(Dr. H. V. Ogden) The Johns Hopkins Hospital North Broadway Baltimore, June 26th, 1889 Dear Ogden I send my Cerebral palsies of Kids. & a val. address. Health Boards will save the profession in this country if well-organized. Wish you could come down here -bed always at your disposal. We are in full swing - 50 patients in wards & averaging 60-80 Dispensaries daily. I am largely responsible for Kelly who is the highest gynepod & one of the best operators in the country. I know him intimately. He has a bitter enemy in Joe Price & I have no doubt some of his friends have been talking. His record is remarkable. His third successful Cesarean - mothers & children - was performed 6 weeks ago. I wish you could have had Senn here. That Washington escapade & those letters killed him in the East. I shall be in Toronto for Aug. 1st. Was there last week - all well. Yours ever, W. O.