Aug. 6 04 Dear Paton Bad man! We were desolated not to have you with us at Oxford. I've had a charming time. You will be sorry to hear that I have decided to take the Chair of Medicine at Oxford -- a restful, quiet spot in which to end one's days -- I hope -- without the rush and bustle of my life of late years, [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] of which I have tired & which has tired me. After 30 years of hard work my gray cortex is full of pigment and detritus of all sorts. Some will think the move as evidence of G. P., but I do not care. Mrs. Osler approves and that means much. T'will be hard to break away from all old friends, among whom you and Mrs. Paton rank high. I do not leave until next year. In what a charming place [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] you have settled. I have sent on your letter to Miss Osler, whom I join at Pointe a Pic next week. Love to the Barkers. I wrote to B. so he may have told you of my lapse. Love to Mrs. Paton. Yours sincerely Wm. Osler