Board of Health, City of Boston. Sir: - You are hereby notified that it is the intention of the Board of Health to strictly enforce the provisions of the following sections of the City Ordinances. C. E. DAVIS, Jr., Clerk, Chap. 22, Sect. 43. No person shall, without permission from the board of health, throw into, or leave in, or upon a street, wharf, public enclosure, vacant lot, pond or other body of water within the city, a dead animal, earth, dirt, gravel, sand, sweepings, sawdust, soot, ashes, cinders, shavings, hair, shreds, manure, oyster, clam or lobster shells, waste water, rubbish or filth of any kind, or any refuse animal or vegetable matter whatever. Nor shall any person throw into, or leave upon a dock, flat, or tide water within the jurisdiction of the city, a dead animal or other foul or offensive matter, except as provided in section forty-seven of this chapter. Chap. 1, Sect. 4. Whoever violates a provision of any ordinance of the city, whether included in these Revised Ordinances or hereafter enacted, shall, unless other provision is expressly made, be liable to a penalty of not less than two nor more than fifty dollars for each offence.