PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY BY ARTHUR A. EISENBERG, A.B., M.D., Director of Laboratories, St. John's Hospital; Pathologist to Lake- wood Hospital; Serologist to St. Ann's Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio; Director of Laboratories, Mercy Hospital (Canton, Ohio), Member Society of American Bacteriologists. THIRD EDITION ST. LOUIS THE C. V. MOSBY COMPANY 1924 Copyright, 1918, 1923, 1924, By The C. V. Mosby Company (Printed in U. 8. A.) Press of The C. V. Mosby Company St. Louis, Mo. TO MY PARENTS Whose endless sacrifices have made my education pos- sible, and whose boundless love has made this a glorious world to live in, this book is dedicated as a token of undying affection and everlasting gratitude, by their son, THE AUTHOR PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION Continued favorable reception of the book by teachers of various training schools for nurses, necessitated a new edition within ten months after the appearance of the second. This flattering approval, while highly grat- ifying, has compelled me to subject the book to a most thorough scrutiny, in order to make it worthy of the favor which has been accorded it, and numerous addi- tions, alterations and corrections have been made throughout the entire text. It is earnestly hoped that these changes will enhance the usefulness of the book and will secure for it new friends as well as retain the old ones. I take great pleasure in expressing my gratitude to the reviewers, teachers and personal friends who kindly offered criticisms and suggestions-they have been very useful and valuable; I particularly wish to acknowledge my great obligation and offer my sincerest thanks to Dr. Kenneth L. Burdon, Instructor of Bacteriology, of the Washington University School of Medicine, who has given most generously of his time to go over the entire book, and whose constructive and searching criticism has greatly added to the value of the new edition. Among the most important changes to be found in this new edition are: 1. Numerous alterations and corrections-these, as I have mentioned before-are due to Dr. Burdon's great kindness. 2. A short chapter on "The Filtrable Viruses" which will be found to precede the discussion of the individual 5 6 PREFACE diseases grouped under the heading of "The Diseases of Unknown Causation. ' ' 3. A clearer discussion of whether syphilis is an hered- itary or a congenital disease; a brief statement of the present status of our knowledge of the cause of influ- enza pandemic; a brief mention of Noguchi's work on infantile paralysis and yellow fever. It is my earnest hope that the new edition will meet with the approval of both the teachers and the students for whom this book is intended. Cleveland, Ohio. Arthur A. Eisenberg. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION In preparing the second edition I have availed myself of the opportunity to correct whatever errors were made previously, and to follow the various suggestions kindly made by the author's friends, reviewers and others. The fundamental principles and the general plan of the book have been found by the teachers and the pupils alike to be quite satisfactory, especially the general sum- mary at the end of each chapter, and for this reason, the new edition contains additions rather than altera- tions. The new subject matter now includes: 1. Additional information about the constancy and the mutation of bacteria. 2. Discussion of the D'Herelle's phenomenon-one of the most important contributions since the days of Ehrlich and Bordet. 3. Description of some of the newer technical pro- cedures, such as Paltouf's Modification of the Gram's PREFACE 7 method of staining, Pappenheim's method, and some cul- ture media. 4. Thorough description of the rationale and the underlying principles of the Wassermann test. 5. Description of the newer precipitation and floc- culation tests for the diagnosis of syphilis-Meinicke, Sachs-Georgi, Kahn and Bold tests. 6. Discussion of the new-colorimetric-method of ti- trating culture media. 7. Detailed description of taking blood cultures with the Keidel blood culture medium tubes. 8. Detailed description of the pre-transfusion blood tests, including the discussion of blood typing of Jansky and Moss. 9. More information about anaphylaxis, Besredka's desensitization methods, and the application of anaphy- laxis to the diagnosis of hay fever and bronchial asthma. 10. The chapter on Influenza has been rewritten, and a working classification of streptococci has been added. 11. The relation of leucocytes to infections. Arthur A. Eisenberg. Cleveland, Ohio. PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. While lecturing to the nurses at the St. Vincent's Char- ity and St. John's Hospitals, of Cleveland, I have been frequently compelled to either modify or add new sub- ject matter to that contained in various textbooks of Bacteriology for Nurses, or face a very unpleasant sit- uation of being told that "we can't find in our book what you have told us," This could be remedied, of 8 PREFACE course, to some extent, by referring the pupils to stand- ard books written for medical students, but, in the first place, the multiplicity of textbooks is hardly desir- able in teaching an elementary subject, and, in the second place, the information sought would usually be found intimately bound with much of what is de- cidedly "above their heads" and written in too technical a language to be readily accessible. I have felt, therefore, that it may be worth while to prepare a textbook which represents, with additions, my syllabus of lectures delivered at the above-mentioned training schools, and which, while prepared for the nurses and written in a very simple language, would be fairly complete and would incorporate the latest facts of Bacteriology-such facts as are recognized to be safely out of the zone of polemics and controversies; where the work described does not, as yet, warrant being regarded as an established fact mention is made to that effect. There are several features to which I have paid special attention, and the book is, perhaps, original to some ex- tent from the standpoint of the nature of the subject matter included as well as its arrangement. We begin to realize that it is while studying bacteriol- ogy that the rationale and the principles of bacterial prophylaxis are first brought to the nurse's attention, yet but very little information of this nature is usually given and but very little stress is laid on the connection between bacteriology and prophylaxis; it seemed to me that this would be a very appropriate place and a very opportune time to "drive home" the lessons, and for this reason, I have introduced in each chapter dealing with individual microorganisms, a section-"Mode of Infection, Disinfection and Prophylaxis"-as regards 9 PREFACE the disease caused by particular microorganisms, giv- ing explicit instructions as regards the patient and those who mingle with him, including the nurse, the room and its contents. With the present need for more and more nurses, both here and "over there," a demand for nurses capa- ble of serving as laboratory assistants and technicians will be felt, and for this reason I have gone into the minute description of the simpler technical procedures, giving complete and detailed directions, taking nothing for granted and leaving nothing to one's imagination. For this reason I have laid much stress on cultural diagnosis giving much prominence to the several culture media used for the differentiation of the various mem- bers of the typhoid-colon-dysentery group. In each chap- ter a section is provided on Bacteriologic Diagnosis, under which all tests called for in connection with the particular disease are enumerated and complete technic is given, usually describing but one method-the one which has proved most serviceable in my hands. Sections on Immunotherapy of individual diseases are provided in each chapter wherever called for, and at the end of each chapter a summary of the most important characteristics is given. Since the bacteriology is usually taught to the first year pupils, the lecturer on bacteriology usually has to refer to other allied subjects, especially physiology and histology; I have endeavored to make such references as clear as I knew how by giving the full description and derivation of the terms used. A complete questionnaire is provided at the end of the book to facilitate the review of the subject. Numerous textbooks, monographs and magazine articles have been consulted-too numerous to be mentioned in 10 PREFACE their entirety, but whenever special references were made, I have, at all times, endeavored to give full credit where it is due. In the section on history, I have briefly reviewed the most prominent achievements of the American bacteriolo- gists. I have tried to incorporate as much of the newer con- tributions to the theory and practice of bacteriology and serology as possible, including the problems of carriers, Schick's test, Plotz's work on the etiology of typhus, the work of Cole and his coworkers on pneumonia, the prom- ising work of Bull on the serum therapy of the gas bacil- lus infection, the complement-fixation test for tuberculo- sis, etc. My sincere thanks are due to my many friends for various favors conferred upon me in connection with the preparation of this work, and it affords me great pleasure to express my gratitude to Mr. Richard Fluent for the excellent photographs and to Mr. Daniel E. Quilter for his valuable aid in the preparation of the chap- ters on the 11 Bacteria in the Soil, Air, Water, and Milk." Mr. S. Coopersmith was very kind in arranging the different apparatus for the preparation of the photo- graphs. My sincere thanks are due to my very good friend, Dr. James E. Hallisy, for his kind help in the prepara- tion of the index as well as the reading of the final proof. Cleveland, Ohio. Arthur A. Eisenberg. CONTENTS SECTION I GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY CHAPTER 1 PAGE Historical 19 CHAPTER II General Information About Bacteria 24 Bacterial Forms, 24; The Structure of the Bacterial Cell, 25; Bacterial Reproduction, 29; Constancy of Type, 29; The Chemical and Physical Properties of the Bacterial Cell, 30; Nutrition of Bacteria, 31; Aerobes and Anaer- obes, 32; Longevity of Bacteria, 32; Parasites and Sapro- phytes, 32; Mutual Relations of Bacteria, 33; Relations of Bacteria to Physical Environment. 33; The Biological Activities of Bacteria, 35; The Distribution of Bacteria in the Animal Body, 38; Bacilli Carriers, 39. CHAPTER III The Destruction of Bacteria 40 Bacterial Destruction by Physical Agents, 41; Bacterial Destruction by Chemical Agents, 45; Practical Disinfec- tion, 48. CHAPTER IV The Struggle Between Bacteria and the Body Infection and Immunity 52 Infection, 52; The Infection Proper-Bacterial Poisons, 54; Immunity, 56; Protective Substance or Immune Bodies, 60; Application of Hemolysis and Agglutination to Blood Transfusion Tests, 64; Theories of Immunity, 66; D'Herelle's Phenomenon, 75; Anaphylaxis, 76; The Relation of Leucocytes to Infection, 78. CHAPTER V The Study of Bacteria and General Bacteriologic Technic 82 The Study of Bacteria in Living State, 82'; Study of Bac- 11 12 PAGE teria in Stained Preparation, 83; Plating and Anaerobic Cultures, 92; Culture Media, 92; Actual Preparation of Various Culture Media, 102. CONTENTS Applied Bacteriology 113 Examination of Material from Patients, 113. CHAPTER VI SECTION II SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY CHAPTER VII The Staphylococcus Group 119 Historical, 119; Morphology and Staining, 119; Cultural Characteristics, 119; Destruction, 120; Disease-Producing Properties, Mode of Infection, Disinfection and Prophy- laxis, 120; Infection and Immunity, 121; The Varieties of Staphylococci, 121; Bacteriologic Diagnosis, 122; Im- munity Treatment, 122; The Summary of Staphylococcus group, 124. CHAPTER VIII The Streptococcus Group 125 Historical, 125; Morphology, 125; Cultural Characteristics, 125; Destruction, 126; Disease Production, Mode of In- fection, Disinfection and Prophylaxis, 127; Mechanism of Infection and Immunity, 127; Bacteriologic Diagno- sis, 127; Immune Treatment, 128; Classification of Streptococci, 128; Summary of Important Characteristics, 128. CHAPTER IX The Pneumococcus Group (Diplococcus Pneumoniae, Dip- lococcus, Lanceo-Latus-"Lance-Su aped") . . 129 Historical, 129; Distribution, 129; Morphology, 129; Cul- tural Characteristics, 130; Destruction, 130; Disease Pro- duction, Mode of Infection, Disinfection and Prophylaxis, 131; Mechanism of Infection and Immunity, 131; Bacte- riologic Diagnosis, 131; The Different Types or Strains of Pneumococci, 132; Immune Treatment, 133; Sum- mary of Important Characteristics, 133. CONTENTS 13 CHAPTER X PAGE The Meningococcus and Parameningococcus Group (Mi- crococcus Intracellularis Meningitidis . . 134 Historical, 134; Morphology, 134; Cultural Characteris- tics, 134; Destruction, 135; Disease Production, Mode of Infection, Disinfection and Prophylaxis, 135; Mechanism of Infection and Immunity, 136; Bacteriologic Diagnosis, 136; Immune Treatment, 136; Summary of Important Characteristics, 136. CHAPTER XI Gonococcus 138 Historical, 138; Morphology, 138; Cultural Characteris- tics, 138; Destruction, 138; Disease Production, Mode of Infection, Disinfection and Prophylaxis, 139; Mechanism of Infection and Immunity, 140; Bacteriologic Diagnosis, 140; Immune Treatment, 140; Summary of Important Characteristics, 140. Micrococcus Catarrhalis and Gram-negative Cocci . . 141 Micrococcus Catarrhalis, 141; Gram-negative Cocci, 141. CHAPTER XII CHAPTER XIII The Colon-Typhoid-Dysentery Group B. Coli Communis . 142 Historical, 142; Morphology, 142; Cultural Characteris- tics, 142; Destruction, 143; Disease Production, Mode of Infection, Disinfection and Prophylaxis, 143; Mechanism of Infection and Immunity, 144; Bacteriologic Diagnosis, 144; Immune Treatment, 145; Summary of Important Characteristics, 145. CHAPTER XIV Bacillus Typhosus 146 Historical, 146; Morphology, 146; Cultural Characteris- tics, 147; Destruction, 147; Disease Production, Mode of Infection, Disinfection and Prophylaxis, 148; Mechanism of Infection and Immunity, 149; Bacteriologic Diagnosis, 151; Immune Treatment, 154; Summary of Important Characteristics, 155. 14 CONTENTS CHAPTER XV । PAGE The B. Paratyphosus A and B. The B. Fecalis Alcali- genes. The B. Proteus. Dysentery Bacilli . 156 B. Paratyphosus A and B, 156; B. Fecalis Alcaligenes, 156; Bacillus Proteus, 156; The Dysentery Bacilli, 157. CHAPTER XVI Bacillus Mucosus Capsulatus (Friedlander's or Pneumo- Bacillus) 158 CHAPTER XVII The Tetanus Bacillus (Lockjaw) 159 Historical, 159; Morphology, 159; Cultural Characteris- tics, 159; Destruction, 159; Disease Production, Mode of Infection, Disinfection and Prophylaxis, 160; Mechanism of Infection and Immunity, 160; Bacteriologic Diagno- sis, 161; Immune Treatment, 161; Summary of Impor- tant Characteristics, 161. CHAPTER XVIII The Anthrax Bacillus. Bacillus Aerogenes Capsulatus. Bacillus of Malignant Edema 162 The Anthrax Bacillus, 162; Bacillus Aerogenes Capsula- tus, 163; Bacillus of Malignant Edema, 164. CHAPTER XIX Bacillus Botulinus. Bacillus Mallei. Bacillus Pyocy- aneus 166 Bacillus Botulinus, 166; Bacillus Mallei, 166; Bacillus Pyocyaneus, 166. CONTENTS 15 PAGE The Diphtheria Group 168 Historical, 168; Morphology, 168; Cultural Characteris- tics, 168; Resistance, 169; Disease Production, Mode of Infection and Prophylaxis, 169; Mechanism of Infection and Immunity, 171; Bacteriologic Diagnosis, 171; Immu- nity Treatment, 172; Summary of Important Character- istics, 172. CHAPTER XX CHAPTER XXI Bacillus Tuberculosis 173 Historical, 173; Morphology, 173; Cultural Characteris- tics, 173; Destruction, 174; Disease Production, Mode of Infection, Disinfection and Prophylaxis, 174; Mechanism of Infection and Immunity, 175; Bacteriologic Diagno- sis, 175; Immune Treatment, 175; Summary of Impor- tant Characteristics, 176. The Bacillus of Leprosy. The Smegma Bacillus . . . 177 The Bacillus of Leprosy, 177; Smegma Bacillus, 178. CHAPTER XXII CHAPTER XXIII The Influenza Group. The Bacillus Pertussis. Bacillus Pestis. The Cholera Group. The Bacillus of Ducrey 179 The Influenza Group, 179; The Bacillus Pertussis, 180; Bacillus Pestis, 180; The Cholera Group, 182; The Bacil- lus Ducrey, 183. CHAPTER XXIV The Spirochetal Diseases 184 Syphilis, 184; Relapsing Fever, 189; Vincent's Angina, 189; Yaws, or Frambesia, 189. 16 CONTENTS PAGE Malaria. The Typhus Fever 190 Malaria, 190; Typhus Fever, 191. CHAPTER XXV CHAPTER XXVI The Higher Bacteria. The Yeasts. The Molds . . . 192 The Higher Bacteria, 192; Streptothrix, 192; Actinomy- cosis, 192; The Yeasts, 192; The Molds, 193. SECTION III CHAPTER XXVII Filterable Viruses. Diseases of Unknown Causation . 194 Smallpox, 195; Measles, 195; Mumps, 195; Scarlet Fever, 195; Trachoma, 196; Infantile Paralysis, 196; Yellow Fever, 196; Dengue, 197; Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, 197; Foot and Mouth Diseases, 197; Hydrophobia, or Rabies, 197. CHAPTER XXVIII Bacteria in Soil, Air, Water, and Milk 199 Microorganisms of the Soil, 199; Microorganisms of the Water, 200; Bacteria of the Air, 203; Bacteria of Milk, 204. General Care of the Laboratory 205 CHAPTER XXIX List of Questions 206 CHAPTER XXX ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 1. Bacilli, cocci, and spirilla 25 2. Pneumococci, showing capsules 26 3. Typhoid bacilli, showing flagella 27 4. Tetanus bacilli, showing spores 28 5. Hot-air sterilizer 42 6. The Arnold sterilizer 43 7. The autoclave 45 8. Instrument employed in applying Dakin's solution to wounds 50 9. Ehrlich's theory of immunity 68 10. Side-chains, with bacterial poison attached, cast off free into circulation 69 11. Illustration of Ehrlich's theory in case of diphtheria . 70 12. Ehrlich's conception of a toxin molecule 72 13. The receptor of second order (agglutinins and precipitins) 73 14. The receptor of third order (bacteriolysis, hemolysin) . 74 15. Apparatus for staining 83 16. Microscope and artificial illumination 85 17. Miscellaneous glassware 92 18. Making a transfer of a culture 94 19. Tubing the media 101 20. Two types of water baths Ill 21 A. The incubator 114 21B. Special tube for obtaining blood for Wassermann . . 116 22. Staphylococcus 120 23. Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus 121 24. Streptococcus pyogenes 126 25. The meningococcus 135 26. The gonococcus 139 27. Bacillus coli 143 28. Bacillus typhosus 146 29. Dysentery bacilli 157 30. Bacillus welchii 163 17 18 ILLUSTRATIONS 31. The anthrax bacilli showing spores 164 32. Diphtheria bacilli 169 33. Pseudodiphtheria bacilli 171 34. Tubercle bacilli, human 174 35. Leprosy. Section of skin 177 36. The smegma bacillus 178 37. Influenza bacilli 181 38. Bacillus pestis 181 39. Spirillum cholerae 182 40. Various types of spirochetae 188 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY SECTION I GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY CHAPTER I HISTORICAL While the existence of minute organisms and their causal relation to some diseases may have been suspected long before the actual proof came-thus the conception of contagion, i. e., transmission of a disease from man to man, is mentioned by Aristotle, Pliny, and also by some mediaeval scientists, it was but natural that their demon- stration should follow, above all things, the construction and improvement of magnifying instruments. The honor of having been first to actually see and describe living organisms, too small to be visible to the naked eye, be- longs to a Jesuit priest, Kircher (1659), who was fol- lowed, a few years later, by the Dutch linen-draper, Leeu- wenhoek (1675). There is very little doubt, however, that by far the greater number of the 1 ' animalcules ' ' seen by these observers were not bacteria but various protozoa (from Greek protos = first, and zoon = animal, the lowest form of animal life), as most of their studies were made on water. The period intervening between the end of the seven- 19 20 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY teenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century did not bring forth any startling discoveries, although some interesting observations were made by Plenciz, who ad- vanced the opinion that each infectious disease was due to a specific microorganism, by Otto Muller and Ehren- berg, the latter having contributed the classification which in its main points, is tenable even today. The next real advance came in 1838 when Cagniard- Latour, a physicist, showed the living nature of yeasts, found in fermenting substances, a fact corroborated by Schwann; this observation gave rise to much discussion and argument as the general opinion of the nature of fermentation at that time was that it was due to the decomposition of the protein matter, a process held to be essentially a chemical one. This new conception of fer- mentation was not, however, definitely accepted until Pasteur, the great French scientist, made known his class- ical studies on the fermentation in wine and beer. At this time the mooted and extremely important question was that of "spontaneous generation"-were the "animalcules" seen by Kircher and Leeuwenhoek and other microorganisms produced by others of their own kind or could they be produced from different "things," as, for example, mice were produced, according to Pliny, from dirty linen ? Supported by Buffon, Needham, in 1850, claimed that the theory of spontaneous generation was correct, as he could demonstrate that pieces of putrefying material, sealed in flasks, were found, a few days later, to contain enormous numbers of microorganisms; his experiments were repeated by an Italian investigator, Spallanzani, who having subjected the flasks to considerable heat, could not verify Needham's results. Then came the experi- ments of Schwann, Schultze, Schroeder and Dusch, who GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 21 did not find any bacteria in infusions which had been boiled, but still many investigators clung to the "spon- taneous generation" until Pasteur did away with it for once and all. Pasteur showed that filtering air through cotton wool resulted in depositing enormous numbers of microorgan- isms, and when a single shred of such filter was placed in a sterile fluid, the latter would soon be teeming with bacteria, whereas, if entrance of air into these sterile fluids was prevented such fluids would remain sterile. The theory of spontaneous generation then received its death blow but for one detail-it could not be explained why the application of the same degree of heat did not always result in complete sterility; this last fact remained un- explained until 1870, when Cohn brought to light the ex- istence of bacterial spores and their very high powers of resistance to heat. Pasteur now turned his attention to the problem of fermentation and not only confirmed the earlier opinion of Cagniard-Latour and others, but pointed out a number of other fermentations, such as those of lactic acid, the decomposition of organic matter by putrefaction, etc. The dependence of the latter upon living agents suggested to the great English surgeon, Lister, the idea that the suppuration of infected wounds was a process identical with that of putrefaction, and working along the lines in- dicated by Pasteur's work, Lister introduced his anti- septic and aseptic methods and thus achieved immortal fame of having rendered possible modern surgery. And now we enter upon the era of discoveries of indi- vidual causative agents of various infectious diseases. In 1863, Davaine not only confirmed the earlier obser- vations of Brauell and Pollender (1855) on the anthrax bacillus, but proved that this disease could always be 22 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY transmitted by injecting the blood containing these rod- shaped bacilli into other animals. In 1868, Obermeier discovered the spirillum (corkscrew-like bacterium) causing the relapsing fever. The discovery of the pus-producing bacteria was dem- onstrated by Koch, Pasteur, Ogston, Rosenbach, and others, about 1882. In the same year Koch made his epoch-marking dis- covery of the bacillus of tuberculosis; Koch has also in- troduced numerous technical procedures which have made possible the modern bacteriology. Very many pathogenic (from Greek pathos = disease, geunao = to give birth to, disease producing) bacteria were discovered in the succeeding years, until another epoch-marking discovery was made, that of Schaudinn and Hoffmann, in 1905, of the Spirocheta pallida-the organism caus- ing syphilis, one of the most ravaging diseases. Within the last thirty years a new branch of bacter- iology-the science of immunity (resistance to disease) or immunology has been created, chiefly through the work of Pasteur, Metchnikoff, Roux, Ehrlich, Behring, Bordet, and others. Our own country has contributed much to the science of bacteriology and immunology through the brilliant work of such men as Anderson and Rosenau (the work on anaphylaxis-increased susceptibility to disease, standardization of the diphtheria and the tetanus anti- toxins, etc.) ; Noguchi (the first successful cultivation of Spirocheta pallida, Wassermann test modification, etc.) ; Cole and his associates (the work on the differen- tiation of the various types of the pneumococcus and the successful serum treatment of pneumonia caused by Type I) ; Flexner (the antimeningitic serum) ; Russell (typhoid vaccination in the United States) ; Rosenow, 23 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY Hektoen, Vaughan (the work on toxins); Park, Plotz (the discovery of the organisms causing the typhus fever) ; Sewell (the work on the snake venom) ; Novy, Welch (the discovery of the gas bacillus) ; Gen. Stern- berg (the discovery of the pneumococcus); Bull (who is now doing a most promising work on the serum treat- ment of gas bacillus infection), and scores of others. CHAPTER II GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT BACTERIA Bacteria belong to the vegetable kingdom, being minute unicelhdar organisms. Normally bacteria are of three different kinds so far as their form is concerned: 1. Cocci (plural from Greek coccos, meaning kernel), which are round or oval; these usually occur either in clusters or pairs, being called diplococci (meaning double cocci) in the latter case. 2. Bacilli (plural from Latin 'bacillus, meaning "a little rod"), which are straight, rod-shaped organisms, whose ends may be square or convex (more frequently) or con- cave (less frequently). 3. Spirilla (plural from Latin spirillum, meaning a coil) which are curved or comma-shaped organisms (see Fig. 1). Of these three varieties the bacilli are by far the most frequent. The Size of Bacteria.-The unit of bacterial measure- ment is a micron (a Greek word meaning small) ; it is a thousandth part of a millimeter or 1/25000 of an inch, and is usually represented by the Greek letter y. Cocci usually vary from .1 /i to 2 in diameter, the average size being about .1 p in diameter. Bacilli vary from 1 p to 3 or 4 p, some being very large, as, e. g., the an- I. Bacterial Forms 24 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 25 thrax bacillus, which is from 5 to 10 /z long. The spiril- la vary greatly in size. The weight of bacteria is, of course, extremely light, the average being about 0.000000001 milligram, that is to say that sixteen hundred million bacilli weigh approxi- mately one milligram; a normal red blood cell is fifty thousand times as heavy as a single colon bacillus. II. The Structure of the Bacterial Cell The bacterial cell has an external membrane that is rigid and maintains the shape of the cell and is called ectoplasm (from the Greek ecton, meaning without, and plasma, meaning a formed thing). A B c Fig. 1.-A, bacilli; B, cocci; C, spirilla. The thickness of this cell wall varies, being thicker in the old than in the young organisms; special stains are required for the demonstration of the ectoplasm. The substance which comprises the interior of the bac- terial cell is called the endoplasm (from Greek endon, meaning within), and plasma, or cytoplasm (meaning cell substance) ; this is a clear, colorless, highly refractile sub- stance. 'Whether or not there is a nucleus (kernel) in the bacterial cell is not yet definitely settled, although the majority of bacteriologists are inclined to believe there is at least a nuclear substance if not a definite nucleus. Certain bacteria, notably the diphtheria group, exhibit one or more granules which are scattered irregularly in 26 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY the endoplasm; they are called Ernst-Babes' or metachro- matic (from Greek meaning changing color) granules; nothing definite is known as to their significance. Capsules.-Quite a few bacteria are surrounded by an envelope or a halo which is called "capsule" (from Latin capsula, meaning a little box) ; the capsules are most fre- quently present in the organisms (e. g., pneumococcus) when they are first isolated from animal tissues or if Fig. 2.--Pneumococci, showing capsules. (Mallory and Wright-Pathological T echnic.) grown on substances rich in albuminous ingredients, and are frequently lost when bacteria are kept in the labo- ratory or if grown on ordinary culture media. As to the significance of the capsule, the most accepted opin- ion is that the capsule renders the bacteria more resistant against destruction and thereby more dangerous (virulent, from Latin vis, meaning power) ; the statement that pneu- mococcus has an especially well defined capsule when freshly isolated from animal tissues and is apt to lose it GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 27 when artificially grown, certainly corroborates this view, as pneumococcus meets more resistance, when in the an- imal body, than when in a culture tube. With the ex- ception of pneumococcus mucosus capsulatus (pneumoeoc- Fig. 3.-Typhoid bacilli, showing flagella. (Mallory and Wright-Patho- logical Technic.') cus, Type III) bacteria have to be stained by special methods in order to demonstrate their capsules; this is a very important procedure in making bacteriologic diag- nosis in the case of pneumococcus, gas bacilli, etc. 28 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY Flagella (from Latin flagellum, meaning whip).-All minute objects suspended in fluids are found to be in con- stant motion; this, however, is not true locomotion, but is irregular and jerky, and is called Brownian movement (after the Scotch investigator, Brown). Some bacteria, however, possess the property of true, independent mobil- ity which is due to the presence of one or more long, delicate, thread-like filaments called flagella (Fig. 3). They have to be stained by special methods. Spores.-Most of the bacteria when placed in unfavor- able environment, that is, when deprived of things es- Fig. 4.-Tetanus bacilli, showing spores. (Mallory and Wright--Patho- logical T echnic.) sential to their nutrition or in the presence of harmful substances, die and undergo slow disintegration. But a few bacteria are able to pass into a latent stage of exist- ence similar to hibernation of animals, during which the chemical interchange is at the lowest ebb. This is accomplished by the bacteria developing within their endoplasm highly refractile, oval bodies called spores (from Greek sporos, meaning seed). The spores are highly resistant to heat and disinfectants and thus endow the bacterium with a special resistance against destruc- tion. Spore formation is not a reproductive process. When GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 29 placed in suitable surroundings the spores germinate and the original bacteria reappear. The spore formation is most frequent among those bacteria which live without air (anaerobes). Special staining methods are required for the demonstration of spores. III. Bacterial Reproduction The bacteria being minute unicellular asexual cells, the reproduction is a simple mechanical process, the cell hav- ing reached its maximum size (which is fairly constant for the species) a slight constriction appears, which deep- ens until a distinct partition or septum is formed, and the original cell is split into two cells, each being a com- plete organism, identical with the parent cell. Some of the higher bacteria (e. g., Spirocheta pallida, which causes syphilis) split not transversely but longitudinally (although many authors, including Noguchi, do not re- gard these organisms as bacteria). The rate of growth, that is the time elapsing between two successive cleav- ages, is about 15 to 20 minutes (Fischer), so that a single colon bacillus would yield about 1,500 trillion in a single day. This rate is never maintained for any length of time and by no means all bacteria multiply so rapidly. IV. Constancy and Mutation of Type While most of the bacterial properties remain constant, especially the disease-producing (pathogenic, from Greek pathos, meaning disease, and geneo, meaning to produce) properties, the beginner must remember that under certain conditions one or more characteristics of a given species of the bacterium may be lost, such variation has already been referred to in the connection with the capsule forma- tion. Pasteur succeeded in producing sporeless anthrax 30 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY bacilli by growing them at 43° C. (instead of 37° C. which is the temperature at which they grow best nor- mally). The experience accumulated so far seems to point to the fact that the morphological changes alone should not be regarded as definite evidence of mutation, but one should take into consideration the reaction of the given bacterium to its culture media, staining, patho- genic properties and the various serological reactions (agglutination, complement fixation, precipitation, etc.). We know that the various members of the typhoid-colon- dysentery group cannot be differentiated morphologically, yet their disease-producing properties and the fer- mentation of sugars remain distinct. Even when changes in bacteria have been brought about by artificial means, these secondary changes will disappear, as shown by the work of Vaughan, Eisenberg, and others, when normal conditions have been restored. The most startling work along these lines is that of Rosenow, who claims to have among other things, mutated hemolytic streptococci into pneumococci; so far these observations seem to be ac- cepted as interesting bacteriological phenomena, but how true and permanent these mutations are, time alone will show. So far we may accept the statement that bacteria are quite constant as to type and that all secondary changes can be banished when normal conditions of bacterial development have again prevailed. V. The Chemical and Physical Properties of the Bac- terial Cell The various chemical constituents of bacteria may be tabulated approximately as follows: GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 31 Water 85% Proteins 10-12% Fats 1% Ash 1.5%-2% Residue 1-1.5% (Kappes, Nencki and Scheffer.) This varies, as regards the individual constituents, to some extent; for example, the tubercle bacillus contains less proteins (8 per cent) but much more fats (3.5 to 4 per cent). The proteins contained in its bacteria are the nucleopro- teins, globulins and special proteins. The bacterial ashes are mostly chlorides and phosphates of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Like other vegetable and animal cells, the bacterial cell reacts to the pressure which exists between, its own protoplasm and the surrounding medium-the. so-called osmotic pressure, which governs the exchange of the sub- stances within and without the bacterial cell, this depend- ing upon the permeability of the cell membrane (the ectoplasm), which permits certain substances to enter or leave the bacterial cell. VI. Nutrition of Bacteria In order that the bacteria may live and multiply they must have the following substances: Carbon.-This they may obtain from proteins, fats or carbohydrates. Oxygen.-This is obtained by the majority of bacteria directly from the atmosphere in the form of free oxygen. Not all bacteria, however, need free oxygen, and some, as will be mentioned later, can not live in its presence. Nitrogen.-This is taken in most cases, from proteins. There is quite an individual predilection for the special proteins required by different bacteria: the gonococcus, for example, grows best on uncoagulated human blood 32 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY serum; the influenza bacillus requires hemoglobin (the coloring matter of the red blood cells) ; while the diph- theria bacillus grows best on the coagulated beef serum. A large number of bacteria may thrive without any pro- tein at all. Hydrogen.