WITH COMPLIMENTS OF AUTHOR. Mineral Springs OF THE United States. BY JUDSON DALAND, M.D., INSTRUCTOR IN CLINICAL MEDICINE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, AND ASSISTANT VISITING PHYSICIAN TO THE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, PHILADELPHIA. MINERAL SPRINGS OF THE UNITED STATES. By Judson Daland, m. d., Of Philadelphia. The writer has given considerable thought to the question of classification of mineral waters, and after a thorough study of those hitherto brought forward, is strongly of the opinion that the heading under which a spring is placed should indicate, as near as may be, the chief therapeutic action of that spring. While a purely chemical classification, such as the excellent one suggested by Dr. A. C. Peale, of the U. S. Geological Survey,* is scientifically more accurate, it is feared that the practical physician would be confused when he came to make his selection, by the large number of subdivisions necessitated by this plan of division. Though realizing fully the imperfection of the present classification, it has seemed that the needs of those consulting this work would be best subserved by its adoption. Occasionally a spring possesses the marked characteristics of more than one class. Such springs are entered under both groups. All analyses have been reduced to the U. S. gallon of 231 cubic inches, so as to simplify the comparative study of the value of the different waters, and for the sake of brevity, the principal ingredients are represented by their chemical formulae as follows:- Lithium bicarbonate, . . Li(CO3)2, Ammonium bicarbonate, . NH4HCO3, Sodium biborate, .... 2B2O34-ioH2O, carbonate, . . . Na2CO3, bicarbonate, . . Na2HCO3, chloride, .... NaCl, sulphate, .... Na2SO4, Magnesium carbonate, . . MgCO3, bicarbonate, . Mg( HCO3)2, chloride, . . MgCl2, sulphate, . . MgSO4. Ferrum bicarbonate, . . . Fe(HCO3)2, carbonate, .... FeCO3, sulphate, .... FeSO4, oxide, FeO, Calcium sulphate, .... CaSO4, bicarbonate, . . . Ca(HCO3\, carbonate, .... CaCO3, chloride, .... CaCl2, phosphate, . . . Ca3(PO4)2, H2S. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas, CO2. Carbonic acid gas. I. DIURETIC WATERS. These springs owe their action chiefly to the increased quantity of water taken by patients, who thus flush out all the emunctories, especially stimulating the flow of urine. * In a paper read before the American Climatological Association. 473 474 In practical medicine, waters of this class are used very extensively, and justly so. They are of undoubted value in many conditions. It is needless to dwell upon the great benefit to be derived from the increased use of ordinary, pure drinking w'ater, as this is universally recognized, but in practice it is found that patients take these diuretic waters more willingly, in larger amounts and for a longer time than the ordinary drinking water, of which they soon become satiated. Ordinarily it is best to take a large tumbler of this water before breakfast, between meals and a* bed-time, thus using two to three pints in the twenty-four hours. I may be permitted to mention a few of the ordinary conditions in which these waters produce their best results; and as first in importance are the diatheses, lithaemic, gouty, rheumatic, oxalic, phosphatic and uric acid. Good results have also been obtained in renal calculus, acute and chronic congestion of the kidneys, acute nephritis and at times in the course of chronic Bright's disease and diabetes. As the use of pure water, in large amounts, produces an increase in the amount of bile and at the same time renders it more thin, as was proven several years ago by Bidder and Schmidt, these waters are used with excellent result in acute and chronic hepatic congestion, catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the biliary passages, known as catarrhal jaundice and gall stone, both during the attack and in the interval. I append a few analyses in full of typical springs belonging to this group, followed by a full list of springs of this class, with amount of each active ingredient in a U. S. gallon of 231 cubic inches :- SWEET SPRINGS, BEDFORD, PENNSYLVANIA. (Analyst, F. A. Genth.) One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Carbonate of calcium, .... 0.522 grs. " magnesium, . . . 0.135 " Silicic acid, 0.654 " 1.311 " Free carbonic acid .66 cu. in. Temp. 52-7° F. SUMMIT MINERAL SPRING, HARRISON, CUM- BERLAND COUNTY, MAINE. (Analyst, F. L. Bartlett.) One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Carbonate of sodium and potas- sium, 1.4019 grs. Chloride of sodium, 1713 " Carbonate of calcium, 9904 " Carbonate of magnesium, . . .2476 " Oxide of iron and aluminium, distinct trace. Silicum' . 9800 grs. Silicic acid (in solution). Organic and volatile matter, . . .2375 " Temperature, 46° F. Total, . 4.0287 " POLAND SPRING, SOUTH POLAND, MAINE. (Analyst, C. F. Chandler.) One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Sulphate of potassa, .... 0.1562 grs. Chloride of sodium, 0.2636 " Carbonate of sodium, .... 0.1333 " " calcium, .... 1.2287 " " magnesium, . . 0.5412 " Oxide of iron and alumina, traces. Silica, 1.1197 " Organic and volatile matter, . . 0.2332 " Total, 3.6759 " BERKELEY SPRINGS, MORGAN COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA. (Analyst, A. A. Hayes.) One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains-- Calcium carbonate, 5.000 grs. Sodium chloride, 896 " Calcium chloride, 208 " Magnesium sulphate, 360 " Calcium crenate, 3 640 " Ferrous crenate, 080 " " silicate, 640 " Loss, 064 " Temperature, 740 F. Total, . 10.888 " 475 CAPON SPRINGS, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA. (Analyst, J. W. Mallet.) OneU. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Sulphate of calcium, 477 grs. " potassium, 136 " Crenate of iron, 080 " Chloride of sodium, 240 " Carbonate of calcium, .... 6.701 " " sodium 475 " " magnesium, ... .160 " " iron, 033 " Alumina, 014 " Organic matter, 164 " 9-774 " Carbonic acid, 6.898 " Nitrogen, 2.962 " Oxygen, 1.416 " Temperature, 65.50° F. CRESSON MAGNESIA SPRING, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. (Analyst, F. A. Genth.) One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Sulphate of calcium, 0.109 grs. Chloride of magnesium, . . . 0.559 " " calcium, 1.304 " " sodium, 1.229 " Bicarbonate of iron, 0.017 " " manganese, . . trace " magnesium, . . 0.414 " " calcium, . . . 0.022 " " sodium, . . . 1.425 " " potassium, . . 0.206 " Phosphate of calcium, .... 0.004 " Alumina, 0.008 " Silicic acid, 0.914 " Nitrous acid, trace Carbonic acid, 0.663 " 6.874 " BEDFORD CHALYBEATE SPRING, BEDFORD COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Sulphate of calcium, 2.741 grs. Phosphate of calcium, 033 " Carbonate of calcium, .... 8.885 " " magnesium, . . . 1.201 " " iron, 442 " " manganese, . . . trace " sodium, 395 " " potassium, . . . .132 " Chloride of sodium, 120 " Silicic acid, 793 " 14.942 " Carbonic acid, 12 cu. in. All Healing Spring, Catoosa County, Georgia. MgCO3 7, CaSO4 39. Alum Spring, Onslow County, North Carolina. Artesian Well, Winslow, Camden County, New Jersey. Ashley Springs, North Carolina. Augusta Springs, Augusta County, Virginia. See Stribling Springs. Bath or Berkeley Springs, Morgan County, Virginia. 740 F. Birchdale Spring, Concord, N. H. Black Barren Spring, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Bryant's Springs, Lincoln County, Kentucky. Numbers I, II and III. 476 Buffalo Lithia Springs, Mecklenburg Coun y, Virginia. CaSO4 and Ca(HCOs)2 39, Li(CO3)2 2, H2S, 6.68 cubic inches. Temperature 6o° F. Capon Springs, Hampshire County, West Virginia. 65.5° F. Chalk Creek Hot Springs, Chalk Creek, Colorado. 130° F. Chalybeate Spring, Bedford Springs, Bedford County, Pennsylvania. CaCO3 9, CaSO4 3, FeCO3 trace, CO2 21 cubic inches. 52.70° F. Chenowith Chalybeate Spring, Bedford County, Pennsylvania. Cherry Hill Phosphate Spring, Otsego County, New York. Ca.2(PO4)2 14. Cherry Valley Phosphate Spring, Otsego County, New York. Clymerara Spring, Manor of Maryland, Maryland. Cola Springs, Browns Mills, New Jersey. Concord Spring, Concord, New Hampshire. Daggy Spring. See Greencastle. Dew Drop Spring. See Greencastle. Epsom Spring, in Wyandotte Cave, Indiana. MgSO4 24. Estill Chalybeate Spring, Estill County, Kentucky. CO2 41 cubic inches. Estill Red Sulphur Spring, Estill County, Kentucky. CO2 40 H2S .56 cubic inches. Farmville Lithia Water, Farmville, Virginia. NaCl 5, NaSO4 3, Li(CO3)2 3, Fe(CO3)2 1, K2A12(SO4)4 2. Fayette Spring, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Field Spring, Lincoln County, Kentucky. Florida Spring, Montgomery County, New York. (NaHCQ3)2 22. Glen Alpine Springs, Burke County, North Carolina. Greencastle Daggy Spring. Ca CO3 14. Greencastle Dew Drop Spring, Putnam County, Indiana. CaCO3 12. Grove Spring, Lincoln County, Kentucky. CaCO3 10. Hawkin's Mineral Springs, Wayne County, Indiana. Healing Spring (New), Bath County, Virginia. Ca CO3 18, CO2 5 cubic inches. 88° F. " " (Old) " " " Ca CO3 18, CO2 4 " " 85° F. Hot Springs, Garland County, Arkansas. 930 to 105° F. Howard Well, Lincoln County, Kentucky. Hubbardston Well, Iona County, Michigan. CaCO3 17. Jerusalem Mineral Spring, Cannan, New Hampshire. Jordan Chalybeate Spring, Rockbridge County, Virginia. Co2 6. Kimberling Springs, Bland County, Virginia. Lebanon Spring, Columbia County, New York. 730 F. Leslie Spring, Ingham County, Michigan. CaCO3 18. CO2 12 cubic inches. Limestone Spring, Bedford Springs, Bedford County, Pennsylvania. CaCO3 7, CO2 21 cubic inches. 51.8° F. McVittey's Saltillo Springs, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. Ca (HCO3)2 10. Magnesia Spring (Cresson Springs), Cambria County, Pennsylvania. Magnesia Spring. See Versailles Spring. Marion Artesian Well, Grant County, Indiana. Marranetta Mineral Spring, Harrisonburg, Virginia. CaCO3 15, Mg CO3 7. 50° F. Massanutten Spring, Rockingham County, Virginia. 59-7° F. Mineral Spring, ten feet from May's, Bedford County, Pennsylvania. Mineral Spring, at the Mound in Madison County, Indiana. 477 Minnequa Spring, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Missioquoi Springs, Franklin County, Vermont. NaIICO3 8. CO2 ? Monitor Spring. See Versailles Spring. New Spring. See Healing Spring. Northport Mineral Spring, Northport, Maine. Nuckoll's Springs, Grayson County, North Carolina. Old Spring. See Healing Spring. Orkney Springs (Bear's Wallow Spring), Shenandoah County, Virginia. CO2 5- Orkney Springs (Healing Spring), Shenandoah County, Virginia. CO2 3. Ourry Spring. See Versailles Spring. Perry Springs, Pike County, Illinois. CaCO3 14. 