Stram.; as if beaten, with stitches, IINatr. m.; as from a blow or fall, Ruta; with colic, awakes her at 2 a.m., better lying on side, Natr. s.; lower dorsal region, especially left, I Apis ; with thick leucorrhoea, Magn. s.; while lying still in bed, "better rising and walking about, IPuls.; in morning, Calad, IDros.; worse at 3 or 4 a.m., IINux v.; in muscles, I Cham.; tired, in muscles, from points of scapulae to ilium on each side of spine, better from pressure, Vib.; at night, INatr. c; pressive, early on rising, worse turning trunk and standing, better walking, Thuya ; as if pounded all over, with prostra- tion, IPhyt.; during rest, I IKali e; in region of short ribs, IRan. b.; early on rising, better from motion, Ratan.; between shoulders, Aeon, Ars.; with stitches, IINatr. m.; after prolonged stooping, while straightening, INatr. in.; worse stooping and when touched, Stront.; cannot straighten, IPsor.; above and in small of, with sensitiveness of parts to touch, also during menses, IMagn. m.; uppei part, asif beaten (headache), 11 Anac; violent, while walking in open air, with weakness, I I Zinc. 8^° aching, soreness. Back bubbling sensation : muscles, Petrosel. Back' burning: Agar., Ant. t, Apis, IIArs., Aur. mur. Bar. c, Berb, IBism., Cheb, Como, Daph., IKali e, IKreo, INux v.; in afternoon, pain as if in posterior wall of stomach, Lobel. i.; accompanies and follows stinging, almost itching in left chest, below nipple, Rumex; after coition, IMagn. m.; con- stant (gastric disorder), lAtrop. s.; drawing, Zinc; along, beginning at coccyx as if under skin, I IMur. ae; after emission (spermator- rhoea), IMere; with congestive headache, IGlon.; while lying quietly on it (ovaritis), I Ars.; near last ribs, right side, like heart- burn, Lyss.; mostly between lower half of scapulae, IHelon.; between shoulders, in cere- brospinal meningitis, ILye; between shoul- ders, with irritable spine, 11 Phos.ae; between shoulders, with weak, gone feeling, IPhos.; pain in small spots, Zinc; in skin, as if he were sitting by a hot stove, Dulc.; superficial about middle of dorsal spine, Chrom. ac; while walking in open air and becoming warm, Sib; in women, IPic. ac. g&° heat. Back, carbuncle: interscapular anthrax, with severe burning pain, cannot sleep, I ITarant.; in left side, extending from upper border of scapula downward about six inches, sur- rounded by small pustules, pus offensive and scanty, pain deprives of sleep, IHep.; dorsal region to right of spine, six inches in diameter, with rigors, nocturnal sweat, fever and pros- tration (after bite of a cat), ILach.; nine inches long, five at greatest breadth, sloughing discharge of ichorous, terribly smelling pus, blood-poisoning by absorption of pus (pyae- mia), I lAnthrac. Back, catching pain : with gasping, 11 Petrol. Back, chest: stitching through, during inspira- tion, Berb. Back, chill: Ant e, Aph. ch, Asim., Bell., Berb., Calend, Carbo v., Cepa, ICham, IDig, IIKalm, ILed, Spong.; to arms, Calc. a.; be- gins, in intermittent, HCaps.; begins, in even- ing, IIPuls.; as from an icy cold, wet hand- kerchief, extends to hips, Berb.; crawls from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Chlor.; cold creeps, evening and night, I Ars, Thuya; creeps, running up, IGels.; creeps, ascending, when they reached neck a general shudder ensued, Mere sub; cold creeps, evening and night, IIPuls.; cur- rents of cold air down, Coff; in delirium tre- mens, I IStram.; in evening, in diphtheria, IBapt.; runs down, Bell, Cheb, ICoff, Colch, ICroe, ILobel. i, ISamb, Staph, 11 Vace; runs down, in dysentery, IColch.; runs down, in evening, ICoccul.; chase each other down, after running pin into foot, IHyper.; in even- ing, IRhus, Stann.; feverish, I IGuaiac; fugi- tive, ICinch.; across lower part, beginning in spine just above sacrum, 11 Oxal. ae; 8.30 to 9 a.m., Asaf; pain before and during, lEup. pert; pain during, Ign.; pain during, and when coming in contact with bed (ague), ISamb.; rigor and formication, with heat of head and face, in forenoon (chronic bronchial catarrh), IIPuls.; shiverings, worse in after- noon, Asaf; shivering after nervous attack, ICale; shivering during stool, Tromb.; shiv- ering, worse in evening, in bed, Sang.; shivering, with glowing cheeks and cold hands, Euph.; shivering, in quotidian ague, HSep.; shivering, extending into hypochondria and especially into anterior portion of arms and thighs, with coldness of limbs and a feeling as if they would fall asleep about 4 p.m., IPuls.; shivering, with warm feet, I IKali m.; shiver- ing, better from warmth of stove, Niccol.; shivering, with external heat after lying down, ICoff; shivering, with internal chill, after- noons and evenings, ICoccul.; begins across shoulders, ILach.; creeps along between sca- pulae, I Lac def.; commencing between shoulder- blades, IPolyp.; shuddering, Cast, IIGuaiae, 854 31. NECK AND BACK. Spong.; shuddering, in albuminuria, ICale a.; shuddering, in evening, Ars. h.; shuddering, in evening, in scarlet fever, IDulc.; shudder- ing, with heat in face, and chest symptoms, Seneg.; shuddering, into feet and arms,Calc a.; while sitting by a fire in forenoon, Bapt.; shuddering in cephalalgia periostitica, IMez.; shuddering, over single parts, Ars. h.; shudder- ing, with spasm of sphincter during or inde- pendent of stool, IColch.; shuddering, before vomiting,Raph.; spreads from, I Arg. met; dur- ing stool, ITromb.; like streams of ice water running down between scapulae and to sacral region, Variol.; run up, Amm.m,IIEup. perf, IGels,IPuls, ISub; run up,in whooping cough, ICepa; run up, in intermittent fever, IGels.; run up to head, ILach.; run up, from move- ment (diphtheria), ISub; run up, with chat- tering of teeth and shaking, INatr. s.; run up, even when warm in a warm room, Rhus v.; run up and down, Med.; run up and down, then fever with drowsiness, IGels.; run up and down, with thirst (ague), llpec; walking up and down room, Ang,- as if cold water were running down, leaning back in chair, Agar.; run down like streams of cold water, causing shivering and chattering of teeth, at commencement of fever, Variol.; as from cold water, evening in bed, Berb.; zigzag, running down, Med. 8®° chilliness, coldness. Back, chilliness: Ang, HCamph., ICham, Crot. t, IDig, IDulc, IHam., Lept, INatr.m, Nitr. sp. d., IIPuls., IRaph, Sec, Spong.; in afternoon, I IGuaiac, Stram.; as if cool air were blowing, Benz. ac, ICamph.; at 3 p.m., worse in evening after lying down, lasting a quarter of an hour, with cold feet, ILye; in open air, especially in draught, Dulc; in anae- mia of brain, ICon.; down, Bry, TrCean, ICepa, IGels., Sib; down, when changing po- sition ever so little, lEup. pur.; down, in immediate region of spine, in damp weather (posterior spinal sclerosis), I IPic. ac; after eating, in chronic hepatitis, I ISib; every even- ing, IDulc; in evening, after a severe cold (perimyelitis), HSep.; in evening, for an hour, with subsequent heat, ISub; in evening, after lying down, INux v.; with dry heat in even- ing, after lying down, ICoff; with heat of face, ISub; with heat of face and head, Jatroph, Nitr. sp. d.; with stitches in forehead, Sib; with cold hands and blue nails, Con.; as if a piece of ice were lying between shoulders, gooseflesh all over, Lachn.; in influenza, in morning, with painfulness of skin, asif it had been frozen, INuxv.; when pain abates, Ascl. s.; spreading from, Dulc; and trembling, as if cold water were poured down, Stram.; in tuberculous consumption,ISpong.; chilliness in upper, worse at night and in cold air,IStront.; extending up, JEsc. h.; running up, with vawning and depression of spirits, Merc, sub; running up anddown, Aph. ch.; seeks a warm place, IKali bb; like cold water, Stram.; as if cold water were poured down, IIPuls., I IZinc; as if cold water were dropping down, during chill, in intermittent, ICaps.; as if cold water were poured down, with headache, Alum.; as if cold water were spurted upon, at 6 p.m., ILye 8^° chill, coldness, crawling. Back, coldness: Brach, I Cact, I Calc, ICamph, Croc, Elaps, ILac def, Lactu. v, 11 Op, 11 See, Sul,HVer, with chill, in evening,Mur. ac, sen- sation, in intermittent fever subjective, ■•Ars-i at night, Arum t; coldness between shoulders, followed by general coldness, convulsive twitchings of right side and difficult respira- tion, ISep.; between shoulders, not better by feather or wool covering, followed by itching (pulmonary affections), lAmm. m.; transient, Back, constriction : Guaraea; painful, ICham., painful dorsal muscles while sitting, better bending back, worse bending forward, Rhus; painful, as if in muscles (myelitis), IDule;»in phthisis, ICetrar. Back contraction: as if it would contract back- ward, Brach.; with coldness, griping and sore feeling, Con.; cramplike, IMez.; muscles, Brach.; muscles, drawing head back on shoulders (cerebrospinal disease), I IVer. v.; painful, IGraph. Back, cough: B@" Chap. 27, During cough, back. Back, cramp: Lyss.; in brain affection, IHelb; in hypochondriasis, lArg. nit.; cramplike pain, Euph.; between shoulders, while walking, Calad. Back, crawling (creeping): Agar., Ars. h., Ars. m, Berb, Calend, ICepa, ICham.; afternoon, Asaf.; gentle creeping, as if soft air were blow- ing through it, See; slight, after drinking (in- termittent), lArs.; in morning, Ars. met.; in evening, ILye; as of fleas, Pallad.; creeps and flushes run up (meningitis), IGels.; as of a mouse running up, before a fit, ISul.; on parts, Ars. h.; in smallpox, 11 Variol.; upward, Ang.; up and down, iCrotal. Back, crick: ; Calc. p., IFerr. ph.; sacrum to nape of neck, Agar.; caused by sudden strain when lifting, worse on first attempt to move, better by continued motion, hurts in riding, or from a jar or misstep, I I Sep. BST" stitches, and other acute sensations. Back, cutting : I Arg. nit., Aur. mur., ICale p, I I Eup. pur, IGels, Guaraea, IINatr. m.; run- ning up, with constriction of arms, IColoe B^ir* lancinating, stabbing, stitches. Back, decubitus: IMere cor. Back, in diphtheria: aching, ILye, IPhyt.; peculiar hard ache, IILach. Back, distress : across, ILac def. Back, dragging: as before menses, followed by slight show, tCanth. Back, drawing: Ast. r, ICham, ICinch, Cro- tal., Lyss, INux v., I IOp.; dull aching be- tween shoulders at 6 p.m., Zing.; as far as arms, in paroxysms, and terminating in a stitch when sitting or lying, Natr. e; worse awaking, Calc. p.; backward (functional dis- turbance of heart), ILil. tig.; burning, during sleep, in morning, Zinc; down (angina), IMere; before leprous eruption,!Ant. t; worse in evening and morning,Calcp.; with gaping, stretching and bending backward, Calc p.'; to hips, with urging to urinate, ILach.; with lassitude, on exercising in open air,' Tereb.; in liver affections (hepatic typhus)' ICheb; worse on motion, Colch.; in muscles' Card, m, Cheb; pain extending towards sca- pulae, with nausea, IPuls.; into neck, with headache in right hemisphere of brain (chronic catarrh), I ISang.; painful, ICaps Coccul, I ILye; painful, then fatigue, I ICard' 31. NECK AND BACK. 855 m.; painful, in paralytic rheumatism, IPhos.; painful, on right side, from shoulder blade to lumbar region, changing locality, HCard. m.; pulling, after sexual excess, I Ars.; rheumatic, Morse stooping, ICarbo v.; following course of left rhomboid muscle, Ind.; between sca- pulae, IPuls.; sharp, INatr m.; as if too short to allow stooping, Calab.; between shoulders, during menses, ISib; when sitting, ICarbo v.; while sitting, in evening, Tereb.; when sit- ting, better on motion, Bry.; spasmodic, from behind, into genitals and into thigh (cancer uteri), IKreo.; twisting pain, as if stomach were tightly drawn against spine, Ver. v.; painful, after stool, Caps.; pain, had to go to stool, Zing.; extends to hips, with urging to urinate, ILach. Back, dull pain: ICrotal, IHydras, Ind.; in dysentery, ICub.; constant, three or four times an hour (ovaritis), I I Ustil.; on each side, above innoininata, running into rectum, worse in wet weather, Aloe; worse, deep in- spirations, Cup. ars.; on each side, about six inches above kidneys, to chest, Ferr. iod.; a little lower down than inferior angle of right scapula, but nearer the spine (hemicrania, asthma), 11 Chen, a.; in prolapsus uteri, I IPod. BST" aching, soreness. Back, ears : pains ascending to occiput, affect- ing ears, IGels. Back, eating : pain after, IKali c. Back, emaciation: Tabae; muscles wasted, ICale Back, eructation : pain, relieved by, belching, ISep. Back, eruption: Stram.; aching like a sore, Bry.; red blotches, Ascl. t; eczema capitis, ISib; hivelike elevation, Lact. ae; herpes zoster, like a girdle around abdomen, IMere; unbearable pains, in herpes zoster, from ex- ternal application of Rhus, ILach.; irritation, then rash, ICale; itching violently, IBry.; itching acne, Carbo v.; itchlike, Psor.; macu- lae (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; miliary spots, Sumb.; white miliaria in typhoid, I I Vab; moist, burning, itching, eats into surrounding parts, large vesicles filled with clear serum form, become turbid, burst and become confluent, IIRhus; pimples, Dig, Hyper.; red pimples, Phos. ae; small pim- ples, IKali e; small, dry, red pimples, Iod.; small red pimples (incipient phthisis), I IRu- mex ; patches of psoriasis, size of a crown piece, and indolent, 11 Kali ars.; pustules,Belb; dark red pustules, Chim. umb.; pustules, in leucorrhcea, I Aur. mur. nat; pustules, size of a pea to a five-cent piece, ILach.; pustules,con- tain thin, yellow pus (stomatitis), HSub; rash Psor.; itching rash, always worse and gnawing, after scratching and sticking, as from needles, I IMez.; red rash, with sweat after dulness of senses and anxiety ,Stram.; red, Tabae • scurf like fish scales,Mez.; secondary, dark blotches in scarlatina, IILyc; flushing, ra«h like scarlatina simplex, bright red, dis- appears on pressure, returns immediately af- ter removal of pressure, Stram.; spots from which scurf comes off " like fish scales," when scratched (pityriasis capitis), IMez; spots like ringworms, All. sat; aching, after sup- pressed: IPsor.; of vesicles, itch in evening, IKali c ; vesicular, ISep.; vesicular, becoming pustular, itching in evening, llris ; like zos- ter, ICist. Back, erysipelatous: broad belt of erysipelat- ous inflammation across from point of right shoulder to upper part of left arm, IA pis. Back, faint feeling : while standing, ISep. Back, feet: ache extending to feet, Bor. Back, fever: aching before and after chill, Diad., IPod.; aching with chill, I Ant. t; ach- ing, with chill, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (ague), llpec; aching, in intermittent, ICham.; pain, during chill, Ign., Lact. ac; pain, during heat (inter- mittent), ICaps.; with sleepiness and weak- ness during day, Cornus; pain causes fever, rCarbo a.; pains in intermittent, IGels, I IPolyp.; pain before and after chill, in inter- mittent, I I Diad.; excruciating pain in inter- mittent, ICaps.; violent pains, in intermittent, I ISub; violent pains, in relapse of intermit- tent, I Ars.; fever, from lower part up ward and through whole body, with drowsiness, 6 to 8 p.m., IKali iod.; aching, in prodroma, Ipec; violent pain, in typhoid, I IVer. v.; pain in yellow, ISul. 8#° burning, fever. Back, flesh: sensation as if flesh were loose on lower part, I ILye Back, fluttering: creeping sensation between shoulders, ICup. ac. Back, formication: Phos. ac; to legs, IPhos.; worse in rest and during rough weather, Rhod.; tingling, INatr. c. Back, fulness : after eating, Cham. Back, gimlet: pain like, running into spine, ILye Back, gnawing: painful, IIAlum, Amm. e; below shoulder blades, Agar.; while walking, ICanth. Back, hammer: sudden pain as if struck, when stooping, better pressing against something hard, HSep. Back, head : dull aching to occiput, IGels.; ach- ing with dulness of head, Cale; pain, to crown of head (convalescence from yellow fever), ICale; pain, with heaviness in head, IGamb.; pain starting up from back into head, as if something were working at top of head, with a sense of screwing from behind forward, HPlumb. Back, headache: backache with, Cina, IKali e; aching, with sick, IPhyt. Back, heart: pain, caused by audible beating of heart (arthritic rheumatism), I ISpig. Back, heat: IGlon, Nitr. sp. d, I IVer. v.; with aching, 11 Agar.; burning. IDulc; burning, in locomotor ataxia, IPhos.; flashes, I Aeon, Coca, Merc. per.; flashes, down, Coff.; flashes run- ning up, after stool, IPod.; sudden flashes, Mang.; flashes in floods from (heart affection), ISumb.; flashes up, after stool, IPod.; glow after chilliness, Ars. h.; pain, as if a hot iron were thrust through lower vertebrae, I Alum.; in lower part, IBerb.; extending up, in strict- ure of oesophagus, I IPhos.; prickly beat,Apis; runs up, Hyos.; between shoulders, follows sensation as if she were going to faint, Med.; between shoulder into limbs, ICamph.; under shoulder blades, 7rElat; cannot tolerate any heat near, hot sponge on back causes him to wince (caries of vertebrae), IPhos.; intense, running up, HPhos.; running up, with men- ses, IPhos.; worse, warm sensation passes up into head, Sarrae; warmth ascending neck, 856 31. NECK AND BACK. after crackling in occiput, ICale; warmth, better by expulsion of wind, Berb.; sensation as if hot water were creeping through, from below upward, Nitr. sp. d. 8^* burning. Back, heaviness : as if she had lain in a wrong position, Sep.; lower part feels heavy,Zing.; in morning, awaking as if she could not turn or raise herself, Sep.; pain in muscles,Chrom.ae; a pain or ache in and between both shoulders, lasting two hours, Lyss.; painful, IHydras.; heavy feeling of, worse at rest and rough weather, Rhod.; as if a load were hanging between scapulae, Carb. s.; almost as if gone to sleep,Sep.; with soreness of muscles and joints, i IPic. ac; weight, IHeb; weight, with dysp- noea, INatr. m.; pain, as from a weight, dur- ing menses, IKali e; weight in, from womb and ovaries (uterine polypi), ICon.; better by expulsion of wind, Berb. Back, hemorrhoids : with pains (gleet), I ISul. Back, hypertrophied : scaleni muscles, I ISars. Back, injury: bruises and falls, lArn.; acute pain, after a fall, in dorsal region, Arg. nit.; sprained, IRhus; feeling as if wrenched, ICale Back, itching: Ant. c, Ascl. t, Carbol. ac, ICaust, Cist., Daph., IINitr. ac, ISep, Sil, Spong, Therid.; biting when she feels cold, rubbing makes spot red and vesicles arise, soon vanishing again, Spong.; with chilliness, I ILye; corrosive (by day), I IGuaiac; as from flea bites, Thuya; fulness, Aloe; as from crawling insects, worse evenings on going to bed, Osm ; in muscles, "^Cup. m.; at night, Ailant.; nocturnal, better by scratching, but immediately returning on some other place, IMez.; better by scratching, but soon ap- pears in a place near the spot, Pallad.; skin, as if he had worn a stout, woolen, flan- nel shirt, Ferr. s.; spots, Zinc; in tarsal tu- mors, 11 Zinc.; when undressing, 11 Natr. s. Back, jerking: like electric shocks, Ang.; painful, ICale p.; painful, with inhalation, Cale p.; in muscles, between shoulders, bet- ter moving shoulders up and down (irrita- bility of cerebrospinal system), IIRan. b.; with vertigo, Diad. Back, labor: backache after, IHyper.; during, complains of, Chlorof; laborlike pain, dur- ing menses, Cycl.; pains, worse in back, INux v. Back, lacerating: Coccul, INuxv, I IOp. Back, lameness: IBerb, Fluor, ac, IHyper, Zing.; with soreness in lower abdomen (pro- lapsus uteri), ILyss.; in albuminuria, I INuxv.; across sacrp-iliac articulations, worse walk- ing (leucorrhoea), II^Ese h.; nocturnal emis- sions, as after physical exertion, Vib.; in . hemorrhoids, liEse g.; in region of liver so lame it is almost impossible to turn in bed, better by motion, Diose; lower part, from walking or standing, Zing.; worse from mo- tion," better in rest, ICup. ars.; with nausea, Cup. ars.; evening, in bed, IKalm.; cannot sit up without support, Diose; stiff feeling, Cup. m.; with stitches, IINatr. m.; worse walking (prolapsus uteri), I I^Ese h.; a kind of, after walking, Zing. 8®" numbness. Back, laming pain : ICinch. Back, lancinating: with constriction of anus during stool, Coloe; rhomboid muscle, fol- lowing course of left, Indig.; running up, with constriction of anus, IColoe; from womb and ovaries (uterine polypi), ICon. 8®° cutting, stabbing, stitches. Back, legs: backache, extends into, Cale a.; languid aching down (incipient typhoid), IGels.; pain through to knees (vicarious men- ses), IDig.; shooting down outside of left thigh, sometimes down sciatic nerve, on first moving, or rising after sitting (sciatic rheum- atism), I IRuta; pain into, Camph.; frequent pains, extending down into feet, I ISep.; tear- ing to, IPhos.; pain, extending into thighs, ILye; severe pain, down thighs through hips, I Act. rac; acute pain, gradually extend- ing down thighs with great torture, seeks re- lief in change of position, Oxal. ae; backache with weariness in, Brach. Back, leucorrhcea: with backache, IIMur. ac, IIPuls.; with backache, alternating with ca- tarrh, IKali c; with pains, ILyss. Back, limbs: pain, at same time, Ipec; tear- ing with backache (typhoid fever), IIRhus. Back, liver: pain, from congestion, IILyc. Back, lying on: lApis; on back or side only possible (affection of liver), IMagn. m.; can lie best on, I ILye; aching worse in horizontal po- sition, I IRhus; as if on a board, changes posi- tion, bed feels so hard, worse sacral region (typhus), IBapt.; cannot, on account of rush of blood to head (nightmare), ISub; cannot lie for any length of time, Hyper.; aggravates cough, 11 Eup. pert.; with closed eyes, I I Stram.; with open, staring eyes (apoplexy), IStram.; in gastric nervous fever, ILach.; desires to lie upon, with head elevated, ILye; prefers to lie on, with head low, IDig.; inclination to lie on (tuberculosis), IFerr. iod.; with knees drawn up (Potts' disease), I I IMerecor.; with one leg stretched and other drawn up (pregnancy), 11 Stan.; with legs drawn up (typhoid), IHelb; legs turned on stomach (typhoid), I IPuls.; with limbs flexed, HTarant.; with mouth open (malignant scarlatina), ILach.; finds himself in night lying on, HSub; something hard relieves pain, INatr. m.;pain at night allowing to lie only on abdomen, worse cough- ing, INitr. ae; does not stir, pain worse at each motion (pneumonia), I IZinc; could not lie upon, or either side, IGlon.; pain, particularly in places upon which she must lie, IFerr.; in pneumonia, IIPuls.; in bilat- eral croupous pneumonia, IKali iod.; re- lieves all symptoms (catarrh of bladder), HUva ursi; impossible, in cardiac rheuma- tism, I IPhos.; if moved to side, rolls on to back (typhoid), ILach.; not able to turn (spinal curvature), ICie; in typhoid, IZinc. Back, menses: aching before, Brom., ICaust., IGels.; aching, every two weeks, ICann. b; aching, two days before, heavy, with sharp pain acrossabdomenfromhipto hip.followed by expulsive pains, pain diminishes as flow commences, and stops with it, 11 Ustil.; aching, during, Aloe,Calc. p., IGraph, llgn.; aching, when walking, during, IKali e; aching, after, Calc p.; bearing down, during, HPod.; pain' as if broken, during, IPhos.; burning, before' IKreo.; cramp, after, Bor.; cutting, in small of, during too early, 101. an.; griping, during, ICale; pains, as if coming on, Coccul.; pains' as if coming on, worse early evening and in close room, better in open air and moving 31. NECK AND BACK. 857 about, Vib.; pain, before, Bar. e, Berb, IHydras., ILye, IPuls, ISpong.; pain labor- like, before, IDig.; pains, before,commence in and go around, ending in cramps in uterus, IVib.; pains, before, scanty and irregular (cardialgia), I IZinc; pain, during, IBell, 1 ICaust,ICroc,Crotal,IHydras,l IIod.,0Kalm, Thuya; pain, during, in anaemia, I ISub; pain, during, in asthenopia, HSep.; dreadful pain, during, ISars.; pains, like labor pains, during, Agar., ICale, BNitr. ac, ISub; pain, during, on rising in morning, she was unable to move during, BLyc; pain, during,in prolap- sus uteri, lAmm. m.; pains, with profuse, five months after delivery (menorrhagia), I ISa- bina ; pain, with scanty, ILac def; pain, from suppressed, IIPuls.; pain, every few minutes (dysmenorrhoea), lUstil.; pain, during, worse when walking, IMagn. m.; pressing from within outward, during delivery, INux m.; tearing, during, ICaust.; weakness, during, ILyss. 8®* Lumbar region menses. Back, metastasis: pains from other parts, ISep. Back, nausea: aching with, and tenesmus, Mane; aching causes, while standing, ISep. Back, neck: pain extending into, with tension, IColoe Back, neuralgia: ICornus; from below up- ward, most on left side, 11 Eup. pur.; constant, night and day, I IZinc; to right hip, Pallad.; between shoulders (angina pectoris), ISabad.; acute, boring, darting, IMagn. p.; with tender- ness of spinal column, 11 Ran. sc; extends to thoracic and abdominal walls (spinal curva- ture after a fall), I ISub; running up, particu- larly left side, 11 Nitr. ac Back, numbness: as if broken or bruised, Oxal. ac; in chorea, I Agar.; causing cold sen- sation (angina pectoris), I lOxabae; asif dead, 11 Sib; in intermittent fever, ICoccul.; in side on which he has been lying, after siesta, ICale; sensory nerves as if paralyzed and numb, similar to pain in tooth when nerve is dying, Calab.; with uneasiness, ICale p.; better by expulsion of wind, Berb. 8^° lameness, tingling. Back, oesophagus: pain in a spot corresponding with about centre, worse eating and drink- ing, food refuses to go further when it reaches this spot, can take only fluids (oesophagitis), "Rhus. . „. _ , Back, pain (undefined): I Apis, IBism., Brach, Cain., ICarbo a, Chrom. ac, IDory.,Euphor, IForm.. IGels, Gymn, IHydras., IHyper., llgn IKali c, IKalm, IMere cor., IMurex, INitr! ac, INitr. sp. d, 110b jec I IPhos, IPuls Senecio, Stram., IISul, I ITarant, I I Ver' I IZinc, Zing.; towards abdomen, C-uin 's; in threatened abortion, ICaulo.; awakes with, Myr. cer.; gets out of bed at 4 a m., better from rising, and walking about (pregnancy), INux v.; makes him bend back- ward, with heat, evening disappearing in morning, Jamb.; especially on bending backward, or after short walk, with nausea and weariness, Con ; at times better bending forward, at others bending back, better from hard pressure, IPlumb; prevents deep breathing;,jrCarbc, a.; with hnrnine and general heat, I IKalm, in chronhf cardialgia, HSub; with chilliness, Elaps; with internal chilliness (puerperal fever), I IPlat.; from cold air, and after taking cold, IDulc; after taking cold (cystitis), ISars.; after catching cold, in nervous ailment, IMagn. p.; constant, down, I ISep.; constant, with cold limbs, Pallad.; constant, worse when lying (enlargement of liver), IFerr.; on coughing, ascending stairs, stepping hard, jumping, ""Carbo a.; with abdominal cramps and throbbing headache before menses,ILach.; all day, ICamph.; deep seated, Sarrae; in diabetes, I IPhos. ae; with diarrhcea, Amm. m.; after dinner, Agar.; in dysentery, I Am.; worse in evening, INaja ; in evening, on enter- ing warm room, thirst, IIGels.; periodical pains, in evening and in warm room, better cool open air, IKali s.; as after excessive exer- tion, Cheb; in intermittent fever, during apyrexia, Ign.; before or after ague, Gels.; in typhoid fever, llgn.; extending to front and down (prolapsus), I Arg. met.; to groins and down limbs, Plat.; with haemoptysis, IDig.; unusual, in chronic passive hemorrhage from kidneys, I ITereb.; with uterine hemorrhages, Trill.; now here now there, I IZinc; to right hip, Pallad.; with ill humor and lassitude, IRan. b.; in influenza, 11 Eup. perf, lEuphor.; in inspiration, Inul.; intense, IStaph.; intoler- able, llgn.; depending upon spinal irritation, IRan. b.; with kidney disorders, llpom.; with severe pain in left kidney (renal calculus), llpom.; region of kidneys, worse after urinat- ing (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; with lame- ness, IHelon., Meph.; with lame feeling, in dia- betes, IHelon.; in locomotor ataxia, I Arg. nit.; all over, to loins, worse drawing a long breath, Cinnab.; in lower, Calc s.; in lower, with cough, ICale; in lower, all night, Lact. ae; in lower, to uterus, piercing drawing, I IHelon.; to front of both lungs, IIDiosc; when her violent paroxysms were off, in puer- peral mania, I IPlat.; after meals, IDaph.; dur- ing menses, IHelon.; in mental derange- ment, Brom.; in morning, Calc. p.; worse at 4 a.m. and 4 p.m., 11 Nux v.; does not allow him to move or stand, Petrol.; worse from motion, better in rest (chronic otitis media), INatr. e; on moving, Cupr. s.; worse from slightest motion, after a cold (perimyelitis), I ISep.; on motion, in rheumatism of mus- cles of thorax and back, IKalm.; with loss of muscular power (constipation), Amb.; in upper, in morning, IZinc; in muscles, ILach.; from nape to sacrum, Cheb; with nausea and anxiety, Bell.; with ciliary neur- algia with acute conjunctivitis, IITereb.; at night, Agar., Arg. nit, iCarbo a., INatr. m.; worse at night, IHelon, I ISyph.; at night, worse lying, IKreo.; while nursing, HSib; occasional, after vaccination, IIThuya; con- stant, with pain through ovarian region, worse in left (displacement of uterus), I I Sep.; return- ing periodically about midnight and extend- ing into head (spinal irritation), IChin. s.; did not permit her to lie, stand or sit quiet, must change position, ILach.; as if all power were going and back were turning to pulp, Colch.; with ptyalism pain, Cinnam.; to pubes, in constipation, ISabina; worse during rest, I INuxm.; with restlessness, with yawning and stretching of arms and legs, ILach.; in right rhomboid muscle, when sewing or exer- 858 31. NECK AND BACK. cising, and in damp weather, I INatr. c; under short ribs, worse from motion and deep in- spiration, ILobel. e; unable to ride in a car- riage, 11 Ustil.; in right side, I ICp.; in right side, before sneezing, Anag.; in right side, while breathing, Brach.; in right side, with pain in occiput (hepatitis), ICheb; in right side, between tenth dorsal vertebra and side, Benz. ae; in middle, right side of spinal col- umn, worse sitting, Chen, v.; goes from right to left, shoots down legs, I ILobel. e; better by quick, hard rubbing with hand, IIPuls.; between scapulae, Med.; into shoulder blade, Anag.; in left scapula, IGels.; under scapulae, lElat.; under scapulae, worse mornings, Apis; after rising from seat, ICanth.; with sensitive- ness of affected spot by leaning on it in after- noon, better after rubbing, Plumb.; severe, I ISil,I ITereb.; worse from sewing, I ISee;shift- ing, worse drawing a long breath, ISang.; below right shoulder, towards spine, after long sit- ting, Cepa; across between shoulders and waist, at 2 p.m., Lyss.; between shoulders, 7rCarbov., ICon., IIEup. perf, IFerr., Kob., INux m, I ISyph, Therid.; between shoul- ders, in angina pectoris, ITabae; between shoulders, with cough, ICale; between shoul- ders, pain during fever at night, 11 Rhus ; be- tween shoulders, in haemoptysis, IFerr.; itch- ing between shoulders, Gamb.; between shoulders, and lower down in back, Calab.; between shoulders, in morning, Pod.; between shoulders, worse by movement or exertion (cerebrospinal pains), lOxal. ae; between shoulders, to sacrum, Zinc; after sitting or from long stooping, IIPuls.; returns after sitting awhile, ICup. ars.; especially wrhile sitting, with violent dry coryza all day, ?Zinc; along spine, Iodof; especially near spine, ILye; terribleon right side of spine, I I Variol.; small spot, low down, ILach.; as after con- tinual stooping, 11 Agar.; in left side, as after stooping too long, Bism.; with sweat, ICornus; in syphilis, ILye; in edge of trapezius at occi- pital and clavicular insertions, flabby weak feeling, Lact. ae; with tympanitis (typhoid), IColch.; in upper part, INaja ; upward, Eup. pur.; in uterine disease, ICale p.; with elongated uvula, ILac c; with irritation of vagina, 11 Helon.; violent, in influenza, ICheb; torture, on crossing ferry soon after eating, from noise which water made, Lyss.; with weakness, Calab.; with weakness of knees and legs, INux m.; with attacks of paralytic weakness, HCoccul. Back, paralysis: of muscles to neck, ICup. m.; difficulty of moving, with paresis of limbs and numbness, in consequence of a wetting, IRhus. B®° Spine, paralysis. Back, piercing : only during rest, I I Natr. s. Back, pinching: over spine, directly behind epigastrium, Ferr. iod.; in middle, Cann. s.; in small spots, Zinc. Back, pregnancy: 8®* Chap. 24, Pregnancy, back. Back, pressing: Berb, IKali e; forcing asun- der feeling, with pain in stomach through to back (biliary obstruction), HSub; bearing do wn,I IKali c, I I Vib.; bearing down, in parox- ysms (labor), ISep.; bearing down, in uterine hemorrhage, IHam.; as if bones would be pres- sed asunder, relieved by expulsion of wind, Berb.; cramplike, under right shoulder blade, Lyss.; heavy dragging on exertion between menses, pain shoots up back from hip to shoulder, 11 Ustil.; dull, as from sitting too long in a stiff position, afternoon, Pallad.; hard, as from flatulence in sides of, morning in bed, worse walking, better after stool and renewed when walking again, I IZinc; with heat, Lyss.; to left hypochondrium, as from a swelling, I Agar.; in muscles, Euphor.; sudden pain, as if a broad body armed with points were pressing upward in dorsal muscles of left side, broad, with many fine stitches, Spong.; outward, with displaced uterus, INux v.; pain- ful, with profuse menses, 11 Agar.; painful, as from a sprain or as if he had stooped long, IMur. ae; painful, beneath scapulae, in even- ing, Sul.; painful, in dorsal muscles, below scapulae, wandering, Brom.; painful, between shoulders, felt as a throbbing, Tereb.; painful, between shoulders, walking or sitting, Bell.; painful, opposite pit of stomach, with feeling as if no blood could circulate there (diarrhcea), Thuya; painful, when walking, sitting or stooping, Bor.; painful, as if a piece of wood stretched across small of back, pressing from within outward, before menses (dysmenor- rhoea), INux m.; as of a plug, had to put pil- low under it, ICarbo v.; five inches below point of right shoulder, one inch from spine, has had some sensation during each of her preg- nancies, always right side, inward from lowest rib to breast bone, Lyss.; below7 shoulder blades, Card, m.; below right shoulder blade, Lyss.; near right shoulder blade, with heat, draws into nape of neck, thence into muscles of left upper arm, Lyss.; between shoulders, Ars. h.; from between shoulders to occiput and across right ear, in morning, Lyss.; right side, better bending backward, Chen, v.; squeezing pains, Arg. nit.; tensive, upon a small spot by border of right scapula, Zinc; as from a thumb and tingling in it, which in- creases pain, worse on stooping, drawing up- ward, Menyanth.; while walking, ICanth. Back, pricking: Aur. mur.; into chest, in evening, Bor.; causing cold sensation (angina pectoris), I lOxal. ac; in skin, Sil. Back, rheumatism : HAct. rac. Bell., IIBry., Chrom. ac, IColch., Como., ICornus, IHep., IINux v, IRhod., IIRhus; chronic, IIKali iod, IPhyt.; during climacteric period, I lUs- til.; towards evening and on rising from a seat, lArs.; after heat is relieved, Aur. met; in left suprascapular muscles, Lye vir.; worse towards morning, INux v.; worse in morning before rising,Petrol, IRuta ; worse on motion, Variol.; myalgia of great muscles, ISang.; be- tween shoulders, Calad., Magn. s, IRhus v.; in right side, Amb, Cain.; stitching, pressing pains after taking cold while sweating, pains worse at night and during rest, better by mo- tion, IDulc; in tendon of left trapezium, on turning head, Bry.; wandering, Lye. vir. 8®* neuralgia, stiffness. Back, riding: aching when riding in a carriage IINux m. Back, seminal emissions: backache, IDig. IIKali br, IKob, ISars.; better after emis- sion, Zinc. 8®° sexual excess; also Chap. 22, Seminal emissions backache. Back, sensitive : during short intervals of con- 31. NECK AND BACK. 859 sciousness in encephalitis, ICoccul.; as if par- alyzed, ICoccul.; spot pains when touched (myelitis), IStram.; spot in region of left hy- pochondrium soon after having eructated, Chen, v.; tender along top of right trapezium, after dislocation, I IPhyt.; of upper part and neck, to touch or from lying on it,with swell- ing heat, IGlon.; painful to touch on sides (erysipelas), IIRhus. Back, sexual excess: backache, ICale, Carbo v,ICinch,INatr. m.,INux v., IPhos, HPhos. ac, IPuls, ISep., HStaph., Sul. 8®° seminal emissions. Back, sharp pain: ICon, Merc. iod. flav.; after exposure to draught of cold air while in a sweat, I ISars.; with constriction of anus dur- ing stool,Coloe; with chills, in dysmenorrhoea, ICon.; spasmodic, running to crest of left ilium, I Hel.; neuralgic, Iod.; shooting through, ILith.; also in sides, IKali bb; sudden, at in- tervals, like a stab in lower part, as if she could not straighten spine, Alum.; running up, with constriction of anus, IColoe Back, shocks: painful, in right side, during breathing, ICale; painful, in laryngo-trachei- tis, IIPuls. Back, shooting : ICale a., ICale ph.; through body to back, then into chest, with sensation of rush of blood to chest (rheumatism of diaphragm), ICact.; when breathing (facial neuralgia), I Aur. met.; constant, through body to both sides, and along spine to occiput and even to temples, worse by walking and stooping, ICoccul.; in cough, ICaps.; to epi- gastrium, Rhod.; to gluteal region or hips, IIKali e; into glutei muscles, or buttocks, in pregnancy, IIKali c; from below left nipple, on walking, I Asaf.; down right side, Ferr s.; also in sides, IKali bb; below shoulder blade, Agar.; in tetanus, ILach. Back, sitting: worse aching, IZinc; pain after, can hardly rise, IIPuls.; pain when sitting still, disappearing on touching, Menyanth.; pain worse, Zinc. Back, sleep: aching awakens, IHydras.; aches, disturbing, at night, cannot find a position to lie on, 11 Agar.; so painful she cannot, Diad. Back, smarting: from grief, INaja. Back, soreness: Agar., I Arn., IBenz. ae, ICarbol. ac, Cornus, Pod, IRhus, ISang, Sarrae; as if beaten, in evening, Lyss.; espe- cially back of neck, as if beaten, Ars. i.; to chest, 1101. jee; in cholerine, lApis ; across, after an attack of chronic diarrhcea, INatr. s.; in kidney affections, ITereb.; during labor, ICaust; in prolapsus, IIRhus; in right, near spine, on a small spot, worse pressure, morn- ing on rising, Lith.; in rheumatism, ILact. ae; between shoulders, Ars. s. f; between shoul- ders in irritable spine, I IPhos. ae; trapezius, from pressure, and painful at every movement of head and shoulders (rheumatism), I ISang. 8^» aching, bruised feeling Back spasm: intense action of dorsal muscles, CEnan • convulsive movements, Codein., I My- cale • of erector spinal muscles, thrusts right tide 'forward when lying on left side (after sunstroke), I IStram.; with mental irritability and delirium (spinal meningitis), INatr. s.; opisthotonos, Canth CEnan IOp, Stram.; rigidity of muscles, ICalab, ILach. INux v HStram, Syph.; rigidity of muscles, head drawn back, ITabae; rigidity extending as far as anus, in paroxysms, and terminating in a stitch when sitting or lying, Natr. c; inter- mittent tonic spasms, muscles stretched, every morning at 8, lasting until 11, INatr. m.; te- tanic, Cann. s.; twitchings extending to, ^Art. v. 8®** Chap. 36, Convulsions opis- thotonos. Back, spasmodic pains: Pallad.; with acid eructation, at 6 p.m. (ovarian troubles), Pallad. Back, spasmodic sensation: between shoul- ders, in walking, asif he would fall headlong, Calad.; sensation in muscles as if something in them were drawn back and forth, more spasmodic sensation than painful, INux v. Back, sprained pain : Sub; left side, ICon.; in cerebrospinal meningitis, IRhus ; on motion, IIPuls.; afteroverlifting, ICale BfaT'inJuries. Back, stabbing: intense pain, like a knife thrust through, on slightest motion (pleuro- dynia), I IRan. b.; through to umbilical re- gion, HVer. v. 8®° cutting, lancinating, stitches. Back, step: pain as from a false, Sul. Back, sternum : pain striking through to, with cough and expectoration of tough, black mucus, IKali bi. Back, sticking: IILyc, IPuls.; fine, IPuls.; lightning-like, in tabes dorsalis, INitr. ac; to right scapula, I ILye; towards scapulae, with nausea, IPuls.; as if something were sticking in spine, worse bending back, Jamb.; while stooping, in evening, Rhus. 8@" stinging. Back, stiffness: Aeon., Ananth., Aur. mur., Bapt, IBerb, ICarbo v, IHelon, Med, Pe- trol, IPhos, IPuls.; on getting up from bed, but better during day, Ferr. iod.; in cerebro- spinal meningitis, I Apis; cramplike, INitr. ae; now in back, now in hip, painful in turn- ing over, obliged to hold breath, Sub; in in- fluenza, IRhus; as if he had been injured, or from overlifting, I IPrun.; lame feeling, Cup. m.; left side, Chrom. ac; lower part, Zing.; lower part, on stooping, difficult to stand up, IBerb.; every morning, IPhyt.; every morn- ing and in damp weather, IPhyt; on motion, JEsc. h, Cupr. s.; worse on motion, better in rest, ICup. ars.; in muscles, Cheb; upper dorsal muscles, in morning, IZinc; pain as if stiff, INitr. ae; painful, IHelon.; painful, in rheumatic paralysis, IIRhus; painful, like a board, IPuls.; painful, especially on rising from chair, HCaust; painful, making change of position difficult, ICale; rheumatic, Bry.; rheumatic, of whole left side, from nape to sacrum, pain on motion, IGuaiac; in chronic rheumatism, I Apis; can hardly rise from a chair (chronic gout), IBar. e; on rising in morning, Suhae; between shoulders, Ang.; between shoulders, morning on rising, Bar. e; between shoulders, neck, peculiar sensation of stiffness, Agar.; between shoulders, worse going out or moving, Ars. h.; after sitting, 11 Amb.; pain as from a sprain, IIRhus; after stooping, Bov.; tetanic, concussion of brain, ICie; trapezius, before nervous headache, llgn. 8@°° rheumatism, spasm. Back, stinging: I Apis, ICham.; as of minute insects, transient, Chior.; accompanies and follows stinging, almost itching in left chest belowT nipple, Rumex; nettlelike pains over where it touched bed, sixty hours after deliv- 860 31. NECK AND BACK. ery, IKali c; below right shoulder blade, Lyss.; periodical, spasmodic pain (asthma), ISul. fiST" sticking. Back, stitches : IBry, ICaust, Cornus, IHep, IKali c, IKreo., Lach, Plumb, Sec, Stann.; on turning in bed (tertian ague), HSep.; through breast, interrupting respiration, Berb.; also when breathing, Spig.; from be- hind forward, when breathing, Psor.; in can- cer uteri, IKreo.; with cardialgia and head- ache, IKali c; frequent, towards chest, when breathing, Psor.; through to chest, with every motion, ISars.; sometimes as far as left side of chest, evening and night, Natr. c; during cough, Caps, IMere, ISep.; drawing between shoulder blades, ICamph.; as from flatus, Calad.; painful when kicking foot against something, ISep.; shooting down into gluteal region or hips, IIKali e; as from a sharp knife through loins to legs, Hgn.; in left side ICinch.; left side, near coccyx and sacrum, Agnus ; after lifting, so severe she cannot turn during night without pain, better morning, IBor.; when lifting, cannot move without pain, ISep.; through lower, morning in bed, Coccul.; violent, in middle, I Alum.; violent, in middle, while standing, Zinc.; pains awaken at 3 a.m., must get up and walk (lumbago), IIKali c; worse on motion, Colch.; in muscles, Asaf, Cheb; in pertussis, IBry.; pressive, worse walking or stooping, but more on rising up again, Rhus; prickling, pressingin regionof left, I IForm.; rheumatic, Como.; rightside, better bending backward, Chen, v.; painful in right side, with herpes zoster after external application of Rhus, ILach.; in right, goes to chest, worse night, cold air (disease of liver with hydrothorax), IKali c.; painful in right side, going through chest, worse at night, when lying down or rising (angina pectoris), IKali e; extend into left scapula, Zinc; very severe in various parts, ICale; shooting, through chest,IBry.;between shoulders, particularly when breathing, Berb.; sudden, Cinnab.; sudden, when turning with dull pain while sitting, INux v.; with un- steadiness, back, knees and feet, I IMere sob; upper part, on inspiration, ICale; violent, upward, Staph. 8®° cutting, lancinating, stabbing. Back, stomach: pain from stomach frequently moves to, IKali c; some pain opposite sto- mach comes on an hour or so after meals, causing difficulty in speaking, HSub; pain opposite stomach, with dyspeptic pain, bet- ter by eating a few mouthfuls of food, about 11 a.m., HPhos.; pain starts from posterior wall of stomach and spreads under short ribs of left side, obliging patient to bend for- ward, INux v. Back, stool: backache after, IPuls.; backache, with desire for, IPlat.; backache, during, Apis, IArs,Colch,INux v.; backache, before and dur- ing, in dysentery, ICub.; backache, after hard, IFerr.; in pain, as ifbroken,during,ILye; pain continues, after (diarrhoea), ICaps.; pain dur- ing,IDulc,IPuls.; pains, worse during, and con- tinue after, I I Pod.; pain, with painful pressure in rectum, as if to stool (menstrual colic), 11 Puis.; squeezing in back, with efforts to, Berb. Back, stooping: dorsal muscles feel short on bending forward, I Agar.; pain, Clem, Con, Lye, Menyanth, Nitrum, Paris, IRhus, Sep, Sul, Tell, Ver.; violent pain, on rising after, Phos. ae; pain in left trapezius, as from bend- ing forward, worse from turning head to left, Pallad.; pain, when rising from, IPhos.; sen- sation similar to that which comes from con- tinued stooping in hard work, rising from bed in morning, Arn.; could not straighten (albuminuria), Cale a. Back, stretching: with chilliness at night, I IPhos. Back, swallowing: pain, IKali e Back, sweat: Hyos, IPetrol, Stram.; with chilliness, Case; with sensitiveness to cold air, morning, Chim. m.; cold, during and after cough and in croup, I ICub.; in evening, Anac; after meals, Card, m.; during menses, IKreo.; from least motion, HCinch.; cold at night, ISep.; during effort at stool, IKali bb; worse, IDulc. Back, swelling: IBerb.; whole right side from cervical vertebrae to lumbar, swollen, elastic, width of three or four inches, dull pains after exertion, has to lie down in a kind of tetanic state (infiltration of cellular tissue), ILach. Back, tearing: Berb, ICaps, ICham, ICinch, Cinnab, INux v.; burning, between spine and right scapula, Zinc; during chill, Caps.; extorting cries causing him to double up, dur- ing chill mitermittent), ICaps.; aftereating, afterwards to abdomen, Cham.; into limbs, with paralysis, HPhos.; during menses, Sep.; profuse menses, I I Agar.; especially in morn- ing, ICanth.; in muscles, ?*"Cup. m.; in right dorsal muscles, worse moving, Brom.; rend- ing, ICale p.; after sexual excess, I Ars.; from shoulders to loins, Berb.; below shoulder blades, Agar.; between shoulders and spine, Berb.; when sitting, worse standing, better afternoon, IBerb.; worse from least touch (acute rheumatism), ICheb; while walking, ICanth. Back, tension: Berb, Bry.; before dinner, Niccol.; worse on motion, Colch.; painful, Arg.nit.; painful, between shoulders during rest and motion, Zinc; painful, on standing erect, Ign.; pressing in lower portion, I ICaps.; pressing, beneath right scapula, down back and towards axilla, Zinc; between shoulders (rheumatic fever), IRhus ; between shoulders, in spinal irritation, IZinc; between shoulders, with stitches, particularly in morning on ris- ing, with great sensitiveness to touch, better by walking, Magn. s. Back, testicle : pains, with painful retraction of left (chronic catarrh of bladder), I IPareira. Back, thighs : drawing through, during stool, Stann. Back, throbbing: Aloe, Bar. c, Calc. a, I ILye, IPhos, ISib, Thuya; driving out of bed, Cale a.; worse coughing, INitr. ac; isolated, right side, Brach.; pain between shoulders, Merc. iod. flav.; pulsating feeling, IINatr. m.; between shoulders (impotence), IBar. c Back, tingling: Am.; to fingers and toes, See; into limbs, with paralysis, HPhos.; waking at night, Bar. e gtSf numbness. Back, tired: ggjg* weariness. Back, trembling: ICoccul, Eup. perf. Lib tig.; during fever, lEup. perf. Back, tumor: in central part, as large as a 31. NECK AND BACK. 861 cherry, growing on a half inch pedicle, tumor and pedicle bluish, ICon.; on right shoulder blade, soft in centre (scirrhus mammae), ICar- bo a.; steatomous over first dorsal vertebra, violet color, rounded shape, yields slightly to pressure of finger, tumor pedunculated, could be handled without pain, but lying on back in bed caused bruised or smarting pain, IIThuya. Back, twinges : better drawing shoulders back- wards, worse by reverse, Cycl. Back, twitching: IZinc; in chorea, IMygale; like electric shocks, Ang. Back, ulcers : scrofulous, ICist. Back, uneasiness: with prostration, Brach.; between shoulders, Cupr. s. Back, urination : relieves backache, IILyc; backache, during, lAnt. e, llpec, IKali bb; backache, with remittent dysuria, Vespa; backache, with slight incontinence, I IThuya; heavy pain in lower part, with difficult urina- tion, Clem.; pain before, ILye Back, uterus: backache with prolapsus, worse during menses, I Aur. met.; pains, in hydro- metra, I ISep.; reflex spinal irritation, IPhos.; weakness, when walking, HSep. Back, vaccination: backache after, HSib Back, variola: IIAnt. t, I Variol. Back, vibration: better by expulsion of wind, Berb. Back, wandering pains: I ISenecio; in amen- orrhcea, ISenecio; shifting, IMagn. p. Back, wavelike pain: ran up right trapezius, Sarrae Back, weakness: JEsc. g., I ICale, Chrom. ac, Guaraea, Med, IMurex, IINatr. m, I INatr. p. Petrol, Pod, IRhus, HSep, ISil, Tell.; after abortion, IKali e; always feels weak, I IPuls.; feels too weak to support body (angina pec- toris), 11 Oxal. ae; with burning along spine, brought on by study, IPic. ae; in chlorosis, HSep.; in chorea, I Agar.; disabled, Berb.; pressing headache, in morning, Coloe; as if it would soon give out, IPhos.; as after taking long journey, Chin, a.; wants to lean on some- thing, Sarrae; must lean against back of chair, in sitting, Lyss.; more in left, 11 Ob jee; in leucorrhoea, IIGraph.; with backache, wants to lie down, ICase; extending into limbs, ILach.; in lower, Chen, v.; with copious men- ses ILyss.; worse from mental annoyance, ICale; in morning, Pallad.; in morning, with headache, Pallad.; worse in muscles, can hardly sit straight, 11 Agar.; in myelomalacia, Crotal.; numb feeling in left side, Cup. ars.; ovarian pains, Abrot.; pain, IHam.; feeling worse at rest and in rough weather, Knod.; after seminal emissions, IINatr p.; below shoulders, Sarrae; between shoulders,Sarrae; between shoulders to neck, peculiar sensation • of Aear • with soreness of muscles and joints, I IPic ac • on both sides of spinal column, could' not'lie on back, 11 Apis.; as if it would split and fall apart (lyssophobia), ILyss.; can scarcely stand alone, Sul ac; unable to stand erect (myelitis acuta), I ICalab ; in tabes dor- salis, IGraph.; with vertigo, Ananth ; child does not learn to walk (marasmus), Alb sat.; better walking about, IHydras.; on walking, IGraph.; gives out on walking (prolapsus BaX^wearlness: Apis, INatr. m, IPuls, Sarrae; aching feeling, in women, IPic. ac; dull tired ache (nervous debility), ICurar.; pain as from fatigue, Aur. met.; fatigued from breathing deeply, Carbo v.; in lower,Chen, v.; pain as from fatigue, worse after eating and sitting, Ant. t; pains as if wearied by too great effort, I IZinc; tired feeling, Form.; tired and weak, IHelon.; feels tired after exciting dreams, in morning, Lyss.; wandering, pains in muscles, worse left side, Vib. B^T" weak. Back, 8®" Lumbar region. COCCYX, aching: Cale p., IZinc; dull, ex- tends around side of pelvis, lasts seven hours after stool, I ISul. 8ST" coccygodynia Coccyx, bruised feeling: ICarbo a., Ruta,HSub; as after a fall, IKali iod, IRuta ; prevent- ing sitting, worse from touch, I ICist. Coccyx, burning: worse on any attempt to sit, evening (chronic rheumatism), lApis; pre- venting sitting, worse from touch, I ICist.; when touched, ICarbo a. Coccyx, coccygodynia: 11 Act. rac. Agar., Agnus, I liEse h. Alum., Amm. c, Amm. m, Ang., HApis, Asaf, IIBell., Bor, Bov., ICale p, I ICann. s, ICanth, Carbo v. Cist., Colch, ICon, Euphor., IFluor. ae, IGamb, Graph., Hep, IHyper, Ign., Iod, IKali c, IIKreo., ILach, I ILactu. v., Led, Lobel, Magn. c, IMere, Mur. ac, I IParis, I IPetrol, IPhos, I IPhos. ac, I IPlat, Plumb., IRhus, IRuta, ISep, I ISil, Staph., IIThuya, Ver, IZinc; after confinement, I ITarant; with milky leucorrhoea, 11 Kreo.; during first menses after parturition, I ICie; with excessive ach- ing, especially in rheumatic subjects, IFluor. ac. 8@f pain undefined. Coccyx, cramps: painful, Grat. Coccyx, creeping : to sacrum, Aloe. Coccyx, drawing: ICale; dull, in evening, IIGraph.; dull, painful, HCaust.; pain pre- vents erect position, after long sitting, Thuya; during menses (coccygodynia), ICie; down to rectum and vagina, better rising from sitting, IKreo. Coccyx, dryness: Agar. Coccyx, eruption: itching, moist, scurfy, ■Graph.; elevated scabby spots, above fissure of nates, Sib; sore moist places (scarlatina), I Arum t. Coccyx, gnawing: IKali e; repeated, IGamb. Coccyx, heat: ICale Coccyx, heavy: weight at lower part, better standing, worse sitting and at stool, Arg. nit.; weight, Ant. e; weight, in chronic metritis, I Ant. t Coccyx, injury: cannot stoop after a fall IHyper. Coccyx, itching: Spig.; upward, worse at night, from heat, heat of bed and rubbing or scratch- ing, better from cold, cold water and pinching parts, IPetrol.; on tip, near to scrotal parts, sore and raw, Bov. Coccyx, jerking: in dysmenorrhoea, ICie Coccyx, lancinating: ICanth. Coccyx, numbness Plat.; as after a blow, while sitting, HPlat Coccyx, pain (undefined): Calc. p., ^Fluor. ae, Iod, Med, I IMur. ae; extending to bladder on pressure, worse motion and exercise, 7rFluor. ae; asif in bone, worse rising from sitting, and beginning to move, lEuphor.; chronic, worse, Calc. s.; continual, ILach.; 862 31. NECK AND BACK. worse every evening, while sitting, Cast. eq.; violent, after a fall, IHyper.; at a junction with sacrum, worse sitting, with a sensation as if swollen, Syph.; violent, in chronic met- ritis, lAnt. t; after riding, I ISib; while sit- ting, IIKali bb, IPetrol.; when sitting down, feeling as if sitting on something sharp, ILach.; extending into urethra, before urina- tion, IKali bi.; while urinating, IGraph.; worse walking or touch, and after rising after long sitting, IKali bi. Coccyx, pinching: IZinc. Coccyx, pressing feeling: Calc. p.; heavy point of, to anus, Ars. s. r.; as if with a sharp knife, ICann. s.; painful, ICarbo v.; and symphysis pubis, asif a plug were wedged between, with urging to stool, 11 Aloe ; worse from any at- tempt to sit, in evening (chronic rheumatism), lApis. Coccyx, pulling upward: from tip, Lil. tig. Coccyx, pushing: IZinc. Coccyx, sensitive: painful to pressure, Sib; while sitting, IPetrol.; to touch, lEuphor, TFluor. ac. Coccyx, shooting: Calc. p. Coccyx, soreness: Ars-S.r, 11 Arum t, Calc. p.; beneath, ICarbo v. Coccyx, stiffness: in evening, Petrol. Coccyx, stinging: Sil. Coccyx, stitches: Agn.; violent stitch between coccyx and anus, Thuya; sudden, violent, concussive, tearing pain, as if spine were bent back, IMagn. e; fine, 11 Phos. ac.; itching, I IPhos. ac; follow itching, Amm. c; itching, when sitting, IIDros.; pulsating, in, when sitting, Paris ; sharp, to interscapular region, even vertex, during stool, IPhos. Coccyx, tearing: ICale, Calc. p.; better by pressing hands against abdomen (coccygody- nia),IMere; in dysmenorrhoea, ICie; in, dur- ing, menses, ICie; causing starting (coccy- godynia), ICanth. Coccyx, throbbing : feels palpitation, Agar. Coccyx, ulcerative pain: pain like that of sub- cutaneous ulceration, worse sitting or lying, ICarbo a.; pain as if ulcerated, hindering motion, followed by painfully stiff neck (ra- chitis, coccygodynia), IPhos. Coccyx, uneasiness : in evening, Petrol.; pain- ful, better standing, worse movement sitting, or lying in bed, or least pressure,Tarant. Coccyx, weariness: weakness from coccyx upward, Brach. Coccyx, wrenching pain: after stool, Grat. LUMBAR REGION, abdomen : pain from incarcerated flatus, ICale, Rhod.; pain from bowels extends, JEsc. h.; pain around from, ending in excruciating cramps in lower ab- domen (threatened abortion), I IVib. Lumbar region, abscess: of psoas muscle, Arn, ICup.m., -Hippoz, IPhos. ac, ISib, I ISymph, I ISyph.; contraction of psoas muscle,after, ILach.; psoas muscles, suppura- tion impending, lAsaf.; psoas muscles, sup- purating swelling, Staph.; psoas, first left, then right, latter discharged more than a quart of offensive greenish pus when open, nocturnal pains affecting upper sacral, lower dorsal and left cervico-facial region, steadily increasing, occurred twice, each time twenty-one days after either abscess had been opened, I ISyph. Lumbar region, aching: Apoe, Brach, ICochb, IHyper., Ind., Jugb, Lact. ae,Lyss, Myr. cer., 11 Ptel, I ISep, ISib; across, I Helon.; worse in bed (spinal irritation), INux v.; in climaxis, IHydras ; in coccyx, ICarbo v.; as after hav- ing taken cold, Ars. h.; severe, continuous, Lye vir.; in coryza, ICinnab.; with cough, Carbo a, Med.; worse coughing or laughing, Tell.; distress, Ustil.; distress, with seminal emissions nearly every night, IPhos.; across, in dropsy, ICinch.; dull, JEsc. h, IIBry, IIGels.; dull, on going to bed, Bapt.; dull, heavy, better in rest, worse motion, Act. rac; dull, worse walking, I IBapt.; across, worse by fatigue, Amyb; with fever in afternoon, Tromb.; in fistula, ILach.; persistent, with flying pains in muscles, worse on movement, Lye vir.; with pain in head (menorrhagia), ICoccus; dull, heavy, in fever, Bapt; heavy, extends down buttocks during menses,IKalie; intolerable, Variol.; in irritable bladder, I ISep.; labor-like pains, on fifth day after pre- mature labor, I ILac e; with a feeling of lang- uor, Zinc; with laughter, ICann. b; in menor- rhagia, ICoccus ; severe, in amenorrhcea, ILach.; in mental disorder, ILach.; for three months, worse by movement or exertion (cerebrospinal pains), lOxal. ae; worse from motion, IPic ac; across, worse moving, ISep.; dull, worse moving, 11 Hydras.; in ovarian tumor, I Apis; pain, Polyg.; in right renal region, Amyl.; when rising, ICale; in lumbo-sacral region, HjEsc. h., I ISib; lumbo- sacral region, with occasional perineal tume- faction, which discharges pus and blood, I ISib; in sciatica, I Act rac; severe, in ague, IPod.; from long sitting, and when rising in night, Pallad.; worse sitting, better rising, walking, lying down, I IKob.; in smallpox, IHydras; and sore pain across, ILact. ac; on stooping Jugb; while sitting, as after long stooping or bending, IIRhus ; worse straight- ening, jolting when riding, better pressure, Carbol. ac; better stretching and bending backward, especially pressure, Fluor, ae; to thighs, Carbol. ae; tired, IHydras.; tired, on awaking, Pic. ae; tired, sitting did not re- lieve, Calc fl.; like toothache, with a feeling of weight when she stands which makes her sick and good for nothing, IColch.; violent, in uterine affections, I Act. rac; after washing (prolapsus uteri, diarrhoea), IPod. B€£T pain, soreness. Lumbar region, anxiety : after meals, Bar. e Lumbar region, bearing down : ggg~ pressing. Lumbar region, boils : bloodboils, IHep. Lumbar region, boring: with a cold, Carbol. ae; in left loin, from within, better during in- spiration, Asaf. 6 Lumbar region, broken feeling: ICarbo a ICham, Clem Coral., IHam.; pain catches her, stopping breath, on turning in bed or pain, stretching out arm (rheumatism) 11 Sep ■ worse rest, better in motion, IKreo.; pain in, with hard stool and colic, as if intestines would burst IILyc; in hemorrhoids, I Ars • pain as if broken to pieces in morning, in bed Staph.; pain, cannot move, IPhos -vio- lent pain, on movement or coughing'from straining back by lifting, IRhus; at night IMagn e; only at night, as if lying in « cramped position, Ferr. iod.; sacral region worse sitting, better walking or standing 31. NECK AND BACK. 863 alternate with headache, Melib; pain across, with loss of sexual power, ICoccus; especially on touching, IGraph. Lumbar region: bruised feeling: IIAcon, JEsc. h.,IArs., Berb., ICham, ICina, ICinch., Clem, IHep, HLac c, IIMerc, INatr. s, I INuxm., HOxal. ae, HSub; aching, Cin- nab.; as if beaten, Alum., Arn, IIBry, Calad., I ICaust. (after Sub), lEup. perf, ISib; as if flesh had been beaten on grasping it, IRhus ; as if beaten, laterally, sitting, Ang.; pain, as from a blow, INux m.; or broken, IGraph. ;as if crushed, Berb.; as if crushed, rest or motion, night in bed, could not lie on back or side, Amm. m.; with pain in groins when sitting or standing,better when walking.Magn. s.; as if knocked away, Arg. met.; with thin, white, mucous leucorrhcea, IKali n.; when- ever he lies quietly upon it or sits still, better moving about, IRhus; when lying on it, Bry.; during menses, Magn. s.; worse from motion, mornings on awaking, Arg. met.; so vio- lent, he cannot move (albuminuria), I INux v.; during movement, Bufo.; in nephritis, IKali iod.; in ophthalmia, I INux v.; paralytic pain, as if beaten, morning on rising, INatr. m.; paralytic pain, on motion, ICale; compels to change position, during chill (quotidian ague), IIRhus; or broken, worse from pressure or bending backward, Plat.; in renal region, to thighs, Berb.; pressive, early on rising, worse turning trunk and standing, better walking, Thuya; when sitting or lying. Agar.; worse sitting bent, IKali iod.; or sprained, I IGamb.; standing, sitting or lying causes limping when walking, IIHep.; painful on stooping, Sib; worse when stooping, also when walking IMenyanth.; to thighs, Berb.; last lumbar vertebrae, as if beaten, Aeon.; weary, Bov. Lumbar region, burning: Arund., IBerb., Clem., IColoe, Cup.m., Guaraea, IMagn. m., IPhos, Rhus; in spinal abscess, IPhos. ae; and tired aching on sitting down, IHelon.; constant, IKreo.; drawing, Zinc; to epigas- trium, downward, Phos. ac.; like fire, ILach.; like fire, in sciatica, ILach.; prevents her get- ting up, IIAlum.; in part corresponding to iliac region, extends across back to left side of abdomen, worse when on feet, or when fa- tigued, better lying down, I ILac e; intense, I ILac def; in region of kidneys, IBerb.; in region of left kidney, deep, towards rightside, Lachn.; during lving-in time, Cup. m.; as from fire, in amenorrhcea, ILach.; during menses, Med.; in nephritis, INux v.; during sixth month of pregnancy, 11 Rhus ; to between sca- pulae, Thuya; with seminal emissions nearly every night, IPhos.; while sitting, Asar.; smarting, Ziz.; as if sore in loins, Murex; in a small spot, INitr. ac, Phos.ac; in a small spot better from rubbing, I IPhos.; with stitches in right, when walking, IRan. b.; with stool of blood, IColoe; and tearing dur- ing intervals of epilepsy, Cup. m.; in typhus abTlominalis, I INux v.; intense, with frequent urination at night, I ITereb. 8^° heat. Lumbar region, chill: Spong.; commences, ILach • runs up over shoulders, nape of neck, back of head as far as vertex, with sensation as if drawn at base, Lach.; begins, spreads over whole bodv, HEup. pur.; running up and down, lasting about an hour, 11 Med. Lumbar region, chilliness : IDulc; after 3 p.m., lEup.pur.; up over body (nephritis),IKali iod.; creeps up, from 6 to 8 p.m., ISub; with heat in stomach, Camph.; in region of kidneys, Berb.; pain, worse by pressure, JEsc. h.; after stool, IPuls. Lumbar region, coldness: ICamph, Spong.; cough, ICarbo a.; inner, worse walking, ICamph.; in left, Canth.; spreads over body, Cupr. s. Lumbar region, constriction: pain, as if a band passed through, and everything were constricted, taking away her breath, especially in morning, IIPuls.; around hips, ending in pubes, ILil. tig.; prevents walking, Arund.; painful, from abdomen, ICale Lumbar region, contraction: muscles con- tracted, hard to touch after, exposure to a draught or too much exertion from walk- ing, HPetrol.; contractive, spasmodic pain, IMagn. m. Lumbar region, cracking: when stooping, Agar.; while walking, Zinc. Lumbar region, cramplike pain: ICaust.; in cholera, llris; after long standing, when at- tempting to walk feels as if he would fall, Thuya ; to anus, jerking pain, ICale; in re- gion of kidneys, I ICaust.; in left, Bell.; worse from least movement, ICinch.; in right, Iris ; in prolapsus uteri, IBell. Lumbar region, crawling: feeling of insects, Arund. Lumbar region, creeping: in region of left kidney, Med. Lumbar region, crick : sudden "catch," or " kink," ISee 8®* Back crick. Lumbar region, cutting: in cystitis, lEup.pur.; deep, in right loin, transiently, disappearing upon pressure, IDulc; better by dry heat, ISub; hinders labor, IKali c; in left, as with glass, Calad.; drawing in left below short ribs, with drawing, aching, burning sensation, in left ovarian region, sometimes agonizing (ascites), 11 Rheum; in left, cannot walk with- out assistance, Psor.; violent, from slightest movement, extending into calves and feet, so that he could neither walk, stand, nor lie, Zinc; across right, extending to back, ICheb; like an instrument, going through right into abdomen, IISul. ac; in prolapsus uteri, IBelb; as from a knife through, cannot walk, 11 Kali bi. Lumbar region, darting : in abuse of mercury, IKali iod.; across right side, worse stooping, passing away gradually, Lact. ac; when sit- ting, towards sacral vertebrae, Aspar. Lumbar region, as if dislocated: in region of right, Carb. s. Lumbar region, distension : I llgn.; feeling of, in right flank, INatr. s. Lumbar region, dragging: IHydras., IIMerc; across, Carbol. ac; severe, in ulcerated cer- vix, IMere; with dysmenorrhoea, HSabina; heavy pain, Eryng.; worse from motion, IPic. ac; cannot move, IPhos.; in sides, worse by motion, bending over, and turning in bed, ICornus ; in uterine disorder, ICon. Lumbar region, dragging pain: dull, IHam.; in leucorrhcea, IFerr. Lumbar region, drawing: Arg. nit, ICarbo a. Card, m, IKali c, INitr. ac, I ISep, Strain.; across, ICarbo a.; burning, during sleep, in 864 31. NECK AND BACK. morning, Zinc; on exposure to cold, followed by lameness and soreness, Polyg.; disabling, ICoccul.; painful, prevents erect position after long sitting, Thuya ; forward, ICham.; as if a heavy body were moving downward, Bar. c; in posterior hepatic region, ICale; from re- gion of kidneys to inguinal glands, Cann. s.; with lassitude on exercising in open air, Tereb.; down into legs, especially in ischia, frequently in evening, extends up back, I Lach.; painful, Erig., IMur. ac, HPhos. ac, IPuls., Zing.; pressive, turning difficult, awakens, IBry.; to pubes, with leucorrhoea, HSabina; only at rest during day, better walking, Amm. e; in region of right loin, IColoe; to shoulders, I Ars.; spasmodic, compelling him to lie still, ISib; from spleen, Aloe; as if sprained (coccygodynia), ILach.; stitching on rising from a seat (sciatica), ISub; to thighs, during labor, Bell.; through thighs during rest, with stitches during motion, better by pressure, IDulc; extends along course of ureters, IBerb.; in prolapsus uteri, IBelb; like a painful weakness while sitting and stoop- ing, Zinc. Lumbar region, dropping: a shocklike mov- ing downward, as from a dropping fluid in left loin, Zing. Lumbar region, dull pain : Caulo.? Ham, IHy- dras, Ind.; across, Cund, ILil. tig.; after tak- ing cold (acute cystitis), ILye; in nephritic colic, 11 Pareira; with drowsiness and lassi- tude, Cornus; after emissions, with despond- ency and irritability, I I Ustil.; haematuria from kidneys, I ITereb.; in region of right kidney, Cann. 1; in left, Lye vir, Senecio ; down back of legs to lower part of calves, IPhos. ac; to. testicles, worse bending spine, Diose Lumbar region, empty sensation: in right flank, as if viscera were gone, painful to press- ure and when contracting abdominal muscles, Pallad. Lumbar region, eruption: boils, with large red borders, Thuya; itching miliary, Arund.; oval {)atch, about four and three-quarter inches in ength, covered with a powder resembling pulverized chalk, edges of a yellowish color, eruption like millet, on lower third of inner surface of left loin, IHydrocot.; pimples, Cinch, Clem, I INatr. c, Niccol.; retrocession, causes uterine pains, 11 Ratan.; zona, red spots, with stitching, eruption extending towards navel and nearly encircling body girdle, about three fingers wide, watery discharge on scratching, I I Merc. Lumbar region, erysipelas: spreading around upon abdomen, I IMere Lumbar region, falling to pieces : feeling as if, and desire to bind them up tightly (metror- rhagia), I ITrilb Lumbar region, fluttering: within, I IChim. umb. Lumbar region, foetus: movement, very vio- lent in right, 11 Puis. Lumbar region, formication: Arund, Phos. ae; in left, Canth.; painful, rising to shoulders, settling on left clavicle, Arund.; formication beginning, rising to shoulders and extending to hands, Arund. Lumbar region, fulness: 11 Arn.; in haematuria, INux v. Lumbar region, gnawing: Niccol, IISul. Lumbar region, griping: with emission of hot, offensive flatus with distension of abdomen, before stool, Sul. Lumbar region, heat: IPhos., Sarrae; burning, as if clothes were on fire, Ars. b; dry, with coldness of back, Sub; flushes, Calc. p.; flushes of, in all directions, Bapt.; in metritis, I I Lac c; in nephritis, INux v.; in renal region, Berb.; in renal region (Addison's disease), morbus Brightii (diabetes), INatr. m.; in whole right, Sarrae; sensation of, passes over shoulders, then invades middle of head and face, in women, Arund.; warmth, IBerb. 8ST" burn- ing. Lumbar region, heaviness: Ammoniac, Arg. nit, Pic. ae; as if one had received a blow, worse sitting, IIRhus; constant dull pain, IPhyt.; dragging, dull feeling, with stiffness and want of elasticity, Syph.; dull pain, great weakness (uterine displacement), ILil. tig.; before menses, Bov.; in tabes dorsalis, IPhos. ac; weight, lAct. rac; weight, as of an iron bar pressing, 11 Elaps; weight in lumbo- dorsal region, better lying on left side, with increase of temperature and sensibil- ity of parts affected, IColoe; as of a great weight across lower, Am.; pain, like a weight, IKali c. Lumbar region, itching: Niccol.; must scratch it raw, IBar. c. Lumbar region, jerking : stitchlike, when walk- ing,towards hips, worse after sitting or stand- ing (almost as after strain by lifting), IFerr.; sudden, violent during a walk in open air, arresting respiration, IIRan. sc; under left kidney, Astac. Lumbar region, kidneys : SOT* Chap. 21, Kid- neys aching, colic, pain, etc. Lumbar region, laborlike pain: ICarbo v., ICoff, I I Eup. pur., IKreo, ILye, IIPuls, See; into buttocks and thighs with impend- ing abortion, IIKali c; in dysmenorrhoea, down each side of abdomen to pubes, ICycb; with discharge of fluid and clotted blood (afterpains), IIFerr.; mnning through to front at intervals of a few minutes, occasion- ally shooting down to glutei muscles, I IKali e; draws down into groins, Sabina; with hour- glass contraction of uterus, ICoccul.; intermit- tent, ILil. tig.; goes round to loins and across to pubic bone, IVib.; in metrorrhagia, HSa- bina; in paroxysms, ISep.; contractive, ex- tends to pubes, ISabina ; worse standing, in prolapsus uteri, lAloe. 8®" Chap. 24, Par- turition, labor pain. Lumbar region, lacerating: Dig. Lumbar region, lameness: I^Ese'h,ICup ars Diose, IHyper.; from damp, cold air or after taking cold, IDulc; follows emissions with lascivious dreams awakening him (spermator- rhoea), HSelen.; with intermittent fever Coc- cul.; with subsequent lassitude, Con.'; in leucorrhoea ICaust.; painful, while sitting or standing, ICoff; painful, in walking and standing, Agar.; painful, weak, IILach.fafter difficult parturition, INux v.; in right from vertebrae to crest of ilium and inner side of thigh to knee Ars. m.; sore feeling, ILept- $££°nnmhP,; g-; m ProlaPsusuteri, 11 ^seh! 8®* numbness, paralytic feeling, stiff- ness. Lumbar region, lancinating: Cup. m, 11 Lac e, 31. NECK AND BACK. 865 Senecio; with occasional cramps, Plumb.; in region of kidneys, worse stooping, rising again, sitting or lying, better standing, Berb.; from right towards ribs, Asaf. Lumbar region, lumbago: Acon.,IAct.rac,Aloe, Ananth, Ant. t, I Arn., Arund, Ascl.t, IBerb, IIBry, ICale, Calc. fl, jCalc p, Colch, IColoe, IDulc, Ferr, IFerr. ph, IGuaiac, IKali c. Kali ph. Kali s. Led, ILye, IMagn. p., INatr. in, Natr. s, INux m, IINux v, Oxal. ac. Petrol, IPhyt, IPuls, Rhod, IIRhus, Ruta, ISee, Staph., IISul, •Tereb, I I Vab; if Bryonia has not sufficiently relieved, and pain is worse from slightest mo- tion, ILye; chronic, of several years' stand- ing, difficult walking, 101. jee; from a cold, IRhus v.; constant pain, worse from motion and stooping, disturbs sleep at night, HSub; in emaciated, pale, anaemic persons, with de- ficiency of animal heat, 101. jec; alternating with headache, Aloe; with itching, Anag.; must lie on left side at night, HSub; from lifting, ISang.; sharp pains awaken at 3 a.m., must get up and walk, IIKali c; worse after, not during motion, IRhus; shooting into nates, IIKali e; all night, goes off on rising, IFerr.; stitching pain, causing sensation of lameness in thighs, I ISub; as if change of position would relieve desire to stretch out straight, Chrom. ac; pain as if he would have to sink down, HSub; from a strain, IRhus v.; from strains, pain worse after rest, better moving and warmth, ICale fl.; caused by straining and lifting, I IIMed.; better walking, Ars. m.; can hardly walk, HSub 8^* neu- ralgia, rheumatism, stiffness. Lumbar region,lump: sensation of a lump, size of a hen's egg, rising and falling in right, IHydras. Lumbar region, lying: pain does not allow him to lie on back, sleeplessness, Magn. s.; with great weariness, going to feet, ILye Lumbar region, menses : aching, before,IMagn. c;achingacross,diiring,ILach.;aching,inmen- orrhagia,ICoccus; bruised pain, during, Bar.e; colicky, pain, with scanty flow, ISub; cutting in before too early, 101. an.; cutting, during, lArg nit;drawing, before, IHyos.; laborlike pains during, IPuls.; pain, before, Amm. c, ISul; pain, before, with debility, pressure in stomach, waterbrash, pain in liver, thick and black flow, I INux m.; pain, before, in metror- rhagia, HSep.; pain, with early, Niccol,Prun.; pain with too early, profuse, of long duration, Ratan • pain, at appearance, scarcely permits breathing, I Asar.; pain, downward, during, IINux m.; pain, during, IA mm. c Berb, Brom ICaust, IKali c, IKalm, IILach., Lact. ae, IMagn. c, Tarant.; pains, during first dav IILach.; pains, when menses should appear (amenorrhcea), IHam, ISpong.; as if menses were coming, worse early in evening and in a close room, better in open air and moving about, Vib.; pain after, Berb ; pain after, in metrorrhagia HSep.; pain with dys- menorrhoea, HLach., HXan.; pressing during ICarbo a ILach.; pressing downward like *™o dnrins IIPuls.; throbbing, before, .VTae?sKes into uterus, before, INatr. rr • tearing during, ICaust.; pain like a weight, Sring iKali cg' wer Back menses; also Chap. 23, During menses back. Lumbar region, neuralgia: lumbo-sacral,IIPuls.; as if a nerve were shattered and crushed, morning on rising, llgn. B^° lumbago. Lumbar region, night: pain, ILye, Magn. s. Lumbar region, numbness : Spong.; as if dead, after suppressed foot-sweat, ISib; into legs (spinal meningitis), IIAcon.; with lumbago, Gnaphab; numbness, worse by hard external pressure, Berb.; in right, from vertebrae to crest of ilium and inner side of thigh to knee, Ars. in.; to sacrum, hips and posterior portion of thighs, IBerb. gist* lameness, paralytic feeling. Lumbar region, pain (undefined): Abies, Amb, IIArg. met, Arn., Ars. h., Arund, Badiag, IBapt, Bell, Calc. a, Cann. s, HCanth, Carb. s, ICard. m, Chrom. ac, ICimex, IColoe, ICon, Cund, ICurar, Cup. ars, IDory, IIDulc, lElat, Gam1, IIGraph, IHelon, IHydras, Inul, Ipom, I Uamb, IKali bb, IKali c, Kob, ILac c, Lil. tig, ILye, Lyss, I IMed., Niccol, INitr. ac, IOp, Oxal. ac, IPlat, IIPuls, IRan. sc, IRob, Ruta, Sec, Senecio, ISil, Sinap, Stram, IISul, IISul. ac, HVer. v.; in threatened abortion, ICaulo., IHelon.; in threatened abortion from fright, IGels.; across, Brach.; across, in intermittent, IISul. ac; constant, in albuminuria, 11 Uran. n.; during apyrexia, (quotidian ague), llpec; into arms, Rhod.; in ascites, I ISenecio; awakes him at 4 a.m., Ptel.; awakes with pain five minutes before she can straighten (nervous throat affec- tion), Lac c; on awaking, IIKali n.; when getting out of bed in morning, ISib; comes on while in bed, usually in afterpart of night, I IPuls.; worse in bed, better by press- ure (spinal irritation), IIRhus; becoming in- tolerable near bedtime, Sinap.; must bend back inward, Sabina; on bending backward, Mang.; extending around body, I Act. rac; comes on after breakfast, remains all day, worse during menses (gastric ulcer), lArg. nit.; in bulimia, ILye; with burning and general heat, IIKalm.; with chronic uterine catarrh (sterility), ILach.; with chill, IINux v.; distressing, before chill, lEup. pur.; from cold, INitr. ae; as from cold, Vab; in cold air, IBar. e; after exposure to wet and cold weather, worse in morning, sitting or be- ginning to move, cannot lean back, HSep.; violent, with coldness (amenorrhcea), I I Amm. e; constant, ILac def, I ISyph.; constant, night and day, I IZinc; with constipation, IILach, IMere, IPsor.; continued, Iodof; continuous, worse in lower left side, with con- gestive pain in nape, Lye vir.; with cough, Mere; during cough, IPuls.; with dry cough, IKali bb; with cough,before first menstruation, Arund.; with cramp in umbilical region(labor), ICoff. t.; all day, IFerr.; deep-seated, with sore- ness from motion, Eup. pert; with diarrhoea, Amm. m, IIBar. e; with watery bloody dis- charge from vagina, ICale; downward, INux m.; post-scarlatinal dropsy, I ITereb.; in dysen- tery, IDulc; with dyspnoea, IILach.; region of kidneys dull, when making least bodily effort, ICale p.; through epigastric and iliac regions, down thighs, with threatened abor- tion, Sang.; evening, entering warm room, thirst, IIGels.; excruciating (erysipelas er- ratica), IHydras.; after exertion, followed 55 866 31. NECK AND BACK. by drawing pressing in right testicle, which was swollen, pain extends into abdomen, causing tension in right inguinal ring, IIRhod.; especially during exertion in day and while sitting, I Agar.; across, with coldness of extremities, IIKali bb; intense, causing faintness, better by warm sweat, Vib.; after a fall, IKali e; especially laughing, sneezing, or taking a quick breath, after falling from a height on back, ICon.; with fever and headache (dysentery), IINux v.; severe, with fever, Tereb.; in in- termittent fever, IChin. s, lElat, IILach.; in intermittent fever, women of strong ple- thoric constitutions, IPetroseb; in typhoid fever, llris ; in yellow fever, ISub; with much flatus, Brom.; frequent attacks (threatened abortion), IMere; intolerable, extending to glutei, Cact.; as if surrounded by hands, in loins, Caust; with headache, IBelb; with, or following headache, ISib; with unbearable headache (diphtheria), I ILac c.; just above hip, with pain below navel, extending to hip and thighs, caused by taking a bath during menses, which checked flow, INux m.; across hips and down thighs, I ISars.; between hips, Calab.; across, passing to hips, INux v.; through hypogastric and uterine region, down thighs, followed by appearance of menses in a case of suppression, I ISang.; in jaundice, I ISep.; in region of kidneys, All. sat., Lact. ae; in kidneys, with rumbling in abdomen, IFerr.; in region of kidneys, in acute Bright's disease, lApis ; in region of kidneys, in direc- tion of ascending colon, Kali br.; particularly in left kidney (renal inflammation),! ISenecio; in region of left kidney, darting over left hip, especially when spine is pressed upon, Med.; as though in kidneys, better by lying bent back, Cain.; from 4 a.m. till evening, in both kidneys, and a little burning, better at 9 p.m., Lyss.; in region of kidney, worse by motion, JEsc. h.; severe, in region of kidney, better by pressure across back with arms crossed, Vib.; in region of kidneys, after riding, Berb.; in region of right kidney, Lyss.; in right kid- ney, at 4 p.m., lasting an hour, Lyss.; in re- gion of kidneys, when rising from stooping, Med.; at times acute, and again a drawing, lateral in its action, as if hips were being drawn together (kidney affection;, IPolyg.; to knee and foot, midday, Arund.; in left, Ipom.; in left, in cardialgia, ILobel. h; in- tense, in left, above hip, as if he had strained part, worse standing, especially sitting, Vab; more in left side, during menses, Zing.; in- tense, in left, between floating ribs and ilium, better by pressure, must keep moving, Vib.; down legs, IHam.; to legs, during stool, Agar, Grat.; with leucorrhcea, IKali f; after lifting, begins in lower lumbar vertebrae and extends to hypochondrium, INuxv.; in lower, I Amyb; when lying on back, IRhus; when lying in bed, Murex; in amenorrhcea, IKali e; in metritis, I ILac c, I INux v.; in chronic metri- tis, I Ant. t, ILil. tig.; with metrorrhagia (cancer of womb), Hod.; during morning, lEup. pur.; severe, in morning, Senecio; worse morning in bed, better on getting up, Chrom. ac; worse from motion, Psor.; severe, better by motion, in diabetes, I IRatan.; in- tense, on moving, IIKali iod.; followed by pain in nape of neck (spinal disease), I I Sib; at night, Agar.; especially at night, ICnam.; at night, lying on it, ICinch.; mostly during latter part of night, of long-standing, ICarbol. ac; in onanism, IHyos.; in ovaritis, IHam.; as from overlifting, Vab; with palpitation, IILach.; in paralysis, ICurar, I ISee; persis- tent, unremitting pain day and night, with severe sore throat, with numerous white ulcerated spots on both tonsils, IPhyt.; in phlegmasia alba dolens, INatr. s.; in uterine polypus, 11 Thuya; violent, with polyuria (dia- betes), Tarant.; seems to arise in a spot, tender to pressure about an inch to right of middle lumbar spine, Chrom. ae; followed by prostra- tion, Zinc; with ptyalism, Cinnam.; to pubes (metrorrhagia), HSabina; in renal region (per- tussis), ICepa; in renal region, worse if urine is held after desire to urinate appears, better by urination (intermittent), Lye; during rest, Alum.; caused by riding, with desire to lie down, ISep.; in right, Cup.ars., I IPsor.; com- mencing at right side, then to os ischimo, sore to touch, I ILobel. c; in right, passing down to testicles, Erig.; could scarcely rise froin a seat, ICale; when rising from a seat, Cycb; on rising, Kob., ISib, HSub; agonizing when rising from a seat (coccygodynia), ILach.; better by quick hard rubbing with hand, Puis.; with rumbling, IFerr.; in lumbo- sacral region (prevailing fever), I I Amm. m.; from right through sacrum, through inguinal region and forepart of thigh, worse when swelling is examined (inflammation of cae- cum), ILach.; severe pain, I ISee; alsoinsides, better from pressure, IKali bi..; after sitting, HLed.; sitting impossible, pain, ICarbo v.; when sitting, ILye, 01. an, Prun.; violent, when rising from sitting, better walking, A nt. c; when sitting or when in act of setting down, better by continuous walking, IZinc; worse sitting, ICimex; worse sitting, lying, in morning on awaking (during menses), 11 Berb.; worse sitting still or lying, better ly- ing on something hard and exercise, IIRhus ; worse sitting and in wet weather, IRhod.; prevents sleep, better by motion, Sinap.; slight, all day, Lyss.; extends down spermatic cord (spermatorrhoea), I ISars.; with caries and curvature of spine, I ISyph.; cannot stand erect, Bry.; better standing or walking, worse rising from a seat, I Arg. nit.; worse after standing or walking, IKali c; when standing, ILye; starts, spinal bones affected (ischias), ICale; particularly with stiffness, better walk- ing, HSep.; after stool, Dros., IPod.; worse after stool, Tabae; during stool, IPod.; worse after stooping, ISib; on stooping, Zinc; in syphilis, -Anag., IKali bb; tensive, pressive on stepping, Aeon.; in tertian ague, ILach • to testicles, IDiosc; severe, extending to thighs, IKreo.; in left, to thigh, worse after- noon, sitting, motion (sciatica), IBry • on turning over in bed at night, Zinc.; in turn- ing, with pain, as from incarcerated flatus low down, INux v.; unendurable, ICham : with urinary symptoms, IBerb.; with desire to urinate, HCanth.; with frequent urination at night, IITereb.; in renal region, with suppression of urine, Kali bb; in ulceration of os uteri, IMurex; in uterine hemorrhage IFerr.; from passive congestion of uterus' 31. NECK AND BACK. 867 IPuls.; from vertebrae, Ferr. iod.; along ver- tebrae, on stroking with thumbs (spinal disease), lApis; in beginning at false verte- brae, Aspar.; with vertigo, IIKali n.; from vomiting, I llpec; with vomiting, in gastral- gia, I IVer.; around waist (spinal irritation), IHep.; could not walk erect, was obliged to walk bent over, I ISub; better from walking, rest or pressure, IPhos. ae; makes walking or turning difficult, Bry.; violent, when walk- ing, was frequently obliged to stand still, though it was steadily relieved by continuing to walk, I IZinc; worse when walking on un- even ground, or from a misstep, Pod.; with- ered sensation, worse at night, and from mo- tion, Pod. 8^° aching, lumbago, neural- gia, rheumatism. Lumbar region, paralysis: muscular, painful, IGels.; muscular, also of lower extremities, from cold, ICoccul. g^° Spinal cord paral- ysis. Lumbar region, paralytic feeling: IBerb, Euphor.; paralytic affections, extending to hips and to left side, Zinc; at junction of lumbar and sacral vertebrae, IPhos.; painful, with fearful or anxious mood, spasmodic drawing across hips, which prevents walking, ICoccul.; painful, would like to stretch, better bending backward, Sabina. g®~ lameness, numbness. Lumbar region, pinching: ICaust. Lumbar region, pressing feeling: 11 Arn, ICarbo a, Clem, ISpong, IZinc; in Ad- dison's disease, ICale; asif tightly bandaged, IPuls.; bearing down, HSep.; severe bearing down, around abdomen and down thighs (metrorrhagia), HSabina; violent bearing- down pains towards anus (hemorrhoids), HSub; bearing down pains, with dark clots, alternating with fluid blood or bloody serum, during climacteric period, IPlumb.; bearing down, as if menses would come on (ovarian dropsy), lApis ; sudden bearing-down pains, with severe hemorrhage after non-appearance of menses for ten weeks, ICroe; as if one had received a blow, worse sitting, IIRhus ; as if broken (dysentery), IINux v.; severe from within, as if bruised, 5 a.m., better moving about and passage of flatus, Ruta; burning, Cepa; pain, as though pressed in from both sides, with laborlike colic and leucorrhcea, also during menses (uterine displacement), IKali e; colic, ICarbo v.; painful, in whooping cough, Spong.; as with a cutting edge, while standing or bending backward, Rhus ; down, with uterine displacement, INitr. ac; dull, in region of left kidney, Lyss.;" caused by flatus, during stool, Spong.; as if everything would push out at genitals, during menses, IKalic; in haematuria, INux v.; hard IKali c; with leadenlike heaviness of lower limbs, ICamph.; in region of kidneys, Lyss.; in kidnevs (nephritis), I Aeon.; painful, in region of kid- neys, HCaust; in region of kidneys, disturb- ing sleep, Agar.; in region of kidneys, Act rac- violent laborhke. in loins, downward duri'ne scanty menses (uterine displacement), ILach • with leucorrhoea, Hyper.; in lower por- tion of spine, Zinc.;, with menses (dyspepsm), IFerr ph ■ heavy, with menstrual colic, 11 Puis.; constant 'pain, worse from motion, I IPsor.; in nephritis, INux v.; painful, Asaf, ICar- bo a.; painful, as if in a vise, with diarrhcea and tenesmus after mercury, IKali iod, IMur. ac; upon pelvic organs, Plat.; to posterior portion of pelvis, of thighs even to calves, IBerb.; during pregnancy, severe pains, par- ticularly forcing and pressing, as if a heavy weight came into pelvis low down, IKali e; in renal region, extending to thighs, Berb.; when at rest, better walking, Amm. e; down to sacrum (smallpox), 11 Variol ; sharp, when sitting, standing or lying, causes limping when walking, IIHep.; sticking, IBerb.; as from a stone, with prolapsus uteri, IIPuls.; to thighs, Berb.; in prolapsus uteri, IBelb; with indur- ated and prolapsed uterus, IPlat.; as if in a vise, yEthus.; as if in a vise, not allowing to be still at night or in day, has to sit bent, IKali iod. Lumbar region, pressure : 8@" sensitive. Lumbar region, pricking: Arund.; occassional cramps in, Plumb.; over shoulders, head and face, Arund. Lumbar region, psoas muscle : inflammation, IBry., ICale; inflammation, involving pelvic bones, I Asaf. 8®* abscess. Lumbar region, pulling: IHyos. Lumbar region, rheumatism: I Ant. c, IIBerb, IIBry, Cact, Eup. pur, Iod., IPhyt, Stram, ISub;with aphthae, IPhyt; to coccyx, ICarbo v.; metastasis to heart, Spong.; from removing her flannels too soon, cannot stoop, or lie on back, sharp pains, render motion when not in an erect position intolerable, I ITereb.; worse from every motion, IIBry.; to left shoulder and chest, most severe from 4 p.m. until 6, and lasting until 8 or 9, or returning at 1 in the morning (rheumatism), IColch.; stitching, drawing, after getting wet while warm,IDulc; finally locates itself in upper part of thigh and buttock, seems confined to spot covering area of about an inch, making him limp, pain be- comes so severe as disease progresses, he can neither stand nor walk, IColoe; to toes,Colch.; worse by walking, Ustil. 8@°" lumbago. Lumbar region, sensitive: Chrom. ac ; to pressure, even clothing, Cheb; painful to pressure, in acute desquamative nephritis, ICoccus ; tender on pressure, in renal region, 11 Rheum ; tender on pressure and stiff, espe- cially first moving after repose (cardiac rheu- matism), ICact.; to pressure, in lower (hypo- chondriasis), I Arg. nit.; sore on pressure or stooping (Bright's disease), I Apis ; in rheu- matism, jarring motion, riding in wagon or on jumping, intolerable,IBerb.; with shooting pains (nephritis), lAcon.; to every step, ICar- bo a.; tender, in Bright's disease, I ICheb; to touch, HCanth. Lumbar region, sharp pain: Ailant, Senecio ; hinders labor, IKali e; then inleft leg, ex- tending up thigh, then in right, Lye vir. Lumbar region, shooting: Jugb, Lyss.; after diarrhoea, with colic (pregnancy), Calc. a.; with lightning like rapidity, to heels (sciatica), IColoe; to left hip bone, Chrom. ae; better lying on face, Cheb; in renal region, IKali bb; in renal region, to thighs, Berb.; first left, then right renal region, down thighs, worse on motion, IKali bi.; shocks, with hemor- rhoids, IINux v.; sudden, in myelitis acuta, IColch.; to thighs, Berb.; causing sensation of lameness in thighs, 11 Sub; to thighs, in chronic 868 31. NECK AND BACK. metritis, IINux v.; when walking, I ISars. BST" lancinating, stitches. Lumbar region, smarting : I ILacc; in spinal abscess, IPhos. ac. 8®* burning. Lumbar region, soreness: iEsc. h, HAgar, Apoe,IBerb.,Brom, ICaps.,Cimex;constant, in albuminuria, 11 Uran. n.; on awaking, Ptel.; worse bending over or to either side, Cornus; during pregnancy, Lyss.; worse by hard, ex- ternal pressure, Berb.; followed by loose stools, Bar. e; when touched, Colch. 8®° aching. Lumbar region, spasmodic pain: worse by motion, cold and contact during difficult menses, ICoccul.; does not allow him to rise, ISil. Lumbar region, spasms: intense action of muscles, tEnanth. 8®" Back spasms. Lumbar region, sprained pain: in afternoon and evening, in bed, HSep.; sudden acute, while lifting a lightboard, could raise himself only with difficulty, I IRhus ; pain after heavy lifting and taking cold at same time, HSub; after lifting a heavy weight during sixth month of pregnancy, I ISee; as after overlift- ing, worse at rest, at night, and in morning, and when rising from a seat, IStaph.; during rest, ceasing on walking, Staph.; deep in left lumbo-sacral region, Arg. met. Lumbar region, sticking: IBerb.; on breath- ing, I IMere sob; drawing, Stront.; in region of right kidney, Lobel. i.; in left, better dur- ing inspiration, Asaf; with stool of blood, IColoe; tearing, worse on one side, Berb.; on being touched, I IMere sob; along course of ureters, IBerb. 8®" stitches. Lumbar region, stiffness: Amm. m, Anac, 11 Apis, IBenz. ac, Berb, IBry, ICarbo a, Diose, Petrol, ISep, Uran. n.; in amenor- rhcea, IKali c; in evening, Petrol.; in even- ing, especially while sitting, can neither rise nor bend backward, Bar. e; at night, ILye; painful, IILaur, IManc; painful, on motion, IBry.; painful, to sacrum and thighs, ILach.; painful, after sitting, Cham, IRhus; painful into thighs, (peritonitis), ILach.; painful, must walk and sit crookedly, Bry.; especially on right side (gravel), ILye; must use arms to rise from a seat, IHydras.; when rising from a seat, ILed, ISil, difficult to rise from sitting, hands must assist, Berb. 8@" lameness, lumbago, rheumatism, tension. Lumbar region, stinging: Lyss.; in jaundice, I Aur. met; in nephritis, I Aeon.; during stool, worse afternoon and evening, also during rest, better from motion, Coloe: with sensa- tion of weakness, I IMere g&~ pricking. Lumbar region, stitches: HAcon., I I Agar., Arund., IBerb, IIBry., ICepa, IColoe, Dig., IHyper., Illgn, Iod., IKali iod., IMagn. m, Niccol., Plumb, IPuls, Spong, HSub, Zing.; in left abdomen, towards, ICale; occasional, through left side of abdomen, towards chest, Kali c; from left, transversely through abdo- men, especially below umbilicus and towards right groin, immediately after dinner, Ran. b.; with cough, Amm. c, IBry.; when cough- ing, breathing deeply, or walking, Arn.; dur- ing cough, better by pressure, Bor.; dull, in right, Spong.; dull, squeezing from with- in outward, at every inspiration, while sitting bent (after short walk), I IDulc; fleet- ing, in acute desquamative nephritis, ICoccus; fugitive, more on right side, Elat.; in gastritis, ICoccul.; transversely, close above nips, I INatr. m.; in right hypochondrium, towards, ICale; during inhalation, Ammoniac; in left, ICaust.; into limbs, Stann.; between right loin and spine, intermittent, deep, sharp, knifelike, quite internal in intestines, Verbas.; worse from motion (sciatica), IColoe; so severe upon motion that he gets upon arms and knees in order to obtain relief (coxalgia), IColoe; when moving, better by pressure, IDulc; as if a nail were sticking in, Berb.; from ovaries, SColoc; paroxysmal, I ISa- bina ; through pelvis to external genitals, IKreo.; from left into penis, I IDros.; pulsat- ing, Sub; during rest, ceasing on walking, Staph.; in right, with nausea.lNatr. s.; in right, when walking, with slight burning, IRan. b.; in right, with tension across abdomen, worst- on motion, must sit forward, elbows on knees, face in palms, when walking stooped forward with hands on knees (hepati- tis), IKali e; to sacrum, Aloe ; when sit- ting, Amb, Asar., Kali iod, INatr. c; when sitting, stooping, or walking, better by pressure and lying down, Ruta; to- wards, when sitting, I I Lye; when sneezing, Arund.; better after stool, Indig.; when ris- ing from stooping, ILye; sudden, Cinnab.; tearing, IMagn. in.; tensive, in right, felt only during inspiration, worse when lying on back, IColoe; transversely, Sub; with draw- ing through vertebrae while standing, ICon. 8€^° lancinating, shooting. Lumbar region, stool: pains before, IPuls.; pain during soft, Niccol.; pain during soft, in dysentery, Tabae; pain, with straining, even if soft, Colch.; pain after, must walk, ILyss.; pain, better after, I I Oxal. ae; pain", if bowels did not move, ICepa; pressing after, ICarbo v.; urging, as if there would be a stool, Ratan. 8®° Chap. 20, During and After Stool, back. Lumbar region, stooping: pain, as after stoop- ing a long time, IIDulc; pain, violent, ten- sive, as if everything were too short, ll^ul. 8®*" Back, stooping. Lumbar region, sweat: Asaf, HSil- cold Plant. Lumbar region, swelling : lAur. mur.; in acute Bright's disease, lApis; large, of psoas mus- cle, ILye; pufliness, into legs, Berb. Lumbar region, tearing: Agar, Berb, IIBry, Cinnab, Cup. m, IHam., IMagn. in.; across, after heat, Ham.; with inexpressible anxiety, Rhus ; in Bright's disease, I IRhus- and on exposure to cold, followed by lame- ness and soreness, Polyg.; worse one side, Berb.; pulsative, in region of kidnevs worse stooping, rising again, sitting or lying 'better standing Berb.; impeding respiration, IKali e; m right, worse on running, Brom • sud- den, in myelitis acuta, IColch.; and' hips, when walking, HEse h. 8®" rheumatism. Lumbar region, tension: Agar, Aur. mur Berb IZinc.; in Addison's disease, morbus Brightii, and diabetes, INatr. m.; as if a cord were tightly drawn across lower part Arn • in haematuria, INux v.; with tension in head' Zinc; painful, Amb,Benz. ae, IPuls,Thuva : painful, worse in evening, can neither rise nor 31. NECK AND BACK. 869 bend backward, Bar. e; painful, over hips and thighs, to feet (rheumatism), IIPuls.; pain, as from a heavy load, or after long stooping, ICinch.; painful, to posterior portion of pelvis, of thighs, even to calves, IBerb.; painful, prevents rising and walking, I ISub; worse going up stairs," Carb. s.; worse stoop- ing, Clem. gfsg* stiffness. Lumbar region, throbbing: HSep, Thuya; beating, in metritis, I I Lac e; dull pain in left, worse lying down, was compelled to walk room with a walking-stick pressed against back to obtain relief, Vib.; in lumbo-sacral region, HSib; painful, Act. rac; when at rest, and from emotions, Bar. c; in right, IColoe; in lumbo-sacral region, I ISib; in lumbo-sacral region, with occasional peri- neal tumefaction which discharged pus and blood, I ISib; better sitting upright, worse sit- ting leaning back (rheumatism), I ISep.; dur- ing stool, Alum. Lumbarregion, tired feeling : 8£aT" weariness. Lumbar region, trembling: Benz. ae; after riding, Berb. Lumbar region, twitching: Agar., Ratan.; in right, IColoe Lumbar region, ulcerative pain: Cann. s.; at night, so that she can only lie on her right side, better in morning, after getting up, Natr. s. Lumbar region, uneasiness: in albuminuria, IMere cor.; in evening, Petrol. Lumbar region, urging : ICale Lumbar region, urine: pain, on retaining, INatr. s. J8~5?~ Chap. 21, Kidneys. Lumbar region, water: sensation of dropping out of a bottle (opposite third lumbar verte- bra), between posterior and superior spine of ilium and vertebra, Med. Lumbar region, -weakness: JEsc. h, lAgar., IIArs., Arum d., Benz. ac, ICale, Chen, v, Chrom. ae, Con, Diose, Eryng, lEup. perf, IKali bi, IKali c, Lyss, INux m., Petrol, ; IRuta, ISelen, IIThuya, IZinc; dull aching, with hemorrhoids, tJEsc. h.; at 6 p.m., HSep.; when walking in open air, IZinc; in irritable bladder, 11 Sep.; as if crushed, followed by weakness of extremities and trembling after least exertion, HPhos.; in exophthalmus, ILye vir.; with tension in head, Zinc; to legs. lOxal. ac; in lower, Amyb; worse from mo- tion, Psor.; paralytic, lArg. nit.; early on ris- ing, like paralysis, INatr. m.; pain, as if all power were going and back were turned to pulp, Colch.; paralytic, lArg. nit; in prolap- sus of rectum, I IRuta ; in rheumatism, I Agar.; after riding,Berb.; right side with heat, I IPhyt; follows seminal emissions, with lascivious dreams awakening him (spermatorrhoea), USeb; with waning of sexual desire from overindulgence, ISub; with discharge of acrid mucous stools during urination, IPuls.; when straining, Iodof; trembling pain, Act. rac; on walking, IGraph.; when walking, from uterine troubles, HSep.; at junction of lumbar and sacral vertebrae, IPhos. Lumbar region, weariness : I Esc b, Arg nit, Chen v, Cimex, IColoe, IHelon, I IManc, Sabina; painful lassitude, evenings, IColoe; painful, IIPuls.; painful, in uterine disease, 11 Murex ; is obliged to sit down, Cimex ; as thomrh he had stood a longtime, ICina ; tired sensation, Carbol. ac, IPallad.; tired pain, IMur. ac,HSep.; tiresome feeling,as if bruised, HSub; when walking, Camph. NECK, abscess: back of, burning, excruciat- ing pain banishes sleep (anthrax), I ITarant; purulent infiltration following carbuncle, HSib; on left side, IIHyos.; on left side, after scarlatina, ILach.; in nape, unable to bend head forward or turn it, on account of pain, writh moist eruption on margin of hair like eczema, IPetrol.; return of, indicated by irritable pulse, Psor. 86?" boils, carbuncle, glands. Neck, aching: back of, IVer. v.; heavy, from base up muscles and cords into brain, ISyph.; making her want to bend head forward (parenchymatous metritis), HLac e; dull, gradually moving to suboccipital region, during morning, I I Amyb; in back of, after eating, Con.; in nape,Dig.; in nape, after a blow on head (headache), IMere per.; in nape, right to left of vertebrae, IGuaiac; of right side all day, Vespa. gfg&" dull pain, pain, soreness. Neck, air: cannot bear a draught, IHep, IMere, ISil. Neck, beating: BSlT' throbbing, Neck, blow: feeling as from, ILach.; as of a heavy, Cann. i. Neck, bluish: Ars, ILach.; erysipelatous (scar- latina), IRhus. Neck, boils: ICale, Coloe, Ind, IPsor., ISil, ISub; bloodboils, ICarbo a.; furuncles, with ulceration of ears, IPetrol.; small bloodboil on leftside, Cypr.; on nape, INitr. ac, I IPhos, HSib; small, IGraph.; sore to contact, IHep.; small, suppurating, often leave scars, IIKali iod. 8^*" abscess, carbuncle. Neck, boring : in nape, IMagn. p. Neck, broken feeling: in nape, during periods of exacerbation, in prosopalgia, IChel. Neck, bruised feeling: I Arn, IGels.; back of, Iodof; in nape, I Ars.; muscles as if beaten, 11 Agar.; as if beaten, I IZinc; as from grow- ing pains, I IPhos. ac; worse from motion, mornings on awaking, Arg.met; from motion or touch, ICie. Neck, burning: Amm. c, Ang, I Apis, Lyss, Pallad.; thence over head to forehead, with burning on vertex (spinal irritation), IPhos.; itching, ICale; in muscles of nape, Carbo v.; in nape,on swallowing, IPetrol.;at nape to oc- ciput, lasting all day, ICale; in muscles, after rheumatic pains, Bapt.; of right side, follows itching, Vespa; of right side, all night, cold water relieves for a time, but returns worse than before, Vespa; down spine with aeon- tractive stiffness, extending into head and seeming to thicken scalp, Med. 8€sf heat. Neck, carbuncle : lAnthrac; back of, anthrax, muscular and cellular tissue destroyed from neck' to waist and from shoulder to shoulder, leaving a cavity six inches long and four wide at bottom, of which several dorsal vertebrae were visible, infiltration of sur- rounding tissue, I ITarant with Sub; on back of surrounding tissue highly inflamed and sensitive to touch, IHep.; in back of, purple, gangrenous, IILach.; swelling hard, discol- ored, purplish red, discharging from an open- ing near edge, acrid, corroding, stinking, yellowish-green ichor, I ISib; in nape, HSib; 870 31. NECK AND BACK. small (gastralgia), ICaust; nape of, near spinous process of upper cervical vertebrae, brownish-red with small openings, discharge offensive-smelling pus, great pain, 11 Rhus. 8®" abscess, boils. Neck, carotids : aneurism, jKali iod., ILach., ILye; subclavian aneurism at point of ori- gin, -Kali iod.; bruit du diable in vessels of (megrim), IFerr.; choking feeling,! Amyb; con- striction, I Amyb; fullness, I IStram.; heaving sensation, Atrop. s.; throbbing, almostcausing delirium, Aur. mur.; throbbing, intermittent, IKali iod.; jerking in left, while walking rap- idly after dinner,Carbol. ac.; slight nun's mur- mur, I INuxm.; noise, as from escaping steam, when he turns head, HSub; nun's murmur, Carb. s.; pain, as if squeezed or compressed, Tarant.; pain over right, as if splinter were sticking there, Dolich.; no pulse, only slight vibration (cholera), I Ant. t; violent beating in right, Ast. r.; throbbing, lAmyl, lAspar, Atrop. s, IIBell., IGels, IGlon., IHep, IHy- per, I IKali br., Murex, Sep, 11 Spig, IStram, Variol, Ziz.; throbbing, in angina pectoris, I Amyb; throbbing violently in right, on re- covering consciousness, afternoon on awak- ing, 11 Ast r.; throbbing, with suffocating con- striction of throat (angina pectoris), HCact; throbbing, in convulsions, ICinch., ICup. m.; throbbing, in convulsions after labor, IGlon.; throbbing, obliged to loosen cravat, I Arg. nit; throbbing.indelirium,IIHyos.; throbbing, in dysmenorrhoea,IIVer. v.; throbbing, followed by epistaxis during fever, usually at night, IMelil.; throbbing, sudden, extends through head and temples, I Amyb; throbbing, with headache, IGels.; throbbing, with headache, after loss of blood, HCinch.; throbbing, with redness of face and head, IMelil.; throbbing, with violent palpitation,I IRumex ; throbbing violently, in pneumonia, IPhos.; throbbing, during pregnancy, IGels.; throbbing, both seen and felt, IGlon.; feels throbbing while sitting, ICale p.; throbbing, in spasms after fright, ICup. m.; throbbing, violent, with tenderness of stomach, Cod.; strong throb- bing, Lact. ae; throbbing, in tinea capitis, ICale; throbbing, in typhus abdominalis, IINux v.; violent throbbing, 11 Amyl, Cain., IGlon, Tabac,Vespa ; throbbing violently, in apoplexy, I Aeon.; throbbing violently, in delirium, IBelb; visible throbbing, TrAur. mur nat., I IPrun., Spong.; visible throbbings, in heart affections of old age, lAur.met; pain- ful to touch, right side, Spong.; trembling, ISpig. Neck, chill: begins and runs down back, Vab; ascending, over head, Staph.; shivering, with warm feet, 11 Kali m. Neck, chilliness: 11 Ars. m.; over nape, Dulc, t Sib; in nape, 10 a.m., Chrom. ae; in nape, I with stitches in forehead, Sib; in nape,rises to vertex, ISil. Neck, cicatrices: several strumous scars, 11 Iodof, followed by Tuberc. Neck, cold: feels as if he had taken a bad cold, in remittent fever, ICarbol. ae; pain, as after taking a cold in copious sweat, with pressing in forehead, INux in. Neck, coldness: in evening, ISpong. Neck, congestion: IKali e; at time menses ought to appear, I INux m.; feeling in nape, I IPuls.; in nape, followed by weakness, faint- ness in stomach, Tell.; rush of blood from nape over vertex towards forehead, during motion, with stupefaction and confusion of sense when standing, Mang. Neck, congestive pain: in nape, with severe continuous dorsal and lumbar pain, worse lower left side, Lye vir. Neck, constriction: Chel, IGlon.; frequent attacks, as if gripped by hand, worse from wine, IGlon.; choking, as if ligature were tied around, which prevented blood from returning from head, IGlon.; feeling as though a cord were tightly tied around, ILach.; sensation in muscles, as from tight cravat, Asar.; as of a ligature thrown around, impeding return of venous circulation, IBelb; around lower part, IGlon.; in nape, Nux m.; feels tied with a napkin, Chel. 8®* cramp. Neck, contraction : of muscles (hysterical at- tacks), ICie; muscles, in upper part, Cinnab.; lateral muscles appear to him contracted (periodiccervical neuralgia), IChin. s.; feel- ing, in right side of nape, IGels.; spasmodic, of muscles, Lyss.; spasmodic, of muscles, almost like tetanus, ICie; sterno-mastoid, frequently drawn into ridges by tonic con- traction, worse talking and in presence of in- dividuals (irritability of cerebrospinal sys- tem), I IRan. b. BST* cramp. Neck, cracking: crepitation in vertebrae, on stooping, Agar.; when moved, IPetrol.; sud- den movement, causes snap or crack, I ICinch. bob; snaps on stooping, Spong.; of vertebrae, on moving, IChel. Neck, cramp: IBar. e; sudden, in anterior lower part, causing fright, Cinch, bob; spreads to forehead, with vertigo, Sarrae; when throwing head back, pain like cramp in back of, to left, in region of sixth and seventh cer- vical vertebrae, Glon.; after opening mouth wide and then biting teeth together, Spong; in muscles, Act. rac. Ant. t, I ICie; in ex- ternal muscles, when swallowing (phthisis), I IZinc; in posterior muscles, IPlat.; painful, after opening mouth wide and then biting teeth firmly together, Spong. 8®** constric- tion, contraction, spasm. Neck, cramplike pain: Spong.; deep on right side, near oesophagus, Jamb.; one side, then other, ICale p.; when swallowing, IZinc. Big" constriction, contraction Neck, crawling: fluttering at back, vomiting, ICup. ac; as if an insect were, Lac e; in left side, above clavicle, Camph.; transient, Spong.; asof a worm, Arund Neck, crick : Ferr.ph., IRhus v.; in both sides, INatr. p.; with tired feeling, I INatr p B€a£° Back, crick. ' r" Neck, cutting: Brach.; in nape, Dig.; peculiar pain across, at back of brain, as if cutting off body from head, through neck to backnart of throat, which was sore and stiff, Calab.; from left shoulder to occiput, Eup perf Neck darting: All sat; in right muscles, from shoTtinr y"' **" lan<>inating. Neck, desquamation: IBelb Neck, pain as if dislocated: on turning bead Neck, distension : cravat feels too tioht w.- of vessels, IBelb ° ' ^ar ' 31. NECK AND BACK. 871 Neck, dragging : dull pain, Eryng.; dull, in upper, to shoulders, better on quietly rest- ing head on a high pillow, with eyes half closed, IGels, Neck, drawing: Ang, Bapt, ICinch.; from draught of damp air, I Nux in.; nape, in angina, IMere; down left arm, Pallad.; back of, violent, extending behind left ear and over left hah of head, Apis; backward, Amyg.; through side to clavicle, first right side, next day left, Ind.; in cords, causing desire to throw head back, Med.; in cords, which looked like wires, with neuralgia in paroxysms in head after profuse menses, IIMed.; down- ward, ICheb; dull, on sitting, Aur. mur.; from nape into head, with nausea, ICarbo v.; from nape upward into head, when there is shooting, roaring and humming, IFerr.; in nape, in influenza, ICheb; jerking near nape, extending downward in evening, while lying on opposite side, Viol.; downward in left side of, on motion, Asaf; on left side of nape, towards shoulder, Camph.; back of,with men- tal irritability and delirium (spinal meningi- tis), INatr. s.; in muscles, Aeon., Carbol. ae; in muscles, with headache, ICale p.; in nape, IColoe, Sub; in nape, before menses, INatr. c; in nape, during rest and motion, IBelb; nape into head, with stinging, humming and roar- ing in head, Ferr.; painful, All. sat. Lib tig., Lyss., Pallad.; painful, nape, IPuls.; painful, in nape to occiput, IPetrol.; painful, to occi- put, whence it spreads to forehead, Tereb.; painful, down right side towards shoulder- blade, HPhyt.; pressing downward, in right side, Spong.; pressive, in nape, Amb, Dig.; with rheumatism, INux v.; in right side, Zinc; in muscles, right side, vEse h., IBry.; painful on side, when walking in open air, Camph.; in nape, spasmodic,in muscles to scapulae, evening after lying down and morn- ing, worse stooping, exerting arms, turning head to left, Ant. c; sterno-oleido-mastoid, painful, pulling head to left, Caulo.; tense in muscles, worse on motion, with stiffness of neck, Var.; tensive in muscles of left, worse on motion, IColoe; in nape, when turning head, Hyos.; upward, Cann. s. Neck, dull pain: in back of, due to astigma- tism returning in spite of glasses, I IPic. ac; back of, to head and shoulders, Diose; heavy, JEsc. h.; heavy, into nape, IGels.; in nape, with constriction, Lib tig.; in nape, increasing at times in acuteness, with numbness, heat and weight, better from rest and in open air, worse from exertion, IParis. Neck,emaciated: HNatr.m,ISars.;inconsump- tion, Hod.; in gastromalacia, ICale; emaciates rapidly in summer complaint, with atrophy, IINatr. m.; thin and scrawny (marasmus), ICale , ,. Neck eruption: IClem.; blisters, I IHep.; round elevated blotch, around which larger and smaller patches were closely crowded (urti- caria), IIRhus; back of, oily brown skin, Thuya; covered with brown spots, ILye; brown spots, in secondary syphilis, IPetrol.; back of. brown node, about size of a grain of wheat, burning, when touching it complains of needles sticking in it, HTarant; nape of neck chronic, IGraph.; light crusts form on back, along border of hair, which are irregu- lar and resemble peach gum, INatr. m.; ecze- ma, IIAnae; eczema, bleeds easily and is covered with thick crusts, with fetid secretion beneath, ILye; erethism, Chloral., CGels.; nape, excoriated by discharge from eczema capitis, HPsor.; one and one-half inches in length, deeply fissured in folds of skin, sero- purulent discharge, IKali bb; herpes, IPetrol.; herpes, worse from heat which causes burn- ing, Con.; herpes on nape, ILye, IPetrol.; herpes, on side, extending from cheek, 11 Psor.; a symmetrical patch of herpes on each side, itching and burning after scratch ing, ILacdef; herpes circinatus in right side, one time in front then at back, then at side, extend about ear, swelling of surrounding parts, ISep.; small round, red, itching herpetic patches, IGraph.; herpetic spots on nape, I IHyos.; red herpetic spots on both sides, with itching, Sep.; itching, burning, papular, I IRhus; itch- ing rash, IMez.; itchlike, Bar. m.; impetigo, IPetrol,; impetigo, on nape, at boundaries of hair, INatr. m.; lichen circumscriptus, of six weeks' duration in a strong woman, aet. 44, commencing with itching four weeks later, two circular groups of rose-colored, slightly pointed papules, confluent at base and without secretion, itching worse by night, ceased after scratching, I IMang.; red, miliary, in acute rheumatism, I ICheb; moist, to head, Clem.; on nape, Cham.; on nape, dry, peeling in fine mealy scales without itching, IGraph.; nodules in skin, with cough (horses and cows), I Agar.; red nodules, particularly on side of apices, filled with pus, burning, IIRhus; skin hard, nodulous and rough on nape, IGraph.; large dusky patch on front, extends to scalp, covered with minute scales (eczema), HSib; petechial, Stram.; pimples, Gels, Meph., Pallad, Tromb.; pimples, below chin, IPuls.; pimples, beneath chin, painful to pressure, Spong.; pimples, large clustering, with violent itching, ILye; pim- ples, caused by disturbed action of follicular glands, IKali m.; pimples, itching, Agar, IStaph.; pimples, in nape, IIKali c. Petrol.; pimples, itching, on nape, ISib; pimples, red, Phos. ae; large, red pimple near thyroid car- tilage, Verbas.; large, scarlet-red pimples, Zing.; pimples, small, red, close together, Thuya; pimple, on right side, itches, burns, Pallad.; pimples on side, IPuls.; pimples, small, suppurative, Agar.; prurigo-like, pink- ish, lentil-shaped spots, Vespa; psoriasis on nape, in secondary syphilis, IMere; purple efflorescence, in patches, on, Colch.; hard, purplish spots, HApis; pustular, ICale; pus- tular, soon drying up, I IThuya ; pustules, on nape, Bell.,Tabae; pustules, itching, in nape, better wrapping up warmly, ISib; white pus- tules, Act rac; epidemic rash, iGrin.; irrita- tion and rash, ICale; erysipelatoid rash, with maddening, burning heat, worse at night, IHydras.; itching rash on nape, always worse and gnawing after scratching and sticking, as from needles, I IMez.; redness, bright scarlet, extends over body and legs (diphtheria),ILac c.; red, knotty, on left side of nape, INatr. s., red patches, with urticarious wheals, I IChlo- ral. ; irregular, red, scaling patches during congestion, at time of menses, INux m.; red points, changing to blotches, Cinnab.; red 872 31. NECK AND BACK. spot, Berb.; red spots, IIBry, ICarbo v, Cinnab, IILach.; red spots, with fine blisters, Tell.; red spot on nape, came and went, I IVer.; round, red spots, frequent appearance (prosopalgia), IMez.; red spots on sides, Coccul.; red spots, filled with serum, gone after sweat, Astac; pale, red spots, in syphilis, 11 Phyt.; Rhus poison- ing, IIKali s.; scabs, painful when touched, IHep.; small scabs on left, itching, better by scratching, INatr. s.; scarlet, in children, Asim.; bright scarlet, like scarlatina, ILac e; flushing, rash like scarlatina simplex, bright red, disappears on pressure, returns immedi- ately after removal of pressure, Stram.; smart- ] ing, colorless, Ars.; spots faintly visible (in- cipient hydrocephalus), lApis; itching, moist, tetter, ICaust.; tetter on nape, ISep.; tetter, itching, on nape, below hair, I ISub; urticaria, HSub; vesicles, as large as peas, IMere; on back of, tingling, itching vesicles, break, over- flow other parts, with tendency to ulceration, Clem.; yellow spots, Iod.; yellowish-brown spots, scale off on rubbing, Sep.; yellow scabs cover diseased surface thickly, with fissures occasioning soreness and bleeding, with itch- ing, I ISub 8®" boils. Neck, erysipelas: lApis, IGraph.; on nape, bluish-red. IPhos. ae; on ninth day after vac- cination, ICrotal. Neck, excoriation : in folds of skin, 11 Hydras., i IISul. Neck, formicating pain : left side, Arund. Neck, fulness: IGlon, Iber.; crowded, in diaphragmitis, IHam.; in both sides, IGlon.; must sleep with neck uncovered, Ham., ILach. Neck, glands: sensation of air passing into, on breathing (goitre), ISpong.; swell rapidly, in diphtheria, IMere iod. flav.; engorgement, with moist scales, IIHelb; enlarged, Caust., I ILed, INatr. p.; enlarged, in caries of lower jaw, ICon.; enlarged, in diphtheria, Hod.; enlarged, in eczema capitis, ISib; enlarged \ during fever, in girls, Bar. m.; enlarged lym- phatic, Chim. umb.; enlarged, in nasal ca- tarrh, Hod.; enlarged, numerous and small, Syph.; enlarged, in otorrhoea, IIBar. in, IMere viv.; enlarged, in incipient phthisis, I ITu- bere; enlarged, in chronic rheumatism of left hip joint, IPhyt.; enlarged, with scrofula, I IMere; enlarged, in scrofulosis of children, IStill.; enlarged, sore when coughing, INatr. m.; enlarged, in right side of neck, under upper part of sterno-cleido-mastoid, painful when moving head, Med.; enlarged, even impending suppuration (scarlatina), IRhus; enlarged, in syphilis, IKali bb; enlarged, in hereditary syphilis, I ISyph.; enlarged with tonsillitis, "IMere iod. flav.; fistulous openings of lymphatic, with caries of clavi- cle, 11 Sib; fluctuating (swelling of parotids), IBar. m.; hard, IBar. e, ICon.; swollen to size of pigeon eggs, two like hen's eggs, hard, painful on pressure (swelling of paro- tids), IBar. m.; hard, with pressing pain and stitches, IIMerc. viv.; hard swelling at back, ICinn.; hard and swollen, IMere cor.; induration, Arg. nit, IBar. m, ICarbo a, ICist, ICup. m, IDulc, Jacea, HSib, ISpong.; induration, abuse of mercury, ISars.; induration, in otorrhoea, IIBar. m.; indura- I tion and infiltration, studding neck like row of pearls, IHekla; induration in incipient phthisis, I ITubere; induration in scarlatina, IMere iod. flav.; scrofulous induration IRhus; induration in scrofulous children, HCon.; induration, with stitching, ICale; induration to stony hardness, ICale fl.; induration of. thymus,! Agar.; inflammation, IBell,IDule;in- flamed, in cedema laryngis, ISang.; inflamed, painful, worse by hot or cold application, ■Mere; inflamed, with pressing pain and stitches, IIMerc. viv.; inflamed, with red streaks, as in scarlet fever, IRhus ; inflamed, suddenly, IIBell.; sub-inflammatory condi tion, painful at every turn of head, IDulc; inflammatory swelling beneath ears after scarlatina, IRhus; jerking pain in right, ICaps.; almond-shaped kernels of varying sizes, abundant after adenitis, Syph.; large soft-feeling, left side, 11 Iodof, followed by Tuberc; left side, swollen and painful, Lil. tig.; lymphatic, on right side, enlarged, IMere iod. flav.; lymphatic ganglia swol- len, like beads, ^Ethus.; enlarged, felt like hard nodules under skin, Ars.; painful, Calc p.; painful, in diphtheria, IKali perm.; painful eruption and periostitis, probably syphilitic, behind ears, IKali bb; painful, especially near nape, ICarbo v.; painful, when turning neck, Cham.; painful scro- fulous induration, ICarbo a.; painful, in stomatitis, ICaps.; painful, as if cervical glands were swelling by side of trachea of larynx, Spong.; pressive pain, Illgn.; right side, hard, IPhyt.; sensitive, Cham.; on side, down to shoulder, swollen and painful when bending neck to one side or lying upon it, IGraph.; sore, Ailant, Cup. ars.; sore to touch, Bry.; as if stiff and tense, IGraph.; suppuration, in caries of lower jaw. ICist; chronic suppuration (scrofula), IHydras.; suppuration, in scarlatina, ILach.; suppura- tion, after scarlet fever, with haematuria, HSec; tendency to suppuration, lAnanth.; swelling, lAnanth, Ant. c, IIArum t, IBar. m, IBell, I ICale, Camph., ICarbo v., Cham, Cist, Cund, IDulc, Euph,IHell, Ictod,IIod, Jacea, IKali c, IKali iod, IKali m., IKreo., ILye, IMagn. m, Merc, cy., IMere d, INatr. c, INitr. ac, IPuls., HSib, IStaph., ISub, IIThuya; swelling, with aching, stitching pains, ICale; swelling, in aphthae, IHelb; swelling enormously, in caries of lower jaw, ICale; swelling extending to chest, INatr. p.; swelling, in children and old people, 11 Astac; swelling, in chorea, I Agar.; swelling, chronic^ INatr. s.; swelling, chronic, in scrofula, IHy- dras.; swelling, in diphtheria IIArs., ICarbol. ac, IKali perm, IILach, IMere iod. flav • swelling, with discharge of yellow ichor from nose, IRhus; swelling, in eruption and perios- titis, probably syphilitic, behind ears, IKali bb; swelling, in eczema, IBrom., HCale • swelling, with eruption on head, HCale- swelling, in erysipelas traumatica, lApis"' swelling, hard, Amm. c, IHep, IMere ' ISib; swellings, hard, size of eggs, IBar m"' swelling hard, in scrofulous inflammation of eyes, IFerr. iod.; swelling worse by hot or cold application, IMere; swelling hard in tubercular laryngitis, ISelen.; swelling hard, in scrofula, IFerr. iod.; swelling hard 31. NECK AND BACK. 873 with sticking when swallowing, coughing, or turning neck, IHep.; swellling, hard, in tinea capitis, IGraph.; swelling and indura- tion, IDulc.; swelling on left^ side, IGraph.; swelling, left side, hard, or suppurating, IBa- diag.; swelling on left side, size hen's egg, hard and suppurating, IILith.; swelling, left cervical, in ulcerated throat, ILye; swelling, of lymphatic vessels, 11 Hydrocot; swelling on nape, Bell.; swelling in otitis media, IPuls.; swelling, painful, ICale,ICarbo a,IIgn.,Staph.; swelling, painless, at margin of hair, ICale; swelling,painless, on side, IIGraph.; swelling, with pressing pain and stitches, IIMerc. viv.; swelling, in rachitis, atrophy of children, IStaph.;swelling, with ranula, I IThuya;swell- ing, rapid, Ant. t; swelling, with red streaks, as in scarlet fever, IRhus; swelling, in right side, IMere; swelling of right side, disap- peared and then swelling of left throat, with difficult swallowing (ulcerated throat), ILye; swelling, in scarlatina, IBar. c, HCale, ILach.; swelling, in scarlet fever, IIAcon, IDulc, ILach.; swelling, scrofulous, ILye, ISib, ISpong.; swelling, in scrofulous chil- dren, HCon.; swelling, in scrofulous opthal- mia, I Aur. met; sensation of swelling, at night, and arteries distended with blood, Daph.; swelling, sensitive, JEsc. h.; swelling on both sides, painful to touch, as if bruised, pain extends to head, Psor.; swelling, in stomatitis, ICaps, IStaph.; swelling, with suppuration, HSib; swelling, painful on swal- lowing (rheumatism), IMere; swelling and tenderness on left side, Vespa ; swelling, with tensive pain on moving neck, or when press- ing them, HSpong.; swelling, with humid tetter on ears, IKreo.; swelling, with sore throat, I ISep, ISub; swelling, tickling, better from pressing with cold hand, IKali c; swell- ing in tinea capitis, IBar. e; swelling, with toothache, scarlatina, etc., IMere iod. rub.; swelling, on upper part (syphilis after abuse of mercury), I ISars.; swelling, of several, size of walnuts, and stony hard (spinal dis- ease), I Apis; tearing pain, IGraph.; tearing in right, ICaps.; tender, ICon.; very tender, in diphtheria, HPhyt.; tender, in erysipelas erratica, IHydras.; tender, in ulcerated throat, IKali perm.; throbbing, not swollen, Amm. m.; thvroid, as if air were passing up and down on breathing, Spong.; enlargement of thyroid, due to hypertrophy, i Kali iod.; thyroid, en- largement, after suppressed menses (exoph- thalmic goitre), IFerr. iod.; thyroid, as if hardened, Spong.; thyroid, hypertrophied,in Basedow's disease, I ISpong.; thyroid, increase, acute pain on pressure or motion of head, Hod.; thyroid, region of indurated, ISpong.; thyroid, itching, Amb.; thyroid, round hard swelling on upper right part, INatr. c; thy- roid, swelling increasing rapidly, IKali iod.; thyroid, resistant swelling of middle lobe of (coryza), INatr. e; thvroid, sensation of swell- ing, Benz. ae; thyroid, slight swelling (ran- ula IIThuya; thyroid swollen, even with chin, suffocating spells at night, barking, with stinging in throat, and soreness in ab- domen, ISpong.; thyroid, right lobe swollen, having the appearance of an elastic cyst, 11 Sib; thyroid, swollen, painful on touching neck and on pressure, ISpong; thyroid, enlarged, tender, Ailant.; thyroid, tension, in region of, externally, Agar.; thyroid, tickling during cough, Amb.; thyroid, sensitive to touch and pressure, IKali iod.; malignant scrofulous ulcers of lymphatics, with caries of clavicle, I ISib; ulceration, discharging offensive dark- colored pus, dark-red areolae around ulcers, 11 Rhus v. 6®"" goitre. Neck, goitre: ;Amm. c, 'Aruni m., I Aur. met, HCale, ICarbo a, ICarb. s, IFerr. iod, IFluor. ac. Form, lllod, iKali iod, ILach, ILapis, IMere iod. flav, IMere iod. rub, INatr. s, IPhos, I IPod, ISil, HSpong, 11 Tuberc., 11 Urt. ur.; causes asthma, HSpong.; sensation of constriction, Hod.; with diarrhoea, ICist; sensation like dis- tension, I ISpong.; size of a hen's egg, IBrom, I ICist; exophthalmic, ICact, IFerr.; exophthalmic, especially after suppression of menses, IIFerr.; hard, Hod., I ISpong.; marked hardness, Hod.; hypertrophy of two lobes, tumor becoming more swollen and painful at each return of menses, Hod.; gradual increase in size, especially right side, soft and without any fluctuation, Hod.; constantly increasing, becoming fuller, with slight pain and tenderness on handling, every time she has a cold, I ISpong.; large, irregular, knotty, 11 Spong.; non-lobulated tumor in anterior and median portion as large as a child's head, rosy-red, heavy in weight and soft, Hod.; large, on right side, ILye; in persons with light hair, blue eyes, fair skin, IBrom.; lumpy, I ISpong.; moving sensation on swallowing, ISpong.; nodulated, Hod.; nodulated, great weight in parts, HPhyt; with otorrhoea, ICale; pain, slight, 7tSpong.; pain on swallowing, ISpong.; painless, well- marked, Hod.; pressing pain, INatr. e; in thirteen cases the pressure was relieved in three to five days, in some cases a cure was affected, INatr. p.; large, interfered with res- piration, caused oppression when ascending heights or walking quickly, I ISub; on right side, tense, smooth, shining appearance, with feeling of constriction in tumor, as if held in some unyielding envelope, while not very large, ILye; in scrofulosis, Iod.; sensitive to contact, IKali iod.; as if everything were shaking and moving about as if alive, partic- ularly on swallowing, ^Spong.; small ones (improved), ICale fl.; soft, reddish, indolent, moveable, transversed with bluish veins, ICale; soft, located especially in right lobe of thyroid body, I ISpong.; soft and recent, Hod.; becomes softened, Merc; stinging on swallowing, -Spong.; stitches, Spong.; due to tonic spasm of cervical muscles after falling down stairs, I IRhus; tender, I ISpong.; in in- habitants of valleys, ISpong.; vascular, Apis; with vertigo, Hod.; of thirty-six years' stand- ing, commenced at thirteen years, ICale 8gT glands. Neck, heat: Chloral., Iber., I IVer. v.; down back, with sweat of* upper body, Paris ; in back of, JEsc. h.; passes to ear and face, Lyssv; flashes of, JEsc. h.; flashes, with burning heat all over body, IMed.; flushes, in.prolapsus uteri, II^Eseh.; in labor, ILach.; sensation on left side below jaw, as if a red-hot iron were moving along close to part, Phell.; in nape, Coloe, Lyss., Nitr. sp. d.; as if warm 874 31. NECK AND BACK. water were running upward from nape, IGlon. 8^" burning. Neck, heaviness: in albuminuria, IINuxv.; load in nape, ICale p.; in muscles, Menyanth.; painful, in muscles, Chrom. ae; in muscles of nape, IChel.; in nape, to occiput, IPetrol.; over nape, I ISep.; towards nape, Agar.; nape of, sensation of a hundredweight, with stiff and paralyzed feeling in limbs during and after walking, Rhus; weight in back of (sore throat), HPhyt; feeling of weight, Carbobae; feeling as of a great weight on nape (irritation of cerebrospinal nerves), I IParis; feeling as if a weigbt were lying upon, with painful ten- sion and stiffness of cervical muscles, Vinca ; constant weight in upper part, 11 Plumb. Neck, induration: muscles become hard as wood (hysterical attacks), ICie 8^° glands. Neck, inflammation : Astac; cellulitis, IRhus ; cellulitis, in scarlatina, IRhus ; of skin, ninth day after vaccination (erysipelas), ICrotal. Neck, injury: after a fall, supersensibility of surface, IHyper. Neck, itching: Anag, Ant. e, 11 Ars. m.,IGels, Mang, Oxal. ac, IISul, Tromb.; of back, Carbobae, Pallad., Therid.; burning, ICale; on border of hair on neck, Ammoniac; front and back of neck like minute insects or hairs, coming on towards morning, IChloral.; neai larynx, Cist.; in lower part, I Apis ; of nape, Alum., Benz. ac, IINatr. m.; in nape, with flushed face, Astac; in nape, in morning, Therid.; at night, Ailant.; fine pricking, with feeling of warmth, begins in another place on scratching, Sars.; of right side, 3 or 4 a.m., lasts half an hour, slightly better by vinegar applications, followed by burning, Vespa; and stitching burning in nape (heartburn), ICale Neck, jerking: ushered in, with attacks, in epilepsy, IBufo.; painful in side where small goitre exists, TSpong.; of muscles, better mov- ing shoulders up and down (irritability of cere- brospinal system), I IRan. b. Neck, lameness : I \JEsc. h, Bapt.; painful, as if bruised when moving head, Asar.; worse bending head back and forward, Badiag.; when moving head, Carbol. ae; of muscles, Como.; muscles, on first moving, better during exercise, IRhus ; in nape, Eup. pur.; and stiff- ness, in neuralgic headache (cerebrospinal meningitis), IGels. Neck, lancinating : in left side, Elaps ; nape to head, Canth. 8€sT" stitches. Neck, lying: sensation as if neck were grasped, 1 IGlon.; painful, when on right side, IFerr. Neck, neuralgia: in angina pectoris, ITabae; in back of, IGraph.; cervico-brachial, ICheb; cervico-brachial, worse after eating in morning and from touch, INux v.; down arm to little and fourth finger, IKalm.; sudden flashes of pain in back part, spreading over head, involving eyes, with sudden flashes of pain like lightning through head, better from hard pressure, rest and darkness, IMagn.p.; left side, Ars.; in nape (tendency to drawing head back- ward), Cie; in nape, left side, every day at 6 p.m. till 4 a.m., Guaiae; on both sides, to fin- gers, especially left side, worse from mental ex- ertion, 11 Paris; paroxysmal, worse in early part of night, with stiffness, IKalm.; periodic, IChin. s, periodic, in lateral muscles, every- day at 4 p.m.,IChin. s.; in right side, in tic dou- loureux, IColoe; in right side, extends down arm to wrist, Amyl. Neck, numbness: pain, as if parts were asleep towards evening, Rhus ; nape to vertex, scalp goes to sleep, Cast, eq.; in right side, IChel. Neck, pain: Calc. p., HCaust, 11 Cie, Cund, IIGels,IIGraph,IHelb,Libtig.,IPhyt,Variob; slightest draught of air, ICale p.; in angina pectoris, IIArs, IHep.; down left arm in even- ing, to right, could scarcely move her arm, TForm.; in back of, Calc. s, Carbol. ac., II Eup. pert, I ILac c, I IMyr. cer.; in back of, in yel- low fever, IGels.; back of, in spinal meningitis, INatr. s.; down back of, especially in promi- nent bone there, and each side of" it, Calab.; in back of, with stiffness, worse turning, bet- ter change of position (diphtheria), IIRhus; at back, with difficulty of turning head, Ca- lab.; worse on going to bed, in nape, Alum.; severe, better bending head backward (syphi- litic neuralgia), I ISyph.; on deep breathing, ICheb; to clavicles, IGels.; as after a cold, in nape, Bry.; like that of cerebrospinal conges- tion, IIGels.; constant, Lyss.; during cough, ISub; darts down from ear, 11 Merc, cor.; deep- seated, with distress in left, to occiput, better standing and walking, Chrom. ae; in diph- theria, HPhyt.; to distraction, in nape(Werl- hoff's disease), ILach.; distressing, in nape, lyEthus.; to ear, then to shoulder, worse turn- ing neck, also when swallowing, Calc. p.; while eating and drinking, ^Form.; before or after ague, Gels.; when hawking and gargling, 7rForm.; when pressing on forehead, Brach.; from head, IGuaiac; runs into head, in dys- menorrhoea, I IVer. v.; into back part of head, ^Form.; to back of head, in rheumatism, IPhyt.; while eating and chewing, especially when closing jaws or when gargling or hawk- ing, left side into back part of head, par- ticularly behind ear, TForm.; over scalp to top of head and temples, also affects right side of face, IKalm.; overhead, I IStram.; asif head had been lying in uncomfortable posi- tion, IDulc ; worse on moving head, Cup. ars.; when moving head, as if cervical vertebrae were stiff (intermittent), ICoccul.; on turn- ing head, HPlat; on turning head to right, Spong.; on turning head, as if tumor would protrude there, ICale; with headache, IGels.; worse when headache is better, during in- ward heat, Lyss.; left side, IGlon.; in left, soon extending over whole side, and render- ing arm powerless (affection of cerebrospinal nerves), I IParis; up muscles of left side to one small spot in head, brought on and aggra- vated by blowing nose (chronic inflammation of Schneiderian membrane), IKali bb; in left prevents turning to left side, felt least when lying on back, best on right side, on awaking Vespa ; in nape, on looking up, as if broken' IIGraph.; as if one had been lying for a long time in an uncomfortable position, towards evening, Rhus ; in cerebrospinal meningitis 11 Eup. perf, IGlon.; on motion, IDros.; slight- est motion extorts cries (after a fall), IHyper • in muscles, Cact, Lyss., IMez.; in muscles' in angina, IMere; in muscles, in morning' IZinc; in muscles, right side, IChel, Dolich ■ in muscles, as from efforts to vomit, Cadm s • myalgic, mostly in upper part of stemo-cleido 31. NECK AND BACK. 875 muscles, back of parotid glands, IGels.; in nape, Amm. c, Anac, HCic, Con, IGraph, llpec, llgn., ILye, IMez, Sang, I IStram.; in nape, from damp, cold night air, INux m.; in nape, when coughing, Bell.; in nape, as if dislocated when turning neck or bending head backward (diphtheria, scarlet fever), I ILachn.; in nape, prevents bending head further than to a certain point, HStram.; from nape to forehead, IDaph.; from nape, through centre of head, to forehead, IFluor. ae; in nape, near occiput, as if head were weak, IBry.; in nape, rises to vertex, ISib; in nape, with headache, Daph., I IMyr. cer.; in nape, alternates with pains in head, Hyos.; in nape, with dry heat, Graph.; in nape, with heat in right side of face and right ear, fol- lowed by headache in vertex and forehead, as soon as headache gets better, heat returns, heat comes from within and spreads from back of neck to ear and into eye and face, Lyss.; in nape (hemorrhoids), ICheb; in nape, as if he had lain in an uncomfortable position, IPuls.; in nape, follows lumbar pain (spinal disease), HSib; in nape, during menses, ICale; in nape, in morning, Bar. c ; in nape, excited by moving hand or grasping anything (irrita- tion of cerebrospinal nerves), 11 Paris; in nape, from exhausted nerve-power or excess- ive grief, HPhos. ae; in nape, in onanism, IHyos.; in nape, periodical, worse evening and warm room, better cool open air, 11 Kali s.; in nape, remittent, IMagn. ph.; in nape, run- ning to either side, shoulder and down to lumbar region, Med.; in nape, shifting, IMagn.p.; in nape, to between shoulders, on turning (stiff neck), Amm. m.; in nape, in spinal irritation, IHep.; in nape, sudden, probably brought on by exposure, IMere; in nape, to touch, IDros.; in nape, hinders turn- ing, Jamb.; in nape, with vertigo, IIAlum.; near nape, Calc. a.; at night, as if head had been held in an uncomfortable position, felt even during sleep, I IZinc; after overlifting, ICale; in right side, Gamb., Meph.; in right constant,deep,near cesophagus,Jamb.; down to between shoulders (oil) (catarrh), lApis; to right shoulder, I Aeon.; at intervals, on both sides,but chiefly on left,extending along sterno- cleido-mastoid muscles to shoulders and to left arm down to fingers, and in right to elbow(af- fection of cerebrospinal nerves), I IParis ; in side commencing at 4 p.m. and continuing all night °radually worse, I IMerecor.; worse after sitting up, better by application of hot iron, -Form • up and down spine, worse lying down Lyss.; in left sterno-mastoid, near its insertion at sternum, Elat.; in sterno-mas- toid from insertion of right, through head in- to orbit Bapt.; in sterno-cleido-mastoid, when stretched,by turning of head, Arg. met.; better after stool, IVer.; going up to supra- orbital notch or foramen, then extending into eves Pic ae; with least turn or twist,TForm.; upper part, I IPlumb.; in upper part of tra- pezius muscle to shoulders, Brach Neck paralyzed feeling: in nape, Ver. wLk'parasites: numerous pedicuh corporis cling to a girl aet. 18, of sallow complexion, but cleanly appearance, I IPsor. Neck, peculiar sensation • with confusion in head and occiput, Kali m. Neck, pinching: in nape, intermittent, Paeonia ; scaleni muscles on left side, as if pulled by pincers, Inul.; on both sides, near trunk, Zinc. Neck, pressing feeling: Agnus, Lyss.; dull, intermittent, as of a heavy load on right, Anac; muscles, as if pressed upon by a dull edge, Asar.; as if seized with a hand, Grat; intermittent, slow, right side, as if skin were compressed between fingers, downward, in region of carotid artery, Spong.; in muscles, felt even when swallowing, Colch.; in nape, Benz. ae, Carbo v. Card, m, ICoccul, Nitr. sp. d.; in nape, particularly in open air, must bend head forward, ILaur.; from nape into ear, Lyss.; in nape, left side, worse from turn- ing, IColoe; in nape, to left, in a spot size of a small coin, on level of mastoid process, then right, Card, m.; in nape, between attacks of mental disturbance, I IStaph.; in nape, in morning, Sib; in a small spot in nape, I ILye; painful, becomes burning shooting (metritis), I Ars.; painful, during cough, Caps.; painful, cracking, frequently occurring in left poste- rior side, near shoulder blade, Spong.; pain- ful, externally, when bending head backward and when touching part, Bell.; painful, left side, IPuls.; painful, left side, in muscles, ICheb; painful, at nape, Elaps; painful, in nape, as if it would break in coughing, IBelb; painful, in nape, with oppression and short- ness of breath, particularly when lying (rheu- matism), ILye; painful, going up back, on right side only (sore throat), HPhyt.; pain- ful, down right, towards shoulder blade, HPhyt.; with stiffness, IStaph.; tensive, right side, near vertebrae, Bism.; as from a weight in back, I IParis ; forcing pain, better from pressure (eczema), Brom. Neck, pricking: ICale; drawing through left, Spong. B^° sticking, stinging. Neck, pulling: feeling as though some one pulled downward on cords, I ISil. Neck, purple: almost black, Vespa; deep dark, Vace; livid, with sopor, lApis. Neck, quivering: of muscles, left side. Ang. Neck, redness: 11 Amyl, Vespa; dark, ninth day after vaccination (erysipelas), ICrotal.; dark, in scarlatina, IRhus ; as if ecchymosed, Iod.; flush, color of a red rose, with swelling, ILac def; dark, in seventh month of preg- nancy in a woman with albuminuria, dropsy, headache, etc, I ICEnan.; scarlet, IBelb; on sides, 11 Merc viv. Neck, retracted: in catarrhal croup, I Ant. t.; head, in spotted fever, 11 Act. rac; head, on shoulders, in cerebrospinal disease, I IVer. v.; during sleep (spinal disease), lAlum. Neck, rheumatism : 11 Act. rac, 11 Calc. p., Carb. s., IColch, INux v, IPuls.; followed by burn- ing, Bapt.; drawing, in left side, Cycb, Gels.; drawing, in nape, extending to left shoulder and scapula, evening, in open air, Bor ; draw- ■ ing, in rightside, worse, bending to right side and raising arm, Calend.; drawing to shoulder, Calend.; drawing, from side into limbs,Stram.; drawing, with stiffness, IStaph.; with head- ache, ISang.; intense pain, I ISticta ; in nape, lAnt c, Caust.,ISang.; in nape, with painful numbness, worse lying on back, ISpig.; worse at rest, cloudy, stormy weather, IRhod.; in right side, worse stooping head, Lact. ae; along right side, in gonorrhoea, Med. 876 31. NECK AND BACK. Neck, screwing pain : ear, to shoulder, Daph. Neck, scrofulous: B6T" glands. Neck, sensitive : loosens clothes to get breath, Sars.; must loosen clothes, sensation as if they hinder circulation of blood, with kind of suffocative feeling, heat, as of orgasm of blood, IILach.; cannot bear clothes, in sore throat, HPhyt.; clothing, as if too tight, IGlon., IILach.; large clothing feels tight, IKali e; during short intervals of conscious- ness, in encephalitis, ICoccul.; intolerance of tight neckbands, IILach.; as if paralyzed, ICoccul.; to pressure and touch, IILach.; nape, to external pressure, ILach.; right side painful to pressure, Niccol.; to pressure, in yellow fever, IILach.; right side, Niccol.; right side, tender to touch, worse waking in morn- ing (angina), ILach.; sides tender, I IMere viv.; tender, in scarlatina, HAilant.; cover- ings felt too tight (chronic meningitis), I ISep.; could bear nothing to touch (bee sting), ILach.; does not like anything to touch, unbuttons collar, Ant. t; painful to touch, in diphthe- ria, IKali bb; external, below angle of lower jaw, painful to touch, Bell.; left side, painful to touch, IKali bb; in nape, painful to touch, ILach.; sore to touch, ILach.; sore to touch, and on moving them, IKalm.; nape, sore to touch, Sang.; spot tender to touch, on ante- rior portion (menstrual irregularities), I Lach.; cannot bear to be touched, ILach.; pains be- come excessive when touched, Ign.; touching or turning causes suffocative attacks, Bell. Neck, sharp pain : in nape, IMagn. p.; left side, IChel. Neck, shock: awakes as from electric shocks (above larynx), IManc; sensation, like a jerk or shock, in nape, Cornus. Neck, shooting: back of,in leftear (diphtheria), ISub; left side, ICheb; in left anterior inferior triangle near clavicle,Arum d.; in nape, Agar., ICinch, IMagn. p.; in nape, to vertex, ISib; in nape, to vertex, with headache (eczema capitis), ISib; from occiput, I Act. rac; to oc- ciput, Cinnab.; with rapid respiration, Sul. ae; in right side, posterior part, I I Alum. Neck, small: feels too small, Chim. m. Neck, soreness : Bapt, Brach., Calc. p, IHy- dras,ILach, Natr. a.; on bending backward, Psor.; worse bending head back and forward, Badiag.; as if bruised, IFerr.; about old cica- tricial tissues, result of scrofulous abscesses, HSib; from least cold, INitr. ac; in remittent fever, ICarbol. ae; up into head, better ex- ternal pressure, "Form.; worse moving head, of leftside, Ars. b; in muscles, IHydras.; in nape, "Carbol. ae; painful, in scarlet fever, IIAcon.; painful, in hydrocephaloid, llpec; both sides, Bor.; of sides, when touched or on moving, Ferr. iod.; spreading rapidly, exudes offensive smelling serum, painful when washed, I ISep.; in region of attachments of sterno-mastoid musoles, Brach.; up and down, IINatr. s. Neck, spasm: ICie, Codein.; chin suddenly drawn to sternum, three or four days, then relaxed, ICann. b; convulsive movements, Codein.; convulsive movements, of muscles, worse right side Agar.; convulsive action in tetanus, HPhyt.; on attempting to drink a little -water, preceded by a gasp or sigh as if she might just have plunged into cold water, Lyss., I IRan. b.; followed by partial relaxa- tion, which was again succeeded by same te- tanic condition, IPhyt.; notably sterno-mas- toid, drawing chin firmly down to breast, Med.; frequent, painful, in single muscles on right side of, particularly in morning, Pallad.; sterno-hyoid frequently drawn to ridges by tonic contraction, worse talking and in pres- ence of individuals (irritability of cerebro- spinal system), IIRan. b.; on attempting to swallow, with great mental disturbance, Lyss.; tonic tetanus, ICie Neck, sprained feeling: lArs, Niccol, Ruta; turning head to left, HAgar.; between left shoulder and neck, on rising from sleep 4 p.m., Chin, a.; in left side, ICon.; paralytic, in nape, with stiffness, ISul. 8®" bruised feel- ing, stiffness. Neck, startings: Arum m. Neck, sticking: in nape, as with a blunt needle in left side, disappears on sitting down, Tarax.; in nape, in rheumatism, I IPuls.; pain- ful, in right, near oesophagus, Jamb. SOT' pricking, stinging. Neck, stiffness: JEsc. h., HAgar, Ananth., I Arg. met, lArs., 11 Arum t, Bapt, IIBar. c, IIBell, Brach, ICale p, ICanth, Carb. s, HCaust, ICheb, ICinch., Con, Coral., Cup. ars., IFerr, Form, llnd, Jatroph, IILach, Lact. ac, IMagn. c, Menyanth, Merc iod. flav, IMez, Natr. a, INatr. c, IINitr. ac, IPetrol, IPhyt, IRhus, IRhus v., ISep, I ISil, ISpig, Squilla, Tarant, IZinc, Zing.; from cold air, lAct. rac; on side, when walk- ing in open air, ICamph.; in albuminuria, I INux v.; awoke in morning, I IPhyt.; of back, Apis, IKali c; back of, with headache, I IGraph.; back of, with headache and nausea, Zing.; from base, through muscles and cords, into brain, ISyph, on bending neck, I IHyos.; feels as stiff as a board, IPuls.; after cold, IDulc; from least cold, INitr. ae; from cold, muscles of shoulders and spine affected, IGuaiac; contracted, 11 Act. rac; cramplike, in left side, Zinc; cramplike, to vertex, ICale; from damp, cold air, IDulc; in diphtheria, IBrom., ILach, ILachn.; with drawing and tension (myelitis acuta), I ICalab.; with tense drawing in muscles, worse on motion, Var.; with dysmenorrhoea, ICale; feeling, Lyss.; in remittent fever, ICarbol. ae; of glands at back, ICinnab.; half-sided, Berb.; cannot bend head backward, I IStram.; with cold in head, preceded by beating in head, worse vertex and right side, with heat, I ILach.; head drawn one side (diphtheria, scarlet fever), I ILachn.; worse flexing head, Badiag.; on moving head, ICheb; in muscles of nape, when mov- ing head, IColoe; painful, to back of head, worse from least motion, 7rForm.; on turning head, Carbol. ac, Selen.; of one side, cannot turn head on account of pain, ISib; with head- ache, IBelb, I I Calc. a, I ICurar., ISang., ISil IVer.; with hoarseness, from cold, HNux v with heaviness, ICarbol. ae; in influenza lAnt. t, lEuphor.; tension as if laced, Glon with laming pain, Cycb; in chronic larvneitis IMere; leftside, I Ascl. t, Chrom. ac, IPuls' on left side, extending into ear, in'nowav impedes movement of neck, Thuva ; worse on moving head, left side, Ars. i.fon left side with headache, Zing.; left side, painful* 31. NECK AND BACK. 877 Brom.; in left, worse after walking and laugh- ing, IKali e; in cerebrospinal meningitis, ■Apis, ICed.; in tubercular meningitis, ILye; in morning, Asar, Bov, Brom, Lyss., IZinc; in morning, with coryza, ICale"; worse in morning and after eating, and from touch, INux v.; in morning, worse going out or moving, Ars. h.; on motion, ICoccul, IDros, I ISang, Zing.; on first moving, better during exercise, IRhus ; muscles feel too short, Cie; with difficult swallowing, ten days after cut on rightside of forehead (traumatic tetanus), INux v.; of nape, Anac,IBar. c. Bell.,Camph, TrCarbol. ac, ICarbo v. Dig, ILach, ILye, Mang, IMez, IPhos, I IPlat.; in nape (ca- tarrh), ILach.; in nape, in diphtheria, Illgn.; sensation in nape, extending into ear, in no way impedes movement of neck, Thuya ; sud- den, in nape, probably from exposure, IMere; in nape, on bending head, IKali bb; in nape, to head, Caust.; in nape, with headache, ICale, IGlon, 11 Myr. cer.; in nape, before nervous headache, llgn.; in nape, in morn- ing, Kali c, IRhod.; in nape, with paralytic sprained pain, ISub; in left half of nape, dur- ing periods of exacerbation, in prosopalgia, ICheb; nape rigid, cannot turn head to right, I ICinch. bob; in nape, with soreness of mus- cles of neck and shoulders, IPod.; in nape,in spinal irritation, IHep.; in nape, with wan- dering pains (rheumatism), HLac c; with nausea, Hyos.; in acute neuralgia, ILacc; neuralgic, in right side, down arm to wrist, Amyb; as far as occiput, IHelb; with pain in occiput, Vib.; in spasmodic constriction of oesophagus, IHyos.; in chronic otitis media, INatr. c.; painful, Ang, ILed, INatr.m.,Psor, ISpong, I IThuya ; painful, with chill (quotid- ian), 11 Puis.; painful, following pain in coccyx, asif ulcerated (rachitis coccygodynia), IPhos.; painful, in croup, ISpong.; pain, as if stiff in nape (typhoid fever), llgn.; pain, going over whole head and down nose, Lachn.; painful, in left side, ILaur.; painful, in left side, on turning head, Spong.; pain, on moving, ICoccul.; painful, on moving head towards shoulders, IBry.; pain, on moving neck and yawning, ICoccul.; painful, worse moving, lAcon.; painful, in nape, IDulc, IILaur, Thuya; pains shift to nape, with spasmodic rigidity, Caulo.; painful, in articular rheuma- tism I ISal. ae; painful, in right side, from touch and turning head, IBry.; painful, in right side, mostly on motion, IMez.; painful, especially after sleep,could scarcely moveneck, IManc; with paleness of skin (hydrocephalus acutus),'ICup. ac.;rheumatic, Guaiae, IMere; rheumatic, in nape, Bry., Caulo.; rheumatic, with neuralgic headache or diphtheria, I ILac c • with rheumatic pain in cervical vertebrae, ICale • rheumatic, right side, down arm to wrist,"Amyl.; rightside, IChel Elaps Lyss.; head drawn to right side, ILachn.; right side sore to touch, I ILach.; after dancing and cool- ins draughts from right side, IKali m.; worse on right side, and in bed after midnight, IPhvt • rigid, IFluor. ae, IHelb, Stram.; rigid, head drawn back, ITabae; rigid, on moving head, Como.; rigid, in cerebrospinal meningi- tis IHelb; rigid,worse right side (tetanic symp- toms) IHyper.; rigid, from overstraining at lifting with headache, ICale; sensation as if becoming stiff, both sides, above first dorsal vertebrae, towards noon, Pallad.; down to be- tween shoulders (oil) (catarrh), lApis; head inclined to left shoulder, shoulder raised, IIKali s.; in side, Dig.; only in one side, Benz. ae; of one side to small of back, worse moving, IGuaiac; after sleep, could scarcely move, Mane; sore feeling in nape, Vib.; in spinal irritation, ICoccul.; on stooping and turning head, Spong.; after stool, IPuls.; and swollen, one side, ILye; tensive, Cham.; pain- ful tension when moving, of rheumatic origin, from a draught, IIRhus; throat feels sore, Stram.; on turning head, Spong.; unable to turn all morning, Ang.; if turned around, IParis; with cracking of vertebrae on bending head backward, ISub; with sensation as if a weight were lying upon them, Vinca. 8®* tension, wry. Neck, stinging: Bar. c, Lyss.; with dulness in head, Calc.; in lower part, I Apis ; down right side towards shoulder blade, I IPhyt. Neck, stitches: Bov, INatr. in., ISul, Zinc; darting from side into upper arm, Berb.; into ear, Thuya ; fine, in suppurating pimples, Bar. e; frequent,in nape, left side, from scap- ula to occiput, IGuaiac; left side, transient, Spong.; in nape, Illgn, Lyss.; in nape, worse bending head back and forward, Badiag; in nap'e, on motion, Niccol.; in nape, in fungus haematodes, I IPhos.; in nape, at night, I INatr. s.; in nape, on stooping, ISub; in nape, tearing,Dig.; at night, IKalm.; in nape, prick- ling, ICarbo a.; in right side, Carbol. ae; in right side, rheumatic, I Apis; near right shoul- der, on motion, Camph.; in right, great, slow, just after awaking, pass off while swallowing, but soon return, Spong.; while speaking, ICale; pass off on swallowing, ISpong.; tear- ing, pass into each other, Zinc; along upper part, Lach. 8€^° lancinating. Neck, streaks: red or purplish, in meningitis, IBufo.; red, as in scarlet fever, with inflamed and swollen glands. IRhus. Neck, stretched : gg&° retracted. Neck, suppuration: 8®* abscess, boils, car- buncle, glands. Neck, suprasternal fossa: 8^" throat pit. Neck, sweat: Amyl, Ant. t, ICale, Euphor.; in children, Samb.; after diarrhoeic stool, Como.; copious, exhausting, HCale; from least motion, HCinch.; after first nap (phthi- sis), ILach.; on nape, HCale, ISub; at night, ICale; only on neck, Cann. s.; in ophthal- mia, ICon.; profuse, IIMed.; profuse, during sleep, Med.; goes off with sleep (croup), I ISamb.; sour smelling, Bell.; warm, ICheb; warm, profuse, in colic, IColoe; with weak- ness, Como. Neck, swelling: .Esc h, I Ars", IIBell, Croc, IILach, IMere, I IMere cor,llSpong, I IVer., Vespa ; bulbous, ISib; of cellular tissue (scar- latina), IBar. e; about old cicatricial tissues, result of scrofulous abscesses, HSib; of cords, with aching in base of brain, Med.; in diph- theria, IMere iod. flav., I ITarant; cellular tissue, infiltrated in diphtheria. IMere cy.; accompanying eczematous eruption after any severe exertion, Psor.; emphysematous,Lyss.; enormous, in Hodgkin's disease, I ISyph.; fatty, from ear to ear, • 4mm. m.; feels swol- len, if turned around, Paris; on nape, over 878 31. NECK AND BACK. whole head, redness, pain, as from ulceration, glands swollen, Bar. c; hard, from injury to oesophagus, ICie; sensation of inward, Berb.; lateral muscles appear swollen to him (peri- odic neuralgia), IChin. s.; left side, IKali bb; left side, almost even to jaw, 11 Lac c; in left side, suppurated abscess opened with lancet, discharges foul and copious pus (after scarlet fever), ILach.; leftside smooth, livid, touch- ing causes suffocative sensation (bronchocele), ILach.; hard lumps extend to left side, gouty subject, I ISib; before menses, Iod.; worse at night, 11 Phos.; from wounding oesophagus with splinter, ICie; painful, Bell.; painful, on left, side,Lobel. i.; painful,in nape,Bell.; in seventh month of pregnancy, in a woman with albu- minuria,dropsy,headache,etc,I ICEnan.;puffy, down both sides, I I Lach.; puffy, in scarlatina, IIAmm. e; Crotal.; skin, color of a red rose, generally morningandduringdayand evening (headache), ILac def; red streak on left side, Mang.; rheumatic, IMere; right side, red and burning, Vespa ; great, sensitive, in scarlatina, HAilant; of sides, IIMerc; subcutaneous (diphtheria),lApis; large,suppurating,on right side, Sul. ac; followed by suppuration, there- upon formation of callous, fistulous openings, from which oozed a serous discharge, ILye; when talking, Iod.; thickened feeling of muscles, Ailant.; whitish, violently itching (paralysis), I Apis. BST" abscess, glands, tumors. Neck, tearing : ICham, Lyss, Zinc; in back, up forward to frontal region, ICaust.; on bending back ward,Psor. ;burning,toleftaxilla, I I Stram.; duringchill, Ars. h.; cutting,IKali e; drawing, pains to insertion of deltoid muscles (rheu- matic ophthalmia), ILed.; to elbow,ILye; in faceache,IAnae;intohead,ICamph.; in nape, leftside, before midnight, Sub; frequent, vio- lent, in left side, always disappearing on press- ure^ morning,Zine; inmuscles, Bry, I Canth , ICarbo v.; in nape, IIAcon.; in nape, extends halfway down back, worse night in bed, must rise, IRhod.; in nape, with oppression and shortness of breath, particularly when lying (rheumatism), ILye; in nape, in paroxysms, evening, I INux v.; in nape, to head, Canth.; in nape, on bending head forward, Camph.; in nape, up either side to top of head, ILach.; in muscles of nape, Carbo v.; with rheuma- tism, INux v.; in right side, posteriorly, I IZinc; in sides, alternating with tearing in cheek, Amm. m.; sticking posteriorly and in- feriorly in a small spot in right side, Zinc; in nape, tension as if tendons were drawn up, Stront.; tensive pains, IIPuls.; in nape, pain to vertex when it is throbbing, worse from motion or stooping, better lying still, IGlon.; better in warmth, worse cold, worse getting up in morning, IStram. B^T" neuralgia, rheumatism. Neck, tension : IBar. e, Berb, Glon, IZinc; in back, as if cords were breaking, IILyc; drawing in nape, Thuya; to ears, when mov- ing head, Plumb.; accompanying eczematous eruption, after any severe exertion, Psor.; with bending head backward (meningitis), ISpong.; in left side of nape, before midnight, Sub; before menses, Iod, I INatr. e; of mus- cles, I lAgar., HCic, 11 Viol.; in anterior cer- vical muscles, Zinc; in muscles of nape, ICheb; in muscles, as if too short on bending neck, 11 Hyos.; as if muscles were too short, even at rest, especially stooping, Aur. met.; in nape, Bry., Con.; in nape, on motion, Niccol.; in nape, extends as far as shoulders, I llpec ; in nape, feels as if too short, after waking in morning, must cry out with pain, worse during rest, Sub; in nape, with stitches, particularly in morning on rising, with great sensitive- ness to touch, better by walking, Magn. s.; with nausea, worse in evening, when sitting in room and when becoming cold, better in open air and when becoming warm, Mosch.; numb sensation in nape close to occiput, as if tightly bound,IPlat; painful, on turning head, Spong.; painful, in left side of nape, Thuya ; painful, in left side near thyroid cartilage, on turning head to right, Spong.; painful, in muscles, with sensation as if a weight were ly- ing upon them, Vinca ; painful, in nape, ILye, IPuls.; painful, in muscles of nape and lower portion, worse motion, Camph.; pain- ful, in right side, Thuya ; painful, on stoop- ing, ICanth.; in nape, rheumatic fever, IRhus; in right side, Meph., Zinc; particularly right side, on bending head backward, Spong.; long continued, in right side, drew body to right side, ICaust; with stiffness, IStaph.; in mus- cles, felt even when swallowing, Colch.; tight- ening around (cerebrospinal meningitis), IGlon. 8®* stiff. wry. Neck, thin : BesT" emaciated. Neck, throat-pit (suprasternal fossa): bruised feeling, after expectorating, Arund.; as if a button were stuck fast, ILach.; choking on falling asleep, Vab; constricted feeling, with constant desire to cough, ICham.; constric- tion, after anger, worse when swallowing, ■Staph.; constrictive sensation above, causes cough, llgn.; contraction, better when bending neck, Phos. ac; spasmodic cramplike feeling, like a pressure from below upward, or as when swallowing, Zinc; drawing, roughness or stinging when coughing or sneezing, Bor.; dryness, Cale a.; irritation to cough, I I Apis, Card, m.; irritation causes cough, in catarrhal aphonia, IRumex ; lump, with asthma, ILo- bel. b; as of a small lump like a button, feels as if it might loosen, but does not, IILach.; oppression, ILobel. b; pain extends to root of tongue, and to hyoid bone, and to left tragus, behind which it shoots out, ILach.; as if pressed against trachea, Brom.; pressure, after anger, worse when swallowing, IStaph.; pressure, asif something had stuck there, JEsc'. h.; pricking, above, ISpong.; soreness, I Apis; internal soreness, worse in morning, lArg. nit.; constantly recurring needlelike stitches, externally, in lower part (goitre), Spong.; sensation of fumes of sulphur or dust causes hollow, spasmodic cough, llgn.; as if some- thing were swollen and would suffocate him cannot be swallowed, IILach.; constant tick- ling, IPhos.; tickling causes cough, llgn. ILach, I IPhos., IRumex, ISang.; constant tickling, worse on expiration, Hod.; tickling worse at night, ICham.; tickling, to be- hind sternum and stomach, causes dry in- cessant, fatiguing cough, IIRumex ; titillat- ing, with lisping voice, causing paroxysms of coughing, ICon. Neck, throbbing: Glon.; in back of, then to 31. NECK AND BACK. 879 sides, worse on stooping or moving, IFerr.; in dysmenorrhoea, HVer.v.; thence overhead to forehead, with burning on vertex, IPhos.; left side, Codein.; in mania, IBelb; in nape, better when bending head backward, Lvss.; in nape, before menses, INitr. ac; in nape, with mental disturbance, I IStaph.; in nape, with painfulness to touch, Daph.; to occiput, Cheb; pain, better after rising, lEup. pert; pain, preventing writing, Mane; nape to left shoulder, extends over head, motion of head towards right, causes pain to shoot to right, HApis; of vessels, IBell. g^° carotids. Neck, tightness: b@* tension. Neck, trembling: Ang, IMere viv. Neck, tumor: encysted, both sides, IBrom.; re- current fibroid, size of a hen's egg, and hard, on left side, better on wrapping up, ISib; large fungous excrescence back of left ear, one inch and a half in diameter and about same from base to top, tender and vascular, bleeding from slightest touch (fungus haema- todes), IIThuya; lipoma, with hectic fever, IPhos.; malignant, Calc p.; discharges yellow pus, See ; sarcoma, burning, IBar. e; studded with, ICist.; swelling, size of a hazelnut, burning, fiery red, pointed, hard (carbuncle), lAnthrac; lump size of a walnut, movable, itches occasionally, Tuberc. 8^° gland. Neck, twanging: like wires, in left, followed by burning, as if losing her reason, IKali bi. Neck, twitching: in cords, which looked like wires, with neuralgia, in paroxysms, in head, after profuse menses, IIMed.; in lower por- tion of side, Tarax.; in muscles, I Agar, Zing.; in muscles of right, while lying, Spong.; of muscles, better on moving shoulders up and down (irritability of cerebrospinal system), I IRan. b.; of right side (pregnancy), I Agar.; sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle, in rigbt (men- ingitis), Carbol. ac. Neck, ulcerative pain: during cough, Caps. Neck, ulcers: lAst. r,- scrofulous, left side, two inches broad, extending from border of hair to clavicle, edges hard and elevated, lAst. r.; small and scattered about, ILach. Neck, uneasiness: in muscles, Ang.; with in- clination to stretch neck, Calab. Neck, veins: distended, ISpong.; jugular, dis- tended, ICamph.; distended, in inflammation of lungs, I Aeon.; distended, in puerperal con- vulsions, IChin. s.; jugular, murmur, IPuls.; jugular, murmur in left, IFerr.; jugular, strong pulsations, venous murmur (menses irregular), IDig.; swollen, IOp.; swollen, in asthma, I ITabae; swollen, with cough, after catching cold (chronic bronchitis), IKali bb; indura- tion of jugular, in pregnancy, I llpec Neck, vertigo: with complaints, ICale p. Neck' vibration : inward, from neck into limbs, ICamph. . Neck wandering pains: in nape, with stiff- ness (rheumatism), I ILac c. Neck warts: with horny excrescence in centre, ISep- several old, IIThuya; pedunculated pinhe'ad (hereditary syphilis),I ISyph.; small, I INitr. ac; soft to touch, like lipoma and pointed, IIThuya. Neck weakness: Am., Ars. met, Coccul., 11 Viol • in back part, Cact.; with heaviness of head, I ICoccul.; cannot hold head up, in whooping cough, meningitis, IVer.; muscles do not support head steadily, Am.; in nape, Stann.; ofnape,head inclines forward, I IPlat.; and tired feeling, cannot support head, IGlon.; and weariness, I \JEsc. h. Neck, -weariness: Bapt, Chim. m.; cannot hold head easily in any position, Bapt.; of nape, as from a heavy load, I Paris ; on motion, evening and night especially, Aeon.; of nape, tired from writing, or any exertion, IZinc; painful, in neuralgia, ILach.; pains as if wearied by too great effort, I I Zinc. Neck, whiteness: deathlike, I IPic. ac. Neck, wry (torticollis): Ars., IIBell,Calc, Cina, Cinch, bob, IColch, Dulc. ,Eup. pur., Lac c, ILach., I ILachn., I ILye, INux v.,IRhus, ISul.; in cattle, JEsc. g.; contraction of muscles on one side, twisting neck to one side, IHyos.; in diphtheria and scarlet fever, I ILachn.; after fright, due to spinal disease, INux v.; of left side, IILyc; turned obliquely, IHyos.; drawn , to right shoulder (chorea), ICup.m.; twisted to right shoulder by hard swelling (after scar- latina), I Aur. mur.; drawn towards right side (heart disease), ILye; from spondylitis sub- occipitalis, Asaf, Mez., Natr. m, Phos, Sib, Sub; twisted by hard swelling to right shoulder (after scarlatina), HCon.; head drawn to one side by swellings in, ICist. 8@~ stiff. SACRUM, aching: ICale p., Fluor, ac, 11 Jamb., IPhyt, I IPtel, 11 Sib,Variol, Zing.; across, IGels.; also into buttocks, IHelon.; burning and tired, IHelon.; constant, worse walking and stooping, II^Esc. h.; dragging pains, with prolapsus uteri, IHelon.; dull, IIGels.; violent, like a gathering in a small spot, steady throbbing, worse night, and hin- ders sleep, better day, when up and walking about, but unable to lift anything, IKali bb; follows pains, in all directions, through head, with violent and continuous vomiting, Med.; dull, into kidneys, Eup. pur.; in leucorrhcea, I^Esc. h.; heavy, before menses, IVib.; dull, around side of pelvis, lasts seven hours after stool, HSub; in evening, better by pressure, ISep.; in sciatica, lAct. rac; sore, HAgar.; in spermatorrhoea, ISib; in sacro-iliac symphysis, worse from motion, liEse h.; constant, into thighs, I ILil. tig.; at top, Cup. m.; dull, worse walking, JEsc. h. 8®" dull pain, pain un- defined. Sacrum, after-pains: 8®* labor-pain. Sacrum, anaesthesia: in a certain part no sen- sibility, IPhos. Sacrum, bearing down: 8€iP" pressing. Sacrum, boils: painful furuncle, ^Ethus. Sacrum, boring: Calad. Sacrum, feeling as if broken: with cough, IPhos.; in metritis, I Ars.; as if back would give way at point of sacro-iliac symphysis (uterine complaints), I yEsc h.; in sacro-iliac symphysis, as if separated in walking, ICale p. Sacrum, bruised feeling: 11 Eup. perf, IFluor. ac, INatr. s, Sabad, IVer.; as if beaten, HAgar., IIBry, INatr. m.; in sacro-lumbar region, Coccus; lying on side, Act sp.; pain in, as if one had been lying on too hard a couch (coccygodynia), IMere; in morning, Calad.; in sacro-iliac symphysis, to lower limbs, standing, sitting or lying causes limp- ing when walking, I IHep. 8ST" soreness. 880 31. NECK AND BACK. Sacrum, burning: Coloe; at 4 p.m., Lachn.; in- tense, HLac def; steady, after several pre- mature labors, I IThuya ; menses, passive flow, ICarbo v.; with retarded menses, pains from motion, better lying down, IPod.; with rash after confinement, ICup. m.; between scapu- lae, Thuya; along course of sciatic nerve, be- hind great trochanter of right leg, worse from warmth of bed (ischias), IColoe; near sacro- iliac symphysis, Rumex; in uterine conges- tion, IFerr. B®*" heat. Sacrum, burrowing: Calad. Sacrum, chill: over back, I IKali iod.; runs to base of occiput, IGels.; descends to posterior part of thigh in morning, Stront. Sacrum, chilliness: IIPuls.; constantly creeps up to back without subsequent heat or thirst, ISub; during menses, IPuls. Sacrum, coldness: Benz. ae; flying along side of vertebrae over whole body, alternating with heat, Camph.; skin feels cold, Arg. met. Sacrum, cramplike pain: Ananth.; in prolap- sus uteri, IBell. Sacrum, creeping: to coccyx, in bone, later in bones of whole body, Aloe. Sacrum, cutting: Guaraea; better by heat, ISul.; in left outer side, shooting up and down, IIKali bb; during menses, I ISenecio; in morning, Alb sat.; in muscle just above sacro- iliac symphysis, on left side, Gamb.; across top, Gamb.; in prolapsus uteri, IBell. B^gP" lancinating. Sacrum, digging: Calad. Sacrum, dislocated feeling: 11 Agar. Sacrum, dragging: painful, ISep.; painful, towards, ICarbo v.; weakness, with prolapsus. Sacrum, drawing: Ast. r.; in intermittent, ■ Ante; in liver affections, ICheb; painful, Diose; painful, during menses, Zing.; painful, prevents erect position, after long sitting, Thuya ; dull pain on upper part, place size of a hand, interferes with respiration, swells and feels as if something were filled up, Ars. h.; piercing, to uterus, IHelon.; radiates over body and limbs, IDiosc; to right side of scrobicu- lum (gastralgia), ICheb; into thighs, I INux v.; in prolapsus uteri, IBell. Sacrum, dull pain : Ham, ISep.; across, ILil. tig.; constant, in sacrum and hips, I Ascl. h.; symphysis of right ilium and sacrum, while standing, Spong. Sacrum, feeling as if falling apart: sacro- iliac synchondrosis, wants to be bound tightly (hemorrhage). Trill. Sacrum, fluttering: sense of, like movements of a watch, commencing region of, and grad- ually rising to occiput, 101. jec. Sacrum, gurgling sensation: dull, in sacral bone, Ang. Sacrum, heat: I ISars, I ISub; in prolapsus uteri, I ISep. 8®* burning. Sacrum, heaviness: constant, dull, painful, IPhyt.; dull, painful, in region of sacro-iliac symphysis, Diose; down along pelvis and hips, Arg. nit.; while sitting, better by motion, Aloe; constant, dull, painful, to thighs and legs, ISep.; weight, lAct. rac; weight, in lower part, better standing, worse sitting and at stool, Arg. nit.; weight, in uterine conges- tion, IFerr. Sacrum, itching: prickling, when walking, 11 Merc. Sacrum, labor-pains: IPuls.; laborlike, in can- cer uteri, ICarbo a.; laborlike, to crest of ilium or around to uterus, with leucorrhoea after parturition, HSars.; into thigh, Cham.; after-pains pass around pubes and down thighs, ISub; after instrumental delivery, IHyper. Sacrum, lameness: ICale p., HSib; in pneu- monia, I Ant. t; worse resting after exercise, IRhus; left sacro-iliac articulation, Como. 8@~ numbness. Sacrum, lancinating : Ananth, IZinc. B^'cut- ting, stitches. Sacrum, numbness: ICale p. Plat; asleep, cannot get up from seat, ICale p.; painful, down legs (dysmenorrhoea), IGraph. 8®*" lameness. Sacrum, pain: Absin, I Act. rac, I ICheb, ICimex, I lEup. pert, Iod, IKali c, I Lobel. i, Med,l IPsor, Sarrae, ISep.; across, Lactu. v.; sudden, at 4 p.m., with discharge of clear mu- cus from vagina (false labor-pains), IIPuls.; beginning of uterine cancer, IBelb; in cardi- algia biliosa, ILobel. b; with chill, IINux v.; after confinement, IPhos.; continual (coccygo- dynia), ILach.; when coughing, ICheb; with crawlingand stitching,IGraph.; in chronic di- arrhoea, Cup. ars.; distressing, beneath, ILept.; especially during exertion in day and while sitting, HAgar.; in extremity (hydrometra), I ISep.; after a fall (traumatic periostitis of sac- rum and lower vertebrae), I ISib; during fever, I Ars.; with fever (suppression of menses), ILobel. b; in typhus, IBapt.; from flatus, Agnus ; through to front, llgn.; in gastralgia, Arg. nit.; in hemorrhoidal colic, lAbrot.; in hemorrhoids, IBerb.; in hemorrhoids and dysentery, ICaps.; and hip (prolapsus uteri), I^Esc. h.; across hips, HSep.; across hips, lasting all day, Lyss.; pain through hips and thighs to below knee, with weakness and las- situde when moving, especially going upstairs, as if limbs would refuse to act before reaching top, Sep.; severe, to hips, terminates in uterus, I ITarant; to below knee, has to loosen garter and lie down, Cimex ; after labor, IPhos.; like labor-pains, IKali c, IKreo.; with lame- ness and stiffness, IHelon.; through legs into feet, worse sitting, 7rKob.; from lifting, ISang.; violent, when lifting, takes her breath, Anag.; after overlifting, ICale; violent, to lumbar region (lumbago), IIAnt. t; to lumbar region and across left ilium to superior spinal process, throbbing, worse pressure over lower verte- brae (traumatic periostitis of sacrum and lower vertebrae), I ISib; cannot lie on either side, I INatr. s.; lying on back,morning in bed, Ign.; during menses, IPuls.; violent, in chronic me- tritis, lAnt t; threatened miscarriage, lAct. rac; across, worse on motion, Form.; in myel- itis, See; severe, pelvic, commences in pass- ing forward and down to right knee, Sep.- in pneumonia,IAnt. t; with pollutions, IGraph.- during pregnancy, IXan.; severe, extending to pubes (dysmenorrhoea), ILaur.; to pubes, during menses, caused bv hemorrhoids with discharge of bright red blood, ISabina; to pubes, in pregnancy, ISabina ; worse dur- ing rest, INux m.; while riding in a carriage INux m.; worse rising from a seat, ILye : in left sacro-iliac articulation, running into groin (labor, pregnancy), IThuya; sharp and 31. NECK AND BACK. SSI sore, came on as soon as she went to bed, IIPuls.; to shoulders, worse from labor (fis- tula in ano), IBerb.; violent, could not sit (spinal disease), lApis; when sitting, Asaf.; worse sitting or bending backward, IPuls.; disturbs sleep, Lith.; soreness through to pubes, ILyss.; during stool, IPod.; with ur- gency to stool, Amm. ben.; worse during and after stool, IPod.; cannot straighten himself, IKali bb; from a strain while lifting a heavy weight (orchitis), IIPuls.; intense, across su- persacral region, right nates, down right sci- atic nerve, prevents sleep, HLac e; severe, from ileo-sacral symphysis, down leg, Act. rac.; in sacro-iliac symphysis, lameness, worse walking, I^Esc. h.; in region of sacro-iliac synchondrosis, 1101. jec; passing into right thigh, worse when pressing at stool, cough- ing and laughing (sciatica), Tell.; down thighs (uterine hemorrhage), ISee; at top, with nau- sea, Lil. tig.; about upper part, worse at night, IHelon.; with frequent urging to urin- ate (diarrhoea), ICup. ars.; when urinating, Graph.; in prolapsus uteri, ILil. tig, IPod, HSep.; in uterine displacement, IPod.; in uterine troubles, IIAlum.; to uterus, Helon.; commencing internally and apparently com- ing around to uterus, Syph.; violent, Ars. h.; violent, in relapse of intermittent, I Ars.; a kind of weakness, in morning, Calad. 8^"aching. Sacrum, paralysis: feeling of, IKalm.; para- lytic condition, IGels. Sacrum, paralytic pain : drawing into thigh, Cham.; down along pelvis and hips, Arg. nit. Sacrum, piercing pain : Sub; as from knives in middle, while sitting in evening, INatr. s. Sacrum, pinching pain : with hysterical spasm, Caust. Sacrum, pressing feeling : Anag, Cann. s, llgn, ISee, IZinc; bearing down, with ineffectual urging to stool, IINuxv.; bearing down, Bell, Berb, Merc, per.; bearing down towards, with chronic parenchymatous metritis, INux v.; bearing down, as if parts would be forced out, worse in moving, Sec; as if bones would be forced asunder, worse sitting and lying, IBerb.; burning, ICepa; deep internal, when severe, worse sitting and lying, IBerb.; drag- ging pain, ISep.; pain, dull, feeling of press- ure and fatigue from long stooping, extends around hips and down right leg, Bapt; often placed hand as if to support 1101. jec; sacro- iliac articulation, in left, with tingling in sole of foot, Coloe; sacro-iliac articulation inter- mittent outward, pain in left, better by walk- ing Como.; in sacro-iliac symphysis, sharp, to lower limbs, sitting, standing or lying, causes limping when walking, I IHep.; like a heavy load, as if it would burst, Agar.; all nizht, awakens her, Ang.; painful, as if broken, in upper part, IINux v; painful as from fatigue, in evening, IPuls.; painful, in right side later to middle of back (repeated eight time's), Lyss.; painful, tensive, on stepping, Aeon.; painful, only while walking and particularly on setting down left foot Spong.; while sitting, better by motion, Aloe; con- stant, uninterrupted pressure to stool felt in, this pressure, though distressing, seems utter- ly ineffectual (dysentery), IMere. cor.; causing tensive pains in thighs, IPuls.; m uterine con- gestion, IFerr. 56 Sacrum, pulling feeling : and pain as if menses were coming on, Med.; in prolapsus uteri, IBelb Sacrum, rheumatic pain: 1101. jee; after heat is relieved, Aur. met.; affects muscles, I IZinc; while stooping, felt as if something cracked across sacrum, cannot stoop or move for pain which remains during rest, but worse on movement of trunk or legs, IKali bi. Sacrum, sensitive : left sacro-iliac articulation to pressure, Como.; in affection of sympathetic nervous system, HPhos.; extreme tenderness, least pressure unbearable, ILobel. b; right side painful to touch, Phell. Sacrum, sharp pains: Calc p., IColoe Sacrum, shocks: with rash after confinement, ICup. m. Sacrum, shooting: between hips, Sib; down outside of both hips, IPhyt.; he must keep quiet, worse from motion, Coloe Sacrum, soreness: Sarrae, ISep.; of left iliac articulation, Como.; painful, near iliac sym- physis, Rumex; before menses, ISpong.; to shoulders, worse from labor (fistula in ano), IBerb.; spot as if ulcerated, sensitive to touch, IColch. 8®° bruised feeling. Sacrum, sticking: along course of sciatic nerve, behind great trochanter of right leg, down as far as knee, worse from warmth of bed (ischias), IColoe; flying along vertebrae over whole body, alternating with heat, Camph. Sacrum, stiffness: Ananth., HApis; worse on resting after exercise, IRhus; bending or be- ginning motion, extending to hip joint and thigh, as if sinews were too short, ILach.; painful, especially rising from a chair, HCaust.; down along pelvis and hips, Arg. nit.; cannot walk straight, Rheum. Sacrum, stinging: burning, tearing, prevents sleep, I ISil. Sacrum, stitches: ILith, I INitr. ac; to anus, Asaf; burning, causing one to start, I IMur.ac; constant, Berb.; on a small spot between sac- rum and left ilium, with slightest motion, ICale p.; to loins, Aloe; needlelike, Chim. m.; in pertussis, IBry.; sudden, violent, walk- ing in open air, I Agar.; when wralking, Calad. 8®" lancinating. Sacrum, sweat: cold, Plant. Sacrum, tearing : along course of sciatic nerve, behind great trochanter of right leg as far as knee, worse from warmth of bed, IColoe; fine, while sitting only, passing right to left side and upward, Spong.; especially near spine, ILye Sacrum, tension : Sul., IZinc; to left hip, pain as if muscles were too short, Caust.; pressive, deep internal when severe, worse sitting and lying, IBerb. Sacrum, throbbing: I ISars.; constant, Berb.; in evening, Tabae Sacrum, tired feeling : after exciting dreams, in morning, Lyss. Sacrum, ulcers: hard, black, bedsores, lArg. nit; decubitus, in typhoid, IZinc; skin, vitality of destroyed by pressure (sacral sores), IPaeonia ; after typhoid, lArs. Sacrum, weakness: Lyss., IZinc; in sacro- iliac region, ISep.; in sacro-iliac symphysis, as if bones were loose, Arg. nit; at nitiht, ILith.; with numbness and aching in head, IPhos. 882 31. NECK AND BACK. Sacrum, wrenched feeling: ICale. Sacrum, -writhing: radiating over body and limbs, IDiosc. SCAPUL51, aching: Calc. p.; to arms, ^Ethus.; between,^Eseh., ILye, INuxv.; con- tinual, IPhyt; dull under right, Ziz.; dull, alternating with sharp pain beneath right, Bry.; in left, I IPtel.; on inner border of left to neck, moving arm or leaning to left, Brom.; under left, extends into left lung, worse on expiration, Sep.; with subacute inflammation of liver, iHydr.; at posterior lateral margins, generally worse on left side, Ziz.; pressive, on right, later on left, Tell.; worse from least pressure, ICinch.; in right (functional de- rangement of liver), I ISep.jhot, beneath right, with cough (morbus Brightii), ILye vir.; ten- sive, between (myelitis), ISul. Scapulae, boils: INitr.ac; large boil between, with gangrene of legs, I Hod. Scapulae, boring : Cornus. Scapulae, feel as if broken: Ananth. Scapulae, bruised pain: IKreo, I IMere, Mere iod. flav.; between, Amm. m.; as if beaten in front and outside towards shoulder joint, ex- tends to elbow, Berb.; asif beaten in right, Arn.; worse in rest, IILyc; in right, ICie; in right, or as if dislocated, Aloe ; from right, to shoulder joint, Berb. g®~ aching, sore- ness. Scapulae, burning: ICarbo v., I IRob.; between, IGlon., IPhos.; between, in myelitis, ISub; as from hot coals between, worse in sum- mer, I ILye; in left, Amb, Zinc; under left, ICund.; from pimples, below right, Cist.; in right, ICarbo, v., Lachn.; below and to right, Pallad.; in and behind right, and tending towards ribs, Asaf; in skin of right, Zinc; in spinal irritation, IZinc; as from stitches, INux v.; before vomiting, 11 Rhus ; in muscles, about lower margin, in women who follow sedentary employments, often over a small space, greatly worse by long-continued needlework or writing,Ran. b. B@^- smarting. Scapulae, chills: spread over back, Diose; begin between, IRhus. Scapulae, chilliness: between, IIEup. pur.; between, in asthma, ICaps. Scapulae, coldness: between, IINatr. c.; sen- sation of an icy cold hand, between (hyste- ria), HSep.; as from a piece of ice between, better by heat (intermittent fever), I IPuls.; between, in pulmonary affections, lAmm.m.; as if touched by ice, Agar.; as if cold wind were blowing on parts between, Caust. Scapulae, constrictive pain: IIMagn. m.; be- tween, in diphtheria, IMere cy. Scapulae, contracting feeling: in muscles of right, Brach. Scapulae, contractive pain: IIGuaiac; from superior angle to seventh dorsal vertebrae, drawing shoulders back tight as if bones would be crushed, worse moving shoulders, neck, or arms, Med. Scapulae, cramplike pain : in inner angle (con- gestion of liver), ICheb; between, during motion, llpec; between, with palpitation, HPhos.; in internal border of right, Chel. Scapulae, cutting: to anterior part of chest, IGlon.; below, Asaf.; between, IHyper.; from left into chest, catching breath, ILye; incis- ive pain, between, passing through to ster- num, with sensation of pressure or constric- tion to chest, in afternoon, I ILac e; under left, Hyper.; sharp across, IGlon. Scapulae, darting: caused by dry, hacking cough, Med.; from left to shoulder and mam- ma, Grat. 8®°" lancinating, stitches. Scapulae, distress: between, IPhos.; in right (functional derangement of liver), I ISep. Scapulae, drawing: ICaust., Nitr. sp. d.; below, Asaf; between, IHep, ILye; between, in open air, Natr. e; between, necessitates lying down, lArs.; painful between, Calend., IPuls.; in left, Card, m., Squilla; in left, worse in morning, Chrom. ac; painful, in left, 11 Ptel.; painful, close under left, for a few moments, while standing, 11 Millef.; in muscles, as if something in them were drawn back and forth, more spasmodic than painful, INux v.; painful, ICale, Cham, Sub; internally, in region of right, as if nerves and vessels were made tense, IColoe; between right and spinal column, Bell.; on inner margin of right, Card. m. Scapulae, dull pain : in inferior angles, in morn- ing, on awaking, Chrom. ae; at inner angle of left, during evening, Chrom. ae; below, Asaf; between, IPhos.; heavy, continuous, in left, Cund.; along inner edge of left, worse from breathing, ISang.; under right, Ind. Scapulae, eruption: blisters on right, tensive, burning, scurf forms, Amm. m.; miliary spots on right, Sumb.; pimples, Berb.; single pim- ple, filling with pus, then drying up and dis- appearing between, Coccul.; small, painful, non-suppurating tubercles on right, Amm.m.; red vesicle on right, painful to touch, ICie Scapulae, gnawing : Phos. ac. Scapulae, gurgling: in right, with chilly feeling, Tarax. Scapulae, heat: ICheb; between, IPhos.; warmth between scapulae and sternum, Arg. nit. BST* burning. Scapulae, itching: inleft, I IForm.; below and toright,Pallad.; over left, Ipom.;between,Arg. met.; on right, Anag.; over right, Diose Scapulae, jerking: Cale p.; painful, above left, Squilla. Scapulae, lameness: Apis ; on bending forward when walking, Apis ; in right, 11 Amyl. Scapulae, lancinating: below, worse throwing shoulders back and chest forward, or from any contortion of body, Badiag.; under left, I IRob. 8®* darting, shooting, stitches. Scapulae, neuralgia: beneath,Tereb. 