REPRINTED FROM lV]edical painful iq by I. N. LOVE, M.D., Professor of Diseases of Children, Clinical Medicine and Hygiene in Marion-Sims College of Medicine, St. Louis. jDonca Compound " a decided and specific alter- ative action upon the uterine tissues, as also a general tonic influence upon the pelvic organs; it has a tendency to absorb plastic deposits, to regulate the vascular supply and thus relieves congestion; to en- courage peristaltic action of the bowels, to tone up the nerve forces and to thus remove spasmodic conditions. In most instances it eradicates the principal influences that cause and keep up engorgements, displacements, etc., and can always be relied upon as the chief factor in bringing about normal condi- tions." b/] enervation in tBy I. I\|. L>oVe, Editor of the Medical Mirror, St. Louis. Some; workers in the field of diseases of women believe that the ills to which female flesh is heir can properly be charged to the reproductive organs, but the majority of broad-gauge, prac- tical physicians know that the "better half" of mankind are liable to all forms of lesion and suffering which may be cnarged to all the individual portions of the animal economy. The Golden Gems of Goodell, recently enunciated, should be printed in large type and placed prominently before the eyes of every doctor in the sacred sanctum wherein he mostly pur- sues his studies. They are as follows, viz.: First, always bear in mind that " women have some organs outside of the pelvis." Second, each neurotic case will usually have a tale of fret or grief, of cark and care, of wear and tear. Third, scant or delayed or suppressed menstruation is far more fre- quently the result of nerve exhaustion than of uterine disease. Fourth, anteflexion is not per se a pathological condition. It is so when associated with sterility or painful menstruation, and only then does it need treatment. Fifth, an irritable bladder is more often a nerve symptom than a uter- ine one. Sixth, in a large number of cases of supposed or of actual uterine dis- ease which displays marked gastric disturbance, if the tongue be clean the essential disease will be found to be neurotic, and must be treated as such. Seventh, almost every supposed uterine case, characterized by excess of sensibility and by scantiness of will power, is essentially a neurosis. Eighth, in the vast majority of cases in which a woman takes to bed and stays there indefinitely, from some supposed uterine lesion, she is bed- ridden from her brain, ana not from her womb. Lastly, uterine symptoms are not always present in cases of uterine disease, nor when present, even urgent, do they necessarily come from uterine disease, for they may be merely nerve counterfeits of uterine disease. There are cases of painful or difficult menstruation, par- ticularly in virgins, which seriously burden the conscientious physician. Many such have come under my observation, and I have always felt that every general therapeutic means should be exhausted before local measures should be instituted; in fact, in nearly all cases, special treatment should be avoided with young girls. For about six months I have treated numerous cases of such character with Ponca Compound in tablet form, actuated thereto by the suggestions thrown out by Dr. Deering J. Roberts, of Nashville, and Dr. W. T. Dixon, of Evansville, Ind. The Ponoa Compound being presented to the profession by the Mellier Drug Co., of St. Louis, a name which has been synonymous with honesty, reliability and skill in pharmacy in St. Louis for almost half a century, I did not hesitate to use it. I find that Ex. Ponca, 3 grs.; Ext. Mitchella Repens, 1 gr.; Caulophyllin, % gr.; Helonin, gr.; Viburnin, % gr. Each Tablet Contains I usually administer one tablet every four hours, and so far am much gratified with the results. I feel that any remedy which will help us out in these cases should be welcomed. Ponca Compound UTERINE ALTERATIVE. ESPECIALLY AFFECTING THE MUCOUS SURFACES. INDICATIONS : METRITIS, ENDO-METRITIS, MENORRHAGIA, METRORRHAGIA, SUBINVOLUTION, LEUCORRH(EA, DYSMENORRH(EA, OVARIAN NEURALGIA, PAINFUL PREGNANCY, AFTER-PAINS, Exercises a specific alterative action on the uterine tissues, a general tonic influence on the Pelvic Organs ; has a tendency to absorb plastic deposits, to regulate the vascular supply, to relieve congestion, to encourage peristalsis of the bowels, and to remove spasmodic conditions. Formula.