-Hydrogen is obtained largely in combina- tion with water. Salts.-Salts are absolutely necessary and are chiefly phosphates and chlorides of magnesium, calcium, potas- sium, and sodium, and iron (in some of the higher bac- teria). Those bacteria that must have oxygen and can not live without it are called obligatory aerobes. Those that can not live in the presence of oxygen (e. g., tetanus bacillus) are called obligatory anaerobes. Inter- mediate between these two extreme groups are those that prefer oxygen but can grow without it-faculative anae- robes-and those that prefer to grow without oxygen but can live in its presence-facultative aerobes. VII. Aerobes and Anaerobes VIII. Longevity of Bacteria The duration of bacterial life is unknown, but is, com- paratively speaking, brief. Dried spores may not only live, but retain their virulence (invasiveness), for years. IX. Parasites and Saprophytes Parasites are those bacteria which live and multiply in the human or animal body, while saprophytes are those which can not hold their own in animal tissues, but are found everywhere in the air, soil, water, and manure. Par- asitic bacteria are fastidious as regards their food, temper- ature, etc., while the saprophytes are easily satisfied and live on simplest media. The main distinction, however, lies in our conception that the parasitic bacteria arc those GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 33 which produce disease, that is, are pathogenic, while the saprophytes live on dead matter and are of greatest value in the world's economy in breaking up the organic matter through the processes of fermentation and putrefaction. It is, however, well to qualify this statement, by point- ing out that there are "pure saprophytes" which live only on dead organic matter, and "facultative sapro- phytes" which usually lead saprophytic existence but, as a rule, live within living tissue; one should also bear in mind that there are bacteria, such, e.g., as B. coli communis, which, for most part, lead a saprophytic existence in the animal body and yet, not infrequently, become markedly pathogenic, causing appendicitis, per- itonitis, pyelitis, etc. X. Mutual Relations of Bacteria It is evident that in many cases several different bac- teria must live in the same place, or, in other words, the same surrounding must be favorable to several species. This possibility of several bacteria living and multiplying in the presence of each other is spoken of as symbiosis (from Greek syn, meaning with, and bios, meaning life), as exemplified by diphtheria and streptococci. Symbiosis is not so frequent, however, as the opposite fact-namely, the impossibility of one organism living in the presence of another-a condition which is known as antagonism (from Greek antagonisma, meaning struggle) ; examples of bacterial antagonism are gonococcus and bacillus pyocy- aneus, plague bacillus and streptococci, etc. XI. Relations of Bacteria to Physical Environment Temperature.-Bacteria, like other living beings, have their minimum (lowest), maximum (highest), and opti- mum (the best) temperature at which they will live, grow and multiply. 34 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY For the large majority of the bacteria the optimum temperature is 37.5° C.; on the other hand, there are numerous bacteria in the water which grow at 20° C. Individual organisms have their limits, these varying with the environment adopted by them through many gen- erations; for example, the bacillus of the avian (bird) tuberculosis grows at 41° to 42° C. and can not grow at 37.5° C., while the bacillus of human tuberculosis grows best at the latter and will not grow at the former tempera- ture ; this difference in the optimum temperature of the two strains of the same organism is due and proportionate to the difference in the normal temperature of human beings and the birds. By gradual and persistent variation of the temperature it is possible to adapt certain bacteria to grow abundantly at the temperature several degrees higher or lower than their normal optimum temperature, but this is usually accompanied by the loss of certain of their characteristics, as in the case mentioned above-that of anthrax bacillus grown by Pasteur at the temperature of 42° C.-the bacilli finally grew well but lost their property of spore formation. Some common pathogenic organisms, such as colon bacil- lus, exhibit a very wide variation of temperature at which they may develop-from 10° C. to 40° C. The sapro- phytes exhibit an even higher variation. Ten to fifteen minutes' exposure to a temperature of 55° to 60° C. usually destroys the common pathogenic bacteria which are nonspore-bearing; the spores confer upon bac- teria enormous resistance to heat and the spore-bearing bacteria, therefore, are a much more formidable enemy than the other kind. Low temperatures are much less destructive than the high ones, and in the case of certain bacteria are useful GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 35 in keeping cultures alive for a long period of time, e. g., pneumococcus and streptococcus. Moisture.-The presence of water is absolutely neces- sary for bacterial life. The effects of complete drying vary greatly with the different bacteria; thus gonococcus and cholera organisms die within a few hours while the ty- phoid and tubercle bacilli may withstand complete drying for two to three months. Light.-Most of the pathogenic bacteria are inhibited or destroyed by sunlight, although marked variation ex- ists among different bacteria as regards this. Electricity.-Electric light exerts a distinct bacterici- dal (bacteria killing) effect when applied in the strength of 800 to 900 candle power for six to nine hours. Roentgen or x-rays do not seem to have any bactericidal effect, while radium has both an inhibitory and bactericidal effect when applied at a distance of a few centimeters for a few hours. XII. The Biological Activities of Bacteria While the pathogenic, or disease-producing, properties are of immediate interest to us, we must not lose sight of the fact that these properties are merely a side action, so to speak, compared with other numerous bacterial activities, and that the pathogenic bacteria are the least numerous group of all the bacterial clans. The pro- duction of disease is merely incidental to the success- ful attempt on the part of the bacteria to establish a new domicile in the human or animal body. The much more important functions of the bacteria are those with which they serve the many important and useful purposes in the world's economy. It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that without bacteria all reduction of complex organic matter to simple compounds and the chemical interchange be- tween the animal and the vegetable kingdoms could 36 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY not be carried out and all life on earth would cease, as Hiss and Zinsser so well say (Textbook of Bacteriology 1914, p. 41) : "Far from being scourges, these minute microorganisms are paramount factors in the great cycle of living matter." The Katabolic (Breaking Down) Activities of Bac- teria.-The katabolic activities of bacteria consist in the fermentation of carbohydrates (sugars and starches) and in the splitting of fats and proteins. For our entire knowledge of fermentation we are indebted to the genius of Pasteur who was first to explain to us that the fermentation (as well as the splitting of proteins) is due to ferments or enzymes (from Latin and Greek respectively, meaning "lea- ven"). These are substances produced by a living cell, which bring about a chemical change without entering into the reaction themselves. The ferment is not attached to the end products of the reaction, and is not appreciably diminished during the reaction; in this way the bacterial ferments are like the chemical agents known as katalyzers--e. g., dilute acids, which bring about various chemical reactions and yet do not enter them themselves, as, for example, when a solu- tion of cane sugar brought into contact with dilute solution of sulphuric acid results in the formation of two single sugars in place of a double sugar r C12H22OU + H2O + h2so4 = c6h12o0 + c6h12o6 + h2so4. Cane sugar water sulphuric acid = grape sugar fruit sugar sulphuric acid The proper definition for ferments or enzymes is, therefore, "a substance which hastens a chemical re- action without itself taking part in it." The best conditions for the ferment action are the presence of moisture, a weakly acid or alkaline reaction, and a temperature ranging from 35° to 45° C. The presence of protein-splitting, or proteolytic, as they are called, ferments is shown by the power of bacteria to GENERAL bacteriology 37 liquefy gelatin, fibrin or coagulated blood serum. Among the important products of bacterial proteolysis are the ptomaines (from Greek ptoma meaning a dead body) which are highly poisonous and responsible for ptomaine poisoning. Certain bacteria produce the so-called coagulating, or "lab" ferments (from Latin lab, meaning rennet-a sub- stance found in the stomach, which coagulates milk) which causes coagulation of certain fluids, such as milk, blood, etc. Some bacteria produce fat-splitting ferments (cholera spirillum). As regards the fermentative properties of bacteria, the most important ferments are those which split the various sugars, cause the production of lactic acid, and the alcoholic fermentation (brought about by both bacteria and yeasts). A very important class of bacteria are the so-called dentrifying bacteria-those which reduce the nitrates to nitrites. The Anabolic (Upbuilding) Activities of Bacteria.- These consist in the property of some soil bacteria to accumulate large amounts of nitrogen from the air and thus to make up for the loss brought about by the ab- sorption of nitrogen by plants (Winogradsky). Even more important than this is the class of bacteria found in the root tubercles of certain plants (leguminosae), such as beans, peas, etc.; these bacteria not only do not withdraw nitrogen from the soil but enrich it, and upon this knowledge depends the well-known method of crop alternation used by farmers the world over. Certain bacteria bring about oxidation of ammonia to nitrites and nitrates; these are called nitrifying bac- teria. Some bacteria living in the salt water produce light, and a large number of bacteria (including the pathogenic bacteria) produce various pigments, thus 38 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY staphylococcus aureus produces a yellow pigment, bacillus pyocyaneus produces a green pigment, while that produced by bacillus prodigiosus is red. XIII. The Distribution of Common Pathogenic Bacteria in the Animal Body While no organ in the animal body, except such structures as nails, is free from invasion from one or an- other kind of bacterium, still certain organs, in the course of evolution, have come to be preferred by cer- tain bacteria as their domicile, to the exclusion of other organs, and it may be useful to append the following table of bacterial distribution in the body. Shin.-Staphylococci and Streptococci. Tubercle, leprosy and smeg- ma bacilli. Tetanus, gas, and anthrax bacilli. Nose and Throat.-Staphylococci, streptococci and pneumococci, diphtheria, influenza and pertussis (whooping cough) organisms. Meningococci and catarrhalis groups. Tubercle bacillus and virus of poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis). Ear and Eye.-Streptococcus, staphylococcus and pneumococcus groups. Diphtheria and influenza groups. Koch- Weeks and Morax-Axenfeld bacilli. Gonococcus. Lungs.-Streptococcus and pneumococcus. Tubercle bacillus, staphy- lococcus, Friedlander's bacillus, influenza and pertussis groups, anthrax and plague bacilli, actinomyces and colon-typhoid group. Pelvic Organs.-Streptococcus and Staphylococcus groups. Gono- coccus and Spirocheta pallida. Tubercle and Smegma bacilli. Serous Fluids: 1. Cerebrospinal fluid: (a) clear fluid, tubercle bacil- lus, Spirocheta pallida (syphilis), virus of poliomyeli- tis. (b) turbid fluid: pneumococcus, streptococcus, meningococcus, B. influenzae, typhoid-colon group. 2. Pleural and pericardial fluids: (a) clear fluids; tubercle bacillus, (b) turbid fluid: pneumococcus, streptococcus, B'. influenza, typhoid, staphylococcus, 3. Peritoneal fluid: Streptococcus group. Colon-typhoid group. Tubercle bacillus. GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 39 Blood.-Streptococcus and pneumococcus groups. Typhoid group. Staphylococcus group. Recurrent fever and spirochetae. Plague bacilli. Friedlander's bacillus (rare). Intestinal Contents and Feces.-Colon-typhoid group, including the paratyphoids, the dysentery and B. fecalis alcaligenes. Mucosus capsulatus group. Tubercle bacilli, anthrax, tetanus and gas bacilli. (After Kendall, Bacteriology, 1917, p. 106.) Occasionally individuals are met with who, while ap- parently healthy, harbor pathogenic bacteria in their bodies. While they seem to suffer no ill effects from this, they are a source of danger to those who come in contact with them. Such individuals are called car- riers. In a majority of cases these carriers have had an attack of an infectious disease and have apparently recovered from it, but continue to eliminate the patho- genic bacteria which had caused the disease; some are but temporary carriers, while others may become habitual carriers, never ceasing to eliminate the bac- teria. This will be again referred to in the section deal- ing with infection and immunity, but it is well to call attention, at this time, to the very grave menace of such carriers. Many an epidemic, notably of typhoid fever and diphtheria, has been doubtless brought about by such carriers; in the case of typhoid fever, the bacilli appear to lodge in the gall bladder or the bile ducts, whence they pass into the intestinal canal and escape in feces. Women are more commonly typhoid carriers than men. Diphtheria carriers are most frequently found among children who often incite a diphtheria epidemic in schools. For this reason all cases of diph- theria and typhoid fever should have repeated examina- tion of throat cultures and feces cultures, respectively, after the patients have apparently recovered. XIV. Carriers CHAPTER HI THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA The destruction of bacteria constitutes what prob- ably is the most glorious chapter of bacteriology-on that alone depended the birth and the development of modern surgery. Several terms, in this connection, are used, somewhat loosely, and the pupil should, at the outset, clearly under- stand the different ideas conveyed by them: by steriliza- tion is usually meant destruction of bacteria by heat, and is referred to in connection with the boiling of linen, gauze? bandages, infected dressings, instruments, cultures, etc.; disinfection usually means destruction of bacteria by the use of chemicals-bichloride of mercury, alcohol, car- bolic acid, etc.-and is used in connection with the ex- creta, urine, feces, or in speaking of destroying bacteria on surgeon's hands or patient's body; fumigation means bacterial destruction by means of certain gases, e. g., formaldehyde, and is used primarily in connection with the buildings or individual rooms; thus we sterilize bandages or the operating room gowns, or dressings; we speak of disinfecting hands with alcohol or the field of the operation-e. g., patient's skin with iodine or of disinfecting the patient's excreta with carbolic acid; and, finally, we fumigate the room with formaldehyde. These different terms refer, however, to the same pur- pose, accomplished by different means, namely, com- plete bacterial destruction, or the production of "asep- sis"; when a substance does not actually kill the microorganisms, but merely inhibits their growth 40 41 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY and multiplication-such substances are spoken of as "antiseptics." I. Bacterial Destruction by Physical Agents 1. Drying.-When complete, drying' destroys most of the pathogenic bacteria, but the individual bacteria dif- fer greatly from each other in this respect; thus, gonococcus and the bacillus of influenza are destroyed within a few hours, while the tubercle bacillus may live without a trace of moisture for months. 2. Light.-Sunlight is a powerful germicide (from Latin meaning life killing), the different bacteria vary- ing from each other in this respect also, the tubercle bacillus dying within two hours; for this reason ' ' where there is sunlight there is no tuberculosis." (This, of course, is only a general statement, and should not be taken literally.) 3. Electricity, Radium and Roentgen Rays.-See the preceding chapter. Briefly stated, x-rays have no in- fluence, while electricity and radium are both germicidal. The effects of electricity are not due to the direct action of the current, but to heat and the electrolytic changes in the culture liquid. 4. Heat.-This is the standard and universal method of bacterial destruction. Dry Heat.-Burning, when we are dealing with ob- jects without value, such as, e. g., the sputum cups, is a very rapid and a sure means of sterilization. Hot air sterilization is carried out in the so-called "hot-air chambers" or sterilizers. (Fig. 5.) This is a double- walled, sheet-iron chamber, with the joints riveted in- stead of being soldered. The inner case is completely closed, while the outer one has a large opening in the 42 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY bottom and two small ones at the top; the gas burners -one on each side-are so placed between the two walls that the flame plays directly on the inner case. This method of sterilization is used primarily for the glassware, and the temperature should be between 150° and 160° C. maintained for at least one hour. Remem- ber that if combustile articles are sterilized in this sterilizer, the temperature should not exceed 200° C. as cotton is browned at this temperature. Fig. 5.-Hot-air sterilizer. Moist Heat.-Boiling may be used for the steriliza- tion of instruments, syringes and other similar objects; vegetative forms (not spores) of bacteria may be de- stroyed by five minutes' boiling, while in order to de- stroy the spores one to two hours' boiling is sufficient. Live steam is the most practical of the methods of heat sterilization; while it may be improvised by use of almost any simple household makeshifts, such as a GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 43 double steamer, wash boiler or potato steamer, in the laboratories it is carried out by means of so-called "Ar- nold" sterilizer (Fig. 6). This consists of a round or rectangular chamber with an outer cylinder well fitting over it, both set in a reservoir about 4 inches high, which has a shallow double bottom. The reservoir is filled with water which is heated by a gas flame; this rapidly vaporizes the thin layer of water contained in the double bottom of the reservoir, the steam rises rapid- ly and passes into the inner chamber containing the Fig. 6.-The Arnold sterilizer. articles to be sterilized, through its perforated bottom; the steam is condensed under the outer chamber and drops back into the reservoir. An exposure from fifteen to thirty minutes destroys all vegetative forms of bacteria. In order to get rid of spores a "fractional" method of sterilization is used; this consists in exposing the substances to be 44 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY sterilized (usually culture media) from fifteen to thirty minutes on three successive days; the first exposure de- stroys the vegetative forms; by next day any spores which may have been present will have developed with the vegetative stage, and are killed by the second ex- posure ; the third exposure makes the sterilization com- plete. Remember that in noting the time of exposure it is necessary to calculate, not from the time of light- ing the flame, but from the time "the steam is up"; that is, from the time the temperature reaches 100° C. When substances to be sterilized can not be sub- jected to the temperature of 100° C., e. g., culture media containing albuminous materials (because they will coagulate above 60° C.) the principle of fractional sterilization may be adhered to by immersing the ob- jects in a water bath at a temperature of 55° to 60° C. for an hour on five or six consecutive days. Steam under pressure is the most powerful and cer- tain method of sterilization we possess. It is used when the objects can not be injured by mois- ture-operating room gowns, dressings, etc.; in the laboratory this method is used for infected glassware. The apparatus for steam sterilization under pressure is called an "autoclave" (Fig. 7). Exposure to steam at the pressure of fifteen pounds for fifteen to twenty minutes will destroy all bacteria and spores. Two precautions to be borne in mind in connection with the use of autoclave, are: 1. Allow all air to es- cape from the autoclave before closing the vent. 2. Do not open the door for at least fifteen to twenty minutes after the flame has been turned off, as the sudden re- lief of pressure thus produced may burn the operator and the stoppers (in tubes or flasks) will "pop out." GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 45 II. Bacterial Destruction by Chemical Agents Many chemicals can either completely destroy the bacteria (bactericides or germicides) or merely inhibit their growth (antiseptics). Just how such injury is done to bacteria is, to a large extent, unknown; some substances such as strong acids, probably kill bacteria Fig. 7.-The autoclave. by rapid oxidation; some destroy them by coagulation of the bacterial protoplasm, some enter into chemical combination with the protoplasm and exert a poisonous action, some act by withdrawing water from the bac- terial cell, etc. Of the many chemicals used for the purposes of disinfection, the following are the most im- portant and the most widely used: 46 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY Chloride of Lime or Bleaching Powder.-Chloride of lime is readily soluble in twenty parts of water. In dilution of 1:500 it will destroy the vegetative forms of bacteria in five to ten minutes. See the section on Practical Disinfection for a brief description of Dakin's solution. Iodine.-Tincture of iodine (7.5 per cent) has become in the last few years the standard disinfectant; in many hospitals it is the only agent used for disinfecting the field of the operation. It is most effective when freshly prepared; the parts on which it is to be applied should first be swabbed with alcohol and allowed to dry. Peroxide of Hydrogen.-As the presence of organic matter, such as pus, blood, etc., distinctly diminishes its effects, one should always remove these from wounds before applying the peroxide; it acts upon bacteria by liberating oxygen. Permanganate of Potassium.-Permanganate of potassium acts, as does the peroxide of hydrogen, and is a powerful germicide. Bichloride of Mercury (Mercuric Chloride.)-Bichlor- ide of mercury is a powerful germicide; a solution of 1:1000 is commonly used; this will kill the vegetative forms in a few minutes, and in solution of 1:500 will kill spores in a few hours. The addition of 25 per cent alcohol greatly increases the germicidal action of bi- chloride of mercury. There are certain disadvantages: it is apt to cause local necrosis (destruction) of tissues because of its great affinity for proteins, or injure the kidneys by absorption; it is unreliable for disinfection of feces, sputum, etc., and can not be used for steriliza- tion of instruments. It is used almost exclusively for irrigating wounds and disinfecting the skin. Silver.-Silver preparations such as silver nitrate (0.1 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 47 to 4 per cent), argyrol, protargol, etc., are used prin- cipally upon mucous membranes and in the eye (e. g., in newborn babies to prevent ophthalmia. Alcohol.-Alcohol is an efficient germicide but only in dilute solutions, the strongest germicidal action be- ing exerted by 50 to 70 per cent solutions; those stronger than this are much less efficient, absolute alcohol being practically without any effects. Iodoform.-Iodoform is a weak germicide in itself, but when introduced into wounds, iodine is liberated and it is then a very efficient agent. Carbolic Acid.-Carbolic acid (phenol) and its de- rivatives-lysol, cresol, tricresol, creoline, etc., are very efficient germicides, especially the latter; they are not only germicidal but are also poisonous for human tis- sues ; for this reason they should not be applied to wounds in solutions stronger than ^-l per cent nor should they be left for any length of time, as gangrene is a common result of their prolonged application. They are the best agents for disinfecting feces, urine, sputum, soiled linen, etc., for which purpose a 5 per cent solu- tion should be used. Boric Acid.-Boric acid is not a germicide but an antiseptic, that is, it does not destroy the bacteria but prevents their development; it is used upon mucous membranes and in the eye. Formaldehyde.-Formaldehyde is used either as a gas for fumigation or a 40 per cent solution in water ("formalin") ; in the latter form it is an excellent sub- stance to be used for sputum, urine, feces, etc., in solution 2 to 5 per cent. For the use of formaldehyde in fumigation see the next section. Sulphur.-Sulphur is used chiefly for destroying the insects. 48 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY III. Practical Disinfection Sputum is a very difficult thing to disinfect because the bacteria contained in it are protected by a thick envelope of mucus; a 5 per cent solution of carbolic acid is very efficient; sputum cups had best be burned; sputum napkins can either be soaked in a 5 per cent solution of carbolic acid or immersed in boiling water for a half hour. Do not use bichloride of mercury as it forms a thick layer of albuminated mercury around the bacteria. 2. Feces should be received in a porcelain or metal container and immediately mixed with large amounts of 5 per cent carbolic acid or formalin or 10 per cent chloride of lime, and allowed to remain in contact with these substances for at least one hour before disposing. The soiled parts of the patient should be wiped with a cloth dipped in 2 per cent carbolic acid or cresol, then with water to remove the disinfectant. 3. Urine may be disinfected in a manner similar to that in which feces should be disinfected. 4. Cloth material, linen, napkins, etc., which have been handled by the patient should be soaked for at least two hours, either in 2 per cent formalin or in 5 per cent carbolic acid, before it is taken out to be boiled -be careful not to remove any infected linen from the patient's room in a dry state. 5. Bath water should not be allowed to drain before it has been mixed with an ounce or two of chlorinated lime for at least an hour. 6. Skin and hands should be scrubbed with a brush and green soap and then soaked for a few minutes in 1:1000 solution of bichloride of mercury. A patient recovering from a disease such as smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, and other "eruptive" fevers GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 49 should receive a bath in 1:1000 solution of bichloride of mercury (taking care not to have the solution enter the patient's mouth, nose, ears, or eyes). As to the disinfection of the operator's hands, there still exists but little uniformity, some surgeons using the permanganate-oxalic acid, bichloride method (Welch's method)-others using the alcohol-carbolic acid method (Fiirbringer) while still others use the bichloride solution only. As a matter of fact, the belief is gaining ground that the particular antiseptic used plays but an unimportant part, the two main considerations being the use of hot running water, soap and brush for at least 5 minutes, and wearing sterile rubber gloves; during the opera- tion the surgeon usually dips his gloved hands into a basin containing 1:1000 solution of bichloride of mer- cury. 7. Surgical instruments, catgut, etc., are sterilized in different ways in different hospitals. The usual way is to boil the instruments in soda solution. 8. Thermometers should be kept in a 5 per cent solu- tion of formalin; when needed, they should be thor- oughly rinsed in water. 9. Rooms, closets, etc., had best be fumigated by formaldehyde. The best and the simplest method is that of Russell and Evans (Report of State Board of Health of Maine, 1904). For each thousand cubic feet of space ten ounces of formalin and five ounces of potassium permanganate crystals are placed in a two- or three-gallon galvanized iron pail which must have flaring sides because there is much spattering when the reaction between permanganate and formalin takes place; for this reason it is also advisable to place some heavy paper under the pail. Have all closets, drawers, etc., wide open, while all doors, windows, 50 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY sashes, key-holes, etc., should be tightly plugged--the fumes of formaldehyde being extremely irritating and dangerous. As soon as potassium permanganate and "V/ocheh CINCINNATI Fig. 8.-Instrument employed in applying Dakin's solution to wounds. It consists of five glass distributing tubes for using single or large number of rubber conducting tubes, the flask is used for mixing the solution and the syringe with rubber bulb is used in testing the permeability of the conducting tubes. formalin are mixed, give the pail a good kick where- upon evolution of the formaldehyde gas will take place. Leave the room instantly and lock the door, leaving GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 51 the room undisturbed for at least six hours, at the end of which period all windows should be opened. 10. Dakin's Solution.-Within the last six years a most successful method of treating infected wounds has been devised by Dakin and Carrel (both of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, of New York) and has been extensively applied on battle fields, in industrial plants, hospitals, etc. The preparation of Dakin's solution is somewhat complicated and the original articles by Dakin and Carrel should be con- sulted ; the solution consists of calcium hypochlorated (bleaching powder), sodium carbonate and sodium bi- carbonate ; these when properly mixed (this means a careful titration of the first mentioned ingredient) cause slow generation of chlorine; the effects of this nascent chlorine differ materially from those ordinary effects of chlorine, since not only the destruction of bacteria in the tissues is ever so much more thorough and rapid but the effect on the dead tissue in the wound is extraordinary-the most infected wounds with dead ragged pieces of tissue become clean and active cicatrization (healing) rapidly takes place. The application of Dakin's solution should be carried out most faithfully by the Carrel method if these unusual results are to be obtained; a special apparatus devised by Carrel must be used, and all the directions given by Dakin and Carrel should be carried out to the letter, without the least deviation. CHAPTER IV THE STRUGGLE BETWEEN BACTERIA AND THE BODY INFECTION AND IMMUNITY I. Infection By infection we understand more than mere entrance of bacteria to the animal body; an infection means the entrance and successful multiplication of bacteria in the animal body, with the subsequent development of a disease (which is then called infectious disease). That the mere presence of bacteria in the animal body does not mean infection or infectious disease is obvious from the fact that several species of bacteria are con- stantly present in certain parts of the body; the colon bacilli are always present in the intestines, the bacillus xerosis is very frequently found in the lining of the eyelids (conjunctiva), staphylococci, streptococci, and pneumococci are very often found in normal mouths. In order that the infection should take place the following conditions should be fulfilled: 1. Bacteria should gain entrance to the body by a path specially adapted to their requirements; thus, cer- tain bacteria invariably attack through the gastroin- testinal tract, e. g., the typhoid bacillus and cholera spirillum; some bacteria enter the body only through the skin, e. g., staphylococci, streptococci, tetanus bacil- lus, etc. These different paths are so necessary for their successful invasion that should the typhoid bacil- lus (which is a gastrointestinal invader) be rubbed into the skin, or, conversely, should the staphylococcus 52 53 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY (which is a skin invader) be swallowed, no harm would, in all probability, result. 2. Bacteria should invade the body in sufficiently large numbers. 3. They should find an environment which is favor- able to their nutritional requirements. 4. The resistance of the individual attacked should be sufficiently weakened to permit the bacteria to de- velop in his body. (This is discussed fully in a subse- quent section on Immunity.) 5. We have mentioned in a preceding chapter that all bacteria are divided into two classes, according to their activities, the saprophytes, those which feed on dead organic matter and are highly useful in maintain- ing the chemical balance between the animal and the vegetable kingdoms, and the parasites or pathogenic (disease-producing) bacteria which feed on the liv- ing body and produce disease; although this division is not absolute, since many saprophytes may become under special conditions pathogenic (for example, they may gain entrance to a gangrenous limb and while feeding on dead organic matter will, nevertheless, cause disease by producing poisonous substances), yet it is convenient to separate the bacteria into these two classes; it is evident that in order that the infection may take place, the bacteria must be pathogenic. 6. Even the pathogenic bacteria differ very much within the same species as to the degree of their power to incite disease; such power is spoken of as virulence; for example, pneumococci kept artificially (that is, in culture media) are much less virulent than those freshly isolated from the animal tissues. For a successful infection it is necessary, therefore, that the pathogenic bacteria shall possess sufficient virulence. 54 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY II. The Infection Proper-Bacterial Poisons . When all of the above conditions have been complied with, we will have an infection, which may be either local or general. If only inflammation of a part or an abscess (pus accumulation) in a certain part results, we speak of this as a local infection; on the other hand from such a local infection-or without it-the bacteria may gain entrance to the lymph and blood vessels and be carried into the circulation and thus be distributed through the entire body-this is called "septicemia" (from Greek septikos, meaning putrid and aima, mean- ing blood) or (by the laity) blood poisoning. If the bac- teria thus carried to other organs form abscesses there, we speak of this condition as "pyemia" (from Greek pion, meaning pus, and aima, meaning blood). Septicemia and pyemia are caused in a large majority of cases by streptococci and staphylococci. It is evident, however, that mere local injurious effects or blocking of the small blood vessels (capillaries, from Latin meaning hair-like) are not sufficient to account either for severe general effects following infection or for the fact that the same bacteria produce the same in- jury no matter where they lodge (within their special path of entrance, of course)-in other words it is evident that bacteria produce their effects not mechanically, but chemically, by means of the so-called bacterial poisons, which are called toxins (from Greek toxicon, meaning poison). Those toxins are of three kinds: 1. Exotoxins ("ex- ternal" poison) which are separable* poisons, secreted by bacteria just as sweat is secreted by the sweat *1 believe the usual terms "soluble" and "insoluble'' had better be dismissed, as (in my experience, at least) they usually are a source of confusion to the pupil. "How do the insoluble poisons do any harm if they are insoluble?" is a favorite question. GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 55 glands; such separable poison is given off by the bac- terium into the surrounding culture medium if it is grown artificially or into the circulation if it lodged in the body. For example, if bacteria are grown in liquid culture, such as broth, and this broth is filtered, it will be found that, although the bacteria will be left on the filter, the liquid substance, which had filtered through, although free from bacteria, will be found to be just as poisonous as the original broth in which the bacteria were grown. Very few bacteria produce such separable poisons, or exotoxins, the most important bacteria which belong to this class are the diphtheria, the tetanus, and the gas bacilli. 