(W. O. to H. A. Lafleur) 1502 Walnut St. 12/3/89 Dear Lafleur There should be no difficulty. We can smuggle you thro - on bond. We have a meeting on Saturday when the candidates will be discussed. The position for wh I shall nominate you is that a 1st assistant or house Phy. (not yet settled which designation) & as I said you will in all probability be named Fellow in Med - at an early date. You will have charge of the Med. Wards & of the clinic laboratory & superintend under me the Resident students & scientific work. I mentioned the sum of $500 - it has not yet been fixed definitely but should it be last I can arrange to make it up so upon this you can count. I take it for granted that my nomination will carry - I send the paper with a desc of the Hospital - in wh. I dare say your father will be interested. My kind regards to him & to your brother. I am sorry to steal you away but I feel sure that you will have a pleasant & profitable time. Sincerely yours, Wm Osler P.S. Do not make it public until the Hosp. Auth. act on it. Brush up your physiological chemistry. I shall want you to go into that Dept. with energy.