-Each tablet contains-Ext. Ponca, 3 grs.; Ext. Mltchella Repens, 1 gr.; Caulophyllln 14 gr.; Helonln, Vs gr.; Vlburnln, Vs gr. Dose.-One tablet after each meal and before retiring. 100 tablets mailed on receipt of $1.00. ' 'Ponca Compound is a grateful uterine stimulant and tonic." CHARLES A. L. REED, M. D., Cincinnati, Ex-Pres. Miss. Valley Med. Ass'n. ' ' Can cheerfully recommend Ponca Compound for painful menstruation in young girls. ' ' I. N. LOVE, M. D., St. Louis, Ex-Pres. Amer. Med. Editors Ass'n. " I And Ponca Compound uniform, reliable, portable and convenient of administration. ' ' A. M. OWEN, M. D., Evansville, Ind., Ex-Pres. Miss. Valley Med. Ass'n. ' ' Ponca Compound will prove an invaluable uterine agent in the hands of the busy practitioner." THOS. HUNT STUCKY, M. D., Louisville, Vice-Pres. Miss. Valley Med. Ass'n. MELLIER DRUG COMPANY. 2112 Lucas Place, ST. LOUIS. In AFTER-PAINS Ponca Compound is an INVALUABLE REMEDY. TABLE FOR APPROXIMATING BATE OF CONFINEMENT-WHEN DATE OF LAST MENSTRUATION IS GIVEN. Jan. Oct. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Nov. Feb. Nov. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 Dec. Mar. Dec. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 Jan. April. Jan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 11 12 J3 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23,24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 Feb. May. Feb. 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 T9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mar. J une. Mar. 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 13 14 15 16 17 18 19'20 21 22 23 24 25 26-27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 April. July. April. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 May. Aug. May. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25'26 29 30 31 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 .>8 29 30 31 1|2 J 4 5 6 7 June. Sept. June. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1.2 3_ 4 5 6 7 July. Oct. July. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I9'*'2O 21 22 23'24 25J 30 31 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Aug. Nov. Aug. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sept. Dec. Sept. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Oct. DIRECTIONS FOR USING TABLE.-As labor occurs in the larger proportion of cases between 270 and 290 days from the last menstruation, it is usual to reckon from the first day of this period, taking as the mean 280 days. The table presents at a glance the beginning and end of 280 days for every day in the year. Find the date of the menstruation in the upper line of the horizontal column, and the figure below, with the corresponding month, will indicate 280 days. In PAINPUL MENSTRUATION Ponca Compound affords CERTAIN RELIEF. DURING PREGNANCY FOUR TABLETS DAILY. Qinifal Reports F the use of Ponca Compound have fully Vjf justified the claims of its proprietors; indeed, the crucial test of clinical experience seems only to exaggerate its merits and extend the field of its usefulness. From among the many reports made con- cerning it, a few are selected. Dr. R. M. Hutchins gives the following : Mrs. , aged 29. For a year preceding my treatment, menses every three weeks, pro- fuse and long lasting, kept her weak and nervous; constant cramping, bearing-down feel- ing in region of uterus, and when on feet much, felt as if whole abdominal contents would drop away from her. Bxamination showed womb prolapsed and retroverted, and a general relaxed condition of the parts; some leucorrhcea. Re- placed womb and prescribed Ponca Compound, a tablet four times a day. In three weeks all unpleasant symptoms had disappeared, and in six weeks I pronounced her cured. SuDinvoLUTion Mrs. , aged 28. For about two years since birth of last child had complained of constant, heavy, dragging feeling in small of back and lower portion of pelvis; top and occipital headache; great irritability of bladder, especially when walking; relieved by lying down; bowels constipated and so bloated at times as to give her the appear- ance of advanced pregnancy; menses