LIPPINCOTT’S NURSING MANUALS HOW WE RESIST DISEASE By JEAN BROADHURST, Ph. D. Lippincott’s Nursing Manuals DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE ON REQUEST COOKE’S HANDBOOK OF OBSTETRICS Revised by CAROLYN E. GRAY, R.N., and PHILIP F. WILLIAMS,M.D. Ninth edition, revised and enlarged, 468 pages, 189 illustrations and 4 full pages in color. CARE AND FEEDING OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN A Text-Book For Trained Nurses by WALTER REEVE RAMSEY, M.D., of University of Minnesota. Second edition, revised, 290 pages, 123 illustrations. SURGICAL AND GYNAECOLOGICAL NURSING By EDWARD MASON PARKER, M.D. and SCOTT DUDLEY BRECKIN- RIDGE, M.D., of Providence Hospital, Washington, D. C. Second edition, revised, 425 pages, 134 illustrations. ESSENTIALS OF MEDICINE By CHARLES PHILLIPS EMERSON, M.D., of University of Indiana. Fourth edition revised, 401 pages, 117 illustrations. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY FOR NURSES By A. R. BLISS, Jr., Ph.G., Ph.Cn., A.M., Phm.D., M.D., Grady Hospital, Atlanta, Ga., and A. H. 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MCDONALD. 265 pages, 46 illustrations. MAKING GOOD ON PRIVATE DUTY By HARRIET CAMP LOUNSBERY, R.N., President West Virginia State Nurses’ Association. 208 pages. MENTAL MEDICINE AND NURSING By ROBERT HOWLAND CHASE, M.D., Physician-in-Chief, Friends Asylum for the Insane. Third edition, revised, 244 pages, 78 illustrations. NURSING TECHNIC By MARY C. WHEELER, R.N., Superintendent Illinois Training School for Nurses, Chicago. 265 pages, 32 illustrations. STATE BOARD QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS By JOHN FOOTE. M.D., Assistant Professor of Therapeutics, Georgetown University Medical School, Washington, D. C. Second edition, revised 429 pages. Lippincott’s Nursing Manuals HOW WE RESIST DISEASE AN INTRODUCTION TO IMMUNITY • BY JEAN BROADHURST, Ph.D. ■-M-V ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY, TEACHERS COLLEGE, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 138 ILLUSTRATIONS AND 4 COLOR PLATES PHILADELPHIA AND LONDON J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY 1923 COPYRIGHT, 1923, BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY PRINTED BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY AT THE WASHINGTON SQUARE PRESS PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. TO VERANUS A. MOORE OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY AND C.-E.-A. WINSLOW OF YALE UNIVERSITY TO WHOM I OWE MY INTRODUCTION TO IMMUNITY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Grateful acknowledgment is made of the helpful criticism of Miss Alice C. Evans, U. S. Hygiene Laboratory, Washington, I). C., and I)r. Jane Berry, of the Research Department of the Bureau of Laboratories, New York City Board of Health. Sev- eral students and other friends have also generously contributed their aid during the two years this text has been tried out in typewritten form in our Teachers College classes, special recognition being due to Miss Jane Williamson, Carnegie Fel- low at Aberdeen University; Miss Sylvia Griswold, Miss Mary S. Skinker, and Miss Marion Mills. Many authors, publishers and institutions have very kindly granted the use of illustra- tions, all of which are definitely credited to them in the text itself. Of the original illustrations, the more elaborate drawings were made by Mrs. Ivan G. Doubble. PREFACE This book, designed as a brief introduction to the exceedingly technical and apparently limitless field of immunity, has been prepared with special reference to nurses and general college students whose programs, ordinarily afford opportunity for hut a single brief course in bacteriology, the needs of medical students and those able to devote more time to the subject being already well met by the several excellent and comprehensive text- books on bacteriology and immunology. Experience has shown, however, that there is no relation be- tween the time allotted this subject and the range of student interest. This is especially true with regard to nurses, who are interested in so many practical applications of the subject. The aim has been, therefore, to put into fairly simple language the main principles of immunity, covering in a general way the most important preventive and curative practices. To attain this end briefly, without affording opportunity for a large number of attendant misconceptions, is no simple task; realizing this keenly, much attention has been given to the illustrations, not only their number, variety, and range, but their legends as well. It has thus been possible to present a few of the more difficult topics in two—sometimes three ways—the text, the illustration, and the description used with the illustration. A minimum of space has been given to historical sequences of accumulated facts, except where such treatment emphasized the central or fundamental idea involved, e.g., under vaccines or anaphylaxis. Wherever possible general descriptions of processes, reactions, etc., have been used rather than exact de- tailed descriptions of the technique involved, as for example in the Wassermann reaction. In all cases, however, the aim has been to give enough detail to enable the student to picture the process or the phenomenon under discussion; this explains such apparent inconsistencies as omitting all mention of the various orders of receptors although complement is discussed in con- siderable detail. The terminology has been made as non-technical as possible, 9 10 PREFACE many of the scientific terms being used parenthetically only. Where the avoidance of a technical term would cause a lack of clearness or necessitate the repeated use of a wordy circumlocu- tion such terms have been used, brief characterizations being given in the glossary at the end of the hook. An elementary text is not the place for the weighing of all the various and conflicting theories, such as those advanced with regard to anaphylaxis. While every effort should be made to have the student realize that we are dealing with a growing, developing subject, we must, in such a limited presentation as this, select the theories most generally accepted or the “ most workable ”—those, which, to the best of our judgment, lead the student most directly and rapidly into this new field, and yet give the beginner a minimum of material which must be un- learned as he advances. This lack of space explains many neces- sary omissions, such as the interesting theories of Turck regard- ing the role of tissue destruction in disease. The study suggestions at the end of each chapter are sug- gestions only, not lesson assignments. In each chapter the memory or review questions might be selected for general class use, the other questions divided among the students Avho are more interested or have more time at their disposal. Jean Broadiiurst. New York, 1923. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE Acknowledgments 7 Preface 9 I. Bacteria and Their Effect upon the Human Body. ... 17 II. Active Immunity 47 III. Passive Immunity 66 IV. Toxins and Antitoxins 86 V. Agglutinins and Precipitins 109 VI. Opsonins 128 VII. White Corpuscles 140 VIII. Lysins • 153 IX. Vaccines 169 X. Anaphylaxis... 190 Glossary 214 List of Infections and Causal Organisms 230 Advanced References on Immunity 234 Index 235 FIG. PAGE 1. Streptococcus pyogenes 18 2. Streptococcus pyogenes Destroying Red Blood-cells 19 3. Section of Necrotic Tonsil 20 4. Same, Enlarged 21 5. Entameba histolytica 23 6. Bacterial Disintegration of Bone 24 7. Tuberculosis of Synovial Membrane 25 8. Trypanosoma Brucei 26 9. Ingestion of Blood-cells by Trypanosomes 22 10. Extracellular Toxin 27 11. Bacterial Cell-forming Enzymes 28 12. Two Types of Protein 29 13. Protein Disintegration 30 14. Curve for Acidophilus Organisms 31 15. Same, with Milk Diet 32 16. Same, with Lactose 33 17. Lactobacillus acidophilus 34 18. Lactobacillus bulgaricus 35 19. Negative Result of L. bulgaricus in Diet 36 20. Corynebacterium xerosis 37 21. Tuberculosis Organisms 38 22. Peyer’s Patches 39 23. Pneumococcus Masses 40 24. Diplococcus pneumonice 41 25. Rontgenograph of Tooth Lesion 42 26. Streptococcus viridans 42 27. Cancerous Disintegration 43 28. Streptococcus pyogenes 44 29. Streptococci in Peritoneal Fluid 44 30. Bacillus anthracis 45 31. Diagram of Cell’s Combining Power 51 32. Same, Cell B 52 33 Toxin Resembling Food 53 34. Cell and Food Combination 54 35. Increased Combining Power 55 36. Toxin Combination with Cell 56 37. Receptor Formation by Toxin .• ... 57 38. Antibody Production and Immunity 58 ILLUSTRATIONS 13 ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 39. Deficient Antibody Response 59 40. Bacillus anthracis in Liver 61 41. Bacterium typhosum 64 42. Malaria Organisms 67 43. Same, Infection of Erythrocytes 67 44. Same, Crescent Stage 68 45. Sporotrichum 68 46. Temperature Curve in Poliomyelitis 69 47. Micro-organisms of Infantile Paralysis 70 48. Inoculated Nerve Tissue 71 49. Filtering Serum 72 50. Section Through Filter 73 51. Filter “Candle” Broken Across 74 52. Shiga’s Dysentery, Broth Culture 75 53. Meningitis Organisms in Spinal Fluid 76 54. Neisseria catarrhalis 77 55. Pleomorphic Influenza Bacilli 78 56. Spinal Fluid in Meningitis 79 57. Jars for Collecting Serum 80 58. Apparatus for Injecting Serum 81 59. Tip of Syringe Needle, Magnified 82 60. Dark Field Photograph 83 61. Tetanus Organisms 87 62. Toxin and Toxoid 88 63. Clostridium botulinum 89 64. Diphtheria Organisms 90 65. Diphtheria Throat Smear (Fifth Day) 91 66. Diphtheria Throat Smear (Twelfth Day) 92 67. Dialyzing Antitoxic Globulin 94 68. Drying the Precipitate 95 69. Intravenous Injection 96 70. Antitoxin and the Death-rate 104 71. The Gas Gangrene Bacillus 106 72. Malignant CEdema Organisms 107 73. Agglutination no 74. Paratyphoid B Bacteria hi 75. Bacterium coli 112 76. Proteus vulgaris 113 77. Slide with Hanging Drop 114 78. Single and Agglutinated Bacteria.. - 114 79. Precipitin Test for Glanders 115 80. Precipitin Reactions Against Pneumococci 116 81. Typhoid Colonies...’ * 117 ILLUSTRATIONS 15 FIG. PAGE 82. Bacterium coli 119 83. Encapsulated Pneumococci 121 84. Precipitation Tests for Human Blood 124 85. Immune and Normal Opsonins 129 86. Disproportional Antibody Increase 130 87. A Centrifuge 131 88. Blood After Centrifuging 132 89. An Opsonic Pipette 133 90. Opsonic Index Determination 133 91. Opsonic Activity in Fatal Erysipelas 134 92. Same, Recovery 135 93. Tuberculous and Gonorrheal Opsonic Index 136 94. Formation of Specific Opsonins 137 95. Staphylococcus aureus 138 96. Polynuclear White Corpuscles 141 97. Amebas 142 98. Ameboid Ingestion of Food 143 99. Ameboid Movement 144 100. Phagocytes Invading Nerve Tissue 145 101. Neisseria intracellularis 146 102. Types of Corpuscles 146 103. Phagocytosis 147 104. Streptococcus mucosus 148 105. Blood-counting Slide 150 106. Spinal Fluid in Meningitis 151 107. Increase in Bactericidal Power 154 108. Lysis of Cholera Organisms 155 109. Source of Complement in Normal Blood 159 no. “Locking” of Immune Body and Organism 160 in. Complement Combination 161 112. Absence of Immune Substance 162 113. Tubes in Wasserman Test 163 114. Negative Result with Excessive Complement 164 115. Syphilitic Human Brain Tissue 165 116. Syphilitic Human Liver Substance 166 117. Drying Spinal Cord 173 118 a. Rabies Organism - 175 118 b. Same in Brain Film 176 119. Immunity Curves of Pneumococcus Vaccines 177 120. Agglutination with Single and Multiple Vaccines 178 121. Fusiformis acnes 180 122. Vaccine Syringe 181 123. Rabies Vaccine Treatment Scheme 182 16 COLOR PLATES FIG. PAGE 124. Slide Showing Chance of Undercount 183 125. Capillary Tubes for Vaccine 184 126. Filling the Tubes 185 127. Filling Bottles with Vaccine 186 128. Typhoid Fever and the Army 187 129. Plague Bacilli., 188 130. Tubercles on the Omentum 205 131. Section of Lung with Tubercles 206 132. Tuberculous Lesions in Cow’s Brain 207 133. Temperature Curves in Tuberculin Test 208 134. Protein Splits 209 135. Same, Incomplete 210 136. Same, Incomplete (Two Kinds) 211 137. Skin Tests with Pollens 212 138. Same, with Timothy Pollen 212 COLOR PLATES PLATE PAGE I. Reactions in Skin Tests ioo II. Blood Changes Due to Pyogenic Organisms 146 III. Blood Tests 156 IV. Serum and Complement Fixation Tests 158 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE CHAPTER I BACTERIA: THEIR ENTRANCE INTO THE BODY AND THEIR EFFECT UPON IT Destruction of body tissue Toxins Poisonous split-proteins Ptomaines Effects Fever Preparatory relations Mechanical in jury Bacteria and their effects upon the body Indirect effects Safeguards of skin and body openings Multiplication and growth requirements of bacteria Distribution of bacteria Preferred method of entrance Initial number and virulence Normal protective agencies Conditions controlling infection Although this text presupposes an elementary knowledge of bacteria and their activities, it may be an advantage to introduce this discussion of immunity with a brief summary of the main effects of bacteria upon the body tissues. The efforts of the human body to maintain itself in a state of health, whether by resisting the entrance of such micro-organisms, or by overcoming them after their successful invasion, depend upon and vary with the characteristic activities of the attacking organisms. As indi- cated in the preceding tabulation bacteria affect the body in many ways; the three most important of these effects are (1) the 17 18 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE destruction of body cells or tissues, (2) the formation of toxins, and (3) the formation of “poisonous split-proteins/’ Destruction of Tissue.—Bacteria and other micro- organisms may actually destroy or disintegrate the body cells or tissues. This action is illustrated by some streptococci which • dissolve red blood cells (Figs. 1 and 2); by staphylococci, com- mon pus organisms in boils and abscesses, which injure the white corpuscles; and by the “gas bacillus,” so prominent in wound infections in the recent war, which destroys muscle tissue very rapidly. Another manifestation of such injurious power is the ability of some intestinal bacteria, such as the dysentery Fxo. 1.—Streptococcus pyogenes, from chronic suppurating sinus in the upper part of the nose, (x 1200) Lewis, Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology or cholera organisms, to destroy patches of the mucous mem- brane lining the intestine, and so allow the absorption of their poisons, which otherwise might pass on out of the body without injury to the individual; this has been demonstrated by experi- ments in which the animals having uninjured intestinal walls, have been given several hundred times the fatal dose of either live or dead cholera organisms without any ill effects. Just how these destructive effects are produced is not always demonstrable. Some may be due to specific enzymes. In some cases the effects may be shown to be related to the presence of BACTEEIA 19 toxins and are then attributed more specifically to the toxins, ignoring their probable enzyme character. We are still very far from an adequate comprehension of the activities of bacteria, but it seems legitimate to suppose that enzymes play as varied and important a part in the various powers and manifestations of bacterial cells as in any other plant or animal cells. (See also aggressins, p. 56.) 2. Toxins.—In the ordinary processes of growth of a few kinds of bacteria we are able to demonstrate the formation of Fia. 2.—Two views of the same region of a blood agar plate showing the power of streptococcus bacteria (Streptococcus pyogenes) to destroy the red blood cells. The amount of destruction is indicated by the clear or dissolved area (white in photograph) surrounding each colony. (Horse blood agar plates; Right, longer growing period than Left) Brown, Monograph, Rockefeller Institute. special poisonous substances called toxins. These toxins are formed inside the bacterial cells but are soluble and are freely excreted from the cells, so that they pass promptly into the sur- rounding area (Fig. 10). The toxins may be locally destructive, destroying the sur- rounding tissues; or they may be absorbed by the blood circu- lating through that area and carried through the whole body, irritating or destroying one or more of the more distant body tis- sues. Less often, as in lockjaw or tetanus, the toxins are absorbed by the nerves rather than by the blood. Toxins differ from each other not only in the method or path of absorption but also in the tissues they affect. In lockjaw and in botulism the characteristic effects of these organisms are pro- 20 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE duced through the nervous tissue. An illustration of more wide-spread effects is provided by diphtheria, in which, besides the local effect—the well-known sore throat—there may be de- generative changes in the liver, supra-renal glands, and the nerve centres combined with extensive changes in the circulatory organs, with the consequent characteristic drop in blood pressure, hemorrhages of the serous membranes inside the body cavity, and degeneration of the heart muscle itself. Fig. 3.—Section of tonsil, showing the bacterial layers and necrosis in tonsilitis (Vincent’s angina). A, external necrotic layer containing practically no bacteria; B, bacterial layer and necrosis with masses of fusiform bacilli and spiral forms: C, spiral forms in still living tissue. (x90)—Tunnicliff, Journal of Infectious Diseases. 3. Poisonous Split-Proteins.—The two effects (destruction of tissues and toxins) described above are characteristic of but a minority of the organisms connected with ordi- nary human diseases. Nearly all pathogenic bacteria owe most of their injurious effects to another cause. In dis- ease these bacteria multiply in uncountable numbers BACTERIA 21 before our body defenses gain control. Then later as these myriads of invading bacteria are killed and disintegrated, their cell substance is broken down as any protein substance (milk, egg, meat) might be broken or split in ordinary digestion into smaller and still smaller particles. Whether the disinte- grating bacteria are in the blood or in tissues richly supplied Fig. 4.—Section through the inner edge ot B in previous figure (tonsil infection in Vincent’s angina) showing more clearly the invasion of living tissue by the spiral organisms. (x575) The organisms are more numerous at D. Tonnicliff, Journal of Infectious Diseases. with blood, this disintegration goes on. In this splitting process, certain parts or substances which are poisonous to us are split off or set free. If these poisonous particles (C in Fig. 12) are not themselves neutralized or are not further split or broken up into less irritating ones, they accumulate in the body and poison us, being carried everywhere by the circulating blood. Some of these split-proteins irritate one tissue or set of tissues (Fig. 13), some another; therefore, when typhoid bacteria are disinte- 22 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE grated we have one set of symptoms, and another set of symptoms characterizes tuberculosis infections (See p. 211). These substances may correspond to what were formerly called “ endotoxins,” to distinguish them from the toxins readily excreted from the cell, the extra-cellular toxins already dis- cussed under toxins. While very recent investigations indicate the possible existence of such endotoxins, many of the effects formerly attributed to endotoxins are doubtless due to the dis- integration of the bacterial cell proteins—the split-proteins. Vaughan’s most extensive experiments with these split-pro- Fig. 9.—Stages in the ingestion and digestion of red blood cells by trypanosomes (T. Brucei) isolated from blood of a rat (1250 x ). The resulting reduction in the number of red blood cells and in the quantity of hemoglobin is clearly associated with the anemia characteristic of trypanosome infections. Seidelin, Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. teins indicate that they may be obtained from any protein—not only from non-pathogenic bacteria, as well as pathogenic ones, but from ordinary food proteins (eggs, milk) and even from such plant proteins as seeds, by special treatment with acids, alkalies, alcohol, etc. These disintegration poisons or poisonous split-proteins it is clear, then, are not the same as the specific toxins formed by certain bacteria themselves during their ordinary life or metabolic processes (See p. 87). Though chemists have not yet been able to reduce either the soluble toxins or the poisonous “split-proteins” to exact chemical formulas, there are at leastfour decided differences between them: (a) True toxins are formed by living cells; poisonous split- BACTERIA 23 proteins only on the death and disintegration of the bacteria or of similar non-living proteins. (b) True toxins are produced by but few species of bacteria, but the poisonous split-proteins may be obtained on the decomposition of any kind of bacteria or, apparently, any protein substance. (c) True toxins, being soluble and therefore extra-cellular, are found in the filtrate of bacterial cultures, while the poisonous split-proteins are lib- erated only on the destruction of the cells themselves. Fig, 5.—Destructive action of Entameba histolytica, showing three amebas in cavity caused by their action. (x350) E, ameba; G, disintegrating glandular tissue. We are indebted for the use of this figure to the publishers of “ The Essentials of Tropical Medicine,” Bale, Sons & Danielson, Ltd., London. (d) Toxins stimulate the animal body to produce antitoxins (See p. 48); but the poisonous split-proteins, on the contrary, do not excite such antibody reactions. The most that is claimed for the split-proteins 1 is a kind of tolerance, not definite im- munity (See p. 207). 4. Ptomaines.—There is still a fourth way in which bac- teria are related to disease. Protein foods, in preliminary prepa- 1 No attempt has been made to cover in this brief discussion Vaughan’s further differentiation of his split-proteins into “crude soluble poison” and the insoluble non-poisonous “residue,” with the differing filterability, of these two parts or fractions. 24 IIOW WE RESIST DISEASE ration stages or under storage conditions in the shop or home, as well as protein foods actually in the intestine, may be partly digested or broken down by bacteria and ptomaines formed. Most ptomaines are not poisonous; but some of them are very poisonous, and since the power of utilizing protein is a very common one among bacteria, it sometimes happens that the bacteria that happens to get into such protein foods as milk, veal, cheese, fish, and oysters form sufficient ptomaines to poison us. Reliable authorities consider it “ doubtful if ptomaines in noticeable quantities are produced within the living in- fected body.” Fig. 6.—A tuberculosis focus or lesion in the head of the femur, illustrating bacterial disintegra- tion of bone tissue. Ely. International Clinics, J. B. Lippincott Co. Ptomaine poisoning is much less frequent than people formerly supposed. Acute intestinal disturbances are more often due to toxic substances produced by the dysentery bacterium or its relatives working in the intestine than to preformed ptomaines in the food eaten. (See auto-intoxication following.) It was once thought that ptomaine poisoning could be dis- tinguished from bacterial infections in the intestines by the time elapsing between the eating of the suspected food and the development of the attack. Cases developing rapidly (within 24 hours) were classed as due to ingested ptomaines, the ptomaine having been formed before the food was eaten; and the slower BACTERIA 25 cases were attributed to the taking in of bacteria which con- tinued to develop in the intestine, the symptoms appearing when the bacteria had multiplied sufficiently. Recent experiences indicate, however, that this is not a certain method of differ- Fig. 7.—Tuberculosis of a synovial membrane magnified about 20 diameters. A indicates an area of necrosis or tissue destruction ; at B, note the “giant cells” which ate characteristic of certain healing conditions. Ely, International Clinics, J. B. Lippincott Co. entiation, for the rate of multiplication may be surprisingly rapid; the dysentery bacterium, for example, may be responsible for illness developing only f> to 8 hours after eating food con- taining these organisms. 26 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE Ptomaines are probably more often responsible for less acute and chronic types of intestinal disturbances, auto-intoxication, etc., than for the more acute indispositions such as dysentery and diarrhoea. In such chronic affections, an effort is made to dis- place the undesirable organisms which continue forming these ptomaines by other organisms; this is often brought about by (1) changes in the diet (feeding milk or lactose, dextrin, etc., Figs. 14, 15, 16) which favor the development of acid-loving organisms such as Lactobacillus acidophilus (Fig. 17) normally found in the human intes- tine, or (2) by using sour milk drinks containing acid- forming organisms, such as the lactic acid bacilli or even yeast. Recent experiments indicate that Lactobacillus acidophilus, Fig. 17, is much more efficient in this respect than the formerly popu- lar Lactobacillus bulgaricus (See Fig. 18), as it readily becomes the most prominent resident of the alimentary canal and Lactobacillus bul- garicus does not. Any increase in the acid content of the intestines by either of the above methods, makes the intestines temporarily less alkaline and less favorable for some of the putrefying, ptomaine-forming bacteria. Ptomaines differ from both of the bacterial poisons, toxins and split-proteins, already discussed, in several ways: (a) The bacterial poisons come from the bacterial cell itself, while the ptomaines are the results of bacterial action on their food material still outside the bacteria, material which has never been part of the bacterial cell, but which is being broken down for use in the cell, (b) The bacterial toxins are all poisons, but most of the ptomaines are not poisonous at all. (c) The chemical structure of the toxins is not known, but the ptomaines are known to be nitrogen compounds of carbon and hydrogen, their poisonous quality varying with their complexity; in the most poisonous ones Fig. 8.—Protozoan parasites, Trypanosoma Brucei, from blood of a rat. (x!500) BACTERIA 27 we find oxygen as a fourth element. (Putrescin, C4H12N2, for ex- ample has usually but a locally destructive effect, while sepsin, C6H14N202, is a powerful poison.) (d) No antibodies are stimu- lated by ptomaines. Therefore, no real immunity can be developed against them, as is the case with toxins. Since the body reactions leading to immunity are our main interest, the ptomaines and their effects will not be further elaborated in this volume. Other Effects.—To some, this list of bacterial effects would seem incomplete without adding a fifth, namely, fever. Fever, Fio. 10.—A diagrammatic illustration of extracellular toxin in relation to the cell producing it: five toxin particles (T) have passed outside the cell membranes, and two are still retained within the cell. however, must be considered as itself a result of other effects. To prevent the irritation and poisoning already described, the cells of the body react, forming substances to neutralize or destroy the irritating causes. This increased work may be very heavy, and means, of course, increased utilization of food and increased heat production. That in turn demands increased circulation which means still more work with its added heat production. The body temperature changes with the work being done; the rise in temperature is therefore not itself the evil, but an indication of how hard the body is working to overcome the difficulties, to make and distribute the necessary reacting and neutralizing sub- stances. Fever is, therefore, but an index of the patient’s condition, and not itself the condition2 from which he is suffering. 2 Extremely high temperatures, of course, do fix or coagulate cell proteins and it is conceivable that while the fever temperatures fall short of this coagulating point, the cells may be much less plastic or “alive” in the rising temperatures that obtain in high fevers. 28 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE Preparatory Relations.—Another important though less di- rect effect of micro-organisms is shown by a few organisms, which may or may not be harmful themselves, but which act as primary invaders and break down our resistance to other organisms. Recent experiments with rabbits have shown that when influenza exudate from affected rabbits is injected into other animals it may cause lesions in the lung, and may make such animals more susceptible not only to the influenza organisms but to pneumococcus bacteria as well. Fig. 11.—-Diagrammatic representation of a bacterial cell forming various enzymes, E, which are attacking a given protein molecule, P. M. in the surrounding food material, causing it to break down into a variety of substances as shown by the diversified drawing on the right; among them may occur one or more ptomaines, which we may assume to be the black products in the right hand figure. This contrasts ptomaines with toxins which, like enzymes, are formed inside the bacterial cells themselves. To such preparatory action by the influenza organism, or pos- sibly to an as yet undetermined filterable organism :i occurring in influenza infections, is attributed the highly variable character of the recent outbreaks of “ influenza ” in our country during the Avar, the number and severity of the cases developing in any lo- cality depending not only upon the resistance to the primary invader but upon the coincidence and virility of other organisms, 3 Since this manuscript was prepared, a filterable organism, named Bacterium pneumosintes, has been isolated by Olitsky. BACTERIA 29 such as the pneumococcus and streptococcus bacteria. This ex- plains such statements as, “ Influenza alone is not serious; those Fig. 12.—Two types of proteins, Pi and Pi, showing that each may be broken into various substances, with a similar central core, C, the “poisonous core of Vaughan. who die have influenza plus a lung infection usually a strepto- coccus or a pneumococcus infection.” Among other bacterial effects which cannot be discussed here is mechanical injury, due to masses of bacteria or bacteria and fibrin which may clog the smaller capillaries and form emboli interfering with the circulation. (See also aggressins, p. 56.) Paths of Entrance.—The very serious and far reaching effects just described make us ask how it is that our bodies have escaped complete destruction. The answer is that although hac- 30 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE teria are very numerous and very widely distributed in nature, relatively few of them really get into the body itself—into the body tissues. The main paths of entrance are the broken skin, the respiratory tract, including the mouth and nose membranes, the conjunctiva and the genital tract, and the alimentary canal. In infections described as originating in the blood stream the primary invasion is really by one of the paths just listed—an unsuspected focus in the tonsils, an unnoticed scratch in the skin, etc. Fig. 13.—The disintegration of a protein may free the “poisonous core completely, as indicated by the upper left figure. Less complete disintegration might give such results as in the other figures. These differing substances would have varying chemical affinities and so unite or combine with different body substances. This affords an explanation of the specific effects characteristic of the respective bacterial diseases. The Skin as a Protective Covering.—While such parasites as wriggling hookworms readily penetrate the skin the unbroken skin is not easily invaded by bacteria and protozoa. There is little reason to think that such invasion takes place with ordinary disease organisms unless there are slight lesions or injuries in the skin. Even in animal experiments where bacteria have been proven to enter after being rubbed on the shaven skin, entrance is probably effected through skin lesions that escape the ordinary eye, or through other more or less injured areas, such as might be found in connection with the hair follicles or sebaceous glands. BACTERIA 31 Without the existence of such lesions bacteria remain on the sur- face of the skin, entering only when a cut or injury affords them entrance. As some one has well phrased it, “ The skin is inhabited but not infected/’ Safeguards at Entrances into the Body.—Special safe- guards are provided at the places where the ordinary outer skin is replaced by more delicate and thinner coverings, such as the eye and mouth. In each of these areas there are usually present one Fig. 14.—This curve indicates the percentage of acidophilus organisms appearing in the fecal specimens of human subjects on ordinary diet plus a milk culture of acido- philus, 1000 c. c. Notice after 20 days, the drop when ordinary diet was resumed. Rettger and Cheplin, Intestinal Flora, Yale University Press. or more characteristic types of bacteria, apparently (or at least usually) harmless ones, which very rarely penetrate below the surface. The mouth has many characteristic organisms, streptococci, and other cocci being the types most commonly present, probably. A diphtheria-like bacillus, Corynebacterium xerosis (Bacillus xerosis, Fig. 20), is characteristically present in the conjunctiva of normal eyes; and similarly other harmless bacilli may be ex- pected in the genital area. Such organisms may possibly help by interfering with the multiplication of ordinary pathogenic bacteria; for instance, the presence of staphylococci in the mouth has been thought somewhat incompatible with that of diphtheria, and some doctors have used staphylococcus in efforts to replace the diphtheria organisms in diphtheria carriers. These regionally characteristic organisms may, however, be disregarded at least 32 HOW WrE RESIST DISEASE as far as definite immunity is concerned, and our attention may he turned to the special conditions that safeguard such delicate membranes from definitely harmful organisms. The Eye Safeguards.—The eye membranes are very sus- ceptible to infection at and for a few days following birth. Later, they are much less easily invaded by ordinary bacteria; one has only to recall their exposure to dust, and the very common habit of rubbing the eyes with unwashed or soiled fingers, to be sur- prised at the comparative infrequence of eye infection. This Fig. 15.—Curve indicating the percentage of acidophilus organisms appearing in human subjects on ordinary diet, (C), and with ordinary or untreated milk added to the diet, (D). Note the drop when milk is no longer added. Rettger and Cheplin, Yale University Press. freedom is mainly due to constant washing of the eye by the tear fluids, which mechanically remove organisms from its sur- face. This fluid has besides a slightly germicidal power. Recently, the eye has been described as a possible route for infections of the nasal tract, including the naso-pharynx. This theory is of special interest in connection with the spread of influenza. Safeguards in Connection with the Respiratory Mem- branes.—Besides the varied and more or less resident flora in the healthy mouth, the mouth, nasal and lung membranes are subject daily to the additions of large numbers of bacteria from infected teeth and tonsils, only too often more numerous than it is pleas- ant to contemplate. (Most of these pass with the saliva into the stomach, but small quantities must be constantly distributed over the mouth and throat membranes.) Both the saliva and the nasal secretions are weakly germicidal. These liquids constantly wash the adjacent membranes, mechanically removing accumu- BACTERIA 33 lating bacteria. The fetid condition obtaining in the mouth, when the salivary how is diminished, may be due as much to the lessened mechanical removal of bacteria, as to the in- hibitory effect of the saliva. It has been estimated, however, that over 300,000 bacteria are daily taken into the lungs under ordinary conditions. Caught on the moist lung surface, all bac- teria must remain there; yet very few lung infections develop compared with the total of daily opportunities. This is no doubt in great part due to the fact that some of the alveolar cells resemble the white corpuscles in their power of surrounding and destroying bacteria. (See also p. 141.) Then, too, when bacteria do penetrate this thin alveolar membrane, they find them- selves immediately in the blood stream, in contact with white corpuscles and special blood substances (antibodies) both of which, as will be shown later, have the power to destroy bacteria. Resistance of the Alimentary Canal.—The alimentary canal furnishes a most striking example of the protective function and resistance of delicate epithelial cells, for surgical work on the mouth and anus heals satisfactorily without the use of dis- infectants, in spite of the fact that these regions are constantly exposed to infections. It is stated that bacteria compose fully one-third of the fecal matter excreted daily. The inner surface of the intestines must be thickly coated with bacteria, even when the intestines are empty of food. Yet in health, the thin lining layers successfully with- stand the invasion from the intestine into the deeper tissues of the body cavity. True, these absorbing areas of the intestine are richly supplied with blood containing antibodies, but their success as protective agents is none the less wonderful. One has only to compare the flavor of a freshly killed chicken with a cold-storage one to realize how effective these lining layers are Fig. 16.—Typical curve indicating the percentage of acidophilus organisms in the fecal specimens of a human subject fed on ordinary daily diet plus 300 grams of lactose. Rettger and Cheplin, Intestinal Flora, Yale University Press. 34 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE during life, for the problem of “cold storage chickens” is how to prevent intestinal bacteria from passing through into the flesh, and causing the changed flavor we all know too well. Further illustration of such difference in resistance between living and dead cells is found in the digestion of a given tissue by the normal digestive juices of that region after death; e.g., in life the mucous membrane of the stomach resists the action of pepsin in the gastric juice, but after death this stomach mem- brane may be digested by pepsin. Protective Action of Digestive Juices.—In addition pro- Fig. 17.—Lactobacillus acidophilus, 48 hours, glucose broth culture, showing great range in size and chain formation (xlOOO), Rettgeb and Cheplin, Intestinal Flora, Yale University Press. tective effects are claimed through the action of such digestive juices as the hydrochloric acid of the stomach, and the intestinal juices, including the bile. The protective action of these juices has probably been overrated, and many reliable authorities ascribe little or no germicidal value to the intestinal secretions. With regard to the acid content of the stomach, the short period of con- tact, since food may begin to leave the stomach in twenty minutes and water almost immediately, makes it improbable that objec- tionable bacteria are necessarily subjected for a sufficient period to the hydrochloric acid. Besides, the acid occurs in very dilute amounts—only two-tenths of one per cent.—and experimental work has shown that such organisms as streptococci can with- stand at least six times that concentration (one and two-tenths BACTERIA 35 per cent.) for over an hour. Experiments have established that the organisms of tuberculosis, typhoid and dysentery readily pass beyond the stomach when swallowed with food. Bacterial inhibi- tion, rather than destruction, is all that it is safe to claim for hydrochloric acid in the stomach. There are, however, other protective influences to be attrib- uted to the stomach region, for although some poisons, such as those found in decayed meat, are not destroyed in the stomach, the poisons of organisms such as tetanus and diphtheria are Fig. 18.