44 ave d'Iena 8th Dear Jacobs I have not been able to find Vernon's address -- he is not in the directory, but this afternoon an artist friend said he thought he could find him. Sorry for the delay. We are very busy -- something fresh every day. I have just come in from the Tropical Disease Society at the Pasteur with Leveran. A young fellow read a most interesting account of the treatment of sleeping sickness by the [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] French Commission -- some 500 cases and good results so far as arrest goes, but recurrences seem the rule. Twas rather sad as in the room was one of the young fellows who went out, who has the disease, tho he looks remarkably well. Magnin had a good laugh with me the other night about your letter in which you thought he, M, had had overtures from the Johns Hopkins. It was, as no doubt he has written, about V. Pirquet, Escherich's 1st assistant. I do not know whether or not you met him in Washington. I saw him here four or five times, and heard him read a paper at the Societe des [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] Hopitaux and at the Pediatric. He talks French like a native & his English is wonderful. He looks & from all accounts is, a gentlemen, which is a great matter. If they have any thoughts of importing, he is the man. Sunday eve Landouzy gave a great dinner -- really a beautiful affair, 30 at table & he made a really remarkable speech -- he must have been posted by some one. He had read several of my books & referred to my Tub. Article in the textbook in Gaelic terms. I was warned by Marie, dear soul! -- that there was to be a little speech so I got off a phrase or two in French & then laid on the butter in English. Mrs. Osler has sent the menu to Mrs. Revere & has asked her to send [END PAGE THREE] [BEGIN PAGE FOUR] on to you. The [ . . . ] of the faculty are most interesting. A the faculty are most interesting. After dinner there was a big reception -- about 300. All the young [ . . . ], their wives & music & at 11:30 a supper. Madam L's 1st husband owned the Revue des Deux Mondes & has a magnificent old Empire hotel -- beautiful rooms. Chauffard gave us a lovely dinner on Tuesday & on Friday Raymond so we were very full. Mrs. O. goes on Saturday to Oxford to bring Isaac. I have been getting a few good things a first Ed. of Auenbrugger which I have been after for some years, and a Gilberts Magnet the first great scientific book published in England. I got it at the Amherst sale last week. Did you get a catalogue? Morgan bought the Caxton, 17 of them, 12 perfect! Whether his broken,-- four days of dense fog. We shall be here until the 10th Jan. then on to Lyons and Montpelier Love to Mrs. Jacobs & the boys. Yours ever Wm Osler