GLEANINGS BY ' ' HI R. H. LUTZE, M. D., BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. (Reprinted from The Homceopathic Physician for 1893 and 1894.) PHILADELPHIA: 1 The Homceopathic Physician, 1231 Locust Street. 1894. GLEANINGS. F. H. Lutze, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. During the past few years I have made it a practice to copy whatever peculiar symptoms I saw in the journals and place them in my Repertory or Materia Medica, where I could readily refer to them when I wished to do so. On looking them over lately I thought the collection valuable enough to offer them to the profession in general, and the result is before you. It would have been a pleasure to give with each symptom the name of the author from whose article the same had been taken, but, as they were copied and written where they would do the most good for myself without any thought of ever publishing them, this is not now possible. In general I may say, however, that nearly all were copied either from the Medical Advance or The Homceopathic Physician. Mind. Affection of friends, thinks she has lost it. Aurum, Hura. Despised, thinks she is. Argent-nitr., Lac-can. Mania acute, produced sooner or later by injuries to brain; satiety of life, must use great self-control to prevent shooting himself. Natr-sulph. Snakes on his back, thinks there are; is frightened and sick. Lac-can. Strikes forehead with hands. Ars. - head against wall or floor. Rhus. Memory defective, has to read it several times to comprehend it. Ambra. (Alumina, Aurum, Carb-v., Lycopod., Rhus-t., Veratr., Zinc). - remembers easy what he reads. Anacard. 2 MIND-SENSORIUM. Fear, trembling, restlessness, prostration, cold sweat when about to make a journey or undertaking anything. Ars. Relaxation, mental and physical; don't want to be spoken to; desires to be alone ; lack of mental and physical courage; afraid to appear in public, as to speak or sing. Gels. Stupor, goes into a, while answering. Baptisia. - patient answers questions correctly, then lapses into a stupor. Arn. passes into a stupor from which it is impossible to arouse him, so profound; pinched countenance; involuntary stools. Opium. Sees words when reading, but cannot attach any meaning to them. Ignat. Fear of people, likes to be alone. lod. Mental depression, as if a cloud had settled over patient; distressed and suspicious without cause. Cimicifuga. Fright recent, causing hemorrhage. Opium. Cross and irritable (like Cham.). Rumex. Mad, raving, tearing, and swearing. Valeriana (differs in this from Puls., which is mild and tearful). Visions on closing eyes. Argent-nit., Bell., Bry., Calc-c., Chin., Ignat., Thuja. Patient answers very slowly, comprehension sluggish. Sulph. Mania from injuries to brain ; drawing back of neck; spasms of back; melancholia, wants to shoot himself; mental irritability and gloom; violent crushing and gnawing pains at base of brain, as if a dog was gnawing there; sadness and delirium; congestion to head. Natr-sulph. Fright from report of a gun or thunder. Borax. Sensorium. Sensation of liquids being forced through longitudinal sinus, pressure grows so severe as to produce anxiety, perspiration, and red face; pressure from forehead to vertex. Glonoin. - as if liquids were moving up and down the thigh, or any other part of body ; no pain. Opium. a fluid were injected paroxysmally in a small blood- SENSORIUM. 3 vessel, with violent, raging pain from right eye to temporal bone or any other part of body. Cocc-cact. Vertigo on closing eyes, ceases on opening them. Thuja. - when urinating only. Hyperic. - with sensation as if walking on air. Merc-jod-flav. - as if everything turned in a circle. Sabadilla. - as if turning in a circle. Argent-nit. Ants running through body, sensation of; evenings, when lying down, then difficult breathing, is obliged to get up and open window, better from fresh air but immediately on lying down the sensations return again. Cann-ind. Dizzy, the child is, when carried by nurse, seizes hold of nurse, fearing to fall. Gels. - child seizes hold of nurse, when being lowered in bed. Borax. Child seizes hold of nurse for fear of being separated. Cu- prum. Answers questions correctly and lapses into a stupor. Arm, Hyos. Answering, while, goes into a stupor. Baptis. Stupor profound, impossible to arouse; pinched countenance ; involuntary urine and stool; carphologia, sliding down in bed. Hyos. Sensation of a ball in inner parts. Ignatia. Vertigo on turning to the left, and nausea, a fainty sickness, lod. Ball, sensation of, in inner parts. Ignat. bladder. Lachesis. Sensation of numbness in outer, and constriction in inner parts. Opium. - as if parts would burst. Ran-bulb. - of a tight band around the head and forehead, as if hat were too tight; has to remove it often, but it does not improve it. Sarsap. Rubs the forehead. Veratr-alb. Syphilitic destruction of bones of forehead. Aurum. 4 HEAD. Headache. Begins morning soon after rising, in forehead ; better from pressure of hand. Cinnabar. - with vomiting, nausea, and high fever. Veratr-vir. - in small spot over right eye; becomes red and sore; better from hard pressure. Sanguinaria. - worse jar, noise, moving ; pain extends to eyeball; pillow feels hard as a stone. Arnica. - frontal, with cold sensation, as if cold wind was blowing upon it. Laurocer. - going to side lain on. Puls., Phos-ac., Calc-ars., Bry. - aching, severe in left mastoid process, extending upward and downward on moving head. Calc-c. - better from a thin stool. 2Ethus., Agar., Corn-c., Lachn., Oxal-ac. - better from copious flow of urine. Gels. - on awaking; better after stool. Ptelea. - undulating mornings. Hip. evenings. Sulph. - with intense bruised feeling of eyeballs, and abdominal pains. Chionanthus. - in winter, diarrhoea in summer. Aloe. - sick, on left side, face pale on that side; constriction of chest and throat. Laches., Amyl-nitros. - from riding on the cars. Arnica. - in temples and eyes; better from cold ; face blue, bloated, eyes turgesced. Bry. - worse from cold. Rhus. - better lying with head low. Calc-c. raised. China. - from overlifting or loss of breakfast. Calc-c. - pain seats itself in forepart of head on drinking water, and extends into nose. Digit. - better from slight motion. Ferr-acet. - .violent day and night; worse during scanty sweat; bitter taste ; aching in bones as if they would break ; yellow, dry skin; vomiting of bile (malarial headache). Eupator- perf. HEAD. 5 Headache, preceded by blindness ; on right side of forehead, throbs with nausea ; worse evening, cold air, coughing, rest; better by moderate motion. Gels. And profuse discharge of limpid urine. Gels. - pain goes around to back of head, preceded by appearance of a zigzag wheel before the eyes, wdth play of colors, numbing the intellect. Ignat. - begins with a blur before the eyes; sick headache every eighth day ; sharp, cutting pains, change location often. Iris- vers. - sick ; giddiness, vertigo, and vomiting, semicircular and backward movements, rolling over on axis of body. Coccul. - white, glittering zigzags, serpentine; white glittering at side of visual field, after dinner hypersesthesia of emotions and special senses, difficulty of thinking and speaking, emotional disturbance, worse from emotion (Clavus), better voiding a quantity of limpid urine. Ignat. - more vertigo, then Ignatia, as much hypenesthesia, less emotional excitement, disturbed temper; cause, error in diet. Nux-v. - flickering roses or round spots before the eyes, vertigo, severe and lasting vomiting, slow pulse, pale face, contracted arteries. Digital. - obscuration of sight, flickering before the eyes, headache for two days, less on third day, disappears on fourth day; a luminous ball or dark disk pierced by brilliant lightning; vertigo, mental confusion with menstrual derangements, blind headache. Cyclamen. - sick with blur or misty vapors before the eyes. Iris- vers. - sick. Bell., Calc-c., Coccul., Ignat., Nux-v., Digit., Cyclamen, Iris-vers., Sepia, Sanguinar., Silicea, Stannum, Paris- quad., Strontia, Zinc, Sulph. - sees a white star as large as a plate, on looking up (to ceiling) and white, silvery clouds pass over it. Bell. - nervous of women. Silicea, Menyanthes, Paris-quad., Strontiana. 