(Dr. H. V. Ogden) 219, West Monument St., Baltimore. Nov. 17th, 1890. Dear Ogden: If you can have members enough to form medical, surgical and gynecological sections it would be, I should think, worth while, just as they have at the N.Y. Academy of Medicine. The Coll. of Phy., Phila. has no such sections. The Academy of Medicine in Dublin has been very successful since they merged all the societies into it. At the Coll. of Phy. we paid $15.00 a year. The library was supported from the invested funds and from the Nurses Directory which is been very profitable. Write to C. P. Fisher the Librarian, using my name and he will send you all the details. With $2000 a year, I should think you could rent a very nice set of rooms, have a librarian for certain number of hours a day and form the nucleus of the first-class medical library. May sends her love. Sincerely yours, Wm. Osler.