48° to 50° F. Pine Grove Mineral Spring, Dover, Stratford County, New Hampshire. 450 F. Plummer Bromine Arsenic Spring, Ashe County, North Carolina. Poland Mineral Spring, South Poland, Maine. Rawley Springs, Rockingham County, Virginia. Red Sulphur Spring. See Estill Springs. Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, West Virginia. 540 F. Rock Spring, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Saltillo Spring. See McVittey's Spring. Santa Barbara Hot Sulphur Springs, near Santa Barbara, California. Na2CO3 17. 1120 to 1220 F. St. Helena White Sulphur Springs, No. 7, Napa County, California. CaCl 4* Na2SO4 27. 64.5° to 970 F. Stone Sulphur Spring, Lincoln County, Kentucky. Stremmel's Gettysburg Lithia Spring, Adams County, Pennsylvania. Stribling's Chalybeate Spring, Augusta County, Virginia. Stribling's Sulphur Spring, Augusta County, Virginia. Sweet Springs, Bedford, Pennsylvania. Temperature 52.70 F. Thompson's Springs, Ashe County, North Carolina. Underwood Spring, Falmouth Foreside, Maine. Van Cleuve's Mineral Spring, Crawfordsville, Indiana. CaCO3 10. Versailles Magnesia Springs, Brown County, Illinois. CO2 24 cubic inches. 58° F. Versailles Monitor Springs, Brown County, Illinois. Versailles Ourry Springs, Brown County, Illinois. Virginia Arsenic, Bromine and Lithia Spring, Roanoke, Virginia. CaCO3 6, Mg SO 43. Warner Spring, Albion, Michigan. Ca(HCO3)2 17. White Cliff Mineral Springs, Monroe County, Tennessee. Three grains of Mg(HCO3)2. Yellow Springs, Green County, Ohio. 520 F. II. IRON WATERS. These owe their virtues to the presence of iron, which usually exists in the form of the bicarbonate of the protoxide, held in solution by an excess of carbonic acid gas. The amount of carbon dioxide is often considerable, rendering the water decidedly acidulous. In many of our mineral springs, like those at Cresson, for instance, the iron exists as ferrous sulphate, with more or less ferric sulphate from the oxidation of the former. The ordinary indications for the use of iron are well met by the use of the waters belonging to this class. 478 Those springs containing sulphate of magnesium and sodium, and alkalies, in addition to iron, such as those chalybeate springs, containing alum, give excellent results in chronic gastric or intestinal catarrhal inflammation, especially when associated with diarrhoea. Thorp's Spring, Texas, or the New Almaden Vichy, of California, should be of special service in chlorosis as well as in the ordinary anaemias. The following list comprises the most important members of this group, together with several examples where the analysis is given in detail:- Iron and Alum Waters. CHURCHILL ALUM, VIRGINIA. One U. S. Gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Sulphate of magnesium, . . . 86.064 grs. " " calcium, .... 88.832 " " " potassium, . . . 2.440 " " " ammonium, . . 0.640 " " " sodium, .... 1.944 " Chloride of sodium,4.624 " Persulphate of the sesquioxide of iron, .... 51.264 " Bisulphate of the sesquioxide of iron,83.352 " Sulphate of protoxide of iron, 24.184 " Persulphate of alumina, . . . 72.928 " Silica,10.424 " Phosphoric acid,trace 426.696 " BATH ALUM SPRINGS, BATH COUNTY, VA. (Analyst, A. A. Hayes.) One U.S. Gallon (231 cu.in.) contains- Chloride of sodium, Sulphate of calcium, .... 2.539 grs. " " magnesium, . . . 1.282 " " " potassium, . . . 0.258 " Crenate of ammonium, . . . 1.776 " Silicate of sodium,3.150 " Protosulphate of iron, . . . 21.776 " Alumina,12.293 " Silica, 43-084 " Free carbonic acid, 8 cubic inches. CRESSON ALUM SPRINGS, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PENNA. One U. S. Gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Sulphate of ferric oxide, . . 83.390 grs. " " aluminium, . . . 21.205 " " " ferrous oxide, . 16.253 " " " magnesium, . . . 27.699 " " " calcium, .... 40.202 " " " lithium, .... 0.047 " " " sodium, .... 0.704 " " " potassium, . . . 0.426 " Chloride of sodium, .... 0.023 " Bicarbonate of iron, .... 3.784 " " " manganese, . . trace " " calcium, . . . Phosphate of calcium, . . trace Silicic acid,1.868 " I45-565 " 479 Simple Iron Water. SHARON CHALYBEATE SPRING, SCHOHARIE COUNTY, N. Y. One U. S. Gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Sulphate of magnesium, . . . 20.56 grs. " " calcium, 16.27 " " " sodium, I2-35 " " " iron, 24.00 " 73.18 " Sulphuretted hydrogen, I cubic inch. Temperature, 48° F. SCHUYLER CHALYBEATE SPRING, SCHUY- LER COUNTY, ILL. (Analyst, Dr. Blaney.) One U. S. Gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Grains. Grains. Sulphate of calcium, . . 73.936 73-986 " " magnesium, 2.984 2.982 " " iron, . . . 69.960 69.959 Alkaline sulphate, . . . 7.832 " phosphate, . . 7-836 Silica, 1.312 1.315 156.024 156.028 NEW ALMADEN VICHY, SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. One U. S. Gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Sodium bicarbonate, 201 grs. " chloride, 33 " Calcium sulphate, y tl " carbonate, J Magnesium sulphate, 12" Ferri carbonate, 5 " 325 " Free carbonic acid gas, 238 cu. in. Iron and Aperients. THORP'S SPRING, HOOD COUNTY, TEXAS. One U.S. Gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Ferri carbonate, 40 grs. Sodium sulphate, 80 " " carbonate, 100 " 220 " Adirondack Spring, Whitehall, New York. CaCO3 15, MgCO3 13, FeCO3 4, CO2 54.15 cubic inches. 5 2° F. Bath Alum Spring, Bath County, Va. No. I. Alum 9, CaFeO 14, CO2 II cu. in. No. 2. FeO 21, Alum 12 CO2 8 cu. in. Bedford Alum Springs, Bedford County, Virginia. FeSO4 MgSO4, 13, CaSO4 19. Catter Spring. See Rock Enon Spring. Cave Spring, Bath County, Virginia. FeCO3 2. Church Hill Alum Springs, Near Richmond, Va. Fe2(SO4)3 135, FeSO, 24, MgSO4 86, CaSO, 89, A12(SO4)3 73. Columbia Springs, Columbia County, N. Y. NaCl 84, CaSO4 65, MgCl2 31, CaCl3 22, FeCl3 H2S 4.48 cubic inches. Congress Spring, Santa Clara Co., California. NaCO3 123, NaCl 118, FeCO3 13. Crab Orchard Acid Spring, Genesee County, New York. H2SO4 83, CaSO4 40, FeSO4 14. Cresson Springs, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. Iron Spring. FeSO4 and Fe(HCO3)2 29, CaSO4 49, MgSO4 23. Alum Spring. FeSO4 and Fe(HCO3)2 53, CaSO4 40, MgSO4 28, and A12(SO4)3 21 grains. Fauquier White Sulphur Springs, Fauquier County, West Virginia. FeSO4 2. 550 F. Geyser Spa Spring, Sonoma County, California. NaHCO3 23, Mg(HCO3)2 10, FeCO3 4. Iron Ute Manitou Spring, Colorado. CaCO3 70, Na.2CO3 70, FeCO3 7, CO2 ?. 440 F. 480 Jordan Rockbridge Alum, Rockbridge County, Virginia. FeSO4 CO2 6 cu. in. Kittanning Mineral Spring, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. FeSO4 24 MgSO4 27, CaSO4 65. Linwood Spring, Linwood, Iowa. FeCO3 27, NaCl 93, NaHCO3 40, MgCl2 23. Manitou Spring. See Iron Ute. Napa Soda Spring, Napa County, California. FeCO3 16, MgCO3 52. 68° F. Napa Soda Spring, Napa County, California. MgCO3 26, NaIICO3 13, Fe2(CO3)3 8. 68° F. New Almaden Vichy, Santa Clara County, California. NaHCO3 201, NaCl 33, CaSO4 and Ca(HCO3)2 73, MgSO4 12, FeCO3 5, CO2 238 cubic inches. New London Alum Springs, Campbell County, Virginia. FeSO4 MgSO4 13, CaSO4 19. Oak Orchard Spring, Genesee County, N. Y. H2SO4 133, FeSO4 33, CaSO4 13. Ocean Spring, Jackson County, Mississippi. FeO 5, NaCl 48. Ojo Caliente Spring, Ojo Caliente, New Mexico. Na.2CO3 115, NaCl 32, FeCOs 6. ioo° F. Owasso, Chalybeate, Owasso, Shiawassee County, Michigan. FeCO3 12, MgCO3 11. Pacific Congress Spring, ten miles S. W. Santa Clara, California. FeCO3 14, NaCl and Na.2CO3 242. 50° F. Pacific Congress Spring, near Santa Clara, California. NaCl 119, Na.2CO3 123, FeCO3 14. 50° F. Ranch Spring, Estes Park, Colorado. Fe(HCO3)2 2. 58° F. Richfield Iron Spring, Otsego County, New York. CaSO4 and Ca(HCO3)2 17, Mg(HCO3)2 12, FeO 5, CO2 16. 46° F. River Spring, Estes Park, Colorado. Fe(HCO3)2 4. 58° F. Rockbridge Alum Spring, Rockbridge County, Virginia. FeSO4 5, Alumina 18. Rock Enon Spring, Frederick County, Va. FeCO3 14, MgSO4 13. Saline Chalybeate Spring, Schuyler County, Illinois. Fe2(SO4)3 70, CaSO4 74. Schuyler County Springs, Schuyler County, Illinois. CaSO4 74, FeSO4 70. Sharon Chalybeate Spring, Schoharie County, New York. FeSO4 24, MgSO4 21. 48° F. Sparta Artesian Well, Sparta, Monroe County, Wisconsin. FeCO3 9 grains. Stribling Springs, Augusta County, Virginia. K2A12(SO4)4 16, FeSO2 9, CaSO4 12. Stryker's Mineral Water, Stryker, Ohio. K2SO4 185, MgCl2 119, NaCl 232, FeCO3 10. Tar Spring, Crawford County, Indiana. FeCO3 4, CaCO3 21. Thorp's Spring, Hood County, Texas. FeCO3 40, Na.2S2O3 80, Na2CO3 100. Variety Springs, Augusta County, Virginia. FeSO4 5 (NH4)2SO4 12, CaSO4 13. III. CARBONIC ACID WATERS. These owe their chief virtue to the presence of carbonic acid gas, though many of them contain alkalies and alkaline earths in sufficient quantity to give them a special action. Though springs of this class are very numerous, it is remarkable to observe how fre- quently information as to the exact amount of free carbonic gas is wanting, and that has been noted where the analysis, as regards the mineral constituents, has been conducted with great care and accuracy. Then, too, it would appear, in many instances, the water is sent some distance for analysis, so that considerable escapes and the water at the spring actually contains a larger quantity of the gas than is shown by the analysis. Many springs containing free carbonic acid gas also contain such large quantities of active inorganic 481 substances as to compel us to classify them under some one of the other groups. The waters belonging to this class are peculiarly agreeable both to the palate and to the eye. Their bright, sparkling appearance constantly tempts one to their use, and thus patients receive large quantities of water almost without effort. Fever patients find these waters very agreeable, and the addition of this gas acts as a sedative to the gastro-mucous mem- brane, and when taken cold and in sips relieves nausea and tends to check vomiting. This water when added to milk is admirably received by some patients with irritable stomach, and occasionally milk will be accepted in this form when it is absolutely refused in its pure state. Another very popular use to which these waters are put is in diluting wines. Wherever a water surcharged with the gas is indicated, these springs are of especial value, particularly those containing a moderate amount of the alkalies. The following analyses are offered as examples of this group, to which belong the well-known Apollinaris, Giesshiibel and Vichy springs:- SWEET SPRINGS, WEST VIRGINIA. (Analyst, W. B. Rogers.) One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Chloride of sodium, 0.136 grs " " magnesium. . . . 