—Lactobacillus bulgaricus, 48 hour whey broth culture, showing close similarity to Lactobacillus acido-philus. Rettger and Cheplin, Intestinal Flora, Yale University Press. changed by gastric juice. This may have a bearing on the relative freedom of the stomach from bacterial inflammations. Although the bile is considered somewhat germicidal, disease organisms (typhoid, in typhoid carriers) have been found grow- ing in the bile ducts and gall bladder; the antagonistic action of the bile, therefore, can not be so great or so universal as once thought. Nevertheless, the gastric and intestinal juices including the bile, may have an inhibiting action on the growth of many organisms, and the alternation of an acid and an alkaline medium (stomach to intestine) is thought to be somewhat helpful in reducing the kind and number of bacteria found in the intestine. The preceding paragraphs have indicated the difficulties met by organisms in getting past the external barriers into the tissues. But even when they do succeed in effecting an entrance, infection 36 IIOVV WE RESIST DISEASE does not always follow. There are two possible reasons for this: (1) The bacteria may not find conditions there that favor their growth or (2) they may be met by definite antagonistic substances that destroy them. Multiplication Necessary to Establish Infection.— Ordinarily very few pathogenic bacteria enter the body at any one time—in a glass of water, in human-polluted air, on handled food, or through a cut. One or even a few bacteria can not cause in- fection usually. (See p. 43.) They may be disposed of at once by the protective forces (white corpuscles and antibodies) to be dis- cussed later. Even if the few organisms entering escape destruction, multiplication is also necessary for infection to develop. This means that the environment must be favorable for the invading organism—that it must find itself supplied with the right food materials, suitable amounts of oxygen, favor- able temperature, etc. While the human body has been aptly called “ the greatest living culture medi- um and incubator,” most of the hundreds of types of bacteria known to us do not find it favorable for their growth and multiplication. Microscopic observation has shown that under favorable con- ditions, some organisms may grow to full size and form two new ones in twenty minutes. At this rate one organism could produce over 2,000,000 bacteria in eight hours. It has been estimated that if streptococci multiplied in our bodies without hindrance, one initial organism could cause death in 18 hours; a single tuberculosis cell, in three weeks. Fortunately, disease organisms rarely advance at such rates, and as mentioned earlier, many bacteria fail to multiply in the body at all. Out of several thousands of bacteria and protozoa known to science, apparently less than a hundred kinds can grow in the human body with sufficient ease to he considered causes of disease. Fig. 19.—-Compare this typical result when broth cultures oi the bulgaricus bacillus are fed with ordinary diet and note that, unlike acidophilus, the bulgaricus organism produces no apparent change in the intestinal flora. Rettger and Cheplin, Intestinal Flora, Yale University Press. BACTEKIA 37 How sensitive bacteria are to environmental conditions such as temperature, oxygen and food supply is shown in the following illustrations: 1. Temperature.—The various types of tuberculosis organisms (Fig. 21) have very different temperature requirements. On culture media the human type grows best at 37° C. and growth ceases at 40° to 41° C.; the avian type requires a higher tem- perature than the human, multiplying rapidly at 45° or even higher. As might be expected, therefore, human tuberculosis does not develop in fowls, which have an average temperature much higher than in man, 40° or even higher; and avian or fowl tuber- culosis with its higher temperature requirement does not develop in man. 2. 0 x y g e n—T e t a n u s develops best in regions poorly supplied with oxygen, and so ordinarily multiplies in areas poorly supplied with the oxy- gen-carrying blood, such as the subcutaneous tissue. 3. Tissue Conditions of Host Cells.—Experiments have shown that bruised tissue is especially susceptible to bac- terial invasion and sometimes, apparently is absolutely neces- sary for the development of infection. Tetanus bacteria spores may be injected into the blood vessels of a guinea pig without causing disease, and spores can be demonstrated in such tissues as the liver and spleen, thirty and even fifty days after- ward. But if the tissues are bruised, tetanus develops promptly, beginning in the bruised tissues. (See also resistance, p. 53.) Any necrotic area, or even a blood clot or bruise, may provide the necessary nutritive conditions for the development of tetanus organisms. This may be not only a question of food material, but rather of breaking down the natural cell resistance, for the normal cell resistance is typically high. As Zinsser expresses it, “Invasion of one cell by another is not Nature’s plan.” The resistance to bacterial invasion shown by cells such as those Fig. 20.—A diphtheria-like bacterium Corynebacterium xerosis (Bacillus xerosis) frequently found in normal eyes, (x) Hiss and Zinsser, Textbook of Bacteriology, Appleton. 38 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE lining the intestine is illustrated by the resistance to decay in unprotected living eggs, such as those of the frog. This normal resistance of living tissues is emphasized by the rapid decay which takes place when such eggs die. Saprophytic and Parasitic Organisms.—The various types of organisms (e.g., staphylococcus) commoidy found on the skin are of little importance except as their persistence may afford opportunity for their later entrance into the body, e.g., through a break or cut in the skin. It is customary to speak of bacteria as either parasitic (de- Fig. 21.—Left to right, bovine, (5) human, (//) and avian, (A) tuberculosis organ- isms, egg-agar cultures. (xl500) Sands. riving their food materials from living animals or plants) or as saprophytic (deriving their sustenance from non-living things such as dead animals or plants, milk, bread, leather, etc.). Many of the kinds of bacteria found in the human intestines are not really living on the body tissue, hut on the foods they contain, just as they would live and multiply on such foods before they were eaten if the temperature were favorable. It is not always easy, therefore, to know when the terms parasite and saprophyte should be used in speaking of organisms obtained from the body. Distribution of Bacteria in the Body.—The effects brought about by bacteria are more clearly understood if we know something of their distribution in the body. Though their location may be limited to a very small area, as in small skin boils or abscesses or the throat patches in diphtheria, the infected area BACTEKIA 39 is often a much larger or a more general one, such as the lungs, or the peritoneum. Even in disease they may be located only in what are really surface tissues. In suppurating tonsils, stomach ulcers and even in the typhoid invasion of glandular areas of the intestine (Fig. 22) the organisms have not penetrated far into the body tissues. Organisms do penetrate into the body, however, some- times making their way inward by continued disintegration from a surface lesion. Organisms from a localized site or focus may find their way into the blood stream in considerable numbers. This is true in Fir,. 22.—Peyer’a patches, from intestine of typhoid patient. The swollen patches and nodules are necrotic (disintegrated) tissue except at their edges, the central portions being ** ragged sloughs,” Delafield and Prudden, Text book of Pathology, Wood. diphtheria, where a very definite localized area is ascribed to the causal organisms; similarly, typhoid bacteria are commonly found in the blood in the early stages of typhoid fever. This condition is termed a bacteremia, and the presence of the organ- isms in the blood is temporary only, for they are soon destroyed by the protective agencies also present in the blood. Pyemia is used to indicate the condition when the organisms thus discharged into the blood and distributed by it cause several different foci. Some- times the organisms multiply in the blood stream itself (septice- mia, Figs. 23, 24). A heavily discharging focus may, of course, approximate this last condition, septicemia, and be difficult to distinguish from it, both in the blood picture presented and the condition of the patient. In health, occasional bacteria are doubtless constantly making their way into the blood stream, not only from an adjacent focus, 40 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE such as an infected tonsil, but through apparently healthy mem- branes or tissues such as the intestinal wall; but finding no favorable site do not produce infection (See p. 43) before they are destroyed by the white corpuscles or specific antibodies. The white corpuscles are themselves sometimes responsible for this transfer of bacteria to new areas, for they sometimes carry bac- teria with them as they occasionally make their way through the capillary walls into the surrounding tissues. Usually, however, they destroy all ingested bacteria and no infection occurs. The extent of the focus does not necessarily correspond to the effects caused. A very small focus, such as an infected tooth (Figs. 25, 26) may have serious systemic effects. In tetanus, where we often find but a small focus at the point of infection, this disparity is still more strikingly illustrated, due mainly to the very toxic char- acter of the poison produced by the tetanus bacilli. Neither is the size of the focus related to the rapidity with which a cure may be effected. A very small or local- ized infection may be very difficult to cure. This may be due to the slight amount of irritation it causes and the consequent fact that it arouses very little general body reaction, (See Vaccines, p. 186), or to the completeness with which the lesion has been closed off from the rest of the body. In tubercu- losis, for example, the tubercle wall which is formed around the lesion not only protects the body from the organisms, but protects the organisms in that lesion from the blood anti- substances which might destroy them. Similar conditions obtain in meningitis, where the organisms in the meninges of the spinal canal are very slowly affected by the anti- substance of the blood, because of the relatively meagre blood supply of that area. Fig. 23.—Large masses of pneumo- cocci in the blood vessels of a rabbit dying of severe pneumococcus septicemia. Bull. BACTERIA 41 Preferred Method of Entrance.—Usually infection occurs only when bacteria enter by certain preferred routes or channels. For some organisms the “channel of infection ” is very definitely fixed. Typhoid, for example, must begin its development in the alimentary canal and one usually contracts typhoid by swallow- ing the typhoid organism in infected food or water, there being little chance of contracting typhoid infection in any other way, such as through the air. (Recently the tonsils have been shown to be possible, though less probable portals of entry, than the more common path, the intestinal membranes.) Sometimes the preferred method of entry se e m s wholly unrelated to the final site of the organisms. This is strikingly illustrated by hookworm, in which 90 per cent, of the infection is through the skin, and the hookworms make a circu- itous route through the fiesh to lymph vessels, and by the thoracic duct to the heart and to the lungs; from the lungs they are coughed up into the throat and being swallowed make their way to the intestines, their real habitat. More often in other infections it is a question of being carried from the port of entry by the circulating blood until a susceptible area is found, where the organisms may continue to develop after they have disappeared from the conveying blood. Despite these vagaries, the initial point of entrance is very important in de- termining whether or not infection shall occur. Experiments may be performed to illustrate preferred methods of entry. As described by Park, if virulent strepto- coccus (Fig. 28), typhoid, and diphtheria organisms respectively are rubbed into abrasions of the skin of laboratory animals the typhoid produces no lesion, and the diphtheria but a very minute Fig. 24.—Blood smear showing the invasion of the blood by pneumococcus organisms, (Diplococcus pneumonia). The characteristic capsules are very evident here. Williams, Brown and Earle. 42 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE infected area, but the streptococcus may produce severe cell destruction or even fatal blood poisoning (Fig. 29). When placed on a similar area of the throat, the typhoid is again harmless, the diphtheria produces a typical inflammation and characteristic toxic poisoning (p. 87), and the streptococcus may cause an infection, or even blood poisoning. If the three kinds of organisms are passed into the intestines, it is the typhoid organism which develops, while here the streptococcus and diphtheria are harmless. Fig. 25.—X-ray photograph of a tooth showing a definite disin- tegration area at the apex of the tooth. Such abscesses often fur- nish an illustration of very unto- ward effects from a very small focus of lesion. Fig. 26.—A pure culture of Streptococcus viridans, taken from a root apex of a tooth; this tooth had a good root-filling and the X-ray examination did not show decay. Machat, Dental Cosmos. As stated on p. 36, bacteria that enter the body may fail to develop even when the growth conditions are apparently favorable. When such organisms as streptococci or staphylococci which can grow in the body fail to cause infection, after gaining entrance through a cut or bruise, or cause but a slight temporary infection, what is the explanation? It is because there was in the blood of the body more than a sufficient number of white corpuscles to take care of the invaders, and the circulating blood finally accumulated in that region enough white corpuscles to dispose of them; or else the liquid antibodies in the blood dissolved or otherwise affected the bacteria, as will be described in the next chapter. BACTERIA 43 Number and Virulence Related to Resistance.—There is, of course, a limit to the counteracting effect of these protective agencies of the normal healthy body. The minimum number of bacteria which is necessary to run the gauntlet of these guarding agencies explains such statements as “ ten tuberculosis bacteria are necessary to inoculate a rabbit.” Fig. 27.—Disintegration due to cancer; a, cancer nest-cells with extensive inflammatory infiltration of muscle bundles, b. Kelly, Johns Hopkins Bulletin. This minimum number depends on the kind of organism as well as the natural resistance of the individual. The minimum may be very low, indeed; for anthrax (Fig. 30), it has been stated that one organism is enough to cause infection in a suscep- tible animal (See p. 36). In other cases the number necessary for infection is very great, 44 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE and the type of infection may vary with the number inoculated; e.g., when a few streptococci pathogenic to man are inoculated into a rabbit, they may cause no effect at all, and a few million may cause merely local abscesses, while a hundred million will usually cause septicemia (general blood poisoning). The number necessary for infection varies also with the strength and virility of the organisms (See p. 58). If a strain of pneumococcus organisms is cultivated in two different ways— Fig. 28.—A long-chained streptococcus, Streptococcus pyogenes; notice the relationship of many of the organisms in the chain, often present in this genus. Williams, Brown and Earle. Fig. 29.—Streptococcus growth in peri- toneal fluid freshly drawn from a fatal case of peritonitis. Note the heavy growth of bacte- ria. (1) in a series of tubes of artificial media, such as serum-agar, and (2) in a series of living mice—the organisms from the last mouse will be much more powerful than the organisms from the last serum-agar tube. It may take one-tenth of a cubic centimeter of the agar strain to kill a mouse, but it may take only .000001 of a cubic centimeter or even less of the mouse strain to bring about the same result. There is also a great initial difference even in freshly isolated strains of a given kind of bacteria. One culture is often fifty or more times as virulent as another; experiments have shown that a less virulent diphtheria culture may require .1 c.c. for a fatal dose, but .022 of a c.c. of a virulent culture of diphtheria may be equally fatal. BACTERIA 45 Infection and Immunity.—A slight infection, such as a tiny abscess around a splinter, may develop even though the body as a whole really has sufficient protective or immunity-yielding substances, because such substances have not yet been marshalled to that area in sufficient quantities. Serious infections, however, occur when, because of the low level of normal protec- tive agencies, or the high virulence of the invasive bacteria, or both of these conditions, the body is for the time being relatively unprotected. More white corpuscles have to be manu- factured and special new antisubstances have to be formed in the body before an individual so infected can overcome the invading organisms; in doing so he develops an active or “ acquired ” im- munity to such organisms. This definite or specific immunity is the subject of the following chapter. Fig. 30.—Anthrax (BaHUvs anthracis). Vegetative form on the left, spores on the right. Williams, Brown and Earle. STUDY SUGGESTIONS 1. List and describe the various effects of micro-organisms upon the human body. 2. Consult texts describing specific diseases to find specific illustrations of each of the various effects of bacteria or protozoa upon the human tissues. 3. Find in a text book of bacteriology a comparison (bulk or weight) of the killing strength of a strong drug such as strychnine and a given preparation of tetanus, botulinus or other bacterial toxins. 4. Explain why fever may be considered a symptom rather than the disease itself. 5. Describe the passive body defences against bacterial invasion. 6. Find an illustration emphasizing the importance of cell vigor in resisting disease. 7. Illustrate “preferred methods of entrance for diphtheria, for typhoid, or for tetanus. 8. Copy the skeleton outline of the contents of this chapter (p. 17) on a large sheet of paper and elaborate each of the sub-topics so as to cover the subject matter given in the chapter. 46 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE 9. It has been demonstrated that such conditions as shock, thirst, starvation and collapse can cause disintegration of cell tissue. Which of the results of bacterial action would the accumulation of such disintegration material parallel or resemble? How would such conditions affect the subject’s resistance to bacterial infection? 10. An investigator reports that one-ten-billionth of a loop of some cul- tures of the hemorrhagic septicemia organism kills a rabbit in 24 hours, at which time bacteria can he demonstrated on every drop of blood or body fluid examined. Can you express definitely the “minimal lethal dose” of such an organism? 11. It has been calculated that some bacteria can divide into two new ones every twenty minutes. If such multiplication is unchecked by body reactions, etc., how many organisms could be formed in 24 hours from a single initial bacterium? 12. Look up, in U. S. Public Health-Service Reprint 436, the mode of transmission of the diseases described there. In how many of the diseases listed are there evidently “preferred methods of en- trance?” In how many must the causal organism be inserted directly into the tissues (insect bite, etc.) ? 13. The mode of transmission of leprosy is described as “close, intimate and prolonged contact with infected individuals.” Can you ex- plain this on the basis of the size of the minimal lethal dose, variations in individual resistance, or both? 14. Stillman (Health News, Sept. 1921) says that “careful histories of patients with lobar pneumonia show that about 40 per cent, of the cases give a history of coryza or other mild infection of the respiratory tract preceding the onset of pneumonia.” What two reasons—one direct and one indirect—can be advanced to explain the importance of such mild or unrecognized infections? CHAPTER II ACTIVE IMMUNITY * Sources or origin of protective substances ' Toxin Types of reaction against Bacteria - Acting alone Acting with white cor- puscles Nature of reactions Chemical in character Graphic illustrations Active Immunity In recovery from disease In death Length of immune period Variations in bacteria virulence Disease and the balance of bacterial action and body reaction Types of active immunity (Racial, natural etc.) Substances used to induce immunity (Introductory to vaccines) Live organisms Dead organisms Toxins It is said that over 1900 years ago Mithridates the Great secured immunity against certain poisons hy subjecting himself to gradually increased doses of those poisons. The “ Mithridatic antidote,” according to Pliny, was composed of sixty-four in- gredients, some of them used in infinitesimal amounts, as small as one-sixtieth part of a drachm, which is about one-five- hundredth of an ounce (apothecaries’ weight). With these sub- stances he “ mixed the blood of Pontic ducks, because they lived on poisons.” Despite this early essay in immunity production it is only in the last generation, except for the preventive methods in relation to smallpox, that any practical methods of acquiring immuidty to disease have been developed. * This chapter, with the following, Chapter III, forms a general in- troduction to the subjects of active and passive immunity, the mecha- nism of which is discussed much more in detail in the subsequent chapters on antitoxins, vaccines, etc. 47 48 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE Reactions to Bacterial Poisons.—As shown in the preceding chapter, bacterial poisons irritate or destroy one or more of the body tissues. The normal individual responds to such irritation, accumulating in his blood and lymph (1) an increased number of white corpuscles, and (2) special antisubstances, or antibodies as they are commonly called, formless substances which are con- tained in the liquid part of the blood and lymph. Sources of Protective Substances.—The white blood cor- puscles are formed in the bone marrow and the lymph nodes or glands. The antibodies are probably formed mainly in these same places, and in the spleen as well; in fact, many believe there is no evidence to indicate that these antibodies may not be formed anywhere in the body. In some cases they are evidently formed quite locally, by the tissues directly affected by the disease organisms. This it is thought may explain why in a prolonged attack of boils the latest boil always breaks out in a new spot, or why erysipelas spreads only to new regions, avoiding previously inflamed or affected areas; it is quite evident in these cases that the local immunity is greater than any general bod}'' immunity. Two Types of Reaction.—It has already been shown (p. 18) that the effects of bacteria are mainly due to two causes: (1) to the toxins they form, and (2) to the poisons formed from the bacterial cells themselves as they are disintegrated in our bodies. It is to be expected, therefore, that the body will respond or react in two different ways:— (1) to neutralize or destroy the bacterial toxins and (2) to destroy the bacteria themselves. This last response would be the most effective, of course; for it would be final; with the destruction of the bacteria would cease their production of toxins. But in some diseases, toxins are excreted very rapidly. Since toxins are injurious in very small amounts, (1 c.c. of tetanus toxin can kill 75,000 guinea pigs), bacteria may give out dangerous amounts of such toxins very early in the disease—before the bacteria begin to disintegrate sufficiently to stimulate the body to react against their disintegration products, i.e., the split-protein poisons. (See p. 21.) The first response mentioned above, producing antibodies against the toxin, is there- fore a necessary one when toxin-producing bacteria cause the disease, as in diphtheria and tetanus. However, even in these diseases, reactions inimical to the bacteria themselves are also ACTIVE IMMUNITY 49 essential. And since the destruction of these bacteria involves more or less irritation due to their split-protein disintegration products, it is essential that the bacteria be destroyed as promptly as possible. The more prompt such body reactions, the fewer bacteria there are to be thus destroyed, and the less split-proteins are set free in the body. The body responses to all bacterial infections are thought to be “ essentially antibacterial in character: that is, by the development of specific antibacterial antibodies and their action, as well as by the activity of the phagocytic cells.” Tabulation of Reactions to Bacteria.—The antibodies vary in their way of attacking the bacteria or neutralizing their products. Some kill the bacteria directly, others help the white corpuscles destroy them; and, as just described in the preceding paragraph, other antibodies are effective only against the toxins. The following tabulation of these reactions may be helpful in visualizing these distinctions. Increase in white corpuscles against toxins (antitoxin) Reactions to Infection acting alone—dissolving bac- teria (lysins) Production of antibodies against bacteria clumping bacteria (agglutinins and precipitins) digesting bacteria (opsonins) acting with white corpuscles In most diseases, probably more than one reaction occurs, though one is always much more prominent than the rest. In diphtheria, for example, there is a lysin formed which helps kill off the bacteria, but it is so much less important than the other anti- bodies, including antitoxin, that the blood of animals immune to diphtheria may fail to show any lysin at all when tested for lysin. The relative unimportance of the lysins in diphtheria is also shown by the fact that in experimental animals inoculated with living diphtheria organisms, there may be recovered from the scabs at the site of the injection live diphtheria bacteria after the animals have become immune to diphtheria; bacterial lysins, 50 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE therefore, cannot be the most important factor in diphtheria immunity. In discussing any particular disease, it is, therefore common to emphasize one reaction, antitoxins for example in diphtheria. That means only that this is apparently the most important of the reactions, or the one most readily measured or determined, and does not necessarily imply that it is the only reaction made against the disease. Theories of Cell Relations to Foods and Toxins.—Toxins injure certain cells because they have the power of chemically uniting or combining with these cells; they lack such chemical attractions or affinity with other cells and so those cells are not directly affected. The difference in chemical affinity explains why it is mainly nerve tissue that is destroyed in lockjaw (or tetanus) and infantile paralysis; diphtheria toxins, on the other hand, are much more catholic in their tastes and, as already described (p. 20), combine with many different types of cells. This chemical affinity is doubtless the same type of selective affinity that influences the cell in its selection and utilization of food materials. One food element can be combined with a given cell and utilized; a second food element cannot combine and never enters into intimate association with that cell. It is doubtless just such selective differences that make possible the differentiation of the cells into such specialized types as muscle cells, gland cells and nerve cells. Since toxins are more or less protein in character, it is conceivable that a given toxin may have the same chemical affinity as a given food protein. If then, such a toxin combined with a cell, it would have two undesirable or injurious effects upon the cell: (1) it would prevent the normal combination with the special food element whose place it had usurped; and (2) its chemically irritating poisons would be brought into intimate association with the cell, irritating or destroying it. Graphic Illustrations of Chemical Reactions.—While, as described above, these combinations and processes are chemical ones, so many people are eye-minded that students often find it helpful to have these combinations of food and toxins with the cell represented pictorially or diagrammatically. Some modifi- cations of the diagrams in common use are given below, with the ACTIVE IMMUNITY 51 warning that those representations are purely imaginary, and that the reader must remember that the combinations and activities they illustrate are really chemical, and that such static mor- phological structures must not be allowed to supplant in our minds dynamic chemical processes. Eecently something of a revulsion against this “ side-chain theory/’ as it is called, has been evident; and the student is therefore encouraged to emphasize constantly the actual affinities and activities themselves, remem- bering that the chemical processes these illustrations depict are really much more wonderful and mysterious than the compli- cated system of dia- grams people have elaborated to help ex- plain them. Cell and Food Relation s.—T h e chemical affinities of the cell for food mate- rials may be partly illustrated by the diagram (Fig. 31) in which are shown a cell and above it five types of food mate- rials ; these are lettered to indicate hypothetical molecules of a sugar (S), a fat (F), and three different proteins (PI, P2, and P3). Note that the following illustration (Fig. 32) shows one food (P3) not utilizable by Cell A. This food, P3, may he utilized by another cell, as illustrated by cell B, which may in turn lack the power to use one or more of the foods usable by cell A. Suppose that a toxin particle by virtue of its protein char- acter, resembles PI in its chemical affinity—in its attachment structure (Fig. 33). It could then attach itself to the cell just as Pi would. The cell would suffer in the two ways already mentioned (p. 50) : (1) It would lose the food that might satisfy the combination, and (2) it would be irritated or damaged by the chemical action of the toxin. Instead of cell action on the usual food material, we might have toxin action on the cell. Fig. 31.—A diagrammatic representation of a given cell’s power to utilize four of the five food parti- cles shown above it. 52 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE When a cell is well nourished and vigorous, it gains the power of caring for or utilizing more food material. When food material is made over into cell substance the cell can be pictured as a stronger or even larger cell, and, therefore, having increased affinities for the same kind of food substances. The more it utilizes, the more it can use. This may be illustrated by an in- crease in the attachment points or receptors, as they are called, showing that when food occupies all the receptors on a cell (Fig. 34) it is then stimulated to form more receptors to which food may be attached (Fig. 35). Cell and Toxic Rela- tions.—Tf toxins were pres- ent in the neighborhood of such cells e.g., in the cir- culating blood, these extra resources if toxins do begin be a disadvantage, unless they could be satisfied more promptly by food than by toxins. However, the body is not wholly without protective resources if toxins do begin to combine with the cells (Fig. 36). The cells form extra receptors just as when food particles are the stimulating factors; but instead of keeping these chemically-combining factors as parts of the cell, they are thrust away from the cell, into the surrounding blood or lymph, (every living cell being bathed by blood or lymph on one or more sides). Thus these receptors or combining factors meet the toxins before they reach the cells and combine with them while they are still in the blood or lymph; the living cells are thus protected by outlying guards of the substances they have formed, the extruded or thrust-off receptors (Fig. 37). When as just described, such receptors neutralize or combine with toxin, they are called antitoxins. Similar substances combining with bacteria themselves might be given a general descriptive name such as antibacterins to indicate that they act on bacterial cells, not merely on their products, the toxins. Ho such general Fig. 32.—Cell B, having the power to use P S, which Cell A lacked. ACTIVE IMMUNITY 53 term is in common use, however, and the substances formed against the bacteria are given special names depending upon the way they affect the bacteria: lysins, or bacteriolysins, if they dissolve bacteria; agglutinins, if they clump the bacteria together, etc. (See p. 49.) The cell-food and cell-toxin combinations described in the preceding paragraph are the simplest of the series of the combi- nations we shall discuss in this volume. But even these may seem impossible and fantastic. That there are, however, such relation- ships, and that the food-attaching and the toxin-uniting powers are somewhat similar and interchangeable is indicated by several interesting bits of evidence, among which are the following variations in susceptibility to disease. When individuals are in a well nourished condition they are much less susceptible to disease. When even temporarily less well nourished they may come down with a disease to which they had reason to consider themselves immune, e.g., nurses and physicians through overwork or after a sudden nervous shock often succumb to epidemics they have successfully faced for weeks or months. A lack of properly digested food, whether due to actual lack of food, or incomplete digestion of a plentiful diet, related to overwork, fear, worry or any type of nervous strain, may leave unoccupied or unsatisfied the cell affinities or combinations by which toxins or other bacterial products may unite with the cell. This same idea underlies such common expressions as "If you are afraid of such and such a disease you’ll get it,” or “She worried herself into it,” or “She broke down nursing the rest of the family and then she took it.” Disease and the Balance between Bacterial Action and Body Response.—Tn disease, the bacteria multiply rapidly until their toxins or disintegration products stimulate the tissues capable of definitely reacting against them to form extra white corpuscles or special antibodies, or both. The bacterial growth may be represented by the line be in Figure 38, b representing the entrance of the bacteria into the body. Finally the body responds, beginning to develop antibodies at a; and if the indi- Fig. 33.—Toxin resembling such a food as PI in the cell-combin- ing power. 54 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE vidual reacts vigorously, the increase in antibodies may be as rapid as represented by the abrupt rise of the dotted line a-c. The symptoms or set of symptoms evident to the patient or doctor may appear before or after the time the protective internal reaction begins. They are indicated afterward here, by s; b to s then represents what is called the incubation period which may range from two or three days to two or three weeks, or, rarely even longer, as in rabies. (See p. 59.) At the crisis c, the patient’s reaction as shown here is balancing the bacterial action. This reaction, however, continues for some time as indicated by the extension of the dotted line beyond c to o. Finally, however, the overproduction lessens, for the bacterial irritation is decreasing rap- idly as shown by the decline in bacteria or toxin produc- tion, the line c-e, and finally at e the bacteria and their poisons have all been elim- inated from the body. The antibodies are not elim- inated so rapidly, though they, too, gradually dis- appear from the blood; in the diagram above, their dis- appearance is indicated at i, and the patient is then no longer immune to that disease. If the patient described above had responded less vigorously the lines starting from b and a might not have met as soon, or, as shown in Fig. 39, they might not have met at all. In that case the protracted bacterial irritation indicated by the continuation of the b-c line would finally cause the death of the patient. There would be no “ turning point in the disease.” This whole situation has been ivell described by Park: “ It is the united skirmish between the two [invading germ and in- vaded subject] which determines whether or not a foothold shall be gained upon the body of the subject and an infection thus established; and it is the balance between them which decides the eventual outcome of recovery or death.” Length of the Immune Period.—The length of the immune Fig. 34.—Diagrammatic representation of cell and food combination. ACTIVE IMMUNITY 55 period (e to i in Figure 38 following) depends upon how vigorously the individual reacted, how much excess antibody material was made, and upon how rapidly it was eliminated from the body. After smallpox, immunity usually lasts through- out life; after vaccination against smallpox it usually lasts several years, and in one known case it was demonstrated by Jenner that smallpox vaccination gave immunity lasting at least fifty years. In such a case the line o-i in our diagram would be a very long line indeed. In some diseases immunity lasts hut a short time; that is noticeably true in common colds, where one sometimes contracts a fresh cold before the last one is over. In such cases the line o-i would almost coincide with the line c-e. T h e immune' period, as intimated above, varies greatly also with the indi- vidual. A reliable authority some time ago reported a child of eleven who had had several attacks of three diseases, each of which ordinarily yields an immunity lasting at least several years; the record was diphtheria three times, measles three times, and scarlet fever twice. In each attack this child had evidently made very little overproduction of immune substances, or else she had eliminated such immune substances with unusual rapidity. In either case her line, o-i, in the diagram (Fig. 38) corresponds very closely to the line c-e. Elimination of Antibodies.—The rate of disappearance of antibodies as above described varies with the disease, and with the individual. How such elimination takes place is not definitely known; the liver and spleen and also the urine have been suggested as possibly connected with the elimination of such substances. Antibodies as Aids in Diagnosing Disease.—As long as antibodies remain in the blood in any considerable amount their presence there may be detected by bacteriological methods, as described later for each type of antibody in its respective chapter. Fig. 35.—Diagrammatic representation of the increased size and vigor of a food-satisfied cell, and its consequent increased power of utilizing more food material. 56 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE These antibodies are specific. That is, the antitoxin for diph- theria neutralizes diphtheria toxin and not other toxins, such as botulinus toxin; the opsonins for staphylococcus organisms aid white corpuscles in disposing of staphylococcus organisms and do not help in gonorrheal or tubercular infections. The occurrence of such antibodies is therefore taken as an indication that the individual has or has had the related disease. Variations in Virulence.—Among the organisms which can grow in our tissues some are much less irritating than others (See p. 211). This difference is partly accounted for by attributing to some bacteria the power to form definite substances (aggressins, p. 150), which help them invade the tissues, while other bac- teria evidently lack such power. Lessened virulence may also be explained by considering that such organisms form very small amounts of poisons or very mild ones, or that they are very like the cells of our own bodies in their metabolic processes, and that their action, therefore, is not very irritating to us. Such organ- isms would not arouse de- cided or marked reactions, and might continue to develop in the body for years, even throughout life, without at any time causing a condition serious enough to pro- duce death, as is sometimes true of tuberculosis. Such bacteria have been spoken of as “ successful germs.” They are so adapted to body conditions, that they develop without arousing violent antagonisms and also without destroying the host on which they depend for their existence. In carriers, such as typhoid carriers, where typhoid organisms have been known to persist in the intestinal membranes of an individual for over 45 years, there is a similar adaptation between the organism and the host. Such adaptation, as might he expected, is not uncommon in protozoan diseases, for the causal micro-organisms are animal cells and naturally more like our human cells in general metabolism. Syphilis and malaria are common examples of such “ successful germs ” among protozoa. Spurring Body Reactions.