6 HEAD. Headache, pain ascends from nape of neck to vertex, and thence to supraorbital region ; worse, noise, motion, or concus- sion ; better wrapping head up warmly. Silicea. - pain ascends from nape of neck over head, it is a bursting pain as if the membranes of the brain were tense, and bursting the skull open; better from pressure. Meny- anthes. - pain ascends from nape of neck overhead, which feels as if immensely large. Paris-quad. spreads over head, begins lightly, in- creases gradually to its greatest intensity, and gradually decreases (Stannum) ; better wrapping head up warmly. Strontia. - from loss of breakfast. Calc-c. - of school girls. Calc-phos., Natr-m., Phos-ac. Hsemicrania, left side; worse after sleep in the daytime, worse evenings ; in paroxysms, severe nausea ; worse from con- stipation, out-door exercise, riding; must keep perfectly quiet. Nux-v. - as if cord were attached to left eye, drawing it back into head. Paris-quad. Headache on arising or waking; head is dizzy ; heavy and aches, as if he had lain with head too low every morning; can't think ; headache, partly dull (empty), partly pressing; a lurching in the head or tearing ; worse motion ; compressive headache day after day. Phos. - with hunger. Psorinum, Phos. - like hammers striking the head from within outward. Psor. (Calc-c., Natr-mur.) - and vertigo; worse looking fixedly at, or thinking of, a sifbject. Sabad. - every seventh day. Sabad., Silicea, Sulph. Head, want of power to hold up the head. JEthus. Hydrocephalus, arms below elbows become deathly cold. Arnica. Throbbing through temples after loss of blood. China. Pressure in head and oppression as if apoplexy threatened; better walking. Colch. HEAD-SCALP-EYES. 7 Head feels pithy, like cork, and seems to patient to be elongated upward. Graph. Rolling the head. Helleb., Hyos., Podoph. Headache from both temples to base of brain; worse from heat; vertex itches during attacks; pain compels her to move about, but motion does not relieve ; cold perspiration. Veratr-alb. Head, congestion to, chest and arms, with cold feet, is obliged to move them constantly. Lil-tig. Scalp. Hair falling out. Aloe, Amm-m., Vinca. head sore on right ride. Ambra-gris. in lumps, leaves bare patches, frontal headache. Aloe. which looks dead; large accumulation of bran-like scales • great itching of scalp. Amm-m. bald patches at or near forehead ; scalp covered with dry scabs or scales. Ars. after severe illness or confinement. Carb-v. with itching of the head; the new hair is dry and breaks. Fluor-ac. dry hair; rapidly, with much dandruff. Kali- carb. in circular spots; bald spots behind ears. Phos. in single spots, and white hair grows there; spots on head oozing moisture; hair matting together. Vinca- minor. Scalp : hair tangles easy, like a rat's nest, from scalp to tip. Psorin. tips only. Borax. Eyes. As if falling from sockets. Tril. pulled out. Natr-c. starting from sockets. Belk - pain in, worse lying on left side. Lac-fel. 8 EYES-EARS. As of pain in, worse lying on painful side. Syphilin. better . Zinc. right eyeball, extends to right forehead and temple worse P. m. Badiaga. Visions on closing eyes. Apis, Argent-n., Ars., Atrop., Bell., Bry., Calc-c., Campli., Caust., Chloral, China, Coccul., Euphras., Gels., Graph., Helleb., Ignat., Laches., Led., Lycopod., Natr-m., Natr-ars., Petrol., Plumb., Puls., Sambuc., Seraph.,Sepia,Spong., Strain., Sulph., Tarent., Thuja. Tears, absence of in children four months old usually denotes a fatal, disease. On opening eyes terrified to spasms. Strain. Like needles through left eyeball. Spigel. Quivering of left upper lid, especially in convulsions in chil- dren. Arum-tri. Vision obscured as by smoke. Gels., Crocus. A straw appears to him so large he lifts his foot up high in order to step over it. Agaricus. Lashes of eyes turn inward toward eye and inflame it, espe- cially at outer canthus, where margins are very sore. Borax, Silicea, Puls. Eyes seem to turn in head ; roll up all the time; pain in right eye and right forehead. Gels. - fixed on dark sides of the room away from the light. Stramon. - smarting at external canthi, which are red and prick at times. Sulph. Yellow or greenish-yellow halo around the light. Sulph. Injuries to eyes. Aeon., Symphyt. Ears. Earache in babies; they want to be carried slowly; cry sad and heartbroken; worse from heat, better in cold air. Puls. - ache. Child cries lustily, better from heat, and pressing ear against nurse's breast. Cham. Distention of ears. Bell., Kali-iod , Laurocer., Nitr-ac. EARS. Otitis with fish-brine odor. Tellur. putrid meat -. Thuja. Hearing acute only for human voice. Ignat. - dull for human voice. Phos. Deafness from concussion or sustained shock as from explo- sion of cannon. Arnie.30, Strychnin.0. - from fatigue. Picr-acid. worry or mental shock or hard work. Magn-c. - to distant sounds. Tannic-ac. - due to a culmination of all above. Chinin-sulph.30 not lower potency. Hearing water run from a hydrant turns him sick; must leave table. Hydrophob. Inflammation, acute, of middle ear. Aeon., Bell., Cham., Fer-phos., Gels., Puls. - chronic, catarrhal of middle ear. Baryt-m., lod., Kali- mur., Kali-sulph., Merc-dul., Merc-iod-rub. - of mastoid process. Caps., Hep., Sil. * Chronic otitis media suppurativa. Calc-c., Calc-phos., Calc- sulph., Elaps, Kali-sulph., Merc., Silicea, Sulph., Teucrium. Neuralgia of ear. Cham., Dulc., Plantag-maj. from getting wet. Silicea. carious teeth. Plant-m. Congestion, cerebral, from diseases of middle ear. Bell., Cicuta-vir., Coccul., Fer-phos., Gels., Glon., Op., Veratr-vir. Buzzing and roaring in ears. Chin-s. with dizziness. Digit. Roaring in ears, with difficult hearing. Soda-salicyl. Re-echo, sounds re-echo in ears. Caust., Kali-brom., Nitric- ac., Nux-v., Glon., Phos., Phos-ac., Sarsapar., Therid., Secale. Roaring, ringing, hissing, or singing in ears or tinkling; Chin-sulph. Ringing and tinkling with deafness as if the ear was stopped up by a membrane. Carbon-s., Graph., Hydrastis-c. Sensitiveness to 32-feet organ pipes. Chenopod-anthelmint. Hissing in ears, better by inserting finger and drawing parts asunder. 2Ethus. 9 10 EARS-NOSE-FACE. Sensation of wind rushing out of ears. Chenopodium- glauc. - - cold wind blowing into the right ear. Causticum, Mang., Meny., Plat., Staph. Hearing better, when riding in the car or a carriage. Graph., Puls. Hammering and tearing in ears, evening in bed till after mid- night, with micturition every half-four, and coldness of legs up to knees. Thuja. Otalgia, discharge ichorous, scalding pain pressing as from a plug. Silicea. Nose. Fan-like motion of alse-nasi. Ant-tart., Bapt., Brom., Am- moniacum., Chelidon., Lycopod., Phos. Lump in posterior nose, sensation of. Wyethia. Odor before nose as of an old catarrh, only subjective (to patient). Sulph. abnominable to every one about. Merc. Pressure on root of nose. Kali-bich., Nux-vom., Sticta-pulm. Eruption, herpetic on end of nose. JEthusa. Snuffles of children. Amm-c., Lycopod. Cannot breathe through nose, must breathe through mouth. Amm-c. Picks nose constantly, which bleeds easy, picks finger tips, does not like to answer questions. Conium. Stuffed feeling at root of nose. Kali-bich., Nux-v., Sticta-p. Nose sensitive, when inhaling cold air. Psor. (Actea, Cistus.) Sensation of a lump in posterior nares, with dryness. Wyethia. On sneezing or blowing nose, a pain in a hollow tooth. Thuja. Chapped lips. Alum., Arn., Chin., Graph., Nux-mosch. Cracks in middle of upper lip. Bell. lower lip. Cham., Hep., Puls., Phos. Face. FACE-TEETH AND GUMS. 11 Flushes of heat. Cimicif., Sulph., Sang., Veratr-vir., Ambr- gris, Oleum-an., Puls. Hydroa on lips, at first clear, tending to yellow amber color, in clusters. Rhus-t. • whiter, more pearly and singly. Natrum-mur. Lips, peeling off. Thuja, Sulph-ac. painful. Nux-vom. - picking, and nose, etc. Arum-tri., Con., Hell, Lachesis, Selen., Stront., Bell. - scaling off. Berberis. Tickling on face as of a hair. Laurocer. Face pale, hippocratic during uterine haemorrhage. China. Ulcers or large sores on right side of nose. Ranunculus-scel. Face wrinkled, with violent speech. Stram. Erysipelas of left side of face or whole face, pain worse laughing. Borax. Flushes of heat, followed by profuse, warm perspiratiou. Sulph. which soon becomes cold. Lachesis. associated with mental depression, as if a cloud had settled over the patient; distressed and suspicious without cause. Cimicif. Yellow color about the mouth. Agar., Ars., Cina, Magnes- m., Sepia. Erysipelas from right to left, side of face. Apis. left to right. Rhus-t. - with delirium. Stram. Teeth and Gums. Pain in teeth, as if pulled out. Arn., Caust., Nux-mosch., Nux-vom., Phos-ac., Rhus-t., Ipec., Coccinella, Cyclam., Mangan., Mezer. Teeth decay down to gums. Calc-c. root is affected only. Thuja. crown is affected only. Staphys. Canker sores in mouth, burning; all food and drink aggra- vates. Sinapis-alb. 12 TEETH AND GUMS-FAUCES, PHARYNX, CESOPHAGUS. Tongue bluish white on upper and lower surface. Glon. Dryness of the mouth, intense, without thirst. Paris-quad., Dioscor-vil., Lycopod., Nux-moseh., Puls., Sulph. Hair on forepart of tongue, sensation of. Silicea, Apis. base . Kali-bich. Teething in children, crying, restless, feverish, biting on something hard, and, relieved by it, worse at night. Phyto- lacca. Palate and uvula bright red, uvula looks like a bag of water. Kali-bich. (Apis, Rhus-t., Phos., Sulph-ac., Tabac.) Tongue indented on edge with marks of teeth. Glon., lod., Rhus, Hydrast., Ignat., Kali-iod., Podoph., Strain., Tellur. - has a triangular red tip. Argent-n., Ars., Phytol., Rhus, Sulph. - swollen, seems to fill up the whole mouth. Cajeput. - catches on teeth. Apis. - protruded and retracted like a snake. Lachesis (Cupr- acet.). - slick and shining. Kali-bich. - excoriated, patches like islands on the tongue, craving for fat. Merc-viv. Mouth bleeding from buccal cavity in diphtheria. Phytolacca. - and tongue dry and burning, constant thirst for large quantities of ice cold water, which is vomited so soon as it becomes warm in stomach, gurgling from stomach down through abdomen, causing an involuntary stool from relaxed anus. Phos. Fauces, Pharynx, and (Esophagus. Throat, if a fishbone has wounded the oesophagus. Cicuta- vir. and a sensation of the fishbone remains but cannot be discovered. Hepar. Globus hystericus. Aeon., Con., Magn-m., Plumbum. better from eructations. Magn-m. Lump in throat descends on deglutiution, but immediately re- turns. Rumex-crisp. does not move from deglutition. Ignat. APPETITE, TASTE, HUNGER, THIRST. 