Dec. 26th 1913 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford. Dear Jacobs How did you know that my galluses were in tatters! Such an acceptable present! Thank you so much. We have had a very happy Xmas, the house full & a very merry party. A brother [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] from B.C, whom I have not seen for 30 years (& his wife) & Joe Revere & one of the Wright girls who is at school here, Ottilie Campbell Howard's sister, but not such a desolater. My books are streaming in & such treasures. I got a Newton Principia the other day to add to my Ed. Principia of the 17th [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] century. Revere has taken to the auction room & sent his first bid to Sothebys, 1 pound for Landor's Pericles & Asphasia & got it. He is taking such an interest in good literature. He got his etching outfit for Xmas & has just started to copy one of his Florence Sketches. I do hope the Billings Library scheme will turn out right. Mr. C. might do it for B's sake if John Cadwallader or Welch asked him. I had better not [END PAGE THREE] [BEGIN PAGE FOUR] "but in." I do not believe he takes much stock in me. He cannot understand why I left the United States. I am so sorry for Barker. It is really a hard position for him & not altogether fair from the University stand point. It is a nice point in equity. I dread this super-clinician group. I fear they will be as little in touch with the rank and file as the professional anatomists & physiologists. And it will not be pleasant for the men in the hospital to have the chiefs of their Depts. playing second fiddle or 3rd! in the community. Love to Mrs. Jacobs. Yours, W.O.