New-York Daily Times, New-York, Tuesday, November 11, 1851 THE LATE J. KEARNY RODGERS. - The medical profession, in the death of this distinguished surgeon, has lost one of its brightest ornaments. Dr. R. belonged to one of the most respectable families in this city, his father having attained an eminent position as a medical practitioner, and his grandfather being Rev. Dr. Rodgers, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Wall-street. Dr. J. Kearny Rodgers was born in 1793, and after graduating at Princeton, studied medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in this city. He was House-Surgeon in the Hospital during part of his medical course, on the completion of which he went to London and Paris, where he enjoyed the advantage of instruction under Astley Cooper, Abernethy, Haighton and Travers. On his return to his native city he commenced the practice of Surgery, and in 1888 entered the Hospital as one of the Surgeons, which post he filled up to the time of his death. Dr. R. was an eminently practical, skillful and scientific man, and his great success as an operator has given him a foremost place in the ranks of scientific men. He was no writer, and leaves nothing in the shape of contributions to themedical literature of the country - his many professional duties rendering it impossible for him to devote time to literary labors. As a friend, he was sincere, - as a man, kind and pure - as an operator, eminently successful and scientific - and as a professional man, sympathizing and tender. He leaves a blank in the sphere he so humanely filled.