703 AN ACCOUNT OF THE PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY j/00******* ' ' IN THE YEAR 1886. BY ” / i H. CARRINGTON BOLTON. FROM THE SMITHSONIAN REPORT FOR 1886-’87. WASHINGTON: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 1889. CHEMISTRY IN 1886. By H. Carrington Bolton, Ph. D., Professor of Chemistry in Trinity College, Hartford. GENERAL AND PHYSICAL. Nature and Origin of the Elements.—Mr. William Crookes, F. K. S., president of the chemical section of the British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, gave an address at the Birmingham meeting in September, in which he undertook with great skill and learning to adapt the doctrine of evolution to the chemical elements. After glancing at the difficulty of defining an element he noticed the revolt of many phys- icists and chemists against the ordinary acceptation of the term. He next considered the improbability of their eternal self-existence or their origination by chance. He suggested as a remaining alternative their origin by a process of evolution, like that of the heavenly bodies accord- ing to Laplace. In this connection he remarks: “ This building up or evolution is above all things not fortuitous; the variation and devel- opment which we recognize in the universe run along certain fixed lines, which have beeu preconceived and foreordained. To the careless and hasty eye design and evolution seem antagonistic; the more careful in- quirer sees that evolution, steadily proceeding along an ascending scale of excellence, is the strongest argument in favor of a preconceived plan.” Mr. Crookes then shows that in the general array of the ele- ments, as known, a striking approximation is seen to that of the organic world, though he admits this apparent analogy must not be strained. He then reviews indirect evidences of the decomposition of the so- called elements, taking into consideration the light thrown upon this subject by Prout’s law and by the researches of Mr. Lockyer in solar spectroscopy. He also reviews the evidence drawn from the distribu- tion and collocation of the elements in the crust of our earth. He gives due consideration to Dr. Caruelly’s weighty argument in favor of the compound nature of the so-called elements from their analogy to the compound radicals.* * See Smithsonian Report for 1885, Chemistry. 388 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1880. A study of a special method of illustrating the periodic law, proposed by Prof. Emerson Reynolds, leads Mr. Crookes to a theory of the genesis of the elements. lie supposes in the very beginnings of time, before geological ages, the existence of a primordial matter, which he names protyle (it po and 6bj). He imagines a “ primal stage, before even the sun himself had consol- idated from the original protyle, when all was in an ultra-gaseous state, at a temperature inconceivably hotter than anything now existing in the visible universe; so high, indeed, that the chemical atoms could not have been formed, being still far above their dissociation points. In the course of time some process akin to cooling, probably internal, reduces the temperature of the cosmic protyle to a point at which the first step in granulation takes place—matter, as we know it, comes into existence, and atoms are formed. As soon as an atom is formed out of protyle It is a store of energy potential and kinetic. To obtain this energy the neighboring protyle must be refrigerated by it, and thereby the subse- quent formation of other atoms will be accelerated. But with atomic matter the various forms of energy which require matter £o render them evident begin to act; and amongst others that form of energy which has for one of its factors what we now call atomic weight. The easiest formed element, the one most nearly allied to the protyle in simplicity, is first born. Hydrogen (or perhaps helium), of all the known elements the one of simplest structure and lowest atomic weight, is the first to- come into being. For some time hydrogen would be the only form of matter (as we now know it) in existence, and between hydrogen and the next formed element there would be a considerable gap in time, during the latter part of which the element next in order of simplicity would be slowly approaching its birth point. Pending this period we may sup- pose that the evolutionary process, which soon was to determine the birth of a new element, would also determine its atomic weight, its af- finities, and its chemical position.” Space at our command forbids our following the author further in his sketch of the genesis of the elements. The application of radiant-mat- ter spectra to the theory is a weighty contribution to the ingenious argument so interestingly portrayed, and one which the author alone is qualified to advance. (Nature, xxxiv, 42.1.) Valency and the Electrical Charge on the Atom, by A. I\ Laurie.—The author points out the bearing of the facts of electrolysis on the true nature of valency. Helmholtz has shown that it follows from Faraday’s experiments on electrolysis, that while a monovalent atom carries to the electrode one charge of electricity, a divalent atom carries two charges of electricity; in other words, electrolysis proves that differences of valency mean differences in the electrical charge on the atom. The au- thor remarks that many elements vary in valency; copper, for instance, forms two very unlike series of compounds, one in which it is monova- CHEMISTRY. 389 lent, and one in which it is divalent; since, however, we may pass from cuprous to cupric compounds we are able to alter the electrical charge on the atom, increasing it by some simple multiple. He remarks fur- ther that in the case of the two copper chlorides their heat of forma- tion per chlorine atom is not very different. It is well known that the heat of formation of a salt approximates to the heat of formation as calculated from the electro-motive force developed when that salt is formed in a voltaic cell; hence from the heat of formation of the cuprous or cupric chloride, an approximate calculation can be made of the difference of electric potential between the copper atom and the chlo- rine atom in the two salts. But since the heat of formation per chlo- rine atom is nearly the same, the difference of potential is nearly the same in both salts; whence it follows that in doubling the electric charge on the copper atom the potential is not also doubled. This sig- nifies, then, that the capacity of the atom for electricity is increased at the same time. Laurie then suggests that the idea of atomic weight may perhaps be replaced by the idea of charges of electricity; that the atoms of the elements are of the same weight and probably of the same “stuff,” and that only two things condition the properties of the atom, namely, its electrical charge and its electrical potential. If this be ac- cepted MendelejefPs table becomes a statement of the periodic relation- ship between these. (Nature, xxxv, 131.) Water of Crystallization, by W. W. J. Nicol.—When a hydrated salt is dissolved does it retain its water of crystallization or does this latter cease to be distinguishable from the solvent water? Both views have been held by chemists, but the author shows that the science of thermo- chemistry clearly demonstrates that water of crystallization can not be attached to the salt in solution. The argument will be found in the original note. (Chem. News, liv, 53.) A Law of Solubility, by William Ackroyd.—The author announces as a new law of solubility the following: “A body will dissolve in a sol- vent to which it is allied more readily than in one to which it is highly dissimilar.” Thus organic bodies, generally speaking, require organic solvents, inorganic bodies inorganic solvents. Exceptions to the law are admitted by the author. (Chem. News, liv, 58.) Chemical Affinity and Solution.—In a paper before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, presented in 1878, W. Durham stated his opinion, based on the results of many experiments, that chemical combination, solu- tion, and suspension of solids, such as clay, in water, differ in degree ouly, and are manifestations of the same force; that there seems to be a regular gradation of chemical attraction from that exhibited in the suspension of clay in water up to that exhibited in the attraction of sulphuric acid for water, which we call chemical affinity. More recently Mr. E. Durham endeavored to show that the theory of RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. valeucy as usually held is incorrect in assuming chemical affinity to act in units or bonds, and insufficient to account for the various phenomena of varying atomicity, or valency, molecular compounds, crystallization, solution, alloys, etc., and that all these varied phenomena are simply due to the chemical affinity of the elementary atoms; the difficulties disappear if the idea of indivisible units of chemical affinity is aban- doned. This view is illustrated by reference to the compounds 11 Cl, NII3, and NH4CI. In MCI we have two monovalent elements combined and their chemical affinities completely neutralized or satisfied. In NII-, we have N considered as a trivalent element satisfied with three monovalent elements. Now these two completed or satisfied compounds combine with one another to form the third compound NH4C1. This is usually explained by regarding the N as acting with peutavalent force, and the compound is represented thus: Durham thinks this explanation most unreasonable and incredible, because it supposes that N, which has usually such a weak affinity for Cl, can nevertheless decompose the IIC1 into its constituent atoms, and fix the atom of Cl to itself. While on the other hand the Cl leaves the II, for which usually its affinity is so great, and unites itself to the N, for which usually its affinity is so small. Durham explains this action simply thus: The affinity of the Cl acts on all the four atoms of II, and the affinity of the N does the same; and thus the whole molecule is held together, and may be represented thus: Mr. Durham finds that chemists are apparently coming more and more to agree with his views, and quotes Pattison Muir’s “Principles of Chem- istry” to substantiate this. By reference to Thomsen’s researches in thermo chemistry, he obtains data which he regards as demonstrating the truth of his views on the subject of solution. lie regards solution as due to the affinities of the constituent elements of the body dissolved for the constituent elements of the solvent; thusNaCl dissolves in water on account of the affinity of the Na for the O and of the Cl for the II. These affinities are not strong enough to cause double decomposition, 391 CHEMISTRY. and therefore an indefinite compound is formed, which we call a solu- tion. On examining the heat of formation of chlorides and of oxides (as obtained by Thomsen) he finds that that oxide (or chloride) which has the greatest heat of formation is the least soluble. Thus the heat of formation of the chlorides of Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba increases in the order of the metals as given; and the solubility of the chlorides of these metals decreases in the order given; again the heat of formation of the oxides increases in the order Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, whereas the solubility of these oxides decreases in the same order. Mr. Durham contends that if his views be admitted, crystallization can be satisfactorily explained, and regular structure follows : In such a compound as BaCl2.6H20, the atoms of the molecule must be arranged somewhat in this way : His theory affords also a simple explanation of the freezing of water: In water attraction exists between the H2 of one molecule and the O of another, and vice versa; now, if the heat of the liquid be diminished suf- ficiently, that attraction will cause cohesion of the molecules, and will produce solid water or ice, the regular structure of which is caused by the symmetrical arrangement of the atoms. Hence the various condi- tions of matter, solid, liquid, and gaseous, may be due to the chemical affinity of the constituent atoms, modified in various ways by the kinetic energy of the system. These views are opposed to that which depicts chemical affinity as a sort of arbitrary force acting in units or bonds; on the contrary, affinity acts between all atoms of matter, whether of the same or different kinds, in varying degrees of intensity and quantity, producing combinations of more or less stability, graduating from the so-called mechanical mixt- ure of clay and water up to the irresolvable molecules of the perma- nent gas, condensing by its action the gas into the liquid, and the liquid into the solid. In short, there are no hard and fast lines in nature, but every phenomenon graduates by almost imperceptible degrees into an- other. (Nature, xxxm, 615.) A General Method for the Determination of Molecular Weights, by F. M. Raoult.—The author has previously shown that the molecular weights of organic bodies soluble iu water can be determined by the amount of reduction iu the temperature of its freezing point. Further investigations now enable him to generalize this method and to rnain- 392 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 188G. tain that the molecular weights of all bodies, inorganic or organic, can be determined in like manner, provided the bodies are soluble in some liquid capable of assuming a solid state at a temperature ascertainable with accuracy. The menstruums employed are acetic acid, benzene, and water. The methods of procedure and of calculation will be found in the original paper. (Ann. Chim. Phys. [GJ, vm, 317.) On the Constitution of Acids, by W. A. Dixon.—The author proposes a theory explaining the fact that some acids form with the alkali metals alkaline hydrogen salts, whilst the similar salts of other acids are acid. He suggests that, as is the case with organic compounds, the hydrogen in inorganic acids exists in combination in two states, first, with oxygen as hydroxyl, and, second, with two oxygen atoms as oxyhydroxyl. He thinks that where both these exist in one acid the hydrogen of the oxy- hydroxyl is invariably replaced first, and therefore the principal acid function is in connection with oxyhydroxyl. Examples are taken from the acids of phosphorus; orthophosphoric acid is probably because the acid itself has strong acid properties; but these are imme- diately neutralized by the replacement of the hydrogen of the oxyhy- droxyl group by sodium, while the replacement of the hydrogen of one hydroxyl group gives a salt having an alkaline reaction. In like man- ner phosphorous acid may have the composition 1 , and is dibasic; hypophosphorous acid is ; and pyrophosphoric acid, Sulphuric acid may be and sulphurous forming acid and the second alkaline hydrogen salts with the alka- line metals. Uyposulphurous acid may be and is mono- basic. Nitric acid may be ; metaphosphoric, , and chloric, (Phil. Mag. [3], xxi, 127.) The Re action* beticeen Metal* and Acid*, by Ilenry E. Armstrong.— In tbe course of a paper before the Chemical Hociety of London on the “ action of metals on acids,” in which experiments were described at- CHEMISTRY. 393 tempting to obtain evidence of definite compounds of metals in alloys by dissolving the alloys in a liquid capable of acting on both metals and determining the electromotive force between the alloy and a less pos- itive metal, the author made the following remarks: “ With reference to the action of metals on acids generally it is probably impossible for the chemist to pronounce definitely in favor either of the modern view that the metal directly displaces the hydrogen of the acid, or of the older view that the metal displaces the hydrogen from wafer, the resulting oxide and the acid then interacting to form a salt; the decision of this question must apparently depend upon the determination of the nature of the phenomena during electrolysis of an acid solution. If the acid alone be the electrolyte, then doubtless the modern view is the correct one; but if both water and acid are electrolyzed, and in proportions which vary according to the conditions, then both the old and new views of the nature of the action between a metal and the solution of an acid are correct, and the two kinds of change may go on side by side.” (Chem. News, liii, 212.) Chemical Behavior of Iron in the Magnetic Field, by Edward L Nich- ols.