INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. FOR STUDENTS IN PHARMACY AND MEDICINE AND PRACTICING PHARMACISTS AND PHYSICIANS. BY EDSEL A. RUDD I MAN, Ph.M., M.D., Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Materia Medica in Vanderbilt University. FIRST EDITION. FIRST THOUSAND. NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS. London : CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited 1897. Copyright, 1897, BY E. A. RUDDIMAN. ROBERT DRUMMOND. ELECTROTYPER AND PRINTER NEW YORK. PREFACE. The busy prescriptionist is frequently at a loss to know what takes place in the prescription he is filling, and does not have the time nor books necessary to look up the change which he has noticed. The object of the first part of this book is to present to him in a convenient and condensed form the more common incompatibilities. The substances treated of are arranged in alphabetical order of their Latin names, except in case of some of the newer remedies. In order to avoid repetition all the incompatibilities of each substance are not always given under that heading. For instance, the reaction between two substances may be found under the heading of one of the substances and not under the other. The second object of the writer is to furnish the student of pharmacy with a list of incompatible prescriptions in such form that he may find out for himself what the trouble is, and the best means of avoiding or overcoming it. It is suggested that he study the prescription thoroughly before referring to the notes. Acknowledgment is hereby made of assistance received from all of the books and journals mentioned in the list of abbreviations of references. Edsel A. Ruddiman. Nashville, June, 1897. ABBREVIATIONS OF REFERENCES. Allen : Am. D. : A. J. A. : A. P. A. : Caspar!: Coblentz : D. C. : Extra Pharm. M. & M. : M. M. R. : Nat. Drug. : N. D. : N. E. D. : Ph. E. : P. D. : P. & J. : Prescott : Richter : Sayre; Scoville : Sohn : Squire : Storer ; U. S. D. : U. S. P. : W. D. : Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis, 2d ed. American Druggist. American Journal of Pharmacy. Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association. Caspari’s Treatise on Pharmacy. Coblentz’s New Remedies. Druggists’ Circular. The Extra Pharmacopoeia, by Martindale and Westcott, 7th ed, Muir and Morley’s edition of Watts’ Dictionary. Merck’s Market Reports. National Druggist. National Dispensatory, 5th ed. New England Druggist. Pharmaceutical Era. Thompson’s Practical Dispensing. Prescott and Johnson’s Qualitative Chemical Analysis. Prescott’s Organic Analysis. Richter’s Organic Chemistry. Sayre’s Organic Materia Medica. Scoville’s Art of Dispensing. Sohn’s Dictionary of Active Principles of Plants. Squire’s Companion to the British Pharmacopoeia, 16th ed. Storer’s Dictionary of Solubilities. United States Dispensatory. United States Pharmacopoeia. Western Druggist. PART I INCOMP A T/BILI TIES. Acacia.— I. An aqueous solution of acacia is gelatinized or precipitated by a solution of a ferric salt (not if there is quite a large excess of free acid present or if the iron solution is well diluted with water); by borax (not if a sufficient amount of syrup or glycerin is present); by lead subacetate (not by neutral lead acetate); by a silicate of potassium or sodium; by a concentrated solution of ammonium oxalate; by a concentrated solution of mercuric chloride; and by alcohol, when the mixture contains over sixty per cent of alcohol. 2. The mucilage is colored blue by the tincture of guaiac. (U. S. D., 670.) 3. Acacia heated with nitric acid yields mucic, saccharic, oxalic, and tartaric acids. (M. & M.r I, 296.) 4. Strong sulphuric acid converts a strong solution of gum into metagummic acid in a few hours. Dilute sul- phuric acid converts it into a sugar. (M. & M., 1. 296.) 5. Pepsin, in a dilute hydrochloric acid solution, changes acacia into arabinose. (M. & M., I. 296.) 6. In the presence of gum arabic, dilute solutions of salts of mercury, lead, copper, silver, iron, arsenic, etc., do not give precipitates with sul- phuretted hydrogen or alkaline sidphides. Solutions of alka- loidal salts are not precipitated by sodium phosphomolybdate, by potassium mercuric iodide, or by tannic acid in the presence of acacia. (Allen, I. 353.) These are properties common to many gums. (M. & M., I. 296.) 7. Acacia prevents the precipitation of some of the metallic salts by alkali hydrates. INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 2 Acetamide. —I. Acetamide unites directly with hydro- chloric ox nitric acid. (M. & M., I. 5.) With acids it forms unstable compounds. (Richter, 259.) 2. Boiled with alkalies or acids it is decomposed, forming acetic acid and ammonia. (Richter, 259.) 3. Acetamide gives a liquid or soft mass when triturated with bromal hydrate, butyl chloral hydrate, carbolic acid, chloral alcoholate, chloral hydrate, lead acetate, pyrocatechin, pyrogallol, resorcin, sodium phosphate, thymol, or urethane. With antipyrin it forms a damp powder that dries quickly. Aceta. [See under Acidum Aceticum.] Acetanilidum.—1. With nitrous ether, amyl nitrite, or nitro7is acid, acetanilid gives a yellow solution, becoming red. The coloration is rather slow with a fresh spirit of nitrous ether. Probably diazo-compounds are formed. (Eccles, D. C., XXXVIII. 38.) 2. With iodine or bromine it forms compounds which are insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol. (Moerk, M. M. R., IV. 359.) 3. A cold aqueous solution with ferric chloride gives no increase of color, but, if hot, it assumes a deep red color. (Squire, 4.) 4. With a strong solution of potassa or soda, acetanilid is decomposed slowly, forming anilin. (U. S. D. 10.) 5. In a dilute hydro- chloric acid solution with dilute chlorine water, it gives a yellow color, becoming green. (N. E. D., 1894, 135,) 6. The alkali iodides or bromides, in aqueous solution with acetanilid, form insoluble compounds. (Coblentz, 2d ed., p. 1.) 7. A liquid or a soft mass is formed when acetanilid is triturated dry with chloral alcoholate, chloral hydrate, carbolic acid, pyro- catechin, resorcin, or thymol. Rubbed with antipyrin it is said to form a soft mass (M. M. R., iv. 359), but, from the experience of the writer, such is not the case. Acetates. [See under Acidum Aceticum.] Acida. —l. Acids combine with metallic oxides and hy- drates, with some metals, and with alkaloids to form salts. 2. They precipitate bismuth citrate from solutions of bismuth INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS 3 and ammonium citrate by combining with the ammonium. 3. They precipitate potassium bitartrate from solutions of Rochelle salt or 7iormalpotassium tartrate. 4. Strong mineral acids precipitate, from concentrated aqueous solutions of borates, salicylates, benzoates, or silicates, the free boric, sali- cylic, benzoic, or silicic acid. 5. Strong mineral acids form esters and ethers with alcohol. Many organic acids, in the presence of certain mineral acids, as sulphuric or hydrochloric, form esters with alcohol. 6. Nearly all acids, except hydro- cyanic and hydrosulphuric acids, decompose carbonates, liber- ating carbon dioxide. 7. Acids diminish or prevent the action of pancreatin. 8. Organic acids, excepting acetic acid, generally form compounds with the heavy metallic salts which are insoluble in water. The following official preparations contain a free acid: the vinegars of opium and squills; the fluid extracts of conium, ergot, nux vomica, and sanguinaria; glycerite of tannic acid; infusion of cinchona; lemon-juice, solutions of arsenous acid, ammonium acetate, chloride of iron, iron and ammonium acetate, nitrate of iron, subsulphate of iron, tersulphate of iron, and nitrate of mercury; oleates of mer- cury, veratrine, and zinc; spirit of nitrous ether, usually; syrups of citric acid, hydriodic acid, garlic, calcium lacto- phosphate, hypophosphites, ipecac, iron quinine and strych- nine phosphates, and squills; tinctures chloride of iron, and sanguinaria; ointment of tannic acid and usually ointment of mercury nitrate. Acidum Aceticum. [See Acida.]—1. Acetic acid decom- poses nearly all carbonates, forming acetates and liberating carbon dioxide. 2. It forms with chlorine chloracetic acids, slowly in diffused light, more quickly in sunlight. 3. Soluble acetates and also free acetic acid, with solutions of ferric salts, give a deep red color, due to the formation of ferric acetate; this on heating precipitates as the basic ferric acetate. 4. They precipitate solutions of quinine salts as quinine acetate. 4 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 5. With a mixture of alcohol and sulphuric acid they form ethyl acetate. 6. The stronger mineral acids transpose acetates, liberating acetic acid. 7. Some acetates on being exposed to the air lose acetic acid and absorb carbon dioxide, thus becoming partially insoluble. 8. Nearly all normal acetates are soluble in water, except quinine, silver, and mercurous, the two latter being sparingly soluble. The acetates, except silver and mercurous, are generally soluble in alcohol. Acidum Arsenicum. 1. Soluble arsenates precipitate from neutral solutions of salts of barium, calcium, lead, silver, mercury, antimony, copper, iron, aluminum, chromium, and zinc the arsenates of these metals. The presence of ammonium salts sometimes prevents this precipitation. (P. & J., 124,) 2. In acid solution arsenates are reduced to arsenites by oxalic acid, hypophosphites, hydrogen sulphide, sulphites, and iodides, forming, respectively, carbon dioxide, phosphoric acid, sulphur, sulphuric acid, and iodine. 3. The arsenates of the alkali metals are soluble in water. The di- and tri-metallic salts of the other metals are insoluble in water, but soluble in the presence of most mineral acids. The arsenates are generally insoluble in alcohol. Acidum Arsenosum. [See Acida.]—1. Arsenous acid combines with the alkali hydrates and carbonates to form salts. 2. The soluble arsenites precipitate neutral solutions of nearly all metallic salts except those of the alkalies. 3. Ferric hydrate or a solution of dialyzed iron gives with arsenites a precipitate of basic ferric arsenite. 4. Arsenous compounds are oxidized to arsenic compounds by nitric acid, chlorine, chloric acid, bromine, bromic acid, iodine in alkaline mixtures, iodic acid, silver salts in alkaline mixtures, mercu- rous or mercuric compounds in alkaline mixtures, ferric com- pounds in alkaline mixtures, permanangates, and chromates. 5. Arsenous compounds are reduced to metallic arsenic by hypophosphorus acid or hypophosphites in acid solution. 6. Arsenites of potassium, sodium, and ammonium are sol- INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 5 üble in water; barium and strontium are sparingly soluble; the other metallic arsenites are insoluble. They are gen- erally dissolved and decomposed by dilute mineral acids. 7. The insoluble arsenites are transposed by dilute acids. Acidum Benzoicum. [See Aciua.]—1. Hydrogen diox- ide with sulphuric acid changes benzoic acid to salicylic acid. 2. Chlorine produces chlorobenzoic acid. 3. Bromine forms bromobenzoic acid. 4. Soluble benzoates precipitate solutions of ferric salts as ferric benzoate, which is flesh- colored. 5. Aqueous solutions of benzoates, unless too dilute, give a crystalline precipitate of benzoic acid with most free acids. 6. Most benzoates are soluble in water, and many are soluble in alcohol. The more sparingly soluble benzoates dissolve readily in aqueous solutions of sodium acetate, lead acetate, or sodium nitrate. (Storer, 61.) The solubility of the free acid in water is increased by the pres- ence of borax or sodium phosphate. Acidum Boricum. [See Acida.]—1. Boric acid com- bines with the hydrates of the alkalies and of the alkaline earths to form borates. 2. It decomposes carbonates of the alkalies and of the alkaline earths, liberating carbon dioxide. 3. The soluble borates, in concentrated aqueous solutions, give with most free mineral acids a precipitate of boric acid. 4. The soluble borates do not generally precipitate borates of the metals. 5. The alkali borates, such as borax, are frequently alkaline in reaction, and consequently cause a precipitation with solutions of many metallic salts and most alkaloidal salts. 6. All of the borates, excepting those of the alkalies, are insoluble in water, but generally soluble in the presence of free boric acid or tartaric acid. They are all nearly or quite insoluble in alcohol. 7. Borates are trans- posed by all ordinary acids, with the formation of boric acid; even carbonic acid, under certain conditions, causes a trans- position. (P. & J., 174.) [See Sodii Boras.] Acidum Carbolicum (Phenol).—1. Carbolic acid ab- 6 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. sorbs moisture from the air. 2. Liquid carbolic acid on exposure to air becomes pink, red, and even brown. This is probably due to various causes, no explanation being entirely satisfactory. 3. Carbolic acid, in dilute solution with ferric salts, gives a violet-blue color which is prevented by acetic acid or alcohol. (M. & M., 111. 831.) In concentrated solutions the color does not appear. The presence of many organic compounds prevents its formation. 4. With, ammonia it gives a colorless mixture which slowly becomes green, then a deep blue, and finally a purplish blue. 5. With ammonia and a solution of sodium hypochlorate it gives a deep blue color. 6. With a mixture of sjdphuric acid and potassium nitrate it gives a brown color, turning blue on standing. 7. Carbolic acid combines with concentrated solutions of alkali hydrates to form carbolates. It does not combine with alkali carbonates. 8. Alkaline solutions of carbolic acid absorb atmospheric oxygen, forming dark-colored products. 9. Phenol coagulates aqueous solutions of albumen or dilute solu- tions of gelatin. It also coagulates collodion (difference from creosote). 10. Hydrogen dioxide oxidizes it to pyrocatechin, hydroquinone, and quinone. (M. & M., 111. 832.) 11. Potas- sium permanganate oxidizes it to oxalic acid and carbon dioxide. (M. & M., 111, 832.) 12. Nitric acid oxidizes it to mono-, di-, or tri-nitrophenol, the tri-nitrophenol being known as picric acid. 13. Nitro2is acid forms nitroso-phenol, in which nitrosyl replaces hydrogen. (M, & M., in. 833.) 14. Carbolic acid with concentrated sulphuric acid forms phenol- sulphonic acid. 15. An aqueous solution of phenol with bromine water gives a crystalline precipitate of tri-bromo- phenol. 16. Carbolic acid reduces many metallic salts, especially those of silver and copper. 17. Carbolic acid gives a liquid or soft mass when triturated with acetamide, acctani- lid, antipyrin, borneol, bromal hydrate, butyl chloral hydrate, camphor, monobromated camphor, chloral alcoholate, chloral hydrate, diuretin, euphorin, exalgin, lead acetate, menthol, INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 7 methacetin, naphtalin, naphtol, phenacetin, pyrocatechin, pyro- gallol, resin, resorcin, salol, sodium phosphate, thymol, urethane, chloralamid, terpin hydrate, or antisepsin. These reactions are due in some cases to the formation of new chemical com- pounds, and in other cases probably to the fact that carbolic acid is hygroscopic, and liquefies when warmed by the tri- turation. Acidum Chromicum.—I. Chromic acid combines with the alkali hydrates to form yellow normal chromates and red dichromates. 2. Chromic acid, or chromates in solution with sulphuric acid, are reduced to chromic salts by tartrates, producing formic acid, carbon dioxide, and water; 3. by oxalates, forming carbon dioxide; 4. by hypophosphites (no action in alkaline mixtures), forming phosphoric acid; 5. by sulphides, liberating sulphur; 6. by sulphites, forming sulphuric acid; 7. by chlorides, liberating chlorine; 8. by bromides, liberating bromine; 9. by iodides, liberating iodine; 10. by dilute alcohol, forming aldehyde and acetic acid. 11. Chromic acid, with strong alcohol, glycerin, ether, volatile oils, or other readily oxidizable matter, is liable to cause an explo- sion or the matter to take fire. 12. The soluble chromates and bichromates precipitate aqueous solutions of salts of lead, silver, mercury, bismuth, manganese, barium, and strontium as chromates, generally normal, varying in color from yellow to red. 13. Potassium bichromate precipitates many alkaloids from aqueous solutions of their salts, e.g., atropine, codeine, hydrastine, quinine, strychnine, morphine (only in concentrated solutions, 1 : 100). The normal potassium chromate does not precipitate as many alkaloids. 14. The chromates of the alkalies, magnesium, calcium, and zinc are soluble in water; the others are sparingly or insoluble in water. They are nearly insoluble in alcohol. 15. Bichromates, triturated with tannic acid, sugar, or substances which are easily oxidized, are liable to cause an explosion. Acidum Chrysophanicum.— I. Chrysophanic acid is dis- 8 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. solved by aqueous solutions of alkalies, forming a liquid which is pink when dilute and dark purplish red when concen- trated. This solution, when neutralized with acids, precipitates the yellow chrysophanic acid. (Allen, 111. part I. 282.) 2. An ammoniacal solution of chrysophanic acid gives a lilac- colored precipitate with acetate of lead and rose-colored with alum. (Allen, 111. part I. 283.) 3. Strong nitric acid (not dilute) converts it into tetranitro-chrysophanic acid. (Allen, 111. part I. 283.) Acidum Citricum.— 1. Citric acid forms citrates with most metallic hydrates or carbonates, with most acetates, with alkaline sulphides, and with soap. 2. With a solution of potassium tartrate or Rochelle salt a citrate is formed and potassium bitartrate is precipitated. 3. Soluble citrates and also citric acid give, with lime-water or aqueous solution of calcium chloride, a clear solution, which gives a precipitate of calcium citrate on being heated. 4. Neutral soluble citrates precipitate solutions of lead acetate or silver nitrate as citrates. 5. An alkaline solution of a citrate with chlorine gives some chloroform. (M. & M., 11. 194.) 6. Concentrated nitric acid oxidizes citric acid or citrates, forming acetic and oxalic acids. An acidulated solution of potassium perman- ganate oxidizes it, forming carbon dioxide and acetone. (Allen, I. 453.) 