478 CANADIAN CATTLE DISEASE, * Reporr on Pierov Carrie Diszase INVESTIGATIONS. By Prorzssorn Wm. Oster, M.D., M.R.C.P.L. McGiii CoLtzee, MonTrEAL, 31st December, 1882. Sin,—Pursuant to instructions received from the Depart- ment of Agriculture, I proceeded to Pictou in September last, and_in conjunction with Dr. William McKachran, the resident Inspector, made such observations upon the disease as the limited time at my disposal permitted. Unfortu- nately for my purpose I arrived when there were very few animals sick, but we were able to institute certain experi- ments, the results of which have a bearing on some points ‘in connection with the disease. My personal experience and the record of experiments are as follows : 1 Cow, aged 4, belonging to Mr. Thomas Millar, Mill- bank Farm, Pictou, who says he lost one animal last spring. Has a herd of seven, all of which were taken to quarantine. Animal calved in June; took the bull on the 22nd; appeared quite well until September 9th, when the disease began by a copious diarrheea, for which she was given fish oil and soot. Seen by Dr. Wm. McKachran on the 13th, tempera- ture 1013°; was standing up ; was scouring and presented the marked features of the disease—staring, brilliant eyes, -rough coat, and general look of sickness, and peculiar taste of the milk, When seen in the afternoon, temperature 101° dulness in lower abdominal region ; respirations and pulse slightly increased, latter 80, thready. CANADIAN CATTLE DISEASE. 479 On Thursday 15th, found her lying down and so weak that she could not tise up, was evidently sinking fast. Re- spiration 60, Killed by slight blow on head and bleeding. Blood of good colour, not black or tarry. Skin, rough hair; in sub- cutaneous tissue about mammary region a few ecchymoses. Abdomen, several gallons of brownish-yellow fluid flowed away—a little turbid, but with no shreds—general peri- toneal surface smooth. Omentum, thickened by an infiltra- tion of the tissue, and in the vicinity of the vessels there were numerous small ecchymoses. On stripping off this membrance the folds and grooves about the stomach pre- sented a swollen appearance from the gelatinous infiltraj tion. At one end of the many plies there was a clot in the peritoneal tissue the size of an egg. Paunch contained a large mass of food mixed with a good deal of liquid. Membrane presented no special change ; towards the reticulum was a patch in which thirty or forty amphistomes were attached. . Reticulum normal. Manyplies large ; the food between the layers dry and caked, particularly towards the peri- phery. Rennet contained food. The mucosa in its entire extent was elevated and formed irregular folds. On section this was found to be due to the uniform infiltration of the sub- mucosa with a gelatinous substance which formed a layer from one half to one and a half inches in depth, quite clear; vessels not injected. The mucosa itself seemed pale and turbid, not the normal tint. The muscularis showed no change ; the peritoneum was smooth, but in the folds much infiltrated. After section, the serum partially drained out of the submucosa. This condition was confined to the fourth stomach and did not extend to the duodenum. Small intestines contained dark brown liquid feces; mucous membrane pale, but presented no special change. Muscularis and serosa normal. Large bowel contained a quantity of brownish-green soft feces, which became more consistent towards the rectum. Mesentery was everywhere thickened and infiltrated with serum, though not to the extent of the omentum. It was congested and presented innumerable ecchymoses. Spleen thin and small, on section natural looking. Liver a little pale, evidently fatty ; gall bladder contained a normal quantity of bile. Vessels and duct slit open and found healthy. Pancreas \ooked normal. 480 CANADIAN CATTLE DISEASE Kidneys of good colour and consi i sist ; Bladder All ofeoine, stence ; no congestion. Tierus contained a two months’ foetus. eart contained but little blood ; valves he 1 althy, nume- rous subendocardial ecchymoses 5 ontri Muscle substance pale, y in the left ventricle. Lungs crepitant, with a f rang ree > ew scattered patches of collapse; Aorta and thoracic duct slit i open ; no change Brain presented sub-pial extr sation inth av i sphere. Substance healthy. asation in the Jeft hemi- Microscopical examinati ater the wot mont om conducted two and a half hours ood, from left auricle had clotted ; ~ natural anid 3 no micro-organiane nes crenated eritoneal fluid contained leucocytes and win ene a 1cocytes and red corpuscles Fee small, highly refractile bodies visible with No. 9 Spleen tissue normal. Thi ; tis no: . ickened m increase in interstitial leucocytes, and many of ‘the Ried vor puewes appear swollen. 