Sec. 11. The salaries and compensation of the superintendent,- secretary, and other employes of said Board shall be determined by the Common Council, but said Board may make recommenda- | tions in relation thereto. Sec. 12. Said Board shall advertise for proposals and enter into contracts for leasing the fisheries, ice and other privileges, including buildings and grounds for hotels and restaurants, and spaces for games in any way appertaining or appropriate to said park and the waters surrounding the same; for the erection and repair of buildings, docks and bath houses, and the construction of road- ways, drains, and other improvements. Said board shall also have power to make from time to time such regulations as may seem proper to them in regard to the sale of malt liquors and 'dliiet i&llPSflments on the island, or such por- tions thereof as may be leased to private mdi- ; viduals; but in no ease shall any distilled spirits, known as " intoxicating liquors" be sold on said island; but before accepting any bids or entering into any contracts shall submit the same to the Common Council for approval. Sec. 13. No person or persons shall cut, mar, deface, spoil, break, carry away, injure or de- I stroy any fence, monument, building, bridge, dock, trees, shvbberv, plants, grass, fixtures, I or other property in or belonging to said park or build or kindle any fire thereon, or shoot, injure or destroy any bird, squirrel, rabbit or other am- mat on said island, or fire off or discharge any gun. revolver, pistol or other fire-arms thereon without written permission from the Supermten- d Sec. 14. No person shall lead, ride, permit to go at large or drive any animal in said park other- wise than in the regular roadwajs thereof, or • land with public boats at any place other than the regular and public docks of said park with- out the permission of said Board, or bathe in the waters thereon or surrounding the same, except- ing in such places and under such regulations as the board shall prescribe. Sec. 15. No person shall tie any animal to any tree or shrub in said park, or post any bills there- on. or dig any hole thereon, or place or deposit any filth, dirt, ordure or dead carcass thereon or in the waters surrounding the same. Sec. 16. No person shall gamble, make any I indecent exposure of himself or herself, use any obscene language or create any noise, riot or dis- turbance in said park or in the waters surround- ing the same. Sec. 17. AH boats and vessels, carriages, street i cars, railroad cars, and other vehicles running for ! hire to and from said park shall be duly licensed and shall be subject to all the rules and regula- tions that may be established by said board or the Common Council from time to time. Sec. 18. AH claims for labor, salaries, mater- i ials fixtures or other uroperty or purpose shall I be duly verified by the affidavit of the person or I persons making the same, shall be audited by said board and by them be referred to the control'er i who shall examine such claims and submit them I to the Common Council as in the case of other I claims against the city . Sec. 19. All money or funds derived from rents, i licenses, charges or fees on account of any leases i or privileges granted in connection with said park, and all money realiz >d from bonds issued or tax- l ation imposed for the protection, care and im- | provement of said park, shaU be paid into the city treasury and constitute a fund to be known as the -'Belle Isle park fund." and from this fund, by regular warrants of the Controller, as in other cases, shall be paid all claims and expenses for the care, custody and improvement of said park. Sec 20. The said hoard, through their sec- retary, shall report to the Controller week- ly a sworn statement of all their re- ! ceipts for rents, fees, licenses, or from i other sources, together with the receipt of the Treasurer showing that they have duly paid into the City Treasury all money so received by them. „ , Sec 21. At the second session of the Common Council in each month, the said board shall sub- mit to the Common Council a report showing the amount of money received by them from every source during the preceding month, the amount and cause of all expenditures together with such • other information as may enable the Council to know and fully understand the operations of said board and the condition of the said park. Sec 22. Before the first of March in each year said board shall submit to the Controller for submission with his annual estimate to the Com- mon Council, careful estimates of the revenues of said park, and the amount of morev necessary in their judgment to be raised by tax for the pur- poses of said park (stating such purposes) for the ensuing year. The Common Council sha'l cause to be levied and collected the same as in the case of other city taxes, such amount of said estimates as they deem proper and necessary. Sec. 23. At the close of each year the said Board of Park Commissioners shall present to the Common Council a report showing in detail aH their transactions during the year, stating tbg_ VN ORDINANCE creating Belle Isle Park and establishing regulations for its im- provement and government. It is hereby ordained by the people of the City of Detroit: Sec. 1. The island in the Detroit river belong- ing to the City of Detroit and heretofore known as "Belle Isle." is hereby named and