0.312 " " " calcium, 0.144 " Sulphate of sodium, 6.344 " " " magnesium, . . . 10.392 " " " calcium, 13.168 " Carbonate of sodium, .... " " " calcium, .... 30.556 " " " magnesium, . . . 0.824 " Oxide of iron, 0.144 " Silicic acid, 0.021 " Iodine, trace Earthy phosphates, trace 62.041 Free carbonic acid, 88 cubic inches. GIESSHUBLER (near CARLSBAD), BOHEMIA. One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Sodium carbonate, 56.768 grs. Calcium " ...... 12.672 " Magnesium " 2.720 " Ferrous " 0.032 " Potassium " 5-248 " " sulphate, 1.776 " " chloride, 3.008 " Silica, 5.248 " Alumina: 0.136 " 87-936 CLYSMIC NATURAL SPRING WATER, WAU- KESHA, WISCONSIN. (Analyst, Rathbene.) One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Chloride of sodium, 1.170 grs. Sulphate of potassa, 0.456 " Sulphate of soda, 0.560 " Bicarbonate of lime, 16.044 " Bicarbonate of magnesia, . .13 563 " Bicarbonate of iron, 0.038 " Bicarbonate of soda, .... 1.261 " Phosphate of soda, 0.032 " Silica, 0.722 " Organic matter, 1.616 " Alumina, trace Carbonic acid (?) 35-462 SUMMIT SODA SPRINGS, ALPINE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains-■ Bicarbonate of calcium, .... 43.20 grs. Carbonate of magnesium, . . . 4.20 " " " sodium, .... 9.50 " Chloride " " 26.22 "• Oxide of iron, 1.75 " Silica, 2.06 " Alumina, 1.75 " Potassium, trace 88.68 Carbonic acid, 186.35 cubic inches. APOLLINARIS SPRING, NEUENAHR, RHENISH PRUSSIA. (Analyst, Mohr.) One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Chloride of sodium, 20.79 grs- Sulphate of soda, 12.2 " Carbonate of soda, 55-°7 " " " lime, 14.6 " " " magnesia 23.93 " Oxide of iron, 0.22 " Silicic acid, 1.08 " 127.89 Carbonic acid, 376 cubic inches. 482 Bladon Sulphur Spring, Choctaw County, Alabama. CO2 86 cubic inches, and H2S 1.30 cubic inches. Bladon Vichy Spring, Choctaw County, Alabama. CO2 no cubic inches. Blue Lick Springs, Maysville, Kentucky. NaCl 8, MgCl 76, CaSO4 59, CO2 46 cubic inches, H2S 6 cubic inches. Clarendon Gaseous Spring, Rutland County, Vermont. CO2 46.16 cubic inches. 50° F. Clysmic Spring, Waukesha, Wisconsin. Mg(HCOs)2 14, Ca(HCO3)2 16, CO2 amount not given. Saratoga Vichy Springs, Saratoga County, New York. NaCl 128, Na.2CO3 82, Ca(IICO3)2 95, MgCO3 41, CO2 3.83 cubic inches. Summit Soda Springs, Alpine County, California. NaCl 26, Ca(HCO3)243, CO2 186.35 cubic inches. Sweet Chalybeate Spring, Alleghany County, West Virginia. CaSO4 33, CO2 104 cubic inches. 750 F. Sweet Springs, Monroe County, West Virginia. CaCO3 and CaSO4 43, CO2 85.86 cubic inches. 740 F. IV. PURGATIVE WATERS. These waters depend for their action largely upon sulphate of sodium and magnesium and associated salts held in solution. An examination of the analyses of the springs thus classified shows that chloride of sodium, carbonates of the alkalies and alkaline earths with free carbonic acid are very frequently associated. Some of these springs contain so small an amount of salts that their action is but mildly laxative, while others are actively purgative. When a gentle saline laxative is indicated these waters often give better results than the same amount of Epsom or Glauber's salts dissolved in pure water, and are therefore of greater service. In congestion of the liver, chronic gastric catarrh, with atony, jaundice, lithasmia, gout, and in the obese, the regular use of a water of this class, properly selected and adminis- tered, yields excellent results. Most of the Saratoga waters are purgative and are more agreeable than many others, from the large quantity of free carbonic acid gas present. Analyses in full are given of Congress, Hathorn and Seltzer, as examples of these important and valuable springs. Following the typical examples here given will be found analyses of Carlsbad, Hunyadi Janos, Friedrichshall and Ofner Rakozy. CRAB ORCHARD SPRINGS, LINCOLN COUNTY, KY. (Analyst, Prof. A. Peters.) One U. S. gallon (231 cubic inches) contains- Carbonate of magnesium, 7.640 grs. Sulphate of magnesium, . 205.280 grs. " " iron, . . . trace " " calcium, . . 10.792 " " " calcium, . 53.184 " Silica, 3 264 " Chloride of sodium, . . 17,728 " Loss and moisture, . . . 34.584 " Sulphate of potassium, . 9.912 " 401.454 " " " sodium, . . 59.072 " Carbonate of calcium, magnesium, iron and silica. 483 PAGASSA HOT SPRINGS, 25 MILES FROM HEADWATERS OF SAN JUAN RIVER, COL. (Analyst, Prof. O. Loew.) One U. S. gallon (231 cubic inches) contains- No. i. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Carbonate of sodium, Grains. • • • 2.745 Grains. I.945 Grains. Grains. " " lithium, . . . . 0.415 trace trace " " calcium, . . . . . . 34-456 34-748 3I-834 34-298 " " magnesium, . , . . . 2.832 2.289 2-149 2.127 Sulphate of potassium, . . . . . . . 4164 4076 3-872 4.146 " " sodium, . . . . . • • 129.449 128.597 130.769 131.160 Chloride sodium, . . 17.082 17.146 18.227 17.409 Silicic acid, • • • 3329 3-°43 3-230 2.230 Organic matter . . . trace trace trace trace I94-472 191.844 190.181 191.370 Temperature from 101 to I400 F. LOUISVILLE, OR DUPONT'S ARTESIAN WELL, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. One U. S. gallon (231 cubic inches) contains- Carbonate of sodium, . . 1.896 grs. " " magnesium, 1.632 " " " iron, . . . 0.256 " " " calcium, . 4.160 " Chloride of potassium, . 4.224 " " " sodium, . . 621.520 " " " magnesium, . 14.776 " " " aluminum, ? 1.208 " " " calcium, . . 65.728 " " " lithium, . . 0.104 " Sulphate of potassium, . 3.224 " Carbonic acid, 6.16 cubic inches. Nitrogen, 1.36 cubic inches. Sulphate of sodium, . . 72.296 grs. " " magnesium, 77-336 " " " aluminum, . 01.800 " " " calcium, . . 29.432 " Phosphate of sodium, . . 1.544 " Iodide of magnesium, . .352 Bromide of magnesium, . .464 " Silica, 888 " Organic matter, 712 " Loss, 8.120 " 911.672 " Sulphuretted hydrogen, 2.00 cubic inches. SARATOGA SPRINGS, SARATOGA COUNTY, N. Y. (Analyst, C. F. Chandler.) One U. S. gallon (231 cubic inches) contains- Congress. Grains. Hathorn. Grains. Seltzer. Grains. Carbonate of sodium, . . . , . . • 7-472 2.976 20.416 " " magnesium, . . , • • • 75-152 104.756 23.904 " " iron, . . . . . . . . 0.248 0.808 I.240 " " calcium, . . . . ■ • . 99-992 118.520 62 432 " " lithium, . . . , . . . 2.992 0.568 " " strontium, trace trace trace " " barium, . . . . . . 0.760 1-424 trace Chloride of potassium, . . . , , . . 8.048 9-592 I-336 " " sodium, . . . . , . . . 400.440 509-960 134.288 Sulphate of potassium, . . . . . . . 0.888 trace o-552 Phosphate of sodium, . . . , , . . 0.016 0.008 trace Iodide of " . . . . , . . . 0.138 0.200 0.032 Bromide of " . . . 8.552 1-556 0.632 Fluoride of calcium, .... , . . trace trace trace Biborate of sodium, . , . . trace trace Alumina, . . trace 0.128 0.376 Silicon, , . . 0.840 1-256 2.560 Organic matter, , . . trace trace trace 602.636 75O-992 248.336 Carbonic acid gas, 362.00 cu. in. 376.00 cu. in. 320.00 cu. in. 484 Alburgh Springs, Grand Isle County, Vermont, 15 grains of Na.2SO4 and K2SO4. Avon New Bath, Livingston County, New York. CaCO3 27, Na.2SO4 and NaCl 44. 50° F. Ballston Springs, Saratoga County, New York- Ballston Artesian Lithia Well. NaCl 750, CaCOs 165, MgCO3 107, Li2CO3 6, CO2 426 cubic inches. 5 2° F. Franklin Artesian Well. NaCl 659, CafHCOA, 202, MgiHCOA, 178, NaHCO, 94, KC1 34, LiHCOs 7, CO2 460 cubic inches. 520 F. Sans Souci. NaCl 144, CaCO3 43, Mg(HCO3)2 39, FeCOs 6. United States. NaCl 425, CaCO3 29, CO2 244 cubic inches. 50° F. Washington Lithia Well. NaCl 645, Mg(HCO3)2 158, CaHCO3 178, Li2HCO II, Fe(HCO3)2 2, CO2 338 cubic inches. 490 F. Bedford Springs, Bedford County, Pennsylvania- Anderson magnesia. CaSO4 100, MgSO4 40. 57.2° F. Anderson magnesia. Iron CaSO4 90, MgSO4 39, FeCO3 trace. 57-2° F. Bedford Sulphur. CaSO4 73, MgSO4 33, H2S trace, CO2 6 cubic inches. 62.6° F. Beer Springs, Oregon, MgSO4 48, MgCOs 12, CaCO3 15, NaCl 9. Benham's Carburetted Saline Spring, Crawford County, Indiana. NaCl 4850, CaCO3 640, MgCO3 173, MgSO4 84, Na.2SO4 21, FeCO3 9. Bryant's Mineral Well, Lincoln County, Kentucky. MgSO4 53, CaSO4 56. Butterworth Springs, Kent County, Michigan. CaSO4 75, MgCl2 42. 540 F. Charleston Artesian Well, Charleston, South Carolina. Na.2CO3 52, MgSO4 12. 87° F. Cherry Valley Bath House Spring, Otsego County, New York. CaSO4 85, MgCO3 and MgSO4 42, Na.2SO4 11. Cooper's Artesian Well, Hinds County, Mississippi. MgSO4 23, Na.2SO4 12, CaSO4 42. 50° F. Crab Orchard, Foley's Spring, Lincoln County, Kentucky, Crab Orchard, Sowder's Spring, Lincoln County, Kentucky. MgSO4 173, CaSO4 91, NaCl 57, CO2 ?. Crab Orchard Springs, Lincoln County, Kentucky. MgSO4 205, Na2SO4 59. Crab Orchard Salts. Contain in 100 grains MgSO4 63. Eaton's White Sulphur Spring, Crawford County, Indiana. NaCl 121, MgSO442, MgCO3 16, CaCO3 46. 590 F. Estill Spring. See Irvine Spring. Foley's Spring. See Crab Orchard Springs. Fruit Port Artesian Well, Ottawa County, Michigan. NaCl 464, CaCl2 III, MgCl 47, Na2SO4 46, FeCO3 5.44 grains. 48° F. Glenn Springs, Spartanburgh County, South Carolina. MgSO4 96, Na2SO4 40, H2S 24 cubic inches. Greenville Spring. See Harrodsburg Springs. Harrodsburg Springs, Mercer County Kentucky- Greenville Spring. MgSO4 129, CaSO4 88, MgCOs 23. Saloon Spring. MgSO4 223, CaSO4 82, Fe(HCO3)2 4. Hartford Sulphur Spring, Crawford County, Indiana. NaCl 59, MgSO4 and Na.2SO4 20, CaCO3 20. Hot Springs, Canon City, Colorado. Na2SO4 166, Na2CO3 155, CajCOj 66. 1020 F. Hot Sulphur Springs, Middle Park, ninety miles from Denver, Colorado. Na2SO4 25, 22. Temperature iio° to 1170 F. 485 Idaho Warm Springs, Clear Creek County, Colorado. Na.2CO3 31, Na2SO4 29. 1060 F. Indian Spring, Butts County, Georgia. MgSO4 572, CaSO4 57, K2SO4 27. 63° F. Irvine Spring, Estill County, Kentucky. MgSO4 263, CaSO4 and CaCO3 62. Le Roy Springs, Le Roy Station on the Northern Pacific Railroad, Wyoming. 117, NaCl 270, MgCO3 51, CaCO3 and CaSO4 100. Louisville, or Du Font's Artesian Well, Louisville, Kentucky. NaCl 622, MgSO4 77, Na.2SO4 72. Midland Spring, Midland County, Michigan. K2SO4 68, 18. 470 F. Mineral Spring, in dry wash leading from Detrital Valley (Forty-mile Desert) to the Colo- rado River, Arizona. NaCl 232, MgSO4 101, CaSO4 76, Na.2SO4 30. Pagosa Hot Springs, twenty-five miles from the headwater of the San Juan River, Colorado- No. I. Na.2SO4 129. No. 3. 