May 10, 1911. Dear Dr. Osler: I make an addition to my letter of yesterday, to say that I have found out the facts about that other report which was circulated without my knowledge; and they are as follows: This was the first report prepared and it was so intensely personal and critical that Dr. Welch evidently went over it and corrected it carefully in order to make it more palatable, when it was published in the form in which it came to the members of the faculty. In some way not yet explained the first report was sent out to some (I do not know how many) of the trustees, and one of them handed a copy to Dr. Young. Dr. Welch feels very bitterly, I understand, about Young's getting hold of this report and making any use of it, but I do not myself see how he could do otherwise, that is to say, if one acts according to the general standards of the world. A severely critical report is circulated among the trustees, to whom we are all responsible, and then when it is seen we are told that it is private and we must take no notice of it. Do not think for my writing you these details that I am in any great state of turmoil about this matter as I am not in the least worried. I will send you those memo. in a day or two in another letter. Faithfully yours, Howard A. Kelly