W. O. to Prime Minister. (No date) Dear Sir Robert Borden, I cabled today asking you to withhold action until full report by Jones has been received. A great deal of feeling has been aroused in the C.R.A.M.C. by the manner of appointment of the Hospital Commission. I understand that General Jones, the official head was not consulted as to the advisability of the inquiry or as to the personnel of the Committee. I could not get from the minister a specified answer on these points; but in any case to appoint juniors from a man's own department is contrary to all usage. On receipt of this please cable me, just yes or no, whether the Minister consulted Gen. Jones on the two points. I am sorry to interfere in this way, but I am an active consultant at several of the Canadian Hospitals and deeply interested in the welfare of the corps. Questions of principle are involved which may have to be brought before the medical profession of the Dominion and the public. With kind regards, Sincerely yours,