13 Lump in throat or oesophagus. Asafoet., Con., Laches., Lycopod., Lobel., Magn-c., Plumb., Physostig., Kalmia. -, swallowing over a lump in throat. Graph., Nat-m., Puls., Sabin. Splinter, sensation of in throat. Alumina. Constriction, spasmodic, of throat, interfering with swal- lowing ; food is felt the whole length of the oesophagus; better from warm drinks. Alumina. Throat feels enlarged like a burning cavern. Iris-vers. - worse from least external touch. Bell., Laches., Phos., Rumex., Niccolum. - extremely dry, better by, drinking. Phos. - hot feeling in, sputa, in little granules like shot, very offensive when opened. Phos., Silicea. Clergyman's or speaker's sore throat. Apis, Arum. Fauces, inflammation of mucous follicles in back part of fauces, like fleshy soft warts or ridges down the throat. Laches. Throat, chronic sore, beginning on left side. Lachesis, Bell. - automatic grasping of hands to throat, head, nose, ears, etc. Stramon. Appetite, Taste, Hunger, Thirst. Drinking very cold water or eating ice-cream, pain in fore- head extending to nose. Digital. Eats often but little at a time. Bry. much . Ars. Taste of blood in the mouth, Benz-ac., Li]-tig., Alum., Amm-c., Berb., BelL, Bismuth, Bovist., Ferr., Hipp-m., Ipec., Jatroph., Rhus, Sabin., Sil., Zinc. Vomit, black, in yellow fever. China, Ars., Arm, Crotal., Laches. - water, when it reaches the stomach; and restlessness. Ars. and all fluids as well, when it reaches the stomach ; can eat his rations for several days, then vomits and keeps it up for a whole day. Bismuth. 14 APPETITE, TASTE, HUNGER, THIRST, VOMITING. Regurgitation of food (without nausea). Ammon-m., Asafoet., Con., Croton., Lycopod., Magn-m., Nux-v., Plumb., Ran-b., Sars,, Spig., Verb. bitter sour. Phos., Podoph., Sabad.; better P. M. -. better in the afternoon. Sabad. Blood, vomiting of. Aeon., Aloe, Alumina, Amm-c., Argent- nit., Arnie., Arsenic, Bell., Bry., Calc., Canth., Carb-v., Caust., China, Cicuta-vir., Colocynth., Con., Crotal., Cupr-met., Erech- thites, Eriger., Ferr-met., Hamam., Hyos., Ipec., Kali-bich., Laches., Lobel-infl., Lycopod., Merc., Millefol., Natr-m., Nux-v., Op., Petrol., Phos., Phytolac., Plumb., Podo., Puls., Rhus-t., Secal., Stan., Stram., Sulph., Veratr-alb., Veratr-vir., Zinc. Vomiting. After vomiting breaks out all over with a profuse perspiration; followed by a sensation as if a thousand needles were piercing skin from within outwards. Lobel-inflata. Vomit, patient thinks he would be so much better if he could only vomit. Nux-v. Nausea and vertigo on turning to the left, a fainty sickness, lod. Vomiting and purging, with cold, blue, dry skin ; during fever and pains in abdomen he covers up; when the skin becomes cold he uncovers. Camph. Eating, during and after, sleepy. Bovista, Kali-c., Phos., Puls. Appetite, loss of, after severe illness; does not return ; no thirst. Antimon-crud. Drink water, cannot, for the sight of it causes vomiting (dur- ing pregnancy). Bry. Thirst constant for large quantities of ice-cold water, which is vomited so soon as it becomes warm in the stomach ; mouth and tongue dry and burning; gurgling from stomach down, through abdomen, causing an involuntary stool from relaxed anus. Phos. Appetite, great craving for food, in little children especially, but at sight of it this gives place to disgust. Sulph. Aversion to fresh meat and potatoes. Thuja. STOMACH. 15 Stomach. Eructations tasting of food eaten twenty-four hours before. Bismuth-sub-nitr. Burning in stomach, extending through to back. Bismuth, Carb-v., Con., Phos. Hunger, anxiety, fright; felt in pit of stomach. Calc-c., Digit, Kali-c., Mezer., Phos. Empty, all-gone feeling, as if bottom of stomach had dropped out. Puls,, Thea. Belching, followed by burning, soon after eating. Carbo-veg. Gas accumulates in stomach excessively and belching. Car- bol-ac. Faint feeling in pit of stomach. Alumina, Baryta, Digit., Kali-c., Kalmia, Lobel., Oleand., Sepia. Clawing in stomach and around the navel. Bell. Gastralgia. Natr-m. Emptiness and weakness' in stomach; so great has to get up at night to eat, caused by mental emotion. Ignatia. - and goneness at pit of stomach, even after eating, better by drinking brandy. Oleander. Hunger, excessive at night; must eat to appease it. Carb-v. Pain in stomach from jar of walking. Sepia. better from bending backward. Bism-sub-nit. Swinging back and forth, sensation in stomach. Lycopod. Sensation of something alive in the stomach. Crocus, Man- ninell., Sang. Stomach as if overloaded, until three hours after a meal. Amm-c. Pain from stomach to spine, burning, causing a hot spot there in the spine ; he bends head back to get relief. Bismuth. Stomach, pain in, extends to back from 11 a. m. to 12 at night. Worse from touch and straightening out; better from pressure and drawing up the legs, and during and two hours after eating. Colocynth. Stomach disordered by the mildest kind of food, flatulence 16 STOMACH-HYPOCHONDRIA-ABDOMEN. incarcerated in stomach and whole lower abdomen; great feeble- ness in stomach mornings. Kali-bich. Emptiness, feeling of, in stomach, though want of appetite at dinner; a sensation of sinking in stomach before breakfast; patient wakes at night with great uneasiness in stomach, sore- ness and tenderness in a small spot to the left of the xiphoid appendage; sudden and violent pain in stomach in its anterior surface, a burning, contractive pain ; repletion after a mouthful of food. Kali-bich. Cutting in stomach as with knives; unable to digest potatoes or any starchy food. (There were no catarrhal symptoms of nose or chest, no thick, ropy mucous discharge.) Kali-bich. Gastric symptoms worse p. m. Puls. worse A. M. Sabad. All-gone feeling in stomach, as if the bottom had dropped out. Puls. Hypochondria, Kidneys, Diaphragm. Enlarged spleen. China, Nux-v., Sulph. but no symptoms. Polymnia-urudalia (Bearsfoot). Lying, when, on left side, pulling sensation in right hypo- chondrium. Worse lying on left side. Natr-sulph. Numbness and tingling in whole left side; a distinct sensa- tion in left wrist when bending the hand; shooting pains about the heart, great anxiety and fear of an incurable heart disease; tongue coated upon right side. Baptisia. Sickening pain in left hypochondrium, going through to back, and a sensation as if a cord were drawn tight around the left side. Lachesis. Stitches in region of liver, and tension across abdomen ; worse evenings on lying down ; worse lying on right side or on painless side. Aeon., Am., Bry., Kali-c., Phos., Puls., Sepia. Abdomen. Alive, sensation as if something were in abdomen. Calc- phos., Cann-s., Crocus, Cyclamen, Kali-iod., Nux-v., Silicea, Thuja. ABDOMEN. 17 Colic, periodical, several days in succession. Cedron, Chin- sulph., Colocynth, Lycopod, Kali-brom. Dropsy of abdomen and limbs from anaemia. China. Distention of abdomen. Bismuth, Caps., Cham., Colocynth., Iris-vers., Lil-tig., Natr-m., Plantago, Samb., Terebinth. Falling, sensation of a heavy lump from navel to small of back. Laurocer. hard body to right side on turning to that side, or to left side on turning to that. Lycopod. Flatulence fetid. 2EscuL, Calc-phos., Diosc., Phos-ac. Hold up, must, abdomen with hand, else cannot walk nor stand on her feet; bearing down in uterus and left ovary; pain comes in paroxysms, shooting down in left thigh. Lil-tig.. (Staph., Agn.). Pain, pinching, in abdomen ; urinates very seldom ; pain in bladder after urinating. Gamboge. Weak abdomen, pressing down, must support it with hand. Agnus., Staph. Swelling hard and red in left inguinal region, very painful ; pain follows Poupart's ligament over top of hip bone to back and kidneys; sensation of tension on lifting. Argent-met. Pain in small spot near umbilicus radiates in all directions; extends to stomach, liver, spleen, or uterus, testicles or spermatic cord, often jumps from place to place, even to distant parts. Dioscor. Pressing or bearing down in abdomen. Anti-crud., Bell., Calc-c., Con., Caps., Lil-tig., Natr-c., Natr-m., Nitric-ac., Palad., Sep., Ustilag. must cross limbs. Sep. must press hand upon vulva. Lil-tig., Sep. must sit down. Lil-tig., Natr-m. Pregnancy, during, aching pains in abdomen every night after going to bed ; better getting up and moving about. Conium. Colic, radiates in all directions from the umbilicus, like spokes of a wheel, even to toes; worse lying or bending double; better rising and walking. Dioscor. (Colocynth the reverse.) 18 ABDOMEN-STOOL AND ANUS. Cramps in abdomen, cholera-like, with diarrhoea and vomit- ing. Dulcam. Weak and empty feeling in whole abdomen, with sensation of heat between the shoulder-blades. Phos. Gurgling from stomach down through abdomen, causing an involuntary stool, from relaxed anus; desire for ice-cold water, which is vomited so soon as it becomes warm in stomach. Phos. Great relaxation in abdomen after a loose stool, with burning desire to urinate, without much urine being passed. Phos. Stool and Anus. Stool but once a week, dark thick often with blood, has to strain, seizing thighs with hands, straightening himself forcibly till face is red, and head feels as if it would burst. Ind-met. - hot, pouring away from anus like boiling water. Merc- sulph. watery, daily. Calc-phos. - hard, unnoticed and involuntary. Aloe. - offensive and watery. Ars. slimy. Podoph. Oozing from anus or rectum. Calc-c., Calc-phos., Carb-an., Ferr., Nitric-acid., Puls., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Thuja, Paeonia, Zinc. Prolapsus, preceding a difficult stool. Ruta. - and pain after stool. Rathan. Urging constant, tormenting, unsuccessful, but increasing the pain and urging. Lachesis. Diarrhoea in children, stool smells like rotten eggs. JFsclep- tub., Ars., Calc., Carlsbad., Cham., Fagopyr., Hepar, Psorin. (Puls.), Sulph., Sulph-ac., Wiesbaden. Diarrhoea, chronic. Aloe, Guaranea, Petrol., [Nahulus-alb. (Rattlesnake root) worse after breakfast, a. m., the stool feels hot.] Diarrhoea and vomiting, simultaneous. Iris-vers. Stool a gob of mucus, in consistency like a jelly fish. Aloe. - unnoticed, a well-formed, hard, and involuntary stool. Aloe. Haemorrhoids come down when urinating. Baryt-c. Gurgling from stomach down through abdomen, causing STOOL AND ANUS. 19 involuntary stool from relaxed anus ; mouth and tongue dry and burning, constant desire for ice cold water in large quantities which is vomited, so soon as it becomes warm in the stomach. Ph os. Erosive pain during a rather loose stool, blood with stool, tenesmus after stool, frightful, continues some time after stool. (Nitr-ac.)