CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Plate I.—Benedict's Test for Sugar. 1. Green—Showing only a Trace of Sugar. 2. Red—Showing a Large Amount of Sugar. 3. Yellow—Showing a Small Amount of Sugar. (From Gradwolil and Blarvas.) clinical LABORATORY METHODS BY / RUSSELL LANDRAM HADEN/M.A., M.D. «v Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Kansas, School of Medicine, Kansas City, Kansas. Formerly Director of Laboratories, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit WITH 69 ILLUSTRATIONS AND 5 COLOR PLATES ST. LOUIS C. Y. MOSBY COMPANY 1923 Copyrighted, 1923, By C. V. Mosby Company (All rights reserved) Printed in U. S. A. Press of C. V. Mosby Company St. Louis. PREFACE Every physician interested in the proper utilization of clinical laboratory methods must be impressed with the large amount of laboratory work which by reason of its inaccuracy is misleading rather than helpful. This is true even of such a simple procedure as a blood count. Accurate results in the laboratory depend first of all on the intelligent and conscientious work of the individual making the tests. Equally important, however, is the use of correct procedures. This little volume is presented to physicians and laboratory workers as a series of procedures which have been thoroughly tried out and found to give accurate results. It represents the outgrowth of notebooks used in the development and standardiza- tion of the laboratory of a general hospital. In the selection of the methods the first requirement has been the correctness of the underlying principle, and next the adapt- ability of the procedure to routine use. Only one method is given for each quantitative determination, and only one for a qualitative test where a single one is adequate. An attempt has been made to present each procedure in a simple manner. Wherever possible tables have been inserted to aid in the understanding of the technic and to assist in the calculations. All discussion of the interpretation of results has been inten- tionally avoided. The book is in no sense a textbook. However, the normal figures for the method are included in each quanti- tative test and occasionally types of abnormal findings are given. In the preparation of the book free use has been made of original articles in the laboratory journals, the various manuals of laboratory technic, such as Folin’s Manual of Biochemistry, and notes taken by the author of lectures on clinical microscopy at the Johns Hopkins Medical School. Credit has been given wherever possible. 8 PREFACE I am much indebted to Dr. Ralph H. Major, professor of medicine, University of Kansas, School of Medicine, for his interest and helpful criticism throughout the work. Mr. Joseph Bobbio, a former assistant, has made numerous valuable sug- gestions concerning the procedures in blood chemistry. Russell L. Haden. Kansas City. CONTENTS Qualitative Examination of Urine 17 Routine Examination, 17; Reagents, 18; Qualitative Tests, 19; Mi- croscopic Examination of Urinary Sediment, 22; Identification of Reducing Substances in Urine, 29. CHAPTER I CHAPTER II Quantitative Chemical Examination of Urine 35 Acidity by Titration (Folin), 36; Determination of Hydrogen-Ion Concentration (True Acidity), 36; Quantitative Estimation of Glu- cose, 37; Quantitative Estimation of Albumin, 41; Quantitative Estimation of Chlorides, 41; Determination of Total Nitrogen, 44; Determination of Urea Nitrogen (Van Slyke and Cullen), 46; Deter- mination of Ammonia, 48; Determination of Uric Acid, 49; De- termination of Creatinine (Folin), 51; Determination of Creatine (Folin), 54; Determination of Sulphates (Folin), 55; Determination of Phosphates, 58; Determination of Calcium and Magnesium, 60; Determination of Acetone Bodies, 62; Mosenthal Nephritic Test Meal, 67; McLean Index of Kidney Function, 69; Phenolsulphone- phthalein Test for Kidney Function, 70; Alkali Tolerance Test, 72; Determination of Urobilin and Urobilinogen, 73. CHAPTER III Analysis of Gastric Juice 75 The Test Meal, 75; Routine Examination, 75; Chemical Examina- tion of the Gastric Contents, 75; Microscopic Examination of the Gastric Contents, 77; Determination of Urobilin and Urobilinogen in Duodenal Contents, 77. CHAPTER IV Examination of Sputum 79 Routine Examination, 79; Examination of Fresh Sputum, 79; Exam- ination for Tubercle Bacilli, 80; Examination for Elastic Tissue, 80. CHAPTER V Examination of Feces 81 Routine Examination, 81; Qualitative Tests, 81; Large Parasites, Gallstones, and Other Foreign Bodies, 82; Microscopic Examination, 9 10 CONTENTS 82; Determination of Reaction, 84; Examination of Stool for Amebae, 84; Quantitative Estimation of Urobilin and Urobilinogen in Stools, 87; Preservation of Intestinal Parasites, 88; Preservation of Stools Containing Ova, 89. CHAPTER VI Qualitative Examination op Blood 90 Counting the Blood Cells, 90; Procedure in Counting the Red Blood Cells, 92; Procedure in Counting the Leucocytes, 95; Procedure in Counting the Blood Platelets (Wright and Kinnieutt), 95; Cleaning Counting Chamber and Pipettes, 96; Determination of Hemoglobin, 97; Determination by the Oxygen Capacity Method, 98; Determina- tion by Sahli’s method, 98; Determination with the Hellige Colorim- eter, 98; Color Index, 103; Volume Index, 104; Saturation Index, 104; Examination of Fresh Blood, 105; Preparation and Staining of Blood Films, 105; Differential Leucocyte Counts, 108; Pathological Red Blood Cells and Leucocytes, 112; Platelets, 113; Determination of the Fragility of Erythrocytes, 113; Technic for Vital Blood Stain, 115; Determination of Coagulation Time of Blood, 116; Determina- tion of the Bleeding Time, 117; Sehultze’s Oxydase Reaction, 117; Examination of Blood for Malarial Organisms, 119; Qualitative Tests for Bile Pigments, Bile Salts and Urobilin in Blood Plasma, 122. CHAPTER VII Quantitative Chemical Examination op Blood 125 Collection of Blood for Chemical Analysis, 125; Determination of the Relative Hydrogen-Ion Concentration, 127; Preparation of Pro- tein Free Blood Filtrates, 129; Determination of Nonprotein Nitro- gen, 131; Determination of Urea Nitrogen, 133; Determination of Uric Acid, 135; Determination of Creatinine, 138; Determina- tion of Creatine, 140; Determination of Sugar, 141; Blood Sugar Tolerance Test, 144; Determination of Chlorides, 145; Determina- tion of Cholesterol, 148; Determination of Phosphates, 151; Deter- mination of Calcium, 158; Determination of Acetone Bodies in Blood, 162; Determination of the Bicarbonate Content of the Blood Plasma Under Constant Carbon Dioxide Tension, 163; Determina- tion of the Oxygen Binding Capacity of Blood (Gasometric Hemo- globin Estimation), 171. CHAPTER VIII Serological Technic 175 Technic of the Wassermann Reaction, General Considerations, 175; Preparation of Glassware, 175; Preparation and Standardization of Reagents, 176; Daily Titration of Reagents Preliminary to the Diag- CONTENTS 11 nostic Test, 181; The Diagnostic Test, 184; Reading the Diagnostic Test, 186; Widal Reaction, 187; Determination of Types of Pneumo- coccus, 189; Blood Tests Preliminary to Transfusion, 191. CHAPTER IX Preparation or Bacteriological Solutions, Stains, and Media . . . 194 Sodium Citrate Solution for Blood Culture, 194; Physiological Salt Solution, 194; Stock Staining Solutions (Wood), 194; Carbol-Thionin, 194; Andrade Indicator, 195; Gram Stain, 195; Neisser’s Stain for Diphtheria Bacillus, 196; Zielil-Neelson Stain for Tubercle Bacilli, 196; Ponder’s Stain, 197; Capsule Stain (Modified Hiss Stain), 197; Huntoon Capsule Stain, 198; Stain for Spirocheta Pallida (Medalia), 198; Sterilization, 199; Titration of Culture Media to Definite Hydrogen-Ion Concentration, 200; Meat Infusion Agar, 202; Glu- cose Agar, 203; Meat Extract Agar, 203; Red Blood Agar, 203; Brown Blood Agar, 204; Meat Infusion Broth, 204; Meat Extract Broth, 204; Endo’s Agar, 204; Russell’s Agar, 205; Krumwiede’s Brilliant Green Media, 205; Dextrose Brain Broth, 206; Dextrose Brain Agar, 206; Potato Media, 206; Dunham’s Peptone Solution, 207; Litmus Milk, 207; Gelatin, 207; Loeffler ’s Blood Serum, 207; Petroff’s Tubercle Bacillus Medium, 208; Sugar-Free Broth, 208; Carbohydrate Broth for Fermentation Reactions, 208; Glucose Broth for Blood Culture, 208; Glucose Ascitic Fluid Broth, 209; Carbo- hydrate Serum Water Fermentation Media (Hiss Media), 209; Lactose Bile Medium, 209. CHAPTER X General Bacteriological Methods 210 Blood Culture, 210; Sputum Culture, 210; Stool Culture, 211; Urine Culture, 212; Nose and Throat Cultures, 212; Eye and Ear Cultures, 212; Miscellaneous Cultures, 212; Virulence Test for Diphtheria Bacillus, 213; Animal Inoculation for Tuberculosis, 213; Examina- tion of Stool for the Tubercle Bacillus, 216; Examination of Urine for the Tubercle Bacillus, 216; Examination of Smears for the Gonococcus, 216; Classification of Streptococci, 217. CHAPTER XI Miscellaneous Clinical Pathological Examinations 220 Examination of Cerebrospinal Fluid, 220; Lange’s Colloidal Gold Test on Spinal Fluids, 222; Examination of Ascitic and Pleural Fluids, 22; Dark Field Examination for Spirocheta Pallida, 228; Preparation of Bacterial Vaccines, 230; Wound Bacterial Count, 232; Detection of Mercury in Excretions, 232; Colorimetric Determination of the Hydrogen-Ion Concentration of Biological Fluids, 234. 12 CONTENTS CHAPTER XII Miscellaneous Chemical Procedures and Solutions 243 The Use of the Colorimeter and Nephelometer, 243; Standardization of Blood Chemical Determinations, 249; Preparation of Volumetric Solutions, 253; Calibration of Volumetric Apparatus, 258; Use of Indicators, 260; Preparation of Dakin’s Solution, 263; Preparation of Nessler’s Solution (Folin Method), 266; Preparation of Creatinin, 267; Method for Purification of Picric Acid, 269; Preparation of Solutions for Intravenous Use, 269; Preparation of Sodium Citrate Solution for Blood Transfusion, 271; Preparation of Antiformin, 271; Methyl Violet Shellac (for Marking Glassware), 271; Bichro- mate Cleaner for Glassware, 272; Stopcock Grease (Boothby), 272; Foam Killer, 272. CHAPTER XIII Histological Technic 273 Preparation of Permanent Sections for Histological Examination, 273; Frozen Sections, 275; Mallory’s Stain for Connective Tissue Fibers, 277; Technic for Staining Mitochondria (Bensley), 278; Stain for Tubercle Bacilli in Tissues, 279; Gram-Weigert Method for Demonstration of Gram-Positive Bacteria in Tissue, 279; Kaiser- ling’s Method of Preserving Gross Specimens, 280; Mixture for Sealing Museum Jars, 281. CHAPTER XIV Examination of Milk and Water 282 Bacteriological Examination of Water, 282; Examination of Milk and Crea: i, 282. ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 1. Uric acid crystals 23 2. Calcium oxalate crystals 23 3. Calcium phospate crystals 24 4. Calcium sulphate 24 5. “Triple phosphate’’ 25 6. Calcium carbonate crystals 25 7. Acid sodium urate 26 8. Ammonium urate crystals 26 9. Epithelial casts 27 10. Blood and pus casts 27 31. Fatty casts 28 12. Granular casts 29 13. Hyaline casts 30 14. Cylindroids 30 15. Fermentation tube 31 16. Showing Benedict’s method for the quantitative estimation of sugar 38 17. Esbach albuminometer 42 18. Types of pipettes used in chemical and serological work .... 45 19. Kjeldahl apparatus for the determination of total nitrogen in blood and urine by the Folin micro-method 46 20. Van Slyke and Cullen apparatus for the determination of urea nitrogen 48 21. Fifteen c.c. graduated centrifuge tube 52 22. Gooch crucible and holder 55 23. Porcelain mixing plate for use in the determination of phosphates and in blood grouping 59 24. Dunning colorimeter used in phenolsulphonepthalein test of kidney function 71 25. Record syringe for injecting phenolsulphonephthalein solution ... 71 26A. Spectrum of urobilin and urobilinogen 73 26B. Ova in human feces 82 27. Blood counting pipettes for red and white corpuscles 90 28. Hausser and Levy counting chambers of Burker type with Neubauer ruling 91 29. Showing the Neubauer ruling of counting chamber as it appears under the microscope 92 30. Machine for shaking blood counting pipettes 93 31. Tray for holding pipettes and materials for blood counting ... 94 32. Apparatus used in cleaning blood counting pipettes 96 33. Pipette cleaning apparatus in position for emptying pipettes . . 97 13 14 ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 34. Hellige colorimeter 99 35. Scale showing the average amount of hemoglobin in grams per 100 c.c. blood at different ages 101 36. Blood film by the cover glass method 106 37. Convenient stand for staining blood films made on cover glasses . 107 38. Tallying register used in making differential leucocyte counts . . 108 39. Dilutions are made of 0.5 per cent sodium chloride solution by adding distilled water by the drop method so that each tube contains twenty-five drops of hypisotonic solution 114 40. One drop of whole blood is added to eaeh tube of hypisotonic solution 115 41. Tube used in the determination of the coagulation time of blood . 117 42. Blood chemical bottle used for collecting blood 127 43. Folin and Wu pipette 130 44. Folin blood sugar tube 142 45. Types of curves obtained in blood sugar tolerance test 145 46. Cholesterol extraction apparatus 149 47. Tube used in collecting blood for the determination of the carbon dioxide combining power 164 48. Separatory funnel used in saturating blood plasma with carbon dioxide 165 49. Van Slyke carbon dioxide apparatus 166 50. Showing position of bulb when the gas volume in the pipette of the Van Slyke carbon dioxide apparatus is read 167 51. Interval timer 177 52. The most desirable type of burette for general laboratory use . . 177 53. Showing the reaction of corpuscles of various groups with Group II and Group III sera 192 54. Dunham fermentation tube 209 55. Fuchs-Rosenthal ruling of counting chamber for spinal fluids . . 221 56. Block tin still used in distilling water for colloidal gold solution . 223 57. Reaction types of spinal fluid with colloidal gold solution . . . 227 58. Old style and new style dark-field illuminators 229 59. Hopkins vaccine tube 231 60. Showing H-ion comparison standards, comparator, and sodium hydroxide bottle with soda lime guard tubes 236 61. Arrangement of tubes in comparator, in the determination of hydro- gen-ion concentration 240 62. Duboscq colorimeter 244 63. Bock-Benedict colorimeter 245 64. The Duboscq colorimeter converted into a nephelometer with the necessary extra parts 247 65. The nephelometer in position in its box, showing its relation to the source of light 248 66. Burette arrangement 254 15 ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 67. Titration curves of hydrochloric acid and acetic acids, showing the gradual color change of methyl red and phenolphthalein within their PH zones of transformation 260 68. Apparatus for making Dakin’s solution from liquid chlorine . . . 263 69. Babcock test bottle for determining the fat in milk 283 PAGE PLATE I. Benedict’s test for sugar Frontispiece PLATE II. Fig. 1.—Osozones; Fig. 2.—Uric acid crystals .... 30 PLATE III. White blood corpuscles with Wright and Ehrlich stains 108 PLATE IV. Nucleated red blood corpuscles with Wright and Ehrlich stains 112 PLATE V. Citron’s scale for reading the Wassermann Reaction . . 186 COLOR PLATES CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS CHAPTER I QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF THE URINE Routine Examination A routine qualitative examination of the urine is made as follows: (1) Note the patient’s name, case number and the date. (2) If single specimen mark “S.S.”; if a total twenty-four hour specimen measure the amount in cubic centimeters. (3) Determine the reaction with litmus paper. This may he conveniently done by dipping a small piece of neutral litmus paper into each specimen. (4) Note the color and whether turbid or clear. (5) Take the specific gravity with the urinometer. Read the urinometer at the bottom of the meniscus. If the specimen is very small, dilute the urine with an equal volume of distilled water, take the specific gravity and multiply the decimal portion of the figure obtained by two. (6) Test for albumin with heat and acetic acid or with concen- trated nitric acid. Make the test for albumin only on clear urine. If the specimen is not clear, shake with infusorial earth and filter. Make a quantitative determination of the albumin (page 41) on all specimens showing as much as three plus or four plus. (7) Test for sugar with Benedict’s reagent. If the test is positive, identify the reducing substance according to Table I. If a total twenty-four hour specimen is available, determine the amount of sugar present. (8) Centrifuge a specimen and examine the sediment micro- scopically. Remarks.—All specimens marked “Catheterized” should be so noted on the report. 17 18 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Test for blood, bile, urobilin, acetone, diacetic acid or indican if requested, or if indicated. Always record relative amounts as “occasional W.B.C.”, “many W.B.C.”, etc. Reagents Benedict’s Solution (Qualitative).— Copper sulphate (crystals) 17.3 gm. Sodium or potassium citrate 173 gm. Sodium carbonate (crystals) 200 gm. Distilled water to make 1000 cubic centimeters. The copper sulphate dissolved in about 100 c.c. is poured slowly, stirring constantly, into the citrate and carbonate, previously dissolved in about 700 c.c. of hot water. The mixture is cooled and diluted to 1 liter. Nylander’s Reagent—Digest two grams of bismuth subnitrate and four grams of Rochelle salt in 100 c.c. of a hot 10 per cent solution of potassium hydroxide. The reagent should then be cooled and filtered. Obermeyer’s Reagent.—Add 2-4 grams of ferric chloride to a liter of hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.19). Scott-Wilson Reagent.—To 10 g. of mercuric cyanide dissolved in 600 c.c. of water add a cooled solution of 180 g. of sodium hydroxide in 600 c.c. of water. Transfer this mixture to a heavy- walled glass jar, and to it add 2.9 g. of silver nitrate dissolved in 400 c.c. of water. The silver solution should be added in a slow stream, and the addition must be accompanied by constant and exceedingly vigorous stirring with a heavy glass rod. If prop- erly made, the silver dissolves completely, giving a clear solu- tion which is at once available for use. If the solution is turbid, it should be set aside to settle for three or four days and the clear supernatant liquid removed by means of a siphon. In the clear reagent a new sediment gradually forms, so that the solution deteriorates slowly and after a few months is not serviceable for quantitative work, though still good for qualita- tive tests. Lugol’s Solution.—Dissolve 4 grams of iodine and 6 grams of potassium iodide in 100 c.c. of distilled water. QUALITATIVE examination of urine 19 Barfoed’s Solution.—Dissolve 9 grams of neutral crystallized copper acetate in 100 c.c. water and add 1.2 c.c. 50 per cent acetic acid. Ehrlich’s Reagent.—Dissolve 4 grams paradimethyl amino ben- zaldehyde in 30 c.c. concentrated hydrochloric acid and add 30 c.c. distilled water. Fehling’s Solution.— Solution 1 Copper sulphate crystals 34.65 gm. Distilled water to 1000 c.c. Solution 2 Rochelle salt 173.0 gm. Sodium hydrate 125.0 gm. Distilled water to 1000 e.c. Dissolve the Rochelle salt in hot water, cool, add the sodium hydrate, and make up to one liter. Equal volumes of Solutions 1 and 2 are mixed in a test tube and boiled; the deep blue fluid should remain perfectly clear. The urine is added to the hot mixture in small amounts. Qualitative Tests 1. Albumin.—Heat and Acetic Acid.—The urine must be acid and clear. If alkaline or neutral, make slightly acid by adding a few drops of 3 per cent acetic acid. If cloudy, shake with infusorial earth, and filter. Fill a test tube two-thirds full of the clear acid urine and gently heat the upper half of the fluid to boiling. A turbidity is due either to phosphates, carbonates or albumin. Acidify the urine further by the addition of 3-5 drops of 3 per cent acetic acid, adding it drop by drop to the hot solution. If the precipi- tate is due to phosphate or carbonate, it will disappear under these conditions; if it is due to albumin, it will become more flocculent. Very small quantities of albumin may not appear on* heating, but will show after the addition of acid. Examine the tube by trans- mitted light against a black background. Heeler’s Nitric Acid Test.—Place about 2-3 c.c. of con- 20 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS centrated nitric acid in the bottom of a test tube and run in 4-5 c.c. of urine over the acid with a pipette. There should be a dis- tinct layering of the acid and urine. A white layer at the junc- tion indicates the presence of albumin. Record results as follows: Negative 0 Faint trace Ft. + Trace + Moderate amount + + Large amount + + + Very large amount + + + + Make a quantitative determination of the albumin on all speci- mens showing as much as three or four plus. 2. Sugar.—To 5 c.c. of Benedict’s reagent in a test tube add eight (not more) drops of urine. Boil the fluid vigorously for from one to two minutes over a free flame or place in boiling water-bath for five minutes and allow to cool spontaneously. In the presence of glucose the entire body of the solution wall be filled with a yellow or red precipitate (Plate 1). If the glucose is below 0.3 per cent, the precipitate forms only on cooling. If no sugar be present, the solution remains perfectly clear or shows a faint turbidity which is blue in color, due to urates. Bulk and not color is the basis of the test. Concentrated urines must be diluted before adding to the reagent. Large amounts of albumin, if present, must be removed before making the test. If Benedict’s test is positive identify the reducing body (see page 33, “Identification of Reducing Substances in Urine”). 3. Acetone.—Test with Scott-Wilson Reagent.—In a large test tube, such as used for the determination of urea (Fig. 20), place first 5 c.c. of urine and 1-2 drops dilute acid (HC1 or H2S04). Then insert the rubber stopper carry- ing the absorption tube. Place the test tube in a beaker of lukewarm water (35-40° C.) and aspirate the volatile acetone by means of a moderately rapid air current into a test tube contain- ing 5 c.c. of distilled water and 5 c.c. Scott-Wilson reagent. If acetone is present, even if only in minute traces, the solution becomes turbid. If the amount of acetone obtained is extremelv QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF URINE 21 small, turbidity may not appear for 5 to 10 minutes. This test is specifie for acetone. Sodium Nitro Prusside Test.—To 5 c.c. of urine in a test tube add about 1 gm. of ammonium sulphate and a few drops of 5 per cent sodium nitroprusside. Shake a few times to dissolve the salt, then layer with concentrated ammonia. A violet color indicates acetone. 4. Diacetic Acid.—Gerhardt’s Test.—Introduce about 5 c.c. of urine into a test tube and add ferric chloride (about 40 per cent) drop by drop. In the presence of large amounts of diacetic acid, a Bordeaux red color is produced. 5. Bile.—Foam Test.—Shake vigorously a test tube one-half full of urine; if the foam presents a distinct yellow color, bile is present. Rosenbach Test.—Acidify the urine with hydrochloric acid and pass through a small filter several times. Touch the stain on the paper with a drop of yellow nitric acid. If bile is present a play of colors is seen at the edge of the drop. From within outward the colors are yellow, red, violet, blue and green. Iodine Test.—Layer a very dilute alcoholic solution of iodine over urine. A green ring at the zone of contact shows bile. The iodine solution should be of a pale yellow color, (1 part of tinc- ture of iodine plus 30 parts of 95 per cent alcohol). 6. Blood.—Guaiac Test.—To about 4 c.c. of urine add 1 c.c. of glacial acetic acid and 2 c.c. of ether; shake gently; pour off the ether and add to it a few drops of freshly prepared alcoholic solution of gum guaiac, (1 gm. in 60 c.c. 95 per cent alcohol), and 1 c.c. of 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide. If blood is present, a blue color develops in the ether. 7. Indican.—Obermeyer’s Test.—Mix equal parts of Obor- in eyer’s reagent and urine in a test tube. Add a small amount of chloroform and invert several times. If an excess of indican is present the chloroform becomes dark blue. 8. Urobilin.—Schlesinger’s Test.—About 10 c.c. of acid urine are treated with 5 or 6 drops Lugol’s solution to convert any uro- bilinogen present into urobilin. The urine is now mixed with an equal quantity of a freshly made saturated solution of zinc acetate in absolute alcohol and filtered. If urobilin is present, the fil- 22 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS trate shows a green fluorescence when held against a dark back- ground and examined by transmitted light. Place filtrate in spec- troscope and note characteristic absorption spectrum, a wide band between b & F (Fig. 26-A). 9. Urobilinogen.—Add 1 c.c. of Ehrlich’s reagent to 10 c.c. of urine in a test tube. If an abnormally large amount of urobil- inogen is present, a red color develops in the cold. A red color may develop in normal urine on heating. 10. Bile Salts.—Hays’ Sulphur Test.—This test is based upon the principle that bile acids have the property of reducing the surface tension of fluids in which they are contained. Cool about 10 c.c. of urine in a test tube to 17° C. or lower and sprinkle a little finely pulverized sulphur upon the surface of the fluid. The presence of bile acid is indicated if the sulphur sinks to the bottom of the liquid • the rapidity with which the sulphur sinks depend- ing upon the amount of bile acids in the urine. The test is said to react with bile acids when the latter are present in the propor- tion of 1:120,000. Foam Test.—(V. Udransky). To 5 c.c. of urine in a test tube add three or four drops of a very dilute (1:1000) aqueous solu- tion of furfurol. Place the thumb over the top of the tube and shake the tube until a thin foam is formed. With a small pipette add two or three drops of concentrated sulphuric acid to the foam and note the dark pink coloration produced in the presence of bile salts. Microscopic Examination of Urinary Sediment The sediment is obtained for microscopic examination by cen- trifuging the urine in a conical centrifuge tube. The specimen employed for examination should be perfectly fresh. A drop of the sediment is removed with a pipette and transferred to a glass slide. The preliminary examination is made with low magnifica- tion and with the light cut off as much as possible. If necessary a cover glass is placed on the drop of sediment, which is then examined under higher magnification. In the preparation under examination look for: (1) Red blood cells. (2) White blood cells with polymorphous nuclei, (pus cells). QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF URINE 23 (3) Epithelial cells: (a) squamous, usually large with small round nucleus; (b) round or cuboidal with large vesicular nucleus. (4) Amorphous sediment: urates, which are usually pink in color and dissolve on heating; phosphates, white in color, which do Fig. 1.—Uric acid crystals. (From Gradwohl and Blaivas, after Hawk.) Fig. 2.—Calcium oxalate crystals. (From Gradwohl and Blaivas.) not dissolve on heating, but are soluble in acids; carbonates which are soluble in acid with the evolution of carbon dioxide. (5) Crystals: (a) In acid urine: uric acid, which are usually 24 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Fig. 3.—Calcium phosphate crystals. (From Gradwohl and Blaivas.) Fig. 4.—Calcium sulphate. (After Hensel and Weil.) 25 QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF URINE Fig. 5.—“Triple phosphate.” (After Ogden.) Fig. 6.—Calcium carbonate crystals. (After Hawk.) 26 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Pig. 7.—Acid sodium urate. (After Hawk.) Fig. 8.—Ammonium urate crystals. (After Peyer.) colored reddish or yellowish brown and occur in a variety of forms, such as rhombic prisms, wedges, dumb-bells, whetstones, prismatic rosettes and irregular or hexagonal plates, (Fig. 1 and Plate II) ; QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF URINE 27 calcium oxalate, which are formed as highly refractive octohedra or as dumb-bell forms (Fig. 2) ; calcium phosphate occurring as slender, colorless, rhombic tablets, often grouped together as rosettes (Fig. 3) ; calcium sulphate, which crystallizes in the form of long thin needles or prisms (Fig. 4). Fig. 9.—Epithelial casts. (After Hawk.) Fig. 10.—(.a) Blood casts (yellow in color); (b) Pus casts. (After Hawk.) (b) In alkaline urine: ammonia magnesium phosphate, (“Triple Phosphate”), which occurs in two forms, prisms and the feathery type (Fig. 5) ; calcium carbonate, which appears as dumb- bells or spheres with radiating lines resembling similar forms of 28 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS calcium oxalate (Fig. 6) ; sodium urate, which occurs as groups of fan-shaped clusters or prismatic needles (Fig. 7) ; ammonium urate, found in the burr-like form of the thorn apple crystal or yellow or reddish-brown spheres covered with sharp spicules (Fig. 8). (6) Casts.—These are derived from the renal tubules. The sides are parallel, the ends are rounded and fairly abrupt. Casts are classified as follows: (a) Epithelial Casts composed of renal epithelial cells in whole or in part (Fig. 9). (b) Pus casts which consist of pus cells, characterized by their polymorphous nuclei (Fig. 10). Fig. 11.-—Fatty casts. (After Peyer.) (c) Blood casts containing one or more red blood cells (Fig. 10). (d) Fatty casts which result from the fatty degeneration of the cells of epithelial casts (Fig. 11). (e) Granular casts which have coarse or fine granules (Fig. 12). QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF'URINE 29 (f) Waxy casts which are opaque, very refractive, homo- geneous, and white or yellowish in color. (g) Hyaline casts which are very pale, have little refrac- tivity, and are difficult to see unless the light is cut off (Fig. 13). (h) Cylindroids are bodies resembling casts, but are dis- tinguished by the fact that they have a tapering end, often going to a threadlike process (Fig. 14). Fig. 12.—Granular casts. (After Peyer.) Identification of Reducing Substances in Urine If the test with Benedict’s reagent is positive, do the following tests on the specimen in the order given. 1. Nylander’s Test.—To one-half test tube urine add one-tenth the volume of Nylander’s solution; boil for 3 to 5 minutes. A reducing substance forms a black precipitate. 2. Phenyl-hydrazine Test.—To 4 c.c. of albumin-free urine add y2 c.c. glacial acetic acid and 5 drops of phenyl-hydrazine. Boil 30 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Fig. 13.—Hyaline casts. (After Hawk.) Fig. 14.—Cylindroids. (After Peyer.) Fig. 1.—Osozones. (After Hawk.) Upper form, dextrosozone; lower form, maltosozone. Fig. 2.—Uric acid crystals. Normal color. (From Hawk, after Peyer.) Plate II. QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF URINE 31 gently for 1 minute; and add 4-5 drops of 20 per cent NaOII. Heat for few minutes; let cool at room temperature. Character- istic yellow osozone crystals (Plate II) are obtained within 20 minutes if sugar be present. If the melting point of the crystals is to be determined, dissolve crystals in hot 50 per cent alcohol, pour into distilled water and evaporate the alcohol. The oso- zones crystallize out. 3. Fermentation Test.—Rub up a small piece of fresh yeast with 50 c.c. of boiled urine; fill fermentation tube (Fig. 15) and place in incubator. As control, use (a) normal boiled urine and yeast and (b) normal urine and yeast plus glucose to prove the activity of the yeast. If a fermentable sugar is present, gas will form in the fermentation tube. Fig. IS.—Fermentation tube. 4. Polariscopic Test.—Fill tube of polariscope and determine whether the substance rotates the plane of light to right or left or gives no rotation. (See page 39.) Table I shows the reaction of the reducing substances com- monly occurring in the urine to the tests given above. If necessary for the identification, the following special tests for reducing substances may be used. (1) Barfoed’s Test.—Place about 5 c.c. of Barfoed’s reagent in a test tube and heat to boiling. Add the urine slowly a few drops at a time, heating after each addition. Reduction is indi- cated by the formation of a red precipitate of cuprous oxide. If the precipitate does not form after boiliing % minute, allow the 32 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS tube to stand a few minutes and examine. Monosaccharides give a positive reaction; disaccharides do not react. (2) Levulose.—Seliwanoff’s Test.—Mix 5 to 10 c.c. of urine and an equal volume of 25 per cent hydrochloric acid (two parts of concentrated hydrochloric acid and one part of water) ; add a few grains of resorcin. Boil gently for a few seconds. If levulose is present a red color appears, usually followed by a brownish precipitate. Cool the fluid, pour into an evaporating dish or beaker, and treat with sodium carbonate in substance until the reaction is alkaline. Pour the fluid into a test tube and shake with ethyl acetate. If levulose is present, the ethyl acetate is colored yellow. In performing the test prolonged boiling should be avoided. (3) Pentose.—Phloroglucin Test.—To about 5 c.c. of urine in a test tube add an equal volume of concentrated hydrochloric acid and a liberal knife point of phloroglucin. Heat the mixture preferably on a water-bath. A red color appears and soon after- ward a dark precipitate. Cool the contents of the tube and extract with amyl alcohol. Examine the amyl alcohol extract in the spectroscope. If pentose is present a band appears midway be- tween D and E, a little to the right of the sodium line. Glycuronic acid compounds give a positive phloroglucin test as well as pentose. Orcin Test.—Mix equal parts of urine and hydrochloric acid; add a small knife point of orcin and boil gently. If pen- tose is present, a dark greenish color soon develops, and finally a turbidity, due to a dark green or blue precipitate. Cool the contents of the test tube, until they are lukewarm, and then extract with amyl alcohol. The extract is a dark olive green color, the depth of which is proportional to the concentration of pentose in the urine. Spectroscopic examination shows a band at D, the sodium line. The orcin test also is given by the paired glycuronic acid compounds, but the reaction is much less readily obtained than with the phloroglucin. Urine should not be filtered through paper before the test. (4) Paired Glycuronates.—Tollens’ Test.—To 5 c.c. of urine in a test tube add a bit of naphthoresorcin about the size of a QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF URINE 33 Table I The Identification of Reducing Substances Occurring in Urine benedict's test POSITIVE NEGATIVE Glucose Laevulose Lactose Maltose Paired Glycuronates Alkaptone Bodies Urates (atypical reduction) Pentose I (Excludes all sugars but saccharose) nylander's TEST POSITIVE l NEGATIVE Glucose Laevulose Lactose Paired Glycuronates Pentose Maltose I Alkaptone Bodies (urine turns black on standing) Urates phenylhydrazine test I OSOZONES FORMED DIRECTLY OSOZONES NOT FORMED DIRECTLY Glucose (m.p. 200-204) Laevulose (m.p. 200-204) Maltose (m.p. 190-191) Pentose (m.p. 157-160) I Lactose Paired Glycuronates I fermentation test fermentation test I positive negative positive NEGATIVE Glucose Laevulose Maltose (slowly) Pentose (optically inactive, phloroglucin and orcin tests positive) Lactose Paired glycuronates polariscopic test I polariscopic test dextrorotatory Glucose (sp. rot. 52.5) Maltose (sp. rot. 137) Levulose (sp. rot. 92.3) (Seliwanoff test positive) LEvorotatory dextrorotatory Lactose (sp. rot. 52.5) (Rubner’s test positive) Paired glycuro- nates in acid urine. lEvorotatory (Tollens’ test positive) barfoed’s TEST POSITIVE Glucose NEGATIVE Maltose millet seed and 5 c.c. of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Boil gently about one minute and set the tube aside for about four minutes. Cool the contents of the tube under running water. 34 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Extract with an equal quantity of ether. If glycuronates are present in the urine in excess, the ether extract is dark blue to violet, while with smaller amounts a faint bluish or reddish violet color is obtained. The ether extract when examined immediately in the spectroscope shows a single dark band near the sodium line. The test is sufficiently delicate to detect the small amounts of glycuronates normally present in the urine. (5) Lactose.—Rubner’s Test.—The urine is boiled with an excess of sugar of lead from three to four minutes, when the solution becomes yellow or brown. To the hot fluid is then added ammonia as long as the precipitate which forms will still dis- solve. An intense brick red fluid is obtained which settles later as a copper red precipitate with a colorless supernatant fluid. If the specific gravity of the urine be over 1.020, it is best to dilute one-half. Remarks.—A reducing substance giving a positive Benedict’s test and Nylander’s test, fermented by yeast, dextrorotatory, and giving crystals directly with phenyl hydrazine is glucose or maltose. A reducing substance giving a positive Benedict’s test and Nylander’s test, not fermented by yeast, dextrorotatory and not giving crystals directly with phenyl hydrazine is lactose. Suspect levulosuria with glycosuria when the quantity of glucose found on polariscopic examination falls short of that found on titration with Benedict’s copper solution. A positive Seliwanoff reaction and the absence of a levorotatory body after fermentation practically confirm it. Suspect pentosuria wThen the reduction tests are atypical, when they persist after attempts at fermentation, when the urine is inactive on polariscopic examination. CHAPTER II QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE Collection of Urine.—It is very important that all specimens of urine for quantitative chemical examination be accurately collected on the 24-hour period. The container should be kept in a cool place and have added to it 10 c.c. of toluol or 5 c.c. of a saturated alcoholic solution of thymol for each liter of urine. The calculation may ordinarily be simplified by diluting the entire specimen to the nearest round number as 1,000 c.c. or 1,500 c.c. Composition of Normal Urine.—Table II shows the average Composition of Normal Urine Table II. Hydrogen-Ion concentration Acidity by Titration Total nitrogen Urea Ammonia Amino acid nitrogen Creatinine Creatine Uric acid Glucose Acetone and diacetic acid B-Hydroxybutyrie acid Indican Total sulphates Chlorides Ethereal sulphates Total phosphates Calcium Magnesium 4.80 -7.50 (mean 6.00). 200-500 (c.c. N/10 alkali to neutralize 24-hour output). 12-18 grams in 24 hours. 30-35 grams (equals 80-90% of total nitrogen). 0.7 gram (equals 2.5-4.5% of total nitrogen). 0.4-1.0 (equals 2-6% of total nitrogen). 1.25 gram. Few milligrams (children may show 10-50 mgm). 0.7 gram. 0 (common qualitative tests). 3- mgm. (about one-fourth is acetone). 20-30 mgm. 4- mgm. 1.5-3.0 gm. (expressed as SO3). 10-15 gm. (expressed as sodium chloride). 0.1025 gm. (expressed as S03). 2.5 gm. (expressed as P205). 0.1-0.4 gram (expressed as CaO). 0.1-0.3 gram (expressed as MgO). 35 36 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS acidity and the daily excretion of the substances found in normal urine. Acidity by Titration (Folin) Principle.—Potassium oxalate is added to the urine to pre- cipitate the calcium present. The urine is then titrated with tenth-normal sodium hydroxide solution. Procedure.—Place 25 c.c. of urine in a 200 c.c. flask and add 15 to 20 grams finely powdered potassium oxalate and 1 to 2 drops 1 per cent phenolphthalein solution. Shake vigorously 1 to 2 minutes and titrate immediately with N/10 NaOH until a faint but unmistakable pink remains permanent on further shaking. Express the result in c.c. N/10 NaOII required to neutralize the 24-hour specimen. Calculation.—The total acidity of the 24-hour specimen ex- pressed in cubic centimeters of N/10 sodium hydroxide equals— Total vol. of urine ... , n ■ 25 x c-c- N/10 sodium hydroxide used. Remarks.—The normal titration acidity is 200-500 expressed in terms of N/10 alkali required to neutralize the 24-hour output. Determination of Hydrogen-Ion Concentration (True Acidity) Principle.—The urine is treated with a few drops of the proper indicator and the color compared with that produced with the same amount of indicator and a solution of known hydrogen-ion concentration. Reagents.—1. Standard Buffer Solutions.—A set covering the range PH 5.0 to 7.0 will allow for the extreme variations en- countered. For preparation see “Colorimetric Determination of the Hydrogen-Ion Concentration of Biological Fluids,” page 234. 2. Indicators.—Methyl red, brom cresol purple, and phenol red are the most useful indicators. See page 239 for preparation of the indicator solutions. Procedure.—Find the approximate Pn of the urine by adding a few drops of indicator beginning with phenol red and com- paring with the standard buffer solutions containing indicator. Measure 10 c.c. of urine into a test tube of the same bore as those containing the standard. Add 10 drops of the indicator QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OP URINE 37 showing the sharpest color changes over the range within which the solution falls as determined by the preliminary test. Compare the urine in a comparator (Fig. 60) with buffer solu- tion containing the same indicator. The tubes are arranged as illustrated in Fig. 61. The hydrogen-ion concentration .of the urine is equal to that of the standard buffer solution whose color it matches. Remarks.—The normal values lie between 4.8 and 7.5 with a mean value almost exactly 6.0. For vegetarians the mean value is about 6.6. Quantitative Estimation of Glucose A. By Titration with Copper Solution (Benedict’s Solution) Principle.—The urine is heated with an alkaline copper sul- phate solution containing potassium thiocyanate. A white pre- cipitate of copper thiocyanate is formed on reduction instead of the usual red precipitate of cuprous oxide. Reagents.— 1. Benedict’s sugar reagent: (quantitative) — Copper sulphate (crystallized) 18.0 grams' Sodium carbonate (crystallized, % the weight of the anhydrous salt may be used) 200.0 grams Sodium or potassium citrate 200.0 grams Potassium thiocyanate 125.0 grams Potassium ferrocyanide (5% sol.) 5.0 c.c. Distilled water to make a total volume of... .1000.0 c.c. With the aid of heat dissolve the carbonate, citrate and thio- cyanate in enough water to make about 800 c.c. of the mixture and filter if necessary. Dissolve the copper sulphate separately in about 100 c.c. of water and pour the solution slowly into the other liquid, with constant stirring. Add the ferrocyanide solution, cool and dilute to exactly 1 liter. Of the various constituents, the copper salt only need be weighed with exactness. Twenty-five c.c. of the reagent are reduced by 50 mg. of glucose. 2. Sodium carbonate. 3. Powdered pumice stone. 38 . CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS K Fig. 16.—Showing Benedict’s method for the quantitative estimation of sugar. (From Gradwohl and Blaivas.) QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE 39 Procedure.—The urine, 10 c.c. of which should be diluted with water to 100 c.c. (unless the sugar content is believed to be low, when it may be used undiluted), is poured into a 50 c.c. burette up to the zero mark. Twenty-five c.c. of the reagent are meas- ured with a pipette into a porcelain evaporating dish (25-30 cm. in diameter), 10 to 20 grams of crystallized sodium carbonate (or one-half the weight of the anhydrous salt), are added, to- gether with a small quantity of powdered pumice stone or talcum, and the mixture heated to boiling over a free flame (Fig. 16) until the carbonate has entirely dissolved. The diluted urine is now run in from the burette, rather rapidly, until a chalk- white precipitate forms and the blue color of the mixture begins to lessen perceptibly, after which the solution from the burette must be run in a few drops at a time until the disappearance of the last trace of blue color, wdiich marks the end point. The solution must be kept vigorously boiling throughout the entire titration. If the mixture becomes too concentrated during the process, water may be added from time to time to replace the volume lost by evaporation. Calculation.—The 25 c.c. of copper solution are reduced by exactly 50 mg. of glucose. Therefore, the volume run out of the burette to effect the reduction contained 50 mg. of the sugar. When the urine is diluted 1:10, as in the usual titration of diabetic urines, the formula for calculating the percentage of the sugar is the following: x 1000 = percentage in original sample %0 wherein x is the number of cubic centimeters of the diluted urine required to reduce 25 c.c. of the copper solution. Remarks.—In the use of this method, chloroform must not be present during the titration. If used as a preservative in the urine, it may be removed by boiling a sample for a few minutes, and then diluting to its original volume. Table III shows the percentage of glucose corresponding to the different amounts of urine required. B. By Polariscopic Method The urine must be acid, albumin-free, and clear. If cloudy, add 2 grams lead acetate, (sugar of lead), to a portion, shake and 40 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Determination of Glucose in Urine Take 25 c.c. of Benedict’s reagent and decolorize with urine diluted 1:10, if the sugar content is high, or undiluted if low. Table shows the percentage of glucose corresponding to the different amounts of diluted or undiluted urine required. URINE DILUTED 1:10 UNDILUTED URINE C.C. URINE PER CENT GLUCOSE C.C. URINE PER CENT GLUCOSE C.C. URINE PER CENT GLUCOSE C.C. URINE PER CENT GLUCOSE C.C. URINE PER CENT GLUCOSE C.C. URINE PER CENT GLUCOSE 5.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 30 1.7 5.0 1.0 10.0 0.50 30 0.17 5.2 9.6 10.5 4.8 31 1.7 5.2 0.96 10.5 0.48 31 0.17 5.4 9.3 11.0 4.6 32 1.6 5.4 0.93 11.0 0.46 32 0.16 5.6 8.9 11.5 4.4 33 1.6 5.6 0.89 11.5 0.44 33 0.16 5.8 8.6 12.0 4.2 34 1.5 5.8 0.86 12.0 0.42 34 0.15 6.0 8.3 12.5 4.0 35 1.4 6.0 0.83 12.5 0.40 35 0.14 6.2 8.1 13.0 3.9 36 1.4 6.2 0.81 13.0 0.39 36 0.14 6.4 7.8 13.5 3.7 37 1.4 6.4 0.78 13.5 0.37 37 0.14 6.6 7.6 14.0 3.6 38 1.3 6.6 0.76 14.0 0.36 38 0.13 6.8 7.4 14.5 3.5 39 1.3 6.8 0.74 14.5 0.35 39 0.13 7.0 7.2 15.0 3.3 40 1.3 7.0 0.72 15 0.33 40 0.13 7.2 7.0 16 3.1 41 1.2 7.2 0.70 16 0.31 41 0.12 7.4 6.8 17 3.0 42 1.2 7.4 0.68 17 0.30 42 0.12 7.6 6.6 18 . 2.8 43 1.2 7.6 0.66 18 0.28 43 0.12 7.8 6.4 19 2.6 44 1.1 7.8 0.64 19 0.26 44 0.11 8.0 6.3 20 2.5 45 1.1 8.0 0.63 20 0.25 45 0.11 8.2 6.1 21 2.4 46 1.1 8.2 0.61 21 0.24 46 0.11 8.4 6.0 22 2.3 47 1.1 8.4 0.60 22 0.22 47 0.11 8.6 5.8 23 2.2 48 1.0 8.6 0.58 23 0.22 48 0.10 8.8 5.6 24 2.1 49 1.0 8.8 0.56 24 0.21 49 0.10 9.0 5.6 25 2.0 50 1.0 9.0 0.56 25 0.20 50 0.10 9.2 5.4 26 1.9 9.2 0.54 26 0.19 9.4 5.3 27 1.9 9.4 0.53 27 0.19 9.6 5.2 28 1.8 9.6 0.52 28 0.18 9.8 5.1 29 1.7 9.8 0.51 29 0.17 Table III 41 QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE filter several times through the same filter until perfectly clear. If albumin is present, it must be removed by heat and acid and filtration. Fill polariscope tube marked 189.4 mm. Place glass disc over end of tube and screw down cap. Avoid air bubbles. After focusing, readings are made, first without the urine to determine whether the zero point is accurate; next, after refocusing, with the tube of urine in place. Starting at zero, the handle is rotated until the entire field is equally illuminated. The reading gives the percentage of sugar directly. If the tube marked 94.7 mm. is used, multiply result by 2. Remarks.—The polariscope may be used to determine the per- centage (P) of any optically active substance in solution from the following equation: „ , A x 100 P equals —r-^p:—^ (cc) DxL where A equals the angle of rotation (cc) D equals specific rotation of the substance in question L equals length of polariscope tube in decimeters. Quantitative Estimation of Albumin Preparation of Tsuchiya Reagent.— Phosphotungstic acid 15 gm. Concentrated hydrochloric acid 50 c.c. Ethyl alcohol (95 per cent) ad.q.s 1000 c.c. Procedure.—If the urine is alkaline, acidify with acetic acid. Fill an Esbach tube (Fig. 17) with urine to the mark “U” and then add Tsuchiya’s reagent to mark “R.” The tube is corked and inverted twelve times. Do not shake. Place in ver- tical position for twenty-four hours at room temperature and read the height of the precipitate on the scale marked on the tube. The figure obtained gives the albumin in grams per liter. Quantitative Estimation of Chlorides Principle.—Volumetric silver nitrate solution is added in ex- cess to the urine precipitating the chlorides as silver chloride. 42 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Tlie excess of silver nitrate is titrated with a standard ammonium thiocyanate solution using iron alum as an indicator. Reagents.—1. Silver Nitrate Solution.—Dissolve 29.075 grams of silver nitrate in 900 c.c. of 25 per cent nitric acid; add 50 c.c. of a 10 per cent solution of ferric ammonium sulphate; make up to one liter with distilled water. One c.c. of this solution is equivalent to 0.01 gram sodium chloride. Standardize against tenth normal hydrochloric acid. Ten c.c. of the tenth normal acid should be completely precipitated by 5.85 c.c. of the silver nitrate solution. 2. Ammonium Thiocyanate Solution.—This solution is made of such a strength that 2 c.c. of it is equal to 1 c.c. of the standard Fig. 17.—Fsbaeh albuminometer. silver nitrate solution. To prepare the solution dissolve 12.9 grams of ammonium thiocyanate, NHJ3CN, in a little less than two liters of water. In a small flask place 20 c.c. of the stand- ard silver nitrate solution, add water to make the total volume 100 e.c. and thoroughly mix the contents of the flask. Now run in the ammonium thiocyanate solution from a burette until a permanent red-brown tinge is produced. This is the end-reaction and indicates that the last trace of silver nitrate has been pre- cipitated. Take the burette reading and calculate the amount of water necessary to use in diluting the ammonium thiocyanate in order that 20 c.c. of this solution may be exactly equal to 10 c.c. of the silver nitrate solution. Make the dilution and titrate again to be certain that the solution is of the proper strength. 43 QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE Procedure.—Mix 5 c.c. of urine and 10 c.c. of volumetric silver nitrate solution in a small flask. Add about 35 c.c. of distilled water. Run in the standard ammonium thiocyanate solution from a burette until a permanent red-brown tinge is produced. Calculation.—If x be the number of c.c. of ammonium thiocy- anate used in titrating the excess silver nitrate: 20 - x = grams per liter of chloride (expressed as sodium chloride). Remarks.—When ammonium thiocyanate is added to silver chloride, a small part of the chloride is converted into silver thiocyanate. This may be avoided by filtering the solution after the silver chloride has been precipitated. The error due to this side reaction is so small, however, that the method as outlined is sufficiently accurate for routine clinical use. Table IV shows the number of grams of NaCl corresponding to the amount of NH4CNS used to neutralize the excess of AgNOa. Table IY Take 5 c.c. of urine and 10 c.c. of the standard AgN03 solution. Table shows the number of grams of NaCl per liter corresponding to the number of cubic centimeters of NH4CNS used to neutralize the excess of AgN03. Determination of Chlorides in Urine C.C. OF nh4cns USED 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0 20.0 19.9 19.8 19.7 19.6 19.5 19.4 19.3 19.2 19.1 1 19.0 18.9 18.8 18.7 18.6 18.5 18.4 18.3 18.2 18.1 2 18.0 17.9 17.8 17.7 17.6 17.5 17.4 17.3 17.2 17.1 3 17.0 16.9 16.8 16.7 16.6 16.5 16.4 16.3 16.2 16.1 4 16.0 15.9 15.8 15.7 15.6 15.5 15.4 15.3 15.2 15.1 5 15.0 14.9 14.8 14.7 14.6 14.5 14.4 14.3 14.2 14.1 6 14.0 13.9 13.8 13.7 13.6 13.5 13.4 13.3 13.2 13.1 7 13.0 12.9 12.8 12.7 12.6 12.5 12.4 12.3 12.2 12.1 8 12.0 11.9 11.8 11.7 11.6 11.5 11.4 11.3 11.2 11.1 9 11.0 10.9 10.8 10.7 10.6 10.5 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.1 10 10.0 9.9 9.8 9.7 9.6 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.1 11 9.0 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 12 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.1 13 7.0 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.1 14 6.0 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.4 5.3 5.2 5.1 15 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 16 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 17 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 18 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 19 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 44 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Determination of Total Nitrogen (Folin: Jour. Biol. Chem., 26, 473', 1916) Principle.—The diluted urine is first heated with an acid mix- ture. By this procedure the nitrogen is converted into ammo- nium salts. The solution is then Nesslerized and read against a standard ammonium sulphate solution similarly treated. Reagents.—1. Nessler’s reagent. (See page 266.) 2. Standard ammonium sulphate solution: Ammonium sulphate C.P. 0.4716 grams Concentrated hydrochloric acid 1 c.c. Water ad. q.s. 1000 c.c. 10 c.c. = 1 milligram nitrogen. The ammonium sulphate should be dried in hot air for % hour at 110° centigrade. 3. Acid digestion mixture: Mix 300 c.c. of 85 per cent phos- phoric acid with 100 c.c. of ammonia free sulphuric acid (concen- trated). Transfer to a tall cylinder, cover well to exclude the absorption of ammonia and set aside for the sedimentation of calcium sulphate. To 100 c.c. of the clear acid add 10 c.c. of 6 per cent copper sulphate solution and 100 c.c. of water. Procedure.—Dilute 5 c.c. of urine to 100 c.c., mix and with an Ostwald pipette (Fig. 18) transfer 1 c.c. of the diluted urine to a 200 x 20 mm. Pyrex tube graduated at 35 c.c. and 50 c.c. (The pipette must be drained for 15 seconds against the wall of test tube and then blown clean). With an ordinary pipette add 1 c.c. of the acid digestion mixture together with a pebble, to prevent bumping. Heat over a micro burner (no hood necessary) until the water is driven off and fumes become abundant within the tube (Fig. 19). This should take place in about two minutes. When filled with fumes, close the mouth of the test tube with a watch glass and continue the boiling at such a rate that the tube remains filled with fumes yet almost none escape. Within two minutes after the mouth of the test tube is closed the contents should become clear and bluish or light green. Continue the gentle boiling for 30 to 60 seconds longer, provided however, that the total boiling period with test tube QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE 45 closed must not be less than two minutes. Remove the flame and let cool for a little less than two minutes, then add water to 35 c.c. mark. Transfer 3 c.c. of standard ammonium sulphate solution contain- ing 0.3 mg. of nitrogen into a 100 c.c. volumetric flask. Add 2 c.c. of the acid digestion mixture, to balance the acid in the un- Fig. 18.—Types of pipettes used in chemical and serological work.—A, Ostwald pipettes; B, volumetric pipette; C, Mohr pipette; D, serological pipette. known, and dilute to a volume of 70 e.c. Whirl and add 30 c.c. of Nessler’s reagent. To the test solution add 15 e.c. Nessler’s reagent. If the unknown Nesslerized digestion mixture is turbid, cen- trifuge a portion giving a crystal clear fluid above a white sed- 46 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS iment (silica). If the sediment is colored, the Nesslerization was not successful and the determination must be discarded. Calculation.