UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO BERKELEY * DAVIS * IRVINE * LOS ANGELES * RIVERSIDE * SAN DIEGO * SAN FRANCISCO { “WI = on i SANTA BARBARA * SANTA CRUZ SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 400 PARNASSUS AVENUE, ROOM 405 DIVISION OF GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94143-0320 MEMORANDUM TO: Staff FROM: Jeff and Karen RE: Minority Report DATE: September 23, 1991 One of the projects that remains from the Commission’s second year is a report that focuses on the impact of the HIV epidemic in communities of color. As we are all aware, the Commission decided to do such a report and release it soon after the comprehensive report. With the imminent release of America Living with AIDS, it is time to begin in earnest on the minority report. We will need everyone’s help. . Thanks to everyone for taking the time last week to discuss the approach to this report. I think we can all agree that one of the most important contributions the Commission can make is to give voice to people whose lives are affected by HIV, but who otherwise might not be heard. This report can go a long way toward such an end. Although the task before us is both complex and sensitive, we have a head start. The Commission has collected a wealth of information and developed a level of rapport with individuals and community groups that will help ensure that the report appropriately acknowledges and addresses concerns raised across these very diverse communities. What we would like to do first is to compile and analyze resource materials that can be used to provide substantive focus and guide us on our way. Accordingly, the staff--working in pairs--should prepare a 20-25 page . background paper (including appendix materials) regarding each of the four relevant communities on which the Commission has conducted focused hearings and/or site visits over the past year. They include: Native Americans Jason and Carlton and Alaskan Natives African Americans Fran and Joan Hispanics Patricia and Ellen Asian-Americans and Nat and Karen Pacific Islanders The issue paper should contain roughly the information outlined below. « Epidemiology - prevalence and incidence of HIV infection and AIDS cases; underlying risk factors; related health issues (e.g. TB, STDs, etc.); issues regarding general health status; analysis of relevant information by age, gender, geography, and economic status, insofar as data permit. MMWR reports and materials cited therein are the place to start. State of the Art/ Literature Review - What do we and don’t we know about these populations? What information can be summarized from health services and behavioral research, as well as from other social science literature? What gaps in understanding remain? Policy Concerns - What issues specific to the community arise from the background information? These can range across all of the general chapter headings found in the comprehensive report, such as: prevention and education; clinical research; health care; and financing and health care access. What recurrent themes emerged from witnesses at hearing and site visits? Are there issues the community has identified as priority concerns, or issues related to subpopulations? Cross-Cultural Themes - Are there issues shared by these various communities that might help unify the focus in the report, such as: the heterogeneity found within each of these communities; distrust of government and science felt by many people of color; intergenerational conflicts over attitudes toward homosexuality and drug use. Testimony - Strong statements made by witnesses, where possible in “quotable," "sound bite" size. Where this is not possible, views of witnesses should be summarized in meeting minutes or the like. Bibliography - The list compiled thus far (see attached) is just a quick start put together by combining a Medline search with materials from Commission hearings on all of the groups. More work needs to be done to refine the search in each community and to obtain relevant materials from the magazines, newsletters, and other resources within communities of interest. We should collect references as we go along (keeping them in the same style that was used in the comprehensive report). List of resources - Experts, community-based organizations, professional associations. Are there people with whom we should be brainstorming or collaborating? These issue papers should be ready no later than October 9, 1991. Feel free to call me: before then; I will be in the office as of October 7th. Karen will be in charge of the project overall--you can go to her for ideas, help, or further explanation regarding the format or content of the paper. We would like to distribute these papers to Dr. Osborn, Harlon Dalton, and Eunice Diaz as well as any Commissioners who express an interest in getting involved in the initial phase of this project. The papers will also be circulated in advance of a meeting of a small group of Commissioners and collaborators to b held in the office in the second or third week of October. The background papers will be used to help develop an outline and an approach to the report by providing a touchstone for discussion. It is anticipated that a substantial portion of the language of these papers will appear in any report sent to the full Commission for approval. They should also be a trustworthy source of data that can be quoted and abstracted as appropriate. Accordingly, it is important that the papers be prepared with care. Thanks for your help. Vee: fos Osborn. , H-d. c:minority.bib 9-18-91 References Akinaka, S. (1986) AIDS Prevention Strategies for Educating Asian Heterosexual IV Drug Users. 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