always painful, the discharges being of black, clotted blood, generally very profuse and long last- ing ; in the interval she had profuse, yellow- ish leucorrhcea. Her general health was very poor, being weak, nervous and emaci- ated. Examination showed uterus prolapsed, anteverted and ulcerated; depth three inches, about twice normal size. I placed her upon Ponca Compound, a dose after meals and at bed-time, and twice a week applied locally a pledget of absorbent wool, saturated with equal parts of Glycerine and fluid Hydrastis. Under this treatment improvement began and continued until at the end of two months she was cured. Has had no trouble since. Mrs. -, aged 41. Menses came on every two weeks and continued from eight to ten days ; very dark in color and lumpy, not painful; when on feet would come away in gushes, hut when lying down flow would lessen, though not en- tirely cease. Examination failed to re- veal tumor or any particular cause ; parts were relaxed and flabby. Ergot, acids, tonics, etc., had been of little benefit. Ponca Compound, a tablet every four hours, was prescribed, with the result that in one month hemorrhage had ceased, and menses have since come on every four weeks and lasted four or five days. She has recovered her former health and spirits. MRS. ,aged 32. Had passed through four confinements. About the third month of pregnancy each time a very profuse leucor- rhcea would set in and continue until after birth of child. It was so corrosive in character that the labiae and thighs wherever it touched had the appearance of being scalded. She suffered greatly at confinements on account of the in- flamed condition of the parts. Nothing that was done for her seemed to be of any avail. No specific history could be obtained. The first child only lived a few hours after birth. Its mother said its whole body and face had the ap- pearance of being scalded. The second had ophthalmia-neonatorum, which resulted in loss of sight. It died the following summer of cholera infantum. The third had ophthalmia- neonatorum and two or three scalded patches on the body, but recovered under treatment, and is now apparently healthy. She had moved West (fromN. Y. City) after third confinement and fell into my hands. At about the same time with her fourth pregnancy, the leucorrhoea appeared as bad as ever. I prescribed Ponca Compound, a tablet every four hours, which completely re- lieved her in a month's time. She passed on to and through confinement without further trouble and was delivered of a fine healthy boy. M 1 F USS -, aged 21. For four years had suffered greatly 7 ■with dysmenorrhcea. Severe, colicky, cramping pains would make their appearance a few hours before menses came on, and continue about three days, and then gradually cease, and as they ceased a severe headache would set in that lasted usually two days. This would leave her nervous and pros- trated, with poor appetite and constipated bowels. Ponca Com- pound was prescribed, commencing a week before menses should appear, a dose to be taken every four hours during the day and continued until period was over. The next period was without pain. The treatment was continued four months. She has remained w'ell now about two years. Has gained twenty pounds in weight. Dr. Wm. H. Baskette, of Nashville, Tenn., says: " In December, 1889, I was called to see Eveline L , aged 24, single. She was anaemic to an extreme degree; strumous diathesis; ulcer on left leg, extending from the popliteal space to the heel, involving the integument and sub- cutaneous tissue; she had not menstruated in eighteen months. I put her upon tonic treatment and made stimulating appli- cations to the ulcer, and left her twelve tablets of Ponca Com- pound, to be taken one every four hours. On the fifth day she was much improved. I gave her twelve more tablets; on the eighth day her menses returned. I kept up the treatment for three weeks ; the ulcer healed entirely, and her general health improved rapidly. Before the next period was due I gave her six more tablets ; the flow came on at the proper time, and she has been regular since." " A patient called at my office complaining of headache, pain in the ovaries and back, and stated that she had suffered great pain during her menstruation. I gave her