7. A solution of ammonium citrate dissolves the oxides or hydrates of aluminum, iron, nickel, manganese, magnesium, zinc, copper, and mercuric mercury to form double compounds. These salts are not precipitated by the alkali hydrates or carbonates. (M. & M., 11, 194.) Heating with fixed alkali hydrates or carbonates may produce a pre- cipitate. A solution of ammonium citrate also aids the solu- tion of some acids, as gallic, salicylic, and benzoic. 7. The citrates of the alkalies are soluble in water; those of iron, zinc, and copper, moderately soluble; the other single citrates are insoluble. Citric acid in excess forms many double citrates which are soluble in water. The alkali citrates in INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. neutral or alkaline mixtures have the property of making many insoluble metallic salts soluble in water. Citrates are generally insoluble in alcohol. 8. The insoluble citrates are transposed by dilute mineral acids. Acidum Gallicum.— i. Gallic acid with lime zvater in excess gives a blue-white precipitate, and the liquid acquires a tint which is blue by reflected and green by transmitted light, and becomes pink by large excess of lime water. (U. S. D., 50.) If the gallic acid is in excess, the color is brown, (N. D., 55.) 2. An aqueous solution exposed to the air decomposes, turning yellow, brown, and black, and deposits a black substance; this is hastened by alkali hydrates, form- ing tanno-melanic acid. (Allen, 111. part I. p. 68.) 3. With excess of sodium bicarbonate the liquid becomes indigo-blue and precipitates a deep blue-green solid, (Allen, in. part I. p. 68,.) 4. Gallic acid gives a blue-black precipitate or solu- tion with a solution of ferric chloride. With an excess of iron the solution is a greenish blue. Heat destroys the color, due (according to Allen, 111. part 1., p. 68) to the reduction of the ferric iron to the ferrous condition or (according to the U. S. D., 50) to the conversion of gallic acid into pyrogallic a&d. 5. Gallic acid with a concentrated solution of a pure ferrous salt gives a white precipitate, but no precipitate if the iron solution is dilute. On exposure to air the mixture soon becomes colored, due to the oxidation of the iron. 6. With a solution of potassium cyanide gallic acid gives a red color, which quickly disappears, (Allen, 111. part I. p. 68.) 7, With a solution of a mixture of ammonia and ammonium chloride it gives a red color. (M. & M., IV. 633.) 8. With a solution of tartar emetic it gives a precipitate of gallate of antimony; the reaction is prevented by ammonium chloride. (Allen, 111. part I. p. 68.) 9. Potassium permanganate in aqueous solution is reduced. Triturating the two together dry, the gallic acid may take fire. 10. Nitric acid oxidizes it, yielding oxalic acid. (M. & M., IV. 632.) 11. Gallic acid INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. reduces salts of gold or silver. 12. Oxidizing agents, such as arsenic acid, silver oxide, or iodine, with water, convert gallic acid into ellagic acid. 13. Gallic acid does not give a precipi- tate with solutions of alkaloids, gelatin, albumin, or starch. 14. The gallates of the metals, except the alkalies, are insoluble in water. Most of the gallates are insoluble in alcohol. Acidum Hydriodicum. [See Acida.]—1. Soluble iodides and also hydriodic acid precipitate solutions of salts of lead, as the bright yellow lead iodide; of silver, as the yellow-white silver iodide; of mercurous mercury, as the yellow mercurous iodide; of mercuric mercury, as the red mercuric iodide. 2. The alkali iodides in excess form double compounds with lead, silver, and mercuric iodides, which compounds are solu- ble in water. The solution of the double salt of mercuric and potassium iodide is known as “ Mayer’s reagent,” and precipitates nearly all alkaloids. Mercurous iodide, with excess of potassium iodide, is decomposed, forming metallic mercury and the soluble potassium mercuric iodide. 3. Solu- ble iodides precipitate solutions of bismuth salts as bismuth iodide, which is quickly decomposed by water, forming an oxyiodide of bismuth. 4. Soluble iodides reduce cupric salts in solution and give a precipitate of cuprous iodide; at the same time the solution becomes red, due to the liberation of iodine. 5. Soluble iodides with ferric salts in acid solution reduce the ferric to ferrous iron, but give no precipitate; at the same time iodine is liberated. 6. Nitrites in acid solu- tion with iodides liberate iodine and form nitric oxide. 7. Nitric acid liberates iodine from iodides and then oxidizes it to iodic acid. 8. Chlorine oxidizes iodides, liberating iodine; then oxidizes the iodine to iodic acid, and in alkaline mixtures to a periodate. The chlorine is changed to a chloride. 9. Chlorates in an acid solution of an iodide liberate iodine and oxidize it to iodic acid. The chlorate becomes a chloride. 10. Bromine liberates iodine, and in alkaline mixtures forms INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 11 an iodate. The bromine becomes a bromide. 11. Bromates in acid solution with iodides form iodine and bromine. 12. lodates in acid solution with iodides liberate iodine from both. lodides sometimes contain iodates as impurities, hence the liberation of iodine on adding an acid. 13. Arsenic compounds become arsenous, and liberate iodine from iodides in an acid solution. 14. Chromates in acid solutions liberate iodine and form chromic salts. 15. Permanganates in acid solutions liberate iodine and, if in great excess, oxidize it to iodic acid. 16. Hydrogen peroxide in acid solution liberates iodine from iodides. 17. lodides sometimes contain carbon- ates as impurities, and would then have the incompatibilities of carbonates. 18. The alkali iodides precipitate aqueous solutions of many alkaloidal salts. This is partially explained by some writers by saying that the iodide of the alkaloid is thrown out of solution by the presence of the metallic iodide. 19. The iodides of lead, silver, mercurous and mercuric mercury, copper, and bismuth are insoluble in water; all others are soluble. Most iodides are soluble in alcohol except lead, silver, and mercurous. Acidum Hydrobromicum. [See Acida.]—1. The soluble bromides and also hydrobromic acid precipitate solutions of salts of lead, silver, and mercury as bromides. 2. In con- centrated aqueous mixtures the alkali bromides form soluble double compounds with lead and silver. 3. Alkali bromides with mercurous chloride cause the calomel to turn gray or black. Probably a reaction takes place similar to that be- tween calomel and alkali iodides. [See under Hydrargyri Chloridum Mite, No. 5.] 4. Bromides with nitric acid give bromine. 5. Chlorine forms bromine and hydrochloric acid. In alkaline mixtures a bromate is formed. 6. Chlorates in acid solution give bromine and hydrochloric acid. 7. Bro- mates in acid solution with bromides liberate bromine from both. 8. lodates in acid solution with bromides liberate iodine and bromine. 9. Bromides in acid solutions reduce 12 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. permanganates to manganous salts and liberate bromine. 10. Bromides in acid solutions reduce chromates to chromic salts and liberate bromine. 11. Bromides with an old sample of spirit of nitrous ether give free bromine. 12. The alkali bro- mides reduce antimonic, bismuthic, and cupric compounds. 13. The alkali bromides precipitate some of the alkaloids from aqueous solution of their salts. The presence of alco- hol generally prevents the precipitation. [See Acidum Hy- DRIODICUM, No. 18.] 14. The alkali bromides sometimes contain carbonates as impurities. In such a case the incom- patibilities of carbonates would exist. 15, The metallic bro- mides are soluble in water, except silver, lead, mercurous, mercuric (sparingly), and bismuth. They are generally some- what soluble in alcohol. Acidum Hydrochloricum. [See Acida.]—1. Hydro- chloric acid with chlorates gives free chlorine and various oxides of chlorine; the mixture of these is sometimes known as euchlorine. 2. Concentrated hydrochloric acid with con- centrated nitric acid gives chlorine and oxychlorides of nitro- gen. 3. Bromates with hydrochloric acid give free bromine and chlorine. 4. lodatcs in dilute solution give no reaction; if concentrated, yellow chloride of iodine is formed. 5. Per- manganates liberate chlorine and are reduced to manganous chloride. 6. Chromates form chromic chloride and liberate chlorine. 7. Hydrochloric acid, being stronger than most other acids, except nitric and sulphuric, very frequently takes the place of these other acids when they are combined with bases. 8. Hydrochloric acid with solutions of tartar emetic precipitates a basic compound of antimony. 9. Hy- drochloric acid added to an alcoholic solution of myrrh gives a red to a violet color; added to alcoholic solution of balsam of tolu gives a yellow, changing through a brown to a cherry-red. 10. The soluble chlorides give acid when treated with sulphuric acid. 11. The soluble chlorides and also hydrochloric acid precipitate as chlorides 13 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. solutions of salts of lead, silver, and mercurous mercury. 12. The soluble chlorides, in concentrated solutions, precipitate a few alkaloids from solutions of their salts. 13. The nor- mal chlorides, except lead, mercurous, and silver, are soluble in water. Nearly all except these three are also soluble in alcohol. Acidum Hydrocyanicum Dilutum [See Acida.]. 1. The aqueous solution of hydrocyanic acid decomposes into formate of ammonium. (Richter, 266.) The presence of alkalies aids this reaction. There is also formed a black compound. 2. Concentrated mineral acids produce formic acid and a salt of ammonium. (M. & M., 11. 302.) 3. The soluble cyanides (except mercuric cyanide), and also hydro- cyanic acid, precipitate the white silver cyanide from solu- tions of silver salts; the precipitate forms soluble double cyanides with the alkali cyanides or hydrocyanic acid. 4. They precipitate solutions of lead salts as lead cyanide. 5. They decompose mercurous compounds, forming metallic mer- cury and mercuric cyanide. In case of calomel, the powder is colored gray to black by the metallic mercury. (A. P. A., XL. 884.) 6. The alkali cyanides precipitate from solutions of copper salts the yellow-green copper cyanide, which is soluble in excess of the alkali cyanide. The cupric cyanide is un- stable, becoming cuproso-cupric cyanide, 7. With hydrogen dioxide and sulphuric acid, cyanides are decomposed, forming oxamide. (U. S. D., 64.) 8. Cyanides reduce permanga- nates, forming carbon dioxide, nitric, nitrous, oxalic, and formic acids. (M. & M., 11. 342.) 9. Cyanides of the alkalies and alkaline-earth metals are decomposed by all acids, even carbonic, with liberation of hydrocyanic acid. 10. The aqueous solutions of the single cyanides are gen- erally alkaline, and may precipitate alkaloids from aqueous solutions of then salts as free alkaloids. (Maisch, A, J. P. 1890, 163.) 11. Atropine is physiologically antagonistic to cyanides. 12. With iodine in concentrated solution, potas- INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. slum cyanide forms potassium iodide and iodide of cyanogen. (M. & M., 11. 342.) 13. Rubbed or heated with potassium nitrate or chlorate, potassium cyanide detonates violently. 14. Potassium cyanide rubbed in a mortar with chloral hy- drate reacts with almost explosive violence; sufficient heat is produced to fuse the mass, which is turned brown; a large volume of white vapor is given off; when the two ingredi- ents are powdered and lightly mixed, the reaction is slower. 15. The cyanides of the alkali and alkaline-earth metals and mercuric cyanide are soluble in water; the others are nearly or entirely insoluble. Excepting mercuric cyanide, they are nearly all insoluble in alcohol. Acidum Hydrosulphuricum. —l. Hydrogen sulphide precipitates as sulphides aqueous acid solutions of salts of lead, black ; silver, black ; mercury, black ; arsenic, yellow; antimony, orange-red; tin, dark brown; copper, black; cadmium, yellow; bismuth, black. 2. Hydrogen sulphide with nitric acid gives sulphur, and the sulphur may be oxid- ized to sulphuric acid. 3. Sulphurous acid gives sulphur and water when mixed with hydrogen sulphide. 4. Chlorine gives sulphur, then sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid. 5, Chlorates in acid solution give sulphur, then sulphuric and hydrochloric acids. 6, Bromine gives sulphur and hydro- bromic acid. In alkaline mixtures a sulphate is formed. 7. Bromates in acid solution give hydrobromic* acid and sul- phur, then sulphuric acid. 8. lodine or iodates in acid solu- tion give hydriodic acid and sulphur. 9. Arsenic compounds in acid solution are reduced to arsenous with precipitation of arsenous sulphide and free sulphur. 10. Permanganates in acid solution give manganous compounds and sulphuric acid. 11. Chromates in acid solution are reduced to chromic com- pounds, and sulphur is liberated. 12. Ferric compounds are reduced to ferrous, and sulphur is liberated. 13. Soluble sul- phides have about the same reducing properties as hydrogen sulphide. 14. The sulphides of potassium, sodium, and INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. ammonium precipitate the same metals as hydrogen sulphide, and in addition ferrous compounds (reducing ferric to ferrous first), zinc, cobalt, nickel, and manganese; the precipitate is a sulphide, and is black—except zinc sulphide, which is white, and manganese sulphide, which is flesh-colored. Salts of aluminum and chromium are also precipitated by the alkali sulphides, but the precipitates are hydrates. 15. Sulphides (except mercuric) are transposed or decomposed by hydro- chloric, nitric, and sulphuric acids. 16. Sulphides, when triturated dry with chlorates, nitrates, or other oxidizing agents, are liable to explode. Acidum Hypophosphorosum Dilutum. [SeeAciDA,]— Hypophosphites in acid solutions and hypophosphorous acid are oxidized to phosphoric acid by nearly all oxidizing agents, and cause the reduction of these agents as follows: 1. Nitrous acid or nitric acid forms nitric oxide. 2. Sulphurous acid forms sulphur. 3. Sulphuric acid is reduced to sulphurous acid and then sulphur. 4. Chlorine becomes hydrochloric acid. 5. Chlorates form hydrochloric acid or chlorides. 6. Bromine and also bromates form hydrobromic acid or bromides. 7. lodine and also iodates form hydriodic acid or iodides. 8. Silver, mercurous, and mercuric compounds (in acid or alkaline mixtures) are reduced to the metals, 9. Permanganates are reduced to manganous salts. 10. Chromates are reduced to chromic salts. 11. Ferric compounds are reduced to ferrous. 12. Ciipric salts become cuprous, and with heat metallic copper, 13. Arsenic compounds are reduced to arsenous, and then metallic arsenic. 14. Hypophosphites are decomposed by nearly all acids. 15. Hypophosphites when triturated dry with some oxidizing agents, as potassium cldorate, are apt to explode. 16. Hypophosphites are soluble in water, ferric being only sparingly so. Acidum Lacticum. —l. Lactic acid displaces carbonic and acetic acids from their compounds. 2. It coagulates solu- tions of albumen, or of milk. (Extra Pharm., 19.) 3. With INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. nitric acid it forms oxalic acid. 4. Chromic acid oxidizes it to formic and acetic acids. 5. With potassium permanganate and sulphuric acid it gives the odor of aldehyde, (U. S. P., 16.) 6. With potassium permanganate it gives pyruvic acid, (M. & M., 111, 110.) 7. Lactates are generally insoluble in water or alcohol. Acidum Meconicum.—l. Meconic acid, with a nearly neutral solution of a ferric salt, gives a red-colored solution, the color being destroyed by a large excess of hydrochloric acid. 2. With a weak solution of an ammoniated copper sul- phate solution it gives a green precipitate. 3. It gives a white precipitate with solutions of lead acetate, silver nitrate, barium chloride, and calcium chloride. (U. S. D., 69.) 4. Nitric acid converts it into oxalic acid. (Allen, 111, part 11. 337-) Acidum Nitricum (concentrated). —l, Nitric acid is a strong oxidizing agent, and in oxidizing substances it is reduced to dinitrogen tetroxide (N 204),04), nitrous anhydride (N 203),03), nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N3O), nitrogen, or ammonia. 2. Nitric acid oxidizes hypophosphites to phos- phates; sulphides to sulphur, and then sulphates; sulphites to sulphates; bromides to free bromine; iodides to free iodine, and then the iodine to iodic acid; oxalates to carbon dioxide; citrates to acetic and oxalic acids; mercurous com- pounds to mercuric; arsenous compounds to arsenic; ferrous compounds to ferric. 3. Nitric acid dissolves many metals, while it itself is partly decomposed. 4. With concentrated hydrochloric acid it forms chlorine and oxychlorides of nitro- gen. 5. With carbolic acid it forms picric acid, 6. With salicylic acid it forms nitrosalicylic acid. 7. With alcohol it acts violently, giving off red fumes, and forming aldehyde, acetic, formic, and carbonic acids. 8. With creosote, volatile oils, sawdust, and other organic substances the reaction with nitric acid may be so violent as to cause explosion or igni- tion. 9. Nitric acid gives color reactions with many of the INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 17 alkaloids. Apomorphine with nitric acid gives a violet-red; brucine, a scarlet to a blood-red; physostigmine, a yellow or red; herherine, a dark brown-red; codeine, a yellow; hydras- tine, an orange; morphine, an orange-red, changing to yellow. 10. Nitric acid replaces many weak acids, such as carbonic, acetic, and boric acids, when they are combined with bases. 11. Nitric acid with concentrated sulphuric acid and glycerin forms the explosive nitroglycerin. 12. With sulphuric acid and cotton or other celhdose it forms gun-cotton, some of the compounds being explosive, 13. Nitric acid with sugar and heat forms oxalic acid. Very concentrated nitric acid in the cold with sugar forms an explosive compound. Dilute nitric acid oxidizes sugar to saccharic acid, while very dilute acid changes it to glucose. 14. Nitric acid with silver or mercuric nitrates and strong alcohol forms the explosive fulminate of silver or mercury. [See Acida.] Dilute nitric acid, while an oxidizing agent, is not as active as the concentrated. It may not give color reactions with some of the alkaloids. Fuming nitric acid is a more active oxidizing agent than the concentrated acid. When it is mixed with organic mat- ter, violent explosion or ignition is liable to take place. Nitrates with sulphuric acid give nitric acid. Nitrates, particularly those of the fixed alkalies, when triturated with substances capable of being readily oxidized, are liable to explode; some of these substances are charcoal, phosphorus, sulphur, sugar, sulphides, potassium cyanide, glycerin, alco- hol, and oils. The nitrates are all soluble in water; the basic nitrates of bismuth and of mercury are insoluble. Most of the nitrates are nearly or quite insoluble in alcohol. Acidum Nitrohydrochloricum.