THE ALBANY IjOSPIT/JL, Corner of Howard and Eagle Sts. The Albany Hospital, 1878. of Jhjsmpans and ©oa.oultiag (Consulting burgeon. THOMAS HUN, M. D., JOHN SWINBURNE, M. D. S. O. VANDERPOEL, M. D. S. H. FREEMAN, M. D., Attending JOSEPH LEWI, M. D., JACOB S. MOSHER, M. I)., J. M. BIGELOW, M. D. gittrntlinij ALBERT VANDERVEER, M. D., S. B. WARD, M. D., LEWIS BALCH, M. D., W. HAILES, JR., M. D. (Obstetric burgeon. of Women. WM. H. BAILEY, M. D. JAMES P. BOYD, JR., M. D. petrous gteea.oc.s. EDWARD R. HUN, M. D. F. C. CURTIS, M. D. CHAS. A. ROBERTSON, M. D., diseases' of the $ye and (Sat. CYRUS S. MERRILL, M. D. 'House I'hysieian. S. A. RUSSELL, M. D. EDW'D E. WHITEHORNE, M. D. D. H. COOK, M. D., T. K. PERRY, M. D., L. T. MORRILL, M. D., E. VAN SLYKE, M. D., W. H. MURRAY, M. D., T. M. TREGO, M. D., 8. G. SHANKS, M. D. President of the Medical Staff, - - - - THOMAS HUN, M. D. Secretary of the Medical Staff, - - - LEWIS BALCH, M. D. Albany, April l.S'£, 1878. The newly elected Board of Governors of the Albany Hos- pital, desiring that its advantages may be extended as widely as possible, take pleasure in announcing to the public that the Hos- pital Staff has been thoroughly reorganized and is composed of eminent Physicians and Surgeons, who are united in the dis- charge of their duties. The selection of House Physicians is made by competitive examination. A new and efficient Matron has been appointed and great care is taken in the selection of nurses. Through the liberality of its friends, its financial affairs are now on a sound basis. By resolution of the Board, all bequests to the Hospital are added to the permanent fund, the interest only to be used. Additional subscriptions and bequests to this fund are earn- estly hoped for. Our list of annual subscriptions, which are payable in quar- terly instalments, will, we trust, be largely increased. The new wing affords increased accommodations for patients. Pay patients are admitted to private rooms upon very reasonable terms. By a resolution of the Board, it is now provided, that " Under the direction of the Governors, the private rooms are also open to pay patients who desire to be attended by their own physicians." Any religious or charitable body may secure continuous use of the advantages of the Hospital by the annual payment of $200 per bed required. Further information can be obtained of the Secretary of the Board. BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE ALBANY HOSPITAL. President, - - - RUFUS W. PECKHAM. Secretary, - - - - SARTELL PRENTICE, Treasurer. - - - EDWIN SAFFORD. THOMAS McCREDIE, ARCHIBALD McCLURE, DUDLEY OLCOTT, RUFUS W. PECKHAM, SARTELL PRENTICE, SIMON W. ROSENDALE, EDWIN SAFFORD, ANDREW E. MATHER, JOHN M. BAILEY, JOSEPH W. RUSSELL, EDWARD C. KOONZ, THOMAS H. FEAREY, ALANSON A. SUMNER, JAMES DUNCAN, CHARLES R. KNOWLES. Matron, MRS. S. B. CAVERT.