Quarantine Regulation. Office of the Board of Health, No. 32 Pemberton Square, Boston, Jan. 25, 1883. Whereas, the disease known as small-pox is prevailing in the city of Baltimore, Md. ; and whereas, vessels arriving here from the port of Baltimore may spread the disease through an infected cargo, or through persons unprotected against the disease, it is therefore ORDERED : That, on and after this date, all vessels arriving at this port from Baltimore, Md., shall stop at quarantine for examination by the port physician. That all persons on arrival at quarantine on said vessels be subjected to examination, as regards their protection from small-pox. That all persons under 10 years of age who have not been successfully vaccinated, and all persons over 10 years of age who have not recently been successfully vaccinated or revaccinated, be considered as unprotected from the effect of the contagion of small-pox,-persons having had an attack of small-pox excepted. That all persons not protected be vaccinated or subjected to a quarantine of observation; and for each vaccination the port physician shall impose and collect the sum of 25 cents, to be by him paid to the city treasurer. No such vessel shall proceed, nor shall her cargo, or any part thereof, be discharged, nor any per- son be allowed to go on board or to leave her while in quarantine, without the written permit of the port physician, who is hereby authorized and instructed to take such measures with regard to said vessel as, in his judgment, the health of the city may require. By order of the Board of Health, S. H. DURGIN, M. D., Chairman.