—Nitrohydrochloric acid has the oxidizing properties of chlorine and the precipitat- ing properties of hydrochloric acid. [See CHLORUM; also Acidum Hydrochloricum and Acida.] Acidum Nitrosum.—Nitrous acid and acid solutions of INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. nitrites, such as potassium or sodium nitrites, amyl nitrite, or ethyl nitrite (in spirit of nitrous ether), all act in a similar manner. Sometimes they act as oxidizing and sometimes as reducing agents. In neutral or alkaline mixtures nitrites do not generally oxidize or reduce. I. Hypophosphites form phosphoric acid and nitric oxide when mixed with acid solutions of nitrites. 2. Sulphites form sulphates and nitric oxide. 3. Chlorates form peroxide of chlorine, then hydro- chloric and nitric acids. 4. lodides form iodine and nitric oxide. 5. lodates form iodine and nitric acid. 6. Mercu- rous salts are reduced to metallic mercury. Mercuric salts are not reduced. 7. Permanganates are reduced to man- ganous salts and nitric acid is formed. 8. Chromates are reduced to chromic salts. 9. Gold chloride is reduced to metallic gold. 10. Nitrites with sulphuric acid and alcohol form ethyl nitrite. 11. Antipyrin with acid solutions of nitrites give the green isonitroso-antipyrin. A fresh neutral spirit of nitrous ether does not give the color, except on standing for a time. An old spirit gives it quickly, and the compound formed may separate in the form of crystals. This green compound was at one time thought to be poison- ous, but is not now generally considered so. 12. Acetanilid gives a yellow, or even red, color with nitrites, probably due to the formation of diazo-compounds. (Ph. E., XI. 509.) 13. With tannic acid or preparations containing tannin in a large amount, nitrites in acid solution (as an old spirit of nitrous ether) give off gaseous compounds, consisting largely of oxides of nitrogen. 14. Nitrous acid converts acetic acid into carbon monoxide and other gases. [See Acida.] Nitrites are all soluble in water, except silver nitrite, which is sparingly soluble. Acidum Oleicum.—1. Oleic acid combines with alkalies to form soaps. 2. Nitric acid oxidizes oleic acid to acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric, adipic, azelaic, and other acids. [M. & M., ill. 637.] 3. Nitric acid containing nitrous acid INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. fumes or nitrous acid converts oleic acid into the isomeric elaidic acid, which is solid. 4. Potassium permanganate in alkaline mixtures gives azelaic acid and dioxystearic acids. (M. & M., 111, 637.) 5. Concentrated sulphuric acid yields oxystearic acid. 6. Oleic acid combines with bromine to form dibromostearic acid. (Allen, 11. 234.) 7. lodine com- bines with oleic acid to form addition products. [See Acida.] Acidum Osmicum.—1. Osmic acid liberates iodine from potassium iodide. (Extra Pharm., 2 1.) 2. It converts alcohol into aldehyde and acetic acid. (Extra Pharm., 21.) 3. Be- coming reduced to metallic osmium, it blackens nearly every- thing with which it comes in contact. 4. It decolorizes indigo solution. (P. & J., 164.) 5. It gives a deep violet colored solution or precipitate with sulphites. (P. & J., 164.) Acidum Oxalicum. [See Acida.]—1. The alkali oxalates and also oxalic acid precipitate as oxalates aqueous solutions of salts of all other common metals, except magnesium, chromium, aluminum, and ferric iron. 2. Concentrated sul- phuric acid decomposes them, forming carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and water. 3. Nitric acid forms nitric oxide and carbon dioxide. 4. Chlorine, chlorinated lime, or a chlorate in acid solution, forms carbon dioxide and hydro- chloric acid. 5. Bromates in acid solutions form bromine and carbon dioxide. 6, lodates in acid solutions form iodine and carbon dioxide. 7. Arsenic compounds are reduced to arsenous, and carbon dioxide is formed. 8. Permanganates in acid solution are reduced to manganous salts, and carbon di- oxide is formed. 9. Chromates in acid solution form chromic compounds and carbon dioxide. 10. Oxalic acid reduces gold from solutions of its salts. 11. Oxalic acid is transposed by sulphuric, nitric, or hydrochloric acid. 12. The alkali oxalates are soluble in water; the other oxalates for the most part are insoluble. Oxalates are generally insoluble in alcohol. Acidum Phosphoricum (Ortho-). [See Acida.]—1. Or- 20 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. thophosphoric acid (free) gives a precipitate with solutions of silver nitrate, lead acetate, or ammoniacal solutions of chlo- rides of barium, calcium, or magnesium. With a tincture of ferric chloride it forms a colorless solution of ferric phosphate. 2. The alkali phosphates precipitate neutral solutions of salts of all other metals. The precipitate is a di- or tri-metallic phosphate, and, excepting lead, mercur- ous, antimony, and bismuth phosphates, is generally dissolved by phosphoric acid, forming monometallic salts, and by other acids. 3. Orthophosphates with acetic acid or free ortho- phosphoric acid do not coagulate egg albumen or gelatin (difference from meta- or pyro-phosphoric acid). 4. Acetic acid transposes most of the insoluble phosphates except those of iron, aluminum, and lead. Dilute hydrochloric, nitric, and sulphuric acids transpose all phosphates. 5. Phosphoric acid, by forming the stable ferric phosphate, prevents the for- mation of the black tannate of iron when solutions of ferric salts are brought in contact with tannic acid or preparations containing tannin, (Extra Pharm., 23.) 6. The di- and tri- metallic phosphates except the alkalies are insoluble in water. The monometallic phosphates are soluble in water to some extent. Phosphates are insoluble in alcohol. Metaphosphoric acid precipitates solutions of silver nitrate, lead acetate, and also ferric chloride (difference from the ortho- acid). It does not cause a precipitation of the ferric phos- phate or pyrophosphate when it is added to a solution of the soluble phosphate or pyrophosphate of iron. It coagulates egg albumen and a solution of gelatin. Pyrophosphoric acid precipitates solutions of silver nitrate, lead acetate, ferric chloride, egg albumen, or gelatin. The pyrophosphates of potassium, sodium, and ammonium are soluble in water, and precipitate solutions of salts of nearly all other metals. Most of the pyrophosphates are soluble in solutions of alkali pyrophosphates as double salts. Alkali citrates also have a solvent effect. INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 21 Acidum Picricum.—i. Picric acid and picrates precipitate albumen, gelatin, and most alkaloids from aqueous solutions of their salts. 2. Salts of picric acid explode when struck or strongly heated. (Richter, 678.) 3. It is explosive when rubbed or heated with readily oxidizable substances such as sulphur. [See Acida.] Acidum Salicylicum—l. Salicylic acid decomposes many of the carbofiates. 2. Potassium permanganate oxidizes it to formic acid and carbon dioxide. 3. Chlorine forms mono- and di-chloro-oxybenzoic acids. 4. With fuming nitric acid it gives picric acid. (Allen, 111. part I. 52.) 5. Nitric acid in combination with bismuth oxide will convert salicylic acid into betanitrosalicylic acid, which is capable of forming a series of salts the appearance of which varies with their com- position. The neutral betanitrosalicylate of bismuth forms colorless needles; the basic salt, citron-yellow needles; and the sub-betanitrosalicylate precipitates in needles of a reddish- orange color. (M. M. R., IV. 10.) 6. Potassiicm chlorate with hydrochloric acid converts salicylic acid into tetrachloro- quinone. (N. D., 89.) 7. lodine or iodic acid gives mono-, di-, and tri-iodo-oxybenzoic acids and tri-iodophenol. (M. & M., 111. 680.) 8. Salicylic acid combines with camphor in dilute alcoholic solution. (M. & M., 111. 680.) 9. Salicylic acid is rendered more soluble in water by the presence of citrates, acetates, or phosphates of the alkalies by forming salicylates of the bases and liberating the citric, acetic, or phosphoric acid. Borax renders it more soluble by forming sodium salicylate. (Extra Pharm., 25.) A solution of sali- cylic acid and borax in water deposits crystals of CuH10NaBO,. (M. & M., 111. 680.) 10. Soluble salicylates and salicylic acid with solutions of ferric salts give a bluish-violet solution, or, if the solution be dilute, the color will be violet-red. In nearly neutral concentrated solutions a precipitate of basic ferric salicylate is formed. The color is destroyed by large excess of a free acid. 11. On heating with copper sulphate 22 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. in dilute solution, they give an emerald-green colored solution from which the copper is not precipitated by alka- lies. (M. & M., 111. 680.) 12. Bromine water gives a precipitate with dilute solutions of the salicylates. 13. Lime water gives a precipitate of calcium salicylate when con- centrated solutions are mixed. A 10 per cent, solution of calcium chloride gives no precipitate with a 10 per cent, solution of sodium salicylate. (A. P. A., XL. 1023.) 14. Sali- cylates or salicylic acid with spirit of nitrous ether give a yellow solution, turning red, brown, or even black. 15. Sali- cylic acid makes a liquid or soft mass when triturated with exalgin, lead acetate, sodium phosphate, or uretJiane. It is said to give a mass with antipyrin or phenacetin, but accord- ing to the writer’s experiments this is not the case. Sodium salicylate is said to give a soft mass with antipyrin ox phenace- tin, but this is probably not true. It gives a stiff mass with head acetate and a slightly damp powder with sodium phosphate. 16. Solutions of the salicylates in water become colored on standing, due perhaps to the formation of oxidation prod- ucts. 17. Mineral acids and some organic acids liberate the salicylic acid from aqueous solutions of salicylates. The acid, being but slightly soluble, is generally precipitated. 18. With solutions of quinine salts soluble salicylates give a curdy, nearly insoluble precipitate of salicylate of quinine. 19. Neutral salicylates (not salicylic acid) precipitate solutions of lead acetate or silver nitrate. (Allen, 111. part I. 52.) Acidum Stearicum.—l. Stearic acid combines with alkali hydrates and their carbonates. 2. Nitric acid forms succinic and other acids. (M. & M., IV. 512.) 3* Bromine water forms mono- and di-bromostearic acid. (M. & M., IV. 513.) Acidum Sulphuricum. —l. Sulphuric acid transposes the salts of nearly all other acids. 2. The concentrated acid with most organic matter forms a black mass, due to the extraction of elements of water, leaving carbon. Some organic acids, many alkaloids, and some other compounds are not thus INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 23 effected, 3. With alcohol sulphuric acid forms ethylsulphuric acid and then ether. 4. Sulphuric acid dissolves many metals with the evolution of hydrogen, or sulphur dioxide where the acid is concentrated. 5. Oxalic acid is decomposed, form- ing water, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. 6. With hypophosphorous acid it forms sulphurous acid, then sulphur. 7. Plydriodic acid with concentrated sulphuric acid forms iodine and sulphurous acid. 8. Hydrobromic acid in concen- trated solution with strong sulphuric acid forms bromine and sulphurous acid. 9. Concentrated sulphuric acid causes detonation with chlorates, with evolution of greenish-yellow chlorine peroxide. 10. Sulphuric acid and soluble sulphates precipitate as sulphates, solutions of salts of lead, barium, strontium, and calcium (in concentrated solution). 11. With aromatic sulphuric acid, water precipitates the aromatics. 12. The sulphates of lead, barium, strontium, and calcium are nearly insoluble in water; silver and mercurous sulphates are sparingly soluble ; mercuric, antimony, and bismuth sulphates are soluble in acidulated water; the others are soluble in water. Acidum Sulphurosum. [See Acida.]—1. Sulphurous acid on exposure to air is slowly oxidized to sulphuric acid. 2. Sulphurous acid does not precipitate solutions of metallic salts due to the solubility of sulphites in acids. It generally contains sulphuric acid, which may cause a precipitation with some of the metals. 3. Sulphurous acid has a bleaching effect upon litmus and other organic coloring substances. 4, It de- composes carbonates. 5. The soluble sulphites—potassium, sodium, and ammonium—precipitate neutral solutions of salts of all other metals. 6. Sulphites are decomposed by nearly all acids, except carbonic, boracic, hydrocyanic, and in some instances hydrosulphuric. 7. Sulphites give a red color with a dilute ferric chloride solution, due to the formation of ferric sulphite. On warming the color is de- stroyed, due to the change of the ferric sulphite to ferrous 24 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. sulphate. 8. Nitric acid or nitrous acid oxidizes sulphites to sulphates. 9. Hypophosphites in acid solution with sulphites form phosphoric acid and sulphur. 10. Hydrogen sulphide with sulphurous acid gives sulphur and water. 11. Chlorine with sulphites forms sulphates and chlorides. 12. Chlorates in acid solution with sulphites form sulphuric and hydro- chloric acids. 13. Bromates in acid solution give first bromine and then the bromine is changed to hydrobromic acid. 14. lodates in acid solution give first iodine and then the iodine is changed to hydriodic acid. 15. Silver salts are reduced to metallic silver when warmed with sulphites. 16. Arsenic com- pounds are reduced to arsenous. 17. Permanganates in acid solution are reduced to manganous compounds. 18. Chromates in acid solution are reduced to chromic salts. 19, Mercuric and also mercurous nitrates are reduced to metallic mercury. Mercuric chloride is slowly reduced to mercurous chloride, and on long boiling to metallic mercury. 20. The sulphites of the alkali metals are soluble in water; the others are insoluble or sparingly so. The sulphites are insoluble in alcohol. Acidum Tannicum.—l. An aqueous solution of tannic acid slowly changes to some extent to gallic acid, and proba- bly some ellagic acid. The solution gets darker on standing, and this is hastened by the presence of alkalies. 2. Tannic acid gives a precipitate with solutions of albtimen, gelatin, gluten, and starch. 3. It precipitates nearly all alkaloids as tannates from aqueous or very dilute alcoholic solutions of their salts; the precipitate is generally soluble in strong alcoholic mixtures, and also in the presence of some organic acids. 4. Tannic acid precipitates some glucosides and some neutral or bitter principles. 5. It precipitates as tannates solutions of salts of many of the metals, especially lead, copper, silver, chromium, mercury, bismuth, and antimony. 6. Potassium hydrate or its carbonate gives, with a concen- trated solution of tannic acid, a compound which is but slightly soluble in water, but dissolves in a certain excess of INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 25 the alkali. (U. S. D., 101.) Ammonia in its reactions re- sembles potassium. Sodium hydrate gives no precipitate. (U. S. D., 101.) 7. An aqueous solution of tannic acid added to a small amount of lime water gives a bluish-white flocculent precipitate. On adding a moderate excess of lime water the precipitate is more copious and of a darker blue. (U. S. D,, 100.) Lime water gives with tannic acid a white precipitate, turning blue. (Allen, 111. part I.' p. 89.) 8. The alkali tannates give precipitates with neutral solutions of salts of nearly all other metals. 9. A solution of tannic acid gives precipitates with sulphuric, nitric, hydrochloric, and arsenic acids. The precipitates are supposed to be compounds of tannic acid and the respective acids, and are soluble in pure water, but not in acidulated water. (U. S. D., 101.) 10. With dilute solutions of ferric salts tannic acid gives a blue-black or green-black solution. If the solutions are concentrated a precipitate results. 11. With purely fer- rous salts in concentrated solution it gives a white, gelatinous precipitate, which on exposure to air quickly becomes blue. Nearly all commercial samples of ferrous salts contain more or less ferric compounds. 12. Ammonia water with ammo- nium chloride and tannic acid gives a white precipitate, rapidly becoming red. (M. & M., IV. 633.) 13, Potassium cyanide gives a green coloration with a solution of tannic acid. (M. & M., IV. 634.) No reaction takes place. (Allen, 111. part I. 69.) 14. Potassium bichromate gives a brown precipitate with solutions of most tannins. (M. & M., IV. 634.) 15. With iodine and water tannic acid forms hydri- odic acid, which combines with part of the tannic acid and remains in solution; the oxygen of the decomposed water combines with tannic acid to form an insoluble compound. The solution is capable of dissolving iodine. The iodine in a. liquid containing tannic acid does not color starch blue. (U. S. D., 101.) 16. Chlorine water with ammonia and tan- nic acid gives a red color. 17. Saturated solutions of sodium 26 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. chloride, calcium chloride, and some other salts precipitate tannic acid from its solution. 18. Nitric acid rapidly oxi- dizes it to oxalic acid. (Allen, 111. part I. p. 89.) 19. Tannic acid reduces salts of gold, silver, mercury, and copper. 20. It reduces permanganates. 21. Chlorine, bromine, iodine, and chromic acid react violently with tannin. (Allen, 111. part I. p. 89.) 22. Triturated with potassium chlorate, or other substances which yield their oxygen readily, tannic acid is liable to explode. 23, With nitrous acid, spirit of nitrous ether, or amyl nitrite tannic acid forms gaseous compounds, some of which are oxides of nitrogen. 24. All drugs or preparations containing tannic acid in large proportions will have the incompatibilities given above. Some of the drugs which contain notable quantities of tannin are catechu, kino, krameria, logwood, geranium, blackberry-root bark, and oak- bark. 25. Tannic acid precipitates solutions of antipyrin. 