—When finely-divided iron is placed in a magnetic field of consid- erable intensity and exposed to the action of an acid, the chemical reaction differs in several respects from that which occurs under ordi nary circumstances. The cause of one such difference may be found in the fact that the solution of iron in the magnetic field is in a sense equivalent to its withdrawal by mechanical means to an infinite distance. Mechanical removal requires the expenditure of work, and the same thing is doubtless true of what might be called its chemical removal. In other words the number of units of heat produced by the chemical reaction should differ, within and without the field, by an amount equiv- alent to the work necessary to withdraw the iron to a position of zero potential. Experiments with aqua-regia and iron show that the speed of reaction is greater in the maguetic field than without and that the heat of chem- ical union is much greater. Under the influence of the magnet, aqua- regia and iron produce nitrous fumes, whereas when the influence of the magnet is removed only hydrogen is generated. When experimenting with iron and nitric acid, interesting effects of magnetism on the passivity of the iron were observed; five grams of powdered iron lay in%a beaker close above the poles of the electro-mag- net which was in circuit. Some cold nitric acid was poured upon tl»e iron, but the latter remained passive. Wishing to note the character of the reaction the author warmed the beaker slightly, then placed it upon the poles of the magnet and put a thermometer into the solution to get its temperature. The bulb of the thermometer touched the iron in stirring the acid, when the hitherto passive mixture burst almost ex- plosively into effervescence, and red nitrous fumes were liberated. Removal of the solution from the field of the magnet restored the pas- 394 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1#86. sivity of the iron, and the action iu a fewr seconds ceased entirely. When the beaker was brought back into the neighborhood of the mag- net a touch of a glass rod excited again the violent chemical action. Further reseafches are in progress. (Am. .1. Sci. xxxi, 272.) Density of Liquid Oxygen and of Liquid Nitrogen, by S. Wroblewski.— The author finds that liquid oxygen has a density of 0.6 at — 118°C. and of 1.24 at under a pressure of 0.02"*. The following table gives the constants for liquid nitrogen: Temperature. Pressure iu atmospheres. Density re- ferred to water at 4° C. Coefficient of dilatation. —146. 6 38.45 • 0. 4552 —153. 7 30. 65 0. 5842 0. 0311 — 193.0 1.00 0.83 0.007536 —202.0 0. 105 0.866 0.004619 Hence the atomic volume of oxygen is less than 14, and that of nitro- gen is near 15.5. The density of liquid air at —146.6° 0. and 45 atmospheres is equal to 0.6. (Comptes Rendus, cu, 1010.) INORGANIC. Itedeterminations of atomic weights. Element. Atomic weight. Authority. Reference. Uranium 239. 02 Liebig's Annalen, CCXXXII.299. Liebig’s Aunalen, ccxxxn,324. Do. Cobalt 58.74 Nickel 58.56 Platinum 194. 57 Z. anal. G'h., xxv (II). Comptes Rendus, cii, 1291. Ann. Chem., ccxxxiii. Germanium 72. 32 Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Antimony 120. 69 Tungsten (0 = 15.96). 184.04 Wwidell Am. Chem. j., VIII, 280. Austriutn, a new Element.—Dr. E. Linnemaun, professor of chemistry at Prague, died in April, 1886. Among his papers was found a letter addressed to the Vienna Academy of Sciences, announcing the discov- ery of a new element, which he called austrium, Aus. Dr. Linnemaun obtained the new metal from orthite of Arendal; its spectrum shows two violet lines; the wave lengths were found to be, for Aus. a, A = 416.5, and for Aus. /?, A=403.0. Prof. F. Lippich, of Prague, who presented Dr. Linnemann’s paper to the Vienna Academy, called attention to the fact that three not yet identified lines (A=415.56, A=416.08, and A=416.47) are shown in Angstrom’s atlas of the normal spectrum of the sun iu the neighborhood of the Aus. a line; the last of them might CHEMISTRY. 395 be supposed to be coincident with the Aus. a line (A=416.5). (Nature, XXXIV, 59, 1886.) Germanium, a new Element, by Clemens Winkler.—In the summer of 1885 a rieli silver ore of uncommon appearance was found in the Him- melfuerst mine near Freiberg. It was recognized as a new mineral species by Prof. A. Weisbacb, and named by him “ argyrodite.” Th. Richter subjected the mineral to a preliminary examination with the blow pipe, and found it to consist essentially of silver and sulphur. In addition to these, he also detected the presence of a small quantity of mercury, which is remarkable and interesting from the fact that this metal had never before been found in the Freiberg ores. In the analyses made, Winkler found that the mercury did not amount to more than 0.21 per cent. According to the purity of the material the silver varied from 73 to 75 per cent., and the sulphur from 17 to 18 per cent. Small quantities of iron and traces of arsenic were also found. Though the analysis was often and carefully repeated there was always a loss of 6 to 7 per cent, without it beiug possible by the ordinary methods of qualitative analysis to discover the missing body. After several weeks of tedious search Winkler found that argyrodite contains a new element, very similar to antimony, but still very distinct from the same, which he named Germanium. The detection of this ele- ment was very difficult, because the argyrodite was accompanied by minerals containing arsenic and antimony, which, on account of their similar behavior, and a total lack of a sharp method for separation, caused much difficulty. Argyrodite, when heated with exclusion of air, preferably in a current of hydrogen, gives a black, crystalline, quite volatile, readily fusible sublimate, which melts to reddish-brown drops. In addition to mercury sulphite it consists essentially of germanium sulphide. Germautum sul- phide is a sulpho-acid; it is readily soluble in ammonium sulphide, and when reprecipitated by hydrochloric acid, in a perfectly pure plate, it forms a snow-white precipitate, which is instantly soluble in ammonium hydrate. In the presence of antimony or arsenic the precipitate is always tinged more or less yellow. On heating in a current of air or in nitric acid, germanium sulphide is converted into a white oxide, which Is not volatile at a red heat. It is soluble in potassium hydrate, and the alkaline solution, when acidified with sulphuretted hydrogen, gives the characteristic white precipitate. Too great dilution prevents or retards the precipitation. The oxide, like the sulphide, is reduced by hydrogen, the latter with greater difficulty on account of its volatility. The element has a gray color, and perfect metallic luster. It melts at a point somewhat below silver, say about 900°, and crystallizes in octahedra, which are very brittle. Its specific gravity is 5,469 at 20°.4. It is insoluble in hydro- chloric acid, readily dissolved by aqua-regia, is converted into a white 396 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. oxide by nitric acid and into a soluble sulphate by concentrated sul- phuric acid. Its atomic weight is 72.32, and it proves to be Mendele- jefFs ekasilicium. It forms two oxides, GeO and Ge02, two correspond- ing sulphides, and two chlorides, both of which are thin colorless fuming liquids. (J. Prakt. Chem., 1880, passim.) Atomic Weight of Antimony.—>-Alfred Popper, of the University of Graz, has made very careful determinations of the atomic weight of antimony, and obtains a mean of 120.69, which is an entire unit more than J. 1*. Cooke’s result, 119.60. He can find no source of error either in Cooke’s determinations or in his own, and suggests that the possible presence of germanium may solve the question. (Ann. Chem.,ccxxxiii.) On some Probable New Elements, by Alexander Pringle.—The author states that he obtained the material on which he worked from his own lauded property, situated upon the river Tweed, county of Selkirk, Scotland. He examined some gravel and other material forming the debris of an ancient glacier, which he “imagines” to be the ancient soil of the very ancient mountains in that geologic formation. He de- scribes more or less fully no less than six probable new elements; polymnestum is a metal of rather dark color, with an equivalent of about 74, and forming four oxides of various colors; erebodium is as black as charcoal and has an equivalent of 95.4; gadenium has an equiv- alent of 43.0 and forms two oxides ; Itesperisium is a non-metallic ele- ment having an equivalent of 45.2, and a red color and a metallic luster like a sunset sky. Two other nameless elements are briefly claimed by he author. (Chein. News, liv, j67.) Dysprosium, a new Element, by Lecoq de Boisbaudran.—In October, 1878, announced a new earth, which he called philippium, but early in 1880 he recognized that it was identical with holmium, previously studied by Soret and by Cleve. Later in the same year, however, Delafontaine abandoned this view, because he determined that philippium had no absorption spectra. Lecoq de Boisbaudran has suc- ceeded by several hundred fractional treatments in separating holmium into two bodies, for the first of which he proposes to preserve the name holmium, and the second he names dysprosium (SuaitpoatroS = hard to get at). The new holmium has for characteristic absorption bands 040.4 and 530.3, and .the bands of dysprosium are 753 ami 451.5. The author has encountered extraordinary difficulties in the separation of holmium, erbium, terbium, and dysprosium, and the scarcity of material greatly retards the laborious investigation. (Comptes Iiendus, cn, 1003 and 1005.) New Elements in Oadolinite and Samar skite detected Spectroscopically, by William Crookes.—Finding that Lecoq de Boisbaudran is pursuing the spectroscopic study of the rare earths in the same track as himself, CHEMISTRY. 397 and publishing notes of phenomena already known to Mr. Crookes, the latter gives in this paper a preliminary notice and summary of his studies, although in an unfinished state. Mr. Crookes holds with other chemists the opinion that didymium is not a simple body, but has been unable to split it up into the green praseodymium and rose-red neo- dymium announced in 1S85 by Dr. Auer von Welsbach. Mr. Crookes thinks didymium will prove to be more complex than this indicates. The author, referring to his note-book under date March 3,1880, finds the statement that the “ big blue line (A 451.5) is still unclaimed,” and this blue line proves to be characteristic of dysprosium discovered by Lecoq de Boisbaudran. As a result of the spectroscopic examination of the fractionated earths fromsamarskite and from gadoliuite the author concludes that the earth hitherto called yttria is a highly complex body, capable of being dissociated into several simpler substances, each of which gives a phos- phorescent spectrum of great simplicity, consisting, for the most part, of only one line. The author admits that a hitherto unrecognized band in the spectrum, by absorption or phosphorescence, is not of itself defi- nite proof of a new element, but if supported by chemical facts, such as he details, there is sufficient primafacie evidence that a new element is present. Until, however, the new earths are separated in sufficient purity to enable their atomic weights to be approximately determined, and their chemical and physical properties observed, Mr. Crookes thinks it prudent to regard them as elements on probation. He gives in tab- ular form a list of these probationary elements, designating them by the initial letters of the minerals (or bodies) didymium, samarskite, and gadolinite, from which they are respectively derived, and by the addition to the initials of Greek letters. The table also gives the mean wave lengths of absorption lines in the phosphorescent spectra, and other data. .Table of Probationary Elements. Position of lines in the spectrum. Scale of spectro- scope. Mean wave length of line or band. A* Provis- ional name. Probability. Absorption bands in violet and \ 8.270° 443 5096 Dxide of ytterbinm 392. taking 0=16 and calculating as R»03. The fact here demonstrated is one altogether new in chemistry and confirms in a remarkable way the views announced by William Crookes in his address to the B. A. A. S. on the genesis of the elements. It would appear that the work of these savants on the rare earths, so called, will result in revolutionizing views of chemists concerning the elements, so called. (Comptes Hendus, cm, 795.) Isolation of Fluorine by Electrolysis of Anhydrous Hydrofluoric Acid, by II. Moissan.—The preparation of Huorine in its elementary state is a problem which has long defied the efforts of chemists; the classical experiments of Davy, Gore, G. J. Knox, Pfaundler, Baudrimont, and others did not yield results satisfactory to all, and the alleged discovery of Prat was soon after experimentally refuted by Cillis. At the meeting of the French Academy of Sciences, held June 28, Monsieur II. Moissan described the results obtained by electrolyzing anhydrous hydrofluoric acid, and cautiously stated that fluorine was in all probability isolated; this memoir was followed by another on July 19, and soon after by a CHEMISTRY. 399 third, which finally removed all doubts as to the nature of the gas separated in the experiments. Moissan prepared anhydrous hydrofluoric acid after the method of Fremy, taking great precautions to eliminate water. This acid was placed in a platinum U-tube, cooled to —50° C. and submitted to the action of an electric current from fifty Bunsen cells. Under these con- ditions hydrogen was set free.at the negative pole, and at the positive pole a gas was obtained in a continuous current and having the follow- ing properties: In the presence of mercury it is completely absorbed, with formation of mercury fluoride of a light yellow color; the gas decomposes water, liberating ozone; phosphorus is ignited by it; sul- phur is heated, melting rapidly; carbon seems to be without action; melted potassium chloride is attacked with an escape of chlorine ; crys- talline silicon, purified by treatment with nitric and hydrofluoric acids, takes fire in contact with this gas and burns brilliantly,forming silicon fluoride. The electrode of platiu-iridium forming the positive pole is strongly corroded, while that of the negative pole is untouched. Moissan pointed out that the simplest explanation of these reactions is that they are due to elementary fluorine, but he deferred decision until he could show that the phenomena were not due to hydrogen per- fluoride or to a mixture of ozone and hydrofluoric acid. In the second memoir Moissan details the precautions observed in pre- paring the anhydrous hydrofluoric acid and gives additional data con- cerning the behavior of the gas. The anhydrous acid is made by heating to redness in a platinum vessel very carefully dried double fluoride of potassium and hydrogen (HF KF), the liquid being condensed in a re- ceiver cooled with a mixture of ice and salt. The anhydrous acid boils at 19°.5, is very hygroscopic, and fumes abundantly in moist air. For electrolysis the acid was cooled with chloride of methyl to —23°, and a current of twenty Bunsen cells sufficed. Absolutely anhydrous hydro- fluoric acid will not conduct electricity, therefore a small quantity of fused double fluoride of potassium .and hydrogen is added. The gas liberated at the not only attacks silicon in the cold, but adamantine boron as well. Sulphur takes fire in the gas, as do arsenic and antimony. The metals are attacked with less energy ; organic bodies, however, are vio- lently attacked; alcohol, ether, benzene, petroleum, etc., take fire on contact. When the experiment has lasted several hours and the gases are no longer separated by liquid hydrofluoric acid in the bend of the tube, the gases II and F recombine in the cold with violent detonation. In the third memoir the author shows that the same gas can be ob- tained by the electrolysis of carefully dried and fused double fluoride of hydrogen and potassium. The temperature maintained is 110°. He .also describes experiments showing conclusively that the gas in question is free fluorine; under certain conditions the gas was absorbed 400 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. by a weighed amount of iron, and a weight of iron fluoride was obtained sensibly corresponding to the weight of the hydrogen liberated. The isolation of fluorine by M. Moissan was regarded by the French Academy of Sciences as of such prime importance that the subject was referred to a committee for examination. This committee reported through its chairman, M: Debray (on the 8th of November), that they found Moissan’s experiments and statements satisfactory in all respects, and that the isolation of the element was undoubtedly an accomplished fact. (Comptes Kendus, Oil, 1543, CHI, 202, 250, and 850.) A New Gaseous Body, Phosphorus Oxyfluoride, by H. Moissan.