8®*"tear- ing. Scapulae, oppression: in right, extending through thorax to sternum, ICheb Scapulae, pain : Arund,Calep,ICarbo v, Vespa; at acromion process of left, lAspar.; worse in afternoon, and leaning back, Cochl.; at lower angle of left, worse taking deep inspiration, Uran. n.; under inner and lower angle of right (pregnaney), ICheb; on moving arm, IKali m.; below, Calc p, Ver.; between, Amm. c; Calc. p., IPhos.; along breast, has to straighten, Bov.; under, cannot take full breath, Cup. ars.; between, with colic (amenorrhcea), I Amm. e; constant between, Sep.; deep, in lower portion of left, I IDiosc'; between, drawing to small of back, IDros.; between, in drunkards, and in suppressed 31. NECK AND BACK. 883 menses, IIArs.; from epigastrium, Badiag.; in intermittent fever, lElat.; between, he inclines forward for relief, worse from inspiration, it passes gradually around in front to ninth and tenth ribs, Natr. a.; from sore spot below left to heart, with violent palpitation, Med.; on inhaling, ^Esc. h.; worse during inspiration, JEsc. h.; under, worse by inspiration, IPuls.; lower angle of left, I ICheb; below left, Act. rac, Aph. ch, Arund, Daph.; below left, with cough, ISticta; below left, with palpitation, ICact; in left, Chrom. ac; in left, seemingly from left mamma, Lil. tig.; deep seated, with distress in left, better stand- ing and walking, Chrom. ae; along inner edge of left, extends below inferior angle or through lower half of left side of thorax, IRan. b.; severe, about superior margin of left, Jalap.; to left, from heart, Aloe ; under left, Ailant.; under left, as if a piece of flesh were being twisted out, with cutting under ribs of left side, after ineffectual urging to stool, Cornus ; under lower angle of left, worse from motion or breathing, Cup. ars.; com- mencing under left, running down left arm to little finger, which pricked as if asleep, I IMed.; under left, three days, then eruption on axilla of affected side (herpes zoster), IDolich.; under left, around to front and down to groin, paroxysms brought on by lying down, had to sit upright (intercostal neural- gia), IMagn. p.; momentary, under left, Daph.; severe, under left, Ind.; under left, till zona broke out, Dolich.; at outer margin, I ICheb; in vicarious menses, IDig.; in morning, Chrom. ae; under motion, with chill, Sang.; extending into neck, with tension, IColoe; over and below, 11 Var.; moved down to pelvis, Chrom. ac; under point, between shoulders, extending to loins, Oxal. ae; in right, worse from motion of arm, better pressing part against something hard, Bapt.; below right, worse in evening, after exertion, deep inspiration and moving right arm, better by pressure and lying, especially on right side, pain extends over a spot as large as a palm, extends to corresponding parts of left side, when severe, 11 Ruta; in right, towards back, as after blow or fall, Arn.; in riarts, Cist.; in joints, worse at night and when ying on left side (rheumatism),IPhos.; inleft metacarpal bones, JEsc. h.; in right metacar- pus, sometimes left, at regular intervals, Anag.; in muscles, IClem.; painful, ICina, Sub; painful, in flexor muscles, Ham.; painful, in back of left metacarpus, extending towards wrist, Viol.; painful, in rheumatism, I IPuls.; painful, in tendons and back of right, Ferr. iod.; painful, upward, ILed.; in palm of right, Rhus ; rheumatic, in first joint of fourth fin- ger on left, Card, m.; in right, Ast. r.; in right, extends to all parts, worse after midnight (rheumatism), IIRhus. BfiT* rheumatism. Hands, dropsy : fi^T* swelling. Hands, dryness: 11 Anac, Bar. c, Bell, ICale p, Clem., IIHep, ILye, I IPtel., ISub; on back, and cool, Lobel b; as if be had been in cold, Cepa ; skin of dorsa (eczema), INatr. e; in heart disease, HOp.; with heat, ISabad.; dry and hot, feverish pulsations, JEsc. h.; in inflammation of bowels in dentition, I Acet. ae; of palms, Badiag, Bism.; dry, Chin, a. Ham.; especially of palms, ILye; in palms, with giddiness, 11 Sabad.; in palms, in kidney trouble, Cann. s.; parchmentlike, Crotal.; even in mild weather, IZinc; as if withered, unless they are rubbed with fat, 11 Rhus. aSP"" burning, heat. Hands, dull pain : deep seated, Chrom ae; in right, to fingers, Elat. Hands, emaciation : IPhos, Sel. Hands, enchondroma: on right, I ISib Hands, eruption: Anthrok, Med., IIPuls.; acne, on back, ISib; on backs and irri- tation, ICale; on back, halfway up to elbow, itching, worse by scratching (eczema), IMez.; blisterlike, on palm, IRan. b.; blister oc- curs annually, IBufo.; bluish blisters, filled with red or yellow fluid (panaritium, chil- blains), ILye; blisters oozing after scratch- ing, I ICist.; blisters from little work, Sa- bad.; blister on edge where finger com- mences, Coccul.; itching blisters on both, first pale then red, I IGamb.; large blister on middle of palm, discharging yellow watery fluid when opened, lAnthrac.; large blisters yellow fluid, desquamation, Anac. oe; red blisters on backs, I IPsor.; red blisters, pre- ceded by itching on ring and little fingers of left, Cycb; small blisters on backs, Anac- spreading blisters on swollen, worse in cold air, Clem.; blisters filled with clear water on vola, some on dorsum and fingers, INatr. s.' watery blister, between thumb and index 32. UPPER LIMBS. 917 finger, IINatr. s.; large yellow blisters in palms, yellow corroding fluid, Bufo.: blotches, Ind.; blotches, "hives," itching, ICrt. ur.; covered with itching blotches, IPhos.; raised red itching blotches, I I Urt. ur.; covered with itching blotches, in urticaria, IPbos.; blue spots (old age), IBar. e; brown color of dor- sum, Thuya; brown discoloration of back, I Hod.; brown spots, ILach.; eruption,I INatr. m;; brown spots on back (Addison's disease), INatr. m.: numerous bullae on backs (pem- phigus), I ISep.; chronic, IStilling.; copper- colored, on back, HPsor.; copper-colored spots on palm, ICorab; thick crusts, worse during winter, IPetrol.; crusty, full of cracks. discharging pus and acrid fluid, with unbear- able itching, lAnthrac; erysipelatous, of left, Arn.; on dorsum, appeared over night, much depressed, HPsor.; dry, papular, on back, ICoca ; dry, scaly, in palms, having a syphilitic base, with itching, ISelen.; bluish red places like ecchymosis, with asthma, IKali e; eczema, ICanth, IMere, ISib; ecze- ma, chronic, on dorsal region, IGraph.; ecze- ma, whole dorsal surface raw, IMere; eczema, moist surface, becomes dry at times, forming in yellow crusts, IMere; simple ec- zema, assumes characteristics of impetigo figurata in pustular sta'ge, becomes con- fluent, tension and pain, IJugl.l eczema, impetiginoid, over backs, of both hands, around balls of thumbs to middle of palms, raw surface left after bread poultice, fol- lowed by discharge of blood, smarting, IJugb; eczema, surroundings inflame easily, after scratching, IMere; eczema, on inner side, INitr. ae; eczema, on left, gradually spreads to fingers and arm, IMere; ec- zema, on dorsum of left, ICanth.; eczema, on back of left, first small vesicles, thin crusts, then fissures, especially knuckles of first pha- langes, IGraph.; eczema, every winter, for a number of years, IMere; elevated, as large as peas, even on balls of fingers, become con- fluent or burn when touched, ICie; erysipe- las, Ruta; resembling erysipelas, burning, itching, or forming yellow honey colored crusts, ICie; erysipelatoid, Rhus ; erysipela- tous manifestations on back (elephantiasis Arabum),l ISib; erysipelatous,inflamed simi- lar to eruption caused by Rhus, with op- pressed respiration, IKalm.; erysipelatous, extending, IIKalm.; erysipelatous, on dor- sum of right, with burning and stitching, and formation of flat ulcer, began as a vesi- cle (haemoptysis), IIRhus; spotted, itch- ing erythematous, (paralytic rheumatism), 11 Phos."; fine itching,! ICarbo v.; herpes,ICale, IDulc, IStaph.; branlike herpes, IBor.; burn- ing scaly herpes, I IMere; dry herpes, Zinc; dry' burning, itching herpes, skin peeled off, IMez.; ichorous,biting, burning herpes,ICon.; herpes in palms, lAur. met, 11 Psor, IRan. b • herpes on palms, worse in evening and in open air, better in warmth, IKreo.; dorsum covered with herpes phlyctenoides, ICarb. p.; red herpes on dorsum, with tensive pain ex- tending up arm, I IPetrol.; sero-purulent her- pes itching violently towards evening.lKreo.; white, scabby herpes on dorsum, Thuya; whitish, itching hives, becoming red after rub- bing with violent itchinglNatr. m.; impetigo, ICarb. p.; like moist itch, with violent nightly itching, IMere; itching, in gastric fever, HSep.; itchlike, lAnanth., IPsor.; rough, itchlike, especially in region of first joint of thumb, more on upper surface, itching at night, IMere sob; like lichen, lAnanth.; chronic miliary, on back of left (quartan fever), IIRhus; like millet seed, Bar. m.; mottled, IILach.; specks resembling nettle- rash, Berb.; nettlerash, Carbo v.; like nettle- rash , 4 p.m.and evening, Hyper.; on back of left, between little and fourth fingers, painful nod- ules on tendons, pain relieved by cold water, TrCaust; in palm, exuding a watery fluid, 11 Natr. s.; papulae on both, at first pale then red, Gamb.; papulae on dorsum, with tensive pain extending up arm, HPetrol.; painless papules, Carbo v.; pale red papulae on backs, with intense itching and intense watery ex- udation, Goss.; patches, Berb.; small and red petechiae on backs, IBerb.; pimples on back, Calc. p.; pimples, burning when first appear- ing,but finally blending and forming one dark red scab, Cie; pimples on dorsi, form scales (impetigo), ICarb. s.; pimples in palms, like blotches, with stinging itching like nettles, worse rubbing, Stram.; pimples, forming scurfs, itching when getting warm in bed, IMur. ac.; pimple near wrists, feels as if a splinter were in it, Arg. nit; dark red pimples, come with bumingpain, coalesce, ICie; hard pimples, with burning-biting itching, Rhus; itching pimples, I ILye; itching pimples, with small vesicles on dorsa, I I Kali m.; phlyctae- noidal pimples on backs, I IKali m.; red pim- ples on back of left (smallpox), I I Variol.; red pimples,stinging itching, on back, 11 Aeon.; small pimples, Vace; small dry pimples, red- dish, IBov.; pompholyxj every year, iBufo.; prurigo-like, pinkish lentil-shaped spots, Ves- pa; chronic psoriasis on dorsa, IRhus ; psori- asis diffuse, degenerating into impetigo, IIKali bb; psoriasis, furfuraceous, some- times fissured and bleeding, ILye; pso- riasis inveterata, on dorsa, dry scaly, intense itching when warm, relief after scratching, followed by burning and at times bleeding, HSub; psoriasis palmaria, affecting whole palm, HPetrol.; psoriasis, palm itching so it is impossible to work, I IPetrol.; psoriasis on palms, ILye; syphilitic psoriasis on palms, IPhos.; covered with purplish spots, iKali e; pustules, I IPsor.; pustule on back, Sib; pustules near finger tips, suppurating, IPsor.; on palms, confluent, smooth, round white pus- tules, size of a mustard seed, contain a white fluid and itch, ILach.; disgusting crop of pus- tules, epidermis around undermined as with shingles, burning and itching (psoric pustula- tion), I ISub; large suppurating pustules, par- ticularly near ends of fingers, had eight or ten within a few weeks, HPsor.; scattered pustules, IMere sob; small pustules, spread and exude a yellowish corroding discharge, tensive burning pains, I IStaph.; small pus- tules, secreted a watery fluid when broken, if not touched fluid became thickened to a yel- low tough mass, IKali bi.; rash, Cup. m. Dig, Ver.; with erysipelatoid rash in palms, mad- dening burning heat, worse at night, IHydras.; flushing rash, like scarlatina, simplex, bright red, disappears on pressure, returns immedi- 918 32. UPPER LIMBS. ately after removal of pressure, Stram.; ele- vated red blotches, in palms, IFluor. ae; on back, red patches, ICale; red spots, All. sat, Sabad.; red spots on back, Phos. ae; covered with red spots, Elaps; red spots on palms, Apis ; rounded bright red spot on ball of right, with itching in evening, Sep.; red, hard spot on skin, covering first and second metacarpal bones, spreads over dorsal surface of hand, scales formed, falling off in centre and renewed towards periphery, I ISep.; small red points, shine through skin of left, which itches sometimes, Tell.; of Rhus tox. poison- ing, I Anac, IRhus v., HSub; poison- ing, on backs, IIKali s.; constant salt rheum, watery oozing, IPetrol.; scabs, ISep.; back of, IIMur. ac; a coneshaped scab the size, of a quarter of a dollar, on a base as large again, bluish-red and strongly demarc- ated, where scab extends over ring there is another moist, white ring, which forms a new- scab, tension and burning (malignant boil), IPsor.; thick scales in palm, through which run moist fissures, HPetrol.; skin scaling, I IHep.; scarlatina, secondary eruption of dark blotches, IILyc; bright scarlet, like scarla- tina, ILacc; smarting, like nettlerash,Hyper.; smooth spots on palms, first coral color, then darker red and finally coppery, Coral.; sore spots in palms, Apis ; stripes, Sabad.; on one, every Summer, terribly itching and burning after scratching, worse at night, spreads up arm to shoulder, 11 Sub; tetters, I ICist, ILach, ISars.; tetter, itches in evening and burns after scratching, IStaph.; chronic tetter, IClem.; in palms, dry tetter, ICaust.; dry, branlike squamous tetter, Anag.; itching tetter, I IPsor.; moist tetter, ISib; moist tetter,on back, Bov.; white, scaly tetter on back, IILyc; white, scaly tetter on back, worse in cold weather, ISep.; large blue tubercles and spots, I INitr. ae; subcutaneous tubercles in palms, Spig.; urticaria, Sars.; chronic urticaria, IHep.; urticaria, itching, INatr. m., HSub; ur- ticaria nodosa, lUrt. ur.; vesicular, Arn, IICarbol. ae, Como., Plant.; vesicles burn- ing, ICanth.; vesicular, with swelling, itch- ing and burning (erysipelas), IIRhus v.; vesicles burst and spread (children), IBor.; vesicles in palms, IKali c; vesicles, smarting, itching, oozing lymph, when scratched turns to scurf, 11 Anag.; hard eczematous vesicles on backs, ICale; red, with innumerable vesicles filled with transparent lymph, many become confluent, forming blisters resembling pem- phigus, skin peels off (after wearing gloves cleaned with turpentine), Tereb.; vesicles in patches, IIRhus; itching vesicles, Sub; little vesicles, especially right side, contents change to pus, itching, destroyed by scratching (im- petigo), I IRhus v.; small vesicles (prostatitis and atony of sexual organs), 11 Sel.; small itch- ing vesicles, Daph.; large and small vesicles on left, Arn.; small transparent vesicles, with- out sensation in palms, IMere sob; spreading, corroding, stinging vesicles, Magn. e; white vesicles, with red areolae, burn and itch, Uran. n.; white spots on backs, IBerb., ICale; yellow spots, Elaps ; small yellow spots, Med. Hands, exertion: causes asthma, Bov. Hands, fever: shaking begins (intermittent), IGels. Hands, formication : IIAcon., Arund., Kali n.; in right, Hippom.; in right, in epilepsy, ICup. m.; in right, in myelitis, IDulc; in tabes dorsalis, Sec. 8®* numbness, pricking. Hands, fulness: in evening, Nux m.; when grasping, I ICaust.; in palms, at night, Ars. Hands, fungoid growth: between second and third metacarpal bones, protrudes about a quarter of an inch out of palm, I ISang. Hands, fuzzy feeling : IHyper. Hands, gangrene: after bullet wound, ILach.; swollen three times the size, red, pits on pressure, between first and second knuckles, opening as large as a three-cent piece, looks like dirty soft soap ^around this and on first three knuckles, skin bluish-black and inflated by gas, skin under looks rotten, separated on opening, first and second fingers showing soapy appearance, hand burns deep in, pain in red streak running up from wrist, ILach. BST* injuries. Hands, gnawing: Cadm. s.; in left palm con- tinual, I IRan..se Hands, gout: ICarb. s.; pain alternates, Daph.; from hand to hand, nodosities, ILed.; hard burning, itching nodosities, Spig.; tophi (cho- rea), llgn. Hands, hang: is obliged to let hands hang down when walking (labor), I ILye Hands, heat: I Aeon., 11 Agar, I Ant. t, I I Apis, Camph,ICarbo v,Castor, Clem, Curar,Cycl, Grat, IGuaiac, Ham., I Uamb., IKali bi, IKali c, Millef, Murex, INitr. ac, INuxv, IPetrol, HPhos, IPhos. ae, Plant., IPsor, I IPtel., IIPuls., ISabad., Sarrae, llSpong, ISub, Tarax.; in afternoon, Berb.; now one, then the other, alternately hot or cold, Coc- cul.; alternately hot and cold, in acute mania, after melancholia, IGels.; rapid alternations of heat and cold (hysteria), I ISee; of back, Rhus ; on backs, dry, All. sat; in affection of brain, IGlon.; burning, IGraph, Hod, Plant.; burning, spreading over body, ICheb; burn- ing, cannot keep them covered (scarlatina), I IPhyt.; burning, in evening, ILed.; burning, in palms (phthisis), I ISamb.; burning, inpul- j monary affections, pneumonia, ISang.; burn- ing, during hot stage, Ced.; with cold cheeks, INatr. e; with chill, ISpong.; with chilliness and languor (bronchial attacks, after whoop- ing cough), IKali bb; with cold feet, I Nux m.; either hot or cold, I IGraph.; with coldness, Cadm. s.; constantly, ILye; in consumption, IGuaiac; must be kept covered, as cold causes pain, IINux v.; during day, with nervous excitement, ISep.; after dinner, Calend.; dry, Zinc; dry, especially palms, IIGels.; with emaciation, 101. jec; in evening, ILed.; in evening, lying down, in palms, Asar.; feet icy cold, Calad.; with evening fever, IKali n.; in intermittent fever, HCina ; feverish,I Ptel.; hot, with hot flushes at climacteric period' HSub; to middle of forearm, swollen, with distension of superficial veins, I ICheb; in heart disease, HOp.; with horripilations, Cadm. s.; nightly,internal, ICale; numbness of backs, Med.; in palms, IIAcon, Badiag Chin, a, Colch, HCrotab, Cub, IFerr' IFluor. ac. Ham, ILye, IPetrol., I ISep.' Zing.; in palms, Arum, d.; in afternoon, with thirst, IZinc; in palms, burning, ISep ■ in palms, burning, worse afternoon (phthisis)' 32. UPPER LIMBS. 91) I IStann, ISub; in palms, with children (rheu- matic complaints), IFerr. ph.; in palms, bath- ing them in cold water modified convulsions (puerperal convulsions), IGels.; in palms, with diarrhoea, IBor.; in palms, dry, Ars. m.; in palms, in enterocolitis, INuph.; in palms, in neuralgic headache, IGels.; in palms of in- fants, with hot head, Bor.; in palms (kidney trouble), Cann. s.; in palms, and itching over whole body, preventing sleep (neuralgic head- ache, after cerebrospinal meningitis), IGels.; in palms, during menses, IPetrol.; in palms, sometimes moisture, lEup. pert; in palms, every night, 101. jee; in palm, with pharyn- geal inflammation, I ILac e; in palms, burn- ing, after typhoid pneumonia, ILye; in palms, with sweat, IIFluor. ac; in palms, with trembling of hands, Coff.; in palms, in typhoid, I INux v.; before palpitation, Calc.a.; right warmer and redder than left, Arum d.; even from speaking, IIGraph.; during stool, Hep.; after vomiting, Ver.; warm, Rhod.; warm, then cold, ICham.; warm, with chilli- ness, I INatr. s.; dips them in cold water, IBar. e; sensation as if right were being held in hot water, worse in rest, in cold, holding anything cold, particularly from cold water, from midnight till morning, better from motion, letting hand hang, warmth and warm water, 11 Rhus; even in cold and rainy weather, Cinch, bol. 8^*" burning, inflammation. Hands, heaviness : Ang, Ars. s. r, Belb, Berb, Mane, Oxal.ae, IPhos,Phos. ae, Sil, Spong.; anaesthesia, ILye; better hangingdown, worse in warmth of bed, Goss.; as if filled with lead, Sib; as if it required more exertion to lift them, Ars. m.; imagines he cannot lift them, Diad.; worse by motion, Niccol.; in phthisis, 11 Stann.; of right, I I Zinc. Hands, hygroma: 11 Bov. Hands, induration: ISub; in soft parts be- tween metacarpus of thumb and index finger (cancerous inoculation), lArs.; of palm, in rheumatism, ILye Hands, inflammation: lAnthrac, ICup. m.; angioleucitis, in pyaemia, ICrotal.; of lymph- atic vessels to shoulder, with swelling of hand, Cup. m.; phlegmonous, with swelling and tendency to extend up arm, ILach.; and swelling, Vespa; over whole (panaritium, chilblains), ILye g®° abscess. Hands, injuries: burns, ICanth.; after severe burn, here and there upon dorsum arose bunches of pale and unhealthy granulations, a quarter of an inch high and exquisitely sensitive (kerosene and olive oils, equal parts, locally), IPetrol.; contusions, lArn.; dissect- ing wounds, I Apis, IIArs., ILach.; compound fracture with great laceration of soft parts, IHyper.; prolonged hemorrhage from small wound on joint of first phalanx, second finger, right hand, Cinch, bol.; gangrene, from wound from premature explosion of pistol, ILach.; lacerations, HCalend.; slight scald of left, redness without much pain or swelling, ICar- bo s.; scalding of left, epidermis removed, suppuration with much pain, 11 Urt. ur.; wounded by scratching, IDolich.; sprained, IRhus. 8®" abscess, gangrene, inflam- mation. . Hands insensibility (anaesthesia): IIArs., ICoccul, ILye, I ISee; of left, Cinch, bob; in meningitis, lAcon.; of palms, Aeon.; of palm of right, 11 Zinc; in spinal affection, ISee; feels nothing he touches, ICamph. 8^° numbness. Hands, itching: I Ant. sul. aur, HApis, Arg. met, Ascl. t, Aur. mur., Carbo v, Cor- nus, IIHep, Kali bi, IPetrol, IPhos. ac, IPsor, ISep, Zinc; on back, Ars. i, ICamph, HSub; in chilblains, IPuls.; as if frozen, HAgar.; in hollow of hand, coarse, I IRan. b.; in itch, ILach.; first left, then right, Med.; at night, from no apparent cause,better by very hot water, ILith.; in palms, Amb, Aur. met, ICamph, ICaust, I I Crotal, I IHep , Ind, IKali c, I IMur. ac, ISelen.; blotches, Strain.; burning, in palms, Spig.; continued, dull, in palms, IHep.; in palms, at night, Carbo v.; in palms, with red spots, Mang.; in right palm, IBenz. ac, Cinnab, Grat.; in right palm, in morning, Chrom. ac.; in palms, must rub them, after which they burn,IISul.; in palms, inducing scratching, before attacks of neuralgia of stomach, 11 Ran. b.; on back of right, Anag.; at roots and between fingers, as in itch, Med.; with tarsal tumors, I IZinc; unbearable, lAnthrac. Hands, jerking: ICoccul, ICoff, ICup. m, I IHyos, IMere viv. Strain.; convulsive, Bar. m.; painful, in metacarpal bones, sudden, Pallad.; violent, in spasms, ICina; spasmodic, with flexion of hand at wrist or forearm, Sec; spasmodic, from toothache, IHyos. Big" twitching. Hands, lameness : Acet. ac, Tabae, IZinc; in epileptic attacks, IKali bi.; after slight exer- tion, Sib; of left, Ars., ICup. ac.; in left, at times (panaritium), I ISub; of right, I IRhus ; of right, must lay down pen, Sil.; sudden, Cann. s. figr* cramp, paralyzed feeling, tired, -weakness. Hands, lancinating : with irritation, GCnan. 8®** stitches. Hands, feel large : Clem, I IPtel.; anaesthesia, ILye; frequent looking at because they seem too large, IHyos.; as if too thick,Mane Hands, loose : feeling in joints, Stram. Hands, motion: automatic, in convulsions, IZinc; automatic, of left, strikes his face (measles), 11 Aeon.; automatic, of right, to- wards mouth (apoplexy),I INux v.; automatic, convulsive, as in hydrocephalus (typhoid), IZinc; constantly busy, IKali br.; must constantly carry something, 11 Rhus ; as if child, which was bent back, feared every mo- ment to fall deep down, Stram.; turns around in a circle, saying she must strengthen herself, motion becoming more and more violent (ma- nia), HVer.; clapping, with speechlessness, Stram.; clenches right and gives herself sev- eral forcible blows upon chest (epilepsy), I IOp.; clutching, IHyos.; clutching at bed- clothes, immediately afterwards at something else (dysmenorrhoea), I ITarant; clutches air, unable to swallow or speak (asthma), ICup. m.; constant, tries to catch things in air, Belb; constant, in chorea, IMygale; con- stant, of left, ILach.; constant, with men- tal excitement (heart disease), HOp.; con- tinual, as if spinning or weaving, IStram.; convulsive, IKali e; convulsive, with pains in joints, Plumb.; could be moved with great difficulty, especially thumbs (measles),! IZinc; 920 32. UPPER LIMBS. grasping about in air, catching at imaginary things, HStram.; grasps and reaches, with convulsions (dentition), ICham.; grasps at flocks, IZinc; grasps at imaginary things (child in convulsions), lAmyl ; grasps about, as if he wished to seize something (typhoid), I IPhos. ae; grasps throat, with sighing and groaning, I IStram.; grasping, in great agony, >TCalc. p.; automatic grasping, towards nose and ears, etc., IStram.; firm grasping, Stram.; gropes about bed, as though hunting some- thing (double pneumonia), I IOp.; puts hand to back of head (cerebrospinal disease), I I Ver. v.; throws above head (epilepsy), I ISub; lifted to head, in hydrocephalus, Art. v.; frequently moves right towards head, or into wide-opened mouth (hydrocephalus), IMere viv.; apparently directed to imaginary things in air, HStram.; involuntary, IMere viv, INatr.m.; involuntary, to head, 7rAtrop. s.; involuntary, of right, on rising in morn- ing (chorea), ICoccul.; inordinate, irregular, subside almost entirely on hearing notes of hornpipe, I ITarant.; as if keeping off some- thing, HStram.; left drawn to head, with undulatory, automatic movement, IKali iod.; cannot perform light movements (tabes dor- salis),Sec; could not move (hysteria),^Tereb.; steers wide of the object on attempting to pick it up off floor (chorea), I IStram.; opening and shutting, Stram.; continually moved to painful place, INux in.; picking, I Arumt; picking at clothes, IHyos, IStram.; no place that she can put them that they do not bother her, ILac c; playing with, IMur. ae; presses against bed (asthma Millari), ICup. in.; quick, Stram.; raises above head and moves them as if he were winding a ball of thread, Stram.; regular, of right (eclampsia), llpec; can scarcely move left (heart disease), IIAcon.; scratches in air, I IStram.; moving as if search- ing something, IStram.; spasmodic, Stram.; spasmodic, in hysteria, I INux v.; starting, IGraph.; moves strangely in different direc- tions, IStram.; moves straight forward, IStram.; alternately stretches to full extent and laying finger on his mouth, HStram.; striking about, in hysteria, IKali c; hands striking about, in mental derangement, Stram.; swinging and trembling (headache), I ICurar.; infant throws up hands when at- tempt is made to put it down, IBor.; throws up, worse during menses (fits), I ICEnan.; throwing about, starting from sleep (diar- rhcea), IBor.; voluntary so far lost that she could neither eat nor drink without assistance (chorea), llgn.; waves in air, I IStram.; as if doing some work, IStram.; working, IHyos.; wringing, IStram., I ISub; wrings in agony (glossitis), IMere; wringing, day and night, I ISub; wringing, in melancholia religiosa, IKali ph., I IPlat. 8®°restless; also Chap. 1, Picking. Hands, necrosis: right forefingers, metacarpal bones, small necrosed, osseous splinters came away (whitlow), I ISil. Hands, neuralgic pain : in right, Pallad.; sharp, in left, Iodof. Hands, numbness: lAcon., Ars. s. r., Bell, Calc. p, ICarbo a, ICaust, ICoca, HCoc- cul, Codein, IColch, Croc, Diose, IFerr., IFluor. ac, IHyper, IIKali c, ILach, IILvc, Mane, Mere iod. flav, Merc, sub, IMez, IINitr. ae, INux v, IPhos., I IPtel, Sib; anaesthesia, ILye; in apoplexy, IHyos.; with cold arms, Ast. r.; on awaking, Mane; with burning and twinging sensation referable to spinal column, ICalab.; as if dead, during chill (intermittent), ICimex ; with chill, 4 to 8 p.m., ILye; with one-sided (left) chill, com- mencing in back, ILye; all day, Lyss.; as if dead, Apis, IZinc; as if dead (quartan ague), I ISep.; deadness, to middle of forearm, Ars. h.; deadness, in right (rheumatism), IFerr. ph.; becomes quite dead when sewing, ICrotal.; in evening, Nux m.; after exercise, Ruta ; when grasping anything (muscular atrophy), ICale; with headache, Lyss.; lame, ICup. m.; of left, Aeon, Calab, Diose, I IMed, IRhus, 11 Sars.; of left, into arm, Ast. r.; especially left, on least exertion, ICrotal.; left, especially fingers, as far as they are supplied with nervus ulnaris, I Cup. ac; left, while pain and redness in foot disap- peared, returned to foot when arm and hand got well (rheumatism complicated with epi- lepsy), ILach.; left to forearm, at night, in bed, I I Agar.; of left, formication extending up arm, IGraph.; left, unable to hold anything with force, Med.; left, during menses, IGraph.; left, in irritation of cerebrospinal nerves, I IParis; left, as if paralyzed, ^Esc h.; in left, peculiar, Cup. ars.; left, with trembling jerk- ing, fluttering jerking through lungs, I ILacc; in locomotor ataxia, IPhos.; in meningitis, I Aeon.; morning, on awaking, IPhos, Zinc; particularly in morning, I INitr. ac; in morn- ing and when washing, ICarbo v.; at night, Sib; painful, IIHyos.; in palms, at times a prickly sensation as if numb parts were punc- tured by a great number of needles, Syph.; pithy, ICoccul.; prickling, seem larger than usual and clumsy, I IPtel.; in right, Ascl. t, Cycb, IGels.; in right, for a longtime clumsy, stiff, Lyss.; in right, during day, IIRhus; first right, then left (gastritis), ICoccul.; in right, to all parts, worse after midnight (rheu- matism), I IRhus; in right, in myelitis,IDulc; in right, at night, Pallad.; in right, in spinal irritation, IHep.; in right, with tingling in fourth and fifth fingers, HSec; of skin, Carbol. ac; in spinal affection, ISee; in spinal irritation, ICup. m, INuxv.; and sensation of swelling, IOp.; after a wetting, IIRhus; to above wrist, Bor.; while writing, IZinc. 8(3^* formication, lameness, paralyzed feel- ing, tingling. Hands, pain: Alum.; in backs, Amm. e; in back of right, to shoulder joint, I IHam.; acute, in bones (blue boils after glanders poisoning), lAnthrac; seem to be deep in bones, Bapt; in dorsum, Chlorof; in dorsum of each, worse on motion, Form.; in leprosy, ICale; intoler- able, Kali bb; and itching to finger ends,Lith.; in joints, Cinch, bob, HLac c; in smaller joints, with swelling and hardness, IStaph.; first in knuckles, then in whole, IGuaiac; in left, before epileptic attack, ICale a.; in left, worse running, Agar.; in metacarpal bones, Bapt; in metacarpal joints, Arund.; transient, in metacarpal bones, Aeon.; in right metacar- pus/with sensation of fulness, heat and numb- ness, Oxal. ae; in palms, as if muscles were contracted, IColoe; in palms, on cutting bread, ICale; from right to left arm down to elbow, 32. UPPER LIMBS. 921 thence to region of heart, Benz. ac; in right, with vicarious menses, IDig.; in right, be- tween third and fourth metacarpal phalanx, in some motions and on pressure after count- ing copper coin, Lyss.; in right, feeling as if shattered, is awakened by it, but goes to sleep again, towards morning has similar pain on left side, but does not remember the spot, Pallad.; in right, so he cannot use it, after- noon, Cist.; prevents sleep, I IPhos.; if he keeps them still for a few minutes, extends up arms and shoulders to head (chorea), I IVer. v.; in variola, IThuya. Hands, pale: llpec; cold (somnolency), Belb; as if dead, after eating, Con.; deathly, See; deathly, in haematemesis, ISee; livid, as in malignant cholera, I Ars.; livid, in typhoid pneumonia, ISang.; livid, sleepiness, Amyg.; right, cadaverous, I IZinc; even in a warm room, ICinch.; white, worse from cold, ICale Hands, paralysis: Amb, Ars., HCaust, Cup. m, Ferr., Natr. m. Plumb, IRhus, Ruta, Sib; in diphtheria, lApis ; of left, Bar. c; of left, in apoplexy, ICoccul.; of left, particularly of extensors, ICoccul.; in leprosy, ISib; of meta- carpus, Guaraea; cannot raise, ICaust.; cannot raise to head,IGels.; of right (paint), 11 Plumb.; when writing, Coccul. 8®"" lameness, -weakness. Hands, paralytic pain: Cham.; in left, after palpitation commences, Agar. Hands, paralyzed feeling: ICarbo a., 11 Natr. s. Sib; in left, HAgar.; from pain in left wrist, IKalm.; at height of paroxysm of gastralgia, I ISub; can be produced by pressure upon parts where nerves are easily reached, I IPlat.; in right HCaust, Elaps; during sleep, I IPlat. 8®* lameness, tired, weakness. Hands, piercing: on back and in palm of right, I INatr. s. 8®* stitches. Hands, pinching pain: goutlike, on back of left, most on side of little finger, also outer side of right, Daph. Hands, pressing feeling: in back, Berb.; in back of right, Verbas.; in bones, Bism.; cramplike, now in right now in left metacar- pus, on moving arm, disappears during rest, Verbas.; in muscles, IClem.; inward, as if blood would burst out of vessels, Lil. tig.; rheumatic, in back, Ang. Hands, pricking: I Aeon, lApis, Arum d. Bell, Carbol. ac. Cinch, bol, Lil. tig.; in left, ICinch, ILach.; tickling, like that produced by electricity, 11 Ptel.; especially in left, #on least exertion, ICrotal.; of left, worse by movement, Bapt; in left, in irritation of cerebrospinal nerves, I I Paris; numbness, IColch.; intense pain in right palm, as if pin were thrust through, Anag.; in palms, like pins and needles, Calad.; as pain in small spot under shoulder goes away, ILach.; sud- den, I IPhyt; after washing, JEsc. h. 8@f sticking, stinging. Hands, pronation : in spinal disease, I Apis. Hands, pulling pains: short, Med. Hands, purpura: ILach, IPhos.; as if covered with suggillations, IIRhus. Hands, quivering: Lyss.; during headache, IGlon. Hands rawness: of back, upon which child wipe's nose, excoriated by copious thick green acrid discharge (scrofulous inflammation of eyes), IMere; in palms, 11 Natr. s.; from wrists to ends of fingers, IPetrol. 8^"* rhagades. Hands, redness: HAgar., HApis, Am., Aurant, I ICinch. bol. Plant.; of backs, lAmyb; back, dark, burning hot (rheumatism), ILye; back, with pain extending to elbow (pyaemia), ICrotal.; spots on back, Dros.; bluish red, white spots on pressure disappear slowly and leave no indentation, Apis; like chilblains, 11 Agar.; as if he had been in cold, Cepa; flush- ing, Arum d.; of joints, I ILac c; left highly reddened, in inflammation of hand, I Anthrac; constant, especially in palms, IFluor. ae; in pneumonia, I ISang.; right, Arum d.; scarlet, Belb; as if he had scarlet fever, Vespa. Hands, restlessness: in hysteria, Tarant.; could not rest, Ferr. iod.; in sleep (inflamma- tion of bowels in dentition), I Acet. ac. BssP" motion. Hands, rhagades (chapped, fissures): I^Ese h. Alum, Amm. c, lAnanth., 11 Apis, lArn., HCale, HCalend, Carbol. ac, IIGraph, IIHam., IHep, Hydras, IIKali c, IIKreo., ILye, IMagn. c, IMere, HPetrol, Puis, IIRhus, HSars, Sep, ISib, HSub; painful, bleeding, IMere; from cold, IKali m., I Petrol, Sub; from slight cold, painful, Zinc; deep, bloody, worse during winter, IPetrol.; deep, like cuts, especially on insides, basis looks raw and bloody, and they are very pain- ful (psoriasis), IMere; on dorsa, in eczema, INatr. c; especially between fingers, on finger joints and in palms, HSub; skin hard, IIGraph.; especially on joints, painfully sore, ISub; palm of left cracked, horny, or oozing, IMere iod. rub.; about nails, dry, IINatr. m.; painful, burning, between two fingers of left, Zinc; red, worse in winter and from washing, Alum.; syphilitic, IIMerc; from working in water, Alum, Ant. c, ICale, Cham., IHep, Mere, IRhus, Sars, ISep, ISub; thickened places with deep oblique cracks, workmen, ICist; even in mild weather, IZinc. BST" Chap. 46, Skin, rhagades, soreness, suppuration, ulcers. Hands, rheumatism: IClem, Como, HPhyt, IRhus, Ustil., I IVacc, I IViob; alternately in hands and feet, Merc. iod. rub.; impossible to place behind back, IFerr.; with pains on clos- ing them, Med.; in dorsa, Zing.; cannot lift to head, IFerr.; after heat is relieved, Aur. met; of joints, of right, Viol.; in joints, with swelling and redness, IPuls.; in left, Bapt, Erig.; in metacarpal bones, as if in shaft of bone, Ars.b; in left metacarpal, terrible, Bapt, Erig.; affecting right metacarpal, IViob; in right, at night, in bed, Merc. iod. flav.; sharp } pains across middle knuckles of left, Med.; I transient, in right, Eryng. 8®° Chap. 34, Joints rheumatism. Hands, roughness: Bar. c, IIHep., 11 Kalic, IPetrol, Zinc.; on backs, Med.; on back of right, with intense irritation when rubbed, seems to go through whole body, worse in cold weather and when he takes cold, Zinc; dead skin, Mez.; of dorsa, in eczema, INatr. c; with heat, ISabad. Hands, rubbing: has to rub, Aurant. Hands, sere-wing: in bones, Bism. Hands, sensitive: back of left, painful to press- ure, and when turning head, I Hod.; back, to 922 32. UPPER LIMBS. touch, Cist.; cannot have touched (during labor), ICinch. 8®" Fingers sensitive. Hands, sharp pain: in left, ILac c; in meta- carpal bones, while writing, Ars. i. Hands, shocks: nervous, as if caused by small balls coursing along, during prayer and sleep at night, sometimes at other hours, I IZinc. Hands, snooting: 11 Apis; in back, Berb. Hands,shrivelled: I IHep,ILach.;dry,IIPhos, Phos. ac, HVer.; as if mummified, skin hangs in folds, Ars.; wrinkling of skin, palms (chol- era infantum, cholera Asiatica), HVer. Hands, skin: dirty, dry, sticky, 11 Anag.; left, like rhinoceros hide, Arn. Hands, smarting: Apis, IHep.; in palm of right, Lyss. 8^° burning. Hands, soreness : through small bones,I IRuta; of joints, I Arg. met.; with lameness, IMere iod. flav.; in left, to thumb, Ars. m.; in palms, I INatr. s.; in right, Lyss. Hands,spasmodic pain: Aurant.; in left, as from a bee-sting, I ICrotal. Hands, sprained feeling: joints feel wrenched, Bov.; in right, Carbo v. Hands, sticking: bruised, on ball of left, pain- ful, above little finger, Zinc; violent, as with a dull knife in flesh, in metacarpal bones, between right thumb and index finger, Ver- bas ; in palms, HSub; tearing, in palm, Ver- bas. 8^*" pricking, stinging. Hands,stiffness: Arum t, Arund, ICale, ICar- bo a., Carbol. ae, IColoe, ICup.m., IFerr., Ham,Lyss, I IPtel, ISticta; with cold arms, Ast. r.; in back of hand when playing piano, Zinc; rigidity, with chilliness, I IKali m.; as if they could not be closed, Ars. m.; less fa- cility in closing, Aur. mur.; easily become cold as if they would be frozen, Cham.; feel- ing, INux v.; particularly fingers (arthritic rheumatism), HSpig.; gouty, in left, Agar.; with headache, Arum m.; hot, as if parched, Lil. tig.; metacarpal joints immovable, I ISib; rheumatic, in left, Agar.; right, painful during night, better after 8 a.m., Lil. tig.; not able to turn on its axis easily and freely (as when dropping from a glass), turns only by jerks, Bell. 8@* gout, lameness, rheuma- tism. Hands, stinging: I ISub; back of right, Ars. b; in deep cicatrices, Kali bb; in eczema, IMere; fine, I ILed.; as from insects, Amb.; in meta- carpal bones of left, including thumb, sudden, Pallad.; in palm, Bor.; in palm of right, to finger ends as though she had fallen on it, Lyss. 8®°* pricking, sticking. Hands, stitches: Cham, IKalm, IRan. b, Spong.; dull, on back, Ang.; to elbow, Ang.; in fingers of left to their extremities, Elat; single jerking, now in right then in left, I ICi- na ; in joints, ISep, ISpig.; in joints, on mo- tion, Sars.; rheumatic, in metacarpal bone of left index, Bapt; towards metacarpus, Berb.; in right metacarpus, frequently repeated, em- barassing the opening of hand and stretching of fingers, Coloe; in muscles and joints, IINatr. m. 8€5f lancinating. Hands, strained feeling: IKalm.; painful, in right, at 10 p.m. , Lyss. Hands, stretching: has to, Aurant.; out for relief (heart trouble), I ISpong. Hands, suppuration : BSP* abscess. Hands, sweat: Ant. t.,7rCain, HCale, ICaust, I IGlon., Hyper., IKali bi, INatr. in, INitr. ac, IPetrol., IZinc; walking in open air, Ag- nus; on back, Lith.; with chill, Eup. pert; clammy, Ind, Plant; clammy, with chill, 4 p.m., lasting an hour, followed by heat (tertian ague), IPuls.; clammy, in palms, IPhos.; clammy, in palms, with discharge of much turbid urine, HPhos.; cold, I Act. rac, Ant. e, ICanth, IHep, llpec, IKali bb, ILach., IINitr. ac, Oxal. ac, IRhus, ISep., ITabae, Ver. v.; cold,in angina pectoris,IAct. rac; cold, on backs, Lil. tig.; cold, clammy, I IPsor.; cold, in collapse, Canth.; covered with cold, Thuya ; cold, moist, in dysmenor- rhoea, I ITarant.; covered with cold, in peri- tonitis, lAtrop. s.; icy cold, to extent of sev- eral drops a minute, in July (chronic rheu- matic gout), ILye; cold, hot on face, with vomiting of blood, IKali bb; cold, now in one, then in other, Coccul.; cold, in palms (rheu- matism), ICham.; cold, in prolapsus uteri, ILil. tig.; cold, after stool, ISul.; cold, viscous, ISpig.; frequently alternating with transient coldness, IPhos.; constant, I ISticta; dripping, llpec; after fever, ISib; on inside (left worse), Anac; in megrim, ICale; with melancholia, IMere; moist, Amyl, lAnt. t, llpec; moist, in displacement of uterus, I ISep.; excessively moist, IFluor. ae; moist palms (measles), Viol.; moisture, with heat, INitr. ae; with cold nose, INux v.; sweat, noon till evening, every day, Lact. ae; in ophthalmia, Brom, ICon., Cadm. s, ICale, ICepa, Con., IDulc, IIFluor. ac,Gymn., Ind,Hod., ILed,Lobel. i, IPetrol, I ISub; on palms,cool, ICham.,Rheum; palms moist, with continuous chill, Niccol.; clammy, especially left palm, Anac; in palms, hot, Camph.; on palms, after fever, Med.; on palms, slightmoisture, All. sat.; on palms.when moving about, Psor.; on palms, especially at night, IPsor.; on palms, in phthisis, IKali e; on palms, in pneumonia, I ISub; on palms, in pregnancy, lAnt. t; on palms, constant, pro- fuse, I IPsor.; on palms, in incipient tubercu- losis, I ITubere; on palms, warm, Agar,Dig., llgn.; profuse, 11 Amyl., ICale, HSep, HSib; in rheumatism, I ISyph.; on right, at 9 p.m., dripping, warm, from wrist to nails, Lyss.; cannot tolerate being uncovered, with dry heat of body, IHep.; long lasting, warm,ILed.; warm, on inner surface and fingers, evening, llgn. 8®" Chap. 40, Sweat hands. Hands, swelling : lAgar, HApis, Arn, lArs, Ars. m. Arum t, Aurant, Bar. m, Belb, IBry., ICale, IColch, Cornus, Elaps, I IFerr, Guaraea, ILach., ILye, INitr. ac, IPhelb, Plant., IRhus, Spong, ISticta; in afternoon, INatr. c; with anaemia, IMere; with arthritic pains in limbs (gout), IColch.; back of left, Amm. m.; on back and fingers, dark blue, blackish,hard, icy cold,with burning sensation' sensitive to touch in attacks, every day, comes suddenly, disappears slowly, rubbing upward hastens disappearance, after touching ice ILach.; back of left, feelsas if swollen, I Hod.- back,cedematous (albuminuria), ICalc.a.; could not bend fingers,ISpong.; bloated, blue, Samb.; bloating, in dysentery, IColch.; bloated, in intermittent, ILye; bloating of left, with trembling, fluttering, jerking through lungs, I ILac e; dark bluish, of cellular tissue, sensi- tive, impending gangrene, IILach.; bones 32. UPPER LIMBS. 923 tender (endocarditis), I Aur. met; of bones, (syphilis), HPhos. ae; with burning (erysipe- las), IBufo.; especially in children, Arund.; in chlorosis, IFerr.; cannot close them, Ang.; feeling, when closing and stretching, Mang.; with soapy complexion, after loss of blood, Carbol. ae; in crustaserpiginosa, I ISul.; drop- , sical, lApis, ICanth., ILye, IPhos.; with ecze- matous eruption, after severe exertion, Psor.; elastic, Dig.; with a gangrenous, black and suppurating eruption, See; in evening, Stann.; in evenings more painful (nervous debility), ICurar.; feeling, ICoccul., IDiad.; feeling, every night for several years, IDiad.; with sharp, irritating fever, I I Rhus; hard (rheuma- tism), I Lye ; puffed and bloated, with dry heat over body (asthma thymicum), ISamb.; hot, I ICist.; hot, in evening,! Rhus; hot,pale (rheu- matic), IBry.; with hydrothorax, HColch.; of joints, Bry, HLac c; joints hot and red, IHep.; of left, Amm. c, Vespa ; of back of left, ICinch.; of left, in chronic carditis, ICact.; of left, with inflammation, lAnthrac; left,pain- ful, in septicaemia, result of dissecting wound, ILach.; left cedematous and painful (heartdis- ease), ILye vir.; livid on back of hand and fingers of right, began with itching and creep- ing, hand becomes blue and mottled, hard, cold, but seems to him burning hot, sensitive to pressure, heat of stove relieves pain but ag- gravates creeping sensation, ILach.; with menses, IGraph.; right metacarpal bones en- larged, HSib; in metacarpal joints, nodular, Eucab; left middle finger cannot be bent without pain, cannot touch palm with it, top of this finger painfully sensitive, numb and dead, she cannot grasp anything with it, can hardly touch anything, Med.; during menses, IMere; painful, Vespa; painful^in dissecting wound, ILach.; painful, on motion (rheuma- tism), I ISticta; in palm, irregular (rheuma- tism), ILye; in palms, at night, Ars.; of right palm (whitlow), I iSib; in phthisis, I IStann.; flesh puffy (endocarditis), I Aur. met.; red on back, not painful, Sul. ac.; bluish-red (pana- ritium, chilblains), ILye; with rheumatism, brought on by hot weather, IRhus ; of right, Arum d., Hep, I INatr. m.; of right, in post- scarlatinal dropsy, IDig.; in right, in endo- carditis, TAur. mur.; of right, with intense heat (rheumatism), Viol.; sensation, with dull pain in heart, Med.; with stinging, IPhos.; with stinging pains (locomotor ataxia), IPhos.; and tension of backs, I IPsor.; in up- per parts, Bry.; in urticaria, ICop.; after washing, JEsc. h.; white as putty, lApis; white, puffy, paralyzed, I Apis. Hands, tearing: 11 Agar, Amb., Brom, ICarbo v, HCaust, Colch., Collin, IGraph, IMagn. m., ISub; in back of left, at times alternates with tearing in right hand, I IZinc; in back of right, Colch, Zinc.; in ball, Sib; only while in bed, ILye; in bones, Bism.; in carpal bones of right, Bapt; in ulnar dorsum of right during rest, Arn.; in joints, Ant. sul. aur.; in joints of left, IColoe; in joints, worse at night and when lying on left side (rheumatism), IPhos ; in knuckles of middle fingers of right, Lachn.; in left, Phos. ae; in left, before epi- leptic attacks, Cup. m.; in palm of left, Bapt.; in metacarpal bones, Berb.; in metacarpal bones, fourth and fifth right, Zinc; in meta- carpal joints, Cadm. s.; in right metacarpal, worse by pressure, Cheb; in right metacar- pus, Bapt.; in right metacarpus, sometimes left, at regular intervals, Anag.; towards meta- carpus, Berb.; at night, with cracking in wrists, Selen.; in left palm, Inul.; sticking in palm, in right, near little finger, Zinc; ten- sive, in right palm,Zinc; paralytic, Menyanth.; dull, pressive between thumb and index finger, I IKali e; in rheumatism, I IPuls.; like rheumatism, I IGraph.; in right, in epilepsy, ICup. m. Hands, tension : Hyper, Menyanth.; accom- panying eczema after any severe exertion, Psor.; painful, particularly during flexion of metacarpal joints, Sep.; tearing painful in right, Goss.; spasmodic, of right, IZinc. 8®* swelling. Hands, thrilling: agreeable, Cann. i. Hands, tingling: Arum d, I INatr. s.; causing anxiety (myelitis), IVer.; in delirium tre- mens, I IStram.; dull, as if they had been asleep (anaesthesia of hands), ILye; after ex- ercise, Ruta; inleft, ILach.; especially left, ICrotal.; in left, with dull headache, Ailant.; in palm, Cup. ars.; over right, Arum d. 8@T" formication, numbness. Hands, tired feeling: Ars. h., Bov, ISars.; languor, 101. an.; even when doing nothing, and was unable to manage them skilfully (posterior spinal sclerosis), 11 Pic. ae; cannot raise, after eating, IBar. e Hands, touch: right, on touching objects, it seemed as if they were covered with fine felt, (hysterical paraplegia), llgn. Hands, trembling: Absin, I Aeon., Amm. c, lAmyl, Ant. c, IIAnt. t. Apis, IArs.,Bapt, Calab., Calc. p., Camph, Carb. s, Chlorof, I ICie, ICinch., ICoccul, ICoff. t, ICrotal., Elaps, IGels., Guaraea, IHyos, I Iod., Lil. tig, Magn. s. Mane, Med., IIMerc, Natr. a, I INatr. s., Niccol., INux m, IOp, IPhos., IPhyt, IPlat, IPlumb., IPsor, Sars, Spong., IStann., ISul, ITabae, Thuya, HTuberc, IZinc; with anxiety, Bov, IPlat; on awak- ing, INatr. s.; picking of bedclothes, etc. Ant. t; with bellyache, ICale p.; could not carry a glass of water to mouth without spill- ing it, could take neither food nor drink, but had to be fed like a child, IMere; with pain in chest,ICale p.; in chorea, IKali br.; chronic, Ant. t; cold, HSub; constant, in typhoid, IZinc; child in convulsions, I Amyb; convul- sive, during menses, IHyos.; with coryza, llCepa; with debility, Tereb.; in delirium tremens, ICoff, IKali br, I IStram.; in drunkards, ILach, IINux v.; when eating, Stram.; while eating, the more the higher they are raised, I ICoccul.; in encephaloid or encephalitis,ICoccul.; feeling, Cist.; feeling, in morbus Brightii, ILye vir.; feeling, when writ- ing, ISub; in puerperal fever, ICoff; fingers flexed, especially thumbs,asinepilepsy,IMerc sob; when attempting to grasp anything.Cann. s.; and grasping head (inflammation of brain), I IHelb; with headache, ICale p.; in affection of heart, ICup. m.; in helminthiasis, ICie; if he tries to hold themstill, ICoff; with hunger, Oleand.; in hydrocephalus, Art. v.; nervous,' in intermittent, ICale; of left, Lys3. of left' as in paralysis agitans, I ILac c; of left, when taking hold of anything or pressing with it, 924 32. UPPER LIMBS. Lyss.; could not lift anything, eat, nor write, IMere v.; when lifting them, IGels.; during menses, IZinc; in morning, Aur. mur, INatr. c.; in morning, breakfast, ICarbo a.; during voluntary motion, IKali br.; when trying to move or lift them (typhoid), IGels.; when moving (shock from injury), ICamph.; in mus- cular parts, Cist.; with heat in palms and cold- ness of back of hands, Coff; with palpitation, Bov.; with palpitation, when holding some- thing, while sitting, ISib; paralytic, with every motion, and writing, Ant. c.; paralytic, when writing, Ant. e; in remittent neuralgia of chest, I ISub; with difficulty of respiration even on keeping quiet (morbus Brightii), INatr. m.; cannot retain anything in their grasp, not even long enough to drink water, without spilling it (mental disturbance), HStaph.; with rheumatoid pains in forearms and wrists, Lye vir.; in rheumatism and neuralgia, HCaust; of right, Anac, IIMez.; of right, while eating (hysteria), I ISee; of right, long- lasting,Cup. m.;of right, with nervous twitch- ings, Lyss.; of right, can hardly write, ICepa; of right, preventing writing, Colch.; better from rubbing, INatr. m.; shaking, IIMerc; shaking (alcoholism), IMagn. p.; shaking, while sewing, Ferr. iod.; when he seizes any- thing, Stram.; when seizing anything and when riioving hands, as of weakness of old age, ILed.; when sitting or walking, ILed.; in tobacco poisoning, IINuxv.; in typhus and asthma, I Arg. nit; with uneasiness, Magn. c; when he attempted to use them, I IPhos.; with complaints, particularly uterine, ICale p.; fol- lows vertigo,IZinc; with vomiting in morning, ISul.; with great weakness, I IMere viv.; from overwork at desk (typhus), 11 Agar.; when writing, ICarbol. ae, ICinch., Lyss, INatr.m, I INatr. p, INatr. s, Oleand., Phos. ac,Samb, ISul,IZinc; when writing, better writing fast, I IFerr.; when writing, in mornings, IKali e; when writing, old people, Sabad.; when writ- ing, worse in any one's presence, or as soon as she fancies any one might notice it, llgn. 8®" cramp, paralysis. Hands, twitching: ICoccul, ICoff, ICup. m, IIHyos, Lyss, I INatr. s, IOp, Rheum, IStram.; rapid, convulsive, G3nan.; in diar- rhoea, ILach.; on ulnar dorsum of right, dur- ing rest, Arn.; as in drunkards, IOp.; in epi- lepsy, IStann.; muscular jactitation, Asaf; painful, of left, Meph.; painful, or trembling, Lactu. v.; of right, when coughing, ICina ; during sleep, Jacea; during sleep, more after midnight, Natr. s.; at commencement of spasms, I ISub; subsultus tendinum, Iod. 8®" chorea, jerking. Hands, ulcers: lAnanth, Caust.; on back, could hardly move, IHydras.; on backs, in secondary syphilis, I ISyph.; deep, on back of right, discharging bloody water, Dros.; in- flamed and painful, from a bum, on back, IHydras.; covered with depressed cicatrices, look as if they had been punched out with a wadding cutter, IKali bb; solid masses of matter fall on striking arm firmly, leaving ulcers clean, dry cavities, which slowly filled up and healed, Kali bb; small covering on palm, in rheumatism, ILye; on palms, ten- dons contracted, "Caust. Hands, veins: numerous moniliform dilata- tions on back, chiefly corresponding to the points of union of veins, I IPlumb.; dilated to double size, I Amyb; distended, Alum, Bar. c, Castor., ICinch, I ICinch. bol, IFluor. ae, IHam., ILaur., ILed, IOp, Polyg, IIPuls., Rheum, Stront.; distended, on dorsum, Cycb; distended, feet icy cold, IMenyanth.; dis- tended, in intermittent fever,IMerc per.; dis- tended, in heart disease, lLaur.; distended, with heat, IMere per.; distended, in tooth- ache, I ICinch.; distended, after washing in cold water, Amm. c; enlarged, ICie; promi- nent, INux v.; purplish (angina pectoris), I Arn.; swollen, Ars. h, Oleand., IRhus ; swol- len, in angina pectoris, lArn.; swollen, with cough, IPhos.; tense, Stront.; marked venos- ity (intermittent, after quinine), I ISul. Hands, vibration : Carb. s.; on back, Berb. Hands, wandering pain: in right dorsal sur- face, I I Amyb; flying pain in right, Ars. h.; in metacarpal bones, shift rapidly, llris. Hands, warts: ICale, ICaust, IIDulc, I IKali m., ILach, IILyc, INitr. ac, Rhus, ISep, Sul, IThuya; on backs, IFerr, IIThuya; numerous large, on back, INitr. ae; covered with, Anac; flat, ISep.; flat smooth, on in- side, Ruta ; on fingers, Berb, ICale, ICaust, IDulc, Lach, INatr. m., INitr. ac, Rhus, Sep, Sub, IThuya ; four horny painful, of three years duration, IIThuya; horny, I Ant. e; itching, ISep.; in onanists, Nitr. ae, ISep, Sub, IThuya ; small, in otorrhoea, ICale; pain- ful to touch, on backs, 11 Natr. e; on palms, Anac, INatr. m.; size of poppyseed, Thuya ; small, ISep.; small, on balls, Berb.; small, during confinement, ICale; small, size of pin's head, on left, Psor.; on thumb, Lach.; twenty to thirty, on right, hard horny, with rough surfaces, I IThuya; thirty to forty, especially on dorsa, surface of smaller ones smooth, al- most transparent, larger ones rough like cauli- flower, I I Thuya. 8^° Chap. 46, Skin warts. Hands, washing: frequent, hot, dry, IPhos.; always washing her hands,* ISyph. Hands, weakness: ICham, Chen, v., Cinch. bob, ICurar., IKali bi, INatr. s, Nux m., IStann.; drops things, Sep.; drops things, during menses, 11 Alum.; nervous, drops things, I Apis, INatr. m.; asif she must let fall what is in hands, ICycb; everything falls, during bust- ling, I IMosch.; cannot hold anything, ICina, Hippom.; can hold nothing, objects fall to ground, ICup. m.; could hold nothing in left (chorea), ILach.; could not hold a vessel of fluid-, nor carry it to mouth, Atrop. s.; could not hold a pen, Bism.; cannot hold anything, in rheumatism, IColch.; no power to hold things, in disease of cervical vertebrae, I ISib; joints feel disabled, Bov.; left, powerless, I IBapt.; in left, in nervous affection, IMagn. c; during menses, Alum.; in amenorrhcea, IZinc.; cannot control muscles when writing, JEsc. h.; paralytic, painful, I Act. sp.; power- less, IFluor. ac. Hell, I ISee; powerless,espe- cially right, allows light objects to fall, IBov.; in right, could not lift things (rheu- matism), IFerr. ph.; in right, can scarcely hold a pencil,Bapt.; right unsteady while writ- ing, Agar.; unsteady, making writing difficult * Wilder, Horn. Phys, 1891, p. 362, omitted in Guiding Symptoms. 32. UPPER LIMBS. 925 Lye vir.; refused to write, Caps.; weak, in writing, Brach, IZinc. BST" paralyzed feel- ing, trembling. Hands, weariness : 8®** tired feeling. Hands, wens: Plumb.; between metacarpal bones, Phos. ac. Hands, white : gs^~ pale. Hands, yellow : ICheb; with colic, ISib; gray- ish palm(rheumatism), ILye; in enlargement of liver, jaundice, ICheb; palms, IChel. SHOULDERS, abscess: small, painful, on middle of right deltoid, Agar. Shoulders, aching: Calc. p, Lyss., IVer. v.; in left acromion process, snooting down arm, JEsc. h.; with general muscular atrophy, ICale; caused by reading, in deltoids, I IStann.; dull, in joints, Ustil.; dull, over top of left, as from fatigue, for two hours, Chrom. ae; dull, tired" (nervous debility), ICurar.; in joints, Crot. t; from joints to elbow, Abrot.; in left joint, I IPtel.; worse in left, IHydras.; in left, like toothache, when lying on right side, ICarbol. ac, in parenchymatous metritis, I ILac e; in right, Dolich, Jugb, INitr. ae; in right, in functional derangement of liver, I ISep.; on top of right, Ipom.; sore, Cale p.; sore spot over right acromion, Ars. h,- in syphilitic neuralgia, I ISyph. 8®" bruised feeling, pain, rheumatism, soreness. Shoulders, alive: sensation of something in joint, especially about midnight, Berb. Shoulders, boils: Phos. ae; bloodboils, ICale; two or three inches apart, some papular, with inflamed area, others pustular, Hydras. Shoulders, boring: with prickling in fingers (chronic rheumatism), I IRhod.; in left, I I Aur. met.; in left joint, IRhod.; in right and from biceps to elbows, worse from motion, better by heat, worse from weight of bedclothes, IFerr. Shoulders, as if breaking off: on attempting to move arm (prosopalgia), ICheb Shoulders, bruised feeling: Amm. c, lArn, Cale p, Camph,ICon, Lyss, HNux v.,Ruta; as if beaten, on motion, Stram.; as from blows under right, when moving and touching it, IKali c; in bones, in paroxysms, Crotal.; con- stant, Ind.; to hands, Sarrae; in joint, on touching, Coccul.; in right joint, brought on by vexation, I IColoe; in left, IKali iod,ISub; left feels, as after taking violent exercise, JEsc. h.; worse from motion, IHam.; worse when at rest, I ILye; to wrist, Brach. 8es^ aching, soreness. Shoulders, burning: as from a red-hot coal, Phos. ac; constant, in right joint, Stront.; on left, Spong.; under left, HAilant; in right, llris ; on right, ICarbo v.; worse in cold wet weather, in bed, and at rest, IRhus. 8£jj^* heat. Shoulders, chilliness: Lept. Shoulders, chorea: shrugging, returning every day, IMygale . Shoulders, coldness: Arund.; in epilepsy, ■Caust. • A A Al Shoulders, concussion : sudden, Alum. Shoulders, constriction: cannot move, Cact. Shoulders', contractive pain : in deltoid, when laying hand on table, and while it lies there, Asar.; dull, in right, into arm, walking in open air, Brom.; in joint, Ang. Shoulders, cracking: ICale, I IFerr.; in left, Brach.; in right, from every motion, Carb. 8.; when moving or raising arm, IKali c. Shoulders, cramplike pain: close, as if every- thing in chest were tightly constricted, I Plat.; in left, ILil. tig.; in top of left, Inul. Shoulders, crawling: Ars. h.; as of insect, Arund, Lac c; as if something were running in right, during urination, IHep. Shoulders, cutting: in joint, on bending arm forward, llgn.; in left, Brach. Shoulders, darting: Stilling.; pain in deltoid, particularly at insertion of biceps, extending to elbow, IFerr.; in hysterical neuralgia, Vab; suddenly along arm, worse at night, Belb; occasional little darts of pain if kept still, IMed. 8^** lancinating,- shooting. Shoulders, desquamation: IFerr. Shoulders, disagreeable sensation : Aur. mur. Shoulders, discomfort: in right, Amyb Shoulders, feel as if dislocated: 11 Agar.; pain- ful, after exertion, ISep.; painful, in left, ISub; painful, on moving arm, llgn, IMagn. e; painful, in right, I Ant. t Shoulders, distress: in right (functional de- rangement of liver), 11 Sep. Shoulders, dragging pain : dull, Eryng. Shoulders, drawing: Berb.; worse in bed, Aur. mur.; on lifting arm, bone-pain in shoulder- joint after eating, Coccul.; in left deltoid, morning, Natr. p.; to fingers, INux v.; in joints, I IPtel, IPuls, Sub; down left arm, Pallad.; with melancholia, lArg. nit.; from left to neck, lifting or stretching arm, Anag.; pain, Pallad.; painful, in joint, Canth.; painful in joint, after eating, on lifting arm, Coccul.; painful, then tearing, stitching to elbow, IFerr. mur.; painful in left, Camph, Lil. tig., Zing.; painful in right, Pallad.; painful, from right along neck, as from a tense tendon, worse from pressure and moving arm, Crotal.; paralytic, IPhos.; in right, Coccus; from right to wrist, with coldness and stiffness of arms, I ICheb; during sleep, followed by lameness and weariness of affected muscles (neurosis of stomach), I ISang.; as if sprained or lame, Amb.; cannot stoop,Bor.; into thighs, 11 Nux v. 8®* rheumatism. Shoulders, dull pain: to fingers, ICale p.; oc- casional, in left joint, Sinap.; in left, ICrotal, Lil. tig.; in right, to fingers, Elat. Shoulders, eruption: acne, centre depressed, leaves scars, IKali br.; brown, itching, on left, Med.; colorless, smarting, Ars.; papulated ec- zema, presenting an enormous ulcerated sur- face, papulated and quite superficial, severe itching, exudation of serous fluid on scratch- ing, HPetrol.; nodules on deltoid at point of insertion, Hippoz.; itching nodules, Cupr. s.; patches, Berb.; pimples bleed easily and heal slowly, ICist.; pimples bleed easily when scratched, Kob, Mosch.; black pores, IDros.; pustular, ICale; irritation, with rash, ICale; red spots, with itching, Tabae; red spots on right, burning when touched, Tabae; specks, resembling nettlerash, Berb.; syphilitic bullae on back of (infantile syphilis), I ISyph.; vesi- cles as large as peas, IMere Shoulders, erysipelas: skin dark red or thick- ened, ninth day after vaccination, ICrotal. Shoulders, formication : Urt. ur. Shoulders, giddy sensation: in right, Ars. h. Shoulders, gout: arthritic pain in right (rheu- 926 32. UPPER LIMBS. matism), ICale; joints filled with solid exu- date (gout), IKali iod. Shoulders, grasping pain : Cochl. Shoulders, gurgling sensation : Berb. Shoulders, heat: JEsc. h., HSpong.; distressing burning, in skin, Urt ur.; flashes, I \JEsc. h. Shoulders, heaviness: on awaking, Zinc; op- pression at night (haemoptysis, laryngitis, chronic bronchitis), Tabae; painful, Chrom. ae; painful, in left, as if it contained lead, INux m.; paralytic, in joint, IFerr.; feeling of weight, all day, Lyss.; weight, with dyspnoea, INatr. m.;, as of a great weight, in irritation of cerebrospinal nerves, I IParis ; pain, as if a weight were resting on it, 11 Hep. Shoulders, injuries: strained left by a fall, Zing.; with rheumatic lameness, IFerr. mur.; after straining, 11 Rhus. Shoulders, itching: Alum, HCycb, IIGels, Niccol, Urt. ur.; at edge, Therid.; as from crawling insects, worse evening on going to bed, Osm.; pricking, with feeling of warmth, begins in another place on scratching, Sars.; sleepless, IGels. Shoulders, jerking: IPuls.; in deltoid, quiver - ing,IIgn.; in joints, Carb. s.; stitchlike, electric sparks in left, into cervical muscles, Cham.; painful, Diose; painful, from right towards head, with thirst and debility, ICham.; in right, to arm, elbow joint, and forearm (rheu- matism), lArs.; sudden, Alum. BST" chorea, t-witching. Shoulders, lacerating pain: in joints, espe- cially at night, ISub; in joints, especially at night, and when moving parts, IMere; worse at night, Bell. Shoulders, lameness: sensation, in deltoid, worse on motion, Zing.; in joint, INatr. m.; in left, JEsc. h.; in left, worse on using arm, ILach.; of left, at night, when lying on left side, Merc. iod. flav.; on first moving, better during exercise, IRhus; painful, IFluor. ac; painful, in left, morning in bed, better lying on it, Calc. a.; painful, during motion, I I Kali iod.; painful, also stitches in right, I ILaur.; in right, Bism., Merc. iod. flav.; in right, to hand, Psor. 8®* paralyzed feeling, rheu- matism. Shoulders, lancinating: in joints, Ammoniac; in joint, on bending arm forward, llgn. gg&~ darting, shooting, stitches. Shoulders, lightninglike pain : in right, Daph. Shoulders, muscles: feel relaxed, I IMerecor.; of left, feel soft and flabby, Ind. Shoulders, necrosis: ofacromio-clavicularartic- ulation, with anchylosis of left joint, I ISil. Shoulders, neuralgia: in joint, IStaph.; in left, then right, then vice versa, I ILac c.j in right, Pallad.; of right, passing to left, Eup. pur.; in right, when raising arm, or turning it towards chest,IIgn. gg&~ rheumatism, sharp pain, tearing. Shoulders, numbness : Urt. ur.; to tips of fin- gers, lOxabac; of left, Merc. iod. flav.,Xan.; in anterior right, as if in bone, Filix. Shoulders, pain (undefined): Absin, Anag, Ars. m, Calc. p., ICact, Cist, I IGraph., IHy- dras., IKalm, I IPsor, ISang., Strain.; across, must stoop, Cann. i.; in joint, violent on awaking, lying on side, lArn.; in rheum- atic catarrh, I ICinnam.; with oppression of chest, Cimex ; during cough, IPuls, I IXan.; deep seated, with distress in left, better stand- ing and walking, Chrom. ac.; deep seated, in right, lEup. pert; in deltoids, tearing, drawing laming, worse in bed, must get up and slowly move about, worse if too lightly covered, IFerr.; in left deltoid, intense, Brach.; in Spring, in both deltoids, in Fall a recurrence in left, IFerr.; in right deltoid, worse lifting, not felt when swinging arms to and fro, worse night on turning in bed, wakes him, 11 Sang.; in deltoid, on motion, Codein.; in deltoid, severe, worse from motion, vexation and before a thunder- storm, IIRhod.; in deltoid, worse at night, causing continued motion, I Caust.; in deltoid, when raising arm, IBar. e; in right deltoid, continuous, Urt. ur.; in right deltoid, at inser- tion, ICed.; in right deltoid,place size of palm of hand, sore to touch, Lobel. b; in either side, IFerr.; down to elbow, arms feel strained, I Rumex ; with fever, Calc.; before or after ' intermittent fever, Gels.; to ends of fingers, and shooting back to elbow, Elat.; after ach- ing in forehead, IKalm.; in front of right, Cist.; on top, with hepatic disorder, ICrotal.; in hepatitis, I Merc.; violent, flies to head, pre- vents raising arms to head, particularly right, I ISub; with headache, ICalad.; intermitting, in left, Ind.; in joint, ICale, Colch, Lyss, IPuls.; in joints, with difficulty of moving head and tongue, 11 Colch.; in joint, on raising right arm, Card. m.; with lameness of right arm, IMagn. c.; in left, ICund., IIDiosc, Ind, Ipom, Jugb, Natr. p.; in left, in angina pec- toris, IDig.; in left, down arm, Bapt.; in left, runs down arm, so severe as to disable, Ind.; in left, down arm and side (hysteria), I ISep.; in left, with want of power, Cheb; in left, he thought neck and shoulder would break, Thlaspi; in left, between clavicle and scapula internally, Cinnab.; terrific, in left, when coughing, as if shoulder would fly to pieces, better by pressure, better by swinging arm back and forth fast, during convalescence from pneumonia, 11 Rhus; in left, into deltoid, ICheb; in left, with dyspepsia, I Arg. nit.; in left, feels as if eructation would relieve, ICist.; from left, along arm and towards heart,ICale; in left joint, Coff. t; in left joint, as if beaten and paralyzed, Lyss.; in left,in morning.Bar. e; in left, worse 4 a.m., I IRhus ; in left, on mo- tion (cardiac pain), Ascl. t; in left, better by motion, Alum.; in muscles of left, IIRhus ; in left, involving pectoral muscles, Asim.; in left, to occiput, Eup. pur.; in left, soon extend- ing over whole side and rendering arm power- less (affection of cerebrospinal nerves), I IParis; in left, come and go quickly, Eup. pert; in left joint, worse during rest and when think- ing of it, causes sickening feeling at stomach, Bapt.; straight through, from left to right, IMed.; in left, across to right, could scarcely move arm (pharyngitis), I ILacc; in left, with sciatica, IFerr.; severe, at top of left, Rhus; when lying on right side, IFerr.; elderly lady, had not menstruated for two years, pain better when menses appeared, ILobel. b; on motion, Codein.; in joint, on motion, Caust.; on motion or pressure, scrofulous patient (lux- atio spontanea), IIColoc; during motion or rest, Asar.; when moving right arm, after dancing and cooling draughts, from right side IKali m.; on moving, arm with soreness in 32. UPPER LIMBS. 927 side, Lact. ac.; during night, I IGels.; at night, | with haemoptysis, laryngitis, or chronic bron- chitis, Tabae; at night, better from warm wrappings, Sib; constant, to occiput and arms, worse from motion and in damp weather (myalgia), I IVer.; paroxysms, in right joint, Sarrae; in right, Apis, Ast. r, HChel,IChen.a, I ILac c, IMagn. c, Nitr. sp. d, Pallad., Xan.; in right, without suffering from moving arm, ICarbol. ac; in right, to chest, with sensation as if a tape prevented circulation of blood, Sabad.; in right clavicular junction, Gamb.; in right, to elbow, constant, preventing sleep, causes fainting, 11 Phos.; below right, in front, Astac; in right, as though he had carried something heavy, Castor.; in right, with hemi- plegia, lElaps ; in right, with hepatic affec- tions, ILept.; under right, when inhaling, Alum.; in right joint, IFluor ac, IMez.; in right joint to fingers, as if air were pressing down, I IFluor. ae; in right joint, with head- ache, I ILach.; in right joint, at 1 p.m., Lyss.; in front of upper part of right, then left, Badiag.; in right, as though it came from left, straight through, I IMed.; in right, with liver tender and sore (acute congestion of liver), INux v.; back of right, mornings, Ars. m.; in right, through arm to nails, ICimex ; in right, with frequent nausea, and obstinate chronic constipation, IMere cor.; in right, worse night, on turning in bed, HSang.; in region of right, ILye; in right joint, whence they have extended from scapula, ICheb; on top of right, Dolich., Lyss., ISang.; under right, Cepa; in spinal irritation, IHep.; in a small spot under, pricking and burning in hand as it slowly goes away, ILach.; in region of wasp sting, Vespa ; with sinking feeling in stomach, Bapt.; on swallowing food, IRhus; on tip, I lAspar.; in tip, towards point of elbow, Ars. h.; in top, ICrotal.; in top of right, and soon after in back, first to fourth dorsal ver- tebrae (gastralgia biliosa), ILobel. b; as if uncovered all night, 11 Kreo.; under, in in- digestion, I IPuls. 8@"° aching, neuralgia, rheumatism. Shoulders, paralysis: of deltoid, ICaust.; of right deltoid, no pain (after apoplexy), ICu- rar.; in right, Ars. s. r. Shoulders, paralytic pain: in left, ICheb; in left, at night, Stront.; in right, Berb.; in right, upon which he rests, extends to below elbow, and goes off by turning to other side, Rhod. Shoulders, paralyzed feeling: in left, Rhus ; sudden stroke, as if right had been paralyzed by lightning, extended through arm to "tips of thumb, index finger, middle finger, after anxiety (hysterical paraplegia), llgn. Beg"" lameness. Shoulders, parasites: numerous pediculi cor- poris cling to a girl of sallow complexion but cleanly appearance, 11 Psor. Shoulders, piercing: in joints (rheumatic at- tacks), IBry. Shoulders, pinching: in right deltoid, IFerr. Shoulders, pressing feeling: Aurant, Bor, Card, m, HCaust., Lyss, Nux m.; in acro- mion, dull intermittent, as of a heavy load, Anac; in deltoid, Astac; at insertion of right deltoid, Hyper.; jerking, in deltoid, Sub; in joints, Nitr. sp. d.; in right joint, IILaur.; sensation as if some one were pressing on left, by clavicle, Rhus; top of left, Bell.; to neck, during menses, Berb.; painful, INatr. c; painful, with oppression and shortness of breath (rheumatism), ILye; violent, painful, inward, returns every winter, lArg. met.; painful in left joint, violent, Staph.; painful in left, or both, worse from motion, ILed.; , painful in right joint, during rest and motion, Case; painful on top, rather than tearing, disappearing on motion, Verbas.; painful on top of right, worse from touch, Bry.; in right, Arum t., Bism, I ILaur.; on right, to deltoid muscle, preventing raising arm, Prun.; in right, when at rest, Bry.; on top of right, when walk- ing after having been seated, with stitches, with pressure in right side of abdomen, in region of last true ribs, arresting respiration, IRan. b.; in right, as if by a weight, Amm. br.; tensive, during cough, Dig.; on top, par- ticularly right, Camph.; like a heavy weight, Rhus; like a weight, when walking in open air, Sul. Shoulders, pricking : in upper part, Ang. 8@" sticking, stinging. Shoulders, quivering: of deltoid, Asaf; in joint, Asaf; convulsive shaking of left, after dinner, Agar.; trembling of muscles of left, followed by soreness, ^Esc. h.; in right, when at rest, IIDros.; in upper part, Ang. BST*jerking, twitching. Shoulders, raised: with difficult breathing, Ant e, 11 Eup. perf. Shoulders, redness: of right, I ILac c. Shoulders, rhagades: fissures causing great pain and bleeding, 11 Petrol. Shoulders,rheumatism: Aph.ch, ICact,Cain., ICaust, IChim. umb, IColch, IFerr. iod., IIFerr. mur., I Ferr. ph., Grat, Magn. c,Magn. m, IMere, Nitr.ac, INux m., II01. jee, IRhod, ISang.; acute, from right to hip, Rheum; bruised, paralyzed feeling, Ferr. iod.; or burn- ing, especially in left, iGraph.; during cli- macteric period, I lUstil., confined to shoulder, shoulder-cap and cervical region, I ISang.; in deltoid, Aur. met., Calc, Caulo, IFerr, Lac c, Phyt, I IViob; in left deltoid, INux m.; in deltoid, constrictive, Stram.; del- toid, tender to pressure, sensitive by use, I ISang.; in deltoids, worse raising arm, Zinc; at insertion of deltoid, Phyt.; at insertion of deltoid, worse raising arm laterally, ISyph.; in right deltoid, I ICard. m, I ISal. ae; in right deltoid, worse moving joint backward, I Agar.; in right deltoid, commencing at night, I ISticta; in deltoid, especially right, IKalm.; in right deltoid, unable to work, even to wear hiscloak, IFerr. ph.; whendressing inmorning, prevents motion, ICaust; up neck to mastoid and ears, Lact. ac.; sharp pains, after exposure to draught of cold air while in a sweat, HSars.; to fingers, Mang.; pains fly from one part to another like an electric shock, worse at night, IPhyt.; gnawing at night, worse in damp,windy weath- er, IKali e; drawing across to head, worse riding, turning in bed, flexure on rotation of head, morning and evening, Ind.; acute, inflammatory of right joint, IFerr. mur.; in joint, IIMerc. iod. rub.; in joint, to hands, worse from motion, IMagn. m.; violent pains in joints, on motion, IKalm.; in right joint, commencing at night, I ISticta; 928 32. UPPER LIMBS. particularly in joints, Stront.; in joint, Stront.; in joints, worse raising arm laterally, ISyph.; in joints, first right, then left, Amm. m.; in right joint, goes to left upper arm and around elbow joint, Lobel. b; in left, Cinch. bob, Erig, IIMerc. cor, INux m., HPhyt.; in left, in region of deltoid, Rhus; in left, afterwards in right, Ascl. t; transient, in left, Eryng.; worse in left, ILed.; notably in left, Med., I ISub; better lying perfectly still; I ISang.; radiating from neck, Card, m.; worse at night, IKali bb; in one or the other, I ILac c; pain, in paroxysms, commencing in right, extending down right side of trunk and hip, shoots across to left hip and down leg, worse on motion (rheumatism), ILye; in right, Berb, Carbo v, ICarbol. ac. Chin, s, Chrom. ac, IColoe, Ferr, IHydras, Iber, IIMed, Nux m, Phyt, ISang, I IViob; in right, as if in bone down arm, Ars. s. r.; in right, to arm, walking in open air, Brom.; frightful pain in right after being chilled while overheated, pains leave shoulder and go to knee, then to joint, again several joints affected at a time, IKali s.; in right, drawing, tearing, worse from violent motion of arm, better by gentle mo- tion, IFerr. ph.; in right, in evening, Pallad.; sudden, violent, in right, after exposure to draught in evening, unable to raise arm, as if dislocated (acute rheumatism), ILac e; in right joint, Bapt.; in right, later in left, Amm. m., I Apis, Lac c, Lyss.; in right, worse on motion, especially raising arm, llris; in right, feels nervous, Natr. p.; in right, worse at night on turning in bed, HSang.; severe, in muscles of right, all night, Ustil.; in right, paralytic, I IPhos.; in right, to pectoral muscles, produc- ing inability to draw a deep inspiration, IJugb; acute rheumatism of right joint, red, swollen, sensitive to touch, IFerr. ph.; deep in socket, preventing motion, IIFerr. mur.; stitches, drawing, after getting wet whilst warm, IDulc; especially in syphilitic subjects, worse at night and in damp weather, IPhyt, tearing, throbbing to fingers, worse when arm is left hanging, worse warmth of bed at night, and when placing arm over head, better mo- tion, in cold air, and during sweat, I IThuya ; tightness in joints, IBry.; at night, with ting- ling, to fingers, pain prevents least movement, IMagn. e; rheumatic, on tips, IBry.; in top of left, worse from motion, Med.; with weakness of arms, INatr. c. g^T" aching, drawing, lameness, neuralgia, pain, stiffness, tear- ing. Shoulders, sensitive : clothes lie like a weight, ICon.; left, to pressure, pains extend to mam- ma, ILach.; in right joint, to pressure, Pallad.; pain to touch, Aspar.; sore to touch, feels bruised, worse in motion, better by heat, IFerr.; left, to touch, in tumor in left mamma, ILach.; to touch, in abscess, after vaccination, lApis. Shoulders, sharp pain: momentary, in right joint, Sib; in left, in heart trouble, IDig.; in left, in pericarditis, IColch.; in intercostal neuralgia, I IRan. b.; through right to scapula, Como.; in right, obliging him to cease writ- ing, Merc. iod. flav.; shooting through, ILith. 8®* neuralgia. Shoulders, shocks: painful, in laryngo-trache- itis, IIPuls. Shoulders, shooting : downward, worse than upward, IFerr.; in joints, Tromb.; in joint, along arm, Cale p.; inward, in left, Rhus ; on top of left, Bell.; under left, ICale; in right, llris ; in right, in morning, Tromb.; in right, 9 a.m., Ascl. t; in right joint, with stiffness and inability to raise arm, after dislocation, I IPhyt. 8@° darting, lancinating. Shoulders, soreness: Bapt, Brach.; in joint, INux v.; in left, down arm, Ind.; of left, at night, when lying on left side, Merc. iod. flav.; of muscles, with stiffness of nape of neck, IPod.; in right, lAmyb; attacks in right, to hand, Psor.; of right, worse lying on it (hepa- titis), ILach. SST" aching, bruised feeling. Shoulders, feeling as if sprained : Berb., Ruta; or broken, in nervous debility, ICurar.; in deltoid, as if thousands of splinters were in it, on lifting arm, 5 p.m., Agar.; in joints, Hgn., Mang, INatr. m.; in joint, worse on raising arm, Alum.; in left, ISul.; in left, orfractured, with cold feeling in upper arm, ICheb; in left joint, on moving it, worse by lifting whole arm and on twisting it, Vespa ; or dislocated, in left, worse from violent motion, Niccol.; at night, towards 3 a.m., after being chilled from a sea bath, I IRhus ; in right joint, Sabina ; in anterior portion of right, felt when stretching arm, moving small objects, Pallad.; in right, on motion, Staph.; with stiffness, as from a sprain, IIRhus. 8®° dislocated feeling. Shoulders, sticking: Thuya; with chill, I IHelb; in right deltoid, radiates to scapula and elbow joint by lifting and motion (chronic rheumatism), I Apis; in joints, Crot. t; dull, in joint, worse from touch and motion,Staph.; in left, IGraph.; when lifting arms, ILed. 8^*" pricking, stinging, stitches. Shoulders, stiffness: Bapt, IHam, llnd, I IKali bi., ILye; across, Lact. ae; anchylosis, ICup. m.; anchylosis of left, with necrosis of acromio-clavicular articulation, HSib; of left (chronic otitis media), INatr. c; on first mov- ing, better during exercise, IRhus; rheumatic, Como, IFluor. ac, ILye; rheumatic, of left, after riding in open car, Guaiae; rheumatic, in syphilis, I IPetrol.; rheumatic, in secondary syphilis, IPetrol.; in right, Merc. iod. flav.; in rheumatism, IColoe 8®" lameness, rheu- matism. Shoulders, stinging : Berb.; seems to be seated in bloodvessels, Nux m.; in right joint, can- not turn head, 11 Ang.; pulsating dull, inside of right joint, Osm. B^T" pricking, stinging. Shoulders, stitches: IBry, ICarbo v., ICinch, IClem.; after catarrh (pneumonia), IIPuls.; into chest, ICamph.; into chest, on motion, Sub; fine, crawling, inside of right deltoid, Lobel. b; in deltoid, confined to a small space, pains most right side, worse by motion (an- gina pectoris), HOxal. ac; to elbow with change of weather, Carb. s.; during inspira- tion, Berb.; in joints, Jacea, Nitr. sp. d.; in joints, on lifting arms, Sul. ac.; in left, ICale, Iodof; below left, Berb.; on top of left, Belb; on lifting arm, so violent that patient must desist, dares not move the fingers even, most in left, ICie; while lying, better moving- about, Rhus; in peritonitis, ILye; severe when raising arm, ILed.; during rest, ICoc- cul.; in rheumatism, I IPuls.; in right, Brom., Colch., Inul.; in right, towards back, scrofu- 32. UPPER LIMBS. 929 •ions patient (luxatio spontania), I IColoe; on tep, at every inspiration, Hyper.; in right n^joint, Carb. s.; near right, ICamph.; a few, quick as lightning, in right, making him cry out, Pallad.; through right, in disease of liver, with hydrothorax, IKali e; on top of right, I IGamb, IGuaiac; on top of right, when walking after having been seated, with stitches and pressure in right side of abdomen, in region of last true ribs, arresting respiration, IRan. b.; to wrist, especially worse after mid- night during damp cold weather, ICarb. s. 8ST" darting, lancinating, sticking. Shoulders, stooping: ISub; projecting, in phthisis, I IPsor. Shoulders, stretching: Berb. Shoulders, s-weat: after coitus, Agar. Shoulders, swelling: in abscess after vaccina- tion, I Apis; with shooting tearing in left arm, from shoulder to elbow and back of hand, worse at night, preventing sleep (bra- chial neuralgia), ICrot. t; of joints, IFerr. ph.; in right, I ILac c; rheumatic, of right, IColoe; rheumatic of right, with stitches, Bry.; of tendons of right, worse during mo- tion, worse from touch, I I Kali iod. Shoulders, tearing: Amb, Amm. c, Berb., IGamb, IIKali iod, IMagn. m, Phos. ac, IPuls.; with oppression and shortness of breath, particularly when lying (rheumatism), ILye; after catarrh, in pneumonia, IIPuls.; dull, in deltoid, particularly at insertion of biceps, extends to elbow, worse holding arm quiet, in warmth of bed, or uncovering for any length of time, IFerr.; drawing to fingers, worse after midnight, when lying on back, better lying on painful arm, Cham.; then in ear, I IKali iod.; to finger joints, Lachn.; in joints, Aeon, Rhus, Zinc; in joint, along arm, Calc. p.; in left joint, Amb, IIKali c, IRhod.; in left joint, on moving arm, IGraph.; in joint, obliges him to move arms, IPuls.; in joint, with pricking prickling in fingers chronic rheumatism), IIRhod.; in joints, rending (rheumatic attacks), IBry.; in joints, shining red, swelling of parts, Bry.; as if joint would be torn asunder, IMez.; in left, 11 Aur. mur, Carb. s.; in neighborhood of left, Carbo a.; in left, especially at night in bed, I IPhos.; in tip of left, Inul.; worse from motion and in morning, ICarbo v.; when moving,ICamph, Cheb; in nerves, Cist.; to occiput, worse lift- ing, Berb.; paralytic, in joints, IFerr. mur.; paralytic, from left joint into arm, cannot raise arm, slow movement gradually relieves, IFerr.; rending pressure in attacks, Cann. s.; during rest, not in motion, ILye; in rheuma- tism, IIPuls.; in right, Agar, Coccus, Inul., Nux m.; in right, to arm, elbow joint and fore- arm (rheumatism), I Ars.; in right, worse on moving (pneumonia), IINux v.; from joint into upper arm and downward, shooting (rheu- matism), I IFerr.; stinging, through bones of arm, to fingers, Lyss.; cannot stoop, Bor.; worse in cold wet weather, in bed and at rest, IRhus. B^*neuralSia- rheumatism. Moulders, tension: cramplike, as though Irawn together, Carbo v.; in deltoid, Astac; in joints, Zinc; in joint, cannot write, Bov.; from left to neck, lifting or stretching arm, Vnag.; extends to neck, during menses, Berb.; lainful, ILye; painful, in deltoid, when lay- ing hand on table and while it lies there, Asar.; painful, in left, extends to nape,IApis; painful, in rheumatism, I IPuls.; painful, in right joint, during rest and motion, Case; pain, in right, when at rest, Bry.; painful, from right, along neck, as from a tense tendon, worse from pressure and moving arm, Crotal.; paralytic, in joints, mornings, from moving arm, Euphor.; rheumatic, in right joint, ILye; in right, Coccus; tendons of right feel . stretched, worse during motion or on touch, 11 Kali iod. Shoulders, throbbing: Berb.; in left, Rhus; painful, Brach.; painful, in angina pectoris, IKali e; painful, in right, ILed.; quick, in upper part, Aug. Shoulders, tickling: in right, Pallad. Shoulders, tired feeling: Chin. a. Shoulders, toothache: extends to, in preg- nancy,- lAlum. Shoulders, twitching: ILye; in deltoid, first in left, later in right, with inclination to move, Oxal. ac; to middle finger, Am.; about left, Spong.; painful, Ars. h.; like a painful quiv- ering of muscles, Ars. h.; painless, around right, Arg. met.; spasmodic, extending to, ^Art. v. Bsa^"* chorea, jerking, quivering. Shoulders, tumor: fatty swelling on left, ex- tending into axilla, -Amm. m. Shoulders, ulcerative pain: to fingers, worse when arm is left hanging, worse warmth of bed at night and when placing arm over head, better motion, in cold air, and during sweat (rheumatism), I IThuya. Shoulders, ulcers: on left, after removal of mole, two inches in diameter, sore, I ISul. Shoulders, uneasiness : in pericarditis, lAscl.t. Shoulders, wandering pain : 11 Senecio; flying pains in right, Hyper.; preventing sleep, Abrot. Shoulders, weakness: better bending forward, Alum.; in left joint, Zing.; in left, Nitr. sp. d.; numb feeling in left, Cup. ars.; painful, in left, worse using arm, ILach.; paralytic, of right, Carbo v. WRISTS, abscess: matter formed and broke skin, oozing out for two or three days, then healed, leaving a cicatrix, as if scooped out, IIKali bi.; painless, on inside of right, one inch in diameter, ILach. Wrists, aching: ILac def.; dull, IPod.; particu- larly in right, IViob; right, as if paralyzed, after menses, Natr. p.; with occasional stitches, Kob.; in syphilis, I Asaf; distress, during rainy weather, Erig. Wrists, affections: of joints, IBov. Wrists, boring: IHelb Wrists,feel as if breaking: lEup.perf; right,Bor. Wrists, bruised feeling: as if beaten, in bones, Asaf; as if beaten and lame, in left, Lyss.; as if beaten, on pressure, in left, Arg. met.; in bones, during rest and motion, Ruta ; as if contused, ICale; in right, Camph. Wrists, burning: Arund.; in right, Arund, Zinc; through thumb and index finger, Asar. Wrists, caries: of joint, ISil. Wrists, coldness: IGels.; in puerperal fever, IIPuls. Wrists, contraction: shortening of tendons, Carbo v. Wrists, convulsions: 8 to 11 a.m. (intermit- tent tonic spasms), INatr. m. 59 930 32. UP Wrists, cracking: ICon.; audible, on slight motion, Kali bb; in right, when moving hand, 11 Am.; with tearing in hands, at night, Selen. Wrists, cramplike pain: Calc. p. Wrists, cramps : Phos. ae; with hemorrhoids, IPhos. ac; then loss of sensation and sudden emaciation, with coldness of parts (paralysis), IPlumb.; by writing, Brach. gg&" Fingers and Hands, cramp. Wrists, cutting : peculiar, shoots to elbow and above, always from periphery to centre, 11 Bell. Wrists, darting: Bapt. Wrists, digging: in left, in evening at rest,Rhod. Wrists, feel as if dislocated: lEup. perf; left, to elbow, I IPhos.; right, when moving hand, 11 Arn. Wrists, drawing: Aeon., Cham, Cist,Kalim.; inleft, Amyb, Spong.; inleft, in evening, at rest, Rhod.; painful, ICaulo.; painful, in flexor muscles, Ham.; painful, in inner surface, HCycb; painful, in left, Asar.; painful, in 'right, as if sprained, Zinc; short, paralytic, on outside of left, Arg. met; during rest, Ca- lend, Zinc; in right, Anag.; in right, in after- noon, Ast. r.; in syphilis, I Asaf B@~ rheu- matism. Wrists, dull pain : Cast. eq. Wrists, eruption: around, IPsor.; small blis- ters, itching, burning when scratched, Amm. m.; dry, hard blotches with red borders, Coc- cul.; small blotches, ILacc; bullae, symmet- rical, as large as a hen's eggs (pemphigus), I ISep.; with chronic rheumatism in limbs, 11 Psor.; simple eczema assumes characteristics of impetigo figurata in pustular stage, be- comes confluent, tension and pain, IJugb; eczema on back, half way to elbow, itching worse by scratching, IMez.; eczema, a patch on each as large as half a dollar with intense itching, preventing sleep, with constant desire to scratch, I IPsor.; herpetic red blotches, after scratching, Ipec; irritation, ICale; after re- cent itch, I IPsor.; itchlike, on inside, Oleand.; itchlike,itchingviolently,better by scratching, Ant.t.; itchlike, with tearing in limbs, I IPsor.; on outer side of left, Ars. s. f; pimples, Calep.; pimples, like itch, on inner surface, with burning, itching and smarting after scratch- ing, I IRhus; itching pimples, Ziz.; pustular, ICrotal.; pustular tumors, ICup. a.; disgust- ing crop of pustules, epidermis undermined around as with shingles, burning and itching (psoric pustulation), I ISub; small pustules on left, discharge a milky fluid when opened, I ISep.; rash, Calad.; erysipelatoid rash, with maddening burning heat,worse at night, IHy- dras.; hot rash on right, Elaps ; itching rash, I ILed.; red patches, ICale; pain, followed by eruption of red patches, some bluish,painful to touch, new ones constantly forming (erythe- ma nodosum during typhoid), IIRhus; red spots behind, Dros.; red spot with a yellowish pellicle, Jacar.; red, round, scaly spots, one inch in diameter (psoriasis), IMere; inner side of right, circular tetter, size of a dollar (catarrh), lApis; dry tetter with rheumatism in limbs, I IPsor.; tubercle near end of radius, size of a large split pea and rather blue from sting of insect several years ago, worse during summer, ICrotal.; tubercle pouring out clear water when pressed, Magn. c.; vesicular, ICrotal.; white spots, ICale LIMBS. Wrists, formicating pain: in left, Arund. 8^* prickling. Wrists, ganglion : elastic cyst on extensor side of left, I ISil.; on right, size of a bean, ICale ggjp" swelling, tumor; also Chapter 44, Tumors ganglion. Wrists, gout: deposits, between metacarpal bones, Benz.ac; painful and inflamed,IAbrot; of right, lAtrop. s. BSP" rheumatism. Wrists, heaviness: in left, Arund. Wrists, injuries: scalded with boiling water, swollen, blisters partially opened, I ICarb. s.; sprain, Amm. c, IRhus ; after strain, exuda- tion of synovial fluid, I ISib 8®* sprained feeling. Wrists, itching: IIHep., Psor.; on right, I I Agar.; in a spot, I IKali bi. Wrists, jerking: painful in right, Arund.; pain- ful, sudden, in right, Pallad. Wrists, lacerating pain: especially at night, and when moving parts, IMere; in right, when trying to grasp an object (ganglion), ICarbo v. Wrists, lameness: Acet. ac, IIKali c, Lyss.; as if beaten, Calc. p.; after dislocation,Rheum; in left, Asar.; after sprains, Rheum. Wrists, lancinating: in left, IIHam.; alter- nately right and left, 11 Lac c. 8®°* stitches. Wrists, neuralgic pains: in right, Pallad. Wrists, numbness: Cornus ; back of right, to radial side of arm to just above elbow, as if in bone, felt as if use of limb would go, Filix ; in left, transient, as if in bone, Filix ; in measles, I IZinc Wrists, pain (undefined): Amm. c, lAnt. t, ICale, Cist., ICornus; on awaking, shifting to toes and fingers, Diose; with shaking chill, followed by heat, then sweat on back, face and hollow of elbows (ague), I IPod.; violent, in chorea, I I Hippom.; deep-seated, Cub.; after exertion with hand, Berb.; great, I IKali bb; in left, causing hand to feel paralyzed, IKalm.; in left, Brach., Sarrae; transient, inner side, particularly left, Irid.; when moving it, Calc. p.; worse after rest, when beginning to move joint, after washing in cold water, by cold, change of weather, feather bed, exertion in morning, after night's rest, and evening, I IRhus ; in right, Arund., Calc. p., IRhus, ISal. ac; in right, on back and extensor side, evenings, Cepa ; in right, into forearm, in morning, Pallad.; in right, at first shooting and intermittent, afterwards constant, at noon, Tromb.; sudden, through thumb and index finger, Asar.; severe, to thumb, Xan.; after writing much and rapidly, Coral. 8®° rheumatism. Wrists, paralysis: lAcon, IPlumb.; caused by apoplexy, sclerosis of brain or muscular atro- phy, alternating with colic, HPlumb.; every morning in bed, 11 Hippom.; after contact with paint, I IPlumb.; rheumatic, Ruta; wrist-drop, HPlumb. B^T" weakness. Wrists, paralytic pain : on moving it, Euphor.; from motion, Carbo v. Wrists, pressing feeling: Card. m., Nitr. sp. d.; painful, ILed.; painful drawing, above right, Spong.: painful, in right, I IViob; painful, above right, during rest, Spig.; as after sprain- ing or straining, Berb. Wrists, prickling pain : along superficial veins, to shoulder, I IHam. BST" formicating. 32. UPPER LIMBS. 931 Wrists, quivering; during headache, IGlon. Wrists, redness: Apis, Cub.; in inflammation of hand, lAnthrac; in a spot, I IKali bi. Wrists, rhagades: intensely fissured, in dry chronic eczema, 11 Kali ars. Wrists, rheumatism : lAct. sp, IBrach.,IColch, I IFerr. ph, Grat., IKali bi, Lact ac, 11 Vace, I IViob; in left, Bapt, IGuaiac, Magn. s, I IViob; from left to elbow, Cinch.; three months' duration, wrists swollen, painful on moving, 11 Sticta; in right I I Chin, s, Ruta, Urt. ur, IViob; pain, intolerable in right, swollen, motion impossible, lAct. sp.; darting from side to side, after a spasm, IIRhus; transient, in right, Eryng.; in right, along ulna formica, with swelling, Caulo, ILach.; of left, Viol.; swelling of left, bluish-red, with pains as if somebody sawed at his bones with a dull saw, better from heat of stove, worse from sundown to sunrise (rheumatism), I ISyph.; swelling painful, I IVer. v.; swelling pinkish, sensitive, motion painful, I ISal. ac; swelling reddened, pain came on about 3 p.m., continued to increase in violence and was accompanied by swelling and redness until about midnight, preventing sleep, it then diminished and he felt but little inconven- ience, except pain and stiffness on moving, until next afternoon about same hour, I IPuls.; swelling of right, I IChin. s.; swelling of right, with intense heat, Viol.; tension above left, Zinc; trembling of hands, Lye vir. BST* drawing, tearing. Wrists, scraping: Cist. Wrists, sensitive: intolerance of light clothing, I iBov.; tenderness, could not bear shaking of wrist from forearm or pressure over articula- tion, or sideway motions of hand, after a sprain, 11 Rhus. Wrists, shooting: Brach., Merc, sub; in left, in morning, Tromb.; as from needles, Aeon.; in right, at different times all moming,Tromb. Wrists, smarting: alternately, right and left, 11 Lac c Wrists, soreness: as if broken or dislocated, lEup. perf.; in left, Brach.; during menses, I INatr. p.; rheumatic, in left, I ISal. ae; in right, to elbow, as if traceable in flexor carpi ulnaris, Brach.; to touch. Pod. Wrists, sprain: BiT injuries. Wrists, sprained feeling: I Arn, ICarbo a., ICina, Cist., Jugb, ILach., Petrol, IRhod, I Seneg, Sub; in left, Cast. eq., Hippom.; on I upper surface of left, on bending it, IRhus ; worse in morning, Lyss.; on every motion, Bry.; in right, Alum, Ang., ICaust, IIGels, \ IILaur., ILye; in right arm hanging, pain radiates into right ring and little fingers, Cast. eq.; in right, impeding motion, worse at rest, in rough weather, IRhod.; in right, wants to stretch it, cannot hold anything, Oxal. ac; in right, as if wrenched or dislocated, ICale; worse in wet cold weather, Ruta. Wrists, sticking: IHell. Wrists, stiffness: IChel, Cub, ISep.; arthritic, with tearing and stinging, almost unsupport- able when hand hangs down, ISabina; in measles, I IZinc; especially in morning, Sub; painful, of right, IMere; in right, (spi- nal disease), lApis; as of want of synovial fluid, Belb; worse in wet cold weather, Ruta. Wrists, stinging: at a single small spot in , inner dorsum, lasts about a minute, 4 p.m., Tromb. Wrists, stitches: Cham, Cornus, INatr. m, Samb.; with aching, Kob.; fine, if hands be- come warm and during rest, Bry.; flying, jerking, in rheumatism, Carb. s.; in left, Ast. r.; at night, to arm, Sib; in right, I ICheb, Inul.; deep, in right, Ang.; in right, during rest, Spong.; on seizing anything, Aur. mur.; while working, Alum. Wrists, sweat: in rheumatism, I ISyph. Wrists, swelling: Cub., I IRhus ; with burning and pulsating, Bufo.; with burning, could not study by day or sleep by night (after bee- stings on both wrists), ILach.; bursalike (hemiopia), I Aur. met.; ganglionic, on front of left, TRuta; alternates with swelling of knee joints with numbness and rigidity of limbs, 11 Kreo.; painful itching, when touched, ICale; painless, Aur. mur.; in right (spinal disease), I Apis ; sudden, with tearing in right, to dorsa of hands, man suffering from condy- lomata, IIRhod.; containing serum, Crotal.; in a spot, I IKali bi.; synovial, large as a wal- nut, dark-colored, looks like a suppurating tumor, translucent on holding to light, I IRhus v.; with tearing and stinging, almost unsup- portable when hand hangs down, ISabina; thickening around joint, Cub. 8^° ganglion, rheumatism, tumor. Wrists, tearing: Aeon, Ammoniac, ICarbo v, Cycl, Kali in, IMagn. m., Sil, Zinc; with cold sensation in fingertips and abdomen, IPhos. ac; with headache, ICale p.; jerking, during rest, better during motion, IRhus ; in left, 11 Agar.; in left, with swelling of back of hand, Amm. m.; in right, Bor, Inul., I IKali iod., Zinc; in right along ulna, Kali m. 8@?° rheumatism. Wrists, tension: when bending hand back, Aur. mur.; painful,in eczema, IMere; painful, in joints, 11 Mang.; painful, in left, Amyl.; pain- ful, in left, during rest and motion, Verbas.; pressive, during rest, Calend.; in right, as if muscles were too short, Zinc. Wrists, throbbing: Brach.; painful, at outside, ILach. Wrists, tumor: hard, on dorsal side, Led. g^° swelling. Wrists, twitching: pain, recurring over left, Cast. eq. Wrists, ulcers : abraded spot developed into deep, angry red, with sticking, stinging pains through arms, Dory.; shining red, glazed ap- pearance (syphilis), ILac e Wrists, weakness: Brach., ICaust, ICurar., Pod.; feeling in and between as if parts were weakened by decay, Spong.; after headache, IGlon.; left powerless, Arn.; paralytic (gang- lion), ICarbo v.; could not guide pen, Dory.; of right, Aloe,ISib; right,after menses, Natr. p.; writing has to be discontinued (affection of vaso-motor nerves), IKali br.; after writing, faintness, Calad. 86T" paralysis. 932 33. LOWER LIMBS. 33. LOWER LIMBS. Ankles. Feet. Heels. Hips. Tendo-Achillis. Thighs. Knees. Legs. Toes. Walking. Nates. ANKLES, aching: ILac def; dull, IPod.; dull heavy, Sinap.; left, as if paralyzed after menses, Natr. p.; on walking, must lie down after each walk, IRhus. Ankles, boring: Aur. met.; worse from moving, Bufo. Ankles, broken feeling: in morning, in bed, Carb. s. Ankles, bruised feeling: sudden, in outer malleolus, worse standing, Val. Ankles, burning: over heels, HAgar.; beneath right inner malleolus, Zinc. Ankles, caries: of internal malleolus, HSib Ankles, clumsy : in ascites, lApis. Ankles, cold: I Aeon, Berb.; icy feeling in left inner, Agar. Ankles, constriction: Cham.; as if tied with a ligature, 11 Aeon, Amm. br. Ankles, cracking: ICamph., ISep.; audible when walking, Carb. s.; in left, Ast. r.; audible on slight motion, Kali bb; when walking, 11 Nitr. ac. Ankles, cramplike pain: Calc. p.; over heels, 11 Agar. Ankles, crawling: as from fleas, better by scratching, but soon appears in a place near the spot, Pallad. Ankles, creaking: ICamph. Ankles, cutting: in left, when walking in open air, Iodof. Ankles, darting : from right inner malleolus to knee and along instep towards toes, worse by standing on it with flat foot, can stand on toes, I ISub; pains, with swelling, after expos- ure to night air when drunk, in right side, worse from motion, 11 Lac c. Ankles, dislocated feeling: ICale p.; in con- vulsions, IVer. v.; in left, Kali bb; right, can scarcely walk, later left, Ver. v.; especially when walking, IBry. Ankles, drawing: Abrot, I Agar, ICaulo, Med.; over heel to sole, better with leg flexed on ab- domen (rheumatism), lArs.; in left, Ast. r.; pains, with distress in epigastrium and right hypogastrium, Ptel.; painful, worse from walking, Erig.; during rest, Calend.; from right to knee, Spong. Ankles, dull pain: Cast, eq.; in left inner part, made sharp by bearing weight on it, 12 p.m., Tromb.; in right, Carbol. ac. Ankles, eruption: of small blisters, itching, Ast. r.; painful, brown burning spot over, (rheumatism), IIPuls.; eczema on right, ICheb; eczema on right, moist, IChel.; herpes, I INatr. m., IPetrol.; herpes, on malleoli, worse in evening and open air, better by warmth, IKreo, dry scaly herpes, internal malleolus, left to right, Cact.; and irritation, ICale; pustular tumors, ICup. ars.; pustules size of a pea to a five-cent piece, ILach.; rash, Osm.; red patches, ICale; small, round, dark red spot, with pale red spots itching, Goss.; small red spots spread rapidly over whole body, becoming grouped, coalescing forming sug- gillations as large as palm of hand, at first bright red, then bluish, violet colored, finally greenish yellow, affects also mucous membrane of mouth and nose, I ISul. ae; tetter, I Alb sat.; injured, bluish purple vesicles cover a dirty looking ash gray ground, ILach.; white spots, ICale Ankles, erysipelas: red itching phlegmonous swelling, with vesicular eruption, extending like a band around right, I I Rhus. Ankles, formication: in left, Ars. b; on inner side of right, Ars. i. Ankles, gnawing : aching, 11 Sars. Ankles, heat: burning, deep seated, hinders sleep, IKali bb; in right, in eczema, IChel. Ankles, heaviness: painful, ICup. m. Ankles, inflammation: and swelling of left malleoli, with stitches in leg, up from external malleolus, on walking, IMang.; in secondary syphilis, I IPhyt. Ankles, injuries: contusions or lacerations, threatening gangrene, ILach.; after running pin into foot, stiffness, IHyper. 8^° sprain. Ankles, itching: ILach, Osm.; in evening, Sel.; on inner side of left, Pallad.; in right (eczema), ICheb; moist spots on upper part of right, Vinca; better by scratching, but soon appears in a place near the spot, Pallad. Ankles,jerking: ICale Ankles, lameness: in left,Como.; painful, in left, at night while lying in bed, Lyss.; in right, JEsc. h.; while sitting or walking, INatr. m.; after sprain or dislocation, IRuta. Ankles, lancinating: inside of left, Verbas. Ankles, numbness: 11 Rhus; painful, in mal- leolus, HCaust; with swelling (rheumatism), ILac c. Ankles, pain (undefined): Ante, lAnt.t, Ast. r., ICarbo a., ICepa, 11 Lace, ILith, IIMed, I INatr. p., IPhyt, I IPod., Polyp,Xan, Zinc; awaken him at 2 a.m., Agar.; on awaking shifting to toes and fingers, Diose; violent, above in bones when touched, Berb.; with shaking chill 11 a.m., followed by heat, then sweat on back, head, face and hollow of el- bows (ague), I IPod.; in diabetes, INatr. s.; better by drinking cold water (rheumatism), 11 Puis.; followed by eruption of red patches, 33. - LOWER LIMBS. 933 some bluish, painful to touch, new ones con- stantly forming (erythema nodosum dur- ing typhoid), IIRhus v.; violent above ex- ternal, in sinews, when touched, Berb.; frequent urgent, within outward, ending in a burning itching in a small spot, I ILith.; after suppressed gonorrhoea, IIThuya; rises to hips, while sitting, constant motion and shifting of feet, better walking, Belb; and inflamed, I lAbrot; irritability, between 3 and 4 p.m., with crying spells on account of, inleft (rachitis), ILye; above left, Ars. s. f; in bone, above left, Ast. r.; in bones of left, Ascl. t; in left, Gels, ISal. ac; sudden, in left, back of joint, on going to bed, could not move limb or body without screaming, I IMed.; on inner side, causes limping when walking, Ang.; in malleoli, ICop.; in inner malleoli, Bov.; on making slightest misstep, IILyc; worse at every motion, ICham.; every night, 11 p.m., till 7 a.m., ISub; as of a dull plug pushing (acute rheumatism), ILac e; causing restlessness at night, Caulo.; in right, Benz.ac, Chen, v, Osm.; especially in right, worse on moving, Chel.; in right, soon drifting into toes, better from motion, worse evenings,Dios.; right, more than left, when walking, I ILith.; steady, terrible, all over, cries with pain (acute synovitis), IFerr. ph.; at every step, to toes (rheumatism), I IPhos.; when sitting, ICaust.; to tibia, Spong.; to great toe, Lyss. Ankles, pinching: in right, Osm. Ankles, pressing: lAgar.; in bones, in morn- ing, ILed.; in inner, Berb.; in malleoli, Nitr. sp. d.; above left internal malleolus, worse from motion, ILed.; outside of, IChel, Nitr. sp. d. Ankles, pricking: on forepart, Berb.; on inner side of right, Ars. b; in left, Ars. i. Ankles, pulling pains: short, Med. Ankles, pulseless : in sunstroke, IGlon. Ankles, redness: Apis, I ILacc; around mal- leoli (rheumatism), ICham.; skin on outer side pale (acute synovitis), IFerr. ph.; right, in eczema, ICheb; streak, Ars. h. Ankles, rheumatism : Gnaph, I ISticta; acute, ILac c; sharp, burning like fire, below right inner malleolus, prevents moving foot, better toe pointed inward, worse in evening, con- tinues during night, waking her up suddenly every two or three hours, worst at 1.30 to 3.30 a.m., better towards daybreak, I ISyph. im- proved ; chronic, IKalm, 101. jec; inflamma- tory, IVer. v.; in left, after taking cold, with fever and profuse sweat, HChin. s.; at first left was attacked, then right with relief to left, ILacc; in left, with swelling, Cact.; in right, Bapt., Urt. ur.; in right inner, over foot and up to knees, ILye; right swollen, painful, motion impossible, I IViob; subacute, ICodein. B^T" Chap. 34, Joints, rheumatism. Ankles, sensitive: to pressure, I ISars.; pain- ful to touch inside, Ars. h. Graph. Ankles, sharp pain: IColoe; biting, in left, Lyss.; in left, come and go quickly, Eup. pert; quick, Telb; in right, Sang.; suddenly, while running fast, better at rest, felt as soon as he attempts to walk, obliging him to stand still, I IRhus; with swelling in right, worse motion after exposure to night air, when drunk, 11 Lac c. Ankles, shooting : lAcon, ICale p.; over heels, HAgar.; in left, outer, HApis; occasional, below outer malleolus, Osm.; worse on mov- ing, Bufo.; painful around ankle, once in a minute or two (acute synovitis), IFerr. ph.; in right, 3 p.m., Tromb.; in external, to little toe, and preventing motion, Berb. Ankles, sore: IColoe Ankles, spasmodic pain : Sil. Ankles, spasms: tonic, with a feeling as if extremities were going to sleep, IPlat. Ankles, sprain: HLed, IIRhus ; chronic, with oedema about joint (after failure of Ruta and Arnica), IStront.; two years ago, Carb. s.; pain after sprain or dislocation, IRuta. 8®" sprained feeling, swelling: also Chap. 45, Injuries sprains. Ankles, sprained feeling: All. sat, Ascl. t, Chrom. ae, IIDros., IIEup. perf, HLed., IINatr. m, IIPuls., IRhus; in left, I IPrun.; when stepping on left foot, Anac; in left, standing and walking, Sub; on moving foot, Zinc; in right, IIDros.; transient, in right, after running up stairs, worse standing, bet- ter walking, Vab; on walking, I IPhos. Ankles, sticking: in malleoli, in evening in bed, Zinc; itching, just above right outer malleolus, provokes scratching, Staph.; when walking (amenorrhcea), ILach. Ankles, stiffness: I ICaust, IChel, IColoe, I IDros, I IMed, IPetrol., IRhus, ISep.JlSuL; in left, Verbas.; after running pin into foot, IHyper.; in rheumatism, ILye; rheumatic, in secondary syphilis, IPetrol. Ankles, stitches: Asar, ICale; after influenza, IIRhod.; in left, Carbo v.; in left, when walking, Inul.; in outer right, Bov.; in right, I IKreo.; right, from within outward, Chen.v. Ankles, swelling: lAsaf, IColoe, Eup. pur, I ILac. e, Mang., IIMed, I IPod, IRuta; cold, around, lAsaf.; with watery discharge, color of legs bluish, IHep.; erysipelatous, to knee, after exercise (amenorrhcea),ILach.; in evenings, Stann.; feeling, IPhos.; in hydro- thorax, I Apis ; large, I IPsor.; of left, I ISib; slight, and pain on inner side of left, as if a boil were likely to form there, Merc, sub; of left, with formation of pus, fistulous openings, I ISib; and red. particularly left, in rheuma- tism, I IPuls.; in left, after sprain, I IPrun.; in malleoli, ICop.; about malleoli, foot for- merly diseased,Zinc. ;around malleoli,in rheu- matism, ICham.; in emansio mensium, IDig.; oedema, I Apis, ICheb, lEup. pert, IHy- dras, IPhyt, I IPlumb., I IXan., Ziz.; cedema- tous, from heart disease or fatty degeneration of kidneys, HPhos.; cedema, worse on move- ment, Arund.; cedema, after typhus, lApoe; cedema, with chronic ulcers on legs and dys- pepsia, ILye; painful, could not get about without cane (rheumatism), I ISticta.; painful, in acute rheumatism, I iVer. v.; pinkish, sensi- tive, motion painful (rheumatism), 11 Sal. ae; Euffy, under malleoli, ILac def; reddened, ard, over inner (acute rheumatism), ICheb; rheumatic, IKalm, ILach.; of right, in ecze- ma, ICheb; redness of right inner malleolus, tender, I ISub; right, painful, motion impos- sible (rheumatism), I IViob; of right, with sharp, darting pains, worse on motion, after exposure to night air when drunk, I ILacc; in Rhus poisoning, I ISub; rose red, in erysip- elas, ILach,- rose colored, elastic (acute rheu- 934 33. LOWER LIMBS. matism), ICheb; after sitting too long, parti- cularly in traveling, IRhus; after sprain, Agnus ; in secondary syphilis, 11 Phyt.; tender to touch (rheumatism), ILye; transparent white, Apis. Ankles, tearing : lAcon, Amb, Ammoniac, ICale p., IColch., Spong.; drawing, about mal- leoli, I IZinc; frequent, 11 Kalic; towards heel, Berb.; down over heel to sole, better with leg flexed on abdomen (rheumatism), I Ars.; to knee, Spong.; particularly in left, Berb.; in right external malleolus, Am.; on motion, during pregnancy, ILye; rending, in forepart, Berb.; worse during rest, IRhus ; from right, to knee, Spong.; in right, as if sprained, only when walking, IIDros.; in external to little toe, and preventing motion, Berb.; upward and downward, Berb.; better wrhen warm in bed, Amm. c. Ankles, tension : ICaust.; in left, sore, JEsc. h.; on motion, Bry.; painful, in eczema, IMere; pressive, during rest, Calend.; rheumatic, on left, during rest, Zinc; in right, iEse h.; in skin, IPhos. Ankles, throbbing : as if there were an ulcer on anterior portion of left, Ruta. Ankles, tingling : in malleoli, waking at night, Bar. c. Ankles, ulcers: Merc, sub; chronic, burning like fire, fetid, ICarbol. ae; after washes of sulphate of copper, sulphate of zinc, etc, with great pain, ILach.; deep, on inner side of right, discharging thin ichor of bad odor, swelling about ulcer, I ISub; fistulous, ICale p.; large, open, pain worse after motion, IIRhus; spreading on left, after a fall, spraining ankle, a woman set. 30, dark hair and complexion, ■Mere sob; on internal malleolus, as large as a dollar, with stinging, itching, darting pains, worse after motion, 11 Rhus ; on right malleo- lus, edges callous, ichor putrid, ICale p.; small, deep, painless, on right malleolus, external, ICale; large, surrounds right, as large as hand, extends through fascia, irregular, rag- ged edges, dark areola, edges high, almost to bone, and rounded, pus profuse, offensive, dark colored, partly granulates and breaks open, I ISars.; three large, each belonging to a separate class, IHydras.; after a slight wound of skin, near inner malleoli, gradually extend- ing in depth and circumference until whole ankle became affected, hard, callous edges, offensive, impure, ichorous discharge, burning worse at night in bed, i ILye; one year after being wounded by fragment of shell, circular, as large as palm of hand, regular outline, flattened edges, filled with firm florid granu- lations, thick greenish yellow pus, red shining areola, stinging and itching in ulcer and sur- rounding parts, pain of variable character, worse evening and before midnight, better in open air and from cold applications and in warm weather, I IPuls. Ankles, veins: distended, better by extreme heat (rheumatism), ILac e; superficial, en- larged, I ISars.; swelling, during pregnancy, ILye Ankles, wandering pain : flying, in right Osm. Ankles, weakness: Aloe, Am., ICarbo a, Como, I IGlon, ILac def, INatr. m, I IPuls, Rhus v., ISep, HSib, ISub; in children try- ing to walk, I ICarbo a., INatr. m.; easy dislo- cation and spraining, foot bends under, INatr. e; feet, easily turn under, 11 Agnus, ICarbo a, Med, INatr. m., ISep.; in left, after menses, Natr. $.; relaxation of ligaments, I ILyss.; relaxed, can neither walk nor stand, attempting to, legs seem to slip off feet, and she drops upon external ankles (anaemia), IFerr.; cannot walk, Sub ac. FEET, abscess: after catching cold in a shower, thin, watery secretion, eight fistulous openings, from which fragments of bone were discharged (caries of tarsal and metatarsal bones), IMere; on dorsum, discharge ichor- ous, bringing away pieces of bones, with vio- lent pain, I ISib 8®" boils. Feet, aching: ISub; in dorsum, IColoe; in hol- lows, Rhus ; in hollows, on walking, must lie down after each walk, IRhus ; in left, IColoe; in outer left, Arum d.; worse lying in bed late (nervous debility), ICurar.; in perios- teum, IColoe; soreness on pressure, worse walking or using sewing machine, I IPhyt.; preventing sleep (diabetes mellitus), ILact. ac.; in soles, from standing, Croc; in soles of left, IHydras. Feet, atrophy: 8®° emaciation. Feet, biting: during rest, Ruta; in soles, 11 Agar. Feet, blistered : 8€iT* injuries. Feet, blue (cyanotic): Bor., IIRhus, Stram.; in anaemia of brain, I IKali br.; in sporadic cholera, HVer.; cyanosis, with pufliness (pneumonia), IKali e; in quartan ague, Elaps, I ISep.; in scarlatina, IMur. ae; af- fected place in sole, size of silver dollar, IKali ph. Feet, boils: lAnanth, Strain.; small, on right, sometimes stinging on touch, Sars. fi©** ab- scess. Feet, bones: osteomalacia of tarsus, slight touch aggravates pain (consumption),IGuaiac. Feet, boring: I ICaust., Nitr. sp. d, I ISub; in bones, Bism.; in dorsa, Aur. met.; in dorsum of left, JEsc. h.; in joints, IHelb; worse on moving, Bufo.; in soles, Bell. Feet, broken feeling: early in morning and after a little work, HPsor.; across instep, come on as soon as she stepson floor in morn- ing, causing nausea, must lie down, I Lac def. Feet, bruised feeling: lArn, Carbol. ac, ICit- rus ; as if beaten, Ant. t. Lib tig.; in cepha- lalgia periostitica, IMez.; in left instep, IKali iod.; in joints, Alum.; in soles, Arum t, Carb. s., llgn, I IPhos, IPuls.; in soles, at" night, keeping awake, better after rising and walk- ing, 11 Bar. c.; in soles, in acute rheumatism, ILac c; in soles, when walking, ILed.; in tarsal joint, when walking and when touch- ing it, I INatr. m.; weakness, ICinch. Feet, bunions: IKali m.; after frostbite, ICale; on little toe and ball of foot, with stinging pain on walking, Zinc; excruciatingly pain- ful, IHyper.; on soles, ulcerated, ICale Bgr* Toes corns. Feet, burning: Amm. e, HApis, Am., lArs, Ars. s. f, Aur. mur., Berb, Cornus, Croc, IIDulc, IKali c, Lachn., Med, INatr.m, I lOxal. ae, I IPuls, ISee, Sil, Stram., IISul, Zing.; on back, IPuls.; throws bedclothes off, at ciimacteric period, I ISang.; in bones, dur- ing rest, Ruta; or cold and numb, ILye; wants to find a cool place for them, puts them 33. LOWER LIMBS. 935 out of bed to cool them off, HSub; on dorsum, Stram.; in gastritis, ICoccul.; hot (pulmonary affections, pneumonia), ISang.; in instep, Spig.; in left, Ammoniac; qn dorsum of left, worse scratching, Berb.; in myelitis, IDulc; at night, ISep.; at night, with chronic dysen- tery, I ISub; at night, with lumbago, IColoe; at night, during menses, I INatr. p.; at night, with ovaralgia, I I Lac e; worse at night, has to hold them out of bed, cannot bear covers, Ars. m.; in phthisis, I IStann.; with soreness, on pressure, worse walking or using sewing machine, HPhyt; in rheumatism, IIPuls.; on top of right foot, from toes to back of foot, I IBapt.; must take off shoes, Eup. pert; during sleep, Ars. m.; insoles, ^Esch., All. sat. Arum d, Calc. s, ICanth, ICarbo v., Coccus, ICup. m. Cup. s, IGraph, Jalap, Lachn, Lil. tig, IILyc, IManc, IMang, IPhyt, IPuls, ISib, HSub; in soles, with pressure in chest, Cop.; in soles, wants to find a cool place for them, puts them out of bed, IISul.; in sole, in a corn, in evening, Zing.; in soles, with sick headacke, I ISang.; in soles, after eating (hepatic disorder), I ISib; in soles, in evening, I IMagn. m.; in soles, in evening and night,IILach,Phos.ae; in soles, in gravel, ILye; in soles, with hectic fever, ■ Calc. s.; in anterior half of soles, IPhos. ae; with itch- ing, especially in soles, on walking, HSub; in soles, as after a long journey, Arund.; in soles, extending to knees, IINatr. s.; insoles, in morning, Zinc; in soles, at night, IILach., Phos. ae; in soles, at night, puts feet out of bed,ICale, HCham.; desire to put them outof bed, especially towards morning, ICurar.; in soles, in phthisis, IKali c; in soles, while sit- ting, Anac; in soles, on stepping,after sitting a long time, HSub; in soles, with fetid sweat, chronic endometritis, vaginal discharges, ILye; in soles, with uterine displacement, ICale; especially in soles, while walking, INatr. c; in summer, Vespa; with sweat, Calend, I ISib; seemed swollen, with chills, Eup. pert; as from glowing coals, near or above an ulcer, just before dressing it morning and evening, I I Puis.; wants them uncovered and fanned, IMed.; as if blood were glowing in veins, Agar.; with weakness of body, ISul. 8®*" heat. Feet, callous : ICale; skin thickened at edges, ILac def.; on soles large horny places, close to toes, IIAnt. c. 8ST* bunions; also Toes corns. Feet, cancer: back of right, space two inches in diameter, small indurations, having a large, thick crust, some grayish-white, others light yellow, the whole resting on a base (tubercu- lous, erythematic lupus), IHydrocot. Feet, capillary network: on dorsum, I ILye Feet, caries: Asaf, IHekla; of left metatarsal bone, discharging watery fluid through fistu- lous openings, I ISib; in tarsus, ISil. Feet, chilblains: HAgar, lAlum, lAnae, ICarbo a., IKali m., HPetrol, IRan. b.; burn- ing like fire, HPetrol.; worse by friction, HZinc; inflammation, ILach.; inflammation sets in with cold weather, HPetrol.; itching, and moist, HPetrol.; runningover back, Am- moniac; painful, IZinc; recent, I IKali ph.; red, Cycb; red, thick, with cracks on joints, ISub; old, suppurating, ILach.; redness and swelling, with tendency to suppuration, itch- ing, worse in warm bed, ISul.; swelling bluish, hot, with throbbing pains and intense itching, especially in soles, after getting warm i;< bed, IPuls. Feet, chill: begins, I IBar. c, ISub; begins and rises upward, ISep.; in soles, then over body, Dig.; runs up spine to nape of neck, IHyos. Feet, chilliness: Ced, I IRhus, Sub; after mo- tion, ICale; shivering prevents sleep before midnight, Bry.; shuddering, Castor.; covered with cold sweat, I Dros. Feet, chorea: ICale; alternate relaxation and contraction of muscle of left, I ITarant.; invol- untary movements of right on rising in morn- ing, ICoccul. Feet, clumsy: in locomotor ataxia, IPhos. Feet, coldness: lAcon, HAgnus, IIAlum, Amb, lAmyb, Ant. ch, lAnt. t, HApis, lArg. nit, Ars,Ars.s. r, Asaf,Bell,Benz.ac, Brach, HCale, I ICale p., Calend, ICamph, ICaps., ICarb. s, Carbol. ae, I ICaust, ICed, ICham, Chrom. ac, ICina, ICoccul, Coff, ICoff. t, IColch., Con, ICroe, IICup. m, Cupr. s., Daph, Dig., Dory, Elaps, Eup. pur, IFerr, IGels, IHell, IHep, Hippom, IHyos, Iber., Ind., Hod., Kali f, I IKali m, IKreo, ILac def, Lactu. v, IILyc, I IMed., IMur.ac, IINatr. c, INatr. m., INitr. ac, IINux v., Pallad, IPetrol, IPhos, IPhyt, 11 Pie ac. Plant, Plat, IPlumb, IPod., Polyp., IPuls, IRob., Rumex, ISep, 11 Spong, I Stram, IISul, Sul. ac, I IThuya, HVer., Vespa, Ziz.; in after- noon, Sang.; in afternoon, with chilliness in morning, ISub; afternoon, in summer, IGels.; in afternoon, with painful sore tongue, I ISang.; about 1 or 2 p.m., extending over ankles, as if standing in cold water, fol- lowed by chilliness up legs into back (rheu- matism), ILye; after 3 p.m., lEup. pur.; in anaemia, IPhos.; in anaemia of brain, IIKali br.; in angina, llgn.; in asthma, IDig.; keep him awake, Amm. m.; more on awaking, ICheb; awaking at night, Zinc; with chilliness in back at 3 p.m. still worse in evening after lying down, lasting a quarter of an hour, ILye; in bed, IIKali e; in evening, in bed, HCarbo a.; particularly on going to bed, Amm. c; with blepharitis, IKali c; and blue, on being touched leave white impress of fingers (cholera infantum), 11 Kali br.; with pain at base of brain, Camph.; followed by burning under toes, Alum.; to calves, ICrot. tig.; in cancer of stomach, ICarbo a.; in cardialgia, I IPlumb.; in chronic carditis, Cact.; with oppression of chest, ILach.; after chill, without subsequent sweat, Graph.; before chill, Carbo v.; during chill, Brom, IDros, HOp.; with chill all over body, Med.; with chill on alternate days at noon, commencing in knees (ague), IIPuls.; during chill, in intermittent, ICimex; with chill in morning, Berb.; with chilliness, HAgar.; chilly, after vomiting, Sinap.; in cholera infantum, IBelb; clammy, HSub; clammy, to knees, ILaur.; in colic, IColoe, IVer.; in colic, relieved by hot cloths, Pallad.; in colicodynia, I Ars.; constantly, ICale, ICale ph., Cinnab, ICup. ae, IFerr, ILye, ■Mere sol, Oleand, I ISub; in constipation, IFerr.; with convulsions, ICaust.; causes cough, IBufo.; in cyanosis, ILach.; damp, 936 33. LOWER LIMBS. HCale, Chim. m.; feeling, asof damp stock- ings, HCale, Hgn, I IPuls.; and dark (cardiac dropsy), IDig.; during day, Chrom. ae; all day, body hot, Magn. s.; by day, in chronic dysentery, I ISub; during day,during menses, IINatr. p.; and dead (boy, epileptic spasms), ICale; with general debility, IVer.; after din- ner, ICorab; in diphtheria, INatr. a.; on dor- sum, I IGraph.; with enteralgia, ■ Cast.; before epileptic attack, ILach.; in epistaxis, ICroe; in erysipelas, 11 Apis ; in evening, ICarbo v, Chim. umb.; in evening, in bed, IIGraph., IKali e; in evening, lasts a long time, in bed, Zinc; worse in evening in bed, I Amm. m, ISep.; worse in evening (melancholy after mortification), llgn.; with heat in face, Men- yanth.; with heat in face, after dinner, I IPhyt; with flushes of heat in face, Sabina ; with ex- ternal and internal heat of face, Ruta ; with hot face and fulness in head, IGels.; with livid pale face,Sub; with red and hot face, HStram.; in fever,Ced, I ISib; with fever, in afternoon, Cinch, bob; with evening fever, ISabad.; at beginning of fever, in intermittent, ICimex ; followed fever at 11 a.m., Med.; in puerperal fever, IIPuls.; in typhus, INitr.ac; in yellow fever, IGels.; with hot flushes, ISep.; of fore- part, Daph.; as if frozen, Berb.; in gastralgia. ILye; habitual, worse about 8 a.m. (chest af- feclion),Menyanth.; in haematemesis,HCinch.; with haematuria, llpec; with hot hands, Ars., INux m.; with burning in head, during apy- rexia, Ign.; with hot head, Aur. met, IFerr, INatr. c, IPhos. ac; with hot head, in amen- orrhcea, 11 Ver. v.; with hot head and anxiety, ISub; with headache, IBell, Bufo, ICale, IIGels, I ILac def; when headache is better, ICup. m.; with headache, especially towards evening and in morning, HSep.; with head- ache, in menorrhagia, 11 Chin, s.; in neuralgic headache, IGels, I IPlat, I ISars.; in sick head- ache, I IMelil, I INatr. m.; in affections of heart, ISep.; from depressed action of heart, IGels.; with heat, Hgn.; with heat and apathy,Bufo.; with heat of one side of body, IRan. b.; with burning cheeks and flushes of heat, HCoccul.; with heat, followed by chill, llris ; with heat, alternatingwith chilliness (intermittent fever), IMenyanth.; with heat, in evening, Amm. e, Rhod.; with heat in evening,after chill, I Petrol.; with heat, in evening, worse in head, Meny- anth.; with sudden attacks of heat, llpec; with internal heat, ILach.; continued, during heat,in hysteria, I ITarant.; with hot, dry feel- ing on body, 11 Ptel.; then heat, in fever, Act. rac; with hot body during sleep,ISamb.; even in nottest weather (timid, nervous persons), I Asar.; in hydrocephalus acutus, ICup.ae; icy, Anac, IIArs, Berb., ICamph, Ced, Coloe, ICup. m.,Dory, I lElaps, lEup. pert, ILach., Mane, Mang., IMere cor., INux m, HPhos, IPsor., Squilla, HVer.; icy, to ankles, 11 Agar.; icy, before going to bed, I ISars.; icy, even in bed, HPhos.; icy, with chilliness, Graph.; icy, with heat in upper body, Lactu. v.; icy, with warmth of body, IMenyanth, Samb.; icy, then burning, I IGraph.; icy, with chronic carditis, ICact.; icy, in cerebrospinal menin- gitis, IGels.; icy, with chilliness in chest, ab- domen and legs, Paris; icy, in chill, IHep.; icy, with one sided (left) chill, commencing in back, ILye; icy, in cholera, ICup. ae; icy, in cholera infantum, ICamph.; icy, clammy, Stront, 11 Zinc; icy, in evening, continue after lying down in bed, Rhod.; icy, in even- ing in bed, suppressed foot-sweat, HSib; icy, at 7 p.m., ILye; icy, with burning heat of face, Samb.; with flushes of heat, I I Kreo.; icy, hot hands, Calad.; icy, worse when head is congested, ISub; icy, in meningitis, IA con.; icy, in metritis, ISep.; icy, right (pneu- monia), I ICheb; icy, soles, INitr. ae; in staphyloma,IApis ; icy, sweaton rest of body, Ante; icy, with distended veins on hands, IMenyanth.; icy, can scarcely be warmed, IBelb; in insanity, 11 Tarant.; to knees, Aph.ch.; to knees, as if in cold water, IMenyanth.; in labor, ISep.; in laryngitis, I ISang.; left, with paralytic weakness (during sixth month of pregnancy), IIRhus; with convulsions in legs (puerperal convulsions), ILach.; to leg, above knee, I Hgn.; with pulling in legs, from above downward, Spig.; liability to catch cold from slight exposure, ICon.; in affection of liver, and rheumatism, IChel.; in inflamma- tion of mammae, 11 Phyt.; after meals, ICamph.; in meningitis, IGels, IStram.; after menses, I IChin. s.; before menses, ILye; three days before menses, Hyper.; during menses, IGraph., INux m, IPhos.; during first day of menses (gastralgia), IGraph.; in dysmenorrhoea, ICrotal., IGraph., I ISabina ; in dysmenorrhoea and chlorosis, ICale; in dys- menorrhoea, moist, I ITarant; in morning, An- ac; early in morning, but sensitive to draught, Stram.; in morning, hot in evening (brain af- fections of children), HSub; 9 a.m. till 3 p.m., I ICarbo a.; from 10 to 11 a.m., Med.; with nausea and palpitation, IGlon.; with neural- gia of intestines, IGels.; at night, IZinc; at night, in bed, llCale; in opisthotonos, Ver. v.; with pain from umbilicus to anus, I ILed.; with palpitation, ICoccul, IKali m.; in peri- tonitis, lAtrop. s.; in phthisis, HStann.; in fmeumonia, I ISang.; after change of position intermittent), ICoccul.; during pregnancy, ILye, HVer.; in prosopalgia, ICoccul., IMez.; acceleration of pulse (pernicious intermittent and other diseases), ILye; in rheumatism, ILye; of right, Bar. e; right, icy, in pneu- monia, ICheb; in scarlatina, IGels.; sitting, or in bed (intermittent), lArs.; as after skat- ing, IFerr ; cannot sleep, Aloe; in smallpox, I I Var.; in soles, IIAcon, Ars, I ICard. m, IColoe, Lith, ISub; in soles, sweating, ISub; with stomachache, Alum.; after loose stool, Cornus; effects of overstudv, ICup. ae; with sweat, HCale, IDig, ILib'tig, IILyc, ISib; in winter, sore in summer, with sweat, I ISib; with toothache, ! ISpig.; in uterine congestion, IFerr.; in vaginismus, llgn.; with pressure in vertex, ICale; worse walking, Cinch.; of one, the other warm, in capillary bronchitis or pneumonia, ICheb; even in warm room, ICinch, IDiad.; in warm room, causing legs to ache, Amm. br.; as if in cold water, IGels, Sep.; with weight and pressure in vertex, Naja; as if blown on by wintry wind, Cinch. bol. Feet, contraction : Ferr. s, Guaiae; cramplike, in middle, Ind.; feeling of (leprosy), ICaust.; of left, ICann. s.; feeling of, in sinews of sole, Berb.; spasmodic, Bism.; spasmodic, in sole, inner side, better stretching it out and bend- 33. LOWER LIMBS. 937 ing sole upward, Rhus; painful feeling in soles, as if tendons were too short, ISyph. Feet, convulsions: Ars. s. r. Art. v., Castor, ICup. m.; bent inward, ICale, INux v.; child draws spasmodically upward and backward upon nates, ICup. m.; fidgety, before convul- sions, IZinc; intermittent, tonic, 8 to 11 a.m., joints flexed, INatr. m.; left turned to left side, I IOp.; tetanic, ICamph, INux v.; re- newed, when touched (brain disease in chil- dren), I INux v. Feet, corns: lAnt. c. 8®" bunions, callous ; also Toes, corns. Feet, cracking: of joints on every motion, with drawing extending up to hips, Sub; tarsal joint at every step, Magn. s. Feet, cramplike pain: worse in ankle joint, Calc. p.; in dorsum, IColoe; in dorsum back to outer side of calves to thighs, ICamph.; in metatarsal bones, 3 to 4 a.m., Badiag.; in periosteum, IColoe; worse in right, only when at rest, better by active motion, passive mo- tion worse, appear every night while in bed and in daytime when lying down, IMere iod. flav.; in soles, on inner border, sitting, Collin.; in sole, in muscles of right, flexing toes?, I ICard. m.; stitching, INatr. m. B@~ con- vulsions, drawing. Feet, cramps: lAcon., I Agar, I Ascl. t, IIBell, Calab., HCaust., IColoe,IICup.m.,IJatroph, HLac e, Mane, INatr. c, Stram, HVer. v.; as if about to be cramped, IDiosc; in bed, Gnaph.; with inward burning, I INuxm.; in cholera, I ISee; with Asiatic cholera, IICup. ars.; in cholera morbus, HVer.; on attempt- ing coition, ICup. m.; contraction of soles, with tonic spasms, IVer.; all day, HPetrol.; mostly in daytime, ISep.; in left, in evening, while in warm bath, ICalab.; in muscular atrophy, ICale; during night, Lachn.; painful tonic spasm, during a long walk, Sib; worse in rest, Ang.; in plantar surface of right, Natr. a.; in hollow of right pass- ing along outer borders of gastrocnemii to knee, Como.; in soles, Amm. c, ICale, HCaust, lElat, IFerr, IHep, Sel., IISul, Zing.; in soles, in evening, Hippom.; insoles, in evening after lying down, ICarbo v.; in soles, especially in persons who suffer from cold feet, IStront; in soles, in intermittent fever, lElat.; in soles, when moving at night, Jamb.; in soles, at night, I Agar, Calad, INitr. ae, I IPetrol.; in soles, particularly at night, in Asiatic cholera, HSub; in soles, at night, must stretch feet, INux v.; particularly in soles, IColch.; in soles, during pregnancy, HCale; in sole, of right, ICaust; in sole of right, worse by putting foot down, better by compressing calf, Cheb; in soles, from smok- ing, Calad.; especially in soles, near toes, Form.; in soles, at every step, Sub; with vomiting, Bism.; after long walking, Vib. Feet, crawling (creeping): ^Ethus, Ars. h, IHyper,Stram.; as of something alive, I Caust.; ascending gradually over whole body (affec- tion of heart), INatr. m.; sensation as if bugs were crawling to knees, extends to thighs, prevents going to sleep, I IZinc; in dorsa, HAgar.; extending to epigastrium, where there is pressure, with nausea and anxiety (hysteria), I INux v.; follows heat and burn- ing in evening in bed, ISub; in left, as though asleep, IColoe; in lower portion of left, Spong.; in morning, while lying in bed and after rising, Rhus; sudden feeling as of a mouse running from right foot up leg to right side of abdomen, before attack of epilepsy, ISub; as if numb, IHyper.; in sole, Berb.; in left sole as if asleep, with aching in articu- lation of left sacro-iliac region, I Coloe; in outer half of left sole, as if nerve were pulled, when walking, raising left foot, bend left ankle, Arn. Feet, cutting: INatr. c; during chill, ankles swollen, IChin. s.; in bones and joints of right, Osm. Feet, cyanotic : B^sT" blue. Feet, darting: knees, rheumatic neuralgic, IGuaiac; in right, to side of head, in parox- ysms (neuralgia), ICanth. Feet, desquamation: IIDulc; in soles, at end of fever, IManc. Feet, digging : in soles, Belb; middle of soles in morning, Nux m. Feet, dislocated feeling : in left, worse under ball of big toe, Arum t; in metatarsal bones, Bell. Feet, dragging: 8®° Walking. Feet, drawing: ICaulo., Nitr. sp. d., IIPuls, ISub; worse in open air, better warmth of bed, HCaust; in balls, Chrom. ae; in bones and ligaments of right, Chrom. ac; aching in tarsus, as if foot would cramp, Como.; cramplike, Vinca; in dorsum of left, Ast. r.; forward, Berb.; to hips, with cracking of joints on every motion, Sub; in left, Ammoniac, lArs, IColoe; in outer half of back of left, Arn.; painful, Cann. s, IMagn. c; painful, on backs, especially moving them, Camph.; pain- ful, on dorsum of right when standing, ceas- ing when sitting, Tarax.; painful, in tendons and back of left, Ferr. iod.; dull, heavy pains, Ham.; paralytic, while sitting, Rhus; in hol- low of right, passing along outer border of gastrocnemius to knee, Como.; from lower portion of right to thigh, ISpong.; worse right side, HChel.; in soles, Ascl. t, Ast. r, IKali ph.; in soles, inner border, on sitting, Calend.; during and after walking feels as if a tendon were drawing from sole of right through bone of leg, I ICrotal.; when sitting, in tarsal joints, Val. B^T* cramplike pain. Feet, dryness: I IPtel.; of joints, Hippom.; in soles, Bism, Hippom.; feeling of, in soles, IManc; in relapsingsummercomplaint, I ISil. Feet, dull pain: on backs, IColoe; over backs to toes, began soon after getting into bed, last- ing till 4 or 5 a.m., Syph.; in periosteum, IColoe; top of left, Xan.; in right tarsal bones, Bapt. Feet, emaciation: HCaust; atrophy, I Ars. Feet, eruption: Med.; acne, rubs all night, in nursing child, ICaust.; blue black blisters, I Ars.; blisters, on left, filled with matter, rcCup. m.; blisters on bottom, at night dis- charged light yellow fetid water, Ars.; when rubbing, they became covered with large blis- ters, I ICaust.; blister, full of serum, on right sole, Kali bi.; spreading blisters on soles, ICale; spreading blisters on soles, form ulcers, IIArs.; blisters, changing to foul ulcers^Cale; large yellow blisters on soles, yellow corroding fluid, Bufo.; dry, burning, itching, herpetic, on left, skin peeled off, IMez.; erysipelatoid, 938 33. LOWER LIMBS. Rhus ; herpetic, from a blow six months ago, heals and then breaks out again, 11 Sub; itch- ing hives, HSub; ichorous exanthema, Jacea ; impetigo, on dorsum, ICarb. s.; itching, on instep, Psor.; on instep, painful, Psor.; itching, biting, changing to nettlerash when scratched, ICale; leprous spots, coppery, annular, raised, IGraph.; nodes, I Ang.; blue- red spots, like petechiae, HPhos.; pimples, small, red, rashlike, itching, burning, as far as calves, Bov.; on dorsum, pimples form scales (impetigo), ICarb. s.; pimples on dorsum, bleeding after scratching, Mosch.; bright red pimples on internal malle- olus of right, Chin, a.; pimples,, spreading, Bar. e; upper part covered with dark lentil- shaped pimples (amenorrhoea), ILach.; syphi- litic psoriasis on soles, IPhos.; pustules, Con.; j pustules on one foot to knee, on running to- gether made one continuous sore, IMere sob; small pustules, secreting much pus, ICale; dorsal surface covered with large pustules, burst, discharging yellow green thick pus, se- vere tensive pains, worse right foot, HSep.; pustulous exanthema, Jacea; red spot, on dorsum, Thuya ; red, elevated spot on dor- sum, I IPuls.; burning, in small red spots, ac- companying rheumatism, Mang.; right cov- ered with red spots, Elaps; covered with pale red spots, about the size of a dime, previous use of mercury (constitutional syphilis), HPhyt; scabby condition, ICale; small, round, red insensible spot, Led.; acute, very painful suggillation on dorsum,! IFerr. ph.; on insteps, of small itching vesicles, which tear easily and form superficial ulcers, Ast.r.; ves- icles, Elaps ; large vesicles, especially on soles, IManc; small vesicles in prostatitis and atony of sexual organs, I ISelen.; minute vesicles on soles (phthisis), IKali e; vesicles becoming ulcers, 11 Psor. Feet,erysipelas: Calend., I IDulc; in elephan- tiasis Arabum, I ISib; in irritable subjects, par- ticularly women, bright red swelling with severe pain, I INux v. Feet, everted: right, in morbus coxarius, HStaph. Feet, extension: I IPhyt.; rigid, I IPlat. Feet, formication: lAgar, Kali n.; in left, Ars. b; in tabes dorsalis, Sec. Feet, full feeling: Osm. Feet, gangrene : Calend, ILach.; with constant burning, tearing pains, I ISee; in right, livid, (senile), I ISee Feet, gout: HLed., INatr.s.; acute, IKali iod.; with pains (dyspepsia), Ant. c; worse towards evening, fears passers-by may strike it, I Arn.; joints filled with solid exudate, IKali iod.; pains, especially in heels, Ananth.; tophi, Bufo.; tophi, with chorea, llgn. Feet, grumbling pain: while standing, better walking, IPuls. Feet, hang: complaints worse when allowing to hang down, IPuls. Feet, heat: Ars. h., Camph, ICaust, ICoccul., IKali bi. Millet, INux v, Phos. ac, IPsor., 11 Pteb,HPuls,l ISub; alternately hot and cold, in acute mania after melancholia, IGels.; rapid alternations of heat and cold, in hysteria, 11 See; burning, Ars, Ast.r, IFluor. ac, Med, Plant.; burning, cannot keep them covered (scarlatina), I IPhyt.; burning, in evening, ILed.; burning, in vaginismus, llgn.; with cold cheeks, INatr. c; children kick off clothes to cool them,ISub; with chill, ISpong.; with cold body, Calad.; either hot or cold, I IGraph.; one hot the other cold, IILyc; must be kept covered, as cold causes pain, IINux v.; with cramplike pain in left hip at night, Jugb; after dinner, Calend.; beginning on dorsa, first left then right, dry at night, INatr. s.; in evening, ILed, ISib; with burning in evening in bed, obliged to uncover, followed by itching, un- easiness and crawling, ISub; ascends to face, Hyos.; feverish, I IPtel.; as if fire were cours- ing from left through body to head, I IZinc; with hot flushes, HSub; with cold hands, Aloe, ICale, IIColoc; congestion to head, IGlon.; particularly in heels, ISpong.; nightly, internal, ICale; over leg and knees, most fre- quent at night, with crawling and formication in paralyzed part (paresis crurum), INux v.; at night, ISep.; with pulling in legs from be- low upward, Spig.; in rheumatism, IIPuls.; with shiveringover back and neck, 11 Kali m.; in soles, Berb., Cub, IFerr, IPetrol, Psor., HSep.; begins in soles, Lith.; burning in soles, ISep, ISub; dry burning in soles, even when cold through day (after itch suppressed by sulphur), I I Sub; in soles, during menses, IPetrol.; in soles, in morning, Eup. pert; veins distended, ISpong.; get warm as hands get cold, ISep. BST' burning. Feet, heaviness: I Agar, Alum, Ang., Bell, Cadm. s., Calc.a, Carbobae, Colch, llgn., IKali e, ILed, INatr. m, I IOp., HPetrol, IPhos, IIPuls., Sabad.; especially of ankles, ISub; in diabetes, INatr. s.; with dull frontal headache, Pic. ac; in instep, Arn.; with irri- tability, ICale; and languor, I IGamb.; as though filled with lead, in evening, with swell- ing from middleoflegsdownward, I INatr.m.; as lead, extends up tibia, Spong.; is scarcely able to lift, IKali c; as if loaded, Ind.; before menses, ILye; during menses, ISub; better during menses, HCycb; in morning, 11 Apis; worse by motion, Niccol.; at night, 11 Apis; in phthisis, I IStann.; in right, Ars. b; while sitting, IRhus; starting at trifles,Spong.; pain as if heavy stones were tied to parts, especially knees, must move about for relief, IVer.; and swollen, thought they would burst, IGraph.; with tension when sitting or walking,INatr.e; in typhoid, ICoccul.; while walking, I I Sep.; as if weights were hanging to (rheumatism), 11 Rhod.; weight, in haematuria, llpec; weight, in left, Ars. b; weight, in typhoid, ICoccul. Feet, hip disease: thrown forward on affected side, supported by great toe (coxalgia), I ISul. 8§T everted; also Hip disease. Feet, inflammation: IPuls., HSub; tendency to, likely to be blistered by boots, at soles, especially outer toes, burning, Merc, sub; of bones, Sarrae; hot, erysipelatous, lArn.; feel- ing of, after a walk, I Am.; of left, with fever, IComo.; periostitis of left (after typhus, after mechanical injury),! Aur. mur.; red, could not bear touch or motion, IMere; in soles, IPuls.; tarsal bones, spongious, cannot bear touch, IGuaiac. Feet, injuries: blister on dorsum of right peeled leaving an ulcer which did not heal, from wearing tight boots, I ISib; after wearing a tight boot a blister appeared on dorsum, be- 33. LOWER LIMBS. 939 neath which skin had ulcerated and showed no tendency to heal, three centimetres long by two broad, edges perpendicular and irreg- ularly indented, its soft and fungoid surface was covered with a brick-red sanies mingled with violet and blue streaks from admixture of venous blood, 11 Paeonia; after wearing boots for several days, which he usually could not wear on account of swelling of tarsal bones of right foot, violent pain in that part rapidly increasing, IMere; toes of right, crushed by a heavy iron shutter, and almost severed from foot, bones protruding in several places, considerable hemorrhage, excruciating pain,IHyper.; crushed and lacerated,ICalend.; compound fractures, with great laceration of soft parts, IHyper.; sore, raw spots, especially heel, on friction, llCepa ; intense pain, after running pin into, IHyper.; in sole, proud flesh fromasplinter,IIArn.; sprained,I Arn.,I ILed., IIRhus, Spig. after Arn.; a small wound be- came ulcerated (fungus haematodes), I IPhos. 8§T* sprained feeling. Feet, insensibility: 11 Arn, Ars, I INux v.; in evening, ICale; to touch, IDaph.; in menin- gitis, I Aeon.; feel very large, after pain, Daph.; in paralysis, ICup. m.; soles do not feel the ground, Ars ; to touch, Carbo v. Feet, itching: I Ant. sul. aur, Berb, I ICale, ICoccul., I IDulc, ILach., -jrMagn. p, ISep., Spong,Stram., IISul, I IVer. v.; inafternoon, Chrom. ac; near back of, worse scratching, is obliged to scratch till it bleeds, Bism.; in balls, Chrom. ae; in dorsa, 11 Agar., ICaust.; heat and burning in them, in evening in bed, ISub; intolerable, Ars.; in itch, ILach.; in joint, ICale; on dorsum of left, worse scratch- ing, Berb.; especially left, as if there were some heat vesicles there, Tell.; on internal malleolus of right, at 2 a.m.. Chin, a.; intol- erable at night, IIRhus; at night, from no ap- parent cause, better by very hot water, ILith.; in centre of right, Arum t; biting, rubbing makes spot red, and vesicles arise, soon van- ishing again, Spong.; in soles,/11 Agar, Am- moniac, Aur. met, Cale s., IIMed, Psor, Zinc.; in soles, burning, 11 Kreo.; and burn- ing, especially on walking, in soles, HSub; in soles, continued dull itching, IHep.; on soles, insupportable, IHydrocot.; in sole of left, on inner margin, Lith.; in sole of right, Brach., ICheb; in sole of right, in evening, Amm. m.; in sole, in inner border right foot, not better scratching, Amb.; worse scratching or rub- bing, Cornus ; on top, worse from scratching and warmth of bed, ILed. Feet, jerking: IIHyos.; upward, on falling asleep, Bell, IKali c, IZinc; convulsive, Bar. m.; of left, then of arms (epilepsy), IKali br.; painful, through left, worse at night and before midnight, better by shifting position and warmth (rheumatism), I IPuls.; starting, IGraph.; violent, in spasms, ICina. 8@* twitching. Feet, lameness: Bell, Merc. iod. flav.; from instep to sole, during pregnancy, Sib; of right, Hyper.; in sole, IKali ph.; in left sole, to knee, ICup. ae; from instep through foot to sole (pregnancy), HSib; for three weeks, would walk or stand on sides of feet to rest them, Tuberc. Feet, lancinating: with occasional attacks of cramps in sole, Plumb.; fine, in soles, Agnus; deep-seated pain in sole, when resting body upon it, Spig.; in right sole, ^thus. B^T* stitches. Feet, feel large: HApis; left feels large as whole body, Daph. Feet, feel as if loose : in joints, Stram. Feet, marbled: skin on dorsum, ICaust. Feet, motion: automatic,convulsive, as in hy- drocephalus (typhoid), IZinc;constant, I ISub; constant, in left, ILach.; dance and jump, must hold or have them held to floor as soon as night comes (hysterical chorea), I ISticta; in- voluntary, in pneumonia, IChel.; inordinate, irregular movements, subside almost entirely on hearing notes of hornpipe, I ITarant.; can- not move left, even when lying in bed, Ars. h.; kicking against something causes stitches in back, ISep.; could not move, in rheumatism, lApis, IIBry.; could not move, sitting with them crossed, could not uncross them (hys- teria), 7rTereb.; relieves pain in evening, I Ars.; pushing with, in typhus, I IStram.; spasmodic, in hysteria, IINux v.; stamping during sleep, children, llgn.; striking about, in mental derangement, Stram.; tremulous tossing as in a violent chill, in afternoon, Stram.; traces pattern of carpet (insanity), IHyos. Feet, necrosis: ICale Feet, neuralgia: during menses, 11 Amm. m.; sciatic pains, especially in heels, Ananth. Feet, numbness: I Aeon, 11 Alum, Amm. m., Ant t, 11 Arn., IIArs, Cact, ICaust, Cinnab, ICoca, ICoccul., Codein, IColoe, Diose, IFerr., IHelb, IHyper, Ign., ILye, IIMez, I INitr.ac, I IOp, IPhos.,Psor, I IRhus, ISee, HVer. v.; with chill, 4 to 8 p.m., ILye; with burning and twinging, referable to spinal col- umn, ICalab.; as if dead, during chill (inter- mittent), ICimex ; with one-sided (left) chill, commencing in back, ILye; during climac- teric period, IGlon., Sep.; cold, Abrot.; dead, to knees, Ars. h.; dead, especially at night in bed, ICale; after dinner, IKali e; forepart, mostly in soles, while walking, HOleand.; feel fuzzy, IHyper.; in hollow, right, Merc s.; after influenza, IIRhod.; left, IIBapt, HLac c. Thuya; left then right, IColoe; left then right, disappears on walking, Millet; left, in rheumatism, IIPuls.; left with paralytic weakness (during sixth month of pregnancy), 11 Rhus; when crossing legs or sitting, 11 Laur.; in locomotor ataxia, IPhos.; in meningitis, I Aeon, jgoingoff by motion (diabetes), IHelon.; going off by motion, only felt when sitting still, IHelon.; all night, as after skating, IFerr.; pain, in outer edge, HCaust.; feel pithy, as if pricked with needles (after a fall on coccyx), IHyper.; with prickling, IColch.; felt lifeless, in paralytic rheumatism, IPhos.; lower part of right, Rhus ; outer side of right, Ars. s. r.; in right (rheumatism), I ISabad.; after sitting down, Ant. t.; when sitting, Euphor.; as after fatigue from standing, only while sitting, IPlat.; when sitting, after walk- ing, I IRhod.; in soles, I INux v.; left sole, to knee, ICup. ae; in left sole, Cann. i.; soles seem pithy on stepping, worse at night, Cham.; soles, at times a prickly sensation as if numb parts were punctured by a great number of needles, Syph.; soles, while sitting, 940 33. LOWER LIMBS. I ICoccul.; in spinal irritation, INux v.; when standing, Merc, sub; with tingling (rheumatic paralysis), IIRhus; pressed to floor with difficulty, as if they were made of wood, Plumb.; as if made of wood, Ars. 8®° paral- yzed feeling, tingling. Feet, odor: fetid (without sweat), IGraph, Sep., Sil. 8®*" sweat. Feet, pain (undefined): lArn, Ars., Arum t, ICann. s, IDig, ILith, IPhyt, Sib, I IVer. v.; to other articulations, Ant. t.; in balls when stepping on them, Berb.; in middle of ball of left when stepping, Brom.; in bones, with sensation of heat, dare not step heavily on feet, Ruta ; in bones, violent, nightly, IMez.; in bone, in secondary syphilis, I ISyph.; in acute Bright's disease, lApis ; deep-seated, in left (after typhus), lAur. mur.; after dinner, Carb. s.; on dorsa, IPhyt; on dorsum, I ISib; in dorsa, with chilliness and coldness in fore- noon, ICop.; in dorsum of right, I ICard. m.; on dorsum of right, 4 a.m., I IPhyt.; drawing into, during stool (ischias), INux v.; worse in evening, parts hot, pain to thigh (consump- tion), I Guaiae; extends to, towards midday, Arund.; causing shuffling gait, HPsor.; at border and in soles, as if gouty, ILith.; after suppressed gonorrhoea, IIThuya; in hollow and ball, IINatr. p.; in instep, worse after being in bed, during menses, Lyss.; in joints, Ast. r.; in joints, with or without swelling, ICale; in smaller joints, with swelling and hardness, IStaph.; in left,Coff. t.,Gels.; in left, from one ankle bone to the other, above joint, worse in a small spot on dorsum of foot, worse moving foot joint, Ars. h.; in left, concen- trated at ball of toe, worse by motion, Ast. r.; in left, as if contracted lengthwise, Ars. h.; in left, worse in evening, Ars. h.; in left, hurts most towards external margin,Ars. h.; in left, worse before menses, with increased menses, IColoe; severe, in left, Ailant.; in left, worse in sole, prevent stepping on it, worse by mo- tion, better in bed, Ars. h.; and soreness of upper part of left, Eup. pert; in left, worse walking, Ars. h, Iod.; when lifting, Berb.; when lying in bed, IMagn. e; in metatarsus, ILith.; in right metatarsus, Sarrae; in right metatarsus, upper part, Anag.; worse at night, Caulo.; when raising, preventing flexion, Berb.; cause restlessness at night, Caulo.; in right, to knee and then to thigh, Chim. m.; in right, along inner margin, an hour later pain in front of left, Cypr.; in second toe of right, livid swelling to knee, more painful when he walks, cannot stretch out foot, toe painful to pressure, ILach.; worse in scarlet fever, IDulc; in soles, Cact, ICanth.; in sole, to ankle (lyssophobia), Lyss.; in curved or con- cave part of left sole. Anag.; in left sole, with feelingof faintness through whole body,Merc. iod. flav.; in soles, as after a journey, IPhos.; in soles, with lameness,could not walk, I IBry.; in left sole, in middle of thick fleshy anterior part and at same time an aching pain through lower leg, Ferr. s.; in sole, in senile gangrene, See; in sole, as though too soft and swollen on stepping (tabes dorsalis),! Alum.; in soles, when standingon them,Syph.;in sole, towards middle toe, worse when first toe joints are bent, Ars. h.; in sole, near toes, left side, Anag.; in soles, as if she had walked too much, 11 Phos.; in soles, as if she had walked too much, with sensation as if they were asleep (progressive spinal paralysis), IPhos.; in sole, when walking, IGels., IMere; worse standing, Eup. pert; terrible, all over, cries with pain (acute synovitis), IFerr. ph.; when stretching, Berb.; with swollen calf, ICale; in left tarsus, Sarrae; in lower part of left tarsus, Bapt.; in tarsal joints, as after walking a good deal, Coral.; to thigh, Spong.; under toe nails (in- termittent), IIEup. pert; forward to toes, at every step (rheumatism), I IPhos.; in soles, spreading towards great toe, with sensation as if it had been sprained, worse afternoon and from touch (rheumatism), ICrot. t; upward, Ars. h. Feet, pale : in dropsy, HApis ; even in a warm room, ICinch. Feet, paralysis : I INux v., Oleand.; from soft- ening of brain, IZinc; from cerebral hemor- rhage, IZinc.; in diphtheria, lApis ; of flexors, with tension in tendons,IBar.c; left, after apo- plectic condition, with great prostration, lArs.; inleft (apoplexy), ICoccul.; of extensors in left, after typhus, drags toes, ICrotal.; from chronic nervous disease, IZinc; palsied, Stram.; no reflex movement, on tickling sole of right (sudden unconsciousness), ICoccul.; rheumatic, in tarsal joints, Ruta ; from spinal disease, IZinc; from suppressed foot sweat by getting wet, I IZinc; almost total, ILye; worse from wine, 11 Zinc. Feet, paralyzed feeling: Asar,ICheb, I IPhos., Sib; with faintness, Cham.; in haematuria, llpec; in joints, Plumb.; worse at night, Cham.; painful, Jamb.; in right, Zinc; sud- den, ICham. 8^* numbness, -weakness. Feet, piercing: Berb.; in metatarsal bones, while walking, Carb. s.; in soles, INatr. s. 8®°* stitches. Feet, pinching : on backs, especially on moving them, Camph.; in left, Ammoniac. Feet, pressing feeling: Brom, Cinnab.; in bones, Bism.; painful, in dorsa, INatr. e; pain- ful, in joints, like a dull point, now here, now there, Lyss.; on dorsum of right, while sitting, Tarax.; continual, in anterior third of right, Cain.; in middle of soles, in morning, Nux m. Feet, pricking: Ailant, Arum d. Arum t, Berb, Cann. b; in balls, as if toes were drawn down on putting foot to ground, Staph, I ISub; at beginning of chill, lEup. pert; as of needles, Kob.; as from needles, in myelitis, I IPic. ae; in paralysis agitans, I ITarant.; as if full of pins, Dory.; shooting, on 'right in- step, I IFerr.; in soles, Eup. perf. fiST" prick- ling, sticking. Feet, prickling: as if asleep, with numbness, IColch.; of left, I I Bapt.; of outer side of right, Ars. s. r.; in soles, Cub.; in soles, fine, crawl- ing pains, almost like a sore pain, while walk- ing, or standing, or sitting, evening, Zing; in soles, when walking, Bry. 8€^° numbness, pricking. Feet, redness: Apis, ICarb. s, Carbo v, '2 33. LOWER LIMBS. Knees, dryness: sensation, Benz. ac. Knees, dull pain: Erig.; in left, Carbobae; when lying quietly with leg stretched out, worse from least motion or pressure (after neg- lected injury), Hod.; pain, on right patella, Bapt.; on right, Xan.; on side, when walking or extending leg, IKali c; to toes, in moving suddenly from place to place, Lil. tig. Knees, eruption: in bends,IIGraph., INatr. m, I IPetrol.; in bends, with constipation, IHep.; red scaly, like herpes, IIKreo.; in bends, in hot weather, and at full moon, Bov.; blebs, below, in pemphigus, HSep.; flat blister, looks as if full of bile, Iod.; large blister above on inside of thighs, bloody water ran out when lanced (fracture of tibia), lAnth- rac. ; small blotches on right, ILac c.; blood- boils, on right, ICale; copper color on left, Stram.; thin, crusty, eating its way and dis- charging thin corroding ichor, I ISib; chronic eczema on bends, IGraph.; bright efflores- cence on patella, to bend of foot, IHydras.; erythematous, resembling scarlet rash, Tereb.; profuse and constant watery exudation, ■Graph.; herpes, I IDulc, IIGraph, IINatr. m., IPetrol.; itching herpes in bends, with scabies, IIArs.; herpetic, in popliteal space, ICon.; scaly herpes, I IPhos.; humid places in bends, HSep.; impetigo, in bend, ICarb. s.; old itch, on popliteal spaces, I IPsor.; lichen, size of dollar, IDulc; violent itching nettle- rash, especially on inner or outer side of left, Hod.; in front below, like nettles, itching when uncovered, Asim.; biting burning pimples above, Agar.; in bend, pimples form scabs (impetigo), ICarb. s.; pimples be- coming confluent and formingeasily bleeding ulcers, Phos. ac; pimples, like varicella,Thu- ya ; psoriasis, IPhos.; psoriasis, irregular patches with shining scales, edges raised, llris; pustules, better by gentle rubbing about (impetigo), Thuya; rash, I INux v.; itching rash on bends, IHep.; large red spot on left, Petrol.; small, round, dark red spots on patella, with pale red spots itching, Goss.; red, under right, sometimes with pustules, filled with yellow matter, ICinnab.; scaly skin on patella, slightly broken here and there, having in some places a jagged appearance, extends to bend of foot, slight serous moisture, IHydras.; soreness in bends, exudes offensive smelling serum, spreading, painful when washed, I ISep.; small spot in bend, itching, Agar.;_ vesicles in bends, HPhos.; vesicles, becoming pustular, itching in evening, Iris. Knees, erysipelas: bluish redness on external side, ILach.; in irritable subjects, particularly women, bright red swelling with severe pain, I INux v. Knees, gnawing: worse at night, INatr. m.; worse at night, must often change position, IKali iod.; with ulcer of leg, IMere sob Knees, gonarthrocace: lArs, HCale, Hod, HSib; fistulous openings discharging a thin watery ichor surrounded by pale spongy edges, which bleed easily, Hod.; after sup- pressed itch, IMere; second and third stages, Hod. 8®° neuralgia, pain, swelling. Knees, gout: HCale; arthritic, inflammation, INux v.; inflammation and abscess, repeated after a fall,with pain andlossofsleep,IGuaiae; inflammation of left, pain worse from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., lEup. pert; after an attack of tertian ague, with tophi and lameness in joints, I INux v.; nodosities, INux v.; pains, Ars. h.; hot pale swelling, very sensitive to touch, worse at night, ICale; tophi, Bufo. 8§r"Chap. 34, Joints gout. Knees,grasped with hand : suddenly screamed, • was seized with convulsions, ICie Knees, grasping pain: or heavy aching,ILibtig. Knees, gurgling: sensation, in patella, Asar. Knees, heat: Arund., Aur. mur, ISars.; as if hot air were goingthrough, ILach.; with cold- ness of nose, Hgn.; with swelling of feet and tearing of left heel (rheumatism), ILye; in- creased warmth (swelling of knee), IBar. m. Knees, heaviness: Berb, ICamph.; in bends, I IPhos.; in bends, like a hundredweight, could not move feet along, Rhus ; on walking, Spong. Knees, housemaid's knee, hygroma: 8®*bur- sae. Knees, inflammation (gonitis): IBar. m, IBell, IIBry, I ISub; from bruising knee, ISars.; of cartilage, ICale; chronic, IPhyt, IPsor.; ery- sipelatous, IIRhus ; after suppression of gon- orrhoea, pale swelling and stiffness, worse at night, sensation of heat, painful to touch, I ISib; rheumatic, worse at night and from motion, I ILact. ae; of right, cedematous, pain- ful on pressure or exercise, HSib; wants it rubbed upward, lies quiet and satisfied (strumous synovitis), ILed.; scrofulous, hot, bright red, shining swelling, in several, places small highly inflamed openings, oozing, watery bloody pus, motion of body or foot, or touch, or pressure on swelling causes severe pain, Hod.; with shooting, IIPuls.; red swell- ing, doughy, synovial fluid in surrounding cellular tissue, worse at night in bed, when it bums and itches, better moving about, worse keeping quiet, with stiffness, when beginning to move, I ISub; with swelling, in tumor albus of left knee, HSib; acute synovitis, I Apis, IIBry.; synovitis, much pain, followed by dropsy, IFluor. ae; synovitis, much swelling, Hod.; chronic synovitis, with swelling and an- chylosis, ISib; synovitis, with erratic tearing pains, Hod.; synovitis, acute traumatic, with much effusion and feeling of coldness in part, ILed.; in secondary syphilis, I IPhyt.; tuber- cular synovitis of left, I ITubere Knees, injury: pain from a blow, iCale s.; lameness, after dislocations, Rheum ; painful, after fall (bursitis), I ISticta; sprain, Apis, HLed., IRhus; after neglected, large elastic fluctuating swelling, I Iod. g^° bursae. Knees, insensibility: in right, llgn. Knees, itching: Ars. m, IMang, IPsor, HSub; in bends, IPsor., ISep, HSub; in bends, in evening, I IZinc; in bends, in evening, violent, with urticaria-like eruption, after scratching, IZinc; on bend, worse sweating, Mang.- be- low left, afternoon in bed, Ast. r.; burning pain on left, Lith.; especially at night Cinnab.; in patella, IHydras.; continuous prickling, in popliteal spaces, while walking" with desire to scratch parts, Spong.; violent on right, I IZinc; rash on inside, ILed. ' Knees, jerking: IIPuls., Stram.; acute, in left IMez.; in patellae, with stitching in' calves' when knees are held stiffly stretched out' Spig. » 33. LOWER LIMBS. 953 Knees, lacerating: IKali iod.; in forepart, worse at intervals, worse by movement, Plumb.; painful, with ulcer of leg, IMere sol. Knees, lameness: Berb., ICepa, Coccul.; after dislocations,Rheum; in inner partof left, when in bath, in forenoon, Calc. s.; feeling, in left, when kneeling, Ars. h.; painful, in left, in morning, Lyss.; in left, in rheumatism, ICale; in inner part of left, stooping or walking fast, later posterior part, Calc. s.; asif palsied after walking and rising from a seat, IBerb.; from right, to right hip, ISpong.; painful in right, Como.; painful in right, when getting awake at night, Lyss.; in right, stiff, Diose; after work, mostly girls, IBar. c. $ST* paralyzed feeling. Knees, lancinating : I Arg. met.; with occasional attacks of cramps, Plumb.; deep (tumor albus of left knee), I ISib; in gonorthrocace, I ISib; in left, waking from sleep, Form.; in morbus coxarius, IKali c.; with swelling in right, goes to left next day, then returns, I I Lac e Knees, feel large: 11 Merc Knees, motion : difficulty on going down stairs and still more on going up, IKali c; tremul- ous tossing, as of violent chill, in afternoon, Stram. Knees, neuralgia: in left, I ICale a., Iodof; of right, passing to left, Eup. pur.; at times to toes, with thrill as if foot had been asleep, Lact. ac. Knees, numbness: Carbo v, IColoc. Knees, pain (undefined): lAng., lAnt. t, I I Apis, I Ars, Ars. s. f, Bar. c, Brom, ICanth, IChrom. ac, ICop, Como, Daph, I ILac c, ILach, ILil. tig, Lyss., I INatr. p., Polyp.; above, Arum t, Calc. p., ICepa; in afternoon (ague), INatr. m.; awakes, extends from patella to lower outer thigh, worse on motion, Cact.; just below, as if tied too tightly, Ant. c; below bend, worse taking off boots, Calc. p.; in bend, continuous, when knee is bent, especially stooping, also sitting, worse rising after sitting, Cast. eq.; in bend of left, Anag.; in bend of left, rising from a seat, and beginning to walk, Ars. h.; in bends, on mo- tion, INatr. e; in right bend, on pressure, worse lying down, evening, Ars. h.; in bend, while walking, especially left, Card, m.; with blue boils, after glanderspoisoning, lAnthrac; in bone (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; in bursitis, I ISticta ; with heavy laming pains in calves, Merc. iod. flav.; during chill, Ars.h, ICimex; with shaking chill, followed by heat, then sweat on back, face and hollow of elbows, I IPod.; during cough, Caps.; with cramps (intermittent), IGels.; day and night, ILach.; disagreeable, cannot rest in any posi- tion, worse from motion (intermittent), ICoc- cul.; feels elastic, as if some fluid were in joint, I ISub; excruciating, ISars.; caused by a fall a year ago, IPsor.; as from fatigue, ICon.; fearful, Hyper.; to feet, IPhos.; must draw up feet, Cham.; to feet, must move about, better riding horseback (dysmenorrhoea), ITarant; in catarrhal fever, IMyrtus; in flex- ors of left, extending around thigh, immedi- ately above patella, as if limb were severely grasped, Chim. umb.; extend towards hip, when at rest (luxatio spontanea), IColoc.; severe, to hip and ankle joint, as of scraping over long bones (rheumatism), lArs.; to hip joints, in strumous synovitis, ILed.; inside, Iodof; severe, in inner aspect, point of pain easily covered with finger end, sore to touch, better in motion, worse by pressure, I I Ran. b.; lameness, particularly when walking, Merc. sub; in left, Ars. s. f, Ast. r, Bapt, Benz. ae, Brom, HChel, Cinch, bob; in left, in even- ing, in bed, Ast. r.; in left bend, then in right knee, then in right popliteal space, Diose; above left, into chest, in morning, Pallad.; in left, worse in evening, Ars. h.; in left outer, running into fibula, Bapt.; violent, above left, after getting up, when placing legs higher than body, Ars. h.; severe, in left, lasts a little more than half an hour without cessation, Xan.; in left, down leg (acute rheumatism), I IRhus; sudden, in left, pain worse on begin- ning to move, in morning, I IPuls.; near left, Anag.; violent, in left, worse outside and to front (synovitis), I Apis; in left, as if paral- yzed, Lyss.; in left, while right feels lame and stiff, Diose; in left, when walking, caused it to give way, letting her down, Med.; ex- cruciating, on lying, causes soreness, IKali iod.; as after a long march, I ICheb; worse moving about, in morning (rheumatism), 11 Agar.; better by motion and rubbing, Diose; every night, 11 p.m. till 7 a.m., ISub; in outside, above patella, on left side, Gamb.; above right patella, on pressure, worse lying down, in evening, Ars. h.; in right patella, Sarrae; in patella, impeding walking, INitr. ae; under patella, Rhus; under right patella, ICarbol. ac; in left popliteal space, I ICheb; in right, Cast, eq, I IFluor. ac; in right, into instep, Elat.; in right, then in left, Benz. ae; in right, worse on moving, ICheb; sudden, through right, while sitting, standing and walking, I IVerbas.; in right, worse straining knee and change of weather, especially rain or storm, no pain during rest (hydrarthrus genu), IIRhus; in right, to thigh and leg, worse from contact more than motion, ICinch.; when sitting, Calend.; especially when sitting, Cast, eq.; when sitting with crossed legs, Anag.; small spot in bend, vio- lent, Agar.; cannot sleep, had to sit up, in acute rheumatism, lAcon.; prevents sleep, in synovitis, HVer. v.; slightly intermitting, in right, 9 a.m., Tromb.; in and above, especially when going up stairs, Lith.; worse standing, Iodof; as from stiffness, on rising from a seat, ISub; in joint, with or without swelling, ICale; transient, in bend, Irid.; in walking, IMagn. e; violent, above, when walking, Ammoniac; when walking, in chorea, IMy- gale; as after walking much, Coral.; in walk- ing and sitting, Cist.; after walking only a few steps, about noon, Calab.; sudden, mak- ing walking impossible, Codein.; worse walk- ing, left then right, ICale p.; on walking, but better from continued walking, I IDiosc; with weakness in legs, Xan. Knees, paralytic pain: Carbo v,Cepa, Coccul. Knees, paralyzed feeling: Aur. met. Plumb.; in left, Brom.; from right down, Chrom. ac. 8^*" lameness. Knees, pinching: in bend, evening, sitting, Ammoniac. Knees, position : drawing up, towards chest, as soon as he falls asleep, Cham.; drawn up, in- voluntarily. Carbo v, llgn.; drawn up, in 954 33. LOWER LIMBS. trismus, Amyg.; flexed on abdomen, Amyg.; flexed, during chill, 11 Cimex ; slightly flexed, Ferr. s.; has to lift up (angina), IBelb Knees, pressing: Nitr. sp. d.; bone pain, in right, Bor.; cramplike, in bends, extending to ankle, Sub; cramplike pain in muscles, above right, while sitting and standing, Verbas.; in left, Camph, Sub; in left, as if forced asunder, Calad.; painful, ILed, IMagn. m.; painful, in bend, extends to heel, I I Rheum; in a space of two fingers' breadth, below patella, Cheb; in left patella, Sub, painful, in patellae,Coccus; pain in external tendon of flexor muscle in right popliteal space, worse walking, Spong.; drawing, coming by jerks, in left popliteal space, arises on bending knee, and alter- nates with similar sensation in left armpit, Spong.; above right, Camph.; stinging pain above right, while sitting, Spong. Knees, pricking: Aloe, Aur. mur.; with occa- sional cramps, Plumb.; in popliteal space, llnd.; in swollen, Hod.; when touched, Arn. 8€g~ stinging. Knees, pulling: with tension in tendons on inner side of right, causing uneasiness in foot, Rhus; short pains, Med. Knees, rawness: in bends, 11 Amb. Knees, redness: 11 Lace; above (fracture of tibia), lAnthrac. Knees, rhagades: in hands, discharging ichor- ous fluid, irritating surrounding parts, Cund. Knees, rheumatism: Ars. h., IBerb, IIBry, HCaust, IIFerr. ph., Gnaphab, I IHyper., ILach., Lye vir, I IPuls., ISal. ac; acute, in- tense pain, ILac e; first left, then right, with relief to left (acute), ILac c; acute, in right 11 Chin.s.; acute, in right, which is semiflexed, swollen, red and painful, worse night, I I Hy- per, I ISep.; first, then one joint after another, IFerr. ph.; below,IPhyt.; downward, Niccol.; gonorrhoeal, in fibrous part, IThuya; inflam- matory, IVer. v.; inflammatory, sore to touch, redness, followed by effusion, patella being lifted up, with elastic swelling underneath and around, I ISticta ; inflammatory, of right, with tearing pains in fibula, ILobel. b; pains pass along course of ischiatic nerve to foot, left side, I IZinc; in left, 11 Amyl, Bapt.,IBerb,IPhyt; aching, in left, Brach.; on inside of left, 11 Eup. pert; acute pain in left on moving, seemed deep in joint, without much heat or swelling, IGlon.; left, twice the size, IBerb.; on moving leg, iCarb. s, Lact. ae; motion impossible, IBry.; during night, IIGels.; at night, with soreness and coldness (acute bronchial ca- tarrh), I ISub; in right, Gels, Grin, I ILac c; in right, till 10 p.m., Chrom. ac; in right, worse in open air and damp weather, IPhyt; in right, worse walking (ascending), better at rest, Cinnab.; subacute, ICod.; red, shining, swollen, IIBry.; tendons forming boundaries of popliteal space, contracted, hard, sensitive to touch, making it difficult to touch heel to floor, I ISub; sudden twinges or pricks while at rest, must rise and straighten limb, IGlon.; on walking or moving, with restlessness (diph- theria), IKali bi.; worse walking, Form. Knees, sensitive: Ars. h.; after fall (bursitis), I ISticta ; half painful sensation of a sore place below lower edge of left patella, almost drives wild, ILach.; tender,after wrenching (syno- vitis), I IVer. v.; tenderness, pain constant while walking, rises with effort (sciatica), IIRhus; inner side, painful to touch, Bry.; external lateral ligament, painful to touch (acute rheumatism), I ISep.; severe pain on inner surface from least touch, I ISub; tender to touch, ISars. Knees, sharp pain: in sciatica, Kali bi.; sud- den, forcing to sit down, after hard work, mostly girls, IBar. e; with swelling in right, worse on motion, after exposure to night air when drunk, I ILac e; shot upward during a terrific thunderstorm, pains worse by stretch- ing, Med.; could hardly touch them, Hyper. Knees, shooting: I Aeon, Agar., HApis, Brach.; down, Lyss.; to eye, after operation for strabismus, IBerb.; on kneeling, IBar. c; in left, Tromb.; in left, worse from least at- tempt to move leg, IColoc; periodical, tran- sient in left, I ISub; down legs, motion pain- ful, IFerr. ph.; wrorse on moving, Bufo.; worse at night, IKali bi.; in right, worse going up- stairs, Agar.; in swollen (scrofulous inflamma- tion), Hod.; down inside of thigh, I IPod.; with every attempt to walk, IColoc. Knees, smarting : with light swelling in right, affects left next day, 11 Lac e Knees, soreness: aching beneath left, all day to 4 p.m., ICarbol. ae; in bends, I I Amb., Bar. e; in left, JEsc. h.; in left, in rheuma- tism, IBerb.; painful, 101. jec; in right pa- tella, as if he had been kneeling, IBry.; in- side of right, Urt. ur.; when walking, ICalep. Knees, sprain: g@f injuries. Knees, sprained feeling: HAgar., ICale p, Elaps, Hippom, llgn., IINatr. m, IRhus, ILach, Sub; ligamentum patellae, sudden and severe pain at insertion into tibia on rising from a chair, Rhus; in right, IILach.; in right, as if wrenched, on moving, especially going up stairs, I INux m.; wrenching, ISars. Knees, sticking: pricking, from above, Mang.; spasmodic, beneath bend of right, Inul.; from within in side of, while walking, Rhus. Knees, stiffness: I Apoe, Aur. met, Cann. b, HCast, Elaps, IIHelb, ILed., INatr. s, INitr. ac, IPetrol, I ISang., ISep, HSub; inability to flex to any extent, with acute arthritis, IPhos.; in bends, Stann., IStaph.; in bend, with pain on motion, Rheum ; in bends (spi- nal irritation), INux v.; tendons, in bends, Card, m.; in bend, when walking, ICaust; was unable to bend and could not kneel, IPuls.; dryness in right, Ars. m.; feeling, prevent ing stooping, IColoe; feeling, in bends, as if tendons were too short, IGraph.; slightly flexed, as if anchylosed, permitting neither flexion nor extension (morbus coxarius), I Kali e; of flexors, IKali bb; of left, in rheumatism, IBerb.; in left, when walking, ICaust.; move- ments more limited, especially in elbows and knees, and all attempts at flexion or ex tension caused excruciating suffering, I 101. jee; in morning, when rising, JEsc. h.; worse at night (rheumatism), ILye; painful, Ant. e; painful, as after a long march, Lobel. b; painful stitches, especially on moving, Bry.; painful in right, while walking, whenever thigh is stretched out straight, IPuls.; of patella, Card. m.; rheumatic, ILye, IPhos.; in right,ITereb.- in right, worse on moving, I ICheb; rigid, in sciatica, ISub; in sciatica, IColoe; in scirrhus I Ars.; after sitting, I ILach.; after sitting, with 33. LOWER LIMBS. 955 dyspepsia, ILach.; particularly after sitting awhile, must stretch leg or get up and move for relief, I ISticta; on sittingdown, in chronic rheumatism, ILye; with sharp sticking, IPe- trol.; difficulty in stretching, ILach.; swelling and flexion (strumous synovitis), ILed.; alter- nates with tearing, IIArs.; scarcely able to walk, Anac; in bend, as from a long walk, in morning on rising, ILye; while walking, Card. m. B^T" contraction, rheumatism. Knees, stinging: lAcon, Agar., I Apis, Aur. mur., Bar. m, ICale, IHelb; down, Lvss.; above, as if a flea were biting, Pallad.; ingon- orthrocace,l ISib; particularly inner side, when walking, Berb.; in left, Gymn.; dull, in left leg, while lying, Spong.; worse at night, Belb; in rheumatism, ILach.; in right,Lyss.; while sitting and walking, ICale; transitory, with inflammatory swelling, ICoccul.; like sting of a wasp, lArg. met. B^T" pricking, stitches. Knees, stitches: I I Agar, Arund, Bov, ICale, iCale s, INitr. ac, Nitr. sp. d, I IPetrol., IStaph, ISub; with unsteadiness in back, knees and feet, 11 Merc, sob; burning, on outer side beneath left, at intervals, I IStaph.; dur- ing chill, IDiad.; with chill coming and going suddenly (ague),IDiad.; when clothing touched part or when knee was bent (after a wound from striking knee in falling had healed), I ISymph.; drawing, worse on motion,Staph.; externally, IKalm.; in evening, sitting, I Amm. m.; after influenza, I IRhod.; in left, I ILaur., INatr. m.; in disease of liver, with hydro- thorax, IKali e; dull, during movement (sciatica), I IStaph.; intermitting at night and during rest, ICale, ICamph., Jacea; dull, above left patella, in stepping, Verbas.; in patella, Coccus ; in patella, dull, during move- ment (sciatica), HStaph.; in right patella, Niccol.; laming, in right patella, on going down stairs, Lact. ae; in right patella, when kneeling, making it difficult to walk (hemor- rhagic extravasation of knee), IBar. m.; in pa- tella, on rising when sitting, Carbo v.; dull, near patella, change to pressive pain on touch, Staph.; rheumatic, during motion and rest, Asar.; below right, Rhus; in right, Am- moniac; in right, worse from motion (luxatio spontanea), IColoc.; transient, at one time above, at another below right, worse from mo- tion or warmth of bed, lElaps ; dull, in right, immediately after rising in morning, worse from motion, Staph.; in right, to toes, worse after midnight, causing spasmodic twitchings, I ISub; in right, when walking, Chen, v.; in right, from within, Cepa; when standing, Rumex; across, on standing, after sitting, Rhus; in swollen (scrofulous inflammation), Hod.; tearing, during motion and rest, Asar.; knifelike, to toes, Caust.; when walking, IBry. figaT* lancinating, stinging. Knees, suppuration : BST" abscess. Knees, sweat: in cholera infantum, ICale; at night, ISub; with swelling, ILye Knees, swelling: IApis,IArs.,Arund,IBar. m., IIBry,HCale, ICop, I IHep, I ILac c,ILach, IPuls, I IRhus, ISars.; above (fractureof tibia), lAnthrac; arthritic, lArn, IIBry., Cinch., Coccul, ILye, Nux v., ISal. ac, ISub; bloat- ing (dysentery), IColch.; chronic, | Calc. p.; chronic, particularly if scrofulous, INatr. m.; I doughy,IKali iod, HSib; dropsy, IApis,IBry, ICale, I ICon, I IDig, Hod., IMere, IIRhus, ISib, I ISub; dropsy of left, I Ant t; effusion, in articular rheumatism, 11 Hyper.; elastic, in rheumatism, I Ars.; filled with solid exudate (gout), IKali iod.; feeling, Carbo v.; feeling dur- ing night, IKali iod.; feeling, as if bends were swollen, INitr. ac; feeling, in rheumatism, ILach.; with swelling of feet and tearing in left heel (rheumatism), ILye; large, fluctuat- ing, on outside, by pressure discharging hor- ribly smelling gangrenous ichor (after frac- ture of tibia), lAnthrac; puffed and round on both sides, sensation of fluctuation, pain when stretching leg, or attempting to stand, press- ure on patella causes pain, better during rest, Hod.; with gnawing (rheumatic gout), 11 Rhus ; after gonorrhoea, IClem.; hard, in bend, IMagn. e; hemorrhagic extravasation, IBar. m.; hot, bright, with inflammation, worse touch or pressure, Hod.; hot, inflam- matory, IBell, IFerr. ph, IIPuls.; hot, of right, painful to slight touch, ICinch.; chronic hydrarthrosis,IIod.; inflammatory, with tran- sitory stinging, ICoccul.; left, double size, white, shiny, doughy, I ISib; in left, painful, ICie; left,painful, stiff, unable to bear pressure, liEseh.;with tensive pain in ligaments,HBry.; in disease of liver, with hydrothorax, IKali c; painful, INux v.; painful, above, IRhus; painful, in bend,IMagn. e; pain, when pressed or lifted (spinal disease), lApis; with pul- sative and distending pains, Bufo.; painful, in acute rheumatism, HVer. v.; painful, in septicaemia, Sal. ae; pain as if swollen, INitr. ae; painless, IIPuls.; pale fluctuating of right, after swelling of finger joints, leg flexed, can- not be extended (white swelling of knee), I IRhus.; over right patella, I ISticta ; pinkish, sensitive, motion painful (rheumatism),I ISal. ac; painful, in popliteal space, occasioned by a cold, preventing extension of leg, pain particularly after walking and exercising leg, I IRhus; an inch and a half in diameter, pro- jects (bursitis), I ISticta ; red, burning, comes over night, ICale; in acute rheumatism, lAcon.; in rheumatism, ILye; with rheu- matic pain, comfortable only when apply- ing cold, ILed.; of right, IBenz. ac, lElat, HSub, ITereb.; of right, with sharp, dart- ing pains, worse on motion, after exposure to night air, when drunk, I ILac c; globular, on tip of right (hemorrhagic), IBar. m.; of right, in kidney trouble, IBenz. ac; lancinating in right, affects left next day, I ILac e; in right, painful (rheumatism), I IViob; doughy, of right, especially above patella, pain on pressure, cannot straighten leg on account of pain, I ISub; of right, in pericarditis, Spig.; in right, in acute rheuma- tism, I IChin. s.; of right, white painless, elas- tic, I ISub; scrofulous, Arn, lArs, HCale, IFerr, Hod., ILye, ISib, HSub; with shoot- ing, IIPuls.; in evening, sitting, Ammoniac; soft, Sep.; soft, white, shining, IIPuls.; spongy, ICale,IKali iod.; stiff, ILye; stiff, in a child, Amm. m.; with stinging, IDig.; with stinging, tearing, ILach.; worse stretching leg, Aur. mur.; followed by suppuration after catching cold, openings with elevated edges, discharging unhealthy thin pus, fever, con- tinuous pain, sleeplessness, looks as if he had 956 33. LOWER LIMBS. consumption, IIRhus; with sweat, ILye; in secondary syphilis, HPhyt; with tearing, in IColch.; with tension, and stitches with rheu- matic pains, ILed.; and tension and sticking pain when walking, ILed.; and tender to touch (rheumatism), ILye; tubercular, inter- mittent attacks of pain, I ITubere; collection of water (rheumatism), I ISticta; white, lAnt c, Arn, ICale,, Hod, IKali iod, ILye, 101. jec, IPhos, IIRhus; white, pressing, stitching, intermitting during night and rest, ICale; white, with tearing, worse during rest and at night, I IRhod.; after wrenching (syn- ovitis), HVer. v.; alternates with swelling of wrists, with numbness and rigidity of limbs, 11 Kreo. 8®" bursa?, tension, tumor. Knees, synovitis: 8@°" bursae. Knees, tearing: lAcon., Agar, Alum., Amb., Ars. h., ICale, IKali iod, Lyss., Mang, IIPuls.; worse in open air, better in warmth of bed, HCaust.; to ankle, Cham.; crampy (cox- algia), IKali c; evenings, ICist.; better in evening and night (coxalgia), IColoe; espe- cially in evening, does not know where to lay legs, Sub; down inside of legs to feet, Collin.; in quartan ague, 11 Sep.; frequent, I IKali c; rending pain to hips, especially walking and morning, when rising, Ascl. t; in jaundice, I ISep.; in left, IPsor, Sub; four fingers' breadth above left, to hand's breadth above ankle, in afternoon while sitting, better ris- ing and walking, llndig.; inleft, asif in peri- osteum, IKali iod.; in left, when walking, Lachn.; in morning or during day, 11 Aph. ch.; worse on motion, at night, or pul- sating pains, IMere: worse at night, must often change position, IKali iod.; in patella, Alum, IColch.; worse during rest, IRhus; rheumatic, I IHyper, ILach.; in right, Zinc; in right, in coxalgia, IColoc; in right, awak- ens at night, worse lying on affected side or back (sciatica), IKali iod.; while sitting, dis- appearing on motion, Sib; worse sitting, bet- ter walking, Agar.; from above to feet, worse in shin bones and tops of feet, Aph. ch.; like a sprain in left, only when walking, at times he limped because lie could not bend knee, Spig.; first in one then in other, in rheumatism, I IPuls.; with swelling, IColch.; with white swelling, worse during rest and night, I IRhod.; in syphilis, I ISub; to toes, Alum. Knees, tension : ICaust, Cham.; on awaking, Carbo v.; in bends, IBry, Dig, ILach,Stann.; tightness in bend of left, as if swollen or sore, Anag.; in bend, muscles shortened, INatr. c; in bends, when sitting or beginning to walk, better continual walking, ICaust.; in spinal irritation, INux v.; in bends, as if too short, on stooping, ISub; in bend, as if tendons were too short, Berb.; in bends, as if tendons were too short, on rising from a seat, INux v.; as if cords were shortened, during menses, IINatr. p.; to foot, Astac; cannot move, INatr. m.; painful,ICaps.; painful in left bend, extends to heel, I IRheum; painful around left, likesome- thing tight (affection of knee), IMagn. e; pain- ful, in right, Pallad.; painful, when walking (eczema), IMere; painful in bend, when walk- ing, ICaust; in right, JEsc. h.; in right patella, iBar.c; inright patella, when kneeling,making it difficult to walk (hemorrhagic extravasation of knee), IBar. m.; in right when stretch ng leg, llgn.; as if too short, IRhus ; in swelling of knle, IBar. m.; tendons seem too short, HCaust.; tendons in bend, as if too short, Calc p. 8^" swelling. . Knees, throbbing: Brach.; in left Calad.; in left, lying, evenings, Calad.; in patella, pulsa- ting, with stitching in calves when knees are held stiffly stretched out,Spig.; in acute rheu- matism, I Aeon. Knees, tightness : 8®" tension. Knees, tingling: to ankles, Lachn. Knees, tired feeling: Berb, Oxal. ac; asif they would give way, although he sets foot firmly, Spong.; in left, to foot, Apis; worse during rest, IINux m.; after walking, Calc. s.; weary, Act. sp. Croc, IPuls.; asif weary, after walking and arising from a seat, IBerb. ^ , , Knees, trembling: lAlum., Ant. t, Calad., ICamph., Caps, I IChel, IIDios, Lil. tig, Mang, Sib; in headache, IGlon.; after seminal emissions, I INatr. p.; when sitting or walk- ing, ILed.; small spot in bend, tremulous feel- ing, Agar.; when standing, J lOleand.; at every step, from weakness, Lyss.; with weariness of thighs, IPuls.; with jerking of thigh, Rhus. Knees, tuberculous disease: of left, enlarged and tender, 11 Tuberc. Knees, tumor: lAnt. e; patellae surrounded by supernumerary bones (osseous growths), ICale fl.; size of egg, short distance above, movable, hard on pressure, llgn.; swelling size of a walnut, in right popliteal space, I ISil. 8^° bursae, swelling. Knees, twitching: dull, Aloe; in left, Chrom. ac; muscular, HAgar.; inner side of right, Asaf. Knees, ulcers: below, lAnae; below right, over head of tibia, surrounded by smaller ulcers, IPhos.; ulcer-like sores on right, dis- charge of pus, in morning, on pressure, ICale Knees, veins: in bend, swollen, Berb.; vari- cose, above, I IHam.; bunch of varicose, size of a fist, near left, thick as a thumb and hard as a rope, ILach. Knees, vibration: Berb. Knees, wandering pains: IPuls.; worse in right, llris; in sciatica, Kali bi. Knees, weak: 11 Agar, Anac, Arund., Bor, IBry., ICale, Calad, Chrom. ac, ICaust., Cup. in., IDiosc, I IGlon, Hippom., IHydras, llris, Lact. ac, Lith., Merc. iod. rub., IMere sol, IINatr. m, INux m, IPhos. ae, I IPlat, Rhus v, Sarrae, Sars.; in afternoon, I IHam.; with pain in small of back, INux m.; as if beaten, I IPlat.; on getting out of bed (quoti- dian ague), llpec; as though they would bend, ICale; bend suddenly, when standing, Am.; in bends, while walking, Zinc; after coition, ISep.; loss of control, cannot sitin a low chair or squat down, Syph.; frequent doubling up, when walking, with painful drawing, when standing and walking, ICup. m.; nocturnal emissions, IDiosc; erratic pains, in sciatica, Kali bb; excessive, Kob.; faintlike, IIAnae; feeling, ILye, IPhos.; feeling, after eating, with pressure in stomach, I ILach.; give way ICamph, Croc, ICup. m., IGlon.; give way, during apyrexia, Ign.; as if they would give way, lAmb.; give way, on going down stairs, Ars. h.; give way, when getting up from bed 33. LOWER LIMBS. 957 on account of headache, IGlon.; give way, after coition, ICale.; give way on slight motion (tertian ague), Hgn.; give way going up or down stairs, IRuta ; give wray, standing and walking, 11 Cheb; give way under him, I IPsor.; as if they would give way, when walking or standing, Carbo v.; when getting up from a chair, Med.; cannot kneel, ITarant.; knock to- gether, I I Agar,Chrom. ac, IINux v.; knock to- gether, from exhaustion Berb.; knock together, during headache, IGlon.; knock together espe- cially morning after rising (palpitation), I Arg. met.; knock together, from vertigo, ICamph.; knock together, when walking, Arg. met.; left knocking, when walking, Chrom. ac; lassitude, Asar, Con, IDig.; in left, Chrom. ae; with leucorrhcea, ICale; in morning, IIDiosc; painful, Sul. ac; paralytic, in left, when stepping, Cheb; with feeling as if patella would be dislocated, Cain.; left patella, shift- ing pains, I Amyl.; in phthisis, IPhos.; with relaxation and heaviness of body, Sa- bad.; in rheumatism, ILye; in acute rheu- matism, HSep.; in right, from walking, Aur. met.; in right, wearied feeling, pain and stiff- ness, caused by pain in limbs, particularly legs, Merc. sul.; sensation as if it would sud- denly give way, 11 Kreo.; shaking, can hardly stand, IINux v.; shaking when attempting to stand, gave way, HPhos.; shaky, ILach.; sink down, HCoccul.; almost sinks to ground, IFerr.; as if they would sink under her (chlorosis), IFerr.; great, obliging him to sit down, ILed.; as if sprained,gives way under him, has to straighten it before walking, ICale; on going down stairs feels for another step at bottom, with vertigo, Lact. ae; can hardly stand, Polyp.; worse standing, Iodof; pressure in stomach, after eating, I ILach.; after stool, Tromb.; strike together, can hard- ly walk, IColch.; when thinking of his work, Bor.; tottering, Ars. s. f, Aur. met.; tottering, in apoplexy, IBar. e; tottering, when ascend- ing steps,ICanth.; tottering, vertigo, IIColoc; tottering, could only walk slowly, IHelb; tottering, when walking, Bry.; unsteadiness, Mang.; unsteadiness, bend while standing or walking, I Aeon.; unsteadiness, from knees downward, on walking, Calab.; when goingup stairs, Iodof; when walking, Caulo.; when walking in open air, IZinc.; walking difficult, but is compelled to walk, Diose; especially when walking, ICinch. Knees, wind: as if wind were blowing on, Cimex. LEGS, abscess: lAnanth., Cinch.; around joints, 101. jec.; chronic, on tibia, with serous discharge, IISul. 