DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF BAT FROM THE WESTERN UNITED STATES ( Vesfertilio ciliolabrum sp. nov.) 13y 13k. C. HART MERRIAM. [ From the Procceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, Vol. IV., 1886-'87.] Separates issued December 17, 1886. GIBSON BROS.PRS.WASH From the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, Vol. IV, 1886-7. Extras printed December 17, 1886. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF BAT FROM THE WESTERN UNITED STATES. ( Vesper tilio ciliolabrum sp. nov.) By Dr. C. Hart Merriam. (Read November 27, 1886.) Specimens of a small and apparently hitherto undescribed species of bat have reached me from two widely separated localities in the Western United States. The first were col- lected by Mr. A. B. Baker in Trego County, Kansas; the second by Mr. A. W. Anthony in Grant County, in the ex- treme southwestern corner of New Mexico. Mr. Baker writes me that "the first two of these bats were found in bluffs or canons near the town of Banner, and were hidden away in clefts in the chalk rock. The others were captured at a bluff' several miles distant. They had secreted themselves in abandoned swallows' nests which were inacces- sible ; but the bats were easily dislodged by means of stones. They were followed to their various places of refuge, and seven were secured." These bats belong to the group of American Vespertilios, of which K nitidus may be considered fairly typical. They differ from V. nitidus, however, in size, proportions, and color, as well as in the much larger size of the ear. The Kansas specimens vary in color from nearly pure white to pale yellowish-brown, or even isabella-brown, while those from New Mexico are tawny-isabella above and much paler under- neath. 2 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. The following characters will serve to distinguish the species from its allies : VESPERTILIO CILIOLABRUM* sp. nov. (Type No. 2797 female ad., Merriam Collection). 7-1 / 7 /- 7 • 2"2, I-1, 3-3, 3-3, 18 o Dental formula : 1. , c. pm. -~ -- - 28. 6 1-1 3-3 3-3 20 The outer upper incisor of each side slopes forward and inward parallel to the inner, contrary to the rule in the genus Vesper tilio^ in which these teeth usually are divergent; cusp of inner upper incisor bifid, the anterior point being larger. First upper premolar small and crowded against (and usually somewhat internal to) the canine; second upper premolar minute and wholly internal to the tooth-row so that it is not visible from the outside except in immature individuals ; third premolar very large, nearly or quite equal to canine. Middle lower premolar smallest; posterior largest. Sides of upper lip fimbriate. Glandular prominences be- tween eyes and nostrils moderately developed. Tip of ear laid forward extends to end of muzzle. The calcaneum reaches about half-way from the foot to the tip of the tail; the postcalcaneal lobule is large for a Ves- pertilio ; the calcaneum ends in a projecting tooth or lobule. The form of the ear is somewhat intermediate between that of V. nitidus and that of V. nigricans: Internal basal lobe slightly rounded; middle three-fourths of anterior margin strongly convex ; tip shortly rounded off, forming a small, pro- jecting lobe posteriorly, beneath which the outer border is sharply emarginated for about one-third of its entire length ; bottom of emargination straight or slightly convex ; below this *The specific name ciliolabrum refers to the fringe of hairs along the sides of the upper lip. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW BAT. 3 the outer margin becomes abruptly convex and then nearly straight, with a distinct reflexed lobe near its base. Tragus at- tenuated above ; inner margin straight or slightly convex ; outer margin slightly concave in upper half, then slightly convex, with a distinct lobule at the base, which is separated by a notch from the convexity above. Thumb very small, considerably shorter than the foot. Foot small. Wings from base of toes. Upper surface of wing- membranes haired from about the middle of the humerus to the knee : basal third of upper surface of interfemoral mem- brane covered with hair ; on under surface of interfemoral the hair is arranged in little tufts along transverse lines, about thirteen in number. Half of last vertebra of tail free. Fur long and soft; basal portion dusky; apical portion vary- ing from whitish or yellowish-white to isabella-brown (tawny- isabella in the New Mexico specimens), which, in some indi- viduals is nearly as dark^s in K. subulatus ; the colored apical portion varies in extent from less than one-third to more than one-half the length of the hairs. Measurements from alcoholic specimens.-Male adult (No. 2794 Merriam Collection) : Head and body, 42 mm. ; head, 16.25 mm. ; tail, 37 mm. ; ear, from inner basal angle, 15 mm. ; tragus, 6.75 mm. ; humerus, 22 mm. ; forearm, 32.50 mm. ; thumb, 3.75 mm. ; third finger, 56 mm. ; fifth finger, 44 mm.; tibia, 11.25 mm-5 hind foot, 7 mm. Female adult (type, No. 2797 Merriam Collection) : Head and body, 43 mm. ; head, 16.25 mm. ; tail, 40 mm. ; ear, from inner basal angle, 15 mm. ; tragus, 6.75 mm. ; humerus, 22 mm. ; forearm, 33 mm. ; thumb, 3.50 mm. ; third finger, 56 mm.; fifth finger, 45.50 mm.; tibia, 11.50 mm.; hind foot, 7.50 mm. 4 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2786 2787 No., Mus. C. H. M. p a> s rr 0 - ? 2 = = = = = ? 2 * g § Locality. Ovj 40 40 40 40 40 Oj Qj S3 S F Sex. 42. 42. 42. 43-5° 43-50 43- 42. 4i- Head and body. l35. 39- 37- 40. 42. 40. 39- 38. 4i- Tail. 16.50 16. 16.25 16.50 16.50 16.25 16. 16. i5- Head. i5- i5- i5- *5- 15-50 i5- *5- 14.50 14.50 Ear from internal basal angle. OS Os Os Os OS Os Os Os 0 o, 0 <t <t 6 <r -r O cn 01 01 O cn cn Tragus from in- ner base. 22.5033. 2i.5032.50 22. 32-50 22.5033. 22-5o 3? 22. 33- 21.5032. 21- 33- 20. 32. Humerus. Forearm. 3-75 3-5o 3-75 3-25 3-5o 3-5° 3-25 3-5o 3- Thumb. Os Oi +■' 'os -G 'os Os 'o 0 3d finger. 44. 41-50 44- 44-50 44-50 45-50 42. 43-50 42. 5th finger. 11-50 11-25 11-25 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11. Tibia. ■L oS-9 1 05-9 o£-X •4 Sr-4 •4 •9 •4 Hind foot. A. B. Baker 4I 4 4 4 ( 4 C C C 4 4 A. W. Anthony 44 Collector. August, 1885 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Aug. 25, 1886 April 6, " Date. Measurements of nine alcoholic specimens of Vespertilio ciliolabrum. (AU measurements are in millimetres).