JLZLT OZRZDTZNrJX-ZLTCrE PrQvjdkTg-'fprMaintenance of the Public Health AN ORDINANCE concerning the duties of the Board of Health of the City of De- troit and providing for the maintenance of the Public Health. It is hereby ordained by the People of the city of Detroit. Sec. 1, The Board of Health shall have power, and it is hereby made their duty: 1. To make diligent inquiry with respect to all nuisances, of every description, in said city, which are, or may be, injurious to the public health, and abate the same. 2. To stop, detain and examine, every person coming from a place infected with a pestilential or infectious disease, in order to prevent the introduction of the same into this city. 3. To cause any person, not a resident of this city, who is infected with any infectious or pestilential disease, to be sent back to the place from whence he or she came, or to the pest- house or hospital. 4. To cause any person, a resident of this city, who is infected with any pestilential or infectious disease, to be removed to the pest house or hos- pital, if, in their opinion the removal of such per- son is necessary for the preservation of the pub- lic health, and can be effected with safety to the patient. 5. To destroy or disinfect as in their judgment may be deemed proper, any furniture, wearing apparel, goods, wares, or merchandise, or articles or property of any kind, which shall be exposed to, or infected with a contagious or infectious disease: Provided, however, that such property shall be appraised by two disinterested persons, in order that remuneration may be made therefor by the Common Council. 6. To rent proper houses to be used for pest-houses and hospitals, of which they shall have control and direction, and to employ such nurses, officers, agents, servants or assistants, and provide the necessary furniture, medicines, articles and necessaries for the use of the pesthouses or hospitals and the persons therein confined as may be deemed necessary, and when so authorized by the Common Council. 7. To require the occupant of any dwelling- house, store, shop or other building in which there shall be any person sick with small-pox, va- rioloid or other infectious disease, to put up and maintain in a conspicuous place on the front of said dwelling-house, store, shop or other building, a card or sign, to be furnished by the board, on which shall be written or printed, in large letters, the words "Small-Pox," or name of such infec- tious disease; and in case of the neglect or refu- sal of any person to comply with such require- ment, to remove the patient to the pesthouse or hospital. 8. To make and enforce any necessary or- der compelling any steamboat, or other vessel or craft, having on board any infected or diseased person or property, not to enter the harbor or re- move therefrom; 9. To exercise a general supervision over the health of the city, and to make, from time to time, such recommendations to the Common Council as they deem proper, to promote the cleanliness and salubrity of the city. 10. The said Board shall annually and often- er, if they deem it necessary, divide the city into health districts. 11. The said Board shall provide and keep on hand a supply of cards marked "Small-Pox, ' to be put upon any house in which there is a per son sick of that disease or the varioloid; and such cards, upon application, shall be furnished with- out charge. 12. Whenever, in their judgment, it shall be necessary for the public health the said board may at once take possession of any building, fac- tory, hotel, dwelling-house, out-house, premises or grounds upon which, in their judgment, there exists any nuisance prejudicial to the public health; and if the owner or occupant shall refuse or neglect to forthwith abate such nuisance in the manner directed by said board, said board may cause the same to be abated forthwith in such manner as they deem proper, and all ex- penses incurred shall be a legal claim against the owner and a lien upon the premises, to be col- lected in the same manner as other special assess- ments. The said board may also, when they deem it requisite for the public health, at once, and by force, if necessary, close up such houses, build- ings, hotels and premises, and exclude all oc- cupants therefrom until such nuisance shall be fully abated, and the air of such building or premises is thoroughly purified. Any person who shall resist the action of the Board, or their agents under this subdivision, shall be liable to penalties hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. Every physician, or person, acting as such, who shall have a patient sick of the small- pox, varioloid, or other infectious or pestilential disease shall forthwith report the fact in writing to the said board, together with the name ana the street and number of the house where such patient is treated; and every keeper, super- intendent or person in charge of any pest-house within the corporate limits of the city of Detroit, or any other pest-house under the control of the authorities of said city, to which any person, being a city charge, may be brought sick with infectious or contagious disease, shall at once on the arrival of every such person, give notice thereof in writing to the said board: Provided, that if the person thus brought to such pest-house is a county charge, the notice herein required shall be given also to the County Physi- cian. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the occupants of any dwelling-house or other building in which there shall be small-pox, varioloid or any infec- tious disease to put up and maintain in a conspic- uous place on the front of such building a card, or sign, to be furnished by the Board of Health, on which shall be written or printed the words " small-pox " or any infectious disease, and such sign or card shall be kept on such building during all the time any person so diseased shall remain therein, and until permission is obtained in writ- ing from tne Board of Health to remove the same. No person shall take down, remove, in- jure or deface such card or sign at any time during the time in which the same is required to be kept up and maintained. Sec. 4. AH persons having small-pox, varioloid, or other contagious or infectious disease, are hereby required to be kept closely confined with- in their respective dwellings, or places of abode, and no person who has been confined with such disease, shall leave his or her place of abode, and go about the city until, in the opinion of the Board of Health, it can be done without danger of communicating the disease to others. Sec. 5. No person having the small-pox, vario- loid, or other contagious disease, shall go about the city, or in any yard, commons, or place so as to endanger the health of other persons. Sec. 6. No person shall bring, or cause to be brought, into the city of Detroit, any person in- fected with the small-pox, varioloid, or other infectious or pestilential disease. Sec. 7. No owner, driver or person in charge of any public hack, carriage or conveyance, shall use, or permit the same to be used, for the pur- pose of conveying the body of any person who has died of the small-pox or varioloid, or other