A Stenosing Carcinoma of the Transverse Colon. . Excision. Murphy-Button Anastomosis (End to End). BT MORRIS MANGES, M. D., Assistant Visiting Physician to Mount Sinai Hospital, AND HOWARD LILIENTHAL, M. D., Assistant Visiting Surgeon to Mount Sinai Hospital. HKPR1NTBI) PROM THU Nrui Ycrfc JMc&fral Journal for September 1, 1894- Reprinted from the New York Medical Journal for September 1, A STENOSING CARCINOMA OF THE TRANSVERSE COLON. EXCISION. MURPHY-BUTTON ANASTOMOSIS (END TO END). By MORRIS MANGES, M. I)., ASSISTANT VISITING PHYSICIAN TO MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL, ANI> HOWARD LILIENTHAL, M. I)., ASSISTANT VISITINO 8UKOEON TO MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL. Julius 0., fifty-one years old, salesman, came under my care on May 2f», 189T. His family history was negative. For ten years ho has had more or less discomfort from his stomach. Two years ago he had a slight left hemiplegia. His present trouble began fourteen months ago, when he was sick for four months with what was called typhoid fever. After that he was treated for a year for intestinal indigestion. In spite of all treatment and diets, the pains from which he suf- fered were not relieved, so that for the past five months he has ha