fifty tablets of Ponca Compound, with instructions to take one every five hours until her next menstruation began, and then to report results after this had ceased. She did so, stating that she had become unwell without a pain, and wanted more for the next menstruation. This induced me to use them for other patients, to all of whom they have given great relief. I am very thankful for the good it has accomplished in removing pain during the menstrual period. I believe the pro- fession will find it a remedy which has long been sought for." W. T. Dixon, M.D., Evansville, Ind. is the Indian natne of a little plant which is found I on our southwestern prairies. It is very small, and except in the flowering season, which is only for about two weeks in May, it is almost impossible to tell it from numer- ous other small plants that abound there. To Dr. R. M. Hutch- ins are we indebted for our knowledge of its medicinal virtues. He found that, besides being a first-class general tonic and stim- ulant, it had a very decided preponderance of action upon the uterus and appendages. Dr. Hutchins states: " I believe Ponca has a more decided alterative action upon the uterus and uterine mucous membranes than any known remedy. Under its internal administration I have seen long standing ulcerations heal, foul discharges cease, a spongy, inflamed and enlarged uterus reduced in size and be- come firm and healthy. In subinvolution it is invaluable, soon relieving such symptoms as headache, backache, sideache, bear- ing-down feelings, bladder troubles, bloated abdomen, indiges- tion, constipation and many other symptoms that are a conse- quence of this condition. " The following combination-Ext. Ponca, 3 grs. ; Ext. Mitchella Repens, igr.; Caulophyllin, % gr.; Helonin, % gr.; Viburnin, % gr.-I believe will be found AS USEFUL IN UTERINE TROUBLES AS QUININE IN MALARIA. "I can give a history of several cases in which Ponca Compound has given quite extraordinary results, and would mention that I have never used it without deriving great benefit from its action." The combination named above by Dr. Hutchins is the formula of the made exclusively by Mellier Drug Company, of St. Louis. It is Bienne Alterative Especially affecting the mucous surfaces. FOR-~-- Metritis, r'ridc)-Mc'tritis, Subnn'ohition, Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia, Leucorrhoea, Dysmenorrhcea, Ovarian Neuralgia and Inflammation ; checks threatened Abor- tion; restores Suppressed Menses from cold ; removes Painful Symptoms of Pregnancy ; relieves After-Pains and favors Involution. /s sold in boxes containing 100 Tablets each. Upon receipt of one dollar, a box, containing 100 Tablets of Ponca Com- pound, will be sent by mail to the address of any physician. PRICE, $1.00 PER BOX. $8.00 PER DOZ. BOXES. SOLE PROPRIETORS, 109 & 111 Walnut St., 518 Olive St., St. Ixouis. \ X / ILL give you a report of a case for which I used Ponca y y Compound: " Patient, female, 33 years of age, married, mother of three chil- dren, pregnant with the fourth for three months; has to work hard for a living. When she called on me she complained of terrible bearing down pains, cramps in the bowels, indigestion and great weakness. On examination found a copious flow of white, greenish liquid, from which she told me she had suffered for years. I prescribed the usual remedies, which, while they relieved the leucorrhoea somewhat, did not produce the desired result, especially as her occupation and means precluded a restful life for any given time. Ponca Compound having been recently called to my attention, I was struck by its evident appli- cation to the conditions of this case, and gave the patient 50 tablets, with instructions to take one after each meal and one at bed-time and report to me when she had taken all of them. In about two weeks time I saw the patient and was more than surprised to find the leucor- rhcea entirely gone. She informed me that her pains had disappeared, her appetite had improved and her bowels had moved regularly every morning. She said her womb had grown firmer, in fact it gave her no trouble, and she did not know she had such a thing; furthermore, she had been able to attend to her usual occupations without any difficulty. She desired a prescription for the same remedy, which I