[Reprinted from The Medical News, May 14, 1892.] A CASE OF ABSCESS OF THE TEMPORO- SPHENOIDAL LOBE, AND OF THE MIDDLE LOBE OF THE CEREBELLUM. By FRANK P. NORBURY, M.D., ASSISTANT PHYSICIAN, ILLINOIS CENTRAL HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, JACKSONVILLE, ILL. ; FORMERLY ASSISTANT PHYSICIAN, PENN- SYLVANIA INSTITUTION FOR FEEBLE-MINDED CHILDREN, ELWYN, PA. F. M., a married farmer, thirty-two years old, was ad- mitted to the Illinois Central Hospital for the Insane four weeks after the development of insanity, a cause for which could not be determined. But little of the previous history could be learned. Several weeks pre- viously to admission to the hospital, the patient com- plained of severe headache, and he became dull and stupid. A short time afterward “he had seven fits.’’ On admission, no symptoms of organic brain-disease were observed. Three days later, however, it was noted that the gait was cerebellar; vertigo was complained of; ptosis appeared, and some aphasia was evident. The condition continued for several weeks, when early one morning the man had a severe convulsion, followed by vomiting. Seven hours later he had another attack of vomiting, followed by apoplectic symptoms. He be- came unconscious, with face turgid; frothy mucus was discharged from the mouth; respiration was slow and labored ; the pulse was bounding; the temperature was 100.20; there was conjugate deviation of the eyes down- ward and to the right; the pupils were insensible to 2 light; there was left hemiplegia, with some hemian- esthesia ; there were no muscular contractions; the bowels moved involuntarily. On the following, day the paralytic symptoms were more extensive, the muscles of deglutition being involved. Coma was profound; the temperature was 101.20; the pulse 89; the respiration 40. There was some pulmonary edema. A day later, the pulmonary edema was more pronounced; the pulse was 94; the temperature 100.4°; the respiration 42. Ptosis of the right side was now observed. The next day brought little change. The pulse was 98 ; the tem- perature 99.20; the respiration 36. On the following day the pulse was 120; the temperature 101.20 ; the res- piration 56. The patient went into a state of collapse, from which he failed to emerge. A post-mortem examination was made thirteen hours after death. The dura mater was found adherent in the occipital region, just above the internal occipital protuberance, in an area an inch and three-quarters by half an inch. The meninges were engorged on the right side. The pia was adherent to the cerebrum be- neath the area referred to. On cutting through the falx cerebri, cheesy material was found attached to it. On removing the brain, shreds of broken-down brain-sub- stance and pus were noticed at the base. On section of the brain, an unencapsulated abscess was found in the right temporo-sphenoidal lobe, extending to and open- ing into the lateral ventricle. The centrum ovale was uninvolved. The mass of disorganized brain-substance was not purulent. A deposit of pus was found at the base, in the region of the motor oculi nerve. Further section revealed the existence of an abscess in the middle obe of the cerebellum. The presence of a lesion of the cerebellum had been diagnosticated from the pressure-symptoms, the vomit- ing, the titubation, and the ptosis, but tumor was sus- pected, and not abscess. The terminal symptoms of 3 the abscess of the temporo-sphenoidal lobe simulated those of cerebral hemorrhage. The perforation into the lateral ventricle, however, affords the explanation. Pres- sure in the region of the internal capsule will account for the temperature-range, and the involvement of the fourth ventricle for the varied motor symptoms. The temperature-range may also be explained by the inflam- matory process in the ventricles. The probable cause of the multiple abscesses was a traumatism in the occipital region at a point externally corresponding with the localized adhesion of the dura internally. There were no evidences of ear-disease, necrosis of bone, or previous suppurative process elsewhere. The case reported is interesting, first, because of the obscure symptoms attending the abscess in the temporo- sphenoidal lobe and the existence of marked signs of cerebellar pressure; and, second, because of the infre- quency of multiple abscesses from traumatism in the regions occupied. The latent abscess terminated precipitately, hence the apoplectic character of the symptoms.