2. Endotoxins ("internal" poisons) are inseparable poisons which are firmly attached to the bacterial cell and are not secreted by it but are liberated only upon the death and disintegration of the bacterium. The greater number of the pathogenic bacteria pro- duce such poisons, the endotoxins; as, for example, the typhoid and the colon bacilli, the staphylococci and the streptococci, and the cholera spirilla, etc. 3. In addition to these two classes of poisons, there is a third kind, present in all bacterial bodies, after the removal of exotoxins and endotoxins, a certain pro- tein residue, which differs from both of the above in that it is not specific (that is, whether it is derived from the diphtheria or the typhoid bacilli, it will pro- duce the same effects when injected into an animal) and in that its action is very mild, since its injection causes only mild local inflammations or abscesses. Besides the difference in the mode of production the exotoxins differ from the endotoxins in that the former are destroyed by lower temperature than the latter. Now that we know that the bacteria act not by their 56 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY mere presence, but through the production of different poisons, the next question which suggests itself is: How do the bacterial poisons act? It is one of the most widely accepted facts in the whole domain of bacteriology that the bacterial poisons, whether exotoxins or endotoxins, have a more or less definite selective chemical action on special tissues and organs, thus the exotoxins of the tetanus bacillus acts specifically on the nervous tissue, the endotoxin of the streptococcus, and staphylococcus act on the red blood cells, and so forth. The special selective action, or, to borrow the term from chemistry, affinity, which seems to exist between certain bacteria and certain tissues, depends upon the physical and chemical ability of the poisons to enter into union with the tissue cells. The famous experi- ment brought forth as a proof of this contention is that of Wassermann and Takaki; viz., if brain tissue is allowed to remain in the solution of the tetanus exo- toxin, and is then removed, the remaining fluid is free from any poisonous effects, while the injection of the brain tissue into an animal will result in the produc- tion of tetanus, thus showing that the brain tissue had actually absorbed the tetanus exotoxin from the solu- tion. III. Immunity (from Latin "immunis," meaning safe) When we stop to consider that so many people har- bor enormous numbers of bacteria while only a small number of individuals actually develops infection and a still much smaller number dies of infections, we are brought face to face with the fact that there is some peculiarity about some people that, under similar cir- cumstances, permits them to escape the infection while 57 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY others succumb to it, or permits them to recover from infections while others die from the same infection. This "something" or "vitality," as we frequently speak of it, is that peculiarity in the animal body which is spoken of as immunity, and we may define it as a lack of susceptibility to bacterial disease (which pre- vents us from contracting it) and a power of resistance which enables us to recover from bacterial disease (if the latter develops). It is evident, therefore, that the term "immunity" expresses the idea that the resistance is not absolute since in some people it is so strong as to prevent them from infections, while in others it is only strong enough to secure for them a recovery from infections, while in still others, it is not even strong enough to do that, and such individuals die. Classification and Varieties of Immunity Since the term "immunity" itself is only relative it is evident that the classification of its various types will also be, at best, only relative, yet it is convenient to consider the immunity as being of several distinct types. 1. Natural, inherited or congenital immunity is that which exists in entire races, species or individuals at their very birth and is just as much one of their char- acteristics as their anatomic make-up. For example, in- fluenza and leprosy never occur-either spontaneously or through artificial inoculation-among animals. Among the different animal species there are great dif- ferences in resistance; for example, rats and dogs are remarkably immune to anthrax and the common fowl can not be infected with tetanus. Furthermore, within one and the same species the 58 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY different races show different degrees of resistance to the same infection; our own domestic sheep are much less resistant to anthrax than the Algerian sheep; among the human beings we know that while the Amer- ican Indians and negroes are much more susceptible to tuberculosis than the white men, the latter are much more susceptible to yellow fever than are the negroes. In connection with this racial immunity the fact must not be lost sight of that we are also dealing with the dif- ferent hygiene conditions and customs which doubtless play a part in this question. Finally within the same race there exists great varia- tion in susceptibility and resistance among the individ- ual members, as seen, for example, in schools, when during an outbreak of an epidemic only a few pupils contract the infection. . 2. Acquired immunity is one which does not exist in individuals at birth, but which develops in them either as a result of having had an attack of an infectious disease or is brought about by artificial means. It is well known that many infectious diseases occur but once in the same individual, one attack usually con- ferring a lasting immunity against subsequent attacks; the following table from Zinsser's hi feet ion and Resist- ance (published by the Macmillan Co., 1914, p. 60) may be referred to in this connection. Infectious diseases in which one at- tack usually confers lasting im- munity: Plague Typhoid fever (Second attacks rare-in 2.4 per cent cases) Cholera Infectious diseases in which one at- tack does mot confer lasting im- munity : Pyogenic infections. Gonorrhea Pneumonia Influenza Dengue fever Diphtheria Recurrent fever Tetanus Erysipelas Beriberi Malaria Tuberculosis Smallpox Chickenpox Scarlet fever Second attack very rare Measles-Secondary attacks quite rare Yellow fever Typhus fever Syphilis-Reinfection rare Mumps-Secondary attack rare GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 59 Such immunity-not congenital but brought about by having had one attack of an infectious disease-is called "naturally acquired immunity." If it is acquired by artificial means, it is spoken of as "artificial acquired immunity," and may be either "active or passive." Active immunity is that variety of the artificially ac- quired immunity in which the patient receives an in- jection of live, attenuated or dead bacteria (as in ty- phoid vaccination) or of the matter from a sore (as in smallpox vaccination) ; in such cases the patient is really made to undergo a very mild attack of the disease against which he is vaccinated, with the purpose of pro- ducing protective substances which will render him in- susceptible to the disease proper; this immunity is called "active" because the patient takes an active part in tbe production of immunity-he himself elaborates the protective substances. Passive immunity is that variety of the artificially ac- quired immunity in which the patient receives, in the injection, not the dead bacteria or their poisons, but the protective substances themselves; for example, in the case of diphtheria, a horse is injected with the diphtheria exotoxin (in gradually increasing doses) until he has a vast number of protective substances, then his blood (in reality the blood serum) containing these protective substances is injected into a patient suffering from diphtheria; since the patient did not take an active part in the elaboration of the protective substances, this variety of immunity is called "pas- sive" (on the other hand, the immunity produced in the horse by the injection of the diphtheria exotoxin is, of course, active, since the animal had elaborated its own protective substances). 60 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY These varieties of immunity are graphically repre- sented in the following diagram. Immunity Natural (C o n- genital or inherited). Species -- (fowl to anthrax). Racial - (White men more re- sistant to tu- fa e r c u 1 osis than Indians or negroes). Individual. Naturally Ac- quired (b y having had one attack of the in- fectious dis- ease). Acquired Artificially Acquired (through protective substances) Active (when the pa- tient produces his own pro- tective s u b- stances, as, e. g., following typhoid vacci- nation). Passive (when the pa- tient receives protective sub- stances p r o- duced in some animals; as, e. g., when he re- ceives d i p h- theria a n t i- toxin). To make this still clearer let us take as an example the typhoid fever and various types of immunity which may exist against it: if a person is born immune to it, this will be natural immunity; if he develops immun- ity after birth, this is acquired immunity; if immunity was the result of this person's having had an attack of typhoid fever, we will call this naturally acquired im- munity ; if the person developed it after he had received an injection of dead typhoid bacilli, he has the active artificial immunity; but if he had been injected with the blood serum of an animal which had received dead typhoid bacilli, then his would be the passive artificial immunity. IV. Protective Substance or Immune Bodies Now that we have considered the various types of immunity we have to study just what the protective substances, which constitute the immunity, are: GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 61 After all the conditions necessary for a successful in- fection have been satisfied (see the section on Infec- tion) and the patient has become a victim of an in- fectious disease, his organism makes an attempt to overcome it by producing the substances which will destroy the infective agent, i. e., the bacteria and their poisons. These protective substances are called immune bodies or antibodies; just where in the body they are pro- duced (that is, in what particular organ or organs) is unknown, but they are always found in the blood serum. A few words as to the blood: the blood of the living person is always liquid and consists of a fluid part called plasma; in this plasma are three kinds of blood cells: the red cells ( erythrocytes, from Greek erytheos, meaning red, and kytos, meaning cell), the white cells (leucocytes, from Greek leukos, meaning white), and the blood plate- lets. When blood is shed it ceases, after a few minutes, being liquid and becomes solid, or, as we usually say, it clots (coagulates) ; after a few hours a straw-colored liquid begins to separate from the part which remains clotted, this liquid part of the clotted part is called the blood serum; so that the liquid part of living (i. e., unshed) blood is plasma, while the liquid part of the clotted blood is blood serum. Now after this short digression, let us return to the consideration of the immune bodies or antibodies. The first statement to make in this connection is that the normal blood has the power to destroy bacteria; this power varies in different individuals; if the blood serum is kept for some time it will be noticed that this power rapidly diminishes. The substance responsible for this effect of blood is called complement. 62 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY We now know that there are two chief kinds of bac- terial poisons-the exotoxins and the endotoxins, the former being the separable poisons, secreted by bac- teria and circulating in the blood throughout the en- tire body, while the bacteria themselves do not enter the blood circulation and usually remain where they have become lodged; the latter are inseparable poisons and only are liberated from the bacterial body after the bacteria have died, the bacteria themselves having circulated in the blood (the third kind of bacterial poisons, namely, the bacterial proteins are unimportant since they are not specific). It is evident that since the poisons liberated by the bacteria are different, the anti- bodies must be different, and such is the fact. Let us first consider the case of the exotoxin-producing bacteria, such as the diphtheria or tetanus bacilli; when these have lodged in the body, within a short time there will be produced an enormous amount of exotoxin; if the body should produce such substances that would kill the bacteria, this would be of very little use, be- cause w'hile it would prevent further elaboration of exotoxin, nevertheless, there has already accumulated enough poison to kill the body; for this reason a sub- stance is produced that does not attack the bacteria but neutralizes the exotoxin; this substance is called "antitoxin. " It is very important to know that the early opinion that the antitoxin actually destroys the exotoxin is er- roneous ; it prevents the action of exotoxin not by de- stroying it, but by neutralizing it, the mixture of exo- toxin and antitoxin being neutral much in the same manner as the mixture of an acid or alkali is. When bacteria act by producing not the exotoxin but the endotoxin, it is apparent that it would be useless for the body to produce antitoxins, and the body in GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 63 such cases produces several antibodies (not one, as in the case of exotoxins). 1. Bacteriolysins (bacteria, and Greek lysis, mean- ing solution) ; these are the substances which cause the bacteria to swell up, become granular, and finally undergo a complete solution. 2. Agglutinins (from Latin, meaning glue) ; these are substances which cause the bacteria to lose their motil- ity if they are motile, and then clump in small or large groups. Agglutinins are not really immune bodies, because clumped bacteria are just as dangerous and virulent as those that are not agglutinated, and are mentioned here because of their importance in diagnosis of certain in- fectious diseases. 3. Precipitins are substances which cause bacterial culture filtrates when mixed with the blood serum to form precipitates. Like agglutinins they are not true immune bodies, but are formed by bacterial invasion, and for this reason are mentioned here. 4. Opsonins (from Greek opsonein, meaning prepare food for) are substances which so act on bacteria as to make them more easily destroyed by the white blood cells (leucocytes), as will be mentioned later. It is very important to remember that antitoxins are formed by injection of not only bacteria and their prod- ucts, but of many other poisons of plant and animal origin. Likewise lysins, agglutinins and precipitins may be produced by injection of numerous different sub- stances; one of the most common examples is the injec- tion of one animal with the red blood cells of another, whereupon the former will produce antibodies (lysins) against the red blood cells of the latter; such antibodies 64 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY instead of being called bacteriolysins are called hemolysins ("blood dissolvers"). V. Application of Hemolysis and Agglutination to Blood Transfusion Tests Before transfusion of blood is resorted to in the treat- ment of such conditions as severe hemorrhage, pernicious anemia, shock, etc., the blood of the patient (who now is called "the recipient") and that of the one who gives the blood ("the donor") must be "matched," that is, we must ascertain that neither one of the two bloods dissolves (hemolysis) or clumps (agglutinates) the other. The blood is secured from both the donor and the recipient either from a vein by means of a syringe or from a finger by means of a spring lancet; a part of each blood is received into a small test tube and allowed to clot; the remainder of each blood is received into a test tube containing about 10 c.c. of normal salt solution (0.85% N'aCl) or 2% sodium citrate solution. Two c.c. of blood from each-donor and recipient- are sufficient for the test. The clotted portions of the blood are stirred up with a wire and put in an ice box for the serum to separate from the clot. The portions received in the citrate or normal salt solution are "washed" three times ("wash- ing" red blood cells consists of centrifugalizing the tubes for two or three minutes when the cells will be found packed on the bottom of the tube, pouring off the supernatant fluid, then pouring on some more of the normal salt solution and centrifugalizing again) ; after the third washing, enough salt solution is added to make the cells a 10% solution. The actual test is carried out as follows: Six 4x% centimeter test tubes (the so-called Wassermann tubes) GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 65 are placed in a test tube rack, and to each one 1 c.c. of normal salt solution is added. The first tube receives 0.1 c.c. of the recipient's (patient's) cell emulsion and 0.2 of the donor's serum. The second tube receives 0.1 c.c. of the donor's cell emulsion and 0.2 of the recipient's serum. The above two tubes are for the actual test; the following four tubes are the controls: The third tube receives 0.1 c.c. of the recipient's cell emulsion and 0.2 c.c. of the recipient's serum. The fourth tube receives 0.1 c.c. of the donor's cell emulsion and 0.2 c.c. of the donor's serum. The fifth tube receives only 0.1 c.c. of the recipient's cell emulsion. The sixth tube receives only 0.1 c.c. of the donor's cell emulsion. The tubes are now incubated for thirty minutes at 37.5° C. At the end of this time they are taken out, shaken throughly, and re-incubated for thirty minutes longer, and examined again. The last four tubes-the control tubes-will show neither hemolysis nor agglutina- tion on shaking. If both tubes one and two do not show hemolysis or agglutination, the blood of the donor is suitable for transfusion; if either tube one or two shows hemolysis (disappearance of red blood cells and the contents of the tube assuming clear golden or Bur- gundy color) or agglutination (as shown by cell clumps not disappearing on vigorous shaking) the donor's blood is not suitable for transfusion. Moss's Classification.-When transfusion must be done at once, and every hour counts, then a very rapid method of blood matching must be resorted to. The work of Landsteiner, Jansky and Moss has estab- lished that all human bloods belong, so far as agglutina- tion is concerned, to one of four groups. 66 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY Blood serums of each group are kept in stock; the donor's red blood cells are added to a drop of each of the four serums on a glass slide, and, under the micro- scope, one easily determines which type the blood be- longs to. The donor and the recipient must belong to the same group; remember that in spite of the state- ments that group 4 is a universal donor (that is, the blood of one who belongs to group 4 may be used for transfusing the person who belongs to any group), se- vere reactions have followed its use. Always have the recipient and the donor belong to the same group. VI. Theories of Immunity There are two distinct explanations offered to account for the various phenomena of immunity, one of Metch- nikoff, called "cellular theory" (because he ascribes the most important part to the action of various cells of the body) or "theory of phagocytosis" (from Greek phagein, meaning to eat and kytos meaning a cell) ; and the other of Ehrlich, called "humoral theory" because the greatest importance is ascribed to body fluids (humoral is from Latin hiimor, meaning fluid). 1. Metchnikoff's Cellular Theory, or Phagocytosis.- This theory is based on Metchnikoff's earlier observa- tions that ameba (a unicellular organism) when about to receive its nourishment would flow about the food particle, surround and engulf it, and then ingest it, and under the microscope the gradual disappearance of the food particle could be observed. Metchnikoff next observed that, when anthrax bacilli were injected into frogs, leucocytes (which possess ameboid movement) would engulf and destroy the bacilli. This line of observations, continued in the animals and human beings, soon left no room for doubt 67 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY that a similar process frequently took place; in fact, the actual engulfment and disintegration of gonococci, meningococci, staphylococci, and pneumococci is easily demonstrable. Metchnikoff divides the phagocytic cells into two groups: 1. Macrophages ("big eaters") which are large mononuclear leucocytes and certain fixed tissue cells, such as those lining serous cavities (pericardium,* peritoneum,** and pleura,!) cells of the spleen, lymph glands, etc. This takes place especially in chronic in- fectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, etc. 2. Microphages ("small eaters") are chiefly polymor- phonuclear leucocytes,! they are especially concerned in acute infectious diseases, such as meningitis, etc. Among the substances mentioned under the anti- bodies formed against the endotoxin-producing bac- teria were the so-called opsonins; it is now well to em- phasize their importance in connection with phagocyto- sis. The reason that not all bacteria are destroyed by phagocytosis is twofold: in some diseases, such as pneumonia, meningitis, etc., the number of leucocytes is increased from the normal 7,500 to 15,000, 20,000, and upwards per cubic millimeter; this is called leucocytosis; in some diseases there is a diminution of leucocytes, and this is called leucopenia; thus, first of ♦Pericardium is the sac in which the heart is found. ♦♦Peritoneum is the lining of the abdominal cavity. tPleura is the covering of the lungs. , ^Leucocytes (the white blood cells) are of seven different kinds: 1. Polymorphonuclear leucocytes or neutrophiles-these contain a multishaped (not multiple) nucleus. 2. Small lymphocytes--these are the size of a red blood cell, the nucleus almost completely filling the cell. 3. Large lymphocytes-differing from (2) in being larger (as large as the neutrophiles). 4. Large mononuclears-as large as (3) but the nucleus is pushed to one side. 5. Transitionals-as large as (4), but usually have crescent or horseshoe shaped nuclei. 6. Eosinophiles-as large as (5) and contain red granules. 7. Basophile or mast cells-as large as (6) and contain blue granules. 68 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY all, for a successful phagocytosis there must be a leucocytosis; but even that alone is insufficient, as bac- teria may repel the leucocytes; this is called negative chemotaxis (chemical attraction) ; this is the reason opsonins are so important because they help attract the leucocytes (i. e., exert positive chemotaxis) and render bacteria more easily digestible by leucocytes. 2. Ehrlich's Humoral Theory.-According to Ehr- lich every body cell consists of a central part which is concerned in its function (that is, if it is a muscle cell its function is contractile, if it is a gland cell its func- Fig. 9.-Ehrlich's theory of immunity, a, body cell; b, the receptor, or immune body; c and d bacterial poison; c, haptophore (anchoring) group; d, toxophore (poisonous) group. tion is to secrete, etc.), and another part which is con- cerned in receiving food particles; for the latter pur- pose it is conceived that each cell possesses chemical affinities or as Ehrlich calls them "side chains," which are the means of attracting to the cell the various nutri- tive substances. The poisonous material, such as products of bacteria, may also become attached to the'body cell through its side chains, and, in this manner, injure the cell (Fig. 9). If the poison is severe enough the body cell so injured will die; if not, it will only be damaged; since the body GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 69 cell must have food, and since its side chains are not useful any more (having combined with the bacterial poisons), these side chains with the bacterial poisons attached to them, will be cast off into the blood stream, and new side chains will be formed (Fig. 10). But when new side chains are produced, not only enough are formed to replace the old ones, but many more than are really necessary, according to Weigert's law of overproduction or overcompensation-if, for ex- ample, only six side chains have combined with bac- terial poison, and, having become useless to the body Fig. 10.-Side-chains, with bacterial poison attached, cast off free into circulation, a, body cell; b, receptor or immune body (side-chain); c and d, bacterial poison. cell, were cast off, then, when regeneration of side chains takes place, several hundred will be formed in- stead of just six. The body cell does not need them; what becomes of them? Not being needed, they are cast off into the circulation and there combine with the poisons which originally were the cause of their forma- tion (Fig; 10). In order to understand the importance of this, let us take a concrete example: let us suppose that a body cell was injured by diphtheria exotoxin; let us further suppose that four side chains combined with this exotoxin; the body cell is injured but re- 70 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY covers; these four side chains combined with the exo- toxin are cast off; new side chains are formed-not four but many more, according to Weigert's law; four of these new side chains are retained by the body cell to replace the old ones, the rest are thrown off into the circulation; having been formed as a result of in- jury to the cell by diphtheria exotoxin, these free side ABC 0 E Fig. 11.-Illustration of Ehrlich's theory in case of diphtheria. A. A body cell (a) is injured by diphtheria toxin; (cd) through the union of the latter with the receptor (immune body on side chain, b). B. As a result of this the toxin and the receptor (immune body or side chain) are thrown off. C. New receptors are formed to replace the one which had been thrown off, but, according to Weigert's law of overproduction or overcompensation, instead of one receptor many more (three in the illustration) are produced. D. Only one receptor is needed to replace the lost ones, and the other two receptors are cast off. B. These two free receptors (immune bodies or side chains) having been produced as a result of stimulation by diphtheria toxin, have now a special affinity for it and will, whenever they meet it unite with it, thus protecting the body cell by intercepting the toxin (cd). 71 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY chains, circulating in the blood, have the same affinity for the diphtheria exotoxin as if they were attached to the body cell, and because of this affinity, wherever they will meet the diphtheria exotoxin, they will com- bine with it, and, in this way, protect the body cell; because if it were not for their combining with the exotoxin, the latter would reach the body cell and would there combine with it by means of the side chains which remained there (to replace the four original side chains), and would do the same damage to the cell as it had done before (Fig. 11). It is quite clear, therefore, that these free side chains are the antitoxins-they neutralize or combine with the exotoxins. This explains how a patient recovers from diphtheria; it explains why he remains immune (for some time or forever) after one attack of the disease; and, finally, it explains why such blood if injected into another animal would protect the latter from such in- fection. After the horse has been several times in- jected with the diphtheria exotoxin, his blood is full of these antitoxins (the side chains) and when injected into the patient, these side chains combine with the exotoxins in the patient's blood and thus protect him, in not allowing the exotoxins to reach the body cells and injure them. If a certain individual has no cor- responding side chains for a certain exotoxin, in the first place, he will never be affected by this kind of exotoxin-natural or inherited immunity. From his observations Ehrlich concluded that the toxin molecule consists of two parts: the haptophore group (the "carrying" part) which unites with the side chain of the body cell, and the toxophore group (the "poisoning" part), which does the actual dam- age (Fig. 12). Some of the poisonous substances are attached di- 72 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY rectly to the side chain, as we have seen in the example of the diptheria exotoxin, such side chains, as for ex- ample, antitoxins, are called receptors of the first order. Such side chains as agglutinins and precipitins arc called receptors of the second order and differ from the antitoxins in that they have not only the combin- ing group but also a digesting group (because the ag- glutinins and the precipitins not only unite with bac- terial substances, as the antitoxins do with exotoxins, Fig. 12.-Ehrlich's conception of a toxin molecule. The toxin molecule (cd) consists of two parts: c, which combines with the receptor or side- chain b and is called the haptophore (the carrying or anchoring) group, and d, which contains the poisonous part and is called the toxophore group. but also cause clumping and precipitating; hence the need of the digesting group). (Fig. 13). Of the greatest interest and importance are the side chains, such as lysins (baeteriolysins, hemolysins, etc.), which are called receptors of the third order; we know experimentally that when an animal is injected with endotoxin-producing bacteria, e. g., cholera spirilla, its blood serum contains baeteriolysins; that means that if this animal's blood serum is mixed with cholera spirilla the latter will be destroyed-just what happens in the animal's blood; now, if this animal's blood serum 73 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY should be heated to 56° C. for thirty minutes, and then be mixed with cholera spirilla no such bacterial destruction will take place; this would seem to indi- cate that the bacteriolysins must have been destroyed by heat; yet, if to this heated blood serum a little nor- mal blood serum from another animal is added, prompt destruction of bacteria will take place; this means that bacteriolysis is produced by the joint action of two sub- stances : the specific immune body, produced by the animal as a result of injection (the antibody or the bacteriolysin) Fig. 13.-The receptor of second order (agglutinins and precipitins). a, body cell; b, receptor (immune body or side-chain), consisting of two parts; c,. anchoring group, d, digesting group; e, bacterial poison. which is not destroyed by heating the blood serum up to 56° C. for thirty minutes, and a nonspecific sub- stance, present in all normal as well as immune blood serum, and which is destroyed by heating up to 56° C.; this normal substance is the same substance which has been mentioned before in the section on immunity and to which a slight normal bactericidal (bacteria- killing) property of the blood is due; it is called com- plement. We thus see that the receptors of the third order, such as bacteriolysins or hemolysins (which destroy the 74 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY red blood cells), do not act upon bacteria or red blood cells, as the case may be, alone, but in conjunction with the complement; because of this the side chain receptor of the third order has two "chains," one by which it combines with the bacterium or red blood cell or what- ever had been injected into the animal, and the other for combining with the complement. (Fig. 14.) While Ehrlich's humoral theory has very satisfactor- ily explained the production of all varieties of anti- bodies, for both the exotoxin and the endotoxin pro- Fig. 14.--The receptor of third order (bacteriolysis, hemolysin). The receptor (side-chain or immune body), b consists of two parts; c, which unites with bacterium e and d which unites with complement (/). ducing bacteria, it fails to take into consideration the phagocytosis of Metchnikoff-a phenomenon which doubtless plays a tremendously important part in many infections. On the other hand, Metchnikoff's theory of phagocytosis does not explain as many of the phe- nomena of immunity, as does Ehrlich's, and it is neces- sary to use both theories in order to have a clear pic- ture of immunity. 3. D'Herelle's Phenomenon of Bacteriophage.-As a result of extensive experimental studies D'Herelle of GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 75 Pasteur Institute claims that he discovered an ultra- microscopic organism (one which cannot be seen with an ordinary microscope), which he claims is the main source of our immunity. According to him, this ultra- microscopic organism or, as he calls it, bacteriophage, is parasitic upon (that is, lives at the expense of) ordi- nary bacteria (just as bacteria are parasites upon human body), and during the disease development destroys the bacteria which produces the given disease; he demon- strated the presence of bacteriophage by mixing a part of dysenteric stool with the dysentery culture where- upon in the latter bacteriolysis took place, and the bac- teriolytic substance could then be transmitted and trans- ferred from this tube to others. D'Herelle's idea, there- fore, is that in all infectious diseases the question of recovery depends upon the fact that in the human and animal intestines there are the minute (ultramicro- scopic) bacteria which get into the disease producing bacteria and secrete a dissolving (lytic) substance on these bacteria, and then recovery takes place; there are bacteriophages for all bacteria. In D'Herelle's monograph just published under the title "The Bacteriophage" evidences are given where the administration of the properly produced bacterio- phage (contained in the filtrates of such material as pus, stool, infected fluids) has produced definite improvement and recovery in numerous infectious diseases. No matter what the nature of the bacteriophage is- whether it is, as D'Herelle claims, "a bacterium within a bacterium," or a ferment produced by intestinal mucous membrane, as claimed by Kabeshima, or an autolytic ferment produced by bacteria themselves, as claimed by Bordet-D'Herelle's phenomenon is one of 76 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY the greatest bacteriological discoveries of recent years, and one which promises to revolutionize our conception of immunity, infection and treatment of infectious diseases. VII. Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis is the opposite of prophylaxis-the lat- ter is the prevention of infection, while anaphylaxis (from Greek ana, meaning against or no, and phylaxis, meaning protection) means an abnormal sensitiveness to infection. By anaphylaxis we mean sensitiveness due, not only to bacteria, but to any other proteins; it explains why some people are left more susceptible to infectious dis- ease after one attack than ever before; why some people can not eat certain kinds of food, as e. g., shell fish; why in some people injection of a serum (not only immune serum such as diphtheria, but even a normal horse serum which is given to control hemorrhage) produces danger- ous symptoms of shock, and, at times, even death. The main facts about anaphylaxis can be summed up as follows: 1. Any protein-whether bacterial plant or animal- can produce anaphylaxis. 2. The second dose of such protein may be infinitesi- mally small. 3. If the animals do not develop anaphylaxis after the second injection, they remain forever immune. 4. The greatest liability for the development of anaphy- laxis is between the tenth and fifteenth day after the first injection. 5. Anaphylaxis can be prevented by giving the second injection before the tenth day. 6. Anaphylaxis can be passively transferred from GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 77 mother to her offspring, that is, if mother should be given one injection, and her offspring should be injected with her blood, and then with an injection of the sensitizing substance, the offspring will develop anaphylaxis. The experiments of Pearce and Eisenbrey, and par- ticularly those of Schultz, Dale, and Weil, seem to es- tablish definitely that the anaphylactic reaction takes place not in the blood stream but in the fixed tissue cells. Practically, the knowledge of anaphylaxis is very im- portant. 