26. Tannic acid decomposes iodoform. (U. S. D., 741.) Acidum Tartaricum.—l. Tartaric acid in excess, with solutions of potassium hydrate (not too dilute) or its salts, gives a crystalline precipitate of potassium bitartrate. 2. Tartaric acid in excess with ammonia in strong solution gives a precipitate of ammonium bitartrate. 3. The soluble tar- trates precipitate neutral solutions of salts of most metals as tartrates. The precipitate is generally soluble in tartaric acid or mineral acids. Many of the tartrates with the alkali hydrates form soluble compounds, due to the formation of double tartrates. 4. Under certain conditions tartrates re- duce salts of gold, silver, and platinum; mercuric chloride becomes mercurous chloride. 5. Potassium permanganate with an alkaline solution of a tartrate is reduced to manga- nese dioxide, while the tartaric acid is converted into formic acid, carbon dioxide, and water, 6. Chromates are reduced to chromic compounds, and formic acid, carbon dioxide, and water are formed. (M. & M., IV. 642.) 7. Tartaric acid and tartrates tend to prevent the precipitation by alkali hydrates INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 27 of the oxides and hydrates of the metals aluminum, bismuth, nickel, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, lead, and zinc. (M. & M., IV. 641.) 8. Tartrates are transposed by mineral acids. 9. Tartrates of the alkali bases are soluble in water. The bitartrates of potassium and ammonium are sparingly sol- uble. The manganous and ferric tartrates are soluble; cal- cium tartrate, sparingly soluble. The other tartrates are insoluble. Tartrates are insoluble in alcohol. Aconitina. —l. Aconitine is decomposed by heating with acids, alkalies, or water, forming benzoic acid and aconine. 2. Nitric acid gives a reddish-brown solution. 3. Aconitine is precipitated by the general alkaloidal reagents. [See Alkaloids.] 4. Strychnine, atropine, scoparine, morphine, and digitalis are more or less incompatible physiologically. Adeps.—Lard is decomposed by alkali hydrates or carbon- ates, forming oleates, stearates, and palmitates of the alkalies and glycerin. [See AciDUM OLEICUM, also AciDUM STEA- RICUM.] /Ether.—l. Ether with bromine forms ethyl bromide, bromal, and other products, after a few days. (M. & M., 11. 465.) 2. Hot nitric acid forms acetic acid, oxalic acid, and carbon dioxide. 3. Chromic acid oxidizes it to acetic acid. (M. & M., 11. 465.) /Ether Aceticus.—l. Acetic ether or ethyl acetate in the presence of moisture decomposes into alcohol and acetic acid. (M. & M., I. 14.) 2. With alkali hydrates it yields alcohol and acetate of the alkali. 3. Dilute chromic acid oxidizes it to acetic acid. 4. With chlorine it forms chlori- nated compounds. 5. With lime water and chlorinated lime it yields chloroform. /Ethyl Bromidum.—1, Ethyl bromide is decomposed by light and air, forming alcohol, hydrobromic acid, and some free bromine-. (N. D., 141.) 2. With alkali hydrates it gives ether and potassium bromide. (M. & M., 11. 480.) 28 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 3. Ethyl bromide with ammonia gives ethylamine. (M. & M., 11. 480.) Aithyleni Bichloridum.—l. Dichlorethane with water in the sunlight yields hydrochloric acid and acetic ether. 2. Chlorine forms addition products. 3. Ammonia water forms various ethylene amines. (M. & M., 11. 488,) 4. Alco- holic potash gives ethylene and vinyl chloride. (M. & M., 11. 488.) JEthyl lodidum.—l. Ethyl iodide or hydriodic ether on being exposed to air and light is decomposed, with liberation of iodine. (U. S. D., 1625.) 2. Concentrated nitric acid liberates iodine. 3. Chlori7ie gives ethyl chloride and iodine. 4. Bromine gives ethyl bromide and iodine. 5. Chromic acid gives acetic acid and iodine. (M. & M., 11. 499.) 6. Con- centrated sulphuric acid liberates iodine. 7. Silver nitrate gives a precipitate of silver iodide. (M. & M., 11. 499.) Albumen.—Aqueous solutions of albumen are coagulated or precipitated by heat, most mineral acids, tannic acid and substances containing it (not by gallic acid), carbolic acid (not by creosote), alcohol, ether, collodion, lactic acid, picric acid, acetic acid with heat, trichloracetic acid, resorcin, mercuric chloride (prevented to considerable extent by the presence of sodium or ammonium chloride), alum, copper sidphate, ferric chloride, salts of most heavy metals, some neutral salts as ammonium sulphate, metaphosphoric acid (not by ortho- or pyro-phosphoric acid), coniine (not by nicotine), hydrogen peroxide water, camphor, thymol, and volatile oils. Alcohol.—l. Alcohol precipitates albumen, acacia, and many inorga?iic salts from their aqueous solutions; the re- sulting mixture must generally contain above 50 or 60 per cent, alcohol before a permanent precipitate results. 2. Strong nitric acid acts violently on alcohol, forming nitric oxide, nitrous ether, carbon dioxide, aldehyde, acetic acid, and formic acid. (M. & M., I. 97.) 3. Chromic acid or a bi- chromate with sulphuric acid oxidizes alcohol to aldehyde and INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 29 acetic acid. 4. Potassium permanganate in acid (not in alkaline) solution oxidizes it to aldehyde and acetic acid. 5. Chlorine is rapidly absorbed by alcohol, and in sunlight may ignite the al- cohol. The ultimate product is chloral alcoholate, there being a number of intermediate products, such as hydrochloric acid, aldehyde, ethyl chloride, acetic acid, chloral, etc. (M. & M., I. 97.) 6. Bromine forms hydrobromic acid, water, ethyl bromide, bromal, and bromal alcoholate. (M. & M., I. 97.) 7. Mercuric chloride is slowly reduced to calomel by alcohol. (M. & M., I. 98.) 8. Nitric acid with the nitrate of silver or mercury and strong alcohol forms the explosive fulminate of silver or mercury & M., I. 97,) 9. Con- ccntrated mi7ieral acids convert alcohol into ethers. 10. Alcohol sometimes contains traces of aldehyde or other im- purities which are darkened by alkali hydrates. 11. The official alcoholic preparations, except those mentioned in the following classes, give precipitates when mixed with water; in some instances the precipitate is the active principle, and sometimes inert matter: Tinctures, except acetate of iron, chloride of iron, an old tincture of iodine and deodorized tinc- ture of opium ; fluid extracts, except chestnut; spirits, except nitrous ether, ammonia, whiskey, and brandy; wines, except white, red, and antimonial. 12. Water generally causes a precipitation, when mixed with alcoholic solutions, of free alkaloids, alkaloids combined with any of the general alkaloidal reagents, glucosides, neutral and bitter principles, salicylic acid, benzoic acid, volatile oils, resins, camphors, oleoresins, or balsams. Alkalies. [See Hydrates, Fixed Alkali, and also Hydrates, Volatile Alkali.] The following prepara- tions contain an alkali hydrate or carbonate; Ammonia water, stronger ammonia water, bismuth and ammonium citrate, fluid extracts of glycyrrhiza and senega, saccharated carbonate of iron, ammonia liniment, lime liniment, lime water, solution of potassium hydrate, solution of potassium arsenite, solution 30 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. of sodium hydrate, mass of carbonate of iron, Griffith’s mix- ture, chalk mixture, mixture of rhubarb and soda, pills car- bonate of iron, spirit of ammonia, aromatic spirit of ammonia, syrup of lime, ammoniated tincture of guaiac, ammoniated tincture of valerian, and syrup of rhubarb. Alkaloids.—l. Alkaloids combine with mineral acids and acetic or citric acids to form salts, which are generally soluble in water or alcohol, but insoluble in ether, chloroform, benzol, benzin, carbon bisulphide, or oils. 2. Alkaloids combined with acids and dissolved in water or very dilute alcohol are generally precipitated as free alkaloids by solutions of alkali hydrates, alkaline carbonates or bicarbonates, borax and solu- ble borates, and sodium phosphate. They are generally pre- cipitated in combination with the precipitant by soluble salicylates, soluble benzoates, bichromates, iodides, bromides, and by the following general alkaloidal reagents: tannic acid, picric acid, iodine in a solution of potassium iodide, bromine in a solution of potassium bromide, potassium mercuric iodide (Mayer’s reagent), potassium bismuthic iodide, potassium cadmic iodide, mercuric chloride, platinic chloride, gold chloride, phosphomolybdic acid and phosphotungstic acid. M. Christiaens says; All salts whose reaction to litmus is alkaline, whatever be their chemical function, precipitate the alkaloids from their salts. (D. C., XXXVIII. 59.) The free alkaloids and the compounds formed by the above-mentioned reagents are generally soluble in a mixture containing 50 per cent, alcohol. 3. In the presence of gum arable, the alka- loids are not precipitated from aqueous solutions of their salts by tannic acid, potassium mercuric iodide, or sodium phospho- molybdate. (Allen, I. 353-) Starch dissolved by boiling water has a similar effect. 4. Some alkaloidal salts are thrown out of solution by the presence of very soluble inorganic salts, e.g., strychnine hydrochlorate by ammonium chloride. 5. Tartaric, oxalic, and phosphoric acids form insoluble com- pounds with some alkaloids. 6. Some alkaloids are strong INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 31 reducing agents; most alkaloids are decomposed by oxidizing agents. 7. The free alkaloids are generally insoluble in water, except caffeine, codeine, nicotine, and coniine, but are gener- ally soluble in alcohol, ether, or chloroform. A few are soluble in excess of solutions of fixed alkali hydrates, e.g., morphine; a few are soluble in excess of ammonia water, e.g., quinine. 8. A solution of chloral hydrate dissolves morphine, quinine, and many other alkaloids. (U. S. D., 367.) Aloinum.— 1. Concentrated solutions of aloin are precipi- tated by basic lead acetate (not by the neutral acetate), tannic acid, or bromine water. 2, With a solution of ferric chloride it gives a green-black color. Ferric chloride is said to pre- cipitate all aloins. 3. With alkali hydrates an orange-yellow solution is formed, which readily decomposes. 4. Concen- trated nitric acid gives a red color with barbaloin or nataloin (not with socaloin), and by further action picric and oxalic acids are formed. Alumen.— 1. Alum in solution is precipitated as aluminum hydrate by the alkali hydrates and their carbonates, borax, and lime water. 2. With tartaric acid it gives a precipitate of potassium bitartrate. 3. The alkali phosphates give the in- soluble aluminum phosphate. 4. It has the incompatibilities of the soluble sulphates. [See AciDUM SULPHURICUM.] Alumini Hydras.—Aluminum hydrate, especially when freshly precipitated, removes suspended solid matter and col- oring matter in solution from liquids. Alumnol.— 1. A solution of alumnol gives a precipitate of aluminum hydrate when treated with alkalies, the precip- itate being soluble in excess of fixed alkali hydrates. 2. It is also precipitated by a solution of albumen or gelatin, the precipitate being soluble in excess of these substances. 3. Silver nitrate is decomposed by it with the separation of metallic silver. (Moerk, M. M. R., IV. 266.) Ammonii Benzoas. [See soluble benzoates under Aci- DUM BENZOICUM, and also AMMONIUM.] 32 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. Ammonii Bromidum. [See soluble bromides under Aci- DUM HydrobromicuM, and also AMMONIUM.] Ammonii Carbonas.—Ammonium carbonate with calo- mel gives a black compound having the following formula: NHsHgaCI. With a solution of mercuric chloride it gives a white precipitate of ammoniated mercury. It gives no pre- cipitate with magnesium salts, except in concentrated solu- tions. The precipitate with copper or silver salts is dissolved by excess of the carbonate. With these exceptions, ammo- nium carbonate acts similarly to potassium or sodium car- bonate. [See Carbonates, and also Ammonium.] Ammonii Chloridum.—An aqueous solution is decom- posed by chlorine, forming hydrochloric acid and explosive nitrogen chloride. (M. & M., I. 202.) [See soluble chlo- rides under Acidum Hydrochloricum, and also Ammo- nium.] Ammonii lodidum.—Ammonium iodide very frequently contains free iodine, and it would then have the incompati- bilities of iodine. [See soluble iodides under AciDUM Hy- DRIODICUM, and also AMMONIUM.] Ammonii Nitras. [See soluble nitrates under Acidum NITRICUM, and also AMMONIUM.] Ammonii Phosphas. [See soluble phosphates under Acidum Phosphoricum, and also Ammonium.] Ammonii Valerianas.—Ammonium valerianate, in con- centrated aqueous solution with sulphuric acid, gives an oily layer of valerianic acid. [See AMMONIUM.] Ammonium.—1. Ammonium compounds, with solutions of the fixed alkali hydrates or carbonates, or with the hydrates of barium, calcium, or strontium, give free ammonia. 2. Some ammonium salts with chlorine gas give explosive nitrogen chloride. 3. Some ammonium salts, such as the acetate, citrate, and chloride, in aqueous solution may act as solvents for otherwise insoluble compounds. [For ammonia water see Hydrate, Volatile Alkali.] INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 33 Amyl Nitris—l. Amyl nitrite is decomposed slowly by light and air, becoming acid. (Allen, I. 158.) 2. With alcohol or alcoholic preparations, it gradually forms ethyl nitrite and amyl alcohol. (U. S. P., 40.) 3. With potassium hydrate it forms potassium nitrite and amyl alcohol. (Allen, I. 159.) 4. Chloroform, morphine, and strychnine are somewhat antag- onistic physiologically to amyl nitrite. [See also AciDUM NITROSUM.] Amylum.— 1. Starch in aqueous solution is precipitated by strong alcohol, lime water, tannic acid, or a solution of subacetate of lead. 2. Starch with iodine forms the blue- black iodide of starch. 3. Bromine colors it yellow. 4. Starch in aqueous solution is oxidized by chlorine or bronmie to gluconic acid. 5. With solutions containing over five per cent, of an alkali hydrate it forms a soluble compound. 6. Acids gradually change it to dextrin. Diastase has a similar action. aqueous solution is precipitated by hydrochloric, nitric, or stdphuric acid, forming a basic chloride, nitrate, or sulphate of antimony. (U. S. D.,177.) 2. Ammonia ox ammonium carbon- ate gives a precipitate of the oxide of antimony. (U. S. D., 177.) 3. Potassium hydrate or carbonate gives, with solutions not too dilute, a white precipitate of oxide of antimony. 4. Lime water throws down a precipitate consisting of the mixed tartrates of calcium and antimony. (U. S. D., 177.) 5. The salts of most metals and earths, being precipitated by normal tartrates, are incompatible with tartar emetic. (N. D., 218.) 6, Strong alcohol throws it out of aqueous solution. 7. Tannic acid gives a precipitate of tannate of antimony. 8. In aqueous solution mercuric chloride is reduced to calomel by tartar emetic. (M. & M,, IV. 643.) 9. Hydrogen stdphide does not precipitate solutions of tartar emetic except they be acidulated with a mineral acid. ' 10. Salts of antimony pre- cipitate mucilage and albumen. (Scoville, 225.) Antimonii et Potassii Tartras.—l. Tartar emetic in 34 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. Antimonii Sulphidum. —i. Triturated with a strong oxidizing agent, such as potassium chlorate, sulphide of anti- mony may explode. 2. Concentrated nitric acid forms the nitrate and sulphate of antimony. Antipyrinum. —I. Antipyrin forms salts with acids. (N. D., 227.) 2. Antipyrin, with substances containing nitrous acid, such as spirit of nitrous ether or amyl nitrite, gives a green solution, and on standing there may be formed some green crystals if the solution is concentrated. This green compound formed is isonitroso-antipyrin. According to Sayre (Sayre, p. 518), there is also formed a small amount of hydrocyanic acid. 3. A dilute solution of antipyrin and sodium nitrate with a little dilute sulphuric acid gives a deep green color. (U. S. D., 1021.) 4. A 1 percent, solution of antipyrin, with an equal volume of nitric acid, gives a yellow solution, passing into a crimson on warming. (U. S. D., 1021.) 5. With a solution of ferric cldoride it gives a deep red color. 6. With a solution of copper sulphate it gives a green color. 7. With ferrous sulphate it gives a reddish color, probably due to the ferric sulphate present. 8. Syrup iodide of iron, free from iodine, soon turns red, and in a few hours it gives a reddish-brown precipitate with antipyrin. The precipitate, after standing a few days, becomes crystalline, and gives comparatively large prismatic or needle-shaped crystals of a ruby-red color, 9, A solution of iodine gives with a solution of antipyrin a red-brown precipitate, which with excess of antipyrin dissolves, and the solution becomes colorless. There is probably formed the colorless iodoanti- pyrin (iodopyrin). 10. Bromine forms a compound with anti- pyrin. 11. Chromic acid gives an orange precipitate. (M. & M., 111. 746.) 12. Picric acid precipitates antipyrin from solution. 13. An aqueous solution of antipyrin gives a pre- cipitate with mercuric chloride, Donovan s solution, tannic acid or preparations containing it in considerable amount, and by most of the general alkaloidal reagents. [See under Alka- INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 35 LOIDS.] 14. Crystallized carbolic acid when triturated with antipyrin gives an odorless liquid called phenopyrin. On mixing aqueous solutions of these two chemicals a tur- bidity results, and on allowing the mixture to stand for a few hours an oily liquid settles to the bottom. 15. Triturating 165.5 parts of chloral hydrate with 188 parts of antipyrin forms the oily liquid monochloral-antipyrin, from which hypnal is obtained by dissolving it in hot water and crystallizing. If one half the amount of antipyrin be used, there will be formed dichloral-antipyrin. Moderately dilute aqueous solutions of antipyrin and chloral hydrate can be mixed without in- compatibility. (Squire, 398.) 16. Antipyrin gives a liquid or soft mass when triturated with carbolic acid, choral alco- holate, pyrocatechin, pyrogallol, resorcin, thymol, or urethane. With bromal hydrate, salol, acetamide, or choral hydrate it gives a damp powder which quickly dries. It is said to give a mass with acetanilid, butyl chloral hydrate, sal- icylic acid, or sodium salicylate, but this seems to be a mis- take. 17. When antipyrin is rubbed with sodium salicylate there is formed after a time a mass or liquid due probably to the absorption of moisture from the air. (N. D., 227.) In solution they do not act on each other, (Sayre, 518,) 18. Antipyrin dissolved in wine causes the gradual precipitation of the coloring matter of the wine. (N. D,, 227.) 