THE ATTENUATED BACILLUS TUBERCULOSIS ITS USE IN PRODUCING IMMUNITY TO TUBERCULOSIS IN GUINEA-PIGS. BY E. A. De SCHWEINITZ, Ph.D., BIOCHEMIC LABORATORY, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. C. FROM THE MEDICAL NEWS, December 8, 1894. [Reprinted from The Medical News, December 8,1894.] THE ATTENUATED BACILLUS TUBERCULOSIS: ITS USE IN PRODUCING IMMUNITY TO TUBERCULOSIS IN GUINEA-PIGS. By E. A. DeSCHWEINITZ, Ph.D., BIOCHBMIC LABORATORY, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D.C. APPARENT IMMUNITY TO TUBERCULOSIS IN GUINEA-PIGS. It is well known that a number of the pathogenic bacteria decrease very greatly in virulence when cultivated for a long time outside of the animal body. This fact has also been noticed in the case of the bacillus tuberculosis, and the literature is full of references to the decrease in virulence of the tubercle bacillus and the way of securing this, but some facts have been developed in this connec- tion in my work on tuberculin, in a new direction, which should be recorded. Cultures with which I started several years ago were obtained through the kindness of Dr. Trudeau, of Saranac Lake, N. Y., and were the second generation on blood-serum from a rabbit. After growing for several generations upon glycerin-agar, about two months to each generation, the culture was transferred to glycerin beef-broth, which was to be used as a source for tuberculin. After the four- teenth generation I noticed that the guinea-pigs 2 that were always kept inoculated with tuberculosis, to test the tuberculin, did not succumb nearly as readily, and in the case of the fourteenth generation it required six months before the disease developed. I, consequently, inoculated a number of guinea-pigs with the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth generations of this germ, which was alive and would grow very readily on the liquid media. Some of these pigs inoculated had previously been treated by an injection of tuberculin; the others had never been used. After some months those that had been inoculated with the attenuated germ remained quite well, and one was chloroformed, and the autopsy showed that it was free from disease. In order to see if this might be accidental I then had nine pigs inoculated, four checks, four pigs previously inoculated with the attenuated germ, and one pig that had received tuberculin by feeding. These were all inoculated in the side with the material from the gland of a tuberculous cow that had just been killed. After seven weeks the checks were all found dead from tuberculosis. The other animals appeared perfectly well. One was accordingly chloroformed, and although very careful examina- tions were made no disease could be detected. Even the local lesion that was produced where the material had been injected had entirely healed. The animals were apparently immune. Some experiments that had been made earlier with tuberculin prepared from a younger growth did not show that this material had a positive value in preventing disease, although it retarded it. As the preparation of tuberculin, however, continued, 3 I noticed that the tuberculin was much more con- stant in reaction and that a larger amount of the active principle was yielded by cultures of the older germ. At this time I had at the Experiment-station ot the Bureau the calf of a tuberculous cow, which, however, although the mother was badly diseased, did not respond to an injection with the tuberculin. The calf was then drenched with ioo c.c. of a growing active liquid culture of this attenuated germ, the twentieth generation. After three months the calf was again injected with tuberculin, and, fail- ing to respond, was killed. The autopsy showed the animal to be perfectly healthy. Another healthy Southern cow received into a vein an injection of the same generation from this liquid culture, in July. On November 20th this animal, which was rather thin and had an initial temperature of 103° F., was injected with tuberculin, but did not show any reaction. Another animal known to be tuberculous, injected at the same time, with the same-sized dose of tuberculin, showed a good reaction. The cow which had received the injection of attenuated culture had a small lump, the size of an egg, on the side of