—The new compound PF3O2 lias an experimental density, which oscillates between 3.68 and 3.75. It is instantly absorbed by anhydrous alcohol, by solutions of chromic acid, or by the alkalies. The existence of this compound renders impossible the experiment indicated by Davy, who proposed to isolate fluorine by burning phosphorus lluoride in an at- mosphere of oxygen inclosed in a vessel of Huor spar. Fluorine has the curious property of tending always to form ternary or quaternary addi- tion products. (Comptes Rendus, cir, May 31,1886.) The Combustion of Carbonic Oxide and Hydrogen, by Harold B. Dixon.— The author in 1880 published the fact that a mixture of carefully dried carbonic oxide and oxygen would not explode when electric sparks were passed through it, but that by the addition of a minute trace of water or volatile body containing hydrogen the mixture became inflammable. To account for this fact the author has more recently put forward the hypothesis that the steam acts as the part of a carrier of oxygen, and that it undergoes reduction and successive re formation. Discussion has arisen* as to the mode in which steam exerts its influence, and the author herein gives his reasons for maintaining his hypothesis. Experiments were made with small quantities of various gases added to the non-inflammable mixture of dry carbon monoxide and oxygen, and the electric spark passed. In all cases where a gas containing hydrogen was introduced the mixture exploded; otherwise, not. Steam, therefore, and bodies which form steam under the conditions of the ex|>eriment, are alone able to determine the explosion, and it is evident that steam does not act as a mere third body, but in virtue of its own peculiar chemical properties. Moritz Traube rejected Mr. Dixon’s explanation of the phenomena under consideration, claiming that carbon monoxide does not decom- pose steam at high temperatures, but the author shows that it has been amply proved by different experiments, notably by Naumann and Pistor (Berichte d. chem. Ges., 1885, 2894) that the re action mentioned does take place. Mr. Dixon also gives exi>erimental data for refuting Traube’s view that hydrogen peroxide acts as the carrier of oxygen. * See Report ou Chemistry in Smithsonian Report for 1885, p. 651. CHEMISTRY. 401 In a note following Mr. Dixon’s paper, Professor Armstrong suggests that in a mixture of carbon monoxide and oxygen, the former is oxidized and the latter hydrogenized simultaneously by the steam present, a view which Mr. Dixon remarks is not opposed to any of the observed facts. The explanation offered by Professor Armstrong involves the simultaneous occurrence of two re-actions, which Mr. Dixon regards as taking place successively. (J. Chem. Soc. [London], 1886, 94.) On the Combustion of Cyanogen, by Harold B. Dixon.—The author has examined the conditions under which a mixture of cyanogen and oxygen gases explodes, and comes to the conclusion that the explosion depends solely upon the nature of the spark itself. The spark from a Holtz machine failed entirely to explode dry mixtures of these gases. The induction spark failed to explode the mixture in the eudiometer, where the wires were 0.25 to lmni apart; but the explosion was violent in the tubes when the wires were 1 to 3mm apart, and this was the case where the gases were moist. He then compared the explosion rate of this mixture with that of carbon monoxide and oxygen, using for the purpose a tube 10 feet long and recording the time on a pendulum chronograph. The velocities obtained were as follows in meters per second : Cyanogen and oxygen, dried with phosphoric anhydride, 813; dried with KHO, 808; saturated with moisture at 15° C., 752. Carbon monoxide and oxygen dried with phosphoric anhydride, 36; dried with H2SO4,110; saturated with moisture at 10° C., 175; at 35° C., 244; and at 60°, 317. It is notable that in the latter case the rate of explosion increases rapidly by the addition of moisture, while with the cyanogen moisture produces an opposite effect. When a platinum wire is heated to dull redness in the mixture of cyanogen and oxygen, the coil cooled without result when the circuit was opened; but when raised to full redness it glowed brightly for half a minute after the current was broken, and orange fumes appeared iu the tube. On opening the tube it was found that about three-fourths of the cyanogen had been converted into car- bon dioxide, and one-fourth into carbon monoxide. (J. Chem. Soc., xlix, 384.) Preparation of Hydrogen Dioxide, by James Kennedy.—Tlie author points out the difficulty of removing the barium chloride by means of silver sulphate when preparing hydrogen dioxide by Regnault’s method, and the uncertainties of Fownes’s method, and proposes the following, for which he claims simplicity and economy. Place any convenient quantity of tribasic phosphoric acid in a shal- low porcelain vessel immersed in a freezing mixture (ice and salt), and when the temperature has fallen to 40° F. or below, saturate with per- oxide of barium previously made into moderately thick paste with dis- tilled water; when completely saturated filter through pure filter paper. Certain precautions are to be observed in this process in order to in- 402 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. sure success. The use of a shallow vessel to allow a large contact surface with the freezing mixture; the BaOj must be added very slowly to pre- vent too great a rise in temperature, and stirred constantly. The Ila()2 should be added until the mixture shows a slight alkaline reaction to insure the complete precipitation of BallPO*, as this compound is solu- ble in acids. The solution is freed from dissolved barium by addition of diluted sulphuric acid, and the insoluble precipitate removed by til- tration. In order to prevent the decomposition of the II202, the temperature should not be allowed to rise above 40° or 45° F. The reaction in this process is explained in the following equation: Ba024-H3P04=BaHP04 +Bf(V The solution obtained is sufficiently concentrated for most purposes to which it is applied, and is much stronger than much of that found in commerce. (Pharm. News, vi, 148.) Hydroyen Peroxide and Us Estimation, by Maurice de Thierry.-—Since its discovery by Thenard in 1818, hydrogen peroxide has remained a mere chemical curiosity, but it has recently acquired industrial impor- tance. It is now used not only for restoring blackened oil paintings, but a large quantity is consumed in bleaching ostrich feathers, silk, and hair. When pure, peroxide of hydrogen has a density of 1.454, but the com- mercial product is much weaker; its activity being dependent on its con- centration the author has devised a method for determining the value of samples. The method is based on the decomposition by manganese dioxide and is conveniently carried out by means of the simple appara- tus figured in the original memoir. (Comptes Rendus, cn, (ill.) Hydrates of Sulphuric Acid.—At the January meeting of the Russian Chemical Society Professor Mendelejeff communicated some results of his investigations into the thermic effects of dilution of sulphuric acid with water. The maximum evolution of heat, and the maximum contrac- tion of 100 parts of the solution both correspond to the solution contain- ing from 05 to 75 per cent, of n2S04, which is very near the hydrate H6S06=S(0H)6. Together with some other observations this leads the author to the conclusion that there exist at least five more or less con- stant hydrates of sulphuric acid, viz, II2S04, II4S05, IIGS06, and two more containing a large ainonntof water, as IT2S04-f 100 IT20. (Nature, xxxm, 591.) Decomposition of Ammonia by Electrolysis, by the Rev. A. Irving.— The author electrolyzes a concentrated solution of sodium chloride, with which is mixed about one tenth its volume of the strongest solu- tion of ammonia. The solution is placed in an ordinary three-tubed voltameter of Hofmann’s form, into which carbon pencils are introduced (with the aid of corks), to obviate the action of nascent chlorine on plati- num were this metal used for the electrodes.. With four to six Buuseu CHEMISTRY. 403 or Grove cells a considerable volume of nitrogen and hydrogen is lib- erated in the separate tubes in a few minutes. The re-action may be thus represented: The HC1 is of course fixed by the free ammonia. The experiment is suitable for the lecture table. (Chein. News, liy, 16.) Electrolytic Aluminium.—L. Senet has devised a new process for ob- taining aluminium, as well as copper, silver, etc., by electrolysis. He exposes a saturated solution of sulphate of alumina, separated from a solution of chloride of sodium by a porous vessel, to a current of 6 or 7 volts and 4 amperes. The double chloride of aluminium and sodium is decomposed, and the aluminium is deposited upon the negative elec- trode. (Cosmos, August 10, 1885.) Researches on Titanium and its Compounds, by Otto Freiherr von der Pfordten—First Part.—The results of this lengthy investigation are thus summarized by the author : (1) Pure sulphuretted hydrogen can be prepared by drying the gas over phosphorus pentoxide and passing it through chromous chloride, which removes the oxygen. (2) The hydrogen evolved in the usual way by zinc and acid contains no oxygen. (3) With titanium and some other elements having a great affinity for oxygen the sulphides can best be obtained by the action of sul- phuretted hydrogen ou the chloride. The action of sulphuretted hy- drogen on the oxide does not give pure products. (1) At a low temperature sulphuretted hydrogen reduces tetrachlo. ride of titanium to the dichloride, and at a higher temperature another compound forms, probably a sulpho-chloride. (5) On the other hand, at a red heat, a pure crystalline disulphide is obtained, derived from the product first formed. (6) Disulphide of titanium is oxidized by carbonic acid gas free from oxygen. (The only known case of a metallic sulphide decomposing carbon dioxide.) (7) Disulphide of titanium in nitrogen is changed to sesquisulphide. Hydrogen effects the same at a high heat in glass. (8) The same is reduced by hydrogen in a highly-heated platinum tube to mouosulphide. 404 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. (9) The properties of the three sulphides are fully described and compared. (Am. Chem., ccxxxiv, 257.) Occurrence of Titanium in Eruptive Rocks and Clays.—The work done in the division of chemistry and physics of the IJ. S. Geological Survey during the year 1884-’85 forms Bulletin No. 27 of the series issued by the Survey. The chemical papers include one on topaz from Stoneham, Maine, by F. W. Clarke, the chief chemist, a method of separating titanium and aluminium, by F. A. Gooch, a method of filtration, by the same author, and a number of miscellaneous analyses of minerals, rocks, soils, ores, and water. Analyses of several eruptive rooks and of clays show a considerable percentage of titanium : Rock. Per cent. TiO,. Hornblende-andesite, from Hague Volcano, Bogosloff Inland, Alaska Eruptive rock from New Mexico 1.24 0.92 2. . chloride; but he succeeded iu transforming cadaverine into piperidine by a known process and thus fully established the identity of the two bodies. (Ber. d. chem. Ges., xix, 2585.) On the Constitution of Levulose and Dextrose, by Heinrich Kiliani.— According to the author, levulose is a ketone alcohol, and has the con- stitution This result was arrived at by studying the behavior of levulose with hydrocyanic acid. The question whether dextrose is an aldehyde or an anhydride is not entirely settled, but the probable constitution is (Ber. d. chem. Ges., xix, 767 and 1128.) Chlorophyll and the Reduction of Carbonic Acid by Plants, by C. Timi- riazeff.—On subjecting an alcoholic solution of chlorophyll to nascent hydrogen (by means of zinc and acetic acid) the chlorophyll is reduced, and forms in dilute solutions a straw-yellow substance and in concen- trated solutions a substance of brown-red color. This substance has a well defined spectrum, in which the band in the red portion character- istic of chlorophyll is wanting. The most important property of this reduced chlorophyll is its rapid oxidation on exposure to air, with re- production of green chlorophyll. The author terms this new substauce protochlorophylliue, or, more briefly, protophylline. Solutions of protophylline can bo preserved only in glass tubes her- metically sealed. If a solution of protophylline be sealed up in a tills; together with carbonic acid and preserved in total darkness it retains indefinitely its color and characteristic spectrum, but on exposure to sunlight the solution turns green. The author remarks that in the absence of quantitative details he can not claim that this proves the reduction of carbonic acid by protochlorophylliue in the presence of CHEMISTRY. 415 sunlight, but he can not find any other explanation of the facts. He thinks that there is evidence of the existence of nrotophylline in living plants. He also finds that by pushing the reducing action of nascent hydrogen further another and colorless substance is obtained, which is now under examination. (Comptes Rendus, cn, (587.) Acetophenone, a new Hypnotic.—Acetophenone, also called acetylben- zene, C6H5. CO . CH3, has been found to possess valuable hypnotic properties. It is as yet only a laboratory product, but there should be no great difficulties in manufacturing it on a commercial scale. It is commonly obtained by distilling a mixture of calcium benzoate and cal- cium acetate, though many other methods are named in hand-books. It forms at ordinary temperatures a clear, colorless liquid, having a per- sistent characteristic odor; at a lower temperature it forms large flaky crystals, melting at 20°.5 C. Dr. Dujardin-Beaumetz, who has discov- ered its hypnotic properties, recommends it for simple insomnia, and says its use is not followed by disagreeable after-symptoms, such as nausea, headache, etc. He proposes for this substance the trade-name “ hypnone.” (Bull. Gen6rale de Therapeutique, 188C.) On Thionaphthenes, by Victor Meyer.—The author states that the first thiophene of the naphthalene series, which he names thionaphthene, has been obtained in his laboratory by A. Biedermauu. It has the consti- tution The author has obtained thionaphthene itself by the action of phos- phide of sulphur on cumaroue, the analogies of which are shown by the following schemes: Cumarone. Thionaphthene. (Ber. d. chem. Ges., xix, 1432 mid 1015.) 416 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. On Penthiophene and its Derivatives, by Karl Krekeler.—The existence of a body analogous to thiophene, but having live carbon atoms and oueof sulphur in a closed chain, has been foreseen by Victor Meyer and others. The author obtained a methyl derivative by acting on a methyl- glutaric acid with sulphide of phosphorus, this acid being derived from Imvulinic acid, a substance on which the author has lately experimented much. The body has the formula /3-methyl pen thiophene. This substance forms a colorless oily liquid, boiling at 134° C.; its spe- cific gravity = 0.9938 at 19° C. It gives the Laubenheiiuer color-test and other colored reactions. (Ber. d. chem. Ges., xix, 3266.) Thiocumarine and its Derivatives, by Fred. Tiemann.—By the action of phosphorus pentasulphide on cumarine the author obtained a sulpho- compound having the constitution Thiocumarine. This crystallizes in golden needles, easily soluble in alcohol, ether, and benzene, insoluble in water, and molting at 101°. By reacting on this body with hydroxylamine he obtained cumaroxime in loug while nee- dles, melting at 131°. In appropriate ways the following compounds were obtained: Cumaroximethyl ether, dihydrocumaroxime, and a plieuy 1-hydrazine derivative of cumarine. (Ber. d. chem. Ges., xix, 1661.) Benzoic Sulphinide, or no-called “ Saccharine.”—I)r. Ira Bern sen, assisted by C. Fahlberg, in the year 1879, when engaged in researches originating with the former, discovered a substance which lie named benzoic sulpbi- uide. This body, which may also lie called anhydrosulphaminebenz tic acid, was obtained by the oxidation of orthotoluenesalphainide, and in the original paper (by R. and F.) is thus described: “Benzoic sulphi- nide is difficultly soluble in cold water. It is much more soluble in hot water, and can be obtained iu crystalliue form from its aqueous sola- CHEMISTRY. 