—In certain more or less chronic Fig. 38.—Diagrammatic representation of toxins (T) combining with the cell. ACTIVE IMMUNITY 57 diseases such as the above, treatment is sometimes based on the theory that an increased or heavier dose of the slightly irritating substances will “ jog ” the system into a more pronounced re- action with a consequent overproduction of antibodies and thus give the individual a definite immunity—at least for a short period. Boils sometimes occur in a prolonged series extending over months, and treatment on this basis—with injections of large numbers of dead bacteria of the kind which are found in the boils —has seemed helpful in many cases, being followed by an immune period of several months, or complete recovery. (See Vaccines.) Variation in a Given Species.—A given disease organism does not always have the same degree of virulence. (See also p. 44.) We recognize this when we say “ J ust a light attack of measles, the kind all the children are having,” or “ Influ- enza seems to be of a particularly virulent type this winter.” Causes of Variation. —Organisms are affected by such outside conditions as cold and lack of mois- ture in the atmosphere. (See also p. 37.) Organisms weakened or attenuated by such unfavorable conditions may, on entering the body, multiply less rapidly and produce less injurious and irritating conditions. But probably the conditions met by the organisms in the last host or individual often have even more to do with the vigor or strength of the organisms eventually passed on to the next individual. It is easy to understand that a vigorous reaction on the part of an individual having the disease might not only so affect or weaken the organisms while in his body that he had a mild attack of the disease under consideration, but might so affect the organisms that when such weakened organisms were passed on to the next individual, they would cause only a mild or light form of the disease. An attack of scarlet fever, for example, contracted from such a mild case is more likely to be a mild attack than one contracted from a severe case. The above does not always follow, of course. A severe case Fig.37.—The toxin has stimulated the cell to produce other receptors, which neutralize the arriving toxins and prevent further toxin-cell combinations. HOW WE RESIST DISEASE 58 may be contracted from a mild case. The most likely explanation of this is that the person having the severe case had very little individual resistance, and that even the mild organisms passea on to him made relatively greater inroads than with the first more vigorous individual who had the mild case. (See also p. 59.) The severity of a disease may, therefore, be expressed as a balance between the resistance of the individual and the virulence of the organisms. This may be graphically represented by the following equation: Resistance—Virulence=Body Condition. If the virulence is greater than the individual’s resistance we have a negative result, a state of disease. The degree to which the Fig. 38.—Diagrammatic curves showing antibody production and immunity with relation to disease. As described in the text, b indicates the entrance of the bacteria; a, the beginning of the formation of antibodies, with an increasing rate of production as shown by the broken line (o-c,) where bacterial production (b-c) and antibody production (a-c) meet mfght be termed the crisis; at c, bacterial production falls off, with a final elimination of the organisms at e; antibody overproduction, however, continues to o, and the immune condition of the patient persists until these too disappear, e to i representing the immune period. resistance overbalances or exceeds the virulence determines the health of the individual. Virulence Increased by Animal Passage.—The virulence of an organism may he increased by growing it in a “ favorable animal ” or in a series of such animals. For example, the viru- lence of rabies organisms may be greatly increased by so “ pass- ing ” them through rabbits. If organisms from the first rabbit are inoculated into a second, and then from the second into the third, very virulent rabies organisms may be secured from the third rabbit. Many other examples could be given of such in- crease in virulence by animal passage: notably, streptococcus and pneumococcus organisms in rabbits and glanders and diphtheria in guinea pigs. The selection of the animal is important; e.g., ACTIVE IMMUNITY 59 passage through monkeys decreases the virulence of the rabies organism, while, as described, passage through rabbits increases it. The accidental transfer of organisms from person to person may produce organisms of increased virulence. How far the severe forms or types of organisms characterizing certain epi- demics, such as the infantile paralysis epidemic of 1916, are due to more favorable external conditions, and how far to such a chain of perpetuating individuals we cannot say. It may not be as simple as we have just implied. Unfavorable atmospheric conditions may decrease the number of living organisms and therefore one’s chance of infection; but the organisms which survive, survive because they are the most vigor- ous and resistant, and the cases subsequently caused by them Fig. 39.—When the antibody responses do not exceed the irritating or toxic effect of the bacteria, the antibody line beginning at a cannot cross the bacterial line at c, as in the previous illustration, and there is no marked crisis change, and no recovery followed by an immune period. may be more severe for that very reason. Then, too, it is quite possible that where “ animal passage ” causes an increase in viru- lence, it may not be simply because the animal is susceptible, but because the animal is resistant, and while the weaker organisms are killed off, only the stronger and more resistant ones survive, and so a race of more virulent organisms is bred and passed on. Relation of Virulence to the Incubation Period.—While the incubation period of most diseases is quite definitely known, it is usually expressed with a margin of one to three days, e.g., yellow fever three to five or six days. This range is more or less explained by such variations as the size of the causal dose, the initial number of organisms infecting the individual. Other im- portant factors are the individual’s degree of resistance, and the virulence of the organism. A shortened incubation period, there- 60 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE fore, is often characteristic of the more severe attacks of any given disease. A short incubation period is similarly characteristic of some of the most dreaded diseases, e.g., yellow fever three to five days, gonorrhea one to eight days, and diphtheria two to six days. This is not an invariable rule, however; there are many exceptions, such as smallpox with a two-week incubation period, and rabies writh an incubation period varying from two weeks to several months. Natural Immunity.—Certain types of variation in suscepti- bility to disease are usually discussed under such headings as natural immunity, racial immunity, and resistance due to age. These variations include such differences as the relative prevalence of yellow fever in the white and negro residents of a given region, or the proportion of diphtheria cases in the adult and infant population of a community. For some diseases, this reputed dif- ference in susceptibility may be supported by blood tests, such as the Schick test by which the individual susceptibility to diph- theria may be determined (See p. 100). Some of these so-called differences in susceptibility are doubt- less due to differences in the opportunities for infection or to differences in resistance dependent upon the hygienic character of the surroundings. Tt is very evident that when two races so compared represent different economic levels, racial differences in susceptibility can not be demonstrated unless both races have an equally satisfactory environment with regard to all essential details—ventilation, methods of waste disposal and other phases of sanitation, as well as the character and quantity of the food supply and freedom from over-exposure and over-exertion. Occasionally, the advantage may seem to be with the race of lower economic status, as in malaria or other tropical diseases. This is not because environmental conditions are unimportant, but because selection through many generations has eliminated in the more resistant race the individuals specifically less resistant to any given disease, and bred up a race tolerant or even immune to the disease in question. Racial Immunity.—Variations in susceptibility to disease have been noted in different breeds of the same kind of animal, such as sheep, and in the different human races. A well-known ACTIVE IMMUNITY 61 illustration of such racial differences is the immunity of Algerian sheep to anthrax (Fig. 40) while ordinary sheep are susceptible. Similarly, pigeons are immune to anthrax (Fig. 30) while most birds are susceptible. Field mice are very susceptible to glanders, while white mice are immune. Among insects, mosquitoes afford similar parallels; the genus Anopheles being the common host of the malarial organism, while the genus Culex rarely serves in this Fig. 40—B. anthracis with capsules from liver of guinea pig. (x 1500 ) Muir, Journal o/ Pathology and Bacteriology. way. For man, similar variations are found in comparing the negro and white races; the negro, for example, being less sus- ceptible to yellow fever and more susceptible to tuberculosis and pneumonia. Natural Immunity.—Individuals differ in their suscepti- bility to disease. These differences may he temporary only, such as the variations a given individual might show depending upon his physical condition. As might be expected susceptibility increases with fatigue, over-exertion, worry, undue exposure to chill, overheated or badly ventilated rooms, retention of body 62 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE excretions (e.gfeces), the accumulated effects of a previous disease, and with alcoholism. Individuals often claim a natural immunity for what is really an acquired immunity to a given, disease. Such immunity may be due to what is practically a previous but very slight attack of the disease—to the earlier unrecognized entrance of a small num- ber of the organisms in question, through such membranes as the respiratory or intestinal tract, which stimulated the produc- tion of sufficient ‘protective substances. Dysentery and typhoid may be cited as illustrations of such a condition, appropriate antibodies (agglutinins) having been demonstrated in the blood of individuals who-are known to be immune but for whom we have no records of the disease in question. Besides these variations there are differences somewhat more predictable, which are generally considered to be related to the age, race, or species of the individual. There are, for example, certain diseases commonly classed as children’s diseases, partly because children are more susceptible to those diseases than adults, and partly because, since most adults have had such widely spread diseases when children, they are afterward more or less immune to them, and therefore most of the cases in any period occur among the children. Ringworm and thrush are infections to which children are very susceptible. As contrasts one might cite diphtheria and typhoid as diseases to which very young children seem immune (See p. 102); such “natural immunity” may be a transferred immunity—a passive immunity due to sub- stances transferred from the mother before birth—or, less often, with the milk. As these gradually disappear, the child becomes more sus- ceptible ; the most susceptible period for diphtheria, for example, follows very closely upon the period of inherited immunity,— between the ages of one and four years. The immunity that sometimes comes with age cannot always be explained as due to recovery from an attack of the disease. Many individual instances are doubtless due to recovery from mild and unsuspected cases of the respective disease; for example, what is thought to be an attack of dysentery may be a typical typhoid fever, yielding the usual evidences of immunity: agglutinins in the blood, and resistance to later typhoid infections. The phe- ACTIVE IMMUNITY 63 nomenon of increased resistance with age, is too common to be explained on this basis, however, and is generally ascribed to the invasion of a few of the micro-organisms through the mucous membranes, such as the tonsils, nasal membranes, or intestinal linings, and the consequent arousing of the usual immunity responses in effective though relatively low amounts. There is still a great deal that is unexplained in this question of natural immunity; and in this connection we must not lose sight of the fact that the chemical conditions -or balance of the body cells or tissues are of fundamental importance. Slight dif- ferences in chemical structure or composition favor or resist the combining effects of the various bacterial products. To such unascertained differences we must attribute differences in variety resistance, such as the resistance shown by certain strains of wheat to rust, certain species of sheep to anthrax, or different races of man to yellow fever and tuberculosis. Practical Methods of Inducing Active Immunity.— (For a more detailed discussion of this phase of active immunity see Vaccines.) Since, when one recovers from a disease, he usually has secured immunity to that disease for a period of time, it would naturally occur to any one interested in the health of a people that it would be an advantage to give well people a mild attack of a given epidemic disease and thus prevent serious cases. Several of the ancient Asiatic peoples recognized this, and prac- ticed it with smallpox. Indeed, in some parts of China to-day the natives put pus from the eruptions of mild smallpox cases on cotton or wool plugs and insert them in the nose. The cases thus caused are usually light cases and give immunity for life. But as shown earlier in this chapter (p.58) severe cases may result from light ones. One can never tell just how virulent such organisms are, nor just how much resistance the next individual will have. It will be much safer, therefore, if some definite attempt is made to weaken the organisms before they are inoculated. Several different methods may be used for this: (1) growing the organisms in a less favorable animal; (2) growing them under unfavorable laboratory conditions, such as too high a tem- perature or in unfavorable food materials; or, (3) subjecting them after growth to unfavorable conditions, such as drying, chilling, or the addition of chemicals. Such weakened organisms 64 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE are very unlikely to cause very serious attacks of their respective diseases. In such diseases as typhoid, however, where bacteria may so accustom themselves to the body, that they continue to live and multiply in the intestine after the individual has apparently recovered, there would be a risk in giving live organisms, no mat- ter how weakened, for the individual might thereby become a “ carrier ” for that disease. In diseases where the infection may be transferred by the body excretions (nasal excretions, fece's, etc.), it is, therefore, undesirable to give any individual live organisms, no matter how weakened, if a better plan can be found. -Fortunately, in diseases like typhoid (Fig. 41), good results are obtained if the bacteria are first actually killed. The bacteria are killed by heat, by chemicals such as car- bolic acid, or less often by grinding. Broth or agar cul- tures of the bacteria are usually used in this work. This material contains the same irritating substances that would follow the devel- opment of live bacteria in the body: toxins, poisonous split-proteins (See p. 173), and the body is stimulated therefore, to produce the necessary antisubstances. In a few diseases, it is not necessary to give the bacterial cells themselves. In diphtheria, for example, immunity can be secured by filtering the broth culture of bacteria, and inoculating the filtrate which contains the diphtheria toxins without any organ- isms at all, not even dead ones. A very small amount of this diphtheria toxin injected into the arm of a child will give immunity to diphtheria. (See p. 99.) In all these cases of immunity described, the body reacts much as if the disease had been contracted “ naturally.” The laboratory part of the process is concerned only with the careful preparation of the material to be injected: to obtain pure culture of the desired organism only, and to make sure that it has been Fia. 41. — Broth culture of Bacterium typhnsum, the typhoid organism. Williams, Brown and Earle. ACTIVE IMMUNITY 65 sufficiently diluted or weakened, thoroughly killed, etc. The resulting protection or immunity following the inoculation of such substances is due entirely to the reaction of the person inoculated, and we therefore speak of the immunity thus gained or acquired as active or “ acquired ” immunity. STUDY SUGGESTIONS 1. What are the main types of body reaction to disease organisms? 2. Consult other texts and find a disease where increase in the white corpuscles is commonly associated with that disease. 3. Classify the antisubstances aiding in the destruction of bacteria. 4. Consult text books of bacteriology (or later chapters in this book) and list the diseases in which the body responds to the infection by making (a) antitoxins; (b) agglutinins or precipitins; (c) opsonins; and (d) lysins. 5. Prepare a list of diseases common in school children (or in adults in industrial concerns, etc.) and tabulate them according to the incubation period. What rules can you formulate to insure the welfare of the people associated in the group you selected ? 6. Consult such a source as U. S. Public Health Service Bulletin 436 and list the diseases for which a definite period of immunity is known. Do your state laws for smallpox vaccination, typhoid vaccination, etc., recognize these facts? 7. What factors may affect the virulence of an organism? Illustrate two. 8. Support the old saying “Like cures like” in the treatment, often suc- cessfully tried in treating such infections as “chronic boils” due to staphylococcus infections. !). Plot, as on page 58, the body and bacterial relationship in the last disease of a given member of your family, showing in days on the base line the length of the incubation period, the immune period following the infection, etc. 10. Recently, experimental work with animals demonstrated the reduction or disappearance of various bacteria deposited into isolated or tied off loops of the intestine; for example, typhoid bacteria were greatly reduced in number in five hours; spores of the hay bacillus disappeared completely in twelve hours. Can you cite any other antibacterial mechanism of the body not explainable by the res- ponses described in this chapter? 11. Wright once said: “The physician of the future will be an immuni- zator.” With regard to what disease has that been practically true for a generation ? How far is it at present true for typhoid ? CHAPTER III PASSIVE IMMUNITY (And Antiserums) Passive Immunity Drugs and immunity Blood of other animals Normal blood Whole blood Modified forms of antiserum Types (antibodies prominent) Dosage Standardizing Specificity Present status of various antiserums. Immune blood Serum (Antiserum) Drug Treatment.—Certain diseases may be prevented or cured by drugs. Eor example, quinine may be used very success- fully in treating human malaria (Figs. 42, 43) as it kills all forms of the malaria organisms, except perhaps the crescent stage (Fig. 44). When drugs are so used they are usually injected into the blood (intravenously) or into the tissues (subcutaneously) where they are quite promptly absorbed into the circulating blood stream. In certain diseases, however, as in malaria, satisfactory results may be obtained by simply swallowing the drug, quinine being absorbed from the alimentary canal readily enough to secure the desired effect. Drugs may be used against a variety of types or classes of micro-organisms: iodine compounds against a fungous infection (sporothrichosis, Fig. 45); emetin against protozoa (amebic dysentery) or arsenic-benzol compounds against syphilis, an- other protozoan disease; chaulmoogra oil against the leprosy bacteria, and iodine, aniline dyes, etc., against various bacteria found in wound infections. 66 PASSIVE IMMUNITY 67 Most of the diseases in which drugs are used effectively are caused by protozoa. Bacteria are apparently much more resistant to most drugs than our own body tissues are. Good results have been claimed in human anthrax through the same arsenic-benzol compound that is used in treating syphilis, and bacteria-infected wounds are undeniably treated advantageously with such drugs as the modified hypochlorites used in the Carrel- Dakin method, or ordinary wound disinfectants. Nevertheless, in the body itself, chemical treatment against bacteria is not yet satisfactorily established. Amounts too small to kill bacteria may affect the body tissues—ultimately if not directly. The treatment of syphilis affords an illus- tration of such indirect interference in the effect on the teeth following the continued use of mercury. Recently much time and money have been spent in trying to find drugs which are effective in the animal body against such bacteria as the streptococcus and pneumo- coccus organisms. For these investigations many new drugs were made—absolutely new chemical substances never before seen, even as laboratory curiosities. The negative results obtained in these exhaustive studies have been most disappointing, indi- cating that drugs cannot be satisfactorily used in such infections. Fig. 42.—M alaria organisms (59) tree in blood stream, sestivo- autumnal malaria. Lawson Journal if Experimental Medicine, Rockefeller Institute. Fig. 43.—Malaria organisms, showing multiple infection of red blood corpuscles Lawson, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Rockefeller Institute. Drug Prevention not True Immunity.—While suitable dosage with a drug may prevent or cure a given disease, the sub- sequent freedom from infection thus obtained is not due to the internal processes or mechanism understood by the term im- 68 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE munity. It does not depend upon the presence or increased development of antibodies or white corpuscles. Immunity by Transfer of Blood Substances.—Since the blood of a person recovering from a disease usually contains a Fig. 44.—Crescent stages of aestivo-autumnal malaria organisms, seen lying in the blood between the red corpuscles. Lawson, Journal of Experimental Medicine. Rockeller Institute. superabundance of special antibodies as described in Chapter II, it is to be expected that immunity thus actively acquired by one individual could be transferred to a second individual by trans- Fig. 45.—A mold, Sporotrichum, showing branching mycelium and spore clusters photographed from an old agar plate culture. (Wolbach, Sisson and Meier, Journal of Medical Research.) ferring to him a sufficient amount of the blood containing these antibodies (Fig. 46). The second individual thus gains im- munity through no activity of his own tissues, and his immunity PASSIVE IMMUNITY 69 is therefore described as passive immunity to distinguish it from the active immunity of the first individual whose blood was so transferred. Active immunity is always due to the reactions of the indi- vidual’s own body against organisms (live or dead) or their products (toxins, poisonous split-proteins), while passive im- munity is always due to the introduction of blood or serum from another animal which has previously developed an active im- munity. In other words, vaccines or actual attacks of disease excite active immunity, while antiserums give passive immunity. To be exact, however, the second individual rarely, if ever, fails to make some active response to the invading or- ganisms himself. The blood transferred, contains suf- ficient antibodies to counter- act or destroy most of the organisms and their poisons, and therefore lessens mark- edly the active reactions the second individual must make to recover from the disease. It is, however, quite cus- tomary to speak as if passive immunity were the only con- sideration ; whereas it really only supplements the in- jected individual’s efforts to develop active immunity. Indeed, some bacteriologists go so far as to say, “We never by drugs or antiserums cure any disease; we can only help the body cure itself.” Immune Substances in Normal Serum.— (See also p. 45.) The serum of a normal individual who has not had a given disease contains so little of any antisubstances per cubic centimetre that it is, of course, rarely used to combat any specific infection. In the recent infantile paralysis epidemic of 1916 (Fig. 47) normal serum was tried in many instances because blood from recovered or known immune cases could not be procured in sufficient amounts. The blood used was taken from normal adults on Fig. 46.—Typical temperature curve in case of poliomyelitis, in which immune serum was given, and which ended in complete re- covery: B marks the twoinjections of 15 c. c. immune serum. Zinoher, Collected Studies, Bureau of Labor- atories, Health Department of the City of New York. 70 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE the theory that since adults were on the whole much less sus- ceptible and since the adult members of the patient’s family had not contracted the disease, the blood of such adults probably contained enough immune substances to benefit the child ill with infantile paralysis (See also Fig. 46). Since antibodies may accumulate in almost unbelievable amounts in the blood of immune animals (as high as 200,000 times the amount present in normal blood), every effort is made o F'°-,47•—Micro-organisms causing infantile paralysis. Separate globoid bodies, •>: paired globoid bodies with long and short chains of Streptococcus pyogenes for con- trast, 7; chains and pairs of globoid bodies, 5. (x 1000) Flexner and Noguchi Journal of Experimental Medicine, Rockefeller Institute. to secure blood known to be immune—and it is only in emer- gencies that normal blood * would be tried at all. Difficulties Attending Transfer of Whole Blood.—When whole blood is transferred to another individual clots may be formed, clogging the capillaries or exerting pressure upon delicate nerve areas. When the blood so transferred belongs to another animal species, other undesirable results may also occur: (1) the transferred blood cells may be treated as foreign material and digested or destroyed; or, (2) some of the blood proteins— * This discussion, of course, does not refer to ordinary transfusion of normal blood where increasing the antibodies is not the chief con- sideration, but where the aim is to replace the loss of large amounts of blood, injured red cells, etc. PASSIVE IMMUNITY 71 even in the liquid serum itself—may be digested as foreign pro- teins, liberating poisonous substances (See p. 193). All of these possibilities—or rather probabilities—make it desirable to lessen the amount of foreign substances injected; therefore, when blood is to be transferred to give immunity not only are the corpuscles first removed from such immune blood, but the fibrin also is removed from the plasma, leaving the serum only to be used for injection (Fig. 49). This immune serum, since it contains the desired antibodies is called antiserum. Quite commonly, how- ever, the shorter and less accurate term serum is used for an immune serum. Serums are, as might be expected, much less irritating than whole blood; a discussion of serum sick- ness is given in the chapter on anaphylaxis, but at present it is sufficient to say that the fever, rashes, etc., are much less common and less severe than formerly when whole blood was used for injection. Modified Serums.—It is an advantage to remove not only the corpuscles and fibrin as described above, but as much as possible of the protein substances still unavoidably left in the serum. This is done in diphtheria antiserum by precipitating out some of the proteins with special chemicals such as salts. (See p. 94.) While some of the antibodies are lost in such modification of the serum, the remaining antibodies are concentrated to such a degree that the resulting fluid con- tains four to six times as much in a given bulk, and any irritation following the injection of the necessary dosage is much less than when the greater volume of whole serum is used. Diph- theria antiserum is practically the only serum greatly modified before it is injected; other serums such as pneumonia serum, are merely filtered to remove small particles, such as broken corpuscles or shreds of fibrin. (See p. 93.) Antibody-Extracts.—Decently a complicated and ingenious technic perfected by Huntoon has made it possible to obtain Fig. 48.—Film from central nervous tissue of monkey inoculated with human virus: this shows pairs of globoid bodies similar to those in the preceding figure. Flexner and Noguchi ■Jon rnal of Experimental Medicine, Rockefeller Institute. 72 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE antibodies practically free from the usual accompanying proteins. This process may be very roughly described by saying that a given antiserum is mixed with its related bacteria (for example, pneumococcus antiserum with pneumococcus organisms) to allow Fig. 49.—Filtering serum to remove broken cells, shreds of fibrin etc. before injection: T, immune serum; F, a porcelain filter (see following illustrations!: and S, the filtered serum, ready to bottle for use. H. K. Mulford Co. them to absorb out the allied antibodies. Then this bacteria- antibody combination is treated to disassociate the bacteria from the antibodies. This disassociation and removal may be accom- plished by proper treatment with salt solutions, dextrose solu- tions, or even distilled water. On centrifuging, a clear or water- white solution or antibody-extract is obtained wdiich is almost PASSIVE IMMUNITY 73 free from serum proteins and therefore strikingly free from the usual more or less irritating effects connected with antiserums. (See p. 71.) Some of the antibodies are “ lost ” in this method of treatment (all are not disassociated from the bacteria, etc.). But the concentrated antibody-extract thus obtained is very readily available in the body; and surprisingly small amounts (50 c.c. in human cases) have given very promising results; for example, a prompt initial drop in temperature (from 104° F. or 107° F to 98° F. in 8 to 12 hours), and a decided shortening of the period of illness— both in the pre-crisis interval and in the total period of illness. Encour- aging results of this kind were recently reported in fifty hospital pneumonia cases, and extensive trials of pneumococcus antibody-extracts are now being made in various hos- pitals in the eastern United States. Terminology Relating to Anti- serums Misleading.—Such a modi- fied or concentrated serum as diph- theria antiserum is primarily an antitoxin, and so is usually called diphtheria antitoxin rather than diphtheria antiserum. In such anti- serums as tetanus antiserum, or gas gangrene antiserum, no such modi- fication or reduction in bulk takes place, and whole serum is used. Each of these, too, however, is called antitoxin simply because its main action is antitoxic, acting against the tetanus or the gas bacillus toxin. Then, too, the first antiserums of practical use were mainly antitoxic in their action, and it was therefore natural to use the Fig. 50.—Section through a porcelain or clay filter showing the outer metal case, the space into which the substance is poured (S) the porous clay or porcelain filter (C), and the outlet for the substance which has passed through the por- ous filter (0). See following illus- tration. 74 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE two terms interchangeably. All this often leads to a confusion regarding the terms antitoxin and antiserum. Antiserum is the larger term; some antiserums contain antitoxins, and some do not, but owe their value to antibodies other than the antitoxins, such as the opsonins. Types of Antiserums.—The blood of immune animals con- tains more than one reacting substance or antibody, each of which is discussed separately in the following chapters. In immune blood or serums, as already described (p. 49), one anti- Fig. 51.—A porcelain filter “candle” broken across to 6how relative thickness of the filtering “candle”, its porous character and the opening through which the filtered liquid passes into the vessel beneath. Heins. body is usually much more important than the others; sometimes so much so that little attention is paid to any of the other anti- substances as in the case of the antitoxin in tetanus antiserum. Antitoxins, as stated in a previous paragraph, are the most prominent antibodies in the immune serums used in treating tetanus, diphtheria and gas gangrene infections. Opsonins, which aid the white corpuscles in their work, are very important in most of the other antiserums now in use. Meningitis, pneumonia and streptococcus antiserums have re- markable stimulating effects upon the action of white corpuscles, though meningitis antiserum is partly bactericidal (lysins) and pneumonia antiserum has also definite bactericidal and anti- toxic values. Recently, very different substances, anti-endotoxins PASSIVE IMMUNITY 75 or anti-split proteins, have been advanced as “ exceedingly important in pneumonia, meningitis and streptococcus im- mune serums/’ Despite the high amount of agglutinins developed in certain diseases, such as typhoid and dysentery (Fig. 52), there are as yet no established antiserums where the passive immunity obtained is claimed to be mainly due to agglutinins. The efforts to secure antiserums for use in protozoan diseases have been much less successful than with diseases of bacterial origin. The most effective so far is probably antirabic serum, where a slight inhibiting power is granted. In scarlet fever and measles, for both of which protozoan origin has been claimed though not proven, beneficial results are reported from serum treat- ment, but such treatment has not advanced beyond an experimental stage in these diseases. In most of the human protozoan diseases, including syphilis, no ben- efit has yet been demon- strated from the use of anti- serums. Other Antiserums.—Fairly successful antiserums have been obtained against other substances not of bacterial origin, such as cobra and rattlesnake poisons. Flower pollens have been less suc- cessfully used in producing an antiserum for curing or preventing hay fever. Dosage.—The dosagevaries considerably with the aim in view, a much smaller dose being given to protect against possible infec- tion than to cure disease when already established. For example, nurses and others in contact cases of plague are given immunizing doses of 20 c.c., while the patients themselves may be given five times that amount, 100 c.c. The amount of anti-serum necessary to give protection de- pends upon such different factors as (1) the stage and virulence Fia. 52.—Shiga’s dysentery, broth culture, (x 1500). (Sands.) 76 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE of the infection, (2) the concentration of the antibodies m the serum, and (3) the method by which the antiserum is injected (directly into a vein, into subcutaneous tissue, etc.). The importance of the first factor may be illustrated by such a statement as the following: Four times as much rattlesnake antiserum is necessary for protection one hour after the person has been bitten as if administered at the time of the bite. Or, the initial dose of diphtheria antitoxin varies from 5,000 to 10,000 units (See p. 97), and in pneumonia from 60 to 100 c.c., depending upon the condition of the patient and the stage of the infection. The second factor, concen- tration of the antibodies in the serum, varies with the antibody strength of the original serum itself, and with the degree of later modification of the serum. The serum as obtained from the horse varies from 150 to 1,000 units per c.c., although but a small fraction of the horses yield as much as 800 units per c.c. When modified as described for diphtheria antiserum, the decreased bulk means a strength of from 4 to 6 times the original number of units. It would, therefore, be quite possible with some antitoxin to give an ordinary dose, 5,000 units, in less than 1 c.c. of modified serum. The third factor, method of injection, modifies very greatly the amount necessary for protection. In tetanus, for example, the New York Research Laboratory recommends 5,000 units intra- spinally or 10,000 units intravenously. This difference in amount is due mainly to the relative rapidity with which the immune sub- stances can reach the critical areas, in this case the central nervous system. If given intramuscularly or subcutaneously still larger doses would be necessary, 100,000 units or more. There would, of course, be some doubt as to whether even such an increase in the amount injected could adequately compensate for the slower absorption rate. Fig. 53.—Spinal fluid showing menin- gitis organisms and white corpuscles. Bull, PASSIVE IMMUNITY 77 Standardizing Antiserums.—The value or strength of an antiserum depends, of course, upon the antibodies it contains. Although the action of these in the body may not be proportional to the measurement standards that we can apply in the labora- tory, we are nevertheless often dependent upon such labora- tory procedures. Measuring Protective Values Directly.—Where serums can be definitely standardized the strength is usually estimated by de- termining how much is necessary to destroy or neutralize the known fatal dose of the related toxin or bac- teria. In diphtheria, for example, the amount to protect a medium-sized (250 gm.) guinea pig against the known fatal dose of diph- theria toxin is deter- mined by inoculating each of a series of guinea pigs with vary- ing combinations of the antiserum to be tested and the known fatal dose of diph- theria toxin. This pro- tective amount is very small—but a small fraction of a cubic centimetre—and not nearly enough to protect a human being; therefore 100 times the minute amount that protects a guinea pig is used as the standard diph- theria antitoxin unit. This insures a workable unit—one that can be handled with greater facility and accuracy. In tetanus the unit is 1,000 times the amount needed to pro- tect a larger (350 gm.) guinea pig against the known fatal or lethal dose of tetanus toxin. The strength of pneumococcus anti- serum is determined by finding its protective value against pneu- mococcus organisms when both are injected into mice. Measuring Specific Antibody Content.—Besides determin- Fig. 54.