Cz/y Document. - No. 9 5. CITY OF BOSTON. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE HEALTH OE THE CITY OE BOSTON. Adopted September 28, 1872. CITY OF BOSTON. In Board of Aldermen, Sept. 28, 1872. The Committee on Health would respectfully recommend the adoption of the following regulations for improving the sanitary condition of the city, and preventing the spread of contagious diseases. For the Committee, S. LITTLE, Chairman. CITY OF BOSTON. Regulations of the Board of Health for improving the sanitary condition of the city in view of the prevalence of contagious diseases : - 1. The city shall be divided into twelve districts, and one Aiderman assigned to each district as follows, viz. : - District 1-Ward 1, Aiderman Woolley. " 2- " 2 and 4, Aiderman Ricker. " 3- " 3 and 5, " Jenks. " 4- " 6, Aiderman Cutter. " 5- " 7, " ' Stackpole. " 6- " 8, " Squires. " 7- " 9, " Clark. " 8- " 10, " Fairbanks. " 9- " 11, " Poland. " 10- " 12, " Power. " 11- " 13 and 14, Aiderman Little. " 12- " 15 and 16, " Sayward. It shall be the duty of each Aiderman to see that all regulations established by the Board of Health are strictly enforced. 2. One or more physicians shall be appointed by the Aiderman in each district, who shall receive such compensa- tion as the Board of Health may from time to time deter- mine. It shall be the duty of said physicians, under the direction of this Board, to visit all dwellings and tender their services free for the purpose of vaccination and revac- cination, and to give such advice with regard to the sanitary 6 City Document. - No. 95. condition of the city as they may deem necessary for the public health, and to report all cases that do not conform to sections 28 and 29, chapter 26, General Statutes. 3. All cases of small-pox and other diseases dangerous to public health shall be reported by those having charge of the same, at the nearest police station, and said report shall be transmitted by the police to the health officer of the district as soon as received, and in all cases of neglect or refusal so to report, complaints shall be made as provided in sections 48 and 49, chapter 26, General Statutes. 4. A sufficient number of inspectors and fumigators shall be appointed by the Aiderman in each district, whose duty shall be to visit, under his direction, all places in said dis- trict where small-pox is reported, and see that the regula- tions are being complied with, and in all cases of death from this or any other contagious disease to see that the bodies are buried as soon as possible, the premises thoroughly fumigated, and all clothing or bedding which may have been exposed to said disease, properly disinfected or destroyed. 5. The Chief of Police shall furnish such assistance as shall be required by the officers appointed as herein pro- vided, and shall cause complaints to be made against all per- sons who violate sections 47 and 48, chapter 26, General Statutes. Read twice and passed. S. F. McCLEARY, City Clerk. Approved Sept. 28, 1872. WILLIAM GASTON, Mayor.