417 tion. It crystallizes in short, thick prismatic forms, which are not well developed. Alcohol and ether dissolve it very easily. It fuses at 220° (uncorr.j, but undergoes at the same time partial decomposition. It possesses a very marked sweet taste, being much sweeter than cane sugar. The taste is perfectly pure. The minutest quantity of the substance, if placed upon the tip of the tongue, causes a sensation of pleasant sweet- ness throughout the entire cavity of the mouth. As stated above, the substance is soluble only to a slight extent in cold water, but if a few drops of the cold aqueous solution be placed in an ordinary goblet full of water, the latter then tastes like the sweetest sirup. Its presence can hence easily be detected in the dilutest solutions by the taste. Orthonitrobenzoic acid has this same property, but the sweetness is by no means so intense as in the case of benzoic sulphinide.” (Am. Chem. J., 1, 430.) On the 2d of February, 1886, Dr. Ivan Lewinstein read a paper before the Society of Chemical Industry on “ Saccharine,” in which he gives sole credit of the discovery of this sweet substance to Dr. Remsen’s assistant. The process of preparing it is the same, though he prefers for it the name benzoyl-sulphouie-imide, or the trade-name “saccharine.” The constitution of this body is thus shown: Dr. Lewinstein gives the following account of the properties and pros- pective uses of this substance: Saccharine presents the appearance of a white powder, and crystal- lizes from its aqueous solution in thick short prisms, which are with difficulty soluble in cold water, but more easily in warm. Alcohol, ether, glucose, glycerole, etc., are good solvents of saccharine. It melts at 200° 0., with partial decomposition; its taste in diluted solutions is intensely sweet, so much so that one part will give a very sweet taste to 10,000 parts of water. Saccharine forms salts, all of which possess a powerful saccharine taste; it is endowed with moderately strong an- tiseptic properties, and is not decomposed in the human system, but eliminated from the body without undergoing any change. It is about two hundred and thirty times sweeter than the best cane or beet root sugar. According to Dr. Stutzser, of Bonn, who has carefully inves- tigated the physiological properties of this substance, saccharine, taken into the stomach in the quantities in which it has to be added to food as a sweetening material, has no injurious effect whatever on the human system. Stutzser has given to dogs about 5 grams a day, without ob- serving any ill effects in them, and when we consider that 5 grams are equal in sweetening power to rather more than pounds of sugar, a quantity far larger than any one would like to consume in a day, his view seems amply corroborated by this fact alone; but, in addition to this, patients suffering from diabetes have now been treated for several months in one of the principal hospitals in Berlin, as I am informed, without their feeling the least inconvenience by its use. Physicians must be glad to find in saccharine a substance, by means of which di- 418 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 188H. abetic persons may enjoy food which has hitherto not been admissible in their case. Saccharine does not belong to the class of carbohydrates, and does not possess nutritious properties. The use of saccharine will therefore, as indicated by its properties, be not merely as a probable substitute for sugar, but it may even be applied to medicinal purpose where sugar is not permissible. The inventor was fully aware that in order to supply a perfect substitute for cane or beet root sugar, some- thing else, viz, a similar substance, was needed for confectioner) and similar purposes, besides sweetening properties, and he has also en- deavored to solve this problem. Dr. Fahlberg combines glucose with starch sugar, a substance very similar to cane or beet root sugar, but inferior to these in sweetening properties, with saccharine, and thus obtains a compound which he calls “ dextro-saceharine,” which, as far as the taste is concerned, is scarcely distinguishable from the, best sugar. The quantity of saccharine used is in tin* proportion of one part to from 1,000 to 2,000 parts of glucose. Now, since the price of saccharine is at present about 50* a pound, we shall find that even at this price such a mixture would be very considerably cheaper than real sugar, but we must bear in mind the fact that there is great likelihood of the process of manufacture of saccharine being considerably cheapened. It will then be evident not only that saccharine is a most interesting compound, but that it may also be destined to become an article of pri- mary commercial importance. The future must decide as to the rev- olutions it may bring about in the coal-tar industry, in the cultivation of the soil now devoted to growing canes or beets, and in the sugar in- dustry generally and other industries connected with it; but as great and important commercial interests are in question, it is highly advisa- ble to look well into this matter, and not allow’ our foreign competitors iu this and other markets to secure for themselves exclusively the ben- efit which this discovery may confer. There are in commerce small balls made from starch, to which has been added .05 per cent, of saccharine, of which one is sufficient to impart a very sweet taste, very similar to that of the best sugar, to a huge cup of black coffee. Investigations on the Sulphinides, by Dr. Ira Ilemsen.—The benzoic sulphinide described in the preceding note has been further studied by the author. By the substitution of the ethoxyl group for hydrogen paraethoxybenzoic sulphinide was obtained, crystallizing in fine white needles, melting at 257° to 258°. This derivative has not the sweet taste characteristic of the benzoic sulphinide. Another derivative, parn- brombenzoic sulphinide, crystallizing in long needles and subliming in feathery flakes at about 200°, has a remarkirlile taste. When first placed upon the tongue its taste is extremely sweet, fully as much so as that of benzoic sulphinide, a single small crystal being able to sweeten half a liter of water. After the sweet taste has passed an equally bitter taste takes its place, reminding one in its extreme bitterness of strychnine. This peculiarity can not be due to the presence of two substances of different degrees of solubility, since the purest specimens have this property. (Am. Chem. J., vm, 223.) Paranitrobenzoic Sulphinide, etc., by W. A. Noyes.—This body crys- tallizes iu small leaflets and in fine needles, fusing at 2011°. It is dillp CHEMISTRY. 419 cultly soluble in cold water and (together with its salts) has an intensely bitter taste. Its structure is as follows: Para-amidobenzoic sulpliinide, on the other hand, has an intensely sweet taste. Its solution, even when very dilute, shows a dark-blue fluor- escence. The author describes its salts with potassium, barium, and silver. (Am. Chem. J., vm, 167.) On Wrightine, by H. Warnecke.—This alkaloid, first isolated by Sten- house in 1864, from the seeds of Wrightia antidysenterica, an apocyna- ceous tree from India. It is the. first known solid base occurring in nature which is free from oxygen. If a trace of this base, dissolved in chloroform, is evaporated to dryness in a porcelain capsule, the residue covered with 2 to 3 c. c. of water and strong sulphuric acid is added in a slender stream, a golden-yellow color spreads from the bottom of the capsule through the whole liquid, and turns to a green on standing for twelve hours. If 1 milligram of the alkaloid is rubbed up in a watch- glass with five drops of strong sulphuric acid and let stand exposed to the air for two hours, the liquid which was at first colorless, turns yellow- ish green and finally a pale violet. If the above mixture is at once ex- posed in the neck of a flask to the steam of boiling water the mass turns dark green, and passes into deep blue on contact with a little water. (Ber. d. chem. Ges., xix.) Chemical Aspects of Future Food Supply.—The chemical section of .the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at the meet- ing in Buffalo, August, 1886, was numerously attended. The president of the section, Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, addressed the members on “The Economical Aspects of Agricultural Chemistry.” His concluding sen- tences on the Future Food Supply are as follows: “Since, with a proper economy, the natural supplies of potash and phosphoric acid, as we have seen, may be made to do duty over and over again, and last in- definitely, the economist who looks to the welfare of the future need have no fear of the failure of these resources of the growing plant. Iu- deed, it may be said that the available quantities of them may be in- creased by a wise practice of agriculture, based on the teachings of agricultural chemistry. But with the increase of population comes an increased demand for food, and therefore the stores of available nitrogen must be enlarged to supply the demands of the increased agricultural product. It is certain, that with the now analytical methods, and the new questions raised by the investigations of which I have spoken, many series of experiments will be undertaken, the 420 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1H86. outcome of which will definitely settle the question of the entrance of free nitrogen into vegetable tissues. If this question be answered affirmatively, agricultural science will not place bounds to the possible production of foods. If the nitrifying process does go on within the cells of plants, and if living organisms do fix free nitrogen in the soil in a form in which at least a portion of it may be nitrified, we may ex- pect to see the quantities of combined nitrogen increase pari pasmi with the needs of plant life. Thus, intensive culture may leave the gardens and spread over the fields, and the quantities of food suitable for the sustenance of the human race be enormously increased. In con- templating the agricultural economies of the future, however, it must not be forgotten that a certain degree of warmth is as necessary to plant development as potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen. If it be true, therefore, that the earth is gradually cooling, there may come a time when a cosmic athermancy may cause* the famine which scientific agri- culture will have prevented. Fortunately however for the human race the cereals, the best single article of food, are peculiarly suitable to a cold climate. Barley is cultivated in Iceland, and oatmeal feeds the best brain and muscle of the world in the high latitudes of Europe. It is probably true that all life, vegetable and animal, had its origin in the boreal circumpolar regions. Life has already been pushed half-way to the equator, and slowly but surely the armies of ice advance their lines. The march of the human race equatorwards is a forced march, even if it be no more than a millimeter in a millennium. Some time in the remote future the last man will reach the equator. There, with the mocking disk of the sun in the zenith, denying him warmth, flat-headed and pinched as to every feature, he will gulp his last mite of albuminoids in his oatmeal, and close his struggle against an indurate hospitality.” (Economical Aspects of Agricultural Chemistry, an Address by II. \V. Wiley. Cambridge, 1008.) Recent Prog rex* in the Coal-Tar Industry.—Under the above title Sir Henry E. Roscoe delivered a most valuable and interesting discourse at the Koval Institution on April 10, 1880. He refers the numerous products, whether dye-stuffs, perfumes, antipyretic medicines, or sweet principles to two great classes of hydrocarbons, the paraffinoid and the benzenoid hydrocarbons. The first is the foundation of the fats, and the second of the essences or aromatic bodies. Petroleum is the source of the first class and coal tar of the second. The following tables give an interesting view of the marvellous products of coal and their relative amounts. I. Products of distillation of 1 ton of Lancashire coal: 10,000 cnbic feet gas. 30 to 25 gallons ammouiacal liquor (5° Tw.). 12 gallons of coal-tar 139.2 pounds, specific gravity, 1.16). 13 hundredweight of coke. CHEMISTRY. 421 II. Products of 12 gallons of gas-tar: 1.10 pounds benzene '(= 1.10 pounds aniline) 0.90 pound toluene (=0.77 pound toluidine) = 0.62 pound magenta. 1.5 ponuds phenol proper (=1.2 pounds Aurin). 2.44 pounds solvent naphtlia (three xylenes). 2.40 pounds heavy naphtha. 6.30 pounds naphthalene (=5.25 pounds cr-naphthylamine, 7.11 vertnilline scarlet RRR, or 9.50 pounds naphthol yellow). 17.0 pounds creosote. 14.0 pounds heavy oil. 0.46 pound anthracene (=2.25 alizarine 20 per cent.). 69.6 pounds pitch. III. Dyeing power of colors from 1 ton of Lancashire coal: Pounds. Dye-stuff. Dye yards of flannel 27 inches wide. 0.6-23 Magenta 500 [or, 1. *23 Methylviolet .... 1,000 ] 9. 50 Naplithol yellow. 3,800 [or, 7.11 Vermiliiue 2,560 ] 1.2. Aurin 120 2.25 Alizarin *255 * Printers’ cloth. The distinguished lecturer illustrated the tinctorial power of the coal- tar products by exhibiting a party-colored flag showing the exact amount of color obtainable from 1 pound of Lancashire coal; this flag was made up as follows: Inches. Magenta flannel 8 x 27 Violet flannel 24 x 27 Yellow flannel 61 x27 Orange flannel 1. 9 x 27 Turkey-red flannel 4 x27 The colors chosen are only a few amoDg the numerous list of deriva tives. This list comprises at present the following: 1G distinct yellows. 12 oranges. 30 reds. 15 blues. 7 greens. 9 violets. Several browns. Several blacks. Derived from benzene, to luene phenols, xylene, n a p h t h al e n e, anthra- cene. The coal-tar antipyretic medicines next engaged the lecturer’s atten- tion. Professor Dewar discovered in 1881 that quinoline belongs to the 422 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1880. aromatic series,and first observed that certain pyridine suits act as feb ri luges; so he may be called the father of antipyretic medicines. Of these, kairine was discovered by Prof. O. Fischer in 1881, and its feb- rifuge properties were first noticed by Professor Filehne, of Erlangen. It is actually ethyl-tetraoxy quinoline, and has the constitution Antipyrine, the second of these febrifuges, was discovered by Dr. L. Kuorr, of Erlangen, and its physiological properties were studied by Professor Filehne. It has the following constitution: orCnHwy20. For the preparation of these bodies and their physio- logical effects, as well as for brief notices of cumarine and vauilliue, we refer to the original address. (Nature, xxxiv, pp. Ill and 133.) /Statistics of the Coal Tar Color Industry.— In a paper on the scientific development of the coal-tar color industry, by Prof. K. Meldola, before the Society of Arts, he gives some statistics showing the magnitude of the industry under discussion. In Germany a factory of about the third magnitude consumes at present 500 to GOO tons of aniline per annum. The Badische Company employ twenty-five hundred laborers and olli cials, and the Hoechst Color Works (formerly Meister, Lucius & Binn- ing) employ sixteen hundred men and fifty-four chemists. In these large establishments they manufacture not only aniline, but alizarine, acids, alkalies, and all the necessary chemicals. The probable consumption of alizarine by British dye-works in 18SG amounted to G,900 tons (of 10 per cent, paste), of which perhaps G5 per cent, was manufactured in Germany. The author points out that although historically the industry is indebted to English discoveries, commercially the control is leaving England for Germany. (Nature, XXXIV, 324.) NOTES. Gadolinium is the name definitely given by Marignac to the metal Yor, which he discovered in 1880. The provisional name was abandoned at the suggestion of Lecoq de Boisbaudran. This is not to be confounded with the same word as used by Xordensk jdld. Ammonio permanganate of silver, as well as the analogous compounds of copper, cadmium, nickel, zinc, and magnesium are new compound* CHEMISTRY. 423 obtained by J. Klobb. They are all explosive wnen ueated or struck by a hammer. (Comptes Reudus, cm, 384.) The decomposition of chlorine water in sunlightis shown by A.Popper to yield, besides the usually admitted oxygen and hypochloric acid, chloric acid itself, aud he shows that this was not formed by the treat- ment to which the liquid was subjected for analytical purposes. (Ann. Chem., ccxxxi.) Phosphorus tetroxide,P2G4, has been obtained by Thorpe and Tutton. It forms when phosphorus is burned in a limited supply of dry air. It occurs as transparent, highly lustrous, very deliquescent crystals, which do not fuse at 100°, and do volatilize at 180°. On solution in water they form pliosphoroso-phosphoric acid, previously discovered by Salzer. For reactions of this oxide and other details see original paper. (J. Chem, Soc., Trans. 