19. It slowly reduces potassium permanganate, precipitating the manganese dioxide. 20. Antipyrin increases the solubility of caffeine and of quinine salts. (Coblentz, 2d ed., 10.) 21. When antipyrin and calomel are triturated together in the presence of water, the mixture turns gray, due to metallic mercury and mercurous oxide. At the same time mercuric chloride is formed. (M. M. R., V. 358-) 22. Antipyrin forms a precipitate with cinchona alkaloids which is soluble in weak acids. (Extra Pharm., 135.) 23. It is said to be incom- patible with lead subacetate, sodium bicarbo?iate, ammonia 36 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. water, alum, hydrocyanic acid, tartar emetic, arsenic, benzoates, and iodides. Apomorphinas Hydrochloras.— i. An aqueous solution of apomorphine hydrochlorate rapidly becomes green in color; the exact change which takes place has not been deter- mined. 2. An aqueous solution is precipitated by the alkali hydrates and carbonates and by lime water as the free alkaloid, white at first, but quickly turning green or black. 3. It is precipitated by tannic acid, picric acid, and nearly all the alkaloidal reagents. [See Alkaloids.] 4. With a concen- trated solution of ferric chloride it gives a red precipitate, turning black. (Sohn, 68.) According to Morley and Muir (M. & M., 111. 440), an amethyst color is produced. 5. Con- centrated nitric or sulphuric acid added to the crystals gives a red solution. 6. Apomorphine hydrochlorate in aqueous solution reduces iodates, permanganates, and silver nitrate. 7. Strychnine, chloral hydrate, and chloroform are somewhat incompatible with it physiologically. Aqua.—Water precipitates from their alcoholic solutions oils, many free alkaloids or alkaloids combined with general alkaloidal reagents, some glucosides, some neutral and bitter principles, resinous or fatty matter, inert extractive matter, and nearly all compounds which are insoluble in water. Aqua Ammonias. [See Hydrates, Volatile Alkali.] Aqua Amygdalae Amaras. [See Acidum Hydrocyani- CUM and also Benzaldehydum.] If the water is made from the artificial oil of almonds, it does not contain hydro- cyanic acid. Aqua Chlori. [See CHLORUM.] Aqua Cinnamomi. [See Oleum Cinnamoml] Aquas.—The medicating or flavoring principle in some waters is thrown out of solution by dissolving certain very soluble inorganic salts in the water; e.g., camphor water gives Aqua Creosoti. [See Creosotum.] INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 37 a precipitate of camphor when potassium bromide is dissolved in it. Aqua Hydrogenii Dioxidi.—i. A solution of hydrogen peroxide generally contains a free mineral acid, which has been added to aid preservation. In such a case the solution would have the incompatibilities of the acid. 2. Hydrogen dioxide slowly undergoes decomposition, liberating oxygen, and if the bottle is tightly corked a sufficient pressure may be produced to burst the bottle. 3. Hydrogen dioxide is a strong oxidizing agent, changing mercurous compounds to mercuric, ferrous to ferric, arsenous to arsenic, hypophosphites to phosphates, and sulphites to sulphates. 4. With hydrogen sulphide sulphur is liberated. 5. lodides are oxidized, liberat- ing iodine. 6, Hydrogen peroxide reduces potassium perman- ganate, and is itself reduced, the products in a sulphuric acid solution being manganous sulphate, potassium sulphate, water, and oxygen. 7. It reduces gold, silver, mercuric mer- cury, and platinum from their oxides. (P. & J., 212.) 8. Chlorine forms hydrochloric acid and oxygen. (M. & M., 11. 723.) 9. It bleaches litmus and most organic colors. 10. Am- monia in solution forms ammonium nitrite. (M. & M., 11. 723.) 11. Caustic alkalies decompose it, forming oxygen and water, 12. Hydrogen dioxide oxidizes carbolic acid to pyrocatechin, hydroquinone, and quinone. (M. & M., 111. 832,) 13. Some substances, such as ammonia, hydrocyanic acid, tobacco, aco- nite, and most narcotic substances are unaffected by it, and restrain its oxidizing influence on other bodies. (U. S. D., 213. 14. Hydrogen dioxide coagulates albumen. (U. S. D., 214. 15. Chromic hydrate in the presence of an alkali hydrate is oxidized to a chromate. A chromate in the pres- ence of an acid is reduced to a chromic salt. (M. & M., 11. 723.) 16. Quite a number of substances decompose hydro- gen peroxide into water and oxygen while they themselves are unaffected. Some examples of these are: charcoal, manga- 38 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. nese dioxide, sodium sulphate, potassium bromide, and potas- sium chloride. (M. & M., n. 724.) Aqua Lauro-cerasi. [See Acidum Hydrocyanicum.] Aqua Mentha Piperitae. [See Oleum Mentha Pipe- rita.] Aqua Pimentae. [See Oleum Pimenta.] Argenti Cyanidum.— 1. Silver cyanide dissolves in am- monia zvater, forming a double cyanide of silver and ammo- nium. 2. Potassium cyanide forms a double cyanide with it, which is soluble. 3. Sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, or hydrogen sulphide forms hydrocyanic acid and a sulphate, chloride, or sulphide of silver. Argenti Nitras.—l. Silver nitrate in aqueous solution is precipitated as the gray-brown silver oxide by the hydrates of potassium, sodium, and ammonium, the precipitate being soluble in excess of ammonia water. 2. The alkali car- bonates precipitate the yellowish-white silver carbonate. 3. Hydrogen sulphide and alkali sulphides precipitate the black silver sulphide. 4. Soluble chlorides precipitate the white silver chloride. 5. Soluble arsenites precipitate the yellow silver arsenite. 6. Soluble arsenates precipitate the red- brown silver arsenate. 7. Sodium phosphate precipitates the yellow silver phosphate. 8. Soluble bromides, iodides, or cyanides precipitate the silver bromide, iodide, or cyanide. 9. Chromates precipitate the red-brown silver chromate. 10. It is reduced to metallic silver by metallic zinc, copper, tin, mercury, and lead; by hypophosphites and sulphites; in alkaline mixtures, by arsenites, manganous salts, antimonious salts; by ferrous sulphate in the cold. 11. Tannic acid pre- cipitates the silver tannate. 12. Morphine salts are precipi- tated by silver nitrate with a red coloration. 13. Silver nitrate in solution is reduced to the metallic condition by glucose, volatile oils, aromatic zvaters, tartrates, creosote, and many other organic substances, but not generally by alka- loids. 14. An alcoholic solution of silver nitrate gradually IN CO MPA TIB ILI TIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 39 deposits metallic silver. 15. Silver nitrate heated with nitric acid and alcohol produces the violently explosive fulminate of silver. (N. D. 279.) Argenti Oxidum.— 1. Silver oxide readily parts with its oxygen, forming explosive mixtures with many substances. Triturated dry with sulphur, sidphide of antimony, sulphide of arsenic, phosphorus, tannic acid, creosote, and some other organic substances, it is liable to explode or cause ignition. 2. Moist silver oxide decomposes many metallic salts in solu- tion, precipitating the metallic hydroxides, e.g., salts of bis- muth, copper, iron, and mercury. (M. & M., IV. 470.) 3. lodine in water forms silver iodide and iodic acid. 4. Cldo- rine forms silver chloride and chlorate. 5. A strong solution of silver oxide in concentrated ammonia forms the explosive silver nitride (Ag3N) on standing or by adding alcohol. (M. & M., IV. 470.) Aristol.—l. Aristol is decomposed by light and heat, liberating iodine. 2. It should not be mixed with bodies having a strong affinity for iodine. Arseni lodidum.—lodide of arsenic precipitates many alkaloids from solution of their salts. Its incompatibilities are about the same as those of the soluble iodides and arsenous acid. [See Acidum Hydriodicum and AciDUM ARSENO- SUM.] It readily undergoes decomposition, liberating iodine, and in such condition may have the incompatibilities of iodine. [See IODUM.] Arsenates. [See Acidum Arsenicum.] Arsenites. [See Acidum Arsenosum.] Asaprol.—When a neutral solution of quinine sulphate or hydrochlorate is poured suddenly into a solution of asaprol, there forms on the surface of the liquid a resinous body adhering to the walls of the vessel. If the asaprol solution is gradually poured into the quinine solution a precipitate forms and settles. Merck’s Market Report points out the fact that, asaprol being a calcium salt, it has the incompatibilities of 40 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. the calcium salts, and also that it is incompatible with potas- sium iodide. (D. C., XXXVIII. 107.) Atropina.— 1. Atropine is precipitated from concentrated aqueous solutions of its salts as the free alkaloid by alkali hydrates and carbonates and by the general alkaloidal reagents, except platinic chloride. [See Alkaloids.] 2. By con- tinued heating with alkali hydrates, acids, or water, atropine is decomposed, forming tropine and tropic acid. 3. Chromic acid converts it into benzoic acid. (M. & M., I, 362.) 4. The substances in the list following are said to be some- what incompatible physiologically : Morphine, pilocarpine, physostigmine, aconitine, chloral hydrate, hydrocyanic acid, muscarine, quinine, bromal hydrate, and phytolacca. (Ph. E., XIV. 328.) Auri et Sodii Chloridum.—l. Gold and sodium chloride precipitates many of the alkaloids from solutions of their salts. 2. Potassium iodide added to a solution of gold chlo- ride (the latter being in excess) precipitates yellow aurous iodide and liberates iodine. But if the solution of gold chlo- ride be added to the potassium iodide solution (the latter being in excess), there is first formed a dark green solution of potassium auric iodide, then a precipitate of auric iodide, which is instable, decomposing in pure water, forming aurous iodide. (P. & J., 154.) 3. Gold chloride in solution is reduced to metallic gold by metallic silver, mercury, copper, and iron; by mercurous salts, arsenites, ferrous salts, oxalic acid, nitrous acid, hypophosphorous acid, sulphurous acid, and many organic substances. (P. & J., 154.) [See soluble chlo- rides under ACIDUM HYDROCHLORICUM.] Barium.—Barium salts in aqueous solution are precipitated by sulphuric acid and soluble sulphates, phosphoric acid and soluble phosphates, tartaric acid and soluble tartrates, oxalic acid and soluble oxalates, soluble carbonates, soluble chro- mates, or tannic acid, the precipitate being barium sulphate, phosphate, tartrate, oxalate, carbonate, chromate, or tannate. INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 41 Beberinse Sulphas.—Beberine sulphate in aqueous solu- tion is precipitated by soluble tartrates and the alkaloidal reagents. [See Alkaloids.] Benzaldehydum.— 1. Benzoic aldehyde or synthetic oil of bitter almonds is readily oxidized by the air and oxidizing agents, forming benzoic acid. 2. With an aqueous or alcoholic solution of potassium hydrate it gives benzyl alcohol and potassium benzoate. 3. Annnonia zvater converts it into crys- talline hydrobenzamide, which is again resolved by acids into ammonia and benzoic aldehyde. (Allen, vol. 111. part I. 18.) 4. Chlorine converts it into benzoyl chloride. 5. Benzaldehyde with resorcin, in the presence of hydrochloric acid forms a resin. Phenol and pyrbcatcchin act similarly. 6. With an aqueous solution of sodium bisulphite a crystalline compound is formed. Belladonna. [See Atropina.] Benzoates. [See under Acidum Benzoicum.] Bismuthi et Ammonii Citras.— 1. Citrate of bismuth and ammonium in aqueous solution is precipitated by strong acids, forming the bismuth citrate. 2, It is not readily precipitated by the alkali hydrates, but these on heating liberate the ammonia. Bismuthi Subgallas.—l. Bismuth subgallate, or derma- tol, is decomposed by strong acids. Bismuthi Subnitras.— 1. Bismuth subnitrate is converted into the hydrate by solutions of the alkali hydrates. 2. In the presence of water the alkali carbonates convert it into the subcarbonate and liberate carbon dioxide. 3. Tannic acid in the presence of water slowly forms the yellow tannate of bis- muth. 4. Soluble iodides convert it into bismuth iodide, varying in color from a yellow to a steel-gray, depending upon the proportion of normal iodide to the basic salt. 5. Salicylic acid forms a series of salts with bismuth and nitric acid, vary- ing in color from white to reddish orange. (D. C., XXXIX. 9.) 6. Hypophosphites, in neutral or alkaline mixtures, reduce bis- 42 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. muth subnitrate to a form of bismuth having a quantivalence of two. (P. & J., 220.) 7. Chlorine and chlorinated lime in alkaline mixtures convert the bismuth into a form having a quantivalence of five. Borates. [See Acidum Boricum and also Sodii Boras.) Bromal Hydras.—Bromal hydrate liquefies with aceta- mide, borneol, carbolic acid, exalgin, menthol, pyrocatechin, urea, or urethane. With diuretin or methacetin it gives a stiff mass, which dries, and with antipyrin it gives a damp powder, which dries quickly. Bromates. —l. Bromates in aqueous solution with a strong mineral acid give, with hypophosphites, phosphates and bromine, and then hydrobromic acid; with bromides, bromine; with iodides, bromine and iodine. 2. Bromates may cause an explosion when triturated dry with iodine, sulphur, reduced iron, sulphides, and other substances that are easily oxidized. 3. All metallic bromates are soluble in water, except silver, mercurous, and lead, which are sparingly soluble. They are nearly insoluble in alcohol. Bromida. [See soluble bromides under Acidum Hy- DROBROMICUM.] Bromoformum.— 1. Bromoform turns yellow in the light. 2. Potassium hydrate converts it into a chloride and a formate of potassium. 3. With alcoholic potash bromo- form is decomposed, producing potassium bromide, carbon monoxide, ethylene, and water, (Allen, I. 184.) Bromum.—1. Bromine with alkali hydrates forms bro- mides and bromates. 2. With silver nitrate it forms in- soluble silver bromide and bromate. 3. With hydrogen sulphide it forms hydrobromic acid and sulphur, and then sulphuric acid. 4. With sulphites it forms sulphates and bromides. 5. With hypophosphites it forms phosphates and bromides. 6. With hydriodic acid it forms iodine and hy- drobromic acid. In alkaline mixtures it forms a bromide and an iodate. 7. Metallic mercury and mercurous com- INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 43 pounds are oxidized to mercuric compounds. 8. Arsenitcs are converted into arsenates, 9. Ferrous salts are converted into ferric salts, and in alkaline mixtures into ferrates. 10. Bromine bleaches vegetable colors. 11. It combines with many fixed oils containing olein, forming addition prod- ucts. 12. With turpentine and some other volatile oils it is liable to react violently and cause ignition. 13. Bromine in water gradually forms hydrobromic acid and oxygen. (M. & M,, I. 536,) 14. An alcoholic solution is gradually de- colorized, forming hydrobromic acid. 15. Bromine oxidizes sugar and mannite, forming oxidized derivatives. (M. & M., I. 536.) 16. Hydrogen peroxide evolves oxygen, and hydro- bromic acid is formed. (M. & M., I. 536.) 17. Bromine colors starch-paste yellow. Butyl Chloral Hydras. —l. Butyl chloral hydrate (erro- neously called croton chloral) gradually undergoes decomposi- tion in aqueous solution. 2. With alkalies it is decomposed, producing a formate and propylic chloroform, which splits up with the formation of a chloride of the alkali and dichloride of allylene. (Allen, I. 176.) 3. It liquefies or gives a soft mass when triturated dry with acetamide, carbolic acid, ex- algin, menthol, pyrocatechin, or urethane. With antipyrin, camphor, or thymol it is said to liquefy, but a powder was obtained in each case. 4. Picrotoxin is said to be physio- logically incompatible with it, as are atropine, strychnine, and caffeine. Cadmium.—The soluble cadmium salts in aqueous solu- tion are precipitated by the alkali hydrates, forming white cadmium hydrate; by alkali carbonates, forming the white cadmium carbonate; by the soluble sulphides and hydrosul- phuric acid, as the yellow cadmium sulphide; by the alkali chromates, as the yellow cadmium chromate; by the soluble phosphates, as the white cadmium phosphate. Caffeina.—1. Caffeine in moderately dilute solutions is not precipitated by the alkali hydrates or carbonates or the 44 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. general alkaloidal reagents, except tannic acid, phosphomolyb- dic acid, and mercuric chloride. 2. Warmed with alcoholic potassium hydrate, it forms methylamine, carbon dioxide, and a little ammonia. (N, D., 362.) 3. The solubility of caffeine is increased by the presence of sodium salicylate, sodium benzoate, or antipyrin. (Extra Pharm.,B9.) 4. Chlo- ral hydrate and physostigmine are somewhat antagonistic to caffeine physiologically. Calcium.—The soluble calcium salts in concentrated solu- tions are precipitated by the fixed alkali hydrates as calcium hydrate; by soluble siilphates in not too dilute solutions; by soluble carbonates, phosphates, oxalates, or tartrates as calcium carbonate, phosphate, oxalate, or tartrate. Soluble citrates on heating precipitate the calcium citrate. Calcii Bromidum. [See Calcium, and also soluble bro- mides under ACIDUM HYDROBROMICUM.] Calcii Carbonas. [See Calcium, and also Carbonates.] Calcii Hypophosphis.—Excess of sugar throws calcium hypophosphite out of solution. (Scoville, 227.) [See Calcium, and also soluble hypophosphites under AciDUM HypOPHOS- PHOROSUM. j Calcii Phosphas.—Calcium phosphate forms soluble com- pounds with nearly all acids except those which precipitate calcium salts. [See Calcium, and also phosphates under Acidum Phosphoricum.] Calcii Sulphas.—Calcium sulphate is sparingly soluble in water. [See Calcium, also sulphates under Acidum Sul- PHURICUM. Calx.—Lime combines with water to form calcium hy- drate, which has the properties of the fixed alkalies. [See Hydrates, Fixed Alkali, and also Calcium.] Calx Chlorinata.—Chlorinated lime contains calcium hypochlorite, which is very easily decomposed, liberating chlorine. [See Chlorum, Calcium, and also soluble chlo- rides under ACIDUM HyDROCHLORICUM.] INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 45 Cambogia.— I. Gamboge gives an orange-red solution with a solution of sodium or potassium hydrate. 