-Violent burning at anus and rectum after a soft stool and great weakness; haemorrhage from anus and rectum. Phos. During stool darting pain from coccyx through spine as far as vertex, the head being drawn back by it; sharp scraping and burning at anus, frequently after stool, with burning desire to urinate without much urine being passed. Great relaxation in abdomen after a loose stool, giddy and near fainting after a second stool; violent tearing in rectum and genital organs ; burn- ing; continued cramp-like pushing around the rectum; cutting in anus and abdomen worse evenings ; violent pain at anus, as if abdomen would be torn asunder, with cutting and movement of flatulence in abdomen, and a constant unsuccessful desire for stool; heat in hands and anxiety ameliorated by warm cloths; sensation in rectum in evening as if passage of faeces were pre- vented by something obstructing the rectum, the stool is not hard ; rectum feels contracted during passage of faeces, which are not hard, an acrid, sore pain is felt in rectum, continuing several hours and extending to abdomen. Phos. Sore pain in varices, when sitting or lying, for many days, with violent pressure and stitches in varices when rising. Phos. Constipation, habitual; feeling of fullness in abdomen before stool, remaining after, as if all had not passed. Phos-ac. - terrible straining to pass the stool; worse after drinking milk; it is covered with mucus; bloody discharge, slow and difficult discharge of even a soft stool ; stool like sheep's dung, hard, knotty. Sepia. - manual assistance is necessary on account of excessive straining to stool; obstinate constipation (in children and preg- nancy), especially if Nux and Sulph. have failed. Sepia. 20 URINE AND URINARY ORGANS. Perinseum, sense of weight in, and prolapse of anus during stool. Sepia. Stool hot like boiled lead ; ulcer of rectum ; perinaeal fistula Thuja. Obstruction from hardened stool; darting pains in inner parts ; haemorrhoids ; want of perspiration. Verbascum-thaps. Urine and Urinary Organs. Bladder, pain in after urinating. Gamboge. - inflammation of neck of, involving the muscular structure, either acute or chronic. Elaterium lx, grs. ii, morning and evening*. Chill begins in neck of bladder at the end of urinating, and spreads over the entire body. Sarsap. Cutting pains at close of micturition ; knife-like pains at closure of the sphincter vesicae at passage of last drop. Thuja. Desire frequent and uncontrollable with bearing down; sense of fullness, discomfort, and pain ; shuddering over whole body with desire to urinate ; urethra feels like a hard rubber tube, and is sore, sensitive, and tender. Hypericum. with urging to urinate, and pressure on bladder, all re- lieved by riding on horseback; bearing-down pains. Lycopod. to urinate worse at night, the quantity is small, offensive; can urinate only when standing; sensation as if urethra had turned to bone. Hypericum. Gonorrhoea or gleet, for last persistent drop. Natr-mur. Involuntary urination, when under excitement or emotion. Cina. Pregnancy, cystic symptoms during. Puls. Urging so sudden he cannot make the necessary preparations quick enough ; yet if compelled by surroundings, he can over- come the desire for a time. Thuja. - to urinate on arising from a sitting position. Carbo-veg. Air gurgling from urethra, when urinating. Sarsap. Child pulling and elongating penis. Merc-v. Standing, can urinate only when. Sarsap. Enuresis nocturna. Ars., Graph., Caust., Lycopod., Natr-c., URINE, URINARY ORGANS-MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 21 Natr-m., Petrol., Puls., Senega, Psor., Gels., Bell., Ferr- phos. Pellicle on top of urine, variegated. lod., Phos. greasy. Paris-quad., Sul ph. - or cuticle simply. Psor., Sep. gray. Ly copod. slimy. Petrol. White pellicle or film on urine, which smells strong. Kali-bi. Urine excoriates genitals, inside of thighs, and flow is painful to parts it passes over. Sulph. Paralysis of bladder, predisposition to from over-distention. Apis, Sulph. (Puls., Hell., Aletris, Caul.) Urine, absence of, in the new-born. (Ars.) Scream con- stantly. Apis. Sediment as fine as flour, seldom gritty; depositing on vessel in red rings easy to wash off. Colchic-aut. Urinate, desire to, with shuddering. Hypericum. Urine frequent; urgent desire but no flow till after waiting some time ; desire worse mornings ; enuresis during first sleep. Sepia. Disuria, distress at neck of bladder ; burning pain ; sleepless, with reflex bladder trouble from uterine irritation ; prolapse or flexion. Senecio. Urinate, must frequently; during paroxysms of pain must rise and urinate, most frequently from five to nine P. m. Thuja. Chancre, phagedenic, gangrenous; anguish and restlessness. Ars. quiet and composed. Merc-cor. very angry looking. Cinnabar. Crawling, creeping sensation in the scrotum. Clematis. Impotence. Argent., Cobalt., Digit.,.Staph., Ustilago, Zinc. Itching, scrotum, child pulling at scrotum. Staph. Pulling and elongating penis. Merc-v. Gonorrhoea, or gleet, for persistent last drop. Natr-mur. Prostatic fluid, discharge of. Alum., Ammon-c., Ars., Calc., Male Sexual Organs. 22 MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Cann-ind., Carb-v., Caust., China, Con., Ignat., Kali-bi., Nux- m., Phos., Staph. Respiration difficult during coition. Arundo-m. toward the end of coition. Kali-bi., Kali-c., Staph. after coition. Arundo-m., Asafoetida, Staphys. on attempting coition. Ambra-gris. Sitting, when, a numb feeling creeps up from knees to scro- tum and penis. Baryta-c. . Walks slowly with legs stretched apart, for the urethra hurts him, when walking as usual, worse from motion; (in gonorrhoea) Cann-sat. Pains sharp and cutting, through scrotum to root of penis. Conium. Prepuce inflamed as if distended with water or air. Merc- cor. Syphilis, pinkish-red swellings of the tibia, nodes with un- bearable pain. Kali-iod. - ulcers of roof of mouth. Aurum. - single small tumor on roof of mouth, somewhat involving bone. Mangan-acet. - many small tumors on roof of mouth, with suppuration; the tumors are discolored and the bone deeply involved in sup- puration. Asafoet. - bluish nodes on tibia. Mangan-acet. small and numerous, affecting periosteum. Asafoet. Sycosis, condylomata of vulva, perinseum, anus, and internal genitals, deeply fissured, seedy, like cauliflower, on cervix with thick greenish leucorrhoea, the warts often ooze a gelatinous fluid, ulcers appear often like chancroids on vulva and near parts ; ulceration if from warts, fissures, and furrows about anus or perinseum. Thuja. - ulcerations of the vulva, the ulcers have a deep hard base, and red, inflamed areola; a tenacious discharge accumulates around the genitals. Kali-bi. - greenish leucorrhoea, moist fissure at anus, bones ache where they are devoid of muscular tissue, as on tibia. Nitri-acid. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 23 Sycosis, filiform condylomata, crumbling of teeth, eczematous eruption with yellow scabs. Staphys. - condylomata itch and burn. Sabin. like cockscomb. Euphras. fanshaped. Cinnabar. - moist eruption around the genitals. Sarsaparil. and membranous shreds around anus. Petrol. Female Sexual Organs. Abortion, precursory symptoms. Arm, Bell., Bry., Cann-s., Cham., China, Coccul., Croc., Hydrast., Hyos., Ipec., Kali-c., Lycopod., Nux-v., Plat., Plumb., Puls., Rhus, Ruta, Sil., Sulph., Zinc. Before menses, sadness. Amm-c., Bell., Berb., Caust., Con., Cyclam., Ignat., Lac-c., Lac-def., Lycopod., Natr-m., Nitr-ac., Phos., Puls., Sep., Stan., Xanthse. Cutting, shooting, and squeezing in left ovary. Thuja. Delay or too scanty first menses. Calc-c., Puls., Sep., Sulph. Flushes of heat, followed by coldness. Lachesis. perspiration. Sulph. mental depression. Cimicifuga. Leucorrhoea, in children, infantile leucorrhoea. Calc-c., Cann-s., lod., Merc-cor., Puls., Teucrium. Menses suppressed from anaemia, chronic diseases of the uterus or ovaries, and subjective symptoms due to it. Polygonum hydropiperoides (also for diseases of mucous surfaces, nervous system, fibrous tissues, and urinary apparatus, as loss of expul- sive power, suppression, strangury, paralysis of bladder from over-distention. Polygon-hydro.) Menses only during the night. Bovista. day. Causticum. - increasing at night. Amm-c., Zinc. - none at night. Causticum. - only mornings. Sepia. evenings. Coffea. - less afternoons. Magnes-c. - increasing -. Sulph. 