188G, 833.) The thickness of the air layer adhering to glass has been carefully measured by Otto Schumann and found to be somewhat less than 0.000007cm. O. E. Meyer estimates the diameter of molecules at 0.000000005<>ni; the air layer is therefore more than one thousand times as large as the diameter of molecules. (Wiedemann’s Auualen, xxvn, 91, ’86.) Attention is called by Arthur G. Bloxam to the solubility of sulphur in alcohol, a fact not generally noted in text-books. By slowly cooling a solution of sulphur in hot alcohol he obtained brilliantly transparent crystals up to half an inch in length, and so white as easily to be mis- taken for niter. Chemists using rubber corks in distilling alcohol should bear in mind this solubility of sulphur as a possible source of impurity. (Chem. News, Lin, 181.) Tyrotoxicon is the name given to a highly poisonous ptomaine dis- covered by Dr. Victor C. Vaughan in cheese. Its occurrence in poison- ous ice-cream has also been demonstrated by Dr. Vaughan, who pre- sented a paper on the subject to the Michigan State Board of Health, July 13, 1886. Lecoq de Boisbaudrau remarks the fluorescence of manganese sul- phate when mixed with a large amount of calcium sulphate and subjected to electrical action in a vacuum. Sulphate of manganese alone does not fluoresce under these conditions. (Comptes Rendus, cm, 468.) Caesium and rubidium nitrites, according to Tli. Rosenblatt, form with cobalt nitrite crystalline double salts, which are the least soluble compounds of these alkaline metals yet discovered. Caesio cobaltic- nirrite requires 20,100 parts of water at 17° C., and the rubidium salt 19,800 parts for solution. Thallium forms similar compound. (Ber. d. chem. Ges , xix, 2531.) The oxides of gold have been critically studied by Gerhard Kriiss, who finds there are three only: Au2Oi, Au202, and Au2Ot. All attempts to obtain lower or higher oxides were futile. (Ber. d. chem. Ges., xix, 2541.) 424 RECORD OE SCIENCE FOR 1886. I oil i lie is reported by «J. A. Wanklyn to exist in a tree state in the mineral water of the Woodhall Spa, near Lincoln. Sufficient is present to impart a brown color to the water and to give the usual reaction with carbon disulphide. The spa has long been known as useful iu skin diseases (Cliem. News, Liv, 300.) The complete synthesis of pyrrol has been accomplished by Ciamician and Silber; the steps in the transformation from succinimide to pyrrol are as follows: Succinimide, bichlormalei'nimide, perchloride of tetra- chlorpyrrol, tetrachlorpyrrol, tetrajod pyrrol, pyrrol. (Ber. <1. chem. Ges., xix, 3027.) Combinationsof acetamide with metallic chlorides have been described by G. Andr6, notably with cupric chloride, cadmium chloride, the chlo- rides of nickel and cobalt, and mercuric chloride. These bodies are crystalline, and decompose at a moderately low temperature. (Comptes Remlus, on, 115.) Prof. A. Michaelis, of Aachen, continues his extended researches on compounds of the elements of the nitrogen group with radicals of the aromatic series. In Liebig’s Anualen, Vol. ccxxxin, in union with A. Reese, he describes several compounds of antimony with phenyl and its derivatives, and in union with Paetow he describes compounds of arsenic with benzyl. Calcined magnesia, showing peculiar behavior with reagents, is sup- posed by George Stillingtleet Johnson to contain rare earths. (Chem. News, liv, 88.) The mosandraof I)r. J. Lawrence Smith has been examined by Lecoq de Boisbaudran, samples being furnished by Dr. Marion, of Louisville, and found to consist chiefly of terbia and Ya. (Chem. News, liii, 103.) Sozolic acid, or orthoxypheuylsulphurous acid, discovered by M. Ser- rant, is a more powerful antiseptic than salicylic or phenic acids. The corresponding para compound has no antiseptic properties. The author claims for sozolic acid great benefits to medicine and surgery. (Comptes Keudus, Cll, 1079.) A summary of all that is known concerning samarium and its com- pounds has been published by P. T. Cleve, of (Jpsala. The subject is treated under the heads history, separation, mode of occurrence, atomic weight, sj>ectrum, oxides, and the numerous salts. (Chem. News, liii, 30 et seq.) Cerium, yttrium, and glucinum, according to Dr. J. II. Stroliecker, occur iu extraordinary quantities in the clays of Hainstadt. One of the clays analyzed contained as high as 13.4 per cent, cerium hydrox- ide. The author’s analytical methods and his statements have met severe criticisms on the part of several chemists, but he insists on their accuracy. (J. f prakt. Chemie, 1880.) Glycyphylliu is a crystalline substance, which Dr. Edward H. Ren- nie extracted from the leaves of Smilax glycyphylla, a plant common in New South Wales. Crystallized from water it has the formula CHEMISTRY. 425 C21H2409+4£H20. On boiling with dilute sulphuric acid it decom- poses into pliloretiu and isodulcite, and is therefore closely allied to phlorizin. (J. Chem. Soc., Trans. 1886, 857.) According to Dr. F. W. Dafert, starch obtained from Panicutn candi dim yields with iodine a reddish brown color instead of the usual blue coloration. (Biedertnann’s Centralblatt, 1886.) The formation of ferrates can be conveniently exhibited in a lecture by a method described by C. L. Bloxam. Place a fragment of potas- sium hydroxide ill a solution of ferric chloride, add a few drops of bro- mine, and heat gently. The resulting dark brown mass dissolves in water, yielding a fine red solution, which may be kept many hours without decomposition. By boiling ferric chloride with bleaching pow- der a similar red solution of calcium ferrate can be obtained. (Chem. News, Liy, 43.) A new alloy of aluminium and tin (100A1 : lOSn), having a specific gravity of 2.85, is recommended by M. Bourbowze for all instruments requiring lightness. It can be soldered as easily as brass, and resists reagents almost as well as aluminium itself. (Comptes Rendus, oil, June 7, 1886.) The third annual convention of the Association of Official Agricul- tural Chemists was held August 26 and 27, in Washington, D. C., under the presidency of Dr. Harvey VV. Wiley. The members adopted official methods for determining phosphoric acid and moisture and for potash, but agreed not to select any single method for the determination of nitrogen as official. Details of the methods adopted and other papers of value will be found in the proceedings, published as Bulletin 12 of the Division of Chemistry, Department of Agriculture. The Berichteof the German Chemical Society in Berlin grows apace; the volumes for 1885 contain 3,516 pages of contributions and 1,033 pages of abstracts, making a total of 4,549 pages. The society has ordered for 1886 an edition of 3,600 copies. The Tokyo Chemical Society (of Japan), organized in 1878 by the graduates of the Tokyo University, has eighty-six members. The offi- cers for 1886 are as follows: President, J. Sakurai; vice-presidents, T. Isouo, M. Kuliara, N. Matsui, J. Takayama, G. Nakasawa; secretary, T. Uyeda; treasurers, T. Isido and T. Takamatsu. The members are exclusive.y Japanese (no foreigners). They meet twice a month and publish a journal in Japanese entitled Tokyo Kagakkai Kaishi, edited by J. Sakurai. The eighth annual meeting was held April 10, 1886, at the botanical garden of the Imperial University, Tokyo, and several interesting addresses and papers were read. The Chemical Society of London now numbers fourteen hundred and fifty-nine fellows, thirty-one of these being honorary foreign members. During the year 1885-’86 one hundred and four papers were read to the society, a larger number than for several years past. The income for the year named amounted to £3,743. A subject catalogue of the library 426 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 188G. was recently published. The president for the current year is Dr. Hugo Miiller, F. B. 8., and the first vice-president is William Crookes, F. It. S The twelve principal chemical societies of the world have nearly nine thousand members, distributed as shown in the following table (from H. C. Bolton’s Address to X. Y. Academy of Sciences, March 15, 1880): Deutsche cheruische Gesellschaft zu Berlin 2, Society of Chemical Industry (England) 2,40J Chemical Society of Londou 1,500 8oci6t6 chimique de Paris 560 Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland 430 American Chemical Society 250 Society of Public Analysts (Englaud) lsO Chemical Society of St. Petersburg 100 Associazioue chimico-farmaceuf ica Horentina *200 Chemical Society of Tokio, Japan HI Chemical Society of Washington, D. C 48 Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (IJuitod States of America) 17 Total 8,7H1 The centenary of the death of Schoele was commemorated on May 21, 1880, at the little town of Koping, Sweden, where he passed the last ten years of his life. The prodigious activity in all departments of science obtaining in Germany is well illustrated by statistics of the meeting of “deutscher Natnrforsclier und Aerzte” held a* Berlin in September, 1880. At this meeting no less than 5,051 persons took part, including 2,221 members, I, associates, 1,490 women. Nearly every quarter of the globe was represented. North America by 42 persons, Japan by 10, India by 2, Egypt by 4, Australia by 4, aud the Cape of Good Hope by 2. In the 80 sections into which the association is divided 522 lectures and 155 experimental demonstrations were held in 131 sessions. And those in attendance were invited to join 48 excursions. The first meeting of this association was held in 1821, in Leipzig, and was attended by 13 persons; surely small beginnings are not to be despised. NECROLOGY OF CHEMISTS, J88G. Robert Alexander, a young English chemist of much promise, was killed instantly during the disastrous earthquake in Charleston, South Caroliua, August 31, 1880. He was born March 18, 1803, near Birken- head, England. His chemical education was chiefly in the analytical laboratory of Mr. G. W. Wigner, Loudon. In January, 1880, he came to America, and in March went to Charleston, where he was engaged in developing a sanitary system when he met his death. James Apjohn died June 2, 1880, at the advanced age of ninety one. He held the chair of chemistry in the Royal College of Surgeons, Dub- * Estimated. Many chemist** are members of several societies; against this dupli- cation may be set those chemists not c mnected with societies. CHEMISTRY. 427 lin, from 1823 to 1850, and in the University from the latter date until 1874. He published many original memoirs on general physics and chemistry, and long held a foremost place as a theoretic and practical chemist. H. A. Bayne, professor of chemistry at the Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario, died in September. He was a native of Nova Scotia. After graduating at Dalhousie College, Halifax, he studied chemistry with Bunsen and with Dumas. He had occupied the chair of chemistry at Kingston only since 1879. Appolinaire Bouchardat, born in 180(3, died April 7, 1880. He held since 1852 the chair of physics and organic chemistry in the Col- lege of Pharmacy of Paris. His investigations were chiefly in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry. He edited the “Anuuaire de therapeu, tique” from 1841 to 1885, the “Repertoire de pharinacie ” from 1847 to 1872, and other important works. He was a member of many learned societies. Carl Bulk died in July, in the forty-first year of his age. He was a teacher in the Gewerbeschule in Barmen, and chemist to the Barmen Color Manufactory (Farben-Industrie), which makes a specialty of ani- line dyes. Dr. Bulk was an original member of the German Chemical Society. Alexander Michailowitsch yon Butlerow died August 17, 1880. He was born September 0, 1828, in the province of Kasan, was at first a pharmaceutist, and then studied in the universities of Kasan and of Moscow, lu 1854 he became professor of chemistry at Kasan- and in 1809 at the University of St. Petersburg, which chair he held at his death. His original researches were chiefly in organic chemistry, and gained for him a world-wide reputation. Henry Suckden Evans, born at Islington, England, in 1830, died in Montreal in 1880. He was president of the Pharmaceutical Society and chief analyst to the Dominion of Canada. His publications were chiefly in pharmaceutical chemistry. Gottlieb C. Faas, a student of chemistry residing in Birmingham, Alabama, was killed by a locomotive October 3, in Pennsylvania. Francesco Filippuzzi, of Padua, died July 22f 1880. He was born in 1824, and after receiving his education in Austria was appointed pro- fessor of chemistry at the University of Padua, where he organized prac- tical courses modeled on those of German universities. Though not eminent as an investigator he will long be remembered as a teacher by numerous grateful pupils. A fuller notice will be found in Ber. d. chem. Ges., xix, 2941. Charles Froebel died June 19, 1880. He was professor of ana- lytical chemistry in the New York College of Pharmacy from 1872 to 18S2. Frederick Guthrie, born October 15, 1833, died October 21,1880. From 1801 to 1807 lie held the chair of chemistry and physics in the 428 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1HS6. Royal College, Mauritius, and since 18(5!) the chair of physics in the Royal School of Mines, London. His original contributions to both sciences were numerous and important, lie founded in 1873 the Phys- ical Society of London. Guthrie was also the author of several works on heat, electricity, and molecular physics. F£lix Leblanc died in Paris in May (!), 1880. He was for many years a co-laborer with Dumas, and at his death was connected with the ltlcole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, in Paris. His studies on car- bon monoxide are noteworthy. He was vice-president of the Society for Encouragement of National Industries, and member of many learned societies. E. Linnemann, professor of chemistry at the University of Prague, died April 137,1880. He was born in 1841. For an account of his scien- tific labors see Her. d. chem. Ges., xix, 1149. Frederic Melsens died in Brussels April 20, 1880, aged seventy- two years. He was an active investigator in both inorganic and organic chemistry throughout his life. Moser yon Moosbruch, of Vienna, an agricultural chemist, died early in the year 1880. William Ripley Nichols died July 14, aged thirty-nine. He held the chair of general chemistry in the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, of which he was a graduate. He was the author of several text- books, and had a high reputation as an expert chemist in matters per- taining to hygiene. Max Reimann died October 22, 1880. His investigations and writ- ings for twenty years were chiefly in the line of industrial chemistry. For a biographical sketch see Ber. d. chem. Ges., xix (1880). G. F. Heinrich Schroder, born in Munich, September 28,1810, died May 12,1885. A full biography will be found in Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, xvm, It., 843. Charles UpnAM Shepard, the well-known American mineralogist, died May 1, 188G, in his eighty-second year. His chemical work was chiefly in connection with minerals. A full notice will be found in the American Journal of Science, Vol. xxxi, 482 (June, 1880). Edward Solly dic'd April 2, 1880, in the sixty-seventh year of his age. He was a member of the Royal Society. Julius Adolph Stockhardt, the well-know n agricultural chemist, died at Tharandt, Saxony, June 1, in his seventy-seventh year. He was the originator of the agricultural experiment stations now so com- mon in Europe and elsewhere. His text-book, “Principles of Chem- istry,” did much to popularize the science. He was editor of many jour- nals devoted to scientific agriculture. For a fuller sketch of his life see Popular Science Monthly for June, 1881. Magnus Troilius died April 19, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was a graduate of the Royal School of Mines of Stockholm, and held for several years the position of chemist to the Midvale Steel CHEMISTRY. 429 Works. His “Notes oil the Chemistry of Iron” was published during the year. Martin Websky, born July 17, 1824, died November 26, 1886. Since 1874 he has been professor of mineralogy at the University of Berlin, being the successor of Gustav Bose. His chemical work has been chiefly in connection with mining and mineralogy. Clemens Zimmermann, instructor in chemistry at the University of Munich, died March 27, 1885. He was born March 4, 1856, in Munich, and was consequently only twenty-nine years of age. Dr. Zimmermann was one of the most active and promising young chemists of Germany. His researches on the atomic weight of uranium and in analytical chem- istry are classical. A full biography (with portrait) will be found in Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, xvui, B., 826. Otto Ziurek died May 11, 1886. He was born in Upper Silesia June 19,1821. His literary and practical works were chiefly in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry. (Ber. d. chein. Ges., xix, 1316.