AN ORDINANCE To Provide for and Regulate the Inspection of Steam Boilers. It is hereby ordained by the people of the City of Detroit; Section 1. All stationary steam boilers and also all steam boilers used with portable engines operated in the City, shall be inspected at least once in each year, and shall in such inspection be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure in the ratio of one hundred and fifty pounds to one hundred pounds, as the working powrer allowed such steam boilers, and it shall be unlawful for any person to operate any steam boiler above mentioned in this City which has not been in- spected as herein provided. But this ordinance shall not apply to boilers in use on vessels and duly inspected by inspectors under the laws of the tfAited States. • Sec. 2. No person shall have charge of, operate or manage any steam boiler described in the preced- ing section without a license therefor from the Mayor as hereafter provided. Sec. 3. For the purposes of this ordinance there shall be an officer of the City of Detroit, to be known as the Inspector of Steam Boilers, whose term of office shall be three years, who shall be appointed by the Common Council on the nomination of the Mayor, and have a salary not exceeding $1,600 per annum; said Inspector sha'l be a competent and practical engineer, a good judge of the construction of steam boilers and engines generally, and ex- perienced in their operation and uses; he shall qualify as other officers of the City, and shall furnish a bond to the City of Detroit, with two good sure- ties in the sum of $10,000, for the faithful discharge of his duties. Said Inspector shall have authority to employ an assistant when necessary, who is a com- petent and practical engineer, to aid him in the per- formance of his duties, whose compensation shall be fixed from time to time by the Common Council, but shall not exceed the rate of $1,000 per annum. 1 Sec. 4. All persons desiring a license under the j provisions of this ordinance in the first instance shall file an application therefor with the said Inspec- tor, stating experience and qualifications, with recommendations in each case of at least two well known citizens, sh >wing temperate habits and good character. The said Inspector shall carefully ex- amine each applicant as to his qualifications, and upon the termination of such examination at once file with the Mayor the application of the person | examined and his report as to the fitness and quali- fication of such person to take charge of and opera'e ■ steam boilers. Upon the receipt of such application 1 and report and consideration thereof, the Mayor may issue a license to the person desiring the same, upon his executing a bond to the City of Detroit with sufficient sureties in the sum of two hundred dollars for faithful compliance with the charter and ordinances of said City. Licenses so issued may be revoked or suspended as in other cases where licen- ses are required, or upon the recommendation of said Inspector. Each license shall be for the terin of one (1) year, and every person receiving the same shall pay to the License Collector the following sums: For each person in charge of a boiler above forty (40) horse power, ten (10) dollars; for engineers in charge of a boiler between forty and twenty (40-20) horse power, seven (7) dollars; for every engineer in charge of a boiler below twenty (20) horse power, five (5) dollars. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Steam Boilers to make a thorough examination and inspection of all steam boilers mentioned in section one hereof, at least once in each year, the material used therein and the pipes, valves, flues, tubes, con- struction and workmanship thereof, and if he consi- ders any such boiler defective in any particular and in any danger of exploding, he shall so state to the person in charge or to the owner thereof, and from thenceforth it shall be unlawful for such person in charge or such owner to operate said boiler until properly repaired and a certificate issued by the In- spector as hereinafter provided. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Inspector after testing and examining any steam boiler and approv- ing of the same, to issue a certificate to the owner or person controlling the same, containing a permit to use such boiler for one year unless sooner found defective, and also to state the maximum pressure of steam which said boiler shall carry. Said certifi- cate to be signed and verified by the oath of the In- spector. Sec. 7. The said Inspector shall demand and receive from the owner, owners or persons controll- ing the same, fees for inspecting bcilers as follows: For each boiler of 50 horse power and over, five dol- lars; for each boiler less than 50 and over 20 horse power, four dollars, and for each boiler less than 20 horse power, three dollars, but for a double boiler or two or more boilers inspected in the same place at the same time, the fees so demanded and received shall be 25 per cent, less each than for fees for in- specting single boilers. Sec. 8. To enable him to fully discharge his duty the said Inspector is authorized to enter any build- ing or place where any boiler herein mentioned may ba in the City of Detroit, and no person shall hinder, impede or obstruct said Inspector or his assistant in the performance of any duty by this- ordinance im- posed. Provided, however, that said Inspector, when requested by the owners in writing, shall arrange times for boiler inspection when the same will the least interrupt business. Sec. 9. In case the . owner or person in control of any boiler is aggrieved by the inspection or find- ing of the said Inspector, the matter in controversy, upon complaint to the Mayor in writing within 48 hours, shall tie determined by a board of arbitration consisting of three expert and experienced engineers, one to be selected by the Inspector, one by the party aggrieved, and the other by the two already selected. The said board shall give a full hearing to the said Inspector and to the party aggrieved and to the witnesses whom they may produce, and the finding of said board as to the matter in question shall be final and conclusive. Sec. 10. Every owner or person in charge of a steam boiler to whom a permit and certificate of inspection shall have been issued according to the requirements of section 6 of this ordinance, shall cause the same to be conspicuously posted and main- tained in the place where such boiler is in use, and every engineer or person receiving a license under this ordinance shall cause the same to be con- spicuously displayed in the engine-rooms or place where he is employed and actually works. Every owner or person in charge of any boiler required to be inspected by this ordinance shall report the fact to said Inspector within 15 days after this ordinance shall take effect, and in case of the setting up or opera! ing of any other such boiler the owner thereof or person in charge of I he same shall forthwith report the fact to the said Inspector. Sec. 11. The said Inspector shall keep a com- plete record of his work, and shall at the end of each month report to the Common Council in detail the number and kind of boilers by him inspected and approved or condemned, also the amount of fees by him received and paid into the treasury, to- gether with such other information of importance as may be deemed necessary. At the end of each year he shall file a report showing the transactions of the office for the year. Sec. 12. Any violation of or neglect or refusal to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished* by a fine not to exceed $500 and costs of prosecution; and in the imposition of any such fine and costs the court may make a further sentence that the offender be imprisoned until the payment thereof; provided, that the term of such imprison- ment shall not exceed the period of six months. Provided, further: That certificates of inspection of steam boilers issued with policies of insurance on the same by any steam boiler inspection and insur- ance company, doing a business of inspecting and insuring steam boilers exclusively, and authorized by the laws of the State of Michigan to inspect and insure steam boilers, shall be equally as valid and effectual as the certificate hereinbefore provided for in this ordinance, and any person or corporation pos- sessing such certificate from any such company, such certificate being uurevoked and in full life, shall be exempt from the penalties by this ordinance prescribed. And it is further proviueu, That for every such certificate issued in this city by any such steam boil- er inspection and insurance company, such company shall pay into the City Treasury the sum of three ($3) dollars; and it is further provided, that every such company doing business in the City of Detroit shall fi e, on or before the tenth day of each month, with the City Controller, a statement showing the number of such boilers inspected by such company during the month preceding, the names of the parties for whom inspected, and the places where the same are located, and the amount paid by such company into the City Treasury during the preceding month. In case any such inspection and insurance company find any boiler that, in its opinion, is unfit to be used, on account of the condition of such steam boiler or its connections, said company shall report such facts, the location of said boilers and the names of the parties for whom such inspection was made, as soon as practicable, to the City Inspector. Sec. 13. This ordinance shall take immediate effect. Approved September 20, 1881. W. G. THOMPSON, Mayor. Attest: Louis Dillmann, City Clerk.