—Set standard at 20. If R be the reading of unknown: 20 ——== grams nitrogen per 100 c.c. urine. R Table Y shows the percentage of nitrogen corresponding to the different colorimeter readings with a plunger type instrument. Fig. 19.—Kjeldahl apparatus for the determination of total nitrogen in blood and urine by the Folin micro-method. (After Reyner.) Determination of Urea Nitrog’en (Van Slyke and Cullen) Principle.—The urea in the urine is converted into ammonium carbonate by urease. The ammonia is liberated by the addition of alkali, removed by the passage of a strong air current and collected in N/100 sulphuric acid. The excess of acid is then titrated with N/100 alkali. Procedure.—Dilute 5 c.c. of urine to 50 c.c. with distilled water. Measure 5 c.c. of diluted urine into large test tube (Fig. 20) and add two pulverized urease tablets. Leave at room tem- perature for y2 hour. Add a layer of alcohol and kerosene, or a few drops of foam killer and 5 c.c. of saturated potassium car- bonate. Connect at once with second tube “B” containing 50 QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE 47 Table Y Determination of Total Nitrogen in Urine Dilute 5 c.c. or 2 c.c. of urine to 100 c.c. Use 1 c.c. of the diluted urine in a final volume of 50 c.c. Compare with standard containing 0.3 mgm. nitrogen in 100 c.c. Set standard at 20, or fill 20 mm. Bock-Benedict cell. Table shows the total nitrogen in per cent corresponding to the different colorimeter readings with the two dilutions of urine, using a plunger type instrument. COLOR- IMETER 5 C.C. URINE DILUTED TO 100 C.C. (Total nitrogen in per cent) 2 C.C. URINE DILUTED TO 100 C.C. (Total nitrogen in per cent) READING 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 0.60 0.59 0.58 0.56 0.55 1.50 1.47 1.45 1.41 1.39 11 0.55 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.51 1.37 1.34 1.32 1.30 1.27 12 0.50 0.49 0.48 0.48 0.48 1.25 1.23 1.21 1.19 1.17 13 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.44 0.44 1.15 1.14 1.13 1.11 1.09 14 0.43 0.42 0.41 0.41 0.41 1.07 1.06 1.04 1.03 1.02 15 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.39 0.38 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.95 16 0.38 0.37 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.90 0.90 17 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.34 0.34 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.85 18 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.32 0.84 0.83 0.82 0.81 0.80 19 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.79 0.78 0.78 0.77 0.76 20 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.75 0.75 0.74 0.73 0.73 21 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.72 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.69 22 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.69 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.66 23 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.66 0.65 0.65 0.64 0.63 24 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.63 0.62 0.62 0.61 0.61 25 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.60 0.60 0.59 0.59 0.59 26 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.58 0.58 0.57 0.57 0.57 27 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.56 0.56 0.55 0.55 0.54 28 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.54 0.54 0.53 0.53 0.52 29 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.52 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.51 c.c. N/100 H2S04 and two drops alizarin. Aspirate for one hour and titrate excess H2S04 with N/100 NaOH. Calculation.—The number of c.c. of N/100 H2S04 neutralized multiplied by the factor 0.028 gives the number of grams of urea nitrogen plus ammonia nitrogen in 100 c.c. urine. Determine the ammonia at the same time by using 5 c.c. of the undiluted urine. Layer with kerosene and alcohol or add a few drops of foam killer. Add 5 c.c. saturated potassium carbonate and aspirate into 50 c.c. N/100 II2S04. The number of cubic centimeters of N/100 II2S04 multiplied by the factor 0.0028 gives the number of grams of ammonia nitrogen per 100 c.c. urine. This subtracted from the result obtained in the first determination gives the number of grams of urea nitrogen per 100 c.c. urine. 48 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Remarks.—A slow current of air should be used during the first two minutes of aspiration. The column of acid should be at least 50 mm. high in the receiving tube. The solution from which the ammonia is derived must contain at least one gram of potas- sium carbonate for each 2 c.c. of solution. A blank determination should be run with each new lot of chemicals and the necessary deduction be made if any ammonia is found. The air used for aerating should be run through a wash bottle containing sulphuric acid. Tt> SUCTION POCTf* SUUPHURIC hC\V> ~ WMH BOTTUB 0CIT3 100 Fig. 20.—Van Slyke and Cullen apparatus for the determination of urea nitrogen, The figure obtained for urea nitrogen may be converted into urea by dividing by the factor 0.467. Determination of Ammonia Principle.—The ammonia is liberated by the addition of an alkali, removed from the urine by the passage of a strong current of air, and is collected in N/100 sulphuric acid. The excess of acid is then titrated with N/100 alkali. Procedure.—Use the same apparatus as that employed in the determination of urine by the urease method (Fig. 20). In the QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE 49 first tube “A” place 5 cubic centimeters urine, 5 cubic centi- meters of saturated potassium carbonate solution (90 grams to 100 e.c.) and a few drops of foam killer. In the second tube “B” place 50 c.c. of N/100 sulphuric acid and 2 drops of alizarin. Allow the air current to pass through for about an hour. Titrate excess of acid with N/100 NaOII. Calculation—Each cubic centimeter of N/100 sulphuric acid neutralized by the ammonia liberated corresponds to 0.0028 grams of ammonia N, or 0.0034 grams of ammonia per 100 c.c. urine. Remarks.—A slow current of air should be used during the first two minutes of aspiration. The column of acid should be at least 50 mm. high in the receiving tube. The solution from which the ammonia is driven must contain at least 1 gram of potassium carbonate for each 2 c.c. of solution. Determination of Uric Acid (Benedict, S. R., and Franke, Elizabeth: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1922, lii, 387) Principle.—The urine is diluted and a special reagent and so- dium cyanide are added. A deep blue develops. This is com- pared with a standard solution of uric acid similarly treated. Reagents.—1. Benedict’s uric acid reagent. This is prepared as follows: 100 gm. of pure sodium tungstate are placed in a liter Pyrex flask and dissolved in about 600 c.c. of water; 50 gm. of pure arsenic acid (As205) are now added, followed by 25 c.c. of 85 per cent phosphoric acid and 20 c.c. of concentrated hydro- chloric acid. The mixture is boiled for about 20 minutes, cooled and diluted to 1 liter. The reagent appears to keep indefinitely. 2. Sodium cyanide.—A 5 per cent solution of sodium cyanide, which should be prepared fresh once in about two months, is used. 3. Standard uric acid solution.—A standard solution of uric acid, acidified with hydrochloric acid, containing 0.2 mg. of uric acid in 10 c.c., is employed. A stock solution is prepared as fol- lows: Dissolve 9 gm. of pure crystallized clisodium hydrogen phosphate together with 1 gm. of monosodium dihydrogen phos- phate in 200 to 300 c.c. of hot water. Filter if not perfectly clear and make up to about 500 c.c. with hot water. Pour this warm 50 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS solution upon exactly 200 mg. of uric acid suspended in a few c.c. of distilled water in a liter flask and shake gently until all the uric acid passes into solution. Cool the solution, add exactly 1.4 c.c. of glacial acetic acid, dilute to 1 liter, and mix. Five c.c. of chloroform are then added to prevent bacterial growth. Five c.c. of this standard solution contain 1 mg. of uric acid. Unless kept in an excessively warm place the solution may be relied on to keep for two months. The standard solution for use in the test is prepared from the stock phosphate standard solution. Fifty c.c. (containing 10 mg. of uric acid) are measured into a 500 c.c. volumetric flask and diluted to about 400 c.c. with distilled water. Twenty-five c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid (made by diluting 1 volume of the con- centrated acid with 9 volumes of water) are added, and the solu- tion is diluted to 500 c.c. and mixed. This dilute standard solu- tion should he prepared fresh from the phosphate standard every ten days to two weeks. Procedure.—The urine is so diluted that 10 c.c. will contain be- tween 0.15 and 0.30 mg. of uric acid. (Usually a dilution of 1 to 20 is satisfactory.) Ten c.c. of the diluted urine are measured into a 50 c.c. volumetric flask, 5 c.c. of the 5 per cent sodium cyanide solution are added from a burette, followed by 1 c.c. of the arsenophosphotungstic acid reagent. The contents of the flask are mixed by gentle shaking, and at the end of 5 minutes diluted to the 50 c.c. mark with distilled water and mixed. This blue solution is then compared in a colorimeter with a simultane- ously prepared solution obtained by treating 10 c.c. of the stand- ard uric acid solution (0.2 mg. of uric acid) in a 50 c.c. flask with 5 c.c. of the sodium cyanide solution, 1 c.c. of the reagent, and diluting to the mark at the end of 5 minutes. Calculation.—If R be the reading of the unknown: 20 y20r=mg. uric acid per 100 c.c. of urine when 10 c.c. of urine are P diluted to 100 c.c. for the test. 20 y40=mg. uric acid per 100 c.c. of urine when 5 c.c. of urine ai*e E diluted to 100 c.c. 20 x80=rcig- uric acid per 100 c.c. of urine when 2.5 c.c. of urine are E diluted to 100 c.c. Remarks.—The proportional depth of color for uric acid con- centrations varying between 0.15 and 0.30 mg. is almost abso- lutely exact under the conditions indicated, when 0.2 mg. of uric QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE 51 Table YI Dilute 2.5, 5 or 10 c.c. urine to 100 c.e. Take 10 e.c. of the diluted urine for the test and make up to a final volume of 50 c.c. Compare with standard containing 0.2 mg. uric acid made up to a similar volume. Set standard at 20, or fill 20 mm. Bock-Benedict cell. Table shows the uric acid in mgs. per 100 c.c. urine corresponding to the different colorimeter readings using a plunger type colorimeter. 2.5 C.C. URINE DILUTED TO 100 C.C. 5 C.C. URINE DILUTED TO 100 C.C. 10 C.C. URINE DILUTED TO 100 C.C. COLOR- IMETER 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 o;o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 READING 12 133 131 129 127 125 67 65 64 63 62 33 33 32 32 31 13 123 121 119 118 116 61 61 60 59 58 31 30 30 30 29 14 114 113 111 109 108 57 56 56 55 54 29 28 28 27 27 15 107 105 104 102 10.1 53 53 52 51 51 27 26 26 26 25 16 100 99 98 96 95 50 49 49 48 48 25 25 24 24 24 17 94 93 92 91 90 47 47 46 45 45 24 23 23 23 22 18 89 88 87 86 85 44 44 44 43 42 22 22 22 22 21 19 84 84 83 82 81 42 42 41 41 40 21 21 21 20 20 20 80 79 78 77 76 40 40 39 39 38 20 20 20 19 19 21 76 75 75 74 73 38 38 37 37 37 19 19 19 19 18 22 73 72 72 71 70 36 36 36 35 35 18 18 18 18 18 23 69 69 68 68 67 35 34 34 34 34 17 17 17 17 17 24 67 66 66 65 64 33 33 33 33 32 17 17 16 16 16 25 64 64 63 62 62 32 32 32 31 31 16 16 16 16 16 26 62 61 61 60 60 31 3 i 30 30 30 15 15 15 15 15 27 59 59 58 58 58 29 29 29 29 29 15 15 15 15 15 acid is used as standard. Outside of this range the results are not quite satisfactory, hence, if the colorimeter reading is below 14 or above 26, the test should be repeated using urine diluted 1 to 40, or 1 to 10. It is essential that the volume of the unknown and of the stand- ard be the same during the period of the reaction. If albumin is present in appreciable amounts it is best to re- move it by heat coagulation in the presence of a drop of acetic acid, and filtration. Table YI shows the amount of uric acid corresponding to the colorimeter readings, using a plunger type instrument. Determination of Creatinine (Folin) Principle.—On adding picric acid and sodium hydroxide to a solution containing creatinine a deep red color is produced. The intensity of this color in a specimen of urine is compared with that of a standard solution of creatinine. Sugar and albumin do 52 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS not interfere but acetone and diacetic acid, if present, must be removed by heating. Reagents.—(1) Standard creatinine solution: 1 gram of cre- atinine or 1.61 grams creatinine zinc chloride dissolved in 1000 c.c. of tenth normal hydrochloric acid (for method of preparation of creatinine and creatinine zinc chloride see page 267). (2) Saturated picric acid solution (about 12 grams per liter). The picric acid should be tested for purity as follows: To 20 c.c. of a saturated solution of picric acid, add 1 c.c. of 10 per cent sodium hydroxide and let it stand for 15 minutes. The color of Fig. 21.—Fifteen c.c. graduated centrifuge tube. the alkaline picrate solution must not be more than twice as deep as the color of the saturated acid solution. If the picric acid is unusually pure the color of the picrate solution will not be more than one and one-half times as deep as that of a saturated picric acid solution. If necessary the picric acid may be purified as described on page 269. (3) Ten per cent NaOH. Procedure.—By means of an Ostwald pipette (Fig. 18) transfer 1 c.c. or 2 c.c. of urine to a 100 c.c. volumetric flask. To another flask transfer 1 c.c. of the standard creatinine solution, 1 c.c. of which contains 1 mg. of creatinine. To each flask add 20 53 QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OP URINE Use 0.5, 1 or 2 c.c. of urine in a total volume of 100 c.c. and a standard containing 1 mg. of creatinine in. 100 c.c. Set standard at 20, or fill 20 mm. Bock-Benedict cell. Table shows the creatinine in mg. per 100 c.c. of urine corresponding to the different colorimeter readings with the varying amounts of urine, using a plunger type instrument. USING 2 C.C. URINE (Creatinine in mg. per 100 e.e. urine) USING 1 C.C. URINE (Creatinine in mg. per 100 c.c. urine) USING 0.5 C.C. URINE (Creatinine in mg. per 100 c.c. urine) COLOR- 0.6 0.8 IMETER READING 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 15 67 66 65 64 64 133 132 130 128 127 267 263 260 256 254 16 63 62 61 61 60 125 124 122 121 119 250 247 244 241 238 17 59 58 58 57 56 118 116 115 114 112 236 233 230 227 224 18 56 55 55 54 53 111 110 109 108 106 222 220 218 215 213 19 53 52 52 51 51 105 104 103 102 101 211 209 206 204 202 20 50 50 49 49 48 100 99 98 97 96 200 198 196 194 192 21 48 47 47 47 46 95 94 93 93 91 190 189 187 185 183 22 46 45 45 44 44 91 90 89 88 87 182 180 179 177 175 23 44 43 43 43 42 87 86 86 85 84 173 172 171 169 168 24 42 42 41 41 41 83 83 82 81 81 167 165 164 163 161 25 40 40 40 39 39 80 79 79 78 78 160 159 158 156 155 26 38 38 38 38 38 77 76 76 75 75 154 153 152 150 149 27 37 ■ 37 37 37 36 74 74 73 73 72 147 147 146 145 144 28 36 36 36 35 35 71 71 71 70 69 142 142 140 140 139 29 35 35 34 34 34 69 69 68 68 67 137 137 136 135 134 Determination of Creatinine in Urine Table VII 54 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS c.c. of saturated picric acid solution, then add from a burette 1.5 c.c. of 10 per cent sodium hydroxide to each, and let stand for ten minutes. At the end of ten minutes dilute to mark with water and mix. Compare in colorimeter with standard set at 20. Calculation.—If R be the reading of the unknown: 20 — -= Milligrams of creatinine in the quantity of urine taken. Remarks.—The normal excretion of creatinine is about 20 to 30 mg. per kilo of body weight, fat persons yielding less and thin persons more. On an average diet the creatinine nitrogen equals about 3 to 5 per cent of the total nitrogen. Table VII shows the amount of creatinine corresponding to different readings Avith a colorimeter of the plunger type. Determination of Creatine (Folin) Principle.—On heating creatine with dilute mineral acid it is dehydrated and its anhydride creatinine is formed. At a tempera- ture of 117° to 120° 0., the conversion is complete in fifteen min- utes. This temperature is reached when the pressure is 1 kilo per square centimeter, or 14 pounds per square inch. Procedure.—Place 1 c.c. of the urine in a 100 c.c. volumetric flask and add 20 c.c. of saturated picric acid solution. Heat in the autoclave for twenty to thirty minutes at 15 pounds pressure, closing the mouth of flask with tin foil. Cool. Add 1.5 c.c. of sodium hydroxide. Determine the creatinine by the method de- scribed for creatinine. Prom the amount of creatinine so obtained deduct the amount of creatinine determined in the unheated urine. The difference will be the creatine content of the original urine in terms of creatinine. To obtain the amount of creatine multiply this figure by the factor 1.16. The dark color produced by the heating usually causes no difficulty, owing to the dilution neces- sary in making the mixture for the colorimeter. Remarks.—Creatine occurs in the urine of normal adults in only small amounts. In the urine of children as much as 10-15 mg. per day may be found. QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE 55 Determination of Sulphates (Folin) Principle.—The sulphates in the urine are precipitated by the addition of an excess of barium chloride solution. The precipitate of barium sulphate is filtered off, washed, dried, ignited and weighed. Reagents.— (1) Dilute IIC1 (1 part concentrated HC1 to 4 parts H20 by volume). (2) Barium chloride solution, 5 per cent. Procedure.—Into an Erlenmeyer flask place about 100 c.c. of water, 10 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid, and 25 c.c. of urine. If (A) Inorganic Fig. 22.—Gooch crucible and holder the urine is dilute take 50 c.c. instead of 25, and a correspond- ingly smaller amount of water. Ten c.c. of barium chloride solu- tion is added drop by drop from a pipette having a short piece of rubber tubing slipped over its upper end and provided with a screw pinchcock. The urine must not be disturbed while the barium chloride is being added. At the end of an hour or later the mixture is shaken and filtered through a weighed Gooch crucible, (Fig. 22), as described below. The precipitate is washed with at least 200 c.c. of water. The crucible is then dried, ignited, cooled and weighed. Report results in terms of S03. Calculation.—One gram BaS04 = 0.3430 gm. S03. 56 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Remarks.—The urine must be free of albumin. To make the Gooch crucible filter, pour a suspension of asbes- tos fiber in water into the crucible while strong suction is being applied, so that a firm feltwork (about 2 mm. thick) is formed. The asbestos is prepared by scraping the crude material with a knife and adding the fibers to a large bulk of 5 per cent IIC1 in a cylinder. Air is blown through to separate the fibers thor- oughly, and the mixture is allowed to settle for a few minutes. The upper portion of the fluid containing the finer fibers is de- canted and kept separate from the lower. In making the filter the coarse material is poured on first and a little of the fine after- ward. The filter is then washed by drawing distilled water through in a slow stream, is dried at 120 degrees C., ignited and weighed. In igniting the barium sulphate precipitates the flame must not be applied directly to the bottom of the crucible, or mechanical losses occur. The Gooch is placed inside an ordinary porcelain crucible, and the flame of the Bunsen burner is used first gently and finally with full force. (B) Total Sulphates Principle.—The ethereal sulphates are split by boiling with HC1, and the total sulphates resulting determined just as above. Procedure.—Twenty-five c.c. of urine and 20 e.c. of dilute HC1 (or 50 c.c. of urine and 4 c.e. of concentrated HC1), are gently boiled for twenty to thirty minutes in an Erlenmeyer flask, into which a funnel has been placed to reduce the loss of steam. The flask is cooled for two or three minutes in running water, and the contents are diluted with cold water to about 150 c.c. The sul- phate is then precipitated and weighed as directed under deter- mination of inorganic sulphates. The amount of these may be obtained by subtracting the amount of inorganic sulphates from that of the total sulphates. (C) Ethereal Sulphates (Folin) (D) Neutral Sulphates Principle.—All of the sulphur present is oxidized by heating with a reagent composed of copper nitrate and potassium chlorate. 57 QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE The former on heating decomposes into two vigorous oxi- dizing agents: nitrogen dioxide and cupric oxide, the latter form- ing a stable compound with the oxidized sulphur. This is dis- solved in dilute hydrochloric acid, and the sulphur precipitated with barium chloride solution. Reagents.— (1) Benedict’s solution: Crystallized copper nitrate 200 grams Sodium or potassium chlorate 50 grams Distilled water to 1000 c.c. (2) Barium chloride solution, 5 per cent. (3) Dilute IIC1 (1 part concentrated HC1 to 4 parts wa- ter by volume). Procedure.—Ten c.c. of urine is measured into a small (7 to 8 cm.) porcelain evaporating dish, and 5 c.c. of the reagent added. The contents of the dish are evaporated over a free flame, which is regulated to keep the solution just below the boiling point, so that there can be no loss through spattering. When dryness is reached, the flame is raised slightly until the entire residue has blackened. The flame is then turned up in two stages to the full heat of the Bunsen burner and the contents of the dish thus heated to redness for ten minutes after the black residue (which first fuses) has become dry. This heating is to decompose the last traces of nitrate and chlorate. The flame is then removed and the dish allowed to cool more or less completely; 10 to 20 c.c. of dilute (1 to 4) IIC1 is next added to the residue in the dish, which is then warmed gently until the contents have completely dissolved and a perfectly clear, sparkling solution is obtained. The solution obtained by dissolving the residue in the porce- lain dish is washed quantitatively into a small Erlenmeyer flask, diluted with cold distilled water to 100 to 150 c.c., 10 c.c. of 5 per cent barium chloride solution is added drop by drop, and the solution is allowed to stand for about an hour. It is then shaken up and filtered as usual through a weighed Gooch filter. Wash with at least 200 c.c. water; dry. Ignite, cool, and weigh. Calculation.—1 gram BaS04 = 0.1374 gram sulphate. 58 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Determination of Phosphates (A) Total Phosphates Principle.—The urine is first treated with a solution of sodium acetate to convert any monacid phosphate into diacid phosphate. Standard uranium acetate is run into a measured quantity until all of the phosphate has been precipitated as insoluble ura- nium phosphate. An excess of uranium is indicated by a reddish coloration with potassium ferrocyanide. This method is accurate and gives practically the total phosphorus of urine inasmuch as the latter exists generally almost entirely as phosphates. Reagents.— 1. Sodium acetate solution prepared by dissolving 100 grams of sodium acetate in 800 c.c. of distilled water, adding 100 c.c. of 30 per cent acetic acid to the solution, and making the volume of the mixture up to 1 liter with water. 2. Ten per cent potassium ferrocyanide. 3'. Uranium acetate solution: Dissolve about 35.0 grams of uranium acetate in 1 liter of water with the aid of heat and 3 to 4 c.c. of glacial acetic acid. Let stand a few days and filter. Standardize against a phosphate solution containing 0.005 grams of P205 per cubic centimeter. For this purpose dissolve 14.721 grains of pure air-dry sodium ammonium phosphate (NaNH4HP04 + 4H20) in water to make a liter. To 20 c.c. of this phosphate solution in a beaker add 30 c.c. of water and 5 c.c. of sodium acetate solution (see above) and titrate with the uranium solu- tion to the correct end reaction as indicated in the method above. If exactly 20 c.c. of uranium solution are required, 1 c.c. of the solution is equivalent to 0.005 gram P,05. If stronger than this, dilute accordingly and check again by titration. Procedure.—To 50 c.c. of urine in a small beaker or Erlenmeyer flask add 5 c.c. of the sodium acetate solution and heat the mix- ture to the boiling point. From a burette, run into the hot mix- ture, drop by drop, the standard solution of uranium acetate until a precipitate ceases to form and a drop of the mixture when removed by means of a glass rod and brought into contact with a drop of a 10 per cent solution of potassium ferrocyanide on a porcelain test-tablet (Fig. 23) produces instantaneously a brown- QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE 59 ish-red coloration. Take the burette reading and calculate the P205 content of the urine under examination. Calculation.—Multiply the number of cubic centimeters of uranium acetate solution used by 0.005 to determine the number of grams of P203 in the 50 c.c. of urine used. To express the result in percentage of P205 multiply the value just obtained by 2, e.g., if 50 c.c. of urine contained 0.074 gram of P205 it would be equivalent to 0.148 per cent. Calculate, in terms of P205 the total phosphate content of the 24 hour specimen. Fig. 23.—iPorcelain mixing plate for use in the determination of phosphates and in blood grouping. (From Gradwohl and Blaivas.) (B) Earthy Phosphates Principle.—The earthy phosphates are precipitated by making the urine alkaline. The precipitate is filtered off, dissolved in acid, and titrated with uranium acetate. Procedure.—To 100 c.c. of urine in a beaker add an excess of ammonium hydroxide and allow the mixture to stand 12 to 24 hours. Under these conditions the phosphoric acid in combina- tion with the alkaline earths, calcium and magnesium, is pre- cipitated as phosphates of these metals. Collect the precipitate on a filter paper and wash it with very dilute ammonium hydrox- ide. Pierce the paper, and remove the precipitate by means of hot water. Bring the phosphates into solution by adding a small amount of dilute acetic acid to the warm solution, and determine 60 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS the P205 content of the mixture according to the directions given under the Determination of Total Phosphates. Calculation.—Multiply the number of cubic centimeters of uranium acetate solution used by 0.005 to determine the number of grams of P205 in the 100 c.c. of urine used. Since 100 c.c. of urine was taken this value also expresses the percentage of P205 present. Calculate the quantity of earthy phosphates, in terms of P205, present in the 24 hour urine specimen. The quantity of phosphoric acid present in combination with the alkali metals may be determined by subtracting the content of earthy phosphates from the total phosphates. (McCrudden: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1910, vii, 83; 1911, x, 187) Determination of Calcium and Magnesium Principle.—Calcium is precipitated as the oxalate by the addi- tion of ammonium oxalate. The precipitate is either ignited and weighed as CaO or determined volumetrically by titration with potassium permanganate. By the use of sodium acetate and hydrochloric acid such an acidity is attained as will prevent the interference with the procedure of magnesium, phosphates and iron. Magnesium is determined in the filtrate from the calcium deter- mination after the destruction of the organic matter. It is pre- cipitated as ammonium magnesium phosphate, ignited and weighed as the pyrophosphate. Reagents Required.— (1) 2.5 per cent oxalic acid. (2) 20 per cent sodium acetate. (3') 0.5 per cent ammonium oxalate. (4) N/10 potassium permanganate solution (for volumetric procedure). (5) Cone, hydrochloric acid ( 1.20). (6) Alcoholic ammonia solution (1 part alcohol, 1 part dil. ammonia, 3 parts water). (7) Dilute ammonia ( 0.96). Procedure for Calcium.—If the urine is alkaline make it neu- tral or slightly acid and filter. Take 200 c.c. of the filtered urine QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE 61 for analysis. If it is only sliglitly acid to litmus add ten drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid ( 1.20). If the urine is strongly acid it may be made just alkaline with ammonia and then just acid with hydrochloric acid, after which the ten drops of hydrochloric acid are added. Then add 10 c.c. of 2.5 per cent oxalic acid. Run in slowly with stirring 8 c.c. of 20 per cent sodium acetate. Allow to stand overnight at room temperature or shake vigorously for ten minutes. Filter off the precipitate of calcium oxalate on a small paper and wash free from chlo- rides with 0.5 per cent ammonium oxalate solution. The precip- itate may then be dried, ignited to constant weight and weighed as calcium oxide or titrated volumetrically as described below. Volumetric Titration.—If free from uric acid, the calcium oxal- ate precipitate may be washed three times with distilled water, filling the filter about two-thirds full and allowing it to drain completely before adding more. A hole is made in the paper and the calcium oxalate washed in the flask. The volume of the fluid is brought up to about 50 c.c. and 10 c.c. of concentrated sul- phuric acid added. Titrate with N/10 potassium permanganate solution to a pink color which persists for at least a minute. Calculation.—One c.c. of N/10 potassium permanganate solu- tion is equivalent to 2.8 mg. of CaO. Procedure for Magnesium.—Transfer the filtrate from the cal- cium determination to a porcelain dish, add about 20 c.c. concen- trated nitric acid and evaporate to dryness. Heat the residue over a free flame until the ammonium salts are destroyed and the residue fuses. After cooling take the residue up with water and a little hydrochloric acid and filter if nceessary. Dilute to about 80 c.c., nearly neutralize with ammonia and cool. Add a slight excess of sodium acid phosphate and then ammonia drop by drop with constant stirring until the solution is alkaline and then add enough more slowly with constant stirring to make the solution contain one-fourth its bulk of dilute ammonia ( 0.96). Al- low to stand overnight. Filter and wash free from chlorides with alcoholic ammonia solution. The precipitate with filter paper is incinerated slowly and carefully with a good supply of air to prevent reduction, in the usual manner, and ignited and weighed as the pyrophosphate. 62 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Calculation.—One gram magnesium pyrophosphate is equiva- lent to 0.3624 grams MgO. Remarks.—The average excretion of calcium (as CaO) is 0.1 to 0.4 gm. per day. The kidneys excrete about the same amount of magnesium (as MgO) daily. Determination of Acetone Bodies (\ an Slyke, D.D.: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1917, xxxii, 455) Principle.—The method for the quantitative determination of acetone bodies in the urine is based on a combination of Shaffer’s oxidation of beta-hydroxybutyric acid to acetone and Deniges’ precipitation of acetone as a basic mercuric sulphate compound. Oxidation and precipitation are carried out simul- taneously in the same solution so that the technic is simplified to boiling the mixture for an hour and a half under a reflux con- denser and weighing the precipitate which forms. The acetone and acetoacetic may be determined either with the beta-hydroxy- butyric acid or separately. Neither the size of sample nor mode of procedure requires variation for different times. The same process may be used for the smallest significant amounts of acetone bodies, and likewise for the largest that are encountered. The precipitate is crystalline and beautifully adapted to quick drying and accurate weighing, but when facilities for weighing are absent, the precipitate can be dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid and the mercury titrated with potassium iodide by the method of Personue. Preservatives other than toluene or copper sulphate should not be used. Reagents.—(1) Twenty per cent copper sulphate—200 grams of CuS04.5H20 dissolved in water and made up to 1 liter. (2) Ten per cent mercuric sulphate—73 grams of pure red mer- curic oxide dissolved in 1 liter of H2S04 of 4N concentration. (3) Fifty volume per cent sulphuric acid—500 c.c. of sulphuric acid of 1.835 specific gravity, diluted to 1 liter with water. Con- centration of II2S04 must be readjusted if necessary to make it 17.0 N by titration. (4) Ten per cent calcium hydroxide suspension—mix 100 QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE 63 grams of Merck’s fine light “reagent” Ca(OH)2 with 1 liter of water. (5) Five per cent potassium dichromate—50 grams K2Cr207 dissolved in water and made up to 1 liter. (6) Combined reagents for total acetone body determination— 1 liter of the above 50 per cent sulphuric acid, 3.5 liters of the mercuric sulphate, 10 liters of water. Procedure.—Removal of glucose and other interfering sub- stances from urine. Place 25 c.c. of urine in a 250 c.c. measuring flask. Add 100 c.c. of water, 50 c.c. of copper sulphate solution and mix. Then add 50 c.c. of 10 per cent calcium hydroxide suspension, shake and test with litmus. If not alkaline, add more calcium hydrox- ide. Dilute to the mark and let stand at least one-half hour for glucose to precipitate. Filter through a dry folded filter. This procedure will remove up to 8 per cent of glucose. Urine con- taining more should be diluted enough to bring the glucose down to 8 per cent. The copper treatment is depended upon to remove interfering substances other than glucose, and should therefore never be omitted, even when glucose is absent. The filtrate may be tested for glucose by boiling a little in a test tube. A precipi- tate of yellow cuprous oxide will be obtained if the removal has not been complete. A slight precipitate of white calcium salts always forms, but does not interfere with the detection of the yellow cuprous oxide. Determination of Total Acetone Bodies (Acetone, Acetoacetic Acid, and B-hydroxybutyric Acid).—Place in a 500 c.c. Erlen- meyer flask 25 c.c. of urine filtrate. Add 100 c.c. of water, 10 c.c. of 50 per cent sulphuric acid, and 35 c.c. of the 10 per cent mer- curic sulphate. Or in place of adding the water and reagents separately, add 145 c.c. of the “combined reagents.” Connect the flask with a reflux condenser having a straight condensing tube of 8 or 10 mm. diameter and heat to boiling. After boiling has begun, add 5 c.c. of the 5 per cent dichromate through the condenser tube. Continue boiling gently 1% hours. The yellow precipitate which forms consists of the mercury sulphate-chro- mate compound of the preformed acetone, and the acetone which has been formed by decomposition of acetoacetic acid and by 64 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS oxidation of the B-hydroxybutyric acid. It is collected in a Gooch (Fig. 22) or “medium density” alundum crucible, washed with 200 c.e. of cold water, and dried for an hour at 110°. The crucible is allowed to cool in room air (a desiccator is unneces- sary and undesirable) and weighed. Several precipitates may be collected, one above the other, without cleaning the crucible. As an alternative to weighing, the precipitate may be dissolved and titrated as described below. Determination of Acetone and Acetoacetic Acid.—The ace- tone plus the acetoacetic acid, which completely decomposes into acetone and C02 on heating, is determined without the B-hydroxy- butyric acid exactly as the total acetone bodies, except that (1) no dichromate is added to oxidize the B-hydroxybutyric acid and (2) the boiling must continue for not less than 30 nor more than 45 minutes. Boiling for more than 45 minutes splits off a little acetone from B-hydroxybutyric acid even in the absence of chromic acid. Determination of B-hydroxybutyric Acid.—The B-hydroxy- butyric acid alone is determined exactly as total acetone bodies except that the preformed acetone and that from the acetoacetic acid are first boiled off. To do this, the 25 c.c. of urine filtrate plus 100 c.c. of water are treated with 2 c.c. of the 50 per cent sulphuric acid and boiled in the open flask for 10 minutes. The volume of solution left in the flask is measured in a cylinder. The solution is returned to the flask, and the cylinder washed with enough water to replace that boiled off and restore the volume of the solution to 127 c.c. Then 8 c.c. of the 50 per cent sul- phuric acid and 35 c.c. of mercuric sulphate are added. The flask is connected under the condenser and the determination is continued as described for total acetone bodies. Titration of the Precipitate in the Above Methods.—Instead of weighing the precipitate, one may wash the contents of the Gooch, including the asbestos, into a small beaker with as little water as possible, and add 15 c.c. of normal HC1. The mixture is then heated, and the precipitate quickly dissolves. In case an alundum crucible is used, it is set into the beaker of acid until the precipitate dissolves, and then washed with suction, the washings being added to the beaker. In place of using either a QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF UK INK 65 Gooch or alundum crucible, one may, when titration is employed, wash the precipitate without suction on a small quantitative fil- ter paper, which is transferred with the precipitate to the beaker and broken up with a rod in 15 c.c. of normal HC1. In order to obtain a good end-point in the subsequent titration, it is necessary to reduce the acidity of the solution. For this purpose it has been found that the addition of excess sodium acetate is the most satisfactory means. Six to 7 c.c. of 3 Tq. acetate are added to the cooled solution of redissolved precipitate. Then the 0.2 Tq. KI is run in rapidly from a burette, with con- stant stirring. If more than a small amount of mercury is pres- ent, a red precipitate of Hgl2 at once forms, and redissolves as soon as 2 or 3 c.c. of KI in excess of the amount required to form the soluble K2HgI4 have been added. If only a few mg. of mer- cury are present, the excess of KI may be added before the Hgl, has had time to precipitate so that the titrated solution remains clear. In this way not less than 5 c.c. of the 0.2 Tq. KI are added, as it has been found that the final titration is not satisfactory if less is present. The excess of KI is titrated back by adding 0.05 iq. HgCl2 from another burette until a permanent red pre- cipitate forms. Since the reaction utilized is IIgCl2 + 4KI = K2HgI4 + KC1, 1 c.c. of 0.05 tq. IIgCl2 is equivalent in the titra- tion to 1 c.c. of the 0.2 tq. KI. In preparing the two standard solutions the 0.05 tq. HgCl2 is standardized by the sulphide method, and the iodine is standard- ized by titration against it. A slight error appears to be intro- duced if the iodine solution is gravimetrically standardized and used for checking the mercury solution, instead of vice versa. In standardizing the mercuric chloride the following procedure has been found convenient: 25 c.c. of 0.05 Tq. IIgCl2 are meas- ured with a calibrated pipette, diluted to about 100 c.c. and H2S is run in until the black precipitate flocculates and leaves a clear solution. The HgS, collected in a Gooch crucible and dried at 110°, should weigh 0.2908 gram if the solution is accurate. Both by gravimetric analyses of the basic mercuric sulphate- acetone precipitate and by titration, the mercury content of the precipitate has been found to average 76.9 per cent. On this 66 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS basis, each c.c. of 0.2 rrt. KI solution being equivalent to 10.0 mg. of Hg. is equivalent to 13.0 mg. of the mercury acetone pre- cipitate. Titration is not quite so accurate as weighing, but except when the amounts determined are very small, the titration is satis- factory. Calculation.—One mg. of B-hydroxybutyric acid yields 8.45 mg. of precipitate. One mg. of acetone yields 20.0 mg. of precipi- tate. One c.c. of 0.2 Tq,. KI solution is equivalent to 13 mg. of precipitate in titration of the latter. Special Factors for Calculation of Results When 25 c.c. of Urine Filtrate Equivalent to 2.5 c.c. of Urine, are Used Table VTII for the Determination Determination performed. Acetone bodies, calculated as gm. acetone per liter of urine, indicated by 1 gm. of pree. 1 c.c. of 0.2 m. KI sol. Total acetone bodies 24.8 0.322 B-hydroxy butyric acid 26.4 0.344 Acetone=acetoacetie acid 20.0 0.260 In order to calculate the acetone bodies as B-hydroxybutyric acid rather than acetone, use the above factors multiplied by the ratio of the molecular weights == 1.793. acetone 58 In order to calculate the acetone bodies in terms of molecular concentration, divide the factors in Table VIII by 58. To cal- culate c.c. of 0.1 rrt. acetone bodies per liter of urine use the above factors multiplied by —= 172.4. Remarks.—The maximum daily excretion of acetone bodies found by Van Slyke in normal men, under usual conditions, was 0.42 grams calculated as acetone, or 0.75 grams calculated as beta- bydroxybutyric acid. Normal adults on a mixed diet excrete on an average of 3-15 mg. of acetone and diacetic acid bodies per day. Usually about one-fourth is in the form of acetone. Beta- hydroxybutyric acid may occur in normal urine to the extent of 20 to 30 mg. per day. QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE 67 Mosenthal Nephritic Test Meal (Mosenthal, H. O.: Arch. Int. Med. 1915, lxvi, 733') Principle.—The nephritic test meal is a method for measuring kidney function by the elimination of fluid, salt and nitrogen, and by the specific gravity of the urine. A fixed, weighed, and salt-free diet is given for one day. With each meal 2.3 grams of salt are given. Urine specimens are collected at 2 hour intervals from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and saved separately. The total night urine is collected at 8:00 a.m. on the morning following the test. Any food refused is weighed and noted on the diet chart. The evening meal must be taken at least three hours be- fore the collection of the night urine is begun. Procedure.—Measure and take the specific gravity of each specimen. Mix the seven day specimens and determine the total nitrogen and total chlorides. Make similar determinations of the total night urine. Table IX shows the diet given, the fluid intake, and the nitro- gen percentage of each article of food. Calculate the amount of nitrogen in any food refused and subtract from the total nitrogen of the test meal. Similarly any fluid or salt not taken is to be subtracted from the total offered. Calculate the fluid, salt and nitrogen balance. Record results as follows: TIME VOL. SP.GR. 8-10 10-12 12-2 2-4 4-6 6-8 SODIUM CHLORIDE % GMS. NITROGEN °/o GMS. Total Day Total Night 8-8 Total Excretion (24 hours) Total Intake Balance MOSENTHAL TEST 68 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Table IX FLUID C.C. NITROGEN FAT GRAMS PRO- TEIN CARBO- HYDRATE CALORIES % GRAMS GRAMS GRAMS Brealcfast—8 A. M. Boiled oatmeal—100 gm 0.448 0.448 0.5 2.8 11.5 63 Sugar, 1/2 teaspoon- fuls 5 20 Milk, 30 c.c 30 0.528 0.158 1.2 1.0 1.5 21.6 Two slices bread (30 gm. each) 1.47 0.880 0.8 5.5 31.9 160.8 Butter, 20 gm . . • 0.16 0.032 17.0 0.2 .... 159 Coffee, 160 c.c Sugar, 1 teaspoonful 200 c.c 160 5 20 Milk, 40 c.c 40 0.528 0.211 1.6 1.3 2 28.8 Milk, 200 c.c 200 0.528 1.056 8.0 6.6 10 144 Water, 200 c.c 200 ... — — Dinner—12 noon. Meat Soup, 180 c.c. 180 0.70 1.264 0.7 7.9 1.9 46.8 Beefsteak, 100 gm. . . • 4.416 4.416 7.7 27.6 — 185 Potato (baked,mashed or boiled) 130 gm. 0.406 0.528 0.1 3.3 27.2 126.1 Green vegetables, as desired .... • ••• Two slices bread (30 gm. each) 1.47 0.880 0.8 5.5 31.9 160.8 Butter, 20 gm . . • 0.16 0.032 17.0 0.2 .... 159 Tea, 180 c.c 180 .... Sugar, 1 teaspoonful 200 c.c 5 20 Milk, 20 c.c 20 0.528 0.105 0.8 0.6 1.0 14.4 Water, 250 c.c 250 .... Pudding (tapioca or rice) 110 gm. ... 0.116 0.128 0.3 0.8 79 359 Supper—5 p. m. Two eggs, cooked in any style 2.11 2.53 14.4 15.8 202.8 Two slices bread (30 gm. each) 1.47 0.880 0.8 5.5 31.9 160.8 Butter, 20 gm ... 0.16 0.032 17.0 0.2 .... 159 Tea, 180 c.c Sugar, 1 teaspoonful 200 c.c 180 ... .... .... .... 5 20 Milk, 20 c.c 20 0.528 0.105 0.8 0.6 1 14.4 Fruit stewed or fresh—1 portion . 300 • • • • • • • • .... 10 40 Water, 300 c.c ... — TOTAL 1760 13.736 89.5 85.4 260.8 2295.3 QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE 69 Remarks.—The following outline shows the normal standard for the Mosenthal Nephritic Test Meal. Maximum specific gravity 1.020 or plus Degrees variation of specific gravity, usually 9 or plus Specific gravity of night urine Of no significance Volume of night urine 750 c.c. or less N and NaCl per cent in night urine, Normal if 1 per cent or highest per cent in any specimen. or higher, not necessarily abnormal if less. Mosenthal has recently suggested (Medical Clinics of North America, 4,209, 1920), a modification of this test, in which the special diet is eliminated. McLean Index of Kidney Function (McLean: Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1916, lxvi, 415) Principle.—The McLean Index expresses the relationship be- tween the concentration of urea in the blood and the rate of urea excretion by the kidney. It is based upon the two laws of Ambard that in normal cases: (1) when the concentration of the urea in the urine is constant the quantity of urea excreted varies proportionately as the square of the concentration of the urea in the blood; i.e., if the quantity of urea in the blood is doubled, the amount excreted in a given time is quadrupled, and (2) when the concentration of the urea in the blood remains constant, the quantity excreted in the urine varies inversely as the square root of the concentration in the urine, i.e., a quadrupling of the concentration results in a halving of the rate of the output. The ideal normal rate of excretion is taken as 100. The index expresses in direct percentage the rate of urea excretion found as compared with the rate of excretion of a normal individual under the same condition as to concentration in the blood, con- centration in the urine and body weight. Procedure.—The patient is given a glass of water to insure a free flow of urine. The bladder is emptied (by catheter if necessary) and the time is noted to within one minute. One hour later 5 to 10 c.c. of blood is withdrawn and prevented from clotting by the addition of 5 drops of potassium oxalate solution. At the end of two hours from the time of voiding, the bladder is 70 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS again emptied and the entire second voiding, taking care to avoid the least loss, is at once sent to the laboratory, together with the specimen of blood. The patient must take no food or drink dur- ing the seventy-two minute period. The patient’s weight, taken on the day of the test, must be stated on the label of the blood specimen. Make a quantitative estimation of the urea in the blood and the urea in the urine. Calculation.—The formula for the index of urea excretion follows: T, . ,. DyCx 8.96 Index of urea excretion (1) = TT — Wt. x Ur2 D = Grams of urea excreted per twenty-four hours (calcu- lated from the above two hour period). C = Grams of urea per liter of urine. Ur == Grams of urea per liter of blood. Wt = Body weight of individual in kilograms. Remarks.—Usually the urea index (1) is 100 to 200. Variations between 80 and 300 are not infrequently observed in normal in- dividuals. An index below 50 indicates a considerable degree of impairment of renal function. Phenolsulphonephthalein Test for Kidney Function Principle.—A dyestuff, phenolsulphonephthalein, which is eliminated rapidly by the kidneys, is injected. The urine is col- lected over a fixed period of time and the amount of dyestuff it contains determined colorimetrically. Procedure.—A few minutes before the test is begun the patient is given a glass of water to insure a free flow of urine. The patient then empties the bladder and is given intravenously, or intramuscularly in the deltoid or lumbar muscles, 1 c.c. of sterile phenosulphonephthalein solution, containing 6 mg. of the drug. The patient voids exactly one hour and ten minutes later and again two hours and ten minutes from the time of injection. The two specimens are kept separate. Determination of Amount of Phthalein Excreted.—Each speci- men is measured, rendered alkaline with 40 per cent sodium (Rowntree and Geraghty) QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE 71 hydroxide solution and then diluted to 1,000 c.c. with water. The amount of dye in the solution so diluted is determined in a Dun- ning colorimeter (Fig. 24) by comparison with tubes of known concentration, or in a Hellige colorimeter (Fig. 34) using a standard solution containing 6 mg. of phthalein per liter. If a Hellige colorimeter is used it should he calibrated as de- scribed on page 98. Remarks.—The normal excretion of phthalein after intramus- Fig. 24.—Dunning colorimeter used in phenolsulphonephthalein test of kidney function, Fig. 25.—Record syringe for injecting phenolsulphonephthalein solution. collar injection is 50 to 70 per cent in two hours; after intra- venous injection 60 to 80 per cent is excreted in two hours. The results after intramuscular injection are unreliable if there he present any condition which will interfere with absorp- tion, such as edema. It is very necessary that the phthalein injected be accurately measured. The injection is best made with a calibrated 2 c.c. Record syringe (Fig. 25). The following form is convenient in keeping the record of the test: 72 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Phenolsulphonephthalein Test Be sure the patient empties the bladder. Be sure to save the entire amount of urine voided. Patient’s Name Case No Date Bladder emptied at Amount of urine obtained c.c. 1 c.c. phenolsulphonephthalein. injected (intravenously) (into buttocks), at Note: Amount injected must be accurately measured) 1 glass of water taken at (This should follow the injection immediately) Injected by 1st collection of urine at empty bladder. Amount of urine collected c.c. (This collection should be made 1 hour and 10 minutes after injection of phenolsulphonephthalein.) 2nd glass of water taken at (This should follow first collection) 2nd collection of urine at empty bladder Amount of urine collected c.c. KEEP SPECIMENS SEPARATE Urine lost (Note amount, when, how lost, etc.) Collected by Alkali Tolerance Test (Peabody: Arch. Int. Med., 1915, xvi, 958. Palmer and Van Slyke:- Jour. Biol. Chem., 1917, xxxii, 499) Principle.—Sodium bicarbonate is administered by moutli in small amounts until the reaction of the urine reaches that of the blood (PH = 7.4). Procedure.—Give two grams of sodium bicarbonate in 100 c.c. water every half hour, and at the same time collect a specimen of urine. Record the number of grams of sodium bicarbonate taken before the urine (examined fresh) shows a H-ion concen- tration of 7.4 (page 36). Remarks.—The high normal limit of sodium bicarbonate is 10 grams. If no acidosis is indicated by the test, its absence can be accepted; but if acidosis is indicated, the finding must be con- firmed by blood analysis as there may be an alkali retention due to the inability of the kidney to excrete alkali. Instead of determining the liydrogen-ion concentration, litmus paper may be used to roughly indicate the reaction of the urine. QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE 73 Determination of Urobilin and Urobilinogen (Wilbur, R. L., and Addis, Thos.: Arch. Int. Med. 1913, xiii, 235) Collection of Specimen.—Collect total urine for 24 hours in dark brown bottle and keep in darkness. Add a few thymol crystals as a preservative. Procedure.—Measure urine. Mix 10 c.c. of urine with 10 c.c. of absolute alcohol and one gram of zinc acetate and filter. Ten c.c. of the filtrate are taken and 1 c.c. of Ehrlich’s solution, (paradi-inethyl-amido-benzaldehyd, 20 grams; concentrated hy- drochloric acid, 150 c.c.; water 150 c.c.), is added. Keep in dark for one hour. Transfer filtrate to a spectroscope cell 1 cm. in Fig. 26-A.—Spectrum of urobilin and urobilinogen. thickness. Examine the solution with the spectroscope for the characteristic absorption bands of urobilin and urobilinogen. The presence of urobilin is marked by a broad band in the blue end of the spectrum. The violet rays are completely ab- sorbed, and if there is much urobilin present nearly all of the green may be obliterated. Urobilinogen absorbs a narrow por- tion of the spectrum in the yellow at the edge of the green (Pig. 26-A), and if present in large amount the band may be broad enough to obliterate the entire yellow portion of the spectrum. It is located by its proximity to the “D” line while urobilin extends from between “b” and “F” lines to the violet end of the visible spectrum. 74 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Dilute the solution with tap water until the absorption dis- appears with full light but can be made out faintly when the spectroscope slit is narrowed to just half of its former opening. The urobilin and urobilinogen bands differ in their intensity, consequently the disappearance of the absorption bands will occur with different dilutions. Calculation.—The number of dilutions required to obliterate the urobilinogen band plus the number required to obliterate that of urobilin gives the dilution value for 5 c.c. of urine. Multiply the sum of these two by the number of 5 c.c. quantities in the 24 hour time. This gives the number of dilutions which would have been necessary if all the urobilin and urobilinogen had been concentrated in a volume of 5 c.c. of urine. Remarks.—With this method a positive result in the 24 hour specimens of urine indicates an abnormal increase over the amount usually present. Instead of diluting the specimen until the bands disappear, a Hellige colorimeter with spectroscope attachment, may be em- ployed. (Boyd, J. D., Jour. Lab. and Clin. Med., 1919. iv. 495.) CHAPTER III ANALYSIS OF GASTRIC JUICE The Test Meal The patient is given a glass of water, and two arrowroot bis- cuits or a slice of bread. A small stomach tube is passed and specimens of the gastric contents removed by aspiration at thirty minute intervals over a period of two hours. Routine Examination 1. Note the number of minutes which elapse between the time of ingestion of the test meal and the removal of the specimen. 2. Measure each specimen. 3. Note the gross appearance. Look for blood, mucus, bile, and retained food such as raisins. 4. Determine the amount of free and total acid, or acid deficit on each specimen, and do guaiac test on pooled specimens. 5. Examine microscopically the sediment of the pooled speci- mens. Chemical Examination of the Gastric Contents A. Reagents.— 1. Gunzburg's Reagent.— Phloroglucin 2.0 gm. Vanillin 1.0 gm. Alcohol, absolute 30.0 c.c. Dissolve and keep in a brown bottle. The reagent deteriorates in a few months. 2. Topfer's Reagent.—Dissolve 0.5 gm. of dimethylaminoazo- benzol in 100 c.c. of 95 per cent alcohol. B. Qualitative Test for Free Hydrochloric Acid.—A few drops of Gunzburg’s reagent are evaporated to dryness by warming gently over a Bnnsen burner. A drop of gastric contents is 75 76 clinical laboratory methods brought in contact with the yellowisli-brown stain left and is evaporated. If free hydrochloric acid is present, an intense red color develops where the reagent and gastric juice have mixed. Organic acids do not give the test. C. Titration of Free Hydrochloric Acid.—Add one drop of Topfer’s reagent to 10 c.c. of clear gastric juice placed in a porce- lain dish. In the presence of free hydrochloric acid an intense red color develops. Run in N/10 sodium hydroxide until the red color changes to a pure yellow. Calculation.