QUABANTINE Adopted by the Police Jury of Tensas Parish August 21st, 1878. Whereas, the yellow fever is known to prevail in New Orleans and other towns along the Missis- sippi; Now, therefore, in order to protect the citizen-; of the Parish of Tensas from said contagious and epidemical disease, Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the Parish of Tensas-- Section 1st. That it shall be unlawful for any steamboat or other water craft to land passen- gers from any infected port at any point on the bank of the Missis sippi river within the limits of this parish. See. 2d. It shall be unlawful for any person to land and enter within this parish from any steamboat or " iter craft running the Mississippi river, or to board or return from same. Sec. 3d. It shall be unlawful for any [ erson to land and introduce into this parish any commodities from any port on the Mississippi river, except on a.written permit from the officers hereinafter ap- pointed and specified. Sec. 4th. That all mails coming into this parish shall be fumigated immediately one hour at the land- ing before distribution, by the proper officers. Sec. 5th. That any person vio- lating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be prosecuted by information befoiethe Parish Court, and on conviction shall be fined not more than two hundred and fifty dollars and not less than fifty dollars, and in default of payment shall be confined in the parish jail not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days. Sec. 6th. That the acting Pres ident of the Police Jury shall im- mediately appoint one health offi cer for the following points on the river, io act in conjunction with the officers to be appointed at each place by the Sheriff of this paush, in keeping out ot the parish persons and commo.li ties from infected distiicts. And that the Sheriff of this parish is hereby fully authorized to appoint deputies, duly sworn in, at each of said points, whose duty it shall be to immediately arrest any person vi< dating any of the provisions of this ordinance. Said deputies to receive a compensation of not more than twenty live dollars per month. The points and appointments are as follows, to-wit: L'Argent-J. P. Porter, Health Officer, and Dan'l Elliott, Deputy Sheriff'. King's Point-Prosper King, Health Officer, and W. T. Burnett, Deputy Sheriff. Waterproof-r-Jas. Moore, Health Officer, and N. B. Hunter. Deputy Sheri*!-- Bass' G. C. Goldman, Health Officer, and A. P. Martin, Deputy Sheriff. Kempe's-W. H. Goldman,Health Officer and Deputy Sheriff'. Beiler's Landing-E. L. Whitney Health Officer, and J. A. Curry, Deputy Sheriff Brown's Landing -George Wal- lace, Healt'i Officer,and Gus. Smith Deputy Sheriff. St. Joseph-B. G. Greenfield, Health Officer, and James Norman Deputy ' heriff. Bondurant's Landing Albert Bondurant, Health Officer, and Thomas Farrar, Deputy Sheriff. Hardscrabble 1. J. Fenwick, Health Officerand Deputy Sheriff. Haul Times-C. C. H Fenwick, Health Officer, ami S. F. Hopkins Deputy Sheriff. Shipp's Bayou-T. S. Jones. Health Officer and Deputy Sheriff' Buck Ridge-T. Q. Mu nee, Heal th Officer, and Thornton .-tiles, Deputy Sheriff. Point Pleasant-T. J. Donnelly. Health Officer, and C. S. Kinney, Deputy Sheriff. Ash wood-W. L. Potts, Health Officer, and J. A. Q. Quackenbost. Deputy Sperift. l ew Carthage-S. B. Pittman, Health Officer, and Lucien James, Deputy Sheriff. Lower Point Pleasant M. S. Merchant, Health Officer and Dep uty Sheriff. Sec. 7th. That in addition to the committees already appointed by the citizens at St. Joseph and other points in this parish, the acting President of the Police Jury is hereby authorized to appoint a committee of seven, who, in con- junction with said committees,shall have full power to cause all places to be disinfected, when pronounced necessary by said committees, and to see that all necessary precau- tions be used to prevent the intro- duction and spread of yellow fever in this parish. Said committees to have full power to enforce the visions of this section, by having the parties refusing to obey their orders arrested and dealt with ac cording to the foregoing provisions of this ordinance. The following were appointed as said committee: S. Elgutter, J. D. S. Newell, T. C. Sachse, H. F. Shaifer, David Wise, Reeve Lewis, A. S. Davidson. Be it further Ordained, That the sum of one thousand dollars, or sufficient thereof, is hereby appro- priated to carry out the provisions of this ordinance; and that the Police Jury hereby pledge the faith of the parish to see this < rdinance carried out and the officers ap- pointed paid, and supported in their efforts to carry out the provisions hereof. That this ordinance take effect immediately. Upon motion, the Clerk of this Board was authorized to have one hundred copies of above ordinance printed and mailed to all landings in this parish. And the Police Jury adjourned sine die. MARK ANDREWS, President pro tem. Joseph Curry, Clerk.