8®° boils, inflammation. Legs, aching: JEsc. h, Amm. br., IBry., IRhus, Rumex, Zinc; break-bone sensation, I Eup. perf, Vace; in right calf, Merc, sub; in right calf, as if it had been cramped after walking, Lyss.; in calves, constant distress, 11 Ptel.; in calves, dull heavy, Sinap.; in calves, to knees with feeling as if bones were decay- ing, I ISep.; in swollen calves, IPuls.; in calves, on walking or going up stairs, IKali bb; be- fore chill and during fever, IIPuls.; during chill, INatr.m.; pain,as from corns,bedcover seems too heavy, Ascl. t; with cough, ICarbo a.; distress, Ptel.; drawing in tibia, IKali c; | dull, heavv, Sinap.; dull, at times lancinating, unable to bear weight of leg or move it with- out extreme pain, I Phyt.; worse towards even- ing (albuminuria), I ITJran. n.; towards even- ing, better on moving, Mere iod. rub.; to feet, follows pains through head, Med.; from cold feet in a warm room, Amm. br.; fugitive, in left near knee, Chin, a.; below knee, Lyss.; to knee and ankle, and returning, IPhyt.; with languor, IPolyp.; in left, on outer aspect, requiring her to move it frequently with mo- mentary relief (ague), IIPuls.; down left, in sciatica, I Act. rac; through lower, Ferr. s.; after menses, Calc. p.; all night, Med.; numb, ICarbol. ae; numb, in remittent fever, ICar- bol. ac; peculiar hard, in diphtheria,! ILach.; inability to rest in any position, IIRhus; an- teriorly down, until restless uneasy feeling is produced, Natr. a.; in right, Jalap, IKali iod. Stilling; dull, in right below knee, worse walking, especially worse nights in warm bed, lArs.; in sciatica, Kali bb; in shin bones, IILach.; as after protracted sickness, Agar.; preventingsleep (diabetes mellitus), ILact. ac; in smallpox, IHydras.; cannot keep them still, worse when giving up control of herself, as when trying to go to sleep, Lib tig, Med.; severe attacks, in secondary syphilis, I ISyph.; dull heavy, in tibia, below insertion of tendon from patella, Gamb.; to left of middle of left tibia, ICarbol. ae; in anterior lower two-thirds of left tibia, Chin, a.; in tibia, numb, Como.; on rightcresta tibiae, Ictod.; tired, IHydras.; here and there, with small tubercles, I ICaust; while walking, Cup. ars. 8^° bruised feeling, pain, rheumatism. Legs, air: sensitive to draught, Zinc. Legs, biting: pains, unless warmly covered (rheumatism), ILye Legs, blue: 11 Oxal. ae; in cholera infantum, I IKali br.; dark colored, IMur. ae; dark, in traumatic gangrene, lAnthrac; and cold, with distended varices, during menses, Amb.; in lo- comotor ataxia, IINux v.; reddish, IILyc; right, Elaps. Legs, boils: lAnanth, INitr. ae; bloodboils,on lower, I IMagn. e; small bloodboils, in psoric, unsusceptible individual, Cast, eq.; in calves, ISil. Legs, boring : iEthus., Nitr. sp. d.; in left lower, like a gimlet, going from just below knee to ankle, I ISub; in lower, at every motion, 11 Caust.; in muscles and joints, Nitr. sp. d.; dull, worse at night, Merc. iod. flav.; in sciatic nerve and its perineal branches, Hgn.; better stretching, Act. sp.; in left tibia, Ascl. s.; in right tibia, during forenoon, Tromb.; in right tibia, IMere sob; in tibiae, Aur. met, Brom, IClem, Nitr. sp. d.; especially in big toe (right), Ran. sc. Legs, broken feeling : in shin bones, Ver.; feel- ing as if bones were undergoing process of comminution, Vace; on going up stairs, I Ars.; in tibiae, particularly at night (syphilis), IMere e Legs, bruised feeling: 11 Apis, Card, m, ICaust., Cie, Lyss, INatr. c, IINux m., Rhus v. Sub; as if beaten, Ang, Bell, Berb., Cast eq, ISep.; as if beaten, in calf, going down in right leg and coming up in left, Chim. m.; in calves, at night, IGels.; as if beaten in evening, Lyss.; muscles of anterior, sore, as if beaten, Badiag.; especially hips and bones, 958 33. LOWER LIMBS. sore,as if beaten when touched, Ruta ; on outer side of left calf, IBry.; in calves, Chim. umb.; in calves, feel as though they had been beaten, IIEup. pert; in calves, as from a blow, INux m.; weakness in calves, IFerr.; with drawing down limb (sciatica), ISul.; as from extreme fatigue, INitr.ac; in anterior muscles of lower third, worse flexing foot and going up stairs, when toes tend to drop down, better quiet, Badiag.; in joints, Phos. ae, Sarrae; espe- cially above knees, Chrom. ac; in left, Iodof; during motion, Carbol ac; worse during mo- tion, and at night (typhus recurrens), I INux v.; unable to move, on account of bruised pain in and below knee, IPuls.; contusive pains during movement, Bufo.; with paralysis, ICoc- cul. ; as if pounded all over, with prostration, IPhyt.; in right, as if veins were bruised dur- ing urination, INatr. e; causing patient to scream, worse when touched (scrofulous ra- chitis), IRhus ; in tibia, as if beaten, or as if periosteum were torn off, after midnight, IMez.; in left tibia, Asar.; in periosteum of tibia, always sore to touch, IPhos.; weary, IRhus. 8ST* aching, rheumatism. Legs, burning: IIArs, lAsaf., Goss, IKali c, Pallad, Rhus, Tarax.; in calves, 11 Agar.; in calf, in upper part, sitting, Calend.; in left, like fire, IPetrol.; in left, particularly posterior part of thigh, IIRhus; in left, with throm- bosis, lApis ; in left, worse when touched, Bor.; in right, Cast, eq.; in right lower, I I Agar.; prevents sleep, Bapt; smarting, ILed.; worse stretching leg, Berb.; in tibiae, Agar, IKali bb, Sabad, IZinc; pain as if burnt in tibia, in different place, at first itching, but after rubbing sensitive spots as large as a quarter dollar, with dark blue red margins and dry scurf, I ILach.; intense, at a small spot on outside of left tibia, Arn.; in tibiae, at night, Phos.ac; in tibiae, nightly, from above downward, Caust.; in and about ulcer, Sib; in women, IPic. ac. g@&~ heat. Legs, burrowing pains: in tibiae, IClem. Legs, bursting feeling: in skin, when stand- ing (Rhus poisoning), I ISul. Legs, buzzing: I IKreo.; especially in soles of feet, Oleand. Legs, caries: Aur. met; in fibula, HSib; of tibia, Asaf, ILach, HSib 8@"° Chap. 44, Bones caries. Legs, chilliness: Cinnab, Rhod, I ISep., Spong.; with gooseflesh, yawning and icy cold feet, Paris; in right, travels slowly to chest, IHep.; in sciatica, INux v.; on tibia, Mosch.; in middle of right tibia, Samb. Legs,chills: begin in legs, HSep.; in calves, HOxal. ae; in evening (diphtheria), IBapt; begin below knees, ICinch.; shivering, with internal chill, afternoons and evenings, ICoc- cul.; shivering, during menses, Bufo.; espe- cially in thighs, ISpong.; begin in thighs, IRhus. Legs, chorea: ICoccul.; hysterical, dance and jump, must hold or have them held to floor as soon as night comes, I ISticta; paroxysmal, on approach of a storm, I IRhod. 8®*" jerk- ing, twitching. Legs, cicatrix: blood-red, painful scar, in tibia, Sul. ac. Legs, coldness: Agar., Ant. t. Apis, lArs., Bell, ICale, ICale p., HCarbov., Cup. ae, IIDig, Dios., INux m., INux v, IPetrol., I IPic. ac,Plant, Plumb, ISil,Spong., Stram, HVer.; in anaemia, HPhos.; in angina pecto- ris, HOxal. ae; in apoplexy, INux v.; in asthma, IDig.; sensation of icy, on outer sur- face of calf, length of a finger, Stront.; of calves, half an hour before chill, ILye; calves, icy, before chill, ILach.; with chill on alternate days, at noon, commencing in knees (ague), I IPuls.; in cholera infantum, I IKali br., ITa- bae, IVer.; clammy, at night (dysentery), IMere; clothes felt cold, when touching, Ars. b; after coition, IGraph.; affected leg cooler than remainder of body (sciatica), ILed.; with cough, ICarbo a.; with cramps, irritability and sensitiveness of all the organs (yellow fever), IMere; with cyanosis, ILach.; as if she had on damp stockings, HCale; even during day, INatr. e; in chronic diarrhoea, I ISub; in dropsy, after scarlatina, I Ars.; haemoptysis, especially in drunkards, IOp.; in dysentery and dropsy, IColch.; especially in evening, in bed, ISep.; icy, in evening, as far as knees and feet, Sib; face flushed, IOp.; face red and hot (meningitis infantum), lArn.; during fever, lEup. pur.; in gastric disorder, lAtrop. s.; heat alternating with chilliness (intermit- tent fever), IMenyanth.; with hemorrhages, ITrilb; icy, HCale, ISep.; icy, from knees down (cholera infantum), ITabae; below knees, habitually, worse about 8 a.m., for an hour or two (chest affection), Menyanth.; just below knee, shin as if touched with a piece of ice, Carbol. ae; from knees down, Alum.; to knees, Aur. met, Med.; to knees, in diphthe- ria, I ILacc; of left, 01. an. Sang.; left, while sitting, IHyper.; in locomotor ataxia, I INux v.; diminished warmth, in locomotor ataxia, I Arg. nit.; low temperature, IPhos.; before menses, ILye; from 10 to 11 a.m., Med.; pain worse by warmth (rheumatism), IPhyt.; icy, with megrim, HCale; worse in cold weather, Apis; icy, with palpitation, HCale; in peri- tonitis, IIKali n.; in anterior tibial region, IPhos. ae; in right, Elaps, Sabina; right, and damp (epilepsy), ICale; right, after vaccina- tion, I IThuya ; in sciatica, I IRhus; with loss of sensation, ICheb; in smallpox, 11 Var.; in spinal disease, lApis; with night sweats, ICale; then thigh, ICham.; icy, to middle of thighs (staphyloma), lApis; on left tibia, Rhus ; in bilious vomiting, ICrotal.; as if blown on by cold wind, I ICinch.; if not con- stantly wrapped up, extends to trunk (cere- brospinal meningitis), IDig. Legs, cold pain : intense, for two or three win- ters, worse in left, came on every night, on lying down, lasts all night, better getting up and walking,and in warm weather, I ISyph. Legs, concussions: sudden, Agar. Legs congestion: ISpong., HSub; blood ap- pears to rush from head, hasto sit down, Aur. met.; on getting awake at night, Meph.; sen- sation of stagnation, in left (pregnancy), IZinc. Legs, constriction: as of a band, Benz. ac, ICinch.; in calves, Natr. p.; in calves, while walking, as if a cord were tied around leg, under knee, Alum.; as if garters were tied too tight, and leg would go to sleep and become stiff, ICinch.; left, below knee, as of a cord Amm. br. Legs, contraction: Canth.; alternately con- 33. LOWER LIMBS. 959 tracted and extended, severe pains (spinal curvature), ICie; of muscles, inleft calfMed.; in right calf, cramplike, Irid.; in calves, Sib; in calves, painful, 11 Agar.; cramplike, in lower left, Amm. m.; drawn up, cannot touch floor, IPhyt.; feeling in muscles, anterior, Badiag.; left semiflexed, cannot stretch it (ague sup- pressed by cinchona), INatr. m.; whole left, Apoe; permanent, of muscles of lower, during day, agitation by night (precursor of apo- plexy), lAst. r.; pain in calves, when walking (cramp), or at night, ILye; staggers (tabes dorsalis) ,Sec; tendons in popliteal space short- ened so that leg was flexed, and it became impossible to extend it, IMez.; alternate, with relaxation of muscles, Nux v.; of right,Brach.; in sciatica, INux v.; tendency to, JEsc. g. 8^" cramp. Legs, convulsions: g^~ Chap. 36, Convul- sions legs. Legs, cracking: in joints, when walking, Benz. ac, Brach. BST° Chap. 34, Joints cracking. Legs, cramps: Amm.c, Arund., IBov, ICale, HCham., IColoe, Crotal., IICup. m, IGels, IJatroph, IIKali m., IMagn. p, Mane, Plumb, IISul, Tabae, Ver. v.; from ankle to calf, ICup. m.; with muscular atrophy, ICale; after getting into bed, Pallad.; in calves, I Aeon, I Alum., Amb, Anac, 11 Ant. t. Bar. c, Berb., Cadm. s., ICale, Carb. s, HCham, Cinch, ICon, ICrotal., IICup. ac, IICup. m, Elaps, Ferr, Gnaphab, IGraph, IIHep., Ign, Magn. p., INatr. c, INatr. m, Nitr. ac. INuxv., CSnan, I IPhos, HPlumb, Puis, HSec, Selen, Sep, HSil, Sinap, Spig.,Stann, Staph., IISul, Tabae, HVer. v.; in calves, oblige him to get outof bed and walk, 11 Rhus ; in calves, in cholera,I Ant. t,ICamph,IColch, IICup. m,IJatroph,IKali p,IMagn. p., IISul, II Ver.; in calves, in chorea, ICup.ae; in calves, on attempting coition, ICup. m.; in calves, with colic, I Ars.; in calves, while dancing, ISub; in calves, all day, I IPetrol.; in calves, with watery diarrhoea, IMagn. p.; in calves, in dysentery, IMere cor.; in calves, with dys- entery, IColch.; in calves, before spasm in epigastrium, extending from right to left, , also to back, coming on in paroxysms, ICon.; in calves, in intervals of epileptic attacks, lArs.; in calves, in evening, in bed, Ars.; in calves, from fear of cholera, ILach.; in calves, especially in persons who suffer from cold feet, IStront.; in calves, with in- termittent fever, IMagn. p.; in calves, become knotted, IJatroph.; in calf, hard, knotted bunches, I ISib; in left calf, IColoc, Med.; in left calf, on awaking and stretching, better fromrubbing,Aspar.;in left calf,at night, muscles knotted, better stretching, not cramp, but knotting, IMed.; in calves, when lying in bed, Lachn.; in calves,before menses, IPhos.; in calves,after midnight, while lying in bed, and sitting after walking, Rhus ; in calves, in morning, Bov.; in calf, in morning in bed, ICaust., ISub; in calf, early in morning, after rising, feels sore, Lact. ac.; in calves, after mercury, IKali iod.; in calves, when he moves them, Bapt.; in calves, at night, Amb, Carbo v, IFerr., IFerr. mur, IMagn. c, IMagn. m, IIMed., INuxv., HSub; in calves, at night, during sleep, Inul.; in calves, at night in bed, worse from stretching out limbs, Lyss.; in calf, at night and when walking after sit- ting, INitr. ae; in calves, with nightmare, ICale; in calves, painful, must stand still, worse at night, Nux v.; in calves,painful, dur- ing coition, IGraph.; in calves, with hygroma of patella, I ISib; in calves, during pregnancy, HSec; in calves, particularly during latter months of pregnancy, ISep.; in right calf, Lyss, IITromb.; in right calf, awoke him twice at night, I IKali c; in right calf, slight in left, Anag.; in calves, before going to sleep, IINux m.; in calf, particularly standing, Euph.; in calves, after stool, HOxal. ac; in calves, on stretching out legs, ISub; in calf, with contractions of toes, I IGamb.; tonic, in calves (cholera), I IVer.; in calves, when walk- ing, ISub; in calves, on walking or rising from a seat, better lying down, IIAnae; in calves, on small spot inside, walking, ICale p.; in cholerine, IJatroph.; in cholera morbus, llris; convulsions begin with, ICup. m.; with convulsive motions (cholera Asiatica), ICup. m.; with delirium, IVer.; with diar- rhoea (cholera), llris; drawing and con- tractive pain in left gastrocnemius, I IGels.; in dyspepsia, ILye; in evening, after lying down, with chilliness, IPuls.; especially when extending, ICale; in yellow fever, I ICanth.; in intermittent, I Elat.; frequent, sudden, during day, IFerr. mur.; better by heat, HPlat; in hysteria, HSec; dur- ing labor, Cup.m.; during labor, necessitating instrumental delivery in nine previous con- finements, wanted to tear everything within reach, tried to escape, IBelb; especially in left (hypochondriasis), I Arg. nit.; in front of left, above knee, Brach.; mild, in left, after stool, Med.; in whole left, I I Guaiae; in lower, INatr. m.; in lower, when walking, Carbo v.; in lumbago, Ant. t; in cerebrospinal menin- gitis, IVer.; in dysmenorrhoea, IGels.; in mus- cles (cholera), ICup. a.; at night, Amb.; fre- quent, at night (anaemia), I ISub; particularly old people, ICup. a.; during pregnancy,IGels, IVib.; in right, between knee and thigh, Med.; in right, on awaking morning, Arum t; rigidity, in calves, I Arg. nit.; waking from sleep,Bufo.; during stool, ISub; inclined to, on stretching foot, Sub; on attempting to urinate (en- largement of prostate), I IPareira ; must walk IRhus; in forepart of lower, near tibia, when walking, ICarbo a. 8®° contraction. Legs, crampy pains: in back, Diose; in calves, ICale p., I ICard. m, IMagn. p.; in cholera, llris; in cholera morbus, HVer.; at junction of head of gastrocnemius, extending down towards, Natr. a.; in lower, IJatroph.; during first day of menses (gastralgia), IGraph.; in right, from knee to groin, IPuls.; in right, from knee to inguinal region, IIPuls.; right, from below upward, like a paralytic pain, I IMenyanth.; worse in right, especially in thigh, pains come only when at rest and are always better by active motion, appear every night while in bed, and in daytime when lying down, IMere iod. flav.; from thighs into toes, worse on motion or walk- ing,IGels.; in varicose veins, during pregnancy, iHam. Legs, crawling: ICale p, Pallad.; in calves, ICham.; in calves,extending into toes, Zinc; of left, makes her rise and walk, bathing ag- 960 33. LOWER LIMBS. gravates pain, better in fresh air,even at night, 11 Tarant.; sensation of running, as from a mouse, ISep.; painful, like that in parts that have gone to sleep, evenings, Zing.; paralyzed parts, with heat extending from feet "over legs and knees, most frequent at night (pare- sis crurum), INux v.; sensation in right, travels slowly up to chest,IHep.; and stinging in left, Lact. ac; forepart of right tibia, Nitr. sp. d.; in posterior tibial region, Sec; with trembling and pricking as if from needles, Pic. ac; under skin, from feet till it reaches uterus, causing intense sexual desire, intense pruritus, and rubbing which it is impossible to resist, makes her almost crazy, I ITarant. Legs, cutting: Guaraea; in calves, preventing, sleep (epidemic typhus), ICheb; in calves, when walking, with weakness in left leg, while sitting, I IThuya ; deep, in acute rheu- matism, IRhus ; in left, from shin to ankle, Ars. h.; in right tibia, midlength, Gamb. Legs, darting: shooting in head (neuralgia), I INux v.; in lower, worse by contact, Cinch. B^° lancinating, shooting, stitches. Legs, digging pains: in calf, ICup. m.; in calves, in cholera Asiatica, ICup. m.; in sciatic nerve, and its perineal branches, llgn.; confined to small spots, lasting but a short time, soon re- turning, INux m.; in tibia, early in morning, at intervals during day, Diad. Legs, dislocated feeling: in joints, Sarrae Legs, dragging: Con.; dull pains, Ham. BSaP" walking. Legs, drawing: Ant. t,Bapt, IBar. c, ICarbo a., Cist., Goss, INux m, IPuls, ISep, Stront.; worse in open air, better in warmth of bed, 11 Caust.; towards endof asthmatic paroxysms, IIThuya; in bones, IIKali c, IPuls.; in calves, Bapt, Cain, ICale p, Cann. i, Nitr. sp. d, I ISee; in calves, in cholera Asiatica, ICup. m.; in calves, in sporadic cholera, ITa- J bac; in calves, in colic, lArs.; in outer mus- cles of left calf, Ast. r.; heavy wandering pains J in left calf, worse in damp weather (gonor- j rhcea), IIMed.; in calves, with tetanic stiff- ness, ICie; down calves, with weariness, Coccus ; down, with sensation as if bruised, (sciatica), ISub; with chill, I Ars.; dull, Bapt.; in evening, IIPuls.; in joints, Caulo.; as of cords, behind under knee, hard to walk, espe- cially up stairs, Calab.; as far as knees in even- ing, with more chilliness than during day, IPuls.; in left, Caps.; in muscles of left, at night, Anag; in left, particularly posterior part of thigh, worse at night, preventing sleep, worse in cold wet weather (sciatic neuralgia), I IRhus; during menses, ICon.; in metrorrha- gia, IStram.; in morning and evening, in bed, ISub; with neuralgia in head, in paroxysms after profuse menses, I IMed.; painful, ICaulo, IFerr., IMagn. c., INatr. m.; painful, better in •open air, IMez.; painful, in calf, ICup. m.; painful, from upper part of calf to popliteal space, ILed.; painful, from slightest exposure to cold, with vertigo, oppression and sense of lameness and weakness in legs (muscular rheumatism), IPhos.; painful, in evening, IPuls.; painful, in flexors, starting from hollow of knee to tips of toes, ICycb; painful, in front, from knee down to instep, attack •coming on every night on getting warm in ibed (intermittent rheumatic pains), ILye; painful, in paralytic rheumatism, IPhos.; pain- ful in right tibia, IMere sob; paralytic, with pains in bones of left, Rhus v.; in right, with sore throat, Caust.; worse in right, I ICheb; in sciatica, I Ars.; in shin bones, worse sitting, better walking, I I Agar.; when sitting, Amm.c; sitting or lying, IA mm. m.; while resting feet on floor while sitting, lArs.; spasmodic, Cist; in tendinous expansions, Aeon.; in tibia, Crotal.; in left tibia to ankle (chill), Brom.; in tibia, with aching in joints, IKali e; in tibia, especially in evening, does not know where to lay legs, Sub; along left tibia into ankle bones, with burning pressure in left eye, IColoc; in lower part of left tibia (gout), I Ant. e; painful in tibia, Anac., IPuls.; in peri- osteum of right tibia, Nux m.; with pressure in outer part of tibia (mercurial), IStaph.; downward, in sides of tibia, Caust; from be- low upward, better from hot water, worse during stool and in morning, addicted to alco- holic stimulants (sciatica), INux v. Legs, dropsy: 8®*" swelling. begs, dull pain: ILach.; tending towards left gluteal region, Irid.; heavy pain in left, at 11 a.m., Zing.; whole length of right, posteriorly, worse buttocks and heel, Diose; in tibia, Agar.; in periosteum of right tibia, Nux m. Legs, elephantiasis: 8®" Chap. 46, Skin elephantiasis. Legs, emaciated: IINux v., IIRhus, Selen., I ISyph.; atrophy, ICaps.; atrophy, with pare- sis (urticaria), IBov.; atrophy of affected, with sciatica, 101. jec; calves look like flat splints (cholerine), IJatroph.; in influenza, I ICheb; left atrophied (sciatica after gonor- rhoea), I IThuya; in marasmus, lAbrot.; atro- phy of right (after vaccination), IIThuya; worse in right (spinal disease), lApis ; like sticks (marasmus), ICale; wasting, Berb. 8^" Chap. 44, Emaciation. Legs, eruption: Stram; lower, full of acne (nursing child), ICaust.; black blister, size of a hazelnut, Ars.; oozing blisters from small pustules, increasing in size, with tearing pains, IPsor.; of small blisters on left, near calf, spreads over whole leg, painful, with heat and redness, oozing a hot, sharp, acrid fluid, Stram.; blotches on calves, Petrol.; blotches, centre remains bright longest, Lact. ac; blotches, as in lepra, INatr. c.; blotches bright- est, in morning and on pressure, Lact. ae; small blotches, when slightly rubbed change to thick nodosities under skin, Aur. met.; blotches on edges of tibia, 11 Phos.; blue spot, with induration of skin extending deep in, beginning of long-lasting ulcers, I ISars.; blue-red spots, like petechiae, I IPhos.; bluish, IINux v.; bluish-brown spots, which break open, lAnthrac; brown spots, in secondary syphilis, IPetrol.; brown skin, particularly on upper portion of thighs, Thuya; burning spots on tibia, IMagn. c.; in calves (paralysis), lApis; crusta serpiginosa, covered to knees with solid mass of scabs, dark and rough, exuding yellowish fluid when removed, which excoriates parts,IClem.; dry, crusty, Calc p.; ecchymosis, from knees to ankles, ICrotal.; ecthyma, a sore breaks out on right, itching, inflammation, swelling, blis- ters form and suppuration sets in, then'clear lymph, then discharge of matter, then scabs 33. LOWER LIMBS. 961 and scales turning into a branlike desquama- tion, scars leave skin discolored, I ILacc; eczema, lApis ; eczema, bleeds easily, and is covered with thick crusts, with fetid secretion beneath, ILye; chronic eczema on calves, IGraph.; eczema, yellow crusts and inflamed surroundings after scratching, IMere sob; eczema, crusts form, with copious exudation beneath, surface exposed being moist and reddened, IPetrol.; eczema, on inner side, pre- sents an unbroken, dark-red surface, IMere; eczema, on left, with hemorrhoids, HSars.; moist eczema, IMere; eczema, moist, with pityriasis of scalp, I Kali br.; eczema rubrum, to toes,dark purplish, emits a musty odor, with serous, copious discharge, burning and itch- ing, particularly on exposure to cold, IRhus ; erysipelatoid, Rhus; erythema nodosum, I IRhus ; erythema nodosum, three spots, all in different stages, largest over two inches in diameter, I IRhus v.; small spots, like freck- les, on lower part of tibia, HPhos.; herpes, ICale p, Como, I IKali c, Merc, sob; herpes, on calves, ILye; herpes circinatus appeared on left, below "knee, Lyss.; herpes, from knee to instep, thick yellow scab, cracks exude thick yellow mattei on pressure, scab falls off in pieces, leaving skin deep red, sore, itching violently and exuding a thin clear fluid, form- ing a thin scab under which pus again collects, skin around scabs dark red, tense, hot, itch- ing, at night burning and itching, foul odor, IMez.; herpes, after desquamation of large pieces, ICarbo. a.; herpes on tibia, I ILye; her- pes, itch ing, followed by ulcers, I Petrol.; humid spot, ICale; left, single, thickly set patch of impetigo figurata between knee and instep, crusted, purulent ichorous secretion, irri- tating surrounding skin, causing wide, inflam- matory margin, walking difficult, IJugb; impetigo sparsa on right, HPhos.; irritable, in chronic catarrh of bladder, 11 Pareira; irritation, ICale; fine itching on calves, Carbo v.; itchlike, Psor.; of reddish, hard knots, size of a pin's head to that of a split pea, depressed dark scurf on centre, with inflamed base, IKali bb; leprous spots, coppery, annular, IGraph.; entire cir- cumference from knee to ankle covered with lichen lividus, livid character of papulae and ecchymosed streaks running from pimple to pimple, like a coarse purple net around limb, IJugl. ; maculae, in secondary syphilis, I ISyph. ; moist, burning itching, eats into surrounding parts, large vesicles, filled with clear serum form, become turbid, burst and become confluent, IIRhus; nettlerash, HSub; nettlerash on calves, Carbo v.; on tibia, red stripes, of nettlerash elevations, with itching and burning, after rubbing, ICale; large, red patches, like nettlerash, in large, raised wheals, intense itching, IChloral.; itching, nodular (otorrhoea), IMere; itching, easily bleeding, whitish nodules, Agar.; left, constant oozing of a watery substance, which when dried becomes large scales or scabs, easily detached, leaving raw and tender surfaces, IPetrol.; papular, dry, scurfy, ring-shaped, on anterior surface below knees, I ISep.; painless papules on calves, Carbo v.; bard red patch with scabs on left, then yellow fluid discharges from under scabs, itching, espe- cially in cold weather, tenderness, ILach.; in small patches, on ninth day after vaccina- tion (erysipelas), ICrotal.; petechiae, HPhos.; pimples, 11 Arum t; small pimples spread into large scarlet blotches, discharging yellow mat- ter, Kali bb; on calves, pimples becoming con- fluent and forming easily bleeding ulcers, Phos. ae; pimples itch excessively, Ascl. t; itching pimples, Ziz.; covered with small red pimples, Rumex ; small, colorless pimples containing serum, I ISars.; right, full of sup- purating pimples, itching unbearably, Ars.; pimples, discharging a watery fluid, IPuls.; psoriasis, HPhos.; patches of psoriasis, sizeof a crown piece and indolent anteriorly, 11 Kali ars.; small purple spots, ICrotal.; hard pur- plish spots, HApis; pustules, Como.; pustules have black centres (variola), I IThuya; pustules itch excessively, Ascl. t; pustules, size of a pea to a five-cent piece, ILach.; itching pus- tules on left shin bone, Arg. nit.; inflamed painful pustules on right, emitted an acrid water, Stram.; pustules, after vaccination, I ISub; rash, INatr. m.; rash on calves, with irritation, ICale; rash, like insect bites, run- ning together in large patches, only red when scratched, ^Magn. p.; covered with red rash, Daph.; looked raw (itching eruption), HSub; red, granular itching lichen (delirium trem- ens), I IStram.; red itching, I ISub; red patches, ICale; very'small red points, with itching, Arund.; bright scarlet red (diphtheria) ILac e; red spots, ICale, Guaraea; red spots on calves, Sars.; on calves, red spots, turning yellow or green, as from contusion, prevent- ing movement, ICon.; large red spots, ILye; covered with pale red spots, size of a dime, previous use of mercury (rheumatism), I IPhyt.; right covered with red spots, Elaps; small, round, dark or pale red spots, with itching, on tibiae, Goss.; red itching spots on tibia, Sul. ac.; red, smarting spot, on right tibia, Sib; ele- vated red stripes on tibia,with itching burning, after rubbing, ICale; on inner side of right, more in popliteal space, blisters form and dis- charge a yellow thick matter which forms a scab, and after scab comes off, there is left a purple spot, these sores come in succes- sive crops and are very sensitive to touch, I IPuls.; rose-colored, mammilated pustules in centre of patches, become umbilicated, exude creamy moisture and form thick yellow scabs, IKali br.; crops of scabs, itching, he scratched them off (after vac- cination), I ISub; small scabs on shins, INitr. ae; scales, I ISep.; covered with scales from knees to end of big toes, circular or el- liptic, raised and free on circumference, attached in centre and of horny consistence, resting on a purple bluish base, worse every Spring, itching and burning, especially during warm weather when heated or when warm in bed (eczema), ILach.; elevated spots, I ISyph.; spots as large as hand,like thick uniform layers of leather, HCaust; spots painful to touch, during menses, IPetrol.; spots ulcerate, INatr. c; tetter-like, I Ars.; tetter-like, itching as soon as crusts have formed, oozing a thick moisture, Apis; dry, scaly tetters, Clem.; dry tetters, like zona, IDolich.; tubercles on calves, Pe- trol.; hard, itching, painful,pale red tubercles, HCaust; tubercles ulcerate, INatr. c; ves- 61 962 33. LOWER LIMBS. icles, Como.; vesicles here and there, I IHyos.; vesicles, itch excessively, Ascl. t; vesicles, as large as peas, every four to six weeks, appear over night, filled with watery serum becom- ing purulent, lasting six or seven days, then scurfy, rapidly dry and fall off, itching, I ISub; vesicles, with inflamed areola, on tibia, IIKali e; itching vesicles, Dulc; ruptured vesicles on right, Cinnam.; white vesicles, with red areola, burn and itch, Uran. n.; blotches of redness in distinct wheals, IChlor.; white blotchesoncalves, Thuya; whitespots, ICale; generally on calves, spotted yellow, indurated base, thick yellow scabs, with cho- rea, IKali br.; yellowish spots, IHydrocot. Legs, erysipelas: IHydras., ISub, ITereb.; manifestations in elephantiasis Arabum, I ISib; after suppressed eruption, HApis; surface bluish, swelling glossy, impending gangrene, IILach.; of left, swollen and dark purple, IIRhus; during pregnancy, while nursing, IBor.; with pustules, ILach.; on right, Cin- nam.; in lower, with swelling, ICale; least touch throws almost into convulsions, angry appearance, dark blue spots on upper part, below knee, rest of limb dark glossy red, ILach. Legs, exostoses: on tibia, ICale p., IHekla; large painful protuberances on tibiae, 11 Rhus; on tibiae, painful, in secondary syphilis, lAur. mur.; on upper part of right tibia, with bluish red spots, suppurating lumps, IDulc. Legs, fissures: in anasarca, I Apis. Legs, fistula: in upper third of right (caries), I ISib Legs, floating : as if in air, 11 Sticta. Legs, formication: Amyg., Ast. r, Cupr. s, IINuxv, HPhos, IZinc; painful, in calves, Case; in calves, extending into toes, Zinc; during day, I Arg. nit.; in left, from knee to toes, Tabae; in lower, lArn.; in paralyzed parts, with feeling of heat, extending from feet over legs and knees, most frequent at night (paresis crurum), INux v.; with rest- lessness, ISep.; of right, with tearing in right thigh, extends to foot, I IRhod. B^° numb- ness. Legs, fulness: as from congestion, especially to feet after diarrhoeic stool, Merc sub; feel- ing, Osm.; of joints, extends to all parts of body, Ham.; painful, of joints, as if they would burst, IHam. Legs, gangrene: with large boil between scap- ulae, 11 Iod.; spots here and there, IIHyos.; traumatic, of lower, stinking puslike dis- charge from carious bones from openings caused by fracture, lAnthrac Legs, gnawing: along bones, Belb; as if in marrow of bones, Stront; in left, as if in periosteum, I IKali iod.; in right, IKali iod.; especially in big toe, I IRan. sc. Legs, gooseflesh: Chin. a. Legs, gout: Ananth, lApis, IBry, I IPsor, I ISars. £3?" Chap. 34, Joints gout. Legs, grow: do not, as rapidly as the rest of the body, IA11. sat. Legs, growing pains: Act. rac, IPhos. ac Legs, heat: IHam., ILye; alternately hot and cold, IVer.; alternately hot and cold, in chol- era, fourth day, IPhos. ae; burn to knees, evening and next morning, INatr. s.; warm feeling in calves, ICale p.; internal, surface being cool, better in open air, IMez.; except feet, which are cold, Bapt.; flushes, Kob.; sur- face hot after walking (anasarca), 11 Rhus; up anterior to knees, Cupr. s.; in left, Oxal. ac. Legs, heaviness: lAgar., Amb., lArg. nit. Arum t, Belb, Berb, Cact, Cain, Calc. p, Cann. i, ICarbo v., ICimex, IColoc, IFerr., IGels, IGraph., IKali bb, I IMagn. m., Med, Natr. a, INatr. e, INatr. m., INux m, IPhos, IPuls., IRhus, Sil, IZinc; in muscular atro- phy, ICale; in calves, Agar., Berb, Cham, Lyss.; in calves, like a hundredweight, could not move feet along, Rhus; before chill, ICi- mex ; with crampy pain down face of thighs, I IVib.; duringday,IPuls.; in, with general de- bility, IPetrol.; great depression, Cain.; with depression of spirits, Cale; in diabetes, Sec.; could scarcely drag, IMere sob;particularly dropsy, ICheb; in epilepsy, IPlumb.; even- ings,Alum.; worse towards evening(albuminu- ria), 11 Uran. n.; on exertion, HPicae; with pain in heart, Lyss.; in post-partum hemor- rhage, ICham.; below knee, Lyss.; does not know where to lay his legs, Ruta ; as lead, ICamph., ICarbol. ac, INux v.; as if lead were hanging on, 11 Agar.; like lead, lifted from floor with difficulty, IPic. ac; in left, Ars. iod.; left, as lead, after unusual muscu- lar exertion, in evening (thrombosis), lApis ; as if loaded, from knees downward, Ind.; before menses, ILye; during menses, Calc p.; with pains (rheumatism), IColch.; para- lytic, especially in thighs and knee, 11 Stann.; as if paralyzed, worse walking (sciatica),ISub; lacks power when heattempts to run, 11 Rhus; with desire to sleep in midday, Calc. a.; with soreness of muscles and joints, 11 Pic. ac; he staggers, IPhyt; especially on ascending steps, IPhos.; sudden, cannot walk quickly, Ang.; and swollen, IGraph.; with tearing, could scarcely raise them, I IZinc; with ten- sion, when sitting or walking, INatr. e; espe- cially in thigh and knee joint, must sit down, Stann.; with painfulnessof thighs when walk- ing (chlorosis,primariaamenorrhceica), I ISa- bina ; to extremities of toes (syphilitic, or gonorrhoeal sciatica), IPhyt.; with ulcer, IMere sob; with varicose ulcer of leg, INatr. m.; as after a long walk, Pod.; better after walking, I ISee; difficult walking (especially going up or down stairs),feel like lead, Med.; when walking, ISub; as if a weight were at- tached to ankie, Lyss.; weight in lower, with Bright's disease,ICheb; likea weight hanging from knees, ICamph.; all day, a feeling of weight below knee, seemed as-if there were several pounds of lead in each tibia, Lyss.; right feels as if weight were hung upon it, in acute rheumatism,IChel.; as if a weight were hanging upon them, on going up and down stairs, Verbas.; weight, as if she could not step out, as if she had to draga burden,Cheb; feeling as if a weight were hanging on lower end of left tibia, during rapid walking,Spong.; weight as if made of wood, with inability to stand or move (paresis crurum), INux v. Legs, illusion : as if severed from her body and belonged to some one else, I IOp.; as if scat- tered, IBapt. Legs, induration: left calf, hard (affection of knee), IMagn. e; especially along crural vessels and nerves (thrombosis), I Apis ; under 33. LOWER LIMBS. 963 skin, over heel and behind knee, itching violently, Aur. met. Legs, inflammation: IComo.; with chilliness, ICale; erysipelatous, of left, Bor.; erysipelat- ous, of right, on second day (typhoid), I INux v.; erysipelatous, of a number of ulcers on left, also on right, IILyc; of left, with fever, IComo.; lower, INatr. c; periostitis of tibia, I IStilling.; periostitis on inside and anterior ridge of tibia, from upper third to within two inches of ankle, I ISib; extensive gangrenous periostitis of tibia, with severe febrile disturb- ance, periosteum peeled off, from a large area upward as far as knee joint, bone rough, HPhos.; painful doughy swelling on right shin, tender to touch and after standing, espe- cially at night, when gnawing and scraping pains keep her awake (syphilitic periostitis), IKali bb; of tibia, Sabad." B^aT" abscess. Legs, injuries: amputated just above ankle many years ago, after healing began to swell, end of stump turned black, severe pains in muscles and bones and ultimately a pimple appeared on stump, which broke and dis- charged for some time, all this has been repro- duced, Med.; after cutting right calf with an axe, wound spread out and filled with soft fungoid granulations, discharging thin serous secretion like meat washings, of fetid odor, traversed down fascia, covering muscles to ankle so as to fill space, I ISib; denuded spots on shins that water for a long time, ICale; fracture of tibia, lAnthrac; compound fracture, exposing tibia, wound nine inches long, ICalend.; fracture of tibia, blackish-blue, region of blister (lanced) mortified, discharged stinking ichor, lAnthrac; black gangren- ous wounds, ILach.; after gunshot wound seven years previously, several open sores, in soft parts, from knee to ankle, pus thick green- ish, somewhat offensive, sensibility of parts much deadened, IFerr. mur.; pain in head of left tibia, caused by a kick, sore to touch, dis- turbed sleep, Calc." p.; of upper part of tibia, pus discharged from two openings, I ISil. Legs, insensibility : Acet ac, Ananth, Ars.r, IPhos., Plumb.; with apoplexy, IINux v.; to chest, IPhos.; with coldness, ICheb; in coxal- gia, IColoc; in left, HVer.; in locomotor ataxia, lArg. nit.; after pains cease (coxalgia), IColoe; feels a pin only when it penetrates deep enough to draw blood (locomotor ataxia), I INuxv.; pinching or burning causes no pain (locomotor ataxia),IKali br.;anaesthesia, with feeling as if enclosed in an elastic stocking (myelitis), I IPic. ae; with vertigo, I Ast. r. Legs, itching: Aloe, Berb, Cornus, Crotal, Cup. ac, Lach., Pallad, I IPhos, Zinc; biting, Lyss.; burning, I IStilling.; on calf, Therid.; of right calf, with swelling of bloodvessels, Cycb; voluptuous, on lower portion of right calf, after scratching a number of deep-seated pimples appear, which soon cease to itch after being scratched until they bleed, then the place con- tinues to itch and burnforalongtime, IMang.; in calf, violent, Therid.; in calves, I ICaust, I llpec, 11 Ver.v.;incalves,almostintolerable at night, Zinc; in calves, when undressing, Cact.; corroding, as from salt water, IHep.; in eczema, causing to rub skin off with a rough towel, IPetrol.; every evening, Daph.; worse 6 p.m. and in open air, Ast. r.; as from flea bites, Thuya; in flexor surface, Zinc; on inside, worse on knees, especially at night, Cinnab.; below knees, continues six or eight weeks, only on exposure of parts to atmosphere or cold, better from warmth in bed, Stilling.; violent, particularly in knees, Ascl. t; left,4n- tolerable, IPetrol.; of left, makes her rise and' walk, bathing aggravates pain, better in fresh air, even at night, I I Tarant.; on lower, I ICale, Mang.; at night, IIRhus, HSub; nocturnal, better by scratching, but immediately return on some other place IMez.; burning after scratching during menses, in bed, Inul.; worse after scratching, Ars. s. r, Cornus; on shins, INitr.ac; on tibia, Coccul., IMang.; on right tibia, Ast. r.; near tibia, worse from scratching, is obliged to scratch till it bleeds, Bism.; smarting in tibia, Grat; tingling, during motion, Carbol. ac. gg&~ eruption. Legs, jerking: I Agar, Ars. s. r., ICale, ICarb. s, I ICie, Crotal., I ICup. ars, IGels, Guaraea, IKali e, IManc, INatr. e INatr.m., IINux v., Stront., IZinc; on falling asleep, IIKali c, IZinc; in concussion of brain, ICie; spas- modic in muscles of calves, 11 Op.; in all muscles of left, IIGraph.; painful, in right calf, ceases quickly when touched, Tarax.; slight cramplike, in calves, with painless diar- rhoea, IJatroph, constant, in cholera infant- um, I IVer.; in chorea, HVer. v.; each time after taking cold, following pressure in epi- gastrium (jaundice), lllod.; with loss of con- sciousness, IGlon.; convulsive, Hgn.; with diarrhoea, ICup. ac.; frequent, mostly with a groan, awake or slumbering, ILye; of left, starts from sleep, HZine; painful spasmodic, ICodein.; painful spasmodic, in gouty persons with calcareous deposits in joints, I Menyan th.; whenatrest (hysteria), Vab; right, spasmodic, upward, when sitting, IMenyanth.; right, whenever a stranger entered, HZine; of one, usually right, IMygale; one, suddenly drawn up and shot out again, partially rouses him on going to sleep, Sul.; during sleep, INatr. m.; on going to sleep, Hyper.; in spasms, ICup. m.; spasmodic, upward when sitting, after abuse of quinine (sciatica), IMenyanth.; with trembling of body, IOp.; up, in convulsions, IGlon.; up, when coughing while sitting, Stram.; up, constantly with cramps, prevent- ing sleep, IMenyanth.; up during sleep, I Ant. t, IKali c, IZinc; up, could not stand (chorea), IMygale ; violent, IKali iod. 8^* chorea, twitching. Legs, jerking pain : on falling asleep (rheumat- ism), ILach.; through left, worse night and before midnight (rheumatism), better by shift- ing position and from warmth, Puis. Legs, laborlike pains : down (prolapsus uteri), lAloe. 8®" Chap. 24, Parturition. Legs, lacerating: through left, worse at night and before midnight, better by shifting posi- tion and from warmth (rheumatism), i IPuls. Legs, lame feeling: I Arn., Belb, IBerb., I ICale a., Calc. p., Cinnab, ICoccul., Fluor, ac, I lOxal. ae, I IPhos. ac, IPlumb., IRhus ; in left, calf, afterwards in entire leg, better by motion, worse in rest, Ars. b; in calves, heavy, with pain in knee joint, Merc. iod. flav.; during chill, Ign.; with constric- tion in abdomen (lead colic), I IOp.; crampy, in right, above instep, better walking, Como.; 964 33. LOWER LIMBS. with drawing tensive pains in limbs, from slightest exposure to cold (muscular rheumat- ism), IPhos.; with hemorrhoids, tJEsc. g.; of left, 01. an.; left, in chorea, ICup. m.; lower, with contraction of muscles, ICup. m.; worse in morning, with heaviness in head and buzzing in ears, Sib; on first moving after rest or getting up in morning, better continued motion, IIRhus; in rheumatism, IZinc; in right, Ars. s. r.,Ind.; in right, when walking, IIEup. pert; after suddenly checked sweat, particularly on feet, by getting wet all over, IColch.; in tumorcaeci, I IPlumb. B^"numb- ness, paralysis, paralytic feeling. Legs, lancinating: lArs.; on falling asleep (rheumatism), ILach.; drawing, from right tarsus to knee, IGuaiac; in gonocace, HSib; in joints, Cadm. s.; in left, particularly pos- terior part of thigh, worse at night, preventing sleep, worse in cold, wet weather (sciatic neu- ralgia), 11 Rhus ; tearing, in tibia, when sitting, disappearing when walking, Grat. 8®" dart- ing. Legs, large : feel enlarged, Ced.; feel as if grow- ing larger and longer, iPlat. Legs, lengthening: 8^* Hips, disease. Legs, light feeling : as feathers (hysterical cho- rea), I ISticta; after walking, Vab Legs, lightning-like pain : IPlumb. Legs, long: sensation of being elongated, with shooting in left hip, Thuya ; as if too long, on standing, IKreo.; seem longer than they really are, so that on walking he thinks foot has touched floor when it is six inches away, hence he puts foot down too quickly, Strain. Legs, motion: legs more in motion than arms, 11 Bufo.; moves legs and arms up and down alternately, convulsions, in dentition, ICham.; automatic, of one in hydrocephalus, IHelb; twisting till he nearly falls down (insanity), IHyos.; must bend and draw up right with her hand, and after moving it to and fro she can rise, after walking a few steps the pain ceases, ILye; constant, in chorea, IMygale; violent, in delirium, IBelb; diffi- cult, Abrot; rapidly drawn up, and extended with force (epilepsy), I ISub; draws up, IStram.; almost complete immobility, HOxal. ac; inability to move, IMosch.; almost inces- sant, in dysmenorrhoea, I ITarant.; incessant, especially when quiet (gonorrhoea), I ITarant.; almost inconceivable, worse during full of moon and when vexed (chorea), INatr. m.; involuntary, of left, from fright, ICup. m.; involuntary, of right, ceases during sleep, ICoccul.; constant, irregular, of right (cho- rea), I ITarant; kicking, in convulsions, dur- ing dentition, llgn.; kicks, in colic, I INux v.; kicks forward when placed on, but could not stand on them, they could not remain quiet, Stram.; could not be moved, had to remain where they were placed for several days (spinal disease), I Apis ; constant, involuntary of one (hydrocephalus, stage of exudation), lApoe; terrible paroxysmal pain, could re- main in no position, but resembled a dancing monkey, from severe wetting all over, I IRhus; during sleep, ICaust.; spasmodic, IOp.; spas- modic, in epilepsy, ICaust.; stepping, Calc. p.; constant threshing with left (hydrocephalus), IIBry.; throws about, in puerperal convul- sions, HOp.; throws about before being put to bed when spoken to harshly (St. Vitus' dance), I IVer.; right,thrown about with such violence, could hardly keep from falling (cho- rea), I ITarant.; involuntary, throwing or whirling about of one, IHell. 8^" jerking, twitching. Legs, murrain : in calves, jAnag. Legs, muscles: harder than normal(Duchenne's pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis), IPhos. Legs, necrosis: discharging thin, excoriating watery pus, throwing out spiculae of bone, from a bruise, I ISib; of tibia, IHekla ; of right tibia, anterior aspect of bone denuded and black, Aur. mur.; of right tibia, sequestrum extending over nearly two fifths of length of bone, and about half a centimetre in thick- ness, HPhos. ac. 8®* Chap. 44, Bones ne- crosis. Legs, neuralgia: ICod, Plumb.; in calf, Iod.; crural, Ammoniac; crural, along course of left nerve, Iod.; crural, in left, better from press- ure, but much worse by pressure at point of exit of nerve, ICoff.; crural, in attacks, rend- ing, shooting, worse walking, better by pressure, worse afternoon and night, ICoff; crural, stitching during movement, IStaph.; intense, especially in damp weather, ITereb.; pain, like headache, I Arn.; pain increases and decreases gradually, worse from cold air and cold water, Ars.; to knees, better in evening and night (coxalgia), IColoc; whole length, but worse from hip to knee, more frequently on right side, ICalab.; down right, iEsc h; settling in right, from hip to ankle, worse in joints, pain shifts, often lightning-like shoot- ing, intermits, renders necessary a change of position, better by warmth of bed, IMagn.p.; extends down and keeps them in constant uneasiness (ischias), ICale BsaT" sciatica. Legs, nodes: I Ang, IPhyt.; as in gout,Sarrae; on joints, Benz. ae; on lower, with nightly pains in tibia (syphilitic and mercurial rheu- matism), IPhyt.; on shin bones, ICinnab.; pains in superficial knots, on shin bone, I ISars.; small, Agar.; in syphilis, with mer- curialization, I Aur. met.; immense in second- ary syphilis, I IStilling.; syphilitic, on shin- bones, with severe nightly pains, INitr. ae; on tibia, IPhyt, I IStilling.; on tibia, sensitive to pressure (secondary syphilis), IMere BeaF* exostoses. Legs, numbness: I Aeon, Agar, Ailant, Amb, Ant. t, Ars. m, Cact., ICale, ICale p., Canth., Ced, Cham., Ign, lllod., IKali c, I ILac c, IILyc, IMere cor.,I IMez, INatr.m., INux V., IOp, Oxal. ac, HPlumb, IIRhus, I IZinc, with anxious feeling, ICale p.; with or after bone pains.Eup. pur.; in calves, Berb, IColoc., 11 Ver. v.; outer side of left calf, dur- ing rest, IBry.; of right calf, inner side, Ars. s. r.; with colic, IDiad.; in coxalgia, IColoe; as if circulation were suspended, particularly when sitting, Lactu. v.; in cvstitis, lEup. pur.; dead feeling, Ced, Med, INux v.; felt as if dead (concussion of spine), IHyper.; dead feeling, worse in cold weather, Apis; in dia- betes, INux v.; in diarrhcea, IDiad • in epi- lepsy, IPlumb.; in evening, when 'sitting ICale; gouty, I Aeon.; after influenza, I IRhodI ■ inleft, Cann. i, ICrotal, Diose, IIFluor ac' IHyper, IIMed.; in left, from knee to hi n' feeling as if paralyzed, Med.; painless Cup 33. LOWER LIMBS. 965 ars.; in left (rheumatism), IIPuls.; when sitting, afternoon, Niccol.; left, in thrombosis, lApis; left, with tickling, creeping feeling under cutis, Strain.; down left (vaginitis), IMere viv.; wrorse in left, lArg. nit; worse in j left, worse on going to bed, HPsor.; during menses, IPuls.; in myelitis, ICalab.; at night, Alum.; same side as affected ovary (ovaritis), lApis ; pain, IHam.; after pains cease (coxal- gia), IColoc; when one is numb, the other is in great pain, Sib; with paralysis, ICoccul.; in DucheniH''s pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis, IPhos.; paralytic, in lower legs, Agar.; rest- less, ICale. p.: right, Eup. pur, IIKali c, I ILac c, Lyss.; right, epileptoid, I ITarant.; right, after attack of functional disturbance of heart, ILil. tig.; right, below knee, Lyss.; outside of right, from hip to knees, com ing on at night, also felt in morning, of late it had increased to actual insensi- bility so that he could run a pin into skin without pain, skin and parts below felt hard, frequently came on after walking about room in morning, I IPlumb.; first right, then left, after brief naps in afternoon, Spong.; in right (rheumatism), I ISabad.; on rising, after sitting, IPuls.; while sitting, Calc; after sit- ting a while, Lyss, IGraph.; sitting or lying, Badiag.; while sitting, duringmensesJIPuls.; while sitting quietly, and during rest, lAnte; after sitting, in spinal meningitis, IIAcon.; sitting, standing or lying on it at night, Amm. e; strange feeling, Diose; when stretched, Cham.; sensation of deadness in middle of right tibia, Samb.; tingle, while sitting or when crossing them, ICrotal.; to extremities of toes (syphilitic or gonorrhoeal sciatica), IPhyt.; with trembling and pricking, as if from needles, Pic. ac.; with trembling, jerk- ing, fluttering, through lungs, HLac c; in bilious vomiting, ICrotal.; when walking, ISep.; wooden feeling, or as if padded (loco- motor ataxia), I Arg. nit.; wooden feeling, in metrorrhagia, I ISee; wooden feeling, when walking, IRhus, Thuya. 8®° formication, lameness, paralytic feeling. Legs, osteomalacia : on tibia, slight touch ag- gravates pain (consumption), IGuaiac. Legs, pain (undefined): Apoe, I Ars., Bar. c, Calab, ICaps., IGels, IPhos. ac. Polyp., ISang.; in albuminuria, IKalm.; with con- striction in abdomen (lead colic), I IOp.; dur- ing apyrexia, in quartan ague, 11 Puis.; back part of, IHydras.; left, in bitten place, return- ing from time to time, growing to a burning which extended through entire body, ILyss.; in bones, IGuaiac, ILed, IIMez.; in bones, with chilliness, Diose; in bones, during labor, IILyc; in long bones, Syph.; in bones,asifin marrow, Agar.; in bones, as if in periosteum, in lower, HAgar.; like syphilitic bone pain, better warmth of bed, Agar.; in Bright's dis- ease, IKalm.; in calves, Bor, Cact., 11 Jamb., Natr. p, I I Oxal. ac, I ISang., ITereb., I IVer. v.; in calf, worse from coughing and slightest motion, better from warmth, INux v.; in calves, cramps prevent sleep at night (peri- ostitis), IMez.; in calves, must draw up feet Cham.; in calves, in intermittentfever (ague), lElat; in left calf, Cochl.; in muscles of left calf, Benz. ae; in calves, during menses, Berb.; in calves, all night, Arg. nit; in right calf, as from a blow, lArn.; sensitive- ness in right calf (rheumatism), I ISal. ae; in calves, to sacrum, IMere iod. rub.; in left calf, worse when standing or walking, Arund.; in calves, on walking. INux v.; in calf, on walk- ing or stepping, or on touch and bending foot, I ICale; on posterior surface of calves, worse walking, better bending knee and hip joint (rheumatism), lArs.; in inner layer and pos- terior part of calf, whenever heels were raised in walking, better after walking a few min- utes, Rhus; with chill, ICimex, ISpong.; be- fore chill, lEup. pur.; constant, in outer and back part of right, worse at night, IPhyt; during cough, Bell, Caps., ISub; deep- seated, in dysmenorrhoea., HSabina; deep- seated, muscular, better by motion, IGels.; in diabetes, 11 Uran. n. relieved; down, ICon.; after eating, IKali e; in right, as after violent exercise in morning, JEsc. h.; after least exertion, INatr. m.; with fever, ISpong.; in intermittent fever, IChin. s.; in calf of right, Xan.; bone pains in fibula, inter- mittent, but bones continually sore, Sarrae; in middle of fibula, IPhyt.; in right fibula, just above ankle joint, Gamb.; pain in left ham- string, cannot lie on left side, ILed.; relieved by pains about base of heart, I INatr. p.; better by heat, 11 Plat.; greatly worse by heat and at night, ISub; from hip to foot, causing limping, every four days, ILye; from hips to knees, at times only in left, only when walk- ing, Med.; especially in left hip, under gluteal muscles, violent, Agar.; indeterminative, in hectic fever, I IPhos.; in inside, above knees, IHydras.; intermitting, in muscles of lower posterior third, worse flexing foot and going up stairs, when toes tend to drop down, better quiet, Badiag.; intolerable, in skin, IMang.; in joints, Eup. perf, Syph.;from knees to ankles, as if bone had been smashed, IINux m.; from knees to fingers and toes, IPhyt.; in or above knee, sitting with legs crossed, Anag.; from knees to toes, with cedematous swelling of affected parts, pain worse from motion and contact, previous use of mercury (syphilis), HPhyt; in left, atrophic (spinal curvature, with coxarthrace), ICaps.; down left, Lyss.; extending below knees, with tired feeling in ovaries, worse right side, IPod.; in left, be- tween hip and knee, Xan.; in left lower ante- terior third, Stilling.; severe, in left, worse in lower half of tibia and fibula, extending into foot, Iodof; in posterior musclesof left, Anag.; in left, worse from motion, better in rest (chronic otitis media), INatr. e; in left, later also in right, recurring periodically, ending in tetanic convulsions, with unconsciousness, ICie; in left, after sitting, worse going down stairs, Ars. h.; in left, increasing in thrombo- sis, I Apis ; violent, of a " blinking " character, as if in bone, from patella to foot (eruption and periostitis, probably syphilitic), IKali bb; in disease of liver, with hydrothorax, IKali e; in lower, Badiag, Brach.; in lower, worse going to sleep, Kali c.; violent, in lower, IJatroph.; excruciating on lying, causes screams,IKali iod.; during menses,IBelb; when menses should appear (amenorrhoea), IHam.; during morning, lEup. pur., IIRhod.; better from motion and rubbing,Diose; worse moving (bilious dyspepsia), ITarax.; on first moving 966 33. LOWER LIMBS. after rest, or getting up in morning, better by continued motion, IIRhus; at night, Agar., Plumb.; occasional to shoulder, IBerb.; parox- ysmal, IGels., Plumb.; paroxysmal, from get- ting wet, especially when warm and sweaty, IIRhus; worse in paroxysms, Plumb.; in rheumatism of knee, IBerb.; in right, worse from coughing and slightest motion, better from warmth, INux v.; down right, with facial neuralgia, I ISep.; severe, in right, into genitals, particularly testicles, followed by prostration (sciatica), HStaph.; in right, in morbus coxarius, IKali e; in right side, lower, lAscl. s, Ind.; in right, in menorrhagia, ICoccus; in right, with numbness from hips to feet (after parturition), IRhus; in right, with numbness from hips to feet, after deliv- ery, IIRhus; in right, while walking, with trembling of leg and feeling of uncertainty, particularly on going down stairs (parenchy- matous metritis), I ILac e; in upper third of right, in caries, Sib; worse in right, Ars. h.; after sitting, IILach.; excruciating, pre- vents sleep, worse from hot fomentations, better pouring cold water on them, Syph.; runs up through spine to neck, to face, after running pins into foot (tetanic symptoms), IHyper.; worse from standing or sitting, better from motion or walking, I Agar.; when he stands, IKali bb; if he keeps them still (chorea), HVer. v.; runs down in streaks, with every stool, IRhus; in tabes dorsalis, IPhos. ae; chiefly in anterior portion of thighs and calves, Plumb.; in shin bones (non- syphilitic), worse at night, in rest, must walk floor, worse in damp weather, IDulc; in shins, especially left, after convalescence from pneumonia, worse standing, I ISub; in right, shin, on extending leg, Anag.; in shin bone, when sitting with crossed legs, Anag.; in shin bones, with syphilitic ozaena, after abuse of mercury, IKali iod.; in tibial bone, Agar, IKali bb, I INatr. p ; in tibia, continu- ous, incapacitating him from work, I Hekla; in tibiae.with pains in upper part of head (ceph- alalgia periostitica), IMez.; in tibia, intermit- tent, but bones continually sore, Sarrae; in left tibia, ICarbol. ae; affecting inferior third of left tibia, commencing at lower point of malleolus internus, extends upward in shaft of bone, momentarily better changing posi- tion of foot and friction with hand, Ars. s. r.; in middle of left tibia, Arum t.; in middle of tibia, Kali bi, IPhyt.; in tibiae, atnight,IPhos. ae; in tibia, nightly, with nodes and irritable ulcers on lower leg, IPhyt.; in tibia, excru- ciating, worse at night, with periostitis,IMez.; along tibia, worse at night, with sore throat, IMerecor.; in right tibia, in evening, Cast. eq.; especially in tibiae and soles, after too much exercise in walking, with restlessness in legs, so that he frequently changes position, passing off after rising, Psor.; worse, in tibiae, IGels.; in tibiae, as after walking much, Coral.; very troublesome, not able to walk, Lyss.; in ovarian tumor, lArs.; in typhoid, I IVer. v.; cannot use, IColch.; violent, Ant. e; as after excessive walking or dancing, Bar. e; during wet weather, worse irt warmth of bed, better walking up and down, I IVer. Legs, pale: IHam.; in dropsy, HApis. Legs, paralysis : JEsc. g. Alum., Ananth., Apis, Apoe, Arn, I Ars., Bar. m., Bell, Bry, ICale, Cann. i. Caps., Caulo, Cinch, ICoccub.Colch, IDulc, IFerr. s. Form, IGels., I Kalic, Merc, INux v., Oleand., IOp, IPhos, IPlumb, IIRhus, ISee, IStram., ISul, IVer, Ver. v.; in psoas abscess, ICup. m.; lasting through attack of angina pectoris, 11 Oxal. ac; after apoplexy, IINux v.; with atrophy, after par- turition, IPlumb.; from small of back, from cold, ICoccul.; bruised feeling, ICoccul.; in caries of dorsal vertebrae, ILach.; legs refuse to carry him, staggers, ICie; in chronic alcoholism, IPhos.; after colic (treated with narcotics and purgatives), INuxv.; with colic, IPlumb.; crawling as if asleep (infiltration of back), ILach.; in diabetes, INux v.; partial, during convalescence from diphtheria, IGels, INux v.; Duchenne's pseudo-hppertrophic, IPhos.; from suppression of eruption on arms, IPsor.; after suppressed eruption and abuse of mercury, IHep.; first at 6 p.m., then half an hour earlier every day, I IChin. s.; from over- exertion, IINux v.; partial, from overexertion and being drenched in rain (locomotor ataxy), IINux v.; cannot stand, or move legs, after exposure,ILach.; weakness of exten- sors, IKali br.; loss of feeling, I IPhos.; after grief or violent outbursts of passion, INatr. m.; incomplete, affecting as if asleep, and heavy as lead, INux v.; from sacrum, Coccul.; of left, Arn., ILach, I ISub; of left, with unconscious- ness, INux m.; in meningitis, ICarbol. ac, IIRhus; in spinal meningitis, IMere; after abuse of mercury, ICoccul.; motor, Chloral, HPhos, Plumb.; difficulty of moving, they do not obey well (tabes dorsalis), ITarant.; unable to move right, ICoccul, IPhos.; with numbness, ICoccul.; painless, I IRhus, I ISee; partial, 7rAtrop. s, IINuxv.; with polyuria (diabetes), Tarant.; with restlessness, con- stant desire to change position, and inabil- ity to sleep, Cod.; rheumatic, IKalm.; rheu- matic, with atrophy (urticaria), IBov.; be- fore menses (sciatica), HStaph.; partial, of right, from miscarriage, I ILacc; right, from poisoning by morphium aceticum, INux v.; posterior spinal sclerosis, 11 Pic. ac.; of right, Plumb, Rhus; of right, cannot be used as usual (apoplexy), I Arn.; of right (after vacci- nation), IIThuya; sensory, Chloral.; from sexual excesses, I INux v. ;after sexual excesses or onanism, INatr. in.; after spondylitis, IPhos.; of lower, with stiffness, ICoccul.; with involuntary stools and urination every other day, during fever epidemics, I IChin. s.; sud- den, ICina; in sunstroke, IGlon.; threatening, IIAng.; threatening, in arthritis, lAng.; in typhus, with suppression of urine, ICamph.; use suddenly and completely lost, IPhos.; scarcely able to walk, Anac; almost entire, cannot walk up stairs, Cann. h; from getting wet, IINux v, IIRhus; to change position, must use hands, as if legs were made of wood, IPhos. Legs, paralytic feeling : Chloral., Crotal., Rhus v. Sib; especially the ankles, INatr. m.; left lower, ICarbo v.; interferes with locomotion, on attempting to walk, thinks he will lose the use of his limbs, Colch.; painful, INitr. ae; painful in left tibia, Card. m,Jamb.; in trau- matic periostitis of sacrum and lower vertebrae, I ISib; right. Brom.; right, acute rheumatism' 33. LOWER LIMBS. 967 ICheb; in right when walking, Cann. b; in sciatica, INux v.; has to sit down, Aur. met. 8®° lameness, numbness. Legs, phlegmasia alba dolens: Aeon., Apis, lArn., lArs, IBell, IIBry, IBufo, ICale, Cepa, Crotal, IHam, IHippoz, Kali c, IILach, ILye, INatr. s., IINux v, IPuls., IRhus, Sep., ISub; with contraction of tissues and sheaths of tendons, ISib; after parturition, grinding pain, worse from slightest touch, Crotal.; left greatly swollen, least pressure causing pain, worse by wet weather, INatr. s.; pale white swelling,IPuls. ;saphena vein swol- len very large and tender, can be distinctly traced all the way up,ILyc.8^°Chap.29, Veins. Legs, piercing: with uterine dropsy, IHell. Legs, pinching: in right calf, Bry. Legs, position -. keep wide apart, when stand- ing (myelitis), I IPic ae; crosses and draws them towardsabdomen(gastromalacia), IMere d. ;drawnup,IArg.nit,IMercc, IPhyt.; draws up, in colic, I I Nux v.; drawn up, during chill, ICaps.; drawn up, with flatulent colic in chil- dren and newborn,! IMagn. p.; drawn up, in in- fants, ICham.; drawnup,innervousaffection, IMagn. c; drawn up, during sleep, ICarbo v, IStram.; flexed, on abdomen, I IVer.; flexed, in necrosis of femur, I ISib; flexed, in typhoid, IIMur. ae; left, semiflexed upon itself and abdomen, ICina ; left leg flexed on thigh and thighs on pelvis (ovaralgia), Lac e; cannot bear right straightened, but lies with it bent and supported by pillow (perityphlitis), ICrotal. 8€jT* spasms. Legs, pressing feeling: Ang, Carbo v.; pain in left bone, Brom.; burning, in middle of lower, left then right, Cepa ; cramplike, in calves, to- wards tibia, lAnae; down to feet, Como.; in left, Camph.; in lower left, in morning, ILed.; in muscles and joints, Nitr. sp. d.; painful, Nitr. sp.. d.; painful in left calf, Tarax.; pain- ful duringmenses (varices),Amb.; painful, con- fined to small spots, lasting but a short time, soon returning, INux m.; in right, Nitr. sp. d.; straining in shin bone,Berb.; worse stretching, Berb.; painful,in tibiae, IClem.; violent, in left tibia, beginning in morning, worse at noon, 11 Agar.; painful, in right tibia, I IMez.; pain- ful, in periosteum of right, IMere Sob Legs, pricking: Cinch, bob, Glon.; then ach- ing, Eucab; in calf, above ankle (sciatica), llndig.; in calf, just below knee, llndig.; with occasional cramps on inner surface of lower, Plumb.; in left, ICrotal.; compelling him to move, Chen, v.; asof needles, Cupr. s.; as from needles,in myelitis, I IPic.ae; pinsand needles sensation (Duchenne's pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis), IPhos. 8@" prickling, sticking, stinging. Legs, prickling : Dig.; in right, inner side, Ars. s. r.; heat (anasarca), IIRhus; after sitting awhile, Lyss.; with trembling jerking, flutter- ing through lungs, 11 Lace 8®° pricking, sticking, stinging. Legs, pulling: from above downward, with coldness- of feet, Spig.; from below upward, with heat in feet, Spig.; painful, I Ant. c; after sexual excess, I Ars. Legs, purple: almost black-, Vespa; left, IPetrol. Legs, purpura haemorrhagica : black and blue spots, size of a pinhead to that of a pea, I ITereb. Legs, quivering : IManc. Legs, redness: dusky, HSep.; knee to ankle, crimson, deepening to a livid hue as it neared toes (chronic phlebitis), I IPuls.; like a boiled lobster (asthma), IIThuya; of lower, INatr. e; periostitis of right femur, HPhyt; after walking (anasarca), IIRhus. Legs, restlessness: Agar., Amm. e, lArs., Ast r, Cact, ICale p., ICarbo v., IGraph, Ind, IMagn. c, Med., IMosch, Oxal. ac, IIRhus, Tarant, IZinc; particularly calves, I ISep.; must move them constantly, I ILacc, Mosch, INatr. m, Prun.; in diphtheria, ILac c; in evening, Chen, v., 11 Kali e; in evening, with formication, ISep.; fidgets, worse at rest, IPlat.; nightly attacks of fidgets in right, pre- ' venting sleep and driving him out of bed, I IPhos.; fidgets, during sleep, INatr. in.; in- cessant and violent fidgety feeling, must move them constantly, HZine; in hysteria,Tarant; as if becoming insensible, IMeph.; left, I IVer.; has to lie down, at 9 p.m., Osm.; in lower, Spong.; during menses, Thuya; has to move them or jump out of carriage, ICale p.; must move from place to place, INux m.; at night, ICham.; in bed at night, better by motion, IIRhus; painful, I Anac.; with pains like labor-pains on fifth day after premature labor, I ILac c; in paralytic affections, Codein.; must change position (jaundice), HSep.; in spinal irritation, IZinc; sudden, must move (pneumonia), ICheb; tremulous, with numb and torpid feeling when sitting, worse in evening, IPlat; in typhus, ICamph.; uneasy feeling, Act. rac; must rise and walk, IGlon.; does not know where to put them, lArg. nit. Legs, rachitis: after abuse of mercury, ILach. 8@°* Chap. 44, Bones. Legs, rheumatism: Ananth, ICarb. s. Card. m., IClem.,Como, I IHyper, ILith, Lye vir, Med., INitr.ac,Ustil., IVer, IZinc; chronic, with amaurosis, lElaps ; on falling asleep (rheumatism), ILach.; with nightly bone pains, IPhyt.; in calves, Ant. t.; in calf of right, following moderate attack of influenza, pain, aching drawing came on in evening, worse by heat of bed, better from application of cloths dipped in cold water, 11 Puis.; chronic, IPhyt.; drawing in left, worse when part becomes cold, better from warmth of bed, I IPhos.ae; in flexors, Iodof; after suppressed gonorrhoeal discharge by injection of solution of gunpowder, ISars.; from hipdown, IKalm.; with .stinging, especially in hip joint, femur and knee, worse at night, affected part feels cold, IMere; larger joints principally affected, dull, heavy pains, I ISticta; lame, is obliged to take hold of pantaloon near knee in order to lift it and move it on, leg bent in knee joint, extending it, causes pain, complete extension impossible, motion painful, I IRhus; in left, I Amyb, Elaps; in left lower, Pallad.; muscles of left, HZine; in lower, worse going to sleep, IKalm.; worse from motion, ICarb. s.; inability to move, IColch.; muscular, I IBerb, IIMed.; muscular, worse on motion, Var.; neuralgic, Diose; nightly, IKali e; paralytic, Stront.; nightly pains in tibia, periosteal, IPhyt; asif in periosteum, worse at rest, dur- ing wet cold weather, IRhod.; of right, Lach, 11 Ruta, 11 Viol.; in upper right, lower left (gonorrhoeal), IIMed.; in right, prevents 968 33. LOWER LIMBS. sleep, Cact.; in right, extending as far as toes, in morning, IKalm.; pains in right shin bone, Bapt.; feels hard, although swelling is elastic and does not pit upon pressure, ILye; in syphilis, after abuse of mercury, I ISars.; from thighs to ankles, could not move feet.chronic, lApis; in tibia, Aph. ch.; to toes, Colch.; weariness, heaviness and inability to move, IColch. Legs, sciatica: Aeon., lAct. rac, Amm. m, Ananth., Ang,l Arg.nit, I Arn,l Ars, I Aurant, IBell, IBry, I IBufo, ICale, |Calc s., ICarb. s.,Card. m.. Caps., ICaust., ICham, IChim. umb, ICoff, IIColoc, IDiosc, lElaps, Elat, Eup. pur, lEuphor, IFerr., IIGels,lGnaph, IGuaiac, Hep, I IHyper, llgn, llnd, llris, IKali bi. Kali c, IKali iod, IKali ph., ILac c,ILach,ILed,ILye,IIMagn. p,IMenyanth, Merc, IMez, INatr. m, Natr. s, Nitr. ac, IINuxv,Pallad.,IPhyt,Plumb,Pod, I IPsor, IPuls,Ran. b, IIRhus, IRuta,l ISal.ae,ISep, I ISil, IStaph., IStram, ISul.,I ITelb, |Tereb, 11 Vab, IVer.,Xan, Zinc; dull aching, worse towards night and in evening, in cold, and from motion, better by warmth and rest, Pal- lad.; with albuminuria, I IColoe; with atrophy of affected leg, 101. jec; marked consecutive muscular atrophy, or earlier, when walking, causes great exhaustion, IPlumb.; pain puts him in mind of the aurora borealis, Polyg.; boiling sensation, I Ars.; as if bone were broken, IRuta; boring, Ang.; bruised feeling along left nerve, worse from continual motion, Natr. a.; burning, stinging, with complete in- termissions, ILye; burning, corrosive pains, worse in damp or cold weather, or from cold applications, IRuta ; burning, worse at night, compelling her to lie awake, IGels.; constantly changing locality, now in head, now in teeth, now in sciatic nerve, with nervousness and palpitation, ILach.; chronic, I Asar, llgn., ILye, ISub; chronic, in right, movement im- peded, ICarb. s.; chronic, with painful con- traction of hamstrings, INatr. m.; chronic, for twelve years, IIRhus; cripples him, at- tacks every few weeks, IIRhus; from stay- ing in damp cold cellar, lArs.; from getting clothes damp, IKali bi.; darting from point where nerve leaves pelvis to within ten inches of popliteal space, interrupted to ap- pear about middle and outer side of calf, to external malleolus and heel, IKali iod.; pain deep-seated, as if in marrow of bone, IRuta; drawing tearing from left ischium to os calcisand sole (sciatica), ICham.; in emaci- ated, pale, anaemic persons with deficiency of animal heat,IObjee; excruciatingspasmodic, IMagn. p.; gonorrhoeal, leftsided, IStilling.; gouty, rheumatic origin, tearing, stitching, worse from motion, irregular in appearance, lasting several hours, mostly at night or in afternoon, ICoff; with headache, parts tender to touch, worse atnight, by motion, by heat and rubbing, Coloe; probably hysterical and due to retrolateral version of uterus, INux m.; incisive pains, llgn.; inflammatory, in left, taking cold, cannot walk, Carb.s.; from in- juries and contusions, IRuta; sharp, cutting pains, darting along course of nerve and ter- minating in wrenching or twisting sensation in foot, after injury to nerve, IHyper.; inter- mitting, llgn.; burning, from tuberosity of right ischium, follows course of nerve, spreads over thigh, knee and leg, generally at night, worse every minute, must walk, when pain goes off, IIRhus; jerking downward, with warm feeling, Cale p.; laming, Ang.; leftside, Eup. pur.; in left, growing more and more se- vere until confined to bed (after gonorrhoea), I IThuya ; in left, from hip to ankle, every two or three hours, four or five successive shocks of pain pass suddenly through affected parts, IColoe; down outside left hip to ankle, in paroxysms, every quarter of an hour, pain- ful to touch, worse at night, better from heat, movements at first aggravate then relieve pain, worse from long-continued motion, ICo- loe; along left nerve, a dull pain, returning periodically, worse when rising from sitting, Lyss.; left side,intense pains, gradually worse, I IRhus; in course of left nerve, from behind great trochanter to calf, better by motion, IKali bi.; from hip to ankle, tenderness on pressure over sciatic nerve, better from rub- bing, worse between 1 and 2 a.m., and 4 p.m., about quarter hour after rising, about noon, IColoe; cannot rest, although motion aggra- vates, the worse the pain the more severe the chills, IPuls.; left more affected with weak- ness and heaviness of parts, then swelling of feet and limbs, ILed.; must lie down, llnd.; lightninglike pains shoot through left, I IRhus ; in males, Kali bi.; numbness occa- sionally taking place of pain, making exercise fatiguing, IGraph.; obstinate, worse in rest and particularly when beginning to walk, IGels.; pains come quickly and subside soon, Kali bb; intense, following larger ramifica- tions of nerve, IGnaphab; paralytic sensation, difficulty of rising from seat, I lEuphor.; vio- lent, worse stooping, change of position, Agar.; pressing, drawing along course of nerve from posterior part of thigh to knee, especially when painful space is wider than nerve track, IPlumb.; pressure causes pain to shoot along entire length of nerve, Kali bi.; nerve pulsa- ting slightly but constantly, Lact. ae; from reflex nervous action during or after rheuma- tism, Coloe; remittent, worse at night, better in motion, IFerr.; complete amelioration of pains during rest at night, I IStaph.; rheuma- tic, Cinnab.; rheumatic, better by motion, I IKali p, ILac c, ITereb.; rheumatic, worse after rising, IIRhus; in right, Chlorof; right, dull aching, worse at night, in cold or damp weather, better by rubbing, from heat and when warmed by exercise, IRhus; about region of exit and along course down right leg, only when moving, IDiosc; in right, com- pelling him to lie quietly in one place, slight- est motion causes great pain, with sensation as if marrow bone were being crushed,IColoc; right, worse when lying on affected side, IITelb; right, at night, comes suddenly and disappearsgradually,wakes him,ILach.;right, from hip to knee, awaking her at 12 p.m., sudden motion or jar causes great suffering' probably hysterical and due to retrolateral version of uterus, I INux m.; right, makes him scream, worse at rest,better walking, I IRhus ■ right, worse on straightening limb, especially while standing, could stand at work with comparative comfort with foot of affected side upon a chair, I I Vab; right, many weeks' 33. LOWER LIMBS. 96!) duration, IChin. 6.; aching in region of left sacro-iliac articulation, with crawling in left sole, as if asleep, IColoc; in sacro-ischiatic foramen, sharply defined ache, with tender- ness on pressure, IPod.; w:antof sensation, IColoc.; shooting along left nerve to foot, worse by motion, llris ; shooting, from left hip down to foot followed by sensation of intense heat, as from hot iron in affected parts, afterwards sweat and general pros- tration, pains worse after sleep, ILach.; shooting, in course of left nerve, produced palsied sensation,especially after motion,Eup. pur.; drawing shooting at exit of left nerve, from behind forward to knees and toes, where it is as if foot were on ant hill, and as if foot ought to sweat, I ISal. ae; when getting up from sitting or turning in bed, INatr. s.; pain in spine and all over body, IPetrol.; accom- panied by sensitiveness of spine, radiates from sacrum to right sciatic nerve, Tell.; commenc- ing in spine, especially in lumbar region runs along sciatic and crural nerves, 03nan.; with great stiffness, Curar.; stinging, during movement, IStaph.; stitches, in left, Kali bi.; stitch in ischium, on rising from seat, 11 Dros.; subacute, ISub; in summer, alternates with cough in winter, I IStaph.; better in summer, worse in winter, llgn.;syphilitic, IFer, I ILac c, IStilling.; syphilitic, left, IStilling.; syph- ilitic, or gonorrhoeal, with 6harp lancinating, not inclined to remain in one part long, often dartingalongwholelengthoflimbin,quick,suc- cessiveimpulses,renderinglegpowerless,numb and heavy, even to extremitiesof toes,IPhyt.; tearing, Cist;tearing, in right ischium,Lachn.; tearing, stinging, pressing pain, better by mo- tion, worse during rest, I lEuphor.; throbbing, llgn.; nerve sore to touch, on getting out of bed, Lact. ae; great pain back of trochanter, extends down thigh posteriorly toward knee, anteriorly embracing patella, tibia to ankle, better flexion of knee, I Ars.; pain from tro- chanter downward to popliteal space, worse when patient is lifted up or attempts to stand, it seems as if upper part of thigh were being broken, worse at night with anxious sweat, I INux v.; painful muscular twitchings, ILye; walking is difficult and exhausting, IPlumb.; pain better walking and flexing leg, worse in hot weather, by standing, sitting, lyingin bed, Kali bb; walking difficult on account of para- lytic state, IColoe; must walk during parox- ysm, IRuta; wandering pains, Ant. a.; from working in water, ICale; with weakness, IPhos.ae; returns every winter, llgn.; espe- cially in women, pains worse moving, yet not better lying, worse in rainy, stormy weather, IRan. b.; from overwork and exposure, Rhus; worse standing, sitting, lying, better walking and flexing leg, IKali iod.; worse towards evening ana at night, with inclination to con- stantly change position, worse in warm room, better in open air, IPuls.; worse sitting or lying, IRuta; worse sitting, in afternoon and evening, better by motion, though painful, llndig.; worse sitting up, morning, in evening from cold water, better lying on painful side, IIBrv.; worse by rest, slightly better by mo- tion,ILye; worse keeping still and attempting to move, in moist, damp weather, better after moving and from warm applications, I IRhus. B@r* neuralgia, rheumatism, tearing; also Hip neuralgia, pain, and Thighs neuralgia, pain. Legs, scraping : on left tibia, Ast. r. Legs, sensitiveness: calves, to touch (ague, suppressed by Cinchona), INatr. m.; pain, on pressure, Chrom. ae; calf tender to press- ure, with dull heavy aching, I ISib; tibia painful when touched, IPuls.; left, to touch, I IVer.; to touch, Berb., ICale, Calc. s. Legs, shaking: Agar. Legs, sharp pain: in left calf, I Amyb; in right, Ind. 8sT" neuralgia, sciatica. Legs, shocks: sudden, in concussion of brain, ICie; electric, on awaking him, HAgar.; vio- lent, causing legs to jerk suddenly (tetanus), I ICie; frequent, in left, I IVer.; nervous, seem to be caused by small balls coursing along during prayer and sleep at night, sometimes at other hours, I I Zinc. Legs, shooting: I Aeon, ^Ethus.; along bones, Belb; in calves, ICale p.; in calves, to ankles, first right then left (rheumatism), ILye; down- ward, ^Eseh., ISil.; in left,Cepa; in left (throm- bosis),I Apis; momentary, intense pain, shoots down legs (concussion of spine), IHyper.; in paroxysms,IGels.; as if in periosteum, Hyper.; in right, Ind.; in acute rheumatism, IRhus; on a small spot on lower, sore from scratching a few days before, Ast. r.; down tibia,worse even- ing in bed, IFerr.; up, inside (acute synovitis), IFerr. ph.; in uterine disorder, ICon. Legs, shorter: left feels shorter than right, and so sounds on walking, Lye vir. Legs, skin: bursts in several places, in dropsy, lApis; dry, peeling off, Agar.; flaccid, lArs.; indurated, with blue spots, ISars.; left cracked and discharging a sanious fluid, Como.; white, on left, and covered with thin scales, Como.; marbled, HCaust; peels off, swelling, Berb.; shining, in periostitis of right femur, I IPhyt.; shines like a mirror, IGraph.; soft, I Ars.; waxy, in dropsy, HApis; wrinkled, Rhod. Legs, smarting: in calves, walking (acute dropsy following parturition), ICinch.; in ec- zema,IPetrob;left, like nettles, in wet weather, INatr. s. B@T* burning. Legs, soreness: in calves, JEsc. h. Ant. t, I ICrotal.; dull, heavy, in left calf, Ars. i.; al- most crampy pain in right calf, so much worse walking as to almost disable her (relieved by Nux900), ^Petrol.; fugitive, in left, near knee, Chin, a.; asif heated or overexerted, Vace; heavy, Lyss.; great, inward, with chill (intermittent), IDiad.; pain in left, Osm.; and aching of lower, IIEup. pert; in peritonitis, 11 Aeon.; dull acbing, in middle of tibia, when walking, better in rest, tender on pressure, Cupr. s.; along periosteum of tibia, INitr.ac; in anterior lower two-thirds of left tibia, Chin, a.; to touch on anterior surface, Caust.; when walking, ^Esc h. Legs, spasms: Card, m., ICoccul, Cup. ars, llpec, Lyss., Stram.; adduction, I IMere; be- gin, ICup. ac.; in calves, ICup. m.; in calf, during and after motion, Berb.; clonic, of muscles (cholera), ICup. ac; clonic, of right, with twitchings (hysteria), I ISep.; contrac- tion, Tabae; tonic, muscular contraction, of long standing, I ITelb; convulsive, I ITarant; drawn backward until they touched glutei, Bufo.; spasm, drawing up if they remain con- 970 33. LOWER LIMBS. tracted all night (hip joint disease), IMere; drawn apart, flexed upon thighs (brain affec- tion),IHell. ; drawn up involuntarily,Carbo v.; drawn up with a sudden jerk and then forcibly thrust out, following pneumonia and typhoid fever, IINuxv.; drawn up with every attempt to change position (hydrocephalus), IHelb; rigidity, with epileptic form, Med.; extension, with sensation of cramps, Cain.; and painfully flexed, cannot stretch, better from warmth in bed (dysmenorrhoea), I INux v.; alternate flex- ion and stretching while walking, Agar.;of left, commence with shocks, drawing leg in- ward and upward, Stram.; lower left, spas- modically drawn backward while sitting, Spong.; left perfectly straight (nervous affec- tion),IMagn. c; lower left, drawn up to thigh, when walking, Spong.; of muscles, Ars. s. r.; of one, IGels.; pushed from body, ICoccul.; retraction, in typhus, lAur.met; rigid, Stram.; rigid, in traumatic tetanus, IHydr. ae; right, painfully rigid, upper part, worse in afternoon and early evening,Cale s.; with screams,ICup. m.; straight and stiff before attack (epilepsy), IBufo ; stretched straight out, GSnan.; stretch- ing at right angles with body (puerperal con- vulsion),! IOp.; tonic, worse in calves (cholera), lAnt. t.; tonic, rigid extension of, Med. BgT" chorea, convulsions. Legs, spasmodic pain: in calves, in cholera Asiatia, ICup. m.; in left upper, Agar. Legs, sprained sensation : in bones, Berb.; muscles, as if, Berb. Legs, stabbing : in calf, when walking in open air, as if a knife pierced, and as though blood trickled down, 11 Natr. c Legs, starting: Crotal. 8®* jerking, twitch- ing. Legs, sticking: ISep.; pain asof a splinter of bone in right fibula above outer malleolus (after spasm), I Asaf.; sticking along left tibia into ankle bone, with burning pressure in left eye, IColoe; in and about ulcer, Sil. B^T* pricking, stinging. Legs, sticks: feel like, irAtrop s. Legs, stiffness: Ang, Apoe, Aur. mur, IBerb, IBry, ICie, IFerr., IHydr. ae, HLac c, IMagn. p, Mang, INux v, HOxal. ae, IPetrol, I IRhus, ISpong.: in muscular atrophy, ICale; asif bandaged, I Anac; small boils on thigh, IINux v.; in calf, Berb.; calves, in ague suppressed by Cinchona, INatr. m.; with convulsions, IMagn. p.; after an evening nap, so that he was unsteady while walking, until he had walked a little, ICarbo v.; to hip joint, after long sitting, Sep.; especially knees and feet, IIRhus; of left, asif asleep (palpitation), I Arg. met; of left, with tickling creeping feeling under cutis, Strain.; lower, 11 Amyb; after an attack of spinal meningitis, 11 Nux v.; seem stiff and without joints, in morningafter rising, IPetrol.; in morning and while stand- ing, IVer.; in morning, I IRhod.; when moved, after taking cold, lAcon.; on first moving after rest, or getting up in morning, better by continued motion, IIRhus; at night, Alum.; painful in left, during pregnancy, IHam.; with paralysis, ICoccul.; in rheumatism of knee, IBerb.; on rising, IINatr. p.; makes rising from a seat difficult (spinal irritation), IHep.; in right, as if bruised, 5 p.m., Chim. m.; in right, in menorrhagia, ICoccus ; rigid, espe- [ cially left, I Arg. nit.; rigidity of lower, ICina,; in sciatica, ILye, INux v.; semi-rigid, Bell.; soreness, when rising to walk, IIEup. pert; in strychnine poisoning, IINux v.; tetanic concussion of brain, ICie; with varicose ulcer of leg, INatr. m.; could not walk, IZinc; as after a long walk, Pod.; when walking, in hip joint disease, IMere; weary, as if too lazyto move, Eucab; as if made of wood, with in- ability to stand or move (paresis crurum), INux v. Legs, stinging: Ang., lApis, IIArs., Goss, IKali c,Verbas.; stinging, in calf, above ankle (sciatica), llndig.; in calf, during and after motion, Berb.; in calves, in walking (acute dropsy following parturition), ICinch.; parox- ysms, along fibula, near malleolus (sciatica), 11 Staph.; in gonacace, HSib; pressing, in ulcerating part of leg, Sib; worse during rest in bed, has to turn over or change position of leg, which relieves, I IRhus ; in shin, Berb.; worse stretching, Berb.; especially in big toe, Ran. sc. Legs, stitches: Agnus,ICalc,ICarboa.,ICarb.s, Kob, IMez, ISep.; in calves, I IAgar,Tarax.;in calves, with jerking and pulsating in patellae, if knees are held stiffly stretched out, Spig.; in left calf, Ast. r.; in right calf, to ankle on outside (consumption),IGuaiac; tearing along muscles of right calf, often repeated. Coc- cus; fine cutting in right calf when sitting, goes off when walking, 11 Dros.; in right calf, while walking, Spong.; below head of fibula, Cham.; flying, Ars. h.; in joints, Bar. c, Spig.; jumps about, especially in knees and ankles, disappearsonmotion,ICham.; inleft, Caps.; in left (thrombosis), I Apis; up from ex- ternal malleolus on walking, sometimes when not walking, with inflammation and swelling of both left malleoli (affection of ankle), IMagn.; especially from motion, Sars.; during motion, in hip joint disease, IMere; in mus- cles and joints, Nitr. sp. d.; sudden needlelike, Mane; at night and during motion, with sen- sation of coldness, IMere; occasional short, as from little pimples, Pallad.; rheumatic, on right shin bone, Stram.; single, fine, Cast, eq.; slow, as with several pins, 11 Hell.;_ in tibia, Ammoniac, Jacea, I IZinc; single, in region of external condyle of tibia (hip disease), IMere; inleft tibia, sitting, moving leg and foot, Anag.; boring, in right tibia (mercurial), IStaph.; burning, in right tibia, during rest, Staph.; deep, in tibia, Samb.; in edges of tibia single, Caust; on being touched, I IMere sob; better after walking, I ISee 8@T* lancinat- ing, stinging. Legs, stool: pain runs in streaks down limbs, during, Rhus. Legs, stretching: Verbas.; with chilliness at night, HPhos.; with sensation of cramps, Cain.; desire to stretch, Chlorof, Med, IRhus; must stretch to get rested, Cham.; with yawn- ing, restlessness, pain in back, ILach. 8^* Chap. 34, Limbs stretching. Legs, strumming sensation: Amb. Legs, sweat: Euphor., IPetrol.; cold, in morn- ing, Euphor. ;cold, in spasmus glottidis, I IVer.; cold, in typhoid, IPhos.; cold, in upper part, ICaps.; cold, viscous, ICale; of condyles, ICale p.; in delirium tremens, I IStram.; cov- ered with fetid, IPhos.; after fever, Med.; 33. LOWER LIMBS. 971 below knees (rheumatism), I ISyph.; in lower, Agar., IPetrol, Strain.; at night, clammy, ICale; profuse, in evening, in bed, Tereb.; sticky, ICale; warm, IPod. Legs, swelling : IBar. m, IBerb, Bry, IKali c, Polyg.; to abdomen, pit upon pressure (dropsy), ILye; anasarca, IHippoz.; anasar- cous, after scarlet fever, with diminished urine, IRhus; anasarcous (subacute inflam- mation of liver), IHydras.; especially about ankle joint, purplish black (chronic ulcera- tion of leg), IGrin.; around ankles, with watery discharge, color of legs red, IHep.; enormously, in aortic insufficiency, albumi- nuria, HZine; appear thicker, fears dropsy, ICheb; in ascites, IChim. umb, IILyc, ISe- necio; bloated, Apoe; bloated (myelitis), IDulc; bloated, below knees (amenorrhcea), I IXan.; bluish red, IILach.; and doughy along bone (eruption and periostitis, probably syph- ilitic), IKali bb; hard,rough,horny,on tibiae, ICalc.fi.; burns, Berb.; calf, I ISib; left calf, with internal lumps, painful, ICale; calf, in scrofula, IDulc; above calves, with tensive f»ain, especially in evening, ILed.; hard, cel- ular, IBadiag.; infiltration of cellular tissue, in childbed, Aur. mur.; in chlorosis, Ign.; chronic, persistent, soft at first, afterwards hard, at one stage snowy white and shining, less perceptible morning, IKali m.; and pain, after forceps delivery, mostly in thigh,ICepa ; dropsical, Cain, Ferr., IKali c, IIMerc, Rhod.; dropsy, in albuminuria, lApis, lArs, lAtrop. s, ICale a., IFerr., ILach., ITereb.; dropsy, in angina pectoris,!Apis; dropsy, from ankle to knee (from eating lemons for months), Citrus ; dropsical, in ascites, after influenza, lApis; dropsy, to knees, with asthma, depend- ing on hydrothorax or hydropericardium, IColch.; in acute dropsy,followingparturition, ICinch.; elastic, Dig.; erysipelatous, I Ananth.; erysipelatous, of left, Bor.; very large, profuse, constant watery exudation from skin below knees, epidermis exfoliated (ascites),IGraph.; feeling, IGuaiac;feeling, in left, during preg- nancy, IHam.; hard, from size of a pea to that of a hazelnut or walnut, enlarge and break open, discharging viscous, yellow brown- ish ichor, Hippoz.; in heart disease, I Apoe; hot, with stinging, drawing pain, ILed.; below knees, hard, red, conical, varying from size of a half-dime to an inch or two in diameter (erysipelas), I Apis ; infiltration, IDig.; to knees, IFerr.; below knee, cold and hard, looked as if ready to burst, almost twice usual size, I IKali m.; from knees down, goes down in morning, comes back atnight, Syph.; ex- tending below knees, with tired feeling in ovaries, worse rightside, IPod.; to knees, in pneumonia, ICale; below knee, black spotted (rattlesnake bite on toe), ILach.; of left, ICist, I ILach.;left, in carbuncle, IHep.; left, in even- ing, with burning, worse until 12 p.m., Sang.; of left, from knee to ankle joint, twice natu- ral size, IPetrol.; left, near knee (gonorrhoeal rheumatism), I IMed.; outer side of left lower, I ISub; of left, increases when the pain sub- sides, Como.; first left, then right, in dropsy, IILach.; left, twice natural size (chronic phlebitis),I IPuls.; left, monstrously stretched out, lApis; lower, HCaust., INatr. e; lower, to abdomen (cystitis), IHelb; even while lying in bed, I IGraph.; during menses (anae- mia), I ISub; from middle downward, with feeling as though feet were filled with lead, in evening, IINatr. m.; on getting up in morning, better after walking, I Aur. met; cedema, HApis, IIArund, IDig, IFerr. s, IHell, IMere sub, Pareira, ISenecio, I IZinc; oedema, from feet to abdomen (affection of liver, with dropsy), IFluor. ac; cedema, with ascites, I Apis, IGraph, I ISenecio ; cede- ma, with asthma (hydrothorax), IColch.; oedema, in diabetes, 11 Uran. n. relieved ; cede- ma, with diarrhcea, Acet.ac; oedema (dropsy after scarlatina), lArs.; cedema, in dysentery, dropsy, IColch.; oedema, in gonarthrocace, lArs.; cedema, hard, slightly red, swelling extending up along course of principal veins (phlebitis), ILach.; cedema, in heart disease, IHydras.; cedema, to knees, in chronic cardi- tis, ICact.; oedema, above knees (phthisis), I ISamb.; cedema, of left, Ars.; cedema, of left, in rheumatism, IIPuls.; oedema, in affection of liver, I Arg. nit.; cedema, with enlargement and congestion of liver, IMagn. m.; of left, I Aur. mur, IDig.; cedema, left, painful (heart disease), ILye vir.; oedema (meningitis), ICarbol. ae; oedema, in amenorrhcea, I IXan.; cedema, oozing of water from sore places, IILyc; cedema, with rales in chest, HCinch.; cedema, retains sensibility, ICup. m.; cedema, skin shining (heart disease), ICact.; oedema, with shooting pain, I IMur. ae; cedema, with stitching, Viol.; cedema, in old or intemperate subjects, Crotal.; cedema, to middle of thighs, I ISars.; cedema, on both sides of tibia, I ISub; more and more, and pain became insupport- able, in thrombosis, I Apis; violent pain,I Ars.; in periostitis of right femur, I IPhyt.; in perios- titis of tibia, I Merc.; of phlegmasia dolens, ILye; in phthisis, I Acet.ac; pit on pressure (anasar- ca), I IRhus ; pit on pressure (cardiac dropsy), IDig.; with enlargement of prostate, I IPareira ; to knees, purple and mottled pitting on press- ure, with rending pain in periosteum, I ILed.; bright red, with black, painful spots, INux v.; red, with dark, painful spots (phlegmasia alba dolens), I INux v.; with rheumatism and pain in heart, ICact.; in rheumatism of knee, IBerb.; in Rhus poisoning, I ISub; right, Ars, IColoc,Elaps,I ISub;right,contracted,stiff,im- movable, drawn close to thigh (consumption), IGuaiac; right, from knee to ankle, bright red and covered with dark spots, particularly on calf, least motion of affected leg causes him to start and distort (typhoid), I INux v.; pain of right, from knee to hip, sensitive to touch (phlebitis), IHam.; worse in right, ILach.; round, ICale; round, sharply denned, size of a goose egg, dark and fluctuating, surrounded by bluish-red spots, with greenish-yellow halo (hemorrhagic extravasation), IBar.m.;puffed, bone affected, ICale; shin, swollen on inner side (eczema), IMere; stings, Berb.; with tension, IHam.; of tibia, IPhos.; along tibia, with eruption and periostitis, probably syph- ilitic, IKali bi.; anterior border of tibia, hy- pertrophied (caries), HSib; enlargement of tibia, deprived of any power of motion, I IStil- ling.; red shining, hard, on right tibia, IMere sob; on tibia, spongeous, cannot bear touch, IGuaiac; of tibiae, particularly worse at night, in syphilis, IMerecor.; tender, along inside 972 33. LOWER LIMBS. of tibia, lAur. mur.; on tibia, oval prominence four inches below knee, hard, immovable, red, sensitive to touch, lArs.; varicose, with ulcer, on right, after a fall, ILach.; can hardly walk (acute dropsy following parturition), ICinch.; white, in phlegmasia alba dolens, Ars.; whitish, with coldness, ICale; whitish, transparent (phlegmon), lApis. Legs, tearing: lAcon, Amb., Ang., Ant. t, I Arg. nit, Bar. c, ICale, ICham, Collin, Goss., Pallad, Stront.; worse in open air, bet- ter in warmth of bed, HCaust.; in backs, llgn.; puts them out of bed, Sul.; in bones, 11 Kali c, IKalm.; in bones, especially at night, IINitr. ac; as if in bones, worse in rest, Ang.; in calves, 11 Agar., ICale p., I IZinc; in calf, asif it would be cut off, worse standing, walking, 01 exerting muscles, llgn.; in calf, as far as heel, Coloe; in left calf, when laying right limb across left, Vab; in calf, during and after mo- tion, Berb.; in right calf, Bry.; in right calf, pulsative, when sitting in afternoon, Vab; in tendons beneath right calf, ICaust.; sharp, in calf, above ankle (sciatica), llnd.; in upper part of calf, sitting, Calend.; with chilliness, Bar. e; with cold state (intermittent), lArs.; worse by contact, Cinch.; down, ICham, Nic- col., Verb.; drawing pains, with fear, I IHelb; dull, Belb; in quartan ague, I ISep.; in fibula, ILobel. i.; from collection of flatus in bowels, Carbo v.; from knee to foot, Calc. p.; gouty, in lower,especially small joints of foot,with swell- ing, HCaust.; with swelling in groin, Calc. ars.; with swelling of inguinal glands, ICale ars.; below knees, ICinnab.; from knees to feet, while walking and sitting, Sub; in left, Bor.; in left, from thigh to toe, pain worse at night, after being in bed awhile must rise and let leg hang over side of bed or walk about, also affects right leg, but less, 11 Ver.; in lower, Agar., Cham.; in lower, at every motion, • I ICaust.; in middle of inside, Belb; nightly, IFerr.; night and during motion, with sensa- tion of coldness, IMere; pains, ICham.; re- peated paroxysms (headache), IIAnae; peri- odical particularly about hip,worse in stormy weather, during rest and at night, 11 Rhod.; during pregnancy, I IVer.; rending in muscles of lower, front to feet, worse at night, ICie; intolerable,duringrest(typhoid),ITarax.;worse during rest (typhus), I ITarax.; rheumatism, ILye; in rheumatism, IZinc; in right,IColoe, IKali iod.; particularly in right, with cutting in abdomen as of knives (colic), IColoe; after sex- ual excess, I Ars.; sitting and lying, especially at night, Alum.; in muscles of one or the other, while standing or sitting, Staph.; sticking in and beneath right calf, Staph.; worse stretch- ing, Berb.; from right tarsus to knee, IGuaiac; in tibia, lArs., Berb., IBry, IColch.; in tibia, all afternoon, Spong.; in tibia, especially in evening, does not know where to lay legs, Sub; in left tibia, after dinner, Agar.; in tibia, during menses, ISep, ISib; in tibia, nightly, above, downward, Caust.; in tibia, with pain in periosteum when touched, and feeling of tension when walking, IIKali c; in right tibia, IKali bi, Lachn.; in tibia, worse sitting, better walking, 11 Agar.; in tibia, in tertiary syphilis, IKali bi.; in upper, Cham.; from be- low upward, better from hot water, worse during stool and in morning (addicted to alco- holic stimulants), INux v.; in veins, ICham.; after a glass of wine with nutmeg (diarrhcea), I ISul. BST neuralgia, rheumatism. Legs, tension: Mang.; in swollen, with feel- ing as if it would burst, IKali m.; in calves, Bry, Cham, Sib; in calves, as from cramp when walking, ISib; in left calf, Cast, eq, Pallad.; in calf, during and after motion, Berb.; in calves, muscles feel short, Bov.; in calves, as if pantaloons were too tight a little below knee, Card, m.; in right calf, during walk in open air, Bar. c; in calves, feel as if too short on going up stairs, lArg. met.; pain in tendons of muscles of calf, as if stretched, causing lameness, IKali bb; in calves, while walking, INatr. m., Rhus ; in calves, painful when walking, ICarbo a.; in calves, as if too short when walking, disappears on sitting, Sib; cords feel too short, I INatr. p.; in even- ing, IIPuls.; to knee, when walking, Psor.; in left, Bor.; long-continued, almost like a cramp, Alum.; of muscles, I INux v.; muscles, as if too short, Bov.; painful, Ant. t; painful, in bends, I INatr. m.; painful,in calves,IPuls.; painful, constant, I ILye; painful, from slight- est exposure to cold, with vertigo, oppression and sense of lameness and weakness in legs (muscular rheumatism), IPhos.; painful, on attempting to stretch, ICimex; sitting or lying, lAmm. m.; as if too short, Anac; spas- modic, in cholerine,IPhos.; as if tendons were too short, better lying down, worse standing, Bar. c; as if tendons were too short, in rheu- matism, IIPuls.; in tendons of flexor muscles, with weakness, Phos.; tensive feeling, as if tendons were too short, worse when touched (scrofulous rachitis), IRhus ; tightening pain during pressure, cramps in stomach, ICale; when walking, after influenza, 11 Rhod. Legs, thin: 8^* emaciated. Legs, thrilling: agreeable, from knees down, with sensation as if bird's claws were clasping knees, Cann. i. Legs, thrilling pain : I IMurex; in uterine^dis- ease, IMurex. Legs, throbbing: in bones below right knee, drawing downward, Ars. h.; from knees down, Med.; right, below knee, downward, Ars. h.; with soreness in right, in evening, Stilling.; in right anterior tibial artery, at superior end of its inferior third, Ars. m. Legs, tickling : creeping feeling under cutis of left, with numbness and stiffness, Stram.; in right, I I Anag. Legs, tingling: Arn, ICale p, IIKreo.; with discharge of thin black blood(metritis), I ISee; worse in heat,Lachn.; peculiar hot, Ind.; in left, ICrotal.; in right (rheumatism), I ISa- bad.; in tibiae, at night, while feet are crossed, must move legs back and forth, and therefore cannot sleep, IRhus; walking at night, Bar. e; better after walking, I ISee; occasional, after walking, Asaf. Legs, tired feeling: ^Ethus., Ant. t, Brach., IBry., ICale p, Calend, Chin, a., Coccus, Cornus, Goss, IHam., I llnd, Murex, I INatr. s, IPhos, I IPuls,See, Senecio, Spong., Ver- bas., Xan.; with abdominal pain, ICale p.; aching, Lyss.; particularly in calves, I ISep'; weary, in calves, as after a long journey, I Arg. nit; in calves, while kneeling, Ars.'b; in calves, painful, I Aloe ; fatigue, Lyss.; sensa- 33. LOWER LIMBS. 973 tion of fatigue in bones, as if they were too thick, Sarrae; indolent feeling after eating, Arn.; fatigued feeling, especially above knees, Chrom. ac; especially right hip, pains as from fatigue, Agar.; sensation of great fatigue, even while sitting, IMagn. m.; as after a long jour- ney, INux m.; lameness with seminal emis- sions, IKali br.; languid, Amm. e; languid, with dizziness, Amm. m.; languid and heavy, with perspiration on walking, Eryng.; lassi- tude, All. sat. Alum., I Arg. nit., lArn., Castor, IDig.; lassitude, in morning after rising, not better walking in open air, I ICard. m.; pain- ful lassitude, in evening, IColoe; lassitude, in post-partum hemorrhage, ICham.; fatigue of lower, after slight exertion, IIGels.; weary pain in calves, at night in bed, Sub; painful, Ast. r.; obliging one to change position con- stantly, at end of chill, ICimex ; felt as if she had no power in them, Form.; fatigued and swollen, towards evening, Agnus; with uterine polypus, IIThuya; as after a long walk, ICinch.; in diabetes, 11 Uran. n. relieved; with dull pains and tingling, Mere iod. flav.; in evening, IMere sob; worse to ward evening (albuminuria), I I Uran. n.; worse in knees, Aph. ch., Cale a.; in lower, Agar, Croc; especially about ankles, at noon, I ICale; dur- ing menses, Niccol.; painful, ICale; with pains, in rheumatism, IColch.; almost paral- yzed, worse in left, Cann. i.; when sitting, Alum.; especially on ascending steps, IPhos.; weary, can scarcely support body, IMere iod. flav.; with trembling, 11 Ptel.; with ulcer on leg, IMere sol. 8®* weakness. Legs, tossing: in spasmus glottidis, HVer. Legs, trembling: I Act. rac, JEsc. g., HAgar, 11 Arg. nit., Bell, Calab, Cist, Crotal,I ICup. ars, Goss, IILach, Mane, IMere viv., INux v, IPhyt, Zinc; especially in open air, walks bent over, with hand applied to right side (ovarian tumor), IColoe; particularly when ascending, Cornus; in cardialgia, ICup. m.; after coition, HCale; after exercise, Iber.; with headache, IGlon.; in hysteria, I ISep.; from knees down, left most, Med.; of left, ICie; of lower, when going to sleep, ICham.; after masturbation, IPhos.; lower, bas never menstruated, ICycb; especially in morning, after rising (palpitation), lArg. met.; with ex- treme nervousness, ISib; in remittent neur- algia of chest, I ISub; with pain in righthipand leg (parenchymatous metritis;, HLac. e; in pityriasis versicolor, IMez.; rhythmical, of entire left, gradually involved both, after quarrel with husband, worse sitting (hyste- ria), llgn.; of right, as if a galvanic battery were attached, Dorv.; shaking, especially when quiet (gonorrhoea), I ITarant.; when sitting or making attempt to walk or stand (strumous synovitis), ILed.; in spells (cho- rea), ICale; when moving or trying to walk (typhoid), IGels.; when walking, IINux v.; and give way when walking, Curar.; from weakness, on rising from sitting, better on continual walking, INatr.m. 8^* jerking, twitching. Legs, tumor : osteosarcoma on centre of right tibia, size of half an ostrich egg, pains agoniz- ing at night, growth irregular, spongy, partly laminated, very hard (secondary syphilis), HSyph.; suddenlv formed, red, inflamed, between calf and bend of knee, Phos.; vari- cose (dysentery), I Arn. Legs, twinging pain: in outer calf, when sit- ting, Vab ' Legs, twitching: Agar., Ars.s. r., Asaf.,ICheb, ICod, Goss, IHelb, Lyss, IIMerc, IOp.; drawing them backward, ICup.m. alternately with arms, she attempts to sit down and work during restlessness, Lyss.; as from something alive, Berb.; constant, in cholera infantum, HVer.; convulsive, IMere cor., Squilla; con- vulsive, in hemorrhage, llpec; convulsive, in pneumonia, ICheb; in epileptic convulsions, ILach.; in evening, in bed, Carbo v.; from least exertion, Mang.; in hip disease, IMere; in hysteria, llgn.; jactitation of one, in chorea, HVer. v..; muscles, in constant jactitation (chorea), I IKali br.; with neuralgia in head, in paroxysms,after profuse menses, IIMed.; especially when quiet (gonorrhoea), I ITarant.; when at rest (hysteria), Vab; subsultus, of right lower, ICamph.; in right, outside of tibia, middle third, Cochl.; of one, usually right, IMygale; even in sleep, 11 Ver.; awak- ing from sleep at night, Cinnab.; spasmodic, when stepping out, IRhus ; in spasms, ICup. m.; spasmodic, with 6udden contraction of larynx, as from fumes of sulphur (asthma), IMosch.; spasmodic starting in muscles, Ant. t; with trembling of whole body,IOp.; wave- like, I Anac; after a glass of wine with nut- meg (diarrhoea), I ISul. 8®" chorea, jerking. Legs, ulcerative pain: IKreo.; in calves to heels (leprosy), 11 Agar.; as from festering in muscles, IPuls.; in right, IBenz. ac; wakes at 4 a.m., and prevents sleep, Ars. Legs, ulcers: lAnanth., ICalend. Jacar., IKali iod, IILyc, IPhos.ae, IPhyt, IPsor, ISinap.; with acrid pus, IGraph.; anterior and exter- nal surface from ankle to middle third of thigh one mass, IMere sob; atonic, old, IHy- dras.; atonic, with tearing stitching, worse during increase of moon, better during de- crease, IPallad.; bleed easily, become putrid, spongy bluish, IIMerc; bottoms uneven and dirty, discharge thin, offensive, ILach.; burn- ing, IHydras.; burn at night, HCarbo v.;burn- ing, worse from least touch, IMere. sob; burning, worse from warmth, not better from cold, ICarbo v.; large deep, on calf, centre black and hard, IFerr. mur.; carious, on tibia, skin adheres to bone, 11 Asaf.; stump of ampu- tated leg a mass of chilblains, many places being ulcerated, itching and intense pain pre venting rest at night, I I Ran. b.; chronic, with dyspepsia, ILye; chronic, indolent, flat with purple skin, small sores around main ulcer, which has an uneven bottom, burning and bleeding even when lightly touched, ichorous offensive discharge, 11 Lach.; chronic,probably syphilitic (phlebitis),ILach.; covered with gray crust, surrounded by inflamed border, 11 Ars.; deep, unhealthy, Como.; with depressions and elevations, IMere sob; constant ichorous discharge,_ IMere sob; discharge profuse, IRhus; discharging serum, legs dropsical, IRhus ; dry superficial angry looking, circu- lar, with flat edges, covered by yellow scab, areolae inflamed and covered with pimples which degenerate into ulcers, faint fetid odor, worse at night, from warmth of bed, on mo- tion or touch, IHydras.; callous edges, IKali 974 33. LOWER LIMBS. mur.; high, thick edges, IHydras.; emacia- tion and coldness, left side, I ILyss.; fetid dis- charge, HCarbov.; fetid, horrid stench, Ca- lend.; flat, chronic, discolored areolae, ILach.; flat, with thin offensive discharge and bluish areolae, IILach.; flat, open, on left, with ery- sipelas, ILach.; flat, in lower, Selen.; gan- grenous, ICarbo v., IILach.; gnawing pain, worse from least touch, IMere sob; size of hand,lAnthrac; indolent,IHydras., IStilling.; indolent, of six years' standing, on lower third of right, near external malleolus, irregu- lar shape, hard edges, deep, discharging sani- ous, fetid pus, IComo.; from injuries, IHydras.; irritable, IHydras.; irritable, on lower, with nightly pains in tibia (syphilitic and mercuri- al rheumatism), IPhyt; two large, below knee, paroxysms of lancinating darting pain of two years' duration, preceded by others, similar, two or three times, healed by local treatment, commenced by a pimple which being broken formed a deep foul ulcer, gray slough, thin ichorous pus, inflamed, swollen, elevated edges, varicose, worse by heat of bed, hot or cold applications, from pressure, motion, even- ing until midnight (after abuse of mercury), I IMere sob; onleftshin,copper-colored,ICist.; chronic on left, with secondary erysipelas, IKali c.; left, to knee, chronic, different sizes, yellowish watery matter, ezcematous eruption around (dyspepsia), ILye; several, on left, from knee to instep, two of largest about one and a half inches in diameter, the lower ones half an inch to 6ize of pea, sanious discharges tender to touch (chronic phlebitis), I IPuls.; on left, of two years'duration, above outer malleolus, as large as a quarter dollar, areola swelled, hard, dull purplish red, sting- ing, scanty watery discharge (after rheumat- ism), I ISub; on lower, burning at circum- ference, IMur. ac.; lower covered, INatr. c; in lower, pale face, ISib; in lower, fistulous, Ruta; in lower,itchingover whole body,IPsor.; mercurial syphilitic, hard swelling, around, ICist.; mottled, HCarbo v.; old, IIArs, IGrin, • Hippoz.,Nux m.,Stilling.;old, checked, causes angina, I lAmm.c; old, nightly tearing burn- ing and itching, ILye; nightly pains, Sib; pain constant, worse from least touch, IMere s.; pain, unendurable in warmth of bed, IMere s.; phagedenic, syphilitic, dark red, bluish, Rhus v.; phagedenic, virulent, ILach.; general psoriasis, Kali ars.; purple, HCarbo v, IILach.; putrid, IBry., I ICarbo v., IILach.; putrid, burning around them, IMur. ae; on right, three inches long, one inch wide, over upper end of fibula (cancerous tumor), I ISib; on right, painful, Calend.; on right, with varicose swelling, after a fall, ILach.; scrofulous, IHydras.; scrofulous, thickening of periosteum and similar swelling on bone of forearm, IMez.; serpiginous, on right, often years' standing, crept slowly on, destroying a vast extentof skin, a portion of this cicatrized and became covered with a thin, violet, shin- ing pellicle, whilst ulcer continued to spread, four centimetres in diameter, shooting pains, hindering walking by day and rest by night, I IPaeonia ; small, irregular, leave a depressed cicatrix on healing (syphilis), IKali bi.; spongy, IMere sob; spreading, sloughing, Petrol.; stinging, IHydras,- stinging, worse from least touch, IMere sob; suppuration, Calend.; superficial, IPolyg.; syphilitic, IStil- ling.; syphilitic, bluish, deep, old, in calf, ILith.; syphilitic, half an inch in size, irregu- lar, ragged edges, surface studded with minute granulations, bled readily, I IPhyt.; moist, offensive, with syphilitic eruption over whole body, of two years' duration, IMere iod. rub.; syphilitic, painful, in front, IMere iod. rub.; large, svphilitic, on left tibia, thickened throughout whole length, peri- osteum swollen, in evening when much fatigued slight oozing of serum at edges of ulcer, thick crust was removed from ulcer, latter appeared shallow and secreted a san- guineus discharge, burning, worse from heat of bed, IMez.; usually about tibia and ankles, or other points, slow to heal, IPsor.; of anterior surface of right tibia, caused by a violent blow she received six months ago, I IPaeonia; on tibiae, with bone affection, ICale; on head of tibia, larger than a crown- piece, dirty, fetid, sloughing, jagged, elevated edges, two large pieces of bone came away (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; two large, on tibia, chronic, fetid, painful, can hardly get about, IGrin.; on tibia, with lardaceous base, Sabina; on left tibia, Arg. nit.; on tibia, periosteum affected, profuse offensive dis- charge, IPhos. ac.; on tibia, in a man broken down by rheumatism and strong drink, I ISub; on right tibia, three inches long, two wide, above internal malleolus, surrounding skin coppery red, covered with pustules, IMez.; right tibia, indolent, dirty granulations, dry sharp cut edges, brownish thin discharge, I ISang.; on tibia, shining red, glazed (syphi- lis), ILac e; the apparently healthy portion of tibia lying beneath carious ulcer became sen- sitive to slightest touch, at night almost un- endurable, Asaf; varicose, IHydr.ae; varicose on right, just above instep, after kick of a horse, eight inches in circumference, concave dark blue, fetid, I IKali s.; varicose,six years' standing, covering nearly entire surface of an- terior and inner leg, and extending on to foot, bottom of ulcer dirty greenish yellow, covered more or less with yellow serum, itching at night, worse in wet weather, INatr. m. 8®- Chap. 44, Ulcers. Legs,uneasiness: Con.,ILach,IPhos,I lUstil.; in evening, IMere sol.; does not know where to lay his legs, Ruta ; distressing, in morning in bed, I ICaust.; with necessity of constantly moving them, Tarant; at night, I Ars., IZinc; must stretch often, evening in bed, ICarbo v.; as if she were tired by walking (after chill), ICimex ; must move them or draw them up, ICinch. 8®" restlessness, tired feeling. Legs, unsteadiness: INux v. 8€jT* weak- ness; also Walking. Legs, varicose veins: I IFluor ac.,1 IHam, IKali ars., IILyc, IIPuls.; bleeding, IHam, IPuls.; on calves, 11 Plumb.; on right calf, aching, tingling, burning, I ISub; with fidgety feet, IZinc; haematemesisinstead of menses,IHam.; hard knotty, intensely painful to touch,IPuls.; on left, Amb.; great pain, can scarcely move about, IHam.; painful, ICale; chronic phlebi- tis, IIPuls.; during pregnancy, Aeon, Apis, I Arn., Ars, ICarbo v., ICaust, IFerr, IIFluor. ae, IGraph., IIHam., ILye, IMillef, INux v. 33. LOWER LIMBS. 975 IIPuls, Sub, Zinc; in pregnancy, blue and knotty, almost appearance of incipient gan- grene, ILach.; with prosopalgia, IMez.; on thigh, to labiae, IZinc; tend to ulceration, IFluor. ac. 8®* Chap. 29, Veins varicose. Legs, veins: inflammation, IHam., IPuls.; red- dish or bluish, streaks and spots, thrombosis, lApis. 8^° phlegmasia alba dolens, vari- cose veins ; also Chap. 29, Veins inflamma- tion. Legs, vibration : in calf, Berb.; in tibia, Berb. Legs, wandering pains : JEsc. h.; flying, Caulo.; flying, in left, from spine to ankle, Ars. h.; worse at night, Sang.; tired pains to hips and knees, with disinclination to move, Vib. Legs, weakness: Acet. ae, I Agar, Amm. c, Ananth, I Arg. nit., I Ars, Ars. h, Arund., Asaf, Benz. ac, Bor, IBry, Cact, ICale, ICale p, Calc. 6, ICaust, Chlor, Coloe,Con,ICup. m, Dig,Euphor.,IFerr.,Form,I IGlon., I IGuaiac, IHydras, Hyos., IKali br, IKali c, ILach, IMere sol, Murex, INatr. c, I INatr. s.,IOp, Oxal. ac, IPetrol, IPhos., I IPhos. ac.,1 IRhus, Seneg., ISep, ISib, ISub, IZinc; after abor- tion, I IKali c; in angina pectoris, I lOxal. ac; when ascending, Cornus; on awaking, 11 Arg. met; pain in small of back, IIKalic, INux m.; from one spot in back between hips, Calab.; in softening of brain, Bufo.; in calves, IKalm., INatr. m., Sinap.; in calves, walking or going up stairs, IKali bb; muscles of calf feel relaxed, IMerecor.; in calves, trembling, ICale p.; with chilliness, and chill in open air, Seneg.; after coition, HCale; after dinner, Agar.; with drawing, tensive pains in limbs from slightest exposure to cold (rheumatism), IPhos.; after slight exertion, ICie; falls easily from a misstepor tripping, Phos.ae; to points of feet, ILye; not allowing feet to be placed squarely on ground when walking (tabes dor- salis), ITarant; give way, Med., IINux v.; give out ascending or descending a hill, Ruta; give out on stooping or descending stairs (neuralgia of ovaries), 11 Zinc.; giving away of right, then left, Bar. e; as if they would give way unless widely separated (Duchenne's pseudo - hypertrophic paralysis), IPhos.; give way when walking, Natr. p, Stram.; gradually increasing until locomotion became extremely difficult, and he was compelled to stay in bed, 11 Phos.; worse in hollows of knees, in neuralgia, I Aur. met.; in impotence, Cinnam., HPhos. ac; joints relaxed, Bar. c; joints, particularly knees, as if they would give way, especially walking, worse going down hill, Belb; especially knees, IA11. sat, Oieand.; with pain in knees (chlorosis), Xan.; lameness, asif too short in right.Anag.; lassitude, noon till evening, Carbo v.; of left, Brom., Eup. pur.; of left, in nervous affection, IMagn. c; of left, while sitting, changinginto cutting in muscles of calves when walking Thuya; especially left, trembles, IPic. ae; as if she would fall to left side (headache), IMere per.; especially in morning, after rising (pal- pitation), I Arg. met.; in forenoon, when walking, IIRan. b.; at 11 a.m., better after a little whiskey (hypochondriasis), lArg. nit.; can hardly move, IIRhus; after onanism, IDig.; painful, Agar, Aloe; painful,especially knees, IStaph.; paralytic, Ananth, lArg.nit, lArn., ICoccul., IINatr. p, I ISars.; fear of paralysis, after typhus, Selen.; after par- turition, can hardly draw them up, IRhus ; faltering, vacillating gait, Con.; sudden, in morning (spinal irritation), INux v.; in spinal meningitis, IIAcon.; of lower, during preg- nancy, IHam.; relaxed, in sunstroke, iGlon.; of right, Aspar.; can scarcely rise from seat, ICoccul.; on attempting to rise, could not stand (affection of brain), IGlon.; in sciatica, ILye, IPhyt.; in multiple sclerosis, IPhos.; after sexual excesses, I IStaph.; sh aky, in h ypo- chondriasis, I Arg. nit; from smoking tobacco, IClem.; with soreness of muscles and joints, I IPic. ac; with burning along spine, devel- oped by study, IPic. ac.; he staggers, IPhyt.; when going up stairs, Lyss., IPhos.; as if they would refuse to act before reaching top of stairs, Sep.; cannot stand, HAgar, Ast. r. Hod, Jamb, I IPic. ac; unsteadily, after men- tal labor, especially when he thinks himself unobserved, I Arg. nit.; particularly when descending steps, Sib; sudden, cannot walk quickly, Ang.; in tabes dorsalis, IGraph.; af- ter change of temperature, Act.sp.; especially in thigh and knee, must sit down, I IStann.; tottering, INux v.; tottering, on rising (ca- tarrhal ophthalmia), 11 Sul.; tremulous, IZinc.; in typhoid, 11 Ver. v.; unsteady, in cysto- blennorrhoea, 11 Uva ursi; unsteady, better by walking, with persistent nausea and vom- iting, I IPtel.; unwieldy, Coccul.; in prolapsus uteri, lArg.nit.; after re vaccination, I IThuya; with vomiting, Amm. m, Ananth, I IPhos.; cannot walk much, especially in open air, walks bent over, with hand applied to right side (ovarian tumor), IColoe; can hardly walk, ^Eseh, IBry.; better walking, I Hydras.; when walking, Bapt, Brach., ISub B^F* paralysis, paralytic feeling. Legs, wind: feeling, as though wind was blow- ing on them, ILil. tig. NATES, aching: inrightgluteal region,Bry.; while sitting, extends to small of back, sac- rum and hips, I IStaph.; smarting across, in rheumatism, ICale Nates, boils: IHep, Indig, ILye, HPhos. ae; bloodboils, Aur. mur.; furuncles, ISub; fur- uncles, in functional derangement of liver, I ISep.; furuncle, painful, discharging blood, Agar.; furuncle, painful when sitting, Calad.; furuncle on right gluteus, size of a hen's egg, very painful, discharging black blood, burn- ing, Agar.; small, on left, sometimes stinging on touch, Sars. Nates, boring pain: right glutei muscles (hip joint disease), Mere Nates, bruised feeling: Card, m. Zinc; on hard pressure, after using, Arg. nit.; in right Bry. Nates, burning: IMere, ISep.; in small spots, ICale p. Nates, chilliness: 11 Agar., Daph.; as from quicksilver, in left, after dinner, Agar.; in rheumatism, ICale Nates, concussion: sudden, as from a fall, while sitting, Croc Nates, cramp: painful, Belb; at night in bed, when stretching out limbs, ISep. Nates, crampy pains: ICaust.; in right, Bry. Nates, drawing: rheumatic, in left gluteus maximus, near spine, when sitting, ceases when standing, Cycl.; in right, below small 976 33. LOWER LIMBS. of back, better on pressure, Rhus; as if it would paralyze thigh, ICamph. Nates, emaciated: in infants, INatr. m. Nates, eruption: singular dark-colored excori- ation, I IThuya; herpetic, Bor.; occasional par- oxysms of itching, worse at night, IGraph.; itchlike, between, Oleand.; nodules, Therid.; leprous spots, coppery, annular, IGraph.; roseolous papules, confluent, Cub.; pimples, Meph.; red pimple, with white tip, painful and stinging (hip disease), IMere; pim- ples, bleed easily when scratched, Kob.; large, deep-seated, pimples irritable to touch, espe- cially on median line, near os coccygis, Rhus ; pimple, impedes walking, Ars. h.; pustules, ICale; itchlike pustules, Phos. ac; small brown scabs, with slight moisture, IGraph.; sore 6pots, oozing, scurfy, ICale p.; small tu- bercles, on left, Mang.; tubercles, in leprosy, Phos.; red tubercle, on right, 11 Hep.; vesicular, becoming pustular, itching in evening, llris. Nates, excoriation : feeling of, on inner side of left, Rhus. 86T" soreness; also Chap. 19, Perineum intertrigo, and Chap. 20, Anus, ex- coriated. Nates, flattened: gluteo-femoral fold, almost obliterated in morbus coxarius, IKali e, HStaph, IISul. Nates, itching: 11 Ascl. t, ICale p., HSub, Therid.; between, must scratch it raw, IBar. c.; worse at night, from heat, heat of bed and rubbing or scratching, better from cold, cold water and pinching parts, IPetrol.; with red spots, after scratching,IMagn.e; in small spots, ICale p.; sticking, in gluteal muscles, Staph. Nates, labor: pains pass down, hindering labor, IKali c. 8^° Chap. 24, Parturition labor pains. Nates, lameness: as if beaten, ICale p. Nates, lancinating: with occasional cramps, Plumb. Nates, large : • Amm. m. Nates, muscles: firm, hard and somewhat en- larged (Duchenne's pseudo-hypertrophic par- alysis), IPhos. Nates, numb: Spong.; when sitting, Alum.; with uneasiness, ICale p. Nates, pain (undefined): across, I INitr. ae; as from a blow or shock, going down on inside of thigh bone, Cist; in left, on sitting up in bed mornings, Cinch, bob; in glutei muscles, with sensitiveness in left, passing round in front of trochanter major, Eup. pert; when sitting, IIHep.; after storm, with soreness, right to left, alternating, most in right, ICale p. Nates, pinching pain : ICaust. Nates, pressing feeling: dull, as from a plug in left, Anac. Nates, pricking: with occasional attacks of cramps, Plumb.; as if sitting on needles, IGuaiac. Nates, sensitiveness: sore to touch, I Ars. Nates, soreness: ISep.; between,Caust,ISep.; smarting, between, IIGraph.; between, on moderate walking, I Arg. met, INitr. ac; in left, Osm.; in meningitis, Thuya. B^T" ex- coriaticn. Nates, sticking : tearing, Berb. Nates, stinging: in small spots, HCale. p. Nates, stitches : Cham.; needlelike, ICale Nates, swollen : right, IColoc. Nates, tearing: Amb, Berb.; violent, in left, [ waking him, 11 Agar.; from above downward in right, IBar. c. Nates, tension: in gluteal muscles, bending body forward, Belb; painful, in muscles around as if sprained,after rising, worse walk- ing, Arg. met.; painful in left, during slum- ber (without sleep), most violent between buttock and thigh, extending as far as bend of knee, better in recumbent position by sup- porting thigh, cannot sit on account of pain which is worse periodically (hip joint disease), IMere Nates, tired feeling : painful weariness (uter- ine disease), IMurex. Nates, t-witching: of gluteal muscles, HAgar.; I ' rapid, of a portion of right gluteal muscle, I Spong. Nates, ulcerative pain: as from festering in muscles, IPuls.; as if suppurating, I IPhos. Nates, ulcers: like bedsores in left, with burn- ing, Vinca. 8^"Chap. 44, Ulcers bedsores. Nates, warts: small, scattered, flat, grayish- brown growths of hypertrophied epidermis (enlargement of liver), HCon. TENDO-ACHILLIS, aching: in region of, towards evening, worse walking, I Act. rac. Tendo-achillis, bruised feeling: beneath left, Carbol. ac.; rheumatic, IBry.; right, as after a blow or sprain, Millef. Tendo-achillis, contraction: ICann. s, ICarbo a.; in phthisis, IKali e;in right, I IZinc; spas- modic, with pain, ICale Tendo-achillis, cramp: on stretchingit,ICaust; awakens from sound sleep at 2 a.m., ICaust. Tendo-achillis, drawing: along towards heel, as if part had lost its strength when sitting, disappears when rising from a seat, Vab; in right, I IZinc; during or after standing and walking, Berb. Tendo-achillis, eruption : ugly red spot on left, Berb. Tendo-achillis, inflammation: erysipelatous, worse from touching heel to ground, and from wdne, I IZinc. Tendo-achillis, pain (undefined): ICale,ICann. s.; at back, Calad.; in left, close tooscalcis, when supporting a slight part of weight of body while walking, Benz. ac; in right,later in left, Benz. ae; if overstrained, Berb.; after walking, Cinnab. Tendo-achillis, soreness: JEsc. h.; in, towards evening, worse walking, lAct. rac. Tendo-achillis, stiffness: Agar.; towards even- ing, worse on walking, lAct. rac. Tendo-achillis, stinging: Berb. Tendo-achillis, stitches: above heel, Thuya; in walking or sitting, Berb. Tendo-achillis, swelling: ISep.; lymphatic, of left, Berb.; of right, about two inches long, so painful that it hinders walking, pain as if place was jammed in, with feeling of unusual heat therein, worse when sitting, better when lying, IMur. ac. Tendo-achillis, tearing : Berb, IColch.; as if it would be cut off, worse standing, walking, or exerting muscles, llgn.; drawing, HZine; rending, during or after standing and walk- ing, Berb. Tendo-achillis, tension : ICaust, ISep.; painful, to calf (rheumatism), 11 Phos.; during or after standing and walking, Berb. THIGHS, abscess: deep, in adductor mus- 33. LOWER LIMBS. 977 cles, being opened discharged a quart of.pus (carbuncle), IILach.; large, hard, on right, painful and inflamed, HTarant.; raised, flat, purplish swelling on left, doughy feel for a space larger than a silver dollar, 6mall open- ings, pus ichorous, red, swollen and painful, for a considerable distance around two indu- rated spots like boils, afterwards a second one about six inches from the first, IHep.; painless, soft swelling on outer side of left, be- low trochanter, discharged thin, excoriating, watery pus and spiculaeof bone,of a dark color, soon almost black, occasionally scales (necro- sis of femur), I ISib; large, on inside of right, I ISil. 8®" boils, carbuncle. Thighs, aching: in middle of anterior, Chim. umb.; anteriorly, in branches of anterior crural nerve, ILach.; in back part, 11 Ptel.; dull, in left, along sciatic nerve to instep and ends of toes, Elat.; from hip joints nearly down to condyles, worse at night (ischias rheumatica et syphiliticum), Cinnab.; laming in middle of right, wdiile sitting, better rubbing, yEthus.; worse at night, IKali bi.; in middle of pos- terior, to knee (sciatica), llndig.; in right, IKali iod.; in sciatica, I IPhyt.; and soreness (muscular rheumatism), IHam.; when walk- ing, Staph. Thighs, boils : ILach, INitr. ac; bloodboils, Aur. mur., ISil.; bloodboils, instead of asthma, during new moon, ICale; bloodboil on right, IKali bb; large bloodboil, discharging yellow, thick bloody pus, IBelb; furuncles, ISib; furuncle in front, painful, discharging blood, Agar.; on inner side, Coccul., Ign.; small, 11 Nux v., 11 Phos.; small, painful, indolent, HSep. 8®" carbuncle. Thighs, boring: Sabad.; to ankles (rheumat- ism), lApis; deep, on inner side, in bed, worse in left, Chrom. ae; from Poupart's liga- ment, along inner side of thigh to lower leg and into toes, lApis. Thighs, broken feeling: IPuls.; intolerable when standing (sciatica), 11 Vab; in left, in middle on sitting, ceases on rising, Illie; in middle, ISub; in upper part, when lifted up, or attempts to stand (ischias), I INux v. Thighs, bruised feeling: lArn., Bar, Bell, ICale, ICale p, HCaust., ICoccul, Cham., Chim. umb., IHam, IHep., Menyanth., Mu- rex, INux v., IPuls., IIRhus, Sib, Sub; in an- terior museles, 11 Hep.; anterior surface, Ruta ; in anterior right, Lyss.; in middle, anterior surface, Sabina ; in middle, when ascending stairs, ICale; going down right leg and com- ing up in left, Chim. m.; when pressing on part it seemed to be felt in bone, IPuls.; to calves, worsefrom walking and when touched, ICheb; with chill, I Ars., lEup. pert; from growing pains, HPhos. ae; heavy feeling, Lyss.; in left, near knee, Cepa; with thick leucorrhcea,Magn.s.; after lyingon it, ICaust.; during menses, Bov.; in middle, worse on ascending, Aspar.; paralytic to knees, which are hcvy, Ferr. iod.; posterior portion above knee,Ruta; in middle of posterior, to knee (sciatica), llnd.; alternates with pressure and burning in breast,Sang.; in right,below patella, ICamph.; when touched, I Arn.; in muscles of trochanters, on hard pressure after rising, Arg. met; after walking, I Arn., ICamph, •Grat. 8®" soreness. Thighs, burning: Arund, Carbo v, IIEup. pert, IKali iod, Pallad.; on anterior, Agar.; in cancer uteri, ICarbo a.; after dinner, Agar.; femoral muscles in posterior (sciatica), llris ; atnight, in femur, lEuphor.; on flexor surface, later thick rashes from nettles, Agar.; to foot (rheumatism), lAnae; on inner part, Agar.; itching, internally, in left, Lith.; itching on outer right, above knee, Zinc; caused by leu- corrhcea, I ISub; on anterior left, Astac; in left, a hand's breadth around whole limb, Bor.; mostly before menses, Berb.; at night, in bones, Euphor.; in posterior muscles when standing, better when walking, Phos. ae; from slightest pressure of finger, still she tried to alleviate the deep-seated pains by constrict- ing limb with a handkerchief (periostitis), IMez.; better by scratching, Alum. B@~ heat. Thighs, carbuncle: I Arn.; on anterior left, suppuration lasting two weeks, Asim.; large, open, inflamed, red on inner side of left, Arn.; on right, three inches in diameter, painful, several openings, centre looked gangrenous, IHep. 8€s?" abscess, boils. Thighs, caries: of femur, especially in scroful- ous children, IStront. 8^** fistula; also Chap. 44, Bones caries. Thighs, chill: begins, Thuya; begins in right every morning, spreads over whole body (ague), I IRhus ; shivering, ICham. Thighs, chilliness: Spong.; in front, asif drops of cold water trickled down, Aeon.; in even- ing, with thirst, IPsor.; of left, beginning on posterior surface, better by warmth, Ars. i. Thighs, coldness: Spong.; in colic, ICale; with fever, ISpong.; icy, on small spots, Berb.; of left (heartdisease), HPhos.; clammy,atnight (dysentery), IMere; with spasms, ICale; in region of trochanter,. Agar. Thighs, constriction : as if tightly bandaged, when walking, IIAcon.; midway between hip and knee, like a cord around right, Amm.br.; painful, causing leg to give way, when walk- ing, Carbo v. Thighs, contraction : cramplike, ascends into small of back, Ruta; as if drawn together, must close them, Cann. s.; from groin to mid- dle of anterior, Agar.; of hamstrings, I ILyss.; of hamstrings, after abscess, ILach.; ham- strings feel too short, I Amm. m. Ant t, 11 Cimex, IPhyt, Rhus; hamstrings feel short, chiefly outer (sciatic rheumatism), IRuta; of hamstrings, painful (chronic sciatica), INatr. m.; tension in hamstrings when walk- ing, evening, Pallad.; in right, legs seem to be shortened, Amb.; spasmodic, with shoot- ing in anus after stool. Plat. g£g° cramp. Thighs, convulsive pain : in muscles of left, Cinch, bol. Thighs, cramp: lAgar, lArg. met, Brach, IHyos, Lyss, ISep, ISub; all day, I IPetrol.; in dyspepsia, ILye; in evening, in bed, Ars.; in middle of left, IColoe; at night, with lumps in thighs, llpec.; in right, woke him twice at night, I IKali e; tonic, in cholera, I IVer. 8^* contraction. Thighs, cramplike pain: down face of, with heaviness of legs, I IVib.; outside of left, on lifting it when ascending stairs, Carbo v.; in right, above popliteal space, I ICycb; in muscles of right, while walking in open air, 11 Verb.; from time to time (scirrhus of os 62 978 33. LOWER LIMBS. uteri), I Arg. nit. 8^* contraction, draw- ing. Thighs, crawling: Pallad, Stram.; in muscles, INatr. c.; feeling, in anterior femoral region, See; as from fleas, better from scratching, soon appears in a place near the spot, Pallad.; inleft, Ang.; from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Chlor.; . painful, when seated, IGuaiac. Thighs, cutting : down, Ant. t; in outer mus- cles of right, just above knee, only when sit- ting, Belb; about trochanter major, Gamb. Bigf" lancinating, stitches. Thighs, darting: ISticta; tearing, at night, lying on right or suffering side, or back, from trochanter to hollow of knee, IPallad.; from trochanter to hollow of knee, worse at stool, from motion or lifting, at night, INux v. Thighs, dislocated feeling: femur seems to be out of acetabulum, limbs shortened (hemi- plegia), ICaust.; pain in neck of right femur, when walking, Aspar.; sensation as if heads of femurs were forced out of their sockets and expanded, when pressing (as for stool), worse left side, Pallad.; on sitting, llpec Thighs, dislocation : spontaneous, of head of femur, I ISib; spontaneous, since childhood, fell and received fracture of affected thigh, I ISymph. Thighs, dragging pain : in adductors, it almost drags her to pieces, Cochl.; in leucorrhoea, Ferr.; particularly on going up stairs, IBar. c; in uterine congestion, IFerr. Thighs, drawing: Ascl. t, ICinch, IColoc, Con, 11 Kali m., Sep., HStram, Sub, Tereb.; worse in open air, better in warmth of bed, HCaust.; in anterior, before menses, IVib.; in bones, Cop.; in bones, as if periosteum had been scraped with dull knife, ICinch.; in ex- ternal condyle of right, IColoe; cramplike, in anterior portion, when sitting, after abuse of quinine (sciatica), IMenyanth.; cramplike, in dysmenorrhoea, HSep.; downward, ICale p., Coccus, IRan. b.; dragging, in muscles of left, Rhus ; in evening, IIPuls.; to feet, Sib; in head of left femur, Asar.; in hamstrings, when abed, Asar.; from hip joints nearly down to condyles, worse at night (ischias rheumatica and syphilitica), Cinnab.; from inner side of lower to inner malleolus, Card. m.; to knee, Agar.; in left, Clem.; on inner side of left, in afternoon, IColoc; on outer side of left, Ast. r.; during menses (nymphomania), IStram.; in menstrual colic, I IPuls.; in mus- cles (myelitis), IDulc; painful, ICaulo, Zing.; painful, in bones, Graph.; painful, deep-seated as if in bone in upper part of left in front, ex- tending to hip joint, Chrom. ac; painful, pre- vents erect position after long sitting, Thuya; painful, here and there, Nux m.; painful, in right* to knee, I INatr. m.; painful, in right, below patella, ICamph.; painful, behind left trochanter, extending to popliteal space, llris; paralytic, in muscles, INux v.; paralytic, in whole, I IKali c; in superficial nerves below patella, on outer side of lower, Card, m.; in posterior, course of sciatic nerve to knee, after Sulphur pains become periodic, appearing with great severity every other evening and lasting several hours, followed by great weak- ness of thigh, I IPlumb.; rheumatic, Carbo v., IZinc; in right, 7TCard. m.; in right, with periodic exacerbations (ischias), IColoc; in right, peculiar, begins in hip and passes down with cold sensation below knee, everywhere felt cold internally but not to touch, external warmth agreeable, Therid.; in right, to knee, IColoc; of muscles of inside of right, while walking, Ind.; worse right side, I ICheb; in sciatica, I IPhyt.; in side, I INatr. p.; stretch- ing, as if too short, Berb.; tearing, IDulc; with tetanic stiffness, ICie; to ends of toes, I I Apis. 8ST" cramplike pain, rheumatism. Thighs, dull pain: Daph. Thighs, emaciation : Bar.m, ICale Thighs, eruption : between (chronicdiarrhoea), INatr. s.; large black blister on inside, lAn- thrac. ; blue spots, worse from mental emotion or exertion, I Arn.; brown spots on inner sur- face, after syphilis, INatr. s.; several brown spots on inner surface, close to scrotum, from inguinal canal to perineum, nextday inflamed, fiery red, swollen, burning, especially when touched and when walking, I I Lye; brownish, miliary rash, Mez.; large, irregular, some- times confluent, distinctly defined copper-col- ored spots on inner side, to groin, burning, itching, worse during menses, at which time spots assume a darker color, especially at edges (pityriasis versicolor), IMez.; eczema, on inner side, after vaccination, itching, IRhus; erythema, on inner surface, with intense desire for coition, Cub.; erythema, resembling scarlet rash, swells, looks like erysipelas vesi- culosa, I ITereb.; hard places on skin of new- born, I ICamph.; herpes, 11 Eup. perf, I IKali c, ILye, Merc, sol, IINatr. m.; dry herpes on outer side, I INitr. ae; humid herpes, IINatr. m.; scaly herpes, IClem.; on inside, during menses, ISib; and irritation, ICale; old itch, on inner side, HPsor.; itching, in gastric fever, I ISep.; covered with itching, from acrid menses, IIKalic; of reddish, hard knots, size of a pin's head to that of a split pea, depressed, dark scurf in centre, with in- flamed base, IKali bb; miliary, I INux v.; nettlerash, ICepa; violent itching, nettlerash, Iod.; hard, white, flattened, isolated papulae on inside, some have red points in centre, Plant.; pimples, Cund, IKali m., Meph.; pimples, on inner side, Coccul, Merc, sob; itching pimples, on inner side, Sub; of pim- ples, as large as peas, itch, and when scratched off are moist and burn, Staph.; small red pimples (incipient phthisis), IIRu- mex ; pimples, with scurf on tips, Mang.; on posterior part, occasional paroxysms of itch- ing, at night, IGraph.; purple efflorescence in patches, Colch.; purpura, on inner, HPsor.; pustules, lAnt t; dark red pustules, Chim. umb.; rash, Osm.; rash always worse after scratching, sticking as from needles, I IMez.; of Rhustox. poisoning, IRhus v.;small, flat,light red blotches, IMere viv.; red patches, ICale; red patches, some bluish, painful to touch, new ones constantly forming (erythema no- dosum during typhoid), I IRhus v.; bright red spots like burns, Cycb; a red inflamed, spot on upper right, size of a dollar, Ascl. t; red moist spot, exuding offensive moisture, on left, opposite scrotum, painful to touch and on walking, ICrot. t; red spots, with vesicles, IILach.; numerous small brown scabs, with slight moisture, on posterior, IGraph.; spots from which scurf comes off, " like fish scales " 33. LOWER LIMBS. 979 when scratched (pityriasis capitis), IMez.; scarlet rash, Osm.; secondary dark blotches (scarlatina),ILye; large bluish spots, Ars. s. r.; a spot on upper right, itching, Ascl. t; spots or tubercles, ulcerate, INatr. e; a dark stain on upper right, Ascl. t; red raw spot, like a tet- ter, on upper, opposite scrotum, itching in morning,IGraph.; red, tettery, on left(chorea), I ISep.; numerous tubercles on inner, with vaginal discharge, ICarbol. ae; left, round, elevated blotch, around which larger and smaller patches are closely crowded (urti- caria), IIRhus; vesicles, Oleand.; vesicles, itch in evening, IKali e; small vesicles, change to ulcers, Ast. r.; knotty, wart- like, between, INatr. s.; in hot weather and at full moon, Bov.; white spots, ICale; white blotches, with red areolae, 11 Dulc. Thighs, excoriation: 8^" soreness. Thighs, fistula: ICale; two, at inferior third (caries), I ISil. 8®"caries, necrosis. Thighs, fungus haematodes: IPhos. Thighs, glands: swollen, ICale Thighs, gnawing: deep (sciatica), lElat.; on right, IKali iod. Thighs, heat: 11 Rhus; sensation of hot air blow- ing over lower part, after stool, I ITromb.; in * third month of pregnancy ,Pod.; dry,Sub; glow- ing sensation on outer, upper, Cepa; on inner, with cramplike pain on left hip at night, Jugb; in pleurisy, 11 Kalic; after stool, ILye; as if warm water were running down (leucor- rhoea), Bor. 8^** burning. Thighs, heaviness : Agar.; can hardly be carried forward, with heat, in evening, Diad.; in left, worse walking, especially forced marches (morbus coxarius), IKali e; painful, went off at night, Lyss.; in sixth week of pregnancy, llpec; when walking, 11 Petrol.; felt a weight pressing on, momentary, with restless sleep, ISep. Thighs, illusion : as if right were brittle, short and small, ICale Thighs, indurated: in traumatic gangrene, lAnthrac. Thighs, inflammation : 11 Rhus; of cellular tissue, which has reached double its size, mo- tion and touch cause violent pain, 11 Sil.; periostitis of right femur, after exposure to cold and wet, worse towards evening, HPhyt.; livid redness on lower part, up to buttocks, hard, painful, after fracture of tibia, lAnthrac; inside of right, red and swollen (typhus), I IStram. Thighs, inner side: complaints predominate, Apis, Ars. Thighs, insensibility : over outer and anterior surfaces, ILac def; on right alternates with boring in right hip (rheumatic gout), IKreo. Thighs, intertrigo : 86^" soreness. Thighs, itching: 11 Ascl. t. Bar. c, ICale, Cornus, IKali iod., Lyss, Osm., Pallad.; in evening, I IZinc; worse at 6 p.m. and in open air, Ast. r.; in evening, violent with urticaria- like eruption, after scratching,IZinc; on inner side, I ISub; on inner and anterior part, Agar.; on inner side, especially at night, Cinnab.; inner side, better scratching, Carbol. ac; intolerable, Ars.; itching on left, with desire to rub, Spong.; on left, above knee, Ars. h.; from corrosive leucorrhcea, 11 Sabina; violent, at night, HSub, Zinc; painful, on inner side along vein to toes, ICaust.; on inner side of right, Pallad.; better by scratching, Alum.; better by scratching, but soon appears in a place near the spot, Pallad.; worse after scratching, Ars. s. r.; when seated, IGuaiac. Thighs, jerking: I IKali c, Strain.; to genitals (nymphomania), ILach.; with tremor of knees, Rhus; in right, above knee, Rhus; right, spasmodically upward when sitting, IMeny- anth.; spasmodically upward when sitting, after abuse of quinine (sciatica), IMenyanth.; violent, IKali iod. g3g~ twitching. Thighs, lacerating pain: in forepart, worse at intervals, worse by movement, Plumb. Thighs, lameness: I Amyb, I Ars., ICale; with coryza, 11 Cinnab.; in left, when standing (in- flammation of prostate), 11 Puis.; in lower third of femur, worse in inner condyle, Sarrae; in left (backache), Aloe; inlower, gait unsteady, stumbling,Card. m.;duringmenses, ICarbo a.; muscles as if, Ang.; painful, ICinch.; painful in posterior, femoral muscles (sciatica), llris ; painful inside of left, above knee joint and extending into it, Lyss.; painful, in right, I IDros.; upper cannot be moved in joint, on account of painful lameness, Coccul.; down right, worse rising from a seat, better con- tinuing to walk, Ars. m.; on inner side of right, to knee, Ars. m.; sensation, caused by shooting and stitching pain (lumbago), I ISub; behind left trochanter, extending to popliteal space, llris. g@r paralytic feeling. Thighs, lancinating : I I Gels.; burning in great trochanter, extends like lightning into outer side of bend of knee and to buttocks, Ast. r.; with occasional attacks of cramps in posterior portion, Plumb.; deep, in anterior, Ast. r.; violent, in morbus coxarius, IKali c. 8€jT* cutting, stitches. Thighs, motion: can move but slightly, IGels. Thighs, muscles: harder and much larger than normal (Duchenne's pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis), IPhos.; as though muscles were not in proper position, I ILed. Thighs, naevus: enlarged, I IThuya. Thighs, necrosis: of femur, HSib 8^" Hip disease. Thighs, neuralgia: ICodein.; darting, along crural nerve, Ammoniac; extends along fem- oral nerve, better flexing thighs upon pelvis, induced or aggravated by extending thigh, IColoe; in left, from gluteal muscles on hip joint, to knee, often to calf or ankle, slightly better after walking, I IPhos. ac; on outer side, IPhyt.; sharp pains from point of egress of right crural nerve, over inner surface of knee to great toe, on motion, from ten days to two weeks before menses, 11 Staph. 8^* Legs sciatica. Legs, numbness: I Ars., ICale, Con, IFerr, I IGlon., IGraph., I Hod.; in right, alternates with boring in right hip (rheumatic gout), IKreo.; when crossing legs, feeling of dulness in right, followed by a sensation as if left were going to sleep, as if blood were going there with pricking, Nux m.; with fever, ISpong.; of left (heart disease), I IPhos.; over outer and anterior surfaces, ILac. def; on inner side of right, to knee, Ars. met.; while sitting (men- strual colic), I IPuls.; when walking,Carbo v. Thighs, opening and shutting pain : in mid- dle of anterior part, Chim. umb. 980 LOWER LIMBS. Thighs, pain (undefined): Daph., Jalap, Jamb.; in anterior portion, Cupr. ars.; down anterior side (chronic metritis), ILil. tig.; from back, through hips, with heavy pressing down, lAct. rac; in bones, IIMez.; asif in bones (mastitis), iHep.; as if carious, Belb; after taking cold (cystitis), ISars.; going down, with colic, Ant. t; in condyles, Sarrae; violent, on crossing them, Agar.; after dinner, Carb. s.; passes down, INitr. ac, Sars.; down, in pregnancy, IKali c; down, in ulceration of os uteri,IMurex; dreadful,in dysmenorrhoea, ISars.; after emissions, lAgar.^ in head of femur, extending to groin, I Anac; in left fe- mur, IKali iod.; in intermittent, IChin. s.; in flexor muscles, when walking, when touched they feel as though he had had a fall, or as from riding horseback, Nux m.; frequent, Sil.; in front of, Arum t; in traumatic gan- grene, lAnthrac; in haemoptysis, IDig.; down to heels, as soon as he steps on floor in morn- ing, causing nausea, must lie dowm, ILac def.; on inner side, mostly toward pelvis, Ars. h.; to near knees,Sep.; indescribable, from middle to knee, in bone, better walking, returns dur- ing rest in afternoon,IIndig.; in left, Lact. ac.; in anterior inner side of left, Chen, v.; in left, a few inchesabove knee, Ast. r.; in left,causes limping, Berb.; in sinews of left, sore to touch, I IMere sob; inleft, after waikingabout room, Calab.; in left, worse walking, especially on forced marches (morbus coxarius), IKali c; from crossing legs, 11 Agar.; in lower,in evening, when entering a warm room, thirst, IIGels.; excruciating, on lying, causes screams, IKali iod. :down,beforeand during menses (dysmen- orrhoea), ICrotal.; during menses, Castor.; in anterior, during menses, IKalm.; pass down, during menses, Berb., Kali iod., INitr. ac, IXan.; during menses, in parenchymatous metritis, I ILac c.; during menses, worse when sitting, IMagn. m.; begin in middle, and ex- tend to knee, IGuaiac; in middle when step- ping, Asar.; in muscles, during chill, ICimex ; deep-seated, muscular, on inside of upper third of left, Carbol. ac; in posterior, while sitting, Sub; nightly, Magn. s.; outer side, in sciatica, IPhyt.; severe, down outside, worse afternoon and evening, in bed, in change of weather (sciatica), IKali bb; from ovarian region, periodic, iCact.; in posterior surface of right, whenwalking.Cham.; in posterior, when sitting, IIHep.; in posterior surface, worse walking, better bending knee and hip joint (rheumatism), IArs.;inrectimuscles, ICimex ; to ribs (ovaritis), I Apis; in right, Benz.ac,Cup. ars, 11 Puis.; on inner side, worse in right, ex- tends to anus.Ars. h.; in right, with itching in anus, I IMur. ae; constant, in right, much ema- ciated, I IColch.; in right, as if bruised, better after walking (hip joint disease), IMere; in right, from headof femur, along anterior surface, Bry.; in inner side of right, above knee, pressing towards posterior part, Spong., on anterior side of right, above knee, Cepa; in right, so severe she cannot stand (psoitis), IColoe; constant, in anterior right, worse standing, all night, preventing sleep, I ISyph.; in spot in middle of right, in front, only when standing, and on deep pressure which seemed to touch spot, which was apparently on periosteum (bubo), I ISyph.; starting from anterior right, with shivering and chattering of teeth between pains, IPuls.; in right, only when walking, as if psoas magnus were too short, IColoc; in right, walking or sitting, ICist.; indescribable, on rising after sitting and lying with thigh stretched, Cham.; after sitting (dyspepsia),ILach.; intense, after sleep- ing, leaves a paralyzed feeling, ILach.; during sleep, Bar. c; caused by attempting to stretch knees (during chill), I ICimex; when he stretches limbs, Ruta ; in tendons on inside, worse walking, ICale p.; to big toe and sole of foot (chronic catarrh of bladder), I IPareira; transitory, short, sudden, Brach.; in great trochanter, when lying on it, Ver. v.; run- ning up since stepping on nail ten years ago, ILed.; down, during efforts at urination, IPareira; down, in uterine displacement, INitr.ac; as after a long walk, Agar.; when walking, Brach., Magn. s.; when walking, with heaviness in legs (chlorosis), I ISabina ; disappearing on walking, then changing to weariness and returning on sitting, IDulc.; worse in changes of weather, mostly before heavy winds, Berb. 8®* neuralgia, rheu- matism. Thighs, painful: in left, near knee, ICina; inner side of right, while leg is drawn up in a* sitting posture, on stooping pain extends to- wards knee, painful like a sticking, Verbas. Thighs, paralysis: extensors, ICale Thighs, paralytic feeling: Aur. met.; in an- terior, IRhus; in emansio mensium, IDig.; in middle, IBar. c; as of a painful stripe down inside, INux v. Thighs, phlegmasia alba dolens: swollen, hard white, painful on pressure, especially along tract of femoral vein, IHam. B@°° Legs phlegmasia. Thighs, pinching: grasping pain in left ham- string, worse at night, ILed. Thighs, plug: sensation of a plug in outer side above knee, HAgar. Thighs, pressing feeling: in anterior, when stretching, Ang.; almost burning, in upper, left towards outer side, Cepa ; during cough, Caps.; downward, Con.; drawing, from mid- dle of right to knee, while sitting, Verbas.; dull pointed, rhythmical intermission, Anac; in anterior left, middle of upper half, Irid.; a narrow streak, pain in back of left, sudden when sitting, Ind.; in posterior, worse from pressure and stooping, could not lie at night, passes off after rising, IDros.; in every posi- tion, especially when walking or touched, HLed.; in left, towards posterior position, I ILed.; worse in right, Agar.; in sciatica, HPhyt; along course of sciatic nerve to knee, after Sulphur, pains became periodic, appearing with great severitv every other evening and lastingseveral hours, followed by great weakness of thigh, HPlumb.; when seated, IGuaiac; asif squeezed, during men- ses, Kali iod.; after stool, ILye Thighs, pricking: with occasional attacks of cramps in posterior, Plumb.; in evening, in bed, Zinc; in left, Sil. 8@" sticking, sting- Thighs, quivering: painful, deep-seated, in TV In .lnner side, worse in left, Chrom. ac; ol left, inner, towards front, Ars. h- in mus- cles, Asaf, Phos. ac 33. LOWER LIMBS. 981 Thighs, rawness: gg&* soreness. Thighs, redness: looked flushed (chronic phle- bitis), I IPuls.; in pleurisy, I IKali c. Thighs, restlessness: in left when standing (inflammation of prostate), IIPuls.; must move legs for relief, IMagn. m. Thighs, rheumatism: Ant. t. Lye vir.; asif in shaft of bone, Ars. b; pains in left femur, Magn. s.; in muscles of left, just above knee, as after catching cold, worse walking, Daph.; in left, from gluteal muscles or hip joint to knee and calf or ankle, slightly better after walking, I IPhos. ae; in muscles of right pos- terior, Bapt.; in right (asthma), I Arg. nit; inside of right, Sang. 8@~ drawing, tear- ing. Thighs, sciatica: Legs. Thighs, sensitive: right rectus cruris to press- ure, as if bruised, Rhus; tenderness on pressure, middle anterior, lying down, Chim. umb.; anterior surface painful to touch, Ruta; sore to touch, like a boil, pains better when in sweat, IGels.; sore to touch, can hardly move them, IMere Thighs, sharp pain: in left femur, while writ- ing, Ars. b; flying, in right, Tromb. Thighs, shocks: to foot, causing screaming (rheumatism), I ISal. ac. Thighs, shooting: IIArs.; from acetabulum to knee, worse moving about, Natr. a.; to ankle bones, ICale p.; down backs (lumbago), IKali e; in posterior femoral muscles (sciat- ica), llris; to foot (rheumatism), I Anac; from hip joints nearly down to condyles, worse at night (ischias rheumatica and syphilitica), Cinnab.; to knee, through left, ICale p.; in left, Sil.; in left, along sciatic nerve, to instep and ends of toes, Elat.; from liver, Kob.; worse at night,IKali bi.; from Poupart's ligament, along inner side of thigh to lower leg and into toes, I Apis ; down right, JEsc. h., Arum d.; in sciatica, I IPhyt, BST' neuralgia. Thighs, skin: marbled, HCaust. Thighs, smarting: Curar.; caused by leucor- rhcea, I ISub; better 6cratching,Alum.; in skin, after walking, ILye Thighs, soreness (excoriation, intertrigo, raw- ness) : I Amyb, 11 Arum t., ICale p.; anterior, worse sitting awhile, Bapt.; between, lAmb., ICale, HCaust, IIGraph.; between, since birth, so that he never yet has attempted to walk, although four years, old, scrofulous (rachitis), ILye.; between, in children, Amm. e; between, during menses, Alb sat.,IGraph., IKali c, INatr. s, ISars., ISub; between, covered with pimples, vesicles, and ulcers, IGraph.; between, from walking, lyEthus.; between, when walking, HSub; between, with watery secretion, Goss.; burning, from acrid menstrual discharge, I Amm. c; chronic, with photophobia (strabismus). ICale; interior muscles, on descending stairs, Ars. 8. r.; feeling, of femoral vessels to middle of thigh, IHam.; between thighs and genitals, IIMerc. sob; in hamstrings, IINatr. p.; chiefly in outer hamstrings (sciatic rheum- atism), I I Ruta; humid, in folds, between scrotum and thighs, IIHep.; inflamed sur- face, red, sore, excoriated, after riding, HSubac; on inner surface (stomatitis), I ISub; severe, extensive, but superficial moist excoriations of inner, I IZinc; intertrigo,1 forming flat, lardlike ulcers, with inflamed edges, ILye; on inner surface of left, with some biting itching, extending to genitals, ILye; worse in left, sore as a boil to touch, pains better during sweat, IGels.; from cor- rosive leucorrhoea, I ISabina ; painful, in right, IHam.; painful, on touching, Aspar.; feeling, as if rubbed sore in skin, after walking,ILyc; sore near scrotum, place moist, HCarbo v. ggg* bruised feeling; also Chap. 19, Peri- neum intertrigo. Thighs, spasm: spasmodically drawn forward, or backward, Spong.; of muscles, contracting, during remission of neuralgia, Tereb. Thighs, spasmodic pain : in anterior, 11 Agar. Thighs, spongy sensation : as if feeling were lost in left, from hip to knee, Berb. Thighs, sprained feeling: in left, worse walk- ing, better standing, Euphor. Thighs, sticking: Sil.; in evening, in bed, Zinc; at one time, at another pinching, IDulc. 8^ pricking, stinging. Thighs, stiffness: Aur. mur.; in left (heart disease), I IPhos.; paralytic, Cham.; cannot be raised, Aur. met.; in recti femoris (tabes dor- salis), HCalab.; in muscles of right down to knee, Coloe; on standing up, Carbo v.; when walking, I IPetrol. Thighs, stinging: in both at same time,Sabad.; in muscles, INatr. e; in middle of posterior to knee (sciatica), llnd.; in anterior, right, above knee, ^Esc. h. B@P" pricking, stick- ing. Thighs, stitches: Arund, Cham, Inul, Spig., Tarax.; down, when walking, Carbo v.; elec- tric, in anterior, I Agar.; in hamstrings, just above calves,on violent motion, on risingfrom a seat, and on touch, Rhus ; at intervals, sitting or walking, Berb.; in inner side, provoke scratching, Staph.; protracted draw- ing, at upper part of left, below groin, par- ticularly walking, Spong.; persistent, tensive, in left, while walking,ceaseon standing, return while sitting, Spig.; in, during motion (hip joint disease), IMere; in muscles, Sabad.; at night, IKalm.; occasional, in middle of left, anteriorly, 11 Dros.; from outside inward, Berb.; painful, when sitting, 11 Ang.; rheu- matic, in outer hamstring, Bapt.; through right, above knee, morning while in bed, Spong.; severe, boring outward, in right, in front, near hip, Spong; in outer, right, just above knee, only when sitting, Belb; fine, sensitive, on skin of inner right, Spong.; on stepping, ICale; tensive, drawing, Mang. Thighs, strained feeling : of muscles, of inside of right, while walking, Ind. Thighs, straining: of tendons and muscles, with swelling and pain, IRhus. Thighs, stretching: in left, Clem. Thighs, sweat: IBor, IIEup. pur., IKali bi.; cold,at night, ISep.; inner surface, dripping, Thuya; only at night, ICarbo a.; offensive, between (walking), Cinnab.; only on thighs, Euphor.; profuse, between (walking), Cin- nab.; weakening, ICarbo a. Thighs, swelling: of femur, HSib; of femur, especially in scrofulous children, IStront; worse above knee, after fracture of tibia, lAnthrac; hard, glandular, in upper left, suppurating, IIMerc. sob; of left (milk leg), IHam.; left, twice its size (chronic phlebitis), 982 33. LOWER LIMBS. 11 Puis.; pain, as if swollen in back part, ILach.; of periosteum, |Aur. met., on pressure (cardiac dropsy), IDig.; in pleurisy, I IKali e; in pyaemia, lArs.; in right femur, from knee to middle, greatly swollen, two and a half inches larger, five inches above knee than sound one, about middle of femur, swelling ceased and formed a marked elevation where it met the unaffected part of bone, pain at night and when touched, IMez.; of vastus externus, ITereb. Thighs, tearing: IIArs, ICinch., IColch, IColoc, Petrol., Sabad, Sib, IZinc; worse in open air, better warmth of bed, I ICaust.; in anterior surface, Benz. ac; bruised pain, IGraph.; crampy (tearing, darting), in outer, into hip, Vab; deeply (sciatica), I Elat.; down, Ant. t.; down, with watery, mucous, bloody stool, IRhus; drawing in right, while sitting, Spig.; in left femur, IKali iod.; in front,sitting, lAmm.m.; in front and exterior surface of right, when standing, much worse sitting down, better lying down (rheumatism), HPhyt.; to knee, Agar.; on bending knee, Ang.; in left, downward, Vace; in lower part of left, 2.30 p.m., Tromb.; in left, to knees, Lyss.; in muscles of left, Rhus; in left, along course of sciatic nerve, extends to calf and toes (sciatica), I ISep.; burning, stinging in left, prevents sleep, I ISib; better during men- ses, IPetrol.; in middle of outer portion, while sitting, better motion, Rhus ; worse on motion (hip joint disease), IMere; worse at night, better at daybreak, I ISyph. improved; on posterior (prostatitis and atony of sexual organs), I ISelen.; in right, Agar, Carbo v., IKali iod.; in right, with periodic exacerba- tions (ischias), IColoe; beginning in upper and posterior portion of right, extending down into foot,with sensation of formication in whole limb, pain worse during rest, drives outof bed early in morning, I IRhod.; in right, above knee, Rhus; in middle of right, I ILye; from middle of anterior right to knee, Lyss.; in anterior muscles of right, ICamph.; in right, awakens at night, worse lying on affected side or back (sciatica), IKali iod.; shooting, Berb.; sitting and lying, especially night, Alum.; between skin andflesh, down to knee, with spasmodic tearing under left ribs, Lyss.; especially in thick portions, violent and'per- sistent, I IZinc; to toes, worse motion, I ISee; transient, in middle of right femur, extending up and down, Bor. Thighs, tension: Bar. m.; on anterior muscles, when stretching, Ang.; in evening, IIPuls.; in left, extends downward from hip joint, Rhus; in left, when stooping, Tarax.; particularly left, while walking, Irid.; must move legs for relief, IMagn. m.; long continued, almost like cramp, downward, Alum.; in morning, Carbo v.; during night, in old ulcers, of lo wer parts of, ILye; painful, in head of left femur, Asar.; painful, in muscles, Ang.; painful, caused by constant pressure in sacrum, IPuls.; painful, during slumber without sleep, in posterior, part of left, most violent between buttock and thigh and extending as far as bend of knee, better in recumbent position, by supporting thigh, cannot sit on posterior part on account of pain, which is worse period- ically (hip joint disease), BMerc ; painful in muscles of trochanters, around, as if sprained after rising, worse walking, Arg. met.; along posterior to knee, Thuya; on posterior, while riding, one leg over the other, Rhus; pulling pain in both, as if muscles and tendons were too short (displacement of womb), IMere; especially in right, as if muscles were too short, with languor when walking, worse from touch, better when sitting, IGuaiac; as if a muscle were too short in upper end, on stepping, with a stitch, Spong.; as if too tightly wrapped, with a feeling of weakness in them, IPlat. Thighs, throbbing : Berb.; hammering, worse on motion, Sec; pulsating, in right, Como., Sib; pulsating, through right, above knee, morning, while in bed, Spong.; pulsation, into small of back, Ruta ; to toes, worse on motion, I ISee Thighs, tickling: Alum.; to genital organs (nymphomania), ILach.; in left, with desire to rub, Spong. Thighs, tired feeling : Murex, I INatr. s.; pain, particularly in anterior portion, as if fatigued, after going up stairs,,worse after sitting down, Lyss.; pains, as from fatigue and weakness, with dread of motion, IGuaiac; as after great exertion, 11 Rheum ; painful, Agar.; particu- larly after stool,ILye; swollen, towards even- ing, lAgnus ; weariness and stiffness in ante- rior muscles, in morning, on beginning to walk, ICale; weariness, like a bruise, Cham.; weariness, internal, as if muscles would break down, Thuya; weariness, in bone of right, while riding, right over left, Verbas.; great weariness, can scarcely go up stairs, better goingdown, IBry.; weariness, with trembling of knees, IPuls. Thighs, trembling: Ind.; when raised, Act. sp.; through right (parenchymatous metritis), 11 Lac c. Thighs, tumor: on upper left, Merc, sob; on left, near trochanter, felt like an indurated gland, waslessmovable(fungushaematodes, I IPhos.; soft, between thigh and vulva, first as large as a pea, then pigeon's egg, watery fluid, sticking pain as if caused by a needle, worse at night, Goss. Thighs, twitching: Carbo v., IIMerc, INatr. m., Phos. ac. Rheum ; of muscles, in coxalgia, I I Kali e; in right femur, as if some one were pulling from below, comes and goes, Lyss.; painless, around right, Arg. met.; in muscles of right, Zing. fiST" jerking. Thighs, ulcerative pain: on inside, Arg. met. Thighs, ulcers: Thuya; decubitus on trochanter (typhoid), IZinc; offensive, rapidly decom- posing, in dropsical patient, I IMere sob; on outer side, INatr. s.; on right, closed lately, leaving a small opening, oozing a clear fluid (periostitis), IMez.; old sore, begins to smell like rotten eggs, ICale; syphilitic, larger than a crown piece, dirty, fetid, sloughing with jagged, elevated edges, above patella (secon- dary syphilis), I ISyph. Thighs, varicose veins: ICale; first right, then left, IFerr.; in sciatica, I ISep. Thighs, warts: small, pedunculated, with pinheads, like small button mushrooms, Med. Thighs, wavelike motion : in muscles Sarrn.- Thighs, weakness: Arund, I IGlon, I lOlesmd ; 33. LOWER LIMBS. 983 as if beaten, HPlat.; after emission, lAgar.; feel exhausted, 11 Natr. s.; exhaustion, as after great exertion, especially, IGuaiac; causing wavering gait, IMur. ac; of hamstrings, IRuta; during headache, IGlon.; knocking together, during headache, IGlon.; of left, worse, Brach.; in middle, Glon.; paralytic, with acute arthritis, IPhos.; paralytic, in left, when stepping, Cheb; no power or steadi- ness, Ruta; in sixth week of pregnancy, I Ipec; muscles feel relaxed, IMerecor.; in bone of right, while riding, right thigh over left, Ver- bas.; even to trembling in right, when walk- I ing, ICon.; unsteady, walking (vertigo), 11 Calc. ! Bfe^* lameness, paralytic feeling, trem- bling. TOES, aching: in ball of left big, Cann.; in region of root of'nail, right then left big, Calc. p. Toes, blue: in senile gangrene, Sec. Toes, boring: frequent, in big, Sib; in first joint of right big, ILed.; in left great toe joint, must move foot to relieve it, three evenings, 8 to 9, Ind.; in right big, after lying down (gout), INux m. Toes, bruised pain: as from a blow in tip of big, Berb.; in left, Daph. Toes, burning: Arund, lAsaf, Berb, IHep., Tarax.; in ball of big, ICaust., IKali c; joint of big, Phos. ae; in left big, JEsc. h.; in big, worse from pressure of boot, Amm. c; dull aching, in second joint of right big, extend- ing up limb, I Act. raC; in right big, increases to a stitch, afterwards in left, Benz.ae; under, big, walking, Brach.; like chilblains, Chrom. ac.; especially around corns, Lith.; corrosive, in a small spot, Calad.; all day, Ind.; in ery- sipelas, 11 Apis ; cannot put feet down, I Aur. mur.; of frost-bitten, during slight cold, Bor.; as if frost-bitten, HAgar, IINux v.; under nail of left, Lachn.; over nail of right big, IColch.; in sides and tips, with sensitiveness to pressure of shoes or boots, Sars.; in acute synovitis, IFerr. ph.; of tips, IMur.ac; under, Alum. BST" heat. Toes, buzzing sensation: as if frostbitten, especially at metatarso-phalangeal articula- tions, spreads over soles to heels, with pain as if bruised from jumping, I INux in. Toes, callous: horny skin, IGraph. BST'corns. Toes, caries: of left big, discharging watery fluid through fistulous openings, ISil. Toes, chilblains: HAgar, ICarbo a., ICroe, I IOp, HPetrol., I IPhos.; burning, bluish-red swelling, hot to touch, want of sensation, IPuls.; and corns, cannot wear boots, I ISub; feel as if frozen, ICarbo v.; heat and redness during slight cold, Bor.; pain in left big, as though frosted, Cast, eq.; pain, as if frozen, in little, Asar.; red, Cycb; in ball of right big, Ars. h. Toes, chill: begins in, ISub Toes, coldness: lAcon, I ICard. m., Daph.; when touched, Ant. t; in senile gangrene, See; icy, IFerr. Toes, constriction: painful, in big, as if too tightly enveloped, IPlat. Toes, contraction: Guaraea; painful, IFerr.; spasmodic, 11 Kalic; spasmodic, with tearing in limbs, Cham.; spasmodical, in walking or going up stairs, I IHyos. fi^T" cramp, spasms. Toes, convulsions: BST" spasms. Toes,corns: lAcet. ac, • Anac. oe, lAnt.c, I Am., HCinch. bob, Coloe, INatr. m, INux v., I IPhos, Tereb. applied locally; aching, ISub; between second and third of left, I I Psor.; bor- ing, INatr. m.; burning, Bar. c, I Calc, I IMeph, IPetrol, Phos. ac, IRan. b, IRhus, Thuya; burning, alternately right and left, Aph. ch.; each dose he has taken made him feel as if he were getting corns on every toe,Lyss.;inflamed, I Ant. e; jumping, darting, Diose; violent pains in left, Ast. r.; two, on ball of first and second left, sensitive to touch or pressure, smart, burn, and occasional shock, painful when letting leg hang down, also throb, espe- cially painful by flexing toes, better extending them, better wearing a thick-soled boot, knocking toe against anything causes pain arid burning, IIRan.se; with nervous debility, ICurar.; numbness, I IRan.se; painful,Hod., I IMeph, INitr.ac, ISub; painful, as if sore-, Illgn.; sore pains, in lung disease, IGraph.; on right little, violent burning, preventing sleep ,after dinner, Agar.;onright,violent pains, Agar.; sensation as of a corn in left second, Agar.; shooting, IBov.; smarting, IRan. b.; soreness, ICale, ICamph, IFluor. ac, Lith, INux v., IRhus; sticking, Calad.; stinging, Bar. c, INatr. m, Rumex, ISub; stitches, Alum, Calad, INatr. c, INatr. m., IPtel, Sul. ac. Thuya; stitches, during day, Sep.; stitches, jerking up feet, Sib; stitches, while sitting, Ver.; stitches, smarting,Alum.; stitches, with sore feeling, 11 Lye; tearing, Thuya; tender, Med.; increased tenderness in left little, had to remove shoe, Chin, a.; sensitive to touch, IRan. b. Toes, cramps: Bar.m, ICale, Carb.s, ICaust, ICrotal, ICup. ars, ICup. m, IFerr., IHep., ILye, 01. an., Ver. v.; as if about to be cramped, IDios.; in cholera, ISee; draw crooked, ICale; in evening in bed, Ars.; on stretching out feet, ISub; painful, in flexor tendons, alternating with false labor-pains, I IDiosc; to knee, Tabae; during labor, Cup. m.; in left, later in right, Ast r.; painful, must stand still, while walking, worse at night, in plethoric, well nourished old people, INuxv.; painful, in big, Calc. p.; in pregnancy,HCale, ICup. m.; in right big, in afternoon, on lying down, Cinch, bob; pains, when at rest, better by motion, appear every night while in bed and in daytime when lying down, IMere iod. flav. 8§r* contraction, drawing. Toes, crawling: HAgar., lAmm. c, Stram.; in ball of big, ICaust.; burning, Berb. Toes, cutting: sudden, from behind forward, in left great, Sub; when walking, Aur. mur. gg^* lancinating. Toes, darting: ISticta; to hip, IPallad.; to hip, worse at stool, from motion or lifting and at night, INux v. 8€lP lancinating, stitches. Toes, digging: Agar.; in big, 11 Agar. Toes, dislocated feeling: painful, three, of right, Syph. Toes, drawing: I I Agar, Ascl.t, Ast.r,ICamph, ICaulo.; through right big (gout), I Ant. c; cramplike, Vinca; cramplike, to dorsum, lAnae; in joints, as if being pulled out of their sockets, Sib; in underside of left great, I ICheb; in left, which had been cut with axe, Aspar.; painful, in joints of right, during 1.; increas- ing in intensity and frequency, preceded by spells of gaping and Irregular breathing, then muscular contortions of all kinds, fixed look, worse at menses, I ITarant.; of individual mus- cles,Lyss.; jerks of single (intermittent),IChin. s.; constantly recurring vibratory movements, short and tremulous (scarlatina), ILach.; set in with twitching of hands, then general con- vulsed movements of body and limbs, I ISub; twitches, right side, IZinc; ushered in by twitchingof single, IZinc.;twitchingof tendons, Lyss.; in worms, I I Vab fig^Jerking, Starting, Twitching; also Chap. 44, Muscles cramp. Convulsions, neck: throbbing carotids, IIBell, ICinch, IGlon. Convulsions, neuralgic : IMagn. p. Convulsions, at night: ICale, Caust, Cie, I ICina, Cup. m, HHvos, Kalm, Lye, IMere, HOp., ISee, HSil, IStram, Sub; frequently at midnight, Coccul, IZinc. Convulsions, nose : from strong odors, Lvss. Convulsions, oesophagus: gg^° Chap. 13, CEsophagus spasm. 36. NERVES. 1015 Convulsions, with opisthotonos: Absin,Acon, IIAmyg., lArs., HCic, "Cup. m., I IHyper, llgn., llpec, IKali br, Lyss, Med, IINux m., I IPhyt, HStram., IVer. v.; in anthrax, I lAnthrac; with arterial excitement, Ver. v.; congestion of brain and spine, Ver. v.; throw- ing child backward so suddenly as to force child from nurse's lap, ICina; in cerebro- spinal disease, I IVer. v.; frombright.dazzling objects, a lighted candle, a mirror and touch, child rigid as a board, HStram.; in cholera, ICamph.; with cholera infantum, I IMed.; with consciousness, IINux v.; with loss of consciousness, Ver. v.; with loss of con- sciousness, for a moment (tetanus), ILach.; previous to cough, I ILed.; in whooping cough, lArs, llpec; and crying out, ILach.; in den- tition, ICham.; caused by sudden shock in epigastrium (tetanus), HCic; in epilepsy, IStann.; feet and hands cold, Ver. v.; with congestion to head, IStram.; head drawn back, Amyg., I ICie, Hgn.; retraction of head and syncope (spotted fever), IIDig.; during labor, ICup. m.; alternating with convulsive action during labor, IPlat; puerperal, ISee; with rolling laterally, HOp.; from suppressed j scarlatina, ICamph.; shocks on limbs, Ver. v.; tetanus, after a burn, lAmyb Convulsions, pain: renewal at every, Belb; violent, Vespa. Convulsions,paralysis: Arg.nit,Bell,HCaust, Cie, Coccul., ICup. m, IHyos., Lach, Laur, INux m, INux v, IPlumb, IRhus, Sec, IStann., ITabae, I IVib.; paralysis, fol- lowed by an adynamic condition in which she would lie motionless upon back for days, unable to speak, partly on account of trismus and partly on account of aphonia, this condi- tion alternated at times with constriction of chest, 11 Plat; followed by lameness (cattle), jEsc. g.; relaxation after clonic, I Art. v.; of sensation, IZinc; spasm of one side, paralysis of the other, Belb; spasms on paralyzed side, IPhos.; in asphyctic form of urasmia, IHydr. ac. Convulsions, periodic: Bar. m, ICup. m.; every day, llndig.; at same hour, daily, llgn.; daily, in child after scarlatina, I I Lyss.; violent, every five or six days, ILye; at intervals of seven, ten or fourteen days, at 4 a.m. (epi- lepsy), IKali br.; every night, fifteen or twenty days, I ITarant.; eleven attacks in twenty-four hours, llpec; every evening, IGels.; one a fortnight, at times twice a week (epilepsy), IKali br.; frequent attacks of slight (clonic spasms of eyes), 11 Agar.; attacks occur every half hour, and last about fifteen minutes, IMosch.; violent, 3 a.m., return every half hour, I IStram.; at intervals of from half an hour to an hour (traumatictetanus), INux v.; at 8.30 exactly, lasts two hours, preceded by chills, severe involuntary muscular contrac- tion, begins in limbs, extends to whole body (intermittent nervous affection), HTarant.; every three hours, IGlon.; intermittent, dur- ing which there may occur loss of conscious- ness (typhoid), IMosch.; at midnight, every twenty minutes till 4 p.m. next day, IBufo.; every two or three minutes, when left to him- self, Atrop. s.; every five or ten minutes, IINuxv.; every fifteen minutes, lasting one to ten minutes (puerperal), IGels.; every fif- teen, thirty or sixty minutes (rash after confinement), ICup. m.; each month, usually day or two before menses, IKali br.; every three months, IBelb; at full of the moon, Calc, I INatr. m.; at new moon, Caust, Sib; of whole body, toward noon (myelitis), IIAcon.; in quick succession, with entire unconsciousness, I ICEnan.; repeated, IBelb; regularly once a week (epilepsy), llndig. gf&~ epileptic. Convulsions, from poisoning with narcotics : IIBell, Cham, Coff, ICup. m., IHyos., Ign, INuxv, HOp. Convulsions, during pregnancy: IBell, ICie, llpec. Convulsions, puerperal: Aeon, I Act. rac, lAmb., IApis, lArg. nit, Arn, Ars., Art. v, Atrop, IIBell., Benz. ac, Canth, ICarbo v., Caulo, Caust, Cham, IChin. s, Chlorof, ICie, ICoccul, ICoff, Crotal, ICup. m.,IGels, IGlon., IHell, Hydr. ac, IIHyos., llgn, llpec, • Jab., IKali b.,Kalic, Kalip, ILach, ILaur, ILyss.,.I IMagn. p.,IMere,IMerecor, Mosch, INux m., CEnan, IOp, IPlat, Puis, Sec, Stram, IVer., HVer. v., Zinc; after cathartics, I IOp.; clonic, ICup.m.; fits, inter- rupt coma, ILach.; may retain consciousness, IPhos.; continues after delivery, HCic; fol- lowing difficult labor, ICoccul.; with history of epilepsy, I IPlumb.; seem to pass off, with frequent eructations, IKali e; mostly in ex- tremities, 11 Merc, sob; after delivery, with red face, IGlon.; commencing in left side of face, continued longer and were more severe about neck and throat than elsewhere, ILach.; from fright, Art. v.; first occurring after a - fright when a little girl, return after each con- finement, I ISee; after labor, I IMillef, IPlat.; during labor, Chlorof, HCic, Cinnam, Coff, IHyos ,IIKali br,IPlat; inlegs.withcoldfeet, stretching backward of body and screaming, ILach.; following sluggish or irregular labor- pains, IPuls.; during rest, must move and walk up and down room, I ITarant; during labor, clonic, ICup. in.; before labor pains cease, Ziz.; comes out of, with deep sighing, llgn.; from uraemic poisoning, \Tereb.; vio- lent, as head of child is passing through vagi- na, and continuing after expulsion of placenta, I IVer. v.; with writhing and floundering in manifold gyrations, every muscle in play, especially flexors and extensors, I IStram. Convulsions, pulse: full, hard, IGlon. Convulsions, reflex: IGels.; great excitability, sleeplessness, IIKali br.; from attempts to swallow, speaking, a current of air, sight or idea of fluids, sight or sound of running water, coming in contact with another person, a bright light, sight of shining objects or of some strange person, a loud noise, or strong odors, Lyss. Convulsions, restlessness: between attacks, ICup. m. Convulsions, rigidity (stiffness): Cup. m., Lact. ac, IMagn. p, IMere sob, IMosch., IPlat, ITereb.; whole body bent forward, ICup.m.; can scarcely bend, Apoe: of whole body (hydrophobia), IStram.; child in convulsion, I Amyb; and coldness, Op.; with loss of con- sciousness, preceded by headache and vertigo (hysteria), IStram.; in whooping cough, ICina, ICup. m, llpec; with coughing spells, ICina ; on third day of attack of delirium tremens, 1016 36. NERVES. IINuxv.; follows convulsive movements in epilepsy, llnd.; general,in epilepsy, I ITarant; feeling of, here and there, IPlat.; from fret- fulness, child, IPuls.; during labor, Coff; lies stretched out motionless, arms tightly held to sides, Mosch.; with profuse menses, Coff; in bed, in morning, can hardly turn, Calc p.; without ability to move, ISpong.; with palpi- tation, INux m.; after rest, better by gentle motion, IKali ph.; following injury to knee from splinter, body and legs straight, ICie; stretches out with groaning and difficult respiration, Coff.; tetanus, IIHyos, IPhyt, I IVer.; tetanic, in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICalab.; tetanic, of nearly all muscles, with interruptions of a few moments, during which the muscles are relaxed, INux v.; of trunk, I ITarant.; in worm affections, ICie; with worms, ICina. fi^~ opisthotonos, tetanic ; also Catalepsy. Convulsions, scarlatina : g&* Chap. 46, Erup- tion scarlatina. Convulsions, screaming: ICaust.; after, child screams, turns, twists, until another occurs, Cup. m.; before or during, HOp.; before spasms, in scarlatina, IZinc; with cries, Hgn, IMere; cries, as if from sight of hideous ob- jects (dentition), Strain.; spasms, cries out during sleep, IZinc; shrieks, ILach.; shriek- ing, or delirium, Crotal.; loud shrieks, during convulsions, 1 IStram.; shrieks violently in a hoarse voice, HStram.; sudden loud cries, HOp.; ushered in by loud, IZinc. g&g~ epi- leptic shrieking. Convulsions, sensitivness: to touch and noise (infantile convulsions), IMagn. p.; brought on by current of air, bright light, sight of any shining object, slightest touch, even by con- versation in vicinity of patient, Lyss.; renewed by least contact (hydrophobia), IBelb; worse when disturbed, Atrop. s.; exalted state of smell, taste and touch, Lyss.; renewed by bright light, sudden jar, noise or least touch, IINux v.; from slight provocation, ISib; when loudly spoken to or when touched, HStram.; brought on by slightest touch of hand, INux v.; renewed by slightest touch,opening door or loud talking, HCic fiST* ears, light, re- flex. Convulsions, sexual condition: from erethism, IPlat; erotic, frequent, with profuse menses, Tarant.; from excitement or excessive venery, IIKali br.; from exhaustion of spinal cord, caused by excesses, IKali br.; with nympho- mania during seventh month of pregnancy, I IPhos.; during seminal ejaculation, Art v. Convulsions, shocks: separate, Sec; through body, Strain.; violent, affect body, particu- larly chest, llgn.; convulse body, uncon- scious (typhus), ICalad.; electric, ICale p, Ver. v.; electric, on fallingaslep,INatr. m.; as from electricity, Xan.; nerves, as if shaken, ^Cean.; through body, at night, while wak- ing, IMagn. m.; tendency to, with paralysis of extremities and bladder (myelitis), IMere; through body, in prosopalgia, I IStram.; of a few seconds' duration, frequent, IKali e; shake whole body, Bar. m.; on going to sleep, IINitr. ac; when trying to sleep, Iodof; mostly when dropping off to sleep, prevent- ing sleep, lArg. met. fi®* Jerking, Starting, Twitching. Convulsions, sides: on left side, followed by paralysis, llpec; one sided, I 'Dulc Convulsions, sleep: deep, after, IHyos.; on awaking, Lyss-looks afraid and anxious on awaking, IZinc; awake child after being punished and sentto bed, llgn.; during deep, heavy, IHyos.; deep, follows spasm IIJNux v.,HOp.;disturb sleep.lStram.; before drowsi- ness,IGlon.; during sleep,IStram.; exhaustion and sleep after, Art. v.; followed by deep sleep, CEnan.; after loss of sleep, HCoccul.; sopor- ous, after, Belb, Plumb.; paroxysms followed by soporous state, I Art. v.; from night watch- ing, ILach. fi^" stupor. Convulsions, somnambulism: IZinc; alternate with somnambulism, IStram. Convulsions, speechlessness : I IDulc. Convulsions, stomach: acidity, IINatr. p.; in cardialgia,IBism.;ingastro enteritis,I lyEthus.; from indigestion, lllpec, IINux v. Convulsions, stools: chalky, distended abdo- men, boy (croup), ICale; during spasm,Art.v. Convulsions, stupor: IStram.; and delirium, lyEthus.; followed by stupor, I ISub; followed by stupor, lasting twenty-four hours or more, from which patient revives with severe head- ache, ICollin. B@* sleep, unconsciousness. Convulsions, sudden: IBelb, IVer. v. Convulsions, suppuration: caused by or asso- ciated with, of internal parts, I IBufo. Convulsions, sweat: after, IBry.; from checked foot sweat, ISib; cold, on forehead, IVer.; profuse, I IBufo. Convulsions, teeth: flg^- Chap. 10, Teeth grinding. Convulsions, tetanic: 11 Aeon., Amyg, I Amyl, Amm. c, IAnac,IAng, lAnt. t, lArn., lArs, lAtrop., IBell, ICalab.JCamph, Canth, |Cas- tor.,ICaust, IChin. s.,IChlorab, I ICie, ICoccul, Con, Crotal., Cup. m., Curar., IGels., IHydr. ae, Hyos, IIHyper., llgn, llpec, IKali br, ILach, ILaur, ILed, ILye, IMagn. p., IIMillef, IMosch., IINux v., CEnan, HOp., IPhyt, IRhus, See, I IStram, ;Tereb,HThe- rid., Ver.; of arms, ICamph.; violent, after a burn, I Amyb; with cataleptic condition ofup- per part of body, I IFerr.; from violent cerebral irritation, Amm.c; with pain in chest, Art. v.; in cholera,IHydr.ac,ILaur.; followed by coma, Canth.; with full consciousness, followed by exhaustion, See; without loss of conscious- ness, while lying down, after a meal, followed by deep sleep, with emission of semen, Grat; during diarrhoea, IHydr. ae, 11 Tereb.; during dysentery, IHydr. ae; epileptiform (cerebro- spinal meningitis), ICie; bluish-red face, llpec; of muscles of face, I IPhyt.; with malig- nant fever, IIMillef; frequent, Lyss.; after fright, llgn.; after fracture of superior max- illa, opisthotonos,! I Ang.; of hands, ICamph.; hands clenched, CEnan.; in consequence of a slight hurt of palm of hand by a small frag- ment of glass, spasms of muscles of jaws so violent that a breath of air caused by a person passing would induce them, I ICalab.; bending head back, ICup. m.; hysterical headache, INux in.; in hydrocephalus acutus, ICup. ae; hysterical, IGuaraea ; in hysterical women and children, especially when falling asleep, Ign.; idiopathic or traumatic, ICalab in- fantile, IBell, IChloral (b@- newborn); rigidity, with interruptions of a few minutes, 36. NERVES. 