gave her, and she left me to all appearances a new woman." One thing I must mention: Ponca Compound seems to affect the appetite, improving it considerably, and by relieving those knifing pains, which in many instances accompany an action of the bowels, to a greater or lesser extent overcomes constipation. O. Gay, M. D. 942 Parker St., Boston, Mass. ©ripped From the October number of Medical Mirror. The history of epidemics is almost uniform in the direction of their extending over several years. Frequently the disease is endemic, becoming a definite part of every day life, as witness diphtheria in many sections of the country. La Grippe is no exception. Appear- ing among us as it did two years ago, it returned the second year in a form more virulent than the first, producing effects far-reaching and uniformly demoralizing. Observing practitioners cannot have failed to notice that during this summer and fall many cases could be ex- plained by no other hypothesis than that they were affected either directly or remotely by the grippe. The possibilities are that the com- ing winter and spring will develop enormous numbers of these cases; cases effected de novo by the germ (if there be one) and cases that have never yet recovered from previous attacks with re-aroused dis- turbances due to the sudden and frequent changes of the weather. Feeling the importance of keeping open the excretory system of glands and at the same time considering thoughtfully the rheumatic feature that accompanies these cases, no remedy would more promptly suggest itself to our mind than that of Mellier's Tongaline. Knowing as we do definitely the component parts; that each fluid drachm represents thirty grains of Tonga, two grains of extractum Cimicifugse Racemosse, ten grains of the Salicylate of Sodium, one-hundredth grain of Pilo- carpin Salicylate, one five-hundredth grain of the Salicylate of Colchi- cin, the combination naturally suggests antagonism to a locked-up condition of the glands, opposition to neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache and gout. Clinical experience extending over a number of years, including all sizes, ages and conditions of patients, in private practice and hos- pital work, as also satisfactory results in one's own family and person, justifies most favorable conclusions regarding this compound. We commend it earnestly and emphatically to the practitioners of the country at large to meet the conditions to which we have referred. N. B. All the Salicylic Acid used in Tongaline after this date will be made from Oil of Win- tergreen. Mellier Drug Company, January 1st, IS92. St. Louis. FoirnWa. Tonga, 10 g Extractum Cimicifugae Racemosae, - - - - 2 ' Sodium Salicylate, 10" Pilocarpin. " ...... 1/100 " Colchicin " - 1/500 " represents one fluid drachm of Found to be of almost specific value in RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA NEURALGIA, GOUT, HEADACHE (nervous), DENGUE. These troubles are caused by the accumulation of uric or lithic acids and other poisonous virus in the system. Now, TONGALINE, by its peculiar composition, possesses a won- derful affinity for them, as also all viscid and sluggish secre- tions, which it neutralizes and eliminates through the natural channels, say the bowels, the kidneys, and the pores; giving relief speedily and thoroughly. of its constituents shows the therapeutic range of its usefulness and the extended class of diseases in which these remedies are recommended by the medical authorities of both continents : TONGA (Anti-Neuralgic). "Tonga was introduced to the notice of the medical profes- sion by Drs. Sidney Ringer and Wm. Murrell, of London, as a remedy for Neuralgia."-Lancet II, 1880. They have made some very thorough and most satisfactory experiments concerning its medicinal value, and their high claims for its merits as a remedy for Neuralgia and Rheuma- tism have been extensively corroborated. It has been used from time immemorial as a remedy for ralgia, Rheumatism, plervous fleadaehe and Neuralgic and Rheumatic Pains of all kinds by the inhabitants of the islands of the South Pacific Ocean, from whence the drug is obtained. EXTRACTUM CIMICIFUGXE RACEMOSJE (Sedative. Anti-Spasmodic). "Cimicifuga undoubtedly exercises considerable influence over the nervous system, probably of a sedative character. -Dr. N. S. Davis uniformly found it to lessen the force and frequency of the pulse, to soothe pain and allay irritability." -U. S. Disp. Page 424. " Cimicifuga appears to be a sedative of the nervous and vascular systems.