24 FEMALE SEX LAL ORGANS. Menses in the daytime, mostly when walking. Caustic., Puls. - suppressed with albuminuria. Melon. - in the morning only. Sepia. more profuse. Bovista. - cease in the afternoon. Magnes-c. - increase in the afternoon. Puls., Sulph. - in the evening only. Coff., Phelland. - daring the day only. Caust., Ham. - when walking only, not during rest. Lil-tig. - only when lying, cease when walking. Magnes-c. - cease when lying. Cact., Caust., Lil-tig. - at night only. Bovista, Brom. increase. Amm-c., Magnes-c., Zinc. (Amm-m.) - only at night, or only in the morning or profuse mornings, scanty day and night. Bovista. - not copious, but last longer than usual and only mornings, similar to Sepia. Carbo-an. - morning and evening. Phelland. Metrorrhagia, large black lumps, worse from motion, with violent pains in groins, fear of death, despair, bright red face; fever. Coffea. Ovarian irritation, in nervous, excitable women, during tem- porary absence of husband. Staph is. Ovarian region, pain in left, shoots down in upper parts of thighs and up the left side, strikes across stomach, and makes her sick, with bearing down. Bell. Puerperal fever. Sulph. Sensation of swelling of uterus; it feels as if dropsical. Saracen. Uterine irritation, sleeplessness and bladder trouble. Senecio- aur. - haemorrhage, in a girl only ten years old. Cina. Vagina too small during labor, hardly admits the index fin- ger. Ars. Ovary, right, sensitive to touch and pressure. Apis. Vaginismus, from excessive coitus. Arnie. Ovaralgia worse on slight motion, yet cannot lie still, though FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 25 motion increases the pain ; constant moaning, shooting from left to right. Bry. Haemorrhage profuse and painless, bright red, worse from motion produced by excitement. Calc-c. Pregnancy during, heart-burn on going to bed at night. Conium. - aching pains every night after going to bed, better from getting up and moving about. Conium. Labor, after colicy bearing-down pain, each accompanied with a gush of blood which causes relief. Cyclam. Haemorrhage active, with nausea, like the stream from a pump; with every pulsation of the heart there is a peculiar gush; blood does not easily coagulate and is bright red. Ipecac. Menses with intermittent flow; profuse, clotted, with severe headache before and during the menses ; often with nausea and vomiting. Kreos. Neuralgia, uterine, grinding pains in uterus or rectum cause her to scream; suffers several days before discharge, improves but gets worse again. Nux-v. Haemorrhage from recent frights. Opi. Milk in breasts instead of menses. Phos., Rhus (Merc.). after the menses. Cyclam. Pregnancy, pain in right groin preventing motion in latter months of pregnancy. Podoph. Menorrhagia better from exercise of walking. Sabina. Confinement after anus prolapsed. Ruta. Dysuria from reflex bladder trouble from uterine irritation, prolapse or flexion, distress at neck of bladder, burning pain, sleeplessness. Senecio. Pregnancy, and in children, excessive straining to stool, stool covered with mucus; discharge bloody, slow, and difficult even of soft stool; stool hard, like sheep's dung ; sleeplessness ; insufficient stool. Sepia. Menses every two to three months with repeated paroxysms of icy coldness of whole body. Silicea. Pregnancy, during, cannot drink water for the sight of it causes nausea and vomiting. Bryonia. 26 CORYZA-LARYNX-COUG H. Coryza. Air, sensitive even to warm air of room. Rumex. - worse only from cold, damp air out of doors. Kali-bi., Phos., Dulc. - seems to penetrate into the skull and brain, causing a cold sensation there. Cimicifuga. Dry stuffed feeling in nose, yet a constant discharge, excoriating nostrils and upper lip; worse left nostril. Arum-tri. (Nitric-acid). Coryza, discharge excoriates upper lip. Cepa. - worse p. m. ; better a. m. Sticta. alae and columnae nasi. Merc-v. Stuffed feeling at root of nose, coryza dry at night, fluent by day; worse three a. m.; worse left nostril. Nux-v. Larynx. Inflammation of larynx, with violent palpitation of heart, so as to cause suffocation. Guajacum. Laryngismus stridulus. Chlorines aqua 3X for relief. if glands are swollen. Calc-iod. Croup, rattling breathing, as if next cough would bring up large quantities of mucus; but cough is dry, hard; no fever; cool, sweaty skin. Bromium. Cough. Cough after a short nap. Aral-rac. - during day, none at night after lying down. Rumex, Thuja. loose, dry at night. Euphras. dry, with stitches in the right side, with severe hoarseness every evening at five P. M., so that the voice could scarce be heard. Chelidon. - from least current of air, as even of any one passing by. Calc-c. want of breath. Aurum. - spasmodic, excited by tickling in the pharynx and roof of mouth. Lactuca-vir. COUGH. 27 Cough when spoken to. Ars. - with bursting pain in occiput, loss of taste and smell, and redness of tip of nose, soreness through lower part of abdomen, holds abdomen with hand on coughing, cutting pain in right side of throat which aches afterward. Calc-c. - worse after eating; worse trying to suppress it. Aeon. (Ignat.), Marum. - with stitches under left false ribs, stitches there also from breathing, worse lying on the painless side. Aeon. - a long attack mornings, dry, ends by raising a little white mucus, coughs habitually at six a. m. Alumina. - lasts all day, sensation of choking or suffocation, cannot bear bed-covers near his mouth for fear of choking, worse in a warm room ; face gets deathly pale; cannot move, must sit per- fectly still ; chokes in sleep, which wakens him ; worse lying on left side. Amm-c. - with coldness between scapula and shoulders. Amm-m. - child grasps throat with each cough. Anti-tart., Cepa, Aeon. - every effort to, starts the tears; expectoration of a soft brick-shade, quite tough, falls in jelly-like lumps; better lying on painful side; worse on back. Bry. - better after breakfast; worse lying on right side (more from right lung); suffocating and choking at five A. M., as if from dryness of larynx. Kali-c. - worse talking, laughing, walking, and deep inspiration, with painful roughness and constriction. Mang-acet. - in winter, returns every winter. Psor. - with early morning diarrhoea (Sulph.); cross and irritable (Cham.); peevish ; worse from hurried,deep inspiration,speaking, and pressure on trachea. Rumex. - dry and hard, constant desire to clear the throat; seems filled up, but cannot raise anything ; oppression through chest; nausea from stomach during and after. Sepia. - principally at night, with retching; comes in rapid con- cussions till breath is exhausted; then gagging and vomiting of mucus ; worse before twelve at night; croup-like. Sepia. - constant when child is laid down. Sepia. 28 COUGH-RESPI RATION. Cough drinking cold water always brings on a severe cough ; patient is quiet with the cough. Squilla. - on deep inspiration, with cutting pain in left chest; great dyspnoea. Sulph. - ti'l completely exhausted, and then a cold perspiration on forehead. Verat-alb. Whooping-cough, with much sneezing, watering of eyes and nose; child rubs eyes with hand. Squilla. child stiffens out, muscles become rigid, and a clucking sound as the child comes out of the paroxysm. Cina. in the beginning of the attack the coughs follow so closely, almost run into one another. Coral-rub. from excessive secretion of mucus in trachea; from loudspeaking; the slightest movement toward laughing after eating, with retching and vomiting of what has been eaten ; only in. the daytime. Dulcamara. Respiration. Dyspnoea on falling asleep. Ainm-c., Anti-tart., Arum-tri., Badiaga, Bry., Cadm-s., Carb-an., Carb-v., Grindel-robust., Graph., Laches., Nux-m., Op., Ranunc-bulb., Grindelia-sqarros. - due to chronic aortitis. Oxal-ac., Spigel. - gasping for breath immediately on sitting up. Laurocer. Expiration difficult. Chlorine. Inspiration - . China, Ferr., Nux-vom., Phos., Sambucus- nig. Asthma. Camph., China, Natr-sulph., Sepia, Silphium-lac. - from moving arms with force or from stooping. Amm-m. - worse in cold weather. Apis. - alternating with rash on chest. Caladium. - Fear of going to sleep on account of losing his breath, which awakens him. Grindel-robust. - awakens with attacks of, greenish purulent expectoration and loose evacuations immediately after rising. Natr-sulph. - with suffocative attacks, they sleep into them. Sarabuc- nig. - spasmodic, with high-pitched voice. Stram. RESPIRATION-CHEST AND HEART. 29 Respiratory troubles, in, wants doors and windows open. Sulph. Breathing slow and difficult, chest feels constricted. Laches. Dyspnoea, sits up at night and opens window for fresh air. Plumb. Puffing noise with breathing, in labor or after loss of fluids. China. Breathing anxious, difficult, is obliged to get up and open window, better from fresh air, but immediately on lying down, the sensations return, as if ants were running through whole body ; anxious, difficult breathing. Cann-ind. Dyspnoea, it seems as if he cannot survive for want of air, has to be fanned to be kept alive. Apis. Air, warm, cannot endure, must have doors and windows open. Amyl-nitros. Air, fresh, desire for, or to be fanned. Apis, Cannab-ind., Carb-v., China, Cistus, Plumb., Puls., Sulph. Chest and Heart. Beating, patient thinks the heart would stop beating, if he dared to move. Digit. Move, patient thinks he must move in order to keep the heart from ceasing to beat. Gels. Ball, sensation of a round ball, going to and fro under the ribs. Cupr. Hydropericardium, from rheumatic pericarditis. Stictapulm. Oppression of chest, panting respiration and palpitation, trembling and thumping of heart, as from fright, constant de- sire for fresh air, heart suddenly ceases to beat and feels as if squeezed or compressed. Tarent. chilliness, thirstlessness. Puls. Heart seems to be suddenly pulled up and then let go again, when going to sleep, which startles her. Magnes-carb. Palpitation, not painful, after quick or violent motion. Phos., Silicea, Spigel. - after every motion. Phos. - from slightest motion. Spigel. 