An ORDINANCE to license and regulate the running of vessels to and from Belle Isle: It is hereby ordained by the People of the City of Detroit: Section 1. No vessel shall be run to, and from and land and receive passengers at and from Belle Isle, in the Detroit River, excepting upon conditions and under regulations as follows: 1. Upon license issued by the Mayor and pay ment into the city treasury, on Saturday fore- noon of each week, of two cents for each and every person or passenger paying fare, landing or getting off at Belle Isle or at any of the docks hereinafter mentioned. No person shall land or be permitted to land or get off at said island from any vessel so licensed at any place other than the docks so mentioned. Every owner or.person in charge of a vessel so licensed shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to every person or passenger landing or getting off from such vessel a coupon ticket containing the name of the owner and vessel and date of issue,the coupon of which ticket shall be delivered by the holder thereof to and taken up and collected by police- men detailed for such purpose,and the number of coupons so taken up and collected each day shall determine the liability of the owner of each ves- sel licensed hereunder. The coupons so collected shall be by the Superintendent of Pohce daily re- ported and delivered to the Controller, and when the amount due the city thereon is paid, they may be returned to the owners of the vessels issuing them. All money paid into the treasury under this section shall be used for the improvement of Belle Isle. 2. The owner, master or persons in charge of vessels applying for such a license shall execute a bond to the City of Detroit in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, with two good sureties, conditioned for the faithful observance of the charter and ordinances of said city. 3. Vessels so licensed shall run regularly to and from said island according to schedule time, card copies of which shall be furnished the Mayor, City Clerk, and Superintendent of Police by such licensee, and by each licensee with a printed copy of this ordinance be conspicuously posted and maintained on every vessel so licensed, on the docks at said island and the dock from which such vessel starts or makes its trip to said island. And every vessel so licensed shall be so run as to best accommodate people desiring to visit and return from said island. 4. Vessels so licensed shall stop at least ten and not exceeding fifteen minutes going and return- ing at the large dock at the lower end of the island, at the front of "Inselruhe," so called, and at such other docks as may be hereafter con- structed by the city on said island, when so directed by resolution of the Common Council, 5. Persons carried or transported on such licensed vessels shall not be asked to pay fares exceeding ten centseach for those of the age of 12 years and upwards, and five cents each for those between the ages of 6 and 12 years for the round trip going and returning, or half said sum for going or returning. No fare shall be charged for children under 6 years of age. 6. Good order shall at all times be preserved on vessels so licensed, no spirituous or malt liquors shall be sold thereon, and such vessels shall not be crowded or overloaded at any time, or beyond the capacity fixed by the United States Inspectors. And it is hereby made the special duty of every policeman to prevent the violation of this section, and to promptly report all violations of the ordin- ance to the Mayor, for which the owners or per- sons in charge of vessels so licensed are respon- sible. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall not apply to row boats or other vessels not running to and from said island for hire or compensation. Sec. 3. The Mayor shall have authority to re- voke and annul the license of any vessel in any ease when the requirements of this ordinance are not strictly complied with. Provided, that in case of revocation of a license by the Mayor, any party aggrieved by the action of the Mayor in revoking a license, may appeal to the Common Council, and upon due consideration by said Council, the action of the Mayor may be reversed and the li- cense be issued, or its revocation annulled upon a two-thirds vote of all the Aidermen elected. Sec. 4. The owners or persons in charge of ves- sels landing at said docks, not licensed, shall give way to vessels licensed, and for such purpose shall cast off and leave said docks when so direct- ed by the policemen on duty. Sec. 5. Any violation of or failure to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be pun- ished by a fine not to exceed $300 and costs; and in the imposition of any such fine and costs the court may make a further sentence that in de- fault of the payment thereof, within a time to be fixed in such sentence, the offender be committed to the County Jail, or Detroit House of Correc- tion, for any period of time not exceeding six months. Sec. 6. This ordiance shall take immediate effect. Ay proved Aug. 29, 1881. W. G. THOMPSON, Mayor. Attest: Louis Dillmann, City Clerk.