(W. O. to H. A. Lafleur) 1502 Walnut St. 8/3/89 Dear Lafleur Would you consider a proposition to come to the Johns Hopkins Hospital as my House Physician & Assistant? The position would be tenable for three years or longer salary I believe about $500 with bd, & lodging. Probably as my first assistant you would have the title of Fellow in Medicine. Duties - (1) Responsibility of cases in Med wards (2) supervisor of the graduate students (3) general scientific work in medicine, preparing papers & with me & under my direction. Think over the matter - & let me know in a day or two. I should want you by the middle of April - Hospital opens May 7th. You could reasonably anticipate at end of 3 yrs work a good many offers in Medicine- as teacher &c. Sincerely yours, Wm Osler Keep this letter.