—The number of cubic centimeters of tenth nor- mal alkali required to neutralize the acid multiplied by 10 gives the “acidity per cent” of free hydrochloric acid. D. Titration of Total Acidity.—Add one drop of phenolphtha- lein to 10 c.c. of clear gastric contents. Run in N/10 sodium hydroxide until the whole mixture takes on a permanent faint pink color. Calculation.—The number of cubic centimeters of alkali used, multiplied by 10, gives the total “acidity per cent.” If desired the phenolphthalein may be added to the specimen on which the free hydrochloric acid determination was made, and N/10 alkali be added until the pink color develops. The amount of sodium hydroxide used plus that required for the neutralization of the free hydrochloric acid multiplied by 10 gives the total “acidity per cent.” E. Determination of Hydrochloric Acid Deficit.—If the free hydrochloric acid is absent as shown by the test with Gunzburg’s reagent, determine the amount of hydrochloric acid it is neces- sary to add until a reaction for free acid is obtained. Add N/10 hydrochloric acid to 10 c.c. of clear gastric con- tents until free hydrochloric acid is present as shown by testing with Congo-red paper. In the presence of free hydrochloric acid the paper turns blue when a small drop of the gastric juice is placed on it. Calculation.—The number of cubic centimeters of N/10 HC1 used multiplied by 10 gives the “deficit per cent.” F. Qualitative Test for Lactic Acid.—To 5 to 10 c.c. of gastric juice in a test tube, add a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid, and about 10 c.c. of ether. Shake carefully and decant ether into ANALYSIS OF GASTRIC JUICE 77 another test tube. Add to the ether a small amount of 0.2 per cent ferric chloride solution. A yellow color develops in the presence of lactic acid. G. Guaiac Test for Occult Blood.—Make 5 c.c. of stomach juice strongly acid with acetic acid. Layer with a mixture of sat- urated alcoholic solution of gum guaiac and 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide. A blue color develops at the line of contact in the presence of blood. In a fractional gastric analysis the guaiac test is done on a sample from the pooled specimen. Microscopic Examination of the Gastric Contents Place a drop of the sediment on a slide, cover with a cover glass and examine for: (a) Starch granules. These are normally present in moderate numbers. They turn blue on the addition of an iodine solution. (b) Red blood cells. (c) Pus cells. (d) Yeast cells, which are oval and may be distinguished by the budding which some cells show. (e) Sarcinae, which may be recognized by the typical bundle arrangement of the cocci. (f) Opper-Boas bacilli. These are large, long, gram-positive rods occurring in chains. They are found only in the absence of free hydrochloric acid. In a fractional gastric analysis the microscopic examination is made on the sediment from the pooled specimens. Determination of Urobilin and Urobilinogen in Duodenal Contents (Giffen, Sandford and Szlapka: Am. Jour. Med. Sc., 1918, civ, 562) Collection of Specimen.—Duodenal contents are collected by means of an Einhorn duodenal tube. The fluid should be faintly alkaline, clear and light yellow to chocolate brown in color. Reagents.— (1) Schlesinger's Solution—A saturated solution of zinc ace- tate in absolute alcohol. 78 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS (2) Ehrlich’s Reagent.— Paradimethylaminobenzaldehyde, 4 gms. Hydrochloric acid 30 c.c. Distilled water 30 c.c. Procedure.—To 10 c.c. of duodenal contents add an equal amount of Schlesinger’s solution. Shake thoroughly. Filter through a single layer of coarse filter paper. To 10 c.c. of the filtrate add 1 c.c. of Ehrlich’s reagent. Set in dark for fifteen minutes. Fill the solution into a spectrum cell with parallel sides of such dimensions that the path of the rays of light in passing through the fluid are exactly 1 cm. Examine in spectroscope. The presence of urobilin is marked by a broad band in the blue end of the spectrum (Fig. 26-A). The violet rays are com- pletely absorbed, and if there is much urobilin present the entire blue portion and nearly all the green may be obliterated. Uro- bilinogen absorbs a narrow portion of the spectrum in the yellow at the edge of the green, and if present in large amounts the band may be broad enough to obliterate the entire yellow por- tion of the spectrum. It is located by its proximity to the “D” Fraunhofer line while urobilin extends from between the “b” and “F” lines to the violet end of the visible spectrum. Dilute the solution with 60 per cent alcohol until the absorp- tion bands disappear but can be made to reappear faintly when the slit is narrowed to just half its former opening. The uro- bilin and urobilinogen bands will disappear with different dilutions. The amount of urobilin and urobilinogen is estimated according to the Wilbur and Addis method for 1,000 c.c. by multiplying the number of dilutions by 200. The number of units of urobilin and urobilinogen are added together and the total number of units reported. Remarks.—The duodenal contents normally contain 500 to 1000 units of urobilin and urobilinogen. CHAPTER IV EXAMINATION OF SPUTUM Collection of Specimen.—The patient should be directed to cough up sputum from the deeper bronchi, and expectorate this into a sterile container. Specimens can usually be best obtained on awakening in the morning. Saliva and pharyngeal material are worthless for examination. Routine Examination 1. Note gross appearance: (a) mucoid; (b) mucopurulent; (c) purulent; (d) serous; (e) bloody. 2. Examine preparation of fresh sputum. 3. Wash sputum and make culture on blood agar plate. (See page 203.) 4. Make a smear from a bit of the washed sputum and stain by gram. 5. Make film preparation and stain for tubercle bacilli. Transfer a portion of the fresh specimen of sputum to glass plate about the size of a microscope stage, and cover with a second smaller glass plate. Examine under microscope with the low power objective. Note in the preparation: (a) Elastic fibers, which are usually in the small greyish yel- low particles. They are very refractive and have curling ends. (b) Moulds. These may be recognized by the branching mycelium and the spores. (c) Pus cells. (d) Eosinophilic leucocytes. These are distinguished by the large granules in the protoplasm which stain red with eosin. (e) Alveolar epithelial cells, which are 4 to 5 times the size of a leucocyte, are oval, their protoplasm coarsely granular, and Examination of Fresh Sputum 79 80 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS with one or several large oval, vesicular nuclei. They may con- tain large brown granules of blood pigment. (f) Charcot-Leyden crystals. These are long, narrow diamond shaped crystals which resemble two very sharp pyramids with their bases together. They have a slight yellowish refractivity. (g) Curschman’s spirals, which are spirally twisted strands of mucus enclosing many pus cells and Charcot-Leyden crystals. Examination for Tubercle Bacilli 1. Ziehl-Neelsen Method.—Pour the sputum into a Petri dish and select for examination the yellowish particles of pus. Spread a small particle in a thin film on a clean glass slide. Dry in air, and fix by passing through flame. Cover with carbolfuchsin (see page 196) and steam on hot plate for two minutes. Wash under tap. Decolorize in acid alcohol (2 per cent hydrochloric acid in 80 per cent alcohol) until the thicker parts show only a faint pink color. Counterstain with Loeffler’s methylene blue. (See page 196.) 2. Antiformin Method.—Put total specimen of sputum in 50 c.c. centrifuge tube, dilute with distilled water, and add anti- formin until the preparation contains 20 per cent. Stir well, warm over flame, and leave in incubator for one hour. Dilute well with distilled water. Centrifuge for thirty minutes. Mix sediment with one drop of blood serum, make slide preparation and stain as directed above. Examination for Elastic Tissue Boil the sputum with 20 per cent NaOII solution until it is homogeneous, centrifugalize, and examine the sediment pressed out on a glass plate as directed in the examination of fresh sputum. The fibers of elastic tissue are characterized by their intense refractivity, wavy outline, sharp edges, uniform diameter and curling ends. CHAPTER V EXAMINATION OF FECES Routine Examination 1. Note gross appearance; color, presence of blood, or mucus, or remnants of food. 2. Test for occult blood with benzidine. 3. Make a microscopic examination of a portion of stool emul- sified in water. Qualitative Tests 1. Occult Blood (a) Benzidine Test.—Take up a bit of powdered benzidine on the tip of a toothpick and dissolve in 2 c.c. of glacial acetic acid. Add 20 drops of 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide. Smear a small portion of the stool on a white card with a toothpick; add a drop of the benzidine suspension and mix thor- oughly. If blood is present the mixture turns blue. Au atypical or doubtful reaction should be checked up with the guaiac test. (b) Guaiac Test.—Emulsify a portion of the specimen of stool in a test tube with glacial acetic acid. Extract with a few cubic centimeters of ether. Layer the ether extract in a test tube on a mixture of equal parts alcoholic solution of gum guaiac (1 gram in 60 c.c. 95 per cent alcohol) and 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide. A blue color develops in the ether if blood is present. 2. Bilirubin" and IIydrobilirijbin Schmidt Test.—Emulsify a bit of stool in a porcelain dish with a saturated solution of mercuric chloride. Allow to stand for 24 hours. If hydrobilirubin is present the specimen becomes pink. Bilirubin causes a green color. 81 82 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Examination for Large Parasites, Gallstones, and Other Foreign Bodies Mix the specimen of stool with a large amount of water, stir well, and filter through a fine mesh wire sieve. Microscopic Examination Place a drop of water on a slide and mix with it bits of the stool from different portions of the specimen. Cover with a cover Taenia saginata Hymenolepis nana Ilymonolepls diminuta Triehiurns trlchiurn Dlbothrioeephalus latus Oxyuris vermicnlnris Necator americanus Ascnri* iumbricoidos (unfcltilizrd) Asiaris itMubrieoidos (containing embryo) Fig. 26-B.—Ova in human feces. (After Barker.) EXAMINATION OP FECES 83 An operculum: Ova brown 75x45 Dibothricephalus latus No operculum (Abbreviated from Medical War Manual No. 6.) Ova with a single envel- ope Three transparent membranes 68 Hymenolepis nana A single membrane Classification of Ova of the Commoner Intestinal Parasites Wall ornamented . Wall smooth II. Classification of Ova of Nemathelminthes Transparent Thick Thick and transparent 30-40 Dipylidium caninum Thick and opaque I. Classification of Ova of Cestodes Table X Mamillated, brown Regularly cribbed with depressions, yellow 2 to 4 blastomeres Thick embryo, folded in two 2 to 4 blastomeres Bulging on one side, flat on the other Clear plug at each pole Ova spherical Ova ovoid 50x23 Oxyuris vermicularis 55x25 Trichocephalus trichiuris 60x40 Ankylostomum duodenale 70x40 Necator americanus 54x32 Strongyloides intestinalis 60x44 Ascaris lumbricoides 75x65 Ascaris canis 21-56 Tenia solium 35x25 Tenia saginata Dimensions m M. 84 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS glass and examine under the lower power of the microscope for (1) Pus cells; (2) Red blood cells; (3) An excess of undigested muscle fibers; (4) Parasites; (5) Ova. The ova in the stool, if present, may be concentrated by the following procedure (Kofoid and Barber): Emulsify the speci- mens with a saturated salt solution. Make a filter % to % inch in thickness of No. 0 or No. 1 long fiber steel wool and pour the emulsion through it. Allow the preparation to stand one hour. Loop off the sur- face, film to an ordinary gloss, slide and examine under the low power of the microscope. If amebae are suspected, examine as indicated under “Examination of Stool for Amebae.” Table N summarizes the characteristics of the ova of the com- moner intestinal parasites. The ova commonly found in the stool are illustrated by Fig. 26B. Determination of Reaction (Bruce, W. J.: Jour. Lab. and Clin. Med., 1920, v, 61) Prepare a 1 per cent aqueous solution of alizarin. Place two small drops of the indicator on a white index card ll/> inches apart. Dip a toothpick into the liquid part of the specimen (or if the feces are formed, merely puncture the mass). Mix thor- oughly in one of the drops, using the other drop as a control. An alkaline reaction is indicated by a reddish violet color, neutral, no change, an acid a light yellow color. The density of the colors will depend upon the amount of acid or alkali present. Examination of Stool for Amebae (From “Parasitic Amebae of Man,” Craig) A very small portion of a freshly passed stool should be placed upon a microscopic slide and covered with a cover glass, gentle pressure being used to spread the specimen. The material selected for examination should preferably be a drop of the liquid portion of the stool rather than solid particles. It is always well to give a saline cathartic before making an examination as this tends to wrash the amebae from the intestinal walls. If present, a particle of mucus or any blood-stained material should be ex- EXAMINATION OF FECES 85 amined as well. Most stools from amebic dysentery cases con- tain gelatinous material which frequently contains numerous amebae, and such material should always be fully examined. The feces should be examined as quickly as possible after they have been passed as the amebae are much more easily recog- nized when they are motile. No disinfectant should be used in stools which are to be examined for amebae, neither should urine be mixed with the stools. In temperate regions, especially in the winter, the receptacle used in collecting the specimen should be warmed, but care should be taken if water is used for this purpose, that it be boiled, as otherwise water amebae might be mistaken for parasitic amebae, having reached the feces in this manner. In making fresh preparations it is always well to dilute a loop- ful of the stool with normal salt solution or distilled water. One of the most frequent mistakes made in examining such prepara- tions is the use of too thick a preparation. One should not be satisfied with the examination of a single slide, but should thor- oughly examine at least six or eight preparations before a nega- tive result is reported. The hanging drop method is often valuable in the examination of these organisms, a small drop of the stool being placed in the center of a cover glass which is then inverted upon a hollow ground slide and ringed with vaseline. If a film preparation is used it should always be ringed with vaseline, for unless this is done evaporation occurs and the preparation becomes useless. The preparation should be examined with a one-sixth inch lens and a one- or two-inch eyepiece. For the finer details regarding the structure of the cytoplasm and the nucleus, as well as the reproductive changes, it is necessary to use the one-twelfth inch oil immersion objective. Table XI summarizes the important differential features of Entameba Coli and Entameba Histolytica. Neutral Red.—The use of a solution of %o,ooo of neutral red is often of great service in those cases in which the amebae are few in number and for the study of structural details. This solution is very quickly absorbed by the amebae, coloring them pink or red, and does not interfere with their movements if it is not used in too strong a dilution. It is a most useful method in 86 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Differential Features of Entameba Coli and Entameba Histolytica Table XI ENTAMEBA COLI-SCHAUDINN, 1903 ENTAMEBA HISTOLYTICA- SCHAUDINN, 1903 size : 15 to 20 microns. Average diam. 25-35 microns. Generally smaller than entameba histo- lytica. 10 to 70 microns. Generally from 15 to 40 microns. PSEUDOPODIA: Small, blunt and not clearly differentiated from rest of par- asite. Blunt or slender and finger- shaped. Very refractive and clearly differentiated from rest of the parasite. MOTILITY: Sluggish, less progressive and more indefinite in direction as compared with entameba his- tolytica. Active. CYTOPLASM: Ectoplasm not distinct except when moving and then only be- cause it is free from granules. Is grayish in color and not very refractive. Endoplasm is gray, finely granular, few non- contractile vacuoles. Is not generally phagocytic for red blood corpuscles but may con- tain bacteria and crystals. Ectoplasm is very distinct and refractive, in some instances even when motionless. Glassy appearing. Endoplasm is gran- ular, contains numerous non- eontractile vacuoles and red blood corpuscles when latter are present in the feces. NUCLEUS: Distinct, having a well defined nuclear membrane, much chro- matin and large karyosome. In acute dysentery the nucleus is usually more or less indis- tinct; has no well defined nu- clear membrane; contains but little chromatin and has a minute karyosome. In chronie dysentery the nucleus is dis- tinct, has thick nuclear mem- brane formed by chromatin, large karyosome and clear area surrounding the ventricle. CYST FORMATION: Present. Cysts have eight nu- clei, are 16-25 microns in diam., have thick wall, no chromidial bodies and are more refractive than those of entameba histo- lytica. Present. Cysts contain four nuclei. Measure from 11-14 microns, are covered with a thin membrane, are less refrac- tive than those of entameba coli and contain chromidial bodies. Four amebae develop within cyst. 87 EXAMINATION OF FECES Differential Features of Entameba Coli and Entameba Histolytica Table XI (Continued) ENTAMEBA COLI-SCHAUDINN, 1903 ENTAMEBA HISTOLYTICA- SCHAUDINN, 1903 CULTIVATION: Doubtful. Negative. METHODS OF REPRODUC- TION : By simple division, autogam- ous sexual reproduction in cyst and by schizogony with the production of eight daughter amebae. Eight amebae are produced within the cyst. By simple division and by autogamous sexual reproduc- tion within cyst, four amebae being formed. PATHO- GENESIS : Is not pathogenic, occurring in a large percentage of healthy individuals and in patients suffering from diseases other than dysentery. Is the cause of a form amebic dysentery. of distinguishing between parasitic amebae and leucocytes, as the latter do not stain with this substance. In specimens in which the amebae are in scant numbers they are easily distinguished by the reddish color given them by the neutral red, as other cells occurring in feces are not colored distinctly by this dye. The dilution should be made with normal salt solution. Quantitative Estimation of Urobilin and Urobilinogen in Stools (Wilbur, R. L., and Addis, Thos.: Arch. Int. Med., 1914, xiii, 235) Collection of Specimen.—All the feces passed in 24 hours are collected in the same receiver and kept in the dark. Procedure.—The total stool is then washed into a large grad- uate and thoroughly ground up with water into a homogeneous paste and water added to 0.5, 1 or 2 liters, depending upon the size of the stool. After thoroughly mixing, 25 c.c. are taken and 75 c.c. of acid alcohol (95 per cent alcohol, 1600 c.c., concentrated hydrochloric acid, 25 c.c. and water 800 c.c.) are added. Put mixture in a shaker for about one half an hour. To 10 c.c. add an equal quan- tity of absolute alcohol and 1 gram of zinc acetate. Filter. Add 1 c.c. of Ehrlich’s reagent (page 19) to 10 c.c. of the filtrate and put aside in a dark place until the next day. Transfer to a 88 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS spectroscope cell 1 cm. in thickness and examine with spectro- scope for the characteristic absorption bands of urobilin and urobilinogen. The presence of urobilin is marked by a broad band (Fig. 26-A) in the blue end of the spectrum. The violet rays are com- pletely absorbed, and if there is much urobilin present the entire blue portion and nearly all of the green may be obliterated. Uro- bilinogen absorbs a narrow portion of the spectrum in the yellow at the edge of the green, and if present in large amounts the band may be broad enough to obliterate the entire yellow por- tion of the spectrum. It is located by its proximity to the “D” line while urobilin extends from between “b” and “F” lines to the violet end of the visible spectrum. Dilute with 60 per cent alcohol until the absorption bands dis- appear with dull light but reappear when the spectroscope slit is narrowed to one just half of its former opening. The urobilin and urobilinogen bands differ in their intensity, consequently the disappearance of the absorption bands will occur with different dilutions. Calculation—The total amount of urobilin and urobilinogen in terms of dilutions equals: —^— x 8 x (E plus S) where V equals the volume to which the stool was diluted; R equals dilutions required to obliterate urobilin band in the 10 c.c. of filtrate, and S equals dilutions required to obliterate urobilinogen band. Remarks.—Normally the total 24-hour specimen of stool does not contain more than 6500 dilutions of urobilin and urobilinogen. Preservation of Intestinal Parasites Wash carefully in salt solution and place in 2 per cent formalin. If it is desired to clear the specimen after fixation in 2 per cent formalin for 14 to 16 hours, it is then placed in the following solution until clear: EXAMINATION OF FECES 89 Glucose 480 grams Water 520 c.c. Methyl alcohol 200 c.c. Glycerine 100 c.c. Camphor (q.s. to keep) After the specimen is cleared sufficient quantity of glycerine jelly is dropped on a slide and the specimen transferred to it. Cover with a cover glass and allow the jelly to harden. The glycerine jelly is made by melting 14 grams of the best Gold Mark gelatine in 120 c.c. of hot water and adding 120 c.c. glycerine. This is then cooled to 50° C. The carefully separated whites of two eggs are then added and the fluid heated gently without stirring. This is filtered, the volume made up by adding water to 240 c.c. and 1 c.c. of pure carbolic acid is added. This jelly is solid at ordinary tem- perature but is easily melted under the hot water tap. Preservation of Stools Containing’ Ova The stools are diluted to a soup-like consistency, and one-tenth volume of formalin is added. CHAPTER VI QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD Counting the Blood Cells I. Reagents.—(1) Hayem’s Solution.— Mercuric chloride 0.25 gram Sodium chloride 0.5 gram Sodium sulphate 2.5 grams Distilled water 100 c.c. (2) Turck’s Solution.—One and one-half per cent acetic acid. Color with gentian violet. (3') Blood Platelet Solutions: Solution I: “Brilliant cresyl blue” 1.0 gram Distilled water 300.0 c.c. Dissolve. Keep on ice to prevent the growth of yeast. Solution II: Potassium cyanide 1.0 gram Distilled water 1400.0 c.c. This solution should be made up every ten days. II. The Diluting Pipettes.—Each pipette (Fig. 27) consists of a capillary tube which opens into a bulb containing a glass pearl. Fig. 27.—Blood counting pipettes for red and white corpuscles. The capillary tube is divided into ten equal parts. In the red pipette the bulb when filled to the line on its upper outlet (marked 90 QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 91 101) holds one hundred times the contents of the ten divisions of the capillary tube. The bulb of the white pipette contains ten times that of the capillary tube. III. The Counting Chamber.—A counting chamber (Fig. 28) of the Burker type with double Neubauer ruling is used. On this instrument there are two ruled areas three millimeters on a side or nine millimeters square. Each area (Fig. 29) is divided into nine large squares, each of which is one millimeter on a side or one square millimeter. The central square millimeter which is used for counting the red blood cells is subdivided into 400 ,Fig. 28.—A.—Hausser counting chamber of Burker type with double Neubauer ruling. The glass parts are in one piece which is mounted in a Bakelite holder. This is by far the most desirable type of instrument to buy. B.—Bevy counting chamber of Burker type with Neubauer ruling. The ruled area is cemented on to the slide which is made of glass. small squares, each of which is x/2o millimeter on a side, and has therefore an area of %0o square millimeter. By means of double lines these smallest squares are grouped into blocks of twenty-five. Each of the remaining eight large squares (1 square millimeter each) is subdivided into sixteen small squares. The depth of the chamber is 0.1 millimeter. Accurately calibrated pipettes and counting chamber are ab- solutely necessary if satisfactory blood counting is to be done. 92 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS It is best to use only apparatus certified as correct by the Bureau of Standards. Fig. 29.—Showing the Neubauer rilling of counting chamber as it appears under the microscope. A, unit used in counting white corpuscles; B, unit used in counting red corpuscles and platelets. Procedure in Counting’ the Red Blood Cells The finger or ear is punctured with a blood lancet or with a Ilagedorn needle. The blood should flow freely. The first drop is wiped away and the second used. The blood is sucked cautiously into the capillary tube of the pipette to the line marked 0.5. If the blood is accidentally sucked above the line, it may be lowered by drawing the finger across the tip of the pipette, provided the column of blood has not passed more than 1 millimeter above the line; if it has extended farther, the blood adhering to the wall of the tube will be sufficient to introduce a serious error in dilution. The end of the pipette is wiped free 93 QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD of blood. Before drawing in the diluting fluid care should be taken not to expel any of the blood in the capillary tube. The pipette is now filled to the line marked 101 with Hayem’s fluid. While the dilution fluid is being drawn up, the pipette, held between the thumb and fingers, is revolved to keep the glass pearl within the bulb in motion. This mixes the blood and diluting fluid and also prevents bubbles adhering to the pearl. Place pipette in shaking machine (Fig. 30) and shake for three minutes, or shake by hand for three minutes. Fig. 30.—Machine for shaking blood counting pipettes. Clean cover glass and counting chamber carefully. Discard the first drop of fluid in the pipette. With the cover glass in position, the space between cover glass and ruled area is filled by capillary attraction, when the tip of the pipette touches the rectangular ruled strip at the edge of the cover glass. Allow the cells to settle in the chamber. Count the cells in the four squares marked “B” on the diagram of the ruled area. (Fig. 29.) Cells touching the upper and right boundary line are consid- 94 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS ered in the square, those touching the left and lower boundary as out of the square. The number of cells in each square should not vary more than 25 per cent of the average number per square. Calculation.—This area counted equals 100 small squares, equals 100 x -7~ x 0.1 equals 400 40 Fig. 31.—Tray for holding pipettes and materials for blood counting. The blood was diluted 200 times. Hence the number of cells in the 100 squares counted x 40 x 200 equals number of red blood cells in 1 c.c. of undiluted blood. Remarks.—The red blood cell count in normal men varies from 4,500,000 to 5,500,000; in women from 4,000,000 to 5,000,000. QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 95 Procedure in Counting the Leukocytes Draw blood up to 0.5 line on white blood cell counting pipette and fill to the eleven mark with Turck’s solution. Make preparation in counting chamber as directed for red blood cells. Allow cells to settle. Count all white cells in four squares marked “A” on the diagram of ruled area. (Fig. 29.) Calculation.—Each square has a cubic content of 0.1, since the side of the square is 1 mm. and the chamber is 0.1 mm. deep. The sum of leukocytes in the four large squares divided by 4 gives the average number of cells in 0.1 of diluted blood. To obtain the number of cells in 1 of undiluted blood, this number is multiplied by 10 and by 20, or to put it simply, the total number of cells in the four squares counted, multiplied by 50 gives the number of white blood cells per cubic millimeter of undiluted blood. Remarks.—The white blood cell count varies normally from 6,000 to 8,000. A count over 10,000 is a leucocytosis, a count under 5,000 is a leucopenia. Procedure in Counting the Blood Platelets (Wright and Kinnicutt) Draw blood up to the 1 mark on a red blood cell pipette and fill to the 101 mark with diluting fluid. The diluting fluid is made by mixing two parts of blood platelet Solution I with three parts of Solution II and filtering. Shake the pipette well by hand or in the pipette shaking machine. Fill the counting chamber as for a red blood cell count and leave at rest for 10-15 minutes in order that the platelets may settle to the bottom. The platelets appear as sharply outlined, round or oval or elongated, lilac-colored bodies, some of which form a part of small spheres or globules of hyalin, unstained substance. The red cells are decolorized and appear only as shadows. The nuclei of the white cells are stained a dark blue, the protoplasm light blue. 96 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Count the platelets in 16 large squares marked “B” on dia- gram of ruled area, (Fig. 29) using the high power dry objective. Calculation.—The total number of platelets in the sixteen squares multiplied by 1000 gives the number per cubic millimeter of blood. Remarks.—The platelet count of normal adults varies between 225,000 and 350,000 per cubic millimeter, the general average being about 300,000. Cleaning Counting’ Chamber and Pipettes The counting chamber is cleaned with soap and water, using a soft cloth. Fig. 32.—Apparatus used in cleaning blood counting pipettes. This is made from 3-way stopcocks soldered together. The pipette is first emptied and then water, alcohol, ether and air are aspirated through in the order named (Figs. 32 and 33). If any albuminous material remains in the bulb, it may be removed by filling the pipette with the following alkaline pan- ereatin solution and leaving in the incubator overnight. QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 97 Sodium carbonate 5 grams Pancreatin 0.5 gram Water 1000 c.c. Chloroform a few drops Fig. 33.—Pipette cleaning apparatus in position for emptying pipettes. Determination of Hemoglobin Choice of Method.—The oxygen capacity method with the Van Slyke apparatus affords the most accurate means for the estima- tion of hemoglobin. This method should be used in all cases in which a very exact hemoglobin determination is of value. The acid hematin method of Sahli is probably the most valu- able for routine clinical use. Good results will be obtained if the pipette is correctly graduated, the standard and comparison 98 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS tubes are of equal bore, and the standard solution is accurately made. The acid hematin method as adapted to the Ilellige colorimeter affords a procedure which is especially valuable in hospitals or wherever it is desirable to collect the specimen for the hemo- globin determination and make the reading in the laboratory. The blood is diluted and transported in an ordinary red blood counting pipette. In all the methods given the hemoglobin reading of a normal blood containing 5 million red cells per is taken as 100 per cent. Such a blood contains 15.6 grams of hemoglobin per 100 c.c. Determination by the Oxygen Capacity Method The procedure for the determination of hemoglobin by this method is given in detail on page 171. Determination by a Method of Sahli Standard Solution.—A stock acid hematin solution is made as described below in the method adapted to the Ilellige colorimeter. A 1 per cent solution is made from the stock 10 per cent solution using equal parts of glycerine and N/10 hydrochloric acid as the diluent, and .filled into the standard tube. The standard tube as supplied with the instrument is seldom accurate. Procedure.—With a dropper run N/10 hydrochloric acid into the graduated tube to the mark 10. With the Sahli pipette draw up blood to the 20 mark. Blow the blood into the acid in the graduated tube. The pipette is thoroughly cleaned of blood by sucking up and blowing out the acid several times. The hydrochloric acid will in a few minutes change the hemoglobin to acid hematin. It is then diluted with distilled water until its tint corresponds to that of the standard tube. The tubes should be compared with the light transmitted through the milk glass background. The hemoglobin in per cent is read off di- rectly from the graduation on the tube. Determination with the Hellige Colorimeter Calibration of the Hellige Colorimeter.—The accuracy of the readings with the Hellige colorimeter (Fig. 34) will depend upon QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 99 the care with which the instrument is calibrated. The calibra- tion is easily done as follows. With the same solution in both cup and wedge read the colorimeter scale when the color of the solution in the cup matches that of the wedge. This determines the 100 per cent mark when the unknown and standard are equally diluted. We may call this point “Y.” Now raise the wedge until the bottom is just above the lower level of the aperture through which the readings are made. This determines the point on the scale equivalent to 0 per cent. This scale read- ing may be designated “X.” Now at any point “R” on the scale Fig. 34.—Hellige colorimeter. A, Wedge for standard. B, Specimen cup. C, scale. F, Ground glass plate. I, D, Rack and pinion. K, Catch for holding ground glass plate. L, Back slide. M, Setscrew for holding wedge in position. N, Cup holder. O, Helm- holtz double plate. P, Pointer. Q, Front slide. at which the colors match, the percentage of a substance in solu- tion in the cup is equal to: rp 100 A (R'X) X (Y-X) X B Where R is the reading of the scale. A is the concentration of the standard in the wedge. B is the concentration of the substance determined. In making the hemoglobin estimation the blood is diluted 100 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS 1:100 to make a 1 per cent solution. It is convenient to so dilute the standard as to make the factor x equal a whole I -A x> number, preferably two. If X equals 5 and Y equals 85, and the blood in the standard be in the dilution of 1:62.5, or 1.6 per cent then the above factor equals x or 2. o 0 l.U A flat piece of wood about the thickness of a tongue depressor should be fitted in the bottom of the cup holder. This raises the cup on a level with the bottom of the aperture, thus enabling one to make readings with the fluid in even the smallest red cell pipette. Reagents.— 1. Tenth normal hydrochloric acid. This may be made suffi- ciently accurate by diluting 11.7 c.c. of cone. HC1 with distilled water to a volume of 1000 c.c. 2. Acid hematin standard. This is prepared as follows : With- draw by venipuncture 50 c.c. of blood, carefully defibrinate by whipping and strain through gauze. Determine the hemoglobin of the defibrinated blood in the Van Slyke apparatus by the oxygen capacity method. Dilute the blood with N/10 HC1 to make a 20 per cent solution of a blood containing 15.6 grams of hemoglobin, or an oxygen capacity of 20.9 volumes per cent per 100 c.c. of blood. Mix well and let stand for 24 hours. Add an equal volume of glycerine. Store in a glass stoppered bottle preferably in cool spot away from the light. This solution will keep for months. The solution represents a 10 per cent solution of a blood containing 15.6 grams of hemoglobin per 100 c.c. From this standard any desired dilution, usually 1.6 per cent, may be made, using equal parts of glycerine and N/10 HC1 as the diluting fluid. Procedure.—Draw blood accurately up to the 1 mark in a red cell counting pipette and fill to 101 with N/10 HC1. This makes a 1:100 dilution of the blood. Allow the preparation to stand for 10 minutes or more. At least 10 minutes is required for approximate complete conversion of the hemoglobin into acid hematin. There is very little change QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 101 after this time so the reading may be made 24, or even 48 hours after dilution. Blow the contents of the pipette into the cup of the colorimeter after discarding the first drop. Fig. 35.—Scale showing the average amount of hemoglobin in grams per 100 c.c. blood at different ages. (After Williamson.') Read the scale at the point at which the color of the unknown in the cup matches that of the wedge. Calculation.—If the blood in the standard is so diluted as to make the factor x equal 2, the hemoglobin corresponding 102 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS to any reading “R” on the scale is 2(R-X) per cent or 15 6 2(R-X) x grams per 100 c.c. blood. Remarks.—The colorimeter cup must be kept clean by rubbing the inside surfaces Avith a small moist cotton swab. A small amount of acid hematin adhering to the sides will in time make a large error in the reading. The wedge holding the standard must be shaken daily to keep the acid hematin in suspension. It is convenient to figure a table, such as Table XII, for each colorimeter. The hemoglobin can then be read off directly in per cent or in grams per 100 c.c. blood from the scale reading. Figure 35 shows the hemoglobin values for different ages as given by Williamson. These results are obtained Avitli the spec- trophotometer and do not take into account the red cell count. They are higher than those obtained Avith the Van Slyke ap- paratus. Table XII The Table shows the hemoglobin in per cent and in grams per 100 c.c. of blood with Hellige colorimeter No. 2312. On this instrument a scale reading of 87 equals 100, and a reading of 7 equals 0. The blood is diluted 1:100, the standard is a 1.6 per cent solution or a dilution of 1:62.5 of a blood having a hemoglobin content of 15.6 grams per 100 c.c. Hence the hemoglobin in per cent corresponding to any point “R” on the scale is: 100 1.6 X (R-7) x yy or 2(R-7) per cent 15 6 or 2(R-7) x y-h- grams per 100 c.c. blood. COLORIMETER READING PER CENT HEMOGLOBIN GRAMS HEMOGLOBIN PER 100 C.C. 67 120 18.7 66 118 18.4 65 116 18.1 64 114 17.8 63 112 17.5 62 110 17.2 61 108 16.9 60 106 16.5 59 104 16.2 58 102 15.9 57 100 15.6 56 98 15.3 QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 103 Table XII COLORIMETER READING PER CENT HEMOGLOBIN GRAMS HEMOGLOBIN PER 100 C.C. 55 96 15.0 54 94 14.7 58 92 14.4 52 90 14.1 51 88 13.8 50 86 13.4 49 84 13.1 48 82 12.8 47 80 12.5 46 78 12.2 45 76 11.9 44 74 11.6 43 72 11.3 42 70 11.0 41 68 10.6 40 66 10.3 39 64 10.0 38 62 9.7 37 60 9.4 36 58 9.1 35 56 8.8 34 54 8.4 33 52 8.1 32 50 7.8 31 48 7.5 30 46 7.2 29 44 6.9 28 42 6.6 27 40 6.3 26 38 5.9 25 36 5.6 24 34 5.3 23 32 5.0 22 30 4.7 20 28 4.4 18 26 4.1 Color Index The color index is the quotient obtained by dividing the per- centage of hemoglobin by the percentage of red corpuscles, 5,000,- 000 cells per cubic millimeter being considered as 100 per cent of corpuscles. It is calculated as follows: „ , T , T, per cent hemoglobin ... , Color Index (C I) = — divided by number of red cells per cent hemoglobin x 50,000 5,000,000 number of red cells 104 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS In normal blood the color index is about 1. A color index above 1 means that the cells are larger than normal. A color index below 1 means that the cells contain a smaller amount of hemoglobin or are smaller than normal. Volume Index The term “Volume Index” is an expression used to designate the volume of red cells relative to the normal. It is the quotient of the percentage volume of the erythrocytes divided by the percentage number of cells. It is a measure of the relative size of the red cells. To determine the volume index 10 c.c. of blood are withdrawn by venipuncture into a dry well vaselined syringe. The blood is run immediately into a 15 c.c. graduated hematocrit tube (Fig. 21) containing 2 c.c. of 1.6 per cent sodium oxalate and mixed by inversion. The tube is then centrifuged for 30 minutes at 2500 revolu- tions per minute. With normal blood and a red cell count of 5,000,000, the red cells comprise about 46 per cent. This value for a normal blood should be determined for each centrifuge however. The value so determined represents 100 per cent volume. The erythrocytes are counted at the same time that the volume determination is made. The volume index is equal the volume per cent divided by the number per cent of red cells with 5,000,000 corpuscles being considered 100 per cent. In normal blood the volume index is 1. An index below 1 shows that the average size of the cells is less than 1 and index above 1 indicates that the average size of the cells is greater than normal. Saturation Index The color index expresses the relationship between the number of red blood cells and the amount of hemoglobin but does not give the true concentration of hemoglobin in the cells. The rela- tionship is a function of both the size of the red cell and the amount of hemoglobin contained therein. The actual percentage QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 105 of hemoglobin in the red cells is given by the “saturation index.” This is obtained by dividing the hemoglobin in per cent by the percentage volume of red cells. To calculate the saturation index blood is obtained as for a volume index determination, centrifuged, and the volume of red cells read off. The per cent of normal volume is determined. A hemoglobin estimation on the same specimen of blood is made. The hemoglobin in per cent divided by the percentage volume of red cells gives the saturation index. For example, 10 c.c. of blood are centrifuged and 2.3 c.c. or 23 per cent of packed cells is obtained. Normal blood with a red count of 5 million per would give with the same centrifuge 4.6 c.c., or 46 per cent packed cells. The hemoglobin is 50 per cent. The saturation index is 50 divided by 2.3 4.6 or 100' Examination of Fresh Blood The exact size and shape of red corpuscles are best determined in preparations of fresh blood. The fresh preparations are made by taking a very small drop of blood on the center of a cover slip cleaned carefully as for a blood smear and laying it on a slide similarly cleaned. The blood will spread out leaving the red cells separate. Seal the edges of the cover slip to the slide with a small amount of vaseline if the preparation is to be kept under observation for some time. Note in the fresh preparation the size, shape and color of the red blood cells; the relative number of white blood cells; and the presence of parasites. Cleaning the Cover Glasses.— (1) Immerse the cover glasses in concentrated sulphuric acid for about 24 hours. (2) Pour off the acid and wash in running water. (3) Drain off the water and cover the glassware with 95 per cent alcohol for an hour or longer. (4) Wipe dry with towel and place in hot air sterilizer for several hours. Preparation and Staining of Blood Films 106 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Preparation of Blood Films—The film is made by placing a small drop of blood in the center of one cover slip (Fig. 36) and quickly placing a second cover over it until there is a suit- able spread of the blood. The cover slips are then drawn apart with a sliding motion. The films are allowed to dry in the air. Staining the Film.— 1. Wright’s Stain.—(a) Preparation of Stain: To a 0.5 per cent aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate, add methylene bine (B.X. or “medicinally pure”) in the proportion of 1 gram of the dye to each 100 c.c. of the solution. Heat the mixture in a steam Fig. 36.—Blood film by the cover glass method. With thumb and forefinger of the right hand firmly grasp the upper cover glass inch square No. 1) at the diagonal corners, a and b, and the lower one at the adjacent corners, c and d, and quickly pull apart, keeping the two parallel. (After McJunkin.) sterilizer at 100° C. for one full hour, counting the time after ihe sterilizer has become thoroughly heated. The mixture is to be contained in a flask, or flasks, of such size and shape that it forms a layer not more than 6 centimeters deep. After heating, the mixture is*allowed to cool, placing the flask in cold water if desired, and is then filtered to remove the precipitate which has formed in it. It should, when cold, have a deep purple red color when viewed in a thin layer by transmitted yellowish artificial light. It does not show this color while it is warm. 107 QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD To each 100 c.c. of the filtered mixture add 500 c.c. of a 0.1 per cent aqueous solution of “yellowish, water-soluble” eosin and mix thoroughly. Collect on a filter the abundant precipitate which immediately appears. When the precipitate is dry, dis- solve it in methyl alcohol (Merck’s “reagent”) in the proportion of 0.1 gram to 60 c.c. of the alcohol. In order to facilitate solu- tion the precipitate is to be rubbed with alcohol in a porcelain dish or mortar with a spatula or pestle. (b) Method of Staining.—Cover the blood film (Fig. 37) with a noted quantity of the stain (about 7 drops for a % inch cover glass.) After one minute add an equal number of drops of a phosphate buffer solution with PH equal to 6.4, and allow to remain for 5 to 6 minutes (MeJunkin). Wash quickly, blot, dry, and mount in balsam. If the buffer solution is not available, dis- tilled water may be used. The phosphate buffer solution with PH equal to 6.4 is made as follows: Recrystallized primary potassium phosphate 6.63 grams. Recrystallized secondary sodium phosphate (exposed to air for two weeks to lose its water of crystallization) 3.20 grams. Distilled water, add quantity sufficient.... 1000 c.c. 2. Ehrlich’s Stain.— (a) Preparation of Stain.— Saturated aqueous solution of orange G 13.0 c.c. Saturated aqueous solution of acid fuchsin. . . . 7.0 c.c. Distilled water 15.0 c.c. Absolute alcohol 15.0 c.c. Saturated aqueous solution of methyl green.. . 17.5 c.c. Absolute alcohol 10.0 c.c. Glycerine 10.0 c.c. 108 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS The fluids are mixed with the same graduated cylinder which should not be rinsed. The receiving flask should be shaken vig- orously after the addition of each constituent which is added in the order given in the formula. It is essential to add the methyl green, second portion of alcohol and glycerine slowly, shaking Avell after each addition. The mixture is ready for use immedi- ately and does not deteriorate with age. (b) Method of staining.—Fix the blood film on a copper bar at the spheroidal point for 30 to 45 seconds. Cover with Ehrlich’s stain, and allow to remain 5 to 10 minutes. Wash quickly in water, blot dry, and mount in balsam. Differential Leucocyte Counts A blood film stained with Wright’s stain is used for a routine count. Fig. 38.—Tallying register used in making differential leucocyte counts Count 250 leucocytes, employing the 4 millimeter objective and 10 X eyepiece. The counting is facilitated by the use of a tallying register (Pig. 38). The normal leucocytes are classified as follows: (Plate III) 1. Polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leucocytes (P.M.N.) are cells with polymorphous nuclei, in whose cytoplasm are numerous fine neutrophilic granules. These cells are 9 to 12 micromillimeters in diameter. 2. Polymorphonuclear eosinophilic leucocytes (P.M.E.) are sim- ilar to the above, except for the presence of coarse eosinophilic or acidophilic granules in the protoplasm. They are usually larger than the neutrophiles. Wright Stain Ehrlich Stain Polymorpho-nuclear neutrophile Poly mtfrpho -nud ear eosinophile Polymorpho-nuclear basophile (mast cell) Small mononuclear (lymphocytes} Large mononudear Transitional mononuclear Neutrophilic myelocyte Eosinophilic myelocyte Basophilic myelocyte * Myeloblast Cells not present in normal blood. Plate III. White blood corpuscles with Wright and Ithrlich stains. (After Barker.) MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 109 CELLS OF NORMAL BLOOD STAIN NUCLEUS PROTOPLASM GRANULES SIZE IN MICRA % ABS. NO. ORIGIN REMARKS # 1 Wright None Light buff None Round or slightly oval. or pink. w Slaty blue color usual- Rarely any O 3 cd ly denotes insufficient struct ure o o o\ g washing. seen. g & p R.B.C. Ehrlich None Buff None B 3 o Lemon yellow—over fixed; O 3 03 3 red brown—under fixed. # 2 Wright More polymorphous than Relatively Generally round, become polynuclear, chromatin abundant very large from crush- deep purples slightly retie- > ing. Protoplasm in young ular. oo 55 w o forms often blue. P.M.N. Ehrlich Blue green or robin’s Faint pink Lilac if , p i-i g due to stain precipitate. dence of structure. True red 3 S o P -t color with £ 3 >-i O quick fixa- P H* CS 3 tion. Stain is specific. *The absolute numbers and percentages are taken from Miller, S. R.: Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1914, xxv, 284. Table XIII* 110 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS CELLS OF SIZE ABS. NO. NORMAL STAIN NUCLEUS PROTOPLASM GRANULES IN % ORIGIN REMARKS BLOOD MICRA # 3 Wright Larger than #2, less pyknotic, stains lighter, shows fewer lobulations, as rule reticulated. Scanty,faint pink if seen at all Red H- !> P < CD ctq S cd <-t QTQ CD 3 M to cc to h-4 GO o p CD K Size and brilliancy of the granules stained with Wright distinguishes these cells from #2 similarly stained. P.M.E. Ehrlich Light green color Generally not seen Dark red or crimson =}£ CTq' tO ►=£ vf 6 # 4 Wright Chromatin scanty, stains light purple, not very polymorphous. Faint pink Cells are rarely ever in- creased in number. P.M.B. Ehrlich Light green reticular. None Do not stain, ap- pear as col- orless vac- uoles Generally smaller than Nos. 2 or 3 p bi to Bone Marrow Table XIII—Continued. QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 111 CELLS 01' SIZE ABS. NO. NORMAL STAIN NUCLEUS PROTOPLASM GRANULES IN % ORIGIN REMARKS BLOOD MICRA # 5 Wright Large chromatin, round oval or slightly notched, deep purple clear outer zone due to nuclear con- traction. h-4 o 3 to to 1725 Ul § 3 p Sr1 |© Nucleus central in large forms. Easily overlooked when stained with Ehr- lich. S.M. Ehrlich Light blue green. Light pink or violet often not None S’ p Qj pj CTQ Ul g. P seen TJ1 sP # 6 Wright Large oval indented and vesicular, chromatin poor, light purple or blue, and generally eccentric. ‘ ‘ Azure ’ * granules occur. h-4 to to o 00 05 O H Qj O C+- o Group includes cell of type #5 larger than an average size P.M.N. Ex- tremely fine lilac gran- ules occasionally seen with Ehrlich stain. L.M. Ehrlich Very pale blue or green, hard to see. None o’ p S’ s # 7 Wright Horseshoe, kidney shape, or irregular plump nu- cleus, deeper purple than #6- Less rela- tively than in #6. May be a few like those of a P. M. N. t-* p *-* cTQ a> ui to to 5= > 3 ° ui ►d o o Cells are not transition form of #2. Trans. Ehrlich Light blue easily seen. Few occa- sionally. o o Ul GO 00 i L O P £ 05 Are probably senile forms of #6. seen Ul a o Table XIII—Continued. 112 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS 3. Polymorphonuclear basophilic leucocytes (P.M.B.) show in the protoplasm, basophilic granules which are variable in size, the majority being about as coarse as the eosinophilic granules. The nucleus is usually simply indented or lobulated. 4. Small mononuclear leucocytes (S.M.) are cells having a single round or oval nucleus and a scanty rim of protoplasm. The pro- toplasm is nongranular, although about 30 per cent of the leuco- cytes of normal blood possess azurophile granules which are demonstrable after staining with methylene azure, but not with other stains. The granules vary greatly in number and size. Classify as small mononuclears all mononuclear cells smaller than an average sized polymorphonuclear neutrophiles. The small mononuclears are lymphocytes. 5. Large mononuclear leucocytes (L.M.) are mononuclear cells as large or larger than an average sized polymorphonuclear neu- trophile. The nucleus is poorer in chromatin and therefore stains less intensely. These cells have relatively more protoplasm than the small mononuclears. The protoplasm may contain azurophilic granules. 6. Transitional leucocytes (Trans.) differ from the large mono- nuclears in the shape of the nucleus, which is horseshoe-shaped, lobulated, or deeply indented, and in the constant presence in the protoplasm of numerous dust-like, azurophile granules. Table XIII summarizes the important features of the normal red blood cells and leucocytes with Wright and Ehrlich stains. Pathological Red Blood Cells and Leucocytes In anemias the following abnormalities of the red blood cells should be looked for in fresh preparations and in stained films. (Plates III and IV.) 1. Irregularity in size—anisocytosis (note especially the pres- ence of very large cells), and irregularity in shape—poikilocy- tosis. These features can be best observed in fresh blood. Cells less than 6 micra in diameter are classed as microcytes; those with a diameter of 9 to 12 micra are classed as macrocytes. 2. Nucleated cells: Normoblasts have the diameter of the average red cell, the nucleus is round and pyknotic; microblasts are abnormally small nucleated red cells; megaloblasts are large Wright Stain Ehrlich Stain Normoblast Normoblasts Intermediate s Me gal oblasts M egalobiast try throe yte -showing diffuse and punctate basophilia and nuclear particle Nucleated red blood corpuscles with Wright and Ehrlich stains. (After Barker.) Plate IV. QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 113 and have a large oval or round nucleus, which may show beau- tiful chromatin network. 3. Basophilia in which the cells take the basic dye and with Wright’s stain appear blue. The basophilia may be diffuse in which a uniform basic staining occurs or punctate in which the cells contain basic staining granules. Pathological leucocytes are seen chiefly in leukemia. The most important forms are given below: 1. Myelocytes—neutrophilic, which have a round or oval nucleus and show neutrophilic granules in the protoplasm; eosino- philic in which the granules are eosinophilic; basophilic in which the granules are basophilic. 2. Myeloblasts which differ from the myelocytes in having no granules in the protoplasm. Both the myelocytes and the myelo- blasts show a positive oxydase reaction. 3. Pathological lymphocytes may differ very much from the normal. They vary much in size. The nucleus may be indented or convoluted forming the so-called Rieder cells. Platelets Any relative variation from the normal number of blood plate- lets in the smear should be noted. Determination of the Fragility of Erythrocytes (Griffin and Sandford: Jour. Lab. and Clin. Med., 1919, iv, 465) Principle.—Fresh blood is mixed with sodium chloride solu- tions of varying concentration. The strength of the solutions in which hemolysis begins and in which hemolysis is complete is noted. Reagent.—Five-tenths per cent solution of chemically pure sodium chloride. The sodium chloride should be dried in hot air oven at 170° C. for two hours, cooled in a desiccator and weighed accurately on the chemical balance. The water should be measured in a volumetric flask. Procedure.—Set up twelve 4 x % inch test tubes in each of two racks (Fig. 39). Number the tubes in each rack from left to right 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14. 114 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS With a capillary pipette put into each tube the number of drops of 0.5 per cent sodium chloride indicated by the figure on the tube. Add distilled water with the same pipette so that the total number of drops in each tube is 25. Withdraw blood from a vein with a dry sterile syringe and run one drop of blood (Fig. 40) into each tube of one rack. In a Fig'. 