—Neisseria catarrha/is ( Micrococcus ca- tarrhalis) from a nasal suppuration, one of the organisms sometimes causing meningitis (k 1200). Lewis, Journal of Pathology and, Bacteriology. HOW WE RESIST DISEASE 78 ing the protective values, some idea of the strength of a given antiserum may be obtained by testing it for its relative abundance of the antibodies known to be prominent in that particular kind of antiserum—by determining, for example, the agglutinin content of dysentery antiserum. In this method, the laboratory processes are not so simple nor, apparently, so parallel to what takes place in the body. Nevertheless, the determination of the relative abundance of opsonins, agglutinins, etc., present in a given antiserum consti- tutes the only definite standard in sight, and, therefore, we endeavor to determine in different antiserums the rel- ative amounts of the most prominent antibodies pres- ent. Such laboratory meas- urements are usually made for one type of antibody only, such as opsonins; and, obviously, the results ob- tained tell us nothing of the possible aid rendered by the other antibodies, such as agglutinins, or lysins. Other Methods of Estimating Values. — The strength of some antiserums can not be accurately de- termined by either of these two methods, and we are compelled to use such admittedly imperfect standards as their transparency when diluted in cer- tain proportions. Since most antiserums have not yet been satisfactorily standardized, the treatment varies with the patient’s reaction or condition after a trial dose of a few cubic centimetres has been given. This is, of course, very unsatisfactory, as the actual bulk means very little without some way of determining the antibodies present in a given volume. Probably the dosage is usually too small, and the promising effects recently obtained in treating pneumonia are attributed to the greatly increased amounts of antiserum given, sometimes over 100 c.c. at a time. Number of Doses.—While a single dose is usually sufficient, Fig. 55.—Smear of spinal fluid sediment showing pleomorphic forms of the influenza bacillus (x 1200) from a case of meningitis. Abt and Tumpeer, American Journal of Diseases of Children. PASSIVE IMMUNITY 79 as in diphtheria, we are not yet able to measure the strength of other antiserums definitely enough (See standardizing anti- serums following) to calculate the required dosage so exactly; then, too, we have not yet accumulated such a wealth of experi- ence with them. The practice, therefore, in such cases, is to give one large dose (10-25 c.c. for meningitis, 100 c.c. for pneu- monia) and base the later dosage upon the patient’s subsequent condition. Doses may be repeated every 10 or 12 hours until improvement is evident, or they may be repeated daily for as long as 4 to 6 days. Occasion- ally, the treatment may con- tinue for as long as two weeks. In the preventive use of antiserums, the repetition in- tervals are based on the rate at which the injected serum substances are eliminated from the body. Nurses in contact with diphtheria cases may be given diphtheria antitoxin every 8 to 10 days, and wounds likely to be infected with teta- nus organisms may be so treat- ed at similar intervals. Variations in Disease Organisms.—Difficulties often arise because organisms enough alike to be given the same name and enough alike to cause the same general clinical symptoms, are not, nevertheless, exactly alike in all their effects on the body. There are, for example, several types or varieties of the pneumococcus organism (Diplo- coccus pneumonice) responsible for pneumonia, and, similarly, several varieties of paratyphoid organisms, Bacterium paraty- phosum, which cause intestinal disturbances. Even more varie- ties are probably represented in streptococcus infections. It is thought that such variations in pneumococcus organisms may be responsible for second attacks of pneumonia. An individual recovering from one variety of pneumococcus has made anti- substances against that type only, and is not fully protected against a second or different type. Nor would his blood confer Fig. 56.—Spinal fluid showing heavy invasion of spinal fluid in meningitis. Bull. 80 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE complete protection upon another having an attack of pneumonia due to different types of pneumococcus. In producing antiserums, therefore, some attention must be paid to the varieties of the organism responsible for the disease or infection. If it does not mean too great a delay, the type of such organisms as pneumococcus and dysentery is first determined by such procedures as obtaining from the patient pure cultures of the organism and finding its reactions in various media and against various blood serums. (See also p. 122.) This may make Fig. 57.—Bleeding jars for collecting serum. A, tube for re- ceiving blood; C and D, device for allowing fall of weight, if, and causing the depression of the clot. Serum is then withdrawn through A. This method yields about 50% serum. Avery, Chickering, Cole and Dochez, Monograph, Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. it possible to select an antiserum made in response to the patient's own type. Such antiserums are by far the most satisfactory. Even with pneumococcus, however, where at present the most definite “ typing ” lias been done, effective antiserum has been produced for but two of the four recognized types of pneumo- coccus organisms. Since in most cases such “ typed ” antiserums are not avail- able, a choice must be made between two other procedures. First we may ignore variety or type differences and select the most viru- lent or the most common type of an organism with which to inocu- late an animal for the production of antiserum. The use of such PASSIVE IMMUNITY 81 Adapter for Syringe Three-way stop-cock Glass tube/ for window / . /» Adapter for Needle 18 gauge Needle Needle holder Fig. 58.—Apparatus for injecting serum, showing the bottle of serum, suspended from the bed or wall. The serum may be drawn into the syringe and so injected through the needle into the vein, or the syringe may be left out of the scheme and the serum allowed to flow from the bottle into the vein by gravity. The serum can be kept at a body temperature by placing the tubing between two hot water bags. Avery, Chickeking, Cole and Dochez. Journal of Experimental Medicine, Rockefel’ir Institute. . , 82 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE an antiserum for an infection due to another type of the same organism is based upon the hope that because of the general like- ness between the types the antiserum thus obtained may contain antibodies so closely approaching the kinds desired that they will aid in overcoming the infection. By the other method of pro- cedure we may prepare a polyvalent serum as described in the next paragraph. Polyvalent Serums.—To obtain a poly- valent serum an animal is inoculated with several varieties of the same organism. An animal may thus be made immune to several different varieties or types of a given organism such as the dysentery bacteria. This means that its blood contains anti- bodies against all the varieties or types with which it was inoculated, and is of value in infections due to any one of the several varieties. Such an antiserum is called a polyvalent serum; literally it means a serum of many powers or much strength or a serum of many combining powers. Poly- valent serums are used more in dysentery, meningitis and gonococcus infections than in other diseased conditions. While such polyvalent serums have a wider range, there is of course an accompanying disadvantage in that this very range of contained anti- bodies may mean an increase in the unneces- sary foreign proteins injected. Then, too, there is always the possibility that such “ polyvalent ” antiserums are not truly polyvalent—that the animal producing the antiserum did not react to all of the varieties with which it was injected. Mixed Antiserums.—Antibodies can even be produced simultaneously in the same animal against a group of quite distinct organisms, such as pneumococcus, streptococcus and influenza organisms, or against typhoid, dysentery and the “ colon ” bacteria. Such antiserums would—because of their wider range—have a wider margin of possibly unnecessary sub- stances and they are, therefore, open to the same objections given above for polyvalent serums. While a few mixed anti- Fig.59.—Tip of syringe needle, magnified to show that it is a hollow tube, with a bevelled point. This general type of point is used both for drawing blood or serum, and for injecting vaccines and se- rums. H. K. Mulford Co. PASSIVE IMMUNITY 83 serums are on the market, there is none of undisputed value, and the production of mixed antiserums must be considered as still in the experimental stage. Present Status of Antiserum Treatment.—It is clear from the preceding discussion that the value of antiserum treatment depends upon three things: (1) the accu- racy with which the causal organism is determined, enabling thereby the selection of the corresponding anti- serum; (2) the promptness with which such determination can be made, for to be effective an antiserum must be administered before the tissues are too greatly injured, and (3) whether a potent antiserum has yet been prepared. In both meningitis and pneumonia the situation is compli- cated by the fact that the causal organism may he of a wholly different type (Figs. 53 to 56) from the one usually present in such infections: Neisseria meningitidis (Diplococcus or Micrococcus meningitidis) in meningitis and Diplococcus in pneumonia. It is hardly neces- sary to state that antisubstances formed by the horse against the coccus organisms ordinarily causing meningitis cannot be expected to counteract the conditions found in meningitis due to tuberculosis organisms; similarly, a serum successfully used in combating pneumonia due to one of the types of pneumo- Fig. 60.—Dark field photograph of a “filterable virus”, Leptospira icteroides, the causal organism of yellow fever, from a two-week culture on semi-solid rabbit serum agar, (magnified 3000 x). Noguchi, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Rockefeller Institute. 84 HOW WE DESIST DISEASE coccus, Viplococcus pneumonice, will be less or not at all helpful when the pneumonia is due to streptococcus bacteria. It is to meet such difficulties that mixed antiserums are tried. At present there are but four infections in which antiserum treatment is on a practical and unchallenged basis. For two of these diseases the antiserums are antitoxic—diphtheria and tetanus. For the other two diseases the serums are antibacterial —the antiserums used in treating meningitis and (two types of) pneumonia. Although the results obtained are less uniformily successful, antiserums are prepared and used for several other infections. Dysentery, especially the Shiga type of dysentery (Fig. 52), often responds very favorably to antiserum treatment. Good results are reported with anthrax and plague, both fortunately uncommon in our country. Benefit has been obtained from appropriate antiserums against uncomplicated cases of “ gas gangrene ” or wound infec- tions so prominent in the recent war. In certain types of strepto- coccus infections some aid may be gained by the use of antiserums. Whole blood from scarlet fever convalescents has been used in scarlet fever with apparent advantage, although as before stated, this treatment is still in the experimental class. Neither blood nor antiserum seems to give definite aid in treating in- fantile paralysis. (See p. 69.) More detail concerning antiserums—their contained anti- bodies and the diseases in which they are most helpful—is given in the several chapters following. In each case the discussion includes also a brief mention of the days in which the antibodies may be used as aids in diagnosing disease. STUDY SUGGESTIONS 1. List tlie diseases, with the causal organisms in each, in which drugs afford helpful treatment. How many of them are of protozoan and how many of bacterial origin ? 2. What is passive immunity? Give an example of active and also passive immunity against diphtheria or against meningitis. 3. What antibodies may be important in the antiserums given to afford the patient passive immunity? 4. Show why the whole blood of an immune animal may be more irri- tating when transferred to a patient than the serum of that immune animal. PASSIVE IMMUNITY 85 5. Show that antiserum is a broader or more inclusive term than antitoxin. 6. Describe one way of standardizing or determining the strength of an antiserum. 7. List the antiserums in a commercial catalog of such biological prod- ucts; how many of them are used in the hospital or by the physician you know best? Can you cite one instance probably indicating too conservative an attitude on the part of the medical authorities? Cite one, indicating the sale of a preparation not yet certainly past the experimental stage. 8. “Disinfection, isolation, and the widening of the danger space between the sick or infected and the well is the chief occupation of modern sanitation,” according to Dr. Theobald Smith. After reading Chapters II and III name the practices of preventive medi- cine which widen the danger space. 9. Difficulty in finding animals sufficiently susceptible to human disease organisms has limited our ability to prepare antiserums for human protection. To what human diseases is the horse suffi- ciently susceptible to aid in this way? 10. An early report (October, 1921) by Noguchi contrasts the usual mortality of yellow fever, 50 to 60 per cent, with that obtained in 152 cases treated with an antiserum, with a mortality of but 9 per cent. How does that compare with the helpful results obtained with diphtheria antitoxin? 11. In a record of 1200 cases of meningitis the death rate varied with the promptness with which treatment was begun as follows: 1-3 days, 18 per cent, died; 4-7 days, 27 per cent, died; and after 7 days, 36 per cent. Since among the untreated, the deaths are 80 per cent., work out for each group the treated child’s chance of recovery when compared with the untreated child. CHAPTER IV TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS Definition Bacterial toxins Double toxins Modified toxins or toxoids Production requirements Animal Plant Excite antitoxins against. Poisonous substances Toxins Non-poisonous substances Production of antibodies Modification of antiserums Standardization Dosage Toxins and Antitoxins Produce antitoxins for man in other animals Antitoxin modification (Toxin-antitoxin) Treatment of infants Efficiency of toxin-anti- toxin treatment. Uses Produce antitoxin human beings Typical and pseudo- reactions Value of the Schick test Test of susceptibility (Schick test) Present status of antitoxins Diphtheria Tetanus Other diseases 86 TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS 87 Toxins.—Bacterial toxins have already been described briefly in the first chapter of this text. Toxins of such organisms As tetanus and diphtheria are obtained by filtering a broth culture of the respective organisms. The filtrate contains the toxins; it is spoken of as toxin, as if it were toxin only, although its chief bulk consists of water and soluble food substances. This filtrate may contain more than one kind of toxin. For example, two distinct toxins are quite constantly formed by the tetanus bacillus (Fig. 61) : one, affecting mainly the motor nerves and associated with the characteristic lockjaw or tetanus convulsions; and a second, causing a dissolution of the red blood cells. Simi- larly the filtrate of diph- theria cultures contains not only the specific diphtheria toxin which is the cause of the usual acute symptoms of diphtheria, but also a second toxic substance or toxon, slower in its action and responsible for the paralysis which sometimes occurs in the late stages of diphtheria. In an elementary text such as this, little emphasis can be placed upon these separate toxins, and the term toxin is used in a general inclusive sense. The same is true of the related term antitoxin; no recognition is here given to the fact that the protective antitoxic action of the blood in a recovered diphtheria case, for example, is due to at least two antitoxins, each acting against its respective diphtheria toxin. Toxon.—A secondary or lesser toxin is sometimes termed toxon, to distinguish it from the better known, stronger or more typical toxin. More than one such toxon may be produced by the bacteria during their development, whether growing in the body or in ordinary culture media. Toxoids.—Another similar-sounding term sure to occur in all Fig. 61.—Lockjaw or tetanus organ- isms most of which have formed spores, the lighter bodies at the swollen end of the cell. Wiliams, Brown and Earle. 88 HOW WE DESIST DISEASE reference books on immunity is the word toxoid. Toxoid is quite consistently used for toxins that have changed with age, tempera- ture conditions, etc., thereby becoming less poisonous, but not losing their power of chemical combination with the body cells or with antitoxins (Tig. 62). Such changes may be con- siderable; toxin but a few months old may lose more than half its strength by conversion to toxoids. Toxoids are mentioned here because their presence may affect the amount or bulk of a given antitoxin which it is necessary to give for protection, as in the toxin-antitoxin treatment de- scribed on page 98. Apparently, when antitoxin is injected into the body it first combines with the toxoid present, then with the toxin and last with the toxon. If a large amount of changed toxins or toxoids is present, such unsuspected toxoids may thus combine with the anti- toxin, leaving too much free active toxin. A similar dif- ficulty may be met in attempt- ing to arouse active immunity; the individual receiving a tox- in-antitoxin mixture contain- ing such toxoids might not be sufficiently protected against the contained toxins even though the mixture contains only the usual amount of toxins. Non-bacterial Toxins.—Since bacterial toxins have never been satisfactorily analyzed and no chemical formulas can be given for them, it is natural that the term toxin should be given to substances from very different sources if they are like bacterial toxins in the two most striking characters: (1) in having very irritating or toxic effects and (2) in exciting the production of antibodies. From this point of view we may have several different types of toxins. Some of these are commonly recognized as poisons, such as the poisons formed by certain species of snakes, fish, eels, spiders, etc. Another type is illustrated by the characteristic substances found in certain plants, such as the poisonous ricin in the castor oil seed, or abrin in the Indian licorice bean. As a third illustration of the substances against which antitoxins may Fig. 62.—Left, a toxin particle; and right, a toxoid or changed toxin which has lost part of its toxic quality but still retains its ability to combine with tissue cells. TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS 89 be formed we have substances not ordinarily toxic or poisonous, such as the normal body enzymes (pepsin, trypsin, steapsin, and lactase). Our interest, however, attaches mainly to the toxins formed by common human disease organisms, such as tetanus and diph- theria. Therefore, unless otherwise specified, antitoxin as used hereafter refers to the antibodies formed against such bac- terial toxins. Usually the diseases due wholly or in great part to bacterial toxins occur only when the appropriate bacteria develop in the body: e.g., in the intestine in Shiga's type of dysen- tery ; in the throat mem- branes in diphtheria; and in wound areas in gas gan- grene infections. A notable exception to this is found in botulism (Tig. 63); in this disease, most if not all of the cases recently studied have been due to the eating of foods which had already undergone considerable de- composition and in which the accumulated toxin had not been destroyed by the final heating process. (See glossary.) Antitoxins.—Our main interest in toxins, however, lies not in such modifications or differences but in their common pos- session of the power to stimulate the production of antibodies. As we have already seen we make practical use of this power on a large scale by injecting appropriate toxins, such as diphtheria toxin, into other animals, so that the blood of such infected animals may later be drawn off to aid human beings (See p. 90). All of the available antitoxin in the blood of such immunized animals is contained, not in the blood corpuscles but in the serum. Using the serum only, therefore, as in the preceding chapter, eliminates the corpuscles and fibrin and so decreases materially the amount of foreign protein substances that must be introduced when an animal’s blood is transferred to give passive immunity. Fro. 63.—Clostridium botulinum, the or- ganism responsible for botulism, a type of food poisoning. Reddish. HOW WE DESIST DISEASE 90 Occasionally this elimination of unnecessary protein substances can be carried still further and the serum itself can be modified. Modified Antiserum or Antitoxin.—As described in the preceding chapter the only antiserum in which this treatment or modification of the serum does not occasion too great loss of pro- tective substances is diphtheria antiserum. All the other so- called antitoxins (tetanus, gas gangrene and Shiga’s dysentery) are really antiserums, but as before explained, such antiserums are often called antitoxins, because their main action is antitoxic. Preparation of Diphtheria Antitoxin in Horses.—The animal phases of antiserum production were almost ignored in the preliminary discus- sion of the production of antiserum in Chapter III. It may be of inter- est here, therefore, to be- gin with the horse and give a little more in de- tail the whole process of producing antitoxin. For this discussion we have selected diphtheria anti- toxin, partly because it is historically the most in- teresting, as diphtheria antitoxin was the first antitoxin to be placed upon an un- challenged basis. Diphtheria antitoxin is also more popularly and widely known than any other. The process of production, as described, is, only in a general way, true for other antiserums, as there is, of course, considerable variation in such details as the following: (1) Method of inoculating the animal which is to produce the antiserum—e.g., with dead bacteria or only their toxins; (2) the dosage: amount of material inoculated at a time and the number of inoculations; (3) the time period that elapses before sufficient antibodies are formed to make the use of the animal’s serum really helpful. The preparation of diphtheria antitoxin may be discussed under three headings : (1) The animal phase, beginning with the Fig. 64.—Rod-like diphtheria organisms, magnified more than 1000 times, showing dis- tinctly the characteristic unequal staining. Emerson, Clinical Diagnosis, J. B. Lippincott Co. TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS 91 inoculation of the animal and extending to the withdrawal of blood containing the helpful antisubstances; (2) the separation of the serum from the other elements of the blood; and (3) any further modification of the serum itself. (1) The Animal Phase.—The horse selected for the produc- tion of antitoxin is injected at short intervals, (every two days) with diphtheria toxin. This toxin is nowadays partly neutralized with some diphtheria antitoxin previously made by another horse. As explained on page 99, this makes it possible to give a large dosage, and so secure a greater or stronger reaction by the horse—more anti- toxin in each cubic- centimetre of his blood. Beginning with a dose of about 3,000 units of toxin, or 10 minimum lethal doses for the guinea pig, the dose is gradually in- creased until on the last injection the ani- mal may be given about 500,000 units. (It is impossible to describe the dosage or treatment accurately in ordinary terms of bulk, because the strength of the toxin varies greatly; those who need some such term of measurement to help them to visualize the process, may picture the initial injection as prob- ably ranging from 10 to 15 c.c.). By the sixth to eighth week the horse is usually producing enough antitoxin to make it worth while to withdraw blood for use in the protection of human beings. The blood is drawn from one of the prominent surface veins in the neck of the horse, in which the blood is flowing downward on its way back to the heart. Aseptic methods are used both to keep the drawn blood sterile and to prevent the horse from becoming Fig. 65.—A throat smear from a case of diph- theria, fifth day, showing much the same range in the diphtheria organisms, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, as the pure culture in the preceding illustration. Cave, Journal oj Pathology and Bacteriology. 92 HOW WE DESIST DISEASE infected. The skin is cleansed (usually shaven and washed with a disinfectant), and a slender, sharp-pointed metal tube is thrust upward into this vein, the metal tube being connected by means of a sterile rubber tube with a large sterile bottle held below. Eight to ten quarts are often taken at a time. When the bleeding tube is withdrawn the skin is pinched together by the fingers to slow the flow and allow a clot of blood to form at the small punc- ture made by the tube. The surface is again washed with carbolic or a similar disinfect- ant, and the horse, weakened but usually without other ill ef- fects, is allowed to “rest” for several weeks before another bleeding is made. Horses may be bled in this way throughout a period of two years or even longer. Ad- ditional doses of diph- theria toxin are given the horse from time to time to increase the rate of production of antitoxin or to lengthen his productive period. During most of this period the horse seems quite normal, giving little or no evidence of dis- comfort, and may be used for light work at the station or given other suitable forms of exercise. In one city laboratory a diph- theria antitoxin horse has been used in emergencies for ambu- lance work. (2) Separation of Serum.—The immune blood drawn into sterile bottles is next treated to separate the white and red cor- puscles as well as the fibrin from the resulting liquid or serum. One of the simplest ways of doing this is to allow the blood to stand for twelve to twenty-four hours, in which time it will clot, the corpuscles and fibrin forming a reddish jelly-like mass, leav- Fig. 66.—The presence of diphtheria-like bac- teria, such as the shorter, plumper and more uniform “Hofmann’s bacillus” often lead to incorrect diag- nosis or interpretation. The above smear made on the twelfth day shows the so-called pseudo-diphtheria onlv, while the earlier smears, one of which is pictured in the preceding figure, showed true diphtheria organ- isms. Cave, Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS 93 ing a colorless liquid, the serum, above and around the clotted mass of corpuscles and fibrin. Quicker results may be secured by means of a beating arrange- ment of twisted wires, extending down into the bottle, which is placed in it before it is sterilized, lifter the blood is collected this beater is twirled by means of the handle extending through the neck of the bottle. This motion hastens the separation of the fibrin, a large mass of stringy fibrin collecting on the beater, and enmeshing most of the white and red corpuscles. Up to this point it is relatively easy to handle the blood aseptically and maintain its sterility. Filtration through the best types of filters is often added, and if further treatment is neces- sary to insure sterility, disinfectants may he added. Preference is often given to such volatile substances as chloroform which evaporate and do not, therefore, complicate matters by intro- ducing salts, etc., into the blood. Ultra-violet rays are recom- mended by some because they, too, add nothing to the serum. When as described in the next paragraph the antiserum is still further modified, the treatment (filtering, adding chemicals) to insure sterility is deferred until such modification has been completed. Modified Serums.—The preparation of most antiserums— practically all with the exception of diphtheria—stops at this point. In all cases where it is practicable, however, further treatment should be undertaken to concentrate the antitoxin and thus lessen as far as possible the unfavorable effect produced by the introduction into the body of foreign proteins from another individual. There is a loss of “ protective principles” during this process which prohibits such modifying or concentrating processes with almost all serums, diphtheria antiserum being the outstanding exception. One form of tetanus antitoxin may be somewhat modified, but tetanus antitoxin in common with other antiserums is generally used as “ straight ” antiserum. ( See also Antibody Extracts, p. 71.) (3) Further Modification of Diphtheria Serum.—The antitoxic qualities of this antiserum are very intimately associated with the globulins (euglobulins, pseudoglobulins) in the serum. Although TTuntoon has recently shown (See p. 73) that antibodies themselves are not euglobulins or pseudoglobulins, it is neverthe- 94 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE less necessary in the ordinary modifications of antiserums to keep this association in view; and in each process of the preparation of diphtheria antitoxin, such as filtering, the worker must retain the part which contains the globulins, especially the pseudo- globulins. In some methods there are several different filterings, the desired pseudoglobulins being sometimes in the liquid filtrate, Fig. 67.—At the right, dialyzing the antitoxic globulin in running water to separate from it the inert soluble salts. At the left, one of these parchment bays, through which water has passed during its stay in the running water, is being emptied into a receptacle, previous to the final filtering and bottling. H. K. Mulford Company. sometimes in the solid precipitate. The recent method described below is one of the simplest. The immune serum is diluted with an equal amount of water and a very large amount of ammonium salt (ammonium sul- phate) is added until the material is about one-third saturated with the ammonium sulphate. This mixture is then heated (61° C.) for two hours, and filtered through filter paper. This leaves the antitoxin globulins in the precipitate. The liquid fil- trate is therefore discarded and the grayish-white precipitate • TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS 95 scraped off the filter paper and compressed between many thick- nesses of filter paper until most of the liquid is absorbed. This also removes much of the salt which was used to precipitate the antitoxin. The rest is removed by dialyzing, the nearly dry pre- cipitate being placed in a large parchment bag (Fig. 67) and sus- pended in running water (flowing tap in a sink) for several days, during which time the salts are dialyzed out through the parch- Fig. 68—Drying the precipitate containing the antitoxic globulins, by pressing out the water. The precipitate is placed between many thicknesses of absorbent filter paper: several lots of such precipitate (separated by boards) may be pressed nearly dry in the same press as shown in the accompanying illustration. H. K. Mulford. Co. ment. Meantime some water passes through into the parchment bag, and the putty-like precipitate gradually changes to a brown- ish liquid, the modified anti-serum or the antitoxin. (This antitoxin may be still further diluted with water, and salts like those in human blood added to make it similar to the blood in salt content [isotonic].) Owing to the long period of treatment just described it is now necessary to make sure that no micro-organisms are present in the finished antitoxin. Sterility is obtained (1) by using such dis- infectants as the cresol compounds or chloroform and (2) by filtering. Paper pulp, glass wool, etc., may be used to remove 96 IIOW WE KESIST DISEASE the coarser debris, after which the filtration is completed by means of a Berkefeld filter. The antitoxin is now free from micro-organisms and also from shreds of fibrin and broken cells which might cause death if they passed into the finer capillaries. This modified antiserum retains about 70 per cent, of the original antitoxic power of the original whole serum. Al- though some of the antitoxic power is thus lost, the resulting liquid is so concentrated that a cubic centimetre of the original blood may be represented by but V4 or 7, of a cubic centi- metre. Antitoxin given in this form, therefore, contains much less of the various serum or blood proteins per cubic centi- metre, and is therefore less irritating when injected. This antitoxin is stored aseptically in large sterile bottles until its strength can be determined. It is then put into small bottles, or preferably into syringes ready for indi- vidual use, each bottle or syringe containing a little more than the usual protective dose. The amount is indicated by a label, which gives the total value contained in the bottle or syringe, and often also a graduated scale for convenience in measuring the proportion of the contents given a patient. If kept sealed in a cool dark place diphtheria antitoxin can be kept for months without appreciable loss of strength. Standardization of Diphtheria Antitoxin.—The strength of the antitoxin secured from the horse is determined by finding how much of it is needed to protect a medium-sized guinea pig against a fatal dose of diphtheria toxin. When that amount is determined, it is used as a basis for estimating how Fio. 69.—Intravenous injection of drugs, serum, etc., is done as shown here. In subcutaneous or intramuscular injec- tion, no effort is made to strike a blood- vessel. Thomas and Ivy, Applied Immu- logy. J. B. Lippincott Co. TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS 97 much is necessary to protect human beings. For such a large animal as man several hundred, or even thousand, times as much are necessary, as there is so much more tissue throughout which the antitoxin must be distributed to make sure no part is left un- protected against the diphtheria toxin, which is being rapidly distributed by his circulating blood from the infected area in his throat. The first step in the process of determining the strength of a given antitoxin consists in placing in each of a series of about ten test tubes just enough diphtheria toxin to kill a standard-sized guinea pig (250 grams) on or by the fourth day. This is often spoken of as the minimal lethal dose (M.L.D.) and may be as small an amount as 5/100o one cubic centimetre, a very small amount indeed. To each of this series of tubes is added progres- sively increased amounts of the antitoxin to be standardized. The combined contents of each tube is then inoculated into a dif- ferent guinea pig, each properly labeled to. correspond to the tubes so that we can tell by the fate of the guinea pigs exactly where in the series the antitoxin just neutralized the toxin. All the guinea pigs having enough or more than enough antitoxin will recover. (Care is taken, of course, to use healthy guinea pigs of the same relative size, vigor, etc.) This amount of antitoxin that will protect a guinea pig is much too small for a workable unit (speed and accuracy of meas- urement, etc.), and since man will need so much more antitoxin than that minute amount we use one hundred times the guinea pig amount as a “ unit ” of diphtheria antitoxin.* Even this makes too small a bulk for a satisfactory working basis, for horses may yield one thousand or more such units of antitoxin to one cubic centimetre of blood, though 800 units is considered high. (See p. 76.) Dosage.—The amount of diphtheria antitoxin given a person varies with such conditions as the age or size of the individual, the stage of the disease, and its relative severity; and the dose also varies in size, depending upon whether it is given to aid an indi- vidual actually ill with the disease or merely to prevent him from contracting the disease. *A unit of tetanus antitoxin is 1,000 times the amount needed to protect a large guinea-pig (350gin.) against one fatal dose of tetanus toxin. 98 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE As a preventive only, the usual dose varies from five hundred to one thousand units for an adult; this gives an immunity lasting about two weeks, though it may last 30 days. In epidemics, the fact that injected antibodies disappear rather rapidly from the body makes it advisable to repeat the treatment for nurses or others subject to re-exposure every 10 to 14 days until the danger is past. (See p. 201.) In treating actual cases of diphtheria the dosage is larger, especially if treatment has been delayed. A delay of even a few hours only may be serious, for toxin makes very stable combina- tions, and once it has combined with the tissues, the results can- not he neutralized by increasing the amount of antitoxin given. The amount of antitoxin given varies also with the method of ad- ministering it—intravenous injection being 500 times as effective as subcutaneous injections would be, consequently the latter method is no longer recommended. Doses usually vary from 5,000 to 10,000 units when given on the first day of the disease; in the very severe attacks 15,000 to 20,000 units might be used, but extremely large doses (100,000 units) are not now considered advisable; if beneficial results with the smaller doses are not evident in a short time (eight hours) the treatment is repeated. Preventive Treatment Using Toxin.—The protection ob- tained by injecting a toxin is due to an active immunity produced in response to toxin stimulation. This is, of course, essentially the same process as when the results are obtained by giving an ordi- nary vaccine made of living or dead bacteria, and therefore pro- tection against diphtheria by the injection of toxin would be properly discussed under vaccines, page 174. This toxin treatment, however, is now commonly spoken of as a toxin-antitoxin treatment; and since the word antitoxin in this connection always raises a question in the student’s mind, it is described here to explain the antitoxin part of the procedure. On page 91 note that the horse was not given toxin only—but a combination of toxin and antitoxin, for the reasons stated there. Students often find this difficult to understand. What, they say, is the use of adding antitoxin if it only neutralizes part of the toxin particles—why not give only the toxin represented by the difference, omitting the antitoxin altogether? Here we come to one of the weak places in the receptor theory TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS 99 —of which the student was warned. According to Bordet, the combination of toxin and antitoxin is probably more like the well-known combination seen when starch and iodine are mixed together. A large amount of iodine can be used, combining with each starch grain, and making the grains blue black in color. If less iodine is used each grain combines with less iodine, becoming merely blue in color; if still less iodine is used, each grain again has correspondingly less iodine combining with it and becomes only light blue or pale lavender in color. In toxin-antitoxin mixtures, the antitoxin seems to combine with toxin in this same way, each toxin particle being slightly modified by the relatively small amounts ©f antitoxin present (See Fig. 88?); therefore, in a toxin-antitoxin mixture in which the antitoxin is not great enough to neutralize all of the toxin, the toxic effects are due not to a small unneutralized or uncom- binecl excess of the original toxin but to the very large amount of weakened toxins at work. It is possible—to carry on our illus- tration—to use so little iodine or so much starch that some of the starch grains are wholly unaffected. This would be true with toxin and antitoxin combinations, of course, and in such treat- ment the relative amounts of toxin and antitoxin given must be very accurately determined; with too little antitoxin the indi- vidual is not properly protected, and with too much antitoxin, the mixture is too inert—not sufficiently irritating to arouse the active immunity responses for which it was given. This toxin-antitoxin treatment, it is evident, causes the indi- vidual to make his own protective substances just as the horse does, and is used only where it is probable that there will be sufficient time for the individual to make his own antibodies. In actual illness we cannot wait for the individual to develop active immunity, and therefore passive immunity is secured by giving antitoxins. In sudden outbreaks the children or other individuals directly exposed should receive antitoxins, the toxin- antitoxin treatment being given them later when the immediate danger of direct infection is at an end. Those less directly in contact with the first case or cases will, as implied in the beginning of this paragraph, be given the toxin-antitoxin treatment. When time is not an important consideration it is much cheaper and much simpler to have each individual make his own 100 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE antitoxins, for all that is needed is to inject into each individual a little diphtheria toxin, using with it but a fractional amount of the expensive antitoxin that would otherwise he required to give passive immunity. This is not only cheaper, hut infinitely better in every way as the passive immunity conferred by anti- toxin lasts but two to four weeks oidy, whereas the active im- munity resulting from toxin-antitoxin treatment persists for years and perhaps for life. The Schick Test.