1017 during which muscles are relaxed, INux v.; of lower jaw, ICamph.; sudden jerk through whole body, I Ars.; in old lady, with starting and twitching, lllpec; left side, INatr. s.; sudden contraction of larynx, as from fumes of sulphur (asthma), IMosch.; in upper limbs, I lAnthrac; drawing in limbs, before spasms, lArs.; peculiar look, ILach.; after measles, ICham.; in measles, ICamph.; every five or ten minutes for five days (cerebrospinal dis- ease), 11 Ver. v.; in the newborn, HCamph, IHep.; opisthotonos, clonic spasms particu- larly severe, INux v.; during parturition, IChin s.; peripheral, traumatic, parts become cold as ice, ILed.; recurring, back painfully affected, Tabae; remission midnight till noon, ILach.; difficult respiration, I IMillef; respira- tion hurried and labored, worse at night on dropping off to sleep (traumatic), IHydr. ac; wild shrieks alternating with catalepsy, IPlat.; congestive state of spinal cord (myelitis acuta), I ICalab.; after constriction in pit of stomach, I^Ese h.; sudden, IChloral.; from swallowing tobacco, llpec; traumatic, Aeon, I Arn, IChloral., ICie, -Curar, IHell, IHydr. ac, IIHyper., INux v.; with trismus, lAnt t, IBelb, IStram, IVer. v.; with trismus, knees drawn up, Amyg; in typhus, I IChlorof; universal, Canth.; with escape of urine, ICup. m.; after getting wet and catching cold, limbs first affected, then back, latter becoming so stiff she seemed like one suffering from cata- lepsy, at times single twitches occur, accom- panied by outcries, attacks occur during night (towards morning), each lasting longer than previous one, IINux v.; begin in wound, ILed.; writhes, I Ars.; with frequent inclina- tion to vawn, llgn. 8@" injuries, shocks, stiffness; also Chap. 9, Lower jaw trismus. Convulsions, thirst: during spasm, Cie Convulsions, throat: pharyngeal spasm, then desire to swallow (epilepsy), ICale; after try- ing to swallow. IHyos.; difficult swallowing, IStram. fi^T" Chap. 13, CEsophagus, spasm ; also Chap. 25, Glottis spasm. Convulsions, tongue: bites during spasm, I Art. v, I IVal. Convulsions, tonic : Belb, IIBufo., I ICamph., Chlorof, Hydr. ac, IMagn.p, Med, IINux v., IOp, Petrol, IPlat, IPlumb, See; alter- nate with clonic (spotted fever), lAct. rac; alternate with- clonic, followed by general relaxation and trembling, ITabae; as in cata- lepsy (hysteria), IStram.; of one side of body, followed by clonic, Art. v.; in different places (cholera Asiatica), lArs.; when moving limbs intermittent), I Ant. t; neither the curved limbs could be straightened nor straight ones curved, ICie; in meningitis, IVer.; in mye^ litis, HPicae; with contraction of palms and soles, IVer.; predominate, llgn.; with scrofu- lous people, ICale; tendency to, I IVer. v.; throwing patient about bed, body bent back- ward like a bow, ICup. m. Convulsions, touch : B®° sensitiveness. Convulsions, trance: with trancelike state, ICanth.; spasms, HStram.; alternate with, every Summer, I IStram.; spasm, if aroused forcibly from, I INux m. fl@" Catalepsy. Convulsions, traumatic: g®" injuries Convulsions, with unconsciousness : Camph, Euphor., IGlon.; coma, from cerebral exhaus- tion, IZinc; in dentition, ICie; open mouth, during and after labor, IOp.; during preg- nancy, IGels.; followed by sudden oblivion of circumstances, I ICEnan. flST" Chap. 1, Coma, Stupor, Unconscious convulsions. Convulsions, uraemic: ICup. ars., ICup. m., IHydr. ac, IMosch, IPlumb.; in Bright's dis- ease, IICup. ars., IIKali br., ITereb. Convulsions,urination:frequentdesire,Camph,, IZinc; dysuria, ICanth, llpec; suppressed (dentition),Tereb.; involuntary, duringspasm, Art. v., Caust, ICup.m, IHyos, Lach., Natr. m., Nux v, IZinc. Convulsions, urine : copious, albuminuric, IGlon.; pressure in bladder causes spasm, I ITereb.; scanty, Amyg. fi@° albuminuria, Bright's disease, uraemic ; also Chap. 21. Convulsions, after vaccination : ISil. Convulsions, vertigo: before fit, I ITarant.; con- vulsions with, CEnan. Convulsions, vomiting-: of mucus before, Cup. m.; of blood, IHyos.; continued, Cup.m.; during, lAnt. c, IGuaraea; during spasm every three minutes, vomiting of blackish grumous fluid, I IPlumb.; followed by vomit- ing (after scarlet fever), IHep.; preceded by vomiting of mucus, ICup. ac. 8^" Chap. 16, Vomiting convulsions. Convulsions, wandering: with great pain, IHyos. Convulsions, water: rejects every kind of liquid like in hydrophobia, the moment it touches lips spasms return, I IStram.; caused by sight of, ILyss, IStram. Convulsions, from worms: HCina, IIHyos., Illgn, I ISil, IStann, ITereb.; stiffens out straight, HCina; with tape worm, llgn. ggT Chap. 20, Worms, convulsions. FAINTING (syncope) : IIAcon., Alum, :Amb, lAmyl, IIArs., Ars. s. r. Bar. in, ICamph., Carbo v. Castor, ICast. eq., Ced, ICham, Cinnam., HCoccul, ICochb, IColch., Con, HCrotab, IICup. ars, Curar, IIDig., lElaps, HEuphor, IForm, IGlon., IIHep., Illgn., Jalap., IILach, ILac def, ILaur, ILed., ILye, HMosch, INux v, 01. an., Paeonia, IPhos. ae, IIPuls, ITereb, Vespa, HVer, Zinc. Fainting, abdomen: cutting in right side, ILach, gangrene of bowels, I Ars. s. f; tym- panitis, hysterical, Mosch. BgT" colic. Fainting, Addison's disease : ICale Fainting, air : in-open, IMosch, INux v.; in a close room, lAcon, ILach., IIPuls, ITabae gg^- heat. Fainting, anaemia : IMosch.; frequent, HSpig. Fainting, arms : sinking to side, before attack, ILaur. Fainting, brain: in meningitis, IIAnt. t; in spotted fever, 11 Dig. Fainting, breathing : from asthma, lAtrop. s.; stertorous, in apoplexy, IStram.; suffocation, HCact, HMosch. Fainting, chest: fulness and difficult breathing, I ICollin.; fear of, with fulness, Ast. r. Fainting, children: a newborn child, recovers after bath, but constantly wails and sighs, IIMillef. Fainting, chill: during cold stage, Vab Fainting, in cholera : ILaur, ITabae Fainting, coitus : after, IDig. Fainting, cold: when taking, ISil. 1018 36. NERVES. Fainting, coldness : of external parts, Coloe; of limbs, Cheb; of skin, ICamph, Carbo v., ICinch., ILaur, Mosch, ITabae, IVer. Fainting, colic: Asaf, IColoe; sudden, in even- ing, Stram.; enteralgia, • Castor.; during height of paroxysm, Asaf; intestinal, IManc. g£g~ abdomen, labor, pain. Fainting, with consciousness : IGlon. Fainting, constipation : IHydras. Fainting, constitution: delicate people,pallor, closing eyes, ICamph.; worn out by mental labor or addicted to excessive use of spirits, INux v.; in old or intemperate subjects, Cro- tal. Fainting, with convulsions: 11 Mosch.,CEnan, Ver.; after, Ars. s. f, IVer. Fainting, cough: between spells (catarrhal croup), I Ant. t. Fainting, deathlike: Alum, ICup. ars.; feels as if he would die (tumor of eye), ICale; sud- den, lying as if lifeless, IPhos. B®*" cold- ness, -weakness. Fainting, diarrhcea: ICup. ae; during preg- nancy, INux m. Fainting, diphtheria: IBrom. Fainting, disposition to: Ars. h., Asaf, IHyos, Mosch.; with diarrhoea, INux m.; aftereating, I INux v.; in nervous headache, ITereb.; with hysteria, IINux m.; in inflammation of liver, I ISub; before menses, INatr. m.; from pains, even when slight, IHep, INux m.; with rigidity, first in one finger, then in others, extending up arm, Petrol.; after attacks, feels very sick or weak, IINux v.; at trifles, ISep.; in typhus, IChlor.; after vomiting or diarrhoeic stool, IINux v. Fainting, drugs: from abuse of mercury, HCar- bo v. Fainting, ears: sudden deafness after, ISib; ringing, ICinch.; roaring (diabetes), I lUran.n. Fainting, eating: Mosch.; aftereating, INuxv, IPhos. ae; after eating but little, ICaust.; at table, better by eructations (hysteria), IMagn. m. Fainting, epigastrium: burning into throat, again into abdomen, I IPhos.; fulness and cold feeling, Ant. t. Fainting, with eructation: HCarbo v. Fainting evening: at 7.30, ILac def; after go- ing out, ICale; paroxysms, preceded by ver- tigo, IHep. Fainting, after exertion: I Ars, Calc. a, ICaust, Coccul, Hyper.; with hysteria, ITherid.; from straining at stool, turning in bed, retching as if to vomit, IVer.; after slight ex- ertion, Senecio ; from washing clothes, third week after confinement, I ITherid.; with open painful wounds, IHyper. Fainting, eyes: blindness, broughton by walk- ing, IVer. v.; one-sided blindness, after re- covery, ICamph.; burning, Crot t; with convulsive motion, eyes and lids, Ver.; dim- ness of vision when assuming erect position, IVer. v.; pain above, IINux v.; after loss of sight, with coldness, ICale; wide open, star- ing, before attack, ILaur.; vertigo and dim vision before attack, IDig. Fainting, face: agonized expression when re- covering, I INux m.; after faceache,ICoccion.; pale, llpec, IILach., ILobel. i, IStram, ITa- bae; pale, before attack, ILaur., Sib; red, after, IStram. Fainting, falling: I Ars.; backward, ILac def, every day, suddenly, as if dead, pale face almost imperceptible respiration wakes after one to three hours, if disturbed rolls about on floor, becomes enraged, bites, I IStram ; in- clined to left side, Mez.; from scoloing, IMosch.; while standing or walking, Curar.; unconscious, I ICamph.; with vomiting (preg- nancy), IKali e Fainting, fever: before chill, I Ars.; during chill, Strain.; during heat, llgn.; after parox- ysms of relapsed intermittent, especially if she has urging to stool, I Ars.; puerperal, IColoe; during sweat, Agar., Hgn.; in typhoid, lAnthrac, Cham.; in typhus, ICamph., IChlor, Stram. Fainting, frequent: IIArs, IBapt, tCarb. s, IHyos., Merc, cy, IPhos.; caused by intem- perance, IPhos.; until menses appeared, I IMu- rex ; every fifteen minutes, worse on rising, IOp.; in puerperal eclampsia, IPhos.; follow each other in quick succession (viper bite), ICamph.; following each other in rapid suc- cession (metrorrhagia), IMere Fainting, after fright: IIAcon., IGels., llgn, ILach, HOp, IVer. Fainting, gonorrhoea: after injecting nitrate of silver, Tarant. Fainting, head : congestion, I Aur. met. Fainting, with headache: Castor, Hippoz, Stram., IVer.; hysterical, IMosch, INuxm.; occipital, ICrotal.; right-sided headache, 10 a.m., INatr. m.; throbbing, in typhus, IStram. Fainting, heart: in angina pectoris, lArn.; fre- quent, in cardiac dropsy, IDig.; believes she is dying, IDig.; in endocarditis, lArs.; with pain, IILach.; rheumatism and pain, ICact; in valvular disease, ICheb; from weak action, I IKali ph. Fainting, heat: ebullitions, pressing on heart, and palpitation, Petrol.; in summer, or in hot rooms, with nausea, llpec; from heat of sun or room, Ant. c. Fainting, hemorrhage: lllpec; in flabby sub- jects, IITrilb; with metrorrhagia, HCinch, IKreo, IIMerc. viv.; post-partum, ICann. s, ICroe; from rectum, with typhus abdominalis, IINuxv. Fainting, with hunger: Coccul. Fainting, hysterical: Arn, ICham, HCoccul, •Dig, Illgn., Lac. def, IMosch., Natr. m, INux in,INux v,Tereb.; from slightest cause, Sumb. Fainting, in influenza: llpec. Fainting, injuries: after amputating arm, IHy- per.; in concussion of brain, IHyos.; from slight wounds, IVer. Fainting, jaw : dropping of lower, before attack, ILaur.; trismus, Ver. Fainting, kneeling: in church, I ISep. Fainting, labor: during, Cinnam,HSec; caused by pains, I Act. rac, ICoff, IINux v, IPuls. Fainting, lethargy: resembling, Bell. Fainting, leucorrhcea: ICycb Fainting, liver: in jaundice, INux v. Fainting, long-lasting: ILaur.; resembling apoplectic attacks (cholera Asiatica), IHydr. ac.; unconscious,four to five minutes,tCamph.; seeming to her of a half hour's duration, but really only momentary, thoughts vanish, Nux m.; in shock, IHydr. ac. Fainting, lungs: in paralysis, IMosch. 36. NERVES. 1019 Fainting, lying: while yet in bed, HCarbo v.; desire to lie down, IPhos. ac; or when rising, ICale; on side, Sil. Fainting, menses: after menses, ICinch.; after menses, with laborlike pains, ILye; painful aching in hypogastrium, ceasing when menses appear (uterine disease), IMurex; before menses, IINux m.; during menses, easily, especially in warm room, INux v.; during, in nervous women, IILach.; in dysmenorrhoea, ICoccul, IINux v, ISars, HSep.; profuse, congestive menorrhagia, llpec Fainting, mental condition: bewilderment (tumor of eye), ICale; sudden, on going from one room to another full of company, with screams, fright without cause, spasms in muscles of face, HPlumb.; preceded by an- guish or despondency, Ver.; after emotions, I Aeon, Amm. c, Camph., ICaust, ICham, llgn, ILach, IOp., IPhos. ae,IVer.; from sud- den emotions, HCoff; fear of, Ast. r.; with gloom and sadness, ILach.; attacks like faint- ing, after thinking or writing, ICale Fainting, in morning: INux v, Stram.; in diphtheria, IKali m.; on getting up, llBry.; tendency to, IINux v. Fainting, motion: caused by extending arms high above head, ILac def.; on moving body (palpitation), IHyos.; when making an effort (gastric sick headache), ILobel. b; on trying to get up from lying, I IVib.; after moving head, Agar.; when raising head from pillow (metrorrhagia), lApoe; from least, IIArs, IVer.; on being raised from recumbent posi- tion (hysteria), 11 Sep.; on attempting to rise, Var. or Vace; on attemping to rise, has to sit down instantly, Tromb.; after rising, HCarbo v.; on rising, IIBry.; almost fainting, on ris- ing (diphtheria), ILach.; sitting up (diar- rhoea), IIBry.; from turning (cyanosis), IDig.; on assuming an upright position, Crotal.; on walking, after injury to head and face, IHam.; from walking, coughing or speaking (haemate- mesis), lArs. Fainting, mouth : dry, Stram.; spits much after, tAnt. t. Fainting, with nausea: HCoccul., IILach, IINux v.; before attack, I IVer.; after stool, Crot. t; and vomiting (hysteria), ISticta ; with vomituritio, I I Agar. Fainting, at night: IMosch. Fainting, nose: after smelling aromatics, Agar.; bleeding, lAcon, Cann. s., Crotal, llpec, ILach.; bleeding before, ICarbo v.; caused by odor of fresh eggs, or cooking, IColch.; from odor of flowers, gas, ethereal oils, turpentine, etc, HPhos.; from strong odors, IINux v.; after smelling perfume or vinegar, Agar. Fainting, numbness: with tingling (cardiac hypertrophy), IIAcon. Fainting, pain: in gastralgia, I Ars.; in head, I ISub; caused by pain in muscles of right shoulder, extending to elbow, 11 Phos.; from slight, IHep, INux m., IVal.; from slightest, in evening, IIHep.; after pain in spermatic cords, Cale ars.; pain in stomach, I IRan. sc; from violent pain, I Aeon, ICham. 8®* colic. Fainting, palpitation: IIAcon, IILach., IINux m., Petrol, IVer.; in hysteria, lAmm. c; violent, visible, IVer. Fainting, during pregnancy : IBell, INux m. INux v.; from slightest motion of child (cyanosis), ILach. Fainting, pulse : imperceptible, ICinch, ICro- tal.; slow, irregular, IIDig. Fainting, in rheumatism : I Ars. Fainting, riding: in a carriage, ISep. Fainting, scarlatina: IIRhus. Fainting, from shock: lAtrop. s. Fainting, sitting up: Am.; and in motion (pneumonia), IRan. b. fl®* motion. Fainting, sleep: after sleep, HCarbo v.; fol- lowed by sleep, with palpitation, INux m. Fainting, standing: while urinating, Aeon. Fainting, stomach: bilious attacks, ILach.; cardialgia, IBism.; nervous dyspepsia, IHydr. ae; sensation of something rising to head (tumor of eye), ICale; sweetish rising in throat, followed by sleep, BMere fiST" epi- gastrium. Fainting, stool: before stool, I Ars, Dig.; during stool, Aloe, 11 Oxal. ac, ISul.; after stool, ICale, ICoccul., Hydras, IPhos, ITereb.; after stool, in chronic constipation, ILye; with difficult, Sars.; with difficult and painful, ISars.; with liquid green, early in morning, I IPod. Fainting, sudden: in hysteria, I ISep. Fainting, sweat: after fainting, IApis; cold, ICinch.; cold, on forehead, Caps, ITabae; icy cold, ICamph., Carbo v., Therid., IVer.; with large drops on face, ICale; on forehead, Ant. t; from suppressed foot sweat, ISil. Fainting, throat: dry, IStram. Fainting, tobacco: llpec; caused by smoke (gastric sick headache), ILobel. h; after smok- ing much, ICaust. Fainting, urination: after urination, Med.; while standing, Aeon. Fainting, uterus: affections of, I Act. rac; pressure, ICoccul. ggj&~ hysteria. Fainting, with vertigo: lAcet. ac, lAcon, 11 Alet, Canth, ICham., ICinch, Croc, Cro- tal, IILach, Mosch, IINatr. m, CEnan, IPhos, I ISabad.; in morning when standing, better sitting (vertigo), IIKali n.; whenever he attempts to rise from bed, with sudden re- turn of animation on lying down, HOp.; sud- den, IVer. Fainting, in veta: ICoca. Fainting, with vomiting: lllpec, IPhyt, IITabac, HVer.; before and after (hsemate- mesis), IIArs.; before attacks of bloody vomit- ing, llpec; caused by, in gastric derange- ment, IRob.; of mucus, Elaps. Fainting, waist: caused by pressure, ILac def. Fainting, weakness: IFerr, ISang, ^Zing.; after loss of blood or other animal fluids, ICarbo v., ICinch, HPhos. ae, IVer.; every day (mucous irritation et morbus medicinalis), IHydras.; in diarrhcea. I IVer.; nervous,I ICo- ca, IFerr.; sudden, Ran. b.; as from weak- ness, better by sweat, HOleand.; alternating with unsteadiness, Ant. t. figr* deathlike. Fainting, wet: after getting, ISep. FAINTNESS: lAcon, JEsc. h., Amyg, Ant. chl. Ante, 11 Arn, I IApis, lArs, Ars. h, Asaf, Asar, Bell, Berb, ICaust, ICham, IIChel,IColoc,ICrotab,ICrot.t,ICycb,HDig, IDiosc, Eucab, Eup. pur., Euphor, Iodof, lllpec, llris, IIKali ph, ILach, ILil. tig., Lye vir, IMere cor., INux m, IPetrol., IPhyt, I IPtel., Sal. ac, ISars, Sep, Stann, 1020 36. NERVES. IISul, Sum, Uran. n, HVer, Vespa, Zinc. Faintness, abdomen: as if something living were jumping about, ICroe; movement in stomach and abdomen, Calend. Faintness, air: in open, IMosch.; worse in open, with drowsiness, nausea, pale complexion, exhaustion, and diarrhoea, ICrot. t.; when walking in open, Seneg.; from want of, and heat of room, with high fever, I IPuls. Faintness, back: followed by great heat down spine, and between shoulders, Med. Faintness, bath: on going into, I ISul. Faintness, brain : in cerebrospinal meningitis, IGlon. Faintness, breathing: momentary, with dysp- noea, Med.; when losing her breath, ISpong.; sighing, slow, IPhyt. Faintness, with carbuncle : lArs. Faintness, chest: from tight clothes over chest or throat (affection of fauces and larynx), IKali bb; caused by sharp pain through middle of upper right to lower part of shoul- der, could scarcely move, I IMenyanth. Faintness, chill: with chill, ICale; shivering, stitches as if extending through whole brain until going to sleep, 11 Puis. Faintness, with chilliness: Zing. Faintness, colic: IManc; in children, INux m.; flatulent, IHydras.; from cutting pains in hypogastrium, ICollin. Faintness, with convulsions: in prolapsus and hemorrhage, llpec Faintness, with cough: IPhos. Faintness, deathly: Carbobae, ITabae; pro- duced by pressure in epigastrium, IMere sob; after profuse micturition, Cepa. Faintness, diarrhcea : mucous, I IPuls. Faintness, in diphtheria: ICanth.,ISul. Faintness, disease: as if some severe disease were going to attack him, lArg. nit. Faintness, ears: deafness on moving quickly, Ver. v.; after hearing others talk, Agar. Faintness, eating: after eating, Bar. c, Diose, Kali e; soon after dinner, INux v.; after din- ner, in phthisis, IKali c; better by eructa- tions, during dinner, IMagn. m.; especially at dinner, Asaf; after meals (stomacace), I Kali bi. Faintness, epigastrium : aching (hemorrhoids), IISul. Faintness, evening: towards, liEse g. Faintness, exertion : from least, ICoccul,ISep.;- on rising (typhus), IBapt.; after work (mental disorder), ILach. Faintness, eyes: darkening follows pressing in cardiac region, and hard heartbeats (mental derangement), I IManc. Faintness, face: flushed and feverish, I IPtel. Faintness, fever1: after fever, Sal. ae; in inter- mittent, IPhos.; puerperal, suddenly face ashy white, believed she was dying, so weak, 11 Act. rac. Faintness, hands: cold, stool without relief, Calc. a. Faintness, head: rush of blood (American sick headache), 11 Sang.; heat andanxiety, 11 Spong ; light, hollow (malarial intermittents), Polyp. Faintness, with headache : ICale, Carbo v., IGels,Sib; after faintness, IMosch.; sick, I ISub Faintness, heart: in angina pectoris, IHep., ISpong.; praecordial anguish,l I Amyl,Tabae; as if heart stopped beating, I ICie; cardiac de- pression, Lye vir.; hypertrophy, I} Spig.; pam, ICact.; suffocation about, IMere iod. flav. 8gjr palpitation. ",■»*- ■ j Faintness, heat: worse at church, Merc. iod. flav.; from heat, then coldness, HSep.; in a crowd, or where many gaslights are burning (agoraphobia), INux v.; flushes pass off in sweat (cancer of uterus), IISul ; with hot flushes, HSub; on entering the house after walking, Iber.; in a close, warm room, and when standing, cold sweat on hands and feet (prolapsus), ILil. tig. Faintness, hemorrhage: post-partum, ICann. s, lllpec; from rectum, Hgn.; uterine, I Apis. Faintness, hunger: strong craving for food at 11 a.m., ISul. Faintness, influenza: ICheb Faintness, injuries: in shock,ICamph,ICham, Dig. Faintness, kidneys: caused by sensation of three bubbles in right renal region, moving like bubbling in water (abscess of liver), 11 Med.; burning, pale urine, Bufo. Faintness, lungs: spasms, IMosch. Faintness, when lying down: Calad.; when going to bed, Berb.; in hemorrhoids, HSub; desire to lie down, with nausea, Alum.; gent- ly, Ver. v. Faintness, in measles: IChlor. Faintness, menses: before,ILye, ISep, Thuya ; during, Berb, ICale, Glon, INuxv, I ISep, Uran. n.; during, with gastric ulcer, I Arg. nit.; clotted, bright, Med.; in menorrhagia, IApis ; at time for return (climaxis), I ICalab. Faintness, mental condition: anxiousness, IPlumb.; depression, anxiety and lowness of spirits, ICrotal.; on slightest excitement, dur- ing pregnancy, I INuxm.; after mental exer- cise, Calad.; from fright, I Aeon.; exertion of memory or intellect (irritation of cerebospinal nerves), I IParis; when reflecting, Calad.; worse by thinking, Coff.; brought on by thought of having taken drug, Asaf; after writing, Calad. Faintness, in morning: IIPuls.; in brain af- fections of children, HSub; before breakfast, ICale; in gastric catarrh, IMez.; early in morn- ing,HArs, Med.; early in bed,ICon.; on getting up (chronic ovaritis),Hod.; when rising earlier than usual, IKreo.; at 10 am, in phthisis, IKali e; at 11 a.m., ILach, HSub Faintness, motion: from going down stairs, Stann.; after every (asthma), HSpong.; with spasmodic distortion of face, ICoccul.; dur- ing fever, lEup. pert; on raising head from pillow, llpec; from least, INitr. ae; in pneumonia, IRan. b.; can scarcely rise in morning, HCoccul.; on rising, Calad., ILach, Ver. v.; on rising from bed, better lying down, ICina; on rising, which causes vertigo, Hod.; worse after rising from seat or bed, on setting or lying, after exercise, Hod.; on attempting to sit up, IIAcon.; on attempt- ing to sit up during menses, IVib.; worse by sitting up in bed, IIBry., Dios., HPhyt; from slightest, I IBry.; from going up stairs, I Anac; when stepping upon floor in morning, ILac def; after a short walk, ICon.; when walking, Dory. Faintness, nausea: Alum, Ang,Calad, IGlon., lllpec IKali c, Lobel. h, Plant, ITabae, Vab, IVer, Vespa ; follows nausea (epileptic 36. NERVES. 1021 attacks), I Kali bi; when liftinghead,HCoccul.; flushes of heat, going off when lying down, INux v.; in menorrhagia, ICoccus ; ih par- oxysms and inability to lie down, IRaph.; and occasional vomiting (mental diseases), lAct. rac. Faintness, nerves : with feeling of motion in nerves, Calab. Faintness, at night: Bar. e, INux v. Faintness, at noon : every little while, must lie down, I IVib Faintness, nose : from smell of cooking, HColch., llpec. Faintness, from pain : IGels., IVer.; in bowels, during diarrhoeic stool, ICoccul.; in sole of left foot, Merc. iod. flav.; in region of hypo- gastrium, ICollin.; left lumbar and hypogas- tric regions, Vib., in vagina, Calc p. Faintness, with palpitation: ICoccul, IHy- dras., lllod, IKalm., INuxm. 8®" heart. Faintness, periodic : I ICollin. Faintness, during pregnancy : Ars. 8^*Faint- ing, pregnancy. Faintness, in scarlatina : IChlor. Faintness, sexual condition: after seminal emissions, Asaf. Faintness, sinking feeling: HSep, IISul. Faintness, sitting : in hemorrhoids, I ISul. Faintness, sleep: sudden, by loss of, Syph. Faintness, in smallpox : IChlor. , Faintness, when standing: HPhyt, ISub; in prolapsus, ILil. tig.; must sit down, IIAlum. Faintness, stomach: Diose, HSub; acidity, Elaps; affection IKali bi.; as in bilious pa- tients, Ptel.; with burning, later sharp and intermittent, better bending forward sitting, Sinap.; coldness and weakness after, IMagn. m.; dyspepsia, IIArg. nit; sensation of emptiness,Sang.; with emptiness,Bufo.;gastric derangement, IDory, INatr. s.; with pain, IDiosc; after pain, Cupr. s.; with pain, 11 Alum.; pain, as from hunger, I I Puis. Faintness, stool: after stool, Aloe, Apis, I Ars, ICon, Dig, IPod, IPolyp, Sarrae, I ISub, IVer.; with sensation of emptiness in abdo- men, after, HPod.; sensation of constriction in rectum,after, IMere, before stool, I ISub; during, Bor, Colch, Plant, IPuls., IVer.; caused by pain in bowels during, ICoccul. Faintness,sweat: after sweat,Sabac; after sweat, with headache, Arn.; cold, IBry.; sudden at- tacks of extreme, with cold sweat (diarrhoea), Tabae; frequent sudden attacks with profuse cold, all over (cancerous ulcers on left side of throat, inside), IHydras.; profuse, ILobel. b; sudden, with profuse sweat, can neither speak nor stir, ISep. Faintness, testicles: neuralgic pains, ILaur. Faintness, from tobacco: llgn, llpec. Faintness, transient: IMur. ac. Faintness, trembling : of limbs and internally, evenings (typhoid), ILach. Faintness, uterus: as if internal genitals were being pushed out, IMurex. Faintness, with vertigo: Ailant, IIAlum, IBry, I ICalab, ICoccul, Crotal., IGlon., Jugb, Magn. e, IMere iod. flav., IINatr. m, IZinc; dizzy feeling all over body, Eup. pur.; on moving about, Seien. Faintness, vomiting: white froth after, Ver.; before, Crotal.; dark thin blood, llpec. Faintness, weakness: lArs, ILach, IVer.; and congestion to chest, from least movement or exertion, ISpong.; with strong craving for food from 11 to 12 every morning, IISul. HYSTERIA: lAbrot, lAcet. ac, lAcon, 11 Act. rac, HAgar, IIAgnus, lAloe, lAmb., I Amm. e, I Anac. or, IApis, I Arg. nit, I Ars, ■ Art. v, Arund, IIAsaf, I Asar, |Ascb s, i Ascl. t, 'I I Ast. r, IlAur. met, IBar. c, IBell, IBenz. ac, Brom., ICact, ICale, ICamph., Cann. s, ICanth, ICast, ICaulo., HCaust, ICed, ICham, Chim. umb, 11 Chlorof, Chlor, ICie,ICinnam, ICoca, ICoccul, ICoff, ICoff. c, ICon., Coral, Croc, Crotal, ICypr, IFerr., IIGels., IGraph, IHydr. ac, IHyos, llctod, Illgn., Iod, IKali c, IKali ph, IILach., HLact. ac, ILil. tig, ILye, IIMagn. m, IMere, IMillef, HMosch.,INatr. c, INatr.m, IINitr. ac, IINux m., INux v, 01. caje, UPallad, IPhos., HPlat, HPlumb, Polyg, IIPuls., Raph, IRhus, Sabina, Sang., ISee, ISenecio, HSep, HSil, Stann, Staph, ISticta, ISul, I ISumb, HTarant, I ITherid, 11 Ustil., HVal, HVer, IViob, Zinc. Hysteria, abdomen: with abdominal symp- toms, Bov, IGraph. Hysteria, back: spinal irritation, ITherid. Hysteria, blood: poisoning by uric acid, I Aloe. Hysteria, breathing: jggp- Chap. 26, Asthma hysteric. Hysteria, catalepsy: figr Catalepsy. Hysteria, changing: symptoms, IIPuls. Hysteria, chronic: IINux m, IIThuya. Hysteria, at climacteric period: ILach, ITherid.; in a woman of dark hair, eyes and complexion, I IPhos. ac. Hysteria, constitution: plethoric subjects, I Aeon, IGels.; young women with irritable fibre, extreme delicacy and sponginess of organic tissue, IPhos. ac Hysteria, convulsions: apoplectiform,Crotal, INux v.; epileptiform, IHydr. ac; if any means are used to extend contracted arms, or open clenched teeth, she exerts great force to prevent it, IHydr. ae; excessive hyperaesthe- sia, ITarant.; in mental derangement,IBrach.; simulating tetanic, HMosch.; throws herself forcibly upon pillow, or flings herself from one side of bed to the other, IHydr. ac. BigF" Convulsions, hysteric, mental condi- dition, sexual condition. Hysteria, cough : loud barking, Ver. Hysteria, exertion: brought on by exercise in open air, particularly if she amused herself at same time, I IRhus. Hysteria, exhaustion : caused by dissipation, hard work with close confinement, I ISib; loss of blood, ISticta; after loss of fluids, ICinch., ICinnam.; with weakness, • Ammoniac. Hysteria, eructation: bitter, repeated yawn- ing, better lying down and by music, Tarant. ggk~ Chap. 16, Eructation hysteria. Hysteria, eyes: spasms of lids, Plat. Hysteria, fainting : tendency, from slightest cause, ISumb. Hysteria, fever: after intermittent, ITarant; after intermittent or typhus abdominalis, IINux in. Hysteria, globus hystericus: flgp- Chap. 13, Throat globus hystericus. Hysteria, headache : frightful, Stann.; attack passes off after one to five minutes, followed by headache, spasmodic constriction of chest 1022 36. NERVES. and general sweat, IKali c; migraine,ISticta; sick headache, I ISub; from uterine disease, IPlat. g®° Chap. 3, Headache hysteria. Hysteria, heart: symptoms, INux m., Sumb.; strange sensation, ISticta. fi®" palpitation. Hysteria, hemorrhage: caused by metrorrha- gia, worse at night in bed, IMagn. m. Hysteria, injuries: after operation on eye,IAsar. Hysteria, inner parts : IINux m. Hysteria, labor : during, IChloral. Hysteria, larynx: aphonia, from mental excite- ment, IStram.; attack of spasmus glottidis every five minutes, with a whistling tone, HTarant Hysteria, with leucorrhcea: IIPuls. Hysteria, lying down ; must lie down, ISticta, ITherid. Hysteria, limbs: with cold hands and feet (prolapsus uteri), lAur. met. Hysteria, menses: in amenorrhcea, I IXan.; profuse, INux v.; scanty or suppressed, IINux m. Hysteria, mental condition: busy packing and folding bedclothes, and placing them un- der head or elsewhere, guarding them with watchful eyes, strikes with full strength if any attempt is made to take them away, IHydr. ac.; quickly changing mood, sleepiness, and disposition to faint, IINux m.; distressed and unhappy, as if from loss of breath, wakes from sleep, ILach.; excitability, Gels.; covers face with handkerchief, IHyos.; after fright, Sa- bad, IStram.; after being frightened by a practical joke (shock), IHyper.; from grief, IGels., llgn.; comes out of spasms, feels very happy,everything seems beautiful to her,ISub; must exert great force to prevent her from in- juring herself, IHydr. ac; sick, after being insulted and subduing his wrath, HStaph.; maniacal lasciviousness, Agnus ; wild laugh- ter, ICale; mild, gentle, yielding, though whimsical and introverted, llgn.; hysterical mood, even in men, I ISumb.; notices no one unless they interfere with her plans, seizes a pillow or anything within reach and throws it forcibly at intruder, IHydr. ae; after over- taxed mental powers, INux m.; sadness, HCoccul.; sudden, with screams, IStram.; smiles involuntarily when speaking.Aur.met; preceded by weeping and laughing alter- nately, IStram. figT" Chap. 1, Laughing, Weeping, etc. Hysteria, moon : worse during increase, I ISil. Hysteria, motion : could not move any part of body, "Tereb. Hysteria, nausea: every fresh development brings on a sensation of continual nausea, llpec; and vomiting, with fainting, ISticta. Hysteria, night: hysteric, at night, ISenecio. Hysteria, with palpitation : lArt. v, ICed, IGels, IMosch., INatr. m. gs§f heart. Hysteria, periodic : with premonitory symp- toms, IStram.; attacks come on several times during night, or in day, IKali e Hysteria, during pregnancy: jgg^" Chap. 24, Pregnancy hysteria. Hysteria, at puberty: ILach., ITherid. Hysteria, sensitiveness: worse from light and noise, ISticta ; preceded by, IStram.; intoler- ance of touch and pressure, 11 Tarant. Hysteria, sexual condition: with derange- ment of functions, IINux m.; from excessive irritation, lOrig.; suppression, or too free in- dulgence,^ spirited, anxiety, sadness, II Oon. Hysteria, sleep: sleeplessness, IKali br, Mosch. Hysteria, stomach: mucous irritation et mor- bus me'dicinalis, IHydras. Hysteria, throat. fi^° Chap. 13, Throat glo- bus hystericus. Hysteria, trembling: cannot work, move or sleep (nervous affection), ILach. Hysteria, urination: strangury, ICanth, IINux m. Hysteria, urine: large quantities, colorless, ISub; copious, IGels.; profuse, watery, color- less, IPuls. Hysteria, uterus ; irritability and spasm of cer- vix, Chlorof; irritation, ITarant.; prolapsus, "lAlum. Hysteria, with vertigo : ICinch, Hod. Hysteria, vomiting: fi@" Chap. 16, Vomiting, hysteria. LASSITUDE (fatigue, loss of energy, indo- lence, languor, tiredness, weariness) : Abies, I I Alet, Aloe, Ammoniac, Amm. c, I lAmm. m.,11 Amyl, Anac, Ang., Ant. c.,1 IApis, Arg. met, Arg. nit., I Arn, I Ars., Ars. h., Ars. i, Ars. m. Arum d. Arum m, Arumt, Asaf, Asar., Ascl. t, lAspar., Astac, 11 Ast. r., Atrop. s, Aur. met, IIBapt, IIBar. c, IIBenz. ac, Berb, Bism., Bor, Brach., IIBry., ICale, Calc. a, HCale p., Cale s, Calend, ICamph, ICarbo v, HCarbob ac, ICard. m, ICasc, Ced, IChel, Chen, v. Chin, a., IChin. s., Chloral., Chlorof, Chrom. ac, Cinnab, Cist, ICoca, Coccus, ICoff, IColoc, Crot. t, ICup. ars, Cupr. s, Daph., I IDiad, Diose, IDig, IDulc, Eryng,Eup. pur,Euphor., I IFluor. ac, IForm., IGels, IGamb, IGraph, Grat, I IGuarana, IHam., IHeb, Hippoz, IHydro- cot, llgn, IKali bb, IIKali br, IKali e, IKali in., IIKali ph., IILach., ILac def, Lact. ac, ILaur, ILept, IILyc, Lyss., Mane, IIMed, IIMerc, Merc. iod. flav, Myr. cer, Natr. a, INatr. e, IINatr. m, INatr. s, INuph, INuxm, IINuxv, 01. an., Pallad., IPetrol, IPhelb, IPhos., HPhos. ac, I IPic. ac, IPlat, IPlumb, I IPolyp, IPsor, I IPtel., IPuls., Ran. b., I IRaph, I IRatan., IRhus v., Sabina, Sarrae, ISenecio, Seneg, ISep, Spong, Staph., IStram, IISul, ISub ac, ITabae, Tarant, Tell., IITereb, I ITubere, Uran. n.,1 lUstil, Vace, I IVer., I IZinc, Zing. Lassitude, abdomen: pains, especially in liver, during apyrexia,IPolyp.; in tabes mesenterica, I ITubere Lassitude, aching : as from lying long in one position, IFerr. Lassitude, in Addison's disease : ICale Lassitude, in afternoon : incipient typhoid, IGels.; 2 p.m. till evening, Calc. 8.; 4 p.m., I ICard. m. Lassitude, air: worse in open (ecthyma), I IPe- trol. Lassitude,in albuminuria: IHelon.,IMerecor. Lassitude, in anaemia : ICycl, IFerr.; in anae- mia, as if from great losses of blood; Therid.; in chlorosis, ICycb; desire to lie down, I Ferr.; painful, in chlorosis secundaria metastatica, I ISabina. Lassitude, arms: noticed first in hands (pos- terior spinal sclerosis), I IPic. ac. Lassitude, in back: aching, also in large joints and bones of legs, IPolyp.; dull 36. NERVES. 1023 pain in small of, Cornus ; lameness and weak- ness in small of, Con.; myelitis, pains like those brought on by cold, IDulc; pain, with ill humor, IRan. b.; in tabes dorsalis, HCalab. Lassitude, bladder: in cysto-blennorrhoea, 11 Uva ursi. Lassitude, brain: incipient hydrocephalus, IApis ; with softening of brain, I IPhos. Lassitude, breathing: in asthma, lArg. nit. Lassitude, in bronchitis : chronic, I Inul. Lassitude, in cancer: ICarbo a. Lassitude, in catarrh: Con.; after pneumonia, I IPuls.; bronchial and vesical, ICop. Lassitude, with chill: llpec Lassitude, with chilliness: Act. rac, Cornus. Lassitude, in cholera: IChin. s.; infantum,!Arn. Lassitude, clothes: seem a burden, body too heavy, as if he had carried a load, Euphor. Lassitude, coldness: sensation, or real, Spig. Lassitude, with colic: in children, INux m.; lead colic, I IOp.; after a cold, IDiad. Lassitude, in consumption: ICale, IIMed, I IPhos. Lassitude, with convulsions: after attack, ICEnan.; after attack, in epilepsy,ICaust,IIgn. Lassitude, coryza: thick, yellowish, IKali e Lassitude, cough: chronic, ILye; dry, two short hacks, Sul. ae; whooping cough, ICepa. Lassitude, during day : Amm. m, I I Calc,Calc. fl, IFerr., IKali bi, ISenecio; of body and mind, Ascl. t; with colic, after a cold, IDiad.; in epilepsy, I IOp.; with inclination to stretch, ICimex ; in secondary syphilis, IFluor. ac. Lassitude, with delirium: ICrotal. Lassitude, in diabetes: INatr. s., See, Sul. ac. Lassitude, in diarrhoea: IIAnt. t, IApis, Calc. p.JCasc,IGamb,IKalm.;child wants nothing, cares for nothing, IPhos. ac; chronic, after attack, INatr. s. Lassitude, in diphtheria: ILacc, IKali iod, IKreo. Lassitude, drinking :after, in intermittent,IArs. Lassitude, in dysentery : IColch. Lassitude, in dropsy : IApis. Lassitude, eating; after, Ant. e, I ICard. m. Cinch, ILach, iNatr. m, INuxm, IRhus; after, in dyspepsia, ILach.; after, in evening, Alum.; after, in tabes mesenterica, I IPetrol.; worse before eating, better riding in open air,- Cinnab.; after breakfast, Brom.; caused by eat- ing, ICarbo a.; after dinner, Asar.; during and after, Bov.; almost to fainting after a little, Sang.; must lie down if he does not eat fre- quently, ISul.; after a meal, Act. sp. Bar. c, ICale p., Lyss.; worse before, Cinnab. Lassitude, emaciation : IFerr. Lassitude, epilepsy : IKali br. Lassitude, eruption: in psoriasis, 11 Sep.; in purpura, must stay in bed, I ILed.; purpura, with bluish-red, lentil-shaped spots over body, 11 Rhus ; tinea favosa, Hydrocot. Lassitude, in evening: llgn, IMyrtus, Pallad., ISub; in open air, Carbo v.; as from -great physical exertion, with sleepiness and feeling as If eyelids were swollen, better by literary occupation, ICroe Lassitude, exertion : on exercising in open air, with drawing in back and lumbar muscles, Tereb.; by moving arms (anaemia), I ISub; as- cending heights, ICoca; especially after as- cending steps, IStann.; causes asthma, Ars.; averse to, lArs, lAspar., IHep, IHydr. ac, I ILac def, HPhos, Squilla, IStaph.; aversion (spasmodic stricture of oesophagus), IIBapt; desire to avoid all muscular, every day, 4 to 5 p.m., IGels.; disappears on walking, ISub; easily fatigued, IHyos, I INatr. m.; in melan- cholia, easily fatigued (headache from danc- ing), I Arg. nit.; easily fatigued, better by moving, IFerr.; easily fatigued, especially in hot weather, ISelen.; from overfatigue, deli- rium, ILach.; overfatigue, brings on attacks of white frothy diarrhcea in damp weather, IHep.; overfatigue, after long illness or long walks, HArt. v.; flabby, like day after great exertion, or after a fever or other weakness, Lyss.; as if from too long a foot journey, IKreo.; weariness,as from too great, ILach.; impossible, desire to remain, in bed (after operation for cancer), ICoca ; from least exer- tion, lArs., Chel, IKreo, INux m, HPicae; from least (in hemorrhoids), I ISub; from least (spinal irritation), IHep.; after playing on piano a short time, must lie down, INatr. e; wants to remain quiet, IGels.; repugnance to motion, Gymn.; after rising, IINatr. m.; on rising from bed, Uran. n.; everything seems an exertion, ISep.; from slightest, IBry., ICornus, Dory.,IMurex, Ziz.; from slightest,in dysmenorrhoea, HCrotab; from slight, with sleepiness and gastricailment in heat of sum- mer, INux v.; from weakness in spine and spinal nerves, IPhos.ae; from going up stairs, Calc. p., Sep.; worse going up stairs, ICale p.; especially when ascending steps (progressive spinal paralysis),IPhos.;eventalkingtired him. INux m.; soon tired, Bapt., IHam., ILye; soon tired, in hypochondriasis, I Arg. nit; from travel in heat, with deprivation of food, Coff. t; after a walk, IIArg. met. Coral, ILac def; cannot walk far (anaemia), 11 Sul.; from a short walk, Agar., ICarbo v., ICarbol. ac, Gymn, Lyss, IMagn. e, IPuls, Sib; from short walk or slight exertion, I ISep.; as if he had walked a great distance, during and after motion, Lact. ac; does not want to exert himself (an- gina faucium, diphtheria), ICaps.; after work- ing two hours, Cain. g®~ Weakness ; also Chap. 1, Apathy, Laziness. Lassitude, face: anxious expression (acute rheumatism,cholera), IColch.; flushed, fever- ish, 11 Ptel.; flushed (bronchial attacks after whooping cough), IKali bb; sickly com- plexion, ICale Lassitude, fall: as if he would fall from seat, in pneumonia, lAlum. Lassitude, fever: during apyrexia, Ign, I IPuls.; during apyrexia, in quotidian ague, llpec; after chill, Med.; with chill, Diad., IINatr. m.; with chill, in angina, IMere; with diar- rhoea, I ISub; eruptive. IGels.; follows, with sweat in face, Med.; gastric, IIPuls.; with heat,Kali ars.; hectic, HPhos.; intermittent, lAmb, lAnt. t, lArs., IDiad, Rhus; low, needs assistance to turn in bed, ICact.; mala- rial ataxy, I Arg. nit.; malarial symptoms, INatr.s.; quotidian, I ITarax.; remittent,while lying in bed, ICarbol. ac; tertian, I Ant. t.; incipient typhoid, IGels. Lassitude, hand: inflammation, lAnthrac. Lassitude, hay fever: worn out by sneezing and coughing, IIGels, IKali bb, I ISticta. Lassitude, head: symptoms, Benz. ae 1024 36. NERVES. Lassitude, headache: Codein., Diad, Lyss.; as if body were bruised and joints dislocated, ■Agar.; catarrhal,Gymn.; chronic, Hod.; dull frontal (hemorrhoids), ICollin.; dull, heavy, ICon.; frontal, ICale; hemicrania, patient is liable to fresh colds after attack, IPhos.; nerv- ous, ITereb.; noon till 2 p.m., Kob.; palpita- tion, wants to lie down, ICoccul.; when walk- ing or standing, had to rest during every exertion (hemicrania), IPhos. Lassitude, heart: in affections, ICup. m.; in angina pectoris, HPhyt.; from exposure to sun, INatr. e Lassitude, heat: internal, forcing sweat out on face, as from weakness, Lyss. Lassitude, heaviness : 11 Pic. ac. Lassitude, after hemorrhage: ICinch, IFerr. Lassitude, with hunger: ICale, INitr. ae; alternating bulimia with want of appetite, caused by fulness in throat, IPhos. Lassitude, hurry: disposition to, through duties, I IPtel. Lassitude, hypochondria: fulness, Calc. a.; pain, as if bruised, IRan. b. Lassitude, in hysteria : ILye Lassitude, in influenza: IIBry, IChel, IIEup. pert, IIGels., HPhos. Lassitude, kidneys: acute desquamative ne- phritis, ICoccus. Lassitude, legs: I ICale a., IGels.; especially in feet and when sitting, IIMagn. e; particularly knees, spirits may be good, ICycb; in knees, after walking, Cale s.; paralytic pain, INitr. ae; paralytic weakness, especially after short walk, or ascending stairs, I INatr. p.; stagger- ing gait, or trembling of body, Magn. s.; worse in thighs, HAng.; with ulcer, IKali iod. Lassitude, with leucorrhcea: Calc p. Con, IIGraph. Lassitude, limbs: Cain, ICale, Case; wdth griping in abdomen, Chim. m, Merc. iod. flav.; aching, ICale p.; especially in arms, Spong.; in evening, with chilliness, ICale; heavy arms and feet, Diad.; particularly in joints, Bov.; aching distress in all the joints, 11 Ptel.; especially in knees, INatr. s.; with pain, Form.; followed by torpor and heavi- ness (exophthalmus), ILye vir.; trembling, ISub Lassitude, liver: in jaundice, IMyr. cer.; with pain, IPolyp. Lassitude, lying down: desire to lie down, IIBapt, Con.; worse lying down, but has the inclination, Alum, g^" standing. Lassitude, menses: before, IBell, INatr. m.; during, Bor, Calc. p., ICaust, Iod, IKali c, INitr. ac, INux m, IPetrol., Thuya; dur- ing, approaching faintness, llgn.; during, with yawning, lAmm. c; after, Berb, Thuya; absent two and a half months,ICycb; in amenorrhcea, I ICoccul., ISenecio ; at com- mencement, IMagn. c; irregular, IDig.; de- layed, IIKali ph. Lassitude, mental condition : IDig.; alternat- ing with activity, Aloe; anguish, worse with failure to strive against (veta), ICoca; depres- sion, IPhos.; disorders, INux m.; disposition to hurry through duties, 11 Ptel.; moral and physical, in insanity, I INux v.; from mental labor, IlAur. met, IPuls.; low spirits, Erig.; sadness, ISep.; after mental shock, IPic. ae; when trying to study, Gels.; timidity and tearfulness, IPhos.; feeling of deep-seated inward trouble, making him melancholy and sad, Sabina; weariness of life, INitr. ac. Lassitude,in morning: I ICalad.JKali m.,IMagn. m, IINux v. Staph, ISub; and afternoon, IBry.; on awaking, ICham.; in bed, lAmb., ICarbo v., I IPetrol, Zinc; in diabetes, INatr. s.; in epilepsy, I IOp.; not rested, ISub; on rising, IFerr., 11 Osm, ISep, Vib.; greater after rising than on going to bed, INuxv.; when rising from bed, in chronic ovaritis and leucorrhoea, 11 Plat.; with bitter taste in mouth (spermatorrhoea), I ISars. Lassitude, mouth : yellow, purple ulcers on tip of tongue and in mouth (after abuse of mer- cury), IPlumb. Lassitude, myalgia : I Arn. Lassitude, nausea: constant, disappeared on drinking water, IPhos.; following nausea, ICale p. Lassitude, nerves: in intermittent neuralgia, I IPolyp.; in affection of sympathetic nervous system, I IPhos. Lassitude, night: and morning, 11 Natr. s. Lassitude, at noon : ICie Lassitude, nose: catarrh, IIEup. perf. J8@°* coryza, influenza. Lassitude, ovaries : ovaritis, I lUstil.; chronic ovaritis, I IPallad. Lassitude, with palpitation : ICaust. Lassitude, paralysis : progressing from a slight feeling of fatigue on motion to complete, IPic. ac. Lassitude, during pregnancy : ICale p. Lassitude, restlessness: turning, Tell.; walks about room, Diose Lassitude, rheumatism : Merc. iod. flav.; desire to lie down, IPhyt. Lassitude, scarlatina : desire to lie down, but feels worse during rest and in a warm room, IMere iod. flav. Lassitude, sexual condition: after coition, I I Ziz.; sexual debility, IGels.; after seminal emission, INatr. m, ISep.; after nocturnal emissions, Coff.; painful erections, Sabad.; in onanists, IGels.; in spermatorrhoea, INuph.; after loss of semen, lEryng. Lassitude, sitting : especially while sitting, aa if limbs would fall from him, IMere sol. Lassitude, sleep: after sleep, Ant. t, IIPuls.; after, in intermittent, lArs.; on awaking, I Arg. met., Card, m., Cinch, Diose, Hyper, Lact. ac, I IPhos. ac, IPod, I IPtel, Xan.; on awaking, in epilepsy, IKali br.; on awaking, in irritation of cerebrospinal nerves, 11 Paris ; on awaking in morning, with palpitation from mental excitement or exertion, IPod.; on awaking, goes off by noon, Hyper.; on awak- ing, cannot rouse herself (during climaxis), I IZinc; cannot sleep, Aur. met.; when de- prived of, llpec; with desire to, during day, Sinap.; disposition to, ICornus ; after exciting dreams, Lyss.; drowsiness, IFerr., IKreo, Sib; caused by drowsiness, Sang.; irresistible drowsiness, better after eating, iAgar.; drow- siness, unable to rise, I Aeon.; as if he had not slept enough, Bapt.; increased bv sleep, Ars.; after nightwatching, Arg. nit.; prevents, I Ars.; internal, after siesta, Calc. s.; falls asleep while sitting, in evening, Hep.; with sleepiness, ICie; unable to sleep, Aur. met, Cact- with sleep, ICoff. 36. NERVES. 1025 Lassitude, in Spring: Apis, IBry, IGels. Lassitude, standing: cannot stand, cannot move, Vespa ; only with difficulty, Lact. ac.; is an exertion, ICoccul.; desire to lie down, Iber., IIKali c, Senecio, HSib; disposition to lie or sit, IFerr.; has to lie down, ICepa, HSabina; must lie down (asthma), else has palpitation, ICinch.; desire to sit down. ICale p, IGraph.; must sit down, IIAlum. g£g~ lying down. Lassitude, stomach: bilious attacks, IINux v.; in cardialgia, I IPhos, I IZinc; gastric catarrh, IDig.; in dyspepsia, Hod.; in gastralgia, ISib; in gastric derangement, IDory.; goneness, crick in neck, trembling and palpitation, IINatr. p. Lassitude, stool: after stool, Ipec, ILye; after, in dysentery, ISub; before stool, IMez.; dur- ing stool, Bor, Ipec Lassitude, stretching: tired all over, with gap- ing feeling, Vace Lassitude, sudden : Act. sp. Lassitude, with sweat: ICornus; from least exertion, Coccus. Lassitude, talking: aggravated by, Dory. Lassitude, with thirst: IDiad. Lassitude, tongue: white, Kali br. Lassitude, trembling: Kalic; with uraemia, ICup. ac; in limbs, ICale Lassitude, urination: copious acid, I IHelon.; better from free, ITereb. Lassitude, vertigo: after vertigo, Bell, IKalm.; and dulness, Ptel, ITereb.; in evening, Stront. Lassitude, vomiting: after, INitr. sp. d. Lassitude, walking; after walking, with sleepi- ness, ISub; outdoors, Arg. met.; unable to walk, ICale; when walking, IStann. Lassitude, weather: worse in damp, I ISang. Lassitude, yawning: with, ICale, I ICard. m., IRhus ; desire to, and stretch, IPlant. MALAISE: JSsc.h., lyEthus, 11 Agar, Ailant, I lAnthrac, Anthrok., lArn., lArs. h, Ars. s. r, 7TAtrop. s. Bar. c, ICarbol. ac, ICard. m, ICamph, Eucab, IGels, I IHelon, Hippoz, IKalie,Lyss., IPsor, Ptel., Sarrae, I ITarant, Vace, I I Ver, Xan. Malaise, abdomen: griping, on waking in morning, continues during day, Xan. Malaise, afternoon : 3 p.m., Lyss. Malaise, anthrax : from eating meat of diseased animals, I lAnthrac. Malaise, catarrh: as when coming on, ISticta. Malaise, chills: with headache (nettlerash), I ICop. Malaise, with constipation : I IStann. Malaise, eating: after eating, Ast. r., Cinch, IINatr. m.; after a meal, in organic cardial- gia, IKali bb Malaise, fever: in intermittent, IDiad.; worse 10 to 1, Med. Malaise, with headache : Crotal, IGels. Malaise, with heat: TrAur. mur. nat. Malaise, in influenza: lEuphor. Malaise, labor: after labor, IMez. Malaise, with leucorrhcea : ICale Malaise, liver: with liver trouble, I IPod. Malaise lying down: constant desire to lie down'(spasmodic pain in stomach), IDiad. Malaise, with nausea: Benz. ac, Crotal. Malaise, in rheumatism : 11 Sticta. Malaise, sleep: with drowsiness all day, Stilling.; with sleeplessness, IIMerc. Malaise, stomach: cardialgia, with headache, IKali e Malaise, throat: chronic hypertrophy of ton- sils, IBar. m. Malaise, with vertigo: Tarant. figP* Lassitude. NERVES, affections: Ars. s. f, Hydr. ac, I IKali ars., 11 Ziz.; involving brain, with con- vulsions, IKali br.; affects profoundly nerve centres, Cup. in.; hypera-mia of centres, Hy- drocot; of centres, follow obscure subcuta- neous inflammation of stomach and intestines, causing diseases with faulty nutrition, Lac clef; of cerebrospinal nerve centres, Crotal.; of cerebrospinal system, muscular twitching and convulsions, Dolich.; sympathetic head- ache from disturbances in ganglionic nervous system, INuxv.; of ganglionic system, palpi- tation and irregular action, Codein.; of gangli- onic system, particularly umbilical region, severe pain, Dios.; of ganglionic system, with vomiting, IKali br.; of gray nerve matter, dis- orders from mental overexertion, or reflex nervous excitement, I ICypr.; of inhibitory nerves, Sumb.; of muscles especially affected (myalgia), HAct rac; of pneumogastric, Cro- tal., ITarant; pneumogastric and glosso- pharyngeal,Naja ; irritation of pneumogastric, in nervous diseases, Tabae; pneumogastric, reflex spasms, Cina; many cases of reflex action, Diose; of respiratory organs, Chlorof; sensory most affected, ICact., Xan.; of solar plexus, Crotal.; has a stimulating action, Nitr. sp. d.; sympathetic derangement, ISul, I IPhos, IKali br, I IKali m.; vaso-motorcon- gestions, with tension and coldness, 11 Kali m. Nerves, anaesthesia: I Anac. oe, ICamph., Cann. b, ICaps, tCarb. s, Caulo, Chloral., Chlorof, I ICie, • Eucab, IKali iod., Oleand, IPlumb, Tereb., I IVer. v., Zinc; in all ail- ments, complains of nothing, HOp.; in brain disease in children, IHelb; senses less acute, in cholera, ICup. m.; in convulsions, IZinc; paroxysm of convulsive movements, IMosch.; in diphtheria, IIGels, ISee; electro-muscular contractility diminished, Ars.; after disap- pearance of old eruptions, IZinc; particularly of gums, pharynx and genitals, I Kali br.; with increased heat, in progressive spinal paralysis, IPhos.; hemi- and paraplegic, HPlumb.; in hysteria, INux v.; considerable injury to nerves produce no reflex motion in periphery, Chlorof; want of bodily irritability, Alum, Ars., ICamph, Caps, ICarbo v, IChin. s, IIHelb; follows hyperaesthesia, particularly of legs, I IVer. v.; in locomotor ataxia, IPhos.; of mucous membranes, tCarb. s.; caused by onanism, chlorosis, Bright's disease, etc., HPhos.; perception lessened, 11 Asaf; in puer- peral convulsions, IStram.; diminishes reflex excitability of nervous centres, Kalibr.; with softening of spinal cord, idiopathic, I IKali p.; while standing, is not conscious of touching oTound,Cann. b; sudden and complete, IHydr. ac; sensation of torpor in affected part, ILye; loss of sensation of touch, with tendency to wasting, IKali p. 8©* Paralysis, sensory. Nerves, depression (neurasthenia, prostration): lAcon., lAct. rac, iEse h, IAgar, lAlet, Alum, lAmb, Amm. m, lAnae, lAngus, I Arg. nit., lArn, I Ars., Asaf, IBar. c, Calab., ICale, ICale p. Cinch., Chin, a. Chin, s, HCoca, ICoccul, ICoff, Curar, Cycb, IDiad, 65 1026 36. N ERVES. Diose, IForm, IIGels, IGraph, IHelon, IHydrocot, Illgn., IIKali ph, IILach, Lac c, ILye, INatr. m, Natr. s, IINux v., IOp, HPhos, IPhos. ae, IPic. ae, Plumb, IPuls, ISelen, ISep., HSib, IStann, ISub, Sumb., ITarant, ITherid, IZinc; of centres, causes nervous diarrhoea, IZinc; after cerebral con- gestion, Chloral.; of ganglionic system, Cinch.; want of reaction, well chosen remedy does not act, ILaur.; of trophic system, IKreo.; les- sened irritability of vaso-motor centres Chlor- al.; nervous vitality impaired (dropsy), 11 Sumb. Nerves, erethism : g®~ excitability, irrita- bility, hyperaesthesia. Nerves, excitability: I Aeon, I Camph, 11 Coff. t. Croc, IFerr, Iber, IILyc, Mar. v, Vab; bordering on convulsions, Agar.; then depres- sion, Ced.; with diarrhoea, ICornus; seminal emissions caused by, followed by impotence, IPhos.; apyrexia in intermittent, Apis ; with fetid suppressed foot sweat, I IZinc.; of hyster- ical patients, IGels.; with mental disturbance, HStaph.; at night, ISub; in rheumatism, Caulo.; in mercurial rheumatism, IHep.; in scarlatina, IGels.; in spasmodic affections, Caulo.; with uterine affections, Ziz. Nerves, gouty affections: with slight fever and great debility, Indig. Nerves, hyperaesthesia (oversensitiveness): Asaf, IIAsar, ICham, Chin, s, Chlor., I ICinch., ICoff, Gels, Lyss., Oleand, I IPhos, IPlumb, I IPuls., ISep., IVer. v.; threatened abortion, Asar.; to change of air in afternoon, IKali c; affected painfully by writhing in anus, ICroe; nervous system predominates over arterial, Asaf; of body and limbs, from above downward, following course of develop- ment of pain, followed by anaesthesia, partic- ularly legs, HVer. v.; especially in children, ICoff; in cholera, IChin. s.; precedes chorea, IStram.; after coffee, HCham.; as soon as slightest portion of body becomes cold, IIHep.; in inflammation of diaphragm, IIMorph.s.; of every part, ICanth.; exces- sive excitement irritates (convulsive hysteria and chorea), ITarant.; exquisite, over whole body, Lyss.; in puerperal fever, iCoff.; abnor- mal sensitiveness of individual nerve fila- ments, Cina; flesh tender, touch leaves a deep blueness like a bruise (child), ILach.; precedes hysteria, IStram.; to external impressions, IBry, Coccul, IINux v.; to external impres- sions, light, odors, noises, touch, etc., I IPhos.; with inflammatory disease, Mosch.; irritation of whole body, Chin s.; cannot bear the least jar, IIBell.; with inflammation of joints, IColch.; of cutaneous nerves of limbs, Cycb; of nerve branches, lAtrop. s.; in nervous af- fections, Mar. v; in traumatic neuralgia, ICanth.; cannot bear noise, IBelb, Cinch. bol,ITherid.; in nymphomania, IStaph.; after opium, HCham.; all organs, with coldness of arms and legs (yellow fever), IMere; to pain, HCham, ICinch, HCoff, IFerr, IIHep, Illgn, I IKali ph., IILyc, IMorph. s:, IPhyt, IPuls., ISep.; painful,in windy cold weather, Rhod.; with shock of paralysis, I IKali ph.; of senses,Bry, Caps, HCoff, ICoccul, IINux v, Spig, I IVal.; of senses in cerebrospinal men- ingitis, ICup. ac; of senses, particularly in- creased perception of slight passive motions, HCoff.; convulsions, brought on by pressure over solar plexus, INux v.; of spinal cord, IDiosc; to hear anyone speak is intolerable, IHydras.; in spinal disease Plumb.; .com- plains of persons stepping hard or quickly, when sitting in chair or lying on bed (hys- teria), lAloe ; tenderness of body, in ana- sarca, ILach.; when thinking (this he must continually) that some one might with finger tip or nail scratch even lightly on linen or similar material, a most disagreeable sensa- tion thrills through him, arresting momen- tarily all his thoughts and actions, IIAsar.; tickling responded to more quickly, Zinc; to touch, Cina, HCoff; to touch, entire surface, Ziz.; nervous sensibility intense, respecting touch of garment or a lock of hair, by any one not en rapport, Med.; body painfully sensitive to touch, sends a shudder through frame, Spig.; twitchings and spasms, ICham. fiiir* depression, irritability. Nerves, inflammation (neuritis): IAcon,IArs., IIBell., ICact., Caust, IHep., IHyper., Iod, Kali iod, IKalm, Lac c, IMere, INatr. m., INux v, HPhos., IPuls, IRhus, ISil, ISub; with tingling, IIAcon. Nerves, injuries : falls, hurts, gunshot wounds, lacerations or punctures, with sympathetic irritation of system, IHyper.; if he knocks against any part there is a sudden painful crawling through whole body to head, Spig.; in lacerations, ICalend., IIHyper.; traumatic neuroma, Calend.; at peripheral extremities, particularly fingers, toes and matrices of nails, with great pain, llHyper.; teeth broken when pulled, etc., I IMenyanth. Nerves, irritability (physical erethism): Apis, Asar, TAur. mur. Bar. c, Bar. in., Bry, HCham., I IChloral, ICinch, ICoca, ICoff, Eryng., Indig, ILach, Lil. tig, IINitr. ae, HPhos., Pod., Spig, Spong., IVal., IVib, Ziz.; especially after anger, even to spasms of chest and throat, ICham.; awakens often, INatr. m.; condition between erethism and torpor (scarlatina), IHyos.; in catarrh of children, Sumb.; of circulatory system, Chin. s.; at climacteric period, lArg. nit.; after coi- tion, ICale; after exhausting diarrhoea, or long continued use of purgatives, I IKali p.; in endocarditis rheumatica, IHyos.; with noc- turnal enuresis, IIMagn. p.; excitement,even with fever, Eucab; excitation of whole body, worse in repose, I IKreo.; with exhaustion, HSib; in fever, IIBapt; in eruptive fevers, IGels.; with hay fever, IIKali p.; in yellow fever, IVer. v.; with headache, ISyph.; with hypertrophied heart, I Aur. met.; with flying heat of face and blood, Spong.; with heavi- ness and stupefaction (megrim), ICale; after hemorrhage, IFerr. m.; in chronic passive hemorrhage, I I See; from long continued uterine hemorrhage, ICroe; in herpes, ICale; in hydrocephalus, diphtheria and scarlatina, IApis; without hyperaemia,IHyos.; in infants, I ICham.; local (epileptic fits), IMagn. p.; in mania-a-potu, IINux m.; in megrim, with muscular atrophy, ICale; dur- ing menses, IStram.; in amenorrhcea, ILach.; in dysmenorrhoea, llgn.; in miscarriage, flowing and pain, with fiery red face, I IFerr.; nervo-muscular excitement, Vespa; muscular' especially of extremities, simulating chorea' 36. NERVES. 1027 I INux in.; at night, pulse full and accelerated, IMere; of all organs, with coldness of arms and legs (yellow fever). IMere; worse out- doors, HCoff.; in consequence of chronic ovar- itis and suppressed menses, Codein.; followed by spinal or cerebral softening or atrophy, causing paralysis, HPhos.; during parturition, IHyos.; peculiar, expressed by all motions of her body and in her looks, Lyss.; with pleth- ora, palpitation, IILyc. vir.; in pneumonia, ILye; reflex excitability, INux v.; reflex, with fever, ILye; sensorium not much per- verted, Cham.; prevents sleep (typhus), IBapt.; unable to sleep (typhoid pneu- monia), I IChloral.; from sleeplessness, IHyos.; especially of spinal cord (proso- palgia), ICoccul.; after stool (dysentery), llgn.; termini become so irritated, some kind of friction is necessary to obtain relief, Tar- ant; in tvphoid fever, Hod.; in typhus, IChlor.; with vertigo, ICinch. fi@~ hyperass- thesia. Nerves, neurasthenia: fiST" depression. Nerves, prostration: fiST depression. Nerves, rheumatic affections: with slight fever, great debility, Indig. Nerves, sensitiveness : B@r hyperaesthesia. Nerves, sheaths: rheumatism affecting, I Phyt. Nerves, shock : 8@~ Chap. 45, Injuries. Nerves, tissues: g®° Chap. 44, Nerves. Nerves, tumors: idiopathic neuroma, ICale, Calend, Cepa. 8@~ Chap. 44, Tumors. NERVOUSNESS: Abies,HAcon.,IAct, rac, Apis, I Apoe, HArn, Arum t, IIArs, Asaf, Astac, Bar. c, IIBell, Bor, Calad., tCainph., HCham, Chim. m., HChin. s, ICinch, Cm- nab., Cinnam.,ICoccul, Coccus,Con,Cup. ars, IFerr., Ferr. iod. Form., IIGels., I IGuarana, IHyos,IKalic,IKreo,ILach,ILacc,ILibtig., IILyc, ILye vir, Lyss, IMagn. c, IIMagn. p., IManc, IMar. v., Med., IMelil, IIMerc, IMosch., Natr. a, INatr. m, I INatr. p., IOp, Pod., IPsor, I IPtel, Sabina, Samb., ISenecio, ISep, ISpong, I IStram, I ISub, ISyph,I lUs- til, Vace, Xan, Zing. Nervousness, abdomen: irritation, ISabad.; pains, Coff. Nervousness, aching: all over, ILach. Nervousness, afternoon: uneasiness, lAct. rac. Nervousness, agitation: Crotal.; with labored quick breathing, Crotal.; prevents sleep.Bufo. Nervousness, in Basedow's disease: IIFerr. Nervousness, brain: erethism (cardiac hyper- aesthesia), ICoff. Nervousness, breathing: feeling of suffocation, llpec. Nervousness, catarrh: I INuxm. Nervousness,children : during dentition, ICoca, I IDolich.; in diarrhoea,ILye; restless, weakly children (marasmus), Sul. ae; temporary sat- isfaction after whims are gratified (dentition), IIRheum. Nervousness, with coldness: Bufo, ICamph, IVer.; prevents sleep, 11 Lace Nervousness, with constipation : I Ins, IIJNux v, HOp., IPlat Nervousness, constitution : in emaciated, pale, anaemic persons, with deficiency of animal heat 10b jec.; excitable temperaments, Val. Nervousness, convulsions: epilepsy, I Art. v.; threatened, IGels Nervousness, in diphtheria: IGels. Nervousness, discharge: after suppressed dis- charges, IIAsaf. Nervousness, after drugs: INux v.; from abuse of mercury, IHep., IINitr. ac; apparently well-chosen remedy fails, IVal. Nervousness, eating: after dinner, IHydras.; when hungry, IKali c Nervousness, eruption: in eczema, IBrom, IPetrol.; from suppression of milk crust, IJacea. Nervousness, exertion : when walking (hypo- chondriasis), lArg. nit. Nervousness, exhaustion: general debility, IKali ph.; sinking spells every morning (pa- renchymatous metritis), 11 Lace Nervousness, fever: hectic, HCinch.; in inter- mittent, H Polyp.; during fever, 10 to 12, moving fingers, Med. Nervousness, fly: as if she would have to fly away, 11 Ver. Nervousness, headache: ICann. i, ICrotal, IMelil.; after congestive, IMelil. Nervousness, heart: fig^° palpitation; also Chap. 29, Heart nerves. Nervousness, heat: internal and external, HCon. Nervousness, in influenza: lArs, IGels., Hgn, IPhos. Nervousness, during labor: lAcon., IChloral, ICoff, IGels., IPuls. Nervousness, larynx: sympathetic aphonia, ICollin. Nervousness, legs: up about ankles, IPuls.; trembling, ISil. Nervousness, liver : excessive action, IPod. Nervousness, lungs : pneumonia, IBell. Nervousness, menses: before, ILach.; in amen- orrhcea, ISenecio ; during, Bor, INatr. c; in dysmenorrhoea, I IPuls, I IXan.; in menorrha- gia, ICann. b; after suppressed (exophthalmic goitre), IFerr. iod. Nervousness, mental condition: anguish, I ICup. ars.; anxious, ILed.; anxious, at twi- light, HPhos.; paroxysm, feels like tearing off her clothes, takes off rings, I ILac c: from conversation, Amb.; dejection, with diarrhoea, IMere sob; depression, IINitr. ac; depres- sion, with nervous asthma, I IKali p.; sudden or intense emotions in highly nervous or ex- citable persons, I IKali p.; morbid grief,llgn.; of twelve years' standing, aggravated to insan- ity by grief, commenced when riding in a boat, ICoccul.; in hypochondriasis, lArg.nit, IINux v, Vab; hypochondriasis, caused by emissions, IPhos.ae; irritability, IGels.; irri- tability, with the pains, IColch.; mania, nymphomania, etc, Grat; melancholy,IZinc; with melancholia and disgust of life, Aur. mur.; worse from mental exertion, better closing eyes, Calc; news, excitement or harsh word makes worse, ILach.; from smothered passion, I IKali p.; from reading and writing, Med.; shudders, if he sees anyone deformed, IBenz. ae; approach of a stranger gave her sudden twitches, I IThuya ; caused by worry and much mental work, with too little bodily exertion, in business men, 11 Nux v. fi^T* Hys- teria ; also Chap. 1, Anxiety, Depression, etc. Nervousness, in morning : on rising, Iber. Nervousness, music : unbearable, goes through bone and marrow, ISabina. Nervousness, at night: lArg. nit. Arum t, IFerr. ph, Senecio; in gonorrhoea, IMere 1028 36. NERVES. Nervousness, ovaries: pain in left, seems to affect heart, becomes unconscious, seems to stop breathing, I ITarant. Nervousness, pain : from pain and loss of sleep, ICoccul, IHydras. Nervousness, with palpitation : IVer. Nervousness, in pregnancy: Amb., I INuxm. Nervousness, in rectal troubles: 11 Paeonia. Nervousness, with restlessness : must be busy and walk, IKali br.; hysterical mood, Eup. pur.; cannot sit still without great effort, Natr. a.; cannot sit still, caused by occasional sharp shooting pains in ovaries,before menses, IVib. fi@°° Restlessness. Nervousness, sexual condition: depression, after coitus, Ced.; young men prematurely > old have cramps in calves of legs and feet on atempting coition, ICup. m,- growing out of unsatisfied desire, IKali br. Nervousness, sleep: child awakens in distress (diarrhoea), ILach.; on awaking, Lyss.; dis- tress during dysentery, ILach.; prevents at night (hypochondriasis), I Arg. nit.; sleepless, ILach.; causes sleeplessness, ISticta. Nervousness, stomach: flatulent dyspepsia, I ISal. ac. Nervousness, stool: after, IINitr. ac; during, tAtrop. s. Nervousness,thunderstorm: during, I INatr.p. Nervousness, trembling: ILobel. i. Nervousness, ulcer: on leg, IKali iod. Nervousness, urination : during, I I Petrol. Nervousness, uterus: uterine complaint, Caulo.; with uterine and ovarian disorders, especially in married women, ISyph. Nervousness, vertigo: Hod. Nervousness, vomiting: during pregnancy, ICup. ars. Nervousness, water: when he hears water run or poured out, or when he sees it, I ILyss. Nervousness, weather: worse in wet, phleg- masia alba dolens, INatr. s. Nervousness, weakness: ICinch, Cinnam. Nervousness, worms: ascarides, HCina, IFerr. mur, ISabad. NEURALGIA: Abrot, I Aeon, HAct. rac, I IAgar., I Amm. m, IApis, Arg. met, I Arn, lArs., IIBell, Bry., ICact, ICanth, Caps , HCaust, ICed, Cepa, HCham, ICheb, IChin. a, IChin. s, I IChlor., ICinch., Cist, Clem, ICoccin., ICoccul., HCoff, IColch, IIColoc, ICrotal, ICrot. t. Cup. m, IDiosc, IFerr, IIFerr. ph, IIGels, IGlon, IGuaiac, Ham, IHep., llgn. Kali bi, IKali p., IKalm, Kreo, ILac e, ILach, Led, ILye, IIMagn. c, IIMagn. p, Melib, IMere, IMez, INatr.m, INuxv., I IParis, HPhos., I IPlat, I IPlumb, IPuls, Rhod., IRhus, IRob, Sang, Sars., I ISil, HSpig., I IStann, IStaph,Stront,ISul, Tabae, Tarant, IITereb, Thuya, IVer., HZine Neuralgia, abdomen: obstinate, caused by de- rangement of abdominal organs, intestines and liver, 11 Lac def. Neuralgia, of arms: g^g~ Chap. 32, Arms neu- ralgia. Neuralgia, back: attacks of excruciating pain from right kidney downward, I ISars.; from spinal irritation, Gels. BST" Chap. 31, Lum- bar region, lumbago, neuralgia, and Spine, neuralgia. Neuralgia, chest: left side, to throat and left jaw, with die-away feeling, seems to extend through heart to back, ILyss.; into neck (an- gina pectoris), ITabae fiST" Chap. 28, Inner chest, angina, neuralgia. Neuralgia, cold : from taking cold, I Aeon.,Ars, IBell, IBry, Canth, Carbo v, Caust, HCham, Coccul, Coff, IHep, Lye, IMagn. p., IIMerc, IMosch, INux v, IPhos, IPuls., IRhus, Samb, Sep, ISpig, Sul, Ver. Neuralgia, coldness: sensation of coldness in nerve, ITereb. Neuralgia, with constipation: chronic, pro- ducing displacement of uterus, HPlat. Neuralgia, constitution: with anaemia, broken down, emaciated, 11 Phos.; caused by dissipa- tion, hard work with close confinement, I ISib; in emaciated, pale, anaemic persons with de- ficiency of animal heat, 101. jee; gouty, IColch.; in nervous persons, I Aeon., I Ars, Bry, HCham, ICinch, ICoccul, HCoff, IHep, Illgn, IPhos, IVal, IATer.; plethoric, I Aeon., I Arn, IIBell, IFerr, IHyos, 11 Merc, INatr. m, INux v, IPuls.; sequel of septic, toxaemic, or even miasmatic disease, or chronic bilious, climacteric or albuminuric conditions, Crotal. Neuralgia, diphtheria: IGels, IPhyt. Neuralgia, direction of pain: from centre to periphery, Ant.t,Cact,Kalm, Rhod.; from be- low upward, Aeon., Alum., Arn, Ars., Bar. c, Bell, Benz. ac, Calc, Canth, Carbo v,Caust, Cham., Cinch, Coloe, Cup. m, Eup. pur, Lac c, Lach, Magn. e, Petrol., Puis, Rhus, Ruta, Sep, Stann, Sul, Tarax, Thuya. jggj^- wandering. Neuralgia, drinking: abuse of coffee, IBell, Canth, Caust, HCham, ICoccul, ICoff, Grat, Hep, llgn. Mere, INux v. Puis, Sub Neuralgia, eating : from rich food, IIPuls. Neuralgia, eruption : following herpes zoster, I IDolich, IIMez., IZinc. Neuralgia, in evening: while lying down, Ced. Neuralgia, facial: g^~ Chap. 3, Face neural- gia. Neuralgia, fever : during or after typhus, Tarax. Neuralgia, in head: gfgg* Chap."3, Headache neuralgic. Neuralgia, heat: amelioration by warmth, IHep., IMagn. p., ISib; with anxiety and rest- lessness, ICham.; like hot water running through a tube, ITereb. Neuralgia, hysterical: IVal. Neuralgia, increasing: and decreasing slowly, HStann. Neuralgia, from injuries: I Arn, ICanth., IChel, IHyper., INatr. s.; chronic, pains wearing out patient, ICepa. Neuralgia, legs: 8^**Chap. 33, Legs neuralgia. Neuralgia, limbs; g^» Chap. 34, Limbs neur- algic. Neuralgia, mental condition: impatience, wants relief at once, wild, unruly, HCham. Neuralgia, from abuse of mercury: lArn, IBelb, ICarbo v., ICham., ICinch., IIHep., INitr. ac, IPuls, Sars. Neuralgia, motion: aggravates, lArn., Ars, IBell, IBry., Calc, Cham, Chin, a. Cinch, Crot. t, Hep., ILed, Natr. m., Nux v, IPhos, ISpig, IStaph., Sub; ameliorates, I Amm. m., IIFerr., Gels, Kali ph, Kreo, IRhus. Neuralgia, muscles: spasmodic.lMagn p HPlat 36. NERVES. 1029 Neuralgia, nerves affected : left bracnial plex- us, Arum d ; sudden darting, evidently along single branches, causes starting, IGels.; pain seems to sharply define course of nerves,Iodof; in infraorbital branch of fifth, j Chloral.; in- tense, along tracks of large nerve trunks, Tereb.; in nervus pudendus internus, after gonorrhoea, begins in scrotum and arms, ex- tends to right side of foot, with severe cramps, ICop.; in solar and other abdominal plexuses, and facial lumbar and femoral nerves, IColoc; in nerves that have been stretched, as in sprains, Ruta; particularly in right supra- orbital, HChel. Neuralgia, at night: every night, now in legs, in tibia or in thighs, now in left, now in right side, mostly with spasmodic contractions, IMagn. p.; every night, beginning about 8 or 9 p.m., gradually increasing in severity until its reaches its height at 3 or 4 a.m., and after continuing thus for two or three hours, gradu- ally decreased, and finally ceased at 10 a.m., attacks gradually more severe, last longer (rheumaticOphthalmia), I ISyph. Neuralgia, periodic: IChin. *s.; every day at ; same hour, IIKali bi.; recur frequently, Natr. a.; in head, I ISyph.; indistinct or "double periodicity, absence of organic lesion, IGels.; • intermittent, Eucab, I IPolyp.; intermittent, pains return with great regularity, HChin. s.; intermittent, worse every twenty-four hours, generally at noon, or 12 p.m., and analogously worse in midsummer or midwinter, ISub-; at irregular times,continue for no definite period, coming on suddenly or gradually, and leaving as uncertainly, worse from worry or mental ex- ertion, better by food, IKalm.; chronic, inter- mittent, in regular paroxysms, HCed.; recur- ring at certain times, with flow of saliva or tears, INatr. m. Neuralgia, pressing feeling: IKalm. Neuralgia, pressure : caused by pressure of dis- tended veins upon a nerve trunk, ISee Neuralgia, rheumatic: IIGuarana, I IPhos, IIPuls.; gouty-rheumatic diathesis, IColoe; worse at night, with flying, stitching pains along long bones, IMez.; pains in all muscles, even in cremaster, darting, irregular, attacks sometimes last a week or two, pains gradually increase and decrease, worse in damp, espe- cially frosty weather, worse 4 or 5 p.m., attain their height at 2 or 3 a.m., ceasing about 8 a.m., I ISyph. improved. Neuralgia, scarlatina: after, Dig. Neuralgia, sensitiveness: to concussion or shock, IBelb, Spig.; to contact, IBell, Caust., ICinch, Cup. ni.. Hell, IHep., IMagn. p., Sul. Neuralgia, shooting : downward,IKalm.; along nerve, IMagn. p.; tearing along tracks of nerves, especially if worse by changes in weather, Gels. Neuralgia, sleep: awakens with boring, dig- ging, drawing, Phos. ae; from keeping late hours, IIPuls. Neuralgia,.sudden : IBelb; come quickly and leave parts numb, worse from warmth, IMez. Neuralgia, sweat: hot, particularly on face and scalp, ICham. Neuralgia, syphilitic: worse in open air, I ISyph.; had his wife hide his revolver lest in a fit of desperation he might kill himself as was his desire during extreme paroxysms of pain, strikes wall with fists and beats head against wall for relief, I ISyph.; no position suits him at night, walks floor or goes into street and moves about slowly, I ISyph.; rend- ing, tearing pains throughout body, worse moving about slowly, I ISyph. Neuralgia, tearing : IKalm. Neuralgia, throbbing: at night, worse in rest, better moving, IFerr. Neuralgia, from tobacco: IPlant. Neuralgia, with vomiting: llris. Neuralgia, wandering : I Act. rac, IApis, Iodof, Kali bi. Kali f, IMagn. p, IIPuls, ITereb.; in chest, back and limbs, ICornus; begins in right elbow, extends to hand and shoulder, passing down right side and then up left, pain settles about heart causing pressure and palpitation, pains darting, needlelike,Cornus; flying pains, .Esc h, Iodof, IPuls.; head, back, cardiac region, tenderness of whole spinal column, I IRan. sc; . sweeping over whole body, seems to rest at times in joints, felt in cardiac region, causing trembling and tearfulness, Daph.; varied and shifting,IPlat. Neuralgia, weakness: the only general symp- tom, IlKalm. j Neuralgia, -weather: from exposure to a strong north wind, IMagn. p. Neuralgia, worms : (ascarides), IFerr. m. PARALYSIS: I Act. rac, I Aeon., ,Ese g, I^Esc. h, IAgar., I Alumin., Amb, Amyg., lAnae. oe, I Anac. or., lAng, tAnt. t, IApis, lArg. nit, HArn, lArs., I Ars. b, -Astac, IBar. e, Bar. m., Belb, IBry., IIBufo, Cadm. s, ICalab, HCale, Cann. i, ICaps., Carbo v., : Castor., Caulo., 11 Caust, Cheb,Chin. s,ICic, ICina,Cinch,Cinnam., ICoccul, • Cochl,Coff, Colch, HCon, ICrot, ICup. m, ICurar, Dulc, Ferr. m, IForm, IIGels, IIGraph, I IGuarana, IHep., Hydr. ac, IHyos., llgn, Indig, IKali br., IKali c, IKali iod, IKali p., ILach, ILed, ILye, Lyss, IMagn. p, Mang, IMere, -Millef, Natr. m., Natr. p., Nux m, IINux v, lOleand., IOp., lOxal. ac, HPhos., IPhos. ac, HPic ac, HPlumb, Psor, Rhod., IIRhus, Ruta, I ISee, Sep, ISil, IStann., Staph,Strain., IISul. Tabae, ITarant.,Tereb, IVer, Ver. v., HZine Paralysis, in Addison's disease : Hod. Paralysis, agitans: IBar. c, IBufo, Calab, IGels, IHyos, IKali br, IMagn. p., IMere, IPhos., IPlumb, IIRhus, Tabae, ITarant, IZinc; head and body hang forward, the former oscillating continually, I IRhus ; struc- tural lesion has not taken place, HCalab.; caused by mental distress, commence with pain in arms and itching and trembling in left leg, with inability to remain in bed, had to walk floor, I ITarant.; inclination to oscilla- tion of body, after writing, Cinch, bob; cannot raise himself to erect sitting posture, must be fed, 11 Rhus; sits on a stool in constant motion, cannot remain quiet a moment, 11 Rhus. Paralysis, aphonia: 8®" Chap. 25, Larynx vocal cords, paralysis. Paralysis, in apoplexy: Anac, IApis, HArn, IBar. c, IBelb, ICaust., Coccul., Cup. m., IGels, IHyos, IILach., IINux v, HOp, IPlumb., See, Stann., IStram, Zinc; partic- ularly right side, Crotal.; of right deltoid, ICurar.; cerebral hemorrhages, IZinc; con- 1030 36. NERVES. gestive, approaching apoplexy, followed by vertigo and mental weakness, IKali br.; left, j lArn.; affects equally motor and sentient nerves, is often attended with violent pains in paralyzed parts and considerable contrac- tions, especially of exterior muscles, which feel hard as wood, IPlumb.; particularly in old people, Con.; with vertigoand weak mem- ory, INux v. Paralysis, arms : ggg~ Chap. 32, Arms paral- ysis. Paralysis, with atrophy: IIKali p., IPlumb, ISep.; limbs painfully contracted, IPlumb.; rapid emaciation, with relaxation of sphinc- ters, ISee; local, chiefly of forearm, I IPlumb.; paralyzed, parts may swell after the emacia- tion, IPlumb. Paralysis, back : from decay of anterior portion of spinalcord,Mang.; from exhaustion of"spinal cord, spinal anaemia, reflex para- and hemi- plegia, or white softening, or where paresis of motor nerve centres, remains after all signs of irritation have passed, INux v.; painless, of extremities, in myelomalacia, Crotal.; of all muscles up to neck (cerebrospinal menin- gitis), ICup. ac; originating in small of, after taking cold, with cold feeling of extremities and oedema of feet, Coccul.; from softening of cord. IPic. ae; from spinal disease, cannot walk, with eyes closed, I Alum.; spinal nerves disturbed, HCaust; of spinal origin, HPhos.; partial, from weakness of spine, INatr. m.; from tabes dorsalis, ISib; tingling and tearing into limbs, HPhos. Paralysis, of bladder: flgy Chap. 21, Bladder, paralysis. Paralysis, brain : apoplectic condition, ILach.; alteration in connective1 tissue, ISib; menin- gitis, IVer.; cerebrospinal meningitis, ICie, ICrotal, 11 Tarant.; softening, with vertigo and weak memory, INux v.; cerebral or spinal softening, or atrophy, preceded by overex- citement, HPhos. fi@?° Chap. 3, Brain par- alysis. Paralysis, in children : infantile, IGels.; in- fantile, recent, connected with teething, I IKali p. Paralysis, in cholera: ICup. m. Sec, ISul,I Ver. Paralysis, cold: from cold, lArn, ICaust, Colch, IDulc, IGels, IMere, IRhus; from damp and getting wet, ICaust, IDulc, IGels, INuxv., IIRhus.; after exposure to wind or draught, ICaust. Paralysis, with constipation : I^Esch, I Alum, ICaust, INux v., IPlat, IPlumb, ISub Paralysis, convulsions: after convulsions, I Ars, IBell, ICaust, I ICie, ICoccul, IICup. m, IHyos., Laur., INux v., IPlumb, ISee, ISib, IStann, Stram., Sub, I IVib.; after con- vulsions, in asphyctic form of uraemia,IHydr. ae; paralytic symptoms alternate with spas- modic, IStram.; with convulsive movements, Cub.; with trembling, INux in. Paralysis, of co-ordination : Crotal, IIGels., llgn.; muscular awkwardness, llpec; no power of balancing, stands with feet apart, Tereb.; run to places where they had no in- tention to go, tAgar.; stumbles and trips, IKali p.; in affection of vaso-motor nerves, IKali br. fig^" progressive ; also Chap. 33, ! Legs paralysis. Paralysis, diphtheria : after diphtheria, I Arg. nit, Arn., Ars, IBar. c, Calab, Caust,ICoccul, ICon, Crotal., Cup. m, IIGels, Helon, IHyos, I IKali p, IILach, I INatr. m., INux v, Phos., IPhyt, Plumb, IRhus, Sub, Thuya, Zinc; after, in a child, I ILac e Paralysis, downward: from above downward, Bar. c Paralysis, drinking: after abuse of alcohol, Ant. t, lArs, Cale, ILach, Natr. s., INux v, HOp, Ran. b, Sep, ISul. Paralysis, ears: ringing, and deafness, ISib Paralysis, eruptions: after suppressed itch, Caust.; from repercussion, suppression,Caust, ICup. m, IDulc, IHep., ISul. Paralysis, exertion : after unwonted,! Arn,Ars, IIRhus. Paralysis, exhaustion: dependent upon ex- haustion, ICinch., Coccul, IFerr., ILach, INatr. m, INux v., HPhos, IRhus, ISub; caused by dissipation or hard work, with close confinement, HSib; from loss of fluids, ICinch., IFerr., IVer.; of nerve power, in re- cent cases, as after diphtheria, IKali ph. Paralysis, eyes: J8^° Chap. 5, Accommodation, Eyes and Lids paralysis. Paralysis, face: ICadm. s.; buccal, ICurar.; double facial and right lateral (in consequence of repeated epileptic attacks), swallowing and articulation affected, ICurar.; produced by pains, IINatr. m. S&" Chap. 8, Face paral- ysis. Paralysis, fever: after intermittent, Arn,I Ars., ILach, IINatr. m, INux v.; after typhoid, Coccul., Cup. m, INux v., IIRhus, ISub; im- pending with typhoid or typhus, IPhos. Paralysis, fingers : Chap. 32 Fingers paralysis. Paralysis, gout: in gouty constitutions, IColch. Paralysis, hemiplegia: Alum., I Anac, Apis, Arg.nit, lArn, Belb,HCaust, Cinch,Coccul, Dulc, lElaps, Graph, I IHydr. ac, IHyos, Kali c, IKali iod., Lach., Merc, IMur. ac, Nux v., 01. caje, Phos. ac. Plumb, IRhus, Sep, Stann, Staph., IStram, Sul. ac, I ISyph., Thuya; facial and aphasic, from thrombosis of left middle cerebral artery, or from press- ure on spinal cord, HPhos.; from anger, Staph.; with atrophy, ICaust; with bruised feeling and stiffness, Coccul.; with coldness, ICaust.; convulsions of other side, IBelb, IStram.; particularly from suppression of eruption, ICaust.; after disappearance of a measle-like eruption that has covered whole body, Cop.; worse in extensors, Alum.; from fainting, ICamph; often accompanied by hy- peraesthesia of opposite side, I IPlumb.; in- cipient, IPhos.; left side, Arn., Ars, Bell, Caust, I IHydr. ae,I ILach.,Nitr. ac,IINuxv., 11 Oxal, Petrol, IRhus, IStram.; with aphasia, IBar. m.; left (after apoplexy), Arn, IPlumb.; left, with coldness of part, Coccul.; left, after diphtheria, INuxv.; of left, partial, in chorea, ILach.; in septicaemia, result of dissecting wound, ILach.; left, now and then moves right arm and leg (tubercular meningitis, hy- drocephalus), IApis ; left, almost total, IGels.; left, caused by excessive hard work, loss of sleep and overindulgence in tobacco, I INuxv.- with numbness, ICaust., ICoccus ; after Nux v.failed,I IXan.; rightside,IApia,lArn. IBell Caust IOp, IRhus, I ISib; right, with apha' sia, ICanth.; right, after excessive grief Apis- right, with acute hydrocephalus, IKali iod • 36. NERVES. 1031 right, after labor, apparent total abolition of functions,of voluntary motion and special sen- sation, I I Rhus; right,after mental shock,I Apis; right, with numbness, IRhus; right, partial, with headache, ILach.; right, partial, with numbness (cancer of breast), IApis; right, sudden, Apis; paralyzed parts moist with sweat, especially left side, with feeling of heavy load in affected arm and corresponding side of chest, and frequent night sweats, IStann.; with vertigo, ICaust. Paralysis,hysterical: IPlumb., ISep. Paralysis, incipient: Arg. nit, ICund.; im- pending danger of local motory (spasm of glottis), IStram. Paralysis, injuries: partial, from concussion of spine and brain, Arn.; after striking head against stone wall, I ICale; from mechanical, 11 Curar.; traumatic, in gouty patients,Alum.; traumatic, muscular, I Arn. Paralysis, of inner parts : I I Absinth, ICoccul, IDulc; pneumogastric nerve appeared half paralyzed, IGrind. Paralysis, labor: after parturition, HPhos, IIRhus. Paralysis, legs : figf- Chap. 33, Legs paralysis. Paralysis, limbs: g^~ Chap. 34, Limbs paral- ysis. Paralysis, local : of left nervus abducentis, ICup.ae; of single parts, Anac, IDulc, I IXan. Paralysis, lungs: gjgg* Chap. 28, Lungs paral- ysis. Paralysis, mental condition: after anger, INux v., Staph.; from anger or emotions, I INatr. m.; from emotion, Arn,Illgn., INatr. m, IStann.; after mental exertion, combined with sedentary habits, INuxv.; with imbe- cility, I Anac. oe; of the insane, I ICalab, •Chloral, Crotal.; with mental listlessness, INux m.; with melancholy, lAmb.; after vio- lent fits of passion, 11 Natr. m.; preceded by mental derangement, IPlumb. Paralysis, muscular: ICalab., ICon, ICrot, IGels, IKali br, Nitr. sp. d,l l01eand,IPhyt, Uran. n.; affects first abdominal muscles, then those having insertion in chest, then those of neck, lastly of sphincters of bladder and rec- tum, Bar. c; in paralysis of bladder, ICie; particularly extensors, I Ars, IPlumb.; afraid of falling, Amyg.; paralytic weakness,espe- cially those of feet, Belb; partial, of all invol- untary, Gels.; in syphilitic periostitis, IKali iod.; commonly preceded by twitching or trembling (multiplesclerosis),I ICalab.; volun- tary muscles, especially those of arms and legs, IColch.; of voluntary muscles, in cerebro- spinal meningitis, ICale; incomplete palsy of voluntary muscles, I Anac; from weakness of will power (false labor pain), IGels. Paralysis, neuralgia: after neuralgia, lArs, IINatr. m.; shooting, darting, intense tear- ing pains in tracks of larger nerves, the parts emaciated, HPlumb. Paralysis, of old people: IBar. c, IKali c, HOp.; general (apoplexy), IBar. e; in an old woman, control over stools and urine long completely lost, lEquiset.; particularly old women, general, of voluntary muscles, first peripheral nerve, finally spinal cord, Con. Paralysis, painful: Agar, Arn. Paralysis, paraplegia: I Ars, Chin, s, ICina, ICoccul, Form, IGels., Laur, INux v., 11 Plumb, ISee, • Tereb.; following apoplexy five years previously, unable to stand or rise, IRhus ; with morbus Brightii, Canth.; from congestion of lumbar part of cord, Agar.; pre- ceded by cramps and muscular pains, See; from debilitating causes, IIArg. nit.; with hunger, HCina; hysterical, llgn.; partial, with involuntary stools, after miscarriage, I ISub; in nervous debilitated persons, Coc- cul.; after concussion of spine, Con.; in a girl who was being treated by an extension appa- ratus for curvature of spine, 11 Rhus ; with congestion or retroversion of uterus after childbirth, 11 Caulo. Paralysis, paroxysmal: 11 Plumb.; two attacks, each at 2 a.m., I IStram. Paralysis, periphery: commencing at, progress- ing towards centre, ICup. m. Paralysis, from poisoning : Apis, Ars., Bapt, Crotal, Gels., Lach, Mur. ac, Rhus ; arseni- cal, ICinch, Ferr. m. Graph, IHep., INux v.; lead, I Ars., Cup. m, IOp, IPlat.; mercurial, IIHep., INitr. ac. Staph, Stram., ISul. Paralysis, progressive : consecutive, generally onesided, Ferr.; creeping, course slow, IKali ph.; gradually appearing, HCaust.; in loco- motor ataxia, ICaust, Curar, Fluor, ac, IGels, I INatr. s.; locomotor ataxy, from alcoholism, INux v.; locomotor ataxy, if disease was oc- casioned by exposure to cold and wet, and in rheumatic subjects, Nux m.; slow and insidi- ous, IKali c. fl®* Chap. 31, Spinal cord atrophy, paralysis. Paralysis, of rectum: fl®* Chap. 20, Rectum paralysis. Paralysis, rheumatic : Antt., lArn., Bar. e, I Bry, • Calc. p., Canth, Caulo, Cinch, Colch, Coccul, Ferr. m., Form., IGels, IKali m., ILye, IRhus, Ruta, ISub; acute, Ferr. ph.; in gouty patients, Alum.; muscular, IColch.; from getting wet, or lying on damp ground, IIRhus. Paralysis, in scarlatina: IApis, IGels. Paralysis, sensory: IPhos.; with affections of urinary organs,Cub. fl®" Nerves anaesthesia. Paralysis, sexual condition : increased sexual desire, IPhos.; sexual erethism, ISib; after sexual excesses, ICale, INux v, HPhos, IIRhus ; from sexual excess, or other nervous. exhaustion, IINatr. m.; from exhaustion of spinal cord by sexual excesses, IKalibr.; after onanism, ICale, ICinch, IStann.; threaten- ing, with waning of sexual desire from over- indulgence, ISub Paralysis, sleep: after night-watching in sick chamber, Illgn. Paralysis, sweat: from checked foot sweat, ISil, Zinc; after sudden suppression of sweat, particularly foot sweat, by getting wet, IColch. Paralysis, temperature: dependent upon ex- tremes, ILach. Paralysis, of tongue: ggg0" Chap. 11, Tongue paralysis. Paralysis, trembling: preceded by, IPlumb. flgjj" agitans. Paralysis, with vertigo: Acet. ac, ICaust.; for a long time before paralysis, Oleand. Paralysis, from worms: ICina, IStann. RESTLESSNESS: IIAcon., lAilanth, Aloe, Amb, 11 Amyl, Anac, Ananth, I lAnthrac, Anthrok, Ant. chl. Ant. sub aur., IIAnt. t, II Apis, Apoe, lArg. nit, IIArs, Ars. h., Ars NERVES. 1032 36. 8. f, Ars. s. r., Arum t., I Asaf, Aurant., Aur. mur. nat, Bar. c, IBelb, Bov, Bry., Cadm. s, ICale, Calc. p., ICamph, ICarbo v., ICaulo, HCham, I IChin. s. Chloral, Chlorof, ICinch, Codein, HCoff, ICroe, ICrotal, Crot. t, ICub., Cup. ars., Cup. m, Cypr, IDig, Dory., IDulc, Eucab, lEup. pur., IIFerr, IFerr. mur, Guarana, IHam, IHell, IHelon, IHep, Hippoz, IIKali br, IIKali ph., ILach, ILaur., ILye, Lyss., IIMagn. c, Meph, Merc, sub, IMez, IMosch, IMur. ac, Myr. cer., Natr. a, INatr. m, INatr. s, INux m, IINux v, IPhos., IPhos. ac, IPhyt, Plant, I IPlumb, I IPod, IPsor., Ptel, IPuls, IIRhus, IRhus v., Samb., HSec, ISep, ISil, ISpig., I IStann, IStram, ISul, ITarant, Tell, I ITubere, Vace, IVer. flST" fidgety. Restlessness, abdomen: in colic, IIColoc; colic, three attendants required to keep him in bed, I ILach.; neuralgia of intestines, IGels.; after pain, IHam.; spasmodically contractive, cut- ting, I IPlumb. Restlessness, abortion : threatened, ICham. Restlessness, abscess: after vaccination, IApis. Restlessness, in afternoon : IBell.; 4 to 6 p.m., ICarbo v. Restlessness, in arms : fl^- Chap. 32, Arms restlessness. Restlessness, back: in myelitis, IDulc. Restlessness, bladder: in cystitis, IHell. Restlessness, brain : in hydrocephalus, IApis ; in meningitis, Carbol. ac. Restlessness, breathing: in asthma, IDig.; suf- focative attacks nightly, ISamb. Restlessness, in catarrh: Con. Restlessness, chest: heaviness, Amm. m.; op- pression, IPsor. Restlessness, children : irritation of brain due to dentition, ICup. ac; constipation of suck- lings, IApis ; crying, with retention of urine from cold, IIAcon.; in dentition, IIRheum; with screaming, HCham. Restlessness, with chill: I IKreo., IRhus. Restlessness, with chilliness: INatr. m. Restlessness, cholera: I ICamph., ICup. m, IVer.; infantum, ■ Coff. t; sporadic, ITabae Restlessness, circulation : excitement, in even- ing, ILye Restlessness, copper : if there is copper about his room, Lyss. Restlessness, after confinement: six weeks after, in hydrogenoid constitution, I INatr. s. Restlessness, convulsions: before attack, IMosch.; between attacks, ICup. m. Restlessness, cough: caused by heat and titil- lation in larynx before.cough (consumption), • IKali bi.; with cough, Ant e, Antt, IBapt.; with crowing inspiration (whooping cough), IMosch. Restlessness, by day: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., I IMen- yanth. Restlessness, with delirium : IIHyos, IVer.; at night, IMere sul. Restlessness, with diarrhcea : ICrot.t.,IRheum ; chronic, IColoe; first days after confinement, IRheum. Restlessness, in diphtheria: IApis, Arum t, IKali bi, Lac c, ILye Restlessness, ears: disturbed by least noise (erysipelas erratica), IHydras.; in otitis, I IMere Restlessness, eruption : in a child, IPsor.; in crusta lactea, IRhus; with cutaneous dis- ease, Apis; in pemphigus, I IRan. b.; pem- phigus foliaceous, indescribable, child could obtain no ease in any position, I IThuya; be- fore red rash after confinement seventh day, ICale Restlessness, in evening: ICaust, Phos. ae, Rumex ; unless he exerts himself mentally, INatr. e Restlessness, eyes: after removal of cataract by Graefe's method (iridio-choroiditis suppu- rativa traumatica), I IRhus ; suppurative cho- roiditis in right eye, after a needle operation for cataract, 11 Phyt. Restlessness, face: anxious, lAcon, lArs, IIKali iod.; erysipelas, I IStram, INux v.; red, I Aeon., IKali iod. Restlessness, in fever: IIAcon., Anac, lArs, ICham, IRhus, Vace; drawing and pressure in forehead, in evening, while walking, IIRan. b.; during heat, Stram.; in intermit- tent, llpec, Lye; during, at night, in inter- mittent, IIRhus; from midnight to 3 a.m., Med.; in puerperal, ICham, IVer. v.; with thirst, I IPod.; after typhoid (nervous affec- tion), IManc; in typhoid, IVer.; typhoid, constant moving, thrusting out one leg, then drawing it up, IVer. v.; in typhus, IAgar, IIArs, IBapt, ICamph, IChlor., Crotal.; mo- tion of head and limbs constant, trunk lies still on account of too great weakness, typhus, I Ars.; up and down every few hours, HLac c. fi^-heat; also Chap. 40, Heat restlessness. Restlessness, fidgety: Aurant, Osm., IIPuls, ISep, ISil, I ISumb, Zing.; in erysipelas, HApis; desire to be doing something (ante- desquamative stage of Bright's disease), IHe- lon.; while sitting at work, IIGraph.; uncon- trollable, I IKali br.; varices, Apis. fl^T" Chap. 33, Feet and Legs restlessness. Restlessness, in forenoon: lAct. rac. Restlessness, with gangrene: lArs, IHyos. Restlessness, in headache: IBell, Coloe, ISyph.; obliging one to leave bed, with ach- ing and sensation of compression in forehead, IColoe; nervous, Daph.; pressive in forehead, worse by motion, ISub Restlessness, heart: nervous, with lame feeling in left side of chest, near cardiac region, worse from motion, and particularly during expiration (angina pectoris), I IPhyt.; in peri- carditis, IColch. Restlessness, with heat: Bov, Chim. m, IINux v.; mostly in afternoon, Ruta; burn- ing, lAcon., lArs, IPhos.; burping, in even- ing, frequently on right side, Mosch.; dry, in croup, I Aeon., HSamb.; severe, long-lasting, dry, ISee; ebullitions, Aloe, Phos. ae; with fever, Mane; in head, Ruta; internal, IBar. c; at night, Bry.; from want of air and heat of room, with high fever, I I Puis.; wants all windows and doors open (three days after parturition), ILye Restlessness, hemorrhage: lAcon, IFerr.; be- fore haemoptysis, ITereb.; uterine, IApis. Restlessness, with hemorrhoids : IColoc. Restlessness, with hernia: ICepa. Restlessness, hurried feeling: IHyos.; as if she must attend to some important duties, but cannot (dysentery), ILil. tig.; does every- thing hurriedly, Sul. ac 36. NERVES. 1033 Restlessness, in influenza: with pains in fore- head or maxillary sinuses, IPuls. Restlessness, injuries: after bite of dog, ICu- rar.; after a fall, IHyper. Restlessness, internal: Sib; extending to inner parts, Ang.; with contracted pupils and press- ing headache, Rheum; causes sleeplessness, Ign, ILach. Restlessness, kidneys: in nephralgia, 11 Op. Restlessness, labor: between pains, Cup.m.; during, Chlorof. Restlessness, in legs: fl^» Chap. 33, Legs restless. Restlessness, liver : painful, Calc. fl. Restlessness, in measles: ICaps., IFerr. ph., Viol. Restlessness, menses: before, Con., IKreo, ISub;during, ICale, IStram, IVib.; during,at night, Uran. n.; with menstrual colic, IIPuls.; moving about in bed, severe, cramping bear- ing-down pains in uterus, almost unbearable, 11 Vib.; in dysmenorrhoea, ICycb; in dys- menorrhoea, chorealike, HTarant; irregular, IDig.; in menorrhagia, IApis; after menor- rhagia, IGels.; suppressed, IColoc. Restlessness, mental condition : agitated, to- wards evening (after wound on head), ILed.; from anxiety, ICheb; with anxiety IIAcon., IIArs., IJalap, HPhos., IPlumb., Sabad, HSpong.; anxiety, as if some evil impended, worse at night, with praecordial anguish (melancholia), IMere; with anxiety of heart and mind, HPsor.; anxiety, sleepless, I IPuls.; anxiety, with palpitation, worse on motion or ascending,,I lAspar.; anxiety, especially dur- ing a thunderstorm, worse from music, INatr. c; must busy herself about something, though nothing gives her pleasure (hysteria),ITherid.; as if he had committed some crime (mania), . I IMere; as if he had committed a crime, or if some calamity impended, drove her from one place to another, 11 Rhus ; in erotomania, I IPlat.; fear of getting crazy, ICheb; fear of future, Bry.; disinclination to work, after- wards busy, but fortgetful, Calad.; after fright, llgn.; hypochondriac, Asaf; with irritability, ■Choral.; in mania, lArs.; with melancholy, IPlumb.; moaning (measles), lAcon.; wants to run away (epilepsy), ICaust.; with weep- ing, Rheum ; from worry and grief, IKali br. flST" Hysteria, Nervousness; also Chap. 1, Restlessness, Uneasiness. Restlessness, in morning: anxiety, I IZinc; on awaking, ICina ; difficult breathing, Calc a. Restlessness, motion: moving about, Bism, IKali iod.; activity notwithstanding nausea, giddiness, etc., Lye vir.; painful in bed, must get up and walk about for relief (enteralgia), ICycb; driving out of bed, ICup.m.; wants to go from bed to bed, IIArs, IRhus, ISep.; movements of whole body, HStram.; con- stantly changes position, I Aeon, Tabae; de- sire to change position, Bry., ICheb, Con., I ISep.; desire to change place or to get out of bed and walk (after injection of nitrate of sil- ver for gonorrhoea), 11 Tarant.; desires a change which is painful, IBry, INatr. s.; change of place, worse evening and night, IMere; fre- quent changing of position, IMur. ae; changes position every moment, his friends call him a quicksilver man (neurosis cordis),lAur. mur.; continual, in headache, I Arg. nit.; wants to be continually moving, IHelon.; no rest any- where, day or night, Sub; desire to move while telling her story, walks about room nervously pulling and rubbing fingers, I ISub; drives from place to place, lArs, IBell, ICale p, ICed, ILach, Lyss.; fitful, with giddiness, IKali br.; must move from place to place, with intense headache, Tarant; with moan- ing (inflammatory condition of brain), HStram.; must move constantly, IApis, lArs, Canth,Hippom, I Iod, I Kali br,Kreo, I IRhus; motion aggravates pain (pleurisy), lAcon.; moves from place to place, in typhus, IBapt; moves body, especially hands and feet, cannot stay long in any position, IBelb; could not remain one moment in the same posture, to- wards evening, IMere viv.; inability to keep quiet, Tromb.; worse in repose, I IKreo.; noth- ing seemed right, when sitting wanted to lie, when lying wanted to sit, Jamb.; cannot re- main seated, runs around, creeps on hands and feet (cystitis), I Ars.; could not sit long, even when lying was constantly moving feet, ISub; must move slowly about, IFerr.; cannot keep still, although there is great desire to do so, Eup. pert; cannot keep still, but feels bet- ter by clutching hands very tight, Med.; could not keep still, with occipital headache, 11 Zinc.; has to spend hours in street or open air (angina pectoris), I Aur. mur.; must walk, Ind.; must walk, after revaccination, I IThuya; walked round and round in a circle, Belb; walks up and down, IMere cor.; could not keep quiet anywhere or in any position, felt that he must keep in motion though walking aggravated all symptoms, ITarant.; yet does not want to wajk, ILil. tig.; wants to be in motion the whole time (dentition), IIKreo.; worse from motion, better lying quiet, ICanth. Restlessness, muscles: in all voluntary, Agar. Restlessness, with nausea: Alum., IColch, ILac def. Restlessness, at night: Ant. t, IApis, Apoe, IIArs, Arum t, Ascl. t, "Atrop. s, IBelb, ICist, Coccus, Cupr. s, ICycl, IGuaiac,ILac e,ILyc, Lyss., Med, I IMere,Niccol, 101. jee, IOp,Polyp., IRheum,IRhus, HSub,l ITubere, Urt. ur., Vespa, Vinca ; all night, I LEsc. h.; after going to bed, 11 Mur. ac; in inflammation of brain, IMere viv.; in bronchial or vesical catarrh, ICop.; children,IBor., ICina,ICinch, IRheum; could not keep clothes over her, Lace; after concussion, lArn.; in consump- tion, Hod.; with much rough and hard cough- ing (spurious croup), 11 Kali m.; in denti- tion, ICoca ; in difficult dentition, IPhyt; in diabetes mellitus, ILact. ac; with dreams, Absin.; with disagreeable dreams in eczema, IPetrol.; as from frightful dreams, calls for mother often, IStaph.; with horrid dreams, I liber.; on account of great excitement, with very vivid and in part anxious dreams, starting up, till after midnight, IMar. v.; as soon as she closes eyes, in evening, in bed, IMagn. m.; with fever and aching distress in large joints, I IPolyp.; forepart, yEsc. h.; fore- part, in keratitis pustulosa, I ISub; in diseased submaxillary gland, IKali iod.; from heat and anxiety, IMere cor.; in bed, hysterical subjects, llgn.; from constant flow of ideas, Cinnab.; before menses, IKali e; after mid- SERVES. 1034 36. night, IINitr. ac; after midnight, with heat and profuse sweat, Sabina; 3 a.m., Niccol.; until 3 a.m., constantly changing position, particularly as soon as pillow becomes warm, Chin, a.; till 4 a.m., then restless sleep for a few hours (syphilitic neuralgia), I ISyph.; after 4 a.m., Tromb.; from 12 p.m. till morn- ing, with constriction in diaphragm, Merc. iod. rub.; worse after midnight, IIArs.; espe- cially before midnight, IPhos.; beginning at 8 p.m., IMere sob; has to be moved often to get relief, IRhus; nervous, with fever from midnight to 3 a.m., Med.; pains drive him out of bed, IPhyt.; in incipient phthisis, IIRu- mex; in pneumonia, I ISub; impossibility to keep long in one position, Syph.; worse at night, compelled to change position continu- ally, Niccol.; in pulmonary disease, ILye; in rheumatism, lArs.; in scabies, iHep.; with shivering, Uran. n.; after shivering, Ast. r.; singultus, IStram.; could neither sleep nor lie, Lact. ac; with spasms, IZinc; with stu- pidity in evening, Lyss.; in incipient tuber- cular disease, I ITubere; in typhus, IApis; followed by vomiting, I ISub; continues for weeks, IRan. b. fi^° Chap. 37, During sleep restlessness; also Sleeplessness. Restlessness, ovary: boring or tensive pain, causing her to draw up double, IColoe Restlessness, with pain : lAcon., ICham, ICoff, IPhyt; after anger, IIColoc Restlessness, with palpitation: Aur. mur., Bov.; especially at night (Basedow's disease), I ISpong. Restlessness, periodic: every four weeks, ICon. Restlessness, during pregnancy: Amb, IINux m.; in last months, IColch. Restlessness, pricking : in skin, Chen. v. Restlessness, in rheumatism: 11 Act. sp., I Ant. t, IIRhus; accute articular, Hod. Restlessness, rolling: in bed, in dysentery, IMere cor.; from side to side, in bed, fLach. fl@* tossing. Restlessness, in scarlatina: IApis, IIArum t, ICale, ILacc, INuxm, I IPhyt.; of whole, body, except feet, IMur.; day and night, IHep.; in typhoid, lAilanth. Restlessness, sitting: when sitting long, ISil; if she attempts to sit down and work, has al- ternate twitching in arms and legs, Lyss. Restlessness, sleep: ggg- Chap. 37, Sleep rest- lessness. Restlessness, in smallpox: ISarrac Restlessness, stomach: burning to chest, Mang.; in dyspepsia, I Arg. nit; in gastralgia, ICham.; before gastromalacia, IKreo.; in gastromala- cia, IMere d.; neuralgia, IIRaneb.; caused by constant pressure, at night, ICina. Restlessness, stretching: of arms and legs, with pain in back, ILach.; disposition to, Plumb, IRhus. flgg- Chap. 34, Limb, stretching; also Chap. 37, Yawning. Restlessness, stupor : Tereb.; alternates with apathy at night (influenza), lAnt. t.; with somnolence (malignant scarlatina), I IStram. Restlessness, sweat: Lachn.; worse by sweat (scarlatina). IMere Restlessness, throwing himself about: ICoff, IKali iod, Lachn, IMez.; in asthma Millari, ICup. m.; in bed, Cupr. s.; with colic, IIColoc; in inflammation of liver, IMere; wants to rise (typhoid), IIPuls.; sat up in bed, then threw himself upon it (acute articular rheu- matism), Hod.; in scarlatina, ICup. ae; to one side, then to the other, Bell. fl@~ tossing about. Restlessness, tossing about : IIAcon, Ant. t, I Ars., lArum t, Ast. r., IBell, Camph, ICup. m., lEup. pur., ILach.,Lachn, Lyss., IMere, IMur. ae, Pod., IIRan. sc, IRhus, IStram., IThuya, Vab; cutting contractive pains in abdomen, better from rubbing or hard press- ure, IPlumb.; in agony (ovarian tumor), IColoe; anxious, with short unrefreshing naps, HSec; tossing before attack, Asaf; when awake, ICina; in cholera, ICup. m, IPhos. ac; in sporadic cholera, HVer.; in colic, IINuxv.; in colic of children, llpec; with coldness, Tereb.; with cough, lArn.; with cries and tears, from pain, IPuls.; diar- rhoea in children, llpec; from evening until after midnight (metrorrhagia), IITrilb; with fever, Vace; during fever at night (inter- mittent fever), 11 Rhus ; in intermittent, ICoff, Lye; in bed and on floor for two hours, with rising from stomach into throat, Magn. m.; in gastralgia, ICham.; with febrile heat, ICoff; during labor, ICoff. t; in meningitis, ISpong.; before midnight, cannot sleep, Coral.; at night, Bell, IOp.; at night, with diarrhoea of infants, I Jalap.; at night, full of fancies, ICham.; worse at 2 or 3 a.m. (scarlet fever), IKali e; in pneumonia, IIPuls.; in pneu- monia and meningitis, I Ant. t; prosopalgia, I IPlat.; in scarlatina, I Arg. nit; from side to side, I A.rs, Coff; from side to side, in quoti- dian, llpec; during sleep, IBell, IClem, INatr. m., I ISyph, Ustil.; turning in bed, Iber.; turns from one place to another, IHyos.; turns and changes position when lying (rheu- matism), I IRuta ; turning from weariness and bruised feeling, Tell.; in typhoid, IZinc; in typhus, Cup. m.; cannot get warm, Euphor. flgp" throwing about. Restlessness, tobacco: after smoking, Calad. Restlessness, throat: as if from pain, in tonsil- litis, IMere iod. flav.; with enlongated uvula, ILac c. Restlessness, in toothache: IIAcon, ICham, Coff; throbbing, worse from warm drink, INatr. s. Restlessness, tremulous: IPlat. Reslessness, walking : fl^° motion. Restlessness, weakness: after bloodletting, IBism.; with haemoptysis, HPhos. ae; with prostration, IIArs, IColch., Lyss. Restlessness, worms: at night, ascarides, worse from warmth of bed, IMar. v.; excitable, boy in worm fever, I IStann. Restlessness, yawning: great disposition, Plumb.; and stretching of arms and legs, with pain in back, ILach. fl^*" stretching. STARTING: Ang, ^Atrop. s, IIBell, ICale, ICaust, ICina, llgn., ILye, Lyss, IOp, Samb, Spong, Stram, Zinc. fl@* easily startled. Starting, body: with delirium, INatr. m.; sud- den, with jerking, and roaring in ears, ICale; felt through.Colch.; spasmodic, through (pros- opalgia), HStram.; frequent, in upper part, INatr. m, INitr. ae, ISep.; frequent, of up- per part, in chorea, Thuya. Starting, brain: affections, ICup. in.; irritation 36. NERVES. 1035 ICup. ac; sudden, with cerebral affections (scarlatina), ISul. Starting, children: IBell, ISub; in dentition, ICham. Starting, concussive: alternating with trem- blings and convulsions, IHyos. Starting, convulsive: in cholera Asiatica, ICup. m.; every evening, at 9, Lyss.; violent, 11 Arg. met. Starting, in diarrhoea: ICup. ac. • Starting, in dropsy : Aur. mur. Starting, easily startled: Alum, Bar. in. Bell, Bufo., Cale, Camph, Caust, ICoccul, INatr. m., INitr. ae, IPsor, I ISub; in dysentery, ICarbo v.; in headache, Bry.; in infants, ICham.; in parenchymatous metritis, HLac c; in palpitation, ICoccul.; rash, after con- finement, ICup. m.; especially if touched, IKali c. Starting, feet: at every trifle, making feet feel heavy, Spong. Starting, heart: news coming to her seems to touch her heart before she hears it, IMed. Starting, mental condition especially on exert- ing mind, with tremulous feeling, especially in upper limbs, Vinca; fearfulness, IVer.; from fright, I Arn.; as from fright, Con.; sud- denly, as from fright (delirium tremens), I IStram.; with fright, hearing too acute, Calend. Starting, muscles: in single, Anthrac. fl^* Twitching. Starting, noise: at every noise, IIKali iod.; painful sensitiveness of hearing, ICon.; at slight noise, IBell, ICoccul, Med., IOp,ISib; on sudden noise, 11 Kali ph., Lyss.; by unusual sounds, a distant shot, an anxious cry, hawk- ing, sneezing, etc., Bor. Starting, pain: as from sharp pain (cerebro- spinal meningitis), IApis. Starting, with palpitation: Camph. Starting, screaming: IGels. Starting, shock: as if electricity had passed through body, with air of affright and a loud shriek, Stram.; sudden, electric, at night, while lying awake, Euphor. Starting, during sleep : fl@T* Chap. 37, During sleep starting. Starting, when spoken to: II Ptel.; violent, even when name is called, Sub; in tertian ague, llgn. Starting, on being touched: I IKali p.; in in- termittent, ICoccul. Starting, tremulous: Cham. Starting, uterus: in metritis, Canth. Starting, with vertigo : Aloe. Starting, with worms : ICina. TREMBLING: Agar, Amm. e, 11 Amyl, 11 Apis, IIArg. nit, IIArs., Ars. h, Asaf, Astac, Aurant, IBell, TrBism, Brom.,Calab, ICale, ICamph., Canth, TrCarbob ac, ICaust., ICie, ICoca, HCoccul, ICodein,ICoff,Coff. t, Colch, Cop., ICrotal, Diad, Diose, Hep, llris, Uac, IKali c, IILach, Lil. tig. Lye vir., Mar.v, Med, IMere, IMere cor,IMosch, Mvgale, IINitr. ac, I lOleand, HOp, IPallad, IPetrol, Phelb, IPhos. ac, IPhyt, IPlat., IPlumb.,IRhus, Samb., I ISul,ITabac,Vespa. Trembling, abdomen : in muscles, Daph. Trembling, in afternoon : about 3 p.m. (gastral- gia), IINux v.; everyday, 3 to 4 p.m., Asaf; she can scarcely speak, Lyss. Trembling, arms : fl@- Chap. 32, Arms trem- bling. Trembling, asthma: lArg. nit, ICarbo v. Trembling, back: Eup. pert; in myelitis, IStram.; from occiput, through back, to legs, which feel as if asleep (myelitis), ICalab.; in multiple sclerosis, 11 Calab. Trembling of whole body: Ant. t, lArg.nit, Ars., Ars. s. f, Ars. s. r. Bell, I IChel, ICoc- cul, IFerr, IIGels, IIKali br., INatr. m., INatr. s., IPhos., ISep, IStram., ISub ac, IVer.; first in abdomen, with stiffness and numbness (rheumatism and palpitation), n"Cact.; in remittent neuralgia of chest, I I Sub; in delirium tremens, IHyos.; in diarrhoea, ISub ae; in eye disease, I Arg. nit.; thinks she will faint or sink from weakness, IILach.; in puerperal fever, IIPuls.; in yellow fever, IILach.; frequent and sudden attacks, with weakness, lassitude and desire to sleep, 11 Ferr.; in haematemesis, I INatr. m.; from head to foot, Acet. ac; in jaundice, before attack, I Arg. nit.; with jerking and twitching in limbs, IOp.; all over, had to lie down, Iber.; worse lying on left side, better lying on back, Kalm.; through all nerves, Calab.; in nerves, especially in epigastrium, with motion up and down in nerves, like waves, with nausea and faintness, Calab.; from a loud noise or sudden unexpected motion (neuropathia), I IKali ars.; after playing on piano a short time, must lie down, INatr. c; worse in pel- vic region (phthisis), IKali e; seized on every part, ICamph.; in prosopalgia, HVer.; quiv- ering, Lyss.; violent all over, with screaming, llgn.; in tobacco poisoning, IINuxv.; in ty- phus, IAgar.; while walking, Lact. ae; of whole body, tCarb. s, Inul. Trembling, brain ; in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICup. ac.; follows intense pain, Zinc. Trembling, with chills: Anag, ICham,ICroe, Eup. perf, Merc. iod. flav.; during evening, Plat.; particularly of head, during internal (intermittent), ICoccul.; as in severe, ILaur.; with shivering, ICina; even near warm stove, ICina. Trembling, with chilliness: IPetrol, IIPuls.; as if chilly, IZinc; with internal, Agnus. Trembling, circulation: excitement, in even- ing, ILye Trembling, at climacteric period: IKali br. Trembling, with coldness: Bufo, IMere viv., Mosch., INux m, IOp. Trembling, constitution : young persons, from emotional or physical causes (myelitis), ICalab. Trembling, convalescence: as if recovering from sickness, Bapt. Trembling, convulsions: Oxal. ae; alternate, with concussive startings, IHyos.; follows al- ternate tonic and clonic, ITabae; trembling precedes epileptic, Absin.; with opisthotonos, IOp.; puerperal, 11 Op. Trembling, convulsive : Bar. m.; in meningi- tis cerebro-spinalis, HTarant.; from worms, ISabad. Trembling, coughing: during cough, Dros, HPhos.; after, ICup. m. Trembling, delirium: after delirium tremens, ICed.; in wild delirium, in typhoid, I IVal. Trembling, with diarrhcea: HCinch. Trembling, in diphtheria: ICrotal 1036 36. NERVES. Trembling, disease : as if some severe disease were going to attack him, lArg. nit. Trembling, drinking: in alcoholism, Ant. t, lArs, ICrotal, ILach, IMagn. p, INux v. Trembling, electrified: tremulousness, when he touches anything feels electrified, Alum. Trembling, epigastrium : pains at night, Bell. Trembling, in evening: Mygale. Trembling, exertion : from overexertion, HCoccul.; from slightest, IMere; worse from slow exercise, IStann.; after walking, in even- ing, Sib; when working, ISil. Trembling, face: in prosopalgia, ICoccul.; bet- ter by bathing in cold water, ICamph.; at commencement of neuralgia, Sep. Trembling, with fainting : INux v. Trembling, feeling: fl®" Chap. 43, Sensation trembling. Trembling, fever: during heat, lEup. pert; in typhoid, Agar., I ICypr, ILye; with anxiety in body, in typhoid, I INuxm.; typhoid, first stage, iGels.; in typhus, IBapt, Crotal.; in yellow fever, HCarbo v. Trembling, fingers: commences in, IIMerc. viv.; shows itself when she extends her fin- gers, worse right side, I Ign. Trembling, hands: Bor, Calab, I IPlumb.; bet- ter by bathing in cold water, ICamph.; com- menced in left, worse by mental trouble, 11 Ta- rant.; when writing, IPhos.; when he wrote (constipation), IINux v. flgf* Chap. 32, Hands trembling. Trembling, head: Ananth, I IPlumb. fl®" Chap. 4, Head, motion, involuntary. Trembling, headache: after headache, Agnus; after congestive, IMelil. Trembling, heart: with anguish about heart, Aur. met; anxiety, IPlumb.; with pain, 11 Daph.; with pain, in heart disease, HOp.; rheumatism, ILach. flST" Chap. 29, Heart trembling. Trembling, heat: ICist; followed by heat, one hour in duration, I IPsor. Trembling, with hunger: ICrotal. Trembling, in hysteria: ITherid, IVal.; better by eructation, IMagn. m. Trembling, internal: Eup. pert; during chill, llpec; when excited, Abrot.; in ague, llpec; with fever and faintness, evenings (typhoid), ILach.; from all impressions on body or mind (mercurial rheumatism), IHep.; inner parts, ICamph.; inner more than outer parts, INux m.; with overexcitement, Petrol.; with tooth- ache,IChim. umb.; general,even tongue,Med. Trembling, of jaw: IAgar, ^Aur. mur,Cadm. s. gfgg* Chap. 9, Lower jaw trembling. Trembling, joints: Cycl, Mang. Trembling, larynx: with aphonia; HCaust. Trembling, legs: g^° Chap. 33, Legs trem- bling. Trembling, in leucorrhcea: lAlum. Trembling, of limbs: fl®- Chap. 34, Limbs trembling. Trembling, in lyssophobia: ILyss. Trembling, menses : before, INatr. m.; during, INitr. ac, IStram.; after, ICinch.; in dys- menorrhoea, ICoccul, Merc. per. Trembling, mental condition: as if some accident would happen, all day, better after going to bed, Magn. c; at least source of agitation (headache), Cann. b; when unable to satisfy anger, lAur. met.; after being angry, HStaph.; from anxiety, ICale, IPuls.; with anxiety, on awaking, Carbo v.; with anxiety and ebullitions of blood, Samb.; anxious, with drowsiness, ICale; anxious restlessness, stilus.; caused by every moral emotion, Psor.; caused by every slight emotional excitement, Zinc; from excitement, HCoccul.; after exerting mind, HCale; excitability, Vab; fear, with in- ternal chill, ICale; fear of having an epi- leptic attack, Calad.; from fright, I Aeon, I ITarant.; caused by fright and anger, IPlat.; as if child were in a great fright, IStram.; as if child were frightened and on the verge of spasms (meningitis), IVer. v.; after fright, as in chorea, HStram.; after fright during preg- nancy, llgn.; with fright, Bar. c; as in joyous hope, lAur. met.; after being insulted and subduing his wrath, I IStaph.; and excitabil- ity, as if agitated by unpleasant news, Alum.; on meeting people, I Aur. met.; while quarrel- ing, INitr. ac; quivering of whole system when approached (chlorosis), I ISep.; shakes all over at the thought of something to be done, Kali br.; thinking of his work, Bor.; weakness, Cann. i. Trembling, mercurial: IKali br. Trembling, in morning: Carbo v.; until after breakfast, ICale; worse at dawn, IPlat. Trembling, motion : from every, Anac. Trembling, muscles: IAgar., iCon.; in Addi- son's disease, Hod.; in dysmenorrhoea, I ITar- ant.; and jactitation, more or less through entire body (sunstroke), IGlon.; preceding palsy (multiple sclerosis), I ICalab.; in scarla- tina, IZinc; in single muscles, Anthrac; continues for one minute without, waking him from sleep (arachnitis), IChlorof; with yawn- ing, Oleand. Trembling, with nausea: ICale, Chel, lEup. perf, Vespa; continuous nausea, Plat.; in yellow fever, ISub; shaking for loathing, IKali iod.; shuddering, as though he would vomit, IDulc. Trembling, at night: IOp.; after being bitten by dog, ILyss.; after midnight (mental de- rangement), I IManc Trembling, noise: from conversation, Amb.; hysteria from musical sounds or noises, IIAloe. Trembling, nursing: after, Oleand. Trembling, with pain : HCoccul., INatr. c; as if beaten, IIAlum.; in chest, HPsor.; from head to fingers, ICamph. Trembling, with palpitation: Aeon, Benz. ae, Calc. a. Trembling, in paralysis : followed by, INux m, IPlumb.; agitans, better in horizontal posi- tion, I IRhus; shaky,as if from palsy, IKali br. flgg"" Paralysis agitans, Trembling, in paroxysms: Anthrac, IMere Trembling, periodical: IIArg. nit. » Trembling, riding : while riding, in hypochon- driasis, lArg. nit. Trembling, on rising: from bed, especially in knees, Rhus. Trembling, in sciatica: Kali bi. Trembling, sensitiveness: acuteness of all senses, ICup. m. Trembling, sexual condition : after abuse, IPhos.; at thought of coition, IKreo.; volup- tuousness, with sadness. ICale 36. NERVES. 1037 Trembling, sleep: Con, Rheum ; wakes at night, Samb.; awakes with, as if he had been frightened, IMere; on awaking, IDulc; when aroused, Variol- children wake in evening, HCina. Trembling, speech : stammering, IMere v. Trembling, standing : in chronic rheumatism, ILye Trembling, stomach: with emptiness, Bufo.; in region of, ICale Trembling, stool: before, IMere; after, lArs, IMere Trembling, in sunstroke: IGlon. Trembling, with sweat: Rhus ; cold, IPuls., follows sweat, IApis. Trembling, with throbbing in veins: IPlat. Trembling, in a thunderstorm: before and during, occasioned by electric state of atmos- phere, I IMorph. sul. Trembling, with tired feeling: IINatr. p. Trembling, tobacco: caused by smoking, INatr. m. Trembling, with toothache : Coff. Trembling, touch: caused by unexpected, or slight noise (intermittent), ICoccul. Trembling, urination: profuse, IGels. Trembling, uterus: prolapsus, IAgar. Trembling, with vertigo: I Camph,Crotal, IGlon. Trembling, with vomiting: Eup. perf. Trembling, with weakness: Anag, IIArs, ICinch, IILach.; alternating with weakness, as if very wear)', IFerr.; in aphonia, ICaust.; with, constipation, IMez.; in dysentery, ICarbo v.; from exhaustion, Berb.; languor, Magn. s.; of limbs (apoplexy), I Anac; nerv- ous debility, IPhos. TWITCHING (jactitation, jerking, subsultus tendinum): HAgar., lAmb, Ant. c, lAnt. t. Apis, Arn., I Ars., Arund, I Asaf, Ascl. t, 7rAtrop. s. Bar. m., IIBell, Bor.,Bufo, Cadm. s, Calab, ICale, ICamph, ICanth., ICed, Cham, Chlorof, ICie, ICina, ICinch., IClem, ICoccul, Codein., Coff, Coloe, ICroe,Crotal, Cup. s, Diad, Dolich, Dory., IGels, IGlon, IIHyos.,Hgn.,Hod, Kalic, IKali iod, ILach, ILaur, ILye, Lyss, Menyanth., IMere sob, IMez, IMosch, INatr. c, INatr. m, INitr.ac, INuxm,INuxv,CSnan,IOp.,IPhos, I IPsor, Puis., Ran. b, IIRhus, Sabad, Sec, I ISep, IStram, Tereb , IVer, IVer. v, IZinc. Twitching, in Addison's disease : ICale, Hod. Twitching, in asphyxia: I Ant. t. Twitching, back: in myelitis, IStram.; in mye- litis acuta, 11 Oxal. ac. Twitching, brain: in brain affections, IGels, IZinc; in meningitis, IBelb, IHyos, I ISpong, IStram. . Twitching, in children : in dentition, Tereb. Twitching during chill: IStram. Twitching in cholera: ICup.ac, I ISee; infan- tum, IKali br.; painful, ICup m. Twitching, choreic : IAgar, I IRhus, HStram., HSub, IVer. v.; every day, IMygale; fre- quent, of upper part of body, Thuya ; often confined to one side, ICup. ae; all over, bet- ter during sleep, IMagn. p. fl^° Chorea. Twitching, chronic: thirty years' duration, Twitching, in convulsions: ICoccul., I ISee; in tetanus, llpec; in dentition, ICham.: dur- ing dentition, IZinc; ends with twitching, IMosch.; in epilepsy, IBufo, IMagn. p.; four or five days before attack of epilepsy, I Ast. r.; epilepsy, after stretching, HOp.; puerperal, lAnt. e, I Ant. t, I INux v.; tendency to gen- eral, Lyss. Twitching, convulsive : Amyg, IHyos, IMil- lef, INux v., IVer.; after cold bathing, Rhus; in croup, IHep.; especially after fright or grief, llgn. Twitching, with cough: in whooping, ICup.m. Twitching, with cyanosis : Sec. Twitching, during day : IBar. c, Lyss. Twitching, diaphragm: inflammation,!IMorph. sul. Twitching, with diarrhcea : ICup. ae Twitching, drinking : chronic alcoholism, I Cro- tal, IPhos. Twitching, face: beginning,in epilepsy, I Bufo.; spreads over body, increasing to dancing and jumping, See; and head, worse after abuse of mercury, IKali m.; prosopalgia, during inter- vals of pain, IMez. Twitching, with fever: IBelb, Nitr. sp. d., I ISpong.; in typhoid,HCale, Cham.,I IColch, Crotal.,1 ICypr,IGels,HHyos,ILyc,l ITereb, IZinc; in typhus, I IChin. s, IChlor., Crotal, ITereb. Twitching, head: in supraorbital neuralgia, I IChin. s. Twitching, in hemorrhage : ICinch. Twitching, hysteria: IVal. Twitching, injuries: after a fall, IHyper.; with injuries to nerves, IHyper.; spinal meningitis after injury, IHyos. Twitching, labor: during, Cinnam.; begins when labor ceases, ISee Twitching, in limbs: HChel, ICinch.; reper- cussion of eruption, ICup.m.; with trembling, Rhus v. Twitching, liver: with jaundice, especially in bed, I ISep. Twitching, lungs : in pneumonia, 11 Puis. Twitching, measles : left leg or arm, grinding teeth, lAcon. Twitching, menses: during, Calc. s.; in dysmen- orrhoea, I ITarant. Twitching, in morning: on awaking, Cheb; worse at dawn, IPlat. Twitching, in muscles: automatic movement, HCoccul.; automatic, in typhus, ICamph.; fibrillary, Mosch.; of small groups of fibres, Castor.; palpitate, INux v.; slight playing motion (cholera Asiatica), ICup. m. Twitching, at night: Amb,Staph. Twitching, ovaries: frequent paroxysms in consequence of chronic ovaritis and sup- pressed menses, Cod. Twitching, of penis : in bed, ICale Twitching, with palpitation: ICamph. Twitching, paralysis: agitans, especially in face, with melancholy and depression of spirits, I ISyph.; preceding palsy (multiple sclerosis, I ICalab.; with paraplegia (myelitis), IMere; in paralyzed parts (meningitis), I IMere; worse in paralyzed parts, I Arg. nit.; in one side, the other paralyzed (acute hy- drocephalus, after erysipelatous eruption), IApis. Twitching, rising : worse on rising, IOp. Twitching, scarlatina: INatr. m. Zinc; of whole body, IZinc. Twitching, sciatica: in all parts of body, espe- cially in affected leg, I IRhus. 1038 36. NERVES. Twitching, shifting: rapidly, worse at night from warmth, better from uncovering, IPuls. Twitching, shocks: like galvanic (typhoid fe- ver), IVer. Twitching, sleep: flgp" Chap. 37, During sleep, twitching. Twitching, in smallpox: IPhos. ac. Twitching, with stupor: ISub Twitching, toe: of left great, in bed, ICale Twitching of trunk: ICaust. Twitching, from worms: ICina, ISabad. WEAKNESS (debility, exhaustion, feeble- ness, prostration, loss of strength, vital power diminished, etc.): JEsc. g., Agar, Agnus, lAilant, 11 Alet., IIAloe, Amb, lAmyb, Anac, IIAnag, Ananth, Ang, Anthrok., Ant. a. Ant. chl. Ant. t, IApis, lApoe, lArg. nit, lArn, IIArs, lArs. h., lArs. b, Ars. m, Ars. s. f, Ars. s. r. Arum d., Arum m., Ascl. t, Aspar., Ast. r., Aur. met, lAur. mur, IIBapt, IBar. c. Bar. m., Bell, IIBenz. ac, Berb, Bism., Bor, Brach, IIBry, Cact, IDCalc, HCale p, Calc. s, Camph, ICaps., ICarbo a, HCarbo v, ICarbol. ac, HCaust, Ced, HChel., IChin. a, IChin. s., I IChloral, Chlorof, Chrom. ac, ICie, ICina, HCinch., ICinnab, Cinnam, Citrus, IClem, I ICoca, ICoccul, Cochl, ICoff, IColoc, ICon, Cornus, ICroe, ICrotal, ICrot. t, ICub., ICup. ars., ICup. m.,Cupr. s, ICurar., ICycb, IDiad., IIDig, IDiosc, Dory, IDulc, Elat, Eucab, Eup. pur, I lEuphor, IFerr, IFerr. iod, IIFluor. ac, IForm, IGamb., IIGels., IGlon, IIGraph, Grat, IGuaraea, Guarana, IHam, IHell, IIHelon, IHep., IHippom., IHydras, IHydr. ae, Iber, llgn., Hod, llris, Jalap, IKali bi, IKali br., IIKali c, IKali iod, IIKali p., IKreo, ILac def, Lact ac., ILaur, ILept, ILil. tig, ILo- bel. i, IILyc, Lyss, IMagn. p, I IMed, IIMerc, IMere cor., IIMerc. cy, IMere iod. rub, Merc, per., Merc, sul, I IMorph. sub, IMosch, IMurex, IIMur. ae, Mygale, IMyr. cer, Natr. a, IINatr. c, IINatr. m, INatr. s, INiccol., IINitr. ac, INuph, IINux v., I ICEn- an., 10b jec, HOp, Oxal. ac, Pallad, I IParis, IPetrol, HPhos., HPhos.ae, IPhyt, IPicae, IPlat, IPlumb., I IPod, Polyp, IPsor,I IPtel, IPuls, Ran. b, I IRatan., IIRhus, IRhus v., IRob, Rumex, Sabad, Sarrae, ISars, HSec, HSep, HSil, llSpong, HStann, IStram., Stront., HSub, ISul. ac, ISyph, ITabae, ITarax, Tell, ITereb., Thuya, ITubere, lUstil, Uva ursi, HVer., I IVer. v, Vespa, Vinca, Viol, I IXan., IZinc, ^Zing. Weakness, abdomen: constantly increasing,in affections of, IPsor.; burning distress in stom- ach and pancreas, llris; after colic, liEthus.; before colic (dysmenorrhoea), HPhyt.; with colic, IHelb,INatr. s.; in potters' colic,lAlum.; with tympanitic colic, IRob.; from lack of nourishment (enteralgia), ICycb; especially in abdomen and limbs, Bor.; after pain, IHam.; in peritonitis and enteritis, lUran. n.; tenderness, I IRaph.; throbbing, Calad. Weakness, activity: follows increased activity, Aur. met.; more nimble and active during exhaustion, Lyss. Weakness, in Addison's disease: ICalcJIod. Weakness, of affected parts: Cadm. s. Weakness, in afternoon : IKali c, ISub; when he rises to sitting position he feels as if he would instantly sink down and die, Asar.; lasting till 2 p.m., gradually diminishing.Lyss.; at 3 p.m., Lyss. Weakness, in albuminuria: lArs., ICale a., IDig, Hod, IMere cor., INatr. e, ITereb. Weakness, in anaemia: ICinch, IIKali c, IIFerr, INatr. c, INatr. m., HPhos. Weakness, in anthrax: from eating meat of diseased animals, I I Anthrac. Weakness, anus: prolapsus lArn.; prolapsus and loss of blood, ICollin. Weakness, in apoplexy: I Arn. Weakness, appetite: loss of, CSnan, ISul. ac; loss of, in dyspepsia, INux v. Weakness, back: spinal abscess, IPhos ae; aching, Cochl.; aching, as if pounded all over, IPhyt.; pain low down (dysmenorrhoea); I INux m.; posterior spinal sclerosis, IPicae; as after hard work, I IApis. Weakness, bathing : from a sea bath, IMagn.m. Weakness, bed : desired to get out of and run about, but fell over, IFerr. ph.; sinking down, towards foot, Crotal.; sliding down (typhus), IApis, IMur. ac; slipping down (pneumonia, acute catarrh), lAnt. t. flgT' Chap. 35, Position. Weakness, bladder : paralysis of, ICie Weakness, bones: as if aching, IRhus ; as if marrow were stiff, lAng. Weakness, brain: in cerebrospinal meningitis, IVer.; after exaltation of brain and spine, Atrop. s.; hydrocephaloid symptoms, in sum- mer complaint, IPhos.; hydrocephalus,IApis, IPhos.; irritation, in dentition, ICup. ac; in meningitis, ICup. ac„ ICup. m, ISep.; tired, wreary sensation, ICon. Weakness, breathing: in asthma, ICarbo v., llpec; after attack of asthma Millari, ICup. m.; after asthma, I IRumex ; with dyspnoea (irritation of cardiac nerves), HCollin.; op- pressed, short, IThuya ; oppression, worse in open air, ILye; can scarcely breathe (inter- mittent), IChin. s., I IPhos. Weakness, in bronchitis: of the aged, I Amm. e; chronic, llnub Weakness, in cancer: I Ars, ICarbo a. Weakness, in carbuncle : lAnthrac, I Ars. Weakness, in catalepsy: lArt. v. Weakness, in catarrh: IPetrol.; bronchial, HCale, I IPuls.; bronchial, of old people, IHydras.; bronchial and vesical catarrh, ICop.; chronic, llpec, ILye; hay catarrh, I ISticta ; nasal, IILyc; persistent, ILye Weakness, chest: affection, after abortion, INux m.; complaints, IApis; oppression, HPsor.; originates, IPhos., Seneg.; in pleu- risy, IFerr. mur.; seems to proceed from chest, with leucorrhoea, HStann.; spasms, after paroxysms, IHyos.; particularly in chest, causes difficult speech, HStann.; sticking in region of fifth and sixth ribs, morning, while walking, I IRan. b. Weakness, in children : ISub; prolapsus ani, HPod.; with no organic lesion save carious condition of teeth, flesh fairly firm, complex- ion delicate, hair light and curly, Ferr. ph.; in dentition, ICale, Calc. p., llpec; after in- fluenza, I lAbrot; must be lifted and held up, seemed as if it would die (intermittent),ICact.; with softness of flesh, IPod.; cannot stand, or hold up head, lyEthus. Weakness, chill: before, Thuya ; during,Agar., 36. NERVES. 1039 Astac, IDiad.; after, Apis ; from evening un- til midnight, IPhos.; fell down in a bunch, during (ague), llpec Weakness, with chilliness: Cornus. Weakness, in cholera: Ant. t, I Ars, lArs. h, lAtrop. s., HCamph., HChin. s, IColch.,Cro- tal, IJatroph, ISee, HVer.; in cholerine, IPhos.; choleroid diseases, with cold skin, yet unable to bear warmth, I ISee; simultaneously with intense congestion (meningitis), IVer.; fourth day, IPhos. ac; infantum, I Ars. i, IManc, HVer.; morbus, IColch, HVer. Weakness, in chorea: ICheb; after attacks, INatr. m. Weakness, climacteric period : IHelon.; uter- ine affections, IHydras. Weakness, coffee: exhausted, but lively after drinking, Jamb. Weakness, collapse : flgp" sinking. Weakness, coldness: lArs., HCarbo v,HVer.; and blueness of hands and fingers, ICrotal.; surface, especially below knees to feet, ICar- bo v.; of skin,HCinch.; particularly in cold weather, Apis. Weakness, confinement: six weeks after, in hydrogenoid constitution, INatr. s. Weakness, with constipation : IMez, INux m.; discharge like horse-dung in size (sacculated ovarian disease), ILach. Weakness, constitution: emaciated boys cough day and night, ILye; in persons of dissolute habits, IGels.; deep-seated dyscra- sia, IISul. ac; especially women, HAlet. Weakness, convalescence: after acute dis- ease, ICale p., HPsor.; after adynamic dis- ease, lAilant.; if appetite does not return, lAnt c; as from convalescence from severe sickness when treated by strong drugs, Bapt.; after severe or exhausting illness, HCinch, ICurar.; felt as if recovering from severe sick- ness, Ascl. t.; feeling as after a long illness, Ars. h., IHelon.; from low fevers, ICoca; from prostrating diseases, IIGuarana; pro- tracted, slow, I I Alet, ISib; protracted, in cerebrospinal meningitis, ICale, I ISib; easy relapses, protracted convalescence, HCale; from tvphus, I ICoca, IFluor. ac. Weakness, convulsions: after, lAmyl, Art. v., ICup. m, llpec, ICSnan.; after epileptic, I Ast. r., HPlumb., ISub; after epileptiform, IChin. a., IHydr. ae; with hydrocephaloid, IZinc; in puerperal, I IVer. v.; in puerperal, after respiration has been restored, ICie; after tetanic, See; uraemic, in albuminuria, ICup. ars, ITereb. Weakness, with cough: IINitr. ac, I IPsor.; worse after, Coff, Dig, IKreo, IIRumex; acute cases, IRhus ; caused by, IKali e; con- tinuous for an hour or more, early in morn- ing, IPhelb; as if she would die after cough- ing' spell (measles), ILach.; with free gray expectoration in phthisical patients, ICurar.; with light red bloody expectoration, half a pound in all, IMillef; has to lie down and sleep after, IIRhod.; long continued, 101. jee; short, in dysentery, IColch.; with spasmodic rapid sinking, worse at night after lying down, and at 2, 4 or 6 a.m. (catarrhal com- plaints), IPetrol.; from unavailing efforts to, IChlor.; in whooping cough, I Ant. t, IBrom, ICorab, ICrotal., IDros, IHyos, IHyper., IMere; whooping cough, children fail to re- cover strength after paroxysm, and are in- clined to lean head against something for sup- port, IVer.; whooping cough, a sort of hectic feebleness, 11 Ver.; whooping cough, after every spell, ICarbo v. Weakness, in croup: IIBrom., ISamb. Weakness, during day: Lyss, Uran. n.; with dull pains in head, back and limbs, Cornus. Weakness, with delirium: tAgar.; after, IBelb; quiet (morbus Brightii), I IPhos. ac. Weakness, in diabetes: HAcet ac, ICarbol. ac, INatr. s.; constantly increasing, 11 Uran. n. relieved; in diabetes mellitus, I Arg. met., lArs, ILact. ac. Weakness, in diarrhcea: I Alum, Ant. t. Apis, IIArs, Bar. m., IBor, HCinch., ICornus, IDulc, IFerr., llris, IKali in, IIKali ph., I INuph, IINux m., IPod, I ISep, ISul. ac, ITabae, HVer, IZinc; in children, Rheum; sequel to cholera, I IPhos.; chronic, I Acet. ac, lAmmoniac, lAng, HCale, IColoc, IDulc, IGamb, INatr. s., HPhos. ac; chronic, can only sit up a few minutes at a time, HSub; from cool change in weather, IDulc; first days after confinement, IRheum ; abdominal dropsy, I ISib; child conscious, yet unable to move, I ISub; and nausea, IColch.; especially old people and those who sleep badly, INitr. ac; painful, I ISee; very frequent, IJatroph.; in summer complaint, IIAnt t, IFerr. ph.; watery, sour, yellow, Sal. ae; yellow, green, burning stools, IRobina. Weakness, in diphtheria: lAilant., IApis, IBrom, ICanth., IChin. a, ICrotal, llgn., IKali bi., IKali perm, IKaob (in alternation with Belb), Lace (after failure of Lye and Phyt.), IILach., IIMerc.cy, IMere iod. flav., IMur.ae, INatr. a., I INux v., HPhyt, I ISal. ac, ISee, ISub; after, I I Alet, IHelon, I ILac c; after, causes paralysis, IGels., IKali ph., ILach.; from beginning, IApis ; even before local evidence of disease could be detected, ILach.; so complete, refuses even to make an effort to take medicine (after failure of Lach.), ILac c; of lips, I IRhus ; with poisoned feel- ing, ILac c; could not turn in bed, I ILac c; interrupts hoarse voice, ILac c Weakness, discharges: with profuse offensive secretions and ulceration of mucous mem- brane, IKreo. Weakness, after drinking: ICham.; in alco- holism, I Ars, IKali br., IPhos., ISelen.; better by coffee, Cornus; from use of coffee, wine, etc, with heaviness and trembling of limbs, espe- cially early or after a walk in open air,IINux v.; of drunkards, INatr. s.; after drunkenness, Eucab; from intemperance, Eup. pert; after overstimulation, INux v. Weakness, in dropsy: HApis, lArs, lEup. pur., IHell, Seneg.; anasarca, IHelb; with kidney affections, ITereb. Weakness, drops things : Bov. Weakness, drugs: after abuse of Cinchona, IVer.; as from mercury, Ananth.; following use of opium or soothing syrup, IMur. ac. Weakness, in dysentery: ICarbo v, IMere cor, I IPhos.; autumnal, IMere; organic dis- ease, INaja. Weakness, ears: dull hearing, especially to distant sounds, IPhos. ae; noises, IKali p.; ringing, HCinch.; shooting pain, ICham. Weakness, eating: after eating, Sars, Oxal. ac; 1040 36. NERVES. worse before, better riding in open air, Cin- nab.; better temporarily, IHep, lllod.; worse after breakfast, Brom.; especially after break- fast and dinner, Dig.; cannot eat, ICarbo a.; after dinner, Ars. h, IILach.; worse during, Amm. c; inability to take nourishment (stricture of oesophagus), I IPhos.; obliged to lie down for several hours after, Ars. h.; when passing the meal hour, Cinnam. Weakness, emaciation : HPlumb.; in typhus, ITereb. Weakness, in epigastrium : with soreness in abdomen, Anthrac; burning into throat, again into abdomen, I IPhos.; painful sensa- tion of emptiness, ISep.; tumor, with mar- asmus, IHydras. fl^* Chap. 17, Epigastrium weakness. Weakness, with erethism: ICale, HPhos., IIPuls, HSib; oversensitiveness of senses (typhus recurrens), IINuxv.; increased sus- ceptibility to external impressions, IPhos. Weakness, eruption: after suppressed itch, I IPsor.; in pemphigus, I IRan.b.; suppression, IPhos. ac; tinea favosa, Hydrocot Weakness, in erysipelas: I Amm. c. Weakness, in evening: Niccol., Stront.; ready to drop, in evening, Ars. h.; as from great physical exertion, with sleepiness and feeling as if eyelids were swollen, better by literary occupation, ICroe; with ill humor and sleepi- ness, better when moving about, ICycb Weakness, exertion: after, INatr. c, IINatr. m.; as after (dysentery), HColch.; after, or after long talking, IINatr. m.; aversion to, ICoca, ILye, Lyss, INatr. m.; from carrying a heavy child, and loss of sleep, IINatr. m.; easily tired, for a long time, Osm.; from least effort, ICoccul, IINux m.; after exercise, Spong.; from fatigue, Thuya ; easily fatigued (acute desquamation in Bright's disease), I He- lon.; as if overfatigued, Lye vir.; as after some great physical exertion, lArg. nit.; can- not stretch out hand, Lobel. i.;can hardly raise her hand, every motion seems to increase debility, even a movement of bowels, I IVer.; incapable of (jaundice), IPhos.; after little labor, Bapt, IPsor.; from least, IBry., ICoc- cul, Rhod.; since attack of diphtheria, I ISub; from least, after eating, Nitr. ac.; from least, must lie down, IIArs.; from least, better during rest, IKreo.; when at work (acute desquamative stage of Bright's disease), IHe- lon.; disposition to easy overlifting, IKali c; can scarcely move a limb, Bar. m.; after every trifling motion, ISpong.; burdensome to move even a limb, ICycb; on attempting to move or sit up, lArs.; when moving, especially going up stairs, Sep.; from climbing mountains and other muscular exertion, HArs.; nursing the sick, I Act. rac, INitr. ac, Oleand., HZine; with itching and burning pustules (ecthyma), I IPetrol.; cannot raise himself in bed with- out assistance, Cheb; in chronic rheumatism, HSabina; on rising from bed, Hod, Rhus; especially on rising from sitting,! ICinch.; after being obliged to run until nearly exhausted, a man aet. 21, I IPsor.; can hardly sit up in bed, IBar. e; from going up stairs, HCale, lllod.; from going up stairs, in uterine displacement, ICale; suddenly, after exertion, chest parti- cularly affected, could hardly speak, Spong.; cannot turn over alone, I ISib; could scarcely i turn herself in bed, 11 Xan.; walking in morn- ing, particularly legs, Ascl. t; cannot work, in climacteric period, 11 Ustil.; cannot work, with spermatorrhoea, I lUstil.; from overwork, Ars.; from overwork and anxiety (nervous dyspepsia), IHydr. ae Weakness, eyes: asthenopia, IINatr. m.; sup- purative choroiditis in right eye after a needle operation for cataract, I IPhyt.; with obscura- tion of sight (vertigo), I IKali nit.; photopho- bia, ICon.; dimness of vision, can only distin- guish light (fainting spells), ILac def. Weakness, face: anxious, feverish, Ferr. mur.; anxious expression, in acute rheumatism and cholera, IColch.; heat, Anac; heat and sweat, Como.; exhausted look,ICoff.t; after neuralgia, 11 Kali ph.; pale, Kali c; pale, after miscar- riage, I IFerr.; prosopalgia, lArs, ICoccul., IMez.; after prosopalgia, I IVer.; sunken eyes and cheeks, 11 Dros. Weakness, with fainting: ICoca, IIDig, IIEup. perf, IGoss.; bordering on syncope, I IVer.; in diarrhoea, I IVer.; with dysmenor- i rhoea, Merc, per.; with nausea, in attacks, ILach.; so great that he faints on sitting up, Arn. Weakness, faintness: lArs, HCaust., IINux v, IPetrol, TZing.; in attacks, ICarbo v.; and dizziness, worse in open air, ICrot. t; in even- ing, before sleep, or morning, with sour smell- ing sweat in head, ISep.; caused by exertion of mind or memory, IParis ; after least food, ILye; with fluttering of heart, worse lying down, INatr. in.; with flushes of heat, ICrot. t; during menses, ISub; frequently during day, after nursing or night watching, with sleepi- ness, ISub; during pregnancy, Alum.; in preg- nancy, ISub; while walking, and after a walk, Berb. Weakness, with falling : at noon, IBell. Weakness, feet: cold, IVer.; especially in feet, IChin. s. Weakness, in fever: I Aeon., I lAnthrac, Apis, I Ars., IBry, lEup. pert, llgn, IRhus; after fever, Sal. ac, Syph.; in anthrax, I ITarant; during apyrexia, ICornus, IGels, IHep, llpec, Sabad.; bilious fever, lEup. perf, IHy- dras. ; bilious remittent, ICrotal.; paroxysms of chagres, I ISub; with diarrhoea, I ISub; gas- tric, IHydras.; hectic, HCale; in intermit- tent, lAnt. t, lArn., IDiad, IFerr, Lye, Sa- bad.; intermittent, after each paroxysm, IHyos.; after intermittent, ICina ; after lin- gering, ;Amb.; malarial symptoms, INatr. s.; mucous, IMere; and later stages of nervous, Hydras.; puerperal, Act. rac; quotidian, IPuls.; high, in smallpox, Hod.; in typhoid, Anthrac, IBapt, IBry, IHydras, I IKali ph, IMere, INitr. sp. d., IPhos. ac, ISinap.; after typhoid, in seborrhcea sicca, IHydras.; ty- phoid, can hardly control his movements, IGels.; typhoid, early and rapid, I IPhos.; ty- phus, lAlum, lArn, Arumt, IBapt., IBry, ICamph, IChlor., IMur.ac, INitr.ac, IRhus ; in typhus, with nervous excitability, ICup. m.; in typhus, feels as if sinking away, IBapt.; after typhus, particularly when sensations spread from above downward, ISelen.; after typhus, with despair of recovery, 11 Psor.; in yellow fever, Arg. nit. Weakness, from loss of fluids: ICale, HCinch. ICurar., Lachn, INatr. in., INuph., IPhos.,' 36. NERVES. 1041 HPhos. ae, HPsor, See, ISep.; amaurosis, IINatr. m, HPhos., IVer. v.; with headache, ISub; in ascites, IILyc; fainting, IVer.; ver- tigo, ISep. glgg* hemorrhage. Weakness, flushes: after flushes, IISul. Weakness, in forenoon : towards noon, ICarbo v.; 11 a.m., ILach, ISub; while walking, IBry. Weakness, with gangrene: IArs,HLach.,ISee Weakness, in gonorrhoea: gleet, IHydras.; after injection of nitrate of silver, I ITarant. Weakness, gradual: fig?** progressive. Weakness, hands : blue, IVer.; cramps,IKalie Weakness, head: proceeding from, Calc. s.; af- fected by pains in bones, lying down, Aur. . met.; hangs loosely backward, can scarcely move, Lach.; cannot move from pillow (hem- orrhage from bowels), I IColch.; pains and weight at back of, 11 Kali ph. flgr* Chap. 4. Weakness, with headache : IIAnt. c, Bism, Calc. a, Carbo v., Chin, s. Cinch., Diad, ISib, I IThuya, IVer.; after headache, I Ars.; better in open air (brain fag), I IPic. ac; after congestive, IMelil.; painful pressure in forehead, Lyss.; dull, pressing pain in fore- head, slight nausea and cold sweat, IPhyt.; hysterical, INux m.; involuntary closing eyelids, HChin. s.; and relaxed muscles in leuco-phlegmatic people, ISub ac.; occipital, ICrotal.; occipito-cervical region, IPic. ac, HPhos. ae; in diseased pancreas, lAtrop. s.; painful pressure in vertex on moving, Lyss.; stitching, tearing, throbbing in forehead, temples and occiput, I INatr. c.; followed by throbbing, frontal, I IMelil. Weakness, heart: angina pectoris, ILaur.; com- mences with sharp cutting in apex, ILac def; dilatation, lAnt. t; disease, INatr.m.; disease prevents sitting erect, IHydras.; in endocarditis, Coccul.; praecordial anxiety, IGlon.; rheumatism, IIArs.; sudden stitch, ILach.; troubles from nervous exhaustion, ISil. flgF* palpitation ; also Chap. 29,Heart weak action, weak feeling. Weakness, with heat: Niccol.; after heat, lAmyb, Diad, IHydras.; after eating, INitr. ae; in intermittent fever, ISamb.; in relapse of intermittent fever, lArs.; flashes, IPhos.; of sun, or summer,lArs, IIGels.; especially in hot weather, ISeb; as from warm weather, ILach. . Weakness, in hemorrhage : ICarbo v, IChin. s., HCinch, IFerr, IHyper., llgn, IRatan.; as if from great losses of blood (anaemia), Therid.; chronic passive, I ISee; in haematame- sis,IFerr.; in haemoptysis.lCinch.; chronic pas- sive, from kidneys, I I Tereb.; of lungs, llpec; metrorrhagia, cannot hold anything, lElaps ; with metrorrhagia, Alum.; from nose and teeth, IKreo.; from prolonged, IHelon.; out of proportion to loss of blood (bleeding piles), I IHam., IHydras.; from small loss of blood, IHam.; thin, black blood (metritis), HSec; after typhoid, IKreo.; uterine, at climacteric period, ITrilb; passive,painless, natural color, rather thin, from vagina, IIKali f; from lacer- ated wounds, ICalend. n@» loss of fluids.' Weakness, with hunger: ICrotal., ISub, Te- reb • canine, INatr. m.; periodic, llgn. Weakness, in hysteria: |Ammoniac,, llgn, INatr. m, ITherid.; worse during paroxysm, IMagn. m.; feels as if she had to gather up all her strength, INux m.; sighs much, lungs feel so weak cannot take a full breath, IPlat. Weakness, in influenza: I Ars., IIBry, ICaust, lEup. perf, lEuphor, IIGels, HPhos. Weakness, injuries: after shock, Acet. ac, ICamph., Dig.; after wound on head, ILed. Weakness, in joints: fl®** Chap. 34, Joints weakness. Weakness, labor: during, ICon.; after, Caulo., IKali c, I ISee, IVer.; feels as if she would die, when lying in bed, IILyc; spasmodic pains, IStann. Weakness, lactation: I ICale, ICale p, HCar- bo v., HCinch., Lye, IPhos, I IPhos. ac, IPhyt, ISib, ISub Weakness, larynx: causes aphonia, HXan.; spasmus glottidis, IChlor. Weakness, legs: figy Chap. 33, Legs weak- ness. Weakness, with leucorrhcea: Alet, Berb, ICalab., HCale, Calc. p., ICalend, I ICaulo, ICaust, Con, IIGraph, IHam, IHelon, Hy- dras, Hod., IIKreo, ILye, Lyss, IINatr. m, IPetrol, IPhos. ac, Rob., HStann, Sul. ac, Tarant, Trill, Zinc. flgT Chap. 23, Leucor- rhcea weakness. Weakness, limbs: fig?" Chap. 34, Limbs weak- ness. Weakness, liver: affection, ICheb, Hod, ILep, IMagn. m.; inflammation, IMere; jaundice, IDig, IKali c, IMere, IMyr. cer. Weakness, lungs: burning, through upper lobes,I IRumex ; in phthisis, I ISul,I ITubere; phthisis,must remain in bed,IKali e; phthisis florida, after pneumonia, IFerr.; incipient phthisis, ILye v, I ITubere; in pneumonia, I Ant. t, IChel, ILye, IMere, IRan. b, ISe- neg.; senile pneumonia, IDig.; typhoid pneu- monia, IPhos.; after pneumonia, ILye; in tuberculosis, IChin. a., IFerr. iod, IKali c. flg?° Chap. 28, Lungs weakness. Weakness, lying down : Asaf; must remain constantly in bed (intermittent), ICoccul.; desire to lie in bed (mensesirregular),IDiad.; desire to lie down. Case, Con, IFerr. ph, ILil. tig, IRhus,Sarrae, HSil, Tarax.; feels as if rocked on closing eyes, Calad.; must lie down, Amm. c, I IApis, I Arg. nit, lArs, Bar. m., IBry, ICepa, IFerr, IINitr. ac, IPuls, IVer.; feels she must lie down or sit, IIKali c; must lie down, after stool, IPhos.; must lie down, with an inexpressible sick feeling of body and mind, IMere sob; cannot sit up in' bed (neuropathia), IIKali ars. fig?*" Chap. 35, Position lying down. Weakness, menses: fig?" Chap. 23, Before, During, After menses weakness. Weakness, mesmerized: desire to be, HCale, HSil. Weakness, mental condition: no ambition (cough), ICale; as from violent anguish (agal- actia), lAgnus; with anxiety, as if he would die, IRhus ; from anxiety, in nervous dyspep- sia, IHydr. ac; pining away, from anxiety, after mercury, IlAur. met.; want of courage, cannot do anything, must keep her bed (pregnancy), IIStann.; followed by crying, palpitation and depression of spirits (fainting spellsf, ILac def; with quiet thoughts of death, in afternoon, Zinc; depression, Lye vir. Mere sob; from depression of spirits, in agalactia, lAgnus ; depression, anxiety and 66 1042 36. NERVES. lowness of spirits, ICrotal.; depression, in dys- pepsia, Illgn.; in mental derangement, IKali br., I IOp.; dull, aversion to mental exertion, Kob.; with dulness, in typhus, ILach.; des- pondency, IRhus; believed she was dying (puerperal fever), I I Act. rac; after mental effort, Anag., Aur. met., INatr. c, IParis, I IPicae; brought on by excitement, ICon, HPhos.; worse from excitement (anaemia of brain), ICon.; with nervous excitability,ICup. m.; mental exhaustion, Act. spie, ICarbo a.; gives up, Osm.; from grief, IPhos.ae; from grief and other depressing causes, IPicae; by long concentrated grief, Illgn.; in hypo- chondriasis, I Arg. nit.; from least unpleasant impression, IPhos.; with indifference, Bapt.; with excessive irritability, HCinch.; with irritability, after remittent fever, Cina ; in insanity, I ITarant.; after being insulted and subduing his wrath, I IStaph.; in mania puer- peralis, INux v.; with melancholy, ICoca ; in melancholy, after mortification, llgn.; with weak memory, ISib; nervousness, ICinch.; nervous, drops things, INatr. m.; nervous- ness and irritability, IKali ph.; with sad- ness and ill humor, I ICact.; sadness and anxiety, regularly at twilight, IPhos.; after mental shock, IPic. ae; continual inclination to sigh, 11 Calab.; from sorrow or unfortunate love, IPhos. ac; from overstudy, ICinch.; stupidity, puerperal fever, IKali c; thinks he is strong, till he tries to rise (typhoid), I Ars. Weakness, in morning: Amm. m, Cochl.,Hy- per, Hod, IINitr. ac, IINux v., IPhos., Sib, Staph., I IStront, Syph, Thuya; better in afternoon, I ISabad.; on awaking, Spig.; in bed, Con, INatr m.; before breakfast, ICale; broken-up feeling, Chin. a.; in diabetes, INatr. s.; as if she would die, ILach.; from frightful dreams, ICodein.; early, IIArs.; after fever, Chin, a.; in bilious fever, lElat; during men- ses, HSep.; with nausea, IHyper.; in paro- nychia, INatr. s.; in phthisis pulmonalis, ICale; before rising, particularly in legs, Ascl. t; on rising, IILach.; does not wish to rise and dress, IRhus ; as if he had not slept, Aur. met; after urination, had to lie down, I IPhos.; with vomiting of food, IPlumb.; vomiting of mucus (suppressed foot sweat), HSib flgT* sleep. Weakness, motion : felt more when sitting than during gentle motion, Kali n. Weakness, mouth: stomacace, IKali bb; stom- atitis, IMur. ac. Weakness, muscular: Bar. m, ICale, I IChlor- al., IFerr. m., IGels., IOp, HPic ac, IPlumb, Sinap, Tereb., IVer.; in alcoholism, IKali br.; with rheumatic pains, worse in morning, All. sat. Weakness, with nausea: 11 Agar, Alum, Ang, ICale, ICamph., Stront.; continuous, Plat.; deathly (acute diarrhoea), IColch.; in yellow fever, ISub; as from nausea, in morning on waking, ISep.; vomituritio, I IAgar. Weakness, nervous (neurasthenia): flgfNerves weakness. Weakness, in neuralgia: flgp* pain. Weakness, at night: in diabetes mellitus, Lact. ac; at 3 a.m. (diarrhoea), ISee Weakness, nose: bleeding, I ISee; in coryza, Ars. m.; fluent coryza, ICale; causes epis- taxis, IIKali ph.; with plugs of nasal secre- tion, especially in old people and children, IMere iod. flav.; from sneezing, lArn. Weakness, old: in the aged, lAur. met, IIBar. c, ICurar. Weakness, ovaries: dropsy, -Ferr. iod.; in- flammation, IHam. Weakness, pains: after pains, 11 Ferr.; after toothache, ICoccion., IIRhod.; cease during weakness, Ars. h.; in neuralgia, Carbo v., IIKalm.; begins as soon as neuralgia, ICham.; intermittent neuralgia, I IPolyp.; after par- oxysms, IKali ph.; after pain in pelvis, Calc. s.; and loss of sleep, IHydras.; stitches, Calad,- lacerated wounds, ICalend.; between 2 and 3 a.m., Cain. Weakness, with palpitation: Crotal, llllic, Oleand, IVer.; on going up stairs, Iber.; before vomiting, Sang. Weakness, in paralysis: IIGraph.; causing palsy, ILach. Weakness, paralytic : lArt. v., ICaust, IFerr, IIGels., IPhos, IPhos. ac, Sabad.; of affected part, ICinch.; coldness and numbness of left arm and foot (during sixth month of preg- nancy), I IRhus; with pain in back, 11 Coccul.; with ebullitions, Amm. m.; in intermittent, IFerr.; of legs, especially after short walk, or ascending steps, legs give way, I INatr. p.; with weakness of limbs, Sarrae; on motion, lArg. met.; in myelitis, ICalab.; with all pains, lArg. met.; approaching palsy, IMere viv.; quickly developed, IHydr. ac; during rest, Rhod.; worse at rest, IPlat.; spinal irrita- tion, ICoccul. Weakness, in paroxysms : ICon.; short attacks, especially in legs, I I Cham. Weakness, periodic: daily attacks, indescriba- ble, sudden, IHep.; with hunger, llgn. Weakness, in pregnancy: IGoss,IHelon, I ITa- rant. Weakness, progressive : Aeon., Cup. ars,IDig., I 101. jec, I IPhos., I IPlumb.; in diarrhcea, I IPhos.; with worms, IMere Weakness, pulse: irregular, Sang.; irregular, intermitting, on going to bed, Tereb.; small, Tereb.; small, frequent (metritis and peritoni- tis puerperalis), ITereb.; thready, ITereb. Weakness, rapid: IIArs., ILaur, ISep.; reduced from vigor to prostration within twenty-four hours (epidemic malignant pustule), ILach.; in purpura haemorrhagica, ITereb.; in poste- rior spinal sclerosis, I IPic. ac; effects of over- study, ICup. ac. Weakness, want of reaction: I Amm. c, ILaur., ISub, IIOp., IVal.; especially in fat people, I ICaps. Weakness, relaxed state: Ant. t, ICycl, Eu- phor, llpec, Lobel. i, I IPhos., IPlat, ITa- bae; in prolapsus ani, lArn.; during climac- teric period, ITabae; not inclined to do any- thing, IBerb.; after excitation which might be taken for exuberance of life, Ferr.; with emaciation, ILach.; during forenoon, Arn.; especially hands and feet, with indisposition to move, IIGels.; during menses, ITabae; of body and mind, Calc. a.; muscular system flabby, ISub; with motor paralysis, IIGels.; resembling paralysis,IArt. v.; follows alternate tonic and clonic spasms, ITabae; of posterior muscles of trunk, Bar. c; in worm affections, ICie Weakness, in rest: felt most, ILye 36. NERVES. 1043 Weakness, restlessness: IIArs.,IBism,IColch, Lye vir, Lyss, I IPhos. ac, IIRhus. Weakness, rheumatism: IMere, I ISticta; af- fections of nerves and joints, Indig. Weakness, riding : after, in a wagon, IPsor. Weakness, in scarlatina: IApis, Carbo v., IILach, IPhyt.; malignant, IMur. ac. Weakness, in sciatica: I IStaph, IPhos.ae; fol- lows attack, HStaph. Weakness, septicaemia: result of dissecting- wound, disease at first mistaken for typhus, ILach. Weakness, sexual condition : abuse, and loss of semen, 11 Ustil.; after coition, HCale, ICon, IDig., IGraph, HPhos., ISelen., ISep, I I Ziz.; after coition, especially eyes, I IKali e; after coition and pollutions, IPhos. ac; follows emissions, ICale, HCinch, ICvpr., IDig., IHydras, IIKali br, IKali c, Med., INatr. m., INuph, IINux v., IPhos, IPhos. ac, ISars, ISep., ISib, IStann., HStaph, I lUstil.; as after emission, early in bed, Arn.; after emissions without erections, 11 Op.; with emissions nearly every night, IPhos.; after excesses, lArs., ICoca, INatr. m, IPhos.; with sexual excitability, Coccul.; irritation in genitals, IStann. Weakness, of sides: left side, ILach. Weakness, sinking (collapse): HApis, I Ars., HCamph, ICanth, Carbo a., HCarbo v., 11 Carbol. ac, HCinch, Citrus, Dory., IHyos, Med., IMosch, I ISeneg., HVer.; threatened, in angina, IMosch.; asphyxia and cyanosis, I lAnthrac; speedy, with asphyxia, ITabae; feels as if sinking through bed, IRhus ; dur- ing chill (pernicious intermittent), IVer.; in cholera, Aeon, HCamph, ICarbo v., HVer.; sporadic cholera, ITabae; in summer com- plaint, I Ant. t, IVer.; congestive collapse (bilious intermittent), IPuls.; with loss of consciousness, Anthrac; worse in morning, IILach.; rapid, in laryngeal croup, IPhos.; rapid, in whooping cough, ILaur.; appearance of impending death, limbs extended, head low, I IChloral.; with delirium, Cup. m.; in diarrhoea, Ante; from diarrhoea, at 3 a.m., I ISee; afterdiarrhcea,choleralike,l lAnthrac; in diphtheria, Canth., ISub; as if body were overwhelmed by a disintegrating tendency, ILach.; as if he were dying, IHep.; to faint- ing, IVer.; feeling, ISub; felt as if she were going to sink away, Lyss.; in intermittent fever, ISub; in yellow fever, ICarbo v.; in sudden gastric catarrh, HVer.; after injecting nitrate of silver for gonorrhoea, HTarant.; feels beating of heart, ILach.; in heart dis- ease, IHydras.; in heart and kidney affec- tions, Cale a.; after attack of intestinal spasms, HOp.; with livid countenance and low pulse, IIKali ph.; every morning, with nervousness(parenchymatousmetritis), I ILac e; imperceptible pulse, Kalibr.; with inter- mitting pulse and great thirst (shock of in- jury), INatr. m.; with dilated pupils, Hippoz.; rapid, IHyos, HSabac, IVer.; want of en- ergy and "reaction, especially in chest and heart affections, ILaur.; with difficult respira- tion, Anthrac; with irregular short respira- tion Hippoz.; in scarlatina, Crotal, HZine; a kind of, has to sit down, Fluor, ae; skin cool, Hippoz.; follows sleeplessness for forty- eight hours, HTuberc; in spotted fever, I IDig.; with involuntary stools, Hippoz.; last straits seem to have been reached (mekena), llpec; sudden, IColch.; sudden, in peritoni- tis, I Ars.; sudden and rapid, IIArs.; threat- ened collapse, ICina; in typhoid, ILach., IMur. ac; in typhus, HArn.; rapid, in typhus putridus, ISub; with vomiting, IVer. figf cholera, hemorrhage, loss of fluids, etc.; also Fainting. Weakness, sitting: IPlat.; can hardly sit up (vomiting during pregnancy), ICup. ars.; in- clined to, Tarax.; cannot sit up, without as- sistance, and must be held during examina- tion, IKali iod.; cannot sit up, despite pain caused by lying down (abscess of head),IMere sol.; has not power to sit down slowly,Stann. Weakness, sleep: after sleep, Amb, Dory.; on awaking, Clem., IDulc; on awaking, dread of night (spring cough), I ISyph.; on awaking in morning from deep sleep, confused and sleepy condition, continued even after rising, ICale; during day, Sinap.; as if deprived of, IRhus ; from disturbed (pneumonia), I INux v.; after dream, Calc. s.; amorous dreams, in both sexes, Plat; drowsiness, IJSthus,Chen, v., Merc, sub; drowsiness, in heat of summer,ICor- nus: great inclination,IMez.; insomnia, IMagn. p.; following least interruption, ICoccul.; from loss of sleep, INatr. m.; as from loss of sleep, Glon.; from loss of sleep, and pain (herpes zoster, from external application of Rhus), ILach.; from night-watching, cannot walk on account of giving out of lower extremities, knees knock together, IINux v.; sleepless- ness, IIKreo.; sleeplessness, nervous bilious temperament, I Cypr.; from sleeplessness(acute rheumatism), I IChloral.; in posterior spinal sclerosis, I I Pic. ac; after sopor, with delir- ium, after attack of vertigo, IKali e; as if waking from a heavy sleep, 11 Rheum; want of sleep (pleurodynia) 11 Ran. b. 8gT" morning. Weakness, in Spring: Apis, IIBry. Weakness, standing: Asaf, Ast. r.; cannot stand alone (morbus coxarius), IKali c; espe- cially in knees and in muscles of back, after standing only a short time, 11 Cie; cannot stand, lAcon, Curar., IMere, IIMerc cy., ISub; cannot stand, in haematuria, llpec; could scarcely (ovarian dropsy), IApis. Weakness, stomach: across, Calc. s.; burning, or icy coldness, great pain, Colch.; cardialgia, ICup. in., I IPhos.; coming from stomach, Ananth.;of digestion, IFerr.; slow and imper- fect digestion, INux v.; with persistent troubles of digestive functions in susceptible hysterical subjects, IMosch.; with dyspepsia, Hod.; dyspepsia, with amenorrhoea, IIPuls.; with feeling as from fasting,llgn.; gastralgia, I INux v.; in gastritis, lArs.; indigestion, I ISul. ac; indigestion, from atonic state, HHydras, ICale p, IPod.; sinking, ICrot. t. Weakness, stool: flg£°" Chap. 20, Constipation, Diarrhoea and Dysentery weakness: also During and After stool weakness. Weakness, sudden: Apis, I Ars, Belb, HCro- tab, IGraph, llpec, INux v, IPhos.,ISelen, I ISep, Stann.; as if he should break down (palpitation of heart), lArg. met.; in cholera, ICamph, IColch, Hydr. ac; with diarrhcea, Crot. t; with fainting, Ran. b.; with pain at heart, Cup. ars.; indescribable, Ars. h.; com- pelling him to lie down, Apis ; after motion, 1044 36. NERVES. out doors, ISpong.; shunning motion, Bry.; in phlebitis, ILach.; coming on even when sitting (labor), IILyc; in affection of vaso- motor nerves, IKali br.; walking in open air, after dinner, Amm. m.; when walking,ICon.; at 5 p.m. (headache), ILac def. Weakness, sunstroke : IGlon, IVer. v.; in epi- lepsy, iBelb Weakness, with sweat: IIAloe., ICale, ICinch, I IChin. m. Dig, IJab., ILye, IPhos. ac.,Sul. ac. Sab ac, HTarant; clammy, Oxal. ac, IPhos. ae; cold, ICamph, ICarbo v., Cup.m, IMere, IPhos. ac, ITereb, I IVer.; cold, espe- cially in feet and legs, worse on exposure to air, ITabae; worse by night sweats (chronic bronchitis), IPhos.; suppressed foot sweat, I ISil. Weakness, in syphilis: IKali iod, ILye, IStaph. Weakness, from talking: ICale, IFerr., IHyos, IINatr. in, IPhos. ae, HStann.; scarcely able to speak, 11 Ustil.; aphonia, HCaust, IPhos.; with brain fag, IINatr. m.; difficult, Carbo v., Lyss, HZine; difficult, after cough, with expectoration of pus (con- sumption), IKreo.; difficult, in phthisis, ISib; difficult, fell into a deep sleep, Cann. b; impossible, I ISub; cannot talk loud, ICoc- cul.; could hardly speak, in miscarriage, in sixth month of pregnancy, llpec; can hardly speak in morning (intermittent), IBry.; after preaching, must rest a long time to re- cuperate (phthisis), I IPsor.; or reading aloud, HStann.; sensation of, impeding speech with constriction in throat.ascendingfrom stomach, caused by accumulation of air, Mane; worse from talking, Dory. Weakness, taste: acid, raw, slimy, particularly after breakfast, I ISars. Weakness, thirst: IIArs, Tereb. Weakness, throat: chronic inflammation, IJugb; sore, Lyss. Weakness, during a thunderstorm: Sib Weakness, with tingling : Act. sp. Weakness, tobacco: after smoking,particularly in legs, Ascl. t. Weakness, with trembling : Anag, lArg. nit, Carbo v., ICinch., ICoccul, ICrotal, Lye vir, INitr. ac, IPhos., IPuls.; of hands, IIMerc. viv, I IStront., Tereb.; and knocking together of knees, Berb.; of limbs, ISub; after tobacco smoking, IHep.; in uterine hemorrhage, ICaulo.; after stool, IIArs.; after stool, better in open air, HCon. Weakness, in uraemia: Arum t. Weakness, with urinary symptoms: lEup. pur. Weakness, urination : after urination, 11 Pic. ae; after, in abscess of liver, I IMed.; in enu- resis, Vespa; as if he had passed his strength away, Lyss.; after prolonged or complete uri- nation, Med. Weakness, uterus: affection, Ananth.; cancer, ICarbo a.; dropsy, IFerr.; induration, ICarbo a.; in parenchymatous metritis, I ILac c; neu- ralgia, I INux v.; pressing, Calc. p.; prolapsus, IAgar, lAlet, I Aloe, I Arg. nit, IHam, IIHe- lon, I ILil. tig. Weakness, uvula: elongated, ILac c. Weakness, veins: phlebitis, Crotal, IHam. Weakness, with vertigo: I IAcet.ac,Cupr.s.,ISib, Uran. n.; in afternoon, IHyper.; after attacks, I ISabad.; long continued, ISang. Weakness, with vomiting: ICale, I ISang.; after vomiting, Ant. c. Bar. e, Cadm. s., HVer.; 2 to 3 p.m., Cinnam.; of bile (migraine), I IRhus ; of dark brow-n, coffee-colored fluid, See; purging as in cholera, I IPhyt; chronic, 11 Lobel. b; after,in dropsy, IColch.; followed by vomiting, Ant. chb; with vomiting first of food, then pure bile, occasionally acid mucuw after nausea (sick headache), I ISang.; of green, offensive, watery fluid, Sec. Weakness, walking: during, ICoca; after, ICale, Spig.; worse after, in open air,Act. sp., Alum., IRhus ; has to stop to get breath when outdoors (phthisis), ICetrar.; cannot walk, gastralgia, probably due to metallic poisoning, I ISul. ac; often, with chilliness, Menyanth.; difficult, I ICalab, ICarbo v.; difficult, often impossible, during menses (uterine disease), IMurex; ready to drop after a short walk, INatr. e; after, in even- ing, Sib; fatigue, in masturbation, IPhos.; can scarcely walk across floor (mental dis- turbance in climacteric period), ICycb; after least walk, Con.; especially in limbs, with exhausting sweat, I ICale; as if paralyzed, IPhos.; must rest sooii, though pains are bet- ter by walking (anaemia), I IStann.; further than a few rods impossible (diabetes mellitus), ILact. ae; across room difficult (affection of liver with dropsy), IFluor. ae; across room difficult, I Arg. nit.; from short walk, ICale, Cann. i, ICon.; after a short walk, Ruta,ISub; after a short walk (chronic passive hemorrhage from kidneys), I ITereb.; in smallpox, 11 Var.; staggers, unless his mind is on it, Asar.; sud- den tottering, with dyspnoea, ISpong. figF* exertion. Weakness, weather : flgf heat. Weakness, yawning: with desire to, and stretch, Plant. Weakness, with worms: ICie, ICina, IMere; tapeworm, ICina. flgT" Chap. 20, Worms. 37. SLEEP. 1045 37. SLEEP. Awaking. Dreams. Drowsiness. Sleep. Falling Asleep. During Sleep. After Sleep. Sleeplessness. Yawning. AWAKING, abdomen : colic, Ars. m, llgn.; colic and pain in back, as if bruised, bet- ter lying on side, 2 a.m., Natr. s.; colic, as from a cold, in morning, Ars. s. f; colic, 5 a.m., with desire for stool, HSub; colic and urging, Cast, eq.; colic, about midnight, Niccol.; cut- ting, Ars. m.; cutting in muscles, screams, 12 p.m., Lact. ae; violent cutting, 2 a.m., lAmm. m.; distended, Hyper.; drawing and cutting, ICale; dull pain in hypogastrium and navel, IHydras.; flatulence, iCarbo v, Stram.; pain in bowels, 11 Amyb; pain in bowels, child (tabes mesenterica), HPetrol.; pain in bowels, in bilious fever, lElat; pains in bowels and nausea, IHyper.; pain in bow- els, in afternoon, I IDiosc; pain in colon, bet- ter on rising, Chrom. ac.; pains along duode- num and down into umbilical region, 1 a.m., Merc. sul.; pain from flatulency, INatr. s.; pain in left groin to thigh, Ars. m.; near right hip bone, ICard. m.; pressing pain, like heavy weight, coming and going, better from emit- ting flatus, Oxal. ae; shooting, Ars. m.; sick feeling, 4 p.m., Chrom. ac. Awaking; arms: hands and forearms as if swol- len and as strong and large again as natural, IDiad.; numbness, Calad.; numbness, in right, Cham.; at 4 or 5 a.m., by intense, indescrib- able pain from shoulder to wrist, pain con- tinues as long as he stays in bed, can tolerate no covering, better getting up and moving about, worse in bad weather, spring and autumn (neuralgia in brachial plexus), I IVer.; pain in right, Cast, eq.; violent pain, after sleeping on side,l Arn.; pain in wounded,Lyss.; tearing in forearm, Cham.; upper, weak, 11 Arg. met. _ . Awaking, back: aching, IHydras.; bruised pain Arg. met.; lvingon, Coca ; pain in lower (nervous throat affection), Lac e; dull pain at inferior angles of scapulae, Chrom. ae; pain in small of, I IKali n.; pain in small of, on turn- ing IBry ; painful stiffness of spine, ICale; sharp stitching pains at 3-a.m., must get up and walk (lumbago), IKali e Awaking, bed: as if bed were in motion (par- enchymatous metritis), IJ Lace. Awaking, bladder : pain in region of, Chrom. ac • tenesmus, Ant c. . Awaking brain: sensation of congestion, Car- bo v • pressure deep, Arg. nit., pressure, under vertex, toward occiput, IIBar. c; as if shaken bv electric shocks, I I Ast. r. Awaking, breathing: want of air, Cadm. s.; by arrest, IKali e; asthma, I Aeon., Calc. a., IKali e, INatr. s.; asthma paroxysm, at day- break,IMeph.; of asthma, better smoking, and throwing head back, IHep.; asthma, sud- denly, Sep.; with choking, can scarcely breathe, IIKali iod.; choking, with ulcers in throat, ILach.; suddenly, with a whistling cry (spasmus glottidis), 11 Ver.; difficult. Ant. sub aur,IAnt. t,Am., Bapt, IKali bb; difficult, in asthma,!Benz.ac.; diflicult, in morning,Seneg., Sep.; difficult, as if he would suffocate, fre- quent awaking, as in fright, with anxiety, trembling (asthmaMillari),l ISamb.; gasping, IDig,Med.; gasping (spasms,after fright),llgn.; loss of breath,HGrin.;oppressed,IBapt, Benz. ac; oppressed, 2 a.m., IKali bi.; oppressed, especially in oedema of lungs, in morning, IKali iod.; as if smothered, IKali iod.; stop- page of air-tubes by phlegm, 2 or 3 a.m., 11 Samb.; stopped by something running from neck to larynx (spasmus glottidis), ILach.; suffocation, lArg. nit, IGraph, IPhos, Vab; suffocation, awakens about midnight, with congestive' headache, after pregnancy, ILye ; suffocation, awakes suddenly, must bounce out of bed on his feet, ILactu. v.; suffocation, each successive attack increased in duration and intensity (nervous asthma), IINux v.; suffocation, between 1 and 2 a.m., I ISpong; fits of suffocation, throwing arms about (hy- drothorax), ILach.; suddenly, suffocation, ringing, dry, brassy cough, hurried breathing (spasmodic croup), IKali br.; suffocation, in dysmenorrhoea, HTarant; suffocation, bark- ing cough, IMere cy. (complementary of He- par, and Phos.) ; paroxysm of suffocation, usually after midnight, IGraph.; shock, up-- ward, like a suffocative paroxysm, in trachea, ISpong.; want of breath, increasing to suffo- cation, HSpong.; after midnight, contraction of chest, slow, heavy wheezing, must sit bent forward, ILach. Awaking, bronchia : fulness, Ant. sul. aur. Awaking, buttocks: tearing, Agar. Awaking, chest: aching in side, lArg.nit; an- gina, IChrom. ae; 2 a.m., cramp from right to left, Lachn.; heaviness and pressure, as from a weight, better after rising, Kali bi.; oppres-. sion, Cinch.; oppression, after midnight, Cin- nab.; oppression as from a weight, Viol.; pain, Merc. iod. rub.; violent pain in left breast, in a point not definitely defined (neuralgia of left phrenic nerve), I IStann.; at midnight, short, intense paroxysm of pain (gastralgia), I ISub; 1046 37. SLEEP. spasmodic pressure behind middle of sternum, ICheb; transient soreness in whole breast, Merc. iod. rub.; stinging, in upper, to back, Alum.; broad, blunt stitches in last ribs of left side, morning, ISquilla; stitches in right side, in morning, Form.; uneasiness, soreness, tenderness, especially in a small spot toward left ensiform cartilage, IKali bb; weak feeling, HCarbo v. Awaking, children : push everything and want everybody to go away, IStaph.; strange un- easiness, Amm. c. Awaking, chill: Bry., HCarbo a., Gamb.; at midnight, Nitr. ac; in morning, Mur. ae; about 2 a.m. , made her teeth chatter, INatr. m.; shivering, IChel. Awaking, chilliness : lArnm. m. Card, m.; fre- quent, 4 to 7 p.m., or all night, IKali iod.; fol- lowed by great heat, ILye; in morning, with cold feet, Cheb Awaking, in chorea: I IChloral. Awaking, clothes: feel damp or tight, IGuaiac. Awaking, coldness: frequently, All. sat. Awaking, convulsions: after being punished and sent to bed, child, llgn. Awaking, cough: IIAcon., Arg. nit., lArs, Belb, Brom., ICaust, IChel, ILach., ISep, ISib, Sub; barking, suddenly at 11 p.m. (croup), IBelb; in cardiac rheumatism, I IPhos.; croupy, IKaob; deep, hollow, 11 Anac; dry, from soreness in chest, IPhos.; dry, at night, IKali e; dry, at 2 a.m., IKali e; as if one had inhaled dust, Bell.; 11 p.m., with expectoration, tenacious mucus, caused by tickling in larynx, HCoccus ; frequent, after which he falls asleep again, IIHyos.; in hepatic disorder, I ISib; hoarse, at mid- night, causes vomiting and pain in sternum (catarrhal fever), I IRuta; irritation, behind larynx, with chilliness, Card, m.; choking, about midnight, Ruta; between 5 and 6 a.m., pain in stomach and abdomen, IKali c; and nausea, at midnight, ICale; between 1 and 2 a.m., in any position, making chest feel bruised, IIRumex; at 2 a.m., a short time, then falls asleep again, IDiosc; in prostatitis and atony of sexual organs, I ISelen.; does not cease until he sits up and passes flatus upward and downward, ISang.; with stitches in sides of chest, Con.; in whooping cough, ICaust. fl®" Chap. 27, Cough night, sleep. Awaking, croup : fl®* Chap. 25, Larynx croup. Awaking, delirium : Bell, IBry, ICact. Awaking, difficult: Berb., ICamph., ICale, IGlon., HHydras., Iodof, IKali br.; in con- vulsions, ICie; as if arousing from a dream, ICarbo v.; in morning, Thuya ; in early morn- ing, HCale p.; after a sound midday nap, with thirst and bruised sensation, Jamb.; no desire to rise, ISep. fl®* Sleep deep, so- porous. Awaking, diphtheria: gasping, Naja ; desire to hawk or cough up detached deposits, with tough,ropy, yellow, discolored mucus, IKali bi. Awaking, dreams: Agar, Arn.; in afternoon, Ang.; apparently continues to dream, cannot be pacified, and cannot bear to be left alone, ILye; six or seven times, that he is dying and bed is surrounded by friends taking their last leave, HArn.; of failing from height or into water, IDig.; cannot free himself from, I ICale; frequent, Bry.; with fright and fixed idea that dream is true, with dreams of rob- bers, Ver.; frightful, Ascl. t, ILye; frightful, not knowing where he was, Cann. s.; that he is hungry, in morning, Arg. nit.; early, very impressive, arm amputated, wounded by shot, etc, Lobel. b; in morning, Chrom. ac; night- mare, I Aeon., ICamph.; remembers, heavy, anxious, Ant. t; after sleeping quarter of an hour, with start and cry, Cain.; troubled, busy, frightened as if someone were in room (mania apotu; typhoid), INux v.; unpleasant, fan- tastic, INatr. s.; leave unpleasant impression, Calc. fl.; vivid, IPhos.; vivid, after midnight, nightmare, worse on awaking, 11 Mez. g®~ frightened. Awaking, ears: dull aching deep in right, dur- ing night, I ITelb; disturbed by noise, Ars. h.; sensation as if pinned to head, Vib.; singing and buzzing (after heat of intermittent), I Ars.; stitches, in morning, IForm. Awaking too early: IBor, ICale, ICinch.,Se- len.; cannot fall asleep again, Brach, Chrom. ac, ILach.;' difficult falling asleep again, IIArs.; feels she has had enough sleep, IForm.; after midnight, remains awake for a long time, I IRan. sc; midnight, cannot fall asleep again on account of restlessness, Spong.; soon after midnight, cannot sleep again until 6 a.m., Syph.; and goes to sleep late, Diose; at 1 a.m. , cannot go to sleep again, ICoccul.; between 1 and 3 a.m., I IPhos. ae; at 2 a.m. (bronchitis), ICaust.; 2 to 3 a.m., IIMagn. e; at 3 a.m., IKali c, IINux v.; at 3 a.m., after which only dozes, ICoff.; at 3 a.m., falls asleep again, late in morning, Zing.; at 3 a.m., cannot go to sleep again, Sep.; at 3 a.m. , feels worse if he sleeps again, INux v.; at 3, 4 or 5 a.m., cannot fall asleep again, I ISub; at 4 a.m., ILye, Ptel, Tromb. Awaking, epigastrium: pressive, tensive pains, 2 or 3 a.m. (woman after childbed), IKali c; tightness, Cheb; weak, sinking feeling in morn- ing, ILac e Awaking, with erethism: INatr. m. Awaking, eyes: beating pain, especially at in- ternal canthus, at 1 a.m., lasts an hour, I ITe- reb.; blindness in left (epileptoid), I ITarant; burning, Elaps ; dark, IDulc; dryness, Elaps ; flickering appearance like sparks of fire before eyes, ICale; sees as through a gauze, IStram.; gummed, ICale, IDiosc; heavy, dull head- ache, over right eye, -l Sleeplessness* dysentery: IIBufo, llflios.; autumnal, IMere . Sleeplessness, ears : acuteness of hearing, clocks striking and cocks crowing at a distance keep her awake, HOp.; severe itching, lasting till midnight, IPsor.; as long as any noise con- tinues, Coff; pulsations, I ICact; shooting, especially at night (otorrhoea), I IPhos. Sleeplessness, eating: after eating, Castor.; after late suppers, or eating too. much, IPuls. Sleeplessness, epigastrium: arterial palpitation also in right ear, 11 Cact.; cramplike pressure, IColoc; pulsations, HCact Sleeplessness, eructations: atnight, Hyper. Sleeplessness, eruption: ecthyma, IJugb; itch- ing, constant desire to scratch, on wrists, HPsor.; eruptive disease, Apis; herpes or ul- cers burn and itch in evening, IStaph.; itching, Caust; no sleep till3or 4 A..M, itching, I ISub; child, itchlike, after vaccination, IMez.; urti- caria, ICop.; burning itching (urticaria), IBov.; urticarious itching, child, disappears during day, Chloral. Sleeplessness, erysipelas: IApis, I IVer. v. Sleeplessness, in evening: IPhos.; awakes early, Diose; until 12 m, then restless, with terrifying dreams, Dory.; till 2 or 3 a.m., by constant desire to change position, Arn.; until 2 or 3 a.m., from prickling, stinging biting, here and there, Arn. fl®* time. Sleeplessness, eyes: burning, Jamb.; perceives figures and objects moving about (nervous headache), llgn.; pain to forehead and all over head (acute inflammation), ICheb; as long as light continues, ICoff; open against will, ICamph.; pain through left, on closing lid, Act. rac; photophobia, ICon.; hyperaes- thesia of retina, INux v.; wild, staring, Eup. pur.; burning tearing, I IRhus; tearing pains, worse in cold damp weather (rheumatic ophthalmia), Ver. Sleeplessness, face: Brach.; neuralgia, Spig.; pain in lower jaw to shoulders and supra- and infraorbital nerves on both sides and over whole head, in evening, lasts all night, I ISub; neuralgic pain in right upper jaw to head, I IMed.; prosopalgia, IMagn.p.; circumscribed red cheeks, ILachn.; shooting, rending, left side between temple, ear and jaw, with nausea and violent empty retching, IColoc. Sleeplessness, feet: burning in soles, ILach.; burning in roots of toe nails, Asaf; after dinner, violent burning in corn on right little toe, Agar. Sleeplessness, with fever: ICham, ILachn.; with anxiety, 2 to 5 a.m., Ign.; with colic, 11 Alum.; gastric, 11 Sep.; during heat, IApis ; hectic nightly exacerbations, I 101. jec; inter- mittent, IApis, HCina, ICoff, IDiad.; catar- rhal intermittent, IHep.; intermittent, worse night before attack, lArs.; low, four days and nights, ICact; low, adynamic, IStram.; puerperal, ICoff, IColoe; in typhoid, Cham, ISub; after typhoid, IHelb; in typhus, IApis, IBapt; in abdominal typhus, I IStram.; in yellow, I Ars. h. fl®° chill, heat. Sleeplessness, in gonorrhoea: I ITarant. Sleeplessness, in gout: IMang. 37. SLEEP. 1067 Sleeplessness, hand: inflammation painful, lAnthrac; pain, I IPhos. Sleeplessness, head: congestion, ICarbo v, Inub; pediculi capitis and itching in purulent scaldhead on occiput, I IStaph. Sleeplessness, with headache: Ammoniac,!Arg. nit,Ars.i, IlAur. met,Brach,l ICalab,ICheb, IChloral, HCinch, Elaps, ILach, Magn. s, Pallad, I IPuls, IISul, ISyph.; dull pressing, HCalab.; in forehead or maxillary sinuses (influenza), IPuls.; lancinating,Elaps; neural- gic, ISyph.; nightly, ISub; Nux temperament, 11 Puis.; pulsating, throbbing,pressure on eyes, dilatation of vessels of head and other parts of body, ICroe; shooting in left forehead and temple, worse on coming indoors, shooting goes obliquely (downward, and sometimes backward), IMere per.; stinging and cutting in nerves of left head, coming and going, lAur. met.; stitches, Mane Sleeplessness, heart: beating (angina pectoris), lAur. mur.; dilated, ITabae; heart disease, IDig.; pain in cardiac region (heart disease), I IOp.; pericarditis, IColch. Sleeplessness, heat: Aloe, Hyos, IThuya; anxious sensation, IPuls.; burning, Aurant.; dry, in phthisis, I ISub; dry, cannot rest in any position (chronic gastralgia), HCaust.; ebullitions, Ign, IMere, ISil, Spong.; flushes and restlessness, IIPuls.; general, ISib; especially in head, IBor.; until 2 or 3 a.m., Arn.; and restlessness every other night (spoiled intermittent), IBry.; in spinal irrita- tion, Phos. ; with thirst, Mragn. m. fl®° fever. Sleeplessness, hemorrhoids: burning, I Ars.; intolerable suffering, IKali c. Sleeplessness, hiccough: fourteen days after labor (primipara), I INux v. Sleeplessness, hunger: Abies, IMar. v.; in evening, llgn. Sleeplessness, in hysteria: ISenecio, Mosch.; chorea, I ISticta. Sleeplessness, injuries: after bee-stings in wrists, burning, ILach.; after concussion, lArn.; after falling down stairs, I IRhus ; after setting fractured leg, ISticta. Sleeplessness, itching: Anac, Chloral, IMere; on arms, Carbo v.; over whole body, IPsor.; face, head and shoulders, IGels.; between fingers, Carbo v.; on hands, Carbo v.; intol- erable, IPsor.; intolerable, without eruption, I IZinc; pruritus senilis, IMez.; has to scratch whole body, Lyss.; on small circumscribed spots, 11 Apis. Sleeplessness, kidneys: desquamative neph- ritis, I IPlumb.; from renal affections, IHyos. Sleeplessness, labor: during, ICon.; six weeks after confinement, hydrogenoid constitution, INatr s.; bearing down pains, in threatened abortion, IHelon.; of lying-in women, ICoff; after miscarriage, several nights in succession, 'Cypr. , ._ Sleeplessness, larynx: aphonia, IFerr. mur.; strangulation (scarlatina), ILach. Sleeplessness , legs : aching all night, Med.; burning, Bapt.; drawing, burning, lancinating pains in left, particularly posterior part of thio-h (sciatic neuralgia), I IRhus ; fidgets in right, and hip, I IPhos.; gnawing and scraping in red, doughy swelling in right shin (syphi- litic periostitis), IKali bb; burning heat, deep- seated in heel and ankle, hinders sleep, IKali bb; constantly jerked up with cramps, IMen yanth.; pains and cramps in calves (periosti- tis), IMez.; excruciating pain, Syph.; pa- paralytic affection, Codein.; constant pain in anterior part of right thigh, I ISyph. Sleeplessness, leucorrhcea: precedes leucor- rhcea, ISenecio. Sleeplessness, limbs: coldness, Cheb; cold hands and feet, Aloe; numbness, Cheb; pain, in consumption, IGuaiac; severe pain, in sy- novitis, HVer. v.; twitching, ICypr.; ulcera- tive pain (leprosy), I IAgar. Sleeplessness, liver complaint: Acet. ac,IDolich. Sleeplessness, lungs: consumption, Hod.; in pneumonia, lAnt t, IBelb, ICheb, lElaps, IMere; after pneumonia, IKali e; incipient phthisis, following amenorrhcea, I ISang. Sleeplessness, malaise: I I Merc. Sleeplessness, mammae: burning in swollen, ISil.; pain in cancer, Ast. r. Sleeplessness, measles: IFerr. ph. Sleeplessness, menses: before, Cycb; during, Sep.; after, Kali br. Thuya; amenorrhcea, ISenecio, HXan.; at beginning, Agar.; dys- menorrhoea, ICoccul.; menorrhagia, Cann. i. Sleeplessness, mental condition: activity, Aur. met, ICoff, ILye, Zinc; quiet activity, IIHyos.; activity, at onset of typhus, or in chronic headache, ICale; agitation, Coff.; an- guish, IKali iod, IThuya; anguish, worse after midnight, IIArs.; anguish, moaning and groaning, Crotal.; torturing feeling of an- guish, I IKali iod.; anxiety, Bell, IMere, I ICaust, ICham, ILach, IIMerc, IMere cor.; anxiety and heat, I IBry.; anxiety, hys- teria, pregnancy, general nervous irritability, IKali br.; nervous anxiety, Lyss.; anxiety and palpitation, ISub; anxious thoughts, Ign.; sees apparitions on closing eyes, IThuya; after business embarrassments, lAmb.; many thoughts of business of day prevent for an hour, ICoccul.; from care, Ign.; will only sleep when caressed and fondled, 11 Kreo.; from conversation, Amb.; not cross (child), HCoff; in dark, child soon falls asleep in lighted room, HStram.; depressing emotions, Ign.; from depressing events, INatr. m.; de- pression, IThuya ; persistent, with depression, IKali br.; derangement, 11 Mane; disorder, ILach.; walking up and down in despair (lyssophobia), Lyss.; distress and agony, Acet. ac; nervous, out of all proportion with bodily suffering, ICrotal.; emotion, ICaps.; excitability, Lyss, Mosch, Plat.; from excitement, I Aur. mur, HCoff, Lyss.; afterexcitementattheatre,IPhos.; withexcite- ment,Coca, IPhos.; excitement, after nursing, during pregnancy, or delirium tremens, I Act. rac; from seeing frightful faces, IMere; full of fancies, IOp.; fancies and images, lArg.nit.; fear and dread, IIPuls.; fear and anxious restlessness, IPuls.; after fright,l I Aeon,llgn.; fright in seventh month of pregnancy, llgn.; frightful sensation as of a hideous dream, Coccul.; in grief, IGels.; from grief, Hgn.; after gnawing grief, INatr. m.; homesick, HCaps.; hypochondriasis, I Arg. nit, I Bar.c, Vab; ideas, Coff.; ideas crowding, liEse h., Aloe, Alum, IBry, ICale, Jacea, IPuls, ISep, IStaph.; ideas crowdings in evening, IFluor. ac, Sabad.; ideas crowding, making plans, cannot stop thinking, ICinch.; crowd- 1068 37. SLEEP. ing of pleasant ideas, ICypr.; cannot sleep until after midnight, idea fixed, IGraph.; constant flow of ideas, changing from one thing to another, Cinnab.; fantastic illusions as soon as closing eyes, ILed.; imaginations that were entirely distinct from surrounding objects, as in delirium, IOp.; insanity, I ITa- rant.; of irritable, excitable persons, from busi- ness embarrassments, often imaginary, IIHyos.; nervous irritability, with coldness in extremities, subjective, INatr. m.; rest- less irritability, IChloral.; nervous irrita- tion (typhoid pneumonia), I IChloral.; from joy, HCoff; knows not why, Amb.; lys- sophobia, ILyss.; in mania, IApis, ICoc- cul, I IStram,- mania puerperalis, INux v.; melancholy, I Aur. met.; melancholy, after mortification, Hgn.; mortification at trifles, ICale; with muttering, IIHyos.; nervous af- fections, lAur.mur.; nervous irritation,IGels, IHyos.; nervousness, ILach, IPlat, ISticta; nervousness, in hypochondriasis, I Arg. nit.; can hardly be kept in bedroom (puerperal mania), I IVer. v.; sadness, Ign.; after severe nervousshock(convulsions),IPhos.; after men- tal strain,Coff., INux v.; after overstraining by racking business cares, Ign.; from agreeable surprise, ICoff.; thinking, which she cannot control,IGels.; intent thinking, Diose; crowd- ing of thoughts, INux v.; excess of thoughts, after midnight, I IHep.; mind turning on same thought, ICale; tormenting, INatr. m.; visions, ICham.; anxious visions, ICarbo a.; wandering (typhus), 11 Bapt.; everything seems to worry, I Ars.; after worry or excitement, I IKali ph.; worry and grief, IKali br. Sleeplessness, midnight: before or after, 8®* time. Sleeplessness, morning: fl®- time. Sleeplessness, nausea: Coccul, IGraph. Sleeplessness, nerves: nervous, I Aeon, I IKali ph.; morbid irritability of nervous system (typhus), IBapt.; overstimulation of nervous system, IChin. s. Sleeplessness, nose: pains and burning in alae nasi (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; coryza, IIAcon.; obstruction, I ISticta. Sleeplessness, numbness: she feels numb all over (after an abortion), 11 Act. rac. Sleeplessness, old people • IBar. c Sleeplessness, ovaries: indurated, IGraph.; nightly aggravation of right ovarian pain, I ISyph.; tumors, IApis. Sleeplessness, palpitation : I Aur. mur,Crot. t, I IKali ph.; and flushes of heat, I IPsor.; and nervousness (cardiac hyperaesthesia), ICoff.; strong, quick, caused by unexpected news of great good fortune, ICoff. Sleeplessness, pain: llris, IMere; after anger, IIColoc; recommencing as soon as he went to bed, IIMerc. s.; in bone swellings, IDaph.; three nights, carbuncular boils that seem small, discharge slowly and show dark red streaks,Med.; with dyspepsia,ILye; in tendon of iliac and psoas muscles, All. sat.; various kinds, ISub; and soreness in leftside (subacute pleuritis), lArg. nit.; in chronic metritis, I Ant. t; in neuralgia, I IRhod.; crural neuralgia, ICoff.; at night, more before 12 o'clock, must turn often to find ease, IRhus; in parts lain on, IThuya; severe, IFerr. ph.; stinging all over, ILach. Sleeplessness, position: fl®* During sleep, position. Sleeplessness, in pregnancy: lAct. rac, IOp, IIPuls. Sleeplessness, restlessness: Abies, Anac, ICypr, ILach, ILed, I IMere, IPuls, IRhus, IThuya; could not remain in bed, IRhus; constant changing of position in bed or in arms of nurse, with somnolence during day, especially in afternoon, I IPetrol.; with chilli- ness, Sib; with shaking chill, Anac; with de- sire to sleep, INatr. m.; fidgets in left side, both legs and arms, IMeph.; in hemorrhoidal colic, Abrot.; inward, Ign, ILach.; could not lie comfortably on either side, IIMerc. c; in- termittent neuralgic pains, ILye; nervous, HApis; nervous, partly from shivering and shaking fits (general prostration after child- bearing), ILach.; nervous, with desire to sleep, INatr. m.; until 2 or 3 a.m., Arn.; tossing about, ICup. m, Tereb.; tosses about all night, IKreo.; constant tossing and turning, worse after midnight, IIArs.; tremulous tossing about before midnight, Euph.; twists and turns from bedtime till morning, next day as lively as ever (child), I IPsor. fl®* During sleep, restlessness. Sleeplessness, rheumatism: IDulc, IIPuls.; acute, Atrop.; in head and arms, I Ant. t; especially in right hip, radiating to calf and knee, IColoe; pain in right leg, Cact.; before midnight, on account of every exacerbation, I IPuls.; from pain, I ISticta ; pale swelling of affected parts, lArs.; twitching pains in joints, worse at night, I IPuls.; with uterine compli- cation, ICaulo. Sleeplessness, saliva: constant flow, llgn. Sleeplessness, scarlatina: HPhyt, IVer. v.; malignant, IMere iod. rub.; typhoid, lAilant. Sleeplessness,sexual condition: desire, Ante; painful erections, IThuya, I IPlat.; itching of scrotum, 11 Urt. ur.; irritable vagina, Cypr. Sleeplessness, shock: on closing eyes, a sudden shock passing upward (sunstroke from ex- posure of nape of neck), IBell. Sleeplessness, skin: cracked, bleeding when scratched, Pix. Sleeplessness, sleep : alternating with drowsi- ness, IHyos.; after awaking.evening and night, cannot fall asleep again for a long time,IPhos.; desire to sleep, IIBell.; desire to (nervousex- citability), I ICalab.; no desire, Ars.s. r,IFluor. ae; no desire, yet weary, Aur. met.; no dis- position to, after lying down, Cinch, bob; with drowsiness, ICoff, ICrotal, INatr. m.; drow- siness in afternoon and after sunset, HSub; alternating with drowsiness, Asim. t; weari- ness and drowsiness by day, from overwork at desk, IAgar.; drowsiness in delirium tre- mens, ICrotal.; not able to, yet fagged, Aur. met; syphilitic ulceration of penis, had not slept for a fortnight, ILac c.; a kind of struggle between sleep and wakefulness, INatr. m. Sleeplessness, in smallpox: ISarrae Sleeplessness, spleen : enlargement, IFerr. mur. Sleeplessness, stomach: cancer, IIMez.; cardi- algia, Vab; constriction, IColoe; dyspepsia, IRob.; acute gastritis, after taking cold, ICo- loe; before gastromalacia, IKreo.; pain, Tereb.; pressing, evening in bed, while lying on left side, Tereb.; weight, All. sat. 37. SLEEP. 