131. No. 2. Na.2SO4 129. No. 4. Na.2SO4 131. Porter's Sulpho-Chalybeate Spring, Denver, Colorado. Na2SO4 27, CaCO3 10. Rhea Springs, Rhea County, Tennessee. 70 grains of CaSO4. Saloon Spring. See Harrodsburg Springs. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County, New York- Champion. Ca(HCO3)2 227, NaCl 702, Mg HCO3)2 194, CO2462. 490 F. Columbian. NaCl 267, CaCO3 68, MgCO3 28, FeCo3 6, Co2 272 cubic inches. Congress. NaCl 400, CaCO3 loo, MgCO3 75, NaBr 9, Li2CO3 3, CO2 392 cubic inches. 520 F. Crystal. NaCl 336, CaCO3 71, MgCO3 45, Li2CO3 3, CO2 312 cubic inches. 50° F. Empire. NaCl 507, CaCO3 76, MgCo3 25, CO2 344 cubic inches. Eureka. NaCl 117, CaCO3 41, MgCO3 29, FeCO3 3, CO2 232 cubic inches. Excelsior. NaCl 371, CaCO3 77, MgCO3 32, FeCO3 3, NaCO3 15. Geyser. NaCl 562, CaCO3 118, MgCO3 83, Na.2CO3 49, Li2CO3 4, CO2 456 cubic inches. 46° F. Glacier. NaCl 702, CaCO3158, MgCO3115, Li2CO3 6, KC140, CO2 465.44 cubic inches. Hamilton. NaCl 299, CaCO3 98, MgCO3 39, FeCO3 5, Na.2CO3 34, CO2 320. Hathorn. NaCl 510, CaCO3 118, MgCO3 105, CO2 376 cubic inches. High Rock. NaCl 390, CaCO3 92, MgCO3 33, CO2 408 cubic inches 520 F. Pavilion. NaCl 460, CaCO3 83, MgCO3 45, Li2CO3 6, CO2 328 cubic inches. Putnam Spring. NaCl 214, Ca(HCO3)2 68, Mg(HCO3)2 51, CO2 348 cubic inches. 510 F. Red Spring. NaCl 70, CaCO3 59, MgCO3 21. Saratoga Alum. NaCl 565, CaCO3 57, MgCO3 20, CO2 212 cubic inches. Seltzer. NaCl 134, CaCO3 62, MgCO3 24, CO2 320 cubic inches. 50° F. Star. NaCl 398, CaCO3 86, MgCO3 37, CO2 400 cubic inches. 520 F. Triton Spring. NaCl 238, CaCO3 91, MgCO3 42, Li2CO3 3 grains, C0.2 360 cubic inches. 6o° F. United States. NaCl 142, CaCO3 65, MgCO3 43, Li2CO3 3, CO2 240 cubic inches. Union. NaCl 458, CaCO3 67, MgCO3 65, CO2 384.96 cubic inches. 48° F. Vichy. See Alkaline Waters. Walton or Iodine. NaCl 187, MgCOs 75, CaCO3 26. CO2 330 cubic inches. Washington Spring. NaCl 183, Ca(HCO3)2 84, Mg(HCO3)2 66, CO2 364 cubic inches. 45° F. 486 Seltzer Spring, Boulder County, Colorado. Na2SO4 108, Ca(HCO3)2 43. Temperature, 40° F. Seltzer, Springdale, Colorado. Na.2SO4 230, Ca2CO3 85, FeCO3 8. Spring Lake Well, Ottawa County, Michigan. NaCl 406, CaCl2 113, Na2SO4 47, MgCl 36. 520 F. Sowder's Spring. See Crab Orchard Springs. Warm Spring, at edge of Salt Lake City, Utah. MgSO4 60, NaCl 234. Warren Springs, Warren County, North Carolina. CaCl II, CaSO4 and CaCO3 and CaCl2 10, MgSO4 8. White Creek Springs, twelve miles from Nashville, Tennessee. 55 grains of CaCO3 and CaSO4. V. ALKALINE WATERS. These owe their alkalinity to the preponderance of carbonate and bicarbonate of sodium, and also, though in small quantities, the carbonate of potassium, lithium, calcium and magnesium. These waters are frequently surcharged with carbonic acid gas, which enhances their therapeutic value very considerably, as it renders them more palatable and converts the alkaline taste, so unpleasant to many, into an agreeable acidity. These springs may be cold or hot, and may contain lime, salt or iron in varying amount. Typical examples of this class, that is, springs containing sodium carbonate or bicarbo- nate with free carbonic acid gas, are, unfortunately, less numerous than we would wish, in view of their enormous importance in so many chronic diseases. Most of our alkaline springs contain other mineral substances which render them less valuable in the treatment of disease. The conditions in which these waters produce their best effects are the follow- ing : Chronic gastric catarrh, especially with hyperacidity, and catarrhal inflammation of mucous membrane of the biliary passages. Good results have also been obtained in acute catarrhal nephritis, and not a few observers have seen diabetics improve under its use. In acute cystitis and urethritis springs of this class do good by diluting the urine and diminishing its acidity, and so alleviate suffering and hasten recovery; at times brilliant results are obtained in certain diathetic conditions, such as lithaemia, gout and chronic rheumatism. From this brief summary it is evident that these Waters constitute a most important addition to our means of combating disease. Our country is so rich in mineral waters, it is in the highest degree probable that numerous springs belonging to this class are in existence and only need analysis to make known their value. It is to be hoped that before long many additions will be made to our meagre list of springs belonging to this group. The following analyses are examples of this class, and I would particularly call atten- tion to that of Vichy, in France, as a type of an alkaline water:- SARATOGA VICHY SPRING, SARATOGA CO., N. Y. Contains in one U. S. gallon of 231 cubic inches- Chloride of sodium,128.689 " " potassium,14.113 Bromide of sodium, 0.990 Iodide of sodium, trace. Fluoride of calcium, trace. Bicarbonate of lithia, 1.760 " " soda,82.873 " " magnesia, .... 41.503 269.928 487 269.928 Bicarbonate of lime,95.522 " " strontia, trace. " " baryta, 0.593 " " iron, 0.052 Sulphate of potassa, trace. Phosphate of soda, trace. Alumina, 0-473 Silica, 0.758 Organic matter, trace. Total, 367.326 Carbonic acid gas in one gallon, 383.071 cubic inches. Temperature 50° F. VICHY GRANDE GRILLE AND HOPITAL SPRINGS. (Analyst, Mossier.) One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Grande-Grille. Hopital. Grains. Grains. Carbonate of soda, . . 259.03 254.75 " " lime, . . 12.23 18.62 " " magnesia, 2.28 2.05 " " iron, . . 0.60 2.73 Chloride of Sodium, . 23.94 8.36 Sulphate of soda, . . 42.33 47.65 340.41 334-i6 Free carbonic acid 90-100 cu. in. OJO CALIENTE SPRING, OJO CALIENTE, NEW MEXICO. (Analyst, O. C. Marsh.) One U. S. gallon cu. in.) contains- Sodium carbonate,115 019 grs. Lithium " 0.123 " Calcium " 2.435 " Magnesium " 1.273 " Iron " 5-9IO " Potassium sulphate, .... 3.019 " Sodium " .... 7-942 " " chloride,32.209 " Silica, 0.123 " 168.053 " Carbonic acid undetermined. Temperature ioo° F. Adams Springs, Lake County, California. MgCO3 99, Na2CO3 57, CaCO3 29, CO2 300 cubic inches. Borax Springs. See Hot Borate Springs. California Seltzer Springs, Mendocino County, Cal. CaCO3 67, MgCO3 43, Na2CO3 35. Carlisle, near Pueblo, Colorado. 6o° F. Clinton Spring, Cliff Street, New York City. NaCl 58, MgCO3 35, CaCO3 30, CO2 68 cubic inches. Congress Spring, Santa Clara County, California. Na.2CO3 123, NaCl 118, FeCO3 13. Hot Borate Springs, Borax Lake, Lake County, California. NH4HCO3 108, 103, NaCl 85, NaHCO3 77. Indian Spring, Martin County, Indiana. NaCl 39, CaCO3 -j- CaSO4 53, MgCO3-|~ MgSO4 49- 53° F. Iron Duke, Canon City, Colorado. Na2CO3 156, NaCl 170. Olympian Springs, Bath County, Kentucky. NaCl 166, MgCl2 55. Richfield Sulphur Spring, Otsego County, New York. CaSO4 and Ca(HCO3)2 92, MgSO4 and Mg(HCO3)2 39, NaCl 21, H2S 4 cubic inches. 48° F. Saratoga Vichy Springs, Saratoga County, New York. NaCl 128, Na2HCO3 82, CaHCO3 95, CO2 383 cubic inches. 488 Sharon Magnesia Spring, Schoharie County, New York. CaSO4 76, MgSC\ -|- Mg(HCO3)2 53, H2S 3.3 cubic inches. 4S0 F. Snowden Mineral Spring, Valley of Yoncalla, two miles south of Drain's Station, Oregon. MgCl 145, NaCl 173, CaCl2 115. St. Louis Magnetic Spring, St. Louis, Gratiot County, Michigan. NaHCO3 86, Ca(HCO3)2 56, CaSO4 54. 50° F. Vichy Springs. See New Almaden Springs. West Baden Springs, Orange County, Indiana. NaCl 78, CaCO3 41, MgCO3 39, MgSO4 36, MgCl2 11. Wilhoit Springs, Clackamas County, Oregon. MgCOs 85, Na2CO3 88, NaCl 201, FeO 6, CO2 338.41 cubic inches. Wilson's Saline Chalybeate, Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky. CaCl2 33, MgCl2 18, MgCOs 15, FeCOs 2x/2> CO2 33 cubic inches. VI. SALINE WATERS. These waters are solutions of common salt, containing, also, small quantities of the chlorides of the alkalies and alkaline earths, and occasionally minute traces of iodine and bromine. It is plain that the effects produced by these springs are due to chloride of sodium and the increased amount of water consumed. This salt, when taken into the stomach, dissolves albumin and starches; promotes the digestion and absorption of food; supplies the intes- tines with chyme rich in albumin and starches; enters the blood, which carries it to all the tissues of the body, after supplying its own needs. In solutions of suitable strength it produces an agreeable effect on mucous membranes, favoring free and healthy secretion. It is quickly absorbed, but when taken highly con- centrated acts as an irritant and produces emesis and diarrhoea. The therapeutic dose is from one to five drachms daily. The usefulness of these waters is very restricted, and is indicated by what has been said as to its physiological action. Good results may be expected in certain dyspepsias, with defective gastric secretion and sluggishness of the bowels, as well as chronic inflam- matory exudations which are being absorbed slowly or not at all. When rapid absorption is necessary the water should be given hot, and in certain cases of dyspepsia these results are best obtained by its administration early in the morning, before breakfast. When it is desired to administer these waters, in ordinary cases, preference should be given to those springs charged with carbonic acid, as this gas greatly increases the palata- bility of this class of waters. These waters, as well as the alkaline earths, when carbonated, are especially valuable in many acute affections attended with fever, particularly when nourishment is taken in small amounts, as they supply the body with mineral substances absolutely needed. The proper supply of salines in disease is too often overlooked. The following analyses are good examples of these waters:- HALLECK SPRING, ONEIDA COUNTY, NEW YORK. (Analyst, Prof. Noyes.) One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Chloride of sodium,624.00 grs. " calcium, .... 104.00 " " magnesium, . . . 32.00 " Sulphate of calcium, .... 40.00 " 800.00 " 489 AKESION SPRING, SALINE COUNTY, MISSOURI. (Analyst, C. P. Williams.) One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Chloride of sodium, .... 756.114 grs. " potassium, . . . 28.594 " " lithium, .... 0.294 " " magnesium, . . , 87.313 " " calcium, .... 74791 " Bromide of magnesium, . . . 0.131 " Nitrate of magnesium, ... 0.178 " " ammonium, ... 0.172 " Sulphide of sodium, .... 2.609 " Sulphate of calcium, .... 57-934 " " barium, .... 0.150 " Phosphate of calcium, . . . 0.243 " Carbonate of calcium, . . . 40.251 " " iron, (ferrous) . 0.267 " " manganese, . . 0.199 " " alumina, ... 