— It is possible to determine by a skin test whether or not an individual is susceptible to diphtheria— whether or not he has antitoxin in his blood that will protect him against an attack of that disease. This test, which is called the Schick test (PI. 1) is made by injecting a tiny amount of diph- theria toxin (about one-tenth of a cubic centimetre, or more definitely, 1/50th of a minimal lethal dose for a 250-gram guinea pig) beneath the outer layer of the skin of the forearm. If there are no antitoxins present to neutralize the toxins injected, the tissues round about will be irritated by the toxins as shown by the formation of a red, inflamed area (Plate I), which appears in 12 to 48 hours, and is at its height in three to four days; this lasts from one to two weeks, and as the inflammation gradually disappears, there is a superficial scaling and a characteristic browning of the area. But if the individual is immune to diphtheria the antitoxin present in his blood will neutralize the injected toxins before they can so affect the tissues, and the characteristic swollen red area will not be formed; we say, therefore, that this individual gives a negative Schick test, indicating that he is immune to diphtheria. Pseudo-Reactions in the Schick Test.—In order to interpret correctly the result of the Schick test it is necessary to differ- entiate carefully between a true Schick reaction and the false (or non-specific protein) reaction which appears in some cases. This pseudo-reaction seen in persons unusually sensitive to the irritat- ing effect of foreign proteins develops in consequence of the minute amount of foreign protein necessarily introduced with the toxin. The pseudo-reaction may appear alone or in combination with the Schick reaction, and it is entirely without significance except as a possible source of error in interpreting the Schick test. (An irritation due to proteins as such and not to the diphtheria toxin may be mistakenly interpreted as due to the toxin.) To Plate I A.—Shick test. Positive reaction of moderate severity 72 hours after intra- cutaneous injection of 1/10 of minimal lethal dose of diphtheria toxin. Later, this pa- tient’s blood serum was tested and found to contain no antitoxin. When this test is negative, no change is noticeable in the skin, for the injected toxin is neutralized, and therefore, fails to act as an irritant. Craig and Speese, International Clinics. “ r Plate I B & C.—- Abraded skin on which was placed one drop of egg albumen; six minutes afterwards the area showed as pictured a white wheal K inch in diameter with the encircling reddened area. This reaction increased up to 15 minutes; the entire re- action in this case disappeared in less than two hours. A control test is shown in C. Hess and Levinson, International Clinics. Plate I D.—The luetin test for syphi- lis. showing (1) a typical reaction (a large reddish indurated papule measuring about 5mm. in diameter) as it appears hours after the injection of luetin or killed syphilis or- ganisms. Hess and Levinson, International Cl in ics Plate I E.—Cutaneous test for horse asthma, showing typical reaction obtained with horse dandruff protein; the barely perceptible whiter spot above is the nega- tive control. Courtesy of the Arlington Chemical Company. TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS 101 guard against this danger a control test should be made on the opposite arm at the same time that the Schick test is made, using for this control diphtheria toxin which has been heated to destroy its toxin content, leaving the inert protein as the only irritat- ing substance present. Value of the Schick Test.—The Schick test, it can be readily seen, is a very helpful one. In epidemics it enables one to pick out promptly the susceptible children or nurses and other at- tendants and protect them by giving them antitoxins—or if time allows, the toxin-antitoxin treatment—thus making the control of diphtheria much more possible. Since many people are im- mune to diphtheria, it also enables us to save large sums of money by determining which individuals do not need treatment, vari- ously estimated as 30 to 50 per cent, of babies under two, 40 to 70 per cent, of the children from 2 to 4 years, 45 to 75 per cent, from 4 to 6 years, 45 to 80 per cent, from 6 to 12 years, 80 to 85 per cent, from 15 to 18 years, 85 to 95 per cent, of adults. Zingher states that in institutions and schools the susceptible children may be but 20 to 25 per cent, of the total. Recent tests with large numbers of public school children in several eastern cities have indicated that 30 to 80 per cent, of the various school populations were susceptible to diphtheria. With- out a word of explanation such a wide range in susceptibility might seem to indicate a lack of reliability in the Schick test. Age differences as shown by the figures in the preceding para- graph enter in; the proportion of girls and boys also affects the total percentage for the group, as girls are more susceptible to diphtheria than boys. An analysis of the Schick results has shown, however, an interesting relationship between the percent- age of susceptible children and the general social status of the group tested. In New York City institution and school groups from the poorer and more crowded areas showed 10 to 20 per cent, susceptible children. In other more favored areas the per cent, of susceptible children was higher, representative schools containing 29 per cent., 41 per cent, and even 67 per cent, sus- ceptible children. In three private schools of New Jersey the Schick test showed the presence of 73 per cent., 79 per cent, and 85 per cent, susceptibles, respectively. Children subject to con- stant or repeated exposure apparently develop a natural immunity. 102 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE The high susceptibility in the richer schools and neighborhoods is explained on the basis of a segregation of the children remain- ing susceptible because protected from exposure. Toxin-Antitoxin Treatment of Infants.—Since children between one and five are more susceptible to diphtheria than any other age group (80 to 85 per cent, of the cases and deaths) immunity should be developed as early as possible by giving the toxin-antitoxin treatment to all children yielding a positive Schick test. It was at first thought that this might be done ad- vantageously by giving the treatment during the least susceptible part of the infant’s life—the first six months. Later work with several thousand infants has shown, however, that the toxin- antitoxin treatment has very little effect upon very young infants, as the presence of the antitoxin derived from the mother pre- vents or limits the excitation of such antibodies in the child. This inherited immunity (85 per cent, of the newborn give negative Schick tests) is usually lost during the first six to nine months, though it may persist six to nine months longer. By the second year, therefore, children should be actively immunized against diphtheria by the toxin-antitoxin treatment, thus forestalling the possibility of infection during the most susceptible part of the pre-school period. Results of Toxin-Antitoxin Treatment.—The results are most satisfactory, both with regard to the higher degree of im- munity developed and the total lack of untoward results, even where many thousands of children have been so treated, as in New York City. The doses are small in bulk, consisting of one or two, or less often, three injections of one cubic centimetre of the toxin- antitoxin mixture given subcutaneously in the arm. The mixture is so slightly toxic that when five cubic centimetres are given a guinea pig there results a local induration at the injection site, which is followed by a later paralysis, but never by the “ acute death ” of the animal. Immunity develops in three to twelve weeks, varying with the dosage—that is, with number, size, and proportions of toxin- antitoxin doses. If individuals do not yield negative Schick tests after the first treatment, full immunity is usually developed by a second series of treatments. As high as 85 to 100 per cent, im- TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS 103 munity has been obtained with a single series of injections. In one institution of over 1,000 children 81 per cent, gave negative Schick tests after single injections. The immunity thus developed is quite lasting. Eetests on thousands of children in New York City have shown the im- munity still present after 3, 4 and even 5 years, and experienced workers in this field feel that the immunity thus developed will probably persist throughout life, and that there is every hope that diphtheria may be eradicated as completely as smallpox. Diphtheria Antitoxin.—During the period of forty years that diphtheria antitoxin has been in use there has been more or less discussion of the ill effects following its use. These reports of ill effects have been greatly exaggerated. According to Park, in 140,000 cases so treated in New York City, there have been but two deaths which were due to the antitoxin; and only about one in 10,000 treated individuals develops alarming symptoms. Disturbances following the use of diphtheria antitoxin are due entirely to the effect of the foreign protein in the horse serum and not to the antitoxins it contains. For “ serum sickness ” and the occasional ill effects of antitoxins as they are prepared to-day see the chapter on Anaphylaxis. Diphtheria antitoxin has reduced the mortality from diph- theria at least 60 per cent. (Fig. 70). In the pre-antitoxin days, according to Zingher, the mortality w~as 70 to 75 per cent.; with the introduction of antitoxin in 1894 the mortality has gradually been reduced to 10 per cent., a more or less constant figure for the past eight to ten years. Diphtheria antitoxin has been called “ a specific and sovereign remedy/’ and deservedly so, for if used during the first twenty-four hours of the disease it is almost uni- formly successful. The persistently high mortality of 10 per cent, is explained as due to “ delayed application for treatment on the part of the patient, delayed recognition of the disease on the part of the physician, or to both of these factors.” Tetanus Antitoxin.—Tetanus antitoxin is, as described on page 93, usually whole serum, though a modified (or globulinized) serum is also commercially available. Tetanus antitoxin is pro- duced in horses, which are injected much as is the case with the diphtheria antitoxin horses, with gradually increasing doses, until 104 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE ill a few months the horse is being given 100 c.c. of strong tetanus toxin, a surprisingly large amount when one considers that tetanus toxin is one of the most poisonous substances known— 6/i,ooo,ooo °f a gram killing a large (350 gram) guinea pig. Be- Fig. 70.—The effect of antitoxin upon the diphtheria death rate in New York State. Health News, 1914, completed through 1921 by information supplied by New York State Department of Health. cause tetanus toxin is such a strong poison, horses are not bled until at least two weeks after the last injection of toxin, so as to make sure that all the injected toxin has disappeared from the blood and cannot therefore he transferred to man. Treatment.—Since tetanus antitoxin is absorbed slowly, and since, to be effective, it must reach the central nervous tissues, it TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS 105 is better to give it intraspinally or at least intravenously, in treat- ing actual cases of infection. At present tetanus antitoxin is used mostly as a preventive, in the treatment of wounds which are likely to contain tetanus organisms. In treating such wounds two things must be kept in mind: (1) that the intestines of the larger domestic animals harbor tetanus organisms, and that, therefore, street, road and farm soil is very likely to contain tetanus spores; and (2) that the tetanus organisms grow best where little oxygen is present, and that spores left in the recesses of jagged wounds made by ex- plosives (fireworks, explosives used in modern warfare) are often sealed up in such recesses by the clotting blood forming little anerobic pockets favorable for their development. The present low rate for tetanus following Fourth of July accidents, and the relative absence of tetanus in the Allied forces in the recent war are both due to the early or prompt use of tetanus antitoxin. As a matter of routine, soil-infected wounds were treated with anti- toxin, at least 1,000 units (See p. 97) being injected in the wound region. Since tetanus antitoxin disappears quickly from the body (8-10 days), a second treatment is given at the end of a week, and another usually during the third week. A very large part of the tetanus antitoxin used abroad during the first part of the recent war was made in the United States, some by commercial laboratories, but a very large part by the Department of Health Laboratories of New York City. Soon, however, hundreds of horses were manufacturing tetanus anti- toxin on the other side of the Atlantic, using for the purpose the more productive tetanus cultures sent by the New York City Department. In ordinary civil practice, where wounds are usually more promptly cared for, the preventive treatment, 1,500 units, is usually given subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Antitoxin against Gas Gangrene.—Occasionally soil-borne organisms other than tetanus cause serious wound complications. One of the worst offenders is Welch’s bacillus (Fig. 71), or the gas gangrene bacillus, which forms a virulent toxin or poison, de- stroying muscle tissue and causing a gangrenous condition of the area infected. Against this organism, an antitoxin (anti- 106 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE serum) has recently been prepared which has been successfully used in many cases. Where wounds are infected with other septic organisms (malignant edema organism, Fig. 72; Pasteur’s “ vibrion septique ”) the appropriate antitoxin should he used. Unfortunately infections are not always due to a single type of such organisms. Besides, various aerobic organisms, such as hemolytic streptococci, are often important disintegrating or toxic agents, and their presence often adds greatly to the diffi- culty in securing effective antiserums for treatment. The so-called antitoxins used in this connection are anti- serums—whole serums; and are given in preventive work much as tetanus antitoxin is used — intravenously and also in frequent injections around the wounded area. In treating infected war wounds, more use than usual was made of the microscope findings, for the microscope was used not only to aid in determining the type or types of organisms present, hut to show the progressive changes in the infected areas; these findings were made not only to determine the subsequent antiserum dosage, but to indicate when such areas were sufficiently free from organ- isms for open wounds to be closed with safety. The relative infrequence of such wound infections in civil life and the variety of organisms related to all such infections make it unlikely that we will ever have—in this connection—any- thing like the satisfactory results now obtained with diph- theria antitoxin. Other Antitoxins.—Antitoxins against botulism (See p. 89) have not been put upon a successful basis. Shiga’s dysentery bacillus (Fig. 52), the most toxic of the dysentery and para-dysentery group, forms a toxin against which Fig. 71.—The gas gangrene bacillus, Clostridium Welchii (Barulus Welchii) from tissue. Bull. TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS 107 an antitoxic horse serum is produced, which has reduced the mor- tality of that type of dysentery in Japan from about 30 per cent, to about 10 per cent. AVhile Shiga’s dysentery is less common in the L nited States than in J apan, it is one of the two most common Fio. 72.—A three-day culture of malignant oedema organisms; most of the spores are centrally placed, causing a bulged appearance. Adamson, Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. (Photograph by C. Powell White). types of dysentery here; there have been recent indications of an increase in this type of dysentery, especially in the south- ern States. STUDY SUGGESTIONS 1. Wliat are toxins? 2. How do old or changed toxins affect the strength or toxicity of a toxin? How would the presence of toxoids in toxin preparations affect the determination of the strength of an antitoxin? 3. Name three diseases which are characteristically toxin diseases, giving one definite associated effect or symptom for each. 4. Describe the method of producing diphtheria antiserum in horses. 5. Describe one preparation used in treating disease in which immune blood undergoes special treatment—something more than clotting and drawing off of the serum. 6. Give two ways in which immune serums may he made sterile without any attendant formation or retention of solid particles. 7. How is diphtheria antitoxin standardized? 8. Describe the Schick test. 0. Describe the toxin-antitoxin treatment for diphtheria. 10. Write in semipopular form (for parents of school children) a state- ment presenting the advantages to be gained by the toxin-anti- toxin treatment against diphtheria. 108 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE 11. In a family containing two young children who slept together and a third older child who was away on a visit, one of the younger children “came down” suddenly with diphtheria. W’liat treat- ment would you advise for each? If the absent unexposed child returned during the illness, what protective or preventive treatment should be given him? 12. In the City of Washington there were one year 143 cases of lockjaw or tetanus from Fourth of July wounds; in the ten years follow- ing when the sale of fireworks was prohibited no cases developed following the Fourth of July celebrations. Explain the difference in these figures, including in your answer the probable relationship of (1) the actual number of surface or skin breaks made on the Fourth, (2) the type of wounds formed, and (3) the sub- stances gaining entrance into the body. 13. If the blood taken from a horse shows 700 diphtheria antitoxin units to a cubic centimetre of serum, and if the modified form of the serum (described on page 93) retains 70 per cent, of the original antitoxic power, how many cubic centimetres would have to be injected into a patient needing 10,000 units? CHAPTER V AGGLUTININS AND PRECIPITINS General character of agglutinins Specific and group agglutinins Relation to other antibodies Agglutinins and Precipitins Methods of demonstrating- Visible to naked eye (macroscopic) Agglutination Precipitation Microscopic agglutination ' Agglutinins present in blood of patient Types - Agglutination of or- ganisms obtained from body of pa- tient Methods Difficulties Disease Negative results Diseases so tested Tests Relation to serum standardization Animal relationships Blood transfusion Legal applications Protein differentiation Although bacterial agglutination by the blood (or serum) of immune animals has been known for about thirty years, it is only recently that it has been positively demonstrated that such agglu- tination really takes place in the body (Fig. 73) and is not merely a laboratory phenomenon. And although agglutination tests have for years been a routine laboratory procedure of undeniable value in diagnosing disease, especially typhoid, it is only within the last few years that we have had incontrovertible evidence that aggluti- nation is a most important preparatory step in the destruction and in the elimination of bacteria from the body. According to Bull, “ in order that the bacteria may be promptly removed from the blood stream it is requisite that they be first agglutinated, which condition is also required in order 109 110 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE that they he destroyed en masse within the organs, a process achieved, apparently, chiefly through phagocytosis.” Bacterial Agglutination.—When a loopful of bacteria, of a given kind such as cholera, is properly diluted and mixed with a drop of the blood of an individual recently recovered from that disease, the bacteria show two distinct changes: (1) All move- ment ceases—true motility as well as Brownian movement; and (2) all the organisms stick together in clumps or small masses, as if they have become sticky or glutinous, hence the term, agglutination. Fin. 73.—These photographs show that agglutination is not merely a laboratory phenom- enon but actually occurs in the animal body. A rabbit previously made immune to typhoid by injections of Bacterium typhosus was later given a heavy injection of the same organism. The left photograph of blood taken from the heart 30 seconds later shows clumps of bacteria and indicates how rapidily agglutination took place. The agglutinated cocc in the photo- graph on the right were from the blood of a rabbit treated similarly with pneumococcus organisms. Photograph, Bull; Broadhurst, Home and Community Hygiene. This clumping or agglutination is not a vital phenomenon or response because it takes place with dead as well as live bacteria. It is a delicate phenomenon occurring in very weak dilutions, and the real cause is far from clear. It may be hastened or inhibited by very slight chemical differences, such as variations in the amount of salts, acids or alkalies present, and is usually vaguely described as a “ chemical-physical process involving the bacterial cell and an agglutinating factor present in the serum,”oi\ some- what similarly, as an electro-chemical phenomenon. AGGLUTININS AND PRECIPITINS 111 Agglutination itself does not kill bacteria, though it does lead to their destruction, because these agglutinated clumps do not make their way so readily through the tiny capillaries, and are, also, filtered out or held back in such glands as the lymph nodes and spleen, being therefore, much more rapidly captured and destroyed by the white corpuscles. Agglutination a Specific Phenomenon.—One of the oldest facts known about these agglutinating substances or agglutinins is that they are specific; for example, the blood of a person having typhoid fever will agglutinate typhoid bacteria and not cholera organisms; while the blood of a cholera patient will agglutinate cholera bacteria, and not typhoid. This specificity makes it possible to diagnose disease by testing for agglutination. If the bedside or clinical symptoms of the patient indicate typhoid fever, the diagnosis can be made cer- tain by showing that the blood of the patient agglu- tinates typhoid bacteria. (See p. 114.) Group Agglutinins.— While this action is specific, related organisms, such as the various typhoid types, are enough alike to respond in a general way to the agglutinins made against any one of the related group. For example, in paratyphoid fever due to the so-called paratyphoid B organism (Fig. 74), the blood of the patient not only agglutinates the paratyphoid B organism, but may also agglutinate paratyphoid A and ordinary typhoid as well. (See also p. 112.) This group relationship does not, however, make diagnosis impossible, for though as described in the paragraph above the blood of the paratyphoid B patient may agglutinate all of the three types of bacteria, it does so in varying degrees; this blood Fio. 74.—Para-typhoid B bacteria broth culture (x 700). Sands. 112 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE may agglutinate the “ paratyphoid B ” organism although it is diluted as much as 5,700 times, but it will not certainly aggluti- nate typhoid organisms in dilutions of more than 120, or “ para- typhoid A ” in dilutions of more than 10. Similarly, the blood of an individual immune to typhoid may agglutinate typhoid bac- teria in dilutions of 10,000 or more, while the dilutions causing the agglutination of related organisms may he as low as one to 1,000 for the paratyphoid organisms, or one to 100 for the colon bacterium. There are occasional exceptions to these differential results; e. g., the serum of a horse immunized to one of the dysentery organisms also possessed the power of agglutinating the colon bacillus when diluted 10,000 times. Less often still such excep- tions may he found as the agglutination of unrelated organisms, illustrated by the agglutination of a variety of Proteus vulgaris (B. pro- teus vulgaris) (Fig. 76), by the blood of typhus fever patients. (Seep. 123.) Such exceptions are, however, not common, and diagnosis based on agglutination can safely be made by using dilutions higher than the group or cross-agglutination strength, e.g., dilutions above 1,000 for the typhoid serum described in the pre- ceding paragraph. The agglutinating action of immune blood or serum is re- markably prompt and vigorous. That, in fact, is one reason why experimenters did not earlier demonstrate that agglutination does occur in the body. The second reason is that the white corpuscles take in and destroy these clumps with remarkable celerity, and therefore the agglutinated clumps as such were not found by workers, because they waited too long (hours or even days) for the clumping to take place before drawing blood for examination. Fig. 75.—Bacterium co'i, an organism common to the intestinal floralof man and the larger domestic animals. Williams, Brown and Earle. AGGLUTININS AND PRECIPITINS 113 The accompanying photograph (Fig. 73), shows typhoid bacteria clumped by the blood of a rabbit which had been made immune to typhoid by several earlier injections of typhoid bacteria; after immunity had thus been established, the rabbit was injected with a heavy dose of typhoid bacteria which were immediately ag- glutinated as shown by this photograph of blood drawn thirty seconds after the bacteria were injected. No practical modification or concentration of antiserums con- taining agglutinins has yet been made for therapeutic work, although the ag- glutinins may be present i n almost unbelievable amounts. (See,how- ever, p. 124.) This remarkable agglu- tinin content of im- mune blood can be illustrated in several different ways. For instance, one cubic centimetre of pneu- mococcus antiserum can agglutinate ten million bacteria. The antiserum obtained from ani- m a 1 s immunized against the Shiga dysentery bacteria may be active when diluted at least 20,000 times. Recently Bull showed with a horse immunized against typhoid that one drop of the horse serum could agglutinate all the billions of typhoid bacteria grown on four agar slants even when they were suspended or diluted in a whole litre of salt solution. Agglutinins Not Related to Lysins.—While the action of agglutinins is a preliminary step in the destruction of bacteria by the white corpuscles, these agglutinins are not to be confused with lysins (See p. 49) which acting alone can dissolve and destroy Fig. 76.—Proteus vulgaris, much enlarged, (x 2000) showing incidentally the flagella which give the power of independent movement. Many of the other rod and spiral organisms pictured in this text have similar appendages, but they have not been stained with the special technic necessary to show the flagella. Vincent, American Jour- nal of the JJiseases of Children. 114 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE bacteria. Agglutinins may exist in an antiserum independent of lysins, and lysins independent of agglutinins, or both may be found in the same antiserum. Visibility of Agglutination Outside the Body.—Usually, as, in typhoid agglutination, the clumps are not distinguish- able without the aid of a microscope, and the mixture of Fig. 77.—A hanging drop, showing the drop suspended in the chamber under the coverglass: to keep the drop from drying up, the contact surface of cover glass and slide are sealed with vaseline. antiserum and bacteria is made as a hanging drop (Fig. 77), as described on page 110 and page 118, and examined with the high power of a microscope (Fig. 78). Fio. 78.—Left: A hanging drop showing single free-swimming typhoid bacteria. Right: the same, except the addition of serum of a typhoid patient has caused the agglutination of the typhoid organisms. Thomas and Ivy, Applied Immunology, J. 13. Lippincott Co. Sometimes, however, as with meningitis, the clumps of bac- teria are large enough to be seen with the naked eye, and the mixture is made upon an ordinary flat microscopic slide, which is then held between the eye and the light, to enable the worker to distinguish the whitish “flakes ” or agglutinated masses. This AGGLUTININS AND PRECIPITINS 115 slide-agglutination may also be demonstrated with typhoid, cholera, paratyphoid and dysentery organisms. In some cases, such as glanders, the results are more easily determined when much larger amounts of each material are used; test tubes containing the antiserum and bacteria are examined for turbidity changes and the final flaking or precipitation of the bacteria as they fall out of the solution to the bottom of the tube. (See Pig. 79.) This precipitation and the resultant clear- ing of the tube contents is essentially the same as the agglutina- Fio. 79.—Precipitin test for glanders. Serum from a normal horse was added to the glanders bacteria suspension in tube A, negative reaction. Positive results are shown in B, (occult glanders) V (nasal glanders) and 1), (chronic farcy or glanders), where as indicated by arrows, a cloudy ring is seen at the point of contact of the bacterial suspension and the serum. Mohler and Eichhorn Bureau An. Ind., U. S. Dept. Agriculture. tion observed in the minute amounts used on microscope slides. As used in routine test work it may be a much slower process, however: one to three hours in the precipitin test for typhoid, and seventy-two hours in the usual routine precipitin test for glanders. Precipitins.—The action of agglutinins and precipitins is es- sentially the same; the effect on large particles, such as bacteria, is visible as agglutination, and the effect on small particles, such as colloid particles or proteins in solution is indicated by the resulting clouding and precipitation. Precipitins like agglutinins are specific; a precipitin formed against a given protein, such as human milk, for example, causes precipitation with human milk 116 HOW WE IIESIST DISEASE and not with other proteins or even other kinds of milk, such as cow’s milk. While the principal theories and procedures accepted for ag- glutinins are applicable to precipitins, there are, nevertheless, important differences which can not be completely described here. The most important for our purposes are the two following: (1) To demonstrate precipitins we must be able to secure a clear fluid containing the related protein ; this is not always possible, and limits decidedly the number of diseases in which precipitin tests can be made. (2) Another reason that precipitins are less used in diagnosis is that precipitins are not easily demonstrated Fig. 80—A series of tubes showing precipitin reactions against pneumococcus organisms ; left negative; to right, varying degrees of pre- cipitation with varying dilutions of immune serum. H. K. Mulford Co. ill the serum of the sick, being apparently a much slower response than the formation of other antibodies. When demonstrable this precipitating effect may be observed with bacterial extracts as well as with whole bacteria. It is com- monly obtained with “ unformed proteins ” or non-cellular pro- teins, such as milk or serum. For further discussion of precipi- tins see Fig. 8b and page 126. AGGLUTININS AND PRECIPITINS 117 Tests Based on Bacterial Agglutinins and Precipitins.— Tests for agglutinins (and precipitins) may be used to show sev- eral different things: (1) That an individual is developing a given disease, having already begun to form agglutinins against that particular species of bacteria; there may be a gain of several days by using this method of diagnosing a disease. (2) Agglutinin tests are also valuable during the active stages of a disease, par- ticularly in cases where the disease develops atypically, as often occurs in typhoid, thus delaying the possibility of' diagnosis by the usual clinical evidences. (3) Agglutination tests are also made to identify the type or variety of organism causing the disease. At Fio. 81.—Plate3 showing typhoid colonies. A diluted sample of human feces was added to these two plates, containing the usual agar plus a dye, brilliant green, which allows typhoid to develop while inhibiting most of the other intestinal bacteria. Even in these some of the inhibited effects may be seen,as the typhoid colonies are much smaller in the right hand plate containing the larger amount of green dye. Photographs by Heins from plates made by the Bureau of Laboratories, Health Department of the City of New York. least four distinct types of pneumococcus organisms are recog- nized in pneumococcus infections. If an antiserum is to be given, it should be an antiserum made in response to and against that particular type of pneumococcus. (See p. 80.) (4) In carriers, such as typhoid carriers, the immunity and continued good health of the carrier is no doubt partly due to the antibodies he continues to produce during the persistence of the typhoid bac- teria in the intestinal tissues, bile duct, etc. Suspected carriers may be cleared—or the suspicions concerning them may be con- firmed—by such agglutination tests, even months or years after apparently complete recovery (See p. 56). The tests (See also p. 121) involving the use of specific agglu- 118 HOW WE BESIST DISEASE tinins or proteins are of two different kinds: (1) In the first kind the individual’s blood is examined to see if it will agglutinate or precipitate a known species of bacteria. The presence of such reacting substance in his blood is taken as evidence that the spe- cific causal organisms are or have been present and are responsible for the production of those reacting substances. (2) In the second kind of test, the suspected organism is isolated in pure culture (Fig. 81) from the infected area (throat, feces, blood, etc.), and its identity is proved by its agglutination or precipitation with known antiserums—antiserums obtained from another known to have that particular disease. Each of these two kinds of tests is obviously just the reverse of the other. In the first kind as described above, the serum of the patient is the unknown factor and the laboratory organism is the known factor. In the second kind, the serum is the known factor and the organism of the patient is the unknown. These two types of tests may be more briefly contrasted as (1) Patient’s or unknown serum against known organism. (2) Patient’s or unknown organism against known serum. Both kinds of tests may be made in a given disease, as in typhoid. The blood is examined to see if typhoid agglutinins are present. Blood is collected from the ear lobe, finger or any con- venient place, in capillary tubes and allowed to stand until the serum has separated; or, more simply, a few drops of blood may be dried upon a clean glass slide, though this cruder method is questioned by many. The blood or serum thus obtained is diluted with physiological salt solution, and typhoid bacteria are added to see if agglutination occurs. If the result is positive (the typhoid bacteria being agglutinated), no other test is necessary. Should the result be negative, the second kind of test should also be tried. In that test a small amount of the fecal discharge is diluted, and varying amounts spread over agar plates to allow the typhoid bacteria to develop (Fig. 81). Their detection is often aided by adding to the agar such a dye as “ brilliant green,” which inhibits most types of intestinal bacteria, while allowing typhoid to develop. The colonies developing on such agar plates are studied, and those having the characteristic typhoid appearance are selected for testing against known agglutinins; bacteria taken from these colonies are mixed with an antiserum known to contain AGGLUTININS AND PRECIPITINS 119 agglutinins for typhoid bacteria. If the bacteria thus obtained are agglutinated it is thereby demonstrated that the individual is harboring typhoid bacteria. If, in any given case, negative results are obtained by this test also, one or both tests must be repeated as long as any doubt exists as to the cause of the disease, more conclusive evidence ordinarily being obtained as the disease progresses. Negative Results.—Negative results here as elsewhere, are never conclusive. The blood will not give a positive test for agglutinins until a certain borderline of agglutinin pro- duction has been reached. A negative result may mean only that the individual has not yet formed enough ag- glutinins to show up in such a test. Since people vary greatly in their degree of resistance to invading or- ganisms, an individual may continue to give negative results day after day—and even throughout the attack. It is not difficult to under- stand that even in serious illness the agglutinin tests sometimes give only nega- tive results; the agglutinins formed are insufficient to protect the individual or to show up in such laboratory tests. The tests depending upon the isolation of the causal organism have their special difficulties also. Other organisms present in the material examined (sputum, feces, etc.) may outgrow the ones searched for. The causal organism may not be present in the very small amount necessarily used in making the agar plates (Fig. 82). Sometimes, as in typhoid, where the organisms de- velop in glands in the lining layers of the intestine, and are irregularly ejected into the intestinal cavity, they may not show up in the fecal material even though samples are taken on several Fig. 82.—This plate, made from the same fecal sample as the preceding, shows only Bacterium coli, because such a weak dilu- tion was made that only the more numerous Bact. coli were represented in the amount used. (Endo’s medium). Photograph by Heins from plate made by the Bureau of Laboratories, Health department of the City of New York. 120 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE successive days, and examined by the most careful and elab- orate technique. Other Difficulties of Technique.—As mentioned earlier, group agglutinations may mislead the investigator unless the dilu- tions are properly made (p. 111). Slides and other materials should be carefully prepared or cared for, as slight amounts of acids, alkalies, and salts may mislead the worker by inhibiting agglutination or causing a false agglutination. Besides, laboratory or stock cultures of bacteria often lose their agglutinating power, or vary markedly in the dilution showing agglutination and should be checked by known antiserums at intervals; for example, one strain fell suddenly from 8,000 to 4,000 in the dilution capable of causing agglutination. Occasionally non-agglutinable strains of organisms are ob- tained even in diseases where agglutination is characteristic; e.g., non-agglutinating strains of typhoid have been isolated from the spleen, gall-bladder, etc. This resistance on the part of the organism probably has a definite relation to its invasiveness or virulence, making it less easily affected by the protective sub- stances in the body as well as under laboratory conditions. Normal Agglutinins.—Another difficulty to be considered in such tests lies in the fact that “ normal agglutinins ” may occur, as shown earlier for antibodies in general (See p. 62). The new- born child often possesses such normal agglutinins, probably due to substances transferred with the mother’s blood, as they tend to disappear later. Adults may also possess “ normal aggluti- nins,” probably explainable by the well-known fact that even in health, bacteria may invade the tissues (e.g., the intestinal environs, or the portal circulation) and so, probably, excite the production of a small amount of agglutinin or other antibodies before the invading organisms are wholly overcome and destroyed. (See p. 62.) All the foregoing difficulties make it necessary that such tests as these agglutinin and precipitin tests should be made by re- sponsible and experienced people, carefully checked or controlled wherever possible. It is also essential that the result of such tests should be considered in combination with the physical or clinical evidence. Diseases Diagnosed by Agglutination Methods.