infectious disease, or any person from any house, building or place, in which any person is sick, or has within two weeks died of either of said dis- eases. Sec. 8. Every physician having a small-pox or varioloid patient, immediately after each and every visit to the same, shall not visit any other patient, except those affected with the small-pox or varioloid, until he has changed his clothing and otherwise disinfected himself; and every un- dertaker having in charge the body of any person who has died of either of said diseases, immedi- ately after the interment there of; and any person nursing or taking care of any person sick with either of said diseases, before going upon the streets, shall change his clothes and otherwise disinfect himself. Sec. 9. The said Board shall keep a complete record of all its proceedings, operations and expenditures in books for that purpose provided which shall at all times be open to inspection by any Committee of the Common Council. All debts contracted by said Board shall be paid by the city in the same manner that other demands against the city are paid. Sec. 10. Said Board shall keep,subject to the in- spection above provided, a full and complete record of the deaths of all persons dying in the J city, including the dates and causes of death, places of burial, places of birth, ages of the de- ceased and names of attending physicians and undertakers and also a record of the causes, in- cidents and circumstances of all contagious, epi- demics or infectious diseases originating in said city. Sec. 11. The said board, at the end of each month, shall report to the Common Council in detail the amount and cause of all their expen- ditures during the month, the number and causes of death of all persons dying during the month, the places of burial, nuisances looked after and matters investigated. Sec. 12. The keeper of any hotel, tavern, board- ing, or other public house, or the owner or oc- cupant of any private house or residence in which any person may be sick with small pox, varioloid or other infectious disease, or the physician, or person acting as such, who shall have a patient afflicted with any such infectious disease, shall forthwith report the same to the Board of Health, and to the Su- perintendent of Police; and the keeper or keepers of said hotel, tavern, boarding or public house, or the owner or occupant of said private residence as aforesaid, shall thereupon immediately pro- cure, put up and maintain in a conspicuous place on the front of said premises a card or sign with the words "small-pox" printed thereon in large letters, which card shall not be removed, injured or defaced by any person, and shall remain posted on the premises during all the time any person afflicted with any infectious disease shall remain therein, and until the taking down of such card is advised by the physician attending such deceased person. Sec. 13. It shall be the duty of the keeper of any hotel, tavern, boarding or public house, or the owner or occupant of any private residence wherein any person may be sick with small-pox or other infectious disease to close said public house or private residence, and keep it closed as against all lodgers, customers and persons desir- ing to visit the same, and to prevent the occu- pants of said public house or private residence from leaving said premises until such time as in the opinion of the Board of Health all danger of communicating the disease from said house or residence or from any of the inmates thereof shall have passed.. Provided, That the provisions of this section shall not apply to physicians or clergy- men in attendance upon such sick person or per- sons, nor to policemen on duty in and about the premises. Sec. 14. Immediately after the termination of a case of small pox, varioloid or other infectious disease, by the convalescence or death of the per- son or persons afflicted, it shall be the duty of the attending physician, or in case no regular physi- cian has been in attendance, then of the City Physician of the district, to examine the bedding, clothing and wearing apparel of the convalescent or deceased person, as the case may be, and shall order all such articles to be disinfected by wash- ing, or the use of such disinfectants as may be necessary, and to order the destruction by fire of such articles as in his opinion cannot be disin- fected. Sec. 15. It shall be the duty of the physician in attendance on any person or persons sick with any contagious ' or infectious disease, to give all necessary instructions regarding the thorough ventilation and cleansing of the public house or private residence, wherein such person shall be sick. And it shall be the duty of the keeper of such public house or the owner or occupant of such private residence, to follow the instructions of the physician in attendance as aforesaid, under the penalty hereinafter pro- vided. Sec. 16. In case of the death of any person from small-pox or varioloid, the body of such deceased person shall not be taken to or inside of any church, public building or other public place nor to any private residence or building other than that upon the premises where said death occurred; but said body shall be privately con- veyed to any proper cemetery between the hours of seven o'clock in the evening and seven o'clock of the following morning, and therein buried with- out any public demonstration or public funeral service whatsoever, unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Health. Sec. 17. The meat inspector and members of the police of said city shall co-operate with said Board in all matters pertaining to the abatement of nuisances and the preservation of the public health, and upon the requisition of said Board, the Superintendent of Police shall cause the notices of said Board to be served and complaints to be made for violations of the health ordinances of said city. Sec. 18. The said Board and its health officer shall have authority to discharge all the duties relating to the health and sanitary condition of said city, now or heretofore discharged under any existing ordinance by any other officer of said city. Sec. 19. The salary of the health officer of said city shall be in a sum not exceeding $3,000, per annum, and as the board of health may from time to time agree upon and recommend to the common council. Sec. 20. Chapters eighty-two and eighty-three of the revised ordinances of 1878 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 21. Violation of, or failure to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, or failure or neglect to comply with any of the requirements of the Board of Health, shall, on complaint to the Recorder's Court, be punished by a fine not to ex- ceed five hundred dollars and costs, and in the imposition of any such fine and costs, the Court may make a further sentence, that the offender be imprisoned in the County Jail, or Detroit House of Correction, until such fine and costs be paid: Provided, however, that the term of such imprisonment shall not exceed the period of six months. Sec. 22. This ordinance shall take immediate effect. Approved August 16,1881. W. G. THOMPSON, Mayor. Attest: Louis Dillmann, City Clerk.