39.—Dilutions are made of 0.5 per cent sodium chloride solution by adding distilled water by the drop method so that each tube contains twenty-five drops of hypisotonic solution. (After Giffin and Sanford.) similar manner obtain blood from a normal control and put one drop into each tube of the second rack. Allow the racks to stand at room temperature for one to two hours and read. The dilution in which there is just a slight tinge- ing of the supernatant fluid due to laking of a few of the least resistant corpuscles is noted as the point of initial hemolysis. Reading from left to right the first tube, in which there is no QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 115 corpuscular residue evident by shaking the tube, indicates com- plete hemolysis. The percentage of salt in any tube can be immediately deter- mined by multiplying the number on the tube by 0.02. Remarks.—Normal blood shows initial hemolysis in 0.42 to 0.38 per cent sodium cldoride solution and complete hemolysis in 0.36 to 0.32 per cent. Fig. 40.—One drop of whole blood is added to each tube of hypisotonic solution. (After Giffin and Sanford.) Technic for Vital Blood Stain Reagent.—Mix 5 c.c. of a saturated aqueous solution of bril- liant cresyl blue and one cubic centimeter of two per cent sodium oxalate solution and filter. Draw up 1 to 2 drops of this mixture into each of the several capillary pipettes and place in incubator until the stain is evaporated to dryness. These preparations will keep indefinitely. Procedure.—Puncture the finger so as to get a free flow of; 116 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS blood. With a rubber bulb draw up a good sized drop of blood into one of the capillary pipettes containing the stain. Mix thoroughly. After standing for several minutes make films on cover slips. Dry in air and stain with Wright’s stain in the usual way. In the cells taking the vital stain a granulo-reticulo-filamentous substance is seen. This appears in the form of granular par- ticles which are sometimes discrete but are more often threads which are woven into a network, or wreaths which fill a great part of the cell. Determine the percentage of reticulated cells using the oil im- mersion objective. The counting is facilitated by using a small circle cut from cardboard on the diaphragm of the eye piece. Remarks.—In the normal blood of adults less than one per cent of the red blood cells show the granulo-reticulo-filamentous substance. If brilliant cresyl blue is not available, Unna’s methylene blue may be used. Determination of Coagulation Time of Blood (Ilowell, W. H., Arch. Int. Med., 1914, xiii, 80) A clean syringe is dried, rinsed with albolene and normal salt solution. The space in the syringe between the end of the plunger and the needle is filled with salt solution so that the blood does not come in contact with air. A vial (Fig. 41) about 21 millimeters in diameter is thoroughly cleaned with bichromate cleaning solution, rinsed in distilled wrnter and dried with alcohol and ether. Blood is withdrawn by venapuncture and 2 c.c. run into the vial. The time of withdrawal of the blood is noted accurately. The specimen is examined at short intervals for coagulation. The test of coagulation is ability to invert the tube slowly without dislodging the blood. By this technic normal blood at room temperature (20° C.) clots in 20 to 40 minutes. For each degree below this tempera- ture, about 1 to 2 minutes wull probably be added to the coagula- tion time. QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 117 Decreasing the diameter of the tube shortens the coagulation time. Lee and White suggest that a test-tube of 8 mm. bore be used. One c.e. of blood is withdrawn with a small syringe and run at once into the tube. The same precautions as to prepara- tion of the syringe and tube noted above must be observed. The normal coagulation time by this method is 5 to 8 minutes. A rough idea of the coagulation time may be obtained by fill- ing a capillary tube with blood from a puncture of the ear or finger. The tube is broken off at intervals of one-half minute. Coagulation is easily recognized by the string of fibrin. The coagulation time by this method varies from 2 to 6 minutes. Fig. 41.—Tube used in the determination of the coagulation time of blood. The bleeding time is determined by the method suggested by Duke. A small incision is made in the finger or in the lobe of the ear and at half-minute intervals the blood is blotted up with smooth filter paper. The cut should be such that the diameter of the first blot is about 2 cm. without any squeezing. Each blot represents a half minute’s flow of blood. The bleeding time is the total duration of the hemorrhage. It varies from 1 to 3 min- utes in normal individuals. Determination of the Bleeding Time Schultze’s Oxydase Reaction Principle.—Many white blood cells possess an oxidizing fer- ment which they disclose by forming synthetically naphthol blue (Evans, F. A.: Arch. Int. Med., 1916, xvii, 1) 118 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Tab,le XIV* Blood Report Name: No: Case No: Date: Service: Stain used: I. Red Blood Cells: 1. Total number per 2. Size in fresh preparation 3. Shape in fresh preparation 4. Color in fresh preparation 5. Regeneration forms: (a) Nucleated R.B.C. - (b) Basophilia: punctate or diffuse - (c) Nuclear particles - (d) Cabot Rings - 6. Resistance to hypotonic salt solution: maximal %; minimal % 7. Percentage of reticulated cells in vital stain: II. White Blood Cells: 1. Total number per 2. Differential count: Cells counted: PMN — % PME = % PMB — % SM = % LM = % TRANS = % 3. Presence of abnormal forms: (a) Myelocytes: type? (b) Myeloblasts - (c) Irritation forms - III. Hemoglobin: % ( Ilemoglobiiiometcr) IV. Color Index : V. Volume Index: VI. Platelets : VII. Coagulation Time: ( Method) VIII. Parasites : IX. Remarks : X. Impressions : 1. Summary of Important Evidence: 2. Probable Diagnois: Name op Examiner. *Tliis form is modeled after one in use at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 119 when they are treated first with a-naphthol and then with di- methyl-phenylendiamin. The method is particularly useful for differentiating myeloblasts and myelocytes from cells of the lymphocyte series. The myelocytes and myeloblasts give a posi- tive reaction, while the lymphocytes are negative. The granules which exhibit the oxydase reaction are stained deep blue. The preparations are not permanent. Procedure.—Make smears on cover slips as for differential leucocyte count. (a) Staining.— 1. Fix smears eight hours (under bell jar) in formaldehyde vapor. 2. Stain in saturated aqueous safranin for eight minutes. 3. Wash quickly in water and dry immediately by careful blotting. (b) Oxydase Reaction: Put on slide. 1. One drop of 1 per cent aqueous solution of dimethylpara- phenylenediamin, and 2. One drop of freshly prepared 1 per cent solution of alpha naphthol in 1 per cent KOH dissolved by heating. 3. Mount previously stained smear in this and examine at once. Examination of Blood for Malarial Organisms Make smears as for differential leucocyte count. Stain with Wright’s stain. The staining should be done with distilled water instead of buffer solution. A preparation of fresh blood should also be made by placing a small drop of blood on a clean slide and covering with a cover glass. Examine both preparations with the oil immersion lens. Tables XV and XVI summarize the characteristics of the dif- ferent malarial organisms in fresh and stained preparations. 120 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS The Appearance op Malarial Plasmodia in Fresh Blood Table XV pl. vxvax (tertian) PL. FALCIPARUM (estivoautumnal) PL. MALARIA (quartan) I. HYALINES (a) Shape Often irregular, oc- casionally ring forms. Usually ring forms, occasionally irreg- ular. Irregular or ring forms. (b) Refrac- tivity Difficult to see; much like the red cell. Ring forms more refractive. Easily seen; refractive. Rather easily seen. (c) Motility Actively ameboid. Occasionally active. Rings sluggish. Sluggish usually. (d) Multiple infections II. PIGMENT- ED FORMS (a) Shape Infrequent. Ameboid, very ir- regular. Three-quarters and full grown para- sites round. Frequent. May be six or more hyalins in a single cell. Usually no pigment- ed forms in circulat- ing blood. Round or oval, when seen. Infrequent. Irregular, soon be- coming round or oval. ‘ ‘ Band ’ ’ forms not infrequent. (b) Refrae- tivity Young forms dif- ficult to see. Easily seen; re- fractive Easily seen. (c) Motility Young forms ac- tively ameboid. Sluggish. Sluggish. (d) Pigment Fine brown gran- ules scattered throughout p a r a- site. Fine, dark brown granules, centrally placed. Coarse brown gran- ules peripherally placed. (e) Motility of pigment Very active in younger forms. Sluggish. Very sluggish. (f) Meroz- oites or daughter parasites 12 to 24, usually about 16. 8 to 24, usually 12 to 16, small. 6 to 12, often 8. III. SEXUAL FORMS Shape Round. Usually crescentic, at times round or Round. 1 IV. INFECTED RED CELLS Swollen and pale. oval. Often brassy, shrunk- en or crenated. Often brassy, no swelling. QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 121 Table XVI The Appearance of Malarial Plasmodia in Stained Blood Films (Wright Stain) PL. VTVAX (tertian) PL. FALCIPAETXM (aestivoautumnal) PL. MALAEIA (quartan) I. HYALINES Ring of blue proto- plasm. Round chromatin mass; red or violet with achromatic zone. Whole parasite encloses unstained area of R.B.C. Chro- matin located at thin area of ring. Protoplasm scanty; stains faint blue. Chromatin in 1/3 masses of filaments often projecting beyond the ring. Generally the same but chromatin is not dense but rather an irregular clump of red violet granules. Chromatin is nearer the center than in tertian. Protoplasm stains a darker blue. Parasite as whole is smaller than tertian. II. PIGMENT- ED FORMS (a) Pigment Fine, irregularly scattered, takes a greenish brown stain. Collected in masses at the periphery of presegmentingforms. Single mass at center of segmenters. Amount and distri- bution as in fresh blood. Takes deep brown stain. Little influenced by stain. Size and dis- tribution as in fresh blood. Dark greenish brown or blue black in color. (b) Chroma- tin Becomes more irreg- ular with growth of parasite. In full grown para- site it breaks up in- to 15-20 clusters each in achromatic zone. Stains a deep red violet. Often in several masses in ring forms. Chromatin less dense in hyalines. In older forms is a cluster of fine granules with an achromatic zone. Stains a more in- tense red than with tertian. (e) Proto- plasm Stains a definite blue, thickest oppo- site the chromatin in hyaline. Irregular in outline. With growth of par- asite tends to stain more deeply. Protoplasm throughout scanti- er than in other forms. Tends to stain a delicate blue in hyaline form and not very dark in mature form. Protoplasm through- out stains more in- tensely and is gen- erally regular in out- line. Circular. 122 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Table XVI—Continued. The Appearance of Malarial Plasmodia in Stained Blood Films ( Stain) PL. VIVAX (tertian) PL. FALCIPARUM (aestivoautumnal) PL. MALARIA (quartan) III. SEXUAL FORMS (a) Female Intense blue proto- plasm. Chromatin is scanty and tends to be peripheral. Stains a brilliant red, and is compact. Pigment is blue; black rods situated peripherally or as a nidcentral areola. Long and slender. Chromatin compact and central. Pro- toplasm deep blue with polar intensi- fication. Pigment is near center in masses or in wreath about the chroma- tin. It is coarse and black. In general as in ter- tian. These forms show more intense staining reaction, are apt to be smaller, and show coarser, darker pigments as in fresh blood. (b) Male Protoplasm stains a faint blue. Chroma- tin is abundant and loose. Stains intense red. Central chroma- tin has an achromat- ic zone. Pigment is greenish blue, fine and diffuse. Chromatin breaks up into 4-8 masses just prior to flagellation. Kidney shaped. Protoplasm stains much lighter blue than female. Chro- matin is not so brilliant and forms loose network often scattered throughout. Pig- ment finer, diffuse, and greenish brown in color. IV. INFECTED CELLS Enlargement notice- able. Often distort- ed, stains poorly. Red or purple stip- pling may occur, especially common in tertian type and oc- curs in cells with early forms. Small size; darker staining. Stippling does not occur. Normal or smaller— takes a dark reddish stain corresponding to brassy look. Stippling very com- mon. Qualitative Tests for Bile Pigments, Bile Salts and Urobilin in Blood Plasma (Blankenhorn, M. A.: Arch. Int. Med., 1917, xix, 344) I. Bile Pigments—Put nitric acid under the plasma in a test tube with a small pipette. A white coagulum is formed at the junction, which soon develops into a white layer of a certain thickness and remains fairly constant as the acid dissolves the coagulum at the lower border and forms it at the upper, thus QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 123 ascending through the plasma. The blue green color develops in a line at the midst of the white zone if bile pigment be present and remains in the same relative position. AYhen the bilirubin is present in small amounts, the blue color may not appear for half an hour. The bilirubin content of the blood is expressed by the dilution required to diminish the staining to a point where it is just per- ceptible in a column one centimeter deep. The plasma must be free from hemolysis. In diluting the plasma with distilled water, a faint precipitate usually appears in suspension, which can be put in solution by a drop of ammonium hydroxide. The end point of the dilution, that is where the yellow color is just perceptible, is found by comparing the solution in a small test tube with a similar column of distilled water. To facilitate reading, the tubes are held parallel and observation made down the length of the tubes. A device which serves to bring the two columns to still more equal terms is to immerse the ends of the tubes in an inch or two of water in an evaporating dish. II. Bile Salts.—Three c.c. of plasma are dialyzed into 9 c.c. of water. The collected dialysate is concentrated and the Pet- tenkofer test applied, and the spectroscopic examination made, if any color develops. For the test, two cubic centimeters of concentrated dialysate are placed in a small flask with two or three drops of a 1 to 1000 aqueous solution of furfurol and two cubic centimeters of concentrated sulphuric acid are added, drop by drop, from a pipette. The contents of the flask is kept at 60 degrees Centigrade by immersing the flask in a bath and keeping the mixture agitated. When the acid is added too rapidly a dark reddish brown color sometimes ap- pears from the charring action of the acid on the small amounts of protein or sugar that dialyze. If the temperature remains much below 60° C., the color fails to develop. The spectrum of the Pettenkofer test for bile salts shows a wide absorption band in the blue when the test is first made and is of a cherry red color. Later as the cherry turns to purple, the band in the blue fades and a smaller band develops in the orange (near I, between D and C). Small amounts of bile salts which give the Pettenkofer test may not give a characteristic spectrum. 124 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Test dialysate for bilirubin also. III. Urobilin.—Precipitate the blood protein by adding one to two volumes of freshly prepared saturated alcoholic solution of zinc acetate and centrifugalize. Add 5 to 10 drops of Ehrlich’s aldehyde reagent (page 19) and a color from pink to dark red develops, which gives the characteristic spectrum if uro- bilin or urobilinogen is present (Fig. 26-A). CHAPTER VII QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD Collection of Blood for Chemical Analysis Blood for chemical analysis should be collected in the morning before the patient has had breakfast. All- specimens except those for calcium determination are to have oxalate added. The optimum amount is one drop of a satu- rated (about 30 per cent) solution of potassium oxalate to each 5 c.c. of blood. If too much oxalate be added the coagulation of the proteins and the uric acid precipitation will be interfered with. For a calcium determination 10 c.c. of blood is run into a test tube containing 0.1 gram of solid sodium citrate and well shaken. The following amounts of blood are necessary: (1) Complete analysis including, Non-protein nitrogen Urea nitrogen Creatinine Uric acid Sugar Chlorides Bicarbonate content 20 c.c. (2) Single determination of any one of the above: 5 e.c. The specimen for the determination of the bicarbonate content is to be collected in a centrifuge tube containing paraffin oil and potassium oxalate. It is very important that specimens for sugar determination be sent to the laboratory immediately after withdrawal as the sugar is quite rapidly destroyed on standing. The blood may be preserved if necessary by adding 1 drop of commercial formalin for each 5 c.c. of blood. 125 126 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS CHRONIC HYPER- EARLY NORMAL TENSIVE CHRONIC UREMIA OR MILD SEVERE MODERATE SEVERE GOUT ARTHRITIS CHOLE- VASCULAR NEPHRITIS DIABETES DIABETES ACIDOSIS ACIDOSIS LITHIASIS DISEASE Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Plasma) Total Nonprotein 7.6-7.8 7.55-7.4 7.4-7.2 Nitrogen 25-35 25-35 35-200 100-375 25-50 25-35 25-100 Urea Nitrogen 10-18 10-20 25-175 75-325 15-30 Uric Acid 1-4 1-4 1-6 5-25 4-10 4-10 1-4 Creatinine 1-2 1-2 1-5 4-33 Creatine 3-7 3-7 3-10 7-18 Sugar Chlorides as NaCl 70-110 120-180 120-230 120-300 300-600 (Plasma) 550-650 550-700 550-750 450-650 Cholesterol Alkali Reserve 150-180 150-180 170-350 150-300 280-950 (c.c. C02 in 100 c.c. plasma) 50-75 30-40 Below 30 Inorganic Phos- phorus as H3 Up to P04 (Plasma) Lipoid Phosphor- 7-10 75 us as H3P04 (Plasma) 20-25 Calcium as Ca (Plasma) 10 1 Compiled from results in the author’s own experience and from numerous other observers. FIGURES IN MILLIGRAM'S PER 100 C.C. BLOOD OR PLASMA. Composition of Normal Blood and Chem'ical Changes in Certain Pathological Conditions! Table XVII QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 127 Fig. 42 shows a convenient bottle to use in obtaining specimens of blood for chemical examination. Fig. 42.—Blood chemical bottle used for collecting blood. Determination of the Relative Hydrogen-Ion Concentration (Levy, Rowntree and Marriott: Arch. Int. Med., 1915, xvi, 389) Principle.—The blood is dialyzed against normal salt solution and the H-ion concentration of the protein-free clialysate is determined by the indicator method, using phenolsulphoneph- thalein. Reagents.—(1) Standard phosphate mixtures prepared accord- ing to Sorensen’s directions as follows: 1/15 mol. acid or primary potassium phosphate. 9.078 grams of the pure recrystallized salt (KH2P04) is dissolved in freshly distilled water and made up to 1 liter. 1/15 mol. alkaline or secondary sodium phosphate. The pure recrystallized salt (NA.2HP04 12II20) is exposed to the air for from ten days to two weeks, protected from dust. Ten mole- cules of water of crystallization are given off and a salt of the formula Na2HP04 211,0 is obtained. 11.876 grams of this is dissolved in freshly distilled water and made up to 1 liter. The solution should give a deep rose-red color with phenol- phthalein. If only a faint pink color is obtained, the salt is not sufficiently pure. 128 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS The solutions are mixed in the proportions indicated below to obtain the desired PH. PH 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 8.0 8.2 8.4 Primary potassium phosphate c.c. 73 63 51 37 32 27 23 19 15.813.211.0 8.8 5.6 3.2 2.0 Secondary sodium phospate c.c. 27 37 49 63 68 73 77 81 84.2 86.8 89.0 91.2 94.4 96.8 98.0 (2) Eight-tenths per cent sodium chloride solution. Before applying the test it is necessary to ascertain whether the solu- tion is free from acids other than carbonic. To determine this, a few cubic centimeters of the salt solution are placed in a pyrex test tube and 1 or 2 drops of the indicator added, whereupon a yellow color appears. On boiling, carbon dioxide is expelled, and the solution loses its lemon color and takes on a slightly brown- ish tint. In the absence of this change other acids are present, and the salt solution is therefore not suitable. If, on the other hand, on adding the indicator, pink at once appears, the solution is alkaline and hence cannot be used. (3) Collodion dialyzing sacs, prepared as follows: One ounce of celloidin is dissolved in 500 c.c. of a mixture of equal quan- tities of ether and ethyl alcohol. The solid swells up and dis- solves with occasional gentle shakings, in 48 hours. As a small amount of brown sediment separates out at first, the solution should stand for at least three or four days, after which the clear supernatant solution is ready for use. A small test tube (120 by 9 mm., inside measurement) is filled with this mixture, inverted, and half the contents poured out. The tube is then righted, and the collodion allowed to fill the lower half again. A second time it is inverted and rotated on its axis, the collodion being drained off. Care must be taken to rotate the tube in order to secure a uniform thickness throughout. The tube is clamped in the in- verted position and allowed to stand for ten minutes, until the odor of ether finally disappears. It is filled five or six times with cold water, or it is allowed to soak five minutes in cold water. A knife blade is run around the upper rim, so as to loosen the sac from the rim of the test tube, and a few cubic centimeters of water are run down between the sac and the glass tube. By gentle pulling the tube is extracted, after which it is preserved by complete immersion in water. Procedure.—One to 3 c.c. of clear serum or of blood is run, by 129 QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD means of a blunt-pointed pipette, into a dialyzing sac which has been washed outside and inside with salt solution. The sac is lowered into a small test tube (100 x 10 mm., inside measurement), containing 3 c.c. of salt solution, until the fluid on the outside of the sac is as high as on the inside. From 5 to 10 minutes are allowed for dialysis. The collodion sac is removed and 5 drops of the indicator (0.01 per cent solution of phenolsulphonephthal- ein) are thoroughly mixed with the dialysate. The tube is then compared with the standards until the corresponding color is found, which indicates the hydrogen-ion concentration present in the dialysate. Readings should be made immediately against a white background. Results are expressed in logarithmic notation. Remarks.—Oxalated blood from normal individuals gives a dial- ysate with a PH varying from 7.4 to 7.6, while that of serum ranges from 7.6 to 7.8. In clinical acidosis figures from 7.55 to 7.2 have been noted by this method for serum and for oxalated blood from 7.3 to 7.1. A rise in the Il-ion concentration of the blood is significant because it indicates a failure on the part of the protective mechanism of the body to preserve the proper reaction. Preparation of Protein Free Blood Filtrates (Folin and Wu: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1919, xxxviii, 81) Collection of Blood Sample.—The blood should be collected over finely powdered potassium oxalate, about 20 mg. for 10 c.c. of blood. Large amounts of oxalate interfere with the coagula- tion of the protein, and may precipitate some of the uric acid. Reagents.— 1. Ten per cent solution of sodium tungstate. 2. Two-thirds normal sulphuric acid solution. This may be prepared by diluting 35 grams of concentrated C.P. sulphuric acid up to a volume of 1 liter. Check by titration. One c.c. of the acid is neutralized by 6% c.c. of N/10 alkali. Procedure.—Transfer a measured amount of oxalated blood, preferably 10 c.c., into a flask having a capacity of fifteen to twenty times that of the volume taken. Dilute with seven vol- umes of water and mix. Add one volume of 10 per cent solution 130 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS of sodium tungstate and mix. With another pipette add one vol- ume of % normal sulphuric acid. Close the mouth of flask with a rubber stopper and give it a few vigorous shakes. Let stand for five minutes. The color of the coagulum changes from bright red to dark brown. If this change in color does not occur, the coagulation is incomplete, usually because too much oxalate has been added. The sample may be saved by adding 10 per cent sulphuric acid one drop at a time, shaking vigorously after each Fig. 43.—Folin and Wu pipette. drop and continuing until there is no foaming and until the dark brown color has set in. Pour the mixture on a filter large enough to hold the entire contents of the flask and cover with a watch glass. The filtration should be begun by pouring the first few cubic centimeters down the double portion of the filter and withholding the remainder until the whole filter is wet. If the filtrate is to be kept longer than two days, a few drops of toluol should be added. Remarks.—To test for excess of II2S04 moisten Congo red paper 131 QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD with the filtrate. It should show negative, or at most, a bare trace of acid. An excess of acid will precipitate some of the uric acid. Some examples of sodium tungstate contain too much sodium carbonate. This may be tested as follows: To 10 centimeters of a 10 per cent solution of the sodium tungstate add one drop of phenolphthalein and titrate with 0.1 N HC1. Each cubic centi- meter of IIC1 is equivalent to 1.06 per cent of Na2C03. The amount of acid used should not exceed 0.4 centimeters if the spec- imen is to be satisfactory for use. Folin states that difficulty is sometimes encountered because the sodium tungstate is not alkaline enough. This may be cor- rected as follows: Prepare 100 c.c. of 10 per cent sodium tung- state using heat if necessary. Cool. Titrate 10 c.c. with normal NaOH to a permanent pink color using phenolphthalein as the indicator. The pink color should persist for 3 minutes after the last addition of alkali. Add to the remainder of the tungstate and to subsequent dilutions the amount of alkali indicated by the titration. The preparation of the protein free filtrate is facilitated by the use of the special Folin pipette (Fig. 43). Determination of Nonprotein Nitrogen Principle.—The protein-free blood filtrate is treated with an acid mixture, which converts the nitrogen into ammonia. The solution is Nesslerized and read against a standard ammonium sulphate solution similarly treated. Reagents.—(1) Acid digestion mixture: Mix 300 c.c. of phos- phoric acid syrup with 100 c.c. of ammonia-free sulphuric acid (concentrated). Transfer to a tall cylinder, cover well to ex- clude the absorption of ammonia, and set aside for sedimentation of calcium sulphate. To 100 c.c. of the clear acid add 10 c.c. of 6 per cent copper sulphate solution and 100 c.c. of water. (2) Nessler’s reagent. (See page 266.) (3) Standard ammonium sulphate solution. (See page 44.) Procedure.—Introduce 5 c.c. of the protein-free blood filtrate (page 129) into a dry 75 c.c. Pyrex test tube (200 x 25 milli- (Folin and Wu: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1919, xxxviii, 81) 132 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Use standard containing 0.3 mg. nitrogen made up to a total volume of 100 c.c. Set standard at 20 or till 20 mm. Bock-Benedict cell. Make total volume of unknown blood up to 50 c.c. Table shows the non-protein nitrogen in mg. per 100 c.c. blood corresponding to the different readings, with 5 c.c., 2 c.c., or 1 c.c. of blood filtrate, using a plunger type colorimeter. USING 5 C.C. OF BLOOD FILTRATE (Non-protein nitrogen in mg. per 100 c.e. blood) USING 2 C.C. OF BLOOD FILTRATE (Non-protein nitrogen in mg. per 100 c.c. blood) USING 1 C.C. OF BLOOD FILTRATE (Non-protein nitrogen in mg. per 100 c.c. blood) Colorimeter reading 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 60.0 58.8 57.8 56.4 55.4 150.0 147.0 144.5 141.0 138.5 300 294 289 282 277 11 54.6 53.6 52.6 51.8 50.8 136.5 134.0 131.5 129.5 127.0 273 268 263 259 254 12 50.0 49.2 48.2 47.6 46.8 125.0 123.0 121.0 119.0 117.0 250 246 242 238 234 13 46.0 45.6 45.0 44.4 43.6 115.0 114.0 112.5 111.0 109.0 230 228 225 222 218 14 42.8 42.2 41.6 41.0 40.6 107.0 105.5 104.0 102.5 101.5 214 211 208 205 203 15 40.0 39.5 ’ 38.9 38.5 38.0 100.0 98.8 97.3 96.3 95.0 200 198 195 193 190 16 37.5 37.0 36.6 36.1 35.7 93.8 92.5 91.5 90.3 89.8 188 185 183 181 179 17 35.3 34.9 34.5 34.1 33.7 88.3 87.3 86.3 85.3 84.3 177 175 173 171 169 18 33.3 33.0 32.6 32.3 31.9 83.3 82.5 81.5 80.8 79.8 167 165 163 162 159 19 31.6 31.2 30.9 30.6 30.3 79.0 78.0 77.3 76.5 75.8 158 156 155 153 152 20 30.0 29.7 29.4 29.1 28.9 75.0 74.3 73.5 72.8 72.3 150 149 147 146 145 21 28.5 28.2 28.0 27.7 27.5 71.3 70.5 70.0 69.3 68.8 143 141 140 139 138 22 27.3 27.0 26.8 26.5 26.3 68.3 67.5 67.0 66.3 65.8 137 135 134 133 132 23 26.1 25.9 25.7 25.4 25.2 65.5 65.0 64.5 63.5 63.0 131 130 129 127 126 24 25.0 24.8 24.6 24.4 24.2 62.5 62.0 61.5 61.0 60.5 125 124 123 122 121 25 24.0 23.8 23.6 23.4 23.3 60.0 59.5 59.0 58.5 58.3 120 119 118 117 116 26 23.0 22.9 22.8 22.7 22.5 57.5 57.3 57.0 56.8 56.3 115 115 114 114 115 27 22.4 22.2 22.0 21.8 21.6 56.0 55.5 55.0 54.5 54.0 111 111 110 109 108 28 21.4 21.3 21.1 21.1 20.8 53.5 53.3 52.8 52.5 52.0 107 107 106 105 104 29 20.7 20.5 20.4 20.3 20.2 51.8 51.3 51.0 50.8 50.05 103 103 102 102 101 Determination op Non-protein Nitrogen in Blood Table XVIII 133 QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD meters) graduated at 35 c.c. and 50 c.c. Add a quartz pebble and 1 c.c. of the sulphuric phosphoric acid mixture. Mix well. Boil vigorously over a micro burner (Fig. 19) until the characteristic dense acid fumes begin to fill up the test tube. Cut down the flame so that the contents just boil and close the mouth of the tube with a watch glass. Heat for two minutes counting from the time the test tube became filled with the fumes. Cool for seventy to ninety seconds and add 15 to 25 c.c. of water. Cool further to room temperature and add water to the 35 c.c. mark. Add 15 c.c. of Nessler solution. If turbid centrifuge. Compare in colorim- eter with standard containing 0.3 milligrams nitrogen (as ammo- nium sulphate). Add to it 2 c.c. of the sulphuric phosphoric acid mixture, about 50 c.c. of water, and 30 c.c. of Nessler Solution. Make up to 100 c.c. and mix. Nesslerize the unknown and the standard at approximately the same time. Calculation.— Set standard at 20 If X is the reading of the unknown. 20 — y 30 — mg. nonprotein nitrogen per 100 c.c. of blood. Remarks.—Normal blood gives by this method 25 to 35 mg. of nonprotein nitrogen per 100 c.c. If the reading is high the determination should be repeated employing 2 or 1 c.c. of the filtrate. A method for checking total nonprotein nitrogen determination is given on page 250. Table XVIII gives the amount of nitrogen corresponding to the colorimeter readings, with a plunger type instrument. Determination of Urea Nitrogen (Van Slyke and Cullen: Modification of Marshall Method, Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., 1914, Ixii, 1558) Principle.—The urea in the blood is converted into ammonium carbonate by urease. The ammonia is liberated by a strong alkali, removed by the passage of a strong air current, and col- 134 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS lected in N/100 sulphuric acid. The excess of acid is then titrated with N/100 alkali. Reagents.— (1) Urease tablets (Hynson, Westcott and Dunning or Squibb). (2) N/100 sulphuric acid. (3) N/100 sodium hydroxide. (4) Saturated solution of potassium carbonate (90 gm. per 100 c.c.). (5) Alizarin (1 per cent sodium-alizarin sulphonate in 50 per cent alcohol). Procedure.—Run 3 c.c. of oxalated blood into a large test tube (Fig. 20) containing about 10 c.c. of ammonia-free distilled water. Add 2 urease tablets (powdered). Leave at room temperature for 30 minutes. Add a teaspoonful of salt, a few drops of foam killer, (see page 272) and finally 5 c.c. of a saturated solution of potas- sium carbonate. Drive off the ammonia by aspiration into an- other tube “B” containing 15 c.c. of hundredth-normal sulphuric acid and 1 drop of alizarin for one hour. Titrate the excess of acid with hundredth-normal sodium hydroxide. Calculation.—Each cubic centimeter of acid neutralized indi- cates 10 mg. of urea per 100 c.c. blood, or 4.67 mg. of urea nitro- gen per 100 c.c. blood. In case the blood is one of the rare sam- ples containing over 150 mg. urea per 100 c.c., all the acid wrill be neutralized and it will be necessary to repeat the determination, using only 1 c.c. blood. Fresh blood contains so little ammonia it may be disregarded. Remarks.—The amount of urea nitrogen found in normal blood is 10 to 18 mg. per 100 c.c. A slow current of air should be used during the first two min- utes of aspiration. The column of acid in the tube should be at least 50 mm. high. The solution from which the ammonia is driven must contain at least 1 gram of potassium carbonate for each 2 c.c. of solution. A blank determination should be run with each new lot of chemicals and the necessary deduction be made if any ammonia is found. The air used for aerating should be run through a wash bottle containing sulphuric acid. QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 135 The figure obtained for urea nitrogen may be converted into urea by dividing by the factor 0.467. Table XIX shows the blood urea nitrogen values correspond- ing to the amount of sodium hydroxide used to titrate the excess of sulphuric acid. A method for checking urea nitrogen determinations is given on page 250. Table XIX Take 3 c.c. of blood and 15 c.e. of N/100 H,S04. Table shows the blood urea nitrogen in milligrams per 100 c.c. of blood corresponding to the number of c.c. of N/100 NaOH required to titrate the excess of N/100 H,S04. Determination of Blood Urea Nitrogen c.c. NaOH REQUIRED 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0 70.05 69.58 69.12 68.65 68.18 67.71 67.25 66.78 66.31 65.85 1 65.38 64.91 64.45 63.98 63.51 63.05 62.58 62.11 61.64 61.18 2 60.71 60.24 59.78 59.31 58.84 58.38 57.91 57.44 56.97 56.51 3 56.04 55.57 55.11 54.64 54.17 53.71 53.24 52.77 52.30 51.83 4 51.37 50.90 50.44 49.97 49.50 49.04 48.57 48.10 47.63 47.17 5 46.70 46.23 45.77 45.28 44.83 44.36 43.90 43.43 42.96 42.50 6 42.03 41.56 41.10 40.63 40.16 39.70 39.23 38.76 38.29 37.83 7 37.36 36.89 36.43 35.96 35.49 35.03 34.56 34.09 33.62 33.16 8 32.69 32.22 31.76 31.25 30.82 30.36 29.89 29.42 28.95 28.49 9 28.02 27.55 27.09 26.62 26.15 25.68 25.22 24.75 24.28 23.82 10 23.35 22.88 22.42 21.95 21.48 21.01 20.55 20.08 19.61 19.15 11 18.60 18.21 17.75 17.28 16.81 16.35 15.88 15.41 14.94 14.48 12 14.01 13.54 13.08 12.61 12.14 11.68 11.21 10.74 10.27 9.81 13 9.34 8.87 8.41 7.94 7.47 7.00 6.54 6.07 5.60 5.14 14 4.67 4.20 3.74 3.27 2.80 2.34 1.87 1.40 0.93 0.47 Determination of Uric Acid (Benedict, S. R., Jour. Biol. Chem., 1922, li, 187) Principle.—The tungstic acid blood filtrate is heated in a water-bath with a special uric acid reagent. A deep blue color is developed, the intensity of which is compared with that of a standard uric acid solution similarly treated. Reagents.— 1. Benedict’s Uric Acid Reagent.—One hundred grams of pure sodium tungstate are placed in a liter flask and dissolved in about 600 c.c. of water. Fifty grams of pure arsenic pentoxide are now 136 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS added, followed by 25 c.c. of 85 per cent phosphoric acid and 20 c.c. of hydrochloric acid. The mixture is boiled for 20 min- utes, cooled and diluted to 1 liter. The reagent appears to keep indefinitely. 2. Standard Uric Acid Solution.—Dissolve 9.0 grams of pure crystalline hydrogen disodium phosphate and 1.0 gram of dihy- drogen sodium phosphate in 200 to 300 c.c. of hot distilled water. Pour this warm, clear solution on 200 mg. of pure uric acid sus- pended in a few c.c. of water in a 1000 c.c. volumetric flask. Agi- tate until completely dissolved. Add at once exactly 1.4 c.c. of glacial acetic acid. Make up to 1000 c.c. Mix and add 5 c.c. of chloroform. One c.c. of this solution contains 0.2 mg. uric acid. This stock solution should be freshly prepared every two months. The standard solution for use in the determination of uric acid in blood is made from the stock solution by measuring 10 c.c., containing 2 mg. of uric acid, into a 500 c.c. volumetric flask half filled with distilled water. Twenty-five c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid (1 volume concentrated acid diluted to 10 volumes with water) are added and the flask filled to the mark with distilled water. This solution contains 0.02 mg. uric acid in 5 c.c. The solution should be made fresh once in two weeks. 3. Five per cent sodium cyanide solution containing 2 c.c. of concentrated ammonia per liter. This solution should be made up fresh once in 2 months. Procedure.—The blood is precipitated with tungstic acid as de- scribed under the preparation of protein-free blood filtrates (page 129). The blood should be allowed to stand at least 10 to 20 minutes after adding the tungstate and sulphuric acid before fil- tration. The use of excess acid in the precipitation is to be avoided. Five c.c. of the water clear filtrate are transferred to a test tube and 5 c.c. of water added. Five c.c. of the standard solution containing 0.02 mg. uric acid are placed in another tube and the volume likewise made up to 10 c.c. To both standard and unknown are added 4 c.c. of the 5 per cent sodium cyanide solution containing 2 c.c. of concentrated ammonia per liter. The cyanide should always be measured from a burette. To each tube is then added 1 c.c. of the uric acid reagent. The contents of the tube should be mixed by one inversion after the addition of the reagent and placed immediately in boiling water where the QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 137 tubes should be left 5 minutes after the inversion of the last tube, but the time elapsing between the immersion of the first and last tubes should not exceed one minute. Exactly three minutes after the last tube is immersed the tubes are removed and placed in a large beaker of cold water for three minutes and read in a col- orimeter against the standard as soon as may be convenient. It is best to read within 5 minutes. S ——x 4 = mg. uric acid per 100 c.c. blood, when S represents K the height of the standard and R the reading of the unknown solution. Remarks.—The normal figure by this method is about 3 mg. uric acid per 100 c.c. blood. No evidence of definite uric acid retention is evident before a figure of 4.0 mg. or over per 100 c.c. is reached. Table XX Determination of Uric Acid in Blood Take 5 e.c. or 2.5 c.c. of the protein-free blood filtrate and make up to a final volume of 15 e.c. Use 5 c.c. of the standard uric acid solution containing 0.02 mg. uric acid and make up to a final volume of 15 c.c. Set standard at 20, or fill 20 mm. Bock-Benedict cell. Table shows the uric acid in milligrams per 100 c.c. blood corresponding to the different colorimeter readings using a plunger type instrument. Using 5 c.c. op Blood Filtrate (Urie acid in mg. per 100 c.c. blood) Using 2.5 c.c. op Blood Filtrate (Uric acid in mg. per 100 c.c. blood) COLORIM- ETER 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 READING 12 6.7 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.2 13.3 13.1 12.9 12.7 12.5 13 6.1 6.1 6.0 5.9 5.8 12.3 12.1 11.9 11.8 11.6 14 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.4 11.4 11.3 11.1 10.9 10.8 15 5.3 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.1 10.7 10.5 10.4 10.2 10.1 16 5.0 4.9 4.9 4.8 4.8 10.0 9.9 9.8 9.6 9.5 17 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.1 9.0 18 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.3 4.2 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.5 19 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.1 4.0 8.4 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 20 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.9 3.8 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.6 21 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.7 3.7 7.6 7.5 7.5 7.4 7.3 22 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.5 7.3 7.2 7.2 7.1 7.0 23 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 6.9 6.9 6.8 6.8 6.7 24 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 6.7 6.6 6.6 6.5 6.4 25 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.1 6.4 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.2 26 3.1 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.0 6.0 27 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 5.9 5.9 5.8 5.8 5.8 138 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS If the reading is high it is best to repeat the determination using 2.5 c.c. of blood filtrate instead of 5 c.c. It is essential that the volume of the unknown and of the standard be the same during the period of the reaction. Hence, if only 2.5 c.c. of filtrate be used, distilled water must be added to bring the volume up to 10 c.c. before the addition of the cya- nide and reagent. A method for checking uric acid determinations is given on page 251. Determination of Creatinine (Folin and Wu: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1919, xxxviii, 81) Principle.—On adding picric acid and sodium hydroxide to a solution containing creatinine, a deep red color is produced. The intensity of this in the protein-free blood filtrate is compared with that of a standard creatinine solution similarly treated. Reagents.—(1) Alkaline picrate solution made by adding 5 c.c. of 10 per cent sodium hydroxide to 25 c.c. of saturated picric acid solution. The picric acid should be tested as described under “Determination of Creatinine in Urine,” page 52. (2) Standard creatinine solution prepared as follows: Transfer to a liter flask 6 c.c. of a standard creatinin solution containing 1 mg. of creatinine per cubic centimeter (see page 52) ; add 10 c.c. of normal hydrochloric acid, dilute to mark with water and mix. Transfer to a bottle, add 4 to 5 drops xylol. Five c.c. of this solution contain 0.03 mg. of creatinine and this amount plus 15 c.c. of water represents the standard needed for most bloods, as it covers the range of 1 to 2 mg. per 100 c.c. If needed 10 c.c. of this standard and 10 c.c. of water may be used for the range of 2 to 4 mg. per 100 c.c.; 15 c.c. of the standard and 5 c.c. of water for the range of 4 to 6 mg. per 100 c.c.; or 20 c.c. of the standard for the range of 6 to 8 mg. per 100 c.c. of blood. Procedure.—Transfer 10 c.c. of protein-free blood filtrate (see page 129) to a small flask or test tube, transfer 5 centimeters of the standard creatinine solution to another flask and dilute the standard to 20 c.c. Then add 5 c.c. of the freshly prepared alkaline picrate solution to the blood filtrate and 10 c.c. to the QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 139 USING 5 C. C. STANDARD (Creatinine in mg. per 100 c. c. blood) USING 10 C. C. STANDARD (Creatinine in mg. per 100 e. c. blood) USING 15 C. C. STANDARD (Creatinine in mg. per 100 c. c. blood) USING 20 C. C. STANDARD (Creatinine in mg. per 100 c. c. blood) Colorimeter Reading 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 10 3 0 2 9 2 9 2 8 2 8 6 0 5 9 5 8 5 6 5 5 9 0 8 9 8 7 8 5 8 3 12 0 11 8 11 6 11 3 11 1 11 2 7 2 7 2 6 2 6 2 5 5 5 5 4 5 3 5 2 5 1 8 2 8 0 7 9 7 8 7 6 10 9 10 7 10 5 10 4 10 2 12 2 5 2 5 2 4 2 4 2 3 5 0 4 9 4 8 4 8 4 7 7 5 7 4 7 3 7 1 7 0 10 0 9 8 9 7 9 5 9 4 13 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 6 4 6 4 5 4 4 4 4 6 9 6 8 6 8 6 7 6 5 9 2 9 1 9 0 8 9 8 7 14 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 0 4 3 4 2 4 2 4 1 4 1 6 4 6 3 6 2 6 2 6 1 8 6 8 5 8 3 8 2 8 1 15 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 9 1 9 4 0 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 8 6 0 5 9 5 9 5 8 5 7 8 0 7 9 7 8 7 7 7 6 16 1 9 1 9 1 8 1 8 1 8 3 8 3 7 3 7 3 6 3 6 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 4 5 4 7 5 7 4 7 3 7 2 7 1 17 1 8 1 8 1 7 1 7 1 7 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 4 3 4 5 3 5 3 5 2 5 1 5 1 7 1 7 0 6 9 6 8 6 7 18 1 7 1 7 1 6 1 6 1 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 5 0 5 0 4 9 4 9 4 8 6 7 6 6 6 5 6 5 6 4 19 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 5 1 5 3 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 0 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 6 4 6 6 3 6 2 6 2 6 1 6 1 20 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 3 0 3 0 2 9 2 9 2 9 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 0 5 9 5 9 5 8 5 8 21 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 2 9 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 4 3 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 1 5 7 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 22 1 4 1 4 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 6 4 1 4 1 4 0 4 0 4 0 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 3 5 3 23 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 5 2 5 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 8 3 8 5 2 5 2 5 1 5 1 5 0 24 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 4 2 4 3 8 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 6 5 0 5 0 4 9 4 9 4 8 25 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 3 2 3 3 6 3 6 3 5 3 5 3 5 4 8 4 8 4 7 4 7 4 7 26 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 5 3 5 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 5 4 5 27 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 4 3 4 3 4 2 4 2 4 2 29 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 0 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 0 Use 10 c.c. of protein-free blood filtrate made up to a final volume of 15 c.c. Make final volume of the standard up to 30 c.c. Set standard at 20, or fill 20 mm. Bock-Benedict cell. The following table shows the creatinine in mg. per 100 c.c. blood corresponding to the different readings with 5, 10, 15 or 20 c.c., of the standard creatinine solution, using a plunger type colorimeter. Determination of Creatinine in Blood Table XXI 140 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS diluted creatinine solution. Let stand for eight to ten minutes and compare in colorimeter. Never omit to first ascertain that the two fields of this colorimeter are equal when both cups con- tain this standard creatinine picrate solution. The color com- parison should be completed within 15 minutes from the time the alkaline picrate was added. Calculation.—Set standard at 20. If R is the reading of the unknown, - = miUigrams of creatinine in 100 c.c. of blood provided 5 c.c. of the standard has been used. If 10 c.c. of standard be taken multiply by 3 instead of 1.5; if 15 c.c., multiply by 4.5; if 20 c.c., multiply by 6. Remarks.—The blood of a normal individual contains 1 to 2 mg. creatinine per 100 c.c. If the creatinine content is near normal the colors are so light it is difficult to match them well. If the standard solution is made up in saturated picric acid solution and the protein-free blood filtrate is saturated with picric acid by shaking with a few crystals for 5 minutes before adding the other reagents the color will be darker and the readings made easier. A method for checking creatinine determinations is given on page 251. If the readings are high the test should be repeated using a larger amount of standard. Table XXI shows the creatinine corresponding to the different readings with a plunger type colorimeter. Determination of Creatine (Folin and Wu: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1919, xxxviii, 81) Principle.—On heating creatine with dilute mineral acids, it is dehydrated and its anhydride creatinine formed. The cre- atinine is then determined as for preformed creatinine. Procedure.—Transfer 5 c.c. of the protein-free blood filtrate to a test tube graduated at 25 c.c. Add 1 c.c. of normal hydro- chloric acid. Cover the mouth of this test tube with tin foil and heat in autoclave to 130° C. for 20 minutes, cool, and add 5 c.c. of alkaline picrate solution prepared by adding 5 c.c. of 10 per cent sodium hydroxide to 25 c.c. saturated picric acid solution. QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 141 Let stand for 8 to 10 minutes, then dilute to 25 c.c. The stand- ard solution required is 30 c.c. of creatine solution made as de- scribed under creatinine determination in a 50 c.c. volumetric flask. Add to this 2 c.c. of normal acid and 10 c.c. of the al- kaline picrate solution, and after 10 minutes’ standing, dilute to 50 c.c. Calculation.—Set standard at 20. If R be the reading of the unknown solution. = creatine plus creatinine in milligrams per 100 R c.c. of blood. Remarks.—The normal value for total creatinine by this method is about 6 mg. per 100 c.c. of blood. Determination of Sugar (Folin and Wu: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1919, xxxviii, 81; xli, 367) Principle.—A weakly alkaline copper tartrate solution on heat- ing with the tungstic acid blood filtrate is reduced by the glucose contained therein to cuprous oxide. On adding a special molyb- date-phosphate reagent an intense blue color is developed by the action of the reagent on the cuprous oxide. This is compared with a standard solution of glucose similarly treated. Reagents.— 1. Standard sugar solution. Dissolve one gram of pure an- hydrous dextrose in water and dilute to a volume of 100 c.c. Mix, add a few drops of xylol or toluol, and bottle. Dilute 5 c.c. of this stock solution to 500 c.c., giving a solution containing 1 mg. of dextrose per 10 c.c. Similarly dilute 10 c.c. to 500 c.c., giving a solution containing 2 mg. of dextrose per 10 c.c. The stock solution is permanent; the dilutions from the stock solu- tion should be made each month. 2. Alkaline copper solution. Dissolve 40 grams of anhy- drous sodium carbonate in about 400 c.c. of water and transfer to a liter flask. Add 7.5 grams of tartaric acid and when the latter has dissolved add 4.5 grams of crystallized copper sul- phate; mix and make up to a volume of one liter. If the car- bonate used is impure, a sediment may be formed in the course 142 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS of a week or two. If this happens, decant the clear solution into another bottle. Two c.c. of this solution when mixed with 2 e.c. of the molybdate phosphate reagent, should show no color. Two c.c. should be decolorized by 1.4 c.c. normal acid. 3'. Molybdate-phosphate solution. Transfer to a liter beaker 35 grams of molybdic acid and 5 grams of sodium tungstate. Add 200 c.c. of 10 per cent sodium hydroxide and 200 c.c. of water. Boil vigorously for 20 to 40 minutes so as to remove nearly the whole of the ammonia present in the molybdic acid. (Test with litmus paper.) Cool, dilute to about 350 c.c. and add 125 c.c. of concentrated (85 per cent) phosphoric acid. Dilute to 500 c.c. Fig. 44.—Folin blood sugar tube. Procedure.—Transfer 2 c.c. of the tungstic acid blood filtrate (see page 129) to a special Folin blood sugar tube (Fig. 44), grad- uated to 25 c.c. To two other similar tubes add 2 c.c. of stand- ard sugar solution containing 0.2 and 0.4 mg. of dextrose respectively. To each tube add 2 c.c. of the alkaline copper tar- trate solution. The surface of the solution must now have reached the restricted portion of the tube. If the bulb is too large, a little but not more than 0.5 c.c. of 1:1 dilution of the copper solution may be added. Heat the tubes in boiling water-bath for six minutes. Cool in water-bath without shaking for 2 to 3 minutes. Add 2 c.c. of the phosphate molybdate solution. After the cuprous oxide is dissolved, dilute to 25 c.c. mark. Insert a 143 QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD rubber stopper in the tube and mix. Compare the unknown solu- tion in the colorimeter with the standard set at 20 millimeters. Calculation.'— If R is reading of unknown: 20 x 100 = milligrams of glucose per 100 c.c. of blood when the wTeaker standard is used. 20 x 200 == milligrams of glucose per 100 c.c. of blood when the stronger standard is used. Determination of Glucose in Blood Table XXII IJse 2 c.c. of the protein-free blood filtrate made up to 25 c.c. and 2 c.c. of the standard made up to a similar volume. Set standard at 20 or fill 20 mm. Bock-Benedict ceil. Table shows the glucose in mg. per 100 c.c. blood corresponding to colorimeter readings with the two different standards, using an instrument of the plunger type. STANDARD NO. 1 CONTAINING 1 MG. GLUCOSE IN 10 C.C. (Glucose in mg. per 100 c.c. blood). STANDARD NO. 2 CONTAINING 2 MG, GLUCOSE IN 10 C.C. (Glucose in mg. per 100 c.c. blood). COLORIMETER READING 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 5 400 385 370 357 345 800 769 740 714 689 6 333 323 313 303 294 667 645 625 606 588 7 286 278 270 263 256 571 555 540 526 512 8 250 244 238 233 227 500 487 476 465 454 9 222 217 213 209 204 444 434 425 417 408 10 200 196 192 189 185 400 392 384 377 370 11 182 179 175 172 169 363 357 350 344 338 12 167 164 161 159 156 333 327 322 317 312 13 154 152 149 147 145 307 303 298 295 290 14 143 141 139 137 135 286 282 278 273 270 15 133 132 130 128 127 267 263 260 256 254 16 125 124 122 121 119 250 247 244 241 238 17 118 116 115 114 112 236 233 230 227 224 18 111 110 109 108 106 222 220 218 215 212 19 105 104 103 102 101 211 209 206 204 202 20 100 99 98 97 96 200 198 196 194 192 21 95 94 93 93 91 189 188 187 185 183 22 91 90 89 88 87 182 180 179 177 175 23 87 86 86 85 84 173 172 171 169 .168 24 83 83 82 81 81 167 165 164 163 161 25 80 79 79 78 78 160 159 158 156 155 26 77 76 76 75 75 154 153 152 150 149 27 74 74 73 73 72 147 147 146 145 144 28 71 71 71 70 69 142 142 140 140 139 29 69 69 68 68 67 137 137 136 135 134 144 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Remarks.—The blood of normal fasting individuals contains 80 to 120 mg. glucose per 100 c.c. Table XXII shows the blood sugar values corresponding to the different colorimeter readings, with a plunger type of instru- ment. A method for checking blood sugar determinations is given on page 250. (Janney and Isaacson: Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., 1918, lxx, 1131) Principle.—Glucose is taken by mouth and the blood sugar is determined at regular intervals. The patient takes no food after the evening meal of the day preceding the test. Procedure—Five c.c. of blood are obtained by venipuncture and run into a test tube, containing a few crystals of potassium oxalate. One and five-tenths grams of glucose are given for each kilogram of body weight. The glucose is best given in a 50 per cent solution flavored with lemon. Five c.c. of blood are obtained at 30 minute intervals for the next hour, and at the end of two hours, three hours and of four hours. A blood sugar determination is made on each specimen by the Folin method (page 141). A specimen of urine is collected each time the blood is taken and tested for sugar by Benedict’s solution. The results are recorded as follows: Blood Sugar Tolerance Test Sugar Tolerance Test ( grams glucose given by mouth) Blood, sugar per 100 c.c. Urine sugar per cent Fasting Mgms. per cent 30 Min. 1 i << 60 Min. C < < i 2 Hrs. 6 ( ( t 3 Hrs. i L 4 Hrs. «i ( i Remarks.—The typically normal blood sugar tolerance curve shows the following: 1. Blood sugar before the glucose is taken 70-120 mg. per 100 c.c. 2. Blood sugar within an hour after taking the glucose rises to 130 to 180 mg. per 100 c.c., this representing the peak of the curve. 