30 CHEST AND HEART-CHEST, MAMMJE, AND NIPPLES. Palpitation from moving arms. Digit. - with heat rising from pit of stomach upward, from bodily exertion. Ferr. - from raising arms. Digit., Ledum., Nux-rn., Nux-v., Plumb., Puls., Ranunc-bulb., Viola-tri. Pain shooting from lower left chest to left shoulder. Sang. Sensation under mid-sternum, like a lump of hot lead as big as two fists. Nux-vom. Pneumonia, -after- lungs seem full of smoke; they smell pine smoke as if wood was burning. . lungs seem full of smoke as of paper burning. Coffea. Chest; rash on alternating with asthma. Caladium. Breathe, cannot, or move on account of pain in the lungs. Bry. From mammary region a drawing pain through to back, right or left side; the pain may shift from one side to the other after the remedy, but do not change the remedy. Crot-tig. Heat rising from pit of stomach up to chest; anxiety in chest after exercise. Ferr-met. Stitches tearing in left breast and left short ribs not better by breathing alternating with toothache. Kali-c. Dryness in chest; cannot talk on account of it; with red face and heat all over body. Kali-c. Congestion to head and chest and arms, with cold feet; is obliged to move them constantly. Lil-tig. Lungs, pain in worse from pressure in inter-costal spaces. Phos. Pain in chest worse from use of arms. Rhus-t. Constricted, chest feels; breathing slow and difficult. Lachesis. Heart, irritable; increase of beats on rising, palpitation and fluttering on rapid motion or going up-stairs, with sharp pains. Bry. - when going to sleep, heart seems to be suddenly pulled up and then lets go again, which startles her. Magn-c. Chest, Mammje, and Nipples. Putting child to breast causes toothache, China. discharges from the uterus. Silicea. sharp pain to back. Crot-tig. CHEST, MAMMAE-NECK AND BACK. 31 Putting child to breast causes cramps in back or abdomen. Puls., Cham. causes pain in the other, which the child does not nurse. Borax. Suppuration threatened. Sulph. - to assist. Hep., Merc., Silicea. Nursing, after; child habitually cries for water and always throws it up. Arnica. Nipples painful, with bluish blisters and sticky discharge. Graph. * Neck, Back, Sacrum, etc. Beating and fullness in sides of neck, feels as if all the blood left the heart and went to the head. Cimicif. Cold in small spots on back and epigastrium ; remedies hav- ing similar symptoms. Asar., Cinchon., Glon., Hsematox, Lachnanthes, Paris, Rhus-t., Spigel, Vespa. Cracking in head. Bell., Carlsbad., Kalm., Digit., Sep. cervical vertebrae on moving head. Aloe 8 A. M., Calc-c., Coccul., Natr-c., Niccol., Oleum-an., Puls., Stan., Nitric- acid. Nux-v., Thuja, Sulph., Petrol. Crushing, gnawing pains, violent at base of brain or in upper spine as if a dog were gnawing there; drawing back of the neck and spasms of back ; mental irritability, gloom, and delirium, sadness; congestion of blood to head. Natrum-sulph. Pain in back, aching intensely and burning along whole spine, patient cannot sit at all. Kobalt., Puls., Sepia, Zinc. better from walking. Puls., Rhus, Sep., Zinc. - from left scapula, through left side, to infra-mammary region. Laurocer. - in back better from lying on back. Ruta. Spine, injuries to. Arnica, Rhus-t., Calc-c., Hyperic., Nitr-ac. Sacrum extremely tender. Lobel. Torticollis. Phos. to be followed by Natr-mur., also, Asafoet., Bell., Calc., lod., Merc., Mezer., Silicea. - old neglected cases. Sulph. - congenital. Brucea, Pinus-sylvest. 32 NECK AND BACK. Coccygodynia ; from fall or blow. Arn., Ham. strain during labor. Rhus-tox. gout or rheumatism. Aeon., Bry., Colchic., Amra-m., Manaca, Acid-salycil, Lithium-carb., Rhus-t., Cimicifug., Caul- ophyl. - neuralgic. Aeon., Bell., Cann-ind., Zinc-valer. - pains worse after sleep. Lachesis. - after confinement; burning and smarting, painful uneasiness better from standing, worse from slightest motion or pressure. Tarentula. , - after confinement, at and during first appearance of menses. Cicuta. Coccyx, periodic aching in. Fluor-ac., Rhus, Ruta, Silicea. - pain in. Bell., Caust., Caulophyl, Cimicifug., Rhus-tox., Ruta, Thuja, (Cannabis-s., Canthar., Cicuta, Fluor-ac., Graph., Kali-carb., Kreos., Lachesis, Magn., Merc., Mur-ac., Paris, Petrol., Phos., Phos-ac., Plat., Silicea, Zinc., etc.) - burning when touched. Carb-an. - pressive sore pain in lower spine and coccyx. Carb-v. - dull drawing bruised pain. Caust. - tearing, jerking. Cicuta. better from motion. Rhus-t. Coccyx, painful uneasiness and stiffness when sitting. Petrol. - and small of back worse from sitting. Petrol. sacrum, numbness in, when sitting. Plat. back bruised pain. Ruta. - painful as after a long carriage ride, stinging and pajnful to pressure. Silicea. - and lumbar region, violent bruised pain in, especially worse stooping or rising from a seat. Sulph. sacrum, painful drawing also in thighs, while sitting; after long sitting, prevents standing erect. Thuja. - gnawing in. Kali-carb. Nape of neck, pain in, on going to bed, ceases on rising A. M. Alumina. Coccyx, pain in, when sitting or lying. Amm-m. NECK AND BACK-UPPER EXTREMITIES. 33 Coccyx, heavy weight and dragging in. Antimon-tart. Backache with nausea. Colocynth. and scanty urine. Kali-bichro. Pain from spine to head and shoulders, with contraction of dorsal muscles. Gels. Injuries to spine; profuse perspiration breaks out on hands and feet. Nitric-acid. Sacrum to pubes, pain all the way from. Sabina. Shoulder-blade, pain under left. Sepia (Bell., Chenopod.), Cimicif, China, Ars., Gels., Ailanth. Neck, muscles of, rigid; head drawn firmly back; from use of tobacco ; convulsions. Lycopod. Upper Extremities. Axilla, boils in. Lycopodium. - glands enlarged. Bell. Gurgling in shoulder-joint, or sensation as of something alive, especially at midnight. Berb. Hands feel twice the size in severe diseases when patient wakesup; he cannot use them. Aranea-diadem. Pain on inner side of left arm from elbow to hand; begins at 3 A. M. and is worse in forenoon. Thuja. Perspiration offensive in arm-pit. Hep., Dulc., Nitr-ac., Rhodod., Selen., Sepia, Thuja, Tellur. - salty, so much as to leave a white salty deposit on outer coat in axillary region. Natr-mur. (high). Washing hands, continually. Syphilin. Axilla, boils in, scurfy, itching, moist herpetic eruption ; pus continues to discharge from boils; they are no sooner healed than fresh ones appear. Lycopod. Limbs cold and heavy; handsand feet cold ; thirstless. Gels. Hands chap, are sore, and bleed from working in water; averse to cold and open air. Calc-c. Knees, face, and limbs cold ; knees cold in bed. Carb-veg. Fingers, the use of scissors leaves deep marks on fingers. Bovist. 34 LOWER EXTREMITIES. Lower Extremities. Bones of lower limbs inflamed. Merc-v., Phos., Puls., Ruta, Sil., Staph. Broken; sensation as if bones are broken in middle of thigh on sitting down, ceases on rising. Illicium-anisat. Contraction and stiffness in hollow of knees, and dribbling of urine. Staph. Cracking in knee-joints. Ars., Caps., Nitric-ac., Sepia. Nates feel cold, objective and subjective. Agar-musc."m. Elongated feeling of right leg at night on lying down. Carbo-an. left leg, and the leg is actually two inches longer, as a result of rheumatism and old-school treatment, probably due to calcareous deposits between the joints. Thuja cured. Heel affected. Caust., Graph., Ignat., Natr-c., Puls., Sabina, Sepia. Sole of foot affected. Cupr., Mur-ac., Phos-ac., Puls., Sulph., Tart-emet. Lies with knees to chin. Laurocer. Lift, cannot, one foot without the other. Veratr-vir. Itching, ball of right great toe, when taking boot off at night. Natr-sulph. Nails, like, sticking in heel. Puls. Perspiration of feet, profuse, corrosive, and stinking, destroy- ing stocking and shoes. Secale. Shortening feeling of left leg in walking. Cinnabar. of right leg on rising. Caust. Sharp, shooting pains in a broken leg from heels to hips; leg is jerked upward. Phytolacca. On going down-hill, knees weak. Bell. Limb, right, seems shorter. Ambr. - left . Caust. Soles of feet feel as if cushioned when walking. Apis. Varicose veins in left leg below the knee, with excruciating pains; the slightest touch causes agony; wrorse where they are swollen in knots, they look as if they would rupture or ulcer- LOWER EXTREMITIES. 