0.167 " Organic matter, 0.513 " 1049.920 " SALT SPRING, NEAR ALBA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. (Analyst, Genth.) One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Chloride of sodium, .... 4693.608 grs. " iron, trace " calcium, . . . 780.224 " " magnesium, . . 110.960 " Bicarbonate of iron, .... 5,256 " " calcium, . . 1.752 " Silicic acid, 2.950 " Bromine not determined. 5594-750 " WIESBADEN, THE KOCHBRUNNEN, NASSAU, GERMANY. One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Chloride of sodium, 419.92 grs. " potassium, .... 8.96 " " lithium, 0.08 " " calcium, .... 28.88 " " magnesium, . . . 12.48 " Bromide of magnesium, ... 0.16 " Sulphate of lime, 5.52 " Carbonate of lime, 25.68 " " protoxide of iron, 0.32 " 502.00 " Temperature, 156° F. Carbonic acid, 52 cubic inches. Akesion Spring, Brownville, Saline County, Missouri. NaCl 756, MgCl2 87, CaCl2, CaSO* and CaCO3 173. Albany Artesian Well, Ferry Street, Albany, New York. NaCl 504, FeCO3 8, MgCO3 16, Na.2CO3 40, CO2 224 cubic inches. 510 to 520 F. Ballston Condo Dentonean, Saratoga County, New York. NaCl 480, CaCO3 123, MgCO3 93, CO2 357 cubic inches. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County, New York. NaCl 144, CaCO3 43, Mg(HCO3)2 39. Bangor's Company's Well, Bangor, Michigan. NaCl 159, MgCl 09, CaSO4 56, CaCl. Black Sulphur Spring, Bath County, Kentucky. 58 grains NaCl. 490 Blue Lick Springs (Lower), Nicholas County, Kentucky. NaCl 516, CaSO4 41, MgCl2 40, CaCO3 23, CO2 98, H2S 17. Blue Lick Springs (Upper), Nicholas County, Kentucky. NaCl 516, CaSO4 144, MgCl2 37, CaCO3 25, CO2 48 cubic inches, H2S 8 cubic inches. Borland Well, Wood County, West Virginia. NaCl 240, NaHCO3 112, Na.2SO4 38. Boulder Spring Water, Colorado. NaCl 514, Ca2CO3 125, MgCO3 too, Na2SO4 62, CO2. Bryant's Spring, No. 4, Lincoln County, Kentucky. Na2SO4 12, NaCl 54. Canon City Mineral Springs, Canon City, Fremont County, Colorado. Aqua Vida. NaCl 121, Na2CO3 73, MgCO3 18. Big Ute. NaCl 132, CaCO3 43, MgCO3 15. Congress. NaCl 38, MgCO3 18. Iron Duke. NaCl 80, NajCOg 74, MgCO3 15. Little Ute. NaCl 114, Na.2CO3 74, MgCO3 14. Condo Dentonean Springs. See Ballston Springs. Des Chutes Hot Springs, Wasco County, Oregon. Na2CO3 and NaCl 55. 1430 to 1450 F. East Clarion Salt Spring, Elk County, Pennsylvania. NaCl 337, CaCl2 52, MgCL2 15. East Saginaw Company's Well, Michigan. NaCl 103, MgCl2 58, CaCl2 14, CaSO4 92. Halleck's Spring, Oneida County, New York. NaCl 624, CaCl2104, MgCl2 32, CaSO4 40. Highgate Springs, Franklin County, Vermont. NaCl 23, Na2CO3 14. Iola Mineral Well, Kansas. NaCl 782, Ca(IICO3)2 49, Mg(HCOs) 21, KC1 14. Kanawha Saline Spring, Kanawha Valley, West Virginia. NaCl 240, Na2HCO3 112, Na2SO4 38. La Fayette Artesian Well, Tippecanoe County, Indiana. NaCl 325, MgCO3 and Mg"Cl2 59, CaSO4 56. 55° F. Lansing Spring, Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan. NaCl 267, Na.2CO, 65, CaCO3 62, C0.2 198 cubic inches. 53.5° F. Liberty Hot Springs, or Wagonwheel Gap Springs, Morrison, 12 miles from Denver, Colorado. No. 1. Na2CO3 41, NaCl 17. Temperature 150° F. No. 2. Na.2CO3 84, NaCl 19. Temperature 140° F. Livingston Artesian Well, Livingston, Sumter County, Alabama. NaCl 295 grains. 68° F. Lodi Artesian Well, Wabash County, Indiana. NaCl 502, CaCl2 and CaSO4 104, MgCl2 54. Lower Blue Lick Springs. See Blue Lick Springs. Lubec Spring, Lubec Bay, Maine. NaCl 90, MgCl2 60, NaSO4 25. Mineral Spring, Walnut Hill, Fayette County, Kentucky. NaCl 234, MgCl2 19. Mineral Water, Paint Lick, Madison County, Kentucky. NaCl 27, Na,2CO3 16. Ott's Well, Crawford County, Indiana. NaCl 3781, CaCO3 323, MgCO2 86, FeCO3 12, MgSO4 and Na2SO4 58. Parnassus Springs, 12 miles southward of Pueblo, Colorado. No. 1. Na.2CO3 74, NaCl 60. Temperature 66° F. No. 2. Na2CO3 69, NaCl 61. Temperature 72.50 F. No. 3. Na2CO3 43, NaCl 31. Temperature 590 F. Salina Spring (Mr. Peterson), near Tarentum, Pennsylvania. NaCl 1927, CaCl2 501, MgCl2 126, MgCO3 80, CaCO3 161. Salina Wells, Syracuse, New York. NaCl 90, MgCl2 7, CaCl2 14, CaSO4 36. Salt Spring, near Alba, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. NaCl 4694, CaCl2 780, MgCl2 m, Fe(HCOs)2 5. 491 Salt Sulphur, Bath County, Kentucky. NaCl 166, MgCl 55. Salt Water, near Conemaugh, near Saltzburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. NaCl 4165. CaCl2 918, MgCl2 232. Sheboygan Well, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. 307 grains of NaCl. 50° F. Siloam Springs, Garfield County, Colorado. NaCl 1137, Ca2SO4 78. 103° F. South Park Springs, Colorado. NaCl 198, Na.2CO3 156. South Park Sulphur Springs, South Park, Colorado. NaCl 97, Na2CO3 77. Steamboat Springs, Colorado. NaCl 240. St. Louis Artesian Well, St. Louis, Missouri. NaCl 347, MgCl2 34, CaCl2 27, CO2 6, H2S 24. Sweet Springs, Saline County, Missouri. NaCl 90, MgCl2 22. Syracuse Salt Wells, New York. NaCl 94, MgCl2 85, CaCl2 49, CaSO4 32. Tarentum Salt Well. See Salina Springs. Terre Haute Spring, Clay County, Indiana. NaCl 316 grains. Thomas Well's Brine, Fountain County, Indiana. NaCl 4573, CaCl2 215, CaCO3 107, MgCl2 53. Upper Blue Lick Springs. See Blue Lick Springs. Verona Spring, Oneida County, New York, NaCl 720, CaSO4 60, CaCl2 and MgCl2 68. Wagonwheel Gap Springs. See Liberty Hot Springs. Waterloo Well, Waterloo, Wisconsin. NaCl and NaNO3 60. Williams Mineral Well, Woodford County, Kentucky. NaCl 137, MgCl2 16. Yampa Spring, Glenwood, Colorado. VII. CALCAREOUS WATERS. The efficacy of these waters depends upon the presence of the sulphate and carbonate of calcium and other alkaline earths. They are generally produced as follows: The excess of carbonic acid in the water, resulting from the decomposition of the carbonate by means of sulphuric acid (this acid is produced by the addition of iron pyrites), acts upon the sulphates and carbonates of the alkaline earths to dissolve them. Most of the lime in these fountains exists in the form of a sulphate, w'hich is popu- larly known as gypsum. It is this salt that gives these waters the property called hardness, i. e., that peculiar reaction to soap and the special effect upon the palate. These springs have been used in cystitis and diabetes, but with doubtful results. Occasionally diuresis may be excited and in rachitic children favorable results may be obtained, though the constipating effect would be antagonized. It should be remembered that 10 grains of sulphate of lime to the gallon tends to retard digestion and causes con- stipation, and consequently they are often contra-indicated. In general, it may be said that springs of this class are of doubtful utility, except when they contain other more active mineral substances. I append a few examples of this class of water:- CATOOSA SPRINGS, CATOOSA COUNTY, GEORGIA. NO. I ALL-HEALING SPRING. One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Calcium sulphate,39.000 grs. Magnesium sulphate, .... " carbonate, . . . -34-000 " Carbonic acid,4.422 " 77-422 492 TATE EPSOM SPRINGS, GRANGER COUNTY, TENNESSEE. (Analyst, T. S. Anterelle.) One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Sulphate of calcium, 160.66 grs. " magnesium, . . , 31.97 " " sodium, 8.50 " " potassium, .... 1.54 " Chloride of sodium, 40.27 " " iron, 2.92 " " manganese, . . . 0.69 " Iodide of sodium, trace Phosphate of calcium, .... 1.X4 " Carbonate of calcium, . . . . 21.56 " Silica 2.70 " Nitric acid, 0.02 " 271.97 " Temperature 55° F. Alleghany Springs, Montgomery County, Virginia. CaSO4 96, MgSO4 42. 530 F. Aurora Saline Springs, Aurora, Oregon. CaCl 474, NaCl 356. Beauty Spring. See Capon Springs. Beloit lodo-magnesian Springs, Beloit, Wis. Ca(HCO3)2 15, Mg(HCO3)2 12. 48° F. Bishop's Well, New Brunswick, New Jersey. CaSO4 149, MgSO4 31. Blue Ridge Spring, Botetourt County, Virginia. CaSO4 100, MgSO4 48. Bordin's Well, Eaton Rapids, Michigan. CaCO3 and CaSO4 85 grains. Butterworth Spring, Grand Rapids, Mich. CaSO4 75, MgCl 41. Capon Springs (Beauty Spring), Hampshire Co., W. Va. CaCO3 66, CO2 68 cubic inches. 6o° F. Capon Springs (Main Spring), Hampshire Co , W. Va. CaCO3 66, CO2 68 cubic inches. 6o° F. Carlisle Spring, on Arkansas River, twenty miles above Pueblo, Colorado. CaCO3 22, MgCO3 11. 65° F. Catoosa Springs, Catoosa County, Georgia. All-Healing. CaSO4 39, MgSO4 and MgCO3 34. Alum. CaSO4 41, MgSO4 and MgCO3 36, Al I. Black Sulphur. CaSO4 41, MgSO4 and MgCOs 36. Buffalo. CaSO4 45, MgSO4 and MgCO3 42. Chalybeate. CaSO4 42, MgSO4 and MgCOs 35, FeCO3 trace. Congress. CaSO4 39, MgSO4 and MgCO3 34. Cosmetic. CaSO4 42, MgSO4 and MgCO3 36. Magnesia. CaSO4 42, MgSO4 and MgCO3 36. Red Sweet. CaSO4 44, MgSO4 and MgCO3 38. White Sulphur. CaSO4 45, MgSO4 and MgCOs 40. Cave Spring. See Chittenango Spring. Chalybeate Spring, Estill County, Kentucky. CaSO4 17, CaCO3 9, MgSO4 IO, FeCO3 2, CO3 32 cubic inches. Cherry Valley North Spring, Otsego County, New York. CaSO4 150, MgCO3 10. 493 Chittenango Cave Spring, Madison County, New York. CaSO4 106, MgCO3 14, CO2 25.6 cubic inches, H2S 3.2 cubic inches. 490 F. Chittenango Magnesia Spring, Madison County, New York. CaSO4 81, MgCO3 13, CO2 36 cubic inches. 490 F. Chittenango White Sulphur Spring, Madison Co., N. Y. CaSO4 80, CO2 36 cubic inches. Clifton Springs, Ontario County, New York. CaSO4 and CaCO3 79, MgSO4 and MgCO3 30. Colorado or Manitou Springs, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Iron Ute. CaCO3 33, Na2CO3 33, MgCO3 8. 43.30 F. Little Chief. CaCO3 42, Na2SO4 29, NaCl 27. 430 F. Manitou. CaCO3 62, Na2 CO3 26, MgCO3 12. 56° F. Navajoe. CaCO3 72, Na2CO3 70, MgCO3 19. 50.20 F. Shoshone. CaCO3 61, Na2CO3 50. 48.5° F. Ute Soda. CaCO3 22, Na2CO3 13. Eaton Rapids Well, Eaton Rapids in Eaton County, Michigan. Bordine Well. CaCO3 and CaSO4, 85 grains. Frost Well. CaCO3 and CaSO4, 42 grains. Mosher Well. CaCO3 and CaSO4, 65 grains. Shaw Well. CaCO3 and CaSO4, 69 grains. Stirling Well. CaSO4, 46 grains. East Clarion Spring, Elk County, Pennsylvania, NaCl 337, CaCl2 52, MgCI2 15, BaCl2 Frost Well. CaCO3 and CaSO4, 42 grains. Gettysburg Katalysine Spring, Adams County, Pennsylvania. Ca(IICO3)2 16, MgSO4 7. 57° F. Greenbrier White Sulphur. See White Sulphur Spring. Guilford Spring, Guilford Centre, Windham County, Vermont. 15.18 grains CaCO3. Holston Springs, Scott County, Virginia. CaSO4 20, MgSO4 13. 68.5° F. Liberty Hot or Wagon wheel Gap Springs, Morrison, twelve miles from Denver, Colorado, No. 2. CaCO3 18. Magnesia Springs. See Chittenango Spring. Main Spring. See Capon Springs. Manitou Springs, Manitou, Colorado. CaCO3 135. 56° F. M'Carthy's Spring, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. 