1069 Sleeplessness, sweat: in tertian ague, I INux v. Sleeplessness, talk: desire to, ICypr. Sleeplessness, teeth: cutting, coming and going, lAur. met Sleeplessness, testicles: pain, Ham.; pain in orchitis, INux v. Sleeplessness, thirst: All. sat, Ign. Sleeplessness, throat: dry, ICist.; full feeling, causing suffocating feeling, I ILacc; mucus, IBry.; sore, HSub; sore, ulcerative pain, as of a splinter in, afternoon to midnight, IHep.; tonsillitis, IBar. c, IMere iod. flav.; ulcerated, Merc. iod. rub. Sleeplessness, time : in evening, IFerr,IILach, IIPuls.; in early part of night, apparently from nervous irritability (dentition), IPod.; forepart of night, from intrusion of various thoughts, Cact.; falling asleep late, Anag, ICale, Chrom. ac, IGraph, ILac c, ILye, IMagn. m, IIMerc, IMez, Millef, INatr. c, I ISep, IStann, Spig.; late, getting up late, Ast. r.; late, falls asleep quietly, IKali c; late, restless, Chrom. ac; late, in rheumatism, IIThuya; late, wakes several times atnight because he is not sleepy, I IRan. b.; late,only towards morning (diseased pancreas), lAtrop. b.; late, and wakes too early (hysteria), ILye; wakes early, with lassitude and weakness, Cycb; cannot sleep late enough to get a good night's rest (nervous debility), ICurar.; before midnight, ICon, Coral, IFerr, IHydras, Ign, Kreo, Lib tig, IMur. ac, Selen, Spong, Valer.; before midnight, anxiety in chest, Bry.; before midnight, in asthma, Arn.; be- fore midnight, drowsiness in morning and during day (albuminuria), IINuxv.; before midnight, on account of cold feet and heat in head, Amm. m.; before midnight, prevented by fixed idea, for example a melody constantly recurred to his mind, yet sleepiness prevented activity of memory and fantasies, IIPuls.; before midnight, general breakdown, after repeated attacks of pneumonia, ILach.; before midnigHit, rheumatic attack, IBry.; before midnight, shivering over one arm and foot, then sweat, Bry.; before midnight, with talk- ativeness, ILach.; before midnight, with thirst, Bry.; before midnight, with weeping because she could not sleep, girl aet. 8, IPuls.; sleeps only in middle of night, after which better, ICrotal.; after midnight, Ant. e, Apis, I Asaf, Aur.met, Euph, I IHep, Hod, Kali n, Merc sul, INux v.; after midnight, anx- ious, restless, tossing, eyes closed, IIAcon ; after midnight, from congestion to head, IPsor • after midnight, tossed about on ac- count'of sensation as if whole body were burning Rhus; after midnight, with heat and profuse sweat, Sabina; until 1 a.m., ICarbo v, Merc iod. flav.; after 1 a.m., Amb.; until 1 or 2am with pricking pain in forehead and dddiness, after checked diarrhoea, I ISub; at 2 am (melancholia), IIPuls.; until 2 a.m., Pallad IPuls.; 2 a.m., partly from painful weakness in limbs, partly from sensation of heat and restlessness, making him toss in bed, ICham • did not sleep more than thirty min- utes until after 2 a.m., Lyss.; after 2 a.m., INitr ac, IVer.; until 2 or 3 a.m., ICale; from 2 to 5 a.m', IBelb; until 3 a.m., Ars, I IMere; after 3 a.m., IBapt, ICale, ICinch, Rhus; after 3 a.m., in coryza, Calc. a.; until 4 a.m., Amm. c; after midnight, to 4 a.m., with cough, INiccol.; after 4 a.m., Plant, Verbas.; toward 4 a.m., I ICheb; latter part of night, Zing.; towards day (palpitation), ICact.; until a short time before daybreak, iHyos.; towards morning, 11 Psor, Vab; till towards morning (in rheumatic toothache), IIAnt. t. Sleeplessness, tired feeling: from climbing mountains and other muscular exertion, IIArs.; overfatigue, mental or physical, I IChloral.; feeling, Cact.; weariness, I Ars. Sleeplessness, from tobacco: INux v. Sleeplessness, toothache: ICham, ICoccion.; in decayed tooth of left side, Staph, relieved, Tromb. cured ; stinging, ISib; stitches in jaw and teeth to ear, HSep. Sleeplessness, ulcers: pains, ICon. Sleeplessness, uneasiness : in blood, IBry.; in body, ICarbo v. Sleeplessness, urination: constant desire, in nervous persons, Dig.; dysuria, IMere Sleeplessness, uterus: cancer, IZinc; irrita- tion, prolapsus and attendant nervousness, ISenecio. Sleeplessness, vaccination : after revaccination, IThuya. Sleeplessness, vertigo: Lact. ac, IMere e Sleeplessness, weakness: for forty hours, fol- lowed by collapse, I ITubere; from exhaus- tion, IGels.; from exhaustion or lack of brain nutrition, IMagn. p.; anaemic patients or nerv- ous persons exhausted, but irritated, IKali br.; at night, from exhausted condition (posterior spinal sclerosis), I IPic. ae; nervous exhaus- tion, especially after long sickness, especially uterine complaints, Cypr.; with prostration, IIKreo. Sleeplessness, worms : 11 Vab; itching of asca- rides, IFerr.; irritation, produced by thread- worms, coming on at regular times during day, Mar. v. Sleeplessness, wrists: burning in swollen (after bee stings on both wrists), ILach. YAWNING: Agar, Alum, Amyg, 11 Ang, lAnt. t, lArg. nit, 11 Arn, Ars, Ars. h, Ars. i, Arund, Asar, Aspar, Aurant, Bell, Brach, Brom, IBry, Cain, ICalab, ICale p., HCamph, ICarbo a, ICarbo v. Card, m, I ICarbol. ac. Castor, HCaust, Ced, ICepa, ICham, ICheb, Chen, v, Chlorof, Coccus, ICoff, IColoc, Coral, Croc, ICycl, IDiad, IDros, Elat, 11 Eup. pur, Gamb.JGlon, Hip- pom, llgn, llpec, IJacea, Kali bi, IKali e, I IKali iod, I IKali ph, ILye, Lyss, IMang, Med, Meph, IMere c, Merc, sul, IIMez, Millef, INatr. m, INatr. s, Niccol, INux v, Oxabac,l IPhyt, Pod, IPuls, ISal.ac, I ISee, Sil, Squilla, ISul, Tell, ITarax, Tromb, Verbas, Ver, Vinca, Xan, Zinc, fl®* spas- modic. Yawning, abdomen : complaints, ICast. Yawning, in afternoon : 11 Arum t. Yawning, air: indoors, Ruta ; walking in open air, I lEuphor.; exhaustive, when walking in open, Jamb. Yawning, amelioration : abates complaints and pains, Berb. Yawning, anaemia: chlorosis, IGraph. Yawning, breathing: asthmatic oppression, worse from motion, Bapt.; respiratory troubles, IBrom. Yawning, chest: loosens pressure, Ars h.; 1070 37. SLEEP. stitches, IBor.; stitches in left, INatr. s.; aggravates stitching pain in left from upper portion straight through to left shoulder blade (tuberculosis), IMyrtus; tightening about, Xan. Yawning, children: ICham.; child wants to yawn, but cannot, this makes it cry, 11 Lye Yawning, with chill: IINatr. m. Thuya; be- fore chill, lArn, Niccol.; before chill,"in ter- tian ague, llgn.; one-sided (left), commenc- ing in back, ILye; shaking, Agar.; shivering, in upper part of body, IMenyanth. Yawning, chilliness: Daph, IGels, INatr.m, Polyp.; 4 to 5 p.m., Kob.; from back, after- noon (ague), llpec; running up back, Merc. sub; over whole body, ICale; inchest, abdo- men and legs, Paris; in tertian ague, llpec.; internal, INatr. s.; before menses, IIPuls.; shivering sensation, ICina; and trembling of muscles, Oleand. Yawning, in convulsions: IGraph.; before spasms, Agar., HTarant; epileptic coma, I Amyb; during and after labor, IOp.; tetanic, llgn. Yawning, cough; before yawning, I Anac; after cough, Ant. c, Arn, IOp, Sang.; after cough, in whooping cough, lAnae; after cough, with difficult expectoration, IOp.; during cough, IOp, IPuls.; during cough, in hepatitis, IBelb; after cough, with difficult sputa, IOp.; causes cough, INux v.; cough causes yawn- ing (asthma), IIPuls.; consecutively, espe- cially in children, IIAnt. t. Yawning, in diarrhcea: ICaps, ICup. m. Yawning, with drowsiness: ICepa, IGraph, IKreo, IMagn. m, INatr. c, IRhus, I ISpong. Yawning, ears: burning, Daph. Yawning, eating: before and during eating dinner, ICale p.; after eating, Aur. mur, IIKali e; after eating a little food, IDiad.; better after eating, Chen, v.; bulimia, ILye; during and after dinner, Zincr Yawning, epigastrium: pain, as if being torn out (paraplegia), I Ars.; throbbing, almost taking her breath, IKali e Yawning, eructation: Berb.; alternates with frequent, Berb. Yawning, in erysipelas: I IRhus. Yawning, in evening: after going out, ICale; worse toward, IHep.; 9 p.m., ICed. Yawning, eyes: blepharitis, IKali e; lachry- mation, Ant. t, Calc. p., llgn, IKali c, I IRu- mex, ISabad, Staph.; could not keep open, Bufo.; fill with water every morning, Viol. Yawning, face: lower jaw stiff and painful, Lyss.; spasmodic, not sleepy, itching and pain as from dislocation of jaw, IIRhus ; straining of lower jaw, 11 Magn. p.; with trem- bling of lower jaw, Oleand.; neuralgia, ICup. ae; prosopalgia, ICoccul, llgn.; stiffness of lower jaw, Lyss. Yawning, fever: before chill, IDiad.; before attack of intermittent, lElat.; before parox- ysm, at 5 p.m., quotidian ague, IIRhus; be- fore paroxysm of tertian ague, IINux v.; long with heat, IKali e; in intermittent, IApis, Eup. pert; intermittent, with sound as if neighing of horse, I Elat.; prodroma, Ipec. Yawning, head: hot, Jatroph. Yawning, headache : ICepa, Chin. ars.JGlon.; yawning, before, I ISub; yawning, before paroxysms, Agar.; hemicrania, mostly in evening and morning, IPhos.; passes off with, IStaph. Yawning, heart: pain directly over cardiac re- gion in sternum, I IChel. Yawning, with heat: Chin, s.; dry, ICale p. Yawning, hemorrhage : uterus, IApis. Yawning, in hysteria: I IKali ph, Tarant. Yawning, ineffectual: IManc; child wants to but cannot, this makes it cry, I ILye; incom- plete (bronchial croup), lAnt. t; in perito- nitis, ILye Yawning, inguinal region: pain in right, IBor. Yawning, injuries : rapid, in shock, ILach. Yawning, labor: after parturition (eclampsia), IPlat.; threatened abortion, ICham. Yawning, laughter : gaping, followed by invol- untary, Agar. Yawning, lying down: constant, after lying down in bed, ICoccul. Yawning, menses: before menses, IPuls.; emansio mensium, IDig.; menorrhagia, IApis; renewed pain in amenorrhcea, ICina. Yawning, mental condition: anxiety,IPlumb.; effects of wounded honor, INux v.; irresistible, when listening to others, ICaust.; worse when he has to listen to others, ILyss.; low spirits, Merc. sul.; stupefaction, Jatroph. Yawning, in morning: Amm. m.; incessantly, ICoccul.; after a good sleep at night, Zing. Yawning, nausea: IKali e; epileptic attacks, IKali bi. Yawning, neck: stiff pain in muscles, ICoccul. Yawning, neuralgia: yawning, before attack, IChel. Yawning, at night: after midnight (rheuma- tism), I IThuya. Yawning, nose: with coryza, ICarbo. a.; crawl- ing and sneezing, then gaping and belching of wind, Lobel. b; pain runs upward and in- ward, as if head would be torn off (urticaria), IBelb; with sneezing, Astac; sneezing, with pain in maxillary joints, Agar. Yawning, pain: worse evening or Morning, when walking, Aloe. Yawning, pharynx: frequent, follows sensation of constriction in pharynx, as if in chest, with a suffocative feeling on sitting down to meals, Val. Yawning, with restlessness: Plumb.; and stretching of arms and legs, with pain in back, ILach. Yawning, rheumatism: IBry. Yawning, sitting: prolonged, when sitting in a dull, apathetic, or drowsy condition, Atrop. s. Yawning, sleep : in deep sleep, ICepa; as if he had not slept enough, Staph. Yawning, spasmodic: Aeon, Coccul, llgn, IMagn.p, IPlat.;before asthma, Bov.; during day,worse toward evening, IHep.; followed by spasm of glottis, Med.; followed by locking of jaws, with spasmodic rigidity of limbs, 11 Plat.; with pain as if dislocated in lower jaw, llgn.; in amenorrhcea, ICina; in paraplegia, lArs. Yawning, stomach: bloated, I IGraph.; cramps, ICale, ICepa, IDiad.; empty, brings tears in eyes, Ammoniac; fulness and bloatedness from food (cardialgia and headache), IKali c; be- gins attacks of gastralgia, ILye Yawning, stretching: JEsc. h, I IBry, Curar, INux v. Staph.; mostly of arms, Agar.; 38. TIME. 1071 relieves general ill-feeling, 11 Guaiae; without sleepiness, Viol. fl®» Chap. 34, Limbs stretching. Yawning, in summer complaint: every two or three seconds, lArs. Yawning, throat: pains, INatr. e; paralytic feeling on left side, Menyanth.; sticking, as from a splinter in, extends to ear, IIHep.; stitches, Amm. m.; tension, I Arg. met.; ten- APTERNOON, aggravation: IAgar,HAlum, Amb, I Amm. c, Amm. m, Anac, 11 Ang, I Ant. c. Ant. t, I Arg. met, Arn, Ars, lAsaf, lAsar., Aur. met. Bar. c, IIBell, IBism, IIBor, Bov, Bry, Calad, I ICale, I ICamph., Cann, ICanth, Caps, Carbo a, Carbo v, Caust, Cham, IChel, Cinch, ICie, Cina, I ICoccus, I ICoff, HColch, ICo- loc, I ICon, Croc, Cycl, Dig, Dros, I IDulc, Euph, Ferr. mur. Graph, Hell, Hep, Hyos, Hgn., lllod, Ipec, IJacea, Kali c, I IKreo, IILach, ILaur, IILyc, Magn. c, Magn. m, Mang, IMar. v, Menyanth, Mere, Mez, IMosch, IMur. ac, IINatr. c, Natr. m, HNitrum, INitr. ac, Nux m, INux v. Op, Paris, Petrol, I IPhos, Phos. ac. Plat, HPlumb, IIPuls, IRan. b, IIRan. sc. Rheum, Rhod, Rhus, 11 Ruta, Sabad, Sa- bina, ISars, ISelen, I ISeneg, Sep, ISib, I ISpig, llSpong, Squilla, Stann, IStaph, I IStront, Sul, Sub ac, Tarax, IIThuya, IVal, Ver, Verbas, IZinc. EVENING, aggravation: I Aeon, Agar, Alum, HAmb, IIAmm. c, lAmm. m, 11 Anac, I Ang, I lAnt.c, 11 Antt, Arg. met, HArn, I Ars, lAsaf, I Asar, Aur. met, Bar.c, IIBell, Bism, IBor, IIBov, IIBry, ICa- lad, ICale, Camph, Cann, Canth, HCaps, ICarboa, I ICarbo v, HCaust, ICham, Chel, Cinch, Cie, Cina, Clem, ICoccul, Coff, HColch, IColoc, I ICon, ICroe, HCupr. s, IICvcl, Dig, IIDros, IDulc, HEuph, IIFerr, IIGraph, IGuaiac, IIHelb, IHep, IIHyos., llgn. Hod, llpec, Jacea, Kalic, Kreo., IILach, ILaur, ILed, IILyc, IIMagn. c IMagn. m, IMang, IIMar. v, IIMen- vanth, iMere, IIMez, HMosch, Mur. ac, INatr. c, IINatr. m, HNitrum, IINitr. ac, INuxm, Nux v, Oleand, Op, IParis, IPe- trol, HPhos, IPhos. ac, HPlat, IPlumb, IIPuls, IRan. b, IIRan.se, Rheum, IRhod, IRhus, Ruta, Sabad, ISabina, ISamb, Sars, Squilla, I ISelen, ISeneg, HSep, ISil,I ISpig, Spong, IStann, I IStaph, HStront, ISul, sion in right side of fauces (aphonia), 11 Arg. met.; painful tension, as from swelling in fauces, I Arg. met. Yawning, tired feeling: ICale; menses, I Amm. e; weariness, IRhus ; weariness and prostra- tion, IPlant. Yawning, tongue : sharp pain about root, I Lach. Yawning, vertigo: makes giddy, Agar.; worse when standing, going off when lying, IPetrol. IISul. ac, Tarant, IThuya, IVal, Ver,I IVer- bas, Viol, Vib, I IZinc. FORENOON, aggravation : 11 Alum., Amb, Amm. c, 11 Amm. m, Ang, 11 Ant. c. Ant t, I Arg. met, Ars, Asaf, Aur. met, IBar. c. Bell, Bor, Bov, Bry, I ICale, llCann. i, I ICanth., Carbo a., ICarbo v., Caust, Cham, Chel, Cinch, Coccul, I IColoc, Con, Cup. m, Cycl, Dros, Dulc, Euphor, Euph, Graph, IGuaiac, Hell, IHep, IJ Ign, Ipec, IJacea, Kali e, Kreo, Lach, ILaur, Lye, Magn. c, Magn. m, IMang, IMar. v, Merc, Mez, Mosch, Mur. ac, IINatr. c, INatr. m, Nitrum, Nitr. ac, INux m, I INux v., I IPar- eira, Petrol, HPhos, HPhos. ac. Plat, Plumb, Puis, Ran. b, Rhod, Rhus, HSabad, I ISars, Sec, Selen, I ISeneg, HSep, ISil, ISpig, Spong, Stann., IStaph, Stront, I ISul, IISul. ac, Tarax, IVal, Ver, I IVerbas, Zinc. MORNING, aggravation: I Aeon, IAgar, Alum, lAmb, I lAmm.c, IIAmm. m,IAnac, 11 Ang, I Ant. c, I Ant. t, 11 Arg. met, Arn, Ars,Asaf, Asar,HAur. met,I IBar. c, I IBell, Bism, I IBor, I IBov, I IBry,l I Calad, 11 Calc, Cann, Canth, HCaps, HCarbo a, HCarbo v, I ICaust, Cham, HChel, 11 Cinch, I ICie, I ICina, I IClem, HCoccul, ICoff, Colch, Coloe, ICon, HCroc,I ICup.m, Cycl,I IDig, IDros, IIDulc, HEuphor, lEuph, IIFerr, I IGraph., IGuaiac, IIHelb, IHep, IIHyos, llgn, lllod, I I Ipec, Jacea, IKali c.,IKreo, Lach, Laur,I ILed, I ILye, Magn.c,I IMagn. m, Mang, I IMar. v, Menyanth, IIMerc, I IMez, Mosch, Mur. ac, INatr. c, I INatr.m, INitr. ac, HNitrum, Nux m, IINux v., HOleand, I IOp, Paris, IPetrol.. HPhos, IPhos.ae, Plat, HPlumb, Puis,'IRan. b. Ran. s, IRheum, IIRhod, IIRhus, Ruta, Sa- bad, ISabina, Samb, I ISars, HSquilla, Sec, HSelen, I ISeneg, ISep, I ISil, I ISpig, Spong, I IStann, IStaph, IStram, Stront, I ISul, I ISul. ac, ITarant, I IThuya, I IVal, IVer, IVerbas, I IViob, Zinc. 38. TIME. Afternoon. Evening. Forenoon. Morning. Night. Before Midnight. After Midnight. 1072 39. TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. NIGHT, aggravation: IIAcon, Agar,Alum, Amb, Amm. c, IIAmm. m, Anac, IIAng, I Ant. c,IAntt,Arg. met,HAm,HArs,Asaf, Asar, lAur. met, IBar. c, IBell, I IBism, Bor, Bov, IBry, I ICalad, ICale, ICamph, ICann, ICanth, ICaps, ICarbo a, I ICarbo v, ICaust, HCham, Chel, HCinch, HCic, ICina, I IClem, Coccul, ICoff, HColch, Co- loe, HCon, ICroe, ICup. m, I ICycl, Dig, IDros, IIDulc, lEuph, IIFerr, IIGraph, IHelbJIHep, IIHyos, llgn, lllod, I llpec, I IJacea, IKali c, IIKreo, ILach, Laur, ILed, ILye, IIMagn. c,IIMagn. m,IIMang, Mar. v, Menyanth,I IMere, IMez, I IMosch, Mur. ac, IINatr. c, INatr. m, IINitr. ac, Nitrum, I INuxm, Nux v, lOleand, IOp, Pareira, Petrol, IPhos, Phos. ac. Plat, HPlumb,IPuls,I IRan.b,l IRan. sc,IRheum, IIRhod, IRhus, ISabad, HSabina, ISamb, Sars, Squilla, ISee, ISelen, Seneg, I ISep, HSil, ISpig, ISpong, Stann,IStaph, Stram, I IStront, ISul, ISul. ac, Tarax, IThuya, Vab, I IVer, Zinc. BEFORE MIDNIGHT, aggravation: Alum, Amb, I lAmm. m, I lAnae, I lAng, lAnt. t. IIArs, Asar, IBell, IBry, I ICalad, llCann, HCarbov, ICaust, ICham, Chel, Cinch, Cycl, Dulc, Ferr, IGraph, IIHep, Ign, Jacea, Kali c, ILach, I ILed, IILyc, IMang,Mar.v,l IMere, IMez, Mosch, IMur. ac, Natr. m, Nitr. ac, Nux v, HPetrol, IPhos, Plat, IIPuls, IRan. b, IIRan. sc, Rhod, IRhus, HSabad, Samb, Sep, ISpig, ISpong, HStann, IStaph, IStront, Sul, Thuya, IVal. AFTER MIDNIGHT, aggravation: 11 Aeon, Alum,Amb,Amm. m, Ang,Ant. c, 11 Antt, IIArs, Asaf, I I Aur. met. Bar. c, Bor, IIBry, Calad, ICale, ICann, I ICanth, 11 Caps, I ICarbo a, Carbo v, I ICaust, Cham, Cinch, Coccul, I ICoff, Con, I ICroe, IIDros, IIDulc, Euphor, IIFerr, I IGraph, Hell, I IHep,IIgn, I Hod, IIKalic. Lye,IMagn. c, IMang, IMere, Mez, IINatr. c, Natr. m, HNitrum, I INitr. ac, IINux v, Phos, IPhos. ac.,11 Plat, I IPuls, Ran. b, IRan.se, I IRhod, IIRhus,Sabad, Sabina, ISamb, Sars, ISquilla, Seneg, Sep, HSil, Spig, Spong, I IStaph, Stram, IISul, IISul. ae, Tarax, IIThuya, 11 Viol. 39. TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. Air. Cold. Dark. Light. Seasons. Temperature. Warmth. Water. Weather. AIR, cold (open air, out of doors), aggrava- tion: lAcon, IAgar, Alum, Amm. br, lAmm. c, Anac, IIAnt c, Arn, IIArs, Asar, Astac, IlAur. met, HBadiag, IBar. c, IBapt, IBell, Bor, IIBov, IBry, Bufo, ICale, Calend, HCamph, Canth, ICaps, HCarbo a, ICarbo v, HCaust, HCham, Cinch, I ICie, I ICina, I ICist, ICoccus, ICoff, IColch, Coloe, ICon, ICycl, Diad, IDig, IIDulc, IFerr, Graph, IIHelb, IIHep, IHyos, Hyper,llgn,Ind, llpec, Jacea,IKali bi, IIKali c, Kreo, Lach, Laur, ILye, Lyss, Magn. c, Mayn. m, IMang, Med, Menyanth, IMere, IMere iod. rub, IIMez, HMosch, Mur. ac,Natr.a, I INatr. c, I INatr. m, Nitr. ac, Nitr. sp. d, IINux m, IINux v, Paris, IPetrol, IPhos, I IPhos. ac, Psor, Ran. b, IRhod, IIRhus, IIRumex, Ruta, HSabad, Samb, 11 Sars, Squilla, Seneg, ISep, HSil, HSpig, llSpong, Staph, Stram, UStront, IISul, Sul. ac. Thuya, IVer. v, Verbas, Zinc, I IZing. Air, cold (open air, out of doors), ameliora- tion: Amb, Anac, Ananth, IIAnt. c. Ant. t, lAsar, Aurant, IIBry, Calad, Calc, Cann. i, I ICarbo v, Cham, Cina, I ICoccus, IColch, Croc, I IDros, Euphor, Ign, lllod, Ipec, IKali iod, IILach, HLed, IILyc, Mar. v, Merc, Natr. m, I INitr. ae, Nux v. Op, Phos, Plat, IIPuls, Rhus, Sabina, I ISee, I ISelen, Seneg, I ISep, ISul, Thuya. Air, cold, dry, aggravation: I Aeon, Alum, I IArs,HAsar,l IBell, Bor, IBry, I ICarbo a, I ICarbo v, HCaust, I ICham, IIHep, llpec, Laur, Magn. c, Mez, Mur. ac, IINux v, Rhod,ISabad, I ISep, I ISib, Spig, ISpong, IStaph, Sul, IVer, Zinc. flgT Weather dry. Air, cold, on first entering, aggravation: IIArs, I ICamph, I ICarbo v, I ICaust, Con, IIDulc, Kali c, Mosch, Nux m., INux v, Phos, Puis, IIRan. b, ISabad, Sil, Spong, I IStront, IVerbas. Air, cold, sensitiveness to: fi^* cold, and draught, aggravation. Air, cold, wet, aggravation : Agar,HAmm. c, 11 Ant. c, Ast. r, I I Aur. met. Bar. c. Bell, I IBor, Bov,Bry, HCale,Canth, I ICarbo a, I ICarbo v,Cham, I ICinch, I IClem, IColch, Con, IICup. m, IIDulc, IIFerr, Hep, Ipec, Kali c, ILach., 11 Laur, ILye, 11 Magn. c, IMang, IMere, Mez, I IMur. ac, I INatr. c, HNitrum, 11 Nitr.ac,I INux m, Nux v,Petrol, Phos.,1 IPuls,l IRhod, IIRhus,IRuta,I ISars, I ISeneg, Sep, Sil, I ISpig, Stann, I IStaph, IStront, ISul, I ISul. ac,IVer, I IZinc. Air, damp, in vaulted places, caves, cellars. 39. TEMPERATURE churches, etc, aggravation: lAloe, IIArs, Atrop, IBry, Calc, ICarbo a, Caust, IIDulc, Form, Lye, IIPuls, ISelen, ISep, IStram.; sensation as if sheets were damp, ILac def. 8^* cold, wet; also "Weather, damp, wet. Air, draught or current of air, aggravation : IIAcon, Anac, IBapt, IIBell, Benz. ac, Bov, ICale, ICaps, I ICaust, Cham, ICinch, Cist, IIColoc, Graph, IIHep, Illgn, IKali c, Lach, Led, ILyss, Merc, Mur. ac, I INatr. c, Nitr. ac, IINuxv,Phos,Puls, Ran. b, IIRhus, Sars, ISelen, I ISep, HSib, Spig, ISul, 11 Val, Verbas. Air, in evening, aggravation : Amm. c, 11 Car- bo v, IMere, Nitr. ac, I ISul. Air, in doors, in a room; aggravation : lAcon, IIAlum, I lAmb, Amm. c, Amm. m ,IAnac, 11 Ang, I Ant. c, lArg. met, HArn, Ars, lAsaf, lAsar, IlAur. met, I IBar. c. Bell, 11 Bor, 11 Bov, Bry, Calc, Camph, Cann, Canth, Caps, Carbo a, Carbo v, HCaust, Chel, I ICie, Cina, Coff, HColch, Con, HCroc, Dig, Dulc, Graph, IHell, Hep, Hyos, Ign, lllod, Ipec, Jacea, Kali c, I ILaur, I ILye, IIMagn.c, IMagn.m,Mang, I IMenyanth, Merc, IMez, Mosch, Mur. ac, Natr. c, I INatr. m, Nitrum, Nitr. ae.Nux v, I IOp, IPhos, I IPhos. ac, I IPlat, HPlumb, IIPuls, I IRan. b, IRan. sc, I IRhod, Rhus, Ruta, HSabina, I ISars, Selen, 11 Seneg, Sep, Spig, ISpong, HStann, Staph, I IStront, IISul, Sul. ac, IITarax, Thuya, I IVer, 11 Verbas, 11 Zinc. Air, in doors, in a crowded room, aggrava- tion: 11 Amb, Ars, I IBar. c, Carbo a. Con, IHell, ILye, IMagn. c, I INatr. c, Natr. m. Petrol, IPhos, HPlumb, IPuls, ISep, I IStann, Stram, ISul. Air, indoors (in a room), amelioration: IAgar, Alum, Amb, IIAmm. c, 11 Amm. m, Anac, Ang, lAnt.c, Arn, Ars, Aurant, Bar. c, IIBell, Bor, Bov, Bry, I ICalad, I ICale, ICamph, I ICann, I ICanth, I ICaps, ICarbo a, ICarbo v, Caust, ICham, IChel, ICinch, Cie, I ICina, HCoccul, ICoff, I ICo- loc, ICon, Dig, IIDros, Dulc, I lEuphor, IFerr, Graph, HGuaiac, Hell, Hep, Hyos, I llgn, Iod, I llpec, I IJacea, Kali c,IKreo, Lach, Laur, HLed, Lye, Magn. c, Magn. m, Mang, IMar. v, Menyanth, IIMerc, Mez, I IMosch, I IMur. ae, I INatr. c, Natr. m, HNitrum, IINitr. ac, IINux m, IINux v, HOleand, Op, IPetrol, Phos, Phos. ac. Plat, Plumb, Puis, Ran. b, IIRheum, Rhod, IIRhus, I IRuta, I ISabad, Sabina, Sars, ISelen, Seneg, Sep, HSib ISpig Stann, I IStaph, IStram, Stront Sub I Sub ac, Tarant, I IThuya, IVal, Ver, Verbas, Zinc ,_-_ . . Air, out of doors, aggravation : B^T Air cold, aggravation. Air (out of doors), amelioration : IIAcon, IIAlum, Amb, Amm. c,l I Amm. m, I lAnae, Ang, HAnt e, IIArg. met, Arn, Ars, IIAsaf, IIAsar, lAur. met, Bar.c, Bell, Bism, Bor, Bov, Bry, Calc, ICaps, Carbo v Caust, Cie, Cina, ICon, IDulc, Graph, Hep Hyos, Ign, I IJacea, Kali c, Laur, ILvc', IMagn. c, IMagn. m, Mang, IMen- vanth, Merc, I IMez, I IMosch, Mur. ac, Natr. c, Natr. m, Nitrum, Nitr.ac, I IOp, | IPhos, I IPhos. ac, I IPlat, Plumb, IIPuls, ) AND WEATHER. 1073 I IRhod, IRhus, Ruta, ISabina, Sars, Selen, Seneg, I ISep, Spig, I ISpong, Stann, Staph, Stront, Sub, Sul. ac, ITarax, Thuya, Ver, I IVerbas, Zinc. Air, rarefied: ill effects of seronauting or climb- ing mountains, lAcon, HCoca. COLD, in general, aggravation: lAcon, I Agar, Alum, lAmm.c, Anac, Ante, 11 Arg. met, I lArn, IIArs, Asar, lAur, met, IBar. e, IBell, IBor, IIBov, IIBry, Calc, HCamph, HCanth, ICaps, HCarbo a, I ICarbo v, HCaust, Cham, I ICinch, ICie, I IClem, ICoccul, I ICoff, Colch, Coloe, ICon, IIDig, IIDulc, IIFerr, IIGraph, IHell, IIHep, IHyos, llgn, Ipec, Jacea, IIKali c, IIKreo, Lach, Laur, Led, Lye, IMagn. c, I I Magn. m, IMang, I IMenyanth, Merc, IIMez, HMosch, 11 Mur. ac, 11 Natr. c, Natr. m, Nitr. ac, INux m, IINux v, IPetrol, I IPhos, Phos. ac. Puis, IRan.b, I IRheum, IRhod, IIRhus, I IRuta, HSabad, I ISamb, I ISars, HSquilla, Seneg, I ISep, ISil, I ISpig, llSpong, HStaph, HStram, HStront, Sul, I ISul. ac. Thuya, Ver, I IVer- bas, Zinc. Cold, in general, amelioration : Aeon, Alum, IIAmb, IIAnae, IIAnt. c, I Ant. t, Arn, IIAsar, Aur. met. Bar. c, Belb, Bor, Bry, I ICalad, Calc, llCann. i, Carbo v, Caust, I ICham, Cinch, I ICina, Coccul, HColch, Coloe, I ICroe, IDros,Dulc, 11 Euphor, Ferr, IIFluor. ac. Graph, Hell, Hep, IIHyos, Ign, lllod, lllpec, Kalic, Lach, Laur, ILed, IILyc, I IMar. v, Merc, Mez, Mur. ac, Natr. c, IINatr. m, Nitr. ac, Nux m, Nux v, I IOp, Phos, Phos. ac, I IPlat, I IPuls, Rhus, Sabad, I ISabina, ISee, I ISelen, ISeneg, Sep, Sil, Spig, Spong, Staph, IISul, IIThuya, Ver. Cold, on becoming chilled, aggravation: I lAcon, I IAgar, I lAmm. c. Ant. c, lArn, IIArs, Asar, IlAur. met, IIBar. c, IIBell, I IBor, Bov, IBry, I ICale, ICamph, Canth, 11 Caps, Carbo a, Carbo v, ICaust, Cham, I ICinch, I ICie, Clem, ICoccul, I ICon,Dig, IDulc, Ferr, IGraph, IIHelb, IHep, IHyos, I Hgn, Jacea, IIKali c, Lach, ILye, Magn. c, Magn. m, IIMang, Menyanth, IIMerc, Mez, HMosch, Mur. ac, I INatr. c, Natr. m, IINitr. ac, IINux m, IINux v, I IPetrol, IPhos., I IPhos. ae, Ran. b, Rhod, IIRhus, Ruta, HSabad, Samb,Sars, Squilla, ISep, I ISil, Spig, llSpong, Staph, Stram, IStront, I ISul, Sul. ac. Thuya, 11 Ver, I IVer- bas, Zinc; any part of body, IBell, I ICham, IHell, IIHep, llpec, Led, Puis, IRhus, ISep, HSib Cold, on becoming chilled, amelioration: Aeon, Alum, Amb, Anac, Ant. c. Ant t, Arn, Asar., Aur. met. Bar. c. Bell, Bov, I Bry., Calad, Calc, Cann. i, 11 Carbo v,Caust, ICham, Cina, Cinch, Clem, HCoccul, Coff, Colch, Coloe, Croc, IDros, I IDulc, Euphor, I IGraph, Hell, Ign, lllod, Ipec, Kali bi, ILed, IILyc, Mang, Mar. v, IMere, Mez, Mur. ac, Natr. c, Natr. m,Nitr.ac,I INuxm, Nuxv, Oleand., Op, Petrol, Phos, I IPhos. ac. Plat, IIPuls, Rhus, I ISabad, ISabina, Sars, ISee, Selen, I ISeneg, Sep, Sib, I ISpig, I ISpong, Staph, ISul, IIThuya, IVer. Cold, taking cold, aggravation: lAcon, Agar, IIAlum, Amm. c, Anac, I Ant. c, Arn, Ars, 68 1074 39. TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. Aur. met, IIBar. c, IIBell, Bor, IIBry, ICale, HCamph, ICarbo v, HCaust, HCham, ICinch, I ICoccus, ICoff, IColoc, ICon, I ICroe, Cupr. s, ICycl, Dig, Dros, IIDulc, IGraph, IHep, IIHyos, Illgn, llpec. Kali c, I ILed, ILye, Magn. c, IMang, IIMerc, IINatr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ac, IINux m, IINuxv, I IOp, Petrol, HPhos, Phos. ae, I IPlat, IIPuls, I IRan. b, IIRhus, Ruta, HSabina, ISamb, I ISars, I ISelen, ISep, HSib, I ISpig, Stann, 11 Staph, Stront, ISul, I ISul. ac, I I Val, IVer, I IXan. Cold, taking cold readily (susceptibility): IBelb, IBar. c, ICarbo v, IIHep, Hod, IKali bi, IKali e, INatr. m, INux v, I IPe- trol, IPhos. ac, I IPhos, HSib, IIThuya, HTuberc DARK (absence of light), amelioration: I Aeon, Agar, Amm. c, 11 Amm. m, 11 Anac, lAnt.c, Arn, 11 Ars, 11 Asar, IBar. c, IBell, I IBor, Bry, HCale, Camph, Carbo a, HCaust, I ICham, ICinch, Cie, I ICina, I IClem, Coccus, I ICoff, HColch, HCon, ICroe, IIDig, IDros, IIEuph, IIGraph, I IHell, IHep, I IHyos, llgn. Kali c, Lach, I ILaur, ILye, Magn. c, 11 Magn. m, I IMang, IMere, Mez, Mur. ac, INatr. c, Natr. m, Nitrum, I INitr. ac, Nux m, INux v. Petrol, HPhos, IPhos. ac, IPuls, Rhod, Rhus, Ruta, I ISars, Selen, I ISeneg, ISep, ISil, I ISpig, Staph, IStram, ISub, Tarant, Thuya, Val, Ver, Zinc. LIGHT, aggravation: flgp*" Chap. 5, Photo- phobia. Light, amelioration: IIAmm. m, Anac, Ars, Bar. e, I ICale, ICarbo a, ICarbo v, ICaust, IPlat, I IStaph, I IStram, HStront, I IVal. 8®» Chap. 1, Light, desire for. Light, of sun, amelioration: Anac, Con, IPlat, I IStram, HStront. SEASONS, Spring, aggravation: IBry, IGels, Lach. Seasons, Summer, aggravation: IIAnt. c, Bapt, Bar. c, IBell, Bov, IBry, HCamph, ICarbo v, Cham, IGamb, IIGels, IIGlon, Graph, Iod, IIKali bi, IILach, IILyc, INatr. c, IINatr. m, INux v, Psor, IPuls, HSelen, Thuya, IVer.; after cool days, IIBry. Seasons, Autumn, aggravation: lAnt. t, Bapt, IColch. 8®** Chap. 20, Dysentery autumnal; also Chap. 40, Fever autumnal. Seasons,Winter,aggravation: IAcon,l IAgar, lAmm. c, lArs, IlAur. met, IIBar. c, I IBelb, Bov, IBry, 11 Calc, ICamph, I ICaps, Carbo a, I ICarbo v, ICaust, I ICham, Cie, Cina, I ICoccul, Colch, I ICon, IDulc, Ferr, IHell, IHep, I IHyos, I llgn, I llpec, IKali c, I ILye, Magn. c, IIMang, IIMerc, Mez, IMosch, Natr. c, Natr. m, INux m, IINux v, IPetrol, 11 Phos, Phos. ae, IPuls, I IRhod, IIRhus, Ruta, ISabad, Sars, ISep, Sil,Spig, Spong, IStront, IISul, IVer. SUN, sunburn, aggravation: Aeon, IIBell, I ICamph, Clem, IHyos, IMur. ac. Sun, heat of, aggravation: IAgar, IIAnt. c, I Ars, Bar. c, IIBell, IBry, I I Calc, ICamph, ICarbo v, I IClem, lEuph, IIGlon, I IGraph, IGels, Ign, lllod, lllpec, IILach, ILyss, Magn. m, HNatr.e, INux v, IIPuls,ISelen, Stann, Stram, I ISul, IVal, Zinc g^" sunstroke. Sun, light: g^* Light, of sun. Sun, after sunrise, aggravation : ICnam,l.Nux v. Puis. . _, T Sun, after sunset, aggravation: Ury., Ign, IPuls, IIRhus. aA Sun, sunstroke: I Aeon, Agar, 11 Amyl, Ant. c, IArn,IArs, IBelb, ICact, ICamph,ICarbo v, IGels, IIGlon, Kalm, INatr. c, IOp, Therid, IVer, IVer. v.; sequeke, IILach, IINatr c. TEMPERATURE, change of, aggravation : Act. sp. Alum, lAnt. t, IIArs, ICarbo v, Caust, IIFluor. ac. Graph, Lach, Lye, Magn. c, I INux v, I IPhos, IPuls, IIRan.b, Ran.se, I IRhus, ISabina, 11 Spong, Sul, Ver, I IVerbas.; worse in extremes, IFluor. ac, Lach. WARMTH, in general, aggravation: Aeon, Alum, IIAmb, IIAnae, IIAnt. c, I Ant. t, Arn, IIAsar, Aur. met, Bar.c, Bell, Bor, Bry, I ICalad, Calc, HCann, Carbo v, Caust, I ICham, I ICina, Cinch, Coccul, I IColch, Coloe, I ICroe, IDros, Dulc, I lEu- phor, Ferr, Graph, Hell, Hep, Ign, lllod, llpec. Kali c, Lach, Laur, ILed, IILyc, 11 Mar. v, IMere, Mez, Mur. ac, Natr. c, I INatr. m., Nitr. ac, Nux m, Nux v, I IOp, I IPhos, Phos.ac,I IPlat,HPuls,Rhus,Sabad, HSabina, HSec, I ISelen, ISeneg, Sep, Sil, Spig, Spong, Staph, I ISul, I IThuya, Ver. Warmth, in general, amelioration: lAcon, IAgar, Alum, I Amm. c, Anac, Ant. c, 11 Arg. met, 11 Arn, Asar, IIArs,IAur. met, IBar. c, IBell, IBor, I IBov, I IBry,Calc, HCamph, HCanth, ICaps, HCarbo a, HCarbo v, HCaust, Cham, ICie, HCinch, I IClem, ICoccul, I ICoff, Colch, IColoc, ICon,l IDig, IIDulc, IIFerr, IIGraph, Gymn, IHell, IIHep, IHyos, Hgn, Ipec, Jacea, IIKali c, I IKreo, I ILach, Laur, Led, Lye,IMagn.c, IIMagn. m, IMang, I IMenyanth, IMere, I IMez, HMosch, I IMur. ac, I INatr. e,Natr. m, Nitr. ac, INux m, IINux v, IPetrol, I IPhos, Phos. ac. Puis, IRan.b, I IRheum, IRhod, IIRhus, I IRuta, HSabad, I ISamb, I ISars, I ISquilla, Seneg, I ISep, ISil,I ISpig, I ISpong, I IStaph, I IStram, HStront, ISul, I ISub ac. Thuya, Ver, Verbas, Zinc. Warmth, hot air, aggravation: Amb, Anac, IIAnt. c. Ant. t, lAsar, Aur. met, IIBry, Calad, Calc, Cann, HCarbov, Cham, Cina, ICoccus, IColch,Croc, 11 Dros, Euphor, Ign, lllod, Ipec, IILach, I ILed, ILye, Mar. v, Merc, Natr. m, I INitr. ac, Nux v, I IOp, Phos., Plat, IIPuls, Rhus, Sabina, I ISee, I ISelen, Seneg, I ISep, ISul, Thuya. fi@~ Seasons Summer and Sun heat. Warmth, hot air, amelioration: I Aeon, IAgar, Alum, I Amm. c, Anac, Ant. c, Arn, HArs,Asar, IlAur. met,IBar. c, I Bell, Bor, IIBov, IBry, ICale, HCamph, Canth, ICaps, I ICarbo a, ICarbo v, HCaust., I ICham, Cinch, I ICie, I ICina, ICoccus, Coff, HColch, IColoc, ICon, Dig, IIDulc, IIFerr, Graph, IIHelb, IIHep, IHyos, llgn, Ipec, Jacea, IIKali e, Kreo, Lach, Laur, ILye, Magn. c, Magn. m, IMang, Menyanth, IMere, IIMez, HMosch, Mur. ac, HNatr.e, I INatr. in, Nitr.ac, IINuxm, IINux v, Paris, IPetrol, IPhos, I IPhos. ac, Psor, Ran. b, IRhod, IIRhus, 11 Ruta, HSabad, Samb, I ISars, Squilla, ISelen, 39. TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. 1075 Seneg, ISep, I ISil, I ISpig, I ISpong, Staph, Stram, HStront, IISul, Sul. ac. Thuya, IVer, Verbas, Zinc Warmth, on becoming heated, aggravation : IIAcon, Amm. c, IIAnt c, IBelb, IIBry, I ICaps, ICarbo v, Coff, IDig, IGels, IGlon, IIHep, Illgn, lllpec, IIKali c, Mez, I INatr.m, I INuxm, 11 Nux v, Oleand, IOp, I ISep, I ISil, Staph, IThuya, IZinc; near the fire, lAnt. c, I IBry, lEuphor, Magn. m, I IMere, 11 Puis, IZinc. 8^° Seasons Sum- mer and Sun heat. Warmth, on becoming heated, amelioration : IIAcon, HAgar, Amm. c. Ant. c, I Arn, IIArs, Asar, lAur. met, IIBar. c, IIBell, I IBor, Bov, IBry, I ICale, ICamph, Canth, I ICaps, Carbo a, Carbo v, ICaust, I ICham, I ICinch, I ICie, Clem, ICoccus, I ICon, Dig, IDulc, Ferr, IIGraph, I IHell, IHep, IHyos, I llgn,. Jacea, IIKali c, I IKreo,Lach, ILye, IIMagn. c, Magn. m, IIMang, Menyanth, I IMere, Mez, HMosch, Mur. ac, I INatr. c, Natr. m, IINitr. ac, IINux m, IINux v, IPetrol, IPhos, I IPhos. ac. Ran. b, Rhod, IIRhus, Ruta, HSabad, Samb, ISars, Selen, ISep, I ISil, Spig, llSpong, Staph, Stram, IStront, ISul, Sub ac. Thuya, I IVer, 11 Ver- bas, Zinc Warmth, becoming heated, out of doors, aggravation: Aeon, Alum, Amb, Anac, I Ant. c, Asar, Aur. met. Bar. c, IBell, IIBov, IIBry, Calad, Calc, Cann, Carbo v, Caust, Cham, Cina, Cinch, Coccul, Coff, Colch, Coloe,Croc, IIDros, IDulc.Euphor, IIGels, IGlon, Graph,I llgn, lllod, Ipec, Kalic, ILach, I ILed, IILyc, 11 Mang, Mar. v, Merc, Mez, INatr. c, Natr. m, IINitr. ac, Nux m, Nux v, Oleand, Op, I IPetrol, Phos, Phos. ac. Plat, IIPuls, Rhus, ISabad, Sabina, I ISee, Selen, I ISeneg, Sep, I ISil, ISpig, Spong, I IStaph, Sub, Thuya, I IVer. Warmth, of bed, aggravation: Alum, Amb, Anac, Ant. c, IIAnt. t. Am, Asar, Aur. met,Bar.c,Bov,Bry, Calad,I ICale, Cann, ICarbo v, I ICaust, HCham., Cina, Cinch, Clein,ICoccul,Colch,Croc, IIDros, Euphor, IGraph, Hell, Ign, Hod, Ipec, IIKali e, Lach, HLed, ILye, Mar. v, IIMerc, Mez, Mur. ac, Natr. c, I INatr. m, Nitr. ac, INux m, I INux v. Op, I IPhos, IPhos. ac. Plat, IPuls, I IRhus, Sabad, HSabina, Sars, ISee, I ISelen, Seneg, Sep, Spig, ISpong, Staph, IISul, IThuya, HVer. Warmth of bed, amelioration : Agar, 11 Amm. c Arn , IIArs, HAur. met, I IBar. e, Bell, IIBry HCamph, HCanth, HCaust, ICie, I ICoccul,Con,Dulc,l IGraph,IHep,l IHyos, IKali c, Lach, IILyc, HMosch, I INitr ac, I INux m,HNux v, Phos, Phos. ac, I IRhus, ISabad, I ISquilla, I ISep, I ISil, Spong, Staph, Stram, 11 Stront , Sul , Ver Warmth of feather bed, aggravation : Coc- cul, IColoc, I ILed, I ILye, IIMang, IMere, vVarmth in a room, aggravation: IIAcon, lAlum'., 11 Amb, lAnae, lAnt e, IApis, Am lAsar, Aur. met. Bar. c. Bell, Bor, Brv' Cale, llCann, Carbo v, Caust, | ICina, HColch, HCroc, Dulc, Graph, IIHelb, Hep, Ign, lllod, lllpec. Kali e, Laur, Lib tig, I ILye Merc, I IMez, Mui^ae, Natr. c, I INatr. m, Nitr. ac, Nux v, I IOp, I IPhos, Phos. ac, I IPlat, IIPuls, Rhus, HSabina, HSelen, ISeneg, Sep, Spig, I ISpong, Staph, I ISub, I IThuya, Ver. Warmth, of stove, amelioration : Aeon,Agar, Amm. c, IIArs, IlAur. met, I IBar. c. Bell, Bor, 11 Camph, Canth, Caps, 11 Caust, I ICie, Coccul, Con, IIDulc, Hell, IIHep, Hyos, Illgn, I IKali c, Magn. c, Mang, Meny, I IMosch, Nux m, INux v. Petrol, Ran. b, Rhod, IRhus, I ISabad, Sil, IStront, I ISul. Warmth, wrapping up, aggravation : lAcon, lAsar., Aur. met, Aur. mur, IBor, Bry, ICale, Carbo v, I ICham, HCinch, Coff, IFerr, Illgn, Hod, Lach, Led, IILyc, Merc, Mosch, Mur. ac, Nitr. ac, Nux v, I IOp, I IPhos, I IPlat, I IPuls, Rhus, I ISee, I ISeneg,Sep,ISpig,l IStaph, 11 Sul, I IThuya, IVer. Warmth, wrapping up, amelioration: IIHep, Psor, HSib Warmth, uncovering, aggravation: Aeon, I IAgar, 11 Ant. c, I I Arg. met, 11 Arn, I Ars, Asar,IAur. met,I IBell, Bor,Bry,I ICamph, HCanth, Caps, Carbo a, I ICham, ICie, HCinch, IClem, ICoccul, Coff, IColch, ICon, I IGraph, Hell, IIHep, I IHyos,Ign, IIKreo, Lach, Led, IIMagn. c, IIMagn. m, Menyanth, Merc, Mur. ac, IINatr. c, IINatr. m, INuxm, INuxv, Phos, Phos. ac. Puis, Rheum, I IRhod, IIRhus, I ISabad, HSamb, HSquilla, I ISep, HSil, I IStaph, I IStram, HStront, Thuya; a portion of body, IHep, llpec, IIRhus, Squilla, ISil, Stront. g®~ Getting chilled, covering. WATER, bathing (washing), aggravation: JEsc.h.,iEthus,IIAmm.c,Amm. m,HAnt. c, Ars, Bar.c, IBell,I IBor,Bov, I IBry,HCalc, Calc. s, ICanth, ICarbo v, I ICaust, ICham, HClem, I ICon, IDiad, I IDulc, IHep,llgn, IIKali c, ILye, Magn. e, Mang, IMere, I IMez, Mur. ac, Natr. c,INitrum, INitr.ac, IINux m, Nux v, I IPhos, Puis, IIRhus, ISars, HSep, I ISil, ISpig, Stann, HStaph, IStront, IISul, IISul. ac, 11 Zinc.; in cold water, IIAnt.e, IBell, Bufo, Illgn, INitr. ac, IPhos, IIRhus, I ISars, ISep.; lukewarm, IIAng.; in sea water, lArs, IIMagn. in, INatr. m, IIRhus, ISep, Zinc. Water, bathing or washing, aversion : I Amm. c, IIAnt c, I ICalab, IHep, IISul. Water bathing face, amelioration: lAsar, Mez', Natr. m, I ISabad. Water, bathing, washing, amelioration: IIAlum, lAmm. m, Ant. t, IApis, IIArs, HAsar,Bor,Bry, Calc, ICaust,Cham, IChel, I Euph, IFluor. ac, Hel, Laur, IIMagn. c, Mez, Mur. ac, IINux v, IIPuls, IIRhod, I ISabad,Sep, ISpig, Staph, Zinc. Water, getting wet, aggravation: Amm.c, Ant. t, I lArs, IBell, I IBor, IBry, HCale, I ICamph, Carbo v, I ICaust, IColch, IDulc, HEuphor, IHep, llpec, IILach, ILye, I INitr. ac, INux m, I IPhos, IPuls, IIRhus, ISars, HSec, HSep, HSub, Ver, I IZinc; head, Bar. c, IIBell, I ILed, IPuls.; feet, I Calc,Cham, Merc, I INatr. c,HPuls,l IRhus, ISep, HSib; when in a sweat, I Aeon, I ICale, IDulc, S IRhus, ISep, I IVer. v. Water, wet applications, amelioration: 11 Alum, I Amm. m. Ant. t, 11 Ars, IIAsar, Bor, Bry, ICaust, Cham, IChel, lEuph., Laur, I IMagn. c, Mez, Mur. ae, I INux v., 1076 40. FEVER. I IPuls. 11 Rhod, I ISabad, Sep,ISpig, Staph, Zinc. Water, cold, wet applications, aggrava- tion : IIAmm. c, Amm. m, IIAnt. c. Bar. c, IBell, IIBor, Bov, I IBry, HCale, ICanth, ICarbo v., ICham, HClem, I ICon, Dulc, IIKali c, IILaur, ILye, Magn. c, IMere, LI Mez, Mur. ac, Natr. c, INitrum, I INitr. ac, IINux m, Nux v, 11 Phos, Puis, IIRhus, I ISars, ISep, I ISil, ISpig, Stann, I IStaph, IStront, IISul, I ISul. ac, I IZinc. WEATHER, change of, aggravation: Amm. c, Ars, Bor, IIBry, 11 Calc, Carb.s, ICham, Chel, Colch, IDig, Dulc, Euphor, IGels, IIGraph, IHep, IKalm, Lach, IMang, I IMere, Natr. c, Nitr. ac, IINux m, Nux v, HPhos, Psor, IIRheum, IRhod, IIRhus, Sep, HSil, Stront, I ISub, Ver. Weather, cold: g@g° Air cold. Weather, dry, aggravation: lAcon, Alum, 11 Ars, IIAsar, I IBell, Bor, IBry, I ICarbo a, HCarbo v, HCaust, HCham, IIHep, IIpec,Laur,Magn. c,Mez, Mur.ac,HNux v, Rhod, ISabad, I ISep, I ISil, Spig, ISpong., Staph, Sub, Zinc, figg" Air cold, dry. Weather, dry, amelioration: Agar, lAmm. c, 11 Ant c, 11 Aur. met. Bar. c. Bell, I IBor, Bov, Bry, HCale, Canth, I ICarbo a, I ICar- bo v, Cham, I ICinch, I IClem, Con, 11 Cupr, IIDulc, IIFerr, Hep, Ipec, Kali c, ILach, IILaur, ILye, IIMagn. c, IMang, IMere, Merc, cor, Mez, I IMur. ac, I INatr. c, HNitrum, IINitr. ac, IINux in, Nux v. Petrol, Phos, IIPuls, IIRhod, IIRhus, IRuta, I ISars, I ISeneg, Sep, Sil, HSpig, Stann, HStaph, IStront, ISul, IISul. ac, IVer, I IZinc. Weather, warm: fi^" Seasons, Summer and Sun heat. Weather, wet, aggravation: Agar, IIAmm.c, 11 Ant. c, 11 Aur. met. Bar. c, Belb, I IBor, Bov, Bry, HCale, Canth, I ICarbo a, I ICar- bo v, Cham, Cinch, HClem, Con, HCupr, IDiad, IIDulc, IIFerr, IGels, IGlon, CHILL: lAcon, lAng, I lAnthrac, lAnt. t. Apis, IIArg. met, lArn, IIArs, Ars. h, 11 Asaf, 11 Asar, Asim, 11 Aur. met, IIBell, Berb,I IBor, Brach, IBry, ICamph, I ICale, 11 Cann, 11 Canth, 11 Caps,ICarbol.ac, ICaust, ICham, ICed, I IChel, 11 Cie, 11 Cina, ICinch, ICist, HCoccul, I ICoff, I IColoc, I ICup. m, I ICycl, IDros, IGlon, IIGraph, IGuaraea, I IHelb,IIHep, Hippoz, llgn, lllpec, I IKali br.JKali c, Lyss, 11 Magn. m. Mane, I IMeny- anth, IIMerc, IIMez, HMosch, Mygale, INatr. c.j IINatr. m, Nitr. ac, IINux m. IGraph, IHam, IHep, Hyper, Ipec, Kali c, ILach, I ILact. ac, IILaur, ILye, Lyss, I IMagn. c, IMang, IMere, Mez, I IMur. ac, IINatr. c, IINatr. s, HNitrum, IINitr. ac, IINux m, Nux v. Petrol, Phos, IIPuls, IIRhod, IIRhus, IRuta, I ISars, I ISeneg, Sep, Sil, HSpig, Stann, I IStaph, IStront, ISul, I ISul. ac, IVer, I IZinc, Zing. Weather, -wet, damp, amelioration: lAcon, Alum, IIArs, IIAsar, IIBell, Bor, IBry, HCarbo a, HCarbo v, HCaust, I ICham, IFluor. ac, IIHep, llpec, Laur, Mang, Mez, Mur. ac, INitr. ac, IINux v, IPlat, Rhod, ISabad, I ISep, I ISil, Spig, ISpong, Staph, Sul, Zinc. Weather, stormy (snowy,rainy, windy), aggra- vation: Aeon, lAmm. c, IIArs, IIAsar, Aur. met, HBadiag, IIBell,Bry, I ICarbo v, ICepa, ICham.JCinch, Con., 11 Euph, Graph, IHep, Hyper, Ipec, IIKalm, ILach, ILye, IMur. ac, IINatr. c, IINux m, INux v, IPhos, Plat, Psor, IPuls, IIRhod, IIRhus, Ruta,l ISep,Spig, I ISul, Thuya. flgT thun- derstorm. Weather, thunderstorm, aggravation: IGels, Med, I IMorph. sul, INatr. c, IPhos, Psor, Puis. WIND, aggravation: Aeon, lArs, IIAsar, IlAur. met, IBell, Bry, Calc, HCarbo v, HCham, ICinch, I ICon, lEuph, IIGraph, ILach, IILyc, Mur. ac, I INatr. c, INux m, IINux v, HPhos, I IPlat, IPuls, Spig, Sul, IIThuya. Wind, East wind, aggravation: I I Aeon, Ars, lAsar, Bell, IIBry, Carbo a, ICarbo v, ICaust, ICepa, Cham, IIHep, Ipec, INux v, IIRhus, HSabad, I ISep, HSib, llSpong, Ver. Wind, North wind, aggravation : 11 Acon,Ars, lAsar, Bell, IIBry, Carbo a, Carbo v, ICaust, Cham, IHep, lllpec, INux v, I ISabad, ISep, Sil, HSpong. Wind, South wind, aggravation : IGels,IIpec Wind,West wind, aggravation: IAcon,HHep. INux v, 03nanth, I IPhos, IPhyt, Plant, IPlat, IIPuls, IIRheum, IIRhod, IIRhus, Rhus v., I IRuta, ISabad, HSabina, ISal. ac, I ISars, ISep, I ISil, I ISpig, IStaph, Stram, ISul, IVer, I IZinc. Chill, abdomen : Tereb.; beginning, goes around to back and all over body, six times a day, I ISub; with bellyache, I lAnthrac, Calc. p.; colic, Ign.; colic, before chill, ISpong.; colic, every evening, ILed.; cold shivers, with sud- den colic in evening, Strain.; colic, lArs.; shivering, before colic,IPuls.; oppressive colic, 40. FEVER. Chill. Chilliness. Fever. Heat. Sweat. Temperature. 40. FEVER. 1077 before chill, HCinch.; cutting like knives, before chill, lArs.; distension, Ars. h.; distress in bowels, after nervous chill, Syph.; drawing pain in bowels, evening, Bov.; laborlike pains after, IKreo.; sensation as if something liv- ing were jumping about, HCroc; pains,Hell.; pain above right ilium, before chill, IIEup. pert; pains, after chill, lElat.; pain, after chill, constantly increasing, worse from slightest motion or touch (peritonitis),IColoc; pain in bowels, in descending colon, Gymn.; followed by pain, in puerperal peritonitis, Tereb.; peritonitis, ILye; chills proceeding from, IColoc, llgn.; "radiating from solar plexus all over body, caused by motion of arms, IHelon.; spreading all over, Curar.; generally begins about umbilical region (in- termittent), I IPuls. Chill, abortion : threatened, ICham. Chill, abscesses: IIHep, Hippoz, IMere Chill, absent: Ant. t. Apis, I Ars, Bor, Bov, Calc, Carbo v, Caust, Ced, Cham, Clem, Coccul, Coff, Con, Ferr, IFluor. ac. Gels, Hep, Kalic, Lach, Lye, Magn. m, Magn.s, Mur.ac, Natr. c, Nuxv, Rhod, Rhus, Spig, Sul. Chill, air : better in open, or in bed, IMagn. m.; in cold, IIKalm.; from draught, ICham.; bet- ter exercising in open, Staph.; from least ex- posure to cold, Coff'.; in a warm room, lessens out of doors, IMez.; in open, Calad, Tarax, Zinc; in open, with weakness in legs, and dvspnoea, Seneg.; in open, particularly in draught, ICaps.; when going from room into open, even warm, Plat.; in open, in morning, Asar.; especially in open, better in sunshine, Anac; worse in open, better in warm room, Amm. e; out doors, ICale p, IKaii e; sneez- ing when exposed to cold,before chill,HCinch.; when walking in open, Euphor.; better when walking out of doors, ICaps.; after walking in open, ISpong. Chill, anaesthesia: loss of feeling, ISpong. Chill, in arms: Bell, Euph.; in armpits, in evening, Astac; on back oflCham.; in backs, as from cold water, evening, in bed, Berb.; beginning in right, and right side of chest (had taken quantities of quinine),IMere per.; peculiar drawing, with numbness and formi- cation in fingers (quotidian), IIRhus; pains in elbows and upper worse, Ars. h.; pains, I ISpong.; pains, before chill, lEup. pur.; in ri^ht, Calab.; around shoulders, IHydras.; spreads from, IHelb; stiffness, IIEup. pert; stitches, tearing, Ars. h.; commences in upper, spreads to back and chest, with heat of ears, 11 Ign.; upper, to back and legs, 11 Mez. Chill ascending : I ISars, Zing.; and descend- ing every few hours, 11 Lac e; and descend- ing instantly better when vomiting and diar- rhea set in (intermittent), ICoccul.; from hypogastrium with each paroxysm of pain in abdomen (colic), IColoe; internal, IHep.; up and down, Aph. ch.; from fingers and toes to nape of neck and vertex, Coff; from upper part to head, ICina. W&" back, feet, legs. Chill, awkward: during chill, running into things, Caps. Chill back: Asim.tr, Bell, Ced, ICham, Dig, Spong.; aching, lAnt.t, IIEup. perf, HHydras, INatr. m, ISpong.; aching, before chill, IDiad, IPod.; aching, after chill, Diad.; to arms, Cale a.; ascending, when they reached neck a general shudder ensued, Merc. sub; over back and neck, with warm feet, I IKali m.; beginning and spreading, lArg. met, Bov, IIEup. perf, IGamb, Hippom, IINux v.; beginning with external coldness of whole body, continues till 4 a.m., IGamb.; beginning over left scapula, spreading, Diose; begins across back and shoulders, ILach.; begins with thirst, ICaps.; beginning in and going up, ICornus ; beginning and spreading from, not better by warmth, mostly towards even- ing, IIDulc; shuddering from brain down spine, precedes headache, I ITubere; glowing cheeks and cold hands, Euphor.; towards chest, Calc. a.; crawls, hot skin (catarrh), 11 Aeon.; creeping, IIEup.pert; creeping down, and all over body in a zigzag course, Med.; in delirium tremens, HStram.; running down, Bell, ICoff, Colch, I ILobel. i, ISamb, Staph, 11 Vace, Zinc; down, in evening, ICoccul.; down, better by outdoor exercise, Magn. c; down, followed by burning fever (erysipelas erratica), IHydras.; chase each other down, followed by nausea and vomit- ing (after running pin into foot), IHyper.; down, from between shoulders, ICaps.; down, could not sleep, Diose; down, during sweat, lAmyb; down, like streams of cold water, at commencement of fever, causing shivering and chattering of teeth, Variol.; evening, in diphtheria, IBapt.; worse in evenings, IRhus; in evenings, in bed, Sang.; for- mication between shoulders and down, Aeon.; fugitive, ICinch.; after heat and moisture, I Amyb; with heat of cheeks without redness, no thirst, cold hands, ILed.; to hips, as if produced by an icy cold wet handkerchief, Berb.; from hollow over shoul- ders, nape of neck, back of head, as far as vertex, with sensation as if drawn at base, Lach.; lumbago, IColoc; from movement upward (diphtheria), ISub; begins in neck, runs down, Vab; runs over back, IIKalm.; pain, Eup. perf, Ign, Lact. ac; pain, before chill, lEup. pert; pain in small of, and of chest, before chill, Lact. ae; pain in small of, and sacrum, IINux v.; pain in small of, as if bruised, compels to change position (quoti- dian), I IRhus ; pain, in upper, Ailant; sharp pain, in dysmenorrhoea, ICon.; from sacrum to posterior part of thigh, Stront.; from sacrum upward, I IKali iod.; begins between scapulae, IRhus ; creeping, between scapulse, ILac def; in small of, Spong.; commences in small of, IIEup. pur, ILach, IINatr. m.; com- menced in small of, running up and down, lasting about an hour, IIMed.; spinal, after urination, IIMed.; along spine, JEsc. h.; on dorsal spine, IMenyanth.; especially along spine, IGels.; with movements in stomach and abdomen, as if he would faint, Calend.; during stool, ITromb.; tearing, Caps.; cold tremors proceed from, Act. rac; running up, JEsc.h., Amm. m, ICanth, ICina, IIEup. pur, IGels, Oxal. ac, ISub; run up, during day (bronchitis), Hod.; up and down, with aching and drawing in bones and muscles of hip, I IPuls.; up and down with great thirst, llpec; runs up to head,ILach.; up from loins to nape, in rapid wavelike succession, from sacrum to occiput, IGels.; up, even when in 1078 40. FEVER. warm room, Rhus v.; walking up and down room, Ang.; as from cold water, evenings in bed, Berb.; as if cold water were running down, if leaning back in chair, Agar.; like streams of ice water, running down between scapulae to sacral region, Variol.; shivering, as if cold water were poured over back, Anac; like streams of cold water down, causing shiv- ering and chattering of teeth, Variol.; like cold water trickling down, Ars.; in room or at fire, in waves up each side of spine and over chest, Nitr. ac. Chill, bed : on getting into, followed by heat, worse in wet weather (phlegmasia alba do- lens), INatr. s.; better after getting out, Aur. met, 11 Ferr, Ver.; worse when out of, IHell, IMere, INatr. s.; after rising worse out doors, I Ars. Chill, bladder: cysto-blennorrhcea, frequent, intense, 11 Uva ursi; commencing at region of neck, spreads upward over whole upper part of body after urination, I ISars. Chill, bones: pain, IIEup. pur.; as if broken, before chill, IIEup. pert Chill, brain : congestion, IGels. Chill, breathing: breath quick from oppression of chest, cannot talk well (intermittent), IKali e; difficult, lArs, I IKali c, IINatr. m.; dyspnoea, in child set. six months, ICact; rattling, IStram.; wheezing, particularly on respiration (bronchitis), ILye Chill, chest: IHydras.; begins, Cie; with bor- ing, Med.; cold across, asof water dropping down back, ICaps.; constriction, ICimex; cramp, lArs.; begins and runs down legs and into arms, ICie; in left, Bry.; oppression, Ars. h, llpec, I ILach.; pain, IChin.s.; pains after chill, llgn.; pain after chill, in pneumo- nia, Hod.; pain, from heart across lower ex- tremity of right lung, Alum.; pleurodynia, IIRan. b.; pressure after chill (pneumonia), Hod.; shaking continues for some time after heat commences, I IPod.; spreads from, Spig.; pleuritic stitches, IILach.; tightness across, during chill, IINux v. Chill, chilblains: one week after frost-bitten toe had ulcerated (tetanus), ILach. Chill, in children: nursing infants, ICina, IINatr. m, Ver. Chill, cold: chill returns after each cold, IDiad. Chill, with coldness (external): Bry, ILaur, Oleand.; during day, trembling, shaking, som- nolency, I Ant. t; in evening, and after lying down, slowly going off, followed by heat, IMagn. c; evening, and from uncovering, Amm. m.; with heat, ISpong.; icy, ICarbo v. Cup. m, llgn.; icy, followed by fever and thirst, attacks come on suddenly, INatr. s.; icy, as if lying on ice, ILye; whole left side, ICaust.; with shivering, cold skin, IKali br, HSec; with shuddering, I IPuls.; single parts as if dashed with cold water, I IMez. Chill, congestive: lArn, lArs, ICamph.; with cold limbs, IHyos.; depressed pulse, dull headache, IGels.; with sweat, INux v.; with vertigo, headache, etc, IINux v. Chill, convulsions: after chill (helminthiasis), ICina; with short chills in back and limbs, lasts an hour and a half, followed by convul- sions, muscular contractions, beginning in limbs, extending to whole body (intermittent nervous affection), I ITarant; choreic, HTa- rant; clonic, lArs, ICamph.; convulsive move- ment, IILach.; increasing to convulsive vio- lence, and ending by his falling to floor, apparently dead, rigid and pulseless, with cutting pain in region of heart, IPhos. Chill, cough : before chill, I IPuls.; during chill, Calc. p, I IPuls, ISabad.; during cough,Hep, IKreo.; dry, convulsive (quartan intermit- tent), ISabad.; dry, deep, before chill, ISamb.; dry, hacking, IIRhus, HSamb.; dry, spas- modic, with pain in ribs, and tearing in all bones, ISabad.; dry, teasing, IIRhus; and expectoration, HSpong.; loose, at end of chill, Eup. pert; in whooping cough, ICaust. Chill, covering: begins as soon as back is un- covered, llgn.; every time bedclothes are raised, before midnight,! Arg. met.; not better by covering, same hour each day, Cact.; even when covered, llris ; became hot by lying down and covering up, I IRhus ; when lifting bedcover, Agar.; must be covered in all stages (intermittent), IGels.; on uncovering, I Aeon, Bor, ICham, IHep, INitr.ac, IPhos.JPuls, Stram.; from slightest uncovering, warm air, I IThuya ; wants to be covered, Eup. pert Chill, creeping: flgtjp" Chilliness, crawling, creeping. Chill, delirium: yEthus, ISub; when falling asleep, ISpong.; slight, Astac. Chill, descending: HAgar, Bor, I ICaust,Lil. tig, IPhos, Sul. ac, Ver.; from face and arms to back and breast, Berb.; from face and pit of stomach, I IBar.e ggg~ back. Chill, diabetes: after chill, INatr. s. Chill, with diarrhcea: IPhos.; causes diarrhoea, llpec; stools greenish, after chill (tertian), IHep.; chill between with purulent stools, IMere; stools white, frothy, in damp weather, IHep. Chill, in diphtheria: IKali iod, ILye; fol- lowed by high fever, HPhyt Chill, drinking : chill after, Arn, IIArs, Asar, HCaps, HCinch, Lobel. i, IINux v, Rhus, Ver.; relieves chill, Bry, ICaust, IGraph, llpec, IPhos.; induced or hastened by drink- ing cold water, IIEup. pert; during chill, causes headache, ICimex ; worse after a warm drink, Alum. Chill, in dropsy: IApis, I Ars, IHell. Chill, duration: continuous, with moist palms of hands, Niccol.; all day, Oxal. ac.; constant, during four days, Tarant; half an hour, with colic, I Ars.; half an hour, in intermittent, I ISamb.; about half an hour, followed by scarcely perceptible dry heat, lasting about two hours in morning (quotidian), llpec; three-quarters of an hour, I Ant. t, IFerr, IGels, I IPuls.; one hour, in morning,I INatr. c.; one hour, in quotidian, I IVer.; one and a half hours (tertian), llpec; one to two hours (intermittent), IIPuls.; from an hour and a half to three hours, Diad.; shaking for two hours, in erysipelas of leg, IILach.; two hours, Gamb, IKali c, IIPuls, HTarant.; five hours, HNux v.; six hours, lArn.; eight hours, I IVer.; twelve hours, heat of moderate duration, as in typhoid, clammy sweat over whole body, then some thirst and loss of ap- petite, Daph.; twenty-four hours, no heat or sweat, IDiad.; long, often whole day, fol- lowed at night by general and profuse sweat, 11 Tarax.; long, followed by violent brief heat, 40. FEVER. 1079 worse on motion, IIAnt. t; long, heat and sweat shorter (tertian), llgn.; long, I ITarax.; long and severe, with shivering and chatter- ing of teeth (quotidian), IIRhus; long, at beginning of yellow fever, with trembling of internal parts, ICamph.; protracted and ir- regular (intermittent), IFerr.; short, llpec, IIKreo, Vab; short, changes soon to heat, llpec; short, followed by long-lasting heat, I Ant. t; short and light, Polyp. Chill, dysentery: IBapt; followed by fever, ILept.; about lower part of body, during stool, ISul. Chill, ears: burning, Merc, sub; rheumatic deaf- ness, with burning consequent upon a chill, IPetrol.; intolerance of noise, Caps, IIHyos.; ringing, Chin. s. Chill, eating: during meals, IIRan.; aftereat- ing, IIArs, Asar, ICarbov, IGraph, Hyper, Mar. v, Rhus; loss of appetite, I lAnthrac; when beginning to eat, Euphor.; better after eating, Amb, Ars, IFerr, llgn, IPhos.; be- fore dinner, Berb.; after dinner, with head- ache, Coca; with loathing, I IKali m.; must eat before he can get up, HPhos.; after sup- per, Agar. Chill, epigastrium: Arn, Belb; begins with spasms, Calc.; commences to bloat, increases more and more, ICoccul.; distressing pain, lEup. perf.; at 2 p.m., ICale; pressing, Ars. h. Chill, eructation: empty, before chill, lArs.; during chill, Act. sp.; after chill, tertian, IHep. Chill, eruption : after chill, ICop.; blue mottled skin, especially on covered parts, INux v.; preceded by miliary, Ailant.; nettlerash, head- ache and general malaise, 11 Cop.; itching, sting- ing nettlerash before chill, IHep.; fine sting- ing nettlerash after tertian, IHep.; on parts affected by eruption, I lAnthrok.; frequent in pityriasis versicolor, IMez.; urticaria, during chill, Ign,I IRhus; suppressed urticaria, I Elat. Chill, evening: g)gg~ periodicity. Chill, eyes : inflammation, shivering from time to time, IChel.; lids tumefied, Astac; periodic neuralgia, Chin, m.; shivering with obscura- tion of sight, followed by sleeplessness, Sabina; with rheumatic ophthalmia, ILaur.; chill, after pain over, Lact. ac.; contracted pupils, I Aeon. Chill, face: alternating red and pale, IRhus ; beginning in face, HCaust.; blue, in cardiac rheumatism, ICact.; burning, after chill, Merc, sub; one hot cheek, I Aeon, Coff; cold, IDros.; cold, pale, Dros.; downward from, HCaust, I ILil. tig.; hot, Arn, IColoc; burn- ing, after chill, hot, Merc. sul.; glowing hot, IFerr.; hot, Cale p.; hot cheeks and cold hands, Mur. ae; hot cheeks, no thirst, ICina; violent thirst, Ruta ; momentary, runs down- ward, in a warm room, Carbol. ae; at com- mencement of neuralgia, HSep.; severe at beginning of intermittent neuralgia, Sabad.; pale, ICamph, ICinch, Ign, IRhus; proso- palgia. ICaust.; red and twitching, Stram.; red, IDig.; red, in evening, Illgn., Oxal. ac.; red] swollen, Astac; flushing, HSub; sunken, Zinc; yellowish at beginning, Ars. h. Chill, with fainting: Stram, Vab; before chill, I Ars. Chill, faintness: deathlike, Alum. Chill,' feet: ascending from, IIAcon, ICale; over back, Ammoniac, I IBar. c, IGels, IKali bi, IINatr. m, ISabad, ISub; cold, Brom, IDros, Med.; cold, before chill, Carbo v, ICimex; cutting pain, IChin. s.; heat, ISpong.; numbness, ICimex; numbing cold, in bed, Alum.; pricking and stinging, lEup. pert; running up spine to nape, IHyos.; begins in toes, IBry, ISub Chill, fever: at beginning, at night in bed, ILach.; bilious, llpec, I ILept; after con- finement, sudden, followed by fever, IPhyt, sixty hours after delivery, IKali c.; gastric, HSep.; hectic, HCale; puerperal, IIBry, I Kreo, I Lach, I IVer. v.; beginning of spotted, I Amm. e; swamp fever, followed by heat, now evening, now noon, now morning,! Ang.; typhoid, I ICalad.; typhoid, followed by heat, IIRhus; typhoid, seventh day, chill and heat, ending in copious sweat, IIAmm. m.; typhus, ICoccul.; typhus, with aching in musctes, IBapt; in typhus, preceded by weak- ness, IBapt.; intense, after getting wet a few days before menses (amenorrhoea), 11 Ver. v.; at beginning of yellow fever, with coldness of limbs, ICamph. Chill, in gonorrhoea: after injecting nitrate of silver, I ITarant. Chill, with gooseflesh: Agar, IGels, IIHelb; on affected parts, Lach. Chill, hands : begins, IGels, ISub; begins,with clenching, ICimex; begins at 11 a.m. (inter- mittent), IIPuls.; cold, ICimex, IDros.; cold, and bluish, ISpong.; cold, nails blue, chill, Dros.; begins in tips of fingers, IBry,l IPuls, ISal. ae; begins in fingers, ISub; draws fin- gers together at beginning, ICimex.; fingers stiff, 11 Eup. perf.; finger tips cold, nails blue, worse in warm room, Aeon.; hot,ISpong.; nails blue, ICoccul, Dros.; nails blue, face pale, giddy, not better by heat of stove, better lying down, ISub; numb, ICimex. Chill, head: as of creeping along convolutions of brain, Abrot.; cerebrospinal meningitis, IGels.; confusion, Astac; congestion, Ced, ICinch.; dulness, Caps.; asif hair were stand- ing on end, IIPuls, ISpong.; heat, Am, IStram.; heat in forehead and face, hands cold, IIArs.; as if in a furnace, IKali br.; heat, with shuddering of limbs, Stram.; inter- nal, Bry.; heat, stinging in forehead, heat con- tinued after chill, Mang.; heaviness, before chill, Calc; humming, worse lying or sitting quietly in the cold, IPuls.; benumbed, I Ars.; pain in parietal bone as if broken, ICale; spreading from scalp, Mosch.; as if screwed up, IGlon.; stupid feeling, Cie; chill in head, with thirst, Stann.; throbbing in temples, before chill,Carbo v.; chills,repeated, begin in vertex, afternoon, I Arum t. Chill, headache: before chill, I Ars., IBry, HCinch, lEup. perf, lEup. pur, INatr. m.; during chill, I lAnthrac, Ars. h, IBrv, ICale, ICaps, ICinch, ICoff, Coral, Elat, lEup. perf, Lact. ac, I IMed, IINatr. m, Sarrae, ISpong, HStram, Var, Zinc; after chill, Ailant, I lAnt.c, I ICact, ICimex, ICina, lElat, Var, Vib.; in climacteric period, IThe- rid.; from getting cold, Calc. a.; during head- ache, Therid.; in evening, in bed, 11 Sib; in evening at 9 o'clock, better in bed, succeeded by thirst, Magn. s.; with cold face and hands, IPetrol.; follows periodic sick headache, I. I. 1080 40. FEVER. I ISang.; in forehead, Ars. h.; as if forehead would burst, ISang.; after pain in forehead, Lact. ac; toward end of chill, stinging, press- ing, drawing in forehead, extending to eyes, worse opening eyes and motion (intermittent), lArs.; general malaise (nettlerash),ICop.; with nausea, Sang.; in occiput, sometimes extending to front of head, pain in spleen, I IPetrol.; be- tween paroxysms, llgn.; pressure in fore- head, lArs.; shooting from crown to poll, I INuxv.; stinging, IDiad.; throbbing, lEup. perf. BST" Chap. 3, Headache fever. Chill, heat: after heat, I IApis, Ast. r, ICale, IHell, Niccol, IINuxv, Sep.; heat absent, IClem, IDiad, Ran. b, ISabad, Staph.; al- ternating, Agnus, Ant. t, Ars, Asaf, Bell, Bor, Bov, ICale, ICepa, ICham, IHep, IIHyos, Hod, IIKreo, IILaur, ILach, ILye, Niccol, IINux v., IPhos. ac, Selen, Spig, ISpong, ISub, Uran. n. Zinc; alter- nating, in afternoon, ICinch.; alternating, in angina tonsillaris, iBar. m.; alternating, with moderate heat, during climaxis, HZine; al- ternating, with coryza, after mercury, IIKali iod.; alternating, several times a day, I IPolyp.; alternating, in chronic diarrhcea and typhoid, ICoccul.; alternating, evening and night, IBar. c; alternating, with flushes in face from coughing (catarrhal complaints), IPetrol.; alternating, in gonorrhoea, IMere; alternat- ing, now here now there, on single parts, Ver.; alternating, every half hour, Amm. m.; alter- nating, in icterus, IDig.; alternating, at vari- ous times of day, INatr. m.; alternating, till midnight, Amm. e; alternating, in pleuritis, with plastic exudation, IHep.; alternating, in pneumonia, ICamph.; alternating, in rheum- atism, lArs.; alternating, in septicaemia, 11 Sab ae; alternating, often only on single parts, IMere; alternating, in rapid succession, lArs.; alternating, in chronic hypertrophy of ton- sils, angina, IBar. m.; aversion to heat, Nitr. ae; burning of face and hot breath, HCham.; chill continuing into heat, ICoccul, I IPod.; dry, Elaps ; dry, after chill, in pneu- monia, Hod.; dry, with parchmentlike skin, after short chill, lllpec; dry, after chill, in diphtheria, IKali bb; of face, hands and feet, Agar.; of face, icy coldness of hands, no thirst, I IDros.; feverishness, worse in morning, Sar- rae; with flushes, IGuaraea; follows flushes ISang.; follows flushes at night (hydro- metra), I ISep.; flushes in face and icy cold feet, IIKreo.; flying, pricking in skin, soon followed by profuse sweat after chill, Gels.; followed by feverish heat through whole body (Bright's disease), ITereb.; heat internal, Nitr. ae, ISpong.; internal, with anxiety and red cheeks, I Aeon.; internal burning, with thirst, ISee; internal, rises up into head (prolapsus and hemorrhage), llpec; interrupted by burn- ing hot fever (metritis), I ISee; interrupts burn- ing heat, ISee; interrupts heat, mostly of head and face, returns at same hour,ISabad\; mixed, one internal the other external or alternating, INux v.; simultaneous, mingled, I Ars, Lyss, HPod, ISpong, I I Ver.; simultaneous, with red face, ISul.; slight, IHep.; slight, precedes fever, Syph.; heat of stove, relieves chills, JEsc. h.; and sweat at same time, IRhus. Chill, hiccough: after hiccough, in morning, Amm. c. Chill, hunger: lArs.; before chill, ICina, HCinch.; during chill, Ailant.; a cold starved feeling, could not get warm if he sat ever so near the fire, Sil. Chill, hypochondria: pressing pain, I IPod. Chill, increasing: gradually, Agar. Chill, injuries: after a fall, illness every four weeks, beginning with chill, followed by long- continuedfever,IHyper.;mechanical,ICalend.; following operation, lasting three hours, in evening (erysipelas), Apis; after sting, runs over him like waves in short intervals, after chilly cold sensation all around red middle of sting, Vespa ; in seasons when flies sting,IApis. Chill, internal: ICale, ICham, IChin.s,ICie, IDig, IGuaiac, Jacar, INatr.m, Plat, Sa- bad, HSib; in abdomen, Tereb.; in abdomen, spreading to chest, ICamph.; in abdomen, moving about, Bov.; particularly in abdomen, intermingling with heat, Menyanth.; in after- noon and evening, wuth shivering, worse in back and in legs, not better by warmth, ICoc- cul.; in afternoon, with sensation of hot water in stomach, IPhos.; sensitive to air, worse uncovering, IIAstac; when walking in open air, passes off in room, ICheb; with pain in small of back (puerperal fever), I IPlat.; as if in bones, with warmth of skin, Berb.; as if in bones, half hour later burning heat, thirst, fever until 10 a.m. next day, Elaps ; as if parts were contracted by cold and trembling, Paris; follows papescent diarrhcea, Paeonia; in even- ing, Plumb.; severe, shaking, evening in bed, ICheb; with heat in face, ICoff, HDig.JKali bi, IIMerc; with cold hands, Nitr. sp. d.; could not support head, which trembles, ICoc- cul.; as from want of animal heat, IINatr. m.; with external heat, Anac, I Arn, I Ars, Bell, ICale, ICoff, Coloe, IDig, IIHelb, llgn, IKali bi, IINux v, IPsor, Ran. b. Rheum ; with external heat in evening in bed, ICale; worse by external heat, llpec; with weari- ness and soreness in limbs, IHep.; about mid- night, ICaust.; in mornings, with shivering, ICon.; at night in bed, IDros.; at night, with external heat, Squilla ; numb hands and feet (veta), ICoca ; skin not cold, Ars.; inner, with cool skin, Agar.; with natural warmth of skin, Agar.; spreading from within and from vertebrae over limbs, Ant t; in stomach, ICamph.; with sensation of weakness in stomach, Ver.; even near warm stove, princi- pally afternoon and evening, IGuaiac.; with sweat, most on palms of hands and in face, ICoff; then sweat without intervening heat, HCaust; with thirst, I Ars, Carbo v.; with thirst, most in morning, INatr. s.; without thirst, generally in evening, also at other times of day, ISub; with trembling, skin warm, Agnus ; from below up, IHep.; with constant inclination to urinate, but urine flows slowly and causes burning, IKali e; in a warm room, Anac, ISep, IIPuls.; feels no inward warmth, ICamph.; desire for warmth of stove, worse after warm drink, Alum.; yawning and stretching, INatr. s. Chill, joints : drawing, before chill, Calc. Chill, kidneys : in nephritis, HArn. Chill, labor: after the pains, IKali c gSSg* Chap. 24, Parturition chilliness. Chill, larynx: laryngitis, chill for two hours, ends with profuse sweat, ICed. 40. FEVER. 1081 Chill, legs: aching, INatr.m.; aching, before chill, 11Puis.; begins on buttocks, descends to legs and ascends to head, making hair stand on end, with feeling in head as if it would break, IIPuls.; begins, going all over body, then general heat, then slight and gentle sweat, I ISars.; beginning below knees, ICinch.; be- gins quartan intermittent, 11 Sep.; begins in legs, usually in thighs, IRhus; half an hour before chill, calves cold, I Lach, ILye; draw- ing, tearing crampy pains in hips running down posterior thigh to calves, 11 Rhus ; pre- ceded by intolerable drawing pain through thighs and legs, obliging him to alternately draw them up and stretch them out, IINux v.; drawn up, ICaps.; in evening, in diphtheria, IBapt; heaviness before chill, ICimex; creeping over body, especially from hips to below knees, with hot sur- face after catching cold, I IOp.; knees ach- ing, Ars. h, INatr. m.; pains in knees, worse after chill, Ars. h.; lameness, Ign.; pains, ISpong.; pains, before chill, lEup. pur.; stitches, in knees, IDiad.; tearing, I Ars.; in thighs, with aching, IHydras.; pain as if beaten in thighs, lArs.; begins in thighs, Thuya; especially in thighs, ISpong.; on posterior por- tion of thighs, ICham. g^ ascending. Chill, limbs: aching, INux v.; over body, with gooseflesh, worse in rest, better on motion, Aeon.; cold, Dros.; cold hands and feet, fol- lows heat, llris; cold, with horripilations, ILed.; cramps, Cup. m.; drawing, lArs.; draw- ing and lassitude (angina), IMere; drowsy fatigue, ICale; most in extremities, Cup. m.; with heat of face, ISabad.; heaviness before chill, Therid.; pains, Diad, I ILach.; pain, be- fore chill, ICina ; frequent, with pain, Xan.; pain, lElat, I IStram.; pain and restlessness, IRhus; in palms and soles, spreading over body, Dig.; running through, even in warm room, Colch.; soreness,Diad.; stretching,!Ars.; tearing in bones, before chill, Carbo v.; tear- ing, better from hot things, to back, Caps.; trunk hot, Tereb.; weariness, with internal chill, IHep. Chill, liver: catarrh of duodenum (jaundice), I IKali m.; biliary colic, ICinch.; several suc- cessive days, sweat, followed by heat, in hepa- titis, INatr. s.; pain, ICinch.; pain, after chill across stomach and spleen, and around to liver, I ISep.; peculiar chill throughout whole body, soon followed by sharp gnawing pain in region of liver as if twenty dogs with sharp teeth were gnawing her, lAng, Arn IIArs, lAscl. t, Carbo v, HCinch Cina,Diad,Ferr,lllpec, IINatr.m IRhus,ISang, Sinap, Ver.; masked, choreic or neuralgic manifestations, IGels.; after menses IINuxv.; miasmatic, of low marshy region«' warm seasons anrl trnnir>al ™„~+„f__6..^.k paroxysm, IGels.; with nausea, vomiturition 40. FEVER. 1095 and regurgitation, Sabad.; nervous symptoms predominate, IGels.; worse after midnight, IIRan. b, Raph.; principally before noon, IGuaraea ; obstinate cases, hot flushes and hot soles at night, 11 Sul.; obstinate, worse' by exposure and neglect or abuse of quinine, IPolyp.; pain in occiput, before, Gels.; of old people and children, IOp.; suppression by opium, ICale a.; pain in head and body when he has no chill, tongue not much coated, IGels.; paralysis follows, IIRhus ; periodicity strongly marked, Ced, Gels, IPetroseb; with periosteal pains, I IMur. ac; pernicious, IApis, I Arn, Camph, Curar, Nux v., Op, IVer.; postponing, Cinch, Cina, Gamb, Ign, Ipec; prevailing, icterus, eyes yellow, stool white, urine dark yellow, ISang.; prodromal stage, IGels.; prosopalgia, suppressed by quinine, HStann.; quartan, Aeon, Anac, Ant. c, Arn, I Ars., Bell, Bry, IIBufo, Carbo v, IChin. s, HCimex, Cina, Cinch, Clem, ICoff, Coral, Elat, lEup. perf, IHyos, Hgn, Iod, llpec, Lach, Lye, Menyanth, I IMillef, INatr. m, IINuxv, IPhelb, Plant, Pod, IPuls, Rhus, ISabad, ISinap, Ver.; quartan, paroxysm be- tween 3and4 a.m., I ISep.; quartan,diarrhcea on days free from fever,IIod.; quartan, parox- ysm in evening, chill predominating, 11 Rhus ; quartan, six weeks, paroxysm 12 m, then attack like cholera morbus, lElat.; quar- tan, since two years, INatr. m.; quartan, two years, resisting many remedies, IPtel.; double quartan, Ars, Cinch, Dulc, Eup. pert, Eup. pur, Gamb, Lye, Nux m. Puis, Rhus ; after abuse of quinine, I Arn., HCale, lElat, IFerr, IGels, IHep, lllpec, INatr. m, IIPuls, Rhus, I ISul, IVer.; living in damp regions or newly turned ground, INatr. m.; dumb ague, from abuse of quinine, always re-ap- peared, preceded by enuresis, IGels.; relapse into bilious intermittent, after quinine, with burning and rending pain, ILach.; after qui- nine, spleen swollen, IRan. sc; suppressed by quinine or "ague cures," prone to appear in some other type, or assuming the double type, Elat.; two years, contracted while in army, has been drugged with quinine, opium and mercurials, I IPolyp.; quotidian, Aeon, .Esc. h, Anac, Ant. c. Ant. t. Apis, IIArs, Bapt, Bar. c. Bell, Bry, Cact, Calc, jCale s, ICaps, Carbo v, ICed, Cham, IChin. s, Cie, Cina, Curar, IDiad, Elaps, Elat, I lEu- cab, lEup. perf, lEup. pur, Gamb, Gels, Graph,IHep, Hgn, llpec, IKali br. Kali c, Lach, ILobel. i. Lye, Magn. c, INatr. m, Nitr. ac, I INux v, IPetroseb, Phos, Plant, Pod, Polyp, IPuls, IRhus, Sabad, ISamb, ISep, Spig, Stann, Staph, Stram, Sul, ITarax, IVer.;quotidian, in afternoon, I ISep.; double quotidian, Ant. c, IApis, Bapt, Bell, Cinch, Dulc, Elat, Graph, Led, Stram,Sub; double, quotidian, at sunrise and 5 p.m., I Diad.; quotidian, 1 to 3 p.m., INatr.m.; quotidian, 4.45 to 6.30 p.m., ILye; quotidian, about 5 p.m., preceded by yawning and pain in maxillary joint, as if dislocated, 11 Rhus; quotidian, 8 to 10 p.m., Elaps; quotidian, with anthrax on back of neck, HTarant and Sub; quotidian, 9 a.m., I IMenyanth.; quotidian, 11 a.m., coldness, burning heat, dyspnoea, pain in head, coma, stupefaction, insensibility till midnight, then thirst and sweat, I ICact.; quotidian, at same hour, Anac, Ang, ICact, HCed, IDiad, Gels, Sa- bad, Stann, Spig.; quotidian, with icterus, lElaps ; quotidian, before midnight, Arund.; quotidian, about midnight, with pressure and swelling at epigastrium and anxious palpita- tion during day, IIRhus; quotidian, marsh fever, IDiad.; quotidian, IStram.; suppressed, became tertian,lElat; profuse saliva with scro- fula, chronic, I ICale; in scrofulous children, chronic, -Cale p.; regular, at same period every day, jEseh, Ang, Cact, Caps, HCed, IChin. s, Cina, ICinch, IDiad, Gels, Hep, Kali c. Pod, Spig, Ver.; regular, without chill, Gels.; relapsing, I Ars, Ustil.; relapsing, after quinine, IIArs.; remittent, apt to become intermittent, usually quotidian, IPhos.; be- comes remittent, postponing oftener than an- ticipating, Gamb.; apt to become remittent or typhoid, IPhos.; restless, during paroxysm, ICoccul.; rheumatism or gout, ILed.; com- mencing on right side, first arm then leg gets cold, IIRhus; sequelae, ICean, IGels.; every seven days, ILye; pains in neck and shoul- ders, before and after, Gels.; simple, uncom- plicated, Gels.; skin hot, dry, in reactive stage, IGels.; skin parchmentlike, dry heat after chill, I llpec; from sleeping on cold floor, IDiad.; comes on slowly, I IStram.; degener- ated into a slow fever, especially in dry and bilious subjects, ITarax.; soporous, Ant. t.; spasmodic symptoms, I ICale; enlargement of spleen, lArs, ICarbol. ac, ICean, IChin. s, ICinch, IDiad, IKali iod, INatr.m, IRan. sc, IIRhus, ISul.ae; (g@° Chap. 18, Spleen enlarged); in Spring, ICham, I ISabad.; every Spring, Carbo v, ILach, I INux v., Sep, Sub; not produced by swamp miasm but in Spring, in nervous persons and where large cities extend, ICham.;- every Spring, after suppression, in Summer or Fall by quinine, ILach.; contracted at Summer watering places and wintered over, making their appear- ance in early Spring, IGels.; each Spring, for several years, annually,suppressed by quinine, llgn.; stages, severe chill, little shaking then fever, IGels.; stages distinct, HChin. s, IPe- troseb; stages indistinct, adynamic condition, IGels.; stiffness, INatr. m.; chill begins in » stomach, agonizing weight, I ICale; derange- ment of stomach, HCact; in beginning of Summer, ILach.; suppressed, I ISpig.; obsti- nate, for five years, suppressed by quinine in large doses, but always recurring, lElat.; sup- pressed, with general prostration, aching and soreness in body, IGels.; suppressed,earache, toothache, headache,pain in limbs, etc,IPuls.; without sweat, Rhus v. (ggaP" Sweat absent); cedematous swellings, after, Cain.; tertian, JEsc. h. Alum, Anac, IIAnt. c, I Ant. t, IApis, Arn, I Ars, IBar. m, Belb, Bry, Cale, -Cales, Canth,Caps,Carbov, ICed, ICham,Cie, Cina, IChin. s, ICimex,ICinch, Coral, IDiad, IDig, Dros, Dulc, Elat, I lEucab, IIEup. perf, Ferr, Gamb, Gels, IHep, Hyos, llgn, Iod, llpec, ILach, Lye, Mez, I IMillef, INatr. m, Nux m, IINux v. Plant, Pod, I IPolyp, IPuls, Rhus, HSa- bad, Sub, Ver.; double tertian, JEtc. h, Ars, Cinch., Dulc, Elat, I lEucab, Eup. pur, Gamb, Lye, Nux v, Rhus ; tertian antepon- ing, INatr. m.; tertian, afternoon, Bapt.; ter- 109G 40. FEVER. tian, a month after bilious fever, I ISub; tertian, had been treated with Cinchona, HSabad.; tertian, in evening, ICale; ter- tian, 9 p.m., I ISabad.; tertian, gout of knee follows with tophi and lameness in joints, I INux v.; body drawn up in a heap, ILach.; anteponing half an hour, llpec; tertian, some- times morning, sometimes evening, I ISep.; tertian, morning chill, evening fever, Ferr.; tertian, with nettlerash disappearing after attack, I IRhus; tertian, nightly at same Imur, HSabad.; tertian, symptoms of scurvy, IStaph.; tertian, stages well marked, IPhos. ae; tertian, profuse vomiting of bilious mat- ter, I IPtel.; sore throat and nausea, IDros.; yellow, slimy coated tongue, IIKali s.; incipient tuberculosis, IBry.; tendency to run into typhoid, IIArs, IBapt, IMez, ISee; post-typhoid, IGels.; traumatic or chronic inflammation of urethra, even stricture, IPetroseb; vomiting acid, sour masses, I INatr. p.; vomiting food, IFerr. ph.; bilious vomiting, brought on or always made worse by damp weather or moist atmosphere at seashore, I INatr. s.; once a week, Amm. m, Canth, Cinch,Lye,Menyanth, Plant.; every two weeks, Amm. m. Are, Calc, Chin, s. Cinch, Lach, Plant, Puis.; every three weeks, Cinch, Magn. c. Sub; every four weeks, Nux m, Nux v., Puis, Sep.; working in cold water, I ICale; in Winter, Ant t, INatr. m. Polyp, Psor.; nervous hysterical women, ITarant.; in women of strong plethoric constitution, whose menses are painful and slight or even absent with lumbar or inguinal pains, IPetroseb; yearly, Ars, Carbo v, IDiad, Lach, Natr. m, Psor, Sul, Thuya; recent cases in young previously healthy persons, I llpec. B^° apy- rexia; also, Chill, Heat, Sweat. Fever, intermittent apyrexia: lArs.; lemon juice with coffee, -Citrus, IHyos, IMez, HNatr.m, I ITarax.;abdomenbloated,Cinch.; pains in abdominal viscera, especially liver, with great lassitude, IPolyp.; anaemic ap pearance, ICinch.; apathy, Ign.; loss of appe- tite, Cinch, Ipec, INatr. m, IPolyp, IPuls, Sabad.; loss of appetite, in quotidian, llpec; pain in back, Ign.; pain in small of back (quotidian), llpec; oppressed breathing, I ISabad.; bruised feeling in limbs, Ipec; ca- chectic appearance, Cinch.; oppression of chest, Sabad.; pain in chest, Sabad.; pain in chest, in quotidian, IIPuls.; chilly, Sabad.; never clear, I Ars., Hep, llpec; colic, Ign.; cough, ISabad.; cough, with expectoration of bitter taste (quotidian), IIPuls.; irritation to cough in larynx, Ign.; loose cough; Eup. pert; lips crusty, lArs.; debility and painful diarrhcea, ICornus; debility, in tertian,llpec; delirium, INatr. m.; despondent (tertian), llpec; mucous diarrhoea, IPuls.; diarrhoea, stools grayish-yellow (tertian), llpec; flatu- lent dyspepsia, with heat and twitching in epigastric region, eructation, nausea, vomit- ing and colic, in men, IPetroseb; aching in epigastrium, Ign.; sour, rancid eructation, Sabad.; face bloated, I Are.; face pale, Ign, Ipec, HSep.; face yellow, I Arn.; gastric symptoms, IIAnt. c, IDros, llpec, INux v.; burning in head, with cold hands and feet, Ign.; dulness in head, with loss of appetite, I INux v.; heaviness in head, Ign.; sensation as if head were smaller, Ign.; headache,! Arn, INatr. m, IPolvp, IPuls.; heaviness of whole body, with chilliness and sleepiness during day, IIPuls.; continual stitches in hepatic region, INatr. m.; herpes labialis, Ipec; hun- gry about 11 a.m., Ign.; sensitiveness in hypo- chondria, Cinch.; stitching in left hypochon- drium, IIPuls.; pain in region of kidneys, INatr. m.; giving away of knees, languor,Ign.; sensation of a foreign body lying over larynx, Ign.; lassitude, IIPuls.; lassitude, in quotid- ian, llpec; pain in legs (quartan), I IPuls.; pain in limbs, Ign, llpec; lips cracked, I Are, Ign.; lips pale or swollen, I Are.; pressure in region of liver, sometimes alternating with pain in spleen, INatr. m.; aversion to meat, I Arn.; nausea, IPuls.; will not play, lies about (tertian), llpec; pruritus of whole body (quotidian, with icterus), lElat; sad- ness, Ipec; salivation, Ipec; burning and redness of sclerotica (tertian). IIRhus; sleep restless (tertian), llpec; sound sleep, with snoring, Ign.; starting in sleep, Ign.; sleep continues from heat through sweating stage, Ign.; stomach bloated, Sabad.; disturbance of digestive organs, IFerr.; emptiness, pressure, or weakness in stomach, llpec; stool hard, Ign.; stool loose, Ipec; ineffectual urging to stool, Ign.; frequent watery stools, with pain in abdomen (quotidian, with icterus), lElat.; exhaustive sweats, Cinch.; sweat staining linen yellow (quotidian, with icterus), lElat.; bitter taste, lArn, IPolyp.; taste bitter (quo- tidian, with icterus), lElat.; earthy taste (tertian), llpec; loss of taste,INatr. m.; pappy taste, Ign.; taste of insipid water,Ipec; throb- bing in temples, Ign.; thirst, ICimex, INatr. m.; difficulty in collecting thoughts, Ipec; tongue dry, white, INatr. m.; tongue white, in quotidian, with icterus, lElat; tongue white or yellow, IPolyp.; urine dark (quotidian, with icterus), lElat; urine scanty, Cinch.; urine scanty red (tertian), llpec; urticaria, better by rubbing, Elat.; vertigo, llgn, llpec; vomiting of bile and bitter mucus, Sabad.; wanting, or very short, IGels.; weakness, lArs, IGels, IHep, llpec,Sabad.; weakness of limbs, Cinch, I ISabad.; great weakness of whole muscular system, IGels. Fever, irritative: IIArs, IGraph, INux v, IPod.; with cerebral congestion, causing con- vulsions, particularly in children, IVer. v.- from physical irritation, dentition, or indi' gestible foreign bodies in intestines, ICham , sharp, with swelling of face, head and hands, I IRhus v.; ulceration, suppuration, abscess presence of foreign body, etc, IGels. Fever, legs: inflammation of left, and foot, IComo; pains, ISpong.; periostitis of right femur I IPhyt; extensive gangrenous perios- titis of tibia, periosteum peeled off from a large area upward as far as knee joint, bone rough, Fhos.; thighs cold and numb, ISpong lever hvei:: enlargement or subacute inflam- mation, IMere; subacute, in liver complaint ICard. m. ' Fever,low (adynamicasthenic): IIArs, IBapt. a ?h v9him- umb-> "Crotal,Eucab, Nitr sp' d, I ISabina ; debility during convalescence ICoca; in diphtheria, IIArs, IKali bi • in hot weather, from abuse of ice water or sum- mer beverages, HCarbo v.; with insomnia 40. FEVER. 1097 IStram.; miasmatic, Carbol. ae; remission slight each morning (herpes zoster, after ex- ternal application of Rhus), ILach.; in pneu- monia, ISeneg.; pulse slow and accelerated by lifting or turning patient, IGels.; succeeding typhus, ISumb. fl®* nervous, typhoid. Fever, lungs: bloodspitting (phthisis), IKreo.; consumptive, I Bar.c; almost constant, remits for only two or three hours in afternoon, in consumption, Hod.; in phthisis, I ITubere; in afternoon (phthisis), ICetrar.; worse in evening,phthisis, I IPlumb.; incipient phthis- is, ILye vir.; coughing spells, spring and autumn, in phthisis, IKreo.; phthisis, with sweat, morning and night, IKali e; wasting, in phthisis puhnonalis, Hod.; high, in pneu- monia, IMere; catarrhal croupous pneumo- nia, ILye; after chill, in pneumonia, Hod.; frequent, in pneumonia, ILach.; high,in pneu- monia, IBell, IChel, IMelil ; in latent pneu- monia, I Lye; in pneumonia, lentescent, IHep.; pneumonia, after measles, IKali c; bloody sputa raised with difficulty, Rhus; tuber- culosis, chills and flushes" alternating in afternoon, ILach.; tuberculosis, fever worse 4 to 8 p.m., IILyc; incipient tuberculosis, I ITu- bere fl®* hectic; also Chap. 28, con- sumption, inflammation, pneumonia. Fever, malaise: worse 10 to 1, Med. Fever, malarial: • Abies, I Arg. nit. Chin, a, IITereb, I IVer. v.; loss of appetite, INatr. s.; ataxy, lArg. nit.; offensive breath, INatr. s.; chronic, • Eucab, Polyp.; alternate creeps and fever, INatr. s.; dull headache, INatr. s.; with jaundice, INatr. s.; bilious marsh fever, on rice plantations, I Ascl. t; metastasis of mias- matic.lBry.; old,broken-down cases, IILyc; marked periodicity, I ICinch.; relapsing, obsti- nate, spleen affected early in disease, Eucab; inflammation and sloughing of scrotum fol- lowed, HOp.; weak and languid, INatr. s.; fl®° intermittent marsh fever. Fever, in measles: ICrotal, I Euph, ILach.; before eruption, IBry, IPuls, IStram. Fever, milk: milk absent, IMillef. fl®*Chap. 24, Lactation fever, milk suppressed. Fever, menses: during menses, Aeon, Bell, ICoccus, Gels, IGraph, Helon, Natr. m, Phos, Rhod, Sep, Sub; amenorrhcea, ICina; menorrhagia, ICoccus; nightly, INatr. m.; menses too soon, IKali bb; suppressed, I IMil- lef. Fever mental condition: anguish and rest- lessness, from cold in lungs threatening pneumonia, IPhos. (after Aeon.); anxiety, 2 to 5 a.m., with sleeplessness, Ign.; crying, Vace; despondency, 11 Eup. perf; periodic ecstasy, ICie; after emotions, HCaps.; fretful- ness, with diarrhcea, 11 Sub; after fright, :Chen. a.; worse after midnight, illness from grief and jealousy, IHyos.; as if a severe illness were impending, Niccol.; loquacity, IGels.; maniacal, IHyos.; nervous and sen- sitive, even with mild, ICoff; sudden attacks of continued, consequence of reverse of for- tune, Hgn.; from vexation, Aeon, ICham.; worry and excitement (general prostration after childbearing), ILach. Fever moaning: in intermittent, llpec Fever' in morning : ICale, IKreo.; on waking, intense, with sweat, ILac e; with shaking chills, Sarrae; child disposed to convulsions, IBelb; from morning till noon, beginning with chilliness, heat in head, headache, thirst, swelling and redness of face, lasts till noon, with loss of appetite, ends at night, with slight sweat, IKali e; returns twice a day, preceded by bitter taste in mouth, 11 Hep. Fever, mouth: bitter taste and thirst, Bry.; dry, ILach.; with salivation, Arund. Fever, mucous: ISinap.; prodroma, Cham.; with prostration, IMere Fever, nausea: Alum, Arund, IIEup. pur, llpec, INatr. m.; after eating, Ind.; ephemeral, I Ver.; in peritonitis, ILye; prodroma, ISamb. Fever, nerves: regular type characterized by disorders of innervation, IGels.; great reflex nervous irritability, ILye; fever not violent, but nerves are irritated with sleeplessness, Coff; nervous symptoms, such as starting, jerking, etc., Nitr. sp. d. Fever, nervous: ICale, ICamph, Cinnam, ICham, Coccul, IManc; insidious, produced by fits of anger, or accompanied by disposi- tion to anger, HCoccul.; with pain in limbs, IIBry.; with nausea, llpec; stupidity, Cie fl®*" low, typhoid. Fever, neuralgia: in interval of neuralgic pain, IKali cy. Fever, night: Arund, ^Carbo a. Chin, s. Ham, 101. jec, I IStram.; with caries of dorsal vertebrae, ILach.; with chilliness (eczema im- petiginoides), IIRhus; in croup, IKaob; in diphtheria, IBapt.; dry, hot, shortly after going to bed, with dry parched lips and great thirst,Syph.; worse, with headaches, ICrotal.; lasts nearly all night (tertian), INatr. m.; be- fore midnight, Cadm. s.; at midnight, I IPuls.; worse after midnight (bronchitis infantum), IDros.; until morning (summer colds), IGels.; with dry mouth, ICinnab.; in myelitis, IDulc; with restlessness, I IPolyp.; in rheumatism, IColch.; with sweat, most on head, neck and hands, 101. jee; clammy sweat, pulse 150, small, great prostration (puerperal fever), Act. rac; worse, IChin. a, ISib; sets in about 6 p.m., reaches its height about 10, continues until about 4 a.m., IChin. s.; 2 a.m., IIArs.; 4 a.m. (ague), INatr. m. Fever, nose: coryza, IIAcon, Bar. m, Calad, Hod,Jab,IIMerc, I ISang,I ISpong,ISticta; thick plugs of nasal secretion, especially in old people and children, IMere iod. flav.; stopped up (coryza), I ISpong.; swells, IGuaiac. Fever, ovaries: cyst, Rhod. Fever, pain: paroxysm every day, 11 Ustil.; and always ready to weep, I ICoff; become worse, Hippoz. Fever, with palpitation: HSpig. Fever, paralysis: circumstances favor a paresis of motor nerves of both voluntary and invol- untary muscles, IGels. Fever, periodicity: daily, 2 or 3 p.m., into night, Curar.; every two or three weeks, in afternoon, between 3 and 4, I IStram.; daily, at 4 p.m., since second day after parturition, eleven weeks ago, ILye; each day, at 4 p.m., in pulmonary diseases, ILye; daily, at same hour, ICina ; 11 to 1 p.m., daily, sweats when she begins to get over fever, I ISyph.; every evening, commencing at dusk and lasting un- til bedtime (midnight), Lyss.; every evening, after supper, gradually worse, went off by morning, IGels.; every other hour (amenor 1098 40. FEVER. rhcea), Symph.; by spells, IHam. fl®" inter- mittent ; also Chill periodicity. Fever, pernicious: fl®* intermittent. Fever, in phlegmasia: IApis. Fever, prevailing: IIAmm. m.; thirstless, I Amm. m. Fever, puerperal: I Aeon, Act. rac, Ailant, Apis, I Arn, IIArs, IBapt, IIBell, IIBry, ICale, ICanth, ICarbol. ac, Cham, Coccul, Coff, IColch, IColoc, HCrotab, IHyos, IKali c, IKreo, ILach, ILye, IMere, IMur. ac, Nux v. Op, I IPlat, IPuls, IRhus, ISee, Sul, Tereb, Ver, II Ver. v. Zinc; alternating with often recurring chills of short duration, followed by profuse sweat, with restlessness, Carbol. ac.; intense fever mingles with and follows severe chill, I IVer. v.; follows sudden chill after four days' confinement, IPhyt.; constant, after abortion, I lUstil.; with irrita- bility, ICham.; cessation of lochia, HSec; from mental excitement, Coff; lack of milk, in breast, ICham.; increased before red rash, seventh day after confinement, ICale; with restlessness, ICham.; frequent watery stools, ISee; tympanitis, IILyc, IVer. v.; six weeks after confinement, hydrogenoid constitution, I INatr. s. fl®* Chap. 19, Abdomen periton- itis ; Chap. 20, Intestines inflammation; Chap. 23, Uterus inflammation, and Chap. 24, Puerperal fever. Fever, pulse: 130, in diphtheria, ICarbol. ac.; full,round, soft, flowing, IGels.; quick, IFerr. ph.; rapid,at night, Med.; slow, impercept- ible, after fever, IIAnt. t. fi®° Chap. 29, Pulse. Fever, relapsing (recurrent): from improprie- ties in diet, llpec; in typhus,Crotab fl®*" re- mittent. Fever, remittent: Aeon, IIAnt. c, lAnt. t, IApis, Arg. nit, lArn, lArs, IBapt, IBry, Cinch, ICrotal, lEucab, lEup. perf, IGels, IHyos, llpec, Lept, IMere, Nux v., Phos, Phos. ae, I IPolyp, IRhus, Ver.; autumnal, ICarbobae; in autumn and winter, ISub; bil- ious, INatr. s, IPod.; bilious and malarial, gastric intestinal irritation, I I Eup. pert; with constipation, IHydras,; in convalescence, : Eucab; with cough, IPod.; with evening ex- acerbations (functional derangement of liver), HSep.; worse every other evening, HVer.; headache, IPolyp.; infantile, I Aeon, Amm. m. Ant. c. Apis, Ars, IBell, Bor, IBry, ICham, Cina, Coff, IFerr. ph. Gels, Ign, llpec. Kali br, I IMagn. c, Merc, IMur. ac, Nux v, IPod, IPuls, IRhus, Sub; infantile, due to irritation of teething,intestinal troubles, worms Or malarial influences, IGels.; infantile, low type, IMur. ae; taking on intermittent type, or vice versa, Gels.; with pleurisy, Cro- tal.; dulness of mind, ISub; last stages, diar- rhoea profuse, sweat, exhaustion, ICornus. Fever,restlessness: IIAcon, lArs, IRhus; in intermittent, llpec; nervous, from midnight to 3 a.m., Med.; tossing about, IIAcon, Vace; up and down every few hours, I ILac c. Fever, rheumatic: lAbrot, IIAcon, lAnt. t, I Arn, I Ascl. t, lAtrop. s, IIBell, IBry, ICact, ICaust, IColch, IIFerr. ph, IKali s, INux v, IRhus, Sabina, Sal. ac, IIThuya, IVer.; while overheated, violent, after being chilled, articular, I Kalis.; severe cardiac com- plications, ILye; chilliness, INatr. m.; after catching cold, IMere; after catching cold, neuralgic, IIPuls.; constipation after Imy- dras.; worse in evening and forepart of nignt, I IPuls.; after taking cold, followed by gastric complaints, ICham.; leaves joints and attacks heart, lAur. mur.; chronic, with heart dis- ease and mitral regurgitation, pain on moving, but afterward better by movement, I ISul.; acute inflammatory articular, ISal. ae; in- flammatory, follows aching in bones, ver. v.; pain in liver, ICard. m.; especially muscular, IGels.; slight, with rheumatic and gouty affec- tions of nerves and joints, Indig.; pains, changing places, persistently return, ICamph.; prevalent, drawing tearing in limbs, worse at night, constant change of position, worse ly- ing on back, IRhus ; with pain in stomach, ICard. m.; or gout, with sour, clammy fetid sweats, Fluor ac; from getting wet (diabetes), INatr. s. fl®*" Chap. 32, Joints rheumatism inflammatory. Fever, in scarlatina: IApis, I Arum t, IKali in, IMere iod. rub,INuxm.;anginosa,IPhyt.; high, with delirium and thirst, IDulc; mild, HAilant; with rash, IPhyt; continually ris- ing, IApis. Fever, septic: lAnthrac, IIArs, lAtrop. s, I ICarbol. ac, ICarbo v., HCrotab, IILach, I ISal. ac, ISee, ITereb.; intermittent or ty- phoid form, ITarant. Fever, sequelae: IKali m. Fever, sighing : in intermittent, llpec. Fever, simple : without functional disturbance, IGels. Fever, skin : alternately cold and clammy and hot and burning, Dory.; alternately hot and dry, again drenched with sweat, with thirst, IKali iod.; dry, IHydras.; dry, more cold than hot, Hod.; hot, IHydras.; hotdry, ICale; itch- ing pricking,ISpong.; moist, I I Samb. sensitive, 11 Eup. pert; sensation as if cold wind were blowing out from skin (diarrhcea), ICup. m. Fever, sleep: distressing dreams (following cramp in left foot during night), Lachn.; drow- siness, dulness (measles), IGels.; sleeps during light fever, I INux m.; restless, ICimex ; som- nolency, Lachn.; sopor bordering upon stupor, absence of complaint, IOp.; sleepless, I I Eup. pert; sleepless, with colic, I I Alum.; sleepless, osseous growths, ICale fl.; stupid slumber, Spong.; for want of sleep (child), Coff; worse after sleep, ILach, I ISul. Fever, slow: Acab, IIAsar, IIMur. ac, IIRhus, I ISub; alternating with constipation and diarrhcea, INux v.; lingering, INux v.; at night, delirious, ICamph.; obstinate, : Agar.; with night sweats, I Acet. ac; in tabes mesen- terica, Hod. fl®" low. Fever, smouldering: INuxv.; with infantile chest diseases, after much medication I Nux v Fever, spleen: pain, Anac. fl®» Chap IS Spleen enlargement. ' Fever, spotted (cerebrospinal meningitis)- HAct. rac, IDig, lEup. perf, ISil Ver v • at beginning, I Amm. c.; with clonic spasms' ICup. ae; typhoid state, IChlor. g@?» brain ' also Chap. 3, Cerebrospinal meningitis ' Fever, Spring: IIBry, IIGels. Fever, stomach: first above stomach after wards in remote parts, Arund.; acid svmn" toms, INatr. p.; derangement, lEup nerf- gastric symptoms (quartan), ISabad.; attack's 40. FEVER. 1099 irregular, in gastromalacia, IMere d.; inflam- mation, IFerr. ph.; indigestion, I ISubae rever, stupor: soporific state (chronic spasms of eyes), IAgar. fl®° sleep; also Chap. 1, Coma and Stupor fever. Fever, sun : ggg- heat. Fever, synochal: fl®» inflammatory. Fever, sweat: fl®° Sweat, fever, heat. Fever, tetanus: malignant, 11 Millef. Fever, thirst: Alum, I Anac, lAng, Arund, HArs, IIBry, ICale, ICham, Chin s, Cina, ICinch., Cist,Coff, Con, Croc, Curar, Elaps, Elat, lEup. pert, lEup. purp, IHep, IHyos, llpec. Kali bi, Lach,Lye,Magn.c, I IMed, Merc, Millef, IINatr. in, INux v, Phos, Plant, Plat, Pod, Psor, IPuls, Rhus, Sep, Staph, IStram, ISul, ITereb, Thuya, Val, Vace, IVer, Ziz.; absent, Calad, IIGel,Var.; absent (croup), Acet. ae; absent, bursting headache, photophobia, 7 to 12 p.m., JEsc. h.; absent, in sciatica, llgn.; afternoon, Ars. h.; anthrax, I ITarant.; no appetite, Calc. a.; fol- lows chill and icy coldness, attacks come on suddenly, INatr. s.; in forenoon, at 10.30, be- gan in fingers and toes, Med.; little, IGels.; osseous growth, ICale fl.; in peritonitis, ILye, fever preceded by, cannot raise head, Eup. pert; prodroma, ISamb.; during all stages, See; unquenchable, in diabetes, Sec; un- quenchable, in kidney disease, IHep.; with or without, Med. Fever, tongue : fl®* Chap. 11, Tongue. Fever, traumatic : fl®* injuries. Fever, twitching : in meningitis, ISpong.; of muscles, I ISpong. Fever, typhoid (including typhus): Absin, lAcet. ac, lAct. rac, JEsc. g, IIAgar,IAlum, lAlumin, Ant. t, Amm. c, Anac, HApis, I Apoe, Arg. nit, HArn, IIArs, I Arum t, lAsar, Astac, lAtrop. s, I I Aur. met, 11 Bapt, IBar. c, IIBell, IBerb, Bor, IIBry, ICalad, HCale, Camph, ICanth, ICaps, ICarbo a, HCarbo v, Carbol. ac, -Castor, ICham, IChel, iChim. umb, IChin. s, IChlor. (five drops of chlorine water every two hours until tongue gets moist, Goullon. Sr.), I IChlorof, ICie, ICinch, Cinnam, • Citrus, Coca, ICoc- cul, I ICoff, IColch, Con, ICroe, Crotal, ICup. m, IDig, Dory, IDulc, 11 Erig, I lEu- cab, lEup. perf, IIFerr, Ferr. mur, IFluor. ac, IIGels, Glon, IGymn., IHam, IHep, IHell, IHippoz, Hydras, IHydr. ac,IIHyos, Hod, I llgn, Ipec, llris, IKali c, IKali m, IIKali p, IKreo, IILach, Lachn. ILaur, Lept, IILyc, IMagn. p, IManc, Melib, IMere, IMere cor, I IMere d, IIMerc. cy, IMosch, IIMur. ac, Natr. m., IINitr. ac, INitr. sp. d, INux m, INux v, HOp, Oxal. ac, HPetrol, IPhos, HPhos. ac. Pic. ac, IPsor, IIPuls, Ran. sc, IIRhus, IRhus v, Samb, ISee, Selen, ISep, ISil, ISinap, llSpong, Staph, HStram, IISul, ISub ac, ITarax, IITereb, HVal, HVer, IVer. v, HZine, Zing.; abdomen, fermentation, Cham, ILye; abdomen, tympanitic, I Arn, I Ars, IBry, HCarbov, HCinch, IColch, 11 Erig, Hell, ILach, IILyc, IManc, IMillef, 01. caje, IOp, IPod, IRhus, Sul, IITereb, Ver.; acute diseases take on a typhoid form, IIRhus; after anger, ICham.; will not answer questions (malarial), ILye vir.; anxiety, I Ars, Bry, HCale, Cinch, IKali c, I IIRhus, ISpong, Ver.; apathy, Apis, I Am, lArs, ICarbo v. Cinch, Colch, Hell, Hyos, INitr. sp. d, IOp, IPhos. ac, Stram, Ver.; arms cool, IZinc; ataxic, -Agar.; lying on back, IZinc; on back, thighs flexed on pelvis, IVer. v.; symptoms similar to Bapt, llris; sliding down in bed, lArs, IBapt, IBell, IHell, IIMur. ac, IZinc. (fl®* Chap. 35, Position) ; bedsores, I Arn, lArs, ICarbo v., Cinch, IIFluor. ac, Mosch., Nux v., Phos. ac, IZinc; bilious, IBry., Caps, IChel, ILach, ILept, Lye, IMere, I IStram.; bilious, lies on right side, painful to lie on left, I IStram.; reduced by loss of blood or malarious poison, HCinch.; brain alone seems to be involved, IHelb; impending par- alysis of brain, IZinc; breathing stertorous, IOp.; epidemic bronchitis, Cheb; dangerous bronchial symptoms, ITereb.; after calomel, * INitr. ae; cerebral congestion, resulting in paralysis of brain, IOp.; cerebral excitement, ISamb.; chest symptoms, I Ant. t, Bor, Bov, ICarbo v., Ipec, IILach, Mere, IPhos, ISub; oppression of chest, and difficult respi- ration, IPhos.; in children, iCoff, IGels.; in cholera, IOp.; in cholera season, I IVer.; from taking cold, Cham, IDulc; in stage of col- lapse,Xan.; unconsciousness (measles),IPhos.; in convalescence, Anac, Ars. m, lAur. mur, ICinch, Coccul, IIFluor. ac, ILye, INux v., HPsor, Puis, ISelen, ISib; convalescence re- tarded, IHydras.; cough and chest symptoms supervening and complicating, IPhos.; short, hacking cough, HCale; cough and haemopty- sis, ISul. ae; utters cries of pain, IZinc; de- lirium, Acet. ac, Arn, Ars, IBapt, llBelb, IBry, I ICale, Chloral, ICrotal, IIHyos, IILach, ILye, Mur. ac, IOp, Phos, Phos. ac, IRhus, HStram, IVer, IVer. v, IZinc; delirium, involuntary diarrhoeic stools, 11 Oxab ac; furious delirium, I Ars, IIBell, ICanth, Colch, Gels, IHyos, Lye, IOp, Puis, Rhus, See, Spong, IStram, Zinc; though suffering greatly, cannot describe symptoms, llgn.; di- abetes, IISul. ac; diarrhoea, Arn, lArs, IBapt, HCale, -Cale s, Dulc, IHyos, IKa- li c. Mere, IMur. ac, IPhos, Puis, IRhus, IStram, ISul, I ISumb, IVer.; diarrhoea and rumbling in bowels, fast-growing youths, IPhos. ae; diarrhoea, stool like pale yellow ochre, IKali m.; diarrhcea, in last stage, pro- fuse sweat, physical and mental exhaustion, ICornus; ears, deafness, Apis, I Arn, Ars, Bell, IBry, Carbo v, Chlor, IHyos, Lach., Lachn, Merc, INitr. sp. d, HPhos, IPhos. ac, Psor, Sec, Stram, ISul, IVer.; cannot eat, feels weak and miserable, IGlon.; en- teric, cerebral, exanthematic, or putrid, HApis; epidemic, ICheb, IGymn.; epigastri- um, pulsating, IPuls.; petechial eruption on abdomen, IApis, HArn, lArs, IBell, Calc, Chin, s. Cup. m. Lye,Nitr. ac,IIRhus ; ery- thema nodosum, during invasion, I IRhus v.; desire to escape, IBell, Bry, IHyos, Nux v., IOp, IStram, Zinc; after overheating from exertion, and taking cold, first stage, with sensitiveness to air, I Astac; eyes, nightly ag- glutination of lids, injection of conjunctiva, secretion of yellow mucus at inner canthus, dilated pupils, squinting, IVer. v.; face hot, body cold, Cham.; face hippocratic, sunken, I Are, ICamph, ICarbo v, IColch, ILach., 1100 40. FEVER. IMere, IMur. ae, Phos, IZinc; face, red, IBell, HCale, IOp.; fainting, Cham.; fancies vivid, Cham.; fear, IBell, Bry, Cham, IHyos, IStram.; fear of death, Aeon, lArs, IBapt, Bry, Coccul, Rhus, Ver.; fluids swallowed eagerly, but with difficulty, IZinc; gastric disturbances ill defined, during second stage, I IMere d.; from grief, Cham, llgn, HPhos. ac; hands, constant trembling, IGels, IZinc; wants head squeezed, IGlon.; headache, IGlon.; hemorrhages from bowels, Alum, I Arn, I Are, ICarbo v., Chloral, IHam, IMere, IMur. ac, IINitr. ac, IPhos. ae; wants to go home, IBry.; feels hopeless, IBapt, IPsor.; hydrocephalus, HArt. v.; marked icteroid or scorbutic symptoms, IMere; illusions, fl®* Chap. 1, Delusion ; im- patience, ICham, Ign, INux v.; incipient, with pains in head, back and limbs, IIBry, IGels, IIRhus; indifference, HArn, ICinch, Mere, Phos. ac. Sec, Ver.; irritability, Bell, IBry., Cinch, Coccul, Nux v, Rhus ; jacti- tation and trembling, I ICypr.; dropping of lower jaw, lArs, IBapt, ICarbo v., ILach, ILye, IMur. ac, HOp, Sec, IVer. v, HZine; jaw trembling, I Arn.; lips, dry and black, lArs, Belb, IBry, ILach, IPhos. ac, IRhus, Ver.; dry and cracked, lArn, lArs, IBry, Mur. ac, Rhus ; lips sooty, IZinc; loquacity, Bell, Bry, ILach, Lachn, Rhus, Stram.; abscess or cancer of lungs, tendency to gan- grene, Crotal.; malarial, IHam, ILye vir.; malarial, violent pains, particularly in thighs, ITarax.; malignant, ILac def; in measles, IChlor, lEuph.; loss of memory, IIAnae, Arn, Hyos, Lach, Merc, Mur. ac. Op, Puis, Rhus, Ver.; corner of mouth drawn down on left side, IVer. v.; automatic convulsive mo- tions of hands and feet as in hydrocephalus, IZinc; inability to move, lArs.; muttering, Apis, IHyos, Lach, ILye, Phos. ac, IRhus, IVer. v.;* nervous symptoms continually in- crease, in third or fourth week, IChlor.; nerv- ous symptoms predominate, IBapt, IGels.; worse at night, IBelb; worse from least noise and jar, IIBell, Hgn.; nose bleeding, I Aeon, lArn, IBry, Cup. m, Hyos, ILach, Merc, IPhos, IPhos. ac, IRhus, ISee, ISul, ISul. ac, Ver.; nose sooty, IZinc; at onset, IBry, ICale, IRhus ; violent pains, particularly in thighs, ITarax.; parotitis, Aeon, IBell, ICale, IMang, IMere,INatr.m-.; pemphigus, Crotal.; phlebitis, ILach.; picking at bedclothes, Arn, Ars, Colch, IIHyos, Lye, IOp, Phos. ac, Psor, IStram, Sul, IVer. v, IZinc; pneu- monic, I Ant. t, IHyos, ILye, IPhos, IITereb.; in psoric individuals, ISub; pulse, fl®* Chap. 29 ; pupils fixed, do not react to light, IZinc; refuses things, Bell, INitr. sp. d.; well selected remedy has no effect, ISub; remittent, I IStram.; after typhoid, repeated over and over in a singing tone any question put to him until interrupted by another question which he repeated as the first and so on, I IZinc; restless, wants to go from one bed into another, IIArs, Bell, ICale, ICina, ICham, Hyos, Mez, IRhus, Sep, Ver.; in scarlatina, Apis, I Ars,IArum t.JChlor.; sequel, diminished appetite, IPsor.; sequel, eating, very little makes her immediately very full (nervous affection), IManc; sequel, nervous deafness,iPhos, IPhos. ac; sequel, fear of get- ting crazy (nervous affection), IManc; sequel, feels light, as though she could float or hover in air, in nervous affection,IMane; sequel,mental dejection and apathy, IHell; sequel, progres- sive emaciation, with cough, IMyos.; sequel, hoarseness, IPhos, ISpong.; sequel, legs feel weak, with fear of paralysis, also nervous debility, ISelen.; sequel, paralysis, ICup. m, IPhos, IIRhus; sequel, raw sensation down throat (nervous aflection), IManc; sequel, constant desire for some dishes, parti- cularly indigestible things, puddings, half- baked bread and the like (nervous aflection) IManc; sequel, debility of spine, fears he will be paralyzed, Selen.; sequel, sweat, Psor.; se- quel, weakness, ICinch, I ICoca, IFluor. ac, 11 Psor, ISib; sequel, weeps a great deal, par- ticularly when alone (nervous aflection), IManc.; from confinement on shipboard with- out good care or food, IBapt.; silent, taciturn, averse to talking, I Arn, Are, Bell, Bry, Cinch, Coccul, Hyos, Merc, Nitr. sp. d, Nux v. Op, HPhos. ac, Rhus, Ver.; singing, Ars, Bell, Hyos, Lye, Mur. ac, IStram.; sleepless, IBelb, Cham, Merc, IOp, Mur.ac; slow, protracted cases, IIArs.; sopor, I Arn, lArs, ICoccul, Lach, ILye, IOp, IPhos, IRhus; utters inarticulate sounds, IZinc; spasmodic symptoms, Cham.; irritated spine in beginning, Vab; early stage, INux v, IPuls.; symptoms like early stage, Hippoz.; first stage, when patient seems to have taken cold, sudden onset, IGels.; staring, Bell, Hell, IHyos, IOp, IPhos.ae, Sec, IZinc; stupor, (8®° apathy); subsultus, HCale, IZinc: sub- sultus, like galvanic shocks, IVer. v.; cold. clammy sweat covers arms, IZinc; one-sided sweat, INux v.; as if swung to and fro in a swing or cradle, Hgn.; champing teeth, IVer. v.; temperature nearly normal, IHelb; thirst- less,IApis,lArn,IGels.; tongue (fl®* Chap.ll); trembling of limbs, ILach.; twitching, Cham.; unconscious, I Am, Are, IBell, Canth, Colch, IHell, IHyos., Lach, Lye, Merc, Mur. ac, IOp, Phos, IRhus, IStram, IZinc.; urine albuminous, ICale a, IPhos. ac, IRhus; involuntary urination, Apis, I Arn, IArs,IBell, Colch, Hell,IHyos..lLyc,Merc, IOp, IPhos, IRhus, IStram, IVer, IVer. v, IZinc; urine dark, ICarbo v., IMere, INux v, IVer. v.; urine fetid, Apis.lArs, Bapt..ICarbo v, Phos, Sub, Ver. v.; urine turbid, lArs, ICarbo v, IPhos, IVer. v.; in variola,IChlor.; visions, IBell, ICale, Carbo v. Cinch, I Hyos, IMur. ac, Puls.JStram.; visions, when closing eyes. Ars, ICale.Carbo v, Samb.; after vomit- ing, diarrhoea and coldness have ceased (chol- era), IHyos.; weakness, I Arn, I Are, IBapt, IBry,Cup. m. Hydras, Merc, INuph, HOp.! IPhos. ac, IRhus ; second week, ICale; fifth week, ILach.; inclined to weep, with' fear Aeon, Bry, Coccul, Rhus, Ver.; in women and young people, llgn. fl®* low, nervous. Fever, ulcers: Hippoz.; gangrenous, arising from small vesicles, IRhus. Fever, unconscious: fl®*Chap. 1, Unconscious fever, Fever, urine : retention, Ferr. ph, IOp.; reten- tion, in little children, Ferr. ph.; scanty, dark colored, after diuresis, 11 Uran. n.; suppressed Fever, uterus: acute metritis, IVer. v • 40. FEVER. 1101 ulcers on os, ICurar.; retroversion, IFerr. iod. Fever, after vaccination : HSil, IThuya. Fever, in variola: burning, IRhus; towards evening, HVar.; obviated second, Hydras, Vace; high, with great weakness, Hod. Fever, vertigo: commencing with (intermit- tent), ICoccul.; ephemeral fever, IVer. v.; high, with dizziness, IKali e Fever, vomiting: Alb sat, ICact, ICina, ICro- tal, Dory, lElat, I lEup. pur, llpec, IINatr. m, Stram.; puffed stomach, I IFerr. ph. B®* Chap. 16, Vomiting fever. Fever, weakness: I lAnthrac, I Ars, Syph.; in anthrax, HTarant.; in diarrhoea, HSub; ephemeral fever, IVer. v.; languor, muscular weakness, desire for absolute rest and drowsi- ness, IGels.; extreme weariness, Coca. Fever, wet: after getting wet, ICale, IPuls, IIRhus. Fever, worm: Cie, HCina, I IFilix, llndig, llpec, IMere, ISabad, ISpig, I IStram, ISub; slow, chronic form in scrofulous children, with large bellies, and sweat about head, ISib; ex- citable and restless boy, HStann.; intestinal inflammation and diarrhcea, IMere Fever, yawning : disposed to yawn and stretch, JEsc. h, IRhus. Fever, yellow: lAcon, I Ant. t, lArg. nit, IIArs, lArs. h, IBell, IBry, HCadm. s, Calc, ICamph, HCanth, ICaps, HCarbo v, Cean,ICepa, Cinch, Coff,HCrotab,ICup. m, IGels, IGlon, Hep., IIKali ph. (if Carbo v. is not sufficient),IILach,ILobel. i, IIMerc, INux v, IPhos, Plat, IRhus, ISul, I ISubac, IVer, IVer. v.; anxiety about heart, IILach.; worse on awaking, IILach.; assuming form of bilious remittent, INatr. s.; small wounds bleed much, IILach.; blood dark, non- coagulable, IILach.; yellow conjunctiva, IILach.; delirium, ICrotal.; delirium at night, IILach.; drowsy, IILach.; after drugging or in persons accustomed to strong liquor, INux v.; dyspnoea, I ILach.; sensitiveness to pressure about epigastrium, and neck, IILach.; sour eructation, IILach.; gastro-hepatic type, with thin blackish or yellowish diarrhcea, IVer.; red face, fainting, rush of blood to head, IILach.; heartburn, IILach.; sudden flushes of heat, IILach.; hemorrhagic, petechial spots and hemorrhages at an early stage, IPhos.; cannot lie on left side, IILach.; lips dry, cracked and bleeding, IILach.; loquacious, IILach.; meningeal inflammation threatening, especially in children, Coral.; nausea after drinking, IILach.; better after nourishment, IILach.; during pregnancy, Plat.; irregular weak pulse, IILach.; disposed to quarrel, IILach.;reconvalescence,ICale; skin purplish, IILach.; skin vellow, IILach.; persistent sleeplessness, IILach.; slow, difficult speech, IILach.; first stage, lAcon, Arn, IBell, IBry, llpec, ILach, Puis.; first stage, as an intercurrent, when bones ache as if broken, headache, backache, thirst and vomiting, lEup pert; second stage, Aeon, Ant. c, I Ant t, lArg. nit, lArs, Belb, Bry, ICrotal, Hyos,Hpec,Merc, cor, IRhus, Sinap.; third stage, lArs. ICadm, ICarbol. ac, HCarbo v. Chin, ars. Cinch, Chin, s, ICrotal, Dig, IILach, IMere, INitr ac, IPhos, IPhos. ac, Sec,ISul, HSub ac, IVer.; third stage, hemor- rhages, with great paleness of face, I ICarbo v.; stomach weak, craves raw onions, ICepa; sweat stains yellow, IILach.; trembling all over, IILach.; tongue heavy, trembling, dry and red cracked tip, IILach.; tip of tongue red, centre brown, IILach.; urine almost black, IILach.; vomiting, with palpitation, IILach.; intense nervous wakefulness, Plat. HEAT (in general): IIAcon, 11 Act sp, I I^Esc. h, lAlet, Amyg, IIAnae, Ananth, lAn- thrac, Anthrok, Ant. chl. Ant. c. Ant. sul. aur. Ant. t, HArn, IIArs, Ars. h, Ars. i, Ars. s. f, Arund, Ascl. s, lAscl. t, Aspar, 11 Ast. r, IBell, IBenz. ac, Cain, Cann. i, Carb.s, Caulo, Ced, ICham, Chim. umb, IChin. s. Chloral, Cholorof, Chlor, ICinch, ICochb, I ICoff, Coral, Cub, Cund, Cup. m, Diad, lErig, IFerr. ph, Ferr. s, IGels, IGrat, IHell, IHep, Hydr. ac. Hod, Jalap, IIKali br, IIKali m, IIKalm, ILac c, IILach, ILaur, Lith, Lyss, Mane, Men- yanth, IMere, IMere d, Merc, s, IMillef, Mur. ac, Mygale, INatr. c, IINatr. m, INatr. s, INitr.ac, I ICEnan, IOp, I IParis, IPhos. ac, IPhyt, Psor, IPuls, I IRan. sc, Sarrae, Selen, IStram, I ITereb, Vespa, rcZing. Heat, abdomen: I I Amyl, Cain, Calad, ICamph, Caust, Zinc; rises into chest, rest of body chilly when smoking tobacco, ISpong.; lower end of colon, ICale; colicky uneasiness, Acet. ae; ebullition to head, IKali e; in intestinal tract, ICanth.; during menses, IGraph.; pain, Carbo v, Cepa; pain in bowels, Ign.; puffed, Stram.; pulsa- tions, IKali c; rising, into epigastrium and chest, IBry.; rising to head, with burning of cheeks, ILye Heat, absent: in intermittent, lArs, ICornus, ISib Heat, afternoon: IBell, Berb, ICop, INatr. m, IPhos, ISib; with anxiety, restlessness and dyspnoea, Ruta; chilliness in forenoon (suppuration of mammae), ISub; and evening, feels as if he would lose his senses with thirst, IPsor.; towards evening, IBar. c; chiefly in head, with red face and thirst towards even- ing, ICroe; throbbing all over, Lil. tig.; or evening, with thirst, ISub; 4 o'clock, ILye; 4 till evening, Anac.; 4 to 5, with sweat, IStann.; 5 o'clock, Are. h.; between 5 and 6, espe- cially after lying down, IIHelb Heat, aggravation: concomitants worse dur- ing, Are., Bry. Heat, air: cries out to be fanned, sudden flushes, Zinc; sensitive, Astac. Heat, in arms : IGlon.; in upper, with cough, ICale p. Heat, ascending: Crot.t, IPhos, ISep, IVer.; from feet to face, Hyos.; into head, internal, glowing, Calad.; in waves, IIGlon. Heat, back: Ars. h, Curar, Nitr.sp. d, ISpig, Zinc; with anaesthesia (progressive spinal paralysis), IPhos.; burning and pain, I IKalm.; around coccyx, ICale; with intermingling coldness, particularly in abdomen, Menyanth.; descending, 11 Laur.; descending, from neck, with sweat of upper body, Paris; pain, ICinch.; pain, bending inward, Jamb.; runs up, Hyos, IPhos.; on scapulae, ICheb; along whole" spine, Hyos.; worse down spine, Sinap. Heat, in bed: IMere; mostly in head, IMez. Heat, biting: Cham. 1102 40. FEVER. Heat, bladder: in cysto-blennorrhoea, 11 Uva ursi, I ISenecio. Heat, blood : as if boiling, Chim. m.; orgasm, obliged to loosen clothes about neck, ILach. Heat, breathing: anxious, Sabad, Strain.; deep, ILach.; dyspnoea, Carbo v, Cinnab, IIKali e; oppressed, INatr. in.; quick, can- not talk well from oppression of chest, IKali c; rapid, evenings, Agar.; short, IApis; short, quick, HSib; stertorous, after heat, I llgn. Heat, burning: IIAcon, Agar, IIArs, IBell, Bism, ICaps, I IChim. m, ICup. m, IIGels, IHep, IHyos, IHyper, Lil.tig, I IPuls.; in ab- domen, ICale, ICamph.; afternoon, worse at night, IBerb.; 4 p.m., all night, with slight de- lirium, thirst, IHep.; rapidly alternates with chill, ISang.; anxiety, constant desire to be uncovered, especially during exacerbation of fever in evening (scarlatina), IMur. ae; in back, IDulc; pungent, over whole body, espe- cially face (typhus), IBapt.; in breast, as though fire were there, in evening, Cast.; with short breath, 11 Cact.; in chest, Calc. a.; altern- ates with chills, IHep.; with internal chill, Bell.; with partial and transient chills, Curar.; interrupted by shaking chills in me- tritis, I ISee; then chill and colic, IHelb; chill slight, HCact; with inclination to cover himself in bed, IManc; constant, with thirst followed by sweat, 11 Puis.; convulsions, I Ars.; in lightly covered parts, though when not covered almost cold, ICham.; dry, I Aeon, Natr. a.; dry (pleuro-pneumonia biliosa), I IRhus; in evening and night in bed,ICarbo v.; in evening, in bed, frequently right side, with restlessness and inclination to uncover, Mosch.; in evening, with thirst, IHyos.; in face, without redness, Thuya ; face red, worse right side, Lachn.; does not feel it, ICanth.; like fire, iBelb; with flushes in face and neck, IMed.; in forehead (intermittent), lArs.; glowing of whole surface (typhus), IApis ; on head, Bry.; in head, with internal shivering and chilliness without thirst, evening between 5 and 6, especially after lying down, IIHelb; distressing headache, 4 p.m., all night, IHep.; with headache, uncovering relieves, Coral.; in hemorrhage, IApis; internal, lArs, Squilla, Syph.; internal, external chilliness, IMez.; internal, cold external surface (scar- latina), lArs.; in laryngitis, ICheb; in parts on which he lies, Lyss.; in limbs, mostly hands, evenings, IStann.; atnight, ICanth, I IHyos.; at night, in bed, with uneasiness, IIPuls.; at night, mostly on hands and feet, IStaph.; in nose, Calab.; affection of left ovary, Med.; dull pain all evening, IHy- dras.; mostly in palms and soles, IMur. ac; radiating, hot to touch, with fever, Var.; in different parts, particularly over renal region, lArs. h.; restlessness, IIAcon, IIArs, IPhos, Sabina ; in scarlatina, IMere; of skin, IBapt, IPetrol.; as if between skin and flesh, Brom.; disturbs sleep, Aurant.; constant pain in spine, sometimes worse in lumbar region, IKalm.; stinging, lAnanth.; in stomach, Calc. a.; with thirst, ICon, IManc; in toxaemic fever, ITarant; in typhus, IChlor.; dread of uncovering, ISamb.; upper part of body and face, internal chilliness, violent thirst, IKali bb; in various parts, Bufo.; inward vibration from between shoulders into limbs, ICamph. fl®"* dry. .„ , Heat, chest: I IApis, Are. h. Cast, lEup. perf, IFerr- affection, after abortion, INitr. ac, INux m, Ratan.; congestion, similating pneu- monia, causing great alarm I IMed.; with cough, ICale p.; extends below diaphragm, I Are.; giddy, Lachn.; oppression, Berb, ±5ov, IGuaraea, ILach.; pain, Carbo v, ICinch, IGuaraea; pain, in intermittent, 11 Ant. e; great pain, worse breathing and on slightest motion, IKalm.; palpitation, Calc. a.; in pleur- isy, pneumonia, IBry.; rising into chest, IPhos.; sternum, Caust; parts of trunk, IOp. Heat, chill: before chill, Hell, IINux v, ISub; during chill, Ant. c, Bry, IDig, IPetrol.; one three hours after chill,lEup. pur.; heat absent, 3 to 8 p.m.,I IFerr.; alternating, Abies, IIAcon, Antt,Arund, Asaf, Belb, Bor, Bov, ICale, ICham, Cycl, IHep, IIHyos, Hod, IKali bi, IIKreo, IINuxv, IPhos. ac, Rheum, ISul, Uran. n, I IZinc; alternating, in coryza, Cepa ; alternating in coryza, after mercury, IIKali iod.; alternating, in chronic diarrhcea, and typhoid, HCoccul.; alternating, evening and night, iBar. e; alternating, toward even- ing, Agar.; alternating, now here now there on single parts, Ver.; alternating, every half hour, Amm. m.; alternating, till midnight, Amm. c; alternating, all night, lAcon.; alternating quickly, Hgn.; alternating, changes place, ILach.; alternating, in pleuritis with plastic exudation, IHep.; in whole body, alternates with icy coldness, Tarant.; alternating in septicaemia, I ISal. ac; alternating, with shivering, Niccol.; alternating with shudder- ing, alternate redness and paleness of face, Magn. s.; alternating, in tonsillitis, ILach.; alternating,in tonsillitis and pemphigus, ILye; alternate, in chronic hypertrophy of tonsils, IBar. m.; begins during chill or while he is yet chilly, I IPod.; creeping and thirst, afternoon, Calad.; exceeds chill in intensity and endurance, followed by sweat, I IVal.; with external chill, ISpong.; followed by chill, with cold hands and feet, llris; heat, followed by sensation of cold, without shivering, Ru- mex ; followed by chill, with thirst, ICaps.; slight, in comparison to chill, IHep.; external, chill internal, Anac, I Arn, ICoff, Coloe, llgn. Ran. b. Rheum, Squilla, Thuya; mixed, ICoccul, ICoff, llpec, ILach, Lyss, ISpong.; mixed, mostly with one red and one pale cheek, HCham.; mixed, in intermittent, lArs, IGels, I IVer.; mixed, one internal the other external or alternating, INux v.; pre- ceding chill over back, I I Amyb; chills run all over her before heat can develop, Lachn.- fol- lowed by shivering, IIPuls.; shivering'and sweat, same time, IRhus; with shuddering ICaps, Hell.; intermittent, shuddering dark' hot urine, IKali iod. ' ' Heat, chilliness : Benz. ac, ICoff, I IZing • be- fore chilliness, ICamph.; alternating 'An- throk, IDulc, Elaps, IMenyanth, IMere Myr. cer, INatr. s, INitr. ac, INux v' IIRheum, Rhod.; alternating, in bilious re- mittent fever, ICrotal.; alternating, in rheu- matism, I Are.; alternating, morning till after- noon, IBenz. ae; alternating, in typhus IBapt.; after chilliness, in back, for half an' hour, in evening, ISub; face seemed hot 40. FEVER. 1103 though cheeks were cold to touch, and pale, ■Rhus; followed by chilliness, Niccol, Nitr.sp. d-; internal chilliness, IINux v.; internal chil- liness, in evening, in bed, ICale; chilliness, from motion, Chin, s.; chilliness, while mov- ing about, immediately followed by sweat, IPod.; with thirst, ISep.; at same time, I Aeon. Heat, coldness: followed by coldness, Ast. r.; icy hands and feet, with aversion to being uncovered, Squilla. Heat, constipation: ILye Heat, in convulsions : ICaust.; after epileptic, ICale; epileptic, in intermittent, HStram.; epileptiform, Hyos. Heat, cough: during cough, Ant. t, ICarbo v. Dig, lllpec, IKreo.; after cough, I ISang.; dry cough, in intermittent, 11 Bry, llpec, I ISamb, I I Ver.; fatiguing cough, Eup. pert; peculiar, coughs twice only, a heavy, straining cough, strains pit of chest, also a light hacking, which seems to come from pit of chest (chagres fever), I ISub; spasmodic, IDros.; whooping, ICepa. Heat, covering; aversion to being dressed, clothes feel too heavy, Euphor.: chilliness whenever he uncovers/Squilla; covers up, dur- ing, Stram.; if he puts finger out from under cover, violent pain, Stram.; pain whenever he uncovers, Squilla; wants to throw off, puts feet out of bed, and against wall, to cool them, ISul, Syph.; aversion to uncovering, Aur. met, ICamph, Carbo a, Coff, Coral, IHell, IHep, IMere, IINux v, IIPuls, ISamb.; de- sire to uncover, I Aeon, IApis, Bor, IBry, ICale, llgn, Iodof, I Hod, ILye, INitr. ac, ISpig, IStaph.; desire to uncover, but chilly when uncovered, ICinch. Heat, delirium: Ailant, IApis, IIBell., IChin. 6, ICinch, IDulc, Ign, INatr. m, I ISee, ISpong, Stram.; cold feet, Bufo.; persistent, raging, IVer.; singing, Stram.; talking, Stram, fl®* Fever delirium. Heat, descending: ICaust, Euph. Heat, diphtheria: after failure of Lachesis,ILac c.; pungent, I I Tarant. Heat, drinking : caused by drinking, IPsor.; better by coffee, Are.; desire for drink, with- out thirst, IPhos.; frequent, small quantities, ILye; a swallow of water makes him shiver, Eup. perf. fl®* thirst. Heat, dry: lAcet. ac, IIAcon, lAmyb nit. Ant. c, lArs, Bism, Ced, IColoc, Coral, Eup. perf, Lachn, ILye, Spig, ISpong.; in afternoon, I INatr. s.; every afternoon (con- sumption), Hod.; anxious, at night in bed, with red face, Jacea ; on falling asleep, after lying down, HSamb.; prevents falling asleep (phthisis), I ISub; after awaking, lArn,IBelb; awakened by, IPhos. ac; in bed, after head- ache, IIPuls.; over whole body, IINux v, Stram.; with hot breath, ICale p.; with diffi- cult breathing and lancinating through chest, IIAcon.; burning, IDulc; burning, in phar- ynx, Cain.; burning, in pneumonia, of old people, ICamph.; burning over body, except thighs, which remain numb, cold, chillv, HSpong.; burning, thirst for cold drinks, IIAcon.; glowing hot cheeks,IStram.; after chill, ICimex ; following shivering chills diphtheria), IKali bi.; after violent chill pneumonia), Hod.; constant, Con, Sub; pain in corona glandis and redness of prepuce, Prun.; with coryza, ISpig.; of covered parts, ■ Thuya ; Jspurious croup, 11 Kali m.; all day, TBar. m.; with delirium at night, I ICoff; with drowsiness, ICale; in dysentery, I ISub; in evening, lArs, ICale p.; in evening, after lying down, with chilliness in back, ICoff; evening and night, lasting till morning, head- ache on vertex and nape of neck till noon, Graph.; towards evening, Apis; evening, with distended veins and burning hands that seek out cool places, IIPuls.; worse towards even- ing, inclination to uncover, better moving about, eating and speaking, I IFerr.; from 7 to 9 p.m., chill till 10 p.m., Elaps ; especially in face, ICheb, 01. an.; worse in face and hands, Ptel.; with gasping and stretching, ICale p.; particularly in palms of hands, follows chilli- ness in evening (mastitis), I IPhos.; hands sweaty, cannot tolerate being uncovered, IHep.; on head, Anac; with confusion of head (angina), IMere; especially head and face, iBelb; with headache, IColoe; hepatic disease, ILept.; constantly increasing, with palpitation and thirst, IColch.; relapse of in- termittent, I Ars.; internal, at night, wants to be uncovered, INitr. ae; before menses, IMere; night before menses (dysmenorrhoea), 11 Sep.; at midnight, cannot endure any cover, Elaps; morning, in bed, I ISub; at night, lArs, IBry, ICham, Chim. m, IClem, ICoccul.; at night, with delirium, ICoff; at night, with thirst, Stront; at night, with violent thirst, mostly after mid- night, Ran. sc; at night, with violent thirst and ebullition, mostly after midnight, Raph.; during night, with violent, un- unquenchable thirst, IColch.; with palpita- tion, ICale p.; in pneumonia, IRan.b.; prick- ling all over, Jacar.; with puffed and bloated head and hands (asthma thymicum), ISamb.; with rapid pulse, HSec; in quartan, llgn.; with restlessness (croup), I ISamb.; severe and long lasting, with restlessness and violent thirst, ISee; with excitability of sexual or- gans, ICoff; with parchmentlike skin, after chill, lllpec; during sleep, Jacea, HSamb, Thuya; with thirst, every afternoon at 3 o'clock, Niccol.; without thirst, especially in evening, Cain.; transient, Sumb.; in typhus, IChlor.; with uneasiness, ICale; of upper part of body, with icy coldness of feet, Lactu. v. g®° burning. Heat, duration: lasts until afternoon of next day, and re-appears in afternoon of third day (three days after parturition), ILye; all day, lEup. perf, Euphor.; all day, pain in limbs, and nausea, I I Ptel.; fugitive, in even- ing, with thirst (neuralgia of limbs), I IVal.; an hour (intermittent), I Ars.; two hours, Diad.; two hours, feet cold (intermittent), IFerr.; two hours, followed by headache, nausea, and stitching pains in feet (quartan), IPhelb; two hours, followed by sweat (chagres fever), I ISub; five hours, delirium, jerking of limbs, headache, IGels.; five or six hours, during which time eyes were shut, and she lay in a comatose condition (intermittent), I ITarant.; six or eight hours, I IMed.; six to eight hours, with thirst, lEup. pert; increased for thirty-six hours, followed by shaking chill, 5 a.m., Apis; several hours (quartan), llpec; 1104 40. FEVER. long, IINux v, Vab; long, frequently sets in late after chill, ICinch.; long, after short chill, I Ant. t; long, far into night, Gels.; long, se-- vere, may last till nearly time for next chill, IGels.; long, in tertian, lAnt. t; long, with violent thirst, and starting in sleep, HCham.; violent, but not long-lasting, after a chill, worse by every motion, 11 Antt.; transient, ISep.; transient, with sweat, Cinnam. fi®° Fever duration. Heat, ears: Case, ILye, Zing.; like hot blood, HCale; cold, llpec; earache, Calad.; in left, over whole left side of face, Raph.; with stitches in temples, Calc. Heat, eating: during, Chlor, Vab; after eat- ing, Bar. e, Calc, Chlor, Cycl, Ferr, Nitr. ac; aversion to food, ICinch.; after heat, de- sire to eat, Eup. pur.; from satisfying appe- tite, during apyrexia, lArs. fl®° Chap. 15, Eating heat. Heat, ebullition: fl®* flushes. Heat, epigastrium: burning (chest affection), ILach.; to head, Calc. ars.; distressing pains, lEup. pert; heat rising from, Ferr.; a round spot, two inches in diameter, feels hot to pa- tient, but cold to touch, I INux v. Heat, eructation: ICepa. Heat, eruption: ICrot. t; herpes, IINatr. m.; in a young leprous lame girl, 11 Agar.; nettle- rash, HApis, IRhus; nettlerash over whole body, with itching, better by scratching, dis- appears during sweat, Ign.; pemphigus,! Anac; urticaria, itching worse by rubbing, IRhus. Heat, in evening: Anthrok, Carbo v, Diad, IPhos. ac. Plumb, ISil, Stilling, Vab; with pain in back, making him bend backward, evening, disappearing in morning, Jamb.; in bed, Sul. ac; in bed, an hour before falling asleep, I ISars.; in bed, with sweat, Calend.; after chill, with cold feet, IPetrol.; with de- lirium, IPsor.; with ebullitions and palpita- tion, Sars.; burning in face, Rhod.; mostly in face, Thuya; worse right side of face, with cold hands and general discomfort, Ran. b.; with cold feet, Rhod.; fretful on awaking, ICham.; worse in head, with cold feet, Men- yanth.; dull headache, Hippom.; with head- ache and thirst, calling for frequent mouthfuls of cold water (pneumonia), I ISub; several hours with burning thirst, followed by sweat, Cinch.; indoors, after walking in open air, Ran.se; with great loquacity, Mar. v.; after lying down, with anxiety all night, Zinc; be- fore midnight, Calad.; and night, HApis; and night, with restlessness, Graph.; in pa- ronychia, INatr. s.; frequent pulse and thirst, lasting three to four hours (intermittent), IIFluor. ae; in room, after walking in open air, Raph.; with sweat, IVer.; with sweat on forehead, I ISars.; with moderate thirst, Sene- cio ; towards, and forepart of night (remittent fever), ISub; averse to uncovering, IMagn. m.; 6 to 8 p.m., ICaust; 10 p.m., followed by debility, IHydras. Heat, exertion : after exercise, ISpong.; from least exercise, particularly in sun, Ant. e; from least, Oxal. ac.; worse during least, or in open air, IINux v.; motion, talking, cough- ing, walking, Ars.; when walking, IKali bb; when walking out of doors, Arg. met.; worse while walking, ICamph, ICinch. Heat, syes : Cham, ICycl, Diad, IGraph, ILil. tig, Verbas.; in rheumatic ophthalmia, *ith chills, ILed.; burning, with tears,worsebngnu light, IKreo.; desire to close, at night, Linen., dimness of vision, Carbo v.; in eyeballs,l"10"-» and forehead, IGels.; with lachrymation, ^Camph, IStram.; about lids, IGraph.; in nas, IGlon, ILil. tig.; pain,IGuaraea, Stram.; press- ure,IKali c; redness, Ziz.; sensation of snarp salt (intermittent), INatr. m.; stinging, alter heat, I IDiad.; stinging in left,afterheat,Spong.; stitches, IKali e; after, tearing in left, bpong.; ulceration, Kreo. Heat, face: Castor, ILed, Lib tig, 11 Zinc; in afternoon, IBell, Berb, ICarbo a.; alter- nates with cold body, IStram.; with anxiety, HCarbo v.; over whole body, which is cool, Berb.; burning, Plat.; burning, one-sided, llgn.; cannot bear, in cancer labii, ICamph.; in cheeks, Cast, eq, ICepa; cheeks, to ears and hands, Daph.; cheeks and lips, ISabad.; one cheek pale, the other red, IIPuls.; red cheeks, alternating with chilliness, ILye; red cheeks, head free, IIFerr.; of cheeks, with- out redness.lLed, Vinca; tearing, in left cheek, Spong.; with chill and other complaints,ICale p.; with chill, in evening, Staph.; with chill,in intermittent, IBry.; following chill, Cain, IGuaiac; chill in other parts, Amb.; chilli- ness, Cheb; followed by chilliness, disturbs sleep, 3 a.m., Ang.; body cold, ICham.; when coldness and chilliness passed, Strain.; coldness, pallor and sweat, Spong.; with cough, Bell, ICham, Guaiae, Mur. ac. Sub; after drinking, HCham.; in evening, ICale p.; in evening, cold feet, Amm. c; after eat- ing, HCham.; after eating, particularly left cheek, ILye; after dinner, Cale, Calend.; especially in evening, IGuaiac; in evening, in tertian, ICale; around eyes, IGlon.; with evening fever, iCale; first felt in face (ter- tian), INatr. m.; flushes in face, Amb, Aph. ch,Calc. s, ICham, ICina, ICist, lEup. perf, IIKali m, IILach., I ITarant, Thuya, Vab; burning heat of cheeks and cold feet, HCoc- cul.; with circumscribed redness of cheeks, IKreo.; flushes worse on cheeks, Rumex ; mostly in face, evening in bed, Agnus; soles of feet and palms of hands and face, Cub.; flushes frequently, principally in face and head, ISib; flushes on left side, ILac. def; from any movement, IStann.; flushes, neck and hands, IHydras.; flushes, with shivering over body, HSub; sudden, Ant. t; flushes, with sweat, Lyss, Sep.; in forenoon, Zinc; glowing, frequently on one side, Tabae; and hands with chill in back, ISpig.; cold hands, Camph.; and head (helminthiasis), ICina; congestion to head, 11 Cham.; and head almost exclusively, IDros.; and front of head, ICroe- fulness in head, cold feet, IGels.; pulsations in head, palpitation, I Glon.; headache, IGlon.- catarrhalheadache,Gymn.; headacheand rush of blood, ICale; livid complexion, ILach • dull mahogany color, lEup. pert; with weak mind, IBry.; moaning, ICham.; only in face Cann. s.; alternate paleness and coldness' llpec; pale, IOp.; pale, cold (meningitis)' ISpong.; pale, after heat, Squilla ; with palpi' tation, Calc. a.; prickling, 01. an.; puffiness IBelb; red, Bar. m, IBell, Carbo v, HCinch ' IINuxv, IIPuls, Rhus; red, in afternoon' ILye,Zinc; with burning, Samb.; cheeks ma' 40. FEVER. 1105 hogany red, Eup. pert; after heat circum- scribed red cheeks, worse right side, Lachn.; very red, after fever, every day at 4 p.M,Curar.; cold hands, Euph.; red, with headache, 11 As- tac; red, in sick headache, Sang.; redness, followed paleness, Squilla; red, puffed, par- ticularly in warm room and after exertion, Amm. in.; very red, and inclination to uncover, IFerr.; red, aversion to uncovering, IINuxv.; without redness, ILye; rising to face, espe- cially after washing, I ISub; stinging in left cheek, after, Spong.; suddenly, Sabad.; sweat, Lyss, Vab; cold sweat, IDig.; sweat, in large drops, IOp.; swelling of lids, left cheek and upper lip (catarrhal fever), IKali e; pain in left temple, ICale; without thirst, succeeds chill, Cycb; toothache, I Graph.; typhus, I Bapt.; increased urine, Indig.; wants to wash it, Fluor, ac. fl®* flushes; also Chap. 8, Face, congested, flushed, heat, red. Heat, fainting : llgn. Petrol. Heat, faintness: Eup. perf, Ziz.; after heat, Sal. ae; from motion, 11 Eup. perf. Heat, feet: Ars. h, Camph, ICaust, ICoccul, IKali bi, Millef, INux v, Phos, IPsor, I IPtel, IIPuls, HSub; burning, Ast. r.; cold, llgn, I IPtel, I ISib; in hysteria, HTarant; after dinner, Calend.; after midnight, Calad.; burning in soles in evening, Zinc; sudden, beginning in soles, then over whole body, Lith. fl®* Chap. 33, Feet heat. Heat, flushes (general) : I Aeon, 11 Amyl, Ang, Ant. t. Apis, IBell, ICham, ICina, Coff, ICrotal, ICrot t. Cup. m, Eryng, IGamb, IIGlon, IGraph, Illgn, I Hod, IILach, Lact. ac, Lobel. i, ILye, Med, Nitr. sp. d, Ptel, IIPuls, ISang, HSul,HSub ac, Tromb, Zinc; in abdomen, Cepa; abdomen to head (epilepsy), llndig.; pain in abdomen (rheu- matism, with palpitationb Cact.; abdominal pulsations, IKali e; every afternoon, I INatr. p.; 4 to 9 p.m., Arum t; alternates with cold- ness, Asar., alternates with headache, Lyss.; with anxiety, ICale, IDros, IPlat.; anx- iety, returning every quarter hour, worse towards evening (intermittent fever, whoop- ing cough), I Amb.; in asthma, I Amb.; on awaking, Bapt.; on awaking, 3 a.m., Bapt.; down back, INatr. e; in floods from back (heart affection), ISumb.; short hot breath, Zinc; burning in face, interrupted by chilli- ness, I IPlat; burning, generally without thirst, ICarbo v.; followed by chill, HCaust, ISang.; after chill, Ailant, Cimex; alternat- ing with chills,Med.; with chilliness, IPetrol.; after chilliness, Natr. p.; alternating with chilliness, IKali bi.; alternating with chilli- ness, in cholera, IChin. s.; alternating with inward chilliness (coryza), ICale; followed by chilliness, IIPuls.; interrupted by chilliness, Plat.; chilliness, even when sitting near stove, HColch.; terrible choking, as though someone were pressing windpipe between thumb and finger, ILach.; at climacteric period, Arg.nit, Con, IGraph, Hydr.ac, Jab, IILach, ILye, IIMang, IPlat, HSub ac, Sumb, ITereb, lUstil.; at climacteric period, with hot head, hands and feet, I ISub; sudden, at climacteric period, with weakness, momentary sweat and tendency to faint, HSep.; clothing thrown off (scarlatina), ISub; worse on smelling cof- fee (climacteric period), ISul. ac; transient (after coitus), IDig.; in alternation with cold- ness, followed by cold sweat, Cornus ; in co- ryza, ICepa; then coryza, in evening, ICepa; by day, ILach, I ISenecio ; frequent, during day, IBar. c; debility, IDig.; in diphtheria, ISul.; while eating, Bov.; after eating, Cin- nab., ILach.; erysipelas, IHydras.; preceding erysipelatous eruption on face, iHydras.; in evening, lElaps; towards evening, ILye; sudden, towards evening, INatr. s.; transient, in evening (phthisis), I IStann.; over body, about 8.30 p.m., Sep.; from least exertion (neuralgia), IMere; with weak, faint spells, ICrot. t; with faintness, HSub; with sudden crying out to be fanned, Zinc; with cold feet, I ISep.; with fever, Lyss.; sudden, in yellow fever, IILach.; flying,"Bell, ICepa, I IKalibr., ISpong.; flying, after chill, Gels.; flying, in morning, with pain in forehead and vertex, Oxal. ae; flying, with excitement of nerves, Spong.; flying, short duration (quotidian), llpec; frequent, during day,I Petrol.; frequent, quick, Ruta ; in gastralgia, ILye; gentle, over whole body,IBapt.; beginningin hands,IPhos.; dulness of head, IKali iod.; from head to foot, Xan.; with pressure in front of head and eyes, IKali e; from head to stomach, after headache, with nausea and chilliness, Sang.; worse in head and chest after rising, morning, Bism.; up towards head, after writing, Ars. h.; with headache, INatr. m.; hectic, HCale; as in hectic, Sal. ae; with disagreeable sensation of hunger, beginning at 11 a.m., I ISub; in hysteria, ILye; with indigestion after meals, Vespa; internal, ICroe; irregular, in haema- temesis, ITereb.; irregular, with circumscribed redness of cheeks and slight night sweat (chronic cough), ILye; along legs, Kob.; going off when lying down, with nausea, INux v.; in mania, I Ars.; after mental effort, Oleand.; after mental or physical effort, ILach.; pass off with little moisture and debility, HSub; morning and afternoon, Bor.; from least mo- tion, ISep.; pass all over him on every move- ment, while in a room, IHelon.; with nausea, IMere; in nephritis, IKali iod.; at night, Arum t, I IRhod.; at night, followed by chill (hydrometra), I ISep.; at night, in intermit- tent, I ISub; worse at night, with restlessness, Bar. e; at night, with thirst for beer, ISpig.; worse at night, IKali iod.; over occiput, face, neck, shoulders and body, JEsc h.; in outer parts, sweat, Acet ac.; with palpitation, ICale; palpitation, before menses, Iod.; pelvic suffer- ings (pregnancy), ISub; periodical, worse after bodily or mental exertion, I lOleand.; in pneumonia, ISub; prolapsus during climaxis, IILach.; sexual debility, IDig.; single parts, or entire body, INitr. ac; before sleep, ICar- bo v.; preventing sleep, HPsor, I IPuls.; burn- ing of soles, Cupr. s.; as if flames rose out of region of stomach, threw off covering, IManc; during stool, with purulent diarrhoea, IMere; intermingled with strumming through limbs, ILach.; sudden, Seneg.; sudden, in sick head- ache, I ISang.; sudden, over whole body, with trickling sweat all over face, IPsor.; with sweat, Illgn, Kob, I I Oxal. ae; alternating with sweat, IKali bb; as if sweat would come on, Amm. br, IFerr.; with sweat, at climac- teric period, IISul. ae; with sweat on face, Lyss.; with sweat on face on touching epigas- 70 1106 40. FEVER. trium, I ISpig.; ending in sweat on face, worse palms, soles, Amm. m.; little sweat, worse at night, IKali iod.; followed by copious sweat, Ipom.; followed by profuse night sweats (chronic passive haemorrhage from kidneys), I ITereb.; followed by slight sweat on abdo- men, Act. rac; pass off in sweat, with faint- ness (cancer of uterus), HSub; talking or moving, IIArs.; returning when thinking of them, Spong.; to thighs, knees, elbows, parts above hot, parts below cold (climacteric pe- riod), lAmyb; with thirst, Zinc; with thirst, during pregnancy, HVer.; transient, with shooting through brain, Cornus; and trem- bling, ICale, Zinc; in typhus, Arn.; upper part of body, during menses, Uran. n.; uter- ine affection, I IVib.; with vertigo, IZinc; with vertigo, during menses, IPhos. ae; after a walk in open air, or after a slight fit of an- ger, HPetrol.; as if hot water were poured over one, with redness of face and sweat of whole body, Sep.; with weakness, IPhos.; with yawning, ILye fl®° face. Heat, flying: fl®- flushes. Heat, forenoon: with sweat, Calend.; 9 to 12, then sweat, Cham.; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., I IMen- yanth.; 10 a.m., without chill, Gels.; 10 a.m., without thirst, IRhus; 10 to 12, nervous, mov- ing fingers, Med. Heat, glands: enlargement of swollen cervical, in girls, during heat, Bar. m.; enlargement of lymphatic, Med. Heat, hands: lAcon, HAgar, lAnt. t, I IApis, Calad, Camph, ICarbo v., Cast, Clem, Curar, Cycl, Grat, Guaiae, Ham, I I Jamb, IKali bi, IKali c, Millef, Murex, INitr. ac, INux v, Oxal. ac, IPetrol, HPhos, IPhos. ac. Plant, IPsor, I IPtel, IIPuls, ISabad, Sarrae, I ISpong, ISul, Tarax.; in afternoon, Berb.; with coldness, Cadm. s.; cold, creep- ing chills, no thirst, Calend.; evening cold (cholera infantum), ITabae; icy cold, sweat on face, Thuya; cold to touch, Rhod.; cool, with pressive headache above orbits and anxious lamentations, IIPuls.; after dinner, Calend.; dry and rough, ISabad.; cold finger tips, ICaps.; hot and dry, JEsc. h.; inflam- mation, lAnthrac; internal, nightly, ICale; with pain in right metacarpus and fleshy part of right thumb, Oxal. ae; in palms, IFluor. ac. Zing.; in palms, in afternoon, with thirst, IZinc; in palms, sometimes with moisture, lEup. pert; before palpitation, Calc.a.; spreading over body, ICheb; veins distended, IMere per. fl®* Chap. 32, Hands heat. Heat, head: IIAcon, lAnt. t, I IApis, IIBell, IBry, Bufo, Calad, ICale, ICale p, Camph, Canth, ICarbo v., Case, ICepa, ICham, IChel, Chin, s. Chloral, ICina, Coccion, ICoccul, Codein, IColoc, ICrot. t, ICurar, ICycb, Daph, IDros,IGamb, HGels.JIGlon, Grat, IHell,IHippom,IHyper, Iber, I llgn, llpec, IKali iod, IKali m, ILac def, Lil. tig:, IMez, INatr. a, INitr. ac, Nitr. sp. d, IINux m, IOp, Paeonia, IPhos, IPhyt, Plant, Ptel, I I Samb, 11 Sang, Sarrae,IStram, I ITherid, Ustil, IVer, I IVerbas, I IZinc, Ziz.; afternoon, Arum t, Berb, ICarbo a, IHyper.; beats like a hammer, after fever, Curar.; precedes irritation of bladder, in chil- dren, 11 Senecio; and whole body, IStram.; inflammatory condition of brain, IStram., bruised feeling, after, Chin a.; from cervical spine into occiput, Nitr. sp. d-; and chest rest of bodv cold, Arn.; with chilliness, lllir}., with coldness of rest of body IIBry.; coldness of hands, feet and limbs, IHydras.; cool body hot (exostoses on skull), I Arg. met; confusion, INitr. ae; congested, IBelb, ICinch.; crawls over bodv, ICamph.; creeping over, continued a long time, ICham.; deep, within, IHell, dry, lAcon, IApis, IPhos.; dry with glowing face, morning on awaking, IISul.; dulness, Vab; while eating warm food, Magn. e; ebul- litions, ICale; towards evening,Calend.; worse in evening, IIBry.; external, ICale; cold ex- tremities, IHydr. ae; eyes burned, Zinc; in left eyebrow, Cepa; and face, Gels, Nitr. sp. d.; and face, with paleness of cheeks and thirst, ICroe ; and face, then general cold- ness, then general heat, Stram.; and face, with headache and pain in eyes, Calab.; and face, in spasms of glottis, IBrom.; and face, in in- termittent, llpec; face red, giddy, ^Etbus.; dark red face, IIBry.; and face, iuterrupted by shivering, returns at same hour, ISabad.; and face, as if she had taken wine, not felt by hand, ISabad.; feet cold, IPhos.ae; feet cold (ophthalmia), IApis ; in forehead, Elat, Lact. ac, ISabad, ISpong.; in forehead (cerebro- spinal meningitis),ICup.m.; as if it would come out at forehead, IBry.; in forehead, with headache, IDiad.; inward, in forehead, Alum.; stinging in forehead (intermittent), lArs.; in foreliead, worse walking, Camph.; percept- ible to hand held two or three inches from it (tinea), ICale; with headache, as if top of head were being pressed against wall, after cessation of chronic diarrhcea, Sub; heaviness (intermittent), ICoccul.; heaviness in occiput, before, ISpong.; in hydrocephalus, IApis; intolerable, IIKali m.; temperature lessened in limbs (mania, after labor), ICup. ae; dur- ing menses, ICale; in nape and occiput,Nitr. sp. d.; only, Euphor.; in pneumonia, I ISub; pressure in forehead and back, Lyss.; pressure on top, with lightheadedness and confusion, ICrotal.; on raising in bed, sweat on forehead and redness in face, Magn. s.; and forehead, when reading (smallpox), I I Var.; right side, Caust.; after rising from stooping, Grat; rises into, Calad.; rises to,with sweat, Gamb.; rises to, sweat on forehead, Anag.; of scalp, with sharp stitches, Spong.; shooting, Berb.; pre- venting sleep, before midnight, Amm. m.; subjective, dry, at night in bed (bronchitis), Hod.; more and more, until sweat breaks out on forehead, better after forehead becomes moist, INatr. s.; as if anxious sweat would break out, numb sensation in forehead, as if constricted in a warm crowded room, soon in- creasing to a violent dull burrowing compres- sion, HPlat.; with profuse sweat, IOp.; in temples, ILye; with thirst and pain in limbs, IIBry.; thirstless, Camph.; throbbing in fore- head (intermittent), I Are.; to toes, ICale p • in vertex, HSub; in vertex, with nausea (me- grim), ICale; on vertex, with pains, better pressure, lEup. pert; in back part of vertex IDaph.; with vertigo, Diose, Grat. fl®* Chaps. 3 and 4, Head heat. Heat, headache: IIBell, ICaps, Carbo v ICoccul, Cornus, Diad, Eup. perf, IIGlon ' 40. FEVER. 1107 IKali c, ILach, Lyss, IOp, IPod, IStram, Zing.; during (tertian), I Antt; better during heat, I Ars.; beating, Ign.; beating, worse on vertex and right side, precedes a cold in the head and stiff neck, IILach.; drowsiness, Diad.; red face, 11 Astac; pressure in forehead, IKali c; painful pressure in forehead, Lyss.; outward tearing in forehead (intermittent), ■ Are.; stitches in forehead, IKali e; after heat, throbbing in forehead (quartan), 11 Rhus; frontal (intermittent), IIPuls.; in intermit- tent, HApis, I Ars, INatr. m, I I Ver.; slight, in occiput, ILye ; all overhead, IMed.; press- ing, IDros.; pressing in forehead (intermit- tent), lArs.; while reading, I INatr. s.; stupe- fying, worse forenoon, ISabad.; stupefying (quotidian), llpec; syphilitic, 11 Thuya; tear- ing, worse on vertex, lElat.; tearing, in tem- ples, in chest affection, ILach.; tearing in temples, with burning heat in epigastrium, ILach.; in right temple, Ziz.; throbbing, Cycl, Dros, lEup. pert; throbbing, over root of nose, Camph.; twitching, on moving head or ascending steps, INatr. m. fl®* Chap. 3, Headache, congestive, fever, heat. Heat, about heart: Ant. t; giddy, Lachn. Heat, heat: external, is intolerable, IIPuls. Heat, hip: in joint, IChel.; with shooting in right (liver complaint), ICheb Heat, hunger: after heat, ICimex ; appetite diminished, Anthrac, I ISib; canine, ICinch.; desire for something icy cold, Asim; desire for juicy food, ISabad. Heat, in hypochondria : 11 Caust. Heat, increasing: gradually, and in a like manner decreasing, Plat.; gradually, in inter- mittent, I Ars. Heat, injuries: stinging in wounds, during heat, Calend. Heat, internal: IBenz. ac, ICie, llpec, IMur. ac, Oleand, ISabad, Samb, I ISep, I ITereb.; afternoon, after lying down, ICheb; after beer, Bell.; as if blood were boiling hot in veins after dinner, same sensation after slight exertion, Med.; through body, Alum, IIArs.; burning through whole body, IINux v.; burn- ing, with thirst, follows short, violent chill, ISee; with chill, Nitr. ac, ISpong.; with chill, anxiety, red cheeks, lAcon.; simulta- neously with external chill and red face, ISub; chilliness, external, IKali c, Mosch.; coldness in abdomen and feet, Zinc; external coldness, llgn, llpec, IVer.; coldness, diarrhoea fol- lowing fright, IPuls.; debilitating. Cup. m, Cupr. s.; dry, evening and night, IIPuls.; dry, burning with fever, IIBry.; through body, worse in eyes, Ustil.; internal, most in face, morning, I I Oxal. ac; cold feet, ILach.; fever- ish, with exhausting sweat, Calad.; external flushes, IColoe; especially forehead and face, ICham.; hands and feet being cold, lArn.; especially in hands, with external coldness (intermittent1!, IPhos.; rises into head, with chill and coldness of-body (prolapsus and hemorrhage), llpec; metrorrhagia, ICroe; pains in neck, worse when headache is better, Lyss.; at night, IIMagn. e; atnight, of feet, ICale; during whole night, Cinnab.; causes restlessness, IBar. e; with shivering, ICham.; with coldness of skin, Hod.; with cold sweat, Anac; forces sweat out on face, as from weak- ness, and is accompanied by lassitude and aching in legs, Lyss.; with thirst, ICon, IIPuls.; with thirst, but no desire to drink, IVer.; with great thirst, IIBry.; causes vio- lent thirst, IKali c; without thirst, ICheb; without thirst, with sweat of hands, 8 a.m., 11 Caust.; with throbbing, Calad. Heat, itching: over whole body, Codein, ISpong. Heat, labor (parturition): with after pains, IPod.; with labor pains, HCham. Heat, lactation : general heat, with vanishing of milk, IRhus. Heat, languor: IGels, Kali ars. Heat, larynx: affected, voice weak, hoarse, IHep.; in croup, IHep. Heat, legs: Curar, IHam.; aching, IIPuls.; in knees, Aur. mur.; in left, Oxal. ac; pain, Carbo v. Heat, limbs: burning, Bufo.; cold, IIPuls.; cold, with cough, Ant. e; sudden, cold hands and feet, llpec; crawling, trembling, Stram.; of hands and feet, IKali bb; feet and hands cold, Apis ; hands and feet, which must be covered because cold causes intolerable pain, IINux v.; particularly hands and feet, in evening, ILach.; hands and feet, with cold face, Rheum ; hands and feet, in evening, ILed.; numbness, IStram.; pain,IBry,ICinch, IGuaiac; cold, trunk hot (typhoid), IColch.; spasmodic twitching, Ign. Heat, liver: pain, ICinch,Hyos. Heat, local: in anterior parts of body, chilli- ness in back and head, IRhus; most about belly, chest and hands (intermittent), IApis; on diseased part, Bry.; inequality in division (hydrocephaloid), IVer.; left side, Anac; orfe part of body, chill in another, Magn. s.; one- sided, Asaf,IClem.; one side, hands and feet, IRan. b.; one side, coldness of other (typhoid), IPuls.; leftside, IMez.; rightside, mostly in morning, often with sweat on head, Magn. e; right side, or on upper part, better moving or washing, IIPuls.; single parts, llgn.; single parts, others chilly, IINux v.; single outer parts, Bar. e; single parts, thirst, IBry.; al- most burning in various small places, while sitting, Zinc, in some parts, coolness in oth- ers, IApis ; transient sensation at different places, Berb.; in upper part of body, Agar, Anac, lArn, Berb, Guaraea ; upper part, to- wards evening, 11 Dros. Heat, in locomotor ataxia: IPhos. Heat, lying down: in evening and through day, generally with sweat, Hell. Heat, with malaise: 7rAur. mur. nat. Heat, measles: repercussion, ILach. Heat, menses: before menses, Con.; during menses, INitr.ac, Xan.; amenorrhcea, ICina; dysmenorrhoea, IMere per. Heat, mental condition : active, writes though he cannot form letters, HStram.; agonized tossing, IIAcon.; anxiety, I Ars, Berb, Bov, Case, ICham, IGamb, IGuaraea, IIPuls, 11 Sec.; anxiety and burning in face and hands, afternoon and evening, IPhos.; anxiety, after eating, Jacea ; anxiety in evening, Carbo v, llpec; anxiety and prostration, Niccol.; anx- iety and restlessness, IINux v.; anxiety, with screams, Strain.; anxiety, with sleeplessness, IPuls.; anxiety, suddenly, HSpong.; anxiety, as if sweat would break out, IStann.; anxiety, with thirst, Niccol.; anxiety, with vomiting, 11 OS 40. FEVER. Stram.; apathy and cold feet, Bufo.; derange- ment, Stram.; despondency, in evening (in- termittent), llpec; excitable, IStram.; fear of getting crazy, I ICheb; forgetful, IGuaraea; forgetful, after heat, Pod.; impatience, in even- ing, llpec; iriconsolability, would rather die on the spot, Spong.; irritable, Chim. in.; loquacity, ILach, Pod.; nervous, lEup. pert, I ICon.; satiety of life, ISpong.; cannot speak or reply to questions, HStram.; thoughts of suicide, Stram.; terror and fear, ISpong.; un- easiness, ICale, Vab; inclination to weep, ISpong.; worry and excitement (general pros- tration after childbearing), ILach. Heat, moaning: IIPuls. Heat, in morning: I IMeph, Thuya ; beginning in bed, IKali e; in bed, with thirst, does not wish to be uncovered, Illgn.; after coffee, ICham.; till noon, lElat.; after rising, ISabad.; on attempting to step down, Ars. h.; without thirst, Arg. met Heat, motion: in coryza, IINuxv.; abating when moving about, IFerr.; lessened by, ICaps. fl®* exertion. Heat, mouth: I Aeon, Ananth, Ant. ch. Ant. t, lArs, Are. h, IBell, Brach, Brom, ICamph, ICarbo v, Caullo, HCham, Clem, IColch, Croc, IKali m, Mosch.; with hot breath, ICale; dried up and sticky in morn- ing, ISabad.; dry, Are. h, ICale p.; dry be- fore heat, Chin, s.; dry lips, lies stupid (quo- tidian), I IRhus ; dry, and lips, which have to be moistened all the time after chill, IKali bi.; especially upper lip, ICarbo v.; licks lips, IIPuls.; in hard palate, ICamph.; with ves- icles (headache), I ISub fl®° Chap. 12, Mouth heat. Heat, nausea: Carbo v, Chel, Fluor, ac, lllpec, IKali bi, ISang, Ziz.; at end of, espe- cially after drinking (intermittent), IIArs.; follows nausea with dizziness, Ver. v.; from slightest motion with inclination to uncover and wash with cold water, IFluor. ae; and vomiting, IBry. Heat, neuralgia: ICham.; attacks end in heat, ICoccion. Heat, at night: Alum, Arund, Bapt, IBar. e, Berb, ICarbo a. Cinch, bol, Cinnab, IDros, Ign, Niccol, IINux v, IPetrol, I Phos, IPsor, IIPuls, ISabad, ISil, I ISub; in open air, less in morning, Curar.; anxiety on awak- ing, ISub; arteries throbbing, Coca ; awak- ens, IIBar. c.; on awaking, mostly in face and hands, Tarax.; awakes from sensation of in- ternal, I IPuls.; blood seems hot, especially in hands, INitr. ae; burning, Cann. s.; in con- junctivis, HSub; disagreeable (quotidian), llpec; inkeratitis, IGraph.; internal,IIMagn. e; internal, especially feet and hands, ICale; internal, awakes 2 a.m., Benz. ac.; stretching of limbs, IIRhus; before menses, ILye; be- fore midnight, feet cold, Ant. e; before mid- night, duringsleep, Calad.;midnight, with af- fection of trachea, throat and eyes (catarrhal fever), I Jamb.; after midnight, I Are.; after mid- night, followed by chill towards morning, IStaph.; after midnight, with violent thirst for cold drinks, IMere; worse after midnight, Dros.; towards morning, 3 a.m., Niccob;towards morning, in intermittent, IMere; as from or- gasm of blood, IILach.; other times pale (chronic diarrhoea), IApis; especially in palms, Sul.; with palpitation, IMur. ae; * jth quick, full, soft pulse, Ran. sc, Raph ; witn restlessness, Bry.; pain between shouWcis, I IRhus; beginning in stomach (intermittent;, IPhos ; with sweat after chill, Stilling.; terri- ble, Ars. s. f; distressing, with thirst and anx- iety (pneumonia), I ISub; with thirst and rest- less sleep, ILye; with thirst, sleeplessness, IMagn. m.; without thirst or sweat, Are ; as if there were warm water between flesh and bones, 11 Oxal. ac. Heat, nose : bleeding, I Ars, ILach.; bleeding especially at night, preceded by intense red- ness, flushing of face, and throbbing of caro- tids, IMelil.; coryza, I lAgnus, Benz. ac, IIEup. pur.; coryza, in influenza, ISabad.; crampy pain at root, Plat. Heat, in oesophagus: Brom, Cain, ICamph, IColch, Mane, Spong.; feels constricted, ICimex; to stomach, HCham. fl®* Chap. 13, CEsophagus heat. Heat, with pains: Carbo v.; tensive and letting go character, Med. Heat, palpitation (intermittent): ICoccul.; nightly, Benz. ac. Heat, partial: fl®* local. Heat, periodical: daily for two weeks, ISabad.; returning during day, followed by sweat, ISib; every two hours, without any chills ^pneumo- nia), HSub; often repeated, short attacks, HArn. fl®° Fever periodicity. Heat, pharynx: Anthrok, Cepa, IColch, Mane, Tereb. Heat, predominating: IBell, Vab; in catarrh, I IMere Heat, pulse: accelerated, Menyanth, Ruta, ISee; feels beat through whole body (inter- mittent), ICoccul.; full, Chin, a. Chin, s.; full, hard, Vinca; full, hard, with thirst, IColoc; full, soft, quick, followed by general sweat, mostly on forehead, I IRan.b.; increased, cold hands and feet and profuse sweat (phthisis florida), IIMerc. cor.; violent pulsations in bloodvessels, IZinc; small, quick (sunstroke), IGlon. Heat, pungent: with sweat at night, Eup. perf. Heat, rheumatism: I Ant. t; of humerus, IFerr.; pain in joints, I IPhyt. Heat, riding : in a carriage, Graph, IPsor. Heat, restlessness: IIAcon, I Ars, Bov,IRhus, Stram.; dry heat (coryza), ICale; nervous, IGels.; at night, IMere cor.; wants all the windows and doors open (three days after par- turition), ILye Heat, salivation: ISul. Heat, senses : overexcited, worse from external impressions, IINux v. Heat, sexual condition: after coition, IGraph.; in genitals, worse from cold change in weather, IDulc.; in penis, scrotum, spermatic cords, and testicle, ISpong. Heat, in sides : fl®* local. Heat, sighing: frequent, Ign. Heat, sitting : relieves, Bry.; aggravates, in in- termittent, ICoccul. Heat, skin: Ascl.t, IDulc, I ISee; cold, clam- my, pale, after heat, I Amyb; cold to'touch, IIFerr.; crawling (puerperal fever), ICoff.; sensation of dryness, though there is some sweat on face, Illgn.; redness, without inter- nal heat, Illgn.; needlelike stitches, especially 40. FEVER. H09 of neck, ICinch.; of surface, I IRob.; local, tingling of parts (diphtheria), IIGels.; ting- ling, and desire to uncover, with loss of con- sciousness, painful deglutition, restlessness, profuse urination, Mane; in typhoid, I IPhos.; yellow, IMere cor. Heat, sleep : IMez.; during sleep, Bov, Rheum, Ustil.; after fever, IApis ; after heat (relapse of intermittent), I Are.; worse after sleep, Cina; keeps awake until 2 or 3 a.m., Am.; awakens, Benz. ac, IKali bb; awaking fre- quently, IPhos.; awakens, in intermittent, I Are.; cannot sleep or remain in bed, Graph.; children and old people (intermittent), I IOp.; cold hands and feet, ISamb.: deep, ILach.; deep, in intermittent, IDiad.; continuous, deep (intermittent), HApis ; desire to, IPhos.; disturbed, IPhos.; disturbed, in smallpox, I I Var.; drowsy, IApis, Calad, IGels.; fell asleep during, Med.; followed by (quartan), I ISep.; prevents sleep, 11 Bry, 11 Puis, ISep, ISib; restless, after chills, Spong.; sleepiness during heat, Asim, IOp, Sabad.; sleepiness, after, Caps.; sleeping, during heat, IGels.; sleeplessness, during," IApis, I ICham, Hyos, 11 Ran. b, IThuya; sleeplessness, in spinal irritation, IPhos.; deep, snoring, Ign.; somno- lence, Ant. e; somnolence, before (quartan), IPuls.; soporous, snoring, open mouth, IOp.; semi-stupor, cannot open eyes or think, IGels.; talking during sleep, Stram.; uneasy, ICale Heat, speech : impaired Stram. Heat, spleen: tension, lArs. Heat, stomach: Benz.. ac, ICamph, Caulo, Hell, I ILobel. b; and through body,HSabad.; catarrh, ISep.; into chest and throat, IPhos.; chilly feeling, Mere per.; excited by diges- tion, ISep.; sour watery eructations, Gymn.; in gastritis, ISang.; indigestion, Camph.; with nausea, IFluor. ae; pain, Carbo v, Ign.; in region of, HApis, Cain.; sinking sensation, ISul. Heat, stool: before stool, IMagn. c, IPhos.; during stool, ISub; after stool, Bry.; frequent efforts, I IRatan. Heat, when stooping: I IMer. cor. Heat, stupor: INatr.m.; apparent, with con- sciousness (intermittent), ICoccul.; and pros tration, ISamb. fl®* sleep, unconscious- ness. Heat, subjective : Oxal. ac. Heat, sweat: Anthrac, IBell, Benz. ac, Berb, Caps, I ISabina, ISpong, Stram.; after sweat, I Ant. e; in afternoon, Agar.; alternating, ILed.; no sweat, after cold stage, I ISub; as if sweat would break out, then chilly down back, I IGels.; cold, before heat, I ISub; and debil- ity aftereating, INitr. ae; on face, I IPsor.; face and scalp, ICham.; except on face, Rhus ; on forehead, Ant. t, Lachn.; mostly on forehead, towards morning, after heat, Raph.; general INatr. e; gradually breaks into, while perfectly quiet, Chin. s.; on hands, after,ISib; heat replaces, on making any motion in bed, ILvc • inclination to, Nitr. sp. d.; at short in- terval's, Daph.; after lying down, IHell.; mixed, ICarbo v.; moisture of hands, INitr. ac • in bed, worse towards morning, I IHelb; not much, IHyos.; offensive, ISpig.; profuse, Con • profuse, follows chilliness, evening in bed, ISub; profuse, after heat, I Amyl, I IMed.; profuse, worse at night and on exertion, Vab; profuse, restlessness and sleeplessness, after midnight, Sabina ; profuse, at same time, Dig.; after heat, profuse, sour, clammy, with faint oppression of chest, Psor.; and thirst, followed by chill, Niccol.; warm face, neck and chest, ICheb Heat, thirst: Ailant, Amm. m, I Anac, An- thrac, lArs, Arum t, Berb, IBell, IBry, Bov, Calad, ICanth, ICaps, Cham, Chin, s, HCinch, Coff, Croc, Cub, Curar, Elaps, IIEup. perf, Eup. pur, llpec, Millef, IINux v, IPhos, Plant, Plat, IPuls, IStram, IStaph, Vab; before heat, Chin, s, IPuls.; for warm drinks, before heat, ISabad.; after heat, I ICoff; with rumbling in abdomen (co- ryza), ICepa ; absent, HApis, Arg. met,Asaf, ICarbo v, ICepa, Dig, Dros, IDulc, IFerr, Hydr. ac, Hyos, Ign, ILed.; absent, in after- noon, IBell, Illgn, IPuls.; anxiety, red face, sleepiness, with yellowness of buccal cavity, Plumb.; aversion to water, Stram.; between heat and sweat, IStram.; with borborygmus, 11 Agnus; chill absent, Thuya; followed by chill, Niccol.; with or without thirst, after chill, Berb.; then chilliness and cold hands, ICale; after chilliness, in inflammation of lungs, ICornus ; without, after chilliness with thirst, IKali c; after catching cold (tertian), IHep.; with cold skin, Zinc; for cold water, Ziz.; drinks little and often, IIArs, IRhus; drinks much and often, IBry, I ISars.; in even- ing, until lying down, IZinc; red face, ICon.; gastric fever, I ISep.; begins in head (intermit- tent), IGels.; for hot drinks, I IMed.; infre- quent, HCoff; intense, during night and towards morning, Merc, per.; in intermittent, IIArs, IBry, INatr. m, IIPuls.; for large quantities (intermittent), llpec; less, more cephalalgia and bone pains, Eup. pert; less, in intermittent, after quinine, lArn.; little, Ars.h.; moderate, IPod.; dry mouth, burning lips, ICinch.; heat in mouth, I ISub; atnight, ISpong.; drinks often, but little, I Ars.; with pain, HCham.; with full, soft, quick pulse, followed by general sweat, mostly on fore- head, Raph.; takes sips,Eup.perf.; andsleeps, Absin.; slight, ICarbo v, IIFerr. ph.; and sweat, particularly on face, Lobel. i.; followed by sweat, IIAnt. e; for hot tea (intermittent), ICasc; in tertian, I ISep.; induration of uterus, ICarbo v.; for warm drinks (intermittent), ICasc. fl®* drinking. Heat, throat: I Aeon, Amm. br. Ant. chl. Ant. t. Apis, Apoe, I Ars, I Ars. m, Ast. r, IBell, ICamph, Clem, IGels, IGlon, Hydr. ac, Iber, Lyss,Mere sul, Mosch, Paeonia,IPhos, IRhus, ISang, ISul, Vespa; ascending, IMere sul, IINux v.; with delirium and thirst, Camph.; dryness, INitr. ae; fauces, I IFerr.; sore, Berb.; to stomach and bowels, ICepa ; in tonsillitis, I IGels. fl®° Chap. 13, Throat, heat. Heat, throbbing : in whole body, lAmyb Heat,'tongue : Act. rac, IApis, Bapt, IBell, IPhyt, Sinap.; coated, IGuaraea ; dry, INatr. m.; dry, red, Ziz.; moist, Sabad. Heat, with trembling: ICist; in back, lEup. pert; with external heat, Eup. perf. Heat, unconsciousness : depriving one almost of consciousness, IPhos. ac; coma, out of which he awakens occasionally and asks for a drink (intermittent), HVer.; somno- J110 40. FEVER. lency, IPhos. ac. fl®* Fever unconscious- ness. Heat, upper part of body: fl®* local. Heat, urination: frequent, IMed.; after fre- quent, ICepa ; frequent efforts, I IRatan.; hot, ICimex ; hot, after heat, ICimex; profuse, I IMed.; turbid in morning, after heat in even- ing, Meph. Heat, uterus: terrible burning, with bearing down, IITereb.; before attack of metrorrha- gia, IMere; all over, from uterine pain, Tereb. Heat, veins: distended, ICinch.; distended, worse from every motion, ICamph.; of vari- ous parts, with swelling of veins of hands, Cycb; swollen, Nitr. sp. d.; swollen, rapid pulse, Dig. Heat, vertigo: IBry, ICamph, Carbo v., Croc, IGels, Ign, ILye, IStram.; in chagres fever, I ISub; in evening, IIPuls.; falling, Vespa; when raising head, Croc; on looking up, Syph.; after sleep, ISpong. Heat, vomiting: before heat, Diad.; during heat, All. sat, lllpec, IOp, IStram.; after heat, Diad.; of bile, llris ; desire to, IGuarea; at end of, especially after drinking (intermit- tent), IIArs.; haematemesis, lArs.; of ingesta, Ign.; sour (intermittent), ILye fl®* Chap. 16, Vomiting, heat. Heat, water: as if he were dashed with hot water, with cold forehead, IIPuls.; as from hot water or hot blood running through veins, IRhus; sudden attack of universal, as if she had been drenched with hot water, with de- spair of life, ICale; any lively impression is followed by sensation as if immersed in hot water, IPhos.; as if water were poured over one, at night, I Are.; as of warm, between flesh and bones, at night, Oxal. ac. Heat, weakness: weak after heat, I Amyl, Sal. ae; during heat, lEup. perf, llgn.; as if dead, after heat, must lie down (intermittent),IDiad.; exhausted after (relapse of intermittent), I Are.; cannot raise head, Eup. pert; dull pain and soreness in region of kidneys, most in right side, HPhyt Heat, yawning : long, IKali c. SWEAT: I Aeon, I IAgar, Alum, 11 Amb, HAmmoniae, Amm. c, IIAmm. m, Anac, Ang, lAnthrac, Anthrok, Ant. c. Ant sul. aur, 11 Ant. t, IApis, Arg. met, lArn, I Ars., Ars. h, I Ars. s. f, Arund, Asaf, Asar, Ascl. t, Atrop. s, Aur. met. Bar. c, IIBell, IBenz. ae, Bor, I IBov, IBry, Cact, Calad, HCale, ICamph, Cann. i, ICanth, ICaps, 11 Carbo a, ICarbo v, I ICaust, I ICham, Chel, IChin. s, Cie,Cina, HCinch, IClem, I ICoccul, Cochl, I ICoff, I IColoc, I ICon, Croc, Cup.m,Cycl, I IDig, I IDros, Dulc, Elaps, Euphor, Euph, Ferr, rrForm, IGraph, Guaiae, IIHelb, IIHep, IHydras, I IHydr. ae, I IHyos, llgn, Iod, I llpec, I IKali c, Kreo, Lach, Lachn, I ILed, ILaur, Magn. c, I IMagn. m, Mang, Med,Menyanth,IIMerc,Mez, I IMosch,Mur. ac, I INatr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ac, I INitrum, IINux v. Op, Oxal. ac, Paris, HPetrol, IPhos, IPhos. ac. Plat, Plumb, Psor, IPuls, Ran. b. Ran. sc, IRheum, I IRhod, IIRhus, Ruta, ISabad, I ISabina, ISamb, Sars, Sec, HSelen, Seneg, I ISep, ISil, 11 Spig, I ISpong, Squilla, I IStann, I IStaph, I IStram, I IStront, I ISul, I ISul. ac, I ITarax, IThuya, Val, 11 Ver, Viol., Zinc. Sweat, abdomen: with colic, ISpong, Stram.-, in evening, Anac.; particularly in groin, llris ; caused by pain in bowels, during stool, ICoc- cul. ; pain in left side, before stool, ITromb.; profuse (prostatitis and atony of sexual or- gans), HSelen.; exostosis on skull, IIArg. met.; slight, hot flushes, Act. rac fl®* Chap. 19, Abdomen sweat Cann. s, Canth, Carbo a, Carbo v, I ICaust, HCham, ICinch, Clem, I ICoccus, ICoff, HColch, Con, IIDiad, IIDulc, IIFerr, IGraph, Hell, IIHep, IHyos, Ign, Hod, llpec, 11 Lach, Laur, HLed, I ILye, Magn. c, Mang,IMar. v,IMerc, I IMez, Mur. ac,INatr. c, Natr. m, Nitrum, INitr.ae.HNux m, I INux v, HOleand, HOp, Paris, HPhos, IPhos. ac, IPlat,I IPlumb, IPsor,IPuls, Ran.b,Ran.sc, Rhod, IRhus, I IRuta, ISabad, I ISamb, I ISee, I ISeneg, I ISep, HSil, I ISpig, ISpong, ISquilla, IStaph, Stram, HStront, HSub, Sul. ac, Val, 11 Ver, I IVerbas, IViob; in cardialgia, I IPlumb.; in dropsy, IIArs, ILye; at first, then sweats profusely, IHep.; in in- termittent, lArs, ICact, Hgn.; light, Eup. pert; in measles, Viol.; in nephritis, Bright's disease, IColch.; after exposure to sun, ICact.; with great thirst, Bell. Sweat, acid: IColch., 11 Natr. p. fl®* fetid sour. Sweat, acrid: promotes excoriation and decu- bitus, IFluor. ae; causing itching, Alb sat.; profuse, HLact ac. 8®* fetid sour. Sweat, afternoon: All. sat, Berb, Kali iod.; towards evening, Calad.; or towards night (effects of grief), IPhos. ae;'profuse, Chel. Sweat, aggravation : Ant. t, Arn, Ferr, llpec, IIMerc, Mur. ac, ISpong.; during, better after, I Aeon. Sweat, air: better indoors, Thuya ; in cold, open, ICale; worse out of doors, llpec. Sweat, amelioration: lAcon, Ant. t. Apis, IIBry,Calad,ICamph, ICimex,Elat, IFluor. ac, IGels, llpec, ILach, Lyss, INatr. m, ISpong, Vab; of all symptoms except head- ache, which is worse, IChin. s.; malaise, ..Ethus.; nausea and colic, Cop.; pain in left hypogastrium and lumbar region, Vib.; pro- fuse,relieves all complaints (chronic diseases), I IPsor.; without relief, 11 Form. Sweat, on arms: Agar, IPetrol.; after coitus, Agar.; cold (spasmus glottidis), HVer.; cold, clammy (typhoid), IZinc; on forearms, IPe- trol.; hydrothorax, following metritis, I ICi- trus; does not relieve pain in arm, 7TForm. Sweat, in axillae: fl®» Chap. 30, Axillae sweat. Sweat, on back: when walking in open air with chilliness, better standing still, Case; as if it would break out, I ICamph.; preceding chill, 11 Amyb; cold, over lumbar and sacral regions, Plant.; in evening, Anac; in loins HSib; after meals, Card, m.; from least mo- tion, HCinch.; pain along spine (intermit- tent), I ISep.; red rash, after dulness of senses and anxiety, Stram.; on small of, Asaf- dur- ing effort at stool, IKali bi. fl®» Chap 31 Back sweat. p' r Sweat, bloody: ;Anag, I Arn, ICale, I ICham Cinch, I IClem, Coccul, ICrotal, IILach'* ILye, INux m, INux v.; especially at night, ICurar.; staining red, ILach. fl®- red 40. FEVER. mi Sweat, breathing: anxious, Stram.; difficult, lEup. pert; hot, half hour before spell, of asthma, worse during stool, caused by cough induced by sensation of tough mucus in chest, IIRumex; rattling, IStram. Sweat, stains brownish: Ars. Sweat, with carbuncle: lAnthrac. Sweat, catarrh: chronic, llpec. Sweat, checked : fl®* suppressed. Sweat, chest: boiling, bubbling, in region of heart, Lachn.; from agony of suffocative con- striction (angina pectoris), IVer.; cramp, pre- venting speaking, IKali c; exudation in pleura (induration of liver), I IRatan.; back of lungs and on head (incipient phthisis), I ITubere; oppression, in intermittent, I ISep.; pains in right side, worse from motion, laughing, cough- ing, Psor.; profuse, clammy, offensive, runs in streams (intermittent), ICoccul.; on sternum, every morning, IGraph.; pain in sternum while walking, ICaps.; and trunk, ILye; in incipient tuberculosis, I ITubere; on upper, Agar, fl®* Chap. 30, Outer chest sweat. Sweat, chill: before chill, ICarbo v, IIHep.; before and after chill, INux v.; after chill, Caps, Sec; after chill, with chattering and shaking, evening in bed, Niccol.; after chill, no heat, Bry, ICarbo a. Caps, ICaust, IDig, ILye, IRhus, Sabad, IThuya, IVer.; after internal chill, with externalheat,Thuya; after chill, heat absent, I IVer.; after chill, in puerperal fever, IKreo.; alternates, IGlon, INux v.; on awaking from a dreamy sleep, ILye; run down back, I Amyb; soon passing off into general coldness, Ver.; copious, fol- lowing shaking, chilliness on motion, Ant. t; following violent rigor, Agar.; shaking, ILach.; shivering, Coff; simultaneous, Ars, Calc, Led, ILye, Nux v, IPuls, ISabad, ISul, Thuya, fl®* Chill, sweat. Sweat, chilliness: Coff, Coloe, ITarax.; alter- nating, covers up heavily till sweat reappears (affection of brain), IGlon.; constant, Euphor.; from motion, or allowing air to strike him, INux v.; chilly, but warm, Cornus. Sweat, clammy: I Aeon, Anac, I Ant. t, 11 Are., IIBry, ICale, ICamph, Carbo a, ICham, ICinch, I IFerr, Hep, Hydr. ac, IIod,HLye, IIMerc, INux v, Oxabac, HPhos, IPhos.ae, IPlumb, I IPsor, I ISee, ISpig, ISpong, IVer.; on falling asleep, Daph.; as soon as he gets into bed, Plumb.; cadaverous, over whole body, having feeling as if it would mould (consumption). I ISib; following chilliness, I IPic ae; in cholera Asiatica, ICamph.; cold, ICalc,HCamph,ICup. ars, IDiosc, IJatroph, ISee, 11 Spong.; cold,driving outof bed I IMere; colliquative, whole body covered (phthisis flo- rida, after pneumonia), IFerr.; in whooping cough, lArs.; membranous croup, IPhos.; gen- erally debilitating, IFerr.; nervous debility, IPhos. ae; from least exertion, Psor.; on ex- tremities (uterine neuralgia), I IChin. s.; on face and forehead, I IPlumb.; after fever (in- termittent), ICoccul.; on forehead and tem- ples (bilious fever, ICrotal.; in gastritis, I INux v • chiefly in palms of hands, Coff; in head, rest of body dry and hot (croup), IHep.; on head and in palms, much turbid urine, 11 Phos.; with headache, nausea, pain in back, lassitude and confusion of ideas, ICornus ; with hemor- rhage, Cinch.; in hydrophobia. Lyss.; in hy- drothorax, lApoe; on limbs, HPlumb.; in lumbago, I Ant. t; in many places (cystitis), IHelb; in morning, smellingof musk, Mosch.; from motion, Ant. e; in nervous fever, ICamph.; at night, with coldness of face,ILyc; partial (typhus), IApis ; on seventh to ninth day of pneumonia, IPhos.; profuse, Cornus ; in puerperal fever, Act. rac; running, sticky (bronchial catarrh), IIAnt. t; after seminal emission, Coff. t; sour, most on upper part of body, particularly during exercise, in after- noon and evening, IFluor. ae; sticky, Cornus, I IHelb; sticky, cold, in scarlatina, Carbo v.; sticky, in cynanche cellularis, lAnthrac; sticky, on forehead, Cann. b; sticky, espe- cially about genitals, IGels.; sticky, hot, on scalp, ICham.; sticky, only on legs, at night, ICale; sticky, toward morning (chronic rheu- matism), I ISabina ; sticky, at night (typhoid), ILye; with low temperature of skin (acute rheumatism),IColch.; in tuberculosis, Chin, a.; weakness, Oxal. ac; viscid, Act. spic. Agar, Hod, ITabae; viscid, with anxiety, Plumb.; viscid, in cholerine, IJatroph.; viscid, in inter- mittent, 11 Kali br.; viscid, exhausting,IFerr.; viscid, in threatened paralysis of lungs,IPhos.; viscid, sometimes with putrid smell, Daph.; viscid, of urinous odor, 7rCaust; viscous, on arms, Cinch, bob; viscous, cool, in croup, IBron.; viscous, in heart disease, I Are.; vis- cous, cold on legs, ICale; viscous, in typhus, scarlatina, measles and variola, iChlor. fl®* cold. Sweat, cold: lAcon, I IAgar, Amm. c, Anac, Anthrac, I Ant. t, 11 Arn., IIArs, Bar. m, I IBell, IBry, IBufo, Calad,ICalc,lICamph, ICann.i, I ICaps, ICarbo v, ICham,Chloral, IChlor, HCina, HCinch, ICoccul, I ICoff, I ICroc,ICrotal,ICup. ac,ICup. ars, ICup. m. Dig, IIDulc, Elaps, IHell, IIHep, IHy- dras, I IHyos, llgn. Hod, lllpec, I IKalm, ILach, IILyc, Mane, IIMerc, Merc, cor, IMez, INatr. c, INux v, Paeonia, IPhos, I IPhos. ac. Plumb, IIPuls, IRheum, I IRhus, ISee, I ISep, ISpong, IStaph, ISul, ITabae, HVer.; spasmodic, contractive cutting in ab- domen, HPlumb.; abscess in antrum, IMez.; anxiety, IPlumb.; anxiety and paleness, ICro- tal.; asthma Millari, I Arum d.; bathed in, Ars, ICarbol. ac.; as soon as he gets into bed, Plumb.; in biliary colic, ICale, ICinch, IVer.; on body, warm on palms, Dig.; in irri- tation of brain, ICup. ae; in catarrh of colon, with colic, lead poisoning, IColoc; on chest, tCarbob ac.; on chest and back (croup), 11 Cub.; on upper part of chest (cholera infantum), ICamph.; clammy, with chill, HVer.; inter- mixed and following chills, Lyss.; with chilli- ness, llpec, ITabae; in cholera. lAilant.; in cholera Asiatica, ICup. m.; in cholera morbus, ICup. m, HVer.; in cholera, second stage, ICup. m.; clammy, with choleraic symptoms (diarrhoea), ISee; clammy, HCamph, ICup. ars, IIHelb, IJatroph, IIMerc, ISee, Spong.; clammy, in angina pectoris, IDiosc; clammy, in diphtheria, INatr. a, 11 Spong.; clammy, in cerebrospinal disease, 11 Ver. v.; clammy, with chill, Cup. m.; clammy, in cholera infan- tum, ICale; clammy, in cholera morbus, IJa- troph ; clammy, in diphtheria, INatr. a., ISub; clammy, in toxaemic fevers, ITereb.; clammy, principally on head and face, worse exercise 1112 40. FEVER. and during night, better warmth and at rest, IHep.; clammy, in sick headache, IITabac; clammy, in cardiac rheumatism, ICact.; clam- my, in melaena, llpec; clammy and profuse (sunstroke), IGlon.; clammy, with prostration, ITereb.; with coldness, ICale, Sub; with cold- ness and absence of pulse, Med.; in colic, IColoe, HVer.; with convulsions, ICup. in, IFerr.; with cough, Ver.; in whooping cough, I Are.; in laryngeal croup, IPhos.; with membranous croup, IPhos.; all day, 1101. jec; with nervous debility, IPhos. ac; with delirium, IVer.; in diarrhoea, iEthus, Ant. t, lArs, Calc, ICamph, Cup. m. Hell, Jatroph, Pic. ac, ISee, ISil, Sul, ITabae, Tereb., IVer.; dripping, IMez.; dropsy, after scarlatina, IApis; in dysentery, I Are.; in enteralgia, -Cast.; after epilepti- form spasms, IChin. a.; in evening, in pleuro- pneumonia, I ISeneg.; after slightest exertion of mind or body, Act. sp.; after exposure, IDulc; on face and body, IKali bi.; on face, hands and feet, Oxal. ac.; especially on face, with rush of blood to head during pregnancy, IIGlon.; on face, neck and chest, Agar.; faint- ing, IIDig.; with fainting, icy, Therid.; faint- ness, IBry.; sudden attacks of extreme faint- ness (diarrhoea), Tabae; especially feet, ICanth.; especially on feet and legs, worse on exposure to air, with profound prostration, ITabae; in yellow fever, ICarbo v.; after flushes of heat in alternation with coldness, Cornus; on forehead, Asaf, Lachn, Merc. cor.; on forehead, in scarlatina, HZine; on forehead and cheek (diphtheria), IMere cy.; especially on forehead, with fever (whooping cough), IVer.; on forehead and limbs (verti- go), Asaf; worse on forehead, after prosopal- gia, IVer.; frequent, IGraph.; in gastritis, I INux v.; in gastralgia, Arg. nit; all over, a drop on every hair, 11 Hell.; on hands ICanth, IKali bb; on hands, face hot, with vomiting of blood, IKali bb; on hands and feet, llpec, ILil. tig, ISil, ISub; icy cold hands (heart disease), I IOp.; icy cold hand (cardiac rheum- atism), I ISpig.; on hands, now one, then in other, Coccul.; chiefly in palms, Coff; in haemoptysis, IDig.; in haematemesis, ISee; congestion to head, during pregnancy, IGlon.; especially on head, Ananth. (fl®* Chap. 4, Head sweat, cold); with headache, IIGels, IVer.; internal heat, Anac; in hydrocephalus, IDig.; large drops covering body (heart dis- ease), lApoe; on limbs, Cup. s.; with cramp in limbs (during pregnancy), IVer.; in liver trouble, IPod.; long continued, Cup. m,- in lumbago, IIAnt. t; in cerebrospinal menin- gitis, IVer.; in dysmenorrhoea, ISars, IVer.; from motion, Ante; with nausea, ICale, llpec,ILach,HPetrol,ITabac,IVer, Ver. v.; at night, Cup. m.; especially at night, ICurar.; until 12 p.m., after eating a little, Sang.; all over, Stram.; with pain and nausea after eating, Calc; during parturition, IHyos.; in pneumonia, HCarbov, IPhos.; profuse, jEtnus, ICale, ISee; profuse, after pain in abdomen, IHam.; with fainting spells (cancer- ous ulcers on left side of throat, inside), IHy- dras. ; profuse, in upper part of trunk and head (neuralgia of left phrenic nerve, I IStann.; in enlargement of prostate gland, 11 Pareira; with prostration, Cup. m.; in puerperal fever, I IPuls.; small pulse, Calad.; does not rehe\e, in myelitis, IIHelb; during retching, liruis, after scarlatina, Aur. mur.; remaining alter Secale and Verat. checked stools (cholera), ITabae; after seminal emission, Coff. t, in serious cases, Anthrac; on one side of head and face, worse at night and towards morning, better after waking and rising, IPuls.; sour, with ricewater stools, IFerr.; with spasmus glottidis, ICoff.; sticky (rheumatism of heart), IIArs.; with pain in stomach, I I Alum.; with diarrhoeic, yellow green, burning stools, IRob.; sudden attacks, ICrotal.; thin, in dropsy, IDig.; with trembling, IPuls.; in tuberculosis, Chin, a.; viscous, in typhoid state of eruptive diseases, Chlor.; in typhus, ICamph.; in ty- phus, scarlatina, measles and variola, IChlor.; chronic uterine diseases, worse at night, 11 Ver.; uterine hemorrhage, ISee; in strangu- lated prolapsed vagina, IVer.; with vertigo, Ailant, IMere cor, Therid.; viscous (heart disease), I Are.; with vomiting, HCamph, llpec, HVer, IVer. v.; with vomiting at night, Therid.; with vomiting, purging and headache,IGraph.; with vomiting, in typhoid, IVer. v.; as if drenched with cold water, Thuya, fl®* clammy, colliquative, night, weakness. Sweat, colliquative: lAnt. t, IIMillef, Psor, ISee; cadaverous, TrArt. v.; in collapse of cholera, I Ars. h.; in phthisis, IJab.; in shock, Dig.; in inflammatory disease of uterus, Hod. fl®* cold, -weakness. Sweat, convulsions: Cup. m.; after spasm, IBry.; after attack resembling epilepsy, in children, llgn.; after epilepsy, warm, HSib; after epileptic attack, ICale; profuse, during attack, Bufo.; puerperal, copious, IStram.; relieves, in epilepsy, Art. v. Sweat, with cough: Ars. h, ICale, ICimex, Dig, IKali c, IPuls, ISabad, I ISpong.; after cough, Brom, IKreo.; caused by cough, IKali e; caused by cough, in caries of dorsal verte- brae, ILach.; convulsive hacking, IAgar.; pro- fuse yellow stringy expectoration (phthisis), IKali bb; after paroxysms, Brom.; profuse, IOp, IRhus ; retching, IDros.; spasmodic, IChlor.; whooping cough, ISpong. fl®* Chap. 27, During and After Cough sweat. Sweat, covering: profuse, on being covered, HCinch.; tendency, when covered, ICinch.; desire to uncover, IIAcon, IIAsar, IIBor, ICale, I ICham, I ICinch, IFerr, I IIgn,Hod, I ILed, ILye, IMur. ac, INux v, IOp, I IPhos, I IPlat, IIPuls, I ISee, I ISeneg ISpig, I IStaph, I ISul, I IThuya, IVer.; can- not bear uncovering, J^thus., I I Agar, 11 Ant c I I Arg. met, I I Arn, I Ars, lAur. met, I IBell ' I ICanth, I ICham, I ICinch, HCic IClem' HCoccul, IColch, ICon, IIGraph' IHell' IHep, I IKreo. ,1 ILach, IMagn.c, I IMaen m'' IIMerc, HNatr.e, I INatr. m IN,f?m' IINuxv, I IPuls, I IRhod, IRhus, I ISabad"' HSamb., HSquilla, ISil, I IStram, HStront • covered parts drv, Thuya. ■oiront. Sweat, delirium : Stram.; relieves tendencv to delirium, ^Ethus.; in delirium tremens, warm I IteLrflTXl. Sweat, diarrhoea : after sweat, towards mornina Tereb.; dark and bilious, or watery and mu cous, ICornus ; at commencement of summer" from bad or unripe fruit, ISul. ae ' 40. FEVER. 1113 Sweat, difficult: IKali e fl®* absent. Sweat, diphtheria: ICrotal.; on upper part of body profuse, viscous, cold on forehead and cheek, IMere cy.; bathed in warm sweat, especially about face, neck and hands, ILac c. Sweat, discoloring: I I Arn, IIArs, Bar. m, IBell, I ICale, IGraph, ILach, ILye,IMere, INux v, ISelen. fl®° bloody, brownish, yellow. Sweat, disposition to: Arund, ICornus, Daph, ILach, IMere, INux v, I IPhos, I IPhos. ac, I IRapb.; as if it would break out all over, IGlon.; as if it would break out, which does not follow, llgn.; during motion and sleep, ICinch.; with rheumatic catarrhal inflamma- tion, IMere; extraordinary tendency to (lead poisoning), IPlumb. fl®* easy. Sweat, drinking: after drinking, Aloe, Arn, ICale, I ICast. v.; after drinking, in evening, Jamb.; after coffee, in morning, ICham.; after tea, profuse, without relief, fForm.; from warm drinks, Rhus ; immediately on drink- ing something warm, IIMerc; worse by warm drinks, IKali c. Sweat, dropsy : relieves, Apoe Sweat, duration : continuous, ISep.; continuous day and night, Amm. c.; day and night, fol- lowing heat, Amm. m.; day and night, with- out relief, IHep.; half an hour (chagres fever), I ISub; an hour, with shaking all over, and thirst (intermittent), llpec; two hours, fol- lowed by headache, nausea and stitching pains in feet (quartan), IPhelb; three or four hours, followed by prostration and debility (ague), HTarant; several hours, ending with sour sweat (quartan), llpec; long, after abor- tion, IKali e; long, in intermittent, I IKalibr.; frequent, breaking out over body, only mo- mentary and without heat, IHep.; long, in quotidian, llpec; long, general,sour, lAcon.; in short spells, Bry.; short, in relapsed inter- mittent, I Are.; suddenly occurring and quickly disappearing, IBelb; transient, Belb; tran- sient, local, of feet and armpits, ISil. Sweat, ears: buzzing (intermittent), IIArs.; re- lieves deafness, ICale; earache, Calad. Sweat, easy: I IAgar, Agnus, 11 Amb, lAnt t, IApis, Ars, IIBell., IBry, Cain, ICale, Ca- lad, HCanth, I ICarbo a, ICepa, I ICinch, ICist, HCoccul, IFerr, IGraph, Ind,I Hod, IKali e, IILach, I ILed, ILye, IMere, IINatr. c, INatr. m, IINuxv, IIRheum, I iRhus,ISelen,HSep,l ISil,ISpong,I IStann, HStram, IISul, ISul. ac, I I Ver.; children IGraph, IHep,IIod, llpec, ■Jabor-'1ftT' IKali c, IKali iod, IKalm, IKreo, ILach ILed, IILyc, Mang, Med, IIMerc, Mere. cor, IMez, IMyos, INatr. c, INatr.m INatr. s, IINitr. ac, INitrum, INux v, lOl. jec, IPetrol, Phell, HPhos, Psor, IIPuls, JKhus, ISabina, ISamb, Sars, I ISenecio, "Sep., ISil, ISpig, HStann, IStaph, I ISul, I ISyph, lUstil, IVer, Viol, IZinc; acid in reaction, chronic rheumatism of left hip joint, IPhyt; mostly on affected parts, Stront.; with anguish, Amb.; awakes in morning after many unre- membered dreams (liver complaint), ICheb; as soon as one gets into bed, Ars, ICale, Carbo a, Carbo v, ICham, Con, Hep, Magn. c, IMere, Mur. ac. Op, Phos, IRhus, Ver.; evening in bed, immediately after lying down, frequently lasting wdiole night, Menyanth.; as soon as he gets into bed, comes and goes all through night (cirrhotic kidney), HPlumb.; in chronic catarrh of bladder, 11 Pareira; worse, in bronchial catarrh, IKali bb; in bronchitis, Hod.; with chilliness, from mov- ing or uncovering, lEup. pert; with chilli- ness, at night (haematemesis), I ISee; follows chilliness, with thirst toward evening, ISep.; with sensation of stoppage of circulation (angina pectoris), ILye; clammy and cold, IIMerc, Oxal.ac; after a cold, HSang.; cold, ICroe; generally cold and somewhat clam- my, IDig.; cold, awakes with fearful fore- boding (parenchymatous metritis), I ILacc; coldness, IIEup. pert; colliquative, with tuberculosis, INitr. ae; with constipation, IKali e; with cough, Acet.ac, IINitr. ae; with cough, after pneumonia, phthisis, IKali e; in cystitis, lEup. pur.; in cystitis or renal disease, I IChim. umb.; debilitating, HCarbo a, ICroe, HStann.; in diabetes, I ITJran. n. relieved ; with diarrhoea, IBapt.; in chronic diarrhcea, IGamb.; disagreeable, TrForm.; from above downward to calves, every third night, ISep.; in large drops, Ars. h.; after drinking, Aloe; drowsiness and heavy pain in head, ICornus; alternating with dry skin, INatr. e; with emaciation (scrofu- losis), I Ascl. t; miliary itching eruption, IRhus; exhausting, ICarbo v, • Eucab, ITarax.; fetid, HCarbo a.; fetid, iri bron- chitis, IDulc; except on head, worse toward morning, ISamb.; in intermittent, IPhos. ac, I ISub; most on head, neck and hands, with fever, 101. jec; heavy (functional derange- ment of liver), I ISep.; with hectic fever IPhos, 11 Rob.; with hectic, and emaciation ICoccul.; with hepatitis, when suppuration ensues, IPhos.; in kidney disease, IHep ■ with coldness of legs, ICale; especially about legs, Agar.; especially on legs, with heat can- not tolerate any covering, Zinc; freely 'after lying down, Ham.; in mastitis, UPbo's • in amenorrhcea, HXan.; before menses Ver- before midnight, IIHep.; about midnight' cold, Belb; general about midnight (with headache), I Arn.; after midnight, I Aeon, \re met, IPhos.; after midnight, in intermitttent 40. FEVER. 