2. With ammonia water it gives a deep red and then a brown solution. 3. With a solution of ferric chloride it gives a black-brown solution. Camphora.— 1. Camphor when oxidized by nitric acid forms camphoric acid, which is insoluble in water, and cam- phoronic acid, which is soluble in water. (M. & M., I. 669.] 2, With chromic acid it forms camphoronic acid. (M. & M., I. 669.) 3. Potassium permanganate in alkaline solution con- verts camphor into camphoric acid. (M. & M., 1. 669.) 4. Bromine unites with it to form the crystallizable instable dibromide of camphor, which on heating forms hydrobromic acid and monobromated camphor. (Allen, 11. 447.) ,5. With iodine it yields a hydrocarbon, ClOH20, carvacrol, dimethylethyl benzene, tetramethyl benzene, and traces of ordinary cymene. (M. & M., I. 669.) 6. Camphor absorbs hydrocldoric acid, sulphur dioxide, and nitric peroxide gases, forming colorless liquids which are decomposed on the addition of water. (Allen, 11. 446.) 7. Chlorine in alkaline solutions with cam- phor forms chlorinated compounds. 8. Hydrochloric acid in water splits it up, forming cymene and water, (M. & M., I. 669.) 9. Camphor produces a liquid when triturated dry with about an equal weight of any one of the following sub- stances : butyl chloral hydrate, carbolic acid, chloral alcoholate, chloral hydrate, euphorin, menthol, naphtol, pyrocatechin, pyro- gallol, resorcin, salol, thymol, urethane, monocldoracetic acid, or dicldoracetic acid. 10. Camphor does not liquefy when trit- urated with acetamide, acetanilid, antipyrin, bromal hydrate, diuretin, exalgin, methacetin, naphtalin, phenacetin, salicylic acid, sodium phosphate, sodium salicylate, urea, oxalic acid, cumarin, or iodoform. 11. Camphor when heated with butyl chloral hydrate or with salicylic acid will form a liquid which solidifies on cooling. (Extra Pharm., 95.) Camphora Monobromata.—l. Monobromated camphor 46 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. with nitric acid forms bromo-nitro-camphor and camphoric acid. (M. & M., I. 670.) 2. With alcoholic potash it gives camphor. (M. & M., I. 670.} 3. When triturated with car- bolic acid, chloral alcoholate, chloral hydrate, euph or in, pyro- catechin, salol, or thymol it gives a liquid or soft mass. Cannabis Indica.—Water added to an alcoholic extract causes the precipitation of a large amount of resinous matter. Cantharidin.— 1. Cantharidin combines with alkalies to form soluble cantharidates. (Allen, 11. 450.) 2. It is precipi- tated from solutions by neutral lead acetate, silver nitrate, mercuric chloride, and copper sulphate. Carbo.—1. Charcoal absorbs many gases, such as ammo- nia, hydrogen sulphide, etc. 2. When mixed with solutions it absorbs and removes from solution tannic acid, many alka- loids, many glucosidcs, many bitter and odorous principles, coloring matter, fusel-oil, iodine, and many metallic salts. 3. When triturated with oxidizing agents such as potassium chlorate, or potassium permanganate, there is danger of an explosion. Carbonates. —l. Carbonates are decomposed by all com- mon acids, except hydrosulphuric and hydrocyanic acids, with effervescence due to the formation of carbon dioxide. 2. Solu- tions of potassium and sodium carbonates precipitate solu- tions of salts of all other common metals; the precipitate is a normal carbonate in case of silver, mercurous mercury, cad- mium, ferrous iron, manganese, barium, strontium, and cal- cium ; it is a hydrate in case of tin, aluminum, ferric iron, and chromium; it is an oxide in case of antimony; it is a basic carbonate in case of lead, nickel, bismuth, copper, zinc, cobalt, and mercuric mercury. 3. Ammonium carbonate causes precipitation similar to potassium carbonate, except as noted under ammonium carbonate. [See Ammonii Car- BONAS.] 4. Potassium, sodium, and ammonium carbonates precipitate as free alkaloids many alkaloidal salts from their aqueous solutions. 5. In the presence of water bismuth sub- INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 47 nitrate liberates carbon dioxide from the alkali carbonates. 6. Aqueous solutions of acid salts generally cause the formation of carbon dioxide when mixed with carbonates. 7, The car- bonates of the alkalies are soluble in water. The other normal or basic carbonates are insoluble in water although many are soluble in excess of carbonic acid, forming bicar- bonates. The carbonates are insoluble in alcohol. The bicarbonates of the alkalies have about the same incompatibilities as the normal carbonates, although they do not precipitate as many of the alkaloids. The bicarbonates of some of the metals besides the alkalies are soluble in water. Catechu. —l. Catechu contains a large percentage of tannic acid. [See Acidum Tannicum.] 2. Catechu-tannic acid does not precipitate solutions of tartar emetic, but an aqueous solution of the acid is precipitated by gelatin, albu- men, and dilute sulphuric acid. (M. & M., I. 714.) 3. Catechu- tannic acid gives a greenish-black solution or precipitate with solutions of ferric salts. Cerii Oxalas.—l. Cerium oxalate with alkali hydrates slowly forms the cerium hydrate and the oxalate of the alkali. 2. It dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid or dilute sulphuric acid, and this solution is precipitated by the alkali hydrates or carbonates. Chinolin. —l. Chinolin turns a reddish-brown color on exposure to air. 2. It combines with acids to form salts. The salts are decomposed by fixed alkali hydrates, liberating chinolin. 3. Chinolin is precipitated by many of the alkaloidal reagents, such as iodine, picric acid, mercuric chloride, or potassium bichromate. 4. It is oxidized by bleaching-powder and other hypochlorites to oxychinolin. 5. Potassium per- manganate in alkaline mixtures forms pyridin dicarboxylic acid. (M. & M., IV. 380.) Choral.—1. Chloral hydrate in aqueous solution slowly undergoes decomposition, becoming acid. 2. An aqueous solution, with alkaline hydrates, alkaline carbonates, or borax, 48 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. produces chloroform and a formate of the base. 3. With alcohol in the presence of water and certain soluble salts, e.g., potassium bromide or sodium bromide, chloral hydrate forms chloral alcoholate, which may separate as an oily liquid. 4. Heated with glycerin, it forms chloroform, formic acid, and allyl formate. (M, & M., 11, 4.) 5. Potassium permanganate oxidizes it, forming chloroform, chlorine, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. (M. & M,, 11. 4.) 6. Mercuric oxide decomposes chloral, forming COCl2, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. (M. & M., 11. 4.) 7. With mercuric nitrate calomel is formed. (M. & M., 111. 33.) 8. With potassium cyanide it forms dichloracetic acid. (M. & M., 11. 4.) If chloral hydrate and potassium cyanide be rubbed together dry in a mortar, chem- ical reaction takes place with almost explosive violence, and a large amount of white fumes is formed, leaving a brownish mass. If the two be powdered separately and mixed lightly, the reaction is slower, but a brown mass finally results. 9. A solution of chloral hydrate in water dissolves morphine, qui- nine, and most alkaloids. (U. S. D., 367.) 10. In aqueous so- lution with potassium iodide, chloroform and iodine are formed. (M. & M., 11. 2.) 11. Chloral hydrate produces a liquid when triturated dry with about an equal weight of acetamide, acctanilid, borneol, camphor, monobroniated camphor, carbolic acid, diuretin, euphorin, exalgin, lead acetate, menthol, meth- acetin, phenacetin, pyrocatechin, salol, sodium phosphate, thymol, urea, urethane, benzamide, quinine sulphate, saligenin, or salocoll. With antipyrin it gives a damp powder, quickly becoming dry. With betanaphtol, bromal hydrate, naphtalin, pyrogallol, resin, resorcin, salicylic acid, terpin hydrate, zinc sulphate, or alum, it does not liquefy. 12. The physiological incompatibilities are caffeine, strychnine, pierotexin, atropine, digitalis, physostig- mine, codeine, thebaine, and brucine. (Ph. E., XIV. 328.) Chloral Alcoholate.—Choral alcoholate liquefies with acetamide, acetanihd, antipyrin, borneol, camphor, camphor monobromated, carbolic acid, diuretin, euphorin, exalgin, menthol, INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 49 methacetin, pyrocatechin, resorcin, salol, thymol, urea, or ure- thane. Chloralimide.—Chloralimide is decomposed by mineral acids, forming the corresponding ammonium salt and chloral. (M. M. R., IV. 401.) Chloralum Formamidatum. (Chloralamide.)—1. Chlo- ral formamide is decomposed by warm water or by alkalies, forming chloral hydrate and ammonium formate. (N. D., 461.) The chloral may be further decomposed by the alka- lies, forming chloroform. 2. It reduces silver nitrate. (M. M. R., IV. 401.) Chlorates.— 1. Chlorates are liable to cause an explosion, when triturated dry with sulphur, sulphides, sulphites, cya- nides, hyposulphites, hypophosphites, nitrites, reduced iron, amorphous phosphorus, iodine, ammonium picrate, tannic acid, or substances containing it, gallic acid, carbolic acid, oxalic acid, charcoal, sugar, honey, glycerin, starch, lycopo- dium, salicylic acid, shellac, or many other oxidizable sub- stances. 2. Chlorates with sulphuric acid detonate or ex- plode, forming dichlorine tetroxide and a perchlorate. (M. & M., 11. 18.) 3. With hydrocldoric acid they form chlorine and dichlorine tetroxide (the mixture is called euchlorine), both of which substances are liable to form explosive mixtures with organic or other easily oxidizable substances. 4. In a dilute solution of one of the stronger mineral acids, chlorates form with oxalic acid, carbon dioxide, chlorine, and hydrochloric acid ; with hypophosphites, phosphoric and hydrochloric acids ; with hydrogen sulphide, hydrochloric acid and sulphur, and then sulphuric acid; with sulphites, hydrochloric and sulphuric acids; with bromides, hydrochloric acid and bromine; with iodides, hydrochloric acid and iodine, which is further oxidized to iodic acid; arsenites become arsenates; merc2irous com- pounds become mercuric; ferrous compounds become ferric. 5. The metallic chlorates are soluble in water, and are gener- ally soluble in alcohol, except potassium. 50 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. Chlorida. [See chlorides under AciDUM Hydrochlor- ICUM.] Chlorum.— I. Chlorine with a solution of a fixed alkali hydrate forms a chloride and a chlorate of the alkali. 2. With lime water it forms calcium hypochlorite. 3. With ammonia water it forms ammonium chloride. 4. With some salts of ammonium chlorine is liable to form the explosive nitrogen chloride. 5. Chlorine water precipitates solutions of salts of lead, mercurous mercury, and silver as chlorides. 6. Chlorine water after standing a time forms hydrochloric acid. 7. Chlo- rine is a strong oxidizing agent, and is itself reduced to hydro- chloric acid or a chloride by the agents which it oxidizes. With iodides it forms iodine and then iodic acid, and in the presence of an alkali a periodate ; with bromides it forms bromine, and in alkaline mixtures a bromate ; with oxalic acid carbon dioxide is formed; with hypophosphites phos- phates are formed ; with hydrogen sulphide it forms sul- phuric acid ; mercurous, arsenous, and ferrous compounds are changed to mercuric, arsenic, and ferric compounds in either acid or alkaline mixtures. 8. Chlorine bleaches indigo, lit- mus, and other vegetable colors. 9. It oxidizes most all organic matter. 10. Chlorine is rapidly absorbed by alcohol. [See ALCOHOL, No. 5.] 11. Chlorinated lime is liable to cause an explosion when triturated with glycerin (unless diluted with water), fats, oils, and iodides. (A. P. A., XLIII. 525.) Cinchona.—1. Cinchona contains a sufficient amount of tannic acid to make its preparations incompatible with many metallic salts and other compounds. [See Acidum Tanni- CUM.] 2. The tannic acid gives a color varying from a brown to a blackish green with solutions of ferric salts. 3. The cinchona alkaloids in solution form compounds with the gen- eral alkaloidal reagents [see under Alkaloids], which com- pounds are nearly insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol. [See Quinina.] Chromates. [See under Acidum Chromicum.] INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 51 Cocaina.— 1. Cocaine is precipitated from aqueous solu- tions of its salts by the reagents that usually precipitate alkaloids. [See ALKALOIDS.] 2. Cocaine is quite easily de- composed by strong acids, strong solutions of alkali hydrates, or by hot water, forming methyl alcohol, benzoic acid, and eegonine. 3. Mixed with calomel in the presence of moisture, cocaine hydrochlorate turns the mixture gray or even black, due probably to the reduction of some of the calomel to metal- lic mercury, while at the same time some mercuric chloride is formed. The mercuric chloride then combines with the cocaine to form an insoluble compound. 4. Morphine, chloral hydrate, amyl nitrite, caffeine, digitalis, and alcohol are physio- logically antagonistic to cocaine. Citrates. [See Acidum Citricum.] Codeina.— 1. Codeine (free alkaloid) in aqueous solution is not precipitated by alkaline carbonates (Sohn, 71), but is precipitated by most of the other general alkaloidal precipi- tant s. [See Alkaloids.] 2. Codeine in aqueous solution gives a precipitate with solutions of salts of iron, copper, lead, and some other metals. (N. D., 515.) This is probably due to the fact that it is alkaline in reaction, and one of the most soluble of the non-volatile alkaloids. 3. With some ammo- nium salts, as ammonium chloride, codeine liberates ammonia. (N. D., 515.) 4. If codeine is added to a solution of a mor- phine salt, morphine is precipitated. (N. D., 515.) 5. Nitric acid gives a yellow solution with codeine. (U. S. P., 96.) 6. Concentrated sulphuric acid, with nitric acid or with ferric chloride, gives a blue color with codeine. (Sohn, 72.) Colchicina.— 1. Colchicine is darkened by exposure to light. 2. It is precipitated from aqueous solution by most of the general alkaloidal reagents, unless the solution is quite weak. 3. Colchicine is readily decomposed by strong acids or strong solutions of alkalies, forming colchiceine. 4. Most of its salts are decomposed by water. (M. & M., 11. 234.) 5. Nitric acid gives a blue to a violet color, turning brown and 52 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. then yellow. (Sohn, 42.) 6. Acids generally give a yellow color. Collodium.—Collodion is gelatinized by carbolic acid (not by creosote). (U. S. P., 9.) [See Pyroxylinum.] Coniina.—l. Coniine becomes yellow and resinoid on keeping. (Allen, 111. part 11. 172,) 2. It is not precipitated by the alkali hydrates or carbonates, but is by the generalalka- loidal reagents, except platinum chloride. [See Alkaloids.] 3. Coniine coagulates albumen. (U. S. D., 441.) 4. It pre- cipitates the salts of aluminum, copper, zinc, manganese, iron, and silver. (U. S. D., 441.) 5- It forms butyric acid when treated with chromic acid. (Allen, 111. part 11. 173.) 6. An alcoholic solution of iodine with coniine gives a brown precip- itate, which afterwards disappears, and the liquid becomes colorless. [M. & M., 11. 246.) Copaiba.— 1. Copaiba, with the hydrates of the alkalies or alkaline earths, forms saponaceous compounds, in which the resin acts the part of an acid. [U. S. D., 445.] 2. With one sixteenth of its weight of magnesia which has been dampened with water, the resin of the copaiba combines slowly to form a solid mass. A similar change is produced by calcium hydrate. (U. S. D., 445-) Creosotum.— 1. Creosote reduces some of the inorganic salts, such as salts of silver, gold, and copper, to the metallic state. 2. If mixed suddenly or triturated dry with strong ox- idising agents, it is liable to cause an explosion. 3. It precip- itates solutions of gum and albumen (not gelatin or collodion). 4. Creosote, with solutions of ferric salts, gives a violet-blue color, changing to a greenish-brown, and, unless in very dilute solution, a brown precipitate is formed. An alcoholic solution of creosote with an alcoholic solution of ferric chloride gives a bluish-green color. (U. S. D., 450.) 5. Triturated with silver oxide, an explosion is liable to take place. 6. With con- centrated nitric acid reddish fumes of the oxides of nitrogen o are given off. With dilute nitric acid a brown resin is INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 53 formed. (U. S. D., 450.) 7. With concentrated sulphuric acid it gives a red color, becoming black on addition of more acid. Creta Praeparata. [See Calcium, and also Car- bonates.] Cupri Sulphas.— 1. Copper sulphate is precipitated by the fixed alkali hydrates as blue cupric hydrate, which on stand- ing becomes basic and black. This precipitation is more or less prevented by tartrates, citrates, salicylates, sugar, milk sugar, and certain other organic substances. 2. Ammonia water precipitates the cupric hydrate and in excess dissolves the precipitate, forming an intense blue solution of double salts. This solution dissolves cotton, filter-paper, and other forms of cellulose. 3. Ammonium carbonate, like ammonia water, precipitates the copper and redissolves it, forming a blue solution. 4. The carbonates of the fixed alkali metals pre- cipitate the copper as a basic carbonate of variable composi- tion. 5. Copper sulphate with hydrogen sulphide or soluble sulphides forms the black insoluble copper sulphide. 6. In neutral solutions the soluble phosphates give a bluish-white precipitate of copper phosphate. 7. Arsenites in neutral solu- tion give a green precipitate of copper arsenite. 8. Soluble iodides reduce and precipitate copper sulphate as cuprous iodide (Cu2I 2), iodine being liberated. 9. In alkaline mix- tures cupric compounds are reduced to cuprous oxide by arsenous acid, glucose, and many other organic compounds. Cyanida. [For cyanides, see under Acidum Hydro- CYANICUM.] Decocta.—The incompatibilities of decoctions are similar to those of infusions. [See INFUSA.] Digitalis.—l. Digitalin is precipitated from solutions by tannic acid and chloride of gold (not by most of the other al- kaloidal reagents). (Sohn, 49.) 2. With iiitric acid digitalin gives at first a colorless solution, changing to a yellow or a green, (Sohn, 50.) 54 INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. Digitonin is precipitated from aqueous solutions by am- monia, tannic acid, or lead acetate. (Sohn, 50.) All of the principles of digitalis are quite easily decomposed by strong acids or alkalies. The substances that are incom- patible physiologically are aconite, scoparin, strychnine, mus- carine■, chloral hydrate, and nitroglycerin. Diuretin.