Trephining in Epilepsy. J. T. BOUTELLE M. D., of Hampton, Va. Read before Twenty-fifth Annual Session of Medical Society of Virginia, held in Richmond, October 23-25, 1894. REPRINTED FROM TRANSACTIONS. Trephining in Epilepsy J. T. BOUTELLE, M. D., of Hampton, Ya. There is scarcely any condition to be met with in surgical practice which, at first sight, seems more imperatively to demand operation, or in which the operation seems more certain to ful- fill the terms of the maxim, “Causa sublata, tollitur effectus,” than traumatic epilepsy. But as we examine the recorded re- sults of such operations, we find little to boast of as regards cer- tainty of cure, and the prospect of brilliant success grows de- cidedly dim. Cures are, of course, effected, but by no means to the extent we should naturally expect. We have two causes to contend with—first, an abnormal con- dition of the skull either in shape or structure produced by injury, which, by pressure or irritation for a considerable length of time, brings about the second—viz: the tissue change or molecular disturbance of the grey matter of the brain, and this is the immediate cause of the epilepsy. This condition of the grey matter may spread over an area of uncertain size or be confined to a small spot. When the molecular change in the brain-tissue has reached a certain degree, epilepsy begins, and goes on gradually increasing in violence. Then the question naturally arises—Do we expect to cure the disease by removing the primary cause ? Up to within a few years, the operation consisted of remov- ing the depressed portion of the bone or of simply taking out a button over the site of injury. This was formerly a serious af- fair, but antiseptic surgery has rendered it as safe as almost any other operation. 4 Modern methods of surgery and the immense advance of neu- rological science in localizing the motor centres of the brain have emboldened surgeons to go much further than formerly. The new, or modern, operation consists of trephining over a very large area, opening the dura, examining the surface of the brain, removing cysts or growths, and in excising a portion of brain substance from the centre indicated by the special symp- toms in each case. One of the chief features of this operation is that it is performed for non-traumatic cases. By the old operation, a fair amount of success has been ob- tained, either cure or marked amelioration in a respectable number of cases—certainly enough to justify the operation. If we believed many of the statistics collected to be beyond criti- cism, we should speak much more enthusiastically. I shall not attempt, in this paper, to give complete statistics, but will call attention to a few. Walsham’s collection gives, out of 82 cases, 48 cured and 13 relieved. Dr. W. Briggs reports, out of 30 cases, 25 cured and 3 relieved. Such results as these would justify almost any serious operation. In 1872, I reported a collection of cases performed at the Mas- sachusetts General Hospital up to that time—12 cases, 4 cured, 1 relieved, 7 deaths. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., Feb. 22, 1872. In the American Journal of Medical Sciences, November, 1892, Drs. Gerster and Sachs report 10 cases. No cures—1 great im- provement, and 1 slight improvement. These last are un- usually frank statistics. In most of the individual cases I have looked up, which are classed as successful, the record generally reads, “No fits two to eight months after operation when last heard from,” and we never hear any more about that case. Very few records show observation of the case after six or eight months. If a country surgeon does this operation, and it is not suc- cessful, he will never be allowed to forget it. I believe that a s ccessful record, to be of any value to the surgeon, must be that of a case which has been under observation from two to three years. The following two cases from my own practice will serve to illustrate a few points of interest: 5 Case I.—February, 1893. Edw. Johnson, white, ?et. 18, when five years old, received a blow on the head from an axe which fell from a shed and cut through the skull. No doctor was called, and he had only home treatment. The wound healed, and he never had any symptoms until he was sixteen years old. Then, while sparring with another boy, he received a heavy blow upon the head, and shortly alter began to have light epileptic attacks, which gradually increased in frequency and violence until now they occur once to three times a week and are quite severe. His parents say that they think his mind is becoming impaired. I found a linear depression, running longitudinally over left parietal bone about middle of anterior third, abo.ut two inches long. My diagnosis was an original fracture of both tables with- out depression of inner table—that the blow eleven years later loosened some fragment and caused it to change