1119 INatr. m.; after midnight, in intermittent, fever, ISul.; after midnight, during menses, Bor.; after midnight and in morning, INux v.; after midnight and towards morning, Cheb; after midnight and towards morning, better after awaking, IICheb; particularly after mid- night and in morning hours, most on face and abdomen, IDros.; after midnight profuse, Clem, Graph, Polyp.; profuse after midnight (tetanus), ILach.; after midnight, after rest- less sleep, Lachn.; warm, general, after mid- night, Ars. h.; in morbus coxarius, I IStaph.; continues in morning hours, Ars. h.; or early in morning, ILye; and in morning, most on abdomen, ICie; in morning, in bed, or after midnight, Niccol.; morning, weakening (tu- berculosis), I IMere; towards morning, Alum, Bufo, Carbo a, IColoc, ILach, I IPhos. ac, I IPuls, Senecio, Zinc; towards morning, bed wet through (prosopalgia), ICheb; towards morning, in chest affection, ILach.; towards morning, in consumption, Hod.; towards morning, very copious (softening of brain), IBufo.; towards morning, particularly about head (pneumonia), IMere; towards morning, in hectic, ISub; towards morning, tempera- ture unchanged, IIHelb; towards morning, with sleep, HAgar.; towards morning, with thirst and palpitation or nausea, IIMerc; towards morning, with weakness (phthisis), ICetrar.; especially on neck (diarrhoea), I ISub; after 4 a.m., mostly neck, nape of neck and forehead, IStann.; offensive, Cycl, IFerr, IGuaiac, ISep.; offensive, most profuse on chest, Euph.; offensive, on chest and back (phthisis pituitosa), ILye; oily (incipient tuberculosis), -Agar.; in peritonitis, ILye; in phthisis, I Are. i, IChlor, IGels, INitr. ac. Polyp, IPsor, ISamb.; incipient phthisis, I ITubere; in pleuritis, with plastic exudation, IHep.; after pneumonia, IKali e; clammy, hectic fever, after pneumonia, ILye; profuse, Anthrok, HCinch, IHep, Hod, IJab, ILo- bel. i, IILyc, IIMed, IIMerc, IMere. sul, INatr. m, I IPlumb, HSil, ISpong, Stram, ISul, ITarax.; profuse, awakens, Berb.; pro- fuse, awakes from first sleep (tuberculosis), ILach.; profuse, in irritability of bladder, I ISub; profuse every night, or immediately after chill, IPetrol.; profuse, follows chilliness of Jong duration, often lasting whole day, I ITarax.; profuse, clammy (diphtheria), IMere sob; profuse, in whooping cough, IMere; profuse, and debilitating, IIMerc.; profuse, debilitating (phthisis, ague), ISamb.; profuse, with emissions, ILach.; profuse on exertion, with violent heat, Vab; profuse, ex- hausting, especially on forehead, neck and chest, slightly staining linen, not offensive, oc- curring the moment patient drops into sleep (phthisis pulmonalis), ICinch.; profuse, fol- lows flushes of fever in afternoon (chronic, passive hemorrhage from kidneys), IITereb.; profuse, spasm in glottis, ICheb; profuse, worse after midnight, and on affected side, Amb.; profuse, night and morning, IBry,l IPe- trol.; profuse,night and morning,with anxiety, IPhos.ae; profuse, worse towards morning, IClem.; profuse and offensive (intermittent), INatr. m.; profuse, in old cases, worse uncov- ering or least motion, rarely debilitating, Eup. pert; profuse, in phthisis, Hod, IPsor.; in phthisis pituitosa, ILye; profuse, in pulmo- nary disease, ILye; profuse, in rheumatism, I Ant. t; profuse, continued, worse between scapulae and down to waist, ISyph.; profuse, during sleep (consumptives), I Aeon.; profuse, worse during sleep (phthisis), IPhos.; profuse, with sleeplessness, ICham.; profuse, sour smelling (coryza), IIMerc; profuse, in spinal abscess, IPhos. ac; profuse, better drinking wine, Subae; profuse, staining clothes yellow as if saturated with oil, Thuya ; chronic pros- tration, bronchitis, IPhos.; in relapsed inter- mittent, I Are.; sweat relieves, Glon.; without relief, IKali c; scant, cold and debilitating, ICroe; in scirrhus mammae, ICarbo a.; in second sleep, for a month (secondary syphilis), IIRhus; short attack, Ars. h.; after baring skin, Anthrok.; restless sleep, ISub; in first sleep, until 12 p.m., worse on head and back, Mur. ac; cannot sleep (concussion of brain), ICie; slight, with irregular flushes of heat (chronic cough), ILye; sour, I Am, ISep.; sour smelling, after taking cold in a draught of air and becoming heated, IKali e; stupid slumber, IIPuls.; in tabes mesenterica, Hod.; on thighs only, ICarbo a.; smelling like urine, causing itching of skin, IColoe; in vagin- itis, ICurar.; viscous, with remission of fever, Anthrok.; wakens, ICale p.; excessive warmth after chill, Stilling.; of several years' standing (hemorrhoids), ICimex ; after 3 a.m., ICale, Calc. a.; from 3 a.m. till towards morning, after good sleep, IMere per.; on awaking at 4 a.m., Gamb.; profuse, 4 a.m., every morn- ing, IStann.; profuse, 4 a.m., in phthisis, HStann.; towards 4 a.m., ICaust.; between 4 and 6 a.m., aggravates rheumatism of shoulder, I IFerr. ph.; 5 to 6 a.m., Bov. fl®* evening, morning, sleep. Sweat, at noon : I Arn, Cinnab. Sweat, nose: coryza worse after, INatr. e Sweat, oily (fatty, greasy): 11 Agar., I Are, Aur. met., IBry,Calc, ICinch., IMagn. c, IIMerc, I INatr. m. Plumb, IPsor, I ISelen, I IStram, Thuya; profuse, after asthmatic paroxysms, I IThuya ; greasy, not offensive, all night dur- ing sleep, Agar.; on head, IBry.; profuse, on head and face, Bufo.; on side on which one lies, Cinch.; in malaria, IILyc; difficult to wash off, IMagn. e Sweat, pains: Chim. umb, INatr. c, Rhus; labor, INatr. c; not relieved, IIEup. pert; relieves, ICham, IGels.; gradually and mod- erately, always relieving, IGels.; relieves all but headache, which is worse, Eup. perf. Sweat, palpitation: Agar.; after palpitation, Tell.; in intermittent, I ISep.; and nausea (intermittent), IMere Sweat, perineum: Alum, Carbo a, IHep, IKali e; when moving about, Psor.; atnight, ICarbo v.; profuse, Con.; walking, Cinnab. Sweat, periodic: I Are.; every afternoon, I Are.; every other afternoon, Bapt.; every other day, I IPolyp.; every other evening, IBar. c; frequent, IDulc; returns at same hour every third day, Ant. e; irregular, most daily, in morning, sometimes once a day or two, IA.rs.; 11 p.m., 6 a.m., 3 to 5 p.m., HSil. Sweat, predominating : in intermittent, Aeon, Ars, IBell, IBry, ICale, Carbo a, Carbo v, ICinch, IFerr. met. Graph, IHep, Kali bi, IMere, Natr. m, Nitr. ac, Nux v, IPhos. ac. 1120 40. FEVER. Psor, Puis, IRhus, ISamb, ISep, ISul, Tarax, Thuya, IVer. Sweat, profuse : HAcet. ac, IAgar, Agnus, Ant. t, Arg. nit, I Ars, Ascl. s, Aur. mur, IlAur. mur. nat, IBell, HCale, ICamph, ICaps, ICarbo v, HCed, ICepa, Chlor, ICop, Elaps, lEup. perf, IHam, I IJab, IKali iod, IKali ph, ILach, Lactu. v, Lith, ILobel. i, IILyc, IIMerc, IMere c, IOp, Phell, Polyp, IIRhus, ISal. ac, ISang, Sarrae, HSil, IStaph, I ISul, ITereb, Thuya, Variol, IVer, Zinc, Zing.; particularly on abdomen and thighs, during exercise, Amb.; on affected parts, Ant. t.; all over and at night (inter- mittent), I Ant. t; in asthma, ICup. m.; soak- ing through bedclothes, IIMerc; typhus, with determinating blood to surface, IBapt; over whole body, IPhos.; on chest, armpits and genitals, Selen.; after chill, Gels.; cold, stand- ing out upon body in drops (intermittent), I IPuls.; with most complaints, ILach.; after confinement, ICham.; during convalescence or in course of chronic diseases, as in phthisis, IJab.; of covered parts, I ICham.; in cynanche cellularis, carbuncle, lAnthrac; day and night, IHep, IMyos.; day and night, after revaccination, I IThuya; debilitating, Samb.; debilitating, especially when moving in open air, Rhod.; debilitating on falling asleep, goes off suddenly when sitting up (intermittent), IFerr.; non-debilitating day and night, ISamb.; with nervous debility, IPhos. ac; in delirium tremens, HStram.; diarrhoea ceases after, Stram.; with diuresis, 11 Aeon.; drenched, fever with thirst, IKali iod.; drenching caused by violent pain in bowels (dysentery), I ISub; dripping, or covering skin, IMere e; endocarditis, lAur. met; in epilepsy, IIBufo.; after epistaxis, HPhos.; with erysipelas, lAstae; exhausting, IPhos. ae; exhausting, caused by slight exertion (affects of overstudy), ICup. ae; especially on face and chest, I IGlon.; with acute fevers, ICinch.; intermittent, I ITarax.; relapsing in- termittent, Ustil.; in diseased submaxillary gland, IKali iod.; gout, rheumatism, IColch.; on hands and feet, I ISep.; with heat of head, IOp.; on head and upper body, wakes in sleep, bathed in (diabetes with parotitis), ICon.; headache, after overheating, IIGlon.; with burning heat of skin (pneumonia), I IPuls.; in hip disease, HCinch.; hot, JEsc. h.; in hydro- cephalus, IMere; follows drawing in knee, ISpong.; in laryngismus stridulus, IChlor.; on limbs, perineum and genitals, Con.; long lasting and debilitating by day at every mo- tion, at night in bed, IFerr.; in measles, IStram.; caused by motion, Arund.; in nasal catarrh and influenza, 11 Eup. perf.; in onan- ism, IHyos.; indurated ovary, IGraph.; pains not relieved (rheumatism), I Ant. t; in chronic inflammation of pancreas, Hod.; with sup- puration of left parotid, disturbing sleep (diabetes), ICon.; after severest paroxysms or attending congestive chill, INux v.; in phthisis, ICale p.; in pneumonia, better, IKali n.; in double pneumonia, I IOp.; after abuse of quinine, llpec; like rain (intermit- tent), llpec; with short anxious respiration, Mang.; in rheumatism, IApis ; with rheu- matic and arthritic pains, IMere; in acute rheumatism, Atrop.; in subacute and chronic rheumatism, ISub; but short, Sal. ae; short in tertian, I ISabad.; while sitting quietly, IKali bb; sour, in intermittent, llpec; som, in morning (hysteria), ILye; sour, mostly during night, llpec; sour, clammy, withtaint oppression of chest, after chill and heat, ^sor-I sticky, in bronchial catarrh, IIAnt. t; in tabes mesenterica, HTuberc; without thirst, Cupr. s.; mostly on upper body, Sub ac; acid urine, Acet ae; with chronic vomiting, IILobeb 1.; warm, I Arg. nit, I IVer.; when not warm, I I Amyl.; after getting wet, IDulc. Sweat, pulse: irregular, Still. Sweat, pungent: llpec; biting, sour smelling, ICham.; offensive insoles and axillae, caus- ing soreness, ISep.; sour smelling, with heat, ICham. fl®* skin. Sweat, red: I Arn, I ICalc,Cham,Cinch,Clem, IDulc, ILach,I ILye, Nux m, INux v. fl&" bloody. Sweat, restlessness: ICarbol. ac, Lachn.; no rest anywhere, Cimex ; aggravates restless- ness (scarlatina), IMere Sweat, rheumatism: IMere; articular rheu- matism, excessive, followed by miliaria,! ISal. ae; free from pain during sweat, I Are.; gouty pains, IMere; of hands, wrists, legs below knees and feet, I ISyph.; of humerus, IFerr.; without relief (rheumatism in limbs),I ICheb; at night, copious, not relieving, driving out of bed, IFerr. ph.; pains, Ant. e; partly re- lieves, nightly, weary, tired pains in limbs, I ISyph.; profuse, Eup. perf.; without relief, IIForm.; relieves pains, lAcon, IApis; left side most affected, ILach.; sour, IMere; over trunk and head, not on affected parts, IBry. Sweat, scanty: Calad, Eup. perf, INux v.; in relapsed intermittent, lArs.; morning, on waking, Ran. b.; only during morning, with heat and redness of cheeks, 11 Kreo. Sweat, on sexual parts : ICanth, IMere, IPe- trol. ; burning in genitals, Prun.; after coition, IGraph.; unsatisfactory coition, Jamb.; on female, ILye, IMere, IPetrol,ISul, IThuya; fetid, Ars. m.; in albuminuria, 11 Uran. *n.; profuse, ICorab; on male, Acet. ac. Bell, Ca- lad, ICale, ICanth, IGels, IMere, IPetrol, IThuya ; on male,impotence, Ham.; on male, sticky, Erig. (fl®* Chap. 22, Genitals sweat); offensive, HSub; profuse, Thuya ; profuse, offensive, IHydras.; about scrotum, Ba?. c, ICale p, Daph, I llgn, IMagn. m, INatr.s, I ISib; on scrotum, cold, IHam.; dripping, from inner surface of thighs, scrotum, and peri- neum, Thuya; profuse, on scrotum, ISep.; sticky, IGels.; sweetish, on scrotum, IThuva ' sweetish, honey like, on genitals, stainW linen yellow, IThuya. Sweat, sides: fl®" local. Sweat, when sitting : I Anac, Ars. Sweat, skin: biting, ITarax.; biting in morn ing, Paris; burning IIMerc; formication and itching, Rhod.; itching, Benz.ac ICham ISpong; itching after, ILed.; of itching parts, ISpong ; itching worse (scarlatina), IMere; parboils, Cinch.; pricking, IIKalm- smarting, Cham, Con.; smarting, itchino-' after, I IOp.; covered with a heavy cron nf sudamina (double pneumonia), I IOp Sweat, sleep: during sleep, Ars. h Ror ICamph, ICarboa,Cic, ICinch, Dros' IE perf, Euph, Ferr, Hyos, Jatroph, iLac c 'Eup'. 40. FEVER. 1121 IIMerc, INux v, Phos., Plat., Puis, ISelen, Thuya; during sleep, particularly on head, ICale, ISep.; during sleep, most on head, sour smelling, I ICham.; during sleep, more on neck and chest (intermittent), 11 Puis.; dur- ing sweat, sleep, IPod, IIRhus ; after sweat, sleep, Are.; on awaking, Ant. c. Ant. t. Card. m. Cinch, ILed.; on awaking, in aphonia, IFerr.; on awakng, bathed in (tuberculosis), IChin. a.; awakes, particularly on lower body, Astac.; on awaking, in whooping cough, IDros.; on awaking, disappears, IIPuls.; on awaking, sleep full of fatiguing dreams, ILye; on awaking, in morning, Sep.; awak- ing, in morning, in quotidian, IIPuls.; on awaking from a sound, Rumex ; on awaking, in heart disease, lAmm. c; on awaking, invig- orated, ICie; awaking often with, INatr. m.; very little, on awaking (after heat of inter- mittent), lArs.; profuse, on awaking, I ILac def, I IPtel,Samb.; in afternoon,rheumatism, I Ant. t; particularly on back and neck, Chin. s.; better after sleep, Are.; children and old people (intermittent), HOp.; during day, ICaust; day or night, IBelb; disturbs, Ta- rax ; profuse, all over, as soon as she falls into a doze (pneumonia), HStram.; drowsi- ness, Asaf, Calad, INux m.; drowsiness, after sweat, Case; falling asleep during, IIMerc; on falling asleep, most on head (quotidian), IITarax.; difficult falling asleep, ISul.; during first sleep, Calc; followed by sleep, Are. h.; on going to, better after sleep- ing a while, IIArs.; day or night, as soon as patient lay down, side uppermost com- menced to perspire profusely, INux v.; less after sleep, I IHelb; in morning, Bor.; day or night,on sleeping or even when closing eyes, HCon.; profuse, on face and neck, Med.; dur- ing siesta, ICarbo a.; sleepiness (intermit- tent), I Ant. t; sleepless (tertian), IINuxv.; stupid, ISpong.; uneasy, Calc. fl®" night. Sweat, smarting: fl®* skin. Sweat, sour : fl®* acid. Sweat, sticky : fl®° clammy. Sweat, stomach: follows chilly feeling in stomach, Merc, per.; cramps, ICale; pain, into chest, came on at night, in morning, after getting up, before dinner and in afternoon about 5 (cardialgia), I IPetrol.; twisting pain, 8 to 9 a.m., ICoccul. Sweat, stool: before stool, Aeon, Bell, Dulc, ITromb.; before stool, hot or cold, IMere; dur- ing stool, Agar, ^Atrop. s, Cham, ICoccul, Crot. t, Dulc, Gamb, Mere, Ptel, I IRatan, Stram, ISul, ITromb, IVer.; warm, during stool, ISub; after stool, I Aloe, I Are.; after stool, in colic, IIAloe; in diarrhoea, ICrot t, I IRatan.; after stool, lArs, Como, Crot. t, Merc, ISul. Sweat, suppressed: lAspar, 7rAur. mur. nat, Carb.s, ICham, ICinch, IDulc, 1101. caje.; after exposure to draught of air (yellow fever), ICadm. s.; catarrh, fever, local inflammations, etc, IIAcon.; from sudden cooling, IDulc; during confinement, IBry.; diarrhoea from sudden check (cholera), 1101. caje; dropsy, I Ascl.s.; dysentery, IINux v.; of feet,IIBar. c; lameness, from suddenly checked, particularly on feet, by getting wet all over, HColch.; spinal meningitis, lAcon.; otitis, ICact.; paral- ysis after sudden suppression, particularly foot sweat, by getting wet, IColch.; congestive pneumonia, IGels.; prosopalgia, llgn.; rain or dampness, when patient has become warm from exercise and has been in a free sweat, Rhus; rheumatism, 11 Act. sp.; skin symp- toms worse, Cham.; sudden cessation, Val.; suddenly, in neuralgia, I ITereb.; toothache, ICham, Rhus, ISib; in typhoid, IColch. Sweat, thirst: Absin, lAcon, I I Arn, lArs, IBry, I ICale, HCham, IChin. s, HCinch, I ICina, HCoff, HColch, IICup. m, IDiad, I IDros, Euphor, IGels, IHep,I IHyos , Hod, IIMagn. m, IIMerc, HNatr.e, INatr. m, IIRan. sc, IIRhus, I IRuta, ISee, I ISil, HStann, IStram, IISul, ITarax, I IVer.; precedes thirst, lAnt. e; follows thirst,IStram.; thirst, I ILye; absent during, 11 Amm.m., lAnt. t. Apis, IIArs, IIAsaf, IIBell, HCamph, HCaps, HCaust, HCycb, IDiad, lEuphor, IIHelb, I llgn, I llpec, I IMang, IMenyanth, INux m, IPhos, IPuls, ISabad, I ISabina, HSamb, I ISep, HSpig, I IStaph.; in inter- mittent, IIArs, IIEup. perf, INatr. m, I IPuls.; on head or feet, with thirst, from 12 p.m. till morning, Magn. m.; for milk, Anac; after 12 p.m. till morning, IMagn. c; in quo- tidian, HVer.; in tertian, HSep.; for cold water, morning on awaking, Jamb. Sweat, throbbing: after throbbing through whole body, Tell. Sweat, tobacco: caused by smoking, INatr. m. Sweat, toothache: during sweat, HCinch, Daph.; pain in eye tooth better, ICarbo a.; warm, Hyos.; better from sweat, I Aph. ch. Sweat, trembling : IIArs, Rhus; after trem- bling, Apis. Sweat, unconscious: IStram. Sweat, upper part of body: fl®* local. Sweat, urethra: caused by pains, Still. Sweat, urine : brown, soon turbid (intermittent), IIArs.; increased, with sweat on head, hands and feet, IPhos. Sweat, urination : before difficult, IPareira. Sweat, uterus: stitching aching or boring (me- tritis), IMere Sweat, vertigo: IIArs, Lachn, Oxal. ac, Stram.; during menses, IPhos. ac. Sweat, viscous : fl®° clammy. Sweat, vomiting: Eup. perf; after, Stram.; of bile, llris ; watery, IStram. fl®* Chap. 16, Vomiting, sweat. Sweat, weakness (debilitating, exhausting): Agar, IIAloe, I Amyl, 11 Anac, I Ars, IBry, HCale, HCamph, HCarbo a, HCaust, I IChin. m, IChin. s, IDig, IFerr, IGels, Hyos, Hod, IJab, ILye, IMere, INatr. m, I INux v, IPhos. ac, Sal.ac, ISamb, ISelen, ISep, IStann, ISub, Sul. ac, I ITubere, I IVer.; during apyrexia, Cinch.; retards con- valescence after delivery, ISamb.: exhausting, IKali ph.; with evening fever and alarming cough, I ISee; even to fainting, Ars.; in inter- mittent, I IKali br.; languor and prostration, IGels.; in morning, ICarbo v. Hod.; at night, IIKali iod.; night and morning, most profuse on neck, IStann.; phthisis, HSubac; profuse, 11 Cup. m.; profuse, day and night, last through apyrexia, ISamb.; with hot skin, ICale; after sleep, ILac e; particularly thighs, ICarbo a.; in typhoid fever, IMere fl®* cold, colli- quative, night, profuse. Sweat, white : stains, Selen. 71 1122 41. ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. Sweat, women: Arund. Sweat, yawning: Calad. Sweat, yellow: I I Ars, Belb, HCarbo a, IFerr, IIGraph, llpec, ILach, IMagn. c, IIMerc, Rheum, Selen, IVer.; brownish, IBell, Carbo a, ILach, Selen, Thuya; in intermittent, ISamb.; during apyrexia, lElat.; in yellow fever, IILach,; stiffening linen, IIMerc; saf- fron, cannot be removed by washing, IIMerc; difficult to wash out, I I Lac. def. TEMPERATURE, decreased (fallen, low, subnormal): Arg.nit, Are. h, I Ars, Chlor, Gup. ac, Eucab, Kali br. Lye vir.; when itching is most intense (pruritus senilis),IMez.; in melancholy and jealousy, IKali are.; sud- den fall, in meningitis, I Ant. t; in paralysis, Anac oe; in peritonitis, ICrotab; in scarla- tina, ICup. ac, IHep.; typho-malarial fever, twentieth day, IHam.; 96,in shock, IHyper.; 97.3 in diphtheria of lips, I IRhus. Temperature, increased (above normal): An- throk, Ant. t, Arg. nit, Atrop. s, Cornus, 11 Petrob, 11 Plat.; slightly, in anthrax, Anthrac; in acute catarrh jIAntt; transiently, in convulsions of children, Hgn.; in erysipe- las of face and scalp* ICinch.; in evening, Astac; especially of head (typhoid fever), IIRhus; in pneumonia, I Ant. t; in catarrhal pneumonia, IBapt; in rheumatism, lAnt t, sudden, with small, weak pulse, during^aes- quamative stage of scarlet fever, ILye; 100, in phthisis, IBrom.; 100 to 104, seldom rises to 105 or 106 (hydrophobia), Lyss.; 101, in diph- theritic croup, IKali bb; 102, in tetanus, after a burn, lAmyb; 102, in tonsillitis, I ILac e; 102.6, in diphtheria, after failure of Lachesis, ILac c; 103, in acute rheumatism, I ILacc; 103.2, in bilious colic, llris ; 103.2, in morbus coxarius, I IStaph.; 1031, in diphtheria, I ILac e; 103.3, in pneumonia, I IStram.; 103.7, in bronchopneumonia, ILye; 104.2, in cholera infantum, I IVer.; 104, in remittent fever, IHyos.; 104, in septicaemia; I ISal. ac; 104£, 11 Var.; 104£, in traumatic meningitis,IHyper.; 104 to 105, in diphtheria, ILach.; 104: and over, Hippoz.; 105, Asinn; 105, in headache, HZine; 105; in polyarthritis rheumatica, I ISal; ae; 105; in septic fever, I ISal. ae; 105.5, HVer. v.; 105 to 106 in intermittent, INatr. m.; 105 to 107, with, slight fluctuations, in cholera infantum, I IZinc; 106, Hippoz,; 106, in typhoid, IHelb; 106J-, in evening (pneumo- nia), 11 Phos. 41. ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. ATTACKS, alternate: IKali bi. Attacks, antepone : Absinth, fl®* Chap. 40, Chill. Attacks, in Autumn: IlAur, IBry, ICinch. HColch, Hep, IIMerc, Nux v., IIRhus Stram, IVer.; abdominal complaints, Iris angina tonsillaris, Bar. m.; neuralgia in arms Ver.; asthma worse, Cinch.; bilious attacks Hep.; early, until next summer, catarrhal at- tacks, Coccus; cough, Iod, Kreo, Lact. ac. epidemic, spasmodic cough, Cepa ; spasmodic dry cough,Cina ; whooping cough, epidemic IVer.; diarrhoea, lArs, Ascl, Bapt, HColch. llpec, IVer.; epidemic diarrhoea, INux m. bilious diarrhoea, lllris, IIMerc. cor.; dysen tery, I Ascl. t, IBapt, HColch, IIpec,IMerc nocturnal enuresis, worse, IPuls.; eruptions (herpes), ILach.; discharge, and burning erup- tions on limbs, Graph.; intermittent fever, INatr. m.; remittent fever, ISub; gastric symptoms and rheumatism, alternating, Kali bb; rheumatism, Calc. p.; stinging in throat, Merc; damp weather, rheumatic toothache, lAnt t. Attacks, increasing: pains gradually, disap- pear suddenly, Arg. met.; pains increase and decrease gradually, IStann.: and decreasing periodically, Bar. e; and decreasing quickly, or gradually increasing or decreasing, lArg. nit:; slowly, suddenly disappearing, pressing pains in different parts, ISul. ae; to a high degree, then diminishing in the same way, stitches, with paralytic weakness or tearing, All. sat. fl®* sudden. Attacks, intermitting : cease for one or two days, then continue for a couple of days, Anac; for hours, or a day, Oxal. ae; at regu- lar intervals, Asaf; pain, Arum m.; sudden, sharp pains, like a stab, Alumin.; come in paroxysms, ITabae; continually relapsing, seem to get almost well when disease returns, IISul. Attacks, in accordance with phases of the moon: anchylosis, leaving a small, hard tumor, before full, I IStaph.; asthma, at full, Spong.; bloodboils instead of asthma, at new, ICale; cough worse, at new or full, ISabad.; at decrease, IDaph, Phelb; ears feel stuffed dur- ing full, Graph.; epilepsy worse at fullJICale; epileptic, during new, Cup. m, ISib- erup- tions dry, during decreasing, IClem.; eruption inflamed, at increasing, IClem.; eruption on thighs and bends of knees, at full, Bov.- during full; Cycl, Natr. e; during increase Arn Cinch, Phelb; during increase, scirrhus left mamma, with stitches in shoulder worse eruption looks inflamed, Clem.; leucorrhcea worse, before full, Lye; liver complaint at new or full, ISib; at new, 2 a.m., Kali br • during new, Amm.c; at new, re»ularlv at ^ p.m. Kali br; skin symptoms worse at new and full, 11 Alum.; sleep walking, at new or full (lumbricoid worms), I ISib; spasms at full Natr. m.; spasms, at new, IBufo.;' uterinp flow, during new or full, Croc. Attacks, periodical: IIAcon, IIAlum Amb IAnae,IAnt c. Ant. t, lArn, IIArs IIW „ IIBell, Bov, IIBry, ICale, Cann, Wantr!*; 41. ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. 1123 ICaps, ICarbo v, I ICarb. s, HCinch, I ICina, Clem, Coccul, Colch, I ICroe, Cupr, Dros, Ferr, Graph, llgn, lllpec, IILach, ILye, Menyanth, Merc, IINatr. m, Nitr, INux v, HPetrol, IPlumb, IPuls, IRhod, IRhus, ISabad,J ISamb, Sec, ISep, Spig, IStaph, ISul, 11 Val,I Ver, Zinc.'; symptoms; in groups, Cup. m.; pains, in scirrhus mammae, IBrom.; at regular intervals, 11 Carb. s. Attacks, short: pains, IIBell. Attacks, in .Spring: IIAcon, I Amb, IlAur. met, IBell, IIBry, ICale, I ICarbo v, Dulc, IIGels, IILach, ILye, IINatr. in, Nux v, IIPuls, IRhus, I ISep, I ISil, IISul, IVer.; abdominal complaints, Iris; angina tonsil- laris, Bar. m.; neuralgia in arms, Ver.; asthma, on first of May, for several vears, Nux v.; bilious attacks, Hep.; for three years, ten- dency to reappearance of carcinoma of lip, ringworm-like eruption, Sep.; coryza, Cepa; cough, Kreo, I ILact. ac, Syph.; cough, spas- modic, dry, Cina; whooping cough, IVer.; diarrhoea, Lach.; eruptions, herpes, ILach.; eruption, single pustules appear (after imper- fectly cured itch), IISul. ac; eruption, ring- worm-like, ISep.; eruption, legs covered with scales, in intermittent fever, or after sup- pression in previous Fall, by quinine, Laeh.; sycotic exanthema, Natr. s, Sars.; every year, on 13th of May, seized with burning itching of skin, lasting twenty-four hours, Rhus ; facial neuralgia, returns (in a man who used liquor), IINuxv.; faceache from toothache during sharp East wind, Rhod.; intermittent fever, Ign, INatr. m, Nux v, I ISabad.; in- termittent fever recurs after suppression in Fall by quinine, ILach.; gastric symptoms and rheumatism alternating, Kali bi.; inter- mitting neuralgia, fever, Nux v.; prostration, Apis, IBry, IGels.; stinging pains in throat, Marc; toothache, IILach.? Natr. mi, IPuls.; rheumatic toothache, lAnt. t; vertigo, Apis. Attacks, sudden: Camph.; disappear rapidly, Arum t, IIBell, HPetrol.; last a short time, disappear suddenly, IIBell, Carbol. ae; pains, Act. rac. Attacks, in Summer: Ant. c. Bar. c, IBell, IBry, ICarbo v, Cham, Cinnab, Graph, ILach, Lye, INatr. c, IINatr. m, Nux v, IPuls, HSelen, Sep;, Thuya; angina, with acute or chronic rheumatism, in August, for nine years, sinking chills, Lach.; chronic asth- ma, especially when weather is warm and damp, I ISyph.; hay asthma, middle of Au- gust, Sinap.; hav asthma, for eleven years, on 20th of August,"Psor.; hay asthma, about the last of August, ISib; hay asthma, in August, morning coryza, Cepa ; roughness of cheeks, Kalm.; chilly, day and night, Diad.; colic, in sudden changes, IColoe; conjunctivitis, HSep.; cough worse, I ISang.; diarrhoea, I Aeon, lyEthus, I Ang, I Ant. t, I Ars, IBism, HCamph, ICarbo v, ICarbol. ac, Coff, ICrotal, HCrot. t, ICup. ac, ICup. ars, IFerr. ph, IGamb, Hyper, Hod, Kali bi, IKali br, ILach, INatr. m, Natr. p, Nux m, IPhos, IPhos. ac, IPod, IPolyp, IRheum, ISee, I 'Sep, ISub ac, HVer.; diarrhcea dur- ing August, See; diarrhoea, suddenly, Jatroph.; J eruption on hand, Sub; discharge and burn- ing of eruptions, Graph.; eruption on one hand, terribly itching and burning after scratching, worse night, spreads up arm to shoulder, I ISub; eruption, red, itching pim- ples on face, cheeks, and around mouth, Mur. ae; eruption, scaly, on scalp better, sore feet, Sib; feet burn, Vespa ; interminable fever, Sec; intermittent fever, in beginning, ILach.; head- ache, worse every day with the sun, Glon.; influenza, ICepa; neuralgia in midsummer, Sub; scarlatina, IVer.; sciatica, alternates with cough in Winter, I IStaph.; spasmodic symptoms alternate with a trance, I IStram.; for many years, affection of stomach, Guaiae; trachoma and follicular conjunctivitis, violent throbbing in chilblains, Nux v.; toothache, Natr. m, Lach. Attacks, weekly: Ars.h, Canth, HSub; every two weeks, Ars. met.; every two, headache, Niccol.; every third, IIMagn. c. Attacks, in "Winter: lAcon, I IAgar, lAmm c, lArs, HAur. met, IIBar. c, IIBell, Bov, IBry,, I ICale, ICamph, HCaps, Carbo a, I ICarbo v., ICaust, HCham, Cie, Cina, I ICoccul, Colch, I ICon, IDulc,Ferr,IHell, IHep, IIHyos, Illgn, lllpec, Jacea; IKali c, I ILye, Magn. c, I IMang, 11 Merc, Mez., IMosch, Natr. c, Natr. in, I'Nux m, • IINuxv, IPetrol, I IPhos, Phos. ac, IPuls, I IRhod, IIRhus, Ruta. ISabad, Sars, ISep, Sib, Spig, Spong, IStront, IISul, IVer.; epidemic of rheumatic inflammatory condi- tion of brain in children under seven years, IStram.; catarrh, with cough, Sep.; constipa- tion, every Monday, or on days after a fete, HStann.; cough, every February, Stann.; cough, Kreo.; chronic cough, Nitr. ae; bron- chial cough, succeeding asthma in Summer, cold pains in legs, Syph.; coUgh, rough scrap- ing, ICham.; cough returns in February, lasts till Summer, or warm weather, HStann.; cough, alternates with sciatica, in Summer, I IStaph.; for a number of years, eczema of left hand, Mere; eruption, itch manifests itself, I Aloe ; scaly eruption of scalp worse ; pain, swelling, and suppuration of foot, Sib; dark redness of fauces, with burning dryness, Mez.; in February, Mez.; cold feet, Sib; con- tinuous remittent fever, ISub; hands become bluish black, Cup. ac; headache, Bism.; head- ache worse, ulcer in leg better, remittent fever, Sub; hemorrhoids worse, JEsc. h.; hiccough worae,Nitr.ae; itching, for seven years,Dolich.; January, Mez.; intense cold pain in legs, worse in left, came on every night on lying down, lasts all night, better getting up and walking, and in warm weather, I ISyph.; pains in lower limbs, Ign.; neuralgia worse, midwinter, Sub; every eight years of her life, in month of January or February, attacks of scrofulous ophthalmia, Sub; prosopalgia, Nitr. sp. d.; rheumatism, I ISub; skin, symptoms worse, 11 Alum.; slightly elevated,smooth red patches like urticaria, Kali br.; whitlow, Hep. Attacks, yearly: complaints return when year comes round,IIArs.; hoarseness, Niccol.; rash, Ailant. 1124 42. LOCALITY AND DIRECTION.—43. SENSATIONS IN GENERAL. 42. LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. Direction. Locality. DIRECTION, diagonal: Agar, I ICale, IMagn. c, Nitr. ac, I ISil, Val. Direction, downward: Rheum, Selen. fl®» Chap. 40, Chill back. Direction, metastasis: fl®" Chap. 34, Joints gout, and Joints wandering pains; Chap.36, Neuralgia wandering; Chap. 9, Lower jaw parotid ; Chap. 34, Limbs rheumatism, and Limbs wandering pains; Chap. 46, Erup- tion suppressed. Direction, right to left, or left to right side : fl®* Special localities affected. Direction, upward: fl®» Chap. 40, Chill back. LOCALITY, onesided complaints: IAgar, 11 Alum., Amb, Amm. c., 11 Amm. m, 11 Anac, Ang, Ante, IIAnt. t, IApis, lArg. met, I Arn, Ars, IIAsaf, 11 Asar, Aur. met, IBar. c, IIBell, Bism, Bor, I IBqv, Bry, ICale, Camph, Cann, ICanth, Caps, Carbo a, 11 Carbo v, 11 Caust, Cham, I IChel, I ICinch, Cie, ICina, Clem, I ICoccus, Coff, Colch, Coloe, Con, I ICroe, Cup. m, ICycl, I IDig, Dros, IDulc, Euphor, Euph, Ferr, Graph, IGuaiac, IIHelb, IIHep, Hyos, Illgn, Iod, Jacea, IIKali c, IIKreo, Lach, Laur, I ILed, IILyc, IIMagn. c, IIMagn. m, IMang, IIMar. v, I IMenyanth, IIMerc, IMez, Mosch, IMur. ac, IINatr. c, Natr. m, Nitrum, I INitr. ac, I INux m, I INux v., lOleand, IParis, Petrol, IPhos, HPhos. ac, HPlat, HPlumb, Puis, Ran. b. Ran. s. Rheum, IIRhod, Rhus, Ruta, ISabad, ISa- bina, Samb, HSars, Selen, Seneg, Sep, Sil, ISpig, llSpong, HSquilla, I IStann, IStaph, IStront, Sul, IISul ac, HTarant, I IThuya, Val, 11 Verbas, Viol, IZinc. Locality, left side: IIAcon, Agar, Alum, IIAmb, Amm. c, Amm. m, Anac, Ang, I I Ante, I Ant. t, IIArg. nit, lArn, Ars, lArt v., lAsaf., lAsar., Ast r, I lAur. met. Bapt, Bar. e, Bell, Bism, Bor, Bov, Bry, ICale, HCamph, llCann, Canth, I ICaps, Carbo v, Caust, I IChel, ICinch, 11 Cie, Cina, Clem, Coccul, IColch, IColoe, I ICon, ICroe, ICup. m, I ICycl, Dig, Dros, I IDulc, HEuphor, Euph, Ferr, Graph, Guaiae, Hell, Hyos., Ign, Hod, Jacea, Kali c, IKreo, ILach, Lact. ac, Laur, Led, IILyc, Magn. c, IIMagn. m, Mang, Mar. v., Menyanth, IMere, Mez, Mur. ac, Natr. c, Natr. m, Nitrum, INitr. ac, I INux m, I INux v, Ole- and, Paris, I IPetrol, Phos, Phos. ac. Plat, Plumb, I Pod, Puis, Ran. b. Ran. s, IRheum, IRhod, Rhus, Sabad, Sabina, Samb, Sars, ISelen, Seneg, I ISep, ISpig, Spong, Squilla, HStann, I IStaph, Stront, ISul, Sul. ac, ITarax, Thuya, Val, I IVer, I IVerbas, I IViob, Zinc, fl®* Chap.36, Paralysis hemi- plegia. Locality, right side: Aeon., IAgar, I Alum, Amm.c, Amm. ni, Anac, 11 Ang, Antt, Arg. met, Arn, Ars, Art. v. Arum t, Ast. r, Asaf, Aur. met. Bar. e, IBell, I IBism, I IBor, I IBov, IBry, Calc,Camph, ICanth, Caps, 11 Carbo a., Carbo v, ICaust, I ICham, Ced, Chel, Cie, Cinch, Cina, Clem, Coccul, I ICoff, Colch, IIColoc, Cornus, Croc, Cycl, IIDig, IDros, Dulc, lElat, Euphor, I lEuph, Graph, I IGuaiac, Hell, IHep, Hyos, llgn, Iod, Jacea, Kali c, Kreo, Laur, Led, IILyc, Lyss, Magn. c, Magn. m, Mang,IMar. v, Menyanth, Merc, Mez, IMosch, I IMur. ac, Natr. c, Natr. m, I INitrum, Nitr. ac, Nux m, Nux v, Oleand, Pans, Petrol, Phos, I IPhos. ac. Plat, IPlumb, Puis, IRan. b. Rheum, Rhod, I IRhus, IRuta, ISabad, ISabina, Sars, I ISe- neg, Sep, HSib, Spig, Spong, HSquilla, btann. Staph, IStront, Sub, I ISubac, Tarax., Thuya, I IVal, Verbas, Zinc 43. SENSATIONS IN GENERAL. Sensation, aching: IIMagn. c, IMyr. cer, IStaph, Tell.; on awaking, Ptel. fl®° sore- ness. Sensation, of something alive: in muscles, Berb. fl®° Chap. 19, Abdomen motion. Sensation, anxiety: with vertigo, IIArs, ICale, ICanth, I ICaust, HCham, ICinch, I ICoff, ICup. m, IGels, ILye, IINux v, HPhos. ac, IIPuls, ISee, ISep, IStann, ISul, IVer. Sensation, aura: before fit (epilepsy) from ute- rus towards stomach, Bufo y U m ute Sensation, ball: inner parts, IIAcon iiA„n* I ICale, I ICaust, I IGraph- Illgn i #'' ILach, IPlumb,' I ISil, I IStram ' K&h C' Sensation, biting: I Amb., HCarbo v |pin„i, IClem, IDros, IHell, Hgn, llpec 11^' IMar. v, IMere, IMez, IINatr.m YlNnv °" IIPuls, IRan. b, IIRan. sc, IBhu^Sep' 43. SENSATIONS IN GENERAL. 1125 IStaph, IISul, HZine; biting, in evening, Ant. t. fl®" burning, smarting. Sensation, breaking: as if parts were broken, lAng, ICham, IChel, IlL'occul, IDros, Illgn, HPhos, IIRuta, IVer.; as if body were frail and easily broken, IThuya. Sensation, bubbling: IRheum, I ISquilla. Sensation, burning: IIAcon, HAnthrac, IApis, I Arn, IIArs, I Asaf, IIBell, IBor, IBry, ICale, ICarbo a, HCarbo v, HCanth, HCaust, IChel, ICie, ICinch, ICup. m, ICycb, IDulc, lEuphor, IGels, IGraph, IHep, llgn, llpec, IKali c, ILvc, IIMerc, Merc, sul, IMez, IMur. ac, INatr. e, IINux v, HPhos, IPhos. ac, IPuls, IRan. b, IIRhus, HSabad, ISars, ISee, I ISep, ISil, ISpig, HStann, IStaph, IISul, ISul. ac, I ITarant, ITarax, IVer, IZinc; as if sparks of fire were falling, HSec; as if cayenne pep- per were sprinkled, ICaps. Sensation, buzzing: ICaust, IKreo, IINux m, INux v, HOleand, I IOp, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, HSpig, HSub fl®" vibration. Sensation, as if caged in wires (hysteralgia): Cact. Sensation, clutching (grasping): lAmm. c, IBell, HCale, HCact, ICarbo a, lEuphor, Illgn, ILed, ILye, IMere, INux v, IPuls, HSil., HStann, IStront. Sensation of cobwebs: Alum, I IBar. c, IBor, I ICale, I IGraph, Magn.c, Phos. ac,Plumb, I IRan. sc, Sub ac. Sensation, as if cold air were blowing on him : Canth, HChel, Graph, Mosch, Nux v, I lOleand, Puis, Rhus, Sabina, Spig, Squilla, Stram. Sensation, constriction (like a band or liga- ture): 11 Aeon, I I Alum, I I Amm. m, IIAnae, IIAnt c, lAsar, I Aur. met, IIBell, IBism, IIBry, HCarbo v, I ICaust, ICinch, ICoc- cul, HCon, IColoc, I ICroe, IDig, IDros, IIFerr, IIGraph, Illgn, lllod, IIKali e, IIKreo, ILye, IIMerc, IMosch, IINatr. c, INatr. m, IINitr. ac, IINux m, IINuxv, I lOleand, I IOp, I IPetrol, IPhos, IPhos. ac, HPlat, HPlumb, IIPuls, I IRhod, IIRhus, IIRuta, HSabad, IStann, IISul, ISub ac, IThuya, IVer. Sensation, contraction: painful, INuxm. Sensation, cramplike pains : in muscles, Anac, IGels, Zinc; as if bruised, IPlat. Sensation, crawling: Anag, Arund, Astac, ISee, I IZinc; after drinking (quotidian), lArs.; horripilations in affected parts (inter- mittent), IGuaraea; like a mouse, IIBell, ' HCale, I INitr. ac, I IRhod, ISep, HSub; be- tween skin and flesh, ISee; as if gone to sleep, Hgn.; tingling, with a feeling as if asleep, or of heaviness (neuralgia), I ITereb. fl®* aura, formication. Sensation, crepitation (crackling): IIAcon, I ICale, I IPuls, IIRheum, ISpig. Sensation, cutting: IIAlum, I Ang, I Arn, IIBell, ICalad, HCale, HCanth, HCinch, IColoc, ICon, IIDros, IGraph, llgn, IIKali c, HLye, IIMerc, IMur. ac, HNatr.e, INux v.', IParis, HPhos, IPhos. ac, IPuls, IRheum, IRhus, ISamb, ISep, ISil, IStann, IStaph, IStront, ISul. ac, IISul. Sensation, darting: Hydr. ae; lightning-like, from place to place, Caust. Sensation, digging: lAcon, lAmm. m, I Arn, lAsaf, IBell, IBov, IBry, ICale, ICina, IIDulc, IKali c, INatr. c, IPhos, IPlat, IIRhod, IRuta, ISep, HSpig, IStann. Sensation, discomfort (uncomfortable): Are, Camph, ICard. in, I IChel, Hippoz, INux m. Zinc; on awaking, Ant. t; did not know what to do, I IZing.; drowsiness, Cact; after eating, Ant e; as if headache would return, llgn.; with heat, evening, worse right side of face, Ran. b.; internal, Zinc; stomach com- plaint, IKali bi. fl®" distress, uneasiness. Sensation, distension (bursting): HArn, IIArs, IlAur. met, IBell, IBism., I IBov, IIBry, HCale, ICaps, I ICarbo v, ICaust, I ICinch, ICon, I IDulc, lEuphor, IGuaiac, IIHyos, Illgn, IKali c, ILaur, Lye, IIMerc, HNitrum, IINux m, IINux v.* HOleand, I IOp, IParis, HPlumb, IIPuls, IIRan. b, IIRan. sc, IIRhus, ISabina, I ISeneg, HSep, ISil, HSpig, I IStann, I IStaph, IStront, I ISul. ac, I IZinc. fl®** largeness. Sensation, distress : Apis, Vespa ; shock from injury, IOp.; before stool, IKali e fl®" dis- comfort, uneasiness. Sensation, as if dislocated: I Amb, HArn, I Asar, IBry, I ICale, ICarbo v, ICaust, IGraph, Illgn, ILye, IMez, HNatr.m, INi- trum, HPetrol, HPhos, IIPuls, IIRhod, IIRhus, ISpig, IStann, IISul. Sensation, drawing: Bry, Graph, Vab; with coldness, after meals, ICamph.; in muscles (cholera Asiatica), ICup.m.; in muscles, shift- ing rapidly from place to place, worse at night, from warmth, better from uncovering, IPuls.; paralytic,Aloe, Cheb; transient,cramp- like, here and there, IPlat. Sensation, dulness: ISticta. Sensation, electric: shocks here and there, Act. rac; as if surcharged, Kalm.; all over, as if under the influence of a slight galvanic shock, Cain.; nerves, as if he had been electri- fied, it goes in a straight line from roof of mouth downward towards his feet, afterwards diffusing over whole body, Nux m.; electri- fied, when he touches anything, Alum. Sensation, emptiness: ICalad.,1 ICoccul,I llgn, IKali c, IMur. ac, lOleand, IIPuls, ISars, HSep, HStann, ISul,Zing.; as if whole body were hollow, IKali e; internal, Aur. met. Sensation, ether: feeling as after inhaling. IGlon. Sensation, formication: IIAcon, I Alum, HArn, Cann. i, ICanth, Caps, ICaust, I IColch,ICroc, Crot, IKali c, IMereJNatr. c, INatr. m, IINux v, IPhos. ac, HPlat, IPuls, IRan. b, IRhod, IIRhus, ISabad, HSec, HSep, HSpig, ISul, IZinc; in affec- ted part, IColoe; around right ear, Calad.; evening, with dyspnoea, Cist; on face, gums and other parts of body, as if mice were creep- ing under skin, with tearing, stinging, I ISee; as of vermin running, Aloe, fl®" crawl- ing, numbness, tingling. Sensation,fulness: IIAcon,IArn,IAsaf,IAsar, IBar. c, IBell, ICanth, ICarbo v, ICham, HCinch, ICon, ICycl, IFerr.JHell, IKalic, ILye, HMosch, INux m, HPhos, IPuls, IRan. sc, IIRhus, ISabina, ISep, IISul, IVal.; as of too much blood in different parts, JEsc. h.; in inner parts, IRhus; from playing piano, Anac; puffy feeling, I Aeon, 1126 43. SENSATIONS IN GENERAL. lAmm. m, IIAnt c, IIArn, lArs, lAsaf, IBar. e, IBelb, IBry, HCale, HCaps, I ICoc- cul., IIColoc, IICup. m, IIDulc, IIFerr, I IGraph, Guaiae, I IHyos, I llpec, 11 Kalic, I ILed, IILyc, HMosch, lOleand, IPuls, IRhus, ISeneg, HSib, ISpig, llSpong, HStram, IISul. Sensation, furry: inwardly, Caust, 11 Coccul, Dros, I IMere c, Nux m, IPhos, IPuls. Sensation, gnawing: Agnus, I Alum, IBar. e, ICanth, ICham, IDros, IKali c, IMenyanth, IParis, IPhos., HPhos. ac, HPlat, IPuls, IIRan. sc, IRuta, HSpong., HStaph, ITarax. Sensation, growing : pains, HPhos. ac; inner parts as if grown together, I IBry, I lEuphor, IIHep, IMez, IINux v, I IPhos, IPlumb, ' I IPuls, IIRhus, ISep, I IThuya. Sensation, gurgling; lAmb, lAnt.c, lAsaf, Berb, IBell, IColch, ILye, INux v, IPuls, IIRheum, ISpig, HSquilla, ITarax. Sensation, hammering; fl®" throbbing. Sensation, heat: I Alum, lAsar., llCann, Hod, ILaur, IMang, INux m, INux v, ISabad, ISeneg, IISul. ae,J Ver.; from above downward, Glon.; as if air just in front of her were hot, I ISub; like hot lightning, I I^Eseh.; as if the room were too warm, Stilling.; as if hot water were poured over him, Cann. i. Sensation, heaviness : HAcon,IAlum,IAmm. c, lAmm. m. Apis, lArg. nit, Asaf, IBar. c. Bar. in, IIBell, IIBism, IBor, IBov,Brach, IBry, HCale, Calad, ICarbo a, ICarbo v. Castor, Chen, v, ICinch, Dory, IGraph, IHell, IHelon, IKali bi, IKali c, IKreo, ILach, ILaur, ILed, ILye, IMagn. c, IMagn. m, IMere, IMere iod. flav, IMez, IMur. ac, Natr. a, INatr. c, INatr. in, I I Natr. ph, INuxm, IINux v,J01eand,IOp,IIPhos, IPlumb, IIPuls, IRhod, IIRhus, IRuta, ISabad, ISabina, Sang, ISep, HSil, I ISpig, ISpong, HStann, IStaph, IISul, I ITereb, IThuya, IVer, Zinc; especially when ascend- ing (progressive spinal paralysis), IPhos.; as after drunkenness, Agar.; better moving, INatr. e; in muscles, 11 Amyb; from playing piano, Anac; as if one were awaking from a heavy sleep, Rheum ; disinclination to move and walk, IINatr. m. Sensation, illusory: Ind. Sensation, itching : fl®° Chap. 46, Skin itch- ing. Sensation, jerking : I Aeon, I Alum, I Anac, lArn, IIAsaf, lAur. met, IBell, IBry, HCale, HCaust, ICann, HCic, ICina, ICinch, IClem, IColch, IColoc, IGraph, Illgn, ILye, IIMang, IMere, INatr. c, IINatr. m, IINitr. ac, INux m, IINux v, IPetrol, IPetroseb, IPhos, HPlat, IIPuls, IIRhus, HSep, HSib, HSpig, ISpong, HStann, IISul, IISul. ac, ITarax, IVal, IVer.; pains confined to small spots, like short stitches, lasting only a few seconds, Oxal. ac. Sensation, lameness: HAbrot, Are. s. f, I Aurant, I Aur. met, IBar. e, IBell, Berb, IBism, Bov, ICham, Chel, HCina, ICinch, HCoccul, IColch, HCycb,Diad,Gels,Lib tig. Lye vir, I IMeph, IMere, IMez, Myr. cer, INatr.m, INux m, IINux v,Polyp, I IPsor, IIRhus, HSabina, ISiL, IStaph,Stram, IVer.; as from a cold, Iber.; with headache, Calc. a.; . desire to keep quiet, IBry. fl®" paralytic. Sensation, largeness: of body, or part of it, Belb; single parts feel larger and thicker, Cann. b; affection of vaso-motor nerves, IKali br. ^ llXJ Sensation, lightness: I Are, ICoff, ll-tlyos, IMez, IOp.; airy, I ISticta, IStram.; as though she could float or hover in air, after typhoid fever (nervous affection), IManc; as if lifted, Aeon.; as if raised from ground,! Asaf, Cann. l, IIHep, IILyc, IMere, IINux v, IPhos, IPlat, IIRan. b, ISpig, IISul. ac, HVal, IVer.; as if swimming or flying in air, Calc. a.; when walking, Thuya. Sensation, motion : through whole body, now a prickling, now a stinging, Ang.; feeling of inability to move even a finger, iber.; up and down, IILach, Plumb, ISpong.; nervous, Agar, fl®* Chap. 36, Nervousness. Sensation, numbness: IIAcon, I Amb, Ant. t, lArg. met, IBar. c, Calad, ICale, Cann. b, HCarbo a, ICarbo v., ICham., ICinch, HCoc- cul, HCroc, Crotal, Diose, Gels, IIGraph, IGuaiac, Hgn, IKali br, IIKali c, IILyc, IMagn. m, IIMerc, INatr. m, INux v., IOp, Oxal. ac, IPetrol, IPhos, IPlat, IPuls, IRhod, IRhus, ISep, HSil, ISul, I ITabae, IVer.; angina pectoris, lAct. rac; especially arms, lAct. rac; as from a blow, here and there,especially on head,always in small spots, IPlat.; catarrhal headache, Gymn.; asif head became enlarged, with ill humor and nausea, Meph.; with hemiplegia, ICoccus ; of parts on which he lies, Cinch, IIRhus; worse lying down, Diose, Zinc; in lower portion of body, Spong.; migratory, coming and going, ICoc- cul.; in affected muscles (epilepsy), INux v. Sensation, numb: in neuralgia, IITereb.; par- oxysms, as if needles were pricking him, Kali br.; after unpleasant news, Calc. p.; after pains, -Lye; peculiar, approaching palsy (angina pectoris), 11 Oxal. ae; occasional, sud- den, paroxysmal (affection of vaso-motor nerves), IKali br.; with pricking, lAcon, I IPhos, IRhus; with quivering, Med.; of right side (cancer of breast), IApis ; one side of head, with coldness, ICon.; to side not lain on, I IFluor. ae; worse on left side, Xan.; of leftside (epilepsy), I Art. v.; of left side (incip- ient paralysis), ILach.; left side (paralysisof limbs), IIAcon.; left side, with weakness and coldness (hemiplegia), lElaps ; lasting a short time, Irid.; with somnolence, Cheb; of body, upper half, IBar.e; as if made of wood, Kali n. fl®" formication, lameness, paralytic. Sensation, oppression: IPhyt.; with swelling; of whole body, Bufo. Sensation, pain (undefined): lAcon, Act rac IApis, Calab, Hippoz, Merc, s.; drive to des- pair, does not want to live, Aur. met.; fleet- ing, transient and hard to describe Pilhd'■ in hysteria, IMosch.; through left half about midnight, I I Asaf; at night, I Aeon, Tell • at night, commencing at 2 p.m., gradually'in- crease until they reach their acme at 9 p m continue exceedingly acute until 3 or 4 am ' subsiding with daybreak, ISyph.; oversensi* tive, lAcon, lAsar, IlAur. met Brv ICanth, HCham, ICinch, ICoccul HPnff' IColch, ICon, ICup. m, IHyos,' IlLvc' IMere c, INatr. c,INux v, IPetrol., IIPh0«" HSep, ISpig, I IVal, I IZinc; small spots enn be covered with point of finger, IIKali'bi- 43. SENSATIONS IN GENERAL. 1127 greatly aggravated by thinking of them, Oxal. ac; susceptible to all sorts, on thinking of them, Aur. met. Sensation, paralytic: II^Ec h, Dros, IIKali ph.; in vicarious menses, IDig.; as if about to be paralyzed, IHydr. ac, Syph.; painful, ICoccul.; with pains, IColch.; precede para- plegia, See; in pneumonia, lAnt. c. Ant t; affection of vaso-motor nerves, IKali br.; as after vexation, ICist.; after a short walk,ICon. Sensation, pecking or picking: HCinch, I ICoccul, I IRuta, IVerbas. Sensation, peculiar (queer, strange): Cann. i, IBrom, Iodof, Spong.; in diarrhoea, IApis; as if she could feel every muscle and fibre of her right side from shoulder to feet, HSep.; pains produce two sensations, an external one seems to be in muscles and joints, and an in- ternal one, deeper and more unbearable, so much so that it seems by its profound nature to control external ones and to cause them to disappear, afterwards reappearing intensified in external sensations, Syph. Sensation, pinching: I Amm. c, IBelb, IBry, I ICale, ICann, ICanth, ICarbo v, ICheb, ICinch, HCoccul, IDulc, IGraph, IHell, IHyos, Illgn,UpecJKali c,HLyc,HMeny- anth, IMere, IMur. ac, INatr. c, INatr. m, IParis, IPetrol, IPhos, IPlat, IPuls,IRan, IIRhod, IRhus, IRuta,I ISabad, ISep, ISpig, ISpong, HStann, IStaph, ISul, IThuya, IVer, IVerbas, IZinc Sensation, like a plug (nail): I IAgar, lAnae, I Ant. c, I Arn, lAsaf, ICoff, i ICroe, Hell, IHep, Illgn, I ILach, INux v, I IPlat, IRuta, ISpong, ISul. Sensation, pressing: 1Anac,IArg.met,HAm, IIBell,HCalc, HCarbo v, HCaust, HCinch, ICvcl, llgn, ILil. tig, IILyc, INatr. m,INux v., lOleand, IPhos, IPhos.ae, IPhyt, IPlat, IRuta, ISars, ISep, HStann, HStaph, ISul, ITarax, IVer, IZinc; in different parts, in- creasing slowly and suddenly disappearing, ISubae; as from pressure upon a nerve (get- ting asleep, affection of heart), INatr. m.; pain here and there, Ind. Sensation, pricking: Act. rac, lAcon, IApis, Arn, IDros, Ipec, IMez, IPhos, HPlat, IIRan. sc, Tarant, Xan.; before asthma, ILobel. i.; like that of the bite of a fly, I lAnthrac. fl®" stinging. Sensation, pulsating : fl®" throbbing. Sensation, quivering : with tingling and numb- ness, Med. Sensation, roughness: inner parts, lAlum, ICale, HCarbo v, ICaust, ICoccul, IDig, IDros, ILaur, IMagn. c, Nux m, IINux v, IParis, HPhos, IPhos. ac, IPuls, IRhus, ISars, ISeneg, IStann, IStront, IISul, ISul. ac, IZinc. Sensation, scraping: IIAsaf, ICinch, ILye, Phos. ac, I IPuls, IRhus, I ISabad.; in bones, I Asaf, HCinch, IPhos.ae, IIPuls, IIRhus, ISabad, I ISpig. Sensation, sharp pains: Iodof. Sensation, shooting: Berb, IIBufo, Lobel. h; at intervals,change place, Magn. p.; like light- ning, ITereb.; in tumors, Ananth. Sensation, shuddering: nervous, through up- per and back parts of body, Act. rac. Sensation, sick feeling: Abrot, IIAcon, I Alum, Ant. c, I Ant. t, lArs, IBry, IChel, IChin. s, ICon, IIGels, ILac def, IMez, Myr. cer, INux m, IINux v, Nitr. ac, I IPtel, Sabad, ISpong, ISul, Sum, I IThuya, I IVer, I IZinc; on awaking, ILach.; after being chilled (haematuria), llpec; day and night, Zing.; die away feeling seems to extend through heart to back, accompanied with quivering around breastbone, and pain in nerves, from left side of chest to throat and lower jaw, ILyss.; caused by burning in head (itch), ILach.; in hysteria, IMosch.; during menses, Zing.; tired feeling, with pains over left eye, Ind.; during a walk, feels as if she must lie down and die (pregnancy), IKali e Sensation, sinking: sensation all over, fancied she would sink through bed, IDulc. Sensation,smarting: Apis.fl®°biting,burning. Sensation, hard parts feel soft: I ICaust, IMere, Mez, Nitr. ac, INux m. Sensation, soreness (beaten or bruised feel- ing): lAcon, IIAct. rac, JEsc. h, IAgar, Agnus, I Alum, Amm. c, I Ang, I Arg. met, II Arn,I Asar.,I Aur. met, IBrom,IBry,ICale, ICamph, HCanth, ICaust, HCic, HCinch, HCoccul, ICroe, Crot. t, IIDros, IIEup. perf., IFerr, Gamb, IIGels, IHell, IIHep, IHyper, IHydrocot, llgn, ILach, ILith, Lyss, IMagn. e, IMagn. m, Med, IMere, IMere iod.flav, IMyr. cer, INatr. c, IINatr. m, Niccol, INux m, IINux v, lOleand, IPhos, IPhos. ac, IPhyt, IPlat, IPuls, IRan. b, IIRhus, IIRuta, Sabad, Seneg, ISep, ISil, ISpig, IStann, Staph, IISul, ISub ac, Tarant, IThuya, Uva ursi, IVal, HVer, IZinc; on awaking, I^Ese h, Pteb; as if from cold, IDulc, Iber.; spotted fever, lAct. rac; with pains in head, as if he had taken cold, Stilling.; in morning, can neither sit nor lie down, Lyss.; better moving, Are.h, IIRhus; worse from any motion, liEse h, I Arn., IBry, IHep.; purpura hsemor- rhagica, I ITereb.; caused restless turn- ing, Tell.; rheumatism, IIRan. b.; with burn- ing along spine, developed by study, IPic.ae; like torticollis, Colch.; in upper portion of body, Spong.; with weakness and heaviness of legs and back, I IPic. ac. Sensation, splinter: ICarbo v, ICie, Colch, IHep, INitr.ac, I IPetrol, Plat, IIRan. b, ISil, IISul. Sensation, as of sprain : in outer parts, IIRhus. Sensation, squeezing: ITereb. Sensation, sticking: fl®" pricking, stinging. Sensation, stiffness: Lyss.; suppressed gonor- rhoea, IIMed. Sensation, stinging: HApis, IGels, IKali c, HLed.; like bee'sting, HApis; in different parts at same time (compareCrot. t), ICanth.; inner parts, ISep. fl®" pricking, stitches. Sensation, stitches: IIAcon, lAlum, lAmm. m, lArn, IIAsaf, IIBell, IBov, IIBrv, HCale, HCanth, ICaust, ICheb, HCinch, ICoccul, IColch, HCon, IDros, IGraph, IHell, Illgn, IJacea, IIKali c, IKreo, ILaur, IMagn. c, IMagn. m, IMenyanth, IIMerc, IMur. ae, INatr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ac, IParis, HPhos, IPhos. ac., IPlumb, IIPuls, IRan. sc, IIRhus, ISabad, ISabina, ISars, HSep, ISil, I ISpig, ISpong, IStann., HStaph, IISul, ITarax, I IThuya, II Verbas, IZinc; in jerks, feels sore all over, worse in morning, INux m. 1128 43. SENSATIONS IN GENERAL. Sensation, strumming: in intermittent fever, llgn. Sensation, swimming : Ars. h. Sensation, tearing: IIAcon, I Alum, lAmb, lAmm. m, lAnae, lArg. met, HArn, lArs, I Asaf, I Aur. met, I IBelb, Berb, Bism, IBor, IIBry, HCale, ICanth, ICaps, ICarbo a, ICarbo v., HCaust, ICham, IChel, ICina, ICinch, HCoff, IColch, HCon, IDulc, IFerr, IGraph, I IGuaiac, IHep, Hgn, IIKalic,HLed, IILyc,IMagn. e, IMagn. m, IMang, IMar. v, IIMerc, Mur. ac, INatr. c, INatr. m,INitrum, IINitr. ac, IINuxv, I Phos, Plant, IIPuls, IIRhod, IRhus, IRuta, ISa- bina, HSep, HSib, ISpig, IStann, HStaph, HStront, HSub, ITarax, IVal, I IVer, HZine; after taking cold in a draught of air and becoming heated, IKali e; downward, I Acon,IAgar,IBar.c,IBry,HCaps,ICarbo v, ICinch,IFerr,IGraph,IKali c,IILve.lMerc, INatr. c, INux v, IPuls, ISep, ISul, IVer.; inner parts, as if something were torn loose, IRhus ; shifting rapidly from place to place, worse at night from warmth, better from un- covering, IPuls.; often on one side, Amb.; upward, I Anac, I Ars, IIBell, ICon, IDulc, INatr. c, INitr. ac, INux v, IStront. Sensation, tension: lAlum, I Ant. t, lArn, lArs, IIAsaf, lAur. met, IIBar. c, IIBell, IBry, ICale, ICann, ICarbo a, HCaust, IIColoc, HCon, IDulc, IGraph, IKali c, IILyc, Med, IMere, IMez, IMosch, INi- trum, IINux v, lOleand, HPhos, HPlat, IIPuls, IRheum, IIRhus, ISabina, ISep, ISpig, ISpong, IStann, IStaph, HStront, IISul, IThuya, I Ver, I Verbas, IViob,IZinc; in inner parts, or joints, IPuls. Sensation, threadlike: Bry., Illgn, IILach, Paris, IPlat, 11 Val. Sensation, thrilling: Glon.; when imagining something unpleasant, Asar. Sensation, throbbing (beating, hammering, pulsating): IIAcon, IAgar,IIAlum, lAmm. m, IIAnt. t, I Arg. met, I Arg. nit, Ars. m, lAsaf, IIBell., Berb, IBor, IBry, HCale, ICann, ICaps, ICaust, ICham, HCoccul, IIGlon, IIHep, Hgn, Hod, IIKali c, IKreo, ILaur, HLed.JLye, I Merc, I Natr. e, INatr. m, INitr.ac, H01eand,HPhos,IPlat, IPlumb, IIPuls, IRhod, IRhus, IRuta, HSabad, I ISep, I ISil, ISpig, ISpong.JISul, ITarax, IThuva, I IZinc. Sensation, of being tickled : Merc. iod. rub. Sensation, tingling: IIAcon, Cub, Diose, Glon.; as if circulation had stopped, with anxiety,Bar. e; asif frostbitten,when weather changes, Colch.; with quivering sensation, Med. fl®" formication. Sensation, trembling: Calab, HCale, ICaust, IGraph, IIod,IKali c, ILye, IMar. v,INatr. m, IPhos, IPlat, IPuls, IIRhus, ISabad, ISeneg, ISpong, HStaph, IStront, IISul, ISul. ac. Zinc; like a boiling and seething, as if parts were going to sleep, or as if becoming drunk, always with an unpleasant sensation of coldness, Aeon.; worse, smelling coffee (climacteric age), ISul. ac ; with excitement, IINux v.; especially in upper limbs, with tendency to start, especially on exerting mind, Vinca; with nausea, Plant.; at night, INatr. m.; shuddering, Calab.; after stool (chronic dysentery), HCon.; with toothache, Cale p.; with uterine pains, Cale p.; with worry, Med. Sensation, twitching: fl®" jerking. Sensation, ulcerative: IIAmm. m, IBry, ICann, ICaustJCic, ICycl,IGraph, I IHep, llgn, Iodof,IKali c, IILach,IMang,IMerc, IMur. ac, INatr. m,INuxv, I IPhos, I IPuls, IIRan. b, IIRhus, IZinc. Sensation, uneasiness: 11 Amyl, IApis, IBry, Camph, ICham, ICina,Cinch,Cinnab,Cop, Cub, ICup. m, IDulc, I Hep, Jalap, Lactu v, Lyss, Magn. c, IINatr. c, IPetrol, IPlat, IPlumb, Ptel, ISep, ISpig, IStram.; tearing in abdomen, HCham.; late, afternoon, Merc. sub; with internal chill, ICale; followed by chill, ICop.; after dinner, Agar.; from dreams, ICale; in evening, in bed, IPhos.; with hot head, night, Canth.; from pain in head,Lyss.; chronic headache, IDulc, Hod.; about heart, while sitting, must rise and walk, ICaust.; from heat, ICale; with heat, Vab; influenza, 7rChel.; caused by very fine, nervous vibra- tions, I IMeph.; at night, ICaust, ICycl, IIPuls.; with pain from head to fingers, ICamph.; palpitation, especially at night (Basedow's disease), HSpong.; with rigors before menses, ILye; prevents sitting long, I Ant. e; prevents sleep, I ICaust.; arousing child from sleep, evening, Amm. c.; in pres- ence of strangers (chlorosis), I ISep. fl®"dis- comfort, distress. Sensation, vibration: Carb. s.; after lying down, IClem.; nervous, very fine, causing great uneasiness, 11 Meph. fl®" buzzing. Sensation, wandering pains (erratic, flying, shifting): ^Esc. h, IApis, I Arn, IBell, ICale p. Caps, ICarbo v, ICham, Daph, Eryng, Ictod, IIKali bi, IILach, Lye vir, IMang, INux. m, IIPuls, ISabina, I ISal. ac, ISub; in head, Cale; from joint to joint, slowly, IBry.; neuralgic pains, begin in carious tooth, Ced.; appear like phantoms, can hardly tell where they are, Stront; pressing, Ced.; shooting, Ced.; shooting, tearing, in arms, I Aeon.; be- fore sleep, Carbo v.; in a small spot, for ex- ample on ribs, only noticed on touch llgn • stitches, I Aeon.; tearing, Ced.; after getting wet, ICale p.; nerves, motion like waves with nausea and faintness, Calab. Sensation, wavelike pain: Aeon, IIAnae Ant. t, Arn, 11 Asaf, Cinch, I ICoccul, Dulc'' Jacea Mar. v, Mez, Oleand, Plat, Rhod*' Sep, Spig. ' Sensation, wretched: IKali b.; with Hi«r rhcea, Merc, sob, ITabae ar" 44. TISSUES. 1129 44. TISSUES. Adipose. Bones. Cancer. Cartilages. Decomposition. Degen- eration. Emaciation. Excretions. Fibrous. Fluids. Gangrene. Glands. Granulations. Hypertrophy. Indura- tions. Inflammation. Ligaments. Metamorphosis. Mucous Membranes. Muscles. Nerves. Nutrition. Parenchymatous Organs. Periosteum. Plague. Pyaemia. Secretions. Serous Membranes. Stenosis. Suppuration. Swelling. Tu- bercles. Tumors. Ulcers. ADIPOSE, increase (corpulency, obesity): Agar, Amb, I Amm. br, Amm. m, 11 Ang, Ant. t, Arn, lArs, lAsaf, lAur. met, Bar.c, I IBell, Bor, Bry, HCale, ICale a, Camph, Canth, HCaps, Cham, Cinch, Clem, I ICoc- cus, Coloe, HCon, I ICroe, ICup. m. Dig, Euph, IIFerr, IIGraph, I IGuaiac, Hell, IIHyos, Iod, lllpec, IKali c, ILac def, IILach, Laur, ILye, Magn. c, IIMerc, Mur. ac, I INatr. c, Nux m. Op, HPhyt, Plat, Plumb, IPuls, Rheum, I ISabad, Sars, I ISeneg, Sep,I ISil, I ISpig, I ISpong, Stram, ISub, IThuya, I IVer, Viol.; especially in children and young people, I Ant. c, HCale; with gout, ILith.; with fatty degeneration of heart, I Aur. met.; causes palpitation, Crotal.; removes pathological deposits of fatty matter, where the iodide removes normal adipose matter, • Kali br.; of young people, I Ant. e Adipose, decrease: fl®° Emaciation. ANEMIA: fl®" Chap. 29, Blood anaemia. BLOOD, BLOODVESSELS: fl®"Chap. 29< BONES, aching: I Arg. met, Ascl. t, lAur. met, IBell, ICrotal, ICup. m, Cycb, Daph, Guaiae, Hep, Ign, Kalm, Lyss, IMere, IMez, Oleand, IPuls, IRhus, ISabina,IStaph.; in nasal catarrh, IIEup. pert; with chill, 9 ' a.m. to 3 p.m. (ague), llpec; with chilliness, Diose; as after taking cold (coryza), ICepa; with sensation as if she had taken a severe cold, Med.; in diphtheria and chronic otor- rhoea, ILye; in intermittent fever, HPod.; followed by fever and headache (inflammatory rheumatism), Ver. v.; in influenza, IRhus; in measles, lEuph.; in long bones, with nodes (secondary syphilis), IStilling.; with swelling (svphilis), IGuaiac. Bones, affections: Aeon, IIArg. nit, IArs.( HCalc,HCalefl,HCale p.. I Calc. s, ICarbo a. IIFluor. ac, IHep, Hekla, ILact. ac,' ILith, IMere, IMez, INitr. ac, 101. jec, IPhos, IPhos. ac, IPhyt, Ruta, HSil, ISul, ITherid.; of bones covered with cutis and nothing more, Rhus v.; long lasting, as caries of vertebrae or of hip joint, waxy liver, IPhos.; mercurial,Asaf, lAur. met, Fluor.ac, IKali hyd, IMez, Phos. ac, IPhyt; Staph.; mercurial, pain, with debilitated feeling in joints, IStaph.; scrofulous, Bell, ICale, Con, ILye, IMere, 101. jec, Phos. ac, IPhyt, HSil, Staph, Stilling, ISul, ITherid.; scrofu- lous, worse at night, and from cold draught of Tair, better in warmth, Graph.; sequelae of va- riola, ISil. Bones, boring pain : Bar. c. Bell, ICale, Merc, IPuls, Sabad, Sep, Sil, Spig.; worse at night, IlAur. met. Bones, brittle : Bufo, ILact. ac. Bones, broken feeling: Coccus,Cup. m. Hep, Lyss, Magn. m, Natr. m. Puis, IRuta, Samb, Sep, ISymph, Ver.; pain, as if about to fall asunder, Therid.; pain, in long, Ruta; in rheumatism, IMere; supraorbital, feel shattered, Lyss. Bones, bruised pain: ICoccul, ICrotal, lllpec. Kali bi, Lyss.; worse on awaking, Crotal.; as if beaten, IBry, Dros, llgn, Kreo, ILith, Nitr. ac, INuxv, IRhus, Sul, Thuya; with pressive headache over left eye, INux v.; in morning, in bed, after awaking, disappears after rising, Viol.; in long, Cann. s. Bones, burning: Asaf, ICarbo v, Euphor, IPhos. ac, Rhus, Ruta, Sub, Tarant.; worse at night (cystic osteoma), IMez. Bones, cancer: concealed, Con. Bones, caries: I Ang, j Anthrok, I Arg. met, IArn,Ars,IAsaf,IAur. met, IlAur. mur.nat, I ICale, I ICale p, Carbol. ac, Caust, Cinnam, Con, ICup. m, IIFluor. ac, IGuaiac, IGua- raea, IHep, IILyc, IMere, IMez, INitr. ae, 1130 44. TISSUES. 101. jec, IPhos, HPhos. ac, IPsor, Rhus, Ruta, Sabina, Sal. ac, HSil, Spong, Staph, ISul, Tarant, Tereb.; abscesses, accompanied by eczema on scalp, behind ears and in bends of elbows, HPsor.; loss of appetite, IMere; easily broken down by probe, IStaph.; car- bonaceous, commencing with a black spot, scrofulous or tuberculous subjects, pain is throbbing of a congestive character, or caused by abuse of mercury, Cinch.; pieces of bone crumble off, I Ang.; putrid decomposition, INitr.ac; and other diseases, Euphor.; espe- cially attacking epiphises of long, fistulous ulcer, raised edges, bleeding and discharging flocculent pus of nauseating smell, I 101. jec; in face, HAur. met.; long bones suppurate and get better and worse periodically, pains worse at night, with great prostration, IFluor. ac; penetrates to marrow, 11 Ang,- especially after abuse of mercury, IlAur. mur.; of nasal bones, Cadm. s.; pains worse and better peri- odically, IDiad.; predisposing to, in children, Coff. t; especially if psoric or syphilitic, or from abuse of mercury, IIFluor. ae; pus foul smelling, IHep.; pus watery, IHep.; scrofu- lous, and after abuse of mercury, lAsaf.; spinal irritation,IPhos.; suppuration, • Calc. p.,IHep, IStaph.; suppuration, with hectic, in men of dry habit, Guaiae; suppuration chronic,I Aur. mur. nat.; with profme sweat or suppuration, ICinch.; after syphilis and abuse of mercury, IIKali iod.; syphilitic, IlAur.mur.; following syphilitic nodes in broken-down patients, JStaph.; tarsal and metatarsal bones, IMere; crusty, with tetter, in rheumatic or gouty sub- jects, IRhus; tubular bones, longing for cof- fee, touchy, sensitive mind, IIAng.; ulcers, .after abuse of mercury, lAur. met; struct- ure involved by ulcers, IKali iod.; ulcers, painful, IIAng.; mercurio-syphihtic ulcera- tion, ISib Bones, cold feeling : Berb. Bones, creeping pain : Cham, Plumb, Rhus, Sec. Bones, curvature: Asaf, Belb, HCale, Hep, Lye, IMere, Nitr. ac, IPhos, Puis, Rhus, Sep, ISil, Staph, HSub Bones, cutting: Anac, Dig, Sabad. Bones, development: imperfect, especially fingers,Staph.; tardy, with lymphatic enlarge- ments, HCale Bones, digging : dull, Diad. Bones, dislocated: feel as if out of joint, in getting up shakes herself to get them in place, Med. Bones, drawing: worse on awaking, Crotal.; in long, Sabina ; especially in long, IIArg. met; better for the moment, when lying, but soon returns, ICinch.; painful in parts, when they lie near surface, Cycb; paralytic condition of limbs, ICoccul. Bones, epiphises : acts on, ICale Bones, exostosis: fl®"* swelling. Bones, fontanelles: fl®* Chap. 4, Fontanelles. Bones, gnawing: pain, Amm. m, Canth, Con, Dros, Lye, Mang, Phos, IPhos. ae. IRuta, Staph. Bones,gout: Daph. Bones, heavy feeling : Sarrae Bones, inflammation (osteitis): I Asaf, I Aur. met, HCale, Cinch, IFluor.ae, Hekla, ILye, IMere, IMez, INitr. ac, Phos, IPhos. ac. IPhyt, Puis, HSil, IStaph, ISul, ISymph.; of articulating extremities, at night pains in- supportable, worse on touching parts, better in open air (periostitis), IMang.; burning at night, Phos. ae; chronic, ILact. ae; in face, IlAur. met; interstitial, scrofulous, syphilitic or mercurial, HPhos. ae; of long, IRhus; mercurial, IStaph.; with nightly insupport- able digging pains, Mang.; scrofulous, I Staph.; especially shafts, after abuse of mercury and venereal disease, IIMez.; red spots on skin, children are unable to walk, Mang.; strumous 101. jec; on syphilitic base, and especially affecting bones of face, antrum Highmorii, Hekla. Bones, injuries: HRuta ; bare, or crushed and splintered, HCarbob ae; fractures, to pro- mote union, Asaf, HCale p.,-Calend, Lye, Nitr. ac, Ruta, Sil, Sul, I ISymph.; sphacelus, after fracture of tibia, HAnthrac fl®" dis- located. Bones, jerking pain: Asaf, Calc, Cinch, IColch, Lye, Natr. m, IPuls.,Rhus, ISymph.; sudden cracking, at night, depriving one of sleep, Plumb. Bones, marrow: sensation as if void of, ILye; symptoms can hardly be determined in local- ity, but seem to be in marrow, Stront. Bones, necrosis: lAsaf, Ars, lAur. mur, ICale, ICale fl, ICarbol. ac, IIFluor. ac, IPhos, Sabina, Sal. ac, I ISil, ISul, Therid.; , promotes expulsion of necrotic, Fluor, ac; assisted expulsion after fracture of head of fe- mur, ICoccul.; lower jaw, HPhos.; after syph- ilis, and abuse of mercury, IIKali iod.; of tar- sus, ICale; threatened, 11 Asaf.; especially of tibia, Sal. ac. Bones, pain (undefined): IIArg. met, Asaf, Aur. met, Berb, Chin, m. Cinch, Cinnam, Colch, Diad, IFluor. ac,Lach, IMere, IMez, INatr. s, INitr. ae, Phos, IPhos. ac. Puis, IRuta, Sabina, ISib, IStaph.; worse in cold air, especially in knees, Sarrae; in bed, Calc. p.; awakened by, does not want to live, IlAur. met.; as after taking cold, copious sweat, with pressing in forehead, INux m.; with condylomata, IPhos. ac; deep, espe- cially at night, IMere iod. flav.; intolerable nocturnal,driving to despair, IIKali iod.; dull digging in all parts of body, more in hume- rus, forearm and fingers, Diad.; with longing for cold acid drinks, Eup. pur.; excessive (in- termittent), I IPuls.; in bilious fever, lEup. pert; intermittent fever, IIEup. pur, II Polyp.; with hoarseness, I ICva ursi; in influenza,' IIEup. pert; with weak feeling in joints', IStaph.; mercurial, or after checked gonor- rhoea, worse at night, in damp weather or after taking cold m water, HSars.; early in morning (intermittent), lEup. pert; with dif- ficulty on moving head and tongue' HColch • at night, HAur. met, IGuaraea, IPhvt • at night, from above downward, I iMez • atni'eht with headache, Mez.; at night, in keratitis pustulosa, IMere sob; at night, after abuse of mercury (syphilis), IKali iod.; at night as if being scraped with a knife (after contusion*) IPhos.ae; at night, preventing sleep (chronic syphilitic ophthalmia), IMere; at night in syphilis, 11 Asaf, Iod.; worse at night, I IMere - periodical, IKali bb; in syphilis, IPhos • mcr curial syphilis, IPhos. ae; in secondary 'syph 44. TISSUES. 1131 ilis, I IStilling.; with syphilitic eruption, ad- vanced stage, INitr. ac; especially in cervical and lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and femur, worse inner condyle and great trochanter, Sarrae; wandering, IKali bi. Bones, periosteum: fl®" Periosteum. Bones, pressing: Cycb; especially in long, IIArg. met.; painful, in ileum, IGuaiac; in parts where they lie near surface, Cycb Bones, rachitis (osteomalacia, softening): I Asaf, IBelb, HCale, HCale p. Con, IFerr. iod, Ferr. mur, IFerr. ph, Hekla, Hep, llpec, IKali iod, ILac c, ILye, IMere, Mez, Nitr. ac, Nux m, 101. jec, IPhos, IPsor, Puis, Ruta, ISep, HSil, IStaph, ISul, The- rid, Thuya ; abdomen puffed, tense, IIBell.; atrophy, IKali p.; curvature, I Asaf, IPuls.; curvature, especially spine and long bones, HCale; tendency to curve, ICale ph.; ex- tremities deformed, crooked, HCale; growing . imperfectly (hydrocephalus traumaticus), ICale; abscess of head, IMere .sol.; limbs crooked, Graph.; protracted, ill treated, hectic, profuse, fetid suppuration, Petrol.; malforma- tion, in scrofulous persons, ICale, Iod.; dis- posed to soften or bend, IFerr.; softening, ICale, IGuaiac, IILyc, ISub; affecting female pelvis, 101. jec; with vertigo, ISil. 6®° curvature. Bones, rheumatism: Abies, Daph, IMere; pains, after mercury, on checked gonorrhoeal discharge, Sars. Bones, scraping pain: IIAsaf, Berb, Cinch, IPhos. ac. Puis, Rhus, Sabad, Spig.; worse in evening, I IParis; intense, especially in joints, as if interior were scraped and cut with a sharp knife, Sabad.; worse from motion, ex- citement, using eyes, IParis; pain, as of being scraped, IIRhus. Bones, sensitive: Bufo.; ankles particularly affected, children are unable to walk, Mang.; tenderness, IIArg.nit; to touch, in typhus, IMang.; prominent projections sore to touch, IRhus. Bones, shooting: Lyss. Bones, smarting : at night, Phos. ac. Bones, softening : fl®° rachitis. Bones, soreness: Con, IIEup. perf. Graph, Hep, Ign, Jabor, Kali bi, Merc, IPhos. ac, Sarrae, Therid. fl®* bruised feeling. Bones, spinous processes: diseased,I ISymph. Bones' stinging: ICale, ISep.; in long, Dros. Bones, stitches: Ars, Asaf, Aur. met, IBell, ICale, ICaust, Cinch, ICon, IDros, Lach, IMere, IMez, Phos, IPuls, IRuta, ISars, ISep.; flying along long bones, with nervous rheumatism or rheumatic neuralgia, worse at night, IMez.; as from sharp needles, I IKali bi. Bones, supernumerary : ICale fl. Bones, sutures : affected along, HCale p. fl®» Chap. 4, Skull, sutures. Bones, swelling: I Asaf, I Aur. met, ICale, Clem, Daph,IFluor. ac, IGuaiac, IKali iod, ILact. ac, ILye, IMere, INitr. ae IPhos, HPhos. ae, IPuls, IPhyt,Rhus, IRutaJISil, IStaph, ISub; exostosis, IlAur. met, "Aur. fl ; exostosis, nightly pain, IFluor. ac; exos- tosis scrofulous, IIRuta ; exostoses,especially on skull, IPhos.; exostoses, with feeling on soreness when touched, pain at night in bed, IIMerc; exostoses, in syphilis, IPhos.; exos- tosis, especially in thigh bones,ILact. ae; ex- ostosis, on tibiae, painful (secondary syphilis), I Aur. mur.; feel distended, IMez.; interstitial distension, IIAsaf, Aur. met, ICale, Fluor. ac, IIbye, IIMerc, IMez, IPhos, IPhos. ac, ISil, Sub, HStaph.; interstitial distension, mercurial, syphilitic or scrofulous, IPhos. ac; interstitial distension, pains worse night, IIKali iod.; of long, IRhus; mercurial,IStaph.; worse at night (cystic osteoma), IMez.; nodes, ICale fl, ICaust, IHep.; nodes, painful, syph- ilitic, IKali iod.; nodosities, burning, IHep.; nodosities, gouty, Agnus, Dig.; nodosities, hard and painful, IPhyt.; osteophytes, -Calc p.; nocturnal pains, I IKali iod.; especially shafts, after abuse of mercury and venereal "disease, IIMez.; spongeous affection, IGuaiac; mer- curial syphilis, IPhos. ac; especially on tibia, with violent nightly pains, IMez.; tophi, IKali iod, ILye, IMez.; tumor*, following mercury, or syphilis, INitr. ac; scrofulous ulcere, IPsor. Bones, symphyses: affected, HCale p. Bones, syphilis: IlAur. met, Fluor, ac, IIKali hyd, IIMerc, IPhos.ae, IPhyt.; iritis, I Asaf.; pains, INitr. ae; secondary, IStilling. Bones, tubular: affected, Bar. c. Bones, tearing pain: Agar, I Arg. met, I Ars, Aur. met, IBar. c. Bell, Bry, ICarbo v., ICaust, ICinch, Coccul, Cup. m, IKalm, Lye, Lyss, IMere, INatr. m, Nitr. ac,Phos, IPhos. ac, IRuta, ISabina, ISpig, IStaph., Zinc; arthritic, Vinca ; with dry, spasmodic cough, during chill, ISabad.; feeling as if flesh were torn from, INitr. ac, IIRhus ; in long, Bar. c; especially in long, IIArg. met; as if being torn to pieces, with vomiting and pain in bowels, llpec; in exostosis of skull, IIArg. met.; sudden, at night, depriving one of sleep, Plumb.; in parts near surface, Cycl. Bones, tension: in long bones, Bar.c; better for the moment when lying, soon returns, ICinch. Bones, throbbing: ICale Bones, tumors: fl®" swelling. CANCER: lAcet. ac. Alum, IApis, IIArs., lArs. i, lAst r, lAur. met,lAur. mur. Belt, IBism, ICale, ICalend, HCarbo a, ICarbo v., ICarbol. ac, Caust, ICist, ■ Citric acid (lo- cally to relieve pain), IClem, HCon, ICund., IFerr. ph., Graph, Hep , -Hippoz, IHydras, IKali ars, IKali cy, IKali s, ILach, ILapis, IILyc, IMere, I IMillef, IMorph. sul, IINitr. ae,IPhos, Phos.ac, HPhyt, Sep, HSil, Sul, IThuya, i Tereb. Cancer, colloid: ILach, IPhos. Cancer, constitution: melanotic dyscrasia, similar to scurvy and stupid typhoids (mor- bus Brightii), I IPhos.ae; scrofulous, -Calc p., chiefly in young persons, I IKali ph. Cancer, with emaciation : I IHydras. Cancer, encephaloma: Acet. ac, Arn, Are, Are. i. Art. v. Bell, Carbo a., Carbobae, Croc, Caust, Hydras, Kali iod, Kreo, ILach, Nitr. ac, Nux v, IPhos, Sil, Sub, Thuya. Cancer, epithelioma: Acet. ac, Arg.nit, I Ars, Ars. i, Aur. met, IBell, Brom, Cale p., Clem, ICon, ICund, Hydras, IIKali s, IKreo, Lapis, Merc, Phos, IPhyt, Puis, Sep., ISil, Sub, I IThuya, Uran. n.; discharge 1132 44. TISSUES. thin, yellow, serous, I IKali s.; and hypertro- phy, IKali m.; open, Cund. Cancer, fungus haematodes: fl®" Tumors fungus haematodes. Cancer, injuries: after contusions, ICon. Cancer, inoculation: spongy excrescence on thumb, I Ars. Cancer, lupus: Agar, Alum, Ant. c, IIArs, I Ars. i. Bar. c. Bell, Calc, Calc. a, -Cale p, ICarbo v, ICarbol. ac, Carb. s, Caust, Cie, Cist, Cund. (improved), Graph, Hep, IHy- dras, Hydrocot, IKali bb, Kali c. Kali m, IKreo, INitr. ac, IPhyt, Rhus, Sabina, Sep, ISil, Spong, Staph, Sul, IIThuya; ery- thematic, IHydroc; exedens, IHydrofc, I IThuya, Uran. n.; noli me tangere, I IMillef; tuberculoid, IBar. e Cancer, medullary: IPhos.; soft (brainlike convolutions), I I Kali ph. Cancer, melanotic: lArg. nit. Card, m, ILach, I IPhos. ac. Cancer, menses : chronic suppression, ILye Cancer, noma: Alum, lArs, Calc, Carbo v, ICon, Elat, IGuaraea, IKali ph, Sil, Sul. Cancer, of nose: fl®" Chap. 7, Nose cancer. Cancer, open: lArs, IIBufo, ICund.; bleeds profusely on slight provocation, IPhos.;burn- ing, stinging, IApis ; granulations, infiltra- tions, with sensitiveness (locally), I IKali m. Cancer, painful: Coloe Cancer, of pancreas: with burning pain, Calea. Cancer, scirrhus: ; Anac, Arn., I Ast. r, I Bell, Calend, HCarbo a, ICarbo v,HCon,ICund, ILapis, Nux v., Sep., ISil, Staph,Sub; adhe- rent, IHydras.; burning, IApis; early, IFerr. iod.; hard, iHydras.; of mammae, HCon, IPhyt.; early stages, chiefly when in a gland, or in vicinity of a gland, Hydras.; stage of de- generative softening,Hydras.; stinging, burn- ing, I Apis,Cund. ; red streaks, like radii,extend from induration, IBelb; as long as ulceration has not set in, based on scrofulosis, I ILapis. Cancer, of stomach: fl®* Chap. 17, Stomach, cancer. Cancer, of tongue: fl®* Chap. 11, Tongue cancer. Cancer, of testicle : sarcocele malleosa, Hip- poz. 8®° Chap. 22, Testicles cancer. Cancer, of uterus: fl®- Chap. 23, Uterus cancer. CARTILAGES: acts upon, IIArg. met, Natr. m.; necrosis, in syphilis, Crotal.; tumors, ICale, ISil. DECOMPOSITION : slow, Are.; rapid, Vespa. 8®~ Gangrene. DEGENERATION, cheesy: ILye Degeneration, colloid: of viscera, particularly stomach, Carbo a. fl®* Cancer. Degeneration, fatty: IlAur. met, ICale a, I ILac def, HPhos.; blackish red, hemorrha- gic bands, from tough hemorrhagic infiltra- tion, I lAnthrac. fl®* Chap. 18, Liver fatty ; also Chap. 29, Heart fatty. EMACIATION: lAbrot, HAcet ac, 11 Alet, Alum, lAmb, Anac, lAnt c, IApis, lArg. nit, IIArs, I Are. i, Ars. m, Ascl. t, lAur. met, IBar. c. Bar. m. Bell, Benz. ac, IBor, Brach,IBrom, Bry, ICale,ICale iod, HCale p.JCamph, ICaps, ICarbo a,ICarbov,ICaust, Chin, a. Chin, s, I IChlor, HCina, HCinch, ICist, -Cetrar, Clem, Coca, ICoccul, ICon, Cub, Cund, ICup. m, IDulc, Euph, IIFerr, IFerr. iod, IGamb, IGraph, IGuaiac,IHell, IHelon, IHep, Hippoz, I IHydras, ■1?n>-. lllod, llpec, IKali bi, IKali br., IKah c, IKali iod, I IKali p., IKali s, IKreo, Lac c, I ILac def, ILach, ILact. ac, ILaur, iL-itn., IILyc, ILye vir, Lyss, IMagn. c, IMagn. m. IMar. v, IMere, IMur. ac, IMyos, Isatr. a, IINatr. m, INatr. p., INatr. s, IMccol, IINitr. ac, Nux m, INux v, 101. jec, IOp, JSub ac, ISyph, Therid, IIThuya, I IVer, I IVer. v, I IZinc. fi®° children, maras- mus. Emaciation, abdomen: Hod.; large, I ICale, ISars, HSub fl®- Chap. 19, Abdomen mes- enteries. Emaciation, abscesses : all over body, Vespa ; depending on suppurative processes, : Cetrar, ICinch, IHep, HSib Emaciation, of affected parts : I Ars, Carbo v, IIGraph, HLed, Mez, IPuls, Selen, ISib Emaciation, anaemia: chlorosis, IFerr.; with weakness, HPlumb. Emaciation, after apoplexy : HPlumb. Emaciation, appetite : good, ICale, IINatr.m, IPetrol.; loss of, ICheb; voracious, HCinch. Emaciation, in asthma: I IKali p. Emaciation, back : Tabae; with lumbago, IIColoc. Emaciation, bladder: catarrh, ICanth.; cyst- itis, lEup. pur. Emaciation, brain : affection, with dry, flaccid skin, IHelb; hydrocephalus,traumatic, ICale; tubercular meningitis, ILye Emaciation, bronchitis: ITJran. n. Emaciation, catarrh: acute, I Ant. t; chronic bronchial, I IPuls.; bronchial and vesical, ICop.; of stomach and small intestines, IHydr. ac. Emaciation, children: HAcet ac, lyEthus, I Ars, IIArum t, HCale p, IFerr., Hod, ILye, IMagn. c, INux v, I IPetrol, IPhos, Psor, ISep, IStaph, ISul, Therid.; cholera infantum,lArs.iod, Coff. t, ICrott,IMane, ITabae; cholera infantum, especially about face and neck, HVer.; dentition, IIArs.; with diarrhoea, Mar. v.; diarrhoea during dentition, I Are.; flesh soft, with debility, IPod.; from impaired nutrition, or worms, ICina, 101. jec.; like an old man, INux v, I IStram.; rachitis, IIBell, IKali p.; in sum- mer complaint, I ICoff; after summer com- plaint, I IMed. fl®° marasmus. Emaciation, in chorea: IAgar, I IChloral, IMygale. Emaciation, cold : after catching, llpec. Emaciation, coldness: lies as if dead, yet con- scious, ICarbo v. Emaciation, convulsions: ILaur.; in a man after convulsions, I Amyb; in hydrocephaloid! IZinc Emaciation, cough: Acet. ac, I Amb., ICoff. IFerr, IINitr. ae; amenorrhcea, 'l IXan.' from bronchial irritation,, ILye; chronic' I^Ese h, 101. jec.; whooping, ICorab, I IPhelb Emaciation, diabetes; IIArg. met, IArs,l I Ra- tan,Tarant, lUran. n.; with good appetite IColoe; constantly increasing, relieved' 11 Uran. n. ' 44. TISSUES. 1133 Emaciation, diarrhoea : HAcet ae, Apis, I Arg. nit, IIArs, IBor, HCale, ICale p, HCinch, IIFerr, IFerr. s, Gamb, Hod, Kreo, Lye, IINatr. m, INitr. ac, INux v, IOp, IPetrol, IPhos,HSars, Sep, ISil, 11 Sub; camp, ILept; chronic, I Aug, I IColoc, IDulc, IGamb, HPod, Thuya; chronic, in adults, 101. jee; rapid, HPhos.; after attacks of watery diar- rhcea (abdominal dropsy), I ISil. fl®*" Chap. 20, Diarrhoea, emaciation. Emaciation, in diphtheria: IMere cy. Emaciation, in dropsy: IFluor. ae; ascites, from loss of fluids, IILyc. Emaciation, dysentery: IBar. m, IHam, IMere. cor, IZinc; chronic, I INux v. Emaciation, eyes: scrofulous ophthalmia, IIFerr. i, I IRhus. Emaciation, eruption : dry, itchlike, ISars. Emaciation, face: bloated, Bar. e; in chronic diarrhcea, ICale; pale, ICact,I IGraph, INatr. e; pale, suffering expression, I ISil. fl®* Chap. 8, Face emaciated. Emaciation, of feet: lArs, HCaust, Cinch. Emaciation, fever: hectic, and night sweats, ICoccul.; intermittent, IDiad.; intermittent, particularly of face, I ITarant.; in typhoid, ITereb. Emaciation, glands : fl®» Glands. Emaciation, gonorrhoea: perceptible, in five days, Polyg.; perceptible, from day to day, after injection of nitrate of silver, I ITarant.; after suppressed discharge by injection of solu- tion of gunpowder, ISars. Emaciation, in gout: IKali iod. Emaciation, hands: Cinch, IPhos, Selen. Emaciation, heart: rheumatic disease, ICact. Emaciation, heat: hot hands and head, 101. jec. Emaciation, hysteria: I ISil. Emaciation, kidneys: diseased, IHep.; Bright's disease, Hod.; chronic passive hemorrhage, IITereb. Emaciation, lactation : milk scanty and watery, IPlumb. ^^ Emaciation, legs: Arg. nit. fl®* Chap. 33, Legs, emaciation. Emaciation, limbs: ICale Emaciation, liver: affection,IMagn. m.;chronic atrophy, IMere; atrophy, dessication of body, IMere; affection, with dropsy, IFluor. ae; hy- pertrophied, IChen. v. Emaciation, local: of single parts, Phos. ae; of soft parts, I ISyph. fl®" feet, hands, Emaciation ' lungs : haemoptysis, laryngitis, chronic bronchitis, Tabae; hectic, accompa- nied by phthisical condition, IIMerc. cor.; phthisis, Hiydras, Hod, I ITubere; pleurisy, IFerr mur.; hectic, in pneumonia, lArn.; scrofulous, IJugb; tuberculosis, IFerr. iod, INatr. a.; tuberculosis, colliquative night sweat, INitr. ac. ,m, o Emaciation, mammae: inflammation, I IPhos, Emaciation, marasmus: «A.brotVR'Acj5-rfltC- I Ant. c, IApis, Arg. mt, IArs,IBell,HCalc, ICale p, I ICaps, Coca, ICon Ferr. mur. Hydras. Hod, IINatr. m INux m IOp, ISars, ISub; large abdomen ICale; with an- gina pectoris, Chin.s.; with sour belching, worse during night, Con.; children who are bottle fed, I INatr. p.; averse to exercise, hol- bw wrinkled face, hair dry, ICale; incipient, ICham.; irritability,child will be approached by no one, Hod.; in last stage (cholerine), INuph.; nervous, restless, weakly children, Sul. ac.; weight reduced seventy pounds, IHy- dras.; senilis, I IBar. c; skin dry and wrinkled, ICale; tendency to, *IIod. fl®* children ; also Chap. 19, Abdomen mesenteries. Emaciation, measles ; I ISticta ; marasmus after, IHydras. Emaciation, menses : after menses, IPhos.; ir- regular, IDig. Emaciation, mental condition: after disap- pointment in her affections (cardiac weak- ness), I IPhos.ae; from emotion, ISamb. Emaciation, mucous membrane : chronic ul- ceration, I IKali bi. Emaciation, muscles : relaxation, ILach. fl®" Muscles lax. Emaciation, neck: ICale p, IINatr. m.; begin- ning (cholera infantum), INatr. m.; in chronic diarrhcea, ICale Emaciation, nerves: neuropathia, to a skeleton, I IKali are.; tendency to, with loss of sensa- tion of touch, IKali ph. Emaciation, oesophagus : stricture, I IPhos. Emaciation, of old people : IIBar. e, Kali ph. Emaciation, pancreas: diseased, during last weeks, lAtrop. s. Emaciation, paralysis: Cup. m, IIGraph, I IPlumb, ISep.;rapid, ISee; sclerosis of cere- bro-spinal system, HPlumb.; wrist drop alter- nating with colic, HPlumb. fl®" Chap. 31, Spinal cord, atrophy. Emaciation, parturition : after childbirth, Caulo. Emaciation, progressive : INitr. ac, IPhos. ae; in bronchitis, Hod.; gradual (after wound on head), ILed.; haemoptysis, lAcab; for twelve months (subacute pleuritis), lArg. nit.; mus- cular, ICalab, Crotal.; after onanism, Tarant.; purpura, HLed.; slowly (diabetes), ICup.m.; after typhus, IMyos. Emaciation, rapid: I Ars, lArs. iod, HPhos, HPlumb, IPod, ISub; with deadness of af- fected parts, Thuya ; with diarrhoea,! ICinch, •Ferr. mur.; extreme, IMagn. e; in typhus or intermittent fever, I Ars.; in galactorrhoea, Hod.; in gastromalacia, IKreo.; spasmus glot- tidis, IChlor.; of paralyzed parts, ISee; acute phthisis laryngea, Dros.; three or four pounds within a week, Ars.m.; in prosopalgia, ICheb; in curvature of spine, afterafall,l ISub; sudden, IFerr. Emaciation, rectum : rectal troubles, I IPaeonia. Emaciation, rheumatism: I IViob; arthritic, HSpig.; chronic, of left hip joint, IPhyt; complicated with, IColch. Emaciation, in sciatica: IFerr. Emaciation, scrofulous: lArs, IIBar.c, IBelb, •Cetrar, IFerr. iod. Hod.; children, I Antt, IBelb; swelling of cervical glands, IBar. m.; with skin disease, IBar. e Emaciation, sexual organs: from sexual in- dulgence, ISamb.; impotence, wMosch.; from seminal losses, ISamb.; in spermatorrhoea, I Dig- Emaciation, stomach: after a blow, lArn.; cancer, ICund, I IHydras, I IMez.; cardialgia, HPlumb, HStram.; in chronic dyspepsia, IHydr. ac; flatulent dyspepsia, I ISabac; gas- tric disorder, lAtrop. s.;gastromalacia,IKreo, IMere d.; haematemesis, IINatr. m.; degen- 1134 44. TISSUES. eration of mucous membrane, IKali iod.; perforating ulcer, IKali c. Emaciation, suppuration: from excessive, IPhos. ac. fl®*" abscess. Emaciation, in syphilis : I Aur. mur, ILye Emaciation, throat: ulcerated sore, IKali bi. Emaciation, uterus : neuralgia, I I Nux v. Emaciation, weakness: anaemia, HPlumb.; too weak to walk alone, IChel. Emaciation, worms: ICina. fl®" Chap. 20, Worms, taenia. EXECRETIONS : diminished, IIApoe; fetid; IIBapt, IGraph, IGuaiac, IMere, IRob.; carrionlike, IPsor.; sour, IHep- sluggish, IGraph.; suppressed, IMosch.; suppressed, in- tense cerebral congestion, IVer. v.; suppressed, in convulsions, IStram.; constant vaporous exhalations, Grat. FIBROUS: acts upon, Eup. perf, IGuaiac, 11 Rhus; redness, swelling, heat, etc, not tend- ing to suppuration, Colch.; rheumatic and syphilitic affections, it not only affects the fibrous coverings of muscles; but the fibrous envelopes or sheaths of the nerves, IPhyt. FLUID'S, decomposition: IIBapt, ICarbov, IKali ph, IILach.; acrid, perverting lym- phatic secretion; Thuya; putrescence, Trill.; retarded, in those fatally poisoned, Are. Fluids, ill effects from loss of: ICalad, HCale, ICarbo a, ICarbo V, Caust, HCinch, IPhos. ae; amblyopia, ICinch.; dyspepsia; IPhos.ae; fainting, IPhos. aC; hyterical attacks, Cin- nam.; locomotor ataxia,IPhos.;vertigO,ICinch.; weakness, IPhos. ac, ISee GANGRENE: IAgar, Amm. c, HAnthrac, IApis, lArs, I Asaf.', IBell, ICale. a, Canth, ICaps, ICarbo a, Chrom. ac. Cinch, ICrotal, IKali ph, IKreO,INitr. ae, IPlumb, ITarant, Tereb, locally on lint; from anaemia, HSec; from blood poisoning, IILach.; of bowels, I Are. s. f; after bruises, particularly in old people, ISul. ac; after bums or scalds, lArs, I Crotal.; burns like fire and looks black, smells fetid, IIArs.; in cachectic persons, ICarbo v.; chancre (locally), Hodof; circumscribed, ILach.; cold, I Are, Asaf, Bell, HCarbo v. Cinch, Con, Euphor,ILach, IMere, Plumb, Ran. b, Squilla, HSec, ISil, Sub. Sul. ae, ": Tereb.; better by cold, worse by heat, I ISee; fi-om contusions, and of one part of ulcer, Con.; destructive, quasi-malignant tendency to decomposition, IIHippoz.; in diabetes, Sec; with diarrhcea, ICrotal.; in diphtheria, IIArs, ILach.; dry, Ant. c, Bism, ISee; emphysematous, Anthrac; in erysipelas, I Amm. e; after exanthematous disease, Canth.; in newly formed flap on little finger, IHydrocot; flying, Anthrac.; great foulness of secretions, ICarbo v.; after fracture of leg, IILach.; after fracture of tibia, HAnthrac; greenish, Con.; of hand, after bullet wound or explosion of pistol, ILach.; better from heat, I Are.; hospital, • Chrom. ac, i Tereb.; humid, ICarbo v, ICinch.; ichor, horrible smell, lAnthrac; idiopathic, ILach.; after external injuries, application of leeches or mustard, HSec; of lips, pains worse by hot or cold ap- plication, IMere; decomposition of organic matter, Cinch.; pains worse and better period- ically, IDiad.; on places exposed to pressure, especially in patients With mental disease, gangrene spreads in depth with an intact skin, Chloral.; great prostration, I Ars, ICar- bo v.; putrid, IKali ph.; with nervous rest- lessness, I Are, IHyos.; swollen scrotum ana penis, IFluor. ae; senile, Amm. m, l^rs-> Cepa, Cinch, Con, Euphor, IlLaeh, IPhos. .ac. Plumb, HSec; senile, dry, better by warmth, IIArs.; senile, dry, HSec; senile, of foot, in a man, ICup. m.; senile, woman aet 80, ICepa (externally, a salve); sloughing, I Ars, Aur. met, ICarbo v, Crotal, Hep, IILach, IMere, Mez, INitr. ae, ISil, Sub; spots, violent burning, ILach.; spots on lower limbs, I IHyos.; on tongue, IIArs.; traumatic, Amm. in, lArn, ICalend, IHyper, IILach, ISul. ac; traumatic, ILach.; restores vitality to parts apparently dead, and induces renewed circulation without sloughing ; typhoid symp- toms, hemorrhage, fetor, ICrotal.; typhus putridus, ISub ac. GLANDS: red lines along absorbents, Vespa; acts upon, Natr. m.; affection, ILapis, 101. jee, ISub; affections in weak cachectic individuals suffering from diarrhcea andcolliqative sweats, IPhos.; atrophy, Cham., Chim. umb,, I IKali iod.; burning, ICoccub; burning, lymphatic, ICarbo v.; burning, in scirrhus; ICarbo a.; cancerous, Aur. mur.; cold, ICoccub; cutting, in scirrhus, ICarbo a.; fistulae, IPhos.; follicu- lar, disturbed action causes pimples on face, neck, etc, IKali m.; hot, lAsaf., Cinchj, IIPuls, IIRhus; indolent, with syphilis, IIKali'iod.; acute infiltrations, lymphatic, Kali m.; hemorrhagic infiltrations, lymphatic, Anthrac; interstitial infiltration, I iKali iod;; inflammation, Ananth, Apis, I IGale,ICamph., Oham, IPhyt.; inflammation; in children, ■Ball.; inflammation, lymphatic, Crotal, I Hep, Hippoz, I IKali m, ISib; inflammation, lym- phatic, in children, Belb; inflammation, lymphatic, with heat and shinihg redness, hardness and pain, IINux v.; inflammation, particularly of- mammae, 11 Plant.; inflamma- tion, in scirrhus, ICarbo a.; inflammation, se- baceous, Cheb; inflammation, of sebaceous, HSib; obscure, inflammatory condition, infil- tration, IClem.; of intestinal tract, affected, Natr. p.; irritation (diphtheria), Hod.; lanci- nating (scirrhus), ICarbo a.; lymph, effusion, after inflammation, IKali m.; lymphatic affec- tions, ILapis, ISub; lymphatics, palpable, I ITubere; lymphatics,red lines and stripes in course of, HAnthrac; lymphatics, intense redness in streaks, following course of, from calf upward to body, with great anxiety, I IMygale ; lymphatics, redness and swelling along course, after wounds, IBufo.; lymphatic, affections, in scrofula, IIBar. m.; lymphatic' red streaks (malignant pustule), ILach.; lym- phatic vessels, inflamed^ swollen, from'hand to shoulder, Cup.m.; pain, Arund, Cinch. IIPuls, IIRhus ; pressing from without in- ward, ICoccub; pricking, Arund.; relaxed Nux m.; scrofulous, IBar. m, ICarbo a Iod ' IMere iod. flav.; lymphatic, scrofulous, IMere' iod. flav.; sebaceous, secrete in excess,HPsor • profuse secretion, IJab.; sensitiveness pain- ful, Sul. ae; stinging, ICoccub; suppurate discharge curdy, or thin; corrosive, IIKali iod;; suppurate, indolent, with bard edges IIKali iod.; suppurating, iCale s, Guaraea' IIRhus ; suppuration,chronic,IAur. mur nat ' suppurating lymphatics, ICarbo v.; suppurat' 44. TISSUES. 1135 ing, in scarlatina, Hod.; suppuration', espe- cially cervical, IBar. e; suppuration, of seba- ceous, HSib; tender, in cachectic people, IKali m.; throbbing, Asaf; affected, in tuber- culosis, Hod.; ulcere, fistulous, especially on neck, Bar.c; ulceration, 101. jee;ulcerations, of lymphatic, IRhus v.; ulceration, sebaceous, Dig. . fl®* Chap. 9, Lower jaw parotid, sub- maxillary; Chap. 30, Axillae glands ; Chap. 31, Neck glands; Chap. 19, Abdomen mes- enteries ; Inguinal region glands. Glands, indurated: IAgar, lAnthrac, IApis, I Arg. nit, Ars, I Asaf, Ast. c, I Aur. met, lAur. mur. natr, I IBadiag, IIBar. c, IIBar. m, IIBrom, Bry, I ICale, HCale fl, ICale s, HCarbo a, iCarbo v, HCham, ICinnab, HCist, IClem, Coccul, HCon, Cup. m, IDulc, IGraph, IHekla, lllod, Jacea, I Kali c. Kali n., ILye, I IMere, IMere cor, IMere iod. flav, Merc, sub, INatr. c. Petrol, IPhyt, Puis, IIRhus, ISars, HSil, Spig, llSpong, Staph, HSub; cancerous, Con.; especially cervical, IIBar. e; with scrof- ulous conjunctivitis, Hod,everywhere, I ITu- bere; lymphatic, Amm. c, ICarb. s.; lym- phatics, felt like hard cords under skin, pain- ful (after hemorrhage from uterus), IApis; lymphatics, if cut across, red; harder or softer, infiltrated with hemorrhagic or bloody, serous matter, Anthrac; under maxilla, HAnthrac; parotid, ICarbo a.; scirrhus, ICarbo a.; scrofulous, IIBar. m.; scrofula and syphilitic buboes, I IBadiag.; secondary de- posit, Con.; syphilis, IMere iod: flav.; in throat, I lAnthrac; with tingling and stitches, after contusions and bruises, HCon.; stony hard, ICale fl. Glands, swelling (enlargement, hypertrophy): I^Ese h. Alum, Amm. c. Apis, lArs. iod, I Asaf, lAur. met, lAur. mur, IBadiag, IBapt, IIBar. c, IBar. m, IIBell, IBrom, Bry, Calad, I ICale, Caps, Caust, ICham, Cinch, ICist,HCon,IDulc, iEucab,IGraph, IHekla, Hippoz, lllod. Iris, Jacea, IKali bi, IKali e, IIKali iod, ILith, ILye, Magn. c, Magn. m, IIMerc, IMere cor, I IMere iod. rub, IIMez, IMur. ac, INatr. c, INitr. ac, Nux v. Petrol, IPhos, IPhyt, IIPuls, IIRhus, Sec, HSil, HSpong, ISul, ISyph, lUran. n.; acute, I IBelb; in axillae (scarlatina), IRhus; axillary, hard, swollen (scirrhus mammae), I Ast. r.; in chronic bronchitis, llnub; cachectic people, IKali m.; cancerous, Con.; cervical, IIBar. e; especially cervical, ILapis; particularly cervical, axillary arid inguinal, indurated and suppurating, ISub; chronic, iCale p, IHep.; cold, Are, IDulc; cold, painless, Thuya; with deafness, Kali m -especially after contusions, IPhos.; ting- ling and stitches, after contusions and bruises, I ICon.; in diphtheria, IKreo, IMere. md. rub.; pressure, causing dropsy, IKali iod.; with earache, IIKali m.; hard, size of eggs, IBar.m- with emaciation, lArs, I Are. iod, IBar. c, ICale, ICale iod, ICale p Carbo v, Caust, ICist, ICon, IGraph, IMagn. c, Magn. m, Natr.m, Nitr. ac,IOb jee Petrol Phos Phos. ac, Psor, ISil, Staph, Sub, Sub ac • with eruption on head, IPsor.; feeling, Niix m • disposition to.with gleet (gonorrhoea), IKali m.;in hip disease, HCale; Hodgkin's di«ease, ISyph.; hot,Bufo,ICoccub; hot, pain- ful,IClem. ; and induration,IGraph.; in infants, ICham.; inflammatory,ICham.; itching, I ISib; lymphatic, Amm. c, II Anthrac, Astac, Berb, HCale, ICarb. s, ICarbo v., ICon, Kali br, I I Natr. p.; lymphatic, alternate side (diphthe- ria), ILac e; lympbatic, in cancer uteri, IGraph.; lymphatic, chronic, INatr.m.; lym- phatic, in diphtheria, INatr. m.; lymphatic, heat and soreness, Med.; lymphatic, in neck, Chim. umb.; lymphatic, painless, ISep.; lym- phatic, dark red, brittle, or softened as if filled with extravasations, Anthrac; lym- phatic, in scarlatina, I lAmmie; lymphatics, scrofulous, I IChim. umb. Con.; lymphatic, on ball of big toe, painful, Bar. c; before men- ses, Bar. e; mesenteric, ICale; on different parts of body, particularly about neck, Syph, strumous ophthalmia, IMere d:; jerking pain, I Asaf.; painful, Amm. c, Ananth, lAnthrac, Are, I Aur. met, IBar. c, IIBell, I ICale, ICale p, ICaps, ICarbo a, Carbo v, Caust, Cinch, HCon, Cop, Crot. t. Cup. m, Ign, Kali c, IMere, Natr. m, Psor, Puis, IRhus, ISib, Spig.; painful, IStaph, Sub; painful, under chin, lAnthrac, Staph.; painful, hot, I Aeon, IBell, ICham.; painful, rending, tear- ing, IFerr.; painful, scrofulous, IIBar. m.; painless, Ign, Phos. ae; parotids, IIBapt; in scabies, ISul.; in scarlatina, ILye,, IMere; after scarlatina, ILacc.; epidemic scarlet fe- ver, IMere iod: rub.; in scirrhous, ICarbo a.; scrofula, or syphilitic buboes,IIBadiag.; scrof- ulous, HCarbo v. Dig, Therid.; scrofulous children, worse after slight cold, IBar. e; scrofulous, suppuration, IIBrom.; sebaceous, HSib; sebaceous, chronic,INatr. m.; shooting, I Asaf; subcutaneous, Hod.; suppurating, lArs. i, lAur. mur. nat, iBadiag, IBell, HCale, ICale s, ICist., IIHep, IIKali iod, ILye, IMere, IMere iod. rub, Natr. s, INitr. ac, Rhus, Sep, ISil, Sub; with or without suppuration, but especially if suppuration is profuse, IIMerc.; swelling before hardening, I INatr. p.; in syphilis, HCarbov, IIKali iod, IMere iod. flav.; secondary syphilis, IMere; with tabes mesenterica in fleshy, flabby sub- jects, IKreo. GRANULATIONS (proud flesh): I Alum, •Anac. oe, -Ant. t, IIArs., ICale, Cund., IKali m, ILach, ISabina, HSib HYPERTROPHY: ICarbo a,IHydrocot,Kali br. fl®° Tumors. INDURATION : I lAnthrac, IApis, lAur.met, IlAur. mur. nat, IBadiag, IBar. c, IBell, ICale fl, ICarbo a, Dulc, IHydrocot, IPhos, Plumb, ISib; cold, in scrofulous sub- ject, ILacc; after inflammation, Alum, Amb, I Arn, 11 Are, Asaf, Aur. met. Bar. c,HBell, IBry, ICale, Camph, Cann. i. Caps, Carbo a, Carbo v, Caust, HCham, Chel, Cina, HCinch, HClem, Coloe, ICon, Cup. m, Cycl, Dulc, IIFerr, IGraph, Hep, Hyos, Ign, Iod, Kali c. Led, ILye, Magn. c, IIMagn. m, Merc, Mez, Natr. e, Nux v. Op, 11 Phos, IPlumb, IPuls, Ran.se, I IRhod, Sec, Selen, Sep., HSil, I ISpig, Spong, HStaph, Stram, IISul, Thuya, Val, Ver.; later softening, Thuya. fl®* Cancer. INFLAMMATION: IIAcon, IApis, IIArs, IIBell, IIBry, ICale, ICham, HCanth, ICup. m, lEuph, IIFerr. ph, IGels, IHep, IHyos, IKali e, ILach, ILye, IIMerc, 1136 44. TISSUES. INitrum, INitr. ac, INux v., HPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, ISil, ISpig, Squilla, HStaph, ISul, IVer, HVer. v.; recent adhesions, consequent upon inflammations, IKali m.; to abate recur- ring aggravation, IHippoz.; after anger,Cham.; asthenic, -Tereb.; diffuse, ending in the de- struction of cellulartissue.l Apis; erysipelatous, runs in radii as it extends to adjacent parts, Belb; all kinds, as long as no exudation has taken place,IFerr. ph.; and swelling, followed by cold gangrene, Euphor.; gangrenous, HSib; with great nervous hyperaesthesia, and sub- delirium, Mosch.; after indignation, IColoe; of internal organs, Sabad, Seneg.; internal, has a reputation in domestic practice as a-fo- mentation of all, Polyg.; of internal organs, with suppuration, ILach.; of internal organs, with tendency to suppuration, Bell, IPuls.; local, IIAcon.; local, in typhoid fever, IVer. v.; malignant, local, with secondary blood- infection and nervous prostration, IILach.; of mucous membranes, Calad, Caps, llCepa; seat of old, Act. spie; with violent pains, Ver. v.; phlegmonous, IBelb; phlegmonous diffuse (anthrax), HAnthrac; tissue tender on pressure, HArn.; particularly of rectum and anus, with burning and blue color of skin (yellow fever), ILach.; scrofulous, Are, Hod.; yellow, slimy or serous secretions, IKali s.; serous, non-suppurative, Cham.; first stage, as long as there is no suppuration, IFerr. ph.; first stage, hyperaemia to abatement of fever and beginning of sweat, Ferr. ph.; third stage, •Cales.; third stage, resolution, yellow mu- cous discharge, IKali s.; followed by suppu- ration and gangrene, ISil.; tearing and piercing pain, IIMillef; of various kinds, ICact; in gunshot wounds, IHyper. LEUC.S1MIA: fl®- Chap. 29, Blood leu- caemia. LIGAMENTS : pains in those that have been stretched, as in sprains, Ruta ; relaxed, ICup. ac, iFerr. sul. fl®*" Chap. 45, Sprains. METAMORPHOSIS: to retard destructive, coffee, tea, etc. Coca. MUCOUS MEMBRANES, affections in general: IIArs, IBapt, Coccus,Cochl,Dulc, Natr. a, IINatr. m, IPuls, Seneg.; acts prin- cipally on those in juxtaposition with ascend- ing aorta, Chlor.; acts powerfully, and has particular affinity for outlets of mucous sur- faces where skin and mucous membrane join, IINitr. ac; syphilitic, IHydrocot, IIMerc. Mucous membranes, burning: IApis, IIArs, ICanth, ICarbo v, ITereb.; at edges, INatr. m.; rawness, I Amm. m.; raw feeling, IliEse h. Mucous membranes, catarrh: lAmm. c, lAmm. m, IIAnt. t. Apis, lArg. nit, IBadiag, IBar. m, IIBenz. ac, ICale, IIHep, IKali bi, ■Mere, Myr. cer, IINatr. m, Niccol, 10b jec, Phell, IPuls, ISenecio, ISub; from conditions of atmosphere favoring relaxation, IGels.; chronic blennorrhcea from atony, great pain, IIMillef; blennorrhagia, Cop., INatr. m.; chronic, HPetrol.; spasms from suppressed, ICamph.; suppressed, or undeveloped, IGels. fl®*" Special organs and localities affected. Mucous membranes, cool: chronic passive hem- orrhage, I ISee Mucous membranes, congestion: I lAnthrac, Cheb; irritated, with sensation of roughness, smarting or pricking, Ptel.; passive, or venous stagnation, IHam. fl®* Inflammation; also Chap. 29, Blood congestion, plethora. Mucous membranes, dryness: lAcon, Apis, Coral, INatr. m, INux m, HSticta, ITereb.; swollen, I^Ese h. Mucous membranes, epithelium : degeneration, with enterocolitis (typhoid diseases), ITereb.; inflammation, destruction, Chrom. ae; espe- cially affected parts, covered with squamous, Merc. iod. flav. Mucous membranes, eruption: erysipelatous (throat, etc.), Apis ; vesicles, lAmm. m. Mucous membranes, exudations: croupous (JS^Chap. 25, Larynx croup); diphtheritic (8®* Chap. 13, Throat diphtheria); fibrous, IKali m.; in lymphatic constitution, Seneg, plastic, IKali bb; sticky, IKali m.; yellow, honey-colored, 11 Natr. p. Mucous membranes, fissures: of outlets, syph- ilitic subjects who have used too much mer- cury and iodide of potash, and debilitated persons broken down by excessive use of alco- hol, IHydras. Mucous membranes, follicles : acts upon, Natr. m.; hypertrophied in vagina, IKreo.; swell- ing (cancer uteri), IGraph.; in scrofulous sub- jects, Hod. Mucous membranes, infiltrations: serous and sero-hemorrhagic, I lAnthrac. Mucous membranes, inflammation: IIAcon., IIAnt. t, I Apis, IIArs, Arum m,IIBell,IBry, IDulc, IIFerr. ph, IMere, INitr. ac, Nux m, INux v.; chronic, Euphor.; red, I lAnthrac; red, in scrofulous subjects, Hod. fl®" In- flammation. Mucous membranes, irritation : HApis, Caps.; chronic, Fluor, ac; et morbus medicinalis, IHydras.; in meningitis, IGels.; pruritus, of upper outlets, Chloral. Mucous membranes, pale: ICinch, IIFerr, HPhos.; chronic, passive hemorrhage, HSec; with nun's murmur, IIFerr. Mucous membranes, secretions: acrid, Are, INatr. m, INitr. ac; of effete, albuminoid substances, as seen in white coating of tongue, or whitish secretions and expectoration, 11 Kali m.; altered and increased, Colch.; bland, yel- lowish-green, thick, IIPuls.; blood-streaked mucus, ITereb.; bloody, ICale s.; corroding, Are.; dirty, yellowish green, not laudable, IINitr. ae; fetid, Are, IIBapt, ICarbo v., IIKreo, ILach., IINitr. ac; fetid, critical, Trill.; green, IKali iod. Kalis.; increased, lAmm. m, IIAnt. t, lArg. met, IIArg nit ICanth, ICham, ICop, IDulc, IHep, Hv- dras, IMere, Myr. cer, Nux m, INux v. HPetrol, IPuls, Sinap.; lumpy, 'Calc s' IHep, Sinap.; mucus, in jellylike lump's or cakes, Aloe; passive, flux, IPhos. ae; profuse watery, serous, especially stomach and intes- tinal tracts, Elat; suppressed, lAnt.c- tens cious, Bov, Hydras, IIKali bi, Sinap'- thin IINitr. ae; thin, ichorous, corrosive ' IKali iod ; transparent, watery, coarse, frothv IINatr. m.; transudation of watery portion^ of blood, causing copious diarrhoea Crot t watery, mucous, never purulent, IGels • wh'ito' full of bubbles, color of white of egg'or 1 I boiled mucus, IINatr. m.; thick, white livid 44. TISSUES. 1137 IKali m.; coated with a yellow mucus, Agar.; yellow, Natr. s.; yellow, honey-colored, I INatr. ph.; yellowish, Kali s.; yellowish,slimy,IKali m. fl®1 catarrh, exudations. Mucous membranes, smarting : at edges,INatr. m.; as from pepper, Nan. Mucous membranes, softening: black with atony and extension of softening, especially to hard oesophagus, in scrofulous and lymph- atic patients (diphtheria), IKreo. Mucous membranes, ulceration ; I Amm. m. Ant. chl, I Ars, Arum m, IBapt, ICarbo v, ICarbol. ac, ILach, IIMerc, INatr. m, IINitr. ac, IPhyt, ISal. ae;erosions, Hydras, INatr. m.; with depressed vitality, IKreo. fl®" Ulcers. MUSCIiES : acts upon, Caulo, Dulc, I IRhus; atony, HHydras.; atrophy, I Ars, HCale, Sars.; atrophy of affected parts (apoplexy), IPlumb.; atrophy, with local paralysis, chiefly of forearm, HPlumb.; progressive atrophy, I IPhos,; progressive atrophy, alternating with colic and constipation, IPlumb.; feel bruised from touch, better walking (chronic rheumat- ism), IAgar.; caked, in hard knots or lumps (rheumatism), ISyph.; contraction, IKali iod, 1101. jee; contraction, hands, bends of knees, neck, etc, INatr. e; cannot control voluntary (paralysis with imbecility), I Anac. oe; loss of control,so weak as to fall, Amyg.; feel doughy and are powerless (chlorosis), ICycb; drawing, Cycb; increased excitability and action in voluntary, with diminution of it in involun- tary, Op.; easily exhausted from slight exer- tion (anaemia), IFerr.; involuntary alternate extension and contraction, ILye; fall from bone in shreds (leprosy), ILach.; fatty meta- morphosis, IKali ph.; flabby, Amm.c, HCale, ICham, HPhos, I ISars.; flabby in chlorosis, ICycb; flabby, with coldness, Ver. v.; flabby, with diarrhoea, IBor.; flabby, in diphtheria, IMere cy.; flabby, in hepatic disorder, I ISib; flabby, in strumous ophthalmia, IMere d.; flabby, in paralysis agitans, I IRhus ; flabby,in Pott's curvature, ISub; hardness in groups, affected by neuralgia, IBry.; inco-ordination, IKali br.; in mechanical injuries, with loss of substance, ICalend.; irritation, Aurant, IKali br.; lax, Agar, Ars, HCaps, ICinch, IClem, ICup. ac. Dig, IHyos, IIFerr, llpec, HPhos, Ver, Viol.; lax, with emaciation, IFerr.; lax, with chronic headache, in leuco- phlegmatic people, ISul. ae; lax, in inter- mittent, I Ars.; lax, affecting voluntary motion, Ferr. ph.; lax, in pneumonia senilis, IFerr.; lax, sphincters (partly paralyzed), I Aloe, IBell, IHyper, IPhos, Pod, ISee; lax, be- come suddenly, IHelb; lax, in syphilis, Iod ; lax feeling, 11 Amyb; easy mobility (chorea), IStram.; increased mobility, Coff; automatic movement, HCoccul.; pain (myalgia), 11 Act. rac, lArn, IIBry, Cinnam, Dios, H\er.; nairi, after chill, lElat.; pain, particularly after overexertion, II Arn, Gels, IRhus; pam, on motion, IBry, Sib; pain on motion, espe- cially those of thighs and upper arms, as if flesh were loose, INatr. m.; pains better by moving, IPhos, IRhus; pain, with numb- ness ILye; pain, in acute rheumatism, Ver. v • pain when touched, Coccul.; cramping, stitching pains (rheumatism), I Act. rac; para- lytic symptoms, IGels.; pressing, Cycb; tender on pressure, Apis ; rheumatism, IBry, Jacea, IKalm.; rheumatic and gouty affections, Daph.; rheumatic and arthritic pains, IIGua- iae; rheumatic affections of groups, IMagn. e; rheumatic inflammation, Apis ; rheumatism of bellies, I Act. rac; rigid, lAcon, Apis, Arg. nit, Arn, Are., Coff, Kali c, IIKali ph, ILye; rigid, with chronic gout or rheumatism in elderly persons, 1101. jee; rigid, from meningeal irritation, ICalab.; rigid at time for return of menses, 11 Calab.; rigid (fl®* Chap. 36, Convulsions tetanus); refuse their service when not governed by strong attention and will, IHelb; shortening, Bar.c, INatr. m.; soft, HCale; soft and flabby (chronic diarrhcea), IFluor. ae; soft, in Potts' curvature, ISub; spasms of sphincters, IIBell.; stiff, Apis ; stiff, in cerebrospinal meningitis, IRhus ; stiffness, passes off during exercise, IIRhus; painful stiffness, ILye; stitches, Nitr. sp. d.; erratic stitches, Daph.; hard swelling of right side, painful to touch after suppression of measles, ISub; swollen, Apis ; tension, Bar. c, Berb.; tension, in cholera Asiatica, ICup. m.; tension, with headache in right side, to neck and shoulders, ILach.; tension as if too short, in legs, Bov.; loss of tone, with dread of movement, IFerr.; sore to touch, 11 Vab; sore to touch, in rheuma- tism, IIRan. b.; fluctuating tumors, Hipp.; violet color, tAmyg.; voluntary influenced, rather than intellectual powers, Coccul.; voluntary, fail.to follow influence of will, IStram.; feel as if giving way after rising, worse walking, Arg. met, ICup. m, IFerr, IGuaraea, HHydras, Kali br, IMagn. c; weak, raising arm to mouth is painful, iEucab; weak in hepatic disorder, I ISib; weak, could hardly move about, IFerr. ph.; weak, in sexual debility, IDig.; hard welts, with rheumatic pains, iCale; will not obey will, IIGels.; do not respond readily to will (affection of vaso-motor nerves), IKali br.; continued working, I IGSnan.; fl®° Chap. 36, Chorea, Jerking, Paralysis, Trembling, Twitching. Muscles, cramps (contraction, knotted): HCamph, ICast, ICaust, ICoccul, IColoc, ICup. ac, IICup. m, Diose, IGels, IGraph, llgn, IKali br, INuxv, IOp, IPlumb, ITa- bae, HVer.; in body and lower limbs (chol- era), llris ; of whole body interrupted by jerks and starts of entire frame (metror- rhagia), IHyos.; with coldness of arms and legs (yellow fever), IMere; involuntary con- traction, IOp.; contraction of parts supplied with involuntary muscles, as intestines, ure- ters,etc,with intense pain, ITabae; especially those of legs, from toes to thighs, Bism.; of single sets, ICroe; more those of upper part of body and leftside, I lOleand.; especially in lower extremities, Coccul.; here and there, worse calves and inner parts of thighs, IKali bb; in hydrocephalus acutus, ICup. ae; often only in left side (intermittent), IChin. s.; in legs, Alum.; now here now there, HCaust.; precede paraplegia, See; periodic, Euphor.; during pregnancy, IIMillef, IPhos.; during pregnancy (metrorrhagia), IHyos.; tension (sciatica), ICham.; tonic, commence in hands and feet, spread all over, with ricewater dis- charges, HVer.; when touched, IGuaraea; se- 1138 44. TISSUES. quel of toxaemia, or in broken-down constitu- tions, ICrotal.; particularly in upper limbs, Ant. t; vomiting of dark coagulated blood, I INatr. m.; in women and children, IHyos. fl®°Chap. 36, Catalepsy, Chorea, Convulsions, muscular, tetanic; also Chap. 34, Limbs, cramps. Muscles, stretching: ICale,Ind, llpec, Lyss, IIRhus, IRhus v., Zinc; in afternoon, Arum t ; before chill (tertian), Hgn.; gaping feeling, with tiredness all over, Vace; in puerperal convulsions, on remission of symp- toms, I Atrop. s. g®*'Chap. 34, Limbs stretch- ing ; also Chap. 37, Yawning. NERVES: act upon, Ascl. s, IIHyper, IKali ph., IMagn. p.; suspected atrophy, IPhos.; builds up and prevents destruction, Chin, s.; debility of ganglionic nutritive fibres, Chin, s.; nutrition and function remedy, IMagn. p.; bad effects from injurious stimu- lants having acted on sound, Magn. p. fl®* Chap 36, Nerves; also Neuralgia nerves. NUTRITION : diseases of children suffering from excess of lactic acid resulting from over- feeding of milk or sugar, 11 Natr. p.; ailments from excess of acidity, Natr. p.; assimilation defective, ISub; defective, causes swollen, ulcerated, retracted, bleeding gums and loose teeth, I ILacc; deficient, ILac. def; deranged, Crotal.; organic detrition without reaction, Carbo v.; food does not nourish or strengthen, Hod.; impaired, HCale; malassimilation with signs of anaemia, IPuls.; perverted, ILac. def. PARENCHYMATOUS ORGANS : affect- ed, Act. sp.; dark color, I lAnthrac. PERIOSTEUM: aching (intermittent), HArn.; acts upon, Colch.; affected, IlAur. mur. Cinch, IKali iod, INitr. ae; drawing pain, Mur. ae; drawing pain, before chill, I Arn.; drawing, with heat in head (osteo- myelitis), IMere cor.; drawing, pressing, where skin covers bones, Cycb; rheumatic drawing, of long bones, Cann. s.; drawing tear- ing, worse at night, in wet stormy weather and rest, better in motion, worse in forearms and lower legs, IRhod.; indurations, after cel- lulitis, on lower jaw, Aur. mur. nat; in- juries, IIRuta; mercurialization or syphilis, IKali iod.; pains, Bell, ICamph, Graph, IIMur. ae; pain, deep-seated (panaritium), IIAmm. c; pain in long bones, especially tibia, worse at night in bed, pain is intoler- able, worse in damp weather (syphilitic rheum- atism), IMez.; pain, with paralytic weakness, ICham.; pains prevent sleep, IKalm.; rend- ing tearing pain, IColch.; pain, when touched, with tearing in tibiae, 11 Kalic; rheumatism, IMere, IPhyt.; rheumatism of syphilitic or mercurial origin, IIKali iod.; scraping, IPuls.; feels as if scraped with a knife, after injuries, IPhos. ae; soreness, Bry.; soreness, as of rheumatic origin (granular conjuncti- vitis), IPhyt.; stinging, boring, worse in cool air, IHelb; swelling, IStaph.; swelling, with nocturnal pains, IIKali iod.; syphilitic affec- tions, IPhyt.; tension when walking, with tearing in tibiae, I IKali c; thickening, with scrofulous ulcer on leg, IMez.; tingling, IPuls. Periosteum,inflammation: IAcon,IArs,lAsaf., I Aur. met, IBell, IFerr. iod, IFerr. ph, IHekla, IMere, IMez, INitr.ac, HPhos. ac, IPhyt, I IPuls, IIRuta, ISil,IStaph,ISymph.; from a blow on shin, leaving ulcer on spot size of a shilling, skin and cellular tissue in- flamed, IKali bb; with erysipelatous inflam- mation of parts, IRuta ; mercurial, IStaph.; at night, pains are insupportable, worse on touching parts, better in open air, IMang.; burning, gnawing, tearing pains, IPhos. ae; scrofulous, IStilling.; scrofulous,on syphilitic, especially affects bones of face and antrum Highmorii, Hekla; with synovitis, IApis; syphilitic, IKali bi, IKali iod.; with throb- bing and burning, as from ulceration, worse in morning and at night, also when standing, lying or lifting part, better letting limb hang, and from motion, right side or left upper and right lower, I ICon.; tibia, IMere fl®** Bones inflammation. PLAGUE : lArs, Bapt, Bell, ICarbo a. Chin. a. Cinch, Crotal, IHippoz, Nitr. ac, Psor, Rhus, Sec, Sil, Sul, Sul. ac, Ver. fl®" Sup- puration anthrax, abscess, boils, carbun- cles. PYiBMIA: lArs, ICale, Hippoz, IILach.; in hepatitis, I IPhos. ac; with metritis, IPhos.; in typhus, I IBapt. B®*'Gangrene ; also Chap. 29, Blood septicaemia. SECRETIONS: bloody (purpura haemorrha- gica), HPhos.; sluggish, IGraph.; suppressed, IMosch.; suppressed, with spasms, IStram.; secreting surface affected, ISub; watery, Natr. s. fl®* Mucous membranes and Serous mem- branes. SEROUS MEMBRANES : specifically acted upon by, IApis,HBry, IHelb; affections, I Act. rac; burning, Apis; disease approaching in- sidiously rather as sequel to some other dis- ease than as natural termination of an inflam- mation of brain, IHelb; stitches, IIBry. Serous membranes, effusions: I lAnthrac, HApis, lApoe, Arg. nit, IIArs, IIBry, IKali m, IKali s, ILye, INatr. m, ISul, Zinc; in brain and spine, Arn.; with mental and physical debility, Seneg.; from loss of vital fluid, Cinch.; in joints and closed sacs, INatr. m.; mattery, IKali s.; in peritonitis, ICrotal.; especially of pleura and lungs, : Jab.; especially from pleura and peritoneum, Uran. n.; from weakness of vessels (albuminuria), ■Dig. fl®* Swelling dropsical. Serous membranes, inflammation: HApis Bell, IIBry.; chronic, IIArs.; joints, particu- larly knees, hips and hands, Hippoz.; particu- larly pleura or peritoneum, IRan. b.; in second stage of peritonitis, pleuritis and pericarditis. IKali m. ' SEPTICiEMIA: g®* Gangrene, Pyaemia; also Chap. 29, Blood septicaemia. STENOSIS (after inflammation): Aeon IAgar, IIAlum, Ant. c, IIArg met"' HArn, IIArs, Asaf, IBelb, IBry I ICale ICamph, ICanth, Caust, I ICheb, Cinch'' HCic HClem, ICoccub, Con, Dig, Dros.' Squilla, I ISep, ISpong, Staph, I Stram 11 Sub, Thuva, 11 Ver, 11 Zinc. m"' SUPPURATION (in general): HArn I A™ lAsaf IBell,IBry,ICalc,IICalc.s,IICalend' ICanth, ICarbo v, ICaust, ICist, IDiiln IFluor. ac, IIHep, IKreo, ILach, ILye.'; 44. TISSUES. 1139 IMang., IIMerc, INitr.ac, I IPhos, IPhvt, IPuls, I ISil, IStaph, ISul, ISubac; of bones, ICale fl. (fl®* Bones, caries); painful, of bruised parts, ICroe; burrowing pus, not pain- ful, HArn.; after protracted disease, ISib; elimination of foreign bodies, IHep, ISib; gangrenous, I Are, I Asaf, ICarbo v. Chin s, ICinch, IHep, IKreo, IILach, IMere,INitr. ac, Phos., ISil, ISul. ae; incipient, lArn, IBar. c, IMere; purulent infiltration, espe- cially about forehead, eyelids and in vicinity of joints, Hippoz.; of internal organs, ICanth, IILach.; painless, IOp.; prevents formation of pus by withdrawing water from serum, Arn.; profuse, in hip disease, ICinch.; to promote, ICup.m, IIHep.; pyaemia, hectic fever, ICro- tal.; beneath skin, ISib; slow, in tubercular patients (croupous pneumonia, third stage), Hod.; of soft parts, IHep.; in spots, does not discharge, dries up into cheesy mass, revealed by skin covering it drying up and peeling off (erysipelas), ILach.; tedious, INitr. ac; un- healthy, Apis. Suppuration, abscess: lAnthrac, Apis, I Arn, Ars, Asaf, Bar. c, IBell, Bry, ICale s, Cepa, ICham, Coccul, IIHep, IHippoz, ILach, ILapis, Led, IIMerc, Mez, INuxv. (often disperses them), IPhos, IPuls, IRhus, ■ ISil., Sul, Tarant; promotes resorption of acute, IBelb, IBry.; of ankle joint, lAng.; bleeding readily, IPuls.; bluish, ILach.; bluish red swelling (varices) in surrounding parts, itching, stinging, burning, IPuls.; chills and fever, Hippoz.; chronic, lAsaf., Aur. met, Calc, ICarbo v. Con, IHep,IIod,Laur,Lyc, Mang, IMere, Merc, cor, INitr. ac, Phos, Sep., HSil, ISub; chronic, profuse discharge, Sars.; cold, 101. jee; contents tinged with blood, viscous consistence, connective tissue or muscular substance softened, Hippoz.; cut- ting, IPuls.; all over body, caused great ema- ciation, Vespa ; erysipelatous, IApis, IBelb; fever low, parts bluish, discharge scanty, tardy, or dark fluid, unhealthy, ICrotal.; of fibrous parts, or tendons, IIMez.; fistulous, Bufo, IHep, INatr. s, HSib;gouty, IGuaiac; promotes spontaneous breaking, greatly re- lieves suffering, hastens formation, in strum- ous patients, IHep.; relieve head, IChin. a.; with heat, Stram.; induration, after operations and suppuration, ICalend.; after long and vio- lent inflammation, IPuls.; in joints, IMere, HSib; lvmphatic, Hippoz, IRhus v.; lymph- atic, full of fistulae, IPhos.; lymphatic, pus copious, yellow, IPhos ; multiple, Kali br.; promotes opening, Elat, IIHep, IMere; intol- erable pain, drives to desperation, IStram.; all kinds, where pain or inflammation pre- dominates, ITarant; pains worse at night and from exposure to cold, IHep.; pus bloody, 11 Rhus ; pus bloody, corroding, smelling like old cheese, IHep.; pus full of air bubbles, ISul • control formation of pus, • Cale s.; pus offensive, ISul.; pus profuse, greenish, bloody, or yellow, IPuls.; pus scanty, IHep.: speedily noint, but pus is too scanty, ISib; pus yellow, ISub; redness Stram; scrofulous, 101 iec • small, in scrofulous children, ICale p • skin'hardandhot, IHep.; slowly suppura- ting I Merc; second stage, IKali m.; the re- sult of stasis in connective tissue tubuli, : Calc. s • stindng, IPuls.; when swelling (intersti- tial exudation) takes places,IKali m.; tendency to, Hod.; throbbing, IIHep.; acute pain ceases after a chilly feeling, and is followed by beating or throbbing indicating formation of pus, IHep.; after vaccination, IApis, HSil. fl®* Suppuration (in general); also pus. Suppuration, anthrax: HAnthrac, lArs, ICamph, ICarbo v, IKreo, IILach, I ILye, I ISil, Stram. mitigates terrible pain, I ITa- rant; burning like fire, HArs.; contagious, Anthrac; tendency to decomposition, IKreo.; erysipeloid oedema, HAnthrac; inner, I lAn- thrac; from eating diseased meat, I LAnthrac; in nervous and hysterical persons, IHyos. 8®* carbuncle. Suppuration, boils: Alum, lAmm. c, lAmm. m, lAnanth, lAnthrac, I Ant. c, lAnt. t, IApis, 11 Arn, IBell, Bov, Brom, Bry, ICale, ICale s, ICarbo v. Cinch, Coloe, ICon, ICrotal, IGraph, IGrat, IHam, IIHep, IHydras, Hyos, Ign, Ind, Hod, Iris, | Kali are, IKali iod, IKali m. Kali n, ILach, ILed, IILyc, Magn. c, Magn. m, IIMerc, IMere cor, I IMere iod. rub, IMez, INatr. m, INitr. ac, Nux m, INuxv, HPe- trol, IPhos, IPhos. ac, IPhyt, Plumb, HPsor, Ptel, IIRhus, ISars., ISee, ISep, ISil, IStaph, Stram, IISul, ISub ac. Thuya; aborting, leaving indurations, Cinch, ILach, HSib; with catarrh of bladder, Ind.; from degraded state of blood, ICrotal.; bloodboils, Alum, Aur. mur, IBar. c, IIBell, Cypr, Euphor, IHep, Hod, Iris, IKali bi, ILed, ILye, IMagn. c, IMagn. m, INatr. m, HPhos, I IPhos. ac, ISil, Sul. ac, Syph, Tnuya; bloodboils, instead of asthma, ICale; bloodboils, large, IHyos.; bloodboils, during new moon, ICale; bloodboils, pricking when touched, IMur. ac.; bloodboils, after abuse of sulphur, IBelb; bluish, ILach.; blue, after glanders poisoning, lAnthrac; large red bor- ders, near small of back, Thuya ; carbuncular, small, discharge slowly and show dark red streaks, pains intolerable, could not sleep for three nights, Med.; debilitating, I Ars, HSec.; fever low, parts bluish, discharge scanty, tardy, or dark fluid, unhealthy, ICrotal.; in- flamed, IIBell, IMere; long inflamed, suppu- ration commencing with blisters, iHep.; se- quelae of itch, ICale, ISub; large, Ant. L, Crotal, IHep, Hyos, 11 Jaeea,ILach, IILyc, IMere, INitr. ac. Petrol, Phos, ISib; large, painful, Kob.; large, burning, stinging, 11 Apis; do not mature, but remain blue, ILye; ma- ture and heal slowly, HSec; multiple, I Arn, I Ars, Nux v, ISub; when pain or inflamma- tion predominates, ITarant.; painful, small, IKali bi.; painful, small, indolent, HSep.; painful to touch, Spong.; painless, I INatr. e; two or three inches apart, some papular, with inflamed area, others pustular, Hydras.; re- turn periodically, ILye; phagedenic, Bor.; to eradicate predisposition,ICale; afterpus has formed, IMere; frequently recurring, Ant. c, I Ars, Ast. r. Hod, IMere, I INux v, I ISub; mingled with scorbutic spots over whole body, I IMere cor.; small, Arn, Bell, Grat, Hydras, Hod, Lye, Magn.c, INatr. m, Nux v, ISul, Ustil, Zinc; small, frequent, IFluor.ac; small, painful, HArn, ISee; small, sometimes sting- ing on touch, Sars.; small, suppurating, often leaving scars, IIKali iod.; sore to contact, 1140 44. TISSUES. IHep.; stinging when touched, on chin, I ISil, to hasten suppuration, Berb, IHep, IMere; several small ones unite, INux v. fl®" fur- uncles. Suppuration, carbuncle: Agar, HAnthrac, IApis, lArn, IIArs, IBell, IBufo, ICale s, Canth, Caps, ICarbol. ac, -Chlor, Cinch, ICrotal, Fluor, ac, Ham, IIHep, IHippoz, Hyos, Kali iod, IKreo, IILach, Mur. ac, INitr.ac, IRhus, I ISang, ISee, HSib, ISul, ITarant; cannot bear bandages, IILach.; in beginning, pains intense, affected parts dark red, IRhus ; degraded state of blood, ICrotal.; from blood poisoning, IILach.; blue, far around, IBufo.; bluish, IILach, IRhus ; blu- ish, black,IApis; burning, HAnthrac,IApis, IIArs.; continuous burning, Coloe; cerebral symptoms, Anthrac; do not run a complete course, ILach.; diffuse, Anthrac; erysipelat- ous, Anthrac, IApis, HTarant; fever low, parts bluish, discharge scanty, tardy or dark fluid unhealthy, ICrotal.; gangrenous, I Ars, IILach, IRhus ; intractable and hard, ISib; inflammation slow, ILach.; circumscribed, hard, large knots, lAnthrac; all openings run into one, much pus, lAnthrac; atrocious pains, ITarent; pestilential, IIBufo.; profuse discharge of matter, ISil.; purple surround- ings, many small boils around them, must rise at night and bathe to allay burning, IILach.; ichorous, offensive pus, HAnthrac; darkish red, greasy, more eroded than ulcerated, HAnthrac.; in scorbutic individuals, ulcere on gums, profuse clear urine, Mur. ae; skin over dead cellular tissue little disposed to ul- cerate, and when perforated discharge thin, scanty, sometimes bloody, ILach.; sloughing, HAnthrac; prickling stinging, as if from splinters running through, INitr. ae; suppu- rative stage, ISib; stinging, IApis ; burning stitches all around, with alternate chilliness, and heat of body (anthrax), I ILye; suppura- tion tardy, IILach.; swelling, IKali m.; ten- sion of skin around, as if too short (anthrax), ILach.; typhoid symptoms, HAnthrac; sys- temic weakness, HLach. Suppuration, furuncles: lAbrot, if Hepar is insufficient, Alum, I Anac, IApis, I Are, Calad, iCales, ICina, IIMerc, ISil, HSub; near anus, with fistula, IBerb.; commence with small blisters, Cist; in cholera Asiatica, during convalescence, IISul.; chronic, could not sit or lie, IApis ; in crops,on various parts of body, painful, with inflamed base terminat- ing in suppuration, discharging unhealthy pus, sometimes bloody, healing up soon, fol- lowed by another crop, ISub; in diabetes, HPhos. ac. Sec, Tarant.; epidemic, of various sizes, from a small pustule to a large boil, the latter becomes carbuncular, and surrounded by little pustules, IKali iod.; asif it would form, Ars.m.; relieve head, IChin. a.; from indigestion, IIMagn. c.; large, in region of left lower jaw, IKob.; with functional derange- ment of liver, I ISep.; malignant, painful, turn blue, and spread, ILach.; one at a time, suc- ceeded by another in another place when first is healed, ISub; periodic, ILye; small, Ars. m.; small, on places formerly injured by con- cussion, IDulc; small, particularly in ears, IPic. ae; sudden appearance, IHep.; sudden appearance, with day blindness, ISib; after vaccination, Ant. t; form ulcers, ICale p. fl®- boils. Suppuration, of membraneous tissues: on. Suppuration, pus: acrid, corrosive, HArs., ICarbo v, HCaust, ICham, IClem, ILye, IMere, INatr. c, IINitr. ac, I IPetrol, IKan. b, IRhus, ISep, ISil, I IStaph, I ISub, ISul. ac; albuminous, ICale; black, ISub; leaving a black stain, Cinch.; bland, Bell, ICale, IHep, ILach, Mang, IMere, Phos, IIPuls, Rhus, ISil, Staph, ISub; bloody, lArs, IIAsaf, ICarbo v, ICaust, IIHep, ILye, IIMerc, INitr. ac, IPhyt, IPuls, ISib; brown, I Are, Bry, ICarbo v, IRhus, ISib; dirty, foul, ichorous, fetid, I IKali p.; fetid, lArs, IIAsaf, ICale, HCarbo v, Cinch,Chin. s,IGraph,l IHep, I IKreo, ILye, INux v, IPhos. ac, IPhyt, ISep, I ISib, IISul'.; gelatinous, jellylike, Cham, Merc, ISib; gray, I Are, Caust, Merc, ISib; green- ish, Asaf, lAur.met, Caust, IIMerc, IPuls, Rhus, Sep., Sib; yellowish green, IPuls.; ich- orous, lArs, lAsaf, Calc,ICarbo a, ICarbo v, Caust, ICinch, ILach, IKreo, IMere, INitr. ac.,1 Phos,IPhyt,IRhus, HSil,ISub; ichorous smelling terribly, lAnthrac; profuse, IIArg. met,I Ars,l Asaf, ICale,ICinch,l IHep, Hod, ILye, IIMerc, IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISil, ISub; profuse, enormous quantities with heclic, Hod.; putrid, ICale, Con, ILye, ISib, ISub; salty, Anthrac, Are, Calc, Graph, Lye, Puis, Sep., Staph, Sub; scanty, or sup- pressed, ICale, Cham,IIHep,ILach, IMere, ISib; scanty, smelling like herring brine, IGraph.; smelling like herring brine, ISib; smelling or tasting sour, Calc, Hep, Merc, Kalm, Sub; tenacious, Bov.; viscid, Asaf, Con, Merc, Phos, Sep.; watery, thin, I Ars, IIAsaf, ICarbo v, ICaust, Cham, ILye, IMere, INitr. ac, IPhyt, Ran. b, Rhus, HSil, IStaph, HSub; whitish, ICale; milky, ILye; yellow, Ars, ICale, ICarbo v, ICaust, IIHep, iMerc,INatr. c, IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISil, IStaph, ISub Suppuration, ulcers: fl®* Ulcers. SWELLING: Asaf, INux m.; of affected parts, IGuaraea, Hippoz.; anaemic, in rheuma- tism, IPhyt.; bloating, Cact; bloating, with swelled abdomen, children, HCale; in morn- ing, worse in afternoon, INatr. e; cold swell- ings, Asaf, ICarb. s, IMere; with cyanosis of hands and feet (pneumonia), IKali e; dark, Asaf; in different parts of body, Eucab; dif- fuse, red, with burning throbbing, as if flesh were being torn from bones (itch), ILach.; of diseased parts, Apis ; elastic, Ars.; elastic, of whole" body, will not pit on pressure, Dory.; elastic, white, of whole body, Dig.; emphy- sematous, Sec; in erysipelas, harof and white in middle, IApis ; fibrinous exudations, caus- ing enlargement of parts, IKali rn.; flat' with redness and whiteness, I IApis; convolute hard, glandular (syphilis), IBadiag • hard' I IKali m, IPhos.; hard, with heat, sensitive to touch,worseat night, disturbing sleep I \ur mur.; hard, red, conical (ervsipelas) IApis- large, dark red, thick, soft as dough when touched, I ILach.; hard, after threatening to suppurate, ISib; hard, tender, IPhyt- of whole body, with mental and cerebral sv'mn toms, Dory.; pale, of affected parts, prevent ing sleep (rheumatism), I Are.; pale, hard in 44. TISSUES. 1141 leprosy, ILach.; pale, in rheumatism, IPhyt; phlegmonous, I lAnthrac; phlegmonous, with a rosy tint, Sarrae; purplish, in erysipelas, ILach.; pufliness, IIAsaf, HApis, HCale, IKali c, ILith, INatr. m, Ziz.; puffy, in rheumatism, IPhyt.; smooth, shining, IIRhus; sudden, IHelb; to suppuration, espe- cially submaxillary and cervical glands, lAnanth.; varicose, ICalend.; white, Hekla; of whole body, turning yellow, Bufo. Swelling, dropsical (anasarca, oedema): 11 Acet. ac, ./Ethus, IAgar, • Ammoniac, -Anaeoc, •Anag, Anthrac, lAnt c. Ant. t, HApis, IJ Apoe, -Arg. nit, IIArs, IIArs. s.f, I I Asaf, I Ascl. t, lAspar, lAur. met, IlAur. mur, I Aur. mur. nat, IBar. m, IBrom, IBry, ICalad, : Calc s, ICamph, ICanth., Carbo v. Case, Cepa, Cham, Chel, iChen. a, IChim. umb., Chin, a, HChloral, ICinch, Cinnam, ICochb, HColch, IIColoc, Con, Crotal, IIDig, IDulc, lElat, Erig, lEup pur, IFerr, Ferr. s, IFluor. ac, IForm, :Gamb, IGraph, iGrat, IHam, IIHelb, IHelon, I Hep, IHippoz,IHydras, Hyos, Iber,IIctod, llris, IKali c, IKali iod, IKali m, IKalm, ILach, Lactu v, ILaur, ILed, Lept, IILyc, IMere, IMere cor, IIMerc. sob, IMur. ac, INaja, Natr. a, INatr. m, Natr. s, INux m, 1101. caje, IOp, Phos, IPlumb, IPrun, IPsor, IPuls, Ran. b, Rhod., IRhus, Ruta, Sabad, Sabina, -Sal. ac, ISamb, 11 Sec, Seneg, ISquilla, ISub, IITereb, Uran. n, ■ Urt ur, Ver, Ver. v. Zinc, I IZing.; from induration of abdominal organs, lAur. mur. nat.; acute, inflammatory, 11 Apoe; of af- fected parts, Hippoz.; of affected parts, with anthrax, lAnthrac; of affected parts, espe- cially feet and ankles, IMere; affected parts swell till patient looks like a hogshead, Anac; with albuminuria, IlAur. mur, ICinch, I Eup. pur, IHelon, IHep.; with anaemia, IFerr, IPhos, ISenecio, Seneg, ITereb.; as- thenic, I lEryng.; with spasmodic asthma of children, IIKali br.; atonic, jChim. umb.; in Bright's disease, IApis, I ILac def, I IRhus, I ITereb.; Bright's disease, sequelae of scarla- tina, IHep.; with burning, Sub; with ca- chexia, 101. jee; cardiac, Amyl, I Apis, I Apoe, IIArs, IlAur. mur, IBry, ICact, iCalep, Chin, a, I IChloral, IColch, I ICollin, Cop, Crotal, IDig, IFluor. ac, IHelb, IKali m, HLac def, IILach, IILyc, INatr. m, IPrun, I ISep, ISquilla, Tereb.; cardiac, from hyper- trophy, lArs, IDig, Lye; cardiac, from dis- eased right heart, Merc, sul, Phos, Phos. ac; after catarrh (scarlatina), IApis ; of cavities, ISoono- • of cavities and internal organs, IColch.;' of chest, fl®" Chap. 28, Inner chest dropsy; particularly of chest, and after scar- latina, I ICitrus; after suppression of chills, Coral • with chlorosis, in scrofulous girls, ISe- necio • from impeded circulation, ICoccub; show changes of cloudy oedema, striped and flecked with blood, I lAnthrac; from taking cold, Ant. t, HApis, Apoe I Are, IDulc; from cold with rheumatic complaints, IKalm.; with debility, ICinch, IHelon.; with diabetes mel- litus several times, in a man aet. 62, phlegm- atic, dark complexion, dark hair and eyes, i IT act ac- with diarrhoea, IHelb; with d arrh^a in nephritis, IPhos, after debil- itating chronic diseases, cachectic, IPrun.; with drowsiness, IHelb; of drunkards, I Ars, Calc. a, ICard. in, ICinch, I IFluor. ac, He- lon, ILed, Lye, INux v, Rhus, ISub; from retention of effete matter, lAscl. s.; after suppressed eruption, HApis, Apoe, I Are, Ascl, Dig, IHell, Sub; in erysipelas, IApis; exanthemata suppressed by cold, IPhos. ac.; after acute exanthemata, looked like a corpse about to decompose, IGraph.; worse about face and hands, ILye; with fever, IHell, Ver. v.; with hectic fever, lAur. -mur.; with intermittent fever, IlAur. mur, HLac def, Sinap.; after intermittent fever, Chim. umb, IDulc; after protracted intermittent, in marshy districts, Alb sat.; after suppressed intermittent, lArs, Chim. umb, Dulc, I Ferr, Merc, ISub; flabby, Dig.; from loss of blood or other fluids, Acet. ac, Apoe, iCale p, HCinch, IIFerr, IFerr. ph, Helon, Lye, Merc, Sub; from abuse of cinchona in inter- mittent fever, IFerr.-; from pressure of swol- len glands, IKali iod.; hepatic, lAur. mur, •Cale p., HCard. m. Cop, Crotal, Ferr, Iris, IKali m, HLac def, ILye, INatr. m.; espe- cially after inflammation of internal organs, Seneg.; internal, Arn, llpec, Spig.; with er- ratic pains in joints, 1101. jee; congestion of kidneys, ITereb.; dependent upon degenera- tion of kidney, probably granular, ITereb.; with kidney affections, prostration, ITereb.; with pain in region of kidneys, IDulc; first left, then right leg,lILach.; legs and scrotum, IKali e; from disease of liver or spleen,II Aur. mur, ICard. m, IChim. umb, ICinch, Cup. m, IFluor. ac. Iris, Lach, Lept, ILye,Merc, Merc, sul; with amenorrhcea, IApis, ICale, ISenecio ; from amenorrhcea, caused by being drenched by rain, IRhus; meningitis, Apis, Ars,ICalc,IDig,IGraph, Helon,Merc, Sene- cio ; menses suppressed, IKali c; after abuse of mercury, Cinch, Dulc, Hell, Phyt, Sub; difficult micturition, pale face, intermittent, pulse, Dig.; dependent upon impaired ner- vous vitality, I ISumb.; small nodules beneath, varying in size, and filled with reddish pus, Hippoz.; worse at noon, Ars. h.; with great oppression, Bufo.; ovarian, lArs.; with pain in limbs and dry skin, Led.; with palpitation, IKali m.; after checked perspiration, Ant. t; from obstructed portal system, Lept.; during pregnancy, 8®° Chap. 24, Pregnancy dropsy; rapid, IApis; renal, IApis, lAscl. s, -Calc p, HChim. umb, HColch, Coloe, Crotal, Eup. pur, -Sal. ae; renal, especially albumi- nuria, after scarlatina, Cop.; renal, rapid, I ITereb.; after rheumatic fever, IDulc; with rheumatism, IColch.; after scarlatina, lAcet. ac, lAmb, HApis, IIArs, lAscl. s, IlAur. mur. Bar. c, IBar. m, ICale, IColch, Coloe, Cop, ICrot, IDulc, IIHelb, IHep, IILach, IMere, INatr. m, Natr. s, IPhos, IStram, IITereb, Ver. v. Zinc; after scarla- tina, with fetid breath, IINitr. ae; after scar- latina, compels him to sit erect, IPhos.; hard, scorbutic infiltration, IKali m.; smooth, Natr. s.; from spleen disease, IILach.; with enlargement of spleen, IChin. s.; stitching pain in limbs, IHelb; in stone cutters, ISib; from checked sweat, I Ascl. s.; after suppres- sion of sweat, by damp cold air, IDulc; in syphilis, IKali iod, IISul. ae; with tenesmus-like pain, j Castor.; without thirst 1142 44. TISSUES. HApis; with torpidity, Caps.; with trem- bling of limbs, dysuria, dyspepsia and vomit- ing, INux v.; with uraemic symptoms,HApis ; upper part of body, to umbilicus, Urt ur.; with difficult urination, after abuse of Can- tharides, ICamph.; urine black, IILach.; suppressed urine, IHelb; urine turbid, IRhus; uterine atony,IHelon.; in various parts of body, especially feet, legs and instep, ISamb.; weakness, IHelb; weakness and loss of appe- tite, Chim. umb.; fl®" Chap. 3, Brain dropsy; Chap. 18, Liver and Spleen dropsy ; Chap. 19, Abdomen dropsy; Chap. 20, Diarrhoea, dropsy ; Chap. 21, Kidneys dropsy ; Chap. 24, Pregnancy dropsy ; Chap. 28, Inner chest dropsy; Pleura exudation ; Chap. 29, Peri- cardium effusion; Chaps. 32, 33 and 34. Swelling, inflammatory : burning, IIArs.; sub- cutaneous, IKali m.; hot, Asaf, IGuaraea, IPhyt.; hot, cold skin and sickly appearance, ICrot; hot,tense, hard, Led.; red, Asaf.JBelL, Gamb, IIRhus; red, shining, Sabina. TENDONS: IBry, IIRhus, IRuta ; contrac- tion, HCaust, IKali iod.; feel as if being pulled out, I INitr. ae; straining and over- stretching, from contusions, falls, or other external injuries, Con.; tearing pain, Agar. TRICHINOSIS: IApis, ITelb TUBERCLES: ISpong,I ITubere; abdominal, Amm. c, lArs, IBar. e, HCale, ICale iod, ICale p., Carbo v., Caust, Cinch, Ferr. ph, IHep, Hod, Lach, Merc, INitr. ac, 101. jec, IPhos, Phos. ac. Plumb, Puis,Sib,Sub; with albuminuria, Calc. a.; in brain, I ICale p., ICaust, Hyper.; causes epilepsy, IKali br.; in kidneys, Hippoz.; in lungs, Hippoz.; in glans penis, Hippoz.; in periosteum of skull, dura mater and plexus choroides, Hippoz.; small, upon pleura, Hippoz.; size of a millet seed to a pea, firm texture,gray,yellowish or reddish, in lungs, Hippoz.; in testicles, Hippoz. fl®° Chap. 3, Brain meningitis tubercular; Chap. 28, Lungs consumption ; Chap. 33, Hips disease; and Knees swelling white. TUMORS (undefined): Agar, IApis, lAstac, Carbo a, ISub; in abdomen, Aur. mur. nat.; in abdomen,throbbing (abdominal aneurism), IBar. m.; with ascites, IApis. Tumors, atheroma: Bell, ICale, Graph, Lact. ac, Sil. Tumors, like bloodboils : on scalp, worse press- ure, motion, better heat, itching as if in bones, IKali c. Tumors, bony: fl®- Bones swelling, tumor. Tumors, burning: IApis, lArs, ICon. Tumors, cancerous: fl®° Cancer. Tumors, cephalaematoma: fl®° Chap. 4, Tu- mors, Tumors, cerebral: fl®- Chap. 3, Brain tumors. Tumors, cheloid : multiple, appeared after ex- cision of tumor, rapidly returned and increased in size, I ISib Tumors, cold: Form. Tumors, colloid: Carbol. ac. Hydras, Phos. Tumors, cystic : IApis, Apoe, Ars, IIBar. c, IBrom, HCale, -Cale s. Graph, IHep, Sib; cholesteatoma, ICale; osteoma, IMez.; discharging pus, ICale; sebaceous, IAgar, IIBar. c, IBell, IHep, Kali br.; sebaceous, particularly atheromatous,IGraph.; sebaceous, particularly when atheromatous. ISib; in ax- illa, IBar. e; at point of elbow, IHep.; mol- luscum, body and limbs covered w*tn so ft, round, smooth, painless tumors, with broad base, bluish, then purplish or pinkish hue, found on puncture to contain semi-fluid, sebaceous (atheromatous) matter,variedmsize from a bean to a filbert, and were in all stages of development, I ISub; nodular, discharging on beingopened thick, purulent masses, mixed with blood and serum, Hippoz.; serous, in vagina, IPuls.; particularly on skull, IIBar. c; steatoma,IBar. c, ICale, IGuaraea, IHep , ISil, synovial, ISil. fl®" wens. Tumors, enchondroma : ICale, ISil. Tumors, epithelioma: Acet. ac. Are. i. Alum, Aur. met, Belb, Carbo a. Con, Hydras, Kreo , Merc, cor, Merc, iod, Natr. in., Nitr. ac, Phos, Sil, Thuya. Tumors, epulis: fl®* Chap. 10, Gums tumor. Tumors, erectile : ILye, INitr. ac, IPhos. Tumors, fatty (lipoma): Agar, |Amm. m, IIBar. c, IIBell, ICale, Croc, Graph,I ILapis, Phos, IPhyt ; from abuse of liquors, ICale; especially about neck, IIBar. c; on neck,, IPhos.; on scalp, ICroe; scrofulous, ICale Tumors, fibroid: Bell, Bry, ICale, Calc. s., ICon,I ILapis, Led, ISib; fibro-cellular, Acet ac. fl®*" Chap. 23, Uterus tumors. Tumors,fungous: Calend, I ISang.; haematodes, Are, ICale, Carbo v, IILach, INatr. m, Nitr. ac, IIPhos,IPuls,Sep,ISil, Staph,IIThuya; medullaris, ICale, Carbo a, Nitr. ac, IPhos, ISil, Thuya ; idiopathic, of dura mater,ICalc p.; particularly if syphilitic, IManc. fl®*" Uterus tumors. Tumors, ganglion : IBenz. ac, IRuta. Tumors, glandular: fl®" Glands swelling. Tumors, gummata: ICarbo a. Tumors, haematoma : Arn, Con. fl®I"fungous; also Chap. 46, Skin neevi. Tumors, hard: ICon, ISib; hard, especially on legs, dark color, yellow pustules interwoven, basis hard and painful to pressure only then, navel-like centre is not painful, surrounded by a red halo, after discharging, sunk for a month or a year, and covered themselves with thick crusts, Kali iod.; hard, bluish on end of nose, ICarbo a.; size of egg, hard, on pressure movable, a short distance above knee, Hgn. 8®" fibroid. Tumors, injuries: lArn.; after burns, ICale; can be traced to a bruise, lancinating pain, HCon. Tumors, lipoma: 8®° fatty. Tumors, lymphoma : Ars, Phos, Sec. Tumors, lupus: fl®" Cancer. Tumors, naevi: fl®- Chap. 46, Skin neevi. Tumors, osseous: g®*Bonesswelling, tumor. Tumors, ovarian : g®"Chap. 23, Ovaries tumor" Tumors, pain: intolerable, drives to despera- tion, IStram.; irritable, I IPhyt.; lacerating pricking, IHep.; lancinating, Ars, I ICon.; lancinating, in night (cancer mammae), I Ast' r.; lancinating, burning, deep-seated pains* Ananth. Tumors, polypus: HCale, ICale p, ICarbo a ICon, ILye, IIMar. v, ISib; bladder, I ICale * bleed profusely on slight provocation, IPhos - cartilagelike, undergo retrograde metamor- phosis, ICarbo a.; on cervix uteri, I Ars- in ear, HCale; of all kinds, particularly nasal fibroid, IIMar. v.; fibrous, ; Calc. s.; fleshv retrograde slowly, ICarbo a.; nasal, HCale ' of nose or ears, I Phos.; soft, Kali s.; of uteru«* 44. TISSUES. 1143 HCale, ILed.; in vagina, IPuls.; in ear and nose, especially among old and middle-aged women, IMar. v. Tumors, sarcoma: burning, IBar. e; malignant, ICrotal, I ILapis; burning, in neck, iBar. e; open, IIKali m.; osteo, Carbol. ac. Graph, Hekla. Tumors, scirrhous: fl®* Cancer. Tumors, sebaceous : fl®" cystic. Tumors, steatoma: fl®" cysts. Tumors, varicose: lArn., IFluor. ac, IHam, ■Lye Tumors, wens : Ananth, IIBar. c, IBell, Calc, Caust, Clem, ICon, IGraph, IKali c, INitr. ac, Phos. ac, Phyt, Rhus, ISib, Sub, Thuya. fl®° cysts. ULCERS: I Alum, Amm. c, Anag, lAng, Ant. c. Ant. t. Apis, lArg. nit, lArn, IIArs, I Ars. i, Asaf, Ast. r, I Aur. met, Bar. c. Bell, Benz. ac, Berb, Bor, Brom, Calc, Cale p, ICalend, Canth, HCarbo v. Card. m, ICaust, Cepa, ICham, Chel, Chlor, Cinch, Cist, Clem, ICon, Cund, ICup. m, Dulc, Euphor, Ferr, IFluor. ac, IGraph, IHep, Hyos, Hyper, Ign, Hod, Jacea, IIKali bi, IKali c, IKreo, IILach, ILapis, ILye, IIMerc, IMez, I IMillef, IMur. ac, INatr. c, INatr. m, IINitr. ac, INux v, IPae- onia, IPetrol, IPhos, IPhos. ac, HPhyt, Plumb, Polyg, Psor, Puis, Ran. b, Rhus, Ruta, Sang, ISars, ISee, Selen, Sep, HSil, Staph, ISul, IThuya, Ver, IZinc; promotes granulation and cicatrization, I I Stram. Ulcers, abscesses: abscesses form in vicinity, especially about joints,Hippoz. fl®* Abscess, Suppuration. Ulcers, air: worse from cold, IRan. b.; worse from cold, in Winter, IPetrol.; worse in open, or in windy weather, Cham, fl®" sensitive. Ulcers, areolae: IMez.; bluish black, Ham, blue,' ILach.; brownish red becomes blackish blue', ILach.; like carbuncles, with a coppery circumference, IPhos.ae; dark, IMere; fiery red, IIMez.; green, ILach.; lead-colored, ILach.; surrounded by papillae, IPuls.; pur- ple IILach.; red, Asaf, ICale, Calend, Cham, IHep, ILach, Lye IMere IPetrol, Puis IRhus, I ISil, Staph, IISul, Ver.; bright red, IIKali bb; red, shining, lArs ; red streaks, like radii, IBelb; yellow, ILach. Ulcers, atonic : 8®° indolent Ulcers bedsores: Ante, HAnthrac, lArn, ICamph,ICarbo v,Cinch,IFluor ae.lPetrol Plumb ISub ac.; from degraded state of blood, ICrotai'- erysipelatous, centre covered with drv bloody incrustations, I Arg. nit.; erysip- elatous, on left shoulder, sacrum and hips, black hard (typhus),11 Arg. nit; raw places (prurigo; intertrigo), ISub; especially in sacral TJlce'reVlackl'liAre'lAsaf, HCarbo v, Eu- nhor Inec IILach, IILyc, IMur. ac. Plumb ISee, Sil, Sub; spot on centre, IIKa- U&£ b&^irV-' ^ rC' HHvos" Hod, IKali e, IKalm, HLacfi, L?c, 'IMere IMez IINitr. ac, HPhos, IPhos ac IPuls, IRan. b„ ISee, HSil Sul ISub ac. Zinc; black, coagulated blood, I Ars.; burn when dressed, IILyc; with secretion of fetid ichor,Con.; linen or charpie sticks, when torn away they bleed, IMez.; on appearance of menses, HPhos.; at night, IKali e; blood oozing, Ham.; profusely and readily, ILach.; when touched, ICarbo v., INitr. ac; even on slight wiping, IIHep. Ulcers, bluish: IIArs, I Asaf, lAur. met, Bism, ICon, IHep, IILach, ILye, HSil, Ver.; bad colored, IKali ph.; dark, almost black at base, IHam.; dark, Asaf; discolored, Caust.; livid, ICarbo v., Con, Hippoz.; dis- colored after abuse of mercury (syphilis), IKali iod.; red, ILach.; violet, lAnanth. Ulcere, boils: after boils on other parts of body, IPhos.; formed from furuncles, ICale p. fl®1" carbuncular. Ulcers, boring: IKali e Ulcers, burning: fl®** painful. Ulcers, cancerous: Apis, lArs, Aur. met. Bell, Calc, ICarbol. ac. Chin, s, Clem,ICon, HCund, Hep, Hydras, IKali iod, IKreo, ILach, ILyss, IILyc, IMere, IIMillef, Nitr. ac, IPhyt, Rumex, Sep, I ISil, Squilla, Staph, ISub; from contusions, with burning stitches, ICon.; lancinating, IMere; particu- larly painful in morning, burning at and in margin, I Ars.; on ribs, iCund. Ulcers, carbuncular: with coppercolored cir- cumference, IPhos. ac. 8®° boils. Ulcere, carious: Agar, Anthrac, lAsaf., I Aur. met, HCale, Hekla, Hep, Hydras, IKali iod. Lye, IMere, INitr.ac, IPhos.ae, Phyt, IPuls, Rumex, Ruta, Sabina,! I Sil, Sub; pain- ful, with scanty or watery discharge, IStaph.; skin for some distance around dusky red or brown, with vesicles or pinholes, discharg- ing watery fluid, IStaph.; worse from too large or too frequently repeated doses of Silica, Fluor, ac. fl®° Bones caries. Ulcers, chilblains: fl®* Chap. 46, Skin. Ulcers, chilliness: IBry. Ulcers, cicatrices: painful, ILach.; starshaped, white, Hippoz.; to hasten cicatrization, Cund. fl®° re-open. Ulcers, cold: cold feeling, Ars, IBry, IRhus, ISib; better by cold, Cham, IFluor. ac, ISee; worse from cold applications, IMere Ulcers, creeping (crawling): ICham, Chim. umb. Con.; in angina syphilitica, ILach. Ulcers, deep: IIArs, I Asaf, lAur. mur. nat. Bell, ICale, Clem, IComo, Con, IIKali bi, IKali iod, IILach, ILye. IIMerc , IMur. ac, IINitr.ac,Sabina,Sep, HSib, HSub.lThuya; eating, IKali iod.; raised edges, IPetrol.; ex- cavated, IAgar.; extend in depth, HSib; fistul- ous, IPetrol.; especially with gastric symp- toms, lAnt. c; penetrating, ichorous, IPsor.; depressed, as if cut out with a punch, edges regular, IIKali bb; bare tendons and bones, Hippoz.; yellow, IIKali bi. fl®* fistulous, perforating. Ulcere, dirty: IArs,Calc,!ILach,ILyc,IMerc, INitr. ac, Sabina, Sul, Thuya. Ulcere, discharge: acrid, ICarbo v, Caust, Clem, IGraph, IHep, IRan. b, IStaph.; acrid,ichorous, fetid, yellow, IKreo.;albumin- ous, ICale, IPuls.; badly colored, IPhos.; bloody, I Asaf, Canth, Caust., IDros,IKali c, IPetrol, Ruta; bloody, especially after con- tusions, ICon.; bloody, smelling like old cheese, edges sensitive, IHep.; thin bloody, lArs.; copious, ICinch, IKali e; copious, 1144 44. TISSUES. bloody, IIArs.; copious, bloody, corroding, Hod.; corroding, IAgar, Caust, Cup. m, IGraph, IHep, Hippoz, IIKali bi, IPetrol, Zinc; dark, fetid, IApis; deficient, lArs.; ex- cessive, IStaph.; excoriating, lArs.; greenish, Caust.; greenish, corroding, INux v.; gray, Caust.; ichorous, Caust, ICinch, Con,ICund, IDros, Ham, IHep, IKali c, IKali ph., ILach, IPsor, IRan. b, IStaph.; ichorous, bloody, horrible stench (scirrhus of os tincae), I Arg. met.; ichorous, especially after con- tusions, ICon.; ichorous, with violent itching, I IJacea ; ichorous, thin, IILyc.;'ichorous, yellowish,Chim. umb.; profuse, Asaf, Calend, Canth, IFluor. ac; profuse, carrion-like, I Are.; purulent, thin and ichorous, IPhos.; scanty, Bar. c, ICale, ICina, Cup.m, I IDulc , IHydras, Ign, IPetrol, IPhos, llSpong, IStaph, Ver.; scanty or total suppression, worse nights, also from poulticing, worse washing the sore left side, Clem.; pus easily secreted, IPhos.; serous, I Asaf.; serous or bloody, Clem.; serous, reddish, ISars.; tena- cious, Bov.; greenish, oppressive, lArs.; thick purulent, greenish yellow,peculiar,fetid smell, IComo.; thick, yellow, -Calcs.; thin, watery yellow, Hod.; thin, ICarbo v., IKali c; thin, ichorous, Asaf; thin, ichorous (cancers), I Are.; thin, leaving stains upon linen, as from melted tallow, IMere cor.; thin,watery,Caust.,Kali s.; thin, watery, bad smelling, Ham.; pus un- healthy, IHydras.; watery, Con, IDros, IGraph, IKali c, IPetrol.; white, putrid, lAmm. e; yellow, Canth, Clem, Caust.; yel- low lymph, in shapeof drops of sweat, IRan. b. Ulcers, drinking : worse from coffee, Cham. Ulcere, drugs: large, after abuse of mercury (syphilis), IKali iod.; maltreated with lead, Caust; after mercury, Bell, IIHep, INitr.ac, I ISars,I ISil, IStaph, 11 Stram.; after mercury, bones affected, lAur. met.; after mercury, in gouty persons, IILyc. fl®*" syphilitic. Ulcers, dry: IIKali bb; parchmentlike, Bism. Ulcers, edges: areolae discolored, ILach.; black, Con, ILach.; bluish, lAsaf.; burning, IHep.; callous, IPhos.; circular, elevated, slightly rounded, surrounded by inflamed skin, irregu- lar base, bleeds readily and discharges thin, corrosive ichor, IHydras.; corroded, sharp, > burning, itching, stinging, after vesicles, IRan. b.; dry, sharp cut, ISang.; elevated, lArs, Clem, IHep, I Petrol,IPhos, HSib; elevated, callous, lArs, IILyc; elevated, on left cheek, I I Belb; elevated,have appearance as if condy- lomata would grow out of them, Cinnab.; elevated, hard, bluish, IIAsaf; elevated, partly, I Asaf; everted, raw, IMere; elevated, pale red, INux v.; elevated, swollen, ISub; everted, lAnanth, INitr. ac.; excoriated, IOb jee;hard, IIArs, Asaf, HCale, IComo, IILyc, IMere, INitr. ac, Petrol,Phos, Sep, I ISil, Sub; hard, red, shining, everted, I ILye; indented, Hep, Lach, IMere, HPhos. ac, Sil, Staph, Sub; humid, dilated, Chin, s.; indurated, surrounded by blisters containing pus, IThuya ; inflamed, ICham.; irregular, IMere viv, INitr. ac, ISib; ragged, irregu- lar, deep, rough base, high, rounded and swollen edges at upper part, well defined at lower, grayish, putrid, thick pus, one or two patches or large, flabby, pale granulations, IHydras.; irregular,in lupus exedens,Hydro- cot.; jagged, surrounded by pustules, 'Hep-j overhanging, bright red areola, IIKali bi.; painful (lupus exedens), IHydrocot.; ragged, lArs, ICarbo v. Petrol, ISib; red margins, dilated, Chin, s.; red, with vesicles, U luor. ae; regular, IIKali bb; serrated, IThuya; sharp cut, and on level with surrounding skin, Ham.; spongy, IHep, HSib, IThuya,; stinging, IHep.; swollen, ICale; undefined, IMere viv.; unhealthy, Hippoz.; yellowish, dilated, Chin, s.; zigzag, INitr. ac. 8®" are- ola?, bleeding, phagedenic, sensitive. Ulcers, eruption: blisters, Clem.; blisters, on surrounding skin, Caust.; after blisters, dis- charging yellowish fluid, I I Ran. sc.; after boils on other parts of body, IPhos.; from dis- ease of skin, IHydras.; after exanthema, Canth.; follow itching herpes, IPetrol.; her- petic, lArs, ICale, ICist, IClem, IIGraph, Kali bi, ILach, IILyc, Merc, HPhyt, IRhus, HSil, ISul, IZinc; herpetic, circular, red, granulated bases, white borders, ISars.; herpetic, Zinc; surrounded by miliary whit- ish rash, IRhus v.; surrounded by nodes and vesicles (leprosy), ILach.; itching pim- ples, ICham.; surrounded by little pimples, IHep, IILach, ISub; surrounded by pimples, vesicles and smaller ulcers, IILach.; sur- rounded by pustules, Caust.; pustular ulcera- tion, Ustil.; large, surrounded by smaller ones, some healing, some healed, with accom- panying eczema, I IPhos.; syphilitic, INitr. ae; vesicles, IFluor. ac, INatr. m.; burning vesicles, IMez. Ulcers, erysipelatous: bluish, radiating, IPhos.; redness, IApis. Ulcere, fetid (foul, offensive, putrid): I Amm. e, ■ Amm. m, IIArs, I Asaf, IIBapt, Bell, IBry, ICale, HCarbo a, HCarbo v, ICarbol. ac. Chloral, ICinch, IClem, Con, Crotal, ICund, I lEucab, IGraph, Ham, IHep, •Hippoz, IHyper,IKali ph,IKreo, IILach, IILyc, IMere, IMur. ac, IPetrol, IPhos, IPhos.ae, IPsor, IPuls, Rhus, ISee, HSib, IStaph, I ISub; like asafcetida, ICarbo v.; fetid, especially after contusion, ICon.; watery dis- charge, lArs.; proud flesh, IArs.;like herring brine, IGraph.; ichor and proud flesh, blue and green, I Ars.; impure centre, IILyc. 8®" gangrenous. Ulcers, fistulous: IAgar, Ant c, I Asaf, Bar. c. Bell, HCale, ICale p, ICarbo v, ICaust, ICinnab, ICon, IFluor.ac, IILyc, I IMillef, INatr. m, INitr. ac, HPhos, IPuls, Ruta, ISil, IStaph, ISul, IThuya; chronic, sup- purating openings, with hectic, IPhos.; deep, IPetrol.; with callous edges, gnawing pain', IPhos.; hard edged, ISib; with high edges' from exuberant granulations, IPhos.; hard' red, shining, everted edges and inflammatory swelling of affected parts, IILyc; honey- combed, ICinnab.; ichorous, fetid, I lEucal ■ sinuous,offensive, watery pus, Hippoz.- with tension, Bar. c; undermined, ICarbo v ' Ulcers, flabby: \ Chim. umb. Ulcere, flat: leers, flat: lAmm. c, lArs, lAsaf, Bell ILach, IILyc, IMere, INitr. ac, IPhos ac*' IPuls, IRan. b, Selen, Sep, ISib, IThuva'- or indented bases, Phos. ae fl®- superficial 44. TISSUES. 1145 Ulcers, foul: fl®» dirty, fetid. Ulcers, fungous ; fl®- granulations. Ulcers, gangrenous: Amm. c, IIArs, IIBapt, Bell, Bism, ICinch, Con, ICrotal, Euphor, Kali bi, IKreo, IILach, IILyc, IIMillef, IMur. ae,Rhus, Sabina, ISee, ISib, Squilla, Sub ac; blackish, especially after contusions, ICon.; half an inch broad, insufferable pain, surrounded and partly covered with a gangrenous crust, lArs.; in sycosis, ICinnab.; arising from small vesicles, with fever,IRhus. fl®" black, fetid. Ulcers, glistening: ILacc. fl®" white. Ulcere, granulations: bleeding, unhealthy, IKali iod.; devoid of, ISub; dirty, ISang.; unequal elevations and depressions in base, IMere; excessive, I Arg. nit.; exuberant on hase, INitr. ae; feeble, ICale; fungous, IMere, INitr. ac, IPetrol, HSib; high,ICalc; indolent, IHydras.; proud flesh, IArs,l IKali m, ILach, HSib, IThuya; proud flesh, sensi- tive, with inflamed edges, Cham. Ulcers, greenish: Asaf, Aur. met, Caust, Merc, Puis, Rhus, Sil. Ulcers, gray: I Ars, Caust, IMere, ISib; with shaggy borders, Arg. met. Ulcers, heat: aggravates, IFluor. ac, ISee; ameliorates,! I Ars,I ILach.; near fire, Euphor.; worse from heat of bed, Cham, IDros.; worse in bed and from hot applications, IIMerc. Ulcers, indolent: I Agar,I Alum, I lAmmoniac, I I Amm. in, IIArs, I IBapt, ICale, ICale p, Calench, Carbo a, ICarbo v, iChim. umb. Con, j Eucab, Euphor, I IFluor. ac, IGraph, Hippoz,IHvper,IIpec,I ILach,ILye, Lycop, IIMillef, IMur. ac, INatr. c, IPhos. ac, IPolyg, IPsor, IPuls, IRuta, Sal. ac, Sep, HSil, IISul, Xan, Zinc; bluish, ILach.; ex- coriated edges, 101. jee; hard, callous edges, fetid sanious smell, ICund.; ichorous, offen- sive pus, better by cold, Sec. 8®* old. Ulcers, indurated : I Ars, Asaf, HCale, ICarbo a, Clem, ICon, 'IDulc, IHep, Hod, Kali bi, ILach, IILyc, Merc, Petrol, Phos, Sep, I ISil, Sul, Ver.; base, IIKali bb; in- flamed, with jerking pain, Cup.m.; shining, IPuls. Ulcers, inflamed : lAcon, IIArs, IBell, IBry, Calend, ICham, Cinnab, Con, IFerr. ph, IHep, ILach, ILye, IIMerc, INatr. m, INitr.ac, HPhos, IPuls, IRhus, Ruta, Sal. ac, HSil, IStaph, ISub; angry looking (sy- cosis), ICinnab.; raw looking, Asaf, INitr. ae; red, Cham, ILac. c, ILach. Ulcers injuries : malignant, from bite of dog, ILvs's • originating in burns, Caust.; burns (superficial), ICanth.; from contusions, IHy- dras • after friction, Ang.; after mustard poul- tice has remained too long, ICale p.; from scalds IHydras.; after sting, lasts three months, Vespa ; following removal of a tu- mor pricking on motion, IHydras.; from in- cised and lacerated wounds, IHydras. Ulcere irritable : Calend.; with thickened edge's, and a sanious discharge, 11 Stram Ulcers, itching : Ant. c, lArs Canth, Caust, Cinch Clem, Coloe, IGraph, IHep, IILyc, IIMez INitr ac, IPhos. ac, IPsor, IPuls, Rhus ISep, HSib, IStaph, ISub, IThuya, Ver -'circumference hard or red, IPuls.; some covered with a crust, discharging pus from underneath (mercurial syphilis), ISub; in evening, Agnus; at night, IILyc; prurient, INux v.; prevents sleep till late, IStaph. Ulcers, lardaceous: IIArs, Cup. m, IHep, Kali bi, IMere, INitr.ac, IPhyt, ISabina, Sul, Thuya. Ulcers, large: IMere fl®* phagedenic. Ulcers, lying down: Euphor.; worse on sore side, IDros. Ulcers, malignant: I Ars, -Chim. umb, IHip- poz, ITarant.; bleed readily, ILach.; with yellow complexion and indifference, ICrotal. fl®- cancerous. Ulcers, mercurial: fl®** drugs, syphilitic. Ulcers, in morning: worse, ICale, Euphor. Ulcere, motion: walking, relieves, Euphor.; Caust.; worse, Cham.; worse on beginning to move, Euphor.; from rising from seat or bed, Cham. Ulcers, nails : from ingrowing toenails, Calend, ISil. Ulcers, at night: burning, ILach.; burning, must rise and wash with cold water (anthrax), ILach.; worse, lArs, Cham, IDulc, IMez, ISee; worse latter part of night, IDros.; worse before midnight, IPuls.; worse before falling asleep, ICale Ulcers, old: Anac. oe, ICaust, ICarbol. ac, ICale, ICup. m, ICund.., Euphor, IPetrol, •Tereb, Nan, Zinc; with uneven bluish bot- tom and offensive odor, ILach.; break out afresh, Carbo v.; burning and stitching, I Are.; appearing cancerous, 11 Cund.; difficult to heal, Clem, Con, IPetrol.; fetid, Ast. r, IGraph, IPsor.; ill conditioned, -Anag.; indolent, with callous borders and ichorous discharge, ISang.; maltreated with lead, Caust.; itching, IGraph.; maltreated buboes, with callous edges, HCarbo a.; painful, IKreo.; with proud flesh, IGraph.; with dirty fetid pus or in- dented bases, Phos.ac; putrid, IKreo.; putrid, spreading, ICheb; inclined to reopen and sup- purate, Bor.; sensitive, I Ars.; scrofulous or syphilitic, spreading, IMereiod. rub.; stinging, IGraph.; particularly those seated on parts of body below umbilicus, IPaeonia. fl®" atonic. Ulcers, oval: IIKali bi. Ulcers, painful: I Arn, IIArs, Asaf, IBell, Calend, ICarbo v., ICaust, Cinch, I IDulc, IFluor. ac, IGraph, IHep, IIHyos, IKreo, ILye, IMere, IMur. ac, INitr. ac, IPhos.ae, IPuls, ISib; as if beaten, Calend, Con,INux v.; biting, Ham, Euphor, Zinc; boring, Aur. met. Bell, Caust, Cinch, Natr. m. Ran. b, Sil, Sub; bruised feeling, on moving part, IIHyos.; burning, Arg. met, IIArs, Aur. met, IBufo, Canth, HCarbo v, ICaust, ICham, IClem, Coloe, Con, IDros, Ham, IHep, Ign, IKali c, IKreo, IMere, IIMez, INatr. c, IPhos, IPlumb, IPuls, IRan. b, IRhus, HSil, ISinap, IStaph, IISul,IThuya, Zinc; burning, when dressed, IILyc; burn- ing, at night, IHep, ILach.; burning, when touched, IILyc; burning, as from a hot coal, IIPuls.; burning, on edges, Caust.; burning, compels scratching and rubbing which makes worse, I Are.; burning, prevents sleep till late, IStaph.; as if burnt, INux v, ISee; corrosive, IHep, IKali e; cutting, IDros.; darting, ICham.; in evening, and from touch, IHep.; like recent excoriation, IHep, IPuls.; gnawing, Arn, Bar. c, Cham, Clem, Con, Dros, Lach, Lye, Merc, Phos, Rhus, Ruta, 1146 44. TISSUES. Sep, IStaph, Sub, Subac; ichorous, offensive, IILach.; jerking, Clem, INux v, IPhyt, Ruta, IStaph.; lacerating, Canth, ICham, Euphor.; lancinating, Asaf, Calc, Caust, Cham, ICon, Euphor, Petrol, IPhyt, Puis, Ran.b,Rhus,ISib; lancinating, on sitting after motion, IHydras.; lower part of body,Paeonia ; at night, ICham, IMez.; at night, prevents sleep, ICon.; at night, unendurable, I Asaf; pressing, IPhyt; prickling, IMere, INatr. c, INitr. ac, ISul, IThuya ; prickling, producing a prurient sensation, ISee; prickling, feeling • of tenseness, worse morning and evening, from exertion, touch, warmth of bed, better in open air, cold, raising or elevating limbs, Sabina; pungent sensation, better keeping limb elevated, and from pressure, I Amm. e; pulsating, IHep.; after rubbing, in evening, in bed, Ang.; shooting, I Asaf, IHep, IILyc, IPhyt, IPuls, IStaph.; shooting, on sitting down, after motion, IHydras.; shooting, when touched, Clem.; even during sleep, IIArs.; smarting, Canth, ICham, INatr. m, IPhos. ac, IPuls, Staph.; soreness, Con, Graph, Hep, Hod, IPuls, Sep,Sub; sticking, as from a splinter, IINitr. ac; stinging, Canth, Chim. umb, I ICon, IGraph, IHep,INitr.ac., IPhos, IRan. b, ISub; stinging, burning, HSib; stinging, circumference hard and red, IPuls.; stinging, proud flesh, IPetrol.; stitches, lArs, Bell, Calc, Canth, ICon, Graph, ILye, Merc, Natr. m, INitr. ac, IPuls, Sep, HSil, Staph, Sub; stitching, when laughing, IHep.; stinging, worse at night, Calend.; stinging, or prickling, IIHam.; when suppuration is in- terrupted, IIBell.; tearing, Ars, ICalc,Canth, IILyc, INux v., Sep., IStaph, ISib; tearing, with tension, ISub; tensive pain in, Con.; in cold weather, I IKali bi. Ulcers, painless: IBry, ICale, ICarbo v,Con, IDulc, IHell, Ign, Lach, IOp, Phos. ac, ISee, Sep, Sul, Ver, Zinc; destitute of feel- ing, Con. fl®" indolent. Ulcers, perforating: IKali c, IMere cor,- worse sitting bent, better walking and warmth of bed, ILye 8®*" deep. Ulcers, phagedenic (rodent): Agar, IIArs, lAur. mur. nat. Bell,Bor.,Calend,ICarbo v, ICaust, Cham, • Chrom. ac, Cie, Cinnab, Clem, Con, Ferr. mur. Graph, Hep, Hydras, Hydrocot, IHyper, ILach, IILyc, IMere, IMere cor, IMere c, IMez, INatr.m, IINitr. ac. Petrol, Ran.b, Rhus, Sep, HSil, Staph., Sul, Uran. n.; deep base, turned up edges,IKali are.; constantly extending in breadth, lArs.; burrowing, I IJacea; spread in circumference, lArs.; inclined to spread in circumference rather than in depth, INitr. ae; syphilitic, IBapt, IClem.; extending under skin and be- neath muscles, 101.jec; apt to run together, IMere viv.; sloughing, ISul. Ulcers, position : worse in changing, Euphor.; worse letting limb hang down, ICale; worse sitting, IDros, Euphor. Ulcere, poultices: worse from wet.lCalc, Cham. Ulcers, pressure : worse on side of limb oppo- site to ulcer, Cham. Ulcers, putrid: fl®- fetid. Ulcers, re-open: recently cicatrized, IIArs, Chloral, I IColoc, I ICrotal, ILach, ISep.; emit bloody lvmph, ICarbo v. Ulcers, rodent:'fl®" phagedenic. Ulcere, round: circular, clean, sharp cut edges,. deep smooth shining base, ichorous discharge,. IHydras.; inflamed, elevated, turned up edges, IMere; look as if punched out, IPhyt- Ulcers, rubbing : worse from, HCale, Cantn, IThuya. , , ,,r Ulcers, scabby: Clem, Con, IGraph.,I Mez. -r bases covered with a caseous coat, IMere.; crusty, ISub; black crust, Chin, s.; dry crust, Chin, s.; humid crust, Chin, s.; thick crust, Chin, s.; hard, dry, yellow crusts, IHyper.; surrounded by a gangrenous crust, on foot, Are.; crusts under nails, Are.; covered with scurf, IMur.ac; thin scurfslight bleeding when bandaged, I Are.; thick whitish yellow, under which thick yellow pus collects, IIMez. Ulcers, scorbutic: lAlum, lArs, Carbo a, ICarbo v, -Cochl, ILach, IIMerc, Mur.ac, IStaph, Sub Ulcers, scratching: relieves, ICale; leaves a raw sore, surrounded by blisters, IGels. Ulcers, scrofulous: IIArs, lAur. met, IIBar.. m, IIBell, HCale, ICale p., Caps, HCarbo v, IChim. m, ICist, IIGraph, IIHep, IHy- dras, IKali bi, ILach, IILyc, IMere iod. rub, IMur.ac, IPhos,HSil, I IStram, IISul.;. discharging large quantity of pus, 01. jee; discharge pus and sanious matter on tarsal and metatarsal bones, Hydras.; with swelling of bones, IPsor.; in children, HCale Ulcers, sensitive: Caust, ICham, ICinch, IDulc, Hod, IMez, INux v, IPaeonia, IPe- trol. ; cancerous inoculation, lArs.; to contact, IHep.; destitute of feeling, Hod.; redness around edges, Cup. m.; spongy, with salty discharge, IGraph.; to touch, Asaf, ICoccul, IILach, IILyc, ISee; to touch and air, par- ticularly wind, ICham.; worse from touch, Euphor, IRan. b.; worse on touch or press- ure, IStaph.; worse from slight touch, better by hard pressure, Ign. fl®" air, painful. Ulcere, serpiginous: I Ars, Calc, I Merc, I Phyt, Sabad, ISars, ISib; on face, with excruciating pain, I IStaph. fl®" eruption herpetic. Ulcers, shallow: fl®» flat, superficial. Ulcers, sitting : fl®- position. Ulcere, skin: unhealthy, IStilling. Ulcers, sleep: worse on awaking, ICale Ulcers, sloughing: ICale, Calend. fl®* gan- grenous. Ulcers, small: ichorous over whole body, sensi- tive, I Ars.; purulent collections around, IPhos.; round, with lardlike borders, Ant. t Ulcere, speckled: Con. Ulcers, spongy: lArs, Hod, IMere, IPetrol. ; especially with gastric symptoms, lAnt. e' pus acrid, ichorous, fetid, yellow IKreo' syphilitic, ILach. '' Ulcers, in Spring: ICale Ulcers, superficial: ICinch, IILyc IMere INatr. m.; over bony protuberances IMez ' with syphilitic eruption of skin in advanced stage, INitr. ae; foul at bottom, with red crowns, ILach.; penetrates deeper dailv in creasing in circumference, edges becoming more everted, Are.; shallow, ILach • wirV spread, IMere fl®" flat. '' >>lue" Ulcers, swelling: lAnanth, Caust, Cham Con, IILyc, ISub; chronic, surrounded bv n bright red swelling, caused by affected par+t becoming cold, tearing pain, IINux v.- pale IFerr.; and inflammatory redness, INatr 45. TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. 1147 Ulcers, sycotic: with bluish, areolae, ILach.; around a wart, Ant. c. Ulcers, syphilitic: lAnanth, Ascl, lAur. mur, lAur.mur. nat. IBapt, ICarbo v.,Chim. umb, IClem, Cund, IHippoz, Hod, Iris, IJacea, IKali bi, IIKali iod, ILach,IIMerc, IMere cor, IMez, IINitr. ac, HPhyt, Ru- mex, Sang, ISars, IStaph,IStilling, I IStram, IIThuya; chancrelike, lAur. mur, Hippoz, I IJacea, IMere; chancroid on posterior sur- face of fauces and soft palate, IJacea; deep, with hard edges, IKali bi.; deep spreading, I Aur. mur. nat; high edges, irritable from topical treatment, ICarbo v.; margin sharp, ICarbo v.; mercurial, I Asaf, lAur. met, IBell, ICarbo v., IIHep, IKali bi, ILach, ILye, IINitr. ac, HPhos. ac, I IPhyt,ISars, Sep, HSil, ISub; rupial, in great numbers, all over body, IPhyt; old, spreading, IMere iod. rub. Ulcers,tension: Caust,Con,Graph,IIod,Merc, Phos, IPhyt, Puis, IRhus, Sil, Spong, Sul. Ulcers, throbbing : Asaf, ICale, Clem, IHep, Kalm, Lye, Merc, INatr. c. Sib, ISub; at night, IHep. Ulcers, torpid: fl®- indolent. Ulcers, varicose : Antt, lArs, ICale, Calend, ICarbo v. Card, m, ICaust, Collin, Crotal,. IFluor. ac. Graph, IIHam, ILach, IIPuls, IRhus, IISul, Zinc; bleed easily, ISub; burn- ing, ISub; half transparent crusts, like thick glue, I Arn.; deep, flat, circular, Ham.; dirty, bluish bottom, I Arn.; fetid, ISub; itch, ISub; with granulating hypertrophy,with a syphi- litic dyscrasia, Cund.;in old people,ISee; pain- ful, lArn.; torpid,! Arn.; watery, fetid secretion, IArn.;from a varixof a year's duration, Eucab Ulcere, white : ICale; dirty, I Ars, HCanth, Hippoz, Lach, Merc, Sil. fl®~ dirty. Ulcers, weather : better in damp, Caust.; better in dry, ICale; worse in wet, ICale Ulcers, yellowish: lAnanth, ICale, Carbo v. Lye, Puis, Sil. ZYMOSIS: g®-Chap. 29, Blood septicaemia. 45. TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. Injuries. Passive Motion. Touch. INJURIES (in general): lAcon, HArn, lAur. mur, IBadiag, HCalend, ICie, ICon, IHep, IIHyper, ILach, Puis, IRhus, IRuta, ISil, IStaph, Sul. ae; rupture of bloovessel, Millef; to chest, phthisis, IRuta ; exudation of blood, fibrine or pus, HArn.; subject to distress in head, after, ILac def; headache, Calend.; hemorrhage of lungs, I Arn, Ipec, IMillef; hyperaemia, IFerr. ph.; internal, bloody flux, Millet; to knee, IApis, Iod.; of lungs. Millef.; spinal meningitis, lAcon.; neuralgia, ICheb; to oesophagus, ICie; old, freshen up, Caust.; osseous growth, Calc. fl.; paralysis, I ICurar.; periostitis of foot, lAur.mur.; proud flesh, Kali m.; suppuration, Asaf, Calc. s, ICham, IHep, ISib; slight, suppurate, skin unhealthy, IBor.'; with swelling of parts, proud flesh, Kali m.; ulceration, every hurt festers, Sil.; malignant ulcers with blue bor- der, Mang. fl®° wounds. Iniuries bedsores: I Arn, ICarbo v. Cinch, IHam, IHvdras, I IPaeonia, IPlumb Puis, ISul. ac.; with black edges (typhoid), 11 Lach.; turn to gangrenous sores, ISub; gnawing pain, ISub; putrid, -Hippoz. Iniuries, bites: All. sat, I Arn, IHyper, ILed. I IPlant, Sul. ac; of bugs, I IHyper ; of mad cat, lacerated wound, upper and lower leg swollen (externally and internally), I Acet. ae; of cat, through thumb (carbuncle), ILach.; dog, ILach, IILyss.; dog, burning better by hot steam (lyssophobia), ILyss.; dog, head- ache, ILyss.; dog, peculiar sensations at seat of or in adjacent parts, like sensation of prick- ing boring or burning, always proceeding from wound. Lyss.; flea, Gnndeb; flies, itch and bum, Calad.; hydrophobia, fl®° Chap. 36; insects, Grin, INatr. m.; leeches, gangren- ous, ILach.; musquitoes, burn, itch intensely, ICalad.; of poisonous or enraged animals, lAmm. c, lArs, IBell, ICaust, Lach, Led, ILyss, Natr. m. Puis, Seneg.;'rabid animals,. •Chrom. ac; rats, ILed.; serpent, and in hydrophobia, Anag.; serpents, at once, before difficult respiration sets in, iBelb; venomous serpents, lArs , IBell, Ced, Seneg.; serpents, chronic sequelae, Merc, Phos. ae; viper, ICamph.; after bite from a poisonous animal or reptile, ligate above the wound, suck the poison from the wound and expose the bitten place to heat streaming from any hot surface, a heated iron, stove, lamp, etc., without bring- ing the wound in actual contact with the hot surface. Injuries, blows: HArn.; ecchymoses from slight, Agar.; sudden, profuse epistaxis,Elaps; upon eye, ISymph.; upon eyes, caused glau- coma, Calab.; overhead with a stick, followed by dim sight, Ammoniac; chronic inflamma- tion of articular structures, Rhus ; on left side and remaining for hours in wet clothes, neph- ritis, IKali e; ovary swollen, IHam.; swell- ing, Kali m. fl®° bruises, concussion. Injuries, bruises: Absin, IIAcon, \ Agnus, Ant. c, lArg. met, HArn, IBadiag, I ICaust, ICie, ICon, I ICroe, IDros, Euph, IForm, IGlon, IHam, IHep, IHyper, Hod, Kali c, Lach, ILed, ILith, Mar. v, Mez, Mosch, I IMillef, lOleand,Pareira, I IPetrol, I IPhos, I IPlant, I IPlat, Polyg, IPuls, IIRhod, IIRhus, IIRuta, Sep, IISul, ISul. ac, ISymph., Ver, I IVerbas.; with blunt in- 1148 45. TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. struments, HArn.; condensation of cellular tissue and induration of glandular structures, accompanied by a sensation of numbness, Con.; crushing, as mashed fingers, especially tips, IHyper.; discoloration remaining after pain and inflammation subsides, ILed.; espe- cially when ecchymosed, ISul. ac.; dry heat follows, Acet.ac; after a kick of ahorse, vari- cose ulcer on right leg just above instep, eight inches in circumference, concave, dark blue, emitting a fetid, odor, IKali s.; without laceration, 11 Arn.; nervous tissues are main- ly concerned, IHyper.; old, IGlon.; orchitis, Zinc; while riding on horseback, IBar. m.; spine, ill effects, ICon.; painful suppura- tion, ICroe; swelling remains, IKali m.; ten- sion, in skin, Samb.; tumors, ICon.; ulcers, ICon. Injuries, burns: Acet. ac. Aeon, Agar, Alum, I I Ant. c, HArs, I ICale, 11 Canth, I Carbo v, IICaust,ICalend, Cic,Cycl, Euphor, IHam, IHep, I IHyper, Kali m, IIKreo, ILach, IMere, I IPlant, Plumb, Puis, Ruta, ISee, ISil, IStram, Sul, -Tereb, lUrt. ur.; to pre- vent blisters arising, HCanth, IKali m.; de- lirium, Calend.; chronic diarrhcea, ICale; threatening erysipelas or gangrene, ICrotal.; extensive, Carbobae; threatening gangrene, I Ars, I IPlumb.; mustard poultice causes ulcer- ation,ICale p.; from nettles,Caust.; of oesopha- gus, with loss of ubstances, Calend.; ophthal- mia, from unslaked lime, IApis; pyaemia, hectic fever, I Crotal.; scalds, I ICanth, ICarbol. ac.JCarb. s,HCaust,ICrotal, Petrol,IStram.; scalds,laryngitis,ICrotab; suppurating,Cale s.; of tongue, lArs, Calend, ICaust; ulcerate, discharge offensive, ICarbol. ac; unconscious- ness, Calend..; apply tincture of Cantharides in water to a fresh burn. Injuries, cicatrices: fl®" scars. Injuries, concussion : Aeon, 11 Anac, HArn, 11 Aur. met, HBadiag, IBell, I ICalc,Calend, Camph, Cann, Caust, I ICie, Cina, Cinch, ICoccub, Con, Cup. m, Euph, IHell, I IHyosc, I IHyper, I Hod, Jacea, I I Kali ph., Kreo, ILach, Laur, ILed, Lye, Magn. m, I IMang, Mez, INatr. m, IINatr. s, Nuxm, INux v., Phos. ac, IPuls, IRhus, Seneg, I ISep, I ISib, ISpig, Staph, Sul. ac, Val, I IVer.; of brain, deafness, Chin, s.; epi- lepsy, from a blow on head, commencing three years after, Art. v.; furuncles on places hurt, I IDulc; haemoptysis, Ferr. ph.; inju- ries to hand, IMar. v, INatr. s.; headache, Calc. s.; lesions, pains and suggillations, HBa- diag.; to spine, ill effects, ICon. Injuries, convulsions: suppuration, seems to be cause of convulsions, IBufo. fl®° Chap. 36, Convulsions, injuries. Injuries, cuts (incised wounds, stabs): ICalend, ICarbo v, ICie, Con, IHam, Hep, ILach, Natr. c, INitr. ac. Plumb, ISil, HStaph, ISul, Sul. ae; sluggish escape of dark thick blood, Dig.; erysipelatous, I IPlant.; gangren- ous, I IPlant.; in head, from glass (tetanus), Calab.; show outwardly a "dark hemor- rhagic mass, deeper in bright red and at bot- tom a yellow mass, lAnthrac.; inflammation, ICalend.; highly inflamed, I IPlant.; in- flame, suppurate and heal rapidly.Plumb.; sur- rounded by miliary whitish rash, IRhus v.; of sclerotica, ICalend.; from sharp instruments, glass,etc,IStaph.; to control suppuration, thick yellow matter, Calc. s.; swelling, IKali m. Injuries, dislocation: IAgn.c,l lAmb, lAmm. c, Ang, I Arn, Bar. c, IBell, Bov, IBry HCale, Cann, ICarbo a, I ICarbo v.,I ICaust, Con, IForm, IIGraph, Hep, ,Ign->kI'eo, IILyc,IMerc, Mez, Mosch, 11 Natr. e,HJNatr. m, INitrum, INitr. ac, INux v, HPetrol, I IPhos, IPuls, IIRhod, IIRhus, IRuta, Sa- bina, Sep, I ISpig.Stann, Staph, ISub, Zinc; easy dislocation, IIAmm. c, Bry, I ICale, Cann, ICarbo a, I ICarbo v. Con, Hep, ILye, I IMere, IINatr. c, INatr. m,INitr.ac, Nitrum, INux v, IPetrol, IPhos, IIRhus, IRuta, ISub; where inflammation is under control, hastens curative process of joint, IRuta; lameness of wrists and knees,Rheum; with injuries to soft parts, ICalend. Injuries, dissecting wounds : I IApis, IIArs, Ham, IILach, ITereb.; symptoms those of phlegmonous erysipelas, accumulation of pus in distant parts, typhus condition superven- ing, Crotal.; become gangrenous, Anthrac, IIA re, 11 Lach.; pyaemia, hectic fever, ICrotal. Injuries, ecchymosis: I I Acet. ac, II Arn,IBa- diag, Bry, Calend, Con, Dulc, IHam, I Lach, I Led, Nux v, Puls,Rhus, Sul,ISul. ac. Injuries, erysipelas: IApis, Chloral, Ruta; phlegmonous, phlyctenous or cedematous, ICrotal. Injuries, falls: HArn, Con,Euph,Ham,IHy- per,Lith, ISubae; asphyxia, with shootings and jerkings, IHyper.; back painful after fall- ing from a height, ICon.; pain in small of back, IKali e; bleeding, internal injuries, IMillef; bloodspitting, IMillef; repeated bronchor- rhagia, IMillef.; morbus coxarius, Staph.; deep hole in forehead, ICalend.; glaucoma, Calab.; swelling in groin, I Aur. met; headache, with sore eyes, iHyper.; inguinal hernia, I I Jamb.; internal injuries, IIMillef; nosebleed, Acet. ac; ovarian irritation,Ham.; swelling, Kali m.; vertigo, Aeon, IGlon. g®° concussion. Injuries, foreign bodies: cause enteritis, ICa- lend.; glass, needles, etc, I ISib; irritation and inflammation of eyes, HAcon, ISib; lacerate oesophagus, Calend. Injuries, fractures: ICale, HCale p, ICalend, IIRuta, ISil, I ISymph.; to favor production of callous, HCale p, ISymph.; compound comminuted, gangrene, ILach.; compound, gangrenous spots,ILach.; compound,pyaemia, hectic, Crotal.; compound, in course of septic or zymotic disease, in broken-down constitu- tions, old inebriates, or other states of low vitality or degraded blood, tendency to gan- grene or unhealthy suppuration, threatening septic absorption, ICrotal.; compound, profuse suppuration, HArn.; of skull, particularly compound, ICalend.; sleeplessness, ISticta; at beginning, for injury to soft parts, adjacent parts red, hot, painful, Ferr. ph.; bone splin- ters, protruding, ICalend.; of tibia, lAnthrac- to facilitate union and lessen pricking pains' ISymph.; unite slowly, IFerr. ' Injuries, friction: phymosis, Arn.; of shoe or boot, ulcerated places on feet, ICepa. Injuries, gangrene : Aeon., Amm. c,lAnthrac IIArs, Belb, IIBrom, ICarbo v, ICinch' I lEucab, Euphor, IILach, Sec, ISib- an'I thrax, ICamph.; bite of dog, ;Tereb.;' cold gangrene, Asaf; after dissection wounds 45. TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. 1149- lAnthrac, IIArs, IILach.; ichorous dis- charge, Kali ph.; from leeches or mustard, HSec; to prevent, ICalend.; from inoculating sheep, lAnthrac. Injuries, glandular organs : ICon.JIod, Kalm, Petrol, Phos. Injuries, gunshot: I Arn, Euph, IHyper, INitr. ac. Plumb, Puis, Ruta, Sul, Sub ac; in hand, ILach.; through lung, haemoptysis, with collapse, ICinch. Injuries, lacerations : I ICalend, IHam, IHy- per, Staph.; from blunt instruments, bones bare,or crushed and splintered, I ICarbol. ae; of eyes, ICalend.; inflammation, ICalend.; of lip, ICalend.; members almost separated from body, iHyper.; nervous tissues. IHyper.; pyaemia, hectic fever attending, Crotal.; loss of soft parts when no union can be effected by means of adhesive plaster, HCalend.; pain- ful swelling and tendency to erysipelatous in- flammation or sphacelus, I IPlant.; torn and jagged looking, HCalend. Injuries, lifting (overlifting): Alum, 11 Amb, I Arn, I IBar. c, IBov, IBry, HCale, I ICarbo a, ICarbo v, I ICaust, I ICinch, ICoccul, Coloe, ICon, I ICroe, Dulc, Ferr, IForm, IGraph, lllod, IIKali c, IKalm, Lach, ILye, Merc, IMillef, IIMur. ac, INatr. c, IINatr. m, IINitr. ae, INux v, Oleand, I IPhos, IPhos. ac. Plat, Pod, Rhod, IIRhus, Ruta, I ISep, ISil, Spig, I IStann, Staph, I ISub, Sul. ae, Thuya, 11 Vab; causes great debility, HCarbo a.; easily, IIGraph.; in general hernia, Coccul, INuxv, Sub; pro- lapsus uteri, Aur. met. Bell, IINuxv, Sep. Injuries, nails : whitlow, I ICepa, I ILed, IRhus, Sep. -Injuries, to nerves : I ICurar, IIHyper, IMagn. p, Menyanth, Tarant, ITereb,Therid.; with jerking in muscles, IHyper.; lacerated, pains excruciating, IHyper.; neuritis, IStram.; with soreness, iHyper. Injuries, overexertion: I Arn, lArs, IHam, IMillef, IRhus. fl®* lifting, sprains. Injuries, poisoning: from decayed, morbid or animal matter, by inoculation, inhalation, or swallowing, IIArs.; byfoul breath, lAnthrac; by glanders, lAnthrac; inoculation, inflam- mation, pain, Hippoz.; wounds, • Chrom. ac. fl®- bites; also Chap. 46, Eruption, Rhus poisoning. Injuries, punctured wounds: HApis, IIHy- per, 11 Led.; in articulations, flow of synovia, Calend.; awls, ratbites, nails, etc., particularly if wounded parts feel cold to touch and to patient, HLed.; of brain, Calend, IHyper.; nails or splinters in feet, IHyper.; needles under nails, IHyper.; neglected, Cheb; nerv- ous tissues mainly concerned, IHyper.; severe pain, IIHyper.; feel very sore, from nails, needles, pins, splinters, ratbites, etc, to prevent lockjaw, IIHyper.; splinters, HArn, Carbo v, ICie, IHep, Lach, INitr. ac, HSil, Sub; splinters in eye, IIAcon, ICale, ISil. ISub; from a splinter, throbs, ulcer- ates' Bar. e; splinter causes panaritium, ILed.; to promote expulsion of splinter, :Anag, HSib Iniuries, scalds: fl®» burns. Injuries scars (cicatrices): to promote favorable cicatrization, ICalend.; creeping and pain, Lyss • prevent disfiguring, ICalend.; the place of old injuries becomes the seat of new affec- tions, Calc. fl. fi®» Chap. 46, Skin. Injuries, scratches : bleed profusely and con- tinuously (purpura hemorrhagica), slight, bleed, Alum.; by a dog, erysipelatous inflam- mation of left arm, affecting whole lower arm and hand (secondary erysipelas), IKali e; malignant ulcer, Mang. Injuries, shock: I Acet.ac, I Aeon, Amm.c,. lArn, lArs, ICale, HCamph, ICaps, ICarbo v, ICham, IChlorof, ICinch„ICoff, ICup.m, IIDig, IIGels, Hell, Hep, IHydr. ae, Hyper, llpec,IILach, ILauroc,Lye, Merc, INatr. m, Nitr. ac, INux m, Nux v, HOp, IPhos, Psor, Sec, Sep, Staph, Stront, Sul, ITabae, I IVer.; fainting, uneasiness about heart, twitching, oppression of chest, ICham.; fear overpowering, with fatigue, IGels.; limbs cold, ICamph.; affecting heart, IDig, ILach.; prostration, Acet. ae; surgical operations, IIAcon,- syncope, Atrop. s. fl®" Chap. 36, Fainting, Weakness. Injuries, sloughing: ICalend, ICarbol. ae; in gunshot wounds, IHyper. Injuries,smoke: Calc,Caust,IEuph,l INatr.m,, Nux v, Oleand, ISep, HSpig, I ISul. fl®" vapors. Injuries, soreness: HArn, IRhus; of parts, on which he lies, INuxm.; from lying in bed, Graph.; in muscles around wound (bite), Lyss.. Injuries, splinters: fl®*- punctured wounds. Injuries, sprains: lAgnus, lAmm. c, HArn.,, I Asaf, Bell, Bry, Calc, Carbo a, Carbo v, Ign, Lye, IIMillef, Natr. c, Natr. m, Nitr. ac, Nux v. Petrol, Phos, Polyg, Puis, IIRhus, IIRuta, Sep, Sul, Symph.; of ankles and feet, HLed.; disposition, by lifting or stretching, I IRhus; disposition to be sprained, old sprains, Natr. e; easily, from lifting small weight, ICarbo a.; dry heat follows, Acet. ac; lameness, especially wrists and ankles,11 Ruta; lameness of wrists and knees, Rheum ; from lifting, I lAgnus; rupture of muscles, Calend.; old, Stront.; bluish redness, intense soreness,, swelling, HArn. fl®** lifting, straining. Injuries, stabs: fl®" cuts. Injuries, stings: 11 Aeon, Alb sat, 11 Ant. c, IApis, I Arn, Are, IBell, ICalad, Camph, Caust, Ced, I IHyper, I ILach, ILed, I IMere, INatr. m, Seneg, I ISep, Sil,Sub; bee,ILach, INatr. m.; in eye, Aeon, Arn.; bee, opacity of cornea, ICann. s.; bees or wasps, HArn.; bees, wasps and other insects, IApis ; erysip- elatous or gangrenous, ICrotal.; laryngitis, ICrotal.; mosquitoes, I ILed , INatr.m.; pyae- mia, hectic, Crotal.; swelling changes color, Anthrac; in temple, I IApis; in tongue, bee, Aeon, Arn, Bell, Mere; of wasp, burning, Vespa ; of wasp, burning, as if something were sticking and drawing out, Vespa ; wasp, chilly cold sensation all around red middle, fol- lowed by chill running all over him in short intervals like waves, Vespa ; of wasps or other insects, I Acet. ae; wasp, lancinating, smart- ing, stinging, throbbing, suppurated and dis- charged freely, Vespa; of yellow jacket, ILed. Injuries, straining: easily strained, HCale, ICon.; easily, producing great debility,HCarbo a.; from lifting, I lAgnus; membranous and tendonous structures, ICon.; menorrhagia, I IPod.;varicocele,Ruta. fl®"lifting, sprains. 1150 45. TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. Injuries, suggillations: g®° ecchymosis. Injuries, sunstroke : fl®" Chap. 39, Sun. Injuries, surgical operations: after opening abscess on heel, edges of wound mortified, I Are.; after amputation, neuralgia of stump, burning, stinging, ICepa; after amputation of thigh, neuralgia of stump, Asaf; ampu- tation, after compound fracture of left up- per arm, ICalend. healed stump ; after am- putation, scars ulcerating, ICale p.; for cancer, ICoca; colic, in lithotomy or ovariotomy, IStaph.; to promote healthy granulations and to prevent or arrest gangrene, Calend.; for incarcerated hernia,pain in abdomen, IHyper.; to joints, Calend.; wounds painfully sensitive, fever, lAcon.; for stone, I IMillef, IStaph. Injuries, swelling: Aeon, lArn, IBelb, IBry, Nux v., IPuls, IRhus, Sul, Sul. ac. Injuries, vaccination: bad effects, IA pis, Hep, Kali m, HSib, IISul, IIThuya, I IThuya and Sabina followed by Tuberc; abscess in axilla, HSib; asthmatic attacks, I IThuya ; after revac- 'tination, atrophy of right arm, I IThuya; back- ache, HSib; roundish, ulcerating edge, consists of a number of pointed condylomata which could be separated by a fine probe (child), I IThuya;conjunctivitis,I IThuya; convulsions, HSib; whooping cough, immediately, in two scrofulous boys, IThuya; diarrhoea, ISib, Thuya; itchlike eruption, depriving child of sleep, IMez.; erysipelas, on eighth day, centres of insertion blackish and circles filled with dark lymph and surrounded by a patch of inflammation, small red papules on arm and forearm, on ninth day skin of nearly whole upper extremity inflamed, dark red and thickened, skin of shoulder, neck, chest, abdomen and back in similar condition, and on lower extremities, eruption in small patches, above the elbow black- ish, I ICrotal.; fever, backache, headache, HSib; imbecility, I IThuya; keratitis, Vace or Variol.; nausea, HSib; pustular eruption, ICrotal.; pustular eruption on head (goitre), I ISub; burning, itching pustules,I IPsor.; ery- sipelatous redness, IApis; sleeplessness, IThuya; loss of speech, IIThuya; red and inflamed swellings over whole arm, HSib; in- cipient tuberculosis, I ITubere Injuries, vapors: of chlorine, fl®" Chap. 48, Chlorum ; of coal, 11 Arn, Bell, I IBov, Ipec, IOp.; copper, I ICamph, llpec. Lye, IMere, IINux v. Op, IPuls.; irritating (laryngitis), ICrotal.; sulphurated hydrogen, lAcet. ae, Chlor. fl®° smoke. Injuries, venesection : ICinch.; puerperal con- vulsions, during labor, Ver. v.; haemoptysis, ISenecio. Injuries, wounds: atrophy, IForm.; become black, ICinch, ILach.; bleeding, ICop, Diad, IILach, IIMillef, I IPhos.; slight, bleed much, IHydras, IKreo,ILach,HPhos, See; open, bloody and serous infiltrations of cellular tissues, Calend.; parts feel cold to touch, and to patient, HLed.; healing, hard yellow crusts, 11 Hyper.; cutting, burning, stinging, Natr.e; nervous depression, IHyper.; cause fainting, Ver.; of flesh, to promote granulations, ICalend.; skin around green, ILach.; to favor rapid healing, IManc.;secures healing by first intention, ICalend.; do not heal, Cepa; do not heal readily, become painful, Cham.; quick tendency to heal (the same in leprosy), Lyss.; small, on skin, heal with difficulty and easily suppurate, 11 bit; reddish ichor, from small, lAnthrac; in- flamed, Calend, ICon,- reddish or bluish, Lyss.; small, inflame and suppurate easily, Plumb.; skin around lead colored, ILach.; redness and swelling along course of lym- phatics. IBufo.; lymphatics swell, Bufo.; mag- goty, ICalend.; neglected, suppuration threat- ens, ISib; offensive, ICalend.; old, neglected, ICalend.; old, from a thrust, become painful again, Jamb.; reopen and bleed, IPhos.; old, cicatrized, reopen and suppurate, ICroe; proud flesh, stinging, purplish, ILach.; pain- ful, INatr. m.; painful, as if bruised, in morning, Calend.; picking in it, Calend.; painful, open, IHyper.; from two small, much pus of a bad odor, on twelfth day, lAn- thrac; painful, before suppuration, iHyper.; pains spread to neighboring parts, and extend up limb, IIHyper.; pains like those of severe toothache, IIHyper.; of penis, Millet; pus bland, too profuse, thick, IPuls.; raw, Calend.; raw, painful, as if beaten, Cale; skin around, bluish red, ILach.; next morning red around edges, Lyss.; bright red, raw, covered with a crust of tenacious lymph, Asaf; surroundings look red, Calend.; smarting,Calend.; smarting, even those of bones, 11 Phos. ae; stinging, during fever, Calend.; suppurate, ICale, ICa- lend, INatr. m, IPuls.; to control suppuration, Cale s.; small, suppurate and do not heal, raw, inflamed, painful as if beaten, Calc. fl.; suppurate much, Bufo, ISib; to prevent sup- puration and putrefaction, Chrom. ac; small, suppurate, do not heal, Calc; suppurate, throbbing, lancinating, IIBufo.; bluishly in- jected, skin around cedematously swollen (erysipelas after circumcision); IApis ; tear- ing pains, frequently attributed to effects of a cold and to rheumatism, Lyss.; tetanus, spasms begin in wound, ILed.; tumefied with blush of erysipelas, extending for two inches around, IApis; small, ulcerate and spread, Petrol.; ulcerate and become very sore, Bar. e; skin around yellow, ILach. PASSIVE MOTION, being carried: chil- dren desire, I Ant. t, Ars, Bell, HCham, Merc, IRhus. Passive motion, descending motion: infants are startled, IIBor. Passive motion, jarring (shaking): aggrava- tion, IIBell, IGlon, HSpig.; the least of bed or chair aggravates tenderness of abdomen, etc., IIBell.; worse from shaking, HSpi».; least jar unbearable, Coccul.; vibration renders pain unbearable, IColch. Passive motion, riding : dull aching over eyes Ang.; in a carriage, aggravation, IBor, Calc' I ICarbo v, HCoccul, Colch, I ICroe Cycl ' Ferr, Graph, I IHelon, IHep, Hgn, Iod' I IKalic,Lach,Lyc,l IMagn. e.Natr. m ' INux m, IPetrol, Phos, Plat, ISel, HSep' ISil 11 Staph, ISul, Vab; in a carriage,amelioration' IGraph, IINitr. ac, Nitrum ; cannot bear to ride in a carriage, feels generally unwell dur- ing or after it, Lyss.; complaint from riding in a carriage, railroad car, or on a ship, HPetrol • a long time, in an open carriage, Iod.; pains renewed when riding in cars, Iodof; on hor«e back, Ars, IIGraph, Magn. m.. INatr V 45. TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. 