13, Norham Gardens, Oxford. June 6th. 1909. Dear Jacobs:- Many thanks for the Brussels edition of Linacre, when it comes. I have never seen it. I never saw Auvert's Atlas. It might be valuable for the library. Henri Foucault, 4 bis Rue du Cherche-Midi, Paris, has a splendid lot of old books. I have not had time yet to look over his catalogue carefully, but it looks exceedingly rich. I would like the French life of Walt Whitman very much. I think I told you of Bliss Perry's which is by far the best I have read. In the last letter I had from Mr. Phipps he spoke most enthusiastically about the work in Baltimore and he added very significantly: "the more I see of the men at the Hopkins the more I feel that they have got the right way of doing things." He is not coming over this year until late, as he has not taken the place in Scotland. We have had wonderful weather here and the place is swarming with people. Love to Mrs. Jacobs, Yours sincerely, Wm Osler