its position and produce pressure on the brain. He was taken to the Dixie Hospital for treatment. The day before operation his head was shaved, scrubbed with soap and water, then with alcohol and turpentine, and a compress wet with a solution of mercuric bichloride 1-3000 kept on the scalp. Operation February 14, 1893. Scalp-flap raised by horse-shoe incision. Button removed at each end of the depression, and the intervening piece sawed out. For this purpose, I used a small circular saw attached to a dental engine, and with this one side was sawed through, but in commencing the section of the other side the engine got out of order, and the section was made with a Hey’s saw. Before completing the second section, I passed a flat probe under the skull, and felt a piece of bone projecting downward, close to the line of section. This was broken off with a small curved dental instrument and drawn out. The section was then completed. The dura had not been punctured by the fragment, aud was apparently healthy. The edges of the opening were then smoothed off, and the opening thoroughly irrigated with bichlorid. sol. 1-3000. The flap was then adjusted and united by aseptic silk sutures. No drainage was used. The wound healed by first intention, and the patient never had a temperature above 99.5°. No pus was seen. No medical treatment was used until a week after operation, when an epileptic attack occurred. He was then put on bromide treatment. He made a good recovery and went home. I saw him now and then for several months, and continued the bromide treat- ment. He had no fits for about six months. Since then I hear that he went away on a vessel, and while on a cruise the fits recurred, and now are as bad as ever. When I saw him last the wound was perfectly healed, but a deep depression was caused by the sagging of the scalp into the opening. 6 Case II.—April, 1893. Frank W., white, set. 40. Received a blow on the head when six years old, causing depression of bone. Ten years after, began to have epileptic attacks, petit mal, and these gradually increased in severity and frequency, sometimes being very mild, but often severe convulsive attacks. He tells me that before the attacks of petit mal he had pecu- liar sensations and mental disturbance, for which, at one time, a physician was consulted. I found a well-marked, rounded depression in right parietal bone about the middle of posterior third. He went to the Dixie Hospital, and his head was pre- pared as in the case just reported. A button of bone, large enough to include the depression, was removed. The dura looked healthy, but was slightly adherent around the opening. It was easily separated by light pressure with a small flat scapula. No projecting bone was found. The button showed some thick- ening, but no scar of fracture of internal table. The wound was closed as in the first case. No drainage. Union took place by first intention. No pus. No temperature above normal at any time. About a week after the operation, he was much excited by a death at the hospital and the loud lamentations of the relatives, and had an attack of acute mania, being restrained with difficulty. Was then taken home, where he slept steadily for twenty-four hours or more, and then recovered his senses. For about two months, there was apparently great improvement, and either none or very slight attacks of petit mal, but after that time the attacks recurred and now are as bad as ever. These cases illustrate the old operation under antiseptic methods, and are sufficiently typical to emphasize some points. In the first place, the healing by first intention, no pus, and no fever. In the twelve cases I reported occurring before 1871 were seven deaths; the causes of death being suppuration, menin- gitis, or sloughing of membranes. It would be rare now to find such a proportion of deaths, or from such causes. It will be noticed that in these cases benefit was derived from the operation at first—in one case no fits for about six months, and in the other great amelioration for two or three months, but then the disease recurs and gradually resumes its old course. This, I fear, would be the history of many a case reported cured, if it could be followed up, and I think it is a result for which there are many good reasons. It does not require an injury severe enough to cause pressure upon the brain by spiculse of bone to produce traumatic epilepsy. Case II shows only a 7 slight thickening of the bone and very slight adhesion of the dura. A case was recently reported in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal where a button was removed, no adhesion of dura found, and only a slight hyperplasia of the bone. A scar of scalp wound occasionally produces the disease, and cases are reported where removal of the cicatrix had brought about a cure. Any injury which brings about a change in the skull tis- sue may cause