the neck, where inoculated. The diagnosis of no tuberculosis, as based upon failure of reaction to tuberculin, will be confirmed or disproved by an autopsy later. These experiments were kindly made for me by Dr. Schroeder. So far as I have been able to find, the first note of successful cultivation of the tubercle-bacillus upon liquids free from albuminoid matter was made by myself in the New \ork Medical Journal of March, 1893. Since then Uchinsky, Proskauer, and others have used similar media. None has, however, reported a better growth than that obtained by a slightly modified form of the original culture- medium. It required some time until I could per- suade the germ to grow in this liquid, but after considerable coaxing it will now multiply as well here as on glycerin-peptonized beef-broth, the fourth generation having become accustomed to the change of food. The formula that I have found eminently adapted and used may be repeated here: 4 Water ....... 1000 cc. Glycerin ....... 70 grams Acid pot. phos. ...... 1 gram Ammonium phos. ..... 10 grams Sodium chlorid 10 “ Asparagin 3 “ Magnesium Sulphate 0.2 gram After a certain amount of growth has appeared in a definite volume of media the growth will en- tirely cease. The germ has exhausted the supply of nutritive material or eliminated enough poison to check its own development, and, although the germs may still float on the surface of the liquid, after from three to four months there is practically no growth in the liquid. Further, there is a distinct and peculiar odor generated in the culture-media. This is due to a fatty acid which is difficultly volatile with steam. The reaction of the media when inoculated is slightly alkaline. As the growth increases it be- comes less so, and finally it is acid in reaction. 5 In order to see if the apparent loss of virulence of the germ might be due to some of its products contained in the body of the germ, two guinea-pigs were inoculated with the twenty-third generation of the germ, after the germs had been carefully and thoroughly washed with sterile water to remove all products. These pigs, after two months, are still well. The bacillus grown on purely artificial media might naturally be supposed to be still more at- tenuated than that grown on the ordinary culture- liquid. To test this, some of these germs were used to inoculate guinea-pigs, with the same results as those already noted. In the case of a disease like tuberculosis, in which the incubation-period is often an exceed- ingly long one, there is a possibility that what now appear immune animals may in time succumb. In view of the fact, however, that all of the checks died so promptly, so long a time has elapsed since, and that all the other animals remained well, it is fair to presume that we have here a true immunity secured by an attenuated germ. The following notes give the experiments in de- tail, and in the table they can be noted in a com- prehensive form. The autopsies are not given in full, as they ap- peared superfluous. January 18, 1894. Guinea-pigs, Nos. 27, 28, 29, and 30, about three-quarters pound weight each, were inoculated with an emulsion of an agar-culture of tuberculosis, receiving 0.25 c.c. each, in the thigh. This was the eighteenth generation of the particular germ. On February 13, 1894, No. 27 was used to 6 test some tuberculin, and gave a good reaction, although apparently in good health. February 15, 1894, No. 28 was found dead, but the autopsy did not reveal any signs of tuberculosis. No. 27 was found dead on March 19th, two days after it had been fed a large amount of tuberculin. The autopsy did not reveal the presence of any tuberculous lesions. Nos. 29 and 30 were subsequently, within six months, chloroformed and examined, but no signs of tuber- culosis were apparent. February 16, 1894. Healthy guinea-pigs, Nos. 115, 113, 128, and 127, were fed varying doses of tuberculin, from 3 c.c. to 12 c.c. Nos. 127 and 128 succumbed to the feeding, but this proved to be due to the glycerin with which the tuberculin had been mixed. On March 30, 1894, Nos. 114, 115, T13, 109, and 112 were inoculated with 0.1 c.c. of tubercu- losis emulsion from the seventeenth generation of a liquid culture. June 5, 1894, No. 115 was chloro- formed, but the autopsy