1151 IRuta, HSep, Sil, I ISpig, ISul. ac, Vab; sen- sitiveness, ICoccub; in a car or carriage, sick stomach, I Arn.; worse during passive motion, riding, and after it, Ign. Passive motion, sailing: fl®° Chap. 16, Sea- sickness. Passive motion, swinging: ICoccul, Petrol.; increased perception of downward motion of hammock causes anxiety, Coff. t. TOUCH: aggravation: I Aeon, Agar, 11 Amb, Amm. c, Amm. m, IIAnae, I Ang, Ant. e, I Antt, I I Arg. met, lArn, I I Ars, Asar, Aur. met. Bar. c, IIBell, Bor, Bov, IBry,Calad, Cale,Camph,ICann, I ICanth, ICaps.,I ICarbo a, ICarbo v, Caust, I ICham, Chel, Cie,ICi- na, Cinch, I IClem, 11 Coccul, I ICoff, HColch, Coloe, Con, I ICroe, ICup. m, Cycl, Dig, Dros,Dulc,IEuphor,Euph,l IFerr.,1 IGraph, I I Guaiae, IHell, I IHep, IIHyos.Jgn, I Hod, Ipec, Jacea, Kali c, IKreo, IILach, Laur, ILed, IILyc, IMagn. c, IMagn. m, Mang, I IMar. v, Menyanth, I IMere, IMez,Mosch, Mur. ac, Natr. c, IINatr. m, INitr.ac, Ni- trum, I INux m, IINuxv, I lOleand, Op, IParis, Petrol, Phos, IPhos. ac, I IPlat, Plumb, IPuls, IIRan. b, Ran.se, IRhod, ■Rhus, IIRuta, Sabad, HSabina, Sars, ISee, Seneg, HSep, ISil, HSpig, llSpong, HSquilla, Stann, HStaph, IStram, IStront, IISul, Sub ac, ITarax, Thuya, I IVal, IVer, I I Verbas, Viol, Zinc; amelioration, Agar, 11 Alum, Amm. c, Amm. m, 11 Anac, Ant. c, Arn, Ars, IIAsaf, Bell, IBism, IIBry, HCale, I ICaust, Chel, Cinch, Coloe, Con, IICvcl, IIDros, Euphor, Euph, Hep, Jacea, Kali c. Lye, IMang, IMenyanth, IIMur. ac,INatr. c, Natr. m,Oleand, Petrol, IPhos, Phos. ac, I IPlumb, Sep, Spong, I ISul, I ITarax, IThuya; affected parts very sensitive, Guaiae; slightest, may throw him into agitation or bring on convulsions, Lyss.; cannot bear to be touched, starts when touched ever so lightly especially on feet, IIKali e; generally better from touch, pressing or rub- bing parts gently, Natr. c.; child does not want to be touched, ICina; children stiffen when touched or moved, Apis; sensitive, in puerperal convulsions, IPhos.; eruption, sensitive, Dulc; whatever part she grasps burns, Caust.; intolerance of manipulation, causes agitation, ICoff.; pains increased by every touch, Ant. t; pains unbearable, with great sensitive- ness to touch, and fear of exciting new pain by moving, Ham.; sensitive to slightest, IColch.; whole surface exceedingly sensitive, every hair painful when touched, HApis; throat sensitive, Bell, IILach.; diminished sensibility over whole surface of body, Acet. ac (Chap.36, Anaesthesia), fl®" contact. Touch bedclothes(covering): asif cold air were blowing on her while covered warm ILac def • aversion to covering, with icy cold limbs (cholera), IISec;cannot bear, in otitis media, ILve • desire to be covered, I IBelb, IIHep, IIMagn. c, INatr. c, I INatr. m; desire to be covered, even in warm room IIHep.- intoler- ance, before attack (spasms), IMosch.; kicks off, IIBrv, ISub; kicks off, in meningitis, | IVer • child kicks off, at night, ISub; throws off, ILach, Med.; throws off, yet surface is cold Med.JISee; throws off, in fever,IHyos.; inclination to throw off and open windows (fever), Chin. a.; general aggravation from un- covering, Rheum ; coughs when any part is uncovered, IIHep.; desire to uncover, I Ars, Mosch,IMur. ac; desire to uncover, especially during exacerbation of fever, in evening, with burning heat (scarlet fever), IMur. ac; de- sire to uncover, with heat, IBry, ICale; de- sire to uncover, with heat and sweat, IStaph.; uncovering, pain worse, Stront. Touch, clothing: aggravation from pressure, Amm. c, Arn, 11 Asar,IBry, HCale, ICaps, ICarbo v, ICaust, Cinch, 11 Coff, IHep, IILach, IILyc, IINux v., Oleand, Op, Puis, IIRan. b, I ISars, ISep, llSpong, IStann, Sub; better on loosening, Are.; obliged to loosen, Ign, IILach, ILye; causes distress, Kali c. Kali m, Polyg.; pressure of hat, Agar, 11 Alum, Ang, 11 Arg. met,Carbo a,ICarbo v, IIHep, Lach, IILaur, Led, IILyc, Mez, INitr. ac, Nitrum, ISib, Stront, Sul, IVal.; neckbands feel tight, 11 Lach.; feels tight, worse in hypogastrium, I Ars. s. f; cannot bear to touch affected part, ICham.; better wrapping up, IIHep, Rheum, IRhus, HSil, ISquilla, IStront. fl®" Chap. 39, Warmth. Touch, contact: dread of, HCham, ICoff, IIHep.; painful sensitiveness of skin, IBelb; surface sensitive, lAct. rac, IILach.; sensi- tiveness against external influences, Chin. s.; least renews spasm, IBell, ICurar.; ulcers, sensitive, IHep. Touch, pressure : aggravation, Aeon, HAgar, Alum, Amb, Amm. c, Amm. m, Anac, I Ang, I I Ant. c, I I Arg. met, Arn, Ars, Asaf, IIBar. c. Bell, Bism, Bor, Bov, Bry, ICa- lad, Calc, Camph, ICann, ICaps, HCarbo a, ICarbo v., Caust, Cinch, HCina, Coloe, I ICup.m,Dig, I IDros, Dulc, IGuaiac,Hell, IIHep, IIHyos, Ign, lllod, Ipec, Kali c, ILach, Laur,I ILed, IILyc, IMagn. c,Magn. m, Mang, IMar. v, Menyanth, IIMerc, I IMez, IMosch, Mur. ac, Natr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ac, Nitrum, Nux m, Nux v., lOleand, 11 Phos, Phos. ac,IPlat, Puls,IR'an. b, IRan. sc, Rhus, IRuta, I ISabad, I ISabina, I ISamb, I ISars, ISelen, Seneg, ISep, HSil, Spig, ISpong, Stann, IStaph, I IStram, Stront, Sub, Sul. ac. Thuya, IVal, Ver, IVerbas, Zinc; amelioration, Aeon, IIAlum, Amb, lAmm.c, lAmm.m, 11 Anac, Ant. c, Arg. met, Arn, I I Are, Asaf, lAur. met, I IBell, Bism, IBor, I IBov, I IBry, Calc, Camph, I ICanth, I ICaust, IChel,Cina, Cinch, IClem, ICoce, IIColoc, HCon, I ICroe, I IDig, Dros,IDulc, IGraph, Guaiae, Hell, I Hgn, Ipec, Kali c, IIKreo, Laur, Led, Magn. c, IIMagn. m, IMang, I IMenyanth, Merc, Mez, Mosch, IMur. ac, IINatr. c,Natr. m, Nux m, I INux v, Oleand, IParis, Phos, IPhos. ac, IPlumb, Puis, IRhus, Ruta, Sabad, Sabina, Sep, Sil, I ISpig, I IStann, I ISul, I ISul. ac, I IThuya, I IVer, Verbas, Zinc; amelioration by gently pressing parts, or rubbing, Natr. c.; most vio- lent pains after bandages are put on, Calend.; pains better, Indig.; parts feel sore, as if bruised, Arg. met. Touch, rubbing (friction): aggravation, Amm. m, IIAnae, Arn, 11 Ars, IBism, Bor, ICalad, HCale, Cann, HCanth, ICaps, Carbo a, ICaust, Cham, Chel, ICoff, I ICon, Cup. m, Dros,I IGuaiac, ILed,Magn.c,Mang,l IMere, IMez,Mur. ae.Natr. c,Paris, IPhos,Phos.ac, 1152 46. SKIN. IIPuls, Seneg, ISep, ISil, I ISpig, llSpong, Stann, I IStaph, Stram, HStront, Sub; ame- lioration, Agar, I Alum, Amb, Amm. c, 11 Amm. m, I I Anac, Ang, 11 Ant. c. Ant. t, IArn,IAsaf,Bell, Benz.ae,Bor.,Bov,I IBry, HCale, Camph, Cann, HCanth, HCaps, I ICarbo a., Caust, I IChel, I ICie, I ICina, I ICinch, ICycb, IDros, IGuaiac, Hep, llgn, Jacea, Kali c, IILaur, IIMagn. c, IIMagn. m, IIMang, I IMenyanth, IMere, I IMosch, IMur.ac, I IPhos.ae, Plat,HPlumb, Ran.b. IIRhus, IRuta, Sabad, Sabina, Samb, Sars., I ISee, I ISelen,Seneg, Spig, Spong, I l^ann-, I IStaph,ISul,Subac, I ITarax,IThuya,l I Val IZinc; amelioration from gentle rubbing witn hand,Arn,lAsaf.,HCalc,ICaps,ICina,I ICroe, 11 Cycb, I Dros,Guaiae, Ign,Mang,Meny anth, I IMere, I IMur. ac.JINatr. e, IPhos.JPlumb, 11 Puis, IRuta, Sul, I IThuya, Zinc. Touch, scratching: better from, Hgn.; better, but bleeding follows, Alum. fl®° Chap. 46, Eruption scratching, Skin scratching. 46. SKIN. Eruption. Skin. ERUPTION, acne : fl®" Chap. 8, Face, Erup- tion acne, comedones. Eruption, bleeding : I IChin. s, ILye, I IMere s, IPetrol, IPsor.; after scratching, Cinch. Eruption, blotches : Bry.; conical, either red or skin color, more easily felt than seen, Morph.sub; elevated, red, IFluor. ae; slightly elevated, upon an erysipelatous, swollen, hard base, Psor.; erythematous, on face and body, Cund.; erythematous, irregular, slightly raised, pale red, ending in dark red or purple spots, IPhyt; like fleabites(diphtheria),ILac e; hard, HPhos.; hard, surrounded by red areola, Coccul.; "hives" on hands and fingers, itching, I Urt. ur.; itching, IPhos, Tuberc; itching, oozes a watery, sticky fluid (uter- ine complaints), IGraph.; itching, either hard or as from nettles, with burning after scratch- ing, Magn. s.; large, of different shapes, raised above surface and of deep red color, on arms, legs and face, blotches coalesce until whole skin is red and blotchy, resembling measles, IChloral; as in lepra, on legs, INatr. c ; like nettlerash, scaling off, Berb.; pale, HApis; raised, red, itching on skin of hands and fingers, 11 Urt. ur.; raised, red, in nettlerash, 11 Urt. ur.; red, IIRhus; red, like figwarts, at anus, IThuya ; red, on back, Ascl. t; dark red, ILye; red, itching, Spong, Sul.ae; large, red, with constipation and fever, ICop.; large red, with violent itching (nettlerash), IINatr. m.; pale red, round and elevated, at first iso- lated, later confluent, with fever and itching, Tereb.; red, after scratching, I IOp.; red, in various parts, most evident when warm, Vace; red, in distinct wheals, IChloral.; red and white, like nettlerash, HApis; rose-col- ored, ISil.; rose colored, in leprous patients, INatr. e; after scratching, Kali c; scrofulous, 7TArt. v.; large and small, stinging burning, feeling like hard knots, dirty yellow, better indoors, Aur. met.; vesicles turn yellow and maturate, IIMerc. sob; all over, especially cold, damp weather, IDulc; white,on calves, Thuya, fl®" spots, urticaria. Eruption chloasma (liver spots) : Ant. c.JArs, ICochb, ILye, IIMerc. iod. rub, INuxv, ISul, IISul. ae; during climacteric years, IPlumb.; on chest and arms, become very dark with much desquamation, Mez.; in menor- rhagia, IPlumb. fl®" blotches, spots. Eruption, cold: from being exposed to cold,Dule Eruption, constipation : 11 Ver.; during preg- nancy, I IDolich. fl®" Chap. 20, Constipa- tion eruption. Eruption, copper-colored: ICarbo a.; dry, ICale; inlupus exedens, IHydrocot.; round spots shining through, IMere; smooth spots, first coral color, then darker red, and finally coppery, Coral.; spots, Ustil. fl®" syphilitic. Eruption, cough : short, dry, in evening, ISep. Eruption on covered parts: Led, Thuya; burn violently after scratching, Thuya ; hairy parts, Euphor. Eruption, crusta lactea: g®"Chap.4, Eruption, tinea capitis ; also Chap. 8, Eruption tinea. Eruption, crusty: lArs, Jacea, Zinc; dis- charging acrid fluid, lAnthrac. fl®" scabby, scaly, scurfy. Eruption, dark: in typhus, Crotal. Eruption, diarrhcea: in summer, IHyper. fl®" Chap. 20, Diarrhcea, eruption. Eruption, dirty: IPsor, ISul, I ISyph. Eruption, discharge : creamy, I INatr. p.; fetid, 11 Kali ph.; white, mattery, IKali m.; yellow, slimy, sometimes sticky or watery, IKali s. fl®" moist. Eruption, drinking: after a debauch, feeling as if lice were crawling over surface, Led. fl®* Chap. 8, Face, Eruption acne drunkards. Eruption, dry: I Alum, I Ars, IBry, Cornus, IFluor. ac, IGuaraea, IHep, Jacea, IIMerc sob; scratching causes bleeding, I Ars.; with emaciation, ISars.; fetid, purulent secretion (eczema), I Are.; impetigo figurata, llris; like itch, Ver.; itching, Bry.; like measles, Kali bi.; looks dry during decreasing moon,Clem.; even if pustular, sometimes burning and itching, IPhos.; scaly, ICalad.; scalv, having a syphilitic base,ISelen.;scaly,with little point- ed vesicles around reddened edges, disappear- ing during summer, reappearing when cold weather comes on,Psor. fl®"pityriasis, scaly Eruption, eating: salt fish, or meat, Ars- much pork itching violent, in bed, IPuls- unsuit- able food, Are. Eruption, ecchymosis: fl®"Skin ecchymosis Eruption, ecthyma: Ante, : Anthrok, I Ars.' 46. SKIN. L153 Bell, Cie, ICrot t, IJugl ,Kalii b, IKali iod, Kreo,Merc, Nitr. ac, I IPetrol, IRhus, Sec, ISil, Sub, Thuya; on face and hands, large flat ulcer after a scratch, better after Rhus, rash increased, Ant. t; general and confluent, pus- tules large and thickly set, those on face seem to be dry, those on body and extremities grow worse, could neither sit nor lie, IJugb; painful itching, causing irresistible inclination to tear off crust, IJugb; pustulous, Arg. nit. Eruption, eczema: Aeon, iEthus, lAnae, 11 Alum, Amm. c, Amm. m, lAnt.c, Ant. t, Apis, IIArs, Ast.r, I Aur. mur, IBar. c. Bell, Bov, IBrom, Calad, HCale, ICale p, ICale s, Canth, ICarbol. ac, ICaust, IChel, Cie, ICist, Clem, ICon, Cop, Cornus, HCrot. t, Cund, Curar, IIDulc, Ferr. iod, IIGraph, IIHep, IHydras, IHydrocot, llris, IJacea, IJugl, Kali ars, IKali bi. Kali br, IKali c, I IKaliiod,Kalim,Kalis,ILed,HLyc,IMerc, IMez,IMur.ac, INatr. c, INatr.m, INatr. s, INitr.ac, lOleand,Oxal.ac, HPetrol, IPhyt, HPsor,I IRan.b.JRhus, Rhus v,Ruta, ISars, ISep, ISil, Staph, IISul, Sul. ac, Sumb, ISyph, Tereb, IThuya, Ustil.; with acidity, 11 Natr. p., Vinca, Zinc; with anaemia, -Calep.; about anus, INitr. ae; atrophy of infants, 11 Petrol.; bleeds easily and is covered with thick crusts, with fetid secretion beneath, ILye; in blondes inclined to obesity,! IGraph.; burning, I Ars, Canth, IMere, IIRhus, ISub; burning, worse from touch, rubbing and even- ing and during night, IMere; of children (infantile), Alum, Amm. c. Ant. c, Antt, lArs, IBar. c, IBell, IBrom, HCale, ICale p, Caust, HCrot. t, Curar, Dulc, Graph, IHep,HJacea, ILye, Mez,Natr. m, Nitr. ac, Oleand, Petrol, IPsor, IRhus, Sars, ISil, Staph, HSub; chronic, ISinap.; sallow com- plexion, ILac. def; secretion creamy, I INatr. p.; thick crusts, IITelb; thick crusts, oozing, offensive, IIRhus; discharge corrosive, I Ars, Clem, IGraph, Merc, iod, INatr. m, HSub; discharge yellow, slimy, sometimes sticky or watery, IKali s.; dry, I Ars, IBar. c, ICale, Canth, Fluor, ac, Kalic, ILye, ISep, Sil, ISub; dry, chronic, irritable, occasional exa- cerbation with eruption of distinct vesicles, 11 Kali are.; dry, crusty, • Calc. p.; dry at first, exuding a moisture when scratched, IKali c; of drunkards, ILed.; from eating too much salt, INatr. m.; excoriated, I Are, Canth, Clem, IGraph, IHep, IMere, INatr. m, IRhus, I ISub; after any severe exertion, ac- companied by sensation of tension and swell- ing on fingers, dorsum of hands, nape of neck and towards ears, Psor.; fetid, lArs, IGraph, IHep, ILye, IMere, Mez, HPsor, Rhus, ISep, ISil, Staph, IISul, Vinca; with fever, Aeon, Bell, Dulc, Petrol, Phos.; with gleet, IKali m.; headache, produced by suppression, Mez.; honey-colored, I INatr. p.; skin hyper- trophied, dark red corrosive fluid, dries into thick crusts, ICale; impetiginoides, Ant c. Ant. t, Anthrok, Carbo v. Con, IDulc, IGraph, Hep, Hydrocot, Jugb, Kali bi, Mez, Oleand, IPetrol, IIRhus, ISars, ISul, Ustil.; early inflammatory stage, Canth.; intertrigo, IPetrol.; itching, lAre, ICale, Canth, Caust,ICodein,ICrot. t, Dulc, IHep, Jacea, IMere, IMez, Phyt, IPsor, IIRhus, Sep, Sil, Staph, IISul, Vinca; itch- ing, especially at night, llris ; itching, scabby, singly or in clusters, looking like herpes, ISyph.; itching, when she gets warm, I IKali ars.; mercurial, Aeon, IBell, Dig, Cinch, IIHep, INitr. ac, ISub; moist, 7rBrom, Calc, IClem, Dulc, IIGraph, IHep, IKali br, IKali m. Lye, IMere; moist, at times dry, forming yellow crusts, IMere, IIMez, INatr. m, Phyt, Rhus, ISep, Sil, Staph, ISul, Vinca; moist, itching terribly, worse washing in cold water, from warmth of bed and from wet poultices, IClem.; moist, oozing from inflamed skin, IKali m.; moist, oozing profusely, secretion more watery than viscid, INatr. s.; moist, sore after scratching, IPetrol.; yellow acrid moisture oozes from under crusts, Staph.; worse in morning, itches,, burns, smarts, IHep.; spreading by means of new pimples appearing just beyond old parts, IHep.; pustular (fl®" impetigo); raw, fluid destroying hair, INatr. m.; raw, upon denuded surface new vesicles form which burst, Staph.; redness,small blisters, intense itching, I Anac; especially when rhagades are present, oozing fetid fluid, Cund, IIGraph.; moist, on right side, Canth.; rubrum, Aeon, Alum, Amm. m, Anac, Apis, Bell, Bov, Calc, Canth, Carbo v, ICrot t, Dulc , Lye, Mez, IRhus, ISub; exudation dries into hard, lemon-col- ored scab, ICie; thick, hard scabs, from which pus exudes on pressure, IMez.; scabs thick and honeycombed, IHep.; smarts as if scalded, 11 Ran. b.; the more they scratch the greater the urgency to scratch, IIRhus ; by scratching one place itching ceases but ap- pears at another, Staph.; scrofulous, Dulc, I ITelb; small, thin, white scurfs on surface, IMere; scurfy, discharging a corrosive fluid, which eats hair, worse in edgesof hair, INatr. m.; smarting, burning, when touched, Canth.; Solaris, Aeon, -Arum, m. Bell, Camph., ICanth, Clem, Hyos, INatr. c, IIMur. ac; small elevated, dark red spots, close to each other, resembling measles, IMere; squamo- sum, in conjunctivitis scrofulosa, IKali bb; squamosum, fifteen years, IGraph ; stinging, IMere; suppressed, ICup. ac, IKali s.; sup- pressed, in epilepsy, IKali m.; suppressed, fol- lowing vaccination, lAmmoniac; severe and stubborn of sweating parts of body, exposed to fumes of poison, IMere cor.; with thickening of skin, and hard horny scabs, IRan. b.; ting- ling, IIRhus; tingling, when she gets warm, I I Kali are.; accompanyinglarge ulcer surroun- ded by smaller ones, some healing, some healed, HPhos.; umbilical, I ISub; from sup- pressed or deranged uterine functions, IKali m.; after vaccination, with itching, IRhus; cured by vaccination intwo children, 11 Variol.; from vaccination with bad vaccine lymph, IKali m.; small vesicles in neighborhood of joints, itched, dried up rapidly and fre- quently recurred, I IPhos.; small vesicles, smal- ler and flatter than mercurial eczema, Cop.; watery vesicles, Canth.; weeping, after taking cold, worse in warmth of room after having been in cold air, itching when warm, worse washing (eczema), IHydras.; white secre- tions, IKali m.; every winter, for a number of years, IMere; of twelve years' standing, I IPhos.; yellow crusts and inflamed surround- ings after scratching,IMeresol. fl®"impetigo. 73 1154 46. SKIN. Eruption, elevated: fl®" blotches, spots, urticaria. Eruption, erysipelas: Acon,Amm.c, I Ananth, lAnthrac, Anthrok, HApis, lArn, I Ars, Arund, I Aur. met, Atrop, IBell, Bor, Bry, Bufo, Cadm. s, ICamph, ICanth, Carbol. ac, Cham, HChel, I IChloral, ICinch, Cinnam, Como, Crotal, Cund, ICup. ac, ICup. m, Elat, Euphor, IIGraph, IHydras, IJugl, IKalic, I IKalm, ILach,Led,IMere, I INatr. p, Nitr. ac, Nux v, IPhos. ac,l IPod, I IPtel, IPuls, IRhus, I IRhusv, IRuta.lSil, llSpong, HStram, ISul, ITereb, Ver, HVer. v.; abscess, after vaccination, centre bursts, discharging a great deal of pus,IApis ; worse in cold open air, wet weather, getting wet or damp, in cold places, IRhus ; ambu- lans (erratic), remains stationary after Bella- donna and Rhus, IMur. ae; form of chronic anthrax, lAnthrac; bluish, spreads rapidly, especially about buttocks and thighs, IPuls.; spreading from back around upon abdomen, 11 Merc.; vesicular, violent affections of brain, IStram.; metastasis to brain, IVer. v.; with brain symptoms, Cup. m.; bruised pain, much swelling, HApis; bullosum, HEuphor, I IKali m, IMez, 11 Ver. v.; bullosum, suppressed by salve, right to left, IKali e; bullosum, here and there yellow vesicles with large red areo- lae turning bluish red, tendency to gangrene, Tereb.; burning, I Are.; burning, drawing, IRhus; burning, stinging, HApis; burning and tearing, Rhod.; about carbuncle, lAn- thrac. ; children(neonatorum), IPuls.; children, purplish color of affected part, ILach.; new- born children, syphilitic or scrofulous, IMere; with chills and fever, IRhus; chronic, I Graph, ITereb.; chronic, periodical, IApis ; after cir- cumcision, IApis; with coldness, ICamph.; constitutional, Calend.; to promote desquama- tion, IIKali s.; after error in diet (gastro- bilious fever), Anthrok.; disappearing sud- denly, ICup. m.; tendency to, in dyspepsia, I IRhus v.; erratic, Arn, Bell, Mang, Mur. ac, IPuls, Sabina, ISub; with eruptions, Euphor.; extending further and further (car- buncle), IApis; exudes transparent glutinous fluid, IGraph.; begins on face, spreads over whole body, high fever, IGraph.; with fever, headache and sweat, I Astac; intense fever and inflammatory symptoms, Ferr. ph.; worse on forehead, IIMerc; gangrenous, lAnthrac, I Ars, Camph, ICarbo v., Cinch, ILach, IMur. ac, Rhus, ISee, ISib; inclined to be- come gangrenous, IApis; hands, arms, feet, legs, face, and sometimes whole person, vari- ous in size and severity, pruritus, tingling, smarting, stinging, burning, hardness of skin, with thickening, IRhus ; induration of cellu- lar tissue, IPuls.; inflammation, left hand, dark blue, lArn.; inflammation, extends in radii, IBelb; inflammation, similar to erup- tion of Rhus tox, with oppressed respiration, IKalm.; inflammation, running in streaks, IGraph.; itching,Crot. tig, I INatr.p, IRhus; i'ching, at night, ILach.; about joints, I Ars, BBry, IIMerc, IINatr. p.; malignant, I ICo- mo.; malignant, particularly if attended with large formation of pus, destruction of parts, ■ Hippoz.; in women or young girls at time of or instead of menses, IGraph.; mental condi- tion, while suffering from a slight attack took leave of her children, exhorted her husband to join the church, wanted people to join tier in prayer, felt happy to join her Redeemer, I IPlat.; metastasis to brain, IApis, IBell., Bry, Crotal, Hyos, Lach, Merc, Rhus, Strain, Sub; metastasis to testicles, Carbo v.; metastasis to female sexual organs, IBelb, Canth, Merc, Sep, Stram.; mild, with ery- thema or papular eruption, IGels.; old people, ILach.; old people, cerebral symptoms,! Amm. e; from osseous growths, ICale fl.; with pale- ness, ICamph.; with panaritium, IILach.; periodical, on face, Aurant.; phlebitis, Crotal, IHam.; phlegmonous, Aeon, IApis, I Arn, Ars, Belb, Bor, Bry, Calc, Carbo a, Cham, Cinch, IGraph, IHep, ILach,Lye, I IMere, Petrol,Phos,Puls,IRhus, I IRhus v,Sep,Sil, ISul, IVer. v. Zinc; phlegmonous, bright red, radiating, IBelb; phlegmonous, excessive ichorous, offensive suppuration, tendency to extend in depth rather than superficially, ISib; phlegmonous, during zymosis, or in the enfeebled, also in wounds, ICrotal.; phlycte- nous, ICrotal.; pale pink, HApis ; purplish, threatening gangrene, HApis ; dark purplish, painful tumefaction, 11 Apis; generally pus- tulous, ISep.; pyaemia, I Ars.; pyaemia, hectic, ICrotal.; red, IINatr. s.; red, with bruised sore feeling, HApis; red, smooth, shiny, IINatr. p.; dark red, with yellow vesicles, burning, itching and tingling, with stinging, delirium and fever, IIRhus ; dark red, ninth day after vaccination, ICrotal.; during rheu- matism, IRhus; right to left side. IGraph.; scratching causes agonizing pleasure (scarla- tina), I IRhus ; secondary, in an old lady, with chronic ulcers on left limb, IKali c; sequel, after local treatment, twitchingof eye- lids, then muscles of left side of face, then general convulsion of whole left side, IGraph.; sequel, otitis, I IPuls.; sequel, inflamed swell- ing of little finger, Sul. ac; shiny, I INatr. s.; from left to right side, ILach, IRhus; right to left side, IApis, IIGraph.; with sinking, ICamph.; smooth, IApis, Colch, IINatr. s, IPuls.; smooth, in violent fever, I Aeon.; spots livid, swelling, heat and pain subside, new ones appearing, IApis ; red spots appear, espe- cially about groins, on scrotum and thighs, spots at first pale, gradually assume a brighter red color, forming a sort of intertrigo, the dis- charge of which is of an offensive odor and has a tendency to become purulent (erysipe- las of the newborn), IMere; spreads all over child, IApis; stinging,IRhus, ISub; preceded by cramp in stomach, INuxv.; suppressed, causes vertigo, ILach.; suppurating, in scar- latina, I IRhus ; swelling, HApis, I Are ,ICale Hell, Lye, Merc, IRhus, Sub; swelling of whole body, Cinch.; swelling, with burning ICarbo a.; cedematous swellings II Apisi- cedematous swelling, during zymosisJCrotal : swelling painful, IINatr. p.; throbbing ISuL tingling, I INatr. p.; with toothache ICham" traumatic, IApis lArn, ITereb.; traumatic' burns or scalds, Ars, ICanth, ICrotal ; trau- matic,from contusions in bowels and stomach IApis; with flat, open ulcers on left lee ILach.; with aversion to being uncovered ICamph.; with urticaria, I Astac, IRhus: vesicular, Are, Bell, I ICist, IGraph IKali m, Lach, IIMez, Puis, Ran. b, IIRhus 46. SKIN. H55 I IRhus v, ISep, HStram, ISul, HUrt. ur.; vesicular, jumped wildly from bed to run away or attend to business, I IStram.; vesicles become dry, IGraph.; vesicular, fever violent, I IBelb; vesicular, scalp, face and genitals particularly affected, parts dark red, travels from right to left, IRhus; vesicular, with swelling, itching, burning, I IRhus v.; redness leaves too soon, with renewed vomiting, llpec; walks about stamping, shaking arms and striking about (scarlatina), I IRhus ; worse in warmth (scarlatina), I IRhus ; from getting wet, IRhus ; from a dissecting wound, worse noon till midnight, ILach. Eruption, erythema: IIAcon, I Am, IIArs, Ars. i, Calc, Camph, Canth, Chloral, Cro- tal, Crot. t. Gels, Graph, Hippoz,Hydr. ac, Jugb, Kali br, Lach, Lvc, Merc, d, IIMerc. sol. Plat, I IPlant, IPuls, IIRhus, I ISpong, ISub, Sul. ac, Tereb,lUrtur, Ver. v.; bluish, over whole body, permanent under pressure, Chloral.; burning, itching, I I Urt. ur.; infantile (intertrigo), IIAcon, Ant. t, IBelb, Calc, ICham, Cinch, IGraph, Ign, Lye, IPuls, Sep,Sul.; on left half of body, from head down, lasts eight to ten days and desqua- mates, Vespa ; nodosum, Ant. c. Apis, lArn, Bell, IBry, I ICale, ICepa, I ICinch, ICon, Cop, IIDulc, IJugl, ILach, I ILed, Mez, INux v, HPlumb, IRhus, I ISil, ISul, Sul. ae; nodosum, numerous and extensive patches, varying from size of a dollar to a man's hand, IJugb; nodosum, in typhoid, I IRhus v.; nodosum,red, urticaria-like eleva- tions, preceded by itching, leaving infiltrated spots after disappearing, only during winter, Kali iod.; papular, Aeon,Bell, Lach,IMere, IRhus, ISib; resembling scarlatina, parts swell- ing look like erysipelas vesiculosa, I ITereb.; scarlet.with rashlike vesicles,Crotab; analogous to eruption, appearing after eating shellfish, Tereb.; from exposure to rays of sun, I Aeon,, Arn, Camph, I Canth, Ham.; from sun's rays, papular,IAcon.; swelling, IKali m.; vesication, Amm. e; progressing to vesication, with cedema and final formation of pus and scabs, surface about eruption is red and angry- looking, IRhus ; vesicles form and pour out thin, clear fluid, Merc. viv. fl®" intertrigo, rash, red. Eruption, exanthema: IBry, Cham, Fluor. ac, IRhus; burning at night, compelling to scratch until epidermis is removed and denuded part is covered with a scab, or there is repeated exfoliation, IMez.; in clusters, Cop.; fail to come out, causing convulsions, IStram.; convulsions at onset, ICrotal.; not able to develop, Zinc; consequence of im- properly developed, HApis; difficultdevelop- opment, 11 Millef.; dry, Bar. e; spreading from epigastrium over abdomen and chest, IMere viv • chronic, exuding, IClem.; fevers, with meningitis, IIRhus; fevers sopor, ILye; flowing, one into the other, Cop.; here and there I I Zinc.; difficult of healing, ICham.; on border of hairy part of head, on upper part of trunk and extremities, Berb.; ichorous, Jacea ; itching, Cop, ISib; lentil-sized, Cop.; measle- shaped, Cop.; miliary, Cham.; patches, right side from spine to sternum, and from fifth to ninth ribs (herpes zoster, after external appli- cation of Rhus), ILach.; sharp-pointed pimples, usually small, seldom large and suppurating, dry, resting upon small, red areolae, frequently interspersed with small, round spots of red color, sometimes severe itching, Variol.; pus- tulous, Jacea; repercussion, IApis, IBry, ICup. m, IHelb; scarlet, Phos. ac; like scarlet rash, IA rum t; chronic scrofulous, suppressed, Caust.; scurfy, Con.; sore, cannot bear touch, even motion of skin unbearable, Arg. met.; suppressed, HApis; suppressed by cold, cause brain symptoms, deafness or dropsy, IPhos. ae; suppressed, convulsions, llpec; suppressed, diarrhoea, 11 Br v.; suppu- ration, IHep.; typhus, I Ars. fl®"rash. Eruption, favus (tinea maligna): Ant. c, lArs, Bar. c, Brom, ICale, Cie, Clem., Cornus, IDulc, IGraph,IHep,IJacea,Mez,l lOleand, Phos, IPsor, Staph, Vinca. Eruption, fetid: lArs, IMere,INitr.ac,HPsor, ISul. Eruption, fever: and heat, ICrot. t.*; intense, iFerr. mur, IVer. v. fl®" petechia?. Eruption, fine: itching, Carbo v. fl®* miliary, rash. Eruption, flat: Asaf. Eruption, freckles: IFerr, IGraph, IILyc, I IMere iod. rub, IMur.ac, INatr. c, IPhos.; on young girls, IIPuls. fl®" chloasma, spots. Eruption, gonorrhoea: following suppressed, IClem. Eruption, heat: after chill, ICop.; developed by being overheated, Con.; worse from heat, Led. Eruption, herpes: HAcet ac. Aeon, Agar, All. sat, lAlum, lAnanth, IApis, lArs, IBar. c, IBar. m, IBerb, Bor, Bov, ICale, ICale s. Caps, ICarbo a, ICarb. s, Carbo v, ICaust, Cie, ICist, I ICitrus, Clem, Coloe, 11 Como, ICon,Crotal,ICrot. t,Dolich, IDulc, Eucab,lEup. perf.JIGraph, Grat, IHep, llc- tod, Iod, Iris, Kali bi, IIKali c,IKali iod, Kalm, Kreo, ILac c, ILach, Led, ILye, Magn. c, IMagn. m, Mang, IMere, Merc. sol, Mez, INatr. c, IINatr. m, INatr. s, Nitr. ac, lOleand., 01. jec, Paris, IPetrol, IPhos, IPsor, IRan. b, IRhus,Rob,Rumex, Sars, HSep, Sil, ISpig, Spong, IStaph, ISul, IITelb, Thuya, Zinc; barber's itch, IINatr. m, INatr. s.; barber's itch, local ap- plication of tincture, I IPhyt.; barber's itch, thick, dry, scaly, itching, troublesome, ILye; biting, itching, IPsor.; ugly, black looking, communicated from one person to others (de- coction from roots), I IPhyt; easily bleeding, IDulc; red blotches, after scratching, Ipec; over whole body, IRan. b.; branlike, IPsor.; thick brown, red borders, IDulc; burning, ■Amb, Anac, I Are, ICalc.lKalie; burning, during heat, ^Ethus.; burning, scaly on fore- arms and hands, IIMerc; burning, after scratching, IStaph.; burning, prevents sleep till late, IStaph.; burning, when touched, IMere; excessive burning, Mosch.; chapped, ICale; chronic, lAnthrok.; chronic, constitu- tional, Clem.; chronic, with nightly twitch- ing, IStaph.; circinatus (ringworm), Anaeoc, IBar. c, ICale, Chloral, Clem, lEup. pert, Iod, ILith, INatr. c, IINatr. m, HPhyt, HSep, Spong, IITelb, Thuya, ITubere; cir- cinatus on back, All. sat.; circinatus, covers whole body, more distinct on lower 1156 46. SKIN. limbs, ITelb; circinatus, dry, especially on face of children, ISep.; circinatus, dry, at evolution of fresh group of teeth, ISep.; cir- cinatus, feels hard to touch and wrinkled in bend of left elbow, itches terribly, IGraph.; circinatus, pustular, j Hippoz.; circinatus, on single parts, ITelb, circinatus, every .Spring (chorea), HSep.; circinatus, suppressed (pal- pitation), lArs.; circinatus, body thickly cov- ered with elevated rings, especially on legs, vesicles, rings intersect each other in some places, so crowded as to obliterate the specific character of the affection, ITelb; circumscrip- tus, Anthrok.; after taking cold, with fluent coryza and bronchial irritation, Kali bi.; with constipation, Carbol. ae; cracking, Cadm. s.; crustaceus, IMez.; crusty, itching, burning, IRhus ; thick crusts, Clem, Lye, ISub; dry, Clem, Dolich, Dulc, IHep, Hyper, Kreo, Led, Med, Merc, Nitr. ac, HPhos, IPhos. ac,l I Psor, I IRhus, Staph, Sul, Thuya, Zinc; dry, especially in bends of knees, I IPsor.; dry, over whole body, IZinc.; dry, burning, itch- ing, on both hands and left leg, skin peeled off, IMez.; dry, violently itching, burning, in open air, ILed.; dry, with scabs on joints, IStaph.; dry, with white scales on and behind ears, Mar. v.; dry,' scaly, without itching, ICact.; dyscrasia, Carb. s.; excoriating, Caps, Clem, Grat, Natr. m.; worse evening and in open air, better by warmth, IKreo.; exedens, ISib; exedens, acrid, purulent fluid, IClem.; exedens, of lupus, IKali bb; exuding sticky matter, IIGraph.; during fevers, IINatr. m.;. favinosus, all over body except head, IBar. m.; furfuraceous, ICale, Dulc, I IMere sol, IMur. ac, HPhos.; worse from heat, which causes burning, Con.; ichorous, biting, burning, ICon.; impetiginous, Ars, Bapt, Cinch, 11 Mere sol, Psor, Rhus ; insensible, yellow, brown, shrivelled, IILyc; itching, Caps, Carb. s, Chel, I IGuaiac, IKali c, IKali iod, Mang.; itching, burning, IIArs, IPsor.; itch- ing, burning, after scratching, ILac. def; incessant itching, burning and tingling, alter- nates with pain in chest and dysenteric stools, IRhus; itching, crusty, Thuya; itching in hollows of knees (scabies), IIArs.; itching of old, at time of menses, Carbo v.; itching pain, INitr. ac; itching, prevents sleep till late, IStaph.; itching, from warmth of bed and after washing, Clem.; jerking and itching burning, Rhus; withmealdust, humid, IPsor.; mealy, Thuya; old, tettery itch, when menses should appear, Carbo v.; mercurial, Mosch.; moist (humid), Bar. c, Bov, Cadm.s, ICale, Caps, Carbo v, ICaust, Cie, IClem, ICon, IDulc, IIGraph, IHep, Kreo, Led, ILye, IMere, IMez, Natr. c, IINatr. m, Oleand, IPhos. ac, IRhus, ISep, Sil, Sub; moist, red, Clem.; moist, after suppressed scabies, itching when getting warm, worse before midnight and in open air, IPsor.; moist, with large scales on edges, IMere; moist, after scratching, IKali c; preceding neuralgia costalis (zoster), IRan. b.; painful, small, red, scaling off, IMagn. c; phlyctenoides, Aeon, Ars, Bov, Calc, Canth, ICarb. s, Clem, Merc, Phos, Ran. sc, Rhus, 11 Sarrae, Sil, Sul, Tell.; phlyctenoides, over dorsal surface of hand, ICarb. s.; prickling, INitr. ac; red, Dulc; pale red, Dulc.; old, reddish, with thick scurf in region of whis- kers, IILach.; yellow rings like rernams of herpes, INatr. e; round, scaly, small, "^ulc-^ scabby, ISub; forming scabs aa large as nana, ICon.; with yellow scabs, Cup. m.; scaly, lAnanth, I Ars, Bov, Cadm. s, ICale, Lie, Clem, ICon, IDulc, IGraph, I IKreo, Lach, Led, Lye, Magn. c, Merc, Natr. m, Phos, IPhos. ac, Sep, Staph, Sul, Thuya ; cover- ings like fish scales, burning, worse at night (ichthyosis),IArs.; scaly, furfuraceous, yellow at base, ILye; scarlet, shining under,worse scratching, odor offensive, ILach.; mingled with scorbutic spots over whole body, I IMere cor.; especially in scrofulous persons, after a cold, with drv croupy cough, ISpong.; scurfy, ISub; scurfy* itching, ILye; sero-purulent, itching violently towards evening, IKreo.; sore pain, INitr. ac; spots, IIHyos, IKali c; spots, inflammation and suppuration, IFerr.;, round spots, INatr. m.; spots running together, forming dry and scaly spots or crusts and acrid discharges, I Merc.; spots, white, scaling, I Anac; spreading, INatr. c; Spring and Fall, ILach.; stinging, Anac; suppressed (palpitation), Are.; suppurating,Ars,Cadm.s, INatr.c;suppurat- ing, lancinating, Zinc; suppurating, yellow, IDulc; with fetid sweat, IDulc; secondary syphilis, ILye, I ISyph.; hypertrophy of tes- ticle, IBar. m.; venereal, Mosch.; at first ves- icular then pustular, surface of skin red and swollen, especially around margin of each patch (zoster after external application of Rhus), ILach.; watery, itching violently to- wards evening, on hands, fingers, joints, IKreo.; white, Thuya; white, scabby, on dor- sum of hand and fingers, Thuya; yellow, with brown scabs, Carb. s.; resembles zona, IDolich.; zoster (shingles, zona), Agar, Arg. nit, Arn, Bufo, Canth, Caust, I IComo, Crot. t, IDolich, Euphor, IGraph, IHep, IKali bi, IKali m, IMere, IIMez, INatr. m, I IPetrol, I IPhyt, Prun, IPuls, IIRan. b, IRhus, ISil, IThuya, Zinc; zoster, on abdomen, IThuya; zoster, across abdomen from right side, Mere; zoster, on left axilla, spreading to sternum and spine, burning, smarting, IDolich.; zoster, burning, IGraph, IIMez.; zoster, burning, with gastric disturbance, IMere; zoster, burn- ing and neuralgic pains, IRhus ; zoster, on left side of chest, IGraph.; zoster, like a girdle from back around abdomen, IMere; zoster, itching, IMere; zoster, from spine around left side to median line, I Hep.; zoster, neuralgia, IHep, IIMez, IZinc; zoster, with facial _ neuralgia, IKalm.; zoster, intercostal neural- gia following, IMez.; zoster, with severe neu- ralgic pains, itching after scratching, turns into burning, worse in bed, from touch,IMez.; zoster, especially when following course of supraorbital or intercostal nerves, IRan. b.- zoster, on right side of body, lllris; zoster' right side, going to right leg/worse at night' must change position, IIRhus; zoster ten- dency to suppurate, IMere; zoster, stitchine IRan. b. fl®" tetter. &' Eruption, humid: fl®" moist. Eruption, ichthyosis: Ars, IIArs. i. Aur met Calc, ICinch, Clem, Coloe, Graph Hep' Hydrocot, Iod, Kali ars. Lye, 1101 iec Pp trol, HPhos, Plumb, Sep, Sil, Sul, Thuva • branlike desquamation, I ILac c. g®* scalv' Eruption, impetigo (pustular eczema) : Ang.', 46. SKIN. 1157 :Arg. nit, HCale, ICale p, ICarbol. ac, ICarb. s, Caust, Cie, Con, Crot. t, Jacea, IJugl, IKali bi, IKali iod, IMere, IMez, IINatr. m, IRhus, IIRhus v, ISil, IISul, I ITarant.; all over body, itching and shoot- ing, especially at night, Thuya; chronic, ICinnab.; epidermis, particularly of legs, dry and frail, could be scraped off in scales, HPhos.; figurata, Are, Calc, Clem, Con, Dulc, Graph, Lye, IMere, Rhus, Sub; figu- rata, dark, llris ; figurata on left leg, between knee and instep, crusted, purulent, ichorous t- cretion, irritating, surrounding skin, pro- ducing a wide, inflammatory margin, IJugb; figurata, tendency to spread, IMere; figurata, considerable suppuration under crusts,IMere; with gastric complaints, llris ; after abuse of mercury, ILye; especially after abuse of mercury, in psoric constitutions, Clem.; pimples form scabs, ICarb. s.; pustular, Ant. t.; recent cases, in adults, IJacea; rodent, Are., Calc, Cie, Graph,Hep, Mere, Natr. m, Nitr. ac, Rhus, Sep, Sib, Staph, Sub; scabida, Anthrok, Dulc, Lye, Sub; scrofulosa, invete- rata, Iod, thick, mild secretion, ICale g®" eczema. Eruption, insects : like sting of, Ant. c Eruption, irritable : Arn, IGrin, ISul. Eruption, itch: fl®" scabies. Eruption, itching : IAlum,IAnac, IArs,IBry, ICale, Canth,Caps, Carb.s,ICarbo v,Caust, Chel.,ICod, ICrot.t,Dulc,l I Guaiae, IGuaraea, IHep, Jacea, IKali c, IKali iod, HLac def, ILvc, Mang, IMere, IMez, IINatr. m,INitr. ae", Phyt, IPsor, IIRhus, Sep, Sil, Staph, Stram, IISul, Thuya, Vinca; black scurfs, ICale p.; bleeding, oozing out a fluid, forming scabsJOleand.;burning, IGraph.; burning, be- comes humid on scratching, ISars.; in diph- theria, I IApis ; distressing, ISul. ae; when exposed to heat, iEthus.; humid, angry- looking, INatr. m.; appearing to be a mixture of lichen and urticaria, Tarax.; intolerable, followed bv small lumps which scab over, -Aur. mur. nat.; with lupuslike eruption, IPhyt.; as of nettlerash, with pinkish red- ness around joints, Colch.; at night, bleeding when scratched, Pix ; at night, in crusta lac- tea, IMere iod. flav.; at night, in eczema, ■Are.; worse at night, Jacea ; worse at night (crusta lactea), I Are.; of easily bleeding whit- ish nodules, on abdomen and lower limbs spreading, Agar.; red points, with minute blisters, mostly during day, TTCup. m.; pain- ing, as from splinters, or when touched,INitr. ae; spots, painful after scratching, HSub; with sweat, Rhus : tetterlike, 11 Guaiae; ulcerative, worse at night, IMez.; especially on undress- ing at night, IKali are.; variola, IHydras.; caused by discharge, forms vesicles, ICarb. s. g^- urticaria, and other eruptions; also Skin itching. _ Eruption, leprosy : I Alum, |Amb, : Amm.c, Anac, I Ant. t, I Ars, Bar. c, ICale, ICarbo a ICarbo v, ICarbol. ac, ICaust, Coloe, I IComo, Con, -""Cup. m Daph., Form , IGraph, Hell, Hydrocot, Iod, llris, IIKali a Kali c, IKali iod, ILach, Magn. c, I I Mang,Merc. sub.lNatr. c.Natr. m, Nitr.ac, INuph, Petrol, IPhos, ISep, ISil, Stilling, ISul, Zinc; attacks alternate with asthma, ISub; discoloration of skin, after, I IKali a.; loss of sensation, ILach.; spots, without itch- ing, Cup. ac; brown spots on an even base, Phos.; bright carmine spots showing tendency to suppurate, ICarbo a.; coppery and annular raised spots, disease begins as a red spot, spreads somewhat like ringworm, silvery scales, lArs.; smooth bright spots, showing tendency to suppurate, ICarbo a.; discolored borders around white spots, Phos.; latter stages, Phos.; ulcerative stage, IHydras.; tu- berculosa, IHydrocot. fl®" Skin elephanti- asis. Eruption, lichen : lAnanth, -Anthrok, -Ant. c, Arum d, IDulc, Ferr. iod. Kali a, HPhos.; agrius, Graph.; circumscriptus, of six weeks' duration,on neck of a strong woman ait. 44, commencing with Etching, four weeks later two circular groups of rose colored, slightly pointed papules, confluent at base and without secretion, itching worse by night and ceased after scratching, IIMang.; confluens, over body, except face, palms, soles and parts of chest, IIKali a.; exudativus ruber, Apis, Ars, Chin, a, Iod, Kali a, Phos, Sars, Sub; with great itching; IPhyt.; with marasmus, Are, Chin, a, Phos.; pilaris urticarius, ■ Agar.; scrofulous, Ant. c, ICale, Calc. p, Cie, Con, IDulc, Fluor, ac, IGraph, ILye,Rhus, ISub; simplex, IAgar.; ulcerative, Clem, Rhus. Eruption, liver spots: fl®* chloasma. Eruption, maculae : fl®" blotches, spots. Eruption measles: IcAon, lAnanth, I lAnt.c, Ant. t, IApis, lArn, IIArs, IBell, IIBry, ICamph, ICaps, ICarbo v, Cham, IChel, IChlor, ICoff, Cop, Coral, ICrotal, ICup. ac, ICup. m, IIDros, Dulc, lEuph. (after Aeon.), IGels, IFerr. ph, Hep,IIpec, IIKali bi, IKali m. Kali s, ILach, IMere, IPhos, IPhyt, I IPsor., IIPuls, IRhus, ISabad, ISpong, ISquilla, IStict, IStram, Sul, HVer, IVer. v. Viol, Zinc; black, HArs, IILach.; brain symptoms, Ars, IBell, Cup. m. Gels, Hell, Puis, IStram, Ver. v.; bronchitis, ICup. ac; catarrhal symp- toms, Ant t, IBry, Carbo v, ICepa, Cham, Con, Dros, Dulc, lEuph, IGels, Hyos, IHy- dras, Ign, Nux v, IIPuls, Sep, ISpong, Sticta, Sub; child clinging to crib, IGels.; con- fluent, IApis ; conjunctivitis and photophobia (thirty-five cases), IFerr. ph.; convulsions be- fore eruption, I Ver. v.; coryza, ISpong.; coryza, with stoppage ofnose,HNuxv.; cough,ICinch, Coff, ICop, 11 Eup. perf, IMurex, HSquilla ; croupous cough, preceding or accompanying, IPhos.; cough, dry, hacking,IIAcon.; cough, dry, hollow, Ailant, Cham, Ign, Nux v, Sticta; cough, dry, teasing, IGels.; cough, hoarse, after or during, worse after midnight, IIDros.; cough, hoarse, croupy, distressing, IKali bb; cough, with tough mucus and night- sweats, IKali bi.; cough, short, lAcon, Coff; cough, spasmodic, IBell, Canth, Carbo v, Cina, ICup. m, IDig, IDros, IHyos, llpec, IRumex, Sang; developed imperfectly, IApis, Xan.; slow and scanty development, on third day pale and as if about to disappear, IPhos.; develop tardily, ICup. m, 11 Eup. perf, IHy- dras, IMere, ISub, IVer.; develop tardily, or do not appear, llpec; develop tardily, with oppression of chest, llpec; develop tardily, symptoms incipient for two weeks, no erup- tion, tendency to typhoid condition, threat- 1158 46. SKIN. ened inflammation of brain, lEuph.; unde- veloped, lAnim. c; with mucous diarrhoea, Cineh, IMere, IPuls, Sub; with diphtheria, IApis ; watery, excoriating discharge, IGels.; eruption fails to appear, lAmm. c, ICamph.; eruption copious, dark, confluent, ICrotal.; eruption livid, ILach.; eruption turns livid, with cerebral symptoms, IGels.; eruption re- mains too long or reappears as a mottling, Crotal.; eruption pale, IVer.; eruption resem- bling measles, IIAnt. c. Apis, Bapt, Bell, Chel, Cop, Cup. m, IDros, I ICEnan.; over- excitability and weeping, ICoff; eye symp- toms and more or less nasal catarrh, lEuph.; febrile stage, especially if pulmonary conges- tion is impending, IVer. v.; fever, with drow- siness, dulness, IGels.; fever before eruption, IStram.; gastric catarrh, lAnt. c; hoarseness, ISpong.; inflammatory stage, chilliness and watery discharge from nostrils, IGels.; run- ning an irregular course, Viol.; laryngitis, ICrotal.; malignant or purpuric form, Crotal.; cedematous, IApis; pneumonia, ICup. m.; pulmonary symptoms, Bry, Phos, Sub; reper- cussion (receding), I Ant t, IApis, I Are, Bell, IIBry, ICamph, Carbo v., Caust, IICup. m, Dulc, Gels, Hell, ILach, IPhos, HPsor, IIPuls, ISub; repercussion, after cold, nothing but bluish spots visible, with watery evacuation, nausea and colic, ICham.; repercussion, with convulsions, vomiting and gagging, face pale, twitching of limbs, ICup. m.; repercussion, spasms, IBry.; repercus- sion, with livid spots, IGels.; sequelae, I Arg. met, lArs, IBry, ICale, HCamph, Carbo v, ICaust, ICham, Cinch, Dros, Dulc, Euph, Hyos, Ign, IKali m, Nux in, Rhus, Sep., I ISticta, Stram, Sub; sequel, easily excited to anger (marasmus), iHydras.; sequel, asthma, Brom.; sequel, bronchitis, accompanied by chilliness, thirstlessness and greenish expectoration, I I Puis.; sequelae, in syphilitic children (cancrum oris), 11 Phos. ac; sequel,chronic catarrh,IThuya ; sequel, tetan- ic convulsions, ICham.; sequel, cough, lArn, IHyos, IMurex ; sequel, cough, worse eating or drinking, IKali e; sequel, chronic cough, originating in remnants of partial pneumonia, ISub; sequel, chronic loose cough, IIPuls.; sequel, chronic mucous cough, I IDulc; sequel, diarrhoea, HCinch.; sequel, chronic diarrhoea, IApis; sequel, dysentery, lElat.; sequel, ema- ciation (marasmus), IHydras.; sequel, noctur- nal enuresis, IPuls.; sequel, eyes weak, IIKali e; sequel, gangrenous mucous mem- brane of nasal cavity, I Are.; sequel, particu- larly hoarseness, ICarbo v.; sequel, hoarseness with spasmodic cough, IDros.; sequel, fetid leucorrhoea, IGuaraea ; sequel, inflammation of lids, IINatr. m.; sequel, liver reduced in size (marasmus), IHydras.; sequel, otitis and otorrhcea, Cact, Carbo v., Colch, Lye, Men- yanth, IMere, Nitr.ac, IPuls, Sub; sequel, swelling of parotids, IDulc; sequel, pneumo- nia, IKali e; sequel, teasing cough, IKali e; spasmodic sneezing, IGels.; first stage, lEuph.; stupefaction and sopor, ILye; suppressed tearing pain in head, particularly in and be- hind right ear, from which there is a watery yellow discharge, IIPuls.; suppressed, from taking cold, ICham.; suppression, cough, with muco-purulent expectoration, ISub; sup- pressed, with oppression of chest, llpec; suppressed, in chorea, IRhus; suppressed, in whooping cough, IBry.; suppressed, deafness, HPuls,ISub; suppressed, roaring in ears, I Mil; suppressed, pericarditis, I Are.; suppressed, harsh and dry skin,IKalis.; suppressed, hard swelling of muscular structures on right side, painful to touch, ISub; excessive secretion of tears or saliva, IINatr. m.; torpor, sleep- iness and dread of movement, IGels.; ty- phoid symptoms, I Ars, Bapt, Carbo v, IChlor, Mur. ac, Phos, Phos. ac, IIPuls, Sul, Sul. ac. Eruption, menses : period deranged, IKali m.; during, IGraph.; on face, in young women, I ISang. Eruption, mental condition (derangement): HOp.; overexcitability and weeping, ICoff.; after mercury, IBelb, IHep, INitr. ac, ISul. Eruption, moist (humid): Alum, ICale, ICham, Cornus, IIGraph, Hell, Iod, IKali br, IKreo, ILye, IIRhus, ISars, I ISil, Squil- la ; in children, 11 Hyper.; corroding, IThuya ; gluey, IGraph, INatr. m.; itching (fistula lachrymalis), ICale; offensive thick pus, yel- low crusts, ISub; paining as from splinters, or when touched, INitr. ac; sero-purulent, in aged people and hypochondriacal old maids, ICon.; discharging pus almost constantly, ■Sep.; scabby, IMez.; scaly, ISep.; with ver- min, nightly itching, burning after scratching, Vinca. Eruption, miliary: I Aeon, Amm.c, Ananth, Ante, lArs, Bar. m, IBell, IBry, Caust, ICham, Coff, Cop, ICornus, ICup. ac,Hell, Hep, Hyos, llpec. Jab, Jacea, IKali m., Lach, Merc, Mez, INatr. m, Phos, Puis, Sul, Tabae; especially after abuse of Bella- donna, IHyos.; in blotches, IAgar.; chronic, Amm. e; chronic (quartan), IIRhus; close, white, Agar.; dark, IClem.; dark, in scarla- tina, IRhus ; in diabetes, Tarant.; dysentery, I Are.; fine, itching, like sand, Ars.; with heat, as if it were on fire, Sarrae; inveterate, skin rough, scaly, ISub; itching, Arund, IClem.; itching, with night sweat, IRhus ; turns livid or black, ILach.; livid, in scarlatina, lAilant.; during lying-in time, Cup. m.; metritis, ISee; in patches, dark, almost livid, HAilant; red pimples, lAnanth.; purple, Coff.; rough, ICale; red (malignant scarlatina),IIAmm?e; rubra, with colic, dyspnoea, or nausea, llpec; in scarlet fever, IILach.; scratching till he screams, ICale; appears slowly, ILach • by- spells (chlorosis), llpec; spots, Sumb.; sup- pressed (meningitis), IStram.; follows exces- sive sweat (articular rheumatism), I ISal ac - copious, soursmelling sweat(typhoid),IIRhus' worse on undressing, Coccul.; in vulva Sar- rae; white, IBry IINux v.; white, in ty- phoid, 11 Vab; whitish, in typhus IApis I Ars. fl®" rash. ' r ' Eruption, nettlerash : fl®" urticaria Eruption neuralgia: of right supraorbital nerve, IMez. fl®" herpes zoster. Eruption, nodular: Bar. m., Brv Bufn ICarbo a, IChel, Diad, IForm, Graph Hin' poz. Hod, Kali a, 11 Kreo, Therid • severe- burning, apices filled with pus, 11 Rhus'• eoutv 11 Apis ; isolated, with red halo, get larjrer and fill with lymph similar to smallpox Ant t - itching, Cupr. s.; painful, INatr. rn. • red' 46. SKIN. 1159 Aur. mur. Thuya; reddish, from size of a pin's head to that of a split pea, de- pressed, dark scurf in centre, with inflamed base, IKali bb; scrofulous, Therid.; suppu- rating, iCales.; dry, vesicular elevations, change into nodules, ICale; white, Thuya. Eruption, during nursing period: ISep.; after weaning, I IDulc. Eruption, odor: fl®" fetid. Eruption, old persons : in old people, suffering from vertigo, especially in bed, Con. Eruption, painful: Asaf, HSub, Vab Eruption, painless: Cycl. Eruption, pale : colorless, smarting, Are. Eruption, papillary: minute papillae, so close that skin has general red appearance at short distance like injected papillae of cutis anse- rina, Chlor.; small red, IMagn. m. Eruption, papular: Aur. met, ICale, Cham', Cycb, Gels, IGrin, Hippoz, IHydro- cot, Hod, IKali bi, IKali c, IKali iod, IMere viv, HPetrol, HPhos, Zinc; in amenia, ISul.; burning itching, exuding pus- like moisture, IKali s.; began as a spot on calf and spread all over body, large papular elevations, red and irregular like measles, but more raised, with burning itching like fire, especially night, must walk room, IKali bb; desquamate, Chlor.; dry, scurfy,ring-shaped, HSep.; around eschar, size of pea to that of a nut, dense or doughy, I LAnthrac; with swelling of face, Vinca ; hard, Merc. iod. flav.; hard, here aud there, I IMere iod. rub.; hard and red base, burning itching, smarting, espe- cially wet cold weather (affection of lungs), I ISep.; extensive cedematous and phlegmon- ous infiltration of neighboring skin and sub- cutaneous cellular tissue, I lAnthrac; itching, I ILye, HSep.; itching burning, kept just ahead of the scratching, disappearing and burning after, worse during sweat, 11 Rhus ; itching in children, Arund.; like measles, IGels.; circular crop of miliary raised and rough, bright scarlet, irritable, itching, scratching at night (intertrigo), IMere; painless, Carbo v.; causing powdery appear- ance of skin, I I Kali a.; prickling, itching,Tell.; psoric, impetigenous, dry relaxed skin, ISib; enlarge and fill with pus, dark red at base, resemble mature variolous pustules, dry and crusted over, Ant. t; red, Bor, IKali m, I ISyph.; red, covering entire body except scalp, varying in diameter from size of pin's head to that of a three-cent piece, vesicles form on summit, crusts fall off, leaving a sore which heals, place of sore marked by dark-colored cicatrix, worse trunk, legs, forearms, IKali are.; red, large, Act. rac; roseolous, confluent, Cub.; small, IKali m.; syphilitic, lArg.nit, IKali bb; suppurate, Chlor.; with dryness of throat, IIKali iod.; similar to varicella, I ISib; vesicate, Chlor.; filled with watery yellowish matter, I ISyph.; small, yellowish, Hippoz.; exude a yellowish humor and form a crust, plant- , , .„ , Eruption, patches: Berb.; red, ICale $££*• spots. Eruption, pemphigus: lAnae, I Ars, Bell, Bry Calc, Canth, Caust, Chm. s. Chloral, Cinch, Cop, Crotal., IDulc, Gamb, IHep, Hydrocot, Jugb, IILach, ILye, IMere, INatr. m, INatr. s, Nitr. ac, I IPhos, IPsor, I IRan. b. Ran. sc, IIRhus, ISep, ISul, ISul. ac. Thuya ; each bulla with a red areola, IRhus; benignus, IHydrocot; blisters small and on highly inflamed surface (tonsillitis), ILye; in children (neonatorum), Aeon, Bell, Bry, Calc, Cham, Dulc, Merc, Psor., Ran. b, Rhus, Sul.; in children, blisters two, three or four inches in diameter, I IRan. b, ISib; fever low, parts bluish and discharge scanty, tardy, or dark fluid, unhealthy, ICrotal.; foliaceus, Ars,Chin.a,Lach, Lye,Phos,Sep., I IThuya; foliaceus, epidermis on one-third of body and almost half of back raised as if by an enorm- ous blister, serous fluid escapes through small openings, I IThuya ; infant, I IRan. sc; large blisters, buret and leave raw surfaces, 11 Ran. b.; malignus, IIKali ph.; especially when painful, Thuya; looks like a pock, often con- fluent and persistently reappears, ISyph.; prostration, I IRan. b.; scarlet redness over whole body, I Anac.; blisters constantly re- peating, secreting a foul smelling, gluey mat- ter, forming crusts and healing from centre, I IRan. b.; restlessness, I IRan. b.; squamosus, ISars.; typhoid condition, fluid assumes a dark or sanguinous character, or gangrene threat- ens, Crotal. Eruption, petechia? : Arn, Bell, Berb, IBry, Canth, Chloral, Crotal, IHyos, ILach, Led, Nux v., HPhos, Ruta, Sec, Sib, I IStram, Sul. ae; little blotches or ecchymosed purple spots, ICrotal.; morbus Brightii, HPhos. ac, diabetes, ISee; metritis, HSec; in old per- sons, ICon.; in old or intemperate subjects, Crotal.; red, from size of a fleabite to that of, a lentil, lArs.; in scarlatina, I Ars, lArum t; large number, especially about soft parts (pur- pura haemorrhagica), I IPhos.; on spine (cere- brospinal disease), I IVer. v.; in typhoid or typhus, lArs, IBapt, IBry, Cup. m. Ham, Nitr.ac, IPhos.ae, IIRhus, Sinap, Sub ae; hemorrhage, variola, IHam.; viper bite, ICamph. fl®" spots. Eruption, phagedenic: itching at night, IIRhus. Eruption, phlyctenules: especially on ex- tremities, Elaps ; thin yellow fluid (epilepsy), IBufo.; after vaccination, Ant t. fl®" vesicles. Eruption, pimples: Anac, lAnt. c, Ars. h, Ars.met. Arum d, Ast.r,7»Aur. mur,Bar.c, Berb, Brom, ICalad, ICale p, Calc s. Cinch, Crotal, Cund, Diad, Dig, Dulc, IFluor. ac. Gels, IGraph, IHep, I IHydras, Hyper, Hyos, Indig, IIKali c, IKali m, IKreo, ILach, Menyanth, Meph, IMere, ■ Mere cor, IMez, IMur. ac, Myr. cer, INatr. c, INatr. m , IPuls, IRhus, Ruta, Sabina, ISars, ISeneg, ISep, I IStaph, ISul, Tabae, I ITarax, Thuya, Tromb.; acuminated, whit- ish, filled with watery fluid, commence with itching and burning, especially on abdomen, hands and between fingers, I Are.; with black heads, I IDiosc; bleed easily when scratched, Kob.; from degraded state of blood, ICrotal.; like blotches, stinging, itching like nettles, worse rubbing, Stram.; brain affections of children, I ISub; leaving brown liver spots, Berb.; brownish (syphilis), INitr. ac; burn- ing, IIArs, Berb, Bov, Cub.; burning heat, I IMosch.; burning, with yellow crusts,IMere; burning, itching, IAgar.; coalescing into 1160 46. SKIN. blisters, size of a split pea, filled with yellow watery fluid, with intense itching, worse night after 12 p.m., better rubbing with some- thing rough until blisters open, Rhus ; coales- cing into blisters size of a split pea, filled with yellow watery fluid, with itching, worse night after 12 p.m., better rubbing with something rough until blisters are open, ISang.; conical, hard and red, Thuya ; crusty, in young people, IHep, IMere sob; dry,Iod.:dry, red, itching when exposed to heat, Sars.; dry, like con- fluent smallpox, IIHyos.; exuding moisture like an ulcer, painful on external pressure, Spong.; soon filling with whitish yellow lymph and then shrivelling, ICycb; little, hard, red, like fleabites, Agar.; furunculous, with red areola and itching sensation, Sub; caused by disturbed action of follicular glands, IKali m.; in groups, Berb.; surrounded by blue halo, ILach,IIMerc; hard,I lArum t; hard, with burning-biting itching, Rhus; small, hard, Therid.; humid, IThuya; like small cutaneous indurations, IGels.; inflamed, HSub; inflamed (liver complaint), ICheb; iso- lated, Berb, ILye; isolated, red, with cir- cumscribed areola, depressed centres became confluent where they were most dense, bleed when scabs come off, I ISyph.; itching, IApis, Are, Bov, ICaust, Coccus, ICon, IIGraph, IHep, IIMerc. sol, ISep, ISil, IStaph, Stront, ISul, Zinc, Ziz.; itching burning, lArs.; itching excessively, Ascl. t; itching, inflamed, painful to touch, HSub; itching, like nettlerash, Sib; itching, red, Asim.; itch- ing, arise singly with ailments, Kali s.; itching, covered with a crust around ulcers and suppurates, ICham.; itching, with small vesicles, I IKali m.; itchlike, IBar. m, IKali iod.; itchlike, with burning, itching and smarting after scratching, 11 Rhus; large, deep seated, and irritable to touch, Rhus ; during menses, which she fears will prove to be little snakes and turn and twist around each other, Lac c; irregular menses, I ILac def; miliary, with yellow tips, Grat.; like nettlerash, with biting itching, Rhus ; worse at night, IMere; in onanists, IPhos. ac; painful, IKali c, ISub; painful, for some distance about them, 11 Jamb.; painful, sore, Ind.; painful, suppurating, feels as though pierced with a needle, skin red far around each, Ind ; as large as peas, itch when scratched off, are moist and burn, Staph.; like petechiae, ILed.; phlyctenoidal, IIKali m.; painful to pressure, Spong.; purulent, contain fluid like varnish (rupia), I IThuya; pustulous, Cham.; pustulous, with yellow scabs,l IChel, ICina, I IKreo, Iod., Lachn, IRhus, Thuya, I I Variol, Zing.; bright red, small, conical, hard, inflamed base, resembling lichen, itch- ing, Antt; bright red, in constipation of suck- lings, IApis ; bright red, here and there, Apis; bright red, rilling with pus, Dulc; red, with prominent centres, rough to touch, ICheb; clusters of red, with red areolae and small tips, containing pus, changing to brown spots, Berb.; fine red, running together, presenting a red, swollen appearance, alkaline fluid oozes out copiously,after subsiding cuticle comes off in fine scales, itches and stings, better for- merly by cold water, lately by hot, IKali s.; red, itching every summer (eczema Solaris), IMur. ae; large, red, Verbas, Zing.; red, like miliaria, lAnanth.; red, filled with pus, and covered with yellow crusts, I ISep.; single,reu, itching, Berb.; red, small, Rumex, ISep.; red, small, itching, tipped with pus, bum after scratching, IGraph.; red, small, in incipient phthisis, I IRumex ; red, small,rosehke,r3ov.; red, small (secondary syphilis),Are. m.; bright red, small, formed vesicles of a pearly look, with depressed tips and surrounded by red areolae, Vace; very bright red, small, sharply defined, with minute vesicles upon them, se- vere itching, day and night, most at night, after going tobed,Telb; red, in syphilis, INitr. ae; red, in typhus, I IStram.; red, like urtica- ria, lAnanth.; red, most evident when warm, Vace; red, with white tip, painful and sting- ing (hip joint disease), IMere; with redness and swelling,! IKali e; form scabs (impetigo), ' ICarbo s.; rise after scratching, ooze, moist- ure keeping parts sore, Sars.; scurfy, IMur.ac, Oleand.; scurfs, itching, when getting warm in bed, IMur. ae; covered with scurfs ulcerating around ulcers, ICham.; sensation as if pim- ples were coming out, Cinnab.; sensitive to touch, Calad.; single, with rash, I IKali in.; small, Cub, Ictod, Iod, IKali c.,1 ISep,Vace; small, spreading into large, scarlet blotches, discharging yellow matter, Kali bb; small, colorless, containing serum, HSars.; small, then desquamation, Elaps; small, dry, red- dish (run around), I IBov.; small, flat, semi- transparent, Berb.; small, here and there,with terrible itching, when undressing in evening, Pallad.; small, round, IIArum t; small, dis- charge serous fluid, become dry on scratch- ing, leaving skin roughened, with brown her- petic spots here and there (chlorosis), HSep.; sore, smarting,IHep.; sore.Ind. met, I Uamb., Kob.; sore, painful, IHep.; sore, pressing pain when touched, Zinc; so re,discharge and form a scab, painful when touched, Lac e; sore to touch, Arg.met.; stinging as from a splinter when touched, Am.; on small,red spot.Cham.; stinging, lAnanth.; as from stings of insects, I Ant. e; suppressed, nervous palpitation, ICale; suppurating, Ars, Arund, Bar. c, IHep, Sars, IISul, Tarax, Zinc; with sweat, Con.; swollen, hard, Calc. s.; tips full of pus, surrounded by red areola, Thuya ; ulcerated, Kalic, IMere sob; surround ulcers, IILach, ISub; like varicella, Thuya; variola, IBapt; small, develop at point of vaccination, Vace; watery fluid, Lachn.; discharge water when scratched, Kali n.; watery, suppurate, form- ing scabs,Tubere; white, on red nose, INatr.c; small, white, with some moisture, after moder- ate wine drinking, Zinc.; white, suppurating, with red areolae, Calad.; white, transparent, failed with acrid humor, which form scabs like those of scabies, Con. Eruption, pityriasis: Agar, Arg.met, IIArs, Aur. met Bry, Calc, Canth, Clem, Dulc. Graph IIKali iod, IIKreo, Lach, Led, Lye, 11 Mang, Mere, Mez, Natr. m, I INuph. Oleand Petrol, I IPhos, HPhyt, Sep, Sib Sub.lThuya ; especially children,Canth.; with moist eczema of legs, IKali br.; itching caused by approaching fire, IMez.; nijrra 'rt*£*ifhZ lpe°Ple'Tereb-! rub™, in a man aet. ll, of healthy appearance, temperate and never had syphilis, three weeks ago an emo- tion commenced of dark red, well-defined 46. SKIN. 1161 spots, covered with small loosely adherent scales, extending over thorax and left shoul- der, then scales of epidermis exfoliate in im- mense quantities, exposing a red dry surface, I IMang.; versicolor, ICarbol.ac, IMez,INitr. ae; versicolor, on all parts of body, except hands and face, 11 Ptel. fl®" dry. Eruption, points: red, Cinnab.; blood spots appear as small brown prints on surface (pruritus senilis), IMez. Eruption, pompholyx: in hand, every year, IBufo. Eruption, porrigo : llris, IPetrol.; favosa, I ISub; favosa, ichor acrid, IColch.; favosa, oozing acrid ichor, in infants, spots round and dry, slightly raised and reddened at edges, with branlike scales in centre, ISumb.; itching, ICodein. Eruption, pregnancy : during, ISep. Eruption, pricking: Cycb Eruption, prurigo : fl®" Skin itching. Eruption, psoriasis: Alum, Amb, Amm. c, IIArs, IIArs. iod, Aur. met, Bor, Bry, ICale, ICanth, ICarbol. ac, ICinch, Clem, Coral, Dulc, IGraph, Iod, llris, Kali br. Led, IILyc, I IMang, Mar. v, IMere, IMere iod. rub, Merc, sul, INitr.ac, I INuph, IPe- trol, IPhos, I IPhyt, I IPsor, Ran. b, IRhus, ISarrae, HSep, ISul, Tell.; alternates with asthma, ISub; blepharitis, ISib; chronic, IRhus; diffuse, Ars. i, Bor, Calc, Cie, Clem, Dulc, Graph, Lye, Merc. iod. rub, Mur. ac, Rhus, Sul, Thuya ; discoloration of skin after, I IKali a.; furfuraceous, sometimes fissured and bleeding, ILye; guttata, Ars, IFluor. ac; inflamed, in a child, lArs. iod.; inveterata, Calc, Carbol. ac, Clem, Kali a, Merc, Petrol, Rhus, Sep., ISil, Sub; inveter- ata, in a man set. 45, addicted to immoderate use of brandy, eight years ago was cured of amaurosis by electricity, and six months later cutaneous disease commenced, sickly appear- ance, vascular but thin, complexion dark, had gonorrhoea,chancre and buboes,and was drunk at first consultation,eruption first appeared on elbows, then on knees and calves, at the dis- eased points skin first became thickened, then fissures appeared and finally white shiny hard adherent scales which were continually repro- duced, occasionally rheumatic pains, IMang.; inveterata, itching when warm, after scratch- ing relief, followed by burning and at times "bleeding, HSub; itching, INuph.; palmaris, Crotal, Kali s, I IPetrol.; irregular patches, with shining scales, edges slightly raised, llris; in numerous patches, with itching, patches scale off and are replaced by smaller, leave beneath them a red skin, I IKali a.; in relievo, llris ; places which have remained ' free from impetigo mercurialis turn rough, dry, crack and peel off constantly in white, branlike scales, especially on scalp, whiskers and eyebrows, without attacking face, IMere; scales shining, white, adhesive, looking like stearine, I ISep.; scaly, itching, causing him to scratch till ichorous fluid discharges form- ing a hard cake, I IKali a.; syphilitica,! IPsor.; secondary syphilis, IMere; with ulcers on legs, IKali a. Eruption, purpura: spots full of bluish dark blood, all over body except face and hands, J IRhus; with fever and soreness, ICarbo v. with hemorrhages from all mucous mem- branes, with dull aching distress in stomach, and vomiting of blood and mucus, I ISal. ae; caused by excessive use of salt, bloody diar- rhoea after, INitr. sp. d.; scorbutic, IILach. Eruption, purpura hemorrhagica: IArn,Ars, Bell, Berb, Bov, Bry,Chin. s. Chloral,Coc- cin. Coral, ICrotal, ICup. ac,IHam, Hyos, Iod, IKali iod, I IKali ph, IILach, HLed, Millef, Nux v, HPhos, IPhos. ac, IRhus, Ruta, HSec., Sil, Stram, Sul, IISul. ac, IITe- reb. ; red spots over whole body, particularly on part covered with clothing (purpura hem- orrhagica), IPhos.; bluish-red, lentil-shaped spots over body, with lassitude and repeated hemorrhages from nose and mouth, IIRhus; livid, Carbo v.; bright red spots of various sizes and shapes, 11 Rhus; in typhus, Crotal.; peliosis rheumatica, with cedema, large, pur- puric spots, and bullae, in which black, pur- puric patches, covered with a flaccid envelope of bullae after serum has escaped, were like patches of skin which had mortified, Crotal.; greatly varied in size,smooth, generally round, and dark red, I ILed. g®° Skin, ecchymosis. Eruption, pustules: Anac, lAnt c, lAnt. t, I Ars, Are. s. f; irAur. mur. Bell, IIBrom, Bufo, ICale, Carbol. ac,IChel, IClem,ICro- tal, ICrot. t, Cund, Fluor, ac, llris, IJugl, IKali bi, IKali m, IMagn. m, IINatr. c, INatr. m, IRhus, ISep, Sil, I IStaph, I IStil- ling, ISul, Tabae, ITelb; contents, alkaline, sometimes blackening metal, 11 Anthrac.; anthrax, penetrates deeply into subcutane- ous cellular tissue, I LAnthrac. (fl®" Chap. 44, Anthrax) ; white, aphthous, in mouth, IHep.; with red areola, suppurate and form crusts (children), Arund.; inflamed base, sore to touch, IIMerc. iod. rub.; black, with in- flammation and itching, spread over whole body, Rhus ; black, ulcerated, INatr. e; with catarrh of bladder, Indig.; bleed easily (ec- thyma),IMere; from degraded state of blood, ICrotal.; dark blue (itch), ILach.; leaves blu- ish-red marks, IIAnt. t; bluish-red, hard hot base, IApis; brownish, IApis; reddish, brownish like smallpox, without central de- pression, covers body, except penis and scrotum, covers inside of mouth and throat, making swallowing difficult, also eyes, mak- ing him blind, tips of pimples become filled with pus, worse warmth of bed (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; burning, Amm. c, IApis, Ind, ILach, I IPetrol.; burst and discharge purulent matter, forming yellowish-brown scabs, which become dark, suppurate, and ex- ude for a long time, Vace; caseous, purulent contents, Hippoz.; become cicatrized (ecthy- ma), IMere; confluent,ICic,ICrot. t; copper- colored, Psor.; similar to cowpox, Vace; forming a gray brown crust,which finally falls off, ICrot .t.; forming thick crusts,after scratch- ing, Asim.; depressed, Anthrac. desquamation or desiccation, ICrot. t; with diarrhoea, IMere cor.; face drying up soon, I IThuya; dry, ele- vated, on inner surface, Ant. sul. aur.; efflores- cence, ichorous, HSars.; epidemic malignant furuncular formation, generally on lower lip, withsevere pain and surrounded by erysipelat- ous areola, ILach.; exude purulent fluid,IClem.; fever low, parts bluish and discharge scanty, tardy or dark fluid, ICrotal.; speck, like a SKIN. 1162 46. i fleabite, black point in centre, changes to itching pustule, capped with small clear red- dish or bluish vesicle, I lAnthrac; commenc- ing on one foot, extending to knee and in running together made one continuous sore, IMere sob; tendency to gangrene, ISee; ap- pear gradually on every part of body, Hippoz.; in groups with pain in limbs and disordered stomach, Cop.; several groups, have a hemor- rhagic appearance, spread from one group to another | herpes zoster from external applica- tion of Rhus), ILach.; size of a pin's head, on hairy parts, IKali bb; twenty-six on top of head, some as large as a three-cent piece, lllris; become hollow (ecthyma), IMere; discharges ichorous liquid, leaves fresh cop- pery pockmarks (after healing of chancre), I ISyph.; extensive cedematous and phleg- monous infiltration of neighboring skin and subwutaneous cellular tissue, I lAnthrac; in- flamed, painful, emitting acrid water, Stram.; inflamed parts as large as a pea, small black scab in middle, Kali bb; isolated, filling rapidly with sero-purulent matter and sur- rounded by an inflamed halo, come in small crops, dry, leaving hard, dry scabs easily knocked off, leaving red moist surfaces, sen- sitive to contact with atmosphere or bed- clothes, ILach.; like those of pocky itch (psoric), I ISub; itching, Arg. nit, Asim, ICrot.t, ILach, I IMere iod. rub, I ISpig, ISub; itching, in nasal catarrh, ICale; itch excessively, Ascl. t; itching, ceasing to itch after scabbing over, IDulc; itching, sensitive to touch, worse from washing, IDulc; itching burning after vaccination, HPsor.; itching, with weakness on. exertion (ecthyma), I IPe- trol.; itching, better wrapping up wrarmly, ISib; itchlike, Grat; large, Hyos, 11 Variol.; large, burst, discharging yellow green thick pus, severe tensive pains, I ISep.; large, clus- tering, IHyos.; large greasy looking pock- shaped, IKreo.; small, filled with lymph dry- ing quickly, ISib; large, pale-red, worse at night, Ars.; large, scattered, I I Vace; begins as a small lump, which inflames and gets red, discharging a bloody fluid, leaves a small de- pressed ulcerative surface with inflamed base, heals and breaks out again, wherever dis- charge touches it causes a fresh spot, itching atnight, IKali bi.; malignant, lAnthrac, Apis, IIArs, IBell, IIBufo, Carbo v, j Chlor, •Hippoz, Hydras, Kreo, IILach, IRhus, See, ISil,Tarant.; malignant,bluish, ILach.; malignant, pyaemia, hectic fever, HCrotab; malignant, during suppurative stage, ISib; moist, burning, stinging, itching, Bar. c; ooz- ing, ICrot. t; size of millet seeds, growing larger, oozing and forming a gray-brown crust, Crot. t; painful, ITarant; painful, yellowish green fetid pus, I IJacea; painful, in syphilis, IJacea; painful to touch (ecthyma), IMere; painless, IKreo.; patches on certain places, where bones are nearest cuticle, isolated large pustules on other parts break, discharge ichorous fluid for one or two days, then heal, leaving characteristic pockmark cicatrices, patches take longer to heal, discharge some fluid till healing commences, I ISyph.; size of a pea, bursting by discharging thick mucus, sanguineous pus, offensive odor, Hippoz; size of peas, covered with brown crusts, I Ant. t; size of a split pea, each with a hair in centre, on arms, Kali bb; thick like pocks, as large as a pea, IIAnt. t; psoric, ,,r^°r HSub; with pus at tips, pain when touched as from pressure of a sharp edge, and per- sistent burning, Rhus; contain thin yellow pus, I I Sub; become raised (ecthyma), ■Mere; red, Cinnab.; red, change to brown spots, Berb.; red, changes to ichorous, crusty, 'burning and spreading ulcers, Are.; red, itching, burning, stitching, Berb.; red, rosy (corona veneris), lAur. met.; red, sensitive topressure, Berb.; rose-colored, mammillated in centre of patches, become umbilicated, exude creamy moisture and form thick yellow scabs, IKali br.; better by gentle rub- bing (impetigo), Thuya ;'running together, make one continuous sore, IMere sob; secret ing a sanious irritating matter, llris ; scab' over, but pus oozes, I I Merc. iod. rub.; scabies, I Are.; like scabies, with itching, discharge when opened by friction a watery fluid, Arund.; covered with brownish scab, itching after washing, IKali bb; dry scabs of lami- nated form, IApis ; form thick yellow scabs, ICie; scaly, IApis; scattered, IMere sob; have been scratched, leave ulcers, suppurating for a long time, Sars.; on scrotum, after itch- ing, Ant. sul. aur.; disgusting crop, epidermis undermined around as with shingles, burning and itching, I ISub; size of a pea to a five-cent piece, ILach.; small, wherever pus touches, IHep,IHydrocot, Kali n, I IMere iod. rub.; small, I ISep.; small,itching elevations, break and exude a corroding fluid, forming eat- ing ulcere, Are.; many small, near to- gether, violent itching, Zinc; small, on roots of nails, spreading over hands to wrists, IKali bb; small, like smallpox, disappear without bursting, IKali bi.; small, with stitches all over body, ISep.; small, discharg- ing water, I I Kali iod.; small,secreted a watery fluid when broken, if not touched fluid be- came thickened to a yellow tough mass,IKali bb; like confluent smallpox, lAnanth.; smart- ing, Belb; smooth, round, white, confluent, size of a mustard seed, in palms, contain white fluid and itch, ILach.; sore, Ind.; sore, in ec- thyma, IMere; spread over body and limbs, from fauces, Ant. e; single, appear every Spring (after imperfectly cured itch), I ISub ae; stinging, IApis, Ind, ILach.; light, straw- color, IApis; suppurating, iCales.; large, suppurating constantly renewing themselves (acarus itch), ISep.; suppurating, running to- gether, forming dry and scaly spots or crusts and acrid discharges,IIMerc; tuberculous, after abuse of mercury (syphilis), IKali iod.; ty- phoid, I I Rhus ; then painful ulcers,finally ery- thematous swellings, Cup. are.; umbilicated, leaving scars, IKali iod.; umbilicated,yellow or bluish around, with dark red depression, hemorrhagic foundation, Anthrac; after vac- cination, ICrotal, I ISub; like varicella, I Ant. c; like variola, with red halo, Asim.; like variola, on forehead, occiput, sternum and spine, painful and suppurates, ISil.- resem- bling varioloid, Coral.; with a dark red base and a roundish or oblong elevation filled with pus of a greenish yellow color resembling vari- oloid , some as large as a pea, some less, without depression in centre, coming with a round 46. SKIN. 1165 hard feel in skin like a shot, very itchy, Vace; varying in size from a millet seed to a large pea and filled with thick yellow matter, dis- charge after one or two days, making parts sore, symptoms worse by warmth of bed at night, IMere sob; white, Act. rac; numerous yellow, each containing a hair, on scalp (tinea capitis), llris ; yellow, size of a hempseed, Hippoz.; thick, yellow, friable, semi-transpar- ent incrustation, IJacea; small, spread and exude a yellowish corroding discharge, I IStaph. fl®" scabies, variola, varioloid. Eruption,rash: I Aeon, Ammoniac,Amm.c, Ant. c.,IArs,IBell, Bry,Caust, ICham,Coff, Cup. m,Dig, IHep, Hyos, llpec, Jabor, I ILach, Mar. v,IMerc,Mez, INatr.m,Phos,Phos.ac, IPhyt, Puls,Sul,Ver.; in abdomen, Are. met; returns annually when ailanthus tree blos- soms (after poisoning), Ailant.; as soon as he goes from warm room into cold air, Sars.; often returning, make babies chafe, ISars.; biting, Jacea ; in bronchitis, llpec; brown- ish, miliary, Mez.; burning,!Apis,lArs,Bov.; with inflammatory affections of chest,IIBry.; during childbed, IBry.; third day after con- finement, ICup. m.; children, IBry.; clusters of red fine, Phos. ac; in whooping cough, llpec; development slow (eruptive fever), IIBry.; in diphtheria, HPhyt.; shining through epidermis, in diphtheria, Canth.; dis- appears, causes asthma, Calad.; dry, like itch, ICarbo v.; generally dry, occasionally slight moisture exuded,in axillae,and around mouth, IHep.; dulness of senses, before, IStram.; copious discharge from ears, ILach.; erysipe- latoid, with maddening, burning heat, worse at night, I Hydras.; epidemic, itching, IGrind.; epidemic, like roseola, suffusion of neck and often whole body, burning, itching, IGrind.; fading, in malignant scarlatina, HStram.; childbed fever, second week, all over except on abdomen, lAcon.; fiery (oph- thalmia, scrofulous), ICham.; fine burning in spots where there is no eruption, ICarbo v.; in groups, all over, INatr. m.; fine,prickling, tick- ling, itching, disappears in a cold room, where she had rheumatic pain in and about these joints, Sep.; fine, curvature of spine, after a ■fall, HSub; fine, red, vesicular, itching and burning, especially in joints, worse at night, causing scratching, felt hard on pressure with finger, Rhus; prickly heat, lAcon, ICale, ILept, Osm.; prickly heat of newcomers in tropics, ILed.; in infants, ICham.; irritable looking (diphtheria), Canth.; irritating, from contact with coarse shirt, patches like lichen in some parts, in others linear appearance of psoriasis, I ISub; following irritation, ICale; itching,Ante,Bov,ICale, IHep,IMez,Zine; burning,alternating with asthma,Calad.;itch- ing, alwavs worse, and gnawing after scratch- ing, and sticking as from needles, I IMez.; vio- lent itching, worse in warmth of bed, cold or changing weather, better open air, IApis ; of lving-inwomen,caused bv heatorerrorsindiet, Cham.; lumpv, fiery, I ISyph.; measle-shaped over whole body, Amm.m, I IMere sol.; looking like measles, but without catarrh (looks like syphilis), Ailant; miliary, in circles, IHep.; before menses, IDulc.; like sting of a nettle, coming out every night, and almost disap- pearing during day, is very itchy, and after washing with soap and water becomes painful, disturbing sleep, IChloral.; old, IIRhus ; with single pimples, IIKali m.; suddenly pales (scarlatina), ILye; papular, I IKali br.; pecu- liar, fine, over hepatic region, Selen.; small, red pimples, burn when scratched during menses, ICon.; purple, I Bell.; sudden receding, with difficult respiration, IIBry.;red,Amm.e, IHyos.; red, seventh day after confinement, ICale;coppery red, IStram.; red, itching,Ant. c. Ant. t, IMez, Selen.; red, measly, IRhus ; red,consisting of thick pimples, Cham.; resem- bling scarlatina simplex,bright red,disappears on pressure, returns immediately after re- moval of pressure, I IStram.; red, stinging, followed by desquamation, Chin, s.; red, with sweat after dulness of senses and anxiety, Stram.; red, in typhus, IStram.; rose rash, I I Natr.p.; rough,See; like scarlatina, Amm. e; scarlet, iBelb; in spots, in evening, Daph.; stinging, Jacea, INatr. m.; stomach derange- ment,IKali m.; stomatitis,I ISub; purple, with stupor (scarlatina), lAilant; suppression, in children (asthma), IIPuls.; suppressed, asth- ma), IIAcon.; secondary syphilis, IMere cor.; syphilitic, an abundance of fine scales peeling off, I ISyph.; after vaccination, Ant. t; white vesicles, itching and burning, Calad.; fine, white, Rhus v. fl®° exanthema, urticaria. Eruption, red: Chlor, Oxal. ac, Tabae; blu- ish, round and elevated on body (diphtheria), ILach.; bright fine, Merc, iod.flav.; bright scarlet, Anac, Asim.; brown, INitr. ae; some- times dry, with thin crusts, sometimes oozing yellow drops, IHyper.; elevated, rashlike, Bry.; after peeling, I Aur. met; fine, forming small white scales, I I Psor.; at times humid, Thuya; looks inflamed during increasing moon, Clem,- large mahogany-colored (in- sanity), HTarant.; moist, IThuya; scabby,on thighs and bends of knees, in hot weather, and in full moon, Bov.; scarlet, IPhyt.; bright scarlet, Chloral.; diffuse scarlet, studded with innumerable papillae like rash of scarlet fever, IBelb; scorbutic looking, Are.; in scrofulosis of children, IStilling.; smooth, shining bright on whole lower part of body from a little below navel in front and top of nates behind down thighs and legs giving parts appearance of boiled lobster shell, IKali bi. g®" miliary. Eruption, restlessness: lAcon, IApis, I Are., IRhus ; in a child, I IPsor. Eruption, retrocession : having a tendency to- strike in and locate in internal organs, ICale Eruption, rheumatic: I Ant. t; rheumatic pain after acute cutaneous eruption, Dulc. Eruption, Rhus poisoning: Agar, Amm. c, IIAnae, Arn, IBry, ICrot. t, Cypr, IGraph,IGrin, I IKalis.Xed, Lobel, INuph, I IPlant, ISang, ISep, I ISub; intolerable itching, IRhus v.; red and rough, IRhus v.; repelled, HSub; spotted, as if eruption were underneath showing through skin, I ISub; sumach poisoning, abdomen and knees af- fected, IGraph. Eruption, roseola: IIAcon, IBell, IIBry, ICornus, Cop, IHyos, IMere, Nux v, IIPuls.; syphilitic, IIKali iod, IPhos.; typhus, IApis, I Are. Eruption, rupia: Alum, IIArs, Bov, ICale, Caust, Clem, IGraph, IHep, IKali iod., IMere iod, INatr. m, Natr. s, INitr. ae, 1164 46. SKIN. Phyt, Rhus, Sep, Sil, Staph, Sul, ISyph, IIThuya; prominens, IMez.; syphilitica, IIKali iod. Eruption, salt rheum: fl®" tetter. Eruption, scabies (itch): lAnthrok, Ant. t, lArs, lArs. s. f, lAstr, Bar. m, Bism, IBry, ICale, ICarbol. ac, ICarb. s, ICarbo v, ICaust, Clem, Coloe, Cop, Crot. t, Cup. m. Form, Grat, IHep, I IKalm, ILach, Lobel, ILye, IMere, INatr. c, Oleand, HPsor, ISep, IISul, Sul. ac, Tereb.; asthma after itch, IFerr.; worse in warm bed, ISub; easily bleeding, IMere; followed by boils, HPsor.; in children, IKalis.; crusty, IHep.; dry, Car- bo v. Cup. m. Cup. s, IHep, IMere, IMere iod. flav, ISub; dry, itching constant, restless sleep, IMere iod. flav.; disposition to excori- ation, ISub; fat, IHep.; fat, especially in bends of elbows, IMere; inflammation about parts, ILach.; inveterate, I Are.; eruption like, with burning itching, Squilla; malignant, ISib; •checked by mercury, Selen.; moist, abuse of mercurial salves, ICarbo v.; old cases, when sulphur did no good (a salve made from the roots), Phyt.; pains worse at night, ILach.; prairie, IApis, IIRumex; pustular, ICaust, IHep, Lach, ILye, IMere, ISub; pustules, with red areolae, containing red watery fluid, with itching pain, desquamation after a few days, Cop.; rashlike, IMere; recent cases, with ■eruption, in bend of elbows and around wrists, I IPsor.; repeated outbreaks of single pustules, sifter main eruption seems all gone, HPsor.; mingled with scorbutic spots over whole body, I IMere cor.; soldiers', ISep.; after abuse of sulphur, IIBell.; after previous abuse of sul- phur, itching worse evenings, especially in women, ISep.; after abuse of sulphur or mer- cury, Caust.; suppressed, Amb, IDulc; sup- pressed, asthma, I Are.; suppressed, blindness of left eye, I ISub; suppressed cough with salty tasting green and yellow expectoration, I IPsor.; suppressed, epilepsy, HSub; sup- pressed, exostosis on arm, IDulc; suppressed, fever, 11 Millet; suppressed, nightly fever (infant), IBelb; suppressed, in gonarthrocace, IMere; suppressed, headache, I ISub; sup- pressed, moist herpes, itching when getting warm, worse before midnight and in open air, IPsor.; suppressed, melancholy, I IPsor.; sup- pressed, nausea with backache, IPsor.; sup- pressed, ozaena, ICale; suppressed, pale and miserable, I IPsor.; suppressed,single pustules often appear, IPsor.; suppressed by ointment followed by spinal curvature, ISub; suppressed, especially after large doses of sulphur, I IPsor.; suppressed, by sulphur ointment, IPsor, Selen.; suppressed, tuberculosis, IPsor.; sup- pressed, urticaria in attacks, after every exer- tion, IPsor.; voluptuous tingling, with burn- ing and soreness after scratching, ISub; inveterate cases, with symptoms of tubercu- losis, 11 Psor.; some of vesicles become pustu- lar, IMere Eruption, scabby: IAgar, Alum, lAnanth, Ant t,lIDulc, IHep,IKali bi,IKali m,IMur. ac, IINatr. m, I INatr. p, IPsor, Sars, ISil, IISul, Thuya ; bleeding,lips dry and cracked, INatr. m.; brownish, • Cales, IKalim.; burn, IKali bi.; with deep cracks,! INatr. m.; covered with crusts (prurigo), IMere. viv.; crusts under which grayish yellow matter formed and was squeezed out, HLac e; crusty, oozing, I An- thrae; with copious discharge on scalp, Ruta; dry, in dermatitis, ICale; dry, exude yellow water when scratched, IJacea; under finger nails, IIArs.; glutinous, thin gummy, INatr. m.; greasy, offensive smelling, IIKali p.; greenish, ^Cale s, IKalim.; surrounded by blue halo,ILach.;hard, elevated, likerupia (af- ter vaccination), I ISub; hard, in eczema, I Ran. b.; honeylike crusts fall off and leave bright red smooth surface, Cie; horny (eczema), IRan. b.; irregular, and resemble peach gum, INatr. m.; itchlike, with emaciation, ISars.; itchlike, around joints, with articular rheu- matism, Jacea; in layers rising to a point, cover nose and cheek, I I Syph.; lymph dry- ing, forming white crusts under which exuda- tion continues, ICon.; grayish yellow matter under (sore throat), ILac c; moist (dermati- tis), ICale; exuding moisture, Cheb; pain, IKali bb; raised, discharging thick yellowish liquid, change into wartlike excrescences, epidermis intermediate, skin red, itching fearful, Anac; resembling scabies in children, Arund.; scabious, burning, itching, surrounded by yellowish or brownish areola, secretion of sanious, fetid, or thick and yellow pus, ISub; scaling off, Cheb; serpiginous, IClem, IPsor.; serpiginous, with terrible itching on face, child scratched herself raw, worse on cheeks and around eyes, I ISub; smarting, IKali bi.; paining as from splinters, or when touched, INitr. ac; thick, IKali iod.; thick brown, under which yellow matter forms, much itch- ing, extends from root of nose to upper lip (syphilitic), IKali bb; thick, in dermatitis, ICale; thick, hard, often honey-yellow, ooz- ing green sanious fluid from cracks, pain as if immersed in burning embers, lAnt.c; thick, lamellated, like rupia, bloody secretion be- neath, worse on parts devoid of fat, Mez.; easily torn off, leaving a raw and bleeding surface, IHep.; after vaccination, I ISub; after vesicles and pustules, IClem.; worse in hot, better in cold weather, IKali bb; white scabs, bleeding when touched, IMez.; white, ele- vated, cover whole skin, IMez.; yellow, -Cale s, IKali m, ISpong.; yellow, follows pimples on scalp, Calc. s.; yellowish, especially around mouth, IMere Iruption, scaly (scurfy, squamous1): I Ars, Aur. mur, IBar. m., Cycl,IFluor. ac,IKali s, INatr. m, IPhos, HPhyt, I ISang, I ISep, ISib; red blotches, tolerably regular in out- line, ovoid or circular, prominent and cov- ered with little silvery white scales, itching, worse in evening, as eruption disappeared scales ceased to be reproduced and skin at place of each blotch became pale red or yel- lowish, Nuph.; branlike, itching and burning, scratching causes bleeding, I Are.; like fish scales, I Ars.; on flexor surfaces, IINatr. m. • fur- furaceous,Iod.;furfuraceous, in beard, : Kali a • greasy, offensive smelling, 11 Kali ph.;'inflam- matory (psoriasis of a child),IArs.iod.;onlips with burning, Staph.; mealy, IKali m.; after abuse of mercury, ISars.; on dry small no- dules.often renewed, ILed.; psoriasis in a child I Ars. iod.; red, Belb; small, shining, IComo : secondary syphilis, 11 Aur. mur.; thick,ICale : thin white, when removed leave skin slightly reddened, if scales remain they cause itcliing 46. SKIN. 1165 worse when warm from exercise, Natr. a.; tinia ciliaris, IIThuya; better by hot water, IKali s.; white, IKali m.; yellow, ICie, Natr. P- fl®* ichthyosis, pityriasis, psoriasis. Eruption, scarlatina: 11 Acet ac, IIAcon, HAilant, IIAmm. c, lAmm.m., Ant. t, I An- anth, Anthrac, HApis, HApoe, lArg.nit, Arn, II Ars,ll Arumt, I lAsaf, IBapt, I Bar.c, IIBell, Brom, IBry, HCale, iCale s, ICamph, ICaps, HCarbol. ac, ICarbo v, ICean, ICham, -Chim. umb, IChin. a, IChin. s, I IChloral, IChlor, ICina, Cin- nab, Con, Cop, ICrotal, ICup. ac, ICup. m, IDig., lEuph, IGels,HHell,Hep, IHippoz, Hydr. ac, IHyos, llpec. Kali a, IKali c, IKali m. Kali perm. Kali ph,Lac c,IILach, ILachn, IILyc, Mane, IMere, Mere cor, Merc.cy, IMere iod. flav,IMur. ac,INatr.m, IINitr. ac, INux m, IOp, I I Paris, IPhos, IPhyt, IIRhus, ISang, Sec, I ISib, IStram, ISul, ITereb, IVer. v, IZinc; especially adynamic forms, IRhus ; anginosa, I Amm. e, IApis, IIBell, IJugl, IILach, ILye, IManc, IMere, IPhyt, IRhus; anginosa, diphtheritic form, ISal. ac; anginosa, tending toward suppuration or ulceration, IPhyt.; asthenic, IGels.; anxiety, before eruption, IMere; simi- lar to Belladonna, but eruption is less bright, shows disposition to recede or fade, IStram.; signs of blood poisoning, IILach.; nasal ca- tarrh, I INitr. ac; cerebral intoxication,IGels.; preceded by cerebral symptoms, I Hep.; in chil- drenof psoric diathesis pronetoskin affections, ISub; worse from contact,ICup. ae; convales- cence, ICean.; convulsions, lArg. nit, Crotal, ICup.m, IGels, IHep, HMosch, IVer. v, IZinc; convulsions, with dilated pupils, IVer. v.; coryza, urinary symptoms, ICepa ; ominous coryza, worse at night, HPhos.; coxalgia, originating from suppressed or mis- managed, IPhos. ac; difficult deglutition, IMere iod. rub.; desquamation, IFerr, I IKali s. Sec; desquamative stages, sudden rise of temperature, with small weak pulse, ILye; desquamation tardy, IDulc; development tardy, with vascular erethism, llpec; diph- theritic, IApis, Lac c,Lach, Mere cy,IPhyt.; dropsy, with albumen and fibrin casts in urine, IHelb; drowsiness, twitching, vomit- ing of watery fluids, INatr. m.; dry, of a shrivelled appearance, in passing hands over skin it feels like brown paper, I IPhyt; epi- demic, angina, IManc; epidemic, with exces- sive angina and violent fever, 11 Millef.; com- plicated with erysipelatous eruption, IRhus; febrile stage, cerebral congestion, IVer. v.; during febrile stage, with irritation of spinal centres, IVer. v.; fever, IMere iod. rub.; high fever, IIAcon.; high fever, headache, both sides of throat covered with membrane, IPhyt.; fever intense, with nervous erethism during prodromal stage, then profound pros- tration of muscular power, IGels.; swelling of cervical glands, black lips and reddish tongue, ILach.; swollen glands on neck, IMere iod. rub.; second infection from absorption from gangrenous and sloughing fauces inducing a low typhoid state, Crotal.; bright edge of inflammation surrounds eruption, with itching, particularly at night, IRhus; in- flammatory symptoms, IVer. v.; insomnia, IMere iod. rub.; itching, IRhus; itching, with desquamation, IIArum t; especially when kidneys are involved, with stupor, IITereb.; neglected cases, INitr. ae; laryngi- tis, ICrotal.; lies motionless, HZine; malig- nant, II Ailant, IIAmm. c, I Apis,I Ars, IIArum t, ICarbol. ac, IChin. a, ICup. ac, Hydr. ac. Kali perm, IILach, Mere cy, IMur. ac, Natr. a, I IStram, Zinc; malignant, relapse,. with inflammation of bowels, with distension of abdominal region, I ISal. ae; malignant, with membranous croup, ILach.; malignant, fauces and tonsils covered with large fetid ulcers, IMere iod. rub.; epidemic, malignant, glandular swellings (diphtheria), IMere iod. rub.; malignant, with great infiltration of connective tissue,especially at throat, I Crotal.; malignant typhoid states, threatening gan- grene, IILach.; with marked mental symp- toms, IHyos.; miliary, IBar. e, IDulc; mili- ary, with hot skin, INitr. ae; miliary,patchy, and evanescent at times, bright and full, then faded and partially disappeared, I ISub; over- whelming pains and lamenting mood, ICoff.; preceded by parotitis, IHep.; swelling of soft palate, -Cale s.; petechial, Crotal.; extends over body, becoming red, after pressure, from periphery to centre, I IRhus ; rash, begins on throat and chest, Belb; rash, bluish, IISul, IVer.; rash, bluish-black, IIArg. nit; rash, dark, Arum t, Crotal.; rash, dark-colored,. livid On pressure of fingers, regains color slowly, Hydr. ac; rash, delayed, 11 Are.; rash, delayed, with anxiety, diarrhcea, llpec; rash, delayed, with vomiting, llpec; rash, to deter- mine to surface, control pulse, calm nervous erethism, relieve cerebral congestion, IGels.; rash, not diffused equitably over entire surface, ICarbol. ae; rash fails to come to surface, IILach.; rash appears faintly, efflo- rescence coalesces into large spots, red as a boiled lobster, around these skin is un- usually white, ISub; rash, faintly developed (malignant), IIAmm. e; rash, irregular, patchy, livid, disappears on pressure, return- ing slowly, lAilant.; rash, like scarlatina, IBell, Cup. m, Iod.; rash, like scarlatina, in children, eating plenty of oranges peeled by themselves, Aurant.; rash, livid, IIArs, Arum t.; rash, dark in early stages, soon becomes^ livid, IHydr. ac; rash, like nettlerash, IDulc; rash, suddenly growing pale, livid, lArs.; rash, in patches, lArum t, Crotal.;: rash, intermixed with petechiae, IIArs.; rash, plentiful, bluish (typhoid), HAilant.; rash,, purple, HZine; rash, recedes, IIAmm. c, IBry, Crotal, ICup. ac, IGels, IOp, Phos, Phos. ac, Sul, IZinc; rash recedes, goes to lungs and heart, lArs.; rash, bright red over whole body, I ISub; rash, intensely deep red, IApis ; rash, dusky red, ICarbol. ae; rash, intensely red, rapidly spreading, IMur. ae; rash very red, HApis; rash, redness intense, and rapidly spreading, IIMur. ac; rash, por- tions without redness, ICale; rash, scanty, I IZinc; rash, scanty, not properly developed, IIBry, IDulc; rash, scanty,interspersed with petechiae, IIMur. ae; rash, scanty, sore throat, mild fever, HAilant; rash, secondary, dark blotches, IILyc; rash slight, disappearing after twenty-four hours, IKalim.; rash, slow in appearing, Tereb.; rash, slow, livid, fore- head and face purplish (typhoid), lAilant.; 1166 46. SKIN. rash, slightly elevated, papillary red spots, as large as a linseed, upon a reddish base, latter finally assuming a pale red appearance, I Merc; rash, suppressed, lAilant, IApis ; rash, sup- pressed, pericarditis, I Ars.; rash, interspersed with small vesicles, lAilant.; rash, small vesi cles, contain yellow puslike fluid, I IRhus ; re- percussion, Phos. ae;' repercussion, sudden, IPhos.; repercussion, sudden, in dropsy, pleu- ritis, meningitis, IBry.; repercussion, sudden, leaving scattered red spots or points, IApis ; particularly in scrofulous subjects, IDulc; secretions altered, acrid, IRhus; septic form, lArg.nit.; sleeplessness, IVer. v.; red spots, diffused over body, IApis; eruptive stage, HApis; during first or febrile stage, when arterial excitement is intense,-and cerebral congestion, IVer. v.; second stage, Cepa ; last stage,Carbo v.; a few hours before appearance, lies in a stupefied condition, IMur. ae; stupe- faction and sopor, ILye; stupor and red flushed face, IGels.; Sydenham, eruption smooth and scarlet, IIBell.; putrid condition of throat, IKali ph.; on third day, tonsils and fauces covered with exudate (diphtheritis), IMur. ac; typhoidal, IChlorum, IKali ph, IMur. ae; lies quietly in an unconscious con- dition, apparently sleeping, ISub; may aid in bringing out eruption in cases of extreme wakefulness and nervous excitement, ICoff.; in hot Summer weather, IVer. Eruption, scarlatina sequelae: 11 Aeon,I Apis, HApoe, lAur. mur,IBar. c,IBar. m,IBell, IIBrom, IBry, Cham,, IGels, IHell, IHep, IJugb,IKali bi, IManc, IRhus, I ITelb; albu- minuria, I IPhyt; albuminuria in fifth week, with convulsions, IMosch.; angina, IManc; ascites,IApis,Dig, Hell, Helon, Hep, IILyc, Merc. cor,Rhus,Seneg,ITereb. (fl®" dropsy); back aching (diphtheria), ILye; blindness, IBelb; sudden blindness, with collapse ,Aur. mur.; chronic catarrh,IThuya; retarded conva- lescence,IHep.; convulsions,IVer. v.; deafness, ILach, INitr. ac, IPuls, I ISub; better from warm drinks (diphtheria), ILye; dropsy, HApis, I Apoe, Ars, Ascbs, IIAur.mur,Bar.c, Bell, ; Calend, Canth, IColch, Coloe, IDig, I Hell, Helon, IHep, Kali c., I ILach, I ILye, IIMerc.cor,INatr. m,Phos.ac, IRhus,Seneg, ISquilla, IStram, IITereb, Ver. v.; dropsy, Bright's disease, I Hep.; dropsy, without much feverorpain in kidneys, IHelb; dropsy, of legs, with diminished urine, IRhus ; dropsy, renal, •Jabor.; dropsy, of scrotum and penis, with recurrence of fever, IIRhus; drowsiness, IITereb.; caries of bones of ear, IlAur. met, Calc, Natr. m, ISib; pain in ears, IPuls.; en- docarditis, ILach.; follicular endocarditis, writh dropsy, ILept.; hectic fever, lAur. mur.; glandular affections, IIBar. c, Brom, ICale, Cale p. Graph, Hep, Merc, iod, Phyt, Psor, ISil, ISub; swelling of parotid gland, IBar. m, IBell, ICale,Carbo v., ICon.,IHep, IKali c,Kali ph. Lye, IIMerc, Phos, IRhus, ISib; enlarged glands,ILac c.; suppuration of glands of neck, with haematuria, I ISee; swelling of submaxillary glands, IHep.; painful swelling and induration of submaxillary glands, I IBar. e; hydrocephalus, HApis, Apoe, Arn, Bell, Cann, Hell, Hep, IMere viv, Phos. ac.; hy- drothorax, Arn, Ars, Dig, Hell.,Hep, Seneg.; caries of lower jaw, I Aur. mur.; limbs aching (diphtheria), ILye; lips and tongue black, painful, fetid, during desquamative stage, IKali e; mind dull, IITereb.; sore mouth, ILach.; mouth sore during desquamative stage, IKali c; inflammation of nasal mucous mem- brane, IHep.; neck twisted to right shoulder, Aur. mur.; neuralgia, Ars, Cann, Colch, Dig, IGels, Lach, Merc, Rhus, Tarant.; otitis, or otorrhoea, Aeon, Are, IBell, IBov, Bry, ICale, ICham, Colch, Gels, Graph, IHep, Kali bi, IILyc, IMere, HPsor, IIPuls, I ISil, IISul, ITelb, IVerbas.; peri- carditis, ILach.; desquamation delayed with pleuritic, pericarditic and general dropsy, ILach.; rheumatism, IApis, Bell, Bry, 11 Lach,IRhus, I Ver .v.; stupor,! ITereb.; upon going into air before desquamation had oc- curred, swelling of body, scrotum as large asa child's head, ILach.; throat pains on drinking cold milk, not cold water (diphtheria), ILye; tissues of throat thick, IKali iod.; tonsils hy- pertrophied, with excessive catarrh, IKali iod.; membranae tympani, adhesions form, de- pressed,IKal iod.; ulcers on fauces and tonsils, IIMerc. iod. rub.; urine rich in albumen and blood, but contains few, if any casts, IITereb.; urine, black, dark, or turbid, Amm. b, IApis, Am,I Are, I Arumt, Benz. ac, Carbo v. Car- bob ac, Colch, Dig, Hell, Hep,Kali e, Natr. m. Op, ITereb.; urine, cylindrical tubules, IHep.; small quantities of dark, sweetish- smelling urine, turbid, with sediment like coffee grounds, IITereb.; urine, scanty, black, with oedema, IILach.; vomiting and flatus (diphtheria), ILye Eruption, scratching: relieves, llgn.; relieves, but bleeding follows, Alum, fl®" Skin itching. Eruption,scrofulous: IIBar.m,IICalc,l IRhus, ISarrac, Tereb.; children, IJacea. Eruption, scurfy : ICale, Jacea, Rhus ; gray, flat scurf on a swollen spot, IMere; scabby, scrofulous, or gouty, in anaemic constitution, •Cale p.; thin, superficial, Chin. s. Eruption, sensitive : sore to touch, IHep. Eruption, serpiginous: IHep, ISars.; body covered front and back with solid mass of scabs, dark and rough, exuding yellowish fluid when removed, which excoriates parts with which it comes in contact, IClem. fl®" her- pes, tetter. Eruption, shingles: g®" herpes zoster. Eruption, side: left then right, Asim. Eruption, sleeplessness: Apis. Eruption, smarting: INatr. m.; like nettle- rash, Hyper. Eruption, sore: Alum.; asif excoriated, IIArg. met; painful, IIDros. Eruption, spots (patches): ICup. m, I IStaph.; black, Crotal, ILach.; black, with red areola and dark blackish redness of adjacent tissues, ICrotal.; small black,like petechiae, disappear without desquamation (influenza), I IPhelb; well marked black or dark purplish (inter- mittent), IFerr.; black or blue, produced by least touch or pressure, worse after sleep, ILach.; blue, lArs, INux m, IOp.; blue, in anasarca, ILach.; blue, like ecchymosis, HSub ae; with indurated skin, ISars.; asfromsugil- lation.HSubae; bluish, large, Ars.s.r.; bluish, scorbutic, lAnanth.; bluish, with decreased swelling, Crotal.; usually white, become blu- 46. SKIN. 1167 ish, ICale; brown, Ant. c, ICon, IHvos, Petrol, HSep, ISul. (fl®" chloasma); brown, flat, of face (eruption and periostitis probably syphilitic) and body, IKali bb; brown, irreg- ular small or extending over a large surface, affect epidermis, slightly raised, dull in ap- pearance, feel slightly rough to touch and when finger is passed over them innumerable small wrinkles are formed, at times itching, particularlv at night and from heat, if patient becomes heated redness of skin appears through them and they lose the brown ap- pearance, at times they are slightly scurfy, appear and disappear very slowly, HPhos.; brown, with itching shooting in evening (ru- pia), IIThuya; brown, with leucorrhoea, HSep.;brown,like naevi materni,Thuya; dark brown, IPlumb.; reddish-brown, ICarbo v., HPhos.; yellow-brown, sore to touch, IFerr.; hrownish, Carbo v., I IPhos, IThuya; burn- ing, disappear on pressure, I IBry.; cholera infantum, IKali br.; circumscribed dark or violet (intermittent), IFerr.; copper-colored, ICorab, I ILach, INitr. ac; dark burning, resembled that of a mulatto, itch had been suppressed five times, HPsor.; ecchyinotic, elevated, I ISyph.; flat, ISub; petechial fl®* petechias ; like fleabites, afternoons, Pallad.; like fleabites, unchanged by scratch- ing, IIAcon.; circular furfuraceous patches, ILith.; gangrenous, IHyos.; glistening, ICale; green (leprosy), ILach.; yellow-green- ish, with decreased swelling, Crotal.; hemor- rhagic, ICrotal.; round, herpetic, I IPhos.; feel hot after scratching, ISub; itching, Ast. r, ILye; moist, Vinca; persistent itching, following each other in rapid succession, Merc, iod.flav.; lead-colored (leprosy), ILach.; liver, fl®" chloasma; livid, Crotal, IHelb; livid, not elevated, irregular-shaped, size of pea up to bean, Bapt; livid, in cerebrospinal meningitis, IHelb; livid, on yellow skin, Sul. ae; maculae, Ustil.; maculae, copper- colored, from crown of head to sole of foot (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; maculae, but not on any uncovered parts (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; maculae, in secondary syphilis, Sul. ae; morbus maculosus, lArs, lllod,; morbus maculosus haemorrhagicus, I IMillef; morbus maculosis Werlhoffii, Acet. ac; morbus maculosus Werlhoffii, with disor- ganization of spleen, Sib; measly, with dry heat at night, I ICoff; moth, on forehead (leu- corrhcea), ICaulo.; small like places of nettle- rash wherever he scratched, Vespa; often about noon, or after vomiting,Tereb.; patches, like albugo, lAur. met; patches, deep brown (old age), I Aur. met.; oval patch, about 4| inches in length, covered with a powder re- sembling pulverized chalk, edges yellow- ish eruption like millet on lower third of inner surface of left loin, IHydrocot.; pete- chial (vellow fever),hemorrhagic form, IPhos.; large, petechial, size of a five-shilling piece, IPhos.; like pinheads, Arn.; prurigo like pinkish, lentil-shaped, on hand, forehead and all over'to feet, Vespa ; purple, ILach.; red, ^Ethus , Ars. met, IBelb, Benz, ac, Cinnab, I ILach,, ILye, Thuya ; red, with fine blisters on occiput, neck, behind ears, and on poste- rior surface of ears, Tell.; bluish-red, blotch- like I IPhos.; bluish-red, become gangrenous (carbuncle), IIArs.; bluish-red, painful, hard, I I Apis ; bright red, like burns on thighs,Cycb; brown-red, herpetic spot,IISep.; burning when touched, Tabae; red, worse in cold, Sabad.; red, during convalescence (cholera Asiatica), I ISub; dark-red and stripes (cholera, fourth day), IPhos. ac; red, during dentition,I IApis; red, as from fleabites, I IDulc; red, on fore- head, chin and cheeks, containing either wa- ter, or thick, white, curdy matter,Sumb.; red, one inch in diameter, little elevated, but hav- ing milky, bluish-white vesicles apparently papillary, one line in diameter, and not very high, itching, burning, worse from scratching, IGraph.; itching, Tabae; red, round, itching on left forearm, with white vesicles raised on it, Thuya ; red, itching like nettlerash (simi- lar to Rhus, spreading left to right, Anac. oe; red, psoriasis-like, after* abuse of mercury, ISars.; red, minute, Chlor.; red, mottled, with itching, shooting in evening (rupia),l IThuya; red, changing into pemphigus blebs, Hippoz.; red, as large as head of a pin, preceded by sen- sation of heat in face, I INatr. m.; red, later purple on limbs, worse when warm or excited, itching, leave yellow marks like bruises,Pteb; red, or purplish (cerebrospinal meningitis), IApis ; red, changing into pustules, like those of smallpox, Hippoz.; red, Aurant; red,ring- shaped, confluent (acuterheumatism), ICheb; red,sanguinous, HPhos.; red, becomes covered with a scab, with itching, Zinc; red, small, Coccus, 01. jec, Therid.; small red, black- ish point in middle, sensitive, has to scratch, swells and forms small pustule or blotch, An- thrac; small red, spread rapidly over whole body, becoming grouped, coalescing, forming suggillations as large as palm, at first bright red, then bluish, violet-colored, finally green- ish-yellow, affects also mucous membrane of mouth and nose, I ISul. ac; red, small, on va- rious parts, IIBry.; red, small, round, on hands and fingers, Zinc; red, small, scat- tered, as large as peas, gradually enlarge in a circular form, run together, and become con- tinuous in color, at first bright red, afterwards either scarlet or bluish-red, darker on margin and lighter in centre, as spots enlarge skin in their centre becomes healthy,they are slightly elevated, rough and dry, and covered with small whitish scales which are continually rubbed off by clothes and redevelop so that in evening clothes look as if sprinkled with meal, IMere sol.; red, smooth, Ars. met.; red, stinging, like bee-stings (menorrhagia),IApis; red, first on trunk, then on limbs, Am.; red, in typhus, Chin, s.; red, worse on undressing, Coccul.; red, with vesicles on fingers and thighs, I ILach.; red, or whitish, on a swollen surface, All. sat.; bright red, Calad.; rose- colored, ninth day (typhus), IBapt.; all parts, except face and hands, begins as small, rose- colored spot, Spreads like ringworm, covered with silvery scales, scalp thick crust, itching on application of oil, range from size of a pea to that of a silver dollar (lepra, child, aet. 7), Are.; scaly, IJacea ; scarlet, Bell, ICroe; scar- let, irregularly shaped, Belb; scorbutic, over whole body, mingled with itchlike eruptions, herpes and boils, 11 Merc, cor.; when scratched, pain, become sensitive, Aloe ; with sensibility, not disappearing on pressure, IIBry.; small, 1168 46. SKIN. circumscribed,preventing sleep,! IApis; small, smooth, size of a needlepoint, I ILach.; sore, excoriated, HPhos.; sore, become fungoid, dark red to brownish, with whitish spots, burning on wiping, IILach.; sting, like bee- stings (metrorrhagia), IApis: suggillation, Calend.; sweat, with increased itching, Tell.; three, almost entirely circular, with slightly raised,scaly edges,IHydrocot.; ulcerate,INatr. c; violet, INitr. ae; white, IBerb, ICale; brown-white, Are, ISib, Thuya; milk-white, with dark borders, ICale; yellow, Crotal, I ILach, Petrol, ISul, IThuya ; turning yel- low, or green, or from contusion, on calves, preventing movement, ICon.; yellow, with itching, Tabae; yellow, livid, Sub ae; old, yellow, peeling off, IBerb. fl®" chloasma, petechia?. Eruption, in Spring : less inflamed, crusts de- tach readily out of doors and adjoining skin becomes chapped, ISars. Eruption, stinging: IApis, I IDros, Jacea ; like bee-stings, HApis; on undressing at night, IKali are. Eruption, sudamina: fl®" vesicles. Eruption, suppressed : bad consequences, Ba- diag, HCale, IHep, IJacea, IKali s, INux m, HPsor, HStram, HSub; amaurosis and amblyopia, ISub; backache, IPsor.; inflam- mation of brain, HApis ; threatening paral- ysis of brain, ICup. ae; cerebral diseases, ICie; short breath, HApis; cataract, ISub; cerebral disease, Cie; chorea, IZinc; convul- sions, 11 Ante; convulsions, in exanthematic fevers, IZinc; cool skin, llpec; convulsions, ICamph, IStram, ISul, IZinc; diarrhcea, IHyos, ITJrt. ur.; dropsy, HApis ; epilepsy, •Agar, HCale, ICaust; gastralgia, IApis; haemoptysis, I ISub; harsh, dry skin, IKali s.; headache, IIAnt. c, INux m, ISub; headache, vertigo, debility and loss of appetite, IGraph.; hydrocephalus, HApis; hypochondriasis, IISul.; itch, causes asthma, ISub; keratitis pustulosa, I ISub; chronic laryngitis, ISub; mania, IZinc; palpitation, ICale; paralysis, IDulc, Sub; sudden retrocession of acute, IOp.; retrocession, from exposure to damp cold air, IIDulc; chronic scrofulous diseases, HSub; loss of sensation, IZinc; somnambul- ism, IZinc; throbbing toothache, ISul.; ver- tigo, ISub; weakness, IPhos.ae fl®" mea- sles, scabies, scarlatina, etc. Eruption, suppurating: ICale s, ICie, IHep, IILyc, IMere, IPsor, IRhus, ISib; long last- ing, IIAnt. c; scrofulous children, IStilling.; yellow pus, ICale Eruption, sweat: parts affected cold or warm sweat, 11 Anthrok. Eruption, sycotic: Natr. s, IThuya; moist, itching, burning, IStront.; little spots scarcely raised above skin, scaling, look like roseola of syphilis, itching intolerably, worse in Spring, ISars. Eruption, syphilitic : Arg. nit,I Ars. i, ICale i, Cund, Dulc, IGuaiac, IHep, Kali bi, Lach, IINitf. ac. Petrol.. Plat,IPhyt,Rhus, Rumex, Sang, Sep, Sil, Staph,IStiliing,Sul,IThuya; in cachectic persons, squamosis, IKali iod.; chronic, with papulae and osteocopic pains, I Arg. nit.; entire body covered with dull, red- dish copper-colored spots after eruption leaves, looking blue in the cold, I ISyph.; copper-col- ored spots remaining after eruptions turn yellow-brown and detach in scales leaving skin clear and free, IIMed.; round copper- colored spots, in centre of which are dry papules around which, from centre to periph- ery, skin exfoliates, IMere dulc; not elevated but could be felt by passing hand over skin, I ISyph.; itching, INitr. ae; after local treat- ment of chancre grew worse, covers him com- pletely, itching, walks floor at night nude, no sleep till 3 or 4 a.m., 11 Sub; mercurio.surrounded by hard swellings on lower limbs, ICist; moist, offensive ulcers on legs, of two years' duration, Merc. iod. rub.; syphilitic neuralgia, I ISyph.; red nodules as large as lentils over chest and abdomen, one year after appearance of chancre which disappeared under local treatment, IMere cor, prickling,INitr.ae; quantity of pus pus, itching, leaves skin of entire body covered with dull, reddish copper-colored spots which in cold look blue (secondary syphilis), I ISyph.; pustular syphiloderma, IKali bb; resembling psoriasis after mercury, pustular, lAnt. t, IKali bi, I ISub; pustular, chiefly in cachectic persons, IKali iod.; red, IPhyt, ISars, I ISub; scrofulosis of children, IStilling.; secondary, IStilling.; sore, INitr. ae; spots, IBenz. ae; squamous, I Ars. ;tubercular, I Aur. met,Graph, IKali iod. Lye; in advanced stage, with super- ficial ulcers and pains in bones, INitr. ac. Eruption, tetter: Agar, lAst. r, I IBadiag., IBar.m,Bov,IBry,Bufo, Calcs,ICarbo s, ICaust, ICist, Con, ICup. m, IGraph., IHep, ILach, ISars.; bleed easily, .Ethus.; burning, Con.; burning and paining continu- ally, when first making their appearance, ac- companied by some fever, IMere sob;chronic, IClem.; corroding, • Anac, Con.; thick crusts, Clem.; crusty, Con,Dulc; dry, -Anac, Bov.; dry, branlike, squamous, in rings, 11 Anag.; dry, elevated, burning, itching (psoriasis), IMere; dry, scabby,scabs small, occurring especially in bend of elbows, with red spots, size of a dollar, IMez.; humid, Con.; humid, with swelling of cervical glands, and livid, gray complexion, IKreo.;itching,Cup. m,Elaps,INatr.m, I ISul, Tell.; itching, crusty, ISep.; itching, in even- ing, Alum.; itching, in evening, burns after scratching, IStaph.; moist, Bov, Clem, Con., ISib; moist, burning, HSep.; moist, exuda- tion glutinous (ascites), IGraph.; moist, with itching, HSep, ISub; mental derangement, I IManc; moist, suppurating, places resem- bling flat ulcers (in mane of horses), Bufo.; old, Con.; old, obliged to scratch until it bleeds, IISul.; oozing, ICup. m.; oozing,acrid, IINatr. m.; oozing, watery, bleeds after scratching, IDulc; painful, Clem.; painful to touch, Zinc; peeling,scaling, ICale p.; peeling, voluptuous, itching (psoriasis), IMere; in rheumatic or gouty subjects, IRhus ; salt rheum,IArs, Aur. met, IBar. c, Clem, Cund, Ervng, IIGraph, IHep, Hydrocot, Led, Merc, IPetrol, Phos, I IPhyt, Sars, ISub; yellow scabs, ICup.m.; scaly, Clem.; scaly (psoriasis), IMere; scrof- ulous, I Ant. c; beginning with sore places and forming hard yellow crust, with itching, IHyper.; spreading, ICup. m.; suppurating (ecthyma), IKali bb; syphilitic, HOsm.; after washing, red and smooth, IBry. fl®" eczema, herpes, impetigo, porrigo, psoriasis. 46. SKIN. 1169 Eruption, throat: tonsillitis, IApis. Eruption,tinea: fl®* Chaps.4 and 8, Eruption tinea. Eruption, tingling: ISul. ae; in variola, IHy- dras. Eruption, tubercles: IBell, \ Cale p, Crotal, Diad, IKali iod, IThuya; size of a bean, afterseveral premature labors, I IThuya; small, flat, Bar. e; itching, INitr. ac; large, secret- ing a reddish pus, IHydrocot.; lupus exedens, IHydrocot; moist, IThuya; mucous, IFluor. ac; mucous, in genitals, IIThuya ; mucous, in syphilis, INitr. ac; worse at night, IMere; prickling, INitr. ae; red, between scrotum and right thigh, Thuya ; several covered with dark scabs, "Aur. mur. nat.; scrofulous, of children, IStilling.; sore, INitr. ae; subcuta- neous, ICale; small, after scratching, Niccol.; suppurating, solitary, forming deep holes, IKali bb; suppurating, in syphilis infantum, IFluor. ae; ulcerate, INatr. e; ulcerated, mu- cous, IKali iod. Eruption, urticaria (nettlerash, hives): Aeon, Act. rac. Agar, Anac, Ananth, An- throk, I Ant. c, HApis, Arn, IIArs, Arum d, Asim, Astac, Bapt, IBell, Benz. ac, IBor, IBov, IBry, Calad, HCale, Caust, ICepa, Chin, s, I IChloral., Chlor, Clem, Con., ICop, ICornus, ICrotal, IDolich, IDulc, Ferr. iod, Ferr. s, Guarana, IHep, Hydras, Ign, Iod, Kali br, Kreo, Lye, Lye vir, IMez, IINatr. m, Nux v. Petrol, IPhos, IPuls, IIRhus, Rumex, HSab ac, Sars, HSep, Sul, ISul. ac, HUrt. ur, Ustil, Ver, Vespa; 4 p.m., and evening, Hyper.; worse afternoon, compelling scratching until places bleed, Chloral.; noc- turnal agitation, ICop.; breaks out during walk in cold air, disappears in a warm room, ISep.; w-henever she went into the open air, I ISep.; worse in cold air, IIRhus; worse in open air, Rumex ; preceding asthma, IApis; raises in white blisters on being scratched, IChloral.; blotches, nearly two inches in di- ameter, IBov.; small red blotches, Cham.; boils, ILye; burning, ICop, I ISep.; burning itching on 13th of INI ay every year, eruption confluent, paroxysm lasted twenty-four hours, I IRhus; burning, as if scorched, HUrt ur.; peevish, fretful children, ICham.; during chill, Ign.; with chills and fever, I Ars, IINatr. m, IIRhus ; after chills (tertian suppressed), lElat; chronic, lArs, ICale, Carbo v, Caust, IChloral, IHep, ILye, Mez, IINatr. m. Pe- trol,IRhus, ISul, Ver.; chronic,better in cold air, ICale; chronic, worse in fresh air and heat of bed, Caust,; after taking cold or exposure to cold, Dulc; with diarrhoea, lArs, Bov, IPuls.; worse drinking cold water, IBelb; with dysentery, I Ars, lUrt. ur.; small elevations here and there like nettlerash, red on a white base, whiter than surrounding skin, Pallad.; erysipelatous inflammation, IRhus; with ery- sipelas I Astac; from violent exercise, ICon, IINatr' m.; attacks after every exertion, after suppressed itch, IPsor.; inflammation of eyes, nightly agglutinatism Bov ;febrihs Amyg, Chlor Cub.; during fever, IRhus; with fever, IISul •' without fever, IIDulc; fine stinging, after chill (tertian), IHep.; from gastric de- rangements, lAnt. e, I Ant. t, lArs, INux v, IPuls • gastric fever, IDulc.; gastric irritation with fever and itching, II Cop.; scorbutic gums, 74 Bov.; eruption on head, IPsor.; preceded by pressing headache, 11 Sep.; during heat, itching better by scratching, disappears on sweat, Ign.; after heat (intermittent), HApis; with insom- nia, ICop.; isolated elevations painful, tender to touch, purplish or livid hue, IApis ; isolated patches, pale red or bright red, with violent itching, ICop.; itching, IDulc, I ISep, IISul, HUrt. ur.; itching, in open air, INitr. ae; itching, blotches, IPhos.; itching before chill, IHep.; itching stinging, disappears as heat begins, IIHep.; itching, like insect bites, I INatr. p.; itching intense, I IChloral.; itching worse in morning and evening, IBelb; itching worse at night, IPuls.; itching, better by rub- bing, lElat; itching, worse by rubbing, during heat, IRhus; itchy, scratching developed large blisters, 11 Rhus ; disappears during day, itch- ing keeps child from sleep, IChloral.; itching, stinging, burning (after sting of yellow jacket), ILed.; passes off with violent itching, during sweat, IIRhus ; violent itching, Hod.; about joints, INatr. in.; large, before appearance of caries of lower jaw, I ISib; disappears as soon as she lies down and reappears immediately after rising, I I Urt. ur.; urticaria-like eruption, IZinc; with liver complaint, HAstae; before and during menses, I Kali c; from delayed menses, IPuls.; during profuse menses, IBelb; resembling mosquito bites, IBelb; preceded by nausea, I ISep.; with nausea, Sang.; follows nausea, ISang.; nodosa, I Urt ur.; pale, HUrt ur.; from pastry or pork, IPuls.; slightly ele- vated, smooth red patches with hardened bases like erythema nodosum, itching night in bed and in high temperature, appear in Winter, IKali br.; red pimples, lAnanth.; wherever flesh is pressed, I IMed.; prickling on touch, Bry.; raised red blotches, HUrt. ur.; receding, IApis; red, inflamed patches, IApis ; red} inflamed, raised patches, burning, stinging, IApis ; red spots, itching violently, Apis ; alternates with rheumatism, lUrt. ur.; during rheumatism, IIRhus, HUrt. ur.; with rheumatic lameness, Bov.; requires constant rubbing, HUrt ur.; on scalp, suddenly ap- pearing and determining internally, Urt. ur.; after scratching burns, IDulc; coming out after scratching, Cinch.; scratchingis pleasant, IBelb; through scratching became swollen, rash like scarlatina both in color and in dis- appearing a long time on pressure, Hydras.; sequelae, especially asthma, IApis; specks re- sembling nettlerash, Berb.; sudden spots, size of a hand, violently itching, I INux v.; sting- ing, before chill, iHep.; fine stinging points, HUrt. ur.: like bee stings or stings from other insects, itching at night, I IApis; stitching, I ISep.: suppressed, I Are, lUrt. ur.; sup- pressed, causes vomiting, lUrt. ur.; caused by tar, IBov.; with tertian fever, disappears after attack, I IRhus; yellow slimy tongue, generally caused by indigestion, I I Kali s.; spots tender to touch (sopor), IApis; from uterine trouble, HApis, IBell, Kali c, IINatr. m, IPuls, HSep.; worsein warmth, betterin cold,IDulc: from getting wet, IIRhus; wheals come on suddenly from chill, crops of them appearing many times a day, as long as she remains in the warmth is not troubled with them, I IChloral.; a week after wheals, Apis ; white, but reddening when rubbed (after sting of 1170 46. SKIN. yellow jacket), ILed.; white lumps, red areolae, itch, worse after meal, lAnt.c; small white spots, red areolae, itching violently, Apis; whitish, itching, becoming red after rubbing, with violent itching. INatr. m.; every year at the same time, 11 Urt.ur.; of six years' stand- ing, itching at night, scratching parts pro- duces large pale welts, I lUstil. Eruption, vaccination: following, ISars.; itch- like, depriving child of sleep,IMez.; especially from bad lymph, IKali in. Eruption, varicella : Aeon, lAnt. c, lAnt. t, Ars, IBell, Canth, Carbo v, Clem, ICoff, Con, IHyos, Ipec, I IKali m, I I Led, IMere, IPuls, Rhus, Sep, Sib, IISul, IThuya ; erup- tion does not appear, IIAnt. t; like, covers breast, itching obliging scratching and forcible rubbing, Sib; scars, which have nearly dis- appeared become dark red, forehead covered with similar spots, Cycb; sudden, syphilitic, I ISul. (followed by Cinnab.). Eruption, variola (smallpox): Acet. ac. Aeon, Act. rac, Amm. e, Amm.m, Anac, Ananth, 11 Ant. c, IIAnt. t, IApis, • Arg. nit, IIArs, IIBapt, IBell, IBry, ICarbol.ac, Camph, Canth, Cham, I IChin. s, IChlor, Cinch, ICoff, ICrotal, Cund, ICup. ac, ICup. m. Dig, Gels, Ham, Hep, IHydras, Hydr. ac, Hyos, Hod, Ipec, Kali bi, IKali m, I IKali ph, IMere, IIMillef, Phos, Phos. ac, IIRhus, ISarrac, ISil, I ISinap, HStram, ISul, Sul. ac, Syph, IThuya, Vace, I Variol, Ver. v., IZinc; asthenic cases, pustules sink, areolae grow livid, IIArs.; asthenic, cold breath, "prostration, Carbo v.; backache, IIAnt. t, Canth.; brain affected, IBelb; metas- tasis to brain during suppuration, ISub; not distinctly characteristic,IIod.; crushingweight on chest, IIAnt. t; confluent, IApis, IBapt, ICarbol.ac, I IChin. s, -Hippoz, IHydras, INatr. m, ISarrac, ISinap, I IThuya, 11 Vace, IVariob; cough, IIAnt. t; stage of desquama- tion, ISub; desiccation delays, ISib; illy de- veloped, Canth, IRhus; developes sooner and matures more rapi dly,desiccating without leav- ing pits, under, ISarrac; diarrhoea, IIAnt. t, I ICinch.; dropsy,IBry.; dysuria,Canth.; period of effusion, Crotal.; before eruption, IVer. v.; eruption first like very light-colored eleva- tions under skin, increasing without areola, pitted like early vaccine scab, then itching, and gets larger, if picked forms ulcerous scab, ceases itching and dries up, IGraph.; recedes, IApis; erysipelatous redness, IApis; fever less, delirium vanishes, pains lessen, eruption developes sooner and matures rapidly, desic- cating without leaving pits, ISarrac; begin- ning with violent fever and cerebral conges- tion, IFerr. ph.; headache, IIAnt. t, Canth.; hemorrhagic, IIArs, IPhos.; hemorrhagic, blood dark, venous, IHam.; hemorrhagic, with great exhaustion from diarrhoea, ICinch.; hemorrhagic hue, Canth.; intercurrent reme- dy, when others seem to fail, ISub; relieves irritation, removes swelling, diminishes odor, Hydras.; itching, IHydras.; laryngitis, ICro- tal.; in stage of maturation, IIMerc; obstin- ate, Ant. t; great oppression before, Ant. c; to prevent pitting, Hydras, IThuya, Vace, IVariob; on inner surface of prepuce, humid, suppurating, depressed in centre, Thuya; prophylactic, IISarrae, ISinap, IThuya; in water for one day, with strict diet for eight days as a preventive, I Vace; pustules, ab- normal appearance, fill with bloody serum, dry up too soon,ISee; pustules, areola marked and dark red, milky and flat, painful to.touch, IThuya ; pustules black, ICinch, IMur. ae; pustules turn black from effusion of blood therein, IRhus; pustules, black centres, I IThuya ; pustules do not fill, but degenerate into large blisters which bursting leave surface excoriated, IPhos. ae; pustules fill with pale bloody serum, ISub; pustules collapsing, IIMillef; pustules, confluent on nose and forehead,; look turbid and fill with purulent liquid and shrivel, Vace; pustules dark, IHydras.; pustules hard, rough (sheep), IAgar.; pustules, reach their height in six or seven days, when suppuration diminished, pocks dry up, scale off without leaving any mark,Thuya; pustules do not heal, inclined to itch and ulcerate, ISub; pustules itching, •soon dry up, Ant. t; pustules pearly, hard, tense, elastic, Vace; pustules sink in, areolae grow livid, I Ars.; pustules sink, turn livid, IRhus ; pustules, sudden sinking, ICamph.; pustules, two on tipof tongue, I IThuya; pyae- mia, hectic, Crotab; accelerates removal of scabs, IIKali s.; salivary flow, confluence of pustules, drowsiness, INatr. m.; salivation, INatr. m.; to accelerate removal of scabs, I IKali s.; pustules leave blue-red scars, I Ant. t; septic, IIArs.; sequelae, ICale; sequel, ciliary blepharitis, IPetrol.; sequel, bone diseases, ISib; sequel, chronic catarrh, IThuya; sequel, opaque cornea, ISib; sequel, conjunctivitis, 11 Vace; sequel, itching in spots, ISars.; se- quel, keratitis, Vace or Var.; sequel, tinea tarsi, I I Vace; shortens cases, IThuya; short- ened nearly or one-half, and sufferings light- ened by Vace; peculiar smell causing in- tense sickness of stomach, 11 Var.; sopor, INatr.m.; subsultus tendinum, IPhos. ac;to be given until sulpho-cyanides reappear in saliva, HSinap.; suppressed, in stomachic pains, IMillef; suppuration exhausts, ISib; suppurative stage hastened and shortened by Var.; especially during suppurative stage, may prevent pitting, IThuya ; to promote sweat, Aur. mur.; eruption tardy, IBapt.; in- tense inflammation of throat, which prevents swallowing and threatens suffocation (fa gramme to 120 grammes water used as a gargle), IMerecor.; worse on trunk and upper limbs, Amm. m.; typhoid state, IChlor,IPhos. ac, IRhus; bloody urine, Canth.; bilious, vomiting,restlessness,atcommencenient,ICoff. Eruption, vermin: breeding lice, ILye Eruption, vesicles (blisters): lAnthrac, I Ant. c, I Ant. t, Arn, I Ars, Arum m, IBenz. ac, I ICale, Calend, HCanth, Carbol. ac, Chel, Chim. umb, IClem, Cochl, Como, ICornus, Crotal, HCrot t, IGrin, I IHyos, Ign, Kali bi, IKali c, I ILac c, ILach, ILye, I IMere, I IMere c, I INatr. s, Phos.ac, IIRhus, ISel, ISep, 11 Sib, Stilling, Tereb, Ver. v.; on a red, inflamed, swollen base, ICarb. s.; black, caus- ing burning, IIArs.; size of a filbert, turned black, I Are.; large black, lAnthrac; black, with sanious contents (herpetic ulcers) ILach • gangrenous spots, after fracture of leg as large as a dime, each point marked by a black blister which breaks, ILach.; fine, showing 46. SKIN. 1171 black points after scratching, itching at night, llris ; black, suppurating, ISee; bluish black, lArs, IRan. b.; blebs from size of a pin's head to a pea, on a red swollen base of inflamed skin, broke and dried, leaving eczematous crusts, irritation carried, Rhus ; blebs, swell, exude watery matter, ICanth.; blebs, watery, INatr. m.; filled with blood, lArs.; small, filled with blood, which can be pressed out without pain on left side of chest, Ars. m.; full of dark red blood, Ars. h.; bloody ichorous contents, 11 Kali ph.; blue (pustula maligna), lAnthrac; blue, on fingers, IRan. b.; dark blue, ILach, IRan. b.; bluish, purple, cover a dirty looking ash-gray ground on injured ankles, ILach.; bluish, with sanious contents (herpetic ulcers), ILach.; break, leave exco- riated surface, which burns when touched (herpes), ILach.; quickly broken, contents desiccate, redness remains for a week or ten days, IMere v.; bullae, dark from bloody serum within (pemphigus), IILach.; bullae, containing dark pus (herpes zoster j, IHep.; large bullae, filled with claret-colored serum, Ailant.; like bug bites, IIKreo.; burning, Amm. c, Amm. m, Canth, IGuaraea, IRan. b, Seneg.; burning, surrounded by a red areola, IMez.; burning, drying down into crusts, itching and burning after scratching and becoming moist, worse from application of water (eczema), IMez.; burning, itching, IRan. b.; burning, with redness of skin, except scalp, palms and soles, Rhus ; start- ing up on burning spots, with clear watery contents, INatr. m.; burning, stinging, Spong.; burning, itching, when touched, Seneg.; from burns, IKali in.; as from burns, IRan. b.; like burns, HCaust.; clear on upper lip, Zinc; clear watery secretion, IClem.; clusters filled at first with watery substance, with salty bit- ing sensation and soreness to touch, Rhus; confluent, IMez.; small, become confluent, showing darker and redder spots, white from pressure, IBelb; confluent, form large brown scabs, worse after eating, better after sleep, better by gentle rubbing, Crot. t.; corroding, with itching, Sib; corrosive, Kali c, corrosive stinging when pressed, IHep.; in crops < varicella), IHyos.; with crusta lactea, I Ars, ISulph.; dark, burning like fire, spreads, dark edges, fingers and toes, Ars.; discharging, worse in cold weather and when he takes cold, Zinc; discharge excoriates, ICarb. s.; discharge offensive ichor(traumatic gangrene), lAnthrac; discharge, cause itching, ICarb. s.; discharge slight yellow fetid water at night, Ars.; soon drying into crusts, which peel off and leave denuded spots, worse from cool water, better by warm, ICanth.; dry, disappear by desquamation, Rhus ; slightly elevated, sharply defined, Erig.; elevated, as large as a pin's head, IRan. b.; large, in erysipelas, HVer. v.; erysipelatous, Canth.; filled with extravasated blood (hemorrhoids), lArs.; with fever, succeed caries of lower jaw, I ISib; with sero-fibrinous contents, IKali m.; fine, INatr. m.; fine, on a slightly inflamed base, with itching, dries up and falls off in little scales, Tell.; fine, with red spots, Tell.; flat, looks as if full of bile, Iod.; large, flat, then confluent and break, Anac. oe; small, flat Thuya ; like furuncles, Anthrac.; gangre- nous, IILach.; blood blisters, large, becoming gangrenous, ISee; small, in groups, whitish, with red bases, and itching, sensitive to touch (herpes preputialis), IHep.; gangrenous, on serous swellings,IArs.; hemorrhagic,ICamph.; repeatedly broke out, small, hard, herpetic, forming thin scab, with itching and moisture, for eight months (Rhus poisoning), IKali s.; herpetic, horny scurf, IRan. b.; humid,IRhus; with inflamed areola, 11 Kali c; on inflamed base, itching and scratching, worse at night (herpes zoster), IHep.; little, in intermittent, IKali m.; irritation, itching (pemphigus), I ISep.; itching, Ars. h, ICale, ICanth, ICar- bol. ac, Daph., Selen.; itching, in bed,Ethus.; itching, burning, stinging, redness of skin, speedy development of sero-purulent exuda- tion, Crot. t; itching, around old cicatrices, IFluor. ac; itching, corrosive discharge, IIGraph.; itching, in evening, IKali e; itch- ing excessively, Ascl. t; itching, in impetigo, 11 Rhus ; numerous, small, itching, containing matter, IIMillef; itching, at night, IGraph.; itching, first pale then red, I IGamb.; itching groups discharging a pale somewhat cloudy lymph,which formed a yellowish-brown, acu- minated scab,easily separated,but reappearing, scab attained size of small bean (rupia promi- nens),IMez.; itching,passing into suppuration, covered with crust, Dulc; itching, throbbing, heat after burning (itch), ILach.; itching, when uncovered and exposed to cool air,IRu- mex; itchlike, IKali iod.; large, Canth, Spong.; size of a lentil over pustules, clear, bright-yellow, later reddish or bluish fluid, 11 Anthrac; discharging liquid when broken, Anac; innumerable small miliary, Carbol. ae; most contain milky but some a clear . liquid, become confluent, last three days, after which skin desquamates, Rhus ; minute, on soles (phthisis), IKali c; minute, thickly studded, Chlor.; moist, surrounded by dry scales, easily bleeding, IMere; moist, worse by scratching, followed by pricking of skin, gluey, sticky discharges forming hard crusts, Con.; on mucous surfaces, lAmm. m.; oozing watery fluid, evening, Berb, IDulc; painful, Canth, ITarant.; painful, hard, full to burst- ing, HPhos.; small, painful, white on in- flamed skin, IIRhus ; patches, I IRhus; pea- shaped, Berb.; as large as peas, fourteen days- after childbirth, IMere; size of pea, of a livid brown rose all over body, dark violet after seven hours, discharging an insupportably, offensive, syruplike secretion, dry after four days, leaving scar, I IMillef; like pearls around mouth (intermittent), IINatr. m.; tilled with a pellucid fluid, numerous and small, many not larger than a pin's head, covers face and trunk, drying, Stram.; phagedenic, IIMerc; like scabious pimples, 01. an.; size of pin's head to size of pea (pemphigus), lAnae; red points, with minute blisters, 7rCup. m.; pricking, ICanth.; purplish, IILach.; puru- lent, ILach.; fill with pus, soon dry up and form crusts, Ant. t.; contain pus, burst and form round flat ulcers, Ars. h.; becoming pustular, itching in evening, llris; pustular, following swelling of skin, Anac. oe; putrid smelling, black on arm, I Are.; small, like rash in typhus, but containing a yellow fluid, after itching, Ammoniac; with raw feeling, 1172 46. SKIN. Petrol.; leave raw spots, ICale; leave a raw surface, I IRan. sc.; red, INatr. c, I IRhus v.; with a red crown, I ILach.; small red, I INatr. m.; red spots over whole body, numerous small, exude moisture, forming thin or yellow- ish scales or crusts, stinging, burning, itching, worse from slightest air, warmth of room and bed, IApis; pale red, form small ulcers after breaking, IMere; brownish scabs (herpes zoster), IMez.; scabs thick, oozing pus, HPetrol.; scabs, thick yellowish, ICarb. s.;as if scalded, INatr. e; coverings like fish scales, burning worse at night (ichthyosis), lArs.; after scarlatina, IITelb; scattered watery, IRhus ; after scratching, red watery, 01. an.; scurfy, Amm. m.; with scurfy, whitish border, and swelling, Belb; followed by scurfs, then fresh eruption, burning and itching (eczema), IRan. b.; burst and leave thin scurf, INatr. m.; burst and leave thin scurfs or crusts,caused by colds, INatr. m.; secondary, contain yellowish, reddish and blackish fluids, I lAnthrac; full of serum, Kali bb; shallow, ICanth.; shooting itching, IINatr. c; varying in size from two or three lines to one-fourth inch in diameter, Rhus; sloughs, beneath larger blebs, dull gray color, Hippoz.; small, Anac, Aurant, Niccol, ISib; small, or deep-seated, little blotches after scratching, Mang.; small, with burning and redness of skin, IMere cor.; small, itching intolerably, Anac.; small, filled with limpid fluid, itch a great deal and form yellow or brown crusts, ISub; small, from forehead to neck, Indig.; small, numberless, Psor.; small, painful, with heat and redness, oozing a hot, sharp, acrid fluid, Stram.; small, with itching pimples, I IKali m.; small, filled with pus, red areolae, IKali m.; small (prostatitis, and atony of sexual organs), I ISelen,- small, cover spots, discharging serous lymph, ISul.; small, trans- parent, IMere sob; small, yellow, desqua- mate following day, IManc.; smarting, itch- ing, oozing yellow lymph, when scratched turns to scurf, Anag.; red spots, covered with small vesicles of size of millet seed, filled with purulent lymph, IMere viv.; sore, pain- ful, stinging, tearing around, I Ars.; spreading, ICale, IMagn. c; as from stings of insects, especially face, joints of limbs, lAnt. e; su- damina (hydroa), Apis,Amm.c, Ars, Bell, IBry,Canth, Crot. t, Graph, IHep,I ILacc, Lach, IINatr. m,Phos. ac, IIRhus, ISpong, Sub ac, Vab; sudamina, in typhus, Chin. s.; syphilitic bullae (infantile syphilis), I ISyph.; worse from sweats, with sensitive skin, Oxal. ac; tension, Amm. m.; tensive, burning,scurfy, Amm. in.; transparent, IRan. b.; transparent, on highly red and inflamed skin, Rhus; small, transparent, afterwards desquamation, Urt. ur.; innumerable, filled with transparent lymph, confluent, resembling pemphigus, skin peels off (after wearing gloves cleaned with turpentine), Tereb.; form ulcere, IIArs, ICale, Clem.; change to small, flat, spreading ulcers, IRan. b.; then painful ulcers, finally erythematous swelling, Cup. ars.; peeled, leaving an ulcer, which did not heal after wearing tight boots, I ISib; ulcerative, as after a burn,Zinc; containgpus,surrounding ulcere with indurated edges, IThuya ; appear around ulcers, itching violently, and burning like fire, after eight days these vesicles dry up, leaving scabs, the tearing off of which causes great pain and retards healing,IIMez.; whisk- ers fall out, with itching, INatr. m.; white, 11 Hep.; white, with red areolae, burn and itch, Uran. n.; white, with elevated red base, pain- ful to touch,Vab; yellow, Como,HLach.; yel- low, surrounded by a red areola, Tabae; yel- low (eczema),IMerc;large, at first yellow.then turn dark,with much pain (herpes), ILach.; large as a pea, containing yellow, translucent fluid, on red inflamed base, covering whole body except face (pemphigus), IDulc; thin, yellow fluid, Kali n.; yellow scales, after breaking of blisters, IINatr. s.; yellowish, filled with limpid fluid, IHydras.; discharging a yellowish, transparent liquid, hardening to a crust,Anac.; acrid, then yellowish discharge, Raph.; acrid, thin, yellowish discharges, 11 Ran. sc.; opaque, yellowish fluid, ICarb. s. fl®" pemphigus, varicella. Eruption, warts: Acet. ac. Alum, lAnaeoc, Ant. c, Arg. nit, lArs, IIBar. c, IBell, Bov, HCaust, -Chrom. ac,Cund,HDulc,Euphor, Euph, Hep., IKali m., ILach, Lvc, IIMerc. cor, I IMere iod. rub, IMillef, Natr. c, Natr. m, INatr. s, IINitr. ac, Phos. ac, I IPhvt, Rhus, 11 Sang, Sep, Sil, Staph, Sul,HThuya; bleeding, HCaust, Cinnab, Natr. c, INitr. ac, IRhus, IIThuya; with bone pains,IPhos. ae; break open, ICale; broad, dry moist, Acet. ac.; bulbous, Alum.; burning, Amm. e; of long standing, in cachectic subjects, IKali iod.; cauliflower-like, on outer side of termi- nal phalanx of right thumb, I IRan. b.; with chancre,IPhos.ae;accuminated, after chancre, IKali iod.; almost color of skin, ICale; dis- charge pus, then heal, ICale; dry, IStaph.; in bends of right elbow (indurated testicle), I ICale fl.; elevated round surfaces, circular, diameter from £ to 1J inches, IBenz. ae; on eyelids, ICaust; on face, IIDulc.; fanshaped, on genitals, IThuya ; flat, IIDulc, Lach.; flat, on hands and face, ISep.; flat, moist, mucous, on anus, IIThuya; flat, smooth, on inside of hands, Ruta ; fleshy, IIDulc; on young girls (onanists), Sep.; gonorrhoeal, IIThuya; hard, lAnt. c, ICale, ICaust, Dulc, Fluor, ac, Lach, Ran. b, ISil, Sub; hard, upper surface, ICale; become hollow, ICale; horny, IIAnt c, Bor,ICalc, Dulc, Graph, INitr. ac, IRan. b, ISep, Sul, Thuya ; horny, onhands.lAnt e; four horny, painful, on hands, of three years' duration, I IThuya; horny in centre,on neck, ISep.; indented, I IPhos. ac. Thuya; inflamed, Amm. c, Calc. ICaust, Natr. c; INitr. ac, Rhus, Sep, Sil, Staph, Sub; in- flamed, as if ulceration would set in, IHep, internal, ICaust.; isolated, ILye; itching, Euph, IKah e, INitr. ac, Phos, I IPsor, Ihuya ; with intolerable itching and burning, ISabina; itching, on hands and face, ISep.; itching pain, INitr. ac; jagged, IINitr. ac, .isJ-.large' ,Caust-> "Dulc, Kali c, Natr. c, llfcitr ac, IRhus, Sep, IIThuya; large, fleshy, on left forearm, I ISib; large fleshv suppurating, ISil.; large, hard, dark color, ■Sep.; large hard, dark-colored, with a large base, rapidly increasing in size, on cheek, II Thuya : large, on genitals, IThuya ; large jagged, HCaust; large, jagged, often pedunc- ulated, exuding moisture and bleed easilv ILye- on larynx (syphilis), IThuya; on upper hp, painful to touch, smart and bleed 46. SKIN. 117:5 on washing, IINitr. ae; after abuse of mer- cury, I Aur. met, INitr. ac, IStaph.; moist, I ICaust,IINitr. ac, I IPsor, IRhus, IIThuya; old, ICale, ICaust, IKali c, INitr. ac, Rhus, Sul, IThuya; painful, Calc, ICaust., Hep, Kali c. Lye, Natr. in, INitr.ac, Petrol, Phos, Rhus, Sep, Sil, Sub; sore pains, Ruta; painful to touch, on arms and back of* hands, IINatr. c; pedunculated, HCaust, IDulc, Lye, IINitr. ac, IRhus, IStaph, IIThuya; pricking, IINitr. ae; red, size of , bean, ICale; upper surface rough, whitish, homy, ICale; round, ICale; rudimentary, 011 fingers, Berb.; from having used too much salt, IINitr. sp. d.; scrofulous, I Aur. met; seedy, IIThuya ; shooting, IBov.; small, Berb, Calc, Dulc, Ferr, Hep, Lach, Nitr. ac, Rhus, ISep, Sul, IThuya; many small, ICale, Sars.; small, pedunculated, all over body, ICaust.; small, pedunculated, with pin heads like small button mushrooms on various parts of body and thigh, Med.; small, scat- tered, flat, grayish-brown, on buttocks (en- largements of liver), HCon.; smelling like old cheese or herring brine, IHep, IIThuya ; smooth,IIDulc;smooth,soft,lAnt.c; soft, -Ca- lend.; soft at base,ICalc; soft, to touch, like lip- oma, and pointed, on neck, I IThuya ; soft,with thin epidermis, and moist, IINitr. ae; sore, INitr.ac; stinging, Amm. c, I Calc; stinging, on female genitals, IIThuya; stinging, as if ulcera- tion would set in, IHep.; suppurating, ICale; suppurating, on genitals, IThuya; sycotic, Alum, I I Millet,INatr.s.; sycotic, old,dry, after mercurial treatment for gouty pains, 11 Sars.; syphilitic, on iris and lids, IThuya ; syphili- tic, elevated, exuberant,cauliflowerlike,l INitr. ac; mercurial syphilis, IPhos. ac; sticking, IINifr. ac; syphilitic, lAur. met.; tearing, Amm. c; sensitive to touch, INatr. e; ulcer- ate, INatr. c; forming ulcere, ICale; ulcers around, Ant. e; every four weeks, ICale Eruption, washing : aggravates, IClem, Sars. Eruption, weather: in hot, IKali bi. fl®" ur- ticaria. Eruption, wheals: IBelb; in clusters,surrounded by diffuse redness, Chlor.; inflamed, ICale; large, size of a silver half dollar, elevated and white, I IApis ; on scalp, IKreo.; over whole skin, Amyg.; small, Chlor.; like urticaria, IKreo.; white, Chlor.; large white, deep scar- let interspaces, Apis, fl®" Eruption urti- caria. Eruption, yellow: lAnt. c, IBar. c, Bufo, Cadm. s, Calc. s, ICie, IKali m, IMere, ISpong. fl®" chloasma, spots. SKIN, abscess: fl®" Chap. 44, Suppuration. Skin, aching: after violent scratching, HSub; in smallpox, IHydras. Skin, adhesion: in caries, lAsaf. Skin, affections (in general): IIBar. c, -Cales, 101. jec; chronic, lArs. i, Ast. r.; chronic, traceable to suppressed ulcere or eruptions, I Ant. c; with constipation, ISub; in hypo- chondriac subjects, ILye; of infants and scrof- ulous children, Cina ; with kidney affections, Cub.; malignant, phagedenic, IHippoz.; dur- " ing pregnancy, Ant. e; psoric manifestations (chronic bronchitis), llnub; scrofulous, IStil- ling. ; worse from cold water, IDulc. Skin anaesthesia: lAnae, iCamph, Cann. i, ICaps, tCarb. s, Caulo, Chloral, Chlorof, HCic, -Eucab, IIHyos, IKali iod, Oleand, IPhos, IPlumb, Sec, Tereb, I I Ver. v., IZinc; alcoholism, IKali br.; meningitis, IIMerc; myelitis, IMere; want of irritability, sinap- isms will not excite it, Anac. fl®" Chap. 36, Nerves anaesthesia ; also Chap. 45, Touch. Skin, anthrax: fl®"Chap.44, Anthrax, Suppu- ration. Skin, bedsores: fl®"Chap. 44,Ulcere bedsores. Skin, biting sensation : Bar. m, Berb, ICale, Coccus, Euphor, I I Lye, Lyss, Niccol, I IPlat.; like ants over whole body, worse in even- ing and night, IGamb.; as if bitten by bugs, at night only, I ISyph.; calormordax (urticaria), ICop.; corroding, Agar.; sensation as from fleabites, Mar. v.; now here now there, espe- cially in evening, I IRan. sc; itching as from an eruption, on undressing, lOleand.; itching, better from rubbing, 01. an.; on places affected years before, Calc. p.; worse by scratching, Lyss.; caused by sweat, ITarax.; when becom- ing warm through day, I ILye Skin, black: lArg. nit, Ars. s. f, Aur. met, Cup.m,Ign.; like gangrene,IArs,ILach,Phyt, ISee; painful, I Ars. fl®" Chap. 44, Gangrene. Skin, bleeding: f®" Eruption bleeding, scratching. Skin, blood: as if blood would start through, lAmyb Skin, blue: Amyg, lAnt. t,. IIArs, Cadm. s, ICamph, Con, IIDig, IHydr. ac, ILach, INux m, Syph, IVer, Ver. v.; bitten place (after Lach.), Lyss.; dark, almost black (erysipelas), IApis ; incholera.lCup.ac, I ISee; suddenly, in cholera, Crotal.; cholera infan- tum, IKali br.; third stage cholera, ICup. m.; cold, Cinch, Cup. m.; convulsions, ILaur.; in bilious dysentery, llris ; in emphysema, IBrom.; better by hard fanning (pertussis), ICarbo v.; at night of fever, in children, Arund.; in intermittent, Are.; gray, I Arg. nit.; lead-colored, IPhyt.; lead-colored, workers in gypsum, Calc. s.; livid, Ailanth, ICarbo a, I IZinc; livid, in angina pectoris, Tabae; livid, in cholera infantum, I Are. iod.; livid, in diarrhoea, IBor.; livid, in tertian in- termittent, ILach.; livid, shock from injuries, ILach.; livid, in measles, IVer.; livid, purplish, I IApis ; in measles, ICamph.; pale, IPlumb.; pale, especially on genitals, HOp.; reddish, Are. m.; reddish, round, elevated (diphtheria), ILach.; in scarlet fever, IMur. ac.; slate colored (third stage), ICup. m.; violet,! Ananth, I Arg. nit. fl®" Chap. 29, Blood, cyanosis. Skin, boils: fl®" Chap. 44, Suppuration boils. Skin, boring: now here and now there, espe- cially in evening, I IRan. sc. Skin, brittle i IHyos, IPlumb.; in pneumonia stage of hepatization, I IPhos.; in typhus, IApis, ICarbo v. Skin, bruised sensation : worse from contact, IHep. Skin, brown: Arg. nit, ICale p.; on abdomen, I ITubere; in Addison's disease, Hod.;bronze, Ars. h, lArg. nit.; on parts covered by clothes, I Are.; dark, IIArs.; dark, in yellow- fever, lArs. h.; dark, with bilious vomiting, ICrotal.; dirty discoloration, IFerr.; hA-e and there, Thuya; suddenly turning dark, red like an Indian, Stram.; at ulcerated part, dry, with bluish red spots around opening (periostitis), IMez.; sudden turning of yellowish color into 1174 -t6. SKIS. brown, as if smoked (Addison's disease), Hod. fl®" yellow; also Eruption chloasma, spots. Skin, burning: lAcon, jEthus, All. sat, Amb, Ang, lAnthrac, HApis, I Are, Asaf, Bapt, Bar. c, Berb, HCaps, Camph, ICarbo a, ICar- bo v, Cham, ICie, Clem, Coccul, Coff, Coloe, Como, Con, ICroe, ICrot. t, I IDros, Euphor, Euph, Jacea, IKali bi, ILach, Lith, ILye, Mar. v, IMere cy. (complemen, tary of Hepar and Phosphor), Niccol,Oban.- Osm, IPhos, IIRhus, Sars, IISul, ITarant, Tereb, IVer, v.; in angina, IMere; like bee- stings, HApis; caries, IMere; chilly, Arg. met.; in chorea, HAgar.; after coitus, Agar.; after catching cold (purpura), I IRhus ; after contact, rubbing, washing or taking wine (eruption), IMere sob; corrosive in small spots, Calad.; in diphtheria, HApis; dry {in- flammation of bowels in dentition), HAcet. ae; miliary eruption, IClem.; with vesicular eruption, Crot. t; erysipelas, Rhod.; worse in evening, INux v.; with: pain as if excoriated when touched, IFerr.; with fever, Chim. m.; as from fire, Plumb.; as from fleas, Arg. met.; hot to examining hand, which leaves a burning on place touched, I IHyos.; with headache, Carbo v.; with heat, IIAcon, ICornus, IMere cor, IPetrol.; heat, in pneumonia, ILye; heat in scarlatina, IMere; hemorrhoids, lArs.; im- petigo, IMere; indigestion, Camph.; itching, Bry, IIRhus; follows itching, HSub; itch- ing inducing scratching, Euphor.; in parts on which he lies, disturbs sleep at night, ISub; moist, Cheb; in various places, as from a mus- tard plaster, even under axillae, I IKali e; in myelitis, IDulc; as from nettles, ICale p, Coccul, HUrt. ur.; like nettles before erup- tion like measles, Cheb; at night, 11 Carbo v.; at night in bed, in anaemia of brain, ICon.; at night in bed, is intolerable, IDolich.; worse at night, IClem.; worse at night in bed, and after rising, IMere; nocturnal, after scratch- ing, I lOleand.; wounded oesophagus, ICie; of various parts, Diose; in pemphigus, lAnae; and change of place, after scratching, Mez.; from pressure, Cann. b; prickling like flea- bites, Nux v.; prolapsus, Rhus; red, ICrot. t; with scarlet redness, IBelb; rheumatism, IDulc; after rubbing when scratching, Plant.; worse by rubbing, with pain in cranial bones, worse at night (pityriasis capitis), IMez.; scabies, lArs.; as if scorched (nettlerash), HUrt. ur.; inclination to scratch, Plat.; after scratching, Cinnab, I IMere, Nux v., IRhus, Ver.; prevents sleep after midnight, Rhus ; in spots, Selen.; gradually spreading, worse at night in bed (after use of resin plaster on epigastrium), IIMerc. sob; on small spots, IFluor. ac; stinging at same time, HApis; sensation as if burnt by heat of sun, ILach.; sweat, IIMerc; with swelling, All. sat.; ting- ling, Vace- transient, here and there on body, seems concentrated in a small spot like a small transient flame, while sitting during day and lying at night, Viol.; in typhus, IINitr. ae; especially on undressing at night, IKali are.; in urticaria, IApis, lArs, Chloral, lUrt. ur.; small vesicles, IMere cor.; white vesicles after scratching, IHep.; after applying cold water, Thuya ; better from cold water, Amm. m. Chap. 40, Heat burning. Skin, cadaverous: pleuritis, with plastic exu- dation, IHep. fl®" blue, pale. Skin, callous: IIAnt. c. Are, Bor, Uem, IDulc, IGraph, Lach, Ran. b, Rhus, ISep, ISil, ISul, IThuya. fl®° induration. Skin, chilliness: shuddering felt all over,Cham. Skin, cobweb : sensation of, on face and hands, Bor. Skin, congested: Chlor, Ustil.; passive, IHam. Skin, contractive sensation: during chill, Paris. Skin, contraction : spasmodic, Bar. m. Skin, cord: as if a thin cord lay under, Euphor. Skin, crawling : Berb, Calad, Cham, Coloe, ICroe, Hod, Nitr. sp. d. Sec; in angina pectoris, IDig.; in diarrhoea, Indig.; as from fleas on various places on back,anns, abdomen, thighs and ankles, better by scratching, but appears in a place near the spot, Pallad.; spot becomes red and hot, followed by bit- ing itching, like a flea moving along, rash- like pimples appear, not by scratching, which makes biting itching last longer, ISpong.; as of a fly, Calad.; now here, now there, Belb; after typhoid (nervous affection), IManc; under, ISee, Stram. fl®" formica- tion, numbness Skin, cutting: Jacea. Skin, chilblains: Abrot, HAgar, Aloe, lAlum, lArn, I Are, IBadiag, IBell, Bufo, Cadm. s, Carbo a, ICarbo v., Carbobae, ICham, Cepa, Cinch, ICop, ICroe, ICrotal, Hep,, Hyos, Ign, Kalic, IKali m, Kalm, ILye, I IMere iod. rub, IMur. ac, INitr. ac, INux v, HPe- trol, IPhos, Phos. ac, 11 Plant, I Puis, I IRhus, Stann, ISul, ISul. ac, IThuya, HTuberc, IZinc; always bluish, Ham.; burning, ICarbo a.; threatened gangrene, chronic, occurring in not very cold weather, thus indicating a low nervous and vascular vitality, ICrotal.; inflamed, ICarbo a.; inflamed with bluish-red swelling and rhagades, IPuls.; in irritable subjects with delicate skin, great redness of parts affected by the cold (locally, several drops in water), INitr. ae; itching, lAbrot, IAgar, IPetrol, IZinc; itching, inflamed from slight degree of cold, INitr. ac; very painful, Arn, lArs, Hep, INitr. ac, IPetrol, Phos. ac, IPuls., Sep.; bleeding rhagades, INuxv.; suppurating, iCale s, IHep, ISib; throbbing, in summer, INux v. Skin, clammy: Amvg, IIAnt chb, Daph., Hell, Hod, Kali br, I ILachn, ILye, IIMerc, Merc, sub, I IPhos, Pod, IVer.; awaking her, ^Form.; with chill, Cornus; in chlorosis, ICycb; diphtheria (after failure of Phyt. and Lye), ILac e; after heat, I Amyb; hydracephaloid, IVer.; in phthisis, I ISib- in shock, IHyper, IOp. fl®" Chap. 40, Sweat. Skin, coldness: Acet. ac, Ailant, Ao-ar Alurn, Amyg, lAnanth, Anthrac, I I Ant chl lAnt. t, Apoe, I Ars, Asaf, Ascl. s. Bar. e Brach, I IBry, Benz. ac, ICact, HCale, HCale p., HCamph, Cann. i.JCaps, ICham, ICie, ICinch, Cinnab, Citrus, Colch, ICro- tal, Cup. are, ICup. m, Cupr. s, IIDis- Eup. pur, IFerr, Gels IHell, UgA., ml; Hod, llpec, Ins, Kali br, ILach, I ILachn Lyss,IMerc,IMerc cy, IMere cor, Merc sul IIMez, IMosch, IINux m, IOp. Oxal ac IPhyt, IPhos, IPlat, IPlumb, IPod WPnU Sec, HSep, Spong, ISub, Sumb, ITabae 46. SKIN. 1175 HVer, Ver. v, Verbas.; of affected part, with hemiplegia, left side, Coccul.; after 3 p.m., lEup. pur,- 3 to 5 p.m., ICon.; after taking cold in a draught of air and becoming heated, IKali e; alternately cold and clammy, then hot and burning, Dory.; in anaemia, IFerr.; with anguish (cholerine), IJatroph.; with dis- connected answers, Crotal.; with anxiety, Ja- troph.; blue, wanted to be covered with blan- kets yet could not get warm (secondary syph- ilis), I ISyph.; blue, in gastritis, IDig.; mottled blueness (cholera), IJatroph.; of whole body, or only posterior portions,better in warm room or by warm stove, llgn.; breath stopped half a minute, ICact.: morbus Brightii, I IPhos. ac; intestinal catarrh, ICheb; of cheeks, body warm, Ang.; with chill, Cornus ; with chill, red face and twitching, Stram.; with chilli- ness, IIKalm.; with inner chilliness, Agar.; cholera, Ant. c, I Ant. t, HCamph, ICup.m, IHelb, IHydr. ac, IJatroph, ILaur, I ISee, IISul, Tabae, HVer.; sudden, in cholera, Crotal.; in cholera infantum, ICamph, IKali br, ILaur, ITabae, I IVer.; in cholera mor- bus, llris, IVer.; in sporadic cholera, ITabae; in cholerine,lyEthus, Crot. t.; clammy, Aeon, Amyg.; clammy, in cholera, IJatroph.; clam- my, in menorrhagia,ICarbol. ae; after vomit- ing (cholerainfantum), I LEthus.; constant, in chlorosis, IFerr.; throws clothes off, Med.; in colicodynia, I Ars.; in convulsions, 11 Ant. c, llgn.; in puerperal convulsions, IINux v.; with cough, in evening, Acet.ac; would not be covered, ICamph.; in cystitis, IHell.; damp (pneumonia), ISub; as if dead, with convul- sions, CEnan.; deathly, Bism.; in diabetes, Sul. ac; in diarrhcea, IGamb, IGrat.; in diarrhoea in infants, 11 Jalap.; with muco-purulent diar- rhoea, I IKali br.; after dinner, with conges- tion to head, ICycb; with dyspnoea, ICup. m.; in diphtheria, . ICanth, INatr. a.; in dropsy, IColch.; dry, Aeon, ICheb; dry, or cold and viscous, patient feels burning (chol- era), I Aeon.; in dysentery, ICaps.; in dysen- tery and ascites, I Are.; in dysmenorrhoea, IVer.; in epilepsy, IIKali ph.; with sup- pressed eruption, llpec; in evening, Are. h, Tabae; in evening, in bed, after lasting all night, IFerr.; overexertion in ascending height, ICoca; especially of extremities, Op.; with burning redness of face, IHyos.; with fainting, ICale, Coloe; after faintness and nausea, IMagn. m.; more cold than hot, with fever, Hod.; in nervous fever, ICamph.; in forenoon (intermittent), lArs.; after fright, IVer.; frigid, lAnanth.; with haemoptysis, IDig.; with blue hands, INux v.; with cold hands,Med.; particularly on head (headache), HZine; with headache, ICarb. s, I ISub; with congestive headache, Ham.; with head- ache, evening, in bed, I ISib; with one-sided headache, llgn.; with irregularity of heart action and pulse,ISang.; follows cutting pains as with knives about heart, I ISub; with rheu- matism of heart, ICact.; heat of abdomen (cholera infantum), ITabae; alternates with scorching heat in whole body, Tarant; slightly affected by external heat, ICup. ae; with heat of face, Cann. s, IColoc, IStram.; after heat, lAinvb; alternates with heat of face, IStram.; heat of face and hot breath, HCham.; with heat of face, must be warmly covered, then sleeps and sweats, IMere pert; with heat of face, commencing at 11 a.m, Berb.; with heat and redness of face, ILed.; with heat of face, after stool, I ITromb.; with heat in hands, Cadm. s.: with heat of head, IIBell, IIBry, IHydras.; with heat of head, as if in a furnace, IKali br.; with heat of head, in meningitis, I IVer.; with heat in head, in cerebrospinal meningitis, IHydr. ac; with internal heat, llgn. Hod, Mosch, IVer.;-with internal, burning heat, Euphor.; hands and feet, with heat of one side of body, IRan. b.; want of animal heat, ILed.; hemorrhage, ICinch.; in some places, hotinothers,IApis ; in hydrocephaloid,I Ver.; in hydrocephalus, Art v, I Dig, IHell, IZinc; in hysteria, I ISep.; as if touched with ice on right of pelvis near sacrum, Arg. met; as though touched with an icicle, Caust.; icy, I Ant t, lArs, Cadm. s, ICale, HCamph, HCarbo v.,Cup. m, I iHell., Lachn, I ITarant, HVer.; icy, in ague, INatr. m.; icy, and chill, followed by fever and thirst, attacks come on suddenly, INatr. s.; icy, with chills, 4 to 8 p.m., INatr. s.; icy, in cholera, ICup. m.; icy, of hands and feet, with warmth of rest of body, with aversion to being uncovered, Squilla; icy, in metrorrhagia, ISil.; icy, of single parts (cholera season), lAsar.; icy, with shivering, HSec; icy, shrivelled (cholera Asiatica),IBry.; inelastic (cholera), ICup. ac; shock from in- jury, IOp.; during labor, Coff; commencing in left arm and lower limbs, INux m.; of left side, precede epilepsy, ISib; of left side, in incipient paralysis, ILach.; principally left side, I IDros.; of leftside, particularly extremi- ties, which were bluish around nails, with shivering, I IRob.; left side, with ulcers on legs,! I Lyss.; lower part of body, Guaraea; lower J>art of body,face hot, ICale p.; lumbago, ICo- oe; typhoid malaria, ILye vir.; as marble, ICamph.; within and without like marble, IHydr.ae;in measles,ICamph.; in meningitis, Rhus; congestive menorrhagia, llpec; during menses, ITabae, Thuya, IVer.; menses irregu- lar, IDig.; menses profuse, Coff; in metritis, ILach.; with moist skin, Bufo, ILaur.; moist, delirium tremens, 11 Act. rac; moist, in neu- ralgia, ICoccion.; in morning, IMez.; attacks recur on moving and pass off after going to bed, Lachn.; with flabby muscles, Ver. v.; with blue nails and nausea, Aur. met; with nausea, Val.; with nervousness and trembling, Bufo.; at night in bed, All. sat; at night, up from small of back, cannot get warm in bed, IHyos.; at night, in intermittent, I Ars.; dur- ing night, sweat, 11 Eup. pert; worse at night, I Are, Carbo v.; numb, ILach, ^Lyc; fol- lowed by pain and desire to weep, ICoff; in- creases the pains, Aur. met.; pale, Chlorof, Ver. v.; with palpitation, Cinch.; partial, Co- loe: in some parts, heat in others, IApis; peritonitis, IVer.; phthisis, I ISib; prodromic, relapse of intermittent, I Are.; during preg- nancy, INux m.; prosopalgia, llgn.; with im- perceptible pulse, Kali br.; small intermit- tent pulse, IMere cor.; with raving, as if delirious, Nitr. ae; with restless tossing, Tereb.; rigidity, Op.; of right half, Paris; from right side, particularly from right arm, Merc, per.; in scarlatina, IApis, Crotal., ICup. ac, I ISul, IZinc; after scarlet fever, IHep.; 1176 46. SKIN. in seasickness, ITabae; with shivering, IKali br.; in shock, IHyper, ILach, INuxm.; after coldness between shoulders, ISep.; onesided, with numbness, IPuls.; often only on one (right) side, Bry.; of single parts, ICaust; of single parts, crawling, Calad.; after sleeping, Cadm. s.; of spine, IHyos.; on small spots, Arg. met.; small icy cold spots here and there, Paris; stiff, like a piece of wood, fell down unconscious, IIHyos.; after sting, IApis; during stool, Ipec, See; and stiffness (mye- litis), 11 Aeon.; affection of stomach, IKali bi.; not subjective, ILed.; of suffering parts, ISib; with clammy sweat (sick headache), I ITabae; with clammy sweat (acute rheumatism), IColch.; with cold sweat, ICale, Med, IPuls, Sub; with head sweat, ICale, IPod.; viscous sweat (croup), IBrom.; with trembling, IOp.; with nervous trembling and frequent fainting, Mosch.; in typho-malarial fever, twentieth day, IHam.; with desire to uncover (cholera infantum), ICamph.; upper part of body, llpec; after urinating, Med.; with distended veins, ICheb; and indistinct vision with faint- ness, ICale; with vomiting of food and white mucus, Raph.; after walking, Cadm. s.; after walking in open air, 01. an.; as, from cold winds, Benz. ac; with sensation of weariness, Spig.; yet unable to bear warmth, collapse in choleroid diseases, I ISee Skin, comedones: inflamed, Chel. fl®" Chap. 8, Eruption comedones. Skin, dark: ICale p.; in Addison's disease, Hod.; dusky, Aurant.; dusky, 11 Iodoform, followed by Tuberc. fl®"blue,dark,cyanotic. Skin, deadness: Chin. s. Skin, delicate : fl®" fine. Skin, desquamation: Anac. oe, lAmm. c, lArum t, Asim, IBell, Chim. umb, Chlor, 11 Coloe, Como, Dig, Hell, I IHep, IHydras, 11 Kalis, IIMerc. sol, HPhos, Rhus, Sec, Tereb.; branlike, with ichthyosis, I ILac c; colic, in scarlatina, ILye; exfoliates, IGraph.; tips of fingers, Bar. c.; in flakes, Acet. ae; furfuraceous, Bor, Chlor.; in very fine scales, IPsor.; in round patches like blisters, from which serum had been absorbed, leaving skin beneath purple and some places yellow, Chloral.; phthisis, I ISamb.; after recurring eruption of fine red pimples, running together, presenting a red swollen appearance, alkaline fluid oozing out, IKali s.; leaving skin purple and livid (erysipelas bullosum capitis sup- pressed by salve), IKali c.; in large scales, HAnthrac; peels off and shows loosened scales, a fatty transpiration (Addison's dis- ease), Hod.; small scales, Ars. m.; scaling into bed, HSub; scaling off here and there, Mez.; scaly exfoliation, IMez.; a second or third time in large flakes, in scarlatina, I I Arum t; dropsical symptoms, during scar- latina, IApis ; as after scarlet fever,on hands and feet (articular rheumatism), I ISal. ae; readily peels off when scratching, IIDros.; of skin surrounding sore6, Kali s.; with cedemat- ous swelling of skin, IApis ; white scales, Chlor.; tardy, in scarlet fever, IDulc; of thickened portions, Ver. fl®" furfuraceous, scaly ; also Eruption scarlatina. Skin,decubitus: g®"Chap.44,Ulcersbedsores. Skin, digging: after typhoid (nervous affec- tion), IManc. Skin, dirty appearance (dingy): Are, 11 Anag, Bor, Bufo, IFerr, Natr. m, INitr. ac, IPlumb, IPsor, Sec, Stram, ISul, 11 larant. Thuya, HTuberc; yellow blotches IPsor.; brownish, Thuya; chlorosis, INatr. m.; in consumption, I ITubere; gray (consump- tion), Hod.; yellow gray, with partially developed eruption on forehead and chest, with constant fretting and worrying children, cases which do not respond promptly to in- dicated remedy, IPsor.; jaundice, Hod.; muddy, on parts covered by clothes, I Are.; in ophthalmia of children, I Are.; cannot be washed clean, Thuya; dingy, as if patient never washed, HPsor.; in spite of frequent washing (spinal disease), IApis; yellow, like malignant disease, after abuse of mer- cury), IHep. fl®" dark. Skin, discoloration: after psoriasis and lepra, IIKali ara» Skin, doughy: HApis, ICup.m.; pasty look- ing, I Are.; in folds (cholera second stage), ICup. m. g®" Chap. 44, Dropsy. Skin, drawing: Agar. Skin, dry: IIAcon, Ailant, JEthus, All. sat, lAlum, 11 Anag., lAnthrac, I Ant. t, IApis, Arg. nit, IIArs, Ars. h, Ars. s. f, Arumt, Asaf, I Ascl. s, Aurant, Bar. c, IBell,ICale, ICamph, HCham, IChel, I IChlor, ICoff, Coloe, ICrotal, Cup. m, IDig, IDulc,IFerr, I IHep, Hydr. ac, I IHyos, IKali bi, I Kalic, IIKalm, ILye, IMagn. c, IMere cy, IMosch, Natr. a, INatr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ac, IINux m, IOp, HPetrol, HPhos, IPhos. ac, IPhyt, IPlumb, I IPolyp, IPsor, I IPtel, I IRhus, I IRumex, Sang, Sarrae, Sec, ISep, ISil, Stram, Sumb, Tabae, Tell, I lUstil, Vace, Zinc; dry, in chronic alcoholism, IPhos.; alternately dry and moist (intermit- tent), Apis ; in ascites, 11 Apoe; even in bed, ICamph.; with surging of blood and racing palpitation, I ISang.; in Bright's disease, IKalm.; burning, IIAcon, IApis, I Are.; burn- ing, in scarlet fever, IDulc; with redness of cheeks, lEup. pert; in children (marasmus), ISars.; with chilliness, IKali iod.; nervous chlorosis, I Art. v.; in cholera, I ISee; in chol- erine, IPhos.; in colic, I IOp.; puerperal con- vulsions, I INux v.; and cool, with hot head (meningitis), ISub; inclined to crack,IGraph.; in croup, I ISpong.; during day, IBry, Hod.; in delirium, IPhos.; in diabetes, I IKali br, ILact. ac, Sul. ac, 11 Uran. nit. relieved ; in diarrhoea, IGuaiac; in chronic diarrhoea, HSub; in diphtheria, IChin. a, 11 Lac c, IMere cy.; in dropsy, lArs, ICain, IColch, Led.; in dropsy, with albuminuria,I Aur. mur.; in dysentery, I Ars, ITromb.; in chronic dys- entery, IINuxv.; burning and covered since two days with eruption resembling fleabites (typhoid), IIPuls; with papulous psoric im- petiginous eruption, ISib; in erysipelas, IIRhus; around eyes, IPetrol.; after a fall, IHyper.; feeling, with cold feet, I IPtel.; day after fever (croup), IKaob; in childbed fever IColoe; and flabby (enlargement of mesen- teric glands), ICale; flaccid, Cinch.; in acute gastritis, after taking cold, IColoe; most on hands, ICale p.; in hectic fever, HCinch- hot, IIAcon, lArs, irAtrop. s, ICamph!! ILye, ISpong.; hot, with diarrhoea, IDulc- hot, in forenoon, Ailant.; hot, in functional 46. SKIN. 1177 -derangement of liver, HSep.; hot, at night, Ham.; hot, with rheumatism, IDulc; not hot, in pneumonia, ICamph.; not hot, in scarla- tina, lAilant.; in hydrocephaloid, HApis ; in hydrocephalus acutus, IDig.; in hydrothorax, following metritis, I I Citrus; with indigestion, Camph; in insanity, HNux v.; leathery, Arn, Camph.; with cracked lips, I IKalm.; in myelitis, IDulc; in hysterical neuralgia, 11 Vab; in neuropathia,l I Kali are.; in ophthal- mia of children, lArs.; indurated pancreas, carcinoma, ICarbo a.; parchmentlike, IIArs, ICamph,ICrotal.; parchinentlike,in Addison's disease, Hod.; parchmentlike, in consumption, IMere cy.; parchmentlike, in dysentery, IMere cor.; parchmentlike, in epidemic in- fluenza, ISabad.; in pericarditis, IColch.; in perityphlitis, ICrotal.; want of perspiration, ■Led.; want of perspiration, with toothache, IKali c; in pleuritis, with plastic exudation, IHep.; in pneumonia, I Arn, ICup.m, IFerr, Hod, IPhos.; during pregnancy, INux m.; in psoriasis, IMere; with suppressed rash of measles or other eruptive disease, IKali s.; with scarlet redness, IBelb; renal inflamma- tion, I I Senecio; in rheumatism, I Ant. t, IColch.; scaly (cancer of stomach), I ICund.; in scarlatina, ILye; sensation, during heat, though with some sweat on face, Illgn.; in summer complaint,diarrhoea of children,I Ant. c; absence of sweat, I Aeon.; very little sweat (intermittent), IApis; with thirst (hectic), ISub; in tumor caeci, HPlumb.; in typhoid, ICarbo v, IColch, llgn, IIMur. ac, I IPhos, I IPuls, IIRhus, ITereb.; with ulcer on limbs, IGraph.; particularly when accompanied by dark, scanty urine (dysentery), IColch.; in urticaria.lCop.; after a wetting, Natr. e; with- ered, Cup. m, IFerr, Natr. in.; withered, in hectic, HCale; withered (spinal disease), IApis; withered, yellow, IPlumb. fl®" wrinkled. Skin, earthy: ICornus, Spig. Skin, ecchymosis: .Ethus, HAnthrac, Arg. nit, Arn, ICarbo v, Crotal, ILach, HPhos, HSinap, ITarant, Uran. n.; black underskin (morbus maculosus), I Are.; from slight blows, Agar; blue, with muco-purulent diarrhoea, 11 Kali br.; blue spots as if ecchymosed, INux v.; from a slight bruise, ISub; in chorea, ILach, INux v.; in diphtheria, in large patches, assumes a dark red color, bordering on purple, ILac c; extensive, ISee; in fevers, IApis ; fresh, in great numbers, from day to day, ITereb.; large, becoming gangrenous, ISee; in internal organs, Hippoz.; from least touch, or pressure, ILach.; in typhoid, I IPhos. ae; in typhus, I Are.; especially in course of zymotic disease, menstrual irregularities, and in hemorrhagic states of body, Crotal. fl®° Eruption purpura. Skin, elephantiasis: Hell, Stilling.; Arabian, IHydrocot.; Arabian, both feet, legs, and lower part of thighs, back of hand, erysip- elatous manifestations, HSib; graecorum, 11Nati. e fl®* Eruption leprosy. Skin, eruption: feeling as if it would appear, Lachn. „ ,. . , Skin erysipelas: fl®-Eruption erysipelas. Skin, evening: symptoms worse, and night, Skin, excoriation (intertrigo): Are. s. f,ICale, ICarbo v, ICaust, ICham, IGraph, IHep, IHydras, Ign, IKali in, IKali s, IILyc, IMere, IMere cor, INatr. m, IINatr. p, IPetrol, Plumb, Puis, Sep, ISil, HSub; readily bleeding.lLyc; in children, fl®"Chap. 24, Infants chafing; boring into with fingers, children (scarlatina), IIArum t; in children, with bilious symptoms, IINatr. s.; especially in children, IGraph.; in dentition, ICaust.; discharges in every outlet of body, acrid, excoriating skin wherever they come in contact, IISul; dries up, becomes brown and livid, and local eschar forms, I lAnthrac; dries and mumifies, new blisters form around, Anthrac; erosions,Arum m,IFluor.ac,humid, IIBar. e, IIGraph.; atrophy of infants, I IPe- trol.; obstinate, IHydras.; pain as if excori- ated, Paris, Plat.; prurigo, IGraph.; like raw, decayed meat, IComo.; especially if inclined to scab, IKali m.; if scraped off soon, dries, turns brown and livid and leaves a scar, An- thrac; sore feeling, ISub; tettery, oozing con- stantly, and bleeding easily when scratched, IMere; when walking or riding, Sul. ae; easily chafed from walking or riding, also in children, Ruta. Skin, fetid: fl®" odor. Skin, fine: delicate, IColch, Natr. m.; hemor- rhoids, ISep.; easily denuded (young girls), IBar. e Skin, flaccid: I Are.; dry (hectic fever), HCinch. Skin, freckles: dark, INitr. ac. Skin, flabby (relaxed): Agar, ICale, HCamph, ICaps, Chin, s, IClem, Coccul, ICup. ac. Dig, IFerr, IHyos, llpec, ILach, ISep, ISpong, Stram, ISul, Ver.; in children (marasmus), ISars.; with chlorosis, INatr. m.; cold, moist, after meningitis, ICup. m.; in diabetes, INatr. s.; with papulous psoric impeteginous eruptions, ISib; feels relaxed, Zing.; hangs in folds (indurated pancreas, carcinoma), ICarbo a.; hangs in folds, on hands and feet, Ars.; hangs loose, in maras- mus, lAbrot; inelastic, ICup. m.; inelastic, cold (third stage of cholera), ICup. ac, ICup. m.; cool, in congestion to brain, IICup. m.; in neuralgia, I ISib; covered with pityri- asis, ISib; in scarlet fever, I IZinc; in syphilis, Iod.; wilted, All. sat. Ant. t, IChel, Kali are. Skin, formication: I Aeon, JEsc. h. Alum, Carbo v, Ced,Coloe, Cupr.s, I IDiad, Euph, Hydr. ac, IILyc, IMagn. m, INatr. c,Phos. ac, IPic. ac, HRhus, Sabad, IISul, ITarant, Zinc; with softening of brain, HPhos.; in cholera Asiatica, ISee; as though millions of insects were creeping on him compelling him to rub successively his arms, legs,abdomen and throat (pruritussenilis),IMez.; in irregularity, IDiad.; here and there, all night, Gamb.; gen- erally beginning with a severe pain in occiput, followed by numbness of trunk and limbs, and complete loss of motory power (paralysis), ITarant.; paralysis, IGels.; in paralyzed parts, IPhos.; with sweat, Rhod.; in vulva, Elaps. Skin, furfuraceous: fl®" desquamation .scaly. Skin, furuncles: fl®" Chap. 44, Suppuration furuncles. Skin, gnawing: Clem, I IDros, Euphor, Natr. m. Plat.; now here now there, especially in evening, I IRan. sc; itching, 01. an.; itching increasing to intolerable burning pricking alternately worse and better, Dig. 1178 46. SKIN. Skin, gooseflesh : I IChlor. Skin, gray: ashy color, I ITarant; in chronic rheumatism,! ISabina ; dingy,Sabad.; workers in gypsum, Calc. s.; in intermittent, INatr. m. Skin, greenish: Bufo, Med.; spot at point of subcutaneous injection, Amyl. Skin, healing : difficult, I IJacea ; slight injuries maturate, IIHep. Skin, heat: IIAcon, Act.rac,Alum, Anthrac, Anthrok, Ant. t, I IApis, I Ars, Ascl. t. Bar. c, IBell, Berb, ICamph.JChel, Chin, s, Chlor, ICoca, Coff, IColch, Coloe, ICrot. t, Cup. m, IDig, IDulc, Euphor, Gamb, I IHyos, Iris, IKali bi, IKali iod, ILac def, ILye, IMere, IMere cor, IMere cy, Natr. a, INitr. ac, INux v, Oleand, Ob an, IOp, I IPolyp, I IPtel, 11 Rumex, Sang, Sarrae, Se- neg, ISil,Stram, IISul, Tabae, Tereb, ITelb, i lUstil, Vace,Ver, IVer.v. Viol.; alternately hot and dry, with fever with thirst, IKali iod.; on going to bed, Apoe; biting, ILach.; inflam- mation of brain, IMere v.; burning, IIAcon, IApis, I Ars., IIBapt, HCham, Cup. m, HHydras, INitr. ac, IRhus; burning, in croup, I ISpong.; burning, in pneumonia,ICup. m, I IPhos.; burning, with profuse sweat, in pneumonia, IIPuls.; burning, in incipient tuberculosis, I ITubere; burning, in typhoid, I IPuls.; burning, in typhus, ovarian dropsy, IApis; with itching burning or prickling, ICor- nus ; persistent burning, I Ars.; cancer labii, ICamph.; caries, IMere; catarrh of air pass- ages, ISpig.; with chill in bones, Berb.; in- ternal chilliness, Agnus; in cholera, IPhos. ac; cholera infantum, ICale; and coldness in places (scarlatina), HApis; after catching cold after labor, IIPuls.; lead colic, HOp.; consumption, IGuaiac; puerperal convulsions, I INux v.; in croup, I ISpong.; bronchial croup, lAnt. t; all day, Hod.; with delirium, ICon, Sang.; in diphtheria, ICrotal, I ILac c, IKali iod, ILach, IMere cy.; diphtheria and ca- tarrh of chest, IApis; dry, IIAcon, ^sc h, JEthus, I Ars, t Atrop. s, ICamph, Coff, IGels, ILept, ILye, ISpong.; dry, in bilious attack, ILept.; dry, with chilliness (diphthe- ria), IMere cy.; dry, cold, after scarlet fever, IHelb; dry, complains of feeling cold, pulse 120 (chronic otorrhoea), lElaps; dry, in diphtheria, ILye; dry, with flushed face, lEup. pert; dry, with fever, ICale, I I Eup. pur.; dry, gastric nervous fevers, IGels.; dry, in hepatic disease, ILept.; dry, in measles, Viol.; dry, in perityphlitis, ICrotal.; dry, in summer complaint, IFerr. ph.; dry, anxious tossing (meningitis), lAcon.; dry, in typhoid, IGels.; dry, in typhus, IApis ; in dysentery, IMere cor.; in erysipelas, IIRhus; evenings going to bed, Apoe; especially evenings and nights, covered with exhausting sweat, ICale; in childbed fever, IColoe; in acute gastritis, after taking cold, IColoe; glowing sensation (prostatitis and atony of sexual organs), I ISelen.; in hydrocephalus acutus, IDig.; in acutepharyngo-laryngitis, INaja; moist, Ascl. t, Cornus; moist, on scrotum and chest (pneu- monia),lAnt. t; moist, in croup,IBrom.; worse on motion, IHydras.; in myelitis, IDulc; with nausea, Ptel.; in hysterical neuralgia I I Vab; at night, when warm in bed, IKali bi.; wounded oesophagus, ICie; especially in painful places, ICepa; in quinsy, IBar. e; parboiled by sweat, Cinch.; partial, Coloe; in pericarditis, IColch.; in perityphlitis, ICrotal.; in pneumonia, I Arn, Hod, IPhos.; with scar- let redness, IBelb; right ear cold (eclampsia), llpec; renal inflammation, I ISenecio; in rheumatism, IApis, ILye; in scarlatina, HApis, ILye; scorching, scarlet color, HTar- ant.; patient senseless, Con.; with internal shuddering (tertian ague), llgn.; during sleep, Astac; steaming, IMere; sour smelling sweat (acute rheumatism), ICheb; sweating (periton- itis), Atrop.; with thirst, Chim. m.; tumor caeci, I IPlumb.;typhoid,HMur.ac,HRhus; typhus, IBapt, ITereb ; urticaria, ICop ; as if burning vapor were emitted from all pores of body, IFluor. ae; vertigo, Asaf; warm, Ant. t; better by cold water, IApis; worse when child is kept too warm, Cham.fl®"Chap. 40, Heat skin. Skin, hidebound: sensation as if hidebound, ICrot. t. Skin, hyperaemia: accumulation of blood in capillaries, Chlor.; thick, as in facial erysipe- las, Chlor.; worse from smallest quantity of wine, beer, or spirits, Chloral. Skin, hypertrophy : like rhinoceros hide, Arn.; thickening, IKali bb; thickening, in Addi- son's disease, Hod.; thickening, in eczema, IRan. b. fl®* induration. Skin, induration: Agar, Anthrac, Arg. nit, Arn, ICarbo a, Rhus, ISars.; in diabetes, 11 Uran.n. relieved ; after inflammation,IBelb; like knots,under (chronic anthrax), lAnthrac; nnder, on leg, itching, Aur. met.; in skin, ICale; in spots, ICamph.; feeling of, over surface, Chloral, fl®" callous ; also Chap. 44, Induration. Skin,inflammation (dermatitis): lAcon, Asaf, I Aur. met. IBadiag, Bar. c, IBar.m, ICale, ICham, Chin, s, Chlor, Cist, Clem, Coc- cul, IComo, Con, IDulc, Graph, IHep,Ign, Stram.; with involvement of cellular tissue, Plant.; diffuse redness, smooth eruption, re- sembling scarlatina, Chloral.; erysipelatous, IIHep, IJugb; erysipelatous, followed by, prickling, ICanth.; erysipelatous, with swell- ing, Belb; glands swollen, often painful and sensitive, IDulc; caused by stings of insects (chronic inflammation of eyes and otorrhoea after vaccination), I IThuya ; leaving almond- shaped kernels of varying sizes, abundant about neck, Syph.; cedematous, IINatr. s.; red patches, Belb; tender on pressure, 11 Am.; red places here and there, exceedingly pain- ful, as if furuncles would form, I I Kalm.; of surroundings, after scratching (impetigo), ■Mere; scrofulous, covered with thick crusts, IPsor.; suppurative, in groin and armpit, IHep.; subcutaneous swelling, IKali in.; ninth day after vaccination (erysipelas), ICrotal.; covered with small, painful, white vesicles, IIRhus; with or without vesiculation (ery- sipelas, etc.), Kali m. Skin, injuries: quick tendencv to heal after bite Lyss.; sequel of burn, ICanth, burnsJICanth ' IPetrol.; burns, when integuments and subja- cent tissues are not destroyed and injury is confined to skin, lUrt. ur.; burns, when there are yellow, ichorous vesicles, burning itching threatening gangrene, HPlumb.; brown or blue spots, after concussion, IBadiag • cuts suppurate, IIHep.; small foreign bodies unl der, ISib; extravasation, black and blue 46. SKIN. 1179- (lacerated wounds), ICalend.; lacerations, ■ ICalend,IHyper.;circumscribed or diffused lesions, Hippoz.; lesions, surrounded by mil- iary, whitish rash, IRhus v.; loss of skin (mechanical), ICalend.; suppurate, IIHep.; least injury tends to ulceration,ISep.; wounds, •Tereb.; old wounds, inclined to reopen and suppurate, Bor. fi®° Chap. 45, Injuries. Skin, irritation: I IApis, Chim. umb, Cochl, ICup. ars, Natr. m.; in jaundice, Dolich.; on joints, ICaust.; during liver complaint, or pregnancy, Dolich.; psoriasis in relievo,llris; becoming reddened and cracked, particularly about bend of arms and knees, Kali are.; in scarlatina, IApis ; day and night, compelling her to scratch, a girl aet. 18, sallow complex- ion but cleanly appearance, HPsor.; pre- venting sleep, Chloral.; has to uncover arms, Ang.; as if washed in acrid water, Sumb. Skin, itching : Act, rac. All. sat. Aloes, Alum, lAmb, Anac, Anag,lAnthrac,Ant. t, HApis, Arn, Ars. iod, Ast, r, Astac, Aurant, Bar. c, Berb, Bor, Bov, Brach, Brom, Cact, ICale, ICale a, ICale p, Calc. s, Camph, Cann. i. Caps, Case, Carbo a, Carbo v, ICarbol. ac, ICaust, ICepa, Cham, HChel, Chim. m. Chloral,Chlor,ICic, Cinch, ICist,Clem, Coc- cul,Coccus,Coff,Coloe, Como, ICrotal,ICrott, Cub, Cup. ars, ICup. in, Cupr. s, ICycl, IDig, Diose, IDolich, I IDros, Euphor, IFerr. mur, IFluor. ac, IForm, IGamb, IGels, Glon, IGoss, IIGraph, Grat, IGua- raea, IHam, 11 Hydras, Hvdr.ac, IHydrocot, Hyper, Lact. ac, ILed, Lith, ILye, I IMagn. c, Mar. v, Merc, Merc. iod. flav, Morph. sul, Natr. m, INitr. ac, Nuph, I INux v, HOle- and, 01. jec, IOp, Oxal. ac, Paris, IPhos, Pix, Plant, I IPod, I ISep, ISil, I IStaph, Stram, IISul, Sumb, ITarant, Thuya, Ver, Vespa; in afternoon, Chrom. ae; more in cold or cool air, Tell.; on contact of cold air, when undressing disappearing in warmth of bed (eruption), IMere sub; as if she were alive beneath skin, IISul.; as if ants were crawling over part on genitals, after emissions (spermatorrhoea), I IPhos. ac ; diffi- cult falling asleep, ISul.; on awaking, ILed, IStram.; all over, most on back, vagina and labia, worse thinkingof it, Med.;in bed,ICale, IIKali m.; on going to bed, Lactae; parti- cularly in bed, I IPsor.; recurring every night in bed, HSub; worse in bed,from touch, Mez.; worse in bed and from warmth, IPsor.; as soon as he begins to get warm in bed, particu- larly on inner side of thighs and knees, Lyss.; biting, better by scratching, but continuing to burmThuva ; bleeding after scratching ^diar- rhoea), IMere e; burning, ICale IFuls.; burning on going into cold air, Lact ac; burning, like rapid crawling of insects, Dulc ; burning follows, HSub;. burning ^re and there, Rhus; burning,m intermittent, ME at, burningall night, and after scratch ing, Lachn.; change! to burning after scratching Goss; changes to burning when scratching, HSep, chanfes to burning stinging (pustular erup- H™^ IT nch • burning, with desire to scratch, Spong burning afte/s'cratching, Grat, burn- ing ffter scratching, worse evenings and n"?hts IGamb.; leaves burning on scratch- ing Benz. ac; burning, before sleep, Cale; after chilliness, IPetrol.; in chorea, HAgar.; at climaxis, Arg! nit.; after coitus, Agar.; dur- ing cold, Cadm. s.; following coldness on back and between shoulders (pulmonary affections), lAmm.m.; with constipation,llnd.;corrosive, Dig, Ver.; corrosive, provokes scratching, Vinca ; corrosive, provokes scratching, soon returns at the same or some other spot, Berb.; corrosive, by day, 11 Guaiae; cover- ed parts, Lact. ae; like crawling, Arg. met.; sets him almost crazy if he gets a little warmer than usual when at work (prurigo), IMere viv.; by day, no trace of morbid altera- tion (puritus senilis), IMez.; despair, I IPsor.; returns after desquamation of small scales occurs, IDolch.; in diabetes, I ISul. ac.; almost drives to distraction, in paroxysms, worse at night (pustular eruption), ILach.; of entire body, Arn.; epilepsy, HOp.; from eruption, ICop.; with eruption, ISul. ac; eruption in- visible, IBar. e; after suppressed eruption (amaurosis), lArs.; with vesicular eruption, Crot. t; with erysipelas, Crot. t; evening in bed, ICarbo a.; commencing in evening on arms, extends to whole body, Apis; evenings before going to bed,better afterwards, Amm.m.; in evening, in bed, after rubbing ulcers, Ang.; worse in evening and when he went to bed, Anac; disappears in evening, Cact; mostly in evening, Chrom. ae; evening, after going to bed, has to scratch, Calad.; especially even- ing when undressing, or at night in featherbed, or from warmth, ICoccub; toward evening so violent as to drive almost wild, IIKreo.; worse in evening, INuxv.; first on feet, every winter higher up, after seven years, on hips and ab- domen, IDolich.; as from flannel, especially on chest and between shoulders, IIHippoz.; as from fleabite, Arg. met, ICon, Inul, Myr. cer, INatr. c, Niccol, Ptel, IPuls, Tabae; like fleabites, disappearing suddenly or changing to burning and heat, 01. an.; as of fleabite, every evening, Cact.; pleasantly re- lieved by gentle friction, Gamb.; as though foreign matter would pass through skin,. I I Graph.; on hairy parts, skin inflames, small pustules size of a pin's head form, IKali bb; worse on hairy parts, burning after scratch- ing, IRhus; whenever touched by hands after handling, Anac. oe; extending to head, IINux v.; with headache, Mez.; with heat, ICornus, ISpong.; when getting heated in open air, Ign.; with hemorrhoidal flow, ICale; now here now there, Belb; now here now there, especially in evening, I IRan. sc; here and there, better from scratching, IMang.; lasting from twelve to fifteen hours, followed by paroxysm of ague, INatr. m.; hysteria, I ITherid.; with icterus, INux v.; with impa- tience, Osm.; impetigo figurata, IMere; with inflammation in parts denuded of epi- thelium, Cop.; intense and incessant, fugitive, worse towards night, sometimes confined to left side, Med.; with leucorrhoea (climaxis), IMurex; disappears as soon as she lies down and reappears immediately after rising, 11 Urt. ur.; after meals, ICale p.; during menses, IGraph, IKali e; in meningitis cerebro- spinalis, HTarant.; worse towards morning in bed (herpes circinatus), ICale; moist, after, Anthrok.; early in morning, after walking,Stram.; with nausea, Sang.; with nau- sea, has to scratch till he vomits, llpec; nettle- 1180 46. SKIN. rash, HUrt. ur.; has appearance of nettlerash, IIMerc; like undeveloped nettlerash, after eating meat (dyspepsia), IIRuta; as from nettles, Coccul.; at night, Anthrok,Cadm. s, IClem, Dolich, Euph, Gamb, IKali bi, Lachn, Lyss, IMere, Merc. iod. flav. Plant, Sil, HSub; at night, in heat of bed, now in one place, now in another, especially on nape of neck, I ISub; worse at night in bed, better by scratching, reappearing at once in another place, Cycb; atnight, on lower part of body, to feet, Lyss.; at night, in icterus, ISul; on lying down at night, Card, m.; in paroxysms, at night, Cornus; at night, pre- venting sleep, IPsor.; worse at night, in Rhus poisoning, HSub; worse at night and morning in bed, after waking,HSub; continual, worse at night, nothing visible before scratching which produces nodules and long welts, IGraph.; worse at night and from warmth, IGels.; leav- ing numb sensation, Cycl.; begins when pain ■ceases, and vice versa, Stront.; in paralyzed parts, IPhos.; changing place, as from lice, ICanth.; in phthisis, I ISamb.; now here,now there, has to pinch spot, Are. m.; prickling, IRumex ; prickling, with papular eruption, Tell.; like needlepricks, HApis; in prolapsus uteri, IIRhus; then small pustules form, worse on arms and legs, IKali bb; red, ICrot. t.; with scarlet redness, IBelb; on retiring {acute bronchial catarrh,) I ISub; when rubbed, small papules and vesicles arise, IPsor.; bet- ter by rubbing, 11 Dros.; from rubbing, Ver.v.; worse by rubbing, with pain in cranial bones, worse at night (pityriasis capitis), IMez.; in ^scabies, I Ars; had to scratch frequently, or rather rub, Lyss.; desire to scratch, Plat; with irresistible desire to scratch, particu- larly evenings, ICon.; sore when scratched, I Ant. e; scratches till it bleeds, Med.; after scratching. Nux. v.; scratching ag- gravates, Ars, Bar. c, ICaps, Cinnab, Con , IKali e, Lyss, IIRhus, Stront.; scratching relieves, Amm. c. Apis, Asaf, ICina, IIDros, Guaiae, IMagn. c, IRuta, ISars.; gentle scratching relieves, ICrot. t, Ign.; scratching relieves, there is a pinkish color, ISep.; scratching relieves, but soon appears in a place near the spot, Pallad.; scratching re- lieves, soon returns, Carbol. ae; scratching does not relieve, Arg. met, Bov, IHell, I I Ipec; scratching relieves, but causes volup- tuous feeling, Cadm. s.; spots bleed and bite rafter scratching, I ISub; after scratching, burn- ing blisters, lAmm.c; after scratching, sore burning (eczema), I Ars.; after scratching, burning, ulcerative pain, swelling and red- ness of parts, worse evening and night,Gainb.; ■on various parts, disappearing after scratch- ing, HSub; compels incessant scratching, no relief, worse at night, IDolich.; on scratching, agreeable sensation, Benz. ac, IMere sob; scratching whole body, sleepless, Lyss.; after scratching a raw sore, surrounded by blisters ■(neuralgic headache), IGels.; in sleep, ILye; prevents sleep, Anac, Chloral, Gels, IMere, IPsor.; preventing sleep, in neuralgic head- ache, IGels.; preventing sleep, in pruritus senilis, IMez.; first in soles of feet, then over whole body, evening to rnidnight,?rAur. met.; on small spots, Osm.; in spots, first one place, then another, worse being heated from over- exertion, IJugb; in small spots, in prostatitis and atony of sexual organs, I ISelen.; gradu- ally spreading, worse night in bed (after use of rosin plaster on epigastrium), I IMere sol.; followed by sticking, HSub; sticking in vari- ous parts of body, IDulc; stinging, IPsor, IRumex ; stitches, in various parts, Agar.; red streaks after scratching, HPhos.; after sweat, ILed, I IOp.; followed by sweat, Co- loe; with sweat, Rhod, ISpong.; as if sweat would break out, ISpong.; with sweat, in morning, Paris; caused by sweat at night, sm3llinglike urine, IColoe; worse by sweat, Mang.; worse by sweat, in scarlatina, IMere; of sweating parts, ICham.; with swelling, All. sat.; in syphilis, • Anag.; when touched, Cadm. s.; when undressing, Asim, Cact, I IDros, IRumex; when undressing, worse in sacral region, Hyper.; with urticaria, from gastric irritation, 11 Cop.; with extensive, pain- ful varix, Petrol.; as if" vermin were running about, HSub; white vesicles, after scratching, IHep.; voluptuous, ICalad.; voluptuous, better scratching, after which burning, or little vesicles, HSub; especially around waist, -Esc. h.; wakes him (prurigo), IMere viv.; on getting warm, Alum, Arg. nit, Bov, IDolich, Kob, ILye, IIMerc, IPsor.;on places affected years before, Calc. p.; with warmth over whole body, Codein.; worse from cold change in weather, IDulc fl®"prurigo, scratching. Skin, jerking : Coloe; under, ISee Skin, marbled appearance: fine capillary network, Caust, Oxal. ac. Plat.; with cold- ness at noon, IBelb fl®" mottled. Skin, moist (damp): Asaf. Ascl. s. Bar. c, I ICact, IChel, HCham, Codein, IICup. m. Hod, I ILachn, Lyss, IMere. cy, IOp, IPetrol, I IPhos, IRhus, Seneg, ISub; with bilious symptoms, INatr. s.; in inflammatory condition of brain, IStram.; burning, ICheb; cold, in neuralgia, ICoccion.; cold, in pelvic congestion, INux m.; in dysentery, IColoe; moderate exercise, 11 Amyb; with fever, ISamb.; greasy, IKreo.; hot, Ascl. t; inter- mittent, ICoccub; in pneumonia, IMere; in scarlatina, IMere; steaming, IMere; sticky, body icy cold, Lachn.; in typhoid, ICoccul, I IRhus ; in typhus, ITereb.; in warm room, forehead cold, ICist; moist, with preter- natural warmth, IPod. fl®" Chap. 40, Sweat. Skin, moles: brown, about size of a grain of wheat on back of neck, when touching it, complains of needles sticking in it, I ITarant; on young girls, IIPuls. Skin, motion: of surface, ICina. Skin,mottled: Kali br.; blue,especially on cover- ed parts.during shaking chill, INux v. ;in cyan- osis, ILach.; with livid patches, Chloral.; in cir- cular patches, Oxal. ac; with deep, red spots, Chloral.; in acute rheumatism, IChel. fl®° marbled. Skin, naevus: g®- Chap. 29, Bloodvessels, naevus, and Chap. 44, Tumors. Skin, nodosities: large, stinging, IIMagn. e; lumps became hard as horn, Aur. mur. nat ; red lumps, IILach.; thick, under, after rub- bing blotches, Aur. met. fl®" nodules Skin, nodules: knots, .Ethus.; reddish hard knots, from size of a pin's head to that of a pea, centre depressed, with a dark scurf sur- rounded by an inflamed base, after heat and 46. SKIN. 1181 itching when warm in bed, at night,IKali bi.; wartlike, red lumps all over, INatr. s. fl®" induration ; also Eruption nodular. Skin, numb: Amb, Euph, INux v.; after scratching, HSub; extensive painful varix, Petrol, fl®" crawling, formication. Skin, odor: cadaverous, Thuva; cadaverous, musty (phthisis), I ISib; fetid, Tell.; fetid, in incipient tuberculosis, HTuberc; offensive, ICarbol. ac, ICon, IHep.; offensive, moist (typhus), I Am.; offensive, despite frequent washing,IISul.; exhalations smell likeonions, ILye; peculiar, I ISyph, I ITubere; pungent, causing dulness and headache, followed by vomiting and trembling, Agnus ; rank, during menses, IStram.; sour, IHep, IMagn. e; like a fetid steam, I I Variol. fl®" Eruption fetid. Skin, oily: Bufo, IHydras.; greasy, IPsor.; greasy (consumption), I ITubere; in some places looks coarse as if bathed in oil, HPsor. Skin, pain: Con, IPetrol, ISib; acute, impet- igo figurata, IMere; as if it had been frozen, with chilliness of back and limbs, in morning, INux v.; for a long time after rubbing, as if denuded and sore, Sub; after scratching, Are. Skin, pale : Amyg, lAnanth, Benz. ac, ICale, ICarbo v,HCarbob ac,IChin. a,Cupr.s, IDig, Hell, llpec. Kali f, IKreo, IMere cor, IMere d,IOp, IPhos, Plat, IPlumb, IPod, I IPuls, I ISang, Spig, ISul, ISul. ac, IVer.; with a blue tinge, iHydr. ac; clay-colored, IPlumb.; cold, Chlorof, IVer.; in convulsions, IIAnt. e; chlorotic, IFerr, IHelon.; cold, clammy, IDiosc; in delirium, IHyos.; in diarrhcea,IBor, Ferr. s, Lyss, I ISul, I IVer.; in dropsy, IColch.; in ovarian dropsy, IApis ; in chronic dysentery, I INux v.; earthy, ISib; in scrofulous inflammation of eyes, IFerr. iod.; grayish, dry (liver affection with dropsy), IFluor. ac.; in sick headache, I I Tabae; after heat, I Amyb; chronic passive hemorrhage from kidneys, I ITereb.; icteric, I IHelon.; in inter- mittent fever. ICoccul, IFerr.; in neuralgia, IPlumb, I ISib; with flushes (rachitis),IIBell.; in pneumonia, ISub; in purpura, IIRhus; sallow, I Ars, IFerr, Fluor, ac, INatr. s, INitr. ac, INux v.;" sallow, in intermittent, INatr. m.; in scarlatina, IChin. a.; in scrofula, IFerr. iod.; morbidly sensitive, IIEup. pert; with sweat, IPuls.; unhealthy color, Chlor.; waxy, HAcet. ac, HApis, lArs, Cinch, IFerr, llpec, ILye vir, ISil. fl®" white. Skin, pricking: lAcon, Act. rac, 11 Agar, HApis, Asaf, Bar. c, Berb, Brom, ICepa, Codein, Coloe, Cop, ICroe, IDolich, I IDros, IHydrocot, IKali br, IILyc, Med, Natr. m, IINux v, IOp, Plant, IRhus, Sec, Thuya, lUrt. ur, Ver. v.; after chill,Nitr. ae; from eruption, ICop.; in evening, Chrom. ae; fine, like fleabites, Ign.; worse By friction, suc- ceeded by a red spot, Berb.; with heat, ICor- nus ; as if bitten by insects, Lye vir.; itching, Lobel. b; itching, with fever, ISpong.; causing him to jump, with feeling of fulness, mak- ing restless, Chen. v.; worse above knees, ankles and elbows, TrMagn. p.; oyer whole body (meningitis cerebrospinahs), I ITarant.; as from needles, I Aeon.; as with needles, in different places, I ICheb; all over, worse at night Merc. iod. flav.; worse at night in bed, better scratching, reappearing at once at an- other place, Cycb; with numbness, after pleas- urable, Cann. b; with inclination to scratch, Plat.; caused by scratching, Bar. e; in paral- ysis, IGels.; stitchlike, in evening, after get- ting warm in bed, ISul.; with moderate sweat, IIKalm.; sensation of warmth, spreads over body, ISang. Skin, purple : Chloral, IVer.; in cholera in- fantum, I Ars. b; cyanosis, ILach.; in fever, Curar.; yellow fever, IILach'.; dark, worse motion, IHydras.; after cuticle peels (ery- sipelas bullosum capitis suppressed by salve), IKali e; in scarlatina, IIMur. ac. fl®° blue ; also Chap. 29, Blood cyanosis. Skin, prurigo (pruritus): lAmb, lAnanth, Ang, lAnthrok, Ant. t, Calad, HCarbo v., I Carbobae, IChloral, Oomus,Crott,IGraph., Guarana, llgn, iJab, IIMerc, IPlat, ITa- bae; during apyrexia, lElat; in children, ISub; in children with sore, raw places on skin, IGraph,; chronic, HCale, ISpong.; ter- rible, as of insects creeping and crawling, ITarant.; contagious, army itch, IRumex; during pregnancy, ITabae; senilis, Ars, IBar. e, Calc. p. Con, Cop, Crot. t, IMez,ISub; senilis, during itching and burning, chilliness, feeling cold along spinal column and in ex- tremities,when itching is most intense there is a sensible diminution of temperature, IMez.; senilis, on parts scratched innumerable insu- lar white elevations on a red or reddish base, as in nettlerash, which when deeply scratched display in centre a drop of blood, size of pin- head and burn as if a bright coal layupon them, IMez.; with vesicles on an acrid base over all partsof body, face, eyelids, hands, feet, armpits, vulva, anus, ears, scalp, etc, ISep. fl®" itch- ing, pricking ; also Chaps. 