1. Some diseases can be diagnosed by taking advantage of the fact that if a person is unusually sensitive to a certain organism because he is infected with it, an in- jection of the specific bacterial protein will cause a sharp reaction and will help diagnose his infection; on this principle are based such tests as tuberculin; luetin (for syphilis), and mallein (for glanders); a small amount of specific bacterial protein is injected into the skin, and if a person suffers from an infection caused by this particular bacterium, a marked reaction shows itself both at the site of injection and in the general condition of the patient. 2. It explains the mysteries of the so-called "serum- disease"-disease which follows the administration of various serums. In many cases the serum should be given in very small doses before the full amount given in order to avoid the possibility of anaphylaxis. Besredka, of Paris Pasteur Institute, developed a more perfect technic of "desensitization," that is, avoid- ing the anaphylaxis, by testing the sensitiveness of a patient by first introducing minute quantities of the serum subcutaneously. Diagnosis of Hay Fever and Asthma by Anaphylactic 78 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY lieaction.-Through the work of Dunbar, Cooke, Vander Veer, and particularly of Walker, it is now possible to establish the particular pollen causing in a given patient hay fever or the particular protein (either food, bac- teria, or animal appendages) in asthmatic patients. A little powdered protein (prepared from a pollen, a bac- terium, an article of food, or such material as chicken feathers, animal dandruff, etc.,) is put over a shallow abrasion on a patient's arm, and a drop of decinormal sodium hydroxide solution is placed over it (to dissolve the protein) quickly, if the patient is susceptible to the given protein; within one to ten minutes a fairly large urticarial wheal (depending on patient's susceptibility) develops at the site of the test. When the proteins re- sponsible for the patient's condition are established, a series of injections with the protein is given, usually with very good results. VIII. The Relation of Leucocytes to Infections The human blood is composed of the liquid part called plasma, and three types of cells, called, respectively: white blood cells or leucocytes, red blood cells or eryth- rocytes, and blood platelets; the number of erythro- cytes is 5,000,000 per cu. mm., that of the leucocytes is 7,000-8,000 per cu. mm., and that of blood platelets is 300,000 per cu. mm. While the erythrocytes are all alike-just as the blood platelets are all alike-the leucocytes are of seven dif- ferent kinds, as follows: 1. Polymorphonuclear leucocytes or neutrophiles: these constitute about 70 per cent of all leucocytes. 2. Small lymphocytes make up 20 per cent. 3. Large lymphocytes-about 3 per cent. 4. Large mononuclear leucocytes-about 3 per cent. GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 79 5. Transitional leucocytes-about 2 per cent. 6. Eosinophile leucocytes-about 1 per cent. 7. Basophile leucocytes or mast cells-about 1 per cent. Generally speaking, in most infections there is an in- crease in the number of leucocytes-leueocytosis, al- though in a few acute infectious diseases the reverse is the rule, the leucocytes being diminished-a condition called leucopenia. Leucopenia occurs, quite characteristically, in ty- phoid fever, tuberculosis, malaria, dengue, measles, in- fluenza, and such tropical diseases as Kala-azar. Leueocytosis occurs with especial regularity in pneu- mococcic, septic (streptococcic and staphylococcic), meningococcic and colon bacillus infections. What is just as important as, or even more important than, the white cell count (to determine the presence of leueocytosis or leucopenia) is a differential count by which is understood the counting of the percentages of the various leucocytes in a stained blood film prepa- ration. Again, in a general way, one may say that in acute infections the neutrophiles are increased while in a chronic infection the lymphocytes are (the neutrophiles being the microphages and the lymphocytes the macro- phages of Metchnikoff) increased. This increase or decrease of neutrophiles or lympho- cytes is independent of the total leueocytosis or leuco- penia-that is, one may have an increase of total number of leucocytes and a decrease of any given kind of leu- cocytes, or one may have a decrease of total number of leucocytes with an increase of any one or more types of leucocytes; for example, one may have 15,000 leu- cocytes and only 50 per cent neutrophiles or 30 per cent 80 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY lymphocytes, or one may have 5,000 leucocytes and 80 per cent neutrophiles or 50 per cent lymphocytes-such increase or decrease in the percentages of the different types of leucocytes in the presence of the opposite con- ditions of the total leucocytes is called relative increase or decrease: if for example one has leucocytosis of 15,000 and only 50 per cent neutrophiles (instead of 70 per cent) this decrease is relative (because there really is an absolute increase of neutrophiles--50 per cent of 15,000 being 7,500, whereas normally one has only 70 per cent of 8,000, which is 5,600) ; again if one has a leucopenia of 5,000 with 40 per cent (instead of 20 per cent) of lymphocytes, this increase in lympho- cytes is only relative (since there really is an absolute decrease of lymphocytes, 20 per cent of 8,000 is 2,500, whereas 40 per cent of 5,000 is 2,000). It is of the greatest importance to determine the dif- ferential count, especially the percentage of neutro- philes, because while increase in the total leucocyte count gives us an idea of the protection or defense of the body, the increase of neutrophiles corresponds to the severity of the infection-the student should always remember this: total leucocytosis refers to protection, increase of neutrophiles refers to severity of infection. The following combinations may, therefore, be present: 1. Leucopenia (e.g., 5,000) or slight leucocytosis (e.g., 10,000) with high percentage of neutrophiles (e.g., 90 per cent)-this is the most unfavorable combination, as it means low protection against a very severe infection. 2. High leucocytosis (e.g., 20,000) with high percent- age of neutrophiles (e.g., 90 per cent); this is not quite as bad, as it means a strong protection against a very severe infection. GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 81 3. Leucopenia (e.g., 5,000) or low leucocytosis (e.g., 10,000) with a low percentage of neutrophiles (e.g., 70 per cent)-this shows a weak protection against a weak infection. 4. High leucocytosis (e.g., 20,000) and a low percent- age of neutrophiles (e.g., 75 per cent)-the most favor- able combination, as it means a very strong protection against a mild infection. Walker has summarized the various combinations into what is known as the Walker's Index: he regards the normal leucocyte count as 10,000, and the normal per- centage of neutrophiles as 70 per cent; he further says that so long as the neutrophiles (the index of the severity of infection) increases 1 per cent for every 1,000 of the total leucocyte count (the index of protection), there is no cause for alarm;, in other words if total leucocyte count is 10,000, percentage of neutrophiles may be 70; if total leucocyte count is 15,000, percentage of neutro- philes may be 75; if total leucocyte count is 20,000, percentage of neutrophiles may be 80; if total leucocyte count is 25,000, percentage of neutrophiles may be 85; if total leucocyte count is 30,000, percentage of neutro- philes may be 90; and so forth, without causing any alarm If, for example, the total count is 20,000 and neutro- philes are 80 per cent, the index is 1. If the total count is 20,000 and neutrophiles are 70 per cent, the index is +10 (that is, neutrophiles are 10 per cent less than they could be with safety). If the total count is 20,000 and neutrophiles are 90 per cent, the index is -10 (that is. neutrophiles are 10 per cent too much for safety). The more negative the index, the graver the outlook. CHAPTER V THE STUDY OF BACTERIA AND GENERAL BACTERIOLOGIC TECHNIC I. Study of Bacteria in Living State The study of bacteria in living state is carried out in what is called the "hanging drop" preparation: A "hollow" slide is used-an ordinary glass slide, usually 3 inches by 1 inch, in the center of which a circular depres- sion is made, the edges of which are smeared with vase- line, then a drop of fluid medium in which the bacteria have been grown is placed in the center of an ordinary cover-glass (this is a piece of very thin glass, about 1 inch square) ; the majority of books then suggest to lift up the cover-slip and then invert it over the concavity of the "hollow" slide, so that the drop hangs over the depression of the slide; [my custom is to do just the oppo- site ; namely, without disturbing the cover-glass, I lift up the slide and invert it over the cover-glass so that the vaseline around the depression of the slide just touches the cover-slip, and then put the slide down on the table with the cover-glass uppermost; in this way the danger of breaking the very thin cover-glass in handling it with fingers is eliminated (the danger of crushing it when inverting the glass slide over the cover-glass does not exist since the vaseline over the depression of the slide acts as a buffer between it and the cover-glass) ; besides, another source of danger is done away with; namely, that of spilling or smearing the bacterial drop while in- 82 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 83 verting it over the glass slide-a very real danger, too, when handling virulent bacteria.] If the bacteria have been grown on a solid medium, some growth should be taken from the culture tube with a platinum needle and emulsified with physiologic salt solution (0.8 per cent solution of NaCl) and a drop of this emulsion should then be transferred to the cover Fig. 15.--A, staining support with a gas burner underneath; B, staining bottles; C, Petri dishes. slip. The preparation is then ready for the microscopic examination. The main object to be accomplished by studying the bacteria in this way is to determine whether or not they are motile. II. Study of Bacteria in Stained Preparation For this purpose a drop of fluid culture or a drop of bacterial growth emulsified in a little physiologic salt 84 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY solution, is spread thinly on a glass slide or a cover-slip, is allowed to dry in the air, is then rapidly passed several times through the flame of a Bunsen burner (this process fixes the preparation), and is now ready for staining. (Fig. 15.) Ordinary Stains (Gruebler's or Merck's) The stains used for bacteriologic purposes are anilin dyes, which are prepared from saturated solutions cither alcoholic or aqueous (in water). The most commonly used stains are: Methylene blue: aqueous saturated solution is 6.7 per cent. Methylene blue: alcoholic saturated solution is 7 per cent. Gentian violet: aqueous saturated solution is 1.5 per cent. Gentian violet: alcoholic saturated solution is 4.8 per cent. Basic Fuchsin: aqueous saturated solution is 1.5 per cent. Basic Fuchsin: alcoholic saturated solution is 3 per cent. The alcohol used here is understood to be 95 or 96 per cent alcohol. After the bacterial preparation has been fixed, the stain is poured on the slide, and is allowed to remain there for two to five minutes; most frequently methylene blue is used for routine examinations. The stain is then poured off the slide, the preparation is washed in water, dried on filter paper, a small drop of cedar oil is placed on the cover-glass or slide, or, if the preparation is to be preserved, a drop of Canada balsam is to be put between the glass slide and the cover-glass, and a drop of cedar oil is then placed on the cover-glass; the preparation is then ready for microscopic examination. (Fig. 16.) No directions for the use of the microscope are given, 85 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY for it is my conviction that no directions will ever do any good; the pupil must be individually taught just how to handle the microscope and care for it. Special Staining Methods A. Gram's Method.-This is an extremely important method which permits differentiation of bacteria into two classes: the so-called Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria; this will be made clear immediately after the Fig. 16.-Microscope (A) and artificial illumination (B). description of the method of staining which is as fol- lows : 1. Prepare the bacterial smear in the usual manner on a glass slide or a cover-glass, as described in the section on the Study of Bacteria in Stained Preparation. 2. Cover the preparation for five minutes with the anilin gentian violet stain, which is prepared as follows: 5 c.c. of anilin is shaken thoroughly with 125 c.c. of dis- 86 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY tilled water and the mixture is filtered through moist filter paper. To 108 c. c. of the mixture add 12 c. c. of the saturated alcoholic solution of gentian violet. 3. Pour off the stain and cover it for thirty seconds with Gram's iodine solution, which is prepared as fol- lows : Iodine 1 gram Potassium iodide 2 grams Distilled water 300 c.c. 4. Pour off the iodine solution and decolorize with 95%-98% alcohol until it ceases to discharge the blue color. 5. Wash the preparation in water, and leave some water on the slide. 6. Pour a few drops of carbol-fuchsin stain and im- mediately wash the preparation in water. 7. Dry on a filter paper and put a drop of cedar oil. The carbol-fuchsin stain is prepared as follows: Dis- solve 1 gram of basic fuchsin in 10 c. c. of absolute alcohol, and mix the 10 c.c. of this alcoholic solution of fuchsin with 90 c. c. of 5 per cent aqueous solution of carbolic acid. When stained by this method, it will be found that some bacteria have retained the gentian violet stain, while others have lost it and have taken up the carbol- fuchsin stain. Those bacteria which, when stained by this method, have retained the gentian violet (i. e., are stained violet) are called Gram-positive, while those which have lost it and have taken up the carbol-fuchsin (i. e., are stained red) are called Gram-negative. The following table shows the most important bacteria as belonging to either one or the other class: GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 87 Bacterial Classification According to Gram's Method GRAM-POSITIVE (Retain the gentian violet) Staphylococci Streptococci Pneumococci Bacillus of anthrax Bacillus diphtheria Bacillus of tetanus Bacillus of tuberculosis Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus ("Gas" bacillus) GRAM-NEGATIVE (Lose gentian violet, take carbol fuchsin and appear red) Bacillus typhosus Bacillus coli Meningococcus Gonococcus Glanders bacillus Bacillus pyocyaneus Bacillus of influenza Plague bacillus Cholera spirillum Friedlander's bacillus Paltauf's Modification.-This staining fluid retains its power for a much longer period, and is prepared as follows: Four c.c. aniline oil is mixed with 90 c.c. of distilled water and 7 c.c. of absolute alcohol. Shake well and filter through a moist filter paper until clear, and add 2 grams of Gruebler's gentian-violet; allow to stand 24 hours, filter before use. This will keep at least 6 to 8 weeks. In staining proceed as follows: 1. Prepare the smear in the usual manner. 2. Pour the stain and allow to stand three minutes. 3. Gram's iodine solution, two minutes. 4. Absolute alcohol thirty seconds. 5. Counterstain with carbol fuchsin (ten seconds) without washing. Many workers have lately recommended the use of acetone instead of the absolute alcohol. It is well worth trying. 88 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY B. Stain for Spores.- 1. Make and fix the preparation in usual manner. 2. Cover with Loeffler's alkaline methylene blue and heat the stain until it boils, remove it from flame, then heat again; repeat this for one minute (Loeffler's alkaline methylene blue is prepared by mixing 30 c.c. of saturated alcoholic solution of methylene blue with 100 c.c. of 1:10,000 solution of potassium hydroxide in water). 3. Rinse in water. 4. Decolorize with a mixture of 98 c.c. of 80 per cent alcohol and 2 c.c. of nitric acid, until all blue has dis- appeared. 5. Rinse in water. 6. Dip three to five seconds in a mixture of 10 c. c. of saturated alcoholic solution of eosin and 90 c.c. of water. 7. Rinse in water and blot. Spores are stained blue and the body of bacteria are stained pink. (See Fig. 4.) C. Stain for Capsule.- 1. Smear the bacteria in a drop of beef blood serum, dry and fix by heat in the usual manner. 2. Stain for a few seconds with a mixture of 5 c.c. of saturated solution of gentian violet and 95 c.c. of dis- tilled water. Hold the preparation flooded in this over a flame until it steams. 4. Wash off the stain with 20 per cent aqueous solu- tion of copper sulphate. 5. Blot (do not wash in water). The capsule appears as a blue halo around a dark pur- ple cell body. (See Fig. 2.) D. Stain for Flagella.- (See Fig. 3.) Use bacterial emulsion from young cultures grown on agar media (see section on Culture Media). 89 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 1. Dry the preparation in air and fix by heat. 2. Pour the following mixture, freshly filtered: 10 c.c. of 20 per cent aqueous solution of tannic acid, 5 c. c. of saturated aqueous solution of ferrous sulphate, and 1 c. c. of saturated alcohol solution of fuchsin. Allow this mixture to remain thirty to forty-five sec- onds, heating it gently. 3. Wash thoroughly in water. 4. Stain for one to two minutes, warming gently, with the following freshly filtered mixture: 50 c.c. of 5 per cent anilin gentian violet. 0.05 gram of sodium hydroxide. 5. Wash in water and blot. E. Stain for Bacilli Tuberculosis and Other "Acid- Fast" Bacilli The Ziehl-Neelsen Method. 1. Make the preparation (from the culture, urine, sputum, etc.) in the usual manner, dry in air and fix with heat. 2. Pour the carbol-fuchsin stain (its preparation has been given in the section on Gram's Method), and heat gently until it steams; continue this for three to five minutes, this had best be done on a special staining support under Which there is a gas pipe with numerous perforations, connected by a piece of rubber tubing with the source of gas supply; this method permits of regu- lating the amount of heat just sufficient for steaming, thus preventing the boiling. (See Fig. 15.) 3. Decolorize with 1 per cent hydrochloric acid or 5 per cent nitric acid in alcohol, then with 90 per cent alcohol until no pink color is discharged. 4. Wash in water. 5. Stain in aqueous saturated solution of methylene blue for one to two minutes. 6. Rinse in water, and blot. 90 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY By this method the tubercle bacilli are stained red, while everything else (including other bacteria) is stained blue. The principle of this stain is as follows: the tubercle bacilli do not stain with ordinary dyes-for this reason, hot carbol-fuchsin is used; but other bacteria which may be present (in the sputum, urine, etc.) are also stained (red). When strong decolorizing acid is applied, how- ever, all other bacteria lose the carbol-fuchsin stain, and take the methylene blue, while the tubercle bacillus does not give up the carbol fuchsin in spite of the action of the strong acid solutions (for this reason it is called an "acid-fast" organism), and remains red. Other acid- fast bacteria are the smegma and the leprosy bacilli. Pappenheim's Method This is used in order to differentiate between the tubercle and the smegma bacilli, which are stained alike; this is especially important in the examination of urine, as smegma bacilli, derived from the genitals, may be the source of confusion. Preparations are made in the usual way: Stain with hot carbol fuchsin for two minutes. Pour off the stain without washing, and pour on the following mixture: Rosolie Acid 1 gram. Absolute Alcohol 100 c.c. Methylene-blue to saturation. Glycerine 20 c.c. This is poured on and drained off slowly, four or five times, then washed in water. In this way the smegma bacilli are decolorized, while the tubercle bacilli are stained bright red. F. Stain for Malaria and Blood Films-The best one is Wright's stain; which is prepared as follows (avoid using the commercial stain, as the various specimens vary 91 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY greatly in strength, and each one has to be tried out before it can be safely used) : 200 c.c. of 1 per cent solu- tion of methylene blue in 0.5 per cent solution of sodium bicarbonate in distilled water are steamed in Arnold's sterilizer for one hour. Upon cooling, 1,000 c.c. of 0.1 per cent aqueous solu- tion of eosin (water soluble) is added, until a metallic scum appears on the surface of the mixture. The pre- cipitate which has been formed is collected by filtration, dried, and a satured solution is made in methyl (wood) alcohol. This is filtered and diluted with one-fourth its bulk of methyl alcohol. To look for malarial organisms, make a preparation in the same manner as for the study of blood, the so- called preparation for a differential count: clean the pa- tient's ear or the tip of a finger with alcohol, dry and prick with a needle or a blood lancet; wipe away the first drop of blood, collect the next drop on a scrupulously clean glass slide; apply another slide, held at angle of about 45° so that the edge of the second slide just touches the first slide where the drop of blood is; this will cause the latter to spread, by capillary attraction, along Ihe edge of the second slide; drag it along the first slide, holding it firmly against it, and you will get a thin, even "blood film." This is allowed to dry, and the slide is then covered with the stain for one to two minutes (this does not stain but merely fixes the preparation be- cause of the methyl alcohol present in the stain). Now add a few drops of distilled water to the film covered with stain until a distinct metallic luster appears on the surface. Leave this on for five to ten minutes. Wash in distilled water and dry. In such a preparation the red blood cells appear pink (if they contain the malarial parasites the latter are seen 92 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY as being in-not on-the red blood cells and have the various appearances as described in the section on Ma- laria) ; the leucocytes appear as follows: the polymor- phonuclears are body pink and the nuclei (from one to five segments) purple, the small and the large mononu- clears (the lymphocytes) show a narrow rim of pink protoplasm and large purple nucleus, the mast cells show purple granules, and the eosinophiles show red granules. Fig. 17.-Miscellaneous glassware. A, Erlenmeyer flask; B, graduate glass cylinder; C, anaerobic apparatus; D, fermentation tube; E, boiling flask. III. Plating and Anaerobic Cultures See Section on Applied Bacteriology. IV. Culture Media This is one of the most important things in bacteri- ology, not only because we can not study bacteria un- GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 93 less we grow them, but because the different ways in which the different bacteria grow on media and the dif- ferent changes which they produce in the culture media (fermentation of sugars, the production of acid, coagu- lation of milk, liquefaction of gelatin, etc.) constitute one of the most valuable means of bacterial differentiation and identification. (Fig. 18.) By a culture medium (plural: culture media) we mean any substance on which bacteria grow outside the animal body. Before the various culture media can be prepared, sev- eral other things have to be attended to. Preparation of Glassware.-If the glassware is new, immerse it in 1 per cent solution of hydrochloric acid, then wash it in 1 per cent sodium hydroxide, and, finally, wash it in running water. Old glassware containing in- fectious material should first be autoclaved for one hour, then emptied, and boiled for one hour in soap suds, then cleaned with a brush, and sterilized for one hour in the hot-air sterilizer at 150° C. If it is very dirty, it may, after it has been autoclaved, be immersed for twelve to twenty-four hours in a mixture of three parts of saturated aqueous solution of potassium bichromate and one part of sulphuric acid. The usual glassware for culture media consists of test tubes, Erlenmeyer and Florence flasks, and Petri dishes, which arc shown in accompanying illustrations; flasks and tubes should all be plugged with nonabsorbent cot- ton ; the best and easiest way to plug the test tubes, is to take a piece of cotton, two inches square, put over the mouth of the test tube and push it in for a distance of one inch with a pencil or a glass rod. The Composition of Culture Media.-Most culture media contain meat, agar, peptone, salt, and water. 94 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY With these substances as a basis, many so-called "enrich- ing" substances may be added, in order to enable us to grow Ihe bacteria which require especially rich food- stuffs ; of such fastidious bacteria we may mention pneumococci, streptococci, gonococci, influenza bacilli, etc. Of the "enriching" substances those most frequently used are various sugars, blood (either whole or "whipped" -defibrinated in order to prevent the coagulation), as- Fig. 18.-Making a transfer of a culture. citic fluid (the fluid removed from the patients suffer- ing from dropsy), etc. Speaking generally, the following requirements con- cerning the general nature of the ingredients used in preparing the culture media should be borne in mind: 1. Distilled water should be used unless tap water is specified. 2. All chemicals used should be of the highest grade obtainable (the so-called "chemically pure," C. P.) GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 95 3. The peptone should be Witte's or American pep- tone. 4. The meat should be lean, fresh beef. Titration of Media.-Titration of media is a very im- portant step. By titration of media is understood the adjustment of the reaction of the media, that is, whether they are acid or alkaline; the bacteria are, as a rule, very sensitive to this, and for this reason titration should be most carefully carried out in all cases. The color indicator used is 0.5 per cent solution of phenolphthalein in 50 per cent alcohol.* To determine whether the medium is acid or alkaline, take a few c.c. of the medium and drop one or two drops of the phenolphthalein solution; if the medium is acid, no color develops; if alkaline-a pink color appears. Most of the media are acid because of the presence of meat acids. For the actual titration of acid medium the so-called "one-twentieth normal solution of sodium hydroxide" is used, which is expressed as follows: N/20 NaOH, while for the titration of the alkaline medium "one-twentieth of normal solution of hydrochloric acid" is used, which is expressed as follows: N/20 HC1. By a "normal" chemical solution we understand "the molecular weight of a substance, expressed in grams, dissolved in a liter (1,000 c.c.) of distilled water; in the case of sodium hydroxide the formula is NaOH, and its molecular weight is that of sodium (Na) which is 23 plus that of oxygen (O) which is 16 plus that of hydrogen (II) which is one; that is, 23-|-16-j-l=40; the molecular weight of sodium hydroxide is, therefore, 40; now, if we dissolve 40 grams of it in 1,000 c. c. of distilled water, we will ♦Any per cent solution of alcohol can be prepared from the stand- ard 95 per cent alcohol by taking' as many cubic centimeters of 95 per cent alcohol as the percentage desired and filling it with water up to 95 c. c.; in this case, for example, take 50 c. c. of 95 per cent alcohol and add 45 c. c. of water. 96 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY have a "normal" solution of sodium hydroxide; if we wish to make one-twentieth normal solution take 1/20 of 40, i. e., 2 grams, and dissolve it in 1,000 c. c. of dis- tilled water; to make one-tenth normal solution take 1/10 of 40, i. e., 4 grams of NaOH in 1,000 e. c. of water, etc. In the case of hydrochloric acid the formula is HC1; the molecular weight of hydrogen (H) is 1; that of chlorine (Cl) is 35.5; therefore, the molecular weight of HC1 is 36.5; now HC1 being a liquid, we measure it in cubic centimeters (c.c.) and not in grams; take 36.5 c.c. of hydrochloric acid and add distilled water up to 1,000 c.c.; to make one-twentieth normal solution of hydro- chloric acid, take 1/20 of 36.5, i. e., 1.825 c.c. of hydro- chloric acid and add distilled water up to 1,000 c.c. Titration of Acid Medium.-Into an evaporating dish of 100 c.c. capacity pour 5 c.c. of the medium to be titrated, and add 45 c.c. of distilled water. Boil for three minutes over a free flame (to drive off the carbon dioxide). Add one c.c. of the phenolphthalein solution; the medium being acid, no color will be present, as ex- plained above. Now from a special tall tube called a "burette" (this is a tall, narrow tube, usually of 50 c.c. capacity graduated in tenths of a c.c., and provided with a stopcock to permit removal of small quantities of fluids), a few drops of the "twentieth normal solution of sodium hydroxide" (N/20 NaOH) are permitted to drop into the evaporating dish containing 5 c.c. of the medium and 45 c.c. of distilled water; at first no color is present, but little by little a pink color will develop, which, however, will disappear upon stirring with a glass rod. When a permanent pink color-that is, one which will not disap- pear upon stirring-has been reached, we know that the neutral point (that is, neither acid nor alkaline) has been obtained. GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 97 Titration of Alkaline Media.-Titration of alkaline media is carried out in the same manner as that of the acid medium, except that a N/20 HC1 (one-twentieth nor- mal solution of hydrochloric acid) is used. When 1 c.c. phenolphthalein solution is added, every drop of the hydrochloric acid solution added will cause a pink color, as explained above, but as more and more of the N/20 HC1 is added the color will gradually fade away, and when the color has completely disappeared, the neutral point has been reached. This is, in other words, just the opposite of the acid titration: there we work from no color to a permanent pink, and here from pink to no color. The Calculation.-Let us suppose that in titrating an acid medium we had to use 2 c. c. of N/20 NaOH to make our medium in an evaporating dish (5 c.c. of medium, not 50 c.c., as 45 c.c. was distilled water). The calculation is then easy: If 5 c.c. of the medium requires 2 c.c. of N/20 NaOH for neutralization, then 100 c.c. of the medium requires 20 times as much (because 100 c.c. is twenty times as great as 5 c. c.) ; that is, 2X20=40 c. c. of NaOH. If we had prepared 1,000 c.c. of the medium (a liter), this 1,000 c.c. of the medium will require 10 times as much of N/20 NaOH as 100 c.c. did; i. e., 40X10=400 c.c. of N/20 NaOH. Thus, to our 1,000 c.c. of the medium we must add 400 c.c. to the N/20 NaOH to make it neu- tral ; but adding 400 c. c. will make our medium too bulky; for this reason instead of adding one-twentieth of NaOH we will add the normal solution of NaOH; how much? Since the normal solution of sodium hydroxide is twenty times as strong as the normal twentieth solu- tion, it is evident that we must use one-twentieth of the 98 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY normal twentieth solution, i. e., instead of 400 c.c. of N/20 NaOH we will use 20 c.c. of N/l NaOH. The calculations of the alkaline titration do not differ in any way from the above. For ordinary purposes we use a medium which is not neutral but is about 1 per cent; i. e., requires one c.c. of N/l NaOH per 100 c.c. of the medium, or 10 c.c. per 1,000 c.c. (liter). In the above calculation, therefore, we should, instead of adding 20 c.c. of N/l NaOH to the liter of medium, have added only 10 c.c. of it, thus leaving the medium still 10 c.c. of N/l NaOH short for complete neutralization; that is, leaving it 1 per cent acid. The acidity of the medium is expressed by the sign -|- and the alkalinity by that of -. The Colorimetric Titration of Media.-This-the mod- ern method of titrating culture media (as well as many other fluids)-is based on the so-called "Hydrogen-Ion Concentration," and it is necessary to explain the mean- ing of this expression before proceeding to describe its application to the titration of culture media. The acidity of any solution depends on its contents of hydrogen ions (H) and the alkalinity on hydroxyl ions (OH) : thus, hydrochloric acid (HC1) is acid because of its hydrogen (H) contents, while sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is alkaline because of its hydroxyl contents (OH). The inaccuracy of the old method of titrating culture media is due to the fact that in using the phenolphthalein as an indicator, and in using sodium hydroxide and hydro- chloric acid for the correction of either acidity or al- kalinity, we do not actually correct them, because phenolphthalein is not sensitive enough to determine the hydrogen-ion concentration (which is actual acid- ity) ; we all know that while, for example, hydrochloric GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 99 acid and acetic acid are both acids, yet the acetic acid is much "weaker" (scientifically, it means that the hy- drogen-ion concentration of acetic acid is less than that of hydrochloric acid); in spite of this, when titrated with an alkaline solution, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), using litmus or phenolphthalein as an indica- tor, it will be found that both hydrochloric and acetic acids will require the same amount of the alkali to be- come neutral to either litmus or phenolphthalein indica- tors. On the other hand, if the hydrogen-ion concentra- tion of each acid were determined, it would be found that that of hydrochloric acid is very much greater than that of acetic acid, and thus would show us that hydrochloric acid is very much "more acid" than the acetic acid. The hydrogen-ion concentration is expressed by PH, attached to which is a number expressing the logarithm of the hydrogen-ion concentration, e.g., PH6, or PH6.2, or Ph8, and so forth. Another reason for the inaccuracy of the older method of titration is the fact that in our culture media there are such substances as peptones, protein, phosphates, etc., which are known as "buffer" solutions, because of their property to resist changes in reaction. Clark and Lubs who have done so much for the ap- plication of hydrogen-ion concentration to bacteriolog- ical work have suggested the various indicators which express the true acidity by changing their colors within a certain range. In the actual practice of colorimetric titration of media, a colorimetric set is purchased or made which consists of indicators, buffer solutions, and colorimetric scale. Into a thoroughly cleaned test tube, rinsed out with re- 100 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY distilled water, 2 c.c. of medium are measured, and to this 8 c.c. of redistilled water are added; 10 drops of indicator are also added to the tube, thoroughly mixed, and the color is compared against the scale, and, if found to be too acid, NaOH is added drop by drop, until the proper color is reached; the amount of NaOH necessary to bring the entire medium to the desired Ph concentration is calculated, added, and the medium titration is completed. Tubing the Media.-After the media have been pre- pared they are poured into test tubes (about 10 c. c. into each) or into flasks (about 30 to 50 c.c. into each) ; this is usually done by pouring the medium into a fun- nel to the tip of which a rubber tubing had been fitted, with a pinchcock, and the tubes and flasks are so filled from this; a special apparatus has been devised (see Fig. 19) which consists of a large glass bulb with a glass outlet, a stopcock, and a gauge which permits to pour into the tubes or flasks equal amounts of the medium. Sterilization of Media.