95 grains of CaSO4 and Ca(HCO3)2, 42 grains MgSO4. Mineral Park Bitter Spring, Arizona. CaSO4 69, MgSO4 38. Montvale Spring, Blount County, Tennessee. 75 grains of CaSO4. 6o° F. Mosher Well, Eaton Rapids, Michigan. CaCO3 and Ca SO4, 65 grains. Newburg Springs, Orange County, Vermont. 17.60 grains CaCO3. Red Sulphur, Estill County, Kentucky. CaCO3 and CaSO4 22, CO2, 40 cubic inches, H2S, .56 cubic inches. Richfield Magnesia Spring, Otsego County, N. Y. CaSO4 and Ca(HCO3), 55, MgSO4 and Mg(HCO3)2 23, CO2, 5 cubic inches. 530 F. Saltillo Springs. See M'Vittey's and M'Carthy's Springs. Shaw Well, Eaton Rapids, Michigan. CaCO3 and CaSO4, 69 grains. Sterling Well, Eaton Rapids, Michigan. CaSO4, 46 grains. Tate Epsom Springs, Granger County, Tennessee. CaSO4, 161 grains. 550 F. Warm Spring, Bath County, Virginia. CaSO4 15. 98° F. Warren Springs (cold sulphur), Warren County, North Carolina. CaSO4 31. 494 Waukesha Springs, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Arcadian Spring. Ca(HCO3)2 16, Mg(HCO3)2 II. Bethesda Spring. Ca(HCO3)2 17. 6o° F. Fountain Spring. Ca(HCO3)2 14. Glenn Mineral Spring. Ca(HCO3)2 16. Hygeia Spring. Ca(HCO3)2 17. Silurian Spring. Waukesha Mineral Rock Spring. Ca(IICO3)2 IO. White Sulphur Spring. See Chittenango Spring. White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County, West Va. CaSO4 74, MgSO4 19, H2S 1.54 to 3.03 cubic inches. 62° F. Yellow Sulphur Springs, Montgomery County, Virginia. CaSO4 63, MgSO4 21. 550 F. VIII. SULPHURETTED AND HOT SPRINGS. These springs owe their properties to the presence of sulphuretted hydrogen and heat. The sulphurets of sodium and potassium are often present. Sulphuretted hydrogen, next to carbonic acid, occurs more frequently in mineral springs than any other gas. It frequently issues from the earth in the neighborhood of some active volcanoes, and is probably evolved through the decomposition of the sulphurets by hot water. When this gas is brought in contact with the air it is readily changed, the hydrogen combining with the oxygen and the sulphur is precipitated, giving to the water a milky appearance. This gas is irrespirable, and quickly produces death if inhaled in considerable quantities, and when employed for its local effect upon the respiratory mucous membrane must be largely diluted with air. The first symptom of its poisonous action is a small, feeble pulse, with excessive weakness, and later pulse and respiration may both fail, with un- consciousness, followed by profuse perspiration. Internally, in moderate quantities, peristalsis and perspiration are both augmented. When the gas is locally applied to mucous membranes, it produces stimulation of secretion. A sulphur spring of moderate strength contains not less than 12 cu. in. of sulphuretted hydrogen in the gallon, though many springs contain so small an amount that therapeuti- cally they are inert, and the good effects observed are due to the influence of the increased use of water, change of scene and climate, cessation of work, regular meals, good hygiene and hope, all of which contribute strongly to restore health at all springs, especially the Diuretic Springs. Many of these waters are hot, though some are cold. A few contain an excess of car- bonic acid, and any member of the other classes may be charged with sulphuretted hydro- gen on an increase of temperature, and consequently many of these springs are also classi- fied under other heads. Frequently these springs are used as baths, and with good results, especially in chronic skin affections, as eczema, rheumatism and gout. Internally, they have been used for chronic mucous membrane inflammation, especially of bronchial tubes and upper respiratory tract, and also in hepatic congestion and catarrhal phthisis. The simple hot springs are largely used as baths, and are of unquestionable value in certain cases of lithsemia, chronic rheumatism and gout, as well as in dysmenor- rhcea, syphilis and psoriasis, pityriasis and eczema. Given as a douche, good effects have been observed in neuralgias, paralyses and enlarged joints with contractured muscles or tendons. The principal hot springs are found in Virginia, Colorado and New Mexico. 495 The following analyses are types of sulphuretted and hot springs :- ALPENA SPRINGS, ALPENA COUNTY, MICHIGAN. (Analyst, Prof. S. P. Duffield.) One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Carbonate of potassium, . . , trace " sodium, .... 10.912 grs. " magnesium, . . 37.288 " " iron, 1.360 " " calcium, .... 38.296 " Chloride of sodium, ...*.. 68.256 " Sulphate of calcium, 30.056 " Alumina and silica, 3.088 " 189.256 " Sulphuretted hydrogen, . . . 35.36 cu. in. Carbonic acid, 8.40 " Nitrogen, 0.24 " SHARON WHITE SULPHUR SPRING, SCHO- HARIE COUNTY, NEW YORK. One U. S. Gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Bicarbonate of magnesium, . . 24.00 grs. Sulphate of " . . 34.00 " " calcium, .... 85.40 " Hydrosulphate of calcium and magnesium, 3.00 " Chloride of sodium and magne- sium, 2.70 " 149.10 " Sulphuretted hydrogen, 20.5 cu. in. Temperature, 48° F. HAGERS SPRING, HAGERS COUNTY, TENNESSEE. One U. S. gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Sulphate of calcium and hydro- chlorate of sodium, .... 38.00 grs. Sulphuretted hydrogen, . . . 51.52 cu. in. Carbonic acid, 6.72 " HOT SPRINGS. LAS VEGAS HOT SPRINGS, LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. (Analyst, Prof. F. V. Hayden, U. S. Geologist.) One U. S. Gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- No. 1. No. 2. No 3. Grains. Grains. Grains. Carbonate of sodium, 1.72 1.17 5.00 HOT SPRINGS, GARLAND COUNTY, ARKANSAS. One U. S. Gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Carbonate of magnesium, . . .0.128 grs. " " calcium, ..... 3.968 " Chloride of sodium, 0.008 " Sulphate " potassium, .... 0.232 " " " sodium, 0.376 •* " " calcium 0.112 Sesquioxide of iron, 0.104 " Iodine and bromine, trace " Silicate calcium, 0.464 " Silica, 1.864 " Alumina, 0.448 " Organic matter, 0.064 " 7.768 " Temperature, 93-150° F. " calcium " magne- sium, 1.08 10.63 11-43 Sulphate of sodium, 14.12 15.43 16.21 Chloride of sodium, 27.26 24.37 27.37 Potassium, .... trace, trace, trace. Lithium, trace, trace, trace. Silicic acid, . . . . 1.04 trace. 2.51 Iodine, trace, trace, trace. Bromine, .... trace, trace, trace. 45.22 51.60 62.49 Temperature, . . 130° F. 1230 F. I23°F. 496 HOT SPRINGS, BATH COUNTY, VA. (Analyst, Wm. B. Rogers.) One U. S. Gallon (231 cu. in.) contains- Sulphate of magnesium, . . . 3-534 grs. " " calcium, .... 3.007 " " " sodium, 3.148 " Chloride of magnesium, . . . 0.242 " Carbonate of calcium, .... 16.200 " " " magnesia, . . . 3.058 " " " iron, 0.221 " Silica, 0.103 •" 29.513 " Temperature, 100-106° F. SULPHURETTED AND THERMAL WATERS. Alpena Well, Alpena County, Michigan. NaCl 68, MgCO3 37, CaCO3 38, H2S 35 cubic inches. 520 F. Arkansas Hot Springs. See Hot Springs of Arkansas. Arrowhead Springs, San Bernardino, California. H2S .644 grain, NaSO4 42. Auburn Spring, 4 miles west of Auburn, New York. CaSO4 120, MgSO4 26, H2S 12 cubic inches. Avon Lower Spring, Livingston County, New York. CaCO3 and CaSO4 87, MgSO4 50, H2S io cubic inches. 450 to 470 F. Avon Sylvan Spring, Livingston County, New York. NaCl 97, CaCO3 and CaSO4 107, and MgCl2 and MgCO3 and MgSO4 91, H2S 20.64 cubic inches. Avon Upper Spring, Livingston County, New York. CaSO4 84, Na.2SO4 and NaCl 34, MgSO4 10, H2S 12 cubic inches. 510 F. Bath Spring, Steamboat Springs, Colorado. 103° F. Blount Springs, Blount County, Alabama. H2S 30.67 cubic inches. Calistoga Hot Sulphuretted Spring, at the terminus of the Napa branch of the Pacific Railroad. NaCl 22, H2S 10 cubic inches. 970 F. Castilian Spring, Sumner County, Tennessee. 52 cubic inches H2S. Chalk Creek Hot Springs, Chalk Creek, Colorado. 130° F. Chittenango White Sulphur Spring, Madison County, New York. CaSO4 115, MgCO3 12, H2S 12.8 cubic inches, CO2 18.4 cubic inches. 490 F. Delaware Sulphur Spring, Delaware County, Ohio. H2S 96 cubic inches. Des Chutes Hot Springs, Wasco County, Oregon. NajCOg and NaCl 55. 143-1450 F. French Lick Springs, Orange County, Indiana. NaCl 141, CaSO4 61, Na,SO4 23, MgSO4 18, H2S 25 y2 cubic inches. Gardner Magnesia Spring. See Sharon Spring. Gentlemen's Pleasure Bath. See Hot Springs, Bath County, Virginia. 78° F. Hager's Spring, Hagers County, Tennessee. H2S 52 cubic inches. Healing Springs, Bath County, Virginia. CaCO3 18, CO2 5. 88° F. Hot Springs, Bath County, Virginia- 1. Ladies' Boiler Bath. no° F. 2. Ladies' Sulphur Bath. 102° F. 3. Gentlemen's Pleasure Bath. 78° F. 497 Hot Springs, Canon City, Fremont County, Colorado. CaCO3 32, MgCO3 12, NaCl 18. Temp. 95-1020 F. Hot Springs, Garland County, Arkansas. 93-105° F. Hot Sulphur Springs, Middle Park, 90 miles from Denver, Colorado. Na2SO4 25, Na2CO3 22. Temp, no-1170 F. Idaho Warm Spring Clear Creek County, California. Na2CO3 31, Na2SO4 29. 1060 F. Jordan's White Sulphur, Frederick County, Virginia. H2S 2 cubic inches. 570 F. Ladies' Boiler Bath. See Hot Springs, Bath County, Virginia. iio° F. Ladies' Sulphur Bath. See Hot Springs, Bath County, Virginia. 1020 F. Liberty Hot Springs, Morrison, 12 miles from Denver, Colorado. Temp. 140-150. Main Spring. See Paso Robles Springs. Massena Springs, St. Lawrence County, New York. NaCl 80, CaSO4 61, MgCl2 30, H2S 5 cubic inches. Middle Park Springs, Colorado- 1. Bath Spring, Na.2SO4 51, Na.2CO3 46, NaCl 26. 1170 F. 2. Red Sulphur, Na.2CO3 120, NaCl 30, CaCO3 20. 109.50 F. 3. Saline, Na,2CO3 103, Na2SO4 18. 910 F. Mud Spring. See Paso Robles Springs. Ojo Caliente Spring, Ojo Caliente, New Mexico, Na2CO3 115, NaCl 32, F. C03 6, C02 ? Temp. ioo° F. Orkney Springs, Shenandoah County, Virginia. H2S 4.88 cubic inches. 59-7° F. Pagosa Hot Springs, 20 miles from headwater of San Juan River, Colorado- No. 1. Na.2SO4 129. No. 2. Na2SO4 129. No. 3. Na2SO4 131. No. 4. Na2SO4 131. Paroquet Springs, Bullitt County, Kentucky. NaCl 310, MgCl2 48, H2S 30 cubic inches. Paso Robles Hot Sulphur Springs, San Luis, Obispo County, California- 1. Main Spring, NaCl and 49, CO2 47. 112° F. 2. Mud Spring, NaCl and Na2CO3 108, C02 79. 122° F. Pluto's Well. See French Lick Springs. Proserpine Spring. See French Lick Spring. Rochester or Longmuir's Sulphur Well, Rochester, New York. Na.2SO4 56, NaCl 52, H2S 17.26 cubic inches. 52° F. Salt Lake Hot Spring, Utah. Temp. ? Salt Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, West Virginia. CaSO4 68, CaCO3 33, MgSO4 and Na2SO4 44, H2S 19.12 cubic inches. 