145 QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 3. Blood sugar returns to normal fasting level within 2 to 2y2 hours. The urine shows no sugar normally. Fig. 45 shows several types of curves obtained in blood sugar tolerance tests. Blood Sugnr (Mgms. per 100 c.c. blood) Time in hours after ingestion of glucose Fig. 45.—Types of curves obtained in blood sugar tolerance test, Curve of a normal individual. Curve of a mild diabetic. Curve of a severe diabetic. Determination of Chlorides (McLean and Van Slyke, Jour. Biol. Chem., 1915, xxi, 361; Gettler, A.O., Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1921, lxxvii, 1652) The chlorides may be determined in whole blood or in plasma. The chlorides are not uniformly distributed in blood and plasma, the whole blood containing a smaller amount. Hence the varia- tion in plasma chlorides is more marked. It is more accurate, however, to make the determination on whole blood since unless the plasma is separated from the red cells almost immediately after withdrawal, its chlorides increase at the expense of the 146 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS corpuscles due to the passage of carbon dioxide from plasma to the corpuscles or its escape into the air. Principle.—The proteins of the blood or plasma are precipi- tated with sodium tungstate and sulphuric acid as described under the preparation of protein-free blood filtrates (page 129). The chlorides in the filtrate are precipitated with silver nitrate, the silver chloride is filtered off, and the excess silver nitrate determined by titration with potassium iodide in the presence of nitrous acid and starch. Reagents.—(1) AgN03 solution (1 c.c. equivalent to 2 mg. NaCl). Silver nitrate 5.812 grains Nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.42) 250.0 c.c. Water to 1000.0 c.c. (2) M/117 potassium iodide solution (4 c.c. equivalent to 1 c.c. of the silver nitrate). Potassium iodide 1.419 grams Water to 1000.0 c.c. The potassium iodide crystals are dissolved in less than a liter of water and standardized by adding 5 c.c. of the starch solution to 5 c.c. of the silver solution and titrating with the iodide to the first appearance of green color. The solution of potassium iodide is then diluted so that 20 c.c. are exactly equivalent to 5 c.c. of the silver solution. (3) Starch solution: Sodium citrate (Na3C6H507 plus 5-J H20) .... 446.0 grams Soluble starch 2.5 grams Sodium nitrite 20.0 grams Water to 1000.0 c.c. Dissolve the starch in 500 c.c. of warm water, add the salts, heat to the boiling point, and boil vigorously for ten minutes. While still hot, filter through cotton, wash the filter with hot water, and after cooling, make filtrate up to 1000 c.c. The citrate solution becomes cloudy on standing, but keeps indefinitely. It is desirable to add a few cubic centimeters of chloroform to pre- vent the growth of moulds in the solution. The citrate is neces- sary to regulate the acidity for the endpoint, the nitrite to lib- erate the iodine from the iodide. QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 147 Procedure.—Pipette 20 c.c. of tlie protein-free filtrate from whole blood or plasma, prepared as described on page 129, into a dry beaker. If the determination is made on plasma, for each volume of plasma eight volumes of water and one-half volume each of 10 per cent sodium tungstate and % normal sulphuric acid are added; that is, for 4 c.c. of plasma, 32 c.c. of water, and 2 c.c. each of the tungstate and acid would be added. Add 10 c.c. of the silver nitrate solution. Shake and allow to stand at least ten minutes. It is preferable to allow it to stand overnight. Centri- fuge or filter through a dry filter paper. Pipette 15 c.c. into a casserole or beaker, add 5 c.c. of the starch citrate solution and titrate with the M/117 potassium iodide to the first ap- pearance of green color. As the endpoint is approached it is advisable, in order to avoid overrunning it, to pause after the addition of each drop of iodide, because the green color requires several seconds to develop. Calculation.—The 10 c.c. of filtrate used in the determination are equivalent to 1 c.c. of plasma or blood: c cKI NaCl in mg. per 100 c.c. = (10 —-) 100 Remarks.—Plasma normally contains 570 to 620 mg. of chlo- rides calculated as sodium chloride per 100 c.c.; whole blood con- tains 470 to 520 mg. In the titration the final acidity is the most important factor. The green color is best developed'in slightly acid solution. Too much acid abolishes the blue or green color leaving only the brown color of the iodine liberated by the nitrous acid. If the solution is not acid enough no color at all will be formed because it is necessary for nitrous acid to be present to liberate hydrogen iodide from the potassium iodide. When a blue color is formed after the addition of each drop of iodide during the titration it is an indication that the optimum acidity is approximated. The sodium tungstate solution used in the determination should be checked against contamination by chloride. This is done by mixing one volume of the 10 per cent sodium tungstate with two volumes of concentrated nitric acid and filtering into a test tube containing silver nitrate. There should be no cloud. The tungstic acid filtrate should give no precipitate with an equal volume of nitric acid. 148 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Table XXIII shows the chloride corresponding to the amount of potassium iodide used in titrating the excess of silver nitrate. A method for checking chloride determinations is given on page 252. Table XXIII Determination of Chlorides in Blood Take 15 c.c. of the filtrate after the addition of silver nitrate. Table shows the number of milligrams of NaCl per 100 c.c. of plasma cor- responding to the number of c.c. of KI used to titrate the excess of silver nitrate. M H M m H P hrf O rfi.COtO|_iO00~qC5Clt|i. 1 2 P o OOlOOlOOlOCnOUlO ooooooooooo botowt£.£*.CNOi®>a5~3~ci o O^O^Orf^Orf^Ohf'-O oioioioioioiuoiaoiw taww^^wcics®^^ o O^O^-O^O^Orf^CD oooooooooo o f003 05^^0lCl0505^~^ o OOOJOOOJCOWCDMlXICOOO OtUlUimOlOlCriCNWOlCn Mww^^woiaoisM 00 CO GO CO 00 CO 00 CO GO CO 00 ooooooooooo K)03W^^O!ClO50i -q tO -q tO -q tO ClUlOlOlUlOlOlOlOlOlOl nojwifk^Maaa^s o S»S»SMSM<|KIN ooooooooooo toosw^^oioiaa^s o QMOJMOiMCiHOJHOi ox Ol Ol 01 o\ o\ Ol o\ Ol o\ V\ bOWOOLli.^010l0505~4-<) ooooooooooo GO tswWrfi^aoiaaMS o oiboiowowooiooi moio\oiuioioia ie ne carr^ed across horizontally to the column which is headed by the temperature at which the reading was made, and the result read off. This is expressed in terms of c.c. of carbon dioxide bound by 100 c.c. of plasma, re- duced to 0 degrees, and a barometric pressure of 760 mm. Plasma of normal adults yields 0.65 to 0.9 c.c. of gas, indicating 53 to 77 volume per cent of C02 chemically bound by the plasma. QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 169 Figures lower than 50 per cent in adults indicate acidosis. If the figure goes below 30 the symptoms of acid intoxication usually appear, and with further fall, rapidly intensify. The normal fig- ures for infants appear to be 40 to 55 per cent,—much lower than for adults. Caution in Setting up Apparatus.—The jaws of the clamp in which the apparatus is held should be lined with thick soft rub- ber. The apparatus has to be clamped very tightly because of the weight of the mercury. In order to prevent the apparatus from slipping out of the clamp an iron rod should be so arranged as to project under the lower stopcock, so that it will support the apparatus from this point in case it should at any time slip down from the clamp. Table XXIX facilitates calculation of the results. It con- tains corrections for the air (about 0.05 c.c.) dissolved by the 2.5 c.c. of water introduced into the apparatus, for an approxi- mately equal volume of C02 physically dissolved by the 1 c.c. of plasma in addition to that chemically bound as bicarbonate, also corrections for temperature, pressure, and vapor tension neces- sary to reduce the gas volume to standard conditions; viz., tem- perature of 0° C. and pressure of 760 mm. Showing Barometer Coefficients Table XXVIII B Values are given below for the ratio - over the range usually encountered. BAROMETER B BAROMETER B 760 760 732 0.963 756 0.995 734 0.966 758 0.997 736 0.968 760 1.000 738 0.971 762 1.003 740 0.974 964 1.006 742 0.976 766 1.008 744 0.979 768 1.011 746 0.981 770 1.013 748 0.984 772 1.016 750 0.987 774 1.018 752 0.989 776 1.021 754 0.992 778 1.024 170 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Table XXIX For Calculation of Carbon Dioxide Combining Power of Plasma Observed vcl. gas x B 760 C.c. of C02 reduced 760 mm. bound as bonate by 100 c.c. plasma to 0° biear- , of Observed vol. gas x B 760 C.c. of C02 reduced to 0° 760 mm. bound as bicar- bonate by 100 c.c. of plasma 15° 20° 25° 30° 15° 20° 25° 30° 0.20 9.1 9.9 10.7 11.8 0.60 47.7 48.1 48.5 48.6 1 10.1 10.9 11.7 12.6 1 48.7 49.0 49.4 49.5 2 11.0 11.8 12.6 13.5 2 49.7 50.0 50.4 50.4 3 12.0 12.8 13.6 14.3 3 50.7 51.0 51.3 41.4 4 13.0 13.7 14.5 15.2 4 51.6 51.9 52.2 52.3 5 13.9 14.7 15.5 16.1 5 52.6 52.8 53.2 53.2 6 14.9 15.7 16.4 17.0 6 53.6 53.8 54.1 54.1 7 15.9 16.6 17.4 18.0 7 54.5 54.8 55.1 55.1 8 16.8 17.6 18.3 18.9 8 55.5 55.7 56.0 56.0 9 17.8 18.5 19.2 19.8 9 56.5 56.7 57.0 56.9 0.30 18.8 19.5 20.2 20.8 0.70 57.4 57.6 57.9 57.9 1 19.7 20.4 21.1 21.7 1 58.4 58.6 58.9 58.8 2 20.7 21.4 22.1 22.6 2 59.4 59.5 59.8 59.7 3 21.7 22.3 23.0 23.5 3 60.3 60.5 60.7 60.6 4 22.6 23.2 24.0 24.5 4 61.3 61.4 61.7 61.6 5 23.6 24.2 24.9 25.4 5 62.3 62.4 62.6 62.5 6 24.6 25.2 25.8 26.3 6 63.2 63.3 63.6 63.4 7 25.5 26.2 26.8 27.3 7 64.2 64.3 64.5 64.3 8 26.5 27.1 27.7 28.2 8 65.2 65.3 65.5 65.3 9 27.5 28.1 28.7 29.1 9 66.1 66.2 66.4 66.2 0.40 28.4 29.0 29.6 30.0 0.80 67.1 67.2 67.3 67.1 1 29.4 30.0 30.5 31.0 1 68.1 68.1 68.3 68.0 2 30.3 30.9 31.5 31.9 2 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.0 3 31.3 31.9 32.4 32.8 3 70.0 70.0 70.2 69.9 4 32.3 32.8 33.4 33.8 4 71.0 71.0 71.1 70.8 5 33.2 33.8 34.3 34.7 5 71.9 72.0 72.1 71.8 6 34.2 34.7 35.3 35.6 6 72.9 72.9 73.0 72.7 7 35.2 35.7 36.2 36.5 7 73.9 73.9 74.0 73.6 8 36.1 36.6 37.2 37.4 8 74.8 74.8 74.9 74.5 9 37.1 37.6 38.1 38.4 9 75.8 75.8 75.8 75.4 0.50 38.1 38.5 39.0 39.3 0.90 76.8 76.7 76.8 76.4 1 39.1 39.5 40.0 40.3 1 77.8 77.7 77.7 77.3 2 40.0 40.4 40.9 41.2 2 78.7 78.8 78.7 78.2 3 41.0 41.4 41.9 42.1 3 79.7 79.6 79.6 79.2 4 42.0 42.4 42.8 43.0 4 80.7 80.5 80.6 80.1 5 42.9 43.3 43.8 43.9 5 81.6 81.5 81.5 81.0 6 43.9 44.3 44.7 44.9 6 82.6 82.5 82.4 82.0 7 44.9 45.3 45.7 45.8 7 83.6 83.4 83.4 82.9 8 45.8 46.2 46.6 46.7 8 84.5 84.4 84.3 83.8 9 46.8 47.1 47.5 47.6 9 85.5 85.3 85.2 84.8 0.60 47.7 48.1 48.5 48.6 1.00 86.5 86.2 86.2 85.7 QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 171 Determination of the Oxygen Binding Capacity of Blood (Gasometric Hemoglobin Estimation) (Van Slyke, D. D., Jour. Biol. Chem., 1918, xxxvi, 127; Van Slyke, D. D., and Stadie, W. C., Jour. Biol. Chem., 1921, 1, 49) Principle.—The Van Slyke apparatus (Fig. 49) used for deter- mining the carbonic acid binding power of the blood plasma may be used with equal facility for determining the oxygen binding power of blood. The oxygen in a measured amount of blood is set free from combination with the oxyhemoglobin by the addi- tion of potassium ferricyanide. The oxygen is then extracted in the Van Slyke apparatus and measured at atmospheric pressure. Reagents.—(1) 1 per cent saponin (Merck) solution. (2) 20 per cent potassium ferricyanide. The ferricyanide solu- tion is made air-free by boiling or by shaking in an evacuated flask and is kept in a bottle or burette under a layer of paraffin oil 2 or 3’ cm. thick to exclude air. (3) 0.5 N sodium hydroxide. Procedure.—Five to 10 c.c. of blood is introduced into a sepa- ratory funnel or bottle and distributed in a thin layer about the inner wall, so that maximum contact with the air is assured. The vessel is rotated for three or four minutes so that the blood is kept in a thin layer, or it may be shaken five or more minutes on a mechanical shaker. The blood is then transferred to a cyl- inder or heavy walled tube. The blood gas apparatus is washed twice with distilled water before each analysis in order to remove the alkali used to absorb C02 in any former analysis. For 2 c.c. of blood 6 c.c. of water 0.3 c.c. of 1 per cent saponin (Merck), and 2 to 3 drops of caprylic alcohol are introduced into the cup “b” of the apparatus and the apparatus is evacuated by lowering the leveling bulb until the level of the mercury in the apparatus is just above the lower stopcock. The air is extracted by shak- ing for about 15 seconds. The extracted air is expelled and the process repeated to make sure that no air is left in the solution. Nearly the entire 6 c.c. is then forced up into the cup of the apparatus, the blood is stirred to assure even distribution of the corpuscles and drawn into a pipette calibrated to deliver 2 c.c. between two marks of which the lower is 3 to 4 cm. from the tip. 172 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS The pipette is introduced under the water solution in the cup so that the tip rests on the bottom near the capillary. As the blood flows out of the pipette held in the left hand, the upper stopcock is partially opened with the right, so that the blood accompanied by some of the water flows at once into the chamber of the appa- ratus. The layer of blood need never rise more than 1 to 2 mm. above the bottom of the cup and the slight amount adhering is washed completely into the chamber by the water which follows after all the blood has been delivered. Before the last c.c. of water is readmitted, 0.10 to 0.12 c.c. of a solution of potassium ferricyanide containing 20 grams per 100 c.c. is added and thereby introduced into the chamber after the blood. A mercury seal is made by placing a drop of mercury in the cup and allowing it to run down to the upper stopcock. The blood and water in the apparatus are thoroughly mixed and al- lowed to stand until the blood is completely laked. This requires from 30 seconds to a minute. The apparatus is now evacuated until only a few drops of mercury remain above the upper stop- cock, and is shaken preferably with a rotatory motion to whirl the blood in a thin layer about the wall of the chamber. The shaking should be continued for three minutes. Usually two minutes, frequently less, are sufficient for the complete extrac- tion but three minutes are sometimes required before the last traces are extracted. The extracted solution is trapped in the bulb below the lower stopcock as in the determination of C02 and the vacuum is released; 0.5 c.c. of 0.5 N. sodium hydroxide solution previously saturated with air or oxygen is admitted from the cup of the apparatus and allowed to trickle slowly down the inner wall to absorb the C02 from the gas mixture. If any of the alkali solution remains just below the stopcock it may be dislodged by running in a little mercury from the cup above. After the absorption of C02 is complete two minutes must be allowed for drainage of the alkali solution before the reading is taken. Calculation.—The volume of oxygen obtained as read off from the burette of the apparatus is reduced to 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure by multiplying by the proper factor as indicated in Table XXX. QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 173 Factor by which gas measured Temperature (t°) moist at t°C. and B mm. pressure is reduced to 0°C. and 760 mm. 0°C. B 760 15 0.932 X 16 0.928 X ( ( 17 0.924 X i i 18 0.919 X i 6 19 0.915 X C ( 20 0.910 X i ( 21 0.906 X ( i 22 0.901 X ( i 23 0.897 X < i 24 0.892 X i 4 25 ' 0.888 X 4 i 26 0.883 X ( ( 27 0.878 X l ( 28 0.873 X < i 29 0.868 X < i 30 0.863 X it Table XXX The result obtained is then multiplied by 50 (when 2 c.c. of blood are used in the determination) to bring to a volume per cent basis. The gas as measured in the burette includes the nitrogen and oxygen which is in physical solution in the blood as well as the oxygen in chemical combination with the hemoglobin. In order to find the oxygen bound by hemoglobin in blood saturated in air the nitrogen and dissolved oxygen are subtracted as indi- cated below: 15° C. 2.14 volume per cent 20° C. 2.10 25° C. 2.06 “ “ “ 30° C. 2.02 “ “ “ The figure obtained gives the oxygen binding capacity of the blood per 100 c.c. This figure may be converted into grams of hemoglobin per 100 c.c. by multiplying by the factor 0.746 since 1 gram of hemoglobin combines with 1.34 c.c. of oxygen. Example.—Blood sample 2.00 c.c. 174 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS 02 and N2 measured = 0.495 c.e. at 20° C., 767 mm. 0.495 x 0.910 x^=02 and N2 = 0.455 c.e. at 0° C., 760 mm. 50 x 0.455 = 02 and N2 per 100 c.e. blood = 22.75 c.e. at 0° C. and 760 mm. Physically dissolved 02 and N2 per 100 c.c. blood = 2.10 c.c. at 0° C. and 760 mm. 22.75 - 2.10 = combined 02 per 100 c.c. = 20.65 cc. at 0° C. and 760 mm. 20.65 x 0.746 = hemo- 15.40 globin per 100 c.c. = 15.40 grams. x 100 = per cent of normal standard = 99 per cent. CHAPTER VIII SEROLOGICAL TECHNIC Technic of the Wassermann Reaction General Considerations The essential features of the technic of the Wassermann reac- tion as outlined on the following pages may be summarized as follows: The test is based on the “quarter unit” amount, the total vol- ume of the reagents in each tube being 1.25 c.c., one-fourth of that originally suggested by Wassermann. An antisheep hemolytic system is employed. The dose of amboceptor is two units, the unit being determined daily with 0.25 c.c. complement diluted 1:10 in a water-bath at 37° C. for one hour. The complement dose is two units, the unit being determined daily by titration with two units of amboceptor. The antigen dose is not greater than one-fourth of the anti- complementary dose. Two doses are used in the antigen control with the same preliminary incubation as in the tests. The patient’s serum is diluted 1:5. 0.25 c.c. and 0.125 of the diluted serum are used in the test, and 0.5 c.c. in the serum con- trol tube. The preliminary incubation is four hours in the ice box at 8° C. with plain antigen and % hour in the water-bath at 37° C. for the cholesterin fortified antigen. The quantitative readings are made on Citron’s scale. Natural hemolysin is disregarded. The pooled guinea pig serum is tested for hemolysin and rejected if any is present. Preparation of Glassware All glassware used in the test must be chemically clean and free of all traces of acid or alkali. Acidity or alkalinity may give rise to false reactions. The tubes, pipettes and flasks are 175 176 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS thoroughly washed in soapy water; well washed in running tap water; dried in metal baskets and sterilized in the hot air oven. Very dirty glassware may be cleaned by boiling in dilute acid. The test tubes should be of uniform bore. The most desirable size is 100 x 12 millimeters. The pipettes and flasks should be accurately calibrated. Preparation and Standardization of Reagents The reagents used in the complement-fixation test for syphilis are: 1. Physiological salt solution. 2. Sheep’s red blood cells. 3. Amboceptor (antisheep immune rabbit serum). 4. Complement (guinea pig serum). 5. Patient’s serum. 6. Antigen (alcoholic extract of heart muscle). Physiological Salt Solution.—Physiological salt solution is used in performing the test, in diluting the reagents and in washing the sheep’s blood. It is prepared by dissolving 8.5 grams of chemically pure sodium chloride in a liter of distilled water and autoclaving the solution for fifteen minutes at fifteen pounds pressure. The Sheep’s Blood.—Sheep’s blood may be obtained from a slaughter house or from a sheep kept for the purpose. The blood is collected directly from the sheep into a sterile bottle contain- ing glass beads and immediately defibrinated by shaking or al- lowed to run into a wide-mouth bottle half full of a 1.5 per cent solution of sodium citrate in physiological salt solution. The sheep’s cells are washed and prepared in the following manner: A centrifuge tube is filled one-fourth with defibrinated or eit- rated blood, thoroughly mixed with physiological salt solution and centrifuged rapidly for a sufficient time to throw the cells to the bottom of the tube. The supernatant fluid is decanted; the sedimented cells again mixed with salt solution and centrifuged. This process is repeated until the cells have been washed four times. After the final washing the level of the cells is noted, the SEROLOGICAL TECHNIC 177 supernatant fluid discarded and the packed cells diluted with salt solution to twenty times their volume. This gives the 5 per cent suspension of sheep’s cells as used in the test. The speed and duration of centrifugation should always be the same for the final washing in order that the packing of the cells may be uniform from day to day. Fig. 51. Fig. 52. Fig. 51.—Interval timer. This is a valuable aid in chemical and serological work. Fig. 52.-—The most desirable type of burette for general laboratory use. Amboceptor.—The amboceptor is prepared by injecting in- travenously a full grown healthy rabbit with washed sheep’s red blood cells at five day intervals. The corpuscles must be freshly obtained and well washed. A 50 per cent sus- pension is used for the injection, 4 c.c. being given the first time; 6 c.c. the second and 8 c.c. the third. The second and third 178 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS injections must be made very slowly to prevent sudden death from agglutination of the corpuscles. The rabbit is bled from the ear vein seven to nine days after the last injection, and the serum after inactivating is titrated for hemolytic power. The serum is satisfactory to use if 0.25 c.c. of a 1:2000 dilution hemolyzes completely 0.25 c.c. of a 5 per cent suspension of sheep’s corpuscles in the presence of 0.25 c.c. of guinea pig serum diluted 1:10 after incubation in the water-bath at 37° C. for one hour. The animal is then bled either from the carotid artery or by puncturing the heart directly. The blood is allowed to clot. The clear serum is removed with a sterile pipette and heated in the water-bath at 55° C. for % hour. This heated immune rabbit serum constitutes the amboceptor. It is mixed with an equal quantity of glycerine and distributed in 2 c.c. quantities into small sterile ampoules or test tubes. The stock amboceptor keeps indefinitely in the refrigerator. The unit of amboceptor is defined as the smallest amount which will give complete hemolysis of 0.25 c.c. of a 5 per cent suspen- sion of sheep’s corpuscles in the presence of an excess of com- plement after an incubation of one hour in the water-bath at 37° C. The unit is roughly determined for each new batch of ambo- ceptor as follows: Into each of seven test tubes pipet 0.25 c.c. physiological salt solution. To the first add 0.25 c.c. of the ambo- ceptor diluted 1:100. Mix and transfer 0.25 c.c. to the second tube. Mix and transfer 0.25 c.c. to the third tube. Proceed in this manner up to and including the seventh tube. Discard the last 0.25 c.c. A series of dilutions of the amboceptor ranging from 1:200 to 1:12800 is thus obtained. Add to each tube 0.25 c.c. of guinea pig serum diluted 1:10, 0.25 c.c. 5 per cent suspension of sheep’s corpuscles, and 0.5 c.c. salt solution to bring the volume to 1.25 c.c. Incubate in water-bath at 37° C. for one hour. Table XXXI shows the scheme for this titration. After the incubation the titration is read to determine the high- est dilution in which hemolysis is complete. This shows the dilu- tion in which a unit of amboceptor is contained in a volume of 0.25 c.c. The amboceptor is used in the dilution so determined in 179 SEROLOGICAL TECHNIC Preliminary Amboceptor Titration number CORPUSCLE COMPLEMENT SALT OF TUBES AMBOCEPTOR SUSPENSION 1:10 SOLUTION C.C. Dilution C.C. C.C. C.C. 1 0.25 1:200 0.25 0.25 0.5 2 0.25 1:400 0.25 0.25 0.5 3 0.25 1:800 0.25 0.25 0.5 Incubate one 4 0.25 1:1600 0.25 0.25 0.5 hour in water- 5 0.25 1:3200 0.25 0.25 0.5 bath at 37° C. 6 0.25 1:6400 0.25 0.25 0.5 7 0.25 1:12800 0.25 0.25 0.5 Table XXXI the daily titration of the amboceptor preliminary to the Wasser- mann test. Complement.—Complement is obtained from guinea pig’s blood. Large male pigs furnish the most active complement. The blood is aspirated from the heart with a Luer syringe. The chest wall should be punctured close to the sternum through the second or third right interspace. The needle is directed downward and backward for 1 to 2 centimeters. A large pig will withstand the loss of 7 to 8 c.c. of blood. The interval of bleedings should not be less than three weeks. It is preferable to bleed at least three pigs for making any test or titration and to pool the blood obtained. The blood is allowed to clot at room temperature, placed in ice box overnight and is then centrifuged. The clear serum is pipetted off and diluted as indicated by the preliminary complement titration. The complement should be kept in the ice box as it deteriorates rapidly at room temperature. The Patient’s Serum.—The patient’s serum is obtained from blood withdrawn by venipuncture. The blood is delivered into a small test tube and allowed to stand at room temperature until the clot retracts. For use in the test the clear serum is removed with a pipette, diluted with four parts of physiological salt solu- tion and heated in a water-bath at 55° C. for 15 minutes to inactivate. Spinal fluids are not diluted or inactivated. Antigen.—Antigen is prepared from fresh human or beef heart muscle. The fat and connective tissue are carefully removed with scissors. The muscle is then finely ground in a meat chop- 180 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS per. Five hundred c.c. of absolute alcohol are added to 100 grams of the ground heart. The suspension is shaken for twenty-four hours in a shaking machine or placed in the incubator at 37° C. and left from 10 to 14 days, shaking by hand daily. The mixture is allowed to sediment at room temperature. The supernatant fluid is plain antigen. Guinea pig heart makes a very satis- factory antigen, when extracted with alcohol for four months in the ice box. The alcohol is added in the proportion of 25 c.c. to one heart. To make cholesterinized antigen add 0.2 gram of cholesterin to 100 c.c. of the plain antigen and place in incubator at 37° C. until completely dissolved. The stock anti- gens will keep almost indefinitely at room temperature. In diluting the stock antigens for use in the test, the antigen is transferred to a dry graduate with a dry pipette. Physiological salt solution is added drop by drop shaking well after the dilution of each drop. There are two requirements for a good antigen—(1) a long range and (2) specificity. The range is the difference between the anticomplementary dose, (the smallest dose of antigen that is in itself inhibitory), and the minimum fixing dose, the antigen unit. The antigen is titrated for anticomplementary property by incubating varying amounts of antigen with two units of com- plement, and adding amboceptor and corpuscle suspension. This titration is illustrated in the protocol in Table XXXII. Titration of Antigen for Anticomplementary Property Table XXXII NUMBER OF TUBE ANTIGEN DILUTED 1:5 COM- PLEMENT 2 UNITS SALT SOLUTION m O u 0 lJ 00 AMBO- CEPTOR 2 UNITS CORPUSCLE SUSPEN- SION e.c. e.c. C.C. * n C.C. C.C. Incubate 1 0.5 0.25 0 X 0.25 0.25 in water- 2 0.4 0.25 0.1 O 0.25 0.25 bath at 3 0.3 0.25 0.2 J2 § 0.25 0.25 37° C. 4 0.2 0.25 0.3 2 .a o 0.25 0.25 for % hr. 5 0.1 0.25 0.4 M 0.25 0.25 The tube containing the largest amount of antigen in which hemolysis is complete shows the largest amount of antigen which is not anticomplementary. SEROLOGICAL TECHNIC 181 The natural hemolytic property of the antigen is determined by incubating varying dilutions of antigen with complement and corpuscle suspension as outlined in Table XXXIII. Table XXXIII NUMBER OP TUBE ANTIGEN DILUTED 1 :5 SALT SOLUTION COMPLEMENT 2 UNITS CORPUSCLE SUSPENSION c.c. C.C. C.C. C.C. 1 0.5 0 0.25 0.25 Incubate 2 0.4 0.1 0.25 0.25 in water- 3 0.3 0.2 0.25 0.25 bath at 4 0.2 0.3 0.25 0.25 37° O. 5 0.1 0.4 0.25 0.25 for % hour. Titration op Antigen for Hemolytic Property Note the tube containing the largest amount of antigen causing no hemolysis. There should be little if any hemolysis even in the tubes containing the largest amount of antigen. The best way to standardize an antigen either qualitatively or quantitatively is by testing its complement-fixing power against a large number of known positive and known negative specimens of blood serum and spinal fluids. The unknown antigen should be run in parallel with a known satisfactory antigen for comparison. Some idea of the inhibitory properties of an antigen may be obtained by running a regular Wassermann test using serum pooled from at least five positive specimens of blood and employ- ing successive dilutions of the antigen. Daily complete titrations of the antigen are unnecessary. How- ever, antigen control tubes are included in each series to show that the antigen is not anticomplementary in double the dose used in the test and to show that the antigen fixes complement com- pletely in the presence of a positive serum. The largest amount of antigen which may be safely employed in the diagnostic test is one-fourth of the largest dose which is not anticomplementary but should be 8 to 10 times as great as the smallest dose which gives complete fixation with a pooled positive serum. Daily Titration of Reagents Preliminary to the Diagnostic Test The correct adjustment of the hemolytic system is the crucial factor in the technic of the Wassermann reaction. The most 182 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS variable factor is the strength of the complement as obtained from different guinea pigs. Each day the hemolytic system is standardized by titrating the amboceptor in the presence of fixed amounts of complement; and by titrating the complement in the presence of two units of amboceptor. 1. Titration of Amboceptor.—A dilution of the amboceptor is prepared in which the unit of amboceptor is contained in a vol- ume of 0.25 c.c. as determined roughly in the preliminary titra- tion of the amboceptor. Varying amounts of this dilution are then incubated with complement and corpuscle suspension for one hour in the water-bath at 37° C. Table XXXIV shows the scheme for the amboceptor titration. Table XXXIV Amboceptor Titration NUMBER OF TUBE COMPLE- MENT 1:10 CORPUS- CLE SUSPEN- SION SALT SOLUTION HEMOLYTIC SERUM IN DILUTION TO BE TESTED FOR UNIT c.c. C.C. C.C. C.C. .s 1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 S © 2 0.25 0.25 0.30 0.45 2 ?- To deter- 3 0.25 0.25 0.35 0.40 « CO mine the 4 0.25 0.25 0.40 0.35 § OS unit of am- 5 0.25 0.25 0.45 0.30 boceptor 6 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.25 7 0.25 0.25 0.55 0.20 ® Fh 8 0.25 0.25 0.60 0.15 "5 .2 9 0.25 0.25 0.65 0.10 03 g £ 10 0.25 0.25 0.70 0.05 & M To show that 11 0 0.25 0.50 0.50 each reagent 12 0.50 0.25 0.50 0 has no hemo- lyzing effect 13 0 0.25 1.00 0 The reagents are added in the order given. The tubes are shaken thoroughly and incubated one hour in the water-bath at 37° C. The tube containing the smallest amount of amboceptor in which hemolysis is complete contains the unit. For instance if in titrating a dilution of 1:1000, tubes 1 to 8 show complete hemolysis, then 0.15 is a unit. From this we may calculate that dilution in which 0.25 c.c. is a unit as follows: SEROLOGICAL TECHNIC 183 X : 0.25 :: 1000 : 0.15 25000 X = 1600 (about) If a dilution of 1:1600 is now made and titrated, it will be found that 0.25 c.e. contains one amboceptor unit. In the test two units are employed and the dilution is so made that 0.25 c.c. contains two units. In the illustration given this would be a 1:800 dilution. Tubes are included in the amboceptor titration to show that each reagent has no hemolyzing effect. 2. Titration of Complement.—A 1:20 dilution of the guinea pig serum to be used in the diagnostic test is prepared. Varying amounts of the diluted serum are incubated for % hour in the water-bath at 37° C. with 0.25 c.c. of the corpuscle suspension and 0.25 c.c. of the amboceptor containing two units as determined in the preliminary amboceptor titration. The unit of complement is defined as the smallest amount in the presence of which two units of amboceptor will completely hemolyze 0.25 c.c. of a 5 per cent suspension of sheep’s cor- puscles. Table XXXY COMPLE- NUMBER MENT SALT CORPUSCLE AMBOCEPTOR OF TUBE 1:20 SOLUTION SUSPENSION 2 UNITS c.c. C.C. C.C. C.C. 1 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.25 £ 2 0.45 0.30 0.25 0.25 r? O 3 0.40 0.35 0.25 0.25 To determine 4 0.35 0.40 0.25 0.25 ■s the unit of 5 0.30 0.45 0.25 0.25 * * complement 6 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.25 «H 7 0.20 0.55 0.25 0 25 % d OS o 8 0.15 0.60 0.25 0.25 9 0.10 0.65 0.25 0.25 rO t- 0 CO 10 0.05 0.70 0.25 0.25 o a -g M 0 To show that 11 0.0 0.50 0.25 0.25 each reagent 12 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.25 has no hemo- lyzing effect- 13 0.0 1.00 0.25 0.25 Titration of Complement 184 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Table XXXV shows the arrangement of the tubes for the com- plement titration, and the order in which the reagents are to be added. The tubes are thoroughly shaken and incubated in the water- bath at 37° C. for % hour. The tube containing the smallest amount of complement in which hemolysis is complete contains one unit. For instance if Tubes 1 to 7 show complete hemolysis then 0.20 c.c. of the 1:20 dilution is a unit. From this we may calculate that dilution in which 0.25 c.c. is a unit as follows: X : 0.25 :: 20 : 0.20 5.0 0.20 X = 25 If a dilution of 1:25 is now made and titrated it will be found that 0.25 c.c. contains one unit. In the diagnostic test two units are employed and the dilution is so made that 0.25 c.c. contains two units. In the illustration given two units would be con- tained in 1:12.5 dilution. The Diagnostic Test Reagents.—(1) Patient’s serum diluted with four parts of salt solution and heated in the water-bath at 55° C. for 15 minutes. (2) Complement—guinea pig serum free from natural hemol- ysin and so diluted that 0.25 c.c. contains 2 units. (3) Antigen—alcoholic extract of heart muscle which is not hemolytic and is so diluted that four times the amount used (0.25 c.c.) is not anticomplementary. (4) Amboceptor—immune rabbit serum so diluted that 0.25 c.c. contains two units. (5) Sheep’s corpuscles—5 per cent suspension in salt solution. Procedure.—Into the first of three tubes pipette 0.50 c.c. of the diluted patient’s serum; into the second 0.25 c.c. and into the third 0.125 c.c. Add to the second and third tubes 0.25 c.c. of the antigen. Finally add to each of the three tubes 0.25 c.c. of complement. Fix for 45 minutes in the water-bath at 37° C. if cholesterin- SEROLOGICAL TECHNIC 185 i—1 o ® 00 S ® Ol W K H NUMBER OP TUBE ooooooopop m to a? • to o\ o P o\ KNOWN NEGATIVE SERUM OOOOppOOOOo i—1 to bi b to at o Ul KNOWN POSITIVE SERUM oppooooooo H b Ul to cn o Ol PATIENT’S SERUM PPOOOOOOOOQ bi to bo bo to to bo h o oi oi oi oi oi cn ANTIGEN IN STANDARD DILUTION to to to to to to to to to to b UlOtCTlCHOlCHOlOlOlOt* COMPLE- MENT 2 UNITS Incubate 45 min. in water-bath at 37° C. if cholesterinized antigen is used; or 4 hrs. in ice box at 8° 0. if plain antigen is used. opppppppppo bo bo bo bo to bo bo to to to b OlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOl- AMBO- CEPTOR 2 UNITS ppooppppppa tobotobotobobobobobob OlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOl' 1 5 PER CENT SUSPENSION SHEEP’S CELLS Incubate in water-bath at 37° C. until serum control tubes (Nos. 1, 4, and 7) and antigen control tube (No. 10) show complete hemolysis. Test of Serum for Diagnosis. Table XXXVI 186 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS ized antigen is used, or in ice box at 8° C. for four hours if plain antigen is used. Remove from the water-bath or ice box and add to each tube 0.25 c.c. of a 5 per cent suspension of sheep’s cells and 0.25 c.c. of amboceptor. It is convenient to mix equal parts of corpuscles and amboceptor just before using and to add 0.50 c.c. of the mixture. Incubate in water-bath at 37° C. until hemolysis is complete in the serum control tube. A test is also made with a known posi- tive and a known negative serum as control of the fixability and specificity of the antigen. A tube containing a double dose of antigen is included in the series to show that the antigen is not anticomplementary. Tables XXXYI and XXXYII show the arrangement of the tubes in the diagnostic test: Table XXXVII Test of Spinal Fluid fob Diagnosis NUMBER OF TUBE PATIENT ’S SPINAL FLUID UNDILUTED ANTIGEN IN STANDARD DILUTION COMPLE- MENT 2 UNITS i ice box O c3 pT-? *3 S3 CO O O £ Q hJD AMBO- CEPTOR 2 UNITS 5 PER CENT SUSPENSION SHEEP CELLS in water- ° 0. until 3 complete C.C. e.c. e.c. •H o 'H "3 C.C. C.C. 1 2 1.0 1.0 0 0.25 . 0.25 0.25 GO ** a d-rH d 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 CO 3 4 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 .a U 00 CO N 3 *n 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 § £ g -2 5 0.125 0.25 0.25 Ph s o> 4-> 0.25 0.25 Reading the Diagnostic Test Citron’s standard is used in reading all tests on serum after the final incubation. (Plate Y.) Complete absence of hemolysis in tubes 2 and 3 equals posi- tive 4 plus or very strongly positive. Complete absence of hemolysis in tube 2 and faint hemolysis in tube 3 equals positive 3 plus or strongly positive. Complete absence of hemolysis in tube 2 and complete or nearly complete hemolysis in tube 3 equals positive 2 plus or positive. Partial hemolysis in tube 2, complete or nearly complete hemol- ysis in tube 3 equals positive one plus or suggestive. Tube 1 Tube 2. Tube 3 Positive + + + + Wassermann Reaction Positive + + Wassermann Reaction Positive + Wassermann Reaction Negative Wassermann Reaction Plate V. Citron’s scale for reading the Wassermann Reaction. SEROLOGICAL TECHNIC 187 Complete hemolysis in all tubes equals negative. This standard cannot be used in reading the tests on spinal fluids. Complete fixation in any amount of spinal fluid as used in the test is considered a positive test. A report is made of the degree of fixation with the varying amounts of spinal fluid used. Widal Reaction (Modified Dreyer Technic) Principle.—The Widal reaction is a procedure by which the agglutinating power of a serum against any organism may be tested. Serum in varying dilutions is mixed with a standard- ized bacterial suspension. The tubes containing the mixtures are incubated for 2 hours at 55° C., and examined for ag- glutination. The most essential part of the procedure is the use of a stand- ardized bacterial suspension. Having this, quantitative fluctua- tions in the agglutinin content of the blood can be accurately determined. Preparation of Bacterial Suspension.—In making a bacterial suspension, the organism is subcultured daily in broth for about ten days to increase its agglutinability and to diminish any tendency to spontaneous agglutination. It is then planted on agar slants in Kolle flasks or in large bottles and incubated over- night. The growth is washed off with 0.85 per cent salt solu- tion to which 0.1 per cent formalin has been added. It is then placed in an ice box for 4-5 days and shaken repeatedly. It is tested for sterility. The suspension is diluted with salt solution to make a suspension containing 2,000 million organisms per c.c. This may be done by counting, using Wright’s method or by contrifuging and diluting according to the table of Hopkins (see page 230). The suspension is then ready to be standardized for agglutin- ability. A rabbit immune serum of known agglutinin unit con- tent is set up in two parallel series in varying dilutions, the variations not to be excessive. To one series a standardized sus- pension is added, to the other the suspension to be standardized. The tubes are then shaken, incubated at 55° C. for two hours 188 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS and read for the highest dilutions showing agglutination visible to the naked eye. That dilution of the standardized suspension is to the dilution of the new suspension as the known factor of the standardized suspension is to x (the factor of the new suspension). Example.—If the dilution in which the standardized suspen- sion is agglutinated is 1 to 6400 while that of the new suspension is 1 to 3200 and the factor of the standardized suspension is 1.0, then— 6400 1 3200 1 3200 " x or X _ 6400 = 2 The factor of the new bacterial suspension is therefore one-half. The suspension should be bottled in small sterile bottles and kept in an ice box. Procedure.—Blood is withdrawn by venipuncture, allowed to clot, and the serum separated off. Select ten small test tubes about 1 cm. in diameter and of uniform bore. In the first tube place 1.8 c.c. 0.85 per cent salt solution and in each of the others 1 c.c. Transfer 0.2 c.c. of blood serum to the first tube, mix thoroughly and carry forward 1 c.c. to the next tube. This procedure is carried out through the series of ten tubes thus making serum dilutions ranging from 1 to 10, to 1 to 5120. To each tube in the series 1.5 c.c. of the standardized bacterial suspension is added. The tubes are next thoroughly shaken. The tubes are then placed in a water-bath at from 50° to 55° C. for two hours, are removed and cooled for fifteen min- utes at room temperature, and read. The highest dilution showing agglutination without sedimentation visible to the naked eye gives the reading. The dilution of the serum in this tube, divided by the factor of agglutinability gives a final reading ex- pressed in the number of standard agglutinin units per cubic centimeter of serum. It must be kept in mind that the addition of the suspension has increased the dilution of the serum one and a half times, thus the first tube represents a dilution of 1 to 25, the last a dilution of 1 to 12,800. Remarks.—The Widal reaction is applied principally in diag- nosing the existence of enteric fevers. In noninoculated persons SEROLOGICAL TECHNIC 189 who have not had typhoid or paratyphoid fever agglutination in a dilution of 1 in 25 justifies a strong suspicion of typhoid or paratyphoid infection. Marked agglutination in 1 to 50 or more is nearly always diagnostic of active typhoid or paratyphoid infection. In inoculated persons the test is done at intervals of one week, and if an active enteric infection exists, there will be a definite rise in agglutinin titer. The agglutinin titer in active typhoid increases for the first three weeks after which it falls, at first rapidly and then slowly. Determination of Types of Pneumococcus (Blake, F. S.: Jour. Exp. Med., 1917, xxxvi, 67) 1. Mouse Method.—If mice are available, proceed as follows: A small portion of the sputum is selected and washed through three or four changes of sterile salt solution in sterile Petri dishes. The washed sputum is then transferred to a sterile mor- tar, ground up and emulsified with about 1 c.c. of sterile bouillon, added drop by drop, until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained that will readily pass through the needle of a small syringe. One-half to 1 c.c. of this emulsion is inoculated intraperitoneally into a white mouse with a sterile syringe. As soon as the injected mouse appears sick a drop of peritoneal exudate is removed by means of peritoneal puncture with a sterile capillary pipette, and examined microscopically for pneumococcus. If there is an abun- dant growth of pneumococcus the mouse is killed and the deter- mination of type proceeded with. If the growth is only moderate, or other organisms are present in any quantity, further time must be allowed until subsequent examination of the peritoneal exu- date shows an abundant growth of pneumococcus. As soon as the mouse is killed the peritoneal cavity is opened with sterile precautions, and cultures are made on plain broth and on one-half of a blood agar plate. Smears are made and stained by gram and for capsules. The peritoneal exudate is washed out by means of a sterile glass pipette with 4 to 5 c.c. of sterile salt solution, the washings being placed in a centrifuge tube. Cultures are then made from 190 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS the heart’s blood in plain broth and on the other side of the blood agar plate. The peritoneal washings are centrifugalized at low speed for a few moments until the cells and fibrin are thrown down. Decant the supernatant bacterial suspension with a centrifuge tube and centrifuge at high speed. The bacterial sediment is taken up in sufficient sterile salt solution to make a moderately heavy suspension. The suspension is then mixed with diluted immune serum of the three fixed types, and with undiluted Type II serum, in equal quantities of 0.5 c.c. each. Table XXXVIII shows the possible reactions after incubation in a water-bath at 37° C. for 1 hour. Table XXXVIII Determination of Pneumococcus Types by Agglutination PNEUMOCOCCUS SUSPENSION, 0.5 C.C. SERUM I (1 TO 20) 0.5 C.C. SERUM II (undiluted) 0.5 C.C. SERUM II (1 TO 20) 0.5 C.C. SERUM III (1 TO 5) 0.5 c.c. Type I - - - Type II + + + + - Subgroups II, A, B, X. . . - + - - Type III - - + + Group IV - - - A fifth tube should be added containing 0.1 c.c. sterile bile and 0.3 to 0.5 c.c. of bacterial suspension to determine the bile solu- bility of the stain for differentiation from the streptococcus. Gentle agitation of the tubes will hasten clumping. An organism which agglutinates in undiluted Type II serum alone should be incubated with undiluted Type I and Type II serum also to rule out a Group IV stain that shows cross agglutination in all three types of immune serum. If no agglutination occurs in any tube and the organism is bile soluble it is reported as pneu- mococcus Group IV. The determination of type on the peritoneal washings should be confirmed by agglutination tests with a pure bouillon culture of the pneumococcus obtained from culture of the heart’s blood of the mouse. Bouillon cultures from blood, spinal fluid or empyema fluid SEROLOGICAL TECHNIC 191 showing a pneumococcus may be centrifuged, the sediment mixed with salt solution, and the type determined by the method out- lined above. 2. Avery Cultural Method.—If mice are not available the typ- ing of pneumoeoccus may be done by the cultural method of Avery. Wash sputum as indicated under mouse method. Grind in sterile mortar with 9 c.c. of meat infusion broth with an H-ion concentration of 7.6, adding the broth drop by drop. Pour in centrifuge tube, add 0.5 c.c. each of sterile 20 per cent dextrose and blood. Incubate at 37° C. for 5 to 6 hours. ' The tube is now centri- fuged at low speed long enough to throw down the red cells but not enough to bring down the bacteria. A smear is then made, stained by gram, and a blood agar plate is inoculated. The. supernatant suspension is used for agglutination tests as indicated under mouse method. Blood Tests Preliminary to Transfusion Before a blood transfusion is done, it is necessary to show that the serum of the donor does not agglutinate or hemolyze the cells of the recipient, or vice versa. Since hemolysis never occurs when agglutination is absent, the selection of a proper donor from the point of view of agglutina- tion determines the other also. Two tests should be done. First, the blood group of both the donor and the recipient hre deter- mined. If these are found to be the same, the corpuscles of the recipient are matched against the serum of the donor and the serum of the recipient against the corpuscles of the donor. The two tests act as a check on each other. 1. Determination of Blood Group.— (A) Preparation of Diag- nostic Sera.—Blood is withdrawn by venipuncture from a person whose group is known to be II. The serum is separated off and put in small sterile tubes or ampoules in 1 c.c. amounts. Similarly serum is procured from a person who belongs to Group III. It is important that the sera selected be high in agglutinin content. (B) Procedure.—Several drops of blood from the person to be grouped are collected in a small test tube containing 3 to 5 c.c. 134 per cent of sodium citrate in physiological salt solution. 192 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS With a capillary pipette one drop of the corpuscle suspension and one drop of Group II serum are placed on a porcelain color mixing plate (Fig. 23) and thoroughly mixed. A similar preparation is made with the corpuscle suspension and Group III serum. Fig. S3.—Showing the reaction of corpuscles of various groups with Group II and Group III sera. Cover the mixing plate with a moist blotter and examine the preparations at intervals. If agglutination takes place the mix- ture of serum and corpuscles takes on a “brick-dust” appearance (Fig. 53). The following diagram shows the agglutination reactions be- tween the corpuscles and serum of different groups (Moss classi- fication). SEROLOGICAL TECHNIC 193 CORPUSCLE GROUP SERUM GROUP Table XXXIX gives all the possible combinations of reac- tions which can be obtained by mixing the corpuscles of an un- known group with the serum of Group II and Group III and indicates the group to which the unknown blood belongs (Moss classification): Table XXXIX THE UNKNOWN BLOOD BELONGS TO GROUP X Corpuscles plus Group II Serum equals 0 ) X Corpuscles plus Group III Serum equals 0 | IV X Corpuscles plus Group II Serum equals plus ) X Corpuscles plus Group III Serum equals 0 ( III X Corpuscles plus Group III Serum equals plus ) X Corpuscles plus Group II Serum equals 0 J II X Corpuscles plus Group II Serum equals plus 1 X Corpuscles plus Group III Serum equals plus } I Report results as follows: Determination of Blood Group The blood belongs to Group.. 2. Transfusion Test.—Having determined that the donor and recipient belong to same group, make a preparation as described above using the suspension of the donor’s corpuscles, and the recipient’s serum, and another from the donor’s serum and the recipient’s corpuscles. There should be no agglutination or hemolysis. Report as follows: Donor Transfusion Test No agglutination or hemolysis. CHAPTER IX PREPARATION OF BACTERIOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS, STAINS, AND MEDIA Sodium Citrate Solution for Blood Culture Sodium chloride 8.5 grams Sodium citrate 15.0 grams Water (distilled) 1000 c.c. Fill in 60 c.c. Erlenmeyer flasks, in 20 c.c. amounts. Sterilize in autoclave. Physiological Salt Solution Sodium chloride, chemically pure 8.5 grams Water 1000 c.c. Stock Staining Solutions (Wood) Saturation Strengths Basic fuchsin in alcohol 3.0 per cent Gentian violet in water 1.5 per cent Gentian violet in alcohol 4.8 per cent Methylene blue in water 6.7 per cent Methylene blue in alcohol 7.0 per cent Safranin in water 4.0 per cent The saturated alcoholic solutions can be kept and aqueous staining solutions made from them by adding 5 per cent of the saturated alcoholic solution to water. Carbol-Thionin Saturated solution of thionin in 50% alcohol. ... 10 c.c. 2% phenol 100 c.c. Stain two minutes. 194 SOLUTIONS, STAINS AND MEDIA 195 Andrade Indicator 0.5% solution of acid fuchsin 100 c.c Normal sodium hydroxide 16 c.e Gram Stain Reagents.— 1. Sterling’s Gentian Violet Solution.— Gentian violet 5.0 gm. Anilin oil 2 c.e. 95% alcohol 10 c.c. Water 88 c.c. Mix the anilin oil and the 95 per cent alcohol. Shake and add the distilled water. Add the anilin solution to the gentian violet while grinding in a mortar. Filter through paper. This solution has intense staining power and will keep indef- initely. 2. Gram’s Solution.— Iodine 1 gm. Potassium iodide 2 gm. Water 300 c.c. 3. Counter Stain.— Use either Bismarck brown 0.5 per cent aqueous solution; or safranin, 0.1 per cent aqueous solution. Procedure.—1. Stain the fixed smear in the Sterling’s gentian violet for a minute. 2. Wash in water. 3. Cover with Gram’s solution for one minute. 4. Decolorize in 95 per cent alcohol until the smear has a gray- ish color. 5. Wash in water. 6. Counterstain one minute with the 0.5 per cent Bismarck brown, or the 0.1 per cent safranin. 7. Wash, dry and examine. The gram positive organisms are stained purple; the gram negative ones are brown if Bismarck brown be used as counter stain, or red if safranin be used. 196 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Neisser’s Stain for Diphtheria Bacillus Reagents.— 1. Neisser Stain Number 1 (Methylene Blue Solution).— Methylene blue 1 gram Alcohol—95% 20 c.c. Dissolve and add Glacial acetic acid 30 c.c. Distilled water 950 c.c. Filter. 2. Neisser Stain Number 2 (Bismarck Brown. Solution).— Bismarck brown 2 grams Boiling distilled water 1000 c.c. Dissolve—filter after the solution cools. Procedure.— 1. Stain in solution Number 1—one to three seconds. 2. Wash quickly in water. 3. Stain in solution Number 2—three to five seconds. 4. Wash quickly, dry and examine. The diphtheria bacilli appear a light brown, rods containing one to three dark blue granules (polar bodies). Ziehl-Neelson Stain for Tubercle Bacilli Reagents.— 1. Carbol-Fuchsin.— Basie fuchsin, saturated alcoholic solution 90 c.c. 5 per cent carbolic acid to 100 c.c. 2. Acid Alcohol.— Hydrochloric acid, cone 20 c.c. 80 per cent alcohol to 1000 c.c. 3. Loeffler’s Methylene Blue.— Methylene blue, saturated alcoholic solution 30 c.c. Potassium hydroxide, 0.01 per cent solution 100 c.c. Procedure.—1. Fix the smear by passing it through the flame of a Bunsen burner. SOLUTIONS, STAINS AND MEDIA 197 2. Cover the smear with carbol-fuchsin and warm it till the stain steams. Maintain this temperature for 3’ to 5 minutes. 3. Wash in running water. 4. Decolorize in acid alcohol until only the thickest part of the smear remains a faint pink. 5. Wash in water. 6. Stain in Loeffler’s methylene blue, 30 seconds to one minute. 7. Wash dry and examine under the oil immersion objective. The tubercle bacilli appear red; all else is blue. Ponder’s Stain Prepare as follows: Toluidin blue 0.02 gram Glacial acetic acid 1 centimeter Absolute alcohol 2 centimeters Distilled water 100 centimeters The film is made on a cover glass and fixed in the usual way. A small quantity of the stain is spread on the film and the cover glass turned over and mounted as a hanging drop preparation. The metachromatic granules of the diphtheria bacilli stain with striking intensity. With diphtheroids the more intense stain- ing sharply differentiates from ordinary cocci and bacilli, which show in the preparation only as faint light blue bodies. Capsule Stain (Modified Hiss Stain) Smear the organisms in a drop of animal serum, preferably beef blood serum, and make film preparation on a glass slide. Dry in air and fix by heat. Stain for a few seconds with Sterling’s gentian violet. The preparation is flooded with the dye and held for a second over a free flame until it steams. Wash off stain with 20 per cent copper sulphate solution. Decolorize quickly with 95 per cent alcohol. Wash again with the copper sulphate solution. Dry and mount. 198 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS (Huntoon, F. M.: Jour. Bact., 1917, ii, 241) Huntoon uapsuie stain Solutions.— 1. Nutrose Diluent Solution.— Sift three grams of nutrose into 100 c.c. of distilled water and heat to 100° C. in the Arnold sterilizer for one hour. Add 5 c.c. of 2 per cent aqueous solution of carbolic acid to serve as a pre- servative. Decant into test tubes and allow to settle. Employ the supernatant fluid as the diluent. Since the supernatant fluid tends to become thinner by constant precipitation of the nutrose the solution should be occasionally reboiled. 2. Fixing and Staining Solution.— 2 per cent aqueous solution of carbolic acid.. 100 c.c. Lactic acid 75 per cent 0.25-0.5 c.c. 1 per cent acetic acid 1 c.c. Saturated alcoholic solution of basic fuchsin. . 1 c.c. Carbol-fuchsin (old) 1 c.c. Technic.