-Probably it is most useful in Rheumatic Chorea, since it has proved to be an efficient remedy for Acute Articular Rheumatism when freely administered.-It is also excellent in Muscular Rheumatism, and especially in Lumbago. ' '-Nat, Disp, Page 414. SODIUM SALICYLATE (Anti-Septic, Anti-Putrid). "The action of Salicylate of Sodium upon the economy and its therapeutic use are precisely those of Salicylic Acid ex- cept that the salt is not locally irritating, and being soluble is more rapidly absorbed.-In Rheumatism the remedy (Salicylic Acid) is the most valuable one known." "Jaccond states that he has found it of great service in Chronic Rheu- matism-also that in Acute Gout it acts with extraordinary effect."-U. S. Disp. Page 102. Sharkey states: "One must, I think, allow that its discov- ery as a cure for Acute Rheumatism is a triumph of empiri- cal therapeutics which has probably few parallels in the history of medicine." " In Gout the Salicylates are said by See to display even more wonderful powers than in Rheu- matism and to promptly arrest even the most painful par- oxysms as well as to prevent relapse and to promote the removal of tophaceous deposits."-Nat. Disp. Page 77. PILOCARPIN SALICYLATE (Diaphoretic). "Jaborandi is so powerful and certain in its diaphoretic action that it has already taken rank as the most reliable and in- fluential of the remedies of its class- indeed, so great is its power that it has greatly extended the use of diaphoretics." -U.S. Disp. Page 1106. " In Syphilitic Rheumatism the sudorific action of Jabor- andi is said to have removed the nocturnal pains; and it has been efficacious in Muscular Rheumatism and Sciatica. -Nat. Disp. Page 1087. COLCHICIN SALICYLATE (Purgative, Diuretic). "The chief employment of the Meadow-Saffron (Colchicum Root) is at present in the treatment of Gout and Rheuma- tism, in which experience has abundantly proved it to be a highly valuable remedy. We have within our own obser- vation found it especially useful in these affections when of a shifting or neuralgic character. " Professor Chelius states that it changes the chemical con- stitution of the urine in arthritic patients, producing an evi- dent increase of the uric acid. Dr. Maclagan has found it greatly to increase the proportion both of urea and uric acid in the urine, and where these previously existed in the blood to separate them from it."-U. S. Disp. Page 473. Salicylic Acid . . . FROM . . . f)IL OF WINTERGREEN. IT IS a well established fact that the synthetic Salicylic Acid made from Coal Tar, as also all Coal Tar derivatives, have a more or less disturbing effect on the pneumo-gastric nerve. But the synthetic Salicylic Acid is almost invari- ably used, as it costs only about one-tenth of that made from Oil of Wintergreen, which is the natural source of Salicylic Acid. In order to enhance, if possible, the therapeutic action of TONGALINE, to relieve it from any un- pleasant effects and to improve the taste, all the Salicylic Acid used in it will be made from Oil of Wintergreen and not from Coal Tar. We feel assured, therefore, that the medical profession will appreciate our efforts and will find that there is no better vehicle than TONGALINE for the administration of Salicylates. Sol'll B Potass. Brom., 4 drachms. Liq. Tong. Sal., 8 ounces. M. ft. sol. Sig.: Teaspoonful every hour until the desired effect is secured. NERVOUS HEADACHE. MALARIAL NEURALGIA. B Acetanylid, 4 drachms. Liq. Tong. Sal., 8 ounces. M. ft. sol. Sig.: Teaspoonful every four hours. B Potass. lod., 4 drachms Liq. Tong. Sal., 8 ounces. M. ft. sol. Sig.: Teaspoonful before meals and at bedtime. SYPHILITIC RHEUMATISM. PRONOUNCED SECONDARY SYPHILIS. B Corros. Sublimate, 4 grains. Potass. lod., 6 ounces. Liq. Tong. Sal., 8 ounces. M. ft. sol. