(Reprint from The Alkaloid.) SPARTEIN, A CARDIAC MEDICAMENT PAR EXCELLENCE. The special, or we may say specific action of spartein is to excite the heart in an ener- getic manner, and to regulate its pulsations. This regulation consists in accelerating or slowing the beats, according to whether the latter are more or less rapid than normal. The heart beats return to their normal con- dition in force, number and regularity. A striking proof of this action may be seen in a frog placed under the influence of spartein and then killed. The heart is still found beating on the third day after death This fact should be conclusive, as regards the en- ergetic action of this drug. Another advantage of spartein is its rapid- ity of action. Ten minutes, or twenty min- utes, at most, suffice for the manifestation of its action, which once produced, lasts for many days, even if the medicament is dis- continued. There are no contra-indications to the use of spartein. Sometimes patients with dis- ordered cardiac innervation show some sus- ceptibility to its action, and in them we must feel our way, commencing with small doses (0.04 to 0.05), while with all other cases the dose is from o. 10 to 0.25 centigrammes. In a conscientious study of spartein, Pawinski, of Warsaw, seeks to determine the most favorable doses to excite the tonicity of the heart and regulate it. In his hands small doses-one to two centigrammes at a time- repeated four to eight times daily, gave the best results. Doses of six to eight centi- grammes, also given four to eight times, seem too large. He thinks one of the most valu- able actions of the drug is its sedative action on the nervous system of heart cases. He noticed that it acts particularly well in car- diac disease complicated with nervous troubles (hysteria and neurasthenia). Con- sequently he administered it with great suc- cess in functional cardiac affections, such as palpitation, precordial pain, the anginas of anaemia, hysteria, neuraesthenia, nicotinism, alcoholism, the morphine habit, and that from severe mental or physical strain. According to Prof. Germain S£e, the tonic action of spartein on the heart and the blood pressure are beyond doubt and incontestable. In France alone, while its physiological ac- tion and therapeutical application have been demonstrated by Laborde, G. S6e and Houde, the knowledge of its action is still obscure, and its use almost unknown. Of late, however, owing to the important com- munication of Prof. See, it is emerging from this obscurity, and instances where it has been used with the best results are increasing and conclusive. In Vienna, Hans Voigt arrives at nearly the same conclusions as M. See, while the doses he used were generally smaller. The Viennese physician, like Prof. See, concludes that spartein increases the cardiac tonicity, re-establishes the rhythm and acts very rap- idly. He sees indications for its use in valvular lesions with of without asystolic phe- nomena, in all insufficiencies of the myo- cardium, and in pericarditis. The rapid action of spartein, while indi- cated in all cardiopathies, is of especial ben- efit where immediate effects are desired, for example, in asystolia. Moreover, all con- dit'ons of general enfeeblement of the organ- ism due to cardiac asthma are amenable to spartein, whether associated or not with lesions of the myocardium or valves ; the increased circulation of the blood favoring regeneration of the vital forces. In cardiac dyspnoeas, he recommends combining it with iodide of potash, and inhalations of pyridine. M. Prior states that this drug gives good results in all forms of cardiac troubles, but he has had the most satisfactory results in valvular lesions after "compensation rup- ture" has occurred. The different action obtained by Prior from those of other clini- cians is no doubt due to the difference in doses. Those employed by this author strike us as being too large, and exceed con- siderably the physiological and therapeutic dose even approaching toxicity (one gramme daily). Nevertheless he claims spartein should be given in all cardiac affections where digitalis is ineffectual or cannot be prescribed, in cases where we wish to re- lieve and regulate the heart's action as quick- ly as possible, in stheno-cardiac attacks. Dr. Clark, of Bristol, has published a clinical study of the therapeutic action of spartein. He observes that it acts within thirty minutes after administration, augments the force of the pulsations and thus slows the pulse in cases where it is abnormally fre- quent. When there is precordial pain, dysp- noea, irregular action of the heart, these painful phenomena cease and the patient ex- periences a very marked and pleasant sensa- tion of warmth. Dr. Legris cites many observations in the cardiac hypertrophy of adolescence where spartein, either alone or associated with iodide of potash, caused a rapid disappear- ance of all the manifestations of this patho- logical state almost unknown until within a few years. Maslowsky, who used this drug in three cases of cardiac affections prior to compen- sation, concludes from his observations that, first, spartein acts rapidly ; second, it stimu- lates the activity of the heart, increases the volume of the pulse and lessens its fre- quency ; third, it regulates the rhythm of the heart beats ; fourth, it has no cumulative ac- tion, and causes no untoward symptoms. In conclusion it may be stated that all authors who have witnessed the therapeutic effects of spartein agree in according the following results to it : 1. Rapidity of action. 2. Augmented tonicity of the cardiac muscle. 3. Regulation of the pulsations. 4. Return of the pulsations to the nor- mal type. 5. No cumulative effects. 6. No positive contra indication to its use. In disorders of cardiac innervation only is it necessary to moderate the dose. These conclusions show in what class of cases its employment is necessary, viz. : In all where we wish to obtain the first four of the above results. In all cases where the heart muscle is flabby from either alterations of its tissue, insufficient compensation or cardio-vascular asthma. In all likewise where the pulse is irregular ; in cases of car- diac asthma; valvular lesions, aortic or mi- tral, stenosis 01 insufficiency ; in pericarditis, cardiac dyspnoea, the hypertrophy of ado- lescence, etc.-Rei'ue Therapeutique des A loaloides. Spartein Granules (1-67 grain=l milligram), $1.00 per thousand. 7VVETRIC GRANULE CO. (incorporated 1887',. CHICAGO. ALKALOID GRANULES.