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHEMISTRY, 1886. Adriance, John S. Laboratory Calculations and Specific Gravity Tables. New York, 1886. 12mo. Agrestini, A. Dosamento del biossido di zircouio in presenza di acido titanico. Nota preliminare. Urbino, 1886. 8vo. Alessandri, P. E. Metodo sistematico per 1’ analisi cbimica qualitativa delle sos- tanze inorganicbe ed organiche e per le ricerche tossicologiche, Milano, 1885. 8vo. Anderson, J. H. The Public School Chemistry: being at once a syllabus for the mas- ter and an abstract for the boy. Second edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged. London, 1886. 8vo. Antrick, O. Ueber einige Yerbindungen von Diacetouamin mit Aldehyden. Erlan- gen, 1886. 8vo. Arendt, R. Leitfaden fiir den Uuterricht 'in der Chemie. 2. dnrchgesehene und berichtigte Auflage. Hamburg, 1886. Artii, G. Etude de quelques d6riv6s du menthol. Paris, 1885. 8vo. Athanasesco, N. Reclierches sur quelques sulfates basiques cristallisds. Paris, 1886. 4to. Attfield, J. Chemistry, General, Medical, and Pharmaceutical, including the Chemistry of the British Pharmacopoeia. 11th edition. London, 1835. 8vo. Avet.ing, E. B. Chemistry of the non-metals. (Hughes’s Matriculation Manuals.) London, 18o6. 8vo. Bakssler, Arthur. Das Hydrochinon und seine Derivate. Iuaug.-Diss. Beilin, 1886. Baum, J. Oxydationsderivate des Coniins. Freiburg i. B., 1836. 8vo. Bayley, T. Pocket-Book for Chemists, Chemical Manufacturers, etc. 4th edition. London, 1886. Beck, P. Beitrag zur Keuntniss des Umbelliferons. Erlangen, 1886. 8vo. Behrend, R. Versuche zur Syntliese von Korpern der Harnsiiurereihe. Leipzig, 1885. 8vo. Beilstein, F. Handbuch der organischen Chemie. 2. vollig umgearbeitete Aufiage. (In drei Banden.) Lief. 9, 10, 11, 12, 16. Hamburg, 1885-’»6. 8vo. Bellenot, G. Ueber die Paranitrobeuzoylessigsaure. Miincheu, 1885. 8vo. 430 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Benedikt, R. Analyse der Fotte uud Wachsarteu. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. The Chemistry of Coal-Tar Colors. With special reference to their application to dyeing, etc. Translated and edited with additions by E. Knecht. London, 1886. Small post 8vo. Berglund, E. Liirobok i qualitativ oorganisk analys. Lund, 1885. Bekgmann, H. Chemisch-technisches Keceptbach flir die gesammte MetaMitidus- trie. Wien, 1886. 8vo. Bericht Uber die vierto Versammlung der freien Vereiuignng bayrischer Vertreter der angewandten Chemie zn Niirnberg am 7. u. 8. August 1885. Herniisgegebcn von A. Hilger und R. Kayser. Berlin, 1*86. 8vo. Bernays, A. J. Notes on Analytical Chemistry. 2d edition. London, 1886. 8vo. Bernstein, M. Ueber die Phenyl- und Kresylester der Bernsteinsiiure und anderor Dicarbonsiiuren, ihre Derivate und Umsetzungen. Freiburg i. B., 1886. 8vo. Berntiisen, A. Zur Frage nacli der Constitution der Safranine uud verwandter Farbstoffe. Heidelberg, 1886. Berscii, J. Die Essig-Fabrikation. Fine Darstellung der Essig-Fabrikatiou nacli den iilteren und ueueren Verfahrungsweisen, der Schnell-Essig-Fabrikation, etc. 3. erweiterte und verbesserte Auflage. Wien, 1886. Bertiielot, M. Les origines de l’alchimie. Paris, 1885. 8vo. Bertiielot et E. Jungflf.isch. Traits 61 o. Betiinkande ocli fbrslag till stadga angaende eftersdkande och bearbetande af stenkolsfyudigheter, afgifna d. 13 Juni 1885 af dertill i nadcr forordnade komite- rade. Stockholm, 1885. 8vo. Biedermann. Ueber den Thiophenaldehyd und seine Derivate. Ueber Thienyl- mercaptan. Versuche zur Syuthese in der Thiophenreihe. Gottingen, 1886. 8vo. Birnbaum, K. Kurzes Lehrbuch der lamlwirthschaftlichen Gewcrbe. Chemische Technologie landwirthschaftlicher Producte. Band I. Die Fabrikation der Starke, ues Dextrins, dcs Stiirkezucker, der Zuckerconleur, das Brotbacken uud die Riibenzuckerindustrie. Braunschweig, 1886. 8vo. Leitfadeu der chemischen Analyse. 5. verbesserte Auliage. Leipzig, 1886. 8vo. Bizio, G. L’ applicazione del nitratod’ argento all’ esame chirnico degli olii. Vene- zia, 1>*8'>. Black, James G. Chemistry for the Gold Fields, including Lectures on the Non-nie- tallic Elements, Metallurgy, and the Testing and Assaying of Metals, Metallic Ores, and other minerals by the Test-tube, the Blow-pipe, and the Crucible. Dunedin [New Zealand j, 1886. Blas, C. Traits £16mentaire de cliimie analytique. Tome i. Analyse qualitative par la voie seehe ou analyse an chalumeau. 2* Edition, augments. Louvain, 1886. 8vo. Blomstrand, C. W. Kort Liirebok i o-orgauisk kemi. 3. uppL Lund, 18*6. 8vo. Minnesteckning ofver C. W. Scheele pa 100. arsdagen af bans dod. Stockholm, 1886. 8vo. Bloxam, C. L. Laboratory Teaching, or Progressive Exercises in Practical Chem- istry. 5th edition. London, 1885. 8vo. Bolton, H. Carrington. Recent Progress in Chemistry. An address prepared at the request of the New York Academy of Sciences ami read March 15, 1886. New York. -8vo. Bonna, A. Recherehes snr la phdnylparatoluidine. Geneve, 1886. 8vo. Bork, H. Die Chemie. Leitfadeu fiir den chemischen Kursus iu der Sekunda des Gymnasiums. Methodisch bearbeitet. Paderborn, 1886. 8vo. CHEMISTRY. 431 Bourgoin, E. Alcalis orgauiques artificiels. Partie le. Serie grasse. Paris, 1886. 8vo. Boussingault. Agrouomie, chimie agricole, et physiologie. 3e Edition, revue et considerablement augmeutde. Paris, 1886. 2 vols. 8vo. Brant, William T., and William H. Wahl. Tlie Techno-chemical Receipt Book. Philadelphia and London, 1886. Braun, F. Uutersuchnngen liber die Losliclikeit fester Korper und d'e den Yorgang der Losung begleiteuden Yolurn- und Energieauderungen. Miinchen, 1886. 8vo. Breslauer, M. Die chemische Beschaifeuheit der Luft in Brandenburg a. H. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der quantitativen Zusammensetzung der atmospharisclien Luft. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. Bresson, —. Les aciers. Paris, 1886. Brieger, L. Untersucliungen iiber Ptomaine. Drei Theile. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. Brunner, H., et E. Chuard. Sur la presence de l’acide glyoxylique dans les vdgd- taux. Lausanne, 1886. 8vo. Buckeridge, H. L. Chemical Student’s Manual for the Lecture-Room and Lab- oratory, embracing non-metals, the analysis of simple salts, historical and much other useful memoranda. London, 1886. Bulletin du laboratoire provincial de chimie agricole & Roulers. Bruges, 1886. 8vo. Bunsen, R. Flammenreactionen. 2. Aufl. Heidelberg, 1886. 8vo. Burstert, H. Ueber in Kern gechlorte Derivate des Meta-Xylols. Freiburg i. B., 1886. 8vo. HyuepoBT., A. M. Ochobiimh Domnin Xmiin. C.-DeTeptJyprb, 1886. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Washington. No. 1. (January, 1884, January, 1886.) Washington [D.C.], 1886. Calman, Albert. Ueber eiuige Derivate des Beuzoylessigiithers. Iuaug.-Diss. (Er- langen). Mainz, 1885. Capaun-Karlowa, C. F. Che'misch-technische Specialitiiten und Geheimnisse mit Angabe ihrer Zusammensetzung nach den bewiihrtesten Chemikern. Alphabe- tiscli zusammengestellt. 2. vollstiindig umgearbeitete vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Wien, 1886. 8vo. Carrutiiers, T. G. The cause of electricity, with remarks on chemical equivalents. Benares, 1886. Casali, A. II passato, il preseute e 1’ avvenire della chiinica: discorso inauguralo alia solenne apertura degli studi nella libera university di Ferrara. Ferrara, 1886. 8vo. Ragguagli sui lavori esegniti uel laboratorio chimico agrario di Bologna. Bologna, 1885. 16mo. Catalogue (A) of the Library of the Chemical Society, arranged according to subjects, with indexes containing authors’ names and subjects. London, 1886. 8vo. Cavazzi, A. Azione dell’ idrogene fosforato gassoso sul triclornro di oro sciolto nell’ etere, nell’ alcool o nell’ acqua. Bologna, 1885. 8vo. Azioni del gas idrogene fosforato sopra 1’ acido solforico. Bologna, 1886. 4to. Azione del solfuro di carbonio sopra alcuni metalli. Bologna, 1886. 4to. Metodo per prepararo il protocloruro di raine; sopra tin miscuglio esplosivo. Bologna, 1886. 4to. Cazeneuve, P. La coloration des vins par les couleurs de la houille. Methodes analytiques et marcbe systdmatique pour reconnaitre la nature de la coloration. Paris, 1886. 12mo. Centenaire de Chevreul, 31 aottt 1886. Principaux travaux de Chevrenl. Paris, 1886. 8vo. 31 aoftt 1886. Discours prononcds ati Musdum d’histoire naturelle. Paris, 1886. 4 to. Centner, B. Die Praxis der Bleicherei und Appretur, Baumwolle, Leinen, Jute im Rohzustande, sowie als Gam und Gewebe. Leipzig, 1886. 8vo. 432 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Cesaro, G. M6moire sur la reproduction de quelques phosphates do for natnrels par l’actiou de l’oxygfene de l’air sur une solution ferrouse aeide. Li*>ge, 188(5. 8vo. Chemistry. A Manual for Beginners. “ Forti et fideli nihil difficile.” London, H8!i. Roy 24mo. Chevy, E. De l’acide fluorhydrique et de sonemploi en thdrapeutiqne. Paris, 1885. 8vo. Christensen, Odin T. Bidrag til inangauots og Huorets chemi. Kj0benhavn, 188(5. 8vo. CIAMICIAN, C., e P. Sii.bkr. Stndi sui compost! della serie del pirrolo. Parte fJ: 8nll’ azione dell’ acido nitrico sul pirilmetilchotone. Roma, 1885. Classen, Alexander. Friedrich Mohr’s Lohrbuch dor chemisch-analytischen Titrir- methode. Sechste umgearbeitete and vermehrte Auflago. Berlin, 188*5. 8vo. Analyse 61ectrolytiqne quantitative. D’aprfes la 2® 6dition allemande par C. Bias. Louvain, 1886. 8vo. ClaRsson, P. Ofver radikalen cyanur, normala cyannrforeningar och substituerada cyaniders konstitution. Om rhodaniusyra, inelamin och inelaminforeuingar. 5 Abh. Stockholm, 1885. 8vo. Coit, J. M. Chemical Arithmetic. Boston, 1886. Collisciionn, Friedrich. Ueber die Halogenadditionsproducte dor Propylcliinol- inhalogeniire und ein daraus gewonnenes Monobromchinolin. Inang.- Diss. Freiburg i. B., 1886. Coloriano, A. Recherches sur qnelques animates cristallis<5s. Paris, 1886. 4to. Confdrences faites a la Soci6t6 chimique de Paris en 1885, 1884, 1885, 1886 par Warts, Pasteur, Friedel, Scheurer-Kcstncr, Grimaux, Duclaux, Moissan, Raoult, Schu- tzenberger. Paris, 1886. 8vo. Cooke, J. Parsons. Descriptive List of Experiments on the Fundamental Principles of Chemistry. Cambridge, 1886. Elements of Chemical Physics. 4th edit. London, 1886. Roy. 8vo. Cooi.ey, Le Roy C. A Guide to Elementary Chemistry for Beginners. New York, 1 Cleef, G. Doyer van. Leerboek der scheiknnde. Haarlem, 1886. Roy. 8vo. Clerc, A. Chimica popolare illustrata. Milano, 1886. 8vo. Cleve, P. T. C. W. Scheele. Minnesblad ]>a 100 arsdagen af bans ddd. Hoping, 1886. [With 8cheele’s portrait.] Larebok i kemiens grnnder. 3e. heft. Larebok i o-orgauisk och organisk komi for begynnare. Stockholm, 1886. 8vo. Cloez, Ch. Recherches sur les ddriv6s chlords de l’acdtone. Thfcse presents & la Faculty des sciences de Paris. Paris, 1886. CociIENHAUSKN, E. VON. Die Reinigung des Wassers, mit BerUcksichtignng seiner Verweudung in der Textilindustrie, nebst Beitriigen znr technischen Wasseraua- lyse. Inang.- Diss. Chemnitz, 1886. 4to. Cornelius, H. Ueber die Synthese des Dioxyphcnylessigsiiure and des Orcins. Mii lichen, 1886. 8vo. Courant, E. Ueber Versnche zur Darstellung der Dithiosch wefelsiinre und Beitriige znrKenntnissderPhenylazoaceteasigathers. (Inang.-Diss.) Breslau, 1886. 8vo. Crookes, W. On Radiant-Matter Spectroscopy. Part II. Samarium. London, 1886. 8vo. Select Methods in Chemical Analysis (chiefly Inorganic). 8econd edition, re- written and greatly enlarged. London, 1886. 8vo. Cross, C. F., and E. J. Bevan. Cellulose, being a Short Account of the Chemical Properties of Typical Members of the Cellulose Group with reference to their nat- ural history. Edited by W. R. Hodgkinson. London, 1886. Curry, G. Ueber die Zersetzung des Natrium-Aluminats dnrch Wasser. (Inang.- Diss.) Breslau, 1886. 8vo. Curtins, Th. Diazoverbindungen der Fettreihe. Milnchen, 1886. 8vo. CHEMISTRY. 433 Curtman, C. O. Dr. F. Beilstein’s Lessons in Qualitative Chemical Analysis. Sec- ond edition. St. Louis, Missouri, 1886. Daccomo, G. Sul triclorometanitro- e sul triclorometamido fenolo. Torino, 1885. A. K. Nodedpetf na'i noruv kui eftAcyfif avruv. ’Ev ’Adr/v.jig. 1887. Dammer, O. Chemisches Handworterbuch zum Gebrauche fiir Cbemiker, Tecbniker, Aertze, Pharmaceuten, Landwirte, Lebrer und fiirFreunde derNaturwissenschaft. 2. verbesserte Autlage. (In 12 Lieferungen.) I. Lieferung. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1886. Davy, E. W. On the Nitroprussides of the more important Bases of Opium. Dublin, 1886. 4 to. Dexiges, G. Formules gdndrales pour servir au calcul rapide des analyses dldmon- taires. Bordeaux, 1885. 8vo. Deutsche Cbemiker-Zeitung. Centralblatt fiir die chemische Praxis und otfentlicbe Gesundheitspflege. Unter Mitwirkung bewiibrter Facbgelehrten herausgegeben und redigirt von Breslauer. Berlin, 1886. 4to. [Weekly.] Dessaignes, V. Travaux de cbimie organique. Precddds d’une notice biograpbique d’A.-R. Dessaignes. Venddme, 1886. 8vo. Dircks, V. Veiledning i kvalitativ analyse til brug ved landbrugsskoler. 2dcn omarbeidede udgave. Christiania, 1886. 8vo. Ditte, A. Kurzes Lebrbuch der anorganischen Cbemie gegriindet auf die Therfno- cbemie. Deutscb von H. Biittger. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. Dittmar, W. Analytical Chemistry. New edition. London, 1886. 12mo. Dobreff, N. Recherches sur les acides dibenzyldicarbonique et dipbtalique. Gendve, 1886. 8vo. Doijer van Cleef, G. Leerboek der scbeikunde. Haarlem, 1886. 8vo. Dragendorff. Manuel de toxicologie. Deuxidme Edition frangaise, publide avec le concours de l’auteur par L. Gautier. Paris, 1886. Dudley, William L. Iridium. (From Mineral Resources of the United States.) Washington, 1885. 8vo. • Dufour, J. Recherches sur l’amidon soluble. Lausanne, 1886. 8vo. Duhring, E., and M. Neue Grnndgesetze zur rationellen Physik und Chemie. II. Folge, enthaltend fiinf neue Gesetze, nebst Beleuchtung der nacli der ersten Folge erscliienenen Contrefagons und Naclientdecknngen. Leipzig, 1886. 8vo. Dupr£, Auguste, and II. Wilson Hake. A Short Manual of Chemistry. 2 parts London, 1886. Durand-Claye, C.-L. Cbimie appliqnde a l’art de l’ingenienr. Paris, 1885. 8vo. Durkopf, E. Zur Kenntniss des Ablehyd-collidins. Kiel, 1886. 8vo. Dyckehhoff, O. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Orthocymols. (Orthomcthylnormal- propylbenzol.) Freiburg i. B., 1886. 8vo. Eiiestadt, P. Abbau derLaurinsaure bis zur Caprinsaure. Freiburg i. B., 1886. 8vo. Ehrhardt, O. Ueber die Bestimmung der specifischen Warme und der Schmelz- wiirme bei lioheu Teinperaturen. Giessen, 1885 . 8vo. Ellis, G. E. R. An Introduction to Practical Organic Analysis. Adapted to the re quirements of the first M. B. examination? London, 1885. 8vo. —=— Papers in Inorganic Chemistry. Part i. Non-metals. Part ii. Non-metals and Metals. London, 1886. Encyclopddie chimique, publid sous la direction de Frdmv. Paris, 1886. 8vo. Tome ii : Mdtalloides. Compldment. Partie 2. Diamants, par E. Boutan. Tome iii: Mdtaux. Cahier 8. Molybdene, vanadium et titane, par Parmentier. Tome v: Applications de cbimie inorganique. Sect. 2. Industries chimiques. Partie ii. Mdtallurgie. Aciers, par Bresson. Tome vn : Cbimie organique. Fasc. 4. fathers, par Leidid. Tome viii. Chirnie organique. Fasc. 6. Section 1. Alcalis organiques aftifi- ciels, par E. Bourgoiu. Partie 1. Sdrie grasse. Tome x : Applications de cbimie organique. Analyse chimique des vdgdtaux, par G. Dragendorff. Traduit par F. Schlagdenhauffeu, RECORD OF SCIlsNOE FOR 1886. EnebU8KE, C. Om platinas metylsuliiubaser. Akadcmisk ai bundling. Lund, 1886 4 to. Engler, C. I)an Erddl von Baku. Gescbichte, Gewiuuung, Verarbeltung. Stutt- gart, 1886. Erck, E. Beitriige ear Kcnutninn des Brusilins. Einwirkung von Cyansilbcr auf Monochlorcssigsuurechlorid. Gottingen, 1886. 8vo. Erlenmeykr, E. Lelirbuch der organischen Chemiu. Theil n. Dio aroinatiucheu Verbindungen, von R. Meyer und II. Goldnclimidt. Leipzig, 18«6. 8vo. Errera, L. Pourquoi len dUsmeuts de la mature vivante ont-iln den poidn utomiques peu <$lev6s f Messina, 1886. 8vo. Sur l’existeuce du glycogfcne dans la levure de biere. (ParisT), 1885. Fahke, J.-H. Chimie £16meutaire. 9* 6dit. Paris, 1886. lHmo. Peer, A. Ueber einige Derivate des Carbostyrils und des 1-oxypyridins. Usher Methylhydrochinolin. Mitncheu, 1886. 