-The ordinary media which do not contain sugar, glycerin, gelatin or animal serum, are sterilized in the steam pressure sterilizer (autoclave) at fifteen pounds pressure for fifteen to thirty minutes; the media containing substances which are apt to be in- jured by the high temperature must be sterilized by the fractional method (see the section on Destruction of Bac- teria) ; that is, by exposure for twenty minutes in Ar- nold's sterilizer, on three successive days. The media containing animal serum must be sterilized in water-bath or hot-air sterilizer at the temperature of 60° to 70° C. for half an hour on three successive days. Some media are best sterilized by passing through the 101 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY special bacterial filters (Berkefeld's or Chamberland's) which are made of unglazed porcelain or earthenware. Slanting of Media.-The solid culture media, after Fig. 19.-Tubing the media. they have been sterilized, usually are slanted, that is, the tubes are laid down on a desk or table so that the upper end of the test tube rests on a ledge or glass tubing, in 102 PRINCIPLES OP BACTERIOLOGY order that the medium, when coagulated, will form a slant in the tube (Fig. 19). Actual Preparation of Various Culture Media 1. Meat Extract Agar Agar is a Japanese seaweed. Meat extract agar is the most commonly used medium. Staphylococci, typhoid and colon bacilli grow well on this. Other bacteria require richer media. (a) Pour into an agate vessel 1,000 c.c. of distilled water, add 15 grams of shredded (not powdered) agar, 10 grams of Witte's peptone, 5 grams of sodium chloride and 5 grams of Liebig's meat extract. (b) Heat until agar is completely dissolved (thirty to forty-five minutes). (c) Add enough water to make up for loss by evapora- tion. (d) Cool to 60° C. and add whites of two eggs. (e) Heat in Arnold's sterilizer for thirty minutes, stir and heat fifteen minutes. (f) Add water to make up for loss by evaporation. Filter through cotton. (g) Titrate to the desired reaction (usually about 0.2 per cent acid, to phenolphthalein). (h) Tube and sterilize in autoclave for thirty minutes at 15 pounds pressure. Slant. 2. Meat Infusion Agar Meat infusion agar is one of the richer media, suitable for culturing streptococci, etc. (a) In a two-liter Erlenmeyer flask pour 1,000 c.c. of GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 103 water and put 1 lb. of finely chopped lean beef, and put in the ice box over night. (b) Boil for twenty to thirty minutes, make up loss of water, and filter through a cotton gauze filter (2 or 3 layers of gauze lined with cotton; when no more fluid runs through, gather the edges of the gauze over the cot- ton and squeeze it dry). (c) Add 10 grams of peptone and 5 grams of sodium chloride and heat (not over 50° C.) until peptone is dissolved. (d) Add 15 grams of shredded agar and boil until agar is dissolved. Make up to 1,000 c.c. (e) Heat for thirty minutes in Arnold's sterilizer, stir, and reheat for fifteen minutes. (f) Titrate, adjust the reaction to 0.2 to 0.5 per cent acid, filter through cotton and tube. (g) Sterilize thirty minutes in the autoclave at 15 pounds pressure. Slant: 3. Meat Extract Broth Meat extract broth is a liquid medium corresponding to meat extract agar. (a) To 1,000 c.c. of water add 10 grams of peptone, 5 grams of Liebig's meat extract, and 5 grams of sodium chloride. (b) Heat until dissolved, and add water up to 1,000 c.c. (c) Titrate and filter through paper (if not clear, add whites of two eggs, heat for thirty minutes in Arnold's sterilizer, and then filter through cotton). (d) Tube and sterilize in autoclave thirty minutes at 15 pounds pressure. 104 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY 4. Meat Infusion Broth Meat infusion broth corresponds to meat infusion agar. It is prepared exactly as the meat infusion agar (Medium No. 2) except that the agar is omitted, and sterilized like it (in the autoclave for thirty minutes at 15 pounds pressure or in Arnold's sterilizer for thirty minutes on three successive days). 5. Sugar-free Broth Sugar-free broth is used for making different sugar media. Prepare the broth just as the meat extract broth (No. 3) is prepared. After the step b, add 10 c. c. of a twenty-four-hour-old culture of colon bacillus. Then incubate at 37° C. for twenty-four hours. (The colon bacillus will destroy all sugar present.) Heat for thirty minutes in autoclave at 15 pounds pressure. Add water up to 1,000 c.c., filter through paper and titrate. 6. Sugar Broths After No. 5 lias been prepared (the sugar-free broth) add different sugars (dextrose, lactose, saccharose, etc.), in proportion of 1 per cent tube in fermentation tubes, and heat for twenty minutes (not more, as it will spoil the sugars) in Arnold's sterilizer on three successive days. (Instead of fermentation tubes one can use the following: tube in ordinary test tubes; when tubed, place into each test tube a very small tube (2x^4 inch) inverting it, so that its mouth rests against the bottom of the larger tube. During the sterilization the medium will be forced up into the smaller tube, and if fermentation will take place upon inoculation, the empty space where gas is collected in the small tube will show it. GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 105 7. Enriched Media All of the meat infusion media (No. 2 and No. 4) can be enriched, by adding glucose 1 to 2 per cent, or a few drops of ascitic fluid or of defibrinated or whole blood, or glycerin. When ascitic fluid is added greatest aseptic precautions should be observed, as after its addition no further steril- ization by heat is permissible since it would coagulate the albuminous part of the ascitic fluid. An ordinary meat infusion agar is made as above described, tubed and sterilized. When ascitic fluid is to be added, melt the agar tubes by heating in water bath, cool to 45° C., then (with all aseptic precaution) add to each tube a few drops of ascitic fluid, flaming the test tubes before and after the addition; incubate all tubes at 37° C. for twenty-four hours to see if they are sterile. For defibrinated or whole blood, do just as for the as- citic fluid agar, except that a few drops of defibrinated or whole blood is added. To obtain defibrinated blood, bleed a rabbit from the carotid artery or jugular vein into a sterile flask with 10 to 20 glass beads, shake the blood thoroughly, add a few drops to each tube of melted and cooled agar, and incubate for twenty-four hours to test sterility. If sugar is added (usually glucose 1 to 2 per cent) sterilize for twenty minutes instead of thirty minutes in Arnold's sterilizer on three successive days. 8. Gelatin Gelatin is used to determine the gelatin-liquefying properties of bacteria. (a) To 1,000 c.c. of water add 5 grams of Liebig's meat extract, 5 grams of sodium chloride, 10 grams of pep- 106 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY tone and 100 grams of best French sheet gelatin ("Gold Seal" brand). (b) Dissolve by heating, add water up to 1,000 c.c. (c) Cool to 60° C., add whites of two eggs, stir and heat for thirty minutes in Arnold's sterilizer. (d) Add water up to 1,000 c.c. filter through cotton. Sterilize in Arnold's sterilizer for thirty minutes on three successive days. (e) Do not slant this medium, as it is inoculated by ' ' stabbing. ' ' (a) Large potatoes are well washed and scrubbed with a nail brush. Peel and wash in running water. (b) Cylindrical pieces are removed with a large apple corer, and each cylinder is cut diagonally into two wedges. (c) Immerse the wedges overnight in 1 per cent solu- tion of sodium carbonate to correct the normal acidity. (d) Insert the wedges into test tubes (if desired they can be first soaked in 25 per cent glycerin-the glycerin potato medium). (e) Sterilize for thirty minutes in Arnold's sterilizer on three successive days, or autoclave for thirty minutes at 15 pounds pressure. 9. Potato Media 10. Litmus Milk Litmus milk medium is used for determining the power of bacteria to curdle the milk and produce acid (as shown by fading of the blue color and the tube turning red). (a) Fresh milk is heated in a flask in Arnold's steril- izer for fifteen minutes. (b) Put flask in ice box to allow the cream to separate. The cream is then syphoned off. GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 107 (c) Neutralize the acidity if in excess of 1.5 per cent. (d) Add a few drops of a 5 per cent aqueous solution of litmus. (e) Sterilize in Arnold's sterilizer for thirty minutes on three successive days. 11. Loeffler's Serum Medium Loeffler's serum medium is used for diphtheria bacil- lus. (a) Beef blood is collected in sterilized jars, allowed to clot, the clot is loosened by a glass rod, and jars are kept on ice overnight. (b) Clear serum is pipetted off to sterile flasks. (c) To three parts of the serum one part of 1 per cent glucose meat infusion broth is added, and the whole is tubed. (d) It is then sterilized in a special sterilizer called "inspissator" at a temperature of 70° C. for two hours on six successive days. 12. Endo's Medium Endo's medium is used for the differentiation of the typhoid and colon bacilli. 1. Prepare ordinary meat extract agar, except that it should contain 25 to 30 grams of agar per 1,000 c.c. of media, instead of the usual 15 grams, and it should be 0.2 per cent acid. Do not tube it, but keep it in flasks. When Endo's medium is wanted, melt the agar, add to it 1.8 c. c. of filtered 10 per cent solution of basic fuchsin in 95 per cent alcohol and 25 c.c. of freshly prepared 10 per cent aqueous solution of sodium sulphite crystals. Then add 10 grams of lactose (milk sugar) in 50 c.c. of sterile water. Sterilize for fifteen minutes in Arnold's sterilizer on three successive days. 108 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY On such a medium the typhoid colonies are colorless, while those of colon bacilli are red. 13. Russell's Double Sugar Medium Russell's double sugar medium is used for the differen- tiation of the typhoid, paratyphoid and colon bacilli. (a) Prepare ordinary meat extract agar (25 grams of agar per 1,000 c. c. of medium, 0.8 per cent acid) and keep it in flasks. When needed, melt it. (b) Add enough of sterile 5 per cent aqueous solu- tion of litmus (usually about 30 c.c.) to give the medium a distinct violet color. (c) Add 0.1 per cent glucose (grape sugar) and 1 per cent lactose (milk sugar) dissolved in 50 c.c. of water, tube and sterilize in Arnold's sterilizer for fifteen min- utes on three successive days. Slant. When inoculations are made smear the surface and also stab. On such a medium typhoid growth will show a par- tial red color formation and no gas bubbles. The para- typhoid A and B will show a partial red color formation and gas bubbles in the red area, while the colon growth will turn the entire tube red and gas bubbles all over. 14. The Double Sugar-Lead Acetate-China Blue Medium This medium is the most complete differentiating me- dium, as it tells at a glance whether the growth is one of typhoid, paratyphoid A, paratyphoid B, colon or B. en- teritidis. (a) Prepare ordinary meat extract agar, 0.3 per cent acid, and flask it. (b) Heat some 2 per cent neutral lead acetate in sterile distilled water, at 100° C. for one hour in water-bath, 5 c.c. of this is added to 100 c.c. of agar (which has been GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 109 melted and cooled to 60° C.). Tube in Wassermami test tubes (4x1/2 inch). (b) Prepare 1 per cent solution of China blue in dis- tilled water. (c) 0.4 c. c. of normal sodium hydroxide is added to 10 c.c. of 1 per cent solution of China blue, and the mixture is heated in water-bath for ten minutes at 100° C. (the blue color now changes to brown). (d) 1.2 c.c. of this mixture is added to 100 c.c. of agar. (e) 0.1 per cent glucose and 1 per cent lactose are also added, and the mixture is heated for ten minutes in water-bath at 100° C. Cool to 60° C., and pour on the first layer (step A) the same amount as the latter. The changes caused by the different bacteria on this medium are shown in the following table. Bacillus Gas Bottom Layer Top Layer Typhoid No Black Pale blue Paratyphoid A Yes No change Pale blue Paratyphoid B Yes Black Colorless Colon Yes Black Deep blue Enteritidis Yes No change Colorless 15. Cornstarch Medium This little-known medium is the best medium for gonococcus cultivation, also for pneumococcus and other bacteria which grow with difficulty. On this medium the gonococcus, which dies on all other media in four to five days, will live over four weeks, so that where cultivation and frequent transfers are to be made this medium will be found of greatest help. (a) 500 grams of lean beef are added to 1,500 c.c. of water, and put in a flask on ice overnight. 110 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY (b) Strain through gauze, heat slowly to boil, add 15 to 17 grams of shredded agar; when dissolved, neu- tralize to 0.4 per cent acid (phenolphthalein). (c) Cool to 60° C. add three whole eggs (beaten with a little water), put back on fire, heat quickly to boil, then turn the flame down to a simmer for fifteen min- utes. (d) Filter through cotton and gauze (both previously sterilized), add 10 grams of Squibb's cornstarch per 1,000 c.c. of medium, rub the starch with 60 c.c. of filtrate to a milky consistency, pour back into the rest of filtrate and shake well. (If lumps are present filter again and add more starch.) (e) Sterilize in Arnold's sterilizer, shaking every ten minutes. (f) Tube or flask. Autoclave fifteen minutes at 8 to 10 pounds pressure. (g) Cool down to 42° C., tilt a few times (without wetting the stopper), slant overnight, then stand them up for a day. Good tubes show about % of an inch of water of condensation. 16. Bile Medium. Used in Blood Cultures Take 900 c.c. of fresh ox bile, 100 c.c. of glycerin and 20 grams of peptone. Put in small Erlenmeyer flasks (about 40 to 50 c.c. in each) and sterilize in Arnold's sterilizer for thirty minutes for three successive days. 17. Media for Tubercle Bacillus The best media are those of Petroff; their preparation requires a good deal of skill, and the reader should con- sult Petroff's own description observing the most min- ute details. GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY 111 A very good medium is the glycerin potato. Meat in- fusion agar with about 10 to 15 per cent of whole blood (not defibrinated) is also excellent. One of the best media is that of Dorset: (a) Carefully break 16 eggs into a flask, shake it until the whites and yolks are well mixed. (c) Add 100 c.c. of distilled water, strain through a sterile cloth. (c) Pour 10 c.c. each into sterile test tubes, slant, and Fig. 20.-Two types of water-baths. put them into an inspissator, sterilizing at 72° C. for four hours on two days. (d) On third day raise the temperature to 76° C. (e) Sterilize in Arnold's sterilizer at 100° C. for fifteen minutes. Add two or three drops of sterile water to each tube before inoculation. One of the new media which is excellent is that of Williams and Burdick.* *Jour. Bacteriol., July, 1916, i. 112 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY (a) Dilute the egg whites with 10 parts of distilled water, shake well; pass through a thin layer of cotton, heat to 100° C., filter through cotton. (b) Yolks are diluted with 10 parts of distilled water, and well stirred. Add 1 c.c. of normal sodium hydroxide solution to 100 c.c. of yolks emulsion. Heat to 100° C., and filter. (c) 500 grams of finely chopped lean veal are put into 1,000 c.c. of wTater containing 15 per cent glycerin; put on ice for twenty-four hours, filter, and add 5 grams of sodium chloride, and heat to boiling. Filter and render 1 per cent alkaline (to phenolphthalein). (d) Put 300 c.c. of 10 per cent egg white solution (obtained in a) into a liter flask. Three hundred c. c. of the yolks solution are placed in another liter flask; 400 c. c. of the veal infusion, to which 15 grams of powdered agar are added, are placed in a third liter flask. (e) Sterilize all three flasks in the autoclave at 15 pounds pressure for fifteen minutes. While hot, pour into the meat infusion flask 1 c.c. of 1 per cent alcoholic solution of gentian violet. (f) Then pour the contents of this flask into the egg whites flask, and pour into it the contents of the yolks flask. Pour the whole back and forth until thoroughly mixed. Tube and slant for seventy-two hours at the room temperature. Flame the stoppers. No sterilization is permitted, and for this reason the entire procedure should be carried out under the strictest aseptic precautions. CHAPTER VI APPLIED BACTERIOLOGY Examination of Material from Patients. 1. Examination of Smears.-Very frequently it is necessary to examine the discharge from some part of the body; in such case a drop of discharge is placed on a clean sterilized glass slide by means of a sterile swab or platinum loop, and is evenly spread (if the dis- charge is very "thick" it may be emulsified on the slide with a drop of sterile physiologic 0.8 per cent salt solu- tion). It is then dried in the air, and passed several times through a Bunsen burner flame. Stain by Gram's method. 2. Making Ordinary Cultures.-"When cultures have to be made from discharge, one must be governed in his choice of media by the organism suspected; if staphylococcus is suspected use meat extract agar, but since streptococcus may also be present and since it does not grow so very well on meat extract media, it is best to use meat infusion agar or broth. If gonococcus is suspected use ascitic fluid salt-free agar, or meat in- fusion glucose or blood agar, or cornstarch agar. 3. Anaerobic Cultures.-At times an anaerobic organ- ism may be suspected, and it is well then to make an anaerobic culture. This consists of making an ordinary culture and placing it in a specially constructed navy "anaerobic jar" and incubating it in the usual manner. 113 114 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY If such a jar is not on hand, a 2 per cent glucose meat infusion agar (not slanted) is inoculated by stabbing and about 3 to 5 c.c. of liquid paraffin or vaseline is poured on the top of the agar. J. II. Wright's Method.-Make a deep stab culture in glucose agar or gelatin, having boiled the medium be- fore inoculating. Then flame the cotton plug and press it down into the tube so that the top lies about three- Fig. 21A.-The incubator. fourths of an inch below the mouth of the test tube. Next fill in about one-fourth of an inch with pytogallic acid; then add 2 or 3 c.c of 10 per cent solution of sodium hydroxide, and quickly insert a rubber stopper. This is a very reliable and convenient method. 4. Making Plates.-If a smear examination or the appearance of the culture suggests that more than one or- ganism is present and it is desirable to isolate them in pure culture, one must 1 'prepare plates": three tubes of agar are melted and cooled to 42° C. A platinum loopful of 115 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY pus or other infectious material is transferred to Tube 1 and well mixed by rotating the tube; two loopfuls are transferred from Tube 1 to Tube 2, and five loopfuls from Tube 2 to Tube 3; in this way the bacterial dilu- tion is made progressively higher. The contents of each tube are then poured into each of three Petri dishes, which are numbered to correspond to tubes, and the plates are incubated. Next day the separate colonies are studied in plate No. 3 (containing the least number of colonies), and separate colonies are picked and inocu- lated on slants, if necessary. 5. Examination of Peritoneal, Pleural and Pericardial Fluids.-These should be first centrifugalized and the sediment examined in a smear preparation. Cultures may be made either in a liquid medium by adding a few cubic centimeters of the material to a tube or a flask of the proper medium, or plated on agar. 6. The examination of cerebrospinal fluid should be carried out in the same manner as above. 7. Urine.-Catheterized specimen of urine should be secured, centrifugalized and smears and cultures made in the usual way. 8. Feces is most frequently examined for typhoid bacillus: a small piece is emulsified in a test tube of sterile physiologic salt solution, and dilutions are made into three tubes, as in plating, the contents of each be- being poured in Petri dishes containing Endo's medium; next day a colorless colony is picked and transferred to Russell's double sugar agar tube; after twenty-four hours' incubation if the colony was one of typhoid bacillus, part of the tube will have turned red but no gas bubble will have formed. (See section on Russell's Medium under Culture Media.) 9. Blood Culture.-Sterilize the elbow bend with two 116 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY B NEEDLE A OUTER TUBE c THE. RUBBER TU0ING IN WHICH NEEDLE (A) IS FIXED D SEALED END E TUBE CONTAINING MEDIUM Fig. 21B.- Special tube for obtaining blood for Wassermann and similar tests. 117 GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY applications of tincture of iodine, apply a tourniquet half way up the arm, to make the veins stand out promi- nently, and with a sterile all-glass Luer syringe with- draw 5 to 10 c.c. blood. If typhoid is suspected, pour about 5 c.c. of blood into a flask with bile-peptone-glycerin medium, incubate for 12 hours, and then make transfers to ordinary broth (about 1 to 2 c.c. of bile medium) or make plates on Endo's medium. If septicemia or pneumonia are thought of, pour 1 to 2 c.c. of blood into each of 3 or 4 flasks with glucose meat infusion broth. A very simple and a very good method of obtaining pure blood cultures--a method that produces fewer con- taminations than any other-is the use of the special tubes which are now on the market (see Fig. 21-B) ; they are practically large Kei del vacuum tubes (which are used for obtaining blood for Wassermann and similar tests) containing various culture media; the outer tube (A) is taken off, after the arm is prepared in the usual way (scrubbed with alcohol) a tourniquet is placed above the elbow bend and the patient is told to keep the fist shut tight, in order to make the veins stand out, the needle (B) is thrust into the vein, the sealed end (D) of the tube containing medium (E) is broken with one's thumb and the index finger, within the rubber tubing (C), and then the vacuum in (E) causes the blood to flow through the needle (B) and the rubber tubing (C) into the medium in (E). As one can readily see, the blood is never exposed to the air contamination as it flows from the vein into the tube containing the medium; neither is the medium exposed to contamination. 10. Sputum.-Sputum is usually examined for tubercle bacilli. A thick yellowish piece should be chosen and smeared on a glass slide in a usual way, dried and fixed 118 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY by heat; it is then stained for tubercle bacillus as de- scribed in the section on Staining, or for pneumococci. 11. Animal Inoculation.-Very often when no evi- dence of tuberculosis can be found on examination of smears or cultures, animal inoculation has to be resorted to. The fluid to be injected (peritoneal, pericardial, pleural or cerebrospinal fluid) is centrifugalized and the sedi- ment is mixed with a few cubic centimeters of sterile salt solution, and 1 c.c. is injected into a guinea pig in- traperitoneally. If sputum is used, a suitable (yellowish) piece is rubbed up with salt solution, instead of centrif- ugalization. Four weeks later the guinea pig is killed and examined for the evidences of tuberculosis. If the animal dies before the time specified, autopsy is immedi- ately made. If the guinea pig is x-rayed for thirty seconds before injection ten or fourteen days are a sufficiently long period to wait (as x-raying destroys the lymphoid tis- sue which protects the animal against tuberculosis, and it is thus rendered more susceptible). If pneumonia is suspected, one c.c. of blood or sputum is injected intraperitoneally into a white mouse, and cultures and smears are made from the peritoneal fluid. It should be always borne in mind that the final re- sults depend on the care with which all manipulations are made, as the opportunities for contamination are great. Scrupulous care should be exercised in flaming the cotton stoppers before and after opening tubes and flasks with culture media, the platinum needles and loops, etc. Certain procedures can not be explained, but have to be seen in order to be grasped; the pupil can, however, learn at the outset the fact that care in handling the materials is more essential than speed. SECTION II SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY CHAPTER VII THE STAPHYLOCOCCUS GROUP I. Historical The staphylococcus group were first carefully studied in 1879 by Koch, Ogston, Pasteur and Rosenbach. They are so called because of their appearance in irregular clusters (from Greek, meaning bunch of grapes). II. Morphology and Staining Staphylococci are round or spherical, diameter about 0.9 ft. They are usually arranged in clusters, but very young cultures may show diplococci (pairs). Staphylococci stain with all simple stains, and are Gram positive; they are nonmotile, have no spores, no capsules, no flagella. III. Cultural Characteristics Staphylococci grow readily on all plain media; they are aerobes and facultative anaerobes (that is, they may grow without oxygen). They form in 24 hours discrete, golden yellow or white colonies of various sizes. Gelatin is liquefied. Milk is coagulated and acids (lactic and butyric) are formed. 119 120 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY On sugar media acids are formed but gas is not pro- duced. Staphylococcus aureus produces yellow pig- ment, while no pigment is produced by Staphylococcus albus (Staphylococcus citreus-which produces green pigment-is of very feeble pathogenic power). IV. Destruction Staphylococcus is killed by heating to 58° C. for ten minutes; it is very resistant to low temperatures, and drying is well borne. Solution of bichloride of mercury 1:1000 destroys Fig. 22.-Staphylococcus. x 1100 diameters. (Park and Williams-Patho- genic Bacteria and Protozoa.) them in 10 minutes; tincture of iodine is excellent for destroying them. V. Disease-Producing Properties, Mode of Infection, Disinfection and Prophylaxis. Different strains vary in virulence. Ordinarily they cause local suppuration-abscesses, boils, carbuncles, etc. They also cause osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone marrow) ; if they gain entrance to circulation they may 121 SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY cause septicemia, and abscesses in various organs. Child- birth fever is fairly frequently caused by them. For dis- infection see under Destruction. As to prophylaxis, sur- gical cleanliness is the only efficient means. The nurse should carefully destroy the soiled dressings by burning and disinfect her hands by washing them in 70 per cent alcohol or 1:1000 bichloride of mercury. VI. Infection and Immunity Staphylococci produce endotoxins, and in addition to this, hemolysin, which destroys the red blood cells, and Fig. 23.-Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Colony two days' old, seen upon an agar-agar plate, x 40 (Heim). (From McFarland-Pathogenic Bac- teria and Protozoa.') leucocidin which destroys the white blood cells (leuco- cytes) . During the infection agglutinins are produced, bac- teriolysins, and opsonins. Phagocytosis is important in staphylococcus infections. VII. The Varieties of Staphylococci (a) Staphylococcus pyogenes (pus-producing) aureus (yellow) produces yellow pigment. 122 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY (b) Staphylococcus pyogenes albus (white) produces pigment. The aureus is the most frequently associated with infection. The albus causes the stitch abscesses seen after operations. Staphylococcus citreus produces green pigment ; it possesses very feeble pathogenic power. VIII. Bacteriologic Diagnosis Bacteriologic diagnosis is easy and rests on the fol- lowing : (a) Gram-positive cocci arranged in clusters. (b) Grow readily on simple (meat extract) media. (c) Liquefy gelatin, coagulate milk, produce acids, form no gas on sugar media. IX. Immunity Treatment None for acute infections. For chronic infections such as continuous abscess formation, persistent pus dis- charge, etc., a staphylococcus vaccine gives good results. Vaccines are prepared as follows: A 24-hour-old agar culture of staphylococcus is ob- tained; about 10 c.c. of sterile salt solution are poured into the culture tube; the growth is gently scraped off with a platinum loop (care being taken not to scrape any particles of agar). The bacterial emulsion is poured into a killing tube (this is an ordinary test tube but with a long drawn out neck) in which 8 to 10 glass beads are placed, the tube is scaled off and shaken for an hour by hand (or for ten minutes in a special "vaccine shaker") ; the narrow tip is broken off and a few drops are poured into a sterile watch-glass, the tube is scaled again and SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 123 placed in a water-bath at 58° C. for one hour, to kill the bacteria; now we proceed to standardize the vaccine; i. e., to determine how many bacteria we have there per cubic centimeter. With a blood lancet prick a finger and draw blood into a capillary pipette for a distance of one inch (marked with red pencil) ; a little air is then allowed to enter and then the bacterial emulsion is drawn up to the same mark. We now have equal amounts of blood and bac- teria; these are thoroughly mixed by alternate drawing in and out of the contents of the pipette on a watch- glass. Then smears are made of this mixture on a glass slide in the same manner as blood smears; put a large drop of the mixture on a glass slide and with another glass slide resting on the drop make a quick rapid smear. Stain with Wright's stain (see section on Staining) ; count several fields, counting red blood cells, and bacteria. Let us suppose that we counted altogether 300 red blood cells and 150 bacteria. That means there are twice as many red blood cells as bacteria. Since there are 5,000,000 red blood cells in a cubic millimeter of normal blood, our vaccine (which contains half as many bac- teria as there are red blood cells) contains 2,500,000 bac- teria per cubic millimeter, or 2,500,000,000 per cubic centimeter. Now if we do not want our vaccine to be so concentrated, we can dilute it with salt solution to the desired concentration. The vaccine is now taken out of the water-bath, poured into a sterile graduated cylinder, enough salt solution is added to bring it to the desired concentration, and 0.25 per cent of tricresol is added, and the vaccine is allowed to stand at room temperature overnight; next morning aerobic and anaerobic cultures are made, and if, in forty-eight hours, no evidences of contamination are 124 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY seen, the vaccine is poured into small ampoules and sealed. X. The Summary of Staphylococcus Group The staphylococcus is a common organism, found every- where, especially on human skin, causes localized sup- purations, at times septicemia, is Gram-positive, appears in clusters, has no spores, flagella or capsules, is non- motile, grows readily on all ordinary media, is aerobic and facultative anaerobic, produces endotoxin, hemolysin and leucocidin, the infected animal produces bac- teriolysins, opsonins, agglutinins; phagocytosis plays an important part in overcoming the infection. One of the most promising treatments for all infected wounds is that of Carrel-Dakin. It is somewhat complicated and should be thoroughly explained by one familiar with its use, and, for this reason, is omitted here; briefly stated its essential fea- ture is chloride of lime with sodium carbonate and bi- carbonate. When properly applied by Carrel-Dakin's method, it is the most efficient treatment of infected wounds yet devised. CHAPTER VIII THE STREPTOCOCCUS GROUP I. Historical The first studies on streptococci were made by Klebs, Koch, Pasteur and Ogsten. II. Morphology Streptococci are small spherical organisms, about 0.7 p in diameter. They usually are arranged in chains, whence their name (from Greek str ept os, meaning twisted). The chains are usually longer in the strains just isolated from animal tissues than in those grown on artificial culture media. They also appear to grow in longer chains in liquid than in solid media. The streptococci are nonmotile, have no flagella, no spores, no capsules, although there is a strain of strep- tococcus which regularly possesses capsules, the so-called streptococcus pyogenes (pus-producing) capsulatus, but today this organism is regarded as being one of the strains of pneumococcus and is called pneumococcus capsulatus (see section on Pneumococcus). Streptococcus is Gram-positive. III. Cultural Characteristics Streptococcus grows slowly on ordinary meat extract media, but luxuriantly on the "enriched" media, such as meat infusion media, especially when glucose or as- 125 126 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY citic fluid has been added. On blood agar plates the hemolytic streptococci colonies from a wide zone of hemolysis. Gelatin is not liquefied. Sugars are fer- mented and acid is produced. Milk is coagulated in three to four days. It is aerobic and facultatively anaerobic. It does not grow below 15° C. or above 42° C. Fig. 24.-Streptococcus pyogenes. Film preparation of a broth culture, x 1500. (Hewlett-Manual of Bacteriology.) IV. Destruction Heating at 60° C. for one hour will kill streptococci, 5 per cent carbolic acid solution and 1:1000 bichloride of mercury kills them in a few min utes. They keep well on defibrinated blood in ice box. Drying destroys them in ten hours. SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 127 V. Disease Production, Mode of Infection, Disinfection and Prophylaxis Streptococci are widely distributed in nature, but usually in association with man, they are found in soil, water and milk. Some very severe epidemics of "strep- tococcus sore throat" have been caused by the use of infected milk. In human beings they cause both local suppurations like staphylococci and also septicemia ("blood poison- ing") ; infection develops very rapidly from twelve hours on, and if it becomes general, produces endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart), meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the skull), childbirth fever, acute rheumatism, sore throat (tonsillitis), osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone-marrow), pneu- monia ("septic" pneumonia) ; streptococci often accom- pany other infections, e.g., diphtheria. They invariably entej' through the skin or mucous membranes; the pre- vention is surgical cleanliness, disinfection, and fumi- gation. VI. Mechanism of Infection and Immunity Streptococci produce endotoxins, also hemolysin (which destroys red blood cells). Immune bodies produced in infected animals are ag- glutinins, bacteriolysins and opsonins; phagocytosis is important in combating the infection. VII. Bacteriologic Diagnosis Gram-positive cocci, usually arranged in chains, grow slowly or not at all on meat extract media, but very well on "rich" media, cause hemolysis on blood agar plates. If confused with pneumococci, differentiation may be difficult; see section on Pneumococcus. 128 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY VIII. Immune Treatment In acute infections serums from animals immunized with streptococcus vaccine has been, at times, very help- ful. The vaccine is of not much benefit. In chronic in- fections the vaccine is, at times, very useful. The vac- cine is prepared as the staphylococcus vaccine is. IX. Classification of Streptococci 1. Streptococcus Pyogenes Longus-causes suppura- tive and septicemic lesions, occurs in long chains. 2. Streptococcus Pyogenes Brevis-short-chained. 3'. Streptococcus Haemolyticus-produces hemolysis on blood agar cultures. 4. Streptococcus Viridans or Mitis-produces no hemolysis and much milder lesions-carious teeth, etc. 5. Streptococcus Anginosus--occurs in throats of scarlet fever patients. Rarely, if ever, pathogenic. 6. Streptococcus Salivarius-found in the saliva. 7. Streptococcus Fecalis-found in the intestines. 