—1. Employ the nutrose solution as a diluent, emul- sifying the bacteria in one or two loopfuls and then spreading in as thin a film as possible with the loop. 2. Allow to dry in the air. 3. Cover the film with the fixative and staining solution and allow to act for thirty to forty-five seconds. 4. Wash quickly in water, dry and examine. Remarks.—If nutrose is not available, the following solution may be used as a substitute for the 3' per cent nutrose solution: Render milk as nearly fat free as possible by means of centrifu- gation, add 1 per cent of 2 N sodium hydrate and bring to a boil. After cooling add ether and shake. After a few minutes decant off the ether. The remaining opalescent fluid may be used in place of the nutrose solution. Stain for Spirocheta Pallida (Medalia) (Medalia: Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1918, lxx, 914) The surface of the lesion is cleaned with a wad of sterile ab- sorbent cotton, soaked in sterile saline solution, and all the dried SOLUTIONS, STAINS AND MEDIA 199 exudate is removed. The patient is then told to squeeze the lesion between the thumb and forefinger until serous exudate appears. The appearance of the exudate may be hastened by scraping the deeper parts or the ragged edges of the lesion with a broken wooden applicator, or with a stiff platinum wire. The exudate thus obtained from the deeper parts of the lesion should be mostly a serous exudate; real bleeding should be avoided. A good smear is one in which only an occasional red blood cell is found. The smears may be made on clean slides by placing a drop of deep exudate obtained with a broken applicator, a sterile toothpick, or a platinum loop, on one slide and spreading it out thinly with the other slide. The slides should not be pulled out but slid apart. The smears are then dried in the air and stained with Wright’s blood stain in the ordinary way, except that instead of plain dis- tilled water to dilute the stain, one per cent solution of sodium carbonate in distilled water is used. The film is covered with Wright’s stain, to fix the smear, a sufficient quantity being used, a little in excess of what is used in staining blood smears. At the end of from one to two minutes, to the staining fluid are added from 45 to 50 drops of one per cent sodium carbonate solution in distilled water to a slide, or as much as the film will hold without running over. The diluted stain is allowed to remain on the film for fifteen to twenty minutes, and is gently steamed all the while with the flame of an alcohol lamp, as in the staining of sputum for tubercle bacilli by carbol fuchsin. The slide is then lightly washed with water, dried between filter paper and examined with the oil immersion lens. The spirochetes appear intensely violet on a pale blue back- ground and are easily found. Sterilization All dry glassware should be sterilized in a hot air sterilizer for one hour at 150° C. Petri dishes and pipettes are placed in copper boxes or wrapped in paper. Tubes and flasks are plugged with absorbent cotton. Media is sterilized by steam, using either an autoclave or Ar- nold sterilizer. Media containing sugar is heated in the Arnold 200 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS on three successive days for thirty minutes. The temperature cannot rise above 100° C. since no pressure is used. All other media is sterilized by heating in the autoclave at 15-20 pounds pressure for 15-30 minutes. Fifteen pounds of pressure is equiva- lent to a temperature of 121.3° C., 30 pounds is equivalent to 134.6° C. Titration of Culture Media to Definite Hydrogen-ion Concentration The reaction of culture media should be accurately adjusted to a definite hydrogen-ion concentration. This may be quickly and simply done by the colorimetric method. Reagents.—(1) Phenolsulphonephthalein (phenol red), 0.02 per cent water solution. (2) N/10 NaOII and N/l NaOH. (3) Standard phosphate mixtures of varying hydrogen-ion concentration prepared according to Sorensen’s directions as follows: One-fifteenth mol. acid or primary potassium phosphate. 9.078 grams of the pure recrystallized salt (KH2P04) is dissolved in freshly distilled water and made up to 1 liter. One-fifteenth mol. alkaline or secondary sodium phosphate. The pure recrystallized salt (Na2HP0412H20) is exposed to the air for from ten days to two weeks, protected from dust. Ten molecules of water of crystallization are given off and a salt of the formula Na2IIP042H20 is obtained. 11.876 grams of this is dissolved in freshly distilled water and made up to 1 liter. The solution should give a deep rose-red color with phenolphthalein. If only a faint pink color is obtained, the salt is not sufficiently pure. The solutions are mixed in the proportions indicated in Table XL to obtain the desired PH. Procedure.—Measure 10 c.c. of the media to be titrated into a test tube that has been rinsed with a portion of the media. Add 0.5 c.c. of the 0.02 per cent phenolsulphonephthalein. Run in from a burette a measured quantity of N/10 NaOH until the color matches that of the standard chosen. To make the color standard measure 10 c.c. of the phosphate SOLUTIONS, STAINS AND MEDIA 201 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 8.0 8.2 8.4 Primary potassium phosphate c.e. 73 63 51 37 32 27 23 19 15.8 13.2 11.0 8.8 5.6 3.2 2.0 Secondary sodium phosphate c.c. 27 37 49 63 68 73 77 81 84.2 86.8 89.0 91.2 94.4 96.8 98.0 Table XL 202 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS mixture corresponding to the hydrogen-ion concentration to which the media is to be adjusted and add 0.5 c.c. of the 0.02 per cent solution of phenol red. Compare in color comparator, hold- ing four tubes. Place behind the media to be tested a tube of distilled water and behind the color standard a tube of the media containing no indicator (Fig. 61). In this way the native color of the media is compensated for. Calculate the amount of normal alkali or acid to be added to the medium to give the proper reaction. For example, if it requires 2 c.c. of N/10 NaOH to bring 10 c.c. of the medium to PH 7-6 then to bring 1 liter of the medium to the same reaction will require the addition of x 2 = 200 c.c. N/10 NaOII or 20 c.c. N/l NaOH. Media is made more acid by the process of autoclaving. The change is small and is much less with meat infusion than with meat extract media. Table XLI shows the optimum reaction for the growth of vari- ous organisms and for the preparation of special media. Table XLI Optimum H-Ion Concentration of Media for Cultivation of Various Organisms, and for Preparation of Special Media (Fennel and Fisher: Jour. Infect. Dis., 1919, xxv, 418.) B. Typhosus 6.2 - 7.2 B. Paratyphosus 6.2 - 7.2 Pneumococcus 7.8 B. Influenzae 7.8 Streptococcus Yiridans 7.6 - 7.8 Streptococcus Hemolyticus 7.6 - 7.8 Meningococcus 7.6 Gonococcus 7.4 - 7.6 B. Dysenteriae, Shiga, Flexner, and “ Y” 6.2 - 6.8 B. Diphtheriae for toxin production 8.0 - 8.2 Endo Agar 7.4 - 7.8 Bussell Agar 7.4 - 7.6 Brilliant Green Agar 7.0 - 7.2 Meat Infusion Agar I. Infuse 500 grams of lean meat twelve hours in 500 c.c. of distilled water in ice box. Strain through wet cotton flannel or wet cheesecloth. SOLUTIONS, STAINS AND MEDIA 203 II. Add 15 grams of thread agar, 10 grams peptone, and 5 grams sodium chloride to 500 c.c. water and dissolve in autoclave. Cool to about 65° C. III. Then to Solution I of meat infusion add Solution II of agar (at 65° C.). After the two are mixed, stir thoroughly, take out a specimen for titration, and lose no time in getting the mix- ture into the Arnold or water-bath to keep it from cooling below the congealing temperature of the agar. Before doing this, quickly measure volume. Titrate the specimen removed, calculate the amount necessary to bring the entire volume to PH 7.4, add normal sodium hydrate solution as required and place the mixture in the Arnold steril- izer for one-half hour. Filter through gauze and absorbent cotton. Sterilize in the autoclave for 15 minutes at 15 pounds pressure. Glucose Agar Dissolve 10 grams of glucose in one liter of stock agar. Tube and autoclave at 15 pounds pressure for 15 minutes. Meat Extract Agar To 1 liter of tap water add: Peptone 10 grams Beef extract 3 grams Sodium chloride 5 grams Agar 15 grams Dissolve all ingredients except agar first; add agar and auto- clave for one hour at fifteen pounds pressure. Cool to 50° C. Add white of an egg and steam in Arnold for thirty minutes. Adjust reaction to PH 7.4. Steam for a few minutes. Filter through cotton, and autoclave for fifteen minutes at fifteen pounds pressure. Red Blood Agar To 100 c.c. of melted agar at a temperature of 50° C. add 5 c.e. of defibrinated blood. Pour plates using 12 to 15 c.c. of agar for each 100 mm. plate. 204 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Brown Blood Agar To 100 c.c. of melted agar at a temperature of 90° C., add 5 c.c. of defibrinated blood. Allow the mixture to stand until it as- sumes a chocolate brown color. Pour into Petri dishes using 12-15 c.c. of blood for a 100 mm. plate. Meat Infusion Broth One pound of ground beef in one liter of water is heated to 55° C. for one hour. Filter through cotton. Add peptone, one per cent and sodium chloride, 0.5 per cent, and bring to boiling to dissolve the peptone. Adjust reaction to PH 7.8-8.0. Filter through paper and autoclave in liter quantities. For pneumococcus cultures add 0.5 per cent glucose. Meat Extract Broth Peptone 10 grams Meat extract 5 grams Salt 5 grams Water 1000 c.c. Dissolve by heat. Adjust reaction to PH 7.4. Heat for a few minutes. Filter through paper. Autoclave under 15 pounds pressure for 15 minutes. Endo’s Agar To 1000 c.c. of water add: Peptone 10 grams Beef extract 3 grams Sodium chloride 5 grams Agar 15 grams Dissolve all ingredients except agar first; add agar and auto- clave for one hour at 15 pounds pressure. Cool to 50 degrees. Add the white of one egg and steam in autoclave for thirty min- utes. Adjust reaction to PH 7.4. Boil over free flame for 5 to 6 min- utes. Filter. Fill in flasks in 100 c.c. amounts and autoclave. SOLUTIONS, STAINS AND MEDIA 205 Before pouring the Endo plates the reaction is adjusted to 7.6 to 7.8. It usually takes 0.9 c.c. N NaOH for 100 c.c. agar. The amount required must be determined for each batch. Add to each 100 c.c. flask one gram of chemically pure lactose, 0.5 c.c. of a saturated alcoholic solution of basic fuchsin and 1 c.c. of a 10 per cent solution of anhydrous sodium bisulphite. Colonies of lactose fermenting bacteria when cultured on this media are red; others are colorless. Russell’s Agar Make meat infusion agar as described on page 202 and adjust reaction to PH 7.4. Add 10 c.c. of Andrade indicator per liter, and tube in 5 c.c. amounts using Wassermann tubes (4 x % in.). Autoclave under 15 pounds pressure for 15 minutes. While still hot add to each tube 0.25 c.c. of a solution containing 20 per cent lactose and 2 per cent glucose. Cool in such a position that the slant will be iy2 inches long, and the butt y2 to % inches in depth. In inoculating the tube the needle is drawn along the slant and then stabbed through to the bottom of the tube. The following table shows the appearance of the media after incubation with the common gram negative bacilli. B. Typhosus B. Paratyphosus “A” B. Paratyphosus “B” B. Dysenteriae B. Coli and members of the colon group Butt Slant Acid Unchanged Acid and gas Unchanged Acid and gas Unchanged Acid Unchanged Acid and gas Acid Krumwiede’s Brilliant Green Media Make stock agar as for Endo medium. Adjust reaction to 7.0- 7.2. To each 100 c.c. of melted stock agar add 0.25 c.c. of a one per cent solution of neutral red, one per cent lactose and 0.1 per cent glucose. The optimum concentration of brilliant green must be determined for each hatch of agar as follows: Pour plates using three dilutions of the dye; namely, 1 to 200,000, 1 to 330,000, and 1 to 500,000, or expressed in terms 206 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS of 0.1 per cent dye solution per 100 c.c. agar the amounts are 0.5, 0.3', and 0.2 c.c. Add a loopful of a twenty-four hour broth cul- ture to 10 c.c. of a stool suspension of moderate density, and inoculate the plates containing the different dilutions of brilliant green, and a plate of Endo medium as a control. Incubate 18 to 24 hours. Determine: (1) The concentration of dye which has little effect on the number and size of the typhoid colonies but which shows a marked restraint of the fecal flora; and (2) the concentration which shows a moderate reduction in number and size of the typhoid colonies and a still greater reduction of the fecal flora. The two optimum dilutions average 0.2 and 0.3 respectively of a 0.1 per cent solution of the dye to 100 c.c. of agar. (Rosenow Formula) Dehydrated Bacto nutrient broth 8 gm. (Digestive Ferments Co.) Sodium chloride 8 gm. Dextrose C. P 2 gm. Andrade indicator 10 c.c. Distilled water 1000 c.c. Dextrose Brain Broth Dissolve the broth and salt by heating. When cool add the indicator and dextrose. Tube in large tubes (8 x % in.). Add three pieces of calf brain, about 1 cm. square, also 2 or 3 pieces of calcium carbonate, preferably as crushed marble, to each tube. Sterilize for 20 minutes in the autoclave at 20 pounds pressure. If the broth is to be used for blood cultures, 5 gm. of sodium citrate is added to each liter, to prevent coagulation of the blood. Dextrose Brain Agar Dissolve 7 gm. of powdered agar in 1 liter of dextrose broth prepared as indicated above. Add the calf brain and calcium carbonate, tube and sterilize. Potato Media Select large potatoes. Remove skin and cut cylinders with an apple corer. Wedge-shaped pieces are obtained from the cyl- inders by an oblique cut. SOLUTIONS, STAINS AND MEDIA 207 Place in test tubes, add a little water and sterilize in autoclave under 20 pounds pressure for 15 minutes. Dunham’s Peptone Solution Dissolve 10 grams peptone and 5 grams sodium chloride in 1,000 c.c. water. Filter through paper until clear. Tube, and sterilize by auto- claving for 15 minutes at 15 pounds pressure. Litmus Milk Place perfectly fresh milk in ice box overnight. Syphon off the milk leaving the cream in the bottle. Add litmus solution until the milk is a light blue color. Tube, and sterilize for 20 minutes on three successive days in the Arnold sterilizer. Gelatin To 1 liter of distilled water add: Meat extract 5.0 grams Peptone 10.0 grams NaCl 5.0 grams Finest French sheet gelatin. . 120.0 grams Weigh with vessel and dissolve by warming. Bring back to original weight, determine volume, titrate, and adjust. Cool to 60° C., add whites of two eggs and stir. Heat for half an hour. Stir and heat again 15 minutes. Adjust weight, filter through cotton, and sterilize by fractional sterilization. Gelatin should not be subjected to prolonged heating. Loeffler’s Blood Serum Allow the serum to separate from clotted sheep or ox blood. Mix three parts of clear serum with one part of meat infusion broth containing 1 per cent dextrose. Fill into small culture tubes. Put tubes in slanting position in Koch serum inspissator and heat gradually until temperature reaches 90° Centigrade. Hold temperature at this point until medium is completely solid- ified. Sterilize on the two successive days by placing in Arnold sterilizer for 20 minutes. Raise temperature very slowly. 208 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Petroff’s Tubercle Bacillus Medium Treat 500 grams of chopped-up meat with 500 c.e. of 15 per cent glycerine solution. Keep in ice chest for 24 hours and filter through gauze. Sterilize the shells of eggs by immersion in 70 per cent alcohol for ten minutes or by dipping them in boiling water for five seconds or so. Mix white and yolk of these eggs in a sterile mortar and add an equal volume of the glycerine meat infusion which should have had added to it before mixing 1 c.c. of 1 per cent alcoholic solution of gentian violet to each 100 c.c. of the glycerine meat infusion. Put 3 to 4 c.c. of this medium in test tubes and inspissate as slants at 85° C. until the medium is solidified. Subject these slants to temperature of 75° C. on the second and third days for one hour. In culturing sputum mix with an equal amount of 3 per cent sodium hydroxide and leave in incubator for one to two hours. Neutralize with normal hydrochloric acid and centrifugalize. Take up sediment and smear out on slants. Sugar-Free Broth Inoculate a liter of meat infusion broth with Bacillus coli. In- cubate for two days. Heat in Arnold sterilizer for 20 minutes. Adjust reaction and heat thoroughly again. Put about 5 grams pure talc in a large mortar. Add the dead colon culture, stirring constantly. Filter through filter paper until perfectly clear. This is used as stock broth from which the carbohydrate media is made. Carbohydrate Broth for Fermentation Reactions Add sugar in proportion of one per cent to sugar free broth. Put in Dunham fermentation tubes (Fig. 54) and heat in Arnold sterilizer for 20 minutes on three successive days. Glucose Broth for Blood Culture Add 10 grams dextrose to 1,000 c.c. of meat infusion broth. Autoclave under 15 pounds pressure for 15 minutes. SOLUTIONS, STAINS AND MEDIA 209 Glucose Ascitic Fluid Broth Add one part of sterile ascitic fluid to three parts of sterile glucose broth. Carbohydrate Serum Water Fermentation Media (Hiss Media) Collect sheep or ox blood in sterile wide-mouth bottles. Sepa- rate clot and place in ice box for 24 hours. Pipette off clear serum and add three volumes of distilled water. Heat for 15 minutes in the Arnold Sterilizer. Add 1 per cent Andrade indicator and the desired sugar in Fig. 54.—Dunham fermentation tube. proportion, 1 gram to 100 c.c. Dissolve, tube, and sterilize in Arnold sterilizer on three successive days. In making inulin medium it is advisable to first dissolve the inulin in water and sterilize for 15 minutes in the autoclave be- fore adding it to the diluted serum. Lactose Bile Medium To 1,000 c.c. of fresh ox bile add 10 grams peptone and 10 grams lactose. Dissolve and fdter. Place in bottles in 50 c.c. amounts. Autoclave 15 minutes under 15 pounds pressure. CHAPTER X GENERAL BACTERIOLOGICAL METHODS Blood Culture Before the venipuncture is done, clean up the antecubital space very thoroughly with tincture of iodine and alcohol. Withdraw blood with sterile syringe. Place 10 c.c. of blood in citrate solu- tion (1.5 per cent sodium citrate in physiological salt solution) provided in 50 cubic centimeter Erlenmeyer flasks. Pour half of citrated blood into a bottle containing 50 c.c. of glucose meat infusion broth and incubate. Melt two tubes each of plain and of glucose agar, cool to 42°, and add some citrated blood. Pour into petri plates. If a typhoid infection is suspected, add some citrated blood to a bottle containing lactose bile medium. At intervals place drops of broth and of the sediment at the bottom of the bottle on a slide, dry, stain with methylene blue and examine for organisms. If bile cultures are made, transfer a loopful to a Russell agar slant on the second, third, and fifth days. If the typhoid bacillus is present the butt of this Russell tube will become red and the slant remain colorless if Andrade indicator is used, or remain blue, if litmus is used as indicator. Sputum Culture A small portion of sputum is selected and washed through three or four changes of sterile salt solution in sterile petri dishes. The washed sputum is then thoroughly emulsified in a small amount of sterile salt solution or broth in a sterile test tube. Smears are made from the washed sputum and stained by gram. A drop of the emulsion is transferred to a blood agar plate and spread over the surface of the plate with a glass rod. Incubate for twenty-four hours. If the plate shows a pure culture of pneumococcus the growth may be washed off with sterile salt solution and the type identified as indicated under 210 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGICAL METHODS 211 the determination of types of pneumococcus. Single colonies may be picked and grown in broth for type determination. Hemolytic streptococcus colonies may be identified directly by the clear zone of hemolysis and by the Gram stain. For the influenza bacillus the plate should be incubated forty- eight hours. Influenza colonies are minute, colorless, translucent, and dis- crete. The influenza bacillus when stained is small, shows polar staining and is Gram negative. Other organisms present may be identified by smear and fur- ther cultures. Stool Culture If typhoid or paratyphoid bacilli are to be searched for, use Endo and Krumwiede’s brilliant green agar; for dysentery bacilli use freshly prepared Endo agar. The stool should be fresh. Dilute fluid feces or emulsify solid feces in peptone water or broth to a density corresponding to one part of solid feces to fifteen of diluent. Allow the suspen- sions to stand fifteen to thirty minutes for sedimentation of the particles and then inoculate plates from the surface of the suspension. The plates are conveniently inoculated by dipping a bent glass rod into the fecal suspension and passing it over three plates in succession using a clockwise motion. In the case of dysentery, select fragments of bloody mucus, rinse free of fecal material and inoculate on Endo plate. Spread with a bent glass rod passing the rod over several plates in succession. Incubate 18 to 24 hours and fish colonies having the appear- ance of the typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery group to Russell medium. After incubation a tentative decision as to type can be made from the appearance of the tubes (see Russell medium, page 205). The final identification is made by macroscopic agglutination with the appropriate specific immune serum depending upon the reaction obtained with the Russell tube, and by further fermenta- tion reactions (Table XLII). 212 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Urine Culture If the urine is clear, pour a small amount on a plain agar plate, rotate or tilt plate so that the specimen is well spread over the surface, and drain off excess. If the specimen is cloudy use only a few drops and spread over surface of plate with a sterile rod. Also pour several drops on a Russell agar slant, spread over surface and stab through to bottom of tube with platinum wire. If the plate shows a growth after incubation, make smear and stain by Gram method. Identify a Gram negative bacillus as indicated under stool culture. Nose and Throat Cultures All diagnostic cultures are to be made on both Loeffler’s blood serum and blood agar. Streak surface of a blood agar plate and a blood serum slant with the same swab. The following morning, make smear from the Loeffler tube and stain with Neisser. Examine under oil immersion lens for diph- theria bacilli. Examine the blood agar for colonies of B. influenzae, hem- olytic streptococcus or other predominant organisms. Eye and Ear Cultures Make culture with swab directly on blood agar plate. Incu- bate 48 hours and identify organisms present. After culture is made, smear swab over glass slide and stain with Gram’s stain. Note types of organisms present. Report findings of both smear and culture. Miscellaneous Cultures The most satisfactory medium for routine use is Loeffler’s blood serum. Material obtained at surgical operations or from other sources in which the use of a special medium is not indi- cated are cultured directly on slants of the blood serum. If the presence of a hemolytic streptococcus is suspected a culture should be made on blood agar also. GENERAL BACTERIOLOGICAL METHODS 213 Virulence Test for Diphtheria Bacillus Streak the surface of a number of ascitic infusion agar plates with the growth from the Loeffler tube. Incubate for 16 hours at 37 degrees C. and examine the growth along the line of streak. Diphtheria colonies are most apt to be found at the edges of the streak. Fish suspicious colonies to ascitic infusion broth or Loef- fler’s medium. If very few bacilli are present it is well to inoc- ulate several tubes of ascitic broth. As the diphtheria bacillus will grow mostly on the surface of the broth, this portion can be used with success when direct plates fail. After the isolation of the bacillus in pure culture, inoculate a tube of ascitic fluid broth of PH equal 8.0-8.2. One cubic centimeter of the ascitic fluid broth culture (incu- bated 48 hours) is injected subcutaneously into a guinea pig weighing 250 grams. A second guinea pig is injected with the same amount of culture to which has been added 50-100 units of diphtheria antitoxin. If the first pig dies within two or three days and on postmortem examination shows typical engorgement of the adrenals, and the second pig lives, the bacillus is a true toxin-producing diphtheria bacillus. Otherwise, it is not. Animal Inoculation for Tuberculosis The centrifugalized sediment from urine, spinal fluid, etc., or the sediment from antiforminized material is emulsified in ster- ile 0.85 per cent salt solution and injected subcutaneously into the groin of a guinea pig. The inoculation should be made into the loose tissue of the groin well out and away from the midline, avoiding the mammary gland. It is well to always inoculate two pigs. A lesion developing in 3 to 4 days is always nontuberculous and usually subsides. If the suspected material contains tubercle bacilli, the inguinal glands begin to swell in from twelve to twenty days; rarely at eight to twelve. The guinea pig is killed after the inguinal glands show definite involvement, and autopsied. Smears are made from the glands and stained for tubercle bacilli by the Ziehl-Neelson method. 214 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS DEX- LAC- SACCHA- MAL- MAN- LEVU- GALAC- DEX- LITMUS INDOL MOTIL- TROSE TOSE ROSE TOSE NITE LOSE TOSE TRIN MILK FORMATION ITY REMARKS B. Typhosus 4* 0 0 + 4 4 4 4 + 0 4 B'. Paratyphosus A ++ 0 0 ++ 4-4 44 44 0 4 0 4 B-. Paratyphosus B B. Dysenteriae ++ 0 0 44 44 44 44 0 + 0 4 (Shiga) 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 0 0 B. Dysenteriae (Flexner) 4 0 + 4 4 4 4 4 + 4 0 B. Dysenteriae (Hiss-Russell) + 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 + 4 0 B. Dysenteriae (Rosen) 4 + 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 B'. Enteritidis ++ 0 0 4+ 44 44 44 44 0 0 4 B. Coli Communis ++ 44 0 4+ 4-1- 44 44 44 4 4 4 Milk coagulated B. Coli Communior B. Paracolon -H- ++ 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 4 4 Milk coagulated (Day) ++ 0 ++ ++ 44 44 44 44 + ? 4 B. Lactis Aerogenes 44 44 -H- ++ 44 44 44 44 4 4 0 Milk coagulated B. Acidi Lactici 44 44 0 4+ 44 44 44 44 4 4 0 Milk coagulated B. Cloacae ++ ++ ++ 44- 44 44 44 44 4 0 4 Milk coagulated B. Fecalis and peptonized Alkaligenes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 B. Mucosus Capsulatus 44 ++ 44 44- 44 44 44 44 4 4 0 Milk coagulated B. Proteus 44 0 ++ 0 44 44 44 ? 4 4 4 Milk coagulated and peptonized Fermentation Beactions op the Commoner Gram-Negative Bacilli Table XLII *0 —No fermentation + —Acid formation ++—Acid and gas formation +—Primary acidity with terminal alkalinity. GENERAL BACTERIOLOGICAL METHODS 215 DEXTROSE MALTOSE LEVULOSE SACCHAROSE LACTOSE GALACTOSE DEXTRIN MANNITE DtTLCITE INTTLIN Meningococcus Pseudomenin- +* + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gococcus + 4- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gonococcus Micrococcus + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Catarrhalis Micrococcus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pharyngis Ghromogenic Siccus + 4- 4- 4- 0 0 0 0 0 0 Group I CThromogenic + 4- 4- 4- 0 0 0 0 0 0 Group II Chromogenic 4 4- 4- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Group III 4- 4- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fermentation Reactions of Gram-Negative Groups of Cocci on Carbohydrate Serum-Water Media (Elser, Wm. J., and Huntoon, Frank, M.: Jour. Med. Res., 1909, xx, 427.) Table XLIII *+ Acid formation. 0 No fermentation. 216 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Sections are made from the spleen and glands for histological examination. If the pig shows no signs of tuberculosis, it should be killed at the end of six weeks and autopsied. Examination of Stool for the Tubercle Bacillus Select purulent or mucous particles and make film preparation. If no tubercle bacilli are found, dilute feces with three volumes of water, mix thoroughly and allow to stand one-half hour. Sat- urate the filtrate with dry sodium chloride and allow to stand one-half hour. Skim off the film from the surface, dilute mate- rial with distilled water and add antiformin to 20 per cent con- centration. Treat sediment as in the case of sputum. (Page 80.) All cases showing positive findings in stool should he controlled with a sputum examination. Examination of Urine for the Tubercle Bacillus Collection of Specimen.—(a) Men: Patient is cleaned up as for a catheterization and then voids into a sterile vessel. The first few drops voided are discarded, (b) Women: A specimen is collected by catheterization, using routine sterile technic. As much urine as possible should be obtained. Procedure.—The total specimen is centrifuged at high speed for at least one-half an hour. Place a drop of blood serum on a slide, mix the sediment with it and spread. Dry the smear in the air, fix in flame, and stain by the Ziehl- Neelson method. If there is a large amount of pus present, mix the sediment with distilled water, add antiformin to 20 per cent concentration, place in incubator for several hours, centrifuge again and make preparation on slide as above. Remarks.—In a properly collected specimen all acid-alcohol- fast bacilli can be safely considered as tubercle bacilli. Absolute differentiation can be made, however, only by guinea pig inocula- tion. Examination of Smears for the Gonococcus A satisfactory examination for the gonococcus can be made only on well prepared specimens. In men a preparation is made GENERAL BACTERIOLOGICAL METHODS 217 by carefully spreading secretion from the urethra on a glass slide. Norris and Mickelberg suggest that specimens be obtained in women with a medicine dropper which has been drawn out in the flame to 6-8 cm. in length and the thickness of a coarse capil- lary tube. The drop of material desired for examination is drawn up into the pipette and spread evenly on a slide in weak mercury bichloride solution. In female children a soft eye syringe is used. Weak bichloride of mercury solution is sucked in and out of the vagina several times. The washings are cen- trifugalized and the sediment examined for organisms. In mak- ing slide preparations all pressure must be avoided since the pus cells are easily crushed. The smear on the slide is stained by Gram’s method. The gonococci are gram negative and appear as small biscuit-shaped cocci in pairs. In carefully made preparations they are always found largely in pus cells. In a positive case one nearly always finds a few pus cells containing a very large number of cocci. In urethral smears one may be reasonably sure that diplococci morphologically similar to gonococci occurring outside pus cells are specific. In the vulvovaginal tract one may find other dip- lococci which stain as gonococci hence one cannot be sure here that organisms occurring outside the pus cells are really gono- cocci. Only those smears showing leucocytes filled with morpho- logically typical gonococci are reported positive. Classification of Streptococci (Holman, W. L.: Jour. Med. Research, 1916, xxxiv, 377) Principle.—The streptococci are cultured on red blood agar and separated into hemolytic and non-hemolytic types. The or- ganisms are further subdivided by their reaction in lactose, man- nite and salicin carbohydrate broth. The streptococci are differ- entiated from pneumococci by their insolubility in bile and their failure to ferment inulin. Media.—(1) Blood Agar.—Meat infusion agar with a PH equal to 7.4 is sterilized in 100 c.c. amounts in flasks. A flask is heated in the autoclave, cooled to 50° C. and 5 cubic centimeters of defi- brinated human blood added. The mixture is poured into petri dishes to make a layer 2 to 3 mm. thick. 218 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Salicin Str. Ignavus Str. Equinus - I Mannite l . Salicin Str. Non-Hemolyticus III Str. Non-Hemolyticus II Lactose (Gram-positive cocci in chains, no capsules, insoluble in bile) I Salicin Str. Salivanus - Str. Mitis i Mannite Classification of Streptococci Salicin Str. Non-IIemolyticus I - Table XLIV Hemolysis Str. Fecalis — Str. Subacidieus i Salicin Str. Equi Mannite I Salicm Str. Hemolyticus III Str. Hemolyticus II i Lactose I Salicin Str. Angiosus I Mannite Str. Pyogenes - I Salicin Str. Hemolyticus I- Str. Infrequens- GENERAL BACTERIOLOGICAL METHODS 219 (2) Carbohydrate Media.—Take 200 e.e. of double strength meat infusion broth with PH equal 7.4, add to this 100 c.c. of water, 4 grams of the test substance and 4 c.c. of Andrade’s indi- cator. This is sterilized in a large flask on three successive days in an Arnold sterilizer. Beef serum diluted one half with water is slowly filtered through a Berkefeld filter and 200 c.c. added to the above. The whole is tubed through a sterile funnel into ster- ile test tubes and the tubes incubated for two days to eliminate chance contaminations. Procedure.—The blood agar plate is streaked with a loopful of the streptococcus culture. The surface is covered with as many parallel lines as it is possible to make in order to thoroughly dis- tribute the material. After growing the streptococcus on blood agar for 24 hours transfer to inulin, lactose, mannite and salicin serum broth tubes and incubate for at least a week at 37° C. Colonies of hemolytic streptococcus on the blood agar plate will show well defined colorless zones of hemolysis. There should be no pigmented corpuscles visible under the low power of the microscope remaining next to or under the colony. If there is any question as to the hemolytic property it is well to mix 0.5 c.c. of a 24 hour bouillon culture with 0.5 c.c. of a 5 per cent suspension of washed human red blood cells in physio- logic salt solution and incubate in water-bath at 37° C. for two hours. True hemolytic streptococci produce laking of blood un- der these conditions. Pneumococci may be differentiated by solubility in bile when 1 c.c. of a bouillon culture is incubated at 37° C. for one hour with 0.2 c.c. of sterile ox bile. Table XLIV shows the classification of the streptococci using the above procedure. CHAPTER XI MISCELLANEOUS CLINICAL PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS Reagents.— (1) Pandy’s solution— Saturated aqueous solution of phenol. (2) Ross-Jones solution— Saturated (by heat) aqueous solution of ammonium sul- phate. (3) Fuehs-Rosenthal solution— Glacial acetic acid 2 c.c. Methyl violet 0.1 gram. Water 50 c.c. (4) Tsuchiya reagent (see page 41). Procedure.— 1. Test for Excess Globulin.— Qualitative.—The Pandy Test. To 1 c.c. of Pandy’s reagent add one drop of spinal fluid. If an excess of globulin is present a white cloud will develop immediately. Record results as follows: Negative 0 Borderline ± Positive + Strongly positive + + Ross-Jones Test.—Layer the spinal fluid on a saturated solu- tion of ammonium sulphate. If an excess of globulin is present a white ring develops at the line of contact. Quantitative.—Fill a Felton precipitometer to line marked “Spinal Fluid” and add Tsuchiya solution to line marked “Re- Examination of Cerebrospinal Fluid 220 PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS 221 agent.” Invert several times and let tube stand overnight. Read off directly in grams per liter. 2. Cell Count.—This should be done as soon after the with- drawal of the fluid as possible since the cells settle out rapidly. If the fluid is clear draw up the Fuchs-Rosenthal reagent to 1 mark on white blood cell counting pipet and fill to the 11 mark with spinal fluid. Allow pipette to stand for a few minutes, shake and fill a Fuchs-Rosenthal counting chamber (Fig. 55). The white cells are stained violet; red cells if present are only faintly stained. The number of white cells in the entire ruled area divided by 3 gives the number per cubic centimeter. If a counting chamber with Fuchs-Rosenthal ruling is not avail- able, an ordinary blood cell counting chamber is employed. The Fig. 55.—Fuchs-Rosenthal ruling of counting chamber for spinal fluids total number of cells in the ruled area (Neubauer ruling) multi- plied by the factor gives the number of cells per cubic 01 millimeter. A cloudy fluid should be diluted as for a white blood count and counted in an ordinary counting chamber. 3'. Wassermann Test.—(See page 175.) 4. Colloidal Gold Test.—(See page 222.) 5. A Culture should be made if the fluid is cloudy or if other- wise indicated. This is best done by centrifuging the fluid in a sterile tube and culturing the sediment on a blood agar plate and in dextrose bouillon. 6. Smears.—A cloudy fluid should be centrifuged, smears made from the sediment, and stained with gram and with methylene 222 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS blue. Make a different count of the white cells and look for bacteria. 7. Examination for Tubercle Bacilli.—If tuberculosis is sus- pected, allow tube to stand overnight in ice box. Float the film which forms onto a slide and stain for tubercle bacilli by Ziehl- Neelson method. Another good way of getting a film preparation is to place a cover glass in a conical test glass, add the spinal fluid and allow to stand overnight. The film will collect on the cover glass. The fluid is then pipetted off, the cover glass removed and the film stained by the Ziehl-Neelson Method. Lange’s Colloidal Gold Test on Spinal Fluids (Miller, Brush, Hammers, and Felton: Bull. Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1915, xxvi, 391) A. Preparation of the Colloidal Gold Solution — (a) Reagents.— 1. Merck’s gold chloride (sealed in brown glass ampoules) 1 gram. Water triply distilled up to 100 c.c. 2. Chemically pure potassium car- bonate (desiccated) 2 grams. Water triply distilled up to 100 c.c. 3. Chemically pure formaldehyde (40 per cent solution) 1 c.c. Water triply distilled up to 40 c.c. 4. Chemically pure crystalline ox- alic acid 1 gram. Water triply distilled up to 100 c.c. The reagents need not be made up fresh each day but may be kept as stock solutions. (b) Cleaning the Glassware.—The beakers and pipettes are thoroughly brushed under hot tap water with ivory soap solution. They are then rinsed in running water, tilled with bichromate cleaner, and left standing for at least one-half hour. When needed, the beakers are emptied, washed again in running water for five minutes, rinsed with ordinary distilled water, and finally with triply distilled water. The pipettes, flasks and graduates PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS 223 are cleaned in the same manner. The glassware should not be allowed to dry in the air before use. (e) Distillation of Water.—The first distillate is taken from an ordinary Stoke’s still, and immediately poured into clean Pyrex distilling flasks. Five c.c. of a saturated solution of barium Fig. 56.—Block tin still used in distilling water for colloidal gold solution. hydroxide for each liter of water is added. The water is then distilled twice, using a still (Fig. 56) with either Pyrex glass or block tin condensing tubes. Each distilling flask is washed out with some of the new lot of water that is to be put into it. The water should be used as soon as possible after its last distillation. 224 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS There should be no rubber connections in the distilling appara- tus. If the tap water contains chlorine it is better to start with spring water instead of the distillate from the Stoke’s still. (d) Technic for the Preparation of the Solution.—Rinse out a beaker with a portion of the triply distilled water and fill to the liter mark. Raise the temperature gradually to about 50° C., and then turn the gas on full. At 60° C. add 10 c.e. of the 1 per cent gold solution, and 7 c.e. of the 2 per cent potassium bicarbonate solution. At 80° C., while stirring with a thermom- eter, add slowly 10 drops of oxalic acid. The solution should remain colorless and clear. When the temperature has reached 90° C., the flame is withdrawn and while stirring, 5 c.e. of the 1 per cent formaldehyde, or enough to produce an initial pink color, is slowly added a drop at a time. If a pink color makes its appearance before all the reducing agent has been added, stop at once. The final end point is marked by the production of a beautiful brilliant clear orange-red solution. The solution should be kept in a dark place. (e) Testing the Solution for.—1. Reaction: To 5 c.c. of the solution in a test tube are added 2 drops of 1 per cent alizarin red in 50 per cent alcohol. With an alkaline solution a purplish red color is produced; the neutral point is of a brownish red tinge; an acid solution gives a lemon yellow color. Ten test tubes are set up in a rack and 1 c.c. of freshly distilled water put into each. Depending upon whether the solution is acid or alkaline as shown by the preliminary test, add 1 c.c. of N/50 NaOII or N/50 IICL to the first tube. Mix well and trans- fer 1 c.c. to the second tube. Again mix and transfer 1 c.c. from the second to the third tube. Proceed in this manner up to and including the ninth tube. The tenth tube serves as a control. Now add to each tube two drops of the alizarin red indicator and 5 c.c. of the gold solution to be tested. The amount of acid or alkali in each successive tube will be as follows: 0.5 c.c., 0.25 c.c., 0.125 c.c., 0.0625 c.c., etc., each tube having exactly one-half of the preceding one. The tube showing the most typical brown- ish red is selected as neutral; the amount of acid or alkali in that tube is divided by 5 to determine the amount necessary to neu- tralize 1 c.c.; this is multiplied by the number of cubic centi- PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS 225 meters of solution to be corrected and the resulting amount of fiftieth normal hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide added to the solution, which is then ready for use. It should be noted that a deep dark red with a purplish tinge in the upper layer when shaken, as well as a deep purple, is a definite sign of an alkaline solution, and that no red without a definite brownish tinge should be regarded as neutral. 2. Protection.—Add 1.7 c.c. of one per cent salt solution to 5 c.c. of the colloidal gold solution. The gold should be com- pletely precipitated in one hour’s time. 3. Reaction Curves with Known Normal and Abnormal Fluids.— Test the fluid with a known paretic cerebrospinal fluid, and four known normal fluids. (f) Requirements for a Satisfactory Colloidal Gold Solu- tion.—1. It must be clear to both direct and transmitted light and preferably of a brilliant red orange or salmon red color. 2. Five c.c. of the solution must be completely precipitated by 1.7 c.c. of a one per cent sodium chloride solution in the time interval of one hour. 3. The solution must be neutral in reaction on the day on which it is used. 4. It must give a typical reaction curve with a known paretic cerebrospinal fluid. 5. It must produce no reaction greater than a number one with four normal cerebrospinal fluids. B. Procedure in Making the Test.—Into the first of 10 clean, dry test tubes reserved especially for the purpose put 1.8 c.c. of fresh sterile 0.4 per cent NaCl solution made from a stock 4 per cent NaCl solution. Into each of the remaining nine tubes put 1 c.c. of salt solution of the same strength. Now add to the first tube by means of a clean, dry, certified 1 c.c. pipette, 0.2 c.c. of the spinal fluid to be tested. Mix well. Transfer 1 c.c. of the resultant 1 to 10 solution of spinal fluid to the second tube and again mix thoroughly and transfer 1 c.c. of the solution to the third tube. Proceed in this manner up to and including the tenth tube. By this method a series of dilutions of the spinal fluid is secured in geometrical progression ranging from 1 to 10 to 1 to 5120. Now add to each tube 5 c.c. of the colloidal gold 226 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS solution. Shake each tube thoroughly. Read the tubes after standing overnight at room temperature. All readings must be done with direct daylight, holding the tubes up against the sky. In recording the results of the test, numbers are used to de- note the various color changes, as follows: Unchanged 0 Bluish red 1 Reddish blue 2 Deep blue 3 Gray blue 4 Colorless 5 Remarks.—The reaction types are classified as follows: 1. Normal in which there is no reaction or a maximum color change of 1. 2. Zone I (so-called paretic zone) : The greatest reaction is in the first three to six tubes and is of the 5 type. The color values rapidly fall in the succeeding two or three tubes to 0. 3. Zone II (so-called luetic type) : The greatest color change is in the fourth and fifth tubes but is seldom greater than 4 or less than 3. 4. Zone III (so-called meningitic type) : The maximum color change occurs in the higher dilutions beginning with the sixth tube. The reaction types are illustrated in Fig. 57. Satisfactory solutions cannot be uniformly made with the quan- tities of reagents directed. If trouble is experienced, it is best to vary the amounts until a successful combination is found. If the solutions are turbid, the oxalic acid should be omitted. Examination of Ascitic and Pleural Fluids Collection of Specimen.—Collect specimen in sterile container, diluting the fluid with an equal volume of sterile 1.5 per cent sodium citrate in normal salt solution to prevent clotting. Frankly purulent fluids need not he diluted. Routine Examination.— 1. Specific Gravity.—Take specific gravity with urinometer. 2. Quantitative Albumin Determination.—Dilute one to twenty with distilled water and make quantitative albumin deter- PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS 227 Number used to designate color Bril .1 i ant Red-Orange Red-Blue Lilac or Purp] e Blue Pale Blue Colorless Color of solution No reaction—normal spinal fluid. Zone I reaction (paretic type). Fig. 57.—Reaction types of spinal fluid with colloidal gold solution. Dilutions of Spinal Fluid with 0.4$ Nad Zone II reaction (luetic type). Zone III reaction (meningitic type). 228 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS mination. Fill Esbach tube (Fig. 17) to point marked “W” with diluted fluid and to “R” with Tsuchiya reagent. Stopper, invert ten to twelve times, and allow to stand overnight. The amount of sediment as read on the scale multiplied by twenty gives the number of grams of albumin per liter. 3. Cell Count.—Dilute with 1 per cent acetic acid as for white blood cell count and determine the number of white cells in count- ing chamber. Centrifuge, make smear of sediment and stain with Loeffler’s methylene blue. Make differential count of cells and look for bacteria. 4. Culture.—Make culture on blood agar plate and in tube of glucose bouillon. 5. Guinea Pig Inoculation.—If indicated inject guinea pig sub- cutaneously in the groin with centrifugalized sediment from 10 to 50 c.c. of fluid. Report as follows if complete examination is made: Pleural : Fluid Sp.Gr. Ascitic Albumin gms. per liter WBC per cmm. Differential - PMM SM Smear shows Culture If the specimen is purulent only make culture and smear. Report the examination of a purulent fluid as follows: Pleural fluid Smear shows Culture shows Dark-Field Examination for Spirocheta Pallida The simplest and most successful method of finding the spiro- cheta pallida in luetic lesions is by use of the dark-field. The apparatus consists of an ordinary microscope from which the substage condensor is removed and a dark-field illuminator (Fig. 58) attached instead. A funnel stop is inserted in the oil immersion objective. A strong light, such as that given by an arc lamp or a 100 Watt nitrogen bulb, is necessary. The dark- field substage must be centered by means of the lateral adjust- 229 PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS rnent screws. This is accomplished by bringing the rings on the apex of the condensor to the center of the field as viewed through the low power lens of the microscope. Recently an illuminator has been devised in which the light is placed in the substage (Fig. 56). In obtaining the material for dark-field examination, the lesion should be superficially cleansed in order to remove the many con- taminating organisms on the surface. In taking a specimen from a primary lesion, it is well to cleanse rather roughly, remove most of the surface layer, and to squeeze out a little serum from the deeper tissues. A drop of the secretion is caught in the Fig. 58.—A.—Old style dark-field illuminator. An external source of light is em ployed. B.—New type dark-field illuminator. The light is an integral part of the instrument center or the side of a cover glass, which is then placed on a thin slide. Secretion from a gland can be obtained by inserting a needle into the gland and massaging the latter for a few minutes. A few drops of secretion may he obtained by aspiration. A sufficient quantity of immersion oil is placed on the cover glass, also on the apex of the dark-field substage. The prepara- tion is placed on the condensor gently so that the drop of oil on the condensor spreads evenly without bubbles. If the condensor is properly centered the correct focus of light can be obtained by moving the condensor up and down until the center ring of light becomes a point of light in the middle of 230 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS the preparation. This adjustment is necessary because of varia- tions in the thickness of slides. With the proper adjustment the silvery appearance of the illuminated organic structures will stand out conspicuously in contrast with the background which should be of an intense brown color. The Spirocheta pallida will appear as a silvery, very slender, highly flexible structure, which is spirally wound, having any- where from ten to twenty turns. Its length is about twice the diameter of a red blood cell. The turns are closely set and of more or less equal size and shape. The organism will move slowly across the field, the movements being corkscrew-like. The Spirocheta pallida must be differentiated from other spiro- chetes, of which Spirocheta refringens is the most important. Table XLV given by Dourmashkin is of value in differentiating the two organisms. Table XLY SPIROCHETA PALLIDA SPIROCHETA F.EFRINGENS 1. Body very slender. 1. Body much coarser. 2. Has from ten to twenty turns. 2. The turns are much fewer, any- where from five to eight. 3. The movements are regular. 3. Extremely irregular. 4. Moves slowly. 4. Movements very rapid; may be compared to lightning; difficult to follow it, as the organism dashes across the field. 5. Retains its turns. 5. Does not retain its turns. 6. Does not take up blue stain. methylene 6. Takes up the stain. Preparation of Bacterial Vaccines (Hopkins: Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1913', lx, 1615) Each organism to be used must be isolated in pure culture. Plain agar slants may be employed for the colon, typhoid and staphylococcus groups and dextrose broth for the pneumococcus, streptococcus and M. catarrhalis groups. It will be necessary to use blood agar slants or plates for B. influenzae and dextrose ascitic agar slants or plates for the gonococcus. Inoculate medium and incubate for 24 hours. Wash the organ- isms off solid medium with sterile physiological salt solution and PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS 231 place the suspension in a Hopkins vaccine centrifuge tube (Fig. 59). If the organisms have been grown in a fluid medium the material from the bottom of container is placed in the vaccine centrifuge tube. Fasten a sterile cotton plug in centrifuge tube with adhesive. Centrifuge for 30 minutes at 2800 revolutions per minute. Remove supernatant fluid with sterile pipette and add sterile physiological salt solution to make a 1 per cent sus- pension. Mix and transfer to sterile tube containing some beads. Stopper with sterile rubber stopper and shake until a homo- geneous suspension is obtained. Fig. 59.—Hopkins vaccine tube. Heat in water-bath at 60° C. for one hour. The level of the water in the tube must be well above the level of the vaccine. Culture by adding one drop of the suspension to a blood agar plate and one drop to a tube of plain broth with a sterile pipette. Incubate for 72 hours. After culturing add 0.25 c.c. of 10 per cent tricresol mixture, or 0.5 c.c. of 10 per cent phenol, to each 10 c.c. of vaccine and shake thoroughly. Below is shown the number of organisms per cubic centimeter in a 1 per cent suspension, as given by Hopkins: Streptococcus hemolyticus—8 billions per cubic centimeter. Staphylococcus aureus and albus—10 billions per cubic centi- meter. Gonococcus—8 billions per cubic centimeter. 232 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Pneumococcus—2.5 billions per cubic centimeter. B. Typhosus—8 billions per cubic centimeter. B. Coli—4 billions per cubic centimeter. Label with name, date, type of organism and number of or- ganisms per cubic centimeter. The suspension may be diluted as desired. Keep in ice box. Wound Bacterial Count Principle.—In order to intelligently control the treatment of infected wounds with Dakin’s solution it is necessary to deter- mine frequently the number of bacteria in the exudate. Procedure.—A smear is made from the infected area on a slide and spread uniformly with a platinum wire. The smear is stained two minutes with carbol-thionin, washed under the tap, and dried. Using the Bausch and Lomb No. 10 eyepiece and the 1.90 mm. objective, a standard field is selected in which the leucocytes just touch but do not overlap. The bacteria in the standard field are counted and if over 60, are recorded as infinity. If the number falls between 10 and 60, five fields are counted and the average taken; with counts be- tween 2 and 10, the average of ten fields is taken, and with those below 2, the average of 20 fields. In examining the smear the predominant cell type—mononu- clear or polymorphonuclear—and the predominant type of or- ganism—bacillus, coccus, or streptococcus—are noted. The findings are reported as follows: WOUND Bacterial count Predominant cell type BACTERIAL COUNT Predominant organism type (Vogel and Lee: Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1914, lxii, 532) Detection of Mercury in Excretions Principle.—The organic combination in which the mercury exists in the excretions is broken down by oxidation with nascent chlorine. Metallic copper is added to the solution containing the mercury. By electrolytic double decomposition the mercury is deposited on the copper and from this it is distilled on to a piece PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS 233 of dentists’ gold foil. The mercury is easily recognized as glob- ules or as a silvery patch of discoloration on the gold. Procedure.