8vo. Fennel, Charles T. P. Principles of General Chemistry, pursuant to a souths by Adolphus Fennel. Cincinnati, 1886. Fernandez y Ciiavarui. I'kdro. Ueber Arseu-Vauadiusaurs. Inaug.-Diss. Halls a. S., 1896. FlLETI, M. Kicerche null’ortoisopropilfenol. Torino, 1886. 8vo. Frank el, N. Przyczynek do Znajomosoi tiodwufenilamiuu opracowal. Krakow, 1886. Frankland, E., and F. R. Japp. Inorganic Chemistry. Philadelphia, 1885. 8vo. Fk£my, E. Chimie La Ramie. Paris, 1886. Fresenids, H. Chemische Untersuehung der 8chUtzeuhofquelle au VViesbadsu. Wiesbaden, 1886. 8vo. Fresenius, R. Chemische Analyse der Marienquelle zu Oelheiin. Wiesbaden, 1886. Neue chemische Untersuehung des Kochbruunens zu Wiesbadeu und Verglsi- chuug der mit deu 1849 erbalteneu. Wiesbaden, 1886. Tratado de anAlisis quiinica cuautitativa. Valeucia, 1886. Friedel. Ch. Cours de chimie organique. Partie I. S<$rie grasse. Paris, 1886. Gauba, L. Sull’indirizzo dell’insegnamento uelle scuole di ehimica applicata all’ iudustria: relazione alia Society d’ incoraggiamento d’ arti e mestieri in Milano. Milano, 1886. 8vo. Gange, C. Lehrbuch der augewaudten Optik in der Chemie. Spectralanalyse, Mikroskopie, Polarisation. Praktische Anleitung zu wisseuschaftlicheu und techuischen Untersuchungen mit Hfilfe optischer Instrumente, nebst t heoretischer Erklarungder beobachteten Erscheinungen. Mit Tabellen der Emissions- und Absorptions-Spectra in Wellenliingen, zahlreichen Abbildnngen im Text und 24 Spectraltafeln. Braunschweig, 1886. 6vo. Gallinek, A. Ueber die Sulfurirung der Phenylhydrazine. (Inaug.-Diss.) Breslau, 1886. 8vo. Garreau, L. Des attractions mol&sulaires que les gaz chirniqueinenta inertes ex- ercent entre eux et de leurs effete tComme agents de dissociations. Lille, 1886. 8vo. Gautier, A. 8nr les alcaloides de la destruction bact£rienue, on pbysiolo- gique des tissue animaux. Ptomaines et leucomalnes. Paris, 1886. 8vo. Gay, J. Sur l’absorption du bioxyde d’azote par les sels de protoxyde de fer. Paris, 1885. 4to. Gayon et Dupetit. Recherches sur la reduction des nitrates par les intiniment petite. Nancy, 1886. 8vo. A. Chimie organique. 3* ann6e. Ouvrage r6dig6 an programme officiel du 3 aoilt 1881 et aux instructions ministlrielles du 18octo- bre 1891. Paris, 1886. 11m. GeREACH, G. Th. Ueber Alkohol und Gemische aus Alkohol und Wasser. Wies- baden, 1885. 6vo. CHEMISTRY. 435 Gilkinet, A. Traitd de chimie pharmaceutique. Liege, 1885. 8vo. Gladysz. Sur uue nouvelle mdthode de r6g6udration du soufre des marcs de soude. Marseille, 1885. 8vo. Godefroy, L. Recherches relatives a Faction du chlore sur un melange de dichromate de potassium et d’alcool. Paris, 1886. 8vo. Goppelsroeder, Friedrich. Ueber die Darstelluug der Farbstoffe sowie iiber deren gleicbzeitig Bildung und Fixation auf den Fasern mit Hilfe der Elektrolyse. Reiclienberg, 1885. Gossels, W. Die Nitrate des Tbier- und Pflanzenkorpers. Berlin, 1686. Gossaiit, J. Le contrble cbimique de la fabrication du sucre. Lille, 1886. 8vo. Gramer, G. Ueber die Oxvdationsprodukte des Cbinolaethvlbromids. Freiburer i. B. 1886. 8vo. Grandeau, H. De Faction de sulfate de potasse a temperature dlevde sur les phos- phates mdtalliques. Paris, 1886. 4to. Grandval, A., et H. Lajoux. Nouveau procddd pour la recherche et le dosage rapide' de faibles quantity d’acide nitrique dans Fair, l’eau, le sol, etc. Reims, 1886. 8vo. Grimaux, E. Chimie orgauique bldmentaire. 4e edition refondue. Paris, 1885. 8vo. Grollo, A. Nozioni di chimica secondo le teorie moderne. 2“ ediz. Messina, 1885. 8vo. Groshans, J. A. Sur quelques analogies nouvelles entre les temperatures d’dbulli- tion et de fusion. Leide, 1885. Roy. 8vo. Guareschi, I. Nuove ricercbe sulla naftalina: nota. Torino, 1885. 8vo. Sulla y dicloronaftalina el’ acido ortomonocloroftalico. Torino, 1886. 8vo. Gucci, P. Prodotti della reazione fra la wi-fenileudiamina ed il solfuro di carbonio. Pisa, 1886. 8vo. Separazione del nichelio dal cobalto. Pisa, 1886. 8vo. Guerin, G Origine et transformations des matieres azotees cbez les etres vivants. Paris, 1886. 8vo. Gcillaume, E. Fabrication de l’amidon, description des diverses operations. Paris, 1886. 8vo. Gusenburger, H. Die Untersucbungen der Schmierole und Fette mit specieller Beriicksicbtigung der Miueralole. Luxemburg, 1886. Haarmann, Rudolph. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Isozuckersaure. Inaug.-Diss. Berlin, 1886. Haller, M. Ueber einige Derivate des Metaamidoanthraobinons. Freiburg i. B., 1886. 8vo. Hagemann,G A Studier over nogle Molekulvoiumen. 1886. 8vo. Studien iiber das Molekularvolumen einiger Korper. Aus dem diiuiscben iiber- setzt von P. Kundsen. Berlin, 1886. Haller, Stephan. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Pseudocumidins. Inaug.- Diss. (Freiberg). Berlin, 1886. Hammarsten, O. Kortfatted liirebok i farmaceutisk kemi ined bansyn till Svenska farmakopens preparat jemte haudleduing i titreringsanalysen. Afd. 1. Upsala, 1886. 8vo. Hand, A. Beitriige zur Kenntniss einiger Benzolderivate. Jena, 1886. 8vo. Handbuch dercbemischen Tecbnologie. Herausgegeben von P. A. Bolley; fortgesetzt. von K. Birnbaum. Band vi. Braunschweig, 1886. 8vo. Handworterbuch (Neues) der Chemie. Bearbeitet und redigirt von II. von Febling ui. C. Hell. Braunschweig, 1885-’86. Lieferungen 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55. Hartley, W. N. The Absorption Spectra of the Alcaloids. London, 1886. 4to. Hartmann, F. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Paramycylphenylketons. Freiburg i. B , 1886. 8vo. Das Verziunen, Verzinkcn, Vernickelu, Verstiihleu und das Ueberzieben von Metalleu mit anderen Metallen iiberbaupt. 2. verbesserte und sebr vermebrle Auflage. Wien, 1886, 436 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 188(3. Harz, Kurt. Ueber die Propylaldekyd uud deudrei isomeren Toluidinen eutstehen- den Chinolinahkommliuge. Inaug.- Diss. (Wurzburg). MUuclieu, 1885. HaUSHOFKR, K. Beitriige zur mikroskopischcu Analyse. I. Ueber die Anwendnng der concentrirten 8chwefelsiinre in der mikroskopischen Analyse. Miinchen, 1886. 8vo. Ueber einige mikroscopiscb- cheinische Keactiouen. Miiuclien, 1886. 8vo. Heaton, C. Wr. Experimental Chemistry, founded on the work of J. Stocklmrdt. Now edition, revised. London, 1886. 8vo. Hedix, S. G. Om pyridinens platinabaser. Akad. afhandl. Lund, 1886. 4to. Hegel, Sigmund. Syuthese von Indolderivaten. Inaug.- Dias. (Erlangen). WUrz- Inirg, 1885. Heixzerlikg, C. Abriss der cliemischen Technologic mit besomlerer Rilcksicht auf Statistik und Preisverhiiltnisse. Kassel, 1886, 8vo. Die Gefaliren uud Krankheiten in der ehemischen Industrie und die Mittel zu ihrer Verbiitung uud Beseitigung. Heft 6 and 7. Halle, 1886. 8vo. Heinzkrling, C. Phosphorfabrication, Ziiudholzer und Explosivstoffe. Halle, 1886. 8 vo. Helene, M. La poudre A canon et les nouveaux corps explosifs. 2®6dition. Paris, 1886. ISmo. HennIngkr, A. Sur quelques dt;riv6s de l’erythrite et les formines des alcools poly- atomiques. Paris, 1886. Henrici, J. Kleiner Grnudriss der Elementar-Chemie. Leipzig, 1886. 8vo. . Heskkiel, A. Die Pyndinbasen in der ehemischen Litcratur. Hamburg, 1886. Heukich, F. Tabellen zur qualitativen ehemischen Analyse. Wiesbaden, 1886. 8vo. Heusel, J. Eine neue Theorie der Lebeus-Chemie in typisclien Figuren vnran- schaulicht. Fiir Aerzte, Apotheker und Chemiker. Christiania, 1886. 8vo. Hjklt, E. Die intramoleculare Wasserabspaltung bei organischen Verbindungen. Monngraphisch dargestellt. Helsingfors und Berliu, 1886. 4to. IIjoktdaiil, T. Begyudelsesgrundene af den kvalitative Analyse. Kortfattet voi- leduing for de studereude ved Univcrsitets Laboratorium. 2den gjeunemsude Udgave. Christiania, 1886. 8vo. Hobkin, F. Ueber Benzanbydroisodiamidotoluol und zwei gebrointe Derivate. Inaug.-Diss. Gottingen, 1885. Hoff, H. J. van’t. Bijdrage tot de keuuis der inaktieve appelzuren van verschil- leude afkomst. Rotterdam, 1886. 8vo. Hoffa, A. Die Natur des Milzbrand-Giftes. Wiesbaden, 1886. Hofmann, A. W. Ueber die Einwirkung des Ammoniaks uud der Amine auf den Sulfocyanursiiuremethylaether und das Cvanurohlorid. Norinale alkylirte Me- lamine. Ueber die den Alkylcyanamiden entstammenden alkylirten Isomela mine und iiber die Constitution des Melamins und der Cyanursiiure. 2 Ahhand- luugeu. Berlin, 1885. 8vo. . Zur Geschichte der Cyanursaureatker. Nachtriigliches iiber das chlorirte Methylisocyanurat und die Constitution der Cyanursiiuren. Z wei Abhandlungen. B< rlin, 1886. Hommage a Monsieur Chevrenl A l’occasion deson centenaire. Paris, 1886. 4to. HCetlin, E. Beitriige zur Kenntuiss des Papaverins. Freiburg i. B., 1886. Hugounknq, L. Les alcaloides d’origine ammale. Paris, 1886. 8vo. Humjiel, .J.J. The Dyeing of Textile Fabrics. London, 1885. 12mo. Husband, H. A. Aids to the Analysis of Food and Drugs. London, 1885. 12mo. Industries. Journal of Engineering, Electricity, ami Chemistry for the manufactur- ing trades. Manchester. 4to. Isbekt, A. Zur Kenntuiss des Acetessigiithers uud eiuiger seiner Abkouiuilinge. Jeua, 1886. 8vo. Israel, A- Ueber den Propiopropionsaureiithylather. Jena, 188(i. CHEMISTRY, 437 I wig, Friedrich. Ueber Oxydation des Mannits mi t ubermanganaaurem Kalinin in alkali.scber uml saurer Losung und iiber trockene Destination von essigsaurem Silber. Inaug.-Diss. Wiirzbnrg, 1884. Jacobsen, O. Die Glycoside. Breslau, 1886. 8vo. Jacoby, Otto. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der koblenstoffreicberen alipbatischeu Ver- bindungen. Inaug.-Diss. Berlin, 1886. Jagnaux, R. Traitd de cbimie g. 8vo. Krukenberg, C. F. Compendio di analisi cbimico-medico. Trad. c. note di D. Gibertiui. Parma, 1885. 8vo. KrCss, G. Untersuchung iiber daa Atomgewicht des Gobles. Miinclien, 1886. 8vo. Kdnz, Hermann. Beitriige zur Kenutniss der chemischen Bestandtheile der Atropa belladonna und des Extractum belladonnm. Inaug.- Diss. Freiburg, 1886. Kurzgefasste Anleitung zur qualitativen chemischen Analyse. Giessen, 1886. Labat, A. Du degr6 de certitude de l’analyse des eaux. Paris, 1885. 8vo. Ladureau, A. Recherches sur le ferment ammoniacal. Lille, 1885, 8vo. Landoi.t, H. Ueber die Zeitdauer der Reaction zwischen Jodsiiure und Schwetliger- K-inrc. Berlin (Mitth. Akad.), 1886. 8vo. Lange, O. Ueber Methylderivatedes Pyridins. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntuiss der Pyri- dinbasen. Kiel, 1886. 8vo. Langguth, F. O. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Parabibromcyinolsulfonsiiuro. Frei- burg i. B.. 1886. 8vo. Langi.ebeht, J. Qutmica. Trad, de la tiltima edicion francesa por L. Elizage. Paris, 1886. 12mo. Larbal£trier, A. Les engrais chimiques et les matures fertilisantes d’originu miner Nicotin. Kiel, 1886. 8vo. CHEMISTRY. 439 Liebkkich, O. Ueberden todtenRaum bei chemischeu Reactionen. Berlin (Mitth. Akad.), 1886. 8vo. Liepmann, H. K. Die Mechanik der Lencipp-Deinocritischen Atome unter beson- derer Beriicksichtigung eu von F. Stohmaun und B. Kerb 4. Aullage. Baud I. Braunschweig, 18b6. 8vo. Mutiimann, Wilh. Ueber uiedere Oxyde des Molydiius. Inaug.-Diss. Miiuehen, 1886. Nicolaysen, Carl. Zur Kenutuiss des Phenylacridins. Freiburg i. B, 1885. Niktzki, R. Orgauiscbe Farbstoffe. Breslau, 1886. 8vo. On tbe influence of fluctuatious of atmospheric pressure on the evolution of fire-damp. Report of experiments concerning this question carried on in tbe Archduke Albert’s coal mines near Karwin, in Austrian Silesia. Tescben, 1886. 4to. Oppknheimer, Hugo. Beitriige zur Kenutuiss des Terephtaldehydes. Inaug.-Diss. Miiuehen, 1886. Orme, Temple. Rudiments of Chemistry. London, 1886. 8vo. Paal, C. Das Acetophenoacetou und seine Derivate. Erlangen, 1886. 8vo. Pactow. Llricu. Ueber Beuzylarseuverbiuduugen. Rostock, 1885.' CHEMISTRY. 441 Palmkri, P. Sulla nitrificazione del piomhn. [Napoli], 1886. Palmeri, P., e E. Casohia. Vini adulterati. Aualisi o determinazioui quantitative, e delle materie eoloranti eatrauee o specialmente dell’ oricello. 2 meinorie. [Portici], 1886. Parmentier. Molybdeue, vanadium, et titane. Paris, 1886. 8vo. Parneli., E. A. The Life and Labors of John Mercer, the self-taught Chemical Phi- losopher, including numerous Recipes used at the Oakenshaw Calico Print Works. London, 1886. 8vo, with portrait. Parone, S. Corso di nozioni fisico-chimiche e di materie prime. 2 vols. Torino, 1886. 8vo. Patiie, K. Ueber die Einwirkung von Brom auf die Pseudocumol (5) sulfonsaure in verdiinnter wasseriger Losuug und einige Derivate des Pseudocumols. Frei- burg i. B., 1886. 8vo. Paterno, E., e R. Nasini. Sulla determinazione del peso moleculare delle sostauze organiche per mezzo del puuto di congelameuto delle loro soluzioni. Roma, 1886. 4 to. Paucksch, H. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Ortho- und Paraamidoathylbenzols (Ortho- und Paraphaenaethylamins). Freiburg i. B., 1886. 8vo. Pawlewski, Bronislaw. Sposoby oceniania wartosci naftv. Warszawa, 1885. Peale, Albert C. Lists and Analyses of the Mineral Springs of the United States. [A preliminary study.] Bulletin No. 32 of the U. S. Geological Survey, Depart- ment of the Interior. Washington, 1886. 235 pp. 8vo. Pendleton, J. H. Ueber Isomerie in der Thiophenreihe. Gottingen, 1886. 8vo. Pictermann, A. Recherclies de cliimie et de physiologie appliqubes h l’agriculture. Analyses des mat i feres fertilisantes et alimentaires. 2me Edition, revue et aug- meutfee. Bruxelles, 1886. Peters, Hermann. Aus pharmaceutischer Vorzeit in Bild uud Wort. Berlin, 1886. Peyraud, H. Etudes expferimentales sur la composition de Fair de Vichy. Bordeaux, 1886. 8vo. Pfeiffer, E. Die Analyse der Milch. Anleitnng zur qualitativen und quautita- tiven Untersuchuug dieses Secretes fiir Chemiker, Pharmazeuten und Aertzte. Wiesbaden, 1886. 8vo. Pfordten, O. von der. Untersuchungen iiber das Titan. Strassburg, 1886. 8vo. Pfungst, A. Ueber die Einwirkung der Nitroethane auf die chlorhydrine melir- werthiger Alkohole, Leipzig, 1886. 8vo. Phillips, S. E. Old or New Chemistry, which is fittest for survival ? And other essays in chemical philosophy. London, 1886. Phipson, T. L. Outlines of a New Atomic Theory. Fourth edition. London, 1886. Pickel, J. M. Propionylauhydroisodiamidotoluol (Propenylisotoluylenainidin.) Inaug.-Diss. Gottingen, 1885. 8vo. Pickel, M. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Condensation der Phenylhydrazin. Erlangen, 1886. 8vo. Pinner, A. Repetitorium der organischen Chemie. 7. Aufl. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. Pizzi, A. I pesi atomici e le proprieta fisiche principali dei corpi indecomposti, od elementi chimici che nello state presente della scienza si conoscono. Reggio uell’ Emilia, 1886. 3 vols, 4to. Posadsky, S. Practischc Modification der Pettenkofer-Nagorsky’schen Methode zur Bestimmung des Kohleusauregehalts dei Luit. Mit Tabellen : i. Der Bestimm- ung des Kohlensiiure-V olumens der Luft nach Abnahme der alkalischen Reaction der Barytlosung, und 11. Zur Reduction eines Gasvolumens auf 0° Temperatur und auf 760mm Luftdruck. St. Petersburg, 1886. 8vo. Prieto, C. F., de Landero y R. Diuamica quimica. Guadalajara, 1886. 8vo. Proceedings of the Third Annual Convention of the Association of Official Agricult- ural Chemists, August 26 and 27, 1886. Department of Agriculture, Divis- ion of Chemistry, Bulletin No. 12. Methods of Aualysis of Commercial Fertilizers. Washington, 1886. 8vo. 442 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886 prrciiKTT, I. Qualitative Chemical Analyses (Inorganic and Organic). Part I. Elemeutary stage for schools and science classes. Leeds, 1886. 12rtio. Rammklsbeiig, C. F. Handbuch der Mineralchemie. Erganznngsheft aur 8. Auflage. Leipzig, 1886. 8vo. Diechemische Natnrder Mineralien. Svstematisch znsammengestellt. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. Leitfaden fiir die qnantitative chemische Analyse, bosomlers der Mineralien and Hiittenprodncte, dnrcli Bcispiele erliiutert. 4. nmgearbeitete Antlagn. Ber- lin, 1886. 8vo. Ramsaukr, P. Petroleum. Oldenburg, 1886. 8vo. Raskk, Kart.. Znr chemischen Kenntniss des Embryo. Berlin, 1886. Rathke, A. Bibliothek fiir Zucker-Interessenten. Bandinndv. Magdeburg, 1886. 8vo. Recoura, A. Recherches sur les chlorures de chrome. Paris, 1886. 4to. Reese, A. Ueber aromatische Antimonverbindungen. Freiburg i. B., 1885. 8vo. Rkgodt, II. Notions de chimie applicables aux usages de la vie (programmes offl- ciels). 27e 6d. Paris, 1886. 12mo. Rkh, A. Ueber die Einfiihrung von Brom in Benzoesiiure und die Einwirkung von Natrium auf Metabrombenzoesaureiithylester. Darmstadt, 1886. 8vo. Remse.n, Ira. An Introduction to the Study of Chemistry. New York, 1886. 8vo. Einleitung in das Studium der Kohlenstoffverbindungen, oder Organische Chemie. Tiibingen, 1886. Rknk, F. Die Luffc. (Aus dem Handbuch der Hygiene.) Leipzig, 1886. 