—Among AGGLUTININS AND PRECIPITINS 121 the diseases involving agglutination are such intestinal infections as cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid and dysentery. Of these, the typhoid test is the most common in our country, and the test oftenest used is the first one described on page 118, the direct examination of the blood for agglutinins—commonly known as the Widal test. Often, however, in typhoid, and very commonly in the other intestinal infections named above, the second kind of test is used, in spite of the difficultv often incurred (p. 119) in isolating the specific causal organism. This second test may succeed when the other fails because agglutinins do not always appear early in the diseases; they naturally follow rather than precede the development and multi- plication of the invading organisms. In typhoid, for example, the agglutinins rarely appear before the end of the first week and often not till well toward the end of the second week. On the other hand, the typhoid bacillus is isolated from the blood oftener early in the disease than in the later stages. Attempts to obtain the organism in culture are often unsuc- cessful by the end of the second week or even earlier. Agglutinin Tests for Respiratory Diseases.—Three dis- eases which affect the respiratory areas—pneumonia, meningitis, and glanders—may be diagnosed by agglutination. In pneumonia, sputum or material from the naso-pharynx is usually examined for pneumococcus organisms, and the type determined by aggluti- nation so as to aid in selecting the type of antiserum to be given the patient. (See also p. 80 and p. 122.) Meningitis carriers are picked out by isolating from the nasal cavities meningitis bacteria, which agglutinate when mixed with known anti meningitis serum. In actual cases of meningitis, serum is drawn from the spinal canal to determine the presence Fig. 83.—Pneumococcus organisms, stained by Huntoon’s method to show the capsules. Huntoon, Journal of Bacteriology. Photograph by Dunn. 122 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE of meningitis bacteria, which are positively identified by finding that they are agglutinated by antimeningitis serum. Corrobora- tive tests (cloudiness, white corpuscles count, sugar, albumin) arc also made on the spinal fluid; the spinal fluid and the blood are apparently not rich enough in agglutinins to use them in tests against known meningococcus organisms. In pneumococcus infections, as described elsewhere (p. 80) it is important to determine early the type of pneumococcus. This may be done in several ways: (1) One method depends upon isolating the organism from the sputum, lung exudate, etc., and testing small amounts of the pure cultures thus obtained against the different types of antiserums—antiserums made by different horses against the respective types of pneumococcus. Rapid methods of isolation, using special media such as rabbit’s blood, have been developed to utilize this method. (2) A second method takes advantage of the fact that such exudates as the sputum contain substances that can be precipi- tated when brought into contact with pneumococcus antiserum. In other words, instead of using the bacteria in agglutination tests as described in the preceding paragraph, we use liquid ob- tained from the areas affected by the bacteria. The sputum is treated (heated in normal salt solution, alkaline hypochlorite solution, etc.) and a clear fluid is finally obtained. This fluid is added to the respective types of antiserum, precipitation occur- ring only in the tube containing the related antiserum. This may be indicated by a general cloudiness or precipitation or as a definite precipitated area, or contact ring ” where the added fluid comes in contact with the serum, (much as in Fig. 79). (3) The third method of diagnosis is called the mouse inocula- tion method. Sputum, containing the pneumococcus organisms, is injected into a white mouse (peritoneum) where the organisms multiply for 5 to 8 hours. The exudate then obtained from the peritoneal cavity is specially prepared (centrifuged, etc.), after which the sediment and the supernatant fluid are tested against the different pneumococcus antiserums in various ways; the clear fluid being used to show precipitation with the different types of serum aa described in the preceding paragraph, or the bacterial sediment may be used with the serums to show agglutination. The glanders test is chiefly made by the first of the above AGGLUTININS AND PRECIPITINS 123 methods. To the diluted serum of the horse to be tested dead glanders organisms are added. Kesulting precipitation of bac- teria (Fig. 79), and final clearing of the supernatant fluid in 72 hours or less is taken as a positive result. Although glanders is usually an infection of horses, the disease may occur in other domestic animals and also in human beings. As stated earlier, Proteus vulgaris, (B. proteus), an organism apparently not at all related to typhus fever, may be used to diagnose typhus fever. Since the causal organism of typhus fever has not yet been definitely determined this is a fortunate coinci- dence, and the Proteus organism (strain 19), in dilutions of 1 to 50 or over, is at present satisfactorily used with the patient’s serum in testing for typhus fever. Whooping cough is not diagnosed by agglutination tests, although the pertussis bacterium can be readily agglutinated by rabbit antiserum. This is due to the fact that the blood of human cases is not rich in agglutinins. The opposite form of the test— the patient’s organisms tested against antiserums known to be rich in agglutinins, such as the rabbit antiserum—is not generally used either, because the pertussis bacterium is only with difficulty distinguishing from other bacilli common in sputum. (See lysin test for whooping cough.) Agglutination Tests in Other Diseases.—Agglutination tests are used for certain diseases in addition to those just de- scribed. In Malta fever, the patient’s serum is tested against cultures of thecausal organism,Bacterium melitensis (Micrococcus melitensis) ; agglutination when the patient’s serum is diluted 1000 or more times indicates Malta fever. In tuberculosis, agglutination tests have not been found of any real value; the dilutions used are much lower than with any other infection—but one to 10 or 15. In gonococcus infections agglutination tests are not used for diagnosis, though the various strains of gonococcus may be differentiated by such tests in much the same way as we type the pneumococcus strains. We are, how- ever, just attacking the immense task of typing the various disease organisms. Standardization of Antiserums.—While the abundance of agglutinins in a given antiserum is indication of good body re- action, the amount of agglutinin bears no definite or constant 124 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE relationship to other anti-substances, and measurement of the agglutinins present is not an exact measurement of the whole or total protective value of a serum. However, in diseases in which agglutinins are characteristically developed, a good antiserum is rich in agglutinins;.and in treating such diseases, it would there- fore be sensible to discard any antiserum not coming up to a given agglutinin titer or strength. Commercial typhoid, men- ingitis, and dys- entery anti- serums may, therefore, be described in terms of ag- glutination strength, espe- cially dysentery antiserums (See p. 138). Agglutinins Against Other Types of Cells. —Bacteria are not the only cells which can stimulate the production of agglutinins and orecipitins. Practically any foreign cells (e.gwhite corpuscles, red corpuscles, gland cells) can cause the production of such antibodies when injected into other kinds of animals. Indeed the production of such antibodies may be taken to indicate that the cells inducing it are foreign. To illustrate: a guinea pig will not form antibodies if injected with any of his own tissues (except possibly the eye lens protein), nor, normally, if injected with red blood cells or other tissues of other guinea pigs. But antibodies are formed by the guinea pig following the injection of red blood cells or other tissues of other kinds Fig. 84.—Precipitation tests for human blood. Tubes 1 to 10 (top row) showing positive reactions, contain human blood, each specimen dried for one month on various material, (1 silk handkerchief; 2, tweed cloth; 3; black dress fabric; 4, dark green cloth; 5, coarse green cloth; 6, coarse red cloth; 7, kid glove; 8, blanket; 9, very coarse material; 10, flannel). The controls, tubes 11 to 20, with negative reactions contain the same series of blood samples, but have yielded negative re- sults because they were tested against anti-ox serum instead of anti-human serum. The slight cloudiness of the lower tubes is not true precipitation. Nuttall, Immunity and Blood Relationships, Macmillan and Cambridge University press. AGGLUTININS AND PRECIPITINS 125 of animals such as man, horse and sheep. In fact, the amount of reaction of injected animals gives a basis for judging the degree of relationship between the injected animal and the animal providing the blood for injection. Relationship in zoological families (horse, dog, rabbit) is sup- ported by such agglutinin tests. These tests support the acknowl- edged relationship of the horse and the ass, the fox and the dog, the sheep and the goat and the domestic and the wild pig. In monkey groups interesting support has been found with regard to the degree of relationship between the various groups of monkeys: orang-outangs, chimpanzees and gorillas; and man has been shown by agglutinating blood tests to be more closely related to one group, the chimpanzees, than some of the monkey groups are to each other. Agglutinin Tests for Blood Transfusion.—Human blood differs somewhat in different individuals and four distinct types have been observed, when tested by the tendency to form ag- glutinins against other specimens of human blood. One of these four groups is very large, containing nearly 50 per cent, of all human beings. It is fortunate that so many people fall into one group, as emergencies sometimes occur where it is not possible to test blood before using it for transfusion. Agglutinin tests are made by adding red corpuscles from the volunteer to a sample of the serum of the patient. If the red corpuscles added are aggluti- nated or precipitated it shows that the patient’s serum treats them as foreign; and it would be dangerous to transfuse the blood of that volunteer into the patient, for it is only when tests show such agglutination that the red corpuscles are destroyed by the white corpuscles of the patient. Transfusion of such blood would be dangerous because it would mean caring for a lot of disinte- grating foreign protein (See p. 193); and it would not, of course, accomplish the usual aim in transfusion—the addition of active oxygen-carrying red corpuscles. (See also red corpuscle lysins and blood transfusion.) Blood Tests as Legal Aids.—The reaction of one animal to the red blood cells of another kind of animal is usually so specific that the serum of small laboratory animals (rabbit, guinea pig) may be used to identify the kind of blood with which they have earlier been injected or sensitized. If the blood cells are intact 126 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE this identification can be made by means of a hemolysis test. (See p. 156.) Often, however, the only blood in question is in a blood stain; but even so, a definite conclusion can be reached by means of a precipitation test. The broken-down blood washed out of the stain with salt solution is floated over a given immune serum in a test tube; a definite ring at the point of contact (much as in Fig. 79) identifies the blood cells in the stain as the kind used to produce the immune serum. By this means, in such situations as a murder trial, a blood stain can be shown to have been caused by human blood, and not, as the defendant claims, by the blood of some other animal, as for example, a horse. Fresh serum from an animal sensitized against human red cells properly diluted is put into a test tube and to it are added some of the red blood cells washed out of the stain. If they are precipitated they are human cells, and the stain in ques- tion was, of course, made by human blood. Whether or not the stain is horse blood, may be shown by the same kind of a test, sub- stituting, of course, for this part of the test, the serum of an animal sensitized to horse red blood cells. These blood cells reactions are so reliable that they may be used to determine the kind of meat present in such preparations as sausage and “ chopped beef,” though a modified method is necessary with meats that have been heated. Even dried blood soaked from boards and chopping blocks has beeen successfully used in this way as legal evidence. The age of the blood stains affects these tests less than one would suppose. In one case a blood stain sixty-six years old gave satisfactory results when so tested; so did embalmed or mummified blood forty years old. Similar claims have been made for very old mummy blood—for one sample two thousand years old, and for another five thousand years old. Precipitins Against Unformed Proteins.—Such proteins as milk, serum and white of egg are called unformed or non- cellular proteins. Sensitized animals may also be used to identify these substances; the precipitin reactions of these animals are so delicate that their serums may be used to determine whether a given substance is the white of a hen’s egg or a duck’s egg; whether it is human milk or cow’s milk. The possibility of the application of such tests to food adulteration is at once evident. AGGLUTININS AND PEECIPITINS 127 These reactions are so similar to the phenomena discussed under Anaphylaxis that the reader is here referred to Chapter X, where human sensitiveness to such food proteins as milk and eggs, and to such foreign cells as horse skin cells and cat hairs, and pollen (hay fever) is briefly discussed. STUDY SUGGESTIONS 1. In what ways may agglutinins help the body in overcoming bacterial infections? 2. Describe a test for disease in which the patient may he shown to have specific agglutinins present in his blood. 3. Describe a disease test in which the organisms obtained from the patient’s blood, mouth or nose exudate or intestinal discharges are identified by showing that they are agglutinated by a given or known antiserum. 4. What diseases are satisfactorily tested for by agglutinins or precipi- tin tests? 5. Show how agglutinins or precipitins may be used to identify blood in meats, blood stains, etc. 6. How could such adulteration as horse meat for beef be detected? 7. How could you determine whether hen eggs or duck eggs were being used in a given egg powder, icing preparation, etc. ? 8. Tests_ showing agglutination of red blood cells give results in 15 to 30 minutes; how does this compare with the time interval in tests involving the presence of lysins which dissolve the red corpuscles (see Chapter VIII) ? 9. How can we use the blood content of mosquito stomachs to determine the animals mosquitoes feed upon? Of what use might such knowledge be in controlling a disease spread by an insect feeding upon other hosts besides man, as in malaria or in sleeping sickness? CHAPTER VI OPSONINS (Tropins) Comparison with agglutinins General technique White cor- puscle aid Tests proving Opsonic index How deter- mined Reliability Necessary factor Destruction by white corpuscles Final destruction by “fixed” cells Opsonins Related to disease Types Stages Variations in amount Massage Vaccination Increased by treatment Anti-serum values Opsonins described on page 49 as aiding the white corpuscles in the destruction of foreign organisms, are so named (from the Greek opsonium, a relish) because of the greater avidity or relish with which white corpuscles take in and digest bacteria, when these substances are present. At least as early as 1895, Metchnikoff noticed that the serum of immune animals aided white cor- puscles in the destruction of bacteria, the number of bacteria ingested and destroyed being greater than when normal blood or serum was used with the white corpuscles (Fig. 85). Tropins and the less definite term stimulins, are other names for such substances. (See p. 129.) Agglutinins and Opsonins.—Like agglutinins, opsonins can not single handed bring about destruction of bacteria; each of these antisubstances acts as an aid to the white corpuscles in this work. Neither opsonins nor agglutinins have any definite quan- titative relation to any other antibodies, such as the bactericidal substances or lysins which may be present in an immune serum (Fig. 86). Opsonins, like agglutinins, are specific for the organ- 128 OPSONINS 129 isms which excite or stimulate their production, anti-staphy- lococcus opsonins aiding in staphylococcus destruction and anti-tuberculosis opsonins acting in tuberculosis (Fig. 94). Although normal blood may be shown to contain varying amounts of normal opsonins, these normal opsonins are, however, unlike the specific opsonins formed during disease or after vacci- Immune OpSemns TlormaJ Opsonin5 Fig. 85.—A chart showing the great amount of immune opsonins in btood when compared with normal opsonins of a second or control animal; AT indicates the injection of killed tuberculosis organisms in the first animal. Meakins, Journal of Experimental Medicine. nation. The normal opsonins are not only less abundant, hut they differ also in being less resistant to heat than the opsonins of immune blood. Workers who emphasize the difference between normal and immune opsonins designate the latter as tropins. In this respect opsonins differ from agglutinins and lysins, for both normal agglutinins and lysins apparently differ from immune agglutinins and opsonins mainly in amount, not in kind. Tests for Opsonins.—Meningitis and streptococcus anti- serums have a marked opsonic effect and opsonins may be the most valuable antisubstances present. Opsonins also play an important 130 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE part in the body reactions against staphylococcus and tuberculosis infections, and aid substantially in combating pneumococcus and gonococcus infections. It might be expected therefore, that in a given disease or in- fection, a measurement of opsonins present would give some indi- cation as to how vigorously the body is reacting (See p. 135). The Opsonins BattericiAa.) Power 'A%%] utimmS Fio. 86.—This chart shows that the various antibodies do not increase proportionally against a given organism; tests were made for each of the three anti- bodies shown every 5 to 9 days for 97 days. Meakins, Journal of Experimental Medicine. presence and relative abundance of opsonins in a given blood or serum, is demonstrated by showing how the addition of such blood or serum affects the white corpuscle destruction of bacteria. While this determination is far from simple, it is not really difficult to understand, either in theory or as a matter of lab- oratory practice. To determine how much aid such opsonins are giving to a tubercular patient, for example, we add a little of his OPSONINS 131 serum to a mixture of white corpuscles and tuberculosis organ- isms. The serum is obtained by taking a small amount of blood from the patient (e.g., ear or finger prick) ; after it has clotted, a little of the serum is drawn off into a specially marked or gradu- ated capillary pipette (Fig. 89). Similar carefully measured amounts of tuberculosis organisms and of washed white corpuscles from a non-tubular source (a normal human or such laboratory animals as a guinea pig or rabbit) are measured off, and all three are well mixed together to insure the uniform suspension of the opsonins, bacteria and white corpuscles. (The cor- puscles are washed to make certain we are dealing with only the patient’s opsonins— not opsonins from the blood furnishing the corpuscles for the test.) This mixture is allowed to stand (fifteen min- utes) at body temperature, thus providing favorable con- ditions for white corpuscle action. A little of this triple mixture is then spread upon a glass slide, stained, and ex- amined under a microscope to determine the extent of the white corpuscle ingestion of bacteria. This may be measured in two ways: (1) by counting the total number of bacteria ingested by the first hundred cor- puscles seen, or (2) by estimating what per cent, of the first hundred white corpuscles seen have ingested bacteria. Results are more easily estimated by the second of these two methods, as it may be “ impossible to count the bacteria ingested by even one cell for the leucocytes simply gorge themselves.” The Opsonic Index.—Since normal serum has some opsonic power, exactly how much special opsonins are going to help a patient combat a disease, such as tuberculosis, could be deter- mined only by comparing the results obtained with the patient’s F,ig. 87.—A centrifuge, with a re- volving shaft, R, which spins rapidly and whirls the tubes into a horizontal position, the heavier part of the contents (such as corpuscles in blood) being thrown outward (centrifugal force) to the bottom of the tube. 132 IIOW WE EESIST DISEASE serum and with normal serum. A control test is, therefore, made by repeating exactly the same procedure described in the preced- ing paragraph, substituting a non-tubercu- lar normal serum—often the worker’s own serum—in the place of the patient’s serum. Wright, who did much to develop the technique of opsonin measurement, used a mixture of five normal serums for this control part of the test, thus securing a less variable normal serum for the control. Any difference in the white corpuscle activity is attributed to the difference be- tween the normal serum and the patient’s serum. If, for example, in the normal serum mixture, the first hundred white corpuscles counted showed ten white cor- puscles containing bacteria, and the tu- bercular serum yielded a count of twenty- one containing bacteria, the relative power of tubercular serum to the normal serum would be as twenty-one to ten, or |A. These relative values may be expressed as 2.1, and would technically be spoken of as an opsonic index of 2.1, the interpretation being that the patient’s serum is more than twice as efficient as the normal serum in destroying the invading organisms. • Results are given in such “ index ” terms. To quote, for example, from hospital re- ports, the opsonic index of one patient’s serum against staphylococcus infection causing a series of boils was but 0.62, much less than normal. Another patient who had been vaccinated with staphylo- coccus organisms to increase his resistance against a similar condition showed an opsonic index of 2.4 (Fig. 90). Difficulties in Determining the Opsonic Index.—The technique employed demands very careful work. The amounts Fig. 88.—Tube of blood, after centrifuging, to sep- arate the white corpuscles for making opsonic tests. S. serum; W. C.white corpus- cles; R. C. red corpuscles. After Thomas and Ivy, Applied Immunology, J. B. Lippincott Co. OPSONINS 133 measured in the capillary pipettes are very small, and slight differences in bulk might mean a big difference in the relative number of bacteria and white corpuscles. Any variation of this kind would mean a similar difference in the opportunities or Fig. 89.—An opsonic pipette, with a marked tip by which are measured the bacterial suspension, white corpuscles, and the patient’s serum which are drawn in separately, a little air separating them as indicated. These three substances are then mixed and kept at body temperature (15 to 30 min.), when slides are made, stained, and ingestion of bacteria noted through the microscope. chances for bacterial ingestion, and would yield unreliable re- sults. Recently important differences have been shown to be due to such matters of technique as slight variations in the acidity of the liquid used in washing the white corpuscles or making up the final suspension. Most workers feel that about OPSONIC INDEX DETERMINATION Bacteria Bacteria Patient’s serum Tlormal (control) serum White corpuscles White corpuscles Percentage corpuscles ingestmo bacteria. Patients Opsonic Index Fig 90.—Method of determining a patient’s opsonic index. 10 per cent, error is to be expected. It may be several times 10 per cent., and it is claimed that even the results of experts may not agree; in one instance, working on the same case, one expert showed that the patient had an opsonic index lower than normal, while another estimated the osponic index to be higher than nor- mal. There is, however, a great difference in the chances of error 134 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE in the several special methods for determining the opsonic index, and the method to be used should be carefully considered. (See also p. 138.) Besides these mechanical difficulties, the patient’s physical condition (fatigue; loss of blood, as in hemorrhage) affects the results obtained. Opsonins as Aids in Pre- scription.—Other mechanical difficulties affect the value of opsonic tests in treating a patient. The time involved in making such counts is also an important consideration affect- ing the adoption of opsonic tests in determining the prog- ress of disease. The prep- aration, separation, washing and proper dilution of the white corpuscles is itself no small task. Several hours are not too much to allow for all the details involved in compar- ing the patient’s opsonic activi- ty with that of a normal indi- vidual. This means that in medical practice, the observa- tion of clinical or physical symptoms and the determin- ation of the opsonic index can not be really contemporary. Only under the best hospital or sanitarium conditions can the clinical and opsonic reports be less than a few hours apart, and often they are twenty-four, or even several days apart. This means that an opsonic index is, therefore, often valuable only in corroborating the physician’s diagnosis or treatment rather than in aiding him in making his decisions or prescribing treatment. One of the most useful applications of the opsonin tests is in conditions such as joint infections, where there are no open lesions to aid in diagnosis. An example very widely quoted in Fig. 91.—The heavy line indicates the opsonic activity of a patient against Streptococcus pyogenes on the 7th to 14th day of an attack of erysipelas. This curve shows quite typically the early period with the opsonic index below normal (0.2 to 0.7), the rise in this index (average 2, 0, ranging from 1.4 to 4.4) with a falling temperature and improvement, and the ab- rupt fall to normal in 1 to 3 days. (The light line is the temperature record.) Tunnicliff, Journal of Infectious Diseases. OPSONINS 135 this connection was the case of a patient having a swollen wrist joint. (Fig. 93.) To determine whether the inflammation was due to gonorrhoea or to tuberculosis the opsonic index test was taken both for gonococcus and for tuberculosis organisms, under varying conditions; throughout, the tuberculosis index remained about normal, 0.94 to 1.1, while the gonococcus index ranged from 1.3 to 2.4, thus indicating that the inflammation was due to gonorrhea and not to tuberculosis. Aside from this diagnostic application of the opsonic tests little practical value attaches to their use in the actual treatment of disease, and while variations in the opsonic index are used in special investigations, they are not used as a routine guide for the administration of treatment. Relation of Opsonins to Final Bacterial Destruction.— Quite recently it has been claimed that the fixed body cells are more important in bacterial destruction than the white corpuscles—that the white corpuscles hold the bac- teria but temporarily, their ulti- mate destruction occurring main- ly in the spleen and lymphatic areas. If this is so, the rate at which opsonins aid the white cor- puscles in ingesting bacteria, would be an important initial factor, but would give no accurate measure of the actual rate of bac- terial destruction, and an opsonic index could not be an exact index of the patient’s resistance. Variations in Opsonic Index Related to Types of Disease.—A low index is often associated with a definitely local- ized infection, as a gland or a joint, or with a quiescent focus. The explanation of this is that in such instances relatively small Fig. 92.—Here the opsoniacurve is measured against Streptococcuspyog- enes in a fatal case of erysipelas. Note the contrast to the curve of recovery in the preceding figure. The light line represents the temperature changes during thejsame interval. Ttjnn:cliff, Journal of Infectious Diseases. 136 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE amounts of irritating substances are distributed from the focus, and so, little body reaction (opsonins) results. A low index may also be found in more or less chronic or at least long continued infections, such as acne or boils, where the opsonins are often considerably below normal (.4 to .8). A high index is often associated with active lesions, especially Gonorrhea Index Tuberculosis Index Fig. 93.—An increased opsonic index obtained by bandaging the infected area. The tuberculosis index remained the same, while the gonorrheal index va- ried, as shown, thus indentif.ving the infection as gonorrheal. Redrawn from Wright, Studies in Immunisation. Constable. iii pulmonary tuberculosis, and probably indicates that the body is being forced to do its utmost to overcome the irritat- ing organisms. Increasing the Opsonic Reaction.—In cases with a low index, the body may be stimulated to increased reaction by an in- crease in or by greater distribution of the irritating factors. In more or less chronic cases (boils, acne, tuberculosis) this may be done in two ways: First, by massage or pressure of the localized OPSONINS 137 infection (such as tubercular joint) thus distributing the irritat- ing organisms and exciting more general and greater body re- action (Fig. 93). This method may, of course, be actually dangerous, distributing too much irritating material, thus over- reaching the mark, injuring the body tissues and failing to pro- duce a compensatory increase in opsonins or other antisubstances. The second method of increasing the opsonic reaction is by repeated injections of killed bacteria or vaccines. In staphylo- coccus infections, such opsonin increase may be readily demon- strated. To illustrate, a patient suffering from “ chronic ” boils was found to have an op- sonin index for staphylococcus (Fig 95) considerably below nor- mal—about .6. He was vacci- nated with a few billion killed staphylococcus organisms, and (after the usual brief drop) his opsonic index became established at about 1.3. A few days later he was again vaccinated, reaching an opsonic index of about 2.0 which was followed by complete re- covery. (See p. 132.) Zinsser, summing up the re- sults and conclusions of several workers in this field says that, “ in many of the infections of man the resistance of the patient is roughly proportional to the opsonic index—and that properly spaced inoculations with suitable quantities of dead bacteria (vaccines) will raise the opsonic index and lead to the recovery in many of the localized subacute and chronic conditions.'” Other Tests Based on Opsonins.—Besides the more or less successful method of estimating an individual’s body reactions to disease by measuring the opsonic value of his serum, opsonins are capable of another important laboratory application. The value of curative meningitis antiserum— may be measured in terms of opsonin values. While the United Fig. 94.—Diagrammatic represen- tation of the formation of specific opsonins adapted to different bacteria, but alike in their power of working with the white corpuscles, as indicated by the similarity of the immune body- corpuscle juncture. 138 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE States Public Health Service does not use the opsonic reactions of any serum as an official standard, the opsonic value may be used as an aid in deciding whether a given serum should be passed. (See p. 124.) For example, a given anti-meningitis serum, which is questionable according to the agglutinin or com- plement-fixation tests, may be passed on its opsonic rating. Opsonin values are quoted more often for anti-meningitis serum than for any other serums. Investigators have reported the presence of opsonins in a 1: 5,000 dilution of meningitis serum; this is apparently high, for reliable workers make such statements as a “ commer- cial serum having tropins for the two main groups of meningococci in a dilution of 1:4,000 is considered excellent.” Besides the difficulties already mentioned (p. 132) which are experienced in securing accurate and con- sistent results in measuring opsonins, another objection to using opsonins as a basis for the standardization of serums has been the fact that opsonin values do not correspond to the protection values of a given serum. Recently Evans with improved (Neufeldt) technique, has shown for each of a series of antiserums, a surprising correspondence between the opsonic strength and the protective value. While the protective value of a given serum does not lie in its opsonic value only, it is possible, however, that the measurement of antiserum strength may be much more definitely established by these newer methods. Fig. 95.—Staphylococcus aureus, a common pus organism. Williams, Brown and Earle. STUDY SUGGESTIONS 1. What are opsonins? 2. What three substances are used in testing for opsonins? Why should a control test be made? 3. Show how opsonins may aid in diagnosis of one disease. OPSONINS 139 4. Give the difficulties which may affect the accuracy of determining a patient’s opsonic index. 5. Explain why variations in a patient’s condition in a given infection (tuberculosis, boils) might be expected to correspond to changes in his opsonic index. 6. Find in a text book on bacteriology or immunology a series of opsonin tests made on one individual, and chart the reactions obtained as in Fig. 85. 7. List from an advanced text in bacteriology the human diseases in which opsonins are thought to be important body aids. CHAPTER VII WHITE CORPUSCLES Primitive rather than specialized function Dependence on opsonins Relative activity of types of white corpuscles Phagocytic activity White Corpuscles Increase in number—Phases and types of disease Other variations in activity Health and disease Age Different types of animals Extracts Capsule relations “Virulence” Aggressins Bacterial resistance Number related to specific diseases Progress during disease Tests As early as 1870, bacteria were seen in white corpuscles, but strange as it seems to us now, their presence in the corpuscles was thought to indicate that the bacteria were extending their de- structive influence to the blood cells. Later, the theory of the protective activity of the white corpuscles was advanced, in a speculative way, but it was not until 1883 that Metchnikoff first showed experimentally, that white corpuscles both ingest and digest bacteria (Fig. 96). He and his associates also showed that this activity was greater in the presence of immune serum. (See Agglutinins and Opsonins.) Phagocytic Action a Digestive Process.—It is not uncom- mon to find that the phagocytic action of white corpuscles is viewed by the layman as a very unusual type of cell activity, indicative of a high degree of specialization in the white cor- puscles. Phagocytosis is, however, essentially the same process that occurs constantly in one-celled animals, protozoa, as they engulf and digest food particles. 140 WHITE CORPUSCLES 141 This type of cell activity is not only characteristic of small protozoa, such as the ameba (Fig, 97), but may be demonstrated in favorable tissues in many higher animals as well (Fig. 98). As illustrations of such tissues the following may be mentioned: (1) The lining cells of the intestines of certain blood-sucking worms or leeches which engulf and digest red blood cells; (2) the intestinal lining cells of mollusks which similarly ingest food particles; (3) various gland cells in the human body—lymph Fig. 90.—Numerous polynuclear white corpuscles from pus; two near the centre have ingested numerous gonococcus bacteria, (Neisseria gonor- rhese). Adami and McCkae, Textbook of Pathology. Lea and Febiger. nodes, liver and spleen—which are constantly causing the de- struction of red blood cells; (4) the alveolar cells of the human lung which surround and destroy foreign particles, including bacteria brought to them in the inspired air; and (5) the bac- terial destruction due to the lining cells of the blood vessels and the abdominal cavity. From these illustrations, therefore, we may conclude (1) 142 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE that phagocytic activity of the wdiite corpuscles is far from peculiar and may be interpreted as a retention of a very primitive characteristic rather than the development of a highly special- ized power; and (2) that phagocytosis is not limited to the motile white corpuscles, but is a function of many fixed cells. Phagocytosis by Fixed Cells.—The importance of certain fixed tissue cells in bacterial removal has been shown by several investigators in various animal experiments, and includes the Fig. 97.—Three different amebas showing the irregular body or cell outlines; changes in these projections allow movement and the engulfing of food particles. (N. nucleus: c v., contractile vacuole.) Schafer, Ameboid Movement, Princeton University Press. activity of the liver in pneumococcus infections in guinea pigs, the spleen and liver in typhoid infections in rabbits, and the spleen, liver and lungs in streptococcus infections in rabbits. Such activity on the part of the fixed tissues may lessen the im- portance attaching to the opsonic index, and some writers have claimed for these fixed cells greater results than those achieved by the white corpuscles themselves. Against this last opinion must be balanced the fact that in the tissues, such as the spleen, where the white corpuscles are temporary agents, they are none the less important ones; for whether the white corpuscles are the final destructive forces, or WHITE CORPUSCLES 143 mainly temporary agents transferring their ingested bacteria to the spleen and the lymphatics for final destruction, they are necessary to the phagocytic process. (See p. 145.) The Factors Involved in Phagocytosis.—It will probably be best to discuss phagocytosis under three headings: (1) The part played by serums, (2) the role of the white corpuscles, and (3) the bacteria exciting or stimulating this white cor- puscle activity. Fig. 98.—Diagrammatic representation of the stages (a-e) in the movement of an ameba, and the ingestion of food. Schafer, Ameboid Movement, Princeton University Press. Serum Factors in Phagocytosis.—While investigators dis- agree as to the rate at which white corpuscles alone can ingest bacteria, they all agree that such ingestion is much more rapid when immune serum substances, agglutinins and opsonins, are present. The importance of the preliminary action of agglutinins as an aid to phagocytosis has been discussed in the chapter on Agglutinins and Precipitins. Opsonins, in the chapter preced- ing this, have been shown to be necessary not only for the in- gestion but also for the complete digestion of any considerable number of bacteria; without such opsonins the ingested bacteria may retain life and sometimes full virulence. (See also p. 145.) Nevertheless, the great importance of these serum substances should not blind us to the fact that though the white corpuscles can not complete these destructive processes unaided, they are themselves nevertheless indispensable to the process. How in- dispensable, may be seen from the fact that bacteria such as Fig. 99.