Congratulations to Miss Noyes. She is the lynch pin! From the Regius Professor of Medicine, Oxford. 25. IV. 17 Dear Jacobs Your cable just received bowled us over completely. Did ever any one have such friends! I am deeply touched. You know how much I love the old Faculty and what a pleasure it was for me to serve its interests. I do not think that anything in Baltimore gave me greater pleasure than to see the Faculty established in a proper home and to watch the progress of the Library. Think of the old days in those dismal rooms under the Hist. Soc.! Dear Cordell! What a fine loyal soul he was! And Ashby, always so full of hope, & Randolph Winston, a bit doubtful about the money! How much we owe too, to [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] those older men. Christ. Johnston, Donaldson, Chew & Miles who made us, strangers, so welcome. Welch & Martin & Remsen paved the way. And it might have been so different! The Faculty was really the stock in the soup. I will write to the President so soon as I have additional particulars. What good friends to the Faculty you & Mrs. Jacobs have been! Very satisfactory letters at last from Revere who has had six weeks of incessant fighting. His battery was with the advance division. Grace is having one of his letters copied & Margery will pass it on. He keeps wonderfully well -- has only been off duty one day since Oct 20th -- a barked shin. He is now in the wagon lines for a couple of weeks. Fortunately he likes his fellow officers, and the work has been so heavy that he has had no time to worry, and he never complains. Poor laddie! It is a hell of an experience for him to have had. One of my sisters boys was killed at Vimy Ridge -- a brother of Norman Gwyn's, and such a fine officer! Sue Chapin is still here -- She & Grace work like galley slaves. I am back in my old paths -- away four days last week, very busy times about the Hospitals & rearrangements. America will save the situation! We are so excited about it. Love to Mrs. Jacobs and to all the old friends. Yours, W.O.