8. Streptococcus Equinus-found in horses. (3) and (4) are the only two types now recognized in human infections. X. Summary of Important Characteristics Gram-positive cocci, arranged in chains, nonmotile, no flagella, no spores, no capsules, grow poorly on ordinary media, well on "rich" media, cause hemolysis on blood agar plates; cause either local suppuration or systemic infection; very dangerous organism, enters through the skin, produces an endotoxin and a hemolysin. CHAPTER IX THE PNEUMOCOCCUS GROUP (DIPLOCOCCUS PNEUMONITE, DIPLOCOCCUS LANCEO- LATUS-'1 LANCE-SHAPED ") I. Historical Pasteur isolated the organism from the saliva in 1881; at the same time, quite independently, it was discovered by the American bacteriologist, Sternberg (late Surgeon- General, United States Army). Fraenkel and WeichseL baum in 1886 definitely described it as the cause of pneumonia, in 90 per cent of cases. II. Distribution It is widely distributed, in close association with man. III. Morphology Through the brilliant work of Cole, Dochez, Avery and other workers at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York, we now know that there are at least four different strains of pneumococci, which may be recognized by serologic methods (agglutination and precipitin reaction), but not by morphology. Pneumococcus is a lance-shaped, oval organism gen- erally occurring in pairs (in very young cultures not uncommonly it is seen in chains) of varying sizes; it is invariably encapsulated when freshly isolated from animal tissues, but readily loses the capsule on pro- 129 130 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY longed cultivation, which suggests that the capsule pro- tects the organism; it is nonmotile, has no flagella, no spores; is Gram-positive, (the Type III pneumococcus capsule is very large and may be seen without using the special capsule stain) the capsulated strain is always more virulent. (See Fig. 2.) IV. Cultural Characteristics Pneumococci do not grow on meat extract media; the best media are those which contain meat infusion and rabbit's defibrinated blood; on such media colonies are small, discrete and greenish. Gelatin is not liquefied, milk is coagulated and acid is produced. Among sugars fermented is inulin-this is very important in differentiating the pneumococcus from streptococcus because the latter does not ferment inulin; bile dissolves pneumococci, but does not dissolve strep- tococci-another important differentiating point, on blood plates it does not cause hemolysis. Pneumococcus grows equally well with or without oxygen. V. Destruction Pneumococcus does not grow below 25° C. or above 41° C. Heating to 52° C. for ten minutes kills them, as do most of the ordinary chemical disinfectants. Even on the most favorable media it dies within a few days. The best way to preserve pneumococci is to grow them on defibrinated rabbit's blood agar and keep the cul- tures in the ice box, or keep them in dried spleens of infected white mice, which should be kept in sealed tubes on ice; when culture is needed, spleen is rubbed with a little broth, the emulsion is injected into a white mouse, SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 131 and pneumococci are recovered from the fluid in the peritoneal cavity. VI. Disease Production, Mode of Infection, Disinfec- tion and Prophylaxis In addition to causing about 90 per cent of all cases of pneumonia, pneumococci may cause inflammation of bronchi, nose, throat, ear, meningitis, peritonitis (in young children I have seen two such cases), peri- and endo-carditis (inflammation of the sac and the lining of the heart), etc. Many normal persons harbor pneu- mococci in their mouth and throat. The pneumococci almost invariably enter the body through the respiratory tract. Disinfection and prophylaxis resolves itself into disin- fecting the mouth and throat, isolation of the patient, avoiding to have patient cough in one's face, etc.; fumi- gation of room should follow the removal of the pa- tient. Sputum must be carefully disinfected. VII. Mechanism of Infection and Immunity Pneumococcus produces an endotoxin; the antibodies formed by the infected animal are bacteriolysins, agglu- tinins, precipitin, and opsonins, phagocytosis always plays a part in recovery, and marked leucocytosis (in- crease of white blood cells up to 40,000 per cubic milli- meter) is very frequently seen. VIII. Bacteriologic Diagnosis The bacteriologic diagnosis is made on the Gram-posi- tive, capsulated diplococci (pairs), growing only on "rich media." If necessary white mice should be in- jected and autopsy will reveal encapsulated pneumococci. 132 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY The organism which is most likely to be confused with pneumococcus is streptococcus, the following points should be borne in mind. Pneumococcus Almost always capsulated. Soluble in bile. Ferments inulin. No hemolysis on blood plates. Streptococcus Almost never capsulated. Insoluble in bile. Does not ferment inulin. Hemolysis present. Finally, agglutination test will not only enable one to make a definite diagnosis, but, in cases of pneumococ- cus, will identify the type of pneumococcus. IX. The Different Types or Strains of Pneumococci As has been mentioned above there are at least four types of pneumococcus: Type I causes pneumonia in 33 per cent of cases. Type II causes pneumonia in 31 per cent of cases. Type III causes pneumonia in 12 per cent of cases. Type IV causes pneumonia in 12 per cent of cases. Mortality caused by the different types also differs: Type I is fatal in 25 per cent of cases. Type II is fatal in 32 per cent of cases. Type III is fatal in 45 to 50 per cent of cases. Type IV is fatal in 16 per cent of cases. The above figures may vary to a slight extent and are those given by Bull in the Rockefeller Institute Mono- graph (1916) on Pneumonia (see also Bull. Arch. Inst. Med., 1914, xiv, 56). The agglutination test consists in mixing the isolated organisms with the serum of an animal injected with the different types, and observing where agglutination of SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 133 bacteria takes place. For complete technic the reader should consult the monograph on Acute Lobar Pneu- monia by Cole and his coworkers (The Monograph No. 7 of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research). Recently Krumwiede and Valentine of New York has described a much simpler precipitin test. X. Immune Treatment The various vaccines and immune serums up to date are not of much value, but the serum prepared recently by Cole for Type I pneumococcus infection is very effi- cient and should be tried in all cases where the Type I has been identified. XI. Summary of Important Characteristics A Gram-positive, capsulated organism, occurs in pairs, grows only on "rich" media, causes no hemolysis on blood plates, but forms greenish colonies, ferments inulin, is bile soluble; there are four types or strains, the Type III being the most dangerous but occurring in the small- est number of cases; serum treatment is efficient for Type I; produces endotoxin. CHAPTER X THE MENINGOCOCCUS AND PARAMENINGOCOC- CUS GROUP (MICROCOCCUS INTRA- CELLULARIS MENINGITIDIS) Meningitis (the inflammation of the brain coverings) is caused in 70 per cent of cases by the meningococcus, in 20 per cent by pneumococcus, and in 10 per cent by staphylococci, streptococci, Bacillus tuberculosis, Bacil- lus influenzae, etc. I. Historical Meningococcus was first observed in 1884 by Marchia- fava and Celli, and thoroughly studied in 1887 by Weich- selbaum. II. Morphology Meningococci occurs within or without the pus cells when isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid; they usually occur in pairs, like pneumococci do; they vary in size; they are not motile, have no flagella, no spores, no cap- sules ; they stain readily with ordinary stains and are Gram-negative. III. Cultural Characteristics Meningococci do not grow well on ordinary meat ex- tract media, but grow easily on meat infusion media; milk is not coagulated, gelatin is not liquefied. Menin- gococcus is an aerobe. Growth does not take place below 25° C., or above 42° C. 134 135 SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY IV. Destruction Sunlight and drying kills the meningococci within twenty-four hours; they are extremely sensitive to heat and cold and are most readily destroyed by highly di- luted solutions of the common disinfectants. V. Disease Production, Mode of Infection, Disinfec- tion and Prophylaxis Meningococcus causes epidemic cerebrospinal menin- gitis ; it is usually accepted that meningococci first lodge Fig. 25.-The meningococcus. Smear of cerebrospinal fluid, x 1000. (Hew- lett-Manual of Bacteriology.') in the nose, whence they enter the skull either directly (through the so-called cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone) or indirectly through the lymph vessels. The disease is transmitted directly from one human being to the other, as the low resistance of the meningo- 136 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY coccus and its susceptibility to drying precludes its be- ing found at large in nature. Coughing, sneezing, the use of infected handkerchief, etc., is sufficient to in- fect. Patients should be isolated and quarantined, the nurse should change her outer clothing before mingling with other people, she should carefully disinfect her hands and hair and spray her nose with some silver prepara- tion (argyrol, 10 per cent) ; the same thing applies to the patient before he is discharged. VI. Mechanism of Infection and Immunity Bacteriolysin and agglutinin are produced: menin- gococcus produces endotoxin. VII. Bacteriologic Diagnosis The bacteriologic diagnosis is made on finding Gram- negative cocci, arranged in pairs, both within and with- out the pus cells, on the fact that the organisms grow only on meat infusion media, on the source of the organ- ism (the cerebrospinal fluid), and if necessary, on agglutination. VIII. Immune Treatment To Flexner, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research of New York, belongs the credit of preparing the first successful antimeningitic serum (from the horse), which has reduced the mortality of this dreadful disease from 70 to 80 per cent to 15 to 20 per cent. IX. Summary of Important Characteristics A Gram-negative organism, occurring in pairs, grow- ing only on meat infusion media, no spores, no flagella, no SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 137 capsule; causes meningitis, produces endotoxin; pa- tients should be isolated and strictest attention should be given to disinfection; serum treatment is the only effi- cient treatment. The parameningococci or pseudo- (false) meningococci resemble the meningococci in everything except in not agglutinating in the same way (that is, they agglutinate in much lower dilutions). CHAPTER XI GONOCOCCUS The gonococcus, also called Diplococcus gonorrhee, causes gonorrhea, a highly contagious disease. I. Historical It was discovered by Neisser in 1879. II. Morphology It occurs in pairs, is Gram-negative, the pairs are characteristically flattened along the facing surfaces-■ "biscuit" shaped; the gonococci are always found within the pus cells (leucocytes). They are nonmotile, have no flagella, no spores, no capsides. III. Cultural Characteristics Gonococci grow only on ascitic fluid agar, cornstarch agar, and also glycerin-or sugar ascitic fluid agar. It is an aerobic organism, and does not grow below 30.5° C. The colonies are extremely delicate, grayish little spots. IV. Destruction Gonococci possess very slight resistance to heat and light, exposure to 42° C. for ten minutes kills them; they are, however, very resistant to drying. Most of the common disinfectants, even in high dilu- tions, kill the gonococci readily, especially the silver 138 SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 139 salts, which fact explains the universal use of the various silver preparations in the treatment of this disease. V. Disease Production, Mode of Infection, Disinfec- tion and Prophylaxis At first the inflammation caused by gonococcus is strictly local (urethritis, inflammation of urethra), some- times, if the discharge is carried to the nose or eye, the Fig. 26.--The gonococcus. Smear of gonorrhea pus. x 1500. (Hewlett Manual of Bacteriology.) inflammation is produced in these parts. Gonorrhea is always produced by contact. After the acute stage, gonococci frequently cause rheumatism, endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart), and valvular heart disease. Babies born of mothers affected by gonorrhea, if not properly taken care of, develop blindness (gonorrheal ophthalmia of the new- born) ; it is, therefore, almost compulsory now to put one or two drops of a 2 per cent solution of silver nitrate into baby's eyes at birth, and this simple prevention known as Crede's treatment has practically eliminated this babies' scourge. 140 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY The patients should be isolated, and everything touched by them should be most scrupulously disinfected; they should be warned of the danger of infecting their eyes, and the nurse should be extremely careful in dis- infecting her hands and had best put a drop of a 10 per cent solution of agyrol in her eyes once a day. VI. Mechanism of Infection and Immunity Gonococci produces endotoxins; the immune bodies concerned in recovery are bacteriolysins, opsonins (phag- ocytosis is very important). VII. Bacteriologic Diagnosis Bacteriologic diagnosis is made on finding a Gram- negative diplococcus, biscuit shaped, and within the pus cells. In chronic cases where no discharge is obtainable, complement-fixation test should be done. This test is very similar in its technic to the Wassermann test-is very reliable, but in patients who had been under a vaccine treatment, at least two months must elapse be- fore the test is made, since otherwise a false positive reaction may be obtained. VIII. Immune Treatment The gonococcus vaccine is used only in chronic cases, and in these gives very good results. Gram-negative, biscuit shaped, diplococci, found within pus cells, no spores, no flagella, no capsules, grow only on ascitic fluid agar, cornstarch agar, or other "rich" media, cause gonorrhea, sometimes rheumatism and heart disease, produce endotoxin; the vaccine treatment well worth trying in chronic cases. IX. Summary of Important Characteristics CHAPTER XII MICROCOCCUS CATARRHALIS AND GRAM- NEGATIVE COCCI I. Micrococcus Catarrhalis This is an organism found in inflammation of upper respiratory tract. Its significance is unimportant except that being a Gram-negative cliplococcus, it can not be differentiated in its appearance from gonococci and men- ingococci ; from gonococcus it differs by growing on sim- ple meat extract media. It is much more difficult to dif- ferentiate it from meningococcus, and yet it is especially important as both are usually found in the nose. It grows much better on simple media than the meningococcus, its colonies are coarse while those of meningococcus are very fine, and micrococcus will grow below 25° C., while the meningococcus will not. II. Gram-negative Cocci Gram-negative cocci producing green pigment can be separated from the gonococcus and meningococci by sugar fermentation and agglutination. 141 CHAPTER XIII THE COLON-TYPHOID-DYSENTERY GROUP B. COLI COMMUNIS The reason all these bacteria are usually grouped to- gether although they produce quite different diseases, is that, morphologically (that is, by their appearance in stained preparations), they are almost indistinguishable, and in diagnosis our reliance is placed on cultural char- acteristics and agglutination. I. Historical The colon bacillus or, to give it its full name, Bacillus coli communis (which means the common bacillus of colon -the large intestine), was first described by Buchner in 1885, and thoroughly studied by Escherich in 1887. II. Morphology Colon bacillus is a short, plump, rod-like organism, % /z long, usually occurring singly, is Gram-negative, has no spores, no capsules, is motile, and has flagella. (See Fig. 3.) III. Cultural Characteristics It is an aerobic organism, grows well on simplest media, i. e., meat extract agar and broth; it grows at any tem- perature between 20° C. and 40°C. It does not liquefy gelatin, forms indol on peptone media, coagulates milk and forms acid in it; as to sugar fermentation, it 142 SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 143 produces both acid and gas on dextrose (glucose, or grape sugar), lactose (milk sugar), maltose (malt sugar), levulose (fruit sugar), galactose and mannite, but neither acid nor gas on saccharose (cane sugar). IV. Destruction Colon bacillus is readily destroyed by heating to 58° C. for ten minutes, cold affects it less, and ordinary disin- fectants readily kill it. Excessive alkaline reaction in- hibits its growth. Fig. 27.-Bacillus coli. Film preparation from a pure culture. x 1000. (Hewlett-Manual of Bacteriology.') V. Disease Production, Mode of Infection, Disinfec- tion and Prophylaxis The colon bacillus is normally found in the intestine of both man and animal, also occasionally found in soil, water and milk. Its presence in nature usually means contamination from animal or human sources. In the human intestine it is found in greatest numbers near the junction of the small and large intestine. 144 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY Although the colon bacillus is a normal inhabitant of the human intestine and a useful one, too, since its pres- ence seems to inhibit the growth of many harmful putre- factive bacteria, yet at times it gives rise to various dis- eases; as a rule any enfeebled condition seems to make it easier for the colon bacillus to become pathogenic; among the various diseases caused by this organism are the various diarrheas-cholera infantum and cholera nos- tras, occasionally peritonitis (but usually accompanied by other organisms) ; very frequently it is found in inflam- matory conditions of the liver, gall bladder, and appen- dix; one of the most frequent conditions caused by the colon bacillus is the inflammation of the urinary bladder (cystitis) and pyelitis (inflammation of the basin of the kidney). It is often found in the abscesses within the abdominal and pelvic cavities. No special precautions are called for in handling the colon infections, beyond following the usual hygienic and sanitary rules. Bacillus coli communior differs from the colon bacillus in fermenting saccharose in addition to all other sugars with production of acid and gas. VI. Mechanism of Infection and Immunity The colon bacillus produces an endotoxin, and the anti- bodies produced by the animal during the colon infec- tions are the bacteriolysins, precipitins and agglutinins. VII. Bacteriologic Diagnosis The differentiation of the colon, typhoid, paratyphoid and dysentery bacilli will be discussed fully in the chap- ter on Typhoid Bacillus. SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 145 VIII. Immune Treatment Vaccine treatment of colon infection of the kidney and urinary bladder is very successful. IX. Summary of Important Characteristics A Gram-negative bacillus, no spores, no capsule, motile, has flagella, grows readily on common media, ferments with gas production all common sugars except sac- charose; is found normally in human and animal intes- tine, causes infections of the gall bladder, urinary blad- der and kidney, also found in several infections of the pelvis and abdominal cavity. CHAPTER XIV BACILLUS TYPHOSUS I. Historical Bacillus typhosus was first thoroughly studied by Eberth in 1880. Gaffky first isolated them in pure cul- ture in 1884. Fig. 28.-Bacillus typhosus. Film preparation of a pure culture, x 1500. (Hewlett-Manual of Bacteriology.) II. Morphology The morphology o>f Bacillus typhosus resembles that of the colon bacillus and other members of the group very closely, with the exception that it is more slender. Is 146 SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 147 Gram-negative, is motile, has flagella, has no capsules or spores. III. Cultural Characteristics The cultural characteristics are the same as those of the colon bacillus except as regards some sugars and milk, as shown in the following table: Table of Reactions on Sugar Media and Milk by the Various Members of the Typhoid-Colon- Dysentery Group NAME OF BACTERIUM DEXTROSE (grape sugar) LEVULOSE (fruit sugar) W CG o o MANNITE MALTOSE (malt sugar) LACTOSE (milk sugar) SACCHAROSE (cane sugar) J s B. Fecalis Alcaligenes - - - - - No coagulation B, Dysenteriae (Shiga type) A A A No coagulation B. Dysenteriae ("Y" type) A A A A No coagulation B. Dysenteriae (Flexner type) A A A A A - A No coagulation B. Typhosus A 4 A A A - No coagulation B. Para- typhosus AC AG AG AG AG - - No coagulation B. Coli Communis AC AG AG AG AG AG - Coagulation takes place B. Coli Communion AG AG AG AG AG AG AG Coagulation takes place (After Hiss and Zinsser.) A=Fermentation with acid production, A G=:Fermentation with both acid and gas production, --■ means no fermentation. IV. Destruction Bacillus typhosus is an aerobe and a facultative anae- robe; grows between 15° C. and 42° C., but, like all pathogenic bacteria, grows best at 37° C. Heating for 148 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY ten minutes at 56° C. destroys it. On artificial culture it will remain for many months, if sufficient moisture is supplied. It will keep alive for many months on ice and in water. It is killed somewhat less readily by ordi- nary disinfectants than most of the bacteria, but 1:500 solution of bichloride of mercury will kill it in a few minutes. V. Disease Production, Mode of Infection, Disinfec- tion and Prophylaxis Bacillus typhosus causes typhoid fever. During the first week or ten days the bacilli are found in the blood and "rose spots" (the rash of typhoid fever). Quite often the bacilli, after the patient recovers lodge in the gall bladder whence they are continually discharged into the intestine and thus appear in the feces, in this way while the patient is well and immune, he may become the so- called "bacillus carrier" and be a temporary or perma- nent source of danger to the community. For this reason all patients who have recovered from typhoid fever, should have their stools examined, and, if typhoid bacilli be found, should be warned to take special precautions about disinfecting the stools, etc. In about 25 per cent of cases the typhoid bacilli may be cultured from the urine. Very frequently the presence of this bacteria in the gall bladder causes its inflammation (cholecystitis) and the gallstones. Suppurations may be caused by the typhoid bacillus especially in the long bones and in the ribs or spine and, not infrequently, meningitis. Typhoid fever is always with us, but from time to time severe epidemics take place. Practically all cases of typhoid fever are contracted SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 149 through swallowing the bacilli either directly in food, water, ice, milk, vegetables, etc., or indirectly by soiling fingers with patient's excreta, or using the same utensils, glassware, etc. The prophylactic measures, therefore, consist of thor- ough disinfection of stools, urine, bed linen, etc., as de- scribed in detail in the chapter on Practical Disinfection; since typhoid fever is often a "water borne" dis- ease, communities should guard the purity of their water supply, most effectively by having a modern filtra- tion plant, and removing the source of contamination and sewage pollution; milk supply should be closely inspected and flies should be destroyed as they very often contami- nate our food-screening is necessary. During a typhoid epidemic drinking only boiled water is a wise precaution. The nurse attending a typhoid pa- tient should receive prophylactic typhoid vaccination, which is the best prevention. VI. Mechanism of Infection and Immunity Typhoid bacillus produces an endotoxin; the antibodies produced are bacteriolysins, precipitins and agglutinins, one attack usually renders a person immune to subse- quent attacks. As regards the agglutinins, a few words must be said here about this: The blood of most normal individuals has slight agglutinating property, but this is enormously increased during and following the diseases or by artificial immuni- zation (vaccine). From the fact that the typhoid, para- typhoid and the colon bacilli are all closely related to each other both morphologically (all being Gram-nega- tive, motile, flagella-possessing bacilli) and in their reac- 150 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY tions on some sugars, it is not surprising to learn that the agglutinins produced by the blood in response to these bacteria are also evidently related to each other; that is to say, agglutinins caused by injection of typhoid bacilli will agglutinate, not only typhoid bacilli, but also those of the paratyphoid and colon bacilli although to a much lesser extent; those produced by the injection of the colon bacillus will cause agglutination-to a much lesser degree-of the typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli, etc. The expression "to a much lesser degree" means in a higher concentration; i. e., in lower dilution; for ex- ample, the agglutinins caused by injection of the typhoid bacilli will agglutinate the typhoid bacilli in the dilu- tion of the blood serum in salt solution of 1:10,000, while they will only agglutinate the colon and the paratyphoid bacilli in dilution of 1:200, etc. When the injection of an animal with one bacterium results in the production of agglutinins not only for that organism but also to a lesser extent for other bacteria, closely related to it (as when the blood serum of a rabbit injected with the typhoid will agglutinate not only the typhoid bacilli but also, to a lesser degree, i. e., in lower dilutions, the paratyphoid and colon bacilli)-such agglutinins clump or ag- glutinate the entire group, although to a varying extent. The specific agglutinins (that is, those against the bacteria injected) are called "major" agglutinins and those against other members of the groups are called '1 minor ' ' agglutinins; thus, if a rab- bit is injected with typhoid bacilli, he will produce the major or typhoid agglutinins, and minor or paratyphoid and colon agglutinins. This is shown in the accompanying table, which is copied from the actual work done in our laboratories. SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 151 (The rabbit was injected with typhoid bacilli, and his blood serum showed the following agglutination, in various dilutions of blood serum with salt solution.) Dilution 1:100 1:200 1:500 1:1000 1:3000 Typhoid Bacillus Paratyphoid Bacillus ± -1- ~-|- Colon Bacillus -g = Agglutination takes place. -^Agglutination does not take place. This table shows that the blood serum of a rabbit in- jected with the typhoid bacilli had developed (1) the major or typhoid agglutinins which agglutinated the typhoid bacilli in a dilution as high as 1:3000, and (2) minor paratyphoid agglutinin which agglutinated the paratyphoid bacilli in dilution up to 1:500, and (3) the minor colon agglutinin which agglutinated the colon bacilli in dilutions up to 1 TOO; this also shows that the paratyphoid bacillus are more closely related to the typhoid bacillus than the colon bacillus is. The technic of agglutinations is given in the next paragraph. VII. Bacteriologic Diagnosis Whether the culture is obtained from the blood or feces, plates must be made, as explained in the section on General Bacteriology. My method is to make the plates on Endo's medium (see section on Culture Media) where the colon bacillus colonies are red and the typhoid colonies are colorless; from such a plate a colorless colony is picked and transferred to a Russell's double sugar medium (see the section on Culture Media), inoculating both the surface and by stabbing'. By referring to the table of sugar fermentations it will be understood that if the culture is typhoid, only a part of the tube will turn from blue to red (because the typhoid bacilli act only on glucose, producing acid only), and no 152 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY gas bubbles will be seen (because the typhoid does not form gas on glucose) ; if the culture is paratyphoid, again only part of a tube will turn to red but gas bubbles will also be seen in the red part only (because the paratyphoid bacilli form both acid and gas on glucose and do not ferment lactose); finally if the culture should be con- taminated with colon bacillus, the culture tube will be red and gas bubbles will be seen everywhere (because the colon bacillus produces both acid and gas on both the glucose and the lactose). If this is insufficient ag- glutination should be done as follows: Four rows of Wassermann test tubes (4 x inch) should be arranged, each row containing 10 test tubes; the first row is labeled "typhoid," the second "para- typhoid A," the third "paratyphoid B," and the fourth "colon." In the first tube of each row put 1.8 c.c. of sterile physiologic (0.8 per cent) salt solution, in all other tubes put 1 c.c. of salt solution; then into the first tube put 0.2 c.c. of the typhoid immune serum of known agglutinating properties (prepared by injecting the rab- bit three or four times with typhoid vaccine); now we have in this tube a 1:10 dilution of typhoid serum (1.8 c.c. salt solution and 0.2 c.c. of serum) ; take one c.c. out of this tube and put it into the next tube of the "typhoid" row; we had before in that second tube 1 c.c. of salt solution, now we have 2 c.c. of fluid, one c.c. being salt solution, the other c.c. being 1:10 dilution of the immune typhoid serum from the first tube, so that the second tube con- tains the serum in dilution 1:20; repeat this process until the last tube is reached, and throw away the last c.c.; all tubes now contain 1 c.c. of fluid, but the dilutions are all doubled, the amount of serum being halved as we go from one tube to another: 1st tube, 1:10; 2nd, SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 153 1:20; 3rd, 1:40; 4th, 1:80; 5th, 1:160; 6th, 1:320 ; 7th. 1:640; 8th, 1:1280; 9th, 1:2560; 10th, 1:5120. Make similar dilutions in the other three rows, putting 0.2 c.c. of immune paratyphoid A serum in the paratyphoid A row, 0.2 c.c. of immune paratyphoid B serum in the paratyphoid B row, etc. Then take a platinum loop, flame it, and having added about 5 c.c. of salt solution to the culture tube containing the bacteria you want to identify, scrape off the growth, shake well by rotating the tube in your hands, and add to every tube in each row 5 drops of the bacterial emulsion (to make the en- tire procedure safe, heat the emulsion for 1 hour at 58° C.; this will kill the bacteria but will not interfere with the agglutination) ; incubate at 37.5° C. for one hour and then examine the tubes; the row which contains tubes showing agglutination in the highest dilution cor- responds to the infection of the patient, that is, if the typhoid row (which contains tubes with the typhoid immune serum) shows agglutination in a tube with higher dilution than in any other row-your culture is typhoid. Since, however, typhoid bacilli may be recovered from patient's blood only during the first ten days of the dis- ease, and the patient may be brought to the hospital later, the blood cultures may prove to be "negative," that is the bacilli will not be found. In such cases, pa- tient's blood is removed in a test tube (about 2 to 3 c.c.), and Widal test is made. This test is also an agglutination test but just the opposite to that made on the culture: there we worked on an unknown culture with known im- mune serums, while now we will work on an unknown serum with known cultures: four rows of 10 tubes in each prepared as before, the first tube in each row containing 1.8 c.c. of salt solution, the others containing 1 c.c. of salt solution; the rows again are labeled as before "typhoid," ' 'paratyphoid A, " " paratyphoid B, " and ' ' colon. ' ' Now 154 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY in each first tube put 0.2 c.c. of the patient's serum, and continue the dilution along as described above, i. e., take 1 c.c. from first tube to the second, from the second to the third, and so on, in each row; throw away the last c.c. (that is, from the 10th tube). Now to each tube in the "typhoid" row add 0.5 c.c. of typhoid culture with salt solution after killing it with 2 per cent of formalin, to each tube of the paratyphoid A row add 0.5 c.c. of the paratyphoid A culture, and so on. Incubate for one hour at 37.5° C. and examine. The row containing the tube showing agglutination with the highest dilution gives you the nature of the patient's disease. Sometimes the so-called "microscopic Widal test" is made; this consists of making two or three dilutions (usually 1:20, 1:40, and 1:80) with patient's serum, and a drop of each is mixed with a drop of typhoid emulsion, and placed on a cover-glass which is then placed over a "hanging drop" slide, as described elsewhere, after one hour the slide is examined to see if motility has ceased and clumping has taken place. This is a convenient quick test, but not nearly so comprehensive as the preceding method. VIII. Immune Treatment Whether the use of the typhoid vaccine is to be adopted for the treatment of typhoid fever is rather doubt- ful ; but the use of such vaccine for the prevention of typhoid fever is not only an established fact but con- stitutes one of the most glorious achievements in bac- teriology and prevention of infectious diseases, and is one of the greatest medical services rendered the world by the English and American scientists. In England, the preventive use of vaccine was brought to perfection by Sir Wright, and in 1907-8, Major (now Colonel) Russell of the United States Army Medical SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 155 Corps, was sent to England to study the question. Upon his return the typhoid vaccine was adopted for the United States Army and Navy, and, subsequently, throughout the entire civilized world. All persons should be vaccinated with typhoid vaccine as it confers almost absolute immunity for at least three years. As it is now put up at the United States Army Med- ical School, it is a "triple" vaccine, containing the typhoid, the paratyphoid A and paratyphoid B bacilli, 1,000 million of each to each c.c. The preparation of the vaccine is practically the same as that described for staphylococcus vaccine. IX. Summary of Important Characteristics The important characteristics are the same as those of colon, except that it produces acid only (no gas) on all common sugars except lactose and saccharose which are not fermented. Causes typhoid fever, often a "water- borne" disease; the preventive vaccination is of tremen- dous importance. The disease is of such practical importance to the nurse that no attempt is made to summarize this chap- ter, and the reader is advised to read carefully the en- tire chapter. CHAPTER XV THE B. PARATYPHOSUS A AND B. THE B. FECA- LIS ALCALIGENES. THE B. PROTEUS. DYSENTERY BACILLI B. Paratyphosus A and B The paratyphoid bacilli cause a disease which simu- lates typhoid fever so closely that no differentiation is possible from the symptoms (unless it be the milder form of the disease when caused by the paratyphoid bacilli), and the diagnosis is usually made from the cultural study and agglutination (see the table of Sugar Fer- mentations and the Bacteriologic Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever). Of the two types of the paratyphoid bacilli, B is of much more importance than A. B. Fecalis Alcaligenes This organism is of little pathogenic importance and is only interesting because of ease with which it may be confused with bacillus typhosus. It is frequently found in normal intestine and feces. It is differentiated from typhoid, colon, and paratyphoid bacilli by the fact that it does not ferment any of the common sugars. Bacillus Proteus Bacillus proteus possesses slight pathogenic proper- ties, but occasionally it may cause infections of the blad- der and abscesses. 156 SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 157 It is very frequently encountered in the laboratory work and may be confused with typhoid bacillus, but cultural studies and agglutination make its differentia- tion easy. The Dysentery Bacilli Dysentery is an infectious disease characterized by severe diarrhea. Fig. 29.