Aug. 8th 1904 Dear Jacobs You will be disgusted to hear that I have accepted the chair of medicine at Oxford -- not to leave tho, until next May or June. Sanderson, the present occupant suggested the move about three months ago, and I looked over the ground during the meeting last week. 'Tis a purely academical position in which one can do as much or as little as one wishes. There are [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] only about 50 medical students but of an exceptionally good sort. Two things have influenced me first the feeling that I could not possibly last long at my present pace. I have had warnings that the pressure has been too high and it does not seem possible to lower it -- at least, I tried hard last winter and failed. Secondly, Oxford is a quiet restful place for a man of my habits, and tastes and there is much in the life there that appeals to me. It will be a hard wrench to part with all my good [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] friends & you dear boys at the hospital. Mrs. Osler is strongly in favor of it, largely on my account as she has been much worry about the racket of my present life. I wish I could stop over at Newport to see you both but I shall go directly through, I hope on Saturday Eve. to Montreal and Pointe a pic. Please do not scold me -- I really feel is the best thing to do under the circumstances. With love to Mrs. Jacobs. Sincerely yours, Wm Osler