W. O. to Col. Bruce. 30th August 1916 (?) 13 Norham Gardens. Dear Bruce, Do come when you can - I shall be at home after next week. I heard nothing of the matter until returning from Brodie's funeral when some men discussed it in a way that made me feel I should write at once to you. The criticism seems just - that to appoint men who are under Jones to report on the work of his department is unfair. Was he consulted as to the personnel of the Committee? It will disarm suspicion if the reference of the Commission etc. is published (with a frank statement such as you make) and the reasons for its appointment. Was Jones consulted at all in the matter? I am not a special friend of his, but if this Commission was appointed without his knowledge or without consultation with him the profession should know and have a chance of expressing their opinion. Let us have all the cards on the table - and no politics in this big job in which our country is doing so nobly. Yours sincerely, Wm. Osler.