W. O. to J. George Adami. Oct. 20th. 1916. Board of Education. Dear Adami, After a week I had a cable from Borden that Jones would not be dismissed (!) without full consideration of his case in Canada. I have sent it my resignation as Consultant at the Hospitals. I sent word with a statement to the Times but Jones had it withdrawn, and he asked me not to send a Cable to the Canadian Press to ask for suspension of judgment until your full report of Jones was received, and stating that I had resigned my positions as a protest against the mode of apt. of the Committee. Lady Drummond is in despair and is giving up. It is a miserable business and no credit to the Minister. Miss Campbell has been shamefully treated at Cleveden. She has been transferred to Buxton. Love to L. M. C. I do hope you have found her better. Sincerely yours, Wm. Osler. Greetings to Peterson.