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. No proprietary medicine has ever obtained such strong en- dorsement from the medical profession. Hundreds of physicians' testimonials have been received from all parts of the country, which show the wonderful virtues of Tongaline. Attention is called to but few of them: Rheumatism. "I am eighty-six years old, nevertheless, previous to April 13th, 1888, I was entirely healthy, happy, and nearly always hungry, such was the ex- cellence of my appetite. On that date I was seized with a most painful and severe type of muscular rheumatism, and could not stir any part of my body without sufferingcruelly. My remedy for this disease previously had been salicylate of soda. I took it and although it relieved me much, it produced total deafness ; I could not hear my own voice, so I was compelled to discon- tinue its use. Seeing the formula of TONGALINE, and knowing the virtues of the medicines combined in it, I wrote for sample bottles. They came and I lost no time in using it. The first dose was taken at 3 P.M., at 4 it was repeated, at 5 I helped myself and at 6 Z felt well. That is, in three short hours the pain and soreness had all disappeared ; the acute stage was cured. Most wonderful! And no deafness followed. Based on my experience, therefore, I do not hesitate to say that TONGALINE is superior to any other remedy for rheumatism. I have used it in several other cases and in every one the effect was quick and satisfactory. Not a case has fallen short of the best results." J. W. BABBITT, M.D., Ypsilanti, Mich. " I have used TONGALINE extensively in all forms of neuralgia and rheumatism ; I find it a safe, easy and efficient remedy. In all cases of rheumatic and neuralgic pains accompanying the colds that predominate in this damp and malarial region, it seems to be specific. I take pleasure in recommending it to the profession." C. W. PRINDLE, M.D., 17 W. Bridge St., Grand Rapids, Mich. *' I give TONGALINE in connection with arterial sedatives in inflam- matory rheumatism with as much confidence as I do quinine in inter- mittents." JAMES B. HUDSON, M.D., Columbus, Ind. " I have used TONGALlNE ever since it came to my notice several years ago, and I consider it the best combination of salicylates yet produced. In my hands it is a specific in all cases of acute rheumatic fever." GEO. H. LITTLEFIELD, M.D., Talmage, Neb. " I have used TONGALINE myself for an attack of rheumatism over six months ago ; it gave entire relief, and I have had no recurrence of the trouble since." J. H. P. COLQUITT, M.D., Bowman, Ga. "In the use of TONGALINE, both on myself and in my practice, I have found it what it is claimed to be-a thorough anti-rheumatic agent." R. C. BOWMAN, M.D., Orlando, Fla. headache. " I have used TONGALINE in many cases of facial neuralgia, and also in neuralgia of the trigeminals. Having great opportunities as County Physician of Madison Co., I have prescribed TONGALINE in many cases of sick-headache and, I must confess, with invariable relief. It also prevents future attacks.'' A. SACONI, M.D., Edwardsville, Ills. "I have used TONGALINE in cases of neuralgia and nervous head- ache, and their action has been all that could be desired. For those affec- tions, I regard TONGALINE as a specific. It relieves even after other remedies have failed. I shall never be without it if it can be procured." G. E- SHEFFIELD, M.D., Hudson, Iowa. " Am highly pleased with the action of TONGALINE. I find it the best remedy I have ever tried for nervous headache. Used for neuralgia and rheumatism it gives excellent results. As a Nervine it produces a gentle and permanent stimulating effect on the system, and is attended with no injurious results. In fact, most of my patients state that it seems to promote their digestion." S. B. PEARCE, M.D., Rock Mart, Polk Co., Ga. " I consider your TONGALINE a specific in nervous headache. In one case in which I tried there was nervous headache and dysmenorrhoea, the former often years' standing. She had tried a great many medicines without any effect. She did not take more than a half bottle of TONGA- LINE before she considered herself well." J. II. WILKEY, M.D., Snow Flake, Ills. THE HWEFIHITE PAIHS OF PATIENTS. "Am prescribing TONGALINE with satisfactory results. For the indefinite aches and pains of nervous patients it i; superior to any other anodyne. For nervous headache or muscular rheumatism it is almost a specific.'' PARK RITCHIE, M.D., St. Paul, Minn. Seaflet peVef. The Annals of Gynaecology and Pcediatry, for December, 1890, says : Dr. I. N. Love has had remarkable success with the employment of TONGALINE as a stimulator of the glandular system. He finds that the kidneys and glands of the alimentary canal respond favorably to the use of this drug in doses of from one-half to a teaspoonful every three hours when indicated. He is in the habit of using the following formula : R. Tongaline (Mellier). Syr. tolu, aa fiui. Elix. pepsine, fuiii. M. Sig.