did not reveal any signs of the disease. October 1, 1894, No. 114 was found dead outside of the cage; it had been killed by the rats and the head was badly eaten. The animal was in good condition and fat, and the autopsy did not reveal any signs of tuberculosis. There was a little thickening of the skin and a small non-tuberculous lump at the point of inoculation. During April and May, Nos. 113 and 112 were fed on three different dates with small doses of tuberculin, but did not show any reaction. Both of these pigs are apparently in good health and en- tirely well at the present writing, eight months after inoculation. During this time guinea-pig No. 109 had been chloroformed, September 29, 1894, and examined without any signs of disease being appar- ent. The seventeenth generation of this germ was evidently too attenuated to cause death. 7 April 4, 1894. Guinea-pig No. no was fed with 9 c.c. tuberculin, diluted with sterile water without ill effect. February 19, 1894, pig No. 122 was inoculated with 0.25 c.c. of tuberculosis culture, the seven- teenth generation, and on April 4, 1894, was fed with 25 c.c. tuberculin. The pig was rather thin; there was a lesion the size of a pea at the point of inoculation, but the temperature was normal. April 9, 1894, this pig, No. 122, was found dead. The organs were apparently normal, except that the bloodvessels of the stomach and intestines were much congested. The pig had evidently been poisoned with the tuberculin ; the contents of the intestines were thick and mucus-like. February 19, 1894. Guinea-pig No. 121, weight 13 ounces, was inoculated with 0.25 c.c. tubercle culture. May 16th it was well and was reinoculated with 0.25 c.c. tubercle culture. February 19, 1894. Guinea-pig No. 118 was in- oculated with 0.25 c.c. of tubercle culture, the seventeenth generation. March 19th, this pig was found dead, but the autopsy did not reveal any signs of tuberculosis. February 19, 1894. Guinea-pig No. 119, weight 14 ounces, received an injection of 0.2 c.c. tubercle culture, and on March 24, 1894, an injection of 0.5 c.c. of tuberculin. The temperature-reaction was very slight. February 19, 1894. Guinea-pig No. 120, weight 14 ounces, was inoculated with 0.2 c.c. tubercle culture. On April 4, 1894, it was fed 3 c.c. of tuberculin. At this time it appeared to be ill, but did not show any reaction to the tuberculin, and the next day was quite well. February 19, 1894. Guinea-pig No. 125 was in- oculated with 0.25 c.c. tubercle culture. March Inoculated with Reinocu- Fed tuberculin. Injected tuber- culin. artificial culture attenuated Fed tuberculin. Injected tuber- culin. tion with tub.gland. lated with attenuat’d Dead. Chloro- formed. Autopsy. Present condition tubercle bacilli. culture. No. of animal. Amount Date. Am’nt. Date. Am’nt. Date. and gen- Date Am’nt. Date. Am’nt. Date. Daie. Date. Date. Date. Condition. Date of appearance, Nov. 28, 1894. 1894 .1894 1894 eration. 1894 1894 1894 1894 l894 1894 1894 27 Jan. 18 V c.c. Mar. 17 24 c.c. Feb.13 V c.c. Mar 19 Mar. 19 Poisoned with tSth gen. tuberculin ; no tubercu- losis. 28 “ 18 * * Feb. 15 29 “ 18 “ Mar. 19 Organs nor- mal. 3° “ 18 “ “5 II3 no Feb.16 “ 15 April 4 to c.c. 4 c.c. 9 c.c. Mar.30 “ 3° c.c. 17th gen. June 5 June 5 Well, fat, and in good condition. lulv 2Q Oct. 29 Oct. 29 Badly tuber- culous. 141 Mar. 8 18 c.c. May 16 July 29 Well, fat, and in good condition. 20th gen. 142 “ 8 26 c.c. April 11 April 11 Tuberculin- 136 20th gen. poisoning. 12 C.C. “ l6 July 2q Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Organs nor- mal. 135 I37 << Well, fat, and in good condition. “ l6 it 20th gen. pigs ' 2I3l Sept. 11 Sept. 10 Badly tuber- culous. 214 j- Checks i% Sept. 11 Sept. 11 215 Mar.24 Sept. 21 Sept. 21 “ *33 J Vi c.c. July 27 “ Sept. 17 Sept 17 “ y c.c. 22d gen. Well, fat, and in good condition. “ 27 Feb. 19 Well, fat, and in good condition 125 Mar.24 X c-c• 19th gen. 122 April 4 25 c.c. April 9 April 9 Tuberculin- poisoning. May 16 V cc. Well, fat, and in good condition. 17th gen. 0.2 C.C. April 4 3 c c Well, fat, and in good condition. 17th gen. 119 Mar.24 y c.c. Well, fat, and in good condition. Il8 1 Vi, C.C. Mar. 19 Mar. 19 Organs nor- Mar.30 17th gen. mal. "4 “ Oct. 19 Killed by Oct. 1 No tubercu- rats. losis. 109