35 ate; unable to put feet to the ground; walking is impossible without great pain. Fluor-ac. Limbs cold and heavy, hands and feet cold ; thirstless. Gels. - aching; useless; pain in left groin; falls fainting at menses. Magn-c. Tibia, bluish nodes on ; bones are sensitive to touch. Mang- acet. Run forward, inclination to, if he tried to walk. Mang- acet. Heel, pain in, like tacks or nails sticking in it. Puls. Sciatica. Pain in hip and thigh intolerable when standing, as if thigh would break ; better when putting feet upon a chair ; worse when straightening out the limb. Valeriana. - neuralgic or rheumatic pain from gluteal muscles or hip to knee, calf of leg or ankle ; better after walking. Phos-ac. - right or left limb; worse from slightest motion, yet can't lie still, though motion increases the pain; constant moaning; heaviness; better lying on affected side. Bry. - from ankle to hip, must move constantly; better walking or shifting feet; worse nights ; very sensitive to touch as if nerve were uncovered. Bell. - left hip and thigh, inner side, and right thigh ; worse four p. M.; left knee, calf, foot, very violent; tearing, shooting, boring; worse from heat; pressure, flexing leg on abdomen; worse from coughing, sneezing, and pressing at stool; constipa- tion; better at night, and keeping perfectly quiet; sensation of contraction, shortening, tearing, drawing, cramping in right calf and inner side of left thigh; all worse in daytime; better at night. Colocynth. - left hip and thigh, groin and foot; worse at night; burn- ing pains, anguish ; better from heat. Ars. - crampy pain; heavy weight; loss of voluntary motion; worse from motion and walking, at night. Gels. - tearing from hip to feet and left big toe. Kalmia. - left leg and hip; crampy, tearing, or bruised pain, draw- ing from left hypochrondria down through abdomen into testes; worse in evening, lying down, especially on left side and painful 36 LOWER EXTREMITIES. side; worse from motion, sitting on hard chair; sharp, lancinat- ing pains; worse nights, awakened by the pains, has to turn on right side before he can rise. Kali-carb. Sciatica tearing in right thigh and knee; awakens at night, worse nights, lying on affected side, and back; cannot remain in bed. Kali-iod. - left side, pain as from a hot iron, worse after sleep, rising and sitting up, much better lying quietly in bed. Lachesis. - left side, from great trochanter to calf, worse A. M. walking and bending leg, better sitting, lying, standing, or pressure. Kali- bichro. - tearing in hip and knee-joint worse nights with pulsating pains, sore to touch, worse in warm bed. Merc-viv. - involuntary limping, pains most in knee, worse from over- exertion and at night; dull aching, worse rising after sitting, cold damp weather; better from rubbing and heat, if warmed by exercise; tearing pains, numbness, formication, paroxysmal, better from warmth or sweating, better from continued motion. Rhus-tox. - heavy, stiff cramp in calves at night; in soles at every step, burning of soles. Sulph. - lassitude, startings at night awaken him ; pains in calves all night; chorea-like motion, jerking, trembling. Argent- nitr. - rending, shooting, worse from walking, p. m., and at night, better from pressure; restless, sleepless at night. Coffea. - from working in water. Calc-c. - pain in right leg, only when moving or sitting up, pain shooting the whole length of the leg, better lying perfectly still. Diosc. - burning, shooting down to the left foot, greatly aggravated from moderate motion, better rapid motion. Iris-vers. - chronic, pain worse three to five A. m. Sep. - pain in sacrum, down right thigh, worse lying on affected side, lying down at night, straining at stool, coughing, sneezing, worse right side. Tellur. - intense pains, extending to the ramifications of the nerve, LOWER EXTREMETIES-SLEEP AND DREAMS. 37 with feeling of numbness, which sometimes alternates with the pains; pains extend into toes, anterior crural neuralgia. Gnaphal. Sciatica pains sharp, transient, darting upward and downward, from both sides to centre, worse from heat, better from cold, attacks with cold perspiration. Veratr-alb. Sleep and Dreams. Awaking at two A. M. Ammon-m., Lachnant. two to three A. M., can't sleep again. Magnes-c. two to four with all ailments. Kali-c. three A. M. Baptis., Borax, Chin., Dulcam.; worst sleep after three A. M. three a. m. and falls asleep again, or cannot sleep again. Sepia. three a. m. and falls asleep again late mornings. Zingi- ber. Sleepless before twelve P. M. Bry., Calc-phos., Chelidon., Chin. - worse after three A. M. Dole., Con., Creosote, Lil-tig. (Merc-iod. until one A. M.)> Mur-ac., Op., Phos., restless, Puls., Rhus-t., Selen,, Valerian. - after twelve p, m. Aeon., Asafoet., Aur., Euphras., Ferr., Helon., lod., Merc-iod-rub., Mezer., Nitr., Psor., Ran-scel., Rhod., Sabin. Restless after three A. M. ; sleeps till three a. m. Baptis. Sleep disturbed by very light noise. Caladium. even by rattling of paper. Caladium. Hungry at night, must eat after twelve p. M., with suffocative spells. Graph. on awaking. Lycopod. midnight. Psorin. canine hunger. Phos-ac., Carb-v., Kali-iod., Selen., Staph. Awakens hungry. Phos., Chin., Teucrium. must eat bread at midnight. Psor. 38 SLEEP AND DREAMS-FEVER, CHILL, PERSPIRATION. Bed feels too hard. Arn., Baptis. Sleeplessness of business men and students, a wide-awake feeling ; not a wink of sleep last night; also talking in sleep. Gels., Coffea, Op. - from gastric causes. Ars. chronic with gas. Nux-v., China. enteric causes. Bell., Cham., Lycopod., Sulph. pulmonary causes. Bell., Bry., Veratr-vir., Phos. melancholia. Cimicif. mental irritability with tendency to delirium. Hyos. excitement. Coffea. - after exhaustion or fevers. Mosch. Babies cry all day and sleep soundly all night. Lycopod. - when sick will not sleep day or night, but worry, fret, and cry. Psor. Babies are good or rest all day and raise Cain all night. Jalap. - fall asleep, sleep from ten to thirty seconds, then wake with a start and scream. Lachesis. - cry all night, about daylight go to sleep and sleep all the forenoon. Calc-c. (Syphilin). Sleepy during and after eating. Bovista, Kali-c., Phos., Puls. Sleepless in early part of night. Valer. Fever, Chill, Perspiration. Chill begins in elbows and knees. Natr-m. - from wet cold, especially from drinking cold liquids when overheated. Bellis-peren. Gooseflesh when warm. Puls. In patient wants to be held during chill. Gels. some one to lie on him; or to be held close. Lachesis. Chill with hunger at the outset, during chill, soles of feet become cold. Phytolacca. Flushes of heat at climacteric. Ambr-gris., Cimicif., Coccul., Lachesis, Lycopod., Puls., Sang., Sep., Veratr-vir., Sulph., Oleum- an. at 1.30 P. M. FEVER, CHILL, PERSPIRATION-SKIN. 39 Perspiration cold on forehead. Acetic-ac., Aeon., Asafoet., Benz-ac., Gels., Graph., Lachesis, Nux-v., Puls., on one side; Veratr-alb. comes out cold. - on uncovered parts. Thuja. Sweat, wants to be covered during sweat. JEthusa. Covers up during fever and pains in abdomen ; when the skin becomes cold he uncovers; vomiting and purging with cold, blue, dry skin. Camph. Chills severe shaking, with scarcely any coldness, vomit after each drink of water, vomit bile at the close of the hot stage,, followed by a little perspiration. Eupator-perf. - over back worse in the evening, as if dashed with cold water, or like cold water coursing through veins, restlessness,, tearing pains all through the body, delirium. Rhus-tox. Perspiration cold on lumbar and sacral region worse during stool. Kali-bichro., Sulph., Plantago. Skin. Pain in an old scar of an old abscess. Calc-phos. Ecchymoses remaining a long time after bruises. Ledum.30; internally. Ulcers; become deep without spreading. Kali-bichro. - deep, especially chancres with indurated edges. Nitr-acid. Small-pox with purging. Potentilla-torment. Warts on palms. Anacard. - smooth. Anti-crud. - solid with horny tops. Caust. - fissured and cut up, with an appearance of Thuja. Ecchymoses blue. Nux-vom. - bluish red. Bell. - blue spots on skin. Ars., Op. Skin pale blue. Plumb. Abscess ; slight pain ; swelling with pale red blush ; hard and heavy. Bry. Ulcers very red and fiery looking; on legs; in mouth ; 40 SKIN-GENERALITIES. throat; nodes on shin-bones; very angry looking chancres. Cinnabar. Ulcer, red flat on glans and inner surface of prepuce ; secret- ing yellow ichor. Coral 1-rub. Hide-bound, sensation of. Crot-tig. Eczema oozing a sticky glutinous fluid, or transparent watery. Graph. Ulcers like a lump of lard with a hole in it; cancerous ulcers; great sensitiveness to slightest touch, even of clothes. Hep-s-c. - become deep, without spreading, look as if cut out with a punch. Kali-bichro. Ecchymoses remaining a long time in bruises or contused parts, after the pains and inflammation have subsided. Ledum- pal. Skin chapping, want of perspiration. Oleand. Erysipelas of scalp ; left side of face going to right. Rhus-t. Blisters spreading with a red edge in advance (black edge, Ars.); phlegmonous, especially if it begins in ankles and runs gradually up the leg into deeper tissues ; no fever. Rhus-t. Itching in various parts worse in legs while undressing; cannot wear flannels; worse from any change of temperature. Rumex (Graph, and Caust. follow well after Rumex). Chapping or cracking of skin may be deep, worse from wash- ing in water. Sep., Calc-c. Eruptions do not come out; crying out in a frightened man- ner, as soon as patient falls asleep. Stram. Generalities. Ants running through body; sensation of. Cistus. Aneurism. Baryta-mur. Bones; periosteum of; drawing, tearing, worse at night; wet weather or stormy, and at rest; better from motion. Rhod. Child wants to be carried only by its mother, but no one else; screams when touched. Anti-tart. (Cina, Cham.) but if mother gets weary she can rock it instead. Cina. GENERALITIES. 