8vo. Renotte, F. Petite chimie agricole A la portae des cultivateurs. Entretieu familier sur la vie des plautes et sur la culture ratiounelle de la bctterave et sur les champs Louvain, 1886. 8vo. Reuss, W. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der salpetersauren Quecksilberoxydulsalze. Braunschweig, 1886. 8vo. Richards, Edgar. Principles and Methods of Soil Analysis. Bulletin No. 10, De- partment of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry. Washington, 1886. 8vo. Richards, Eli.en H. Food Materials and their Adulterations. Household Manuals No. ii. Boston, 1886. Richardson, A. On the Determination of the Vapor Pressure of Organic Alcohols and Acids and the Relations existing between the Vapor Pressures of Organic Alcohols and Acids. Bristol, 1886. 8vo. Richter, V. v. Lehrbnch der anorganischcn Chemie. Mit 69 Holzschnitten und I Spectraltafel. 5. neu bearb. Auflage. Bonn, 1886. 8vo. Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds, or Organic Chemistry. Translated from • the fourth German edition by E. F. Smith. Philadelphia, 1886. Rischbieth, P. Ueber die Ratlinose oder den sogenaunten Plnszucker aus Melasso und aus Baumwollensamen. Gottingen, 1886. 8vo. Rivot. Docimasic; Trait6 d’analyse des substances minlrales. Tome v. Paris, 1886. Romen, C. Bleicherei, Fiirberei und Appretur der Baninwoll und Leinen- Waaren. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. Rosa, A., ed E. Pf.rroncito. Relazione sull’ analiei chimica e biologies su alcune acque proposte per provedere di acqua potabile la cittA di Aosta. Aosta, 1886. 16mo. Roscoe, Henry E. Lessons in Elementary Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic. New edition. London, 1886. Roscoe, H, und C. Schorlemmer. Kurzes Lehrbuch der Chemie nachden nenesten Ansichten der Wissenschaft. 8. Anfl. Braunschweig, 1886. 8vo. Rosenberg, J. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Thiophengruppe. Anhang iiber die An- hydride der aroraatisclien 8ulfonsiiuren. Gottingen, 1886. 8vo. Rosenthal, T. Ueber die Betasulfopropionsaurc. Itiaug.-Diss. Halle, 1886. 8vo. RUDEL1U8, C. Platinapropylsulfinforeningar. • Akad. afhandl. Lund. 1886. 4to. CHEMISTRY. 443 RtiDORFF, E. Auleitung zur chemischen Analyse fur Anfiiuger. 7. Aufl. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. Rydberg, J. R. Om de kemiska grundiimnenas periodiska system. Stockholm, 1885. 8vo. Sacc, F. Trabajos del laboratorio nacional de qufmica en Cochabamba. La Paz, 1886. 12mo. Sadtler, S. P. Die Gewinnung des Theers and Ammoniakwassers. Uebersetzt und mit einem Anhange verseheu von G. Bornemaun. Leipzig, 1886. 8vo. Salmonowitz, S. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Alkaloide des Aconitum lycoctonum. Inaug.- Diss. Dorpat, 1885. Sanger, A. Ueber einige Aether und eine neue Bildungsweise der Unterphosplior- saure. Jena, 1886. vo. Saucerotte. Petite cliimie des 6coles, simples notions sur les applications de cette science a Pindustrie, & l’agriculture, et & l’dconomie domestique. 6s Edition, revue et modifide. Paris, 1885. 18mo. Sbriziolo, M. Trattato teorico-pratico di tossicologia generale e speciale medico- clinico-legale. Napoli, 1885. Schafft, A. Uebersichtstafeln zum Unterricht in der anorganischen Chemie und Mineralogie. Bielefeld, 1886. 8vo. Schafs, A. Notes des aides-chimistes pour sncreries. St.-Trond, 1885. 8vo. Scheurer-Kestner. Nicolas Leblanc et sa sonde artificielle. (Conference de la Societe chimique de Paris.) Paris, 1886. 8vo. Schmid, Jacob. Ueber das Fisetin, den Farbstoff des Fisetholzes. Iuaug.-Diss. Ziirich, 1886. Schmieder, Johannes. Ueber Bestandtheile des Polyporus. Inaug.-Diss. (Erlan- gen). Hannover, 1886. Schmidt, E. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der isomeren Mono- und Dinitroderivate der unsymmetri8chon (a)-m-xylolsulfonsiiure. Freiburg i. B., 188 . 8\ o. Schmidt, M. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phenylcyanat auf Phenole und Phenalather bei Gegenwart von Alumiuiumchlorid. Gottingen, 1886. 8vo. Schmitz, P. Ueber Parajodphenylmercaptursiinre. Freiburg i. B., 1886. 8vo. Sciiomacker, J. Beitrag zur forensisch-cliemischen Nachweise der Resorcin und Breuzcatechin im Thierkorper. (Inau j.-Diss.) Dorpat, 1886. 8vo. SciiOpff, Martin. IJ'n Beitrag zur Kentniss der Amidoxime und Azoxime. Inaug.- Diss. Berlin, 1886. Schreiber. Grundriss der Chemie und Mineralogie. 4. vollstiindig u.ngearbeitete Aullage. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. Schultz, G. Die Chemie des Steinkolilentheers. 2. Aufl. Band I. Die Rohma- terialien. Braunschweig, 1886. 8vo. Schulz, Otto. Ueber Benzenylazoxime und Benzenylazoximcarbousiiuren. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der ringformig geschlossenen Verbindungen. Iuaug.-Diss. Berlin, 1886. Schunk, Hermann. Ueber einige Salze der cr-Phenylmicbsiiure und iiber einige Nitro-ued Arnidoderivatederselben Saure. Iuaug.-Diss., Basel. Miincheu, 1886. Sedna, L. Das Wachs und seine technische Verwenduug. Wieu, 1886. 8vo. Sefferth,E. Zur Kenntniss der Picolinsaure und Nicolinsaure. Leipzig, 1886. 8vo. Sell, E. Ueber Kunstbutter. Ihre Herstellung, sanitiireBeurtlieilung und die Mittel zu ilirer Unterscheidung von Milchbutter. Beitriige zur JCenntniss der Milch- butter und der zu ihrem Ersatz in Anwenduug gebrachten anderen Fette. (Aus den “ Arbeiten deskaiserl. Gesundheitsamtes, Band i.”) Berlin, 1886. 4to. Seltner, E. Die Indigokiipeu, deren Anstellung, Gebrauch und praktische Behand- lung. Leipzig, 1886. 8vo. Serrant, Emile. Sozolic Acid; its chemical, physiological, and therapeutical prop- erties. Paris, 1886. Sestini, F., e A. Funaro. Elementi di chimica ad uso degli istituti tecnici secondo i nuovi programmi goveruativi del 21 giugno 1885. Livorno, 1886. 16mo. RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Sktsciiknow, J. Ueber «li« Absorptionscoefticienteu dor Koblensuure in il«n zu difesem Gase mdifterenteu Salzlosungen. St. Petersburg, 1886. Skxton, A. Humboldt. Outlines of (Quantitative Analysis. For the Use of Students. London, H-d. Shenstone, W. A. A Practical Introduction to Chemistry, intended to give a practi- cal acquaintance with the elementary facts and principles of chemistry. Loudon, 1-ti. Sikbert.G. Kurzer AbrissderGeschichteder Cliemie. Wien nud Leipzig, 1886. 8vo. Skraup, Z. H. Farbeureaction zur Bnurtheilung der Constitution von Carbonsuuren der Pyridin-, Chinolin- und verwandten Reihen. Wien, 1886. 8vo. Snijdkrs, A. J. C. Scheikundige brievou. Leercursus ter beoefoning der cheinie door zelfouderricbt. Volgens de nieuwste nitkomsten dor wetensebap, naar aan- leiding van Kriitzer’s Chemische Uuterrichts-Briefe. Zutphen, 1886. Roy. 8vo. So lari, L. Sur les naphtalines bichlorides a, 6. Genhve, 1886. 8vo. Spady, Johann. Ueber a- Isobutyl- ft- isopropylcliinolin und dessen Uniwand- lungsproducte. (Inaug.-Diss., Basel.) MUnchen, 1885. Spring, W., et L. Roland. Recherches sur les proportions d’acide carbonlque con- tinues dans Pair. Lifcge, 1885. 8vo. Staats, F. Ueber Asaron. (Inaug.-Diss.) Breslau, 1885. Stahl, W. Ueber Raftiuation, Analyse und Eigenschaften des Kupfers. Claustbal, 1886. 8vo. Stefan, J. Ueber die Bcziehung zwischen den Theorien der Capillaritiit und der Ver- dampfung. Wien, 1886. 8vo. Stevenson, Tiiomas. Spirit Gravities with Tables. Calculated from the tables of Gilpin. London, 1886. 8vo. Stolz, Friedrich. Ueber die Jodpropriolsiiure. Inaug.-Diss. (Erlangen). Miln- chen,1886. Stiuegler, M. Ueber die Melauurensaure. Leipzig, 1886. 8vo. Stutzer, A. Der Chilisalpeter, seiue Bodoutung und Anwenduug als Diingemittel. Unter Beriicksichtiguug der Schrift von A. Damseaux bearbeitet und herausge- geben von P. Wagner. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. Sutton, Francis. A Systematic Handbook of Volumetric Analysis, or the quantita- tive estimation of chemical substauces by measure applied to liquids, solids, and gases; adapted to the acquirements of pnre chemical research, pathological chemistry, pharmacy, metallurgy, manufacturing chemistry, photography, etc., and for the valuation of substauces used in commerce, agriculture, and the arts. Fifth edition. Loudon, 1886. 8vo. Steinkeld, W. Ueber die Wirkuug des Wismuths anf den thierischeu Organism us. Inaug.-Diss. Dorpat, 1885. Tableaux servant a Panalyse chimique. Deux parties. Traduites de l’allcmaud par J. Krutwig. Bonn, 1885. Lex 8vo. Taylor, R. L. Analysis Tables for Chemical Students. London, 1886. Teplow, M. N. Die Schwingnngsknoten-Theorie der chemischcn Verbindnngen. Uebersetzt von L. Jawein. St. Petersburg, 1886. Thal<5N, R. Sur le spectre du fer, obtenu a l’aide de Parc idectriqne. Upsal, 1885. 4to. Thomsen, J. Thermochemische Untersuchnngea. Band iv. Orgauische Verbin- dungen. Leipzig, 1836. 8vo. [Completing the work. ] Thudichum, L. J. W. - Gruudzlige der anatomischen und kliuischen Chemie. Ana- lecten fiir Forscher, Aerzte und Stiulirende. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. Tilths, F. C. Znr Kenntniss der Dioxyamidoanthrachinonsulfonsaure. Freiburg i. B., 1886. 8vo. Trinkwasser (Das) der Stadt Kiel anf Grundlage von Analysen aller BrnnnenWasser Kiels, ausgefiihrt i. J. 1883 im Anftragen der stiidtischen Gesnndheits-Coinmis- sion durch das agriculturchemische Laboratorinm der landwirtschaftlichen Ver- suchsstation zu Kiel. Kiel, 1886. 4to. CHEMISTRY. 445 Troilius, Magnus. Notes on the Chemistry of Iron. New York, 1886. 8vo. Troost, L. Tratado elemental de qufmica arreglado al programa official de la se- gnnda ensenanza con las principales aplicaciones d las artes, industria, medicina 6 higiene. Version castellana con autorizacion por A. Sanchez de Bustameute. 6a ed. Paris, 1885. 8vo. Tyler, Harry VV. Entertainments in Chemistry. Easy lessons and directions for safe experiments. Chicago, 1886. Tyson, J. A Guide to the Practical Examination of the Urine, for the nse of physi- cians and students. Fifth edition. Philadelphia, 1886. 12mo. Uffici d’ aualisi, reclamati dalla salute pubblica, dall’ industria eDologica e dal com- mercio. Couferenza dall’ avo. F. Casella. Piacenza, 1885. Urech, F. Itinerarium durch die theoretische Entwicklungsgeschichte der Lohro von der chemischen Reactionsgeschwindigkeit. Berlin, 1885. Valeur, Fredrik. Ueber Chinolindisulfonsauren und Derivate derselben. Iuaug.- Uiss. (Tubingen). Aachen, 1886. Van Aubel, E. Note sur la transparence du platiue. Bruxelles, 1886. Vannuccini, G. Letame e concimi chimici; cousiderazioni e raffronti, lettura ecc. Cittd di Castello, 1885. 8vo. Vanuccini, E. Analisi chimica delle nuove polle acqua del risorgimento di Mou- tecatini in Val di Nievole. Prato, 1885. 8vo. Vermorel, V. Le sulfurede carbone, ses propriety, sa fabrication, ses falsitications, moyens pratiques de sa puretd. Tours, 1886. 8vo. Verneuil, A. Recherches sur quelques combinaisons azotdes du sdldnium. Paris, 1886. 4to. Very y Lopez, V. Breves nocionesde quimica orgdnica. Madrid, 1885. 8vo. Vierteljaliresschrift iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Chemie, der Nahruugs- und Genussmittel, der Gebrauchsgegenstiinde, sowie der hierher gehorenden lu- dustriezweige. Unter Mitwirkung von Degener, Hochstetter, P. Lohmann, Benno Martiny, Paack, Proskauer, Wurzburg, L. Aubry, R. Sendtner, H. Will, vou Peters, Weigmann, J. Mayrhofor, E. von Raumer, Rottger, herausgegeben von A. Hilger, R. Kayser, J. Konig, E. Sell. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. Villejean, A. Recherches expdrimeutales sur les propri6t6s chimiques et idiysio- logiques du chlorure de mdthylbue. Paris, 1886. Vincent, L. Du r61e industriel de la magnAsie. Marseille, 1886. 8vo. Vlasto, E. Les origiues de l’alchimie, parM. Berthelot. Extrait des Bulletins de la Socffitd des iugdnieurs civils. Paris, 1886 . 8vo. Waeber, R. Leitfaden fiir den Unterricht in der Chemie. 5. Aullage. Leipzig, 1885. 8vo. Wagner, A. Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie. Miiuclien, 1886. Wagner, L. von. Die Starkefabrikatiou in Verbindung mit der Dextrin-und Trau- benzuckerfabrikation. 2. durch Naclitriige vermehrte Aullage. Braunschweig, 18W6. 8vo. Wagner, Rudolph von. Handbuch der chemischen Technologic. Bearbeitet von Ferd. Fischer. Zwolfte Aullage. Leipzig, 1886. Wandtafel der periodischeu Gesetzmiissigkeit der Elemente uach Mend lejeff. Li- thographie. Wien, n. d. Imp. fol. Wandtafeln der Atomgewiclite der chemischen Elemente H = I. 2 Blatt. Litlio- graphie. Wien, n. d. Fol. Wanklyn, J. Alfred. Milk-Analysis : a practical treatise on the examination of milk and its derivatives, cream, butter, and cheese. Second edition. London, 1886. The Gas Engineer’s Chemical Manual. London, 1886. Wanklyn, J. A., and E. T. Chapman. Water-Analysis : a practical treatise on the examination of potable water. Sixth edition. London, 1884. Wanklyn and Cooper. Bread Analysis. New edition. London, 1886, 446 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Watt, A. Electro-Deposition. Practical treatise on the electrolysis of gold, silver, copper, nickel, and other metals and alloys. With descriptions of voltaic bat- teries, magneto- and dynamo-eleetric machines, thermopiles, and the materials and processes used in every department of art, and several chapters on electro- metallurgy. London, 1886. 8vo. Watt’s Manual of Chemistry. (Based on Fowue’s Manual.) V4tl.11. Second edition. Chemistry of Carbon Compounds, or Organic Chemistry. By W. A. Tilden. London, 1886. Wellington, C. Ueber die Einwirkung des Formalaldehyds auf verschiedene or- ganische Amine, sowie die Darstellung eiuiger saneren urornatischen Sulfate. Gottingen, 1886. 8vo. Weil, H. Synthese eiues reducierten Pyrrols. Erlangen, 1886. 8vo. Widman, O. Oin kumenylakrylsyrans framstiillning och nitrering, ortoderivat, metaderivat, etc. Stockholm, 1886. 8vo. Wiebecke, B. Geschichtliche Entwickelung aneerer Kenntniss der Ptomaine uml verwandter Kdrper. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. Wilbrand, F. Leitfaden fur den methodischen Uuterricht in der anorganischen Chcmie. 5. Auflage. Hildesheim, 1886. Wilder, Hans M. List of Tests (Reagents) arranged in alphabetical order accord- ing to the names of the originators. Designed especially for the convenient ref- erence of chemists, pharmacists, and scientists. New York and London, 1886. 12mo. Wiley, Harvey W. The Economical Aspects of Agricultural Chemistry. An ad- dress before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at the Buffalo meeting, August, 1886. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo. Will, E. Tavole per 1’unalisi chimica qualitativa; traduzione da G. Carnelutti sull’ ultima edizione tedesca. Milano, 1885. 8vo. Wills, G. S. V. A Manual of Practical Analysis. Eighth edition. London, 1885. 8vo. Willson, A. R. Chemical Notes for Pharmaceutical Students. Second edition. London, 1886. 8vo. Winkler, Clement. Manuel pratique de l’analyse industrielle dcsgaz. Traduitde l’allemand par O'. Bias. Paris, 1886. WOHLER, F. Gruudriss der organischen Chemie bearbeitet von R. Fittig. 11. Anti. Leipzig, 1886. 8vo. Wolfe, Lawrence. Applied Medical Chemistry, containing a description of the apparatus ami methods employed in the practice of medical chemistry, the chem- istry of poisons, physiological and pathological analysis, urinary and fecal anal- ysis, sanitary chemistry, and the examination of medicinal agents, foods, etc. Philadelphia, 1886. 8vo. Wolfe uml Baumann. Tabellen zur Berechnung der organischen Elemeutaranalyse. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. Wollner, Robert. Ueber Methyl-p-Xylylketon. Inaug.-Diss. Freiburg i. B., 1885. Wooten, H. Three Hundred Problems in Chemical Physics and Specific Gravities, with Key. London, I836. 8vo. Wunderlich, Aemilius Edwin. UeberCarbamincyamide. Inaug.-Diss. Wlirzburg, 1886. Wunderlich, A. Configuration orgauischer Molekiilc. Leipzig, 1886. 8vo. Wurtz, A. Dictionnaire dechimie pureet Supplement. Fascicule 11 (et dernier). Paris, 1886. 8vo. La atomique. Quatrieme Edition, d’une introduction sur la vie et les travaux de l’auteur par Ch. Friedel. Paris, 1886. WPst, F. Uebereinige neue Fettsiiuren hoheren Knhlenstoffgeiialtcs. Freiburg i. B., 1886. 8vo. . CHEMISTRY. 447 Zangerle, M. Grundriss der anorganischen Chemie. 3. Auflage. Braunschweig, 1886. 8vo. Grundriss der organischen Chemie. 3. Auflage. Brauuschweig, 1886. 8vo. Kemiau alkeet. Porvoosa. 1886. Lehrbuch der Chemie nach den nenesten Ausichten der Wissenscliaft. 2 Biinde. 3. Auflage. Braunschweig, 1885. 8vo. • Zeitschrift fur Nahrungsmittel-Untersuchung nnd Hygiene. Eine Monatsschrift fiir chemische und mikroscopische Uutersuchuug von Naliruugs- und Genussmitteln nnd Gebrauchsgegenstiiuden. Beiblatt der Wochenschrift “ Pharmaceutische Post.” Herausgegeben und redigirt von Hans Heger in Wien. Wieu, 1886.