[From The Medical News, December 31, 1887.] A NEW CHROMOGENIC BACILLUS-BACILLUS COERULEUS. BY ALLEN J. SMITH, M.D., ASSISTANT DEMONSTRATOR OF PATHOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. In a cultivation of the organisms in water from the Schuylkill River (Belmont Reservoir), planted January 15, 1886, there appeared a fungus of intense blue color, which, on examination and further cul- ture, proved to be an unknown species of chromo- genic bacillus. It grows well on boiled potato at ordinary temperatures, with at first a beautiful dark blue hue, deepening into an intense blue-black, as the color- ing grows old. The colonies when developed fully are marked by numerous cup-shaped depressions with elevated borders. It is aerobic so far as its color is concerned, the cultures in the mass of gela- tine-peptone in tubes invariably developing as colorless growths, while the upper or surface part of the same culture shows a bluish tinge, faint because of the thinness of the stratum. Liquefaction of the surface invariably attends the cultures in peptone gelatine. The color of the bacillus is contained in the cells, and cannot be dissolved out by water or alcohol; nor is it affected by acids. On potato, 1 Vide report in The Medical News, Aug. 27, 1887. 2 SMITH , where the color is best seen, the bacillus foci grow only on the surface, not penetrating to any depth, as is the case with the micrococcus cyaneus. The bacillus, as seen under the microscope, is from 0.002 to 0.0025 mm. in length, and 0.0005 in width. It frequently develops in leptothrix-like chains. Some few of the individuals on the speci- mens mounted present a comma shape, although this is probably accidental, due to overheating in the preparation. An excellent stain for it is the ordinary methyl-violet. For its recognition the higher powers of the microscope should be em- ployed, although the individuals can be discovered with a good inch lens. It is possible that this form might be confused with bacillus syncyaneus, bacillus violaceus, or micrococcus cyaneus. The color, however, is so intense and in old colonies so dark that it alone should differentiate in every instance. The coloring matter of bacillus syncyaneus (Beit- rage z. Biologic d. Pflanzen, vol. iii. p. 187) is of a lighter shade, and is changed by soda or potash to a peach-blossom pink, ammonia changing it to a violet color-to none of which reactions the color of bacillus coeruleus responds. The bacillus viola- ceus (Ann. Societ. Nat. Moden., xiv. 1880, and Botanisch. Centralblatt, 1, 1528) grows best on solution of egg albumin, and the coloring is of a characteristic hue, and the color readily soluble in alcohol. The micrococcus cyaneus (Cohn, Schrotef} grows well on boiled potato, as does bacillus coeruleus, but penetrates with its blue color deep into the slice; its color is soluble in water, the solution at first green and later blue. This micro- coccus very readily produces softening and lique- faction, while the bacillus coeruleus produces but a A NEW CHROMOGENIC BACILLUS. 3 comparatively small amount of such change ; and microscopically the diagnosis is readily made. The micrococcus violaceus is distinguishable from the bacillus coeruleus by its characteristic hue and its mode of growth (in gelatinous drops of a violet color), and later by the microscope. Like the other chromogenic bacilli generally, the bacillus coeruleus seems to be non-pathogenic, and is interesting only so far as being an addition to our knowledge of microscopic botany. 223 South Seventeenth St., Philadelphia.