—As large a volume as possible of the material, (urine, gastric lavage, fluid, colon irrigation), is acidulated with 10 to 20 c.c. of concentrated hydrochloric acid; a few grams of potassium chlorate are added; and the whole is heated in a large porcelain evaporating dish. The fluid becomes pale yellow or colorless Avhen the organic material is completely oxidized. It is not advisable to use more acid or chlorate than is required for complete decolorization. Specimens containing a large amount of protein, such as stools, vomitus and blood, are first diluted with several volumes of water, and require more of the oxidizing materials. The excess of acid and chlorine is elimi- nated by evaporation and the solution concentrated to about 25 c.c. The solution is filtered to remove any solid matter. A short piece of clean copper wire, a number of small copper discs, or a small amount of copper dust, is dropped into the solution and allowed to remain for several hours, or overnight, preferably in a warm place. The copper is washed with distilled water, dried with alcohol and ether, and placed in the bottom of a small glass tube. It is then followed by a cylinder of gold foil pushed to within 2 centimeters of the copper. The tube is held horizontally, and its closed end is carefully treated over a microburner almost to the softening point, care being taken to avoid heating the part of the tube containing the gold foil. The gold foil is examined for any trace of silvery dis- coloration, signifying the presence of mercury. A hand lens is useful in recognizing small amounts of the metal. If chlorine is still present in the concentrated oxidized solution the wire may be completely dissolved, in which case the solution should be di- luted, again concentrated by boiling, and another wire dropped in. If further confirmation of the identity of the mercury is re- quired, the gold foil may be suspended in a tube containing a few crystals of iodine, which are then gently warmed. The mercury thus becomes converted into red mercuric iodide. By this method 1 mg. of mercury in 100 c.c. can be detected in urine, stomach contents, and stools; the copper being allowed to remain in the oxidized mixture 2 hours. 234 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Colorimetric Determination of the Hydrogen-Ion Concentration of Biological Fluids (Clark and Lubs: Jour. Bact., 1917, ii, 1, 101, 191) Principle.—The colorimetric method of determining hydrogen- ion concentration is based upon the fact that each indicator has a characteristic zone of hydrogen-ion concentration within which its color changes occur. The unknown solution is treated with a few drops of indicator and the color obtained compared with that produced with the same amount of indicator and a solution of known hydrogen-ion concentration. The essentials are: First, a set of indicators which (1) cover the ranges of PH to be studied; (2) are little affected by the pres- ence of protein and neutral salts and, (3) do not fade rapidly; and second, a set of buffer solutions of known hydrogen-ion con- centration. Reagents.—1. Standard Buffer Solutions.—The various mix- tures are made from the following stock solutions: M/5 potas- sium chloride (KC1), M/5 acid potassium phosphate (KII2P04), M/5 acid potassium phthalate (KIIC8H404), M/5 boric acid with M/5 potassium chloride (H3B03, KC1), M/5 sodium hydroxide (NaOH), and M/5 hydrochloric acid (HC1). Th*e water used in the crystallization of the salts and in the preparation of the stock solutions and mixtures should be redis- tilled and preferably “conductivity” water. M/5 Potassium Chloride Solution.— (This solution will not be necessary except in the preparation of the most acid series of mixtures.) The salt should be recrystallized three or four times and dried in an oven at about 120° C. for two days. The fifth molecular solution contains 14.912 grams in 1 liter. M/5 Acid Potassium Phthalate Solution.—Acid potassium phthalate may be prepared by the method of Dodge (1915) modi- fied as follows: Make up a concentrated potassium hydroxid solu- tion by dissolving about 60 grams of a high grade sample in about 400 c.c. of water. To this add 50 grams of the commercial resub- limed anhydrid of orthophthalic acid. Test a cool portion of the solution with phenolphthalein. If the solution is still alkaline, add more phthalic anhydrid; if acid, add more KOH. When 235 PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS roughly adjusted to a slight pink with phenolphthalein add as much more phthalie anhydrid as the solution contains and heat until all is dissolved. Filter while hot, and allow the crystal- lization to take place slowly. The crystals should be drained with suction and recrystallized at least twice from distilled water. Dry the salt at 110° C. to 115° C. to constant weight. A fifth molecular solution contains 40.828 grams of the salt in 1 liter of the solution. M/5 Acid Potassium Phosphate Solution.—A high grade com- mercial sample of the salt is recrystallized at least three times from distilled water and dried to constant weight at 110° to 115° C. A fifth molecular solution should contain in 1 liter 27.232 grams. The solution should be distinctly red with methyl red and distinctly blue with brom phenol blue. M/5 Boric Acid M/5 Potassium Chloride.—Boric acid should be recrystallized several times from distilled water. It should be air dried in thin layers between filter paper and the constancy of weight established by drying small samples in thin layers in a desiccator over CaCl2. Purification of KC1 has already been noted. One liter of the solution should contain 12.4048 grams of boric acid and 14.912 grams of potassium chloride. M/5 Sodium Hydroxide Solution.—This solution is the most difficult to prepare, since it should be as free as possible from carbonate. A solution of sufficient purity for the present pur- poses may be prepared from a high grade sample of the hydroxide in the following manner. Dissolve 100 grams NaOH in 100 c.c. distilled water in a Jena or Pyrex glass Erlenmeyer flask. Cover the mouth of the flask with tin foil and allow the solution to stand overnight till the carbonate has mostly settled. Then prepare a filter as follows. Cut a ‘‘hardened” filter paper to fit a Buchner funnel. Treat it with warm strong (1 : 1) NaOII solu- tion. After a few minutes decant the sodium hydroxide and wash the paper first with absolute alcohol, then with dilute al- cohol, and finally with large quantities of distilled water. Place the paper on the Buchner funnel and apply gentle suction until the greater part of the water has evaporated but do not dry so that the paper curls. Now pour the concentrated alkali upon the middle of the paper, spread it with a glass rod making sure 236 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS that the paper, under gentle suction, adheres well to the funnel, and draw the solution through with suction. The clear filtrate is now diluted quickly, after rough calculation, to a solution somewhat more concentrated than N/l. Withdraw 10 c.c. of this dilution and standardize roughly with an acid solution of known strength, or with a sample of acid potassium phthalate. From this approximate standardization calculate the dilution Fig. 60.—Showing H-ion comparison standards, comparator, and sodium hydroxide bottle with soda lime guard tubes. required to furnish an M/5 solution. Make the required dilution with the least possible exposure, and pour the solution into a paraffined bottle to which a calibrated 50 c.c. burette and soda-lime guard tubes have been attached (Fig. 60). The solution should now be most carefully standardized. One of the simplest methods of doing this, and one which should always be used in this in- stance, is the method of Dodge (1915) in which use is made of PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS 237 the acid potassium phthalate purified as already described. Weigh out accurately on a chemical balance with standardized weights several portions of the salt of about 1.6 grams each. Dissolve in about 20 c.c. distilled water and add 4 drops phenol- phthalein. Pass a stream of C02—free air through the solution and titrate with the alkali until a faint but distinct and per- manent pink is developed. It is preferable to use a factor with the solution rather than attempt adjustment to an exact M/5 solution. M/5 Hydrochloric Acid Solution.—Dilute a high grade of hydro- chloric acid solution to about 20 per cent and distill. Dilute the distillate to approximately M/5 and standardize with the sodium hydroxide solution previously described. The only solution which it is absolutely necessary to protect from the C02 of the atmosphere is the sodium hydroxide solu- tion. Therefore all but this solution may be stored in ordinary bottles of resistant glass. The salt solutions, if adjusted to exactly M/5, may be measured from clean calibrated pipettes. Table XLVI shows the proportions in which the stock solu- tions are to be mixed to make buffer solutions of varying hydro- gen concentration. Table XLVI Compositions of Mixtures Giving Ph Values at 20° C. at Intervals of 0.2 KOI - HC1 Mixtures PH Composition 1.0 50 c.c. M/5 KC1 97.0 c.c. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 1.2 50 c.c. M/5 KC1 64.5 c.c. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 1.4 50 c.c. M/5 KC1 41.5 c.c. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 1.6 50 c.c. M/5 KC1 26.3 c.c. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 1.8 50 c.c. M/5 KC1 16.6 c.c. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 2.0 50 c.c. M/5 KC1 10.6 c.c. M/5 HG1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 2.2 50 c.c. M/5 KC1 6.7 c.c. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 2.2 50 c.c. M/5 KHPhthalate 46.70 e.e. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 2.4 50 c.c. M/5 KHPhthalate 39.60 c.c. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 2.6 50 c.c. M/5 KHPhthalate 32.95 c.c. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 2.8 50 c.c. M/5 KHPhthalate 26.42 c.c. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 3.0 50 c.c. M/5 KHPhthalate 20.32 c.c. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 3.2 50 c.c. M/5 KHPhthalate 14.70 c.c. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 3.4 50 c.c. M/5 KHPhthalate 9.90 c.c. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 3.6 50 c.c. M/5 KHPhthalate 5.97 c.c. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. 3.8 50 c.c. M/5 KHPhthalate 2.63 c.c. M/5 HC1 Dilute to 200 c.c. Phthalate - HC1 Mixtures 238 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Table XLVI—Cont T) Phthalate - NaOH Mixtures 4.0 50 ec. M/5 KHPlithalate 0.40 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 4.2 50 cc. M/5 KHPlithalate 3.70 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 4.4 50 cc. M/5 KHPlithalate 7.50 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 4.6 50 ee. M/5 KHPhthalate 12.15 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 4.8 50 cc. M/5 KHPhthalate 17.70 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 5.0 50 cc. M/5 KHPhthalate 23.85 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 5.2 50 cc. M/5 KHPhthalate 29.95 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 5.4 50 cc. M/5 KHPhthalate 35.45 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 5.6 50 cc. M/5 KHPhthalate 39.85 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 5.8 50 cc. M/5 KHPhthalate 43.00 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 6.0 50 ec. M/5 KHPhthalate 45.45 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 6.2 50 cc. M/5 KHPhthalate 47.00 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. KH2P04 - NaOH Mixtures 5.8 50 c.c. M/5 KH3P04 3.72 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 6.0 50 c.c. M/5 KH2P04 5.70 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 6.2 50 c.c. M/5 KH2P04 8.60 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 6.4 50 c.c. M/5 IvH2P04 12.60 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 6.6 50 c.c. M/5 KH„P04 17.80 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 6.8 50 c.c. M/5 KH2P04 23.65 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 7.0 50 c.c. M/5 KH,P04 29.63 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 7.2 50 c.e. M/5 KH2P04 35.00 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.e. 7.4 50 c.c. M/5 KH2P04 39.50 c,c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 7.6 50 c.c. M/5 KH,P04 42.80 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 7.8 50 c.c. M/5 KH2P04 45.20 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 8.0 50 c.c. M/5 KH2P04 46.80 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. Boric Acid, KC1 - NaOH Mixtures 7.8 50 c.c. M/5 H3B03 M/5 KOI 2.61 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 8.0 50 c.e. M/5 H3BOs M/5 KC1 3.97 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 8.2 50 c.c. M/5 H3B03 M/5 KOI 5.90 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 8.4 50 c.c. M/5 H3B03 M/5 KC1 8.50 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 8.6 50 c.e. M/5 H3B03 M/5 KC1 12.00 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 8.8 50 c.c. M/5 H3B03 M/5 KOI 16.30 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 9.0 50 c.c. M/5 H3B03 M/5 KOI 21.30 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 9.2 50 c.c. M/5 H3B03 M/5 KCl 26.70 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 9.4 50 c.e. M/5 H3B03 M/5 IvCl 32.00 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 9.6 50 c.c. M/5 H3B03 M/5 KCl 36.85 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 9.8 50 c.c. M/5 H3B03 M/5 KCl 40.80 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. 10.0 50 c.c. M/5 H3BQ3 M/5 KCl 43.90 c.c. M/5 NaOH Dilute to 200 c.c. The mixtures should be made up freshly once a week. They are conveniently kept in 200 c.c. bottles, each of which is provided with a 10 c.c. pipette. The bottles used for the alkaline borate mixtures should be paraffined. 2. Indicators.—Table XLYII of indicators shows the concen- tration of the solution used to test gross color changes and the range in which each indicator is useful. PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS 239 Table XLYII List of Indicators CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONCEN- COLOR RANGE TRATION CHANGE Thymol sulphone phthalein (acid range) Thymol blue 0.04 Bed-Yellow 1.2-2.8 Tetra bromo phenol sulphone phthalein Ortho carboxy benzene azo .Brom phenol blue 0.04 Yellow-blue 3.0-4.G dimethyl aniline Di bromo ortho cresol sul- Methyl red 0.02 Bed-yellow 4.4-6.0 phone phthalein Brom cresol purple 0.04 Yellow-purple 5.2-6.S Di bromo thymol sulphone phthalein Brom thymol blue 0.04 Yellow-blue 6.0-7.6 Phenol sulphone phthalein.. Ortho cresol sulphone phthal- Phenol red 0.02 Yellow-red 6.8-B.4 ein .Cresol red 0.02 Yellow-red 7.2-8.8 Thymol sulphone phthalein (see above) .Thymol blue 0.02 Yellow-blue 8.0-9.6 Ortho cresol phthalein .Cresol phthalein 0.02 Colorless-red 8.2-9.8 The indicators are supplied in dry form from which stock solutions are made as follows: 0.1 gram of dry powder is ground in an agate mortar with the following quantities of N/20 NaOH. Indicator Phenol red Brom phenol blue Cresol red Thymol blue Brom thymol blue Brom cresol purple N/20 NaOII per 0.1 gm. 5.7 c.c. 3.0 c.c. 5.3 c.c. 4.3 c.c. 3.2 c.e. 3.7 c.e. When solution is complete dilute to 25 c.c. This gives a 0.4 per cent solution. For use the stock solution of thymol blue, brom thymol blue, brom phenol blue and brom cresol purple are diluted with water to make 0.04 per cent solutions, those of phenol red and cresol red to make 0.02 per cent solutions. Methyl red is made by dissolving 0.1 gram in 300 c.c. of alcohol and diluting to 500 c.c. Orthocresol phthalein is used in 0.02 per cent solution in 95 per cent alcohol. 3. Comparison Color Standards.—Select test tubes of the same bore. Fill into them 10 c.c. of the standard buffer solutions to make a set of standards whose PH range from 1.2 to 9.6 with 240 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS increments of 0.2 PH allowing extra tubes for the overlapping of indicators. Add to each 5 drops of indicator solution as given below: PR of Buffer Solution 1.2 - 2.8 3.0-4.6 4.4-6.0 5.2-6.8 6.0 - 7.6 7.0-8.4 7.8 - 8.6 8.8-9.6 Indicator Thymol blue Brom phenol blue Methyl red Brom cresol purple Brom thymol blue Phenol red Cresol red Cresol phthalein If corked and sealed with paraffin, these standards are fairly permanent except those containing methyl red as the indicator. Procedure.—If the approximate PH of the solution is not known, find the range within which it falls by adding to a portion LIGHT ELY El Fig. 61.—Arrangement of tubes in comparator in the determination of hydrogen-ion concentration. the sulplionephthalein series of indicators, beginning with thy- mol blue. Measure 10 c.c. of the solution to be examined into a test tube of the same bore as those containing the standard solutions. Add 5 drops of the indicator showing the sharpest color changes over the range within which the solution falls, as indicated by the preliminary test. Compare this solution with those of the comparison color stand- PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS 241 PH H-ION CONC. (gms. of hydro- gen per li.) PH H-ION CONC. (gms. of hydro- gen per li.) 1 PH H-ION CONC. (gms. of hydro- gen per li.) PH H-ION CONC. (gms. of hydro- gen per li.) PH H-ION CONC. (gms. of hydro- gen per li.) 1.0 1.0 x 10-i 3.0 1.0x10-3 5.0 1.0 x 10-5 7.0 1.0 x 10-7 9.0 1.0x10-9 1.1 7.9x10-2 3.1 7.9 x 10-4 5.1 7.9 x 10-6 7.1 7.9 x 10-8 9.1 7.9 x lO-io 1.2 6.3x10-2 3.2 6.3 x 10-4 5.2 6.3 x 10-6 7.2 6.3 x 10-8 9.2 6.3 x lO'io 1.3 5.0x10-2 3.3 5.0 x 10"4 5.3 5.0 x 10"6 7.3 5.0 x 10*8 9.3 5.0 x 10"io 1.4 4.0 x 10-2 3.4 4.0 x 10‘4 5.4 4.0 x 10"6 7.4 4.0x10-8 9.4 4.0 x 10-io 1.5 3.2 x 10-2 3.5 3.2 x 10-4 5.5 3.2 x 10-6 7.5 3.2x10-8 9.5 3.2xl0-io 1.6 2.5x10-2 3.6 2.5 x 10-4 5.6 2.5 x 10‘6 7.6 2.5 x 10-s 9.6 2.5 x lO-io 1.7 2.0 x 10-2 3.7 2.0 x 10"4 5.7 2.0 x 10-6 7.7 2.0 x 10-s 9.7 2.0 x lO'io 1.8 1.6x10-2 3.8 1.6 x 10-4 5.8 1.6 x 10-6 7.8 1.6 x 10-s 9.8 1.6 x lO'io 1.9 1.2x10-2 3.9 1.2x10-4 5.9 1.2x10-6 7.9 1.2 x 10-s 9.9 1.2xl0-io 2.0 1.0 x 10-2 4.0 1.0x10-4 6.0 1.0x10-6 8.0 1.0 x 10-s 10.0 1.0 x lO'io 2.1 7.9 x 10-3 4.1 7.9 x 10-5 6.1 7.9 x 10-7 8.1 7.9 x 10-9 10.1 7.9 x 10-n 2.2 6.3x10-3 4.2 6.3 x 10-5 6.2 6.3 x 10-7 8.2 6.3 x 10-9 10.2 6.3 x 10-ii 2.3 5.0 x 10-3 4.3 5.0 x 10"5 6.3 5.0x10-7 8.3 5.0x10-9 10.3 5.0 x lO'H 2.4 4.0 x 10-3 4.4 4.0 x 10-5 6.4 4.0 x 10-7 8.4 4.0 x 10-9 10.4 4.0 x 10-ii 2.5 3.2x10-3 4.5 3.2 x 10-5 6.5 3.2 x 10-7 8.5 3.2x10-9 10.5 3.2 x 10-n 2.6 2.5 x 10-3 4.6 2.5 x 10"5 6.6 2.5x10-7 8.6 2.5 x 10-9 10.6 2.5x10-11 2.7 2.0 x 10*3 4.7 2.0 x 10‘5 6.7 2.0 x 10-7 8.7 2.0 x 10-9 10.7 2.0xl0-ii 2.8 1.6 x 10-3 4.8 1.6x10-5 6.8 1.6 x 10-7 8.8 1.6x10-9 10.8 1.6 x 10-11 2.9 1.2 x 10-3 4.9 1.2 x 10-5 6.9 1.2 x 10-7 8.9 1.2x10-9 10.9 1.2x10-11 True H-Ion Concentration Corresponding to Logarithmic Figures Table XLVIII 242 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS ards containing the same indicator. The PH of the unknown solu- tion is the same as that of the standard buffer solution the color of which it most nearly matches. If the unknown solution is colored, compare in a comparator holding six tubes (Fig. 60). Arrange the tubes as indicated in Fig. 61. If the native color of the solution still interferes, the solution may be diluted up to 1.5 without appreciably changing the hy- drogen-ion concentration. Remarks.—Table XLVIII shows the true hydrogen-ion con- centration corresponding to the logarithmic figures (1.0-10.9) . The hydrogen-ion concentration of the body fluids is given in Table XLIX. (Clark.) Table XLIX FLUID PH FLUID PH Blood 7.4 Muscle juice (fresh) 6.8 Urine 6.0 Muscle juice (autolyzed) Variable Saliva 6.9 Pancreas extract 5.6 Gastric juice (adult) 0.9-1.6 Peritoneal fluid 7.4 Gastric juice (infant) 5.0 Pericardial fluid 7.4 Pancreatic juice (dog) 8.3 Aqueous humor 7.1 Small intestinal contents 8.3 Vitreous humor 7.0 Small intestinal contents, (infant) 3.1 Cerebrospinal fluid 7.5-7.7 Bile from liver 7.8 Amniotic fluid 7.1 Bile from gall bladder Perspiration Tears 5.3-7.4 4.5 7.2 Milk (human) 7.0-7.2 CHAPTER XII MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICAL PROCEDURES AND SOLUTIONS The Use of the Colorimeter and Nephelometer The Colorimeter.—The quantitative determination of sub- stances which are present in only minute amounts but which form colored compounds is made with a colorimeter. Three types of colorimeter are in common use: (1) plunger; (2) wedge and (3) dilution type. With the plunger type, (Fig. 62), the intensity of the color of either the standard or unknown is varied by changing the depth of solution through which the light passes with the aid of a plunger. The two halves of the field of view are illuminated by the light passing through the standard and unknown solutions simultaneously. With the wedge type, (Fig. 34) the standard solution is placed in a wedge and the unknown in a small cup with sides parallel to the wedge. The wedge is moved up and down until the intensity of the color is the same as the unknown. With the dilution type the standard and unknown are placed in small test tubes of equal diameter. The unknown is diluted until it has identically the same color as the standard. Each type of instrument has its advantages and disadvantages. The wedge type is quite satisfactory where determinations need to be made quickly and only relatively accurate results are necessary. The wedge must be carefully calibrated, however, as described on page 98. For the most exact work an instru- ment of the plunger type such as the Duboscq (Fig. 62) or Bock-Benedict (Fig. 63) is necessary. In using a colorimeter of the plunger type, the instrument and the mirror should be adjusted to the source of light, by placing a colored solution in both cups, setting them at the same point on the scale and noting the two halves of the field. If they are not alike, the zero point or the optics of the instrument must be 243 244 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS wrong. Suitable allowance must be made in the readings after the degree of variation has been calculated. After having deter- mined the point at which the two halves of the field are alike, change the height of the plungers and then make a color com- parison of the color standard against itself, readjusting the moved plunger until the fields look alike again. The error should not exceed 0.2 mm. Fig. 62.—Duboscq colorimeter. (Bausch and Lornb.) Haying adjusted the instrument, the solutions are poured into the cups. The cup containing the standard solution is then lowered to a definite thickness, usually 20 mm. of the standard solution between the bottom of the cup and the end of the plunger. The cup containing the unknown solution is now moved until the two halves of the field are brought to the same intensity of color, after which the height at which the two liquid columns CHEMICAL PROCEDURES AND SOLUTIONS 245 display this equal absorptive power is read by means of the scale. Since the proportion of coloring matter in two solutions is in- versely proportional to the heights of the two columns necessary to obtain the same intensity of illumination, if the standard tube is set at 20 mm. and the solution under examination is the same intensity of color at 10 mm. the latter is just twice the concentra- tion of the standard. This is expressed by the formula: Color of Test Solution Height of Standard Solution Color of Standard Solution Height of solution to be tested Key to Figure A ens E Eye-piece HM Half size mir- ror FM Full size mir- ror S Cell for stand- ard solution P Plunger C Cup for un- known solu- tion R Large reflector ST Stage for hold- ing cup T Thumb screw moving stage up or down SC Set Screw Fig. 63.—Bock-Benedict colorimeter. If, therefore, the scale reading is 20 mm. for the standard and 15 mm. for the solution to be tested, the formula reads: 20 = 1.33. If for example the standard solution contains 4 mg. of coloring matter in 100 c.c., the solution under test will be found to contain 4 x 1.33 = 5.32 mg. in 100 c.c. The color comparisons should be made rapidly as the eye fatigues quickly. The eye should be closed often while making the readings. The optical parts of the instrument must be kept free from dust, and cups, plungers and mirror must be kept clean. 246 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Alkaline solutions such as those containing Nessler’s reagent must not be spilled on the mirror. The spilling of solutions is usually due to tilling the cups too full. The focus should be adjusted with the draw tube so the line dividing the fields is distinct. The readings are best made in a dark-room, both eyes being kept open. The more nearly the composition and concentration of the test solution equal that of the standard the more accurate will be the determination. Hence it is best to vary the strength of the test solution or standard until the two nearly match. The tables given under the colorimetric determinations in blood and urine can be used with a Duboscq, Kober or Bock-Benedict, (20 mm. cell) instrument. The Nephelometer.—Minute amounts of substances which do not form colored solutions may be determined in the nephelom- eter. This is an instrument for the determination of the quantity of a substance by measurement of the density of a precipitate which it produces with a reagent. It differs from the colorimeter in that the light which reaches the eye is not transmitted light but is light reflected from the particles of the suspension. The brightness of the two fields is compared instead of their color. The Duboscq colorimeter with movable cups may be easily adapted for nephelometric purposes, as suggested by Bloor, (Jour. Biol. Chem., 1915, xxii, 145). The method of transformation may be seen from the diagrams (Figs. 64 and 65). The brass plate carrying the colorimeter plungers is replaced by the plate A, with two slots in which are supported the nephel- ometer tubes B, with their flanges resting on the edges of the slots. The slots are so cut that the center lines of the tubes are exactly in line with the centers of the lower opening of the prism case E. If desired they may be countersunk to receive the flanges. The colorimeter cups are replaced by the jackets F and are supported on them by the collars D. They move when the cup supports move. The mirror is turned to the horizontal position, so that it reflects no light; the light in the nephelometer comes from in front and not from below (Fig. 64). The nephelometer tubes are small test tubes, 100 x 15 mm., CHEMICAL PROCEDURES AND SOLUTIONS 247 preferably made from the same sample of colorless glass tubing so that they are of exactly the same bore. The flanges at the top should be well made so that the tubes rest firmly and evenly in the slots. The glass should be as free as possible from imper- fections or striations. After the tubes are made and fitted into place the jackets are moved up on each tube by means of the Fig. 64.—The Duboscq colorimeter converted into a nephelometer with the necessary extra parts. (After Bloor.) rack and pinion, until the indicator on the scale is exactly at zero. Marks are made on each tube at the point reached by the top of the jacket and the portion above that point is made opaque by a ring of black paper or paint. Tubes and jackets are then marked “right” and “left” and always used on the same side. Since it is rare to find two tubes, which when filled with the 248 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS same solution, give exactly the same readings, it is necessary to take this fact into account and correct accordingly. The jackets C are made of tubing—metal or glass—a little larger than the tubes and about the same length, (they should just clear the mirror when it is turned horizontal), closed at the bottom and made light tight by black paint or paper. The col- lars D, supporting the jackets may be made of cork or more per- manently of metal. A little cotton wool in the bottom of the jackets will prevent breakage if the tubes should fall into the jackets. Artificial light is necessary and the lamp should be enclosed in a tight box, into one end of which the nephelometer fits snugly. Fig. 65.—The nephelometer in position in its box, showing its relation to the source of light. (After Bloor.) A partition extending part way up the box, as shown on the dia- gram (Fig. 65), serves the double purpose of shutting off the light from the lower part of the instrument and of providing a stop against which the instrument is pushed, so that its distance from the light is kept constant. The box is conveniently made without a bottom and the end closed with a dark curtain after the nephelometer is pushed into place. The inside of the box should be painted black. A dark room is desirable but not necessary, as the instrument may be used satisfactorily in a room darkened by a dark shade, or even in a dark corner of the laboratory. The relations of the nephelometer and light source may be seen in the diagram (Fig. 65). The lamp used is an ordinary 50 Watt tungsten, supported by a bracket at 30 cm. from the nephelometer CHEMICAL PROCEDURES AND SOLUTIONS 249 and at the height of the nephelometer tubes. The extra parts necessary for the conversion of the colorimeter into a nephelom- eter may be obtained from the International Instrument Com- pany of Cambridge, Massachusetts. The above description applies only to the type of instrument with movable cups. The total light reflected from a given depth of suspension de- pends not only on the number of reflecting particles but also on the condition of the precipitate, such as size and density. Hence it is very important that the condition of the particles in the standard and in the test solution be the same. It is thus neces- sary to make the physical and chemical conditions as regards salts, reaction, temperature and volume be as nearly alike in the two solutions as possible. The readings obtained with the different suspensions in the nephelometer are not exactly proportional to the amount of sub- stance present, and the difference between the observed and theo- retical readings increases as the substance increases in amount. Kober has proposed a formula to take care of such corrections. But practically where the reading of the test solution does not differ from the standard by more than 25 per cent the correction falls within the limits of error of the determination and no cor- rection need be made. The nephelometer tubes should be so filled that the meniscus comes just above the bottom of the black collar of the tube B, (Fig. 64). Standardization of Blood Chemical Determinations The technic and reagents employed in blood chemical deter- mination should be checked by making quantitative analyses on specimens of blood to which known amounts of the substance to be estimated have been added. The procedure to be followed in the check determination is given below. The protocols show the amount to be added in each test, and the calculated amount per 100 c.c. of blood with which results obtained are to be compared. Blank determinations in which no blood is used should also be run with each new lot of chemicals. 250 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Blood Urea Nitrogen.—Pipette 3 c.c. of whole blood into each of seven urea tubes. Add urea to each tube as indicated in the protocol below. Make a urea determination on each specimen in the usual way (page 133). Compare the results obtained with the calculated figures (Table L). Table L TUBE NO. UREA ADDITION calculated UREA NITROGEN 1 0.0 X mg. per 100 c.c. 2 0.3 mg. urea= 1 c.c.Si X +4.67 C l ( C ( ( < ( 3 0.6 “ “ =2 c.c.S1 X +9.34 ( c ( ( ( ( ( ( 4 0.9 “ “ =3 c.c.Si X +13.00 (( ( ( ( ( C ( 5 1.2 “ “ = 4 c.c.Si X +17.67 (( C ( (c ( i 6 1.5 “ “ =5 c.c.Si X +22.34 (( (( (( ( ( 7 1.8 “ “ =6 c.c.Si X +26.00 ( c C l (( i ( Where water. Si = a solution containing 300 mg. of urea dissolved in 1000 c.c. Total Non-protein Nitrogen.—Into each of seven Erlenmeyer flasks pipette 2 c.c. of oxalated blood. Add nitrogen and water as indicated in the protocol below. Finally add 2 c.c. each of 10 per cent sodium tungstate and % normal sulphuric acid. Deter- mine the non-protein nitrogen on the filtrate in the usual way (page 131). Compare the results obtained with the calculated figures (Table LI). Table LI FLASK NO. NITROGEN ADDITION WATER CALCULATED TOTAL NON-PROTEIN NITROGEN 1 0.0 14 c.c. X mg. per 100 c.c. blood 2 0.2 mg. — 2 c.c.Sj 12 c.c. X +10 “ £ c ( i £ £ £ £ 3 0.4 mg. = 4 e.c.S-t 10 c.c. X +20 “ ( < t ( £ £ i £ 4 0.6 mg. = 6 e.e.St 8 c.c. X +30 “ ( C ( C £ £ £ £ 5 0.8 mg. = 8 c.e.St 6 c.c. X +40 “ ( ( t £ £ £ £ £ G 1.0 mg. —10 c-c.Si 4 c.c. X +50 “ ( ( £ £ £ £ £ £ 7 1.2 mg. =12 c.c.Sj 2 c.c. X +60 “ ( ( f £ £ £ £ £ Where ammonium St = a solution containing 0.1 mg. sulphate per liter). nitrogen per c.c. (0.4716 gms. Blood Sugar.—Pipette 2 c.e. of oxalated blood into each of nine Erlenmeyer flasks. Add glucose and water as indicated in the protocol below. Finally add 2 c.c. each of 10 per cent sodium tungstate and % normal sulphuric acid. Determine the sugar on 251 CHEMICAL PROCEDURES AND SOLUTIONS the filtrate in the usual way (page 141). Compare the results obtained with the calculated figures (Table LII). FLASK NO. GLUCOSE ADDITION WATER CALCULATED ! SUGAR 1 0.0 14.0 c.c. X mg. per 100 c.c. 2 0.5 mg. = 5.0 c.c.Sj 9.0 c.c. X +25 £ £ i £ £ C £ £ 3 1.0 mg. ==10.0 c.c.St 4.0 c.c. X +50 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 4 1.5 mg. = 7.5 e.c.S2 6.5 c.c. X +75 £ £ £ £ i £ • • 5 2.0 mg. =10.0 c.c.S2 4.0 c.c. X +100 ( 6 £ £ £ £ £ £ 6 2.5 mg. =12.5 c.c.S2 1.5 c.c. X +125 ( i £ £ £ £ £ £ 7 3.0 mg. = 3.75 c.c.S3 10.25 c.c. X +150 C 6 £ ( £ £ £ £ 8 3.5 mg. = 4.375 c.c.S3 9.625 c.c. X +175 ( i £ ( £ £ £ £ 9 4.0 mg. = 5.0 c.c.S3 9.0 c.c. X +200 ( 6 £ £ £ £ £ £ Where S, = = standard containing 10 mg. glucose per 100 c.c. S2 = = standard containing 20 mg. glucose per 100 c.c. S3 3 = standard containing 40 mg. glucose per 100 c.c. Table LII Blood Uric Acid.—Pipette 2 c.c. of oxalated blood into each of nine Erlenmeyer flasks. Add uric acid and water as indicated in the protocol below. Finally add 2 c.c. each of 10 per cent sodium tungstate and % normal sulphuric acid. Determine the uric acid on the filtrate from each flask in the usual manner, (page 135.) Compare the results obtained with the calculated figures (Table LIII). Table LIII FLASK NO. URIC ACID ADDITION WATER CALCULATED URIC ACID 1 0.0 14 c.c. X mg. per 100 c.c. blood 2 0.01 mg. = 1 c.c. St 13 c.c. X +0.50 £ £ ( ( ( ( £ £ £ £ 3 0.02 “= 2 c.c. St 12 c.c. X +1.00 £ £ i ( ( ( £ £ £ £ 4 0.03 “ == 3 c.c. S, 11 c.c. X +1.50 ( ( ( i i ( £ £ £ £ 5 0.04 “ — 4 c.c. Sj 10 c.c. X +2.00 i ( < ( £ £ £ £ £ £ 6 0.05 “ = 5 c.c. Sj 9 c.c. X +2.50 “ ( t £ £ £ £ ‘ ‘ 7 0.06 “ = 6 c.c. S, 8 c.c. X +3.00 ( ( < £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 8 0.07 “ = 7 c.c. St 7 c.c. X +3.50 ( ( ( l £ £ £ £ £ £ 9 . 0.08 “ = 8 c.c. 6 c.c. X +4.00 ( ( < ( £ £ £ £ ‘ ‘ Where Sj = a solution containing 10 mg. uric acid (50 phosphate solution) in one liter of distilled water. c.c. of the stock Blood Creatinine.—Into each of eight Erlenmeyer flasks pipette 2 c.c. of oxalated blood. Add creatinine and water as indicated in the protocol below. Finally add to each flask 2 c.c. each of 10 per cent sodium tungstate and % normal sulphuric acid. De- 252 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS termine the creatinine on the filtrate in the usual manner (page 138). Compare the results obtained with the calculated figures (Table LIV). Table LIV FLASK NO. CREATININE ADDITION WATER CALCULATED CREATININE 1 0.0 14 c.c. X mg. per 100 cc. blood 2 0.012 mg. — 2 c.c.Sj 12 c.c. X +0.6 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 3 0.024 “ = 4 c.c.Sj 10 c.c. X +1.2 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 4 0.036 “ =6 c.c.Sj 8 c.c. X +1.8 £ C £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 5 0.048 “ = 8 c.c.Sj 6 c.c. X +2.4 (e £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 6 0.060 “ =10 c.c.Sj 4 c.c. X +3.6 ( c £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 7 0.072 “ =12 c.c.Sj 2 c.c X +3.0 ( £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 8 0.084 “ =14 c.c.Sj 0 X +4.2 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Where S, water. = a solution containing 6 mg. creatinine in one liter of distilled Blood Cholesterol.—Introduce into each of six beakers, 1 c.c. of blood plasma, 4 or 5 grams of plaster of Paris, and choles- terol as indicated in the protocol below. Determine the choles- terol in the usual way (page 148). Compare the results obtained with the calculated figures (Table LY). Table LY BEAKER NO. CHOLESTEROL ADDITION CALCULATED CHOLESTEROL 1 0.0 X mg. per 100 cc. plasma 2 0-2 mg. = 2 c.c. X +20 “ “ c c (< a 3 0-4 “ = 4 c.c. Sj X +40 “ “ a c c (c 4 0.6 “ = 6 c.c. S, X +60 “ “ c c c i c e 5 0.8 “ : - 8 C.C. St X +80 “ “ a a a 6 1.0 “ =10 c.c. S. X +100 “ “ (c a a Where chloroform. = a solution containing 10 mg. of cholesterol in 100 c.c. Blood Chloride.—Pipette 4 c.c. of blood into each of five Erlen- meyer flasks. Add water and sodium chloride as indicated in the protocol below. To each flask then add 4 c.c. each of ten per cent sodium tungstate and % normal sulphuric acid. Shake and filter. To 20 c.c. of the filtrate of each flask add 10 c.c. of silver nitrate solution (page 146). Filter off the silver chloride and determine the excess of silver nitrate in the filtrate as de- scribed on page 145. Compare the results with the calculated figures (Table LVI). CHEMICAL PROCEDURES AND SOLUTIONS 253 Table LYI FLASK NO. SODIUM CHLORIDE ADDITION WATER CALCULATED SODIUM CHLORIDE 1 0.0 28 c.c. X mg. per 100 cc. 2 1.0 mg. . = 1 c.c. Sj 27 e.c. X + 25 ( C ( c C ( ( C 3 3-0 “ = 3.0 c.c S. 25 c.c. X + 75 ( c ( ( a a 4 5.0 “ = 5.0 c.c. S, 23 e.c. X +125 c c a ( ( ( c 5 7.0 “ = 7.0 c.c. Sj 21 e.c. X +175 ( c c ( c ( a Where S, = a solution containing 1 gram of sodium chloride per liter. Preparation of Volumetric Solutions A normal solution of an acid contains in a liter 1.008 grams of replaceable hydrogen, of an alkali 17.008 grams of hydroxyl. The amount of an acid required to make one liter of a normal solution is the molecular weight of the acid in grams divided by the number of replaceable hydrogen atoms which it contains. Similarly the molecular weight of a base divided by the number of hydroxyls which it contains is the amount necessary to make one liter of a normal solution. Equal volumes of a normal solution exactly neutralize each other. If one known normal solution is available, others can be made indirectly by titration against the known solution. The normal solution which can be most easily prepared accurately is that containing acid potassium phthalate. This salt is a crystal- line substance of high molecular weight and is easily procured in pure form. The alkalis can then be made by titration against the phthalate solution, and the other acids by titration against an alkali. The preparation of normal hydrochloric acid by the distillation is also a simple and accurate procedure. This method may be employed if acid potassium phthalate is not available. N/10 and N/100 solutions are made either by dilution of a nor- mal solution or by direct titration. 1. N/10 Sulphuric Acid.—Take of Merck’s anhydrous reagent sodium carbonate about 7 or 8 grams and ignite gently in a pre- viously weighed platinum crucible, not allowing the heating to exceed a dull red in order to avoid the conversion of small amounts of carbonate into hydroxide, which may take place at high temperatures. The object of the heating is to dehydrate the 254 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS , , Fit 66-—B«rette arrangement The reagent bottles are connected in series with the compressed air outlet The burettes have three way stopcocks (Fig. 52) and fill automatically. Such an arrangement saves much time in makfmr nrm tein-free blood filtrates and in titrations and quantitative chemical procedures. CHEMICAL PROCEDURES AND SOLUTIONS 255 salt completely and to decompose any bicarbonate which may be present. Allow to cool in the desiccator, and on the balance quickly remove enough to leave exactly 5.3 grams in the crucible. Dissolve this in hot distilled water, rinsing the crucible well. Allow the fluid to cool and then make up to exactly 1 liter. Take 6.2 c.c. of chemically pure II2S04 ( 1.84), dilute with four or five volumes of distilled water and allow to cool. Transfer to a 2 liter cylinder and add distilled water to the mark. Shake well and fill a 50 c.c. burette with the acid and another with the sodium carbonate solution, in each case rinsing out the burette first with some of the solution. Measure 50 c.c. of the carbonate into a beaker, add a few drops of methyl orange, and titrate with the acid until a pink tinge is noticeable and the addition of a drop of alkali restores the neutral color. Repeat until duplicates are obtained differing by not more than 0.1 c.c. The acid will be found too strong and the amount of water for dilution is poured into the cylinder. The amount of water is calculated as follows: for example, 49.5 c.c. of acid neutralizes 50 c.c. of the alkali; then c=™ n 1900 x .5 ° = 49.5 C = 19.2 C = Number of cubic centimeters of water to be added. N = c.c. of solution remaining. d == Difference between number of cubic centimeters theoret- ically required and number of cubic centimeters actually used in titration. n = Number of cubic centimeters used in titration. Repeat the titration and correction until the two solutions are adjusted so as to balance evenly. If the acid is too weak it is simple to make it a little too strong again by adding a drop or two of con- centrated acid and then diluting to the required degree. 2. N/l Sulphuric Acid.—A normal solution of sulphuric acid 256 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS may be made by the same procedure as that given for the N/10 acid. Dissolve the 5.3 grams of sodium carbonate in 100 c.c. of distilled water. Take 62.0 c.c. of chemically pure H2S04 ( 1.84), dilute with four or five volumes of water, cool and dilute to two liters. Titrate and correct as indicated above. 3. Normal and N/10 Hydrochloric Acid.—(Hulett and Bonner, Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1909, xxxi, 390.) This extremely accu- rate method depends on the fact that when hydrochloric acid solution is distilled at 760 mm. pressure the concentration of HC1 in the undistilled portion approaches 20.24 per cent. When this is reached further distillation yields a distillate also con- taining HC1 of this concentration. To prepare stock HC1 solution for standards, add to concentrated IIC1 (sp. gr. 1.2) an equal vol- ume. of water and bring to a density at 25 degrees of 1.096 by addition of more water or concentrated HC1. Distill off three- quarters of this mixture. The remaining one-quarter has within 1 part in 10,000 the following composition: Barometric Per cent Grams of solution Grams of solution pressure at HC1 to make 1 liter of to make 1 liter of distillation N/10 HC1 N/l HC1 770 20.218 18.04 180.4 760 20.242 18.02 180.2 750 20.266 18.00 180.0 740 20.290 17.97 179.7 730 20.314 17.95 179.5 4. Normal and N/10 Sodium Hydroxide.—Dissolve 100 grams of c.p. sodium hydroxide in 100 e.c. of water and let the solution stand. Sodium carbonate is insoluble in such a concentrated NaOH solution, and whatever carbonate is present settles to the bottom as sediment. For each liter of N sodium hydroxide re- move with a graduated pipet 57 c.c. of the clear solution and dilute to 1,000 c.c. Standardize against normal acid as described on the preceding page; for each liter of N/10 sodium hydroxide dilute 5.7 c.c. of the clear solution to 1,000 c.c. and standardize against N/10 acid. 5. N/10 Iodine.—Weigh out 12.685 grams of pure resublimed iodine into a small weighing bottle using a porcelain spatula. Dissolve 18 grams of pure KI in about 150 c.c. of water. Transfer 257 CHEMICAL PROCEDURES AND SOLUTIONS the iodine to a liter flask washing out the last traces with some of the KI solution, which is then poured into the flask. Stopper and shake occasionally until dissolved. If necessary a few more crystals of KI may be added to aid solution. Dilute to the mark and mix well. Keep in glass stoppered bottle in cool dark place. Standardize at once against N/10 sodium thiosulphate solution. Measure out accurately 25 c.c. of the iodine solution into an Erlen- meyer flask, run in sodium thiosulphate until the color is pale yellow, then add a few cubic centimeters of a 1 per cent solution of starch (preferably soluble starch) and titrate to disappearance of blue color. Care should be taken near the end point. 6. N/10 Potassium Permanganate.—Dissolve 3.162 grams of pure potassium permanganate in a liter of distilled water, allow to stand a few days, and filter through glass wool. Standardize against N/10 oxalic acid solution or against pure dry sodium or potassium oxalate. One c.c. of N/10 permanganate is equivalent to 7.0 mg. of sodium oxalate. 7. N/10 Sodium Thiosulphate Solution.—Weigh out 25 grains of ordinary c.p. sodium thiosulphate or 24.83 grams of the pure dry recrystallized salt. Dissolve in water and dilute to a liter. Boiled distilled water must be used. Keep in a bottle with a siphon arrangement and carrying a soda lime tube to exclude C02. It is best standardized against acid potassium iodate KH (103)2. Weigh out accurately 0.3249 gram of acid potassium iodate. Dissolve in 50 c.c. of water, heating gently if necessary. Trans- fer the solution to a 100 c.c. flask, rinsing the beaker carefully and make to mark with water. This solution is exactly decinor- mal. Pipet out 25 c.c. into an Erlenmeyer flask, add 1 gram of potassium iodide dissolved in a little water, and a few cubic cen- timeters of dilute hydrochloric acid. Titrate immediately with the thiosulphate solution. When the solution becomes a pale yellow add a few cubic centimeters of one per cent solution of soluble starch and titrate to loss of blue color. 8. Normal Acid Potassium Phthalate.—This acid salt may be conveniently used as a starting point for the preparation of standard acids and alkalis. It can be obtained chemically pure, has no water of crystallization, has a high molecular weight, and is freely soluble in water. 258 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS The salt is dried at 110° to 115° C. to constant weight. A nor- mal solution contains 204.14 grams in a liter. Calibration of Volumetric Apparatus (Medical War Manual No. 6) All apparatus used for accurate work must be calibrated. Ex- cept for that checked by the Bureau of Standards no commercial apparatus is entirely reliable, errors exceeding 1 per cent being frequent. Flasks are calibrated by weighing into them the amount of water necessary to make the desired volume of the temperature of calibration. Table LVII shows the weights of water over the range of ordinary room temperature which fill a volume of 1 c.c. The figures are corrected for the weights of air displaced by the water and by the brass weights. The water should be weighed to 1 part per 1000, i.e., the water held by a 10 c.c. flask is weighed to 0.010 gm., but a liter flask is sufficiently accurate if within 1 gm. Table LVII TEMPERATURE C° WEIGHT OE 1 C.C. OF WATER IN GM. VOLUME OF 1 GM. OF WATER IN C.C. 35 0.0081 1.0019 1G 0.0070 1.0021 17 0.0977 1.0023 18 0.0076 1.0024 10 0.0074 1.0026 20 0.0072 1.0028 21 0.0070 1.0030 22 0.0067 1.0033 28 0.0065 1.0035 24 0.0963 1.0037 25 0.9960 1.0040 2G 0.9958 1.0042 27 0.9955 1.0045 28 0.9952 1.0048 20 0.9949 1.0051 Burettes are calibrated by allowing them to deliver distilled wrater, 2 c.c. at a time, into a bottle and weighing the water. The bottle should contain a layer of paraffin oil a few millimeters thick. This floats on top of the water and prevents loss by evap- oration. It is not necessary, therefore, to stopper the bottle. The CHEMICAL PROCEDURES AND SOLUTIONS 259 grams of water noted are multiplied by the volume of 1 gram at the temperature observed. If the results do not agree to within 0.05 c.c. (for a 25 to 50 c.c. burette) with the readings, the cor- rections should be plotted on a sheet of coordinate paper, which is hung by the burette for reference. The accompanying figures (Table LYTII) for the first 10 c.c. of a burette serve as an example. Table LV1TI BURETTE READING C.C. WEIGHT Ob' WATER DELIVERED AT 22 °C. GM. VOLUME OP WATER DELIVERED (—\vt. x 1.0033) C.C. CORRECTION TO BURETTE C.C. 2 2.000 2.006 plus 0.01 4 4.002 4.008 l C 0.01 6 6.009 6.017 ( c 0.02 8 8-020 8.050 (( 0.05 10 10.020 10.050 (( 0.05 The plus sign indicates that each correction is to he added to the observed reading in order to give the actual volume of liquid delivered. Were the volumes of water delivered at any points less than indicated by the burette readings the corresponding corrections would be indicated by minus signs. Pipettes are calibrated by filling to the mark with distilled water and discharging into a weighing bottle. The water delivered should be weighed to within 1 part per 1000. If the mark is not accurate a correct one should be made with a wax pencil, subse- quently etched in and indicated by an arrow. Pipettes may be calibrated for either drainage or blow-out deliv- ery. For drainage the tip of the pipette is allowed to touch the side of the receiving vessel as delivery is finished and a drop of liquid remains in the tip. For blow-out delivery this final drop is ex- pelled. The expulsion is conveniently effected by closing the upper end of the pipette with the right forefinger and warming the bulb by gripping it with the left palm. The expansion of air in the bulb forces the last drop of water out of the tip. For all pipettes below 5 c.c. blow-out delivery should be used. Unless all of the pipettes in the laboratory are calibrated for either blow- out or drainage delivery, each pipette must be etched “Blow-out” or “Drainage.” 260 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Use of Indicators Indicators are chemical substances possessing an intense color which changes in the presence of acid and alkali. A small amount of the indicator will tinge a large quantity of fluid. The change in color of the indicator is due to the fact that its color is de- pendent upon the degree of its dissociation, which in turn is determined by the presence of free acid or free alkali. Different indicators change color at greater or less hydrogen- ion concentration. The indicator selected for any titration should C.C io NOWWU ftDT5FP TO <0«- lNK>RrAAl» ftClP Fig. 67.—Titration curves of hydrochloric acid and acetic acids, showing the gradual color change of methyl red and phenolphthalein within their Ph zones of transformation. Curves are approximate only. (After Clark.) be one which gives a sharp color reaction which is sensitive to the form of acidity to be determined. If we use Sorenson’s expression PH to indicate the logarithm of the reciprocal of the H-ion concentration, at the neutral point PH is 7; values of PH greater than 7 are on the alkaline side; values less than 7 are on the acid side of neutrality. A general idea of the principles applied in the use of indicators for titration may be gained by the comparison of the titration of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide and of acetic acid with sodium hydroxide (Clark). In Fig. G7 the curves show the PH CHEMICAL PROCEDURES ANI) SOLUTIONS 261 (logarithm of the reciprocal of the hyclrogen-ion concentration) plotted as ordinates as equal concentrations of hydrochloric and acetic acids respectively are neutralized with successive quanti- ties of NaOlI (abscisses). At the right of these curves are indicated the conduct of methyl red and of phenolphthalein within the PH zones of their color changes. It will be seen that in the titration of hydrochloric acid either indicator would show a sudden color change with the slightest addition of alkali when practically complete neutral- ization is approached. On the other hand in the acetic acid solu- tion methyl red undergoes a slow color change in a PH zone within which acetic acid is only partly neutralized. Only by the use of an indicator changing color at a much lower hydrogen-ion con- centration (higher PH) will the end point of this titration be reached. A similar set of curves might be drawn to show similar relations in the titration of alkalis with acids. It will be noted in the cases cited that phenolphthalein is serviceable in both cases. It is simply the extension of such considerations which leads to the choice of phenolphthalein for the general titration of acids by bases. Similar considerations lead to the choice of methyl red in general titrations of alkalis with acids. In many cases, however, the choice must be determined by a close study of the acid or base and the special conditions employed. Only indicators which change color well on the acid side at PH = 5 or less, such as methyl red, can be used for titrating strong acids with weak bases, and for the titration of alkalis in the presence of carbonic acid. Likewise for the titration of strong bases with weak acids the indicator must change at PH = 8 or more such as phenolphthalein. Almost any indicator can be used in the titration of strong bases such as NaOII against strong acids, as one drop of the solution will carry the hydrogen-ion concentration so far beyond neutrality that the turning point of any common indicator will be passed. Phenolphthalein is unsatisfactory in the presence of ammonium salts so cannot be used as an indicator in ammonia titration. In- dicators which change at PH = 3 to 4 can be used for the titra- tion of mineral acids in the presence of weak organic acids, as at 262 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS INDICATOR COLOR PH AT WHICH FORM IN AVHICII INDICATOR IS EMPLOYED SPECIAL USE CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME ACID ALKALINE COLOR CHANCES Dimethyl-amino-azo- benzene Topfer’s reagent Eed Yellow 3-4 0.4 per cent in 95 per cent al- cohol Titration of mineral acids in presence of organic acids (HC1 in stomach contents). Dimethyl-amino-azo- benzene-sulphonate Methyl orange Eed Yellow 3-5 0.1 per cent sol. in 50 per cent alcohol Titration of mineral acids in presence of carbonic acid. Diazo compound of ben zidine and naphthionic acid Congo red Blue Eed 4-5 0.5 per cent sol. in 95 per cent alcohol Titration of weak bases, (ammonia) with min- eral acid. Sodium-alizarin-sul- phonate Alizarin red Yellow Eed 5-6 1.0 per cent so- lution of Na salt in 50 per cent alcohol Titration of weak bases, (ammonia) with min- eral acid. Ortho carboxy-benzene azo-dimethyl-aniline Methyl red Eed Yellow 4-6 0.02 per cent sol. in 60 per cent alcohol Titration of bases with strong acid Litmus Eed Blue About 7 Paper Phenolphthalein Color- less Eed 8-9 1.0 per cent so- lution in 95 per cent alcohol Titration of organic acids with mineral al- kali. Table of Indicators1 Table LIX ‘Abbreviated from Medical War Manual, No. 6. CHEMICAL PROCEDURES AND SOLUTIONS 263 such an end point the weak organic acid exerts but little influence on the titration results. Table LIX summarizes the important points about the indi- cators commonly employed in chemical titrations and shows the use for which each is best adapted. A special set of indicators is used in the determination of the hydrogen-ion concentration of biological fluids (see page 239). Preparation of Dakin’s Solution 1. From Liquid Chlorine and Sodium Carbonate—Dakin’s solu- tion is to be made routinely from liquid chlorine and sodium carbonate. Fig. 68.—Apparatus for making Dakin’s solution from liquid chlorine. (Courtesy of Wallace and Tiernan Co.) Procedure.—Prepare a solution containing 18.0 grams anhy- drous sodium carbonate (or 21.0 grams monohydrate sodium car- bonate) per liter in distilled water. Run in chlorine through diffusor (Pig. 68) until a sufficient quantity has been introduced as indicated by the gauge. The gauge indicates the number of cubic centimeters of Dakin’s solution made per minute. Titration.—Measure 10 c.c. of Dakin’s solution into beaker 264 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS containing 50 c.c. of water. Add 5 c.c. of 10 per cent potassium iodide solution and 2 c.c. of glacial acetic acid. Then run tenth normal sodium thiosulphate solution in the flask until the decol- orization of the solution is complete. The number of cubic centimeters of tenth normal thiosulphate required to decolorize the solution multiplied by the factor 0.0372 gives the percentage of sodium hypochlorite. The solution must titrate between 0.45 and 0.50 per cent sodium hypochloride. Table LX shows the percentage of hypochlorite corresponding to the amount of thiosulphate used. Table LX C.c. N/10 sodium thiosulphate used Per cent of sodium hypochlorite in solution 12.1 0.4507 12.2 0.4545 12.3 0.4582 12.4 0.4619 12.5 0.4656 12.0 0.4694 12.7 0.4731 12.8 0.4768 12.9- 0.4805 13.0 0.4843 13.1 0.4880 13.2 . 