7, Norham Gardens, Oxford. July 15th, 1905 Dear Jacobs:- Mr. V.G. Bloede, who gave us, you remember, the money for the nurse at the hospital, called yesterday to have a talk about a tuberculosis scheme which he has in mind. He is anxious to start, in a small way at Catonsville on a lot of about ten acres, adjacent to the St. Agnes Hospital, a sanitarium for early cases. I urged him very strongly not to attempt any separate organization, but, if possible, to join forces with the Towson Hospital. From what he said he thought that the beginning might be made for about $25,000. As I told him it was not the beginning of the work so much as the continuance of it and the support which was the difficulty. He is going to communicate with you, and I thought it would be well to let you know. Sincerely yours, W. Osler