Illii|oi$ 0tkte Board of Health, Chicago, April 25th, 1878. Dear Sir : Will you please make a transcript of the Physician and Accoucheur Register of your County on the enclosed sheet, and return the same at your earliest convenience ? The Board finds it necessary to issue a Directory, in which the legal status of those who are practicing in this State shall be given. We are so much interrupted by in- quiries as to whether this one has a right to practice or not, that we are compelled to resort to this course While engaged in this work, we shall be prepared to make returns to the County Clerk of each County-as is required by law-of all who have received Cer- tificates from this Board. Thus far, compliance with the laws has exceeded our expecta- tions, and much of this success is owing to the hearty co-operation of County Clerks. In some of the counties, however, the County Clerks have required applicants to produce the Certificate of the Board before allowing them to register under section four of the State Board of Health Act. This is wrong, as that section requires all who practice in the State, to register, whether they have Certificates or not, the object being to secure accurate returns of births and deaths. Under the Medical Practice Act, Certificates issued by the Board are recorded, and are limited by law; under the State Board of Health Act, section four, all are required to register. Owing to want of time, and the great labor incident to the issuing of Certificates under the Medical Practice Act, the Board has not had the opportunity to pay the desired at- tention to the registration of births, deaths and marriages. It is now hoped that the County Clerks, whose duty it clearly is to do so, will enforce compliance with the law, especially as the fines incident to non-compliance are to be appropriated toward defraying the expenses of registration. The Board will be pleased to hear from you in regard to the condition of the work in your county, and to receive any suggestions your practical experience may prompt you to make. A copy of the Directory will be sent you as soon as issued. JOHN H. RAUCH, President and Acting Secretary.