41 Child wants to be carried, fast. Ars., Brom. slow. Puls. - is affectionate and yawns all the time; screams when awaking. Ignat. peevish and irritable and starts on touch. Kali-c. Eruption on face better from cold applications. Apis, Alumina, Puls., Psor., Sulph. Cold, takes easy ; knows not how. Tuberc. Convulsions come on suddenly, without warning, or are pre- ceded by jumping or starting in sleep. Bell. - after rage. Cham. - recur often; opisthotonos; pale face, and dark rings around the eyes ; cerebral anaemia. Cicuta. Cracking in joints. Caps., Ledum, Nitr-acid., Petrol. Descending aggr. Bell., Borax, Stan. Empty; worse when stomach is empty. Anacard., Lach., Phos. Epilepsy ; aura in solar plexus; a creeping sensation up through chest or stomach. Silicea, Bufo. Emaciation in little children. Marum. Jerking hiccough after nursing, in children; belching without bringing up anything; crying. Marum. Discharges from ear, nose, anus, or vagina; with fish-brine odor, as follow : rectum, with fish-brine odor. Calc-carb., Medorr. ulcer . Graph. vagina . Sanicula. ears . Tellur. Flushes of heat at climacteric. Cimicif., Coccul., Lachesis, Sang., Sep., Veratr-vir., Ambr-gris., Puls., Sulph., Oleum-an., 1.30 P. M. Fright aggr. Arnica flower tea, Cupr., Hyoscyam. Ganglion. Calc-c. Fanned, wants to be, hard. Apis, Carb-v. gently. China. . Cistus, Plumb., Puls., Sulph. Measles, after undeveloped, or badly treated fevers. Carb-v., Psorin. 42 GENERALITIES. Hammer, as if struck suddenly with, on right side of head, when walking anywhere, out-doors or in, which always throws him to the left. Tabac. Growing pains (so-called, are really rheumatic pains), with weakness or fatigue. China. with hyperesthesia, no exhaustion. Cimicifug. Incurables to relieve. Ars., Rhus-t., Lachesis, Tarentula. Hydroa, white or pearly and more singly. Natr-m. - clearer, tendency to yellow or amber color, and more in clusters. Rhus-tox. Jarring aggravates pain in head. Bell., Glon., Spig. stomach. Sepia. - region of liver is sensitive to ajar. Natr-sulph. - aggr. headache in back of neck going up right side of head, or left, pains sharp, darting at times, throbbing in temples. Gossypium. - head sensitive to, or rattling of wagon or stepping hard. Nitr-ac., Sulph. - aggravates pains in abdomen and uterus. Lil-tig. - aggravates sitting in chair or lying in bed. Aloe. - headache from. China. - sensitive to and worse from jarring the bed. Bell. Music ameliorates, must be sung to sleep. Tarent-hisp. - aggravates. Natr-sulph. Noise aggravates. Alum., Borax., Caust., Chin., Merc. Open air, a constant irresistible desire to walk in open air. It does not fatigue. Fluor-ac. Paralysis of both legs and right arm. Cann-ind. - progressive upward. Con. - from exhaustion of nerve power in infectious diseases. Kali-phos. - on trying to walk there is an inclination to run forward. Mangan. - of right arm and left leg. Ars., Tereb. - Cicut., Kali-phos., Latyrus, Gels., Mangan, Physostig., Sil., Psor. Pains go to side lain on. Bry., Puls. GENERALITIES. 43 Rheumatism from wet cold, worse at rest, better from warmth, left shoulder and right hip. Nux-m. Baby seizes hold of nurse when being carried, from dizziness. Gels. lowered in bed. Borax. for fear of being separated. Cuprum. Sleep, aggravation on falling to. Amm-c., Carb-v., Grindel- robust. - on going to, respiration ceases. Amm-c., Anti-tart., Bad- iaga, Carb an., Carb-v., Digit., Graph., Griudel-rob., Lachesis, Op., Ran-bulb. - when baby is put to, will sleep twenty to thirty seconds, then wakes with a start and screams. Lachesis. Sour smell from whole person. Iris-v., Hyper., Magnes-c., Rheum, Sulph-acid. Stiffness of old age; worse A. m., takes a long time to limber up. Phos. Sycosis. Ars., Anti-cr., Aur-mur., Baryt., Clematis, Natr- sulph., Sarsap. Touch, worse from. Argent-met., Merc-cor. - sensitive to on throat. Bell., Kali-bichro., Lachesis. Restlessness of feet, and effects from getting feet wet. Calc-c. getting head wet. Bell. Syphilitic affections of bones, as follow : pinkish red swelling of tibia, nodes with unbearable pain. Kali-iod. - ulcers on roof of mouth. Aurora. - single small tumors on roof of mouth, with suppuration. The tumors are discolored and the bone deeply involved in sup- puration. Asafcet. - nodes, bluish on tibia. Mangan-acet. on tibia small and numerous, affecting the periosteum. Asafcet. In children, when Ars., Calc., and Silicea fail, then frequently jEthusa will help. Burns, trismus after, extensive. Amyl-nitros. Air, warm, cannot endure, must have doors and windows open. Amyl-nitros. 44 GENERALITIES. Fanned, has to be, must have fresh air, it seems he cannot survive for want of fresh air. Apis, Cann-ind., Carbo-veg., China, Cistus, Plumb., Puls., Sulph. Journey, when about to make; fear, trembling, restlessness, prostration, cold sweat. Ars. Covered, desire to be. Calc-c. (Secale-cor. has the reverse). Lying with head low, horizontally, relieves headache. Calc-c. raised relieves headache. China. Mestastasis of mumps to testes ; suppressed mumps or exan- themata ; gangrene, with burning in stomach ; no thirst, acidity. Carbo-veg. Cool room, working in, ameliorates, aggravation in heat of sun. Fluor-ac. Warm room, working in, ameliorates, much worse in cold air. Silicea. If some one spot in body will not yield though other symp- toms of disease have been cured, and other symptoms corre- spond. Fluor-ac. Draught, noise, sensitive to least. Hep-s-c. Sour, whole person smells sour. Iris-v., Hyper., Magn-c., Rheum, Sulph-ac. Suffocation and choking worse from touch. Lachesis. Congestion to head, worse from eating and exertion. Naja. Craving for ice, amorous dreams. Elaps. Complaints return regularly every fourteen days, but not at same hour. Lachesis. fourth day at the same hour. Sabadilla. Throat, chest, and ovarian affections begin on left side and go to right; rheumatism begins on right side and goes to left. Lachesis. Flushes of heat, followed by profuse warm perspiration. Sulph. which soon becomes cold. Lachesis. associated with mental depression, as if a cloud had settled over the patient; distressed and suspicious without cause. Cimicifug. Lying on right side, causes a pulling soreness in left chest and all complaints worse A. M. Natr-c. GENERALITIES. 45 Paralysis, painless (in left upper parts, spasmodic contraction). Oleand. Lying on left or painless side aggravates. Phos. Chilliness, thirstlessness, and oppression of chest. Puls. Position, must change, better after it for a few moments, better from rapid motion. Rhus-t. better from slow motion. Puls. get up and move about slowly to get relief, he cannot sit still. Magnes-c. Rheumatism worse from slightest motion, yet was forced to move the leg; must get a new position, but there was no relief. Puls. - cannot sit still, must move constantly. Rhodod. Children smell sour, also stool, breath, vomit. Rheum. Complaints resulting from sudden and thorough drenching by a shower of rain, or getting wet in any way; aversion to washing. Rhus-tox. Bones painful, injuries to periosteum. Ruta-grav. - tender to touch ; inflammation of bones; caries; bones bend. Silicea. Grasping automatically of hands to head, nose, throat, ears. Strain. Aggravation in general of Valerina toward evening, from being still; great sleeplessness in early part of night. Valer. Pains darting from within outward. Valer. Chorea, with cold perspiration, could not lift one foot with- out the other. Veratr-vir. Convulsions, eyes wide open, but insensible to light, staring look, pupils dilated, eyes turned to the left, mouth closed, teeth clenched, froth oozing from between teeth and lips, face pallid, drawn to the left, convulsions confined mostly to the left side, the right remains passive; opisthotonos. Cicuta-vir. - preceded by sudden blindness. Cuprum. - head drawn firmly back with rigidity of muscles of pos- terior neck from use of tobacco. Lycopod. Epilepsy, the aura begins in the knees and ascends till it 46 GENERALITIES-EUTHANASIA. reaches the hypogastric region, then unconsciousness, foam at the mouth, falling down convulsed. Cuprum-acetic. Bones, diseases of: Inflammation, chronic. Mercur. - due to mercurialization. Aur., Nitric-acid, Staph. - due to syphilis. Merc., Kali-iod. Caries. Fluor-acid, Silicea, Phos., Phos-acid ; when there is hectic and free suppuration, then give for detachment of sequestrum, Symphit. Osteitis. Merc., Mezer., Acid-Nitr., Acid-Phos., Phos., Staph., Aur., Sil., Calc., Hep., lod., Kali-bichrom. - in tubercular diathesis. Phos., Calc., Natr-m., Silicea, lod., Sulph. Caries of temporal teeth. Kreos. Euthanasia. (one dose only), hectic fever in full blast; skin hot in afternoon; night sweat; constant burning thirst; red spot on cheek ; diarrhoea ; stool escapes on coughing ; intense fever in afternoon ; constriction of chest, suffocation (an aggravation will follow, but it will soon pass off, leaving the patient free of fever and more comfortable, etc.). Lachesis, suffocation, distress in chest and stomach, stream- ing perspiration, great sinking, must have neck free of clothing, also chest and abdomen ; ghastly countenance. (Give the 200 or higher as often as necessary.) Carbo-veg., covered with cold sweat, must be fanned ; abdo- men is distended with flatus, breath cold. Give Carbo-veg. in aq. every hour for six hours, then stop. Ars., Secale, death pains, dying cells, mortification in abdomen. Tarent-cub.30, much later in the last stage of consumption it helps to throw the mucus out. Child cries all day, especially from four to eight or nine p. m., draws knees up to abdomen ; relieved somewhat by lying or press- ing on abdomen, but sleeps good all night; straining at stool, the stool is hard and not often (every second or third day). Colocynth.