65.5° F. Sharon Gardner Magnesia Spring, Schoharie County, New York. CaSO4 93j4, MgSO4 20, H2S 6 cubic inches. 48° F. Sharon Red Spring, Schoharie County, New York. CaSO4 and CaCO3 186, MgSO4 19, H2S 10.5 cubic inches. 48° F. Sharon White Sulphur Springs, Schoharie County, New York. CaSO4 85, MgSO4 34, Mg(HCO3)2 24, H2S 20.5 cubic inches. 48° F. Siloam Springs, Bath Springs, Colorado, NaCl 1100. 103° F. St. Helena, White Sulphur, Napa County, California. No. 2. NaCl 22, H2S 6.15 cubic inches. to 970 F. No. 6. NaCl 23, Na.2SO4 II, H2S 4.25 cubic inches. to 970 F. Unnamed Springs, Glenwood, Colorado, NaCl 2200. 124.2° F. Wagonwheel Gap Springs. See Liberty Hot Springs. 498 Yampa Springs, Glenwood, Colorado, NaCl 2244. 124.20 F. Ypsilanti Mineral Spring, Ypsilanti, Michigan. NaCl 832, CaSO* 180, MgSO4 68, MgClj 58, Mg2Br 4, HjS 21 cubic inches. 58° F. UNANALYZED THERMAL SPRINGS. Bear River Hot Springs, near Bear River, Utah. 1340 F. Cabello Springs, five and a half miles from Fort McRae, New Mexico. 136° F. Canon Creek Springs, Colorado. Temperature, 136° to 158° F. Genoa Hot Springs, Washoe County, Nevada. Heartsell's Hot Sulphur Spring, South Park, Colorado. Hine's Hot Springs, Lyons County, Nevada. Hot and Cold Springs in Animas Valley, Colorado. Hot Springs, near Boise City, Idaho. 196° F. Hot Springs, near Idaho City, Idaho. Hot Springs, near Pyramid Lake, Nevada. 208° F. Hot Spring, near Utah Central Railroad, Utah. 1750 F. Hot Sulphuretted Spring, on Gila River, Arizona. Jemez Spring, in San Diego Canon, fifty miles west of Santa Fe, New Mexico. 140° F. Lake Tahoe Hot Springs, on border of Lake Tahoe, California. Malhuer River Springs, Baker County, Oregon. 1930 F. Monroe Hot Springs, Castle Creek, sixty miles south of Prescott, Arizona. 150° F. Ouray Mineral Springs, Ouray, Colorado. Temperature, 120° to 1340 F. Ouray Mineral Spring in Uncomphagre Park, Colorado. 1200 to 140° F. Ouray Spring, Uncomphagre Park, 9 miles northwest of Ouray, Colorado. Temperature, 140° F. Platte Springs, near Fort Steele, Wyoming. 1150 F. Puncha Springs, 60 miles west of Canon City, Colorado. 120° F. San Bernardino Hot Springs, San Bernardino County, California. South Arkansas Mineral or Poncho Hot Springs, Lake County, Colorado. 120° F. Thermal Springs in Arizona. Warm Springs, 11 miles from Ogden City, Utah. 1290 F. Warm Sulphur Springs, Elko, Elko County, Nevada. UNANALYZED SPRINGS. The following list of more than 300 unanalyzed springs shows clearly how much work yet remains before we shall possess a full knowledge of our wealth of mineral waters. It is highly probable that many of these springs are of great value, and only await chemical analysis to demonstrate their usefulness. When this is accomplished the medical profession will be quick to recognize their worth and make use of them in combating disease. Abenquis Springs, Walpole, Cheshire County, New Hampshire. Addison Mineral Spring, Addison Point, Washington County, Maine. Alagone Spring, Western Springs, Cook County, Illinois. Alkaline Spring, Yazoo County, Mississippi. 62° F. Allen's Springs, Lake County, California, Alum Spring, Lafayette County, Mississippi. Alum Spring, Lewis County, Kentucky. Alum Spring, Madison County, Mississippi. 499 Alum Spring, Marion County, Mississippi. Alum Spring, Marshall County, Mississippi. Alum Spring, Pike County, Mississippi. Amherst Spring, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. Anchosa Spring, Anchosa Creek, near Quitman, Mississippi. Aqua Caliente, or Warner's Ranch Springs, San Diego County, California. Azule Mineral Spring, San Jose, Santa Clara County, California. Armstrong Spring, eight miles west of Searcy, Arkansas. Aspinock Mineral Springs, Windham County, Connecticut. Auburn Mineral Spring, Auburn, Androscoggin County, Maine. Bailey Springs, Lauderdale County, Alabama. 720 to 8o° F. Bartlett Springs, Lake County California. Bath Chalybeate Spring, Bristol, Pennsylvania. Bedford Spring, Trimble County, Kentucky. Beersheba Springs, Grundy County, Tennessee. Bellbrook Magnesic Springs, Bellbrook, Greene County, Ohio. Belle Cheney Springs, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana. Belmont Lithia Springs, New White House Station, New Kent County, Virginia. Berkshire Soda Springs, near Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Big Bone Springs, Boone County, Kentucky. Big Lick, Gallatin County, Kentucky. Birchdale Medical Springs, Bradford, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Black Earth Mineral Spring, Black Earth, Dane County, Wisconsin. Black Sulphur Springs in Alabama. Black Sulphur Springs, Van Buren County, Arkansas. Blossburg Spring, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Blue Spring, near New Amsterdam, Harrison County, Indiana. Bogard's Springs, Bogards Valley, Indiana. Box Mountain Sulphur, west of Todd's Gap, Kentucky. 63° F. Bozrah Mineral Spring, New London County, Connecticut. Bradford Spring, Merrimac County, New Hampshire. Brandywine Spring, Claiborne County, Mississippi. Brunswick Springs, Brunswick, Essex County, Vermont. Buenoventer Springs, Kentucky. Burdell's Well, Caldwell County, Texas. Burner's or Seven Springs, Shenandoah County, Virginia. Burning Spring, Washington County, Alabama. Byron Acid Spring, Genesee County, New York. Catalytic Springs, one-half mile from Catalytic, Georgia. Caledonia Spring, Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Campbellsville Sulphur Water. Campo Chalybeate Spring, California. Carlisle Springs, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. Carroll White Sulphur Springs, Alleghany County, Maryland. 48° F. Cascado Spring, Michigan. Castalian Mineral Water, Olancha, Ingo County, California. Castilian Springs, Holmes County, Mississippi. 500 Castle Rock Spring, near base of Mt. Shasta, California. Cayner's Sulphur Springs, Botetourt County, Virginia. Cemlian Springs, Kentucky. Chameleon Springs, Edmonson County, Kentucky. Chalybeate Spring, Rochester, Fulton County, Indiana. Chalybeate Springs, in Van Buren County, Arkansas. Chalybeate and Saline Springs are found in Putnam, Warren, Jackson, Clarke, Floyd, and Scott Counties, Indiana. Chalybeate Springs south of Williamsport, Indiana. Chalybeate Spring at Leacher's Court House, Kentucky. Chalybeate Springs abundant in Perry County, Kentucky. Chalybeate Springs in Pulaski County, Kentucky. Chalybeate Springs, several on Rockcastle River, Kentucky. Chalybeate Spring, Webster County, Kentucky. Chalybeate Springs, Whitley County, Kentucky. Chalybeate Springs, Clark County, Mississippi. Chalybeate Spring, near Enterprise, Mississippi. 64.4° F. Chalybeate Springs, Itawamba County, Mississippi. Chalybeate Spring, near Warren's Mill, on Mackay's Creek, Mississippi. Chalybeate Spring, Winston County, Mississippi. Chalybeate Spring, Yallabusha County, Mississippi. 75-2° F. Chalybeate Spring in Amherst, New Hampshire. Chalybeate Spring, four miles from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Temperature, 540 F. Chappaqua Spring, Rensselaer County, New York. Chase City Mineral Water, Chase City, Mecklenburgh County, Virginia. Cheltenham Spring, St. Louis County, Missouri. Chick's Springs, Greenville District, South Carolina. Choteau Spring, Cooper County, Missouri. Chrystal Mineral Spring, Stoneham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. Clear Creek Sulphur Spring, Kentucky. Cold Sulphur Springs, Rockbridge County, Virginia. Coleman's Well, Jackson County, Mississippi. Colfax Springs, Colfax, Jasper County, Iowa. Columbia Springs, Marion County, Mississippi. Commonwealth Mineral Spring, Waltham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. Corydon Artesian Well, Harrison County, Indiana. Corydon Saline Sulphur Well, half a mile east of Corydon, Harrison County, Indiana. Cotton Wood Hot Springs, ninety miles west of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Crabtree Sour Wells, Sulphur, Hopkins County, Texas. Crittenden Springs, Crittenden County, Kentucky. Crystal Spring, Napa County, California. Cullum Springs, Bladen Springs, Choctaw County, Alabama. Curdwell's Springs, Caldwell County, Texas. Daggar's Spring, Botetourt County, Virginia. Da Gonia Springs, Warwick County, Indiana. De Soto Spring, De Soto Parish, Louisiana. Doubling Gap Springs, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. 501 Dovepark Springs, Dovepark, Clark County, Arkansas. Drennon Spring, Henry County, Kentucky. Dryden Springs, Tompkins County, New York. Dunbar's Mineral Springs, College Springs, Page County, Iowa. Eggleton's Springs, Giles County, Virginia. Electro-magnesic Springs (Fountain Park), Woodstock, Champaign County, Ohio. Elk Spring, Pike County, Missouri. Elkmont Springs, Giles County, Tennessee. 58° F. Elko Warm Spring, Idaho. Elgin Springs, Addison County, Vermont. Englewood Spring, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Ephrata Spring, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Epsom Spring, Trimble County, Kentucky. Esculapia Springs, Lewis County, Kentucky. Eureka Springs, Eureka Springs, Carroll County, Arkansas. Excelsior Spring, Syracuse, New York. Everett Crystal Spring, Everett, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. Fairchilds Potash Sulphur Springs, Potash Sulphur, Garland County, Arkansas. Fauquier White Sulphur Springs, Fauquier County, Virginia. Fergusen's Chalybeate Spring, on southwest quarter of section 21, township II, range 6. Flint's Springs, St. Joseph County, Michigan. Fox Spring, Fleming County, Kentucky. Frankfort Springs, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Franklin Spring, at head of Well's Creek, Mississippi. 64° F. Garnet Springs, near Toccoa Falls, Georgia. Garrett Spring, one and a half miles from Spartanburg, South Carolina. Geron's Spring, in Northern Alabama. Geuda Springs, Geuda Springs, Sumner County, Kansas. Geyser Springs, Sonoma County, California. Gihon Mineral Spring, Delavan, Walworth County, Wisconsin. Glen Flora Mineral Springs, Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois. Gower's Spring, Gainesville, Georgia. Grand Ledge Spring, Eaton County, Michigan. Grayson Springs, Grayson County, Kentucky. Grayson Sulphur Springs, Carroll County, Virginia. Green Spring, Green Spring, Seneca County, Ohio. Green's Spring, Jefferson County, Illinois. Greenwood Spring, Monroe County, Mississippi. R. B. Grigsby's White Sulphur Mineral Water, Nelson County, Kentucky. Harbon Springs, twenty miles from Calistoga, California. Hardinsville Sulphur Spring, Franklin County, Kentucky. Hartford Cold Spring, Hartford, Oxford County, Maine. Healing Springs, Washington County, Alabama. Highland Rock Spring, Hartford County, Connecticut. Highland Tonica Spring, Hartford County, Connecticut. Holly Spring, Woonsocket, Providence County, Rhode Island. Hopkinton Springs, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. 