DESCRIPTIONS OF A NEW GENUS AND FOUR NEW SPECIES OF CRABS FROM THE ANTILLEAN REGION. By Mary J. Rathbun. Aid, Department of Marine Invertebrates. The crabs described below were, with one exception, obtained in the ex- tended cruise of the United States Fish Commission Steamer Albatross to the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea in 1885. The species of Actcea formed a part of the large collection of invertebrates brought from Florida by Dr. Edward Palmer in 1884. Family P arthenop 1 d.« . THYROLAMBRUS, new genus. Carapace broader than long, deeply eroded. Frontal and antero-lateral region strongly deflexed. Entire surface covered with stellar granules which unite to form ridges outlining irregular pits. Maxillipeds broad, fitting closely together and filling the buccal cavity; ischium subrectangular posteri- orly, slightly oblique anteriorly ; merus broader than long, with a slight notch at the antero-internal angle in which the first joint of the palpus is fitted in a transverse direction; the remainder of the palpus is concealed beneath the merus. Chelipeds of moderate length; manus much more slender than the merus and armed on the inner or anterior side with two rows of long, sharp, curved spines which are continued on the fingers. THYROLAMBRUS ASTROIDES, new species. Carapace about two-thirds as long as wide, thick, slightly wider at the postero-lateral than at the lateral angles; frontal and antero-lateral regions almost perpendicular. Posterior margin directed slightly forward and out- ward. Besides the small pits everywhere present on the surface, there are other larger depressions. A deep hollow between the orbits is continued backward by a shallow sulcus to the post-medial region. Two deep depres- sions occur at the inner branchial angles. The cardiac area is well defined, and is bounded posteriorly by a transverse linear sulcus. The hepatic region is outlined by a series of depressions. The ridges of the surface are elevated at intervals into rough acute tubercles. Rostrum very broad, arcuate as seen Proceedings National Museum, Vol. XVII, No. 986. Advance sheet, March 30, 1894. 2 CRABS FROM ANTILLEAN REGION-M. J. RATHBUN, vol. xvn. from above, produced downward at the middle in a small, triangular, dentic- ulate tooth which extends backward to the antennular cavities. Orbits small, circular ; eye-peduncles covered with stellar granules, and with a row of three or four spinules next the cornea on the upper side. Hepatic region with a triangular marginal tooth. Lateral margin of the branchial region with about seven small granulate teeth. Teeth of posterior margin very shallow. Antero-internal angle of the basal antennal joint barely touching the front. Exognath of maxilliped slender; endognath with a longitudinal row of three spinules. The pterygostomian groove is continued on the subbranchial regions. The sternum in the male has three prominent ridges on either side of the abdomen, and is deeply hollowed at the anterior end. Merus of cheliped thick, with short spines on the anterior and upper sur- faces. Carpus with three spinules on inner margin. The spines of the pro- podus and dactylus number 5 or 6 in the lower series and 6 or 7 in the upper. They are curved inward and directed toward the extremity of the fingers. The fingers are slender, curved inward, their tips prolonged in sharp spines; the stellar granules are arranged longitudinally ; prehensile edges armed with fine sharp irregular teeth or spines. The ambulatory legs are very rough. The meral joints have one crest above and two below. Dactyli short and slender, armed with sharp spines, and terminating in an acuminate horny tip. Measurements.-Length of female, 16 mm.; width, 23.5 ; thickness at epistome, 6; length of cheliped, about 32; length of merus, below, n ; length of propodus, 14. Length of male, 14 ; width, 20 ; length of cheliped, about 34; of merus, 12 ; of propodus, 15. Locality.-Off Havana, Cuba, in lat. 230 10' 42" N., long. 82° 18' 24" W., 67 fathoms, white coral, 2 females (9507); and in lat. 230 10' 40" N., long. 82° 20' 15" W., 189 fathoms, coral, one male (9515). SOLENOLAMBRUS DECEMSPINOSUS, new species Closely allied to 5. typicus, Stimpson. Antero-lateral margin convex, area between the gastric ridges narrower than in 5. typicus, gastric and cardiac prominences slender spines. There are 8 additional dorsal spines: two on each branchial ridge, of which the marginal is the longer; one at each posterior angle, and one on the postero-lateral margin midway between the last and the branchial spine. The punctures of the carapace are very fine and scattered ; in 5. typicus they are coarse and anteriorly crowded. The sternum (in the