13, Norham Gardens, Oxford. September 27th. 1907. Dear Jacobs:- I was sorry to hear of Mrs. Jacob's sharp attack, but it is a comfort you were able to get off in time and your wires were reassuring. I suppose the delay at Queenstown was due to the accident to the Cherbourg boat train. English papers have had no particulars. What a narrow escape they had! Mrs. Osler says I am a baby with a new toy with that beautiful edition of the Sentimental Journey. I have long wanted one and this is a perfect gem. Thank you so much for. I am having Sotheby send his catalogues to you. You can send the bids direct to him. They are perfectly safe. I have also ordered this year's Book Auction Records from which you will get a fairly good idea of the bids you should send. Of course you understand that if you send a bid for say 5 pounds, for example, it does not mean that Sotheby will run the book up to that figure, but he will simply hold that as your limit. Any very special old book or manuscript that you bid on, it might be well to send me a postal card, so that we would not be bidding against each other. Then we could easily arrange about it. Sincerely yours, Wm. Osler