hereafter shall be known as "Belle Isle Park." Sec. 2. For the proper regulation and improve- ment of said park under the provisions of Act No. 391 of the session laws of the State of Michigan, approved May 27, 1879, the Common Council siiaH appoint on the nomination of the Mayor, four resident, freehold electors of said city as com- missioners and agents of said council, whose term of office shall be one, two, three and four years, respectively. Annually, after the first appoint- ment, the Common Council on the nomination of the Mayor shall appoint one commissioner for the term of four years. Said commissioners shall be known as " The Board of BeUelsle Park Commis- sioners." A vacancy in said Board shaH be filled by appointment in the manner above provided. Sec. 3. Said commissioners shall serve without compensation. They shall appoint from their number a president and vice-president, and three members shall be sufficient to constitute a quo- rum for the transaction of business. Sec. 4. Said board shall have full authority and it shall be their duty to take possession of said park with all the property and privileges thereto belonging, and to regulate and improve the same according to the requirements of this ordinance and any ordinances or resolutions that the Common Council may hereafter adopt. Sec. 5. Said board shall appoint a superintend- ent and secretary and such other employes as may be necessary, but no appointment shall be effective until a nomination' therefor shall have been made to and confirmed by the Common Council. Every such appointment shall be of a eitizen or resident of the United States, and so far as mav be preference shall be given to resi- dents of the city of Detroit. Sec. 6. Said superintendent shaH give bonds in the sum of twenty thousand dollars for the due and faithful discharge of his duties, and said sec- retary for like purposes in the sum of five thou- sand dollars: said bonds in each case to have two sureties and to be approved by the Common Council. The said commissioners, superinten- dent and secretary before entering upon the dis- charge of their duties shall take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office. Said superin- tendent and secretary and all other employes of said Board shall be subject to removal according to the prov isions of the city charter regulating removals of subordinates. Sec. 7. At once upon qualifying for office said Board shall cause said park to be carefully sur- veyed. and a thorough planjor the development and improvement of the same to be submitted to the Common Council for approval, and all money expended and all work done and improvements .made in and about said park shall be in strict observance of said plan as approved. This s. c- tion, however, shall not be construed to prevent the election and maintenance in said park of any public institution for the care of the poor, insane an 1 blind of said city, or any otjjer public in- stitution authorized by the Common Council. Sec. 8. Said board shall me et weekly and re- gularly for the transaction of business in such office as the Common Council shall pro- vide, and through their secretary shall keep in proper books prepared for that purpose a complete and detailed record of all their proceedings, including entries of all re- ceipts and expenditures growing out of or inci- dent to their management of and connection with said park, which books shall be open to the in- spection of the Mayor, Controller and any mem- ber or committee of the Common Council. Sec. 9. Under the direction of the board and pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance the Superintendent shall have the direct supervision of said park, of the approaches thereto and all the waters surrounding the same. He shall see that all ordinances and regulations in relation to said park are duly enforced, and that all work and labor therein or thereto appertaining are faithfully performed. Sec. 10. Said board, in addition to the duties herein specifically mentioned, shall pre- scribe the duties of the Superintendent and Secretary and ah other employes, and make and enforce such rules and regulations as may be found necessary for the good govern- ment, protection and improvement of such park and of the buildings, docks, appurtenances, and other property thereunto ap]Training. ■"■■■"I™...,, i „ .««■ condition of said park and the property there- unto belonging, and offering such suggestions and recommendations as they may deem advis- able. . Sec . 34. It shall be the duty of the Metro- politan Police to enforce the requirements of this and all other ordinances of the city applic- able to said park and waters surrounding the same, to prevent rowdyism, gambling, carousing, fighting, noise and disturbance thereon and to preserve peace and good order so that all per- sons can visit and enjoy said park without fear of insult or molestation. Sec. 25. Any violation of or failure to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars and costs of prosecution, and in the imposition of any such fine and costs the court may make a further sentence that the offender shall be com- mitted to the Detroit House of Correction or to the County Jail, until the sum be paid, for any period not exceeding six months. Sec. 26. This ordinance shall take immediate effect. Approved Aug. 29, 1881. W. G. THOMPSON, Mayor. Attest: Louis Dillmann, City Clerk.