molecular change in the brain beneath. Slight adhesion of the dura to the skull is a sufficient cause. Also a tumor in the white matter, near the cortex, will produce epilep- tic symptoms. Now, when we remove a piece of the skull, we leave behind a condition likely of itself to produce adhesion of the dura to the margins of the opening, or the scalp sinks into the opening and either adheres to the dura or irritates it, and after a cer- tain lapse of time we again have a condition which reproduces the disease. Then the details of the operation should be such as to prevent these sequelae. In the old operation, I see no way of doing this except by carefully bevelling and smoothing the lower edge and closing the upper end of the opening with some hard substance. In these cases, we notice that one had a fit one week after the operation, and then was put upon bromide treatment, after which he was well for a long time. The other had an attack of mania, and then was put on medical treatment, and amelioration re- sulted. It is certain that operation alone will not cure. Medi- cal treatment should be instituted in every case as soon as pos- sible after the operation, and continued just as in an idiopathic case. The modern operation consists, as I have stated, of remov- ing not only the depression or a button at the site of the injury, but of trephining over an area large enough to allow of a com- plete examination of the brain surface. The dura is opened, cysts or growths removed, and the motor area to be attacked de- termined by faradization. Then a portion of grey matter, and sometimes some of the white matter, is excised. Nothing can be more thoroughly scientific than this opera- tion, and it seems to fulfill every surgical requirement in remov- 8 ing both the primary and secondary causes. From such a radi- cal measure, we should naturally look for the most brilliant results. It ought to produce certain and lasting cures, at least in the majority of cases. But it is a very severe operation, and attended with consid- erable risk. It generally demands two agents—one an expert in nervous disease to locate the exact part to be removed, and the other a more than ordinarily expert surgeon. If the opera- tion is successful, it is a brilliant affair, and one to reflect credit on all concerned in its accomplishment. But if unsuccessful? the patient has undergone a serious risk to life, and still has his epilepsy, plus a very large hole in his skull, and a more or less permanent paralysis of some part. Motor paralysis of the part governed by the centre excised, of course, is a result. It is stated by some of the most prominent operators in cerebral sur- gery that this paralysis is only temporary, and that the part will eventually recover its functions. The patient is also left with the same conditions I have mentioned, when speaking of the old operation, as possible factors in the recurrence of the disease at a later period. Then, in order to justify such radical proceedings, we must have unusually good results. Statistics of this operation are not, as yet, abundant, and I do not pretend to give anything like a complete collection; but I have examined the cases recorded in the American Journal of Medical Sciences for the past six years, and have tabulated an epitome of the cases I have found reported, fourteen in num- ber. Two of these were caused by tumor of the brain, and eight were non-traumatic cases. The study of cerebral surgery, as exemplified by many skill- ful operations in removal of tumors, is of great interest in con- nection with the subject under discussion. I have only col- lected the cases in which epilepsy was a prominent symptom.. 9 No. Case. Reporters. Journal. Results. 1 Right-sided Jacksonian Drs. Weir Amer.Jour. Recovery. Temporary Epilepsy with facio- and of Medical complete paralysis of brachial paralysis. Tu- Seguin. Sciences, right limb, and apha- sia. Eventually re- mor of left hemisphere July, 1888. involving centres for gained speech, and the face and right arm. paralysis improved. Trephined and tumor Seven months after op- removed. Bone disks eration was having oc- replaced, and united casional slight spasms. firmly. Much relieved. 2 Epilepsy of uncertain Dr. W. W. Ibid., Recovered from opera- origin. Attacks com- Keen. November, tion in eight days. mence in right hand. 1888. Left arm paralyzed, Trephined over fissure but showing signs of of Rolando,dura raised improvement. Two and centre for left months after, the epi- hand and -wrist ex- leptic attacks were di- cised. minished in frequency and wrere only petit mal. Much relieved. 3 Focal epilepsy of severe Drs. Lloyd Id., Recovered from opera- character. Attacks and Novemb’r, tion with motor paral- commence in left arm. Deaver. 