Feb. 4th 1910 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford. Dear Jacobs I am all right again -- no further colic or rocks. We were very sorry to hear of Mrs. Gilman's death. She had a splendid life and was a fine figure in the Hopkins History. We are having a busy time. I am deep in Bodley matters -- struggling with the underground [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] storage stack. The machinery here needs oiling badly, -- too many bosses & not enough money. Splendid weather -- such bright clear days. Tommy wrote in such good spirits from Winchester -- no homesickness or worries. As the new boy he has to pay for his gallery (dormitory) and on early duty to call the boys at 6:30, go back to bed & call them again at 6:35 6:40 & 6:45! They have a special language which new boys have to learn -- nearly 400 words. [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] I shall not be able to order the Aesculapius this year. I have had to subscribe to the new building of the Royal Med Society fund, pour encourager les autres and that has taken my spare cash -- but it will come later. Nothing much in the auctions yet -- did you take the G. H. cane -- it must be a beauty. It is nice to hear how happy Miss Mae Fletcher seems to be. Love to Mrs. Jacobs & the boys. Yours ever, W. Osler