7 ee esenteric glands a little swollen ; ¢ ¢ 3 cells : caver cells very fatty ; no further change we omach.— The glands of the mucosa in teased specimens w re very distinct, easily isolated, and the epithelial ele- reat ee geretePlasm granular. The submucous 1 isisted of the separated i tissue fibres with occasional Ieacooytes, Swollen connective cnestinal fluid: when left to stand in conical glass separ- . into a small layer of brown sediment and a turbid brownisl pnd. A drop of this under the microscope _ the existence of many micro-organisms, none of w vit are motile of form; present there were ‘(1) small roun¢ bodies, micrococci ; (2) ovoid bacteria, either single or in c ains of two, three or four; very many of these contain 3 one end a small, bright, highly refractile body. (a spore) ; (8) roe shaped Bacill, tolerably abundant, either in single r double, the joint being some h resemble clearly the B. subtilis 7 anthracis. ent, They ood particles, &c, i i of roe tare , &c., were in abundance, but nothing else vn M1. Quarantine animal, No. 59,—Steer, aged about fifteen mo : _Belonged to K. Forbes, of Green Hill, Pic Co Entere into quarantine 21st August, apparently health la come from a farm on which, in the summer of 1881, seven head were lost. In the spring of 1882, five “head CANADIAN CATTLE DISEASE, 481 were lost, one of which had been slaughtered by order of Inspector. This animal was seen by Dr. W. McEachran last summer, and was then ill; she seemed to recover, calved, and after it did not thrive and got weaker; was — ordered to be killed. An undoubted case. On August 27th, copious diarrhoea ; in evening, very weak and staggering; was placed in hospital, and ordered to be fed and treated with Tr. Ferri Mur. and Pot. Iodii. 3i ; Tr. Gent. Co. 3g., aqua add Og m. et n. For the first three or four days the animal fell away rapidly, got very emaciated, did not eat;-temperature, taken daily, ranged from 103° to 104°. Then began to pick up, ~and bowels improved, though the temperature kept up. Medicines stopped on 9th September; faeces consistent ; appetite good, though looked unthrifty ; hair rough. From 13th, temperature was as follows: 13th, E. 1033° ; 14th, M., 1022°; E., 1024° ; 15th, M., 102°; E., 1024°; 3 “16th, M., 1023°; E., 1023°; 17th, M., 1023°; E., L023”. 18th, killed by concussion and bleeding. Abdomen.—Small quantity of peritoneal fluid, omentum natural; no subperitoneal effusion; no gelatinous infiltra- tion. Lymph glands at back of abdomen deeply injected. Stomach.—4th contains food ; normal looking ; digestion going on; membrane clear, no infiltration. 8rd, normal. 2nd presents no change. Paunch.—Full of food; looks quite healthy; about two dozen amphistomes in usual position. Spleen.—Firm and normal. Intestines slit up; a few solitary glands look prominent ; otherwise no change. In cecum.—Half a dozen whip worms; feces normal, Kidneys.—Healthy. ; Liver. —Normal; nothing in portal vessels or in bile ducts ; gall bladder moderately full. Thoracic viscera perfectly normal. Thoracic duct and aorta healthy. Ill. No. 23.—Heifer, well bred ; aged. fifteen months 3 came from a farm which has been badly affected ; three lost this season, among which was her mother ; entered quaran- ‘tine on 14th of August; about 22nd August became un- thrifty ; did not look well; hair rough; looked thin ; had staring eye; appetite failed; did not ruminate; copious diarrhoea and very weak ; temperature for a week ranged about 104°; she got the Ferrum and Pot Todid; put in hospital after first week, temperature 102°; medicines stopped on 9th September ; feces consistent ; she appeared LVI. 482 CANADIAN CATTLE DISEASE. hide bound and rough (she w ; range from 13th, E. 1022°; 1dthe Me, ones a toes. 15th, M., 10239; E. do. ; 16th, M., 1023; E., 103°; 17th, M., 103°; E., 103°. 18th, killed by concussinn and bleed. ing ; external appearance normal; in abdomen no infiltra tion of omentum or peritoneum ; no change in any of the abdominal viscera ; the paunch had about one dover . Poaspores no change in any of the thoracic organs “a - Quarantine animal, No. 76.