20, 22, 23. Skin, quivering: Asaf; muscular atrophy, ICale; dizzy, ICale Skin, raw: fl®" excoriated. Skin, red: HAgar, Anthrac, HApis, Arn, Arum m,IBell, ICarbo a, ICepa, Chim. umb, Cinnab,Clem, Cochl,ICon,ICrot, IKali bi. Mane, IMere sol, INatr. m, 01. jec, I IOp, Sab ac, Vespa.; like birthmark, Arund.;. with small blisters, burning, filled with water, Rhus; bluish, Amyg.; bluish, with heat, IBelb; bluish, in scarlatina, IZinc; brightand hot, Ant.b; bright, in scarlatina, ISub; dark, in scarlatina, I IRhus; deep, IKreo.; with vesicu- lar eruption, Crot. t; erysipelatous, IHydro- cot.; like fleabites, Sal. ae; flush, Chloral.; flush over whole body, Cub.; flush, over body at 2 p.m., Rhus; with itching and burn- ing, ICrot. t; livid, Chin. s.; alternately red and pale, Belb; pale, upon which there are several red hot and painful spots (after neg- lected injury), Hod.; extending in radii, IBelb; rose-colored, CEnan.; rose-colored, with swelling of face, neck, arms and body, gen- erally in morning and during day and even- ing (headache),ILac def.; in scarlatina,! Apis; like scarlatina, IIAmm. c, IComo, IHyos.; like scarlatina, over entire body, IBelb; like scarlatina, worse when heated from overexer- tion, IJugb; scarlet, lAnanth, IIBell,ICroe; scarlet, with scorching heat, I ITarant.; scar- let, peculiar boiled-lobster bue of scarlatina, IStram.; scarlet, suddenly spread over body, especially face and limbs, IBelb; scarlet, with vesicles, ICrot. t; worse scratching, IIRhus; in smallpox, IHydras.; in spots, IKali iod.; in 1182 46. SKIN. typhoid, IIRhus ; universal, Belb; with small vesicles, I Merc, cor.; better by cold water, I Apis. Skin, relaxed: g®" flabby. Skin, rhagades: tJEsc. h. Alum, Amm. c, Arn, Ars. s. f, Aur. met, IBadiag, HCale, ICarbo a, Cham, Cycl, IIGraph, IHep, Hydras, IKali &., Lach, ILye, Magn. c, Mang, IMere, INatr. c, INatr. m, INitr.ac, Oleand, IPaeonia, HPetrol, I IPhos, Puis, IRhus, Sars, ISep, ISil, HSub. Zinc; chapped, if exposed to air, I Alum.; bleeding (atrophy of infants), HPetrol.; burning, ISars.; deep, IPetrol, ISars.; deep, bleeding, IINitr. ac;deep, bleeding, suppurating, HPe- trol.; deep.like cuts,basis raw and bloody,pain- ful, IMere; on parts covered with delicate skin, ISib; discharging sanious fluid (inflam- mation of foot), IComo.; on tips of fingers, Bar. e; irregular fissures,. about half inch long, one-eighth inch deep, looking like cuts, with edges closely in apposition, no discharge, on separating edges, a little dirty yellow- ish white slough was seen, looking like piece of tape, IGraph.; ichorous fluid, irritating surrounding parts, Cund.; atrophy of infants, I IPetrol.; sequela of itch, ICale; in bends of joints, brownish fluid oozes out and gets ul- cerous, Hippoz.; in eczema on legs, IPetrol.; lips dry and cracked, INatr. m.; lymph and blood oozing from broken places, ICon.; pain- ful, and bleeding, IMere; pain and burning, particularly on sides of fingers and toes, HSars.; psoriasis in relievo, llris ; sleepless- ness, Pix ; small fissures and cracks, 11 Merc. iod. rub.; spontaneous, IGraph.; on parts af- fected with tettery eruptions. ISil.; worse after washing, ISub; especially from working in water, ICale; particularly in winter,IPetrob Skin, rigidity : Apis, Are.; and muscles, I Aeon.; sensation of, 11 Kalm. Skin, rough: Anag, Bar. c, IIHep, Hod, INatr. c, INatr.m, IPetrol, IPlumb, Rhus, IISul.; if exposed to air, lAlum.; branlike coating, ICale: dead, Mez.; dry, ILith.; asa grater, harsh, dry, ILith.; harsh, HPetrol, ISub; harsh, in ascites, 11 Apoe; harsh, dis- posed to chafing, IGraph.; harsh, in cholera, I ISee; harsh,indropsy,afterscarlatina,!Apis ; harsh and dry, no sweat (diabetes), ILact ac; harsh, in chronic dysentery, I INux v.; harsh, with suppressed rash of measles or other eruptive disease, IKali s.; here and there, Mez.; irregular surface, ICarbo a.; as if full of small knots, Hyper.; in ophthalmia of chil- dren, lArs.; like brown paper (scarlatina), HPhyt.; covered with pimples, ILye; nasal polypus, Alum.; in psoriasis, IMere; rash (secondary svpbilis),ILith.; scaly,IIArs, Ars. s.f,ICale, INitr. ac,HPhos, IPlumb,I IPsor, HSub; scaly (chronic alcoholism), IPhos.; scurfy around eyes, IPetrol. fl®" scaly. Skin, scaly: fl®" rough, desquamation ; also Eruption scaly. Skin, scars : turn black, 11 Asaf; bleed, ILach.; black blood oozes from an old, HPhos.; be- come blue, Sul. ae; left by small boils on face, neck, scalp, chest and back, IIKali iod.; break open, IIAsaf, ICrotal, Hod, ILach.; break open, worse change of weather, ICarbo an.; burning, Ars,IGraph.; discolored,IBadi- ag.; drawing, I IPhyt; elevated, IBadiag.; old, hard, IIGraph.; hurt, ILach.; itch, Hod.; in- juries become sore again, ICaust.; old, red, reopen, ILach.; pain, ICarbo a, Lyss, INatr. m, Sul. ae; pain, in old, IHyper, INatr. m.; pain, on change of weather, INitr. ae; pim- ples break out on them, Hod.; pressure, IIKali c; redden, ILach, INatr. m.; red, from bite of dog, ILyss.; become blood red, Sul. ae; bluish red, Ant. c; old, become red around edges, covered or surrounded by itch- ing vesicles, or they itch violently, IFluor. ac; very red, Strain.; rending, I IKali c; stinging, ICarbo an.; tension, 11 Kali e; ulcerating, after amputation, ICale p.; left by pustulous erup tion, often umbilicated, IKali iod. Skin, scratching: aggravates, Plant.; causes bleeding, with sleeplessness, Pix; till it bleeds, IPsor.; causes small red spots to appear in a circle, Lyss. fl®" itching. Skin, sensitive : Act. rac. All. sat, Ars,Camph, IChlor, ICoff, ICup. ars , I ICup. m, IHyos, ILach, Sal. ac, ISib; painfully, on abdomen, ILye; especially to cold damp air, IINux m.; to draught of air, llgn, IINux v.; to open air, Plumb.; to atmospheric changes, Sang.;suffers from slightest atmospheric variations (chronic bronchitis), ISub; better by cold water,IApis; in children, Cham.; to cold, Dulc; to cold, in catarrhal fever, iHep.; to contact, IBelb; to contact of clothes, IMere sob; to contact of clothing, producing creepy sensation, Cup. ars.; with vesicular eruption,worse from sweat, Oxal ac.; to exposure (shock from injuries), INux m.; with fever, IIEup. pert; slight friction causes soreness and chafing, especially about neck or between thighs, I lOleand.; al- most painfully, even palms of hands,HCinch.; hemorrhoids, ISep.; hyperaesthesia, Apis; hyperaesthesia, especially of spine, ISee; im- pressionability (chronic bronchitis), ISub; painful, on motion, Arn ; in nervous and hys- terical women, ICodein.; painful to slightest touch, mostly on loins, INatr. m.; with redness and soreness, even from slight rubbing, Vinca; to rubbing, when washing, ICale; during shaving, as from chafing, Oxal. ae; as if sore, INuxv.;soretotouch,Badiag.;totouch,HApis, Cham, Chin, s, IILach, Spong.; to touch, especially on arms and eyelids, Plumb.; to touch, in catarrhal fever, IHep.; to touch, in neuralgia, ILach.; to touch, in urticaria,ICop.; painful to touch, Dig.; to slightest touch, 11 Apis ; soft touch, contact of shirt is unbear- able (zona), HPetrol. Skin, shining: IIBell, IKreo, Med.; in dropsy, HApis, IColch.; red, IChel. Skin, shooting: I IApis, Natr. m. Plat.; here and there all night, Euph. Skin, shrivelled: I Are, ICale, ICamph, I IChlor, I IHep, Phos. ac, 11 Plumb, IPhyt, ISars, Ver. v.; blue, as in collapse,in cholera hemorrhagica, IHam.; in acute catarrh, I Ant. t; in cholera, I ISee; in traumatic delirium, ILach.; in tertian intermittent, ILach.; in shock from injuries, ILach. Skin,shrunken : Sumb. ;indropsy,albuminuria, I Aur. mur.; in intermittent, I Ars. Skin, smarting: HApis, Berb, Cham, Chlor, Coff, Coloe, Hyper, Oxal. ae, INatr. m.; as frorn fire, Plumb.; when warm at night, Arg. nit.; with inclination to scratch, Plat.; on small spots, Ham.; sweat, Cham.; with sweat at night and morning, of offensive odor, ICon.; after sweating, I IOp. Skin, soft: I Are.; feels soft, in typhoid, I Coccul., i I 46. SKIN. 1183 Skin, sore feeling: I Arn, Ham, Ign, IMere, INatr. m, Oxal. ae, IPetrol, I ISep, Sul. ae; with disposition to excoriation, ISub; with in- clination to scratch, Plat. Skin, sticking: Coccus, IKreo.; after catching cold (purpura), I IRhus ; itching,as from flea- bites, in evening, IMere sob; as of needles all over body (urticaria), IDulc; itching, espe- cially when walking in open air,Sub; especially at night, Sib; when touching, Clem.; with extensive painful varix, Petrol. Skin, sticky : I LAnag.; as if pasted on, Agar. Skin, stiffness: ICrotal, Rhus.; ulcer onneck, Ast. r.; as if immovable, Ars. met. Skin, stinging: HApis, Coff, ICrotal,ICrot t, IIDros, Euphor, Jacea, IKali bi, Natr. m, Niccol, IINux y, IPhos, Plant, IRhus, Ta- rax, Tell.; keeping him awake, Amm. e; like from cantharides, leaves soreness and bruised sensation, Chlor.; ovarian dropsy, IApis ; with vesicular eruption, Crot. t; heat, IMere cor.; impetigo, IMere; feeling as if insect flitted over part and stung it, desire to slap the part, Chlor.; as of nettle, Chlor.; fine points (nettlerash), HUrt. ur.; little prick- ings in various parts of body, continue all afternoon and evening, forcing him to rub, come on like fleabites, worse in rest, Tell.; inclination to scratch, Plat.; after scratching, Cham, Nux v.; while sitting, wanders over whole body, Tell.; urticaria, I IChloral. fl®" pricking, stitches. Skin, stitches: Berb, Brom, Caps, Coccul.; itching burning, awakens at night, Berb.; electric, Agar.; fine, like thousand needle- points, at night, Cann. s.; fine, when sweat- ing, from warm covering, better uncovering, Cann. s.; impetigo figurata, IMere; on many places,Osm.; minute, Berb.; needlelike,Calad.; fine, needlelike, especially on throat during heat,Cinch.; here and there,all night,Euph.; protracted itching, as if caused by a fine needle here and there, must rub without being re- lieved, Spong.; single long, with soreness, INux v.; as from splinters in skin, Agar.; pre- vents sleep (softening of brain), IBufo. Skin, sunburn: pigmented where sun's rays impinged upon him (phthisical habit), I ITu- bere; tanned unduly in sun, I ITubere fl®" Chap. 39, Sun. Skin, suppurating : IIHep, ISil.; chronic, espe- cially about joints, Mang.; purulent infiltra- tion, especially forehead and eyelids and in vicinity of ioints,Hippoz.; from slight injuries, Bor. fl®* Chap. 44, Suppuration, Ulcere. Skin, sweat : Chap. 40, Sweat. Skin sycotic affections : I ITarax, IThuya. Skin' syphilitic affections: Ars, IHydrocot. Skin' swelling: ICon, Crotal, IMere sol, INatr m Stram, Vespa ; bluish black,ILach.; bloated, ICale. ICaps.; in chronic camp diar- rhoea ILyss.; bloated, in scarlatina, IApis; bloated with tension, after contusions, Samb.; burning wherever touched by hands, after handling, Anac. oe; cold, Coccul.; doughy, Anthrac • sudden dropsical, IIHelb; erysipe- latous Como.; erysipelatous, with red stripes, ■ \ni« • as from frost-bites, HAgar.; glandular, roccul • glistening (secondary syphilis), II Phvt' hard, Coccul.; hot, in eruptions, Belb; hot hard, shining, from insect sting, Am ; hot' red, shining, violent pains, IIAcon.; infil- tration, in intermittent, INatr. m.; serous infiltration, Plumb.; with erysipelatous in- flammation, Belb; inflammatory,caused a red or violet raised border, bluish or pale yellow ring around, vesicles size of a hempseed sur- round central eschar, 11 Anthrac; with itch- ing and burning, All. sat; like a knot, form- ing an irregular ulcer covered with a dry scab, painful to touch under skin, hard, movable knot, like a corn, with small ulcerated spot on middle, where it touches cuticle, hard, knotty feel remains after healed ulcer is covered with white skin (after an abrasion), IKali bb; on inner side of arms and legs (ecze- ma), IMere; painful, as if touched by nettles, worse in daytime (carbuncle on neck), cedem- atous), Anthrac, Apis, Arn.; cedematous, during desquamation (scarlatina), IApis ; dis- tended, as if cedematous (Rhus poisoning), I ISub; cedematous, with red stripes, IApis ; painful, 11 Natr. s.; pitting upon pressure, par- ticularly joints (anaemia), IFerr.; puffy, Asaf, Plumb.; in purpura, I IRhus ; red, inflamma- tory, Euphor.; dark red, with tension, after contusions, Samb.; pale red, as if puffed, I IApis ; after scratching, HSub; sensitive to touch, I IPhyt; smallpox, IHydras.; increased turgescence, Tabae; turgescence without sweat (pneumonia), Ran. b.; followed by vesicles, become pustular, Anac. oe; watery, IIKali c. fl®° hypertrophy, induration; also Chap. 44, Dropsy. Skin, tearing : Amb, Anag, Arg. nit. Bar. c. Bell, Berb, ICamph, Cann. s. Chloral, Co- loe, IKreo, INitr. ac, IPhos, Plant; better bathing in cold water, Ars. m.; as if benumb- ed, Berb.; with chilliness,IGraph.; in erysip- elas, Rhod.; erysipelatous, Ant. t; on various parts, evening in bed, Stront.; worse from motion, excitement, or using eyes, IParis ; as if head and face were covered by a cap, Berb.; as if tightly stretched over bones, Ars. m. g®" rigid, stiff, swelling. Skin, thickening: fl®" hypertrophy, indura- tion, swelling. Skin, tickling: Brom. Skin, tingling : IIAcon, Alum., ICroe, I INatr. s. Plat, IIRhus, Ver, Ver. v.; with erup- tions, ISub ae; here and there, like being frosted, IColch.; with fever heat, Mane; now here now there, especially in evening, 11 Ran. sc; worse on motion, IHydras; waking at night, Bar. e; in paralysis, IGels.; with incli- nation to scratch, Plat.; with tension in shoul- der blades, Jacea; in smallpox, IHydras.; in small spots, with irritation to scratch, spots remain humid, Selen.; subcutaneous, Paris; in affected parts, Dig. fl®" formication. Skin, torpid : Con, IDulc, IINatr. m, IPsor.; with chlorosis, inactive (diabetes), INatr. m, Sul. ac. fl®" dry. Skin, transparent: in ovarian dropsy, HApis; when not earthy, IFerr. Skin, tubercles: Ars, IILach.; ulceration of (syphilis), ICaust. fl®* Eruption, tubercles. Skin, tumors : fl®" Chap. 44, Tumors. Skin, twitching: here and there, Thuya. Skin, ulceration: ICale; of folds, ICarbo v.; hysterical patients, INux m.: readily ulcerates (rachitic atrophy of children), IStaph.; violent scratching,! ISub; sensation, 11 Kreo.; sensation of subcutanous, worse from contact, IHep.; 1184 47. STAGES OF LIFE AND CONSTITUTION. large sore surrounded by small pustules, I Hep.; with tertiary syphilis, Iod. Skin, ulcerative pain: IIPuls.; when touched, ICaust. Skin, unhealthy: ICale, Cham, Chlorof, IIHep, ILye, Petrol, HPsor, IITarax, ITa- rant.; feeling (chronic passive hemorrhage from kidneys), I ITereb.; general tendency to fester, IPetrol.; slow to heal, Bar. c, Chlorof, IPetrol.; will not heal, Mang, ISars.; slight injuries suppurate, Bor.; every injury suppu- rates, I IGraph.; in rachitis, atrophyof children, IStaph.; every little scratch has a tendency to fester, ISub; inclined to suppurate, ICham. Skin vermin : fl®* Eruption vermin. Skin, warts: fl®" Eruption warts. Skin, water: cold, causes burning, IDolich. fl®" Eruption water; also Chapter 39. Skin, welts: flesh in ridges, as if struck with a stick, ILye; with raw feeling, Petrol. Skin, white : IIArs, ICarbo v, Sumb.; in ovar- ian dropsy, HApis ; grayish (dropsy), IFluor. ae; in infantile derangement, IApis; in in- flammation of leg and foot, IComo.; milky, IIKali e; patch on arm amidst surrounding redness (scarlatina), IApis; parts which are usually red, Bor.; in scrofula, I Are.; almost transparent (ovarian dropsy), IApis; in ty- phoid, ICoccub; watery or milky, with pallid anaemia when disease is due to an original in- ertiaand phlegmatic state, INatr.c fl®" pale. Skin, wilted: fl®" flabby, wrinkled. Skin, withered : dry, shrivelled, shrunken, wrinkled. Skin, -wrinkled: Ars, ICon, IKreo, Spig, ISub; of affected parts, like hands of a woman who had been washing (syphilis), ILye; morbus Brightii, I IPhos. ae; wilted, in chil- dren with aphthae, IBor.; in cholera, I ISee; corrugated, Kali br.; corrugated, in cholera infantum, IKali br.; corrugated, with muco- purulent diarrhcea, IIKali br.; yellow fever, IVer.; in folds, ISars.; in folds, in pruritus senilis, IMez^injt suckling a. few weeks- old, Skin, _ Bufo., i Chloral, I IChlor ICornus, 'Crotal. IDig, IFerr, IGraph., Hell, IHep, Med, IIMerc, IMvr cer, INatr. m, IINitr. ac, IMix v, Oleand, HPlumb, ISil, Spig, Tabae; during apyrexia, I Elat; bilious attacks, IINux v.; bilious color, in gastric neurosis, NPhos.; brownish, Hod ; brownish, in jaundice,IPhos.; clav-colored (ulcer of os uteri), ICurar; in bil- iary colic, ICinch.; in cystitis, IHelb; dark, in jaundice, I Aur. met, IHydras.; diarrhoea, during dentition, lArs.; dirty, Hod.; dirty, in psoriasis, IMere; earthy, INatr.m ; in bilious fever, ICrotal, llpec; in yellow fever, I ILach, IMere; golden, Aloe ; grayish, IBufo.; green- ish, Ars. h.; greenish, in icterus, IHydras, ISub; gray, IBufo, HChel.; gray, in hepatic affections, intestinal catarrh, valvular disease, typhus, HChel.; with external heat, IMere cor.; in hepatitis, IMere; in intermittent, IDiad, 11 Elat; in jaundice, Absin, I Aur. mur. nat, ICham, HCinch, ICon, Cup. s, lEup. perf. Hod, ILept, IIMerc, Myr. cer, INitr. • ac, INuxv, HPlumb, IPod, I ISub; as in jaundice, IChion. v.; jaundice, biliary concre- tions, ISang; jaundiced, during pregnancy, IIAcon.; jaundiced, in remittent fever, ISub; with pain in liver, IPolyp.; jaundiced, in pneumonia, I Ant. t; in liver complaint^ IIAlum, IChel, IMere, INux v.; subacute inflammation of liver, IHydras.; menorrhagia, IPlumb.; mouldy, blotchy look, especially face and upper chest, I ILil. tig.;orange (icter- us neonatorum), lElat.; pale (haematemesis), I INatr. m.; with scrofula, ICale; in spots, all over, itching at night, Dolich.; tawny,I IPsor.; tawny, in ague suppressed by Cinchona, INatr. m.; particularly about temples, Caust; dark, walnut color (jaundice), Tabae fl®" Chap. 18, Liver jaundice. 47. STAGES OF LIFE AND CONSTITUTION. Age. Complexion. Constitution. Habit. Occupation. Size. Temperament. AGE, boys: epistaxis (hydrocele), Abrot; se- vere spontaneous epistaxis, Cop.; enuresis, a stout light haired boy, Arg. nit.; nocturnal enuresis, light complexion, ISep.; constantly pulling at genitals, IStram.; overgrown, weak chest, Hod.; pining, lifeless, low-spirited, lacking in go, bad memory,! Aur. met.; scrofu- lous, whooping cough after vaccination,IThu- ya ; complaints from tobacco, Arg. nit; con- stant dribbling of urine, ICaust, IRhus. fl®" puberty, youths. Age, children: IIAcon, H.Ethus, Agar, lAmb, lAng, I Ant. c, IIAnt. t, Arn, Are, Asaf, IlAur. met, IIBar c, IIBell, IIBor, IBry, HCale, ICale p, Camph, HCanth, ICaps, ICepa, HCham, Chel, Chloral, I ICie, I ICina, HCinch, Clem, I ICoccion, Coccul, ICoff, ICroe, Con, ICup. m, ICypr, Dig, IIDros, Euphor, Ferr, IGels, Graph, IIHelb, IIHyos, llgn. Hod, lllpec, 11 Ja- cea, I IKali br. Kali c, IKali m, I IKali ph, IIKreo, ILach, Laur, IILyc, Magn. c, Magn. p, HMar.v,HMerc,l IMillef.lMosch, Mur. ac, I INatr. c,INatr. m,INux m, INux v HOp, Plumb, IPod, IPsor, IIPuls, IIRheum, Rhus, Ruta, I ISabad, Sabina, Sec, Seneg, Sep, HSib, Spig, HSpong, I ISquilla, Stann, Staph, ISul, Sul.ac, Tereb, Thuva, J-?r-> y\oL; abdomen hard, hot, distended, ISib; abdomen large, HCale, HSil, IStaph.; 47. STAGES OF LIFE AND CONSTITUTION. 1185 extremely affectionate, manifested by kissing I and caressing.lPuls.; anaemic, dentition, I Coff.; j anaemic,, blue eyes and blonde hair, nosebleed, IPuls.; full-blooded, strong, well-fed (denti- tion, eclampsia), Art. v.; bottle-fed, maras- mus, abdomen swollen, liver large, colic after eating, stomach containing undigested food, I INatr.p.; cachectic (scarlatina miliaria),INitr. ae; want to be carried, Ant. c, HCham.; do not want to be carried, lie quiet, IBry.; ca- tarrh, with great nervous irritation, sleep- lessnessand spasms,Sumb.; chafing, fl®"0hap. J 46, Skin intertrigo; always chilly, refractory, clumsy, ICaps.; chubby (whooping cough), ISeneg.; take cold readily, HCale; take cold readily with change of weather, ISep.; colic fl®" Chap. 19 ; three months' colic, Illie; constitutional condition results in chest ca- tarrhs and asthmatic complaints, INatr. s.; constitutional disturbances with copious ex- cretion of urate of ammonia, IPuls.; convul- sions, fl®" Chap. 36 ; cross, ILye; crusta lac- tea, fl®" Chap. 4, Eruption ; cry for things which after getting they petulently push or throw away, worse in early moming,HStaph.; delicate, anaemic, ILye; delicate, scrofulous, especially if syphilitic, chronic recurrent phlyctenular inflammation, ISyph.; develop too rapidly or slowly (epistaxis), Croc; dwarf- ish, do not grow, IIBar. c; after exhausting diseases, ICarbo v.; red ears, ISub; earache fl®" Chap. 6 ; earache, especially boys, IZinc.; watch every one eating, ISub; emaciated, HCale p, Psor, ISub; emaciation, especially of legs, Abrot.; rapid emaciation (gastro- malacia), IKreo.; emaciation, fl®" Chap. 44; enuresis, fl®" Chap. 21, Urination involun- tary ; excitable, ICoff.; excitable, gastric irri- tability, INux v.; excitable, nervous, weak, HAmb, IIAnae ;delicateeyelashes (atrophy), IPhos.; sensation of falling, IIGels.; fear of falling, IIBor, Cupr.; fair and plump, ICale; fat, 11 Badiag.; fat, chubby, shortnecked, disposed to croupous inflammation, IIKali bi.; fat, flabby, HCale; fat, in whooping cough, I IBadiag; feeble,scrofulousdiathesis,frequent- ly troubled with diarrhoea from debility, 11 Nux m.; overfed (chronic diarrhoea), HSec; fever, IIAcon, Stram.; flabby, thin, HCale p.; lose flesh, will not stand, do not learn to wralk, ICale p.; softness of flesh, withdebility,IPod.; grow too fast, IPhos, HPhos. ae; growing pains, IGuaiac, IPhos. ac; large heads, HCale; large heads, open sutures, HCale p.; large heads, open sutures, much sweat about head, large bellies, HSib; cannot hold up ' head (brain affection, whooping cough), J ICup. m.; irritable, ILye; irritable, sensitive, sometimes wakeful,IGels.; jaundice, Chap. 18, Liver jaundice; excess of lactic acid, from overfeeding of milk or sugar, I INatr. p.; marasmus, fl®* Chap. 19 ; becomes disgusted with meat, IFerr.; nervous, ILye; nervous, during dentition,convulsion,Melib; newborn, fl®" Chap. 24, Infants ; old looking, IKreo, IINux v, IOp.; old looking, hard to awaken, Kreo.; look old, withered, dried up, lArg. nit.; pale, delicate, sickly, will not sleep day or night, but worry, fret and cry, or child is good, plays all day, is restless, troublesome, scream- ing all night, Psor.; pale, lean, with large ab- domen, love sugar and highly seasoned food, 75 abhor- to be washed, ISub; pale, scrofulous (tonsillitis), IChen. a.; pale, spasms during teething, IZinc; peevish, ICale p, I ICham.1; push everyone away angrily, ILye; peevish, changeable, pale and chilly," IPuls.; peevish, unhealthy looking, with a disagreeable odor, IPsor.; perspire easily (enuresis), IMere; pot- , bellied, colic and scald head, IPsor.; during dentition, IStaph.; psora, IHep, ISub; puny, rachitic, large abdomen (constipation), IMagn. m.; rachitic, IMagn. m.; rachitic, voracious appetite, 101. jee; rachitic bronchial affec- tions, ISib; rachitic, otitis with tenderness of head, IKali iod.; rachitic, crooked legs, HCale, HCale p.; restless, fl^Chap. 36, Restlessness children; school-children,head- aches from overuse of eyes (asthenopia), IPhos. ae; scrofulous, I Amm. c, I Ant. c, IIBar. c, IBell, HCale, ICale p, Camph, Cina,Curar, Dig, Jacea, IPhos. ac, ISil, ISub; scrofulous, ascarides and lumbrici, Spig.; scrofulous, large bellies, sweat about head, worm fever slow and chronic, ISib; scrofu- lous, caries of femur, IStront; scrofulous, outrageously cross, I Hep ; scrofulous, diar- rhoea, ISee; scrofulous and syphilitic, enure- sis, IKali iod.; scrofulous, cervical glands in- durated and swollen, HCon.; scrofulous, hydrocele, IIRhod.; scrofulous, subacute and chronic hydrocephalus where effusion has not progressed too far, ISub; scrofulous, in- durations, ICarbo a.; scrofulous, mesenteric disease, teeth ill and irregular formation in lower jaw, IPhos.; scrofulous, catarrhal oph- thalmia, IMere d.; scrofulous, spasms (hydro- cephalus), ISub; scrofulous, pale, inflamed, swollen tonsils, Chen, a.; self-willed, HCale; crying or screaming from undue sensitiveness, IKali ph.; shrunken, HCale p.; sickly, nerv- ous, yellow leucorrhoea, worse at night (in- herited syphilis), ISyph.; delicate skin (den- tition), ICaust.; will not sleep in the dark but soon fall asleep in lighted room, HStram.; snoring, IMez.; sour smelling, cry a great deal, IRheum ; sour, despite careful washing, Sul. ae; stammering, Bov.; get stiff (whoop- ing cough), ICup. m.; swallow everything, ISub; sycotic or syphilitic taint, rather thin than fat, prone to eruptions which on heal- ing leave purple spots (meningitis), IThuya; syphilitic (cancrum oris), I IPhos.ae; scrawny, scrofulous child, a few weeks after birth, impetigo, I llpec; thin, scrawny, with shriv- elled skin (cyanosis),See; thin, scrawny, with sweaty head and sweaty offensive smelling feet, diarrhoea, ISil.; cannot bear to be touched or looked at, IIAnt. e; tuberculous parentage, inordinate appetite for meat, IMagn. c; slow learning to walk, HCale, IINatr. in. Sib; slow in walking, meningeal tuberculosis, HCaust.; unable to walk, Mang.; dislike washing, Amm. c, IISul.; weak, Ferr. ph, ISub; weak, deli- cate, ICaust; weak, of a rambling disposition, IApis; weak, excitable, HCoff; weak, with well developed heads but puny, sickly bodies, ILye; weakness, muscular,ICale; weak, sicklg (chronic diarrhoea), IStaph.; withered, dried up, I Arg. nit; worm affections fl®" Chap. 20; unmanageable when sick, ILye; under seven years, rheumatic inflammatory condition, epi- demic during winter, IStram. 8®* Cbap. 10, Dentition, and Chap. 24, Infants. 1186 47. STAGES OF LIFE AND CONSTITUTION. Age, climacteric period: fl®" Chap. 24- Age, girls : IBar.c, IBell,IFerr,Filix,IILach.; acne faciei, IPuls.; weakness of bladder, IRhus; blonde, pale, gentle (pneumonia), Cheb; blonde, red-cheeked,scrofulous,l I Brom.; catarrh of pancreatic duct, IPuls.; chlor- otic, 11 Alet, 11 Ferr, IPhos.; chlorotic, phthisis florida, suppurative stage, IPuls.; delicate, growing, near puberty, ICale p ; mild dispo- sition when puberty is unduly delayed, or menstrual function is defectively or irregu- larly performed, IPuls.; dropsical condition, amenorrhoea, ISenecio; gastric affections, IBry.; headache of schoolgirls, HCale p., INatr. m, Phos. ae; schoolgirls, headache with diarrhoea, I ICale p.; nervous headache, at every menstrual period, IVer.; hysterical, Hyos.; hysterical, erotomania, HPlat; hys- terical, menstruating irregularly, pain in stomach, IIMillef; leprosy, IAgar.; leucor- rhoea, ICaulo.; leucorrhoea, preceded by head- ache and sleeplessness, ISenecio; menses delay, IINatr. m.; menses irregular, dysmen- orrhoea, I IMillef; moles or freckles, IIPuls.; nervous, HSeneeio ; nervous, whooping cough, Viol.; nosebleed, during menses, ISep.; onan- ists, warts, ISep.; palpitation, chronic, ILach.; phthisical, spasmodic cough (when Dros. failed), IMeph.; romantic, Coccul.; scrofulous, chlorosis with dropsy, ISenecio: sensitive, Coccul.; tall, thin, nervous, mild, impression- able, of fair complexion, tuberculous, Viol. Age, men: lAcon, Act. sp. Agar, I Alum, I Anac, I Ars, I Aur. met. Bar. c, IBry, ICanth, ICaps, Carbo a, Carbo v., ICaust, Cinch, Clem, Coff, IColoc, IDig, Euphor, IGraph, Hep, Ign, Kalm, ILach, ILye, Magn. m., IMere, Natr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ac, IINux v, IOp, HPhos, IIRhus, Sil, HStaph, Sul, IThuya, Ver, Zinc; corpulent, advanced in life, gout, IStaph.; addicted to drinking and sexual excesses, with disposition to gout and hemorrhoids, apoplexy, ISep.; debilitated, acute articular rheumatism with shifting pains, IStaph.; intellectual, large heads and prominent mastoid processes, deaf- ness due to congestion to ears after typhoid fever, I IPhos.; an intelligent, educated man, melancholia, I ILobel. c; a man of irate tem- per (diaphragmitis), HCact; irritable, pleth- oric, 40 to 50 years of age, infraorbital neural- gia, Coloe; literary, and others who suffer from periodical nervous headaches, I INiccol.; invalided, from tropical climates, disordered livers, IPhos.; rheumatic, exposed to weather and devoted to manual labor, fetid sweat of feet, IRhus ; sedentary, accustomed to great mental exertion (headache), INux v.; strong, much dosed with quinia, Arn.; studious, hy- pochondriasis, with abdominal complaints and constipation, IINux v. fl®" puberty ; also Chap. 22. Age, old people: lAmb, lAnae, lAur.met, IIBar. c, IBry, Cie, HCoca, IColch, ICon, IHydras, Hod, IIMar. v,Millef, INatr. in, HOp, Sabad, Sul. ac; women accustomed to taking alcohol (asthma), IBry.; insensibility, after apoplexy, IOp.; ascites complicated with liver and heart affections, IKali e; asthma, HAmb, Amm. c. Ant. c. Ant. t, IIArs, Aur. met, IBar. c, Camph, ICarbo v, Caust, Cinch,Lach., Mar. v. Op, Sub; man, asthma when attempting coitus, I Amb.; asthma, colds, HAmb.; asthma, with tickling cough, ICon • previously asthmatic, or suffered frorn chronic mucorrhcea, threatened paralysis of lungs at an early stage of pneumonia, IPhoB.; atheromatous condition, fi®*Chap 29 Blood- vessels atheromatous; atony. Millet; atony of bladder, lArs.; atrophic conditions. Kali p.; chronic belching, Alum.; disease of bladder, •Vlum.; women, irritation of neck of bladder and urethra, Cop.; blennorrhcea vesicae, ICar- bo v.; women, quantities of blood discharged at once, with constipation and hypochondri- asis (hemorrhage from rectum), I IPsor.; full- blooded, strong (bedsores), Arn.; disease caused by blow or fall, cancerous and scrofu- lous people, rigid fibre, ICon.; nonunion of fractured bones, I ICale p.; tendency to atro- phy of brain, I IPhos.; losing breath, HCoca; bronchial affections in cold weather,accumula- tionof mucus and much difficulty in raisingit, Ammoniac; bronchitis, lAmm.c, ICarbo v, IDros, I lEucab, Hippoz, IHydras, ILye, INuxv, ISeneg,IVer.; catarrh, Ictod,IKreo.; bronchial catarrh, with muco-purulent sputa, | Tereb.; chronic bronchial catarrh, with more or less profuse expectoration, also asthma of like character, especially when these always return or increase during the cold season and only abate on return of warm weather, I IPhelb; diseases with chilliness (men), I Aurant.; during cholera season, women (chol- erine), iEthus.; indolent circulation, I IAgar.; after climacteric period (hemorrhages),IMere; colic and diarrhoea, IIAloe; constipation, IOp, IPhyt.; alternate constipation and diar- rhoea, IPhos.; coryza, lAmm. c; dry cough, of a hard, racking, spasmodic character, worse at night, Sal. ac; fatiguing cough, IKreo, ISeneg.; violent winter cough, with spasmodic turns at night, and copious light-colored mu- cous sputa, IKreo.; must cough long time to expel phlegm, IIDulc; cramps in legs, ICup. ae; deafness, ICie; paralytic deafness, IPe- trol.; decrepit, Sec; depression, I Aur. met.; diarrhoea, lAnt c, IIGamb.; alternate diar- rhoea and constipation, IIAnt. e; diarrhoea, after cholera, ICoff; diarrhoea, chronic, men, Con.; diarrhoea, in morning, IIArs.; diar- rhoea, painful, ICarbo v.; diarrhoea, with great weakness, IINitr. ae; diarrhoea, in hot weather, IGamb.; dysuria, IBenz. ae; feeble digestive powers, Dios.; dropsies, paralyses, IIKali c; dysentery, Bapt.; dyspepsia, I Nux m.; dyspepsia, in those inclined to obesity or after great loss of vitality, IIKali c; cardiac dyspnoea, at night, lAur. met.; emaciated, mania-a-potu, HOp.; emphysema, llpec; enuresis, ISee; eruption, sero-pumlent, ICon ; erysipelas, Amm. c, ILach.; men, fear a long spell of sickness before dying, Cie; intermit- tent fever, IOp.; flabby, chronic incontinence of urine, from paralysis of sphincter vesicae, IThuya ; flatulence, IPhos.; flatulency in dys- pepsia, ICarbol. ae; fleshy, IKali c; fleshy, dyspectic,IAll.sat; gangrene, Crotal, Euphor.; gangrene, dry, HSec; gangrene, after bruise, ISul. ae; swelling of cervical glands, IIAstac; gouty complaints, IBar. c; gout and chronic rheumatism, with rigidity of muscles and ten- dons, 1101. jee; gouty, in ophthalmia, IINux v.; trembling of hand when writing, Sabad.; 47. STAGES OF LIFE AND CONSTITUTION. 1187 heart disease, gouty diathesis, Aspar.; incar- cerated hernia, constriction coming on gradu ally, ISul. ac.; slow protrusion with squeez- ing pain in hernial region, INux v.; hydro- thorax, ICrotal.; hydrothorax with oedema of feet, woman, I ICain.; hypochondriacal or Buffering from chronic diseases, especially catarrhs, Alum.; men, "old sinners," with impotence and gleet, 11 Agnus; acute inflam- matory conditions, IBry.; influenza, lEup. pert; profuse secretion of mucus in lungs, with loose rattling cough, HSeneg.; men, Hyos.; menorrhagia, with melancholy, IPlat.; metrorrhagia, IMere; man, brittle finger nails, lAmb.; nosebleed, IAgar, HSec, ISul. ae; obesity, Amm. c, IlAur. met, Fluor, ac, IIKali c. Op. Sec; paralysis, IKali c, HOp.; women, general paralysis of voluntary mus- cles, paralyzing first peripheral nerve and finally spinal cord, Con.; brown patches, I Aur. met.; petechiae, ICon.; phthisis, INatr. s.; pityriasis,Tereb.; plethoric, well nourished, painful cramp in calves or toes, worse at night, INux v.; especially venous plethora, blue cheeks, blue lips, debility, etc., ICarbo a.; pleurisy and pneumonia, protracted cases, INitr. ac; pleurisy, men, I ISep.; pneumonia, with catarrhal irritation, INux v.; pneumo- nia, notha, with sinking of forces, ICamph.; premature old age, in consequence of syphi- litic mercurial dyscrasia, IFluor. ae; prema- ture old age, from abuse of sexual powers, lAgnus; woman, prosopalgia, I IStaph.; en- larged prostate, Aloe, ICale, INuxv.; chronic prostatitis, IStaph.; rheumatism, IIArs,Eup. pur.; scrofulous, IBar. e; sedentary habits, catarrh of bladder, Tereb.; loss of sexual feel- ing in men, IILyc; sleeplessness, I Aeon, IIBar. e; staggers when rising from seat, ICale p.; hard stools, causing vertigo and headache, ICale p.; sweating, from opium, Mere; tendency to syncope, Crotal.; com- plaints in consequence of syphilitic-mercurial dyscrasia, IFluor. ae; bitter taste, with clean tongue, women, ICarbo v, INatr. m.; vari- cose ulcere, ISee; tickling and itching in urethra, with constant desire for urinating, worse in morning in bed, better sitting or standing, IPetroseb; difficulty in urinating in morning, men, Cornus; scanty urine, IIArs.; paralysis of sphincter, inability to retain urine, IIKali ph.; dribbling or spurting of urine, ICaust, ICepa; varicose veins, ICaust, IFluor. ae; vertigo, Bar. c, ICon, ISinap.; with atheromata or earthy deposits on the cerebral or cardiac arteries, Alum.; vertigo with costiveness, ICale p.; vertigo, worse rising from lying, turning or stooping, IRhus; vision weak, HAur. met.; weakness, men, Con, ICurar, INux m.; weakened from bleed- ing (apoplexy), IBar. c; suffering during cold weather, HAmmoniae; women, IGuaiac, Kreo, ILye Age, puberty: chlorosis, with longing for indi- gestible substances, Alum.; chlorosis, retarded, IFerr.; girls, lAur. met, IBell, IILach, IPuls.; unduly delayed in girls of mild dispo- sition, IPuls.; girls,melancholia, IHelb; girls, nervous palpitation,IPuls.; girls, tall slim, epis- taxis, IPhos.; schoolgirls,ICalc p.; precocious, chlorosis, anaemia, with excessive muscular debility, HPhos. fl®" boys, girls, youths. | Age, women: I Aeon, Act. rac, lAilant, Alum, I Amb, Amm. c, I Amm. m, Arund, I Asaf, IIBell, Bor.JCalc, I ICaust,HCaulo, ICham, Cie, ICinch, HCoccul, ICoff, HCon, ICroe, IIFerr, IGels, Graph,Helon, Hep , IHyos, [ llgn, Ipec, Kalm, IILach, 11 Lib tig, IILyc, Magn. c, IMagn. m, Merc, Millef, HMosch, j. Mur. ac, INatr. c, IINatr. m, Nitr. ac, IINux m, Nux v. Op, IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, Ruta, Sabad, ISabina, Sec, HSep, Spong, ISpig, Stann, Staph,Stram, Sil, Sul, Thuya, IVal, IVer, Zinc; tired, aching feeling and some burning in back and legs, IPic. ae; anaemic, Cycb, I IFerr, ILact. ae; anaemic, amenorrhcea, HSep.; anaemic, dry mouth and skin, aver- sion to coitus, INatr. m.; anaemic, broncho- pneumonia, IPuls.; aneurism of mesenteric artery, HSec; arthritic pains, Sabina ; atonic, nervous headache, with menstrual irregulari- ties, lUstil.; weakness of bladder, IRhus; blush easily, worse after wine (pulmon ary consumption), IFerr.; who have suffered from inflamed or broken breasts and various glandular swellings and abscesses, profuse thick, tenacious leucorrhcea from swollen na- bothian glands, IPhyt.; cachectic, Cinnam.; cachectic, painless flooding, ISee; cachectic, with rough skin, ISee; have not recovered from change of life, ILach.; post-climaxis, cough, Lactu. v.; long past climacteric period, passive uterine hemorrhage, IVinca ; choleric, freckles and red hair, IILach.; chronic ail- ments, Sabina; constipation, HSep.; short, ' dry cough, evening, ISep.; every fit of cough- ing causes passage of a few drops of urine, ICaust, INatr. m., IRumex; cramps, Coccul.; complexion dark, hysteria, IPhos. ac; deli- cate, IIFerr.; delicate, sensitive, nervous, faceache, ISep.; dwarfish, IIBar. e; dysuria, catarrhal, ISenecio; ennervated by indo- lence and luxury, better when attention is engaged, IHelon.; emphysematous, Ipec; ex- hausted from venous hemorrhage, ISee; dis- posed to faint (constipation), INuxm.; feeble from loss of blood, too profuse and frequent, IHelon.; feeble, painless flooding, ISee; ca- chectic, having a wan, anxious countenance, threatened abortion, ISee; feeble, with pro- lapsus or other displacements, IHelon.; feeble, delicate thin skin, amenorrhcea, HSep.; mus- cular fibre lax, Sec; fibre rigid, easily ex- cited, as well as those of the opposite tem- perament, ICon.; inclined to be fleshy, ICale, IPuls.; scanty menses I IKali br, IKali iod, IPuls.; florid, plethoric, sensitive, IGlon.; gouty, diarrhoea, Sabina ; full habit (dysmen- orrhoea), IBelb; haematuria, ICop.; hair dark, » thin, sanguine or bilious temperament, too frequent and profuse menstruation, sexual organs exceedingly sensitive, IPlat.; headache, lAct. rac; passive hemorrhages,Sec; hysteri- cal, IHyos, Mosch, IPlat, Stann, I Vab; hysterical, irritation of angina pectoris, Cro- tal.; hysterical, spasm of bladder, IPuls.; hys- terical, flatulent colic, IKali br, IPuls.; hys- terical, coryza, lAmm. e; hysterical, flatulent dyspepsia, INux m.; hysterical, nervous head- ache, at every menstrual period, IVer.; hys- terical, disposed to faint, feel chilly, catch cold easily, IINux in.; hysterical, periodic head- ache, HCoff t; hysterical, hemicrania, ISep.; hysterical, suffer during menses,subject to den- 1188 47. STAGES OF LIFE tal neuralgia, sleepy most of time, sleep does not rest, INux in.; hysteric pulsation all over body, IKali e; hysterical, morbid sensitive- ness of surface, ICodein.; hysterical, ulcera- tion of skin, INux in.; hysterical, spasms, IGels.; hysterical, spasms of chest, IStram.; hysterical, tea-drinkers, ISep.; hysterical, too much chamomile tea, Val.; hysterical, great tympanitis, with fainting, Mosch.; hysterical, vomiting of food after each meal, especially if subjected to exciting emotions, IKali br.; after chronic indigestion, enlargement and conges- tion of liver, IMagn. m.; acarus itch, after ab- use of sulphur, itching worse evening, ISep.; thin, scrawny, HSec; large, corpulent, of ven- ous constitution, subject to tettery eruptions, itching and emitting glutinous fluid, IGraph.; suppressed lochia, chlorosis, hysteria, Ant. t.; lymphatic, Cinnam.; cold, lymphatic, aver- sion to an embrace, Petrol.; lymphatic, feeble, cachectic, with lassitude and languid circula- tion, Cinnam.; lymphatic, clear, white skin, Ustil.; old maids, abdomen puffed big, pro- trudes here and there as from arm of a foetus, motions as if containing something alive, IThuya; old maids, hypochondriacal, Con.; old maids, metrorrhagia, blood clotted, after abuse of mercury, IMagn. m.; old maids, pal- Eitation, Bov.; old maids, sleep interrupted y beating through chest, IPuls ; married, neuralgia of bowels, IKalm.; especially if mar ried, urethritis (with vesical irritability), Cub.; menstrual disturbances, Arg. nit.; menses de- ficient, INatr. e; middle aged, uterine affec- tions, IKreo.; tendency to miscarry, Sabina; moth patches on forehead (headache), HSep.; nervous, Anac, HCoccul, IIGels, Hgn, IMosch, INux m, I ISenecio, Tereb, IVal.; nervous, hysteric cough, I Aur. met.; nervous, fainting, during menses, IILach.; nervous, irritable (prolapsus uteri), IBelb; nervous, laryngismus stridulus, IMosch.; nervous,san- guine, plethoric, red face, I Arn.; nervous, sensitive, Amyb; nervous, seasick, shut their eyes to get rid of the motion of the vessel, and grow deathly sick, Therid.; nervous, sen- sitive surface, ICodein.; nervous, profuse light colored urine, Xan.; nervous, vomiting dur- ing menses, Coccul.; noses red, IBor.; bridge of nose yellow streak across and under eyes (headache), HSep.; obesity (constipation, de- laying menses), IIGraph.; who have born children,rightsided ovaritis coming on sudden- ly from an imprudence in walking, getting wet or from sexual intercourse during or too soon after menses, or from excessive use of sewing machine, IPod.; strong, plethoric, menses painful and slight or even absent, with lum- bar or inguinalpains (intermittent), IPetrol * plethoric, menstrual colic, IVer. v.; plethoric, young, suffered for ye&rs from headaches, lAsar.; old and middle aged, polypi in ears and nose, IMar. v.; pot-bellied mothers, HSep.; prolapsus, from atony, enervated by indolence and luxury, better when attention is engaged hence when doctor comes, worn out with hard work, do not care for sleep, so tired, and strained muscles burn and ache so, IHelon.; of high rank (prosopalgia), ICoccub; relaxed, phlegmatic habits (prolapsus uteri), I Aloe; rheumatic, ICaulo.; rheumatic, with diarrhoea, Sabina ; rheumatic, membranous ! AND CONSTITUTION. dysmenorrhoea, IRhus; rheumatic, menor- rhagia, IRhus; sanguine, profuse and long- continued menses of bright red blood, IKali e; sciatica, pain worse moving, yet not better lying, worse rainy, stormy weather, IRan. b.; scrawny, ISee, HSep.; scrawny, feeble, dried up looking (prolapsus uteri), lArg. nit.; scro- fulous, leucorrhoea, HCale; sedentary, mus- cular burning pains in shoulder blades about lower margin, often over a small space, greatly worse by long-continued needlework or writ- ing, IRan. b.; sensitive, easily excited,Illgn.; sensitive, extremely severe after-pains, lOp.; slim, disposed to stoop, 11 Phos.; spare habit, delicate, nervous temperament, dysmenor- rhoea, HXan.; spasmodic and hysterical com plaints complicated with uterine diseases, IIMagn. m.; sterile, uterine troubles, ICale; stout, sedentary, readily catch cold, lAmm. e; strong, plethoric (ague), Petrol.; thin, Plat ; thin, scrawny, with prolapsus uteri, leucor- rhcea, etc, ISee; thin, ill-conditioned, fre- quent and prolonged forcing pain during, preg- nancy, I ISee; awake with a dry tongue (leu- corrhcea), INux m.; toothache, ICham.; have lived long in tropical climates, painless flood- ing, ISee; uterine irritation, prolapsus and its attendant nervousness, with sleeplessness, ISe- necio ; weakly, chest affections, great nervous and paralytic weakness, with suppressed or very painful menstruation, Coccul.; young, with irritable fibre, extreme delicacy and sponginess of organic tissue, hysterical!Phos. ac; young, with menstrual troubles, espe- cially deficiency, eruption on face, I ISang.; young, nosebleed, I Aeon, HSec.; fl®" Chaps. 23 and 24. Age, young people: I Aeon, ICale,, IIGels.; anaemic, I Absinth, lArs, IIFerr, IPhos.; anaemic, scrofulous, IIArs.; asthma, from a general, bronchial catarrh, afterwards with every change of weather, INatr. s.; blonde hair, blue eyes, delicate skin, slender stature, with cachectic cough, diarrhoea, frequent, ex- hausting sweats, great debility, with orgasm of blood, HPhos.; cancer, IIKali ph.; cata- ract, with headache, vertigo, and roaring in ears, See; digestion feeble,Diosc; fever, vio- lent pains in joints, congestions, swelling of limbs, ISib;growing pains,IPhos. ae; growing too fast (chorea), I IHippoz.; grow too fast, diarrhcea from acids,IPhos ac; grow too fast, inclined to stoop, HPhos.; overgrown, bron- chitic, subacute attacks, IPhos.; have not gotten their growth, with rheumatic symp- toms inchest, and sleeplessness, IKali iod.; full habit, pneumonia, IBell ; obesity, I Ant. e, HCale.; look very old, Fluor, ae; from abuse of sexual powers, melancholy, apathy, mental distraction, self-contempt, general debility, frequent loss of spermatic fluid, lAgnus ; old, prematurely, in consequence of syphilitic-mercurial dyscrasia, IFluor ac phthisical (haemoptysis), IPhos.; phthisis florida, lEerr. ph, I INatr. p.; plethoric, I Aeon, HStram.; articular rheumatism, when first at- tack makes itsappearanceJColch.; scrofulous, Carbo a.; scrofulous (mumps), IIMerc- acute catarrh of stomach, ISep.; strong, sparks be- fore eyes (neuralgic and rheumatic head- aches), IIMagn. p.; sanguine or nervo-san- guine temperament, also people who are 47. STAGES OF LIFE AND CONSTITUTION. 1189 habitually cold and deficient in vital reaction, gay disposition, fitful mood, Ver.; tremors from emotional or physical causes (mvelitis), ICalab.; varicose veins, IFerr. ph, IHam. Age, youths: fast growing, cough, haemoptvsis, typhoid fever, with diarrhoea and rumbling m bowels, IPhos. ae; overgrown, with weak chest, Iod.; lymphatic, chronic bronchial ca- tarrhs, with more or less profuse expectora- tion, also asthma of like character, especially when these always return or increase during the cold season, and only abate on return of warm weather, I IPhelb fl®" boys, young people. COMPLEXION (including color of eyes and hair), dark (brunette) : IBry, HCaust.Coff, Illgn, Kreo, Lac c, IINitr. ac; olive brown, disposed to constipation, sad, gloomy, taci- turn, Aur. met; excitable, Alumina; with rigid fibre, lAcon, lAnae, Arn, lArs, IBry, Kalm, Natr. m, INitr.ac, IINux v, IPlat, Puis, ISep, Staph, Sub; ophthalmia, IApis ; slight, lean, Kreo.; swarthy, ICinch, IINitr. ac; yellow, spare habit (icterus calculosus), ICale; from eight patients, seven were spare and dark, the eighth blonde, Lac c. Complexion, eyes: black, HCaust, IMur. ac, IINitr. ae; blue, IBrom, HCale, Caps, ILo- bel. i, IIPuls.; dark, lAcon, Aur. met, IGuaiac, lllod, IILach.; dark, baby, epis- taxis, 11 Lact. ac.; dark, disposed to sluggish- ness and indolence, ILach.; dark, sycosis, Sars.; gray, Med.; lashes delicate, HPhos. Complexion, fair (blonde,light) : IApis, IBrom, IIBry, HCale, IHep, ILobel. i, HPetrol, I IPhos, Sabad, ISil, HSpong.; with lax fibre, IBell, IIBrom, HCale, ICaps,ICham, Clem, Coccul, Con, Dig, IIGraph, Hyos, IKali bi, Lach, Lye, Merc, IRhus, Sil,' IISul.; grows too rapidly (tuberculosis),ICale; sandy hair, sanguine (whooping cough), 11 Am.; lymphatic ascites, ophthalmia, IApis ; thin, white, delicate skin, light hair and eyebrows (croup, diphtheria), IBrom.; skin fine, ISib; spare and thin (chronic diarrhoea), IApis; graceful-women (metritis), IPhos. 8®" pale. Complexion, florid: I Aeon, IChin. s.; blotchy, red, thick skin, Kali bi. Complexion, freckled: ILach. 8®" Chap. 46, Skin freckles. Complexion, pale : ICale, Kali ph, Spig.; deli- cate, Led.; livid, Kreo.; livid, disposition sad, irritable, Kreo.; flabby, scrofulous (inflamma- tion), IMered.; nervous affections, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, with deficiency of animal heat, 101. jee; scrofulosis, diseases of joints, 101. jec; sensitive, irritable, Kali ph.; sickly, ILach.; very white, light hair, and more or less tendency to scrofula, post-scarlatinal dropsv, Dig. ' 8®° *air- Complexion, hair : black, Aur. met, HCaust, IINitr ac;black,dark com plexion,tendency to constipation, IBry ; black, dark complexion, blue eves rheumatism,ICale; black, children, enuresis nocturna, HCaust.; blonde, HCale, Coloe Cycl, HPhos ; blonde, asthma, IPhos.; blonde deafness due to congestion to ears, after typhoid fever, I IPhos.; blonde, blue-' eved girl (earache), IBar.m.; blonde, red- cheeked scrofulous girls, IIBrom.; blonde, hemorrhages. IMere ; blonde, irritable, weak- ly, Camph.; blonde, leuco-phlegmatic, chlo- rotic, disinclination for any kind of labor, easily fatigued, special senses enfeebled or with functions suspended, Cycb; blonde, pale face, low spirits, I Graph.; blonde, mild tem- perament, gonorrhoea, IIPuls.; dark, lAcon, Dulc, Ferr, IGuaiac, Illgn, lllod, IIKali c, Mur. ac, IINux v., HSep.; dark, baby, epistaxis, every morning, HLact. ac; dark, firm, fleshy fibre, I IBry.; dark, lax fibre, in- clined to obesity, IIKali e; dark, rigid fibre, Arn, HCaust; dark, rigid fibre, mild and easy disposition, HSep.; dark, hysteria during change of life, HPhos. ac; dark, skin deli- cate, sensitive to cold, liable to eruptions from being exposed to cold, Dulc; dark, women, Plat; light,Agar, Bor, Brom, Caps, Clem, Coccul, Con, ICup. m. Dig, IHep, Hyos, IIKali bi, ILobel. i, Merc, Mez, IOp,, HPetrol, Sabad, HSpong, Spig, Sul. ac; light, asthma, I Aur. met; light brown, nerv- ous, excitable temperament, HCham.; light, debilitated, pale, thin, bloated persons, com- plaining of weakness, Spig.; light, lax fibre, HSpong.; light, skin and muscles lax, Agar, Bor, Merc; light, inclined to be fleshy, ILobel. i.; ligbt, lax muscles and want of bodily irritability, the well-chosen remedy makes no impression, IOp.; light, with a weakened, relaxed muscular system, Sabad.; light (scrofula), IlAur. met.; sandy, 11 Arn, HPhos, IIPuls, IIRhus; sandy, blue eyes, pale face, inclined to grief and submissive- ness, IIPuls.; sandy, freckles, women, ILach.; soft, HPhos.; soft, atrophy of children, IPhos.; soft, straight, more often than crisp and curly, INux m. Complexion, sallow : Fluor, ae; bilious, IHep.; cold extremities, ILye; jaundice, IPod.; pale, lupus, recent cases, shallow ulceration, IILyc; dirty, yellow, greasy skin, with a partially developed eruption on forehead and chest, with constant fretting and worrying, cases which do not respond promptly to the indi- cated remedy, IPsor. 8®° dark, pale. CONSTITUTION (diathesis), anaemic: ■Are., ICale, HCale p, Cycl, IIFerr, ILach, IINatr. m, IPhos, ISil, Spig, ISul, Ver.; debilitated, rheumatic, scrofulous children, afflicted with ascarides and lumbrici, ISpig.; faceache, ICinch.; after loss of fluids or vital- ity, HCinch, IIKali e; headache, with con- gestion, indurated glands, Ferr. iod.; laryn- geal catarrh, IMang.; nervous affections, neu- ralgia, sciatica, lumbago, with deficiency of animal heat, 101. jee; palpitation, IFerr, IVer. fl®" Chap. 29, Blood anaemia, chlo- rosis, leucaemia. Constitution, asthmatic: lAmb, lArg. nit, I Ars, Asaf, I Aur. met, IColch, ; Eucab, Illie, llpec , IKali c, IKali iod. Kali n, IMosch, Natr. s, Phos, IPuls, ISub; affected by odor of blossoms, Ailant. 8®* Chap. 26, Asthma constitution. Constitution, bilious: 8®° Temperament bil- ious. Constitution, cachexia (in general): IIArs, Badiag, Caps, Chim. umb, Clem, I ICoccus, Cund, IForm, Hod, IKali bi, Natr. m, IINitr. ac, Seneg.; Africana, Caps.; bronchitis, subacute attacks, IPhos.; bronchial catarrh of old people, iHydras.; cinchona, IFerr.; 1190 47. STAGES OF LIFE AND CONSTITUTION. condylomata, of long standing, IKali iod.; catarrhal, or nerve deafness, ISyph.; chronic disease, deep-seated progressive, 11 Lye; with cough, IINitr. ae; debility and emaciation, lllod.; deep-seated,child weak and exhausted, with no other symptoms, ISul. ae; dry habit, INux v.; dysentery, or gout, IColch.; long- lasting cases of intermittent fever when liver is involved and blood is anaemic, IINitr. ae; disturbance of gastric and hepatic functions, Hydras.; glands enlarged and tender,IKali m.; helminthiasis, Cina ; low state, Hod.; mercu- rial, IlAur. met, Ferr. iod. Hod, IKali m.; nosebleed, ISul. ac; from faulty nutrition and assimilation, IFerr.; with oedema, 101. jee; nervous palpitation, INatr. m.; phos- phatic, HCale p.; purpura, rheumatism,Sec.; quinine, I lEucab, Natr. m, Phos.; salt-eaters seldom have male issue (Old Book), IPhos.; 'with stomach and liver troubles, Hydras.; loss of strength, Arg. nit.; caused by a suppression of habitual secretions, and excretions, IGraph.; syphilitic eruption, pustular, or squamous, IKali iod.; weakened by loss of blood, HChin. s.; vomiting, ISub ae; ordinary wounds and ulcers tend to take on a bad appearance, ICund.; Remains long impressed by slight mechanical injuries, lArn. Constitution, cancerous: HCon, IHydras, IIMez, HSep.; ulcer of os uteri, ICurar. Constitution, carbo-nitrogenoid: Aur. met, Aur. mur. nat. Cup. ac. Cup. m. Constitution, catarrhal: IIHep, IIKali bi, IINatr. m, ISep, ISul. 8®* Chap. 7, Nose catarrh ; also Chap. 25, Air passages catarrh. Constitution, dwarfish: cretinism, ILapis; mentally and physically, Bar c Constitution, dyspeptic: Diad, INux v.; old or young, flatulence after meals, in stomach or bowels, but unattended with any hepatic derangement or irregularity of bowels, these persons, from excess in eating, or from fasting or from some error in diet, as eating old uncooked fruit, pastry, etc, especially if they are great tea-drinkers, may be suddenly seized with violent colic, Diose fl®* Chap. 17, Stomach dyspepsia. Constitution, fibre: lax, Agar, Bor, ICale, ICaps, Cinnam, Hep, IIKali c, IIMagn. c, IOp, Sabad, ISil. ISpong.; lax, abortion, lUstil.; lax, in blonde persons, Bell, IBrom, ICale, ICaps, Cham, Clem., Con, Coccul, Dig, IGraph, Hyos, IKali bi, Lach, ILye, IMere, Rhus, Sil, ISub; lax, flooding, with fainting, ITrilb; lax, light-haired children, Thuya ; lax, hemorrhages, IMere; lax,hepat- itis, IMere; lax, too frequent and copious menses, IThlaspi; lax, indolent enlargement of tonsils, IKali bb; lax, women, See; rigid, IIAcon, Coff. t, IINitr. ae, IINux v, HSep.; rigid, cancerous and scrofulous people, Con.; rigid, in dark persons, Aeon, Anac, Arn, Ars, IBry, ICaust, Kalm, Natr. m, INitr. ac, INux v, IPlat, ISep, Staph, Sul. fl®" lymphatic. Constitution, gouty : IApis, Aspar, HBenz.ac, ICale, ICale p, ICaps, ICarb. s, ICham, IColch, Crotal, IGuaiac, HLed, I ILith, IILyc, IMagn. c, IMenyanth, Sabina, lUrt ur.; chronic bronchitis, ISub; paralytic deaf- ness, IPetrol.; drunkards, IINux v.; intermit- tent headache pains semi-lateral, tearing, drawing, crampy, IColoe; protracted uterine hemorrhage, ISabina; flatulent indigestion, IILve; iritis, IIRhus ; hard lumps oil neck, extend to left side, I ISib; neuralgia IColoe; ophthalmia, after catching cold, Belb; renal colic, Pareira; serous effusion in chest in ar- thritic pleurisy, IColch.; mercurial ulcers IILyc; uric acid diathesis, HColch, 11 Lith, IILyc; glycosuria, IPhos.; fetid urine, IBenz. ac • fetid urine viscous, Form.; vesical irrita- bility, IColch. fl®* Chap. :-!4, Joints gout Constitution, hemorrhagic (bleeders): I IChlo- ral, ICrotal, Diad, IIFerr, IHam, IILach, HPhos, Tereb.; apoplexy, ICrotal.; atonic, I IMillef; from fluidity and dissolution of red blood corpuscles, Amm. c; hemorrhoids, Crotal, INux v, ISub; ovaritis, Crotal.; nervo- sanguine temperament, IHam.; slight wounds bleed much, HPhos.; slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks, discharge of sanious li- quid, tendency to putrescence, tingling in limbs and great debility, weakness is not caused by previous loss of fluids, ISee fl®" Chap. 29, Blood hemorrhage. Constitution, hemorrhoidal: I^Ese h, HCale, ICaps, ICaust, Crotal, IGraph, IHam, IMur. ac. Plat.; constipation, liEsc. h, IHy-; dras, INatr. m, INitr. ac, IINux v, ISub; deafness, I ISib; haemoptysis, IIMillef. fl®" Chap. 20, Hemorrhoids. Constitution, herpetic: Bov, ICale, IIGraph, ILye; chronic bronchitis, ISub; with tumors, ISil. fl®" Chap. 46, Eruption, herpes. Constitution, hydrogenoid : Ant. c. Ant. t, Arn, Ars, Caust, IDiad, IDulc, IINatr.s, Nitr. ac, IRhus, I IThuya ; attacks at regular hours, Diad.; feels every change from dry to wet, cannot tolerate sea air, nor eat plants that thrive near the water, feels best on a dry day, a constitution in which the gonor- rhoeal poison is most pernicious, IINatr. s. fl®" Chap. 39, Weather wet aggravation. Constitution, lymphatic (flabby, relaxed, tor- pid) : Amm. c, IApis, Arn, Ars, Ast. r, Aur. mur, Bapt, IBar. c, IBar. m, IIBell, HCale, Calc. a, ICann. i, ICarbo v, ICinch, IDulc, IIFerr, IIGraph, IHep, Kalm, ILye, IMere, Murex, INatr. m, Nitr. ac, IPetrol, Phos, IPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISil, ISul, Thuya ; agalactia, Agnus; prophylac- tic in apoplexy, IMere; bronchitis, ICaust; tendency to mucous and serous exudations, Seneg.; flabby, I Ast. r; liable to glandular swellings, Belb; light hair and complexion, slow to act, muscles soft and flabby, IHep.; weak and defective reaction, Phell; scroful- ous and tuberculous, (after Con.), Calc. a.- light skin, blue eyes, feeble (ascites), IApis ; venous, disposed to hemorrhoids, constipation or morning diarrhoea, scrofulous diseases seem to get almost well when they return diseases caused especially by suppressed eruptions, peevishness, sudden and frequent flushes of heat all over body, followed by perspiration, hot palms, soles and vertex- faintness in epigastrium, at 10 or 11 am.' ISub 8®* Temperament lymphatic. Constitution, phthisical: 8® tuberculous Constitution, plethoric: IIAcon, lAur met IIBell, ICact, ICale, IGlon, INux v ' IOp ' Ruta, Sec, Seneg, IVer. v.; apoplectic, sub- ject to paralysis, Con.; constipation, IOp- 47. STAGES OF LIFE AND CONSTITUTION. 1191 ebullitions, fl®" Chap. 29, Blood ebullition; phlegmonous inflammations, IBelb; nervous persons, spasms, IIKali br.; robust, INux v, Ruta; seemingly plethoric, IIFerr, IGlon.; strong, sedentary,Con, INuxv.; adults, head- aches with congestion, giddiness, flushed face and constipation, INux v.; veta, ICoca ; vigor- ous, gout, HColch. Constitution, psoric : lArs. i, ICale, IGraph, IHep, I IKreo, I IPsor, HSub; chronic diar- rhoea, IMez.; impetigo, especially after abuse of mercury, IClem.; patient emits a disagree- able odor, IPsor.; remedies fail to impress, lack of reaction after disease, HPsor. fl®" Chap. 46, Eruptions. Constitution, rachitic : ICale, HCale p,IRhus, ISil. fl®" Chap. 44, Bones rachitis. Constitution, relaxed: 8®° fibre. Constitution, rheumatic : I Aeon., 11 Act. rac, ■Act. spic, IBadiag, IBenz. ac, ICale, HCaust, HCham, HColch, ICrotal., IForm, IGuaiac, ILact. ae, HLed, IILyc, IKali iod, IKali m, IKalm, IMed, IPhyt, IRhod, IIRhus, Sabina, ISal. ac, Spig, ISul, Tereb.; abuse of alcohol, HLed.; angina pectoris, I IPhyt.; progressive locomotor ataxia, Nux m.; chronic bronchitis, ISub; caries, with tetter, IRhus; intermittent headache, semi- lateral, tearing, drawing, crampy, IColoe; neuralgia, IColoe; periosteal and fibrous tissues affected, Phyt.; prosopalgia, IPhyt.; renal colic, Pareira ; serous effusion in chest with arthritic pleurisy, IColch.; sclerotitis, IKalm.; night sweats, tearing, lancinating, sensation of cold in affected parts worse at < night (neuralgia), IMere; syphilitic or gon- orrhoeal patients, Benz. ac.; especially in syph- ilitic and mercurial patients, IGuaiac; ardor urinae, ISabina; women, IPhyt. fl®" Chap. 34, Joints and Limbs rheumatism. Constitution, scorbutic: ICarbo v, Diad, IKali m, IMere, INatr. m, INitr. ac, ISul. ae; caries of teeth, IPhos. ae; granular vege- tations in vagina, IStaph. 8®" cachexia mercurial; also Chap. 10, Gums scorbutic. Constitution, scrofulous (strumous): -Agar, lAlum, Alumina, 11 Antt, lAnthrok, IApis, IIArs, 11 Are. iod, -Arumm, I Asaf, lAscl. t, IlAur. met, Aur. mur, I Aur. mur. nat, HBadiag, IBar. c, IIBar. m, IBell, IBrom, Bufo, HCale, Calc a, ICale p, -Calend, Caps., Caust, IChim.umb, HCist, ICoca, HCon, Coral, ICornus, Cund, IDulc, Ferr, IFerr. iod, Ferr. mur, IFerr. ph, Ferr. s, IGraph, IIHep, \Hippoz, IHydras, lllod. Iris, IIKali bi, IKali c, IKali iod, IKreo, ILac c, ILach, ILapis, ILith, IILyc, Magn. c, IIMerc, IMez, INatr.c, INatr.m,I INatr. p, IINitr. ae, Nux m, INux v, IPhyt, IRhus, Rumex, ISars, ISep, HSil, ISpong, IStaph, IStilling, IISul, ITherid, IThuya ; sensitiveness to cold air, Cist, IHep, IMere; albuminuria, Calc. a.; chronic bronchitis, ISub; soft chancre, INitr. ae; suffocating cough, Con.; debilitated, IHep ; difficult den- tition, HSib; unhealthy, offensive discharge (ciliary blepharitis), IPsor.; dysmenorrhoea, ISenecio ; emaciation, lllod.; excoriation in throat and nose, Mez.; eye troubles, ICon.; pale face, rather fair complexion and disposi- tion to corpulence, ICale; enlarged glands, HBadiag, IBar. c, IBar.m., Bell, IBrom, HCarbo y, HCon, Dig, IGraph, IMere, Therid.; light-haired, sanguine temperament, ruddy complexion, lAur. met.; herpes on face, with dry, croupy cough, ISpong.; hydro- cele,. HSib; hypopion, I ISeneg.; diseases of joints, ICaust, Kali c, 101. jee, ISib, HSub; lymphatic oedema, blonde hair, pale face, low spirits, IGraph.; nervous, restless, easily startled, IPsor.; ophthalmia, fl®" Chap. 5, Ophthalmia scrofulous; exophthalmus, HSec; suppurating fistula, ISib; liver com- plaint, ISib; pale, thin, cachectic, 101. jec; ulceration of velum palati, IKali iod.; in- cipient phthisis, IStilling.; pleurisy, with croupous exudation, IHep.; protracted, ill- treated cases with hectic and profuse fetid suppuration, Petrol.; ruddy complexion, I Aur. met.; slender, lean figure, thin, transparent skin, frequent pulse, great excitability of ner- vous system, urine of high specific gravity, 1.01. jec; syphilis, ICinnab, I IPhos. ac; sec- ondary syphilis, Kali iod.; especially if syph- ilis or mercurialization is added, IIKali iod.; with sycosis, ICinnab.; varicosis, ICarbo a.; venous congestions, especially of portal sys- tem, HSub; young persons, Carbo an. fl®° Chap. 44, Glands indurated, swelling. Constitution, sycotic: lAst. r, Diad, IMed, INatr. p, IINatr. s,INitr. ac,ISars ,IIThuya ; a kind of phthisis, not true tuberculosis, INatr. s. fl®° Chap. 22, Sycosis ; also Chap. 46, Skin, warts. Constitution, syphilitic: lArs, lAscl. t,IlAur. met, IBenz. ac, IClem, ICorab, ICrotal, Cund.,Euphor,Ferr. iod, IFluor.ac,IGuaiac, IKali bi, IIKali iod, IIMerc, IMere cor, IMere d, IMere iod. rub, IMez, IINitr ac, IPetrol,IPhos, IPhos. ac,IPhyt, ISars,ISil, IStilling, ISul, I ISyph, IThuya ; hereditary, keratitisparenchymatosa, 11 Merc.; hereditary, in a girl aet 13, I ISub; hypopion, with slough- ing ulcer, I ISib; mercurial, IlAur. mur. nat, IDaph, IIKali iod, ILach.; mercurial-scrof- ulous, IApis; large doses of mercury (deafness of left ear), IPetrol.; mothers, to prevent disease in offspring, Aur. mur. nat.; proso- palgia, IPhyt.; torpid, cachectic swelling and induration of glandular system, Clem. fl®° Chap. 22, Syphilis. Constitution, tuberculous: HAcet.ac, IAgar, lArs, lArs. iod, lArum t, IBrom, HCale, Calc. a, ICale p, IHep, Hod, IKali c, IKali iod, ILach, ILye, IMang, Merc, Natr. m, INatr. s, HPhos, IPix, IPsor, Rhus, ISep, ISil, llSpong, HStann, Stram, ISul, HTuberc; aphonia, IPhos.; oppression of chest, with constant irritation to cough and expectoration, causing evening fever, with hot hands and cheeks, IKali n.; chronic cough, INatr. m.; slight hacking cough, I ITubere; bloody expectoration, shortness of breath, no pain in chest, palpitation, IFerr.; haemoptysis, 11 Myrtus; hyperaemia, IKali iod.; bloody or purulent sputa, alternately, IPlumb. fl®° Chap. 28, Lungs consump- tion ; also Chap. 44, Tubercles. Constitution, venous: ICarbo an, ICarbo v, IHam, ILach, Nux v., ISul, Sul. ac. 8®° hemorrhoidal. Constitution, weakly: lArs, ICale, ICale p., ICarbo v, IChin. s, ICinch, Coccul, IColch, IFerr., Fluor, ae, IHep, ILach, IMere, 1192 47. STAGES OF LIFE AND CONSTITUTION. INatr. m, INux v., IPhos, HPhos. ac. Sec, Sep., ISil, Spig, IISul, Ver.; assimilation imperfect, ISib; asthma, ICarbo v.; by loss of blood, IChin. s, ICinch.; bookworms, sensi- tive romantic girls.onanists, rakes and drunk- ards, ICoccub; broken down, HCrotab, IINitr. ac; broken down, mania-a-potu,IOp.; broken down, with neuralgia, HPhos.; brokendown, caries following syphilitic nodes, IStaph.; broken down, intemperate, abdominal and renal dropsies, Chim. umb.; broken down by continued influence of syphilis and mer- cury, IlAur. met; cachectic, profound de- bility and great emaciation, lllod.; cachectic, diarrhoea and colliquative sweats, glandular affections, Phos.; soft chancre, INitr. ac; chorea, IStram.; delicate persons, Hgn.; deli- cate (chorea), INatr. m.; dysmenorrhoea, IGraph.; emaciated, IA let.; erysipelas phleg- monous, phlyctenous or cedematous, ICrotal.; intermittent fever, Phelb; florid, sanguine and nervous, Chin, s.; loss of fluids and ex- cesses, violent acute diseases, chagrin, or a long succession of emotions, IPhos. ac; after loss of fluids or of vitality, especially in anaemia, IIKali e; headache, with congestion, IFerr.; intermittent action of heart, with ob- struction to hepatic circulation, IVer.; dimin- ished animal heat, Alumin.; hectic fever, worse after meals, ISib; abdominal hernia and prolapsus, IIKali ph.; irritable, lymph- atic, weak, and defective reaction, Phelb; meagre, melancholy, chlorotic, sickly com- plexion, hot flushes, burning vertex, head- aches, pain in back, or hot flushes by day and cold flushes by night, insomnia, ILach.; menopause, ICrotal.; subjects with mucous discharges, Hydras.; muscular development feeble, intellect keen, ILye; nervous cough, IPhos.; nervous, cold sweat, Act. sp.; nerv- ous, fat, or plethoric persons and such as have disease of heart and lungs, suffer from veta, ICoca; nourished imperfectly, ISib; poorly nourished (scrofulous ozaena), IMere cor.; paraplegia, Coccul.; sallow, emaciated, IFluor. ac; fine skin, pale face, light com- plexion, lax muscles, ISib; starving persons, Ign.; pain in stomach, after eating, I IMang ; prolapsus uteri, .Calc p.; large varix from slight cause, ISul. HABIT, drunkards: I Absin, I Act. rac, IAgar, Ant. c, I Ant. t, IIArs, I Asar, Bell, Bar. c, Cadm, ICale, Cann. i, ICarbo v. Card, m, Chim. umb, HCinch, Coccul, Coff, HCrotab, Dig, IIEup. perf, IGels, IHyos, Illie, Kali br, ILac c, IILach, ILed, Meph, Natr. c, Natr. m, Natr. s, INux m, IINux v, HOp, IPhos, IIRan. b, HSelen, ISep, IStram, ISul, ISul. ac, IZinc; acne, fl®" Chap. 8, Eruption acne ; amblyobia, ICinch.; apoplexy, ICrotal.; catarrh of blad- der, Coff. t; brain troubles, IMere; brandy- drinkers, IFerr.; cholera (a teaspoonful of salt in a glass of water), INatr. m.; coffee should be used by wine-drinkers; cold after overheat- ing, apoplectic, IBar. e; congestion to head and heart, Dig.; cough, IStram.; deafness, IPetrol.; diarrhoea, IILach.; dropsy, ISub; dyspeptics, beer-drinkers, IKali bi.; atonic dyspepsia, IOp.; dyspepsia and debility, INatr. s.; delirium and mental derangement, IMere viv.; easily intoxicated, Con.; eczema, ILed ■ yellow fever, ICadm. s.; glossitis, with paralysis, IINuxv.; gonorrhoeal rheumatism, ICrotal.; gout, Astac; haemoptysis, INux y IOp.; light hair, blue or gray eyes, florid complexion, fat or corpulent ILobel i. (op- posite of Nux v.); hands trembling, HNux v.; headaches, HAgar, INux m, ISelen.; head- ache hemorrhoids, erysipelatoid lntfamma- tion,' ILach.; heartburn, INux v.; hemor- rhoids, Crotal, ISub ac; hypochondriasis, from gastric or liver troubles, IINux v.; in- sensibility, after apoplexy, HOp.; cures long- ing by removing irritation of stomach, I Phos.; enlarged liver, IINuxv.; cedema pulmonum, gangrena pulmonum, Crotal.; suppuration of lungs, IOp.; thin, irritable, nervous dispo- sition, INux v.; trembling, shaking of hands, IMagn. p.; nosebleed, HSec; red nose,ILach.; old inebriates, ICrotal, Illie; paralysis, HOp.; phthisis, ICinch.; pneumonia, INux v.; rakes, Coccul.; popular in Russia, IIAsar.; sensitiveness of stomach to contact, especially of clothes (cancer of stomach), ILach.; spas- modic stricture, IOp.; tendency to syncope, hemorrhage, epistaxis, menorrhagia, petechial eruption, or oedema of lungs or legs, effusion into joints, ophthalmia, diarrhoea, dysentery, Crotal.; tea-drinkers, IFerr.; vomiting, ISub ac; vomiting of mucus, Zing.; unsuccessful vomiturition, IOp. fl®° Chap. 15, Drinking alcoholic liquors. Habit, dirty persons: dread the air, ICaps.; prone to skin affections, HSub; filthy smell, HPsor. Habit, high living: gluttony, I All. sat.; ad- dicted to use of much wine or coffee, seden- tary habits combined with considerable men- tal exertion, IINux v. Habit, drugged subjects : IINux v.; too much medicine has produced an oversensitive con- dition, and remedies fail to act, Mar. v. fl®" Chap. 48, Antidotes. Habit, tobacco: fl®" Chap. 15, Tobacco. OCCUPATION, actors: sore throat, 11 Arumt. Occupation, auctioneers: sore throat,! I Arum t. Occupation, bookworms: ICoccul, INux v. Occupation, business men: brain fag, and head- ache in occipito-cervical region, IPic.'ac; nervous and dyspeptic troubles caused by worry and much mental strain with too little bodily exertion, IINux v.; wearing out under mental and physical strain, ICoca. Occupation, clergymen: hoarseness, ICaps, HPhos , IRhus ; sore throat, IIArum t, IFerr. ph. Occupation, emigrants: amenorrhcea, consti- pation, 11 Plat. Occupation, foundrymen: diseases of optic nerve and retina, IMere. Occupation, literary people : brain fag, IPicae Occupation, miners: asthma, produced by in- halation of coaldust, INatr. a. Occupation, nurses: exhausted by long nurs- ing, ICoccul, Crotal, INitr. ac Occupation, orators: sore throat, IIArum t. Occupation, workers in plaster: cachectic,. Calc. s. Occupation, sailors : asthma, on going ashore, IIBrom. Occupation, sedentary: constipation, IINux v, IPod.; constipation, with co-existing men- strual troubles, HPlat; dyspepsia, IINux v.; 47. STAGES OF LIFE combined with mental exertion (paralysis), INux v.; irritation and inflammation of ova- ries, INux v.; paralysis of intestines from protracted diarrhoea, IOp.; plethora, etc, HNux v.; vertigo, IINux v. Occupation, servants: girls from the country become chlorotic in the city, IIPuls. Occupation, singers: nervous dread, IIGels.; sore throat, IIArum t. fl®" Chap. 25, Voice singing. Occupation, speakers: nervous dread, IIGels. fl®" Chap. 25, Voice talking. Occupation, stonemasons: chest affections and total loss of strength, consumption, dropsy of chest, emphysema, ISil. Occupation, students: cough, INux v.; head- aches, ICale p.; headaches in occipito-cervical region, IPic. ac. Occupation, teachers: brain fag, IPicae; lady, in seminary, after miscarriage, sleep- lessness, I ICypr. Occupation, washerwomen: toothache,IPhos. SIZE, dwarfed: stunted, Med.; puny, incip- ient tubercular disease,! ITubere; though 17, looked 12, was so reduced and dwarfish, HSyph. Size, large : bloated (spongy), Amm. c. Ant. c, ■Are, Asaf, IBell, ICale, ICaps., Cup. m, IFerr,Hell, Kalm,Lach, Merc, Puis, Rhus, Seneg, Spig, Sub; fat persons dread the air, ICaps.; fat, chubby, shortnecked chil- dren, disposed to croup, IIKali bi.; fat, light- haired, suffer from catarrhal, syphilitic, or scrofulous affections, IIKali bi.; fat, prosopal- gia, ICale; fat and sluggish, fat body but legs thin, I Amm. m.; fleshy, aged people, com- plaints following parturition, diseases char- acterized by stitching pains, IKali e; catarrh, or dyspepsia in fleshy people, I All. sat; fleshy, flabby, tabes mesenterica, with hypertrophied glands, IKreo.; plump, yet flesh is flabby and muscles withered (child), IHep.; obesity, IAmm.br, lAmm. m. Ante, lArs, IlAur. met, IBelb, Brom, HCale, ICale a.,HCaps, Cup. m, IFerr, HGraph,HKali bi. Kali br, IIKali e, ILobel. i, ILye, HPhyt, IPuls, ISul, IThuya; obesity, uterine complaints, IGraph.; obesity of young people, lAnt. c; stout and robust, Ailapt Size, tall: lean, spinal anaemia, IPhos.; lean, stooping, with dark complexion, Coff; slen- der, phthisical, II Phos.; slender, weak-chested, growing rapidly, IPhos.; slender, dark or fair- haired, hysterical subjects, Vib.; slender, phthisical,delicateeyelashes,softhair,HPhos.; slender, tuberculous, pale, clear sclerotica?, great nervous irritability and sensitiveness to external impressions, cough, IPhos.; slender, disposed to stoop, HPhos.; sanguine tempera- ment, fair skin, blonde or red hair, quick, lively perceptions, sensitive nature, HPhos.; slim, fair complexion, consumptive, Ustil. Size thin (emaciated, lean, slender, spare): HAmb, I Ars, Bry, ICinch, Coff, IFerr, Graph , IHep, Ign,Ipec,Kreo,Lac c.,ILach., ILve, Merc, INatr. m, IINitr. ac INux v, HPhos, Petrol, IPlumb, Puis, ISee, ISep, ISil Spig, HStann, Staph, ISul, Ver; abdominal plethora, Cheb; complexion bil- ious pimply, and subject to erysipelatous inflammation, pallor of face when excited by movement, or very red and flushed, IHep.; AND CONSTITUTION. 1193 rigid fibre, swarthy, black hair and eyes, bru- nette rather than the blonde nervous tem- perament, 11 Nitr .ae; invalids.subacute attacks of bronchitis, IPhos.; irritable, choleric, dark hair, make great mental exertion, or lead a sedentary life, IINux v.; legs thin, body fat, I Amm. m.; predisposed to lung and hepatic affections, ILye; nervous affections, neural- gia, sciatica, lumbago, with deficiency of ani- mal heat, 101. jec; nervous temperament, delicate organization, Xan.; relaxed, Acet. ae; disposed to rheumatism and catarrh, IColch.; scrawny, HSec; scrofulous diseases of joints, 101.jec;spare,dry,Alum.; walk and sitstooped, standing is the most uncomfortable position, HSub; incipient, tubercular disease, HTu- berc; upper body wasted, lower semi-dropsi- cal, ILye; weak, IFerr.; weak and melan- choly, ILach. fl®" Chap. 44, Emaciation. TEMPERAMENT, bilious : Aeon, I^Eseh, Ailant, Amb, Ant. c. Ant. t, IBell, Berb, IIBry, I ICann. i, HCham, ICinch, ICoccul, llpec, ILach, IMere, IINuxv, Plat, HPod, IPuls, ISub; asthma, IPhos.; tendency to constipation, Cub, IINux v.; dry subjects, ague, where disease degenerates into a slow fever, ITarax.; sick headache, llris; hepatic affections, IMere, INux v.; lymphatic, IBelb; especially after mercurialization, IPod.; ner- vous (hydrothorax), Amb, IApis ; stout and robust, Ailant. Temperament, choleric (irritable, inclined to anger) : Aeon, Ars, Aur. met, IIBry, Carbo v, ICaust, HCham, Coff, IIFerr, IHep, IIHyos, Kali p., IKalm, ILach, ILye, Natr. m, INitr. ac, IINux v, IPhos, IPlat, Sec, ISib, Sul.; ardent, disposed to anger, spite or deception, always irritable and impatient, IINux v.; bilious, dark hair and complexion, with firm fibre, IBry.; dissatisfied with everything (diarrhoea), IApis; especially chil- dren, IIMagn. e; without reaction, in inter- mittent fever, Phelb; foxy, mischievous, destructive, Tarant.; haughty, ILye, IPlat.; irascible, INux v.; mistrustful, when sick, ILye; very particular, zealous persons, in clined to get angry or excited, or of a spiteful, malicious disposition, IINux v.; peevish, llgn.; plethoric, See; sedentary, IINux v.; vigorous persons of dry habit, tense fibre, ardent, irascible, tenacious, INux v. Temperament, mild (bland): Amb, Belb, Ca- lad, Chim. m, Cie, Coccul, llgn , IPhos. ac, IIPuls, ISil, ISub; easy, HSep.; quick to perceive, rapid in execution, Illgn.; tearful, IIPuls.; tearful, anxious (constipation and catarrh), Alum.-, submissive, yielding, IIPuls. Temperament, melancholic (hypochondria- cal): lAcon, Anac, IlAur. met, lAur. mur. Bell, IBry, ICale, Cinch, Coccul, IColch, IGraph, Illgn, ILach, ILil. tig, ILye, Mu- rex, IINatr. m,IPlat, IIPuls, IRhus, Stram, ISul, Ver.; spasmodic asthma, caused by anx- ious dreams, sensation as if clothing were too tight, INux: v.; choleric, bilious, Cheb; wind colic? IIMillef; constipation, ISub; inclined to grief, Illgn, IIPuls.; phlegmatic, dark eyes, indolent, ILach.; pneumonia, INux v.; san- guine, lymphatic, Murex ; subject to skin dis- eases, ILye; timid, fearful, Coccul. Temperament, nervous : lAcon, Agar, Alum, Amb, IIAnae, Arg. nit, IIArs, Bar.c,IBelb, 1194 47. STAGES OF LIFE AND CONSTITUTION. HCale,Cann. i, ICarbo v, HCham, IChin.s, Cinch, ICon, Cup. m. Dig, Graph, IHep, IIHyos, Illgn, ILach,Laur,HLyc, IIMagn. c, IIMagn.p. Mar. v, IMere, Natr.c, INatr. m, IINux m, IINuxv, HPhos, IPhos. ac, IPlat, IPuls, IRhus, Sabina, Sec, ISep.JSil, IStann, Stram, ISul, IVal, Viol, Zinc; ar- dent, IINux v.; bashful, timid, ill at ease in society,ICoca; largely developed brains,Belb; brunettes, IINitr. ae; careful, IINux v.; cho- reic, Tarant.; whooping cough, IKali ph.; delicate (megrim), ICale; delicate, pale, sen- sitive (toothache), IIKali ph.; flatulent dys- pepsia, ILye, INux m.; noises aud singing in ears, ICoff; excitable, HCham, IIHyos, Hgn.; excitable, attacks from sudden or in- tense emotions, or smothering passion, 11 Kali ph.; excitable, melancholic, Asar.; excitable, violent throbbing, toothache drives to mad- ness, IVer ; easily exhausted, take cold easily, INux v.; full habit, ICaps.; dark hair and gray eyes (prosopalgia), HCale; hysterical headache, ICoff.; hysterical, Arg. nit. Cas- tor, Plat, IIGels, Illgn, Viol.; hysterical, asthma, palpitation, dyspnoea, prostration, and digestive troubles, IIMosch.; hysterical, spasmodic asthma, caused by anxious dreams, sensation as if clothing were too tight, INux v.; hysterical, inclined to taking cold, IBar. e; hysterical, wind colic, I IMillef; hysterical, spasmodic dysuria, IVib.; hysterical, sensa- tion of great coldness in head, Vab; hysterical, neuralgic headaches, IPlat.; hysterical head- aches from mental causes, dulness of head, Arg. nit.; hysterical, hemorrhoidal patients, perhaps such as suffer from gout or worms, especially those of mournful mind, or alter- nately sad and gay, who cry easily, are pale, easilyfatigued.sufferfrom wandering pains,are inclined to spasms, IPlat.; hysterical palpita- tion, ISumb.; not hysterical, Atrop.; intellect- ual, Chim. m.; irritable, excitable, sanguine, llHyos.; irritable, hysterical, intellectual fac- ulties predominate, hysterical neuralgia,IVal.; irritable, lax fibre, sour smell, Magn. e; irri- table, canine hunger, ISib; irritable, dry skin, profuse saliva, diarrhoea, night sweats, ISib; lymphatic, Dig.; lymphatic (dropsy), IApis ; melancholic, indigestion, venous con- stitution, with tendency to hemorrhoids, INux v.; premature and profuse menses, I IKali p.; mild, amiable, refined, sensitive, intellectual,Chim. m.; paraplegia,Coccub; par- ticular, IINux v.; quick motioned, plethoric, skin excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes, I ISub; sanguine, ICann. i.; sanguine, readily affected, IGlon.; sensitive, lAcon, Ai- lant., Ant. c, I Are, ICale, Canth, Chim. m, Chin.s, ICinch,HCoff, Cup.m, Illgn, Kali p, ILach., ILye, IINuxv, IPallad, HPhos, IPlat, Sabad, ISib; sensitive, amblyopia, ISib; sensitive, sluggish circulation, 11 Kali p.; sensitive, especially hysterical subjects, anom- alous functional disorders of heart, Sumb.; sensitive, neuralgic headaches, IPlat.; sensi- tive, remains long impressed by even slight mechanical injuries, I Arn.; sensitive, have taken too much medicine, IIMar. v.; sensi- tive, imperfectly nourished from imperfect assimilation, HSib; sensitive, cannot bear pain, I Arn, "ICham, HCoff; sensitive to pain, querulous or discontented, Cinch.; sen- sitive, peevish, excitable, hysterical, with sanguine nervous temperament, is delicate, falls easily in love, is romantic, bears trials meekly, readily falls into clonic spasms alter mental agitation, Hgn.; sensitive, disposed to rheumatism and catarrh, IColch.; sensi- tive, spoiled natures, Mosch.; tenacious, INux m.; timid, ICale, IIPuls.; timid, anx- ious, during cholera season, Asar.; timid, dread storm and are afraid of thunder,IRhod.; weak,desires to be magnetized,! I Phos.; women of a sensitive, easily excited nature, dark hair and skin, but mild disposition, quick to per- ceive, rapid in execution,I llgn.; zealous,! INux v. 8®° Chap. 36, Hysteria, Nervousness. Temperament, phlegmatic (indolent, slow, tor- pid) : Aloe, I Amm. m, Antt, IBell, Calad, I ICale, ICaps, Coccul, ICinch, IClem, Cycl, IDulc, Ferr. ph. Hep, Kreo, ILach, IMere, Mez, INatr. c, INatr. m, IIPuls, Seneg, ISep.; dread open air, ICaps.; aver- sion to open air and dislike to exercise, physi- cal or mental, Natr. c; awkward, easily offended, indolent, melancholic, lack of reac- tion, gastric troubles, ICaps.; malignant blen- norrhoea, IThuya ; bronchitis, ICaust.; always cold and chilly, Led.; comprehension slow, memory weak, ILye; constipation, IOp.; faceache, ICinch.; fat, unclean, dread of open air, ICaps.; good natured, timid women, and especially during pregnancy, IIPuls.; light hair, irresolute, Mez.; chronic headache with relaxed muscles and general debility, ISul ac. indolent, ICaps, ILach.; irresolute, Mez. IIPuls.; want of bodily irritability, well chosen remedy makes no impression, IOp., lax, Calad.; lax, fibre, light hair, great sensitiveness to slightest contact of ulcers, eruptions and parts affected, IHep.; mild and sluggish, light hair, Coccul.; ill nourished, prophylactic in apoplexy, IMere; weakly, pale, timid, ICale; plethoric, Seneg,- scroful- ous, restless and irritable, take cold in damp cold changes, Dulc; slow, sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, easily moved to laughter or tears, affectionate, mild, gentle, timid, yield- ing, IIPuls.; indolent, enlargement of tonsils, IKali bi. 8®" Constitution lymphatic. Temperament, sanguine: lAcon, Ars, Aur. met., ICale, ICham, IChin.s, ICoff, IIFerr, IIHyos, llgn, Murex, INitr. ac, INuxv, I IPhos, Plat.; affectionate persons, IIPuls.; amiable persons, Chim. m.; asthma, in lively subjects, IPhos.; bilious, injured knee, I IApis ; frequent and great changes in sensations, feelings changing suddenly from greatest hilarity to deepest despond- ency, Croc; choleric, pettish, quarrel- some, disputative, easily excited, least con- tradiction angers, women are weak, delicate, cnlorotic, yet have a very red face, IIFerr -. good natured, IPuls.; haemoptysis, IPhos.'; black hair, dark eyes, lively, restless, anxious, .nr^m^t; nerv.ous, hysterical, headache, ICoff.; imagination vivid, ILach.; easilv SSVe2 ^,la»^ter or tears, IIPuls.; muscles soft, flabby (goitre), ICale; nervous, bilious, (paralysis), IApis; plethoric, IIAcon, lArn • quick perception, HPhos.; romantic, falls in love easily, llgn.; choleric, Coff. c; voluptu- ous, excitable, nervous, especially women 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. 1195 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. Antidotes. To the effects of massive and molecular doses; chemical antidotes in poisoning; to the lasting or chronic effects superinduced by the drug. Collateral. Side relations (congeners) belonging to the same or allied botanical family or chemical group. Compatible. Drugs following well. Complementary. Supplying the part of another drug. Inimical. Drugs disagreeing, incompatible, do not follow well. Similar. Drugs suggested for comparison by reason of their similarity ; usually compatible, unless too similar, like Nux vomica and Ignatia. ABIES NIGRA. Similar: Agar, Ars, Bism,Bry,Calc, Cinch, Ign, Kali c, Natr. m, Nux v, Phos, Puis, Sep, Sub, Zinc. ABROTANUM Compatible: Aeon, Bry, Hep. Similar: Agar, Nux v. ABSINTHUM Collateral: Abrot, Art. v. Similar: Agar, Bell, Cham, Hyos, Stram. ACALTFHA INDICA. Collateral: Euphorbiaceae, especially Mercu- rialis annua, and Mancinella. ACETICUM ACIDUM. Antidotes : Aeon, Asar, Calc, Coff, Euphor, Hep, I llgn, Magn, Natr. m, IOp, Plumb, Sep, HStram, Tabae Compatible : Cinch, Dig. Inimical: Arn, Bell, Caust, Lach, Merc, Nux v. Ran. b, Sars. ACONITTJM NAPELLUS. Antidotes: Acet. ae, Act. rac,ICoff, ICham, ICoff, INux v, Paris, Petrol, Sep, IISul, IVer,- vinegar, wine. Compatible: lArn, lArs, IIBell, IBry, ICale, HCoff, IIHep, Ipec, IILyc, IIMerc; INux v, HPhos, IIPuls, IIRhus, ISep, ISpong, IISul. Complementary: Arn, ICoff, HSub ACTEA RACEMOSA. Antidotes: I Aeon, Bapt. Collateral: Act. sp, and other Ranunculacese. Similar: Act. sp., Bry, ICaulo, Ign, Lil. tig, Natr. m. Puis, Sep. ACTEA SPICATA. Collateral: Act.rac, and other Ranunculacese. Compatible: Nux v. Similar: Arn, Bry, Caulo, Lye, Rhus, SaL ac, Sticta. iESCTJLTJS GLABRA. Collateral: ^Esc h. Similar: Aloe, Colin, Ign, Nux V. ^JSCULUS HIPPOCASTANTJM. Antidote: Nux v. Collateral: ^Esc. g. Compatible : Collin, Nux v., Sul. Similar: Aloe, Collin, Merc, Nux v., Pod, Sub ^ETHTJSA CYNAPIUM. Antidotes: Op.; vegetable acids. Collateral: Cie, Con, CEnan. Similar: Ant. c, Asar, Calc, Cupr,Ipec, Op. AGARICUS (AMANITA). Antidotes : atropine, brandy, camphor, char- coal, coffee, fat or oil (relieves stomach), wine; Calc, IPuls, Rhus. Compatible: IBell, ICale, ICinch, ILach, ■Mere, Op, IPhos, IPuls, IIRhus, ISep., Sib Similar: Act. rac, Belb, Calc, Cann. i, Cie, Codein, Coff, Hyos, Ign., Lach, Mygale, Nuxv, Op, Puis, Sep, Sticta, Stram, Ta- rant, Therid, Ver, Zinc. AGNUS CASTUS. Antidotes: Camph, Natr. m. Compatible; Ars, Bry, Ign, Lye, Puis, Sul, Selen. AILANTUS GLANDULOSA. Antidotes : Nux v, Rhus ; whiskey. 1196 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. Similar: Aloe, lAmm. c, Arn, IIArum t, Bapt, Bry, Gels, Hydr. ac, Hyos, ILach, Nitr. ac, Nux v, I IPhyt, Ptel, IRhus, I IStram. ALETRIS PARINOSA. Similar: Caulo, Cinch, Hydras, Helon, Puis, Sabina, Selen, Senecio. ALLIUM SATIVUM. Antidote: Lye Complementary: Ars. Inimical. Aloe, Cepa, Squilla. Similar: Bry, Caps, Coloe, Ign, Lye, Nux v, Seneg. ALOE SOCCOTRINA. Antidotes: Camph, Lye, Nux v, ISul, mustard. Complementary: Sul. Similar: Ailant, Amm. m, Gamb, INuxv, IISul. ALUMEN. Antidotes: Aloe, Cham, Ipec, Nux v. Sub Similar: Aloe, Alumin, Caps, Ferr, Ferr. iod. Kali bi, Merc, Mere corr, Mur. ac, Nitr. ac.INux v., Op, Plumb, Ratan, Stann, Sub, Sul. ac,Zinc. ALUMINA (ARGILL2E). Antidotes: IBry, Camph,Cham, Ipec,Puls.; ailments from lead. Compatible: ICale, Hgn, ILye, INux v, IPhos, IIPuls, HSep, IISul. Complementary: Bry. Similar: Arg. nit. Bar. c, Bry, Calc, Cham, Con, Ferr,Ferr. iod,Gnaphab, Ipec, Kali bi, Lach, Lye, Puis., Plumb., Ruta, Sep, Sib, Sul, Zinc AMBRA GRISEA. Antidotes: Camph, Coff, IINux v, IIPuls, Staph. Compatible: ICale, ICaust, llgn, IILyc, IPhos, IPuls, IRhus, HSep, ISil, HSub Similar: Act. rac, Ars, Asaf, Castor, Cinch, Coca, Coff, Ign, Kali br, Lach, Mosch, Nux v. Op, Phos, Phos. ac, Puis, Sep, Staph, Sul., Sul. ac, Val, Ver. AMMONIUM BENZOICUM Similar: Caust, Gnaph, Tereb.; to its rela- tives the ammonia salts and Benz. ac, espe- cially the latter in gout, rheumatism, and kidney affections, and Amm. phos. in gouty deposits. AMMONIUM BROMATUM. Similar: Amm. c, Amm. m, Amm. caust, Amm. ph, Arg. nit. Art. v, bromide of cam- phor, Bufo, Calc, Caust, Cinnab, Kali bi. Kali br. Kali perm, Natr. a, Nux v, Ratan, Sil, Sul, Zinc. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. Antidotes: Arn, Camph, Hep.; vegetable acids, fixed oils as castor, linseed, almond and olive-oils ; Rhus poisoning and stings of insects. Compatible: lArs, IBell, IBry, HCale, IGraph, IHep, IKali c, IILyc, IMere, INux v, HPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, HSep, ISil, IISul. Inimical: Lach. Similar: Amm. br, Amm.m, Amm. ph, Ant.t, Arn, Ars, Apis, Aurum, Bell, Calc, Coccul, Hep, Kali bi. Kali c, Lach, Laur, Natr. m, Phos, Puis, Rhus, Ruta, Staph, Sul, Ver. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Antidotes: Coff, Hep, Nux v.; bitter almonds, camphor. Compatible: IBry, ICale, HPhos, IIPuls, IIRhus, ISep. Similar: to its relatives and to Aloe, Ant. c, Arg. nit, Ars, Calc, Carbo v, Caust, Coloe, Con, Hep, Iod, Kali bi. Kali chlor. Kali hydr, Magn. m. Mere, Mere cor, Natr. m, Nux v., Phos, Rhus, Seneg, Sep., Sil, Sul. AMMONIACUM. Antidotes: Arn, Bry. Similar: to its relatives the Umbelliferae, par- ticularly Con.; also to Aeon, Amb, Arn, Ars, Asaf, Aurum, Bell, Chel, Cie, Cotyl, Fagopyr., Iber, Lye, Mez, Natr. m, Nitr. ac, Phos, Puis, Ruta, Seneg, Sul, Sumb. AMYGDALA AMARA. Antidotes: Op.; strong coffee; cold water poured over head. Similar: to its relatives, especially the Pome* and Prunese of the Rosacese, and to Manihot util, Chardinia xeranthemoides, Ximenia Americana, Ipomcea dissecta and the Agari- cus oreades, all of which emit Hydr. ae; also Ant. t, Belb, Hyos, Lach, Laur, Naja, Op, Stram, Tabae AMYLENUM NITROSUM. Antidote: Cact. Similar: Aeon, Belb, Cac.t, Chlorof, Coca, ether, Kali br, Lach, Nitr. sp. d.; to failure of respiration by chloroform, and to convul- sions of strychnine. ANACARDIUM OCCIDENTALE. Antidote: Rhus. Collateral: Anac. or., and the Rhoes. Similar: Canth, Crot. t, Mez, Rhus rad, Rhus. ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE. Antidotes: Coff, Jugb, Rhus; smelling raw coffee. Collateral: Anac. oe, Comoc, Rhus slab Rhus rad., Rhus tox, Rhus v. Compatible: IBell, ICale, ICon, HLvc Phos. ac. Plat, IIPuls, ISul. y ' 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. 1197 Similar: Ant. t. Apis, Caust., Ferr, Iod, Jugb, Lye, Natr. m, Nitr.ac, Nux v, Phos. ac. Plat, Puis, Urt. ur. Zinc.; also to Terebin- thinese. ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS Antidotes: Coff, Coloe, Rhus. Collateral: Cyclam. Similar: Coff, Cycl, Lith, Puis, Rhus, Sep, Tell. ANANTHERUM MURICATUM Inimical: wine and strong liquors. Similar: Aeon, Act. rac. Agar, Arn, Bell, Bry, Calc, Cann. s, Canth, Carbo v, Caust, Cham, Coccul, Coff, Coral, Euph, Gels, Hydras, Hyos, Ign, Kali hydr, Lach, Lyss, Mere, Mosch, Nux v. Puis, Rhus, Staph, Stram, Sul, Thuya, Zinc. ANGUSTURA. Antidotes: Bry, Coff. Compatible: IIBell, ILye, IPhos. ac, IPuls, HSep, ISul.; to mercury, like other Rutacese. Similar: ^Esch, Aloes, Ant. c. Ant. t, Bell, Bry, Cepa, Cham, Cie, Coff, Hyper, Ign, Led, Lib tig. Mere, Natr. m, Nux v, Phos, Puis, Ran. b, Rhus, Sep, Sil. ANTHRACINUM. Antidotes: Apis, lArs, Camph, ICarbo v, Carbobae, Cinch,Kreo, ILach,Puls,Rhus, Sal. ae, Sil. ANTHROKOKALI. Compatible: Dulc, Ferr. iod. Similar: to the Carbons, also to Aeon, Ant. c, Ars, Bry, Carbo a, Carbo v. Kali c, Rhus, Ver. ANTIMONIUM ARSENICUM. Similar: to other antimony salts ; to Amm. c, Ars, Aur. met, Lach, Merc, sul, Phos, Puis, Sul. ANTIMONIUM CHLORIDUM. Similar: to other antimony salts, and to the acids ; also to Ars, Carbo v. Con. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM, Antidotes: Calc, IHep, IMere; stings of in- sects. Compatible: IBell, Ipec, IMere, IPhos, IIPuls, Rhus, ISep, ISub Complementary: Squilla. Similar: Aeon, Amm. m. Apis, Ars, IBry, Carbo v, Cham, Euph, Ferr, Hep, llpec, ILye, Merc, Nux v, IPuls, Ran. b, Rhus, Squilla, Sul. ANTIMONIUM SULPH. AURATUM. Similar- the Antimonies; Amm. c, Ars, Aur. met, Ferr, Merc s. Sub ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. ' Antidotes : Asaf, Cinch, Coccul., Con, llpec, Laur, Op, IPuls, Sep. Compatible: Bar. c, IBell, Bry, Camph, Caust, Ipec, Merc, INux v, HPhos, IIPuls, IIRhus, Sep, ISub Similar: Aeon, Ars, Bar. c, Brom, Camph, Ferr. ph. Hep, Iod, Ipec, Kali iod, Lach, , Lye, Phos, Puis, Tereb, Ver. APHIS CHENOPODII GLAUCI. Related: to the Polygonaceae, including Ru- mex and Rheum. Similar: ^Ethus, Ant. c. Apis, Arg. nit, Cham, Dulc, Gels, Merc, Natr. s, Nux v, Phos, Puis. APIS. Antidotes: to massive doses and in poisoning, Natrum muriaticum in substance, solution and potencies; sweet oil (contains table salt); onions; also Apis potentized, Canth, Cinch, Dig, Iod, Ipec, Lach, Lact. ac. Collateral: Bombus, Crabro, Vespa. Compatible : lArs, IIBell, Codein, Graph, IHep, Iod, IILyc, IMere, INatr.m, IPhos, Stram, HSub Complementary: Natr. m. Inimical: Rhus. Similar: Acet.ac, Aeon, Anac, Apoe, Arn, Ars, Bell, Brom, Bry, Canth, Cinch, Colch, Crot. t, Euph, Ferr, Graph, Hep, Iod, Lach, Lye, Merc, Natr. a, Natr. m. Puis, Rhus, Rumex, Sabina, Sep, Sil, Sul, Tereb, Therid, Thuya, Urt. ur. Zinc. APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. Similar: Acet. ae, IApis, I Ars, Bell, Bry, Cinch, Colch, Dig, Elat, IHell, Kali c. Lye, Merc, Merc, sul, Squilla, Sul, Ver. ARGENTUM METALLICUM Antidotes: Mere, Puis. Compatible: Alum, IIAsaf, IBell, HCale, ILye, IMere, IPhos, Plat, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, Stront. Similar : Arg. nit. Puis, Stann, Zinc. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. Antidotes: Amm. caust, Ars, IINatr. m. (chemical and dynamic), milk; boys' com- plaints after use of tobacco. Compatible: Bry, Spig, Spong, Ver. Similar: Aurum, Cup. m. Kali bi, Lach, Merc, Mere cor, Merc, iod, Natr. m, Nitr. ac ARNICA MONTANA. Antidotes: Aeon, Amm. c, Ars, Cie, Cinch, Ferr, Ign, Ipec, Seneg.; to massive doses, Camph, Ipec. Compatible: IIAcon, Apis, Ars, IBell, Bry, ICale, ICinch, Ipec, ILye, INux v, IPhos, IIPuls,IIRhus, ISep, ISib.lSul, Sul. ac, Ver. Complementary: AcoU. 1198 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. Inimical: after the bite of a dog or any rabid | or angry animal; wine increases unpleasant effects. Similar: Aeon, Amm.c, Ars, Bapt, Belb, Bry, Calend, Cham, Cinch, Crot. t, Euph, Ferr, Hep, IHyper, Ham, Ipec, Mere, Puis, Ran. sc, IRhus, Ruta, Staph, Sil, Sul, Sul. ac, ISymph, Ver. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Antidotes: at first milk, albumen, etc., to en- velop poison until antidote or emetic can be obtained; induce vomiting by emetics of mus- tard, sulphate of zinc, or sulphate of copper, etc., but avoid tartar emetic, and other sub- stances which strongly irritate mucous mem- brane ; lime water is useful by diminishing solubility of arsenious acid; demulcent drinks in large quantities are useful; to counteract that portion of arsenic not expelled from stomach, freshly prepared ferric hydrate or magnesia should be given in large quantities ; castor oil to expel arsenious acid from intes- tines; chemical antidotes, such as animal charcoal, hydrated peroxide of iron, magnesia, and lime water may prove useful; opium is of service as a dynamic antidote, if stomach rejects it administer it in form of clysters ; Hepar is a most useful antidote ; use brandy and stimulants when there is much depres- sion and collapse; if urine is suppressed give large quantities of water containing sweet spirits of nitre; to potencies Camph, ICarbo v. Chin, s, ICinch, Dig, IFerr, Graph, IIHep, Iod, llpec, Lach, INux v, IPhos, Plumb, Samb, Tabae, IVer.; it antidotes sausage poisoning, dissection wounds and anthrax poison. Compatible: Aeon, Arn,IBell, IBry, ICale, ICarbo v, ICinch, Diad, IFerr, IIHep, Iod, llpec, ILach, IILyc, IMere, INux v, HPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISil, ISul, IVer. Complementary : All. sat, Carbo v, IPhos. Similar: Aeon, Apoe, Arg. nit, Ars. met, Belb, Bism, Calc, Cann.i, Carbo v. Cinch, Ferr, Hyos, Ipec, Kreo, Lach, Lye, Nux v, Phos., Puis, Rhus, Sib, Tabae, Ver. ARSENICUM HYDROGENISATUM. Antidotes : Nux v.; Amm. acet. and sinapism relieved breathing; turpentine should be tried ; drinks containing sulphuretted hydro- gen appear to relieve most. (Berzelius.) Similar: Carbo v. ARSENICUM IODATUM. Antidotes: Bry. Compatible: Con, Sul. ARSENICUM METALLICUM. Antidote : Bell. Similar: Ars, Iod, Merc, Natr. e, Nux v Rhus, Sul. ARSENICUM SULPHURATUM PLAVUM. Similar: Calc ARTEMISIA VULGARIS. Collateral: nearest, Abrot, Absin.; more dis- tant, Arn, Cham, Cina, Millef, Tanacetum. Compatible: Caust, Iod. Similar: Absin, Apis, Bufo, Caust, Cham, Cie, Cina, Hell, Puis, Ruta, Sec, Stram. ARUM DRACONTIUM. Collateral: Arum m. Arum t. Compatible: Ant. t, Colch. Similar: Calad. flgp Arum triphyllum. ARUM MACULATUM. Antidotes: sweet oil, milk, butter. ARUM TRIPHYLLUM. Antidotes: sweet oil, milk, butter, buttermilk, Acet. ac, Lact. ac. Puis. Collateral: Arum d. Arum m, Calad. Compatible : Caust, Hep, Nitr. ac. Inimical: Calad, which is too similar. Similar: Ailant, Amm. c, Amm. m, Arg. nit, Ars, Canth, Caps, Castor, Caust, Cepa, Croc, Hep, Hydr. ac, Iod, Kali iod, Lach, Lye, Merc, Mez, Mur. ac, Nitr. ac, Phyt, Sang, Sil, Sul. ARUNDO MAURITANICA. Similar: Calc, Lye, Sul. ASAFCETIDA. Antidotes: I ICaust, I ICamph, I ICinch, IMere, IPuls, 11 Vab; to alcohol. Collateral: Ammoniac, Cie, Con, etc. Compatible: ICale, ILye, IMere, IPhos, IIPuls, ISep, ISil, Sul, Thuya, IVal. Similar: Arg.nit, Aurum met. Castor,Caust, Cinch, Crot. t. Hep, Ign, Merc, Mosch, Phos, Puis, Thuya, Vab ASARUM EUROPIUM. Antidotes: camphor, vinegar, vegetable acids. Compatible: Bism, INuxv, IIPuls. Similar: Aeon, Aloe, Camph, Cup. m. Hep, Ipec, Merc, Nux v, Phos, Pod, Puis, Sep, Stram, Sul. ac, Tabae, Ver. ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA. Collateral: Ascl. t, Ascl. vincet. Similar: Act. rac, Bry, Colch. ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. Antidotes: Sul, Ver. Collateral: Ascl. s, Ascl. vincet. Similar: Agar, Bry. ASIMINA TRILOBA. Similar: Illie, Liriodendron. ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS. Antidotes: Aeon, Apis, Coff. 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. 1199 Collateral: Convallaria maj, Medeola virg, Trillium cer, Sars. Similar: Am, Aur. mur, Cann, Dig, Spig. ASTACUS FLUVIATILIS. Antidote: Aeon. Similar: Apis,Rhus. ASTERIAS RUBENS. Antidotes: Plumb, Zinc. Collateral: Murex, Sep. Compatible: Belb, Calc,Carbo a. Con, Ipec, Sil, Sul. Inimical: coffee and Nux v. Similar: Bell, Crot. t, Gamb, Grat, Jatroph, Lib tig. Thuya. ATROPINUM. Antidotes: Calab, Op. Similar: Bell. ATROPINUM SULPHURICUM. Antidote : to Muscarine, or poisoning by mush- rooms, especially dyspnoea ; to meconate of morphia, or any other salt of opium, espe- cially where the heart's action is greatly di- minished. AURANTIUM. Antidote: an orange eaten before breakfast is said to destroy the desire for alcoholic drinks. AURUM METALLICUM. Antidotes: Bell, Camph, Cinch, Coccul, Coff, Cupr, Merc, Puis, Spig, Sol. nigr.; to ill effects of mercury ; to large quantities of iodide of potash. Compatible: IBelb, ICale, IHep, IILyc, IMere, INux v., IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, HSep, ISil, HSub Similar : Amm. c, Arg. met, Arg. nit, Ars, Asaf, Bell, Caps, Cale, Calc. p. Cinch, Coccul, Coff, Cupr, Dig, Ferr, Glon, Hep, Iod, Kali bi. Kali br. Kali c. Kali iod, Lach, Lye.; Merc, Nitr. ac, Nux v, Pallad, Plat, Puis, Sol. nigr, Sep, Sil, Spig, Sul, Tarant, Thuya, Ver. v. AURUM MURIATICUM. Antidotes: Bell, Cinnab, Merc. Inimical: Sulphur springs. Similar : Aeon, Amm. c, Arg. met, Arg. nit, Ars, Bell, Cinnab, Ferr, Glon, Lye, Merc, Nitr. ac, Phos, Plat, Sil, Sul. AURUM MURIATICUM NATRONA- TUM. Inimical: coffee and alcohol. Similar: Arg. nit, Ars, Aur. met, Aur. mur, Ttodiaz Bry, Cist, Con, Graph, Hep, Iod, lal bh, Kali iod. Lye, Merc, viv Mere sul. Mere iod. rub, Nitr. ac, Phos, Phos. ac. Sub, Thuya. BADIAGA. Collateral: Spong. Compatible: Lach. Complementary: Iod, Merc, Sul. Similar: Calc. s, Carbo a. Cist, Clem, Hep, Iod, Kali iod, Lach, Merc, Merc, iod, Nitr. ac, Seneg, Sil, Spong, Sul. BAFTISIA TINCTORIA. Compatible : Nitr. ac, Tereb. Similar: lArn, lArs, IBry, Gels, Ham, Hyos, Kali chlor, Lach, Mur. ac, Nitr. ac, Nux v. Op, IRhus, Sib BARYTA CARBONICA. Antidotes: Ant. t, Belb,Camph, Dulc,Merc, Zinc. Compatible: Ars, IBell, ICale, ILye, IMere, INux v, HPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISib, ISul, Squilla. Inimical: Calc (in scrofula). Similar: Alum, Ant. t. Bell, Calc, Calc iod, Caust, Cham, Cinch, Con, Dulc, Fluor, ac, Iod, Lach, Lye, Magn. c, Merc, Natr. c, Phos, Puis, Sep, Sil, Sul, Tell. BARYTA MURIATICA. Antidote: Absin. Compatible: Arn. Similar: Con. BELLADONNA. Antidotes : vegetable acids, infusion of galls or green tea, coffee, Hyoscyamus, Opium; to effects of small doses, Aeon, Arum t, Atrop, Camph, Cinch, HCoff, Cup. m, Ferr, IHep, I IHyos, Jab, Merc, IOp, Plat, Plumb, Puis, Sabad, wine. Complementary: Calc Compatible: lArn, lArs, lAur. met, IBry, HCale, ICaps, ICaust, ICham, ICie, ICinch, ICoccul, ICon, 11 Hep, IHyos, Hgn, llpec, IILach, IILyc, IIMerc, INatr. c, INatr. m, INitr. ae, INux v. Op, IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, Seneg, ISep, ISpig, IStaph, IStram, IISul, Val, IVer, and lemon juice. Inimical: Dulc, vinegar. Similar: Aeon, alcohol, Ars, Bry, Calc, Cham, Cie, Coff, Cupr, Eup. pur. Gels, Hep, Hyos, Lach, Merc, Nux v. Op., Puis, Rhus, Stram, Tereb, Ver. BENZOIC ACID. Antidote: after abuse of Copaiva in suppres- sion of gonorrhoea, or for warts around anus appearing after Copaiva had been used for chancre; has been used for dysuria senilis from enlarged prostate in conjunction with Copaiva. Inimical: wine. Similar: Cop, Ferr, Zinc. BERBERIS. Antidotes: Aeon, Camph, Bell. 1200 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. Compatible: Arn, Bry, Kali bi. Lye, Rhus, Sul. Similar: Aeon, Aloe, Ant. t, Ars, Calc, Calep,Carbo v, Cham., Cinch, Lyc,Natr.m, Nitr. ac, Nux v. Puis, Rheum. BISMUTHUM. Antidotes : coffee, Calc, Caps, Nux v. Collateral: isomorphic with Ant. c, Ars and Phos. Compatible: lArs, IIBell, ICale, ICycb. Tr,vonymus, Hgn, IKali c, ILye, IMere, INux v, IIPuls, IRhus, HSep, ISil, ISul. Similar: Ant. c, lArs, IIBell, IIBry, Calc, Caps, Cinch, Ign, Kali c, Kreo, Lach, Lye, Merc, Nux v, Phos, Plumb, Puis, Rhus, Sep, Sil., Staph. BORAX. Antidotes: Chafn, Coff. Compatible: IBry, HCale, ILye, IMere, IINux v, IPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISil, ISul. Inimical: vinegar, wine. Similar: Amm. c, IIArs, Belb, IBry, HCale, Graph, Ign, Kali bi. Lye, Magn. m, Merc, Nux v, Phos, Puis, Rhus, Sep,Sil, Sub BOVISTA. Antidote : Camph.; to bad effects of tar, ex- ternally applied ; to suffocation from carbon vapors. Compatible: Alumin, HCale, IPhos, IPuls., IIRhus, HSep, IStaph, ISul, IVer. Inimical: coffee. Similar : Bry, HCale, Carbo v., Caust, Kali c. Lye, Merc, Natr. m, IPhos, Puis, Rhus, Sep, Sil, Spig, Staph, Stront, Val. BRACHYGLOTTIS REPENS. Similar: the other Eupatoriaceae; to Apis, Arn, Bov, Calend, Helon, Merc, cor, Nux v. Op., Plumb, Senecio. BROMIUM. Antidotes: Amm. c, Camph, Magn. c. Op. Compatible: Arg. nit. (generally after, not before), Kali e Similar: Ant. t. Apis, Arg. nit, Ars, Bell, Bor, Caust, IChlor, Cina, Cinch, Coff, Con, Cup. m, Fluor, ac, IHep, Hod, Lach, Lye, IMere, Phos, Rhus, Sep, ISpong, Sul. BRYONIA ALBA. Antidotes: Aeon, I Alumin, ICale, Camph., ICham, Chel, Chlor, Cinch, Clem, Coff, Fragaria, Hgn, Merc, Mur. ac, INux v, IPuls, Rhus, Seneg. Collateral: the Cucurbitacese. Compatible: Aeon, IIAlum, Ammoniac, IBell, ICale, ICon, Kali e, ILye, IMere, INux v. Op, IPhos, IIPuls, IRbus, ISep., IISul. Complementary: Alumin, Rhus. Similar: IIAcon, Ammoniac, I Ante, Arn, IIArs, Ascl. t, IBell, ICale, Carbo v, HCaust, Cham, Illgn, Ipec, IKali c,Kreo, Lach, ILye, Merc, IINatr m^ Natr. 8., Nitr. ac, IINux v. Op, Petrol, IPhos, Pod, Pul3,Ran. b, IRhus, Rumex, Sep,Sib,Spig, oqnilla, HSub BUFONES. Antidotes: Lach., Seneg. Complementary: Salamandra (epilepsy, cere- bral softening). Similar: Ant. c, Ars, Art. v, Calc, Canth, Cub, Hep, Hyos, Kali br, Lach, Merc, Natr. m, Nux v,Phos. ac, Sil, IISul,Tarant. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. Antidotes: Aeon, Camph, Cinch. Collateral: Cereus Bonplandii, Cereus serpen- tina, Opuntia. Compatible : Aeon, Arn, Ars, IBell, Bry, Cham, Dig, Eup. perf. Gels, Ipec, Kali br, ILach., Nux v, Rhus, Sul. Similar: Aeon,Act. rac,Aloe,Alum, Amm. m, Amyl, Ant. t, Arn, Ars, Bell, Bov, Bry, Cadm. s, Cain, Calc, Carbo v, Caust, Coral, Crotal , Dig, Eup. perf, Glon, Iod, Ipec, Justitia, Kalic, Kali chlor. Kali n, Kalm, Lach, Lil. tig.. Murex, Naja,Natr. m, Nux v. Op, Puis, Rhus, Sil, Spig, Stram, Sul, Tabae, Tarant, Zinc. CADMIUM SULFURATUM. Compatible : Bell, Carho v, Nitr. ac. Similar: iEthus, Aloes, Ant. t, Ars, Asar, Bry, Colch, Crot. t. Cup, Hell, Ipec, Kali bi. Kali chlor, Nux v. Pod, Rhus, Sep, Ta- bae, Ver, IZinc. CAINCA. Antidotes : Colch, Rhus, Ver. Compatible: Ars. Similar: lApoc.Bry. CALABAR (PHYSOSTIGMA). Antidotes: Atrop, Chloral.; camphor suspends the symptoms temporarily. Compatible: Amyl, Con, Gels. Similar: Agar, Bell, Caust, Cham, Con, Curar, Gels, Nux v, Passiflora, Solanum. CALADIUM. Antidotes: Camph, HCaps.; the juice of the sugar cane is said to be antidotal,and the ne- groes say the juice of the root will annul effect produced by the juice of the leaves ; II Cinch, Coccul, Con, Dulc, IIHep, llpec, Merc, INux v. Op. Compatible: Act. rac, Agar, lArs, IIBell., ICale, Caust, IHvos, Nitrum, ISep, Stram, ISul, IVer. Complementary: Calc. Similar: copper preparations generally, and Solonacese; Antt, Apis, Arn, Ars, IBell, Bry, Calc, Camph, Cie, Cina, Coloe, Gels, Ipec, Nux v, Phos, Plumb, Puis, Sec; Sil, Ver, Zinc CUPRUM SULFURICUM. Antidotes: milk, eggs, pure yellow prussiate of potash. Similar: Kali bi, Merc. CURARA. Antidotes : artificial respiration, bromine and chlorine ; tobacco or salt applied topically neutralize effects of Curara wounds; still better chloral, strychnia ; it probably better antidotes Lyssin. Compatible: Arn, Bar. c. Bell. Similar: Diad., Ferr, Nux v. CYCLAMEN EUROPIUM. Antidotes: Camph, 11 Coff, Puis. Compatible : IBell, ILye, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISul. Similar: Amm. m, Arn, Bar. c,Calc,Canth, Coccus, Croc, Gels, IPuls. (its nearest ana- logue), Rhus, Seneg, Thuya. CYPRIPEDIUM. Similar: Amb, Coca, Coff, Ign, Kali br, Paullinia, Scutellaria, Thea, Val, Zinc. DAPHNE ODORA. Antidotes: Bry, Dig, Chrom. ac, Merc, Rhus, Sep, Sib, Zinc. Similar: Aurum, Benz. ac, Jamb,Merc, Me*., Puis, Staph, Thuya, Ver. DIADEMA ARANEA. Antidotes : smoking tobacco ; Cinch, Merc. 1206 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. Compatible : Ipec, Nux v, Rhus, Samb ; after Ars, Calc., Sil. Similar : Arn, Ars, Ced, Cinch, Dulc, Lye, Merc, Mygale, Nux v. Puis, Rhus, Tarant, Therid. DIGITALIS PURPUREA. Antidotes: Nux v. Op, sweet milk with Fce- num grsecum ; vegetable acids, vinegar, infu- sion of galls, ether, camphor, Serpentaria ; keep patient recumbent and give alcohol; Tannin has been recommended in order to Srecipitate Digitalin in the stomach ; anti- ote to wine and to the jaundice caused thereby, IMyr. cer. Compatible: IBell, IBry, Cham, ICinch, ILye, Nux v. Op, Phos, IIPuls, ISep, IISul, Ver. Inimical: Cinch, Nitr. sp. d. Similar: alkaloids which have similar action, such as adonidin, antiarin, convalamarin, helleborein, neriin,oleandrin, soilliain; Aeon, Ant. t, Apoe, Ars, Bry, Camph, Cinch, Con.,Ferr,Kalm, Lach, Lobel,Lyc, Natr.m, Nux v, Phos, Puis, Spig, Sul, Tabae, Ver. DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. Similar: Act. rac, ^Escl, Aloe, Bism, Bry, Calc, Cann. i, Cham, Collin, Coloe, Ipec, Kali bi, Nux v., Phos, Pod, Rhus, Rumex, Sars, Sil, Sul. DOLICHOS PRURIENS. Antidote : Aeon, which should be given pre- ceding Dolich. in cases of dentition attended by fever, to prevent convulsions. DORYFHORA DECEMLINEATA. Antidote: earth absorbs and neutralizes poison ; vinegar, or other vegetable acids ; Stram. Similar: Agar, Ailant, Apis, Belb, Canth, Crotal, Lach, Stram. DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA Antidote: Camph. Compatible: ICale, INux v, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, IISul, Ver. Complementary: Nux v. Similar: Bell, Chel, Cina, Coral, rub, Cupr, Hyos, Ipec, Nux v, Samb. DULCAMARA. Antidotes: Camph, Cupr, Ipec, Kali c, Merc. Compatible: lArs, IIBry, I ICale, I ICon, IIKalie, IILyc, I IMere, IINitr.ae, IPuls, IRhus, HSep, I ISil, ISul, I IVer. Inimical: Bell, Lach. Complementary: Bar. e Similar: Aeon, Act. rac, Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Cham, Cupr, Hell,Ipec, Kalic, Lye, Merc, Nitr. ac. Puis, Rhus, Sep, Staph, Stram, Sub, Ver. ELAPS CORALLINUS. Antidotes. radiated heat, alcohol; Ars. Similar : lArs, Carbo v, Crotal, Lach, Mur. ae, Naja, Nitr. ac, Rhus. ELATERIUM. Similar: Apis, Bry, Canth, Colch, Coloe, Crot. t. Hep, Ign, Rhus, Ver. EQUISETUM HYEMALE. Similar: Apis, Cann, Canth, Ferr. ph,Puls. ERIGERON. Similar: Canth, Cop, Cub, Sabina, Tereb. ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM. Similar : Cinch, Gels, Phos. EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS. Similar: Ant. c. Ant. t, Ars, Cinch, Sil, Tereb. EUGENIA JAMBOS. 8fi^° Jambos. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. Compatible : Natr. m, Sep, follow well. Similar: Bry. (its closest analogue), Chel, Lye, Pod. EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM. Similar : Apoe, Cann. s, Canth, Cop, Ferr., Senecio. EUPHORBIUM. Antidotes: camphor, opium, large quantities of lemon juice ; Ars, Nux v. Compatible: Arum t, IBell, ICale, Graph, Lach, ILye, IIPuls, ISep, IISul. Similar: Ant. t, Colch, Elat, Ver. EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. Antidotes: Camph, Puis. Compatible: Aeon, ICale, ICon, INuxv, HPhos, IPuls,Rhus, ISep, Sil, IISul. Similar: ^Ethus, Apis, Arg. nit, Ars, Cepa, Hep, Kali bi. Kali iod, Merc, Merc, cor.. Puis. FERRUM (ACETICUM AND METAL- LICUM). Antidotes: Ars, HCinch, Hep, Iod, Ipec, Merc, IPuls.; to prussic acid, tea, beer, and alcoholic drinks. Compatible: Aeon, Arn, I Ars, IBell, ICale, HCinch, Con, IILyc, Mere, IPhos, IPuls, ISep, ISil, IISul, Ver. Complementary: Alum, Cinch. Similar: Anac, Ars, Bor, Cinch, Phos, Se- len, Spong, Thuya. FERRUM IODATUM. Similar: Alum, Alumin,Caulo, Graph, He- lon, Hydras, Iod, Kali bi. 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. 1207 FERRUM MURIATICUM. J©°" Ferr, Ferr. iod, etc. FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM. Compatible : Ant. t, IBell, Calc.fl, Calc. p. Cale s. Kali m. Kali ph , Natr. s. , Similar: lAcon, Gels. FERRUM SULPHURICUM. Similar : Caust, Cina, Phos. FILIX MAS. No observations. FLTJORICUM ACIDUM. Compatible: Ars, Belbt Kali c, Phos. ac, Rhus, ISil. Similar: Citr. ac. Coca, Coff, Kali c, Oxal. ac, Rhus, Ruta, Sep, Sil, Spong, Staph. FORMICA RUFA. Compatible: Cham. Similar: Apis, Bry,Chloral,Tromb, Frag. ves., Urt. ur. GAMBOGIA. Antidotes : Camph, Coff, Coloe, Kali c. Op. Similar : Aloe, Pod, Puis. GELSEMIUM. Antidotes : Atrop, Cinch, Coff, Dig., Nux m, salt, stimulants, galvanism ; artificial respira- tion and faradism of muscles of respiration ; antagonizes Atrop. and Opium. Compatible: Bapt, Ipec. Similar: Bell , Caulo, Caust, Coccul, Con, Ferr. ph, Quillaia, 01. an, Ver. GLONOINUM. Antidotes: IIAcon, Camph, Coff, Nux v. Similar: IIAmyl, IBell, Ferr, Gels, Natr. c. Op, Potas. nitr. Sod. nitr, Stram. GNAPHALIUM POLYCEPHALUM. Similar: Anis. stel, Cham, Ipec, Merc,Puis, Xan. GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM. Similar: Act. rac. Apis, Asar, Bell., Bry, Lil. tig. Puis, Sabina, Sec, Sep, Ustil. GRAPHITES. Antidotes: Aeon, 11 Ars, Iod, Nux v, Rhus. Compatible: IBelb, HCale, IILyc, IMere, INux v, IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, HSep, IISul. Complementary: Caust, Hep, Lye GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS. Antidotes : Bell, Caust, Euphor, Iod, Nux v. Similar : Apis, Bell, Cham., Hell, Nux v. GRINDELIA ROBUSTA. Antidote : Rhus. Similar: Amm. m. Ant. t. Kali bi. GUAIACUM. Antidotes : Caust, Nux v, Rhus. Compatible: Caust, Mere, Sul. Similar: Kali iod, Mez, Phyt, Rhod, Stilling. GUARANA (PAULLINIA). Compatible: HCale, ICarbov, ICinch,ILye, IMere, IPuls, ISil, ISul. Similar: Agar, Ign, Nux v. GUARiEA TRICHILOIDES. Similar : Apis, Arn, Ign, Merc, Phos., Sil. GUMMI GUTTI. 9ST" See Gambogia. GYMNOCLADUS CANADENSIS. Similar: yEthus, Agar, Belb, Cie, Hyos, Lach, Lachn, Solan, nigr, Stram. HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA. Antidotes : Arn, Camph, Cinch, Puis. Complementary: Ferr. Similar: JEsc. h, Arn, Bov, Calend, Chloral, Clem, Collin,Erig,Galium,Lycopus, Senecio, Subae, Trill, Vitalba. HEKLA LAVA. Similar: Merc, Phyt, Phos, Sil, Stilling, SuL HELLEBORUS NIGER. Antidotes: Camph, I ICinch. Compatible: IIBell, IBry, Cinch, ILye, IMere, INux v, IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISul, Zinc. Similar: Apis, Apoe, Ars, Canth, Dig, Kali br, Lach, Phos. ac. HELONIAS DIOICA. Antidotes : Kali br, Lil. tig. Similar: Alet, Ferr, Phos. ac, Senecio, Stram. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. Antidotes: Act. rac, lArs, IBell, Cham, Sib; to mercurial and other metallic preparations, . iodine, especially the iodide of potash and codliver oil; removes weakening effects of ether. Compatible: IIAcon, I Arn, lArs, IBelb, ICaust, ICham., I ICinch, IDaph, Ign,Lach.', ILye, IIMerc , I INatr. m, INitr. ac, Nux v \ IPhos, IRhus, HSil, ISpong, Zinc. Complementary : to Calend, in injuries. Similar: Alumin, ICale, HCale s, Iod, Kali bi, IMere, Rheum, ISil, ISul. 1208 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. Antidotes of wrist. HIPFOMANES. coffee; caustic relieved paralysis HIPPOZiENIN. No observations. HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. Antidote : Sulphur ; to Merc, and chloride of -potash. Similar: Aloe, Amm. m. Ant. c. Ant. t, Arg. nit, Ars, Bapt, Berb, Cinch, Collin, Con, Cund, Dig, Euph, Gels, Graph, Hep, Hydrocot, Kali bi, Kreo, Merc, cor, Nux v, Phyt, Puis, Sep, Sul, Strychnia, Thuya, Trifol, prat. HYDROCOTYLE ASIATICA. Similar: Hydras. HYDROCYANICUM ACIDUM. Antidotes : ammonia, camphor, coffee; Ipec, Nux v., Op, Ver. v. Similar : Aeon, Camph, Cie, CEnan. HYDROPHOBINUM. W&* Lyssinum. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. Antidotes: Bell, Cinch, Citric ac, Stram.; to effects of ether. Compatible : IIBell, IBry, ILye, Nux v., IOp, Phos, IPuls, IStram, Ver. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM. Antidotes: Ars, Cham.; to effects of mesmer- ism (Sulphur). Similar: Aeon, Agar, HArn, Ars, HCalend, Cham, Coccul, Ruta, Staph, Sul. IBERIS AMARA. Compare: Amyg, Bell, Cact, Dig. ICTODES FCETIDA. Compare: Arum, t, Asaf, Meph. IGNATIA. Antidotes: Arn, Camph, Cham, Coccul, I ICoff, IIPuls.; to effects of brandy, coffee, chamomile tea, tobacco, Zinc. Inimical: coffee, Nux v, tobacco. Similar: Ars, IBelb, IBry, ICale, Cham, Cinch, Coff, ILye, Nux v, IIPuls, IIRhus, ISep, Staph, HSub * ILLICUM ANISATUM. Compatible: Aeon, Bry. INDIGO. Similar: Sub INDIUM METALLICUM. Similar: Aspar, Bell, Ferr, Sang. INULA. Similar : Croc, Ign, Sul, Tereb, Thuya. IODOFORMUM. Antidote: Hep. Similar: Iodum and the iodides, Merc. IODUM. Antidotes: starch or wheat flour mixed with water ; Ant, t, 11 Ars, IBelb, Camph, Cinch, Chin, s, Coff, IHep, Merc, Op, I IPhos, Spong, Sul. Compatible : after Merc; after Hep. in croup; after Aeon, Arg. nit, I Ars, IBell, ICale, IILyc, IIMerc. sol, INux v, HPhos. Complementary: Lye Similar: Brom, Cact, Caust., Con, Dig, Kali bi, Phos. ac, IIPuls, ISep, ISul. IPECACUANHA. Antidotes: Alum, Am, IIArs, I ICinch, vapors of copper, Dulc, Ferr, Laur, Nux v. Op, Sul. ac, Tabae Compatible : 11 Aeon, Ant. t, 11 Ars, IIBell, IBry, Cadm. s, I ICale, I ICham, I ICinch, Cupr, I llgn, ILye, I IMere, INux v, IPhos, IIPuls, IIRhus, ISep, ISul, Tabae, Ver. Complementary: Cupr. IPOMCEA. No observations. IRIDIUM. No observations. IRIS VERSICOLOR. Antidotes : Merc, Nux v, Phyt. Similar: Ant. c. Ant. t, Ars, Colch, Eup. perf, Ipec, Jugb, Lept, Merc, Puis, Sang, Ver. JABORANDI. Similar: Amyl, Atrop, Calab. JACARANDA CAROBA. Similar: Coral. JACEA (VIOLA TRICOLOR) Antidotes: Camph, Merc, Puis, Rhus. Compatible: IMere, IPhos, IIPuls, IIRhus, HSep, ISil, Staph, ISul. Similar: Clem, Graph, Hep, Mez, Oleand, Petrol, Staph, Vinca. JALAPA. Similar : Camph, Coloe, Ipec. JAMBOS EUGENIA. Coff; smoking tobacco antidotes Antidote nausea. Similar: Laur. and drugs containing hydro- cyanic acid; Puis. JATROPHA. Antidote: effects cease by placing hands in cold water. 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. 1209 Similar: the Euphorbiacese, Crot. t, Euphor. coral. Mane; also Ver. JUGLANS CINEREA. Similar: Bry, Carbo v, Chel, Coccul, Gels, , Nux v. KALI ARSENICOSUM. Similar: lArs, Cie, Cinch, Iod, Kali bi, Merc. cor. KALI BICHROMICUM. Antidotes: Ars, Lach, Mere, Merc, iod. Puis.; to effects of beer; effects of arsenical vapors. Compatible : Ant. t, Canth, Iod. Similar: Brom, Cann, Hep, Kali iod, Mez, Nitr. ac, Phyt, Spong, Sib KALI BROMATUM. Antidotes : vegetable acids, oleaginous reme- dies ; Camph, Nux v. Zinc.; to lead poison- ing. Compatible : Aeon, Jamb, Spong. Similar: Amb, Amm. br. Bell, Camph, Gels, Hyos, Natr. m, Stram, Zinc. KALI CARBONICUM. Antidotes: Camph, Coff, Nitr. sp. d. Compatible: lArs, IBell, IBry, ICale, HCarbov, Fluor. ac,HLyc,IMere, Natr. m, Nitr. ac, INux v, IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, HSep, ISil, IISul. Complementary: Carbo v. Similar: Natr. m, Stann. KALI CYANATUM. Similar: Ced, Plat, IStann. KALI FERROCYANATUM. Similar: Collin, Dig, Ferr, Hydr. ac. Kali e, Stann. KALI IODATUM. Antidotes: Hep, Merc; to lead poisoning. Similar: Ars, IBell, Con, IIHep, lllod, ILach, IIMerc, Mez, IPhyt, Puis, Sib, Sul, ISyph. KALI MURIATICUM. Antidotes: Bell, Calc. s. Hydras, Merc, Puis. Compatible : Ferr. ph. Kali ph. Kali s. Sib Similar: Apis, Ars, Bell, Bry-, Cadm. Calcp, Iod., Iris, Merc, Merc, d, Mur ac, Natr. m, Nitr! ac. Puis, Rhus, Spong, Sul, Thuya. KALI NITRICUM. Similar: Camph, Canth, Lye KALI PERMANGANICUM. No observations. KALI PHOSPHORICUM. Compatible : Cycl, Kali m, Magn. p, Natr. m. Nitr. ac. Zinc; after weakening diseases mushrooms by virtue of containing Kali phos. rapidly restore muscle and nerve tissue. Similar: Ars, Bapt, Carbo v. Cinch, Ign, Kreo, ILach, Mur. ac, Phos, Phyt, Puis, Rhus. KALI SULPHURICUM. Compatible : Acet. ac, Ars, Calc, Hep, Puis, Rhus, Sep., Sil, Sul. Similar: Kali m, Natr. m. KALMIA LATIFOLIA. Antidotes: Aeon, Bell. Similar: Bell, Benz. ac, Calc., Diose, Kali bi, Lith, Lye, Natr. m. Puis, Rhus, Spig. KAOLIN. No observations. KOBALTUM. Similar : Agnus cast. Zinc. Antidotes : Aeon, Nux v. Compatible : Ars, IBelb, Calc, Kali c, ILye, Nitr. ac, INux v, IPhos, IPuls, IIRhus, Sep, ISib, HSub Inimical: Carbo v. Similar: Ant. t, Carbo a. Graph, Hep, Iod, Ipec., Lach, Merc, Petrol, Phos. LAC CANINUM. Similar: Aeon, Amb, Amm. e, Amm. m, Anac, Apis, Arum t, Asar, Aur. met. Bell, Bov, Bry, Calc, Calc. acet, Carbo a, Caust, Cinch, Coff, Con, Curar, Dig, Dulc, Eup. perf. Gels, Gnaphab, Graph, Grin, Hep, Ign, Iod, Iris, Kali bi. Kali c, Lach, Lac def. Lye, Merc, Merc, iod, Murex, Natr. c, Natr. m, Nitr. ac, Nux v. Op, Pallad, Paullin, Petrol, Phos, Phyt, Plat, Psor, Rhus, Ruta, Sang, Sep, Sil, Spig, Staph., Stram, Sul, Tell, Thuya, Zinc. LAC DEFLORATUM. Similar: Lac caninum. LACHESIS. Antidotes: radiated heat outwardly,alcoholin- wardly ; salt; Alum, Ars, Bell, Coccul, Coff., Hep, Mere, Nitr. ac, Nux v, Phos. ac.; to effects of Bufo, Crotal, Rhus. Compatible: Aeon, lArs, IBell, Brom, I IBry, I ICale, Carbo v, I ICham, I ICinch, IIHep, IIHyos, Kali bi, Lac c, IILyc, IIMerc, IINitr. ac, Nux v,Oleand, HPhos, IIPuls, IIRhus, I ISep, I ISil, I IStaph, I IStram, ISul, Tarant, I IVer. Complementary : Hep., Lye, Nitr. ac. Inimical: Acet. ac Similar: Act. rac. Agar, Alum, Anac, Apis, Arg. met, Arn, Ars, Asaf, Bothrops. can. Bell, Bry, Calc, Camph, Carbo v., Caust, Cie, Cinch, Coccul, Colch, Crotal, Dig, Elaps, Gels, Glon,Graph, Hell,Hep, Hyos, Hydr.ac, Ign,Kali bi, Kalic, Kreo, Lace, 1210 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. Lact. ac, Laur, Led, Lye, Meph, Merc, Mez, Mosch, Mur. ae, Murex, Naja,Natr. c, Natr. m, Nitr. ac, Nuxv, Op, Pallad, Paris, Phos, Phyt, Plat, Plumb, Puis, Rhus, Sil, Stram, Sul, Sul. ac, Tarant, Tereb, Therid, Thuya, Ver. LACHNANTHES TINCTORIA. Similar: Act. rac,iEthus, Agar,Bell, Cann. i, Cie, Crotal, Gels, Glon, Gymn, Hyos, Lach, Op, Plat, Phos., Sang, Stram. LACTICUM ACIDUM. Antidote : Bry. Compatible: meat diet in diabetes mellitus. Inimical: Coffee increases symptoms. Similar: vegetable acids, Aeon., Act. rac, Belb, Caulo, Ipec, Nuxv, Phos. ac, Psor, Puis, Rhus. LACTUCA VIROSA. Similar: Kali c. Kali iod, Lach, Op. LAPIS ALBUS. Similar: Ars, Ars. iod, Badiag, Calc, Calc. iod. Con, Cund, Iod, Kali c, Kali iod, Sil, Spong. LAUROCERASUS. Antidotes: Camph, I ICoff, Ipec, I IOp. Compatible: IIBell, IBry, ICale, ILye, INux v, HPhos, IPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISul, IVer. Similar: Bar.c, Bell, Bry, Calc, Hydr. ac, Ipec, Nuxv, Op, Phos, Puis, Rhus, Sep, Sul, Ver. LEDUM PALUSTRE. Antidotes: Apis, Camph.; to effects of alcohol. Compatible : Aeon,IBell, IBry, ICale, ILye, IMere, Nux v., IIPuls, IRhus, ISep., ISub Inimical: Cinch. Similar: Arn,Crot. t. Ham, Ruta. LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA. Similar: Bry, Cinch, Iris, Merc., Pod. LILIUM TIGRINUM. Antidotes: Helon, Nux v. Puis. Similar: I Act. rac. Agar, Bell, Cact, Canth, IHelon, Murex, Natr. p, Nux v. Plat., Pod, IPuls, ISep, Spig, Sub, Tarant. LITHIUM CARBONICUM. Similar: Alumin, Amm. p., Aur. met, IBenz. ae, Berb, Cale, Con, Coral, Gettysburg Springs, Kali bi, IKalm., Led, ILye, Mar.v., Sep., Zinc. LOBELIA COERULEA. Similar: Cean., Puis, Ranunc LOBELIA INFLATA. Antidote : Ipec. Similar: Ant.t, Ars, Dig., Ipec, Rosa dam. Tabae Ver.; Lobelia is to the bad effects from drunkenness in people with ljght hair, blue or gray eyes, florid complexion, fat or corpu- lent, what Nux v. is to people of the opposite temperament. LYCOPODIUM. Antidotes: I Aeon, Camph, Caust, Cham, Cinch, ICoff, Graph, IPuls. * . Compatible: IBelb, 11 Bry., HCale, ICarbo v., I IGraph, Hyos, IILach, Led, IMere, INux v, IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISil, Stram, IISul, Ver. Complementary: Iod. Inimical: coffee. Similar: Ars, Cale s, Carbo a, Euph, Hep, Merc, Natr. m, Nitr. ac, Nux v., Rhus, Sabad. LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. Similar: Cact, Dig, Hydr. ae, Iber, Laur, Prun, Sang, Spig. LYSSIN. Antidotes : Bell, Hyos, Stram. Compatible: Arg. nit, Natr.m,Stann,Tabae. Similar: Canth. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. Antidotes: Acet. ac, Ars,IBry, Cham, Merc. sol, Nux v., Puis, Rheum. Compatible: Caust., IMere, HPhos, IPuls, •Sep., ISil, Sul. Complementary: Cham. Similar: Aloe, Ante, Calc, Coloe, Graph, Ipec, Lye, Nitr. ac., Nux m, Sil. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. Antidotes: Ars,Camph,HCham,Merc,Nuxv. Compatible: Belb, ICale, IILyc, IMere., Natr. m, IPhos, HPuls,JISep, ISil, ISul. Similar: Bar, Bry, Calc, Graph, Kali e, Nitr. ac, Phos, Sul. MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA. Similar: Ars., IBell, Spig, Zinc. MAGNESIA SULPHURICA. Similar: Act. rac. Hep, Ign, Puis. MANCINELLA HIPPOMANE. Similar: Canth, Crot. t., Euphor, Yucca filam. MANGANUM CARBONICUM. Antidotes: Coff, Merc. sol. Compatible: ICale, ILye, IMere, IPhos.. IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISul. Similar: Amm. m., Arg. nit. MARUM VERUM. Compatible: ICinch, ILye, IMere, INux v IPhos, IPuls, HSib ' Similar: Cina, Ign, Kali bi, Nux v, Phos, Sang, Sfl, Val. ' 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. 1211 MEDORRHINUM. Antidote : Ipec, for dry cough. Compatible: Sul. Similar: Camph, Pic ac. Sec, Syph, Ver. MELILOTUS. Similar: Amyl, Ant. c. Bell, Glon, Sang, Stram. MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. Antidote : Camph.; to chronic effects of Cinch. and Quinia. Compatible: IBell, ICale, Caps, IILyc, IIPuls, I IRhus, ISep, I iSub Similar: Calc, Gels, Magn. m, Paris, Puis. MEPHITIS PUTORIUS. Similar: Act. rac. Agar, Amm. c, Ars, Asaf, Aur. met, Carbo v. Castor, Coral, Dros, Lach, Mosch, Rumex, Sticta, Tarant. MERCURIAL IS PERENNIS. Antidotes: Aeon, Bell. Similar: other Euphorbiacese; I Alum, lAnt.c, I Asaf, IBar. c, Berb, IIBor, ICann. s, ICaps, HCaust, Cinch, IKali bi, IKreo, IILach, ILed, ILye, IMagn. c, IMagn. m, IIMerc. sol, IMur. ac, INatr. m, IINitr. ac, I INux m, INux v, I Oleand, I Op, IPhos. ac, IPlat, IRhod, IRhus, ISeneg, ISep, ISpig, IStram, IISul, ISul. ac, ITarax, IThuya, IVer. MERCURIUS (SOLUBILIS AND VIVUS). Antidotes: Ant. e, Asaf, lAur. met, IBell, Calad, Camph, I ICarbo v, 11 Cinch, I IDulc, Ferr, Guaiae, IIHep, Iod, Kah chlor. Kali hyd,ILach,Mez, INitr. ac,Op,IPhyt, Sars, Sep, Sil, Staph, Stilling, ISul, Val; also Merc, high.; to ailments from arsenic or cop- per vapors. Compatible : Ars, Asaf, IBell, ICale, Cinch, Hep, Lach, Lye, Nitr. ac, IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISil, nSul. Inimical: Sil. MERCURIUS CYANATUS. Similar: Amm t, Caust, Hep, Kali bi,Kali c, Lach, Mur. ac, Phyt. MERCURIUS DULCIS. Antidote: Hep. Similar: Sul. ac. MERCURIUS IODATUS FLAVUS. Antidotes: Hep, Lye Compatible: Lach. MERCURIUS IODATUS RUBER. Antidote: Hep. Compatible: Belb, Lach. Similar: Badiag, Carbo a, Merc, praec. rub., Nitr. ac. MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS Antidote -. Sil. Similar: Aur. met, Canth, Dig, Kali iod., Lach. MERCURIUS SULPHURICUM. Antidote: Hep. Similar : Ars, Dig, Sul. MEZEREUM. Antidotes: Aeon, Bry, Calc, Camph, Kali iod, IIMerc, Nitr. ac, Nux v, Phos, Rhus, vinegar; to effects of spirituous liquors. Compatible: IBell, IBry, ICale, Caust,IIgn, ILye, HMerc.lNux v,IPhos,HPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISil, ISul. Similar: Anac, Guaiae, Phytj Rhus. MILLEFOLIUM. Antidote : Arum m. Inimical: coffee, which causes congestion to head. Similar: Ham, Ipec. MITCHELLA REPENS. Similar: Act. rac, Ascl, Caulo, Chim, Eup. pur, Helon, Puis, Senecio, Uva ursi. MORPHINUM SULPHURICUM. Antidote: lAtrop, IBelb; strong infusion of coffee; I Aeon, Ipec Antidotes: Camph, Coff, Therid. MOSCHUS. Similar: Amb, Ammoniac,, Asaf, IBell., IBry, Camph, Castor,Ign,Magn.m,Nux m, Nux v, HPhos, IPuls, IRhus, ISep. MUREX PURPUREA Similar: Kreo, Lil. tig. Plat, Sep. MURIATICUM ACIDUM. Antidotes: carbonate of soda, potassa, lime, magnesia, and sapo medicinalis; IIBry,- Camph.; cures the muscular weakness follow- ing excessive use of opium. Compatible . I IBell, Bry, ICale, ILyc,Merc, IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISul. MYGALE (LASIODORA CUBANA). Similar: Act. rac. Agar, Apis, Bell, IDiad, Dory, Hyos, ITarant, Therid. MYOSOTIS. Similar: Stann. MYRICA CERIFERA. Similar: Asar, Benz. ac, Berb, Brom, Chel, Chim, Cornus, Cub, Dig, Eryng, Eup, Hep, Hydras, Kali bi, Lach, Merc, iod. Pod, Spong. MYRTUS COMMUNIS. Similar: Bry, Phos, Pix, Sul, Therid. 1212 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. NAJA TRIPUDIANS. Similar: Ars, Cact, ICrotal, lElaps, Iber, Lach Mygale, Spig, Sumb. NATRUM ARSENICATUM. Similar: Apis, Ars, Arum t. Kali bi. Kali c, Natr. m. Lye NATRUM CARBONICUM. Antidotes: I ICamph, Cinch, Nitr. sp. d. Compatible: HCale, ILye, Nux v, IPhos, IPuls, HSep, ISil, IISul. Similar: Ars, Carbo v., Lye, Mere, Natr. m, Natr. e, Phos, Sib NATRUM MURIATICUM. Antidotes: Ars, Camph, Nitr. sp. d, HPhos.; to nitrate of silver, where used for cauteriza- tion; to quinine, when diseases continue inter- mittent and patients suffer from headache, are constipated and have disturbed sleep ; to bee-stings. Compatible: IIBell, IBry, HCale, Calc. p., I ICinch, Ferr. ph, IIGraph, Kali m. Kali ph. Kali s, ILach, ILye, Natr. s, I INux v., IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, HSep, ISil, IISul. Complementary: Apis. Similar: Alumin, Amb, Caust, Graph, Hep, Led, Phos, Puis, Staph. NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM. Antidotes: Apis, Sep. Similar: Benz. ac, Calc, Carbo v, Carbol. ac, Coccul, Colch, Guaiae, Kali c. Lye, Nux v, Robinia, Rheum, Sul. NATRUM SULPHURICUM. Compatible: Ars, Bell, Ferr. ph, Natr. rn.i Thuya. Similar: Bry, Coff, Graph, ILye, Merc, INatr. m, IPuls, Rhus, Sil, Stilling, ISul, Thuya. NICCOLUM. Similar: Ars, Carbo a, Ferr, Fluor, ac. Gels, Hyos.,Ign,Kob, Lye,Mang, Natr. m, Nux v. Petrol, Phos, Plat., Puis, Sep, Sil, Sul, Stram, Zinc. NITRUM SPIRITUS DULCIS. Antidotes: Calc, Camph, ICarbo v., ICaust.' ICon, IKali c, Natr. c, IINatr. m, Nitrum, Op., Sep. Inimical: Dig, Ran. b. NITRI ACIDUM. Antidotes: ICale, Dig, IHep, Merc, Mez, Sul. Compatible: Am, Ars, Aur. met., HCale, Carbo a, IHep, Kali c, Kreo, ILye, IMere, Natr. c, IPhos, IIPuls., IRhus, Sec, ISep, ISil, ISul, Thuya. Complementary: Ars,Calad. Inimical: Lach. Similar: Mur. ac. NITRUM. 86T Kali nitricum. NUPHAR LUTEUM. No observations. NUX MOSCHATA. Antidotes: Ars, Camph, Gels.,Laur, Nux v., Op, Rhod, Vab, Zinc. Compatible: Ant. t, IBelb, ILye, IINux v, IPhos, IIPuls, IIRhus, ISil, ISul, Stram. Similar: Amb, Ant. t, Ars, Asaf, Bell, Camph, Coccul, Con, Ign, Laur, Lye, Mosch, Nux v., Op, Phos, Puis, Rhus, Sas- saf, Sep, Sil, Spig, Stram, Sub NUX VOMICA. Antidotes: wine, coffee, Aeon, Bell, Camph, Cham, Coccul, Op, Puis, Stram.; to nar- cotic, drastic- and vegetable remedies; bad effects of aromatics in food, such as ginger, pepper and of so-called hot medicines, citrate of magnesia, alcohol, the tremors of mercury, neuralgia of Mezereum, and ether. Compatible: lArs, IBell, IBry,ICalc,ICinch, Ipec, ILye, Magn. m, IPhos., IIPuls, IIRhus, ISep, ISul. Complementary: Sub Inimical: acids, Ign, Zinc. Similar: IjEsc h, lAloe, Alum, Amb, Arn, Asar, Ars, Bell,, Berb, Bism, IBry, ICalab., Calc, Canth, Carbo v, ICard. m. Castor, ICaust, ICham, ICoccul, ICollin, ether, Graph, Ham, llgn, Kob, Kreo, Lach, Led, Lye, Merc, IOp, Phos, Puis, Staph, ISul, Zing. CENANTHE CROCATA. Collateral: ^Ethus, Cie, Con. OLEANDER. Antidotes: Camph, Sul. Compatible: IBell, IBry, ICale, Con, I ILye, Natr. m, INux v., IPuls, IRhus, ISep., Spic, ISub n "' Similar: Anac, Cinch, Clem, Coccul, Nux v. Staph. OLEUM- ANIMALE. Antidotes: Camph, Nux v. Op. Similar: Agar, Ars, Carbo v. Gels, Ign., Phos, Puis. » k » OLEUM CAJEPUTI. Similar: Aeon, Bell, Colch, Plant. OLEUM JECORIS ASELLI. Similar: Iod, Phos, Spong. OPIUM. Antidotes: strong coffee, wine, Ant. t.JIBell., Dig, lllpec Lach, Merc, Nux v. Plumb' btram, Vanil. arom. Zinc; to charcoal vanor. lead, strychnia. 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. 1213 Compatible: Aeon, Ant. t. Bell, Bry.,Hyos, Nux m, Nux v. Similar -. Apis, Ipec, Mosch. ORIGANUM VULGARE. Similar: Canth, Cann. i, Collin, Hedeoma, Helon, Plat, Val. OSMIUM. Antidotes: Bell, Hep, Merc, Phos. ac, Sil, Spong.; sulphuretted hydrogen. Similar: Argentum, Ars, Brom, Irid,Mang, Selen, Sul, Tell. OXALICUM ACIDUM. Antidotes : carbonates of lime and magnesia. Similar: Arg. met, Ars, Colch, Ipec, Kreo, Phos. ac. Pic. ae, Ver. PiEONIA OFFICINALIS Antidotes: Aloe, Ratan. Similar: Ham, Sil, Sul. PALLADIUM. Antidotes : Belb, Cinch, Glon. Complementary: Plat. Similar: Arg. met, Helon, Lach., Lil. tig. Plat, Pod. PAREIRA BRAVA. Similar: Berb, Chim. m. Hydrangea arb., Uva ursi. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. Antidotes: Camph, I ICoff. Compatible : Bry, ICale, Led, ILye, INux v., IPhos, IPuls, IRhus, HSep, IISul. Inimical: Ferr. ph. Similar: Sib PETROLEUM. Antidotes: Coccul, INux v.; lead poisoning. Compatible: IBelb, IBry, HCale, IILyc, Nitr ac, INux v, IPhos, IPuls, IRhus, HSep, ISil, HSub Similar: the carbons, especially Graph, and Sub; Colch, Tabae PETROSELINUM. Similar : Cann, Canth, Mere PHELLANDRIUM AQUATICUM. Antidotes: Rheum. Similar: Con, Phyt. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. Antidotes: Camph., I ICoff, Staph. Compatible: I Ars, IBelb, ICale, ICinch, ■rnri Ferr., ILye, IMere, Nux v, IRhus, ilSep!, ISil, HSub, Ver. Similar : Fluor, ac. Lye, Mur. ac, IPhos, Pic. ac, IIPuls-. Sep, Sib, Sul. PHOSPHORUS. Antidotes: Camph, Coff, IINux v, Rhus v., Tereb, wine; ill effects of camphor, iodine, and excessive use of table salt. Compatible : Ars,IBell, IBry,ICale, Carbo v. Cinch, Kali c, ILye, INux v, IIPuls, Rhus, ISep, ISib, IISul. Complementary: Ars, Cepa. Inimical: Caust. Similar: Acal, in pulmonary hemorrhage. PHYSOSTIGMA. fi®~ Calabar. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. Antidotes : milk and salt; Bell, Coff, Hlgft-, Merc, Mez, Op, Sul. Similar: Ars, Arum t, Camph, Guaiae, Ipec, Iris, Kali bi. Kali iod, Rhus. PICRIC ACID. Similar: Alumin, Arg. nit. Gels, Oxal. ac. Petrol, Phos, Phos. ac, Sil, Sul. PIX LIQUIDA. Similar: Anisum stellatum (chest pains). Antidotes: Apis ; bad effects of tobacco. PLATINUM. Antidotes: Nitr. sp. d, IPuls.; lead poisoning. Compatible: IBell,ICale,Hgn,HLye,IMerc., IIPuls, IIRhus, IlSep, ISul, Ver. Similar: Asaf, Aur. met. Bell, Croc, Ign, Lye, Plumb, Puis, Rhus, Sabad, Sep, Sul. PLUMBUM. Antidotes: IIAlum, Ant. c, Ars, Bell,Coc- cul, Hep, Kreo, Lye, Nux v, I IOp, Petrol, IPlat, IISul. ac. Zinc; alcohol is a prevent- ive. Compatible: Ars, IIBell, ICale, IILyc, IMere, IOp, HPhos, IIPuls, ISep, ISil, IISul. Similar: Alumin, Are., Bell, Lycop, Natr. nitr, Nux v. Op, Phos. ae, Plat, Pod, Puis, Thallium. PODOPHYLLUM. Antidotes: Coloc.Lact. ac,Lept,Merc, Nux v. Compatible: ICale, Ipec, Nux v., Sul. Inimical: salt, which increases its action. Similar: JEsc. h. Aloe, Apis, Arn, Bry, Chel, Colch, Collin, Hell, Iris, Lept, Lil. tig, Merc, Nitr. ac, Nux v. Puis, Sul, Ver. POLYGONUM PUNCTATUM. Similar: Asar, Amm. c. Caps, Caulo, Puis., Senecio, Seneg, Xan. POLYPORUS OFFICINALIS. Similar: Agar, Bry, Cinch, Cornus, Gels, Ipec, Lept., Nux v., Pod. 1214 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. PRUNUS SPINOSA. Similar: Laur. PSORINUM. Antidotes: coffee. Compatible : Arn, Carbo v. Cinch, Lact. ac. Sub Similar: Carbo v. Cinch, Phos. ac. PTELEA TRIFOLIATA. Similar : other Rutaceae; also Arn, Berb, Bry, Cheb, Hydras., Merc, Nux v., Pod. PULSATILLA. Antidotes: coffee,vinegar, Ant.t, Belb,Cham., Cinch, 11 Coff, Colch, Ign, Lye, Nux v., Plat., , Sabad, Stram, Sub, Sul. ae; iron, quinine, poisoning by toadstools, vapors of mercury and copper, whiskey. Compatible : I Ars, IIBell, IBry, ICale, Ign, Kali bi, IILyc, IMere, INux v., HPhos, IRhus, ISep, ISil, IISul. Complementary: Lye, Sul. ac. Similar : Act. rac. Ant. e, Caulo, Con, Cycl, Ham, Sabina. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. Antidotes: Bry, I ICamph, Puis, Rhus. Inimical: Nitr. sp. d, I IStaph, Sul, alcohol, . wine and vinegar. Similar : Acon.,Am, Bry, Cact, Clem, Crot. t., Euphor, Mez, Sabad. RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. Antidotes: Camph. Compatible : Ars,IBelb, Lach,IIPuls,IRhus, ISil, ISul. RAPHANUS. Similar -. Anac, ICarbo v. RATANHIA. Similar: Canth, Iris, Sul, Thuya. RHEUM. Antidotes: Camphor, Canth, 11 Cham,Coloe, Magn. c, Merc, I INux v., Puis. Compatible: Ipec Complementary: IIBell, Magn. c, IMere, INux v, IPuls, IRhus, IISul. Similar: Ars,Bell, Cham, Coloe, Dulc, Nux v. Pod, Puis, Rhus, Sul. RHODODENDRON. Antidotes: Bry, Camph, I IClem, IIRhus. Compatible : ICale, ICon, ILye, IMere,INux v, IIPuls, IIRhus, ISep, ISil, ISub Similar: Aur. met, Bry, Cale, Clem, Con, IKalm, Led, Lye, Mere, Nux v.,Phos,Puls, Ran. b, Rhus. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. Antidotes: Ant. t,Belb, 11 Bry,Camph., Coff, Crot. t, Merc, Plumb, Ran. b, Rhod, Sas- saf, Sul, Tenacet, Verbena hastata, Virgini- ana serpentaria. Compatible : Arn, Ars, IBry, Calc, Calc. p, Cham, Con, Lach, INux v, Phos. ac,HPuls, ISep, IISul. Inimical: Apis. RHUS VENENATA OR VERNIX. Antidotes : Bry, Phos.; blue clay applied ex- ternally relieves itching and burning. Similar: Anac., Clem, Como, Crot. t. Ran. b, Rhus tox, Rhus rad. ROBINIA. Similar: Bry, Carbo v. Cinch, Lye, Nux v. RUMEX CRISPUS. Antidotes: Bell, Camph, Con, Hyos, Lacli., Phos. Similar: Apis, Bell, Calc, Caust, Cist, Dulc, Eryng, Hep, Iod, Iris, Jugb, Lach, Lobel, Lye, Merc, Nuph, Phos, Pod, Rheum, Sang, Spong, Sul. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. Antidotes: Camph, Merc. Compatible: ICale, Caust, ILye, IMere, Phos. ac, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISil, IISul, Sub ac Similar: Arg. nit, Arn, Bry, Calc, Con, Euph, Lye, Merc, Mez, Phos, Phyt, Puis, Rhus, Sep, Sil, Sul. SABADILLA. Antidotes: Con, Puis. Compatible: Ars, Bell, Bry, ICale, IMere, INux v, IPhos, IIPuls, IIRhus, ISep, ISil, ISul. Similar: Colch, Coloe, Lye, Puis, Ver. SABINA. Antidotes: Camph, Puis. Compatible: Ars, IBell, IIPuls, IRhus, Spong, ISul. Complementary: Thuya. Similar: Arn, Calc, Coccul, Croc, Ipec, Millef, Ruta, Sec, Trill. SALICYLIC ACID. Similar: Ars, Carbol. ac. Cinch,Colch, Kreo, Lact. ac, Nitr. ac, Phos, Salicyl. of soda. SAMBUCUS NIGRA. Antidotes: Ars, Camph. Compatible: lArs, IBell,Con,Nux v, Phos, IPuls, IIRhus, ISep, ISul. Similar: Cinch, Ipec, Sul. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. Antidote: Op. 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. 1215 Compatible: Bell. Similar: Ant. t, Belb, Chelid, Iris, Melib, Paullinia, Phos, Sub, Ver. v. SARRACENIA PURPUREA. Antidote: Pod. SARSAPARILLA. Antidotes: Bell, Mere; effects of mercury. Compatible: IBell, Cepa, Hep, IIMerc, IPhos, Rhus, ISep, ISul. Complementary: Merc, Sep. Similar: Natr. m. SECALE CORNUTUM. Antidotes: Camph, Op. Compatible: lArs, IIBell, ICham, Cinch, ILye, IOp, IPuls, IRhus, ISul. Similar: Ars, Cinnam, Colch, Plumb. SELENIUM. Antidotes: Ign, Puis. Compatible : Cinch, ILye, IMere, ISep, ISul Inimical: Cinch, wine. Similar : Alumin, Arg. met, Phos, Stann. SENECIO. Similar: Act. rac, Alet, Caulo, Cinch,Coff, Puis, Sep. SENEGA. Antidotes: Arn, Bell, I IBry, Camph. Compatible: IBell, IBry, HCale, IILyc, IPhos, ISul. Similar: Ammon, Calc, Caust, Phos, Spong. SEPIA. Antidotes: vegetable acids, Aeon., Ant. c. Ant. t, Calc,Cinch, Merc.,Natr. m., Natr. p, Nitr. sp. d, Phos, Rhus, Sarsap, Sul. Compatible: IBell, IBry, HCale, ILye, ■Mere, IINatr. m., INuxv, IPhos, IIPuls, IIRhus, ISil, HSub Complementary: Natr. m. Inimical: Lach, milk. Similar: Act. rac, Alet, Aloe, Alumin., Ars, Ars iod. Bell, Bor, Calc, Caulo, Caust, Curar, Cycl, Graph, Helon, Ins, Jabor, Kali c, Kreo, Lib tig. Lye, Mez Murex, Natr c , Natr. m, Nux v. Pod, Puis, Sang, Sec,Sii., Stann, Sub, Tell, Therid, Thuya. SILICA. Antidotes: Camph, Fluor, ac. Hep, Merc, Sul Compatible: IBell, Bry HCale CinalFluor. ar Graph., IHep, Ign, Lach, IILyc, IMere, Nitr ac, IPhos, IPuls, IRhus, ISep, HSub Inimical: Merc. Similar: Arn, Hyper, Kali e, Mur. ac, Nux v. Op Phos. ac. Pie ac, Ruta, Sul. SINAPIS NIGRA AND ALBA. Antidotes : Sapo sodae for blisters from exter- nal application ; Nux v. when abused as a condiment. Similar : Kali cy. (variola); Thlaspi. SPIGELIA. Antidotes : Aur. met, Camph, Coccul, Merc, IPuls. Compatible: Aeon, Arn, Ars, IBell, IBry, ICale, Dig, Iris, Kali c, ILye, IPhos, I IPuls., IRhus, ISul, Zinc. SPONGIA TOSTA. Antidote: Camph. Compatible: lAcon, IBell, Brom, IIBry, ICale, Carbo v,llHep,IIgn,IMerc,INux v., HPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISul. SQUILLA MARITIMA. Antidote: Camph. Compatible: lArs, IBell, IIBry, IPhos, IRhus, ISil, ISul. STANNUM. Antidote : Puis Compatible: IBell, IBry, ICale, Caust.) Cina, ILye, IPhos,HPuls, IRhus, ISep,ISul. Complementary: Puis. STAPHISAGRIA. Antidotes: Camph, Merc, Thuya. Compatible: ICale, Coloe, Caust, ILye, ■Mere, IIPuls, ISul. Inimical: Ran. b. Similar: Coccul., Coff. STICTA PULMONARIA. Similar: Act. rac, Asar, Dros, Nux v., Rumex, Samb, Tarant. STILLINGIA SYLVATICA. Antidote: Merc. Similar: Natr. s. Staph. STRAMMONIUM. Antidotes: vinegar, lemon juice, tobacco in- jections ; senna for cerebral symptoms; I IBell, Hyos, Merc, I INux v. Plumb. Compatible: I Ars, IIBell, IBry, Cupr, IIHy- os, ILye, IOp, IPuls, ISul. Inimical: coffee. Similar: Sec. STRONTIA CARBONICA. Antidote: Camph. Compatible: Arn, ICale, ICaust, IKali c, IMere, INux v, IPhos, IIPuls, IIRhus, Ruta, ISep. Similar: Bar. e, Ferr, Sil, Magn. m. SULPHUR. Antidotes: Aeon, Camph, Cham, I ICinch., 1216 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. Iod, IIMerc, Nitr. ac, IPuls, Rhus, IlSep.; ailments from abuse of metals generally. Compatible: lArs, IBell, IBry, HCale, IILyc, IMere, IPhos, 11 Puis, 11 Rhus, I Sars, ISep, ISil. Complementary: Aloe. Sulphur frequently serves to rouse the reactive power of the system, when carefully selected remedies have failed to produce a favorable effect, especially in acute diseases. SULPHURIC ACID. Antidotes: Puis.; lead poisoning. Compatible: Arn, ILye, INux v, IPhos, IPuls, IRhus, IlSep, ISul. Complementary: Puis. SUMBUL. Similar: Asaf, Mosch. SYMPHITUM OFFICINALE. Compare : Arn, in blows; Calc. p, Fluor, ac. Hep, and Sil, in injuries to bones. SYPHILINUM (LUESINUM). Similar: Aurum, Kali iod, Merc, and other anti-syphilitics. TABACUM. Antidotes: Ars, Cie, Clem,Ign,Ipec,Lye, Nux v, Phos, Plant, Puis, Sep, Stram. TARAXACUM. Compatible: Ars, ILye, INux v, IPuls, IIRhus, ISep. Similar: Chel, Hydras, Puis. TARANTULA HISPANICA. Similar: Lach, which is said to be antidotal. TELLURIUM. Antidote: Nux v. Similar : Ars, Cepa, Puis, Rhus, Selen, Sep, Sul. TEREBINTHINiE OLEUM. Antidotes: Merc,Phos. Similar: Alum,.Camph, Canth, Cop, Kali bi, Lach, Lye, Merc, Nitr. ac, Phos, Pix, Rhus, Sec, Sul. THERIDION CURASSAVICUM. Antidotes: Aeon, Graph, Mosch. Compatible : after Calc. and Lye Similar : Diad, Mygale, Tarant. THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS. Similar: Sinap. THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. Antidotes: Camph, Cham, Coccul, Iod, IIMerc, Nuxv, Puis, Sub; to abuse of tea, Compatible: ICale, IIMerc, Nitr. ac,IPhos, IPuls, IRhus, ISabina, ISil, IISul. Complementary: Sabina, Sil. Similar: Cann. s, Canth, Cop, Staph. TRILLIUM PENDULUM. Similar: Bell, Cinch, Kali c, Lach, Sep. TROMBIDIUM. Antidote: Merc cor. Similar: Led, Sul. TUBERCULINUM. Complementary: Hydras. URANIUM NITRICUM. Similar: Ars, Kali bi, Phos. ac. URTICA URENS. Similar: Apis, Canth, Rhus, Ricin. USTILAGO MAIDIS Similar: Sabina, Sec. UVA URSI. Similar: Cann, Sec. VACCININUM AND VARIOLINUM. No observations. VALERIANA. Antidotes: Bell, Camph, Cina, 11 Coff, Merc, Puis. Compatible: ICale, IPhos, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISul. Similar: Arn, Asaf, Croc, Dulc, Hyper, Ign, Nux v, Spig, Sul. VERATRUM ALBUM. Antidotes: Aeon, Ars, I ICamph, Cinch, Coff, Cupr, Ferr, Op. Compatible: Ars, Arn, IBell, IBry, ICale, Cinch., Cupr, Ipec, ILye, IMere, INux y., Phos, IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISul. VERATRUM VIRIDE. Antidotes : Ver. vir. cured spasms from strych- nine. VERBASCUM THAPSUS. Compatible: IIPuls, IRhus, ISep, ISub ac. Similar: Plat. VESPA CRABRO Antidotes : Apis, salt water and vinegar. Incompatible: Arg. nit. VIBURNUM OPULUS. Antidotes: Aeon, Ver. Similar: Act. rac, Caulo. VINCA MINOR. Similar -. Arctium lappa, Cinch, Lacea, Oleand, Sec, Staph. 48. DRUG RELATIONSHIP. 1217 VIOLA ODORATA. Antidote: Camph. Compatible: Cina, Coral, INux v, IPhos., IIPuls, IRhus, ISep. VIOLA TRICOLOR. 8SF* Jacea. XANTHOXYLUM FRAXINEUM. Similar: Act. rac, Bry, Coloe, Gnaphab ZINCUM. Antidotes: Camph, Hep, Illgn. Compatible: IBell, ICale, ICinch, Hgn, IPhos, IPuls., IRhus, IlSep, IISul. Inimical: Cham., I INux v, wine. Similar: Arg. nit, Kob, Lye, Plumb, Pod, Puis, Sep. ZINGIBER OFFICINALE. Antidote : Nux v. ZIZIA AUREA. Similar: Mygale, Tarant. 77 INDEX Abbreviations, 13 Abdomen, Chapter 19, 483 abdomen, 483 colic, 512 flatulence, 517 inguinal region, 520 intestines, 523 perineum, 525 pubes, 525 Abortion, 685 Abscesses, 1139 Accommodation of sight, 170 Achroma, 8^** Vitiligo Acids, disagree, figsT" eating, 409 drinking, 404 Acne, 272 Activity (strength), 1007 Addison's disease, 586 Adenitis, fi@~ Glands, 1134 Adiposis, 1129 Afternoon, 1071 Afterpains, 696 Agalactia, ggjf Lactation, milk, 688 Age, stages of life, 1184 Ague, g®° Fever, intermittent, 1094 Air, 1072 Air passages, 702 Albuminuria, 587, 604 Alcoholism, 86, 404,1192 Alopecia, BgT Hair, falling, 165 Amaurosis, 220 Amblyopia, 220 Amenorrhcea, 648 Amnesia, fi^T Memory, 60 Anaemia, 819 Anaesthesia, fl^° Nerves, 1025 skin,1173 Anasarca, 1141 Aneurism, 823 Anger, ill effects, 17 Angina, faucium, 361 pectoris, 782 tonsillaris, 379, 389 Anguish, 19 Ankles, 932 Anorexia, 393 . . , Anosmia, JSS" Smell, diminished, loss, 2/1 Anthrax, 1139 *;&',£&£* JjT daPter « Antrum of Highmore, 279 Anus, 527 A path v, 24 Aphasia, 334 Aphonia, 715 Aphthae, mouth, 351 tongue, 340 Apoplexy, 93 Apparent death, 721 Appendicitis, g@f Intestines, caecum, 523 Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions. Chap- ter 14, 392 appetite, 392 aversions, 394 desires, 396 thirst, 400 Apyrexia, in fever, BST" Intermittent, 1096 Arms, 890 Arsenic, poisoning, gjgg* Chapter 48 Arthralgia, 989 Arthritis, 989 Ascarides, 581 Ascites, 493 Asiatic cholera, 532 Asphyxia, 721 infants, 686 Asthenopia, 221 Asthma, 721 bronchial, 721 cardiac, 722 catarrhal, 721 hay fever, 722 humid, 723 Millari, 706 nervous, 723 spasmodic, 724 thymicum, 706 Astigmatism, 221 Ataxia, locomotor, 884 Atheroma, 823 tumors, 1152 Atrophv, gGs&° Emaciation, 1132 Attacks, Periodicity, Chapter 41,1122 Auditory nerve, 231 Auscultation, heart sounds, 834 lung sounds, 806 Autumn, 1074 Avefsion to food and drink, 394 Awaking, 1045 Axillae, 849 B Back, 852 lumbar region, 862 Backache,852,857 Balanitis, 618, 619 Balanorrhoea, ggg* Gonorrhoea, 619 Baldness, 165 Barber's itch, JJST Herpes, 274 Barrenness, 8££T Sterility, 672 Basedow's disease, gg&° Eyes protruding, 190. and Neck goitre, 873 Bathing, 1075 Beard, 279 Bedclothes (covering), 1151 Bedsores, 1143,1147 Belching, 421 Bile, 476 Biliary calculi, 478 (1219) 1220 INDEX. Biliarv colic, 477 Bites,"ll47 Bladder, 582 Bleeders, g®* Constitution, 1190 Blennorrhoea, 8®"" Gonorrhoea, 619 Blepharitis, 208 Blindness, 221 Blisters, 1170 Blood, 819 Blood-poisoning, 822 Bloodvessels, 823 Blotches, 1152 Blows, 1147 Boils, 1139 Bones, 1129 fractures, 1148 Borax, ill effects, 8®* Chapter 48 Borborygmus, g®~ Flatulence, rumbling, 518 Brain, 93 concussion, 94 fag, 8@" exhaustion, 95 inflammation, 97 softening, 98 Breasts, BST" Mammae, 689 Breath, foul, 355, 374, 377, 382 Breathing, 724 Bright's disease, 587, 604 Bronchia, 703 Bronchiectasis, 704 Bronchitis, 704 Bruises, 1147 Bubo, 520, 632 Build, 8^" Size, 1193 Bulimia, 398 Bunions, 934 Burns, 1148 Bursae, 951, 988 Cachexia, 8®* Constitution, 1189 face, 280 Calculi, biliary, 478 renal, 587 vesical, 583 Camphor, ill effects, 8®° Chapter 48 Cancer, 1131 axillae, 849 face, 280 larynx, 707 lips, 305 liver, 477 mammae, 689 ovaries, 669 rectum, 550 spleen, 482 stomach, 456 testicles, 634 tongue, 341 uterus, 673 vagina, 682 Canine hunger, 398 Canker, 352 Canthi, 171 Capillaries, 823 Carbuncle, 1140 Cardialgia, 462 Carditis, 830 Caries, bones, 1129 teeth, 321 Carotids, 870 Cartilages, 1132 Catalepsy, 1007 Cataract, 204 Catarrh, 1136 air passages, 702 aural, 233 bladder, 583 bronchial, 703 eustachian, 241 fauces, 361 intestinal, 524 laryngeal, 707 lungs, 807 nasal, 256 post-nasal, 262, 382 pharyngeal, 367 stomach, 457 throat, 373 tracheal, 713 urethral, 591 uterine, 673 vaginal, Leucorrhoea, 642 Cephalaematoma, 8ST* Tumors, 170 Cephalalgia, 8®"* Headache, 120 Cerebrospinal affections, 99 Cerumen, in ears, 241 Chafing, 8^° Intertrigo Chalazion, JjgT" Styes, 211 Chancre and Chancroid, 632 Cheloid, 1142 Chemosis, 8ST" Conjunctiva, 73 Chest, Inner, and Lungs, Chapter 28, 781 clavicles, 781 inner chest, 781 lungs, 806 pleura, 815 sternum, 816 Chest, Outer, Chapter 30,849 axillae, 849 male nipples, 850 outer chest, 850 Chicken pox, g^- varicella, 1170 Chilblains, 992,1174 Childbirth, 8@" parturition, 694; post-partum, 696 ; puerperal, 701 Children, constitution, 1184 dentition, 317 infants, 686 Chills, 1076 Chilliness, 1086 Chin, 303 Chloasma, 1152 Chloral, ill effects, 8^* Chapter 48 Chlorosis, 820 Choking, 8^* Throat, 372 Cholera, Asiatica, 532 infantum, 533 morbus, 534 Chordee, 8®" Gonorrhoea, 619 Chorea, 993, 1007 Choroiditis, 172 Cicatrices, 1149, 1182 Cirrhosis, kidneys, 588 liver, 476 Clavicles, 781 ^str™hroat- *■"Laryn*-inA*"'- Climacteric period, 637 clothiWk™th:ib75bedciothes-contoct-'»». Coccygodynia, 861 Coffee, ill effects, 405 antidotes, Chapter 48 INDEX. 1221 Coition, male, 616 female, 638 Cold, in general, 1073 applications, 1076 coryza, 247 cough, 743 Coldness (objective), 1174 chilliness, 1086 Colic, abdomen, 512 biliary, 477 infants, 686 menstrual, 663 renal, 587 Coma, 27, 1056 Comedones, 272 Complexion, 1189 Concussion, 1148 of brain, 94 jarring, 1150 8ST" Spine, injuries, 887 Condylomata, 8@~ Skin, warts, 1172 Confinement, g®~ parturition, 694 postpartum, 696 puerperal, 701 Confusion, sensorium, 83 mental, 28 Congestion, 821 Conjunctivitis, 176 Constipation, 534 children, 534 infants, 686 pregnancy, 536 Constitution (diathesis), 1189 Consumption, 808 Contact, 8@* Touch, 1151 Contusions, 1147 Convulsions, 10C9 apoplectic, 1009 Cerebral, 1009 children, 1009 chronic, 1009 clonic, 1009 dentition, 317,1010 emprosthotonos, 1010 epileptic, 1010 epileptiform, 1013 hydrophobia, 1013 hysteric, 1013 infants, 686 limbs, 999,1014 muscular, 1014 opisthotonos, 1015 paralysis, 1015 periodic, 1015 puerperal, 701, 1015 shocks, 1016 tetanic, 1016 tonic, 1017 traumatic, 1013 uraemic, 1017 worms, 582,1017 Corns, 983 Corpulency,1129 CoS'ana Expectoration, Chapter 27, 743 ^vmptoms before, 766 ' during, 766 after, 770 in pregnancy, 759 Coup'SesH'S- Sunstroke, 149,1074 Covering, bedclothes and clothing, 1151 Coxalgia, .946 Coxarthrocace, 946 Cramps, abdomen, 487 arms, 891 calves and legs, 959 feet, 937 fingers, 906 hands, 916 knees, 951 limbs, 993 muscles, 1137 stomach, 458 thighs, 977 toes, 983 wrists, 930 Cretinism, B^T" Size, dwarfed, 1193 Croup, bronchial, 704 laryngeal and membranous, 708 tracheal, 714 Crowds, 8€bT Air, in-doors, 1073 Crick, back, 854 neck, 870 Crusta lactea, 163 Crying, infants, 687 weeping, 80 Cuts, 1148 Cyanosis, 821 face, 281 Cystitis, 584 Cysts, 1142 D Dacryo-cystitis, 201 Damp, air, 1072 Dandruff, 159 Dark, 1074 Deafness, 242 Death, apparent, 721 Debility, 1038 Decomposition, 1132 of fluids, 1134 Decubitus, BgT bedsores, 1143, 1147 Degeneration, cheesy, colloid, fatty, 1132 Deglutition, 8@" Swallowing, 369 Delirium, 30 tremens, 33 Delivery 8ST Childbirth Dementia, 8^* Mania, 58 Dengue, B@P" Fevers, 1092 Dentition, 317 Dermatitis, 1178 Desires, for food and drink, 396 Desquamation, 1176 in scarlatina, 1165 Diabetes, 607 Diaphragm, 471 Diaphragmitis, 471 Diarrhcea, 537 dentition, 317 children, 538 infants, 686 pregnancy, 536 Diathesis, 8^ Constitution, 1189 Diet, errors, drinking, 404 eating, 408 Digestion, 459 Diphtheria, 374 exudation, 377 fauces, 361 palate, 365 1222 INDEX. Diphtheria, pharynx, 367 larynx, 708 nasal, 258 sequela?, 375 uvula, 392 Diplopia, 225 Direction, 1124 Dislocations, 1148 Dissecting wounds, 114S Diuresis, 608 Dizziness, 83 Draught, air, 1073 Dreams, 1050 Drinking, 404 Dropsy, anasarca, 1141 hydrocephalus, 96 hydropericardium, 840 hydrothorax, 787 joints, 8^° Joints, swelling, 991 limbs, 1000 uterus, 575 Drowsiness, 1053 Drug Relationship, Chapter 48, 1195 Drugged subjects, 1192 Drunkards, 86, 404,1192 Dwarfs, 8®" Size, 1193 Dysentery, 545 Dysmenorrhoea, 663 Dyspepsia, 460 constitution, 1190 indigestion, 464 Dysphagia, 8@T* Swallowing, difficult, 369 Dyspnoea, 734 Dysuria, 594 E Earache, 231 Ears, Chapter 6, 231 auditory nerve, 231 eruption, 234 eustachian tubes, 241 hearing, 242 hearing, illusions, 244 inflammation, 236 symptoms, 231 tympani, 247 tympanic cavity, 247 wax, 241 Eating and Drinking, Chapter 15, 404 drinking, 404 eating, 408 tobacco, 420 Ebullition, of blood, 821 Ecchymosis, 1148,1177 Eclampsia, 8ST" Convulsions Ecthyma, 1152 Ectropion, 206 Eczema, 1153 face, 273 Elbows, 903 Elephantiasis, 1177 Emaciation, 1132 Emboli, 824 Emissions, seminal, 627 Emotions, 8ST" Mind and Disposition, Chap. 1 Emprosthotonos, 1010 Emphysema, 809 Empyema, 809 Encephaloma, 1131 Enchondroma, 1142 Endocarditis, 830 Endometritis, 678 Energy, loss of, 1022 Enteralgia, ggjg* Colic, 512 Enteritis, 525 Entropion, 206 . Enuresis, 8^° Urination, involuntary, 597 Ephelides, 8®" Chloasma, 1152 Epididymitis, 634 Epigastrium, 448 Epiglottis, 706 Epilepsy, 1010 Epistaxis, 253 Epithelioma, 1131, 1142 Epulis, BST" Gums, abscess, 318 Erections, 622 Erethism, 1026 Eructations, 421 Eruptions, 1152 face, 272 head,159 nose, 25S suppressed, 1168 8ST" special localities Erysipelas, 1154 facial, 273 traumatic, 1148 Erythema, 1155 Eustachian tubes, 241 Evening,1071 Exanthema, 1155 Excoriation, 8^° Intertrigo Excretions, 1134 Exertion, activity, 1007 motion, 1103 fatigue, 1022 walking, 936 weakness, 1038 Exhaustion, 1038 Exophthalmic goitre, 8ST" Neck,goitre, 873 Exostoses, 8€^* Bones, swelling, 1131 Expectoration, 772 Expiration (breathing),739 Expression, facial, 276 Hvebrows, 227 Eyelids, 204 Eyes, Chapter 5,170 accommodation, 170 anterior chamber, 170 aqueous humor, 171 canthi, 171 choroid, 172 ciliary body, 172 circumorbital region, 172 color, B^T" Complexion, eyes, 1189 conjunctiva, 173 cornea, 177 fundus, 195 iris, 200 lachrymal apparatus, 201 lachrymation, 201 lashes, 203 lens, 204 lids, 204 ophthalmia, 213 optic disc, 8®* Retina, 219 optic nerve, 215 orbit, 215 photophobia, 216 pupil, 217 retina, 219 sclerotica, 219 sight, 220 INDEX. 1223 Eyes, sight, illusions, 196 symptoms, 180 supraorbital region, 227 vitreous humor, 231 F Face, Upper, Chapter 8, 272 eruption, 272 expression, 272 symptoms, 278 Faceache, 296 Face, hippocratic, fl®» Face, sunken, 292 Face, Lower, Chapter 9, 303 chin, 303 lips, 304 lower jaw, 310 outer mouth, 315 Fainting, 1017 Faintness, 1019 Falling, 84 convulsions, 1013 epilepsy, 1010 Falling of womb, 679 Falls, 1148 • Farsightedness, 8ST" hypermetropia, 225 Fat, 1129 Fatty degeneration, 1132 heart, 829 kidneys, 588 liver, 478 Fatty tumors, 1142 Fatigue, 1022 Fauces, 360 Favus, 1155 Fear and fright, 44 Feebleness, 1038 Feet, 934 Felons, 909 Fever, Chapter 40, 1091 chill. 1076 chilliness, 1086 fevers, 1091 heat, 1101 sweat, 1110 temperature, 1122 Fever, 1091 African, 1091 autumnal, 1091 bilious, 1091 catarrhal, 1091 cerebrospinal 8®* spotted, 1098 chagres, 1092 dengue (breakbone), 1092 in dentition, 318 enteric, 8®* typhoid, 1099 gastric, 1093 hectic, 1093 inflammatory, 1094 intermittent, 1094 irritative, 1096 low (adynamic), 1096 malarial, 1097 nervous, 1097 periodicity, 1097 pernicious, 8^° intermittent, 1094 puerperal, 701,1098 relapsing, 1098 remittent, 1098 rheumatic, 1098 septic, 1098 Fever, slow, 1098 spotted (cerebrospinal), 1098 Spring, 1098 synochal, 8®° inflammatory, 1094 traumatic, g^~ Injuries, 1094 typhoid, typhus, 1099 worm, 1101 yellow, 1101 Fever blisters, 8^° Lips, eruption, 306 Fibre, 8®" Constitution, 1190 Fibrous tissue, 1134 Fibroid tumors, 1142 Fingers, 904 Fish poison, 8^" Eating, fish, 413 Fissures, of anus, 529 Fistula, abscess, 1139 anal, 529 dental, BST" Gums, 319 lachrymal, 201 mammary, g®~ abscess, 689 osseous, 8£§~ caries, necrosis, 1129,1130 scrotal, 626 ulcers, 1144 vaginal, 683 Fits, 8®* Convulsions Flatulence, 517 Flatus, 546 Flooding, 8@°" Hemorrhage, 822 post-partum, 696 uterus, 675 Fluids, decomposition, 1134 loss of, 1134 Fluor albus, 8^" Leucorrhoea, 642 Flushes, 8®* Heat, 1105 ebullition, 821 8^" Face heat, 284 Foetus, pregnancv, 698 Food, ill effects, 8®* Eating, 408 Fontanelles, 164 Foreign bodies, 1148 Formication, 1177 Forenoon,1071 •Footsweat, 1114 Fractures, 1148 Freckles, 274, 1155 Friction (injuries), 1148 rubbing, 1151 Fright and fear, 44 Frostbite, 8®" Chilblains, 1174 Frontal sinuses, 107 Fungus, tumors (hematodes), 1142 Furuncles, 1140 G Gagging, 425 Galactorrhoea, 8©* Lactation, milk, 688 Gallstones, 478 Ganglion, 1142 Gangrene, 1134 fauces, 361 injuries, 1148 lungs, 809 mouth, 354 senilis, 1134 throat, 377 B®° special localities. Gaping, 1009 Gastralgia, 462 Gastric catarrh, 457 Gastritis, 465 Gastrodynia, 462 1224 INDEX. Gastromalacia, 469 Genitals, Female, 639 Genitals, Male, 616 Giddiness, 85 Glands, 1134 axillary, 849 bronchial, 704 cervical, 872 inguinal, 521 laryngeal, 709 mesenteric, 498 parotid, 312 salivary, 358 submaxillary, 313 throat, 378 thyroid, 8®* Neck, glands and goitre, 873 Glans penis, 618 Glaucoma, 231 Gleet, 620 Globus hystericus, 378 8®" Throat, ball, 371 Glossitis, 344 Glossoplegia, 346 Glottis, 706 oedema, 706 spasm, 706 Gluttony, 8@°" Hunger, excessive, 398 ; high living, 1192 Glycosuria, 8®° Urine, diabetes, 607 Goitre, 873 exophthalmic, 8®* Eyes, protruding, 190 Gonarthrocace, 952 Gonitis, 952 Gonorrhoea, 619 Gooseflesh,1178 Gout, 988, 1190 Granulation (proud flesh), 1135 eyelids, 207 ulcers, 1145 Gravel, calculi, 583 Grave's disease, g&" Basedow's disease Gressus gallinaceus, 987 vaccinus, 987 Grief, effects, 49 Grippe, coryza, 251 cough,754 Growing, ill effects, gjeW* young people, 1188 Gums, 318 Gunshot wounds, 1149 H Habit, 1192 Haematemesis, 438 Hematocele, 635 Haematuria, 604 Haemophilia, 8SP" bleeders, 1190 Haemoptysis, 809 with cough, 753 Hair, 165 color, BSP" Complexion, 1189 falling out, 165 Hands, 914 Hay fever, 722 coryza, 250 Head, Inner, Chapter 3, 93 forehead, 100 occiput, 144 parietal region, 149 symptoms, 109 temples, 150 vertex, 155 Head, Outer, Chapter 4,159 dandruff, 159 eruptions, 159 fontanelles, 164 forehead, 164 hair, 165 scalp, 169 skull, 169 symptoms, 166 tumors, 170 Headache, 120 Hearing, 242 illusions, 244 Heart, Pulse and Circulation, Chap. 27, 819 blood, 819 bloodvessels, 823 heart, 824 palpitation, 836 pericardium, 840 pulse, 841 Heart affections, 824 failure, 836 fatty degeneration, 829 nervous, 831 neuralgia, 831 organic, 731 rheumatism, 833 sounds, 834 ' valvular, 836 Heartburn, 426 Heat (fever), 1101 skin, 1178 warmth, 1074 Hectic, 8®* Fever, 1093 Heels, 945 Helminthiasis, 8®° Worms, 581 Hemeralopia, 8®* blindness, 221 Hemicrania, 143 Hemiopia, 225 Hemiplegia, 1030 Hemorrhage, 822 abortion, 685 anus, 527 bladder, 582 constitution, 1190 fainting, 1018 haemoptysis, 753 intestines, 524 jaws, 318 lungs, 809 mouth, 352 nose, 253 pregnancy, 699 stomach, 438, 464 throat, 372 uterus, 675 Hemorrhoids, 547 in bladder, 584 Hepatitis, 479 Hepatization of lungs, 810 Hernia, infants, 687 inguinal, 521 Herpes, 1155 facial, 274 Hiccough, Belching, Nausea and Vomit- ing, Chapter 16, 421 eructation, 421 gagging, 425 heartburn, 426 hiccough, 426 nausea, 427 retching, 435 INDEX. 1225 Hiccough, seasickness, 435 vomiting, 436 vomituritio, 447 waterbrash, 447 Hip disease, 946 Hives, 8^* urticaria, 1169 Hoarseness, 8®* Voice, aphonia, 716 Homesickness, 50 Hordeolum, 8®** Lids, Styes, 211 Housemaid's knee, 951 Hunger, 398 Hydatids, 8®° Pregnancy, moles, 699 Hydroa, 307 Hydrocele, 635 Hydrocephaloid, 96 Hydrocephalus, 96 Hydrogenoid constitution, 1190 Hydrometra, 8®* Uterus, dropsy, 675 Hvdropericardium, 8®* effusion, 840 Hvdrophobia, 50,1013 Hydrothorax, 787 Hygroma, 951 Hymen, lacerated, 683 Hyperaesthesia, 1026 Hypermetropia, 225 Hypertrophy, of tissue, 1135 Hypochondria, Chapter 18, 471 diaphragm, 471 hypochondria, 472 liver, 476 pancreas, 482 spleen, 482 Hypochondriasis, 51 Hypopion, 170 Hysteralgia, 678 Hysteria, 1021 convulsions, 1013 I Ichthyosis, 1156 Icterus, 8ST* Liver, jaundice, 479 Idiocy, Imbecility, 52 Ileus, 8®" Vomiting, fecal, 441 Impetigo, 1156 facial 274 Impotence, 8^* Sexual power, 631 Incubus, 8®*" Nightmare, 1060 Indigestion, 464 Indolence, 1022 laziness, 57 Indoors, 1073 Induration, of tissue, 1135 Inebriety, 86, 404,1192 Infants, 686 .. .... Inflammation (in general), 1135 Influenza, coryza, 251 cough, 754 Infraorbital region, 195 Inguinal region, 520 hernia, 521 Ingrowing toenails, 984 Injuries, 1147 . -a Insanity, 8@~ Mania, 58 Insects, stings,1149 . Insensibility, 8^*" Unconsciousness, 77 Insomnia, 1065 Inspiration (breathing), 739 Intercostal neuralgia, 790 rheumatism, 796 intermittent fever, 1094 Intertrigo, 526,686,981,1177 "~= Anus, excoriated, 529 Intestines, 523 Intoxication, 86, 404,1192 Intussusception, 525 Iodine, ill effects, 8®° Chapter 48 Iritis, 200 Iron, ill effects, 8®" Chapter 48, Ferrum Irritability, mental, 54 nerves, 1026 Ischias, 8@" sciatica, 968 Ischuria, 596 Itch, 8@r scabies, 1164 Itching, 1157, 1179 Jactitation, 1037 Jarring, 1150 Jaundice, 479 infants, 687 Jaw, lower, 310 upper, 8®° Jealousy, 55 Jerking, 1037 Joints, 988 Joy, ill effects, 55 Face, bones, 279 K Keratitis, 178 Kidneys, 586 Knees, 950 Labor, parturition, 694 Labor pains, 694 Lacerations, 1149 Lachrymal apparatus, 201 Lachrymation, 201 Lactation, 687 Lameness, arms, 895 back, 856, 864 legs, 963 limbs, 995 Languor, 1022 Laryngismus stridulus, 706 Laryngitis, 709 Larynx, 707 Lassitude, 1022 Laudanum, ill effects, Laughter, 56 Lead colic, poisoning Legs, 957 Leprosy, 1157 facial, 274 Lethargy, 1056 Leucaemia, 822 Leucorrhoea, 642 Leucocythaemia, 483, 822 Lichen,1157 facial, 274 Lids, 204 Lifting, injuries, 1149 Ligaments, 1136 g®~ sprains, 1149 Light, 1074 dread of, 216 desire for, 57 Lightness, 86 Limbs, in general, Chapter 34, 988 joints, 988 limbs, 992 Chapter 48, Opium Colic, 512 8^° Plumbum, Chapter 48 1226 INDEX. Limbs, Lower, Chapter 33, 932 ankles, 932 feet, 934 heels, 945 hips, 946 knees, 950 legs, 957 nates, 975 tendo-Achillis, 976 thighs, 976 toes, 983 walking, 986 Limbs, Upper, Chapter 32, 890 arms, 890 elbows, 903 fingers, 904 hands, 914 shoulders, 925 wrists, 929 Lipoma, 1142 Lips, 304 Lithsemia, ggg* gout, 988 Liver, 476 complaint, 477 Liver spots, 1152 Locality and Direction, Chapter 42, 1124 Lochia, 688 Lockjaw, 314 Locomotor ataxia, 884 Loins, 8ST" Lumbar region, 862 Love, disappointed, 58 Lumbago, 862 Lumbar region, 862 Lungs, 806 Lupus, 1132 face, cancer, 280 Luxations, 1148 Lvmphatic, constitution, 1190 glands, 1134 Lyssa, 8*3^° hydrophobia, 50 M Maculae, ggg° blotches, 1152 Magnesia, ill effects, g®~ Chapter 48 Malaise, 1025 Mammae, 689 Mania, 58 a potu, 33 puerperal, 702 Marasmus, 1133 infants, 687 Mastitis, 691 Mastoid region and process, 144 Masturbation, 8^* Seminal emissions, 627 Measles, 1157 Meibomian glands, 209 Melaena (black vomit), 438 Melancholia, 59 Melanosis, 8$aT* Cancer, 1132 Memory, 60 Forgetful, 47 Meniere's vertigo, 8®° Vertigo, ears, 87 Meningitis, 97 cerebrospinal, 100 Menopause, g®~ Climacteric period, 637 Menorrhagia, 651 Menses, 648 symptoms before, 656 during, 659 after, 666 I Menstrual colic, 663 Mental derangement, 8®" Mania, 58 I Mercury, ill eflects, 8^° Chapter 48 ! Mesenteries, 498 Metamorphosis of tissue, 1136 Metastasis, 8®" Direction, 1124 Metritis, 678 Metrorrhagia, 675 Midnight, after, 1072 before, 1072 Migraine, 143 Miliaria, 1158 Milk leg, 967 Milk, mother's, 688 Mind and Disposition, Chapter 1, 16 Miscarriage, 685 Moles, false conception, 699 skin, 1180 Mons veneris, 640 Morbilli, 1157 Morning, 1071 Morning sickness, 699 Morphine, ill effects, 8^"* Opium, Chap. 48 Mortification, gangrene, 1134 Motion, active, 1103 passive, 1150 Mouth, Inner, Chapter 12, 351 mouth, 351 saliva, 358 Mouth, Outer, 315 Mucous membranes (in general), 1136 Mumps, 8®° parotid glands, 312 Muscles, 1137 Mushrooms, noxious, 8€sP" Agaricus, Chapter 48 Myalgia, 8^° Muscles, 1137 ; also Limbs, pain, 996; rheumatism, 997 Myelitis, 885 Myocarditis, 830 Myopia, 225 N Naevus, 824 Nails, fingers, 904 ingrowing, 984 injuries, 1149 toes, 983 Nares, posterior, 262, 382 Nates, 975 Navel, 499 Nausea, 427 Nearsightedness, 8®* Myopia, 225 Neck, 869 Neck and Back, Chapter 31, 852 " back, 852 coccyx, 861 lumbar region (loins, small of back), 862 neck, 869 sacrum, 879 scapulae, 882 spinal cord, 884 spine, 885 Necrosis, 1130 Nephralgia, 8^* Kidneys, colic, 587 Nephritis, 588 albuminurica, 587 Nerves, Chapter 36,1007 activity (strength), 1007 catalepsy, 1007 chorea, 1007 convulsions, 1009 INDEX. 1227 Nerves, fainting, 1017 faintness, 1019 hysteria, 1021 lassitude (fatigue), 1022 malaise, 1025 nerves, 1025 nervousness, 1027 neuralgia, 1028 paralysis, 1029 restlessness, 1031 starting, 1034 trembling, 1035 twitching, 1037 weakness, 1038 Nerves, injuries, 1149 Nerve tissue, 1138 Nervous prostration, 1025 Nervousness, 1027 Nettlerash, 8§T* urticaria, 1169 Neuralgia, 1028 intercostal, 790 prosopalgia, 296 BSr* special localities Neurasthenia, 1025 Neuritis, 1026 Newborn infants, 686 Night, 1072 Nightblindness, 8®* blindness, hemeralopia, 221 Nightmare, 1060 Nightsweat, 1118 Nipples, 693 lactation, 688 male, 850 Nitrate of silver poisoning, 8®* Argentum nit- ricurn, Chapter 48 Nodes, joints, 989 Nodosities, skin, 1180 Nodules, 1158,1180 Noma, 1132 Nose, Chapter 7, 247 bleeding, 253 coryza, 247 smell, 271 symptoms, 253 Nose, catarrh, 256 ozaena, 261 Nostalgia, W&T Homesick, 50 Nursing infants, 686 mothers, g@§- Lactation, 687 Nutrition, 1138 Nyctalopia, 221 Nymphomania, 672 Nystagmus, B@~ Eyes, spasms, 192 o Obesity, 1129 Occupation, 1192 Odontalgia, 324 OMema, 1141 glottis, 706 lungs, 811 jg^= Swelling. OSsophagus, 363 Oesophagitis,364 Onanism, 627 Onvchia, »oy Onyx. 8®" Cornea, 179 Open air, 1072 Ophthalmia, 213 Opisthotonos, 1015 Opium poisoning, BST Opium, Chapter 48 Oppression, breathing, 729 chest, 790, 804 Orchitis, 635 Orgasm of blood, 821 Osteitis, 1130 Os uteri, 678 Otalgia, 231 Otitis, 236 Otorrhoea, 233 Out of doors, 1072 Ovaries, 667 Ozaena, 261 Palate, 364 Palpitation, 836 Panaritium, 909 Pancreas, 482 Pannus, 86T" Cornea, 179 Papules, 1159 Paraplegia, 1031 Paralysis, 1029 brain, 98 heart, 832 limbs, 996 lungs, 812 spinal, 885 8ST* special localities Paraphimosis, 624 Parenchymatous organs, 1138 Paronychia, 909 Parotitis, 8®° parotid glands, 312 Parturition, 694 Pemphigus, 1159 Penis, 621 Percussion sounds, lungs, 812 Pericardium, 840 Pericarditis, 840 Perineum, 525 Periodicity, in general, 1122 Periosteum, 1138 Periostitis, 1138 Peristalsis, 525 % Peritonitis, abdomen, 503 8®° Puerperal, fever, 701, 1098 Pertussis, 771 Petechiae, 1159 Phagadenae, 8®* Ulcers, 1146 Pharynx, 366 Pharyngitis, 367 Phimosis, 624 Phlebitis, 8ST" Bloodvessels, inflammation, 823 Phlegmasia alba dolens, 967 Phlyctenules, 1159 Phosphorus, ill effects, 8©* Chapter 48 Photophobia, 216 Phthisis, laryngeal, 711 pulmonary, 808 Physometra, 679 Piles, 8£&T" Hemorrhoids, 547 Pimples, 1159 Pityriasis, 1160 Placenta. 696 Plague, 1138 Plethora, 822 constitution, 1190 Pleura, 815 1228 INDEX. Pleurisy, 816 Pleurodynia, 796 Plica polonica, 166 Pneumonia, 811,812 Poisoning, 8®° Antidotes, Chapter 48. non-chemical, 8^* Injuries, 1149 drinking, 404 eating, 408 ivy (Rhus), 1163 Polypi, in general, 1142 bladder, 585 ears, 237 larynx, 711 nasal, 262 rectum, 552 uterus, 679 Polyuria, 608 Pompholyx, 1161 Porrigo, 1161 Portal system, 504 Position, 1004 Post-partum, symptoms and conditions, 696 Potassium, ill effects, SOT" the Kalis, Chap. 48 Potbelly, 8®* Abdomen distended, 490, large 498, also puerperal, 701 Pott's disease, BST" Spine, curvature, 886 Pregnancy, Parturition, Lactation, Chapter 24, 685 abortion, 685 infants, 686 lactation, 687 lochia, 688 mammae, 689 nipples, 693 parturition, 694 placenta, 696 post-partum, 696 pregnancy, 697 puerperal, 701 Presbyopia, 8®" hypermetropia, 225 Pressure (touch), 1151 Priapism, 8®" Sexual excitement, penis, 630 Prickly heat, rash, 1163 urticaria, 1169 Pride, 65 Proctalgia, 552 Progressive locomotor ataxia, 884 Prolapsus, anus, 530 rectum, 552 uterus, 679 vagina, 683 Prosopalgia, 296 Prostate gland, 625 Prostatitis, B^" Prostate, inflammation, 626 Prostatorrhoea, 625 Prostration, 1038 Proud flesh (granulation), 1135 Prurigo, or pruritus, 1181 anus, 529 female genitals; 640 scrotum, 626 skin,1181 vagina, 683 Prussic acid, poisoning, 8®° Hydrocyanic acid, Chapter 48 Psoas abscess, 8®° Lumbar region, abscess, 862 Psora, constitution, 1191 Psoriasis, 1161 facial, 275 Pterygium, 177 Ptosis, 8®" Lids, paralysis, 209 Ptyalism, 358 Puberty, 1187 Pubes, 526 Puerperal, convulsions, 701, 1015 state, 701 Pulse, 841 Punctured wounds, 1149 Purpura hemorrhagica, 1161 Pus, 1140 Pustules, 1161 Pyaemia, 822,1138 Pyrosis, 447 Q Quinine, ill effects, 8®* Chininum su Chapter 48 intermittent, suppressed, 1094 Quinsy (tonsillitis), 389 R Rabies, 8®* Hydrophobia, 50 Rachitis, 1131 constitution, 1191 Rales, in chest, 814 Ranula, 347 Rash, 1163, 1169 Rectum, 550 Reeling, 86 Relationship of drags, 1195 Respiration, Chapter 26, 721 asphyxia, 721 asthma, 721 breathing, 724 dyspnoea, 734 expiration, 739 inspiration, 739 suffocation, 741 Rest, Position, Motion, Chapter 35,1003 motion, 1003 position, 1004 rest, 1006 Restlessness, 1031 during sleep, 1061 mental, 67 Retching, 435 Retention of urine,! 612 Retinitis, 219 Rhagades, 1182 Rheumatism, constitution, 1191 joints, 990 limbs, 997 Rhinitis, 260 Rhus poisoning, 1163 facial, 275 Rickets, 8®° rachitis, 1131 Riding, 1150 Ringworm, g®~ herpes circinatus, 1155 Risus sardonicus, 291 Room, in doors, 1073 Roseola, 1163 Rubbing, friction, touch, 1151 Runaround, 909 Rupture, 8SP" Hernia Rupia, 1163 Rush of blood, 8®* Blood, ebullition, 821 S Sacrum, 879 Sailing, 8@~ Seasickness, 435 INDEX. 1229 Saliva, 358 Salivation, 358 Salt, ill effects, 417 B€sT' Natrum mur., Chapter 48 Salt rheum, g®° tetter, 1168 Sarcocele, 636 Sarcoma, 1143 Sarsaparilla, ill effects, 8®° Chapter 48 Satyriasis, e^T* Sexual excitement, mental, 630 Scabies (itch), 1164 Scabs, 1164 Scalds, BST' Burns, 1148 Scaldhead, 8®"* tinea capitis, 163 Scales, 1164 Scalp, 169 Scapulae, 882 Scarlatina, 1165 desquamation, 1165 sequlae, 1166 Scars, 1149, 1182 Sciatica, 968 Scirrhus, 1132 Scleroris, of brain, 98 of cord, 885 Sclerotica, 219 Scorbutus, constitution, 1191 gums, 320 Scratches, injuries, 1149 Scratching (touch), 1152 eruption, 1166 skin, 1182 Screaming, 69 Scrobiculum, 8®° Epigastrium, 448 Scrobiculum and Stomach, Chapter 17, 448 epigastrium, 448 stomach, 455 Scrofula, constitution, 1191 Scrotum, 626 Scurf, 1164 Scurvy, BitT" Scorbutus Seasickness, 435 Seasons, 1074 Secretions, in general, 1138 Seminal emissions, 627 Sensations (not localized), Chapter 43, 1124 Sensitiveness, mental, 70 of nerves, 1026 Sensorium, Chapter 2, 83 Sepsis, septicaemia, 822 Serpiginous eruption, 1166 Serous membranes, 1138 Sexual Organs, Female, Chapter 23,637 climacteric period, 637 clitoris, 638 coition, 638 genitals, 639 leucorrhoea, 642 menses, 648 symptoms before, 65b during, 659 after, 666 ovaries, 667 sexual excess, 671 sexual excitement, 671 sterility, 672 uterus, 672 Sexuafor'gans. Male, Chapter 22, 616 coition, 616 erections, 8^" penis genitals, 616 glans, 618 Sexual Organs, Male, gonorrhoea, 619 penis, 621 prepuce, 624 prostate gland, 625 scrotum, 626 semen, 627 seminal emissions, 627 sexual excess, 629 sexual excitement, 629 sexual power, 631 spermatic cords, 631 sycosis, 632 syphilis, 632 testicles, 634 Shingles, 8®° herpes zoster, 1155 Shock, injuries, 1149 Shoulders, 925 Sides, right and left, 1124 Sight, 220 illusions, 196 Size, 1193 Skin, Chapter 46, 1152 eruption, 1152 skin, 1173 Skull, 169 Sleep, Chapter 37,1045 awaking, 1045 dreams, 1050 drowsiness, 1053 sleep, 1056 falling asleep, 1057 symptoms during, 1058 symptoms after, 1064 sleeplessness, 1065 yawning, 1069 Starting, 1034 Sleepiness, 8®* Drowsiness, 1053 Sleeplessness, 1065 dentition, 318 Sloughing, injuries, 1149 Smallpox, 1170 Smegma, excessive, 619 Smell, 271 Smoke, injuries, 1149 Snake bite, S@~ Bites, 1147 serpent virus, Chapter 48 Sneezing, 265 Snoring, breathing, 733 sleep, 1062 Snuffles, infants, 687 Solar plexus, 507 Somnolence, 8®* Drowsiness, 1053 Somnambulism, 1062 Sopor, 1056 Spasms, 8®" Convulsions Speech, 334 Spermatic cords, 631 Spermatorrhoea, 627 Spinal cord, 884 irritation, 887 Spine, 885 Spleen, 482 Splinters, g)sW Punctured wounds, 1149 Spots (patches), 1166 •Sprains, 1149 joints, 991 Spring, 1074 Sputa, 8®** Expectoration, 772 Stabs, 8®" cuts, 1148 Stages of Life and Constitution, Chapter 47,1184 age, 1184 12.'JO INDEX. Stages ofLife and Constitution, complexion, 1 constitution, 1189 habit, 1192 occupation, 1192 size, 1193 temperament, 1193 Staggering, 86 Stammering, 335 Staphyloma, 179 Stenosis, general, 1138 Sterility, 672 Sternum, 816 Stertorous breathing, 733 Stings (injuries), 1149 Stomacace, stomatitis, 354 Stomach, 455 Stool and Rectum, Chapter 20, 527 anus, 527 cholera Asiatica, 532 infantum, 533 morbus, 534 constipation, 534 diarrhoea, 537 dysentery, 545 flatus, 546 hemorrhoids, 547 rectum, 550 stool, 555 symptoms, before, 575 during, 576 after, 579 Stone in bladder, 583 Stonemason's lungs, 815 Stormy weather, 1076 Strabismus, 193 Straining (injuries), 1149 Stramonium poisoning, gjg&" Chapter 48 Strangury, 599, BST" also Bladder, tenesmus, Strength, activity, 1007 loss of, 1038 Stricture, 8®° Gonorrhoea, sequelae, 620 oesophageal, 363 urethral, 593 Struma, 8®" scrofula, 1191 Stupor, 72,1056 Stuttering, 335 Styes, 211 Subsultus tendinum, 1037 Sudamina, 8®° vesicles, 1170 Suffocation, 741 Suicidal tendency, 703 Sulphur, ill effects, 8®* Chapter 48 Summer, 1074 complaint, 544 Sun,1074 Sunburn, 1183 Sunstroke, 149, 1074 Suppressed, eruption, 1168 footsweat, 942 intermittent fever, 1094 menses, 654 secretions, 1138 sweat, 1121 urine, 614 Suppuration, 1138 Supraorbital neuralgia, 228 region, 227 Surgical operations, 1150 Swallowing, 369 Swaying, 86 Sweat, 1110 Swelling, in general, 1140 1S9 Swelling, dropsy, 1141 injuries, 1150 skin, 1183 Swinging, passive motion, 1151 Sycosis, 632 constitution, 1191 eruption, 1168 Syncope, 8®" Fainting, 1017 Synechia, 8®° Iris, 201 Synovitis, gW Joints, inflammation, 989 Syphilis, 632 constitution, 1191 eruption, 1168 T Tabes, cerebral (softening), 98 dorsalis, 884 mesenteric, 498 infants (marasmus), 687 Talking, voice, 719 Tapeworm, 582 Taste and Tongue, Chapter 11, 334 speech,334 taste, 335 tongue,340 Tea, ill effects, 407 Temperament, 1193 Temperature, of body, 1122 Temperature and Weather, Chapter 39, 1072 air, 1072 cold, 1073 dark, 1074 light, 1074 seasons, 1074 temperature, 1074 warmth, 1074 water, 1075 weather, 1076 wind, 1076 Teeth and Gums, Chapter 10, 321 dentition, 317 gums, 318 teeth, 321 toothache, 324 Tendo-Achillis, 976 Tendons, 1142 Tenesmus, 554 Testicles, 634 Tetanus, 1016 Tetter, 1168 Thighs, 976 Thirst, 400 Thirstlessness, 400 Throat, Chapter 13, 360 fauces, 360 oesophagus, 363 palate, 364 pharynx, 366 sore, 385 swallowing, 369 symptoms, 371 tonsils, 388 uvula, 391 Thrombosis, 824 Thrush, fig?* aphthae, 340, 351 Thunderstorm, 1076 Tic douloureux, 8®* Faceache, 296 Time, Chapter 38,1071 afternoon, 1071 evening, 1071 INDEX. 1231 Time, forenoon, 1071 morning, 1071 night, 1072 before midnight, 1072 „ after midnight, 1072 Tinea, capitis, 163 facial, 276 Tinnitus, 244 Tiredness, 1022 Tissues, Chapter 44,1129 adipose, 1129 bones, 1129 cancer, 1131 cartilages, 1132 decomposition, 1132 degeneration, 1132 emaciation, 1132 excretions, 1134 fibrous, 1134 fluids, 1134 gangrene, 1134 glands, 1134 granulations, 1135 hypertrophy, 1135 induration, 1135 inflammation, 1135 ligaments, 1136 metamorphosis, 1136 mucous membranes, 1136 muscles, 1137 nerves, 1138 nutrition, 1138 parenchymatous organs, 1138 periosteum, 1138 plague,1138 pyaemia, 1138 secretions, 1138 serous membranes, 1138 stenosis, 1138 suppuration, 1138 swelling, 1140 tendons, 1142 trichinosis, 1142 tubercles, 1142 tumors, 1142 ulcers, 1143 Tobacco, 420 Toes, 983 Tongue, 340 Tonsils, 388 Tonsillitis, 389 Toothache, 324 pregnancy, 700 Torpor, apathy, 24 mental, 77 . physical, 8®° Lassitude, 1022 Touch, Passive Motion, Injuries, Chapter 45,1147 injuries, 1147 passive motion, 1150 touch, 1151 Torticollis, 879 Trachea, 713 Tracheitis, 714 Trachoma, 207 Trance, catalepsy, 1007 convulsions, 1017 Trembling, 1035 Trichiasis, B@°" entropion, 206 Trichinosis, 1142 Triplophi> 226 Trismus, 314 Trismus, infants, 687 Tubercles, 1142 brain, 99 constitution, 1191 eruption, 1169 intestines, 525 testicles, 637 lungs, 808 Tumors, 1142 chest, 852 female genitals, 641 knees, 956 legs, 973 outer head, 170 mammae, 693 neuroma, 1027 ovarian, 671 scapulae, 884 uterus, 682 vagina, 684 Turpentine, ill effects, 8©* Terebinthinae, Chapter 48 Twitching, 1037 Tympanitis, g®° Abdomen, distended, 490 Typhlitis, 8ST" Intestines, caecum, 523 Typhoid, typhus, 1099 u Ulcers, 1143 anus, 532 fauces, 363 female genitals, 642 male genitals, 617 intestines, 525 larynx, 713 legs, 973 mammae, 693 mouth, 357 pharynx, 368 sacrum, 881 skin, 1183 stomach, 470 throat, 388 tonsils, 391 urethra, 594 uterus, 682 uvula, 392 Umbilicus, 8^" Abdomen, navel, 499 Unconsciousness, 77 Uraemia, 615 convulsions, 1017 Ureters, 590 Urethra, 590 Urethritis, 592 gonorrhoea, 619 Urinary Organs, Chapter 21,582 bladder, 582 kidneys, 586 ureters, 590 urethra, 590 Urination, 594 symptoms after, 602 before, 600 during, 600 Urine, 603 retention, 612 Urticaria, 1169 Uterus, 672 Uterus, displacement, 674, 679 subinvolution, 681 Uvula, 391 1232 INDEX. V Vaccination, ill effects, 1150 eruption following, 1170 Vagina, 682 Vaginismus, 684 Vaginitis, 683 Valerian, ill effects, B§^° Chapter 48 Vapors, ill effects, 1150 Varicella, 1170 Varicocele, 637 Varicose tumors, 1143 Varicose veins, 824 on legs, 974 in pregnancy, legs, 699 Variola, 1170 Veins, constitution, 1191 Venesection, 1150 Vermin, eruption, 1170 Vertigo, 86 Vesicles, 1170 Veta, 724 Vinegar, ill effects, 8®* acids, 404 Vision, 220 accommodation, 170 illusions, 196 Vital powers, diminished, 1038 Vitiligo, 8^*" Eruption, spots, 1166 Vocal cords, 713 Voice and Larynx, Trachea and Bronchia, Chapter 25, 702 air passages, 702 bronchia, 703 epiglottis, 706 glottis, 706 larynx, 707 trachea,713 voice, 715 Vomiting, 436 black, 438 dentition, 318 fecal (stercoraceous), 441 Vomiting, infants, 687 pregnancy, 445 Vomituritio, 447 , w I Walking, 936 Warmth, 1074 Warts, 1172 Washing, bathing, 1075 Water, 1075 Waterbrash, 447 Weakness, 1038 constitution, 1191 Weaning, 688 Weariness, 1022 Weather, 1076 AVetting bed, 8ST Enuresis Weeping, 80 Welts, 1184 Wens, 1143 Wet, applications, 1075 getting wet, 1075 Wheals, 1173 Whiskers, 279 Whitlow, 909 Whooping cough, 771 Wind, weather, 1076 Winter, 1074 Worms, 581 , convulsions, 1017 Wounds, 1150 Wrinkles, skin, 1184 Writer's cramp, B^P" Fingers, cramp, 906 Wrists, 929 Wry neck, 879 Y Yawning, 1069 z Zinc poisoning, 8®" Chapter 48 Zona, zoster, SsW" herpes, 1155 Zymosis, 86T" Blood, septicaemia, 822 3NOIQ3W jo Aavaan tvnouvn SNOiasw jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3NiDia3w jo Aavaan ivnouvn SNiDiasw jo Aavaan ivnouvn £0\ •. -^l 3NOia3w jo Aavaar MAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL IIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL IIBRARY 0 a3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3nidio3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn snidiosw jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3nidio3w jo Aavaai NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL IIBRARY 33w jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3nidiq3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3NOia3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3noiq3w jo Aavafl 33w jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3NiDia3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn snoiosw jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3noio3w jo Aava^i It 33w jo Aavaan tvnouvn NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY 3nidio3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn jnqichw jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3nidio3w jo Aavafl Y JAL IIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL IIBRARY Q NLM051649901