— 1. Sodio-theobromine salicylate in aqueous solution is strongly alkaline, and is decomposed by all acids, even the carbon dioxide in the air, with precipitation of theo- bromine. (Moerk, M. M. R., IV. 401.) 2. Diuretin is incom- patible with bicarbonates, borates, and phosphates. (M. M. R., IV. 401.) 3. It has the incompatibilities of salicylic acid and of theobromine. [See Acidum SALICYLICUM, and also THEOBROMINE.] 4. Diuretin forms a liquid or soft mass with carbolic acid or chloral hydrate. With bromal hydrate, pyrocatechin, chloral alcoholate, or pyrogallol it gives a stiff mass, which dries. Elaterinum.—1. Elaterin combines with the alkali hy- drates to form compounds soluble in water, from which solu- tion acids precipitate the elaterin. Emulsa.—Emulsions are broken up by substances which precipitate the emulsifying agent. [For emulsions made with gum arabic, see Acacia.] Ergota.—The active principles of ergot are generally pre- cipitated by tannic acid, potassium mercuric chloride, and some of the other general alkaloidal reagents. Eucalyptol.—Eucalyptol is oxidized to cineolic acid by potassium permanganate. (M. & M., 11. 526,) Eugenol.—l. Eugenol is oxidized to vanillin by potas- sium permanganate. 2. Bromine forms dibromo-eugenol. 3. Alkalies unite with it to form soluble salts. (Coblentz, 36.) 4. Ferric chloride colors its alcoholic solution blue. (M. & M., 11. 526). Euphorin.—Phenyl urethane liquefies when triturated with antipyrin. If it be first triturated with sugar, it can then be INCOMPATIBILITIES IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 55 mixed with antipyrin and dispensed as a powder. (Moerk, M. M. R., IV, 401.) It makes a liquid or soft mass with anti- pyrin, borneol, bromal hydrate, camphor, monobromated cam- phor, carbolic acid, cldoral alcoholate, chloral hydrate, exalgin, menthol, pyrocatechin, resin, resorcin, •?#/> P P' F p P' P2 p P P L L P' p L p P p p p L P L L P L P2 P' p P2 L L I p P P p L P L P P M L L P L M p P P L P P P p p p p L P L Butyl chloral hydrate .. L P p2 P P P 2 P P L P P P P L P L P p P P L P P p p P p p2 L Camphor P P p P P2 p P P L L L P L P P L P p L P L L P L p L P p L P L P p p L P p P P L L L P L P P L P p L P L p L P L p p T ]> L Camphor, monobromated P P ? P P p P P L L L P L P P p P p P P L P P P p L P p L P p Carbolic acid L L L JL L L L L P L L L L L L i. L L L L L L L L p L L p L P L L T L P P L L L L P P M L L P L L P P P L P L P L P p I L L p L I, L P' P P L L L L P P L L L L L L P P L L P P P P L L p L p P P P M P P P P L M L P P P P P P P P P M M P p p p p p Euphoria P P L L P L L L L L L P P L P L P P P P L P P' L p L P p L P L P P P l L P P P L L L P L P P L P P L P L L P L L L P p L P L L P P p P P P P L P L P p P P P P P P P M M M L p L M p 1> [ px T. p P P P L L L L P L L L P L L P P P P L P L L L L p P p T P P P M P P P P L L. L P P P P P P P P P L P P M p p p p P P P P P P P P P P L P P P P P P P P P P P P' P P P p L p p p P P P L P P P L L P L P P P P L P L P P P P L p P P p P p p p L P P P P P P P L P L P P P P P P P P P L P P P p2 P p P2 p P Pyrocatechin L L L L L L L L L L L M L L M L L P' L L P L P' p L L p L L L L P L P P L P P L P P M P L M L P P P P L P P P P P M p P I, M L L P P P P L P P P L P P P P P P P p M P M p L L L P P L L P L L P P L L M L M P P P P' P P P p P P' p Salicylic acid P P P2 P P P P P P P P P P L L P P P P P2 P P P P p P L p p P P P P' P P r. L L L L L L P L L P p P L P P L P M P P P P p [ L L P P P P p P P L P P P P L P P P P P L M P P' L P P P' P P P2 P P p P P P P P P P P M P P P P P p p P p P j_P' p L L L P P2 L P L I. L L L P L I. P L P P T> P2 L P M P P L P p L P P P L P P P P L L P P p L P P p p P L L P P p P p L P L L L L L P L L L P L L P' L P P L P L L M. L L L P p L = Soft mass or liquid. M = Stiff mass which dries. P = Dry powder. P' = Slightly damp powder, quickly drying. P 2 = Said to liquefy, but the writer obtained a dry powder. INDEX TO INCOMPATIBILITIES J3P“ References are to pages, Acacia, x Aceta, 2, 3 Acetamide, 2 Acetanilid, 2 Acetates, 2, 3 Acid, acetic, 3 arsenic, 4 arsenous, 4 benzoic, 5 boric, 5 carbolic, 5 chromic, 7 chrysophanic, 7 citric, 8 gallic, 9 hydriodic, 10 hydrobromic, 11 hydrochloric, 12 hydrocyanic, dil., 13 hydrosulphuric, 14 hypophosphorous, dil., 15 lactic, 15 meconic, 16 metaphosphoric, 20 nitric, 16 nitrohydrochloric, 17 nitrous, 17 oleic, 18 osmic, 19 oxalic, 19 phosphoric, 19 picric, 21 pyrogallic, 89 pyrophosphoric, 20 salicylic, 21 stearic, 22 Acid, sulphuric, 22 sulphurous, 23 tannic, 24 tartaric, 26 Acids, 2 Aconitine, 27 Adeps, 27 27 aceticus, 27 ALthyl bromide, 27 bichloridum, 28 .(Ethyl iodidum, 28 Albumen, 28 Alcohol, 28 Alkalies, 29. 67 Alkaloids, 30 Aloin, 31 Alum, 31 Aluminum hydrate, 31 Alumnol, 31 Ammonium benzoate, 31 bromide, 32 carbonate, 32 chloride, 32 iodide, 32 nitrate, 32 phosphate, 32 salts, 32 valerianate, 32 Amyl nitrite, 33 Amylum, 33 Antimony and potassium tartrate, 33 sulphide, 34 Antipyrin, 34 Apomorphine hydrochlorate, 36 Aqua, 36 242 INDEX TO INCOMPATIBILITIES. Aqua ammoniae, 36, 67 amygdalae, 36 chlori, 36, 50 cinnamomi, 36, 80 creosoti, 36, 52 Aquae, 36 Aqua hydrogenh dioxidi, 37 lauro-cerasi, 13, 38 mentha piperitae, 38, 80 pimentae, 38, 81 Argenti cyanidum, 38 nitras, 38 oxidum, 39 Aristol, 39 Arsenic iodide, 39 Arsenates, 4, 39 Arsenites, 4, 39 Asaprol, 39 Atropine, 40 Auri et sodii chloridum, 40 Balsam of copaiba, 52 Barium salts, 40 Beberine sulphate, 41 Belladonna, 40, 41 Benzaldehyde, 41 Benzoates, 5, 41 Bismuth and ammonium citrate, 41 subgallate, 41 subnitrate, 41 Borates, 5, 42 Brandy,97 Bromal hydrate, 42 Bromates, 42 Bromides, 11, 42 Bromoform, 42 Bromine. 42 Butyl chloral hydrate, 43 Cadmium salts, 43 Caffeine, 43 Calcium bromide, 44 carbonate, 44 hypophosphite, 44 phosphate, 44 salts, 44 Calcium sulphate, 44 Calx, 44 chlorata, 44 Cambogia, 45 Camphor, 45 monobromated, 45 Cannabis Indica, 46 Cantharidin, 46, 46 Carbonates, 46 Catechu, 47 Cerium oxalate, 47 Chalk, prepared, 53 Charcoal, 46 Chinolin, 47 Chloral, 47 alcoholate, 48 Chloralamide, 49 Chloralimide, 49 Chlorates, 49 Chlorides, 12, 50 Chlorine, 50 Chromates, 7, 50 Cinchona, 50 Citrates, 8, 51 Cocaine, 51 Codeine, 51 Colchicine, 51 Collodion, 52 Coniine, 52 Copaiba, 52 Copper sulphate, 53 Creosote, 52 Creta praeparata, 53 Cupri sulphas, 53 Cyanides, 13, 53 Decoctions, 53 Dermatol, 41 Digitalis, 53 Diuretin, 54 Elaterin, 54 Emulsions, 54 Ergot, 54 Ether, 27 INDEX TO INCOMPATIBILITIES. 243 Ether, acetic, 27 Ethyl bromide, 27 Ethylene bichloride, 28 Ethyl iodide, 28 Eucalyptol, 54 Eugenol, 54 Euphorin, 54 Europhen, 55 Exalgin, 55 Ferricum, 57 Ferri phosphas solubilis, 55 pyrophosphas solubilis, 55 sulphas, 56 Ferropyrin, 55 Ferrosum, 56 Ferrum, 56 Formaldehyde (formalin), 58 Galls, 24, 59 Gallates, 9, 59 Gamboge, 45 Gelatin, 59 Glonoin, 59 Glucosides, 59 Glycerin, 60 Glycyrrhizin, ammoniated, 61 Guaiac resin, 61 Guaiacol, 61 Homatropine, 40, 61 Honey, 75 Hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum, 61 chloridum mite, 63 cyanidum, 65 iodidum flavum, 65 iodidum rubrum, 66 oxidum flavum, 66 subsulphas flavus, 66 Hydrargyrum ammoniatum, 66 Hydrastine hydrochlorate, 66 Hydrates, fixed alkali, 67 Hydrate, volatile alkali, 67 Hydrogen dioxide, 37, 68 Hydroquinone, 68 Hyoscyamine, 69 Hyoscyamus, 40, 69 Hypochlorites, 69 Hypophosphites, 15, 69 Hyposulphites, 69, 95 Ichthyol, 69 Infusions, 69 lodates, 70 lodides, 10, 70 lodine, 71 lodoform, 70 lodol, 71 lodophenacetin, 71 Iron (metallic), 56 (ferrous), 56 (ferric), 57 phosphate soluble, 55 pyrophosphate soluble, 55 sulphate, 56 Lard, 27 Lead acetate, 85 subacetate, 73, 86 Lime, 44 chlorinated, 44 Liquor acidi arsenosi, 73 ammonii acetatis, 73 arseni et hydrargyri iodidi, 73 calcis, 73 ferri chloridi, 73 ferri et ammonii acetatis, 73 ferri subsulphatis, 73 iodi compositus, 73 plumbi subacetatis, 73 potassae, 74, 86 potassii arsenitis, 74 sodse, 67, 74 sodae chloratae, 74 sodii silicatis, 74 Lithium benzoate, 74 salicylate, 74 salts, 74 Lobelia, 74 Magnesia, 75 Magnesium salts, 75 244 INDEX TO INCOMPATIBILITIES. Magnesium sulphate, 75 Manganese salts, 75 Mel, 75 Menthol, 76 Mercuric chloride, 61 cyanide, 65 iodide, 66 oxide, 66 subsulphate, 66 Mercurous chloride, 63 iodide, 65 Mercury, ammoniated, 66 Methacetin, 76 Methylene-blue, 76 Methyl salicylate, 76 Morphine, 77 powder, compound, 88 Mucilage of acacia, 1, 78 starch, 33, 78 tragacanth, 78, 100 Naphtalin, 78 Naphtol, 78 Nitrates, 16, 78 Nitrites, 17, 78 Nitroglycerin, 59 Nutgalls, 24, 59 Nux vomica, 78, 98 Oil of birch, 79 bitter almond, 79 cinnamon, 80 cloves, 79 cotton-root bark, 80 ethereal, 79 lavender, 80 lemon, 80 linseed, 80 orange, 79 orange flowers, 79 peppermint, 80 pimenta, 81 sassafras, 81 turpentine, 81 wintergreen, 80 Oils, fixed, 78 Oils, volatile, 79 Opium, 82 Oxalates, 19, 82 Pancreatin, 82 Paraldehyde, 82 Pepsin, 82 Permanganates, 82, 87 Phenacetin, 82 Phenocoll hydrochloride, 83 Phosphates, 19, 83 Phosphorus, 83 Physostigmine, 83 Picrotoxin, 84 Pilocarpine hydrochlorate, 84 Piperazin, 84 Plumbi acetas, 85 nitras, 86 subacetas, 73, 86 Potassa, 86 sulphurata, 14, 86 Potassium acetate, 86 and sodium tartrate, 87 bicarbonate, 86 bichromate, 86 bitartrate, 86 bromide, 86 carbonate, 86 chlorate, 86 citrate, 86 cyanide, 87 hypophosphite, 87 iodide, 87 nitrate, 87 permanganate, 87 salts. 88 tartrate, 88 Pulvis morphinae comp., 88 Pyoktannin, 8g Pyrocatechin, 89 Pyrogallol, 89 Pyroxylin, 90 Quinine, 90 Resin, 91 INDEX TO INCOMPATIBILITIES. 245 Resins, 91 Resorcin, gi Saccharum, 92 lactis, 93 Salicylates, 21, 93 Salol, 93 Santonin, 94 Silver cyanide, 38 nitrate, 38 oxide, 39 Soap, 94 Soda, 94 Sodium acetate, 3, 94 arsenate, 95 benzoate, 5, 95 bicarbonate, 46, 95 borate, 95 carbonate, 46, 95 chlorate, 49, 95 chloride, 12, 95 hypophosphite, 15, 95 hyposulphite, 95 iodide, 10, 96 nitrate, 16, 96 nitrite, 17, 96 phosphate, 96 pyrophosphate, 19, 96 salicylate, 21, 96 sulphate, 22, 96 sulphite, 96 Solution of ammonium acetate, 73 arsenous acid, 73 arsenic and mercury iodide, 73 iodine, compound, 73 iron and ammonium acetate, 73 iron chloride, 73 iron subsulphate, 73 lead subacetate, 73 lime, 73 potassa, 74, 86 potassium arsenite, 74 soda, 67, 74 soda, chlorinated, 74 Solution of sodium silicate, 74 Spirit of ammonia, 97 ammonia aromatic, 97 camphor, 97 ether, compound, 79, 97 lemon, 97 nitroglycerin, 97 nitrous ether, 97 wintergreen, 97 Spirits, 96 Starch, 33 Stramonium, 40, 97 Strontium bromide, 97 iodide, 98 lactate, 98 salts, 98 Strychnine, 98 Sugar, 92 of milk, 93 Sulphates, 22, 98 Sulphides, 14, 98 Sulphites, 23, 98 Sulphonal, 99 Sulphur, 99 Syrup of citric acid, 99 garlic, 99 hydriodic acid, 99 hypophosphites, 99 iodide of iron, 99 ipecac, 99 lime, 99 squills, 99 Tannates, 24, 99 Tartar emetic, 33 Tartrates, 26, 99 Terebene, 99 Theobromine, 99 Thymol, too Tincture of chloride of iron, 57, 100 iodine, 100 Tragacanth, 100 Urea, 100 Urethane, 101 Vitellus, 28, 101 246 INDEX TO INCOMPATIBILITIES. Water, 36 of ammonia, 36, 67 bitter almond, 36 cherry laurel, 13, 38 chlorine, 36, 50 cinnamon, 36, 80 creosote, 36, 52 hydrogen dioxide, 37 peppermint, 38, 80 Water of pimenta, 38, 81 Waters, 36 Whiskey, 97 Wine, 101 Zinc chloride, 101 salts, 101 sulphate, 101 INDEX TO PRESCRIPTIONS References are to Prescriptions. NUMBER Acacia (see Muc. acacia). Acetanilidum—camph. monobrom.—salol 153 “ —antipyrin.—resorcin 240 “ —tinct. ferri chlor 313 Acidum aceticum—plumbi ox.—oryza 237 “ arsenos. (too large a dose) 6g “ benzoic.—ac. salicyl.—eucalyptol—‘thymol—menthol—sod. bicarb. 114 “ “ —(insoluble in water) 249 “ carbolic.—euphoria 66 “ “ —aqua 70 “ “ —ac. sulphurosum—tinct. ferri chlor. 94 “ “ —aq. hydrog. diox.—glycerin 110 “ “ —aq. ammon 121 “ “ —collodium 167 “ “ —plumbi acet.—thymol 217 ** “ —ac. sulph.—ol. lini—plumbi acet.—pot. nitras 220 “ “ —petrolat.—sp. myrciae 224 *• “ —aq. ammon.—liq. sod. chloratse 236 “ “ —potass, permang 258 “ “ —ferri et ammon. citras :... 318 “ “ —ceratum—thymol 285 “ “ —camphora—plumbi acet.—tinct. iodi 288 “ chromic.—cocain. hydrochlor 243 “ “ —ale.—glycerin 262 “ citric.—mag. carb.—sod. boras 86 “ —pot. cit.—quinin. sulph 196 “ —pot. iodidum—quinin. sulph 289 ** gallic.—liq. sodse 216 “ “ —liq. calcis 292 “ hyd. dil.—(incomplete) 302 “ hydrobrom.—hydrarg. chlor. mit—phenacetin 151 “ “ —quinin. sulph.—sod. salicyl 178 “ “ —hydrarg. chlor. cor.—quinin. sulph 219 “ hydrochlor.—bis. et ammon. cit.—pepsin 30 “ “ —potass, chloras 45 “ “ —hydrarg. chlor. mit 182 247 248 INDEX TO PRESCRIPTIONS. Acidum hydrocyan.—ac. phosphor,—codeina—tinct. iodi 97 “ “ —sod. bicarb 152 “ nitricum—creosot.—chloroform 42 “ “ —ac. sulph.—ol. terebin 90 “ “ —ale.—hydrarg. nitras 175 “ “ —ac. sulph.—syrupus 189 “ nitrohydrochlor.—tinct. nucis vom 33 “ “ —glycerin 62 “ “ —quinin. sulph.—potass, iodidum 115 “ “ —ol. terebin 143 “ phosphoric.—tinct. digital.—tinct. ferri chlor 12 “ “ —tinct. ferri chlor.—tinct. iodi co.—quinin. sulph.... 27 “ “ —quinin. sulph.—tinct. ferri chlor 92 “ “ —ac. hydrocyan.—codeina 97 “ “ —ferri et quinin. cit.—tinct. cardam. co 160 “ “ —quinin. sulph.—syr. ferri iodidi 296 “ “ —ferri phosphas—quinin. sulphas—strych. sulph 324 “ pyrogallic.—hydrarg. chlor. cor 26S “ “ —plumbi acet 272 “ “ —camphor.—ale 230 Carpenter’s Heating and Ventilating of Buildings Bvo, 300 1 Downing, Cottages Bvo, $3 50 “ Hints to Architects ~.Bvo, 200 Freitag’s Architectural Engineering Bvo, 250 Gerhard’s Sanitary House Inspection 16mo, 100 “ Theatre Fires and Panics 12mo, 150 Hatfield’s American House Carpenter Bvo, 500 Holly’s Carpenter and Joiner ~ ,18mo, 75 Kidder’s Architect and Builder’s Pocket-book Morocco flap, 400 Merrill’s Stones for Building and Decoration Bvo, 500 Monckton’s Stair Building—Wood, Iron, and Stone 4to, 400 Stevens’ House Painting. .18mo, 75 Wait’s Engineering and Architectural Jurisprudence. Worcester's Small Hospitals—Establishment and Maintenance, including Atkinson’s Suggestions for Hospital Archi- tecture 12mo, 125 (In the press.) World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893 4to, 250 ARMY, NAVY, Etc. Military Engineering—Ordnance—Port Charges, Etc. Bourne’s Screw Propellers 4to, 500 Bruff’s Ordnance and Gunnery Bvo,' 600 BucknilTs Submarine Mines and Torpedoes Bvo, 400 Chase’s Screw Propellers Bvo, 300 Cooke’s Naval Ordnance Bvo, 12 50 Cronkhile’s Gunnery for Non-com. Officers 18mo, morocco, 200 De Brack’s Cavalry Outpost Duties. (Carr.)... .18mo, morocco, 200 Dietz’s Soldier’s First Aid 12mo, morocco, 125 * Dredge’s Modern French Artillery 4to, half morocco, 20 00 “ Record of the Transportation Exhibits Building, World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893..4t0, half morocco, 15 00 Dyer’s Light Artillery 12mo, 300 Hoff’s Naval Tactics Bvo, 150 Hunter’s Port Charges Bvo, half morocco, 13 00 Ingalls’s Ballistic Tables Bvo, 150 “ Handbook of Problems in Direct Fire Bvo, 400 Mahan’s Advanced Guard . .18mo, 150 “ Permanent Fortifications. (Mercur.).Svo, half morocco, 750 Mercur’s Attack of Fortified Places 12mo, 300 Mercur’s Elements of the Art of War Bvo, |4 00 Metcalfe’s Ordnance and Gunnery 12mo, with Atlas, 500 Phelps’s Practical Marine Surveying Bvo, 250 Powell’s Army Officer’s Examiner 12mo, 400 Reed’s Signal Service 50 Sharpe’s Subsisting Armies 18mo, morocco, 150 Strauss and Alger’s Naval Ordnance and Gunnery Todd and Whall’s Practical Seamanship ;. .Bvo, 750 Very’s Navies of the World Bvo, half morocco, 350 Wheeler’s Siege Operations Bvo, 200 Wiuthrop’s Abridgment of Military Law 12mb, 250 Woodhull’s Notes on Militar}" Hygiene 12mo, morocco, 250 Young’s Simple Elements of Navigation.. 12roo, morocco flaps, 250 ASSAYING. Fletcher’s Quant. Assaying with the Blowpipe.. 12mo, morocco, 150 Furman’s Practical Assaying Bvo, 300 Kunhardt’s Ore Dressing Bvo, 150 * Mitchell’s Practical Assaying. (Crookes.) Bvo, 10 00 O’Driscoll’s Treatment of Gold Ores Bvo, 2CO Ricketts and Miller’s Notes on Assaying Bvo, 300 Thurston’s Alloys, Brasses, and Bronzes Bvo, 250 Wilson’s Cyanide Processes 12mo, 150 “ The Chlorination Process -.12m0, 150 Smelting—Ore Dressing—Alloys, Etc. ASTRONOMY. Practical, Theoretical, and Descriptive. Craig’s Azimuth 4to, 350 Doolittle’s Practical Astronomy Bvo, 400 Gore’s Elements of Geodesy Bvo, 250 Michie and Harlow’s Practical Astronomy Bvo, 300 White’s Theoretical and Descriptive Astronomy 12mo, 200 BOTANY. Gardening for Ladies, Etc. Baldwin’s Orchids of New England Bvo, 150 Loudon’s Gardening for Ladies. (Downing.) 12mo, 150 Thome’s Structural Botany 18mo, 225 Westermaier’s General Botany. (Schneider.) Bvo, 200 3 BRIDGES, ROOFS, Etc. Cantilever—Draw—Highway—Suspension. {See also Engineering, p. 6.) Boiler’s Highway Bridges Bvo, $2 00 * “ The Thames River Bridge 4to, paper, 500 Burr’s Stresses in Bridges Bvo, 350 Crehore’s Mechanics of the Girder .Bvo, 500 Dredge’s Thames Bridges 7 parts, Du Bois’s Stresses in Framed Structures 4to, 10 00 Foster’s Wooden Trestle Bridges 4to, 500 Greene’s Arches in Wood, etc Bvo, 250 “ Bridge Trusses Bvo, 250 “ Roof Trusses Bvo, 1 25 Howe’s Treatise on Arches Bvo, 400 Johnson’s Modern Framed Structures 4to, 10 00 Merrimau & Jacoby’s Text-book of Roofs and Bridges. Part L, Stresses Bvo, 250 Merriman & Jacoby's Text-book of Roofs and Bridges. Part 11.. Graphic Statics Bvo, 250 Merrimau & Jacoby’s Text-book of Roofs and Bridges. Part 111., Bridge Design Bvo, 500 Merriman & Jacoby’s Text-book of Roofs and Bridges. Part IY., Continuous, Draw, Cantilever, Suspension, and Arched Bridges {ln preparation). *Morison’s The Memphis Bridge Oblong 4to, 10 00 Waddell’s Iron Highway Bridges Bvo, 400 Wood’s Construction of Bridges and Roofs Bvo, 200 Wright’s Designing of Draw Spans Bvo, Qualitative—Quantitative—Organic—Inorganic, Etc CHEMISTRY. Adriance’s Laboratory Calculations 12mo, 125 Allen’s Tables for Iron Analysis Bvo, 300 Austen’s Notes for Chemical Students 12mo, 150 Bolton’s Student’s Guide in Quantitative Anatysis Bvo, 150 Classen’s Analysis by Electrolysis. (Herrick.) Bvo, 800 Crafts’s Qualitative Analysis. (Schaeffer.) 12mo, 150 Drecbsel’s Chemical Reactions. (Merrill.) 12mo, 125 Fresenius’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis. (Allen.) Bvo, 600 4 Fresenius’s Qualitative Chemical Analysis. (Johnson.) Bvo, |4 00 Fuerte’s Water and Public Health 12mo, 150 Gill’s Gas and Fuel Analysis 12mo, 125 Hammarsten’s Physiological Chemistry. (Maudel.) Bvo, 400 Helm’s Principles of Mathematical Chemistry. (Morgan). 