—Cow, ag i belonging to Louchlin McInnes; there batnew beam a on his farm ; was placed on the 14th of August with OO ee ae aenttle (his farm was the quarantine); on the Pith, | on “ achran’s attention was called to her as being ran for another day when the was thousie A seamed in hospital; the milk alist ceased tented ta eee way; her hair was rough and eye bright abd en very ee tamberatie for the as week, 102°, Of, motion 1ec er great relief; on third day much better ; medicines stopped 9th September ; y coat & little rough ; fed well on 19th killed ; abdomen grecthy tie tended ; paunch very large ; about 7 i . F peri real Rul paunch full of large mass of half macers t “d Foods mon bee normal ; no amphistomes; o isc eee meibrane any affection in abdominal or thorneie amoral sno trace of fap arantine animal 62.—Cow, aged three, from the farm 0 ugh Harris, of the town Gut. He had lost two this Season 3 aratinn One destroyed by order of Inspector ntine on 27th of August, calved on 22nd August. On September 3rd was observe; o untheifey loose, coat staining, appetite h a failed, wae onleed es hespital, where she was iven. y whesthende 3h seemed to improve, diarthon was ai for tives da ane very bad. Temperature 104° when she went to hos ital = continued at that for three days. No change te d ut looked out of sorts, coat rough, eyes bright ee meee Hive 19th September by concussion. eu aunch full, omentum clear, no infiltrati i of stomach or intestines, perfectly clear ted aes Tocking “Amphistomes in i numbers in usual site : 5 e stomes in small bowel. i half'a dozen sclero- os and lungs normal. ow the property of William Wyli case ; ill about ten days, Killed by ceueeion marked Post mortem lesions identi ' Thomas Millar’s), identical with those of case 1 (cow of CANADIAN CATTLE DISEASE. 483 Experiment No. 1.—With peritoneal fluid from Millar’s cow (case 1) inoculated a calf (No. 74) four months old, by incision and put the clot of the serum beneath the skin. On the 16th, 17th, and 18th no change; no fever ; Dr. McEachran reports that the animal was kept under con- tinuous observation until 2nd December. There was some elevation of temperature during the first week but no sign of the disease appeared ; at the post mortem (December 2nd) there were no special lesions. IL. 15th September. No. 75. Calf, injected hypoderm- ically half drachm of intestinal fluid from Mr. Millar’s cow. 16th, 17th, and 18th.—No special change ; no fever. Dr. McEachran reports that the animal was kept under continuous observation until 2nd December; the tempera- ture and pulse taken night and morning. There was slight septic fever for a few days, but it passed off, and the animal appeared in its usual health. No changes noticed at the post mortem. ILL. 15th September, 1882. Sheep inoculated with in- testinal fluid from Mr. Millar’s cow. 16th, 17th, and 18th.—No change. Dr. McEachran reports that a careful record was also kept _ of this animal for over two months and a half, but it showed no signs of disease beyond slight febrile disturbance a few days after the inoculation. IV. 19th September, 1881.—T wo year old steer was fed on “ Ragwort,” or “ Stinking Willic,” about a half of a pound daily, chopped up and mixed with bran as a mash. V. A two-year-old heifer was treated in the same way. Dr. McEachran reports that the feeding was continued until Qud December. No appearance of the disease during this period, and a post mortem on the heifer showed the organs to be in a perfectly healthy condition. VI. 20th September, 1882.—A heifer two years old, was placed in the shed, on the property of Mr. Thomas Millar, in which the cow, reported as case 1, was ill for some days, and thoroughly saturated the straw and éarth with her excreta. Kept until 6th December; remained in good ‘health until date, when she was sent to the quarantine. General considerations.