-Dysentery bacilli, x 1000. (Park and Williams-Pathogenic Bac- teria and Protozoa.) The first to discover the organism was a Japanese bac- teriologist, Shiga (1898). There are three organisms-the Shiga type, the "Y" (Hiss-Russell) type, and the Flexner type. All three types morphologically resemble each other and the rest of the typhoid-colon-dysentery group. The differentiation and the diagnosis is made on cul- tural (sugar fermentation) characteristics and aggluti- nation, as described in Chapters XIII, XIV and XV. CHAPTER XVI BACILLUS MUCOSUS CAPSULATUS (FRIEDLAND- ER'S OR PNEUMO-BACILLUS) This organism first described by Friedlander in 1882 causes about 5 per cent of all cases of pneumonia; such pneumonia is extremely dangerous. It is occasionally found in ulceration of the mouth, nasal catarrh, ozena (fetid nasal catarrh), empyema (pus in the pleural cavity), and spinal fluid. The author once recovered it from a gall bladder infection and from blood in subsequent septicemia. Friedlander's bacillus is short and plump, has no spores, no flagella, is nonmotile, has very large capsule. It is Gram-negative, and grows well on all ordinary meat extract media, producing peculiar, "slimy" colonies, does not liquefy gelatin (culture assumes a characteristic nail- like appearance). All sugars, except lactose are fermented with the for- mation of gas. 158 CHAPTER XVII THE TETANUS BACILLUS (LOCKJAW) I. Historical The Bacillus tetani was discovered by Nicolaier in 1885 and first studied and cultured by Kitasato in 1889. II. Morphology The bacillus is a slender organism, possesses spores, no capsules; the vegetative forms are motile and have flagella. Spores are developed after twenty-four to forty-eight hours of incubation. The spore-bearing forms resemble a drumstick, since the spore is usually at the end of the bacillus. (See Fig. 4.) The bacillus is Gram-positive. III. Cultural Characteristics Bacillus tetani is a strict anaerobe; it grows readily on meat infusion media. Gelatin is slowly liquefied, milk is not coagulated. The addition to media of 1.5 per cent of glucose results in a more rapid and abun- dant growth. The "cooked meat medium" has been warmly recommended by Robertson (Jour. Path, and Bacteriol., Jan., 1916, xx, No. 3). IV. Destruction The vegetative (non-spore-bearing) form are readily destroyed by ordinary disinfectants and heat, but the 159 160 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY spore-bearing forms resist dry heat at 80° C. for one hour and even live steam for five minutes, and it takes twelve to fifteen hours for a 5 per cent solution of car- bolic acid to kill them. Protected from sunlight the tetanus spores will live for years. V. Disease Production, Mode of Infection, Disinfec- tion and Prophylaxis The tetanus bacilli are found in superficial layers of soil, especially near stables and manured fields. Bacillus tetani produce a disease called lockjaw, char- acterized by convulsions and closing of the jaws. Deep lacerated wounds where there is much tissue destruction, as, for example, gun-shot wounds, are especially favor- able for the development of the tetanus. The true prophylaxis consists in administering anti- tetanic serum in all traumatic wounds, especially gun- shot, or where the patient had stepped on a nail, espe- cially near the tilled soil. VI. Mechanism of Infection and Immunity The tetanus bacillus produces an exotoxin, which has a special affinity for the nervous system. It is one of the most poisonous substances known, one-millionth of a gram being sufficient to kill a mouse. The common fowl is extremely resistant to tetanus, while the man and horse are unusually susceptible. The animal injected with nonfatal doses of tetanus produces an antitoxin as the only antibody. SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 161 VII. Bacteriologic Diagnosis Bactcriologic diagnosis is easy and consists in finding a Gram-positive, "drumstick" like spore-bearing bacil- lus; culturally it is an anaerobe, growing well on meat infusion media. VIII. Immune Treatment Immune treatment is both prophylactic and curative, and consists in administering the antitetanic serum, in- travenously or intraspinally. The serum is prepared by injecting a horse with gradually increasing doses of the tetanus bacilli or broth filtrate, and obtaining the horse's blood, separating the blood serum and testing its anti- toxic (that is, exotoxin-neutralizing properties). IX. Summary of Important Characteristics B. tetani causes lockjaw, is a Gram-positive, spore-bear- ing, motile bacillus, having the appearance of a drumstick (in spore form), anaerobe, produces exotoxin; antitetanic serum is a perfect preventive and a good curative agent, if not given too late. CHAPTER XVIII THE ANTHRAX BACILLUS. BACILLUS AERO- GENES CAPSULATUS. BACILLUS OF MALIGNANT EDEMA The Anthrax Bacillus Anthrax occurs both in animal and man. It is an ancient disease well known from the earliest days of history, and is especially common in Russia. Historically it is of especial interest as it was the first infectious disease proved to be caused by a specific organism. The organism was discovered by Pollender in 1849, and thor- oughly studied by Davaine in 1863 (see Fig. 31), but it was not until 1877 that Pasteur and Koch proved it to be the cause of anthrax. The bacillus is a very long rod, 5 to 10 /* long. It occurs singly in blood, but grown on artificial cultures, is found in long threads. It has spores and is Gram- positive. A capsule is seen occasionally (never when grown on artificial media). The anthrax is an aerobic organism, facultatively anaerobic, and grows well on or- dinary culture media. It is nonmotile, has no flagella. Spore formation ceases below 18° C. and above 42° C. Because of its spores the anthrax bacillus is very re- sistant to heat and ordinary chemicals, it takes 10 min- utes' exposure to live steam to kill them. In man three varieties of infection are produced: (1) 162 SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 163 skin, (2) lungs (''the wool sorters' disease"), and (3) gastrointestinal. No other disease shows so many bacilli in blood as the anthrax infections. It produces an endo- toxin. Pasteur's vaccine is a wonderfully efficient treat- ment of the infection in the cattle (the cultures for the Fig. 30.-Bacillus welchii. Film preparation of a milk culture, x 1000. (Hewlett-Mamial of Bacteriology.) vaccines are grown at 42° to 43° C., so that no spore- forming bacteria are produced). Bacillus Aerogenes Capsulatus Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus was discovered by Welch of Johns Hopkins University, in 1892. The organism is 3 to 6 /z long, usually occurs single, has spores, is nonmotile, has no flagella, has a capsule, is Gram-positive. This bacillus is a strict anaerobe and grows on all 164 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY simple media. Gelatin is slowly liquefied. Grape sugar, milk and cane sugar are all fermented. The infection usually occurs after injury, especially after open fractures. In the present war this infection has been of great importance, and it seems that gunshot wounds offer great opportunity for such infections, es- pecially where there is well manured soil. Spores have been repeatedly found on the uniforms of soldiers. Fig. 31.-The anthrax bacilli showing spores. (Mallory and Wright-Patho- locjical Technic.) A new ray of hope is offered by the brilliant work of our own bacteriologist, Bull, of the Rockefeller Institute, who has succeeded in preparing an antitoxin (the organ- ism producing an exotoxin) which has proved highly successful in animal experimentation. Bacillus of Malignant Edema The bacillus of malignant edema was discovered by Pasteur in 1877. SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 165 This is a slender long rod, motile, with numerous flagella, has spores, and is Gram-negative. It is a strict anaerobe, grows readily on simple media. It produces acute inflammation and (edema) swelling which ex- tends deeply into the tissues, and is very dangerous. CHAPTER XIX BACILLUS BOTULINUS. BACILLUS MALLEI. BACILLUS PYOCYANEUS Bacillus Botulinus Bacillus botulinus causes about 25 per cent of all meat poisoning, a very dangerous disease. It was discovered by Van Ermengem in 1896. It is a large rod, 4 to 6 motile, has flagella, no spores, no capsules, is Gram-posi- tive, is a strict anaerobe, grows well on meat infusion media. It produces an exotoxin. Bacillus Mallei Bacillus mallei causes glanders. It is a small bacillus, is nonmotile, has no flagella, no spores, no capsules, is Gram-negative, stains with methylene blue, it is not un- like the diphtheria bacillus, stained parts alternate with faint parts, grows well on meat infusion media. It produces an endotoxin. In diagnosing the disease, the mallein test is used: a small amount of the endotoxin is injected in the skin, and the presence of infection, a severe reaction takes place. Bacillus Pyocyaneus Bacillus pyocyaneus causes green suppurations which are fortunately rare, for while they are not dangerous, they seriously interfere with healing if in wounds. Oc- casionally kidney infections are caused by this organism (the author saw three cases within six months). 166 SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 167 The organism was discovered by Gessard in 1882. It is a short rod, Gram-negative, motile, has flagella, no spores, no capsules. It is an aerobic organism, faculta- tively anaerobic, grows well on simple media on which within twenty-four hours, a green pigment is formed. It produces both an exotoxin and endotoxin. As to the treatment a new method has been evolved during the present war which is by far better than anything so far used; this consists of applying a 1 per cent solution of acetic acid to infected areas; in three cases treated by this method at the Charity Hospital all three cases showed complete disappearance of green discharge within twenty-four to forty-eight hours. CHAPTER XX BACILLUS DIPHTHERIA I. Historical Klebs in 1883 and Loeffler in 1884 were first to dis- cover and describe the organism. The toxin was first obtained from cultures by Roux and Yersin in 1888, while the antitoxin was discovered by Von Behring and Kitasato in 1890. II. Morphology The organisms are slightly curved rods, 4 to 5 they are not uniform in thickness, usually being club- shaped. The best stain for the diphtheria bacilli is Loeffler's "alkaline methylene blue," the bacilli show a characteristic lack of uniformity in staining so that the stained preparations show lighter parts alternating with darker, shaded parts, the bacilli possessing a char- acteristic "beaded" appearance. It is a Gram-positive organism. It has no spores, capsules, or flagella. III. Cultural Characteristics The organism is an aerobic one, growing best at 37.5° C., although it may grow between 20° C., and 42° C. The best medium to grow the bacilli in, is Loeffler's beef blood serum (see Chapter on The Culture Media Mak- ing). On this medium the organism show small, gray- ish white, glistening colonies. 168 SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 169 IV. Resistance The organism is killed by ten minutes' exposure to 58° C. Low temperatures are well borne, and it may resist drying for several weeks. Chemical disinfectants easily destroy the organism (but not in the throats of carriers). V. Disease Production, Mode of Infection and Prophylaxis Diphtheria is usually confined to the throat, larynx, and nose, but it may attack other mucous membranes for which the bacillus seems to have a special predilection. Fig. 32.-One of the very characteristic forms of diphtheria bacilli from blood-serum cultures, showing clubbed ends and irregular stain. x 1100 diameters. Stain, methylene blue. (Park and Williams-Pathogenic Bac- teria and Protozoa.) Diphtheria is transmitted by coming in contact with those suffering with disease or carriers of virulent bacilli. All persons infected should immediately receive an injection of diphtheria antitoxin; the patient should be isolated, quarantined, and the strictest precautions should be taken in disinfecting utensils, linen, etc. Severe epidemics are frequent, usually in institutions, such as schools, asylums, etc. 170 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY A very important question today is that of diphtheria bacilli carriers. It is known that many persons may har- bor the diphtheria bacilli in their throats and yet show no signs of the disease; in spite of this, however, they are always a source of danger to others; and therefore, the patient should not be allowed to mingle with others until at least two cultures made from their throats have been found negative. The Schick test is based on the principle that persons whose natural content of antitoxin is low, i. e., insuffi- cient to protect them from diphtheria, can be identified by injecting into their skin a small amount of diphtheria toxin when in such persons a marked reaction will take place at the site of injection, while in persons whose con- tent of antitoxin is normal, no such reaction will take place. In practice the amount of diphtheria toxin in- jected is 1/50 of the amount sufficient to kill, in four days, a guinea pig weighing 250 grams. Prevention of diphtheria means isolation and quaran- tine of the patient and nurse, strictest disinfection of all utensils, bedding, etc., and injection of diphtheria anti- toxin to all those who had come in contact with the patient. Schick's test will show who needs such injec- tions. When Schick's test is positive, showing that the pa- tient does not possess the normal amount of diphtheria antitoxin, instead of giving the patients some anti- serum, today they are given an injection of the toxin and the antitoxin mixture, which is more efficient, be- cause the toxin (carefully neutralized by antitoxin) acts as a prolonged and slow stimulant to the patient's or- ganism to produce his own antitoxin. SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 171 VI. Mechanism of Infection and Immunity Diphtheria bacillus, like the tetanus, produces an exo- toxin ; it was in connection with this exotoxin that most of the experimental work on immunity was done by Ehr- lich and his pupils. The antibody produced in infected animals is, of course, an antitoxin. The antitoxin is pro- duced on a large scale, by injecting horses with gradually increasing doses of toxin, until according to Weigert's law, many more antibodies (antitoxin) are produced than are really necessary to protect the horse. The blood Fig. 33.-Pseudodiphtheria bacilli. (B. hofmanni.) (Park and Williams- Pathogenic Bacteria and Protozoa.') serum is removed, standardized (that is, its strength is determined), and it is then ready for use. It is evi- dent that immunity conferred by the injection of anti- toxin serum is acquired artificial, passive immunity. VII. Bacteriologic Diagnosis Bacteriologic diagnosis rests on peculiar beaded ap- pearance of a bacillus, which is often club-shaped, Gram- positive; cultural appearance on Loeffler's beef blood serum is diagnostic: small, round, glistening, grayish white colonies. 172 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY VIII. Immunity Treatment Together with the smallpox vaccination, the preven- tion and treatment of diphtheria with the antitoxin serum (initiated by Behring, Roux and Yersin) is, without doubt, the greatest accomplishment achieved by medicine. No one today realizes what diphtheria meant in former days: death was inevitable; during an epidemic, mourn- ing crepe would be hung out on one house after another, an eloquent and silent witness of the dreadful scourge. Today a death from diphtheria is a scarlet spot on a physician's escutcheon, there is absolutely no excuse for death from diphtheria today, for, unlike the tetanus anti- toxin serum which is a much better prevention than a cure, the diphtheria serum is an extremely efficient cure, as well as preventive; the earlier the administration of the serum is begun the better the results. IX. Summary of Important Characteristics A slender Gram-positive bacillus, usually club-shaped, presenting when stained, a beaded appearance, growing in beef blood serum in small, glistening, grayish colonies, nonmotile, causes diphtheria; possesses an affinity for mucous membranes, produces an exotoxin, the body re- cured by the antitoxin serum. The pseudodiphtheria bacillus (Hoffmann's bacillus) is shorter and thicker, the beads or bands in stained prep- arations seldom exceed two or three. It grows more abundantly and colonies are whiter than those of the diphtheria bacilli. CHAPTER XXI BACILLUS TUBERCULOSIS Tuberculosis, or consumption, is an infection which occurs most often in the lungs, but no organ is safe; the bones, lymph glands, intestine, peritoneum, genital or- gans, skin, all frequently fall victims of the "white plague. ' ' I. Historical Koch, in 1882, was first to isolate and cultivate the bacillus. II. Morphology The bacilli are slender rods, 2 to 4 in length. They are nonmotile, have no flagella, no spores, no capsules, but are said to have a cell membrane which enables them to resist drying. It does not stain wuth ordinary dyes, and a special method is used for the purpose (see chapter on Staining in General Bacteriology) ; because, once stained, it resists the action of strong acids, the tubercle bacillus is called "acid-fast." It is Gram-positive. III. Cultural Characteristics The tubercle bacillus is very difficult to cultivate. Special media (described in chapter on Culture Media) are necessary for successful cultivation. Growth takes place from the tenth day on; when well developed the growth has a characteristic "bread crumb" wrinkled dry 173 174 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY appearance. The tubercle bacillus is an aerobic organ- ism. Dry heat (100° C.) will be resisted for one hour. The tubercle bacilli are resistant to cold and very resistant to drying; in sputum the bacillus remains alive for two or three months. A 5 per cent carbolic acid solution kills the bacilli in a few minutes, sunlight kills them in a few hours. IV. Destruction Fig. 34.-Tubercle bacilli, human, x 1000 diameters. (Park and Williams- Pathogenic Bacteria and Protozoa.) V. Disease Production, Mode of Infection, Disinfec- tion and Prophylaxis Disease is produced both by inhalation (of infected dust) and ingestion (of infected meat, milk, etc.). Formation of small nodules, the so-called "tubercle," is the characteristic feature of the disease; this may be followed by ulceration and cavity formation. Unsani- tary environment is the best ally the disease has; crowded, dark rooms, lack of fresh air, sunlight, nour- ishing food-is the favorite playground of tuberculosis. It is not a hereditary disease; the reason that so many children of tuberculous parents develop the disease is 175 SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY not that they were born of tuberculous parents, but be- cause they live with them. Prevention means isolation of the patient, disinfection of sputum and other excreta and linen, etc., fumigation of the room, etc. See special chapter on Disinfection and Fumigation. VI. Mechanism of Infection and Immunity The tubercle bacillus produces an endotoxin (tuber- culin). Tuberculin, prepared in several ways, is used for diagnosis of the infection; no cattle are to be killed for food unless they have been tested with tuberculin. Also all cows producing milk for sale should be tested. In human beings the tuberculin test is applied into or under the skin, and in infected individuals. Such injec- tion causes a marked reaction at the site of injection. This test is called von Pirquet's test. The antibodies produced by infected animals and human beings are essentially bacteriolysins. VII. Bacteriologic Diagnosis Bacteriologic diagnosis rests on finding the bacilli stained by the special method (described in chapter on Staining). If this fails, sputum or urine may be in- jected intraperitoneally into a guinea pig and if the animal does not die in three or four weeks, it is killed, and evidences of tuberculosis are looked for at the site of injection, in the lungs, liver and spleen. Tuberculin test and, recently, complement-fixation test (similar to Was- sermann test for syphilis) are of great value. VIII. Immune Treatment. No such treatment is very successful, although vari- ous authors have claimed good results obtained in some cases treated with small doses of tuberculin. 176 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY IX. Summary of Important Characteristics A slender rod, stained by special method, resists drying and heating better than most of the bacteria, requires special methods of cultivation. Tuberculosis is the most widely spread disease, not only among human beings, but also among cattle (bovine tuberculosis), birds (avian tuberculosis), fish, etc. Any organ in the body may be involved, but the lungs are the most frequently affected organ. Very contagious disease, favored by unhygienic surroundings, requires strictest disinfection; diagnosis rests on finding the bacilli in sputum, urine, tissue, or on animal inoculation, tuberculin test and complement- fixation test. Produces an endotoxin, no immunity treat- ment is successful. CHAPTER XXII THE BACILLUS OF LEPROSY. THE SMEGMA BACILLUS The Bacillus of Leprosy Bacillus lepras is the organism that causes the hor- rible (until recently incurable) disease called leprosy. It resembles the tubercle bacillus very closely except Fig. 35.-Leprosy. Section of skin, x 1500. (Hewlett-Manual of Bac- teriology.') that it is not quite as slender. The disease is almost never met with in this country, and the bacteriology of the affection is, therefore unimportant. The disease is less contagious than most other bacterial diseases, and those who observe ordinary precautions of cleanliness seldom, if ever, contract it. The differentiation between the tubercle and leprosy bacilli is practically impossible. 177 178 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY The Smegma Bacillus The smegma bacillus is a harmless (saprophytic) or- ganism, which occurs around the genital organs of both male and female, and is important because it may be readily confused with the tubercle bacilli. The best method of differentiation between the two is that of Pappenheim. Fig. 36.-The smegma bacillus. Smear preparation of smegma, x 1500. (Hewlett-Manual of Bacteriology.') 1. Make smears and fix by heat in the usual manner. 2. Stain with Zeihl's carbol-fuchsin solution (steam- ing) for two minutes. 3. Pour off the stain, and without washing, pour the following mixture: 4. Wash in water. Smegma bacilli will be decolorized, but the tubercle bacilli will be stained bright red. Rosolic acid 1 gram Absolute alcohol 100°C. Methylene blue added to saturation. Glycerine (added after other ingredients have been mixed) 20°C. This mixture is poured on and off several times. CHAPTER XXIII THE INFLUENZA GROUP. THE BACILLUS PER- TUSSIS. BACILLUS PESTIS. THE CHOLERA GROUP. THE BACILLUS OF DUCREY The Influenza Group Until the last epidemic, or rather, pandemic of influ- enza, it was customary to regard the Pfeiffer's Bacillus as the cause of influenza, but today, in the light of the enormous amount of work done since the last epidemic, it seems that the great mortality (almost always due to bronchopneumonia) during epidemics is due to some or- ganisms in addition to B. influenzae, most probably strep- tococci and pneumococci. In fact, there seems to be quite a discrepancy of opinions as to just what the etio- logical (causative) agent is. 1. That it is a special streptococcus (Tunnecliff, Rose- now). 2. That it is the influenza bacillus (considerable doubt now exists as to this, chiefly because of negative results of agglutination tests of Park and Williams). 3. That it is some filterable virus. No definite con- clusions can be formed as yet. Pfeiffer's Bacillus influenza? is an extremely small organism (0.5 micron) noncapsulated, possessing no spores and no flagella. They do not stain very well with the ordinary aniline dyes, and the best stain is fuchsine (10 per cent) or Loeffler's methylene blue-al- lowed to act about 5-7 minutes. The best culture medium for the cultivation of the 179 180 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY influenza bacilli is either the blood agar, Avery's sodium oleate blood medium (Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1918, vol. 71) or Park and Williams special influenza medium. The cultures are very sensitive to changes in the tem- perature and are very short-lived, requiring transfers every 3 or 4 days. The endotoxins of the Pfeiffer's bacillus are very powerful. Between the epidemics this organism is found in the upper respiratory tract, and apparently bears no rela- tionship to the epidemic disease. The best explanation for the recurrence of the epidemics is probably the short duration of the immunity conferred by an attack of the disease. The Bacillus Pertussis The Bacillus pertussis causes whooping cough, and was discovered by Bordet and Gengou in 1900. It is a very small, short bacillus, almost resembling a coccus, Gram- negative, nonmotile, has no flagella, no spores or cap- sules. It grows on defibrinated blood agar potato. Patients with whooping cough should be isolated. The complement-fixation test is used in the diagnosis, but is not yet perfected; the bacillus produces an endotoxin. The immunity treatment-the pertussis vaccine-is of great value in shortening the disease and hastening re- covery. Bacillus Pestis Bacillus pestis which causes the most fatal of all dis- eases-the bubonic plague-was discovered by Kitasato and Yersin in 1894. It is difficult to grasp the havoc wrought by this scourge; in the reign of Justinian one- half of the population was wiped out by the plague. Known as "Black Death," it swept the entire world in the fourteenth century, killing 25,000,000 people. It is SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 181 Fig. 37.-Influenza bacilli, x 1100 diameters. (Park and Williams-Patho- genic Bacteria and Protozoa.') Fig. 38.-Bacillus pestis. Smear preparation of sputum, x 1000. (Hewlett- Manual of Bacteriology.') always present in India, exacting* as its toll several thou- sand lives yearly. Bacillus pestis is a thick, short bacil- lus, Gram-negative, has no spores, no capsules, no flagella, and is not motile. It grows well on meat infusion media. It is aerobic, and may remain alive for months and years 182 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY in the dark, if sufficient moisture is present. It lives for two weeks in the pus and sputum of patients. Complete drying kills the bacilli in two to three days, live steam in a few minutes. The disease is usually acquired by entrance of bacilli either through the skin or by the respiratory tract, in the latter case the disease is not unlike pneumonia. The disease is extremely dangerous causing great mortality. The bacilli are usually transmitted by rats and ground squirrels. One attack of plague usually confers im- Fig. 39.-Spirillum cholerae. Film preparation of a pure culture, x 1500. (Hewlett-Manual of Bacteriology.') munity. Both the vaccine and the serum treatments have been used for prevention with encouraging results. The Cholera Group Cholera, which at times becomes epidemic and invades large territories, is but little known in this country. It is a very dangerous disease, characterized by persistent diarrhea and collapse. The "comma bacillus," so-called SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 183 because of its shape, or the Spirillum cholera was dis- covered by Koch in 1883. It is a small curved rod, ac- tively motile, has one flagellum, no spores or capsules, is Gram-negative and grows readily on meat extract media. It is an aerobic organism, and can be quickly killed by ordinary antiseptics. The disease is contracted by eating contaminated food or drinking impure water. It is essentially a "water-borne" disease, as has been shown in the famous epidemic of Hamburg (1892) where a terrible epidemic of the disease raged, while the town of Altona (as close to Hamburg as Brooklyn is to New York) which had a separate water supply, was scarcely touched. The prevention during an epidemic means a thorough filtration of water or the use of boiled water and the patient should be handled in the same manner as a typhoid case. The cholera spirillum produces an exotoxin and the infected animal elaborates bacteriolysins; it was in con- nection with the cholera spirillum that Pfeiffer has demonstrated bacteriolysins. One attack usually con- fers a permanent immunity. No successful immune treat- ment has as yet been developed. The Bacillus of Ducrey Bacillus of Ducrey is the organism which produces chancroid, an acute inflammatory lesion on the genital organs. It is acquired by direct contact. The bacillus is very small, nonmotile, has no flagella, no spores, no capsules. It is Gram-negative and grows on blood agar. CHAPTER XXIV THE SPIROCHETAL DISEASES Spirochetes or treponemata belong to a class which is half way between the true bacteria and protozoa (the lowest order of animal). They are corkscrew-like, wavy threads. Several very important diseases are caused by the various spirochetes. (See Fig. 40.) I. Syphilis Syphilis, probably, is the most disseminated disease, transmitted by direct contact, sexual or asexual. It is caused by Spirocheta pallida, discovered by Schaudinn and Hoffmann in 1905. The spirochetes must be stained by a special method, not to be attempted by the begin- ner, and can be grown anaerobically on ascitic fluid agar to which a piece of sterile rabbit kidney has been added. Noguchi, of the Rockefeller Institute, is the discoverer of this method. One of the simplest methods of staining is to place a drop of material from a syphilitic lesion on a glass slide and mix it with a drop of India ink, then make a smear as if a blood smear is to be made. Examined with the oil-immersion lens the spirochetes appear unstained against a black background. Within a year of the discovery of the Spirocheta pal- lida, Wassermann, Neisser and Bruck devised a special test known as the "Wassermann test," which shows the presence of the disease, even though no symptoms or signs are detected. 184 SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 185 A year later Ehrlich discovered the famous Salvarsan (606) which, combined with mercury, insures the cure in practically all cases. Truly, this has been a wonder- ful age! The moot question of whether syphilis is an hereditary disease seems to have been definitely settled, thanks to the Wassermann test. Practically all authorities agree that syphilis is not hereditary in the sense that certain characteristics are transmitted by the germ-cells; what really happens is this: the spirochetes exist in the pla- centa and the fetal organs, carried there (in a vast majority of cases) by maternal blood, so that infection clearly takes place in the uterus (an intrauterine infec- tion) ; therefore, syphilis is a congenital, and not an hereditary, infection. The old statements that in some cases a mother may be nonsyphilitic while the child is syphilitic, and that in other cases the mother may be syphilitic while the child is not (the former known as Colles' law, and the latter as Profeta's law), have been shown, by positive Wassermann tests, to be false; the mothers of syphilitic children and, conversely, the chil- dren of syphilitic mothers may be only apparently healthy, but in reality are syphilitic. The Wassermann Test.-The exact technic will not be given here, as the test should be learned in a sero- logical laboratory by actual work under a careful super- vision of some competent instructor; but the beginner should be acquainted with the general principles of the text. Pead the chapters on Immunity before you read the following. If a person has syphilis, he must have the syphilitic antibody (amboceptor) ; that is what we wish to deter- mine in the Wassermann test. We know that ordinarily in the body the antigen (the infecting bacterium), the 186 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY amboceptor (the antibody) and the complement (the substances always found in the blood) unite together; if, therefore, we would take in a test tube, the comple- ment (for this we use a guinea pig's blood), the antigen (the preparation from the bacteria causing the given disease--in this case Spirocheta pallida), and the pa- tient's blood serum, then, the antigen and the comple- ment would unite with the amboceptor if the patient has syphilis and his blood serum had the amboceptor; but even if it were so how would we know it? Such a union of the three substances in a test tube would show no change visible to the naked eye. This phenomenon of fixation of the complement by the union of the ambocep- tor and the antigen is known as the Bordet-Gengou phenomenon. For this reason, Wassermann, Neisser, and Bruck took advantage of the following: they injected the rab- bit with a sheep's blood until the rabbit's serum con- tained the amboceptor against the sheep's red blood cells; now if into a test tube we place the sheep's red blood cells (the antigen), a guinea pig's serum (the complement) and the rabbit's serum (the amboceptor), and these three substances unite, in this case-, there is a, change visible to the naked eye, namely, the turbid contents of the tube become clear and the red blood cells of the sheep disappear-this is called hemolysis, and is due to the rabbit's serum having produced the ambocep- tor against the sheep's red blood cells. Now, in the Wassermann test, we put into a test tube the syphilitic antigen (a preparation from Spirocheta pallida*), the complement (a guinea pig's serum) and the *In actual practice it is not necessary to use a preparation from spirochetes as it has been found that the fatty (lipoid) substances (oleates, lecithins and cholesterol) on which the spirochetal antigen apparently depended for its efficiency-are more abundant in extracts of normal organs, e. g., the human hearts. The best antigen today is probably the so-called Kolmer's antigen which is prepared from normal human or beef hearts. SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 187 patient's blood serum which may or may not contain the syphilitic serum depending on whether or not the patient has syphilis. We incubate this at 37° C. for thirty minutes to permit the three substances to unite. Then add to the tube the rabbit's serum and the sheep's red blood cells, and again incubate for thirty minutes, at the end of which we take out the tube and examine it. If the patient has syphilis, his blood serum must have the syphilitic amboceptor, so that at the first incubation, this amboceptor and the syphilitic antigen must have united together, so that when we added the rabbit's serum and the sheep's red blood cells all com- plement had been bound up by the syphilitic system (the antigen and the amboceptor) and none was avail- able for the hemolytic system (the rabbit's serum and the sheep's red blood cells) and consequently these two could not unite with the complement and the con- tents of the tube did not become clear, that is, hemolysis did not take place; if on the other hand, the patient did not have syphilis, and his serum did not have the syphilitic amboceptor, then, after the first incubation, the complement was free, and, upon the addition of the hemolytic system (the rabbit's serum and the sheep's red blood cells), the complement united with the hemo- lytic antigen (sheep's red blood cells) and the hemo- lytic amboceptor (the rabbit's serum), hemolysis took place, and the contents of the tube became clear. As one can now readily see, the test uses two systems: the syphilitic antigen and amboceptor (if present) and the hemolytic antigen and amboceptor; each system equally capable of uniting with the complement. Graphically it may be represented as follows: 188 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY Syph. ambo. 1. (patient's serum) 4. hemolytic ambo. ' (rabbit's serum). 3 Complement Syph. antigen 2. (preparation of Spirocheta pallida). 5. hemolytic antigen (sheep's red blood cells). If patient has syphilis, his serum has (1) and then 12 3 combine during the first incubation, (4) and (5) have no available complement (3) which is now held Fig. 40.-Various types of spirochetae. (MacNeal-Pathogenic Organisms.) bound in 1 2 3 combination, no hemolysis takes place, and the test is positive. If the patient has no syphilis, his serum has not 1, and (4) and (5) combine with the complement (3) into the 3 4 5 combination, hemolysis 189 SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY takes place, and the Wassermann test is negative. It is now clear why the test is also called a complement- fixation test. Precipitation Tests.