12mo, 150 Kolbe’s Inorganic Chemistry. 12mo, 150 Landauer’s Spectral Analysis. (Tingle.) {ln the press). Mandel’s Bio-chemical Laboratory 12mo, 150 Mason’s Water-supply Bvo, 500 Miller’s Chemical Physics Bvo, 200 Mixter’s Elementary Text-book of Chemistry 12mo, 150 Morgan’s The Theory of Solutions and its Results 12mo, 100 Nichols’s Water Supply (Chemical and Sanitary) Bvo, 250 O’Brine’s Laboratory Guide to Chemical Analysis Bvo, 200 Perkins’s Qualitative Analysis 12mo, 100 Pinner’s Organic Chemistry. (Austen.) 12mo, 150 Ricketts and Russell’s Notes on Inorganic Chemistry (Nou- metallic) Oblong Bvo, morocco, 75 Schimpf’s Volumetric Analysis 12mo, 250 Spencer’s Sugar Manufacturer’s Handbook. 12mo, morocco flaps, 200 “ Handbook for Chemists of Beet Sugar House. Stockbridge’s Rocks and Soils Bvo, 250 Troilius’s Chemistry of Iron Bvo, 200 Wiechmaun’s Chemical Lecture Notes 12mo, 300 “ Sugar Analysis Bvo, 250 Wulling’s Inorganic Phar. and Med. Chemistry 12mo, 200 {ln the press). DRAWING. Hill’s Shades and Shadows and Perspective Bvo, 200 Mac Cord’s Descriptive Geometry Bvo, 800 “ Kinematics Bvo, 500 “ Mechanical Drawing Bvo, 400 Mahan’s Industrial Drawing. (Thompson.) 2 vols., Bvo, 350 Reed’s Topographical Drawing. (11. A.) 4to, 500 Smith’s Topographical Drawing. (Macmillan.) Bvo, 250 Warren’s Descriptive Geometry 2 vols., Bvo, 350 “ Drafting Instruments 12mo, 125 Elementary—Geometrical—Topographical. 5 Warren’s Free-hand Drawing 12mo, $1 00 “ Higher Linear Perspective Bvo, 350 “ Linear Perspective 12mo, 100 “ Machine Construction 2 vols., Bvo, 750 “ Plane Problems 12mo, 125 “ Primary Geometry 12mo, 75 “ Problems and Theorems Bvo, 250 “ Projection Drawing 12mo, 150 “ Shades and Shadows Bvo, 300 “ Stereotomy—Stone Cutting Bvo, 250 Whelpley’s Letter Engraving .. ,12mo, 200 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Illumination—Battekies—Physics. Anthony and Brackett’s Text-book of Physics (Magie). .. .Bvo, 4 00’ Barker’s Deep-sea Soundings Bvo, 200 Benjamin’s Voltaic Cell Bvo, 800 Cosmic Law of Thermal Repulsion 18mo, 75 Crehore and Squier’s Experiments with a New Polarizing Photo- Chronograph Bvo, 300 * Dredge’s Electric Illuminations... .2 vols., 4to, half morocco, 25 00 “ “ “ Yol. II 4to, 750 Gilbert’s De magnete. (Mottelay.) Bvo, 250 Holman’s Precision of Measurements Bvo, 2 00- Michie’s Wave Motion Relating to Sound and Light Bvo, 400 Morgan’s, The Theory of Solutions and its Results 12mo, 1 00- Niaudet’s Electric Batteries. (Fishback.) 12mo, 250 Reagan’s Steam and Electrical Locomotives 12mo 200 Thurston’s Stationary Steam Engines for Electric Lighting Pur- poses 12rao, 150 Tillman’s Heat Bvo, 150 ENGINEERING. {See also Bridges, p. 4; Hydraulics, p. 8; Materials of En- gineering, p. 9 ; Mechanics and Machinery, p. 11 ; Steam Engines and Boilers, p. 14.) Baker’s Masonry Construction 8vo„ 5 00- Baker’s Surveying Instruments 12rao, 300 Black’s U. S. Public Works 4to, 5 00- Civil—Mechanical—Sanitary, Etc. 6 Butts’s Engineer’s Field-book 12mo, morocco, $3 50 Byrne’s Highway Construction Bvo, 750 Carpenter’s Experimental Engineering Bvo, 600 Church’s Mechanics of Engineering—Solids and Fluids Bvo, 600 “ Notes and Examples in Mechanics Bvo, 200 Crandall’s Earthwork Tables Bvo, 150 Crandall’s The Transition Curve 12mo, morocco, 150 * Dredge’s Penn. Railroad Construction, etc. .. Folio, half mor., 20 00 * Drinker’s Tunnelling 4to, half morocco, 25 00 Eissler’s Explosives—Nitroglycerine and Dynamite Bvo, 400 Gerhard’s Sanitary House Inspection 16mo, 100 Godwin’s Railroad Engineer’s Field-book. 12mo, pocket-bk. form, 250 Gore’s Elements of Goodesy Bvo, 250 Howard’s Transition Curve Field-book 12mo, morocco flap, 150 Howe’s Retaining Walls (New Edition.) 12mo, 125 Hudson’s Excavation Tables. Yol. II Bvo, 100 Hutton’s Mechanical Engineering of Power Plants Bvo, 500 Johnson’s Materials of Construction Bvo, 600 Johnson’s Stadia Reduction Diagram. .Sheet, 22£ X 28| inches, 50 “ Theory and Practice of Surveying Bvo, 400 Kent’s Mechanical Engineer’s Pocket-book 12mo, morocco, 500 Kiersted’s Sewage Disposal 12mo, 125 Kirkwood’s Lead Pipe for Service Pipe Bvo, 150 Mahan’s Civil Engineering. (Wood.) Bvo, 500 Merriman and Brook’s Handbook for Surveyors.. . .12mo, mor., 200 Merriman’s Geodetic Surveying Bvo, 200 “ Retaining Walls and Masonry Dams .Bvo, 200 Mosely’s Mechanical Engineering. (Mahan.) Bvo, 500 Nagle’s Manual for Railroad Engineers ,12mo, morocco, Patton’s Civil Engineering Bvo, 750 “ Foundations Bvo, 500 Rockwell’s Roads and Pavements in France 12mo, 125 Ruffner’s Non-tidal Rivers Bvo, 125 Searles’s Field Engineering 12mo, morocco flaps, 300 Searles's Railroad Spiral 12mo, morocco flaps, 150 Siebert and Biggin’s Modern Stone Cutting and Masonry.. .Bvo, 150 Smith’s Cable Tramways 4to, 250 “ Wire Manufacture and Uses 4to, 300 7 Spalding’s Roads and Pavements 12mo, $2 00 “ Hydraulic Cement 12mo, 200 Thurston’s Materials of Construction, Bvo, 500 * Trautwiue’s Civil Engineer’s Pocket-book. ..12mo, mor. flaps, 500 * “ Cross-section Sheet, 25 * “ Excavations and Embankments Bvo, 200 * “ Laying Out Curves 12mo, morocco, 250 Wait’s Engineering and Architectural Jurisprudence. {ln the press.) Warren’s Stereotomy—Stone Cutting Bvo, 250 Webb’s Engineering Instruments 12mo, morocco, 100 Wegmauu’s Construction of Masonry Dams 4to, 500 Wellington’s Location of Railways... Bvo, 500 Wheeler’s Civil Engineering Bvo, 400 Wolff’s Windmill as a Prime Mover Bvo, 300 HYDRAULICS Water-wheels—Windmills—Service Pipe—Drainage, Etc. Bazin’s Experiments upon the Contraction of the Liquid Vein (Trautwine) Bvo, 200 Bovey’s Treatise on Hydraulics Bvo, 400 Coffin’s Graphical Solution of Hydraulic Problems..- . 12mo, 250 Ferrel’s Treatise on the Winds, Cyclones, and Tornadoes.. .Bvo, 400 Fuerte’s Water and Public Health 12mo, 150 Ganguillet& Kutter’sFlow of Water. (Bering& Trautwine ).Bvo, 400 Hazeu’s Filtration of Public Water Supply Bvo, 200 Herschel’s 115 Experiments Bvo, 200 Kiersted’s Sewage Disposal 12mo, 125 Kirkwood’s Lead Pipe for Service Pipe Bvo, 150 Mason’s Water Supply Bvo, 500 Merrimau’s Treatise on Hydraulics.. Bvo, 400 Nichols’s Water Supply (Chemical and Sanitary) Bvo, 250 Ruffner’s Improvement for Nou-tidal Rivers Bvo, 125 Wegmaun’s Water Supply of the City of New York 4to, 10 00 Weisbach’s Hydraulics. (Du Bois.) Bvo, 500 Wilson’s Irrigation Engineering Bvo, 400 Wolff’s Windmill as a Prime Mover Bvo, 300 Wood’s Theory of Turbines Bvo, 250 (See also Engineering, p. 6.) MANUFACTURES. Aniline—Boilers—Explosives—lron—Sugar—W atches Woollens, Etc. Allen’s Tables for Iron Analysis Bvo, $3 00 Beaumont’s Woollen and Worsted Manufacture 12mo, 150 Bolland’s Encyclopaedia of Founding Terms 12mo, 300 “ The Iron Founder 12mo, 250 “ “ “ “ Supplement 12mo, 250 Booth’s Clock and Watch Maker’s Manual 12mo, 200 Bouvier’s Handbook on Oil Painting 12mo, 200 Eissler’s Explosives, Nitroglycerine and Dynamite Bvo, 400 Ford’s Boiler Making for Boiler Makers 18mo, 100 Metcalfe’s Cost of Manufactures Bvo, 500 Metcalf’s Steel—A Manual for Steel Users 12mo, 200 Reimann’s Aniline Colors. (Crookes.) Bvo, 250 * Reisig’s Guide to Piece Dyeing Bvo, 25 00 Spencer’s Sugar Manufacturer’s Handbook 12mo, mor. flap, 200 “ Handbook for Chemists of Beet Houses. {ln the press.) Svedelius’s Handbook for Charcoal Burners 12mo, 150 The Lathe and Its Uses Bvo, 600 Thurston’s Manual of Steam Boilers Bvo, 500 Walke’s Lectures on Explosives Bvo, 400 West’s American Foundry Practice 12mo, 250 “ Moulder’s Text-book 12mo, 250 Wiechmann’s Sugar Analysis Bvo, 250 Woodbury’s Fire Protection of Mills Bvo, 250 Strength—Elasticity—Resistance, Etc, MATERIALS OF ENGINEERING. {See also Engineering, p. 6.) Baker’s Masonry Construction Bvo, 500 Beardslee and Kent’s Strength of Wrought Iron Bvo, 150 Bovey’s Strength of Materials Bvo, 750 Burr’s Elasticity and Resistance of Materials Bvo, 500 Byrne’s Highway Construction Bvo, 500 Carpenter’s Testing Machines and Methods of Testing Materials Church’s Mechanic’s of Engineering—Solids and Fluids Bvo, 600 Du Bois’s Stresses in Framed Structures 4to, 10 00 9 Hal field’s Transverse Strains Bvo, $5 00 Johnson’s Materials of Construction Bvo, 600 Lanza’s Applied Mechanics Bvo, 750 “ Strength of Wooden Columns Bvo, paper, 50 Merrill’s Stones for Building and Decoration Bvo, 500 Merriman’s Mechanics of Materials Bvo, 400 Patton’s Treatise on Foundations Bvo, 500 Rockwell’s Roads and Pavements in France 12mo, 125 Spalding’s Roads and Pavements 12rao, 200 Thurston’s Materials of Construction Bvo, 500 Thurston’s Materials of Engineering 3 vols., Bvo, 800 Yol. 1., Non-metallic Bvo, 200 Vol. 11., Iron and Steel Bvo, 350 Vol. 111., Alloys, Brasses, and Bronzes Bvo, 250 Weyrauch’s Strength of Iron and Steel. (Du Bois.) Bvo, 150 Wood’s Resistance of Materials Bvo, 200 MATHEMATICS. Baker's Elliptic Functions Bvo, 150 Ballard’s Pyramid Problem Bvo, 150 Barnard’s Pyramid Problem Bvo, 150 Bass’s Differential Calculus 12mo, 400 Brigg’s Plane Analytical Geometry 12mo, 100 Chapman’s Theory of Equations 12mo, 150 Chessin’s Elements of the Theory of Functions Compton’s Logarithmic Computations 12mo, 150 Craig’s Linear Differential Equations Bvo, 500 Davis’s Introduction to the Logic of Algebra Bvo, 150 Halsted’s Elements of Geometry Bvo, 175 “ Synthetic Geometry Bvo, 150 Johnson’s Curve Tracing 12mo, 100 “ Differential Equations—Ordinary and Partial Bvo, 350 “ Integral Calculus 12mo, 150 “ Least Squares 12mo, 150 Ludlow’s Logarithmic and Other Tables. (Bass.) Bvo, 200 “ Trigonometry with Tables. (Bass.) Bvo, 300 Mahan’s Descriptive Geometry (Stone Cutting) Bvo, 150 Calculus—Geometry—Trigonometry, Etc. 10 Merriman and Woodward’s Higher Mathematics Bvo, $5 00 Merriman’s Method of Least Squares Bvo, 200 Parker's Quadrature of the Circle Bvo, 250 Rice and Johnson’s Differential and Integral Calculus, 2 vols. in 1,12 mo, 250 “ Differential Calculus Bvo, 350 “ Abridgment of Differential Calculus Bvo, 150 Searles’s Elements of Geometry Bvo, 150 Totten’s Metrology Bvo, 250 Warren’s Descriptive Geometry 2 vols., Bvo, 850 “ Drafting Instruments 12mo, 125 “ Free-hand Drawing 12mo, 100 “ Higher Linear Perspective Bvo, 350 “ Linear Perspective 12mo, 100 “ Primary Geometry 12mo, 75 “ Plane Problems 12mo, 125 “ Plane Problems ..12mo, 125 “ Problems and Theorems Bvo, 250 “ Projection Drawing 12mo, 150 Wood’s Co-ordinate Geometry Bvo, 200 “ Trigonometry 12rno, 100 Woolf’s Descriptive Geometry Royal Bvo, 300 MECHANICS-MACHINERY Text-books and Practical Works. (See also Engineering, p. 6.) Baldwin’s Steam Heating for Buildings 12mo, 850 Benjamin’s Wrinkles and Recipes 12mo, 200 Carpenter’s Testing Machines and Methods of Testing Materials.. Bvo, Chordal’s Letters to Mechanics 12mo, 200 Church’s Mechanics of Engineering Bvo, 600 “ Notes and Examples in Mechanics Bvo, 200 Crehore’s Mechanics of the Girder Bvo, 500 Cromwell’s Belts and Pulleys 12mo, 150 “ Toothed Gearing 12mo, 150 Compton’s First Lessons in Metal Working 12mo, 150 Dana’s Elementary Mechanics 12mo, 150 11 Dingey’s Machinery Pattern Making 12mo, $2 00 Dredge’s Trans. Exhibits Building, World Exposition, 4to, half morocco, 15 00 Du Bois’s Mechanics. Yol. 1., Kinematics Bvo, 350 “ “ Yol. 11., Statics Bvo, 400 “ “ Yol. 111., Kinetics Bvo, 350 Fitzgerald’s Boston Machinist .18mo, 100 Flalher’s Dynamometers 12mo, 200 “ Rope Driving 12mo, 200 Hall’s Car Lubrication 12mo, 100 Holly’s Saw Filing 18mo, 75 Lanza’s Applied Mechanics Bvo, 750 Mac Cord’s Kinematics Bvo, 500 Merriman’s Mechanics of Materials Bvo, 400 Metcalfe’s Cost of Manufactures Bvo, 500 Michie’s Analytical Mechanics Bvo, 400 Mosely’s Mechanical Engineering. (Mahan.) Bvo, 500 Richards’s Compressed Air 12mo, 150 Robinson’s Principles of Mechanism Bvo, 300 Smith's Press-working of Metals Bvo, 300 The Lathe and Its Uses Bvo, 6 00 Thurston’s Friction and Lost Work Bvo, 300 “ The Animal as a Machine 12mo, 100 Warren’s Machine Construction 2 vols., Bvo, 750 Weisbach’s Hydraulics and Hydraulic Motors. (Du 80i5.)..8v0, 500 “ Mechanics of Engineering. Yol. 111., Part 1., Sec. I. (Klein.) Bvo, 500 Weisbach’s Mechanics of Engineering. Yol. 111., Part 1., Sec. 11. (Klein.) Bvo, 500 Weisbach’s Steam Engines. (Du Bois.) Bvo, 500 Wood’s Analytical Mechanics Bvo, 300 “ Elementary Mechanics 12rao, 125 “ “ “ Supplement and Key 1 25 METALLURGY. Iron—Gold— Silver—Alloys, Etc. Allen’s Tables for Iron Analysis Bvo, 300 Egleston’s Gold and Mercury...: Bvo, 750 12 Egleston’s Metallurgy of Silver Bvo, $7 50 * Kerbs Metallurgy—Copper and Iron Bvo, 15 00 Steel, Fuel, etc Bvo, 15 00 Kunhardt’s Ore Dressing in Europe Bvo, 150 Metcalf Steel—A Manual for Steel Users 12mo, 200 O’Driscoll’s Treatment of Gold Ores Bvo, 200 Thurston’s Iron and Steel Bvo, 350 “ Alloys Bvo, 250 Wilson’s Cyanide Processes 12mo, 150 MINERALOGY AND MINING. Mine Accidents—Ventilation—Ore Dressing, Etc Barringer’s Minerals of Commercial Value {ln the pre‘B.) Beard’s Ventilation of Mines 12mo, 250 Boyd’s Resources of South Western Virginia Bvo, 300 “ Map of South Western Virginia Pocket-book form, 200 Brush and Penfield’s Determinative Mineralogy Bvo, 350 Chester’s Catalogue of Minerals Bvo, 125 “ Dictionary of the Names of Minerals Bvo, 300 Dana’s American Localities of Minerals Bvo, 100 “ Descriptive Mineralogy. (E. S.) Bvo, half morocco, 12 50 " Mineralogy and Petrography. (J. D.) 12mo, 200 “ Minerals and How to Study Them. (E. S.) ,12mo, 150 “ Text-book of Mineralogy. (E. S.) Bvo, 350 *Drinker’s Tunnelling, Explosives, Compounds, and Rock Drills. 4to, half morocco, 25 00 Egleston’s Catalogue of Minerals and Synonyms Bvo, 250 Eissler’s Explosives—Nitroglycerine and Dynamite Bvo, 400 Goodyear’s Coal Mines of the Western Coast 12mo, 250 Hussak’s Rock forming Minerals. (Smith.) Bvo, 200 Ihlseng’s Manual of Mining Bvo, 400 Kunhardt’s Ore Dressing in Europe. Bvo, 150 O’Driscoll’s Treatment of Gold Ores Bvo, 200 Rosenbusch’s Microscopical Physiography of Minerals and Rocks. (Iddings.) Bvo, 500 Sawyer’s Accidents in Mines Bvo, 700 Stockbridge’s Rocks and Soils Bvo, 250 13 Williams’s Lithology Bvo, $8 00 Wilson’s Mine Ventilation 16mo, 125 STEAM AND ELECTRICAL ENGINES, BOILERS, Etc. Stationary—Marine—Locomotive—Gas Engines, Etc, Baldwin’s Steam Heating for Buildings 12mo, 250 Clerk’s Gas Engine... 12mo, 400 Ford’s Boiler Making for Boiler Makers 18mo, 100 Hemenway’s Indicator Practice 12mo, 200 Hoadley’s Warm-blast Furnace Bvo, 150 Kneass’s Practice and Theory of the Injector Bvo, 150 Mac Cord’s Slide Valve Bvo, * Maw’s Marine Engines Folio, half morocco, 18 00 Meyer’s Modern Locomotive Construction 4to, 10 00 Peabody and Miller’s Steam Boilers Bvo, 400 Peabody’s Tables of Saturated Steam Bvo, 100 “ Thermodynamics of the Steam Engine Bvo, 500 “ Valve Gears for the Steam-Engine Bvo, 250 Pray’s Twenty Years with the Indicator Royal Bvo, 250 Pupin and Osterberg’s Thermodynamics 12mo, 125 Reagan’s Steam and Electrical Locomotives 12mo, 200 Rontgen’s Thermodynamics. (Du Bois.) Bvo, 500 Sinclair’s Locomotive Running 12mo, 200 Thurston’s Boiler Explosion 12mo, 150 “ Engine and Boiler Trials Bvo, 500 “ Manual of the Steam Engine. Part 1., Structure and Theory Bvo, 750 Manual of the Steam Engine. Part 11., Design, Construction, and Operation Bvo, 750 2 parts, 12 00 “ Philosophy of the Steam Engine 12mo, 75 “ Reflection on the Motive Power of Heat. (Carnot.) 12mo, 200 “ Stationary Steam Engines 12rno, 150 “ Steam-boiler Construction and Operation Bvo, 500 Spangler’s Valve Gears Bvo, 250 {See also Engineering, p. 6.) 14 Trowbridge’s Stationary Steam Engines 4to, boards, $2 50 Weisbach’s Steam Engine. (Du Bois.) Bvo, 500 Whitham’s Constructive Steam Engineering Bvo, 10 00 “ Steam-engine Design Bvo, 600 Wilson’s Steam Boilers. (Flather.) 12mo, 250 Wood’s Thermodynamics, Heat Motors, etc Bvo, 400 TABLES, WEIGHTS, AND MEASURES. For Actuaries, Chemists, Engineers, Mechanics—Metric Tables, Etc. Adriance’s Laboratory Calculations 12mo, 125 Allen’s Tables for Iron Analj’sis .. .Bvo, 800 Bixby’s Graphical Computing Tables Sheet, 25 Compton’s Logarithms 12mo, 150 Crandall’s Railway and Earthwork Tables Bvo, 150 Eglestou’s Weights and Measures 18mo, 75 Fisher’s Table of Cubic Yards Cardboard, 25 Hudson’s Excavation Tables. Vol. II Bvo, 100 Johnson's Stadia and Earthwork Tables Bvo, 125 Ludlow’s Logarithmic and Other Tables. (Bass.) 12mo, 200 Thurston’s Conversion Tables Bvo, 100 Totten’s Metrology Bvo, 250 VENTILATION. Baldwin’s Steam Heating; 12mo, 250 Beard’s Yen til atiou of Mines 12mo, 250 Carpenter’s Heating and Ventilating of Buildings Bvo, 300 Gerhard’s Sanitary House Inspection Square 16mo, 100 Mott’s The Air We Breathe, and Ventilation 16mo, 100 Reid’s Ventilation of American Dwellings 12mo, 150 Wilson’s Mine Ventilation 16mo, 125 Steam Heating—House Inspection—Mine Ventilation. niSCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS Alcott’s Gems, Sentiment, Language Gilt edges, 500 Bailey’s The New Tale of a Tub Bvo, 75 Ballard’s Solution of the Pyramid Problem Bvo, 150 Barnard’s The Metrological System of the Great Pyramid. .Bvo, 150 15 Davis’ Elements of Law. Bvo, $2 00 Emmon’s Geological Guide-book of the Rocky Mountains. .Bvo, 150 Ferrel’s Treatise on the Winds Bvo, 400 Haines’ Addresses Delivered before the Am. Ry. Assn. 12mo. {ln the press.) Mott’s The Fallacy of the Present Theory of Sound. .Sq. 16mo, 100 Perkins’s Cornell University Oblong 4to, 150 Ricketts’s History of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.... Bvo, 300 Rotherham’s The New Testament Critically Emphasized. 12mo, 1 50 Totten’s An Important Question in Metrology Bvo, 250 Whitehouse’s Lake Moeris. .Paper, 25 * Wiley’s Yosemite, Alaska, and Yellowstone 4to, 300 HEBREW AND CHALDEE TEXT=BOOKS. For Schools and Theological Seminaries. Gesenius’s Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to Old Testament. (Tregelles.) Small 4to, half morocco, 500 Green’s Elementary Hebrew Grammar 12mo, 125 “ Grammar of the Hebrew Language (New Edition).Bvo, 300 “ Hebrew Chrestomathy Bvo, 200 Letferis’s Hebrew Bible (Massoretic Notes in English). Bvp, arabesque, 225 Luzzato’s Grammar of the Biblical Cbaldaic Language and tbe Talmud Babli Idioms 12mo, 150 MEDICAL. Bull’s Maternal Management in Health and Disease 12mo, 100 Hammarsteu’s Physiological Chemistry. (Mandel.) Bvo, 400 Mott’s Composition, Digestibility, and Nutritive Value of Food. Large mounted chart, 125 Ruddiman’s Incompatibilities in Prescriptions.. ..{ln the press.) Steel’s Treatise on the Diseases of the Ox Bvo, 600 “ Treatise on the Diseases of the Dog Bvo, 350 Worcester’s Small Hospitals—Establishment and Maintenance, including Atkinson’s Suggestions for Hospital Archi- tecture 12mo, 125 16