-Dessertspoonful every two to four hours, as demanded. The writer says that Tonga is indicated in Scarlet Fever, and the sali- cylic acid, which forms a part of the compound, is surely advantageous, and the small amount of pilocarpine therein is also of great value. ISleupalgia. " I am not accustomed to giving testimonials of new remedies, but my recent experience with TONGALINE has been so satisfactory that I feel it a duty to the profession to express the opinion that it is one of the certain- ties of medicine. In acute facial neuralgia, hemicrania, gastralgia, and sciatica, TONGALINE has never disappointed me. It is preferable to opiates, having no objectionable properties, such as producing headache, consti- pation, impairment of digestion, etc." CHAS. W. MURPHY, M.D., Secretary of the Washington County Board of Health, Salem, Ind. " I have prescribed TONGALINE with great success in the treatment of Neuralgia, and have never found any remedy equal to it for that trouble. I consider it a valuable addition to the remedies of the Materia Medica." R. C. McCANN, M.D., Benton, Miss. " Since 1883 I have used TONGALINE in the treatment of Neuralgia, Rheumatism and Rheumatic Gout, and I cannot speak in too high terms of its efficacy." P. R. THOMBS, M.D. Sup't of Colorado State Insane Asylum, Pueblo, Col. Sciatica. " I have tested the virtues of TONGALINE on several cases, one case of Sciatica, with the happy effect of relieving the pain and curing the disease with very little of the medicine. "Another was a case of rheumatism of the neck and shoulders; in this case, also, the action of the remedy was all that I could desire. I shall in future use TONGALINE more freely, as I am convinced that it is all that we could wish." BEN. H. BRODNAX, M.D., Brodnax, Morehouse Parish, La. " I had been suffering for about two years with SCIATICA, when I commenced taking TONGALINE for its relief. The pain left me almost instantly and has never returned. From further experience with it in my practice, I regard TONGALINE as being the best preparation for neural- gia and rheumatism that I have ever used." JOHN R. LEWIS, M.D., Ridge Prairie, Mo. bumbago. "The use of TONGALINE had entirely corrected a case of lumbago with which I was afflicted, and have found it so satisfactory in many cases in my practice that I consider too much cannot be said in favor of it." G. E. MATTHEWS, M.D., Ringwood, Halifax Co., N.C. " I was called in by a man who had been suffering from lumbago for about five months, and although he had been attended by a physician most of that time had secured no relief. I at once prescribed TONGALINE, one drachm every two hours until relieved and then one drachm six times daily, and within a fortnight he was entirely cured and able to attend to his duties." J. D. CARROLL, M.D., DeAnn, Hempstead Co., Ark. ''TONGALINE used on myself for lumbago has proved a specific, and I prescribe it daily. I shall report a case to the Virginia Medical Society which was cured by it. Too much cannot be said of it." G. E. MATTHEWS, M.D., Ringwood, N. C. DotlQClO-(Break-Bone pever). Dr. A. M. SiTTLER, of Bowmanstown, Carbon Co., Pa., writes: " During an epidemic of Dengue or Break-bone Fever, I gave IJQ. TONG. SAL. a thorough trial and found it much more successful than the usual treatment, such as Iodide of Potassium, Wine of Colchicum, Quinine, Salicylic Acid, etc. ; in fact, I found that LIQ. TONG. SAL. effected a cure in nearly every instance.'' IS SOLD IN 8-OZ. BOTTI1HS AflD BOTTI1ES, AND CAN BE OBTAINED FROM ALL DRUGGISTS, FRKE5: Si.oo per bottle, $8.00 per dozen, 8-oz. bottles, - - - 5-pint bottles, - $5>5<> eacli. The Proprietors will send a sample bottle to the address of any Physician applying for same, who will agree to pay Express charges on package. QpMPrtNT, SOLE PROPRIETORS, 109 6r III WriLNUT ST. *™5I8 OLIVE ST. /T. LOUIS.