0.4917 13.3 13.4 0.4992 Tests for Alkalinity.—A. With powdered phenolphthalein. A few crystals of powdered phenolphthalein are dropped on the surface of about 5 c.c. of the solution, and the solution vigorously shaken. The solution must remain colorless. B. With alcoholic solution of phenolphthalein. About a half cubic centimeter of alcoholic solution of phenolphthalein is added to 5 c.c. of the Dakin’s solution. A red color should develop, but quickly dis- appear. If the solution does not titrate between 0.45 and 0.50 per cent sodium hypochlorite, or gives a reaction with powdered phenol- phthalein, or fails to give a flash of color with alcoholic solution of phenolphthalein, it should be discarded. Store in dark bottles in a cool place. 265 CHEMICAL PROCEDURES AND SOLUTIONS Each time a portion is dispensed, it should be titrated, and the bottle labeled as follows: Dakin’s Solution per cent sodium hypochlorite on Titration 2. From Chlorinated Lime, Sodium Bicarbonate and Sodium Carbonate—If liquid chlorine is not available, the Dakin’s solu- tion may be made by the following method. Titration of Chlorinated Lime.—Weigh out 20 grams of an average sample of chlorinated lime; mix as completely as possible with one liter of tap water, and leave in contact for 6 hours, shaking from time to time. Measure exactly 10 c.c. of the clear fluid; add 20 c.e. of a 10 per cent solution of potassium iodide, and 2 c.c. of acetic acid. Add a decinormal solution of sodium thiosulphate until decolora- tion is complete. The number of cubic centimeters of thiosulphate solution re- quired for complete decoloration, multiplied by 1.775 gives the weight of the active chlorine contained in 100 grams of the chlor- inated lime. The figure being known, it is applied to the accompanying Table LXI TITER OF CHLORINATED LIME CHLORINATED LIME GM. ANHYDROUS SODIUM CARBONATE GM. SODIUM BICARBONATE GM. 20 230 115 96 21 220 110 92 22 210 105 88 23 200 100 84 24 192 96 80 25 184 92 76 26 177 89 72 27 170 85 70 28 164 82 68 29 159 80 66 30 154 77 64 31 148 74 62 32 144 72 60 33 140 70 59 34 135 68 57 35 132 66 55 36 128 64 53 37 124 62 52 266 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS table, which will give the quantities of chlorinated lime, of sodium carbonate, and of sodium bicarbonate, which are to be employed to prepare 10 liters of the solution. To prepare 10 liters of the solution: 1. Weigh exactly the quantities of chlorinated lime, sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate, which have been determined in the course of the preceding trial. 2. Place in a 12 liter jar the chlorinated lime and 5 liters of ordinary tap water, agitate vigorously for a few minutes, and leave in contact for from 6 to 12 hours, overnight, for instance. 3. At the same time dissolve, cold, in the 5 other liters of water the sodium carbonate and the bicarbonate. 4. Pour all at once the solution of the sodium salts into the jar containing the maceration of chlorinated lime, agitate vigorously for a few moments, and leave it quiet to permit the calcium car- bonate to settle as it forms. At the end of the half hour, siphon the liquid and filter it through double paper to obtain an entirely limpid product which must be protected from light. Titrate and test for alkalinity as indicated above. Preparation of Nessler’s Solution (Folin Method) This reagent is essentially a solution of the double iodide of mercury and potassium (Hgl2, 2KI) containing sodium or potas- sium hydrate. A stock solution of the double iodide is best pre- pared as follows: Transfer 150 grams of potassium iodide and 110 grams of iodine to a 500 c.c. Florence flask; add 100 c.c. of water and an excess of metallic mercury, 140 to 150 grams. Shake the flask continuously and vigorously for seven to fifteen minutes, or until the dissolved iodine has nearly disappeared. The solution becomes quite hot. When the red iodine solution has begun to visibly pale, though still red, cool in running water and continue shak- ing the solution until the reddish color of the iodine has been replaced by the greenish color. Decant and wash the sediment. Dilute the solution and washings to a final volume of 2 liters. If the cooling was begun in time the resulting reagent is clear enough on immediate dilution with 10 per cent alkali and water. CHEMICAL PROCEDURES AND SOLUTIONS 267 Prepare the final Nessler solution as follows: From completely saturated caustic soda solution containing 55 grams of NaOH per 100 c.c., decant the clear supernatant liq- uid, and dilute to a concentration of 10 per cent. Determine by titration that a 10 per cent solution has been obtained. Introduce into a large bottle 3,500 c.c. of 10 per cent sodium hydroxide solution, add 750 c.c. of the double iodide solution and 750 c.c. of distilled water, giving 5 liters of Nessler’s solution. In the absence of modifying circumstances such as much acid or alkali, this reagent should be added in the proportion of 10 c.c. per 100 c.c. of volume to which the Nesslerized solution is to be diluted. As a general rule the volumetric flask should be at least two-thirds full before adding the Nessler reagent, otherwise, tur- bid mixtures may be obtained. (Benedict, S. R.: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1914, xviii, 182) Preparation of Creatinin To 10 liters of undecomposed urine in a large precipitating jar add with stirring a hot solution of 180 grams of picric acid in 450 c.c. of boiling alcohol. Allow to stand overnight and syphon off the supernatant fluid. Pour the residue upon a large Buchner funnel, drain with suction, wash once or twice with cold saturated picric acid and suck dry. Treat the dry or nearly dry picrate in a large mortar or evaporating dish with enough con- centrated HC1 to form a moderately thin paste (about 60 c.c. of acid for each 100 grams of picrate) and stir the mixture thor- oughly with the pestle for 3-5 minutes. Filter with suction on a hardened paper, and wash the residue twice with enough water to cover it, sucking as nearly dry as possible each time. Trans- fer the filtrate to a large flask and neutralize with an excess of solid magnesium oxide (the “heavy” variety is best). Add this oxide in small portions with cooling of the flask under running water between the additions. Neutralization of the acid will be indicated by a bright yellow color of the mixture, or litmus paper may be used to test it. Filter with suction. Wash the residue twice with water. Immediately add a few cubic centi- meters of glacial acetic acid to the filtrate to make it strongly 268 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS acid. Pay no attention to any precipitate that may form, but dilute the solution with about 4 volumes of 95 per cent alcohol. After 15 minutes filter off the slight precipitate which forms. Treat the final filtrate with 30-40 c.c. of 30 per cent zinc chloride. Stir and let stand overnight in a cool place. Pour off the super- natant liquid and collect the creatinine zinc chloride on a Buchner funnel, wash once with water, then thoroughly with 50 per cent alcohol, finally with 95 per cent alcohol and dry. A nearly white, light crystalline powder should be obtained. The yield should be 90-95 per cent of the original creatinine (usually about 1.5-1.8 grams of creatinine zinc chloride per liter of urine). Recrystallize the creatinine-zinc chloride by treating 10 grams with 100 c.c. of water and about 60 c.c. of normal sulphuric acid, heating the mixture until a clear solution is obtained. Add about 4 grams of purified animal charcoal, continue boiling for about a minute, filter with suction through a small Buchner funnel, pouring the filtrate back on the filter three or four times until it runs through perfectly colorless. Wash residue with hot water and transfer the total filtrate to a beaker and while hot treat with a little strong zinc chloride solution (3 c.c.) and with about 7 grams of potassium acetate dissolved in a little water. After ten minutes dilute with an equal volume of alcohol, and allow to stand in a cold place for some hours. Filter off the crystalline product. To remove the small amount of potassium sulphate which it contains stir up with twice its weight of water, filter, wash with a little water and then with alcohol. The preparation should be snow white. Yield, 85-90 per cent. Place the finely powdered recrystallized creatinine zinc chlo- ride in a dry flask and treat with seven times its weight (by vol- ume) of concentrated aqueous ammonia. Warm slightly and agi- tate gently until a clear solution is obtained, care being taken to drive off no more ammonia during the warming than is necessary to obtain a clear solution. Stopper the flask, allow to cool, place in the ice box for an hour or more. Pure creatinine crystallizes out. It may be recrystallized from boiling alcohol or concen- trated ammonia, but this is usually unnecessary. The product is perfectly pure and can be used as a standard in the quantitative determination of creatine and creatinine. CHEMICAL PROCEDURES AND SOLUTIONS 269 Method for Purification of Picric Acid (Folin and Doisy: Jour. Biol. Chem., 1916-17, xxviii, 349) Transfer about 600 gm. of wet picric acid, or about a pound of dry picric acid, to a large beaker (capacity not less than 4 liters). Pour on boiling water until the beaker is nearly full and add 200 c.c. of saturated (50 per cent) sodium hydroxide solution. Stir, and if necessary heat again until all the picric acid has dis- solved, yielding a deep red picrate solution. To the hot solution add rather slowly, with stirring, 200 gm. of sodium chloride. Cool in running water to about 30° C., with occasional stirring. Filter on a large Buchner funnel and wash a few times with 5 per cent sodium chloride solution. Transfer the picrate to the large beaker, fill with boiling water, and when the picrate is dissolved add, with stirring, first 50 c.c. of 10 per cent sodium hydroxide solution, and then 100 gm. of sodium chloride. Cool to 30° C., with stirring, filter, and wash with sodium chloride solution, as before. Repeat the solution and precipitation of the sodium picrate twice more, but for the last washing of the last precipitated picrate use distilled water instead of sodium chlo- ride solution. Dissolve the purified picrate in the same large beaker, with boiling distilled water, and filter hot on a large folded filter, collecting the filtrate in a large flask. To the hot filtrate add 100 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid, previously diluted with about two volumes of water. The liberated picric acid begins to come out at once. Put a beaker over the mouth of the flask and cool under running tap water to about 30° C. Filter with suction as before and wash free from sulphates with distilled water. Preparation of Solutions for Intravenous Use 1. Physiological Salt Solution.—Dissolve 25.5 grams of chem- ically pure sodium chloride in three liters of distilled water. Filter through paper. Scrub thoroughly a dozen 12 ounce bottles. Rinse with tap water and then with distilled water. Measure 275 c.c. of the salt solution into each bottle. Plug the mouth with cotton and gauze. Autoclave for 15 minutes at 20 pounds pressure. 270 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Label as follows: Sterile Physiological (0.85%) Salt Solution for Intravenous Use. Prepared By 2. Glucose Solution.— Weigh 750 grams of pure glucose and dissolve with the aid of heat in about 1500 c.c. of distilled water. Make up to three liters with distilled water. Filter through cotton to remove major part of flocculent material, then filter through paper. Thoroughly scrub bottles of 500 c.c. capacity. Rinse well with tap water and then with distilled water. Measure 275 c.c. of the 25 per cent glucose solution into each bottle. Plug the mouth with cotton and gauze. Autoclave for fifteen minutes at twenty pounds pressure. Label as follows: Sterile 25% Glucose Solution for Intravenous Use. Prepared By 3. Sodium Bicarbonate.—Dissolve 75 grams of chemically pure anhydrous sodium carbonate in three liters of freshly distilled water. Filter through paper. Add several drops of phenol- phthalein solution. Place in the flask a Folin absorption tube connected by rubber tubing to a calcium chloride drying tube filled with absorbent cotton. Stopper the flask with cotton. Place the flask with the entire apparatus in the autoclave and heat under 20 pounds pressure for 15 minutes. After cooling connect the drying tube with the carbon dioxide tank and bubble gas through until the solution becomes colorless. This converts the 2.5 per cent sodium carbonate solution into a 4 per cent sodium bicarbonate solution. Distribute this sterile bicarbonate solution into sterile 500 c.c. bottles, putting 275 c.c. in each bottle. Replace the sterile stoppers and store in cool place. Label as follows: Sterile 4% Sodium Bicarbonate Solution for Intravenous Use. Prepared By CHEMICAL PROCEDURES AND SOLUTIONS 271 Preparation of Sodium Citrate Solution for Blood Transfusion Dissolve 25 grams of chemically pure crystalline sodium citrate in one liter of freshly distilled water. This makes a 2.5 per cent solution. Filter through paper if not perfectly clear. Scrub thoroughly ten 100 c.c. bottles. Rinse with tap water followed by distilled water. Fill with the citrate solution. Stop- per with cotton, and autoclave for 15 minutes at 20 pounds pressure. Label as follows: Sterile 2.5% Sodium Citrate for Blood Transfusion. Prepared By Preparation of Antiformin 1. From Chlorinated Lime.— Sodium carbonate 600.0 grams Chlorinated lime 400.0 grams Distilled water 4,000.0 c.c. Dissolve the sodium carbonate in 1,000 c.c. of distilled water. Triturate thoroughly the chlorinated lime in the remainder of the water. Filter. Mix the two and filter again. To the solution so prepared add an equal volume of 15 per cent sodium hydroxide. 2. From Liquid Chlorine.—If liquid chlorine is available the antiformin solution may be made by running the chlorine gas into a solution containing 75 grams of sodium carbonate and 75 grams of sodium hydroxide per liter until the solution titrates about 2 per cent sodium hypochlorite. Methyl Violet Shellac (for Marking Glassware) Best white shellac 10 gr. Alcohol, 95% 20-25 c.c. Methyl-violet 0.1 gr. Apply with a small brush or a tooth pick. 272 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Bichromate Cleaner for Glassware Potassium bichromate (powdered) 200 gr. Water distilled up to 1500 c.c. Sulphuric acid concentrated 500 c.c. Stopcock Grease (Boothby) Wash ordinary black rubber tubing in water to remove the talc. Cut in small pieces and add slowly to an equal quantity of lanolin which has been melted. The rubber is allowed to melt until the resulting mixture is free from lumps. Foam Killer Twenty per cent solution of rosin in turpentine, CHAPTER XIII HISTOLOGICAL TECHNIC Preparation of Permanent Sections for Histological Examination Reagents.— 1. Delafield’s Hematoxylin.— Hematoxylin crystals 4 grams Alcohol—95% 25 c.c. Saturated (11%) aqueous solution of ammonia alum 400 c.c. Add the hematoxylin dissolved in the alcohol to the alum solu- tion, and expose the mixture in an unstoppered bottle to the light and air for two to three weeks, filter and add: Glycerine 100 c.c. Alcohol—95% 100 c.c. Allow the solution to stand in the light until the color is suffi- ciently dark, then filter and keep in a tightly stoppered bottle. So long as it is good it has a purplish tinge. 2. Formaldehyde Fixing Solution.— Formalin (commercial) 100 c.c. Water to 1000 c.c. 3. Zenker’s Fixing Solution.— Potassium bichromate 2.5 grams Mercury bichloride 5.0 grams Water 100 c.c. Five c.c. of glacial acetic acid is added to 100 c.c. of this stock solution just before use. 4. Ammonia Water.—Add 5 c.c. concentrated ammonia to 95 c.c. distilled water. 5. Acid Alcohol.—Add 1 c.c. concentrated hydrochloric acid to 100 c.c. 95 per cent alcohol. 6. Eosin.—Use saturated solution in 95 per cent alcohol. 273 274 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS 7. Carbol—Xylol.— Carbolic acid crystals (melted) 1 part Xylol 3 parts 8. Mayer’s Glycerine Albumen.—Mix equal parts white of egg and glycerine. Beat the mixture thoroughly, filter and add one per cent sodium salicylate as preservative. Procedure.—(1) Fixation.—Specimens will be sent directly to the laboratory from the operating room. Enter at once in the Surgical Pathological Record Book, the patient’s name, case number, name of the operator, the operation, and the nature of the specimen received. If small the specimen is placed in 10 per cent formalin. Sec- tions of characteristic portions of larger specimens are cut and placed in 10 per cent formalin. If the entire specimen is to be saved, it is to be placed in Kaiserling’s solution. When the specimen consists of uterus and adnexa, cut at least one block from uterus showing endometrium, one from each tube and one from each ovary. Two sections are to be cut from an appendix, one near the middle, and one from the distal end. One section is taken through the middle of each tonsil, cutting at right angles to the mucous membrane, and from upper to lower pole. The specimen is allowed to remain in the formalin solution overnight. (2) Embedding and Cutting.—After fixation, tissue blocks, not over 3 millimeters in thickness, are cut and embedded as follows: 1. Acetone I 2 hours 2. Acetone II 2 hours 3. Acetone III Overnight 4. Chloroform I 1 hour 5. Chloroform II 1 hour 6. Saturated solution of paraffin 1 hour in chloroform at room tem- perature 7. Paraffin I in oven at 60° C. 1 hour 8. Paraffin II in oven at 60° C. 1 hour Fill a small paper box with freshly melted paraffin and arrange the piece of tissue in the box with a hot needle. Place the sur- face of the block from which the bottom is to be cut, on the bottom of the box. HISTOLOGICAL TECHNIC 275 Cool as quickly as possible. Remove paper and turn block of tissue and fasten to a small wood block. Number block with pencil. Cut sections in microtome about ten microns thick and drop on surface of a pan of water at about 48° C. Rub a small amount of Meyer’s glycerine albumen on slides with the finger and push flat sections to two clean slides. Stand on end to drain, and then place in incubator overnight. (3) Staining.—Sections are stained as follows: 1. Xylol I 2 minutes 2. Xylol II 2 minutes 3. Absolute alcohol I 2 minutes '4. Absolute alcohol II 2 minutes 5. Alcohol 95% 2 minutes 6. Alcohol 70% 2 minutes 7. Hematoxylin (Delafield’s) 5 minutes 8. Distilled water 2 minutes 9. Acid alcohol until brick red 10. Ammonia water until blue 11. Alcohol 70% 2 minutes 12. Sat. alcoholic solution of eosin 2 minutes 13. Alcohol 95% I 2 minutes 14. Alcohol 95% II 2 minutes 15. Carbol-Xylol 2 minutes 16. Carbol-Xylol 2 minutes 17. Xylol 2 minutes 18. Mount in Canada balsam Frozen Sections Temporary sections can be quickly prepared for examination by the following technic (Wilson: Jour. Lab. and Clin. Med., 1915, i, 41.) Reagents.—1. Unna’s Methylene Blue prepared by Terry’s method as follows: Place in a petri dish 0.5 gram of methylene blue, (Bausch and Lomb), 0.5 gram of potassium carbonate (Merck), and dissolve in 50 c.c. of distilled water. Place in incubator at 37° C. Each day the water lost by evaporation is made up by the addi- tion of distilled water. Leave in incubator six days. The stain should ripen in this time. Test on section of uterus. All the nuclei should be sharply stained and the smooth muscle should stain a sharp and beautiful purple. 276 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS 2. Brun’s Glucose Medium.— Glucose 40 gr. Glycerine 10 c.c. Camphor 10 gr. Water 140 c.c. Mix and filter. 3. Dextrin Solution.—Dissolve dextrin in distilled water until the solution is the consistency of thin molasses. Add 0.5 per cent phenol. Procedure.—1. Freeze bits of fresh tissue, not more than 2x10 mm. in the dextrin solution and cut sections 5 to 15 microns thick. 2. Remove sections from knife with tip of finger and allow them to thaw thereon. 3. Unroll sections with camel’s hair brush or glass lifter in 1 per cent sodium chloride solution. 4. Stain 10 to 20 seconds in Unna’s polychrome methylene blue. 5. Wash momentarily in 1 per cent sodium chloride solution. 6. Mount in Brun’s glucose solution. Permanent frozen sections may be made by the following technic: Slices of the tissue (not over 2 or 3 mm. thick and 1 cm. square) are cut with a sharp scalpel and dropped into 10 per cent formalin heated to about 40° C. After about ten minutes the preparation is removed from the formalin and frozen, and the sections are placed in water and then on the slide. The water is drained off with blotting paper and the sections are covered with absolute alcohol and brought into close contact with the slide by careful pressure with piece of “Royal” blotting paper. A few drops of a very thin solution of celloidin dissolved in equal volumes of alcohol and ether are then flowed over the section. The excess of celloidin is drained off and the celloidin allowed to set. This takes only a few seconds, and under no circumstances should the preparation be allowed to dry. As soon as the celloidin is set the slide is gently dipped in water to wash away the alcohol and ether. It is then placed in a solution of Dela- field’s hematoxylin diluted 1 to 10 with distilled water. In a few moments it is sufficiently stained, and is then rinsed in a jar of tap water until all excess of dye is washed away. The HISTOLOGICAL TECHNIC 277 slide carrying the section is then placed in a closed jar contain- ing saturated alcoholic solution of eosin. A strength of 1 to 1000 is sufficient. After a few seconds it is rinsed in alcohol and transferred to 95 per cent alcohol. After remaining about five minutes in this the slide is transferred to a fresh bath of 95 per cent alcohol until all the water is removed. It is then cleared with carbolxylol. Care must be taken to wash out all the car- bolxylol by treatment with several baths of xylol, as phenol de- colorizes the specimen. When completely dehydrated and cleared the section is covered with balsam, and cover pressed down upon it. Mallory’s Stain for Connective Tissue Fibers 1. Fix in Zenker’s fluid. 2. Embed in celloidin or paraffin. 3. Stain sections in a 0.5 per cent solution of acid fuchsin five minutes or longer, depending on the freshness of the tissue. 4. Transfer directly to the following solution and stain from fifteen to twenty minutes or longer: 5. Anilin blue soluble in water 0.5 Orange G 2.0 One per cent aqueous solution of phos- phomolybdic acid 100.0 6. Wash and dehydrate in several changes of 95 per cent alcohol. 7. Clear in xylol. 8. Mount in balsam. The fibrils and reticulum of connective tissue, amyloid, mucus, and certain other hyaline substances stain blue; nuclei, cyto- plasm, fibroglia fibrils, axis cylinders, neuroglia fibers, and fibrin red; red corpuscles and myelin sheaths yellow; elastic fibers pale pink and yellow. The various structures do not stain with equal intensity, so that certain ones are brought out with great sharp- ness. This is particularly true of the connective tissue, and of fibrin and smooth and striated muscle fibers. 278 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Technic for Staining Mitochondria (Bensley) 1. Fixation.—The fixing solution is freshly made just before use as follows: 2.5 per cent potassium bichromate, 8 c.c.; 4 per cent osmic acid, 2 c.c.; glacial acetic acid, one drop. The tissue must be perfectly fresh and should be cut into pieces not larger than 1 cm. cube and placed in the fixing fluid 24 hours. Wash in running water for 24 hours. 2. Dehydration and Embedding.—Fifty per cent alcohol 12 hours; 70 per cent and 95 per cent alcohol 24 hours each; absolute alcohol 6 to 12 hours; half absolute and xylol 6 hours; xylol I, 3 hours; xylol II, 3 hours; paraffin 60° C. 3 hours; cut sections not more than 4 microns thick. 3. Staining.—(1) Pass the sections, mounted on slides, down through toluol, absolute, 95, 70 and 50 per cent alcohol to dis- tilled water. (2) One per cent aqueous solution of potassium permanganate 1 minute. (3) Five per cent aqueous solution of oxalic acid also 1 minute. (4) Kinse in several changes of distilled water about a minute. Incomplete washing prevents the staining with fuchsin. (5) Stain in Altman’s anilin fuchsin, which is made up as follows: Make a saturated solution of anilin oil in distilled water by shaking the two together. Filter and add 30 grams of acid fuchsin to 100 c.c. of the filtrate. The stain should be ready to use in about 24 hours. It deteriorates in about a month. Stain for 5 minutes in the acid fuchsin solution which has previously been warmed to 60° C. (6) Dry off most of the stain with a towel and rinse in dis- tilled water so that the only stain remaining is in the sections. If a large amount of the free stain remains it will form a troublesome precipitate with the methyl green; on the other hand if too much of the stain is removed the coloration of the mitochondria will be impaired. (7) Allow a little 1 per cent methyl green, added with a pipette, to flow over the sections, holding the slide over a piece of white paper so that the colors may be seen. Apply the methyl green for about 5 seconds at first and then modify the time to suit the needs of the tissue. HISTOLOGICAL TECHNIC 279 (8) Drain off the excess of stain and plunge the slide into 95 per cent alcohol for a second or two, then rinse in absolute for the same length of time, clear in toluol, and mount in balsam. The mitochondria stain a bright crimson. Stain for Tubercle Bacilli in Tissues 1. Delafield’s hematoxylin, 20 to 30 minutes; 2. Water, 30 minutes; 3. Carbol fuchsin, 1 hour at 37° C. (incubator) ; (Place slide in petri dish and flood it; then cover to prevent evaporation.) 4. Decolorize in acid alcohol, 1 minute; Hydrochloric acid 1 c.c. 95% alcohol 70 c.c. Water 30 c.c. 5. Wash in 70 per cent alcohol, 2 to 3 minutes; 6. Wash in water; 7. Lithium carbonate solution until section takes blue color; Sat. sol. lithium carbonate 1 part Water 10 parts 8. Wash in water, 5 minutes; 9. 95% alcohol, 5 minutes; 10. Absolute alcohol, 5 minutes; 11. Xylol, 5 minutes; 12. Mount in gum dammar. To obtain the best results the material should be fixed in 95 per cent alcohol, though formalin preparations occasionally stain well. After fixation in Zenker’s solution, the bacteria do not stain satisfactorily. Gram-Weigert Method for Demonstration of Gram-Positive Bacteria in Tissue Carry section into water after removing paraffin as for eosin- hematoxylin stain. 1. Stain twenty minutes to one hour in lithium carmine. 2. Acid alcohol (do not wash in water) until as seen under the microscope the nuclei alone are sharply stained. 3. Water. 4. Sterling’s gentian violet five to ten minutes. 5. Wash quickly in water. 6. Gram iodin solution two to five minutes. Blot dry on slide. 7. (Do not wash). 8. Anilin oil and xylol (equal parts) until clouds of blue no longer wash out of the section. 9. Xylol two changes. 10. Balsam and cover-slip. 280 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Lithium carmine is made as follows: Carmine 2.5 to 5 grams Saturated aqueous solution of carbonate of lithium 100 c.c. Thymol a crystal Dissolve the carmine in a small quantity of 95 per cent alcohol, bring the lithium carbonate solution to a boil, mix and filter. Kaiserling’s Method of Preserving Gross Specimens 1. Fixation for one to five days in: Formaldehyde 200 c.c. Water 1000 c.e. Nitrate of potassium 15 grams Acetate of potassium 30 grams Change the position of the specimen frequently, using rubber gloves to protect the hands from the injurious effect of the for- maldehyde. The time of fixation varies with the tissue or organ and size of the specimen. 2. Drain and place in 80 per cent alcohol one to six hours, and then in 95 per cent alcohol for one to two hours, to restore the color, which is somewhat affected in the fixing solution. 3. Preserve in: Acetate of potassium 200 grams Glycerine 400 c.c. Water 2000 c.c. Exposure to light gradually affects the colors. The process of fixation should be performed in the dark, and the specimens when preserved should be kept in the dark except when on exhibition. If it seems desirable to cut a thin slice from the face of a specimen, this should not be done until the preparation has been in the preservative fluid two weeks. The specimen may then be placed in alcohol for one to two hours to brighten up the colors. It is advisable to add camphor, thymol, carbolic acid (one 281 HISTOLOGICAL TECHNIC per cent), or some other preservative to the third solution to prevent the growth of molds. Mixture for Sealing Museum Jars Warm 200 grams of asphalt (Merck) and dissolve the melted asphalt in 200 e.c. of linseed oil and 400 c.e. turpentine. Warm, and with a small brush apply the cement to the ground surface of the jar. CHAPTER XIV EXAMINATION OF MILK AND WATER Bacteriological Examination of Water Collect the sample of water in sterile container, with a sterile pipette. If the specimen is collected from a tap, allow the water to run several minutes before obtaining the specimen. With a sterile pipette place 1 c.c. of the water in a petri dish. Ten cubic centimeters of melted agar at a temperature of 40° C. are then added to 1 c.c. of water in the petri dish. The medium and sample are thoroughly mixed and uniformly spread over the bottom of the dish by tilting or by rotation of the dish. Incubate for twenty-four hours at 37° and count colonies. In each of five Dunham fermentation tubes (Fig. 54) contain- ing lactose broth, place 10 c.c. of water with sterile pipette and incubate at 37° C. If 10 per cent of gas is formed within twenty-four hours, re- port as positive for B. coli group. If no gas is formed in twenty- four hours—or if the gas formed is less than 10 per cent, incubate for forty-eight hours. Subculture on Endo medium and identify organisms as belonging to B. coli group before reporting as positive. (Page 204.) Examination of Milk and Cream Collection of Sample.—Mix the milk or cream thoroughly in container by shaking or by pouring from one container to the other several times. Remove sample in a sterile bottle. Bacterial Count.—With a sterile pipette withdraw 1 c.c. of milk from the sample bottle and introduce into a bottle con- taining 99 c.c. of sterile water, thus making a 1-100 dilution. Mark bottle 1/2. One cubic centimeter of this dilution is transferred to a second bottle containing 99 c.c. of sterile water, giving a dilution of 1-10,000. Mark bottle 1/4. 282 EXAMINATION OF MILK AND W A TICK 283 Introduce 0.1 c.c. of the 1/2 dilution into a sterile petri dish, marking the plate 1/3. Put 1 c.c. of the 1/4 dilution into a second plate and mark 1/4. Pour enough melted meat extract agar cooled to 45° C. into each plate to well cover the bottom. Mix the agar and sample well by rotating and tilting the dish. Incubate 48 hours at 37° C. and count the colonies of bacteria. Each colony on the 1/3 plate represents 1000 bacteria per cubic centimeter and each on the 1/4 plate represents 10,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter. Put 0.1 c.c. of the original milk or cream into a lactose fer- mentation tube (Fig. 54) labeling it 1/1; 1 c.c. of the 1/2 dilution Fig. 69.—Babcock test bottle for determining the fat in milk. into a second tube and marking it 1/2; 0.1 c.c. of the same dilu- tion into a third, marking it 1/3 ; and 1 c.c. of the 1/4 dilution into a fourth tube, labeling it 1/4. Incubate the tubes for 24 hours and examine for gas formation. Ten per cent or more gas in the fermentation tubes represents respectively 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000 of B. coli per cubic centi- meter of milk. If desired, the organism causing the fermentation may be isolated in pure culture and further tests made to verify the assumption that it is the bacillus coli. Determination of Butter Fat.—With a pipette deliver 17.6 c.c. of well mixed milk into a Babcock bottle (Fig. 69). Add 17.5 c.c. commercial sulphuric acid using the acid measure. Mix well. 284 CLINICAL LABORATORY METHODS Centrifuge at 1200 revolutions per minute for five minutes. Add hot water to neck of bottle. Centrifuge two minutes and add hot water to about the 7 per cent mark on graduated tube of the bottle and two drops of alkanet root in glymol to facilitate the reading. Centrifuge one minute. The per cent of butter fat is read off directly from the scale. In determining the butter fat in cream, mix the sample Avith equal parts of water and proceed as with milk except that 18 c.c. of the diluted cream is used instead of 17.6 c.c. INDEX A Acetone bodies in blood, quantita- tive determination of, 162 in urine, qualitative tests for, 20 quantitative determination of, 62 Acid alcohol for Ziehl-Neelsen stain, 196 Acid digestion mixture for total nitrogen, 44 Acidosis, blood chemical findings in, 126 toleranee to sodium bicarbonate as test for, 72 Agar blood, 203, 204 brilliant green, Krumwiede’s, 205 dextrose brain, 206 double sugar, Bussell’s, 205 Endo’s, 204 glucose, 203 meat extract, 203 meat infusion, 202 Albumin in exudates, determination of, 226 in urine, method of recording, 20 qualitative tests for, 19 quantitative determination of, 41 Alkali tolerance test, 72 Alizarin, preparation of, 262 Amboceptor for Wassermann, prep- aration of, 177 titration of, 179, 182 Ammonia in urine, quantitative de- termination of, 48 Ameba coli, examination of stool for, 84 histolytica, examination of stool for, 84 table for differentiating, 86 Andrade indicator, preparation of, 195 Animal inoculation for tuberculosis, 213 Anisocytosis of erythrocytes, 112 Antiformin, preparation of, 271 use of, in examining sputum, 80 Antiformin, use of—Cont’d in examining stools, 216 in examining urine, 216 Apparatus, volumetric, calibration of, 258 Ascar’s lumbricoides, ova of, 83 Ascitic fluid, examination of, 226 Autogenous vaccines, preparation of, 230 preservation of, 231 standardization of, 231 sterilization of, 231 Avery method for typing pneumo- coccus, 191 B Babcock method for determining fat in milk, 283 Bacilli, gram negative, table for differentiating, 214 Oppler-Boas, in gastric contents, 77 Bacillus, diphtheriae, Neisser’s stain for, 196 Ponder’s stain for, 197 tuberculosis, animal inoculation for, 213 in feces, staining for, 216 in spinal fluid, 222 in sputum, 80 in urine, 216 typhosus, reaction of Bussell me- dium to, 205 stool culture for, 216 Bacterial count, wound, 232 of milk, 282 Bacteriological examination of feces, 216 of spinal fluid, 221 of transudates and exudates, 227 of urine, 212 Barfoed’s solution, preparation of, 19 test for monosaccharides, 31 Barometer coefficients, table of, 169 Beef tape worm (see Taenia sagi- nata) 285 286 INDEX Benedict’s method for preparing creatinine zinc chloride, 267 for determination of uric acid in blood, 135 for determination of uric acid in urine, 49 for quantitative determination of glucose in urine, 37 qualitative test for glucose in urine, 20 solution for sugar determination, preparation of, 141 qualitative, 81 quantitative, 37 Benzidine reaction for blood in feces, 81 Bichromate cleaner for glassware, 272 Bile salts, tests for, in urine, 22 in blood plasma, 123 medium for blood culture, 209 pigments, in blood plasma, 122 in feces, 81 in urine, 21 Bismarck brown, preparation of, 195 Bleeding time, determination of, 117 Blood, agar, 203 bile pigments in 122 bleeding time of, 117 carbon dioxide combining power of, 163 casts in urine, 28 chemical changes in various path- ological conditions, 126 examination of, 125 determination of calcium, 158 of carbon dioxide combin- ing power, 163 of chlorides, 145 of cholesterol, 148 of creatine, 140 of creatinine, 138 of nonprotein nitrogen, 131 of oxygen combining ca- pacity, 171 of phosphates, acid solu- ble, 154 lipoid, 154 total, 152 of sugar, 141 of sugar tolerance, 144 of urea nitrogen, 133 of uric acid, 135 obtaining blood for, 125 standardization of, 249 chlorides, determination of, 145 Blood—Cont’d coagulation time of, determina- tion of by Howell ’s method, 116 by Lee and White’s method, 117 by capillary tube method, 117 corpuscles, enumeration of, 90 counting, 90 apparatus for, 90 culture, sodium citrate solution -for, 194 culture, 210 erythrocytes, determination of resistance to salt solu- tion, 113 reticulated, 115 vital staining of, 115 fresh, examination of, 105 in feces, 81 films, preparation of on cover slips, 105 staining of, 106 filtrate, protein free, preparation of, 129 in gastric contents, 77 grouping of, 191 hemoglobin content of, 101 matching of, 192 platelets of, counting, 95 plasma, qualitative tests, for bile pigments, 122 for bile salts, 123 for urobilin, 124 serum reactions, Widal tests, for paratyphoid infection, 188 for typhoid infection, 188 Wassermann test for syphilis, 175 staining of, Ehrlich’s method, 107 Wright’s method, 106 vital, 115 sugar in diabetes mellitus, 126 sugar tolerance test, types of curves obtained, 145 transfusion, blood tests prelimi- nary to, 191 in urine, tests for, 21 serum, Loeffler’s, 207 Bock-Benedict colorimeter, 243 Brilliant green agar, Krumwiede’s, 205 Broth, carbohydrate, 208 dextrose brain, 206 INDEX 287 Broth—Cont’d glucose, 208 ascitic fluid, 209 meat extract, 204 meat infusion, 204 sugar free, 208 Bruns’ glucose medium, 276 Buffer solution for blood stains, 107 C Calcium in blood, determination of, 158 table for calculating, 161 in urine, determination of, 60 Calcium carbonate, crystals of, in urine, 27 Calcium oxalate, crystals of, in urine, 27 Capsules, stains for, 197 Carbol-fuchsin, Ziehl-Neelsen, 196 Carbol-thionin, preparation of, 194 Carbol-xylol, 274 Carbon dioxide combining power of blood, determination of, 163 table for calculating, 170 Casts in urine, 28 Cestodes, classification of, 83 Charcot-Leyden crystals in sputum, 80 Chlorides in blood, determination of, 145 table for calculating, 148 method for checking, 252 in urine, determination of, 41 table for calculating, 43 Cholesterol in blood, determination of, 148 method for checking, 252 table for calculating, 150 Citron’s scale for reading the Was- sermann test, 186 Coagulation time of blood, 116, 117 Cocci, gram negative, table for dif- ferentiating, 215 Colloidal gold reaction in spinal fluid, 222 types of abnormal reactions, 227 Color index, definition of, 103 method of determining, 103 Colorimeter, Hellige, 98 Bock-Benedict, 243 Duboscq, 243 use of, 243 Congo red, preparation of, 262 Creatine in blood, determination of, 140 in urine, determination of, 53 Creatinine, in blood, determination of, 138 method for checking, 251 table for reading, 139 in urine, determination of, 51 table for calculating, 53 preparation of, 267 Creatinine zinc chloride, prepara- tion of, 267 Crystals in urine, 23 Cultures, blood, 210 eye and ear, 212 miscellaneous, 212 nose and throat, 212 sputum, 211 stool, 211 urine, 212 Curschmann’s spirals in sputum, 80 Cylindroids in urine, 29 D Dakin’s solution, preparation of, from liquid chlorine, 263 from chlorinated lime, 265 Dark-field examination for spiro- cheta pallida, 228 Diabetes mellitus, blood findings in, 126 chart of glucose tolerance in, 145 Diacetic acid in urine, tests for, 21 Dialyzing sacs, preparation of, 128 Dibothriocephalus latus, ova of, 83 Diphtheria bacillus, Neisser’s stain for, 196 Ponder’s stain, 197 virulence test for, 213 Duboscq colorimeter, 243 Duke’s method of determining bleeding time, 117 Duodenal contents determination of urobilin and urobilino- gen in, 77 Dunham’s fermentation tubes, 209 peptone solution, 207 E Ear culture, 212 Ehrlich’s reagent, preparation of, 19 triple stain, preparation of, 107 use of, 108 Elastic fibers, examination of spu- tum for, 80 288 INDEX Endo’s agar, 204 Entamebae coli, examination of stool for, 84 histolytica, examination of stool for, 84 table for differentiating, 86 Eosinophiles, 108 Epithelial casts in urine, 28 cells in urine, 23 Erythrocytes, count of, normal, 94 color index of, 103 enumeration of, 92 apparatus for, 90 nucleated, 112 resistance of, to hypotonic salt so- lution, 113 saturation index of, 104 in urine, 21 volume index of, 104 Esbach’s tube for determining al- bumin in urine, 41 Exudates, determination of albumin in, 226 examination of, 226 Eye culture, 212 F Fatty casts in urine, 28 Feces, bacteriological examination of, 211 for tubercle bacillus, 216 chemical examination of, for bile pigments, 81 for occult blood, 81 for reaction, 84 culture, 211 examination of, routine, 81 macroscopic examination of, for blood, 81 for color, 81 for gallstones, 82 for mucus, 81 microscopic examination for ame- bae, 84 for blood, 84 for ova, 84 for parasites, 84 for pus, 84 urobilin and urobilinogen, quan- titative determination of, 87 Fehling’s solution, preparation of, 19 test for sugar in urine, 19 Fermentation test for sugar in urine, 31 Fluids, puncture, examination of, 226 Foam test for bile, 21 killer for aeration procedures, 272 Folin and Wu’s formula for Ness- ler’s solution, 266 method for determining blood creatine, 140 creatinine, 138 sugar, 141 Fragility of erythrocytes, determi- nation of, 113 Frozen sections, preparation of, 275 G Gastric juice, blood in, 77 mercury in detection of, 232 microscopic examination of, 77 Oppler-Boas bacillus in, 77 pus in, 77 qualitative chemical tests: for blood, 77 for free hydrochloric acid, 75 for lactic acid, 76 quantitative chemical tests: for free hydrochloric acid, 76 for hydrochloric acid deficit, 76 for total acidity, 76 routine examination of, 75 sarcinae in, 77 test meal for, 75 yeast in 77 Gelatin, meat extract, 207 Gentian violet, Sterling’s solution, 195 Geraghty and Rowntree’s test for renal function, 70 Gerhardt’s test for diacetic acid in urine, 21 Giffin and Sandford’s method for determining resistance of erythrocytes to hypotonic salt solution, 113 Glucose, agar, 203 tolerance test, 144 in urine, qualitative test for, 20, 29 quantitative determination of, 39 table for calculating, 40 in blood, Folin and Wu’s method for determining, 141 table for calculating, 143 Glycuronates, Tollens’ test for, 32 INDEX 289 Gonococcus, examination of smears for, 216 Gram’s iodine solution, 195 stain, 195 Gram negative bacilli, fermentation reactions of, 214 cocci, fermentation reactions of, 215 Gram-Weigert stain for bacteria in tissues, 279 Granular casts in urine, 28 Guaiac test for blood, in feces, 81 in gastric contents, 77 in urine, 21 Guinea pig, technic for bleeding from heart, 179 Gunzburg’s reagent, preparation of, 75 H Hayem’s diluting fluid, 90 Hays’ test for bile salts in urine, 22 Heller’s test for albumin in urine, 19 H|ellige colorimeter, determination of hemoglobin with, 98 method for calibrating, 98 Hematoxylin, Delafield’s, 273 Hemoeytometers, ruling of, 91 pipettes, 90 Hemoglobin, chart showing amount of, at different ages, 101 determination of, methods for, 98 comparison of, 97 acid hematin with Hellige col- orimeter, 98 Sahli’s, 98 Van Slyke’s gasometrie, 171 Hiss’ capsule stain, 197 Hookwmrm, new world species (see Necator americanus) old world species (see Anchylos- toma duodenale) Hopkins’ method for standardiza- tion of vaccines, 231 Howell’s method for determining coagulation time, 116 Huntoon’s capsule stain, 198 Hyaline casts in urine, 29 Hydrobilirubin in feces, test for, 81 Hydrochloric acid deficit in gastric juice, 76 free in gastric juice, 76 Hydrogen-ion concentration, method for determining, in blood, 127 in media, 200 in biological fluids, 234 in urine, 36 Hymenolepis nana, ova of, 83 I Identification of reducing sub- stances in urine, 29 Index, McLean’s of kidney func- tion, 69 Indican in urine, tests for, 21 Indicators, use of, 260 table of, 262 Intestinal parasites, classification of ova of, 83 preservation of, 88 Intravenous solutions, preparation of, 269 K Kaiserling’s method for preserving specimens, 280 Kidney function, McLean’s index of, 69 Mosenthal test meal of, 67 phenolsulphonephthalein test of, 70 Krumwiede’s brilliant green agar, 205 L Lactic acid in gastric juice, test for, 76 Lactose bile medium, 209 Lactose in urine, Rubner’s test for, 34 Lange colloidal gold test, chart showing typical reac- tions, 227 preparation of solution, 222 reading reaction, 226 technic of test, 225 Lee and White’s method for deter- mining the coagulation time of blood, 117 Leucocytes, differential count of, 108 enumeration of, 95 eosinophilic, 108 in sputum, 79 large mononuclear, 112 normal number of, 95 290 INDEX Leucocytes—Cont’d polymorphonuclear basophile, 112 eosinophile, 108 neutrophile, 108 reaction of, with oxydase stain, 117 small mononuclear, 112 table for differentiating, 109 transitional, 112 Leucocytosis, 95 Leucopenia, 95 Levulose, Seliwanoff’s test for, 32 Litmus milk, 207 Litmus, preparation of, 262 Loeffler’s blood serum, 207 methylene blue, 196 Lugol’s solution, preparation of, 18 M McLean’s index of kidney function, 69 Macrocytes, 112 Magnesium, in urine, determination of, 61 normal quantity, 35 Malaria, examination of blood for, 119 chart showing appearance of or- ganisms in fresh blood, 120 in stained blood, 121 Mallory’s stain for connective tis- sue, 277 Marshall’s method for determining urea in urine, 46 Mayer’s glycerine albumin, 274 Meat extract agar, 203 broth, 204 gelatin, 207 infusion broth, 204 Media, preparation of, 202 titration of to definite hydrogen- ion concentration, 200 Medium, agar, ascitic fluid, 209 blood, red, 203 brown, 204 Endo’s, 204 glucose, 203 meat extract, 203 meat infusion, 202 blood serum, Loeffler’s, 207 carbohydrate, 208 dextrose brain, 206 Dunham’s peptone, 207 Endo’s, 204 Medium—Cont’d Krumwiede’s brilliant green agar, 205 lactose bile, 209 Loeffler’s, 207 litmus milk, 207 meat extract broth, 204 gelatin, 207 Petroff’s, 208 potato, 206 Russell’s double sugar, 205 sugar free broth, 208 Megaloblasts, 112 Mercury, detection of, in gastric juice, 232 in feces, 232 in urine, 232 Methyl orange, preparation of, 262 Methyl red, preparation of, 262 Methyl violet shellac, 271 Methylene blue, Loeffler’s, 196 Unna’s, 275 Microblasts, 112 Milk, dairy, bacterial count of, 282 determination of butter fat, 283 litmus for medium, 207 Mitochondria, technic for staining, 278 Mosenthal test for renal function, 67 table for, 68 Mould in sputum, 79 Mouse method for typing pneumo- coccus, 189 Museum jars, mixture for sealing, 281 Myeloblasts, 113 Myelocytes, 113 N Necator americanus, ova of, 83 Neisser stain for diphtheria bacilli, 196 Nephritis, chemical blood findings in, 126 Nephelometer, use of, 246 Nessler’s solution, preparation of, 266 Neubauer ruling of liemocytometers, 91 Neutral red, use of in identifying amebae, 85 Nitrogen, total, in urine, determi- nation of, 44 normal quantity, 35 INDEX 291 Nitrogen—Cont’d nonprotein in blood, determina- tion of, 131 method for checking, 250 table for calculating, 123 Nitric acid ring test for albumin in urine, 19 Normoblasts, 112 Nose culture, 212 Nucleated red blood cells, 112 Nylander’s reagent, preparation of, 18 test for sugar in urine, 29 O Obermeyer’s reagent, preparation of, 18 test for indican, 21 Oppler-Boas bacillus in gastric juice, 77 Oxydase reaction of leucocytes, 117 Oxygen capacity of blood, deter- mination of, 171 table for calculating, 173 Oxyuris vermicularis, ova of, 83 P Pandy’s test for globulin in spinal fluid, 220 Parasites in feces, 84 ova of, classification, 84 preservation of, 88 Pentose in urine, tests for, 32 Peptone solution, Dunham’s, 207 Petroff’s medium, 208 Phenolphthalein, preparation of, 262 Phenolsulphonephthalein test for renal function, 70 Phenylhydrazine test for sugar in urine, 29 Phloroglucin test for pentose, 32 Phosphate, ammonium magnesium crystals of, in urine, 27 calcium in urine, 27 determination of, in blood, 151 table for calculating, 157 in urine, 58 “triple” (see ammonium phos- phate) Physiological salt solution, prepa- ration of, 194 Picric acid, purification of, 269 testing of, 51 Plasmodium of malaria, falciparum, 120, 121 malaria, 120, 121 table showing differentiation of types, 120, 121 vivax, 120, 121 Platelets in blood, enumeration of, 95 Pleural fluid, examination of, 226 Pneumococcus, determination of types, 189 Poikilocytosis, 112 Polariscopic method for determin- ing sugar in urine, 39 Polychromatophilia, 113 Ponder’s stain for diphtheria ba- cillus, 197 Potato medium, 206 Protein free blood filtrate, prepara- tion of, 129 Punctate basophilia, 113 Pus casts in urine, 28 in feces, 84 in urine, 22 R Reaction of media, adjustment of, 200 Red blood cells, color index of, 103 saturation index of, 104 volume index of, 104 Rieder’s cells, 113 Ross-Jones’ test for globulin in spinal fluid, 220 Russell’s double sugar agar, 205 S Safranin for counterstain, 195 Sahli’s method for the determina- tion of hemoglobin, 98 Sarcinae in gastric contents, 18 Saturation index, 104 Scott-Wilson reagent, preparation of, 18 test for acetone in urine, 20 Sections, frozen, 275 Sections, preparation of, for histo- logical examination, 273 Sediment in urine, examination of, 22 Seliwanoff’s test for levulose, 32 Shellac, methyl violet, 271 Sodium bicarbonate solution, intra- venous, preparation of, 270 292 INDEX Sodium citrate solution for blood culture, 194 Sodium hydrate solution normal, 256 Solutions, intravenous, preparation of glucose, 270 physiological salt, 269 sodium bicarbonate, 270 sodium citrate, 271 normal, preparation of, acid po- tassium phthalate, 257 hydrochloric acid, 256 iodine, 256 potassium permanganate, 257 sodium hydroxide, 256 thiosulphate, 257 sulphuric acid, 255 Spinal fluid, bacteriological exami- nation of, 221 cell count of, 221 colloidal gold reaction in, 222 examination of, routine, 220 for tubercle bacillus, 222 globulin, tests for excess, 220 Wassermann reaction of, 186 Spirals, Curschmann’s in sputum, 79 Spirocheta pallida, dark-field exam- ination for, 228 method for staining, 198 Sputum, antiformin method of ex- amining, 80 collection of specimen, 79 culture, 210 Curschmann’s spirals in, 79 elastic fibers in, 79, 80 examination of, for tubercle ba- cilli, 80 fresh, 79 routine, 79 gross appearance of, 79 microscopic examination of, 79 pneumococcus in, typing of, 189 Staining solutions, stock, 194 Sterilizing, hot air, 199 steam, 199 Sterling’s gentian violet solution, 195 Stomach contents (see gastric juice) Stools (see feces) Stopcock grease, 272 Streptococci, classification of, 217 Sugar in blood, determination of, 141 method for checking, 250 table for calculating, 143 in urine, qualitative tests for, 20, 29, 31 Sugar, in urine—Cont’d quantitative tests for, Bene- dict’s, 37 polariscopic, 39 tolerance test, blood, 144 Sugar-free broth, 208 Sulphates in urine, determination of, 55 normal quantity, 35 T Taenia saginata, ova of, 83 solium, ova of, 83 Test meal, gastric, 75 Mosenthal, nephritic, 67 Throat culture, 212 Tollens’ test for glycuronates, 32 Topfer’s reagent, preparation of, 262 Transfusion of blood, tests prelimi- nary to, 191 Transitional leucocyte, 112 Transudates and exudates, exami- nation of, 226 Trichocephalus dispar, ova of, 83 Tsuchiya’s method for quantitative determination of albu- min in urine, 41 Tubercle bacillus, animal inocula- tion for, 213 in sputum, 80 in stool, 216 in tissues, stains for, 279 in urine, 216 Turck’s solution, preparation of, 90 Typhoid fever, Widal test in, 188 U Unna’s methylene blue, 275 Urate, ammonium, in urine, 28 Urea nitrogen, in urine, quantita- tive determination, 46 normal quantity, 35 in blood, quantitative determi- nation, 133 method for checking, 250 table for calculating, 135 Uric acid, crystals of, in urine, 23 in blood, quantitative deter- mination of, 135 method for checking, 251 table for calculating, 137 in urine, normal quantity, 35 INDEX 293 Uric acid, in urine—Cont’d quantitative determination of, 49 table for calculating, 51 Urine, acetone in, quantitative de- termination of, 62 tests for with sodium nitro- prusside, 21 with Seott-Wilson reagent, 20 acidity of, by titration, 36 albumin in, qualitative test for, heat and acetic acid, 19 Heller’s nitric acid, 19 quantitative determination of, 41 ammonia in, determination of, 48 normal quantity, 35 ammonium urate in, 28 bacteriological examination of, 212 for tubercle bacilli, 216 bile salts in, test for, 22 foam test, 22 Hays’ sulphur test, 22 pigments in, tests for, 21 foam test, 21 iodine test, 21 Rosenbach test, 21 blood in, test for, 21 calcium in, determination of, 60 normal amount, 35 carbonate in, 27 casts in, blood, 28 epithelial, 28 fatty, 28 granular, 28 hyaline, 29 pus, 28 waxy, 29 chemical composition of normal, 35 chlorides in, normal quantity, 35 quantitative determination, 41 table for calculating, 43 creatine in, normal quantity, 35 quantitative determination, 54 creatinine in, normal quantity, 35 determination of, 51 table for calculating, 53 crystals in, of ammonium mag- nesium phosphate, 27 of ammonium urate, 28 of calcium oxalate, 27 of calcium carbonate, 27 of calcium phosphate, 27 of calcium sulphate, 27 Jrine, crystals in—Cont’d of sodium urate, 28 of uric acid, 23 culture, 212 cylindroids in, 29 diacetic acid in, qualitative test for, 21 quantitative determination, 64 epithelial cells in, 23 examination of, microscopic, 22 qualitative, 17 quantitative, 35 routine, 17 hydroxybutyrie acid, quantitative examination, 64 indican, tests for, 21 magnesium in, determination of, 61 normal quantity, 35 mercury in, detection of, 232 nitrogen in, determination of total, 44 normal quantity, 35 table for calculating, 47 phosphates in, determination of, 58 normal quantity, 35 preservation of, 35 pus in, 22 reagents, 18 red blood cells in, 22 reducing substances in, identifica- tion of, 29 specific gravity, 17 sugar in, qualitative tests, Bene- dict ’s, 20 Fehling’s, 19 fermentation, 31 phenylhydrazine, 29 Nylander’s, 29 quantitative tests, Benedict’s, 37 polariscopic, 39 sulphates in, determination, of, 55 normal quantity, 35 urates in, 23 urea nitrogen in, determination of, 46 normal quantity, 35 uric acid, determination of, 49 normal quantity, 35 urobilin in, qualitative tests for, 21 quantitative determination, 73 urobilinogen in, qualitative tests for, 22 quantitative determination, 73 294 INDEX Urobilin in blood plasma, 124 in urine, qualitative test for, 21 quantitative determination of, 73 in feces, quantitative determina- tion, 87 in duodenal contents, quantitative determination, 77 Urobilinogen in duodenal contents, quantitative determina- tion, 77 in feces, quantitative determina- tion of, 87 in urine, qualitative test for, 21 quantitative determination of, 73 V Vaccines, autogenous, preparation of, 230 preservation of, 231 standardization of, 231 sterilization of, 231 Van Slyke and Cullen’s method for determining the carbon dioxide combining pow- er, 163 urea nitrogen in urine, 46 in blood, 133 Van Slyke’s gasometric method for determining hemoglobin, 171 Vital staining of blood, 115 Vogel and Lee’s method for deter- mining mercury in ex- cretions, 232 Volume index of red blood cells, 104 Volumetric apparatus, calibration of, 258 solutions, preparation of, 253 W Wassermann reaction, amboceptor, hemolytic, preparation of, 177 Wassermann reaction, amboceptor— Cont’d titration of, 179, 182 antigens, preparation of, 179 titration of, 180 complement, dilution of, 179 preparation of, 179 titration of, 183 diagnostic test, 184 general considerations, 175 glassware, preparation of, 175 reading diagnostic test, 186 reagents, titration of, prelimi- nary to diagnostic test, 181 saline solution for, 176 serum for, preparation of, 179 sheep cells for, 176 with spinal fluid, 186 Water, bacteriological examination, 2'82 Waxy casts in urine, 29 White blood cells (see leucocytes) Widal reaction, interpretation of results of, 188 preparation of reagents, 187 technic of, 188 Wound bacterial count, 232 Wright and Kinnicutt’s method for counting blood platelets, 95 Wright’s stain, preparation of, 106 use of, 107 Y Yeast cells, in gastric juice, 77 Z Zenker’s fixing solution, 273 Ziehl-Neelsen’s carbol fuchsin, 196 method for staining the tubercle bacillus, 80, 196