BOSTON, MMY 2, 1881. Whereas, contagious diseases are now prevalent in foreign ports, rendering increased restrictions necessary for the protection of the public health, it is hereby Ordered, That, from the 15th day of May, 1881, until November 1st, 1881, all vessels arriving in this Harbor from the following Ports shall stop at the Quarantine Station, viz.: all vessels from any port in Europe, from the Western, Madeira, Canary or Cape de Verde Islands; from the Mediterranean or Straits thereof, from the west coast of Africa, or around the Cape of Good Hope; from the West India, Bahama or Bermuda Islands; from any American ports south of Virginia, including Cen- tral and South America; and also vessels arriving from any place in the United States or British America, where they may have touched on their way from any foreign port or place above named. No such vessel shall leave Quarantine or discharge her cargo or any part thereof, without the written permit of the Port Physician, who is hereby authorized and instructed to take any measures in regard to such vessels, and to make such rules and regulations for their government while in Quarantine, as in his judgment the security of the health of the City may require. And, for the permit so granted, the Port Physician shall have the right to demand and receive from each vessel, her master or owners, the fee established by the Board of Health. C. E. DAVIS, Jr., Clerk. Extracts from Special Laws and the General Statutes. * * * Whenever quarantine is imposed on any vessel coming from abroad, and the owner, consignee, master, or other person interested in such vessel or her cargo, shall be interrogated by any member of the board of health, in his official capacity, or by the visiting physician of said board, respecting any circumstance or event, touching the health of the crew or passengers of such vessel, or any infection suspected in the cargo, from the time of her first engaging upon the voyage she may then be terminating, and the said owner, consignee, master or other person interested as aforesaid, shall make any false or unfounded declaration respecting the points under examination, every such owner, consignee, master or other interested person, upon conviction thereof, in manner as pointed out in the eighth section of the law to which this is an addition, shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, suffer six months' imprisonment, either or both, at the discretion of the court having cognizance of such offence. [Passed June 18, 1803.] Such regulations shall extend to all persons, goods, and effects arriving in such vessels, and to all persons who may visit or go on board of the same. [G. S., Ch. 26, Sec. 35.] Whoever violates any such regulation, after notice thereof has been given in the manner before provided in this chapter shall forfeit a sum not less than five nor more than five hundred dollars. [Fb. ยง 36.]