—Three units, from a moving picture film,_ showing the same ameba in movement at intervals of 15 seconds. The photographs are placed to show movement toward the right. Ricker, U. S. Public Health Service. WHITE CORPUSCLES 145 pneumococci (Diplococcus pneumonia) may multiply rapidly in the most potent immune serum after the mechanical destruction of the white corpuscles. .Similarly, pneumococci multiply in defibrinated human blood or serum because few or no phagocytes are present after defibrination. Anthrax apparently offers another illustration of the importance of white corpuscles with relation to opsonins, for while dogs are very resistant to anthrax, the organisms multiply rapidly in normal dog serum. White Cor- puscles and Phagocytosis. —It is sufficient for our purpose to consider only the two main types of white corpuscles: (1) The polynuclear leucocytes, which have two or more nuclei, marked ameboid activity (Fig. 99) and ingestive power and which are produced mainly in the hone marrow, and (2) the lymphocytes, with less ameboid and ingestive power, having but a single nucleus, and produced mainly in the lymph nodes. Most of the ingestion and destruction of bacteria is done by the polynuclear leucocytes. With regard to the role of the lymphocytes, investigators are less in agreement. It is probably safe to attribute to the lymphocytes the following activities: (1) They accumulate in localized or early infections apparently forming an important initial stage of the white corpuscle re- action; (2) they are important in the final disintegration of broken down cells and foreign substances; (3) they may help in chronic infections or in infections due to very resistant bacteria, Fig. 100.—Nerve tissue showing the invasion of phag- ocytes which are surrounding the ganglion cells undergoing disintegration. . Neal, International Clinics, J. B. Lippincott Co. 146 HOW WE EESIST DISEASE such as the tuberculosis and leprosy organisms; and (4) consid- erable importance has also been ascribed to these single-nucleated white corpuscles in protozoan infections. Number Changes in White Corpuscles.—Tt is, however, the activities of the more-numerous polynuclear corpuscles (60-75 per cent, of the total number of white corpuscles) which are most marked and most easily studied and measured. These corpuscles show marked variation, not only in activity, but often in number. (Plate 2.) In general, it may be said that the polynuclear corpuscles increase in number as immunity develops—increasing most rapidly in acute infections. If the disease progresses too rapidly —indicating insufficient or little body re- sistance, these white corpuscles may show a decrease. They also tend to decrease as a given attack declines. In mild attacks or chronic infections there is often a similar decrease. The increase obtained in white corpuscle counts may be to Fig. 101.—S pi na 1 fluid showing Neisseria iniraceU lularis and several polynuclear leucocy- tes, the white corpus- cles most active in ordinary bacterial destruction. Sutter, International Clinics, J. B. Lippincott Co. Fig. 102.—Types of corpuscles frequently found in microsopic exami- nation of spinal fluid. Cells 1-4 are small lymphocytes, No. 4 being a poorly staining type not uncommon in pathological conditions; 5 is an old red blood cell; 6 is a large lymphocyte; 7-10 polynuclear leucocytes. Sutter, International Clinics, J. B. Lippincott Co. some extent due to a change in distribution, but it is mainly due to an actual increase in number—the addition of newly formed corpuscles to the total number already present in the body. This increase may be due to the irritation or stimulation of bacterial substances or proteins. Injected proteins not of bacterial origin (albumoses, etc.) cause a similar increase, page 177.* In sterile injuries, such as may occur occasionally with a splinter, there * In connection with this increased production of white corpuscles there is room for interesting speculation regarding its possible relation to the role physiologists assign to white corpuscles—the regulation of the protein content of the blood. Plate II.—Changes in blood picture due to pyogenic organisms. Upper, blood smear from normal monkey; lower, blood smear from monkey inoculated with pyogenic organisms. Note especially, the difference in number and proportion of the polynuclear white corpuscles. Sellards, Johns Hopkins Bulletin. WHITE CORPUSCLES 147 may also be an increase in the number of white corpuscles. This has been attributed to the irritating substances resulting from the destruction of the tissue cells. Such responses are less marked than the responses made to bacterial stimulation. White Corpuscle Changes in Specific Diseases.—While the white corpuscle count may, as described, show variations during the course of a given attack or infection, it may vary also with the kind of disease. This is readily understandable as the relative importance of the other reactions of the body, such as Fig. 103.—A blood smear showing phagocytosis; the large white corpuscle in the centre has ingested or swallowed pneumonia organisms. (Photograph by Bull.) Broadhubst, Home and Community Hygiene, J. B. Lippincott Co. lysins or antitoxins, would affect the need for extra corpuscle activity. Normally the white corpuscle count is about 5,000 to 9,000 per cubic millimetre. Increase in the number of white corpuscles is characteristic in pneumonia, while a decrease is more often found in influenza. (See also p. 151.) White Corpuscles as Carriers of Infection.—White cor- puscles have, by virtue of their ameboid activity, the power of migrating through the capillary walls and into the tissues. This is doubtless often an advantage in the rapid movement of these phagocytes to the infected focus, but it is conceivable that it may increase the number of local infections, as white cor- puscles are not always able to digest or destroy all the bacteria 148 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE they have taken in. In such a situation resistant bacteria may be transported to a new area, and undeterred by the white corpuscle that conveyed them, set up a new focus of infection. Such trans- fer is not easily demonstrated, as the surface allowing the passage is not always inflamed. The location of infections, otherwise difficult to account for, as in osteomyelitis and tuberculosis, are sometimes attributed to such white corpuscle transfer. This method, of course, is the exception rather than the rule, and should not detract from our conception of the white corpuscles as important protective agents. Variations in Normal Phagocytic Activity.— White corpuscles vary not only in their relative abun- dance, but in the vigor of their activity. Their phag- ocytic power varies in health and disease in a given indi- vidual. Age differences have also been noted, the activity of the white corpuscles of new-born children being less than that of adults. Cor- puscles from normal indi- viduals differ somewhat in their power to dispose of such bacteria as the staphy- lococcus and tuberculosis organisms. In the lower animals, there is great difference in the relative activity of the normal white corpuscles; the white corpuscles of the frog, for example, aiding greatly in destroying injected anthrax bacteria, while the corpuscles of guinea pigs and rabbits show very little power of this kind. White Corpuscle Extracts.—Much of the white corpuscle activity is explained on the basis of the enzymes they contain. Different protein-splitting enzymes have been studied, these enzymes being held accountable for such activities as dissolving of fibrin (clotted blood) or the disintegration of bacteria. Experimental work has been done following this general Fig. 104.—Streptococcus mucosus, stained to show the capsule so characteristic of this species. (Photograph by Dunn.) Huntoon, Journal of Bacteriology. WHITE COEPUSCLES 149 line, in an effort to demonstrate that similar results may be obtained by white corpuscle extract (obtained by sub- jecting washed white corpuscles to distilled water). Ex- perimental animals and infected human beings have been treated with such white corpuscle extracts, and beneficial effects claimed in infections due to streptococcus, staphylococcus, pneumonia, influenza and meningitis organisms. Horse blood may be used for preparing such white corpuscle extracts, and a rather large dosage may be given, as much as 100 c.c. every four to six hours. This treatment is not yet practically established, and its value, at present, seems greatest in localized infections. Relation of Bacteria to Phagocytosis.—The phagocytic powers of the white corpuscles are not exercised against all kinds of bacteria; diphtheria bacteria, for example, are little affected by this activity. Phagocytosis may occur with some members of a group of organisms, and not with others, e.g., a capsulated species of streptococci resists the phagocytes, while the uncapsulated types are readily engulfed. This same difference is seen within a given species of bacteria, where there is a difference in indi- viduals in capsule formation; white corpuscles have been seen to select uncapsulated anthrax bacteria from masses of capsulated ones. Often the formation or presence of a capsule (Fig. 104) parallels the possession of greater virulence or pathogenicity, thus supporting the view that the capsule is an “ earmark of viru- lence.” According to Zinsser, “ Habitually capsulated bacteria, like the Eriedlander bacillus and Streptococcus mucosus, are of fairly consistent virulence, while in other microorganisms like the pneumococci, anthrax bacillus, plague bacillus, and certain other streptococci, the formation of a capsule goes hand in hand with an increase of virulence.” The waxy capsule of tuberculosis organisms may help account for the fact that their destruction is not so great as their rapid ingestion by the white corpuscles would lead us to expect. This resistance, it is claimed, may be due to the lipoids prominent in the capsule. In other cases definite bacterial resistance exists without the presence of capsules; in explaining these cases refuge is usually taken in the vague term “ virulence ” which covers not only this resistant quality but also actual invasive properties. 150 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE Another way of explaining the resistance of bacteria attrib- utes to them the power to form special substances—enzyme- like substances—which neutralize or destroy the reacting substances of the body, or paralyze the polynuclear white cor- puscles, and so give the bacteria a relative immunity to the white Fig. 105.—Part of a specially marked blood-counting slide showing the red corpuscles. Moving the slide as indicated by the arrow makes it possible to count all the organisms in a representative number of the marked spaces, without repetition. There are slight variations in the technique used (dilutions etc.) for estimating red corpuscles, white corpuscles, and bacterial vaccines, but the general principle is the same. After DaCosta. corpuscles, lysins, etc., and aid the bacteria in their invasion of the tissues. These special substances are called aggressins (See p. 56); and belief in their existence has been supported by ex- periments showing increased virulence in experimental infec- tions, if sterile material from an abscess is inoculated in addition to the related type of bacteria. To these aggressins have been attributed also other powers, such as the paralysis of the phago- cytic white corpuscles. Tests Based on White Corpuscle Counts.—In spite of the WHITE CORPUSCLES 151 fact that white corpuscles and opsonins are interdependent, we have not yet demonstrated any definite parallel or ratio in these two responses to infection. Indeed, there may exist definite con- trasts in these two responses in a given case, such as a low opsonic index with a high white, corpuscle count in a staphylo- coccus infection. It may well be that our present methods of determinating such values are not delicate and accurate enough to show the real relationship that exists—or that these differences may be due to a more or less temporary overproduction in one reaction in the effort to compensate for the delayed manifestation of the other reaction. However that may be, white corpuscle counts and their variations can be used as laboratory aids much more readily than opsonin determinations. This may be due to the greater ease with which accurate white corpuscle counts are deter- mined. The diagnosis of disease is sometimes materially aid- ed by making blood counts, thus securing evidence of the marked reduction of overpro- duction of the white corpuscles already mentioned on page 147. Reduction (leucopenia), for example, is characteristically found in uncomplicated typhoid, and in influenza and, often, in tuber- culosis; a marked increase in the white corpuscles (leucocytosis) is equally characteristic of pneumonia, streptococcus and staphy- lococcus infections, especially in deep-seated abscesses. As char- acteristic comparison illustrating these differences we might cite the following counts from reports on individual cases in recent medical journals: Leucopenia: typhoid, 2,000; measles, 3,600; influenza, 2,800; tuberculosis, 1,000. Tor leucocytosis: erysip- elas, 20,000; cerebral meningitis, 34,000 and 47,000; severe Fig. 106.—Spinal fluid from a case of meningitis, showing white corpuscles and pneu- mococcus bacteria. ( x 700 ). Schoening, Photograph by Sands. 152 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE diphtheria, 30,000, and pneumonia, 56,000, 115,000, 151,000 and 245,000. There are not, however, many human diseases in which such blood counts prove practical aids; and, as might be expected, such indications are lacking in the diseases, such as diphtheria, in which phagocytosis plays little or no part. Death often occurs even when the white corpuscle count indicates a high degree of reaction against the invading bacteria. Too much importance must not be attached to the count alone, for as Emerson well states it, a high count simply means that the patient is putting up a vigorous fight. Variations in the number of the white corpuscles are not, on the whole, so helpful in making the diagnosis of the disease itself, as in determining an individual’s progress during an attack of a given disease or in ascertaining his response to prolonged vac- cine treatment and, thereby, the most favorable dosage. STUDY SUGGESTIONS 1. Show that the phagocytic power of white corpuscles resembles the activity of many other kinds of cells. 2. What three factors enter into phagocytosis? 3. Describe the probable relationship of agglutinins and opsonins to phagocytosis. 4. Consult a text book on pathological bacteriology or diagnosis and calculate for one or more diseases the per cent, increase recorded for the patient’s white corpuscle count. 5. Some twenty years ago a doctor recommended that small abscesses be treated by local injections of distilled water; what possible connection is there between this recommendation and the belief that the phagocytic action of white corpuscles is due to the enzymes they contain ? 6. What reasons are advanced to explain the variation in the suscepti- bility of different bacteria to phagocytosis ? CHAPTER VIII LYSINS (Including Complement Fixation Tests) Action Methods of demonstrating lysins Sources General characters Kinds Types of cells dissolved Normal and specific Lysins Double factors of lysins Specificity Effect of heat Principles involved Wassermann test Other tests Reliability of tests Tests based on lysins Diseases so tested Syphilis Protein tests Other diseases In 1886, Nuttall showed that normal blood contains special substances, lysins, which destroy bacteria. When bacteria are acted upon by lysins they become granular and swollen, and are finally completely dissolved. This result must not be confused with the destructive action of white corpuscles, for, as was later shown, this type of dissolution takes place without the presence of white corpuscles, that is, by the action of the serum alone. Later work showed, also, that these lysins are much greater in immune serum (Fig. 107) than in normal serum, most normal serum having, in comparison, very little destructive power. In one of Nuttall’s early experiments he demonstrated that one cubic centimetre of rabbit’s blood contained enough lysin to destroy over 50,000 anthrax bacteria, causing their complete disap- pearance in four minutes. Methods of Showing Lysin Action.—The presence of lysins may be demonstrated by making slides at intervals from a mixture of bacteria and immune serum and comparing the number of organisms visible with the aid of a microscope. In another method the serum and bacteria are mixed in larger amounts in a test tube, and at intervals, small but definite 153 154 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE amounts are taken out and used in making agar plates to de- termine how many live bacteria remain. After these plates have been incubated to allow the live bacteria left in each amount to develop into colonies, the colonies are counted, the difference in Increase in. Bactericidal Po^er Fig. 107.—On the second day, the subject was inoculated with ty- phoid vaccine. After the initial drop, the bactericidal power reached normal in about a week, and continued to rise during the three-week observation period that followed the inoculation, Redrawn from Wright. British Medical Journal. the counts of the various agar plates made including the rate at which the bacteria have been killed off. Source of the Lysins.—The production or action of lysins has no relation to the presence of opsonins or white corpuscles. As indicated in the opening paragraph, this dissolving power of the serum is not to be confused with the similar destructive action of white corpuscles. The end results are the same, but the LYSINS 155 process is very different—so different that the claim that the serum lysins are formed in the white corpuscles cannot be ac- cepted. One of the most striking differences is that the action of the serum lysins can be destroyed by heating the immune serum (60° C.) and then renewed by adding a little normal blood, although normal blood itself lacks this destructive power; white corpuscles or their extracts cannot be reactivated in this way. White corpuscles are therefore evidently not the source of the lysins. Some investigators have, on the basis of their experi- Fig, 108.—Stages in the lysis or dissolution of cholera organisms (left to right) before final dissolution occurs. Karsner and Ecker, Principles of Immunology, J. B. Lippincott Co. merits, designated the liver or the thyroid as the lysin producer, but as yet we can not positively attribute to any special gland or tissue the production of lysins. (See p. 48.) Red Corpuscle Lysins.—Lysins are formed not only against bacteria but against other foreign cells. Most of the experi- mental and laboratory work with other than bacterial cells, has been done with red blood corpuscles. If the red corpuscles of one animal such as the cow, are injected into an animal of another species, the guinea pig, for example, the injected animal develops lysins to aid in disposing of the “ foreign ” red cells injected. Whether or not such lysins have been formed, may be demonstrated (Plate 3.) by mixing together in a test tube the serum of the injected animal (guinea pig in the above discus- 156 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE sion) and washed red corpuscles of the same species as those with which the animal has previously been injected (cow). If no lysins have been formed, the red blood corpuscles in the mixture finally settle by gravity to the bottom of the tube, leav- ing a colorless liquid above them. If lysins are present, they dissolve out the red coloring matter, and the colorless remnants of the corpuscles settle to the bottom of the tube, but the hemo- globin being now in solution, does not settle with the corpuscles, and the liquid in the tube does not clear but remains red through- out. Lysins that affect red corpuscles and their contained hemoglobins in this way, are called hemolysins in contradistinc- tion to those affecting bacteria (bacteriolysins). Specific Character of Lysins.—Lysins are specific, whether formed against bacteria, or against other types of cells, such as red corpuscles. For example, lysins formed by a guinea pig against the red blood cells of a cow do not hemolyze human red cells, and vice versa. It is therefore possible to test the blood serum of such injected animals against samples of blood (obtained from meat, blood stains, etc.), and so determine the kind of animal from which the meat or blood originated. To illustrate, a man accused of murder may be cleared or convicted by a study of the blood stains that led to the charge, and which he claims were caused by an animal other than man. In such a test, the blood corpuscles are washed out of the stain, and then they are tested against the serum of a laboratory animal (e.grabbit) which has been injected at suitable intervals with human red corpuscles. If the corpuscles washed out of the stain are human corpuscles, the serum of such a rabbit will dissolve them and the test tube contents will remain red (PI. 3.). If the corpuscles from the stain are not human, they will not be dis- solved by the serum and will settle unbroken to the bottom of the tube, and the contents will gradually clear (See Plate III). The results are evident in one to three hours; (an additional period of 12 to 24 hours at ice box temperature often aids in interpretation). It is, of course, also easy to prove or disprove the defendant’s statement regarding the kind of blood (cow, pig, dog, etc.) in the stain under investigation, by using in a similar way, the serum Plate III A.—Tube showing dissolving (lysis) of red corpuscles; the red coloring matter has escaped from the corpuscles, and such tubes will therefore not clear on standing. Plate III B.—Human blood stains give a positive test (right tube) with the serum of a laboratory animal which has been injected with human red cells and negative results (left tube) with the serum of a laboratory animal injected with red cells of a dog, pig, etc. LYSINS 157 of a laboratory animal which has been injected with the cor- puscles of the animal the defendant mentioned. Blood tests of this kind—both in murder trials and in other legal situations, such as determining the type of meat sold—are more commonly used in European countries than in the United States. In this country more dependence is placed on delicate chemical tests (substances present, types of crystallization) as in the heinin test. (See also blood tests under agglutinins and precipitins.) Long-dried blood stains do not lend themselves so well to this test, as the red cells may be already broken up. In such cases the precipitin test (p. 126) would be employed to ascertain the kind of blood in the stain. Normal Lysins for Human Red Corpuscles.—The blood of one person may contain lysins against the red corpuscles of another individual. If time allows, tests are made before trans- fusing blood from one person to another, in order to make sure that the blood to be transfused is not too “ foreign ” to yield the expected benefits. (See also p. 125.) In cases of anemia or where much blood has been lost, as in severe wounds or hemor- rhage, no benefit would result from transfusing blood corpuscles that are straightway destroyed, for if the transfused corpuscles are to serve as “ carriers of oxygen ” they must remain intact in the blood stream of the patient. Whenever possible, therefore, the blood offered for transfusion, is first tested against the patient’s serum to see if the serum contains any lysins against the volunteer’s red corpuscles. Usually samples are taken from several volunteers, and tested at the same time, to avoid unneces- sary delay in finding suitable blood for transfusion. The blood selected for transfusion, will, of course, be that in which the corpuscles were so like the patient’s that no lysis takes place, the whole or unbroken corpuscles settling to the bottom of the tube and the liquid becoming clear. (See also p. 125.) Bacterial lysins, because of their specific character, lend them- selves to diagnosis of disease, and tests based on their presence are now used in several diseases (See p. 159), the patient’s serum being tested against the suspected organism to see if special lysins for those organisms are present. Unlike the case with red corpuscles, such mixtures of serum and bacteria give no color or 158 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE other visual evidence regarding serum lysins. The microscopic and plate count methods described on page 153 were developed for indicating and measuring bacterial lysins. At present, how- ever, a peculiarly complicated but interesting method of dem- onstrating their presence or absence has been devised (to be described later, p. 160), which is based on one of Bordet’s contri- butions to the subject of lysins, i.e., that a lysin is not a single but a double substance or factor. Lysins not a Single Factor.—A puzzling inconsistency be- tween the results obtained with immune serum in living animals and in test tube experiments, led to the discovery that a lysin is made up of two substances: one substance common to normal as well as immune blood, and the other a special immune sub- stance specific for the organism which called it into existence. In early guinea pig experiments with cholera, it was found that the immune serum formed by a guinea pig against cholera, contained a lysin for cholera organisms. This lysin killed cholera organisms equally well, whether used in test tube experiments or injected with virulent cholera organisms into a guinea pig. If the immune serum were heated to 60° C., however, it lost its power to act in test tube mixtures with cholera organisms, but strange to say, still protected a guinea pig as effectively as the unheated immune serum. This inconsistency was explained by Bordet when he showed that a lysin contains two substances. One substance is common to normal as well as immune serum and is very susceptible to heat, being destroyed at 60° C. or even lower temperatures. The second substance is the immune part of the lysin; this is usually found only in immune serum, and is quite resistant to heat, sur- viving 60° C. Both of these substances are necessary for the lysis or disso- lution of bacteria. In the test tube mixture of cholera and serum, therefore, no action takes place if heated serum is used. Since heating the serum, however, destroyed only a substance with which the normal guinea pig is well supplied, but left the im- mune part of the serum, the heated serum was therefore as effective in protecting a guinea pig, as the unheated serum. But if, to the test tube containing the bacteria and heated immune serum mixture, a little normal guinea pig serum is added, the action will now be exactly as effective as if unheated immune Plate IV A.—Results using the heated and the unheated serum of laboratory animal (guinea pig) injected with red blood cells of another animal (rabbit). The unheated serum (right tube) contains both the immune bodies and complement, therefore can dissolve rabbit red blood cells; the heated serum (left tube) has had its complement destroyed and cannot complete the combination (P. lo8) necessary to dissolve the red blood cells, and they have settled to the bottom unbroken. Plate IV B.—In a comp'ement-fixation test, such as the Wasserman test, a com- p'etely positive result is shown in 1, a wholly negative one in 4; grades between the two are shown in 2 and 3. Patients improving under treatment progress from 1 to 4, intermediate grades being recognized ( + + + +. + + + &c. of laboratory reports). LYSINS 159 serum had been used, showing that the normal serum has com- pleted or complemented the action of the heated serum. The constituent supplied by normal serum is therefore termed complement. Complement not Specific.—As stated above the comple- ment factor is not specific, but is found in normal blood. The same complement aids in complementing the action of the im- mune substances formed in the blood of such widely differing animals as man and the guinea pig; and normal guinea pig complement is commonly used to complete the action of human serum in many w'ell established tests. And the kinds of cells which are destroyed by the aid of the complement include the greatest possible range, for normal com- plement from the same animal can be used satisfactorily in tests against bacteria (pertussis, in whooping cough tests, or gonococci, in gonorrhea); against pro- tozoa (the spirochagtes of syphilis); and against red blood corpuscles (of man, cow, sheep, rabbit, etc., in blood tests). The preceding examples are given in an attempt to illustrate how a single type of complement can bind together many very different kinds of immune bodies and invading organisms. (Complement itself is probably a double substance, but since we are here interested only in the general phase of the subject, it is not possible to consider the lesser differences that do exist in various comple- ments). Complement is apparently not increased during disease, after vaccination, etc. While the source of complement has not been demonstrated, it may, as some workers believe, be formed in the white corpuscles. It is quite possible that complement plays a very important role in the normal body, e.g., in the utilization of foods (Fig. 109). At any rate, its importance in the destruction of foreign cells is as great as if it were as specific as the other antibodies, for the immune part of the lysins cannot work without complement. Diagnosis of Disease.—Blood determination tests by means of lysins have already been described (p. 157). Lysins may also Fig. 109.—Wholly dia- grammatic representation of the source of complement present in normal blood. Ordinary “metabolic” proc- esses such as cell utilization of food probably account for the presence of complement in normal blood. 160 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE be used to prove that an individual has or has had certain dis- eases by showing that his serum contains special or specific lysins against the disease in question, just as described on page 155 for cholera guinea pigs. A special technique has been developed for demonstrating the presence of these serum lysins which is both quicker, more exact, and more delicate than the microscope or plate count method described at the beginning of this chapter. This special technique utilizes four of the principles already discussed: (1) a lysin is a double not a single substance; (2) the comple- ment part of the lysin is readily destroyed by heat and the immune part is not; (3) complement is but slightly or not at all specific in its binding power; and (4) complement combinations once made are stable. Let us briefly describe in a general way an early form of the lysin or comple- ment-fixation test for syphilis in which the complement is combined or fixed (complement fixation test),and the reader may afterward locate for himself these four principles. General Description of Complement Fixation Test.—A sample of the patient’s serum is heated to 60° C. This destroys the complement always present in blood or serum, but leaves in it the specific immune part of any contained lysin against syphilis. This (1) heated serum of the patient is put into a test tube with (2) syphilis organisms (a culture of syphilis organisms or a piece of syphilitic tissue such as the liver containing syphilis organisms) and (3) a limited amount of complement from normal blood, e.g., a guinea pig. If the patient has syphilis, the immune part of the lysin in his serum will unite with the syphilis organisms, and both of these substances will be bound together by the guinea pig complement. All this has been described before. The new and ingenious part of the test consists in adding at this stage red blood cor- puscles to show whether or not the three substances have been bound together—whether or not the complement has been used. Fig. 110.—Diagrammatic representation of the com- bination of a given organism and the specific “immune body”, held together by the “locking” complement. The joining surfaces of the syphilis organism and the im- mune body formed against syphilis are matched to indi- cate the specific character of the immune body. After Zinsser, Infection and Re- sistance, Macmillan. LYSINS 161 To the test tube, therefore, are now added two more things which are themselves also capable of using the complement, and which need it to complete their combination: the red blood cells of a sheep, and the heated serum of another animal, a guinea pig, immunized against sheep cells and which therefore contains the stable immune part of the lysins the guinea pig has made against the sheep corpuscles. The guinea pig serum is heated to destroy its own complement; that means that these last added substances (sheep corpuscles and heated guinea pig serum) will have to depend on the complement already in the tube for their com- plete combination. Fig. 111.—Complement making the left hand combination is not able to make the right hand one also. In such cases the red corpuscles will not be dissolved, and the tube will clear as the unbroken cells settle to the bottom. After Zinsser, Infection and Resis- tance, Macmillan. If the patient has syphilis, and, therefore, lias the immune part of the lysin in his serum, the limited amount of comple- ment present in the test tube mixture will all be combined in the first part of the above test, and, therefore, will not be free to unite with the red corpuscles and the specific immune part of the guinea pig serum or lysin which were added afterward. The red corpuscles will, therefore, sink unbroken to the bottom of the tube. In other words, the complement having made the first or syphilis combination, as indicated by the heavy arrow in (Fig. Ill) above, cannot also make the red corpuscle combi- nation indicated by the dotted arrow. If the patient’s serum does not contain the immune body for syphilis, the syphilis organisms alone will not he able to hold the complement in combination, and the complement will there- 162 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE fore be free to make the second combination with the red cor- puscles indicated by the dotted arrow. In this event the hemoglobin will be dissolved out of the red cells, the liquid becoming red throughout. And, having thus demonstrated that the patient’s serum lacks the reacting lysins for syphilis, we conclude that he has not syphilis. Such colora- tion of the tube is therefore called a negative test or result for the Fig. 112.—If the immune substance which helps hold the complement is lacking, the complement will be free to dissolve the red cells. A flushed or reddened tube indicates the lack of such specific immune substances in the patient’s serum, and is termed, therefore, a negative test. After Zinsser, Infection and Resistance, Macmillan. disease organism represented in the first combination in the tube mixtures. A clearing tube, as described in the preceding para- graph, indicates on the contrary, that the patient did have syphi- lis and is therefore termed a positive test * or result. (PI. IV.) * The degree of reaction of any individual in a given infection may be gauged in a general way at least by the amount of antibodies produced. Since acute or serious infections would demand a plentiful supply of the specific antibodies, it is natural to consider a higher production of lysins, for example, as indicating a greater need for such lysins, and therefore implying a more serious or intense form of the disease. Positive tests for syphilis often show a great variation in the amount of lysin present as judged by the red color changes in the Wassermann test (PI. IV). Serum containing a high production of lysin would use up all the complement and therefore the tubes would remain absolutely clear. Serum low in lysin antibodies might not use it all, and would therefore leave some complement for combination with the red cells. The serum of such a patient would be described as weakly positive. In ordinary practice, four grades of positive results are usu- ally recognized and the degree of each indicated by + or positive signs, —]-+,+++)++) and +. As a patient improves under treatment his reactions change from + + H—b to -j- types and finally, on recovery, to wholly negative (—) results. LYSINS 163 Such tests, it is evident, must be very carefully made. For example, if too much complement is put into the tube in the first part of the experiment, enough will be left over to make the second combination, and so a colored liquid will result—giving an apparently negative test—even when the patient has syphi- lis (Fig. 114). ITiVst TOii&EMtp® farnl Irleswlf ant TD(§go®4®© R. G.PSei: Comp. S. RSer. Rtbr. G.RSer. /Comp. [S.Oro. \RSer. /R.Cor. GiPScr. ICoTRp. S.Oro. RSer. Comp. S.Oro. R Ser. Fig. 113.—Tubes showing the substances used in the Wasserman test, the order in which they are mixed, and the fate of complement in negative and positive cases, as described in the text and in the preceding illustrations. Modifications of the Wassermann Test.—The test just described gives in a general way an early form of the complement fixation test for syphilis, known as the Wassermann test. Many modifications have since been made in this test, such as the use of other kinds of red corpuscles; for example, in one method human red cells and serum from rabbits injected with human red cells are used to make the second part of the combination. The most notable modification is perhaps one by Noguchi. Instead of the syphilitic organisms themselves may be substituted other reacting materials or antigens, such as heart muscle extracts (cow, guinea pig). These extracts (acting through their pecul- iar lipoid or protein-lipoid content probably), make surprisingly 164 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE satisfactory substitutes for the syphilitic mate- rial or antigen, as it is called. In certain stages of syphilis the results with these antigens cor- respond more nearly to clinical diagnoses than when the syphilitic material itself is used in the test. Such substitutions make these tests seem much more complicated—and very much more difficult to describe in a noil-technical way, but very often simplify greatly the preparatory work involved in such a test; for example, it is a much simpler matter to secure a heart muscle extract than satisfactory syphilitic material. Descriptions of such tests sound complicated because we have really two overlapping tests made in one tube; the ingenious part of the test lies in using, for the second part of the test, a combination yielding color changes, so that one can judge by the visible results of the second part what did or did not take place in the first part of the experiment. This red corpuscle method of indicating the presence or absence of lysins is superior to the slower method of making, incubating, and counting agar plates (p. 154), not only in regard to time but also with regard to the delicacy and accuracy of the results obtained. Where it is difficult or impos- sible to cultivate the organisms under laboratory conditions, as with syphilis, this red corpuscle method is the only one that can be used. Reliability of Complement Fixation Tests for Syphilis.—In such tests, as with the tests for agglutinins or all other body reactions, early or incipient stages of disease are not always correctly diagnosed. If the tests fail in these advanced stages the clinical symptoms are usually strongly indicative. Other diseases such as malaria, scarlet fever, leprosy, and sleeping sickness may interfere with the proper diagnosis of syphilis and misleading TtoCor. GP.Ser. \CoTTip. fComp. S.Oro. iRSer. Fig. 114.—If an excessive amount of complement is present, there may be enough to make the red blood cell comb i n a t i o n indicated b y t h e upper brace in the tube, even though the patient had syohilis and the us- ual amount of com- plement was used in the first part of the procedure. This would lead to a false conclusion of “negative.” This shows how carefully the measurement of the respective sub- stances must be done and how im- portant it is that such tests should be made by r e 1 i a b le laboratories. LYSINS 165 positive results may he obtained. Treatment with certain curative preparations containing mercury and salvarsan may cause nega- tive results, even though the patients are not yet cured; and after such treatment, repeated negative tests for a long period (three at intervals of six months) should he obtained before the Fig. 115.