A New Method for the Detection and Estimation of Sugar in the Urine. BY AETHUE E. ELLIOTT, C.M., M. D., INSTRUCTOR IN URINARY ANALYSIS AT THR FOST-GRADUATB MKDICAL SCHOOL, CHICAGO. REPRINTED PROM THE Weto York JHeUical Journal for July 27, 1895. Reprinted from, the New York Medical Journal for July 27, 1895. A NEW METHOD FOR TIIE DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF SUGAR IN THE URINE. By ARTHUR R. ELLIOTT, C. M., M. D., INSTRUCTOR IN URINARY ANALYSIS AT THE POST-GRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL, CHICAGO. The tests most commonly used for the detection of sugar in the urine are the copper tests, and of these Feh- ling’s method has hitherto been the most popular with the profession. In common with the others of this class, this method depends for its reaction upon the power which grape sugar possesses of reducing cupric oxide to the state of cuprous oxide, with the formation of a yellowish-red precipitate soluble in ammonia. If sugar is present in the urine in any considerable amount, Fehling’s test leaves little to be desired as to reliability. When, however, but a small quantity is present, its method of application renders it liable to faulty reduction and misleading results. In deal- ing with small quantities of sugar in the urine it is any- thing but a perfect test. Normal urine contains substances which have a marked effect in reducing copper test solu- tions. The principal of these are uric acid and creatinin. I)r. George Johnson attributes to the former one quarter and to the latter three quarters of this property. They are Copyright, 1895, by D. Appleton and Company 2 THE DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF constant ingredients of the urine and constitute a fruitful source of error when but slight reduction takes place. Another occasional cause of faulty reduction of these tests is glycuronic acid. This substance is present in such small quantity in normal urine as to be considered practi- cally absent, but after taking such drugs as chloral hydrate, camphor, and chloroform it may appear in considerable amount. When such is the case it gives rise to a frank re- duction, indistinguishable in appearance from that pro- duced by grape sugar. The large quantity of urine used in the application of Fehling’s test renders it especially susceptible to these er- rors. In applying the test we are directed to add the urine to the boiling test solution until reduction takes place, or until we have added as much urine as we have test solution. The amount of the solution employed is usually one drachm. Such a quantity of normal urine, if it be at all concentrated, will almost invariably give rise to an appreciable reduction, much resembliDg that due to the presence of small amounts of sugar. It is with urines of high specific gravity that we exercise the greatest care in searching for sugar, and it is in these cases where discrimination is essential that Feh- ling’s method is most misleading. Normal urine is fre- quently concentrated, of high density, and increased acidity, and in such an event the amount of urine used with this test will contain sufficient creatinin and uric acid to produce a reaction which may, and frequently does, deceive the un- wary. If less urine is used the delicacy of the test is im- paired. In addition to this serious drawback, the instability of the test solution and its well known tendency under cer- tain circumstances to undergo spontaneous reduction are other objections to its use. Haines’s modification is a con- siderable improvement over Fehling’s in manner of applica- tion, but leaves much to be desired in point of delicacy. SUGAR IN THE URINE. 3 The ideal test for sugar will be one that is at once re- liable and sensitive, recognizing with certainty minute quantities of sugar in the urine, and one that requires the employment of never more than a few drops of urine in its application. Such a one the following method, devised and employed by myself, has thus far proved to be. With great reliability it combines extreme delicacy, and requires the employment of a minimum quantity of urine. The formulae for its preparation and the details of its application are as follows : Solution No. 1. Cupric sulphate (C. P.) gr. xxvij; Glycerin pure 3 iij; Distilled water 3 ijss ; Liquor potassae ad 3 iv. Dissolve the cupric sulphate in the glycerin and dis- tilled water. Gentle heat will facilitate the solution. When cold, add the liquor potassae and mix thoroughly. Solution No. 2 is a saturated solution of chemically pure tartaric acid in distilled water. The solutions are quite stable and will keep indefinitely. Into a test tube pour a drachm of the cupric-oxide solution and gently boil over a spirit flame. Then add two or three drops—not more—of the tartaric-acid solu- tion and boil again. Now add the suspected urine slowly, drop by drop, boiling and shaking the test solution between each drop until reduction takes place, or until eight drops of the urine have been added. If no change follows the addition of this amount of urine, sugar is not present. The end reaction is a yellowish or reddish, or sometimes greenish-gray, deposit of suboxide which is marked and unmistakable. Tf the solution be stood aside for a few moments the reaction deepens. Applied in this manner, the test will detect less 4 THE DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF than one part in a thousand of urine, or one tenth per cent. If sugar be present to any considerable