—In spite of the numerous inves- tigations which have been made, we are still in the dark as to the true nature of this offection. In justice, however, to the gentlemen who have pursued these inquiries, it must be remarked that while the measures taken have been admir- ably adapted to the eradication of the disease, they have not 484, CANADIAN CATTLE DISEASE. been altogether favourable to its scientific investigation. It would have been better if an experimental station had been established at first, and those data obtained which are abso- lutely essential before a positive opinion can be given as to nature of any disease. It would appear tolerably certain that the affection is not due to any poisonous substances in the food or drink, but to ‘the existence of some special—in this instance, unknown ——contagion which has got established in the region, and find there suitable conditions for its maintenance and devel- opment. Experiments IV and V effectually dispose of the popular notion that it is due to the Senecio Jacobea, or Ragwort. To the questions is it inoculable? is it infectious? is it contagious? we can give but imperfect answers, based on insufficient evidence. Experiments I and II, appear to show that the disease is not directly inoculable, at least with the peritoneal fluid or the characteristic intestinal contents, but the animals used were young and may not have been sus ceptible, so that further experiments alone can determine this point. Neither the infectious ‘nor contagious nature has been satisfactorily, ¢.e. scientifically. demonstrated, though in the establishment of quarantine and in the mea- ‘sures taken for stamping out the affection it was very pro- perly assumed to be both. That it is infectious appears probable from the way in which it has broken out in suc-- cessive years in certain farms and not on others, even adja- cent; as if special localities had become infected. ‘The erection of new sheds and the thorough disinfection of yards ‘have eradicated the disease on some farms. Such facts can be best explained on the supposition that the poison attaches itself, ¢.e. infects localities which have been contaminated by sick animals, and from time to time, as suitable condi- tions arise, fresh outbreaks occur. Indeed, the way in which this disease has haunted Pictou County, and the way in which sporadic cases or groups of them have appeared at intervals and tend to recur on farms where it once has gota foothold, reminds one strongly of the records of anthrax districts in some countries. Year after year in such regions cases occur, varying in intensity and in the number of animals affected, not wide-spread enough to destroy all the cattle, but constantly kept alive and entailing great loss on the farmers. Experiment VI, in which a healthy beast was in a highly infected shed and remained well for over two anda half months is against a high degree of infection, but it may be CANADIAN CATTLE DISEASE, 485 that the period of incubation extends over several months, or the animal was one not susceptible to the poison. a is a circumstance to be borne in mind, and is one a ny illustrated in the history of many diseases even 0 a ver) catching kind. It is rare, except in very severe eprzoot i for all the animals in a herd to be aaa eae ee ape, and so in this Pictou disease the susceptibi ity 1881), it limited. Thus in Professor McEachran’s Report ( : _ is stated that during the season only nine of the 200 cows of the town of Pictou, and only two of the 200 a Glasgow died of the disease, yet these animals freely in gl tures. ingled and frequented the same pas | othe contagiousness is still more doubtful. In ee town cattle, the sick and healthy animals have been a aime yoam together, and yet, as the figures just quote f 8 > comparatively few caught the disease. ome on i farmers =. i : itive about the contagiou re, ke with were very positive a I bat the facts already in previous Reports show that it must be slight and not a marked feature. The slow way in which. a "it has spread is also against a high degree of contagion. I know of but one affection to which the — certain points of resemblance, and that is the intestinal orm 3 t ead. is remar e diseas : stinalis. In this remarkab of anthrax Mycosts enteste: : emarkable disci’ ye is chiefly involved, and there 0 the digestive canal is ¢ ; matous, infiltrations, hemorrhages and peritoneal effusions, By just as occur in the Pictou cattle, but the characteristic bacilli are found vot only in the a bat ip ie nese i s. In Mi ric blood. vessels, and in the glands. (Case 1) bacille, not to be distinguished from those 7 nthrax, were tolerably abundant in the intestinal conten 8, and in ‘the mucosa, but none were found in su salen infiltrations, in. the blood vessels or in the sweet mesen teric glands. In the other typical. case (V iY he post mortem took place on the day I had to leave, and Th need i ini intestinal co : nity of examining the in fr pbpon y 1 have the honour to be, Sir, freeh | Your obedient servants Wa. OsLEr. The Honorable The Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa.” ———————