502 Horn's Mineral Spring, Lebanon, Wilson County, Tennessee. Horeb Mineral Spring, Waukesha, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Howard's Springs, California. Howell Mineral Water, Hardin County, Kentucky. Huguenot Springs, Powhatan County, Virginia. Hurricane Spring, Tullahoma, Coffee County, Tennessee. Hyson's Iron Mountain Spring, Marshall, Harrison County, Texas. Irondale Springs, Raccomy, Preston County, West Virginia. Iron Lake Spring, near Silverton Pass, Colorado. Irvin Sulphur Springs, Kentucky. Jackson Springs, Clarke County, Alabama. Johnson's Wells, near Meridianville, Alabama. Jones' White Sulphur and Chalybeate Springs, eleven miles from Warrenton, North Carolina. Kansas Artesian Mineral Wells, Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas. Kellum Sulphur, Grimes County, Texas. King's Mineral Springs, Muddy Fork, Clark County, Indiana. Kirk Spring, Lewis County, Kentucky. Kittrell's Springs, Granville County, North Carolina. Knightstown Spring, Henry County, Indiana. Lampasas Springs, Lampasas, Lampasas County, Texas. Lauderdale Spring, Mississippi. Lane's Spring, Stanislaus County, California. Lava Springs in Grand Canon of Colorado, Arizona. Leinster Poison Springs, Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina. Lee's Springs, twenty miles northeast from Knoxville, Tennessee. Lena-pi Magnesic Springs, Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio. Limestone Springs, twenty-one miles from Spartansburg, South Carolina. Little Geyser Springs, Lononia County, California. Litton's Seltzer Spring, Litton's Station, Sonoma County, California. Liverpool Well, New York. Lower Soda Springs, Linn County, Oregon. Low's Well, Saratoga County, New York. Lunenburg Spring, Lunenburg, Essex County, Vermont. Magnesia Spring, Tallulah Falls, Georgia. Mammoth Spring, Fulton County, Arkansas. 6o° F. Mammoth Well, Nelson County, Kentucky. Manasquan Spring, Point Pleasant, Ocean County, New Jersey. Massie's or Red Sulphur Spring, Chillicothe, Georgia. 54-5° F. McCallister's Soda Springs, 35 miles east of Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon. Mershon or White Sulphur Spring, Georgia. 550 F. Middleton Springs, Middleton, Rutland County, Vt. Milford or Ponemah Springs, Milford, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. Miller's Mineral Spring, Knox County, Kentucky. Mineral Springs in Toccoa, Georgia. Mineral Springs, ten in number, at Waha, Idaho. Mineral Springs, Pike County, Illinois. 503 Mineral Springs, Washington County, Illinois. Mineral Springs at Cowpens Furnace, near Pacolet, South Carolina. Mineral Springs at the base of Henry's Knob, South Carolina. Mineral Spring near Parson's Mountains, Abbeville, South Carolina. Mineral Spring on the Soluda, near Pinson's Ford, South Carolina. Mineral Springs near Bingham City, Utah. Mineral Water, two miles from Dowlingsville, Grant County, Kentucky. Mineral Wells, Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto County, Texas. Mineral Wells, Parkersburg, Wood County, West Virginia. Mississippi Springs, Hinds County, Mississippi. Missisquoi Springs, viz.: Central, Missisquoi, Vermont, and Sheldon, are in Franklin County, Vermont. Monagaw Sulphuretted Springs, St. Clair County, Missouri. Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, Montgomery County, Virginia. Mooresville Mineral Spring, Mooresville, Livingstone County, Missouri. Morrison Springs, Morrison, twelve miles from Denver, Colorado. Moultonborough Mineral Springs, Moultonborough, Carroll County, New Hampshire. Mountain Valley Springs, io miles north of Hot Springs, Arkansas. Mt. Clemens Spring, Macombe County, Michigan. New Point Comfort Springs, Blue Lick, Clark County, Indiana. Ochu Mineral Springs, Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island. Oliver Springs, Daviess County, Kentucky. Oliver Springs, Anderson County, Tennessee. Ottumwa Mineral Springs, Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa. Oxford Mineral Spring, New Haven County, Connecticut. Panacea Springs, Panacea Springs, Halifax County, North Carolina. Parkersburg Mineral Wells, Wood County, Virginia. Pearson Springs, California. Perry County Springs, II miles from Carlisle, Pennsylvania. 720 F. ' Piedmont Sulphur Springs, 10 miles north-northeast of Navasota, Texas. Ponce de Leon Spring, Fulton County, Georgia. Powhatan Lithia, and Alum Springs, Ballsville, Powhatan County, Virginia. Pulaski Alum Springs, Pulaski County, Virginia. Quitman Red Sulphur, near Quitman, Missouri. Randolph Mineral Springs, Randolph, Randolph County, Missouri. Reed's Mineral Spring, Washington County, New York. Reuben Jesse's Mineral Water, Woodford County, Kentucky. Rockbridge Baths, Rockbridge County, Virginia. Rockingham Springs, Rockingham, Rockingham County, Virginia. Rinnah Wells Spring, Andalusia, Rock Island County, Illinois. Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, Roanoke County, Virginia. Robinson's Spring, 20 miles from Nashville, Tennessee. Rob's Chalybeate Spring, McCracken County, Kentucky. Rochester Spring, 12 miles from Harrodville, Boyle County, Kentucky. Roper's Wells, Butler County, Alabama. Russell Chalybeate Spring, Kentucky. Russell Sulphur Spring, Kentucky. 504 Riiger Springs, Mercer County, Missouri. Saline Chalybeate, Colfax, Jasper County, Iowa. Salt Springs at Geddes, New York. Salt Springs, Lincoln, Nebraska. Scarborough Mineral Spring, Scarborough, Cumberland County, Maine. Schooley's Mountain Spring, Morris County, New Jersey. 50° F. Searcy Springs, White County, Arkansas. Sebra Springs, Kentucky. Seigler Springs, Lake County, California. Seven Springs, Seven Springs, Wayne County, North Carolina (ditto for Virginia, Wash- ington County). Shannondale Springs, Jefferson County, Virginia. Sheathil Rock Spring, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Shenandoah Alum Springs, Shenandoah County, Virginia. Shelby Springs, Shelby County, Alabama. Shocco Springs, Warren County, North Carolina. Siloam Springs, Siloam Springs, Benton County, Arkansas. Skaggs Springs, California. Slatersville Magnesic Spring, Slatersville, Tompkins County, New York. Social Hill Mineral Water, Kentucky. Sour Lake Springs, Sour Lake, Hardin County, Texas. Springdale Seltzer Springs, Boulder County, Colorado. St. Croix Mineral Spring, East Farmingham, Polk County, Wisconsin. Steamboat Springs, 10 miles from Carson City, Washoe County Nevada. Stone Spring, Lincoln County, Kentucky. Stoveall's Spring, Marion County, Mississippi. Sudduth or Mud Spring, Kentucky. Sulphuretted Chalybeate Spring, half mile northeast of Pittsfield, New Hampshire. Sulphuretted Springs are found in Jasper, Lawrence and Pike Counties, Indiana. Sulphur Spring, Tallulah Falls, Georgia. Sulphur Spring, X y miles east of Zoar, Georgia. Sulphur Spring, southwest center of section 15, Illinois. Sulphur Spring, Allen County, Kansas. Sulphur Spring, Union County, Kentucky. Sulphur Spring, in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana. Sulphur Spring, near Covington, Louisiana. Sulphur Spring, near Enterprise, Mississippi. Sulphur Springs, St. Clair County, Alabama. Sulphur Springs, near Philadelphia, Mississippi. Swayne's Mammoth Springs, Henry County, Tennessee. Sweeney's Chalybeate Spring, Kentucky. Syracuse Salt Well, Syracuse, New York. Talladega Spring, Talladega County, Alabama. Tea Spring, Bath County, Kentucky. Texas Sour Springs, Luling, Caldwell County, Texas. Thermal Spring, near Fort Laramie, Nebraska. 74° F. Thompson's Bromine Arsenic Springs, Seven Mile Ford, Smyth County, Virginia. 505 Tipton Well, Jackson County, Mississippi. Tolenas Soda Springs, near Suisun City, Solano County, California. 'lopek Mineral Wells, Topek, Shawnee County, Kansas. Trinity Springs, Martin County, Indiana. 570 F. Tuscan or Lick Springs, near Red Bluff, Tehama County, California. Unity Springs, Newport, Sullivan County, New Hampshire. Valhcrmoso Springs, 18 miles from Huntsville, Alabama. Victor Spring, Genesee County, New York. Volcano Springs, Lander County, Nevada. Wallawhatoola Alum Springs, Millboro Depot, Bath County, Virginia. Warren White Sulphur Springs, Warren County, North Carolina. Washington Bell's Sulphur Water, Marion County, Kentucky. Weldon Spring, St. Alban's, Franklin County, Vermont. West Baden Springs, West Baden, Orange County, Indiana. Western Saratoga, Union County, Illinois. White Rock Mineral Spring, Waukesha, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. White Sulphur Springs, Sulphur Springs, De Kalb County, Alabama. White Sulphur Mineral Water, Marion County, Kentucky. White Sulphur, 6 miles east of Gower Springs, Georgia. White Sulphur Spring, Catawba County, North Carolina. White Sulphur Spring, Neshoba County, Mississippi. White Sulphur Spring of San Juan Capitraus, 40 miles north of San Diego, California. White Sulphur Springs, Breckenridge County, Kentucky. White Sulphur Springs, Greene County, New York. White Sulphur Springs, Ohio County, Kentucky. White Sulphur Wells, Metcalf County, Kentucky. Wilbur Springs, near Colusa, California. Williamstown Springs, Anderson County, South Carolina. Wilson's Springs, Spartanburg District, South Carolina. Winchester Springs, Franklin County, Tennessee. Wolf Trap Lithia Springs, Wolf Trap, Halifax County, Virginia. Wooley's Springs, Limestone County, Alabama. Wootan Wells, Wootan Wells, Robertson County, Texas. Wyandotte Spring, Wayne County, Michigan. Yates Mineral Spring, Boyle County, Kentucky. Yellow Spring, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Yelvington Spring, Daviess County, Kentucky. Ypsilanti Mineral Spring, Washtenaw County, Michigan. York Springs, Adams County, Pennsylvania. Zonian Springs, near Elgin, Kane County, Illinois. In preparing this article, the following works have been freely consulted: " Report on Mineral Springs," by Committee of American Medical Association, 1880; Dr. William Pepper, Reporter; Moorman and Walton's "Mineral Springs of the United States;" Peale's " Mineral Waters," 1887, Braun's " Curative Effects of Baths and Waters," 1875; U. S. Dispensatory, 1884; " Mineral Springs of Colorado," by Charles Denison, M.D., and Thesis on Mineral Springs of the United States, 1882, by Judson Daland, M.D.