extent, a single drop of urine will promptly develop the reaction. The addition of three drops gives a marked reduction when two grains to the ounce are present, and four drops will detect one grain to the ounce, or one in four hundred and eighty. More than eight drops of urine should never be used with this test, since that amount never fails to give a marked reaction when half a grain or more of sugar to the ounce is present, and smaller traces than this in the urine are of no interest to the practitioner. Greater deli- cacy may be obtained by the addition of a larger quantity of urine, but by so doing reliability is sacrificed for greater sensitiveness and the especial value of this method is de- stroyed. The end reaction developed by the smaller amounts of sugar is a grayish, muddy deposit, easily distinguishable, with disappearance of the blue color of the test solution. I have adapted this test so that it may be used for the quantitative estimation of sugar. The advantages which characterize it as a qualitative test render it especially ap- plicable for this purpose. Proceed as follows: Take a hundred and thirty-three minims of the cupric-oxide solu- tion in a narrow-necked glass tiask and add thereto six drops of the tartaric-acid solution and three drachms of liquor ammonise, U. S. P. Mix thoroughly, and add enough distilled water to raise the total volume of the solution to two ounces. The principle of this test is the same as that of Purdy’s test and Pavy’s ammoniated cupric test, which is that the cuprous oxide formed by the reducing power of the sugar is held in solution by the ammonia, the test so- lution remaining clear throughout, the end reaction being the complete disappearance of the blue color. This amount of the solution represents in sugar value SUGAR IN THE URINE. 5 a fourth of a grain of grape sugar—that is, it is reduced and decolorized by exactly a fourth of a grain of sugar. Its application is conducted in the same manner as Pavy’s and Purdy’s methods. The urine is added to the boiling test solution, drop by drop, until the color has entirely disappeared. The number of minims of urine necessary to produce this result is noted on the burette or minim pipette used, and four hundred and eighty, the number of minims in an ounce, is divided by the number of minims so re- quired, and the product divided by four, which gives the number of grains of sugar to the ounce. Instead of this process the urine, before testing, may be diluted with three volumes of distilled water, and four hundred and eighty, divided by the number of minims required to de- colorize the test, will give the number of grains to the ounce of urine. Knowing the total amount of urine for the twenty-four hours, it is a simple matter to estimate the total excretion of sugar. The delicacy of the test results in a singularly clear and transparent end reaction. This result is also partly due to the fact that the solution, being prepared freshly each time, is clearer and gives more positive results than other tests which, notwithstanding their alleged stability, deteriorate to some extent when kept for long periods of time. The fact that the same solutions are used for estima- tion as are employed for the detection of sugar consti- tutes an advantage, as it avoids multiplicity of reagents. The New York Medical Journal. A WEEKLY REVIEW OF MEDICINE. EDITED BY FRANK P. FOSTER, M.D. THE PHYSICIAN who would keep abreast with the advances in medical science must read a live weekly medical journal, in which scientific facts are presented in a clear manner; one for which the articles are written by men of learning, and by those who are good and accurate observers ; a journal that is stripped of every feature irrelevant to medical science, and gives evidence of being carefully and conscien- tiously edited ; one that bears upon every page the stamp of desire to elevate the standard of the profession of medicine. Such a journal fulfills its mission—that of educator—to the highest degree, for not only does it inform its readers of all that is new in theory and practice, but, by means of its correct editing, instructs them in the very important yet much-neglected art of expressing their thoughts and ideas in a clear and correct manner. Too much stress can not be laid upon this feature, so utterly ignored by the “ average ” medical periodical. Without making invidious comparisons, it can be truthfully stated that no medical journal in this country occupies the place, in these par- ticulars, that is held by The New York Medical Journal. No other journal is edited with the care that is bestowed on this; none contains articles of such high scientific value, coming as they do from the pens of the brightest and most learned medical men of America. A glance at the list of contributors to any volume, or an examination of any issue of the Journal, will attest the truth of these statements. It is a journal for the masses of the profession, for the country as well as for the city practitioner; it covers the entire range of medicine and surgery. A very important feature of the Journal is the number and character of its illustrations, which are unequaled by those of any other journal in the world. They appear in frequent issues, whenever called for by the article which they accompany, and no expense is spared to make them of superior excellence. Subscription price, $5.00 per annum. Volumes begin in January and July. PUBLISHED BY D. APPLETON & CO., 72 Fifth Avenue, New York.