7, Norham Gardens, Oxford. July 20th, 1905 Dear Jacobs It might be well to catch Bloede early. I think his address is the Hotel Cecil, tho. I think from what he said that he was leaving soon for Germany. He is very much in earnest. It would be a pity to start a second place -- I impressed that point upon him. The Catonsville lot -- 12-20 acres would be ideal for early cases. If he gave the $25,000 [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] and you get Garrett's gift as well a splendid start could be made. We have been in Cambridge with the Allbutts. Things are slackening a bit -- there have been so many 'functions' in hand that we shall be glad for a rest. I go to the BMA next week at Leicester. So glad to hear that the baths are doing you both good. Thanks for the Rabelaisien Geography which is full of most interesting matter. Lefranc has fished out all sorts of valuable & unknown [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] circumstances connected with his life. Love to Mrs. Jacobs. Sincerely yours, Wm Osler.