male) is smooth in front of the abdomen. The terminal segment of the ab- domen is much longer and narrower distally than in A. typicus, its sides deeply concave. The merus of the maxillipeds is narrower and more produced at the antero-external angle than in 5. typicus. The chelipeds are similar in ornamentation to those of 5. typicus ; the upper margin of the outer surface of the manus is furnished with 10 granulated teeth, the lower margin with about 12; as in A. typicus, the surfaces of the palm have bunches of granules arranged in two longitudinal rows. The im- movable finger is shorter and more deflexed than in A. typicus, and in conse- quence the dactylus is also more deflexed, being when closed nearly at a right i8§4- angle with the outer or upper surface of the palm. Color of fingers in alco- hol red. Measurements.-Length of carapace of male, 6 mm. ; width, 7. Locality.-Gulf of Mexico, in lat. 28° 44' N., long. 85° 16' W., 60 fathoms, gray sand, station 2404, one male (18157). Family Cancridje. ACTJEA PALMERI, new species. Carapace covered with 30 large, nodose prominences separated by deep sinuses filled with long silky hair, which also conceals the posterior portion of the carapace as well as the entire lower surface of the crab. The nodules of the surface are very convex and are each composed of a number of smooth, shin- ing, bead-like granules crowded close together. The frontal lobes or nodules are thick, with convex, entire margins, and are separated by a deep sulcus. There are six orbital nodules, one very small inner-orbital, followed by one large and two small, and two suborbital nodules. The basal antennal joint is also a thick, shining compound nodule. The carapace has four nodules on the lateral margin which project upward and not outward, the margin itself being entire. A small median lobule is visible near the posterior margin. Chelipeds with merus smooth and hairy, carpus with 6 nodules, and manus with 5, the remainder of the surface silky-hairy. Immovable finger and distal half of dactylus smooth and shining, horn-colored with white tips. The fingers are broad, compressed and sharp-pointed. The ambulatory legs have two small nodules on the carpal joints, one or two on the propodal joints, and two on the meral joints of the last pair. Measurements.-Length of male, 16 mm. ; width, 21. Length of female, 14; width, 19. Locality.-Rodriguez Creek, Florida, Dr. Edward Palmer; one male, one female carrying a large quantity of minute eggs, and two young specimens, male and female (13927). PILUMNUS DIOMEDE new specie.. Carapace of moderate width, beset with long yellow hairs arising from low spinules. Front with two produced lobes, each bearing four slender spines; a longer incurved spine is placed near the antenna. Orbital spines 9, 2 on the upper margin, one at the outer angle, and 6 below. Of the sub- orbital spines, the two outermost are separated by a deep fissure. There are four strong antero-lateral spines, including the orbital; between the first and second there is a small spine, and the second spine has one or two accessory spinules. The subhepatic and pterygostomian regions are spinulous. There are two small spines forming a longitudinal line with the inner suborbital spine. Chelipeds unequal, spinous and long-hairy. Merus with surface minutely spinulous, margins spinous, the upper margin furnished distally with two spines longer than the others. Carpus with outer surface spinous and spinul- ous, a strong spine at the inner angle. Manus with four slender spines on upper margin, lower margin spinulous, spines of outer surface arranged in PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 3 4 CRABS FROM ANTILLEAN REGION-M. J. RATHBUN, longitudinal rows, inner surface minutely granulous. Fingers spinulous and hairy proximally, horn-colored, with teeth and tips almost white. Ambula- tory legs very long, slender and hairy ; margins of meral joints and upper margin of carpal and propodal joints spinous. The type specimen has the posterior portion of the carapace and sternum broken off and is without the last 3 pairs of legs. The only other individual is a soft-shell female, very imperfect. Measurements.-Width of carapace, 16 mm.; width of front, 6 ; length of longest hairs of carapace, about 6. Localities.-Off Havana, Cuba, in lat. 230 10' 40" N., long. 82° 2o' 15" W., 184 fathoms, fine gray and white coral, station 2345, type (9526). Off Yucatan, lat. 20° 59' 30" N., long. 86° 23' 45" W., 130 fathoms, coral, station 2354 (18158). This species in its long ambulatory legs resembles P. gracilipes, A. Milne- Edwards, which differs, according to that writer, in its unarmed superior orbital margin and short hair. vol.xvh.