-Several tests have been offered for the diagnosis of syphilis based upon the formation of specific precipitins when a proper antigen is mixed with patient's serum and incubated; the precipitin par- ticles (flakes and granules) can be readily seen with the naked eye. These tests are, of course, much simpler than the Wassermann test, and, if equally accurate, would be extremely valuable. The best known tests of this group are the Sachs-Georgi, the Meineeke, the Dold and the Kahn tests, which differ from each other both in the technic and the preparation of antigen. All these precipitin tests are very promising, and as time goes by, it appears, judging from both the review of the literature and personal experience, that the Kahn test is destined to stay as a very reliable and a very simple test for syphilis, checking up very favorably with the Wassermann test. II. Relapsing Fever Relapsing fever, rarely seen in this country, is caused by Obermeier's spirochete (1873). This is a much longer organism than that of syphilis. It can be culti- vated by Noguchi's method, like the Spirocheta pallida of syphilis. The disease consists of recurrent attacks of fever. III. Vincent's Angina Vincent's angina, a variety of "sore throat" is prob- ably caused by Vincent's spirillum, which is a small spirochete. The disease is a mild one and yields readily to local treatment. Yaws, or frambesia, is a disease which occurs in trop- ical countries and resembles syphilis. It is caused by Treponema pertenue. IV. Yaws, or Frambesia CHAPTER XXV MALARIA. THE TYPHUS FEVER Malaria The organism causing malaria was discovered by Laveran in 1880. There are three forms of malaria: tertian, when chills recur every forty-eight hours; quar- tan, when they recur every seventy-two hours; and festivo-autumnal-more or less irregular. Each of these varieties is caused by a different parasite, the tertian by Plasmodium vivax, the quartan by Plasmodium malarise, and the aestivo-autumnal by Plasmodium falciparum. The gestivo-autumnal fever is the most dangerous of all forms, but is seldom met with in the temperate climate. The parasites are transmitted by mosquitoes, whose bite carries them into the human body where they pass through regular phases of development within the red blood cells, multiplying and breaking into numerous young forms, which are liberated into other red blood cells. When a mosquito bites a malarial patient he car- ries these young forms, which undergo the second cycle (sexual) of development within the stomach of the mos- quito, then new forms reach the salivary glands of the mosquito and are transmitted to human beings with the bite. In order to demonstrate the malarial parasite in the human blood, a blood smear is made on a glass slide or a cover-slip and is stained with Wright's stain just as an ordinary blood preparation is made. The appearance of the parasites vary according to the variety and the stage 190 SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 191 of the development. The prevention of malaria requires the destruction of swamps and marshes-the breeding places of mosquitos, the screening of the houses and the administration of quinine, which is a specific for ma- laria. The Typhus Fever Typhus fever, which has nothing to do with typhoid fever, is very seldom met with in this country, but is very frequent in some parts of Europe-Russia, Roumania, Servia, etc. The disease is characterized by severe fever, rash and intoxication symptoms, and is a very dangerous malady. The organism causing it was thought to be one discovered in 1914, by an American bacteriologist, Plolz, but it now seems doubtful. No definite work has yet been completed with regard to im- mune treatment, but it is well known that the prevention depends on cleanliness, as the bacilli very often are carried by body lice. CHAPTER XXVI THE HIGHER BACTERIA. THE YEASTS. THE MOLDS The Higher Bacteria The higher bacteria are of more complex structure than the ordinary bacteria and cause a number of dis- eases. I. Streptothrix The streptothrix causes an infection of skin and, oc- casionally, of other organs. It usually appears in stained preparations (with Loeffler's alkaline methylene blue) as rods and branching thread-like filaments. Streptothrix can be cultivated on sterile fresh kidney tissue of rabbits. II. Actinomycosis Actinomycosis is the 1 'lumpy jaw" of cattle, and not infrequently seen in human beings, in whom it af- fects not only the jaw, but the skin, lungs and the intes- tinal tract as well. In pus the parasites appear as small granular bodies, grayish or yellowish. Microscopically they appear as rosette-like matter with characteristic, club-shaped bodies. The Yeasts Of these, several cause disease in man, especially the so-called Saccharomyces hominis. Another yeast infec- 192 SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGY 193 tion is the disease of the skin called blastomycosis and sporotrichosis. The Molds The molds cause a number of skin diseases and a dis- ease of the mouth (most common in children) known as thrush. Of the skin diseases caused by molds the com- mon ones are ringworm, favus, pityriasis versicolor, etc. SECTION III CHAPTER XXVII FILTERABLE VIRUSES. DISEASES OF UNKNOWN CAUSATION There are certain infectious diseases from which no one as yet has been able to isolate any individual micro- organism ; if infective material from such diseases be passed through certain stone-filters it will be found that the filtrates contain certain poisonous material which is capable of reproducing the disease in all or in its most important characteristics if inoculated into a susceptible animal. When such filtrate is examined microscopically, in a vast majority of cases nothing (that is, no particu- late matter) can be seen, either because the organisms contained in the filtrate are ultramicroscopic and, there- fore, are not to be seen with our ordinary microscopes, or possess staining properties and refraction too faint to be demonstrated by our present methods. Whatever the pathogenic materials contained in the filtrates may be, it is customary to refer to them as '4 filterable viruses. ' ' Park and Williams ("Pathogenic Microorganisms," Lea and Febiger, 1920) divide diseases caused by filter- able viruses into three groups. (Only those occurring in human beings are mentioned here.) Group 1. Diseases produced by filterable agents of 194 DISEASES OF UNKNOWN CAUSATION 195 unknown morphology. Here belong rabies (hydro- phobia), yellow fever (although as mentioned below, in the article on yellow fever, the pathogenic microorgan- ism causing this disease seems to have been definitely isolated by Noguchi who called it Leptospira icteroides), and trench fever (in this case the virus seems to be transmitted by the louse). Group 2. Diseases probably produced by filterable agents shown to be visible. Here belong epidemic polio- myelitis (infantile paralysis), encephalitis lethargica and mumps. Group 3. Disease produced by viruses of questionable filterability. Here belongs the remainder of the diseases mentioned and described in this chapter, such as Small- pox, Measles, Scarlet Fever, Trachoma, etc. Smallpox, one of the most virulent of all infectious diseases, used to be a veritable scourge, but today is practically subdued, thanks to the epoch-marking dis- covery of Jenner, who, in 1798, introduced vaccination for smallpox and thus conferred an everlasting obliga- tion upon mankind. The vaccine is prepared from the infectious material taken from the calves which have been inoculated with the material from human smallpox. Smallpox Measles Measles is essentially a disease of childhood. Nothing definite is known about the organism causing it. No specific organism has been discovered for mumps. Mumps Scarlet Fever Scarlet fever is also essentially a disease of childhood. Several investigations have claimed to have discovered 196 principles of bacteriology the specific organism, the last one being Mallory, of Boston, but so far no definite conclusions have been drawn. Trachoma Trachoma, a dangerous disease of the lining of the eye (conjunctiva), is very common among the Indians and the poorer classes of some European countries. No specific organism has been discovered. In all these diseases strictest isolation and quarantine is necessary, as well as strict disinfection and fumiga- tion. Infantile Paralysis Infantile paralysis is called " acute anterior poliomye- litis. It is an infectious disease which has become a very serious menace, as some alarming epidemics have oc- curred within the last ten years. As yet no definite statement is possible as to the microorganisms causing this disease; Rosenow claims to have isolated an aerobic streptococcus which he regards as the causative agent, while Noguchi and Flexner an- nounced in 191^1 that they had obtained "globoid bodies" (grown on Noguchi's medium for the cultiva- tion of the spirochetes), and that monkeys inoculated with certain strains of this organism may die with typical lesions of the disease. Yellow Fever Yellow fever is an acute infectious disease, rare in this country, but prevalent in the tropics. It is transmitted by the variety of mosquito called Stegomyia fasciata (now called Aedes Calopus). The organism causing the disease is in all probability the Leptospira Icteroides dis- covered by Noguchi in 1918. The bulk of the work on DISEASES OF UNKNOWN CAUSATION 197 yellow fever is a glorious chapter in American bacteri- ology. Reed, Carrol, Lazear and Agramonte, all of the United States Army, have solved the mystery of the transmission of yellow fever, all three having sacrificed themselves to the altar of science. The brilliant work of eradicating yellow fever in Panama is due to the then Commission Surgeon-General of the United States Army, Gorgas, and is probably one of the most splendid achievements in the world's history. Dengue Dengue is an acute infectious disease characterized by chills, fever, bone-ache, etc.; the organism causing it is unknown. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Rocky Mountain spotted fever, a disease propagated by tick bites, is restricted to the region of the Rockies. The organism is unknown. Foot and Mouth Disease Foot and mouth disease occurs chiefly in cattle, sheep, and goats. It appears as a blistery eruption in the mouth and on the skin between the hoofs. The specific organism causing it is unknown. Hydrophobia, or Rabies Hydrophobia is a fatal infection of practically all mammalia. Although the organism is unknown, Pas- teur's brilliant work has given us an absolute defense against it, if applied early. The infectious agent is transmitted in the saliva of the mad animal. By special staining methods (the best 198 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY is that of Lentz) we can demonstrate in the brain of mad animals the so-called "Negri bodies," which are characteristic of the disease. The Pasteur treatment consists of administering a vac- cine prepared from the cord of rabbits inoculated with the spinal infectious material. It absolutely prevents the disease if administered early. Whenever one is bit by an animal (usually a dog), the latter should be killed and its brain should be examined; the Pasteur treatment should be at once instituted. CHAPTER XXVIII BACTERIA IN SOIL, AIR, WATER, AND MILK The nurse who can give relief and comfort to those already diseased, and at the same time can protect her- self and others from becoming infected, is in a true sense, capable. To do this, it is important that she not only have a knowledge of bacteria after they have gained access to the body, but also that she be informed as to the means by which these organisms live and are detected in other environments. The surroundings that are the most vital in sustaining life in the human body, and are often the haven for liarmful bacteria are soil, water, air, and milk. Microorganisms of the Soil The number and kind of bacteria found in the soil are relative, depending largely upon its fertility, cli- matic conditions, and its relation to plant and animal life; as we are interested only in the pathogenic micro- organisms we can exclude the great list of bacteria and molds, which, while not important in this study, are ab- solutely indispensable in plant life. Pathogenic bacteria found in the soil, those giving the most trouble are: the B. aerogenes capsulatus (gas bacilli), tetanus (lockjaw), typhoid bacilli, and spirilla of Asiatic cholera. The first two apparently thrive in the soil, the latter, unless under very favorable condi- tions, lie dormant and, in a short time disappear. It is cpicstionable if any pathogenic bacteria find the soil 199 200 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY their natural habitat or rather, if they are not carried there by dead organic matter and excrement. For full detail of these organisms, see special chapter given to each. Microorganisms of the Water Nothing is more important to a community than that it is supplied with pure water. Not only that it is clear and palatable, but it must be free from pathogenic bacilli. The eye is no judge in this matter, for water that may look clear and pure will often contain many harm- ful bacteria, while cloudiness and odors may be due to recent disturbances, to harmless plants, etc. Most waters contain many bacteria, but the presence of pathogenic bacteria is due to pollution either by sewer- age or imperfect drainage. Where the water supply is obtained from a well, great care must be taken in select- ing a site that is free from the drainage of stables, privy vaults, etc. In the city where the source of supply is from lakes and rivers, constant watch must be kept to see that the sewage and industrial wastes do not render it unfit for use. Pools and swamps are often a menace to public health, for while this water may not be taken into the body for drink, they furnish a breeding place for insects that often carry disease germs. A large body of water tends to be self-purifying. When contamination occurs by the natural processes, i. e., sedimentation, oxidation, and the continual action of sunlight, these harmful bodies are destroyed. Sedi- mentation is the gravitating of the particles to the bot- tom, carrying with them impurities and bacteria. The action of oxygen and sun rays destroys many bacteria, especially those on the surface. Water-borne Disease.-When pollution occurs, the dis- ease germs that are usually found are the typhoid-colon BACTERIA IN SOIL, AIR, WATER, AND MILK 201 group, dysentery and cholera. Most other harmful bac- teria are short-lived in water, but those mentioned thrive there, and have often caused severe epidemics. Should water become contaminated with these germs, it may be purified by boiling and distillation. Where a large body of water must be purified, science has devised the filters and the action of chemicals. With the use of these agents from 95 to 98 per cent of the bacteria is destroyed. Many cities now filter their water supply. The water is pooled in large reservoirs. The bottom of these reser- voirs is composed of a layer of coarse and a layer of fine gravel, on top of this is a strata of coarse and fine sand. The water percolates through these at a certain rate, as it does so the impurities and bacteria are deposited. After a certain time the deposit must be removed. There are many kinds of domestic filters, although only a few can be recommended for permanent use. Many, particularly the cheaper kind, are actually harmful. It is impossible to clean them properly, so that the bac- teria they hold back breed there. The better and more expensive types, to be efficient, need constant care and should be cleaned and sterilized at regular intervals. When the germ content of water is unknown, during certain seasons and epidemics, the use of boiled water for drinking purposes should be encouraged. All bac- teria are destroyed by this process. The flat, insipid taste resulting may be partially overcome by shaking the water in open vessels, aerating it. Distillation is the process of driving steam into a cool jar where it condenses; the water resulting is not only free from bacteria but all minerals. It is used largely in the laboratory, but is not recommended for drinking purposes. When taken into the body in large quanti- 202 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY ties, by osmosis it tends to extract the salts and minerals from the tissues. Most communities have a regular bacteriologic ex- amination made of the water supply; knowing the num- ber of bacteria present in the water under normal con- ditions, any deviation from this standard must mean danger. A sample of water to be tested may be taken from the faucet, first allowing the water to run for thirty min- utes. When it is not possible to obtain a specimen in this way it should be collected in sterile vessels, kept at a cool, even temperature and hastened to the laboratory. The number of bacteria in the water is determined by placing 1 c.c. of the sample in a sterile Petri dish, add to it a tubeful of melted agar or gelatin, mix and let stand for three or four days in a dark, moist atmosphere, at 37° C. If the number of colonies are small, they may be counted very easily. The result may be taken as the number of individual bacteria contained in a quantity of water measured. If the number of colonies are large the original specimen of water must be diluted with sterile water or a large number of colonies may be counted with the aid of some mechanical device. The Wolffhuegel plate is generally used, although any black surface ruled in squares with white lines may be Used. A certain number of these are counted, then the aver- age is obtained. The typhoid and cholera bacilli are difficult to isolate from contaminated water, or rather it is difficult to dif- ferentiate the typhoid from the colon bacillus, unless cultural tests are made (see chapter on Typhoid-Colon Group). The presence of colon bacilli usually indicates the close proximity of sewage pollution. BACTERIA IN SOIL, AIR, WATER, AND MILK 203 Bacteria of the Air In the early days of surgery, it was thought that in- fection was caused mainly through the air. "Working upon this principle antiseptic sprays were used. Later sterilizing instruments, gloves, clothing, etc., and keep- ing the air free from dust as much as possible was in- stituted. Sprays were then discontinued. All infection does not come through the air, yet it is the means of spreading some diseases. Microorganisms being so small and light are by any draft or sweeping, disturbed, and suspended in the air. In coming to rest, if they chance upon suitable media, they thrive, and infection occurs. The air in a crowded room is filled with bacteria, like- wise the air in the open contains more organisms on a dry, windy day, than in moist weather. To lessen con- tamination from the air, laboratories and operating room should be free from drafts. As an added precau- tion, to prevent the exhaled breath from blowing organ- isms in the air, many surgeons breathe through gauze mouthpieces. When bacteria are found in the air they usually exist as spores. Living tubercle bacilli have been found in the air after sweeping the room where tuberculous patients live. Anthrax bacilli have been isolated from the air which surrounds the stable of an animal suffering from that disease. Smallpox, measles, influenza, scarlet fever, and other diseases of unknown origin are sometimes called air- borne diseases. This term should not be taken literally, as "water-borne" diseases is, for the organisms causing these illnesses do not live in the air, but are only sus- pended or carried by it. They are picked up from dry septum or pustules, or sent into the air by sneezing or coughing. 204 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY Sedgwick-Tusher's aerobioscope is the most accurate instrument used in studying organisms of the air. A fair result may be obtained by exposing a Petri dish containing culture media. Opening it for one to two minutes should be sufficient. It would be interesting to do this before and after sweeping a room. Bacteria of Milk Milk, having great nourishing qualities, is one of our chief articles of food. On account of its great food value it furnishes a favorable medium for the growth of bac- teria. By careful handling, the bacteria count of milk may be kept down. This is accomplished by submitting the cows to the tuberculin test, to see that they are free from disease, by sanitary stables free from flies and dust, by clean utensils and milkers, and keeping the milk cool until consumed. On account of the expense, such meth- ods are not always employed, and a form of sterilization is used. Pasteurization is generally used to keep milk pure. The milk is heated in a water-bath to 160° F., for twenty minutes. There are several domestic pasteur- izers. They are especially useful in infant feeding. Boil- ing for ten minutes is another method for destroying the bacteria, but as boiled milk has a rather unpleasant odor and taste, it is not generally used. Pathogenic organisms in milk usually come from un- healthy cows, infecting it with tuberculosis, foot and mouth disease, septic sore throat, etc. Many cases of sore throat are traced directly to streptococci in milk. The method used to determine the number of bacteria in milk is similar to that used in water (see chapter under that heading). CHAPTER XXIX GENERAL CARE OF THE LABORATORY Cleanliness should be the watchword. The laboratory should be cleaned at regular intervals; the floors and working desks should be cleaned once a week with a 5 per cent carbolic acid solution; all infected culture should be properly disinfected. In case of an accident- such as breaking a culture tube-a towel soaked in car- bolic acid should be applied for an hour to the infected area, before the broken glass is removed and the place is cleaned. The desk should always be "cleared" at the end of the day's work. The workers should wear gowns while in the laboratory and should change them before leaving. They should carefully disinfect the hands after working with infectious material. All stock cultures should be transferred at regular in- tervals varying according to their nature; staphylococci, typhoid-colon-dysentery group and other vigorous or- ganisms may be transferred every month, but had better be kept in the ice box, as should be pneumococci, which, however, must be transferred more frequently. Animals, usually rabbits and guinea pigs, should be kept in clean places, fed oats, cabbage, and water, and the cages should be cleaned daily. 205 CHAPTER XXX LIST OF QUESTIONS 1. Name the most important discoveries in bacteriol- ogy. 2. Name five important discoveries made by Ameri- can bacteriologists. 3. What are bacteria? What is their structure? Their shape ? 4. What is a flagellum? A spore? A capsule? 5. How are bacteria reproduced? Their chemical composition? Their food requirements? 6. What is a parasite ? Saprophyte ? Symbiosis ? An- tagonism? Give examples of each. 7. How does temperature affect the bacteria? Mois- ture ? Drying ? 8. Is capsule formation constant in the same species? Significance of capsule? Of spores? 9. What do bacteria do? Discuss fully, mentioning their various activities. 10. Of what use are bacteria in nature and in animal body? 11. What is the effect of electricity, radium, x-rays, sunlight, and heat on bacteria? 12. How should sputum, urine, and feces be disin- fected? The room? The patient at recovery? The nurse? Apply this to a case of typhoid fever. 13. What are the different methods of destruction of bacteria? Their various purposes? 14. What is aerobe, anaerobe, either obligatory or fac- ultative ? 206 207 LIST OF QUESTIONS 15. How are bacteria studied? What are the most commonly used stains? What is Gram's method of stain- ing? 16. Name ten Gram-negative and ten Gram-positive bacteria. 17. What is a culture medium? What is an "ordi- nary" medium and what is an "enriched" medium. Name three of each, stating for what organism they may be used. 18. What is a "hanging drop" preparation and what is it used for? 19. What are some of the usual bacteriologic exam- inations? What is examined and for what infection? 20. Name three anaerobes and explain how they may be cultivated. 21. What is infection? Immunity? Its varieties? 22. What is necessary for an infection? What is viru- lence ? Antigen ? Antibody ? 23. What is Ehrlich's theory of immunity? Metchni- koff's? 24. How do bacteria produce an infection? What is exotoxin, endotoxin, antitoxin? Blood serum? 25. What is a vaccine? In connection with what dis- eases is it used? How is it prepared? 26. What is an amboceptor? Agglutinin? Precipitin? Bacteriolysin? Hemolysin? Hemolysis? Phagocytosis? Opsonin? Leucocytosis? Complement? Weigert's law? 27. How is antitoxin serum prepared? In what dis- eases is it used? Widal test? 28. What is a Wassermann test? Anaphylaxis? 29. For what is blood most often examined? Sputum? Urine? 30. What diseases are produced by staphylococci and streptococci? How do they differ from each other mor- 208 PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY phologically, culturally, and in disease-producing prop- erties ? 31. What bacteria cause pneumonia? Describe briefly pneumococci. What is the latest work on pneumococci? 32. Describe briefly gonococci and meningococci. Of what value is the immunity treatment in infections with staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, and meningo- cocci ? 33. What are the members of the typhoid group ? How do they resemble each other and how can they be differ- entiated ? 34. Describe the tetanus bacillus, gas bacillus. 35. Describe the tubercle bacillus. What other bac- teria belong to the "acid-fast" group? 36. Describe the diphtheria bacillus. 37. Describe the organism causing influenza, whooping cough. Describe plague bacilli. 38. Describe the anthrax bacillus. 39. Describe the cholera spirillum. 40. What diseases are caused by spirochetes ? Describe the most important one. 41. What diseases are caused by yeasts and molds ? 42. Describe malaria and its parasite. 43. What diseases are caused by "higher bacteria"? 44. What are the 11 diseases of unknown causation ' ' ? 45. What is Pasteur treatment? 46. Why is the knowledge of bacteriology important to the nurse? 47. What bacteria are of importance in air? Soil? Water? Milk? BIBLIOGRAPHY The books on bacteriology by the following authors are ex- cellent for reference: Chester: Determinative Bacteriology, Macmillan Co., New York. Hiss and Zinsser: Bacteriology, D. Appleton & Co., New York. Hewlett: Manual of Bacteriology, C. V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, Mo. Jordan: General Bacteriology, W. B. Saunders Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Kendall: Bacteriology, Lea & Febiger Co., Philadelphia, Pa. MacNeal: Pathogenic Microorganisms, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Muir and Eitchie: Bacteriology, Macmillan Co., New York. Park and Williams: Pathogenic Microorganisms, Lea & Febi- ger Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Stitt: Bacteriology, Blood Work, Parasitology, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. The following is a list of the best journals devoted to bac- teriology: Journal of Bacteriology, published bimonthly by Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, Md. Journal of Immunology, published bimonthly by Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, Md. Abstracts of Bacteriology, published bimonthly by Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, Md. Journal of Infectious Diseases, published monthly by Me- morial Institute for Infectious Diseases, Chicago, Ill. Journal of Experimental Medicine, published monthly by the Eockefeller Institute for Medical Eesearch, New York. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, published monthly by C. V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, Mo. Journal of Medical Eesearch, published monthly, 240 Longwood! Ave., Boston, Mass. 209 INDEX A Abscess (see Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pyocy- aneus, etc.), 54 Acid, carbolic (see Disinfect- ants) Acid-fast bacteria, definition, 90 bacillus tuberculosis, 173 leprae, 177 smegmas, 178 Actinomycosis, 192 Aerobes, 32 facultative, 32 obligatory, 32 Aerogenes capsulatus, bacillus, 163 Aestivo-autumn al malaria par- asite, 190 Agar media, 102 Agglutination, 152 macroscopic, technic, 152 microscopic, technic, 152 Agglutinins, 63 Air, bacteria in, 203 Anaerobes, 32 facultative, 32 obligatory, 32 Anaphylaxis, 76 Angina, Vincent's, spirochete of, 189 Anilin gentian violet stain, 85 Animal inoculation, 118 Antagonism, 33 Anthrax, 162 Antibodies, 60 Antidiphtheritic serum, 172 Antiseptics, 45 Antitoxins, 62 in diphtheria, 172 in tetanus, 161 in gas bacillus infection, 164 Arnold steam sterilizer, 43 Asepsis, 40 Autoclave, 44 B Bacilli carriers, 39 Bacillus (see individual names), 24 Bacteria, 24 cell division of, 29 cell membrane of, 25 chemical composition of, 30 destruction of, 40 by drying, light, electric- ity, radium, x-ray, heat, 41 discovery of, 19 distribution of, 38 effect of chemical agents on, 45 effect of disinfectants on, 40 effect of physical agents on, 41 forms of, 24 gram-negative, 87 gram-positive, 87 granules in, 25 in air, 203 in milk, 204 in soil, 199 in water, 200 methods of studying, 82 motility of, 82 * study of, 82 nutrition of, 31 pathogenic, 33 reproduction of, 29 size of, 24 spore-formation in, 28 staining of, 85 structure of, 25 Bacterial toxins, 54 Bacteriolysis, 63 Bateriophage, 74 211 212 INDEX Beef broth, preparation of, 103 Berkefeld filter, 101 Bile medium, 110 Blood, constituents of, 61 culture, 116 plasma, 61 serum, 61 stain for, 91 Blood transfusion tests, 64 Blood typing, 64 Bordet-Gengou bacillus, 179 Botulinus bacillus, 166 Broth, 103, 104 Brownian movement, 28 Bubonic plague, 180 C Capsule of bacteria, 26 Capsules staining, 88 Carbol-fushsin, 86 Carrel-Dakin solution, 51 Carriers, 39 Cerebrospinal meningitis, epi- demic, 134 fluid, examination of, 115 Chemotaxis, negative, 68 positive, 68 Cholera, 182 Coccus, 24 Colon-typhoid bacilli group, 142 Comma bacillus, 182 Complement, 61, 73 fixation of, 74 fixation tests: for syphilis, 185 for tuberculosis, 175 for whooping cough, 180 Contagion, 19 Cornstarch medium, 109 Credo's prophylactic treatment for gonorrheal oph- thalmia, 139 Culture media, 92 agar, 103 meat extract, 102 meat infusion, 102 broth, 103 meat extract, 103 meat infusion, 104 blood serum, 107 Culture media-Cont 'd cornstarch, 109 sugar broth, 104 sugar-free broth, 105 gelatin, 105 glycerin-potato, 112 litmus milk, 106 Pctroff's for tubercle ba- cillus, 110 potato, 106 tubercle bacillus, 110 Cultures, anaerobic, 112 plate, technic of making, 114 D d'Herelle's phenomenon, 74 Dakin's solution, 51 Dengue, 197 Diphtheria, 168 antitoxins, 171 Disinfectants, 40 Disinfection, 40 by Dakin's solution, 51 of cloth, 48 of feces, 48 of rooms, 49 of skin, 48 of sputum, 48 of surgical instruments, 49 of the bath, 48 of thermometer, 47 of urine, 48 Dorset's medium, 111 Ducrey bacillus, 183 Dysentery, 157 E Ehrlich's receptor theory of immunity, 68 Electricity, 41 Endocarditis, acute, 127 Endoplasm, 25 Endo's medium, 107 Endct oxins, 55 Enzymes produced by bacteria, 36 Epidemic cerebrospinal men- ingitis, 134 Estivo-autumhal| fever, 190 Exotoxins, 54 213 INDEX F Facultative aerobes, 32 anaerobes, 32 Favus, 193 Fecalis alcaligenes bacillus, 156 Feces, examination of, 115 Fermentation, 36 Ferments, 36 Filter plants, 199 Filterable virus, 194 Filtration of water, 200 Flagella, 28 staining, 88 Flexner's serum, 136 type of dysentery bacillus, 157 Fluid, cerebrospinal, examina- tion of, 115 pericardial, 115 peritoneal, 115 pleural, 115 Food supply of bacteria, 31 Foot-and-mouth disease, 197 Formaldehyde, 47 Formalin, 47 Frambesia, 189 Free receptors, 70 Friedlander's pneumobacillus, 158 Fumigation, 40 Fungus, 192 G Gas bacillus, 163 Gelatin agar, 105 Generation, spontaneous, 20 Glanders, 166 Glassware, sterilization, 42 Glycerin-potato medium, 111 Gonococcus, 138 Gonorrhea, 139 Gram negative, 87 positive, 87 Gram's iodine, 85 method of staining, 85 Granules, 25 Group agglutination, 150 agglutinins, 150 Growth of bacteria, 34 influence of antiseptics on, 41 of electricity on, 35 of environment on, 32 of food supply on, 30 of light on, 35 of moisture on, 35 of oxygen on, 31 of temperature on, 34 Gruber-Widal reaction in ty phoid fever, 151 H Hanging drop, 82 Haptophore atom group, 69 Hiss-Russel type of dysentery bacillus, 157 Hoffman's pseudodiphtheria bacillus, 172 Hydrophobia, 197 I Immune bodies, 60 Immunity (see individual), 56, 60 acquired, 58 active, 59 artificial, 59 mechanism of, 62 natural, 57, 59 passive, 59 theories of, 66 Ehrlich's receptor, 68 Metchnikoff's, 67 Infantile paralysis, 196 Infection, 52 requirements for, 52 Infectious diseases of unknown causation, 194 Influenza, 179 Inoculation, animal, 118 Instruments, sterilization of, 49 L Leprosy, 177 Leucocytosis, 67 Leucocytosis and infection, 78 Leucopenia, 67 214 INDEX Light, influence of, on growth of bacteria, 35 Litmus milk, 106 Lockjaw, 159 Loeffler's methylene blue stain, 84 blood serum for isolating diphtheria bacillus, 107 Luetin test for syphilis, 77 M Macrophages, 67 Malaria, 190 Malarial organisms, 190 stain for, 90 Malignant edema, 164 Mallei bacillus, 166 Mallein test in diagnosis of glanders, 77 Measles, 195 Meat extract agar, 102 broth, 103 infusion agar, 102 broth, 104 Media, 92 enriched, 105 preparation of, 102 sterilization of, 100 titration of, 96 Meningococcus, 134 Micrococcus catarrhalis, 158 Microphages, 67 Milk as culture medium, 107 bacteria in, 204 Molds, 193 Motility of bacteria, 28 study of, 82 Mucosus capsulatus group of bacilli, 158 Mumps, 195 N Negri bodies, 198 Nutrition of bacteria, 31 O Obermeier's spirochete, 189 Obligatory aerobes, 32 anaerobes, 32 Ophthalmia, gonorrheal, 139 Opsonins, 63. p Pappenheim's stain, 178 Paralysis, infantile, 196 Parameningococcus, 137 Parasites, 32 Paratyphoid bacillus, 156 Pasteur treatment, 198 Pasteurization of milk, 204 Pathogenic bacteria, 32 Pericardial fluid, examination of, 115 Peritoneal fluid, examination of, 115 Pertussis, 180 Petroff's medium, 110 Phagocytes, 67 Phagocytosis, 66 Physical agents, effect of, on bacteria, 41 Pigment production by bac- teria, 37 Plague, 180 Plasmodium falciparum, 190 malariae, 190 vivax, 190 Plate cultures, 114 Pleural fluid, examination of, 115 Pneumobacillus, 158 Pneumococcus, 129 Poliomyelitis, 196 Potato media, 106 Precipitation tests, for syphilis, 189 Precipitins, 63 Proteus, bacillus, 156 Protozoa, 19 Pseudodiphtheria bacilli, 172 Pseudomeningocoeci, 137 Pyemia, 54 Pyocyaneus, 166 Q Quartan malarial parasite, 190 R Rabies, 197 treatment of, 198 Receptor theory of immunity, Ehrlich's, 68 INDEX 215 Receptors, cell, 72 of first order, 72 of second order, 72 of third order, 72 Relapsing fever, 189 Reproduction, bacterial, 29 Ringworm, 193 Rocky mountain spotted fever, 197 Rose spots in typhoid fever, 148 Russel's double sugar medium, 108 S Saccharomyces hominis, 192 Saprophytes, 32 Scarlet fever, 195 Schick test, 170 Septicemia, 54 Serum disease, 77 Shiga bacillus, 157 Side-chain theory of immunity, Ehrlich's, 68 Smallpox, 195 Smear, examination of, 113 Smegma bacillus, 178 Soil, bacteria in, 199 Solution, normal, 98 Spirillum, 24 choleras, 182 of Vincent's angina, 189 Spirocheta of relapsing fever, 189 of Vincent's angina, 189 pallida, 187 partenuis, 189 Spores, formation of, 28 stain for, 88 Sporotrichosis, 193 Sputum, examination of, for tubercle bacillus, 117 Stained bacteria, examination of, 84 Staining, 85 acid-proof bacilli, 89 anilin gentian violet method, 86 blood, 90 capsules, 88 flagella, 88 Staining-Cont'd Gram method, 85 Loeffler's methylene-blue method, 88 spores, 88 Treponema pallidum, 184 tubercle bacillus, 89 Staphylococcus, 119 Sterilization, 41 Streptococcus, 125 Streptothrix, 192 Sugar-free broth, 104 Syphilis, 187 Syphilis precipitation tests for, 189 T Temperature, influence of, on growth of bacteria, 32 Tertian malaria parasite, 190 Test: luetin, 77 mallein, 77 tuberculin, in diagnosis of tuberculosis of cattle, 175 von Pirquet's cutaneous, for tuberculosis, 175 Wassermann's, for diagnosis of syphilis, 185 Tetanus, 159 Thrush, 193 Tinea versicolor, fungus of, 193 Titration of media, 95 Toxins, 54 Toxophore group, 71 Trachoma, 196 Treatment, Pasteur, 198 Tuberculin, 175 test, 77 Tubercle bacillus, stain for, 89 Tuberculosis, 173 Typhoid bacillus, 146 vaccination, 154 Typhus fever, 191 U Urine, examination of, 115 216 INDEX V Vaccination, 195 Vaccine, 122 Vincent's angina, 189 Virulence of bacteria, 53 Vitality, 57 von Pirquet's method of cu- taneous diagnosis of tuberculosis, 175 W Wassermann's reaction for di- agnosis of syphilis, 185 Water, bacillus typhosus in, 200 bacteria in, 200 Welch's bacillus, 163 Whooping cough, 180 Widal-Gruber reaction in ty- phoid fever, 152 Williams and Burdick's me dium, 112 Wright's stain, 90 Wool-sorter's disease, 163 Y Y type of dysentery bacillus. 157 Yaws, 189 Yeasts, 192 Yellow fever, 196