—Human brain tissue, (congenital syphilis) containing syphilis organisms, Treponema pallidum, (x 960). Leo M. Powell. individual is considered free from disease. Alcohol, too, may weaken the reaction in such tests, and anaesthetics may give false positive reactions. Nevertheless, the many years of experience with this test, indi- cate that the tests of the blood or spinal fluid if properly carried out give accurate results in 80 to 88 per cent, of the cases in all except the early stages (first five to six weeks). Some workers claim a still higher per cent, of accuracy—90 per cent, or more in all active general infections. 166 HOW WE KESIST DISEASE Other Diseases Diagnosed by Complement Fixation Tests.—Complement fixation tests are used in several other diseases. In each the serum of the patient is tested with known bacteria—one or more strains of the suspected bacteria being used in various forms: alcoholic and ether extracts of dried bacteria, emulsions of centrifuged residue of washed cultures, etc. In typhoid infections the complement fixation test is used mainly to corroborate the agglu- tinin results. In whoop- ing cough, the pertussis bacillus, considered by many the causal organ- ism, has given positive reactions in about 50 per cent, of a large number of cases in which the serum of the patients was tested by this method. For glanders, the Hew York City Health De- partment finds the com- plement fixation test less reliable than the agglu- tination test in very acute cases because the agglu- tinins are the most abun- dant antibodies in the early stages. For more chronic cases the complement fixation test is considered best. Used together, it is claimed that these two will give a correct diagnosis in 99 per cent, of the cases. The complement fixation test is used by most workers to corrobo- rate the agglutinin test and has not supplanted it. In meningitis, the results by the complement fixation test are satisfactory, but the diagnosis of meningitis can be too satis- factorily and quickly made by microscopic and chemical exam- ination of the spinal fluid to make it worth while to fully develop Fig. 116.—Disintegrating effects of the syphilis organism, Treponema pallidum; the liver substance (new-born child) in which these organ- isms are living is wholly unrecognizable. ,(x880). Adami and Me Crab, Text Book of Pathology, Lea and Febiger. LYSINS 167 this method. This test is, however, used when it is desired to distinguish the types of meningococcus from each other. In tuberculosis, the outlook is very encouraging; investi- gators showing that while the complement fixation test does not show up incipient cases, it does give positive reactions in “ 75 per cent, to 95 per cent, of clinically active pulmonary ” cases. It is also stated that, unlike the much-disputed tuberculin re- action, it gives positive reactions in active cases only and not in healed lesions. Contrary to the statements of early investigators in this field, this test is specific, and gives a positive reaction in tuberculosis only. The complement fixation test is an accepted test in gonorrheal infections. Though not reliable in the early stages (before the fourth week) and though it sometimes fails to give positive reactions in certain types of gonorrheal infection, such as acute vulvovaginitis, when positive reactions are obtained they are con- sidered reliable, if it is remembered that the positive reactions may continue one or two months after a cure has been effected. It may well be, that as encouraging data can be given for these five diseases as for syphilis, when a corresponding amount of work has been devoted to them. Recent work indicates the prob- ability that similar tests may be applicable to malignant tumors. Complement Fixation in Standardizing Serum.—An im- portant though relatively recent use of the complement fixation test is made in standardizing immune serums, measuring the strength of serum by the power of varying dilutions or amounts of the serum to fix or combine with known amounts of comple- ment and standard preparations of bacteria. After these three substances (serum, complement and bac- teria) have been properly diluted and mixed, red corpuscles and an immune red corpuscle serum are added—the usual comple- ment fixation test. The principal serum tested in this way is meningitis antiserum. (See also p. 124 and p 138.) Protein Tests.—The complement fixation method affords a more delicate test than the precipitin tests for detecting foreign proteins or differentiating between various proteins. The un- known protein is tested against the serums of different animals each injected with a special protein. The method is essentially that already described for diagnosing disease, the results being 168 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE made visual in the same way by later additions of red corpuscles and an immune red corpuscle serum. By this method it is pos- sible to detect foreign proteins when the amount present is too small to be visible by the simpler precipitation methods. STUDY SUGGESTIONS 1. What are lysins? Give four diseases against which lysins are im- portant aids. 2. Explain why we think lysins are “double” substances. 3. Show how lysins may be used in identifying samples of blood. a. Contrast complement and the immune part (immune body or ambo- ceptor) of lysins in specificity, resistance to heat, and their presence and absence in normal and immune individuals. 5. Consult an advanced text on bacteriology or pathological diagnosis for a more complete description of the Wassermann test and write up a negative and a positive test as simply and as briefly as you can. ti. Compare the Wassermann test with a very different test such as the “colloidal gold” test for syphilis, showing the difference in theory or principle in each test. 7. Among the directions for treating an animal to cause it to produce lysins for use in blood tests we find: (1) Wash and centrifuge the blood cells to be injected in salt solution. (2) Inject 5 to 20 c.c. of the washed blood cells at intervals of 5 or 6 days. (3) Blood may be drawn six or more days after the third injection. Answer as many of the following questions as you can: (a) Why are the blood cells washed? (b) Why are three sets of injections used instead of one? (c) If it is desired to continue to obtain blood through a period of several months wliat supplementary direc- tion should be added to the above? CHAPTER IX VACCINES Unchanged and similar organisms Attenuated organisms Killed organisms Main types Extracts Toxins Bacterial products Partly neutralized Sensitized vaccines Toxin-antitoxin Autogenic Xon-specitic Polyvalent Mixed Vaccines Specificity variations Terminology Vaccine, virus, bacterin Antigen Preparation Dosage Standardization Present status Treatment The oldest field of bacteriology is that of vaccines, for the control and prevention of disease by the direct use of micro- organisms began centuries ago. But despite the fact that the period of investigation along this line is measured by centuries, while that of antitoxins and other phases of immunity is measured by decades only, the most important modifications and advances in vaccines have been made in the last few years. Early Methods of Transferring Smallpox.—Even cen- turies ago, several of the Asiatic peoples purposely transferred smallpox by such practices as wearing the clothing or sleeping in the beds of people recovering from light cases of smallpox. The Chinese transferred smallpox still more collecting pus from smallpox pustules on bits of wool, etc., and placing them in the nostrils of the person who wished to contract the disease. In Turkey, a still more direct method of transferring smallpox 169 170 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE organisms was practiced, the pus from a mild case being inserted into or under the skin. An individual inoculated in any of these ways from a mild case was likely to have a similarly mild attack. While this did not always prove true, the risk was a slight consideration in an age when the only choice was—not whether one would contract smallpox or not—but when one would have it; under such con- ditions it was wiser to endeavor to contract a mild form of the disease, than to take one’s chances in the next epidemic. Control by Inoculation.—The Turkish method of direct inoculation was introduced into Great Britain in 1718 by an English woman, Lady Montague, who had had one of her chil- dren inoculated during a short residence in Turkey. This method was continued in England for over a century—until forbidden by a special act of Parliament, owing to the perfection of .Tenner’s new and more reliable method of preventing small- pox. (1840) In our own country the inoculation method was practiced much longer, however; as late as 1863 the people of Richmond, Va., were besought by a house to house canvass to have their children inoculated that the scabs containing smallpox organisms might be collected to provide material for the inoculation of soldiers in the Confederate army. Protection by Using Similar Organisms.—There was cur- rent among English dairy people the opinion that those who had had cowpox did not later develop smallpox. Acting on this idea, a farmer named Jesty, in 1774, inoculated his wife and two sons with pus from a cow having cowpox, and to this he attributed their later immunity to smallpox. Real proof, however, that cowpox protects against smallpox was first given by Jenner, a doctor, who inoculated with small- pox pus, ten people who had previously had cowpox, the interval between the earlier attack of cowpox and the inoculation with smallpox ranging from nine months to fifty years. Not one of the ten contracted smallpox. For further proof, in 1796, Jenner inoculated a boy with pus taken from the hand of a dairymaid who had become infected with cowpox. Six weeks later, and again several months afterward, Jenner inoculated the boy with VACCINES 171 real smallpox pus, but both times the boy proved resistant to the smallpox thus inoculated. The explanation accepted for the resistance to smallpox in all these instances, is that cowpox organisms are so like smallpox organisms, that the body reacts against them in practically the same way as against smallpox, and therefore, each person recover- ing from cowpox has in his body reacting substances that fully protect against the smallpox organisms when he is later exposed to smallpox. Since in these cases the infectious material came from a cow, it was called vaccine (from vacca, a cow). The original vac- cines were. (1) living organisms, and (2) cultivated in the body of a living animal, the cow. It will be interesting to trace in the following pages the changing meanings attaching to the term vaccine. Protection by Weakened Organisms.—Cowpox and small- pox organisms may be considered as similar organisms. More general, however, is the feeling that cowpox is a modified or atten- uated form of smallpox—that the disease was originally a human disease which has been transferred to cows by human contact and the less virulent character of cowpox is due to the fact that the original smallpox organisms have been weakened by the period spent in the cow’s tissues. (See p. 63.) It was Pasteur, however, who first developed a method of weakening or attenuating organisms by laboratory procedures, so that they might be used as vaccines. In 1880, while Pasteur was working on fowl cholera, by an accident some hens were inoculated with an old culture of fowl cholera organisms made a few weeks before, instead of a fresh culture but a day old such as he had been using for that pur- pose. The hens sickened, but contrary to all of Pasteur’s pre- vious results, afterward recovered. Later, when these recovered hens were inoculated with fresh cultures of fowl cholera, they proved to be immune while the control hens died. Pasteur properly interpreted this as indicating that the hens survived because they had been sufficiently irritated by the age- weakened organisms to produce enough reacting substances for full protection against the fresh, vigorous organisms used in the later or second inoculation. 172 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE It was essentially the same situation as when the cowpox organisms were used to protect against the more virulent small- pox organisms. The only difference was that the fowl cholera organisms had been weakened by unfavorable laboratory condi- tions, while the cowpox organisms had been affected by the conditions met in the living tissues of the cow. Pasteur and his associates included in their study of weakened organisms, the effects of other laboratory conditions besides age: unfavorable temperatures, chemicals, etc. Pasteur’s best known contribution in this line, however, was made with rabies, the rabies organisms being attenuated by drying. In this case, the organisms themselves not having been isolated, they were weak- cned by drying the brain (medulla) and spinal cord of rabid animals, as it Avas found that these tissues contained the organisms. With such dried tissues Pasteur demonstrated that by grad- ually using organisms that Avere less and less Aveakened (dried for relatively shorter periods), he could protect dogs from rabies if they were later bitten by rabid animals or inoculated by him with saliva or brain tissue containing rabies organisms. lie also proved that it was possible to protect dogs in the same Avay even if they were bitten or inoculated before he began treatment with the Aveakened organisms. The explanation is that rabies organ- isms develop very sloAvly, and therefore, before the feAV organ- isms entering when the dog is bitten can multiply sufficiently to produce rabies, the dog forms sufficient protecting antibodies against the numerous weakened organisms given in the series of inoculations. This method is now commonly used to protect people who have been bitten by rabid animals, but it Avas first tried by Pasteur in 1885, on an apparently hopeless case, a little boy terribly bitten (hand, legs and thighs) and covered Avith blood and saliva. Although the child Avas not brought to Pasteur until two and one-half days after being bitten, Pasteur undertook the case, beginning the treatment with spinal cord dried (Fig. 117) for fourteen days. On the tenth day he gave the last inoculation with spinal cord dried but one day. The successful outcome of this and another apparently hopeless case, in which treatment had been deferred for six days, brought Pasteur international reputation, (Four children from the United States Avere sent by VACCINES 173 a New York newspaper to Pasteur for treatment) and firmly established the use of attenuated organisms as vaccines. Now our large cities have “ Pasteur Institutes ” or similar divisions of the Health Department for developing immunity to rabies by the use of weakened organisms.» Killed Or- ganisms as Vac- c i n e s . — As shown above, weakened organ- isms arouse much the same reactions as or- dinary live or- ganisms. In the first dose given in rabies treat- ment, most of the organisms (Pig. 118 a, b.) have doubtless been killed by the long drying period just de- scribed. These dead organisms contain or are composed of much the same irritating sub- stances as the live ones, and so begin the stimulation of the same reactions which the live organisms induce much more vigorously. Each succeeding dose in the series of inoculations given in treated rabies, contains relatively more and more live organisms; this is necessary be- cause dead organisms alone do not arouse sufficient body reactions. In many diseases, however, dead organisms are sufficient. If the bacterial effects are due mainly to the toxins which they Fig. 117.—Method of drying sections of spinal cord before injection as vaccine; two pieces of cord are shown suspended over a water-absorbing chemical. Stimson, U. 8. Bureau of Animal Industry. 174 HOW WE KESIST DISEASE form, these same toxins are sufficiently represented in the broth in which the bacteria are grown. If the effects are due to the disintegrating proteins of the bacterial cells, this disintegration may take place even more rapidly when dead bacteria are used than when live cultures are inoculated. There is often a great advantage in using killed organisms, for though the protecting substances they excite may not be so lasting, it is possible to measure the doses much more accurately and to predict their effect much more definitely. It is possible also to give with safety, relatively much larger doses than when live organisms are given, for the effects of killed bacteria are limited, since they can not multiply in the body. In the United States the most widely used vaccine made of killed bacteria is typhoid vaccine. Staphylococcus vaccine (boils, skin eruptions) probably ranks second. Bacterial Extracts as Vaccines.—Bacterial extracts (alco- holic or glycerine extracts or emulsions of broken or disinte- grated bacteria) may be used instead of killed bacteria as vaccines. All vaccines—even living ones—contain some disintegrated bac- terial substances. Bacterial extracts have been advocated for two reasons: (1) Such extracts contain relatively more of the toxins or other characteristic irritating substance. Since all foreign protein is irritating when injected in this way, it would be a great gain if only the necessary irritating substances could be given. (2) Another reason advanced is the more rapid ab- sorption * of such bacterial extracts or partly digested bacteria. This absorption, however, may be too rapid; instead of causing the quicker response desired, it may overpower the body before the responses are aroused. Little if any practical use is, as yet, made of such bacterial extracts. Toxins as Vaccines.—It is not the custom to speak of toxins as vaccines, but there is no real reason why toxins should not be included as a fifth of the series of substances we have been * This difference in the absorption rate is illustrated by Vaughan’s experiments with three types of preparations of the colon bacterium— live bacteria, killed ones, and his specially prepared extract (split- proteins) of the colon organism. The guinea pigs injected with the living organism showed no symptoms for five to twelve hours, and death occurred in one and a half to two days; inoculations with the killed bacteria caused death in six to twelve hours, and the guinea pigs receiving the extract died in thirty to sixty minutes. VACCINES 175 discussing: (1) Live organisms; (2) attenuated organisms: (3) killed organisms; (4) extracts; and (5) toxins. (See also p. 98.) Such toxins are ordinarily obtained by filtering the broth cultures of the desired bacteria, e.g., diphtheria. These filtrates, loosely called toxins, contain much besides the soluble toxins— such as the broth itself and other products of ordinary growth and metabolism. When these toxin filtrates are injected into the body, the soluble toxins are carried by the blood stream throughout the body, just Fig. 118 A.—Rabies organism or Negri bodies. Nucleated bodies from cultures are shown in 1, 11 and 12. as they would be distributed from a disease focus in the body, e.g., the throat patches in diphtheria. Toxins are given horses to cause them to produce antitoxin for diphtheria or tetanus. It is only recently—to prevent diphtheria—that toxins have been injected into human beings to stimulate their own production of antitoxins. “ Sensitized Vaccines ” and “ Toxin-Antitoxin.”—A vaccine is sometimes modified by allowing it to stand for some hours mixed with the antiserum formed in response to that par- ticular organism, e.g., Shiga’s dysentery organism. Such modi- fied vaccines are termed “sensitized vaccines” or “sero-vaccines.” Much the same result is secured by injecting a vaccine and its respective antiserum simultaneously. Antitoxins may similarly he used to modify toxin, in the same way as antiserum and its respective vaccine are combined. (See p. 98.) Diphtheria toxin, when it is used to produce immunity to diphtheria, is thus modified by the addition of antitoxin. This combination is called “ toxin-antitoxin.” In both the “ sensitized vaccines ” and the “ toxin-antitoxins,” larger doses may be given than if simple vaccines or simple toxins are used. As explained on 176 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE page 99, the antitoxins or antibodies apparently do not neutralize part of the vaccine,leaving the balance unaffected, but instead tend to distribute themselves over the whole amount of toxin or vaccine weakening every particle of it, thus making it possible to give a larger dose of stimulating but somewhat less irritating material. The desired body reactions are, therefore, aroused with much less “ shock ” or other undesirable symptoms. Autogenous Vaccines.— Since there are many closely related species and even dif- ferent varieties of some organ- isms, it is evident that a person vaccinated with one species or variety of a bacterium, such as streptococcus, may not gain full protection against a re- lated species or variety. Some- times, therefore, an effort is made to secure the individual’s own variety of organisms, and use that to make the vaccine and so bring about his recov- ery. This takes time, for it is necessary to spread the pus, nasal excretion or other mate- rial containing the organisms, out on a special medium (e.g agar plates), and Avait until the organisms have developed, to secure the organism responsible for the infection. Broth or agar cultures are then made of the organisms thus isolated; these cultures are examined for purity, type, etc., and also tested for strength (See p. 183) before they can be used as vaccines. Such preparation takes several days at least, a delay advisable only in chronic or mild cases. In acute cases, the delay may not be compensated for by the differ- ence between the ordinary laboratory or stock organisms and the individual’s own variety. In streptococcus, pneumonia and simi- lar infections, therefore, a stock vaccine is sometimes given until the individual’s own variety can be isolated and made into a vaccine—an autogenous vaccine. Fig. 118 B.—The arrows indicate the Negri bodies seen in a brain film or smear. (The large black bodies at the corners of No. 14 are nerve cell nuclei.) Noguchi, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Rocke- feller Institute. VACCINES 177 Treatment with Non-Specific Vaccines.—Beneficial re- sults from closely related organisms (such as cowpox in preventing smallpox) have been already discussed, hut benefit from the use of widely differing protein substances—not necessarily bac- terial in their origin, for example, albumose in typhoid fever, is IMMUNITY CURVES. PASSIVE IMMUNITY with IMMUNE SERUM PASSIVE IMMUNITY with SENSITIZED VACCINE ACTIVE IMMUNITY UNSENSITIZED VACCINE Fig. 119.—A comparison of the results obtained with two types of pneumococcus vaccines with mice. The sensitized vaccine, like immune serum, gives high initial immunity; and it arouses, later, a higher active immunity than ordinary (unsensitized) vaccine. Corsa, H. K. Mulford Co. more difficult to understand. More than one factor is doubtless involved in this protective response; an important one doubtless is the effect of such injected substances, as albumose, on the tis- sues which form the various antibodies, causing a rapid increase of typhoid antibodies and white corpuscles. The fact that the amount or strength of these responses is greatest if the injections are begun some days after the disease organisms begin to develop in the body (about the tenth day in typhoid, for example), seems HOW WE RESIST DISEASE 178 to indicate that such increases are due to the liberation of anti- bodies already formed—that the response is not an increase in specific reactions but a stimulation of the tissues concerned, to release the antibodies already formed. Such non-specific results do not lessen the value of the ordinary specific vaccines in com- mon practice, however, for in most cases specific stimulation is necessary to increase the actual formation of protective sub- stances. Neither do the results with non-specific substances war- AGGLUTINATION single and multiple vaccines ■Results using single vaccine ■Results using two va.ccmes ■Results using three, vaccines Fia. 120.—Result with one, two, and three vaccines (typhoid alone, or typhoid with coli or pseudo-dysentery organisms or both) with regard to the re- action aroused against typhoid, justifying the use of mixed vaccines. Redrawn from Huntoon (after Castellani), Journal oj Immunology. rant the general or indiscriminate use of mixed vaccines (p. 179) or of other non-bacterial or “ non-specific ” proteins, for the increase in the irritating material thus injected has its attendant disadvantages (See p. 192 and p. 193). Polyvalent Vaccines.—Two or more strains, e.g., of staphy- lococcus, may he mixed together and used as a vaccine, the design being to he sure to include the particular strain against which the individual needs increased resistance, without the delay caused by preparing an autogenous vaccine. In such polyvalent vaccines there is a great increase in the amount of foreign protein injected, VACCINES 179 and a corresponding increase in the work to be done by the body when it can least afford such expenditures of energy. Mixed Vaccines.—In certain diseases where the causal organism is not definitely known, as in colds, or where more than one organism is frequently associated with the disease, as in influenza, a mixed vaccine is sometimes given. In influenza, such a mixed vaccine may contain influenza, streptococcus and pneumococcus organisms. Such treatment is open to the same objections as in the case of “polyvalent vaccines.” Slightly different, however, is the simultaneous injection of two or more different vaccines each of which is necessary to pro- tect against a possible infection and where, therefore, each type of body response is needed. In the recent war, such protection had to be developed in a very short time, and it was necessary to give the requisite vaccines simultaneously. Our own army used for such purposes a triple vaccine containing typhoid, para- typhoid and dysentery organisms. In the Eussian army a tetra- vaccine was used, cholera being the fourth kind of organ- ism included. Vaccine, Virus and Bacterin.—The original vaccines were live organisms which were grown in the body of a living animal. Most of our vaccines are now cultivated in laboratory media and are used after they have been killed. For these killed organisms the word bacterin has been tried but has never come into popular use. Though dead and though cultivated under very different conditions, they are after all like the original smallpox vaccine in the one essential—they cause the reqiiired body reactions. Virus is a term used by some writers to designate living vac- cine material and vaccine for killed forms. This is a shifting of the term vaccine which seems unjustified, for if any distinction of this kind is to be made, the word vaccine should be retained for the class of living vaccines in which smallpox vaccine, the first known vaccine, still belongs. The word virus is more justifiably used in another sense—to indicate the infectious organism when the speaker does not know a more definite name for it, because the organism has never been seen (as in smallpox), or because its proper classification is still unsettled (e.gthe globoid Flexner-Noguchi organism in in- fantile paralysis). Because of all these variations in meaning or usage, it seems 180 HOW WE KESIST DISEASE much wiser to avoid over emphasis on the terminology, and accept the term vaccine in the broadest possible sense—for organisms or their products which are capable of arousing protective body reactions; this is especially desirable as the many millions of people vaccinated with both live organisms (smallpox) and dead organisms (typhoid) during this recent war have used for both processes but the one term, vaccination. Antigens.—Any substance which stimulates the production of antibodies is called an antigen, (anti, against; and gen, pro- ducing) ;all vaccines (live cowpox organisms, killed typhoid bac- - teria and diphtheria toxin) are, therefore, antigens. In many laboratories, how- ever, it happens that the term antigen is rarely used for the organisms in ref- erence to their part in pro- ducing these antibodies in a given individual, but rather for the organisms (or substitutes for them) in relation to their power to combine with the antibodies present in laboratory samples of an individual’s blood. In other words the term antigen is much more commonly used in connection with diagnosis—with tests for disease—than in connection with the prevention or treatment of disease. For example, we speak of the killed typhoid bacteria or the vaccine used to vaccinate against typhoid, but we use antigen to indicate the typhoid organisms when we test a patient’s serum for agglutinins. The expression “ syphilitic antigen ” may mean any of the several substances—syphilis organisms, syphilitic tissue or even non- syphilitic substances such as heart extracts—which will unite with the syphilis antibodies an individual has produced and so show up in a laboratory test, such as the complement fixation test. (See p. 160.) Preparation of Vaccines.—The organisms used in making Fig. 121.— Fusiform is acnes (Bacillus acnes), a diphtheria-like organism, growing best with minimum amounts of oxygen (x 700). VACCINES 181 vaccines may be grown in broth or agar. They may be killed by disinfectants (carbolic, tricresol, chloroform, alcohol, etc.), or they may be killed by heat (about 55° C.); if chemicals are also used in preparing heat-killed vaccines, they are added mainly as preservatives. In addition, the organisms may be finely ground or pulverized; for the lipo-vaccines, they are ground in specially constructed apparatus for many hours. The organisms are finally made up in liquid form—as normal salt suspensions or as lipo- vaccines, in which case they are combined with lanolin and cotton seed oil. The oil in the lipo-vaccines is thought to delay absorption, making one small dose serve as the equivalent of several repeated doses Avith consequently better production of antibodies. Our army in the recent Avar used mainly the single- dose lipo-vaccine, while the navy used the old three-dose saline suspension, as not enough of the newer lipo-vaccines was avail- Fig. 122.—Syringe for injecting vaccines. In some syringes the tube is grad- uated (see Fig. 58) to guide the physician in calculating the amount to be injected. able for both the army and the navy, and the complicated book- keeping where three doses were required was more difficult in the shifting life of an army in preparation, than in the navy. The army has since resumed the old three-dose saline vaccine. Most vaccines can he kept at low temperatures for three months or even longer without great loss in strength. Lipo-vaccines have a longer “ keeping ” period. Dosage.—Vaccine dosage varies greatly, both in number of doses, and in the size of the dose. In preventive treatment, vac- cines are usually limited to one to three doses, as in typhoid. When given as a curative measure, as in rabies or staphylococcus infections, the doses may be repeated throughout a considerable period, for weeks or even months—until definite body reactions have been aroused as indicated by special tests for the increase of antibodies (e.gopsonins against staphylococcus), or by the patient’s physical symptoms. Most vaccines are given with inter- vals ranging from two to seven days, though three or four days are probably the best intervals—at least for preventive work. 182 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE TWENTY-ONE DAY SCHEME OF RABIES VACCINE TREATMENT Day Days Cord Dried No. of Injections Adults Children Face Cases 6 to 10 yrs. 1 to 5 yrs. 1 8-7-6 8-7-6 2 3 c.c. 3 c.c. 3 c.c. 2 8-7-6 8-7-6 2 3 c.c. 3 c.c. 3 c.c. 3 5-4 5-4 2 3 c.c. 3 c.c. 3 c.c. 4 5 5 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 5 4 4 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. *lHc.c. 6 4 4 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. *lMc.c. 7 3 3 1 2 c.c. *l)4c.C. 1 c.c. 8 3 3 1 2 c.c. *13^C.C. 1 c.c. 9 5 2 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 10 4 4 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 11 4 4 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 12 3 3 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. *lHc.c. 13 3 2 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. *lHc.c. 14 4 4 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 15 4 4 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 16 3 3 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. *l^c.c. 17 3 2 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. *1J^C.C. 18 4 4 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 19 4 4 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 20 3 3 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 21 3 2 1 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 2 c.c. 2/10 per cent, phenol used as a preservative instead of glycerine. ♦Face cases receive adult doses. Fig. 123.—Copy of treatment now given in the New York City Health Depart- ment. Face cases may be given treatment with spinal cords dried but two days, or the whole twenty-one day treatment may be repeated for such cases. (Bureau of Labora- tories, Department of Health, City of New York.) VACCINES 183 The doses are often small in actual bulk, for example, they may he as small as 1/1000 of a milligram (1/1000 mgm.) in the initial dose of tuberculosis vaccine (tuberculin). Most of us can visualize better the bulk of the larger but still minute dose used for smallpox vaccination; small as it is, less than one-fifth of it is composed of the causal organisms themselves. (See next para- graph.) A clearer idea of what the dosage means to the body is gained from the number of bacteria in a dose. A dose, usually, is somewhere between two million and live hundred million bac- teria, and it often is as high as one billion or even ten to thirty billion. In most cases, vaccines are finally diluted so that they range from one hun- dred million to five hun- dred million per cubic centimetre, and the dose is administered in cubic centimetres or appropri- ate fractions thereof. Standardization of Vaccines.—In the use of some vaccines, such as smallpox vaccine, where the organisms themselves cannot be seen to be counted, the doses are measured in a rather crude way, mainly by bulk or weight. In making smallpox vaccine the pulpy exudate containing the organisms is scraped off the body of the calf and ground up with four times its bulk of glycerine, water, and carbolic acid. This glycerinated mixture is distributed for use in tiny glass capillary tubes from which it is expelled in minute amounts to vaccinate human beings. The potency of the vaccine is proven before the preparations are sold or distributed, by showing that a given number of vaccinations, usually fifteen, is 100 per cent, suc- cessful when used on children who have never been vaccinated. Vaccines are sometimes graded more definitely by weight with regard to the organisms they contain. The bacteria used in Fig. 124.—Part of a slide with a mass of bacteria (staphylococci) at the end of a blood film, showing why this method of estimating the number of bacteria in a vaccine often results in an under- estimate (100 to 200%) (x 800). Muir, Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. 184 HOW WE EES 1ST DISEASE making the vaccines represent fixed amounts by weight per cubic centimetre; in the lipo-vaccines recently used in the army, men- ingococcus organisms represented 1.8 milligrams, and pneumo- coccus, 2.5 to 3.5 milligrams, respectively. Usually, however, the strength of a vaccine is deter- mined much more definitely bv an actual counting process. This may be done by micro- scopic determination of the number of bacteria present in a given bulk, e.g., one cubic centimetre. The bacteria are usually determined in one of the following ways: (1) By mixing equal amounts of blood and the bacterial culture; for since we know the number of red blood cells in a cubic centi- metre, the proportion of bac- teria and blood cells in the mixture on the slide tells us the number of bacteria per cubic centimetre; (2) or, by counting the bacteria alone, using the well-known blood- count slides, and counting the bacteria by the aid of the markings on such a slide. It is not necessary to count the bacteria in each batch of vaccine. Once the bacterial content of a series of vaccine dilu- tions has been determined, it is easy to make up a set of tubes of the same range in turbidity, using for this standard turbidity set, some finely divided substance such as silica. Once we have determined the number of bacteria per cubic centimetre corre- sponding with the silica standards, the determination of the strength of a new lot is very easily determined, by a simple “ matching up ” process. Fig. 125.—-Small capillary tubes, fused shut at the upper end, standing in the container used for filling. The lower open end of each comes into contact with the vaccine as it runs out of the bottom of the large central tube. See next illustration. VACCINES 185 Present Status of Vaccines.—At present the results with some of the prophylactic vaccines—in preventing disease—are on a more unchallenged basis than can be claimed for the curative vaccines. In our own country smallpox, typhoid and rabies vac- cines (Fig. 128) easily rank first. Diphtheria vaccine, for “ toxin antitoxin ” may be so called (See p. 102), has already Fig. 126.— Ingenious device for filling thecapillary tube shown in the previous illus- tration. Several of the containers are placed in the covered jar on the right. The air is drawn out of capillary tubes by establishing a vacuum. The vaccine in the bottom of the small containers is forced up into each of the capillary tubes by pressure and the end is fused shut. Bureau of Laboratories, Health Department of the City of New York established its value beyond question, especially for young children. The dysentery vaccines (paratyphoid and Shiga’s dysentery), and the vaccines for plague, and cholera, have shown their value in emergencies, such as epidemics or crowded war time conditions. There is still great diversity of opinion Avith regard to the value of the vaccines used in preventing or in treating infections of the respiratory tract, such as whooping cough, pneumonia, influenza, mouth infections, and colds. This is partly explained by the fact that many different organisms are usually present in 186 HOW WE RESIST DISEASE the areas affected in each of these diseases. Persistent congestion of such areas as the frontal sinuses, the ears, etc., may resist vac- cine treatment because such areas are too poorly supplied with blood to be greatly benefited by ordinary amounts of the anti- bodies formed against the vaccine. Fig. 127.—Filling small bottles with finished vaccine. Bureau of Labora- tories, Health Department of the City of New York. Vaccine treatment foi: meningitis has not been successfully established. Curative effects with vaccines are most marked in chronic or sub-acute diseases, such as staphylococcus infections, of which there is a wide variety, ranging from mild cases of skin infections (acne [Fig. 121]) and persistently recurring boils to chronic osteomyelitis. For streptococcus and gonococcus infec- tions vaccines are much used; they are considered helpful in VACCINES 187 treating such conditions -as gonorrheal joints and other localized infections or inflammations. Vaccines are still used by some physicians in treating tuber- culosis, the advantages claimed being that tuberculin vaccine pro- motes the healing of existing lesions and lessens the tendency to the characteristic relapses in tuberculosis. As Park advises, users should realize that such a substance “is not a cure, and should he employed as an addition to other recognized methods of treatment.” (See discussion in Anaphylaxis chapter following.) BANISHING TYPHOID FEVER FROM THE U.S. ARMY SINCE THE TPOOPS WEPE VACCINATED THE TYPHOID DEATH HATE HAS ALMOST D/SAPPEARED AHHl/AL DEATH PATE PEP /OO.OOO U. S-MMY _ ,a\/'L h re: SANITATION ekot/6HT TH.S DOWN £ AN/?