1888. ysis of arm. Record Trephined over fissure three months after of Rolando, right side. Three pieces of brain shows no convulsive attacks, and motion re- turning in arm to some excised, each f of an in. deep and £ in. wide at centres for left arm, extent. Much relieved (or cured). hand and face. Here four cases of cere- Drs. Jacob Id, bral surgery are re- Frank and July, ported, of which three Archibald 1890. are of interest as re- gard epilepsy. Church. 4 Dementia of alleged Great improvement at traumatic origin. Tre- phined, dura raised, first, but in 9 months epilepsy developed. and brain surface ex- plored. Buttons re- placed and united. 2nd operation. Adhe- * sions of dura were found, very firm with processes running into trephine pin openings. After 2nd operation, pa- Small pieces of bone Drs. Frank Ibid, were partly absorbed and July, tient recovered, and in and acted as foreign Church. 1890. one month was report- bodies; the dura show- ed as having no fits, ed marks of the but- and improved in all tons and the intersti- respects. ces between the but- tons showed fibrous scar tissue. The cica- tricial tissue was dis- Much relieved. sected off, and the bone was not replaced. 10 No. Case. Reporters. Journal. Results. 5 Jacksonian epilepsy. Trephined and tumor of brain removed. Five buttons replaced. 2nd operation. The but- tons were found tilted and making pressure on the brain. Abscess of brain found, evacu- ated, irrigated and drained Buttons were not replaced. One was left which had united properly. - Ibid., July, 1890. Improved for a time, and then epilepsy recur- red. After 2nd operation, re- covered. One year af- ter, record shows con- dition much better than before operation, but convulsions occur about once in ten days. Much relieved. 6 Idiocy and continuous choroid movements. Trephined over motor zones. Three buttons removed and replaced. U Died on the third day. Autopsy showed that the buttons were firm- ly a d h e r e n t to the dura. 7 Traumatic epilepsy. Tre- Dr. W. W. Am. Jour. Recovery. No attacks at phined, and a portion of cortex removed. The opening was clos- ed by a piece of decal- cified bone, stitched to the scalp so as to fit the Keen. of Medical Sciences, Septemb’r, 1891. time of record, eight months after operation. The opening is closed with firm tissue. Cured. 8 Jacksonian epilepsy. Drs. Mills Am. Jour. Left limb paralyzed, but Trephined over motor zone. Small growths excised from the dura and a portion of cor- tex removed. Bone not replaced. In this case, the fits occurred twelve to fifteen times in twenty-four hours. and Keen. of Medical Sciences, December, 1891. eventually recovered. Convulsions continued from time to time, but less severe and less fre- quent. Seven months after, record shows an average of three fits in 24 hours. Much re- lieved. 9 Cortical epilepsy. Fits Dr. Alex. Ibid., Recovered. Seven months severe at times, and at others mild. Trephin- ed over centre for right arm. Dura opened. No cortical substance excised. Brain punc- tured by trocar on ac- count of bulging. No tumor or fluid found, Brain surface washed. B. Shaw. January, 1893. after operation, record shows entire absence of fits. Complete paraly- sis of right arm. Cured. 10 Traumatic epilepsy. Drs. White Ibid., Recovered, and was well Trephined over large Novemb’r, for six months. Then area. Mass of thick- ened dura removed. and Wood. 1892. the disease returned, and intellect failed. Of the 10 cases reported by Drs. Gerster and Sachs, 4 may be class- ed with the modern operation. Drs. Gers- ter and Sachs. Ibid., Novemb’r, 1892. No improvement. 11 No. Case. Reporters. Journal. Results. 11 Right-sided epilepsy af- ter injury. Trephined over motor area for right arm. Dura punc- tured. No cvsts. Recovered. No attacks for about 1J months. Diminution of attacks. Case not heard from later. Relieved. 12 Traumatic Jacksonian epilepsy, involving muscles of right side of mouth. Trephined over centre for angle of mouth. Adhesions found under the but- tons. Small cysts on dura punctured. Drs. Gers- ter and Sachs. Am. Jour, of Medical Sciences, Novemb’r, 1872. No improvement. > 13 Injury of right side of occiput. One year later, right hand and leg convulsed. Aver- ages three to four fits in two weeks. Tre- phined and motor centre on left side ex- posed. No cortical tissue removed. 2nd operation 31 days later, and arm centre removed. U U No improvement. 14 Non-traumatic Jackso- nian epilepsy, begin- ning in left hand. Tre- phined and centre for left hand removed. U U Some immediate improve- ment, but no lasting benefit. These records then give us three cured, six relieved, four not improved, one death. If we take the bald result of these statistics, we must say that the modern operation makes no better showing than the old. Three cases out of the fourteen I have set down as cured, as they are just as good cures as are generally reported—i. e., one case having no fits up to eight months after operation; one none for three months; and one none for seven months, but with com- plete paralysis of right arm. We find marked amelioration in five cases and slight in one. We cannot say that the excellence of results is commensurate with the brilliancy of the perform- ance, or that such statistics justify so severe and difficult an operation. But in every operation of this kind each case must be taken by itself, and on examination we find that these four- teen cases were exceptionally bad and difficult to handle. The 12 non-traumatic cases reflect much credit on the diagnosticians and operators. Future study and progress may enable the pro- fession to give better results. Among the details of the operation, the most important to my mind, is the closing of the external opening. For this pur- pose many means have been tried with varying success, replacing the buttons and filling in the interstices with bone dust, using plates of metal, gold, silver, etc., celluloid plates, highly spoken of by some operators, and decalcified bone. Making a sort of trap-door by sawing three sides and partially sawing the other, raising the piece and afterward bringing it down again, is a method for which much is claimed. Replacing the buttons seems to me attended with as much risk of future trouble as leaving the hole open. The buttons may tilt and cause pres- sure; they may partially absorb and act as foreign bodies, or may necrose and have to be removed by a subsequent opera- tion. In the above table we find a case where the operation was done for idiocy or some cerebral trouble, the buttons replaced, and after a length of time epilepsy came on. The buttons were found partially absorbed, some tilted and generally causing cere- bral disturbance. In another case in which death occurred after three days, the buttons were found adherent to the dura, which I think would have eventually caused epilepsy had the patient lived. The most successful case in every respect among the above is one of Dr. W. W. Keen’s, in which he closed the opening by a piece of decalcified bone, and this is a method which I think ought to be followed up and given further trial. As to instrumental methods of removing the bone, surgeons differ, some preferring the large trephine and rongeur, others the mallet and chisel, and others the circular saw. I only pro- pose to speak of one, of which I have had personal experience, viz., the circular saw and dental engine. The only fault I have to find with it is that it is too good. It cuts bone with such ease and rapidity that it requires a light hand and much dexterity, and as we approach the inner surface we feel much anxiety lest it may cut through into the brain. The guard, which can be attached to the saw, cannot be regulated so as to 13 be right for the varying thickness of the bone to be cut. After I had succeeded in making one section with this instrument, I was much relieved when the engine broke down and I could take a Hey’s saw in my hand and go ahead with confidence. In spite of the remark I find in Wyeth’s Surgery that Hey’s saw is a useless thing and should be discarded from among sur- gical instruments, I must say that I used it with great satisfac- tion in this case. In connection with this subject the question always arises of early trephining in injuries of the skull, and when trephining should be done. In view of the fact that the operation itself may be a factor of future trouble, does it seem best to trephine immediately for every injury which may possibly cause epi- lepsy in the future? To my mind, certainly not. To trephine when there is no depression, or a simple fracture of one or both tables, unless symptoms are present demanding such interfer- ence, seems to me uncalled for and just as likely to produce epi- lepsy as the criginal injury. But after a certain lapse of time from the receipt of injury certain symptoms may develop, per- haps petit mal, or even before such indication, some mental disturbance or peculiar sensations which cause a consultation with the physician. This is the time. The moment any cere- bral disturbance shows itself, after injury to the skull, is the golden moment for operation. The longer we wait gives the disease a better hold and it will increase in violence, and the longer it has lasted, the less the hope of cure. The modern operation seems to be the only surgical means of effecting a cure or amelioration in the non-traumatic cases of focal epilepsy. In traumatic epilepsy, I should say the old operation was the best, and advise operating at the very earliest symptoms of cere- bral trouble, bevelling and smoothing the lower edges of the opening and closing the outer opening by the best method pos- sible, and commencing medical treatment immediately after the operation. But if we find clear indications for opening the dura, the records of recent cerebral operations show that this pro- ceeding is not attended with the grave dangers to life that we formerly feared. s